INSTRUCTION,RESPONSE,SOURCE,METADATA How to Find Yourself?,"""To find yourself first learn about yourself."" Finding the real you is an enlightening experience. You become self-sufficient and do things for yourself, for once. It's a hard feeling to put into words, but when you don't know who you are, it's hard to ignore. Finding yourself is not easy, but it's worth it. Ready? Let's begin. 1. **Create your own life timeline.** Write down all of your major goals that you feel you have achieved and want to achieve. In turn, write down the events in your life that have already happened and that have shaped or affected you. When life brings problems or misfortunes it shapes our belief system and makes us think differently, but it also makes us us. These things you list are organically you, not a simple reflection of society. This isn't an exercise in wallowing. It's about clarification and identification of issues. These issues might be keeping you from reaching your present potential and letting your true self blossom. Spend a little time clarifying the past in your timeline. A timeline is an incredibly objective method for marking down past occurrences in your life that you consider to be major. You can look at them as formation blocks and as changing experiences along your timeline without imbuing them with too much emotion (as would occur within a diary account). As if writing a résumé, keep it simple, real, and condensed to the major effects or lessons learned from each past incident. When analyzing negative past experiences, focus on what you learned from them. Everyone has these blips in their timeline, but exaggerating or ignoring them won't help you. Instead, recognize that these experiences shaped you. 2. **Distinguish your thoughts from the thoughts of others.** For most people (it's more common than you may think) life is pretty easy to go through while on autopilot; we practically get handed a road map for how reality ""works."" Go to school, get a job, get married, think this, that, and the other, and boom — hope you had a good time. And that's all well and good — it gets the job done certainly — but it doesn't allow room for you. So sit down with yourself. At the end of the timeline, come up with a few beliefs of yours that aren't based on logic, but are based on what you've been told. We all have them. Now, what do you actually think? Society has a very covert way of handing us the ""misfits"", condemning the ""losers"", idolizing the ""beautiful"", alienating the ""strange."" But here's a heads up: These describing words have no basis in reality. How do you feel about the world around you? Think about what you believe to be good and bad — not what anyone else has told you. Feel free to think more concretely. Do you actually agree with your parents' political or religious affiliations? Is having a career really the most important thing to you? Do thick, black glasses really make you feel ""cooler?"" If the answer is no, great! There's absolutely zero problems with not molding yourself to pre-existing norms. Now all you have to do is unlearn and then relearn. Only this time, relearn based on your gut. 3. **Start relying on yourself.** Confidence and reliance are at the heart of finding yourself. If you don't have a solid sense of self-worth, you'll listen to what others have to say all the time and to be swayed by their insistence on what is appropriate. Learn to believe in yourself and trust your own feelings. Then, you'll come up with a structure to base your new sense of self on. Remember, be patient with yourself and confident in your abilities. Everything will come with time. If you have been victimized in the past, confront these issues. They're not going to go away on their own. They might be coloring your approach to daily life, causing you to live up to other people's expectations instead of your own. Start trusting your own judgment and decision-making processes, mistakes and all. We all make mistakes, but through mistakes we find ourselves growing, learning, and reaching our real selves. Start taking responsibility for budgeting, household matters, and planning about the future. People who lack a sense of self tend to disregard the ""details"" of life with a carefree attitude, believing that things will all sort themselves out. But things don't always sort themselves out. Taking responsibility pulls you back from the precipice and lets you be self-reliant and self-determined, no longer carried along by the waves of fate. 4. **Prepare to begin again with a clean slate.** Develop your own moral conduct and practice sticking to it. Start by overcoming bad habits. Stop smoking, over-eating, and abusive drinking. These are examples of lapses or habits that will prevent you from functioning at your peak. They also let you ""off the hook"" by sidestepping the analysis of why you use these crutches instead of finding better ways to brighten your life. This step may take some major rehabilitation for some individuals but putting it into the too-hard basket won't make it go away. Remember, you can't drive your life forward if you are always gazing through your rear-view mirror! 5. **Organize your world.** You may find that having all your other affairs in order will help expedite the process to grabbing a firm hold on your identity. So clean your room. Do your homework. Resolve that fight with that friend. Getting everything else out of the way will clear up the path to ""me"" time. We all have excuses for why we're not growing in the direction we want to be growing — it could be money, school, a job, a relationship, you name it, someone's used it. If you're a busy bee, take strides to clear your schedule so you can sit down and tackle this thing head on. If it's always priority #2, it'll never get done. 6. **Immerse yourself in solitude.** Give yourself some time and space to get away from the expectations, the conversations, the noise, the media, and the pressure. Take some time each day to go for a long walk and think. Plant yourself on a park bench and look. Take a long, thoughtful road trip. Whatever you do, move away from anything that distracts you from contemplating your life and where you want it to go. In solitude, you should feel independent and self-sufficient, not lonely, needy or afraid. Every person needs time alone, whether they're extroverted or introverted, single or in a relationship, young or old. Solitude is time for rejuvenation and self-talk, for utter peace and for realizing that purposeful ""loneliness"" is not a bad place to be but rather, a liberating part of your overall existence. If you are a creative person, you may find that alone-time will help stoke your creativity. While it's nice to collaborate with other people sometimes, it's hard to be truly creative when you're always surrounded by other people. Step back and tap into your creativity. 7. **Seek out a passion.** When you believe in something or see beauty in something, you should do it no matter what anyone else thinks. If you have found something that is worthy of your best efforts, sacrifice, and tears, then you have found the most important pursuit of your life. Often, that pursuit can lead you to something ultimately fulfilling. The key here is to realize that it doesn't matter what it is. It could be preventing child hunger or it could be painting. There is no scale when it comes to passion. You either feel it or you don't; none is better than any other. When you find something that zaps you out of bed in the morning, cling onto it. You'll only bloom from there. 8. **Find a mentor.** Though ultimately soul-searching can only be done by you and it's only you that determines what you need, having a mentor will be an incredible resource when you hit those unavoidable bumps in the road. Seek out someone you trust who has a definite sense of self. How did they do it? Let them know the process you're starting to undertake. Stress that you know it's your journey, but would love to use their strength as a guide. Take a look at them as objectively as you can. What seems to ground them, making them who they are? How did they find that? How do they stay true to themselves? A support system is key to any self-improvement tactic. Not a lot of people will understand what you're going through and will brush off your broaching the topic as a flash-in-the-pan moodiness. Use this mentor as a sounding board, too, for what you come up against. The outlet will surely come in handy. 9. **Sort out your career path.** If you're meandering all over the place looking for the right ""fit"", chances are that you're not happy inside. You could be using the job-changing as an excuse for not fully realizing your true potential. Find yourself by really taking an interest in what you love to do. If money weren't an issue, what would you spend your days doing? What way can you monetize this activity/skill? Spend some time free-associating. Think about what you like and don't like; think beyond those things to other ideas that simply pop into your mind while you're associating. Keep a record of these things. Then, come back to the career question and look at the free associations. What type of career seems to gel most with the things that excited, moved, and really energized you from the free-association exercise? As Alain de Botton says, this exercise is about looking for ""beeps of joy"" amid the cacophony of must-do's, shoulds, and expectations. Bear in mind, however, that work may not be where your ""calling"" is. If that's the case, you'll need to work out a work-life balance that lets you pursue your ""true self"" more outside of the workplace, even if this means more hours and less income. It is all possible, especially if it's in the pursuit of finding and sustaining your true sense of self. 10. **Let go of the need to be loved by all.** Accept that some people will think poorly of you no matter what you do. It's important to forget about what everyone else thinks because you cannot please everyone. And while you might not want to disappoint the people close to you, they should want you to be happy. As long as you continue to exist just to fulfill other people's ideas of who you should be, you'll never know who you really are. This thought is aptly summed up by Raymond Hull: ""He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away."" Realize that some people will become jealous, afraid, or overwhelmed when a person changes their usual habits and grows more mature and self-loving (others will love it). It's a threat to the relationship you've always had, and it forces them to take a cold, hard look at themselves, which they may not want to do. Give these people space and compassion; they may come around in time. If they don't, leave them be. You don't need them to be you. 11. **Abandon the negative.** Although it sounds abstract, it's not difficult. Make a conscious effort to minimize judging — others, objects, and yourself. This is for two reasons: 1) Positivity is nourishing and can usher in a sense of happiness which being ""lost"" masks, and 2) Opening your mind to new experiences and new people (that you previously wrote off) will show you a whole new world that may be better than the one you knew before — one where you can find your corner of the sky, your castle on a cloud, your niche in this crazy world. Try to do something every day that you would've brushed off as ""weird,"" ""illogical,"" or just plain ""uncomfortable"". Getting out of your zone will not only teach you something, but it will force you to get to know you — what you're capable of, what you like, what you definitely don't like, and what you were previously missing. 12. **Question yourself.** Ask yourself difficult and far-reaching questions, and record your answers. Beyond your time spent in solitude, it's easy for these purposeful thoughts to slip to the back of your mind and be forgotten. If you have them written down, then every time you reflect, you can review your notes and take it a step further, instead of answering the same questions all over again. Keep them in a notebook that's easy to access and update; it will be a source of sustenance for you, by which you can continue to measure your growth through life. Here are some to get you started: ""If I had all the resources in the world — if I didn't need to make money — what would I be doing with my life and why?"" Perhaps you'd be painting, or writing, or farming, or exploring the Amazon rain forest. Don't hold back. ""What do I want to look back on in my life and say that I never regretted?"" Would you regret never having traveled abroad? Would you regret never having asked that person out, even if it meant risking rejection? Would you regret not spending enough time with your family when you could? Would you regret keeping your unique view of society to yourself by not sharing with friends? Did I conform/stick out beyond the level I'd have like to? This question can be really difficult. ""If I had to choose three words to describe the kind of person I'd love to be, what would those words be?"" Adventurous? Accepting towards few? Open? Honest? Hilarious? Optimistic? Unreliable? Don't be afraid to choose words that are considered negative because that proves you're a real person, and not a lopsided combination of parts other people want to be known for. Sometimes the traits that you don't like become useful in emergency situations — like being bossy. Sometimes they are valuable to the job you're meant to perform — like being nitpicky. If you do have a truly negative trait, acknowledging it openly can give you the motivation to work on redirecting that energy to something positive. Try channelling that bad habit and into a hobby. Don't wash your clothes much? Try camping — maybe you'll like it. Even something like pole dancing could be your golden ticket! Know you're lazy with certain tasks? Maybe you can lead yourself to find another task that hardly ever bores you. ""Who am I?"" This question is not static. It should be one you continue to ask yourself throughout your life. A healthy person continues to reinvent themselves throughout their life. By asking this question regularly, it updates your understanding of who you are and how you change. Instead of answering who you think you ought to be, keep it focused on who you actually are, because in all likelihood that's a very good answer, warts and all. 13. **Act upon — and use — your newly discovered knowledge.** Pick up those watercolors. Write a short story. Plan a trip to Mombasa. Have dinner with a family member. Start cracking jokes. Open up. Tell the truth. Whatever it is that you've decided you want to be or do, start being and doing it . You may shake your head and come up with excuses such as ""no time,"" ""no money,"" ""family responsibilities,"" etc. Instead of using these as excuses, start planning around the hurdles in your life. You can free up time, find money, and get a break from duties if you make time how to plan and find the courage to ask for these things. Sometimes, the real you is too afraid to face the practicalities because it'd mean facing up to what you've limited yourself by. Start planning what you really want to do and investigating what needs to be done to get you to that point instead of flinging excuses at them, stopping the goals and dreams dead in their tracks. 14. **Be ready for dead ends.** Finding yourself is a journey, not a destination. A lot of it is trial and error. That's the price you pay in return for the satisfaction you receive: More often than not, you hit a bump in the road, and sometimes you fall flat on your face. Be prepared to understand and accept that this is a part of the process, and commit to getting right back up and starting over. It's not going to be easy — it never has been for anybody — but if you learn to see that as a chance to prove how much you want to find yourself, then you'll find fulfillment and security in your pursuit. When you know yourself, most people will respect you more and treat you kindly. Best of all, your light will shine on both you and others, making them (and you) feel even more certain about your sense of self. 15. **Serve others.** Mahatma Gandhi once said that ""the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."" Being introspective without reaching out to others can cause you to navel-gaze and shut yourself off from others. Service to other people and to the community is the ultimate way to find purpose and a sense of your place in the world. When you see how hard life can be for those in greater need than you, it's often a wake-up call that puts your own worries, concerns, and issues into perspective. It helps you to see what you do have, and the opportunities you've been able to seize through life. That can fuel a great sense of self because suddenly everything can fall into place for you and you realize what matters most. Try it. You'll like it.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Get Rid of a Beer Belly.,"Beer bellies are common, occurring in both men and women, often around the age that metabolism rate drops. This causes fat to collect from a calorie surplus, often around the midsection, and often as a result of a few too many brews. This is known as visceral fat, and is in fact a major health risk — it is associated with higher risk for diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, and Alzheimer's disease. While beer is not the sole culprit of the beer belly, if you suspect that your love of hoppy, malty, yeasty delicious beers might be the cause of your expanding waistline, you can cut the fat by changing your habits. Learn more about the calories in those beers you drink, maintain a healthy diet, and introduce exercise into the equation, and you'll start losing pounds the safe way. 1. **Avoid binge drinking.** Best way to avoid putting on weight from beer? Avoid drinking too much of it. Aside from the long-term and short-term effects of consuming the alcohol in beer, the empty calories (between 150 and 200 calories per 12 oz bottle) will start to add up. If you're regularly drinking several average-strength beers in a night, think of it as an extra Big Mac or two on top of everything else you ate in the day, leading to weight gain. When you drink to excess, your liver goes into overdrive to process the alcohol from those delicious beers you consumed, filtering the alcohol, which acts as a toxin. Because of this, the liver becomes less efficient, and is less able to process fat into energy, meaning more of it will stick around your midsection. Combine this with a drop in metabolism as you age and you get a beer belly. 2. **Decide how much is too much for you.** The answer will be different for everyone. It's important to find your resting caloric intake number and start counting calories if you want to lose weight. Include any beers you drink in that amount to determine how much beer will be too much. For most people, between 1,700 and 2,000 calories a day is a normal intake. To lose weight, that number can be safely dropped to around 1,500 calories for most people, if you eat a modest, healthy diet, or can hover around 1,700 with a sufficient amount of exercise. A couple of beers that keep your daily total within that range should be fine. Talk to a registered dietitian or your primary care physician to create a safe plan for losing weight and cutting calories while ensuring you get the necessary nutrients and enough calories to stay healthy. 3. **Learn the rough calorie estimates of different alcoholic drinks.** If you want to lose the beer belly, it's important to start thinking about those beers as the calorie bombs that they are. Alcohol is, in addition to all it's wonderful qualities as a social lubricant, a huge source of empty calories, especially when drinking to excess. Learn to count the calories in those beers and bourbons and you'll be in better shape. Beers can have anywhere between 100 – 300 calories per 12 oz. serving, depending on the style and brand. Dark beers like stouts and porters, and beers with higher alcohol contents, have substantially more calories than lighter beers. Newer light beers can have as few as 50 or 60 calories, but this also comes with a drop in alcohol content, meaning that some people might drink more in the long run, negating the calorie benefit. Wines can have about the same amount of calories as a beer, between 160 and 200 per serving. Spirits usually have around 100 calories per a 1.5 oz. serving. Things like barrel-aged scotches will have a higher calorie count (closer to 200 for the same amount) because of the increase in fats and esters as a result of the more complicated aging process. This has nothing to do with the color of the spirit, but rather the distillation. Chill-filtered spirits have fewer calories, and less flavor. Mixed drinks will vary from drink to drink, but including soda or energy drinks with spirits is usually the highest-calorie drink available at the bar. 4. **Switch to low-calorie beer and only have a few.** If you love beer, you don't have to stop drinking it entirely to start losing that gut. Exercising and changing your drinking and eating habits is the way to go, not abandoning drinking forever. Light beers are usually between 80 and 100 calories per 12 oz. serving, making them easily amenable to most weight-loss regimens. Keep track of the calories, not the number of bottles. If you're a regular beer drinker, you may find that the low alcohol content in light beers means you can — and want — to drink more of them, which can negate the low calories. Don't over drink just because you're drinking Bud Lite. Alternatively, you can keep drinking your high-alcohol or high-calorie beer and make it an occasional special treat, limiting it to one. It doesn't have to be a rule that you drink swill just because you want to lose weight. It might be more satisfying to have an Oatmeal Stout or a Chocolate Bock every now and then if you want, as long as you're aware of the calorie count and keep it in balance. 5. **Stay hydrated by drinking water when you're drinking beer.** One good way to drink fewer calories and promote healthier digestion and metabolism is to stay hydrated, drinking at least one glass of water per beer. This will have the added benefit of filling you up, making it less likely that you'll want to drink more beers. This can be a good tactic both for drinking less, and easing the impact of the beer you do drink. 6. **Take in fewer calories throughout the day** If you want to shed some pounds, you need to change your eating habits and focus on counting calories to make your workouts more effective in burning away fat. One of the easiest ways to do this is obviously to cut out the extra beers and the empty calories associated with them. Men should mostly take in no fewer than 1,500 calories in a given day, and women should take in no fewer than 1,200 calories in a given day, for healthy weight loss. Don't drop off your calorie intake too much, and keep the amount of calories you take in from alcohol very low. Develop a ""calorie cap"" on alcohol consumed in a specific week. Stop drinking that week after you've reached your calorie cap on beer. If you're dropping your daily total of calories to between 1,500 and 1,700 calories per day, no more than 100 or 200 of those calories should be coming from beer. It might be appropriate to give yourself a 1,000 calories per week, or no more than five light beers, to lose weight in a steady fashion. 7. **Eat something healthy before you drink.** If you're going to go out for a round of beers with friends, make sure you eat something that it is both substantial and healthy first. Lean meats, whole grains, and nutritious vegetables are an essential part of any good weight-loss regimen, as well as effective at helping to metabolize the beer you consume. If you're full, you'll also be less likely to drink more and eat unhealthy bar food. Never drink on an empty stomach. The toxic impact of alcohol is increased if there's nothing else going through your digestive tract. Plus, the hangovers are way worse. Always eat something before you have beer. Eating healthy food before you have a couple drinks will also help you avoid the temptation of late night bad food cravings. The Drunk Munchies are a major cause of beer bellies, so if you want to avoid the gut, you also need to avoid the midnight fourth meal. 8. **Always eat breakfast.** Many dieters make the mistake of skipping breakfast when they're trying to lose weight, but the truth is that eating within an hour or so of waking up helps to jumpstart your metabolism, helping to keep your blood-sugar levels constant throughout the rest of the day, making exercise more effective and making you more energetic. Try to eat at a regular time each day, starting the morning with a breakfast high in fiber, with whole grains, fresh fruits, and healthy protein like eggs or natural peanut butter. Try to avoid processed sugars and cereals, as well as starting the day with refined carbs. 9. **Commit to a change in diet.** Focus on consuming less high-calorie fatty food, the type of which you find in bars and we all find ourselves craving after a few brews. Hot wings, pizza, and burgers are all fatty, caloric bombs. Replace these types of meals with lean meats, fish, and fresh vegetables as much as possible. Avoid fried foods, cheesy meals, and red meat as much as possible. When you're drinking, it's often tempting to have some snacks. Instead of reaching for the easily-available bar food, though, take some unsalted nuts, or fresh fruit with you to the bar, or keep carrot sticks available at home, to avoid the salty chips and fatty cheese sticks that you might normally gravitate toward. 10. **Replace animal proteins with other sources of protein** Legumes, beans, lentils, and nuts will help to keep you full, provide you with the protein necessary to stay healthy and energetic, and will help you lose weight more quickly than if your diet consists largely of meat, eggs, and dairy, helping to cleanse your kidneys and liver, as well as upping your metabolism. 11. **Eat cruciferous vegetables to detox your liver and promote healthy kidney function.** Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and other hearty green vegetables are excellent foods to introduce into your beer-belly-reduction diet. Aside from providing an excellent supply of fiber and micronutrients, these super foods help to cleanse these organs that bear the brunt of the alcohol you consume. The kidneys and liver work hard to process the alcohol from your system, and treating them right will help keep your metabolism up, helping you lose weight much more quickly. Eating these foods on a regular basis and cutting the alcohol from your diet will have that belly dropping inches much more quickly. 12. **Avoid saturated fats and processed foods.** Refined sugars, carbs, and fatty snacks have lots of calories and other unhealthy ingredients without offering much else. High in calories and in calories from fat, these will make it very difficult to lose that beer belly, even if you're consuming fewer calories from beer. Foods to avoid: Potato chips and snack crackers Candy Bacon, sausage, and burgers Muffins and pastries Egg yolks Fried foods 13. **Aim for 30 – 45 minutes of exercise five times a week** In addition to reducing your caloric intake, an essential part of losing that beer gut is increasing your output with exercise. Simply put, you need to burn more calories than you take in if you want to shed pounds. The best way to do this is by starting slow and building up as you become more capable. Break up your routine throughout the week. Come up with a 15 or 20 minute stretching routine that you can do every day, working in some core-strengthening planks and squats, then alternate strength training and cardio workouts each day to shake things up a bit. 14. **Start at your own pace.** You don't have to jump straight into an expensive gym membership to start trimming the inches off your belt-line. With the right commitment and motivation, you can find activities you enjoy that will get you exercising the right way, before moving on to the possibility of more comprehensive fitness regimens. Consider starting to exercise by: Walking. Consider getting a pedometer to track your steps throughout the day, and Try to get as close as possible to 10,000 — which is easier than you think. Instead of driving a mile or two to the store, walk instead, or go on a few walks a day to break up the routine and get out of the house. Walk at a good clip, slightly faster than you would normally walk. Try to break a sweat. Stretching and calisthenics. Weight loss doesn't' have to mean complicated equipment at the gym. Start around the house with simple exercises that will get you moving, jumping rope, doing pull-ups, sit-ups, and push-ups, using your own body as resistance. Playing a sport you enjoy. It's easier to get moving with friends. Get up with some of your beer-drinking buddies to lose a few pounds together, shooting hoops at the park, or playing pick-up soccer a few times a week for an hour. If it's fun, you'll be more likely to stick with it. 15. **Strengthen your core muscles with exercise** If you want to lose your gut, target your abdominal muscles and your core muscle group in your exercise routine. Building these muscles up while simultaneously losing weight is the best way to get rid of the beery belly. Work out your core at home with sit-ups and planks. Start slow, aiming for a three or four sets of 30 – 50 sit-ups, and five 30-second planks over the course of a half hour. Then, increase the speed of the activity to add a little cardio into the mix. You'll be building your core and losing weight. Consider taking a yoga, pilates, or other core-building exercise program at a local gym or studio. These can be excellent ways to strengthen your core muscles and lose weight under the guidance of pros. Some people have the misconception that drinking lots of beer and eating lots of calories won't matter as long as you work out your abs. Not true. Building core muscle will strengthen your abdominals, but it won't eliminate your belly fat, and might even make your belly look bigger as you're building the muscles. Eating fewer calories and losing a few pounds is the only way to get rid of that gut. 16. **Find a cardiovascular exercise you enjoy.** Aside from strength training, cardio exercise will help you lose weight and is essential to overall health. This tends to be unpopular, especially for those of us who prefer the quiet contemplation of a good bar over the gym, but finding something you enjoy doing to get your cardio out of the way will help it stick. Try biking around. Bicycle lanes and bike shops are increasingly common all around the world, making cycling culture popular, healthy, and cool. Get yourself a good quality road bike and meet up with friends to cruise around after dinner. You'll get your blood pumping and your waistline slimming. Get out in the woods and hike. Going on long, contemplative hikes is an excellent idea for the exercise-averse. Hoofing around on the power of your legs and getting up close and personal with nature is the best way for many to exercise. Try swimming. Getting in the water and paddling around is a great and fun way to exercise. It's a calorie-burning workout that many people don't even think of as a chore. You don't even have to swim laps: treading water at a leisurely pace can burn as many as 200 calories in an hour. 17. **Take the time to relax.** It's not just alcohol that's responsible for your belt line. Cortisol, a hormone your body produces in response to stress, can also cause weight gain, specifically around the belly area. If you're feeling stressed, it's important to take time out to relax as a way of shrinking your belt line. Make sure you get enough healthy, restful sleep each night, between seven to eight hours. Being rested throughout the day is an important part of staying stress-free. Many people use drinking as a relaxation routine, but try switching to herbal tea or even just sitting in meditative reflection instead of drinking to relax. You might be surprised at how much more relaxing the alternatives can be. 18. **Work a beer into your exercise routine, if it works for you.** Can beer and exercise really go together? Sure! As long as you keep under your calorie cap, treat yourself to a brew as a reward for a good exercise routine. It'll taste that much better, knowing that it's not contributing to your beer gut. Try riding your bike to the brewery a few miles away, then biking home. Have a beer after a mile swim, or go out for a round after your basketball game with your buddies. Stay aware of the calories, and you'll be in good shape. 19. **Prepare for the long haul.** It can take several months of consistent work, dieting, and exercise to eliminate a sizable beer gut. You should aim to lose no more than about a half a pound to a pound per week, meaning that it can take a while before you'll notice results. It's about consistency, not speed. Start cutting calories, exercising, and watching your drinking, and it'll happen.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Make Raw Cat Food?,"Felines have been eating raw food for thousands of years. Even though cats have been domesticated, they still catch and eat mice, rats, and other rodents. This shows that they still need meat in their diets in order to get the complete nutrition that keeps them healthy. If you're tired of buying expensive commercial cat food, consider making your own raw cat food. While you'll need to do some prep work, making your own food can keep your cat healthy and happy. 1. **Get your cat examined.** Your cat should be completely healthy before you begin feeding her a homemade diet. Take your cat to the veterinarian for a thorough examination. You should also show the diet and recipes to a certified animal nutritionist to make sure they provide all the nutrients your cat needs. The veterinarian can help you locate a certified animal nutritionist in your area or you can find one online. 2. **Be prepared to supplement.** When you grind and freeze raw cat food, this reduces the amount of taurine available to the cat. You'll need to supplement this amino acid to prevent major eye and cardiac problems. Recognize that a taurine deficiency doesn't show up immediately. Instead, it will take a few years, but by then the damage may be irreversible. Ask the animal nutrition expert to recommend a specific dosage for your cat. 3. **Practice safe food handling.** Any time you handle raw food, you need to wash your hands frequently and safely store the meat. This is important to prevent salmonella poisoning. Always use fresh meat, never meat that looks like it's starting to go bad. This can increase the risk of disease. Handling raw meat when pregnant can increase your risk for toxoplasmosis, a parasitic disease. Wash your hands frequently or wear gloves when handling meat. If you're concerned about the nutrition of a raw diet, understand that no nutrients are lost by preparing raw food rather than cooking it for your pet. 4. **Purchase the meat.** Depending on what meat you choose to use, you may have a hard time finding high-quality meat. While it might be easy to buy a whole chicken from your grocery store, you may need to seek out a local farmer or butcher to get organ meat. If you can only find whole chicken to use, only grind up and offer bones that are small. However, if you include bones that are too large, your cat will simply avoid them. Just make sure not to cook the bones, which can cause them to splinter and damage your cat's digestive system. Fortunately, pre-made mixes of ground raw meat are increasingly available in refrigerated and frozen sections of pet stores. All you need to do is thaw and add supplements to the meat. 5. **Prepare the meat.** Cut up the carcass and separate the muscle meat. Cut the muscle meat into chunks or process it through a meat grinder using the extra-large grinding plate. Leaving chunks of meat can give your cat something to chew on and gives good tooth and gum exercise. Set the meaty bones aside. Place the prepared muscle meat in the refrigerator. If using chicken, remove as much skin as possible. Chicken necks are a good choice to use since they're mostly cartilage, are easy to chop, and are easy for the cat to digest. You can also use rabbit or dark meat from a chicken or turkey. 6. **Process the organ meats.** Once you've prepared the muscle meat, use a scale to weigh out the organ meats. Grind these through a meat grinder or food processor and set them in the refrigerator while you prepare the remaining ingredients. At this point, you can also take the meaty bones out of the refrigerator and pass them through a grinder. Avoid using a food processor to grind the bones, since it's probably not equipped to handle them. 7. **Whisk together a supplement slurry.** In a separate bowl, whisk the salmon oil, glandular supplement, kelp, dulse, vitamin E, vitamin B complex, egg yolks, and water until it's combined. If you're using the psyllium, add it last and stir again. You can discard or store the egg whites for another use. 8. **Combine the meats and supplement mixture.** In a large bowl, combine the hand-chunked muscle meat with the ground meat and ground bones until completely mixed. Add the supplement slurry and stir again until it's evenly distributed. 9. **Package and store the food.** Spoon the finished cat food into manageable containers such as freezer bags or one-cup plastic freezer containers. Avoid overfilling the containers. Instead, leave at least ⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) gap or headspace at the top. This will allow the food to expand as it freezes. Label the containers with the type of meat and the date before freezing. Wide-mouth mason glass jars can keep the food fresh for longer, but be sure to buy jars specifically made for freezing, not just canning. 10. **Serve the food to your cat.** Remove the food from the freezer during mealtime and warm the food in a baggie. If you have some of the food in the refrigerator, you'll still need to warm it up before serving it. Some cats will vomit raw food if it’s cold when it hits the stomach. To warm the baggies, simply run them under hot water until warm to room temperature or just above. Never use the microwave to warm the food, especially if you've used bones. Cooked bones splinter and can be very dangerous to a cat, but raw bones are soft and easily digested by a cat.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Insert a Cannula.,"Intravenous (IV) cannulation, also known as insertion of a peripheral venous catheter (PVC), is a fairly straightforward medical procedure. However, it does take some technique and preparation to complete safely. While different professionals may adapt the technique a bit to their own preferences, the basic procedure involves gathering appropriate materials and properly preparing the insertion site, inserting the needle, and performing appropriate maintenance and cleanup after the catheter is inserted. 1. **Gather materials.** Cannulation requires some basic preparation and precaution. You will need to protect yourself from contact with a patient's body fluids and you need to protect the patient from injury or infection. In order to do this you will need: Non-sterile gloves Tourniquet Antiseptic solution or alcohol wipes Local anesthetic solution (optional) Syringe with needle of appropriate gauge Venous access device Transparent dressing Paper tape Sharps container 2. **Choose the size of the cannula you will use.** In general, the larger gauge needle you use, the higher the maximum flow rate of the fluid entering into the vein. Larger sized needles actually have a smaller number, so a 14 gauge is large, while a 22 gauge is small. Choose a size that can easily fulfill the purpose of the procedure but is not oversized. The smallest needles are used in children. The largest are used for rapid blood transfusion. 3. **Have a discussion with your patient.** Get informed consent from the patient before you begin the procedure. This is usually done verbally. This builds up a rapport with the patient and allows for a less traumatic experience. Introduce yourself to your patient. Verify your patient’s identity before starting any procedures. Explain the procedure to the patient and answer any questions they may have. Also take a quick history, primarily to exclude any allergy or sensitivity that the patient may have. This is particularly true for latex allergy. Should an allergy to latex be confirmed, then the tourniquet, gloves, and the cannula must be latex-free. 4. **Wash your hands and put on gloves.** All medical professionals should follow thorough and proper hygiene practices before coming into contact with a patient. It is important to keep the risk of the patient getting infection to a minimum while inserting a cannula by washing your hands thoroughly and putting on gloves. 5. **Use proper personal protective equipment.** Using gloves will not only protect your patient, but will also protect you from exposure to bodily fluids and potentially infectious material. A single pair of non-sterile gloves will probably be sufficient for this task.Depending on your facility’s requirements, you may also wish to wear protective eyewear when inserting or removing an IV catheter. 6. **Apply the tourniquet around the patient's arm.** In most cases, the patient’s non-dominant arm is preferable. The tourniquet should be placed on the arm just above the cannulation site. Tighten it appropriately, so that the patient's veins are highlighted. Other methods for locating a good vein include: Tapping on the vein to make it dilate. Asking the patient to open and close their fist. Using gravity to highlight the vein by holding the patient’s arm down. Applying mild heat to the site of the vein. If you have a difficult time finding a good vein on the arm you have selected, inspect the opposite arm. In some cases (e.g. if the patient has diabetes or a history of IV drug abuse), you may need to use an ultrasound to help you locate a good vein. 7. **Clean the skin.** Using an alcohol wipe or antiseptic solution, clear away pathogens on the skin around the vein used for cannulation. Apply the antiseptic to the site with friction for 30-60 seconds, and then allow the site to air dry for up to one minute. This will help prevent the risk of infection and reduce stinging. If the area is really covered in hair, you may need to shave it. This will help you to identify the vein, get a clear aim at it, and it will help when cleaning the area. 8. **Insert the cannula needle at an appropriate angle.** The correct angle will depend on the size of the device and the depth of the vein. If you are trying to access a small, superficial vein, you should use a small catheter (with a gauge of 22-24) and insert at an angle of 10°-25°. For a deeper vein, use a larger catheter and insert at an angle of 30°-45°. Make sure you insert the needle bevel up (with its eye is facing upwards). This means that the point of the needle is down against the skin. 9. **Advance the cannula until you achieve flashback.** Hold the cannula in the front of its wings with your pointer and middle finger and in the back with your thumb. Advance it slowly into the skin until blood enters the base of the cannula. This is called a flashback, and it signals that you have entered a vein. Once flashback occurs, reduce the angle of the needle to avoid puncturing the posterior wall of the vein. 10. **Advance the plastic piece of the cannula.** The needle should now be held stationary while the plastic component of the cannula is advanced another 2-3 mm into the vein. The goal is to get the plastic sheath into the vein, and keep it there, while the needle is removed. Keep advancing the plastic component of the cannula until the plastic tube is fully inserted. The ""hub"" of the plastic component will hit the skin when it is all the way in. 11. **Allow blood to flow into an attachment.** Remove the tourniquet from the patient's arm. Remove the needle from the base of the cannula, leaving the plastic component in sight. Allow blood to flow into the base of the cannula, so there is less risk of air going into the vein if something is injected through the cannula, called an air embolism. Then cap the cannula or attach test tubes or other supplies. 12. **Find another vein, if your catheterization is unsuccessful.** If you are unable to catheterize a vein successfully, never attempt to reinsert the needle. This could result in fragmentation of the catheter and embolism in the patient. 13. **Secure the cannula with an appropriate dressing.** If the cannula needs to stay in the vein, you will need to secure it. Using transparent dressing and tape, or a specialized dressing that comes with the cannula, secure the venous access device to the skin. Attach the cannula to the skin so that it is comfortable for the patient but stays in place in the vein. You may need to tape attachments to the skin as well, for example a tube leading to another attachment point. Place a label over the transparent dressing with the date, time, and any other information required by your facility. If you are simply using the cannula to get several samples of blood, for example, extensive securing is not required. However, you do need to be sure that it stays in place long enough to get your sample, so you may want to tape it down a bit. 14. **Inspect and clean the cannula.** First, pull back on the syringe to withdraw a little blood. This will confirm that the cannula is still in place inside the vein. Then flush the cannula with a flushing solution, usually normal saline or heparin. This will assure that the site is clean and will check for adequate positioning within the vein. To flush the cannula you will need 5-10ml of saline in a syringe. This may come in a pre-filled syringe or you may need to fill it yourself. Flush the cannula by attaching the syringe of saline onto the cannula port, inject the saline into the port, detach the syringe, and then close the port. If you are returning to put an injection into a cannula, flush the it with saline solution again. This will assure that the cannula is still in place. 15. **Recatheterize, if necessary.** If you do not observe blood in the flashback chamber when you inspect the cannula, you will need to recatheterize the vein. If there is no flashback, this may mean that the catheter has punctured the posterior wall of the vein. It can also occur in patients with severe hypotension (low blood pressure). Withdraw the device until it is just below skin level, and attempt to recatheterize. If swelling develops at the site, remove the device and release the tourniquet. Apply direct pressure to the site for 5 minutes. 16. **Clean up after the procedure.** Dispose of the needle in a sharps container to reduce the risk of a needle stick. Dispose of any other waste appropriately. Document the procedure in the appropriate set of notes. If removing the cannula, place a piece of gauze on the injection site and keep it in place with medical tape or a bandage. This will assure that the patient is not bleeding after the procedure.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to What Does It Mean when You Dream About Snakes?,"A snake shows up in your dream—is this mystical serpent a positive symbol or a warning sign? Snakes have been showing up in people’s dreams since ancient times, and their fascinating presence can symbolize change, healing, and danger. What does a snake dream mean for your life? We’ll walk you through a complete guide to interpreting what this serpent holds for you with the top 11 meanings behind snake dreams. 1. **Snake dreams symbolize the effect of poisonous people in your life.** These elusive reptiles slither through your subconscious, representing the stress and anxiety that comes with interacting with toxic people. Odds are, you know who the toxic person is in your life, and the snake dream is trying to signal that it’s time to wake up and take action. , the snake is acting as a warning sign. Someone in your life is bringing in unnecessary negativity and stress. , that’s a red flag that someone in your life is a backstabber or is spreading rumors about you. , someone you see often (like a coworker or partner) is likely bringing toxic energy into your life. 2. **Snakes in dreams symbolize duality and subconscious turmoil.** You might be going through an identity crisis or a time of upheaval in your life—like a career change or a breakup. The snake itself isn’t an inherently negative symbol. In fact, a serpent’s appearance in your dream is meant to encourage you to take a closer look at your intentions and what you need. Talking snakes often represent part of your subconscious trying to communicate with you. Two-headed snakes reflect that you’re being pulled in two directions, but you’ll ultimately move towards positive transformation and wisdom. 3. **Snakes, with their slithering movements, can represent turning points.** This is especially true of dreams where you’re holding a snake. You might be facing a heavy decision or an important choice in your personal or professional life. Pay attention to how you felt about the snake in your dream. If you felt afraid, you might want to take a step back before making a big life decision. If you felt calm, it’s time to dive right in and make a change in your life. Black snakes symbolize the unknown in dreams. If you see a black snake, it could symbolize the uncertainty you feel about a choice you’ll make. 4. **This dream interpretation comes from the serpent in the Garden of Eden.** Just as the biblical snake tempted Eve, a snake in your dream can represent your struggle to choose between right and wrong. Are you feeling guilty about the choices you have in front of you? Do you need to make amends or choose a different path? Green snakes are most closely associated with temptation and jealousy. 5. **Some snakes squeeze the life force out of their prey.** Think back to the type of snake that appeared in your dream. A boa constrictor or anaconda can mean that you’re feeling smothered and suffocated by a situation in your life. You might be sorting out a tough financial situation or coping with an overbearing boss, parent, partner, or friend. Red snakes symbolize malicious energy and potential danger. 6. **Getting bitten by a snake in your dream represents exposure and sensitivity.** This vulnerable state could be emotional or physical. You might be feeling anxious about your health or general safety. Or, you might be scared of letting someone see the “real you.” The good news is that dreaming about a snake lets you confront that fear of vulnerability and move forward. If you’re attacked by a snake in your dream, the attack can symbolize that you feel defenseless and powerless. What steps can you take to set boundaries in your life? How can you get more control over your situation? If you see a garter snake in your dream, that means you felt uncertain about someone, but you’re slowly realizing they’re harmless. 7. **Snakes crawling over your body represent a lack of confidence.** You might not feel comfortable with the way you look, or you might just worry about what other people think. Snakes will especially tend to show up in dreams after someone makes a mean comment that undermines your self-confidence. Ultimately, you have the power to take action in your life. While snakes can symbolize insecurity, they also symbolize growth and new beginnings. 8. **Snakes are a phallic symbol.** If you come upon a harmless snake in your dream, it could symbolize sexual desire that you’ve suppressed in your subconscious. Where was the snake in your dream? If you found the snake in your bedroom, on your lap, or wrapped around your legs, there’s a good chance it’s sending a message about your sex life. Remember that snakes symbolize warnings signs. Is it actually a good idea to act on your impulses? Or is the snake warning you about a problematic sexual relationship? 9. **Surprisingly, a snake bite in a dream can also represent healing.** These dual-natured creatures represent both poison and medicine. Getting a snake bite in a dream is like the mystical equivalent of getting a shot at the doctor’s office. If you’ve been grappling with a health issue or an emotional wound, your snake dream could symbolize the start of recovery. Brown snakes are most closely associated with healing. 10. **Snakes are known for shedding their skin, which symbolizes rebirth.** If you see a snake shedding or moving away from you in a dream, it could be guiding you towards a new path. In particular, pay attention to the ouroboros (a snake eating itself), which represents the eternal cycle of death and rebirth. Blue snakes symbolize creativity and rebirth. In ancient Mesoamerican culture, snakes were associated with creation as the serpent-bird god Quetzalcoatl helped create the world. In Buddhism and Hinduism, nagas are a species of half-human, half-god creatures with the ability to shapeshift. Consequently, they represent change and rebirth. 11. **In mythology, snakes are connected to oracles and sages.** When a snake appears in your dream, it could be a signal that you’re about to make a major breakthrough. If there’s a problem or puzzle you’ve been struggling to figure out, your serpentine friend could be saying you’re going to work things out soon. White snakes symbolize luck, good karma, and trust in yourself. In East Asian cultures, snakes often symbolize wealth and prosperity.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Break a Wood Glue Joint.,"Joints in wooden furniture are often held together with wood glue. If you want to take a glued joint apart, there are ways that you can do it without destroying the surrounding woodwork. The glue inside of a joint can be broken down or softened with either a heat gun or denatured alcohol. If you can’t soften the glue first, it may be necessary that you manually break the wood pieces apart at the joint, which could result in damage to the woodwork. 1. **Heat the area around the joint with a heat gun.** Hold the heat gun six inches (15.24 cm) away from the joint and continue to move the gun around. Do not leave the heat gun in one area or you may end up burning your woodwork. Continue to move the heat gun over the joint and soften the glue holding the joint together. You can purchase a heat gun online or at a hardware store. If you don’t have a heat gun, you can use a hairdryer on the high setting. 2. **Work a flat tool into the joint.** Once the glue is hot, you should be able to penetrate into the joint with a sharp tool like a knife or metal wedge. Carefully work the tool into the glue while continuing to move the heat gun over the joint. Continue to wiggle the tool back and forth until you cut through all of the glue adhesive. Clean built-up glue off your flat tool with a damp rag as you work. 3. **Pull the joint apart.** Once you cut the adhesive with the knife, the two pieces of wood should loosen. Use your hands and carefully pull the joint apart. If desired, wipe the glue from the wood with a damp rag while it's still hot. 4. **Inject denatured alcohol into the wood joint.** Suck up some of the alcohol with a syringe or eyedropper and place the end of the dropper or syringe against the joint. Press down on the top of the syringe to inject the alcohol into the joint. Repeat this method until the entirety of the wood joint is saturated. You can purchase denatured alcohol online or at a hardware store. Work in a well-ventilated area when working with denatured alcohol. Denatured alcohol will loosen up and dissolve the glue. 5. **Wiggle a knife into the joint after five minutes.** Let the alcohol sit on the joint for five minutes, then wedge a knife in between the two pieces of wood. Work the tool on the edge of the joint until you can start penetrating into the joint. As you work the knife, the wood joint should start to separate. As the alcohol sits on the glue in the joint, it will start to break it down. 6. **Spray more alcohol in the joint as it opens.** Keep working the joint open with your knife while spraying more alcohol over the glue that's holding the joint together. As you work the knife and continue getting the joint wet, you'll start to loosen up the joint. 7. **Pry the joint open.** Scrape away as much adhesive as you can. As the joint loosens, use your hands to pull the joint apart. 8. **Use this method if you don't mind destroying the woodwork.** You should only use this method if you need to break down furniture or wood and don't plan on using the wood afterward. Manually prying the wood apart can chip or crack the wood surrounding the joint. 9. **Hammer the flat end of a crowbar, flat-bar, or chisel in between the joint.** Position the flat end of a crowbar or flat-bar in between the joint. Hit the opposite end of the bar to drive it in deep between the joint. Continue to pound the crowbar into the joint until it's at least three to four inches (7.62 to 10.16 cm) into the joint itself. 10. **Pull down on the opposite end of the crowbar.** Apply a decent amount of pressure on the other end of the crowbar to pry the joint apart. This will break apart your wooden joint.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Stop Being Scared After Watching Scary Movies.,"If you have watched a scary movie and are now ridden with worry and anxiety, fret not! By doing things like watching a funny show or listening to upbeat music after the movie, you can stop yourself from being scared. With some reassurance and trust, you can easily distance yourself from the fear and feel at peace. 1. **Watch the movie in the morning to make it seem less scary.** Instead of watching the movie after sunset, turn it on at the beginning of your day. By the time it's time for bed, you'll have a whole day's worth of activities to distract you. As a result, you won't be as scared of the movie. You are more likely to get scared of a horror movie if you watch it when it's dark outside. This doesn't mean you have to skip the popcorn! 2. **Avoid watching scary movies by yourself.** Oftentimes scary movies seem worse when you are alone and don't have as many distractions. To avoid this, always watch scary movies with at least 1 other person. The more the merrier! This way, you are less likely to be scared after the movie is over. 3. **Talk to yourself or others throughout the movie to ease your mind.** Discuss the plot, setting, and characters with your friends or family members if you are watching the movie with others. If you are watching the film by yourself, make comments like “How silly” as the movie plays. This way, you offer reassurance to yourself (and others) and breakthrough any tension created from the plot. Making comments about the movie can help reduce stress and make you feel more relaxed. You can say things like, “Did you see how slow she ran!” or “Nice hairstyle,” with a sarcastic tone. 4. **Laugh** When the music gets intense and you know something scary is coming, laugh or say something funny. Do this even if you don't think the part of the movie is comical. Laughing alleviates the tension, and the scary moments won't seem as traumatic. This also lightens the mood overall, so if you are watching a movie with other people, they will likely relax too. 5. **Watch the special features to educate yourself on the film.** If you see how the movie was made, it often seems less realistic and scary. Most DVDs offer behind-the-scenes features, and you can look up director specials online. The special features usually go in-depth in describing the storyline and detailing the characters, which can make it seem more unrealistic. You can also read movie reviews to help you better understand the movie. 6. **Remind yourself that the movie is not real and you are safe.** Say to yourself, “This is fake,” and “I am safe,” over and over again until you believe it. This may take some repetition and self-trust, but it is helpful to reassure yourself that the movie is a work of fiction. You can remember parts of the movie that are especially cheesy or unrealistic to help convince yourself. Lock your doors if that puts your mind at ease. Even scary movies advertised as “based on a true story” are exaggerated and intensified to make it more convincing. For example, maybe the villain has bad makeup so you know his real identity the whole time. Or, maybe the characters in the movie are unrealistic in real life, like a swamp monster or a zombie. These details can help convince you that the movie is fictitious. 7. **Do brief exercises for 5-10 minutes to get rid of any extra energy.** After you watch a horror movie, you are in a state of “fight or flight.” Exercise can help reduce stress. Do things like dance around, jog in place, do jumping jacks, or have a pillow fight. After you let off some steam, you likely will feel less tense and scared. Avoid over-exercising before bed. It may be even more difficult to sleep if you are stimulated. 8. **Distract your mind with an uplifting TV show, movie, or book.** An easy way to stop being scared is to distract yourself. Immediately turn on a different movie or TV show, and make sure it's a lighthearted subject with a positive tone. This way, you'll focus on the good and not feel worried and anxious. Select a comedy or inspiring documentary, for example. You can also read a book, flip through a magazine, or draw. Additionally, focus on positive upcoming events to keep yourself distracted. Maybe you have an exciting date night or concert to look forward to. 9. **Spend time with friends or family so you don't feel alone.** If you watched a movie with others, continue spending time with them. If you watched the movie by yourself and are scared afterward, reach out to a friend or family member. Invite them over to hang out, for example. If you are alone, you are more likely to feel scared and worried. Having other people around will reassure you. You can cook a meal, chat about your day, or play a game, for example. 10. **Sleep with a night light turned on if it makes you feel safer.** Plug a nightlight into a nearby outlet, and turn it on before you go to bed. This way, you can see in the dark and know no ghosts or a boogeyman are coming for you. Try to only use this after you watch the movie, so you don't depend on the night light every time you go to sleep. For example, you can use a decorative night light, like one shaped like a moon or star, or you can use a simple night light. 11. **Play relaxing music if you are having trouble falling asleep.** Background music can lull you to sleep, even if you are worried after watching a scary movie. Before you go to bed, turn on nature sounds like waves crashing on a beach or birds in the forest. Then, let yourself drift off to sleep peacefully. Also listen to instrumental sleepytime music, such as “Brahms Lullaby.” You can listen to this in headphones or through a sound system. 12. **Tell yourself “It's just a movie” if you wake up in the middle of the night.** If you can fall asleep but wake up out of fear, remind yourself that you simply had a nightmare and it is not real. Then, repeat to yourself that the scary feelings are just from the movie. Do this until you believe it and fall back asleep. Take some deep breaths as you repeat this to yourself. This will help you relax so you can go back to bed. 13. **Ask a friend or family member to have a sleepover so you're not alone.** If you cannot get to sleep no matter how hard you try, you may feel better if you sleep around someone else. Ask a friend, relative, or roommate if you can sleep on their floor, or ask them to sleep in your room. This way, you can more comfortably go to sleep knowing you aren't alone and are safe. Do this if you truly are afraid and nothing else seems to work. Additionally, bring extra pillows, blankets, snacks, and activities to make it a slumber party! This way, you can have fun while forgetting about your fears.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Wire Wrap Stones?,"Wire wrapping is a technique that involves bending wire around stone, sea glass, shells, amber, or other ornamental centerpieces to create a piece of jewelry. Wire wrapping can create beautiful rings, pendants, necklaces, and other similar kinds of adornments. What's more, when wire wrapping you don't need elaborate tools to drill and bore holes into the stone. With just a few simple tools and supplies, you could soon make your very own piece of wire wrapped jewelry! 1. **Choose your centerpiece.** You might have found a beautiful piece of sea glass while walking the beach, or maybe you have a semi-precious stone that you think is just breathtaking, but either can make a beautiful piece of wire wrap art. Symmetrical shapes can give your wire wrap a more professional look, but sometimes interesting shapes can further accentuate the centerpiece around which you will wrap your wire. For the purposes of this example, a round, polished stone bead will be used. However, the principles of wire wrapping described can be applied to many differently shaped centerpieces. 2. **Decide which wire best suits your centerpiece.** Wire comes in many different varieties, both in terms of the material it's made and its thickness, which is commonly referred to as the ""gauge"" of the wire. Larger and heavier centerpieces will require a thicker gauge of wire. All wire used in this example is either 20 or 22-gauge, which is frequently recommended for beginners. The lower gauge your wire, the thicker it is. For example, 8-gauge wire is very thick, while 26-gauge wire is quite thin. You might consider using copper jewelry wire for your first wire wrap. Copper has a lovely color that compliments many different kinds of centerpiece, and is also relatively cheap. Once you feel comfortable with your wire wrapping skills, you might use fine silver, sterling silver, gold plated, or gold filled jewelry wire. 3. **Gather your wire wrapping supplies.** In this example of wire wrapping, a round, polished stone bead is used as the centerpiece and is wrapped in an inexpensive brass wire. Most of these supplies should be available at your local hardware or craft store, or even online. For this project, you'll need: 20-gauge square soft wire (4' (1.2 m)) 22-gauge half-round hard wire (1' (30 cm)) 22-gauge square hard wire (4½"" (11.5 cm)) A faceted stone Eye protection Felt-tip pen Flat-nose pliers Neck chain (or other fastener) Penknife (or comparably thin knife) Round-nose pliers Ruler Tape Wire cutter 4. **Prepare your work space.** You'll want to clear any obstacles that might get in your way and make working with your wire difficult. Clear a broad area; while you are trying to cut or bend a longer piece of wire, you don't want to accidentally knock something over with the loose end. Consider making use of a work bench, craft table, or laying down a drop cloth where you are working. While shaping and cutting the metal wire, sharp pieces can fly or flake off. A drop cloth will make cleanup much easier. 5. **Cut your frame wires an equal length.** Take your 20-gauge square soft wire and clip six pieces eight inches (20 cm) long free. For centerpieces that are bulky or larger, you might need to measure out more wire. The central frame of your wire wrap should be: Long enough to warp around the perimeter of your centerpiece. Thick enough to hold your centerpiece. Heavy/bulky centerpieces might require you to use more than six pieces of wire. 6. **Collect your newly cut wires together.** Line up the wires and draw them tightly together, making sure each is parallel to the others. Then should use your tape to bind the ends. This will keep your bundle in shape while you work with the wire. Depending on the contour of your centerpiece, you may find a rounded wire frame works best. In this example, the wire frame has been flattened to better contain the polished bead centerpiece. 7. **Draw a line to mark the middle of your bundled wire.** Lay out your bundled wire flat on your work space and, with your ruler, find the center of the bundle. Now, with your felt-tip pen, you should mark this point. 8. **Cut your first piece of binding wire.** This wire will be used to decoratively wrap around the middle mark you have just made on your bundle. Use your wire cutters to snip free a five inch (13 cm) piece of 22-gauge half-round hard wire. 9. **Bind your six-wire bundle at its middle mark.** Use your flat-nosed pliers to grasp the piece of 22-gauge wire you cut free, then bend the wire around the bundle. After each winding, pull the wire tight while holding it against your bundle with your free hand. The bundle should be wrapped so there are no gaps in its twinnings, and should be equal length on both sides of your middle mark. Grasping your wire close to its end with your pliers can make shaping it easier. After you finish your bundling, your middle mark should not be visible. This bundle will eventually make up the bottom of your wrap. The width of the finished binding should be approximately ¼"" (6 mm) for a 12-carat stone, like the one used in this example. 10. **Mark the next binding sites for your six-wire frame bundle.** Use your ruler and felt tip marker to draw a line a ¼"" (6 mm) from each edge of your center binding. Then make another mark a ¼"" (6 mm) outward from each of your previous marks. These double marks on either side of your middle binding define the width of your next bindings. 11. **Remove the tape from the ends of the wire bundle.** Now that you've got your middle binding in place and your lines drawn on each piece your six-wire bundle, you can remove your tape, as it is no longer needed to keep your bundle collected together. 12. **Bend the cradle for your centerpiece.** Slip your penknife between the bottom of your topmost wire and the wire immediately below it. Then, use your penknife to pry the topmost wire into the shape of an outward-pointing V. This V-shape should point away from the outer wires of your frame. Repeat this process until you have four Vs, one on each side of the top and bottom of your center binding. Four V shaped twists on all sides of your center binding will create the sturdiest seating for your centerpiece. However, in this example, the polished stone bead is small and light, only requiring two V bends. Each outer wire should have two V's on either side of the middle binding. Each V begins at the edge of the binding, pointing out from the main bundle until the tip is in line with the first ¼"" (6 mm) mark. Then bend the wire to meet the second ¼"" (6 mm) mark. After making your V bend seating, allow the remaining wire run parallel to the main bundle. 13. **Re-tape the ends of the bundle.** This will ensure that your V bends stay on the outside of your bundle, which will create the most stable seating for your centerpiece. It will also keep your wire frame bundle together while doing the next bindings. 14. **Bind your six-wire bundle with more 22-gauge half-round wire.** Wrap the wire around your wire frame bundle with your pliers, starting at the outer part of your V's where the V returns to join the rest of the bundle. Do this for both sides of your six-wire bundle. While wrapping your second and third bindings, be sure you keep the wraps tight, neat, and equal in length. A few turns on either side should be sufficient. 15. **Complete the seating for your centerpiece and its wire frame.** Take your pliers and, carefully but firmly, bend your six-wire bundle around your centerpiece so that it wraps along the centerpiece's edges. Let both side of your six-wire bundle cross at the center-top of the stone. 16. **Prepare your front seating for your centerpiece.** Bend one of the outermost strands of your six-wire bundle from either side with flat-nose pliers. Shape the wire so that it sticks upward and away from the rest of the wires. 17. **Combine both ends of your wire frame together.** Where both sides of your wire frame meet at the top of your design, align all strands so each faces the opposite direction of your first middle binding. The middle binding will form the bottom of your design, and the combined ends of your six-wire bundle will form the top. 18. **Tape the strands together.** This will prevent your wires from becoming bent out of the intended shape of your design when making your final binding. Tape toward the end of your combined six-wire bundle. 19. **Make your final binding at the top of your design.** Choose either the topmost or bottom-most wire of your combined bundle and wrap all wires together in a binding that tightly twines the top of your design together. A few wraps of 22-gauge square hard wire at the top should do. Once you have finished this binding, you may remove the tape. 20. **Seat your centerpiece in your wire wrap design.** Use pliers to bend the front and back Vs so as to form a secure seating in which the centerpiece sits. Once the centerpiece is in its cradle, take the final wire that has been pointing away from the bundle and wrap it around your centerpiece in a spiral design to further secure it. The spiral design of your wire wrap will give a professional appearance to your jewelry. If you notice your centerpiece is loose in its V and front settings, you may want to take another piece from your bundle and add another spiral wrap to the back for support. Consider adding wavy designs, or spirals at the top of your wire wrap where you have extra wire to add your personal touch. 21. **Cut off excess wire.** Keep in mind while trimming excess wire that you'll need enough leftover at the top to make a loop of wire. You'll need this loop to thread a neck chain or some other kind of fastener, like a thin strip of leather. 22. **Bend one or two wires at the top of your design to make a loop.** This O-shape will form the eyelet through which you will thread your neck fastener. Depending on the gauge of wire you have used, you may want to from your fastener eyelet with either one wire or two.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Change Your Password in Windows 8?,"Changing your Windows 8 password can help protect your personal data and improve the security of your computer or device. Your Windows 8 password can be changed in the Accounts menu under Settings. 1. **Swipe in from the right side of your Windows 8 screen, then tap on “Settings.** If using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of your screen, move the mouse pointer up, then click on “Settings.” 2. **Click or tap on “Change PC settings,” then select “Accounts.** 3. **Select “Sign-in options,” then click or tap on “Change” under the Password section.** This will open the “change your password” window. 4. **Type your current password into the “Old password” field.** 5. **Enter your new password into the fields displayed on-screen, then click or tap on “Next.** 6. **Click on “Finish” when Windows 8 informs you the password has been successfully changed.** Your Windows 8 password is now updated. 7. **Press “Control” + “Alt” + “Delete,” then select “Change a password.** If using a Windows 8 tablet, press and hold the Windows button, then press the Power button, then select “Change a password.” 8. **Type your current password into the “Old password” field.** 9. **Enter your new password into the fields displayed on-screen, then click or tap on “Next.** 10. **Click on “Finish” when Windows 8 informs you the password has been successfully changed.** Your Windows 8 password is now updated.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Get Your Hen to Become Broody.,"If you notice that your hen seems uninterested in sitting on a nest, you might be concerned that she doesn't have the brooding instinct required to hatch her eggs. Fortunately, you can encourage her to go broody with a few simple changes to her environment. 1. **Place wooden eggs in the nest.** One of the most tried-and-true methods to encourage broodiness in your hen is to place dummy eggs in her nest. You may begin by using wooden eggs that can be purchased at most farm stores. 2. **Place golf balls in the nest.** Another common approach to using dummy eggs is to place golf balls in the nest. Oddly enough, some hens respond even better to golf balls than they do to manufactured “dummy” eggs. 3. **Replace dummy eggs with real eggs.** If you have encouraged broody behavior in your hen and she has begun sitting successfully on dummy eggs (wooden eggs, golf balls, or any other dummy eggs) you can swap these dummies for real eggs. This is most easily done at night when the hen is docile and less likely to reject the eggs. Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling eggs. Some people prefer to swap eggs during the day, so that if an egg gets rejected they can quickly transfer it to an incubator. However, the evening method is still the most common. 4. **Allow her to gather a clutch of eggs.** A different, though extremely common, method is simply to allow your hen to gather a clutch of eggs in her nest, that is, to lay numerous eggs without being disturbed. Once your hen has accumulated a few eggs (usually three to five) her broody instinct should kick in. 5. **Consider dating your eggs.** If you are giving your hen the space and time to gather a clutch of eggs, you may consider sneaking into her nest and using a magic marker to write the date on her eggs. This way, you can remove eggs that have been in the nest for too long. 6. **Move your hen to a quieter location.** Creating some subtle changes in your hen’s environment is another effective way to encourage broodiness. Try moving your hen into a calmer, quieter nesting house. This may bring out her broodiness. 7. **Provide a dark place.** Another subtle change is to make your hen’s location a bit darker. (You can do this, for example, by hanging fabric over the front of her nesting box.) The darkness encourages her to be calm, and may help her instincts to arise. 8. **Confine her.** Many people advocate for the confinement of your hen to her quiet, dark nesting area. It may take some time alone in a calm, comfortable place to stir up a hen’s brooding instinct. Consider giving this method a try. 9. **Add some fresh herbs to her nesting box.** If you have access to fresh herbs, the addition of some fresh herbs to your hen’s nesting box may encourage her become calm and broody. Lavender and chamomile are particularly effective. 10. **Check nesting boxes for insects and mice.** Your hen may avoid becoming broody (or even laying eggs) if she does not feel clean and safe in her nesting box. Check to be sure that her box is free from mites, insects, mice, and other intruders in order to ensure her comfort and safety. 11. **Wait for the right season.** Hens generally become broody during the spring or summer (the warmer months). If you wait for the right season, your hen’s natural instincts and broodiness should kick in on their own. Approach this endeavor with positivity and patience, and wait until the time is right. 12. **Make sure your hen is a broody breed.** Modern day breeds (especially show birds) have had their broody instinct bred out by breeders who tend to use incubators. Because of this, it is important to start with a broody breed of hen, such as cochin, buff orpington, light brahmas, or dark Cornish hens. 13. **Integrate a rooster.** You will need a rooster in the mix if you want to end up with fertilized eggs and broody hens. The presence of a rooster near your hen is likely to encourage broody behavior. 14. **Acquire a perfect chicken ratio.** One rooster to every five hens is the ideal ratio for your chickens. If you are able to maintain this ratio of roosters to hens, you are more likely to get fertilized eggs and to encourage broodiness in your hens. 15. **Set up a nesting box.** Your hen needs somewhere safe and comfortable to both lay and sit on the eggs. Create a dry, clean, relatively dark place where your hen can have some privacy. You can purchase these, or construct them yourself out of wood. You will need one box for every two to four hens. Twelve cubic inches (12"" x 12"" x 12"") is a good size for each box. Add some sawdust and/or straw to serve as bedding for your chicken(s).",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Decide on a Career Path.,"Whether you’re finishing up your education and are ready to venture into the real world or have been working in a certain field for a while and want to try something new, deciding on a career path can seem overwhelming. However, with a little self-exploration and some research, you can easily choose a career that will leave you feeling fulfilled. 1. **Make a list of all your skills and strengths.** Take some time to really think through the things you are good at. Consider things like physical skills, practical tasks, and creative work. Perhaps you are a great artist, a whiz with numbers, an excellent salesperson, or an all-star soccer player. Alternatively, you might have a thorough knowledge of historical events, manage your time efficiently, have strong spacial reasoning skills, be a great public speaker, or have a natural knack for technology. List every skill and strength you can think of. If you’re struggling to determine your skills or strengths, ask your friends, family, and colleagues for their input. 2. **Explore your interests and passions.** Now, think of what you enjoy doing, which may not be the same things that you are good at, and add them to the list. For instance, you might enjoy spending time in nature, attending parties, studying other cultures, putting together model planes, hosting fundraisers, or traveling around the world. Or, you might like to read, listen to music, swim, conduct science experiments, play with animals, cook or bake, ride a motorcycle, volunteer, make craft projects, clean, go fishing, or create sculptures. In order to land a job you enjoy doing, choose something that you enjoy and are also good at. 3. **Figure out what you’d like to be known for when you retire.** Look ahead to the future and think about what you’d like your life’s work to be. It’s okay if you don’t know right away; spend some time thinking it over. Perhaps you want to build an empire, make a difference in children’s lives, create a new piece of technology, develop sustainable living practices, or bring joy to the elderly. Determining what you want to be known for will help you determine what career path to take. Think about how the job will affect you as you age. For instance, if the job requires intense physical labor, it may be difficult to sustain when you get older. 4. **Focus on your own aspirations, rather than societal expectations.** It’s common to feel pressure from your family members, friends, teachers, and society to follow a certain path. And while doing so might make them happy, it probably won’t make you happy. Let go of other people’s expectations of you and think about what you truly want to do. Choosing a career path should be a personal decision based on a thorough knowledge of your own strengths, weaknesses, interests, and values. For instance, if your father expects you to take over the family litigation firm, but you’d rather be a high school teacher than a lawyer, follow your heart. Though he may be upset at first, seeing you do something you love will help him see that a career in litigation wasn’t the right choice for you. 5. **Prepare** There are dozens of career aptitude tests online that ask a series of questions formulated to find out what kind of work would suit you the best. These tests analyze your strengths, weaknesses, interests, and personality to help you narrow down your career choice. Do an Internet search for “career aptitude tests” and take several so you can compare the results. You may want to check out or 6. **Think of fields of work broadly.** A field of work is far more than a single job—it is an area in which many jobs or trades are possible! Once you have an idea of what field you want to work in, consider all the options within that field. For instance, if you want to work in healthcare, you could be a nurse or a doctor, of course, but you could also schedule appointments for patients, work in medical billing, or manage a physician’s office. Or, if you study law, you may want to be a lawyer for a large law firm or a non-profit organization, or even write corporate compliance manuals. If you study computer science, you could consider working in retail tech support or becoming a CTO. 7. **Research the responsibilities of several jobs within the field.** While certain jobs may sound amazing in theory, it’s important to know exactly what you’re getting yourself into. Find out the day-to-day responsibilities for several jobs within the field to help you narrow down your options. Go to the National Career Service website to peruse job profiles for more than 800 positions. Think about whether you can picture yourself completing the tasks happily or if the work seems overwhelming or misaligned with your vision of a new career. For instance, you may absolutely love animals, but if you’re squeamish about blood or needles, becoming a veterinary technician may not be right for you. However, a dog walker or pet groomer may be a better fit. 8. **Match your personal strengths and qualities with potential jobs.** It’s important to choose a career that fits with your temperament and personality. Think about whether you enjoy interacting with other people and if you work better alone or in a group setting. Also, consider if you are a great leader or take direction well, and whether you enjoy planning things or like to go with the flow. You should also think how well you manage time, if you are detail-oriented or focus on the big picture, and if you enjoy coming up with new ideas. For instance, if you want to work with technology but don’t enjoy being around other people or interacting with strangers, you could choose to work in development rather than marketing. 9. **Consider non-conventional or cross-field work.** Many skillsets translate to multiple fields or opportunities. Consider whether your education or experience will allow you to work in a related field. For instance, many teachers have a thorough understanding of the English language, and therefore make excellent editors and publishers. Alternatively, if you’re super athletic and love sports, perhaps you would do well as a coach, a manager, or an announcer. 10. **Sign up for an internship or apprenticeship to see if it’s a good fit.** One of the best ways to find out if a job is right for you is to actually work it! By signing up for an internship or apprenticeship, you’ll get to see what the day-to-day experience in a certain field is like. You’ll also make connections and meet other people in the industry. Do an online search to find internships or apprenticeships in the field you want to work in. Tap into your network and see if you have friends or family that work in the field. They may be able to help you find an internship, apprenticeship, or volunteer opportunity. 11. **Try to avoid making a decision based on the money you’ll make.** Although you’ll want to have a financially secure future, the expected income shouldn’t be the only determining factor in your decision. Feel free to research potential incomes for a variety of jobs, but aim to choose one that you feel is the best fit for you, rather than simply picking the one where you’ll make the most money. This will lead to you a fulfilling career. 12. **Figure out what qualifications you’ll need for the field you’ve chosen.** Speak to people that work in the industry to find out what kinds of backgrounds they have. You can also research minimum requirements for the kinds of jobs you hope to have. Once you know what is required, you can then work on becoming qualified for your new career. For instance, if you want to work as a registered nurse, you’ll need to take classes, complete clinicals, and pass the NCLEX-RN exam. 13. **Continue your education, if necessary.** Many positions may require a specific certification, license, or degree. If your heart is set on a certain job, but you don’t meet the requirements, take steps to become qualified. Do an online search for classes near you that will help you meet these goals. You can even work part-time while continuing your education in the evenings, if necessary. 14. **Apply for jobs you think would be a good fit.** Once you begin finding jobs that interest you, apply for each position and submit a resume that details your education, experience, and relevant skills. Include a tailored cover letter with each application that explains why you’re interested in the position and how you will add something to the team or company. Make sure all your documents are neat, clean, and free from errors. 15. **Ensure any prospective company’s values align with your own.** A career will be most fulfilling if the company’s values mirror your own. Think about what types of things are really important to you, and what types of things you’d be willing to compromise on. You may want to work with a company that is devoted to living a sustainable lifestyle, developing quality products, or helping people in need. For instance, if you’re a strict vegan because you believe eating meat is cruel, it would be better to take a job as an accountant for a clothing company than a butcher shop.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Recognize Pica.,"Pica is an eating disorder that causes people to compulsively eat items not designated for eating. A person with pica might eat relatively harmless items such as ice cubes or may potentially eat dangerous things like dried paint flakes that can result in poisoning. An underlying cause of pica can be a nutritional deficiency or developmental disability, which makes people crave nonfood things. Pica can develop in any person, but it is most common in children, pregnant women, and individuals with intellectual disabilities. It can also develop as a coping mechanism. Although pica is usually temporary, it can have potentially serious consequences. You can recognize pica by identifying physical symptoms and observing emotional signs. 1. **Watch eating patterns.** A person with pica usually maintains a regular diet of food along with eating non-food items. Pica is present when a person eats non-food items consistently for at least a month. If you suspect that you or another person has pica, keep a mental note or journal of eating habits. This can help identify patterns in consumption that may indicate pica. Some common items a person with pica eats include: Ice Chalk Soap or laundry starch Clay, dirt, or sand Hair Cigarette butts or ashes and/or burnt matches Paint, glue, plaster or chalk Feces Talcum powder, cornstarch, or baking soda Toothpaste Mothballs Stones Coffee grounds 2. **Look for physical manifestations of pica.** People who have pica eat items that are not appropriate for their age or cultural practices. Eating these non nutritive things can have various symptomatic manifestations from mild to severe. Manifestations may include: Constipation or intestinal obstruction Diarrhea Intestinal hemorrhage Severe tooth abrasion Tooth loss Choking 3. **Consider prior medical conditions.** If you suspect you may have pica, think about prior visits to your doctor or medical conditions you’ve had. A person with pica may be more susceptible to certain conditions than others who don’t consume non-nutritive food items. You may have pica if you eat non-food items and have had one of the following health issues: Lead poisoning or complications thereof Infections from parasites from animals, especially dogs and cats Round worm infections Intestinal ulcerations or perforations Iron or zinc deficiency syndromes GI-tract complications 4. **Check feces for nonfood items.** Many small children eat non-food items. If you suspect your child or another person for whom you care has pica, consider checking diapers or in the toilet. You may be able to discern non-food items such as glass, stones, hair, matches, or coffee grounds. Recognize that it may be difficult to difficult to find objects that dissolve in the stomach such as ice, ashes, or soap. 5. **Detect red flags for pica.** Like other eating disorders, pica can present with not only physical symptoms, but also behavioral or emotional ones. You may notice certain behaviors that can indicate pica, especially when they’re in conjunction with physical symptoms. These include: Skipping meals Making excuses for not eating Withdrawing from normal social activities Leaving during meals to use the bathroom Expressing disgust, shame, or guilt about eating habits Eating in secret 6. **Acknowledge negative feelings.** Individuals with eating disorders often have negative feelings associated with their condition. Acknowledging that you or another person have these types of feelings can help you recognize pica. Negative feelings individuals with pica may have include: Confusion Anger Resentment Protective of your habit Fear Anxiety Depression 7. **Put the behavior in context.** In some cultures, pica may be a part of everyday life. For example, certain religions and ethnic groups eat clay as a way to treat intestinal issues. However, if eating nonfood items is not a part of your culture or is an inappropriate for the person’s age or developmental stage, it may indicate pica. Be aware that pica is common in individuals with intellectual disabilities, autism, other developmental disabilities, or differences in the brain. If a person with any of these conditions is showing signs of pica, talk to them about what they’ve been eating. You may get the answer simply by asking. Seek medical attention to help you deal with potential pica in a person with developmental disabilities. 8. **Be aware of risk factors.** Pica can affect persons of any age and gender. However, some people may be more susceptible to it. Recognizing your risk factors may help minimize your risk of developing pica. Risk factors include: Trichotillomania, or hair pulling disorder Excoriation, or skin picking disorder Nutritional deficiencies Dieting Parental neglect such as food deprivation or lack of supervision Mental health conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and schizophrenia Intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism Pregnancy 9. **Recognize complications of pica.** Many people with pica may eat seemingly harmless substances such as ice. But in other cases, eating non-food items constantly can result in severe medical conditions and even death. Some of the complications of pica include: Depression and anxiety Problems with growth and development Social and relationship problems Substance use disorders Problems at work or school Lead poisoning Parasitic infections Tooth and mouth injuries Complications from lead poisoning Intestinal poisoning Intestinal blockages and/or perforation 10. **Seek medical attention.** If your child consumed a harmful substance, seek medical care immediately. If you or another person are at risk for pica and suspect or recognize that you have the disorder, it’s important to see your doctor as soon as possible. Your healthcare provider can check for anemia or other nutritional deficiencies as well as screen for lead poisoning and parasites. Children 2 years old or younger who live in locations where at least one third of the houses were built before 1950 are especially vulnerable and therefore should be screened for lead. Getting medical treatment for pica can help prevent serious further medical conditions. Be aware that an eating disorder like pica can be difficult to manage on your own. Medical attention is the best way to get your pica under control. Tell your doctor about your problem honestly, even if it is embarrassing. This can help your doctor develop an accurate diagnosis and treatment program for you. Remember, a doctor is not there to judge, but help you. Recognize that your doctor may suggest treatment that includes therapies to remove toxic substances from your body or correct nutritional deficiencies. Your doctor may also suggest meeting with a psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, or dentist to treat underlying causes.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Make Candied Violets?,"Candied violets were a candy delicacy of the nineteenth century. Today, they are still a delicacy and are perfect for serving in country café, home afternoon teas and in candy stores. 1. **Wash the flowers very gently.** Use a gentle water spray with the violets sitting in a sieve. Leave the stems on the violets to allow for ease of handling when preparing the flowers. 2. **Allow to dry by leaving on a kitchen paper towel, wire cake rack or sheet of plastic wrap.** 3. **Allow the egg white to warm to room temperature.** 4. **Use a fine brush to paint each flower with the egg white.** Make sure to cover each flower completely. Do this over a piece of greaseproof paper or plastic wrap to collect drips. 5. **Dust each egg-white-coated flower in a sprinkling of fine sugar.** Make sure that each flower is well covered in sugar. 6. **Remove the stems.** Using fine scissors, snip the stems off. 7. **Lay the sugar-coated flowers out on greaseproof paper or baking paper to set.** It helps if the paper is sitting over a wire cake rack or chopping board, to make moving the flowers around easier. Move the flowers to a warm and dry place to set. 8. **Allow the flowers to dry for at least 24 hours, or longer.** 9. **Heat the sugar and water until sugar is completely dissolved.** Add the extract or rose water at the time when you are dissolving the sugar. 10. **Dip each flower in liquid sugar mixture with a pair of tweezers.** Set on wax coated paper and dust with extra-fine sugar. Make sure that each flower is well covered in sugar. 11. **Remove the stems.** Using fine scissors, snip the stems off. 12. **Lay the sugar-coated flowers out on wax paper to set.** Move the flowers to a cool and dry place to set. 13. **Allow the flowers to dry.** 14. **Store once dried.** Store in an airtight glass container. If you need to layer the flowers, place a layer of baking paper between each layer to prevent the candied violets from sticking together. Keep in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. 15. **Serve.** The candied violets are ready for serving any time wanted. They are great as a treat on their own or as a garnish next to a slice of cake and coulis.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Understand Horse Communication.,"Have you ever wondered what a horse is trying to say to you, or maybe to another horse? Horses use their body language and vocalizations to communicate with each other and to the people around them. All good horse training requires a thorough understanding of horse behavior and language to achieve successful and caring outcomes. Understanding your horse’s behavior and language will help you relate to your horse in a much more meaningful way and will deepen the bond between you and your horse. 1. **Look at your horse’s eyes.** Paying attention to your horse’s eyes will help you understand how your horse is feeling (eg, alert, sleepy) at any given moment. Keep in mind that a horse’s vision is different from that of a person. For example, horses have a panoramic view of their environment (like a panoramic camera); because they are prey animals in the wild, it is important for them to have a wide view of their surrounding environment. Horses can also have poor depth perception, meaning that they cannot always perceive how deep or shallow something is; what we see as a shallow puddle may look like a bottomless pit to your horse. If your horse’s eyes are bright and wide open, this means that your horse is alert and aware of his surroundings. Eyes that are open only halfway indicate a sleepy horse. If both of your horse’s eyes are shut, your horse is sleeping. If only one eye is open, it is possible that something is wrong with the other eye. You may need to call your veterinarian to determine why the other eye is closed. Sometimes your horse will move his head in different directions to get a better of view of his surroundings. 2. **Observe how your horse’s ears are positioned.** Horses will hold their ears in different ways to pick up different signals from their environment and indicate how they feel about what’s going on around them. Horses can move both their ears at one time, or move them individually. Ears that are slightly forward indicate that a horse is relaxed. If your horse’s ears are pricked forward, he may be feeling interested in, or maybe even threatened by, his environment. If his ears indicate that he is feeling threatened, his nostrils will flare and his eyes will widen. Ears that are flattened back are a clear sign that your horse is upset. If you are near your horse when you see this, move a safe distance away to protect yourself from injury. If one ear is back, then your horse is likely listening to something behind him. If your horse’s ears are to the side, that means that he is concentrating yet relaxed. 3. **Watch your horse’s facial expressions.** Horses can make a variety of facial expressions in response to their environment. Often, changes in a horse’s facial expression accompany other changes in body language. Your horse’s chin and/or mouth will droop when he’s feeling relaxed or sleepy. A curl of the upper lip indicates the flehmen response. Although this looks funny to people, the flehmen response is a useful way for horses to interpret unfamiliar scents in their environment. In order to display the flehmen response, your horse will extend his neck, raise his head, inhale, and roll his upper lip back and under itself; your horse's upper teeth and gums will be exposed when he does this. Foals, weanlings (recently weaned from their mother), and submissive yearlings will clack their teeth to make sure that older horses don’t hurt them. They’ll do this by first raising their neck and pushing out their head. They will then curl their upper and lower lips to expose all of their teeth, and repeatedly click their teeth together. You will hear a small clicking noise if your horse does this. 4. **Observe what your horse is doing with his legs.** Horses will use their back and front legs in different ways to indicate how they are feeling. Horses can inflict serious injury with their legs, so understanding how your horse uses his legs to communicate will be very important for your personal safety. Your horse will paw or stamp the ground with his front legs when he is feeling impatient, frustrated, or uncomfortable. Splayed (spread out) front legs indicates that your horse is getting ready to run or bolt. It could also mean that your horse has medical issues that prevents him from standing properly; your veterinarian will be needed to diagnose the underlying cause. Lifting either one front leg or back leg signals a threat. If you see your horse doing this, step back to a safe distance; a horse kick can cause serious injury. Your horse may cock his back leg by resting the front edge of his hoof on the ground and lowering his hip. This indicates that he is relaxed. Your horse will sometimes engage in Bucking behavior, which is when he raises his back legs in the air. This is often playful behavior (sometimes accompanied by grunting and squealing), but can also indicate uncertainty and fear, especially if he's being ridden for the first time. Rearing up is another dual-sided behavior. It can signal playfulness in foals in the field but, if it is an angry stallion in fight mode, it can be a sign of fear when the horse cannot escape the situation. 5. **Look at your horse’s overall posture.** You can understand how your horse is feeling by looking at him as a whole to see how he moves and stands. For example, if your horse’s back is raised, he could be sore from having the saddle on him for a long time. Rigid muscles and stiff movements can mean that your horse is nervous, stressed, or in pain. If you are not sure why your horse looks rigid or stiff, your veterinarian can conduct various behavioral and medical tests (dental exam, lameness exam) to determine the cause. Trembling is a sign of fear. Your horse may tremble to the point of wanting to run or fight. If he does this, give him plenty of space and time to calm down. He may also need to be desensitized to his fear; an experienced veterinary behaviorist can help your horse overcome his fear. Your horse may swing his hindquarters to indicate that he’s getting ready to kick; move away quickly if he starts doing this. If your horse is female, she may swing her hindquarters to indicate that she is in heat and trying to get the attention of a male horse. 6. **Listen to what noises your horse makes.** Horses have a range of noises that they will make to communicate different things. Understanding what these different noises mean will help you better understand what your horse is trying to communicate with you and other horses. Your horse will neigh for several reasons. He may neigh to indicate anxiety or distress; this will be a very high-pitched sound and could be accompanied by a lowered tail and flickering ears. He may also neigh to acknowledge his presence. A confident neigh will sound like a bugle and will be accompanied by a slightly lifted tail, forward-pricked ears. A nicker is a soft, throaty sound. To make this sound, your horse will keep his mouth closed while producing the sound from his vocal chords. A mare will sometime use this sound with her foal. Your horse may also make this sound when he knows that it’s almost feeding time. This is usually a friendly sound. Squeals can be a display of threat. Two horses who are meeting each other for the first time may squeal at each other. Squeals can also be a sign of playfulness, such as when your horse is bucking. Your horse will snort by inhaling quickly and then exhaling through his nose. With this sound, he could be signaling that he is alarmed when another animal has come too close to him. He could also be indicating that he's excited about something. Be aware that the act of snorting can get horses worked up; you may need to calm him down if this happens. Just like people, your horse will sigh to express relief and relaxation. The sighs are different for each each emotion: relief–deep inhale, then a slow exhale through the nose or mouth; relaxation–lowered head with an exhalation that makes a fluttering noise. Groans can indicate different things. For example, your horse may groan if he's in pain during riding (eg, landing hard after a jumping a fence, his rider thuds heavily in the saddle). He might also groan when he's happily exercising without pain. Groaning could also indicate more serious medical issues, such as constipation or gastric pain due to ulcers. If you have trouble determine why your horse is groaning, consult a horse expert. 7. **Watch how your horse has his head positioned.** As with other parts of the horse’s body, your horse will move his head in different ways depending on how he’s feeling. The position of his head signals a variety of moods. If your horse is holding his head high, he is showing that he is alert and curious. A lowered head could mean several different things. It could mean that your horse has accepted a particular situation or command. It could also mean that your horse is depressed, which could require additional workup from your veterinarian. If your horse is snaking his head (lowering his head slightly and moving his neck from side to side), he is showing signs of aggression. If possible, remove your horse from whatever is aggravating him. If you cannot do this safely, move as far back from your horse as you can until he calms down. If he is walking or running while doing this, he is a leader trying to move his herd. Know that when he does this to people, he sees them as lower and himself as a leader. Your horse may turn his head to look back at its flank, which could signal abdominal discomfort or just an itch. This is not a cause for concern unless it is repeated and seems to be accompanied by biting. 8. **Observe how your horse moves his tail.** Your horse will swish his tail for reasons than swatting away flies or insects. Although natural tail position can vary by breed, there are some tail positions that are common across breeds. In addition to swatting away bothersome pests, tail swishing can also indicate agitation and can be a warning for other horses to keep their distance. If your horse is agitated, he will swish his tail more quickly and aggressively than if he was swatting away pests. Doing this while walking away from a horse that has moved in means they have surrendered to a leader, but are not happy about it. Your horse will often raise his tail when he is feeling happy and alert. In foals, a tail held high over the back can indicate either playfulness or alarm. If your horse’s tail is clamped down, your horse may be experiencing some discomfort, such as a fly on his underside or may be uncomfortable with your actions. 9. **Observe how your horse's neck looks and feels.** Your horse will hold his neck in different ways to convey whether he's feeling tense, relaxed, etc. Knowing these different neck positions will help you better understand your horse's body language. If your horse's neck is stretched out and the muscles under his neck feel loose, this can indicate that he is relaxed and happy. If the muscles under your horse's neck feel tense, your horse probably feel stressed and unhappy.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Can a Cancer and Libra Date.,"Can the introverted Cancer break out of their shell to date the adventurous Libra? The moody Crab and effervescent Scales have different approaches to life, but they actually have more in common than you’d think. We’ve consulted astrology experts to get the full scoop on Cancer-Libra compatibility. Read on for our comprehensive guide!This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here. 1. **Both signs value commitment and want to make their partner happy.** They may have a hard time understanding each other at first, but that’s part of the intrigue. Cancer and Libra are square on the zodiac wheel (90 degrees apart), which means it will be a fun challenge to learn about each other’s different points of view. Libra will be drawn to Cancer’s calm and steady presence, and Cancer will love Libra’s sense of fun. Cancer and Libra are both cardinal signs, meaning they don’t shy away from initiation and innovation. They’re willing to experiment with new things to make their relationship work. Cancer is a moody water sign ruled by the moon (which governs emotions) who craves emotional closeness above all else. Libra is an intellectual air sign governed by Venus (the planet of love) who needs plenty of novelty and excitement to feel fulfilled. 2. **Cancer is prone to mood swings while Libra craves balance and peace.** As a water sign, Cancer needs to express their feelings and feel like their emotional needs are met. This can irritate Libra, who doesn’t like when people “rock the boat."" They do want their partner to be happy though, so they'll constantly try to balance things. Both signs can hold grudge when they feel disregarded. Cancer and Libra need to communicate openly to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Libra is the glass-half-full ray of sunshine Cancer needs. Cancer tends to be melancholy, and Libra is attracted to the opportunity to raise their spirits. Libras thrive when they can balance their energy with their partner’s and diplomatically solve a tense situation. In this way, they often find themselves through their partner. 3. **Libra and Cancer can trust each other to commit to their relationship.** Neither sign is quick to give up on their partner when things get tough. However, Libra is a natural social butterfly and all sorts of people are drawn to them. Possessive Cancer may get jealous when they see Libra being the life of the party. Cancer will have to learn to be more secure and Libra will have to reassure their partner frequently to avoid an argument. Trust between these two blooms when Libra’s compromising nature and Cancer’s supportive and caring persona connect to build a strong relationship. 4. **Cancer and Libra are both intelligent and will have lots to talk about.** They’re an especially effective team when it comes to creative projects and problem-solving. Co-planning can be a challenge, however. Practical Cancer believes in getting things done, whereas Libra is more of an ideas person. Travel is a great bonding activity since Cancer has a secret desire to travel the world and Libra needs to see and try new things. Finding activities they both enjoy is a challenge. Nostalgic Cancer likes traditional things, whereas Libra craves new experiences and novelty. Socially, Cancer is a homebody while Libra thrives in large groups. Libra needs to reassure insecure Cancer and give them lots of attention in public. This couple’s elegance, grace, and intelligence will shine at any social gathering or party they attend together. 5. **Libra will lay the flirting on thick to get Cancer’s attention.** Libra is one of the best flirters in the zodiac and they’re most likely to make the first move on the more reserved Cancer (who will probably feel overwhelmed by Libra’s charm). The first date might be a little awkward—Libra has no problem being outspoken and sharing opinions freely, but Cancer is less likely to open up at the same pace. As they get to know each other, they’ll grow to value and learn from these differences and their conversations will become more free. Both signs have a love of nice things and gourmet food. A nice restaurant would make a great first date location. 6. **Cancer calls it like it is, but Libra tends to sweep things under the rug.** Cancer’s direct communication style is shocking to Libra, who likes to stay non-confrontational to keep the peace. This can make sensitive Cancer feel insecure if they suspect their Libra isn’t being fully honest with them. Thankfully, both signs can be very patient with each other and reach an understanding. When Cancer has space to let their feelings out and Libra can talk things out, there’s nothing they won’t be able to communicate about. Cancer can tell when Libra is acting evasive. A Libra won’t come out and say what’s on their mind, but they’ll stay incredibly polite and detached until the drama has passed. 7. **If they get on the same page, their physical relationship can be next level.** Cancer needs a strong emotional connection to fully enjoy intimacy and they prefer to take things slow in the bedroom. Libra is fast-paced and develops a stronger bond after they’ve experienced a physical relationship (they’re also more likely to have more past partners, which might make Cancer feel insecure). On the upside, this tension can ignite a striking passion. When both signs are open to trying new things to please each other, they’re in for a fulfilling, exciting time. Sex between Cancer and Libra feels more natural when they ease in from a position of friendship since they’ll have the familiarity they both need. 8. **Cancer and Libra definitely have what it takes to date successfully.** It might be hard to find common ground at first, but their mutual need and respect for loyalty, trust, and a fulfilling connection will inspire them to make it work. They should make an effort to get to know each other and give themselves plenty of time to consider a partnership before writing it off. When Cancer and Libra date, there’s no end to the fun, discovery, closeness, and rewards they can find. Libra should focus on honesty to communicate their needs and feelings clearly. They also should learn not to take Cancer’s blunt honesty very personally. Cancer should keep their cool during mood swings since Libra appreciates balance. The more flexible they are, the more fun they'll experience with Libra.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Use a Charcoal Smoker.,"A charcoal smoker is a great way to cook tender, delicious meat that is full of flavor. Smoking is a little different from grilling in that the goal is to cook the meat with indirect heat. The way you set up the charcoal is important, as well as adding water to keep the meat moist. Making adjustments as the meat cooks ensures the temperature of the smoker stays in the sweet spot, which is about 220℉ (104℃) and no higher than 250℉ (121℃). 1. **Heat the charcoal in a chimney first.** A charcoal chimney is a metal cylinder which is used to get charcoal burning before adding it to a grill or smoker. Visit your local hardware store or look for a chimney online. Add the charcoal to the chimney and light it. Let it sit for about 15 minutes. The chimney will have its own instructions which you can follow to make sure the charcoal is lit properly. If you don’t want to invest in a charcoal chimney, it’s still important to heat the charcoal up in the smoker before you add the meat. 2. **Add the hot charcoal to the smoker.** On one side of the smoker, make a pile of unlit charcoal chunks. Slowly pour the hot charcoal on top of the unlit charcoal. It’s important to set the charcoal up on one side of the smoker and then put the meat on the other side. Arranging your coals on one side and the meat on the other side of the smoker allows the meat to cook with indirect heat and smoke rather than with direct heat. Other options include setting piles of charcoal on both sides of the smoker and placing the meat in between them or making a circle of charcoal around the outside with meat in the middle. 3. **Enhance the smoke with wood chunks.** Wood chunks and chips are used to give meat greater flavor. Chunks work better because they smolder for longer. Oak, apple, cherry and hickory woods are often used in smokers. Place the wood in the chimney with the charcoal, but set it off to the side of the charcoal when you add it to the smoker. Other woods can be used, but stick to hardwoods. Softwoods create a sooty smoke and will ruin the flavor of your meat. 4. **Fill the water pan 3/4 full with cold water.** Smokers have a water pan included, but grills generally do not. Use a foil baking pan if you don’t have a water pan. The water pan sits in the center section of the smoker, or on the grate opposite the meat in a grill. Without the water pan, you won't get as much vapor, which helps to evenly cook your meat and vegetables. Cold water is helpful to offset the initially higher temperature of the grill. The water helps regulate the temperature down to where you want it for the best smoking. 5. **Place the food on the grate.** If your smoker has more than one grate, put the smaller items and vegetables on the top grate. The top grate gets less heat than the lower one. Distribute the larger pieces of meat on the bottom or lower grate. 6. **Set the lid on the smoker so the vents are positioned above the meat.** You’re creating a flow of air through the smoker, so you want the vent to be right over the meat. By doing this, you set it up so the smoke is pulled through the smoker, and it wafts right over the meat before it exits. 7. **Open the bottom and top vents.** Your smoker should have a lower vent, which lets air into the chamber, and a lid vent, which lets the smoker out. Regulate the temperature with the lower vent, depending on the what the smoker needs. If the fire is dying, open the lower vent more. If the temperature is getting too high, close it a little. Generally, the top (exhaust) vent should be left open the whole time. Only close it if adjusting the bottom vent does not change the temp the way you need it to. 8. **Keep the temperature of the smoker steady.** The ideal smoker temperature is about 220℉ (104℃), but don’t let it exceed 250℉ (121℃). You can increase the temperature by adding new coals to the charcoal pile. Reduce the temperature, if necessary, by closing the lower vent a little. This allows less oxygen to enter the smoker. If your smoker doesn’t have a temperature gauge, stick the probe of an oven thermometer through a hole in the lid vent. 9. **Leave the lid on the smoker.** Every time you take the lid off, smoke and heat escape. The best meat comes from a smoker with an even, consistent temperature. Only take the lid off if you need to add charcoal or add water to the water pan. It’s okay to check on the meat to see how it is cooking and make sure there’s enough coals, but only do this once an hour or so. Smoking is a slow and steady process. Smoking is a fairly hands off process, so rest assured that the meat is cooking without you checking it all the time. 10. **Keep a second set of live coals going and add them as necessary.** If the temperature inside the smoker is starting to cool, and adjusting the lower vent doesn’t help, add more coals. It is helpful to keep an extra set of coals hot in the chimney in case you need to add them to the smoker. This works better than adding unlit charcoal on top of the spent coals. If you don’t have a chimney, use a foil baking pan to keep some extra coals hot. 11. **Cook most meats for about 4 hours at 220°F (104°C).** Smoking is not an exact science. The amount of meat you’re cooking, the type of meat, and other factors affect the time it will take to get the perfect cook. Longer times at lower temperatures generally makes the meat more tender. There is a point where you've smoked meat for too long. If it cooks so long that it becomes tough all the way through, you'll realize you've cooked it for too long. 12. **Smoke seasoned barbecue pork chops.** Rub some pork chops with salt, black pepper, brown sugar, thyme, onion powder and cayenne. Let them soak in the spices for a few hours. Then, with your smoker heated to about 275°F (135°C), smoke the chops for 1 hour and ten minutes. Intensify the flavor by adding applewood chips to the coals while you smoke the meat. Smother the pork chops in barbecue sauce before you serve them. 13. **Make beer can chicken.** Use a whole, raw chicken and smoke it with an open can of beer or soda inserted opening first into the chicken. Stand the chicken upright so the beer moistens it but doesn't spill. Smoke the chicken for 1 1/2 to 3 hours, depending on how much time you have. Add other seasonings like garlic, peppercorn, and lime juice to the can of beer. Be sure to set the chicken to the side of the live coals, rather than directly over them. 14. **Smoke simple BBQ ribs.** Choose St. Louis cut spare ribs. Marinate the ribs in your favorite BBQ sauce. Smoke the ribs for about 3 hours at 225°F (107°C). Then wrap the ribs in foil and smoke them for another 2 hours. Unwrap the ribs and smoke for 1 more hour for delicious, pull-apart ribs.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Take Action to Reduce Air Pollution.,"Smog now darkens the sky in cities the world over, and the World Health Organization estimates that 90% of people breathe polluted air. Pollutants are hazardous to human and environmental health. So how can you personally clean up the air? You might be surprised to learn how much your efforts can help. Keep reading to learn actions you can take to reduce your contribution. 1. **Question car culture.** Industrial manufacturing practices are the primary reason the earth's air is polluted, but car-related pollution is the next biggest culprit. The manufacturing of cars and roads, the production of fuel, and the emissions that result from burning that fuel all play a part. Since many cities are laid out in such a way that driving is almost a necessity, it can be hard to determine the best way to combat this problem. No matter where you live, you can take action by finding creative ways to be less dependent on cars. It may not be practical to give up your car entirely, but you can still take action by reducing your use of your car. For example, instead of driving to the grocery store every other day, make one trip every week or week and a half, stocking up on everything you need all at once. Carpooling with your neighbors or signing up for a car share program are also great ways to reduce your car use. 2. **Take the bus, subway or train.** If you live in New York City you're probably already used to taking mass transit wherever you go, but big cities aren't the only places that offer public transportation. Get familiar with your city or town's bus or train routes, and start replacing your car commute with a bus trip at least once a week. Work up to using public transportation as often as possible, only using your car when you can't figure out a good alternative. Taking a bus or train to work, school or any other activity has a lot of advantages. Aside from doing your part to reduce air pollution, you'll have extra time to read, knit, do crosswords, or people watch. Taking public transportation is also safer than driving, and will probably help reduce your anxiety level since you won't have to deal with rush hour traffic. 3. **Try walking or biking.** Even better than taking public transportation is using your own energy to propel you where you want to go. You can probably walk to locations that are within a five minute drive of your house - and if you're adventurous and have the time, you may want to walk even further. If you're lucky enough to live in a place with good bike routes, start using them. In places with heavy traffic, biking can be the fastest way to get around. 4. **Keep your car in good condition.** Get your car tuned up frequently and make sure it passes your city's smog test with flying colors. There are a few other things you can do to help your car make as small a dent as possible: Use an energy-conserving motor grade oil. Fill your gas tank in the early morning or late evening, when it's cool outside. This helps prevent as much gas from evaporating in the heat of the day. Take care not to let gas spill when you fill your tank. Instead of letting your car idle in long lines at fast food restaurants and bank drive-thrus, park your car and walk inside. Inflate your car’s tires to the recommended pressure. This will produce the best performance for your car and reduces fuel usage. 5. **Purchase a vehicle carbon offset for your car.** You may need to use a passenger vehicle to get around, which releases greenhouse gasses. You can still balance out your car's emissions by purchasing a carbon offset. Carbon offsets typically pay for environmental projects that reduce air pollution to balance out pollutants. Pick a vehicle carbon offset based on your car's fuel economy. You can buy carbon offsets from environmental organizations. 6. **Make it rather than buy it.** Use raw ingredients to make as many things as possible, instead of buying them at the store, is a great way to help reduce air pollution. That's because the practice of mass-producing, packaging, and shipping goods to make them readily available to consumers is directly responsible for industrial emissions that pollute the air. Take a look around your house and figure out items you could make instead of buying. Here are a few ideas: Food, of course! If you tend to buy a lot of pre-packaged food, then making your meals from scratch is a good place to start. Eliminating convenience foods and creating dishes with raw ingredients is healthier and better for the environment. For example, if you love spaghetti, make your sauce from raw tomatoes and garlic rather than buying a can of pre-made sauce. You can make your own pasta, too! Did you know you can make your own household cleaners? Instead of buying dish soap, laundry detergent and bathtub cleaner, make your own using nontoxic ingredients. Store your concoctions in glass jars. The same goes for homemade shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant and lip balm. Clothing is a bit trickier to make on your own, but if you're feeling ambitious and want to give it a try, start with basics like shirts and pants. If you're interested in becoming a full-time maker, look into the art of homesteading. Soon you'll be growing the tomatoes and garlic you need to make that sauce. 7. **Shop locally.** When you do need to buy something instead of making it, try to buy items that are made and sold locally. You'll probably have better luck at locally-owned stores, rather than commercial stores, which tend to get their wares shipped in from all over the world, greatly contributing to air pollution. Here are some strategies for buying local: Shop at farmer's markets. This is the best way to shop for food grown and sold locally. Check the tags of clothing items. Try to buy items that were manufactured close to where you live. Though it can be quite expensive, consider buying items that were handmade by someone living close to you. If this isn't an option, getting secondhand clothes is another good way to cut down on consumption. Don't buy stuff online. Getting a book or clothing item online is extremely easy on the consumer's end, but think about the boats, planes and trucks required to deliver that item to your door. It should be something you only do sparingly. 8. **Choose less packaging.** The plastic, foil and cardboard used in packaging is manufactured using practices that negatively impact air quality. No matter what you're shopping for, try to choose items that have less packaging. For example, instead of choosing a box of individually-wrapped granola bars, try making your own at home or buying granola bars from a bakery where they don't come wrapped in foil. If that's not an option, go for the items that come in recyclable packaging. Take your own cloth shopping bag to the store instead of choosing paper or plastic. Shop in the bulk food section instead of buying individually packaged items. Buy loose, fresh produce instead of canned or frozen produce. Buy extra large containers of items you use often so you don't have to purchase many smaller containers. 9. **Reuse, recycle, and compost.** Managing your household waste effectively is another good way to reduce air pollution. Reusing, recycling and composting can have a big effect on your garbage output, which means less trash going into the landfills - big sources of air pollution. Try to buy items that come in glass containers so you can reuse them over and over again. Plastic is reusable, too, but be careful reusing it too often to store food, since chemicals can leach from the plastic into the food over time. Recycle your plastic, paper, aluminum, and other recyclables according to your city's guidelines. Make a compost pile in your yard, into which you can throw your vegetable peelings and other food scraps. After you've tended your pile for a few months, you'll have rich, black compost you can use to feed your garden. 10. **Use environmentally safe paints and cleaning products whenever possible.** Such paints and cleaning products emit less smog-producing particles to the air and are better for your breathing health too. Follow manufacturers’ recommendations to use and properly seal cleaners, paints, and other chemicals. Carefully following the instructions ensures that smog-forming chemicals can’t evaporate. 11. ** Reduce the use of lights and appliances** You've heard it a million times: turn off the lights when you leave a room, and don't leave the TV on all day! These small actions are more important than ever when it comes to reducing air pollution, since the electricity that runs your lights and appliances is generated by emissions-producing coal or natural gas plants. Here are a few more ideas for cutting back on the energy your household uses on a daily basis: Take advantage of natural light. Set up your work or study space near a window that gets bright light all day, so you won't have to switch the lights on. Have one room in the house be the ""bright room"" at night, rather than lighting up the whole house all the time. Your family can gather in the brightest room to read, study, or watch a movie before bedtime, rather than spreading out. Unplug your appliances when you aren't using them. That goes for big appliances as well as small ones - TVs, computers, toasters, coffee makers, etc. Even a phone charger left plugged in can sap energy all day long. Replace outdated large appliances with models that are designed to conserve energy. Buy your electricity from low or zero pollution facilities. Look into the options available in your area. 12. **Rethink your heating and cooling habits.** Try to allow your body to acclimate to the changing seasons instead of using your heater and air conditioner to keep the temperature steady all year long. Blasting the heat and air is a major drain on energy, so break out your hand fans and warm sweaters to help you adjust to weather changes rather than relying on your thermostat. When you're at work or away on a weekend trip, make sure to adjust your thermostat so that it's not pumping in cool or hot air the entire time you're away. 13. **Don't take long hot showers or baths.** Heating water requires a lot of energy, so being mindful of how much hot water you use is an important practice. You can start by taking shorter showers and skipping baths, since both require an abundance of hot water. Turn your water heater to 120 °F (49 °C), so that the water never heats beyond that temperature. Use the cool setting on your washing machine. 14. **Educate yourself.** Different regions have different air pollution issues. There may be a factory nearby that's polluting the air in your city, or perhaps the local landfill is the main culprit in your area. To understand how you can best take action to reduce air pollution in your area, do some research to find out what the major sources are. Look online, read the newspaper, and ask around for information. If you're in school, your teachers might be able to point you in the right direction. Start talking about air pollution with people in your life, instead of glossing over the problem. Discussing the issue could lead to bright ideas or courses of action you wouldn't have thought up on your own. Calculate your carbon footprint here. 15. ** Plant trees** Trees reduce air pollution, and planting them is one of the most concrete, satisfying actions you can take to help the air quality in your region. Trees produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, which they turn into food. Find out what types of trees are best to plant in your area, and take action! Many cities have programs geared toward planting trees, like New York's MillionTreesNYC. Find out if there's a similar program where you live. If you can't plant a tree yourself, partner with an environmental organization that can plant trees on your behalf, such as the Foundation. 16. **Join a group working to fight air pollution.** Individuals can take steps to reduce air pollution in their daily lives, but the ultimate solution will involve changing governmental policies regarding industrial emissions. If you're passionate about taking action to reduce air pollution, consider joining an organization whose goal is to do exactly that. You'll learn more about the education and experience you need to help bring about lasting change and reduce air pollution where you live.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Make Wooden Rings?,"A hand-crafted wooden ring is a rustic yet regal accessory that makes a bold statement, and only takes a few dollars to create. To fashion your own wooden rings, all you need is a block of dense scrap wood, along with access to a drill press, vice, and Dremel tool or automated belt sander. After marking and drilling a hole in your raw materials using one of your own rings as a guide, you'll gradually sand the wood until it begins to take shape. Then, follow up with one more light sanding to bevel the edges and work out any remaining rough spots. Finish by applying a coat of beeswax or a natural oil to protect the wood from damage and impart a smooth, polished luster. 1. **Choose a strong, dense wood.** Since the finished ring needs to be fairly thin, it’s important to pick out a type of wood that can hold up to intensive sawing, drilling, and sanding. Rich species African Padauk, mahogany, cocobolo and Brazilian walnut are good choices for this sort of project. As a general rule, the darker the color, the more resilient the wood will be. Softer woods are more likely to crack or splinter during the shaping process. Look for sample wood billets at local stores that specialize in home improvement and woodworking. A large piece of scrap wood will typically only cost you a few dollars—if you’re lucky, you might even be able to find some for free. 2. **Mark a 1⅜” (3.5 cm) square on the block.** Measure 1⅜” (3.5 cm) from the end of the scrap wood, then draw a line straight down the width with a pencil. This line indicates where you’ll be cutting the square blank that will serve as the raw material for your ring. If the piece of scrap wood you’re using is larger than 1⅜” (3.5 cm), it may be necessary to measure and mark both vertically and horizontally. 3. **Saw the blank off the block.** Use a bandsaw or circular saw to cut along the line you just drew. Be sure to saw the wood across the grain, not with it. Otherwise, your ring will be structurally unsound and may break before you’re finished. When you’re done, you’ll be left with a flat, slender square similar in appearance to a drink coaster. This square block of wood is commonly referred to as a ""blank."" You'll transform the blank to a finished ring through repeated sanding and shaping. If you don’t have access to a power saw, you can also do it the old fashioned way using a handsaw, though this will require more time and labor due to the density of the wood. 4. **Mark the blank where the finger hole will go.** Take your pencil or a felt-tipped marker and scribble a small, bold dot at the center of the wooden square. This is where you’ll place the tip of the drill bit to carve out the ring’s finger hole. Don’t worry about getting the placement just right—you’ll be removing a lot of excess material from the outer edges, so you’ll have plenty of room for error. 5. **Select a drill bit slightly narrower than your ring finger.** You’ll get the best results using a wood bore or spade bit with a flared tip. Compare the width of the bit with the diameter of your ring finger for reference. It should be just slightly narrower than your finger. The pointed tip of the drill bit will mark the placement of the finger hole, while the angled corners bore out the outer edges of the ring. To be certain that the ring will come out the right size, take one of your own rings and slide the bit inside. It should be able to fit without touching. 6. **Secure the blank in a vice or C-clamp.** Situate the wood widthwise so that the dot you made to mark the finger hole is facing upwards, then twist the hand crank or dial clockwise to tighten the clamps. This will help hold the blank in place so you can concentrate on drilling. If you don't have access to a vice or C-clamp, try using a pair of pliers to grip the outermost edge of the wood. Under no circumstances should you attempt to hold the blank by hand. 7. **Drill halfway through the blank.** Position the tip of the bit over the dot in the center of the wood and turn on the drill. Apply a modest amount of pressure—you don’t want to drill all the way through just yet. Stop drilling when you’ve opened up a small hole with a shallow circle carved around it. Drilling straight through a piece of wood with a spade bit can result in splintering. 8. **Turn the blank over and finish drilling the hole.** Remove the blank from the vice or clamp, flip it over, and resecure it. Double check that the drill bit tip is aligned with the hole. Then, repeat the drilling process from the opposite side, guiding the drill steadily until it bores the rest of the way through. By drilling halfway through the blank at a time, you can minimize the risk of chipping or breaking your materials. 9. **Sand the inside of the finger hole.** Switch on your Dremel tool and insert the rotary head into the hole to buff the surface that will rest against your finger. You can also touch it up with a folded square of sandpaper. The inner face should be totally smooth, with no visible points or edges that could scratch you. If you take the manual approach, start with a medium-grit sandpaper (around 80 grit) and follow it up with a few passes with a high-grit one (100-120 grit) to get the most seamless texture. Hold off on testing the ring’s fit until you’ve sanded it thoroughly. Being impatient to try it on is a good way to get splinters! 10. **Draw a ring shape around the circumference of the hole.** Grab your pencil or marker and free-hand a circle roughly 2-3mm larger than the inside edge of the ring. Together, the two circles will determine the ring’s thickness. Don’t worry about making this circle too perfect, as you’ll be sanding it into the proper shape later on. For more precise dimensions, try tracing with the aid of a scribing compass. Due to the risk of breakage, it’s not recommended that you go any thinner than about 2mm. 11. **Cut off the squared corners of the blank.** Draw a short line across each corner where it intersects with the edge of the outer circle. Then, clamp the ring to your work surface and use a pull saw to cut off the corners. If you have a jig that can secure little pieces like the blank, you could trim the corners with a band saw or table saw. This will leave the blank with a rough octagonal shape. Measure, mark, and saw the corners carefully to avoid cutting into the body of the ring. Wear safety goggles, make sure the ring is secure in the clamp or jig, and be really careful when cutting off the corners of the blank. 12. **Sand the ring into its finished shape.** Hold the outer edge of the blank lightly against the Dremel tool or belt sander. Rotate the wood gradually to ensure that the band turns out as even and symmetrical as possible. Continue sanding down the blank little by little, using the circular outline as a guide. Be careful not to bear down too hard—remember, you can always sand off more if needed, but you can’t put it back on. Work carefully and be patient. Shaping is the most time-consuming part of the process, and it may take a little while for you to end up with a ring you’re happy with. 13. **Bevel the edges of the ring.** Once you’re satisfied with the basic shape of your ring, tilt it at a 30-45 degree angle and press it gently into the sander or Dremel. Rotate the ring until you’ve sanded down the entire circumference, then turn it over and smooth the opposite side. Once again, be careful not to remove too much wood from the edges of the ring. Doing your sanding by hand will offer you greater control over how much material you’re taking off if you’re concerned about damaging the ring after all the hard work you’ve put into it. Beveling wears down the squared corners, making the ring more comfortable to slide on and off. 14. **Heat temper the ring to strengthen the wood (optional).** While it’s not a necessity, a few quick passes with a heating gun can provide added durability and a more customized fit. Set the ring on a heat-safe surface and position the nozzle of the gun 6 inches (15 cm) above it. Wave the gun back and forth slowly until the wood just begin to smoke or darken around the edges. Exposure to intense heat will cause the fibers in the wood to draw up, making them stronger. 15. **Apply a coat of oil or wax to preserve the wood finish.** Dab a small amount of beeswax or linseed, walnut, or tung oil onto a clean cloth and rub it over the completed ring inside and out. Wipe off any excess oil or wax and give the finish a few minutes to dry before trying on your new ring. Once it’s been treated, you’ll be able to wear it fearlessly in virtually any set of conditions. Waxes and oils act as a natural buffer against dirt, moisture, and scratches, and will keep your ring from cracking or splitting over time. No need to worry if you’re unable to track down a fancy finish—the natural oils secreted by your skin will coat the ring with enough wear.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Write a News Report?,"A news report is similar to a news article. It is the basic facts of a story that is currently happening or that just happened. Writing a news report is easy if you report on the subject clearly, conduct good interviews, and write in a style that is clear, concise, and active. 1. **Figure out what to write about.** News reports are about something that is happening now or that just recently happened. Current issues, events, crimes, and investigations are good subjects for news reports. Other styles of journalism are better for things like profiles, advice articles, and opinion pieces. Ask around for story ideas, especially government officials and public relations representatives. Scan the news to see what is already happening. This could lead to you finding other story ideas that are related. Search your city or county's website or directory for local events that are coming up. Attend city council meetings to find out if there are any local issues happening in your area. Sit in on trials at the courthouse and see if anything interesting happens that you could report on. 2. **Go to the scene.** Once you find out what you want to write about, go there. You might need to go to the scene of a crime, a business, the courthouse, or an event. It will be difficult to write about something that you are not present at. Write down everything you see and everything that takes place. Record and take notes of any speeches that occur at events. Make sure to get the names of the speakers. 3. **Conduct interviews.** Who you interview will depend on what you are reporting on. You will want to get a broad range of quotes for your report, so try to interview an array of people. Good people to interview are event coordinators, lawyers, police, business owners, volunteers, participants, and witnesses. If you need to find people to schedule interviews with them, use the internet to find contact information. You can also interview people directly at the scene, depending on your news report topic. If the story is controversial or political, make sure to get both sides of the issue. Prepare sample questions, but don't necessarily stick to them. Think of an interview as a conversation. Record the interview. Make sure to get the full names (spelled correctly) of anyone you interviewed. 4. **Transcribe the interviews and speeches.** When you are back at your home or your office, transcribe the interviews and any speeches. Listen to your recordings and type out everything (or at least the most important parts) of the interviews and speeches. This will make finding information for the report and any quotes easier. Make sure you review your transcriptions to make sure they're accurate. You don't want to misquote someone. 5. **Do research on the subject.** News reports are about what happened in the moment, but it is good to do basic research on the subject. Research any companies, people, or programs that you are reporting on to make sure you have your facts straight. Double check spelling of names, dates, and any information you have gathered to make sure it is correct. 6. **Write a headline.** Your headline should be accurate, clear, and easy to understand. Use key words from the story and keep it straight and plain. Use active and short action verbs in your headline. The headline should accurately lead readers to what the report is about. The headline should be attention grabbing, but not exaggerate or mislead. Capitalize the first word of the headline and any proper nouns after that. If you're having trouble coming up with a headline, you might try writing it last instead. It may be easier to think of a headline after you've finished your article. For example, your headline might read: ""Armed robbery at Portland farmer's market"" 7. **Write a byline and place line.** The byline goes directly underneath the headline. This is where you put your name and clarify who you are. The placeline is where the article takes place and is written in all caps. Use AP Style state abbreviations. An example of a byline: Sue Smith, Staff Reporter An example of a placeline: EUGENE, ORE. 8. **Use a hard news lead.** A news lead (or lede) is the opening paragraph of a report or article and is often considered the most important part. A news report is not the time for a verbose and artful lead. Keep your lead to the point, fitting as much of the basic information as you can into your lead. A lead is only one or maybe two sentences and summarizes the news story; the who, what, when, where, why, and how of you story should be emphasized in the lead. Don't include people's names in the lead (save that information for later), unless everyone knows who they are (i.e. President Obama). For example: A Seattle man was caught selling stolen cars at his auto shop on Tuesday when a police officer posed as a customer. 9. **Write the body of your report.** This is going to consist of the facts, but more detailed and specific than in your lead. Use the information you collected and gathered at the scene and in interviews. Write your report in third person and from a neutral perspective. Make sure your story conveys information and not an opinion. 10. **Include quotes in the news report.** Quotes can be included in your news report to convey information. Always introduce who you are quoting followed by the exact words that they said. Use their full name the first time you mention them then only use their last name. For example: Mary Quibble has been the director of the children's theater for six years. “I love the children and how much they care about these performances,” Quibble said. “There are 76 kids in the programs. They range in age from 7 to 16 years old.” 11. **Always include attributions.** Unless the information is common knowledge, always attribute where you got it. You can get in trouble for not giving credit to someone. This is also important in case a fact is wrong, then it will be known who got the fact wrong and that it was not you. For example: The woman ran out of the house at 11 p.m. when she heard the burglar enter, police said. 12. **Write in hard news style.** You don't want to use overly descriptive language when writing a news report. Just stick to the facts and keep the sentences short and concise. Use active language and strong verbs. Speak in past tense when writing a news report. Start a new paragraph whenever there is a new thought (this might mean you have paragraphs that are as short as a sentence or two) Write your news report in AP Style.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Grow Yams.,"Yams are delicious, healthy, and fairly simple to grow. While this particular crop tends to thrive in tropical climates, it is easy to grow yams in colder climates with the right planning and forethought. You can grow your own sprouts and slips to plant, and then grow, harvest, and cure yams. 1. **Start growing the sprouts.** Yams aren't grown from seeds like most other vegetables - they grow from slips, which are derived from the sprouts of adult yams. To grow sprouts, cut a yam in half and submerge one portion in a glass of cool water. Insert toothpicks at three points around the middle of the yam and suspend it over the container, half-submerged in the water. Make sure the yam you choose looks healthy. If you notice discoloration or lesions on the skin, your yam could be diseased, which means its sprouts could be diseased, too. Choose a yam variety like TDA 291 or TDA 297 that is resistant to Scorch, a fungal disease that causes spots and lesions. 2. **Keep the sprouts warm.** The growth process requires warmth, so place the glass near a heat source. If possible, position the glass near a window so that the sprouting yam gets sunlight as well. Otherwise, place it near a heater to absorb warmth that way. 3. **Let sprouts develop.** Refill the water in jars or glasses if necessary to keep the submersion level of the yam consistent. Wait for sprouts to form on the yam; this will take a few weeks. Once sprouts are leafy, take each one and gently twist it off of the yam. Each yam can produce up to 50 sprouts. 4. **Root the slips.** Lay each sprout in a shallow container, with the bottom half of the stem submerged in water. Allow the leaves to hang out over the rim of the container. Over the course of a few days, you should see roots emerging from the bottom of each sprout. When the roots are about an inch long, they are then slips that are ready to be planted. Slips can also be purchased online. 5. **Loosen the soil.** To ensure that the roots don't meet resistance as they expand, make sure that the soil is very loose and well-drained where you want to plant the yams. When the ground starts to dry in the springtime, till the soil approximately 8 to 12 inches deep and remove debris (i.e. rocks, root pieces, etc.). Spread compost or manure over the soil and till it approximately 8 inches into the ground, to improve the soil's structure.Rake the area, spray it with water, and let it sit for 2 or 3 days before planting. 6. **Make space.** Ensure that you have enough room to accommodate the slips that you'll be planting. Large tubers need a lot of space to grow, as do the vines of the plants, which grow vigorously. Ideally, you should leave approximately a meter of space between each plant. 7. **Wait for the right temperature.** Yams do not grow well in cold temperatures, so it's best to wait until a few weeks after the last frost to plant your slips. Mid spring is the ideal time to do so. Yams require a long growing season, so don't wait too long into the spring or summer to get started. 8. **Bury the slips into the soil.** Dig holes about 4"" or 5"" deep and 3"" wide (approximately 10 or 12 cm deep and 7-8 cm wide). Place slips in the holes (dug about 8 to 10 inches apart), positioned with the roots pointing down and the leafy tops above the soil. Very gently fill the holes with soil, being careful not to jostle or bruise the slips too much. Press soil down lightly to get rid of any air pockets. 9. **Water the plants generously.** Newly planted slips should be watered every day the first week, every second day the second week, and less and less as they grow. Be generous in hydrating them but pay careful attention to the crop to avoid waterlogging. Yams thrive in sunlight, so if the soil gets dry, adjust the watering schedule accordingly. 10. **Fertilize the plants.** Use a fertilizer during the growth period to help improve the state of the produce. Purchase a fertilizer that is low in nitrogen, an element which can compromise root development, and is high in phosphorus. It is best to fertilize the crop every two to four weeks. 11. **Stake** Yam plant vines are not sturdy and require support in order to produce a large yield. Keep an eye on the plants and stake the mounds approximately 4 weeks after the vines first emerge. Use bamboo canes as support for these yam vines, which can grow up to 10 ft. 12. **Watch out for diseases.** Your yams may fall prey to different pests and diseases from time to time. Keep an eye out for the following conditions when growing your yams and choosing your sprouts: Yam mosaic disease. Caused by aphids, this condition results in yellow and light green discoloration on the leaves. To prevent this disease, keep the growing area free of weeds and use disease-free slips. If you notice diseased plants, remove them immediately. Dry rot disease. This condition causes light yellow lesions on the outer skin, eventually turning the entire yam black. Use disease-free slips to prevent dry rot. If your yams have this disease, soak them in hot water for an hour post-harvest to lessen the effects. Mealy bugs. This insect looks like a white, cotton-like oval. Mealy bugs can hinder growth and attract ants. Treat mealy bugs by removing infected plants and using insecticide sprays for large infestations. White scale insects. These insects create tiny white scales on the skin of yams and can slow growth. Treat infected plants with insecticidal soap. 13. **Keep an eye on the plants.** Yams typically take about 14 weeks to mature. They should be harvested when the tops of plants start to go yellow and wither. Harvesting generally occurs in autumn. 14. **Remove yams from the soil.** Use a pitchfork or similar gardening implement to gently dig into the soil and remove the tubers from under the surface. Start digging a safe distance from the stem. Be careful not to pierce the skin of the yams when removing them from the ground. 15. **Cure your yams.** Refrain from washing yams after harvesting. Instead, sort yams into boxes or baskets to cure them before storage. Curing can be done in approximately 2 weeks. To do so, place yams in a warm, dark place with some ventilation and leave them undisturbed. This process will allow bruising and wounds on the yams to heal, and seal out rot bacteria. 16. **Store your yams.** Once harvested, yams can be kept for several months. Store yams in a cool, dry spot like a kitchen cabinet. There are multiple ways to cook yams, so look up yam recipes and enjoy the fruits (or root vegetables) of your gardening.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Clean a Feather Duster.,"Feather dusters are a great, reusable method to keep your home dust-free! Often made of ostrich feathers thanks to their efficient dust-attracting abilities, feather dusters pick up and trap dirt and dust from surfaces in your home. From time to time, however, they may need to be cleaned in order to keep them functioning properly. You can easily clean your feather duster in a snap using common household products! 1. **Shake the feather duster to remove the dust.** Take the feather duster outside and shake it vigorously to remove the dust. If there is any remaining dust or dirt after shaking the feathers, you will need to wash the duster with soap and water. Make sure to cover your nose and mouth with a mask or scarf to avoid breathing in the dust while shaking the duster. 2. **Use a low-suction vacuum to pull dust and debris off of the duster.** Avoid using a vacuum with high suction as this may pull out some of the feathers. However, a low-suction vacuum with a hose attachment is a good way to remove dust and debris from the duster before you wash it. Gently run the vacuum attachment over the outside of the duster. If there is too much suction and the vacuum is pulling out feathers, stop vacuuming it immediately! 3. **Fill a bucket with warm water.** Place a large bucket in the sink and fill it with water. The bucket should be large enough to hold the feather duster once it is fully submerged in the water. Make sure to clear the sink completely of any dishes or debris. You’ll want a clean workspace to ensure that no food touches the newly washed feathers. If you don't have a bucket handy, use a large soup pot, pasta pot, or bathtub. 4. **Add soap.** Pour a teaspoon of soap into the water-filled bucket. Gently swirl the water with your hand in order to fully dissolve the soap. You may create a few soapsuds in the process. Use a mild dish or hand soap. Harsher soaps used for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces will be too strong for the delicate feathers in your duster. Consider choosing soap that has a pleasant aroma. Once the feather duster has dried, it will retain the smell and act as an air freshener as you dust! 5. **Submerge the feather duster in the soapy water.** Dunk the feather duster in the water until it is fully submerged. Depending on the materials in your feather duster, it may float. If necessary, hold the feather duster under the water with your hand. Consider wearing a rubber glove to protect your hand from getting shriveled from the water! Allow the feather duster to soak for at least a few minutes. Gently swirl the feather duster along the bottom of the bucket as it soaks. This will allow the soapy water to be fully absorbed by the feathers. 6. **Place your feather duster under running water.** Remove the feather duster from the bucket and dump the soapy water into the sink. Once the bucket is removed from the sink, place the feather duster under warm, running water. As you rinse the feather duster, gently massage the feathers with your free hand to encourage the fresh water to cover all of the feathers. This will help remove the soap from the middle of the densely packed group of feathers. Once the water begins to run clear and does not contain any visible suds, you will know that the feather duster has been thoroughly rinsed. 7. **Wrap the feather duster in a clean towel to partially dry.** Lay a clean towel flat on a nearby table or kitchen counter. Place the freshly rinsed feather duster in the center of the towel, folding the edges around the duster to encase it fully. Allow it to drip-dry for about 10 minutes. Roll the feather duster in the towel so that it can soak up water from the feathers. 8. **Twirl the feather duster after the towel has soaked up the excess water.** Remove the feather duster from the towel and gently spin the handle, twirling the feathers in the air. This will mimic the spinning motion of a dryer, forcing out any remaining water trapped inside the feathers. Hold the feather duster away from your body as you twirl it. Otherwise, you may splash water on your face and clothes. You can also twirl the feather duster by placing the handle in between your hands and making a rubbing motion, causing the handle to spin back and forth. 9. **Hang the feather duster to let it finish air drying.** Attach the handle of the feather duster to a clothes hanger with a clothespin or clip. Hang the duster in a location where air circulates freely. Avoid hanging it in a closet, as it might dry more slowly. If the feathers are still dripping water, consider hanging it from your shower rod so that the water doesn’t damage your floor. Leave the feather duster hanging overnight to dry completely. If you need to dry the duster more quickly, dry it briefly with your hair dryer. Make sure that the heat setting is on low so that you do not damage the feathers. 10. **Fluff the feathers to restore the duster’s shape.** Once the feather duster has dried, the feathers may appear shrunken. This is normal. Place the feathers in between the palms of your hands and carefully rub back and forth in order to restore their soft shape. If your feathers begin looking worn from use, even after washing and fluffing, it may be time to purchase a new duster. Consider using a microfiber duster, which is also washable and tends to be more durable than feathers.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Attend to a Stab Wound.,"Painful, gory, and potentially deadly, a stab wound requires immediate treatment to alleviate the bleeding and pain and stabilize the victim until he can be examined by medical professionals. Attending to a stab wound requires quick action and a level head in order to effectively provide the first aid needed to control the bleeding and save the victim's life. 1. **Survey the area.** A stabbing often occurs during a volatile incident and the assailant(s) may still be in the vicinity, which could be dangerous for you and the stabbing victim. Avoid making yourself a potential victim by intervening or going near the assailants. Only approach the victim once you have determined it is safe for you to do so. Although waiting until the assailants have left the scene does entail lost precious time for the stabbing victim, having more people injured is hardly conducive to rescuing anybody. 2. **Call for emergency help immediately.** If the person has been stabbed, it is critical to call emergency services as soon as possible. If you are the only person around, use your phone to call for as first priority assistance. If you don't have a phone with you, try to find a passersby or a nearby shop. You want to help the person as quickly as you can, but the most helpful thing you can do is get professional medical help to the victim as soon as possible. If the assailants are still nearby and you are unable to safely approach the victim, use that time to call emergency services. 3. **Lay the person down.** Before you do anything else to attend to the stab wound, get the person to lie down on the ground. This will make it easier to help stabilize the victim, particularly if they start to get dizzy or fall unconscious. You don't want the person to risk aggravating the injury or harming themselves if he falls while fainting. For comfort, place a jacket or backpack under the victim's head. Alternatively, if there are other people around, ask one of them to sit with the person's head in her/his lap and talk to her/him. This will be soothing to the victim and help her/him keep calm. 4. **Examine the person and determine the extent of the injury.** Is there more than one stab wound? Are there slashes? Where is the blood coming from? Is it on the front or back of the body? You will probably have to part the person's clothing to properly identify the wound(s). Try to look for and identify all wounds before starting your treatment. However, if you notice one obviously severe wound that needs urgent treatment, you should deal with this immediately. A severe wound would be one that is bleeding steadily and profusely or one that it spurting out blood like a geyser. Spurting blood is usually a sign that the wound has hit an artery. 5. **Put on disposable gloves if you have them.** Alternatively, you can also put some plastic bags over your hands. Though this step is not required in order to tend to the stab wound, it is important in order to protect yourself, so as to reduce the risk of infection to you or the victim. If available, nitrile or other non-latex gloves are preferable. These types of gloves minimize the possibility of an allergic reaction to latex, which can complicate treatment. Nitrile and other non-latex gloves are usually blue or purple and are rapidly replacing the white latex gloves that were previously the standard. If you don't have gloves with you, try to wash your hands or even use a hand sanitizer quickly. If you have nothing available to you, try to use layers of cloth to keep a barrier between yourself and the victim's blood. Remember, you do not have to touch the person if you believe that you are in danger of contracting an infection or are otherwise uncomfortable. Wait for emergency assistance if you are in doubt. If you choose to treat the victim, do your best to minimize contact with the victim's blood. 6. **Check the victim's ABCs, Airway, Breathing, and Circulation.** Make sure the person's airway remains unobstructed. Listen for the sound of breathing and watch the person's chest for movement. Check the victim's pulse to make sure the heart is still beating. If the victim has stopped breathing, perform CPR. If the person is conscious, begin working but also talk with her/him to keep her/him calm and help slow her/his heart rate. If possible, try to keep the victim's eyes averted so she/he cannot see the wound. 7. **Remove the victim's clothing around the affected area.** This will enable you identify the precise location of the stab wound and then apply treatment. Stab wounds can sometimes be obscured by both clothing and blood or other fluids and even dirt or mud, depending on where the victim is found. Use care in removing the victim's clothing since she/he is likely in considerable pain. 8. **Do not remove the stabbing object if it is embedded.** Leave the object in the wound if it is still there and be very careful not to move it, which may cause further damage. The object is actually helping to stem the blood flow. Pulling it out will likely increase blood loss, while pushing it in may cause further injury to the internal organs. You'll need to apply pressure and dress the wound around the object as best you can. Medical professionals will be better able to remove the object without damaging any internal organs or causing massive blood loss in the process. 9. **Stop the bleeding** Apply pressure on the wound with a clean and absorbent material (like a shirt or towel), or preferably, a clean dressing such as sterile gauze. If the object is still in the wound, press firmly around it. Applying pressure to the wound will help to slow the flow of blood. Some first aid training suggests using the edge of a credit card to ""seal"" the wound, an item that's handy because so many people have one on them. Not only does this stem blood flow, but it may also prevent lung collapse (by keeping air out of the wound) if the wound is in the chest. If the wound is bleeding profusely, apply pressure to the major artery leading to the area with your hand, while your other hand continues to apply pressure on the wound. These areas are called ""pressure points"". For example, to slow bleeding in the arm, press the inside of the arm just above the elbow or just below the armpit. If the wound is on the leg, press just behind the knee or in the groin. 10. **Reposition the victim so the wound is above the heart.** This will help reduce blood loss. If the victim can sit, get her/him to move herself/himself into an upright position; if not, then help the victim if possible. 11. **Cover the dressing.** If you happen to have first aid materials with you, fasten the dressing in place using a bandage or tape. Do not lift or remove the dressing as this will disrupt clot formation and re-start the bleeding. If the dressing becomes soaked with blood, add more cloth material on top of it. If you don't have any materials to fasten the dressing in place, simply continue to apply pressure. This will help the blood clot. For a chest wound, be careful. Cover the wound with something like kitchen foil, a plastic bag or cling-film and only cover sides of the wound and leave one un-taped or bandaged down. Air needs to be able to escape from one side of the bandage to prevent it from entering the pleural cavity in the chest. If air enters the pleural cavity, the lungs can collapse. Never use a tourniquet except as the last resort to save a life. Know how and when to use a tourniquet. If a tourniquet is applied incorrectly, it may lead to an unnecessary serious injury to or loss of the affected limb. 12. **Continue to apply pressure to the wound until help arrives.** While waiting for emergency help, continue to monitor the ABCs: airway, breathing, and circulation. Look for and treat symptoms of shock. Symptoms of shock include cool, clammy skin, paleness, rapid pulse or breathing, nausea or vomiting, dizziness or fainting, and increased anxiety or agitation. If you suspect the victim may be in shock, loosen any tight clothing and cover her/him with a blanket to warm her/him. Try to get the victim to stay still. See How to treat shock for details. 13. **Check the victim's consciousness.** If the victim falls unconscious, you'll need to act quickly. Place the victim in the recovery position, on her/his side with the head tilted back and the hand further away from the ground under the head and the arm closest to the ground either bent or straight out. The leg further away from the ground (the top leg) should be bent for stability and to keep the victim from rolling forward. Do not put someone in the recovery position if you suspect she/he has a spinal or neck injury. Monitor the person's breathing. If the unconscious victim stops breathing, place the victim on her/his back and perform CPR. 14. **Keep the victim warm and comfortable.** Both shock and loss of blood can cause the victim to suffer from lowered body temperature. Throw a blanket, coat, or some other warm item over the victim to keep her/him warm. Keep the victim as still as possible. Whether lying or sitting down, the person should be kept still and calm. It is important that someone remains with the person constantly to both reassure her/him and to monitor her/his condition. 15. **Begin cleaning the wound.** If you are isolated and not able to call emergency services (e.g., if you are camping or in the wilderness), you should clean the wound once you have some control over the bleeding. In normal circumstances, this would be the job of emergency personnel, but there may be times when you need to do this yourself. Remove any debris from the wound if present. Keep in mind, however, that even a wound without debris has had an object jabbed in it and there's no way of knowing how clean that item was. In other words, every wound should be cleaned properly. Saline is the best to irrigate the wound. Fresh, clean water is best if there is no saline on-hand. You can also make a salt solution. Mix of 1 tablespoon (14.8 ml) of salt to 1 cup of warm water. The victim will likely experience pain when the wound is being cleaned so if the person is conscious, give her/him a warning. 16. **Pack the wound.** A dirty wound should not be closed, and any stabbing is considered dirty. Packing the wound should help to avoid any contamination from outside materials, like dirt, which could cause an infection. Stab wounds should be packed with saline and gauze and cover with tape relatively loosely. In this case, you are covering the wound, not binding it, as you wait for it to clot. If you have some medical training or you are certain the wound is clean, you may wish to close the wound. Make sure the wound is dry first. If you have some glue, apply it to the edges of skin around the wound (not on the wound). Apply a strip of tape to one edge of the wound, close the skin gap with your hand, and apply the other side of the tape. Cover the wound with clean cloth, duct tape, or whatever else you have on hand that can keep dirt and other infectious materials out of the wound. The wound should be repacked daily. If a wound will not cease bleeding, do NOT close it. 17. **Apply antibiotic treatment, if available.** If you have any antibiotic ointments, apply periodically to the wound. This will also help avoid any infection from setting in. 18. **Check that the bandage is not too tight.** Check the area furthest away from the heart for each limb that has a bandage on it. For example, if the person has an arm wound, examine her/his fingers. If the person has a leg wound, check her/his toes. If a bandage is too tight, it may cut off blood flow to the area below it, which is dangerous and can permanently damage the tissue. You can tell if this is happening because these areas will become discolored (blue or dark-colored). Loosen the bandage if you notice this happening and see emergency assistance as soon as possible.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Get Rid of Mice Fast?,"Mice can be cute, but not when they are invading your home and eating your food. When mice make themselves at home, you can get rid of them fast with traps and by taking preventative measures. Once your mice are gone, you can keep them out for good! 1. **Use catch and release traps for the most humane method.** Place the bait provided with the trap on the inside compartment. Lift the front opening of the trap so the mouse can get inside. Once the mouse is in the trap, its weight will cause the opening to close and trap the mouse inside until you release it outside away from your home. Catch and release traps can be purchased in store or online. If you have a larger mouse problem, purchase a catch and release trap meant for multiple mice. Read the instructions on the trap carefully since they may require different setups. 2. **Purchase electrocution traps to effectively kill the mice.** Put batteries inside the trap to power it. Put a bait inside the trap near the holes so mice can smell it from the outside. Set the trap near an area where you notice mice. Once the mice enter the trap, they receive a shock that kills them instantaneously. Set the trap so the entrance is near a wall since mice tend to run near the corners. 3. **Leave “no touch, no see” snap traps in problem areas to get rid of mice easily.** An updated version of the classic snap trap, “no touch, no see” traps make it so you don't have to handle the dead mouse. Set the lever down on the trap and place a small amount of bait inside. When the lever is back up, a mouse has triggered it. Simply depress the lever again to drop the mouse in the trash. Unlike classic snap traps, “no touch, no see” mouse traps are safe around kids and pets. 4. **Set a bucket trap with water if you're away from the infestation.** Put 3–4 in (7.6–10.2 cm) of water in the bottom of a 5 US gal (19 L). Set one end of a wooden plank on the ground and the other on the edge of the bucket. Attach an old soda can to a wooden or metal dowel on top of the bucket and coat the can with a thin layer of peanut butter. Mice will walk up the ramp towards the peanut butter, but fall and get trapped in the bucket. Fill the bottom of the bucket with antifreeze if you don't want to have an odor problem, but keep it away from pets and children since antifreeze is poisonous. 5. **Rotate the location of the traps every 2-3 days.** Check for mice twice daily to see if you've trapped any. If not, move the trap to another place around your home where you notice or think mice have been active. Mice will often return to the same trails. Mice only travel between 20–30 feet (6.1–9.1 m) from their nest every night. 6. **Experiment with different types of baits.** Although cheese may seem like a classic way to catch mice, try other food sources such as peanut butter or nuts. Some mice will even eat sweets like marshmallows or gumdrops. Check on what types of bait work best on the mice in your home and try something new if what you use currently isn't working. Try jellies, jams, and other fruit products to give the mice a sweet meal. 7. **Use mouse poison as a last resort.** Purchase poison bait from your local store and place it in areas where mice are a common problem. Once the mice eat the poison, they will slowly die and won't be a problem any longer. Keep the bait away from children or pets since it could also cause them harm. Some poison bait traps also capture the mice so they don't go anywhere else in your home. 8. **Put cotton balls covered in peppermint oil near problem areas.** Put at least 5 drops of the peppermint oil on each cotton ball. Place the cotton balls around your kitchen or near any entrances. After a few days, put a few more drops on the cotton balls since the oil will evaporate over time. Try different types of strong-scented essential oils to see if they deter mice. 9. **Plug in an ultrasonic pest repeller to keep mice from entering.** Place the repeller near an entry point or common problem area. The repeller will make a noise you can't hear that keeps mice away. Make sure nothing blocks the repeller, or else the ultrasonic waves will not work. Ultrasonic repellers can be purchased in big box stores or online. Mice can grow accustomed to the noise that the repellers make, so they may only work for a limited time. 10. **Get a cat to hunt mice around your home.** Mice can sense when cats are around your home and will steer clear once they smell them on the premises. If mice do show up on your premises, your cat will hunt and kill them quickly. Remove any poison bait or exposed traps from your home if you bring in a cat. 11. **Make a deterrent spray with chopped garlic and water.** Chop 1 or 2 cloves of garlic and mix it with at least 1 cup (240 ml) of warm water. Shake the mixture in a spray bottle and spray near areas or trails where mice frequently travel. Reapply the spray every few days to keep mice away. Try other strong-smelling herbs and spices, like onion and cayenne pepper. Alternatively, leave a clove of garlic in places where mice enter your home. 12. **Hire an exterminator if nothing else works.** Call your local exterminators to get quotes on their rates. Once an exterminator checks your home, they will do what they can to seal any entrances where mice get in and remove the mice already in your home. Check reviews online for your exterminator to see how they handled other's infestations. 13. **Find and fill common entry points.** Look for any cracks or holes in your wall or near the floor of your home. Try to seal them permanently if you can using caulk or concrete. In a pinch, stuff the holes with steel wool, since mice can't chew through it easily. Keep the grass around your home trimmed low so you can find any points of entry. Clean up any clutter around your home since these could serve as hiding places for the mice. 14. **Keep your home clean so mice can't find food.** After making or eating a meal, wipe up and get rid of any spills or crumbs. Avoid leaving dishes in the sink overnight since mice could look for small scraps. While cleaning your house daily won't stop mice entirely, it will help keep them away. Sweep your floors after each time you cook to collect stray crumbs. 15. **Don't leave any food on your countertops.** Put all your food away either in a cabinet or the fridge so mice don't have easy access to it. If you have mice in your home, putting away your food will drive them towards any bait or traps you left out for them. If you need to leave food out, make sure it is wrapped up or sealed. 16. **Seal food in airtight containers.** Mice have a strong sense of smell, so if they can't smell any food, they won't have a reason to stay. Wrap all of your food or keep them in plastic or glass containers with lids. Transfer any boxed snacks or cereals to resealable containers if you notice mice have gotten into any of your food.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Write a Venture Capital Proposal?,"While banks are often hesitant to loan significant amounts of money to new companies, a venture capital firm typically is more willing to make a bet based on the future of your business and its long-term potential. With a venture capital deal, business owners sell equity in their business to the venture capital firm in exchange for operating cash. Venture capitalists make money by investing in companies they believe will be profitable in the future, providing a good return on their investment. The venture capital process can be lengthy and expensive, and an impressive venture capital proposal is crucial to your success. A strong venture capital proposal shows you've done your research and planning, and have business acumen, focus, and writing ability, as well as an in-depth understanding of your industry. 1. **Start with an executive summary.** Succinctly tell the reader who you are and what you are asking for. This is the first section of your proposal and should immediately grab the attention of the reader. Keep in mind that investors at venture capital firms get a large number of proposals, and they often don't read past the executive summary. If your executive summary is not compelling and carefully written, your proposal won't go any further. Your executive summary should be brief – no more than two to four pages. It's okay if the reader won't have a good understanding of your business after reading the summary. You can delve into further details later on, but the summary should make them want to know more. Think of your executive summary as a pitch. Include things you would say if you met an investor in an elevator and had only a brief moment to tell them about your business. Focus your executive summary on the need your product or service would fulfill to help investors want to know more. For example, you might have created a mobile app that would allow people to securely transfer massive files rapidly without data loss. It doesn't matter that the investors don't understand the technical specifics of your code or how your algorithm works. If they had ever experienced the frustration of sending or receiving a large file, they would intuitively understand the use of your product. 2. **Describe your business.** The next section of your business plan should include information about the general nature of your business, its history, and the business development history of any owners or major players in your business. Be sure to include contact information for the business as well as each of the owners. If there are key players in your company that have specific knowledge about certain aspects of your business, you should include information for them as well and explain their role. For example, if you're a tech start-up, you may want to include names and contact information for your head engineer or programmer. This can be especially valuable if they have previously worked on successful start-ups, or if their names are well known in the industry. This is the time to brag about any milestones you've reached, goals you've exceeded, or previous successes you (or anyone else on your team) has had. Provide some background of the people involved in your business, why they were chosen for their roles in the company, and the particular background or expertise they bring with them. 3. **Analyze your industry.** In the next section of your business plan, you need to show the investors that there is a real demand for the product or service you're providing. Use independent research to back up your statements about market size and trends. Keep in mind that generally it's better to identify a need that your product or service will fulfill than to appeal to the basic desire of some segment of the population. Ideally, you'll identify a niche market that is untapped, or has not been reached at the scale you plan. If you uncover negative trends that might not bode well for your business, you still should discuss them. Serious investors will conduct their own analysis. If they uncover something not mentioned in your business plan, it reflects poorly on the plan as a whole and can put your projections in jeopardy. For example, if you've developed a service in the ride-share sector, you might encounter resistance. The market seems saturated, and the infrastructure in many urban areas is struggling to adapt. You won't overcome that resistance by arguing that those negative trends don't apply to you. What would work is finding a way in which your particular service circumvents those problems, such as by focusing on rural areas, or providing accessible rides for people with disabilities. If you have the resources, you may want to hire an independent research firm to compile your data and analysis for this section. It will lend more credibility to your overall business plan in the eyes of investors, and it also shows that you have enough confidence in your company that you're willing to invest in its success. Prepare the data you used in your analysis so that you can provide it to any venture capital firm that requests it. 4. **Provide details about your target customers.** When it comes to your target market, the more specific you can be, the better your chances of appealing to a venture capital firm. Identifying your key consumer shows that you understand your product or service and who will most likely be interested in it. At bottom, this section of your business plan tells investors who you will sell your product or service to. Try to identify that person with as many demographic and lifestyle details as possible. Start broad and get more specific. You typically will have a general class of consumers you're targeting. For example, you may intend to sell primarily to young urban professionals without children. Your core market is a smaller, more specific person, such as a single female with an advanced degree in her mid- to late-20s. Ideally what you want here is almost a biography of your target customer. Explain her reasons for buying your product or service, what needs it fulfills, and what other sorts of products or services she buys or uses on a regular basis. Include where she lives, how much money she makes, and how she makes decisions about products or services to buy or use. 5. **Show your advantage against competitors.** In this section of your business plan, you should accurately identify the competitors for your product or service. Competitors may be direct or indirect, and include anyone who fulfills the same need as your product or service. Focus on the need you're trying to fulfill, not the way in which you're fulfilling that need through your product or service. For example, if you plan to start a ride-sharing service, you're fulfilling the need that people have to go places. Your competitors include not only other existing ride-share companies, such as Uber and Lyft, but public transportation, taxi cabs, and private shuttle services offered by hotels or employers. Once you've identified your major and minor competitors, distinguish your business from your rivals by explaining why customers would choose your product or service over those offered by the entities you've mentioned. To return to the ride-sharing example, you might point out that existing ride-sharing services and other transportation options don't adequately address safety concerns of female passengers. Your service is designed to address these concerns by allowing riders to choose their drivers and providing detailed background information about each driver available. 6. **Discuss your marketing plan.** Your marketing plan should explain to the investor your strategies and methods for penetrating the market, and how you plan to turn one-time customers into repeat customers. If you have a marketing or advertising team within your company, or have contracted with an outside advertising firm, this is the place to identify those people. Describe the specific promotions you'll employ and why you believe they'll be successful at achieving your goals. You also should explain how your product or service will be delivered to your customers and any relationships you have with other businesses. For example, your ride-share service might be delivered through a mobile app your customers would download for free. You might offer promotions such as discounts on a customer's first ride, with additional discounts after each customer's five ride, tenth ride, and so on to keep them coming back to you. Providing riders with referral bonuses gives them an incentive to help you grow your business. You also might have partnerships with local bars, in which riders get a discount for using your service to get a ride home. 7. **Present your plan for operating your business.** In this section of your business plan, you need to paint for the investor a realistic picture of how you will run your business on a daily basis, including plans to scale your business as it grows. When you're writing your business plan, your business may only exist on paper – or it may already be a small going concern. If you haven't started operations yet, this section of your plan may feel more speculative. However, it's important to be as specific as possible so you send the message to the investors that your business is grounded in reality. If you're unsure about the details about managing the daily aspects of your business, talk to someone who has experience running a start-up to get some ideas of the kinds of challenges you're likely to encounter. In this section, investors are looking for someone who has a realistic idea of what running a business is like, and who knows how to navigate a growing business over various hurdles. Along with your operational plan, you'll want to include a timeline of various milestones you aim to reach and exceed within your first five to ten years of operation. These milestones should be consistent with all other aspects of your business plan, including your finances and your market analysis. They also should be credible goals that your business is objectively capable of meeting. This is not the time for pie-in-the-sky optimism. 8. **Outline the business's finances.** Since a venture capital firm is purchasing a part of your business, they want to ensure that it will be profitable in the long-term, even if it isn't right now. This section should include detailed outlines of development, start-up, and operating expenses, as well as projections of future income. Provide a list of all actual and potential revenue streams for your business, including sales of your products and services, licensing, or other potential sources. Make sure that your assumptions and projections are well grounded in the analysis presented in other sections. Establish clear and realistic goals for your company, based on the market research and analysis you've conducted. For example, you might set a goal to increase your market share by 5 percent within six months from the launch of your product or service. You may want to look at business plans created for businesses similar to yours to get a good idea of realistic projections. Ideally, you can find business plans for companies in your industry that have been in operation for several years so you can compare the projections in their plan to what actually happened. 9. **Provide a short history of your business.** If you're already operating, you should include a brief history of the development of your company over time. However, even if your business only exists on paper at this point, you still need to explain the development of your concept and the people involved. Include details about your business's legal structure. If you're incorporated, let potential investors know the state, country, or territory in which you're incorporated, as well as locations in which you're legally registered or licensed to do business. If there are any particular licenses or permits you must have to do business, list those and the dates they have been or will be acquired. Provide the names and contact information of each of the owners, including the amount of equity they own in the business. If there have been any changes in ownership since the inception of your business, you should briefly describe those. You also want to provide a brief explanation of the product or service you intend to provide, and what need you believe it will fulfill for your target consumers. 10. **Describe the level of investment you need.** This section of your investment proposal lists the amount of cash your business needs and how much of an equity stake you're prepared to offer in exchange for this amount. These numbers should be specific to each venture capital firm, if you send proposals to more than one. Research the firms carefully and look at the terms of their past deals to get a better idea of what they might accept. Consider these figures carefully, since setting them too high or too low can not only turn off a potential investor, but may put your company in a bad position if you have to go through additional rounds of financing. It's best to talk this over with an accountant, attorney, or other certified investment professional who has experience in venture capital financing. Keep in mind you may want more than one opinion. Try to be as objective as possible about your business and its chances for success if fully funded. Overconfidence can result in alienating investors with a figure that's too high for limited equity, while not being aggressive enough can mean you don't end up with as good of a deal as you could have. At the same time, keep in mind that investors typically will want to negotiate. If your proposal is your bottom line and the only terms you're willing to accept, you lose a lot of flexibility and can cost yourself a deal. Choose terms that give you room to maneuver in several areas. 11. **Explain how the money will be used.** Venture capitalists are not interested in throwing money at you so you can do whatever you want with it. Even an investor who was inclined to invest in your company might balk at the way you intend to use their money. Break down the expenses for which you intend to use the money to show that you're asking for a realistic amount that is feasible to cover the listed expenses and keep you operational. If you intend to go through multiple rounds of venture capital financing, you should identify when you plan to start searching for second-round investors, and how later investments will effect the equity of earlier investors. 12. **Incorporate your formal business plan.** Your investment proposal typically will be a shorter document that summarizes many of the key points in your business plan. However, your full business plan will provide investors with the detail they need to properly evaluate your business. You can include pinpoint references throughout your investment proposal that direct potential investors to the relevant portions of your business plan. That way they can find the information they need without having to read through the whole report in one sitting. For example, when you're explaining how you intend to use the money, you may include a note at the end of that section that says ""For further information, see Finances, beginning on page 34 of the XYZ Co. Business Plan."" 13. **Provide names and contact information for references.** Any legal or financial professionals who have contributed to your business in any way, or who are currently advising you, should be identified so potential investors can contact them with questions. Your references also should include your banker, accountant, and any other business credit references. If you had an adviser who helped you initially, but is no longer associated with your company, you may want to include them as a reference and explain why you no longer use their services. Make sure you contact anyone you list in advance and let them know you are using them as a reference on your investment proposal to venture capitalist firms. If they have a preferred method of contact (for example, they prefer phone over email), be sure to include that information. 14. **Include a potential exit strategy.** Most investors want to stay with your company for the long haul, but they also realize that nothing is guaranteed. Show them that you respect their time and money by being realistic about the risks of investing in your company. This portion of your investment proposal also shows potential investors that you are thinking about the long-term and committed to building a company of great value. Look at the stories of venture capital firms who invested in companies similar to yours and exited successfully to get ideas of how to structure this section of your proposal. When crafting an exit strategy, try to plan it so exit is feasible within three to five years. For example, you may include a goal of the company going public within three years of the launch of your product or service. Provided the price per share at your initial public offering (IPO) is set well above the price at which the venture capital firm purchased equity in your company, this is a strong potential exit strategy. 15. **Submit your investment proposal.** Some firms have an online process you can use to submit your proposal, while others may require you to send it in the mail. Contact each firm to which you will submit your proposal in order to determine their submission procedures. Check the firm's information carefully and make sure you've included everything in your proposal that they've requested, and that your documents are all organized in the proper format. If the firm requires a specific cover sheet or cover letter, make sure you've created one that conforms to their specifications. Keep in mind that if your proposal does not meet a firm's technical specifications, it may be rejected without consideration. Venture capital firms receive hundreds of investment proposals, and it is important to them that all of these documents are organized in the same way so investors can find the information they need easily. 16. **Wait for a response.** Venture capital firms go through extensive due diligence, a process through which they determine whether your business is worth their investment. If the firm does not provide you an estimate of their timeline, give them at least a few weeks before you follow up. During this period, an investor may contact you and request further information or documentation to back up or validate information in your business plan. Ask the investor's preferred method of delivery, and get that information to them as soon as possible. If several weeks or months elapse and you haven't heard from the firm, call and ask to speak to the investor working on your proposal. If you've had an offer from another firm, let them know to put some pressure on them to take action. 17. **Meet with venture capital firms.** If a firm contacts you to set up a meeting, this typically means they're tentatively interested in making an investment in your company. They want to talk to you and any other partners to find out if you present in person as well as you do on paper. Anticipate the investors' questions so you have answers prepared. Make sure you're intimately familiar with your business plan, as it will be the source of most of those answers. Be ready to haggle the terms of the investment. Rarely will a venture capital accept the terms you've proposed without some negotiation. While you should walk into the meeting with a bottom line, you also should prepare several alternatives that you're willing to accept if the firm isn't willing to fund you on the terms you originally proposed. 18. **Compare funding offers.** If you've written a successful and compelling venture capital proposal, you may end up with more than one venture capital firm that is interested in investing with your company. If this happens, you need to thoroughly evaluate each offer so you can make a decision. Consult your partners as well as any legal or financial advisors who have been instrumental in the development of your business plan. Keep in mind that anyone who has an equity stake in the company is potentially impacted by the decision, particularly the stock valuation on which the venture capital firm's investment is based. Who actually has a say in which offers you pursue further will depend on how your business is structured. For example, if you have a corporation with five board members and your articles of incorporation require unanimous votes regarding new investments, each of you would have an equal say in how you proceed. 19. **Be willing to leverage your alternatives.** If there are several firms that are willing to fund your company, you may be able to play them against each other – even if none of them is ideal from your prospective. A company often is perceived as more valuable if there are several different venture capital firms interested in making an investment. You can use this competing interest to encourage an investor you prefer to make an offer that better suits the needs of your company. Think about the interests of the venture capital firm as well. At your meeting, ask why they are interested in your company, and what their thoughts are on the prospects of your product or service. If you know their interests, you may be able to capitalize on them to negotiate a better deal. Keep in mind that after you accept an offer, any other offers that were made have no value. What value they may have lies in your ability to use them to get the best possible deal. 20. **Choose the firm that best meets your business's needs.** After all consultation and negotiation is completed, you must make your ultimate decision. The offer that is best for your firm may not get you the most money, but it will best ensure the long-term financial health of your company. For example, if you anticipate going through several rounds of financing, it may benefit you to take a lower amount of money in exchange for a smaller amount of equity, which will give you more to bargain with in the next round. Another aspect to keep in mind is the valuation of stock in your company. If the valuation is high, you may consider this a compliment to your company. However, a high valuation can hurt you in subsequent rounds if your company hasn't met its milestones, or your product or service hasn't performed at the level you thought it would. You also want to consider the investor who will be in charge of your account at the venture capital firm. Make sure they're someone you and other owners of your company work well with, especially if they're going to have a seat on your board.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Know What You Can and Can't Carry on Board an Aircraft.,"Increasing airport security regulations are making it more and more difficult to know what can and can't be carried on board an aircraft. You may leave a country with your gel pack, only to have it confiscated upon return. This article provides you guidelines for staying informed and minimizing the risks of losing something to security, being subjected to additional screening, missing your flight, or ending up in trouble. 1. **Know which organization you may need to be in contact with.** Keep a list with their websites and phone numbers handy while travelling. Useful organizations include: The Bureau of Consular Affairs Transportation Security Administration the airline(s) you are travelling with 2. **Know the 3-1-1 rule.** For travel in the US, a passenger is allowed in their carry-on no more than a maximum of 3 bottles containing no more than 3.4 ounces (100 ml) of liquid. Bottles must be placed in a quart-sized, clear plastic, zip-top bag. 3. **Rethink packing potentially problematic items.** Certain items that are generally permitted may still be subject to additional screening or prohibited at security's discretion (such as if it triggers an alarm or appears to have been tampered with). Items that can potentially pose security concerns include: sharp objects sporting goods tools firearms and martial arts weapons foods including creamy dips, jams, and salsa liquid contain decorative items such as lava lamps or snow globes Cannabis, even if it is legal in your state/country 4. **Always take prescriptions with your medication, and try to carry on medications in their original packaging.** This will not only enable you to carry the item on the aircraft with you, it will also assist with any questions a customs officer might raise in your country of arrival. 5. **Play it safe.** If you are unsure about an item, mail it ahead of time or leave it at home. 6. **Know what you have.** You are responsible for your belongings and what's in them, so double-check pockets and compartments of clothing and bags for items that may have been forgotten about such as lighters, swiss-army knives, bottle openers, etc. 7. **Be aware that the list of prohibited items is constantly being updated, especially when there is a security scare.** Refer to the relevant websites to find out immediately before travelling what restrictions are in place. 8. **Declare larger quantities of liquids.** There may be exemptions for certain items such as medications, baby formula, breast milk, and certain foods. You can declare these items but should know that officers may need to conduct additional screening which can take longer.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Detect Cancer with a Blood Test.,"Using a blood test to detect cancer is a relatively new—but still medically reliable—method of finding the disease. Blood tests are most reliable at detecting cancers of the blood, like leukemia. A doctor may still order blood testing if they suspect that you have a non-blood-related type of cancer, though, since a blood test is still a good way for doctors to detect signs of tumors inside of your body. This is great news for patients since early detection can improve your chances of beating cancer. If you have noticed any early signs of cancer—and especially of blood cancer—visit your doctor and ask them to perform blood tests. 1. **Pay attention to any early warning signs of cancer.** There are many types of cancer and they manifest through a huge variety of symptoms. However, there are a few consistent symptoms that many types of cancer have in their early stages. Suspect cancer if you see changes in your skin tone or notice irregular moles. Similarly, cancer can show itself through frequent and painful constipation or rapid weight loss. Having a cough, fever, or nausea that won’t go away over a period of weeks can also indicate cancer. Even if you don’t notice early signs of cancer, it’s still smart to get screened. Blood tests can detect cancer even before early symptoms have begun to show. Don’t worry if you have one of the signs of cancer (e.g., constipation or nausea) for a short period of time. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to visit your doctor and discuss the potential cancer symptom. 2. **Visit your general practitioner and discuss blood testing.** If you think that you may have an early stage of cancer, pay a visit to your doctor. Describe your symptoms to the doctor and explain how long you’ve been experiencing early signs of cancer. Explain to them that you’re concerned you may have a form of cancer and that you’re interested in exploring blood testing to help with a diagnosis. If your doctor doesn’t have the necessary equipment at their office, they may ask you to visit a nearby hospital to have your blood taken. 3. **Ask if you should avoid food and drink before the test.** In some cases, chemicals from food or drink can enter your bloodstream and interfere with a blood test’s accuracy. If your doctor is worried that this may occur, they’ll ask you to fast for a number of hours before the blood test. If the doctor doesn’t bring it up, ask them if you should avoid food. It’s common for doctors to ask patients to fast for 12 hours prior to a blood test. In this case, you can drink water but shouldn’t consume any food or other liquid. If you’re worried that you may become light-headed or faint while you’re fasting, ask your doctor if there are ways that you can avoid this. 4. **Request a complete blood count if you’ve spotted early signs of cancer.** A complete blood count (CBC) test with a differential is the most common type of blood test performed to check for cancer. The CBC test determines 4 things: the number of white blood cells in your blood, the number of each of the 5 types of white blood cells, the number of red blood cells in your blood, and the amount of clot-forming platelets in your blood. The test is reliable and a great way to learn more about what’s in your blood. A CBC with a differential shows a breakdown of your white blood count (WBC), which helps the doctor recognize cancer. Additionally, the CBC will rule out infections as a cause of your symptoms. Abnormally low or high counts of white or red blood cells or platelets can indicate different types of cancer. If you're taking a steroid drug like prednisone, it can raise your WBC in your lab results, so your doctor will take that into consideration. You’ll experience a small amount of discomfort during any kind of blood test when the doctor or nurse inserts the needle into your arm. The rest of the procedure should be relatively painless, and having your blood drawn will only take about 5 minutes. 5. **Ask about a blood protein test to find cancerous proteins.** A blood protein test is a common and fairly reliable test that can detect signs of cancer in your blood through the presence of abnormal immune system proteins. These abnormal proteins are especially common in cases of multiple myeloma, a kind of blood cancer that affects white blood cells. If your doctor suspects that you have multiple myeloma, the next step will usually be to take a bone-marrow sample. 6. **Discuss a circulating tumor cell test if you have internal tumors.** If your doctor suspects that pieces of an internal tumor have broken off from a large tumor in your body and are circulating through your bloodstream, they may recommend a circulating tumor cell test. The doctor or a nurse will take a small sample of your blood and ship it off to a laboratory. At the lab, technicians will study the blood to see if there are any cancerous tumor cells in it. This kind of test is relatively new and was only recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Because of this, the test isn’t commonly given in clinical settings. 7. **Wait 2 weeks for your test results to return from the lab.** In most cases, it’ll take up to 14 days for the lab to process your results. During this time, you’ll just need to wait. Although it can be stressful to wait for the results of a blood test, try not to worry. Regardless of the outcome, the blood test(s) will help you and your doctor know more about what’s going on inside of your body. In many cases, your results will be returned in less than 2 weeks. If it’s been more than 2 weeks, give your doctor a call and ask when you can expect the results. 8. **Discuss the results of your test and next steps with your doctor.** Once your results have come back from the lab, your doctor will ask you to schedule a follow-up appointment. There, they’ll explain the results of your blood test that the lab sent back. If the test did not return signs of cancer, you’ll likely be free to go. If the lab did find cancerous cells in your blood, your doctor will discuss follow-up tests including taking skin or tissue samples. Being diagnosed with any type of cancer can be extremely stressful and difficult to deal with. If you’re struggling with the diagnosis, talk to your family and friends, or reach out to a therapist. There are also in-person and online support groups that you can participate in. These support groups are an excellent way to talk with other cancer patients and survivors. 9. **Undergo a biopsy if your doctor suspects that you have cancer.** Using blood tests is a good way to detect cancer in its early stages. With the information from the blood test, your doctor will have a better idea of where the cancer is in your body. They’ll probably take a tissue sample to learn more. During a biopsy, the doctor will use a scalpel to remove a sampling of living tissue from the part of your body that they suspect to be cancerous. You may be referred to a hospital for the procedure. You’ll be given a local anesthetic before the biopsy sample is taken, so the experience should be painless. Ask the doctor if you need to take pain medication or wear a bandage after the biopsy.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Polish Gold?,"Gold is a beautiful, but soft precious metal that requires gentle use. You should only polish gold once or twice a year. Polishing gold too much can cause damage. But, with special care and effort, you can have your gold shining like new. 1. **Soak the gold in water, baking soda, and dish soap.** Fill a bowl with water. Add a small amount of baking soda and a mild dish soap. Submerge the gold into the mixture. Allow it to soak for a few minutes. 2. **Scrub the gold with a soft-bristled toothbrush.** A new, baby-sized soft-bristle toothbrush is ideal to use. Gently scrub the gold with the toothbrush. You do not need to apply that much pressure while scrubbing. Make sure that you get into the crevices of the gold if there are any. 3. **Rinse off the gold.** Once you have used the toothbrush, run the gold under warm water. Make sure that you rinse off all of the baking soda mixture. Inspect the gold to see if you are happy with the outcome. 4. **Dry the gold with a cloth.** Use a soft cloth to dry off the gold. Avoid using products such as paper towels to dry it off because they can scratch the gold. You can also allow it to air dry. 5. **Use a jeweler's cloth to finish up the polishing process.** Gently wipe off the surface of the ring. Wipe off any remaining debris. If there isn't any debris or dust left, go over the ring a few times to further brighten the gold. You can purchase a jeweler's cloth online, at a jewelry store, or at some supermarkets, like Walmart. 6. **Clean the gold with dish soap and water.** Begin by cleaning the gold. Put a gentle dish soap and water onto a soft, clean dishcloth. Gently rub the surface of the gold. Then, rinse off the gold with water and allow it to air dry. 7. **Combine water and ammonia.** Pour one-part ammonia and six-parts water into a bowl. Ammonia can be purchased anywhere cleaning products are available, like Walmart. Make sure to wear gloves and be fully clothed when handling ammonia. 8. **Soak the gold in the mixture.** Put the ring into the mixture. Allow it to soak for up to one minute. Do not leave the gold in the mixture for longer than a minute. 9. **Use a tissue to dry off the gold.** Take the gold out of the ammonia mixture after one minute. Inspect the gold to see if the scratches have been mostly removed. Dry the gold with a tissue or let it air dry. Repeat the process if necessary. 10. **Avoid wearing gold during strenuous activity.** Do not wear gold jewelry when you will be taking part in an activity that causes you to sweat. Sweat is acidic, and it can damage gold. If taking off the gold during activity isn't possible, make sure to wipe it off as soon as possible with a soft cloth. 11. **Don't use lotion while wearing gold.** Certain cosmetic items can cause damage to gold, like lotion. Other items that could cause damage are hairspray and perfume. You can use these items while wearing gold, but make sure that the two materials don't make contact. 12. **Be mindful of your movement.** You don't have to stay still at all times when wearing gold, but it helps to be mindful of what you're doing. Try to avoid bumping into things and hitting the gold up against other objects. Being careful will prevent scratches and damage to the surface fo the gold. 13. **Wear delicate gold less often.** It is tempting to show off your beautiful gold as much as possible, but try to limit its use. Avoid wearing expensive and less durable gold on a daily basis. Try to save the gold for special occasions. Wearing it less often will prolong its lifespan.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Change Your Name in Florida.,"There are many reasons why you might want to change your name. You may want to change your name because you have recently been married or divorced or just want to be called by a different name. Whatever the reason, there are some steps you can follow that will help you change your name successfully if you are a resident of Florida. 1. **Have a background check.** In Florida, the name change process starts with checking your criminal history. In order to do this, you must have your fingerprints submitted for a state and national criminal records check. The fingerprints will be taken by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and will be submitted electronically for testing. Call your local County Court Clerk's office to figure out which law enforcement agency in your area is best for getting fingerprints done. Most often, you are able to have your fingerprints taken at the local county Sheriff's office. You will get an official document stating the status of your criminal history. Make sure you keep this form and make a copy for yourself. 2. **Gather information for the petition.** The petition to change your name in Florida requires extensive information. You need to provide your current name, your county of residence, your place of birth, your parent's names, all of your previous addresses, your marital status, names and addresses of any children, and all former names that you have gone by. You also need to provide them with information about your work history, such as your current occupation, the names and addresses of any former employers, and what your current profession is. You will also need to tell them about your education from high school to college, give them any information about whether or not you have ever filed for bankruptcy, information about any criminal history, and information about whether or not you have had any judgments filed against you by a creditor. If you have ever been married and changed your name as a result of the marriage, you need to include your marriage certificate with the petition. 3. **Fill out and sign the petition.** The official petition to change your name in the state of Florida is called the Florida Petition 12-982(a). This form is available on the Florida State Court’s website. Other than the information you gathered, the petition asks you to certify that you are not seeking a name change for any illegal reason. Once you have completed the petition, sign it . Do not sign the petition before meeting with a notary. You can locate a notary at almost any bank during regular business hours. If you hold an account at the bank, the notary will usually witness and sign your petition free of charge. If you do not have an account at the bank where you go to get your petition notarized, you may be charged a small fee. 4. **File your petition.** Once you have filled out and notarized your petition, take it to the courthouse in your county of residence to file. You do not need to make an appointment to file the petition, but you should go to the court during its normal operating hours. When you file it, you must pay any required filing fees. Once you file your petition, the hearing may be held as soon as the Clerk of Court receives the results of your criminal background check. Make two copies of your forms so you have one for your records. While the fees can vary by county, most counties charge around $200 to $300. You must file your name change petition in the county where you live. 5. **Attend your hearing.** Once the Clerk receives your criminal background information, a hearing can be set for your name change petition. When you go to the hearing, bring a copy of Florida Form 12-982(b), called the Final Judgment of Change of Name, from the Florida Court's website. Once your name change petition is approved, the judge or Clerk of Court will fill out the final judgment form. Make sure you have the form filled out before the hearing. This will make the signing process go faster at the hearing. The Clerk of Court will send out a copy of the final judgment to the Department of Law Enforcement and the Department of Motor Vehicles. If you were born in the state of Florida, the Office of Vital Statistics of the Office of Health will also receive a copy of the final judgment. 6. **Get a new social security card.** Now that you have a new name, you need to update your social security card. Take your court order to the Social Security Administration along with your birth certificate, a photo ID such as a driver's license, passport, or state ID, and a completed application for a new Social Security card. You can also mail in a certified copy of your court order with copies of the other required information. You should get your new card in the mail 10 days after your request was processed, which is either the date you visited the SSA in person or the date listed on your receipt. 7. **Apply for a new driver's license.** Once you receive your new social security card, you need to visit your local DMV. You need to take your new social security card, your court order, and your old driver's license or state ID. You will also need to have two forms of documentation of your current residence. Once you turn over these documents to the DMV, you can have your license changed to reflect your new name. The proof of residence documents can be a deed, mortgage bill, Florida Voter Registration card, a car title held in Florida, a W-2 form, mail from any official government body, or a car insurance bill. 8. **Change your name on other documentation.** Once the two main types of identification have been changed, you should change your name on other documentation as well. Consider changing your name associated with your bank accounts, credit cards, leases or mortgages, car title, voter registration, medical offices, post office boxes, or passport. Once you have done all these things, you can officially start using your new name everywhere you go. This includes using it to sign checks and other documents.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Become a Famous Singer Through the Internet?,"A lot of famous singers you might listen to now got their start by singing on the internet. To become a famous singer on the internet yourself, start by getting your singing voice ready. Figure out what voice type you have, practice your songs, and study other singers. When you’re ready to record your music, decide on your accompaniment and whether you’ll do an audio or video file. Finally, once you’re happy with your files, upload them to the internet and promote them! 1. **Play the piano to test your voice if you can.** One of the keys to becoming a singer is singing songs – and notes – that don’t strain your voice and that you can reach relatively easily. What voice type you are depends on what range of notes you are most comfortable singing. If you play piano, you can play the notes of the scale and sing along. You can find piano note diagrams on the internet that can help you find the notes of the scales you need. Middle C can be found by looking at the black keys on a piano. Beginning at the very left of the keyboard, count each set of three black keys that are together. The white key to the left of the first black key in the fifth set is middle C. Sopranos can sing the notes B3 (one note below middle C) to C6 (high C) in the treble clef scale. You might be able to sing slightly lower notes or slightly higher, but if you’re most comfortable in this range, you’re a soprano. Mezzo-sopranos can sing from G3 (two notes below middle C) to A5 (two notes below high C). As with sopranos, you might be able to sing slightly higher or slightly lower notes, but if you’re a mezzo, this is your most comfortable range. Altos can sing from E3 to F5. Tenors sing from C3 to B4 in the bass clef scale. Baritones are most comfortable between G2 and G4 on the bass clef scale covering more than one octave. Bass singers can sing the scale between D2 and E4 on the bass clef scale. 2. **Listen to scales on YouTube to test your voice.** If you can't play piano, you can search for YouTube videos with scales you can sing along to. If you feel your vocal chords straining to hit any notes, or if you can tell you're not singing the same notes that are being played, you're probably not the voice type that should sing that scale. 3. **Warm up your voice.** Warm up for 10 to 15 minutes with a few scales and some of your favorite simple songs (think lullabies). Warming up literally warms up your vocal chords, which makes it easier for you to reach more difficult notes. You can also find good warm up songs on websites like Total Choir Resources. They're short, simple songs that are easy to learn and are good for all voice types. 4. **Practice your songs.** Once you're nice and warmed up, break down the song you’re practicing into sections. You can practice each verse and chorus at a time, or each section of the song. Once you’ve gone through each part a few times, sing the whole song together. Avoid singing the song all the way through until the end of your practice session. Otherwise, you might go on autopilot and not really pay attention to what you’re doing. Pay attention to everything about each section you practice. Learn the melody well, but think about the lyrics, too. Make sure you really have your own understanding of what you’re singing. 5. **Stretch your vocal range.** While you're warming up each practice session, add one new note to your scales. This can either be at the bottom end of your range or the top end. You don't have to hold the note, just focus on hitting it clearly, without your voice breaking. 6. **Use proper technique.** The position of your body, your larynx, and your tongue all affect how you sing. Stand up straight, with your shoulders back. Rest your tongue on the top of your teeth and relax your larynx so that your throat feels relaxed. Make sure you breathe from your diaphragm. When you're practicing new notes or new songs, substitute rounded, open vowels like an ""oo"" or ""ee"" for your lyrics until you have the notes down. 7. **Study other singers.** Once you know what voice type you have, look up singers with your same type. Study their music. What do they do in their songs that makes them sound so good? How do they interpret lyrics? When do they use high notes and when do they hold back? Studying other singers can help you become a better singer yourself. A great way to study other singers is by singing along with them. It can help improve your tone and technique. 8. **Choose your accompaniment.** Before you record a song, you’ll need to decide where your musical accompaniment is going to come from. If you play an instrument like guitar or piano, you can accompany yourself. Otherwise, you’ll need to find instrument-only tracks. YouTube is a great resource for those types of tracks. Just type in the name of the song you want to sing, followed by “karaoke track.” If you like one singer’s particular style of singing, you can type the name of the song, followed by “karaoke, in the style of” and then the artist’s name. 9. **Record an audio file if you're nervous about people seeing you.** If you prefer to only let your audience hear your voice while you sing, record an audio file of yourself singing. Using an audio file can also help a new audience focus on your voice, rather than your looks. You can use software that already comes on your computer to record the file. Almost all computers come with QuickTime Player, whether you have a Mac or PC. Open QuickTime, and choose “New Audio Recording” from the “File” menu at the top of the screen. A pop-up screen will appear, with a large red dot in the middle. When you’re ready to record, press the dot. If you’re using YouTube for background vocals, start the recording through QuickTime and then open the screen for YouTube and begin the video you want to use. 10. **Record a video of yourself singing if you're ready to put out the full package.** If you're ready to start performing in public, post video files of you singing. Your audience will be able to see that you have a stage presence and can connect with them. Most computers come preloaded with video recording software. Choose “New Video Recording” from the Quicktime “File” menu at the top of the screen. A screen that shows your face will pop up and you can begin recording. If you’re using YouTube for background vocals, start the QuickTime recording and then begin the YouTube video you want to use. It's up to you how you want your video to look. You should at least make the effort to look nice - do your hair, wear makeup if you like, and wear a nice outfit. 11. **Listen to or watch the files.** Once you’ve finished recording your vocal, give it a watch or a listen! The nice thing about uploading your own music is that you only have to upload the stuff you’re very happy with. Take notes about what works in the video and what you'd like to change. 12. **Rerecord your files as necessary.** If you're unhappy with your file in any way, that's okay! Look for things like the wrong notes, places where maybe you aren't connecting with the lyrics, or where you look and sound distracted. You won't have to necessarily rerecord the whole thing. If you have editing software on your computer, you can just rerecord the parts you're unhappy with. 13. **Start professional social media accounts.** If you want to be taken seriously as a singer, start a professional online social media presence. Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are all places where you can upload your clips and start a following. Make sure the only things you post are related to your music career. Use the name you want to be known by in your career. This might just be your first name, or your first and middle. Whatever you want to be known by is fine. Choose a good photo. You want your photo to demonstrate the persona you want to have as a singer, but not be too over the top. You can always opt for a photo of yourself performing (if you have one) or a simple headshot. 14. **Build a website.** If you want to take things a step further, you can build yourself a professional website. This can be especially useful if you plan to eventually allow bookings or media requests. You can build a free website by using a host platform like Word Press. Make sure you include contact information. You might want to set up a separate email address for contact about your singing. You should also create a page to upload your singing clips. 15. **Upload your clips to Facebook to share with family and friends.** Once you have files ready to go, start sharing them. open your Facebook page to the main newsfeed. Under the text box that pops up, you’ll see a small green icon that says “Photo/Video” next to it. Click this to bring up a box that lets you choose a file from your computer. Choose the file, then click “Post.” To get more people to see your Facebook post, tag your friends and family in it! Not only will they see it, but their friends will see it, too. When your write your post, say something like ""Hey everyone! I'm getting serious about my online musical presence! Take a listen to my video/audio file and let me know what you think. If you like it, feel free to share it!"" 16. **Upload your files to Instagram to reach the general public.** To upload to Instagram, you’ll have to add a step or two. You can’t upload photos or videos directly from your computer. Instead, email the clip to yourself, then open the email on your phone. Save the video to your phone and then open the Instagram app, press the camera icon, and choose the video from your phone’s library. Use hashtags when you post to Instagram to get people to see your post when they're searching. Use the hashtags ""#singer"" ""#newmusic"" ""#newartist"" as well as hashtags with the song titles. 17. **Upload your videos to YouTube.** Sign into your YouTube account. Then choose the icon of the arrow pointing up, next to your account picture. Then you can either drag your file to the screen, or click the screen to open a browsing screen to choose a file from your computer. You can share the link to your YouTube video on all of your social media platforms. Copy the link in your browser and share it as a status update on Facebook, a Tweet on Twitter, or a post on Instagram. 18. **Share your posts on Twitter.** Unfortunately, you can't upload audio or video files directly to Twitter. But you can use it to link your followers to where you've shared your files on other social media accounts. Copy the url for the original posts on your other social media platforms and paste them into a tweet. You can also use your Twitter account to share music you like, link to concerts you’re interested in, and generally share music-related information.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Do Bantu Knots?,"Bantu* knots are a cute, flirty style traditionally sported by African woman of certain cultural groups and some women of African descent. However, these knots work well with just about all hair types. They are not actually knots! Instead, they are small, coiled buns secured against the side of the head. Regardless, if you uncoil your Bantu knots after you've sported them, you can create a second, curly hairstyle known as a Bantu knot-out. the use of the word ""Bantu"" in this article is not intended to cause any harm. We apologize for any of those who are offended by the term. 1. **Shampoo the hair with a sulfate-free shampoo.** Your scalp needs to be very clean since Bantu knots leave a large portion of it exposed. If you have too much product buildup, grime, and flaky skin on your scalp, the style can become itchy and lose some of its glamour. You do not need to use any special shampoo for this task, but using a sulfate-free option will help reduce frizz. Simply use the same hair care products you always use when shampooing your hair. 2. **Use conditioner, especially if your hair tends to frizz.** If your hair is prone to frizziness or flyaway strands, using a conditioner can help prevent some of this effect. You can opt for either a rinse-out conditioner or a leave-in conditioner. A rinse-out conditioner is recommended if your hair dries out easily but is not notably prone to flyaway strands, while a leave-in conditioner is recommended if the hair gets especially dry and frizzy when you work with it. Conditioner offers a layer of protection for your hair, which can help prevent breakage as you coil, twist, and wrap it into knots. 3. **Detangle your hair, if necessary.** If your hair tangles easily, you should brush it using a special detangler brush or comb. For curly or textured hair, opt for a wide-toothed comb, and detangle it while conditioner is still on your hair. Consider applying a detangler serum, as well. This may not be necessary if hair is already very stretched-out or relatively tangle-free. Detangling the hair help make knots and knot-outs as smooth and shiny as possible when all is said and done. 4. **Dry the hair partially, leaving it damp.** There are conflicting opinions concerning whether to work with wet, damp, or dry hair, but the general consensus is that damp hair is best for setting both knots and knot-outs. Dry hair tends to be more difficult to set, and the knots or knot-outs may not hold well if you have straight or kinky hair that tends to lose a curl after a few hours. Dripping wet hair will not dry while knotted, however, and the knots or knot-outs may become limp as a result of being over-saturated. As a general rule of thumb, aim for towel-dry hair that is still damp to the touch but no longer wet enough to wring moisture out of. 5. **Separate the hair into multiple sections.** The exact width will vary depending on how short or long the hair is, as well as the look you want to go for if you plan to do knot-outs. Typically speaking, if the hair is short, you should use smaller sections, while women with long hair can opt for larger sections. Typically, the bigger the section the bigger the curls. A Rattail comb is usually the best tool to use when separating your hair. Work with the end of the comb to divide your hair into even, clearly divided sections. If you plan to wear your hair as a Bantu knot-out, your parts can be a bit messy, as they won't be noticeable once you take your hair down. However, it's best to create clean parts if you're going to wear the knots. If you have shorter hair, keep the sections about 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) wide or smaller. If you have longer hair, you can create sections that are roughly 3 to 4 inches (7.6 to 10 cm) wide. If you plan to create knot-outs, consider the final texture of the curls you will create when determining the width of your sections. For wavy hair, use medium to large knots ranging from 1 1/2 to 3 inches (3.8 to 7.6 cm) wide. For more defined curls, use small knots that are roughly 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 4 cm) wide. 6. **Apply a curl cream or similar setting product.** Stick with a product that has light to medium hold to create knots and knot-outs that hold their form without becoming stiff. Using your fingers or a styling comb, work the product into your hair, evenly coating your entire length of hair. Rub the styling product onto your fingers and twist each section of hair in between your fingers, starting from the roots and working down. This allows you to apply the product while forming a beginning ""rope"" of hair to build upon for knot. Note that you will need to keep the tension of the twist fairly high to maintain the shape. 7. **Twist a small coil at the base of your scalp.** Twist each section of hair for a few turns in between your fingertips, as though screwing in a screw or turning a doorknob. Only wind the the hair enough to create a short spring-like coil against your scalp. Do not twist your hair up completely in this manner. Twisting a small coil into your hair should be fine, but twisting the entire section into a knot can cause major breakage. 8. **Wrap the rest of the hair around this section.** Gradually wind the remaining hair in the section around the base coil, bringing the hair closer to your head with each wrapped layer. When working with longer hair, the knots will take on a pyramid or funnel shape. When working with shorter hair, the knots will look more like rosebuds or baguettes. The end of each section must be as close to your head as possible in order to hold the knot in place more effectively. 9. **Set the coils in place.** If the coils are tight enough, you can usually tuck the ends under the coil to hold them in place. If the coils feel a little too loose, try to retwist them to make them tighter. If this doesn't work, you can use hair pins or small elastic ponytail holders to hold the end of the knots in place. If you have naturally curly or kinky hair, you can usually tuck the ends underneath and have success. If your hair is fairly straight, however, you will probably need to rely on hair pins or elastic ponytail holders. 10. **Repeat the knotting procedure on the remaining sections.** Each section of hair needs to be twisted into a small coil. Wrap the remainder of each section around its corresponding coil and tuck or pin the ends in place. Note that you should also apply the same styling product to each section before beginning to twist and wrap the knots in place. If the hair starts to dry out as you work, you can lightly mist it with water from a spray bottle to keep it damp. 11. **Wear your Bantu knots proudly.** Bantu knots can be sported as their own style. At this point, the Bantu knots themselves are complete, so you can wear them around town as you please. If you let your knots down after they set, however, you can form a curly hairstyle known as Bantu knot-outs. 12. **Place a shower cap over your head overnight.** If you plan to do a knot-out, it is recommended that you let the hair air dry on its own. Placing a shower cap over the Bantu knots overnight can create a humid, steamy environment for your hair, though, which can help set the style naturally. Using a shower cap creates a type of ""greenhouse effect,"" allowing your hair to dry as slowly as possible while retaining enough moisture to prevent them from losing form. After you remove the shower cap, your hair will still feel slightly damp. Let it continue air drying for about 15 minutes before pressing forward. 13. **Dry your hair under a bonnet dryer, as an alternative.** If you need to set and dry your hair in a hurry, the next best option is to sit under a bonnet dryer and let your hair dry under the warm, steady heat for 30 to 60 minutes. Keep in mind that you will likely need about an hour for your hair to dry. Long or thick hair may take even longer to dry. It's normal for your roots to stay damp, as the hair is coiled around them. Do not blow dry knots. This will cause them to become far too frizzy when you take them down. 14. **Carefully unwrap each coil.** Unpin and unwrap each knot. You should expect to see tight, twisted coils of hair after this step. As you work with your hair while taking it down, it is recommended that you apply an oil or anti-humidity serum to your hands. Doing so prevents friction from hands from causing your hair to become frizzy. The knots should be unscrewed gently as though you are unscrewing a cap. Do not pull the knot apart. 15. **Loosen the twists gradually.** Gently separate each curl using your fingers. To minimize frizzing, you can gently finger-comb a little more styling product into the hair as you loosen the twists. You could also use a wide-toothed comb instead of your fingers. Avoid playing with the twists too much, though. If you handle your hair too much at this point, it can become frizzy rather easily. Avoid pulling each section apart. Instead, you need to lightly ""fluff"" the hair, arranging it so that the curls look natural and your scalp is no longer visible. 16. **Mist with hairspray or a similar product, if needed.** A light mist of hairspray or oil can help prevent flyaway hair while giving your hair a subtle, healthy-looking shine. At this point, the Bantu knot-out is ready to sport around town. 17. **Preserve your curls at night.** At night, you should pin your hair up and wrap the sides with a scarf. When you wake up in the morning, unpin your hair and re-style the curls gently using your fingers. Use a satin scarf, bonnet, or wrap at night for best results. You should also sleep on a satin pillow to avoid damaging your hair as much as possible. If you want to maintain the look for one or two weeks, clean your scalp with witch hazel or another astringent every three or four days while following this procedure at night to keep your curls looking great.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Tell if You Have Internal Hemorrhoids?,"Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins that can be found either externally or internally around the anus. They are caused by increased pressure on the pelvic and rectal veins and are related to constipation, diarrhea, and straining to pass a stool. Internal hemorrhoids can be difficult to self diagnose, but there are some signs and symptoms that you can be aware of. 1. **Be aware of bleeding during a bowel movement.** You might notice some blood on the toilet paper or in the toilet bowl. This is the most common symptom of an internal hemorrhoid. Blood or mucus in your stools can be a symptom of other illnesses as well. It can signal colorectal cancer or anal cancer, as well as hemorrhoids. Be sure to check with your doctor if you experience these symptoms. 2. **Notice if you have the sense of a full rectum even after you have passed a stool.** Many people with internal hemorrhoids will describe a sense that they haven’t finished a bowel movement. This is probably because the bulging veins of a hemorrhoid feel similar to stool in the anus. 3. **Be aware that an internal hemorrhoid may exit the anus.** You may feel an internal hemorrhoid that has protruded when you clean around your anus. It will be a pink mass of skin that has poked out of the anus. This is called a prolapse and it can lead to leakage of rectal contents. If you have a prolapse, it can cause some discomfort, but is not usually described as painful. Internal hemorrhoids are not painful because there are no pain fibers in the veins at that location. 4. **Suspect a hemorrhoid if you are at risk for one.** While hemorrhoids are most often caused by straining during a bowel movement, they can also be caused by obesity, lifting heavy objects, and by pregnancy. In pregnancy, hemorrhoids are due to the extra strain from carrying a baby and the resulting extra pressure on the veins of the lower abdomen. 5. **Treat** Most internal hemorrhoids can be treated at home by increasing the amount of fiber in your diet and drinking more water. This will soften up and bulk up the stools, making them easier to pass. This will also reduce the internal pressure that can cause hemorrhoids. Eat more foods high in fiber or take a fiber supplement. Follow the directions on the package if you decide to take a fiber supplement. Drink enough water so that you do not become dehydrated and your stool is softened. It is suggested that you drink between 9 and 13 cups of liquid per day. That is usually 6 to 8 full glasses of water. 6. **Contact your doctor if symptoms don't go away quickly.** If you think you have an internal hemorrhoid, and that sense doesn’t go away with increased fiber and water after a few days, you should make an appointment with your physician. Your doctor will determine if you have internal hemorrhoids or if there is another medical problem. Prepare for your exam by writing down your symptoms, making a list of questions you have for your doctor, and continuing to try to soften your stool. Classically, hemorrhoids are painless and you can recognize them just from passing bright red blood through your rectum. 7. **Get a medical exam.** A physician can diagnose internal or external hemorrhoids by performing a rectal exam. Your doctor will need to look at your anus during this exam, so that he or she will be able to see the hemorrhoid and assess its severity. Make sure that the doctor does a digital rectal examination. This is when the doctor examines your rectum with a gloved, lubricated finger. 8. **Be prepared for additional testing.** If rectal bleeding is not caused by a hemorrhoid, your doctor will likely recommend a more extensive test, called a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy. This is because rectal bleeding is one of the symptoms of colon cancer. The sigmoidoscopy looks at the rectum and the lower colon, while the colonoscopy looks at the whole colon and rectum. For both of these exams, your doctor will need to insert a scope into your anus. Anoscopy and endoscopy can also be used to diagnose internal hemorrhoids. With an anoscopy, the doctor inserts a thin lighted tube just a few inches into your rectum. An endoscopy is similar, but the tube might be inserted further into your rectum or colon. 9. **Get medical treatment.** Medical treatments of internal hemorrhoids can be awkward and uncomfortable but they are usually essentially painless. Medical treatments for internal hemorrhoids include: Ligation: Tying a rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off blood flow. Injection of a chemical solution designed to shrink the hemorrhoid. Cauterization: burning the hemorrhoid. Hemorrhoidectomy: surgical removal of the hemorrhoid.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Clean Plantation Shutters.,"Plantation shutters are easy to clean and do not require heavy maintenance. On a regular basis, remove dirt and dust with a vacuum. If your shutters are extra dirty, wipe them down with white vinegar to keep them clean. Make sure to avoid using too much of any liquid cleaners on plantation shutters, especially wooden shutters. Liquid cleaners can cause damage over time. 1. **Use a duster to remove dust.** A simple feather duster can be used to dust any obvious dirt off the shutters. Run the duster in between each blind, hitting the tops and bottoms, to dislodge any built up dust. If you don't have a feather duster on hand, use a clean, dry cloth on your shutters. 2. **Vacuum off lingering dust.** To more thoroughly remove dust, use your vacuum. Pop the upholstery attachment onto your vacuum cleaner. Run the attachment over the shutters to remove any stuck on dirt. It's also a good idea to vacuum the floor around your shutters, as some dust may fall on your carpet or floor during the cleaning process. 3. **Swipe a dryer sheet over your shutters.** Dryer sheets actually help prevent dust from sticking to surfaces. After dusting your shutters, take a dryer sheet. Run it over each blind. This should lead to less dust build up in the future, cutting back on cleaning time. 4. **Fill a bowl with white vinegar.** White vinegar can be used to wipe any stains off of plantation shutters. Fill a small bowl with white vinegar only. The precise amount you need depends on the size of your shutters and how much cleaning they need. 5. **Wet a sock or cotton glove.** For easiest cleaning, you will wipe down your shutters with a sock or cotton gloves. Find a clean, fresh sock or glove and dip it in the white vinegar. Wring the sock or glove out until it's just barely damp. 6. **Wipe down the shutters.** Place your sock or glove over your hand. Run the sock or glove over each blind slowly. The white vinegar should remove dirt, debris, and any stains. For very dirty shutters, have another sock or glove on hand if the one you use gets dirty. 7. **Keep wiping until your socks or gloves run clean.** Wipe down each blind as many times as you need for the sock or glove to run clean. The final time you wipe, there should be no new dirt or debris on your sock or glove. The shutters should be looking much cleaner when you're done. Remember to switch which sock or glove you're using if your sock or glove becomes very dirty. It's important not to simply rub dirt around on the shutters. 8. **Refrain from using water.** As plantation shutters are usually made of wood, cleaning with water is not recommended. A regular dusting is usually all that is necessary to maintain plantation shutters. Water can cause the wood to warp or become discolored, so never use water as a cleaner on your shutters. 9. **Limit your use of liquid cleaners.** In general, stick to simple dusting to clean your shutters. You should only use liquid cleaners, such as vinegar, when shutters become very dirty. The less exposure to liquids plantation shutters have, the better. Even when using a liquid cleaner, make sure you only use a small amount. Socks and rags soaked in liquid cleaners should be just barely damp before you apply them to plantation shutters. 10. **Dust your shutters regularly.** Make a habit of dusting your shutters each week. If you remove unwanted dust regularly, this cuts down on the need to use liquid-based cleaners. Plantation shutters should have minimal exposure to any kind of moisture, not just water.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Use Brylcreem.,"A staple of hair care products for generations, Brylcreem’s ease of application and picture-perfect glossiness make it ideal for sculpting a variety of styles and keeping hair looking sleek, sophisticated, and under control all day long. Getting that classic movie star flourish is as simple as working the pomade from root to tip, then styling as usual. The pomade sets up instantly and holds strong, so there’s no need to cake it on—remember, “a little dab’ll do ya!” 1. **Pick up a jar of Brylcreem.** Due to its iconic status and recognizable branding, Brylcreem can be found just about anywhere that hair care products are sold. You’ll most likely even be able to snag some in the beauty aisle of your favorite supermarket or corner drugstore. If you’re having trouble getting your hands on Brylcreem, try expanding your search to barber shops that cater specifically to men. You can also purchase it online. A large container of Brylcreem typically costs less than $10 and has the potential to last you for months, making it as economical as it is effective. 2. **Wash your hair prior to styling.** To ensure that the pomade isn’t being forced to compete with your hair’s natural oils, it’s best to start with a clean head of hair. Hop in the shower and lather up with a cleansing shampoo, then follow up with a protective, moisturizing conditioner. The key to a luxurious, eye-catching coif is, above all else, healthy hair. 3. **Leave your hair damp.** Brylcreem coats and holds best when applied to locks that aren’t bone-dry. As soon as you get out of the shower, towel off to soak up the excess water, but let a little bit of moisture remain. That way, you’ll have an easier time distributing the semi-solid cream. It's a good idea to keep a spray bottle so that you can dampen your hair, as needed. This is particularly useful if you have hair that dries quickly. Make sure your hair isn’t overly wet. Trying to use a wax-based pomade on a waterlogged mane will just result in an oily mess. The volume and absorbency of dry hair, on the other hand, can make it nearly impossible to get the product to coat evenly. 4. **Warm the pomade to thin it.** Classic Brylcreem has a soft, creamy consistency that makes layering it on a breeze, but if you’ve chosen a high-hold wax or paste variety, it may be necessary to heat it up to promote spreadability. You can get your product of choice primed and ready by blasting it briefly with a hairdryer, or by simply rubbing it between your palms for a few seconds. It may also help to store your Brylcreem in a warm place, such as the ledge of your shower. 5. **Scoop up a small amount with two fingers.** Use just enough to completely coat your hair and give it a subtle sheen. If you’re sporting a short, neat cut, you’ll be able to get away with less pomade. For longer styles, you’ll need to gather up a little more. Brylcreem’s famous ad slogan says it all—a little bit goes a long way. Too much product can weigh down hair and leave it looking flat and greasy. 6. **Rub the Brylcreem between your palms.** When it comes to taming your mane, two hands are better than one. Spreading the pomade out over a larger surface area will allow you to cover more hair at once. It will also help soften more solid products, as previously mentioned. 7. **Work the pomade through your hair from root to tip.** Smooth it on at the scalp, then run your fingers through your hair in all directions to thoroughly coat each strand. Apply it just like you would shampoo, with the goal of getting full coverage over your entire head. Spiking your hair upwards during the first few strokes can make it easier to work the product down to the roots. Every now and then, pause long enough to take a quick peek in the mirror. Checking your progress will help you spot sections that you may have missed. 8. **Tame cowlicks and flyaways.** Use the flat part of your hand to smooth unruly hairs and keep them from sticking up. For persistent problem areas, apply a little extra product directly to the stubborn strands. The added weight will help hold them down, and they'll proceed to fall in line. To avoid messing up your meticulous grooming, be sure to flatten your hair in the direction that it's parted or slicked. Blow drying cowlicks briefly can help lock them in place once you've successfully got them lying down. 9. **Style your hair as usual.** Once your hair is slick and smooth with a faint shine, just comb your hair like you normally would and you’re good to go! Wax-based pomades like Brylcreem don’t dry out like some styling products, so there’s no need to grab the blow dryer or wait to leave the house. Styling products make it possible to achieve ‘dos that require a little more hold, like pompadours, faux-hawks, and piled curls. 10. **Wash your hair thoroughly to remove the pomade.** Unless you like the idea of resting your head on a greasy pillow, it’s a good idea to scrub up before bed on days that you’ve used Brylcreem. To ensure that no residue is left in your hair, use a deep-cleaning clarifying shampoo and conditioner designed to break up oils and rinse until the water runs clear. The combination of dirt, oils, and additional product can quickly lead to quick buildup. It may take repeated washings to get out every last trace of pomade. Get in the habit of washing your hair every time you pile on the styling products. 11. **Let your hair dry completely between applications.** When you’re finished washing your hair, air out to return it to its natural state for a few hours. Hair is strongest when it’s dry. Going product-less for a few hours here and there will also give it a chance to breath and keep it healthy and resilient. The simplest way to dry hair is to give it a good shake, then leave it alone. You can also pat it dry with a soft towel. Just make sure you're not being too rough with it. If you usually to blow dry your hair to save time, do it on a low heat setting to prevent unnecessary damage. You should also use a heat protectant spray to protect your hair from heat damage. 12. **Get your hair trimmed regularly.** No amount of product can disguise a head of hair that's in poor condition. Even if you'd rather keep your locks on the longer side, an occasional shape-up will do away with split-ends and thin out scraggly strands damaged by friction and exposure to the elements. Afterwards, your hair will be tighter, sleeker, and much more manageable. Schedule a cut every two to six weeks. If you wait much longer, the new growth can make it tough to keep pulling off your current style. Be sure to communicate your preferences to your stylist so they'll know just how much to take off. 13. **Improve the health of your hair with other Brylcreem products.** In addition to their time-honored styling cream, Brylcreem also makes products specifically designed to treat different types of hair. These include high-hold gels, restorative leave-in masks and dandruff formulas for flaky scalps. If you have especially dry, textured or unruly hair, consider adding one of these products to your hair-care regimen. Look for other varieties of Brylcreem wherever men’s hair care products are sold.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Increase Uterine Lining?,"A healthy uterine lining, or endometrium, helps women have regular periods and get pregnant. If you have a thin uterine lining, you might be experiencing trouble getting pregnant. Fortunately, a thin endometrium can be treated with some lifestyle modifications, and you can work with your doctor to thicken the endometrium with medical methods. Stay positive – many women are able to increase their uterine lining and improve their chance of pregnancy! 1. **Exercise daily.** Exercising increases the blood flow throughout your body, and that includes blood flow to your uterus. Good blood flow builds a better endometrium. Take at least thirty minutes out of your day to be active – whether you like to swim, run, bike, do yoga, or just take a walk. If you have a job that requires you to sit still a lot, try to get up and move around for two minutes out of every hour. 2. **Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.** Stay well rested to keep your hormone levels stable – estrogen and other hormones balance out while you sleep. Try to develop a healthy sleep pattern to ensure you get 7-9 hours of sleep nightly. Try the following to improve your sleep pattern: Set a specific time to go to bed and wake up each day. Try to go to bed around 10-11 pm. Avoid napping during the day. Save your bedroom for sleep – don’t watch TV in bed, for instance. Have a relaxing nighttime routine, like taking a warm bath or giving yourself a hand massage. Sleep in a cool, dark room. 3. **De-stress.** Stress and the chemicals it releases can affect your body negatively, including your hormone balance. Manage your stress by taking time each day to relax. Try yoga, meditation, a creative project like writing or painting, aromatherapy, or anything else that relaxes you. If you have a stressful home or work life, try to practice mindfulness. 4. **Try a fertility diet.** Your diet may affect your fertility. Aim to eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. A high-fat, low-carb diet may also help. If possible, get more of your protein from vegetables and beans than meat. Avoid trans-fats and processed foods. 5. **Take herbal supplements.** Though these are not scientifically proven to increase uterine thickness, taking certain herbs may help increase your circulation and thus improve blood flow to your uterus, or may amp up your body’s estrogen supply. Many supplements can be found at your pharmacy, health food store, or online (but be sure to buy from a reputable seller). Check with your doctor or pharmacist before starting an herbal supplement – they’re natural, but they can still interact with other medications or medical conditions. Consider the following to boost or balance estrogen levels, or increase circulation: Wild yam Black cohosh Dong quai Licorice Red clover Red raspberry leaf tea 6. **Try acupuncture.** Acupuncture helps regulate your menstrual health by improving your uterine blood flow. Visit a licensed acupuncturist for treatment. They will apply needles to specific points in your body to help you improve your circulation, regulate hormones, and promote healing. 7. **Avoid practices that decrease blood flow.** Just as you can try practices to increase your blood flow, you should avoid doing anything that minimizes your blood flow. Some of the most common practices that decrease blood flow are: Smoking: Quit smoking! It’s hazardous to your health and decreases blood flow. Drinking caffeine: Aim to minimize your caffeine to 1 cup per day. Cut back caffeine gradually to avoid withdrawal effects. Taking decongestants: Allergy and sinus medications that contain phenylephrine or other “vasoconstrictors” narrow blood vessels, so try to use other products without this ingredient. 8. **Visit your doctor.** If you’re having an irregular period or a difficult time getting pregnant, visit your regular doctor or your OB/GYN. There are many reasons this can occur, so have a physical examination to rule out other causes than thin uterine lining. If a thin endometrium is your problem, your doctor will be the best person to help you decide on treatment. It’s important to determine the cause of your thin endometrium to best treat the condition. 9. **Try estrogen therapy.** The first step to increase uterine lining is usually to manipulate your hormones using estrogen therapy. Your doctor may prescribe you a method of birth control that contains estrogen, or give you estrogen in the form of a pill, patch, gel, cream, or spray. Taking estrogen can increase your risk for blood clots, heart disease, and some cancers. Discuss your health history and family history with your doctor. 10. **Take a vasodilator medication.** Your uterine lining needs good blood flow to grow, so restricted arteries can cause a thin endometrium. Talk to your doctor about whether you can take a medication that expands your blood vessels, called a vasodilator, to improve blood flow to your uterus. People with certain medical conditions should not take vasodilators, and these medications can cause side effects like fast heartbeat, fluid retention, headache, chest pain, and nausea. Discuss your health history with your doctor before starting any medication. 11. **Increase your Vitamin E.** Taking vitamin E may improve blood flow to the uterine lining and improve endometrial thickness. Eat foods rich in vitamin E, and talk to your doctor about taking a vitamin E supplement – sometimes called tocopherol. The recommended daily intake of vitamin E is 15mg for women; ask your doctor about higher doses to increase uterine lining – 600mg were given to women in studies. Foods high in vitamin E include: Almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, and peanut butter Raw seeds like pumpkin, sunflower, and sesame Swiss chard, kale, and spinach Mustard greens, turnip greens, and parsley Avocado, broccoli, tomato, and olives Mango, papaya, and kiwi Wheat germ oil, safflower oil, and corn oil 12. **Check the levels of iron in your blood.** Iron deficiency can cause a thin uterine lining. Ask your doctor to do a blood test to check your iron levels. If your levels are low, you may need to eat more iron-rich foods or take a supplement. Meat and fish are the best sources of iron. Vegans and vegetarians are at higher risk of iron deficiency. Make sure to eat iron-rich grains and vegetables, such as quinoa, lentils, spinach, and tofu. 13. **Take an l-arginine supplement.** There is good scientific evidence that taking an l-arginine supplement helps people with heart trouble and leg pain due to clogged arteries. Because of its ability to expand arteries and improve blood flow, taking l-arginine may help to increase uterine lining. You can get these supplements at your pharmacy or health food store. There is no set dosing limit for l-arginine, but it can be taken anywhere in the range of 0.5-15mg for different ailments. Studies have used 6 g/day to treat thin uterine lining. Talk to your doctor about dosing and whether this supplement is right for you. 14. **Ask about low-dose aspirin therapy.** Taking low-dose aspirin has been shown to improve some women’s rate of pregnancy, though it’s in question whether this is due to increasing the thickness of the uterine lining. Only take aspirin with your doctor’s approval, after discussing your health history. 15. **Discuss pentoxifylline with your doctor.** Pentoxifylline (Trental) is a medication that increases your blood flow. It’s been combined with vitamin E to thicken the uterine lining of women trying to get pregnant. It can make you dizzy and may upset your stomach. Discuss pentoxifylline with your doctor, and be sure to tell them the following: If you’re allergic to caffeine or any drugs What medications you’re taking, especially any blood-thinners (anticoagulants) If you have or ever had kidney problems If you’re trying to get pregnant If you’re having surgery soon 16. **Research cytokine treatment.** If standard practices have failed to help thicken your uterine lining, consider working with a specialist to try a newer medical procedure. Treatment with Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) has improved the endometrium in trials of women preparing for in vitro fertilization. This is a new method that is still being studied, but ask your doctor whether it’s something to consider.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Use Isomalt?,"Isomalt is a low-calorie sucrose-based sugar substitute derived from beet sugar. It does not brown like sugar does and resists fracturing, so it is most often used for making edible decorations. You can work with isomalt crystals, but working with isomalt nibs or sticks is often easier to do. 1. **Prepare a bowl of ice water.** Fill a large bowl or shallow baking dish with 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.6 cm) of water and a handful of ice. Note that the bowl needs to be wide enough to fit the bottom of the saucepan you'll be using. You can also use this ice water in case you accidentally burn yourself during the cooking process. If you burn yourself with the metal saucepan or the hot syrup, simply dunk the burned area into the bowl of ice water to immediately stop the damage. 2. **Combine the isomalt and water.** Place the isomalt crystals in a small to medium-sized saucepan. Pour the water into the saucepan, as well, and stir the two ingredients together with a metal spoon to combine. You only need enough water to wet the isomalt. When combined at this stage, the contents of the saucepan should look like wet sand. If you need to alter the amount of isomalt, make sure that you change the amount of water, too. Typically, you need three to four parts isomalt for every one part water. Use distilled or filtered water. Tap water contains minerals that can cause the syrup to turn yellow or brown. The saucepan and spoon should be made of stainless steel. Avoid using a wooden spoon since previously absorbed material can seep into the syrup and give it a yellow tint. 3. **Boil over high heat.** Set the saucepan on the stove over medium heat. The contents should reach a steady boil; do not stir or disturb them until they do. Once the contents reach a boil, use a nylon pastry brush to scrape the excess off the sides of the pan and back into the main mixture. Do not use a natural bristle brush for this. After cleaning the side of the saucepan, attach a candy thermometer to the side. Make sure that the ball of the thermometer touches the hot syrup, not the bottom of the pan. 4. **Add food coloring at 280 degrees Fahrenheit (82 degrees Celsius).** If you want to add food coloring to the isomalt syrup, this is the ideal temperature to do so. Add the number of drops needed to achieve your desired color depth, then stir the food coloring into the boiling syrup using a metal mixing spoon or skewer. Don't worry if the mixture gets stuck at around 225 degrees Fahrenheit (107 degrees Celsius) for a little while. At this temperature, the excess water is boiling out. The temperature will not climb further until this water boils out. Expect the mixture to bubble rapidly when you add the food coloring in. 5. **Cook until the syrup reaches 340 degrees Fahrenheit (171 degrees Celsius).** In order to create isomalt glass or similar isomalt decorations, the liquified syrup must be allowed to reach this temperature. If it does not, the structure of the isomalt may not be altered enough to allow the decoration to set properly. You should actually remove the saucepan from the heat when the thermometer reads 333 degrees Fahrenheit (167 degrees Celsius). The temperature will continue to climb after that, even if you try to quickly stop the melting process. 6. **Dunk the bottom of the pan in ice water.** Once the isomalt reaches the correct temperature, quickly transfer the saucepan to your prepared dish of ice water. Stick the bottom of the pan inside the water for 5 to 10 seconds or so to stop the temperature from climbing further. Do not let any of the ice water get inside the saucepan. Remove the saucepan from the water as soon as the hissing sounds stop. 7. **Keep the isomalt warm in your oven.** Isomalt pours best at about 300 degrees Fahrenheit (149 degrees Celsius), so you should keep it warm in the oven until you are ready to use it to prevent the syrup from cooling too much. The oven should be set to 275 degrees Fahrenheit (135 degrees Celsius). Keeping the isomalt syrup in the oven for 15 minutes will usually help it achieve its ideal pouring temperature. During this time, the bubbles will also have time to escape from the syrup. You can keep isomalt in the oven for up to three hours. If you store it longer, the mixture can begin to yellow. 8. **Place the nibs in a microwave-safe bowl.** Make sure that they are evenly spread out to promote even melting. If using isomalt sticks instead of nibs, break the sticks in halves or thirds before placing them in the dish. Isomalt nibs and sticks come in clear forms and pre-colored forms. If you want to create a colored creation, use pre-colored nibs. Since melted isomalt can get very hot, using a dish with a handle may make it easier and safer to handle the melted syrup. You could also use silicone baking dishes or bowls since silicone is fairly heat resistant. If you use something without a handle, however, consider placing the dish on a microwave-safe plate to limit the amount of contact you'll need to have with the dish itself. 9. **Microwave on high, working in 15 to 20-second increments.** You will need to stir the isomalt nibs after each increment to make sure that they are heating in an even, thorough manner. Continue microwaving them in this manner until the entire batch has been melted down. Note that air bubbles will naturally form as the isomalt melts. Use oven mitts to protect your hands while handling a dish of hot isomalt. Stir the melting isomalt with a metal skewer or similar utensil. Avoid wooden utensils. It takes an average of one minute to melt roughly five nibs. This amount of time can vary depending on the strength of your microwave and the size of the nibs, however. 10. **Stir well.** Stir the melted isomalt one last time to remove as many air bubbles as possible. You must make sure that all of the bubbles are out of the melted isomalt before you try to use it. If there are bubbles in the syrup, there will be bubbles in the finished decoration. 11. **Reheat as needed.** If the isomalt begins to harden or set before you have a chance to use it, you can simply reheat it in the microwave by putting the dish in and reheating it in additional intervals of 15 to 20 seconds. You should be able to let the melted isomalt sit out for up to 5 or 10 minutes before it starts cooling. If additional bubbles begin to form, stir the isomalt to help release them. 12. **Coat the molds with cooking spray.** Spray an even layer of nonstick cooking spray into each mold, giving each one a thorough, even coat. Use a dry paper towel to clean off the excess cooking spray from the top of the molds. Make sure that the molds you use are labeled for use with isomalt or sugar-based hard candy. The high temperatures you'll be working with could melt molds that are not durable enough. 13. **Transfer the syrup into a pastry bag, if desired.** Only add about 1/2 cup (125 ml) of melted isomalt to the pastry bag. Adding more could cause the bag to weaken or melt. Adding too much can also cause burns. Using pastry may make it easier for you to work with the melted isomalt, but many find the step to be an unnecessary one. Do not cut off the tip of the pastry bag before adding the isomalt. Leave the tip intact for now. Make sure that you still continue to wear oven mitts while handling the pastry bag. The heat of the melted isomalt can still burn you through the bag. 14. **Pour or squeeze the syrup into the molds.** Place just enough melted isomalt into each mold compartment to fill it. Only cut the tip of the pastry bag when you are ready to fill the molds. The isomalt will pour out quickly, so you'll need to be careful. Regardless of how you pour the melted isomalt, you should let it pour out in a thin stream. Doing so will minimize the number of bubbles that form. Lightly tap the bottom of the mold on a counter, table, or another hard surface to release any bubbles from the syrup after you fill the molds. 15. **Let the syrup set.** Depending on the size of your molds, the isomalt should harden into a stiff decoration within 5 to 15 minutes. Once the isomalt cools, it should naturally pull away from the sides of the mold. You should be able to simply tip the mold on its side and watch the pieces tumble out. 16. **Use as desired.** The isomalt decorations can be stored in airtight containers or used immediately. If you plan on sticking the decorations to something like a cake, apply a little corn syrup or melted isomalt to the back of the decoration using a toothpick, then stick the decoration onto the cake. It should remain in place without any difficulty.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Give a Piggyback.,"You’re hanging out with a friend when they suddenly twist an ankle. With your house a block away, how can you get them there safely? A piggyback ride, of course! Carrying someone on your back may seem difficult, but you’ve got more strength than you may think. With our help, you can pick up just about anyone, whether it’s for fun or in an emergency situation. 1. **Keep your arms loose.** 2. **This will allow room for the rider's legs.** 3. **This is an important step to avoid back injury.** ",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Win at Scrabble.,"Scrabble is a challenging game and it can be frustrating if you often lose. If you want to improve your chances of winning Scrabble, there are several strategies that may help you to win more often. Of course, you will still need to keep working on your Scrabble skills by playing Scrabble often. 1. **Learn to manage your rack.** Shuffling your tiles can help you find playable words, as well as find prefixes, partial words, and common letter combinations. When looking for candidate plays, you also want to make sure your remaining tiles don't contain an imbalance of consonants and vowels, or contain duplicate tiles that will inhibit you from making a high scoring play next turn. Make sure that you exchange some of your letters if you end up with too many vowels. You should not have more than 2-3 vowels on your rack at any one time. Letters in the word RETAINS are the most versatile and useful, so consider hanging on to these letters. 2. **Play words on premium squares.** The premium squares (double letter, triple letter, double word, and triple word) can dramatically increase your score. Therefore, it is a good idea to make plays using these squares. Doing so will increase your chances of winning the game. Try to play words that cover multiple premium squares. For example, if you play a word that covers two triple word squares in the same turn, the word you played will be worth 9 times as much as normal. 3. **Make parallel word plays whenever possible.** Often in Scrabble, you can lay your word alongside (or above or below) an existing word to create a number of 2 or 3-letter words in addition to your main word. The reward for parallel plays can be significant. 4. **Memorize high scoring words in Scrabble using tiles such as the J, Q, X, and Z.** Serious Scrabble players memorize lists of high scoring words to improve their chances of winning. Some common words include QAT, XU, OXO, JIAO, JEU, ZOA, ZEE, and AJI. These words will allow you to score extremely well on future turns. Try to memorize some of the high scoring two letter words such as Jo, Qi, and Za. These words are easier to remember because they are so short, but they are also great score boosters. 5. **Use “S” to get points from your opponent’s best plays.** Although your opponent(s) may not be too pleased, you can add “S” to many words and get an easy points boost. This strategy works even better if the word is long, has a high points value, or if the “S” falls on a premium square. Watch for opportunities to add “S” to an opponent’s word as you play. 6. **Extend words when you can.** Compound words are also great score boosters in Scrabble. For example, if an opponent plays BALL and you have the letters to play AIR, then you can play AIR in front of BALL and create the compound word AIRBALL. Playing compound words like this one will improve your score and increase your chances of winning the game. 7. **Try to play a bingo.** A bingo is a word that uses all 7 tiles in your rack simultaneously in one play. In addition to the points that your play would normally score, you will get an extra 50 points added to your score. It is not always easy to find a bingo: look for 7 letter words in your rack that might fit on the board as well as 8+ letter plays that might play through existing tiles on the board. 8. **Make plays based on your lead.** You can help yourself maintain a lead or get a lead by playing certain types of words. If you are trailing your opponent(s), your best bet is to play words that will open up the board and give you opportunities to make better plays. If you are in the lead, then you should play words that will keep the board closed off to your opponents and reduce their opportunities to make better plays. 9. **Block off the premium squares.** Advanced Scrabble players are always looking ahead to what their opponents might do. Get into the habit of considering what your opponent may do if you play a certain word and try to block any premium squares that your opponent may want to use during his or her turn. Keep in mind that blocking your opponent may not always be possible, but if you do it whenever possible, it may help you to hold onto your lead and win the game.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Freeze Bananas.,"If you have too many bananas to use before they get overripe, freeze them instead of throwing them out. Frozen bananas make a delicious addition to smoothies, milkshakes, and baked goods. If you want to use your bananas for smoothies or milkshakes, slice them into coins and freeze them on a baking sheet. If you’re going to use your bananas for baking, you can save yourself some effort by freezing them whole. 1. **Let your bananas ripen before you freeze them.** When bananas are ripe, their skins look yellow. It’s okay if you let the skins get spotted or brown before you freeze them, but don’t freeze the bananas when their skins are still green. 2. **Remove the peels from your bananas.** Don’t leave the peel on your bananas when you freeze them, because it will turn black and slimy in the freezer. You’ll be able to get the peel off with a knife, but it will be a lot harder than simply taking the peel of an unfrozen banana. 3. **Slice your bananas into rounds about 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick.** If you slice your bananas thicker, they’ll take a little longer to freeze, but it will save you time on the slicing, so it’s really up to you. You don’t have to be very exact with cutting your bananas. 4. **Place the slices in a single layer on a baking sheet.** Try to have a little space between the pieces so they don’t fuse together when they freeze. If you’re trying to freeze a bunch of bananas at once, you may need multiple trays. To make it slightly easier to remove the banana slices, you can line the baking sheet with parchment paper, but it will still be pretty easy to get the pieces off without it. The reason we freeze them on a baking sheet first is so they don’t fuse together into a solid lump of frozen banana. 5. **Freeze the bananas for an hour or until frozen.** Place the baking sheets covered in banana pieces into your freezer. You may have to rearrange the items in your freezer slightly to get the trays to fit. Check back on the bananas in about an hour. If they are not frozen solid, check again after another half an hour. You can check if they are done by poking a piece. If it’s squishy, it needs more time. 6. **Move your frozen banana pieces into a bag labeled with the date.** Put the coins into a freezer safe plastic bag, remove the air from the bag, and seal it. Label the bag with the date that you froze the bananas, so you don’t leave them in your freezer for years by accident. You might want to use a spatula to help you remove the bananas from the baking sheet. 7. **Use your frozen bananas in smoothies or milkshakes within 6 months.** The next time you are making a beverage in the blender, pull a few pieces of frozen banana from the bag in your freezer. Just stick them in the blender and watch as they turn into a cold, creamy treat. 8. **Let your bananas get ripe or overripe.** Bananas won’t ripen more in the freezer, so don’t freeze a green banana. Use a yellow or spotted banana, instead. Over-ripe bananas are great for baking, because they are so sweet, so you can even freeze a banana if the peel is all brown. If your banana is so overripe that it’s liquid you should just toss it. 9. **Peel all of your bananas.** Don’t freeze a banana with its peel on! The peel will turn black and slimy, which will look gross, and you’ll have to use a knife to slice it off. Your future self will thank you for putting in a tiny bit of extra work now. Compost your peels if you have compost available. 10. **Keep the peeled bananas whole or mash them first.** You can leave the bananas whole and easily mash them later after you’ve defrosted them. However, if you prefer, you can go ahead and mash them now! Put your bananas in a bowl and mash them with a fork until they reach a mushy consistency. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the mashed banana if you care about preserving the color. Since this is for baking though, the color doesn’t really matter. If you have a ton of bananas to mash, you may find it easier to mash them in a food processor or blender, but bananas are soft enough to mash by hand. 11. **Freeze your bananas in a freezer bag labeled with the date.** Scoop the mashed bananas or place the whole bananas into a freezer bag. Make sure that most of the air is out of the bag before you seal it. Write the date on your bag with a permanent marker so that you can figure out how long the bananas have been in your freezer later. Then, just stick the bag in the freezer. 12. **Use your bananas in baked goods within 6 months.** Take your bananas out of the freezer an hour before you plan to start baking and let them defrost on a plate on the counter. If you still haven’t used your frozen bananas within 6 months, it’s time to toss them. Try baking banana bread or banana muffins with your defrosted bananas. If you stored the bananas whole, they should be easy to mash with a fork after they've defrosted.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Care for a Dog's Torn Paw Pad?,"Paw pads protect dog's bodies by providing cushioning to protect bones and joints. They also provide insulation. Since dogs are constantly on their feet, and often with little or no protection, paws are susceptible to tears and other injuries. Dogs with torn paw pads don't rest and allow them to heal, however. Rather, they continue to act like dogs, running and playing and reopening their wound over and over. Just the pressure from walking can cause torn paw pads to reopen. Because this area of the body is prone to infection, it is important to care for your dog's torn paw pad in a timely manner. 1. **Look for signs of limping, licking, or bleeding.** If your dog suddenly is unwilling to put any weight on a particular foot or is excessively licking it, odds are he has a paw pad injury. 2. **Examine the paw immediately when you see signs of discomfort.** Look all over the paw: between the toes, on top of the foot, and between the pads. Check for bleeding, cuts or abrasions, debris stuck in the pad, or a dangling dew claw. Your dog may also have a ripped nail, which can cause a lot of bleeding. Approach your dog cautiously, since he may be prone to snapping if he is in pain. Be gentle and talk in a soothing voice. 3. **Decide whether a vet visit is in order.** You can take care of a cut or torn paw at home if the wound is smaller than a half inch in diameter. However, if the cut is deep, consult a vet. You should also consult a vet if there is excessive bleeding or oozing. While many vets do not stitch small cuts, they may give your dog antibiotics to help fight a possible infection. 4. **Act quickly when you notice a potential problem.** Paw injuries are susceptible to being contaminated by bacteria, so they must be treated immediately. 5. **Clean the wound** Gently rinse the foot under lukewarm water, or fill a bucket with clean warm water and submerge the paw. Submerging the paw is helpful for washing out any debris that may be in the area. If necessary, you can use tweezers to remove any debris. 6. **Stop the bleeding** If your dog's paw continues to bleed after you have removed any debris and washed the wound, use a clean bandage or cloth to apply light pressure to the area until the bleeding stops. If you cannot control the bleeding after 5 minutes of continuous pressure, seek veterinary care. Lying the dog down and elevating the injured paw will help slow the bleeding. 7. **Dilute your disinfectant.** You will need to apply an antiseptic like povidone-iodine (e.g., Betadine, Pyodine, and Wokadine) to kill any germs near the wound. Applying the antiseptic at full strength, however, can burn your dog's paw. Diluting to a solution of one part povidone-iodine to 10 parts warm water is suggested. It will appear to be the color of weak tea. 8. **Apply the disinfectant.** Once any blood and debris are removed and the wound has been cleaned, swab the area with a cotton ball saturated in the diluted povidone-iodine solution and allow the area to air dry. 9. **Cover the wound with antibacterial ointment.** You can either use a salve designed for humans, such as bacitracin (e.g., Neosporin) or one developed specifically for dogs (Vetericyn). The antibacterial ointment will help prevent infection and is safe if your dog happens to lick it. 10. **Place an absorbent pad on the wound.** The first layer on the wound should be sterilized and nonstick. It should be large enough to cover the entire injury. Some good brands for non-adhering dressing pads include Telfa and Medtronic. You can find them at most pharmacies and some grocery stores or convenience stores. 11. **Wrap the injured paw** Lightly wrap the absorbent pad and the foot pad with a self-adhering bandage designed for animals (such as Vertrap, Pet-Flex, or Pet Wrap). Leave the front toes out, and wrap the paw up to the wrist joint. The claws of the paw should be nearly touching. If the claws are separated or if the foot feels cold, you have tied the bandage too tight. Remove and try again. This will not only protect the injury from being infected, it will also offer additional cushioning for the foot pad. Be sure the pressure is appropriate for your dog; you don't want to cut off his circulation. The wrapping should be snug enough that it stays on their foot but loose enough that you can place two fingers under the bandaging. Tying the bandage too tight can cut off the blood supply to the paw and may even cause limb death. Call your vet if you are worried about tying the bandage too tightly. 12. **Change the bandage daily.** Until your dog's paw is healed, you will need to replace the wound dressing each day, or more often if there is additional bleeding or seepage. Since dogs sweat from their paws, you will need to keep a close eye on the bandage to ensure it stays dry and clean. 13. **Stop your dog from licking or chewing at the bandages.** Dogs may try to lick or remove the gauze and bandage, and this will lengthen the time it takes for the wound to heal. Additionally, it could lead to infection. You can use a taste deterrent, such as bitter apple spray, on the outside of the bandages to dissuade your dog from licking or chewing on it. If the taste deterrent doesn't work, you may have to use an E-collar, the lampshade-shaped collar that restricts movement, for a few days. 14. **Use a dog boot when going outside.** Even though your dog is injured, he will still need to go out for a walk or potty break occasionally. To further protect your dog's paw and to keep the recovery on track, use a dog boot to cover the wound and bandages when going outside. 15. **Reassess the situation after a few days.** If, after three days of treatment, the wound continues to bleed or opens up, take your dog to a veterinarian for further treatment. 16. **Treat infection promptly.** An infected paw can cause long-term problems if not treated quickly. During the healing process, look for swelling or redness in the paw pad, which may indicate an infection. When changing your dog's bandages, a foul odor or moist discharge could also be signs of an infection. Another sign of possible infection is if your dog suddenly seems to be in more pain or even refuses to walk. If any of these occur, consult your veterinarian immediately. 17. **Inspect your dog's paws after being outdoors.** After outdoor time, make sure no debris is lodged in the dog's paw that can cause problems or tears. Clean in between your dog's toes for pebbles, seeds, and other debris that can irritate and cut them. You can remove these with tweezers. You can also have a bucket of water nearby to quickly rinse the dog's paws when he comes inside. It is a good idea to be proactive regarding caring for your dog's paws. If you catch an issue early, it will be easier to treat. 18. **Keep your yard clean.** Not all injuries can be avoided, but you can do some simple things to help keep your pet healthy. One is to check your yard for broken glass, small pebbles, or metal to make sure none of these can get lodged into your dog's paws. Preventing injuries is much easier than treating them. 19. **Pay attention to the weather.** Your dog's paws are sensitive to extreme weather conditions. Hot pavement can burn your dog's pads, and snow, ice, and salt can be equally damaging. When it's extremely hot outside, try to take your dog out before dawn or after sundown to avoid heat-related blisters or irritations on your dog's pads. Dog boots or foot wax can help protect his paws in cold or snowy weather. 20. **[Moisturize Dog Paws|Moisturize your dog's pads]] to keep them in good condition.** You can help keep your dog's pads healthy and strong by moisturizing them and preventing them from becoming cracked and dry. Be sure to use a pad moisturizer designed for dogs, as human products are not good for them. Your vet can recommend one. Or, you can massage them with vitamin E. 21. **Prevent overuse injuries.** Just like human athletes, dogs need time to get their bodies used to a new fitness routine. If you take up hiking or running, gradually acclimate your dog and his paws to this new activity to prevent chafing or cracking.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Create a Fictional Culture?,"Creating a fictional culture for a novel can help to build the world of the story. A strong, detailed culture for the characters in your story can draw your reader in and make your fictional world more believable. To create a fictional culture, you will need to focus on all of the elements of a society that influence culture, including language, religion, social structure, and social norms. You should also think about the economy and politics of the culture to help define it in more detail. 1. **Describe the social hierarchy of the world.** A big part of culture is how a society is organized on a social level. Think about the social hierarchy of the fictional world and how this affects the culture. Is there one group at the top of society and one group at the bottom? Is the society organized by class, race, or religion? For example, the world may have elected leaders or groups. Or there may be rightful heirs to the throne. May be people in the world discriminate against a certain group based on their religion, class, or race. 2. **Discuss the social norms.** Social norms are what is deemed normal or acceptable in a society. Culture often comes from social norms and expectations. Outline the social norms of the fictional world in detail. Ask yourself, what is considered normal in this world? What is deemed acceptable or okay to do in public? For example, a social norm in the fictional world may be that men and women wear full length clothing in public and refrain from touching. 3. **Identify the taboos.** Taboos are practices that are considered unacceptable or indecent. Every culture has taboos that go against social norms. Identify a few taboos in your fictional world to create a more detailed and believable fictional culture. For example, there may be taboos around how the dead are mourned and buried. Perhaps it is against the social norm not to bury the dead in the cemetery. There may also be taboos around sexuality and sexual relationships between people. It may be against social norms to be with someone of the same sex or to have more than one sexual partner at a time. 4. **Determine how the world functions economically.** Think about the economic system in the fictional world. Determine how characters make money and survive. This will influence the overall culture of the fictional world. Is it a bartering system with no money? Are there different levels to the economy? Are there wealthy and poor people? For example, you may start with how the main characters in your fiction earn their money. You may then think about how their jobs affect how they think, act, and communicate with others. 5. **Outline the political system.** You should also identify the political systems or systems in the fictional world, as this will inform the culture. Decide if the fictional world is based on American democracy or a totalitarian regime. Determine if there are winners and losers in the political system. Outline how politics affects the lives of the characters in your story. For example, your fictional world may have a political system based on American democracy, with political parties and the electoral college. Or your fictional world may combine elements of a totalitarian regime and socialism. 6. **Think about the world’s approach to war and the military.** Another major influence on culture is how the military functions in the fictional world. Think about whether the military has a strong presence in the world and if so, in what way. Consider if there is a history of wars or conflicts in the fictional world. These elements will all contribute to the culture of the world. For example, maybe there is a forgotten war that is only remembered by older people in the fictional world. This may then create a culture of disconnection from the past for the younger generation in the world. 7. **Create the language** Language is a major component of a world’s culture. Think about how the characters in your story communicate with one another. Consider if the language is spoken and written, if it uses letters, and if it is similar or different from English. Be consistent and detailed about the specifics of the language in the fictional world. There may also be more than one language spoken in your fictional world. Doing this will often create a richer and more diverse culture. For example, you may have one group of people who speak a language similar to English and a group of aliens who speak a language very different from English. But note that this can have unintended connotations, and some people may take it as any languages that aren't similar to English, or cultures that are not like English cultures, are 'alien' and thus to be feared. Or you may have a city of people who speak a dialect similar to Chinese and people who live in the outskirts of the city who speak a completely made up language. 8. **Determine the beliefs of the world.** Another key element is the belief system or religion of the fictional world. This has a big impact of the culture of the fictional world, as what people believe in often shapes how they interact with one another and view the world. Determine if there are multiple religions in the world or one dominant religion and other less dominant religions. You may borrow from existing religions, such as the use of a book similar to the Bible or the saints in Catholicism. Try combining elements from several different religions to create a fictional one. For example, you may have a dominant religion that closely resembles Christianity and less dominant religions that combine elements of Buddhism and Taoism. 9. **Identify traditions and rituals.** Write down any traditions that are practiced as part of the culture. Identify rituals that are done by members of a certain religion or group in the culture. Be specific and detailed. Most traditions and rituals are very old or ancient and have been practice for a long time. Consider this as you create your own for the fictional culture. For example, you may have traditions like reciting a prayer before a meal as part of the culture. Or you may have a ritual around visiting someone’s home that is expected in the culture.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to What Are Signs a Cancer Man Is Falling in Love.,"So, you’re falling for a Cancer man, and who can blame you? With his friendly and comforting nature, he’s one awesome catch! But how can you tell if he’s falling for you too? Cancerians are passionate people, showing their emotions whenever they can. Here are some signs that a Cancer man is falling in love with you. 1. **Their partner’s happiness means the world to a Cancer.** Cancerians may not be the best at telling jokes, but that won’t stop him. If he’s falling for you, he will go out of his way to make you laugh, even if that means embarrassing himself. A Cancer in love has no shame! You come first, so he doesn’t care how silly he might look. Has he done something outrageously out of character to make you laugh? Did he crack a dad joke when you told him you were down? 2. **He may come off as shy at first, but he is one deep soul.** Cancerians are emotional in the best way possible. They feel deeply, but rarely show their sensitive side to just anyone. If he starts unfolding the layers of his personality, he trusts you whole-heartedly—a clear sign that he’s falling in love. Be there for him if he does open up. Listen attentively because he is showing a side not many get to see. 3. **Although insecure themselves, Cancerians will do anything to raise others up.** He wants to see you succeed more than anything, and hates to see you doubting yourself. Maybe he sends you a long text about how great you are, or goes on a tangent about what makes you incredible—this is a sure sign that he’s falling for you. Has he given you a pep talk before a big event? Does he send you encouraging texts throughout the day? 4. **A Cancer will stop at nothing to make sure you know you are worthy of love.** This guy will do whatever it takes to show you he cares. He will pay attention to every little detail like your favorite coffee shops, jokes, and foods. He observes the details so that he can bring them up whenever you feel down. The extra attention to details is his way of telling you he loves you. Does he bring you on a date to a sentimental place? Has he ordered your favorite food when you were sad? 5. **A Cancer in love will put everything else aside and make you the number one priority.** He will go the extra mile to make you smile, spoil you with gifts, and make sure all your needs are met 100% of the time—often to the point that he neglects his own. All he wants is to see you happy, and he will sacrifice his own wellbeing for that. This is a true sacrifice of love. Give him the care he needs in return. Make him laugh, listen when he talks, and do whatever you can to make him happy. 6. **Cancerians are ritualistic and enjoy their strict schedules.** They find comfort in their routines, so if he’s going out of his way to spend time with you, he’s totally into you. Maybe he skips his weekly workout to go to the movies with you, or he decides to go to a restaurant with you rather than have his typical dinner at home. Either way, this is a telling sign that he’s falling for you—don’t let it go unnoticed! Say “yes” if he asks you to hang out randomly! It’s taken a lot of his courage to move his schedule around and prioritize you. 7. **Cancerians are major cuddlers and show their love through physical touch.** The time and place won’t matter to him if he’s falling for you and has the chance to show it. Maybe he grabs your hand as you walk, or pulls you close to him when you’re in public. This is his way of showing the world you’re a couple. Linger longer when he kisses you, or let your hand rest on his thigh. 8. **It’s not hard for a Cancer man to get jealous, especially when he’s in a serious relationship.** Jealousy runs in his veins, but you know he’s serious about you if he gets a tad possessive. He lives with the constant fear that you’ll find someone better and leave him, so he gets overprotective. It isn’t that he doesn’t trust you—he’s worried he’s not good enough. Ensure him that you’re not going anywhere! Let him know that your eyes are only set on him. He’s constant worry that he’s not good enough is a sign he’s falling head-over-heels for you! He won’t question himself for just anyone. 9. **A Cancer in love won’t think twice about including you.** If he’s falling for you, you are the only thing that matters. He won’t hesitate to introduce you to his parents or bring you into his friend circle. He is a family man and wants you to be a part of his family. Lean into his family man nature if you’re into him too. Show an interest by asking his parents about him as a kid, or learn about his embarrassing stories from friends. 10. **Cancerians want their partners to know just how much they love them all the time.** Big or small, his efforts won’t go unnoticed if he’s falling in love. Maybe he surprises you with a romantic dinner, slips a note of encouragement in your bag, or sends you flowers. He is a hopeless romantic looking for that special someone to build a life with, and he wants you to know that you could be that someone. Show him your love back by surprising him with snacks, notes of encouragement, and meaningful gifts. 11. **Cancerians are after one thing and one thing only:** a family. He wants to find a person he can settle down with and start a family. A home filled with kids and happiness is what he wants most, so if he starts putting you in his future plans, you know he’s thinking you’re the one. Share your plans for the future with him. Do you both want a family? Do you both have the same vision? Talk about the big topics like babies and marriage before things get too serious.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Tune a Dulcimer.,"If you've never tuned a dulcimer before, you might think that only a professional can do it. Usually, though, you can tune your dulcimer at home without any professional help. The Ionian Mode is the method most commonly used, but there are a few other options, as well. 1. **Note the number of strings.** Dulcimers can have anywhere from 3 to 12 strings, but the vast majority have three, four, or five strings. The tuning process is fairly similar for these common dulcimers, but there are a few differences worth noting. A three-string dulcimer has one bass string, one middle string, and one melody string. A four-string dulcimer has one bass string, one middle string, and two melody strings. A five-string dulcimer has two bass strings, one middle string, and two melody strings. When there is a set of strings (two bass strings or two melody strings), all strings in that set should be tuned in the same manner. If you have a dulcimer with more than five strings, you should take it to a professional to have it tuned since there are too many variations in string placement and sound. 2. **Examine the position of the strings.** Before you can tune a string, you need to know which knob adjusts which string and where each string lies. When the front of the dulcimer faces you, the knob or knobs on the left are usually your middle strings. The lower knob on the right is usually the bass, and the upper knob on the right is usually your melody. If in doubt, adjust the knobs carefully and observe which string is tightened or loosened as you make the adjustment. If you are still unable to determine which knob adjusts which string, ask an expert to help you. Note that the bass string is usually referred to as the ""third"" string even though you will tune it first. Similarly, the melody string is usually referred to as the ""first"" string even though you work on it last. This is because the bass string is the furthest from you and the melody string is the closest to you. 3. **Tune the bass string to the D below Middle C.** Pluck the open string and listen to the sound it produces. Play the correct D note on a guitar, piano, or pitch pipe, then adjust the bass knob until the sound the plucked string produces matches the D note you played. On a guitar, the D below Middle C is the same note as the open fourth string. If you do not have an instrument to tune the bass string to, hum a note with your voice that feels as natural and comfortable as possible. This may not be a D note, but it will come close enough for most purposes. Note that the Ionian Mode is the most standard and can also be called the ""natural major"" mode. Most traditional American songs are considered ""natural major"" songs. 4. **Adjust the middle string.** Press down on the bass string just left of the fourth fret on your dulcimer. Pluck on the string to produce an A note, then use the middle tuning knob to adjust the middle string until the sound it produces matches the same pitch when the middle string is open plucked. This step and the step prior to it are the essentially same no matter which tuning method you use. 5. **Tune the melody string to the same note as the middle string.** Pluck the melody string. Use its tuning knob to adjust it until the melody string produces the same sound as the open middle string. This sound is the A note, and it is also the same sound produced when you pluck the bass string after pressing the bass string down to the left of the fourth fret. The Ionian Mode scale begins on the third fret and runs through the tenth fret. You can play additional notes both below and above this scale on your dulcimer. 6. **Tune the bass string to the D below Middle C.** Without pressing down on it, pluck the bass string and listen to its sound. Immediately after, play the correct D note using a pitch pipe, guitar, or piano. Use the bass knob to adjust the string until plucking it produces the same note. If using a guitar, pluck the open fourth string to hear the correct note. When you do not have a pitch pipe or other instrument to tune this bass string to, you can informally tune the dulcimer by humming a note that feels natural and comfortable. Match the string to the note you hum. The Mixolydian Mode can also be called the ""slightly minor"" mode. Typically, this mode is heard most often in Neo-Celtic music and songs written for the Irish fiddle. 7. **Work on the middle string.** Press down on the bass string, positioning your finger a little to the left of the fourth fret. Pluck on the string. The note you produce should be an A note. Use the appropriate tuning knob to adjust the middle string until an open pluck on the middle string matches that A note. Note that this step and the one before it are identical in each tuning method, so if you master these two steps, you can use just about any tuning method. 8. **Adjust the melody string based on your middle string.** Press the middle string down at the third fret and pluck it to produce a high D. Adjust the melody string using its tuning knob until plucking the open melody string produces the same high D sound. This high D is one octave above the open bass string. Note that tuning to D-A-D or Mixolydian Mode puts more tension on the melody string. The Mixolydian Mode scale begins on open melody string (also called the ""zero fret"") and runs through the seventh fret. There are no notes below the octave on your dulcimer, but there are notes above it. 9. **Tune the bass string to the D below Middle C.** Pluck the bass string without pressing it and listen to the sound it makes, then play the correct D note on a piano, guitar, or pitch pipe. Adjust the bass knob to adjust the bass string until the sound it produces matches that D note. The open fourth string on a guitar will produce the correct D note. If you do not have a pitch pipe, guitar, or piano, you can tune this bass string using your voice. Hum a note that feels as natural and comfortable as possible and tune the string to that sound. This method of tuning is not as exact, but it will usually produce passable results. The Dorian mode is more minor than the Mixolydian Mode but less so than the Aeolian Mode. It has been used for a variety of tunes, including Scarborough Fair and Greensleeves. 10. **Adjust the middle string based on the bass string.** Produce an A note with the bass string by pressing it just to the left of the fourth fret. Pluck on the middle string without pressing it, then just the appropriate tuning knob to adjust the middle string until it produces that same A note. This step and the one immediately before it are the same for each different tuning method described here, so mastering these two steps is a crucial effort. 11. **Work on the melody string by using the bass string.** Press on the bass string at the third fret and pluck it to produce a G note. Adjust the melody string using its tuning knob until plucking the open melody string produces this same note. You will need to loosen the tension of the melody string to lower the pitch. The Dorian Mode scale begins on the fourth fret and runs through the eleventh fret. There are additional notes on the dulcimer below the octave and a few above it. 12. **Tune the bass string to the D below Middle C.** Leave the bass string open and pluck it to hear the sound it produces. Play the correct D note using a pitch pipe, piano, or guitar, then use the bass tuning knob on your dulcimer to adjust the bass string. Continue tuning the bass string until the sound it makes matches the D note played by your other instrument. When using a guitar, play the D below middle C by plucking the open fourth string. If you do not have an instrument that you can use when tuning this bass string, use your voice. Hum a natural, comfortable note and tune the string to that sound. The results may not be quite as precise, though. Note that the Aeolian Mode is also called the ""natural minor"" mode. It has a tendency to ""weep"" and ""wail,"" and it works well with many traditional Scottish and Irish songs. 13. **Tune the middle string accordingly.** Produce an A note using the bass string by pressing it down a little to the left of the fourth fret and giving it a pluck. Pluck the open middle string, then adjust it using its tuning knob until you can produce that same A note. Note that this step and the bass tuning step are essentially the same for each method described in this article. 14. **Use the bass string to tune the melody string.** Press the bass string at the sixth fret and pluck it to produce a C note. Tune the melody string using the appropriate tuning knob until it produces a sound that matches this C note. You will usually have to loosen the melody string a little when making this adjustment. The Aeolian Mode scale begins at the first fret and runs through the eighth fret. There is one additional note on the dulcimer below this octave and many additional notes above it.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Have a Normal Life.,"Having a normal life may sound like a simple goal, but it's actually a complex concept. What's normal for one person may not be normal for another, especially in a different culture or society. At the same time, the idea of normalcy is constantly changing. To have a normal life, you'll need to decide what is normal for you. While some individuals enjoy their uniqueness and individuality, other people need routines and structure. Discover what you consider to be normal and create daily routines that work for you. 1. **Routines can help establish normalcy and self-discipline.** Start slowly, by building on the daily routines you may already have. This can make you feel more competent and able to tackle obstacles that may come up. For example, you might try getting in the habit of waking at a consistent time or making your own breakfast every morning. These may seem minor, but they create a sense of personal rhythm or normalcy in your life. Avoid too much structure too fast, which could prevent you from growing by keeping you tied to repetitive behavior patterns. Finding daily routines or patterns of behavior that work for you can reduce stress and give you the confidence to experiment with expressing yourself. 2. **Education connects you with people, ideas, and resources.** There are a lot of different types of degrees available at schools or universities. Look into them to see if any seem to fit with the sense of normalcy you’re trying to cultivate for yourself. If they aren’t, buck the norm a little bit by looking into vocational schools or apprenticeships in your area of interest. Don’t confine your own sense of normalcy to that of everyone else. While people are graduating from high school and attending college at rates higher than ever, it’s becoming more common for individuals to graduate college without being sufficiently prepared to work in the field they majored in. 3. **Avoid choosing a job based on popularity.** Instead, ask yourself what kind of people or environment you'd like to be around every day. If the work seems out of character for you and you don't think you'd be happy, consider finding another job that would allow you to be yourself. People who are generally happy at work are often those who get pleasure out of the day-to-day interactions they have with their co-workers. 4. **Find someone to connect with by meeting new people.** While getting married might be normal for some, it's not for everyone. Instead, work to develop meaningful relationships with people from a variety of social groups. Regardless of the type of group you interact with, you need support from people around you. This is essential for you to feel a sense of normalcy in your everyday life. 5. **Caring for a pet that needs your attention can create a sense of normalcy.** Taking care of a pet can help you establish a daily routine and give you more pleasure in your day-to-day activities. Studies have also shown that pet-owners tend to be healthier and happier people in general. And, if you aren't ready for a long-term relationship or having kids, starting of with a pet can help transition towards building more meaningful relationships with other people. Keep in mind that choosing the right pet for your living space and daily schedule is important. If you don’t have enough time or space, caring for a pet could end up increasing stress and producing heartache in the long run. 6. **Exposing yourself to a variety of cultures can make you feel more normal.** Travel can show you just how big and diverse the world is. The more you travel, the more you'll see just how much people across the world have in common. You'll also realize that differences are a part of every culture. Avoid using travel as an escape. Instead, travel to learn more about yourself, others, and what you enjoy. 7. **Take some time to understand yourself.** Since it takes a lot of work to change who you are, you should first understand who you are. Societies all over are made up of individuals with different personality types and traits. You'll need to decide what is normal for you. Does it mean breaking the mold or conforming to rules within a strict society? To determine your version of normalcy, ask yourself: Do you feel most comfortable following orders and maintaining rigid social structures? Do you enjoy the independence of figuring things out for yourself? Are you most happy when everyone around you seems to approve of your actions? Would you rather experiment with new styles of living along with people outside of the mainstream? 8. **Even though you're an individual, you still live in a world with set values.** Whether you live in a neighborhood, community, or region, each of these has a unique set of norms that define what is normal. Think about how social practices and institutions in your society support an idea of normalcy. This will help you express your own identity through your interactions with others. For example, you might live somewhere where it's socially acceptable to speak quickly and somewhat abrasively. But, in another region, that kind of behavior might label you as a social outcast. Being aware of this will help you shape your public image. 9. **Be prepared for emotional ups and downs.** Learn how to take care of yourself during rough times. For example, if you get into a heated discussion with someone about your personal beliefs, you should know what makes a normal, appropriate response. Recognize that reacting aggressively indicates a deeper issue that you need to work through. You'll have a better sense of wellness if you live your life according to your own beliefs and feelings, rather than letting someone else dictate what should be appropriate or normal for you. 10. **If you've had a traumatic experience, it's normal to feel different.** Trauma can leave permanent effects on bodily chemistry, which can permanently affect how you see yourself and your environment. While you may not see yourself as normal, connecting with others who have experienced trauma can help you realize that you can move on from the event to lead a normal, functional life. Try to find a trauma support group. Such experiences can actually become a source of courage and strength for you if you can incorporate their effects into your life as opposed to trying to avoid them altogether. Once you've created a comfortable routine or rhythm, you can begin to experiment with what's a normal emotion. This will help you express your deepest and most raw emotions.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Use a Manual Wheelchair.,"If you’ve never operated a manual wheelchair before, you're probably wondering how to get around with ease. We can help you with that! In this article, we’ll go through everything you need to know about navigation, like how to move forward, backward, left, right, and more. We’ll also touch on the best way to handle ramps and obstacles safely. 1. **Place your hands on the hand rims located on the back wheels.** If you’re operating your wheelchair by yourself (without a caregiver pushing you), you’ll use the chair’s metal hand rims for movement and steering. Place your left hand on the left rim and your right hand on the right rim. Try to keep a steady grip on the rims—it can take a bit of practice at first but you’ll get the hang of it. Wear fingerless gloves to help prevent blisters, wheel burn, and callouses. Keep your fingernails trimmed short so they're less likely to tear. If you have low grip strength, ask your wheelchair provider about special rims. 2. **Push forward and down on the hand rims.** Reach backwards and grip the wheels as far back as you can. Push the wheels forward by keeping hold of the rims and moving them in a forward direction. Then, let go of the rims. Move your hands back to the starting position and repeat to keep propelling yourself forward. 3. **To turn left, old the left wheel still and push the right wheel forward.** Get a good grip on the left hand rim. Push the right wheel forward with your right hand to turn left. To turn right, do the opposite: grip the right wheel and hold it still while pushing the left wheel forward. 4. **Reach forwards, grip the wheels, and push them backward.** Push down slightly on the wheels as you’re pushing backward. Be careful, as the little wheels at the front will need to swivel round. Go slow and don't forget to look behind you. 5. **Grip the rims and use friction to slow them down.** Pinch the rim between your thumb and the side of the first joint of your index finger. If the rims are wet, pinch the tire instead. You should come to a stop once you apply friction. The friction can hurt your hands if you're on a slope or need to stop suddenly, so be careful. 6. **Lean forward slightly and use quick, short pushes.** Keep the wheelchair straight when going up or down ramps so you don't tip over. If you're going down a ramp, maintain friction on the hand rims to control your speed. Don't let yourself build up too much speed going downhill or you may not be able to stop. Going up an incline can really give your arms a workout! You may need to get in some practice in order to build up those muscles. Don’t try to go up or down steep slopes yourself. Ask a caregiver to assist you. 7. **Ask a caregiver for assistance just to be safe.** The caregiver should position the chair so it's facing the curb straight on with the front wheels near the edge of the curb. Use the handles to lean the wheelchair backward slightly until the front wheels can clear the curb. Then, slowly push forward as you lift up on the handles to get the rear wheels over the curb. New users really need training and practice under the supervision of a trained healthcare professional before attempting to navigate curbs and obstacles on their own. Even with a caregiver’s assistance, curbs can be tough. 8. **Ask the caregiver to turn the chair backward first.** The user should be facing away from the curb for this. Position the wheelchair perpendicular to the curb with the rear wheels up against the curb. Slowly lower the rear wheels down the curb until the front wheels clear the curb. Then, lower the front wheels to the ground. If the wheel chair has anti-tippers installed, be sure to disengage them first. 9. **Engage the locks on each rear wheel if you need to stay in one place.** All manual wheelchairs have a lock on each rear wheel. Use the locks to avoid rolling when you’re getting in/out of the wheelchair and during transportation. The locks are not meant to be used to slow down the wheelchair, though, so keep that in mind. 10. **To fold the wheelchair up, grip the front and back of the seat and lift up.** The wheelchair should easily collapse at this point. To unfold it, tip the wheelchair to the side and push down firmly on the seat rail. It’s usually easier for a caregiver to fold and unfold the chair for you, if possible. 11. **Wait for the bus driver to lower the ramp to the ground for you.** Then, propel forward up the ramp like you would any other ramp. After you pay the fare, move to the secure area reserved for riders with wheelchairs (it should be clearly marked). Engage the wheel locks so you don’t roll around during the ride. When you arrive at your destination, disengage the locks and go down the ramp when the driver lowers it to the sidewalk. Talk to your therapist or mobility specialist about anchors and lap belts if you use public transit a lot.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Remove Static from Polyester Clothes.,"Polyester is a common synthetic material used to make durable, strong, and long-lasting fabrics. Many clothes and home goods like blankets, sheets, and duvets are made with some percentage of polyester. However, sometimes polyester clothes can carry a static charge, which causes the clothing to cling to your skin. Static electricity is the accumulation of an electrical charge, but it can be prevented or removed by using a variety of methods that neutralize the electrical ions. If you neutralize the static cling using dryer sheets, fabric softeners, wire hangers, lotion, water, or other everyday items, you can reduce static cling in polyester clothing. 1. **Pour fabric softener to the wash.** Polyester clothes can typically be washed at home in warm water unless otherwise specified on the tag. Next time you are washing your polyester garments, add a capful of your favorite fabric softener to help reduce the build-up of static. The fabric softeners are positively charged, so they will bond with the negative charge found in the polyester clothes, which helps balance and neutralize static buildup. 2. **Use a dryer sheet.** The friction created when garments rub together in a dry environment, like a tumble dryer, can cause electrical charges to cling to the fabric, which creates static electricity. To help minimize static, add a couple of dryer sheets to your tumble dryer. As the sheets heat up, they release an oil that lightly coats the polyester clothing. This lubrication helps minimize the amount of friction, which reduces static cling. Be sure to dry polyester garments at a low temperature. 3. **Add a few dryer balls.** When added to the dryer, wool dryer balls can help clothes dry more quickly and help reduce static cling by preventing the clothes from sticking together. As they move around, the balls help separate the clothing and expose them to the dry air. This separation also reduces friction, thereby minimizing static. Dryer balls aren’t as effective if they are added to a large load of clothes. Make sure you only add them to small and medium loads so they have room to move around. Add three large dryer balls per load. If you don't have a dryer ball, add a tennis ball or two to your tumble dryer to get the same effect. 4. **Hang your clothes to dry.** Skip the dryer all together and air dry your polyester clothes to prevent the buildup of static electricity. Allowing polyester clothing to air dry won’t damage the garments, so clip the garments on a clothes line to dry in the sun, or drape the clothes over a drying rack indoors. 5. **Spray aerosol hairspray onto your garment.** If your polyester garment is holding a static charge, turn the garment inside out. Grab a can of aerosol hairspray and hold it about eight inches away from the polyester garment. Spray the hairspray onto the garment to alleviate the static cling. This helps reintroduce moisture in the fabric, which can help break up static charge. 6. **Moisturize with lotion before wearing a polyester garment.** Dry skin carries a positive charge and polyester carries a negative charge. As your skin rubs against the polyester garment, it creates static electricity. This is common in the winter when skin tends to be drier. Alleviate the charge by moisturizing before getting dressed. 7. **Rub a dryer sheet over your clothes.** Dryer sheets are great for eliminating static in the tumble dryer, but they can also be used to remove static after the clothes have already dried. Grab a dryer sheet and glide it over the polyester garment to remove some of the static cling. 8. **Clip a safety pin along the hem of your polyester clothes.** If you are at the office and your polyester garments are clinging to you, use a safety pin to remove the static buildup. Clip a safety pin inside the lining of your garment along the hem or a seam so you do not damage the clothing. The metal in the pin will act as a grounding device, which neutralizes the static charge in your clothes. 9. **Rub a wire hanger over your clothing.** If you have a wire coat hanger, you can use that to remove static cling. Simply rub the wire hanger over the affected area to break the charge. Like the safety pin, the metal hanger neutralizes the buildup of electrical ions on your clothing, removing the static cling. If you notice your garment as a buildup of static before putting it on, run a wire hanger over it to remove the charge. 10. **Use water to remove static.** Lightly dampen a washcloth or your hands with water. Glide the washcloth or your damp hands over the garment. The water will neutralize the static charge and remove the cling. Plus, because polyester dries quickly, you won’t have damp clothes for too long. 11. **Touch grounded metal.** If you are out and about and your polyester garment has a static cling, look for a metal pole, pipe, or lamppost that you can safely reach. Simply hold onto the metal pole. The metal will help remove the static charge from your clothing. 12. **Run a humidifier in your home.** A humid environment can help reduce static cling and static shocks. A static charge can be dispelled more quickly when there are more water particles in the air to break it up. Buy a humidifier from your local pharmacy or department store to help eliminate static cling in your polyester garments.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to How Should Glasses Fit.,"Tired of your glasses slipping down your nose or giving you a headache because they don't fit properly? When you need new glasses, it's worth it to take the time and ensure you get frames that are the perfect fit. You want to accentuate your best features and get the right size for your face, and we’re here to help you out! When you're done reading, you'll be able to confidently get new glasses that are stylish and comfortable to wear. 1. **Check the measurements on a pair of glasses that fit you well.** If you already own a comfortable pair of glasses, look for the measurements in millimeters by finding the 3 numbers on the inside of the temple arm or the bridge of the nose. The first number represents the width of 1 lens, the second number is the width of your nose bridge, and the last number is the length of the glasses arm, also known as the “temple length.” Jot these numbers down so you can remember them when you’re getting your next pair of glasses. If there’s a fourth number listed, then it represents the lens height at its tallest point. 2. **Find your bridge size based on if it’s higher or lower than your pupils.** Take a selfie of the side of your face so you can see where your nose bridge lines up with your pupils. If your bridge is level or lower than your pupils, use a low bridge size between 16–18 millimeters. If your bridge is above your pupils, then go for a bridge size around 19–21 millimeters instead. You can use a glasses ruler that’s specifically used to measure your eyes for a more accurate home measurement. If you want to measure an old pair of glasses, find the width between the lenses at their narrowest point. Bridge sizes that are too narrow could pinch the sides of your nose, but too wide of a bridge could make your glasses slide off your face. 3. **Measure your face** Stand in a mirror and look straight ahead. Hold a ruler level with your temples and find the distance in millimeters. When you look at glasses, try to find ones that have a frame width within about 2–3 millimeters of your measurement to ensure they fit properly. If your frames are too wide, then it could make your face look imbalanced. If your frames are too narrow, your glasses may feel too tight and get uncomfortable pretty quickly. To get a rough estimate of the lens width for your glasses, subtract your bridge size from the frame width. Then, divide that number by 2. For example, if your frame width is 125 mm and your bridge size is 18 mm, then 125mm−18mm=107mm{\displaystyle 125mm-18mm=107mm}. Then, 107mm/2=53.5mm{\displaystyle 107mm/2=53.5mm} for the lens width. 4. **Choose temple arm lengths around 140 mm.** Temple arms usually run from 130–145 mm for adults and 120–140 mm for children. Since 140 mm is the average temple arm length for an adult, it’s usually a safe bet for your measurements, and you can always make minor adjustments once you get them to make them more comfortable. To measure the temple arms on an old pair of glasses, find the distance from the hinge to the tip of the arm. There’s not really an easy way to measure your face to determine the temple arm length. Try a few pairs of glasses on and check their sizes to see what feels best for you. 5. **Find your pupillary distance** Your pupillary distance (PD) is the measurement from the center of one pupil to the other. Stand about 8 inches (20 cm) away from a mirror and hold a ruler against your brow. Close your right eye and align the end of the ruler with the center of your left pupil. Look straight ahead as you close your left eye and open your right eye. Check where the ruler lines up in the center of your right pupil to take your measurement in millimeters. Ask a friend to help you to take a more accurate measurement. Try using an app like GlassesOn or EyeMeasure to help you measure your PD based on a photo. Some online glasses retailers like Warby Parker have online tools to take measurements for you. If you don’t want to measure your pupillary distance yourself, check if the measurement is listed on an old prescription you have. If you can’t find it, then make an appointment with your optometrist. 6. **Set your glasses on your nose so they don’t pinch or slide down.** Position your glasses against the bridge of your nose and check if they feel comfortable. If the glasses have a proper fit, the weight of the frame will distribute evenly and you won’t feel any pressure on the sides of your nose. If the bridge is too wide, then the glasses will slide down your nose and you’ll have to keep readjusting them. If your glasses leave red marks on your nose, then it’s a sign that your frames are too tight. Adjust the nose pads if you can so they have a looser fit. If your glasses don’t have nose pads, stick on adhesive pads under the bridge to help them fit better. 7. **Position the lenses so your eyes are in the center.** Stand in front of a mirror and put on a pair of glasses. Since the clearest parts of your prescription are in the centers of the lenses, ensure that’s the part you’re looking through. If your pupils aren't centered in the lenses, then they could cause eye strain. For bifocals, the line on the lens should line up with the highest point on your bottom eyelid. 8. **Keep the top of the frame below your eyebrows.** If your frames cover or extend past your eyebrows, then it could make it look like you’re missing eyebrows completely. Choose frames that are thin enough to fit in the space between your eyes and your eyebrows rather than thick, chunky styles. If your eyebrows are close to your eyes, then also avoid half-frame glasses since they make your face feel a little imbalanced. 9. **Fit your glasses so they sit above your cheeks.** Put your glasses on and smile really big. If you feel your cheeks touching your frames, then they’re too small or too far down your nose. With a proper fit, you won’t ever feel your glasses against your cheeks no matter how expressive you’re being. 10. **Position the temple arms so they feel snug above your ears.** Put on your glasses and move your head around in a circle. Your frames should hug the sides of your head just above your ears comfortably without moving around. If you feel any pressure on the sides of your head, then your glasses are too tight. If your glasses feel loose or slide off your face, then the arms are too long or the frames are too big for you. You can try using a glasses strap to hold your glasses tighter. 11. **Choose a frame style that compliments your face shape.** Figure out the shape of your face so you can get frames that really accentuate your features. While some frames will look really good on certain face shapes, they might make other faces look imbalanced. If you have an oval face, try square or rectangular frames. For a round face, try oversized rectangular or square frames. For a square-shaped face, try rounded or cat-eye frames. If you have a narrow face, then try to get glasses that are a little wider to help balance out your face.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Run a Faster 1500M.,"The 1500m race is one of the longer races in track. Since it is a longer run, having the correct form is very important. Running properly will help you conserve energy and run more efficiently, as well as faster. By increasing your cadence, i.e., your steps per minute, you will also be able to run a faster 1500m. Running strategically during the race should also improve your performance. 1. **Avoid looking down.** Looking down while running can reduce your speed substantially. It also creates tension in your shoulders and neck. Instead, look straight ahead by focusing on a point 30 to 40 meters (100 to 130 feet) ahead of you. Maintain this position throughout the run. 2. **Keep your shoulders relaxed.** Your shoulders should be down and back, not hunched. If you begin to feel your shoulders hunch, relax them immediately. Running with hunched shoulders can restrict your breathing. 3. **Bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle.** Your arms should be relaxed at your sides with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. As you run, swing your arms forward and back in a straight motion. Try not to let your arms cross in front of your chest as you run. This movement will waste energy and slow you down. Swinging your arms in a straight forward and backward motion will help propel you forward. 4. **Relax your hands.** Your hands should be relaxed as well. Avoid clenching them into fists while you run. Instead, keep them in a relaxed fist with your thumbs resting on top of your fingers. 5. **Lean slightly forward.** As you run, keep your back straight and lean forward slightly. This will not only help you propel yourself forward, but it will also help you land on the middle of your foot instead of your heel. 6. **Level your knees.** While you run, try to avoid lifting your knees higher than your hips. Instead, keep them level at your hips. When your foot lands on the ground, try to land with a slight bend in your knee. This will help absorb some of the impact. Remember that your knees should be moving forward, not upward. 7. **Land on the middle of your foot.** Do this instead of landing on your heel or your toes. Landing on the middle of your foot will help you lift it faster, and thus, you may be able to run faster. Additionally, when your foot hits the ground, it should land below your hips. 8. **Synchronize your breathing.** For medium intensity running, aim for two steps while breathing in and two steps while breathing out. For high intensity running (like during the final stretch of a race), aim for one step while breathing in and one step while breathing out. Make sure to use both your nose and mouth when inhaling to get the maximum amount of oxygen into your body. Try to avoid shallow breathing. Focus on breathing deeply by pushing your stomach out as you inhale and contracting it as you exhale. 9. **Calculate your cadence.** Set your watch to one minute and run at a normal pace. As you run, count the number of times your left or right foot hits the ground. When the timer stops, multiply this number by two. For example, if your right foot hit the ground 80 times, then your cadence is 160 steps per minute (spm). 10. **Increase your cadence gradually with interval training.** In your run, incorporate 20-second intervals of running that are five percent faster than your normal cadence. If your normal cadence is 160 spm, for example, then incorporate an interval of 20 seconds at 168 spm during your regular run. After 20 seconds, slow back down to your normal pace. Practice this three to five times a week. 11. **Increase the interval at which you run your new cadence.** Once you are comfortable running 20-second intervals, increase them by 15 seconds. If you ran for an interval of 20 seconds at 168 spm during week one, for example, then increase the interval to 35 seconds of 168 spm during week two. Repeat this until you can run the whole minute at 168 spm. Once you are comfortable running at your new cadence, then increase it by another five percent and repeat the process over again. 12. **Use a metronome.** A metronome will help you find your rhythm while you run. Set the metronome to your desired beats per minute, for example 160 bpm if your cadence is 160 spm. Keep your running rhythm in time with the metronome. 13. **Establish a position in lane one or two.** If you're running in the top 5-10% of the competition, you should position yourself in the outside of lane one or inside of lane two. Establish your position as soon as possible upon starting the race. Make sure to position yourself near the front of the pack as well. 14. **Maintain a steady pace.** During the middle of the race, position yourself behind the leaders and maintain a steady pace. This way, if you are running against the wind, the leaders’ bodies will block most of it, helping you to conserve energy. Additionally, make sure to pay attention to the leaders. Only speed up your pace if the leaders speed up their pace. 15. **Accelerate your pace.** When you have 300 meters left to run, accelerate your pace. Once you hit the 200-meter mark, accelerate to an all-out sprint. If you are behind the leaders at this point, then move yourself to an outside lane and propel yourself forward to get ahead. Maintain your speed until you reach the finish line. Make sure you stay in the second or third lane at the 300-meter mark to avoid getting boxed in.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Add Contacts in Gmail.,"This wikiHow teaches you how to add someone to your Gmail contacts. Gmail automatically adds people to your contacts list when you send them a message, but you can add contacts manually using Google Contacts. If you have an Android, you can use the Google Contacts app. If you're using a computer, iPhone, or iPad, you can access Google Contacts on the web at You can also add contacts directly from Gmail messages when viewing your Gmail inbox on a computer. 1. **Go to in a web browser.** You can do this in any web browser on your computer, phone, or tablet. If you have an Android, you can opt to use the Google Contacts app instead of your web browser, which has a blue icon containing a white outline of a person. Some Androids come with a different Contacts app. To make sure you're using the right app, open the Play Store, search for ""Google Contacts,"" and tap on the Contacts app by Google. If the app is already installed, great! If you're not already signed in, you'll be prompted to do so before you can continue. 2. **Click or tap the +.** It's the plus sign at the bottom-right corner on a phone or tablet, or at the top-left corner on a computer. If you're using an Android, this should automatically open the ""Create new contact"" window. 3. **Click or tap Create a contact (computer and iPhone/iPad only).** This opens the ""Create new contact"" window. If you have an Android, just move to the next step. 4. **Enter the person's contact information.** Enter their first name, last name, phone number, and email address in each appropriate field, but they might be pre-filled if that contact's Gmail information is correct. Click or tap to expand more options, such as the option for phonetic spellings, nicknames, and more. Feel free to leave anything blank. For example, if you just want to enter an email address for a contact, there's no need to enter a phone number or anything else. 5. **Click or tap Save.** It's at the bottom-right corner. This saves your new contact to your Gmail contact list. 6. **Go to in your web browser.** This will open your Gmail inbox if you're already signed into your Google account in your web browser. If you're not signed in, follow the on-screen instructions to do so now. You can only do this using on a computer—it's not possible in the Gmail mobile app. 7. **Click an email message from the person you want to add.** The contents of the message will appear. 8. **Hover your mouse over the person's name.** It's at the top of the message. After a few moments, a small pop-up window will appear. 9. **Click More Info on the pop-up window.** It's at the window's bottom-left side. This expands a panel on the right side of Gmail. 10. **Click the Add Contact icon.** It's the outline of a person with a plus symbol at the top-right corner of the right panel. This adds the sender to your Gmail contacts. If you don't see this icon, the person is already in your contacts list.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Babysit.,"Babysitting requires a lot of patience and maturity, but it can also be really fun! If you’re new to babysitting, you might be wondering how to find clients, what to charge, and how to be a good babysitter. Don’t worry—with a bit of preparation and dedication, babysitting can be an enjoyable, rewarding job (that also earns you some extra cash!). 1. **Spend time getting to know the kids.** Babysitting is as much a job as it is an opportunity to enjoy the company of children. The kids will be more receptive to you and your rules if they like you, and they’ll grow to like you faster if you try to develop a relationship with them. Talk with them, ask them questions, and joke around in order to develop a good relationship. Younger kids might not want to talk for too long, so try to incorporate during play or activities. 2. **Learn how to change a diaper.** If the children you are watching are under 3 years old, chances are they’re still in diapers. If you’ve never changed a child’s diaper before, ask the parents to show you how they do it. 3. **Know how to feed children.** You should know how to bottle-feed, spoon feed, and keep children safe in the kitchen. Feed the children healthy food. It is not good babysitting to just allow the children to eat whatever. Tell them before they get crackers they have to eat a piece of fruit. These things include apples, carrots, grapes, and oranges. Be sure the child doesn't have something they are not allowed to have (such as a cookie or ice cream) too often. 4. **Find out the bedtime routine.** Give a warning before sending kids to bed. You may want to let them stay up 10-15 minutes past what their parents allow—just be sure they know it's a special treat. Other than that, be firm with when it's time to go to sleep. Be prepared for some whining. For older kids, you need to know the difference between real problems and stall tactics. For babies, you have to be sure the sleep environment is safe. End-of-day routines help kids wind down and signal their bodies that it's time for sleep. Ask parents what they usually do before bedtime. Maybe they have rules like no TV or computer time for an hour before bedtime. If they typically read, talk quietly, or listen to music before bed, follow the same routine. Go through the basics. Take a child to the bathroom (or put on a nighttime diaper). Help the child brush their teeth. Find out from parents what else is necessary before the kid hops under the covers. Always put babies (and children) to bed in their designated sleep space (be it a bed, crib, bassinet, etc.) This is especially important for babies, who can be injured if their sleep space isn't how it should be. Remove padding, pillows, stuffed animals, and other items from the crib, if these items are present. Be sure to lay babies on their back when putting them to sleep. It helps reduce the risk of suffocation. Give the child any comfort items, such as pacifiers, stuffed animals, or blankets, that they usually sleep with. Do not give stuffed animals and similar to babies. If a child calls you/wakes up, wait a minute before going in. They may fall back asleep on their own. If a baby can't go back to sleep, stroke them gently on the arms or belly. If the baby uses a pacifier, that can also help. Find out what calming tactics the parents use. 5. **Join in with their play time activities.** Although your job is to watch over the children, you should be interacting with them as much as possible by playing with them. Play will vary based on their ages; if you’re watching an infant you may be doing nothing more than making faces and holding up toys. Get creative with the things you come up with for the children to do to keep them interested and out of trouble. Make-believe games are great fun. You could even make up a simple handshake with the children. Be an entertainer. Parents love babysitters who help kids have fun and learn while still reinforcing rules and keeping discipline. Ask kids to show you their favorite toys. Find out from parents and other babysitters what games kids of different ages like to play. Get the kids outdoors if you can. Playing with toys, board games, and activity-based games are all good options for older children. Ask what their favorite thing to do is. You can also bring a few of your favorite games and toys from when you were their age, like Monopoly, Life, Candyland, Uno, or other card games. Stay off screens. Parents are paying you to watch the kid, not put them in front of a television all day. 6. **Tell stories.** Kids like stories, and they'll be impressed by even the worst storytellers. Come equipped with obscure fairy tales they probably haven't heard, like ""The Shoemaker and the Elves"" or ""The Twelve Dancing Princesses."" You can even use stories as rewards. 7. **Come up with fun projects.** If you’re spending a long time watching the children, you can do projects together that are enjoyable for everyone. Consider doing an arts and crafts project or cooking/baking a new recipe (or an old favorite) together. Boxed mixes of brownies, cookies, and cakes taste delicious. Making something will feel productive, pass the time, and give the kids something to be proud of. 8. **Take them to a playground if the parents say it's okay.** Simple games like tag and hide and seek get kids active and help them stay fit. Dancing with them is great exercise, too! If you can’t leave the property, play outside in the yard, if possible. 9. **Check in often.** Kids aren't as good at regulating their time as adults are, and often forget to perform basic bodily necessities. Check once every hour or so to see if they need to go to the bathroom, need water to drink, are tired, or are hungry. Most of the time they won’t think to tell you these things on their own, so always be sure to ask. 10. **Follow the schedule.** Assuming the parents gave you a basic outline of daily activities, you should be sure you are keeping up with it. Make sure you are feeding the kid(s) at proper meal times, giving them naps, having them do their homework on schedule, etc. 11. **Watch a movie if allowed.** If there is time watch a movie with the kids, you can do so towards the end to settle the children down before their parents arrive. If you are babysitting for less than 3 hours, this probably isn't a good idea, as the parents may get mad at you for putting their kid(s) in front of television for half the time. Consider movies such as: Tarzan Finding Nemo Tangled Wreck-It Ralph 12. **Ask the parents questions before you take the job.** You don’t have to accept every babysitting job you’re offered. It’s really important that you feel comfortable and up for the responsibility. Talk to the parents before you babysit to make sure you’re ready. Ask questions like: How many kids will I be babysitting? How old are the kids? What time will you be leaving and coming home? What do you expect from a babysitter? Will I need to feed the kids? Put them to bed? Do the kids need help with brushing their teeth or using the restroom? Are the children allergic to anything? What should I do if there’s a fire? 13. **Get a list of emergency numbers.** It’s very unlikely that anything bad will happen, but it’s always best to be prepared. On your phone number list, write down the home’s address and home telephone number if there is one. That way, you can easily provide them in the case of an emergency. Make sure you have the following phone numbers: The children’s parents Neighbors Their doctor Poison control Fire and rescue Police 14. **Keep a checklist for each family your babysit for.** A checklist will make your job so much easier. On your checklist, write the children’s schedule, the house rules, and the foods the kids can eat. Include information about meal times, nap times, and bedtimes. Additionally, note if the parents allow you to have friends over, and any friends they’ve approved. Bring the checklist every time you babysit so you can easily fulfill your duties. That way, you can focus more on having a great time with the kids. 15. **Assemble a “babysitting bag” with supplies and toys.** Preparing your bag in advance saves you time on the day of your babysitting job. Additionally, it’ll help you be the babysitter all the kids ask for because you have special toys and games. In your bag, you might include: Your babysitting checklist. Tips for babysitting. Age-appropriate games. Age-appropriate toys. Art supplies. Books. Puzzles. 16. **Wear comfortable clothing.** Babysitting can be quite the adventure, especially if the kids are imaginative. You might find yourself chasing pirates or having a dance off. Pick an outfit that you can easily run around in. Your shoes are probably the most important part of your outfit. Wear shoes you can run in without tripping or losing a shoe. 17. **Get to the home before the parents leave.** Your job technically starts a few minutes before the parents are scheduled to leave. Before they head out, double check with them that you have all the proper instructions. Additionally, ask for a tour of the home if it’s your first time there. You’ll look super professional and your job will be off to an easy start. 18. **Contact the parents if you need help.** Sometimes things go wrong when you’re babysitting, so don’t be afraid to reach out. For small issues, send a quick text to ask for help. If you need help right away, call them and tell them what’s wrong. You could text them things like, “I can’t find the extra toilet paper,” “How many snacks did you say they could have?” or “Where can I find Kiley’s favorite stuffie?” On the other hand, call the parents if something more serious happens, such as a child getting sick or a child who won't stop crying. 19. **Play with the kids.** Both you and the kids will have a better experience if you play. The sky’s the limit when it comes to activities. You can keep it simple and play with toys, games, or puzzles. Or, get creative and make a craft, put on a play, or pretend to be pirates. Just have fun! Always ask the kids what they want to do. You’ll have a much easier time if you play with their favorite toys or play games that they like. 20. **Be kind to the kids, even if they misbehave.** One of the hardest parts of babysitting is dealing with a child who’s acting out. Fortunately, this won’t happen very often. Dealing with these kinds of problems can be really stressful, but try to stay calm because it’s super easy to hurt a child’s feelings. If you do have a kid misbehave, stay calm and gently remind them what they’re supposed to do. You might say, “Your mom said we can’t throw balls in the house, remember? Let’s play a different game.” You could also say, “It’s not okay to hit. Why don’t you say you’re sorry so we can go play some more?” If the behavior continues, you may have to contact their parent. 21. **Keep your eyes on the kids at all times.** As the babysitter, it’s up to you to keep the children safe. Children are really curious and very clever, so they can quickly get themselves into trouble when left unattended. Focus on them for the entire time they’re in your care. If you put the children to bed, continue to check on them every 15 minutes. Make sure they’re still in bed and sleeping peacefully. 22. **Don’t open the door for strangers.** Keep the front door shut and locked for the entire time you’re babysitting. Only open the door for someone you’re expecting. If someone you don’t know comes over, tell them they can come back later. Don’t tell strangers you’re the babysitter. Just say that it isn’t a good time. You could say, “Right now’s not a good time for us. You can come back tomorrow if this is important.” 23. **Be flexible.** Sometimes the parents will need you to arrive a bit earlier than planned, or they may be running late on their way home. Be open to staying a little late or coming early when they need you. On the plus side, they'll see you're a dependable, reliable babysitter, so they may hire you more. Sometimes you just can't stay late, such as when you have a curfew. Tell the parents before they leave so they're home on time. 24. **Do not leave the children in your care alone.** No matter what the circumstances are, your job as a babysitter is to watch the children in their home and you shouldn’t leave them. Make sure you never leave the children alone in the house. Being in a different room is fine unless you're caring for a baby but running up to the store for ingredients or taking a walk without them is out of the question. This applies even for older children, unless the parents gave you explicit directions stating that they could be home alone for a small period of time. 25. **Don’t bring people over to the house.** Unless the children you are caring for have friends who were pre-planned on coming over, no one should enter the home at any point during your stay. You should not have people—friends or family—coming over to spend time hanging out while you should be working unless you've agreed this in advance with the parent/s. It can be tempting to invite a friend over late at night while the kids are asleep, but even this is off limits unless the parents have approved. 26. **Don’t abuse electronics use.** With cell phones, tablets, and laptops more prevalent now than ever, it can be easy to get caught up texting friends or scrolling through Facebook. Just like many jobs, your electronics should be turned off or used only in case of emergency. 27. **Don’t play movies/TV on repeat.** Children will often ask to just watch movies or TV, and while these may be appropriate in short allotments, several hours of them becomes laziness. If the parents haven’t set an electronics maximum, try to keep it at two hours or less. The children will enjoy having someone to play with, and the parents won’t think that you’re lazy or slacking on the job. 28. **Clean up** Although it is sometimes forgotten, a major part of babysitting is cleaning up after the children. You may not have much of a mess to deal with, but if you cooked or did a project, be sure to put everything back in its place. The parents will appreciate coming home to a clean house and will be more likely to rehire you again in the future. Always clean up after yourself. If you and the children make a mess, pick up before the parents arrive. Play cleaning games with the kid. Say whoever picks up the most wins or makeup a silly game that includes cleaning. Usually there is a mess when you get there, pick it up. Everyone appreciates it when they come home to a house cleaner then when they left it. 29. **Don't let the children ""get away"" with things.** It's tempting to be the ""cool"" babysitter who lets kids get away with things parents never allow. Remember, you're not their parents, so you don't really have much say in how the house rules go. You can't be a child's friend all the time. Know when to say no and when it's OK to let something small go like letting children stay up 5 minutes past bedtime on occasion. Children will challenge you. Pushing boundaries to see how much they can get away with is a normal way kids (even toddlers) learn and figure out where they stand. Check in with parents to find out what the rules are, then follow them, even if you don't agree with them! The best babysitters think of the job as a responsibility first, with having fun, or earning money, second. Few things are as rewarding as knowing you've earned a child's trust and affection. Always feel free to call the parents if you feel you need to. It is better to be safe than sorry, and most likely the parents will appreciate your concern. 30. **Make sure that you know procedures for emergencies.** Before the parents leave, find out who to call, what to do, and where to go in case of an emergency. Your priority is keeping the children safe. Get all relevant information regarding emergencies before the parents/guardians leave. This could be emergency numbers, where the main ""Home"" phone is kept, where a spare door key is, etc. Try not to come off as nosy, and the adult(s) will realize that you are just attempting to help. In this way you can be sure of what to do in an emergency and get the children out. In the event of an emergency, such as a fire, drop everything and get the child or children and yourself out of the house. Do not reenter the house, do not let go of the children and call emergency services as soon as possible. 31. **Get the parents’ and child's information.** When you arrive on site for the job, start by getting all the information about the parents’ whereabouts for when they leave. Write down their full names and phone numbers, the address(es) of their destination(s), and their estimated time of arrival back at the house, and an emergency contact. Also take down any information on the child, such as allergies (or other health information). This list will need to be longer and more detailed for longer time periods. Have the parents show you the location of first aid supplies and medications. Get a list of medications that each child may need to take, or is able to take in case of injury or illness (such as Tylenol for growing pains or a headache). Write down the child/children’s schedule. Most families have a general (or sometimes more specific) timetable of events in a child’s day. This typically includes meal times, the times for certain chores/homework periods, and bedtime. Getting this written down in advance will mean that the child (if they’re older) won’t be able to pull the wool over your eyes once their parents are gone. 32. **Find out what activities are allowed.** Each household you work in will be slightly different, and it is important to find out what activities are allowed in each. Ask about television/video game/computer time, when/where the child may be allowed to play outside, if their friends are allowed over, and any areas of the house that may be off-limits. These rules may vary from child to child in the same household depending on age, so be sure to specify. Assume you are not allowed to take photos or video or the children. Ask if you are allowed to take and/or post pictures of videos of the children if you have a valid reason for doing this. Find out what you are allowed to do when the children are sleeping, if applicable. For instance, you may want to ask if you can use social media, watch TV, or, on rare occasions have friends over. 33. **Set up a menu for your time there.** It is always good to have a plan. Depending on how long you’ll be babysitting, you may have to feed the child/children a meal or two. Ask the parents about what foods they prefer you prepare and serve, and what foods are appropriate for snack time. Clarify about any foods that aren’t allowed; these are typically candy and dessert-related goodies that the kids might ask for when their parents aren’t supervising. Kids, especially toddlers, may not want to play the activities you have planned. Be sure to come with backups and don't worry about staying too close to the activities part of the plan, as long as they don't use electronic devices too often. 34. **Find out what consequences are used when the child misbehaves.** It is fairly likely that at some point in time, a child you are watching will misbehave. Rather than guessing and either punishing them too little or too much, ask the parents what they typically do for small misbehaviors. Many times this includes having privileges revoked or being put in time-out. A parent could also say that you are not to punish them, and instead should report all misbehaviors to them. 35. **Be a mother's helper.** Being in a home while a parent is there will give you a chance to practice childcare skills and gain some valuable experience which will improve your chances of getting babysitting work. Helping out with your own younger siblings is excellent practice, too. If you don't have younger siblings try doing this with a little cousin or close friend's kids. Carefully observe the parents as they perform tasks you haven’t done before or are uncomfortable with. Ask for help learning skills you feel uneasy about, such as bathing a baby. Also, note your strengths, such as helping children with homework. These things can be included in your resume which will be explained in fuller detail later. 36. **Attend a childcare or babysitting class.** In some areas, it is necessary to be licensed or certified before babysitting. Either way, it is helpful to know basic child-care responsibilities and techniques. Look for childcare, CPR, and first-aid classes in your area so that you are well-prepared and qualified for your first babysitting job. These can often be found at Red Cross, YMCA, and other community centers. Try reading books about babysitting. These will answer many common questions about the care of infants and children in day-to-day and emergency situations. 37. **Set up a schedule.** As a babysitter, you are likely working for yourself, unless you're a registered childminder, an au pair or a nanny. If you expect to be babysitting a lot, you'll have to make and maintain your own schedule. It may seem old-fashioned but filling out a calendar with all your free days and times, so that when a parent calls to schedule you for babysitting you'll know exactly when you are available is crucial. Creating a color-coding system may be helpful in organizing your ‘busy’ days on the calendar. Update your schedule frequently so that you don’t accidentally double-book yourself. Having a standard schedule with all of your other activities, sports, etc. can also be helpful for parents. 38. **Decide upon a rate of pay.** Although some parents have a specific rate in mind when they hire a babysitter, many rely on the sitter to provide their hourly wage. There are two options for selecting a rate: being paid a flat rate per hour, or being paid per child. The former is better for small families while the latter is best if you plan on watching more than two children at once. You may want to charge more for weekends or for babysitting after midnight. Flat rate hourly wages typically range from $9-$15 per hour, but can be significantly more or less depending on the household and the area in which you or the family lives. Per child wages range from $7-$10 per child, per hour. However, to get a better idea of the competition and to see what is suitable for the conditions, get an overview of what others in your area are charging for a family the size of the family you are sitting for. 39. **Create a list of health/safety information.** You will also need personalized information for each child (such as allergy information), but you should have one generalized list of ""worst-case-scenario"" phone numbers. Keep all the information in a small notebook, a note-taking app, a binder, etc. so you have it with you at all times. You may want to include: Poison control Police station Fire department Nurse hotline A trusted person who has children (like an aunt or parent) to contact in case of a minor case of confusion Any other relevant numbers Forms for the parents to fill out. 40. **Market yourself.** If you're new to babysitting, you'll need to let people know you're available. Word of mouth is often the easiest way to land a job. Talk to your neighbors, people from your church, or families at your school who have young kids. Ask friends who are babysitters if they know of any openings. If you have an older sibling who is moving on to another job, contact their clients. It's always best to babysit for someone you know or someone you've heard about from a friend. If you're new to babysitting, you may choose to only babysit for those you know. If word of mouth doesn't work, consider advertising in your neighborhood. You can use flyers delivered to homes in your area or send out an email if your neighborhood provides a list of residents. If you decide to advertise, check with your parents first. They need to know when you put out personal information. Put a flyer on any community notice boards. Put together a résumé outlining any specific skills, experience, and training you have. If you are old enough, register yourself on babysitting websites. Keep in mind that some of these won't accept you unless you are a certain age. 41. **Be prepared to be interviewed.** It's hard enough to find parents who are looking for babysitters. The next step, and perhaps the hardest, is to make yourself seem worthy of the job. Set up interviews so you can get to know the parents and their children. Just as you'll be finding out if the job sounds good, the parents will be looking to learn as much as possible about you. Tell them about yourself, your family, your school, and why you want to babysit. Be prepared with a list of questions so you know what's expected of you. Write them down so you don't forget to ask anything. The answers you get to questions like these will help you decide if it's the right job for you. If you've interviewed the family and met the kids but still want to learn more, suggest another visit so you can spend more time with the kids. Most parents will be happy that you want to find out as much as you can. 42. **Know your comfort zone and its limits.** Before you go, know what you're comfortable with and what you're not. You need to feel in control. If you're unsure about a job, it's better to wait for the next one. Your safety is as important as the safety of the kids you'll be watching. If this is a first babysitting job, make sure you feel comfortable about the family. Trust your instincts, and don't feel like you have to accept the job on the spot. Tell the family you need to talk it over with your parents before committing to the job. When you know what you want and what to expect, babysitting is a better experience for both you and the kids. If you don't feel like you have the skills to look after a newborn, don't take the job. If you're allergic to certain animals, you may need to turn down a job if the family has pets. Get to know the children beforehand to know if you are ready to babysit them. This also might help them see you as an authority, and prevent the tears when the parents leave. 43. **Ask yourself these questions before you decide to take the leap:** Do you enjoy spending time with children? Are you prepared to take care of kids? Do you have an awareness of young children's needs? Have you taken a babysitting course? Do you have experience taking care of younger siblings or relatives? What can you offer to the kids and their families? Do you want to babysit occasionally or find a regular babysitting position? If income is a concern, will the hours and payment meet your needs? How many kids will you be taking care of? What are their ages? The amount of care needed differs with age. Do the kids have any special needs? Special diets? Does the family have pets? A pool? What are the hours you're expected to work? What are you allowed to do in the home (e.g., use their computer, help yourself to food and snacks or bring your own)? If you have your license, are you expected to drive the kids?",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" "How to Find Mode, Median, Mean and Range?","How to find the mode, median, mean and range. Be sure to arrange the numbers by their numerical value. The order should range from low to high or high to low. An example of correct order would be: 1, 8, 12, 16, 18 and 22. An incorrect order wold be: 8, 1, 12, 18, 16 and 22. Follow these steps to figure out the different attributes: 1. **Order the set of numbers.** 2. **Identify the number that appears most often.** This number is the mode of the given set of numbers. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/6\/64\/Find-Mode%2C-Median%2C-Mean-and-Range-Step-2Bullet1.jpg\/v4-460px-Find-Mode%2C-Median%2C-Mean-and-Range-Step-2Bullet1.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/6\/64\/Find-Mode%2C-Median%2C-Mean-and-Range-Step-2Bullet1.jpg\/aid2052904-v4-728px-Find-Mode%2C-Median%2C-Mean-and-Range-Step-2Bullet1.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} 3. **Order the set of numbers.** 4. **If the amount of numbers is odd, count equally sideways to find the number in the middle.** The middle number is the median of the given set of numbers. 5. **If the amount of numbers is even, find the average of the 2 numbers in the middle.** This number is the median of the given set of numbers. 6. **Add the numbers together.** 7. **Divide the total by the amount of numbers in the set.** The result is the mean (or average) of the given set of numbers. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/5\/59\/Find-Mode%2C-Median%2C-Mean-and-Range-Step-7Bullet1-Version-2.jpg\/v4-460px-Find-Mode%2C-Median%2C-Mean-and-Range-Step-7Bullet1-Version-2.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/5\/59\/Find-Mode%2C-Median%2C-Mean-and-Range-Step-7Bullet1-Version-2.jpg\/aid2052904-v4-728px-Find-Mode%2C-Median%2C-Mean-and-Range-Step-7Bullet1-Version-2.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} 8. **Find the highest and lowest number in the set.** 9. **Find the difference between the highest and lowest number in the set.** The difference is the range of the given set of numbers. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/c\/c7\/Find-Mode%2C-Median%2C-Mean-and-Range-Step-9Bullet1.jpg\/v4-460px-Find-Mode%2C-Median%2C-Mean-and-Range-Step-9Bullet1.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/c\/c7\/Find-Mode%2C-Median%2C-Mean-and-Range-Step-9Bullet1.jpg\/aid2052904-v4-728px-Find-Mode%2C-Median%2C-Mean-and-Range-Step-9Bullet1.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>"", ""language"": ""en""}",,"{""url"": "",-Median,-Mean-and-Range"", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Control Your Temper.,"If you have difficulty with anger problems, you may find that you have a short temper. Having a temper, or losing your patience and expressing your anger ineffectively, can strain your personal and work relationships. Finding ways to control your temper and reduce outbursts of anger may improve the quality of your life and your interpersonal relationships. 1. **Think of anger as physiological as well as psychological reaction.** When you experience anger, your body undergoes a chemical process that activates your biological “fight or flight” response. For many people, a short temper results in a “fight” response due to a chemical and hormonal response in the brain. 2. **Monitor your body for physical reaction.** Many people show signs of anger in their bodies, even before they realize that they are feeling anger. You may be heading towards an outburst of anger if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms: Tense muscles and clenched jaw Headache or stomachache Increased heart rate Sudden sweating or shaking A dizzy feeling 3. **Watch for emotional signs.** In addition to physical reaction to anger, you will likely begin to experience emotional symptoms before losing your temper. Some emotions that often flare up alongside anger are: Irritation Sadness or depression Guilt Resentment Anxiety Defensiveness 4. **Be aware of your triggers.** Monitoring your outbursts of temper or thinking about what usually sets you off can help you identify your temper triggers. A trigger is something that happens that makes you have an automatic reaction. Triggers are usually tied to past emotions or memories (even if you aren’t consciously aware of them). Some common triggers for anger include: Feeling out of control of your own life, another person’s actions, or your environment or situation Believing that someone is trying to manipulate you Getting mad at yourself for making a mistake 5. **Avoid known triggers.** If you are aware of specific circumstances that are likely to trigger your temper, do your best to avoid them. You may particularly need to focus on avoidance if you have other factors that may contribute to a shorter temper such as a lack of sleep, another emotionally-straining event, or increased life or job stress. For example, if getting yelled at by your boss is a trigger for your anger, you could avoid the trigger by removing yourself from the situation or asking for a moment to yourself. You can also ask your boss to speak to you more calmly in the future. 6. **Analyze your triggers.** If you are aware of the emotion or memory that is tied to one of your triggers, try to restructure the memory to lessen the effect of the trigger. For example, you may know that your boss yelling at you is a trigger because you were verbally abused as a child, try disassociating the two kinds of yelling. Convincing yourself that your childhood yelling was different because it only happened in a living room may help you separate it from yelling that you experience in the workplace. 7. **Feel when your response is escalating.** If you feel that the symptoms of your anger are escalating, and you seem to be moving from mildly irritated to really angry, remove yourself from the situation if at all possible. If you can remove yourself to be alone, you can use strategies to reduce or redirect your feelings of anger and avoid an outburst. 8. **Use progressive muscle relaxation.** Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and releasing your body in progressive stages. Consciously tensing your own muscles can help you redirect the outlet of the anger you’re feeling. To practice progressive muscle relaxation, take a few deep breaths, then do the following: Begin with your face and head muscles. Hold the tension for 20 seconds, then release it. Work your way down your body, tensing and releasing your shoulders, arms, back, hands, stomach, legs, feet, and toes. Take deep breaths, feeling relaxation from your toes all the way up to your head. 9. **Delay your response time.** If you know that you have become angry and feel that you are about to lose your temper, give yourself the gift of time. Remind yourself that you do not have to respond or react immediately. Leave the situation, think about a reasoned response, then react later, when the anger has subsided. If you cannot physically leave, you can still give yourself a delay by stopping to count to 10 (or 20, or 50, or 100) before you respond. 10. **Change your surroundings.** If you begin to lose your temper, change to a new location. If you are inside, go outside for a walk if possible. The combination of leaving the person or situation causing your anger and “shocking” your senses with an entirely new environment can help you regain control. 11. **Find humor in the situation.** Because anger is, in part, a chemical reaction, if you can change the chemicals in your body, you can circumvent a temper outbreak. Trying to find humor in a situation, or getting yourself laughing about something else, will diffuse the situation by changing your body’s chemical reaction. For example, if you find that your children have dumped a bag of flour over your entire kitchen, your initial reaction may be anger. However, if you stop and try to look at the situation objectively (perhaps pretending that it is someone else’s kitchen!), you may be able to laugh about it instead. Having a good laugh and then rallying the troops to help you clean up the mess can turn a negative situation into a funny memory. 12. **Take a break for meditation.** Meditation can help you regulate your emotions. Therefore, if you are feeling as though you are going to lose control of your temper, give yourself a little mental vacation through meditation. Remove yourself from the situation causing the anger: go outside, to a stairwell, or even to the bathroom. Take slow, deep breaths. Maintaining this breathing will likely bring down your elevated heart rate. Your breaths should be deep enough that your belly extends on the “in” breath. Visualize a golden-white light filling your body as you breathe in, relaxing your mind. When you breathe out, visualize muddy or dark colors leaving your body. Once you are calm from your meditation, think about your emotions and decide how to deal with the situation that angered you. 13. **Get plenty of exercise and sleep.** Tempers can be heightened (and fuses shorter) if you are lacking sleep or exercise. Sleep can help you regulate your emotions effectively. Exercising when you feel angry can help you redirect your anger. Maintaining regular exercise can help you with mood regulation and controlling your emotions. 14. **Try cognitive restructuring.** Cognitive restructuring helps you replace automatic negative thoughts with more functional or appropriate ways of thinking. Anger may distort your thoughts, but learning to apply reason to your thoughts can make them clear again and can help you avoid losing your temper. For example, you may get a flat tire on your way to work. Your automatic negative thinking caused by anger may lead you to think “My whole day is ruined! I am going to get in trouble at work! Why does this kind of thing always happen to me?!” If you restructure your thinking to take a reasoned look at your comments, you may realize that one setback does not automatically ruin your whole day, that your workplace may understand that things like that happen, and that it’s unlikely that this “always” happens to you (unless you get a flat tire daily, in which case you may want to reevaluate your driving). It also may help to realize that anger at the situation will not help any; in fact, it could hurt by making it more difficult to focus on finding a solution (such as changing the tire). 15. **Participate in an anger management program.** Anger management programs have been proven to be highly successful. Effective programs help you understand anger, develop short-term strategies to deal with anger, and build your emotional control skills. There are many options available for finding a program that is right for you. Individual programs are available for teens, police officers, executives, and other groups of the population that may experience anger for different reasons. To find an anger management program that is right for you, try searching online for “anger management class” plus the name of your city, state, or region. You can also include search terms like “for teens” or “for PTSD” to find a group tailored to your specific situation. You can also look for appropriate programs by asking your physician or therapist, or by consulting the self-improvement course offerings at your local community center. 16. **Seek therapy.** Ultimately, the best way to control your temper is to identify and treat the root of your anger problems. The best way to do this is in a therapist’s office. A therapist can give you relaxation techniques to use in situations that make you feel angry. She can help you develop emotional coping skills and communication training. Additionally, a psychoanalyst who specializes in helping resolve problems from someone’s past (such as neglect or abuse from childhood) can help mitigate anger tied to past events. You can search for a therapist specializing in anger management in North America here and in the United Kingdom here.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Add a Spouse to a Car Title.,"Ownership of a vehicle is established by the name or names that appear on the title. Most states will allow more than one person to claim ownership. Adding a name to a vehicle that already has your name listed will create equal rights to the car or truck for you and your partner. The process of adding a spouse to a car title is simple, but requirements and fees vary from state to state. 1. **Make sure you have a copy of the title.** You will need to have the title to your vehicle to add your spouse's name. You may not have possession of your title if there is a lien against your vehicle. A lien is a creditor's legal right to sell certain property of a debtor who defaults on his or her obligations. If you have not paid off your car completely, the lender has probably placed a lien on the car, and may hold the title. If you do have a lien on your vehicle, contact the lienholder and ask them about adding your spouse’s name. Typically, the lienholder will have no problem with this. Adding a name to the title makes the added party liable for the amount due to the lienholder. Once the lienholder has given consent to add your spouse, most states require that the lienholder fill out a form stating that they granted permission. These forms will vary depending on your state. To find the form for your state call the local Department of Motor Vehicles or visit the website. If you have lost the original title to your car, you can apply for a replacement. To get a replacement, look at your state’s requirements and visit your local DMV office. Your state's requirements should be available online. Some states require you to submit latest smog test (California) when you change ownership (this includes adding a spouse to a title), but you can submit a statement of facts which will exempt this requirement because your spouse is a family member. Some states, such as California, allow you to have paperless title. Therefore, you need either the California Certificate of Title or an Application for Duplicate or Paperless Title. 2. **Sign the back of the title as if selling the vehicle.** Although you are not actually selling your vehicle, the process of changing the names on the title is the same as if you were selling your car to yourself and your spouse. Sign the title on the seller line.. Some states require that you sign the title in front of a notary. Look online to find out if this is required in your state. If you must sign in front of a notary, visit any local bank during regular business hours. Most banks do not charge a fee for notarization services if you have an account. If you do not have a bank account, a bank may charge a small fee (less than $10). You may also be required to list the vehicle's mileage on the title. Requirements about this vary from one state to the next. Likewise, some states require you provide this information on the title itself, while in others you must include an additional. Forms and state-specific information are available online. 3. **Choose the right conjunction.** Some states make a distinction between using ""and"" or ""or"" between the names of new owners. For example, in Kansas, Tennessee, and Connecticut ""and"" means that both parties must sign to conduct any business with the title. ""Or"" allows either party to take responsibility. If your state makes this distinction, use “and” if you want both partners to approve anything done with the car title. 4. **Print your names as ""buyers"" of the vehicle.** Print your name and your spouse's name as buyers on the title. Write the names as you want them to appear on the new title. After printing your names as the “buyers,” you and your spouse should both sign the title in the appropriate places. Again, your state may require you and your spouse to sign in front of a notary. Find your state's requirements online. You should sign both as the seller and the buyer, while your spouse only needs to sign as the buyer. 5. **Obtain a Transfer of Title form.** In most cases, this can be downloaded from the DMV website. Go online to find the correct form for your state. 6. **Complete the form.** States can have slightly different transfer of title forms, but most will simply ask for basic information about you and the person you are transferring the title to. You will usually need to include your name and address. When filling out this form, you will put both your information as well as your spouse’s information in as the “transferee.” 7. **Submit the form and pay the fee.** After filling out the form, take or mail the form and your old title to the DMV. You do not need an appointment, although it may cut down your wait time to make one. Be prepared to pay the transfer fee. Most states charge a small transfer fee, which you can pay when you transfer your title. The amount of the fee will vary depending on your state, but in most cases it's under $50. 8. **Update your vehicle registration.** In some states, you can simply add your spouse’s name to your existing registration information. However, some states, such as New York, require you to register the car separately for each person appearing on the title. Sometimes this may require additional paperwork. Check with your local DMV to find out what the requirements are in your state. In California, for example, you must do this within five days of adding your spouse. Some states will allow you submit a notice of transfer and release of liability online. This makes it so that any parking violations, traffic violations, and civil litigation resulting for the vehicle before the title is recorded will be ascribed to new owner of the vehicle. In this case, it would add liability for the vehicle to the spouse. 9. **Inform your insurance company.** Make sure that you notify your insurance company that a new name has been added to the title. Your insurance company may also need a current and accurate copy of the title. However, if your spouse is already covered under your insurance policy, adding his or her name to the car title should not affect your rates or policy. If your spouse is not covered under your policy, you will need to add him or her, or make sure that your spouse is covered under their own policy.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Write a Letter to Your Attorney?,"When you hire an attorney, you will need to communicate with him frequently so that he obtains all of the necessary evidence to presenting a strong case on your behalf. Generally, your attorney will reach out to you when he needs information and give you specific instructions for how to respond. However, there are certain occasions in which you may wish to contact your attorney with a question or request. While you should always choose the method of communication that makes you feel most comfortable (i.e. by phone, email, in person), you may prefer to write your attorney a formal letter to highlight the importance of your message. 1. **Understand your purpose.** There are many reasons why you may wish to contact your attorney. Understanding that reason is key to determining whether a letter is the appropriate course of action and, if so, to writing a letter that clearly communicates your message. If you merely wish to inquire about the status of your case, a formal letter is not necessary. Your lawyer is obligated to keep you reasonably informed about the status of your case and will likely contact you whenever there is news to report. If you have not heard from your lawyer in a while, send him a quick email or leave him a voice mail message asking for an update. If your lawyer has requested that you write him a letter, follow his instructions his exactly. For example, if he sends you a list of questions to answer, simply answer his questions one by one as clearly as possible. Do not worry about formatting the letter in any special way or typing it unless your attorney requests that you do so. If your lawyer has asked that you write him a letter giving your consent to his requesting documents on your behalf, you should ask your lawyer to write the letter for you. This kind of letter may need to meet certain criteria to be effective and your lawyer is the one who will know what the letter needs to include. Your only role should be to revise and sign the letter once you have received a draft. If you are concerned your lawyer is not working on your case, write him a polite but firm letter explaining your concerns. If you feel more comfortable emailing or calling him, that would be fine as well. You are under no obligation to express your concerns in a formal letter. If you want to fire your lawyer, send him a letter that clearly states you are terminating the relationship and that the lawyer is to cease working on any pending matters. You should also ask that he return all of the documents regarding your case and pay you refund for any unfinished work. 2. **Lead with the most important point.** Once you have confirmed that writing a letter will serve your purpose, write an opening paragraph that explains why you are writing and stating any questions or requests. If you wish to fire your attorney, state that clearly in your opening paragraph: ""I'm writing to terminate our attorney-client relationship."" If you have a legal question for your attorney, ask it up front: ""I'm writing to ask you a question about my immigration case. I'm wondering how my departure from the U.S. will affect my legal residence status."" 3. **Fill in the middle with your reasons.** Once you have explained your purpose, the proceeding paragraphs should explain your reasons for making a particular request or asking a particular question. If you begin your letter with a paragraph stating that you would like to terminate your relationship with your attorney, write one or two paragraphs that explain why you are unhappy with him. Wherever possible, refer to specific examples. If you are writing your attorney with a question, provide your attorney with the necessary context for understanding why you are asking your question. For example, ""The reason I am asking this question is that I'm planning to leave the United States next month to care for my mother who is sick."" 4. **Close with a paragraph that summarizes your main point.** If you are making a request, be sure to repeat it in the final paragraph. This will remind your attorney of what you are asking from him. For example: ""For these reasons, I would like to terminate our attorney-client relationship and I ask that you return my file to me as soon as possible."" 5. **Use simple language.** Your main goal in writing to your attorney should be to communicate your message as clearly as possible. Do not worry about impressing your attorney by using big words or complicated sentences. You want to make sure your attorney understands what you are saying so that he can comply with your request. For example, instead of “enclosed herewith please find,” just say, “I’ve enclosed” or “Here is. . . .” 6. **Keep it short.** Think about your purpose in writing the letter and include only the information necessary to achieving that purpose. Anything beyond the essential information could confuse your attorney and cause him to misunderstand what you are requesting. Avoid unnecessary tangents, like telling your attorney about problems you have been having with your wife, unless they relate to your case. 7. **Decide whether to follow ""full block"" or ""modified block"" format.** Either format is appropriate for a formal business letter. Full block format means that all elements of the letter are left-justified so that the start of each line is at the left-hand margin. Modified block format means that some elements of the letter are shifted over to the right. 8. **Write your address.** At the top of the page, on either the left corner (if using full block format) or the right corner (if using modified block format) write out your address. If applicable, also include your e-mail address and cell phone number. 9. **Write the date.** On the left side of the page, directly beneath your address, write the date of the day you are writing the letter. The date should be placed on the left regardless of whether you are using full block or modified block format. Write the date in word rather than number form, as in June 8, 2015 instead of 6/8/15. Allow for two spaces beneath the date. 10. **Insert your attorney's name and address.** On the left side of the page, two spaces beneath the date, write your attorney's full name and address. Your attorney's name and address should be placed on the left regardless of whether you are using full block or modified block format. If there is a paralegal that is working on your specific case, you may wish to write to include it in parenthesis next to the attorney's name. 11. **Reference your case number.** Beneath your attorney's name and address, on the left hand side, include a subject line referencing your case number. Highlight the subject line in bold so that it appears prominently on the page. If you don't have a case number, write out your name (or the name of the main client on the case) in the subject line. This will help the attorney and the attorney's staff locate your file. 12. **Greet your attorney.** By way of introduction, write out a phrase greeting your attorney by his last name. For example: ""Dear Mr. Jones"" or ""Dear Ms. Fisher"" Position the greeting on the left side of the page. Follow the greeting with a colon, i.e. ""Dear Ms. Fisher:"" 13. **Write out the body of the letter.** If you have already prepared a draft of the letter, simply insert the text of that draft. Lead with the main purpose of your letter and then explain the reasons for your question or request. Be specific when referencing relevant information including names, dates and places. The more information you include, the better your attorney will be able to assist you. Keep to one main topic per paragraph, even if you have several issues to discuss in the letter. End the letter in two or three sentences as politely as you can, even if your letter to your attorney is a complaint about the service you have received. 14. **Close the letter.** End the letter with an appropriate closing phrase. ""Sincerely"" is an example of an appropriate closing phrase. Place a comma after the closing phrase (i.e. ""Sincerely,""). The closing should be aligned with your address. If you are using full block format, place it on the left side. If you are using modified block format, place it on the right. 15. **Type your full name.** After your closing phrase, write out your full name. Align your name on the same side as your closing phrase. If you are using full block format, place it on the left side. If you are using modified block format, place it on the right. Insert several blank lines between your closing phrase and your name. 16. **Sign the letter.** Print out the letter, then use a blue or black pen to sign your name between the closing (i.e. ""Sincerely"") and your full name typed name. 17. **Keep a copy of the letter.** Print an extra copy of the letter to keep for your personal records. That way, if the letter gets lost in the mail or your attorney denies having received it, you will have proof that you sent it.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Make a Model Water Tower.,"Water towers are large, elevated tanks of water that are essential for the distribution of clean water to many communities across the globe. Not only do they come in many different shapes and sizes, but it’s intriguing to learn about the way water towers work. Whether you need a model water tower for a train set or school project, or you simply want to learn about the way they work, you can easily build your own model with the right materials and know-how. 1. **Locate a small plastic bottle and a large plastic bottle.** The small water bottle can be a standard-sized Coke, juice, or water bottle, as long as it has a screw-on cap. The large bottle should be a 2-liter soda bottle, jug, or a large juice bottle. 2. **Remove the cap from the small bottle and cut a hole in the middle of it.** Use scissors to punch a hole into the center of the cap, then widen the hole until it’s slightly smaller than the circumference of the holes at both ends of the tubing. Water will leak out of the hole if it’s too big, but it will still need to be big enough to push the tubing into it. It’s better to have a hole that’s too small than a hole that’s too big, as you can always use your scissors to widen it if necessary. 3. **Punch a pin-sized hole in the bottom of the small water bottle.** Use a pin, needle, earring, or any other device that will create an almost invisible hole. This will allow the bottle to vent when the water starts flowing. 4. **Cut a medium-sized hole in the side of the large bottle.** Make the hole big enough that the cap and tubing can both fit through it. You can put the hole anywhere on the bottle that you choose, but roughly halfway down the bottle is a good option. Unlike the small bottle, you don’t have to worry about leaks if this hole isn’t the right size. This hole can be large or small just as long as the cap and tubing will fit through it comfortably. 5. **Feed 1 end of the tubing through the hole in the large bottle.** Push the tubing through the large hole and out through the top of the large bottle. Lay the large bottle on its side with the hole you cut facing upward for easier access. 6. **Squeeze the same end of the tubing into the hole you cut in the cap.** Feed roughly 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) of tubing in through the cap. Clamp the binder clip roughly 2 inches (5.1 cm) from the end of the other side of the tubing. Put the side of the tubing with the binder clip into a bowl that will catch the water. If your hole on the cap is the right size, you will have to forcefully push the tubing into the hole. It should fit snugly in the hole without slipping. 7. **Fill the small bottle with water.** Once the bottle is full, place the cap with the tubing through it on top of the bottle. Feed the tubing into the water, then screw the cap on tightly. Hold your finger over the pin-sized hole on the bottom of the bottle to keep water from leaking out. 8. **Place the small bottle upside-down in the top opening on the large bottle.** The neck of the small bottle should fit all the way into the opening on the large bottle. You now have a functioning model water tower! The water should flow into the tubing once you flip it upside down, but the binder clip will stop the flow. Experiment by releasing the clip at different heights to see where the water stops flowing. 9. **Cut the rounded ends off of roughly 70 Popsicle sticks.** Barely snip both ends of each Popsicle stick to make the ends straight on both sides. Make them all as close to the same size as possible. 10. **Snip 2 of the cut Popsicle sticks in half.** You don’t have to measure them, but cut them as close to the center as possible. You will now have 4 smaller pieces of Popsicle stick that are roughly half the length of the other Popsicle sticks. 11. **Apply glue to 1 end of 1 of the small stick sections.** Connect the edge of a second small stick to the area where you just applied glue. Then, apply glue to the end of the second piece that is not connected. Glue the edge of a third small section to the open second section. Repeat this process for the fourth section, then apply glue to connect the edge of the fourth section to the open edge of the first section you glued. You will now have a square frame made out of the 4 smaller Popsicle pieces. Your frame doesn’t have to be perfectly square. In fact, if you’re going for a rustic look, an imperfect square may even be ideal. If you’re using super glue, you can apply glue to all 4 edges before connecting them all together. If you’re using hot glue, make sure to glue each edge separately. This will keep the glue from drying before you can connect all 4 sections together. 12. **Line up 2 larger Popsicle sticks to create 1 long, straight stick.** Place the sticks on a flat surface with their ends touching. Take another Popsicle stick of the same size and apply glue to the entire surface on 1 side, lengthwise. Place the glued side directly in the middle of the 2 sticks that are lined up. The third stick does not have to be exactly in the middle of the other 2 sticks, but it should be close enough that it holds the other 2 sticks together evenly. 13. **Repeat this process 3 more times.** Follow the same process as before by lining up 2 of the larger Popsicle sticks and gluing a third stick on top of them. Do this 3 more times until you have 4 identical long sections that are each made out of 3 glued Popsicle sticks. 14. **Connect the end of 1 of the long sticks to the inside corner of the square frame.** Apply glue to the inside edge of the long stick and place it at a slight outward angle, with the third stick that is holding the other 2 sticks together facing inward. Glue the long stick so that it does not poke out above the frame once connected. Do the same thing with the other 3 long sections you created in the other 3 corners of the frame. This will form the legs of the water tower, so make the angle as identical as possible for each of the long sticks. Keep the angle of the legs around 10-15 degrees. If the angle is too steep, the water tower will be too short. If it is too steep, it will probably topple over. 15. **Use another Popsicle stick to connect 2 of the legs together.** Apply glue to each inside edge of the stick. Place the edges of the Popsicle stick on top of the lines where the 2 Popsicle sticks used to create the legs meet. Do the same thing with 3 other sticks until you have a stick connecting the legs on all 4 sides. You will need to spread the legs apart so that the sticks do not hang outside the edge of the leg. Keep the connecting sticks as level as possible. You want it to appear as if there is a single, continuous stick wrapping around the legs of the tower, not 4 separate small sticks. 16. **Lay 9 Popsicle sticks side-by-side on a flat surface.** Line them up along their long edges so the sticks make a square when lined up. Apply a line of glue on the edge of the square down the length of all 9 Popsicle sticks. Place another Popsicle stick along the same direction as the glue line so that it holds all 9 sticks together. Do the same thing with another line of glue and another Popsicle stick on the other end of the square. The Popsicle sticks used to hold the other 9 sticks together should be the same length as the square, so that they match up perfectly with both corners and do not hang over the edge. You may need to trim the sticks down or remove one of the 9 sticks to match up the lengths. Use your hand to hold the Popsicle stick square together as you glue it. Place your hand flat on top of all 9 sticks, and do your best to keep them all together with no gaps between them. 17. **Apply glue to the top edge of the square frame you made earlier.** Place the square platform you just created on top of the frame, connecting it to the base structure you already made. Glue the platform so that the Popsicle sticks used to connect the other sticks together are facing downward. You can also glue each individual Popsicle stick directly onto the square frame you made earlier. It will take longer, but you may be able to line the sticks up better this way. 18. **Cut the rim off of a small paper Dixie cup.** Cut around the top of the open side to remove the outer rim. Try to keep the line as straight as possible, since this will form the foundation for the water container part of your water tower. 19. **Glue the remaining Popsicle sticks to the outside of the Dixie cup.** Place glue along one of the wide edges of a Popsicle stick. Line up the top edge of the stick with the bottom edge of the cup and glue it down. Repeat this process around the entire circumference of the cup until it is completely covered. When gluing the sticks onto the cup, fan them out from one another to create a more realistic look. When you place the second stick on the cup, keep the edge of the stick as close to the edge of the cup as possible, but fan out the end that is jutting over the edge of the cup by about 5 degrees so that a small sliver of the cup can be seen underneath. Roughly half of the length of each Popsicle stick will be glued to the Dixie cup, while the other half will be jutting out over the rim of the cup. 20. **Cover the gaps in the Popsicle sticks by gluing another layer on top.** If you fanned out the sticks to create a more realistic look, go back over the cup with additional Popsicle sticks. Glue the sticks directly in the middle of two sticks on the bottom layer so that the second layer covers up any slivers of cup that may be showing. Keep the edges lined up with the bottom edge of the cup as best you can. 21. **Place the Dixie cup in the middle of the platform with the open side up.** Apply glue around the entire circumference of the bottom of the cup. Then, stick it down as close to the middle of the platform as possible. Use a lot of glue to attach the Dixie cup so that it doesn’t fall off if it’s bumped. Optionally, you can wrap a string around the bottom and middle of the Dixie cup to give it a Western look. Wrap the string several times for better results. 22. **Use 2 wooden dowels to create a ladder.** Place 2 wooden dowels roughly 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart on a flat surface. Line them up so they are parallel with the pointy side on top. Use small sections of Popsicle sticks roughly 1 inch (2.5 cm) long to create the steps. Apply glue to both ends of 1 side of the stick, then place it horizontally between the dowels so that it connects them together. Do this all the way up the 2 dowels, roughly 7 times, until about 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the pointy side of the dowels is left sticking out. 23. **Lean the ladder against the water tower at an angle and secure it with glue.** Glue another small section of Popsicle stick horizontally across the very tips of the dowels, above and on the opposite side of the steps. Lean it up against the side of your water tower with the tips facing up. Place glue on the backside of the tips of the dowel and press down to attach it.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Connect a VoIP Phone to a Router?,"This wikiHow teaches you how to connect a VoIP phone to a router. VoIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol. These phones are designed to carry phone calls over the internet, instead of a landline. These phones can easily be connected to a modem or router using an Ethernet cable. 1. **Power off the modem and router.** Before installing a VoIP phone, unplug the modem and router and any devices connected to them. 2. **Connect the AC adapter to the base station.** The AC adapter is the cord you use to plug into an electrical outlet, or power strip. Look for a port on the base station that matches the size and shape of the AC adapter input connector. 3. **Connect the handset to the base station.** If the handset has a cord, connect it to a RJ-11 phone jack on the base station. If it is a cordless phone, place the handset in the base station and let it charge. If the handset requires batteries, put the batteries in the handset. 4. **Connect an Ethernet cable to the base station.** Look for the Ethernet port on the base station of your phone and connect the Ethernet cable that came with your phone to the port. Some VoIP phones offer an Ethernet pass-through option. This allows you to connect another device, such as a computer, to your phone so that you only need to use one port on your router to connect two devices. If you wish to use this option, connect your computer's Ethernet cable to the port on the base station that says ""PC"" or something similar. Connect the Ethernet cable that came with your phone to the port that says ""SW"", ""switch"", ""Internet"" or something similar. 5. **Connect the Ethernet cable to the router or modem.** Most routers and modems have 4 numbered Ethernet ports on the back. Plug the Ethernet cable to any one of the ports on the back of the router. Look for a message that says ""Initializing network"" or something similar on the screen. 6. **Power up the modem and router.** If you have a separate modem and router, plug in the modem first and wait 30 seconds for it to resync with the network. Then plug in the router and wait 30 seconds. 7. **Plug in the base station of the phone and power it on.** Place the handset in the base station and plug the base station in. If needed, allow the handset battery to charge for a while. Power on the phone and wait 30 seconds. 8. **Check for a dial tone.** When you see the screen turn to the standard home screen, pick up the phone and check for a dial tone. Read ""How to Set Up VoIP in your Home"" to learn how to use an adapter to turn your landline phone into an VoIP phone. 9. **Check your router's capabilities.** Some router's, such as the TP-Link AC 1900, have built in DECT capabilities. This allows you to connect the handset of a VoIP phone directly to your router. Check your router's capabilities in the user's manual. When you purchase a VoIP phone, check the box to see if it supports CAT-iq or DECT capable routers. 10. **Charge or put batteries in the handset.** If the handset uses AAA batteries, put a fresh set in the handset. If the handset uses the base station to charge itself, connect the base station to the AC adapter, plug it in, and place the handset in the base station. Let the handset sit for a while so that batteries can charge. 11. **Power on the phone handset.** When you power on the phone, you will likely see a message asking you to register the handset with the base station. Instead, you will register it with the router. 12. **Press and hold the ""DECT"" button on the router.** After you hold the ""DECT"" button for a few seconds, the lights on the router will flash. The router is now pairing with the phone. When the phone finishes pairing, the phone screen will display the home screen. The handset will be registered as ""Handset 1"" or something similar.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to End a Video Game Addiction.,"Playing video games casually can be a great way to unwind and have fun. But if you’re so fixated on gaming that it feels like it’s taking over your life, you may have a video game addiction. A gaming addiction is no joke—in 2018, the World Health Organization officially classified it as a mental health condition, called “gaming disorder.” Fortunately, there are things you can do to get your addiction under control. Try setting limits for yourself and keeping busy with other activities. Any kind of addiction can be incredibly tough to overcome, so don’t be afraid to get help. If you’re not able to shake it on your own, reach out to a doctor or therapist. 1. **Give yourself a strict time limit for daily play.** Health experts recommend that teens and school-aged kids should spend no more than 2 hours a day in front of a screen, and it’s just as important for adults to limit their time being sedentary. If you’re struggling with too much gaming, try setting specific limits for yourself on how long you play each day. For example, you might limit yourself to no more than half an hour of play each day. Help yourself keep track of your playing time by setting a timer on your phone or another device. Don’t give up or get too upset with yourself if you slip up and end up playing longer than you meant to from time to time—it’s totally normal to have setbacks! Try to learn from what happened and think of a way to avoid it next time, like having a buddy send you a text to remind you it’s time to stop playing. 2. **Keep gaming devices out of your bedroom.** If you have a game console, computer, or other gaming device in your room, you may be tempted to stay up all night playing instead of getting the sleep you need. Make your room a screen-free zone so you don’t get caught up in late-night gaming. If you have games on your phone, switch it off at night or put it somewhere you can’t easily reach it at bedtime. Playing games right before bed can reduce the quality of your sleep. In addition to keeping your room screen-free, avoid playing games during the last couple of hours before you go to bed. When you’re trying to break a video game addiction, it’s not uncommon to have trouble sleeping. If you find yourself struggling to sleep, try not to worry. Do something calming and comforting to help you unwind, like meditating for a few minutes or taking a warm shower. 3. **Try apps or extensions to block your access to games.** If you play games on your phone or on your computer, you can install apps or browser extensions that limit your play time. Some apps can limit your access to specific games, while others will lock you out of your device altogether during a set time. PC programs like Game Boss can set time limits on games or block your access to gaming websites. If you play games in a web browser, try an extension like StayFocusd for Chrome or LeechBlock for Firefox. For phone games, try apps like Offtime or BreakFree to set time limits, track your game usage, or block your access to gaming apps. 4. **Ask friends and family to help stay on top of your gaming limits.** Let your family and friends know that you’re trying to cut back on how much time you spend gaming. Ask them to check in with you from time to time to make sure you’re not playing games when you’re supposed to be doing other things. For example, you might ask your friend to call your or send you a text at a time when you’re especially likely to start playing your game. Ask the people in your life to respect your decision by not tempting you to play video games. For instance, you might ask your sibling not to play games while you’re around. Try not to feel embarrassed about asking for help. Just keep it simple—say something like, “Hey, I’m trying to cut back on gaming so much. Can you remind me to stop if you catch me playing longer than half an hour?” 5. **Distract yourself with other fun activities during the day.** You’ll be less likely to get stuck on gaming if you have other things to keep you occupied. Take the opportunity to rediscover activities you used to enjoy, or try something exciting and new! Schedule time that you’d normally spend gaming to do other things you like, such as: Reading Going for walks or playing active games outdoors Spending time with your friends or family Working on a hobby or creative project 6. **Treat gaming as a reward for completing other tasks.** If your gaming is interfering with homework, chores, or other work you need to get done, make a vow to put those important jobs first. Don’t do any gaming until you’ve finished the other things you have on your to-do list for the day. For example, if you need to complete a homework assignment and load the dishwasher, finish those things before you start playing. 7. **Do other stress-relieving activities if you play games when you’re stressed.** Sometimes a gaming addiction can develop when you use gaming as an escape from things that are stressing you out. Work on developing some alternative coping strategies so you’ll have something else to fall back on when you feel overwhelmed. For instance, you could: Meditate Do yoga Exercise Draw, write, or play music to express your feelings 8. **Schedule time each day for self-care.** A severe gaming addiction can interfere with your ability to care for your own basic needs. In turn, not taking good enough care of yourself can make you feel tired and unwell, which might tempt you to turn to your game for comfort. As you work on overcoming your gaming addiction, set aside specific times each day to: Eat at least 3 healthy meals throughout the day Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night if you’re an adult, or 8-10 if you’re a teen Get at least half an hour of physical activity Take care of your hygiene (such as showering and brushing your teeth) Work on daily chores and responsibilities 9. **Ask your doctor for advice on managing your addiction.** If you’re not having any luck cutting back on gaming on your own, talk to your doctor. They may be able to give you advice on how to quit or refer you to someone who can help. It can be difficult to talk to your doctor about something like this, but remember that it’s their job to help you. Say something like, “I feel like I play video games too much, but it’s really hard for me to stop. Can you give me some advice?” If you’re a kid or teen, talk to your parents or another trusted adult, like a school counselor. They can help you make an appointment to get the help you need. Let your doctor know if you think your game addiction is causing any physical problems, such as dry eyes, muscle or joint pain, or headaches. 10. **Try cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to overcome addictive behaviors.** Cognitive behavioral therapy may be helpful for overcoming severe video game addictions. CBT focuses on helping you recognize and change harmful behaviors and thought patterns that might be making your addiction worse. Ask your doctor to refer you to a therapist who has experience treating addictions with CBT. If you’re in school or college, find out if your school offers psychological services for students. If your gaming habits are having a negative impact on your relationships, you might also benefit from family or marriage counseling. 11. **Join a support group for gaming addicts if you feel isolated.** Group therapy can be a great way to meet other people who are dealing with similar struggles. Other members of the group can give you advice and support and help you feel less alone. Ask your doctor or counselor to recommend a support group. In a group meeting, you and other group members may share your success stories, talk about things you’re struggling with, and offer each other encouragement. You don’t have to speak up or participate in the discussion if you don’t feel like it. You can also make use of online support groups and gaming addiction communities, such as Online Gamers Anonymous, Computer Gaming Addicts Anonymous, or Game Quitters. 12. **Ask your doctor about using medications to reduce cravings.** Some studies show that bupropion (Wellbutrin), an antidepressant medication, may help you stop a video game addiction. If other methods aren’t working, ask your doctor or psychiatrist about getting a bupropion prescription. Medications can sometimes interact with each other in harmful ways. Before starting bupropion or any other medication, give your doctor a full list of any medications or supplements you’re currently taking. Ask your doctor about the possible risks and side effects of using bupropion. 13. **Look into rehab for a severe addiction.** If your addiction is so bad that it’s affecting your health and you’re not having any success with other treatment options, look into a rehabilitation program. Some addiction treatment centers will give you the option to stay in a supervised environment for a while away from gaming technology so you have a chance to “detox.” Search online for a gaming addiction treatment facility near you, or ask your doctor to recommend one. If you aren’t able to stay in a treatment facility, look for outpatient rehabilitation programs. These programs may combine counseling with other forms of therapy to help treat your addiction. It takes a lot of strength to seek help for a serious addiction, so don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed about looking into rehab. 14. **Treat any conditions that might be contributing to your addiction.** Video game addiction often goes along with other mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety. If you think you might have another mental health condition that’s causing your addiction or making it worse, talk to your doctor or counselor. They can help you treat those conditions, which should make it easier to shake your video game addiction. Your doctor or therapist may recommend a combination of counseling and medication to treat these conditions. If you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, or another mental health condition, you’re not alone. In the U.S., about half of all adults will deal with a mental health issue at some point in their lives! 15. **Watch for obsessive thoughts about the game.** If you find yourself thinking about your favorite game constantly, you might be addicted. Consider whether you find yourself obsessing over the game throughout the day or even at night when you’re trying to sleep. It’s okay to look forward to playing a game you enjoy or think about it occasionally. However, there may be a problem if you find that you can’t stop thinking about it even when you’re trying to focus on other things. 16. **Make note of increasing time spent playing.** When you’re addicted, you may find that you need to play the game for longer and longer periods of time in order to feel satisfied. Pay attention to how long you spend playing every day, and note whether your playing time is getting longer. You may find that you lose track of time while you play and end up playing much longer than you intended to. 17. **Look for feelings of restlessness or irritability when you try to cut back.** Just like with any other addiction, you may feel symptoms of withdrawal when you try to quit or reduce the amount of time you spend gaming. Look for signs such as: Feelings of irritability, anxiety, anger, or depression when you can’t play Changes in your appetite or sleeping patterns when you go without playing the game for a while 18. **Check if your gaming is creating problems in other areas of your life.** A video addiction can take you away from the other things you need or want to be doing, like working, spending time with your family, or taking care of your health. Watch out for problems with your overall quality of life that might be related to your gaming, such as: Performing poorly at work or at school Spending less time with your friends or family, or having arguments about your gaming habits Forgetting to eat, sleep, or take care of your hygiene Losing interest in your other hobbies and pastimes 19. **Note whether you’ve unsuccessfully tried to quit or cut back.** If you keep trying to quit or limit your gaming time but find yourself coming back to it over and over again, this could be a sign of addiction. Consider whether you’ve tried to change your gaming habits before without succeeding. 20. **Ask yourself if you use the game to escape your problems.** If the game has become your main way to escape the major sources of stress in your life, you may be addicted or at risk of becoming addicted. Be on the alert if you use the game to distract you from problems such as: Feelings of guilt, anxiety, hopelessness, or depression Conflicts at home, school, or work General unhappiness with your life situation",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Make Pomade.,"Pomade is a hair styling solution that is typically wax or oil-based and gives your hair a sleek, shiny appearance that doesn’t dry. Although there are many pricey pomades on the market, it’s easy and quite inexpensive to make a homemade pomade using natural ingredients like beeswax, coconut oil and shea butter, which are all great for the health and strength of your hair. Create a heavy hold beeswax hair pomade that is great for styles that need some structure, a moderate shea-butter based pomade that is good for everyday looks, or a creamy hair pomade that is nourishing and highly effective on curly, natural hair. 1. **Prepare a double boiler.** To create beeswax hair pomade, you first need to melt the beeswax so that it can easily mix with the other ingredients. Begin by placing a double boiler on the stovetop over medium low heat with about one inch (2.54 cm) of water in the bottom pot. If you don’t have a double boiler, you can make a makeshift double boiler by placing a small pot on the stove, pouring an inch (2.54 cm) of water inside, then placing a heat safe bowl on top of the pot of water. Use a bowl that is wide enough so that it can sit on the top of the pot rather than inside the pot. 2. **Place the beeswax inside the top of the double boiler.** Place the 20 tablespoons (98.57 ml) of beeswax inside the top pot of the double boiler (or in the bowl if you are using a makeshift double boiler). 3. **Melt the beeswax in the double boiler.** After you place the beeswax in the double boiler, you should see that it starts to soften and melt. Stir the beeswax around using a wooden spoon until it is completely melted. 4. **Add the coconut oil and essential oils.** Once the beeswax has completely melted, add in the 20 teaspoons (98.57 ml) of pure coconut oil as well as 20 drops of your favorite scented essential oil. 5. **Stir the mixture until it’s fully melted.** Use the wooden spoon to keep mixing the pomade mixture while it heats. Stop mixing when all the ingredients are fully melted and the mixture is homogenous. 6. **Pour the mixture in a container.** Once you have finished making the pomade, pour it into a small, clean container with a lid, making sure to scrape down the sides of the double boiler to get all of the pomade. 7. **Let the pomade cool for at least three hours.** Once you have poured the pomade into the container, leave the pomade to cool for at least three hours before you use it. Letting the pomade sit will help it to solidify to the right consistency to use on your hair. 8. **Add water to the bottom of a double boiler.** To begin making this medium hold hair pomade, place a double boiler on the stovetop over medium heat. Place one inch (2.54 cm) of water in the bottom of the double boiler and place the top pan back on the double boiler. If you don’t have a double boiler, place a pot on the stovetop and add an inch (2.54 cm) of water to the bottom. Then place another pot or a heatproof bowl sitting on top of the bottom pot. 9. **Add the shea butter and beeswax pastilles to the double boiler.** Place the 3 tablespoons (44.36 ml) of shea butter and 2 tablespoons (29.57 ml) of beeswax pastilles into the top pan of the double boiler and mix them with a large spoon until they are melted. 10. **Combine jojoba oil and arrowroot powder in a bowl.** In a separate bowl, add the jojoba oil, arrowroot powder and the vitamin E if you are using it. Stir them together until all the ingredients are mixed together. Vitamin E promotes hair growth and also helps to strengthen hair. You can find liquid Vitamin E at some health food stores. Arrowroot is a thickening agent. It can be bought in health food stores or some major supermarkets. You can also substitute cornstarch for arrowroot powder if you have trouble finding it. 11. **Combine the shea butter and jojoba oil mixtures.** Take the double boiler off the heat and pour the jojoba oil mixture into the top of the double boiler with the shea butter mixture. 12. **Add the essential oil and mix.** Add in 10 drops of the essential oil of your choice, then mix the pomade ingredients together with a whisk or hand mixer for two or three minutes until the texture of the pomade is thick. You don’t need to use essential oils, but they can add a nice scent to your pomade. 13. **Pour the pomade into a container.** Once you add the essential oils, scoop or pour the pomade into a jar or tin with a top, being sure to scrape out the boiler to get out all the pomade. The pomade should be ready to use as soon as it cools. 14. **Add all ingredients together.** To make a creamy hair pomade, add the shea butter, aloe vera, coconut oil, glycerin and the essential oil or oils of your choice to a large mixing bowl. You can choose whichever essential oil has your favorite scent. 15. **Mix the ingredients to make a cream.** Once you have added all the ingredients to the mixing bowl, mix them together with a large spoon. Keep mixing until all the ingredients are combined into a cream. 16. **Place the cream in a jar or tin.** After you finish mixing the ingredients into a cream, scoop all the ingredients into a tin with a top. Then use the pomade to style and smooth your hair!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to React when Your Spouse Is Wearing Diapers.,"No matter how old your spouse is, there may be times at which they need or want to wear adult diapers. From incontinence to even sexual fetishes, many adults wear diapers, which are also called “quilted briefs,” “disposable briefs,” or “protective underwear.” By understanding the reasons for which your spouse is wearing diapers, you can react positively and support them. 1. **Learn about adult diaper use.** Although most people may think that adult diaper use is only for urinary incontinence, there are actually many reasons an adult may wear diapers. From general incontinence to sexual fetishes, learning about the myriad needs for adult diapers can help you react positively and support your spouse. Your spouse may be wearing diapers because: They suffer from urinary incontinence. This can arise from a broad range of conditions including menopause, enlarged prostate, urinary tract infections, pregnancy, childbirth, hysterectomy, and neurological disorders such as stroke or brain tumor. In addition, some medications and beverages such as coffee or soda, can cause incontinence. They suffer from fecal incontinence. This can arise from conditions such as damage to the rectum, nerve damage to the sphincter, chronic constipation, diarrhea, surgery, or rectal prolapse. They suffer from stress incontinence. This usually arises because of weakened pelvic floor muscles. Stress incontinence occurs most often in women, though can happen in both sexes as a result of childbirth or prostate surgery. They have a sexual fetish called infantilism or diaper fetishism. This occurs most often in males and usually presents as a desire to dress and be treated like an infant, which also involves a transfer of power and control with another adult. It’s important to remember that bodies are diverse in their shapes, functioning and needs, and to challenge any preconceived beliefs, messages and biases that we may have about bodies that may function or have needs that differ from our own. 2. **Ask why your spouse is wearing diapers.** In a non-confrontational and gentle manner, ask your spouse why she is wearing diapers. Wearing diapers can be a very sensitive and embarrassing subject for many adults, and simply asking her may help you better understand and eventually support her diaper use. Ask your partner about ways that can help them feel supported, comfortable, and accepted by you when it comes to wearing incontinence briefs and any information they feel would be helpful for you to know. If your spouse has been ill or experiencing other medical issues, broach the subject by saying something such as “I remember your doctor mentioned that incontinence may be a side effect of your injury. Are you having trouble?” If your spouse’s diaper use doesn’t come from an obvious condition, tread lightly in asking. For example, you could say “I found these diapers in the bathroom. Are you having some kind of issue with which I can offer you support?” This allows your spouse to answer honestly if he likes and also demonstrates your support no matter what the reason for wearing diapers. 3. **Accept your spouse’s response.** No matter how your spouse answers your question, accept their response. Whether for medical reasons or as a sexual fetish, your spouse’s need to wear diapers is deeply personal and they may—or may not—want to discuss the matter with you. Avoid knee-jerk or “humorous” responses, which may embarrass or hurt your spouse. For example, they may worry that you don't love them anymore. If you do not know how to respond, back away from the situation until you can process it while being gentle with your spouse. For example, say “I’m so sorry and I want to be supportive, but I’m not sure how to react and I need a moment to process this.” Maintaining a stance of openness and non-judgement will be integral to fostering acceptance around any topic that may be difficult for partners to disclose or discuss. 4. **Talk to your family doctor.** Schedule an appointment with your family doctor for your spouse and you. Seeing and talking to them may help both of you deal with the emotional aspects of wearing adult diapers while helping to manage any fetish or underlying conditions that may be causing incontinence. Because wearing adult diapers can be distressing, your spouse may not want you “meddling” in their affairs. You can explain that your desire to see the doctor together is as a means to best support them. Ultimately, though, you need to respect your spouse’s wishes. Speak with the doctor alone if your spouse doesn’t want to meet together. The doctor may give you tips on how best to support your spouse without breaking their confidence or doctor-patient privilege. 5. **Maintain open communication.** Even if your spouse was reluctant to discuss their need to wear diapers at first, always welcome conversation if she wants to talk about it or anything else. Open communication sows trust and may help bolster your relationship as well as increase your understanding of your spouse. Remember that your willingness to support your partner can make their incontinence or their fetish easier to handle for both of you. Keep the conversation as light as possible. Don’t be accusatory or try an push your spouse into something that they don't want. Compose a list of each other’s feelings and concerns to help you get through incontinence or a fetish together. Ask your partner the ways in which you can best support them. For example, say “Is there some specific way I can help you? Do you want me to get supplies for you?” 6. **Engage your spouse.** In many cases, someone who is wearing a diaper may isolate themself out of embarrassment. Engaging your spouse and getting them to go out with you can boost their confidence and help them more effectively cope with wearing diapers. Make dinner reservations at a favorite restaurant or go to the movies together. You can also make plans with friends or family at a place your spouse enjoys. Keeping your plans and routine as normal as possible may help your spouse forget about the diapers and realize that they don’t have any great impact on their ability to lead an active and fun life. 7. **Be prepared for accidents.** Many people suffering from incontinence can have accidents that cause leakage or damage clothing or furniture. Being prepare with supplies or cleaning products may help put your spouse’s mind at ease and minimize their embarrassment. Carry extra diapers or a change of clothing with you when you go out. Place towels or disposable pads on your bed or furniture to help minimize damage to your home. Place a commode near the bedroom to help your spouse at night if necessary. 8. **Make dietary changes.** Some forms of incontinence may respond to dietary changes. Avoiding certain foods and adding more fiber and water to your diet may help relieve the symptoms of incontinence and make diaper use less of an issue for your spouse. You may notice that certain foods exacerbate incontinence. Avoid these as much as possible. For example, spicy and fatty or greasy foods may make fecal incontinence worse. Try to get a balanced diet of whole foods from the five food groups to maintain your overall health. Getting 30 grams of fiber and 8 glasses of water a day may help keep you regular and eliminate waste that exacerbates incontinence. 9. **Provide consistent assurance.** Incontinence and even fetishes can be very distressing for a person. By consistently assuring your spouse that you support and love them, you can boost their self-esteem and raise the quality of their life. Let your spouse know you care often. They might wonder if you still love them, and telling them that you love and care for them no matter what is vital to their health and the health of your relationship. In the case your spouse wears diapers as a sexual fetish, be as supportive as you can. You may find the fetish as erotic as they do or may be repulsed by it. In either case, offer support. For example, you can say “I don’t understand your need to wear diapers, but I love you and want to support you as much as I can.” 10. **Attend counseling.** If you, your spouse, or your relationship are suffering because of the need or desire to wear adult diapers, attend counseling sessions. A therapist or counselor can help you cope individually or as a couple, or both. Be as open as possible with your therapist. For example, if your spouse has a diaper fetish, you can easily say “I don’t understand their need to wear diapers but I want to know how I can support them without being involved in their fetish.” You may also want to discuss your spouse’s reluctance to lean on you for support and the ways in which you can overcome this hurdle. 11. **Join a support group.** Either you or your spouse can participate in a support group for incontinence or a sexual fetish. This may help boost their confidence as well as giving you the tools to best support and engage them at home. Speak with your doctor or counselor about joining a local support group for incontinence or sexual fetishes. There are difference online forums for support of incontinence such as the Incontinence Support Center that not only offer support, but also educate about incontinence. Be aware of online forums for sexual fetishes, as many are not authoritative. Consult organizations such as the Kinsey Institute, which has a wide variety of resources online, for credible and professional support for your diaper fetish. Understand that most people who wear diapers as a sexual fetish are otherwise well-adjusted and do not have any mental health issues. 12. **Enjoy time alone.** Having some time alone to decompress can be an important part of supporting your spouse. Schedule regular alone time to counteract any stress, which can help you be more present and supportive of your spouse. Engage with other people as often as possible. For example, go to lunch or dinner with friends once or twice a week. Pamper yourself in a way you enjoy. Make it a priority to get 7-9 hours of sleep daily, which may help you cope with your spouse’s diaper use and could also reduce your stress.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Support a Bipolar Boyfriend or Girlfriend?,"Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes a person to experience extreme mood swings. During mania, they may feel excited and euphoric, while depression can cause extreme sadness, feelings of worthlessness, and fatigue. You can support your bipolar boyfriend or girlfriend by showing you care, giving support during a manic episode, being there for them during depression, and helping them get treatment. Although supporting your partner is important, it's also important that you set healthy boundaries and care for yourself! 1. **Ask them how bipolar disorder affects them.** Bipolar disorder can manifest in people in different ways. Knowing how your partner typically experiences their symptoms can help you offer better support. Talk to them about how they usually experience both depression and mania. Say, ""Can you tell me about what you usually experience when you have episodes?"" It's also a good idea to read about bipolar disorder in general. However, keep in mind that your partner may not experience all of the listed symptoms. Similarly, they may have atypical symptoms that aren't listed. Make sure you're able to accept your partner with their condition and the behaviors it brings. For example, a manic person may engage in risky behaviors like promiscuity or substance abuse. Talk to your partner about your concerns before these issues arise. 2. **Listen** Whether they're feeling manic or depressed, your bipolar partner needs to feel heard. They're likely experiencing intense thoughts and frustrating mood swings. Be a safe space for them to share these issues. You can still comment on what they say, but do it without judgement. You might say, “It must be awful to feel that way. I hope you know I think you're an amazing person.” Don't say something like, “Stop talking like that” or “Don't be crazy.” This is unhelpful and can make the situation worse. Keep in mind that some people with bipolar disorder have trouble with relationships, so your relationship may feel one-sided at times. However, this is not true for everyone with the condition. Get to know your partner's habits. If your relationship starts to feel one-sided, talk to them so you can regain balance. 3. **Tell them you want to be there for them.** While actions speak louder than words, sometimes people need to hear how you feel. Keep in mind that your bipolar partner might tell themself that you're only around because you feel obligated or are just that nice. Let them know that you're supporting them because you care about them. Say, “I know you're going through a tough time right now, and I want you to know I'm here for you. You're so important to me and I will support you however I can.” Don't assume you know what they need or try to ""swoop in"" to help. Let them ask for help when they need it, and remember that you aren't a caregiver. 4. **Do nice things for them to relieve stress and show you care.** In some cases, this might mean helping them run errands or do chores. Other times, you might treat them to a surprise meal or run them a nice bubble bath. By doing nice things, you show your partner that you value them. Even better, you take off some of the pressure that can cause their bipolar disorder to worsen. You don't need to do everything for your partner to help them! Even a single favor can go a long way, such as helping them clean up their space, taking out the trash, or packing them a lunch. 5. **Recognize symptoms of a manic episode.** A manic episode is an upswing in mood, so your partner may be feeling good during this time. However, they might also feel irritable and anxious. Mania also triggers impulsive actions in many, so your partner could become reckless. Watch for the following symptoms: Being excessively upbeat, wired, or jumpy Having increased energy Behaving impulsively (buying too much, abusing drugs/alcohol, increased sexuality, etc.) Talking quickly and excessively Seeming distracted Being agitated or aggressive Having exaggerated feelings of well-being Showing excessive self-confidence Paranoia Hallucinations or delusions Having a reduced need for sleep, such as not sleeping for days 6. **Be a calming influence.** Don't stimulate them more. Instead, keep your mood evenly balanced and suggest healthy activities, such as spending time outdoors. Avoid activities or substances that can trigger their symptoms, such as drinking. For example, avoid inviting them to a party or club. Similarly, choose dates that don't revolve around stimulants, like coffee, or depressants, like alcohol. Instead, you might go for a long hike in the woods or go swimming in water that isn't crowded. Ask ahead of time how they usually cope best with manic symptoms, as well as when you should call for help. It's also a good idea to arrange ways to help them take their medication, as they may be tempted to stop when they feel mania. 7. **Choose dates that work off their excess energy.** Don't put your relationship on the backburner because of an episode. Instead, choose dates that meet their needs. When they have a lot of energy, pick dates that let them stay on the move. Here are some examples: Walking around the park Spending the day at the beach Rock climbing Dancing at a cafe Hiking in the woods Roller skating 8. **Discourage impulsive actions.** Because mania often makes you feel on top of the world, it can trigger impulsive behaviors, such as reckless spending, gambling, abusing drugs and alcohol, or increased sexuality. Your partner may not be able to see the consequences of their actions due to their bipolar disorder. If you notice them acting impulsively, offer reasonable alternatives and invite them to join you in a less impulsive activity. For instance, let's say you and your partner go to the mall, and they start to pick up a lot of items they can't afford. You could say, “Hey, I'm sure this stuff would look great on you, but you already have so many nice outfits. I really think you should take a day to think this purchase over. How about we go get some frozen yogurt and talk it over?” Keep in mind that they may choose to continue with their impulsive behaviors anyway. If this happens, stick to the boundaries you've set with them. If you don't want to be around these behaviors, leave the situation. It's okay to let them deal with the natural consequences of their actions. 9. **Help them get more rest.** Stick to your own regular bedtimes and invite them to do so, as well. Additionally, allow them to sleep whenever they can, even if it's at odd hours. It's possible that they'll stay up all night but then crash in the afternoon. If they can sleep then, it's better for their health if they do. If you live with your partner, turn down the lights and create a calm atmosphere before bed. Avoid watching TV or playing games with your partner, as these activities are very stimulating. 10. **Recognize symptoms of depression.** Your depressed partner might feel sad, hopeless, and worthless. In some cases, they may feel numb. Additionally, they might feel fatigued and lethargic, or they could feel restless and irritable. Watch for the following symptoms: Feeling sad, empty, worthless, and/or hopeless Feelings of guilt Excessive crying (in some) Irritability (especially in teens) Insomnia Sleeping too much Feeling restless Being lethargic Fatigue Trouble thinking and making decisions Suicidal thoughts or actions 11. **Accept that their emotions have nothing to do with you.** Being around someone who's depressed can make you feel down. You might feel like you're not doing enough to help or like you're not “enough” for them to be happy. This is not the case! It's not at all your fault that your partner is depressed. Keep in mind that your partner may appreciate your presence even if they don't show it. 12. **Help them set a small, manageable goal.** Depression can make everything seem pointless, even your partner's favorite activities. However, working toward a tiny goal can help their mood improve. Suggest an easy goal they could pursue, then help them get started. For example, the goal might be to get out of the house on Saturday or to complete a work or school assignment. You might also set a goal to do a creative activity, such as to write a poem. The goal could also be practical, such as to cook dinner tonight. 13. **Encourage them to use healthy coping mechanisms.** When strong emotions strike, it's normal to try to cope with them. People with bipolar disorder might not always cope healthily though. For example, they might turn to drinking. Instead, help them rely on good coping mechanisms by doing it with them or reminding them how good they feel after doing those activities. However, remember that it's not your responsibility to ""fix"" them. Here are some examples: Creative expression, such as art Re-engaging in a hobby Soaking in a hot bath Reading a favorite book Talking about their feelings Being with loved ones Cuddling a pet 14. **Offer them genuine comments of support.** It's tempting to say things like “It will all be okay” or “You'll feel better in time.” However, this is not helpful to a person with depression. Instead, give them encouragement that's specific to their situation. You could say, “I know you're really struggling right now, but we're in this together.” You might also remind them of ways they've been successful in the past. Say, ""You can get through this. You felt like this 3 months ago, but you started to feel better after you got back into your regular routine."" 15. **Be patient with them.** Dealing with depression is difficult, and recovery takes time. Give them time to feel better. Rushing them will only make the situation worse. Step away if you need a break to put your own thoughts in order. Go out with a friend or spend time with family members. Think of bipolar disorder like you would any other illness. You can't rush to get over the flu, and depression is the same way. 16. **Watch for signs they may be suicidal.** Not everyone who is depressed is suicidal. However, it's a serious concern, so be aware of the risk. Be ready to act in their best interest by calling emergency services or taking them to the emergency room. Here are signs to watch for: Depressed mood Threats of suicide Saying life is worthless or they won't be here much longer Giving away prized possessions Getting their affairs in order (saying goodbye, paying off debts, apologizing, etc.) 17. **Speak to them in a calm manner.** You can help them stay open to what you have to say by using a kind, gentle tone. Help them see that you care about them and are not attacking them or their behavior. When you feel yourself getting upset, take a deep breath or count to 10 before speaking again. You might say, “I've noticed that you've been really down lately, while last month you were all over the place with energy. I'm worried about you and want you to feel better. Would you be open to speaking to someone about how you're feeling?” Keep in mind that you may need to talk about the need for treatment multiple times. 18. **Offer them resources about bipolar disorder and treatment options.** It's common for people with bipolar disorder to stop treatment when they're not experiencing the worst of their symptoms. However, you might still notice issues with their behavior, or you might notice signs of an episode. Showing them educational materials could help them see things from your point-of-view and make them more likely to get treatment. For example, you could provide them with a book on bipolar disorder, printouts of magazine articles, or a brochure from your doctor's office. You might also send them links to helpful websites. 19. **Help them make a doctor's appointment.** Choosing a good doctor is hard, especially if your partner is in a depressive episode, which makes everything feel difficult. It's a good idea for you to help them pick a doctor and make the appointment. It's best to find a psychiatrist to treat bipolar disorder, as their medications will need to be managed. You can find a doctor by searching online. If you've been together for awhile, you might offer to take them to the doctor and wait with them so they aren't as nervous. 20. **Find a support group for them or both of you.** Support groups are a great treatment option because they allow you to connect with others who've dealt with similar issues. Not only will the group understand what you and your partner are experiencing, they'll also be able to share tips about what works for them. Ask local clinics about support groups in your area. You can also check with the library or community resources. Another option is to search online. If there are no support groups in your area, you could try an online forum. 21. **Encourage them to take any prescribed medications.** Stopping medication is a common issue among people with bipolar disorder. Because their moods are fluctuating and sometimes they feel great, people with bipolar disorder often believe they don't need their medication. However, stopping medication can trigger a relapse. Remind them why they are taking the medication and encourage them to continue. Say, “I love how well you're doing right now, but I noticed you've been skipping your meds. They've been a great support for you so please keep taking them.” 22. **Help them create healthy routines.** Routines are a great way to manage bipolar symptoms. They help depressed individuals avoid sinking further into depression and care for themselves, and they help manic individuals remember to sleep and fulfill responsibilities. If you live with your partner, create a routine for your household with regular meal times, regular chores, and a bedtime. If you don't live with your partner, establish a schedule for communicating via phone or text, as well as regular date nights. Remind them to eat at meal times and send them a goodnight text when it's time for bed. 23. **Work with your partner to create a WRAP plan.** A Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) allows you and your partner to establish a plan for how to deal with their manic or depressive symptoms. Usually, their doctor will help them create this plan. Having a plan in place allows you to help them in a way they've already agreed to ahead of time.Make sure you have access to their plan. 24. **Tell them which behaviors you will not accept.** While you want to be there for your partner, it's okay to step away if their behavior is unreasonable. If they are acting aggressively, such as physical or verbal abuse, walk away from the situation. Tell them ahead of time that you will not tolerate this type of behavior, and enforce those boundaries if necessary. Say, “If you hit me or yell at me, I'm leaving. I deserve to be treated with respect, illness or not.” If you live together, you might have more behaviors that you'll not accept. For example, you might not accept reckless spending of joint funds or a refusal to help with chores. Consider what they truly can and cannot do. You might say, “I know you're not feeling well, and I'm happy to do some things for you. However, I do need you to help out by picking up after yourself and loading the dishwasher.” 25. **Work with them to create a plan for mental health crises.** Decide what you will do and who you will call when they're experiencing a crisis. Make sure you have their doctor's number, knowledge about the medications they're taking, and contact information for their closest family members. Ask them what they need for you, and let them know what you'll consider to be an emergency situation. Decide what kind of crisis will result in a call to their doctor or their close family member. For example, after they've gone through 3 days of sadness and fatigue. Know when you plan to call emergency services. For example, you might call emergency services if they threaten suicide. 26. **Recognize when the bipolar is talking, not your partner.** Just like with other mental illnesses, bipolar disorder can cause your partner to lash out. In some cases, they may say things they don't mean. While these things are hurtful, try to remember it's the bipolar talking, not your partner. For example, while depressed they may say, “I hate my life,” “I wish I were dead,” or “You would be better off without you.” This is the bipolar speaking, not your partner. As another example, during mania they might get really irritable or excitable. They could yell, “Leave me alone,” when you're just trying to help them stop impulsive behaviors. If your partner verbally abuses you, take a break from them. Do something you enjoy, such as spending time with your friends or engaging in a hobby. Don't tolerate yelling, name calling, insults, or threatening language. 27. **Avoid enabling problematic behaviors.** Don't help them attain alcohol, drugs, or other things that help them engage in poor coping behaviors. Similarly, don't participate in activities you know are bad for your partner's long-term health, such as clubbing or reckless spending. While you might feel like this is the only way to help them, it's actually hurting them. Focus on their long-term health, not a temporary fix. If they ask you to enable them, offer a more helpful solution instead. You might say, “I'm not going to get you alcohol, but I will run you a nice bubble bath.” 28. **Avoid centering your entire life around your partner.** Caring for a person with an illness can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be all-consuming. Although you might enjoy the role of caregiver, it's harmful for both you and your partner to be in a co-dependent relationship. You deserve a life of your own. Maintain other friendships and take a break when you need it. For example, keep a regular coffee date with a friend, keep up with your hobbies, or take a class by yourself. Co-dependent relationships occur when a person bases their entire identity around caring for another individual. In turn, the person who is cared for becomes dependent on the caregiver to have their needs met. It's harmful because the caregiver neglects their own life, while the individual being cared for struggles to improve. If you're worried you may be co-dependent, a therapist can help you set better boundaries and improve your relationship. You can work with a therapist on your own or as a couple. 29. **Take time for self care.** You need to take care of yourself if you're going to take care of them. Give yourself time to de-stress, and do things that make you happy. Make sure you're eating well, getting enough sleep, and keeping up with your responsibilities. Keep up with your healthy routines. Don't feel bad about taking good care of yourself or for being well. Being well makes you a better support for your partner.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Calculate Molar Absorptivity.,"Molar absorptivity, also known as the molar extinction coefficient, is a measure of how well a chemical species absorbs a given wavelength of light. It allows you to make comparisons about the probability of electrons transition between levels for different compounds without taking into account differences in concentration or solution length during measurements. It is commonly used in chemistry and should not be confused with the extinction coefficient, which is used more often in physics. The standard units for molar absorptivity are liters per mole centimeter (L mol cm). 1. **Understand the Beer-Lambert law for absorbance, A = ɛ x l x c.** The standard equation for absorbance is A = ɛ x l x c, where A is the amount of light absorbed by the sample for a given wavelength, ɛ is the molar absorptivity, l is the distance that the light travels through the solution, and c is the concentration of the absorbing species per unit volume. Absorbance can also be calculated using the ratio between the intensity of a reference sample and the unknown sample. It is given by the equation A = log10(Io/I). Intensity is obtained using a spectrophotometer. The absorbance of a solution will change based on the wavelength that is passed through the solution. Some wavelengths will be absorbed more than others depending upon the makeup of the solution. Remember to state which wavelength is being used for your calculation. 2. **Rearrange the Beer-Lambert equation to solve for molar absorptivity.** Using algebra we can divide absorbance by the length and the concentration to get molar absorptivity on one side of the equation: ɛ = A/lc. We can now use this basic equation to calculate molar absorptivity for a given wavelength. Absorbance between readings can vary due to the concentration of the solution and the shape of the container used to measure intensity. Molar absorptivity compensates for these variations. 3. **Obtain values for the variables in the equation using spectrophotometry.** A spectrophotometer is a piece of equipment that passes a specific wavelength of light through a substance and detects the amount of light that comes out. Some of the light will be absorbed by the solution and the remaining light that passes through can be used to calculate the absorbance of that solution. Prepare a solution of known concentration, c, for analysis. Units for concentration are molar or moles/liter. To find l, measure the length of the cuvette, the piece that holds the liquid samples in the spectrophotometer. Units for path length are measured in centimeters. Using a spectrophotometer, obtain a measurement for absorbance, A, at a given wavelength. The unit for wavelength is meters, but most wavelengths are so small, they are actually measured in nanometers (nm). Absorbance has no units. 4. **Plug in the values for the variables and solve the equation for molar absorptivity.** Using the values you obtained for A, c, and l, plug them into the equation ɛ = A/lc. Multiply l by c and then divide A by the product to solve for molar absorptivity. For example: Using a cuvette with a length of 1 cm, you measured the absorbance of a solution with a concentration of 0.05 mol/L. The absorbance at a wavelength of 280 nm was 1.5. What is the molar absorptivity of this solution? ɛ280 = A/lc = 1.5/(1 x 0.05) = 30 L mol cm 5. **Measure the intensity of transmitted light through varying concentrations of solution.** Make up three to four concentrations of one solution. Using a spectrophotometer, measure the absorbance of one concentration of solution at a given wavelength. Start with the lowest concentration of solution and move to the highest. The order isn’t important, but keep track of which absorbance goes with which calculation. 6. **Plot the concentration versus absorbance on a graph.** Using the values obtained from the spectrophotometer, plot each point on a line graph. For each individual value, plot the concentration on the X-axis and absorbance on the Y-axis. Draw a line between each of the points. If the measurements are correct, the points should form a straight line indicating absorbance and concentration are proportional to Beer’s Law. 7. **Determine the slope of the line-of-best-fit through the data points.** To calculate the slope of the line you take rise divided by run. Using two of your data points, subtract the X- and Y-values from each other, then divide Y/X. The equation for the slope of a line is (Y2 - Y1)/(X2 - X1). The point higher on the line is given the subscript 2, while the lower point is given the subscript 1. For example: The absorbance at a .2 molar concentration is 0.27 and at 0.3 molar is 0.41. The absorbance values are Y-values, while concentrations are X-values. Using the equation for a line (Y2 - Y1)/(X2 - X1) = (0.41-0.27)/(0.3-0.2) = 0.14/0.1 = 1.4 is the slope of the line. 8. **Divide the slope of the line by the path length (depth of the cuvette) to calculate molar absorptivity.** The final step to calculating molar absorptivity with data points is to divide by the path length. The path length is the depth of the cuvette used in the spectrophotometer. Continuing our example: If 1.4 is the slope of the line and the path length is 0.5 cm, then the molar absorptivity is 1.4/0.5 = 2.8 L mol cm.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Cite Online News Articles in APA.,"If you're writing a research paper, you may want to use news articles you find online as sources. When using the American Psychological Association (APA) citation method, you'll need to include both an in-text citation and an entry in the Reference List at the end of your paper. Generally, these entries should include enough information for your readers to be able to find the article you used when writing your paper. For an online news article, this means including the URL for the story in your reference list entry. 1. **Start your entry with the last name of the author.** The author of an online news article is typically listed below the headline, although it may occasionally appear at the bottom of the piece. Format the name by typing the last name first, followed by a comma, then the first initial of the author. Add a middle initial if one is provided. Example: Alpert, A. If there are multiple authors, separate their names with commas, using an ampersand (&) before the last author's name. If no individual author is listed, skip this element and start your entry with the title of the article. 2. **List the date the article was published or last updated.** Look for the date of publication at the top of the article, under the headline. Place the date in parentheses, starting with the year. Place a comma after the year, then provide the month and day the article was published (if available). Do not abbreviate the month. Place a period after the closing parentheses. Example: Alpert, A. (2019, February 20). 3. **Type the title and subtitle of the article in sentence case.** After the date of publication, type the title of the article, capitalizing only the first word and any proper nouns. If there is a subtitle, place a colon after the title and then type the subtitle, using the same capitalization. Place a period at the end. Example: Alpert, A. (2019, February 20). The good-enough life: The desire for greatness can be an obstacle to our own potential. 4. **Add the name of the newspaper or website.** After the title, type the name of the newspaper or website where you found the article in italics. Use title case, capitalizing the first word and all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs in the name. Place a period at the end. Example: Alpert, A. (2019, February 20). The good-enough life: The desire for greatness can be an obstacle to our own potential. The New York Times. 5. **Close with the URL for the article.** After the title of the newspaper or website, type the words ""Retrieved from"" followed by the URL. APA recommends using the homepage of the website or newspaper in most cases, so you avoid the potential for non-working URLs. Do not place a period at the end of the URL. Example: Alpert, A. (2019, February 20). The good-enough life: The desire for greatness can be an obstacle to our own potential. The New York Times. Retrieved from 6. **Include the author's name and the year of publication when paraphrasing.** Generally, you need a parenthetical in-text citation at the end of any sentence in which you paraphrase information from the news article. Format your citation by typing the author's last name, followed by a comma, then the year the article was published. Place your parenthetical inside the closing punctuation of the sentence. For example, you might write: The idea that striving for greatness might not be the best goal for humanity runs through hundreds of years of philosophy (Alpert, 2019). 7. **Use the first few words of the title if the article has no author.** If no individual author is credited for a news article, include the first few words of the title in your parenthetical citation, enclosed in double-quotation marks. Use title case capitalization. Place a comma inside the closing double quotation marks, then type the year the article was published. For example, suppose one of your sources was an article from The Globe and Mail titled ""How Globe and Mail reporters traced the rise of fentanyl."" This article doesn't have an individual author – it is simply attributed to ""staff."" If you paraphrased or quoted the article in your text, your in-text citation might be: (""How Globe and Mail,"" 2018). 8. **Include a page or paragraph number for direct quotes.** To create an in-text citation for a direct quote, direct your readers to the exact location where that material appears. For online news articles that are not paginated, count the paragraphs. Type a comma after the year of publication, then type the abbreviation ""para."" followed by the paragraph number. For example, you might write: A ""good-enough"" relationship with nature entails that ""we recognize both the abundance and the limitations of the planet we share with infinite other life forms"" (Alpert, 2019, para. 7). 9. **Leave out information already provided in the body of your paper.** If you include the author's name in the body of your paper, you don't need to repeat the author's name in a parenthetical citation. Instead, place the year in parentheses after the author's name. If you included both the author's name and the year of publication in the body of your paper, you don't need a parenthetical citation at all for paraphrased material. If you name the author in the body of your paper and quote the article directly, include a parenthetical citation after the quote with the page number or paragraph where the quoted material appears. For articles without an individual author, a full parenthetical citation isn't necessary if you include the title of the article in the body of your paper. As with the author's name, you would simply put the year the article was published in parentheses immediately following the title of the article.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to String Popcorn on a Christmas Tree.,"When it comes to holiday decorations, it's difficult to get more traditional than festive popcorn garlands on your Christmas tree. Making them is also an easy, budget-friendly way to get in the yuletide spirit -- and it's fun for the entire family! Children will especially delight in helping string the popcorn so pop plenty-- some for the tree, and some for the decorating team. 1. **Pop your corn.** While you can pop it using any method you prefer, it’s easier to work with unsalted, unbuttered popcorn, so an air popper usually works best. If you don’t have one, you can also pop your corn in a pan or skillet on your stove top or put kernels into paper bag semi-closed in the microwave or 2:30 minutes . To figure out how much popcorn you’ll need for your garland, keep in mind that 1 cup typically covers 3 to 4 feet of thread. If you pop the corn in pan, you’ll need to add a little oil to the bottom to help the corn cook. To prevent it from becoming soggy, place the corn on a paper towel-lined plate or dish when you remove it from the pan, so some of the oil will be absorbed. When you’re in a hurry, you can use microwave popcorn or a pre-popped bag. Just make sure that it has no salt or butter. 2. **Inspect your popcorn.** After it’s cooled off, go through the kernels to find the best candidates for the garland. You’ll obviously want to eliminate any burnt pieces, but you may decide to remove broken or misshapen kernels from the batch as well. The best popcorn for garland has a full, almost flower-like shape. Set all of the best pieces of popcorn in a bowl so it’s easier to work when you start to string the garland. 3. **Let it sit.** Freshly popped corn can break easily, so it’s usually too fragile to thread. If you allow it to sit out for a day or two, it becomes less brittle, making it easier to string your garland. For a more festive look, you may want to color your popcorn after it’s sat for a couple of days. Powdered food coloring works well to give the kernels a bright tint of color. You can go with the traditional Christmas colors, red and green, or custom color the popcorn to match the theme of your tree. 4. **Choose your thread.** You can use any sturdy thread that you like, but some work better than others. Heavy embroidery floss is a good choice because it’s strong and comes in a variety of colors. However, you can also use clear fishing line, which is even stronger and won’t show up if there are any gaps in the garland. If you don’t have any thread or fishing line on hand, you can even use dental floss to string your popcorn. In fact, using a waxed variety can make the task even easier because the kernels will easily slide along the floss. If you’re using thread for your garland, consider using red, green, or a shade that matches the decorating scheme for the rest of the tree in case it shows in any gaps between the popcorn. 5. **Cut the thread.** If you're making a garland longer than 5 feet, it's best to leave the thread attached to the spool so it's easier to work with. However, cutting the thread in lengths of 5 feet or less makes them more manageable, and you can always connect them later by tying the ends together for longer garlands. 6. **Thread the needle.** Thin needles typically work best when you’re making a popcorn garland. Choose one with a large eye too, so it’s easier thread. Make sure to tie a knot at the end of the thread to ensure the kernels don't fall off when you begin to string them. 7. **String the popcorn.** You’ll want to push the needle directly through the center of the kernel and pull it through to the end of the thread. Continue adding popcorn until the garland is full. There shouldn't be any gaps between the pieces of popcorn, so push the kernels all the way down to keep them tightly strung on the thread as you go. Get creative with your garlands by mixing the popcorn with other items, such as fresh cranberries, dried orange, lemon, or lime slices, and cinnamon sticks. You can create striking patterns by alternating the other items with the popcorn. Fresh cranberries start to go bad after a couple of days, though, so you’ll want to spray the garland with shellac before putting it on the tree. You can also dress up your garland by dotting the popcorn kernels with craft glue and sprinkling colorful glitter across them. Allow the glue to dry fully before placing the popcorn string on your tree. 8. **Secure the finished garland.** You'll need to leave enough thread at the other end of the string so you can tie another knot to keep the popcorn in place. If you plan to connect several shorter garlands, make sure that there is enough thread at the end of each so you can tie them together. If you're making a long garland and left the thread attached to the spool, you'll need to cut it when you finish the string. Then just tie off the end with a knot as you would with a shorter garland to secure it. 9. **Add the garland after the tree's lights.** While your popcorn garland might seem like the finishing touch to your Christmas tree, it’s actually easier to hang it when there aren’t ornaments in the way. You should add your lights before the garland, though. 10. **Place the garland on the tree.** The best way to hang popcorn strings on your tree is to softly drape them over the branches rather than firmly stuffing them in gaps. Start at the top and carefully work your way down. For a formal look, make sure to drape your popcorn strings in even, uniform loops. For a more casual look, allow the popcorn strings to drape unevenly. If you want your popcorn garland to stand out on your tree, consider doubling up the strings and draping them together over the branches. 11. **Add ornaments.** Once the popcorn strings are in place, you can hang your ornaments on the tree. However, you should take care when placing them among the garlands because you don’t want any large, heavy ornaments to rest on the popcorn and possibly break it.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Make a Hookah?,"Smoking tobacco from a hookah is a major step up from smoking dry cigarettes. You can purchase many different flavors of shisha to make smoking as pleasant as possible. If you don't have a place nearby to buy a hookah, then you can create your own out of household items. Then sit back, relax and enjoy this amazing smoking experience. 1. **Fill the vase with ice cubes and water.** Put just enough water into the base so that the down stem is submerged about 1"" (25mm) to 1-1/2"" (38 mm) into the water. You need to leave just enough room in the vase so that your smoke doesn't bubble up into the hose. Avoid putting milk or dairy into your base. Adding dairy will ensure an unpleasant smell, mold, foaming in the vase and ruined hoses. 2. **Add your grommet.** The grommet is a seal that joins the stem to the vase. Most hookahs come with a rubber or plastic seal. Silicone is the best material for a seal, but you an also simply seal the vase to the stem with electrical tape. 3. **Put the tray that holds the coals onto the hookah.** You need to put it on before you put the bowl on because the bowl may not fit over the tray. 4. **Insert the short end of the hose into the hose port.** If your hookah has 2 ports, then you can purchase a rubber seal to close off the other port. 5. **Prepare your shisha.** Follow all of these steps for the best smoking experience: Evenly mix your tobacco so that all of it is covered in flavoring and molasses. Fluff up your tobacco and drop it loosely into the bowl. Leave 2 millimeters of distance between the top of the tobacco and the bowl so that the shisha doesn't touch the foil when you put it on. Burned shisha will add a nasty flavor to your smoke. Buy a good quality shisha. The quality of your shisha will determine the flavor of your smoke. You can also mix and match flavors for a great-tasting smoke. Buy 50-gram portions of shisha so that you can try it out without spending a lot of money. You can cut up your tobacco leaves with kitchen shears to more easily pack them into the bowl. However, don't cut them too small or they'll fall through the holes and clog your bowl. 6. **Put heavy duty only foil over the top of the bowl.** Your foil piece should be 2"" (5 cm) larger on all sides so that you can form a tight seal around the bowl. Keep the foil tight so that wrinkles don't distort the heat distribution. If you only have thin foil on hand, then double it up. When you're finished, your foil-covered bowl should resemble the head of a drum. 7. **Poke about 15 to 20 holes into the foil with a toothpick, a pin or a sharp-tipped pen.** Take care not to shred your foil. You can try a couple of different patterns based on the kind of bowl that you have: Start with a circle of holes around the perimeter and spiral inward. Make 3 concentric rings: 1 around the edge, 1 around the spire and 1 between the 2 circles that you've already made. 8. **Light the coals.** If you use Quick Light Coals, hold the coals with a pair of tongs and light 1 corner with a match or lighter. Because sparks will be produced, you should either go outside or stand near a window. Always use the tongs that come with most hookahs to light or move your coals. Avoid using kitchen tongs, which may have been coated in a polymer to provide a non-stick coating for food prep and easy cleaning. When the coal starts to sparkle and emit smoke, pull the flame away. The coal should continue sparking until all of it turns bright orange. If the coal still has some blackened patches that aren't burning, then blow on the coal to encourage it to heat up. Natural coals burn much longer than quick lights but require something much hotter than a lighter to ignite them. Most people use either a single coil stove burner or a butane torch to light their naturals. Set natural coconut coals on an electric coil burner until glowing on one side and then flip. Let each side heat up until glowing red before transferring coals to your hookah bowl. Natural coals take between 6-8 minutes to heat up. 9. **Set the coal down on the foil using your tongs.** The sides that were covered by your tongs should be unlit. Blow on these parts to cause them to burn orange. Let the coal sit on the foil until each one has a coating of ash over it. Never light the coal directly on top of the foil. The particles released from the coal will get into the bowl and change the flavor of your tobacco. 10. **Blow through the hose to clean out any dust or particles that may have settled.** Avoid washing the hose unless you know that it is washable. 11. **Smoke your hookah.** Allow the bowl to heat up naturally. Don't take hard pulls to accelerate the heating process because you'll just end up burning the tobacco. Take your time while you smoke. A good hookah can last between 45 minutes and 1 hour. 12. **Find a circular fruit.** Apples, mangoes or oranges make good choices, but you can use any large round fruit that you have on hand. 13. **Cut off the top of the fruit.** Leave about 3/4 of the fruit intact. Make sure the top of the fruit is flat so that charcoals will not fall off. Dig out the flesh, leaving a 1/2"" (13 mm) of flesh attached to the sides. 14. **Poke a hole in the bottom.** You can use a corkscrew, potato peeler or another sharp object. The hole should be the size of your index finger. (It is recommended to create a horizontal placing using toothpicks on the bottom of the fruit to prevent the tobacco from falling into the Hookah body). 15. **Sprinkle the shisha into the bowl.** Leave about 2 millimeters of empty space at the top. 16. **Cover the fruit with foil.** Poke small holes throughout the foil that are evenly spaced. 17. **Put the fruit bowl onto the stem.** Light the coals and smoke the hookah. Because of the coolness of the fruit, you may have to use a few more coals than usual to get your smoke going. 18. **Cut the top 1/4 off of the apple.** Dig out the flesh, leaving a 1/2"" (13 mm) thick layer on all sides. 19. **Poke a hole into the bottom of the apple.** Use a potato peeler, a corkscrew or a paring knife. 20. **Cut a piece of garden hose to the desired length.** Screw the apple onto the top of the hose, and seal the connection with some plasticine. 21. **Burn a hole into the side of a plastic bowl near the bottom.** You can use a burning cigarette or other concentrated heat source to make the hole. 22. **Insert a straw into the hole.** The connection should be tight. If you see a gap between the plastic and the straw, then seal the gap with more plasticine. 23. **Fill the fruit bowl with tobacco.** Cover it with foil, poke holes in the foil, light your coals and place the coals on the foil. Enjoy your homemade hookah.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Add a PDF to a PowerPoint?,"You have a powerful PDF but want to include the entire file or specific pieces in your PowerPoint presentation. So how do you do that? Well, there are a few different ways you can insert PDFs in your PowerPoint presentation including converting the PDF into an editable document. This wikiHow teaches you how to add PDFs to a PowerPoint either as a snipped image or an object. 1. **Open PowerPoint.** You’ll find this either on your Start Menu or in your Applications folder. Using this method, you will insert only a clip of your PDF, not the entire page or pages. You can also go to the online version of PowerPoint at 2. **Create a new presentation or open an existing one.** This will be where your PDF will go. Within the online version, you are immediately, upon login, presented with options to load a previous presentation or create a new one. With the software, you’ll need to go to “File” and “New”. 3. **Navigate to the slide where you want to add the PDF.** This is where your PDF screenshot will go. 4. **Open the PDF in a PDF viewer.** You need to have this window of your PDF open and available to screenshot. 5. **Zoom in on the part of the PDF you want in your slide.** You’ll take a screenshot of this and use it as an image in your PowerPoint. 6. **Change the active window back to PowerPoint.** Make sure you can still switch over to that PDF. 7. **Click the Insert tab.** The menu ribbon will change. 8. **Click Screenshot.** You’ll find this in the “Images” grouping. A menu will drop down labeled “Available Windows” with previews of all your open windows. 9. **Click Screen Clipping.** This is under the thumbnail previews of the “Available Windows”. Your screen will take on a frosted appearance and your cursor will look like crosshairs (+), and your PDF will become the active window. 10. **Click and drag your mouse to select the content of the PDF you want.** You can also press Esc if you want to start over. Your selection shows up in the PowerPoint presentation, and you can edit this from the “Picture Tools Format” tab in the ribbon. 11. **Open PowerPoint.** You’ll find this either on your Start Menu or in your Applications folder. Using this method, you will insert the entire PDF into the presentation as an interactive object that you can double-click to open. You will see and be able to interact with the PDF as an object. That means you can scroll through the pages of the PDF while in the PowerPoint presentation. Make sure you do not have the PDF open on your computer before continuing. You can also go to the online version of PowerPoint at 12. **Create a new presentation or open an existing one.** This will be where your PDF will go. With the online version, you are immediately, upon login, presented with options to load a previous presentation or create a new one. Within the software, you’ll need to go to “File” and “New”. 13. **Navigate to the slide where you want to add the PDF.** This is where your PDF will go. 14. **Click the Insert tab.** The menu will change. 15. **Click Object.** A window will pop up. 16. **Click to select Create from file.** You can either use the browse feature to look for your PDF or you can type in the file name along with its location. You can choose to use the file as a thumbnail instead of the actual PDF. In this case, you will not see any of the content from the PDF, but there will be a thumbnail that links to it instead. You’ll also need to set an action to this thumbnail since it doesn’t do anything when it’s added into the slide. You’ll find options to create actions by right-clicking the thumbnail, clicking “Presentation Object” and “Open”. 17. **Click Ok to confirm.** The box will disappear and the PDF will load as an object in the current slide. If the quality of the PDF preview is too low, you can double-click the PDF to open it in full.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Recognize Trichomoniasis Symptoms (Men).,"Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a microscopic parasite, usually found in the vagina and urethral tissues. Although it affects both men and women, the symptoms are more frequent in women. It is the most widespread curable STD among young sexually active men and women. 1. **Watch for unusual discharge.** One of the most common symptoms of trichomoniasis in men is unusual discharge from the penis. Take stock of any unusual discharge you notice. You may notice some yellowish discharge coming from the penis, although it may also be grayish. Any unusual or unexplained discharge may be a sign of an STD. 2. **Notice any burning or swelling.** The other symptoms of trichomoniasis in men include burning, pain, or swelling in the genitals. If you have any such symptoms, you may be infected. You may notice burning after urination or ejaculation. Some men with trichomoniasis may also have difficulty urinating or ejaculating. There may be some mild swelling of the scrotum as well. If anything looks or feels unusual, you should seek medical care. Keep in mind that these symptoms can indicate problems other than an STD as well, which may require a full medical evaluation in addition to STD testing. 3. **Pay attention to itching.** Another symptom of trichomoniasis is mild to severe itching around or on the penis. If you notice any unusual itching, seek medical evaluation. Itching can be a symptom of a number of STDs in addition to trichomoniasis, so it's important to get unusual itching evaluated. 4. **Be aware that the majority of men infected with trichomoniasis have no symptoms.** The vast majority of anyone infected with trichomoniasis will have no symptoms. However, men are far less likely than women to experience symptoms. About 70% of infected people experience no symptoms at all, so you should get tested for STDs regularly even if things seem fine. 5. **Ask sexual partners about their status, if possible.** If you have regular contact with past sexual partners, ask them about their status. This may be awkward, but the best way to know if you're at risk is knowing whether previous partners have experienced symptoms of or tested positive for trichomoniasis. It is a highly contagious STD. 6. **Review your sexual history.** Certain behaviors put you at increased risk for trichomoniasis. You may be at increased risk if any of the following are true for you: You've had multiple sexual partners. You have a history of having other sexually transmitted infections. You have had unprotected sex with a partner whose STD status you do not know. 7. **Consider whether you've previously had trichomoniasis.** If you've previously had an outbreak of trichomoniasis, even if it was successfully treated, you're at increased risk of developing the disease again. Review any medical documents you've saved and look over your test results to see if you've ever tested positive for trichomoniasis. 8. **Get an STD test.** You should see a doctor if you believe you're at risk for trichomoniasis. He or she can perform a routine STD test to check for the condition. Your health care provider will take a swab of your urethra and send it to a lab for testing. It may be painful to urinate after a swab is taken. It may take a few days before results are ready and may even take up to a week if the lab is busy. Many labs can perform a urine test for multiple common STDs, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis. As the symptoms of many other common STDs are similar to those of trichomoniasis, it's a good idea to get a full panel test. Also, if you're worried you're at risk because you've had unprotected sex you'll be at risk for other infections as well. You should wait two to three weeks after a sexual encounter before getting tested, however, as it will take a while for viruses to be detectable. 9. **Seek treatment.** Medical treatment for trichomoniasis is necessary. It can be cured with a single dose of prescription antibiotics that are taken orally. Ask your doctor about medication. Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours after receiving treatment. 10. **Prevent outbreaks in the future.** About 1 in 5 people get infected with trichomoniasis again within three months of treatment. Make sure you know how to prevent outbreaks in the future. Use a latex condom if you have sex with a new partner. While condoms do not completely eliminate the risk of STDs they do dramatically reduce it. Make sure you wait until all symptoms of a previous infection pass before having sex again. Talk to your partner about STDs. It's a good idea for both of you to get tested together before engaging in sexual activity.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Find Blogs?,"These days, there are blogs for just about every topic under the sun. Whether you want political news, woodworking ideas, or makeup tips, you can find a knowledgeable blogger who has plenty of information to share. But with so many blogs out there, it can be tough to wade through all the options to find the ones that match your interests. However, you can narrow down the field by using search engines, blog directories, and social media to track down interesting blogs that suit your interests. 1. **Entering a search term and adding “blog” will give you tons of results.** The easiest way to find blogs that interest you is through your favorite search engine. Include a keyword or two based on the topic you’re interested in and tack on the word “blog” at the end of it. For example, if you’re interested in blogs about baseball, you might search for “baseball statistics blog.” Use modifiers like “best,” “top,” or “new” to find fresh or popular blogs in a given subject. For example, you search for something like, “best cinema blog,” or, “new interior design blog.” You can always group your search terms together if you want to find something specific. Use quotation marks to only pull up results with words that appear in that order. For example, “top “Chicago street art” blog” will only pull up results that specifically mention the phrase “Chicago street art.” 2. **Use the search function on blog sites to find what you're looking for.** Alternatively, you can use a standard search engine and simply add the hosting site in quotation marks at the end of your search term to pull up results for whatever you’re searching for. Wordpress is arguably the most popular blogging platform. If you’re looking for individual blogs, Wordpress will have tons of results for you. Medium is a publishing platform that anyone can use, although it tends to be more popular among professionals and full-time writers. If you’re looking for in-depth content, this is a great site to dig through. Tumblr is technically a social media site, but it’s extremely popular among bloggers. If you’re a fan of any popular public figures, they may have a blog on Tumblr. Content hosting sites like Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, Engadget, and Gizmodo technically qualify as blogs and they all offer a ton of content. 3. **Directories are kind of like encyclopedias for blogs.** You may need to sign up for a free account to use some of them, but they make it much easier to find content. Most of them have a search function, although all of them allow you to sort and scan results based on a category. Some of them even track your searches to customize the kind of content you see based on your preferences. Alltop scans the most popular content sites out there and presents the headlines in a tight, streamlined format so you can pick out what you want to read. Bloggeries is a great resource with more categories than a lot of the other directories out there. Spoke is a popular blog directory designed specifically with businesses, finance, and marketing material in mind. Bloglovin is a great site if you’re specifically looking for fashion, beauty, or home décor blogs. 4. **Think of an RSS feed reader like a collection bin for content.** You enter a topic or website domain, and all of the most popular or recent content pops up. You can also set notifications up for keywords, authors, or topics to get the quickest scoop on new info. RSS feeds used to be extremely popular, open, and free, but most of them now require you to sign up for an account these days. Some of them require a monthly subscription as well. The Old Reader is one of the best free RSS readers out there. You can bookmark certain sites, track multiple sites and authors at once, and all you need is a Google or Facebook account to sign up. Flipboard is a popular mobile app that’s geared specifically towards news. It does include blogs and regular news articles in its results, though. Feedly is another popular option, although you do need to play a small fee. It’s a great option if you like to organize and collect sites from all over the internet in one place. Inoreader is a really popular RSS feed reader with a free version. It has a built-in podcast player if you like to listen to things while you’re scanning the news. 5. **There are a ton of sites out there that publish lists, rankings, and suggestions.** Go into your search engine and search for something like, “Top 10 automotive blogs,” or “50 most popular photography blogs” to pull up a ton of lists and recommendations. Some of these will pop up naturally in your initial search results, but don’t discount them! You’re going to run into some advertising by doing this, but you can still find plenty of great content by perusing these lists. You could also search based on specific recommendations. For example, you could search for something like “Anthony Bourdain’s favorite food blogs.” Sites like Cracked, Buzzfeed, Ranker, and Listverse specialize in this kind of content if you want more. 6. **Poke around on social media to find new content and writers.** Bloggers and sites that host bloggers tend to be extremely active on social media, so searching Facebook and Instagram can be a great way to find new content. This is also an especially solid option if you want to find popular stories and topics that are trending in the news. Searching the trending tab on Twitter is a great way to find popular content as it’s breaking in the news. Pintrest is a great platform if you’re looking for visual content. Bloggers often post recipes, links, and design ideas on there. You can follow or subscribe to your favorite blogs on social media to get notifications whenever they post new information. 7. **You can always ask others for help finding interesting bloggers.** Since your friends know you best, asking a question on Facebook can be a great way to get recommendations. You can also create a Reddit thread asking for great authors to follow online. If you’re interested in any kind of niche subjects, like pet hedgehogs or model trains, look for online forums where people in that subculture gather to exchange info. Asking a question on your favorite wikiHow article is another great way to get recommendations! Just scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the question & answer section. Depending on the article, someone may have already asked for recommendations! 8. **You may be limiting the scope of your search if you stick to written articles.** A vlog, which is shorthand for “video blog,” can be just as interesting or insightful as a written article. The most popular vlogging site out there is YouTube, by a large margin. If you sign up for an account, you can also subscribe to your favorite vloggers so you get a notification whenever they post something new. Twitch (specifically the IRL section), is a fun alternative if you want to watch live video and interact with the author while they talk. Vimeo is a popular platform among professionals. If you’re looking for quality content, Vimeo’s search results are probably going to be less amateurish than YouTube’s. There aren’t a ton of folks making content there compared to YouTube, though. The Vlogbrothers, Philip Defranco, Casey Neistat, and Jenna Marbles are all popular vloggers over on YouTube.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Kill Mold?,"Mold is a common household problem, but it can be hazardous to your health. It may cause a stuffy nose, a sore throat, breathing problems, coughing, burning eyes, or a rash, especially if you’re allergic to it. Fortunately, you may be able to kill small areas of mold on hard surface using common natural or commercial cleaners. However, you may prefer to hire a professional if you need to do a major mold remediation in your home. 1. **Open a window and turn on a vent or fan to ventilate the room.** Both mold and the products you’ll use to clean it can irritate your eyes, throat, and respiratory system. Opening your windows will allow the air to circulate around the room so you aren’t exposed to the fumes for too long. If you have vents in the room where you're cleaning, turn those on, as well. Additionally, angle a fan so it blows the fumes away from you and toward the window. If it’s cold outside, you still need to open at least 1 window to allow the air to circulate in the room. 2. **Put on a facemask, gloves, and protective eyewear.** Mold can cause an upper respiratory if you breathe in the spores. Similarly, fumes from the cleaning products can irritate your airways, eyes, and skin. Make sure you’re wearing your protective gear during the entire time you’re cleaning up the mold. It’s also a good idea to wear long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, and rubber boots, if you have them. This will protect your skin while you clean. 3. **Read all of the instructions for using your cleaning product.** Some cleaning products contain harsh ingredients, and using them incorrectly can be harmful to your health. Additionally, you could accidentally damage the surface you’re cleaning. It’s best to read and follow the instructions carefully. Read the precautions and warnings provided by the manufacturer. 4. **Avoid mixing bleach with ammonia.** If mixed together, bleach and ammonia create toxic fumes that can be very hazardous to your health. It’s very important that you avoid combining them. Read the labels on the products you’re using so you know if they contain bleach or ammonia. In general, it’s best to just avoid combining cleaning products all together. 5. **Throw away absorbent or porous items that are moldy.** These items include things like drywall, upholstered furniture, carpet, rugs, ceiling tiles, and art, which either have holes in the surface of them or absorb liquids. Unfortunately, the mold spores can get into the pores of the material and continue to grow, even after you clean the item. Since those spores also reproduce and continue to spread the mold, it’s best to get them out of your home. If an item can be laundered, then you may be able to salvage it. For instance, you may be able to wash a blanket or curtains in a washing machine. 6. **Use bleach to effectively kill mold on surfaces.** Make a bleach solution by adding 1 cup (240 mL) of bleach to 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water. Put the solution in a bucket or spray bottle. Then, apply it directly onto the mold when you’re ready to use it. Be very careful when cleaning with bleach. It can irritate both your lungs and your skin. Additionally, it may stain fabrics or carpet if you splash or spill it. Don’t ever combine bleach with ammonia or a cleaning product that contains ammonia. 7. **Opt for hydrogen peroxide as an effective bleach alternative.** Get a bottle of 3% concentration hydrogen peroxide, and don’t dilute it. Pour the hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle or a bucket. Then, spray or sponge the hydrogen peroxide directly onto the mold. Hydrogen peroxide is both antibacterial and antifungal. Additionally, it cleans about as effectively as bleach, and it doesn’t create harsh fumes. However, it may stain fabric or carpet, so be careful not to spill or splash it. 8. **Use white vinegar to kill the mold** Don’t dilute the vinegar before you use it. Instead, spray or sponge it directly onto the mold. Vinegar has a very strong smell that you may not like. However, it will fade away over time. As another option, you can add your favorite essential oil to the vinegar to reduce the smell. 9. **Use baking soda for a natural option that also removes odor.** Fill a spray bottle with warm water, then add .25 tbsp (5 g) of baking soda. Shake the bottle to mix the 2 ingredients. Then, spray the baking soda onto the mold when you’re ready to use it. Baking soda is a very effective natural cleaner. Plus, it’s odor absorbent, so it may help you get rid of the musty mold smell. 10. **Try borax for a natural mold treatment.** Add 1 cup (204 g) of borax to 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water in bucket. Stir the solution to combine the ingredients, and transfer some of the solution to a spray bottle, if you have one. Then, apply the cleaner to the wall by spraying it or sponging it over the mold. You can find borax near the laundry supplies at your local department store or online. 11. **Use tea tree oil if enjoy cleaning with essential oils.** Add 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of tea tree oil to 1 cup (240 mL) of warm water in a spray bottle or bowl. Then, apply the treatment directly onto the mold. It’s best not to rinse tea tree oil after you apply it, as it’s nontoxic and will prevent the mold from coming back. Tea tree oil is antifungal and antibacterial, and it may be the most effective natural cleaner for mold. Additionally, it’s not harmful to people or pets. However, it can be a bit expensive, but you don’t need very much to treat mold. Make sure the tea tree oil you choose is labeled as coming from Melaleuca Alternifolia, which is the technical name for tea trees. 12. **Make a 1:1 solution of clear ammonia and water for a strong cleaner.** Add the ingredients to a spray bottle or bucket, then shake or stir to mix them together. Next, apply the ammonia-water solution directly onto the mold with your spray bottle or a sponge. You can find clear ammonia in your cleaning aisle. Don’t use a product that isn't labeled as “clear” to clean mold. Never, ever combine ammonia with bleach or a product that contains bleach. Ammonia may need to set longer than other mold treatments, so you may want to give it up to 3 hours to treat the mold. 13. **Purchase a commercial bleach cleaner for an easy option.** You can find several mold treatments available for purchase, or you can just get a cleaner that contains bleach. Check the label to make sure that the product you choose says it will kill mold. You can find these products on the cleaning aisle at your local department store or online. 14. **Scrub the mold with soap and water to clean the surface.** Add about 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of a mild dish detergent to a bucket of warm water, then stir to mix them. Dip a stiff-bristled brush into the soapy water, then scrub the affected area. Rinse the brush in the bucket often to keep the brush clean as you scrub away the mold. Remove as much of the mold as you can. The root of the mold will likely remain on the surface, even if you don’t see it. However, scrubbing the area with soap and water will make it easier for the cleaning product you use to penetrate to the root of the mold and kill it. 15. **Apply your cleaning solution to the mold to kill it.** Use a spray bottle or sponge to apply the solution to the moldy area. Go over the area several times to make sure it’s fully saturated. You want the cleaning solution to penetrate the mold to effectively kill it. You don’t need to scrub the area at this time. 16. **Allow the cleaner to sit for 15 minutes to 1 hour so it penetrates the root.** This gives the treatment time to work. Harsh treatments like bleach, hydrogen peroxide, and ammonia typically work quickly. Alternatively, natural treatments like white vinegar, baking soda, borax, and tea tree oil often require longer to work. You may want to periodically apply more cleaner, depending on the surface you’re treating. If the liquid cleaner seems to be pooling below the mold-affected area, you may want to add more cleaner and soak up the excess liquid. 17. **Scrub the surface with a stiff-bristled brush, if necessary.** If you removed all of the mold when you scrubbed the area with soap and water, then you don’t need to scrub. However, it’s best to scrub if you have lingering mold or a mold stain. Use your stiff-bristled brush to work the cleaner into the mold. Rinse your brush often to keep it clean. If necessary, you can apply more of the cleaning solution you’re using as you scrub the area. However, don’t switch cleaners, even if you’re unhappy with the results. 18. **Rinse and dry the area.** You don't need to rinse the area unless you prefer not to leave a residue. However, you do need to dry it. If you want to rinse the area, use clean water to remove the remnants of the cleaning solution. Then, pat the area dry with a clean towel. To speed up the drying process, blow the area with a fan. If you are unhappy with the results of your cleaning process, you can try again. However, before you try a different cleaner, thoroughly rinse the affected area to remove any remaining residue from your cleaning solution. Then, let the area fully dry before you try again.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Spot Weld.,"Spot welding uses the heat from an electrical current to join 2 pieces of metal quickly, and is typically used for joining sheet metal. It’s also easy to do with a spot welding machine, which has 2 electrode tongs about 6 inches (15 cm) long that pass an electrical current through the metal to fuse them together. We'll walk you through the spot welding process in a step-by-step welding tutorial. 1. **Wipe the metal and the electrode tongs with a clean cloth.** Debris from previous welds can affect the quality of your spot weld. If there’s any dust or dirt on the metal you plan to weld or the electrodes, they could spark up when you weld the metal. Take a clean cloth and wipe down the area of the metal you plan to weld as well as the tips of the electrode tongs. Use a clean cloth so you don’t get any more dirt or dust on the surface. You don’t need to use soap or water to clean the area. 2. **Clamp the 2 pieces together with a pair of vice grip pliers.** Connect the pieces of metal that you plan to weld so they’re flush against each other. Take a pair of vice grips and clamp down on the metal so they don’t move and you have a handle to hold them with. Vice grip pliers allow you to clamp down and lock the pliers so they stay tight. You can find vice grip pliers at hardware stores and online. 3. **Position the electrodes so you can fit the metal between them.** The 2 electrodes of the spot welding machine are adjustable. Use the adjustment knob or wheel to spread them out so they’re wide enough for you to fit the metal that you plan to weld between them. 4. **Put on a pair of welding gloves and goggles.** Spot welding creates bright light and lots of heat, but there aren’t any sparks, so you don’t need to wear a full welding mask. To keep your eyes and hands protected, be sure to put on a pair of well-fitting welding gloves and welding goggles, which will block the bright light from damaging your eyes. Adjust the googles so they fit on your face securely. You can find welding gloves and goggles at hardware stores and online. 5. **Make sure the welder is plugged in and turn on the machine.** When you’re ready to weld, double-check that the machine is plugged into a wall outlet nearby. Then, flip the power switch so the welder is turned on and ready to go. Don’t turn on the machine until you’re ready to spot weld. 6. **Insert the metal between the 2 electrode tongs.** Hold the handle of the vice grip pliers and move the metal between the 2 tongs. Keep the metal still as you ready the tongs to spot weld and fuse them together. Use 1 hand to hold the metal so you can use the other to press down the handle. 7. **Press down on the handle to close the tongs.** Squeeze the handle on the machine to close the tongs. When they connect with the metal, the 2 ends of the electrodes will pass a current through the metal to heat up the spot where they connect. You’ll see the metal start to heat up after a few seconds. 8. **Hold the handle down for 3-5 seconds to fuse the metal together.** To create a proper weld that will last, allow the electrode tongs to remain connected to the metal for at least 3 seconds. Hold the handle down to keep the electrodes connected. Don’t hold the handle for more than 5 seconds or you could overheat the metal and it may melt too much to create a clean weld. 9. **Remove the metal and allow it to cool for 5 minutes.** Pull the metal out from between the 2 tongs and inspect it to make sure it’s been fused together well. Let the metal cool before you weld any other spots. Take a clean cloth and give the metal a quick wipe to remove any soot that may be on the surface once the metal has cooled. 10. **Unclamp the metal and reposition the pliers to weld additional spots.** To add additional welding spots, remove the vice grip pliers and move them over from the spot that you welded. Reclamp them so the pieces of metal are tightly connected and you have a handle to move the metal back between the 2 electrode tongs. Make sure the metal has cooled before you weld any additional spots. Repeat the process as many times as you need to in order to fully connect the metal.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Freeze Avocados.,"Leftover avocado doesn't need to be composted; if you've got a glut of avocado, freeze it. Especially since avocados seem to spoil when you turn your back, knowing how to freeze them properly is a life (and money) saver. 1. **Choose very ripe avocados.** 2. **Wash the avocados you're going to freeze.** 3. **Peel each avocado.** To peel, cut the avocado in half around the seed. Twist each half to open it up. Use a teaspoon to lift out the seed. 4. **Puree the avocados.** Set up your food processor. Add the avocado and for every two avocados, add one tablespoon of lemon or lime juice. Puree. If you can't puree the avocados, then mash them with a fork. 5. **Put the pureed avocados into an airtight container.** Leave a small space between the puree and the lid. 6. **Label and date.** The avocado can be kept frozen for up to 5-6 months. 7. **Use.** After freezing, pureed avocado is good use in dips, guacamole, soups, salads, sandwich or wrap spreads and for frosting mixes that use avocado. To thaw, leave the container in the refrigerator 12 to 24 hours before use, to allow gradual thawing. If you can't wait that long, place into a bowl and run cold water over it. 8. **Cut a ripe avocado in half.** Wrap in foil or plastic food wrap. 9. **Place each half in the freezer.** 10. **When frozen, place each frozen half in a resealable bag.** Label and date the bag. 11. **To thaw, place at room temp for about an hour or place in microwave on defrost or low for just under a minute.** The resulting pulp works well in guacamole, chocolate pudding, cake batter, etc.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Stretch the Calves of Boots with Zippers.,"A nice pair of boots can complement almost any outfit, but if you have curvy calves, it can be hard to find boots that fit just right. Luckily, if you have a pair of zippered boots that fit your feet well but are a little snug in the calves, you may be able to stretch them out! 1. **Examine the zipper to see if it’s strong enough for stretching.** If your zipper is shoddily constructed, or if it’s not sewn in well, you may damage it by using too much pressure with the boot stretcher. 2. **Insert a calf stretcher into the boot.** Make sure you are using a stretcher designed for the calf of a boot and not one for the toes or instep. A calf stretcher will look tall and thin. 3. **Spray the boot with stretching spray if you want extra stretch.** You don’t have to use a stretching spray, but it will help soften the fabric and you will achieve better results. 4. **Twist the handle or wheel to widen the boot stretcher.** Depending on the style of boot stretcher, you may have a lever or there may be a small wheel in the center. Use these to adjust the stretcher until it fits snugly in the calf of the boot. 5. **Leave the stretcher in for at least 2 hours or overnight.** For best results, you want to leave the stretcher in for as long as possible. If you sprayed your boots with stretching spray, you’ll want to leave the stretcher in until the spray dries. 6. **Zip up the boots as far as you can and wear them if they almost fit.** By wearing the boots zipped up as far as they will go, you will slowly stretch the fabric around the zipper as well as the boot itself. After about 15 minutes, see if you can tug the zipper up a little higher. This is perfect if you only need a little extra room. 7. **Purchase a zipper extender to widen your zipper.** There are products on the market which are specifically designed to attach to your existing zipper, creating a V-shape which gives your calf more room. 8. **Spray the boot with stretching spray to relax the fabric.** A stretching spray helps loosen the material of the boot. Spray the boot thoroughly, then put on a pair of thick socks and put the boots on. Zip them up as far as you can and leave them on for about 5 minutes. Repeat the process if necessary. 9. **Submerge leather boots in water then wear them for a custom fit.** Leather will take on a new shape when it gets wet, so wearing your leather boots while they’re wet is an easy way to get them to conform to your calves. Just make sure you get the boots fully submerged in the water so they don’t get obvious water marks. 10. **Heat the shoes with a blowdryer to stretch them using heat.** Put on a pair of thick socks to protect your feet, then put on your boots and zip them up as far as you can. Blast them with your hairdryer for about 30 seconds, being sure to move the nozzle around so you don’t damage the shoes. The heat should help relax the fabric, allowing the boots to stretch around your calf. Leave the shoes on until they cool so they don’t shrink back to their original size. If your boots are made of leather, follow up with a leather conditioning spray. Do not use this method on delicate materials like patent leather. 11. **Place a bag of water in your boots and put them in the freezer for a cold fix.** Since water expands as it freezes, you may be able to stretch out your boots by filling a plastic bag halfway with water, then placing it in the calf of your boot and freezing it. Thaw the ice for at least 20 minutes before removing the bag. 12. **Visit a cobbler to have a panel inserted in your boots for professional help.** You can have a special panel professionally inserted into the boot to widen the calf. You might have to visit the shoe repair shop more than once for measurements and fittings. A less expensive option may be to have the cobbler remove the zipper, then reinstall it along with extra fabric or elastic.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Use Playing Cards As Tarot Cards.,"You have questions—and a simple deck of playing cards might have all the answers. Using playing cards to tell your fortune might seem like a slumber party trick, but it’s actually called cartomancy and dates back to the 1700s. It only takes a few minutes to do a simple card reading, and it’s really fun to interpret the cards. We’ll walk you through the essential steps for using playing cards as tarot cards. There are several ways to interpret the cards, but we’ve kept it simple so you can get right to the good stuff.This article is based on an interview with our spiritual advisor and reiki master, Emily Christensen, founder of Rainbow Raaja. Check out the full interview here. 1. **Jumbled thoughts make it hard to interpret your cards.** Before you begin, take a moment to breathe deeply and release any thoughts circling your head. When you feel ready, dive into your reading. For instance, you might close your eyes and take a deep breath. As you let out your breath, imagine your thoughts going with it. 2. **Always form a question before you get started.** Be specific about your topic so you can get clear direction from the cards. You might ask about your relationship, work issues, life choices, or your spiritual path. If you’re wondering about a particular person or event, ask something like, “Where is my relationship with Alex going?” “Will I be happy if I move away for college?” or “What will happen if I take this promotion at work?” You can also be more general. You could ask, “What’s in store for my love life?” “How will the new year unfold?” or “Will I be successful in my career?” It’s okay to ask more than 1 question, but do a separate card layout for each one. 3. **Ask for guidance as you prepare the deck.** Shuffle the cards a few times to make sure they’re really mixed up. Set the deck on a flat surface, then cut it once. Restack the deck so it’s ready for the reading. Think about your question as you shuffle. If you're planning on using your cards for yes/no questions, you might not want to think about a specific question while you shuffle. Instead, you might think, ""Give me the answers I seek."" “Cut the deck” means to separate the shuffled deck into 2 smaller decks. 4. **Red cards mean “yes,” and black cards mean “no.”** Simply ask your question, then pick the top card. Your questions can be general or very specific. Either way, the cards will give you a clear “yes” or “no” answer. You can keep asking questions for as long as you like. Here are some good questions to ask: “Will I find love soon?” “Is Taylor the right person for me?” “Is this career path right for me?” “Should I switch majors?” “Can I trust Mario?” “Am I on the right track at school?” “Should I enroll in a photography class?” “Should I move to Portland?” “Will this project be a success?” 5. **A spread is a series of cards that you read together.** To get started, try a 1- or 3-card spread with your playing cards. Draw the cards from the top of the deck 1 by 1 and lay them in a row. You don’t need to use a special layout to read your cards. Just follow your intuition. For a 1-card spread, you just draw the top card and interpret its meaning. In a 3-card spread, the first card represents the past, the second card represents the present, and the 3rd card represents the future. As you get more into tarot, you might learn how to do traditional tarot spreads. However, this isn’t necessary for reading playing cards. 6. **Each card suit has a special meaning that relates to the tarot deck.** The suit's meaning will guide your interpretation of the card. Here’s how each suit connects to the tarot: Like the cups suit in the tarot, hearts represent your feelings, relationships, and home. Like the swords in the tarot, spades connect to obstacles, loss, planning, and intellect. Like wands in the tarot, clubs represent future actions, travel, and creative thinking. Like pentacles in the tarot, diamonds connect to work and money. 7. **Number cards are called “pip” cards.** Like in the traditional tarot, each card number means something different. When you interpret the card number, relate the number’s meaning back to the suit's meaning. Here are the general interpretations for each number: Beginning, attributes of the card suit Relationship, balance Connections, growth Foundation, stability Change, challenge, imbalance Harmony, success Wisdom, spirituality, choices Organization, movement, stagnation Realization, understanding Completion, transition to something new 8. **Face cards are called “court” cards.** In general, they reflect real people, though knaves (jacks) can also reflect a situation. These cards may mean someone is coming into your life. Here’s how to interpret them: Romantic partner; confidant Focused, clever Adventurer, risk-taker Grounded, serious Kind, nurturing woman Honest woman Passionate, ambitious woman Practical, helpful woman Wise, calm man Calculating man Inspirational man Hard-working, rich man 9. **The joker represents the person being read, similar to the “fool” in tarot.** When it appears in a reading, it may mean a situation you’re facing is going to suddenly change. It’s not really positive or negative on its own. Connect it back to the other cards in your spread and use your intuition to figure out what it means to you. For example, let’s say you’re doing a reading to find out if you’re going to meet someone special soon. In that case, the joker could mean that you’re about to have a sudden change in your love life. 10. **Tarot reading isn’t about rules—it’s based on intuition.** Traditional card interpretations can provide a lot of guidance for your readings, but they’re not necessary. If interpreting your cards feels difficult or constricting, just go with your gut. For example, let’s say the number “8” has always felt lucky for you. When an “8” comes up in your reading, you might interpret it to mean something positive in your future. Similarly, clubs look like clovers, which might remind you of your childhood playing outdoors. You might decide that clovers represent your inner child and spending time in nature. The key is being consistent. If you assign special meanings to your cards, always interpret them that way. 11. **Combine all of your card interpretations to get a full picture.** First, pair each card’s suit meaning and the number or face card interpretation. Then, look at all the cards together and see how they play off each other. Finally, use your intuition to decide what the cards mean to you. Here are some example readings for the question, “Should I switch jobs?”: Ace of Spades: Spades can represent obstacles, loss, planning, and intellect, while the ace represents beginnings. This card might mean that changing jobs will require a lot of planning, but it could be a good idea because you see new beginnings in the cards. The loss could represent your old job. 3 of Clubs + 4 of Diamonds + 5 of Spades: In this 3 card spread, the 3 of clubs represents the past and could mean that you had creativity and connection in your job before. The 4 of diamonds represents the present and could mean you have money and stability now. The 5 of spades represents the future and could mean you’d have change, obstacles, and loss. This might mean it’s best to stay at your current job, depending on what your intuition tells you.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Take Care of Baby Carp.,"The carp is an omnivorous fish that can live for decades and grow to enormous sizes in a variety of different environments. Carp species range from the domesticated Koi fish to wild species like the grass carp. If you plan on raising carp, it's important that you set up a healthy habitat and feed them the right kind of food. If you get the right materials and follow the proper techniques, you can raise baby carp to adulthood. 1. **Get a 100-gallon tank.** You can purchase a fish tank at the pet store or online or you can use an outdoor pond to create your spawning pool. The larger the tank, the more room the carp will have to move around. An ideal tank for carp is 8x6 ft (2.43x1.82 m) and at least two feet (60.96 cm) deep. Get a tank made of non-toxic materials to promote carp propagation. You can also use an outdoor pond to house your baby carp. 2. **Add organic material to the tank.** Fill half of the tank with aquatic plants, bristle brushes, branches, Lilly pads, or spawning sponges. This vegetation will provide oxygen to the water and will give the carp the appropriate amount of shade that they need to stay healthy. 3. **Purchase an air stone or air pump to add oxygen to the water.** Baby carp need a lot of oxygen to live. Carp need 5 mg of oxygen for every liter of water in your tank or pond. An air pump or air stone will circulate oxygen into the water. You can purchase an air stone or air pump at the pet store or online. 4. **Purchase a filter for the carp tank.** Carp create a large amount of waste that can become unhealthy for the fish if your pond or tank is not properly filtered. If you're growing the carp in an outdoor pond, you'll need a large pump filter. If growing the carp indoors, you can use an external and internal tank filter to keep it clean. 5. **Keep the water at 60-75°F (15-25°C).** Keeping the water at a consistent temperature will keep your carp healthy. If you plan on housing your baby carp outside, make sure that the temperature of the environment isn't too cold or hot for the fish. If it's too cold or hot outside, move your carp tank indoors. Make sure that the temperature doesn't dip too low at night. Quickly changing the temperature of the water may shock and hurt your fish. 6. **Keep the water's pH level between 6.8-8.2.** pH is the acidity or alkalinity of the water and can affect the health of your fish. Carp thrive in neutral water or around 7 pH. You can use a pH meter or pH strips to occasionally test the pH level in your water. To keep a more average pH level, add a calcium carbonate additive in the form of gravel or stones to act as a pH buffer and prevent pH swings in your water. 7. **Move the carp to a more spacious habitat once they get bigger.** Carp can grow to be up to 20 pounds (9 kg) per fish depending on their species. As the carp start to get bigger and longer, you'll want to transport the carp to a larger tank, or possibly an outdoor pond. You should maintain 10 gallons (37.9 L) of water for every inch (2.54 cm) of fish. 8. **Replace 10-20% of the water once a week.** Once a week you should drain around 10-20% of the water from the tank or pond and replace it with fresh water that you get from your tap. Before you put the new water in the carp pond or tank, make sure to treat the water with a chlorine remover because chlorine is harmful to the fish. You can purchase chlorine remover online or at major hardware stores. 9. **Change filter screens once a month.** As your fish grow up and deposit waste in the water, your screen will get dirty. Purchase a new filter screen and dispose of the old one. If you are raising the carp in an outdoor pond, you'll have to regularly clean out any obstructions from the pond's pump. 10. **Feed freshly hatched carp hard boiled egg yolk for two days.** Hard boiled eggs are a great food for young carp. Place the yolk of hard boiled eggs in a bowl with one cup (236.58 ml) of water and mix the yolk until it's dispersed in the water. This will be the initial food for your carp hatchlings. Carp hatchlings need a lot of food at first, so feed them three to five times a day for the first two to three days after they hatch. Freshly born carp will be blind and won't be able to see the food. Instead, they feel around the water to find the food. 11. **Add brine shrimp to the tank after a week.** After a week, the carp should be larger and the egg sac that surrounded them should be completely gone. Purchase newly hatched brine shrimp at a fishing shop and add them to your carp tank. Feed the young carp an eyedropper filled with the brine shrimp one to two times a day. 12. **Feed the carp fish food after two weeks.** After two weeks, the carp should be big enough to consume traditional fish food in the form of protein pellets. Look online or a pet shop for high-protein fish food, and sprinkle it into your carp tank on to two times a day. Feed the fish in five-minute intervals. When they stop coming to the surface to feed, it's a sign that they are full. Carp take about three years to grow to full adult size.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Write a Management Case Study?,"A management case study contains a description of real-life management issues and proposed solutions. Students, practitioners and professionals write case studies to thinking critically about issues, and devise and implement remedies for challenging management situations. A case study generally contains facts, theories, assumptions, analysis, and prioritized solutions. The following are the steps for writing a management case study. 1. **Determine the main objective of the case study.** You may be writing a case study to fulfill an academic requirement or to help solve problems in real-life situations. An academic assignment typically will come with a specific objective and instructions, whereas a professional assignment might require you to define the objective. 2. **Select the best approach.** Choose an analytical approach to increase awareness. In the preliminary stages of solving management problems, an analytical case study might best meet the goal of alerting upper management to core facts and issues. An analytical case study primarily focuses on what has occurred and why. Select a problem-solving approach to pinpoint and solve major issues. If the goal is to make solution recommendations, write a problem-solving case study that clearly outlines problems and solutions. 3. **Conduct research for your case study.** Examine the facts, dynamics, communications and all relevant aspects of the particular situation. Research might involve interviewing people in an organization, reviewing written documents or looking up relevant statistics. 4. **Explain the aim of the case study in the opening paragraph.** The goal may be to understand the challenges of an organization or to solve interdepartmental conflicts. 5. **Provide an industry or company overview.** Certain facts or challenges may be common in the particular industry. For example, software bugs may be a common problem in the technology industry, requiring extensive product testing and quality control teams. Explain relevant factors to readers. 6. **Outline relevant theories and knowledge.** Case studies for academic programs typically require reference to theories and information presented in class. Refer to these theories and explain their relevance to solving the real-life issues in the case. For example, a theory may be that training employees in too large a group leads to less individualized attention and inadequate skills mastery. 7. **Identify all relevant issues.** If many issues exist, focus on the most important ones. Some issues may be caused by underlying problems. For example, conflicts between team members may be due to unclear workplace policies or employee responsibilities. 8. **Recommend solutions.** List the most effective solutions first and explain how they will solve core issues. Address the challenges that might accompany suggested solutions. For example, cross-cultural conflicts in an organization might require additional training for managers, which may require funds or an extensive search for topic experts. 9. **Write a conclusion that summarizes the main issues and solutions.** Emphasize the most effective recommendations. 10. **Include a reference to relevant management theories.** Explain in a few sentences how these theories support your conclusions. 11. **Include a list of references.** Cite sources for all statistics, definitions, facts and other research. 12. **Follow the required citation format.** Check with your professor or manager, and/or review prior case studies in your workplace to identify the required citation format.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Mix Foundation?,"Foundation is the base of your entire face of makeup, which is why it’s so important to find the right shade for you. If you’re buying foundation online or at a drugstore, it can be hard to find an exact match for your skin tone, color, and undertones. You can try mixing a few shades of your foundation together to find the perfect match for your skin during every month of the year. 1. **Determine your skin's undertones and select foundations that match.** Find your undertones by looking at the veins in your wrist under natural light. If they are green, you have warm undertones. If they are blue or purple, you have cool undertones. If you can’t tell the difference or they look green and blue, you probably have neutral undertones. If you have neutral undertones, you can pull off either warm or cool shades of foundation. You can mix warm and cool toned foundation together if you want a little bit of both. 2. **Go with foundations that have the same finish.** Matte and dewy finishes don’t mix well together since one is more oily than the other. As you pick out your foundation, try to choose ones that have similar formulas to avoid uneven mixes. Matte finishes are great if you have oily skin, since they will tamp down on shine. Dewy finishes are nice if you have dry or flaky skin, since they can bring some moisture back into your face. 3. **Pick out foundations that both have the same coverage.** Some foundations are great for a full-coverage glam look, while others give more of a subtle, even skin tone. You can choose between light, medium, and full-coverage foundation to find one that’s right for you. Make sure each foundation you buy is the same coverage to avoid splotchy-looking foundation. If you aren’t a fan of full-coverage liquid foundation, you can choose a BB cream for a lighter feel. 4. **Buy a liquid or cream foundation instead of powder or stick.** Although powder and stick foundations are great, they don’t mix together well. Stick to liquid or cream foundation if you want to mix yours together, and choose powder or stick foundation to add color onto your face afterwards if you need to. 5. **Purchase a light foundation for the winter and a dark one for summer.** Make sure they both have the same undertones as your skin, but make the lighter one 1 to 2 shades lighter than the darker one. Depending on how tan you get in the summer, you may need an even wider range of shades. 6. **Correct redness or dark spots with green or orange pigments.** Put 1 to 2 drops of green color correcting fluid into your foundation to neutralize any redness or blemishes you may have. Add 1 to 2 drops of orange color correcting fluid into your foundation to cover up any sun spots or dark areas. You can find liquid color correctors at most beauty supply stores. 7. **Wash your face and apply moisturize your skin like you normally would.** Use a gentle cleanser and warm water to rid your face of oils and dirt. Then, apply a thin layer of moisturizer all over and let it dry for about 15 minutes before you put on your foundation. Starting with a clean base will give you more of an even coverage and make you less prone to breakouts. 8. **Apply the lighter foundation to your cheeks, nose, and chin with a makeup brush.** Use your finger to gently place small dots of foundation on your forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. Stick to the inside of your face for now when you use the lighter foundation. Adding a lighter foundation to the inside of your face brightens it up. 9. **Blend the lighter foundation up and outwards with a blending sponge.** Use a blending sponge or brush to pat the lighter foundation into your face. Move outwards toward your hairline and jawline in small, circular motions for the best coverage. Don’t go all the way up to your hairline or jawline just yet, but take the foundation up as far as it will go. 10. **Dab the darker foundation around the outside of your face.** Place small dots of the darker foundation near your hairline and jawline on top of any of the lighter foundation. If it’s the winter, put 2 to 3 dots of the dark foundation on either side of your face to start. If it’s the summer, go with 4 or 5 on each side of your face. You can always add more dark foundation, but you can’t really take it off that easily. 11. **Combine the foundations together with a makeup brush for even coverage.** Grab your blending sponge or brush and gently pat the darker foundation into your skin. Then, pull the 2 foundation shades together by using your sponge or brush all over your face to blend them in small, circular motions. 12. **Mix your foundation with lotion to make the coverage lighter.** Dab a small amount of full-coverage foundation onto a plastic dish. Add about the same amount of fragrance-free face lotion to the foundation, then mix them together with a stiff makeup brush. This will make your foundation more like a tinted moisturizer, so the coverage looks and feels lighter. You can also put a few pigment drops in a lighter coverage foundation to make it more full-coverage. 13. **Make a 3:1 ratio of light foundation to dark foundation for a light shade.** Use a plastic, glass, or parchment paper surface to put your foundation on. When your skin is lighter, try adding a lot more of your light foundation and only a little bit of the dark foundation to find your perfect shade. 14. **Mix a 3:1 ratio of dark foundation to light foundation for a dark shade.** Lay out a piece of parchment paper or a plastic lid, then pump or pour out your foundation. Use much more of the dark foundation that you have when your skin is more tan. If you haven’t been out in the sun for very long, you might not need to go as dark. Adjust the ratio as you need to. Darker foundation helps when you get more tan in the summer. 15. **Combine a 1:1 ratio of light and dark foundation for a balanced mix.** Put your foundation onto a plastic dish, glass lid, or a piece of parchment paper. Try using an even amount of each foundation and adjusting the ratio as your skin gets lighter or darker throughout the year. At the beginning of spring, your skin will probably still be close to your winter shade. At the beginning of fall, your skin will still be close to your summer shade. 16. **Stir the foundation together with a small makeup brush on a plastic dish.** Make sure your foundation is mixed together evenly and smoothly. Use a brush instead of your finger so you don’t add any oil or dirt to the mix. A stiff makeup brush will work better than a fluffy one. Make sure your makeup brush is clean before you use it to mix so it doesn’t add in any residual foundation. 17. **Test the color on your neck to see if it matches.** Before applying the foundation all over your face, take a small dot of it and put it underneath your jawline on your neck. See if the shade is close to what your neck is right now. Your face may be lighter than your neck if you’ve been wearing foundation when you go outside. That’s why it’s important to match the color to your neck, not your face. 18. **Dab on more light or dark foundation if you need to.** You may need to adjust your foundation ratio, especially during the spring and fall. Keep adding in lighter or darker foundation in small, 1 dot increments until you find the shade that matches your skin right now. It’s better to mix your foundation in small batches so you don’t end up wasting any. 19. **Apply your foundation** Dab a few small dots of your foundation mix onto your forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. Blend the foundation in small, circular motions upwards and outwards. Add more foundation if you need to for an even, flawless look.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Get a Taurus Man Back.,"It’s easy to miss a Taurus man, but what about getting him back? Taurus men are sweet, dependable, hardworking—and luckily, their loyal nature means that they can return to a significant other after breaking up. If you’re willing to be patient and put in the effort to win him over, you stand a much better chance at reuniting with your Taurus man!This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here. 1. **Tauruses are cautious signs and need time on their own to process.** If you notice that he goes silent or even asks you for less contact, he’s not trying to make you feel bad. Rather, he’s taking time to work out how he feels what he wants to do next. Respect his wishes and give him two or three weeks to be alone. If he hasn’t contacted you by then, it’s safe for you to gently initiate contact again. When you do reach out to re-establish communication with him, keep your message thoughtful and low-pressure. Try a quick “How are you doing?” text to start and wait for him to reply before sending anything else. 2. **Taurus men are straightforward and prefer to speak plainly.** If you miss him and want him back, then tell him so. Taurus men are more sensitive than they care to admit and careful about restarting old relationships, so he’ll need concrete proof that you want him back before he makes any moves. If he’s left to wonder how you feel, he probably won’t know what to do about the relationship. To get his attention and tell him that you miss him, you could say, “Hey, I’ve been thinking about you a lot. Can we talk soon?” When you tell him that you want him back, you could say, “I’ve given it a lot of thought and I’d love to give our relationship another shot. What do you think?” Being honest will also help him when you talk about your past relationship and what may have gone wrong, which you'll have to do before the two of you get back together. If you can talk openly about both the good and the bad, the two of you can work out your problems more easily. 3. **Tauruses are proud and may react poorly to criticism.** When you discuss your relationship with a Taurus man, use “I” statements to communicate your feelings and work through any problems that you would like to fix. Your Taurus wants to be the best partner he can, as he is extremely kind and loving—but he will get upset if too much blame is placed on his shoulders. An “I” statement uses “I” at the beginning of a sentence instead of “you,” allowing you to focus on your feelings and not what you think the other person has done or failed to do. For example, “You never tell me how you’re feeling!” should become “I would love to know how you’re feeling right now.” 4. **Taurus men hold grudges, so they need sincere apologies to forgive.** You may not have been the reason for the breakup, but if you did make a mistake, then you’ll need to offer him an apology before the two of you get back together. More than that, acknowledge his feelings and show him you understand why he’s upset; a Taurus man will only come back if you can admit your mistakes too. For example, if you said something hurtful, a good apology would be: “I wasn’t thinking when I said that, and I wish I had been more thoughtful. I know I hurt your feelings, and I’m sorry.” Taurus men are stubborn, but they always strive to make peace with the people around them. If he can see your sincerity, he’ll likely accept your apology. A Taurus man will also admire your bravery in admitting that you make a mistake. He’s willing to compromise and make amends, but only with someone who will meet him halfway. Taurus men don’t always forgive right away, but that doesn’t mean your apology will go unnoticed. Give him time to think things over after you apologize, and he’ll likely come around in the end! 5. **Tauruses tend to romanticize past relationships.** Bring up fond memories so that he longs to be with you again. When you visit a former favorite date spot, snap a picture and post it on social media—or text him the photo directly with a short message. Ask him little “remember when…?” prompts when the two of you hang out and make him nostalgic for the fun moments you shared. You could send him a picture of the movie theater where you had your first date, and write “I visited today and couldn’t help but think of you!” You could say, “Remember when we visited that Italian place with the most incredible ravioli? We should go again sometime.” 6. **Taurus men are quite sensual, so catch his eye (and his other senses).** For example, they have a keen sense of style and love a partner who puts effort into their appearance. Stylish clothes that flatter your body and a great haircut will make you a sight for sore eyes. Taurus men also find earthy tones like green, blue, and beige visually pleasing. You could also wear perfume or cologne that he enjoys. Wear a particular scent often, and he’ll think of you every time he smells it. Appeal to his taste buds by treating him to a fancy dinner or cooking his favorite meal yourself. Once you’re both comfortable with it, use touch to draw him in too. Touch his hand when you’re talking, or hug him in greeting. 7. **Taurus men are incredibly devoted and look for loyalty in their partners.** Steer clear of dating around after the breakup and focus on trying to win your Taurus man back through friendship and affection. Prove your trustworthiness by following through on your promises, even for something as simple as meeting up for coffee at a certain time. Given enough time, he'll recognize your trustworthiness once again. A Taurus man’s sense of loyalty is the reason trying to make him jealous can sometimes backfire. While Taurus men get jealous, that jealousy makes it hard to trust their partner. 8. **Taurus men are exceptionally stable and reliable.** They like it when their partners can be the same. Show your Taurus man that you’re strong and capable on your own, and that you can be there for him when he needs you. He’ll feel better about re-entering a relationship if he can see that you’re working hard to be the best version of yourself. For instance, Taurus men pride themselves on working hard to make and save money. If he felt you were a little careless with yours, you could start making up monthly budgets to show him how responsible you are. Working on your physical and mental health will also help you become a more stable person. Eat well, stay active, and prioritize making social connections with friends and family. Make him see that while you don’t need him, you do love him and want to be with him! 9. **Tauruses love compliments, especially about their taste and work ethic.** Compliment him in person when you can, or send him a text message after the two of you have met up. Make your compliment specific to show your Taurus man that you know and appreciate his worth. He’ll appreciate any genuine compliment—and Taurus men are great at sensing whether someone is being honest. For example, you could say, “It was great seeing you tonight. Your taste in clothes is always on-point; that shirt you were wearing brought out the green in your eyes!” Another compliment could be, “Thanks for meeting up with me. You’ve always been the most reliable person I know, and I appreciate it!” 10. **A Taurus man is stubborn and doesn’t want to change who he is.** Show him that you will work to understand his needs and compromise if you resume your relationship. For example, you might have different social styles. If he needs lots of time alone and you do not, you could talk to him and decide how best to divide your time. Make sure he will have enough independence, and you will have enough quality time. Compromising with him in this way is far more effective than demanding that he change, or giving him a list of requests to work on by himself. He will feel more comfortable restarting a relationship with someone he knows will accept him completely. Taurus men make devoted partners and are happy to compromise for the right person! 11. **Taurus men like to take their time in matters of the heart.** Be patient with him as you reconcile. It's important to show him that you want him back, but you won’t pressure him. Taurus men are generally slow to enter a relationship and slow to break things off unless something is especially bothering them. Naturally, he won’t be ready to jump back into a relationship right away either. You can win him back, but it’ll probably take time. Let him know that you’re willing to wait until he’s ready, and he’ll appreciate you all the more for it.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Catch a Firefly?,"Catching fireflies is a classic way to spend a summer night. Fireflies are beautiful, and it can be tempting to have one of your own. If you're patient, gentle, and persistent, you'll be a professional firefly catcher in no time. 1. **Search in the right places for fireflies.** Fireflies live in various habitats, including forests and rivers. They tend to be drawn to high grass and humid, damp areas. They are found all over the world, from the Americas to Europe and Asia. In the United States, fireflies are rarely found west of the Rocky Mountains. They are commonly found down south, in the Midwest, and on the East Coast. 2. **Look for fireflies at the right time.** Warm summer evenings are often the best time to catch fireflies – typically between June and September. Fireflies tend to come out at dusk when it is still warm out. Most fireflies are typically found in the country or in the suburbs. As the night gets later, the air tends to cool off and some fireflies will stop flashing. 3. **Use your own light to attract fireflies.** Since fireflies communicate using their light, you can sometimes attract them by using a flashlight of your own. Pay attention to the light patterns that the fireflies are emitting, and copy them by switching your flashlight on and off. Consider placing a blue piece of paper over your flashlight to turn the light blue. Scientists have found that fireflies respond better to blue light than regular lights. 4. **Turn off your outdoor lights.** Since they rely on their light patterns for mating, fireflies are more attracted to darkness. Turn off your outdoor lighting, such as porch lights and walkway lights, to draw in more fireflies. 5. **Remain quiet and calm.** Like most animals and insects, fireflies are easily scared by loud noises and sudden movements. When catching fireflies, make sure to move slowly and quietly. The more relaxed you are, the more relaxed the fireflies will be around you. 6. **Catch fireflies with your hands.** As long as you approach fireflies slowly, they should maintain a calm and graceful flying path – this will make them fairly easy to catch. Once you are close enough to a firefly, calmly reach out with both hands, and try to cup the firefly between your hands. The outsides of your hands should be tightly cupped together when you catch the firefly, but leave enough space between your palms so that you do not crush it. This may take a few tries. Don't get annoyed or overwhelmed, just keep trying. Stay calm and relaxed. 7. **Use a net to catch fireflies.** You can purchase nets at most home supply stores, or make your own out of a small netting. To catch fireflies with a net, simply flow the net around a firefly inhabited area until you catch one. Keep your movements slow and gentle so that you do not scare or harm the fireflies. 8. **Catch fireflies with a mason jar.** Most people end up putting their caught fireflies into mason jars, so skip a step by catching your fireflies in a mason jar. Move slowly and calmly as you move your mason jar through the air to catch fireflies. Once a firefly has flown into the opening of your jar, place the lid on top to keep the firefly inside. 9. **Keep your fireflies in a glass jar.** If you plan on keeping the fireflies that you have caught, put them in a glass jar so that you can see their light. Mason jars are popular jars to store fireflies is. Do not poke any holes in the jar, as this could dry out the air and possibly cause the firefly to get injured while trying to escape. Remember that fireflies like humid, damp spaces. Only keep a few fireflies in a jar at the same time. This will give the fireflies some room to fly around. 10. **Create a habitat in your jar for the fireflies.** Creating a habitat in the jar will help keep the fireflies alive and happy. Put a small piece of apple and a small handful of fresh grass in the jar. The apple will help keep the air in the jar moist, and the grass will give them something to climb on, eat, and hide in. 11. **Release the fireflies after a short period of time.** Although it can be tempting to keep fireflies for a long time, it's best to let them grafter a short while. Ideally, you should let fireflies go before bed. If you keep them overnight, be sure to release them the following morning. They need to be in their natural habitat in order to survive, and keeping them in a jar for longer than a day can cause them to die.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Cover a Ball with Fabric?,"Covering a styrofoam ball with fabric is a fun and easy way to make DIY Christmas ornaments or ornamental balls for other decorative purposes. These eye-catching fabric-covered balls come together pretty quickly with just a few simple craft supplies. Make them yourself to give as gifts or do this project with friends or family for a fun and crafty afternoon together! 1. **Measure the circumference of the ball with a flexible measuring tape.** Wrap a flexible measuring tape, like the kind tailors use, horizontally around the middle of the styrofoam ball. Simply read the number on the measuring tape where it meets the starting end to find the circumference! A 2–3 in (5.1–7.6 cm) styrofoam ball works well for this, but feel free to use whatever size of ball you want. 2. **Mark 8 even sections on the ball by drawing vertical lines from pole to pole.** Divide the circumference of the ball by 8 to figure out how far apart to space the sections, each of which you’ll be covering with a piece of fabric. Carefully mark 8 evenly spaced vertical lines from the center of the top of the ball to the center of the bottom of the ball. For example, if you’re using a 3 in (7.6 cm) ball, the lines should be about 1 in (2.5 cm) and ⁄8 in (0.32 cm) apart. If you want bigger sections of fabric, divide the ball into 6 even sections instead. It’s totally up to you how many different pieces of fabric you want to cover the ball with! 3. **Make ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) deep cuts along the lines with a sharp knife.** Use a craft knife or even a sharp kitchen knife. Line the blade of the knife up with 1 of the drawn lines and carefully slice straight along it. Repeat this for each of the marked lines to make the slits you’ll be tucking the pieces of fabric into to hold them in place on the ball. Don’t worry too much about getting the depth of your cuts to exactly ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) deep. Anywhere from about ⁄4–⁄8 in (0.64–0.95 cm) deeps works just fine. 4. **Trace 2 adjacent cut lines from the ball onto a piece of paper using a marker.** Cup a blank piece of paper gently over the ball, so that it covers 2 adjacent slits. Carefully draw along the slits, on top of the paper, to outline the section for your pattern. Your outline doesn’t have to be perfect because you’re going to make it bigger anyways. Just try to get the general shape and size of the section. Don’t worry about making more than 1 pattern because all the pieces of fabric are the same size. You can use the same pattern for each piece of fabric! 5. **Make the outline about ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) wider on both sides.** Lay the piece of paper with your outline on a flat surface. Draw parallel lines on both sides approximately ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) away from the original lines. Use a measuring tape or a ruler to help you space the lines if it’s easier, but don’t worry too much about getting the spacing exact! This extra width makes it much easier for you to tuck the fabric pieces into the slits you cut because they’ll have extra fabric to work with. 6. **Cut the outline out of the paper with scissors.** Use a pair of craft scissors or any household scissors you have available that are comfortable for you to cut with. Carefully cut along the second set of lines you drew on the paper to separate your fabric pattern from the paper, so you can use it to cut out all your beautiful pieces of fabric. There are also print-and-cut patterns available online for different diameters of balls if you prefer to get your pattern that way. Do whatever’s most convenient for you! 7. **Pin your pattern to a piece of fabric.** Position your pattern over the area of the fabric that you want to decorate your ball with, taking the pattern of the fabric into account. Carefully put a pin through the paper and the fabric at each pointy end of the pattern. Any type of straight, round-headed pin works for this. Note that thinner fabrics are easier to tuck into the slits. Any decorative fabric that’s not really thick works well. You could use elegant, delicate fabrics like satin, taffeta, or velvet, for example. Don’t be afraid to mix and max textures, patterns, and colors! 8. **Cut the fabric around the pattern using a pair of fabric scissors.** Carefully cut along 1 side of the pattern from point to point. Rotate the fabric and cut along the other side to separate a piece of fabric to cover 1 section of the ball with. Don’t worry if the edges of the fabric aren’t perfect. They’ll be hidden when you finish. 9. **Repeat the process to cut out fabric for all the remaining sections.** Pin the paper pattern carefully to another section of fabric. Cut around it again with your fabric scissors to get another section of fabric. Keep going until you have enough pieces of fabric to cover all the sections of the ball. For example, if you divided the ball into 8 even sections, cut out 8 pieces of fabric. It’s as simple as that! Different pieces of fabric with different textures and patterns can give your ball unique, contrasting sections. For example, you could alternate between striped, solid, and polka-dotted sections of fabric for lots of fun visual patterns. 10. **Pin the fabric pieces into place over the sections of styrofoam.** Place 1 piece of fabric over 1 section of the styrofoam ball, stretching it vertically from the top pole to the bottom pole until it’s tight. Stick 1 pin through the fabric into the styrofoam at each of the poles. Repeat this for each piece of fabric until the ball is totally covered. The fabric pieces should overlap slightly over the cut lines and at the top and bottom poles of the ball. 11. **Tuck the excess fabric into the cut lines with the edge of a butter knife.** Place the edge of the knife over the fabric where it rests over top of 1 of the slits in the styrofoam. Firmly push the fabric down into the cut as far as it will go. Repeat this for the fabric above each of the cut lines. If there’s any excess fabric that you can’t push down into the cuts, carefully trim it off with fabric scissors to tidy up your ornament. 12. **Hot glue pieces of cord or ribbon over the tucked fabric to hide the edges.** Cut pieces of cord or ribbon to the length of the cut lines with scissors. Squeeze a thin bead of hot glue along the length of 1 of the cut lines on top of the tucked fabric and press a piece of cord or ribbon into place. Repeat this for each cut line. For example, use something like a multi-colored twisted cord or metallic silver- or gold-colored ribbon to add more decorative details to your fabric-covered ball ornaments. Christmas ribbon used for wrapping presents is a great option! 13. **Glue a ribbon loop to the top of the ball if you want to use it as an ornament.** Tie a piece of Christmas ribbon into a loop. Squeeze a dab of hot glue onto the center of the top pole of the ball. Press the knot of the looped ribbon into the hot glue to attach it to the ball. If you don’t want to hang the balls as ornaments, skip the ribbon loop. An alternative way to display the decorative balls is by putting them in a bowl and using the bowl as a centerpiece on a dining room table or a coffee table. 14. **Attach a matching bow to the top of the ball with glue for a pretty accent.** Tie a piece of ribbon into an ornamental bow. Squeeze a dab of hot glue into the middle of the top of the ball and press the ornamental bow into the glue. If you attached a ribbon loop for hanging, glue the ornamental bow over the knot of the looped ribbon to hide it. 15. **Push pearl-headed pins into the center of the poles for a final elegant touch.** Stick a pearl-headed pin into the exposed bottom pole to make it look neater. Do the same for the top pole, if it isn’t hidden by a bow. Feel free to use pins with colored heads instead of pearl-headed pins if you prefer! Get creative to give your ball the look you want.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Time a Cricket Stroke?,"Batting is a matter of timing rather than brute force. Timing a ball isn't a mystery, but an acquired skill. Remain relaxed and focused. Be conscientious of your stance and keep your eye on the ball. Through practice and patience you can master the art of timing. 1. **Stay relaxed between balls.** Maintaining a relaxed body, positive energy, and a focused mind between balls can significantly improve your timing when you step up to hit. Take deep breaths and release the tension in your shoulders while you await the next ball. Let go of the fear of getting out and visualize yourself making a successful hit. Rest your bat between bowls and stay focused on the present. Find a routine that works best for you. Perhaps chatting with the umpire relaxes you and takes your mind off the expectations placed upon you. Turn your concentration off between balls and when not on strike. No-one can concentrate for two hours non stop. 2. **Repeat a mantra or complete a ritual.** Routines can help get you into the correct mindset. When you step up to the crease, utter a phrase to yourself. “Keep your eye on the ball” is a common mantra. Other players complete a routine before assuming their stance in the crease, the place from which you will bat. This routine may include kicking the bat with your feet or adjusting your clothes. Mantras and routines don’t need to make sense to anyone but you. This may seem silly, but a consistent routine can help put you in the right mindset to hit the ball. Often routines and mantras are picked up during your youth. 3. **Step up to the crease and shift gears.** A high level of mental focus is required when trying to time your hit perfectly. As you prepare for the bowl, keep your mind free from distractions. Forget past failures and try not to conjure up potential future failures. Focus on the present. Remain calm, relaxed and aware of your body. 4. **Stand on the balls of your feet.** Placing your weight on the balls of your feet prepares you to move quickly. Flexing your knees will transfer your weight from your heels to the balls of your feet. Avoid locking your knees or straightening your legs. 5. **Keep your eyes level.** Your outside eye--left eye if you are a lefty and right eye if you are a righty--should remain level with your inside eye. This will allow you to clearly see the ball leave the bowler’s hands with both eyes. It also will ensure that the rest of your body remains open and squared to the ball--your shoulders will stay level and your hips will remain opened. 6. **Raise your bat.** Before you can raise your bat high like the professionals, you need to master your stance. Only raise your bat to a level that allows you to keep your knees bent, your eyes level, and your body open. Having great posture at the crease will improve your timing more than looking like a professional. 7. **Point your elbow at the bowler as he runs into bowl.** This encourages you to play straight. You should aim to “rock the baby"" with your elbows as you drive the ball, rather than slogging across the line. 8. **Watch the ball.** While the bowler runs at you, keep both eyes focused on the ball. Zoning in on the ball will allow you to better judge the ball’s speed. Focus your eye on a seam of the ball. 9. **Begin the downswing of the bat.** Your should complete the downswing slowly. A slow, steady downswing allows you to watch the ball longer. It will prevent you from playing the ball too early, thus enabling you to accelerate the bat through the ball as you hit it. Sloggers swing hard and early, meaning they hit the ball too early and too slowly, spooning catches in the air. 10. **Point your toes and lean into the ball as you hit it.** With your knees bent and the weight on the balls of your feet, point your toes in the direction that you would like to hit the ball. You may choose to point your toe at the bowler as the batsmen of the “Golden Age” did. When your bat connects to the ball, transfer your body weight into the ball. 11. **Uncoil your wrists.** As the ball hits the bat, and not before, uncoil your wrists. This will add additional punch to the ball. This does not mean hitting everything to leg, you can throw your wrists to the off side as if you're playing a hockey shot. 12. **Extend your arms.** When cutting or hooking the ball, make sure your arms are fully extended. A cramped shot leads to a catch. 13. **Hit the ball.** You will hit the majority of balls along the ground. Of course, if you are trying to drive straight for a six, or score a run, you will hit the ball in the air and hope it goes over the boundary.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Draft a Purchase and Sale Agreement?,"Purchase and sale agreements are used most commonly when selling real estate. It is drafted after the buyer makes an offer and the seller accepts the offer. The agreement lays out important terms, such as the closing date, the amount of the deposit, and any special situations that would warrant canceling the agreement. The document is usually prepared either by the attorney or the Escrow Agent who handles the closing process. If you are selling your own home, then you may end up drafting a purchase and sale agreement. Be sure to show your draft to a qualified attorney. 1. **Format the document.** You should type up the purchase and sale agreement so that it is legible. You don't want the other side to claim that you hid information using small fonts, so set the font to a readable size and style. Times New Roman 12 point works for many people. If you are going to use your sale and purchase agreement more than once, then set it up as a template. Include blank lines for information that will change from contract to contract, such as the name of the purchaser and the purchase price. 2. **Insert a title.** At the top of the page, you should center the title between the left- and right-hand margins. Title your document something like “Purchase and Sale Agreement” or “Agreement to Purchase Real Estate.” 3. **Identify the parties to the sale.** You need to identify the purchaser and the seller at the start of your agreement. You could include blank lines for their names or insert a brief paragraph like the following: “[Insert the name of purchaser] (‘Purchaser’), offers and agrees to purchase from [insert the name of seller] (‘Seller’), upon the terms and conditions set forth herein, the property legally described as [insert legal description].” 4. **Add the legal description of property.** You need to accurately describe the property in your agreement, so find the legal description of property, which is on the deed. You can get a copy of the deed at your county’s Recorder of Deeds office. See Get a Legal Description of Property for more information. 5. **State the purchase price.** You can write: “The purchase price shall be [insert price]. After earnest money is credited, the remaining balance shall be paid by Purchaser at closing.” 6. **Identify any earnest money deposited.** Earnest money is a form of security deposit. It is how you show the seller that you are serious about buying the property. Without depositing earnest money, a potential buyer could claim to be interested in any number of homes, effectively removing them from the market. You should include a clause describing the amount of earnest money to be deposited and the deadline for depositing it. Sample language could read: “Earnest money in the amount of [insert amount] shall be paid to the Escrow Agent, [insert the name of agent and the address], in the form of check or money order. Purchaser shall deliver payment to Escrow Agent no later than 5:30 pm, five (5) calendar days after Seller’s acceptance of this agreement.” You should also clarify that the earnest money will be credited to the purchase price. 7. **Describe the financing.** You need to identify the purchaser's source of financing and ask for proof that they qualify for the financing. Generally, sufficient proof will be a letter from the purchaser's bank or lender. For example, if the buyer is using cash, then include the following: “This is a cash offer. The balance of the purchase price will be paid at closing by certified check.” You can also ask that the purchaser include a verification letter stating that funds are available. If the purchaser is getting a loan, then identify the loan type (e.g., VA, FHA, conventional, etc.) Also ask for a letter about the loan status and give a deadline for receiving the letter. 8. **List items included in the sale.** A home may come with personal property inside or “fixtures.” Fixtures are improvements made on the property that cannot be removed, such as bookshelves installed in the wall or a fireplace. You should identify any fixtures or items that will be sold with the property, such as: wall-to-wall carpeting attached light fixtures and bulbs attached mirrors heating and cooling equipment plumbing fixtures ceiling fans doors windows, screens, and storm windows built-in kitchen appliances security systems window treatments awnings fencing 9. **Identify items not included in the sale.** If there is anything the seller is taking with them, then be sure to list it in the purchase and sale agreement. For example, you might want to take your kitchen appliances with you. If so, be sure to list them. Also identify any leased items in the house. The purchaser needs to know that you don't own them. 10. **State whether the sale is conditioned on the buyer selling their home.** This is an important provision. It is often unrealistic to expect someone to purchase a home if they can't sell their current home. By including this provision, the purchaser can get out of the purchase if they can't sell their home. Alternately, the offer might not be contingent on the buyer selling their home. Either way, explain the situation: “This offer is contingent upon the sale and close of Purchaser’s property located at [insert location] within [insert number] days.” “This offer is not contingent upon the sale or close of property owned by Purchaser.” 11. **State what closing costs the seller must pay.** Generally, the seller needs to pay any existing loans or liens. Also, the seller pays real estate commissions, title insurance policy with the buyer to receive benefit, and the balance on any leased items that remain on the property. The seller shall also transfer any existing rental or lease deposits to the purchaser at closing. 12. **Explain what closing costs the buyer must pay.** The buyer can pay the deed and deed of trust recording fees, association transfer fees, transfer taxes, insurance (hazard and other), purchaser's settlement fees, and its own loan expenses. 13. **Explain who pays the taxes.** The house might sell in the middle of the tax year. Accordingly, you might want to prorate the taxes. You should explain whether taxes will be prorated and what the proration will be based on. For example, you can base the proration on the previous year's taxes, an agreed upon amount, or the most current county information. 14. **Warn the buyer to get an Inspection.** An inspection is a standard part of any home purchase. You should include a clause where the purchaser acknowledges that he or she has been advised to have the home inspected. Sample language could read: “Purchaser acknowledges that it has been recommended that Purchaser hire, at Purchaser’s own expense, the services of a professional inspector to inspect the property.” You can then include a space for the purchaser to initial. 15. **State whether the sale is contingent on an inspection.** Sometimes the purchaser will want the added protection of getting an inspection before finalizing the agreement. If so, you should state that the sale is contingent on the property inspection. You could write, “This offer is contingent upon Purchaser, at Purchaser’s expense, obtaining a property inspection and reports. The inspection may include the structural, mechanical, pest, and physical conditions relating to the property. Written notice shall be provided to Seller or Seller’s agent within five business days of acceptance of this agreement.” The purchaser may also waive the inspection. If so, include a line for the purchaser to initial their agreement to waive inspection. 16. **Identify options if the inspection is unsatisfactory.** You might get back a bad inspection report. In this situation, the purchaser might not to want to go through with the sale as is. Accordingly, you should explain options that each side can take: The purchaser could accept the condition. The seller could correct the condition and provide an inspector's certification that the condition has been corrected. The purchaser and seller will negotiate a settlement. The seller does nothing and the agreement becomes null and void within a certain number of days after the seller receives the inspection reports. 17. **Recommend that the purchaser get a survey.** You can include a provision where the buyer acknowledges that he or she has been advised to have a survey performed. If the purchaser decides to waive a survey, then you can include that information. Ask the purchaser to place their initials beside any waiver. 18. **List the seller's representations.** A “representation” is a statement of fact which the seller warrants is true at the time of contracting. If the fact turns out to be false, then the buyer can usually cancel the contract or sue. You should list the seller's representations. The following are typical representations: there are no violations of zoning, fire, or building codes the building is not in a floodplain or a Special Flood Hazard Area there are no boundary line disputes there are no violations of setback lines, easements, or property boundary lines 19. **Describe the deed conveyed.** Generally, the seller will transfer a general warranty deed to the purchaser. With a warranty deed, the seller is basically promising that they are the rightful owner of the property and that they have the right to transfer title. They also warrant that no one has a better claim to title. If these promises are false, then the buyer can sue for compensation. Sample language could read: “Seller will convey to Purchaser good and marketable title by a valid general warranty deed.” 20. **Describe how “risk of loss” passes.** The building might burn down between the date you sign a contract and the date you actually close. Who bears the risk? With a risk of loss provision, you can explain who bears the risk of an accident. A sample clause could read: “Seller is responsible for any loss or damage to the property before closing.” 21. **Include a dispute resolution clause.** If there is a dispute between the two parties, then they may end up in court. However, you can also choose ahead of time to resolve your dispute using mediation. You should include an agreement to mediate in the purchase and sale agreement. Sample language could read: “Any dispute arising out of, or relating to, this agreement will be submitted to a private mediation service. Any cost of mediation will be shared equally between Seller and Purchaser.” 22. **Identify the time for acceptance and closing.** The offer to sell doesn't last indefinitely. Instead, there is usually a deadline for acceptance. There is also a deadline for closing. You should include these dates in your purchase and sale agreement. For example, you could write: “This offer is void if not accepted by Seller in writing on or before [insert time and date]. Closing of the sale shall take place [insert number of days] after Purchaser’s receipt of an abstract showing marketable title in Seller or title insurance binder showing insurable title in Seller. This offer is made at [location] this [insert date].” Insert a signature line for the purchaser beneath this statement. 23. **Add the acceptance by seller.** You also need a provision where the seller explicitly states that it agrees to the contract. If the seller needs to pay a brokerage fee, then include that information here. Sample language could read: “The foregoing offer to purchase real estate is hereby accepted in accordance with the terms and conditions specified above. The undersigned hereby agrees to pay a brokerage fee of [insert fee amount] to [insert name of the broker] in accordance with the existing listing contract.” Then insert the date and a line for the seller's signature. 24. **Show your draft agreement to an attorney.** This article describes a basic purchase and sale agreement. Your needs may vary. To understand if anything is missing, you should show your draft to a qualified real estate attorney. You can find a real estate attorney by contacting your local or state bar association and getting a referral. Once you have the name of someone, call and schedule a meeting. Ask ahead of time how much the attorney charges.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Diagnose and Treat Pancreatitis in Cats?,"Feline pancreatitis--otherwise known as inflammation of the pancreas in cats--is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition. The pancreas is part of the endocrine and digestive systems, and plays in important role in digesting foods. When it becomes inflamed, it can secrete digestive enzymes and damage surrounding organs. By carefully diagnosing, treating, and managing feline pancreatitis you can help your cat go on to live a long and healthy life. 1. **Recognize possible causes.** There are a number of known causes of feline pancreatitis. However, feline pancreatitis sometimes occurs for reasons unknown. Some of the documented causes of pancreatic inflammation in cats include: Inflammatory bowel disease or liver disease. Diabetes mellitus. Abdominal trauma (such as being hit by a car). Infections (such as toxoplasmosis or feline distemper). Scorpion stings. 2. **Notice any behavioral changes.** This two most common symptoms of pancreatitis in cats are lack of appetite and severe lethargy. If your cat has stopped eating and/or seems unusually sleepy, weak, or lethargic, take them to see the vet immediately. Pancreatitis can be lethal if not treated right away. Lack of appetite and lethargy can be symptomatic of many other conditions as well. Any time your cat stops eating or seems listless they need to be taken to a vet right away. 3. **Look for additional symptoms.** Beyond simple lethargy and loss of appetite, there are other symptoms that can indicate inflammation of the pancreas. If you observe any of these symptoms in your pet, seek the advice of a veterinarian. Other symptoms can include: Fever. Weight loss. Dehydration. Depression. Increased heart rate. Difficulty breathing. 4. **Be prepared to answer some questions.** When you visit your vet, you must bring along some information. In order to properly diagnose your cat, your vet will ask a series of questions. You should be able to explain: The complete medical history of the cat (to the best of your knowledge). What (if any) medications your cat is taking. What symptoms you have noticed. When these symptoms began. If your cat has experienced any physical trauma. 5. **Run some tests.** In order to determine what is ailing your pet, the vet will need to perform a series of tests. In order to diagnose pancreatitis, these tests will likely include: A physical examination. Blood work. An ultrasound. A biopsy (if the cat is well enough to undergo the procedure). X-rays (to rule out other problems or asses trauma). 6. **Make sure you can afford treatment.** Pancreatitis does not have a standard cure. Instead, pancreatitis treatment is symptomatic and supportive, meaning that individual symptoms are dealt with and the cat's health is supported until the inflammation goes down. This generally involves around-the-clock care in a veterinary in-patient facility, and may also include medication. As such, the treatment of feline pancreatitis can cost thousands of dollars. Discuss the cost of treatment with your vet. Be prepared to put down at least half of the anticipated cost prior to treatment. 7. **Ensure adequate nutrition and hydration.** The best way for your cat's health to be supported as they heal from pancreatitis is to ensure that they stay hydrated and fed. Your vet may prescribe fluid therapy in order to keep your cat hydrated. They may also insert a feeding tube to keep your cat fed. 8. **Provide medication for your cat.** In addition to providing support, your vet will do whatever they can to treat acute symptoms. These symptoms will vary from cat to cat. Your vet my suggest any combination of the following: Anti-nausea medication (to stop any vomiting). Antibiotics (to treat infection). Pain medication (to help with pain). Corticosteriods (to reduce inflammation). 9. **Monitor your cat's hydration.** Hopefully, after a day or two your cat will be well enough to go home. Once at home, it is imperative for you to continue monitoring their hydration for at least the first week. Provide clean water. Make sure your cat is drinking every day. Make sure your cat is urinating every day. Follow any additional instructions from your vet. 10. **Ensure that your cat gets adequate rest.** After your cat returns home, they will need to rest and heal. You may need to limit your cat’s activity level in order to accommodate this. Make food and water bowls easily accessible. Make litter box(es) accessible. Limit play. Limit contact with other animals. 11. **Provide your cat with easily-digestible foods.** It is important for cats to continue eating healthy food during recovery. Unlike dogs, cats do not need to avoid food, and they do not need to consume a low-fat diet. Canned food is your ideal choice, if your cat will eat it. Provide cat food that : Is soft. Is easily digestible. Contains protein. Contains fat. Recommended and/or prescribed by your veterinarian. 12. **Attend any follow-up appointments.** Your veterinarian will want to schedule one or more follow-up appointments in order to ensure that your cat is healing properly. Be sure that you attend these appointments in order to best ensure the health of your cat. The number of and time-frame for these appointments will vary from cat to cat. 13. **Look for the reemergence of symptoms.** In some cats, the onset of pancreatitis results in chronic pancreatic inflammation. If you should notice the reemergence of any symptoms, take your cat to the vet right away. Once again, these symptoms may include: Loss of appetite. Severe lethargy. Fever. Weight loss. Dehydration. Depression. Increased heart rate. Difficulty breathing.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Treat Sunstroke?,"Sunstroke is a serious condition and should not be taken lightly. Sunstroke is a type of heatstroke caused by sun exposure; it happens if the body is exposed to hot temperatures for prolonged periods of time, causing body temperature to rise to 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. A cardinal feature of heatstroke is confusion, so you cannot always work out that you have it on your own, and it can be fatal. If you suspect someone has sunstroke, seeking immediate medical help is essential for their safety. If someone suffers from a heatstroke long enough, there are serious repercussions, including possible death. If at all possible, get medical attention right away. 1. **Call emergency services.** Depending on the symptoms and the person, you may wish to call your primary care physician or 911. Pay close attention to symptoms. Prolonged heatstroke damages the brain, causing anxiety, confusion, seizures, headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, hallucinations, coordination problems, unconsciousness, and restlessness. Sunstroke can also affect the heart, kidneys, and muscles. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Call emergency services if you observe any of the following symptoms: Signs of shock (ex. bluish lips and fingernails, confusion) Loss of consciousness A temperature over 102F (38.9C) Rapid breathing and/or pulse Weak heartbeat, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, and dark urine In some cases, they may be collapsed, agitated or even in cardiac arrest, so take care and start CPR if necessary Seizures. If the person is having seizures, clear the area for the patient’s safety. If you can, place a pillow under his head so it does not bang on the ground during the convulsions. If milder symptoms persist for an extended time (longer than an hour), make the call. 2. **Avoid medications.** Our first instinct is to take medicine when we don't feel good. If someone is suffering from sunstroke, certain medications will only make the situation worse. Don’t use medications for fever like aspirin or acetaminophen. These can be harmful during a heatstroke because they may increase bleeding, which can be a very serious issue with blistered sunburns. Medications for a fever work well on someone with an infection, not on someone with heatstroke. Don’t give the person anything by mouth if he is vomiting or unconscious. Anything that enters the person’s mouth could become a choking hazard. 3. **Cool the person down.** While you wait for emergency services, get the person to a shady, cool (preferably air-conditioned) area. Remove any clothing that is tight and heavy and get the person into a cool bath, shower, stream, or pond if possible. Avoid very cold temperatures. The same goes for using ice, which may also mask the signs of a slow heartbeat and cardiac arrest. Do not do this if the person is unconscious. You can put a cool, wet rag on the back of the neck, on the groin, and/or under the armpits. If you can, mist and fan the person to promote evaporative cooling. Either mist the person with cool water or place a wet sheet over their body before fanning them; this will cause evaporative cooling, which is faster than simply wetting the person. Help the person remove any extra clothing (hat, shoes, socks) to aid in the cooling process. Do not rub the person’s body with alcohol. This is an old wives' tale. Alcohol cools the body too quickly, which can result in a dangerous temperature fluctuation. Rub the person’s body with cool water, never alcohol. 4. **Replenish fluids and electrolytes.** Have the person sip either Gatorade or salty water (1tsp salt per qt water) to counteract both dehydration and the loss of salts through sweating. Don’t allow him to drink quickly, which can induce shock. If you don't have any salt or Gatorade, plain water will help also. 5. **Help the person stay calm.** When the patient stays calm, the patient can help. Minimize their agitation by having them breath deeply. Have them focus on other things besides the sunstroke. Anxiety will only make their blood pump faster, raising their temperature a little more. Read How to Calm Yourself During an Anxiety Attack for more pointers about how to help them calm themselves. Massage the person's muscles. Massage gently. Your goal is to increase the circulation in the muscles. Muscle cramps are one of the early symptoms of sunstroke. Usually the calf areas are most affected. 6. **Lay the person down.** One of the most prominent effects of sunstroke is fainting. Protect against fainting by laying the person down. If the person does faint, turn him onto his left side with his right leg bent for stabilization. This position is called the recovery position. Check the person's mouth for vomit, so they do not choke.The left side is the best side for blood flow because our hearts are on that side. 7. **Know who is at risk.** The elderly, workers in hot environments, obese, diabetics, those with kidney, heart, or circulation problems, and babies are at high risk. Those that have inactive or inefficient sweat glands are particularly susceptible to sunstroke. Avoid activities that force your body to retain heat, especially when it is hot outside like exercising, over-bundling your baby, or being out in the heat for too long without water. Certain medications also put people at greater risk. These include beta blockers, diuretics, and some medicines used to treat depression, psychosis, or ADHD. 8. **Pay attention to the weather.** If the heat index is above 90 degree fahrenheit or close to it, be cautious. Avoid taking babies and elderly people out into the heat. Be aware of the heat island effect. The heat island effect happens when the rural areas are cooler than the city areas. Those in the crowded city usually have increased temperatures ranging from 1.8–5.4 °F (−20 – −10 °C) higher than in rural areas. At nighttime, the difference can be up to 22 °F (−5.6 °C). It can happen in communities because of air pollution, greenhouse gases, water quality, air conditioning costs and energy consumption. Wear light clothing appropriate for the weather. 9. **Stay out of direct sunlight.** Take frequent breaks and find shady areas if working outside. Use sunscreen to avoid sunburn. Always wear a hat when out in the sun, especially if you are susceptible to sunstroke. One of the most unfortunate causes of sunstroke is sitting in a hot car. Do not sit in a hot car. And do not leave children alone in the car, even for a few minutes. If you decide to exercise, avoid the peak sun hours from 11:00am to 3:00 pm. 10. **Drink water to stay hydrated.** Watch your urine color, it should stay a light yellowish color. Don’t drink caffeine. This will tell the body to become stimulated when what it needs to do is calm down. Though black coffee is 95% water, the effect of caffeine on the body is harmful when the person has signs of sunstroke. The heart will beat harder and faster. 11. **Avoid alcoholic drinks outdoors on hot days.** Alcohol can interfere with body temperature by constricting your blood vessels, making it harder for blood to flow to keep you warm.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Play Ludo?,"Are you looking for a classic game that you can play with the whole family? With the perfect balance of luck and strategy, Ludo is super easy to learn and teach for your next game night. If you need a refresher on the rules or if you’re playing for the very first time, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading so you know how to set up the board and start playing! 1. **Place your 4 pieces in the corner of the same color.** Play a game of Ludo with 2–4 players of any age. Choose one of the 4 corners on the board as your home base and take all 4 pieces that are the same color. Put all 4 of the pieces inside of your home base to finish setting up. A Ludo board is split into 4 arms. Each arm has 3 columns of squares where the outer columns are part of the main track and the center, or “home column,” is the same color as one of the player’s pieces. 2. **Determine the first player by rolling the die.** Let each player take a turn rolling the die. Whoever rolls the highest number takes the first turn of the game. After that, each player takes turns going clockwise around the board. If you’re playing with younger kids, have the youngest person go first. If players tie for the highest number, re-roll the dice until someone wins. Variation: Some people may play Ludo using 2 dice instead of 1. Whoever has the highest total is the first player. 3. **Roll a 6 to move a piece out of your base onto the main track.** If you roll a 1-5, you can't use your roll to move a piece to the main track. The pieces in your home base aren’t considered “in the game” until they move onto the squares of the main track, so rolling 6s early will be key. Roll the die on your turn, and move your piece into the starting square on the board if you got a 6. If you get a 1–5 when all your pieces are in the home base, then your turn ends without making a move. 4. **Roll the die a second time after each time you get a 6.** After any time you roll a 6, you earn a bonus roll. When you roll a 1–5, move the piece on the starting space that number of squares clockwise around the board’s main track around the outside of the board. If you roll another 6, either choose to move the piece that’s in the starting space around the board or move a second piece from your base into the starting space. Additionally, you get another bonus roll. If you roll three 6s in a row, then your turn automatically ends. 5. **End your turn after moving a piece if you didn’t roll a 6.** Once you move a piece after rolling any number besides a 6, end your turn. Hand the die to the next player on your left so they can take their turn. 6. **Roll the die to move a piece during each of your turns.** At the start of each turn, roll the die. If you have multiple pieces in play on the board, choose one of them to move during your turn. Any time you roll a 6, you have the option to move a piece out of your home base onto the main track or move a different piece around the board. If you don’t have any pieces on the main track and you didn’t roll a 6 to move one from your home base, end your turn without doing anything. Variation: If you’re playing with 2 dice, you can split the dice between 2 pieces or move a single piece the total number. So if you rolled a 2 and a 4, you could either move one piece 2 spaces and another piece 4 spaces, or move a single piece 6 spaces. 7. **Land in a space with an opponent's piece to send it back to their base.** If the dice roll makes you land exactly in the same space as another player’s piece, take their piece off of the board. Place the piece back in their home base to set them back. On their turn, the other player must roll a 6 again to get the piece back onto the board’s main track. 8. **Move onto the same space as one of your pieces to make a block.** If you land on the same square as another one of your pieces, place them next to or on top of each other to create the block. The other players cannot land on or pass the square with a block, but you can still move through them with your pieces to get ahead on the board. If there is a block 3 spaces away from your piece and you roll a 4, you cannot move and must pass your turn. On a future turn, you’re allowed to split the movement between the pieces you’re blocking with if you roll an even number. For example, if you roll a 4, you could move both pieces forward 2 spaces. If you’re not able to move any other piece, you must move one of the pieces you’re using to block. 9. **Try to land on marked safe spaces (if your board has them).** Some versions of Ludo have additional markings on certain spaces, such as globes or stars. When you land on a globe, your piece can’t be captured by another player, so you’re safe until you move it again. If you land on a star, then move forward on the board to the next star on the track. If another player has their piece on a globe space that’s the same as your starting space, you can capture it by rolling a 6 and moving one of your pieces out from your home base. 10. **Move your pieces into your home column once you go around the board.** Make 1 complete lap clockwise around the board’s main track until you reach the bottom square of the home column. Rather than continuing around the outer track, now your piece can move into the home column toward the finishing square in the middle. Only pieces that match the color of the home column are allowed to move into them. Once you move a piece into the home column, it can’t be captured by any other players. 11. **Roll the exact number you need to get pieces into the finishing square.** Once you move a piece into your home column, you cannot jump over your own pieces. If you roll the exact number of spaces you need to reach the finishing square in the middle of the board, then move your piece there. If you roll a lower number, you’re still able to move that many spaces forward, but if you roll higher, you must choose a different piece to move. Example: If you have 1 space to move and roll a 2 or higher, you cannot move that piece into the finishing square. 12. **Win the game by moving all 4 of your pieces to the finishing square.** Continue taking turns and moving your pieces around the board and into your home column. Roll the exact number you need for each of your pieces so you’re able to move them into the finishing square. As soon as a player gets all 4 of their pieces into the middle of the board, they’ve won the game!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Diagnose and Treat Megacolon in Cats?,"Megacolon is a fairly common issue in cats that occurs when the large intestine (or colon) is distended and filled with feces in a severe form of constipation. Megacolon may occur as the result of another medical condition, or as a condition all its own. If left untreated, this condition can be quite serious as it causes distress to the cat who is unable to toilet properly. Fortunately, your vet can help. By carefully diagnosing and treating feline megacolon, you can relieve your cat's distress and manage their symptoms for a comfortable life. 1. **Recognize possible causes.** By knowing the potential causes of megacolon, you can help to better diagnose your cat. Although megacolon sometimes occurs as a primary condition, it usually comes the result of one or more of the following: Colon muscles that do not contract normally Prolonged constipation Physical trauma resulting in a fractured pelvis Ingesting non-digestible items Neurological disorders 2. **Track symptoms.** Pay attention to your cat's bathroom behavior. If they have stopped defecating, appear to be having trouble doing so, or seem to be in abdominal pain, there is a chance that they could be suffering from megacolon. If you notice such symptoms, you should seek veterinary care. Any time your cat stops eating or seems unusually lethargic, seek help right away. Symptoms of megacolon include: Difficulty defecating Pain while defecating, accompanied by wincing or meowing Blood in fecal matter Abdominal pain Loss of appetite Vomiting Defecating outside the litter box 3. **Be prepared to answer some questions.** When you visit your vet, plan to bring along some information. In order to properly diagnose your cat, your vet will ask a series of questions. Be prepared to describe: The complete medical history of the cat (to the best of your knowledge) What (if any) medications your cat is currently taking What symptoms you have noticed When these symptoms began If your cat has experienced any physical trauma 4. **Run some tests.** In order to determine what is going on with your pet, the vet will need to perform a series of tests. If your cat is showing symptoms of megacolon, your vet is likely to perform: General physical examination Rectal examination X-rays Additional diagnostic tests (such as blood work, urinalysis, and/or ultrasound) 5. **Determine and address the cause.** If your vet is able to determine the underlying cause of megacolon in your cat, the best course of action is for your vet to address this root cause. Additional diagnostic tests may be performed to help determine this cause, and a treatment plan will be devised. These tests may include: Abdominal ultrasound Contrast studies Additional blood work Colonoscopy 6. **Administer an enema.** Whether or not a root cause is determined, perhaps the best way to relieve the distress on your cat's colon is for your vet to perform an enema. In order to do this: Your cat will be placed under anesthesia Fluid will be injected into your cat's colon The blocked feces will be manually expressed 7. **Provide medication.** Your vet will likely suggest the use of medication to help relieve your cat's condition and to prevent future constipation. Depending on the nature of your cat's megacolon, you may be asked to continue providing medication after your cat returns home. Such medications will likely include: Cisapride, which initiates colon contraction Lactulose, which acts as a stool softener 8. **Perform a colectomy.** If your cat's megacolon is especially severe, and/or if other medical treatments have not been successful, your vet may wish to perform a colectomy. This surgery involves removing a portion of your cat's large intestine. Should this be needed, be aware that this surgery involves: General anesthesia An overnight stay in the animal hospital Recovery time where you cat will need accommodations Significant medical fees 9. **Alter your cat's diet.** In order to help heal megacolon, and to help prevent its return, you may be asked to place your cat on a high-fiber diet. Ask your vet for recommended brands and portion guidelines. Look for cat food labeled ""high fiber."" You can find these at pet stores, grocery stores, through your vet, or online. 10. **Ensure proper hydration.** Dehydration is a major factor in constipation. In order for your cat to recover from megacolon, it is important for you to monitor their hydration for at least a week after you see your vet. In order to do this, you can: Provide fresh water Make sure your cat is drinking every day Make sure your cat is urinating every day Include canned food in their diet Add water to their dry food Follow any additional instructions from your vet 11. **Be vigilant for signs of constipation.** Note how often your cat relieves itself. If your cat becomes constipated, you may be able to help. Ask your vet about how to use a micro enema at home. At the first sign of constipation, this simple home intervention could prevent a larger problem from developing. 12. **Let your cat rest.** In order to recover, your cat will need to rest. Consider limiting your cat's activity level and making any necessary accommodations. You may need to: Relocate food and water bowls Relocate litter boxes Limit playtime Limit your cat's contact with other pets 13. **Attend any follow-up appointments.** Depending on the severity of your cat's condition, as well any underlying causes, your veterinarian may want to schedule one or more follow-up appointments with your cat. In order to ensure that your cat is healing properly, it is important for you to attend these appointments. The number of appointments (if any), as well as their frequency will vary based on a number of factors. These include: Your cat's age Other health problems present The underlying cause of megacolon in your cat (if any) The likelihood of reoccurrence",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Speak Basic French?,"French is a beautiful, romantic language, and it’s spoken in countries all around the world. If you’d like to learn basic French, start with practical words and phrases. Work on greetings, polite expressions, introducing yourself, and other simple conversational skills. Practice your pronunciation and, if you want to dig a little deeper, learn more about the language’s grammar and structure. To study French effectively, make flashcards, read easy French children’s books, and write simple daily journal entries in French. 1. **Greet people by saying “salut,” “bonjour,” and “bonsoir.”** From starting conversations to greeting passersby, saying hello is the first step in learning basic French. Say “bonjour” (bon-zhur) for the most basic greeting. The “j” in “bonjour” is soft; it’s a “zh” sound, or a combination between “sh” and “j.” Pronounce the “n” just slightly, but try not to let the tip of your tongue hit the roof of your mouth as you would in English. French is pronounced with the back of the mouth and nose more than front of the mouth. Bonjour literally means “good day,” and is a more formal way to say hello. Say “salut” (sa-loo) for an informal expression, like “hi” in English. It’s also best to use bonjour during the day. At night, say, “bonsoir” (bon-swarh), which means “good evening.” 2. **Say “au revoir,” “bonne nuit,” or “salut” to bid farewell.** “Au revoir” (ohr-vwah) is the best-known way to say goodbye in French. Literally, it means “until we see each other again.” For a more informal expression, you could use “salut,” which can mean either “hi” or “bye.” While it’s Italian, the French also sometimes use “ciao,” too, such as “Ciao, salut.” You can also say, “bonne nuit” (bon-nwee), which means “goodnight.” 3. **Practice saying the alphabet to get a feel for French phonics.** Pronounce the vowels a, e, i o, and u as “ah,” “eh,” “ee,” “oh,” and “oo.” Consonants like b and c, which sound like “bee” and “see” in English, are pronounced “bay” and “say” in French. Pronounce the alphabet in French like this: “ah (a), bay (b), say (c), day (d), eh (e), eff (f), zhee (g), osh (h), ee (i), zhay (j), kay (k), elle (l), em (m), en (n), oh (o), pay (p), koo (q), air (r), ess (s), tay (t), oo (u), vay (v), doo-bluh-vay (w), eex (x), ee-grek, (y), zed (z).” Practicing the alphabet can help you get to know how vowel and consonant sounds work in French. This can improve your pronunciation, even if you just want to learn how to say a few practical phrases. 4. **Work on learning how to count in French.** Whether you’re ordering in a restaurant or telling someone how old you are, knowing your numbers will come in handy. Break it up into steps, and you’ll be able to count to 1,000 in no time. On the first day, practice 1 through 10, then work on 11 through 20, and memorize the rest of the tens digits (30, 40, 50, and so on) the next day. The numbers 1 through 10 in French are “un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix.” Say them like this: “uhn (1), duh (2), trwah (3), katreh (4, the “reh” is subtle, and isn’t a distinct syllable), sank (5), sees (6, the “s” sounds are soft, like “cease”), sept (7), weet (8), nuhf (9, it sounds like “surf” without the “r”), dees (10, it rhymes with “cease”). For a list of numbers with a helpful pronunciation feature, see 5. **Master practical phrases if you’re a traveler.** If you’re visiting a French-speaking location, learn how to ask useful questions, such as “Do you speak English?” or “Where is the bathroom?” Keep in mind there are 2 words for “you” in French; “vous” is polite, and “tu” is informal. Use “tu” if you’re talking to a friend, and “vous” if you’re asking a passerby for directions. To ask “Do you speak English,” say, “Parlez-vous anglais?” (par-lay voo ahn-glay). For the informal version, ask “Parle-tu anglais?” (parl-too ahn-glay). If you’re at a restaurant, say, “Je voudrais” (zhuh voo-dray), which means “I would like.” For instance, tell the waiter, “Je voudrais une salade” (zhuh voo-dray oon sah-lod), which means “I would like a salad. In an informal setting ask, “Où sont les toilettes?” (oo, sohn lay twah-lette) if you need to find the restroom. If you’re at a formal dinner party at someone’s home, ask the host, “Excusez-moi, où est-ce que je peux me rafraîchir?” (eh-skew-zay-mwah, oo ess-kuh zhuh puh muh rah-fray-sheer), which means “Excuse me, where can I freshen up?” Many French speakers know English but, if you’re in France, it’s polite to excuse yourself for not knowing French: “Je suis désolé, mais je ne parle pas français” (Zhuh swee day-zo-lay, may zhuh-nuh parl pah frahn-say). This means “I’m sorry, but I don’t speak French. 6. **Memorize the French words for please and thank you.** It’s always wise to be polite if, say, you’re asking for directions or ordering at a restaurant. Recall that there are 2 ways of saying “you.” Likewise, there are formal and informal ways of saying “please.” The formal way of saying “please” is “s'il vous plaît” (see voo play). Say, for instance, “Excusez-moi, s'il vous plaît, parle-tu anglais?” (eh-skew-zay-mwah, see voo play, parl-too ahn-glay), which means “Excuse me, please, do you speak English?” The less formal version of “please” is “s'il te plaît” (see teh play). Ask your friend, “Je voudrais de l’eau, s'il te plaît” (zhuh voo-dray deh low, see teh play), which means “I’d like some water, please.” “Merci” (mair-see) means “thank you.” To say “Thank you very much” or “Thanks a lot,” say “Merci beaucoup” (mair-see bow-koo) or “Merci bien” (mair-see bee-ehn). To say “You’re welcome,” use “Je vous en prie” (zhuh voo-zawn pree), which is more polite, or “De rien” (deh ree-ehn), which is less formal. 7. **Learn how to ask and respond to “How are you” in French.** To ask someone how they’re doing, say “Comment allez-vous?” (koh-mah tahl-ay voo). This is the polite version; less formal alternatives include “Comment vas-tu?” (koh-mah vah-too) and “Ça va?” (sah vah). If someone asks how you’re doing, you could respond, “Très bien (treh bee-ehn), which means “very good.” Other responses include “Pas mal” (pah mahl), which means “not bad,” and “Ça va” (sah vah), or “It’s going.” 8. **Practice telling others about yourself.** Learn how to tell people your name, age, and where you’re from, and to ask others about themselves. To introduce yourself, say, “Je m'appelle” ('zhuh mah-pell), which means “My name is.” To ask someone their name, ask “Comment vous appelez-vous?” (koh-mah voo zah-play voo), which is more polite, or “Comment tu t'appelles? (koh-mah too tah-pell), which is informal. Ask, “Quel âge as-tu” (kell-ozh ah-too) or the formal “Quel âge avez-vous” (kell-ozh ah-vay-voo) to ask someone’s age. To respond, say, “J'ai 18 ans” (zhay deez-weet ahn), which literally means “I have 18 years.” “Où habitez-vous” (oo ah-bee-tay voo) and Où habites-tu?” (oo ah-beet too) mean “Where do you live.” You’d say, “J’habite à New York, mais je suis de Canada” (zha-beet ah New York, may zhuh swee deh Canada), which means “I live in New York, but I’m from Canada.” 9. **Practice your pronunciation, especially the French “R.”** Listen to spoken French, and practice mimicking the way sounds are formed in the throat instead of the front of the mouth. For example in English, the “r” sound is made in the front of the mouth with the lips and teeth. French speakers, on the other hand, make the “r” sound by drawing the back of the tongue close to the soft palate. One of the best ways to improve your pronunciation is to get a French speaker to correct your mistakes. If you know a native speaker or someone who’s fluent, ask them to help you develop a better accent. 10. **Familiarize yourself with gendered words.** In French, all nouns and adjectives are either masculine or feminine. Many words that end in “e” are feminine, but keep in mind there are lots of exceptions! The key thing to know is that the adjective’s gender must match the noun’s gender. Additionally, if a noun is plural, an adjective that describes it must also be plural. You’d use “Sam est petit,” (Sam eh puh-tee) to say Sam, who’s a boy, is short. If Sam and Beth, who are girls, are both short, you’d say “Sam et Beth sont petites” (Sam aye Beth sohn puh-teet). Articles, such as “the” and “a,” also need to match the gender and number. “Un” and “une” (uh and oohn) are the masculine and feminine versions of “a.” “Le,” “la,” and “les” (luh, lah, and lay) are the masculine, feminine, and plural ways of saying “the.” You’d use “l’” for words that begin with vowels: “l’école.” If you’re describing yourself, make sure the adjective matches your gender. For instance, “Je suis américain” (zhuh sweez-ah-may-ree-keh) is masculine, and “Je suis américaine” (zhuh sweez-ah-may-ree-kenn) is feminine. 11. **Learn about how the verb “to have” is used in French.** Knowing when to use “être” (to be) and “avoir” (to have) can get a little tricky, but it’s a key aspect of basic French. In French, you’d use the verb “to have” to say “I’m hungry” and “I’m thirsty.” For instance, the literal translations of “J’ai faim” (zhay feh) and “J’ai soif” (zhay swof) are “I have hunger” and “I have thirst.” To ask someone if they’re hungry, use “Avez-vous faim?” (ah-vay voo feh) or “As-tu faim? (ah-too feh). Swap out “faim” with “soif” (swof) to ask if they’re thirsty, and “sommeil” (soh-may) to ask if they’re sleepy. The verb “to have” is always used to express conditions such as hunger, thirst, and fatigue. Use “être” (to be) for adjectives such as gender and nationality. 12. **Memorize daily or weekly vocabulary lists.** Make vocabulary lists at your own pace. For instance, make a list of 10 new words or phrases every day, or use a word of the day calendar to add 1 new word to your vocabulary per day. When you study, review your previous list or word to keep it fresh, then move on to new material. Try making themed lists, such as foods, body parts, and household objects. If you're traveling to a francophone country and want to study vacation-related vocabulary words, check out 13. **Make flashcards to build your vocabulary.** Write down a word in French on one side of the flashcard, and the translation on the other. When you write down the French word and its translation, say them out loud. Quiz yourself, or have someone help you study your flashcards. Seeing, writing, and speaking the translations out loud can help you commit your vocabulary words to memory. 14. **Watch French movies and TV shows.** French is spoken rapidly, so try renting or buying French films or TV shows to get used to hearing and understanding the language. You can also search for videos on YouTube and other streaming services. You may be able to select French dubbing for English TV shows and movies on DVD, so check audio menus. 15. **Read children’s books in French.** Flashcards can help build your vocabulary, but you should also try to learn how to use the words in context. The language in children’s books is simple, and illustrations can help you guess words that you don’t know. Look online or at a library for French children’s books. You can also download free or cheap ebooks on your e-reader or other electronic device. 16. **Write journal entries about your day in French.** Once you have a grasp of basic French, practice writing a few short sentences in French every day. They don’t have to be complex, especially when you first begin. To reinforce your vocabulary, try incorporating words from your daily or weekly lists. For instance, you might write, “Aujourd’hui c’est dimanche, le 7 Octobre. J’ai déjeuné avec ma cousine. J’ai mangé une salade de poulet, de la laitue, des épinards, des oignons, et des tomates.” That translates to “Today is Sunday, October 7. I had lunch with my cousin. I had a salad with chicken, lettuce, spinach, onions, and tomatoes.” If you have a friend or relative who speaks French, ask them to read your entries and correct any errors.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Stop Kittens from Crying.,"Are you the proud parent of a new kitten? These cuddly and cute creatures are growing rapidly and have many needs. But your sweet new kitten may cry often, which can cause you distress. By figuring out the cause of its cries and giving it comfort, you can stop it from crying and form a strong bond. 1. **Learn about kitten development.** Kittens go through specific phases of development. Learning about these may help you figure out why your kitten is crying and the best way to console it. The stages of a kitten’s development are: Birth to 2 weeks: the kitten orients towards sound and its eyes open, separation from its mother or littermates may lead to behavioral issues. 2 to 7 weeks: your kitten begins socializing and playing and may wean at around 6 to 7 weeks, though it may continue to suckle for comfort. 7 to 14 weeks: your kitten increasingly socializes and increases its physical coordination. Kittens shouldn’t be separated from their mothers or littermates before 12 weeks to minimize the risk of developing problematic behaviors. In addition, kittens who are gently handled for 15 to 40 minutes daily for their first 7 weeks are more likely to develop larger brains. 2. **Identify the causes of kittens crying.** Kittens may cry for a lot of different reasons, from being separated too early to being hungry. Recognizing the reasons for why kittens cry may help you identify their specific cries and give them the comfort they need. Your kitten might cry because: It’s been separated from her mother or littermates too early. It wants comfort or attention. It is hungry. It is cold. It has a disease that can cause her to feel unusually hungry or restless. It has to go to the bathroom. 3. **Recognize that kittens meow and cry.** Although you might find that your kitten is crying or mewing too much, it may just be expressing itself. Recognizing that all kittens and cats meow as a normal part of their behavior may help you get used to them crying on occasion. Determine for yourself when the crying is excessive or because of a need and to if you need to stop it. Be aware that some cat breeds, such as Siamese, are more prone to a lot of meowing. 4. **Visit your vet.** If you’re not sure about what is causing your kitten’s crying or you’re worried about its health, schedule an appointment with your vet. She can help figure out why your kitten is crying and suggest the best way to get it to stop. Tell your vet when the meowing started and if anything helps or makes it worse. Consider telling your vet how long your kitten was with its mother and littermates. Bring your kitten’s medical records with you if you have them. Answer any questions your vet has honestly so that your kitten gets the treatment it may need. 5. **Hold your kitten.** Most kittens like the comfort of being held and stroked by their human parent. It can mimic the comfort its mother gives and has the benefit of socializing it and helping it develop optimally. Handle your kitten gently. Pick it up using both hands so that it is supported and won’t fall. Avoid picking it up by the neck to minimize the risk of injuring it. Hold your kitten in your arm like a baby—it may not want to be on its back, but can also lie in your arm by snuggling its nose into the crook of your elbow. Put a blanket in your arm for your kitten to snuggle into. Avoid putting a blanket over your kitten, which might scare it. 6. **Stroke your kitten gently.** Either when you pick it up or if it is next to you, stroke or pet your kitten gently. This may calm it and stop it from crying and can help form a strong bond between you. Focus on petting your kitten’s head and neck and under its chin. Avoid your kitten's tail and other sensitive areas. Make sure to not pet it with too much force. Brush your kitten twice a week or more often if it likes that. 7. **Talk to your kitten.** Interaction is an important part of a kitten’s development and bonding experience with you. Talk to your kitten if it cries and whenever you interact with it, which lets it know that you’re communicating with it, too. Talk to your kitten when you pet and hold it, or feed it, or whenever it approaches you. Keep your tone soft and don’t yell, which can scare it. Say things that include its name and praise your kitten. For example, “do you want me to pick you up, Sam? Aw, you like that a lot don’t you? You’re such a good and sweet kitten.” 8. **Play with your kitten.** Play is another important part of a kitten’s development and bonding experience with you. Crying may signal that your kitten wants attention and playing is a good way to provide it. Have a supply of age-appropriate toys for your kitten, like balls and larger toy mice it can’t swallow. Keep a scratching pad on hand, too. Toss a ball back and forth to your kitten. Wrap a toy around a string and let her chase it. Make sure to watch your kitten and store the toy where it can’t reach it when you’re not playing. Kittens can eat strings which can cause major intestinal issues or even death. 9. **Make your kitten a comfortable bed.** Giving your kitten a cozy place to sleep can help comfort and calm it, which could help with its crying. You can purchase a cat bed or line a box with a soft towel or blanket. Consider lining the bed with an item you’ve used like a sweatshirt or even blanket. This will help your kitten get used to your scent. 10. **Feed your kitten.** Kittens need nutritious food to support their growing bodies and promote their health. Giving your kitten enough to eat may help it to stop crying. Moisten your kitten’s canned food with milk replacer up to 10 weeks. It should be about the consistency of oatmeal. This is especially useful is it was weaned early or orphaned. Avoid regular milk because this might upset your kitten’s stomach. Put your kitten’s food in ceramic or metal bowls. Some kittens may be sensitive to plastic. Have a separate bowl of fresh water available for your kitten. Make sure your kitten’s food and water are fresh and that the bowls are clean. 11. **Clean your kitten's litter box.** Cats and kittens are very sensitive about cleanliness, especially of their litter boxes. Keep your kitten’s litter box clean and available to it, which may also stop your kitten from crying. Make sure the litter box is small enough so that your kitten can easily get in and out of it. Use low-dust unscented litter. Scoop any material out as soon as you can. Do it daily to encourage your kitten to use it. Place the litter box away from your kitten's food. Kittens don’t like their food near their litter. 12. **Give your kitten its medication.** If your vet determines that your kitten is crying because it is sick, give your kitten any medications and treatments your vet prescribed. These can help your kitten heal and may stop excessive crying or meowing. Make sure your kitten gets its full course of medication. Ask you vet any questions you have about administering the medication with as little trauma to your kitten as possible 13. **Avoid ignoring or scolding your kitten.** Unless you know for certain that your kitten wants something from you it can’t have, avoid ignoring its needs. Your kitten may not have access to its litter or may be out of water. Likewise, don’t scold your kitten for crying too much. It is not only not likely to stop it from crying, but may make it fear you.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Overcome Sadness?,"Everyone experiences sadness at some point or other in their lives. Studies have shown that sadness lasts longer than many other emotions because we tend to spend more time thinking about it. Ruminating, or going over our sad thoughts and feelings again and again, can lead to depression and keep you from overcoming sadness. There are several things you can do to help yourself through the hard times. 1. **Cry it out.** Some studies suggest that crying may have a relaxing effect on the body by releasing endorphins, a natural “feel-good” chemical in your body. Crying may also activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which helps your body recover from stress and trauma. Several studies suggest that crying is a useful coping mechanism because it communicates pain to others. It may also encourage others to show support. Dr. William Frey’s idea that crying removes toxins from the body is very popular in the media. This may be true, although the amount of toxins eliminated by crying is negligible. Most tears are reabsorbed in your nasal cavity. One study suggested that whether you feel better after crying is linked to how your culture views crying. If your culture (or even your family) views crying as something shameful, you may not feel better after crying. Don’t make yourself cry if you don’t feel like it. While popular wisdom holds that not crying after a sadness-provoking incident is unhealthy, this is not the case. Crying because you feel obligated to may actually keep you from recovering. 2. **Exercise** Several studies have shown that exercise releases endorphins and other chemicals that can help fight sadness. One study showed that participants who did moderate exercise over a 10-week period felt more energetic, positive, and calm than those who did not. In addition, the benefits of exercise were greater for people experiencing depressed mood. Exercise will also give you a time to focus on one specific goal. This may help distract you from focusing on your sadness. You don’t have to run a marathon or be a gym rat to see the benefits of exercise. Even light activities such as gardening and walking show a positive effect. 3. **Smile** Several studies have shown that smiling, even when you are sad, can help you feel better.Duchenne smiles, or smiles that engage your eye muscles as well as those near your mouth, have the strongest positive effect on your mood. So if you are feeling sad, try to smile. Even if you don’t feel like it at first, it may help you feel more positive. In fact, Research has also showed the opposite: people who frown when they feel unhappy are likely to feel more unhappy than those who do not (or cannot) frown. 4. **Listen to music** Listening to music can help soothe and relax you. Why you choose to listen to music is as important as what you listen to. Listening to “beautiful but sad” classical music that you enjoy may help people work through their own sadness. It’s not a good idea to use music to reminisce about sad situations or experiences. Research has shown that this may make your sadness worse. Choosing music that you find beautiful is the most effective way to relieve sadness. If sadness has you feeling stressed out, the British Academy of Sound Therapy has put together a playlist of the “world’s most relaxing music” according to science. These songs include music by Enya, Airstream, Marconi Union, and Coldplay. 5. **Shower or bathe in warm water.** Research has shown that physical warmth has a comforting effect. Taking a warm bath or a hot shower will help you relax. It may also help you soothe your feelings of sadness. 6. **Acknowledge your feelings.** Sadness is normal and can even be healthy. Research has shown that experiencing mixed feelings and negative feelings is crucial to mental well-being. Many studies have shown that people who apologize for or repress their feelings actually intensify those negative feelings. Try to acknowledge your emotions without judging yourself for them. It’s easy to think, “This isn’t a big deal, why am I so sad about it?” Instead, accept your emotions for what they are. This will help you manage them. Try giving yourself 20-30 minutes to really think about why you're feeling down. 7. **Distract yourself** Studies have shown that rumination, or the process of going over and over your feelings of sadness, hinders recovery. Distracting yourself from ruminating on your sadness may help you overcome it. Find pleasant things to do. Doing things that you enjoy can help you overcome sadness, even if you don’t initially feel like doing them. Go for a walk. Take an art class. Find a new hobby. Learn how to play classical guitar. Whatever it is that you get enjoyment out of, make yourself do it. Interact with friends. Interacting with loved ones can boost your body’s production of oxytocin. Go to a movie, grab a coffee, or go on a blind date. Studies have shown that retreating from others can worsen depressive symptoms, including sadness. You can also reach out to your friends for extra support when you're going through a tough time. 8. **Practice mindfulness.** Mindfulness is based on acknowledging your experiences and accepting them without judging them or yourself. Research has shown that practicing mindfulness can actually change how your brain responds to sadness. It can also help you recover from sadness faster. Because mindfulness focuses on remaining in the present moment, it can help you avoid rumination. 9. **Try meditation.** A common mindfulness technique is mindfulness meditation. Several studies have shown that mindfulness meditation can reduce your brain’s responses to negative emotional stimuli. Mindfulness meditation can also alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. A basic mindfulness meditation takes about 15 minutes and can help reduce your stress, anxiety, and sadness. Find a quiet, comfortable place. Sit, either in a chair or on the floor with your legs crossed. Loosen tight clothing and make yourself comfortable. Choose one aspect of your breathing to focus on. This could be the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe, or the sensation of air going through your nostrils. Focus your concentration on that element. Inhale slowly through your nose. Allow your abdomen to relax and expand as you fill your lungs. Slowly exhale through your mouth. Continue breathing as you expand your focus. Notice the sensations you feel. These could include the feeling of your clothes against your skin or the beat of your heart. Acknowledge these sensations but don’t judge them. If you find yourself getting distracted, return to focusing on your breathing. With enough practice, mindfulness can be a great strategy to help you regulate your emotions. 10. **Take up yoga or tai chi.** Yoga and Tai Chi have been shown to relieve stress and elevate mood. These effects may be because of the emphasis on “self-awareness” in these forms of exercise. Many studies have shown that Yoga and Tai Chi help relieve physical and psychological pain. Taking classes with others may provide more relief than doing these exercises on your own. 11. **Know what may cause grief.** Grief is the feeling of sadness that comes when you lose something or someone you value. How individuals grieve differs widely, but grief is a natural reaction to loss. Some common types of loss include: Losing a loved one, such as a friend, relative, or romantic partner Knowing a loved one is experiencing serious illness Losing a relationship Losing a pet Scoring less in any test or exam Leaving home or moving to a new home Losing a job or a business Losing important or sentimental objects Losing physical abilities 12. **Recognize natural grief reactions.** Everyone reacts to grief and loss in their own way. There is no one “right” way to grieve. Some reactions to loss include: Disbelief. It can be hard to accept that the loss has occurred. You may experience thoughts such as “This can’t be happening” or “This doesn’t happen to people like me.” Confusion. You may have trouble concentrating immediately after a loss. You may also experience forgetfulness or have trouble expressing your thoughts and feelings. Numbness. You may experience feelings of emotional numbness early in the grieving process. This may be your brain’s way of keeping you from feeling overwhelmed. Anxiety. It’s natural to feel anxious, nervous, or worried after a loss, especially if the loss was sudden. Relief. This emotion can cause people a lot of shame, but it is also a natural response. You may feel relieved that a loved one who had suffered through a long, painful illness is finally at peace. Do not judge yourself for this feeling. Physical symptoms. You may experience a variety of physical symptoms after a loss. These could include feeling breathless, headaches, nausea, weakness, and fatigue. You may have trouble sleeping, or you may feel like sleeping all the time. 13. **Do not judge your feelings.** It is common for people who have lost material objects or pets to feel embarrassed, as though they “shouldn’t” grieve these losses. Avoid these “should” statements and accept your grief. It is never wrong to grieve a loss of something or someone you value. Some research has shown that the death of a beloved pet may hurt as much as losing a family member. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has a “Pet Loss Hotline.” They can help you with issues including when to euthanize an ill pet, how to handle your grief, and how to love a new pet. Their number is 1-877-GRIEF-10. 14. **Understand the stages of grief.** Almost everyone experiences grief in five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Not everyone goes through the stages in this order. For many people, grief forms a cycle of stages that gradually lessens over time. These stages are not prescriptive. They should not tell you how to feel. Use them as a way to recognize what you’re feeling and deal with that. Never feel guilty for how you experience grief. The stages may not occur as separate stages. You may experience several stages overlapping. You may not experience some stages at all. There is no single normal experience of loss. Your experience of grief is natural and unique to you. 15. **Recognize denial.** Denial is usually one of the first reactions to a loss or bad news. It often manifests as a feeling of numbness. It may also include thoughts like “This isn’t real,” “I can’t handle this,” or even “I feel fine.” A common thought while experiencing denial is wishing that it was “all a dream.” Don’t confuse feeling numb or in shock as “not caring.” Denial is your mind’s way of protecting you from intense emotion as you adjust to your new situation. You may care very deeply about someone and still react with numbness or denial. 16. **Recognize anger.** Anger is another natural reaction to loss. This feeling may manifest as thoughts such as “It’s not fair” or “Why did this happen to me?” You may look for someone or something to blame for your loss. Anger is a common response to feeling as though you have lost control of a situation. It is also a common response to feeling like you have been harmed. Talk with a grief counselor and/or support group as you experience anger. It can be difficult to manage anger on your own. It’s important to talk with people who will not judge your anger but can help you through it. 17. **Recognize bargaining.** Bargaining thoughts and feelings may occur some time after the initial loss. These thoughts may be about what you “could have done” to prevent the loss. You may feel extremely guilty. You may fantasize about going back in time and doing things differently to prevent this loss. It’s important to seek help during this stage too. If you cannot resolve your feelings of guilt, you may not be able to help yourself heal. Talk to a mental health professional or find a grief support group. 18. **Recognize depression.** Depression is a very common reaction to loss. It may last for only a short time, or it may take a long time to recover from. It’s important to seek professional mental health help as you work through depression. If left untreated, depression usually gets worse. Symptoms of depression include: Fatigue Disturbed sleep patterns Feelings of guilt, helplessness, or worthlessness Feelings of fear and sadness Feeling disconnected from others Headaches, cramps, muscle aches, and other physical pains Loss of enjoyment in things you used to like Changes in your “normal” mood (increased irritability, mania, etc.) Disturbed eating patterns Suicidal thoughts or plans It might be very difficult to tell the difference between sadness caused by grief and clinical depression. People who are grieving could experience all these symptoms. However, a person is more likely to be clinically depressed if the person is thinking about suicide or has a plan for suicide. If you are having suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. 19. **Seek help from friends and family.** It may help to talk about your grief with people who are close to you. Sharing feelings of sadness with others may help them feel less intense. 20. **Give yourself time.** The sadness from a loss may take a long time to heal. Be patient and kind with yourself. It may take awhile for you to achieve “acceptance,” the final stage of grieving. Everyone grieves and recovers differently and on different timelines, so don’t feel pressure to move on until you feel ready. 21. **Compare clinical depression to “the blues.”** Clinical depression goes beyond a feeling of sadness or “feeling down.” It is a serious mental health issue that requires treatment. Depression is unlikely to improve on its own. Sadness is a natural human emotion. It can occur as a response to loss. It can be the result of experiencing something unpleasant or uncomfortable. Sadness or “feeling down” usually lessens on its own over time. It is often not a constant feeling. Sadness may come and go. It is usually triggered by a particular experience or event. Clinical depression is more than sadness. It is not a feeling that people can just “get over.” It rarely lessens over time. It is usually near-constant or constantly present. It may not be triggered by any particular event or experience. It can be so overwhelming that it interferes with daily living. 22. **Recognize the symptoms of clinical depression.** Clinical depression may manifest differently in different individuals. You may not have all of the symptoms of this disorder. Symptoms usually interfere with your daily life activities and may cause significant distress or dysfunction. If you frequently experience five or more of these symptoms, you may have clinical depression: Changes in sleep habits Changes in eating habits Inability to focus or concentrate, “feeling fuzzy” Fatigue or lack of energy Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy Irritability or restlessness Weight loss or weight gain Feelings of despair, hopelessness, or worthlessness Physical aches, pains, headaches, cramps, and other physical symptoms that have no clear cause 23. **Know what causes depression.** Depression has many causes, and researchers are not yet entirely certain how it works. Early trauma may cause changes in how your brain handles fear and stress. Many studies suggest that clinical depression may be partly genetic. Life changes such as losing a loved one or going through a divorce may trigger an episode of major depression. Clinical depression is a complex disorder. It may be partially caused by trouble with neurotransmitters in your brain, such as serotonin and dopamine. Medication may help regulate these chemicals and alleviate depression. Substance abuse, such as misuse of alcohol and drug use, is strongly linked to depression. Studies suggest that lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals may suffer from higher rates of depression. This may be because of a lack of social and personal support systems. 24. **Talk with your doctor.** If you have depressive symptoms that interfere with your daily life, consider talking with your physician. S/he may prescribe you antidepressant medications that can help regulate the hormones in your brain that affect mood. Be sure to describe all of your symptoms honestly to your doctor. There are several types of antidepressant medication. Your symptoms will help your doctor determine which medicine may be most helpful to you. Your individual body chemistry can respond to medications very differently. You and your doctor may need to try several antidepressants before you find one that works for you. If you feel your medication is not helping after a few months, speak with your doctor. Do not switch or stop taking antidepressant medications without consulting your doctor first. This could cause serious health and mood issues. Your doctor may be able to help you find and continue effective treatment. If you continue to have difficulty with your antidepressant medication, consider seeing a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor with special training in psychiatric health. They may be able to help refine your medication to find the right treatment for you. 25. **Seek help from a mental health professional.** Because depression is affected by so many factors, it’s crucial to seek help from a professional. A mental health professional can help you understand and navigate your emotions. Treatment that includes psychotherapy in addition to antidepressant medication is often more effective than medication alone. There are two common myths about depression. One is that you should just “snap out of it.” The other is that seeking help is a sign of weakness. These are not true. Admitting that you need help to manage your health is a sign of strength and self-care. There are many types of mental health professionals. Psychiatrists and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners are usually the only ones who can prescribe medication. They may also offer therapy. Psychologists have a doctorate degree in a field of psychology (clinical, educational, counseling) and specialized training in therapy. They are usually less expensive than psychiatrists, but more expensive than the other options. Licensed Clinical Social Workers have master’s degrees in Social Work. They may offer psychotherapy services. They can usually also help you find other resources in your community. LCSWs often work at community health clinics and university health centers. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists have specialized training in handling couples and family issues. They may or may not also provide individual psychotherapy. Licensed Professional Counselors have a master’s degree in counseling. They usually have supervised training in offering mental health services. LPCs often work at community health clinics. 26. **Contact your insurance provider.** If you have health insurance in the United States, it’s important to contact your insurance company to learn which mental health providers in your area are covered by your plan. Some insurance companies may require a physician’s referral. Many companies only cover treatments by certain providers. 27. **Keep in touch with family and friends.** Withdrawal from social relationships is a common symptom of depression. However, you are likely to feel better if you reach out to your loved ones. They can provide support and love. You may not “feel like” seeing or interacting with others. It’s important to encourage yourself to do so anyway. Isolating yourself may worsen your depression. 28. **Eat well.** You cannot “cure” depression simply by changing your diet. However, you can choose foods that promote feeling well. Choose complex carbs. Whole grains, brown rice, beans, and lentils are good sources of complex carbohydrates. These carbs leave you feeling full longer and help manage blood sugar levels. Avoid sugar and simple carbs. These may provide a temporary “high,” but the crash can worsen depressive symptoms. Eat fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are high in nutrients such as vitamin C and beta-carotene. These antioxidants can help fight free radicals that disturb body functioning. Try to incorporate fresh fruit and veg into most meals. Get enough protein. Several studies have shown that higher protein intake can boost your alertness. It may also help improve your mood. Incorporate Omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are found in many nuts, oils such as flaxseed and soybean oil, and dark green leafy vegetables. They are also found in fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, and sardines. Some research suggests that eating more fatty acids may have a mild protective effect against depression. 29. **Sleep well.** Depression often interrupts your sleeping habits. It’s important to get about eight hours of sleep a night. Try to establish healthy sleeping habits, like going to bed at a regular time and limiting TV exposure before bed. Individuals with chronic insomnia are at much higher risk of developing clinical depression. Sleep apnea, a disorder that obstructs your breathing while you sleep, is also linked to clinical depression. 30. **Exercise.** If you are depressed, you may well not feel like getting out and exercising. However, many studies have shown that exercise elevates your mood. Try to aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. Strength-training at least twice a week is also helpful. Some research suggests that you may be less likely to become depressed if you exercise regularly. People who are obese may be more likely to become depressed. Scientists do not fully understand this link, but exercise can help combat obesity and depression. 31. **Recognize the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder.** Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression caused by a biochemical imbalance due to changing seasons. In some locations, usually ones further from the equator, there is less sunlight during the fall and winter months. This can change your body’s chemistry and cause symptoms that are very similar to clinical depression. These symptoms include: Low energy or fatigue Difficulty concentrating Increased appetite Wanting to be isolated or alone Disrupted sleep patterns, excessive sleepiness SAD usually begins between 18 and 30 years of age. You may experience increased carbohydrate cravings if you are suffering from SAD. This could lead to weight gain. 32. **Seek professional treatment.** The treatment for SAD is very similar to treatment for clinical depression. Anti-depressant medications and professional therapy are usually enough to treat SAD. 33. **Try light therapy.** Light therapy can help regulate your body’s internal clock. You can find light therapy devices at many retailers and online. The light therapy lamp should be 10,000 Lux. (Lux refers to how intense the light is.) Check with the manufacturer to be sure that your light therapy lamp is designed to treat SAD. Some light boxes used to treat skin disorders emit more ultraviolet light and could cause damage to your eyes. Light therapy is generally safe. However, if you have bipolar affective disorder you should consult with your doctor before starting light therapy. Light therapy may also cause complications for individuals who have lupus, skin cancer, or some eye conditions. 34. **Get more sunlight.** Exposure to natural sunlight may help elevate your mood. Open your curtains and blinds. Spend time outdoors when possible. 35. **Enjoy winter.** When you can, try to emphasize the enjoyable aspects of winter. Try curling up in front of a fire if you have a fireplace. Roast some marshmallows. Drink some hot cocoa (in moderation, of course). 36. **Get exercise.** Just as with clinical depression, you can relieve the symptoms of SAD with exercise. If you live in a wintry climate, try participating in winter sports such as skiing or snowshoeing. 37. **Consider natural remedies.** Always consult with your doctor before taking any natural remedies. Some remedies may interfere with medication or cause complications to existing medical conditions. Try melatonin to help regulate your sleep. Melatonin supplements may help you regulate your sleep cycles if they’ve been disturbed by SAD. Try St.John’s wort. There is some evidence that St. John’s wort may help alleviate mild depressive symptoms. St. John’s wort may limit the effectiveness of prescription medications, including birth control pills, heart medications, and cancer medications. St. John's wort cannot be taken with SSRIs, tricyclics, or other types of antidepressant medications. This may cause serotonin syndrome. Do not take St. John’s wort without first talking with your doctor. 38. **Vacation in a sunny place.** If you live in a location that gets very little natural sunlight during the winter to boost your levels of vitamin D, which can help prevent SAD. Consider taking a vacation to a sunny place. Locations such as the Caribbean and American Southwest often have bright sunshine even during the winter.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Use a Pizza Stone.,"A pizza stone is a large, circular cooking slab made from ceramic, stone, or salt. Though they’re designed to cook pizza as if you were using a brick oven, pizza stones are also great for making fresh bread, biscuits, and other items. 1. **Place the pizza stone in conventional oven.** For cooking pizza and cookies, the top rack in the center is the ideal location. For cooking bread, biscuits, and other items, the middle rack in the center is the better choice. 2. **Start with a cold oven.** Never put a cold pizza stone in a hot oven, as it can shatter due to thermal shock. In fact, make sure never to expose the pizza stone to rapid temperature shifts. Placing a on a pizza stone is almost as likely to result in a shattered stone as placing a cold stone in a hot oven. You're better off cooking your frozen pizza straight on the rack. 3. **Pre-heat the oven (if necessary) with the pizza stone in it.** 4. **Place the food item on the pizza stone with a pizza paddle.** Do not grease or oil. For breads and pizza crust, you may want to add a little cornmeal to aid removal. It can take a little finessing to get used to, but a pizza paddle is a useful instrument, especially for transferring uncooked pizza dough onto the stone. There are three different kinds of peels — short-handled wooden peels, long-handled wooden peels, and metal peels. For the average person cooking at home, the short-handled wooden peel will probably work best. If you don't want to use cornmeal under your dough, you can also use flour. Rice flour is a great way to ensure the dough doesn't stick to your paddle. 5. **Leave the pizza stone in the oven, at least until it is entirely cool.** You do not have to remove it at all, as it can add to a ""brick oven effect"" that actually helps your oven retain and spread heat more evenly. You can put cooking dishes, pots, pans, cookie trays, and so on right on the stone. 6. **Use an implement like a metal spatula to take off any food that is stuck to the stone's surface.** Of course, only do this once you're sure the pizza stone is cool enough to handle. 7. **Never use dish soap on a pizza stone.** The pizza stone can be cleaned and rinsed entirely with water. With a clean sponge, wipe away any remaining food or grime using only water. Do not try to remove oils that build up — it is fully unnecessary. Leaving the oils on the stone actually helps season the stone, turning it into a slicker, more easy-to-use item. 8. **Don't let the pizza stone soak in water for too long.** A simple once-over is probably more than enough. If you pizza stone happens to absorb too much moisture when it's soaking in the sink, it can crack the next time you heat it in the oven. 9. **Don't worry about the pizza stone getting stained.** Stains on your pizza stone are normal and almost unavoidable. Moreover, they're like a badge of honor, or experience points — something that you point to as a vindication of your cooking skills. 10. **Place your stone back in the oven when cleaned, or store it in a safe place with very little traffic.** You can house your pizza stone in the oven even as you bake other items. Just bake them on top of the stone itself. For heavier items, like a roast, move the pizza stone to the bottom rack before cooking. 11. **Measure the inside of your oven carefully.** You should know how much space you have to work with before you select your stone. You'll be kicking yourself if you buy a stone and then realize that your oven isn't large enough for it. 12. **Look for unglazed quarry stone for your makeshift pizza stone.** Commercial pizza stones can be quite pricey. If you're a bottom line sort of person and only worried about the taste of your pizza, not the look of your stone, you can purchase a quarry stone for around $5 to $10. You can start your search at any home improvement store like Home Depot or Lowe's. Look for clay or shale tiles, specifically, when you search for your stone. Terracotta tile works really well, as does most any stone that is labeled ""all natural clay and shale."" 13. **When looking for quarry stone, choose unglazed quarry stone.** Glazed quarry stones contain lead, which is poisonous and generally to be avoided in all cooking items. 14. **Decide whether you want to purchase one large stone or several smaller stones.** Although one larger stone may be more aesthetically pleasing, several smaller stones may be more versatile in the end. You can position several smaller stones on various racks on your oven; they'll absorb heat, meaning that you can turn off your oven and let the heat emanate from the stones without burning extra energy. With several smaller stones, the heat gets more evenly dispersed. 15. **Use the makeshift pizza stone as you would any commercial pizza stone.** Enjoy pizza, French bread, cookies, bagels, and much more. 16. **Shape the pizza on the peel the way you like it.** 17. **Be sure to stab the dough with a fork so it doesn't bubble up in the oven.** 18. **Don't put toppings on it.** 19. **Slide the dough alone onto the stone.** Cook for about five minutes. 20. **Pull out of the oven using the peel.** 21. **Load the ingredients onto the half cooked dough.** The half cooked crust should be much easier to slide off the peel and back into the oven despite the extra weight.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Remove Nail Polish Stains from Your Finger Nails?,"Painting your nails a bold color can be a fun way to add a pop to any outfit. However, if you regularly use bright or dark nail polish, you may notice that some of the color stays behind when you clean your nails with nail polish remover. Fortunately, however, you may be able to lighten the stains by scrubbing them with a baking soda paste, soaking your fingers in acetone, or lightly buffing the surface of your nails with oil. 1. **Mix 2 parts baking soda, 1 part olive oil, and a squeeze of lemon juice in a bowl.** For instance, you might use 2 tbsp (40 g) baking soda, 1 tablespoon (15 mL) olive oil and 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) lemon juice. Then, use a spoon to stir the ingredients together thoroughly. The baking soda will probably start to fizz when you add the lemon juice. Don't worry, that's totally normal! If you want to adjust the amount of paste you're making, just keep a ratio of 2 parts baking soda to 1 part olive oil. Unless you're making a very large batch, a few squeezes of lemon juice should still be sufficient. 2. **Add a little more baking soda or oil until you have a thick paste.** When you first mix together the ingredients, they may seem a little too clumpy or too runny. If the mixture is too thick, drizzle in a small amount of olive oil and stir it together to loosen it. If it's too thin, sprinkle in a small amount of baking soda to thicken it up. Continue doing this until you have a thick but spreadable paste. 3. **Dip a toothbrush or nail brush in the mixture.** Once you've created your paste, get an old toothbrush or a stiff nail brush. Press the bristles down into the paste so they're completely coated. A new toothbrush will work too, but make sure you don't mix it up with the toothbrush you use for your teeth! The paste is made from all natural ingredients, but nail polish residue can be toxic if ingested. If the paste won't stay on the brush, it's probably too thin. Add a little more baking soda to thicken it. 4. **Scrub your nails lightly with the brush until the stain lightens.** Use the brush to work the paste onto the surface of your nail, scrubbing in a circular motion. If you need to, you can wipe the paste away to check your progress. If the stain is still there, add a little more paste and continue scrubbing. Continue until you've scrubbed all of your stained nails. 5. **Rinse your nails with hand soap and warm water.** Once you've lightened the stain as much as you can with the paste, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. The soap will help break up the oil in the paste, while the warm water will help dissolve the baking soda, which may leave a light residue if it has started to dry. 6. **Cut 10 pieces of foil that are big enough to wrap around your fingertips.** Cut or tear 10 strips of foil that are about 4 in × 3 in (10.2 cm × 7.6 cm). The pieces should be big enough to cover your entire nail, plus a little extra, since you'll have cotton on your nail as well. Since you'll be wrapping all your nails at once, it's easiest to prepare your foil ahead of time. You may also want to set out your cotton balls at this time. If you don't want to use a whole cotton ball on each nail, cut 5 cotton balls in half, instead. 7. **Fill a small metal or glass bowl with oil-enriched acetone.** Pour about ⁄4 cup (59 mL) of the acetone into your bowl, or enough to soak all of the cotton balls. The measurement doesn't have to be precise—if you accidentally use too much, you can just pour it back into the bottle when you're finished. Do not use a plastic bowl, as the acetone will melt it. You can find oil-enriched acetone at well-stocked beauty supply stores. However, if you can't find it, you can use regular acetone, instead. 8. **Soak a cotton ball in the acetone, then press it onto your fingernail.** Dip the first cotton ball in the bowl and make sure to soak it completely. Then, place the cotton ball onto one of your fingernails, making sure to cover the surface of the nail completely. It's a good idea to cover your dominant hand first. That way, you won't have to try to use your non-dominant hand after it's covered in foil. 9. **Wrap your nail in one of the pieces of foil.** Place the center of the foil over the cotton ball, then fold the top of the foil down over the tip of your finger. Finally, wrap the sides of the foil around your fingertip to secure it. Press and squeeze the foil around your fingertip to help keep it in place. 10. **Repeat the process for all of your nails.** Since you'll have to let the acetone soak in for a while, it's best to do all of your fingernails at once. Continue adding acetone-soaked cotton balls to each of your nails, and wrap each one in foil as you go. If you're concerned it will be too hard to put the foil on your other hand once your fingers are covered, you can do one hand at a time. 11. **Let the acetone soak into your nails for about 10 minutes.** In order to fully dissolve the stain, allow the acetone plenty of time to work. However, don't leave the acetone on longer than 10 minutes—it's a harsh chemical, and it could lead to skin irritation if you leave it on too long. While you wait, try watching TV, listening to the radio, or another fun hands-free activity so you don't get too bored! 12. **Remove the foil and cotton, then wash your hands thoroughly.** After the 10 minutes, take all of the wraps off of your fingers. Wash your hands with soap and warm water, but don't scrub too hard, as your skin may be sensitive from the acetone. It may take a while for the smell of the acetone to fully fade. 13. **Place a drop of cuticle oil onto your nail.** Cuticle oil is designed to soften the skin around your nails, but it can also help loosen nail polish stains left behind by dark or bright colors. You don't need much—one drop should be enough for each nail. If you don't have cuticle oil, try using vitamin E oil instead. 14. **Buff** Using the large-grit side of a buffer, lightly go over your nail in an X shape. Don't press down too hard, and only use about 6-8 strokes. Over-buffing your nails can damage them. You don't want to file down into the surface of your nail; you just want to scuff away the nail polish stain. 15. **Swipe nail polish remover across your nail to remove the stain.** After you've buffed your nails, the stain should be loosened. Dip a cotton ball or pad in nail polish remover, then rub it across your nail. You should see the stain lighten noticeably, and it may even go away altogether! Since buffing can damage your nail, if this doesn't work at first, consider trying another method to lighten the stain.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Care for a Hedgehog with Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome?,"Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome (WHS), is a progressive, degenerative neurological disease that affects African pygmy hedgehogs. There is no cure for Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome and hedgehogs usually become paralyzed within 18 months of diagnosis. It can be heartbreaking to receive news your pet has a terminal disease, but you can do your best to keep your hedgehog comfortable and happy during the time it has left. Providing a warm, safe cage and proper care is key to helping a hedgehog with Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome. 1. **Recognize the symptoms of Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome.** Symptoms usually start when a hedgehog is between the ages of one year and 36 months old. If you notice any of the following symptoms, your hedgehog may have Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome: Swaying and instability while standing still Tremors Regularly falling to one side Seizures Weakening muscles Partial paralysis of some limbs Muscle atrophy Slow progressive weight loss 2. **Find a vet with experience treating exotic animals.** If you don't already have a vet, you should find one as soon as you notice symptoms of Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome. Hedgehogs are considered exotic pets, so you'll need to find a vet in your region that treats exotic animals. You can look for a vet online or search the local yellow pages. Pet stores that sell exotic pets or hedgehog breeders often offer vet recommendations. If you're still in contact with the store or breeder where you bought your hedgehog, reach out to them for recommendations. 3. **Get a diagnosis.** The symptoms of Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome can be caused by other neurological problems. However, keep in mind that a definitive diagnosis can only be confirmed using a necropsy after death. Your vet will likely need to take x-rays and conduct blood work to rule out other issues and get a working diagnosis. 4. **Discuss a care plan with your vet.** It's never easy to hear your pet has a terminal condition. The more information you know about the progression of the disease, the better. Talk to your vet about your hedgehog's life expectancy and ask what you can do to slow the progression of symptoms. Your vet may have specific recommendations for your hedgehog's diet and habitat depending on the stage of its illness. 5. **Up your hedgehog's vitamin E intake.** In some cases, an increase in vitamin E may minimize or hide the severity of the symptoms of Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome. However, vitamin E will not slow down the disease. Strive to feed your hedgehog a diet rich in vitamin E, but keep in mind that this is only a temporary measure to help your hedgehog. Provide vitamin E rich foods, such as sunflower seeds, almonds, pine nuts, kiwi, and mangoes. Talk to your vet about introducing a vitamin E supplement into your hedgehog's diet. Some vets may recommend a supplement to slow the symptoms of Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome. 6. **Keep your hedgehog warm.** A warm atmosphere will keep your hedgehog comfortable as symptoms progress. Keep your hedgehog in a warm area of your home, free from drafts and cold air. Provide extra bedding and blankets so your hedgehog can stay warm. 7. **Make sure food and water are within reach.** Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome can make it difficult to access food and water. Keep food and water in easy-to-reach places in your hedgehog's cage. If your hedgehog tends to sleep in a particular area of the cage, keep its food and water there so it can eat and drink without moving too much. 8. **Clean your hedgehog more frequently.** Hedgehogs with Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome have a reduced ability to groom themselves. They also get messy easier due to tremors. Clean your hedgehog more frequently to help it stay comfortable. Wash your hedgehog in a sink or tub filled with two to four inches of warm water. Rub a dime-sized dollop of baby shampoo over your hedgehog's back, belly, and feet and then rinse your hedgehog with clean water. When you're done bathing your hedgehog, gently pat it dry with a clean, dry towel. If your hedgehog has trouble getting up or is constantly laying down, then he may get bedsores. These will require treatment. You may also be able to minimize sores and rashes by keeping your hedgehog clean and dry. 9. **Be honest about your ability to care for your hedgehog.** As the disease progresses, your hedgehog's quality of life will decline. At a certain point, your hedgehog may struggle to move and have great difficulty eating and drinking. The specialized care required may get emotionally and financially taxing. If you are not able to provide your hedgehog care, and its quality of life is low, it may be time to start considering euthanasia. 10. **Recognize when your hedgehog is paralyzed.** Most hedgehogs will become completely paralyzed within a few months of diagnosis. Paralysis starts with the rear legs and then moves to the front legs. This is usually the last stage of the disorder and it's important to recognize when your hedgehog has completely lost mobility so you can make end of life decisions. 11. **Talk over euthanasia with your vet** Euthanizing a pet is never an easy decision. However, many owners opt to euthanize hedgehogs with Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome once they become paralyzed. Make an appointment with your vet and have a frank talk about how your hedgehog's disease is progressing and whether there's hope for improvement. If you opt for euthanasia, your vet will talk the procedure over with you slowly and carefully. The decision to euthanize a pet is very personal. Take as much time as you need to make the decision that's right for you and your hedgehog.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Run Indoors and With Limited Space.,"It can be tough to find a place to go for your daily run when the weather gets ugly. Fortunately, you have a few alternatives available to you if you’re willing to get creative. Treadmills are an obvious choice for dedicated runners, as they require little space and make it easy to track your progress as you sweat. If that’s not an option, try clearing out an area large enough to allow you to run in place, or map out a longer route through the interior of your home for a less monotonous workout. 1. **Take advantage of the benefits a treadmill can offer.** With a treadmill, all you have to do is step on, press a few buttons, and get moving. They take up very little space, and, best of all, they’ll even keep tabs on your time, pace, overall distance, and physical stats like your heart rate throughout your workout. For many people, a treadmill is the most practical way to get a run in when space is at a premium. A treadmill can be a worthwhile investment if weather conditions or a lack of suitable outdoor spots in your area give you no choice but to run inside often. Many apartment complexes and condominiums make treadmills available to residents in their on-site fitness rooms, which can be helpful if you don’t have a gym membership. 2. **Warm up for 3-5 minutes.** Start up the treadmill and begin walking at an easy pace to relax and loosen your cold muscles. A thorough warm up will leave you less vulnerable to potential injuries like torn ligaments and sprained ankles, which are just as common on the treadmill as they are on the road. Getting things off to a slow start will also give you time to familiarize yourself with the treadmill's various features and controls. 3. **Increase your speed incrementally.** Once you've got your heartrate up, bump the speed setting up a few notches to start going faster. Keep up a brisk jog for 2-3 minutes before finally settling into your preferred running speed. Raising your tempo a little at a time will help you get a feel for cadence and foot placement if you’re not used to running on a treadmill. To put your stamina to the test, make an effort to maintain your top speed for at least 15-30 minutes. Resist the urge to grip the handrails on either side of you while running. Taking hold of them will interfere with your technique, and could leave you prone to getting off your rhythm or losing your balance. 4. **Change the angle of incline for more of a challenge.** Increasing the treadmill’s elevation setting will make it feel like you’re running up a hill. A modest incline of 1-5% can offer experienced runners more of a challenge and keep things from becoming monotonous. Struggling up a steeper angle, meanwhile, can be a good way to build more strength in your legs or close out your workout. Keep in mind that the greater the angle of incline, the slower your pace will be. This may make it necessary to adjust your speed accordingly. Pushing yourself too hard while the treadmill is at a high elevation could present an increased risk of accident or injury. 5. **Try out different pre-programmed workouts.** Many newer treadmills come loaded with fitness routines that automatically change up times and intensities for a more customizable run. One of these programs may make your workout more enjoyable if you find yourself bored of running at a constant speed. Sprint intervals, HIIT (high-intensity interval training) programs, and runs with built-in warmup and cooldown periods are just a few of the programs you might have at your disposal. Some treadmills even have advanced modes that continuously change up your speed and angle of incline to simulate outdoor running. 6. **Pick out a suitable spot.** One of the biggest advantages of running in place is that it doesn’t require much space—in fact, you really only need to be able to take 1-2 steps in a single direction! Once you’ve found a satisfactory place to post up, clear the area of any nearby furniture or other objects to free up enough room to move comfortably. For maximum comfort and ease, choose a space that’s about one-and-a-half times as wide as your own body from shoulder to shoulder. An uncluttered garage, basement, workshop, or game room can work well for this purpose. 7. **Warm up with a few active movements.** Before you jump right into your workout, take a few minutes to loosen up your muscles and joints and get your blood pumping. A few rounds of high knees, deep lunges and dynamic stretches like swing kicks and hip rotations will help prepare your body for the more demanding activity to come. Your warmup should last at least 5-10 minutes, and target every part of your body you’ll be using during your run. An intelligent warmup routine will improve your performance and help prevent injury. 8. **Focus on proper form.** Running in place isn’t much different from running normally—simply root yourself in place and begin pumping your legs up and down. Land lightly on the balls of your feet with each step, and don’t forget to keep your arms moving to steady yourself, as well. Face forward and stay tall throughout your run. Try not to let your shoulders slouch or your head drop toward your chest. Even though you’re not covering any ground, it’s still important to be mindful of your form in order to avoid picking up bad habits. 9. **Switch up your pattern of movement.** If you get tired of shuffling along in the same manner after a while, you can make things more interesting by modifying your technique to change direction. Take high, leaping steps every now and then like you’re attempting to clear a low obstacle, or bound from side to side as though you were running tires. Be careful not to get your feet crossed up while playing around with your footwork. 10. **Increase your intensity.** Take things up to the next level by increasing your speed or lifting your knees higher and higher with each step. You could also try pausing periodically to work in some squats, tuck jumps, or other bodyweight resistance exercises. Any variation that makes your run harder will give you more bang for your buck. Pick up a pair of light dumbbells to turn your run into a total-body workout. Just remember to take a break after a minute or 2 so that you don't strain your shoulder. Limit difficult movements to short bursts to avoid tiring yourself out too fast. For instance, you might run normally for 2-3 minutes, then break into a “sprint” for 30 seconds before returning to a normal pace. 11. **Map out a route through your home.** Even if you don't have access to a treadmill and the idea of running in place doesn’t appeal to you, you can still get your daily jog in with a little imagination. Devise a course that allows you to move from room to room without stopping or turning around. You might start in the foyer, for instance, and make your way through the living room, kitchen, and adjoining hallways. Try racing up and down the front staircase to add a challenging all-terrain element to your run. Most modern homes have open floor plans, which can make it easier to plan out creative and interesting circuits. 12. **Find a surface that’s safe to run on.** Whenever possible, stick to solid, stable flooring like wood, linoleum, or carpet. Whatever surface you go with should be clean, dry, and free of any obstacles or substances that might cause an inadvertent slip. It’s a good idea to pull back loose rugs for the same reason. Tread carefully on tile and concrete. 13. **Wear a reliable pair of running shoes.** You may be used to walking around the house barefoot, but accidents can happen if you try to run that way. Take your indoor run seriously—lace up your sneakers just like you would to hit the road, track, or trail. Shoes will offer better traction and support, which can be a major plus if you’re plodding along on an unfamiliar surface. Make sure the bottoms of your shoes are clean so you don’t track dirt all over the floor. Soft rubber soles may leave scuff marks on hardwood and linoleum surfaces. Consider buying a pair of minimalist running shoes to wear specifically for indoor jaunts. 14. **Look out for furniture and other obstacles.** No matter what sort of space you’re in, running indoors comes with the risk of collision. You’ll need to be sure-footed and actively moderate your speed to avoid careening into the wall or a piece of workout equipment. An unforeseen spill could result in injury or damage to your surroundings. Keep an eye out for your spouse, kids, roommate, pets, or anyone else that’s occupying your living space so you don’t bowl them over by accident. Be aware of where your knees, elbows, and other outlying parts of your body are at all times. It can be easy to get banged up if you’re not paying attention to what’s around you. Call out when you’re approaching a corner or blind doorway so other people will know you’re there. 15. **Add variety to your workout.** Try different types of exercises to help work different parts of your body while keeping your heart rate up. Add in sets of exercises like squats, jumping jacks, push-ups, and heel kicks. Try different sets each day to keep your routine interesting and effective. 16. **Track your workouts for time rather than distance.** Since you’ll be in such close quarters, you may find it all but impossible to keep up with how far you’ve traveled. Instead, start a timer at the beginning of your workout and stop it when you’re finished. 15-30 minutes should be long enough to elevate your heart rate and get your blood pumping. If you’re able to maintain a pace similar to the one you keep up outside, you can use it to figure out approximately how many miles you’ve ticked off. You could also strap on a pedometer to track your steps and give you a rough idea of how much distance you've put behind you.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Make Glycerin Soap?,"Making soap may seem intimidating to some, especially if you are thinking of a version which requires handling lye, but working with glycerin melt-and-pour soap does not take a lot of time. You can create decorative and functional glycerin soap in your spare time to use at home or package and give as gifts to family and friends. Read on to learn a basic soap making method and a few fun variations. 1. **Buy supplies.** Craft stores sell glycerin, which is a soap base, in solid, meltable blocks. If you're feeling ambitious, you can make your own glycerin, but it's easier to buy blocks of clear glycerin, white glycerin, or a different color. Clear glycerin soap always looks a little transparent, no matter what color you choose. In addition to glycerin, you'll need the following supplies: Essential oils. Craft stores sell essential oils meant for use in glycerin soap. You'll only need a few drops to scent an entire batch of soap, so you can buy a small bottle. Choose lemon verbena oil, rose oil, lavender oil, peppermint oil, or another oil you'd like to use to scent your soap. Soap molds. Craft stores sell many different types of molds, ranging from very small to very large in size. Be sure to get a type of mold that is usable for glycerin soap, which will pop right out of the mold as soon as it has set. Rubbing alcohol. If you don't already have some in your medicine cabinet, pick up a bottle at the drugstore. Pour some into a clean spray bottle; you'll need it to remove bubbles from the glycerin before it sets. 2. **Melt the glycerin in a double boiler.** Cut off as much glycerin as you need to fill the soap molds you bought, then slice it into small pieces that will be easier to melt. Place the glycerin pieces in a double boiler, fill the boiler with water, and place it over medium heat. Continue heating the glycerin until it is completely melted. If you don't have a double boiler, you can make one. Find two pots, a large one and a smaller one that fits inside. Fill the larger pot with a few inches of water. Set the smaller pot inside the larger pot so that it floats on the water. Place the pots on a burner over medium heat. Put the glycerin chunks into the dry, smaller pot and allow them to melt. You can also melt the glycerin in the microwave. Place the chunks in a microwave safe bowl and heat them in 30 second increments until they are entirely melted. You can melt the entire block of glycerin or just cut off a little at a time until you've melted an amount that seems suitable for your soap-making project. The finished soaps will have the same mass and volume as the glycerin chunks, they'll just be reformed into pretty shapes. 3. **Stir in the essential oil.** Add just a few drops of the oil; since it's so concentrated, a little goes a long way. Use a wooden spoon to stir the drops in until they are thoroughly combined with the glycerin, then remove it from heat. 4. **Prepare the soap molds.** Set the molds on a flat surface lined with paper towels. Use the spray bottle full of rubbing alcohol to lightly mist the insides of the soap molds, coating the area where the glycerin will go. The alcohol prevents bubbles from forming in the soap as it cools and dries. If you don't use alcohol, your finished soap may have a layer of bubbles. 5. **Pour the soap.** Lift the top of the double boiler and carefully pour the soap into the molds. Fill each mold to its rim. Be careful not to let it overflow, or the soap will come out misshapen. If the soap is tricky to pour using your double boiler, use a funnel to pour it into a bottle or pitcher with a spout, then transfer the liquid to the soap molds. You'll have to do this quickly, though, so the soap doesn't get too cool before it makes it to the molds. If necessary, reheat the soap before you pour it. Heat it back up in the double boiler or place it in the microwave for a few more short bursts of heat to make it easier to pour. 6. **Spritz it with more alcohol.** Use the spray bottle to mist the soap after it has been poured into the molds and while it's still in its liquid stage. This way you'll prevent the formation of bubbles on the flat side of the soap, too. 7. **Let the soaps cool, then pop them out.** Let the soaps cool in their molds for an hour or two, until they're completely hard. Invert the soap molds to pop out your brand new glycerin soaps. Tap the back of the mold gently if the soap does not come out right away. Store the soaps in an air-tight container until you are ready to use them. 8. ** Make soap on a rope** After melting the glycerin, pour it into a large metal or plastic bowl. Add a few drops of the essential oil of your choice. Dip a length of rope into the liquid, then remove it from the bowl and let the liquid cool and harden. Dip it again to add a second coating, then remove it from the liquid and let the second layer cool and harden. Continue dipping the soap in this manner until the soap has reached your desired thickness. Get creative with the material you use for your rope. Rather than dipping a straight length of rope into the glycerin, try tying it into a loop or a knot to create soap in different shapes. Hang the rope from your shower head so it's handy to use each time you take a shower. 9. **Make soap of different colors.** You can buy a block of clear glycerin and color it yourself using cosmetic-grade coloring, available at craft stores. After melting the glycerin, separate it into a few different containers and add a few drops of coloring to each one before pouring the liquid into the soap molds. 10. **Add decorations to the soaps.** You can add solid objects to the soaps if you want to give them extra flair. This is a great way to personalize soaps to make favors for baby showers or kids' birthday parties, or to match your bathroom décor. Consider the following options: Make floral soaps by suspending dried flower petals in the liquid glycerin before you pour it into the molds. Make birthday party soaps by filling the molds halfway and then inserting a small toy, like a tiny plastic animal or other gadget, in the center of the soap. Pour more liquid soap over the toy to cover it completely. Make baby shower soaps by pouring soap into the molds and then inserting small plastic rattles or other baby items into the soap. 11. **Make your own molds.** If you can't find a mold you like at the craft store, try making your own. Any hard plastic item can serve as a mold. If you use an item that's usually used to make food, be sure to wash it carefully before you use it again. Ice cube trays make excellent soap molds. Use simple square trays or buy trays with interesting shapes, like fish, shells or skulls. To make larger soaps, use small plastic bowls or cups. You could also use a recycled plastic container, like a yogurt cup.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Take Care of a Pet Skunk.,"Skunks can be great pets if you get a domesticated one that has come from a breeder. Once you have a pet skunk, you need to learn how to care for it properly. Proper care includes housing it, feeding it, and keeping it happy and healthy. This will take some daily effort on your part but with proper care in these four areas you will enjoy your pet skunk for years to come. 1. **Buy a crate for your skunk.** Before you obtain your little pet skunk, go to a local pet shop and pick out a large dog crate for it. Pick the biggest one that will fit in your home, so that your skunk will have room to move around in it. Get a crate that is made for extra large dog breeds. These crates are usually about 4 feet (1.2 m) deep, 3 feet (0.91 m) wide, and 4 feet (1.2 m) tall. The cage should be big enough to hold a bed, toys, and a litter box. Skunks naturally live in dens, so the crate will serve as its den. 2. **Get a pet bed that fits inside the crate.** Give your skunk a soft, cushioned place to sleep when it is in its crate. Pick out a bed that is machine washable, as you will want to wash it every week or two. Don't spend a ton of money on your skunk’s bed. It’s likely that the animal will destroy it with their claws, so you will need to replace the bed on a regular basis. 3. **Get several litter boxes for your skunk.** Your skunk can be trained to use a litter box just like a cat. Get several low-sided pans, like those made for ferrets, and put one in the corner of your skunk’s cage and the others in the rooms where your skunk spends its time. Introduce your skunk to a litter box and they will remember where it is when they need to go to the bathroom. Litter training a skunk can take a bit longer than it does with a cat. However, keep trying and your skunk is likely to get the hang of it. Put the litter boxes in the corner of rooms and the cage. Skunks tend to go to the bathroom in the corner of rooms. 4. **Create an outdoor pen or cage, if you have space for one.** Skunks love to spend time outside, so it’s nice to create a space where they can do that. If you plan on letting your skunk stay out there when you are not around, you will need a secure cage. If you just want an area where your skunk can explore while you supervise, a pen will work well. Ideally, an outdoor pet would be at least 6 feet (1.8 m) long, 6 feet (1.8 m) wide, and 3 feet (0.91 m) tall. There are commercial outdoor skunk cages and pens available from online retailers. If you want to use a cage to keep your skunk outside, it needs to have a welded metal bottom and top on it. Skunks are good at chewing through wood and can sneak out through small spaces, so the cage needs to be very secure. 5. **Pick an area of your home for your skunk and skunk proof it.** Pick a room or several rooms that have hard floors covered in wood, tile, or linoleum. This will make it easier for you to clean. Also remove hazards and items that could be destroyed, such as electrical cords, trashcans, and cleaning products. Put locks on cupboards you don’t want your skunk getting into. Ensure that doors and windows to the outside are secured before letting your skunk roam. 6. **Introduce your pet skunk to its area slowly.** Sometimes skunks get overwhelmed by lot of changes. To prevent this, keep your new skunk confined to one room of your home. Give it a few days to get used to that room and then slowly let the skunk explore other rooms, if you like. 7. **Keep your skunk contained in your home.** Don’t allow your skunk to escape from your home or it could get injured or lost. Make sure all doors are closed and latched at all times if your skunk is allowed to you're your home. Also check that window screens are secured, as skunks can push through them on occasion. Unlike cats and dogs, domesticated skunks lack homing instincts to find their way back. They can also travel very fast, so your skunk may be gone forever if it gets loose. 8. **Give your skunk mostly raw or cooked lean proteins.** This can include a combination of chicken, eggs, dairy, fish, grain-free dog food, and feeder animals and insects. These lean proteins should make up about 70% of your skunk’s diet. Eggs and meat can be given raw or cooked. It’s a good idea to figure out which your skunk prefers and stick with that. Feeder insects and animals to give your skunk include crickets, mealworms, worms, and frozen pinkie mice. You can buy specialty skunk food online, if you need an easy way to feed your skunk. However, it will be much more expensive and not any more nutritious than making your own. Do not feed your skunk cat food. It isn't good for them because it’s too high in fat and protein. 9. **Mix fresh vegetables into your skunk’s meals.** Cut up into small pieces, but don't peel, a variety of uncooked vegetables for your skunk. They should make up 30% of your skunk’s meals. They can include, but are not limited to: Broccoli Cauliflower Zucchini Bell peppers Peas Carrots Turnips Beets Cucumbers Tomatoes Eggplant Green beans Spinach Kale Cabbage Lettuce 10. **Add additional ingredients that round out the skunk's diet.** There are a variety of other ingredients that can be given to your skunk to give them vital nutrients. These ingredients shouldn’t be given every day but are great to rotate into your skunk’s meals. Some options include: Fruits: Give apples, berries, pears, and strawberries but only as a treat. It should only be added to your skunk’s diet about once a week. Also, don't feed your skunk grapes because they are toxic and can make your skunk sick. Nuts and seeds: These give your skunk healthy fatty acids, which help its coat. Supplements: Including calcium, vitamin D, and Taurine. Check with your vet before adding any of these to your skunk’s diet. Typically, you will give them to your skunk once a week. 11. **Feed your skunk about 1/2 cup (100g) of food several times a day.** If you have an adult skunk, you simply need to give it a meal in the morning and a meal in the evening. Put the food in a pet food bowl and let your skunk work through it at its own pace. Each meal should consist of ½ to 1 cup (100 to 200g) of a mixture of vegetables, lean protein, and additional varying ingredients of your choice, such as dairy, grains, or fruit. Very young skunks need about 5 small meals a day to thrive. However, as a skunk grows up, you can feed them less often. 12. **Provide a constant source of fresh water.** Skunks need to have access to water at all times so that they don't become dehydrated. Put out a fresh bowl of water every day and make sure to use a clean bowl when you do. It's a good idea to put a tray or towel under the bowl, as skunks can be messy drinkers. 13. **Find a vet in your area that treats skunks.** It can be hard to find a vet that knows how to treat skunks, especially if there are only a few vets in your area. Contact the vets in your area and ask them if they treat skunks. The ideal is to get a vet that has experience treating skunks but you may need to settle for a vet that is willing to learn and try. You may need to travel quite far to find a vet that will treat your skunk. However, it’s important to find the nearest one so that you know where to take your skunk in an emergency. 14. **Have your skunk spayed or neutered when it is 4 to 6 months old.** It’s important to get your skunk fixed so that it doesn’t have the ability to reproduce, unless you are planning on breeding it. Spaying and neutering also prevents negative behavioral changes in the animals because they will become focused on mating. Getting females spayed also prevents them from bleeding all over your home when they are in heat. 15. **Make sure your skunk was de-scented when it was a baby.** Domesticated skunks should be de-scented when they are between 2 and 5 weeks old. If you are not breeding skunks yourself, this means that the skunk should already be de-scented when you get it. Talk to your breeder about the procedure to ensure that it has been done to your skunk. During this surgery their musk or scent glands are removed. This will ensure that they don't spray all over your house, including at you. 16. **Get the skunk dewormed and immunized, if necessary.** If your skunk has not had quality veterinary care in the past, it may have worms and it may need vaccinations when you get it. Talk to your veterinarian about this and also ask the person you got the skunk from whether it has had these treatments. Skunks should be vaccinated for distemper and rabies. Your veterinarian may suggest other vaccinations as well, depending on where you live and what infections are common in that area. It’s important to get these foundational medical treatments for your skunk before letting it wander around in your home and interact with other pets you might have. Talk to your vet about a vaccination schedule for your skunk. It will need boosters and continued care after its first visit. 17. **Spend time with your skunk so it gets to know you.** When you get a new pet skunk, don’t expect it to trust you right away. Show it that you are trustworthy by spending time with it and treating it well. Spend time sitting outside of its cage, giving it treats, and speaking sweetly to it. Skunks have been known to bite. However, if you spend time with them and they get used to you, this shouldn't happen. Skunks can't be de-clawed like a cat, so watch out for scratching it gets used to you. 18. **Don’t let your skunk spend all of its time alone.** Skunks are social animals that don't do well in isolation. This can cause anxiety issues and aggression. Instead, spend time with your pet every day. If you are going to be gone for several hours, spend time with your skunk before you leave the house. Cuddle with it, play with it, and just be there for it. 19. **Allow your skunk to play with your other animals if they both enjoy it.** If you have other pets and they seem to get along with your skunk, then let them interact. Be cautious at first, as skunks tend to play differently and rougher than cats and dogs, but let them get to know each other and form a bond. Ensure that your skunk has been immunized before letting it interact with your other pets. This can be great for keeping both your skunk and other pets occupied but they should not be left together while you are gone. 20. **Give your skunk toys to play with.** Skunks are active animals that do well with mental and physical stimulation. Give your skunk a variety of dog toys, such as stuffed animals, rope chew toys, and food puzzle toys. These items are especially important for giving the animal something to do while you are gone. Do not give your skunk rawhide chew toys.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Install WhatsApp on Android?,"This wikiHow teaches you how to download WhatsApp Messenger from the Play Store, and set up your account to start chatting with your contacts, using Android. 1. **Open the Google Play Store app on your Android.** Find and tap the {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/1\/1e\/Androidgoogleplay.png"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/1\/1e\/Androidgoogleplay.png\/26px-Androidgoogleplay.png"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":531,""bigWidth"":26,""bigHeight"":30,""licensing"":""

I edited this screenshot of an Android icon\n<\/p>

License: Fair Use<\/a>
\n<\/p><\/div>""} icon on your Home screen or Apps tray to open the Play Store. 2. **Tap the search bar at the top.** The search bar reads ""Google Play"" at the top of the page. 3. **Search WhatsApp in Google Play.** Type the apps name, and tap the ↵ Enter or ⏎ Return button on your keyboard. This will list all the matching results. On some keyboards, you may also find a or {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/1\/1a\/Android7search.png"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/1\/1a\/Android7search.png\/30px-Android7search.png"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":460,""bigWidth"":30,""bigHeight"":30,""licensing"":""

I edited this screenshot of an Android icon\n<\/p>

License: Fair Use<\/a>
\n<\/p><\/div>""} button. 4. **Tap the green INSTALL button next to WhatsApp Messenger.** This should be the top match in your search results. This will start your download, and install WhatsApp on your Android. The WhatsApp icon looks like a white telephone in a green speech bubble. 5. **Open the WhatsApp Messenger app on your Android.** The WhatsApp icon looks like a white phone in a green speech bubble. You can find it on your home screen or Apps tray. 6. **Tap the green AGREE AND CONTINUE button at the bottom.** This will start your account set-up process. 7. **Tap CONTINUE when prompted.** This will allow WhatsApp to request permission for contacts, photos, media, and files. 8. **Tap ALLOW in the next few pop-ups.** This will allow WhatsApp to export your contacts from your phonebook, and access photos, media, and files to share with your contacts in your chats. 9. **Enter your valid phone number.** Make sure to include your country code at the beginning or select your country from the drop-down menu. You will have to verify your number in the following steps. 10. **Tap NEXT.** This will prompt you to confirm your phone number. 11. **Tap OK in the confirmation window.** This will confirm your phone number, and send you an automated text message with a verification code. 12. **Enter your six-digit verification code.** Find your verification code in the automated text message from WhatsApp, and enter it here to verify your number. If any backups are found for this number, you'll be asked to or . 13. **Enter a username for yourself.** Use your keyboard to enter a username for your account, and tap to confirm. Optionally, you can enter the gray-and-white camera icon next to the username, and upload a profile picture. 14. **Select your auto-backup preferences.** You can select to back up your messages and media daily, weekly, monthly or never. 15. **Tap DONE on the bottom-right.** This will confirm your preferences, and take you to your CHATS list. You can now start using WhatsApp to chat with your contacts.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Make a Circle Skirt.,"A circle skirt is a full, flowy skirt that gets its name from the circular shape of the skirt when it is spread out. You can make your own circle skirt using some colorful store bought fabric or create your own printed fabric. Even if you are new to sewing, a circle skirt is an easy project that you can complete in around an hour. 1. **Gather your materials.** Making a circle skirt is easy and you don’t even need a pattern. To make a circle skirt, you will need: one yard of stretch fabric (in the color of your choice) a fitted skirt (one that fits you well) scissors pins sewing machine 2. **Fold the fabric four times.** Take your stretch fabric and fold it in half so that the shortest edges are even with each other. Then, fold your fabric again so that the long edges are even. If you have chosen a print fabric, make sure that the print is facing in. Lay your fabric out flat when you're finished, with the folded edges facing you. 3. **Cut a bit of fabric off for your waistband.** You will need to have a couple of strips of fabric to use for your waistband, so cut in a straight line a few inches away from the narrow edge of the open part of your fabric. Do not cut along the folded side. Set these strips aside for now. 4. **Use the fitted skirt as a guide for the waist.** Fold the fitted skirt four times length-wise and then place the waistband of the folded fitted skirt over the edge of the folded corner of your stretch material. Use the width of the folded fitted skirt as a guide for how wide to make the waistband of your circle skirt. To create the waistband, take your scissors and cut a half circle for the waistband that is about the same width as the width of the folded fitted skirt. Cut it from the corner that's closest to you. It is better to cut the waist a little smaller. Remember that the fabric is stretchy and you can always make it a little wider if you need to. If you prefer, you can also measure your waist circumference with a measuring tape. Just divide the number by four to determine how wide to make the cut for the waist. 5. **Cut the bottom of the skirt.** Measure from the waist down to the cut length on both folded edges and mark those spots with a pencil. Then, draw a curved line between the marks you just drew. Next, take your scissors and cut along that curved line. Don’t worry if there are a few jagged edges at the bottom of your skirt. You will be hemming the bottom edges, which will cover up any minor imperfections. Cut the skirt so it's an extra 1 in (2.5 cm) longer than the length you want. This will account for the top seam allowance and a small hem. 6. **Check the width of the waistband.** Unfold the fabric once so that is it just folded in half. Then unfold your fitted skirt and hold the waistband of it up against the waist of your circle skirt. This will help you to determine if the waist is the correct size. If it is too small, then you can make it a bit wider. 7. **Measure fabric for the waistband.** Next, take the fabric that you set aside for your waistband and place it next to the waist of your skirt. You should have two strips on top of each other with the patterns facing each other (if the fabric has a pattern). Place the strips near the waist and cut the edges of the strip so that you will have enough to hem the waistband. Since the waist is a half circle and the strips are straight, you may want to measure for this part or at least cut a little more fabric than you think you will need. 8. **Sew the waistband pieces.** Take your waistband pieces and make sure that they are lined up. If the fabric has a pattern, it should still be facing in. Take your two waistband pieces and sew them together along the short edges. Then, hem the long edges by folding about a half inch of the fabric over and sewing along the edge of this fabric. Use a regular stitch to sew the waistband. You do not need to use any elastic for the waistband since you are using stretch fabric. 9. **Pin the waistband to your circle skirt.** Open up your circle skirt and lay it out on your table or floor. Then take your waistband and start pinning it onto the waist of your circle skirt. As you pin on the waistband, make sure that the print side of your waistband faces the print side of your circle skirt. The edges of the waistband and the circle skirt edge should be even as well. Start by pinning one edge to the circle skirt and then pin the opposite edge. Then, pin the part of the waistband that is halfway between the two pins you just placed. Then, pin the part of the waistband across from that pin. Keep pinning in the way to ensure an even distribution of the waistband. 10. **Attach the waistband to your circle skirt.** After your waistband is pinned to your circle skirt, start sewing along the edge of your waistband and circle skirt waist with a zig-zag stitch. Remove the pins as you go. Make sure that you stretch both pieces of fabric a bit as you sew to make sure that they will be even and smooth. After you are done, just flip the waistband fabric over and tuck it into the waist when you wear it. 11. **Fold over the edges of the skirt bottom.** Before you hem the skirt, you will need to fold the edges over. Create the fold about a half inch away from the edge of the skirt bottom all the way around. You can pin the edges if you want to be sure that the hem will be even or you can just fold the edges as you go. Another option is to start with a baste stitch to mark the hem fold. You can sew a baste stitch about ½ inch away from your skirt edge and then use this stitch as a guide as you fold over the material and sew the hem. Fold along the baste stitch as if it is a perforated line. Then, you can either remove the baste stitch or fold over the edge again and sew. For even more accuracy, try sewing a piece of ribbon onto the inner edge of your skirt bottom. Then, fold over the ribbon and sew again. The ribbon can also help to provide some structure and added body to your circle skirt. 12. **Hem the skirt.** Sew the hem using a regular stitch. Make sure that the edges are even all around the skirt. If you are worried about making a mistake, then you can always start with a basting stitch and then go over it with a regular stitch when you are happy with the results. Hemming a skirt can be a challenge because of the curved edges. Go slow and try to be patient. Try ironing the edge before you sew. You can also iron the hem edge flat before you sew it in place. This may reduce the chances of puckering material or uneven spots. 13. **Trim off excess thread and wear your skirt.** After you finish the hem, trim away and loose excess threads along your hem and waistband. Now your skirt is ready to wear! You can wear a circle skirt lots of different ways, so have fun experimenting. Try pairing your circle skirt with a fitted t-shirt and pair of sandals for an easy spring or summer look, or wear it with tights, a sweater, and some boots for a cute fall or winter look.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to What Does WSP Mean?,"If someone you know has texted or messaged you a message with “WSP” in it, you may be scratching your head in confusion. Don’t sweat it—this one’s pretty easy and we’ll break it down for you. We’ll even walk you through a few corner cases where “WSP” might mean something unique, as well. Read on to learn everything you need to know about “WSP.” 1. **“WSP” is shorthand for “what’s up?”** What’s up is a common, laid-back way of checking in on someone to see how they’re doing. It’s a versatile greeting that can be used to ask what someone is up to right now, or simply strike up a conversation. It means the same thing on Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsApp, and over text. People most often send “WSP?” on its own as a way to start a convo. Some people add a follow-up question, like, “WSP? How are you?” or, “WSP Jason! What are you up to this weekend?” It doesn’t matter how it’s capitalized. “WSP,” “Wsp,” and “wsp” all mean the same thing. 2. **You might use “WSP” to see if a friend is free to hang.** If you’re down to chillax right now and you’re reaching out to someone you hang out with regularly, send “WSP” to see if they’re free to meet up. For example, you could say: “WSP? You free tonight?” “WSP? I’m at Ralph’s place.” “WSP? You trying to hang?” 3. **Send “WSP?” to reconnect with someone if it has been a while.** Send a “WSP” when you want to check in on a friend or family member to see how they are. This open-ended start to the convo allows the other person to either tell you literally what they’re doing right now, or how they’ve generally been handling things. You might say: “WSP? How you doing?” “WSP? It’s been so long since we’ve talked!” “WSP? I miss you!” 4. **Share what you’re doing in response to “WSP”.** If you talk to this person regularly, they’re likely hitting you up to see if you’re free to hang out or talk. Tell them what you’re actively engaged in at the moment, or let them know you’re free to hang out. You might reply: “Not much. What are you up to?” “Just finishing dinner. What’s going on?” “I’m cleaning my room. It’s been forever since I’ve even seen what my floor looks like.” 5. **Tell an acquaintance how you've been in response to ""WSP.”** If you haven’t connected with this person in a while, they’re likely checking in to see how you’ve been. Give them a quick overview of how you’ve been. No need to tell your life story or anything—just something quick! For example: “I’m chilling. I’ve had a really busy quarter, but I just finished finals so I’ve got some time to catch a breather.” “Not a whole lot. Just been busy at work. What’s up with you?” “Hey! Same old, same old. Trying to get through this semester. What’s going on?” 6. **Give a funny or sarcastic response to ""WSP"" for a close friend.** If you’re chatting with someone you like to joke around with, there’s nothing wrong with getting a little silly. Come up with a lighthearted and laid-back reply. You could respond: “Me, since 2 am. I’m exhausted!” “Not a thing but a chicken wing!” “The cost of everything I want to buy, unfortunately. What’s going on?” 7. **WhatsApp** “WSP” can also be shorthand for WhatsApp, the popular texting platform. If someone is asking for your “WSP number,” or they ask you to hit them up “on WSP,” they’re likely referring to the social media app. Someone might say: “Hey, are you on WSP?” “Add me on WSP.” “Do you use WSP at all? I’m out of the country a lot, so that’s usually what I use to chat.” 8. **Web Service Provider** A web service provider refers to any organization that hosts websites. This includes companies like Go Daddy, WordPress, or Dreamhost. If you’re talking to someone in IT, or you’re looking into what it might take to build a website, WSB is probably shorthand for “web service provider.” You might see something like: “Looking for a new WSP to host your blog?” “As the #1 WSP in New York…” “Hey, who do you use as your WSP? I really like your website.” 9. **Washington Square Park** Washington Square Park is a popular public square in New York City (it’s the iconic park with the large fountain and the Italian-style arch). If you’re going sightseeing or you live in NYC, a comment or text about “WSP” may be a reference to this park. As a note, there are parks named “Washington Square Park” in a lot of different cities, so this could be a regional reference as well. Someone could say: “I’m going to WSP later if you want to chill by the fountain.” “Have you ever been to WSP? I know your dad lives in NYC. I’ve always wanted to visit.” “Hey, want to meet up at WSP later?” 10. **What’s Popping** “What’s popping” is slang for “what’s going on?” It’s a casual and fun way to see what someone is up to. In some circles, something is “popping” if there’s something fun and social happening, so “WSP” may be a request for party details. A person might message you: “WSP? What are you on tonight?” “WSP? I’m trying to turn up.” “WSP?! You got plans today?” 11. **White Skin Privilege** If you’re taking a sociology class or you’re brushing up on your sociopolitical theory, “WSP” may be a reference to white skin privilege (or “white privilege” for short). White skin privilege refers to the passive benefits that white people receive in European and Western cultures. You might see sentences like: “As a result of WSP, prospective employees with traditionally white-sounding names are more likely to get a call back from interviewers.” “Can you think of an example of WSP? What about when it comes to the way strangers talk to you?” “Police tend to profile people of color, while those with WSP are automatically treated as innocent.”",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Design Vehicle Wraps.,"Wraps are extremely large vinyl decals that go around an entire vehicle. Though a paint job can make a car look good, wraps can make it look even better by giving the vehicle a colorful, complex, and entirely unique feel. Whether you’re creating a wrap for your own car or designing decals for a client, understanding the process will help you make the best product possible. 1. **Get a digital vehicle template for the specific model you’re working on.** Cars come in thousands of different styles, meaning that if you want to design an accurate vehicle wrap, you’ll need to acquire a template for the specific model you’re working with. Though some manufacturers provide good-quality templates on their website, you’ll most likely need to search for a free template on sites like or purchase professional templates from businesses like To check that the template is accurate, photograph the side of the car you’re working with. Then, open an image manipulation program, import the picture and your vehicle template, and line them up. If no template exists for the vehicle you’re working on, you can create your own by taking photos of the car’s left, right, front, back, and top sides, placing them in a program like Adobe Illustrator, and tracing them using a digital pen tool. When taking the photos, do your best to make sure each side looks completely flat. Any distortion could lead to an inaccurate template and, by extension, an inaccurate wrap printout. 2. **Pick a computer program to use.** To create your wrap design, you’ll need to use image manipulation software. The decal industry standard is Adobe Photoshop, available on both Windows and Mac. If you cannot afford Photoshop, search online for free alternatives like GIMP and If you want to create a vector-heavy design, try using Adobe Illustrator instead. 3. **Learn how to use the software.** Programs like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are powerful, complex software suites that take time and practice to learn. However, tons of resources exist to help make the process as simple as possible. Not only does Adobe offer comprehensive tutorials on their official website, but YouTube,, and similar sites also host numerous guides for each program. Some skills you’ll need to know when designing vehicle wraps include: How to create, manipulate, and lock layers. How to import and adjust images. How to install and use brushes. How to add and manipulate text. 4. **Import your vehicle template file.** Open your image manipulation program and look for an option labeled import. Select it, then locate the vehicle template file on your computer. Click the file, then select ‘Import’ or ‘Open’ to bring it into the program. If your template does not open, check any Read Me or Instruction files included with the template to see if there are file-specific instructions you need to follow. 5. **Create files representing each side of the car.** After opening the template, you should be able to see either 1 side of the vehicle or all the vehicle sides layered on top of each other. If you see 1 side, save it as a new working file, then open the other sides and repeat the process. If you see every side, delete all but 1 of them and save it as a new working file. Then, close the file, reopen the vehicle template, and save another side. Repeat this process for each side. Working files are uncompressed images designed specifically for use with an image manipulation program. In Photoshop, these are known as .psd files. 6. **Sketch your design out by hand before creating it on the computer.** Print out your vehicle template or make a rough sketch of it on paper. Then, draw your design. If you’re working with a client, ask them what they want and use their ideas as a guide for your sketch. Before moving to the computer, show them the design to make sure they approve of it. 7. **Make a design that is big and easy to see.** Just like with billboards and signs, it’s important that your design be clear and legible, even from afar. To accomplish this, make sure that the most important elements of your wrap are also the largest. Big graphics, like shapes, pictures and logos, will be eye-catching and easy to understand. Large words, like a company name or phone number, will take longer to comprehend but can provide more detailed information. 8. **Use strong colors that show up well outside.** Because people will encounter your design in non-optimal situations, ranging from blinding sunlight to high-speed traffic, it’s important to use colors that pop. If possible, stick with bold colors that show up well outside, such as red and green. Avoid using light or pastel shades since they’ll be hard to see in bright sunlight. Stay away from colors that blend together, like pink and purple or yellow and orange, since it will be difficult to distinguish between them quickly. 9. **Limit the amount of writing you use.** If you plan on incorporating writing into your design, try to use it as sparingly as possible. Utilizing a lot of words will make your design hard to comprehend quickly and, when the vehicle is in motion, will be nearly impossible to read. Make sure the most important words are at least 8 in (20 cm) tall that way they’ll be legible even if segments are cut off by things like door handles. Stick with simple, bold fonts whenever possible since they are easier to read. So that they remain legible, make sure all your letters are at least 2.5 in (6.4 cm) tall. Important words are things like phone numbers and website urls. Non-important words are things like slogans and similar types of flavor text. 10. **Give important graphics at least 2 in (5.1 cm) of space.** In order to make the most important parts of your wrap stand out, it’s important to give them ample space. To do so, make sure that other design elements, including text, are at least 2 in (5.1 cm) away from any important graphics. If you’re using multiple major elements, make sure they are at least 6 in (15 cm) away from each other. Important graphics are things like logos and product photos. Non-important graphics are things like generic stock imagery and background elements. 11. **Keep the vehicle’s body in mind.** When creating your design, it’s important to remember that it may look different when placed on the actual vehicle. Avoid putting important elements over areas of the car that move, like windows, and spots divided by lines or gaps. Save your design’s essential elements for flat, unbroken areas of the vehicle. 12. **Avoid making complex designs that wrap around to multiple sides.** Complicated designs, like patterns and continuous images, can make a car look absolutely stunning. However, they can also be difficult to get right, especially when wrapped from 1 side of the car to another. Unless you or your client are absolutely sold on the design, try to create wraps that relegate elements to a single portion of the car, making them simpler to put on, easier to comprehend, and less prone to alignment mistakes. Instead of creating a wrap-around design, isolate graphic-heavy elements to the left and right sides of the vehicle and simpler, text-based information to the rear. 13. **Check your design for flaws.** Printing a vehicle wrap is expensive, so make sure you’re completely happy with the design before doing so. Look through the design carefully and search for any small blemishes you can fix. If you are working with a client, send them a copy of the completed design and make sure they approve it in writing. 14. **Save your design as separate, printable files.** In order to print properly, you’ll need to save each portion of your decal wrap, including the front, back, left side, right side, and top, as a separate file. To do this, disable the template layer on an image and save the working file. Then, click Save As, choose the TIFF option (or whatever file format your printer requests), and create a flat image with LZW Compression. Repeat this with each side. If you worked on a scaled template, resize your files so they are the actual length and height of the car. Make sure the resolution of each image is between 150 and 300 ppi; otherwise, it will print out pixelated. 15. **Create a folder with your printable files and any resources you used.** So the printer can create the best wrap decals possible, prepare a folder for them containing the working files, the TIFF files, and the source files for any external images included in the design. If you used a specialty font, make sure to include a copy of it. If you made use of original vector files, include the uncompressed versions. Every printer is different. Some may only take your TIFF files, others may want everything, and a few may require different files altogether. However, having them all in one place will make the submission process far easier. 16. **Send your files to a printing company.** Because vehicle wraps are incredibly large and require special materials to print properly, you’ll most likely need to send your designs to a specialty printing company. Search online for printers in your area that specialize in large decals and car wraps. Then, contact them for pricing information and details on which of your files they will need and how to submit them. If you plan on doing lots of decal work, try to meet with the printers in person. Creating a relationship with the company may lead to lower prices or better customer service in the future.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Check Tire Tread with a Penny.,"The penny test is an easy way to check the tread on your vehicle’s tires. Proper tread allows your vehicle to gain traction and wick water away the tires. If your tread is worn down, your vehicle is more likely to slide around in the rain and get stuck in the snow or mud. Your tires are also more likely to burst if you drive on weathered tread, which can lead to a crash. While the penny test will let you know if your tread is dangerously low, you may be better off doing this test with a quarter if you want to be more proactive about replacing your tires—especially if you live in an area that gets a lot of rain. 1. **Do the penny test every month to make sure your tires are safe.** Your tread wears down as you drive, so checking it every month is key to staying safe on the road. This test involves sliding a penny in between the tread on your tires to measure how worn down your tires are. By holding Abraham Lincoln’s portrait towards the hubcap and checking how high the rubber reaches on the coin, you can tell if your tires need to be replaced. Monitor the tread using the penny test to make sure your tread doesn’t get dangerously low. The ideal tread for most tires is around ⁄32 inch (0.79 cm), which is roughly the distance from the top edge of a penny to Abraham Lincoln’s eyes when he’s right-side up. The distance between the top of Lincoln’s hair and the top edge of the coin is ⁄32 in (0.16 cm), which is when you need to replace your tires. In the United States, tire tread is typically measured in 32nds of an inch. 2. **Grab a clean penny to perform the test on your tires.** Dig around in your wallet, purse, or coin jar for a clean, shiny penny. If the penny is too dirty, it may be hard to get an accurate measurement with your coin. 3. **Rotate the penny so Abe’s head is pointing at the tire.** You can start on any tire you’d like. Turn the penny in your hand so that Abraham Lincoln’s portrait is facing you and his hair is pointing down at the center of the tire. If you’re using a quarter, do the same thing with George Washington’s face. 4. **Slide the penny in between the tread to measure it.** The tread is the widest groove in the middle of your tire. It wraps around your tire, parallel to the sides of the rubber, and your vehicle likely has multiple treads. Choose any tread to start with and slide the penny in between it so the edge of the coin rests directly against the space between the tread. Keep Abe Lincoln’s hair pointing towards the center of the tire. It doesn’t matter if you do this on the side or top of the tire. Just choose an area where you’ll be able to see the penny. 5. **See how high the rubber gets on Abraham Lincoln’s portrait.** Note the location where the rubber that sticks up past the side of the penny sits in relation to Abe’s portrait. This will give you a general estimate of how worn down your tread is. 6. **Check the tread on other portions of the same tire.** Once you’ve noted where the rubber meets the coin, pull the coin out of the tread. Then, repeat this process on 2-3 other lengths of tread on the same tire. Finish the tire by repeating this process 2-3 times on the other sides of the same tire to find any inconsistencies. Each time you check another portion of the tire, rotate the coin so that Abraham Lincoln’s hair is always pointing towards the center of the rim. 7. **Repeat the penny test on your other tires to make sure they’re safe.** Once you’ve finished checking your first tire, work your way around the vehicle and check the other 3 tires. Repeat the entire process by sliding the penny in between the tread on different portions of the rubber. If you’ve never had a tire replaced, the tread should be identical on all 4 of your tires. However, if you’ve had your rear tires replaced or you had a single tire replaced after a blowout, the tread may be different. 8. **Purchase new tires if you can see the top of Lincoln’s head.** If at point during your inspection you can see the top of Abraham Lincoln’s hair when the penny is in the tread, your tires need to be replaced. Drive your vehicle to the mechanic or auto shop on a day when there’s no rain and at a time when there’s very little traffic. Drive slowly and take it easy. At the shop, pay to have your tires replaced. For uniformity reasons, it’s best to replace all of your tires at the same time if you can. This will avoid uneven wear and tear on your vehicle. If you’re using a quarter, get your tires replaced when you can see the top of George Washington’s hair. This is roughly ⁄32 in (0.32 cm), but the goal of using a quarter is to replace the tires before the tread becomes dangerously low. 9. **Continue driving on your tires if Lincoln’s hair is completely obscured.** If your penny goes deep enough into the tread that the rubber meets Lincoln’s eyes and his hair is covered by the rubber, you’re good to go. Your tires still have life in them and you can continue driving safely. When the penny is right-side up, Lincoln’s eyes are roughly ⁄32 in (0.79 cm) from the top edge of the coin. For the quarter test, so long as the rubber meets George Washington’s forehead, you’re good. This is roughly ⁄32 in (0.95 cm). 10. **Get an alignment** If you noticed that Lincoln’s portrait was meeting the rubber at different locations on one or more of your tires, it means that your tires aren’t wearing out evenly. This is usually a sign of an alignment issue, but you must have a mechanic take a closer look. Drive your vehicle over to your mechanic and explain the problem. If your vehicle needs a realignment, it’s no big deal. This often costs $50-100 and can be done in under 2 hours if the mechanic isn’t busy. Unfortunately, this isn’t a repair you can make from home since it requires an alignment rack. 11. **Replace your tires every 6-10 years, even if the tread appears fine.** While the tread is generally a good indicator of your tire’s health, the rubber breaks down over time on its own. Read your vehicle’s instruction manual to see how often you need to replace the tires. On most vehicles, it’s either every 6 or 10 years. If your tires are past their expiration date, replace them even if the tread looks fine.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to U‐Turn on a Motorcycle?,"Making a U turn on a motorcycle can be a tricky maneuver, since unlike most vehicles, motorcycles only have two wheels and risk tipping over on their side during a U turn. It’s best to practice U turns in a safe parking lot before trying one on a street. To make a U turn, pivot the bike by rapidly steering into and then away from the direction of the U turn. Then, look in the direction you want to turn, and lean the bike sharply into the U turn. 1. **Find a large, empty parking lot.** It’s wise to practice maneuvering a U turn in an empty parking lot before trying it on a street. An empty parking lot is a relatively forgiving environment, and you can U turn as slowly as you like without having to worry about other vehicles or drivers. It’s best if the parking lot you practice in doesn’t have much traffic. Scope out parking lots at shopping malls in your area. Large churches will also have big, empty parking lots 5 or 6 days a week. 2. **Set up cones to mimic the width of a turn lane.** If you have a handful of traffic cones, set them up to create a practice “lane.” Use half a dozen cones to mark the corners and center point of a lane 34 feet (10.4 m) (10.4 m) long and 24 feet (7.3 m) wide. Then, place two more cones about 12 feet (4 m) (3.7 m) from the end of your practice lane. These cones will serve as your “pivot point,” and indicate when you should begin to pivot for the U turn. The majority of side streets are about 24 feet (7 m) (7.3 m) wide. So, this practice lane will prepare you for making a U turn in a turn lane or on a wide two-lane road. 3. **Practice U turns in the parking spaces.** If you don’t have cones, or would prefer not set up an elaborate training course, you can practice your U turns in the parking spaces themselves. In nearly all parking lots, parking spaces are 10 feet (3 m) wide. Start out by practicing the U turn across 3 parking spaces or 30 feet (9.1 m) (9m). As you start feeling more adept, try the U turn within 2 parking spaces or 20 feet (6.1 m) (6m). 4. **Slow down and shift into first gear.** If you approach a U turn going too fast, the maneuver will be much harder than it needs to be. You only need to be going between 5 and 10 mph to make a U turn. Shifting your bike into first gear will allow your engine to slow down your bike as well. Being in first gear will also allow you to quickly accelerate as you complete the U turn. 5. **Ride close to the curb you’ll be turning away from.** So, if you want to U turn to the left, pull up close to the right-hand curb. It’s important that you pull close to the curb a few dozen yards in advance, so that you’re riding in a straight line by the time you make the U turn. Riding next to the right-hand curb will give you plenty of room to swing your left U turn. Swerving within your lane before performing a U turn will increase your likelihood of tipping your bike over. 6. **Squeeze your rear break.** Putting light pressure on your rear break will prevent you from going into the U turn too quickly. The rear break will also stabilize your bike during the maneuver and decrease your chances of tipping over. Do not engage the front break during a U turn. 7. **Engage your clutch lightly.** You want to make your U turn when your bike is in the so-called “friction zone”—the zone where your clutch is lightly engaged and transmitting some power to your rear wheel, but not fully engaged. This will prevent your bike from stalling during the U turn. Making the U turn in the friction zone will give you the most control over your bike’s throttle and speed. 8. **Pivot about 12 feet (4 m) (3.7 m) before the U turn.** To pivot when performing a left U turn, turn the bike’s handlebars quickly to the left and away from the pivot point. Then, just as quickly, turn the handlebars back to the right, towards the pivot point. This will build up the side-to-side momentum you need to make the U turn. When you practice with cones in a parking lot, the “pivot” cones will remind you to begin pivoting. If you’re U turning on a street, you’ll have to estimate the distance. 9. **Turn your head and handlebars in the direction of your U turn.** Once you’ve pivoted and your front tire is aiming right (back towards the pivot point), look head as far towards your left shoulder as possible. At the same time, turn your handlebars to aim the bike sharply to the left. Continue to look over your left shoulder while you’re rolling through the U turn. 10. **Keep your weight upright over the bike.** When U turning on a motorcycle, many bikers are tempted to heavily lean into the turn. This will cause you to tip over. Instead, keep your weight centered over the bike, while leaning the bike itself into the turn. Use your right foot to put pressure on the bike’s outside peg (in this case, the right-hand peg). This will allow you to hold yourself upright while the bike leans to the left. 11. **Look in the direction you want your bike to roll.** When you make the U turn, keep your eyes focused ahead of you as you roll curve around and resume driving in the opposite direction. Keep your head and eyes pointed in the direction of your U turn, and you’ll complete the maneuver successfully. If you look down at the curb or across the street, your U turn will be shaky and you’ll risk running into the curb.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Get Rid of a Musty Smell in Your House.,"A musty smell in your house is never fun, but it's surprisingly common and pretty easy to fix. If your sick of the smell and are looking for a quick solution, there's a lot you can do. We've got a lot of tips to help, like making sure your home is getting proper ventilation and checking to see if the smell is coming from a particular source (and what to do if that's the case). 1. **Circulating air can help get rid of musty smells.** Sometimes musty smells come from the air being too humid and still. Turn on your ceiling fan to dry out the air and get rid of the smell. If you don't have a ceiling fan, keep a box fan running where the smell is particularly strong, or keep a few throughout your home. These can ventilate your space just as well. 2. **Get some fresh air circulating in your space.** Take 5-10 minutes to completely air out your space. The air outside is a lot cleaner than the air inside your home. If your home is really smelling musty, give it some fresh air. Do this regularly to prevent the musty smell from coming back. 3. **Pour baking soda into bowls and place them throughout your home.** Baking soda can deodorize your home due to its ability to absorb the smell. If you don't have any baking soda on hand, kitty litter can double as an odor eliminator. Pour kitty litter into bowls and keep them throughout your home like you would baking soda. Charcoal briquettes are another option to absorb odors. Place them in trays throughout your home or set them on a shelf or table to get rid of any musty smell. 4. **High humidity levels can make a house smell musty.** Install a dehumidifier and keep the humidity level at 50%. This can keep the air nice and dry, and hopefully prevent any mold from growing in your space. Make sure the humidity level is never over 60% (that's when mildew and mold can start to thrive). 5. **This removes smelly air pollutants like mold, pollen, dander, and dust.** For best results, use a true HEPA filter. Replace the filter regularly to keep the machine working as efficiently as possible. Keep the air purifier in your living room or anywhere in your home where the smell is particularly musty. Air purifiers cost about $50-100 a year to run and maintain. You can also use a HEPA filter when changing the filtration system of your AC and other HVAC equipment in your home. This can keep the air in your house cleaner than a standard filter and can improve the smell as well. 6. **Your furniture and carpet may be to blame for the musty smell.** Rent a steam cleaner to clean your upholstered furniture like couches and chairs. Hire a professional if you're not comfortable cleaning the furniture yourself. Carpet can also keep your house smelling musty. Steam clean your carpets or hire a professional carpet cleaner if your carpet is in need of some cleaning. 7. **Pet bedding can get pretty smelly and musty after a while.** For example, if your dog frequently goes in and outside, they track in mud and water into their beds. That moisture seeps into their bedding and contributes to mold growth. To avoid this, wash your pet beds and blankets regularly in the washer. Check the washing and drying requirements listed on the label for specific instructions. Most of the time, you can simply wash and dry them like standard bedding. 8. **These can cause water leakage (and eventually, mildew and mold growth).** Check all the faucets and pipes in your home for potential leaks. If you notice any leaks, cracks, or broken pipes, fix them yourself or call a plumber for some help. Regularly check the pipes in your home for leaks to prevent moisture buildup. It's a little extra work, but it will save you a lot of hassle in the long run. 9. **The smell may be coming from mildew or mold in your house.** Check spaces where mold thrives, like the caulking in your shower or grout lines between bathroom tiles. If you find anything, use a mixture of bleach and water to get rid of it before it spreads. Mix 1 cup (240 mL) of bleach with 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water. Apply the solution to the moldy or mildewy surface and scrub it with a brush. Next, rinse off the solution with water and let it air dry. When looking for the source of the smell, move things that may be hiding the mold or mildew growth, like soap and shampoo bottles in the bathroom or storage containers in your basement. When in doubt, search for mold or mildew in places that the smell is particularly strong. 10. **You may need some help if you're dealing with a serious problem.** Find a contractor in your area with a background in cleaning up mold. If your ventilation system is the problem (it's possible that mold is growing in your heating or air conditioning system), search online or ask friends for recommendations for a professional who can clean these for you. Hiring a professional may seem like work, but it's definitely worth it to get rid of any mold or mildew infestations before they get any worse. Mold is a serious health hazard, and should be addressed as soon as possible.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Use Acorns for Food?,"Like many other true nuts, acorns are an excellent source of food, and they provided people with a wealth of health and food recipe ideas in earlier times. Today, they're still in fashion as a food, and rightly so, because they're filled with B vitamins, protein, little fat, and they're a decent complex carbohydrate, and are good for controlling blood sugar levels. Every species of acorn is edible, but some taste better than others. However, it is very important you do not eat them raw; in order to not eat acorns that are bitter-tasting and toxic, you'll need to process them first. Here are directions and some suggestions about how to use acorns as food. 1. **Gather your ripe acorns.** Look for and only use brown acorns, as these are ripe; green acorns are unripe and are unsuitable for eating (but mature green acorns can ripen in a clean, dry place). Avoid any acorns that appear mildewed, dusty, blackened, etc. Quality nutmeat will be yellowish in colour.Unprocessed, natural nuts of various kinds of oaks: White oaks produce bland tasting acorns. The best for harvesting are the swamp white oak, Oregon white oak, and the burr oak. Generally, these won't need leaching. Red oaks produce bitter tasting acorns. The Emory oak's acorns are mild enough to not require processing. Black oaks produce very bitter tasting acorns and need a lot of leaching to overcome this. 2. **Leach the acorns of tannins.** Untreated raw acorns contain high concentrations of tannic acid, causing their taste to be bitter and them to be toxic to humans if eaten in large quantities. It is possible to remove the tannic acid by simply leaching it out of acorns in a pot of boiling water, pouring out the hot water and having repeated changes of water. Continue doing this until the water does not turn brown after you have strained and replaced it. Another method for leaching: place one tablespoon of baking soda into one litre of water. Leave the acorns to soak in the baking soda infused water for 12-15 hours. A Native American or rustic method is bagging the nuts and allowing them to soak in a clean, flowing stream for a few days until no brown-colored water is seen when checking their progress. 3. **Remove the acorns once leached and leave to simply dry or to make roasted nuts after drying, as desired.** Raw acorns can be stored for months without spoiling; this dramatically increases their value, being a ""process as needed food resource"", however, they must be dry or otherwise they can get moldy and mildewed. But only when leached are they ready to use. 4. **Make acorn ""coffee"".** Peel the ripe, processed acorns. Divide the kernels. Place in an ovenproof dish and cover. Roast in a low heat oven to dry slowly. Once roasted (light, medium or dark), grind. The resulting mixture can be blended into commercial coffee -- or used on its own to make acorn coffee. 5. **Make acorn flour, whole -- or sift to remove fiber to make a finer cake flour called acorn starch!** Read How to make acorn flour for instructions. Use the flour to make breads, muffins, etc. Korean cooking is largely the only cuisine that features acorn starch. Some Korean noodles and jellies are made of acorn starch. As acorn starch is a favorite part of this cuisine, many Asian grocery markets sell it. 6. **Pickle the leached acorns in brine.** Use an olive making recipe and substitute acorns for the olives to make a treat/delicacy. 7. **Substitute roasted acorns for nuts and cooked legumes.** They can replace many legumes and other nuts, such as chickpeas, peanuts, macadamias, etc. Follow your usual recipe and substitute acorn pieces instead. Like most nuts, they are a nutritious, dense food to use freely. Make acorn dukkah, a dry spicy mixed dip, which has many uses, but is mainly used to dip bread that has been basted with olive oil or butter. Sprinkle chopped, roasted acorns over a fresh salad. 8. **Roast the acorns.** Once roasted, remove and dip in very heavy sugar syrup. Make ""acorn brittle"" candy, using a peanut brittle recipe, and spread it on buttered plates to cool. Make an acorn nut butter spread that is similar to peanut, almond, hazelnut, or sunflower seed nut butter. Use recipes for low-carb pancakes (as crepes) or low-carb biscuits of acorn starch. Spread with acorn butter and add stevia! 9. **Add acorns to stews as one might add beans or potatoes.** Their nutty, slightly sweet taste adds a lovely depth to stews. 10. **Add ground acorns to creamed, mashed potatoes or potato salad.** This can give these standards a nice lift in flavour, adding ""conversation-piece"" value.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Tie an Arbor Knot.,"An arbor knot is one of the most basic knots that you can tie and is commonly used to attach fishing reel to fishing spools. Arbor knots consist of two simple overhand knots and can provide more security than a simple overhand knot would provide. While it may look confusing at first, arbor knots are actually very easy to tie as long as you take your time. 1. **Wrap the string around whatever you’re tying the knot to.** Take the free end of the string and wrap it around whatever you’re tying the knot to. Pull both sides of the string so that it’s tight against the object. Both ends of the string should point in the same direction and run parallel with each other. If you’re tying the knot to a fishing rod, you’d wrap the string around your spool. 2. **Form a 1 in (2.5 cm) loop at the end of the line.** Hold the free end of the string or rope and cross it over the string or rope to form a loop at the very end of it. 3. **Pull the free end of the string through the loop.** Pull the free end of the string up and through the loop and continue pulling it till it forms a knot. You should now have a small knot at the end of your string or rope. This is what is known as an overhand knot, and is one of the most common knots out there. 4. **Loop the free end of the string over the mainline.** The mainline is the portion of rope or string that’s on the other side of your spool or object. Cross the free end of the string (the end with the knot) over the mainline, then bring it under the mainline so that it forms a loop around it. Hold the loop with your fingers. This loop should be around 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) large. The main line should be able to move through the loop you created. 5. **Pull the string over the free line.** Take the end of the string and cross it over your free line again with the loop still intact. 6. **Pull the end of the string behind and through the loop.** Thread the tag end of the line through the loop to make a slip knot. Pull on the free end of the string to tighten the knot. This will create a slipknot that can slide down your string or rope. 7. **Pull on both strings to tighten the knot.** Pulling on the strings will tighten the slipknot around whatever you’re tying the knot to and position both knots right next to each other. 8. **Trim the excess free line.** Use a pair of scissors or a razor blade to cut the excess string on the free line. Cut the line or rope so there is a ⁄4 inch (0.64 cm) of slack at the end of the knot.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Make an Herbal Flea Remedy for Cats.,"While there are many topical treatments and monthly medications available to kill fleas, you have to be careful since not all of these products are safe for your cat or your family. Fortunately, you can use homemade herbal remedies to help keep your cat flea free. These options contain fresh and dried herbs such as lavender, chamomile, rosemary, and neem leaf, which will resolve your flea problem and keep your kitty friend healthy. 1. **Find and purchase the dried herbs.** These dried herbs may be difficult to locate in a grocery store, but should be available in most health-food stores or may be purchased online. Since cats can be very sensitive to certain chemicals, it’s a good idea to purchase dried herbs that are organic so you can be confident they have not been treated with pesticides that may harm your cat. Do not use neem oil, lavender oil, or peppermint oil as a substitute for the dried herbs because these could be toxic to your cat. As long as they are not in essential oil form, these herbs are safe to apply to your cat even if it ingests the mixture while licking its hair or skin. 2. **Mix the apple cider vinegar and herbs together.** In a mason jar or other container with a secure lid, mix the apple cider vinegar and herbs. Vinegar kills fleas, and the herbs also repel fleas while offering skin-soothing benefits to your cat. If you are unable to locate these herbs or are looking for a faster solution to your cat’s flea problem, you can add 2 cups of white vinegar to your cat’s bath or comb the vinegar through their fur. 3. **Steep the mixture for 1 to 2 weeks in the fridge.** Store the mason jar in your fridge, and allow the mixture to steep for 1 to 2 weeks to increase the effectiveness of the spray. Shake the mixture on a daily basis because the herbs can settle. 4. **Strain the mixture.** Using cheesecloth or a fine strainer, separate the dried herbs from the vinegar, which has been fully infused. You can discard the dried herbs at this point. Cheesecloth, a gauze-like cotton cloth, can usually be purchased at grocery stores or hardware stores. 5. **Pour the mixture into an 8 ounce spray bottle.** After you’ve allowed the mixture to steep for the appropriate time, pour it into a clean spray bottle. If you are repurposing an old spray bottle or if it had a different mixture in it previously, it’s important to carefully clean the bottle to make sure there are no chemicals in it that might hurt your cat. A funnel can be a useful tool to fill the spray bottle without spilling any of the solution. 6. **Add the aloe vera gel and water.** Now that the vinegar-herb mixture is in the spray bottle, add in the appropriate amount of aloe gel and mix in enough distilled water to fill the 8 ounce spray bottle. The aloe vera is optional, but it will help soothe your cat’s irritated skin. 7. **Apply the flea remedy to your cats.** Spray the flea remedy on your cat’s body, avoiding the eyes and nose. You might find it easier to do this while grooming your cat with a flea comb or brush. This will ensure that the spray is applied evenly to all areas, and you’ll probably get rid of some fleas right away. To dispose of fleas with the comb, dip it into a container of water with a little dish soap. 8. **Do not rinse the mixture off.** Allowing the solution to dry on your cat will give the spray more time to eliminate fleas while soothing your cat’s skin. 9. **Reapply daily.** Reapply the herbal remedy to your cat daily to increase its effectiveness against fleas. 10. **Purchase a flea comb.** These are usually sold at your local pet store. You can also use a lice comb if you already have one on hand. 11. **Find fresh lavender.** Lavender is a natural flea repellent, and has a very pleasant scent. While it can sometimes be difficult to locate fresh lavender, you can try local stores that sell herbs. You can also grow your own lavender by either buying seeds or the plant itself any place that has a garden area. 12. **Get a squirt bottle.** You can use an empty squirt bottle you have at home, but try to avoid any bottle that had harsh chemicals in it. Make sure you clean the bottle thoroughly to prevent your cat from having any skin reactions to chemicals left in the bottle. 13. **Soak the lavender overnight.** Grab a large handful of your fresh lavender and put it in a clean container. Fill it with water and let it sit overnight. A mason jar with a secure lid works well. 14. **Strain and put lavender water into your clean squirt bottle.** Use a small screen or tea strainer to separate the lavender from the water you let sit overnight. A funnel can make it easier to pour the lavender water into the clean spray bottle. 15. **Spray your cat with lavender water all over their body.** Saturate your cat with the lavender mixture. Your cat might not like the spraying noise or the feeling of being wet, so it can be helpful to have someone hold the cat still and prevent it from running away or clawing you. Avoid the eye, mouth, and nose area so the lavender water does not sting these sensitive places. 16. **Comb your cat with the flea comb.** Make sure to run the comb from head to tail and concentrate on the nape of the neck, face, armpits, under the chin, and belly. These are places where fleas are often hiding. 17. **Apply your lavender spray as needed and comb your cat often.** It's good to spray your cat and comb them with the flea comb once a day. 18. **Find and purchase the rosemary.** Look for fresh rosemary in a grocery store or health-food store. Buying organic rosemary will help ensure there are no pesticides or chemicals on it that may harm your cat. Make sure not to purchase rosemary pea or rosemary bog, because these plants are toxic to cats. If you have rosemary in your garden or backyard, feel free to use it. 19. **Boil the rosemary in the water for 30 minutes.** Add the fresh rosemary to the water and boil the mixture for 30 minutes. You can pull off the rosemary leaves from the branch or just leave them on. The leaves may start to separate from the stalk once the boiling occurs, but that’s not a problem since you are just infusing the water with the rosemary. 20. **Strain the mixture.** Use a strainer or cheesecloth to separate the rosemary from the water. You can discard the rosemary after separating it from the infused water. 21. **Let the mixture cool.** After the mixture cools, pour it over your cat’s body, so your pet is soaked with the rosemary water. Avoid the eyes and nose because the rosemary water might sting these sensitive areas. 22. **Let your cat's fur air dry.** Don’t worry about rinsing the solution off your cat because you want to give the mixture time to work on the fleas and calm irritated skin. 23. **Apply as needed.** You can repeat the rosemary-water treatment as needed to repel fleas and soothe your cat’s skin. 24. **Purchase chamomile tea.** You probably know that chamomile tea is often recommended for upset stomachs and sleeplessness in humans, but it can also help soothe your cat’s irritated skin. If you don’t already have chamomile tea in your pantry, go to the grocery store or a health food store and buy some. Look for a product that does not have additional herbs in it, because these ingredients may not help relieve the itchiness or irritation that results from flea bites. Both tea bags and looseleaf chamomile tea will work, so pick whichever option you prefer. While tea bags are more convenient, looseleaf tea is often stronger, which will make it more effective at relieving your cat’s itching. The leaves of looseleaf tea can also sometimes be used more than once. Keep in mind that if you go with looseleaf tea, you’ll need brewing equipment such as an infuser or brew basket. 25. **Make the tea.** There are no set guidelines for the type of equipment you should use to brew the tea or the length of time you should let it steep, but steep the tea long enough to make a strong solution. Don’t be afraid to let the tea steep for 15 to 30 minutes. You won’t be applying the hot tea to your cat, so it’s not a problem if it gets lukewarm. If you are using smaller size tea bags, you may need to use several to make the tea more potent. 26. **Chill the tea in the fridge.** After you’ve brewed the tea, chill it in the fridge until it is no longer warm. It won't be a problem to let it sit in the fridge overnight. If you are trying to make the mixture quickly, you can place the brewed tea in the freezer for a couple minutes to cool it down fast. 27. **Pour the tea into a spray bottle.** After chilling the tea, you can now pour it into a spray bottle, which will make it easy to apply to your cat. Use a new spray bottle or thoroughly clean an existing one so that you know it does not contain any ingredients or substances that might be toxic to your cat. Since the mouth on many spray bottles is narrow, a small funnel can make this process less messy and ensure as much of the tea as possible actually makes it into the spray bottle. If you have extra tea that won’t fit in the spray bottle, store it in a container in the fridge so you’ll be able to have the next batch ready when it’s time to reload the bottle. 28. **Spray it on your cat’s irritated skin.** Flea bites often cause itchy, red, and raw skin, so thoroughly coat these areas on your cat. The tea will soothe the skin, and you will notice that your cat is no longer licking, scratching, or biting the affected area. Chamomile also acts as a disinfectant, and will kill yeast and bacteria that might irritate your cat’s skin. There’s no need to rinse the tea off your cat. It will work better if it has time to sit on the skin. 29. **Reapply as needed.** Since the tea mixture won’t hurt your cat, you can reapply the spray as often as necessary. If your cat’s ears also seem irritated from flea bites or other skin issues, you can add a splash of distilled white vinegar to the chamomile tea and use this to clean your pet’s ears.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Clean Silver Turquoise Jewelry.,"Turquoise jewelry is beautiful, especially when paired with silver. However, cleaning can be tricky. It's vital to clean the silver part and the turquoise part separately. Keep any polish or cleaner you use for the silver off the turquoise. With a little time and care, you can keep your jewelry in great condition. 1. **Dampen a cloth with water.** Cleaners and turquoise generally don't mix. Turquoise is very susceptible to damage and discoloration. Even mild dishwashing detergent can damage the stone. Stick to using a damp rag. 2. **Wipe down the stone.** Remove any unwanted dirt or grime. Use gentle motions to avoid damage. If your turquoise is very dirty, this may take some time. However, do not dip turquoise in water to speed up the process. This can harm the gem. 3. **Dry your jewelry with a clean cloth.** Gently dab any excess water from the turquoise. Letting water sit on the turquoise can harm the gem, so it's vital to get it dry after cleaning. Never air dry turquoise or use heat to speed up the process. 4. **Use a commercial silver polish.** Silver rarely needs washing when it's attached to turquoise and, as cleaners can harm turquoise, it's generally best to stick to a light polishing. Use a commercial polish designed specifically for silver. You can find a silver polish online or at some department stores. Another option is to use a silver polishing cloth, which contains chemicals that clean and polish silver. 5. **Rub down the silver with the polish.** Read your polish's instructions for precise directions. Usually, you use a cloth or rag to gently buff the polish onto the silver. Keep buffing until the silver shines and any tarnish, dirt, or debris are removed. 6. **Keep silver polish away from the turquoise portion of the jewelry.** Work extremely slowly when cleaning silver jewelry. Silver polish, even in small amounts, can harm turquoise. Take extreme care not to get any polish on the turquoise. In the event that trace amounts of polish end up on your turquoise, remove them right away. You can dab them out with a paper towel or rag. 7. **Protect the jewelry from harsh cleansers.** As turquoise is so sensitive, you do not want to risk exposing it to cleaners. Things like dish soap, laundry detergent, and other cleaners can easily damage turquoise. Remove turquoise jewelry when cleaning and keep it in a safe place where it will not be exposed to any cleaners. 8. **Avoid using hand lotion when wearing turquoise.** If you're wearing things like rings and bracelets made of turquoise, it's best to avoid or minimize your use of hand lotion. Hand lotion, like most household products, can potentially damage turquoise. Sunscreen may also be harmful. If you've applied sunscreen to your chest, do not wear a turquoise necklace afterwards. 9. **Keep your jewelry dry.** In addition to drying turquoise after cleaning it, strive to keep it dry in general. Do not leave it sitting out in damp places, such as beside the kitchen sink 10. **Clean your turquoise when it gets dirty.** As turquoise jewelry is very sensitive, cleaning it too often may damage the stone. To keep it in good shape, only clean the turquoise when it appears dirty.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Care for Your Husband.,"Every relationship takes work from time to time, and you might be wondering how you can support your husband and his needs better. By communicating and showing you care, you can make your marriage even better and deepen your connection to him. In this article, we'll walk you through tried-and-true ways to uplift your husband emotionally and keep your romance alive. If you're ready to build an even stronger marriage, read on! 1. **Get your husband to open up.** Some men are socially conditioned to avoid talking about their feelings. This can be damaging to the relationship, as it leaves a lot of important feelings unexpressed. If your husband has a hard time opening up, you may need to work harder to learn how he feels and what he needs in the relationship. Let your husband know that you'd like to know how he feels. You may find it helpful to set aside some time on a regular basis in which you both talk about how you've been feeling. Don't judge your husband over how he feels, and don't jump to any conclusions based on what he tells you. You want to create a situation where your husband will feel safe discussing his feelings with you, and in order to feel safe he needs to know that you won't get upset or judge him for what he says. 2. **Ask your husband what he needs.** Some people aren't comfortable asking for something unless the issue is brought up by someone else. If you're concerned that you aren't meeting your husband's emotional needs, talk to him about it and ask him what, specifically, he needs. Determine if your husband needs change (as in, feeling stuck in a rut or feeling unsatisfied with some aspect of the relationship), understanding (more communication, more of a willingness to see an issue from his perspective), or greater compatibility (more intimacy, more time spent together). These are three important keys in a successful and supportive relationship. 3. **Communicate your needs to your husband.** If you need change, understanding, or greater compatibility, let him know, and work on these issues together. The relationship will not work if only one spouse is working on meeting the other's needs. A real, true partnership only exists when both partners are working to make each other happy and fulfilled. 4. **Work to meet each other's needs.** Once you've determined what your husband needs in order to feel loved and fulfilled, and you've communicated your needs, try to help give him those things. Ask him to work toward giving you what you need as well. If your husband needs change, work with him to find a solution. Try breaking out of your collective routines. Do something different together, like taking a vacation or learning a new hobby together. If your husband needs understanding, spend more time talking with one another. Listen to how he feels and offer him supportive feedback. If your husband needs greater compatibility, try to take more of an interest in his hobbies, and ask him to do the same with your interests. Work on spending more time together, and try to be more intimate with one another. 5. **Prioritize one another.** In many successful marriages, each spouse puts the other person's needs first. This ensures that both spouses have their needs met, while simultaneously striving to make the other person happy. Everybody wins when both spouses work equally. 6. **Listen to how your husband feels.** If you're worried about meeting your husband's emotional needs, it's important to listen to how he feels. You should communicate with one another openly and honestly, and listen when he tells you how he feels. Be an active listener. Process what your husband is saying instead of preparing your response before he is finished speaking. Encourage him to continue by making eye contact, nodding your head, and asking questions. Avoid critiquing your husband's feelings. Help him feel comfortable sharing his feelings without fearing that you will judge him or correct him. Talk about any behaviors that you or your spouse engage in that affect your relationship. You may want to initiate the conversation by asking if there's anything you could be doing differently, and then gently telling your husband if there are things he could be doing differently as well. Try to actively address any issues that are brought up, and ask your husband to do the same. 7. **Identify communication issues.** If you're still having a hard time communicating with your husband about what each of you need, it may be that you and your husband have different styles of communicating and aren't picking up on each other's true feelings. If this is the case, one or both of you may need to adjust how you approach communication to better accommodate one another. Clear and direct communication is when you don't avoid saying what needs to be said. It can seem too blunt to some people, but some experts believe it is the healthiest form of communication. Try telling each other exactly how you feel, with no sugarcoating. Clear and indirect communication clearly communicates the basic message, but may not direct that message at the appropriate person. An example of clear and indirect communication would be saying that a certain behavior bothers you, but without directly addressing the intended target. In this case you or your husband may need to be more direct. Masked and direct communication directs communication to the appropriate person, but without being clear on what is actually being communicated. An example of masked and direct communication would be telling someone that certain behaviors can be upsetting, without directly saying that the intended target has engaged in that behavior. Again, practicing directness can help. Masked and indirect communication obscures both the message and the intended target of criticism. This is considered a highly unhealthy method of communication. If this sounds like you or your husband, you should take pains to be more honest with each other. Try writing down what you want to say as a way to clarify your feelings before expressing yourselves to each other. 8. **Learn how to communicate clearly.** You may have identified some unhealthy or indirect tendencies in the way you or your husband communicate. Assertive communication is a great model for clear communication, because it is based on mutual respect: you will stand up for your needs, but you will also listen to others and compromise. To communicate clearly and assertively try the following: Use ""I"" statements. Instead of beginning a sentence with ""you,"" which can sound accusatory and often makes the other person defensive, use ""I."" So, instead of ""You're wrong,"" you say: ""I disagree."" Other ""I"" statements include: ""I feel,"" ""I need,"" ""I would like."" Talk about the behavior, not about your husband. Instead of saying, ""You look like a slob,"" ask: ""Did you know that shirt has a mustard stain on the front?"" This avoids judgement and instead focuses on the facts. Pay attention to tone and volume. How you speak is as important as what you say. Don't scream and shout or speak in a whisper. Speak with a firm voice at a normal, conversational volume. Respond, but don't react. If you find that you are becoming angry and defensive, or your husband is, take a break from the discussion. Agree on a time to return to the issue once you've calmed down, and make sure you follow through and finish the discussion. Remember: being assertive is not the same as being aggressive. Practice in low-risk situations. If you are afraid to assert yourself or nervous about larger conflicts, try starting small (like speaking up if he says the vacuum is in the garage but you know it is in the closet). If it is not easy to do this with your husband, find someone (like a friend or family member) with whom you feel comfortable enough to disagree. 9. **Try to resolve conflicts instead of ""winning"" them.** Trying to ""win"" an argument can lead to stubbornness, resentments, and impede the possibility of compromise. Know that ""agreeing to disagree"" is a possibility and is still an acceptable outcome. Make clear requests. Instead of inviting your husband to say ""no"" in response to questions like ""Would you mind...?"", make your needs clear by asking ""Will you please...?"" The later is respectful, and he can still say no if he chooses, but you are no longer asking permission to have needs. 10. **Take the time to appreciate each other.** Each partner in a relationship brings valuable contributions and makes meaningful changes to the other person's life. Sometimes, after being with someone for a long time, a spouse may feel emotionally neglected or taken for granted. To prevent this from happening, be sure to communicate your appreciation to your spouse. Tell your husband reassuring things, like ""I appreciate the nice things you do for me,"" or ""I'm so glad and thankful that you are in my life."" 11. **Make time for each other.** When you've lived with someone for a long time, it's easy to feel taken for granted from time to time. One way to prevent this from happening is to make time to spend alone together. It can be a weekend getaway, or even just a couple hours after dinner set aside for distraction-free conversation. However you reserve spouse time, make sure it happens on a regular basis and make sure you both enjoy your time together. Try having a weekly date night. You can set aside one night each week to go out for dinner and see a movie. Or bring the date night home, if you prefer, and cook a meal together. 12. **Surprise your husband.** A long-term relationship can easily lead to couples falling into ruts and routines. You can remind your husband you care by surprising him from time to time. It doesn't have to be a jaw-dropping surprise. Simple, little surprises – like leaving a note in his lunch, or getting him a small gift without any special occasion – can help keep the excitement of romance alive. You can also surprise each other by trying new things together. Studies show that doing new things with a partner releases oxytocin, the so-called ""cuddle hormone"". Try taking a class together or even just going to a new restaurant together. 13. **Be intimate together.** Intimacy helps build lasting bonds in a relationship, perhaps more than any other factor. Intimacy isn't just limited to sex, although many experts consider a healthy sex life to be an important factor for a healthy, successful marriage. Holding hands, kissing, cuddling, and walking arm-in-arm are all ways you can enjoy intimacy on a daily basis with your husband. Find time to foster intimacy by snuggling together while watching TV or movies and holding hands while running errands. Once you make the effort to be more intimate, you'll most likely begin to see more and more ways to be intimate with one another. 14. **Get in synch with each other.** It may sound obvious, but it's important that you and your husband do little, day-to-day things together whenever possible. Even simple changes like eating meals together and going to bed together at the same time can go a long way toward feeling like you and your husband spend time together. 15. **Recreate your dates.** One common complaint among people struggling with marriage problems is that the couple no longer does things they did while they were dating. The time when you and your husband were dating may feel far gone, but you can keep the spark alive by recreating fun date nights you had before you got married. Go out dancing together, if you and your husband enjoy dancing. It's fun, energetic, and may help remind you of why you fell in love in the first place. Have a romantic dinner together. You can go out to your favorite restaurant, or stay in and have an intimate meal at home. 16. **Make plans for a vacation.** Even if you can't actually take a vacation at this point in time, simply looking at vacation options and planning a potential trip together can be a great bonding exercise. Once you've planned your dream vacation, start working towards making it a reality. 17. **Break out of your routines.** A great way to have fun with your husband and rekindle the romance is to get out of your normal daily or weekly habits and do something new together. If you aren't a typically outdoorsy couple, try going for a hike together, or a simple picnic outdoors. If you normally stay in on the weekends, try doing something different together. You can go on a double date with other couple-friends, or host a party and invite people you haven't seen in a long time. No matter what you choose, it's important that you do new things together from time to time. That doesn't mean you have to scrap what's comfortable. Just change things up every once in a while.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Treat and Prevent Crabs.,"Experts say you can contract crabs (pubic lice) during sexual intercourse or while sharing clothes, linens, or towels with an infected person. Crabs are a parasite that infests your genital and pubic area, but they may also find their way to coarse hair like your leg hair, mustache, beard, eyebrows, eyelashes and armpits. Fortunately, it's possible to prevent a crab infestation, and they're fairly easy to treat if you do come into contact with them. Research suggests that pubic lice can usually be treated with over-the-counter lice treatments, though you'll also need to pick out the eggs, which will be attached to the hair shafts. 1. **Purchase a lotion that contains 1% permethrin.** Products containing permethrin, pyrethrins, or piperonyl butoxide are very effective against pubic lice. You can purchase a lotion, cream, or mousse that contains permethrin without a prescription, or you can ask your doctor to prescribe one for you. Permethrin inhibits the crabs' nerve impulses, affecting their breathing – in other words, it suffocates them and they die. Brand name examples are Rid, Nix, and Pyrinex. Read and follow the package instructions for any over the counter or prescription product that you obtain. If you have any questions about how to use this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist. 2. **Consider using a malathion 0.5% lotion (Ovide).** Malathion kills live lice and some, but not all, nits. Malathion is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) only for the treatment of head lice, but has shown efficacy in the treatment of pubic lice. Read and follow the package instructions for any over the counter or prescription product that you obtain. If you have any questions about how to use this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Malathion lotion is flammable so do not apply around open flames or other heat sources. Malathion 0.5% lotion should only be used on persons 6 years of age or older. 3. **Ask your doctor about ivermectin.** If creams and lotions have not worked for you, talk to your doctor about ivermectin. Ivermectin is a prescription drug given in the form of tablets. A single dose of two pills is usually enough to treat the condition. Common names are Heartgard and Stromectol. Read and follow the package instructions for this product. If you have any questions about how to use this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Oral ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of pubic lice, but has been shown to be effective. In the U. S., the drug is not labeled for use in children weighing less than 15 kg (33 pounds). Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding should not use ivermectin. 4. **Ask your doctor about Lindane shampoo or lotion if nothing else works.** Lindane is a prescription medication which is now only used as a last resort treatment. It is very efficient and effective in treating pubic lice, but it also has the potential for serious nervous system side effects such as seizures. As a result, Lindane is not used as first-line therapy for the treatment of pubic lice. Its use should be restricted to individuals who have failed treatment with or cannot tolerate other medications that pose less risk. Lindane should not be used to treat: premature infants persons with a seizure disorder women who are pregnant or breastfeeding persons with very irritated skin or sores where lindane is to be applied persons weighing less than 110 pounds If your doctor has prescribed Lindane for you, it may be because the potential benefits outweigh the risks, but you should talk to your doctor if you have concerns about using the product. Read and follow the package instructions before using this product. If you have any questions about how to use this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist. 5. **Wash the genital area.** Thoroughly clean your genital area before applying any kind of lice lotion or cream. Your skin will absorb the lotion better if dirt and dust are removed from the skin and pubic hair. Right after washing and cleaning the genital area, be sure to dry it thoroughly as most of the creams and lotions need to be applied on dry and clean hair. 6. **Apply the lice-killing product that you have selected.** Read and follow the package instructions carefully to get the most benefit from the product that you have chosen. Remember to ask your doctor if you have any questions about how to use the product. Thoroughly saturate the infested area with the product, according to the directions on the package. 7. **Pay attention to how much time you should leave the product on your pubic area.** Shampoos may only need to be left on for about 10 minutes, but lotions and creams may need to be left on for 8-14 hours. Note the time when you apply the product and set a timer or watch the time. 8. **Rinse off the medication and dry thoroughly.** After you have left the product on for the indicated amount of time, rinse it off with warm water. Rinsing away the product will help to remove dead nits and lice from your skin. It is important to rinse the dead parasites away because they may lead to hygiene problems if left on your skin. Be sure to separate the towels you used from your other clothes and linens. Wash the towels separately to avoid cross-contamination to other clothing and linens. In some cases where nits stay in the base of the hair, you can just remove them using your fingernails or a fine toothed comb. 9. **Change into new, clean clothes.** Make sure that you put on clean, fresh undergarments and clothing to prevent a recurrence of the infestation. Any clothes that you wore when you had crabs should be immediately laundered. 10. **Wash all fabrics that could be contaminated.** Infested clothes, bed linens, and towels should be washed in hot water. The hotter your washing machine goes, the better. Use at least 130F water. All clothes and linens should also be dried in a hot dryer until they are completely dry. You should wash any soft materials that you used 2-3 days before your treatment. Infested blankets, quilts, and carpets can be stored in a sealed plastic bag for 1 to 2 weeks to eventually kill the lice. This way, they are not able to feed on any blood and subsequently die. 11. **Repeat treatment if lice are still present.** You can repeat the procedure in about a week. Follow the directions on the box or from your doctor. Even if you think the crabs are gone, it's best to repeat treatment just to be sure. There are some cases where lice relocate to other areas and will come back right after treating your genital area; however, this doesn't happen often. 12. **Comb your pubic hair.** If you only have a few crabs, using a nit comb to remove pubic lice and nits is one of the simplest and most cost effective treatments for the parasite. The treatment is also time consuming as it can take up to 14 days to manually get rid of all lice and nits. It is very common to combine this technique with another natural treatment. 13. **Apply petroleum jelly (Vaseline).** Petroleum jelly suffocates the lice on your pubic hair. Apply petroleum jelly generously to the pubic area. Make sure that the jelly covers the base of the pubic hair to make it easier to remove nits with a nit comb. You may apply petroleum jelly as many times as needed to get rid of the lice and nits. Be aware that regular petroleum jelly should not be used to treat pubic lice and nits in the eyebrows or eyelashes because it can be very irritating to the eye. However, your doctor can prescribe an ophthalmic grade petroleum jelly that can be applied to the eyebrows and eyelashes. 14. **Trim your pubic hair.** Trimming pubic hair as short as possible will increase the effectiveness of other treatments for pubic lice, whether natural, over-the-counter, or prescription. It is important to note that just shaving pubic hair is not an effective treatment for pubic lice, as they may simply relocate to other hairy areas of the body. 15. **Avoid any close contact or sexual contact.** Since crabs are often sexually transmitted, it is best to avoid any sexual activity unless you are totally lice free. Any close contact such as sleeping with someone or staying too close to a person infested with crabs will increase your chances of getting them again. Although using a latex or polyurethane condom protects against most STIs, condom use does not adequately protect against crabs. 16. **Limit your number of sexual partners.** As with all STIs, the greater the number of your sexual partners, the greater your chances of getting – and spreading – crabs. It's possible, in the early stages, to not know you have crabs. Therefore, limiting your sexual activity is best. 17. **Tell any person you're in close contact with to get treated.** For their health, tell them that you are treating yourself for lice and they should get treatment as well. Talking to a girlfriend or boyfriend about your pubic lice may be embarrassing, but it avoids creating a larger problem – and they'll probably figure it out eventually regardless. Don't partake in any sexual contact with the person until they are treated, too. Both parties should be treated before engaging in any sexual activity again. 18. **Avoid sharing your personal things.** Combs, towels, pillows, and blankets should not be shared with any other person if either of you is or was infested with crabs. It is always better to use your own personal things rather than borrowing to avoid any possible issues with others. Anything that has come into close contact with your hair and skin may be infested, from hairbrushes and combs to towels, sheets, and pillows. If there's any risk at all, just avoid it by sterilizing the item and keeping it to yourself. 19. **Clean your bed sheets before using them again.** While you're sleeping, lice are free to move anywhere and can settle in any part of the bed. Before and after your treatment, bed linens and pillow cases should be replaced and washed thoroughly to avoid any possible recurrences. Feel free to wash surfaces, like in your bathroom, too. Washing surfaces with warm water and disinfectant solutions will help immobilize and kill the organisms. Washing clothes above the 30 °C (86 °F) mark on your washing machine along with detergent and conditioner will help keep your clothes free from infestation.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Be a Good Neighbour.,"Getting along well with your neighbors makes your community a happier and safer place to live. The key to being a good neighbor is clear and consistent communication. Introduce yourself to your neighbors and then stay in contact over time. Try to be courteous by keeping your noise levels low and your yard well-maintained. If you want to go above and beyond, you could even participate in a neighborhood association or watch. 1. **Maintain and clean any shared spaces.** If you live in a duplex, townhome, or apartment, you might end up sharing responsibility for a hallway, entrance, or yard with your neighbors. Do your part to keep these spaces as nice as possible by removing or carefully storing your personal items, such as bikes or grills. Pick up any trash that you see, too. For example, to maintain a lawn space, talk with your neighbor about rotating mowing duties each week. 2. **Care for your own yard and garden.** To avoid unsightly, overgrown grass, stick to a lawn maintenance schedule that includes regular mows throughout the year. In the fall, make sure to collect and dispose of your leaves. Trim back any trees or bushes and clean up any flowerbeds. If you can’t do this maintenance on your own, consider hiring a professional lawn service. 3. **Put your trash out at the right time and day.** To keep your neighbors happy and your home clean, take out your trash according to the local schedule. Also, use the correct trash containers and follow any restrictions regarding chemicals or oversized items. If trash day passes and you notice that a particular item has not been picked up, call waste services for your area to ask why it was left behind. Most waste companies have very particular policies regarding what types of trash they will pick up and how it must be set out. For example, it may not be enough to simply place large branches by the curb of your house. You might need to cut and tie them into bundles. Following the local trash rules also helps to cut down on the presence of pests and vermin, such as mice. 4. **Keep your pets quiet and under control.** Closely follow all of your local laws regarding pet ownership. Have your animals fully vaccinated, licensed, and on a leash when in your front yard or neighborhood. If you have dogs, enroll them in training courses to curb outside barking and noisiness. If they persist in barking, then bring them inside. Let your neighbors know that they can come talk with you if your pets are ever bothering them. For example, you might say, “If you ever hear my dog barking too much in the evenings, just let me know.” If you are walking in your neighborhood, practice common courtesy by picking up your pet’s poop, too. 5. **Follow your area’s noise regulations.** Go to your city’s webpage and look up the rules regarding noise. You’ll find that certain noises, such as loud home repairs, are restricted to particular hours of the day. Keep this in mind as you go about your daily life and try to avoid being disruptive, especially during early morning or evening hours. If you live in an apartment complex, the leasing company will usually provide you with a list of community rules, which usually includes a statement about noise. Go ahead and lower your noise level if you even think that you are being loud. Use what you know about your neighbors to determine what is appropriate, too. For example, if you know that the person next door works nights, then take that into account and adjust your noise levels accordingly. 6. **Introduce yourself** If you’ve recently moved in, go over to your neighbors and say “hello.” If you’ve lived in an area for a while, then take the initiative and reach out to new arrivals yourself. As part of welcoming someone to the area, feel free to offer them a small moving in gift. For a more informal approach, say hi to your neighbors when they (or you) are outside walking their dog or working on their lawn. When you first meet your neighbor you might say, “Hi! I’m Fred Thompson. I live 2 doors down from you and just wanted to come over and welcome you to the neighborhood.” You can also give you neighbor any friendly local tips, such as what time the garbage or mail carrier stops by. A welcoming gift can be anything from a friendly card to a basket filled with local foods or produce. 7. **Do your neighbors a favor when possible.** If you see your neighbor struggling with a package, offer to help them. If you notice that they do not have a mower, offer to let them use yours for a bit. If you are helpful to your neighbors, don’t feel ashamed when you need to reach out for assistance as well. For example, if your neighbor is going out of town, they might ask you to watch over their home. Then, when you take a trip, you can ask them to return the favor. 8. **Attend and host neighborhood events and associations.** Invite a few of your neighbors over for a nice dinner or barbeque. Find out if your home makes you eligible to participate in a local community organization or watch group. If not, talk to your neighbors and create your own. These are great ways to get to know your neighbors whether you’ve been in the area for days or years. For example, a community association could work together to put on a local street festival or even small dinners. 9. **Stay calm when talking with your neighbor.** If your neighbor comes to you with a concern or problem, it’s important to respond calmly and rationally. If you start to get frustrated, take a few deep breaths before answering. You can also ask to postpone the conversation until you have a bit of time to think. For example, to give yourself a few days to think everything over, you might say, “I understand where you are coming from, but I need to consider how to fix it on my end. Can we talk about this over the weekend again?” 10. **Deal with any problems face to face.** If you have any issue that involves your neighbor, it’s important to act fast. Go to them directly and tell them what is going on. Ask for their help in finding a solution that will work for both of you. Giving your neighbor a chance to come up with a solution is better than immediately reaching out to local authorities. This doesn’t necessarily apply if you feel as if the safety of you, your family, or the neighborhood is at stake. In those situations, you might want to reach out to local officials for assistance. Avoid gossiping about any issues with your neighbor to other neighbors or people in the community. This only creates additional problems. 11. **Give your neighbors notice before parties.** If you plan on having a large group of people come over, it never hurts to give your neighbors a heads up. This lets them determine if they’ll need to park elsewhere or move their cars for the night. It also alerts them that lots of ‘new’ people will be in the neighborhood and that it might get loud. The same goes for any other large, loud gatherings, such as ongoing construction.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Be Independent As a Wheelchair User.,"Wheelchair use has been on the rise in the last two decades. As the number of individuals using a wheelchair has increased, so have the opportunities for enjoying a full and independent life. By exploring your options to get out of the house, adapting your lifestyle, and maintaining your health and wellbeing, you can be an independent wheelchair user. 1. **Take a wheelchair skills class.** Individuals in wheelchairs may feel limited by things such as moving while holding things. Many places offer wheelchair skills classes to increase your feeling of independence and inspire you to rethink what your future holds. These classes cover the basics including pushing forwards and backwards, but they also address more complex moves like pushing with 1 hand, going up and down ramps and even stairs, and navigating curbs. Ask your doctor, physical therapist, or other wheelchair users if they know of any wheelchair skills classes in your area. Look for online programs to teach you wheelchair skills. Organizations such as the University of Washington or the United Spinal Association offer online wheelchair skills training. Make sure that you have a physical therapist or trained spotter on hand to prevent falls. 2. **Pursue your interests.** Participating in activities you enjoy can get you outside of your home and help you be more independent. It can also keep you physically and emotionally engaged, which promotes your health and well-being. Participate in group activities such as book clubs or sports-focused groups. Consider getting together with other wheelchair users for things like a stroll around your local area every morning. 3. **Maintain a positive outlook.** You might feel like you can do less in a wheelchair. But this isn’t the case: you can do as much as someone who isn’t in a wheelchair, from participating in races to cooking meals and even skydiving. Keeping your outlook positive and expectations for yourself high can help boost your confidence. It can also show others how capable you are, which will keep them from expecting less from you. Take time to explore all of the things you can do with a wheelchair, including things that wheelchair users may not be able to do. For example, you can try things such as skydiving, parasailing, waterskiing, basketball, hunting, kayaking, rock climbing, golf, skiing, and bowling. Doing these types of activities can boost your mood—and your confidence. Recognize that you can also do things such as preparing a big meal for your family, attend concerts, and even go on a vacation. Talking with a peer support group of other wheelchair users can help you adjust to being in a wheelchair and figure out ways to stay positive. 4. **Overcome fear and concerns.** Being in a wheelchair is a big adjustment for any person. It might cause you fear, anxiety, and concern about how to navigate the world. Acknowledging your fears and concerns can help you overcome them and embrace life and the world around you. Remember that there are few limitations in a wheelchair when you put your mind to something. In fact, new technologies are allowing wheelchair users to push the boundaries of perceived limitations. Seek out encouragement from friends, family members, and other wheelchair users. These people can boost your confidence and help you tackle anything that you put your mind to. Meet with a therapist who specializes in working with wheelchair users. This person can give you techniques to overcome your fear, concern, and anxiety. For example, the therapist may suggest scripting, which is visualizing how something will play out and then following through on that scenario in real life. 5. **Accept help when you need it.** In some cases, you may actually need help with something. There is nothing wrong with asking or accepting help when it’s necessary. This doesn’t mean that you are any less dependent, but understand your boundaries. This can also help others know when you may need a little assistance. Recognize that many people might want to or offer help. Decline the person or people politely and with a smile. For example, say, “Thank you so much for your kind offer, but I think I’ve got this.” Reach out for assistance to loved ones if you need it. You can say, “Hi Allie, I’m sorry to bother you, but my transportation service just called to cancel. Would you be able to run me to the store or pick up a few things for me. I am running low on food and some other necessities.” 6. **Make your home more maneuverable.** One of the easiest ways to be more independent is by removing obstacles that may make it more difficult to move throughout your home. This could mean installing ramps and rails, removing thresholds, to storing items at an easily accessible height. In many cases, you can subsidize modifications to make your home more maneuverable. Check your flooring to see if you can easily move on it. It may be difficult to navigate with thick carpeting or area rugs. Look for any obstacles that might get in your way. This can be tables, chairs, or even the corners of items in your home. Keep your basic necessities within arm’s reach. This includes toiletries and medications as well as food and kitchen items. Add ramps and grab bars where you might need them, such as in the bathroom and at entryways to your home. Consider working with an ergonomics specialist or occupational therapist to find the adaptations that may work best for you. 7. **Get support for modifying your home.** Once you have an idea of what home modifications you may need, you may start to worry about the cost. It can be expensive to modify your home to be more independent. This shouldn’t be of significant concern because there are many programs available to subsidize the costs of making necessary modifications. Consult the service offered by the National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification for information on home modification in your area at Speak to your insurance company about what modifications it will cover. Contact local, state, and federal programs designed to provide financial assistance to people who need to make home modifications. Consider moving to a Center for Independent Living (CIL), which is a consumer‑controlled, community‑based, cross‑disability, nonresidential private nonprofit agency designed and operated by individuals with disabilities within a local community. A CIL also offers a wide array of independent living services. Find and get contact information for your local CIL at 8. **Investigate adaptive driving.** There are many options for drivers with disabilities, including those individuals who use a wheelchair. Consult a specialist in converting wheelchair-accessible vehicles about your needs and wishes. Driving can greatly increase your independence and may help you have a more active lifestyle. Consult with your doctor or other medical professionals about any specific modifications you need or they might suggest for you. You can use this information when seeking a dealer who can make modifications to your car. Follow up with local car dealers to see if they are able to modify your car for adaptive driving. You can also easily find local partners of the Adaptive Driving Alliance (ADA), which is a nationwide group of vehicle modification dealers who offer transportation solutions. Find ADA’s website at Let the dealer know about your needs and wishes. Ask your dealer about financing options, including Veterans assistance programs, Medicare, Medicaid, Vocational Rehabilitation, and manufacturer rebate programs. 9. **Find a transportation service** Many localities offer transportation for individuals who use wheelchairs. Using public transportation and/ or transport services can offer you the chance to get out of the house to do activities such as shopping, exercising, or maintaining an active social life. Call your local public transportation system or ask your medical professionals for information on what services are available to you. Contact the National Aging and Disability Transport Center (NADTC) for assistance in local public transportation or transportation services in your local area. Call 1.866.983.3222 and press 3 to speak to a Locator Transportation Specialist. Ask the specialist to put you on the list to receive the NADTC’s monthly email alerts about the latest technology trends in transportation for persons with disabilities. You can also contact your state’s 2-1-1 information line for information on local accessible transportation. 10. **Stick to places with wheelchair access.** In the United States and many other countries, there is legislation that ensures equal opportunity to individuals with disabilities in employment, state and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and transportation. Many places are marked with the international access symbol, which is a blue square with a person in a wheelchair in white. Look for these signs to locate access features such as ramps, automatic door openers, or elevators. Figure out options of places you plan to go. Call ahead and ask if they are wheelchair accessible. If they are not, then choose a location that is so that you don’t have to rely on help. Upload an app to find wheelchair accessible places if you have a smartphone. Apps such as Wheelmap, Wheely, Urban Spoon, and It’s Accessible can all help you locate offices, restaurants, and other places that are wheelchair accessible. Ask businesses or organization to consider following local, state, and national regulation on accessibility for wheelchair users and others with disabilities. 11. **Travel on vacation with confidence.** Being in a wheelchair doesn’t mean you just need to stay in your local area or places that you can drive. Decide on a place you’d like to go and consult a travel agent who specializes in disabled travel or has experience working with wheelchair uses. Consider booking a vacation package designed for persons in wheelchairs. Book your travel as far in advance as you can. This can not only ensure that you have accessible amenities, but minimizes the risk of potentially uncomfortable situations during your trip. Book transportation over the phone or in person. Ask to speak to a supervisor or person who specializes in travel for those with disabilities to help ensure that your needs are met. Book travel with major companies throughout your trip. These are more likely to offer accessible amenities and services. Consult with other friends who are in wheelchairs about travel. You can also consult organizations such as Mobility International, which have tips on how to prepare for your trip. 12. **Do physical activity most days.** Working out gives most people improved stamina and muscle tone, which can also improve your ability to be independent. Many exercise programs can be adapted for seated users. Alternatively, you may seek out exercise opportunities geared specifically toward people with disabilities, such as videos, classes or sports events. Aim for some type of physical activity 5-6 days a week. Remember that activity can also energize you and improve any feelings of isolation you may feel. Consult your doctor or physical therapist about how much physical activity you can do every week. For example, you might aim for ½ hour every day. You can break the time up into manageable pieces, such as 3-10 minute workouts. Remember to start slowly and gradually increase your activity level as you are able. Choose activities that challenge your body and that you enjoy without pain. It may take a little trial and error to find what works and what you like. Consider activities such as wheelchair basketball, using a hand-bike, bowling, playing tennis or badminton. If you’re more adventurous, you can also try out skiing, surfing, rock climbing, and scuba diving. 13. **Make modifications as necessary.** Most activities can be modified to accommodate your needs. Consult with a fitness professional for modifications you can make to activities you enjoy. For example, you could try swimming with a floatation belt or resistance bands to build arm strength. Make sure to listen to your body and stop if you have any pain. It’s normal to have some discomfort if you exercise, but if it turns into pain, stop what you’re doing. 14. **Give yourself a chance to rest.** Every individual needs at least 1 full day of rest each week. Because you’re getting more activity as a wheelchair user, you may want to give yourself 2 full days. Getting enough rest can help your body build muscle and recover. Get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. A 20-30 minute nap can refresh you if you get tired during the day. 15. **Eat nutrient-rich meals.** Eating healthy foods is important for the health and wellbeing of any person. This is especially important for wheelchair users. Getting a variety of whole, nutrient-rich foods can help you maintain and even boost your health. Select foods from the five food groups of fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy. Vary your choices at every meal to get as many nutrients as possible. 16. **Stay hydrated.** Drinking enough water throughout the day is important to maintaining your health. It can also keep you from feeling lethargic and getting headaches. Drink approximately 3 liters every day. Have more if you are active. Stay away from sugary beverages like soda, juice cocktails, specialty coffees, and alcohol. Go for low-sugar choices such as tea, plain coffee, or sparkling water. Keep in mind that eating fruits and vegetables also increases hydration since these foods are made mostly of water.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Treat Hemorrhoids After Pregnancy.,"You may be prepared to get hemorrhoids during pregnancy, but are surprised when they show up after the baby's born. Hemorrhoids, enlarged veins around the anus, are caused by increased pressure and strain. You may get hemorrhoids after pregnancy because of the pressure from pushing during labor. Fortunately, there are lots of things you can do to manage the pain of hemorrhoids until they clear up. 1. **Take warm baths.** If you run a full warm bath, add 1 cup of Epsom salts. If you run only a few inches of water in a bathtub, add 2 to 3 tablespoons. Make sure the water is not too hot or it could make your hemorrhoid more painful. Soak in the bath for 10 to 15 minutes a few times a day. You can also use a sitz bath, a small tub that you place over the toilet so you can soak only your bottom. You can use a sitz bath multiple times a day to speed up healing. This might be a good chance for you to relax while someone else takes care of the new baby. Or, use the time to nurse the baby. 2. **Apply a warm or cold compress.** Get a clean, cotton washcloth and soak it in warm (not hot) water. If you want, you can put a few tablespoons of Epsom salts in the water before soaking the cloth. Apply the compress directly to your hemorrhoid for about 10 to 15 minutes 3 times a day. You can also try using ice packs to reduce the swelling but only use them for 5 to 10 minutes and make sure not to apply the pack directly to your skin. This can cause tissue damage. Try alternating a warm compress with cold packs. To use an ice pack, wrap it in a cloth before holding it against your hemorrhoid. Keep the ice pack there for up to 15–20 minutes. Avoid using an unwrapped ice pack or holding one there for any longer so you don’t damage your skin. 3. **Use pain and itch-relieving gels or lotions.** Apply aloe vera gel or an ointment that has phenylephrine. Phenylephrine acts as a decongestant, which can help shrink the hemorrhoid. Aloe vera gel has been shown to prevent infection and help heal minor wounds. You can also purchase hemorrhoid cream from the drugstore. Apply steroid creams, such as 1% hydrocortisone, in moderation since these can damage the delicate tissue around a hemorrhoid. 4. **Shrink the hemorrhoids with an astringent.** Take a cotton pad and soak it in witch hazel, or buy pre-soaked pads from your local pharmacy. Apply the pad to the hemorrhoid for several minutes. Repeat this as often as you like, especially after painful bowel movements, or at least 4 or 5 times a day. Witch hazel acts as an astringent and can reduce swelling. 5. **Be gentle when cleaning yourself.** Avoid using toilet paper to clean yourself after toileting. Instead, fill a plastic peri-bottle with warm water and squirt the area. Gently pat the area dry with a soft cloth. Avoid using baby wipes, which can further irritate the area. You might have gotten a peri-bottle from the hospital or you can buy them at a drugstore or pharmacy. 6. **Use a donut pillow if you need to sit for a prolonged time.** Try to avoid sitting for a long time as much as you can when you have hemorrhoids. If you have to sit down, put a donut pillow on the seat first. This will help relieve pressure from sitting on the hemorrhoid so it doesn’t get as irritated. 7. **Increase the fiber in your diet.** It's important to prevent straining and pressure when you have hemorrhoids. Fiber helps keep water in the stool and bulks it up so that it's easier to pass (and with less pain). Try to eat 21 to 25 grams of fiber a day. Good sources include: Whole grains: brown rice, barley, corn, rye, bulgur wheat, kasha (buckwheat), and oatmeal Fruits (especially with the rinds or peels): apples, raspberries, pears Vegetables: leafy vegetables like Swiss chard, collard and mustard greens, spinach, lettuces, beet greens Beans and legumes (which may cause intestinal gas) Fiber supplements, such as psyllium 8. **Drink lots of water.** The Institute of Medicine recommends that you drink 8 to 10 eight-ounce glasses of water a day. Not only will this help your body function normally, but hydration can help your hemorrhoids. Specifically, water can also help soften your stools making them easier to pass. You can also drink juices or clear broths if you get tired of drinking water. 9. **Consider using laxatives.** There are several types of laxatives that make toileting with hemorrhoids easier. Bulk laxatives often contain fiber to increase the mass or weight of the stool. Or, you could use stool softeners which also make stools soft and easy to pass. Lubricant laxatives can lubricate the walls of the intestines and rectum which makes the stool pass easier. Regardless of what you choose, use laxatives only once or twice per week. If you're nursing, talk with a doctor before taking laxatives. Some ingredients may pass to the baby and cause diarrhea. You can try a natural softener like senna or psyllium. Senna is a gentle stimulant laxative that has been used for centuries to relieve constipation. You can take senna as tablets (follow manufacturer’s instructions) or as a nightly tea. Or you can try psyllium fiber which is a natural bulking agent. Milk of magnesia and mineral oil are also natural stool softeners. 10. **Avoid using stimulant laxatives.** These stimulate the bowels to pass stools, but these are more likely to be habit-forming than other laxatives. If you use stimulant laxatives, try to only use them once or twice, since they are the harshest and can cause dehydration. Instead of using stimulant laxatives, try to increase the fiber in your diet to improve your stools. You can sprinkle psyllium into oatmeal, yogurt, or a smoothie. You may also try herbal tea, like ginger, licorice, or senna, to help with digestion. 11. **Exercise.** Keep your body moving to keep your bowels moving. This essentially massages them. You can do any type of exercise: aerobic, endurance, cardiovascular, or just walking. As your body moves, internal organs move and get massaged as well. Be in the habit of exercising 20 to 30 minutes a day. 12. **Schedule bathroom breaks.** Arrange regular times to use the bathroom without interruptions which can make bowel movements easier. But, if you feel the urge to have a bowel movement, don't wait. Go as soon as you can, but don’t sit for too long waiting. Sitting is associated with an increased risk of hemorrhoids. Avoid straining which is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. Let gravity help, but let your bowels do most of the work. If nothing happens, wait 30 minutes or so and try again. 13. **Be prepared for hemorrhoids after pregnancy.** Your body just went through a lot of changes during and immediately following pregnancy. These physical, mental, and emotional changes can all cause strain. Your body is recovering from carrying a heavy growing fetus and your digestive system is recovering from the physical changes of pregnancy. These can increase the chance of constipation which aggravates hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids after pregnancy and delivery are commonly caused by pushing during labor. 14. **Recognize external hemorrhoids.** You may notice blood on the toilet paper or in the toilet after having a bowel movement. This is the most common symptom. Hemorrhoids can also be itchy and painful. You may feel an external hemorrhoid when cleaning yourself. It will be a tender swelling around the anal opening. You won’t usually feel internal hemorrhoids, but they can bulge through the anal opening. If your hemorrhoid is larger than the size of a quarter, seek medical attention as this could signal a more serious condition. A physician can diagnose internal or external hemorrhoids by performing a rectal exam. If rectal bleeding is not caused by a hemorrhoid, your doctor will probably recommend a more extensive test called a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy because one of the symptoms of colon cancer is rectal bleeding. 15. **Look for external hemorrhoids.** Stand with your back facing a large floor length or bathroom mirror. Bend over slightly while turning your head to face the mirror. Look closely at your anus to see if there are any lumps or if there's a swollen mass. These may be hemorrhoids. Alternatively, you can sit with your legs open and use a lighted mirror to look for hemorrhoids. The lumps or mass may be the same color as your skin tone or they might appear darker red. 16. **Know when to get medical attention.** If you're using home treatments, hemorrhoids will usually resolve within a week or two. If they don't, call your doctor or midwife. Occasionally for external hemorrhoids and more often for internal hemorrhoids, you may still need medical intervention. The most common medical treatments are: Ligation: tying a rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off blood flow Injection of a chemical solution: to shrink the hemorrhoid Cauterization: burning the hemorrhoid Hemorrhoidectomy: surgical removal of the hemorrhoid",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Treat Face Burns.,"Facial burns are painful, and sometimes they're severe enough to require professional care. With some quick thinking and careful attention, a burn can heal within a few weeks. Large or severe burns need to be treated immediately by emergency care services. Even if the burn seems minor, however, you should still it get checked out by a doctor since the face is considered to be a sensitive area. In many cases, you can treat the burn at home with soap, water, ointments, and bandages. 1. **Call for immediate medical attention.** If your burn is white or charred and oozing clear liquid, you may be suffering from a severe burn. Other signs of a severe burn are blistering and sweating. All chemical and electrical burns should be immediately checked out by a doctor, regardless of how serious they might look. If the person has a weakened immune system or another medical condition like diabetes, call for help. Similarly, if they are over the age of 60 or under 5, they should get immediate attention. 2. **Cool down the burn by running your face under cool water.** While you wait for emergency care, try to reduce the damage of the burn. You can use a shower, hose, or sink. Alternatively, you can fill a cup of water and pour it over the wound. Keep the burn cool for up to 20 minutes to prevent more damage. Do not use ice or ice water to cool down burns as the cold temperature could cause more damage. Similarly, avoid using butter, oils, or lotions on the skin immediately following a burn. 3. **Place a layer of cling film or plastic wrap over the burn.** Do not wrap the film tightly around the burn. Just place a single layer over the skin. This will protect the burn until you can get medical care, and it won't peel the skin off when you remove it. 4. **Sit up as long as possible to reduce swelling.** While it may make you feel better to lie down, it is better to sit up until you can get medical attention, especially if your eyelids are burned. 5. **Keep yourself warm if you start going into shock.** Signs of shock include sweating, cold clammy skin, rapid or shallow breathing, weakness, and dizziness. Drape a blanket over yourself or put a sweater on while you wait for care. 6. **Get the burn debrided by a doctor.** Debriding is the process of removing damaged tissue from the burn so that it can heal more effectively. To debride a facial burn, doctors may use a water jet tool to gently remove the burned tissue. In some cases, doctors may debride the wound by cutting away the burned tissue. Debriding can be a painful procedure. You'll need pain medication to help you manage the pain. 7. **Undergo reconstructive surgery if needed.** In some cases, your doctor may recommend surgery to reduce scarring or to graft skin onto the wound to help it heal. You may need to undergo separate surgeries for each region of your face (such as your cheeks, eyes, forehead, nose, and chin). Your doctor will discuss the best course of action for you. Skin grafting is a procedure in which the surgeon will remove healthy skin from one part of your body and apply it over the wound. The skin will grow over the wound to help treat it. You will need to undergo anesthesia for surgery. Recovery times can vary based on the severity of the burn and the type of surgery done. It can take between 12-24 months for you to recover completely. 8. **Discuss whether a face mask is necessary with your doctor.** Severe burns or burns that cover large parts of your face may require the use of a face mask. You would wear this mask for 18-20 hours a day for between 8 months and 2 years. The mask helps your face heal with minimal scarring by keeping your skin as flat as possible while healing. You may be required to stay in the hospital while you wear the mask and recover. 9. **Visit your doctor to assess the level of burn.** If you did not require emergency medical treatment, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will do a physical examination of the burn. They will decide if it is a first, second, or third degree. In some severe cases, they may refer you to a burn specialist. First degree burns are very minor and can be treated at home. These may be pink or red in color. They may be a little painful at first, but this will go away after a few days. Second-degree burns may be a splotchy red or white tone. They may be blistered. Second-degree burns smaller than 3 inches (7.6 cm) are usually treated in the same way as first-degree burns while larger second burns are considered to be more serious. Your doctor will likely recommend an antibacterial ointment and a painkiller. Third-degree burns are the most severe. They may start out as gray or white but turn brown or black. They may be painful or they may feel numb. There is a good chance you will need surgery. 10. **Report any symptoms you’ve experienced since your burn.** Tell your doctor how you received the burn and how the burn has changed since the injury happened. In particular, be sure to tell your doctor if: The pain has gotten worse since you were burned. The burn has changed colors. You have had any pus or blisters forming. You have had a fever since the burn. It is difficult for you to move parts of your face. 11. **Get a tetanus shot if you have not had a booster in 5 years.** Burns are very susceptible to tetanus infection. If you have had a tetanus shot in the last 5 years, you may be safe. If you have not, tell your doctor so that you can get a booster. 12. **Get a prescription for an antibiotic ointment.** This ointment can help prevent your burn from becoming infected. Your doctor may prescribe an ointment containing chlorhexidine, silver nitrate, silver sulfadiazine, bacitracin or mafenide. Follow your doctor’s instructions to learn how much and how often you need to apply the cream. If the burn is minor, your doctor may recommend an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment, such as Neosporin. Your doctor may also prescribe you an oral antibiotic. 13. **Clean the burn** Dampen a clean cloth and gently pat around your burn to remove dirt and bacteria. When you're finished, rinse off your face with cool running water from a shower, hose, or cup of water. Pat the burn dry with a clean, dry cloth. 14. **Shave facial hair around the burn.** Get rid of all hair at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) around the burn. Use a disposable razor to gently shave away the hair. If you are having trouble shaving around the burn, ask your doctor for help. 15. **Apply a gel ointment to the burn.** If your doctor gave you a prescription for an antibiotic ointment, apply it according to the directions on the label. You can also use petroleum jelly such as Vaseline or Aquaphor or pure aloe vera gel. Apply the ointment to clean, dry skin once every 2 hours or as directed. Do not use creams, lotions, oils, or butter, as these can irritate the burn. If you use vaseline or aloe vera gel, wear gloves or use a spatula to remove the gel from the container so it doesn't get dirty. Avoid using babies vaseline. 16. **Tape a non-stick gauze bandage over the burn.** Talk to your doctor about the best kind of non-stick gauze to use. Cut a piece of gauze that is slightly larger than the wound itself. Use medical adhesive tape to tape the wound down to your face. Make sure that the tape does not stick to the burn itself. Replace the bandage once a day. This will prevent the wound from rubbing against surfaces like pillows or scarves. If you often rest your hand against your face, a bandage will help you keep your hands away from the wound. 17. **Take an over-the-counter painkiller to reduce the pain.** You can use acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), or aspirin. Read the label of the medicine to learn the appropriate dose. 18. **Avoid scratching or picking at the burn as it heals.** Burns may blister, peel, or itch as they heal. Try to avoid touching the wound as much as possible. No matter what, do not burst blisters or pick at scabs, as this could damage your skin and increase the risk of infection. Try sitting on your hands whenever the burn starts itching. You can also squeeze a stress ball or a ball of clay. 19. **Contact your doctor if the wound gets worse.** Keep an eye on your burn as it heals. Look out for any signs of infection, such as swelling, fever, or increased pain. If you notice these symptoms, contact your doctor as soon as possible.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to What Are Some Examples of Consumer Complaints?,"The last thing you want to hear is that a customer isn’t happy with your company’s product or service. Dealing with consumer complaints can be time-consuming, frustrating, and even costly. But here’s the secret, no matter the size of your business: 96% of customers identify customer service as a key factor when they choose whether or not to be loyal to a brand. So how can you efficiently handle complaints while elevating your service from “satisfactory” to “excellent?” We’ve identified the top 15 customer complaints so you’ll be able to anticipate, prevent, and resolve issues to deliver winning customer service. 1. **Improve your hold times and fix slow responses for online support.** Customers want to have their issues acknowledged and resolved as quickly as possible. About 60% of customers state that they want their issue resolved within 10 minutes. If that sounds fast, check out solutions for optimizing your response time: Regularly update customers about the status of their complaint. Send a simple message as soon as you receive a complaint (ex. “We’ve received your issue and we’re working on it”). Add a live chat platform to your customer service experience or set up a texting support line. Chatting and texting cut down on slow back-and-forth from email. Hire additional staff to manage customer complaints and phone liens, or implement customer support software to streamline the customer service experience. 2. **Offer more hours for customer support and consider hiring more staff.** It’s tough to provide around-the-clock support, but customers don’t want to be told “come back later” or “we’ll get back to you.” A surprising 70% of consumers still prefer to speak to a representative on the phone rather than use another communication channel. Reduce the number of annoying automated messages customers have to handle by offering a call-back solution. Let customers choose between waiting to speak to a live person and leaving a number where a representative can reach out when one’s available. Cut down on your service agents’ workload by offering self-service options for customers. If customers can’t speak to a person, give them FAQ pages, forums, and info to resolve the problem on their own. Offer 24/7 phone support if your company can afford it or hire additional workers during peak times (like the holidays). 3. **Personalize your messages to customers and ditch the scripted calls.** Prove to your customers that you care by personalizing your messages with their name (at the very least), and acknowledging their exact issue. Encourage customer service reps to avoid entirely scripted responses, since 76% of customers feel like it’s important to talk to reps in everyday, non-canned language. Gather customer data (their name, the product/service number, and their exact issue) immediately. Use email templates and chat software to automatically customize responses to include your customer’s name and reference their issue. Instead of signing off your automated emails with “Support Staff” or a generic phrase, use the customer service agent’s name. You want customers to feel like a real person is on the other end of the communication. Use a friendlier tone in your automated emails and responses. For instance, instead of saying “Thank you. We have received your complaint,” craft your messages in a conversational tone that fits your brand. For example: “Thanks so much for reaching out! We’re working hard to resolve this issue, and Martha, our top service representative, will contact you shortly.” 4. **Give customers a variety of choices to communicate with your company.** Customers expect to be able to call, text, email, and/or get their issues resolved in person. Reduce the strain on your staff to answer phones and make it easier for customers to resolve their issues by opening more communication channels. In addition to providing a number to call, set up a ticket system on your website where you collect the name, email, and issue of customers filing complaints. Create a texting hotline and live chat system where customers can immediately reach your staff. Provide omnichannel support. That means you use a customer service software to create one central hub that organizes your customer’s information whether it comes in via phone call, text message, live chat, or social media. 5. **Improve self-service support for your product/service.** Self-service means that customers can take steps to fix their issue without having to interact with anyone from the company. At the very least, offer customers a page on your website to troubleshoot issues. Go one step further by offering an online portal where customers can submit their complaints (90% of customers expect brands to do this!). Offer an FAQ page with the top issues people have and concrete steps on how to resolve them. Set up a forum where customers and users can answer each other’s questions. Allow customer service reps to moderate the forum and answer questions. Prevent issues from popping up by reaching out to customers and offering them tutorials. For service businesses, offer clear “next-steps” once a service is complete. For instance, preempt issues by saying: “If the termites return, give me a call and we’ll reach out within 24 hours.” 6. **Improve how you track customer info to improve First Call Resolution (FCR).** FCR is a customer service term used to measure how efficiently your company can solve problems. Ideally, customers can resolve their issues after just one call. Write down or document your customer’s issue clearly so you know exactly what needs to be addressed. Ask your customer if there are any other questions you can answer before signing off. When you speak to complaining customers, avoid using words proven to trigger more calls like “can’t,” “won’t,” and “don’t.” For instance, instead of saying “We don’t have that product right now,” say “We’re restocking that product on Friday.” Improve your customer service process over time. Ask your frontline customer service reps to document every time they have to tell a customer “no” or transfer a customer. Those “no’s” indicate bigger company policies you need to change to empower customer service or larger issues with your products/services. 7. **Train your staff and give them permission to handle customer issues with limited supervision.** In regular customer service, 75% of customers get referred to at least one other person, and customer satisfaction drops every transfer. Provide comprehensive training on company policies and best practices, and set guidelines for how to answer common complaints. Then, empower your staff to make their own decisions and do what’s right for the customer without continually bumping customers up the management chain. Provide customers with an extension to call directly if the call drops for any reason during a transfer. Reduce transfers by encouraging staff to use their own judgement in resolving issues (with limits on how much they can spend to fix an issue). Ditch the tiered approach to customer service where you push a customer from a Level 1 service rep to a Level 2 service rep. Instead, assign complaints to a group who can communicate over chat. If one person can’t resolve the issue, send the issue to the team. That way, the rep who originally didn’t know how to resolve the issue can learn from the group’s solution. 8. **Set up a stronger system to gather customer info.** Customers get annoyed quickly when they have to repeat their name, issue, and product number to each service representative. Improve how you record customer info and share it with your staff in order to alleviate this common complaint. Encourage customers to submit their complaint in writing so you have it clearly documented. If you’re a small business, that might mean asking customers to submit info via email or an online form rather than over the phone. If you have to transfer a customer, relay their information to the next service rep internally so the customer doesn’t have to repeat themselves. Invest in help desk software to file and track customer complaints. 9. **Encourage staff to take a more empathetic approach towards clients.** Customers want to feel heard and understood. In fact, 60% of customers expect an apology, while 71% say they expect the service rep to really put themselves emotionally in the customer’s shoes. Accept responsibility for the issue and apologize. State that the issue won’t happen again (79% of customers expect this!). For instance, “I’m so sorry this happened. We’ll send you a replacement and have our team look into that issue right away.” Make up for the mistake and boost your relationship with the customer by reimbursing them or providing coupons for future purchases. Actively encourage customers to complain and provide space on your website for them to submit feedback. Businesses with top customer service and satisfaction adopt the mindset that complaints allow you to improve your products and services. 10. **Boost your staff’s training and access to resources.** We’ve all been on a customer service call where the agent can’t provide the right info or solution to our problem. Make sure your customers never have that experience by providing comprehensive training opportunities and boosting collaboration across your staff. Review any guidelines and resources you have for your staff. Make sure they’re up-to-date. Ask your staff what support or resources they need to better help customers. Create “sandboxes” for your staff—designated areas on your site where they can practice walking through customer complaints from beginning to end. Make fake customer accounts so your staff can see exactly what customers see on their end. Host staff presentations where other employees can explain elements of your product or service. You want your customer service reps to feel invested in the company and understand the products inside and out. 11. **Recognize that the customer’s journey doesn’t end when you solve their problem.** Following up with your customers lets you confirm you handled their issue. In the process, you get a chance to turn them into loyal, repeat clients. Use the follow-up as an opportunity to identify ways to improve your process. Keep customers informed along every step of your problem-solving process. Tell them when you receive a complaint ticket. Let them know when you begin working on the issue and how long they can expect to wait. Personally reach out to customers via phone and ask if they’re willing to tell you about their complaint and experience resolving it. Set up customer satisfaction surveys to send to clients after you resolve an issue. Use their feedback to continually improve your customer service process. 12. **Reply quickly to all negative feedback on social media.** If people can’t reach you easily, they’ll complain publicly online. More and more customers are turning to social media in order to reach companies, and when customers post a complaint about your business, they expect a rapid response. Here’s the good news for you—play your cards right, and the public will see you have top quality customer service. Designate a person to respond to social media complaints within 1 hour (top companies will respond within about 20 minutes). Engage with your customers regularly on social media. For instance, set up a livestream on social media to answer FAQs and invite customers to give you feedback. For big businesses, use chatbot technology to automatically send an initial response to complaints you receive on social media. 13. **Ask your customers where your product fell short.** Complaints about your product signal that you’re not matching customer expectations, or that customers didn’t understand how to use the product. Write detailed descriptions of the product and its uses so that customers understand exactly what they’re buying, how to operate it, and how it will function. Listen respectfully to the customer, and apologize for the product issue. Offer a refund or state your return policy. Thank the customer for bringing the issue to your attention. Train staff to call customers who have given your product low ratings. Collect data from those dissatisfied customers on how to improve your products. Offer appeasement gifts (like store credit or free merchandise) to customers to encourage them to try a different product. 14. **Use demand forecasting to get a better picture of your sales timeline.** Demand forecasting is your ability to predict what customers want and when they want it. Look at past sales data to determine when demand peaks, and pay attention to seasonal demand trends. Respond to an individual customer complaint as quickly as possible with an apology. Let the customer know when they can expect their product and thank them for their interest. Pre-empt and encourage targeted customer demand. If you anticipate shortages in a product or are planning to restock, create a waitlist for the product on your e-commerce site. Waitlists and pre-orders let you collect customer email addresses. Plus, they allow you to get a better picture of your potential sales. Take a close look at your supply chain, transport channels, and manufacturing processes. Can you predict when fluctuations will happen as you make your products? Create backup plans for out-of-stock products and material shortages. 15. **Take great feedback from customers and act on it!** Treat every customer complaint as an opportunity to critically evaluate what your company offers compared to what competitors offer. Encourage staff to note down even minor customer issues with your products. Apologize for the product’s shortcoming, and listen to your customer needs. Since they aren’t happy with your product, try to anticipate what they want to get out of complaining and offer it to them. Keep in mind 54% of customers want money back when they complain. Provide a survey for customers to submit new product ideas or suggest improvements to your existing products. Perform regular competitive analyses. Look at reviews for customer products. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their products. Analyze your competitors’ online and social media presence and see how their marketing stacks up next to yours.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Organize Your Personal Files.,"Personal files can easily and quickly become unorganized. The more unorganized your files become, the harder it will be to find them again in the future. To help make your personal files easier to find and file away, you'll want to take some time and properly organize them. The exact system you use will be up to you. However, there are some basic methods of personal file organization that you can use to help you get your files in order. 1. **Keep it simple.** The point of creating a filing system is to make things easier on yourself. You'll want to avoid making your system overly complicated or confusing. Keeping your system as simple as you can will help you easily file or retrieve whatever documents you might need to work with. Only file away what you need. Storing too much can make your system clunky and hard to use. Avoid needless complexity in your file system. Throw away files that you are sure you no longer need. 2. **Use the right amount of depth in your system.** It might be tempting to create a lot of different categories and subcategories for your files to fit in. However, it's a good idea to only make broad level categories and to use only as many as you absolutely need. Creating too many categories can result in a clunky and inefficient filing system. Make sure you create the right amount of organizational depth in your system to keep it working smoothly. Avoid making overly detailed sub-categories for your system. For example, “Receipts, Food, Bread” would be far too detailed to be useful. Simply having a category for monthly or weekly receipts might be more appropriate for your filing system. Having a section for clients and then arranging them in alphabetical is an example of an effective level of depth. 3. **Make your files easy to find.** Your filing system will benefit greatly from having obvious visual cues that let you know exactly where something is stored. Making the sections of your file system obvious will help you quickly locate an item or file one away. Keep some of these tips in mind when making your files stand out: Use colored folders to indicate certain categories or sections. Try keeping a handy list of the colors and the categories you have assigned to them. Use a label maker to clearly label your files. Keep track of the cut of your folders. Try using only one folder cut for each category or section. 4. **Think about the types of file containers you'll need.** Before you can organize your files, you'll need to find something to put them. Exactly which type of file containers you use will depend on the amount of files you have to store, how important they are, the dimensions of the documents, and the frequency with which you need to access them. Take a look at some of these tips to get an idea of which file containers might be right for you: If you need to store very important documents, consider purchasing a fire proof storage container. Finding the Underwriters' Laboratory seal on a container can indicate that the container will protect your files for about an hour in a fire with temperatures of 1700 degrees Fahrenheit. For regular files, you may want to purchase a basic filing cabinet. For sensitive or confidential files, consider purchasing a more secure filing cabinet or a safe. You'll want to make sure your filing container has enough room to hold all of your files. If you have any unusually sized documents, check that they will be able to fit in your storage container. Fore example, legal-sized documents may affect the size of folder needed as well as the storage dimensions. 5. **Gather up all of your documents.** Before you can get started organizing your documents, you'll want to make sure you've got all of your documents in front of you. Don't worry about how your files are organized or arranged just yet. For now, gather up all the documents you think need to be stored and get ready to sort them. Take out older documents that you have already sorted. You may want to rearrange them to fit in with the new system that you're creating. Make sure you've got all of your recent documents collected and ready to be sorted. 6. **Sort your files into active and archive items.** When you are organizing your files, it can be helpful to form them into two main categories: active files that you need to work with and archival files that you need to store away. This will help you access the files you use more often and neatly store away the files you won't be needing immediate access to. Active files are documents that you still need to address, reference or otherwise access often. Archival files are documents that you won't need in the near future, but still need to save. 7. **Create and label the right categories for your system.** After you've gotten your files together in one place, you can take a quick inventory of them. While you are reviewing your files, take note of the general categories they might fit. Write these categories down to create the basic organizational system that you will be using for your files. Take a look at some of these common categories to get an idea of which ones you might want to use: Legal records with subcategories such as birth certificates, death certificates or marriage documents. Financial documents that cover your past financial summaries, credit card information, credit reports or annual financial summaries. Property records. Personal documents such as diplomas, employment records, health records and insurance policies. 8. **File long term storage documents away.** Put documents that you've labeled as archival files into your long term storage container. These files won't be accessed often, so make sure they are placed into their proper categories in the filing system for later retrieval. Archival files will likely make up the majority of your filed and organized documents. Long term storage can be divided into two further categories: permanent files and “dead” files. Permanent files might include educational documents, employment documents or other important papers that you may still need to access. ”Dead” files are documents that you may not need to access again. Old tax records may fit in this category. Remember, however, that tax returns should be kept for seven years. 9. **Put your current documents into your active document section.** Documents that you will be using often or still need to review, will need to be placed into your active documents section. This section in your filing system will allow you to quickly access documents that are not quite ready for archiving. The following are the four most common active document categories that you might consider using: Documents that still need your attention. Documents that you still need to read or review. Bills that you still need to pay. Documents that are ready to move into long term storage. 10. **Start with broad categories then get more specific.** Just like with your physical files, you'll want to start with the broadest categories that your files fit into. For example, if you are an independent contractor, you might want to organize your files by employer. That is, create one folder for each of them. Then, you should split your files up within each broad category into smaller ones. This means that your employer folders could be further split into different folders containing information about each project with that employer. Consider staying consistent within each broad category. This will make your files easier to find. For example, you could have the subfolder for each project contain files like ""project documents"", ""billing,"" and ""communications."" You can also organize folders broadly by year if that seems easier or more relevant to your files. 11. **Scan or download files you don't already have electronically.** It can be beneficial to have all of your files saved electronically in one place. Despite the time required, you should try to scan in as many of your physical documents as possible so that they can be electronically saved and backed up. In addition, make sure to download any files held online in other places, just in case the hosting website becomes inaccessible when you need the files again. Organize these files as you would any others. 12. **Give your files specific names.** File names should be easily understandable and unique. That is, you should be able to look at your file names and immediately know what is contained in them. Try including a date, a signifier of the folders that will contain the file, and an individual descriptor. For example, a billing file created in June of 2016 for your client X Corp might be called ""0616_XCorp_Invoice_2."" This will allow you to know exactly what the file contains without taking the time to open it. Whatever system you use to name your files, just make sure to do so consistently. Once you've chosen a system, stick with it; it will be hard to go back and rename all of your files later. 13. **Back up your files regularly.** The primary danger of electronic file keeping is that your information is susceptible to loss through a computer crash. Be prepared for this by regularly backing up your files to an online backup service, CDs, or an external hard drive. Be sure to label these storage devices as clearly as you have labeled your files. If you have an external drive or CDs, consider keeping them in a safe place away from your primary residence to avoid a total loss from a fire or natural disaster. 14. **Keep up with your system.** After you've created your filling system, you'll want to keep using it as you intended. Getting too far behind, ignoring items that need to be filed or improperly filing items can all undo the hard work you've put in. Make sure you're keeping up with your filing system to keep it working for you. Occasionally looking for files that are out of place can help keep your system in order. Don't neglect filing your active documents away in your archival document storage. 15. **Remove old files.** Some files are necessary to store away for a long period of time. However, your filing system will be finite in size and will require you to regularly remove files that are no longer needed. Regular weeding of your file system will help keep that system in order and functioning properly. Many old financial documents will need to be stored for years. Old budgets, financial statements or annual policies may need to be stored for only one year. Removing old files will create space for incoming documents. Getting rid of files that are not necessary will make it easier to find documents that you do need. The same goes for electronic files. Delete any duplicate, obsolete, or unnecessary documents from previous projects. 16. **Archive old electronic files.** Old files that are still relevant or may one day be referred back to can be archived. This means storing them away from your standard filing system but keeping them organized and accessible. Consider setting up an additional broad category for archived files. Move unused files to this folder with their subfolder formatting intact. If you want to keep archived files out of the way on your file screen, try placing a ""z"" in front of the file name so that it goes to the bottom of your alphabetic file order. For example, you could call it ""z_archive"" or something similar. 17. **Streamline your filing system.** Getting your files in order and keeping them that way can both be helpful when it comes to your personal organizing. However, there will always be room for improvement in your filing system. As you continue working with your filing system, keep an eye out for any improvements that you can make to help make it even more effective. You may want to get rid of categories that you don't seem to be using. Categories that seem to be overly used may need to be broken down into smaller categories.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Make a Bridal Bouquet With Artificial Flowers.,"Bridal bouquets can be expensive and fresh flowers don’t last more than a few days. If you enjoy crafting and DIY projects, save money and create a long-lasting keepsake by making your own bouquet using artificial flowers. High quality, synthetic flowers are available in endless varieties and can be assembled into beautiful arrangements. Add your own embellishments for a personalized bouquet that will last a lifetime! 1. **Select 1-3 large blooms, 4-6 smaller flowers, and 4-6 pieces of greenery.** The hand-tied cascade is a large and dramatic arrangement of loosely bunched flowers and trailing greenery. Purchase flowers and greenery of a variety of sizes and shapes that fit the color scheme you have chosen for your wedding. Also gather floral tape, wire and any embellishments you’d like to include, such as ribbon, fabric, berries, etc. Selections of larger blooms, like roses, peonies, or calla lilies, mixed in with smaller, hanging bunches, like baby’s breath or jasmine, provide textural interest along with sprigs of long, trailing greenery. Look for flowers that come as single stems, with wire that runs the length of the stem and into the leaves, and a matte finish. These will look more realistic and be easier to work with. Read reviews online to learn more about the strengths and weaknesses of different faux flower designers. Go with high-end artificial flowers if you can since they'll look more realistic than cheaper artificial flowers. 2. **Layer the stems in your hand.** Begin with the focal point blooms that you want to sit in the center of the bouquet. Build out from this nucleus in layered circles, rotating the bouquet as you build it, placing smaller blooms towards the outside. Insert greenery in between blooms to create space and help the blossoms pop. Add in additional elements like berries as you go. If desired, add ribbons or bows into your bouquet as you build it by attaching them with floral tape to the stems of individual blooms. 3. **Create the cascade effect with long blooms and trailing greenery.** Pieces like jasmine, eucalyptus, trailing ivy, olive branches, or honey suckle can be added to the bottom front of the bouquet. This will build the long green flowing base of your cascade. Stop and rearrange if things aren’t turning out. You have complete control in how you build your cascade. Allow your flowers to flow outwards, bending them if necessary, so that the arrangement does not remain too tightly packed. Add bright, noticeable blooms into your greenery cascade, as though they are spilling out from the center of the bouquet. Longer stem blooms, like roses, work well for this. 4. **Secure the bouquet with wire.** Cut 6–8 in (15–20 cm) of floral wire with your wire cutters. Wrap it several times around the stems just below the blooms before twisting the ends together. Trim the twisted ends of the wire to 1 in (2.5 cm) in length and then tuck them into the stems. Pull the wire tightly enough to keep the stems fixed in place. 5. **Cut your stems to an even length.** Use your wire cutters to trim the stems to the desired length, evening them out as you go. You want the stems to be long enough for you to comfortably grip them, but not so long that they are very visible. About 7–8 in (18–20 cm) is a good length for most brides. When trimming, err on the side of leaving them too long. Go back and remove more of the stems later, if necessary. 6. **Wrap the stems together with floral tape.** Take one end of your floral tape and begin wrapping it around the stems at the base of the flowers, covering the wire and stems completely. Work your way around and down the stems. Tear the tape and tuck the loose end into itself when you get at least 2–3 in (5.1–7.6 cm) down the length of the stem. The floral tape helps stabilize the bouquet, hides the stems, and provides a nice handle to hold onto. Continue wrapping all the way down to cover the ends of your stems, if desired. 7. **Select 1-2 large blooms and 4-6 smaller flowers.** For a formal mid-size bouquet, consider the round arrangement. This globe-shaped bouquet is created by bunching similarly shaped and colored blooms tightly together. You can also make them all one flower type if you desire a uniform, formal look. Select 4-6 pieces of greenery or other accents to place in between the blooms, if desired. Larger blooms, like roses, tulips, hydrangeas, or peonies work well in the round bouquet. Flowers made from polyester and plastic are cheaper to make and thus are less costly and more widely available. Polyester or rayon flowers come in a wide range of colors, sizes, and types but they may not always look as realistic up close. Silk or cotton flowers are generally more expensive, higher-quality alternatives. They often come in single stems only and tend to look more realistic. 8. **Cut apart bunches and remove the leaves.** If your flowers came as a bunch, cut them into individual pieces using your wire cutters. Remove the leaves from the stems by pulling them off or using scissors. For a fuller bouquet with greenery, leave the leaves at the base of the bloom on the stem. 9. **Build circular layers from the center outwards.** Start by bunching together the 3-4 largest flowers to build a nucleus for your bouquet. Tape these together with 3-4 wraps of floral tape at the base of the blooms. Rotate the bouquet in your hand as you add additional blooms, building it in concentric, outward circles until it reaches the size you want. Attach each stem individually to the main stems of the bouquet by wrapping it several times near the base of the blooms. One design option while building your bouquet is to use different colors or blooms in each layer of the circle to create a distinctive and formal look. Consider a layered look with white roses at the center and red tulips in the outer circle, for example. Wrapping each stem as you go helps give you the signature round bouquet look of tightly-bunched flowers shaped into a dome or partial sphere. 10. **Tape all your stems together.** Wrap from the base downward with your floral tape. Starting at the top of your stems, just underneath the blooms, wrap the bouquet with tape. Continue wrapping as you move towards the bottom of the stems until you are about 2–3 in (5.1–7.6 cm) down the length of the stems. You can tear the tape or cut it using scissors. Tuck the end of the tape underneath itself to hide the edges. 11. **Cut your stems to an even length.** Use your wire cutters to trim the stems to the desired length, evening them out as you go. You want the stems to be long enough for you to comfortably grip them, but not so long that they are very visible. About 7–8 in (18–20 cm) is a good length for most brides. When trimming, err on the side of leaving them too long. Go back and remove more of the stems later, if necessary. 12. **Select 1 large bloom variety and 1-2 smaller types.** The pomander is an uncommon and eye-catching ball of blooms that is worn or carried from a small decorative loop of ribbon, twine, or rope. Select 1 flower type as the main bloom. If desired, choose 1-2 types of accent flowers, berries, greenery, or other decorations, to help accentuate the main flower blossoms. Roses work well in this arrangement, as do dahlias or chrysanthemums. Because these arrangements are tightly packed, you may need as many as 36 medium-sized flowers, like roses, to complete a bouquet. When evaluating flowers for purchase, look for visible seams, exposed wire, or other giveaways that call attention to the fact that they are artificial. If ordering online, order one of each flower you’re considering and try it out before you buy more. 13. **Cut your flower arrangement foam into a rounded cube.** This will be the center of your bouquet. If the foam came in a large block, cut it into a cube that is roughly 4–6 in (10–15 cm) all around. Shave off the edges to give it a more rounded shape. Keep in mind that once you add the flowers, it will look about two or three times as big as this foam core. Begin with a piece of foam that is about the size of your two fists together. You can skip this step if you buy a pre-formed foam sphere at a craft store or online. 14. **Attach the ribbon you will use to carry it.** Use a chopstick, bbq skewer, knitting needle, or some other long pointy tool of your choosing to poke a thin hole through the center of your foam. Fold your ribbon in half and use your stick to thread it, folded side first, through the hole. Grab the folded end and pull it gently until it hangs out of the foam by about 1 in (2.5 cm). Tie a strong knot in the loose ends and then pull the folded side of the ribbon all the way through. Cut a piece of ribbon that will be the length you want after doubling it and running it through the middle of your sphere. For example, if you want a 12 in (30 cm) drop, cut 36 in (91 cm) of ribbon. Shorten the loop later if necessary, by wrapping it around your wrist or cutting it and tying it into a bow at the desired length. 15. **Wrap the foam core with sheet moss.** Holding the foam core in one hand, slowly wrap it in the moss. Use floral pins to hold the moss in place. This does not have to look perfect as you will be covering it with flowers, but make sure that most of the foam is covered. Spray the ball with hairspray to hold the moss in place. When you are finished, you should have what looks like a spherical ball of moss that will be the base for your bouquet. 16. **Strip leaves and cut your stems.** Pull the leaves off or cut them with scissors. Use your wire cutters to cut stems to a length of about 2–3 in (5.1–7.6 cm), but don’t worry about making them all perfect. Adjust them in the foam as you place them. For a clean and more formal look, remove all the leaves so that only the blossoms remain. Push a few leaves up next to the blossom if you want to keep some of the greenery in your bouquet. 17. **Stick the flowers into the moss-covered foam core.** Insert the wire stems of your flowers into the foam. Push them in until they reach the desired height. Place all the largest flowers first, spacing them evenly around the sphere. Fill in any gaps as desired with additional flowers, greenery, or other embellishments. Continue until the entire ball is completely filled with flowers. Either push all the way up to the base of the flower for a tight look or leave them sticking out by 1–2 in (2.5–5.1 cm). Add a dab of white or hot glue onto the stem or directly to the foam center before you place it to add more stability. 18. **Wrap visible stems with ribbon or fabric for a polished look.** Use a dab of hot glue to stick one end of the ribbon or fabric strip at the bottom of your stems and then wind it around, moving upwards. Avoid leaving gaps as you wrap. Cover the stems until you reach the base of the blooms. Cut the ribbon and attach it with a dab of glue or secure it with a decorative pin. Artificial flowers may not always have realistic looking stems, so wrapping the finished bouquet with a decorative ribbon or fabric is a good idea. Add decorative lace, pins or beading to your wrapped stems for a personalized look. 19. **Complete your look with non-floral elements.** Whether it’s tucking in additional greenery or adding sprigs of berries, beads, or feathers, think creatively about your final design. Attach a frame of greenery around the outside of your round or cascade bouquet by taping the additional stems to the existing bouquet. Insert greenery, feathers, ribbons or beads by sticking them into the tied stem of the round or cascade bouquet. Fill in gaps in your pomander by sticking additional flowers, sprigs of dried or fake berries, or greens into the spaces around your flowers. Make your bouquet your own with materials that uniquely represent you. Some unique and non-traditional elements might include LEGOS, tiny gears (for a steampunk fan), paintbrushes, circuit board elements, or colored pencils. 20. **Spray with glitter or floral scents.** A finishing spray that adds some sparkle or even some floral scents can help add the final touches to your bouquet. Place the bouquet on a flat surface and, holding the spray 10–12 in (25–30 cm) away from it, dust it lightly with floral glitter spray. Do the same for any scent you’d like to use, whether it’s lavender mist or your favorite perfume. Just because you have used artificial flowers doesn’t mean they can’t smell nice!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Make Battery Cables.,"Many people jump to blaming their battery when their car, boat, or another machine won't start. But a quick checking of the entire system for corroded or cracked cables, bad connections, or rusty parts, can often reveal issues with the electrical system beyond a bum battery. Making new battery cables isn't difficult, however, and you won't need complex machinery to do it. 1. **Lift the hood and check the battery, as well as all connected lines and cables, for rust, corrosion or bad connections.** Before making new cables, check which ones actually need to be replaced. Remove any snapped, chipping, weak, crusty, or otherwise bad-looking cables so you know what needs to be replaced. 2. **Ensure you have the same gauges of terminals, terminal lugs, and cables.** On the cable should be a number with a slash in it, like ""2 / 0,"" followed by the letters ""AWG."" The terminals should have this slashed number too. This number is the gauge size. The terminal may not, however, say ""AWG."" Make sure you purchase both a positive and negative terminal. If your cables don't match the battery, you can also get cable clamp adjusters, which tighten around any cable to ensure it fits well. Non-adjustable terminals or ""universal"" terminals should only be used as a temporary fix. 3. **Pick up the appropriate cable for your machine, in the gauge size determined above.** Different cables need to be used for different machinery. While there are a lot of options out there, the general strategy is easy to remember: need to use untreated copper wire. need to use electroplated (""tinned"") strands to prevent rusting. 4. **Purchase a non-acidic or active flux core roll of solder wire.** Rosin core solder wire is the safest to use on your battery connections. Acidic connections or active core wires can cause issues and corrode the battery when exposed to electricity. 5. **Grab some rosin flux paste of fluid for the connections, again ignoring acid or active flux pastes.** Like the solder wire, this paste is too corrosive to be useful with copper or tinned wired. Some companies actually sell terminals pre-loaded with flux and solder. 6. **Alternatively, use the bad cables to purchase replacement parts from your local auto shop or hardware store.** Bring in the bad battery cables to ensure you get the right replacements for your car or boat if you don't know what to get. If in doubt, talk to a store clerk for help replacing parts. Bring in your car's make, model, and year to help them understand your specific motor. You'll need: Two cable, brass or tinned Two terminal lugnuts Two terminals Solder Rosin paste or fluid Shrinkable sheathing, cut in four 6"" parts. 7. **Use a thick pair of cable cutters to smoothly clip the cables.** Don't try saw at the cable with a knife of hacksaw, as this makes for jagged, uneven ends of cable that are hard to work with. Use a heavy-duty set of cutters to get right through the cable in one short, smooth motion. 8. **Cut away the final 1"" or so of rubber housing to expose the cable.** Cut lightly here, trying your best to only cut the rubber housing and not the strands of cable underneath. You can use your terminal lugs (the piece that attached to the battery) to estimate how much you should cut away. Simply line it up with the cable and note how long the hole is, then cut away enough rubber so that the actual metal cable fits in snugly. Don't worry if you cut too much away -- you will be re-sheathing the cables later. 9. **Using your fingers, lightly pull off any loose or unwound strands from the cables before using.** Removing these stray bits will slow down corrosion and greatly increase the life of your cable. 10. **Add two pieces of 4-5"" shrink tubing to each cable, shuffling it out of the way until later.** It is harder to get this sheathing on after the terminals are attached, so slide it onto the wire now and roll it out of the way, towards the center of the cable. Each one of these sheathings will cover the exposed metal at the ends of your cable when done. 11. **Liberally apply flux paste to the inside of the terminals and the exposed cables.** This paste is heated up and creates a strong electrical connections between the two bits. Apply the paste liberally with a cotton swab. 12. **Slide the terminal lug onto the expose cable end, pushing it as far on as you can.** Some of the flux will squeeze out, but this is okay. Get the lug snugly onto the exposed cable for now. 13. **Crimp the terminal lug onto the cable using a flat nail punch or a crimper.** If you have a crimping machine, now is the time to use it. Otherwise, get a flat nail punch or angle iron, and a hammer. Place the punch in the center of the nut, then hammer hard into it to crimp the terminal into the cabling. Flip the cable and repeat on the other side. 14. **Using a flame or other high-heat source (such as from a butane torch), heat the lug until the rosin flux is boiling.** You want to get the entire piece nice and hot. You can stand a butane torch up, turn it on, and rotate the cable in front of the flame so the whole thing is evenly heated. Heat until the rosin starts to bubble out of the terminal lug. This preheats everything to make soldering easier in the next step. 15. **Still applying heat, solder around the connection between cable and terminal lug.** Use your non-acidic, non-reactive solder wire to solder the point where the terminal lug ends and the exposed cable begins. You can do this right after you have the rosin boiling. When done, let it cool for 1-2 minutes before proceeding. Make sure you have enough heat to liquefy the solder. 16. **Slide the shrink tubing back up to cover the expose metal, then use the heat source to shrink it around the connection.** All that needs to be exposed is the flat terminal lug, which connects to the battery. The rest of the connection should be covered and snugly fit with the sheathing to prevent corrosion. 17. **Clamp the terminals in a vice, open side up.** The entire terminal is going to get very hot, and you can't attach it and crimp it down ahead of time like the terminal lugs. Clamp it down so it won't move as you insert the hot cable and solder. 18. **Liberally swab the inside of the terminal and the outside of the cable with rosin flux.** The ""ingredients"" needed to attach the terminals are the exact same as those used for the lugs, though the process is a bit different. Use a cotton swab to coat all parts of the terminal and wire that will connect. If you bought pre-soldered and pre-rosined terminals, you should skip this step. 19. **Using your torch, heat the terminal so that the rosin flux is boiling.** Make sure you do this in a well-ventilated area. You want big, quick bubbles forming to know you have it boiling. 20. **Preheat the end of the cable for 12-15 seconds, then push it into the terminal.** If both the cable and the terminal are hot, the connection is going to be much faster and more secure. 21. **Solder the connection between terminal and wire.** Just like the terminal lug, solder the edge of the terminal to the expose wire beneath it. Even if you have pre-soldered connections, this isn't a terrible idea for added security. 22. **Use some wire cutters to clean up any exposed strands of wiring.** If some of the strands of wire came loose when inserting the cable into the terminal, strip them off before moving on. 23. **Slide the sheathing to cover exposed metal, then heat it to shrink it on.** These sheathings will greatly increase the usable life of your battery cables.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Avoid Queues at Thorpe Park?,"Because Thorpe Park is a popular theme park, you may find yourself spending most of your day there waiting in queues. However, if you plan accordingly, you can beat the queues and make the most out of your day at the park. 1. **Pick the best day to visit Thorpe Park.** When planning your visit, you'll want to consider both the month and the day of the week in order to reduce the time spent in queues as much as possible. Go during the off-season months. The least busy months are April, May and September. These months have reduced wait times as they are when the park has just opened/closed, schools have gone back, and there are no special events on. Avoid going to the park in peak summer months as almost every day tends to be busy, leading to queues of sometimes up to 2 hours per ride. Visit the park during the week if possible. The best days to go are Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays, as on these days the queues are up to four times shorter since most people are in school or at work. 2. **Plan how you'll get to the park.** It's important to bare travel time in mind so that you'll ensure you get to the gate on time and avoid waiting in long queues there. You can get most of the way to Thorpe Park using public transit by taking a train (or another form of transportation) to Waterloo, then hopping on a train to Reading (they leave every 20 minutes), and getting off at Staines. It's about 30 - 40 minutes if you take the slow train. Once at Staines, you have a few different options: Take the Thorpe Park Bus, which is faster than the local bus but more expensive (£3.70 for a return). Take the local bus, which is a bit slower, but the tickets are cheaper (£2.40 return). Walk, but keep in mind that the park is 4.8 km (3 miles) away, so it could take up to an hour to get there. 3. **Consider pre-ordering a Fastrack package online.** Fastracks enable you to skip the normal queue and enter a special, shorter queue reserved for Fastrack pass holders. If you would like to purchase a Fastrack, it's a good idea to pre-order them online before you go, as the park only sells a limited amount of them each day and they often get sold out. 4. **Arrive early.** Whether you have pre-ordered tickets, or are getting them at the gate (with or without vouchers) make sure you get to the gate at least half an hour early. Generally queues build up about a half hour before the park opens and it remains busy until 3PM, and then they die down in the park's final opening hours of the day. 5. **Ride your favourite rides first.** Be reasonable, and imagine the park will be really busy, so choose 4 - 6 rides you really really want to do, and get them out of the way before the queues get too long. After you've ridden your favourite ones, you can then be more systematic in your choices in order to avoid queues. 6. **Start at the left side of the park and work your way to the right side.** The public tend to swarm to the right hand side of the park, near Stealth, the Swarm and Nemesis Inferno, so do these later in the day. Try to start off over as far left as you can - the rides like Rush, Vortex, Quantum, and even Saw, Colossus or Samurai. Saw and Colossus both get queues of over 60 minutes in peak times (afternoons and weekends), so do these early. 7. **Eat lunch very early or very late.** Most restaurants are open by 11:30, and the queues peak from 12:30 - 1:00, especially for popular ones such as KFC or Pizza Pasta. It's recommended to either get to the restaurant as the doors open, or wait to eat until around 2:30PM, when people are doing their final rides and starting to leave. This will pay off two-fold - you won't have to wait in long queues to get your food, and if you're on the rides while everyone else is eating lunch, the ride queues will be smaller. 8. **Wait until later to ride the bigger rides once their queues have peaked.** Once you see on the billboards of ride times dotted round the park that the big rides have reached queues of up and over 40 minutes, stop joining these big queues and head for the ones with smaller queues instead. Wait until later on in the day, when people are starting to go home and the queues are dying down, to ride these big rides.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Survive a Heart Attack?,"Each year over 700,000 people suffer heart attacks in the United States; of these people, around 120,000 die. Heart attacks and other forms of heart disease are the leading cause of death among Americans and, indeed, the number one killer around the world. About half of heart attack deaths occur in the first hour, before the victim reaches a hospital. Thus, if you experience a heart attack, it is essential to act quickly in order to maximize your chances of survival. Notifying emergency services within the first five minutes of a heart attack, and receiving medical attention within the first hour, can mean the difference between life and death. If you believe you may be suffering a heart attack, seek emergency medical attention at once. Otherwise, read on to learn strategies to survive a heart attack. 1. **Pay attention to chest pain.** Mild chest pain or discomfort in the chest, rather than sudden, crushing pain, is the most common symptom of a heart attack. The pain may feel like a heavy weight on your chest, a squeezing or tightness around the chest, or indigestion/heartburn. Moderate to severe pain or discomfort in the chest usually occurs on the left side or in the center of the chest, with the pain persisting for several minutes; the pain may also recede and then return. During a heart attack, you may feel pain, pressure, a squeezing sensation or a feeling of fullness in your chest. Chest pains may spread to other parts of the body, including the neck, shoulders, back, jaw, teeth, and abdomen. 2. **Be aware of other symptoms.** Chest pain may be accompanied by other symptoms that indicate you are experiencing a heart attack; however, many people, in fact, have a heart attack with little to no chest pain. If you experience the following symptoms - particularly if they accompany chest pain - seek medical attention: Shortness of breath. Some unexplained difficulty with breathing can occur before or simultaneously with chest pain, but may also be the only sign you are having a heart attack. Panting for breath or the need to take long, deep breaths may be warning signs that you are having a heart attack. Feeling sick to your stomach. Stomach pains, nausea, and vomiting sometimes accompany a heart attack, and can be mistaken for the flu. Dizziness or lightheadedness. A feeling that the world is moving or spinning, or that you might faint (or do faint), can be warning signs of a heart attack. Anxiety. You may feel anxious, have a sudden panic attack, or experience unexplained feelings of impending doom. 3. **Know the signs of a heart attack in women.** The most common sign of a heart attack for both men and women is chest pain. However, women (and some men) may suffer a heart attack with only mild chest pains, or without experiencing chest pain at all. Women – as well as – are also more likely to experience the following symptoms of a heart attack, with or without chest pain: Women may experience chest pain that does not conform to what is perceived as the sudden, crushing pain of a heart attack. This pain may appear and recede, begin slowly and increase in severity over time, ease with rest and increase during physical exertion. Pain in the jaw, neck or back are common signs of a heart attack, particularly for women. Pain in the upper abdomen, cold sweats, nausea, and vomiting are more common in women than men. These signs can be misinterpreted as pointing to heartburn, indigestion or the flu. Breaking out in cold, nervous sweat is a common symptom in women. Usually, this will feel more like stress or anxiety, rather than normal sweating following exercise or other physical activities. Anxiety, unexplained panic attacks and a sense of impending doom are more common symptoms for women than men. Sudden, unusual or unexplained fatigue, weakness and lack of energy are common signs of a heart attack in women. These symptoms can last a short period of time or persist for several days. Shortness of breath, lightheadedness and fainting. 4. **React quickly to symptoms.** Most heart attacks build up slowly, rather than suddenly strike the victim; many people do not realize they are experiencing a major medical emergency. If you or somebody you know experiences one or more of the common signs of a heart attack, seek medical attention immediately. Speed is critical. Around 60% of deaths from a heart attack occur within the first hour. On the other hand, those that reach a hospital within the first hour and a half have a higher chance of survival than those who arrive later. Many people mistake the signs of a heart attack for other ailments, including heartburn, the flu, anxiety, and more. It is important that you don’t ignore or downplay symptoms that may point to a heart attack, but seek help immediately. Symptoms can be quite different from person to person, may appear in mild or severe forms, and may appear and recede and reappear over several hours. Some people can suffer a heart attack after showing only mild symptoms, or no symptoms at all. 5. **Seek medical attention immediately.** About 90% of people who suffer a heart attack survive if they arrive at the hospital alive. Many heart attack fatalities occur because victims fail to receive swift medical attention, and their failure to do so is often caused by their own hesitation to act. If you feel any of the above symptoms, don't try to wait them out. Call 9-1-1 (or your country's equivalent emergency telephone number) to get help immediately. While it's true that the symptoms could be harmless if you are indeed suffering a heart attack your life depends on getting medical attention as quickly as possible. Don't be afraid of being embarrassed or wasting the doctors' or paramedics' time – they will understand. Emergency medical personnel can begin treatment as soon as they arrive, so calling for emergency assistance is the fastest way to get help during a heart attack. Don’t drive yourself to the hospital. If medical personnel can’t reach you in good time, or if there are no other emergency options, have a family member, friend or neighbor drive you to the closest emergency room. 6. **Make people aware that you may be having a heart attack.** If you're around family or out in public when you believe you may suffering from a heart attack, let people know. If your situation worsens, your life may depend on someone giving you CPR, and you're more likely to get effective help if people know what's going on. If you're on the road, stop the car and flag down a passing motorist, or call 9-1-1 and wait if you are somewhere where paramedics can quickly reach you. If you're on an airplane, notify a flight attendant immediately. Commercial airlines carry medication on board that may be helpful, and the flight attendant can also find out if there's a doctor on the plane and perform CPR if necessary. Pilots are also required to detour to the nearest airport if a passenger is having a heart attack. 7. **Minimize activity.** If you cannot get to medical attention quickly, try to remain calm and do as little as possible. Sit down, rest and wait for emergency medical services to arrive. Exertion can strain your heart and can worsen the damage caused by a heart attack. 8. **Take an aspirin or nitroglycerin, if appropriate.** Many people can benefit from taking an aspirin at the onset of a heart attack. You should take one tablet immediately and chew it slowly while you wait for emergency personnel to arrive. If you have been prescribed nitroglycerin, take one dose at the onset of a heart attack and call emergency services. Aspirin may worsen some conditions, however, so ask your doctor today whether this is an appropriate course of action. 9. **Follow professional medical advice after the heart attack.** When you survive a heart attack, it is essential to follow your doctor's advice for recovery, both in the days immediately following the occurrence and over the long term. There is a good chance you will be prescribed medication to reduce blood clotting. You will most likely take this medication for the rest of your life. 10. **Be aware of changes in your emotions and outlook.** It is quite common for people who have survived a heart attack to experience bouts of depression. Depression can stem from embarrassment, self-doubt, feelings of inadequacy, guilt over previous lifestyle choices, and fear or uncertainty about the future. A supervised physical recovery program, renewed social connections with family, friends and co-workers, and professional psychological help are some ways in which survivors can return to normal life after a heart attack. 11. **Know the risks of a second heart attack.** If you have a heart attack you are at a higher risk of a second heart attack; nearly one-third of the heart attacks in the United States each year happen to people who have survived a previous attack. The following factors will put you at an even higher risk of a second heart attack: Smoking. If you smoke, there is almost twice the chance that you will have a heart attack. High cholesterol. An unhealthy cholesterol level is one of the most important contributors to a heart attack and other heart complications. Cholesterol can be especially dangerous when it occurs in conjunction with high blood pressure, diabetes, and smoking. Diabetes, particularly if not controlled properly, can increase the chance of a heart attack. Obesity. Being overweight can raise your cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and lead to heart complications. Additionally, obesity can lead to diabetes, another factor that puts you at risk of a second heart attack. 12. **Make changes in your lifestyle.** Medical complications from an unhealthy lifestyle put you at a greater risk of a second heart attack. Inactivity, obesity, high cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure, stress, and smoking all increase the risk of a heart attack. Reduce your consumption of saturated and trans fats. Aim to avoid foods that contain partially hydrogenated oils. Lower your cholesterol. This can be accomplished through diet, regular exercise or a cholesterol medication as prescribed by your doctor. A good way to lower your cholesterol is to eat oily fish, which contain the omega-3 fatty acid. Cut down on alcohol consumption. Only drink the recommended daily amount of alcohol, and avoid binge drinking. Reduce your weight. A healthy body mass index is between 18.5 and 24.9. Exercise. Consult with your doctor on how you can start an exercise program. A supervised cardiovascular exercise program is ideal but not necessary. With your doctor's advice you can work out a program of cardiovascular exercise (e.g., walking, swimming) based on your current level of fitness and focused on reasonable, achievable targets over time (e.g., walk around the block without getting ""short-of-breath""). Stop smoking. Quitting smoking immediately can reduce your risk of heart attack by half.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Deal with the Sudden Loss of Your Mother.,"As survivors, we are taught to believe that it is natural for a parent to die before their children. However, do you recall being told that one day your mother will never come home, because she would suffer a brutal or accidental death? That's a talk few people ever have. Nevertheless, you have to be prepared to deal with whatever life offers-prepared for or not. With any major transition that is faced, one of the greatest tasks is dealing with the unknown that is attached to the questions of: how to adjust, adapt or transform into a change in roles--or positions. So, how do you deal with the sudden loss of your mother (mom)or another parent? 1. **Listen carefully to what is being said by those conveying the news to you.** If you are not alone, have someone present with you, a person that you trust. If you are alone, contact a person that you trust while the detectives are present and repeat to the person you contacted, what has been stated to you. 2. **Clarify the statements that are being stated to you.** For example, you might wish to clarify why the police asking certain questions such as: ""What do you mean by asking 'Was Ella Suggs my mother?'"". If something doesn't make sense to you, ask them to repeat it or to use different words to explain themselves. Determine with facts what type of death it was, such as suicide, homicide, accidental or natural causes. 3. **Prepare yourself to experience an array of emotions, starting with disbelief.** Pay close attention to how your feelings and thoughts will vacillate within the hour, day, week, etc. See this as perfectly normal. Learn how to be okay with not knowing how to think or what to feel. These thoughts will become more pronounced as you try to cope with living life without your mother. Realize that you may feel the need to go into an investigative mode, to help your need to understand why the death occurred. Do not fill in the blanks with questionable details. You must know whether the information that you have is correct. Prepare to use the information that you have gathered as a jigsaw puzzle. Be okay with the missing pieces. 4. **Try not to be alone as you start trying to cope with the information.** Surround yourself with people who care about you and who have a no-strings-attached type of relationship with you. Be okay with delegating responsibility to others who are responsible and able to interpret how you would want things handled. 5. **Understand that in the first weeks, you will be flooded with details and tasks.** This will change once the funeral and burial are concluded. 6. **Be prepared for vivid dreams and/or recall.** You may start having dreams of seeing your mom. There will be such a desperate cry or yearning to reconnect physically--with her that you will find yourself crying in your sleep. 7. **Do something that helps you stay in the moment.** Activities such as journaling or blogging events can help you to capture what you think and how you feel. After a period of months, you may have difficulties recalling what happened since the loss and these written memories will help you. 8. **Do not sleep the day away.** Try to resume to the normalcy of your days before your mom died. This will help you reduce the chances of clinical depression setting in. However, the suddenness of the death may lead to trauma symptoms that can become Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 9. **Pay attention to how you are viewing the reality of the death.** Sudden death is difficult to wrap your mind around and will always lead back to this sense of yearning or longing to see, feel or hear the person again. This is normal, so allow yourself to sit through the discomfort. Do a daily check in with yourself and be honest. Ask yourself, how am I doing today and what do I need? Know that living will be hard. There will be a lot of days that your thoughts may get the best of you. This is normal. Feeling numb is also normal––there is no right or wrong way to react and grieve. 10. **Listen to inspirational messages, call people that you are close with, ask for help if the emotions become unbearable.** Contact the detectives, hospital, coroners office or whomever necessary to help ease your thoughts. 11. **Find your own ways to stay connected with your mother.** You may want to create a memorial, a memory book or an online site dedicated to her. You may want to simply think about her. What is important is to find ways that work best for you and to not feel that you have to do anything to ""display"" your grief or connectedness. Go to the cemetery if it helps you to feel connected. Cry, scream, laugh if necessary. It will keep you grounded in reality. Take your time going through the belongings of your mother. They do not need to be sorted immediately––get around to doing this when you feel ready. 12. **Keep staying in the moment.** Try not to focus too much on what future things will be different without your mother because it will exacerbate your transition from point A to point B. Time is key when you're healing from a loss.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Clean Shoes with Toothpaste.,"You can make your dirty shoes look clean again by removing the dirt and debris with toothpaste. Use either a toothbrush or a cleaning pad to scrub the dirt from the shoes. Let the toothpaste dry into the shoes before removing it with a damp cloth and a water and soap solution. When you're finished, your shoes should look a lot cleaner than they were before you started. You should only clean canvas shoes and sneakers with toothpaste as other shoes could be damaged. 1. **Buy white non-gel toothpaste.** Gel toothpaste won't clean your shoes properly and there's a big chance that it will stain them. Gel toothpaste is especially bad for white shoes. You can use colored toothpaste if you have that lying around your home, but it won't clean the shoes as well as white toothpaste. Get an old toothbrush or a cheap, new toothbrush. There's no point using an expensive, brand new toothbrush to clean your dirty shoes. You won't be able to use it to clean shoes again and you definitely can't use it to brush your teeth. An old toothbrush is perfect for the job. 2. **Test the toothpaste on a small spot on one of your shoes.** Different types of toothpaste have different ingredients, some of which can damage your shoes. Most toothpaste will be okay to use, but you're better off testing them first. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a small spot on one of your shoes. Check the spot after 20 minutes and wipe it with a damp cloth. If the toothpaste didn't stain the shoe, you can use it to clean both of your shoes. 3. **Apply a little bit of toothpaste to the brush.** There's no need to use a big dollop of toothpaste on the brush. You're better off using a small dab on the brush to clean your shoes. Too much toothpaste might damage your shoes. Use about half the amount of toothpaste that you'd use when brushing your teeth. You can also use a cleaning pad to scrub your shoes. Use a cleaning sponge to quickly clean your shoes or a wire brush to rigorously clean very dirty canvas shoes or sneakers. 4. **Scrub your shoes with the toothbrush.** How hard you scrub with the toothbrush depends on the color, material, and condition of your shoes. If you have dark colored shoes or shoes that are very dirty, you can use a lot of pressure to remove the dirt. If you have white shoes that you don't want to scratch, gently massage the toothpaste into your shoes with the brush. Identify any especially dirty spots and scrub back and forth over them with the brush to remove the dirt. 5. **Leave the toothpaste on the shoes for 10 minutes or so.** During this time, the toothpaste will soak into the material of the shoes. It will make some of the dirt easier to remove with a towel. 6. **Wipe the shoes with a damp towel.** Once the 10 minutes have passed, hold your towel under the sink for a couple of seconds and wipe the shoes. You can use as much pressure as you like on the shoes when wiping them with the towel. Make sure you clean as much toothpaste from the shoes as possible. Repeat the process if some of the dirt is still difficult to remove. 7. **Get a clean spray bottle or rinse one you already have.** You should use a clean spray bottle as other substances could harm your shoes. You can get a new, empty spray bottle at the local supermarket or household products store. If you need to clean out an old spray bottle, pour the contents down the drain. Add dish soap to the spray bottle and rinse it out until suds stop forming in the water. 8. **Mix 5 parts water and 1 part dish soap in the spray bottle.** You can use measuring cups to measure the exact amount of water and soap you put in the spray bottle. If you don't have measuring cups, it's better to use less dish soap rather than more. When you've added both the water and the soap to the spray bottle, put the cap on and shake the bottle to mix them. 9. **Spray the solution on a clean cloth and wipe the shoes.** Squirt the cloth a couple of times with the solution. Wipe the toothpaste from the shoes with the cloth in circular motions. Pay special attention to the parts of the shoes that were especially dirty before you cleaned them. Make sure you wipe all of the solution from the shoes with the cloth. 10. **Dry the shoes with a clean, dry cloth.** After wiping the shoes with the spray solution, you need to dry them. Use plenty of pressure to completely dry the shoes with the cloth. If you need to, you can leave the shoes in a cool, dry place to let them air dry.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Make a Cooler from Insulating Material.,"There are lots of ways to make a homemade cooler using readily available insulating materials. Using a lidded box, foil, and recycled packaging materials, you can make a small, simple cooler. For a larger, more effective design, line a cardboard box with foam board. If you need something more portable, you could also sew an insulated lunch bag to keep items cold when you’re on the go. 1. **Line the outside of a lidded cardboard or plastic box with foil.** Glue the aluminum foil to the outside of the box and lid. Go with a box that’s large enough to hold the items you’d like to keep cold. A shoe box or small plastic tote, for instance, would work well if you just need to store your lunch. Attach the foil to the box so the shiny side faces out. The more light the foil reflects, the less heat the box will absorb. Smooth the foil after you apply it, so that it wouldn't be wrinkling too much. If you’re using a cardboard box, glue foil onto the inside, too. Use a single sheet of foil large enough to cover the entire interior. Carefully mold the foil into the corners, and try not to tear it. Lining the inside with foil can help keep the cardboard from getting soggy. 2. **Glue bubble packaging, thick fabric, or packing peanuts inside the box.** Glue your insulating material to the lid’s underside and to the bottom and sides of the box’s interior. Recycled packaging materials, thick nylon, or cotton are all good choices. Avoid covering the lip of the lid with insulating material, and make sure it can still fit over the box. 3. **Seal the box with foil if the lid doesn’t tightly close.** Place an ice pack and the items you’re storing into the box, then cover it with the lid. If you used a plastic container, it should seal tightly. To seal a cardboard box, place a sheet of foil over the lid, fold it over the sides, then crumple it tightly around the box. The box should keep your items cold for about 4 hours. If possible, keep the box away from direct light and sources of heat. 4. **Remove the top flaps from a cardboard box.** Use a pair of scissors or utility knife to cut off the top flaps. Keep in mind you’ll be building layers of foam about 6 in (15 cm) thick inside the box. Choose a box large enough to hold all of that insulation and still have room to store foods and drinks. For example, if you use a 24 by 24 in (61 by 61 cm) box, the space available for storage will be 18 by 18 in (46 by 46 cm). A cardboard box is the easiest choice, but a large plastic tote would work. You could also make your own box out of wood. 5. **Line the box with a trash bag, shower curtain, or plastic tablecloth.** Place a trash bag, or another type of waterproof material, into the box as if you were lining a trash can. Press the bag into the box’s corners, and take care not to tear the bag. Keep the bag flat against the sides of the box, then trim the bag so it’s flush with the top of the box. Duct tape the bag to the top of the box; add strips of tape along the box’s entire top edge. Give the bag some slack so there’s extra material at the bottom corners. It’ll tear easily if it’s too tight. The waterproof layer will help keep melted ice or condensation from getting the cardboard soggy. A trash bag is inexpensive and readily available, but a shower curtain or plastic tablecloth would be sturdier. 6. **Cut 5 panels of 1 in (2.5 cm) foam to line the inside of the box.** Use craft foam boards or sheets of foam board insulation. Measure the box’s bottom and sides, cut a panel that matches the box’s bottom, and make the side panels 2 in (5.1 cm) shorter than the box. Cut 2 of the side foam panels 2 in (5.1 cm) shorter to account for the thickness of the other 2 panels. Suppose you have a 24 by 24 by 24 in (61 by 61 by 61 cm) box; make 2 of the panels 24 in (61 cm) long. Since the panels are each 1 in (2.5 cm) thick, make the other 2 panels 22 in (56 cm). Cut with the grain of the foam to keep the edges straighter. 7. **Glue the foam panels inside the box.** Start by gluing the bottom board to the base of the box. Take care not to tear the waterproof layer. Then glue a foam panel to each side of the box's interior. Once they’re glued into place, the tops of the side panels should be 1 in (2.5 cm) below the box’s top edge. Each side is 2 in (5.1 cm) shorter than the box, but the bottom foam panel adds an extra 1 in (2.5 cm) to their height. To make the glue dry faster, don't use it in excess and make sure to apply it onto the dry surface. 8. **Use 4 more foam panels to create an inner box.** Make 2 of the panels about 4 in (10 cm) smaller in width than the sides of the box. Cut the other 2 panels 6 in (15 cm) smaller than the box’s sides. All 4 sides should be 1 in (2.5 cm) shorter than the height of the box. Glue the 4 panels together to make an inner box. This smaller inner box is actually the storage space. You'll fill the gap between the inner foam box and the panels that line the cardboard box with insulation. All of these layers of insulating material will help keep the cooler nice and cold. 9. **Glue the inner box into place.** Center the foam box inside the cardboard box. There should be a 3 to 4 in (7.6 to 10.2 cm) space between the 2 sets of foam panels on all 4 sides. After double checking the fit, glue the inner foam box into place. 10. **Fill the gaps between the panels with vermiculite or spray foam.** Pour vermiculite between the panels, or use spray foam insulation. If you use spray foam, pause between applications to allow the foam to expand. If it expands beyond the tops of the panels, give it an hour to dry, then trim the excess foam with a utility knife. In a pinch, fill the gap with packing peanuts, bubble wrap, or Styrofoam. Fiberglass insulation would also work. 11. **Make 4 strips of ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) foam board.** Cut strips of foam wide enough the cover the insulation-filled gaps. If each gap is 4 in (10 cm) wide and each foam panel is 1 in (2.5 cm) thick, the cover strips should be 6 in (15 cm) wide. Cut 2 of the strips, then set them over the gaps on parallel sides of the box. Measure the length between the 2 covers, then cut 2 more strips to match that length. Be sure to use ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) thick foam board for the strips to leave room for the box’s lid. 12. **Glue the cover strips over the gaps.** Apply beads of craft glue over the foam panels that line the cardboard box and the ones that form the inner box. Then set the cover strips into place over the insulation-filled gaps. Remember to place the longer cover strips across from each other. 13. **Use a sheet of 1 in (2.5 cm) foam for the lid.** Measure the perimeter of the top of the box, and cut a foam panel to match. Since the strips that cover the insulation-filled gaps are ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) thick, there should be a ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) lip formed by the sides of the cardboard box. This lip should hug the sides of the lid. If you’d like, glue handles or knobs to the top of the lid so it’s easier to remove. If you made a wooden box, you could make a wooden, foam-lined lid and join it to the box with a hinge. 14. **Select waterproofing, insulating, and outer materials.** Use waterproof material for the innermost layer, insulating material for the middle layer, and a fabric you find attractive for the outer layer. Laminated cotton, PUL lining, and vinyl are your best options for waterproof materials. If you want to stick with recycled materials, you could use a plastic tablecloth or a plastic shower curtain. Thermal batting, which you can find at a craft or fabric store, is the best insulating material. If you're on a budget, you can recycle thin flexible foam or bubble wrap. Thin craft foam or packing foam might work, but the lunch bag will be stiffer. Pick a durable, easy-to-clean material for the outer layer, like canvas or denim. 15. **Make 3 rectangles made of each material.** For each material, cut a 10 by 26 ⁄2 in (25 by 67 cm) rectangle. Then cut a pair of 6 ⁄2 by 10 in (17 by 25 cm) rectangles. You should have 1 large and 2 smaller rectangles made of each of the 3 materials, or 9 total rectangles. 16. **Baste the insulation to the outer fabric.** Spread the outer fabric rectangles flat on your work surface. Spray a small of amount of fabric adhesive around the edges, corners, and center of the outer fabric, line up a corresponding piece of thermal batting over it, then press the fabric and batting together. Repeat the steps to baste the other 2 sets of fabric and batting rectangles. Look for spray adhesive online or at craft and fabric stores. Spray basting is the easiest method of attaching the batting to the outer fabric. You could also hold them together by pinning them ⁄4 in (0.64 cm) from the edges. 17. **Pin 1 side panel of the outer material to the main section.** Spread out the large rectangular section of basted outer material with the right side, or outer fabric, facing up. Then lay a smaller rectangle of basted outer material over the large rectangle with the right side down. Align the upper left edges of both rectangles, and pin together their left long edges. Weave the pins into the fabric rectangles ⁄4 inch (0.64 cm) from the edges. Make sure the long and short sides of the rectangles are aligned. Position the rectangles so their short sides are at the top and bottom and the long sides are at the left and right. 18. **Sew the pinned edges of the side and main panels.** Stitch down the pinned sides of the panels ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) from the edges. Begin at the top corner and work your way down the long side. Stop ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) away from the bottom left corner of the side panel. Use this ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) seam allowance, or the distance between the stitch line and the edge of the fabric, for all of this project’s stitches. 19. **Pin the second side panel to the main body.** Set the second panel over the main body with the outer fabric facing down. Align the upper right corners of the main panel and second side piece, and pin down their long sides on the right. 20. **Stitch together the second side panel and main body.** Sew along the pinned right edges of the main and side panels. Stop when you're ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) above the side panel's bottom right corner. The result should be a mirror image of the sewed left side panel. Remember to use a seam allowance of ⁄2 in (1.3 cm). 21. **Pin the remaining edges to form a bag shape.** Lift the left side panel up straight so it’s perpendicular to the main panel. Fold up the main panel to align its bottom left corner with the top right corner of the left side panel. Pin the panels together from the side panel’s top right corner to its bottom right corner. Repeat the steps to line the right panel’s top left corner with the main panel’s bottom right corner. 22. **Stitch along the pinned edges.** Sew the left side panel to the main panel along the pinned edge. Stop ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) from the bottom edge of the side panel at its bottom right corner. Then sew the right side panel to the main panel along the pinned edges. You should now have a rough bag shape with an open top and unstitched bottom. The long sides of both side panels should now be entirely stitched to the main panel. 23. **Stitch around the bag’s base to flatten the bottom.** Sew the bottoms of the side panels' short sides to the main panel. After sewing each short side, sew additional stitch lines down the bottom of the bag’s long sides to create a flat bottom. All of the bag’s edges should now be stitched except for its top opening. 24. **Repeat the process to create the waterproof lining.** Lay a side panel of waterproof material over the large waterproof rectangle, and align their upper left corners. Stitch together the panels’ left sides, then stitch the right side of the other panel to the main body’s right side. Fold up the main body to bring its bottom corners to the side panels’ top corners, then stitch the edges to create a rough bag shape. Finish by stitching around the bottom edges of the waterproof lining to flatten the bottom. 25. **Slip the outer cover into the inner lining.** Keep the inner lining right-side out, and turn the outer cover inside-out. Then slide the outer cover into the inner lining. The two pieces should fit together snugly. Line up all 4 edges around the opening, and make sure the stitched edges of the side panels are aligned. 26. **Sew around all 4 top edges.** Pin or clip the top edges of the outer bag and liner. Stitch all around the top edge to attach the liner to the outer cover. Again, use a ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) seam allowance. Overlap your beginning and ending stitches to help secure the thread. 27. **Turn the cooler right-side out.** With the outer and inner layers now attached, reach into the bag’s opening. Pull up the bottom, and flip all of the material right-side out. The right side of the outer cover should now be visible from the outside. When you peek inside the cooler, you should be able to see the waterproof layer. 28. **Add 1 more stitch line where the lining meets the outer fabric.** Find the ditch, or the line where the waterproof liner meets the outer fabric. Stitch a line directly into the ditch all around the bag’s opening. This last stitch will help stiffen the opening and hold the lining and outer fabric together. 29. **Add Velcro or magnetic strips to close the bag.** Use fabric adhesive or a hot glue gun to add Velcro, magnets, or snaps to the insides of the bag’s long edge. To close the bag, pinch the sides inward, then seal the Velcro, magnets, or snaps. There you have it! Enjoy your new handmade insulated lunch bag!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Use Catnip?,"Catnip (nepeta cataria) is a member of the mint family that’s most famous for causing cats to experience both euphoria (when they smell it) and calm serenity (when they eat it). In addition to being a great treat for your feline friends, catnip has many excellent human uses as well, although pregnant women should avoid it. Fresh catnip is easy to grow and use, and dried catnip is inexpensive and keeps well in the freezer, so give it a try! 1. **Rub fresh catnip on toys, scratching posts, and more to entice your cat.** If you’re growing fresh catnip, snip off a handful of stems and leaves and rub them vigorously on scratching posts, new toys, cat carriers, and anything else you hope to draw your cat towards. You may need to repeat the process every 1-2 days to maintain the scent. Don’t rub fresh catnip on items more than once per day, though, because some cats can become desensitized to the scent if exposed to it all the time. 2. **Spritz bottled or homemade catnip spray to draw your cat to items.** If you don't have fresh catnip in your garden, this is an equally-great alternative. Buy bottled catnip spray at any pet store, or brew up some catnip tea for yourself and use the rest (once cooled) for your cat! Use the spray to add fragrance to scratching posts, toys, and so on. There's no need to douse items in catnip spray. A light mist from a few quick spritzes is plenty to any catnip-loving feline wild! As with fresh catnip, use the spray no more than once per day. Otherwise, your cat may become desensitized. Brew catnip tea by adding 15–20 g (0.53–0.71 oz) of fresh leaves or 5–7.5 g (0.18–0.26 oz) of dried catnip per 250 ml (8.5  fl oz) of boiling water. Steep it for 5-10 minutes. Store homemade the spray in the fridge for up to 3 days—it will start to lose its potency after that. Follow the package instructions for storage and potency if you're using bottled catnip spray. 3. **Add a pinch of fresh or dried catnip to food to get your cat to eat more.** Tear 1-2 fresh catnip leaves into small strips, or sprinkle a pinch of dried catnip over your cat’s normal food. While the scent of catnip may inspire your fussy eater to dig in, actually eating catnip may cause them to “mellow out” for up to 30 minutes afterward! Don’t add more catnip than you would use to garnish a dish of human food. Too much catnip can cause diarrhea or vomiting in some cats. Keep in mind that up to half of all cats aren’t all that interested in catnip, so this may not work as a treat. 4. **Tie dried catnip inside an old sock as a reward or comfort toy.** Sure, you can buy cat toys that are made to be filled with catnip, but this works just as well. Stuff the foot of an old (but hole-free) tube sock with dried catnip, then tie off the top portion securely. If your cat loves catnip, it will go crazy for this simple toy! Offer the toy as a reward for good behavior, or as a comfort item when your cat is in a new environment (such as a friend's house) or stressful situation (like a trip to the vet). Let your cat have the toy for no more than about 30 minutes, once per day. Put it in a sealed container when your cat isn’t playing with it. This helps preserve the catnip scent and keeps your cat from becoming desensitized to it. Replace the dried catnip every 3 days or so. 5. **Reward your cat after training or for good behavior with 1-2 catnip leaves.** Instead of giving a packaged kitty treat after a good training session, try using a fresh-plucked catnip leaf as a reward! To limit the chance of tummy troubles, don’t give your cat more than 1-2 leaves at a time, 2-3 times per week. Don't feed catnip to a pregnant cat, though, because it can cause reproductive complications. 6. **Don’t consume or apply catnip to your skin if you’re pregnant.** For most people, catnip is safe to use and may provide a range of possible—but usually medically unproven—health and wellness benefits. If you are (or may be) pregnant, however, steer clear of using catnip, since there is some evidence that it may cause serious pregnancy complications in rare cases. For example, some people like to use catnip to make tinctures to apply to their skin for (medically-unproven) antibiotic or anti-inflammatory purposes. If you are pregnant, play it safe and avoid using or consuming catnip in any way. 7. **Don’t let a cat eat catnip that isn’t safe for consumption.** If you buy dried catnip at the pet store, make sure it is listed as edible and does not contain unnecessary (and potentially harmful) ingredients. Many cat lovers stick with organic catnip if they intend to let their feline friend eat it. If you grow your own catnip, don’t use fertilizers or pesticides that aren’t clearly listed as food-safe. Don’t feed any type of catnip to pregnant cats, due to the risk of pregnancy complications (just as with pregnant women). Call your vet if your cat eats catnip that isn’t food-safe, if your pregnant cat eats catnip, or if any cat eats a large amount of catnip. 8. **Store packaged or homemade dried edible catnip in the freezer.** Dried catnip is typically inexpensive and widely available at pet supply stores. You may even find it at specialty (human) food markets! Dried catnip’s fragrance and flavor will last for 6-12 months if you stash the bag in the freezer. Alternatively, you can dry your own fresh catnip if you wish, following the same process used for another member of the mint family, basil. When frozen, it will likewise retain its fragrance and flavor for 6-12 months. Unfrozen, un-dried fresh catnip should be used immediately after harvest for the best results. 9. **Don’t worry if your cat doesn’t seem to like catnip.** It’s a myth that all cats go wild over catnip! In reality, only around 50%-70% of cats respond strongly to catnip. The other 30%-50% are either only mildly interested or totally indifferent to it. Catnip sensitivity seems to be an inherited trait that often runs in families. Kittens under 6 months of age (and especially under 3 months) typically don’t respond to catnip. 10. **Grow catnip** You can grow catnip simply to enjoy its green color and minty fragrance. Or you can use it as a “companion plant” to keep pests like rabbits and rodents—which often don’t like the scent or flavor—away from your other plants. However, your garden may become very popular with the neighborhood cats! Catnip grows readily in a range of climates without much assistance. In fact, it spreads so rapidly that you may want to grow it in pots regardless of whether you’re keeping it indoors or outdoors. Catnip needs lots of sunshine—aim for at least 6 hours of full sun per day, unless you live in a very hot and dry climate. In that case, choose a spot that gets partial or shaded sunshine. Water the catnip only enough to keep the soil slightly moist. 11. **Turn fresh catnip into a soothing evening tea.** Pluck off a bunch of catnip leaves and add 15–20 g (0.53–0.71 oz) per 250 ml (8.5  fl oz) of boiling water. Steep the leaves for 5-10 minutes, depending on the strength of the brew you prefer. Remove the leaves, then add honey or sugar to taste, if desired. If you have a package of dried catnip, use 5–7.5 g (0.18–0.26 oz) per 250 ml (8.5  fl oz) of water. Add the dried catnip to a tea infuser ball or sachet, or strain it out of the tea when it’s done steeping. Many people find that catnip tea has a calming effect, much like chamomile tea. 12. **Add fresh catnip to top off salads or main courses.** Before dinner, snip off a small handful of stems and leaves. Snip the stems into 1 cm (0.39 in) pieces and add them to your salad, and tear or cut up the leaves to make a tasty garnish for your main course. Catnip has notes of both mint and lemon, so it goes great with a wide range of fish, meat, poultry, pasta, and other dishes. Catnip can be pungent in larger doses, so don’t add too much to your food. Eating more than a garnish-sized amount may also lead to gastrointestinal discomfort for some people. 13. **Rub fresh catnip on your skin as temporary bug-bite protection.** While cats love its scent, the smell of catnip seems to repel unwanted critters such as mosquitoes. For some quick protection while working in the garden. cut off a handful of catnip and rub it vigorously over your exposed skin. You’ll probably only get 5-15 minutes of protection using this method, so either re-apply fresh catnip or get back inside before the mosquitoes pick up your scent! 14. **Make DEET-free mosquito repellent with catnip and vodka.** Add a large handful of fresh-cut catnip stems and leaves to a blender or food processor. Pour in just enough plain (unflavored) vodka to cover the catnip, then blend the combination into a purée. Lay a kitchen cloth in a strainer placed over a bowl and pour the puree into the cloth. Fold up the cloth and squeeze the liquid into the bowl, then transfer it to a spray bottle. Shake up the bottle and spray it liberally on your exposed skin before going outside. You may get 30 minutes or more of protection. Alternatively, add 50 drops of catnip (nepeta cataria) essential oil per 125 ml (4.2  fl oz) of vodka.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Fight a Red Light Camera Ticket.,"If you've received a red-light camera ticket and would like to challenge the citation for any reason, here is a guide that will help you better understand the court processes and procedures that will be required for your defense. Even if it is clear from the photograph that you are not the individual driving the vehicle, you will unfortunately still need to appear in court several times in order to have your name cleared. This guide will help you navigate the traffic-court system. 1. **Examine the ticket and all of the associated paperwork.** Unfortunately, fraud and identity theft are becoming more-and-more popular. In some cases, con artists will mail-out falsified tickets in order to obtain an individual's private information. Make sure all of the information provided on the ticket is accurate and complete. Is your name spelled correctly? Address correct? If any of this information is incorrect or missing it may be an indicator of fraud. 2. **Contact the agency that issued the ticket (i.e.** , the highway patrol or the local police department). Only the agency that issued the traffic violation can verify whether-or-not your ticket is indeed authentic. Have your citation number ready. 3. **Check your court date.** The time and day of your arraignment should be listed on your citation. This is also the last day to pay any fees or penalties if you choose to do so. The ticket will also have the address and contact information for the courthouse you will be required to appear. In some states, this is the latest date that you can pay or appear in court. In these states you may appear in court anytime before this date to be arraigned. 4. **Understand that an arraignment is not a court hearing.** On this day, you will not be presenting your case or your evidence to the judge, but will instead, be entering a plea of guilty, guilty with explanation, or not-guilty. Those who enter a guilty with explanation plea, are admitting guilt but asking the court to consider the circumstances and conditions of their violation. This can lead to reduced penalties. 5. **Appear in court for your arraignment.** When the judge announces your name and case you will be asked to identify yourself, at which time you will be able to enter a plea. Once you plead not-guilty, a date for your court-hearing will be set. Be sure to be on time. 6. **Visit the traffic court clerk.** The court clerk will help you with all of the appropriate paperwork, and will be able to provide you with further information regarding your personal defense. This will include a time and date for your hearing, as well as a specific courtroom address and room number. 7. **Ask the clerk how to properly ""serve"" the prosecutor with a ""request for production"" (more on this later).** Properly filing a ""request for production"" is very important. It establishes a legal date of receipt. Depending on your state, the prosecutor will then have a pre-determined amount of time to respond. If they fail to respond, you can ask to have your case dismissed. This paperwork will be needed when you return to court. 8. **Know how the red light camera works.** Red light cameras take two pictures – one of the driver and one of the car's license plate. If someone else is driving, and this is clear in the photograph, you can ask to have your case dismissed. You can also ask to have your case dismissed if the photograph of the driver is blurred or unclear, to the point that the driver's identity remains in question. Check the license plate. If it doesn't match the car you own, raise this as evidence for dismissal of the ticket. 9. **Compose a ""request for production"" or a ""discovery request.""** This written request requires the prosecutor to provide you with a list of the evidence that is going to be used against you in court. If this request is not met within a set number of days--which is determined by your local state laws--it may be grounds to have your ticket dismissed. Consult your traffic court clerk for more details regarding the number of days your state allows the prosecutor to respond. Evidence can include photographs, lists of witnesses, etc. 10. **Serve the request.** If you have already visited the court clerk, you will have all of the information needed to properly serve the prosecutor. When a prosecutor is served, he or she is legally acknowledging that they have indeed received your request. This establishes a legal date of receipt. If the prosecutor does not provide you with this; or does so beyond the legally allotted amount of time determined by your state, you can ask to have your case dismissed. 11. **Save all your paperwork.** This includes copies of your written request, copies of the paperwork you filed to serve the prosecutor, and anything that you have received in return. All of this is evidence. You will need this in case you request to have your case dismissed for any reason. 12. **Examine the details being presented against you.** Again, if the prosecutor has failed to present you with a ""request for production;"" or if it was not provided in the legally-allotted time, you can ask the judge to dismiss your case. 13. **Prepare explanations for each piece of evidence or note listed on the ""request for production.""** Specifically, review the photograph. Is it clearly you in the photograph? If not, it can be grounds for dismissal. If you were not the individual driving the car, then the photographs should support that claim and you can have your case dismissed. 14. **Bolster your claim by finding as much evidence as you can.** Visit the scene and take detailed notes. Time the traffic light as it transitions from yellow-to-red. If the timing is minimal, you might be able to stage an argument in court that there is not enough time to safely bring your vehicle to a stop at the particular intersection. A copy of the photograph should be included with your ""request for production."" 15. **Justify your claims and argument.** You should have a clear line of defense and be able to explain exactly why it is your case should be dismissed. Is the timing of the light too short? Is it not you in the photograph? Are you hoping to have your case thrown out due to some other 'loop-hole'? Know exactly what you are going to argue before you enter the courtroom. Have a clear reason for your case to be dismissed. 16. **Prepare all of your evidence.** Arrange each piece of paperwork or evidence neatly in a folder and in the order that you wish to present it to the judge. It might be helpful to have a checklist of points that you wish to make. 17. **Check your paperwork for the details regarding your hearing.** Specifically, the court address, hearing time, and court-room number. The courthouse that you will have your case heard may not be the same courthouse where you were first arraigned. Be sure you know where you are going and when you need to be there. 18. **Appear in court on time.** Your case will not be the only one that the judge will be hearing that day; rather, he or she will be hearing several cases. The order in which the cases are heard will be determined by the court. Be prepared to spend an entire day at the courthouse. You may want to pack a lunch or bring snacks. You might have to pay for parking, so be prepared. 19. **Identify yourself to the court when your case is ready to be heard.** The judge will then briefly review the details of your case before allowing the prosecutor to present the evidence against you. Do not interrupt. 20. **Listen to the prosecuting attorney present the case.** There may be bits of information that are new to you, or that perhaps you were unprepared to address. 21. **Take notes.** Specifically, pay attention to any discrepancies between the prosecutor's verbal argument and the hard-evidence being presented. 22. **Ask for the case to be dismissed.** If any of these conditions have not been met than you may have grounds to have your case dismissed by the judge. A ""request for production"" was not received, or was not received in the proper amount of time. Your hearing has been delayed by the court beyond a responsible expectation to a ""fair and speedy trial."" Your court clerk can will have more information regarding the number of days your state has determined as ""fair and speedy."" 23. **Describe the event in your own words.** When it is your time to present your case, begin by providing a detailed account of the event from your own perspective. Include relevant information such as exact time, day, intersection, weather conditions, etc. Point out any discrepancies between your account and the prosecutor's. Does the prosecutor's account match the hard evidence? 24. **Assert your claim.** After you have described the conditions of the event, and after you have addressed any discrepancies, you should go ahead and re-assert to the judge why it is you wish to have your case dismissed. Were there any extenuating circumstances that you believe should be considered? Is the timing of the light flawed? Was it unsafe to stop? 25. **After you have made your case, present your evidence to the judge.** Only provide evidence that fully-supports your claim, or that directly challenges the case as it was presented by the prosecutor. After you have presented your evidence, the judge will then move on to the closing statements. The prosecutor will go first. 26. **Listen to the prosecuting attorney's closing argument.** You do not necessarily need to respond to his or her closing statements as you have already made your case. 27. **Provide your own closing statement.** Reiterate and summarize your argument or the reason you are seeking dismissal. Be as clear and concise as possible. Speak as if answering the question, ""why should your case be dismissed?"" Be factual, not emotional. 28. **Wait for the verdict.** If all went well, then you may have just successfully defended yourself against a red-light camera violation.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Row on a Rowing Machine.,"If you’re looking for a full-body workout, rowing might be the choice for you! Rowing machines work your core, legs, arms, and back muscles all at the same time. While rowing machines can seem tricky at first, they’re fairly easy to use. When you’re using the machine, extending your legs to push away from the base is called your “drive” and sliding back to start is called the “recovery.” 1. **Sit down on the seat and bend your knees.** Make sure your bottom feels comfortable on the seat and adjust yourself if necessary. Bend your knees so you can get closer to the base of the machine. Look for a flat surface near the bottom of the base where you feet will go, which is called the footplate. Then, find the handle that's attached to the cord on the machine. The handle will be in the center of the base or near the top of the base. Be careful as you sit down because the seat slides. 2. **Secure the footplate strap around the top of your shoelaces.** The balls of your feet are the only area that will maintain constant contact with the footplate, since you’ll likely need to lift your heels when your knees are bent. Pull the straps across the top of your foot until your feet feel secure. Make sure your feet don’t slide around on the footplate. It's best to wear rubber-soled shoes like sneakers, running shoes, or cross trainers while you're using a rowing machine. This makes it less likely your feet will slip. Don’t tighten the strap so tightly that it hurts. If your feet feel uncomfortable, loosen the straps and try again. 3. **Hold the handle using an overhand grip.** The cord on the rowing machine has a handgrip that you’ll pull to work your arms. Grab onto the handle and pull it toward you. Adjust your hands on the handle so that they're in an overhand grip, which means your palms are facing down. Using an underhand grip rotates your arms and increases your risk of injury, so it's best to avoid positioning your hands palms up. 4. **Engage your core and straighten your posture.** Once you have the handle in your hand, check your posture to make sure your back and shoulders are straight. Tighten your core muscles so they’re working as you row. An engaged core also helps keep your posture straight. You don’t want to slump forward or lean too far back as you’re rowing. 5. **Extend your arms and bend your knees to get into “the catch.”** In rowing, the starting position is called “the catch.” While it might sound complicated, it’s a really natural pose to begin rowing. Pull the handle to extend the cord toward you, but keep your arms extended out away from your body. Then, bend your knees so that your seat is as close to the base of the machine as possible. When you're in the catch position, make sure your torso is hinged forward at your hips, your arms are straight out in front of you, and your shins are no more than perpendicular to the floor. Don't slide your seat as close to your feet as possible, as this can cause you to lean back. If you start your stroke with your shoulders behind your hips, you'll use your back in your push-off, which weakens your stroke and increases your risk of injury. Remember to keep your core engaged. 6. **Push off the footplate with your leg muscles.** Your legs will do most of the work during your drives. Use the power you have in your leg muscles to push yourself. Keep your arms and upper body neutral at this time. Your legs should do 60% of the work while rowing. 7. **Extend your legs until they’re straight.** Roll your feet down onto the footplate so that they’re flat once your legs are fully extended. Flow directly into the upper body shift just before your legs are fully extended. 8. **Bend at your hips to push your upper body slightly back.** Be very careful with this step because you don’t want to curve your spine. Instead, hinge at your waist so that your entire upper body leans back with your spine straight and your core engaged. As soon as you lean back, start pulling with your arms. Your core will do about 20% of the work during your drive. 9. **Pull the grip toward your lower rib cage.** The arm motion is the final part of a rowing sequence. Bend your elbows to bring the handle toward you. Keep your wrists straight to protect them from injury. Your arms should provide the final 20% of power to complete your drive. 10. **Bring your elbows back behind you as you pull the grip.** It’s really important to follow through when you do the arm motion so you get the full upper body workout. When the handle is down at your rib cage, make sure your elbows are angled behind you and not at your sides. Keep them close to your body. This position is called “the finish” because it’s the end of the drive. Check that your legs are extended, your core is engaged, your upper body is leaning slightly back, and your handgrip is just below your rib cage. 11. **Extend your arms back in front of you.** During your recovery, you’ll reverse the order of the drive. Start by straightening out your elbows to push the handle back out in front of you. Once your arms are extended, go directly into the upper body shift. Remember to keep your wrists straight as you do this. Don’t let go of the handle because the cord on the machine might snap back. 12. **Hinge forward at your waist until you’re sitting up straight again.** Keep your core engaged as you lean back up. Remember to hinge forward at your waist without curving your spine. Your legs will stay fully extended until you’re sitting back up. 13. **Bend your knees to slide back to start.** You’re almost there! Release the tension in your legs to slide back toward the base of the machine. Bend your legs as far as you comfortably can to return to “the catch” position. This completes 1 stroke. 14. **Go directly into your next stroke if your workout isn't finished.** A single stroke on a rowing machine has a drive and a recovery. At first, you might focus on mastering your form without worrying about how many strokes you're doing or how long you're rowing. Later, set a time limit to your workout or set a goal for how many meters you'll row. You might also use a preset rowing machine workout. At first, you might set a goal to row for 10 minutes straight. As the exercise becomes easier for you, try increasing your goal by 10 minutes at a time until you can do a 30 to 40 minute workout on the rowing machine. For an interval workout, you might row 1 minute on and then rest for 1 minute. Do this for 30 to 40 minutes to get a full body workout. You might also set a goal to row 1,000 meters. Once this becomes easy for you, try increasing the distance or doing multiple rounds of 1,000 meters with rests in between.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Cut Your Own Bangs.,"Are you tired of making the trip and paying the money to go to a salon just to have your bangs cut? You can start saving time and money now by cutting your bangs yourself! Whether you want blunt, side, or curtain bangs, shearing your own locks is an easy task that you can easily do at home. 1. **Part your hair to create a triangle in your roots.** Take a comb and place the tip of it 1–2 in (2.5–5.1 cm) above your hairline, in the center of your head. You may need to go a bit further back, like 1 in (2.5 cm) or even to the high, flat part of your head where a comb will balance. Then, draw a downward diagonal line from the center of your head to the end of your eyebrow. Then, repeat on the other side. Pull your bangs section towards the middle to separate it from the rest of your hair. You should have a triangle-like shape with the point a few inches above your hairline. The sides of the triangle should slope down along the sides of your forehead. Comb the triangle of bangs forward and pin the rest of your hair back or put it in a ponytail to keep it out of your face. 2. **Dampen your hair if you're trimming grown-out straight bangs.** If this is your first time cutting your bangs, it's a good idea to keep your hair dry so you can cut it the exact length that you want it. If you're just trimming your bangs, spritz some water onto them so your hair is going in the right direction and lying flat on your forehead. Try using a flat iron on dry bangs to make them straight. It's important that your bangs don't have any wave to them so you can make a straight cut. Keep in mind that doing this with dry hair will be more accurate, but it may also be more difficult. Mist your hair all over with water to get the best results. 3. **Determine the length and angle of your bang.** Straight bangs come in different styles, so figure out exactly how you want them to look before you cut them. Some people like their bangs to go straight across their forehead above their eyebrows for an edgier look, and others like longer bangs that angle down as they meet with the rest of their hair. 4. **Hold the triangle of hair between 2 fingers to create a straight line.** Gather the triangle of bangs and grasp the hair between your index and middle fingers so it's even with the tip of your nose. Your bangs won't be this long, but it's a good starting point in case the bangs don't look perfect right away. 5. **Cut across the hair in front of your fingers in a straight horizontal line.** Make a clean snip across the section of hair. Then, move up ⁄4 in (0.64 cm) and follow the same process to create another horizontal cut. Continue cutting your bangs in ⁄4 in (0.64 cm) increments until you reach the desired length. Use a mirror to check the length and make sure both sides of your bangs are even. If your bangs are damp, comb them gently to avoid stretching the hair. Cut them ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) longer than the desired length because the hair will shrink up when it dries. If you want your bangs to angle downward at the ends, cut straight across from the middle of one eye to the middle of the opposite eye. Once you reach that point, begin to cut at a downward angle. Move to the other eye and cut at a downward angle until you reach the rest of your hair. The angle can be as steep or as subtle as you like. It can help to gather your bangs and twist them once before you cut the straight line. This creates a rounded edge on both sides of your bangs, so the bangs are shorter in the front and longer on the sides. 6. **Soften the bottom edge of your bangs by making small snips at the tips.** Once your bangs are at your desired length, make them look more natural by taking your scissors and making small snips at the tips of your bangs. Keep the scissors parallel to the strands in your hair. Skip this if you want super blunt bangs with a very straight. You can also use thinning shears for this. 7. **Style your bangs with a round brush or flat iron.** Straight bangs usually need more attention, so blow dry them with a round brush when you're styling your hair. If you want your bangs to be super straight and flat, straighten them with flat iron once they're dry. If your hair is naturally curly or wavy, dry your bangs with a flat brush. Hold the brush close to your forehead and move it behind the dryer from roots to ends so you aren't adding volume to your bangs. 8. **Brush your hair and create a side part where you normally part it.** Take a fine-tooth comb and brush your hair until it is smooth and tangle-free. For side bangs, you will need to create a side part. Part your hair to the side it naturally falls on. 9. **Comb the sectioned hair forward.** Taking the tip of a comb, draw a part 1–2 in (2.5–5.1 cm) behind your hairline, perpendicular to your side part. (In other words, from side-to-side, rather than front-to-back.) If you're looking for thicker bangs, you can draw a part farther back. This separates your bangs from the rest of your hair. 10. **Find the highest tip of your eyebrow.** Measure a line upwards from the highest tip of your eyebrow to your hairline. Make a part where that line ends. Move the hair on one side of the part towards the middle of your forehead and pin the hair on the side of your head back to keep it out of the way. You should now have a section of hair in the front center of your face that is separated from the rest of your hair. If you already have bangs, you should have a width already determined, so take your preexisting longer bangs and part them towards the middle, also separating them from the hairline. 11. **Pull your bangs up and look at them from the side.** They should be about 1–2 in (2.5–5.1 cm) thick. If you want thicker bangs, pull more hair forward from the horizontal part behind your hairline. If you want thinner bangs, do the opposite by pulling less hair forward from your hairline part. 12. **Pin back the rest of your hair.** Pull back the rest of your hair with a clip or bobby pins to separate it from your bangs. This will make it easier to cut your bangs without worrying about cutting the rest of your hair. 13. **Run a comb through your bangs so they're smooth and straight.** This may require you to dampen your hair with a spray bottle if your hair is naturally curly and your bangs have some bounce. Lightly mist your hair with a spray bottle and comb through so that your bangs are flat. If your hair is naturally wavy or straight, cutting bangs in dry hair is best so that you won't cut them too short. Never soak your bangs or make them completely wet. Your hair is longer when it is wet, so when it dries it will be shorter. To avoid cutting bangs that are too short, try to cut your bangs with slightly wet or dry hair. If your hair is very wet before you cut your bangs, blow dry them until they're 80% dry. When blow drying, make sure you are brushing bangs straight down, or in the opposite direction of your part. Don't blow dry bangs downward in the direction they normally would lie. This creates a ""rainbow effect"" in which your bangs have a high arch to them. It's difficult to cut bangs when they are like this, so it's better to create some volume in the opposite direction. 14. **Determine the length of your bangs.** Before you cut your bangs you'll want to decide how long you want your bangs. You may want bangs that cover your eye, or you might want bangs that start above your eyebrow. If you're not sure, you can always start with longer bangs and cut them shorter. 15. **Cut at an angle.** Section your hair along a diagonal line and pull it perpendicular to that line. In other words, your hair should be pulled out to the side of your head at a 45-degree angle. Then, bring any other hair you will be cutting out to this angle before cutting. Hold your bangs between your pointer and middle finger and cut the hair below your fingers. If you aren't sure how long you want your bangs, start by cutting at the tip of your nose and ending in a diagonal at the bottom of your ear. This will create long, side-swept bangs. Make sure you are using scissors specifically designed for hair, as this will give you the best cut. If you want shorter bangs, start near the top of the nose, in line with the eye, and cut at a downward diagonal towards the middle of your ear. Always cut bangs longer when you start off -- you can always cut them shorter as you go, but you don't want your first cut to be too short, because there's no way to rewind from there. You can try cutting in ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) increments to make sure you don't cut too much of your bang off. 16. **Snip the ends of the bangs to create a softer, more natural look.** After you have cut your bangs you may notice that there is a very straight line in your bangs. This tends to look awkward and unnatural, so you may want to give your bangs a little definition. Lift the hair back up to a 45-degree angle and cut parallel to the strands of hair in your bangs, making small snips at the tips of your bangs. If your hair is really thick or you want your bangs to have an even more natural look, you can use a razor made for hair or a hair thinning tool to thin out the ends of your bangs. 17. **Style your bangs like you normally would.** Use a blow dryer and a round brush, brushing your bangs up from the roots towards the ceiling or towards the back of your head. You never want to blow dry your bangs by brushing them straight down as this will leave your bangs with little volume. You can also run a flat iron through your bangs by pulling the flat iron upwards at your roots to create volume. You can also blow dry your bangs in the opposite direction of where they naturally fall to make them lay flat and give them a bit of curl at the bottom. As they are close to being dry, flip them back over and blow dry as usual. 18. **Use a comb to part your dry hair down the middle.** Place the tip of your comb in the center of your front hairline (about halfway between your eyes). Pull the comb straight back to the crown of your head to create a center part. Try to make your center part as straight as possible. 19. **Create a triangle of hair 2–3 in (5.1–7.6 cm) from your hairline.** Put the end of your comb on your center part 2–3 in (5.1–7.6 cm) from your hairline. Run the comb from this center point straight down to the arch of 1 eyebrow and comb that hair forward. Do the same thing with the other side/your other eyebrow arch to separate a triangle of hair for your bangs. Tuck the rest of your hair behind your ears or pin it back with hair clips to keep it out of the way. 20. **Dampen the separated hair with water and comb it out.** Damp hair is easier to cut, so spritz a little water on the triangle of hair that you just separated. Then, run a comb from your front hairline down to the ends of the sectioned hair to smooth it out and remove any bumps or tangles. 21. **Hold the hair between 2 horizontal fingers at chin or nose length.** Grasp the hair between your index and middle finger and run the fingers down the sectioned hair. If your hair is really long, bring your fingers to chin level. If your hair is medium length, bring your fingers to nose level. 22. **Cut straight across the hair under your fingers.** Use your fingers as a guide to make a straight, horizontal cut all the way across the sectioned hair. Once you've removed the length, part the separated hair down the middle to create 2 sections. 23. **Comb half the bangs and make an angled cut ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) from the ends.** Tuck half of the bangs behind your ear so you can concentrate on the other half. Angle the comb at your front hairline so it lines up with the slope of the triangle. Comb the bangs out smooth, tuck the hair between 2 fingers at the hairline, and run your fingers down to the ends. Make an angled cut under your fingers about ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) from the ends. Then, do the same thing on the other half of your bangs. Cutting at an angle creates the soft sloping edge of your curtain bangs. 24. **Blow dry your bangs, part them in the middle, and flat iron them.** You don't have to do this, but it can soften the edges of the bangs and create a little more texture. Use a round brush to dry the hair, then part your bangs down the center. Use a flat iron to smooth out each side of curtain bangs. Then, use texturizing shears to thin out and soften the ends of your bangs.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Get Non Profit Status.,"Having federal income tax exemption is commonly referred to as having 501(c)(3) nonprofit status. The name comes from section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), which is the section allowing educational, charitable, religious, and certain other organizations to obtain federal tax exemption. To qualify as exempt from federal income tax, you must first create and register an eligible organization. After creating your organization, you will be able to apply for tax exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Obtaining tax exempt status offers a number of benefits for your nonprofit. 1. **Know the benefits of tax exemption.** When your organization is recognized as tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the IRC, you will not need to pay federal income tax and you will be eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions. Nonprofit organizations are dependent on donations in order to function and donors are much more willing to support organizations exempt under section 501(c)(3) because the donations are tax deductible. In addition, gaining 501(c)(3) status assures grant-making institutions that they are issuing grants to permitted beneficiaries. 2. **Choose an organizational structure.** In order to be eligible for 501(c)(3) status, your organization must be structured as a corporation, trust, or unincorporated association. The most common type of 501(c)(3) is the nonprofit corporation. However, you should research your options before creating your organization. A nonprofit corporation is one where no part of their income is distributable to members, directors, or officers. This means that the corporation's profits must be used for charitable purposes and not pocketed by executives. A trust is a formal relationship where one person holds property subject to an obligation to use or distribute that property for the benefit of someone else. For example, a trust may be created if you give Ted $400 to be given to Jake in equal installments over five years. An unincorporated nonprofit association consists of a minimum number of members joined together for a common, nonprofit purpose. 3. **Pick a name.** Before you can register your business, you need to choose an acceptable name. Your name should be descriptive of your organization but you need to make sure your name is not the same or similar to a name already in use. 4. **Appoint initial directors.** Some states require you to name a specified number of initial directors when you register with the state. The directors govern the nonprofit corporation and make high level decisions. Board members must be natural people (i.e., they cannot be other corporations) but they do not need to live in the state you register in. In Texas, for example, you must name a minimum of three directors in your certificate of formation (i.e., articles of incorporation). In Oregon, you do not need to name any directors in your articles of incorporation. 5. **Select a registered agent and address.** A registered agent is responsible for receiving any legal notices or official documentation. Your registered agent can usually be an entity registered to do business in the state you are filing in or a natural person residing in the state. The registered office address you choose must be a physical address (i.e., you cannot use a P.O. Box) located within the state you are registering in. The registered agent should be reachable at the address you choose during normal business hours. 6. **Limit your purpose.** To be eligible for tax exempt status, you must create a purpose statement for your organization. The purpose you choose must fall within one of the categories described in section 501(c)(3) of the IRC. In addition, you cannot expressly permit activities that do not further the purpose you choose. In general, the following exempt purposes are allowed: Charitable, which includes relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged; advancement of religion; advancement of education or science; erecting or maintaining public buildings, monuments, or works; lessening the burdens of government; lessening neighborhood tensions; eliminating prejudice and discrimination; defending human and civil rights; and combating community deterioration; Religious; Educational; Scientific; Literary; Testing for public safety; Fostering national or international amateur sports competition; and Preventing cruelty to children or animals. 7. **Dedicate your assets to exempt purposes.** When you fill out your articles of incorporation, you will be required to permanently dedicate your assets to exempt purposes in order to be eligible for 501(c)(3) tax exemption. This means that if your organization were ever to dissolve, your assets would be distributed to other charities and not to your members or directors. For example, your articles of incorporation could state: ""Upon the dissolution of the corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose."" 8. **Fill out your articles of incorporation.** Your articles of incorporation are your creation documents and they will be filed with a state agency, often the Secretary of State's office. You should be able to find a form on your state's Secretary of State website. Once you locate the form, you will need to fill it out accurately and completely. In general, the articles of incorporation must contain the following: Your organization's name and type; Your registered agent and registered office; Your initial directors (in some states); Your purpose; and Your dissolution statement. 9. **File your articles of incorporation.** When your articles of incorporation are complete, you will file them online. If your state does not offer an online filing service, you may have to file in person or through fax. In Texas, you can file your creation documents online using their SOSDirect system. In Oregon, you can file your documents online through the Secretary of State's website. 10. **Pay the filing fee.** At the time you file your articles of incorporation, you will also be required to pay a filing fee. These fees are often not waivable. In Texas the filing fee is $25. In Oregon, the filing fee is $50. 11. **Obtain required local licenses and permits.** In addition to filing paperwork with the secretary of state, some organizations are required to obtain local licenses and permits in order to conduct business. This will most often be the case if you are opening up your business to the public (e.g., selling clothes or offering medical services). 12. **Fulfill insurance requirements.** Most nonprofit corporations will need to have certain types of insurance in order to conduct business. For example, if you are going to have employees, you will most likely be required to obtain unemployment insurance and workers compensation insurance. 13. **Apply for your Employer Identification Number (EIN).** The IRS will require you to obtain an EIN, which is considered your account number with the IRS. This EIN will be used whenever you correspond with the IRS. To apply for an EIN, complete Form SS-4 and submit it online through the IRS' website. Do not apply for an EIN until your organization is registered with the state. Form SS-4 should include the following information: Your business's information, including its name and address; The type of entity you have, which in this case will usually be a corporation or other nonprofit organization; The reason you are applying; and The business's purpose and employee information. 14. **Start the application in a timely manner.** Most organizations will need to file for exemption by the end of the 27th month after you were legally formed. Your organization will be considered legally formed on the date you filed your articles of incorporation. If you file late, you will need to complete Schedule E, which is part of Form 1023. The schedule will help the IRS determine the effective date of your exemption. 15. **Complete Form 1023.** Form 1023 is the IRS form required to apply for recognition of exemption under section 501(c)(3) of the IRC. You must complete Parts I through XI and any required schedules. The schedules you will have to submit will depend on the type of organization you have. Parts I through XI need to include the following information: The applicant's identification; Your organizational structure; Proof of required provisions in your organizing document; A description of your activities; Any financial arrangements you have with directors, officers, employees, etc.; A list of individuals receiving benefits from you; Your history; Your specific activities; Your financial data; Your public charity status; and Your user fee information. 16. **Pay the user fee.** After you complete Form 1023, you will need to file it promptly. When you file, you will pay what is called a ""user fee."" The user fee you will pay will depend on your organization's annual gross receipts. If your gross receipts have exceeded, or will exceed, $10,000 annually over a four-year period, the user fee will be $850. If you do not meet that threshold, the user fee will be $400. Your gross receipts will be certified in Part XI of Form 1023. 17. **Comply with IRS requests.** Once you file, an IRS tax specialist will review your Form 1023 and may request additional information. If you get a written request for information, gather the required information and submit it. 18. **Receive your determination letter.** Once the tax specialist determines that your organization meets the requirements for exemption, the IRS will send you a determination letter. This determination letter is an important document and you should keep it with your other permanent records. 19. **Refrain from conducting prohibited activities.** In order to receive and keep your tax exempt status, you must refrain from taking part in activities that could jeopardize your status. For example, you may need to refrain from taking part in some or all of the following activities: Participating in political campaigns; Lobbying substantially; Providing benefits to private individuals; Operating for the benefit of private interests; Conducting illegal activities or activities that violate public policy. 20. **Keep good records.** Your 501(c)(3) organization is required to keep in-depth books and records evidencing all your financial and non-financial activities. You should keep track of all grants and donations received; your employee information; and decisions made at board meetings. 21. **Meet federal filing requirements.** As a 501(c)(3) organization, you will be required to file a number of documents with the IRS. Most importantly, you will be required to submit an information return (Form 990), which will provide the IRS with tax related information. This information will generally be available for public inspection. 22. **Disclose all required information.** In addition to your Form 990s being disclosed to the public, a number of other documents will be public as well. Your exemption application (Form 1023), your articles of incorporation, and certain information regarding charitable contributions must be documented and disclosed.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Maintain Your Skateboard?,"Proper skateboard maintenance prolongs the life of your board. With just a few cheap tools and products, pretty much anybody can maintain a skateboard. Follow the tips on this list to keep your skateboard working well until you eventually ride it into the ground. Your board (and your wallet) will appreciate it! 1. **Moisture is bad for the bearings, trucks, bolts, and deck.** Avoid skateboarding when it’s raining or when the ground is wet. Always store your skateboard in a dry place and try to keep it covered if you’re carrying it outside when it’s raining. If your board’s deck gets too wet, it can get waterlogged and permanently lose its natural “pop.” Water can cause your board’s bolts, bearings, and screws to rust. 2. **Screws, nuts, and bolts can come loose and make it dangerous to skate.** After every few skate sessions, use a screwdriver and a wrench to make sure the screw-top nuts and bolts that hold your board’s trucks in place are all the way tight. Check all the nuts holding your wheels onto the axles as well. If the wheels are loose on your axles, for example, one of them could fly off while you’re skating and cause an unexpected wipeout! When you're tightening your trucks, turn your wrench in small increments—maybe a quarter of a turn on each side. 3. **The bushings in your board’s trucks can wear out over time.** All that leaning on your deck and turning is hard on them! Inspect the bushings regularly for signs of wear like cracks, crumbling, or squishing. If you see any bad ones, unscrew the nuts and bolts that hold them onto your trucks and swap them out for new ones. There are two bushings on each truck, a top bushing and a bottom bushing. You have to remove the truck from the kingpin, or the central bolt that connects the truck to the baseplate, to access the bottom bushing. 4. **Dirty bearings prevent the wheels from spinning smoothly.** Use a skate tool to unscrew the bolts that hold your board’s wheels in place and take all the wheels off the axles. Then, remove the bearings from the wheels. Submerge the bearings in denatured alcohol in a small lidded container and shake the container for 30 seconds. Take the bearings out and let them air dry for 15 minutes. Remember which wheel came from which axle when you take them off. Denatured alcohol is more commonly known as methylated spirits in some countries. 5. **This is the final step to keeping them spinning perfectly.** After you clean the bearings and they are dry, squeeze 2 drops of bearing lube into each bearing. Hold each bearing between your fingers and give the outer ring a spin to evenly distribute the lube. Reassemble the wheels, put them back on your board, and you’re ready to ride! Some bearings have a bearing seal or shield on one side. Make sure you squeeze the lubricant into the side of the bearing where you can see the little ball bearings inside the rings. Use a Teflon-based lubricant designed for skateboard bearings or bike chains—a silicone-based product like WD40 will get sticky as it dries. 6. **This evens out the wear on your board’s wheels.** The best time to do this is after you clean your bearings. Put each wheel back onto the axle diagonal from the axle you took it off of. For example, put the wheel you took off the front right axle on the back left axle. If you ride every day or very often, you might want to rotate your wheels as often as every 2 weeks or so to keep them wearing out more evenly. 7. **A fresh set of wheels keeps your board performing as you want it to.** Watch out for signs that your wheels are shot, such as if they are uneven in size or have flat spots on them. Remove the old wheels with a skate tool and put a brand new set on. Besides rotating your wheels regularly, there are other things you can do to make them last longer. For example, try to skate on smooth surfaces and avoid doing too many power slides. 8. **You really only have to do this for cosmetic purposes.** To get started, dip a nylon-bristled brush in some warm, soapy water and scrub the grip tape in circular motions. Next, flip your board over and wipe the underside of the deck clean with a soft sponge and clean water. Quickly and thoroughly dry the deck off with a clean towel. If you want to be really thorough, remove the trucks before you clean the underside of the deck to clean the areas they attach to. If you do so, wait a couple of hours before you reattach them to make sure the deck is totally dry. 9. **This helps prevent chipping, especially near the board’s nose and tail.** Inspect all the edges of your board periodically for rough patches, which are where chips are most likely to occur. Turn your board on its side on a flat surface, with the rough patch facing up. Sand back and forth along the rough edge, applying moderate pressure, until it feels smooth again. Use a sandpaper with a grit somewhere in the range of 120 to 220. If you use a sandpaper with a lower grit, you might end up taking off too much material and deforming your board. 10. **New grip tape can bring a perfectly good old deck back to life.** Carefully, use a utility knife to scrape under the edges of the grip tape and loosen it. Then, use your hands or a pair of pliers to peel all the grip tape off the deck. Stick a new piece of grip tape on the deck and trim around the edges with your utility knife. If it’s hard to peel the grip tape up, heat it up with a hair dryer to loosen the adhesive. If the edges of your grip tape start to peel up but you don’t want to replace it all yet, just use a utility knife to trim the peeling parts off.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Prove Emotional Abuse.,"Emotional abuse affects millions of people. It can strike the young and the old. Because of emotional abuse, you may lose weight, sink into depression, or want to harm yourself. You are not alone. To prove that someone is emotionally abusing you, you will need examples of the abuse, such as abusive emails, or witnesses. If you have evidence that someone is being emotionally abused, then you should contact the appropriate authorities. 1. **Define emotional abuse.** Emotional abuse, also known as “psychological abuse,” is any act of verbal assault, humiliation, intimidation, isolation, or confinement that diminishes someone’s self-worth or dignity. It can take many forms and can exist in every relationship, whether familial, intimate, or work-related. Emotional abuse, like physical abuse, develops in cycles: the abuse builds as the abuser tries to establish dominance, then the abuser expresses remorse and life returns to normal. However, the cycle will start up again, often with the abuser acting in a more extreme manner. 2. **Identify common abusive acts.** Any act that diminishes your sense of self-worth can be abusive. Common abusive acts include: swearing or yelling name calling, mocking, and insults verbal or physical threats or intimidation isolation or excluding someone 3. **Check for abuse in romantic relationships.** Emotional abuse can be every bit as damaging as physical violence in a relationship. Emotional abuse begins to take its toll on your self-esteem, happiness, and even your physical health. Common signs of emotional abuse in romantic relationships include: The abuser criticizes, judges, or humiliates you. The abuser dominates or controls you. The abuser focuses on blame and accusation. You are the victim of emotional distancing. 4. **Identify child abuse and neglect.** Children can be abused emotionally, not just physically. Although children may lack the words to tell someone that they are being emotionally abused, there are common warning signs: The child withdraws socially. The child loses self-confidence or suffers a decline in school performance. The child is desperate for approval and affection. The child suffers repeat ailments like stomachaches or headaches that do not have a medical cause. 5. **Understand elder abuse.** The elderly can also be abused emotionally. In the United States, over half a million cases of elder abuse are reported each year. Elder abuse can be perpetrated by anyone who cares for the elderly, whether a family member or a professional. There are many symptoms of emotional abuse in the elderly: They often suffer from hopelessness or low self-esteem. They become shy and withdrawn. They experience sudden changes in sleeping or eating habits. They express a desire to hurt themselves or someone else. 6. **Recognize emotional abuse in the workplace.** Workplace bullying is a serious problem. It is not limited to supervisors bullying subordinates. In fact, almost anyone can become the victim of bullying in the workplace. Some tension is common in most workplaces, but you may be the victim of bullying if: You obsess about work while at home and have trouble sleeping at night. You come home from work lifeless and without any emotional energy. You are afraid to admit to loved ones that you are being bullied and may even suspect that you brought the abuse on yourself. You are isolated by other employees, some of whom are afraid to work with you. Nothing you do is good enough for your boss, and your boss expects perfect performance without offering adequate training or supervision. 7. **Keep a journal.** One good way of documenting the emotional abuse is to record it in a journal. Write down what the abuser said, the date, and how it made you feel. Also note the names of any witnesses. You may also find that writing a journal is cathartic and an effective defense mechanism against the emotional abuse. However, you should be careful that you do not leave the journal lying around. If you live with the abuser, then the abuser could find the journal. Instead of keeping a clothbound journal, you could keep a digital one. Take notes on your smart phone or laptop and store them electronically. It is much harder to find your notes on an electronic device, especially if it is password protected. 8. **Preserve abusive communications.** You should hold onto any letter, email, note, or voicemail in which the abuser uses abusive language. This evidence will help you later establish the abuser’s behavior. If you live with the abuser, then see if a trusted friend or family member will hold onto copies of these communications. 9. **Visit the doctor.** Emotional abuse can manifest itself in physical symptoms: anxiety, weight loss, high blood pressure, depression, and heart disease. Although emotional abuse is serious regardless of any resulting physical symptoms, the presence of these symptoms will increase your ability to prove emotional abuse at a later date. Tell your doctor about the emotional abuse. By reporting it, your doctor can make a note in your medical records. A copy of your medical reports will then serve as powerful evidence of the emotional abuse and its physical effects on you. If you are taking a child or elderly adult to the doctor, then you can inform the doctor that you think the person is being emotionally abused. The doctor can then talk to the patient and draw out helpful information. 10. **Ask abuse victims what they are feeling.** You can help prove emotional abuse if you document the abuse someone else is suffering. You need to write down the dates the abuse happened and the substance of the abuse, just as you would if you were the victim. Some people might hesitate to tell someone else that they are being abused. The elderly, for example, may feel embarrassed that they are powerless. Children may be fear that you will believe the things the abuser says about them. To put people at ease, simply ask them what they are feeling. This strategy can help them open up. 11. **Share your feelings with other people.** If you are experiencing emotional abuse, then you should share that fact with at least one trusted person. It is always difficult to come forward and admit that you are in an abusive relationship. However, a witness can help confirm your history of abuse. Find someone you trust. You may fear physical violence from your abuser. You don’t want the person you confide in to tell other people. In that situation, the abuser could find out that you have been complaining about him or her and strike back. 12. **Determine the appropriate authorities.** To effectively deal with emotional abuse, you need to report it to the authorities who can deal with it. The appropriate authority will depend on the abuse. For example, if someone is suffering extreme emotional abuse, then you should call the police. However, if you know a child is being emotionally abused, then contacting Child Protective Services might make more sense. 13. **Call the police.** If the emotional abuse has gotten to the point where the person feels terrorized or is suffering severe physical ailments, then you should call the police. Only the police can extricate someone, in particular an older person being emotionally abused by a caretaker or legal guardian. 14. **Contact Child Protective Services (CPS).** If a child is being emotionally abused by an adult in the house, then you should report the abuse to your local CPS office. You can find the appropriate office by calling the Childhelp hotline at 1-800-422-4453. When you are connected to CPS, you may be asked for the following information: your relationship to the child the child’s name and age the child’s home address and current location the suspected abuser and his or her relationship to the child the parents’ contact information the names of other witnesses and contact information for each 15. **Report elder abuse to Adult Protective Services (APS).** Each state should have an APS agency. To find the number for your state, call 1-800-677-1116. You may also use the Eldercare Locator at Be sure to provide the following information: the elder person’s name his or her address and contact information the reasons why you suspect emotional abuse the extend of the elder person’s family or social support network whether you have seen abusive behavior if you know of any medical problems, such as dementia 16. **Contact Human Resources to report workplace bullying.** Your company should have a grievance process in place. Check your employee handbook or manuals. If you can’t find any information, then reach out to Human Resources and ask for a meeting. You might work for a small company without a Human Resources department. In that situation, you should talk to the business owner to report bullying by your coworkers. If your boss is the bully, then you might not have any other choice but to quit your job. 17. **Share your documentation.** The appropriate authorities will want proof of the abuse, and you should readily share it with them. For example, you can provide copies of any abusive communications. You can also share copies of your medical records or give the authorities the names of witnesses.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Can Tomatoes?,"Want to capture the taste of summer in a jar? You can do just that by canning tomatoes--that way, in the deepest, darkest day of winter, you will be able to open up a jar and immediately feel like you are basking in warm summer sun. Whether you grow your own tomatoes, or purchase them in bulk during the growing season, canning your own tomatoes can also save lots of money. Set aside several hours to complete the canning process. 1. **Choose your tomatoes.** Any variety of tomatoes can be used, but make sure the fruit is not too ripe. Overripe tomatoes are bad for canning due to their high acid content. Gently press on the tomatoes to make sure they are still firm. Look over your tomatoes to make sure they do not have any bruises. If you want to can green tomatoes, you’re in luck. Green tomatoes are more acidic but can still be canned, according to the USDA. 2. **Wash and stem the tomatoes.** Once they are free from dirt, slice off the ends that have the stems, and cut an ""X"" shape at the bottom of the other end. The ‘X’ shape will make it easier to peel off the skins later. 3. **Remove the tomato skins.** To do this, you will need to bring a pot of water to a boil. You will also need to set out a bowl filled with ice water. Once the water is boiling, drop a few tomatoes in at a time. Let them sit in the water for about a minute (though you can take them out after 45 seconds if you want to.) 4. **Remove the tomatoes from the water.** Immediately plunge them into the bowl filled with ice water. Doing this will help to make the tomato skins fall right off. Remove the skins and place your tomatoes on a cutting board.. 5. **Cut your tomatoes into quarters.** While quartering your tomatoes, remove any other bruises or tough spots. If you didn’t already, remove the tough part where the tomato attaches to its stem. 6. **Prepare the canning jars.** Anytime you can fruit or vegetables, you must sanitize the jars. To do this, bring a large pot of water to a boil (it can be the same pot you are later going to use for sealing the jars and canning the tomatoes.) Inspect the jars to make sure they are free from cracks or nicks and then place the jars in the water and let them boil for several minutes. You can also sterilize your jars by putting them in your dishwasher on the hottest cycle. If you have a ‘sterilize’ option, choose it. 7. **Sterilize the lids.** The lids should be dent free, and the bands should fit tightly. Set the bands aside to dry, and place the jars and lids in a pot of hot, but not boiling, water. Let the pot simmer on the stove at low heat until you are ready to use the jars. 8. **Carefully remove the jars from the hot water.** To do this, you should use tongs. Be very carefully as the jars will be very hot. To remove the lids, you can either use the tongs, or you can use a magnetic lid lifter. These lid lifters can be purchased at your local kitchen supply store. 9. **Choose your lemon juice.** You can either use fresh lemon juice, or lemon juice from a bottle. The lemon juice will be added to the jar along with the tomatoes. The juice helps to prevent the tomatoes from spoiling while they are in the jars, and also helps to retain the color and flavor of the tomatoes. 10. **Fill the jars with the tomatoes.** Place the jars on a heat resistant surface and begin spooning the quartered tomatoes into the jars. Fill the jars until there is only about ½ of an inch of space left at the top of the jars. Add two tablespoons of lemon juice. You should also add either boiling water or hot tomato juice so that the jar is filled up to ½ an inch away from the top. You could also consider adding other ingredients to enhance the flavor of the tomatoes. Cloves of garlic, peppers, or a sprig of basil make delicious additions to canned tomatoes. 11. **Remove any air.** Once you have added the lemon juice, gently press on the tomatoes with a spoon to release air bubbles. Air bubbles are bad because they can let bacteria get into the jars, thus spoiling your canned tomatoes. You should also slide a sterilized knife or plastic spoon along the inside wall of the jar, releasing any air trapped there. 12. **Wipe away any drips along the top and sides of the jar.** Place a lid on top of the jar and screw on the band with your hands. 13. **Add water to the pot that you will use as your canner.** The pot should be large enough to fit a batch of canning jars. Place the elevated canning rack in this pot, and fill halfway with water. Bring to a simmer. If you are using an actual canner, the rack should have come with it. If you are just using a pot, you can use a cooking rack so long as it fits in the pot. If you plan on doing a lot of canning, particularly of low-acid items like tomatoes, you should think about investing in a pressure canner. They take less time and are reliable. If you have a pressure canner and are planning on using it now, follow the instructions provided with the canner when you bought it. If you do not have a cooking rack, you can just place a washcloth on the bottom of the pot. This will keep the glass jars from cracking against the metal of the pot. 14. **Place each filled jar on the canning rack.** Once all the jars have been placed, lower the canning rack. Pour enough water into the simmering canning pot to cover the jars by two inches. Place the lid on the canning pot and bring to a boil. If you are using pints, boil the jars for 40 minutes. If you are using quarts, boil the jars for 45 minutes. You should also keep in mind that cooking time will vary based on what altitude you are canning at. 0 to 1,000 feet (0.0 to 304.8 m) above sea level: 35 minutes for pints, 45 minutes for quarts. 1,001 to 3,000 feet (305.1 to 914.4 m): 40 minutes for pints, 50 minutes for quarts. 3,001 to 6,000 feet (914.7 to 1,828.8 m): 45 minutes for pints, 55 minutes for quarts. Above 6,000 feet (1,828.8 m): 50 minutes for pints, 60 minutes for quarts. 15. **Remove the lid from the canning pot, and turn off the heat.** Allow the pot to cool for 20 minutes, and then remove each jar with the lifter. Place the jars on a towel. Allow jars to cool for a whole day, and then test the seal on the jars by pushing down in the center. The center should not move. If it does, use the tomatoes immediately. 16. **Store sealed jars in a cool pantry, and use within one year.** Do not be surprised if you see the canned tomatoes floating above a layer of liquid inside the jar--this is totally normal.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Create a Group in WhatsApp.,"Like most instant messaging applications, WhatsApp lets you create a group in order to message many people at once. You can create a group in WhatsApp by opening the Chats menu and selecting the ""New Group"" option. From there, you'll be able to add up to 256 people to a group as long as they're in your phone's contacts! 1. **Tap your WhatsApp app to open WhatsApp.** If you don't already have it, WhatsApp for iPhone is free to download from the App Store. If you can't find WhatsApp on your iPhone, swipe down from the middle of the screen and type ""WhatsApp"" into the ensuing search bar. You should see WhatsApp's icon pop up at the top of this menu. 2. **Tap the ""Chats"" option to open your chat history.** This is in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. If WhatsApp opens to your last-used chat, you'll need to tap the ""Chats"" option in the top left corner to return to the Chats menu. 3. **Tap the ""New Group"" option.** This should be in the top right corner of the Chats menu. You will need to have at least one chat in your Chats menu before you can create a group; if you've only just installed WhatsApp, simply send a one-word chat to a contact in order to activate the ""New Group"" option. 4. **Tap a contact's name to add them to your group.** You can do this with up to 256 people; the name and icon of each person you add will show up at the top of your screen as you add contacts. You can also search for specific contacts from within the search bar at the top of the WhatsApp screen. You cannot add people who aren't currently in your contacts. 5. **Tap ""Next"" in the top right corner of your screen.** This will take you to the ""New Group"" creation page. From here, you can: Add a ""Group Subject"" to name the group (25 character maximum). Add a photo by tapping the camera icon on the left of the Group Subject field. Delete participants from the group before you officially form it. 6. **Tap ""Create"" in the top right corner of your screen.** You have officially created a group in WhatsApp! 7. **Tap your WhatsApp app to open WhatsApp.** If you don't have WhatsApp for Android yet, it's free to download from the Google Play Store. If you can't locate WhatsApp on your phone, try searching for it using Google's ""In App"" feature. 8. **Tap the ""Chats"" tab.** You'll find this at the bottom of your screen in WhatsApp's toolbar. If WhatsApp opens to your last-used chat, tap the ""Chats"" option in the top left corner to view the Chats menu. 9. **Tap your Android's menu button.** Doing so will prompt a menu from within the Chats page. 10. **Tap the ""New Group"" option at the top of the menu.** This will prompt you to select members for your group. 11. **Tap contacts' names to add them to your group.** You can also search for specific contacts from within the search bar at the top of your screen. You cannot add people who aren't currently in your contacts. Tap the ""OK"" button in the top right corner of your screen when you're ready to continue. 12. **Add a group name.** You'll do this in the field at the top of the screen. 13. **Add a picture to your group.** You can do this by tapping the empty box next to the group name, then selecting a photo from your photo library. You can also take a photo from within WhatsApp if you like. 14. **Tap the checkmark when you're finished.** This is in the top right corner of your screen. You now have a group on WhatsApp! 15. **Tap the ""Chats"" option.** This will take you to your Chats menu, where you should see your group name. 16. **Tap your group name.** This will open your group's chat. 17. **Tap the field at the bottom of the screen.** This is where you'll type your messages. 18. **Type to create a message.** You can send your messages by tapping the arrow button next to the chat field when you're done. 19. **Tap the camera icon to add a photo.** You can add a photo from your library, or you can take a live photo from within WhatsApp. Tap the ""Send"" option in the top right corner of your screen to send your photo. 20. **Continue to use your group chat.** You can use WhatsApp's group chat feature to keep all of your favorite contacts updated free of charge!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Look Like Draculaura.,"Draculaura - aka Ula D - might just be the sweetest and most stylish student at Monster High. She's known for her smile and her signature black and pink attire, accented with classic lace and ruffle details. Read on to learn how to look like Draculaura. 1. **Dye your hair black** Draculaura's natural hair is jet black - the better to complement her gorgeous pink streaks. If your hair isn't already black as a raven's wing, you can use permanent or temporary dye to darken it. If you don't want to change your hair color, buy a black wig. Draculaura's hair is wavy, not curly, so don't buy a wig with curls. If your hair is already brown, or even blond, and you don't want to worry about making it black, you can still achieve Draculaura's look. 2. **Put streaks in your hair** Draculaura accents her deep black hair with gorgeous pink or red streaks. She alternates streaks so that her hair actually looks like it is striped with equal parts black and pink. Get temporary streaks or permanent streaks to look like Draculaura. You can also get clip-in locks of pink or red hair that look like Draculaura's streaks. 3. **Cut straight-across bangs** Draculaura has adorable bangs that are cut straight across just above her eyebrows. She wears them down, never swept to the side. Get a new haircut and ask your stylist to cut bangs, or cut your own at home. 4. **Wear low pigtails.** Draculaura's playful nature comes out in her trademark hairstyle, a pair of low, voluminous pigtails. Divide your hair into two sections with a part straight down the middle of your head. Use hairbands to secure the pigtails. Tease the hair right next to the hairband to make it look like it has more volume. Use a curling iron to curl the ends and make them flip like Draculaura's do. 5. **Make your face sweetly vampirish.** Draculaura has a pretty goth look, with pale skin, dark eyes, and pops of cheerful pink. Since Draculaura can't look at herself in mirrors, her makeup isn't always perfect, so don't stress too much about getting it just right! Here's how to create her look: Give your skin a pale pink hue. Draculaura's skin is a pleasing pale pink. Use light pink blush on your face, neck, and ears to mimic her vampirish look. Wear bold eye makeup. Draculaura wears hot pink eye shadow, plenty of black eyeliner, and lots of mascara. Don't skimp when it comes to eye makeup - Draculaura's eyes really stand out. Use hot pink lipstick. Pick out a bold, rich magenta color, and create a rosebud shape over your lips to make them pop. Draw a pink heart on your cheek. Draculaura may be a monster, but she has a warm, sweet personality, symbolized by the heart on her cheek. Use hot pink lipstick or eyeliner to draw a little heart on your cheek like Draculaura's. You could also use a temporary heart tattoo. 6. **Don't forget the fangs.** She is a vampire, after all! Get a pair of faux fangs and everyone you meet will know you're dressing as Draculaura. 7. **Wear black and pink.** Draculaura wears a lot of gothic black - she is Dracula's daughter, after all - but she loves to accent it with hints of bright pink. Her clothes are always striking, but never severe, and they always have an element of playfulness. Go for black tights and long-sleeved shirts with a hot pink vest or skirt. Mix it up with a little purple and other shades of red and pink, but avoid blue, yellow, and other colors of the rainbow. 8. **Wear a tutu.** Draculaura's tutu is her signature piece, and for good reason - it's adorable. Get a tutu with plenty of bounce, preferably with lace on the underside. Wear it with striped or solid black tights. 9. **Go for vintage goth style.** Draculaura is almost 1,600 years old, so her taste in clothing is, shall we say, classic. She loves old-fashioned style elements like lacy skirts, button-down ruffled blouses, high-collared shirts, and fishnets. Of course, she modernizes her style by adding sparkles, high heels, and plenty of magenta. 10. **Wear tall lace-up boots.** Draculaura has high-heeled boots with laces running all the way up to the knees. Hers are hot pink, but you may have trouble finding them in stores. Wear black lace-up boots or buy a can of spray paint and add some hot pink flair. 11. **Get a black and pink umbrella.** Draculaura can't go outside in the sun, so she carries around an umbrella to shield herself from strong rays. Find a frilly black umbrella and use pink spray paint to add some bright pink stripes. 12. **Wear classy jewelry.** Draculaura loves long, dangly earrings and gothic-looking necklaces. Check out local thrift stores for some interesting ideas! 13. **Practice your Transylvanian (Romanian) accent.** Draculaura has the most unique accent in school, and if you want to emulate her persona, you should get one, too. Watch videos of Draculaura online to get a sense of how she talks. Make sure you practice at home before you try it out at school. Make sure it's a Romanian accent and not a Moldovan accent. Although Romanian is spoken in Moldova, the dialects are distinct. 14. **Be smiley and friendly.** Draculaura is known for her bubbly, sweet, charming personality. She's always smiling and laughing, and she's very nice to her friends. 15. **Have a cute pet bat.** Draculaura's most fun accessory is probably her pet bat, Count Fabulous. She dresses him up in a big pink bow and cute pink outfits to offset his black fur.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Make a Denim Purse?,"Jeans are popular, and for good reason: they are comfy, fashionable, and go with just about everything. They don't last forever, however. Instead of throwing away your jeans when they get worn out, however, why not turn them into a trendy new bag? If you have an old button-up shirt that's on its way out too, you can use that to make the lining as well! 1. **Cut the legs off of a pair of jeans.** Start by cutting one of the legs off, just below the crotch. Fold the jeans in half, then use the cut leg as a guide for the second one. This will ensure that the bottom of the bag is even. Denim shorts, skirts, and capris will also work. If you are using a skirt, cut it ½ inch (1.27 centimeters) longer than you want the bag to be. You can use jeans that you already own, or buy a pair from a garage sale or second hand store. 2. **Cut open the crotch at the seam, then cut the seam off.** Begin by cutting along the crotch seam so that the pants open up like a skirt. Next, cut the crotch seam off of the pants completely—this is the folded, top-stitched part. Doing this will even up the bottom of the pants and help reduce bulk. 3. **Turn the pants inside out and fold them in half the other way.** You want the zipper to be on one side edge and the back seam on the other side edge. You will have a front pocket and a back pocket on both sides of the folded jeans. If you are using a denim skirt, simply turn it inside out. 4. **Sew down the new side edges so that they are straight.** Sew straight down from the zipper to the bottom, cut edge of the pants. You will have a little triangle that used to be the crotch. Repeat this step for the back seam. Use a pen and ruler to draw guidelines if you have to. If you are using a denim skirt, skip this step. 5. **Cut off the triangle points.** Your new side seams should now be straight. If you want to, you can press open the new side seams with an iron. If you are using a denim skirt, skip this step. 6. **Fold the pants back the way they used to be.** You should how have the zipper and front pockets on one side, and the back pockets on the other. The original size seams should be on the left and right edges. Make sure that all of the seams match up. 7. **Sew across the bottom edge of the bag.** Use a ½-inch (1.27-centimeter) seam allowance. Remember to backstitch at the start and end of your sewing and to go slowly over the seams. Trim off any overhanging fabric so that the bottom edge is even. 8. **Sew across the bottom corners if you want a fancier bag.** Flatten the base of the bag so that the bottom corners turn into flaps. Sew across each flap, about 2 inches (5.08 centimeters) away from each side edge. This will make the base of the bag wide enough so that it can stand up on its own when you set it down. If you want a simple bag, skip this step. 9. **Consider adding some embellishments.** You can skip this step if you want a simpler bag. If you want a fancier one, however, you should add the embellishments now before you add the straps and lining. Start by turn the bag right side out. Next, add some patches, embroidery, buttons, or studs—whatever you like! You can even stitch on some crocheted lace or a cut up doily onto the bag. Some items, such as studs, will need special tools. 10. **Cut a 2-inch (5.08-centimeter) wide strip from one of the pant legs you cut off.** How long you make this strip depends on how long you want the strap to be. You can have one long shoulder strap. You can also cut it in half and make two shorter handles instead. 11. **Cut a 2-inch wide strip out of cotton fabric for the lining.** You can cut this from an old, button-up shirt, a pillowcase, or cotton fabric from the store. If you don't want a contrasting lining on your handle, cut another matching strip out of the other pant leg instead. 12. **Pin the strips together.** If you want clean, finished edges on your handles, pin the strips with the right sides facing in. If you want a rustic, raw edge on the handles, pin the strips together with the right sides facing out. 13. **Sew the side edges of the strips together.** Use a ¼ to ½-inch (0.64 to 1.27-centimeter) seam allowance. The smaller the seam allowance, the wider the strap will be. Do not sew across the two narrow edges. 14. **Turn the strips inside out, if needed.** If you pins the strips with the right sides facing in, you will need to turn them inside out. This will hide the seams inside the strips and give you a clean, finished edge. If you pins the strips with the right sides facing out for a rustic finish, skip this step. 15. **Top stitch the strips, if desired.** If you turned the strips inside out, consider topstitching along the edges using a ⅛ to ¼-inch (0.32 to 0.64-centimeter) seam allowance. You can also sew straight down the handle for a nicer finish. This will work for both types of handles: finished or raw. 16. **Pin the handle(s) to the inside of the bag.** If you made one long shoulder strap, pin the narrow ends to the side seams on your bag. If you made two short handles, pin one handle to the front of the bag, and the other handle to the back. Keep the narrow ends a few inches apart. You can have the colored liner on the outside or the inside. The ends of the handles should be just below the waistband of the bag. 17. **Sew the handles in place.** Simply stitch back and forth across the bottom edge, using a ¼ to ½-inch (0.64 to 1.27-centimeter) seam allowance. If you want to, you can also sew across the top and sides of each handle, securing it further to the waistband of the bag. Remove the pins as you sew. 18. **Trace the bag onto a button-up shirt for the lining.** Add a ½-inch (1.27-centimeter) seam allowance to the bottom and side edges. Use a shirt with a bright, colorful pattern. You can also use cotton fabric instead, or even an old pillow case. Avoid tracing over any pockets, seams, or buttons. 19. **Cut the liner out.** Try to cut through both layers of fabric at the same time. Remember to include the ½-inch seam allowances. If your shirt had a front pocket on it, consider cutting that out as well, as close to the seams as you can. You can add this pocket to the inside of your bag. 20. **Sew a front pocket onto the lining, if desired.** If your cut the front pocket off of your shirt, pin it to the right side of one of your lining pieces. Make sure that the bottom edge of the pocket is at least ½ inch (1.27-centimeters) away from the bottom edge of the lining. Topstitch the pocket down, following the original stitching as much as possible. 21. **Pin and sew along the bottom and side edges of the liner.** Pin the two pieces of fabric so that the wrong sides are facing out. Sew along the bottom and side edges using a ½-inch (1.27-centimeter) seam allowance. If you widened the bottom of your bag by sewing across the triangular flaps, you will need to do the same thing for the liner. 22. **Sew the bottom flaps on the liner and bag together.** Turn the bag and the liner inside out so that the wrong sides are facing out. Match up the bottom triangle flaps. Sew across them using the original stitching as a guide. This will help secure the lining to the back. If you made a simple bag without the widened bottom, skip this step. 23. **Trim the triangles flaps off, leaving a ¼-inch (0.64-centimeter) seam allowance.** This will help reduce bulk. Serge the edges, or go over them with a zigzag stitch. If you made a simple bag, skip this step. 24. **Fold the lining onto the bag.** Tuck one hand into the bag. Use your other hand to roll the lining down onto the bag, like putting on a sock or a pair of pantyhose. When you are done, the lining should be right side out, with the bag tucked inside of it. If you made a simple bag, turn the lining right side out, then tuck the bag into the lining. 25. **Fold the top edge of the lining down towards the waistband.** Secure it with sewing pins as you go. For a crisper finish, press it flat with an iron. How far you fold the lining down is up to you. You can fold it past the waistband or halfway down the waistband. Make sure that you are folding towards the waistband so that the raw edge is tucked inside. 26. **Sew across the top of the lining.** You can do this on a sewing machine or by hand using a ladder stitch. If you are using a sewing machine, sew as close as you can to the top edge of the lining. If you are sewing by hand, make sure that you only sew through the inside layer of the waistband. Don't let the needle and thread come out the front. Machine sewing is only recommended if you folded the lining past the waistband, otherwise you will sew across the belt loops. If you are sewing on the machine, make sure that the bobbin color matches the jeans and the thread color matches the lining. 27. **Turn the bag right side out.** It is now ready to use! If you want to, you can embellish it with details to make it even more special. Here are some ideas to get you started: Weave a ribbon through the belt loops, then tie it into a bow over the front button. Weave a bandana or a leather belt through the belt loops for a rustic touch. Add a snap, button, or zipper closure to the bag. Decorate the bag further with fabric paint. Add some decorative pins or patches.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Learn Quickly when Reading.,"Many people have experienced frustration because they can either read quickly without necessarily digesting information in depth or they can study carefully as they read, in order to learn something (and therefore read much more slowly). These two actions are not, however, as mutually exclusive as you might have first imagined. Here are some steps to help you get the most out of what you read the first time through. 1. **Pre-read** Give yourself a minute or two to just look things over and think about what it is that you need to absorb from the text. Use the steps in the section ""Familiarizing Yourself with the Text"" to Identify the basics first: Is it a list of facts? An understanding of a concept? A sequence of events? What sort of learning do you need to do? 2. **Direct your reading with questions about the content you're about to read.** Especially if you are reading something that was assigned in class, good questions to consider include: Why am I being asked to read this? What is the purpose of the assignment? How does this assignment fit in with the rest of what we have been doing? It is the main idea? Or, is it just an example or sideline to the main idea? What am I supposed to be getting out of this? (Ideas, background information, procedures, overview?) What level of detail am I going to need to retain? (Do I need to understand everything, or will the main ideas be sufficient?) 3. **Write down your answers to remind you as you read.** 4. **Think about what you already know about the text.** This includes considering the context in which it was written, or is used. Sample questions might include: Who wrote it? What do I know about this person? When was it written? What do I know about that time? 5. **Figure out what is in the book, how it is arranged, and where the important stuff is.** Sample strategies include: Scan TOC (Table of Contents) Scan chapters and headings. Look at pictures and graphs. Read the introduction and conclusion. Scan introductory sections. 6. **Think about what you already know about the topic.** You may not need to read more, or you may be able to read only the parts you still need to learn. 7. **Choose a method that works for you to highlight main ideas and important details.** Marking the text serves as a way of anchoring what you've learned––you can find the ideas again quickly and it will also remind you of the initial thoughts you had when reading these marked portions. Methods of highlighting will depend on what you're reading, for example, if it's your own book or the library's or if it's printed on paper or read on a screen. 8. **Try the highlighter and pen reading system if it's your own book or paper.** If you read this way, you will always have questions and comments on the reading for class discussion and your teacher will think you are a conscientious, engaged student. The method works as follows: Find 2 highlighters and a pen. The first highlighter is for key points and things you want to remember. (Be judicious—only highlight a few items per page.) The second highlighter is for things you don’t understand, questions, and places you disagree. The pen is to write comments in the text. (Writing comments keeps your learning active and helps you remember the content you read.) 9. **If it's a library book, do not mark in it.** Instead, make notes on cards, slips of paper, or in a separate notebook. 10. **To take notes from an on-screen text, select the text and copy and paste into another document.** Some formats also allow on-screen highlighting, comments, and other ways to mark up the text. 11. **Reflect on what you have read.** Don’t immediately switch gears when you finish reading. (Switching gears immediately is the surest way to erase everything you just read from your short term memory.) You will process better and remember more if you take a few minutes to reflect on what you read. 12. **Try using two or more of the following strategies:** Reflect on your pre-reading (fit it into the course goals). Write a summary. Here are some sample questions you could discuss: What is this writer’s purpose? Who is the audience? What are the main points/topics covered? What reasons and evidence support these main points? How is it relevant to this course? Context. What am I supposed to learn from this? How and how strongly do I react to this? Why? Question the material. What do I think is wrong/right? Why? What reasons do I have for my beliefs? 13. **Review the reading material within 24 hours to process it again.** This helps move the material from short-term to long-term memory. 14. **Begin any assignments promptly after reading the text.** If you find you need to review the material in order to complete your assignment, you will be able to find the parts you need more quickly.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Know the Difference Between Emo and Goth?,"From the surface, determining the difference between emo and goth subcultures can be pretty tricky. However, giving a closer look at the backgrounds of these subcultures show some major differences as both scenes have roots in distinct musical movements. This article provides a breakdown of emo and goth subcultures, from the music to the fashion. 1. **Both terms are rooted in history.** While the term 'emo', which stands for 'emotive hardcore' and has its roots in the 80s hardcore punk scene, it is unclear on exactly who first used it. ‘Goth,’ on the other hand, which was used to describe the atmosphere of late 70s/early 80s post-punk bands, can be traced back to the term ""gothic"" used by journalists. 2. **Listen to proto-goth for an early look at goth culture.** Many cite bands such as The Velvet Underground, David Bowie, and The Doors, who were labelled ""gothic rock"" in 1967 due to the sound of their atmospherics and dreary use of the organ as influential goth predecessors. Nico's The Marble Index is considered is a proto-goth album and has even been citied as ""the first Goth"" album due to her ""lyrical drone accompanied by a medieval-sounding musical landscape populated with a harpsichords and glockenspiels"". 3. **Siouxsie and The Banshees and The Cure give a snapshot of the 1980s goth sound.** These artists combined lyrics with a fixation on darkness and depravity with effects-laded guitars, atmospheric basslines and tom-tom heavy or 'tribal' drums. However, it wasn't until Bauhaus released their 1979 single Bela Lugosi's Dead, in reference to the actor who played the 1931 film adaption of Bram Stoker's Dracula, that goth really became recognized as a genre and subculture. Other bands like UK Decay, Southern Death Cult, and The Danse Society were also particularly popular and influential bands during this era. 4. **The second wave, spearheaded by The Sisters of Mercy, saw a shift in goth's sound.** During the mid-80s the genre began to move away from its pure experimental and arty post-punk sound and started to incorporate hard rock elements. The bands' use of the drum machine is particularly notable. Their mainstream success spawned several similar sounding bands, such as Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, The Merry Thoughts, and Fields of the Nephilim. Goths evolution saw the beginnings of notable offshoots, including darkwave (Clan of Xymox and Switchblade Symphony) which is post-punk crossed with new wave and synthpop, and ethereal wave (Cocteau Twins). The first deathrock revival began in 1998 and petered out, with bands such as All Gone Dead and Tragic Black as the face, around the mid-00s. These bands mixed cartoonish aesthetics with the caricature of the Batcave and a more modern deathrock sound. 5. **While goth certainly does have it classic bands, it continues to evolve.** Decades on sees bands continuing to experiment and incorporate elements of other genres into their music, with several developments springing up all around the world. One includes the boom in Russian post-punk with bands like Ploho and Molchat Doma, who gained popularity after their song ""Sudno (Boris Ryzhy)"" went viral on TikTok. Another includes bands such as She Past Away, Twin Tribes, TRAITRS, and HAPAX part of so-called ""gothwave"" genre, a perfect blend of classic goth guitar sounds with signature darkwave synths. 6. **Emo also has its roots in music.** Many consider the first emo band to be Rites of Spring, a Washington, D.C. band that formed in 1984. Led by singer Guy Picciotto, the band’s music was characterized by noisy, hardcore instrumentation and intensely vulnerable, confessional lyrics. Soon after, bands like Embrace, Beefeater, and Dag Nasty joined the D.C. scene, and the emo music movement officially began (even if each of these bands has been forthright about hating the term ‘emo.’). Rites of Spring’s Guy Picciotto and Ian MacKaye of Embrace eventually formed the hardcore punk band Fugazi, another band credited as influencing the emo movement. 7. **Listen to Midwest emo bands to learn about the 1990s emo music movement.** In the nineties, bands like Sunny Day Real Estate, American Football, and Cap’n Jazz made the Midwest the epicenter of the revival. These bands took emo’s messy, noisy sound and made it a little more polished. As bands continued to form under the influence of preceding emo bands, offshoots of the emo sound started to shape in all kinds of directions, most notably screamo (Saetia and Orchid). 8. **From the late 90s to the late 2000s, emo music burst into the mainstream.** Pioneered by bands like The Promise Ring and The Get Up Kids, emo saw a shift from the unconventional song structures into a catchy and hook-filled fusion of emo and pop punk. Jimmy Eat World officially launched the emo-pop movement with their 2001 album Bleed American whose ""The Middle"" became the flagship. Other bands such as Saves The Day and Brand New were also considered emo pop bands. Soon other bands, such as Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance whose debuts, Take This to Your Grave and I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love respectively, began gaining more mainstream attention. 9. **The waning commercial popularity of emo-pop saw the genre retreat underground.** Around the early 2010s, many mainstream emo-pop bands either broke up or began to move away from their roots and experiment with other genres. In its place saw a new crop of bands such as Snowing and Algernon Cadwallader that, not only took taken inspiration from the sounds and aesthetics of the '90s, but seemed to explore a fusion between post-hardcore, math rock, and pop-punk. Screamo has shown a similar resurgence, with 2018 summers being labelled ""Summer of Screamo"" due to many classic screamo bands reuniting. More recently, emo continues to influence present-day artists in a more multifaceted style, with emo rappers like Lil Peep, Lil Tracy, and Princess Nokia bringing innovations to the genre. Billie Eilish is also another great example. 10. **For a grasp on goth fashion, take a look at what the goth musicians wore.** Staples in goth fashion include black clothing often in lace or leather with a DIY air, elaborate and expressive make-up, fishnets, winklepickers, silver jewelry, and big, back-combed, often dyed hair. In the early days, many goths creatively thrifted and made their own clothes; the goal was to take inspiration from their idols without directly copying. 11. **If you're going for an emo look, try something a little more casual.** Staples of the subculture include band t-shirts, sweeping bangs, skinny jeans, beaten-up converse, and, you guessed it, heavy eyeliner. If you get cold, wear a sweater. It’s important to note, though, that due to the varying subgenres within emo music, typical emo fashion varies pretty widely. For example, 1980s and 1990s emo bands like Embrace and Sunny Day Real Estate really didn’t emphasize fashion as a part of the work that they did. Later emo-pop bands like My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy were more focused on style and fashion. 12. **Goth music often uses synthesizers, drum machines, and effect-ladened guitar.** Goth can carry an array of sounds, but usually stands out due to its use of a prominent atmospheric bass and a flanging guitar, most notably used on Siouxsie and the Banshees' second LP Join Hands. Vocal styles can appear baritone, unusually high-pitched or drowned out, especially in modern darkwave. At one point in time, goth was given the name ""positive punk"" in reference to the positive direction punk was heading. Many bands used tribal drums and avoided guitar power chords, opting for slashing, screeching and razor-like effects instead. 13. **Emo music combines punk-influenced guitars and heart-on-your-sleeve style lyrics.** In addition to the hardcore dissonance of emo guitar playing and instrumentation, a huge part of what distinguishes the genre is the lyrics. Most emo lyrics describe intense feelings of alienation, loneliness, and despair, often using anguished metaphors that veer towards melodrama. For example, Guy Picciotto kicks off the Rites of Spring track “For Want Of” with the lyrics, “I woke up this morning with a piece of past caught in my throat / And then I choked.” 14. **A goth club is a bar or nightclub affiliated with goth culture.** Starting with the highly influential goth club The Batcave in the 1980s, goth clubs have been a staple in keeping a flourishing goth scene alive in cities across the world. To learn more about goth subculture and distinguish it from emo subculture, consider finding a goth club in your city! 15. **More recently, bars and clubs have been throwing emo-themed events.** These events feature emo music and invite attendees to dress in their favorite emo fashion looks. If you want to see first-hand what makes emo subculture unique from goth subculture, see if any local clubs or bars are hosting an emo night in your area! 16. **It’s important to avoid making harmful assumptions about any group of people.** Learning about particular music and fashion subcultures is a lot of fun, but you should remember that everyone is a unique individual. Avoid generalizing groups of people simply because of the clothes they wear or the music they like. For example, liking emo music doesn’t make someone an unhappy person. They may just enjoy the emotional catharsis the lyrics and music bring them!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Compromise With Your Spouse.,"Do you always feel like the doormat when it comes to making decisions with your spouse? Or, perhaps, it's you who always calls the shots and your spouse meekly obliges, to the point where you feel they no longer enthusiastically contribute to the relationship. Either way, compromise between spouses is essential to a lifetime of cooperation, ever-growing love and continued respect for one another. Learn how to start compromising in your marriage. 1. **Aim to collect wins for the relationship.** Many times, when couples are in disagreement, each partner tries to prove that they are right. Doing this increases the distance between the two of you. Remember that trying to be right can make the relationship lose. Think like a team—each player must contribute to the win. If one player loses, everyone loses. Compromise provides a chance for the relationship (i.e. both of you) to win rather than just one of you. If you keep this in mind during an argument, you are more likely to reach a solution that benefits the well-being of your relationship. The next time you and your partner are vying to be right, take a breather and consider what being right is doing for the relationship as a whole. Don't allow your pride to weaken your bond with your spouse. Try to reach the resolution that fosters growth and success for the relationship. 2. **Make a pros and cons list for each of you.** To reach a mutually beneficial solution, it may be a good idea to take a step back and view the situation more objectively. Each of you can create a two-column list of pros and cons about the issue, including how the issue aligns with each of your personal beliefs and values. Once you have completed the lists, discuss them aloud to see if the benefits of the decision outweigh the downsides. Consider that issues that go against one of your personal beliefs may require more compromise from one partner than the other. Try to reach a conclusion that does not require either of you to sacrifice your values. 3. **Conduct a brainstorm session.** If you are debating a complex issue, you may want to ponder potential avenues over a span of days or weeks rather than jumping to a conclusion. You can hold a brainstorm session listing out all the possible ways you can handle a given problem. You can then go over the list with family members or friends and consider their opinions. Sleeping on the issue and letting it sit for a while may help you to reach a natural conclusion once the emotions die down. For example, imagine your spouse received a promotion that would require a cross-country move. The two of you might weigh the pros and cons--like more money for the household versus one spouse having to leave their current job. Then, you might choose to discuss the matter with your parents or your children. If everyone together can see that the move might be beneficial (even if the initial change is hard), then you might agree to go forward with it. 4. **Speak up** If you have become the doormat in your marriage, it is time to start saying how you feel, offering your opinions and giving your take on how you would like to do certain things. Improve your assertiveness by: Taking baby steps. The next time your partner asks your opinion about something seemingly small, such as an outfit or what movie to watch, provide an answer. Do this bit by bit, until you start to feel more comfortable using your voice. Say “no” if you must. While you want to please your partner, you must expect that you won’t always be able to meet their every need or demand. Exercise your right to say “no”. For example, if you are really busy and your spouse asks for a favor, you might say “I’m sorry, I can’t right now, honey. Can we work out something else?” 5. **Recognize when you’re compromising too little.** Marriage is about give and take. Yes, at some point or another both of you will make sacrifices. But, it’s another matter when you’re always the one taking and never giving. If compromising for the sake of the relationship requires that your partner turn their back on core values and beliefs, you may be the one that needs to up your compromising skills. A one-sided relationship that does not allow you or your partner to be who you are or live out your truths is extremely unhealthy. See a counselor if you have trouble compromising to the point that your partner is always bending to meet your needs. 6. **Don't assume anything.** It doesn't matter how long you have been together, there will always be things you don't know about one another. What’s more, relationships are hard work, as you both grow and change over time, so will your relationship. Making assumptions can be self-limiting and prevent the growth of the relationship. How do you know when you are making them? Spotting an assumption is not always easy, but, generally, you are probably making an assumption when you feel rejected, neglected, hurt, or have an urge to lash out or blame your partner for something. Instead of assuming you know anything about your partner, make an effort to ask questions and maintain an open dialogue with one another. 7. **Check your motivations.** Emotions can be a major roadblock to compromise. When you feel upset or angry with your spouse, you might fight them on an issue that’s not even very important to you. Check yourself during a disagreement to see what’s really driving you. Are you truly invested in this issue or are you just disagreeing to prove a point? If you don’t feel strongly about the issue—and your partner does—relent in order to claim a win for the relationship. Don’t let your emotions divide the two of you. For example, your spouse got a promotion that required a big move and you're feeling resentful about having to leave your group of friends in the area. You might fight your spouse on the issue despite knowing that the move would mean more income for the household. Instead of standing in the way of progress with resentment, let your feelings be known. Tell your spouse ""I'm really sad about having to leave behind my good friends. Will there be room in the budget for me to visit them a few times a year?"" 8. **Watch your tone.** Sometimes the tone of your voice can skew your intended message and cause your spouse to put their defenses up. Couples often find that it’s not always what you say, but how you say it, that matters. Starting a tense conversation off with a soft, warm tone can make all the difference in how your spouse reacts. Try this: When you have something important to say, take a deep breath before initiating the conversation. Use “I” statements that minimize blame, such as “I feel angry when you…” and use a friendly, affectionate tone. Refrain from using sarcasm or accusations that push the discussion into a bad place. 9. **Keep an open mind.** Compromise is all about willingly seeing things from your spouse’s perspective and working to find a middle ground. If you remain close-minded or rigid in your own point-of-view, you reduce the likelihood of reaching a peaceful resolution. 10. **Listen to understand.** Most people listen in order to prepare a response. You should be listening to your spouse to get a full understanding of what they are trying to say. Actively listen and ask questions to better understand. Being a good listener involves the following habits: Turning to face your spouse and making eye contact. Or, sitting side-by-side and occasionally meeting their eyes, if full-on eye contact is too intimidating. Allowing your spouse to get their full message across before responding. Paraphrasing what they said to make sure you understood the message. “It seems like what you are trying to say is…” Asking clarifying questions to clear up any misunderstanding. “So, you are saying that…?” Adding your own response only after the above has been done. 11. **Post helpful reminders around your living environment.** Compromise is a key skill necessary for conflict resolution. Early on, you may fall back into your old ways of disagreeing. You can prompt yourself to follow better habits by posting little reminders in your home, car, office, or wallet. These can be Bible verses, quotes, or any phrase that helps. Some examples might include: “It’s better to bend a little than to break.” “Compromise equals a win for the relationship.” “Let your words always be gracious, seasoned with salt.” -Colossians 4:6. 12. **Find ways to compromise in everyday life.** Whether you have been the chief organizer or the chief follower, learning compromise is the key to a happy relationship from here on. Learn how to make suggestions that take into account both parties. Consider such possibilities as: Agreeing to do an activity that your spouse wants to do this time--provided your spouse does an activity of yours next time. Set a date and stick to it. Agreeing to do some of the activity that your spouse wants to do but adding in your ideas as well, so that the whole activity is a true combination of both your perspectives and desires. Sharing tasks that neither enjoys doing by creating task charts that can be flexibly juggled around where needed. For example, vacuuming might be a chore taken on by one spouse most of the time except when they are unwell, away, or really busy. The other spouse can pick up on these occasions on the understanding that the spouse will return to the task when the situation is resolved, rather than the new arrangement turning into the norm. Chore creep after agreement can make the spouse who is lumped with an unfair level of chores very frustrated. Agreeing to give each other time out from household and parenting duties on a regular basis. This will give both spouses an expectation of free time rather than it being assumed that ""someday down the line the other spouse will notice how overworked I am...""",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Work as a Princess at Disney World or Disneyland?,"Have you ever gone to Disney and been starstruck by the glamorous, elegant princesses? Well, with some hard work and dedication, you may be able to get a job as a Disney princess yourself. First, check the requirements to see if you’re eligible. Then, prepare for the audition by brushing up on your dancing and acting skills. If you get the job, you’ll go through a training process before you hit the theme park as a real-life Disney princess. 1. **Be sure you meet the age requirements.** You must be at least 18 years old to audition to be a Disney princess. Because Disney wants their princesses to look youthful, most aren’t older than 27. 2. **Check if you meet the height and size standards.** Generally, Disney requires that princesses be between 5’4” and 5’7”. This is done for reasons of costume fit and uniformity. After all, if there are ten Cinderellas throughout the park on a given day, they shouldn’t look too different from one another. Disney costumes go up to size 10, so check if you’re in that range. If not, you can always try eating healthier and getting a little more exercise to slim down. 3. **Be prepared to relocate.** If you don’t live near Disney World or Disneyland, you’ll have to relocate if you get the job. Be sure this is something you’re willing to do. Disney offers company housing, or you can find your own near the park. If you’re considering working in the US, there is a Disneyland park in Anaheim, CA, and a Disney World park in Orlando, FL. Internationally, there are Disneyland parks in Paris, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Tokyo. 4. **Find an audition near you.** To find an audition closest to your area, visit The auditions that are labeled Female Character Look-Alike are usually for the princess positions. 5. **Brush up on your dance moves.** In the first round of auditions, the casting directors will have you learn a simple dance routine. If you’re not a dancer, don’t worry--this won’t be anything crazy. However, it might be a good idea to practice some basic dance moves. The audition routine will typically involve some basic group choreography and possibly a few beginner-level ballet steps, so you may want to look for ballet or group dance tutorials online. You can also sign up for a class at your local rec center. 6. **Hone your acting skills.** First and foremost, Disney princesses are actresses. If you make it past the first round, the casting directors will have you read from a script and do some improv to assess your acting abilities. You should probably watch Disney princess movies beforehand and practice imitating their voices and mannerisms. Film yourself reading scripts and performing scenes so you can observe yourself with a critical eye. Taking a few acting classes might help you sharpen your skills, but it’s not necessary. It might be helpful to join a local theater club, or meet with other actors to exchange advice and support. 7. **Bring a headshot and resume.** Your headshot should be a high quality photo on standard letter size paper that accurately depicts the way you look. Your resume should contain your relevant accomplishments and experience, and should be no longer than a page. Attach your resume to the back of your headshot. Always keep your headshot up-to-date. If your appearance changes, you should change your headshot, too. Remember that you’ll be leaving your headshot behind as your representation to the casting team. Make sure it reflects the best version of yourself. 8. **Arrive at least fifteen minutes early.** The Disney website recommends that you arrive fifteen minutes before the time your audition is scheduled to start. That way, you’ll have enough time to get checked in, fill out the necessary paperwork, and psych yourself up to crush your audition. Auditions take place at a number of different locations--check the website to verify the location of yours. Even if it’s not your fault, being late can seriously hinder your chance at success, so do everything in your power to arrive on time. Remember to account for finding parking in your commute time. If you are traveling to an unfamiliar location, it’s a good idea to allow extra time in case of wrong turns. Some hopefuls will arrive upwards of 45 minutes early! Disney auditions are closed auditions, meaning any friends or family members that come you will have to wait in the holding area. 9. **Complete the training.** Princess training is a four to five day process, during which you’ll learn all about your assigned princess. You’ll watch films of the princess so you can mimic her mannerisms and voice, observe current Disney princesses on the job, and learn princess facts and trivia. Each princess also does her own makeup, so the cosmetics team will give you a run-through of standard makeup application, too. Vocal training takes place with a dialect coach, and is pretty extensive. You may not only have to learn an accent, but also how to recreate the voice of the actress that played the original character. Keep in mind that you won’t get to choose the princess you want to play. The Disney casting directors will decide which princess best fits your appearance, personality, and skillset. 10. **Do your princess makeup daily.** As a Disney princess, you’ll be doing your own makeup everyday to help bring your character to life (after a bit of training from the cosmetics team, of course). Different princesses will have completely different looks. Snow White, for example, wears a lot of bright pink blush, while Pocahontas has more of a natural look. The cosmetics team will also give you a carefully styled wig to wear. These are super detailed, plus they’re washed and blown out almost every night! 11. **Stay in character.** Little kids who come up to you may think you’re the real deal, so it’s important to give a convincing performance, even if you’re exhausted from a long day in the theme park sun. That means always keeping your language and voice in check, using mannerisms and gestures appropriate to your princess, and smiling! It’s important that you keep smiling throughout the entirety of your shift. Yes, your face might get a little tired, but remember that this experience can be really meaningful--and magical--for the kids and families that meet you. Stay motivated for them! 12. **Think on your feet.** You’ll get all sorts of funny questions from little kids (and sometimes parents, too). They may ask you if you’re a real princess, or why your hair doesn’t look real. You’ll need to remain calm and in-character to give fast, Disney-friendly responses. It’s often helpful to think back to your princess’ movie for responses. For example, if you’re playing Cinderella and a kid asks you what you did this morning, you might say, “Oh, I was out picking flowers with my fairy godmother!” 13. **Stay fit** In the movies, Disney princesses are pretty slim, so you’ll need to stay in decent shape during your time on the job. Try to eat a diet rich in lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Exercise for about thirty minutes most days of the week, or as often as you can squeeze it in. Head to the gym after work, or do workout videos during break time with your fellow princesses. Limit processed and packaged foods. These may be easy to grab during a busy workday, but your health and fitness may suffer.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Pinch Carnations?,"Carnations offer great vase life as a cut flower, and also make a terrific garden display. Depending on the variety, carnations will grow through plant hardiness zones 3 to 10. All varieties prefer a position in full sun with well-drained soil and air circulation. They thrive best in rich soil that is neutral or alkaline. Pinching your perennial carnations will help the plant to perform as well as possible and encourage more flowering. 1. **Pinch your carnations to help flowers grow.** Pinching carnations as they grow encourages the growth of lateral stems, which means more flowers will grow. Pinching is especially important if you want to grow flowers for cutting. Pinching also helps the plant to grow bushy rather than as a single tall stem, which some gardeners prefer. The height at which you pinch the plant stem off is the height at which it should start to bush from. This allows you to influence the height of your plant. 2. **Start pinching carnations after the first half dozen sets of leaf nodes emerge.** Leaf nodes are the swollen bit of stem from which the leaves will later emerge. The leaf nodes usually appear when the plant is about 6 inches (15.2 cm) tall. Do a second round of pinching about 4 weeks later once the lateral (side) stems emerge. Again, you should pinch the lateral stems once they are about 6 inches (15.2 cm) long. Nursery plants will often have had their first pinching already if you purchase plants that are at least 6 inches (15.2 cm) high. However, you may want to pinch the lateral (side) stems once they reach 6 inches (15.2 cm) in length if this doesn't seem to have been done at the nursery. If you grow carnations yourself from seed, you'll need to do pinch the plants yourself. 3. **Pinch your carnations with your fingers.** Once the plant is about 5 or 6 inches (12.7 or 15.2 cm) in height and has about 5-6 swollen leaf nodes in evidence on the stem, remove or pinch off the tip of the stem above the sixth leaf node. The stem should be tender enough to do this with your fingertips. After this first pinching, lateral (side) shoots should emerge. Repeat the pinching process once these side shoots reach 5–6 inches (12.7–15.2 cm) in length. After you have pinched your plant, it is a good time to stake it. Tie it loosely to a support such as a sturdy garden cane using string or garden wire. 4. **Stop pinching when the leaves start to form.** Over pinching can delay blooming, so stop pinching once the leaves start to form. If you want to ensure a long flowering season, pinch only half of the lateral stems. This way you get two flushes of blooming. 5. **Make sure to water your plants regularly during dry weather.** Perpetual carnations can be encouraged to flower again by making sure they are watered during dry weather. This means watering them about every 5-7 days through the summer or perhaps every 3 days in very dry, hot weather. Also give your carnations regular feeds, pinch the stems and remove the withered flower heads. 6. **Protect your plants from frost.** It's important to protect perpetual flowering carnations from frost. You can grow them under glass or in a polytunnel, but it's vital to keep them above 45F so you may need a source of heat, even in a greenhouse. Of course, you can also grow them as house plants. 7. **Don't use nitrogen manures or fertilizers.** Avoid using manure or high-nitrogen fertilizers for carnations, as they won't bloom as well. Also keep in mind that you should never mulch carnation plants. If planted outside, you should add lime to the soil to improve the alkalinity, and use a fertilizer that isn't too high in nitrogen relative to other components, such as potash (potassium) and phosphorus. 8. **Feed the carnations with water-soluble fertilizers every two weeks.** During the growing season carnations will need feeding regularly – about once every two weeks – with a weak solution of water-soluble fertilizer. Avoid slow release fertilizers or ones labeled 'granular'. These release nutrients too slowly to be of much use during the growing season. 9. **Divide your carnations for continued plant health.** After a few years, even perpetual carnations won't perform as well. You can rejuvenate your carnation plants by dividing at the root to make new plants. To divide a carnation: Dig it up and gently separate the root mass using your hands. Replant the divided sections and water them well. Continue watering for the next few months once the soil is dry below the surface. 10. **Take cuttings from carnation plants.** Taking cuttings is also a great way to reproduce your carnation plants after a few years. Make sure your plant is healthy before you take cuttings from it. Starting early in the morning, cut a piece of fresh shoot about 4 inches (10.2 cm) in length from a section of stem that isn't flowering. Cut below a swollen leaf node; make sure your tools are sharp and not dirty. Strip off any lower leaf growth. Dip the stem in some a rooting powder and bury half the length in some sand. Give the cutting some water, cover with a transparent plastic bag and put it into a well-lit place but not in direct sun. A window ledge that is not facing sun is ideal. Make sure you keep the cuttings watered until they root. 11. **Propagate your carnation plants using the layering technique.** An unusual method called 'layering' can also be used to make new carnation plants. Mix some sand and compost in the area close to the plant you wish to propagate from, then water the mix. You want to get a healthy side shoot and remove any leaves from the lower part. Halfway along the length make a vertical slit in the stem using a thin blade such as a craft knife. This allows you to bend the stem over and plant the cut middle stem area into the soil mix. You may need to weight this down using a piece of bent wire to ensure it remains in the ground where it will root eventually. Keep the soil mix watered moist for up to 2 months when it will have rooted enough to be removed from the parent plant for replanting elsewhere.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Do a Facial at Home.,"A good facial leaves your facial skin smooth, bright, and flushed. It's fun to get a facial at a spa, but you can get the same great results in the comfort of your home without spending any money. Start by thoroughly cleansing and exfoliating your skin, then use a steam treatment and mask to draw impurities from your pores. Finish with toner and moisturizer to help your skin look beautifully soft and refreshed. 1. **Pull your hair back from your face.** Use a headband, hair band, or bobby pins to pull back your hair and bangs so your face is fully exposed. You don't want it to get in the way during your facial. 2. **Wash your face with gentle cleanser.** Use your favourite facial cleanser to remove make-up and wash your face. Use warm water, instead of cold or hot, since warm water is the best temperature for delicate facial skin. Be sure to remove all of your make-up before you continue with the facial. If you're in the mood to try something new, use the oil cleansing method to wash your face. Apply almond, jojoba or olive oil to your face, then wipe it away with warm water. This is an excellent way to remove make-up without damaging skin. 3. **Use a facial scrub or another exfoliant.** Dead skin cells build up on the face and leave it looking a little dull. Ex-foliating your skin to brighten it up is an essential part of any facial routine. Use your favourite facial scrub to gently rub away the dead skin. If you don't have a scrub, you can make your own. Try these simple combinations: 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon honey, and 1 teaspoon milk 1 teaspoon ground oatmeal, 1 teaspoon honey, and 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 teaspoon ground almonds, 1 teaspoon honey, and 1 teaspoon water 4. **Rinse your face and pat it dry.** Give your face a final rinse to remove all traces of your facial scrub. You may need to use a washcloth dipped in warm water to remove scrub from around your eyes and nose. Finish by patting your face dry with a soft towel. 5. **Give yourself a facial massage.** Massage increases circulation, leading to brighter, healthier skin. Now that your face is clean, give yourself a massage before moving to the next phase of your facial. Use your forefinger and middle finger to massage your face in a gentle circular motion. Massage your forehead, starting in the middle and moving down to the temples. Massage your nose and cheeks. Massage your lips, chin, and jaw. 6. **Do a steam treatment.** Boil a small pot of water on the stove. Turn off the heat and stand over the pot with a towel draped over your head, so that the steam coming from the water will be trapped around your face. Steam your face for five minutes or so, making sure to come up for air when you need to. Steaming helps to open your pores in preparation for a facial mask, which draws out impurities. For a more luxurious experience, add some essential oils to the water. You'll get a steam and aromatherapy treatment in one. Try a few drops of lavender, lemongrass, rose, or grapefruit essential oil to lift your spirits. If you don't have essential oils, throw a few herbal tea bags into the water. Chamomile, chai and peppermint tea all have aromatic herbs. 7. **Make a facial mask.** Next up is a facial mask, which will draw out impurities (like dirt and dead skin) from your pores. You can buy a facial mask product from the store, but it's easy and fun to make your own at home. Try one of the following masks: For dry skin: mix 1 mashed banana and 1 tablespoon honey For medium skin: mix 1 tablespoon aloe and 1 tablespoon honey For oily skin: mix 1 teaspoon cosmetic clay and 1 teaspoon honey For any type of skin: use plain honey, which has antibacterial and moisturizing properties perfect for any skin type 8. **Apply the mask for 15 minutes.** Smooth it over your skin, then wait for it to do its magic. In the meantime, why not give yourself an eye treatment? Lie back and place two cool cucumber slices over your closed eyes. If you don't have cucumbers, two chilled tea bags work just as well. 9. **Rinse your face and pat it dry.** Use warm water to remove all traces of the facial mask. Be sure to remove the honey from around your eyes and nose, since if you leave it in place it will feel quite sticky. 10. **Apply a homemade toner.** Toner helps to brighten the skin and restore its balance. You can use a store-bought toner, but many products you probably have on hand at home work just as well. Try one of the following homemade toners: 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar mixed with 1 tablespoon water 1 tablespoon witch hazel mixed with 1 tablespoon water 1 tablespoon rosewater mixed with 1 tablespoon water 11. **Finish with a creamy moisturizer.** The final step is to apply moisturizer that suits your skin type. Moisturizer will keep your skin from drying out, preserving the results of your facial. Look for a facial moisturizer that doesn't contain alcohol, since this can cause your skin to dry out more quickly. If you want to use a homemade, all-natural moisturizer, try argan oil, almond oil or jojoba oil. Aloe is another great natural moisturizer that has healing properties as well. It's especially useful if you're recovering from a sunburn. 12. **Wait a few hours before applying makeup.** Wait a little while before you start your regular makeup routine to give your facial skin the chance to rest and reap the full benefits of your facial. Makeup normally contains alcohol and a wide range of chemicals, and applying it right after exfoliating your face and cleaning your pores could cause irritation.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Care for a Dog After It Has Just Vomited?,"It's not unusual for dogs to vomit occasionally for any number of minor to significant reasons. For example, your dog may love to scavenge and vomit as a way of getting rid of spoilt food from his stomach. However, if your dog consistently vomits or regurgitates, it could be a sign of a serious condition, including infection, pancreatitis, toxin exposure, cancer or a gastrointestinal obstruction. Care for your dog if he's vomited and know when to get proper medical attention. 1. **Check for shock.** Your dog may need immediate medical treatment by the vet if he shows signs of shock. Signs include: Pale skin and gums Abnormal behavior Collapse Weakness Difficulty getting up and walking Reluctance when lifting his head Depressed demeanor 2. **Keep your dog warm and comfortable.** After your dog has vomited, reassure him that he’s done nothing wrong. Try to get him to lie down and rest. If he seems cool or is shivering, put a blanket over him and give him plenty of attention and support. Let your dog take it easy. Help him get comfortable on the floor, so that he doesn't have to try getting up and walking around. 3. **Clean your dog’s soiled fur with a warm, wet washcloth.** Dried vomit can cause your dog's hair to get matted, so it is a good idea to clean him up. Only do this once your dog has rested for a bit and stop cleaning if your dog becomes stressed by the bath. You may want to place puppy pads or old towels under his chin and around him, so that if he's sick again he doesn't soil the carpet. Some dogs recognize puppy pads as appropriate places to toilet. This may relieve his anxiety about being unclean if knows he has somewhere to vomit. 4. **Watch for signs that your dog may vomit again.** Keep a close eye on your dog after he has vomited since repeated vomiting needs medical attention. Signs that he may vomit again include retching, or a noise that sounds like he has something stuck in his throat; a stiff or rigid stance; and wandering around aimlessly. 5. **Get immediate treatment for bloat.** If your dog vomits, but nothing comes up your dog may have a serious and life-threatening condition called bloat. Symptoms include repeated attempts to vomit without actually producing vomit and drooling strings of saliva (because he can't swallow it). Your dog needs emergency medical treatment for bloat, since this serious condition can kill within hours if it's not treated. 6. **Watch for dehydration.** Once your dog vomits, he may feel nauseous which prevents him from wanting to drink. This, along with vomiting up fluid, can cause dehydration if the amount of fluid he loses is greater than the amount of fluid he's taking in. If your dog is showing early signs of dehydration, give him an electrolyte drink mixed with water every few hours for a day. If the dehydration doesn't improve, get medical attention. Early signs of dehydration include: Excessive panting Dry mouth, gums, or nose Visible lethargy (fatigue) Dry or sunken eyes Lack of skin elasticity (the skin won't fall back into place immediately if you pinch a little and release it) Weakness in the hind end (a later stage of dehydration) Unsteadiness when walking (a later stage of dehydration) 7. **Know when to contact the vet.** If the vomiting is simple and straightforward, such as after scavenging garbage, then most times you can nurse the dog better at home by offering fluids, and withholding food. However, you should always watch for signs that your dog needs immediate medical attention. These include: Retching with nothing coming up Vomiting once or twice with your dog still seeming dull and depressed Vomiting for more than 4 hours or not being able to keep water down Vomiting blood which could indicate a serious ulcer in the stomach wall 8. **Distinguish between vomiting and regurgitation to determine proper treatment.** Dogs can often regurgitate, raise undigested food with no abdominal effort, without showing signs of other illnesses. If your dog regurgitates, he may just need his food to be raised off the floor so that gravity helps pass the food down into his stomach. However, if your dog forcefully vomits (acute vomiting) the contents of his stomach, this means his muscles are contracting. You'll notice your dog hunched up and the vomit will probably smell foul. Regurgitation is usually a sign of esophageal issues or other problems in the early stages of the digestive process. For example, often dogs eat too much too quickly. In this case, the food your dog expels will usually be undigested and tubular in shape. If your dog regularly regurgitates food, he may have a long term medical condition so put his food up on a chair, but also let your vet assess him. 9. **Consider the causes of vomiting.** Think about your dog's recent diet, behaviour, emotions, and environmental conditions to determine what might be causing your dog's vomiting. For example, think about recent walks and whether your dog may have scavenged a carcass or eaten discarded food. Vomiting can be a common symptom of ""garbage gut"" where your dog eats things that aren't healthy which causes his body to force out the spoilt food. However, if he keeps vomiting, there may be a more serious cause including: Bacterial infections in the gastrointestinal tract Intestinal parasites Severe constipation Acute kidney failure Acute liver failure Colitis Parvovirus Gall bladder inflammation Pancreatitis Ingestion of a poisonous substance Heatstroke An infected uterus A reaction to medicine Cancer 10. **Assess whether the vomiting was a one-off or occurred multiple times.** If your dog vomits once, eats normally and has normal bowel movements, the vomiting was probably an isolated incident. If he vomits more than once throughout the day or if it continues beyond one day, take him to the vet immediately. Continued and repetitive vomiting should be investigated more fully by a vet. Your vet should be able to diagnose the condition by conducting a range of tests, including X-rays, bloodwork, fecal analysis, urinalysis, ultrasound imaging, and/or a barium study. 11. **Examine the vomit to determine a cause of vomiting.** Look at the vomit for foreign objects like wrappers, pieces of a plastic bag, bone fragments (you should not give your dog real bones as this are often implicated in vomiting episodes), etc. If you see blood in the vomit, take your dog to the vet immediately since severe blood loss can happen quickly and be fatal. If there are no foreign objects, look at the shape and consistency of the vomit. Is it undigested food or is it more liquid in form? Write down what you observe so you will be able to tell your vet if the vomiting continues. It may help your vet diagnose your dog if you can show a photo or sample of the vomit. A photo can also let the vet see the volume of vomitus which may influence treatment. 12. **Avoid feeding your dog for 12 hours.** Vomiting can irritate your dog’s stomach lining, which can lead to more vomiting if he eats anything soon after vomiting. His stomach needs time to rest, and this will help you determine if his vomiting was food-related. Resist the urge to feed him even if he acts hungry. This fasting will also give your dog a chance to eliminate anything that might have caused the vomiting. A puppy or young dog should not fast for more than 12 hours. If your dog has an underlying medical condition (especially diabetes), speak with your veterinarian before withholding any meals. 13. **Give your dog water.** Offer him 1 teaspoon of water for every pound of his weight every hour. Continue giving water this way throughout the day and night until your dog can drink normally. Drinking too much water after vomiting can cause your dog to vomit again, while not drinking any water can cause dehydration. Call the vet if your dog is unable to keep down even this small amount of water. For example, if your dog weighs 12 pounds, he would get 12 teaspoons (¼ cup) of water every hour throughout the day and night. Consider getting pedialyte or lectade from a pharmacy or the vet. Follow the packaged instructions to reconstitute this electrolyte powder with boiled water. It's gentler on the stomach and can help reverse dehydration. Offer it in the same quantities that you would water. Be aware that not all dogs like the taste and refuse to drink it. 14. **Keep your dog hydrated if he won't drink.** To prevent dehydration, you must keep your dog hydrated. Consider wiping your dog's gums with a washcloth soaked in water. This helps freshen his mouth at a time when he feels too nauseous to drink. Or, offer ice cubes for your dog to lick so he at least gets small amounts of water and keeps his mouth moist. You can also try giving him certain teas like lukewarm ginger, chamomile or mint which can help calm his stomach and digestive tract. As with water, you only want to give him a few tablespoons at a time. If he won’t drink tea, try freezing it in ice cube trays and then breaking it apart into chips. He may take it this way. Keep trying to offer your dog a variety of fluids until you find one that he'll take. 15. **Reintroduce food.** After 12 hours, begin introducing 2 to 3 teaspoons of foods that are low in fat and easy to digest. Lean meats like skinless chicken and hamburger will provide needed protein, while boiled potatoes, low-fat cottage cheese and well-cooked rice will give him the carbohydrates he needs. Create a mixture of 1 part lean meat to 5 parts carbohydrate. Make sure that these foods are well-cooked, drained of fat, and unseasoned which will make it easier to digest than regular dog food. If your dog does not vomit, give him a little more food every hour or two. But, if he begins to vomit again, take him to the vet for examination. 16. **Integrate dog food slowly.** After the first day of feeding your dog these bland foods, you can start to mix just a little bit of his regular dog food with the food you’ve been making him for one meal. For example, start with a 50/50 mix for one meal, then 3/4 dog food and 1/4 of the bland diet for one meal. Then return to feeding him normally unless he begins vomiting again. Always follow the vet's recommendations and return for any follow-up exams. Stop feeding your dog if he begins vomiting again and take him to the vet. It's a good idea to keep a log of what your dog eats and drinks, the amounts he consumes, and his behavior. This will be useful information for the vet. Don’t experiment with food or medications since this could make your dog’s vomiting worse.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Prevent Dry Nose and Throat Due to Oxygen Therapy.,"When the lungs cannot work effectively to deliver oxygen to your body, you may need oxygen therapy. The treatment is very helpful in making sure your cells and tissues function properly, but it does have some side effects. A common complication of oxygen therapy is dryness in the nose and throat. If you are seeking to avoid these symptoms, this article will help you know what to do. 1. **Know when oxygen therapy is useful.** Whenever your lungs are not taking in sufficient oxygen for your body, your doctor may prescribe oxygen therapy. Conditions that impair lung function and necessitate oxygen therapy include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COPD, (typically due to smoking), chronic asthma, interstitial lung disease, bronchiectasis, pulmonary hypertension, lung cancer, and heart failure. To determine whether you need oxygen therapy, your doctor may measure the partial pressure of oxygen in your blood (your PaO2). A PaO2 below 7.3kPa (55 mmHg) indicates that oxygen therapy is necessary. A PaO2 between 7.3 and 7.8 kPa (55 to 59 mmHg) and additional symptoms of inadequate oxygenation (leg swelling, increased red blood cells, pulmonary hypertension, or an altered mental state, for example) also indicates that oxygen therapy should be prescribed. 2. **Understand how oxygen therapy is given.** Depending on your circumstances, you may either receive oxygen therapy in a hospital setting or, if you have a chronic condition, at home. There are three basic methods of oxygen delivery: By face mask. In this kind of oxygen therapy, you wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth, and oxygen is administered through it. By nasal cannula. In this kind of oxygen therapy, small tubes are placed in your nostrils, and the oxygen is administered through them. By a trans-tracheal tube. In this kind of oxygen therapy, an incision is made in your skin, and a tube is placed directly into your trachea to deliver oxygen. 3. **Consider the possible side effects.** If you have oxygen therapy, you are likely to develop dryness in your nose, mouth, and throat. You may also experience nosebleeds, headaches, fatigue, infections, and skin irritation. Don’t let these side effects keep you from getting the oxygen therapy that you need. Many of them – including dryness in your nose and throat – are preventable. 4. **Use a built-in humidifier.** The primary cause of a dry nose and throat is a lack of moisture. Using a humidifier may solve the problem. Humidifiers are available as attachments to your oxygen system; in fact, your system may come with one included. They moisten the oxygen, preventing dryness. Using the humidifier is most important if you are using a trans-tracheal tube. If you are using other methods, the humidifier won’t hurt, but you may not need it; you can use a nasal saline spray instead. Always use sterile or distilled water with your humidifier. Tap water can cause blockages or mineral sedimentation inside the tube. Change the water in the bottle every one or two days. Once a week, clean the entire humidifier (as well as the cannula, if applicable, and rubber tube) with distilled water and soap. Doing so will prevent microorganisms from building up and infecting your respiratory tract. 5. **Add humidity to the room.** In addition to the built-in humidifier, you can try using a room humidifier to add moisture to your environment. Room humidifiers are especially useful at night, when people tend to breathe through their mouths. Clean your room humidifier regularly – at least once a week – to prevent the build up of microorganisms. If you don’t have access to a room humidifier, you can use a kettle. Fill it with water, and heat it on the stove until it boils; water vapor will come out of the nozzle, humidifying the air. Repeat as often as necessary. 6. **Keep your equipment in good condition.** Tubes and nasal cannula need to be kept in good condition to minimize side effects. In addition to the regular cleaning, you should use a mild detergent and water to periodically clean these items. You should also replace tubes and cannula every six months. 7. **Try lubricating jelly.** Jellies and other similar products can provide instant relief for a dry, irritated nose, soothing and moisturizing the nasal mucosa. Aloe Vera gels work well, as do many water-soluble products. Your doctor or oxygen cylinder provider may have a specific recommendation about the best jelly, lotion, or balm to use. Whichever you decide on, apply a thin layer to your upper lip and inside your nostrils, using a clean cotton swab. Repeat two or three times a day. Be careful not to apply too much and not to get any in the cannula, if that’s the method of oxygen delivery you are using. You don’t want to interrupt oxygen flow, as this will reduce the effectiveness of your treatment. Do not use petroleum-based products, such as petroleum jelly. These products are a fire hazard when used with oxygen tanks. 8. **Apply sesame seed oil.** Sesame seed oil has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-viral properties, and it can soothe your mucous membranes. Apply a thin coating of the oil inside your nostrils and above your upper lip, using a clean cotton swab. Repeat two or three times a day. Sesame seed oil is found at most natural food stores. 9. **Spray saline into your nose and throat.** Saline spray, which is available at most pharmacies, contains a 0.9% sodium chloride solution, which is equal to that of your body fluids and secretions. The spray will rehydrate the mucous surface of your nose and throat. Spray one puff into each nostril every one or two areas (or as needed – the spray is safe to use as often as you want). Wipe the nozzle with sterile gauze or tissue after each use. If the salty taste doesn’t bother you, you can also spray saline into the back of your throat. 10. **Talk to your doctor about medications.** If nothing seems to be working adequately to prevent a dry nose and throat, talk to your physician. He or she may recommend a nasal decongestant (such as Oxymetazoline or Xylometazoline), which can be used every four to six hours. Your doctor may also prescribe an antihistamine or steroid medication to deal with itching and irritation in your nose and throat. The particular drug and dose will depend on your specific circumstances.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Catch a Blue Tailed Skink.,"Have you ever seen a lizard with a bright blue tail? These are blue-tailed skinks! There are several methods to catch these lizards if you want to look at them more closely or remove one from your home. Remember, though, that blue-tailed skinks are wild animals and should not be kept as pets but rather caught and released back into the wild. 1. **Use your hands if you need to catch the lizard immediately but don’t have a net or trap.** Catching a blue tailed skink with your hands is very difficult, as skinks are quite fast and quickly shed their tails. If you have no other options or like a challenge, then you can try to catch one this way. If you have trouble luring the skink out of its hiding place, then it will be difficult to use your hands. Try using a trap instead. 2. **Prepare a temporary home to put the skink in after you catch it.** Any unscented, sturdy container will be fine for a temporary home, but make sure the walls are at least 6 inches (15 cm) high. You can add local leaves and grasses, along with food and water, to make the skink more comfortable before you let it go. Blue-tailed skinks will eat spiders and other insects, but the easiest food to acquire are crickets. If you can, choose a container with a lid so the skink can’t run out before you release it. Poke holes into the side with a pair of scissors so it can breathe easily. 3. **Put on gloves to avoid germs and protect yourself from bites.** If you can, slide on thick work gloves before going to catch the skink with your hands. Lizards can carry infectious diseases, including salmonella and botulism. Although the risk of you getting a disease from brief contact with a skink is low, it’s best to play it safe by putting on gloves before you handle it. Skinks can also bite. Their bites aren’t poisonous or very painful, but it’s still best to protect your hands if you can. 4. **Lure the skink out of its hiding place with bait and light.** Blue-tailed skinks, like most lizards, are attracted to light. Set up a light, such as a lamp or a flashlight, and some bait (either crickets or mealworms) near the area where you think the skink is located to help lure it out. If you use bait but don’t want to touch it or place it on your floor, put it in a small container, such as a small plastic bowl or lid. Remember that there’s still a chance the bait might jump or crawl out, so keep a close eye on it. Shine the light at the spot where you want the lizard to go. 5. **Move slowly towards the skink.** You do not want to scare it too early, so get yourself close to it slowly and without abrupt movements. You should come towards it from behind (or above, if possible) so that it is less likely to see you. 6. **Grab the skink’s body quickly to catch it.** Use your hand to quickly capture the lizard from above or behind. Make sure you try to catch it on its body, rather than its tail. Skinks can detach their tails when threatened and escape if you grab them there. Be careful not to squeeze too hard, or else you could injure the skink. Keep your fingers away from the skink’s mouth. Although skinks are not poisonous, it can still hurt when they bite! 7. **Place the skink in its temporary home, then release it.** Carefully lower the skink into its temporary home. Place a lid or a piece of cardboard tightly over the opening so the skink can’t crawl out, then carry it outside. Release it on the ground in your yard or, if you want it further away, in a nearby park or wooded area. To avoid stressing or frightening the skink too much, try not to keep the skink in the temporary home for more than 12 hours or so. 8. **Use a net if you don’t want to use your hands and can’t use a trap.** Using a net is a good option if you can’t catch the skink in a trap—if it’s outside or far from a wall, for example—but don’t want to use your hands. You’ll have more reach on the skink than you would with just your hands, and don’t have to worry about it shedding its tail. This method is best if you can clearly see the skink or easily lure it out. If it won’t emerge from its hiding place, try using a homemade trap instead. 9. **Prepare a temporary home to place the lizard in after you catch it.** Clear out an unscented, sturdy container to store the lizard in until you release it. Make sure the walls are at least 6 inches (15 cm) high so the skink can’t crawl out easily. You can place local leaves and grasses inside, along with food and water, to make the lizard less stressed. If you want to add food, use crickets, spiders, or other insects. If you can, choose a container with a lid so the skink can’t run out before you release it. Poke holes into the side with a pair of scissors so it can breathe easily. 10. **Grab a butterfly net with a long handle and wide net.** If you’re catching the skink with a net, a butterfly net is the best choice. It has a wide net, which gives you a better chance of catching the skink, and a long handle to reach it from further away. You can use another kind of net as well, but make sure its holes are small enough that the skink won’t be able to slip through. Skinks are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand and are quite thin, so the holes should be as small as possible. 11. **Lure the skink out with light and food.** Like all lizards, skinks are attracted to light. Placing a lamp or a flashlight near its hiding spot might help to draw it out into the open so you can catch it. You can also try placing a small, shallow bowl of food nearby, such as crickets, spiders, or other insects. Remember that the bait might jump or crawl out of its container, so keep a close eye on it. 12. **Trap the skink by closing the net around it from behind.** When you get the skink into the open, approach it slowly from behind. Bring the net down quickly to trap it underneath, making sure not to hit the skink with the sides of the net. 13. **Slide a piece of cardboard under the net and turn it over.** Slowly move a piece of cardboard, or another kind of sturdy paper, under the net, lifting up the skink slightly as you do. Then, lift the net and cardboard and slowly turn the net over so that the skink falls to the bottom. Continue holding the cardboard over the top of the net so the skink can’t jump or crawl out. 14. **Slide the skink into its temporary home, then release it outside.** Remove the cardboard and turn the net over to allow the skink to fall or crawl into its temporary home. Then, carry the container outside to an area away from your house and set it down on its side to allow the skink to crawl out. To avoid stressing or frightening the skink too much, try not to keep the skink in the temporary home for more than 12 hours or so. 15. **Use a simple cardboard box trap to catch and transport the lizard in one container.** If you don’t want to catch the lizard by hand but don’t have a net around either, using a cardboard box can be a great solution. It’s humane and easy, and only requires you to set down a cardboard box and wait for the skink to crawl in, then release it outside. This works best if you already know where the skink is hiding, and especially if they’re indoors or in a small corner where you can box them in. 16. **Herd the lizard towards a corner with a broom or stick.** If the skink isn’t already in a corner or against a wall, herd it in towards one. You can simply walk towards the lizard, or use a stick or a broom to encourage it to move. Avoid touching the skink with the stick or broom, as that might injure it. 17. **Place a cardboard box against the wall, facing the skink.** Once you have the skink backed into a wall, set down your box so that the opening is facing the skink. If the skink is in a corner, place the box diagonally so it doesn’t have room to escape around the sides. If it’s not, try placing obstacles around the box, such as other boxes or high stacks of books or other objects, to block off its escape routes. You can make the box more attractive to the skink by placing some local grasses or leaves inside or even providing food like crickets, spiders, or other small insects. Use a shoebox or an old packaging box to catch the skink. Make sure it’s big enough that the skink can fit inside, but not so big or damaged that it’ll be able to crawl out through other openings. Avoid airtight boxes as well. 18. **Herd the skink towards the box with a broom or stick.** Try to nudge the skink towards the box with a broom or a stick, again without touching it. You can also simply leave the box and obstacles where they are and wait for the skink to crawl in by itself. Check back in a few minutes to see if the skink has gone inside; if it hasn’t, give it more time. 19. **Tip the box upright and cover it with a piece of cardboard.** Once the skink is in the box, quickly tilt it upright and cover it with another piece of cardboard or stiff paper. Keep the cardboard or paper in place as you lift the box to make sure the skink doesn’t get out. 20. **Take the box outside and release the skink.** Let the skink go in your yard or if you don’t want it getting into your house or garden again, in a nearby park or forested area. Simply set the box on the ground again and slowly tilt it to its side. Remove the cardboard on top and allow the lizard to crawl out! To avoid stressing or frightening the skink too much, try not to keep the skink in the temporary home for more than 12 hours or so.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Apply Stick Deodorant.,"While applying stick deodorant is not a complicated procedure, there is a correct way to accomplish it without causing too much of a mess. Stick deodorant is popular in the United States, but other countries favor sprays, gels, or no deodorant at all. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies deodorant as a cosmetic designed to eliminate or mask odor with fragrance. 1. **Choose a stick deodorant.** Go shopping and decide which brand of stick deodorant and which fragrance is best for you. There are many different types to choose from, including scented, unscented, men’s, women’s, gel-based, powder-based, natural, and more. Read the label to make sure you are not allergic to any ingredients. 2. **Wash your armpits.** Before applying the stick deodorant, either take a shower or wash your armpits thoroughly to freshen up. Dry with a towel so that the deodorant will roll onto your skin smoothly without smearing. 3. **Wait to get dressed.** Deodorant is known to streak on clothes, therefore, it is better to roll the deodorant under your armpit and then wait as long as possible to get dressed. If you put it on right before putting your shirt on, you’re much more likely to get white marks on your clothing. As an alternative, you can put on your deodorant after you’ve already gotten dressed. 4. **Unwind or pull off the deodorant cap.** As with most cosmetic products, deodorant containers come with a tight cap that requires you to unwind it or pull it off. 5. **Remove the plastic casing.** There is often a special seal located under the cap and firmly on top of the deodorant stick that needs to be removed before use. The actual deodorant stick is made from alcohol, which needs to remain moist. A tight plastic casing keeps the stick moist and avoids evaporation. 6. **Twist the applicator wheel 2-3 clicks.** Once the lid is off, turn the wheel on the bottom of the deodorant stick 2 or 3 times to ensure that you have enough deodorant exposed at the top. This will help ensure full coverage. 7. **Apply deodorant in an even coat to the underarm region.** Apply the deodorant slowly and thoroughly. Start at the center of your armpit and work your way outward in all directions until your underarm is completely covered. Reapply throughout the day as needed. Make it easy on yourself by using the opposite hand to apply the deodorant to each of your armpits. 8. **Replace the cap and put the deodorant away.** Otherwise, the stick will dry up without the cap on and you will no longer be able to use it. Keep your deodorant somewhere that’s easy to access each day, such as inside the cabinet that’s under your bathroom sink.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Read Piano Sheet Music.,"Learning to play the piano is challenging and takes time but it will be very rewarding. While it is difficult to replace traditional lessons, you can teach yourself to play the piano. Read below for a basic primer on reading piano sheet music to find out more information. 1. **Recognize lines and spaces.** When you look at sheet music, you will see five lines with four spaces between them. These are collectively called the staff. Both the lines and the spaces are used as locations for notes, and where on those notes fall determines the pitch of the note. What pitch is assigned to the line or space is determined by the clef, discussed below. Lines and spaces can also be created above and below the normal five by drawing short lines as needed to indicate the note. 2. **Recognize clefs.** Clefs are different shapes, located at the very beginning of a music staff, which tell you what pitches are on what line or space of the staff. They are usually recognizable because they are large and cover all five lines. Although several clefs exist, you will only need to know two for reading piano music: A treble clef or G-clef is the clef or symbol you will usually see associated with music, so it should look familiar. It looks vaguely similar to an ampersand (or “&” symbol). The lines, from the bottom up to the top, indicate the following pitches: E,G,B,D, and F. The spaces, from the bottom up to the top, indicate the following pitches: F, A, C, and E. There are some mnemonics to help you remember the notes. For the lines on the treble clef, think of the sentence “Every Good Boy Does Fine”, and for the spaces, think of the word “FACE”. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/0\/07\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-2Bullet1.jpg\/v4-460px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-2Bullet1.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/0\/07\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-2Bullet1.jpg\/aid1133120-v4-728px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-2Bullet1.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":306,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":485,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} A bass clef or F-clef looks a little like a backward c with two dots behind the arc. The lines, from the bottom up to the top, indicate the following pitches: G,B,D, F, and A. The spaces, from the bottom up to the top, indicate the following pitches: A, C, E, and G. There are some mnemonics to help you remember the notes, For the lines in the bass clef, think if the sentence “Good Boys Deserves Fudge Always”, and for the spaces, think of “All Cows Eat Grass”. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/0\/02\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-2Bullet2.jpg\/v4-460px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-2Bullet2.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/0\/02\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-2Bullet2.jpg\/aid1133120-v4-728px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-2Bullet2.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":306,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":485,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} 3. **Recognize key signature.** The key signature tells you which notes get changed. The whole or normal pitches are labeled with letters (ABCDEFG), but there are also half-steps between those notes which are indicated with either a # (sharp) or a b (flat). The sharps and flats located at the beginning of the staff show the key signature and the lines or space on which they fall indicate that any note which falls in that place is played with either that sharp or flat. Extra sharps and flats can always be placed within the music as well and will be placed next to the note they alter. Sharp means the pitch goes up, while b means the pitch goes down. The sharp of one note is the same as the flat of the next note up. Sharps and flats are indicated by the black keys on your piano. This is discussed below. 4. **Recognize the time signature.** The time signature, indicated by two numbers at the beginning of the staff, tell you how many beats a note gets. The bottom number indicates what type of note gets one beat (which number corresponds to which note is indicated below) and the top number indicates how many of those are in one bar of music. 5. **Recognize measures.** When you look at the staff, you will see occasional vertical lines drawn through the horizontal lines of the staff. The space between these lines is called the measure. Think of the measure as a musical sentence, and the line as the period at the end of that sentence (though it does not mean you should pause before starting the next). Measures help break up the music and work with the time signature to tell you how many beats to give to a note. 6. **Recognize parts of a note.** Notes consist of several parts. Like the lines and circles that make up the written English language, the lines and circle of the notes change how that note functions in its musical sentence. Understand the parts of notes in order to understand how they sound. The head is the round part of the note. It can look like an open circle or a closed dot. The location of the head indicates what pitch the note should be. The stem is the line which it attached to the head. It can point up or down, it does not affect the music (it is only determined by where on the lines the note is located). The flag is the little tail which you may see coming from the end of the stem. There can be one flag or two. 7. **Recognize the types of notes.** There are several common types of notes which are made by changing different things about the parts that make up a note. There are also rests, which indicate that no sound is played for a certain period of time. Here is a list of the most common notes: A Whole Note: A whole note is indicated by an open head with no stem. These are indicated with a 1 in the time signature. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/b\/b1\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet1.jpg\/v4-460px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet1.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/b\/b1\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet1.jpg\/aid1133120-v4-728px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet1.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} A Half Note: A half note is indicated by an open head with a stem. These are indicated with a 2 in the time signature. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/f\/f5\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet2.jpg\/v4-460px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet2.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/f\/f5\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet2.jpg\/aid1133120-v4-728px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet2.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} A Quarter Note: A quarter note is indicated by a closed head with a stem. These are indicated with a 4 in the time signature. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/1\/15\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet3.jpg\/v4-460px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet3.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/1\/15\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet3.jpg\/aid1133120-v4-728px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet3.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} An Eighth Note: An eighth note is indicated by a closed head with a stem and one flag.These are indicated with an 8 in the time signature. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/1\/13\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet4.jpg\/v4-460px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet4.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/1\/13\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet4.jpg\/aid1133120-v4-728px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet4.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} A Sixteenth Note: A sixteenth note is indicated by a closed head with a stem and two flags. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/5\/5f\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet5.jpg\/v4-460px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet5.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/5\/5f\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet5.jpg\/aid1133120-v4-728px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet5.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} Joined Notes: Eighth and sixteenth, triplets etc. notes can be joined together by turning the flags into a bar which spans between them. These are indicated with a 16 in the time signature. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/1\/1b\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet6.jpg\/v4-460px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet6.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/1\/1b\/Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet6.jpg\/aid1133120-v4-728px-Read-Piano-Sheet-Music-Step-7Bullet6.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} 8. **Recognise rests.** Quarter rests look like a squiggle. Eighth rests look like a diagonal line with one tail, while sixteenth rests have two tails. Whole rests look like a bar in the upper half of the middle space, while half rests are in the lower portion. 9. **Recognise left hand and right hand lines.** When you look at piano sheet music, you will see that there are two staffs which are attached at the beginning of each line and at the measures. These two lines indicate which hand plays which notes. The upper staff indicates the notes played with the right hand and the lower staff indicates which notes are played with the left. 10. **Recognize the pitches on your piano.** Each key, both white and black, represents a particular pitch and like the repeated pattern of the keys, the pitches also repeat. Look at your piano and you will see two black keys close together and then three black keys close together. Starting with the first of the two keys and moving to the very next key (including white notes) the pitches are: , D, , E, F, , G, , A,, B, and C. The bolded text indicates a black key. Labeling the keys while you learn may be helpful. 11. **Use the pedals when indicated.** You may see pedals at your feet if using a proper piano, rather than a keyboard. The left pedal is called the “soft” pedal, the middle pedal is called the “sostenuto” pedal, and the right pedal is called the “sustain” or “damper” pedal. When to use the most common pedal, the sustain pedal, is indicated on the sheet music: The sustain pedal should be pressed when the word “Ped.” is written below a note and released when you see a star. Alternatively, you may see horizontal, vertical, or angled lines together. A horizontal line means to press the pedal, an angle means a brief release, and a vertical line means to release the pedal. 12. **Read the lines of music.** Reading music is just like reading a language. Think of the staff as the sentence and the notes as the letters. Put your knowledge of the staff together with your knowledge of the notes and begin to play the music that you see on the page. You won’t be very good at first but you will get better and better as you get more experience. 13. **Go slowly.** When first learning to play piano, play slowly. Over time you hands will get used to the movements and it will be easier to play without looking at your hands constantly. Play songs very slowly until you are comfortable and ready to speed it up. 14. **Practice.** Reading and playing music smoothly and correctly takes time and practice. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right away. If it was an easy skill to pick up, people wouldn’t be so impressed when you’re good at it! Practice every day and get help when you can. A music teacher at your school may be able to help you learn to play the piano. You can also ask members of your community, such as people at your church, if they’d be willing to help you. If you really struggle, consider taking a class. These classes don’t need to be expensive. Many piano students at your local university will offer discounted lessons and local community centers will sometimes offer cheap courses.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Impress Your Boss.,"Whether you’re starting a new job or just looking to make an impact at your current job, you definitely want to get on your boss’s good side. Your first step is to make sure you are going out of your way to be great at your job. You can then work on developing personality traits that will impress your boss. Finally, go the extra mile and get to know your boss. The personal touch will make you stand out! 1. **Work hard and complete tasks in a timely manner.** Show your boss that you care about your job by putting effort into all of your tasks. Put thought into everything you do, and make sure to fix any mistakes. For example, proofread reports before submitting them. Make sure to get everything done on time. Early is even better! If a project doesn't have a hard deadline, ask your boss when they would like your work to be done. If you have multiple tasks, prioritize in order of importance. For example, if you're leading a team of people on 1 project, it's probably more important to help them get organized than to work on a solo project that doesn't need your immediate attention. 2. **Be consistent in your attendance.** Show your boss that you are dependable by showing up on time. And remember that, to many people, on time is late. Show up early to get a head start on work and make a good impression. For example, if you're due to start work at 8, try getting there at 7:45. That gives you time to stow your lunch and get settled in for the day. It's fine to leave at your scheduled time, but notice whether you're always the first to leave. If your co-workers routinely stick around to finish up important tasks, you might consider doing the same. Consistently showing up might seem obvious, but it’s also essential. Try to limit the days that you call in sick. When possible, arrange for someone to cover your work. This will show your boss that you care about the job that needs to be done. Arrange your vacation days as far in advance as possible. Your boss will appreciate the extra time to find someone to fill in for you. 3. **Take initiative on projects.** If you want to stand out, it’s not enough to just do the work you are assigned. Be proactive and volunteer for more responsibility. You can also come up with ideas for ways to make improvements. If your boss asks for someone to head up a new project, volunteer. Seeking out a leadership role is impressive. Maybe your boss is concerned about sales. Take the initiative to come up with a few ideas of how your team could help boost numbers. 4. **Prove you can be trusted.** Your boss won’t be impressed if they can’t depend on you. Go out of your way to demonstrate that you can be trusted. If you say that you will do something, make sure to follow through. If you run into a problem, talk to your boss instead of just not finishing the task. You can show that you're trustworthy by handling problems as they arise. For example, if someone needs help with a task, take time out from what you're doing to give them a hand. If your boss shares important or sensitive information with you, don’t repeat it. Let your boss know they can depend on you to be discreet. 5. **Communicate effectively.** You likely need to work with others in order to succeed at your job. Clear communication is key to being effective. Make sure to ask questions if something is not clear. If someone asks you a question, make sure to give a clear and thorough response. For example, if your boss assigns you a task and you don’t know how to do it, say, “I’m excited to get to work on this. Can we take a few minutes to go back over your expectations so that I know exactly what you’d like me to do?” 6. **Keep up with advances in the field.** Your boss will be impressed if you make an effort to stay current with trends in your profession. Stay up to date by reading publications and attending networking events. You should also follow industry influencers on social media. Ask your boss if you can attend a conference that relates to your position. Your desire to learn will be appreciated! 7. **Avoid doing personal things on company time.** Focus only on work related tasks when you are at work. This means that you should not make personal calls, send personal emails, or spend time on non-work related social media. Online shopping and reading your favorite blogs are out, too! Of course it is okay to take breaks throughout the day, but make sure to respect your company's policies regarding personal use of the internet. In many offices, it is appropriate to take an hour for lunch. You can probably also take a short break in the morning for 10 minutes or so to grab coffee and another break in the afternoon. Check with your boss or another team member to find out what's appropriate for your workplace. 8. **Express curiosity.** Curiosity is a sign of intelligence. It also indicates that you are eager to learn and improve. Work on developing this trait in yourself by simply making an effort to learn as much as possible. Don’t limit yourself to just focusing on your own role. Say to your boss, “I know I’m not on that team, but would it be okay if I sit in on the marketing meeting today? I’m really interested to know more about our upcoming strategy.” Keep up on new trends and innovations in your field by reading trade publications and following industry leaders. 9. **Ask for constructive criticism.** Let your boss know that you are actively looking for ways to improve your performance. Make it a point to regularly ask for feedback. Indicate that you’re not just looking for a pat on the back. Try saying, “I know you were happy with the report I turned in last week. But were there any suggestions you have? I’d love to do an even better job next time.” 10. **Look for creative solutions.** Your boss will appreciate it if you show that you are able to think outside of the box. When they ask for ideas in a meeting, don’t be afraid to speak up and suggest trying something new. You might say, “Let’s look into increasing our online presence. I know we’re a traditional firm, but more and more people are using social media for business purposes.” Don't take offense if your boss doesn't take all of your suggestions. Notice what sorts of ideas they respond to, and try to offer better ideas in the future. 11. **Demonstrate gratitude when appropriate.** If you have a good relationship with your boss, it’s likely that they’ve done a few favors for you. Make sure to offer a sincere thank you when it feels right. For example, if they let you duck out of a meeting early to take your mom to the doctor, let them know that you appreciate the kindness. You don't have to go overboard with your thanks. A simple ""I really appreciate your flexibility"" will likely be appropriate. You can send an email or stop by their office to say this in person. 12. **Be honest at all times.** Nothing is less impressive than lying. Make sure to demonstrate that you are a truthful, trustworthy person. Be upfront with your boss (and others) and don’t ever try to manipulate the truth. For example, don’t take credit for work you didn’t do. If your boss mistakenly compliments you for another team member’s work, make sure to say, “I actually didn’t have a hand in that, but I’ll let Beth know how pleased you are.” 13. **Show that you can work well with others.** Work on being someone who can cooperate and compromise. Show this by being willing to work on a team. You can also help out co-workers with their tasks, and delegate responsibilities when it is appropriate. Don’t whine about others to your boss. If you have a legitimate complaint which affects work, of course you should voice it in a professional manner. You might say, ""I'm having a little trouble managing Bob. He is routinely late to team meetings, and calls in sick at least once week. Do you have some thoughts on how I can get him to increase productivity?"" If you're simply annoyed that your co-worker frequently tells you stories about their dog, you probably don't need to bother your boss with that. 14. **Be energetic.** Showing up and slogging through the work day is not good enough. Demonstrate your enthusiasm for your job by showing some energy. Be ready to engage with others. You should also be willing to stay late or show up early as necessary. To give yourself an energy boost throughout the day, try taking a brisk walk over lunch. Set yourself up for success by getting plenty of rest, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly. 15. **Conduct yourself professionally at all times.** Acting professional means treating others with respect. Use preferred forms of address, and follow office etiquette. This means no texting during meetings or leaving dirty dishes in the communal kitchen. Don't engage in office gossip. If others are gossiping, either change the subject or excuse yourself. Similarly, maintain a professional appearance. If your workplace has a dress code, make sure to follow it. Even if they don't, make sure that you look put together whenever you show up for work. Dress appropriately for your industry. Wear clothes that are clean, unwrinkled, and fit well, take care to keep your hair and fingernails neat and clean, and avoid wearing strong cologne or perfume. 16. **Get to know your boss.** When you know someone on a more personal level, you can often develop a better working relationship. Try to show an interest in your boss’s life outside of work. For example, if they have to leave early for a child’s event, you could say, “What position is Clara playing on the team this year?” Maintain boundaries by avoiding personal questions. For example, you don't need to say, ""Are you and your husband planning to have more children?"" But showing a basic interest is a great way to get your boss to warm up to you. 17. **Make your boss’s priorities your priorities.** You are part of your boss’s team, which means you should be working towards the same goals. If your boss’s number one priority is developing better customer service, make that your priority, too. Say things like, “It’s great that you have such a clear focus. How can I help achieve these goals?” Don’t say, “Don’t you think it would be better to focus on HR issues?” 18. **Show loyalty to your boss.** Let your boss know that you are on their side. Avoid gossiping about your boss with other team members. You never know who might repeat your words. You can also defend your boss’s plans if anyone else in the company tries to go over your boss’s head. Similarly, don't repeat gossip about others to your boss. That might make them think you aren't loyal to others.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Dry Dill.,"Dill, or dill weed, is an herb that is used for flavor in Western European, Eastern European and Scandinavian cuisines. You can dry the ferns and use the seeds to make essential oils. The plant can be dried in open air, in the oven or in the microwave. 1. **Water the dill plant a day before you plan to harvest it.** Make sure you sprinkle the plant itself to remove dirt and bugs from the plant. 2. **Cut dill ferns in the morning, before the sun has dehydrated the leaves.** If you want to dry the seeds, you will want to cut all of the flower buds in addition to the ferns. 3. **Cut the dill ferns next to the step.** Use sharp kitchen shears. 4. **Rinse them thoroughly.** Spin them in a salad spinner, and then pat them dry with paper towels. Give them 3 minutes to air dry while spread out on a kitchen towel. 5. **Gather small bunches of 5 to 10 dill fronds.** Tie them together at the base using a rubber band. Make sure you have rid the plants of excess water, or they can mold instead of drying. 6. **Buy small brown paper bags.** Cut several large slits in the bottom sides of the bags so air can flow through. If you plan to hang the dill inside, you can avoid using paper bags. If it is outside, it is a good way to shelter it from the elements and avoid losing dill that dries and falls. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/5\/52\/Dry-Dill-Step-6Bullet1.jpg\/v4-460px-Dry-Dill-Step-6Bullet1.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/5\/52\/Dry-Dill-Step-6Bullet1.jpg\/aid3853852-v4-728px-Dry-Dill-Step-6Bullet1.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":306,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":485,""licensing"":""

License: Fair Use<\/a> (screenshot)
\n<\/p><\/div>""} 7. **Wrap the paper bag over the dill plant and gather it by the rubber band.** Ensure each dill plant is upside down. The gathered dill should be away from the side of the bag to encourage airflow. 8. **Hang the bundles in a dry, well-circulated place on your porch or in your cellar.** Leave them to dry for 2 weeks. 9. **Harvest your dried dill weed when it crumbles easily.** Separate the dried flowers and dried ferns by hand. 10. **Loosen the seeds from the flower buds and store them in an airtight tin.** Crumble the ferns into another tin. Keep them in a dark, dry place. 11. **Pick the fresh dill as you did in the first method.** 12. **Rinse it with fresh water and dry it in a salad spinner.** 13. **Preheat your oven to 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 degrees Celsius) or less.** If you own a dehydrator, you can use it in place of the oven. Read the manual to determine what temperature setting should be used. 14. **Cover a baking sheet with wax paper.** Spread the dill ferns in a single layer across the baking sheet. 15. **Place the baking sheet in the oven.** If your oven runs hot, keep the oven door ajar. Allow the dill to dry for 2 to 4 hours. 16. **Check your drying dill regularly.** When it crumbles easily, it is done. 17. **Remove the dill from the oven and allow it to cool.** Crumble it into a small tin to use as dill weed. Separate seeds inside the flowers to use in making dill essential oil. 18. **Rinse the dill weed ferns in running water.** Spin them in a salad spinner and pat them dry with a kitchen towel. 19. **Find a large plate that will fit in your microwave.** Place two layers of paper towels on the plate. 20. **Spread the dill ferns across the plate.** Place a layer of paper towel on top of the ferns. 21. **Set the plate in the microwave.** Set for 4 minutes on high heat. 22. **Remove it from the microwave to check if it’s dry.** If it’s not, return it to the microwave for 2 minutes. It is done once it crumbles to the touch. 23. **Let it cool, crumble it and store it in an airtight container.** Microwave-dried dill will last 2 to 4 weeks. Oven and air-dried dill weed will last longer.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Drink Green Tea.,"Green tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, not only for its flavor but also its wide range of potential health benefits. If you want to try green tea for the first time, or want to give it another try after a less-than-ideal prior experience, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve listed great tips for maximizing the flavor and health benefits while minimizing possible side effects. We’ve also included several methods for brewing a great cup of green tea. 1. **Drink around 3 cups a day to get the potential health benefits.** Green tea has a wide range of purported health benefits, and there is some evidence that it may be able to help reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, liver disease, obesity, and some cancers. It appears that, for the typical healthy adult, drinking between 2-5 cups per day—with 3 cups perhaps the ideal—may maximize the health benefits while minimizing the risk of side effects. Drinking more than 5 cups of green tea per day has not been shown to significantly increase the potential health benefits, but definitely does increase the likelihood of side effects like caffeine jitters, upset stomach, and nutrient absorption issues. Drinking 3 cups of green tea per day provides about 320 mg of polyphenols, which are the antioxidants believed to be the source of many of green tea’s health benefits. 2. **Drink fewer than 3 cups per day if you have certain conditions.** If you’re pregnant, for instance, limiting yourself to 1-2 cups per day may be preferable, or (less commonly) you might be advised to avoid green tea altogether. Talk to your doctor if any of the following are true: You’re pregnant or nursing. You have existing heart, kidney, or liver problems, or high blood pressure. You have a history of stomach ulcers, GERD, or other digestive issues. You’ve been diagnosed with anemia, diabetes, glaucoma, or osteoporosis. You’ve been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. You take one or more of a wide range of prescription medications—check the list at the bottom of this article: 3. **Drink green tea between meals to reduce the odds of stomach upset.** One of green tea’s possible side effects—upset stomach—is caused by the tannins in the beverage. This is most likely to happen if you drink green tea on an empty stomach. However, drinking green tea with a meal may interfere with your absorption of key nutrients such as iron. So, your best option may be to drink green tea between meals, perhaps with a light snack. What snacks pair well with green tea? Try lightly-sweet snacks with a mild flavor, like tea biscuits, or mochi—a Japanese glutinous rice cake that is usually circular in shape and dyed different colors. 4. **Don’t drink green tea in the evening, especially if caffeine affects you.** Green tea isn’t loaded with caffeine—it has about half as much as black tea and one-fourth the amount of a cup of coffee. But it still contains enough caffeine to potentially affect your sleep patterns. So it’s best to avoid drinking any kind of tea (or coffee, or other caffeinated beverages) after dinnertime. If you’re particularly sensitive to caffeine, drinking green tea may cause jitters, headaches, sweating, an elevated pulse, or anxiety. You can try decaf green tea instead, although it’s not as clear that decaf tea provides the same level of health benefits. 5. **Steep green tea for a short time in hot water that isn’t boiling.** If you tried green tea before and found it too bitter for your liking, you might have brewed it for too long and/or in water that was too hot. While individual tastes vary, green tea typically doesn’t need to steep for more than 1-2 minutes, and the water should be between 150 and 180 °F (66 and 82 °C), with an ideal temperature of about 170 °F (77 °C). A kitchen thermometer is the best tool for ensuring your water is the right temperature. Alternatively, bring the water to a boil and wait about 2 minutes, or estimate it’s at about 170 °F (77 °C) when mid-sized bubbles start rising to the surface. If you’re looking for more detailed guidance on brewing a delicious cup of green tea, keep reading! 6. **Add milk, sweeteners, and flavorings to suit your preferences.** Sure, some people like their green tea without any additions, but there’s no “green tea police” out there that you need to worry about! Adding a teaspoon or so of sugar can help counteract the bitter notes, while a splash of milk may help if drinking tea tends to trigger acid reflux. But there are lots of other options to consider as well, such as the following: Sweetener alternatives to table sugar, like honey or stevia. A squirt of lemon juice or a fresh lemon slice. Non-dairy milks—almond, oat, etc. Spices like cinnamon or nutmeg. A bit of grated fresh ginger for a spicy kick. A blend of green tea with your favorite herbal tea flavors. A couple of fresh mint leaves. 7. **Try enjoying green tea in a traditional Japanese style.** Feel free to sip your green tea any way you like, with any additions or snacks you prefer. But here’s a quick primer on drinking tea in a more classic fashion: Serve the brewed tea in small ceramic cups placed on saucers. Fill each cup about one-third full, then go back around and add tea until they’re half full, then repeat the process so the cups are about three-fourths full. Pick up and hold your cup with your dominant hand while supporting it from below with your other hand. Drink the tea quietly, without slurping. Place the emptied teacup back on the saucer. 8. **Green tea bags:** Tea bags typically contain lower quality tea leaves than loose-leaf tea, but they’re affordable and convenient. Here’s the process for making green tea: Heat 8  fl oz (240 ml) of water to 170 °F (77 °C). Warm your tea cup with hot tap water, empty it out, and drop in one tea bag. Pour the heated water into the cup and let the tea steep for 1-2 minutes, depending on your taste preferences. Remove the bag and enjoy the tea as-is or with sweeteners, milk, or flavorings. 9. **Loose-leaf green tea:** Loose-leaf teas tend to produce a better flavor profile, and, while they cost more than tea bags, are still pretty easy to brew: Bring 8  fl oz (240 ml) of water to a temperature of 170 °F (77 °C). Measure out 2 g (about 1 tsp) of loose-leaf tea. Add the tea to an infuser ball and put it in a small teapot (or a saucepan with a lid), or just add the tea directly to the teapot. Pour the hot water into the teapot, put on the lid, and steep it for 1-2 minutes. Remove the tea infuser ball and pour the brewed tea into your cup, or, if you didn’t use an infuser, pour the tea over a small mesh strainer placed over your cup to strain out the tea leaves. Alternate: Add the tea to an infuser basket that rests on the rim of your teacup, pour the water over it, steep the tea in your teacup, and remove the infuser. 10. **Matcha green tea:** Japanese matcha is powdered green tea that isn’t strained out of the brew. You can make matcha into a latte or iced tea, or try the classic brew: Add matcha powder to a small mesh strainer placed over your teacup. Use 2 g (about 1.5 tsp) for a lighter brew (called usucha) or 4 g (about 3 tsp) for a stronger brew (called koicha). Tap the side of the strainer to break up any clumps and filter the powder down into your cup. Very slowly pour 2  fl oz (59 ml) of water that’s been heated to 175 °F (79 °C) into the teacup. Rapidly stir the tea for 10-15 seconds with a bamboo whisk called a chasen (for the best results) or a small metal whisk. Drink the tea as-is or add your preferred sweeteners or flavorings.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Overcome Low Self Esteem?,"If you have low self-esteem, it affects every area of your life. It detracts from your enjoyment and happiness. Overcoming low self-esteem can be accomplished if a person is willing to work at it. It doesn’t happen overnight, and it takes a lot of work and patience, but the payoff is well worth the effort. 1. **Recognize that many people suffer from low self-esteem.** You are not alone. In a recent study, research found that only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful. 2. **Identify the thoughts, feelings, physical symptoms, and behaviors associated with low self-esteem.** Many people mistake these thoughts, behaviors, and feelings with personality characteristics. However, negative thoughts are not the same as actual characteristics. These types of thoughts, feelings, physical signs, and behaviors are like “symptoms” of low self-esteem. Recognizing the symptoms will help you know what thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to target for improvement. 3. **Listen to your inner monologue.** When many of the following thoughts occur, it’s like you’re hearing a voice inside your head. These thoughts are often automatic, almost like a reflex. I’m too weak/not skilled enough/not smart enough. I hope they don’t think I’m a jerk. I’m too fat/thin/old/young/etc. Everything is my fault. I think I have to be perfect when I perform at my job. My boss doesn’t like my report. I must be a total failure at my job. Why try meeting new people? They won’t like me anyway. 4. **Pinpoint the way you feel about yourself.** Feelings, like thoughts, often stem from an inner dialogue that does not accurately reflect the facts. I feel so ashamed that my boss didn’t like my report. I’m so angry at myself that my boss didn’t like my report. I’m so frustrated at my boss for criticizing me. He never likes anything I do. I feel anxious/panicked when I’m with people I don’t know because they’re probably thinking about how fat I am. I’m not strong enough to compete, so I won’t even try. I feel anxious most of the time. 5. **Look for physical signs that relate to low self-esteem.** The following may be physical signs that you have low self-esteem. I can’t sleep most of the time. I am tired most of the time. My body feels tense. When I meet a new person (or I’m in another uncomfortable situation): I sweat profusely. The room spins. I can’t catch my breath. I blush a lot. I feel like my heart is going to pound right out of my chest. 6. **Assess your behavior to see if your self-esteem is influencing your life.** If you find that one or more of these behavioral statements apply to you, your self-esteem may be having a greater impact on the way that you live than you realize. I don’t go out/I don’t like people to see me, or me them. I have trouble making decisions. I don’t feel comfortable expressing my opinions or speaking up for myself. I don’t think I’m capable of handling a new job, even if it is a promotion. I get upset very easily. I argue with the people in my life a lot. I get defensive and yell at my family. My friend calls me “Cat” all the time and I don’t like it, but I’m afraid if I say anything, she won’t be my friend. I’m too self-conscious to have sex. I have sex even when I don’t want to. Everything I do has to be perfect. I eat well past being full. I can’t eat more than one meal a day or I’ll get too fat. 7. **Identify your negative thoughts.** Whether you realize it or not, your own thoughts in your head are trapping you inside the cycle of low self-esteem. To feel better, it’s productive to identify when these types of thoughts are happening, and find ways to overcome them. There are some typical negative self-statements you can become familiar with, so if you come across some of them, you can target them for elimination. 8. **Don’t be a nagger, putter-downer, or a name-caller.** Imagine you have a “friend” who is constantly by your side, and this friend constantly berates you. He or she calls you bad names, tells you that you are doing everything wrong, you’re not worth anything, you’ll never achieve anything, and you’re unlikable. Wouldn’t that get you down? 9. **Avoid being a generalist.** The generalist will take a mistake, an occasion where he or she did not perform to expectations or excel, or other things that go wrong and generalize it to their entire lives. For example, if a person steps into a pothole, she might have these thoughts if she were generalizing: “Why do things like this always happen to me? I’m just cursed. I never have any good luck at all.” 10. **Fight the urge to be a comparer.** People who compare always feels inadequate because people with this type of thought pattern are always busy comparing themselves with other people, and believing that everyone around them are better than them. For instance, a comparer might say this: “Look at that. My neighbor has a Hemi truck. I don’t think I could ever afford one of those. I’m such a failure.” 11. **Shun the voice that turns you into a catastrophizer.** People who catastrophize make determinations about their entire lives based upon one incident. Here’s what a catastrophizer might think: “I got a B in this class instead of an A. Now I’ll never find a job.” 12. **Remember that you are not a mind reader.** Mind readers always think that people think the worst of them. In actuality, we don’t really know what other people are thinking. Mind readers have a tendency to make assumptions about what other people are thinking or the reasons they are doing things, and the mind reader thoughts are always skewed negatively: “That guy is staring at me. He’s probably thinking what a freak I am.” 13. **Commit to eliminating negative thoughts.** With all this negative input, it’s no wonder self-esteem suffers. If you recognize your own unproductive thought patterns, you can combat them. It takes time and patience, because changing old habits takes a lot of work. Taking it in small steps is very helpful. It’s easier to do little bits of progress, and it’s easier to get in the habit of treating yourself well by thinking positively. 14. **Differentiate between opinion and fact.** Many times, it can be difficult to recognize what is an opinion and what is a fact. Our inner thoughts are often opinions, even if we think they are facts. A fact is a statement that is irrefutable, such as: “I am twenty two years old.” You have the birth certificate to prove it. Opinions are not irrefutable. An example of an opinion is: “I’m always stupid.” This statement is refutable. Some might think it’s not, and they will offer evidence of times where they feel they were stupid, such as, “I’m so stupid, I fell off the stage when I was eight.” However, when exploring this experience, a person can learn a few things, such as: If an adult was responsible for overseeing the project, that person should have considered your safety. People are not perfect and make mistakes. Even Einstein has admitted some mistakes in his career. This shows that no one is really stupid if they make mistakes. Even geniuses make mistakes. And not just one or two, but lots and lots of them. Even if you have experiences supporting your negative beliefs, you should also have experiences supporting when you’ve made great decisions and have done some very smart things. 15. **Start a self-esteem journal.** Now that you know some reasons why loss of self-esteem occur and the basic negative thoughts that are responsible for perpetuating low self-esteem, you can begin the process to change your beliefs about yourself. This process might be easier to do on the computer, so you can change the organization around so it makes sense to you without having to start your journal over again. A spreadsheet format is a good way to keep your thoughts organized and allows you plenty of room to experiment. 16. **Become a negative thought detective.** For a few days, keep track of your negative thoughts. You can keep these in a paper notebook, on a word file on a laptop, or your iPad. Observe all the negative statements you notice that you make to yourself. If you don’t recognize them by type, it’s okay. Write down the statement anyway. For example, One of the items on the list was, “I’m going to fail if I try to make it as a writer,” along with associated thoughts: “Why even bother? No one will like it anyway. No one has anything original to say anyway. It’s all been written before.” 17. **Organize your list.** Title this column “Negative Thoughts.” Put the thoughts into order, the top of the page containing the ones that bother you the most, and the bottom the thoughts that make you the least upset. If you see different types of statements that have something in common, group them together. For example, “I’m going to fail if I try to make it as a writer” is at the top of the list. All associated negative thoughts can be included with this thought, but the lead sentence can be thought of as the title for this sentiment. 18. **Find the root of each negative thought.** Make a column next to your Negative Thoughts column and call it “Memory/Experience Associated with This Thought.” A person or experience might come to mind. Write it down. If not, just leave it blank. Understanding where you’ve been will help you realize why you feel the way you do. For example, “My father told me I would fail if I tried to be a writer.” Remember, if you remember someone stating a negative comment to you, this is not a fact! It’s only their opinion, and you will be able to find a way to refute it. Note: If this step makes you so upset that it’s difficult for you to function for the rest of the day or week, or makes it difficult for you to continue, stop and seek professional therapy. 19. **Identify feelings associated with each thought.** In the next column, titled “The Way This Thought Makes Me Feel,” write down any feelings you might have associated with this negative statement. This will help you realize that your thoughts affect your emotions. For example, “It makes me want to give up.” 20. **Identify your behaviors.** In the next column, write “How I Act When I Think and Feel Like This.” Then try to think of a recent event that will help you realize how you behave. Do you get quiet? Do you yell? Do you cry? Do you avoid eye contact with people? This will help you see how your thoughts and feelings are interconnected with the way you act. For example, “When I saw contests or invitations to write, I ignored them even though I want to be a writer more than anything else.” 21. **Adjust your thinking.** Now it’s time to counter your negative opinions and experiences with positive ones, which will help you realize that the negative statements are opinions that keep you down, and that you should stop believing in these negative opinions you have formed of yourself. 22. **Counter the negativity.** Add a column to your journal called “Reality Check.” In this column, put down any trait, good memory, success, or anything else that is positive to counteract your negative belief. If you find a counter to your belief, then your negative belief will not hold any truth or validity in your life. The thought you believed to be an absolute rule is no longer the rule. For example, “I have had five poems published, internationally! Ha! Take that! I have also had four magazine articles published. It’s not true after all. I won’t fail. I’ve already succeeded!” 23. **Make a positive action plan.** In your last column, you can put what you know into action with “What I Will Do Now.” For this column, be generous with your ideas on what you are going to do from now on. For example, “I will do everything I can to make sure I succeed. I will go back to school for my masters degree. I will research where I can write and get my articles published, and I will not give up until I get paid work. I will seek out a writing job. I will enter contests. I will not give up until I win one.” 24. **Focus on your positive attributes.** Devote a section of your journal (or a new tab in your spreadsheet) to writing positive things about yourself. Freewrite or create a list of your positive characteristics. Anything that will make you feel good about yourself and help you appreciate who you are, what you’ve accomplished, and how far you’ve come in your life can be written or typed on this page. You may choose to focus on some or all of the following: Your achievements (for the day, week, month, year). I saved my company seven million dollars this year. I spent time with my kids every day. I learned how to manage my stress so I feel good most days. I won an award. I smiled at someone else I didn’t know today, even though this is difficult for me. Your attributes and strengths. I have a bubbly personality. I can give a great compliment. I am a great listener. I really know how to make the ones I love feel special. Your appearance. My favorite features are my eye color, my straight teeth, my shiny hair, and when I wear my favorite color (royal blue), it makes me feel great. I have an approachable face and smile, which makes people feel comfortable when they speak with me. Someone told me how pretty I looked today! 25. **Identify areas that you would like to improve.** It is important to address ways that you would like to improve without overly focusing on ideas of strength or weakness. Believing we are weak or deficient in some way is another self-esteem trap. It’s unfortunate that this self-defeating idea is supported throughout our society. Stop thinking of yourself in terms of weaknesses and instead think about areas you would like to improve, and only because changing them will make you happy. Making goals for change is not about fixing something that’s broken. It’s about doing things that will help you work more efficiently in your life, and help you have healthy relationships, which in turn helps your self-esteem and happiness. 26. **Write down areas that you would like to improve.** In your journal, either make another tab in your spreadsheet file, or another page in your paper journal, and call it the title of this section – “Areas I Would Like to Improve.” Then write underneath it – “Because it will make happy.” Some examples of improvement goals that are not overly focused on weakness are: I would like to… Manage stress more efficiently Work on organizing my paperwork Work on becoming more organized Remember to do something I really enjoy once a day and feel guilty about it Improve my parenting skills 27. **Surround yourself with positive people.** If you have negative thoughts in your head, it’s possible you have people around you who are stating the same types of negative messages about you, even close friends and family. As you’re improving your self-esteem, if it’s possible, minimize contact with people you notice are saying negative remarks to you, even if they are close to you or are at work. Think of negative statements from others as ten-pound weights. If you put on a ten-pound weight for every negative statement, and you are surrounded by people who put you down, eventually it becomes more and more difficult to lift yourself up. Removing yourself from the burden of having to listen and relate to negative people will make you feel lighter because you do not have to bear the weight of their negative comments, their negative judgments towards you, or their unwillingness to treat you with respect. 28. **Be more assertive.** Learning how to be assertive can help increase self-esteem. Assertiveness helps encourage other people to treat you with respect, which will help encourage positive self-esteem. In short, assertiveness stops people’s other bad behaviors from having an effect on you as well as helps you have healthy communications with the people around you. You can utilize a few different techniques to practice assertiveness: 29. **Use the word “I” instead of “you.”** Instead of saying “You didn’t take out the trash last night,” you can state, “I feel upset when promises are made and they aren’t carried through.” The first statement can be taken as an attack and increase the listener’s defensiveness. The second is sharing your feelings, and letting the person know what he or she did to contribute to those feelings. 30. **Listen and be willing to compromise.** Consider how the person you are speaking with feels, and be willing to strike an agreement that pleases both of you. For instance, if your friend asks you to drive him to the store, you can say, “I can’t right now; I have a class. But I can drive you afterwards. Would that be okay?” 31. **Be persistent without getting aggressive.** You can certainly say no, and you can stand up for your rights without having to yell, and without having to give in. If you’re having trouble getting your point across, Psychology Tools recommends using a “broken record” approach, where you maintain politeness and a pleasant tone. For example, if your local supermarket sold you a bad piece of meat and will not accept returns, you can always say, “I understand. I would still like a refund.” If after several attempts you don’t see your results, you can always try a statement like this, “If you do not want to issue me a refund, that’s your choice. I can always choose to call the Health Department, though I’d rather not. Which would be easier for the both of us?” 32. **Set personal boundaries.** It’s your responsibility to let your family and friends, as well as acquaintances, peers, and coworkers, the way you want to be treated. Some behaviors from other people can have a direct impact on your self-esteem if you hear it long enough. For instance, if you decide you don’t want other people calling you names, you can let them know you don’t like it and you will take action if they do not stop: “I don’t like it when you call me Shorty. It upsets me. I would appreciate it if you would stop.” If this form of verbal abuse does not stop, take action and tell someone with authority that can help you. If you’re at work, file a harassment complaint. If you’re a student, tell your parents, a teacher, or your principal. If it’s a friend, your friend might not have realized that his or her actions were getting you upset. It’s always worth it to let people know how you feel. 33. **Make time for yourself, even if you are a parent.** Many parents mistakenly take themselves out of the equation when caring for their children. It’s natural to want to focus only on them to provide them the best environment possible. However, if you stop focusing on yourself and neglect yourself, this can detract from being the parent you really want to be. Parents are teachers to their children. In order for teachers to be truly effective, teachers must have some sort of expertise. Moreover, your own personal habits might eventually rub off on them, and this includes the bad ones as well as the good ones. Choosing to take care of yourself a few minutes a day is all it takes not only to raise your own self-esteem, but also to serve as a great example for your kids. If you don’t have kids, taking care of yourself will help you feel better and is worth the effort. 34. **Choose healthy foods.** Eating healthy food alternatives might take some initial planning at first if you plan to do an entire lifestyle makeover. However, this can be daunting for already busy, stressed out people. Instead of keeping complicated lists of things you eat or things you should be eating, make a choice to choose healthy at every single meal and snack. Avoid foods such as candy bars, soda, cake, doughnuts, and pastries, which lead to massive energy crashes, possible headaches, and offer no nutrition, possible illness, and added calories. 35. **Eat more fruits, veggies, lean meats, and legumes.** Think of them as all-day energy and abundant nutrition for your body, that will enable you to keep up with your job and kids, protect your body against illnesses, and extend your life so you can enjoy more time with your family. 36. **Strive for a balanced diet.** A balanced diet will provide the nutritional needs to keep you healthier and happier. Here is a general guideline for what you should strive to eat: 1 serving of fruit or veggie at every meal. Veggies and fruits also offer a bit of protein, carbohydrates, and plant-source fiber. 1 serving of lean protein at every meal (legumes, lean meats, low fat dairy). Legumes and low fat dairy offer some carbohydrates. 2 servings of carbohydrates per day (sweet potatoes and whole oats are less processed and better than whole wheat) A bit of healthy fats, such as olive and canola oils, avocados, nuts. Nuts provide some carbohydrates as well as healthy fats. 37. **Think about your food choices.** At every meal, stop yourself, and ask why you want to put unhealthy foods in your body. Most commonly, some reasons for straying from a healthy diet are: Healthy food choices are not available at gas stops. I’m hungry now and I don’t have time to run out/make a healthy meal. Because I just want it. A little planning at the grocery store could help prevent this from occurring: Buy chopped veggies, such as chopped lettuce and baby carrots for a quick salad. Buy nuts or sunflower seeds for a quick fiber/protein/healthy fats boost. You can add them to your salad for extra crunch. Many fruits are portable, such as bananas and apples. 38. **Stave off sweet cravings.** This can seem like an insurmountable task to some people. Not only do we become attached to foods because it gives us comfort (like mom’s chocolate chip cookies), but once your body is in an unhealthy cycle, processed foods like white sugar play hormonal havoc on your body and the craving for sweets cycle becomes self-sustaining. When you’re fighting your body to end the sweet cravings, this can make us feel like we’re not in control of what we eat, which can lower self-esteem. If you have frequent cravings for something sugar-laden, here are some tips to wean yourself off of that white sugar: Crave something sweet in the morning? Replace your pastry, sugar-laden cereal, and coffee cake with oatmeal topped with stevia, cinnamon, fruit, and milk. If you don’t like oats (some people don’t like the mush factor), try brown rice instead. Need an afternoon shot of sugar? Try some dates and nuts. Want an after dinner dessert? Try a couple of squares of dark chocolate (choose the brand with the least amount of sugar) and peanut butter. Need to add a little more sweetness? Melt your chocolate, stir in the peanut butter, and add some agave nectar or stevia. Not sweet enough? You can also mix in some raisins. To increase the yum factor even more, put in a pinch of unsweetened shredded coconut. 39. **Get your body moving.** Taking time to go to the gym might seem infeasible for busy working moms and dads. That’s okay. You don’t have to go to the gym to be in decent shape. It’s not necessary to look like Atlas to have more energy, feel good, fight illness, and to be able to keep up with the demands of your busy life. There are even routines available that are ten minutes or less. You can do these routines every day because they will not overtax the body. Here are a few examples of quick yet effective workout programs: Daily Workout Free: This is a downloadable app available on iTunes. Chatelaine Ten Minute Fitness: This downloadable app from iTunes is an international bestseller. The 7 Min Workout: This site tells you which simple exercises to do and times your entire seven-minute session for you. It’s so fast, you don’t even have time to spell out the word minute. Also, it offers the 7 Min diet if you offer your first name and email address. Warning: These workouts are short, but they can still be rigorous. Therefore, it’s best to check with your doctor if you have a condition you are being treated for, or if you are over forty. 40. **Stay well-groomed.** It might sound strange, but brushing your teeth, taking a shower, styling your hair, wearing clothing that is comfortable, giving yourself a manicure, and taking care of your body in general boosts your self-esteem. If you physically feel good and make efforts to maintain your appearance, knowing you smell great in your favorite perfume or cologne, or that your hair is soft and touchable, or your eyes look extra green because you’re wearing your favorite green shirt can give you a boost for the day. 41. **Go to therapy to help your self-esteem.** If you are having trouble with raising your self-esteem or would like to see quicker progress, consider going to professional therapy. Effective therapy has been shown to have a large effect at raising self-esteem. You might also want to get help if in keeping your journal, you realize that there are subjects that you cannot face, or if you are trying to face them, they set you back enough to cause a disruption in your life as you write about them. Also, if you have a mental disorder such as depression, anxiety, or other types of disorders, this can have an effect on your self-esteem. Getting treatment for a mental disorder can improve the quality of your life. 42. **Try cognitive behavioural therapy.** Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to be effective at improving self-esteem. CBT addresses automatic negative thoughts. These thoughts are the thoughts that happen almost like a reflex when confronted with life situations. For example, if a person with low self-esteem needs to study for an exam in school, the person might say, “I don’t know why I’m bothering. It’s not like I’ll get an A anyway.” When undergoing CBT therapy, the therapist, who will most likely be a counselor or psychologist, works in partnership with the client to change those automatic beliefs. The counselor might suggest testing the client’s hypothesis—the client will fail no matter how hard the client studies. The counselor might help the client with time management and stress skills and track studying progress until the student takes the test. Other techniques used for CBT are relaxation techniques (breathing exercises), visualization (mental rehearsing), and going through childhood experiences to identify where the negative thoughts originated. Identifying the origin of the negative thoughts helps prevent self-esteem “relapses.” CBT is good for people who do not have complex issues. Moreover, CBT is only good for treating some types of disorders such as depression and anxiety. CBT might also be too structured for some people. 43. **Find psychodynamic therapy.** With psychodynamic therapy, treatment plans are tailored to each person and their individual needs. In a psychodynamic session, the client is allowed to explore any and all issues arising for that day. The clinician helps the client look for behavior, thought, and emotional patterns related to that issue. Childhood issues and events are often explored to help the client understand how the past affects them and ties in with their present. For people who have complex issues or would like a more individualized plan tailored to their needs, psychodynamic therapy might be better than CBT. Psychodynamic therapy is an effective technique to use with a variety of conditions and with patients with issues of varying complexity. 44. **Understand low self-esteem.** Self-esteem, in short, is how we feel about ourselves. High self-esteem means that we love and accept ourselves for the way we are, and generally feel satisfied most of the time. Low self-esteem means that we are not happy with the way we are. The Centre for Clinical Interventions describes people with low self-esteem as having “deep-seated, basic, negative beliefs about themselves and the kind of person they are. These beliefs are often taken as facts or truths about their identity.” 45. **Evaluate your self-esteem.** Knowing that you have low self-esteem is the first step to improving and overcoming that mental habit. You may suffer from low self-esteem if you tend to do the following: Always criticize yourself. Think of yourself in negative ways. Always compare yourself to your friends or family and feel jealous because you see them as being better than you. Call yourself bad names to yourself and other people. Always scold, criticize, or blame yourself. Think if you do have an accomplishment, you were just lucky. Think everything is your fault, even when it’s not. Think that if a person compliments you, it is not sincere. 46. **Know the potential effects of low self-esteem.** Having low self-esteem does not just influence your emotional state at any given moment; it can have long-ranging influence on your life. Understanding the potential effects of low self-esteem may help motivate you to improve your outlook now. Low self-esteem may lead people to do any of the following: Tolerate abusive relationships because they feel they are deserving of the treatment or don’t deserve better treatment. Bully or abuse other people. Be afraid to take on goals, objectives, or dreams because they don’t think they are able to achieve them. Become perfectionists to make up for their own perceived flaws. Always feel self-conscious around other people, be overly preoccupied with their appearance, or think that other people think negatively of them. Constantly look for indicators that other people don’t like them or think poorly of them. Think they are a lost cause. Have a low threshold for stress. Neglect their hygiene or engage in activities that harm their body, such as drinking excessive alcohol, smoking tobacco, or attempting suicide. 47. **Pinpoint the root of your self-esteem problem.** Usually, low self-esteem starts with external events. People are not born with low self-esteem. It begins with our needs not being met, negative feedback from others, or thinking that a negative life event is our fault. For example, children may blame themselves for their parents’ divorce or parents feel helpless to help their children process their emotions. Children who grow up in poverty and children of minorities are often at higher risk for developing low self-esteem. 48. **Understand the low self-esteem cycle.** When children (or adults) first begin to question their worth, it is possible for other people or life events to reinforce the negative feelings, which can solidify self-beliefs that lead to low self-esteem. The following are three examples that show the cycle in action: A child hears someone call him stupid when he makes a mistake. From then on, he believes he is stupid whenever he makes a mistake. Or, he believes he is stupid just because he makes a mistake. A kid does not receive support or praise from her parents. She starts to believe she is not beautiful, wonderful, or worthy of praise because her own parents don’t even believe in her. A person repeatedly hears derogatory statements because of the color of his skin. He eventually believes he will not be able to succeed in a society that does not accept him. 49. **Remember how your parents treated you.** Parents have been found to have the strongest influence on people’s self-esteem. Children’s impressions of themselves are by and large formed with the help of their parents. There are several different types of parental behaviors that contribute to low self-esteem. Most often, when children are raised in a strict home that does not provide children with emotional support, children’s self-esteem suffers. When kids and adults have emotional support, their emotional needs are met. Emotional support can be shown in many ways, such as: saying, “I love you,” or “I’m proud of you”; helping kids with their own feelings and emotions and how to cope; and simply just being there. Emotional needs are real needs people have as they grow, along with physical (food and drink) and mental (learning, problem solving, and education) needs. Paying attention to emotional needs, as well as physical and mental needs, helps children feel accepted and respected. 50. **Recognize instances of shaming in your life.** Shaming is a common parenting tool to help control the behavior of kids. For instance, public shaming of kids on social media has become more common. Shaming occurs when someone, such as a caretaker, parent, teacher, or other authority figure, or other peers, makes you feel like you are an awful person for behaving in a certain manner or making a mistake. For example, if you don’t arrive on time to work, your boss might make you feel ashamed if he says, “You are not a reliable person,” rather than, “You need to come into work earlier. Try aiming for arriving to work a half an hour earlier. This way, if anything goes wrong, you’ll have that extra time.” While shaming is socially accepted, it is actually an abusive behavior, and often occurs with other abusive behaviors that produce the feeling of being shamed. For example, author Beverly Engel recalls her mother spanking her in front of her neighbors, or punishing her with public displays of yelling and screaming when she made a mistake. These incidences produced feelings of shame. 51. **Identify abuse in past relationships.** Abusive relationship patterns are often the cause for low self-esteem. Patterns such as berating, belittling, controlling, yelling, or criticizing can all contribute to people’s thoughts of themselves. Over time, when these behaviors are repeated over and over, the victim might believe this negative input. Abusive relationships can also affect adults. The relationships we have in adulthood often reflect our childhood relationships. Relationship patterns are formed in childhood, which affects our expectations of our future relationships. 52. **Identify instances of poor performance in your past.** When people consistently perform poorly at a task, at school, or at a job, this can lead to a loss of self-esteem. It has been found over decades of research studies a persistent, but moderate, link between poor academic performance and low self-esteem. This is not surprising, considering school is part of most of our lives for a majority of our childhoods and during our formative years. 53. **Understand the impact of life events on your self-esteem.** Life events—even ones that are beyond one’s control—often influence self-esteem negatively. Job loss, financial difficulties, a breakup, physical and mental illness, chronic pain, and disability are types of situations that can be chronically stressful and wear away at a person’s self-esteem. Divorce, events that produce trauma, such as being in a car or work accident, being the victim of an attack, or the death of a family member or friend, can affect self-esteem as well. Financial stress and living in an economically depressed area can affect also self-esteem. 54. **Assess your experiences of social acceptance.** Social acceptance, or the amount of rejection one experiences, has been found to have effects on self-esteem. This has been found in research when comparing the unemployed to the employed, but other influences, such as having a social stigma (alcoholism, mental illness, for example), have been found to affect self-esteem. 55. **Know that your opinion of your physical appearance is connected to your self-esteem.** Physical appearance can affect one’s self-esteem. It has been revealed through research that there is a generally accepted definition for beauty. While these ideals are culturally influenced, there is a socially accepted idea for beauty. If a person receives a lot of rejection or acceptance for their appearance, this could have an influence on a person’s self-worth. Research has found that when people evaluate their own physical appearance, it is consistently skewed towards the negative and may not accurately reflect our true attributes. In other words, most people are overly critical of their physical appearance. 56. **Identify instances of bullying in your past.** Because of the constant harassment, bullying contributes greatly to low self-esteem. There are consequences to self-esteem for both the bully and the victim in this vicious cycle. Victims of bullying often have to live for years with the memories of being victimized. They often feel embarrassed about the abuse and attacks. Bullies most often already suffer from low self-esteem, and feel more control when they victimize others. Many bullies are likely victims of abuse and neglect in their own homes. To regain a sense of control, they victimize other people.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Become a Vegan?,"Most omnivores think becoming a vegan is impossible and can't even begin to imagine how they might be able to survive, let alone enjoy life without typical flavors they have been used to. They're just not being creative enough! With a positive attitude, a desire to make a change in a healthy direction, and some diligence in grocery aisles, it is possible to discover a whole new world (possibly a better one) and reap a multitude of physical, mental and emotional benefits (not to mention financial savings!). 1. **Plan it out.** Just because a vegan diet is low in calories and fats (and completely cholesterol free), that doesn't mean it's healthy. Most vegan things will be better for you than otherwise. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says a vegan diet is only healthy when it's well-rounded and planned out. If you're considering going vegan for health reasons, you might also want to consider buying organic. If it's not, you're missing out on vitamins and nutrients that your body needs to function. So do yourself a favor and do it right. Do your homework. What foods that you like (that are vegan-friendly) do you need to start putting in your diet? Nuts? Quinoa? Beans? Be sure to consider whether or not you think it is important to cut out honey, gelatin, etc. As well as if you want to be a ""full vegan"" or just a dietary vegan. There are animal fats in soaps, there may be leather or the like in your shoes and clothes, etc. Does animal testing bother you? Some products and foods are tested on animals and that can also be something to avoid. Get online. There are tons of websites catered to budding vegans that are full of recipes, quizzes, fun facts, and interactive tools to get you on board. They'll even do a week's worth of recipes for you! Utilize what you have at your disposal to ensure you're partaking in a balanced diet. 2. **Get a physical.** Visit your doctor and make sure you are in decent physical shape. Tell your doctor your plans to become a vegan and ask if there are any considerations to take into account given your medical history. For example, those with anemia need to be particularly attentive to get enough iron in their vegan diet. Some doctors aren't well educated in veganism and mistakenly believe it is unhealthy or that you can't get enough protein or calcium. You only need about 50 grams (2 oz) of protein if you're a female, 60 if you are a male. 1000 to 1200 milligrams of calcium are needed depending on your age. Calcium-fortified plant milks and orange juices are an excellent substitute for dairy products as a source of calcium. Ask your doctor how to maintain a balanced diet with your new eating habits. They'll be able to shed some light on how to obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals you need to function on top of your game. 3. **Be clear about why you're becoming a vegan.** This is a huge change in your lifestyle, not to be taken lightly as a trend. Having your reasons lined out will not only ensure that you don't waste your time and efforts doing something you're not really passionate about, but it'll also help you stick with it. And answer questions when people raise an eyebrow at your dining choices! If there's a particular essay, picture, or quote that reinforces your desire to become a vegan, print it out and put it in a place where you'll see it often, like your refrigerator. In case anyone asks, the vegan diet is appropriate for all lifestyles (as long as it's done well). Athletes, pregnant women, children, and seniors all can benefit from a healthy vegan diet. No need to defend yourself when the in-laws start the inquisition. You've got science. 4. **Investigate the science behind nutrition, food and health.** You don't have to be a nutritionist or medical doctor to understand the background of healthful living. Learning as much as you can about nutrition, food and health will only do you good. You'll become an expert in no time when it comes to plant-based alternatives. You'll still get your protein if know what to look for. Luckily, plenty of plants are high in it: tofu, beans, nut, seeds, quinoa and whole grains are all protein-packers. When you buy soy, almond, or rice milk, make sure it's fortified with calcium. Same goes for orange juice! Avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil are all good sources of healthy fats. Those are necessary too! 5. **Ask questions.** Real vegans (or a buddy with similar interests) can help you on your new adventure. Surf for communities online or look for a local club or group in your area. The easiest way to do this is to find a new favorite vegan restaurant, a favorite table, and go from there. The Vegan Society has a great website that's full of resources, news, and even helps you shop! Talk about an exciting, addictive hobby. Who needs Pinterest? 6. **Ease into it.** Make a plan to give up one kind of non-vegan food per week. Not only will this make for an easier lifestyle adjustment, but it will also help your body make the transition as smoothly as possible. Any sudden, drastic change in your diet would likely wreak havoc on your body, especially if you go from being an omnivore to being a vegan. Listen to your body and be easy on yourself. Don't force yourself to completely change everything at once without guidance. You need to know how to properly substitute for certain elements such as protein and fats before thinking that a head of lettuce is all you need for the rest of your life. Start by removing meat, then eggs and cheese, then all dairy products, and then worry about diligence when it comes to ingredients lists (some get pretty sneaky). 7. **Know the difference between live foods and life-less products consumed as food.** It's much trickier for vegans than for vegetarians. You already know that you can't eat cheese because cows are exploited in order to generate the milk to make cheese, but did you know that even most cheese alternatives contain casein, a milk protein? Do your homework and read ingredient labels to prevent accidental consumption of non-vegan food. You'll soon find that vegan websites will endorse certain brand name products. Knowing what to look for in the aisles will cut down on turning grocery shopping into a tedious chore. 8. **Learn about tofu (and soy products in general).** It's a good source of both protein and calcium, and you can prepare it in a variety of ways. It takes a little getting used to, especially if you've never eaten much tofu before, but give it a chance. Tofu, along with soy or rice milk and other non-meat alternatives, can be your best friends in the vegan world. Name a product, there's a tofu version of it. And it doesn't taste bad either! 9. **Make time to cook.** Most prepared foods are going to be off-limits, so whether you like it or not, you're going to have to learn to cook. It'll give you a greater connection with your food, as it can be exciting and very rewarding (your friends and family will dig it, too). Recognize that the taste and experience of your food is just as important as the practicality of implementing it into your lifestyle. Be creative and choose a variety of produce and products to avoid monotony and boredom. There are many vegan cookbooks and free online recipes nowadays to provide you with inspiration. Investing of your best energies and mental capabilities to the daily task of cooking vegan meals can enhance your enjoyment and satisfaction of re-training your taste buds to savor new, even strange flavors. Who knew this path was going to be so exciting? 10. **Maintain balance.** If you find yourself constantly fatigued or groggy, you may be missing something imperative to your diet. It can get pretty easy to eat the same things day in and day out, but with a vegan diet, that's not kosher. Make sure you're getting enough protein, calcium, iron, vitamin everything...the list could go on, but it would exceed your bandwidth usage. Taking a supplement is a good idea. A daily multi-vitamin will ensure that you're getting everything you need. If you have questions, talk to your local pharmacist or get in a quick chat with your doctor. There are no reliable plant sources of B12 (B12 found in plants is usually due to contamination with animal feces), which can lead to deficiency. You should take a B12 supplement. Deficiency in best cases can cause significant fatigue/debility. In worst cases, it can increase heart disease risk and anemia and may also cause severe irreversible damage to the nervous system. A good tip is to eat foods that are fortified with B12 (check the label) such as yeast flakes, cereals and nondairy milk. If taking Omega-3 supplements, keep in mind that most are made from fish oil, and are not vegan. Vegan sources of Omega-3s include flaxseeds, flax oil, and walnuts. 1 tsp of flax oil meets your daily needs. 11. **Reward yourself.** After learning how to cope with the extreme makeover in your kitchen, your budget, your past time, your health, and your appearance, make it a point to treat yourself to a new wardrobe, a vacation, or a new kitchen. You've earned it! 12. **Share your delight.** There is nothing more satisfying than being acknowledged for pleasing somebody else's tummy. Treat some family or friends to a gourmet meal that you yourself prepared with all the trimmings. Be a vegan evangelist through positive demonstration (not through nagging) and help others discover how they too can make that transition from eating flesh to savoring fresh, whole foods. That being said, those around you take into account your dietary needs, so take into account theirs. Not everyone will be thrilled when presented with a tofu steak. But that doesn't mean you need to incorporate their love for eating animals in your cooking. If you go eat at someone else's house, be sure to bring your own food just in case. Thank them if they make you a dish or even try to cook something vegan, regardless of whether or not its actually vegan.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Charge a Motorcycle Battery.,"Every motor vehicle owner will run into the problem of having a dead battery at one point or another. It can be a massive inconvenience for motorcycle riders too, as starting a motorcycle with a dead battery is harder than starting a car with one. Luckily, there are a few different ways you can get your motorcycle temporarily back on the road, giving you enough time to get the battery replaced. 1. **Find out your battery type.** Motorbike batteries come in all shapes and sizes. If you’re not sure what kind of battery your bike has, look up this information in the manual. Alternatively, find this information printed on the side of the battery itself. 2. **Use either a trickle, float, or smart charger for most battery types.** These chargers work best on lead acid, gel, or absorbed glass mat batteries. Do not use these chargers with lithium batteries. Trickle, or fully manual, chargers are the easiest type to use. These chargers take the AC power and convert it to DC. However, you will have to turn these charger off or else they will keep pumping energy into the charger. Float chargers are another common type of charger. They provide a constant, gentle, current to the battery. Smart chargers monitor battery charge progress. This type of charger also minimizes damage to the battery as they stop charging when the battery is full. Unfortunately, smart chargers don’t typically work well with lithium batteries. 3. **Buy a specialized charger for lithium batteries.** Lithium batteries, including lith ion, lith-iron, and lithium phosphate require special chargers depending on which manufacturer made them. Check the manual for more information about which charger you'll need if you have a lithium battery. 4. **Take the battery out of the motorcycle.** Avoid leaving the battery inside the bike while charging it, as this could damage to other components. Generally, to remove a battery you must disconnect the negative cable first and then the positive cable. Then, release the battery from anything connecting it to the motorcycle body and lift it out of the bike. Removing the battery is a tricky operation. Read the manual before you do anything else. The manual will tell you where the battery is, how to access it, and how to disconnect it. Every motorbike is different so reading the manual is a must. 5. **Connect the battery charger.** Attach the charger to the battery terminals in any order. Make sure the battery terminals are properly connected to the charger. When properly connected, plug in the charger. The best and safest place to charge the battery is outside or in a well-ventilated area. The process of battery charging creates hydrogen gas, a highly flammable substance. Overcharging also produces hydrogen sulfide, which is incredibly bad for you. Non-smart chargers will need to be constantly monitored so you can make sure they don’t overcharge the battery. 6. **Check to see if the battery is charged.** A smart charger will tell you when the battery is fully charged. For other batteries, perform a voltage test. Disconnect the battery terminals from the charger. Then plug the battery leads into a DVOM, also known as a multimeter. Put the black lead into the COM slot, and the red lead into the V slot. Turn the multimeter onto the 20V DC section of the scale. With the bike completely off, touch the black lead to the negative post of the battery and the red lead to the positive post. Then record the voltage. If the voltage measured 12.73 volts or better, then your battery is charged and ready to go. Anything between 12.06 volts and 12.62 volts means you battery needs to be charged for longer. Anything less than 12.06 volts and your battery might be ruined, but you can try charging it more. 7. **Install the battery.** When charging is finished, unplug the charger from the battery. Read the manual again to find out how to put the battery back in the right way. Attach the positive cable first and then the negative. The battery should now be working properly again. 8. **Get jumper cables.** Most car drivers tend to always carry a pair of jumper cables with them in the trunk of their car. If you can’t find someone with jumper cables, you can buy a pair at your local hardware store. 9. **Leave the car off if jump-starting using a car.** Car batteries have far more capacity than motorcycle batteries. While it is necessary to have one car running when trying to jump-start another car, motorbike batteries don’t require the same amount of energy, so the car should be left off for the duration of this process. The car battery will not fry your motorcycle battery. For that to happen, the leads would need to be connected and the motorbike would have to be running for a very long time. 10. **Turn the working bike on if jump-starting with another motorcycle.** Jump-starting a motorbike with another motorbike works the same way as jump-starting using a car, except before you start the dead bike, start the other bike. 11. **Connect the red clamp to the positive terminal of the dead bike's battery.** Ensure that the clamp is not touching any metal. The positive terminal will be marked with a + sign and may be red. Clamps connected to metal parts could cause a spark and the battery could explode. Metal doesn’t just mean parts of either vehicle. It means all metal. Rings, necklaces, hand tools and everything metal. 12. **Connect the black clamp to the frame of the dead motorbike.** If you don’t want to cause wear and tear or scratches to your motorbike’s exterior, connect the clamp to a part of the frame with no paint or chrome. The reason the black clamp is being connected to the frame and not the battery is because connecting it to the battery could destroy the battery. 13. **Attach the other red clamp to the positive terminal of the working battery.** Again, make sure that the clamp doesn’t come into contact with anything made of metal. Double-check that you are connecting positive to positive before connecting the clamp. 14. **Link the black clamp to the negative terminal of the working vehicle's battery.** Be careful and make sure that the black clamp doesn’t make contact with the red clamp while doing this step. You should also make sure the other black clamp is connected to the bike’s frame and not the battery before attaching it to the car. 15. **Start your motorcycle.** If your motorbike doesn’t work, the battery may be completely drained. However, if there’s any energy at all in it, the bike should start within the first few tries. Leave the bike on for a few minutes so the engine can warm up. 16. **Disconnect the cables.** It is vital that you disconnect the cables in the proper order. Disconnect the black (negative) cable on the live battery first and then disconnect the black cable on the other battery. Then do the same with the red (positive) cable. You should also take specific care in making sure that the clamps don’t come into contact with each other until they have been fully disconnected. Leave the bike running until you arrive home or until you can bring it to a mechanic. 17. **Make sure the battery is the part at fault.** When your motorbike won’t start, it could be a number of different things. Check the ignition kill switch is set to “stop” and not to “run.” Make sure you have enough fuel. It seems obvious but these things can be easily missed. If the kickstand is down, an inbuilt safety feature of the bike might be preventing it from starting. If the motorbike isn’t in neutral, it won’t start. If it’s none of these issues, then chances are that it’s the battery at fault. 18. **Determine the best method for a push-start.** If you have friends with you, you can push-start the vehicle from any flat area. If you’re on your own, it’s best to push-start the bike at the top of a hill or a slope. If you can’t find a hill or an adequate slope, you’ll need to push the bike at pace before climbing on and releasing the clutch. 19. **Put the bike in 2nd or 3rd gear.** First gear is surprisingly not the best gear to use for push-starting as it can cause the bike to jerk forward and suddenly stop. Using 1st gear also increases the risk of the rear tyres locking up. Putting the gear in second or third allows for the smoothest start and a smaller likelihood of things going wrong. 20. **Press the clutch and roll the bike.** If on a hill, start from the top and roll the bike downwards. With friends, sit on the bike and hold the clutch and get them to push the bike. By yourself with no hill, you’ll have to push the bike at jogging pace before it can start. 21. **Release the clutch when the bike reaches jogging speed.** Try not to release the clutch too soon as it won’t work if the bike isn’t moving fast enough. The bike should be at jogging speed or faster when you release the clutch. If the bike doesn’t start, try again but roll the bike faster. It might take a couple of attempts for it to work. 22. **Change the bike's gear back to neutral.** Once the bike is up and running, change gears to neutral and push the brakes. Try to rev the bike as much as you can and keep pumping the throttle to make sure the engine doesn’t die. 23. **Drive the bike home or to a repair shop.** While the bike is working again, the battery is more than likely damaged so get it a bike mechanic as soon as you can.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Read Human Design Chart.,"Human design theory is a fascinating system, but the charts (also known as bodygraphs) are pretty confusing! If human design terminology is new territory and you aren't sure how to interpret all the drawings, lines, and numbers on your chart, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll explain the human design system and what it's based on. Then, we'll take you through the basic elements of a chart and explain what everything means. If you're ready to read and understand your human design chart, scroll down! 1. **Human design is a self-exploration system that combines ancient and modern beliefs.** Human design draws on traditions like the I-Ching, the kabbalah, the chakra system, and astrology to help you understand what makes you unique. You can use this system to explore your personality and psychology, and the overall goal is to provide you with the tools to help you live your best life. Though human design isn’t based on science or studies, it is founded on ancient and respected traditions. If your bodygraph fits you well, that’s great! If it doesn’t, then there’s no need to stress. At the end of the day, you define yourself. You might also hear human design referred to as the Science of Differentiation, the New Astrology, or the Science of The Aura. 2. **A human design chart is a blueprint of who you were born to be.** As a system, human design is probably most similar to astrology since the chart is generated based on your birth information (similar to a natal chart in astrology). The chart, also known as a bodygraph, reveals information about your personality, natural tendencies, and energetic aura. You can use it to help you recognize and embrace your innate gifts. Your human design chart will include information you’d normally find through personality tests like Enneagram and Myers-Briggs, but it delves much deeper since it includes the astrological side of things, as well. 3. **You can generate your human design chart online for free.** There are plenty of websites that will generate a chart for you! You just need to know your birth date, the exact time of your birth, and your birth location. Once you get your chart, you’ll notice that many sites provide little to no insight on how to read or understand it—that's where we come in! 4. **Energy type** This is the foundational element of your chart. There are 5 energy types that define energetic auras: Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. You'll fall into one of these categories, so check the top of your chart to find out how you align. Understanding your energy type will teach you a lot about your innate qualities and help to put your other chart elements into perspective. Your bold and spontaneous energy makes you a trailblazer. You're an innovator who loves to make things happen. Your energy is uplifting and this draws people to you. You stay busy and seek out things that excite you. You're a blend of Manifestor and Generator energies, so you're an innovator with boundless energy. You see the world in a unique way, which draws people to you. You're an analyzer with a gift for seeing patterns in the world around you. Your energy is empathetic and intuitive. You're a sensitive and ever-changing chameleon who reads people and situations with ease. 5. **Strategy** Each energy type is linked to a corresponding strategy. Strategy tells you how to most efficiently use your energy in your daily life. Following your strategy allows you to use your aura correctly and can have a significant impact on your life. Since your energy is bold and spontaneous, you forge ahead with creative plans. But, you don't keep others in the loop. Instead of going at it alone, explain your intentions before you act. You're a born leader, so others will assist you. Your boundless energy is magnetic, but sometimes you're too busy to notice new people and opportunities. Slow down and respond to the things you attract. You don't need to chase after them—they'll come to you! Your boldness is a force of nature. You forge ahead when inspired (which is often), and you stay busy. This causes you to miss amazing, new opportunities. Slow down so you can respond and react to good things in your life. You're a great leader, but sometimes you push yourself (and others) beyond capacity. This can create friction. Take a step back and let others appreciate your work. When they inevitably invite you to do more, seize the opportunity. You reflect energies around you, which makes you naturally sensitive and ever-changing. It's your gift! Don't try to mask it so others feel more comfortable. Embrace your open nature and give yourself permission to chase life's mysteries—don't worry about what others think. 6. **Not-self theme** Each energy type is connected to a specific not-self theme, which reflects the negative emotion(s) your energy type feels when you aren’t using your energy effectively. If you notice yourself feeling these emotions, it's a sign that you need to embrace your specific strategy to make changes in your daily life. Frustration Anger Frustration + Anger = Impatience Bitterness Disappointment 7. **Inner authority** Your inner authority is your intuitive way of knowing if a decision is the right one for you. Think of it as your personal compass that you can consult to help you make decisions like where to live, what career path to follow, which relationships to develop, and so on. The main inner authorities are: Trust your feelings to help you make decisions. Listen to your inner voice to make decisions. Use your intuition to help you make decisions. Fall back on your willpower to help you make decisions. Reflect on who you truly are before making decisions. 8. **Energy centers** Each energy center is a hub that corresponds to certain functions. On the chart, energy centers are represented by geometric shapes that are shaded in with color (colors vary by chart) or white. If an energy center is shaded in with color, that means you connect strongly with that center; it’s fixed and reliable. If the center is white, it means you don’t naturally connect to this area (meaning you’re more vulnerable there). Think of these as your natural strengths and weaknesses. Inspiration Conceptualization Communication Self-identity Willpower Intuition Life force Emotion Stress/fuel 9. **Profiles** Profiles are associated with archetypes. Your profile will consist of two numbers (ex: 5/1, 1/3, etc.) The first number represents the part of you that you're more aware of, and the second number reflects how others see you (so you may be less aware of these qualities). Work on embracing the second number while honoring the first. You love to study deeply and research things. You tend to hold back and wait for the right opportunity. You learn by trial and error. You network and leverage your relationships. You’re creative and rebellious. You learn by trial and error, integrate, and share wisdom. 10. **Gates** The gates are the short, colored lines that originate in the energy centers. You’ll notice that gates are associated with numerals and the lines only reach halfway between two energy centers. Gates represent how you think, act, and relate to others. There are 64 gates, and you can use this handy chart to look up the meanings of your gate numbers: 11. **Channels** A channel is when two gate lines connect to create a strong relationship between energy centers. Channels represent places where you tend to feel particularly in sync or solid. You can read about all possible channels and what they mean here: 12. **Planetary symbols** You'll notice a vertical line of boxes on both the left and right side of your chart. Inside each box is a symbol, or glyph, that corresponds to a specific planet. Each planet represents a specific theme or characteristic in your life. The left column (the red boxes) are unconscious themes tied to your physical body. The right column (the black boxes) are conscious characteristics linked to your mind. Each box also has a numeral inside it that corresponds to a chakra or gate on the bodygraph. The Sun ⊙: Your outer expression; your personal power and talent. Earth ⊕: What grounds and supports you. North node ☊: What you came to master in this lifetime; lessons for growth. South node ☋: Your natural talents. Moon ☽: What drives you; your emotions and inner world. Mercury ☿: Your ideas, thoughts, and communication style. Venus ♀: Your values, ideals, aesthetic standards, and relationship desires. Mars ♂: Your drive, actions, and sexuality. Jupiter ♃: Your philosophy and spiritual connection. Saturn ♄: Your inner rules and boundaries. Uranus: Your individuality and humanitarian aspects. Neptune ♅: Your intuition, dreams, and spiritual path. Pluto ♇: Your hard truths and struggles; what makes grow.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Eat Brie?,"Brie is a soft French cheese made from cow’s milk that has a smooth and creamy texture. If you’re unfamiliar with the cheese, it also has a white rind over it that is edible. It is traditionally cut into small wedges and eaten with plain bread or crackers. You could also pair it with all sorts of toppings and drinks. If you’re looking to cook with brie, melt it into many different dishes to enjoy its unique, gooey deliciousness. 1. **Cut brie** Cutting the tip off, or “pointing” the cheese, is considered to be a faux pas. The tastiest part of the brie is the tip. When you cut that part off for yourself, you’re basically telling everyone else, “all mine!” Keep the brie triangular-shaped, cutting along its edge. If the rind doesn’t appeal to you, cut the cheese at more of an angle to maximize the amount of “inside” you get. No one will notice as long as you preserve the triangular shape of the brie. Go on and take part of the rind! If you’re cutting brie the right way, each slice will have some on it. If you cut across the brie to remove the tip, you inevitably leave behind a slice that is all rind. 2. **Eat the rind along with the rest of the cheese.** Everyone wonders what they are supposed to do with that hard shell on cheese, but a brie rind is safe to eat. Don’t try scraping out the inside to avoid the rind. That would be like taking the meat out of a sandwich and throwing away the bread. Brie rind is crumbly and has a slightly bitter taste, but it isn’t too distracting from the cheese’s gooey goodness. If you haven’t tried the rind before, go for it! The rind isn’t for everyone. Keep in mind it tastes worse as the brie goes bad, so be sure to try it on a fresh slice. 3. **Peel the rind off a slice of cheese if you don’t want it.** Some people don’t like the rind and that’s okay, but wait until you have the slice of cheese on your plate before removing it. Do your best to peel it off by hand. Brie is soft and sticky, so separating the rind isn’t the easiest thing in the world. Try cutting the top off to make the rest easier to remove or eat around it if you have to. When you’re serving brie at home, you can cut off the rind ahead of time. Freeze the cheese for about 30 minutes, then slice off the rind with a sharp knife. Don’t remove the rind if you’re serving the cheese to guests, since some of them may want it. 4. **Throw away the cheese if it smells like ammonia.** Brie generally keeps for a couple of weeks until it is opened, and after that, it lasts a week or less. The rind turns gray and flaky as the cheese spoils. Green and pink mold spots are things you don’t want anywhere near your mouth. The inside of the cheese turns gooey and has a nasty chemical smell as it goes bad. Underripe brie feels hard to the touch. It has a hard outer rind with a springy inside. Overripe brie turns soft and runny. Brie stops aging after you slice it, so eat is as soon as possible to avoid having it spoil on you. If you have to store it, wrap it up in parchment or wax paper and keep it in a refrigerator drawer away from moisture. Freezing generally isn’t recommended unless you’re going to use it in dishes where the texture doesn’t matter, such as in soups and casseroles. It will last up to 6 months in a freezer-safe container. Thaw it in the refrigerator, cold water, or the microwave until it softens. 5. **Leave the brie out at room temperature for 1 hour.** Take it out of your refrigerator and let it settle. It turns nice and creamy so you get the most out of its flavor. Warming it a little reduces any of the ammonia taste you might get from a slice you have had in the refrigerator for a few days. You could also heat it to make it gooey on the inside. Heat it for about 1 minute in a microwave on a high setting until it’s soft in the center. In an oven, heat it at 350 °F (177 °C) for about 5 minutes or until it reaches the consistency you desire. 6. **Serve the brie by cutting it into a wedge.** If you bought a wedge, it is simple enough to serve by plopping it on a tray with a knife. A lot of brie is sold as a wheel, so cut out a wedge to get the party started. Slice from the rind to the center of the brie with a narrow cheese knife. Keep the slice relatively small, about 1 in (2.5 cm) or less depending on the serving size you desire. Cutting brie is a lot like cutting apple pie, but making the first cut into a beautiful wheel can be intimidating when you’re a guest. Cut a slice to give guests a sample to go by. When you’re cutting down a wedge of cheese, always cut along the sides from the center to the rind. Don’t cut off the pointed tip, the tastiest part of brie. 7. **Place the cheese on plain bread or crackers to enjoy its basic taste.** Rip off a piece of a baguette or another crusty bread and put the brie on top of it. The French traditionally eat brie this way since plain bread doesn’t compete with the delicious flavors of the cheese. Throw the cheese on top of the bread and pop it in your mouth. You don’t need to spread the cheese at all. Brie is soft and creamy as is, so put it on something of a similar size and enjoy it. 8. **Pair the cheese with sweet fruit or nuts to complement its flavors.** If you can resist shoving an entire slice into your mouth as soon as you cut it, combine it with other delicious things. The most traditional pairing is a slightly acidic fruit like apples, grapes, and pears. Both fresh and dried fruit goes well with brie. You could also try unsalted pecans, candied walnuts, and a little honey. Preserves are always great to spread on brie. Any type of preserve or jam works, but the best kinds are sweet and acidic, such as cherries, mixed berries, and figs. If you’re looking for more party options, arrange your own charcuterie board. Create a tasting tour out of meats like salami and prosciutto. Add a variety of cheeses, such as a nutty manchego and a crumbly blue cheese. 9. **Select a fruity or acidic drink to pair with brie.** You’re eating a French cheese, so you can’t go wrong with a nice French champagne. Sweet, tart wines like pinot noir go well with brie, but you could also grab a hearty beer. If you’re not drinking alcohol, consider pouring a fruit juice like grape or apple to complement the cheese’s soft flavor. Soft cheeses like brie tend to pair well with dry, fruity wines like riesling, marsannnay, or viognier. A lighter red wine like a pinot noir works well too on account of its delicate yet rich flavor that contrasts the mellow cheese. If you’re more of a white wine kind of person, look for something dry and acidic. The herby taste of a nice sauvignon blanc goes well with a slice of brie. For beers, strong but inoffensive brews like scotch ales, stouts, and porters are good choices. You could also go for something lighter and fruitier, such as a pilsner. 10. **Bake brie** There are many ways to make a baked brie appetizer, but start off by putting a soft brie on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper preheated to 350 °F (177 °C). Wait for it to soften and bubble a little. If you leave it in for too long, it could liquefy into a mess, so check on it often. Add toppings before or after you heat the brie in the oven. Some toppings to try include fruit preserves, honey, fresh herbs, and crumbled nuts. You could make a dippable brie by cutting the top rind off the cheese. Leave the rest of the rind intact so the brie keeps its wheel shape. Then, dip crackers into the molten goodness or scoop it out with a spoon. 11. **Make brie en croute to create a pastry appetizer.** Brie en croute is a dish where you cover a small wheel of brie with puff phyllo pastry and bake it until it is golden brown. There are many variations of toppings you can add to the brie before closing it in the pastry. Cut the rind off the top of the brie first before adding them. When you’re ready to bake it, beat an egg and brush the egg on the pastry dough to fold it closed over the brie. For example, put some cranberry sauce on the brie for a holiday or cold-weather appetizer. Serve the brie by slicing it into wedges and eating as is or by putting it on crackers. You could add all sorts of toppings for an effortless but delicious brie appetizer. Try stirring ⅓ a cup (42 g) of chopped pecans in with 1 tablespoon (14.2 g) of melted butter, ¼ a cup (50 g) of brown sugar, and ¼ a teaspoon (0.6 g) of cinnamon. 12. **Stuff salmon with brie and crab for a seafood dinner.** The soft, creamy taste of brie goes well with the stronger flavors of seafood. Cut 4 salmon fillets lengthwise to open up a pocket to stuff. Then, fill them with 6 oz (170 g) of both crab and shrimp along with 6 oz (170 g) of brie chopped up into ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) cubes. Bake the fish for about 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 400 °F (204 °C) to get a fish dinner with a gooey filling. Brie doesn’t have to be a sweet treat. Consider stuffing the fish with peppers, onions, pine nuts, and other savory ingredients. You could also make a beurre blanc sauce for additional flavor. 13. **Use the brie as a flavorful spread for snacking.** Pesto is one of the many ways to flavor brie to spread over bread and crackers. It’s great for casual gatherings or a delicious snack all for yourself. Cut a wheel of brie in half, then slather some store-bought pesto between it. Bring plenty of pretzels, crackers, and bread for dipping. You could make your own pesto, such as by blending together fresh basil leaves, cream cheese, pine nuts, and other ingredients. Mix the brie in as well if you want something closer to a dip than a solid wheel of cheese. 14. **Put the brie on a sandwich for a simple way to use it.** There is no simpler way to enjoy a good slice of brie besides eating it whole. Melt the brie over bread to enjoy a nice grilled cheese. You could also mix in some pesto or customize the flavor with other ingredients, such as bacon, avocado, and ham. Brie goes with all sorts of different ingredients. If you want to get adventurous with a sweet grilled cheese, try spreading the brie with cranberries or other preserves. You could even add turkey and stuffing for a wild autumn or holiday sandwich. 15. **Use the brie in place of other cheeses to come up with your own recipe.** Once you get accustomed to cooking with brie, there is no limit on what you can do with it. You could eat it plain, sprinkled on your salad. It goes well when melted on a burger or over french fries. Just be sure to save enough of it to use in your recipe!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Rough Plumb a Basement Bathroom.,"Adding a bathroom to your basement can be a fairly long and complicated process. This article will get you through the initial stage of this project, the rough plumbing. The steps are based on personal experience and offer a straightforward guide to the various aspects of the project. Be sure to check with local building codes when deciding the placement of the new sink and toilet! 1. **Gather your materials:** Metal detector Scratch paper Tape measure 2. **Identify the main waste stack that goes from the upstairs bathroom to the sewer.** This will be a vertical cast iron pipe, more than likely 4"" in diameter. 3. **Detect the cast iron pipe leading from the main waste stack to the sewer using a metal detector.** This is the pipe in the ground that the new toilet and sink will flow in to. 4. **Identify where you want the sink and the toilet to be placed in the basement.** A crude drawing may be helpful to visualize where the you want the new sink and toilet in relation to the existing pipe. This will also help you when you measure out the length of PVC you'll need. 5. **Plan the location of the new PVC pipe that will connect the new toilet and sink to the cast iron pipe in the ground.** It is recommended that it be a 45 degree PVC pipe that attaches to the existing cast iron to help with the flow of waste. Be sure to note that the PVC setup will vary depending on where the sink and toilet will be placed. 6. **Prepare your materials:** Box cutter knife/chisel Safety Glasses Chalk/tape Jackhammer Bucket/spade Plastic curtain 7. **Remove any tile/carpeting/etc to expose the concrete above the spot you chose to place the new pipe.** 8. **Draw an outline in chalk or tape on the concrete floor where you will need break it, based on where you decided the new toilet and sink will go.** Hanging a plastic curtain around the work area can help contain dust! 9. **Break the floor to expose the necessary section of the cast iron pipe as well as the path that the new pipe will lay for the toilet and sink.** This can be done with a jackhammer which can be rented at a home improvement store. Safety glasses should be worn when using tools! 10. **Clear out the concrete debris and dig out the sand so the new pipe has a place to lay.** 11. **Collect the needed materials:** Necessary sections of PVC as determined in Part 1 PVC primer and cement Saw (hand or electric) for cutting PVC into shape Angle grinder Band-seal couplings and screwdriver 12. **Purchase the necessary length of PVC pipe that the new toilet and sink will flow into.** 13. **Connect the pipe together in the shape that fits your design.** Use PVC primer and cement to fasten the sections together Due to chemical fumes, make sure the area is well ventilated! 14. **Cut an appropriate section of the cast iron pipe so the new PVC will fit in it.** This can be done with a high speed angle grinder The angle grinder will make sparks, be sure to wear safety glasses! 15. **Attach the new PVC to the cast iron with band-seal couplings.** Make sure that there is enough PVC on either side of the wye so that the band-coupling has enough of both PVC and cast iron pipe to attach to! Cleaning the cast iron pipe makes for a tighter seal! 16. **Prepare the materials you'll need:** Bags of sand Bags of Ready Mix concrete Mason trowels 17. **Cover over the pipe over with sand.** Make sure the new pipe has a slope of at least 1/4"" every foot flowing into the cast iron pipe. 18. **Cover over the sand with approx.** 4"" of concrete so that just the pipes that the toilet will sit on and the sink will connect to are exposed. 19. **Smooth out the concrete with the mason trowel so that new flooring can be added later.** ",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Fight a Cell Phone Ticket in California.,"California law prohibits drivers from making telephone calls or sending text messages on a handheld cell phone while traveling. Drivers under 18 cannot even make hands-free calls. If you receive a ticket, you have some options for contesting the violation. Start by building your defense strategy and then ask for either a court trial or a trial by mail. 1. **Check if an exception applies.** California’s ban on cell phone use has several exceptions. The easiest way to fight the ticket is to show that an exception applies to you. Check the following: Were you making an emergency call? The law doesn’t apply to you if you were calling the police, fire department, or emergency services. Were you operating an authorized emergency vehicle? If so, then you shouldn’t get a ticket. Were you operating your vehicle on private property? The law doesn’t apply in this situation. Were you checking your GPS or doing something other than texting or talking on the phone? If so, that isn’t illegal. 2. **Identify other defenses.** You can always claim you weren’t using your phone and that the officer is mistaken. You can also raise these other defenses: You weren’t moving. You can argue you were actually parked when you were using your cell phone. Your passenger used the phone. The officer might have seen someone using the phone, but it wasn’t you. You were using speakerphone. If you are at least 18 or older, the law allows you to do this. You used a hands-free phone. Drivers 18 and older can use hands-free phones like Bluetooth or other earpieces, so long as both ears aren’t covered. 3. **Find witnesses.** You’ll strengthen your case if other people can testify on your behalf. Make sure the witness has relevant information, which will depend on your defense. For example, your defense might be that you were using the speakerphone on your cell phone. In that situation, someone sitting in the car with you would make a good witness. You can make a witness show up to court and testify by serving them with a subpoena. Get subpoenas from the court clerk’s office. If the witness is unable to appear in court, they can submit an affidavit, which is a notarized letter testifying to what they saw. 4. **Obtain phone records.** You might argue that you were calling emergency services when you were stopped. In that situation, you’ll need copies of your phone records to show who you called. You can get copies of your phone records by contacting your cell phone provider. 5. **Hire a traffic attorney if you need help.** California doesn’t offer free attorneys for traffic citations, so you’ll need to hire someone yourself. Get a lawyer if you don’t know how to defend yourself or are feeling overwhelmed. Find a traffic attorney by contacting California’s state bar or a lawyer referral service in your county. Ask how much the attorney charges. You shouldn’t hire someone if you can’t afford them. 6. **Choose your type of trial.** You can fight the ticket in 1 of 2 ways: by having a court trial or a trial by mail. A court trial is a 2-step process: you request an arraignment where the judge reads the charges against you and you enter a plea. Then you attend a trial. With a trial by written declaration, you never show up to court. You waive the arraignment and instead present written evidence. However, these cases are harder to win and not everyone has the option of a trial by written declaration. Check your ticket or courtesy notice, which might state you need to appear in court. 7. **Go to court to request an arraignment and trial.** Your traffic ticket should give you a date when you must appear in court. The state should also send you a reminder notice. Go to court on that date and ask the court clerk for an arraignment. You’ll need to schedule an arraignment and a trial date. In some counties, you may be able to schedule them both on the same day. At the arraignment, you will plead not guilty. You can also request a trial by written declaration when you go to court. 8. **Visit the traffic clerk’s office to schedule your trial, if applicable.** In some cases, you may be able to request a trial by stopping into the traffic clerk’s office before your Notice to Appear date. Say you want to plead not guilty and ask for a trial date. If you choose this option, you must make a bail deposit. If you want a trial by written declaration, you can pick up the forms when you stop in. 9. **Call the clerk’s office in charge of traffic cases.** You can also schedule a trial date by calling the clerk and saying you want to waive your arraignment. Look through the clerk directory to find the clerk’s office that handles traffic court. State you are pleading not guilty and need a trial date. You’ll need to make a bail deposit. Traffic court is a division of criminal court, which differs from civil court. 10. **Plead not guilty by mail.** You might not be able to get to the courthouse. In this situation, you can plead not guilty and request a trial date by mail. Read your Notice to Appear to find out how. You’ll need to deposit your bail amount this way. If you want a trial by declaration, include a self-addressed stamped envelope so that the court can mail you forms. 11. **Dress professionally** People will start judging you as soon as soon as they see you, so look your best. You don’t have to wear a suit, but dress pants or a skirt and a dress shirt would be ideal. Wear dress shoes if you have them. If you only have jeans, make sure they are neat and clean. 12. **See if the officer is willing to dismiss the case before the trial.** You’ll have a chance to speak to the officer before the trial begins. At this time, present your evidence and ask the officer if they’re willing to dismiss the case. This is also a good opportunity to show remorse and explain that you have learned your lesson. Many times, the officer will agree to dismiss the case in order to save time or if the infraction wasn’t very serious. 13. **Ask the officer questions during the trial if they aren’t willing to dismiss the case.** Your lawyer can do this if you have one. If you don’t, then you should prepare a list of questions to ask. The questions will depend on your situation, but consider asking the following: “What color car was I driving?” or “What color jacket was I wearing?” You want to cast doubt on the officer’s ability to see clearly. If the officer doesn’t know the answers to these questions, it shows they weren’t paying close attention. “How fast was I going?” This is a good defense if you claim you weren’t moving. Follow up and ask how the officer knew your speed. 14. **Call your own witnesses.** You can ask your witnesses questions. Remember that they can only testify as to what they observed. After you ask questions, the judge might ask follow-up questions. Avoid asking leading questions, which can be answered with a “yes” or “no.” For example, don’t ask, “You never saw me make a phone call, did you?” Instead, as a series of questions to get the same information. “Where were you sitting in the car?” “What were you looking at?” After that, you can ask, “Did anyone make a phone call?” 15. **Testify confidently.** You aren’t required to testify in court. However, you might have to testify if you didn’t have a passenger you can testify as to what you were doing. You want to be a credible witness, so do the following: Sit up straight. Slouching signals you’re afraid of the truth. Push your shoulders back and look everyone in the eye. Avoid guessing. If you don’t know an answer, say, “I don’t know.” That’s better than guessing and being wrong. Speak in whole words and sentences. Don’t say “uh huh” or make other non-word sounds. Leave humor at home. Your friends might think you’re the life of the party, but everyone’s humor is different. 16. **Make a closing argument.** The judge might let you make a closing argument. The best arguments are based on the evidence, not theatrics. Tell the judge why you didn’t break the law and remember to mention specific pieces of evidence. For example, your defense might be that a passenger was using the phone, not you. In that case, your argument might sound something like this: “Your Honor, the evidence shows I didn’t use the phone while driving. My 2 witnesses, Mrs. Kim and Ms. White, testified that Mrs. Kim was using the phone as she sat in the passenger’s seat. There’s no reason to credit Officer Kendrick’s testimony. He didn’t even know the color of my car or the color of the sweater I was wearing. He simply testified that he saw someone on the phone.” 17. **Receive the verdict.** After all evidence has been presented, the judge will issue a verdict. If you lose, then you’ll need to pay your fines and penalties. However, if you already paid bail money before trial, your fine will be deducted from it. If the bail money is insufficient, you’ll have to pay the extra. If you win, then any bail money you paid should be refunded to you. 18. **Appeal if you lose.** An appeal is not a new trial. Instead, the appellate court will review the record to see if the judge made an error or if no substantial evidence supports the verdict. Those are the only ways you can win, so think carefully if doing an appeal is worth it. File your notice of appeal within 30 days of the verdict. Ask the clerk for a Notice of Appeal form and fill it out. 19. **Complete the request form.** You must fill out and submit form TR-205, Request for Trial by Written Declaration. You can visit the clerk’s office to pick up the form or mail a request for the form to the address listed on the ticket. If you mail the request, be sure to include a self-addressed, stamped envelope so they can send you the form and instructions. 20. **Draft a written statement.** Explain what happened in your own words. Remember to be honest and not lie, which can get you in trouble. Make sure to proofread your statement because typos and other errors will reduce your credibility. Ask someone you know to read the statement and ask them what they think. You can use form MC-030 and form MC-031 for additional pages. You must print your name and then sign and date your statements. Attach them to form TR-205. You don’t have to use the forms. Instead, you can write a letter. However, you must put the following sentence at the end of the statement: “I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that this statement is true and correct.” Sign underneath this statement. 21. **Collect your supporting evidence.** You might have cell phone records that support your case or witness statements. Witnesses should type up their own statements and sign them under penalty of perjury. Remember to mention this supporting evidence in your statement. 22. **Submit everything.** Make a copy of the forms for your records, and then send the entire packet of original documents to the court clerk before the due date. You can mail it certified mail, return receipt requested so that you know it has been received. Remember to include your bail amount. Send a check or money order, but not cash. 23. **Receive your result.** After you submit your materials, the police officer who cited you will respond. A judicial officer will then review the materials and make a decision. You will be notified by mail. If you’re found guilty, your fine, fees, and penalties will be deducted from your bail deposit. You may end up owing more money. If you’re not guilty, your bail deposit will be refunded to you. 24. **Request a new trial.** You might have been unhappy with the result. In this situation, you can request a new trial, which will be held in court. You have 20 days to make a decision. Fill out and submit form TR-220. With this option, the entire case starts over completely. You may choose not to testify in your new trial if you don’t want to.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Hang a Bird House.,"For bird lovers across the world, birdhouses are a great way to give birds a safe place to lay their eggs and rear their young. A well-located birdhouse also lets you keep an eye on the parent birds as they feed the young, and you may be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the fledglings! When you hang a birdhouse, aim to keep the birds safe from predators and to situate the birdhouse at an angle you can easily observe. Purchase a birdhouse from a local hardware store, or pick up a few supplies and make your own. 1. **Mount the birdhouse on a metal pole for complete protection.** No predator on the planet will be able to climb up a metal pole and eat the eggs out of the birdhouse. So, situating the birdhouse at the top of a metal pole (which you can purchase at a hardware or home-improvement store) will keep the birds safe. Mounting the birdhouse on a metal pole gives an additional benefit. Since you can drive the pole wherever you like in your front- or backyard, you have complete control over the birdhouse’s location. Consider putting baffles on the pole—these are small metal or plastic cones that fit around the pole, and they'll keep squirrels and other predators from climbing up into the box. 2. **Place the birdhouse on a brick surface if one is near your home.** If you have brick siding on your home or, for example, an old brick wall nearby, try hanging the birdhouse on this surface. Brick is difficult for predators to climb up since it’s quite hard and resistant to their claws. Unless the brick wall is lower than 3–4 feet (0.91–1.22 m), birds will be safe in a house mounted on brick. In most cases, you can drive nails directly into brick without causing structural harm. 3. **Hang the birdhouse on smooth wooden siding for a convenient option.** If you don’t have any brick surfaces near your home and prefer to keep things simple, hang the birdhouse on a section of smooth siding on your home or a shed. Predators like skunks or weasels won’t be able to scamper up the siding, and the birds and their eggs will be safe. A downside to this approach is that it may be difficult to see the birds if the birdhouse is hung on a wall with no windows nearby. 4. **Locate a birdhouse with a small entrance hole on a fence post.** Unless they are very smooth, fence posts are relatively easy for lightweight predators to climb up. However, you can work around this problem by only hanging birdhouses with an entrance hole smaller than 1.25 inches (3.2 cm) in diameter on fence posts. Even the smallest of predators will find it challenging to slip through this small of a hole. Be aware that this size of hole will also prevent larger birds from building a nest in the birdhouse. Smaller birds like nuthatches and chickadees will have no problem fitting in the hole, though. This may be a good option if you live in a rural area with many fences, or if you don’t have any wooden siding or brick walls near your home. 5. **Situate the birdhouse on a tree if you have no other options.** Driving long nails or screws into a living tree can cause serious damage, so avoid hanging a birdhouse on a tree if other options are available. If you have no other choices, use as few screws as possible to hang the birdhouse. Find a tree with a diameter larger than 4 inches (10 cm), and remember to dispose of the screws if you decide to take down the birdhouse. While hanging a birdhouse on a tree will damage the tree, it will still provide a safer nesting location for birds than if they had to make do with a natural nesting location. 6. **Hang the birdhouse between 5–12 ft (1.5–3.7 m) above the ground.** If the birdhouse is mounted too low, it may be vulnerable to predators; too high, and many species of bird won’t want to live in it. Mounting the house 5–12 feet (1.5–3.7 m) high will attract a number of bird species, and also allow you to watch the birds without having to strain your neck. Smaller birds often favor lower nests. For example, if you’re hoping to have wrens, chickadees, or nuthatches nest in your birdhouse, hang the house at exactly 5 feet (1.5 m). 7. **Situate your birdhouse so it faces east to keep it warm.** In nearly all climates, having your birdhouse face east is best for the birds. If you don’t know which direction is east where you live, use a compass to find out. If facing the birdhouse east isn’t a possibility due to the location of your house or yard, facing the birdhouse to the south is the second-best option since south-facing birdhouses will receive more sunlight than houses that face north. An east-facing birdhouse will catch the first rays of morning sun, warming the birds after a chilly night. Hot afternoon rays of sun coming from the west will hit the closed back of the birdhouse and not overheat the birds. 8. **Point the birdhouse’s entrance so it faces a food source for fledglings.** When the birds’ eggs hatch and the young emerge from the nest, they’ll need to find food. So, point the front of the birdhouse towards an open area that borders on bushes, shrubs, and trees where the young birds can find food. Ideally, potential food sources should be less than 40 feet (12 m) away from the birdhouse. 9. **Locate the birdhouse away from bird feeders and baths.** Bird feeders and bird baths both tend to draw in predators, which quickly learn that the congregated birds make a great food source. To protect the bird eggs and fledglings from predators (e.g., gray squirrels), do not hang a birdhouse near feeders or bird baths. Hang birdhouses at least 10 metres (33 ft) away from feeders or baths. It’s possible to have both a bird feeder or bath and a birdhouse, as long as you’re smart about where you locate them. For example, try setting the feeder on your front porch and hanging the birdhouse on a tree in your backyard. 10. **Space multiple birdhouses out by at least 15 ft (4.6 m).** While some bird species don’t mind having multiple nests close together, other species will refuse to use a birdhouse if it’s too near another nest. To avoid this problem, hang multiple birdhouses about 15–20 feet (4.6–6.1 m) away from one another. To achieve this, try to hang the houses on multiple types of surfaces. For example, hang 1 on a pole in your front yard, 2 more on opposite sides of your home, and a final 1 on a brick wall in your backyard. 11. **Mark 2 spots at the center of the birdhouse’s extended back wall.** Most birdhouses—whether purchased or made—have a back wall that measures 2–3 inches (5.1–7.6 cm) above and below the birdhouse. To mount the house, you’ll drive screws through this and into the surface you’re hanging the house on. Use a ruler to measure the width of the back wall and mark the halfway point. So, if the back wall of the birdhouse measures 6 inches (15 cm) across, mark a small “X” at the 3 in (7.6 cm) mark on the top of the extended back. Repeat the process and mark another “X” on the bottom of the extended back. 12. **Position the birdhouse against the surface where you’d like to hang it.** Walk out into your yard and hold the birdhouse against the wooden siding, brick wall, or other surface where you’d like to hang it. Look behind the “X” markings to make sure there aren’t any metal bits or stones that could damage your screws. It’s fine to hang the birdhouse on a dead tree using large screws, as long as the tree is relatively sturdy and not rotten. 13. **Screw the tips of 3 in (7.6 cm) screws into the 2 “X” marks.** Position the tip of 1 screw at each of the pencil markings. Tap the head of each screw 2–3 times with a hammer to set the point in place. Then, give each screw 6–10 turns with a Philips head screwdriver to bury the tip in the wood. Since it’s difficult to hold the birdhouse with 1 hand and set the screws in place with the other, ask a friend or family member to help you with this step. 14. **Drive the screws in using a power drill with a Philips head attachment.** Set the head of the attachment in the slot of the screws to tighten them. Make sure to hold the drill level and drive the screws straight into the backing. Tighten the screws until the screw heads are flush with the wood of the birdhouse backing to keep the birdhouse firmly in place. Although you’ll have to remove the 2 screws if you want to take down or clean the birdhouse, the screws will hold the structure firmly in place. 15. **Purchase a screw-on birdhouse and a 2 in (5.1 cm) diameter pole.** It’s best to purchase this type of birdhouse rather than making it. The house should have a 1 inch (2.5 cm) diameter threaded hole in its bottom so it can screw on top of the pole. Purchase a pole that’s at least 5 feet (1.5 m) tall and that has an auger at the bottom to make it easier to drive deep into the soil of your yard. You can find these items at a large hardware store, a home-improvement store, or a bird-supply shop. An auger is a large metal screw (it looks like a huge corkscrew) that comes out of the bottom of the metal pole. Augers are typically 18–24 inches (46–61 cm) long. If you can’t find a pole with an auger already attached, purchase the auger separately and insert the base of the pole into the top of the auger. 16. **Twist the pole clockwise to drive the pole and auger into the ground.** Select a location in your front or back yard that’s easily visible from 1 or more windows. Set the point of the auger in the ground. Then, twist the pole clockwise to drive it into the ground as deep as the auger is long. If the pole has 3 or 4 “legs” that will stabilize it once it’s in the ground, you can hold on to these to give yourself more leverage as you twist. If you have a metal pole without an auger attached, you can just drive it 12 inches (30 cm) into the ground. However, it will be a more wobbly setup than if you’d used an auger. 17. **Turn the birdhouse clockwise to screw the birdhouse onto the pole.** Once the pole is firmly in place, it’s time to set the birdhouse on top. Line the hole on the bottom of the house up with the top of the pole. Make sure the house is balanced, and slowly turn the birdhouse clockwise until it’s tightly in place on top of the pole. If you'd like to adjust the direction that the birdhouse is facing after it's screwed onto the top of the pole, you should be able to turn the pole clockwise or counterclockwise in the ground. Whenever you want to clean the birdhouse, you simply need to turn it counterclockwise to loosen the threads and unscrew the house.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Get Rid of an Extremely Bad Headache?,"Headaches are a condition that everyone can experience. They can have a variety of triggers including noise, dehydration, stress, certain foods or skipped meals, and even sex. If you are suffering from an extremely bad headache, you may want to try relieving it at home or seeing your doctor if it is keeping you from performing your normal activities. 1. **Take a pain reliever.** Most headaches are easily treated with over-the-counter medications. Take an over-the-counter medication to help alleviate the pain. If the pain continues for a longer period of time, though, consult your doctor to rule out a more serious medical condition. Take acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin, or naproxen to help relieve your headache. Over-the-counter pain relievers are good for relieving tension headaches. 2. **Drink some caffeine.** Many over-the-counter headache medications have caffeine in them. There is some evidence that a small amount of caffeine may ease the pain of a headache, but drinking too much can cause withdrawal and have the opposite effect of making the pain worse. Have no more than 500 mg of caffeine daily, which is about five cups of coffee. Try drinking one cup of coffee, soda, chocolate milk, or tea for some caffeine-related relief. Drinking a caffeinated beverage may help relieve pain faster if taken in conjunction with a pain reliever because it helps the body absorb medication more quickly. 3. **Use heat therapy.** Using heat for your headache not only can relax the tense muscles in your head and neck, but it may also help alleviate the pain. From heating pads to warm baths, there are many different types of heat treatments that may help relieve an extremely bad headache. 4. **Take a warm bath or shower.** Draw yourself a warm bath or hop in the shower. Warm water can soothe tense muscles and may help relieve your headache quickly. Make sure that the water is between 36 and 40 degrees Celcius (or 95 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit) so that you don’t burn your skin. You can use a thermometer to check the temperatures. A whirlpool tub can help relieve your headache because the jets will massage your muscles and relax you. Epsom salts can have a sedative effect and may help further relax you and relieve the headache. 5. **Apply a cool compress.** Use cool compresses to your head and neck. This can help reduce any swelling and relieve pain. You can use an ice pack as often as necessary for 20 minutes at a time. You can freeze a plastic foam cup full of water to gently massage the affected area. You can also try a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a dishtowel. The frozen vegetables conform to the shape of the neck and may be more comfortable than an ice pack. If it is too cold or your skin gets numb, remove the pack. Use a towel between the ice pack and your skin to help prevent frostbite. 6. **Get a massage.** A head and neck, and even shoulder, massage can alleviate tension or muscle spasms that can cause a headache. A registered massage therapist (RMT) can feel the knots and tension in your muscles and massage them out. There are many types of massage available, including Swedish massage and deep-tissue massage. Your therapist will select an evidence-based approach and apply it during the session after obtaining informed consent. You can locate a qualified massage therapist either online or through a doctor’s recommendation. If you can’t get to a professional massage therapist, try self-massage. Rubbing your face, temples, or even just massaging your ears can help relieve a bad headache. 7. **Perform acupressure to relieve pain.** Some clinicians recommend stimulating acupressure points to help relieve neck and shoulder tension that cause headaches. By learning the five acupressure points and giving yourself an acupressure massage, you may help relieve your headache. Specifically, you want to stimulate the following acupressure points: GB 20 (Feng Chi), GB21 (Jian Jing), LI4 (He Gu), TE3 (Zhong Zhu), and LI10 (Shou San Li). The video at can help you locate these points and also offers tips on how to employ acupressure for relieving your headache. If you prefer, you can find a practitioner of Eastern medicine in your local area to perform acupressure on you. 8. **Drink water to get hydrated.** Studies have shown that not consuming enough water contributes to headaches. Drink sufficient water to help relieve your headache. You don’t need anything more than water to keep yourself hydrated. If you prefer sports drinks or juices, make sure to drink them in conjunction with some water throughout the course of the day. 9. **Eat a small snack.** Some headaches are caused by not eating enough. Have a small snack if you haven’t had anything to eat recently, which may help relieve the headache. Fruit, nuts, granola, and canned soups are good snacks. You could also eat yogurt or some hummus and pita. If you are experiencing any nausea or vomiting with your headache, you may not want or be able to keep anything down. In this case, try some broth. In addition, if you are experiencing these symptoms, you should see your primary care doctor. 10. **Soothe the headache with aromatherapy.** Try using essential oils, which studies have shown can relax you. Certain scents, such as lavender, may help relieve your headache. Essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, rosemary, bergamot, peppermint and eucalyptus can help relieve a headache. There are many different ways to use essential oils. You can massage it into your temples or on your ears, or use a scent diffuser. Peppermint and eucalyptus candies may help alleviate the pain. 11. **Nap in a dark and restful environment.** Rest and relaxation can often help relieve the extreme pain of a headache. By controlling factors such as the temperature and darkness, having comfortable bedding or sleeping gear, and removing stimulating electronics, you may find your headache goes away quickly. Set temperature in bedroom to between 60-75 degrees for optimal sleeping conditions. Keep computers, TV and work materials out of room as much as possible to help yourself rest without stress or stimulation. Light stimulates you to be awake, so make sure that your room is dark enough to help your brain rest and fall asleep. You can use curtains or eye masks to help with rooms that are exposed to a lot of light. Noise will also keep you from getting to sleep and may exacerbate your headache. Keep your room as quiet as possible and consider a white noise machine to combat any loud noises that may filter into your bedroom. A comfortable mattress, pillows, and bedding can help you relax and fall asleep. 12. **Meditate for a few minutes.** Meditation is a powerful method to improve headaches. Allot a few minutes to meditate when you have a headache, which may help you relax and relieve the headache. Meditation can force you to unplug from distractions around you. Having this unplugged time can help you relax. Start with five to 10 minutes of meditation and gradually increase your time as necessary. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you’ll be uninterrupted. By eliminating any distractions, it is easier to focus on your breath, relieve pain, and let go of any thoughts or sensations that may arise. Sit upright and still and close your eyes. Proper posture is a vital part of meditation. It allows your breath and blood to flow, which helps your brain learn to focus on one point. Closing your eyes will help keep distractions at bay. Breathe easily and evenly. Don’t control your breath; rather, let it come and go. An excellent technique to help your concentration is to focus solely on your breath by saying “let” on the inhale and “go” on the exhale. 13. **Frame yourself in a relaxing location.** If you’re in a place that is making your headache worse, think of being someplace else, such as a beach. Framing is a behavioral technique that can help you shape how you think and feel about specific situations and may help relieve your headache. For example, if you have a really bad headache and have screaming children around you, take a deep breath and think of yourself on a beach in Hawaii or someplace else you’d rather be. 14. **Consult your physician.** If home treatments do not help your headache, see your doctor. She can rule out underlying conditions and formulate a treatment plan for you. Your physician will zero in on the correct diagnosis and exclude competing diagnoses in an attempt to pick the correct therapy. She will determine the need for additional testing at this appointment, which may include but is not limited to a blood pressure check, additional cardiovascular review, blood work, head imaging, and more. 15. **Ingest prescription or preventative medications.** Depending on the severity and type of headache you have, your doctor may prescribe you a powerful pain reliever as well as a preventative medication to help stave off further headaches. Your doctor may give you prescription pain relievers including sumatriptan and zolmitriptan. Your doctor may give you preventative medications including metoprolol tartrate, propranolol, amitriptyline, divalproex sodium, and topiramate. Many of the preventative medications are especially effective on migraines because they counteract blood vessel constriction or the painful dilation stage. Some antidepressants may also help prevent extremely bad headaches. 16. **Try oxygen therapy for cluster headaches.** If you suffer from cluster headaches, oxygen therapy is considered to be one of the best treatments. You will inhale oxygen through a face mask, and your headache may be relieved in as little as 15 minutes. Oxygen therapy is most effective when used right at the start of a headache. You must resume treatment when another headache begins. 17. **Consider other treatments.** There are other, more rare treatments you may want to discuss with your doctor. These include botox injections and transcranial magnetic stimulation. There are some studies showing that Botox, which is the Botulinum toxin type A, can help relieve and prevent bad headaches. Discuss this with your doctor should your headache not improve with standard therapy. Transcranial magnetic stimulation uses electric currents to stimulate nerve cells in the brain, which may help minimize the pain associated with headaches as well as their recurrence.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Make Saddle Soap.,"Saddle soap is used to clean, condition and protect leather. Saddle soap is commonly used on saddles and other horse equipment called “tack,” but it can also be used on tough leather items like leather shoes, belts, or furniture. Since saddle soap both cleans and conditions leather, it removes dirt from leather exterior, and helps keep leather supple and well-conditioned. You can easily make your own saddle soap at home using a variety of simple, inexpensive ingredients instead of purchasing it from a tack supply store. 1. **Grate 0.75 cups (96 g) of bar soap and 0.75 cups (64 g) of wax.** You can use a grater with small, medium or large sized holes. Whichever size grater you choose, grated pieces of soap and wax will melt more quickly and evenly than bars. You can use scented or unscented bar soap in any color. Beeswax or paraffin wax will help seal your leather, making it more resistant to water. 2. **Bring 3.5 cups (830 mL) of water to a boil over high heat.** In a large pot you no longer use for cooking, bring the water to boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to medium once it begins boiling. 3. **Melt the 0.75 cups (96 g) of soap and 0.75 cups (64 g) of wax in water.** Stir the grated soap into the water until it is melted. Once the soap has melted in the water, add your grated beeswax or paraffin and stir again until it has melted with the rest of the mixture. 4. **Remove the pot from heat and add 0.25 cups (59 mL) of neatsfoot oil.** Take the pot off your stove and place it onto a heat-safe surface. Stir in the 0.25 cups (59 mL) of neatsfoot oil. Keep mixing until the oil has combined with the rest of the mixture. An animal-based oil like neatsfoot oil will soak into your leather and soften it. 5. **Stir the mixture until it begins to thicken.** Stir your soap mixture continually, mixing in any soap buildup along the sides of your pot. When the soap mix begins to cool after a few minutes, it will start thickening. As soon as it starts thickening but remains easy to pour, it is ready to store. 6. **Pour the saddle soap mix into a jar or sealable container.** A wide mouth glass jar or container works for easy pouring and storage. Make sure it has cooled for an hour or two before sealing it with a lid or adding labels. Your saddle soap is set and ready to use when it is hard to the touch. Store your saddle soap in a cool, dry place to make it last longer. This saddle soap can be applied with a damp cloth to the leather surface, then buffed dry with a clean cloth. Saddle soap can clean leather boots along with leather tack when used properly. 7. **Cut a 2 lb (0.91 kg) block of glycerin in half.** Glycerin is often sold in supermarkets, craft stores, and beauty stores in a 2 lb (0.91 kg) block. Once you have the 1 lb (0.45 kg) block of glycerin you need for this recipe, you can save the other half for another saddle soap mixture in the future. If you're storing extra glycerin for future use, you can wrap it in plastic wrap or wax paper, and store it in a cool, dry area. 8. **Cut the 1 lb (0.45 kg) block of glycerin into smaller chunks.** The small chunks of glycerin you cut do not have to be perfect or even. Cut the block into small chunks the size of your thumbnail. These smaller pieces will melt more quickly in your microwave. 9. **Melt the 1 lb (0.45 kg) of glycerin in 30 second intervals.** Place the small chunks of glycerin in a microwaveable bowl. Heat the glycerin on medium power for 30 seconds in your microwave, then remove and stir. Keep microwaving in 30 second intervals until the glycerin has melted. A 1 lb (0.45 kg) piece of glycerin will make approximately 2 cups (470 mL) of liquid when melted. 10. **Stir the 0.25 cups (59 mL) of milk or cream into your mixture.** Stir continuously to combine. To make a scented version of saddle soap, replace the milk or cream with 0.25 cups (59 mL) leather cleaner (not leather conditioner). Stir in a few drops of scented essential oils. Cream-based saddle soap made with animal fats and protein, like milk, condition leather well. 11. **Stir your soap mixture until it begins to thicken.** Make sure you scrape any buildup from the sides and mix it in as well. It will begin to thicken as it cools. Once your soap mixture is becoming harder to stir but still able to be poured, it’s ready for storage. 12. **Pour the mixture into your jar or container.** Let your saddle soap cool for an hour or two before sealing the jar or container. When it is hard to the touch, it has set and is ready to use. The glycerin will prevent the milk or cream in your soap from going rancid. Make your saddle soap last longer by storing it away from water in a cool, dry place.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Clean Greasy Kitchen Cabinets.,"Grease coating your kitchen cabinets may stubbornly resist normal cleaning methods. Eliminate light grease by misting cabinets with vinegar. Cut through moderate grease with an oil or grease cutting dish soap or laundry detergent. Treat and remove severe grease with a paste made from baking soda and vegetable oil. 1. **Create a vinegar solution.** Pour undiluted distilled white vinegar into a spray bottle. If your cabinets have a delicate finish, make a gentler vinegar cleaning solution by adding equal parts of vinegar and warm water to the spray bottle. If you don’t have a spray bottle at home, you can purchase one at most grocery stores, hardware stores, and general retailers. Vinegar is especially good at removing the sticky film sometimes left behind by hands. If you have small children who leave greasy handprints on your cabinets, use vinegar. 2. **Test the solution on a small spot of your cabinet.** Spray the vinegar solution onto just a small bit of your cabinet and let it sit. After about 5 to 10 minutes, wipe the cabinet down with a cloth and look to see if there is any discoloration. If there isn't any, you can continue cleaning with the vinegar solution.If the cabinet looks discolored, your solution might be too strong. Mix up another solution with more water and less vinegar and try again. 3. **Mist your greasy cabinets with the vinegar solution.** Be thorough when misting. Coat all surfaces of the cabinets with a light layer of the vinegar solution. After applying the solution, allow it to sit for about 5 to 10 minutes. Do not oversaturate your cabinets with the solution. This can cause wood damage, peeling paint, or rusting metal. 4. **Re-wet the cabinets and wipe them clean.** After the vinegar has had time to sit, mist the cabinets again in the same fashion as before. Then use a clean, soft dishcloth to scrub away built up grease and grime. 5. **Use a gentle scrubber on stubborn areas.** Severely dirty cabinets may require light buffing with a non-abrasive scrubbing pad. Lightly rub the scrubber in a circular motion over areas with stubborn grease. Using abrasive cleaning tools may harm the finish or the surface of your cabinets. Test scrubbers on an out of sight part of the cabinet before using them. 6. **Dry the cleaned cabinets.** Use a clean, soft, lint-free cloth to wipe your cabinets dry. When the cabinets are dry, you should be able to see or feel any remaining greasiness. Repeat this process as necessary until your cabinets are grease free. 7. **Prepare the detergent solution.** Fill a bucket with warm water and add a moderate amount of oil or grease-cutting dish soap to it. If you plan to use laundry detergent, in most cases you'll need to add a cup (237 ml) of detergent for every 2 cups (473 ml) of water. Stir the solution to distribute the soap in the water. Some detergents or soaps may be in concentrated form. In these cases, you may need to reduce the amount used. Follow the label directions of your cleaner for the best results. 8. **Apply the detergent with a dishcloth.** Dip a soft, lint-free dishcloth into your detergent solution. Wring out excess solution in the bucket. Wipe all surfaces of your cabinets with the wet cloth to distribute a light coating of solution on the cabinets. For severe grease, allow the solution to sit for about five minutes. Take care to only lightly apply cleaner to the surface of your cabinets. Using too much solution may cause damage to the finish of your cabinets. 9. **Wipe the cabinets clean of grease.** Wet your dishcloth again in the detergent solution and wring out excess moisture. Wipe the cabinets thoroughly with the cloth to remove grease and any other buildup. When your cloth becomes dirty, rinse it by dunking it in the water and wringing it out again. Stubborn grease may need some scrubbing action to remove. Only use scrubbers that aren’t abrasive. Always test scrubbers on an inconspicuous part of the cabinet before scrubbing visible portions. 10. **Wipe remaining surface moisture from the cabinets.** Use a fresh, lint-free cloth to wipe away any leftover detergent solution or water. After that, inspect your cabinets for missed grease or grime. Reapply the cleaning solution in the process described to remove lingering grease. 11. **Create a paste with baking soda and vegetable oil.** In a small mixing bowl, combine two parts baking soda with one part vegetable oil. With your clean fingers or a kitchen utensil, mix the soda and oil until it forms a thick, well blended paste. Make enough paste to lightly coat all greasy surfaces of your cabinets. As an example, if you plan on using 2 tbsp (30 ml) of oil, you’d need to use 4 tbsp (59 ml) of baking soda. Alternatively, you could substitute mineral oil in place of vegetable oil. Use the same amount of mineral oil as you would vegetable oil. Test this paste on an out of sight spot on your cabinets. Some finishes may react negatively to baking soda’s mild abrasive properties. 12. **Cover the area beneath your cabinets.** The cleaning paste should be quite thick. While cleaning your cabinets, it’s likely that some of this paste will fall onto the area beneath them, along with absorbed grease and grime. Lay out a cover, like newspaper, a drop cloth, or an old towel, under your cabinets to catch falling paste. 13. **Apply the paste to the cabinets with your clean fingers.** Scoop up a small amount of the paste with your fingers. Gently rub the paste onto all dirty surfaces of the cabinet in a thin coat. Pay close attention to handles, where grease and buildup collect naturally. 14. **Scrub the paste to remove grease.** Use a non-abrasive sponge or soft, lint-free dishcloth to lightly scrub the paste on your cabinets. Work it into nooks, crannies, and cracks in the grain. For narrow spaces or detail cleaning, use a toothbrush. 15. **Remove the paste and wipe the cabinets dry.** Cleanse your sponge or dishcloth by rinsing it in clean water. When clean, wring it out so it is damp. Wipe away any paste still on your cabinets with the sponge or cloth. Dry the surface of the cabinets with a soft, lint-free drying cloth. If any grease remains, spot clean it with leftover paste in the fashion described. When your cabinets are clean, remaining paste can be thrown away.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Dye Sand with Acrylic Paint.,"Dyeing sand using acrylic paint is a fun way to create colored sand that can be used in lots of different crafts or displays. To dye the sand, all you'll need is as much white sand as you'd like, different acrylic paint colors, bowls for each color, and a spoon. Dyeing the sand doesn't take long at all, but you will need to let the sand dry out for at least 24 hours after using the paint so it's no longer wet. 1. **Separate equal amounts of white sand into a bowl for each color.** Place disposable bowls on the table, using a separate bowl for each color of sand you’d like to make. Pour sand into each bowl, making sure to only fill them up to three-quarters of the way full so you have room to stir. White craft sand is best to use because the color will show up more vibrantly, but regular tan sand will work as well. If you got your sand from outside, use a sifter to get rid of any pebbles or other chunks of dirt before dyeing the sand. 2. **Pour 1 US tbsp (15 ml) of acrylic paint onto a pile of sand.** This measurement doesn’t need to be exact because you’ll likely have to add more paint after you’ve mixed it together with the sand. Pour a dollop of acrylic paint into the center of each sand pile, using a different paint color for each bowl of sand. Purchase acrylic paint from your local craft or big box store. 3. **Add a spoonful of water to help with stirring.** This loosens up the paint and makes it easier to distribute the color evenly. Pour a spoonful of water into each bowl of sand, adding more later on if needed. If you’re not sure how much water your bowl of sand will need, start off with a small amount⁠—you can always add more. 4. **Mix the paint and sand together using a spoon or fork.** Use a disposable spoon or fork to avoid getting paint on your regular kitchen utensils. Stir the paint, water, and sand together thoroughly, watching the paint blend in with the sand until the color is evenly spread out. Be patient while stirring, as it takes a little bit of time for the paint to be distributed evenly. 5. **Continue adding more paint to the sand until you reach your desired shade.** If you stir your paint and sand together and it’s not as vibrant as you’d like, add another dollop of paint and mix it together again. Continue adding small amounts of paint until you’re pleased with the color. Create the other colors of sand using the same method. Feel free to add more water to the sand to help with the mixing. 6. **Spread the sand out on a lined cookie sheet to dry overnight.** Once the paint and sand are fully mixed, line a baking sheet with foil or parchment paper. Gently pour a bowl of the painted sand out onto the parchment paper, spreading it out in an even layer using a spoon. Let the sand dry overnight so it’s ready to be used. Use a separate tray for each color of sand. If you don’t have enough trays for each bag of sand, spread a piece of parchment paper out on the counter and pour the sand directly onto this. As the sand dries, it will turn a slightly lighter color. 7. **Bake the sand in the oven on low heat to dry it quickly.** Spread a sand color out on a baking sheet and put it in the oven on low heat. Check the sand every couple of minutes to see if it's dry yet and stir it around each time with a spoon so the heat is reaching all of the sand. If you're worried about getting paint on your baking sheet, line it with parchment paper first. Bake each color of sand separately to avoid mixing them together accidentally. 8. **Use a spoon to loosen the chunks of sand so it’s smooth.** Press the back of a spoon onto the sand, loosening up any chunks that hardened while the sand dried and creating loose grains. You can also use your fingers to break up chunks of sand that are stuck together, if desired. Now your sand is ready to be used to fill vases or bottles or create other decorations! 9. **Store the painted sand in an air-tight container or bag.** Place each of your colors of sand in a different container to be sure they don't mix together. Pour them into a plastic container or resealable plastic bag, sealing them up securely so the sand doesn't leak out. If you can't see through your container, label the container with the color of sand so you know which one is which.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Feed Hamsters.,"Hamsters can be cute, small, cuddly, and playful. But, to keep a hamster of your own, you will have to give some thought to feeding it properly. This can be complicated. You must provide a diverse diet for proper nutrition, without altering your hamster’s feeding regimen too frequently. 1. **Purchase commercial hamster mix from a pet store.** Most of a hamster’s diet should be made up of commercial hamster food. These are usually composed either of pellets or seed mixes. They are designed to accommodate your hamster’s diverse nutritional needs. Because hamsters are adverse to changes in their diet, when you purchase food, consider buying what your hamster was fed at the pet store. After a few weeks, slowly transition it to a different food source, should you choose to. If you are feeding your hamster a seed mix, make sure that it does not only eat the sun flower seeds. Hamsters prefer these, but they will not satisfy all of your hamster’s nutritional needs. 2. **Supplement your hamster’s diet with fresh food.** Try to give your hamster a small portion of fruit, vegetable, or protein either every day or every other day. A portion size equivalent to a couple of raisins is appropriate. Leftovers can rot, contaminating the cage. Good vegetables to feed your hamster include: turnips, carrots, chicory, spinach, parsley, pumpkin, endive, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, and asparagus. Good fruits to feed your hamster include: raisins, seedless apples, berries, pears, plums, and peaches. Seeds and pits can be poisonous, so be sure to keep these away from your hamster. Once a week you can add some additional protein to your hamster’s diet with pieces of a hardboiled egg. Be mindful that food hasn’t spoiled and remove it from the cage when it begins to go bad. Fresh food should generally be removed from the cage within a few hours of the initial feeding. 3. **Give your hamster hard treats.** It is important to give your hamster a hard treat approximately once a week. These help keep your hamster’s teeth in good shape and can be a source of additional nutrition or even recreation. At a pet store you can purchase treats that hang from the top of your hamster’s cage. These forces them to work to get their food and can facilitate play. Mineral or salt licks are a good way to provide your hamster nutrition as maintains its teeth. 4. **Know what foods to avoid.** You should avoid feeding your hamster kidney beans, citrus fruits, onion, potato, rhubarb, and tomato leaves. Junk food, chocolate, alcohol, and candy are also bad for your hamster. 5. **Purchase a water bottle.** Hamsters are liable to knock over a water dish, creating sanitary problems. At the pet store purchase a bottle that can hang on your hamster’s cage. Refill regularly with bottled water. Be sure to clean the water bottle at least once a week. 6. **Feed your hamster once per day in either the morning or evening.** Specialists differ as to whether it is better to feed your hamster in the morning or evening. It is important, however, that hamsters eat regularly. So pick one time and stick with it. Some experts recommend night time feedings because hamsters are nocturnal and thus will be awake throughout the evening. Others, however, point out that they like to wake up sporadically throughout the day and snack. It is unclear which time is best. 7. **Purchase a small ceramic bowl.** Hamsters can scratch up plastic bowls, creating crevices which foster the growth of bacteria. A small bowl is preferable to a large one, because it will leave space in the cage for your hamster to play.. Place the bowl at the opposite side of the cage from your hamster’s bathroom area. You will find that your hamster goes to the bathroom in one corner of his cage. Note where that spot is and then place the bowl as far from it as possible. Wash the bowl with soapy water during your weekly cleaning of the cage. 8. **Give your hamster approximately a tablespoon of pellets per day.** Supplement this as described above with treats. It can be tempting to overfeed hamsters because you will often find that their bowl will quickly empty. But, hamsters horde food, so it is probable that they actually have food, but have hidden it. 9. **Try hand-feeding your hamster his treats.** This can be a good way to bond and build positive associations with your hamster. As you offer food with one hand, use the other to pet or hold your hamster. Slowly build up to more contact. 10. **Monitor your hamster's weight.** Because they have so much extra skin, it can be difficult to tell when a hamster is becoming obese. A Syrian should weight approximately one ounce per inch of length. Also, if your hamster appears slow and sluggish, it is possible you should modify its diet.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Prevent Ovarian Cysts.,"Ovarian cysts can be painful and may even indicate an underlying medical condition, so it is important to tell your gynecologist if you get them often. Ovarian cysts may sometimes be part of normal ovulation and these are called functional ovarian cysts. These types of cysts cannot be prevented, but it is possible to reduce your risk of problematic cysts and there are medical options for treating and removing painful ovarian cysts as well. 1. **Stop smoking** Smoking increases your risk of developing ovarian cysts as well as increasing your risk for other negative conditions such as cancer and emphysema. If you smoke, ask your doctor for help with quitting. There are medications and smoking cessation programs available that may help you quit. 2. **Lose weight** Being overweight can contribute to your risk of developing conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which increases your risk of ovarian cysts. If you are overweight, then do what you can to get down to a healthy weight. For women who have PCOS, losing just 10% of their weight can resolve the problem and is usually a more realistic goal. Start a food diary to keep track of how much you eat each day. Limit your caloric intake so that you burn more than you eat. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Exercise for at least 30 minutes five days per week. 3. **Consider taking birth control.** Birth control pills are often recommended as a way to prevent ovarian cysts. Birth control pills may also reduce your ovarian cancer risk. Talk to your doctor if you are interested in trying birth control to help control your ovarian cysts. Just keep in mind that birth control pills have other side effects as well. Birth control works by suppressing ovarian function and preventing ovulation. For this reason, pills, patches, rings, injections, and implants all work. 4. **Get treated for conditions that increase your risk of ovarian cysts.** Some conditions increase the likelihood that you will develop ovarian cysts, so it is important to get treated for these conditions. You are at an increased risk of developing ovarian cysts if you have: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) —This is a condition that causes your ovaries to produce cysts and you may not ovulate if you have PCOS. It is also more common to have a high level of male hormones when you have PCOS. Endometriosis — This causes uterine tissues to grow outside of your uterus. This condition can cause pain, heavy periods, and infertility. 5. **Determine if fertility medication may be to blame.** Some medications that promote ovulation may also increase your risk of developing ovarian cysts, but make sure that you talk to your doctor before stopping any medication. If you are taking clomiphene (a fertility drug) then you are at an increased risk of developing an ovarian cyst. Clomiphene is also known as: Clomid Serophene 6. **Make an appointment with your gynecologist.** If you are experiencing pain or other side effects from ovarian cysts, then it is important to let your gynecologist know. Your gynecologist may advise a “wait and see” approach, also known as watchful waiting. Your gynecologist may also want to do an ultrasound a few weeks after you become aware of the cyst to see if it is still there. 7. **Take an over-the-counter pain reliever.** Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can provide relief for painful ovarian cysts. Make sure that you read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions before use. Talk to your doctor if you are not sure what or how much to take. 8. **Drink soothing herbal teas.** Sipping a cup of herbal tea may also help to relieve some of the pain caused by ovarian cysts. The warmth of the tea can help to relax you muscles and serve as a nice relaxing distraction. Some good teas to try include: Chamomile Peppermint Raspberry leaf Decaffeinated green tea 9. **Apply heat.** A heating pad applied to your lower abdomen may also help to relieve some of the pain caused by ovarian cysts. You can use either a hot water bottle or an electric heating pad. Place the heating pad on your lower abdomen for about 10 – 15 minutes at a time. Take breaks in between uses to avoid overheating your skin. 10. **Try to relax.** A stressed state of mind may make pain seem worse, so try to take some time for yourself and relax as much as possible while you are dealing with an ovarian cyst. Some good stress relieving activities include: Playing with a pet Going for a walk Taking a bubble bath Writing in a journal Calling a friend Listening to music Watching a funny movie 11. **Talk to your gynecologist about surgical options.** If cysts are large or if they are causing other symptoms, then surgery may be necessary to remove them. Surgery may also be necessary if there are concerns that a cyst may be cancerous. Surgery for ovarian cysts may be performed using: Laparoscopy — For smaller cysts, the surgeon can make a small incision and remove the cyst with the help of a laparoscopic camera. Laparotomy — For larger cysts, it may be necessary to make a longer incision to remove the cyst.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Make Oil Based Modeling Clay?,"Modeling clays come in various different varieties. There are water-based and oil-based clays that you can make at home. The oil-based clay is sometimes called plasticine. The advantage of using oil-based clay is that it does not dry easily in open air. You can use it and reuse it for something else. Many of the ingredients used in making plasticine can be harmful to the respiratory system or eyes in the heating process, so be sure to wear safety equipment at all times. Learn how to make oil-based modeling clay. 1. **Purchase hydrated lime from a home supply store or hardware store.** It is also called calcium carbonate or calcium hydroxide powder. This will give the body to your clay. 2. **Collect your wax to use as a binding agent.** You can choose either paraffin wax or beeswax. Paraffin wax emits toxic fumes when it is heated, so choosing beeswax will reduce the risk of bad reactions. 3. **Buy baby oil and petroleum jelly from a local drugstore.** Find coconut oil or linseed oil from a natural food store. These 2 oils contain 8 percent stearic acid, which will help the mixture to stay smooth. 4. **Find some old heavy pots or saucepans and a wooden spoon.** You will need to devote these to making clay, because the use of lime in the recipe will ensure they cannot be used for cooking again. 5. **Wear safety gear.** Put on a long-sleeved shirt and gloves. Also, use a dust mask and safety goggles to avoid problems from lime fumes. 6. **Line several baking trays with aluminum foil.** Place them near the stove. 7. **Create a double boiler.** Place a large pot on your stove and fill it halfway with water. Bring the water to a boil. 8. **Place a smaller pot inside the water to heat the ingredients.** Turn the burner down to medium heat. 9. **Melt your ingredients together in the smaller pot.** Break off pieces of beeswax and place them in the pot. You should use 100g or 1 8 by 11 inch (20 by 28 cm) sheet of beeswax. 10. **Add 3/4 cup (112g) of lime powder once the beeswax is melted.** Stir it with a wooden spoon until it is no longer lumpy. 11. **Pour in 6 tsp.** (30ml) of baby oil, 3 tbsp. (44ml) of petroleum jelly and 2 tbsp. (30ml) of coconut oil. Stir them together for 30 seconds. Turn off the heat. 12. **Pour the modeling clay out onto the aluminum foil.** If you want to split the batch into different colors, pour them onto different trays. 13. **Allow the clay to cool slightly.** Test the texture with your fingers. Make adjustments to the texture as needed. If the modeling clay feels too firm, return it to the pot on low. Add more lime, more baby oil and more petroleum jelly in small amounts until it starts to loosen up. Stir well and pour it onto the sheet again. If the clay feels crumbly, it needs more wax and coconut oil. Melt some wax in the double boiler again. Add some coconut oil and place your crumbly wax in the pot. Stir until it is combined. 14. **Pick up the cooled modeling clay and work it in your hands.** If it is still warm, use your plastic gloves to handle the clay. 15. **Separate your modeling clay into different bowls.** 16. **Add powdered dyes or oil paints to the cream-colored clay.** Stir with a popsicle stick until combined. Add up to 1 tbsp. of dried color pigment or a smaller amount of oil paint. Increase the amounts to brighten the color. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/c\/c2\/Make-Oil-Based-Modeling-Clay-Step-16Bullet1.jpg\/v4-460px-Make-Oil-Based-Modeling-Clay-Step-16Bullet1.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/c\/c2\/Make-Oil-Based-Modeling-Clay-Step-16Bullet1.jpg\/aid2465090-v4-728px-Make-Oil-Based-Modeling-Clay-Step-16Bullet1.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} You can add turmeric as a natural dye to create a yellow hue. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/8\/83\/Make-Oil-Based-Modeling-Clay-Step-16Bullet2.jpg\/v4-460px-Make-Oil-Based-Modeling-Clay-Step-16Bullet2.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/8\/83\/Make-Oil-Based-Modeling-Clay-Step-16Bullet2.jpg\/aid2465090-v4-728px-Make-Oil-Based-Modeling-Clay-Step-16Bullet2.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} 17. **Work the clay in your hands to warm it up.** If your clay becomes too cold, wrap it in plastic wrap and wrap it with a hot water bottle filled with boiling water for 5 minutes.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" "How to Get Straight ""A""s?","Being a great student doesn't mean hours and hours of studying and having no social life at all! There's always room to improve, so it helps to always check the work you do. This will lead to happiness and satisfaction with not only yourself but what you are doing with your life. And you know: accomplishments are for life; they last! If you get good grades, you're that much closer to a good college, which leads you to a good job. Keep reading to find out how to be more successful in any type of school. 1. **Go beyond the surface information.** Don’t just stop learning at the bare facts. These will not make you any smarter, nor will they give you the analytical tools you need to get straight A’s. If you really want to excel in school the most important thing is to always ask why. Learn why things work the way they do, why things matter and then you can apply that knowledge to a vast amount of information and may be correctly guessing even things you might not have learned about. 2. **Use the knowledge of others.** This doesn't mean you should cheat - when we say use the knowledge of others, what we mean is that you should talk with friends, family members and teachers about the subjects you are studying. Get their opinions on topics, see how they would have approached a problem or learn their method of doing something. In opening your mind to new ways of thinking and doing you should be better prepared to handle almost any academic challenge. 3. **Be proactive** Participate in study groups. Get help when you need it. Study over time rather than cramming before a test. Basically, getting straight A’s is hard (if it were easy, everyone would do it) so you need to work at it if you want to do this. However, avoid study groups if you tend to talk more than study. Remember, you are only working in a study group to study. Most people, tend to forget this when they see a friend, so keep this in mind. 4. **Get organized** Consistently keep all assignments or handed back work/handouts separate and in chronological order. Not only does this make life in general easier, but it also helps when exam time comes, especially if there will be a cumulative end-of-year exam. You should also organize your time by allowing yourself plenty of time to study and sleep. Organize your notes and your study space. Study and do homework in chunks. If you have two days to do a homework assignment, do most of it the first and do the other part the second. Or, if you have a week to learn 10 vocabulary words, learn a few each day and review the words you already learned. This way you'll be less overwhelmed and ultimately have more time free from cramming. Get a planner. Write down your homework as soon as the teacher assigns it. If a teacher tells you when a project is due or a test will be given write it down. This will help you know what you have to do. 5. **Choose courses you are interested in.** If you can, make sure you are studying things you enjoy and can get invested in. You will do better if you care about the material you are studying. This is why you will find that you get the best grades in your favorite classes. Remember to balance things you enjoy with things you need to know. 6. **Be aware of your body clock** The human body learns best at specific times and for some people it can be in the morning. Be sure you save this time for studying important class material, and leave the rest of the time for less important activities such as socializing. Avoid studying when you are tired. In general, you should try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. 7. **Give your best effort** You need to have knowledge of each subject you're studying, but it is also important to persevere and go back and revise the subject until you are confident that you will be able to get the right answers during an exam or test. If you don't understand a question on a test then think it through and write it out so that you can see what you are doing. 8. **Pay attention in class** You can learn so much from just listening so always pay attention in class. Study smart! You should be able to understand the subject better and know what the teacher is talking about prior to a test. Eat breakfast and if you are prescribed medication or take vitamins make sure you take them before leaving for school. A good breakfast will help keep you awake and focused throughout the day. 9. **Ask questions** Ask the teacher relevant questions about the subject. If you do not understand the subject then write down what it is you are having trouble with and ask the teacher if you can have some time to discuss your concerns. Never be embarrassed to ask questions. Curious students make teachers happy. 10. **Read any syllabus you are given and have a general idea about the course subjects and what you may be learning.** For example, if you’re in a history class and you’re learning about the formation of the United States of America but you see that the next section will be about the American Civil War, think about how those two events could connect to each other. 11. **Take notes** Learn to write down an outline and fill it in with bits and pieces of key information. Write a summary of what you have learned in class to use it for future reference. Make notes on what you don’t understand so that you are well prepared when your teacher explains those things or you can discuss them with your teacher. 12. **Never skip class as you will fall behind and it may affect your grades.** If you are sick and cannot go to school, ask the teacher for any notes on the classes you may have missed. If the teacher is not available for some reason, ask a friend for some information you have missed on the day you were absent. 13. **Talk to your teachers about your grades.** Ask about your quality of work and reasons for any weak grades. Work on any areas of weakness and ask your teacher if your extra work will help improve your grades. 14. **Do your homework** Some college teachers may not always check your homework so it is important to remain motivated. Motivate yourself to do your homework. Homework helps to reinforce what you have learned in class and identify what you don’t understand. Study. If you don't have any homework on a subject, read your notes or read any textbooks on the subjects. On average about 10% of your grade is homework but how it is incorporated into your grade really depends on the teacher. 15. **Study a little bit every day at home.** This will help cement material in your mind, and you won't have to worry as much if you have a pop quiz, or just a teacher who announces tests late. As you review, see if you can explain a new concept in your own words. 16. **Read ahead in the textbook.** This can help you identify areas that you may have more trouble in. 17. **Don’t procrastinate** Never stay up late doing an assignment unless you have not finished it and it is due very soon. Instead, if you have two weeks to do your assignment, spend the first week outlining and doing the basics. Over the weekend, neatly put it together, and the next week, just put the finishing touches on it, do some editing, and print it out. Don't forget to hand it in to your teacher one day before you actually should. This will show your dedication and give your teacher time to suggest revisions. Starting an assignment ahead of time will also give you time to meet with your teacher and discuss any problems you have, directions you can take, and get other assignment help that is crucial to getting A’s. Just going to the extra trouble of asking for help and taking your teacher’s advice may earn you a slightly higher grade. 18. **Teach the material to someone else.** Find a quiet place, maybe in your room, lock the door and imagine you are the teacher explaining the subject to a student. This is also a good way to measure your understanding of the material and explaining it to someone who doesn’t understand it at all can often help you develop a better understanding of the material yourself. If you can participate in tutoring programs in school, this serves the same purpose. 19. **Get a dedicated study space** Find a space that is only for studying. This may help to minimize distractions and keep you on track. Studying is just another habit and if you teach your brain that a certain desk or room is just for studying then you should have a much easier time focusing and getting work done. 20. **Read extra material if you have time.** You can always go onto the internet or go to the library and find more books or information about the subjects you are studying. Learning some additional information and adding it into papers or test questions may impress your teachers. 21. **Consider getting a tutor if you can afford to.** There's nothing wrong with getting in some extra learning and it may make a difference in your grades. 22. **Learn to take great notes** Still having trouble taking notes that help you later? Try the look, cover, write and check method, aiding your memory to take in the information you are learning. 23. **Learn to outline** Outlining can make any assignment easier by breaking it up into easy to understand chunks. Dealing with these pieces rather than trying to wrap your brain around the whole thing may help you excel. 24. **Learn how to spell correctly** If you want to get perfect points on an assignment you’re going to need to be sure it’s free of spelling and grammar mistakes. 25. **Learn how to concentrate** 26. **Learn how to do well in school** Doing well in school is about more than just getting A’s. Read about how to succeed in school as a whole. 27. **Get subject help.** WikiHow offers help in all sorts of subjects, including tutorials in Math, a helping hand in Science, and advice for English. Find more general help in the Education and Communications Category.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Calm Down an Angry Person over Text.,"Dealing with an angry loved one over text is no easy feat. Whether they're upset at you or they just need to vent, it can be difficult to know how to help someone you care about when you're not speaking face to face. Thankfully, there are a lot of effective ways to defuse a person's anger over text. From being extra mindful of your word choice to crafting a meaningful apology, read on for some tips. 1. **It will be easier to calm them down if you know why they're angry.** Read their texts carefully to understand their point of view, and ask clarifying questions if you're not sure what's made them so upset. It will help you handle the situation if you know exactly what's angering them, and it'll make your loved one feel better knowing that you're taking the time to listen to them. Phrase clarifying questions carefully so that they know you genuinely just want to understand them better. Try something like, ""I'm so sorry that you're feeling this way. Can you tell me more about what happened?"" If they're angry at you and you're not sure why, you might text, ""Could you tell me what I did or said that's made you feel this way? I just want to know more so we can resolve this."" 2. **Use empathetic statements that affirm their point of view.** Oftentimes, people who are angry will start to cool off if someone tells them that their feelings are justified. Acknowledge the other person's feelings, be empathetic towards them at least tell them that you understand where they're coming from. It will likely defuse the situation. Let's say a family member is angry and venting to you about something that happened to them. To respond, say something like, “I’m so sorry that happened :( It makes total sense that you would be upset.” Perhaps the family member is upset with you. To affirm their point of view, you might say, ""It's completely understandable that you would feel that way.” 3. **If you messed up, it's best to take responsibility for your actions.** Everyone makes mistakes, and it will help your loved one feel better to know that you're sorry. To give a genuine apology, use ""I statements"" to take ownership of your behavior, and avoid making excuses or placing blame on the person who is upset with you. Express remorse for your actions and follow that with a sincere promise to do better in the future. Maybe your close friend is angry with you for forgetting to invite them to a group hangout. Text them, ""I'm so sorry. I should have invited you and there's no excuse. Next time we all hang out I promise to make sure you feel included."" 4. **This gives your friend, family member, or partner space to vent.** Ask them how they felt in the moment of the experience and how they're feeling now. You can also ask them what they need to make the situation better and if there's anything you can do to help them. Even if they're upset at you, offering to help them shows that you care and can dissipate their anger. Text them something like, ""That sounds like a really difficult experience! How are you feeling now?"" or ""I'm so sorry this happened. Is there anything I can do to help?"" 5. **Advising if they’re not ready to hear it may make them angrier.** Ask if there is anything you can do to help, but refrain from offering unsolicited opinions on the situation. Most likely, your friend or loved one just needs some time to vent and voice their frustrations. Send them a text such as, ""I experienced something similar in the past. Would it be helpful to hear some advice on how I dealt with it? I'm also happy to just listen."" Offering advice before the person is ready may make them feel like you're minimizing or writing off their feelings with a quick solution. If they say they're not ready or interested in advice, let them know that the offer still stands if they ever want to hear it in the future. 6. **See if there's anything that can be done to resolve the situation.** Ask permission first so that your loved one doesn't feel like you're dismissing their feelings. Then, offer a solution that applies to the situation they are upset about. If they are angry at you, don't focus on being right or getting back at them. Instead, try to come to a resolution that makes you both happy. Ask for consent to offer a solution with a text like, ""Is there anything we can do to resolve this? I would be happy to do anything to make this better."" If they agree, suggest a solution. Perhaps your roommate is upset that you haven't been helping them clean the apartment. Text them, ""I can start picking up the slack at the apartment. Maybe when I get home we can make a chore chart."" If your friend is angry that you haven't been initiating plans as often, try, ""I love hanging out with you and want to spend more time together, too. Would you want to make a weekly coffee date to catch up from here on out?"" Perhaps they're not ready to find a solution. Tell them that you would be happy to resolve the situation later on if they change their mind. 7. **An angry person may be especially sensitive to what you say.** Avoid sending the first thought that comes to your mind, especially if you are stressed, flustered, or angered by the text they sent you. Try to remember how much you care about this person and choose your words carefully. You might try reading over your responses before you hit send. This will help you avoid sending an angry text yourself. Draft your responses in the notes section of your phone if you don't want them to see you typing. 8. **Pay attention to your use of words, punctuation, and emojis.** Use each of these to help your texts come off as empathetic, calm, and kind. Avoid one-word or curt responses that could potentially be misunderstood as passive-aggressive or hostile. Use positive, empathetic, and encouraging language, i.e. ""I understand,"" ""I hear you,"" and ""That's completely valid."" Avoid ending sentences abruptly with a period. Though in most instances, a period is totally fine and grammatically correct, don't end texts like ""Fine."" or ""Okay."" with a period. This could make the person think you're angry or upset. Use emojis to convey a calm, positive tone. If you're trying to comfort someone, use a smiley face along with your encouraging message. Perhaps you're upset that you angered a friend. Add a sad face to convey your genuine remorse. 9. **Matching their anger or getting upset may escalate the conversation.** If they're responding rudely or using a harsh tone of words, keep your texts polite and neutral. Maintaining a helpful, positive attitude can help deescalate the situation, whether they're mad at you or angry about something else. Whether you're texting a good friend, your significant other, or your sister-in-law, give them the benefit of the doubt and remember how much you care about them. A person who is at the height of their anger usually isn't thinking clearly. They may come to regret the way they expressed their anger once they start to calm down. 10. **Let them know that you can’t keep texting unless they respect you.** Being angry does not give someone the right to mistreat you. If they are being particularly rude, text them that they have to speak to you with respect if you want to keep texting. Alternatively, if their anger is particularly intense and you need a breather, you're allowed to take a break from texting. Text them, ""I really want to help, but I can only do that if you treat me with respect."" If you need a break or can't keep texting, say something like, ""I'm really sorry that you've been going through this today. I'm going to have to step out, but we can definitely keep talking about this tomorrow."" 11. **If you can't, try a phone call.** If you still need to work things out and the text conversation isn't going smoothly, you may need to speak in person or over the phone to resolve the issue. Text your friend, partner, or family member that you would be happy to talk further, but that you don't think you can keep communicating over text. Text them something like, ""I really want to help, but I think it would be best if we had this conversation in person."" If you're not able to meet, text, ""Could we talk about this over the phone? I really want to work this out, but I feel like I can't communicate how I feel over text.""",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Prune Fiddle Leaf Fig?,"Fiddle leaf figs are a relatively low maintenance plant that can add some natural, tropical vibes to your home. While you don’t need to do a lot of pruning for this plant, you may want to trim away any severely damaged or unwanted leaves. You can also use pruning as a way to make your foliage denser in the long run. 1. **Examine the leaves to determine what the plant needs to grow.** Look over the plant to see if you notice any brown, yellow, or red spots on your leaves, as these are all signs that your fiddle leaf fig plant isn’t as healthy as it could be. Try to check on your plant on a regular or weekly basis so you can take action efficiently. markings on fiddle leaf fig leaves mean that the plant is drinking up too much water at a fast pace. Thankfully, these marks will slowly fade as the plant continues to grow. If your leaves look , it means that your plant is overwatered. Try cutting on back on the amount of water you give your plant each week and see if you notice a difference. If you see any spots, it usually means that your plant is getting too much direct sunlight. Adjust the position of your plant and see if you notice a positive difference! 2. **Trim off any damaged leaves with shears.** Cut off damaged leaves at the base of the connecting stem. Specifically, focus on any leaves that look brown or black throughout. You can also remove leaves to alter the overall shape of your fig tree. For instance, you could cut off a few leaves at the base of the plant so the foliage resembles a tree. 3. **Don’t remove more than 10 leaves from your plant at a time.** Limit yourself to trimming a small handful of leaves from your plant. If you remove too many at once, you might shock or potentially damage your fig plant in the long run. Once the plant develops more leafy foliage, you can remove a few more leaves. Wait until the fiddle leaf fig plant sprouts more leaves on top before you prune any more from the base of the plant. 4. **Wait until your fig plant is 5 feet (1.5 m) tall.** Starting from the base of the plant, use a measuring tape to check the exact height of your fiddle leaf fern. If your plant is less than 5 feet (1.5 m) tall, wait several weeks or months until the plant has grown more. You don’t want to prune the plant’s branches until the fig tree is well-established. 5. **Choose an upper section of the tree to trim.** Find a section along the top of your fig plant that’s especially leafy or causing the entire tree to tilt to 1 side. Pick a small or large section, depending on how you want your tree to look in the long run. For instance, if you’re trimming the top of your tree, you could cut 6 in (15 cm) from the top of the tree. You can cut off large branches to use for propagation purposes. 6. **Cut the branch with sharp, sanitized pruning shears.** Place your shears on the section of branch that you’d like to cut, then apply a lot of pressure on the handle. Try to remove the branch in 1 go so your tree can look as smooth as possible. Cut the wood at a 45-degree angle if you want to propagate the branch into a new tree. In several weeks, you may notice new shoots beginning to grow from the cut. This will eventually make your tree look fuller. 7. **Leave your plant in a place with lots of indirect sunlight.** Position your plant by a north- or east-facing window, which will give the fiddle leaf fig a consistent amount of rays with burning or drying it out. If you notice any pale looking leaves or see any brown spots on your plant, then you might need to move your fiddle leaf fig to a new location. South- and west-facing windows will provide your plant with too much direct light. 8. **Nourish your fig with about 2 cups (470 mL) of water each week.** Check the top layer of soil to make sure that it’s moist. Ideally, make sure that the top 2 inches (5.1 cm) of soil are drenched, which will allow the plant to become strong and healthy. To check the soil, insert your fingers into the plant’s pot to see if any dirt sticks to your skin. If the soil looks dark and tends to stick, you likely don’t need to water your plant. Leave any extra water in the drainage tray for about 15-30 minutes, then blot it away.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Make Fake Snake Bites.,"Snake bites are lip piercings that are evenly spaced on the lower lip, below the wearer's canines. These piercings accentuate your lips, making them a great accessory for dates, concerts, or whatever. Snake bite piercings are cool looking but there are some potential disadvantages of having them. Wearers may suffer from permanent gum damage and irritation as a result of the jewelry rubbing against one's gums. Furthermore, getting two piercings at once is a painful process that some people might prefer to avoid. Fortunately, it is easy to make fake snake bite piercings using easy to find or buy items. If you're thinking about getting snake bite piercings but you want to try them out before you commit, read on! 1. **Unwind a bit of the wire spiral binding from the notebook.** Try not to straighten the wire too much as you unwind it, but don't worry if you do because you can always use a pen or marker to reshape the wire into ring shapes. 2. **Cut two rings from the exposed wire.** Ideally, the two ends should overlap slightly so that you will have room to bend the wires back. Try to make sure that the rings are roughly the same size and shape, but don’t worry if they are not identical. 3. **Shape the rings.** Grip one of the rings using the pliers and use the other pair of pliers to help shape the ring so that it is more circular. If you are having trouble getting the wire into a nice round shape, wrap the wire around a pen or marker and use the pliers to tighten the wire. 4. **Bend back the ends of each ring with the pliers.** Use the pliers to bend back about 1/4"" of wire on each end and fold it so that it is aligned with the ring wire. Bending back the wire will redirect the pointed ends of the wire so that they are not pressing against your inner and outer lip. When you bend back the wires, make sure that the ring opening is wide enough to easily slide over your lip. This space should be about 1/4"" wide, but you may want it narrower or wider depending on the thickness of your lower lip. 5. **Reshape the rings.** Use the pliers and a pen or marker to reshape the rings after you have bent back the ends. Make sure that they look exactly how you want them to look. 6. **Try on your snake bites to see how they fit!** Simply slide each of the rings onto your lower lip and adjust their placement so that they are spaced equally on your lower lip. The two rings should be closely aligned with your canine teeth. If they are too loose or too tight, gently squeeze or pull on the rings to adjust the fit. 7. **Unfold the paperclip.** First, pull apart the paperclip so that it resembles the letter S and then straighten out the paper clip wire entirely. Use the pliers to help you straighten the wire if it is too difficult to straighten with your fingertips. The wire does not have to be completely straight like a pin. It can be a bit wavy as long as it is no longer in the shape of a paperclip. 8. **Shape the wire.** Grip one end of the paperclip wire using the pliers and begin wrapping the wire around the pen or marker. Use the other pair of pliers to grip the other end of the wire and continue wrapping the paperclip wire around the pen until you have made two full rings. 9. **Slide the coiled wire off of the pen.** Try not to bend or unfurl the coil too much or you may need to redo the previous step. 10. **Cut two rings from the paperclip wire.** Ideally, the two ends should overlap slightly so that you will have room to bend the wires back. Try to make sure that the rings are roughly the same size and shape, but don’t worry if they are not identical. 11. **Bend back the ends of each ring with the pliers.** Use the pliers to bend back about 1/4"" of wire on each end and fold it so that it is aligned with the ring wire. Bending back the wire will redirect the pointed ends of the wire so that they are not pressing against your inner and outer lip. When you bend back the wires, make sure that the ring opening is wide enough to easily slide over your lip. This space should be about 1/4"" wide, but you may want it narrower or wider depending on the thickness of your lower lip. 12. **Reshape the rings.** Use the pliers to reshape the rings after you have bent back the ends. Make sure that they look exactly how you want them to look. 13. **Try on your snake bites to see how they fit!** Simply slide each of the rings onto your lower lip and adjust their placement so that they are spaced equally on your lower lip. The two rings should be closely aligned with your canine teeth. If they are too loose or too tight, gently squeeze or pull on the rings to adjust the fit. 14. **Purchase two captive bead rings in a jewelry store.** You can buy these in a variety of sizes and materials. Choose ones that appeal to you. Don’t worry about the bead’s color or design since you will be removing it. 15. **Remove the captive beads.** Remove the captive beads from the rings by gently pulling the two sides of the ring apart and letting the bead drop out. You do not need to keep the beads unless you think you might want to use the captive bead ring as an actual piercing at some point. 16. **Try on your snake bites to see how they fit!** Simply slide each of the rings onto your lower lip and adjust their placement so that they are spaced equally on your lower lip. The two rings should be closely aligned with your canine teeth. If they are too loose or too tight, gently squeeze or pull on the rings to adjust the fit.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Be a Good Nurse.,"Being a nurse is more than just getting your degree. Being a nurse requires you to have very specific skills in order to provide the best possible care to your patients, including the core attributes of genuine caring, nurturing, ability to teach, being health conscious and a good communicator. Being a good nurse means you excel at these skills and consider them essential to the work you do everyday. These skills can be developed in advance of a career in nursing, but you may not know your success performing some of these skills until you’re on the job. 1. **Think critically.** Nursing is a lot like a game of chess. It’s complex and you have to think several moves ahead. You need to be able to assess a patient critically to determine his medical needs, while taking multiple factors and potential outcomes into account. Critical thinking is a process by which you review the situation, analyze what’s going on, and question what you don’t know. You can break the process down into 5 steps: Step 1: Identify the goal, the problem, or the issue. Step 2: Review and diagnose the goal, problem, or issue. What information do you have available about the goal, problem, or issue? Based on the information you have, what’s the best resolution? Step 3: Explore your options. Think about what the resolutions may be, and how and who would actually achieve them. Step 4: Actually carry out the resolution. Get it done. Step 5: Reflect on your success or failure. What went well and what didn’t go so well? What can you do better or differently next time? How do we learn from this experience? 2. **Communicate effectively.** Nurses need to be able to communicate with their patients in order to understand how their patients are feeling and what they are concerned about. Communicating effectively means you can listen well when someone else is speaking to you, and that you can speak clearly and concisely to someone else (e.g. patient, doctor, other nurses, family members, etc.). As a nurse you’re also likely to make a lot of notes whether in a physical chart or on the computer, therefore you must also be able to communicate effectively in writing as you may not be there in person to explain what you meant. Keep in mind that you will be dealing with many different nationalities, including people who may not speak the same language as you or the doctor. Find out what services are available to the patient to help them communicate effectively — are there interpreters on staff? Are you aware of any cultural beliefs or practices that might interfere with their health? As a good nurse you need to be able to listen to a doctor’s instructions and carry out those instructions quickly without needing to clarify every detail. In order to do this you need to be able to listen to the doctor in what is likely a fast-paced and hectic environment while you’re doing something else. At the same time, don't hesitate to ask questions to clarify what is needed. Doctors, just as nurses, need to communicate effectively. If it is not clear what the physician/provider is trying to relay, keep asking questions. An exceptional nurse not only listens and carries out instruction, they advocate for their patients. Because of your excellent listening skills, you’ve developed an understanding of your patients, how they feel, and what they want. You should also understand that your patients may be a little intimidated speaking up and asking their doctor specific questions, or making requests. As their nurse, you may need to do the speaking up for your patients. Encourage your patient to write down questions that they want answered and that you know them as well to help facilitate questions. If the patient can not ask them, then ask the questions for your patient. To learn more about being an effective communicator, you can read the following wikiHow article, How to Communicate Effectively. 3. **Be detail-oriented.** Being detail-oriented means you pay attention to both the big stuff and the small stuff. When dealing with a patient, even the smallest anomaly or symptom can be a big deal, so you need to always be paying attention. Being detail-oriented means you ensure all your patients get the exact treatment they need, when they need it. While not exactly the same, being detail-oriented has a lot to do with being organized. It’s easier to pay attention to the details when you are organized. Detail-oriented also means being accurate. In the medical field you can’t estimate or guess at the amount of medication you give a patient, you need to be accurate. Your patient’s life may depend on it. Being detail-oriented also means paying attention. Getting distracted or allowing your mind to wander will likely result in you missing something important. Because all details regarding your patient’s care are critical, you need to remain focused and on task at all times. 4. **Organize efficiently.** Nurses, especially those working in a hospital, need to deal with multiple patients at the same time. Each patient has their own personal requirements that are critical to their well-being. Each patient also has his or her own personality and emotional needs. As a nurse you need to be able to organize yourself to keep track of who each of your patients are, what their treatments are, when they need their treatments, and the small details about the patient that will help them feel better (both physically and emotionally). Being able to organize yourself efficiently means being able to do the following things when needed: Learning to say no. While you may not be able to say no very often at work, you can certainly say no in your personal life. Sometimes being able to clear out all the stuff you don’t really want to be doing will lower your stress level overall and help you become more focused when you’re at work. Finding balance in your life. There is such a thing called caregiver burn out. Always ask yourself before accepting an extra shift: what the benefit it and what is the cost? If the cost is personal loss of perceived health, sleep, enjoyment, then the extra money is not worth it. Asking for help. If you are new to the nursing field, you are going to need to ask for help. Don’t be afraid to ask, just ask. Once you’ve asked chances are you’re going to be able to move forward with what you need to do, and understand how to efficiently carry out that task the next time. Prioritizing. Being organized means being able to prioritize all the tasks you have on your to do list. Knowing which ones are more important or which ones have the earliest due dates. Spending your time wisely. Think about all the things you need to do in the next little while, and carry those tasks out efficiently. If you need to go to the storeroom for one thing, think about all the things you need in there over the next little while so you only have to make one trip. Don’t waste your time doing repetitive and unnecessary tasks. 5. **Maintain physical stamina.** Most nurses will be on their feet for their entire shift, which can last 12 hours or more. Nurses may also need to restrain patients, help patients walk from one place to another, hold patients up, move patients to and from a bed or gurney, and other physically demanding tasks. If you aren’t up to the physical requirements of the job, you will likely be in a lot of pain at the end of a shift. Personal health must be observed first — how can you advise health-related behavior if you do not observe it yourself? Physical stamina isn’t just about being able to do physical activities, it’s about being able to do them over a long period of time, over and over again. As a nurse you’re allowed to wear scrubs and comfortable shoes — take advantage of this. There is nothing worse than being on your feet for 12 hours in shoes that are really painful. 6. **React and think quickly.** The medical profession in general isn’t the type of profession where you can always just sit back and ""wait and see."" In many cases, as a nurse, you’ll notice something and need to react to it quickly. You won’t always get the chance to pause and evaluate all the options and debate back and forth with another nurse as to the best course of action — sometimes you just need to act. Being able to think and react quickly comes with experience and confidence. The more experience and confidence you gain, the faster your ability to react will become. Thinking and reacting quickly can also include knowing when it’s time to get help from someone else ASAP. Don’t worry if you may be overreacting or if someone will have a bad opinion of you because you bothered them, those things aren’t important. Keep in mind that your patient’s well-being is always the most important thing and react quickly when that well-being is in jeopardy. Reacting quickly doesn’t mean forgoing critical thinking; it means going through the critical thinking process quickly and carrying out your decision immediately. 7. **Understand and have the ability to be compassionate.** One of a nurse's main jobs is to take direct care of patients. You’ll likely see these people at their worst. Nurses need to understand that their patients are human beings that are probably stressed, scared, depressed, upset, in pain, and confused. This understanding requires the ability to be compassionate and empathetic. Being able to put yourself in your patient’s shoes will help you understand what she's going through, and what she needs from you. Often times, because a patient sees nurses most often, those nurses get the brunt of any anger the patient is feeling. Being compassionate and empathetic means you do not take this anger personally. Patients are likely sick or injured and not having a very good day! Understanding that some patients may need to release their anger in order to reduce their stress or fear is what being compassionate is all about. In addition to patients, nurses often deal with the family and friends of their patients. Being compassionate and empathetic means being able to show those family members and friends that you truly do care about your patient and are doing your absolute best to help her. The following six steps can help you learn to be a more compassionate person: Step 1: Listen without judgement or formulating an immediate response. Try to understand the person's feelings, needs, and wants so that you can formulate a plan to best help her. Step 2: Reply back to the speaker based on her emotions and not her words. For example, mean and angry words are likely a sign of someone who is scared or fearful. Step 3: Make sure you have someone who is compassionate to you. This means having your own support system at or outside of work. If you have a million problems on your mind, it may be harder to care about the problems of others. Step 4: Think about the whole person, not just who she is at that very moment. You’re going to see many people at their worst, but that’s not who they really are. Remember that there is much more to your patients than just what you see. Step 5: Think about a time when you were in a similar situation. You may have an actual memory of your own you can borrow from, or you may simply need to imagine yourself in that situation. Think about all the emotions you went through (or would go through) and how you felt (or would feel) in that situation. Step 6: Be able to forgive yourself for failure. In essence, have some compassion for yourself. You’re not going to be perfect. You’re going to make mistakes. But you’re human, and that’s normal. Don’t beat yourself up. 8. **Have emotional stability.** Being a nurse means you’re going to see people at their very worst. You’ll likely have to take care of patients who are about to die. You may need to take care of patients in an extreme amount of pain. You may need to take care of patients who have just been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. Constantly being around people who are suffering can take an emotional toll on you. As a nurse you need to be able to control your emotions while you’re on the job, and not allow those emotions to cloud your judgement or slow your reaction time. Being emotionally stable doesn’t mean keeping all your emotions bottled-up forever. It means knowing when the time is right for letting those emotions out. And allowing yourself that emotional release on a regular basis. Try exercise, time with friends, yoga, reading, and developing hobbies. Emotional stability also doesn’t mean developing an ice-cold personality where you do not allow yourself to care about anything. You need to allow yourself to care about your patients in order to provide them with compassion and empathy. Having, or being able to have, emotional stability may mean you have to do certain things outside of work so you’re able to control your emotions at work. One helpful way to develop stable emotions and have better control over your mood is to practice mindfulness. This means being in the moment without thinking about the past, the future, or anything judgmental. 9. **Take responsibility.** Being a responsible nurse means not cutting any corners. Not allowing yourself to make an error, but if you do, making sure the proper people know about the error you made and making sure it’s corrected as soon as possible. Being responsible also means using your best judgement when evaluating a patients' needs and making good decisions that are in the best interests of your patients. If you are a nurse that works in an emergency room or an operating room, or something similar, you also need to be responsible with your time. You need to understand that things do not always go as planed, and emergencies do not happen on a schedule that matches your shifts. A good nurse is prepared to work longer if necessary and understand that’s just part of the job. 10. **Respect everyone** In addition to being compassionate, empathetic, and sympathetic to your patients and their needs, you also need to be respectful and non-judgemental about the decisions your patient has made in life. It is not up to you, as a nurse, to judge your patients. It is up to you to help them and make sure they leave you care in the best possible condition — regardless of how they may have ended up in your care in the first place. It also means not treating patients differently because of their backgrounds, ethnicity, or personality. A homeless man who is being treated for a drug overdose deserves just as much respect from you as a pregnant woman who has been hit by a car. Being respectful of your patients also means being truthful with them. When communicating news — good or bad — you need to understand that the patient has the right to honesty. Be straight-forward with your patients, but do it respectfully and with compassion. 11. **Keep calm under pressure and during a crisis.** Keeping calm means maintaining your level-headedness. It means having confidence in what you’re doing and the decisions you’re making. Your confidence will grow not only throughout your education, but the longer you’re on the job. And as such, your ability to remain calm will also improve. As a nurse, you can’t panic when something unexpected happens, and you can’t freeze up because you aren’t sure what to do. When you’re first learning your job and there’s an emergency situation, a more experienced nurses may push you out of the way and take over. Do not take this personally or be upset. Use this moment to observe exactly what’s going on, what the nurse is doing and how, and the specific details that are driving the nurse’s decisions. Watching a more experienced nurse, especially in a crisis, can be one of your most useful learning experiences. Find out if there are trainings offered to help you work through specific scenarios such as sudden cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, or stroke. By attending these trainings, you can practice going through these steps in a less intense environment so that in the real situation, you will be able to work through it easier. 12. **Adapt to new and constantly changing situations.** As a nurse no two days will ever be the same. While you may have some routine, it is likely that that routine will also change every now and again. No two patients are going to behave the same, even when they’re getting the exact same treatment. Nurses need to be adaptable and flexible. Nurses need to understand that their work environment and job requirements will change on a daily basis. Being flexible and adaptable, and just going with the flow, will not only help your day go smoother, it will help reduce the amount of stress you feel. 13. **Improve your knowledge constantly.** Nurses, just like many professions, are constantly learning. Whether they learn through a formal classroom environment, or simply by observing, doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are constantly improving your knowledge and skills, and recognizing specific areas where you might need improvement. It also means receiving feedback from your peers and supervisors critically, and working with your supervisor and others to correct any deficiencies you have with your skills.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Eat Hardtack.,"Hardtack is a dry, baked, simple dough traditionally made only from water, flour, and salt. Hardtack was once the favored food of sailors on long expeditions and soldiers during the Civil War, as it can sit for months without spoiling. Now, however, hardtack is viewed as a novelty dish or as a survival food. It can still be prepared using historical methods, yielding more of a snack than a filling meal. 1. **Preheat the oven to 375 °F (191 °C).** Setting the oven at least 10-15 minutes before you put the hardtack in to bake will allow you to make hardtack as quickly as possible. 2. **Combine flour, salt, and water in a large mixing bowl.** Add 5 cups (1,200 mL) of whole wheat flour, 2 cups (470 mL) of water, and 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of table salt. Whole wheat flour will flavor your hardtack. If you don’t have whole wheat flour, though, white flour will suffice. 3. **Knead the ingredients by hand until thoroughly mixed.** Use both hands to work the water into the dry ingredients. Keep kneading until the flour and salt are fully worked into dough. Once kneaded, the dough should have a dry, slightly crumbly consistency. 4. **Roll out the dough until it’s ⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) thick.** Place the dough on your counter or on a flour-covered rolling board. Evenly roll the dough with a rolling pin. If you’d prefer slightly thicker biscuits, try rolling the dough to ⁄8 inch (0.95 cm) thick. 5. **Cut uniform 3 in (7.6 cm) hardtack biscuits from the dough.** Use a pair of kitchen shears to cut square biscuits from the rolled-out dough. Each biscuit should be roughly 3 inches (7.6 cm) by 3 inches (7.6 cm). They don’t need to be exact, so make your best estimate. If you prefer that your hardtack not be in squares, you could cut out the dough using a cookie cutter. 6. **Arrange the hardtack pieces on a cookie sheet for baking.** Once you’ve cut the hardtack pieces out, set them onto a cookie sheet. The hardtack won’t expand much in the oven, so you can set the pieces about ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) apart from one another. 7. **Cook the dough for 30 minutes on each side.** Slide the cookie sheet into the oven and set a timer for 30 minutes. Once the first 30 minutes have passed, flip the pieces of hardtack over and bake them for another 30 minutes. Use an oven mitt when pulling the cookie sheet out of the oven. To keep your fingers from getting burned, use a metal spatula to flip the hardtack over. 8. **Cool and dry the hardtack for 4 days after baking.** After the full 60 minutes have passed, use an oven mitt to pull the hardtack out of the oven. Place them on a cooling rack until fully cooled. Leave the hardtack on the cooling rack to dry. The drying process will take at least 4 days. Set the cooling rack of hardtack in an out-of-the-way location so that it won’t be bumped while the hardtack dries. 9. **Store the hardtack in an airtight container.** Once the hardtack has cooled, you’re ready to store it. Since none of the ingredients in hardtack can spoil, hardtack can keep for 20 years. The hardtack will keep as long as it’s stored in an airtight container in a dry environment. If the stored hardtack becomes mushy or softens, throw it out. 10. **Soak the hardtack in water for 2 hours until it becomes spongy.** If you’re eating genuine hardtack, and would like to consume it in a historically authentic method, you’ll need to soak the hardtack for 1 or 2 hours. Submerge as many pieces of hardtack as you like in a bowl filled with tap water, and let it soak. Keep an eye on the hardtack as it soaks. Pull it out of the water once it’s softened to the touch, but before it’s started to dissolve. For a more flavorful hardtack, soak it in a large mug full of hot coffee. 11. **Gnaw on a chunk of hardtack for 20-30 minutes if you’d rather not soak it.** Dry hardtack is not meant to be eaten quickly. Nibble and gnaw at the edges and corners of the hardtack, then eat the small bits that break off in your mouth. Think of the hardtack as if it were a bread version of beef jerky. Work through the food slowly and don’t bite off too much at once, or you’ll be chewing 1 bite for 15 minutes. 12. **Fry a few pieces of hardtack in bacon grease for added flavor.** Hardtack needs to be both flavored and softened before being eaten. Frying the hardtack in bacon grease can both flavor and soften it. Add about 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of bacon grease to a skillet, and heat it on medium-high until it starts to sizzle. Then drop in 3 or 4 pieces of hardtack. Cook the hardtack for about 5 minutes on each side, or until the hardtack has absorbed enough grease to be slightly spongy. 13. **Top the hardtack with jam and cheese in you prefer not to fry it.** Since hardtack is essentially a thick, hard water cracker, it can be eaten in the same way that many water crackers are eaten. Top the hardtack with a creamy cheese like brie or gouda, and add your favorite fruit jam or jelly. Bite into the hardtack gingerly at first. Despite its soft toppings, the hardtack itself will be tough to gnaw through. If you’d rather have the hardtack break apart easily in your mouth, soak it in water for 5 minutes before adding the jam and cheese. 14. **Crumble hardtack with butter and brown sugar for a dessert-like option.** For a sweet take on eating hardtack, use your hands to break up 1 or 2 pieces of hardtack over a large bowl. Aim for chunks about 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide. Add about 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of melted butter and 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of brown sugar to the bowl. Stir the ingredients together until the brown sugar has melted. If you have whiskey on hand, add about 2 ounces (57 g) to the hardtack and sugar mixture. Then, use your spoon to stir all of the ingredients together. The end result should be a thick, chunky “pudding.""",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Be Nice.,"Being nice makes people feel good and paves the way for good relationships! If that's not enough, consider that it also helps you get what you want. People will be more inclined to help you if you're nice to them. Read on to learn how to start being nice. 1. **Smile and be positive.** Aiming for a positive outlook will help you stay happy, even if you are having a bad day. A smile improves your outlook and makes people think of you as a confident, contented person. Smiling at people also helps them feel good about themselves! Besides, nobody likes a person who bores them with his own problems. 2. **Acknowledge other people.** When you're walking past someone, even a stranger, acknowledge their presence with a simple ""Hello!"",""Hi!"", ""How are you?"" or “What’s up?” Even a simple wave or a nod in their direction will show you are acknowledging them. Letting people know you see them is nice; it makes people feel a little more special. If you're walking through a crowded city, it can be hard to acknowledge everyone you pass. Try to at least be nice to the people you end up sitting next to on a bus or plane, or those who accidentally bump into you. Say ""good morning"" to your fellow classmates and teachers or coworkers in the morning when you walk into the school or your workplace. You'll soon earn a reputation as a nice person. 3. **Be a good listener.** Listen when other people are talking to you. It isn't nice to just ignore other people's opinions and stories. Give them time to speak, just as you'd like them to give you time to speak if your positions were reversed. If you find that someone is becoming rude or pushy, never put your hands in your mouth or make a rude face. Politely wait for them to finish and change the topic, after they've discussed theirs. Being nice doesn't mean letting yourself get pushed around. If you're talking to a stranger who starts to make you uncomfortable, it's okay to excuse yourself and walk away. 4. **Be courteous, polite, and helpful.** Always use your manners, say please and thank you. Be patient, caring, observant, and considerate. Treat people with respect, even those you don't particularly want to get to know. Offer help and assistance when someone needs it. Don't forget to always say ""Excuse me"" instead of ""MOVE!"" when someone's in your way. People aren't like the ground that you can just spit on. They are living beings like you. If you are respectful to that person, that person will usually act the same way. If you're on public transportation and an elderly, disabled or pregnant person gets on board, offer your seat. It's the nice thing to do. (And in some areas, it's the law!) If you see someone in need of a little help, perhaps picking up something he or she dropped or reaching something from a high shelf, help out. 5. **Smile** Smiling at people lets them know that you are pleasant. Look the person in the eye and give them a small smile or a wide grin - it doesn't matter which. This sets the mood of the encounter and usually encourages the other person to smile back. This also helps the person feel comfortable around you. If they do not smile back at you, then maybe they are just having a bad day. That's okay; being nice doesn't guarantee a positive response, but it usually helps. Smile when you pass people in the street, when you buy something from a shop clerk, when you walk into school in the morning, or anytime you make eye contact with someone else. If you are in a bad mood and don't want to smile, try listening to music, drawing, or doing something else you enjoy. This can prevent you from acting harshly towards people or being rude (even if you don't mean to be). 6. **Practice empathy.** This is the ability to put yourself in others' shoes. Empathy is not something you're born with, it is something you need to work on. Simply put, try to leave your own head and ask, ""how does this make them feel?"" The goal here isn't to find a ""right answer."" Rather, it is the act of putting others before yourself that will help you become a more thoughtful, caring, and kind person. Don't discriminate. Be equally nice to everyone. Even if you're nice to your friends and teachers, but you aren't nice to people who aren't cool or popular, you may not actually seem as nice as you actually are. Do not judge others by race, age, gender, sexuality, ability, or religion. 7. **Never speak ill of others when they aren't around.** Of course, you shouldn't generally criticize people at all, but there are times when telling someone they did someone wrong is perfectly fine. However, that time is never when the person isn't around. Talking badly about people when they aren't around tells everyone else that you don't respect them, and treat people differently when they are around. Nice people know that talking behind someone's back is never appreciated and can make you appear as a gossip. If you have a problem or question about someone, just ask. Bring these conflicts out into the open to make them much more manageable in a kind, easy way. 8. **Look out for everyone, not just those closest to you.** Holding the door for a friend is kind, but being a nice person is about being helpful and kind towards everyone. Give a hand to a struggling person on the sidewalk, and offer to help out a classmate or coworker when they spill their papers in the hall. You can be the person who helps organize someone's birthday, or brings donuts in on Friday just because. Be nice just to be nice. Ask people how they are doing. Take the time to ask someone how things are going in their lives, without being nosy or intrusive. If they seem resistant to talking, don't push them to say more than they feel like saying. 9. **Be positive.** When your friends look to you for advice or just to set the mood of a conversation, don't be negative or critical. Keep looking for the positive in any given situation. Cheer them up. There are two sides to every situation: the positive side and the negative side. Nice people help others see the bright side of things. Praise your friends' accomplishments. If your friend does a good job on a test or wins a prize, congratulate him or her! Compliment your friends. If you have a friend who doesn't like her hair, tell her you think it's fine, or compliment her on her pretty smile. Though you may not be completely truthful, you are being nice. If it is a close friend, you can say something like ""it looks fine, but what if. . ."" and make a small suggestion that you think may improve the look. Sometimes people need to let off negative steam. You can be positive and understanding when they are talking. It is not necessary to be overly cheerful; make sure the tone of your feedback isn't out of touch with what your friend is trying to tell you. 10. **Be humble.** Do you tend to look down your nose at people who are different or ""weird""? It's not nice to believe that you are better than other people. You're an individual, but everybody has their struggles, and being nice to one another makes life better for everyone. Everybody is equal, and when you talk about how great you are, you make others feel less valuable. Don't brag or have an inflated ego. If you accomplished something great, that's certainly something to be proud of; just make sure to acknowledge the people who helped you along the way. Don't judge people until you really know them. Don't make assumptions about people based on how they look or speak. Realize that first impressions don't always reveal the truth. As the saying goes, don't judge a book by its cover. 11. **Be sincere.** If you are being nice to gain preferential treatment, it's quite the opposite of being nice. What you are doing is deceptive and cruel. Be nice because you want to look back on your life and know that you were a nice person, no matter what. Be nice because you feel like you willingly want to. Don't be two-faced. Do not brag too much. Don't talk about people and don't be a backstabber. Being nice to people's faces helps you gain their trust. You betray that trust if you talk about them behind their backs. Never take part in gossip about other people, or those you don't like. It's bad karma, and it makes you look shallow, not nice. 12. **Fill your days with small acts of kindness.** Those little, everyday things, like holding the door for a teacher you don't know, or smiling at someone who isn't always nice to you. They may not seem to matter much, but in the long run, doing these acts of kindness will make you seem like a much nicer person. 13. **Learn how to share.** Sharing can mean dividing your dessert in half to give some to your younger sibling. It can also mean giving up something bigger, like your time, space or words of wisdom. It can involve charitable acts or just small, everyday gestures. Being generous is part of what it means to be nice. Try not to take more than you give, and when you are able, give more than you take. 14. **Offer to help.** If you see your mom or dad struggling to juggle all the chores that need to be done, offer to help. Put others before yourself, when you have energy and time to spare. Your nice acts will definitely be rewarded in the long run. Don't wait to be asked to help out. Learn how to spot times when other people are in need. Find creative ways to help! Help your siblings with homework, listen to your spouse's idea for a new project or idea, make breakfast for your family, walk the dog, drive your sister to school. These may seem like small tasks, but your efforts will be appreciated. 15. **Be reliable and trustworthy.** Part of being nice to family members and others you love is being there for them in times of need. Respond to emails, answer the phone when people call, don't flake out on plans, and spend time talking when the other person asks you to listen. If someone leaves you a message, call them back promptly. It's not nice to leave them hanging for days on end. If you say you'll be somewhere, be there. If you say you'll do something, do it. Being flaky hurts people's confidence in you, and it's not a nice way to act. Commit to your friendship. 16. **Make yourself available to people going through tough times.** In a crisis or emotional period, your grieving friend wants to do anything but cook and eat alone! Bring them a casserole and some cookies and spend the evening with them. If a bestie just got through a tough breakup, offer to help them clean out their significant other's stuff, so they don't have to go through the chore alone. The best friends and the nicest people are those who don't shy away when the going gets tough; they stand tall and pitch in. 17. **Take the high road.** Sometimes it's not easy to be nice. You'll encounter situations that will test your ability to be a nice person. Even people you love may at times be flaky, judgmental, egotistical, selfish, or outright mean. You've got to avoid sinking to their level. Don't turn from nice to cruel just because your patience is being tested. When you become angry and feel you're going to act in a way that isn't nice, take it out in a different way instead of being cruel. Go for a run, beat up your pillow, or calm down with a video game. You have control over your actions and behavior. Remember to always treat people the way you would like to be treated. When you fully respect others' dignity, then automatically more people see you as a nice, caring, trustful, and considerate friend. At the end of the day, you want to be respected for your views, ideas, and passions, even if the other person doesn't share them. You should offer the same courtesy to others as well. 18. **Offer your forgiveness freely.** Don't hold grudges, and don't continue punishing or getting angry at people after they've asked for forgiveness. Remember, forgiveness is about letting the moment go instead of letting anger or jealousy continue to dominate your thoughts. It doesn't mean you have to suddenly trust them with your secrets again. It just means you stop harboring ill will if they've asked for honest forgiveness. Besides this is an important part of being good-natured. People will respect you if you are kind and forgiving. Even if they don't ask for your forgiveness, try and move on. Someone who hurts you and won't apologize is generally not worth a lot of your worry and anger.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Clean Rust Off Cast Iron?,"Cast iron pans and pots are prone to rust. Luckily, if you notice rust on cast iron, there are plenty of ways to remove it. It can be removed using salt if it's a small amount of rust. A larger amount of rust may require a vinegar soak. In the future, make an effort to care for your cast iron to minimize rust. 1. **Sprinkle salt on the cast iron.** The precise amount of salt you need varies depending on the size of your pan. Sprinkle salt to the point the surface of the cast iron is covered in a somewhat thick layer. For example, about half a cup of salt would be used for a 12 inch cast iron pan. 2. **Scrub the pan with a potato.** Cut a potato in half. The potato will be coarse enough to rub away rust as you rub the salt into the cast iron. Place it on the cast iron cut side down and scrub the salt in to remove rust. Use a great deal of pressure as this will help scrape off the rust. Rub the potato in a circular motion. If you're scrubbing something like a pot or pan, do not forget the sides and bottom. 3. **Rinse and dry your pan.** Once you've scraped away the rust, rinse your pan under the faucet. Get out any remaining traces of salt and potato. Immediately pat dry your pan with paper towel. Then, place your pan on the stove over low heat. This will help get rid of any lingering moisture. It's very important to dry your pan off immediately. Water causes rust with cast iron pans, and if you leave your pan wet it will just get rusty again. 4. **Re-season your pan.** Unfortunately, removing rust removes the seasoning of a cast iron pan. After treating it with salt, apply a small amount of vegetable or olive to the pan using a paper towel. Then, take a clean paper towel and remove any excess oil. Place your pan over low heat for about 30 minutes. This should re-season the pan. Blot off any excess oil after removing your pan from the heat and storing it. 5. **Mix equal parts white vinegar and water.** Vinegar can help remove rust from a pan that's very damaged. Make a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. The precise amounts you need depend on how big the piece of cast iron is. Use enough white vinegar and water so you can fully submerge the pan. Mix the white vinegar and water where you want to soak the pan, such as the sink or the bucket. 6. **Soak the pan.** Make sure the entire piece of cast iron is submerged in the mixture. Place the cast iron pan into your sink or bucket. You can let it soak until the rust is removed. 7. **Check the pan regularly as it soaks.** How long a pan needs to soak varies. Cast iron should not be soaked for more than eight hours, but depending on the level of rust you may want to remove it sooner. Check the pan every half hour or so. Remove it as soon as the rust has dissolved. If you leave the pan in the vinegar after the rust dissolves, the vinegar will eat away at the cast iron itself. 8. **Wash the cast iron.** After removing the cast iron from the vinegar, wash it right away. Scrub your pan with mild detergent and soapy water to remove any lingering vinegar residue. Use a gentle scrub brush or sponge. Rough sponges can damage cast iron. 9. **Place the cast iron in the oven.** Pat the cast iron dry right away with a cloth or paper towel. Then, place it in a warm oven for about half an hour. This should remove any excess water. 10. **Re-season your pan.** As soaking the cast iron removes the seasoning, re-season the pan after removing the rust. Rub the cast iron down with an oil like vegetable oil. Then, place the cast iron in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Let it bake for about 45 minutes to an hour. 11. **Clean the pan correctly.** Poor cleaning techniques can cause a cast iron pan to rust. You should never soak it in water. Clean it immediately after using it with coarse salt to remove set in food. Unless the pan is very dirty, avoid washing it with soap and water. Dry the pan completely after washing. 12. **Keep the pan dry.** Make sure not to let your pan get wet. Never soak cast iron in the sink or put it in the dish washer. Cast iron will rust if you allow it to get wet. 13. **Store the pan safely.** Store your pan away from water to prevent rust. Place a paper towel in the pan when you store. This will keep the pan free of dust, minimizing how often it needs cleaning.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Find the Magnitude of a Vector?,"A vector is a geometrical object that has both a magnitude and direction. The magnitude is the length of the vector, while the direction is the way it's pointing. Calculating the magnitude of a vector is simple with a few easy steps. Other important vector operations include adding and subtracting vectors, finding the angle between two vectors, and finding the cross product. 1. **Determine the components of the vector.** Every vector can be numerically represented in the Cartesian coordinate system with a horizontal (x-axis) and vertical (y-axis) component. It is written as an ordered pair v={\displaystyle v=}. For example, the vector above has a horizontal component of 3 and a vertical component of -5, therefore the ordered pair is <3, -5>. 2. **Draw a vector triangle.** When you draw the horizontal and vertical components, you end up with a right triangle. The magnitude of the vector is equal to the hypotenuse of the triangle so you can use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate it. 3. **Rearrange the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the magnitude.** The Pythagorean theorem is A + B = C. “A” and “B” are the horizontal and vertical components of the triangle while “C” is the hypotenuse. Since the vector is the hypotenuse you want to solve for “C”. x + y = v v = √(x + y)) 4. **Solve for the magnitude.** Using the equation above, you can plug in the numbers of the ordered pair of the vector to solve for the magnitude. For example, v = √((3+(-5))) v =√(9 + 25) = √34 = 5.831 Don't worry if your answer is not a whole number. Vector magnitudes can be decimals. 5. **Determine the components of both points of the vector.** Every vector can be numerically represented in the Cartesian coordinate system with a horizontal (x-axis) and vertical (y-axis) component. It is written as an ordered pair v={\displaystyle v=}. If you are given a vector that is placed away from the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system, you must define the components of both points of the vector. For example, the vector AB has an ordered pair for point A and point B. Point A has a horizontal component of 5 and a vertical component of 1, so the ordered pair is <5, 1>. Point B has a horizontal component of 1 and a vertical component of 2, so the ordered pair is <1, 2>. 6. **Use a modified formula to solve for the magnitude.** Because you now have two points you are dealing with, you must subtract the x and y components of each point before you solve using the equation v = √((x2-x1) +(y2-y1)). Point A is ordered pair 1 and point B is ordered pair 2 7. **Solve for the magnitude.** Plug in the numbers of your ordered pairs and calculate the magnitude. Using our above example the calculation looks like this: v = √((x2-x1) +(y2-y1)) v = √((1-5) +(2-1)) v = √((-4) +(1)) v = √(16+1) = √(17) = 4.12 Don't worry if your answer is not a whole number. Vector magnitudes can be decimals.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Calculate Swimming Pool Volume in Gallons.,"Knowing how much water your pool will hold is the key to having the correct water chemistry, sizing pumps, filters, and more. If you want to be able to calculate your swimming pool volume in gallons, all you have to do is follow a simple formula that is derived from your pool's shape. If you want to know how to do it, just follow these steps. 1. **Measure the length and width of the pool.** If it's rectangle, just measure the longest side and the shortest side of the pool. If it's a square, just measure one of the sides of the pool -- all four sides of the square will have the same length. And if your pool is round, just measure the diameter of the pool, which is the longest path that can travel through the center of the circle, from one edge to the other. 2. **Measure the depth of your pool.** This is the other dimension that is crucial to knowing the volume of your pool. If your pool has the same depth throughout -- most above ground pools are structured this way, for example -- then you'll just have to take one measurement from the top to the bottom of the pool. But if, like most pools, your pool has depth that gradually increases, then you'll have to measure the minimum depth (the shallow end) and the maximum depth (the deep end) of the pool. 3. **Find the average depth of the pool.** To do this, you need to write down the measurements of the deep end and the shallow end of the pool and divide the result by two. Let's say the shallow end of the pool measures 3 feet and the deep end measures 8 feet. (3 + 8)/2 = 5.5. The average depth of the pool is 5.5 feet. 4. **Multiply the result by the length and width of the pool.** Now, just take this number and multiply it by the length and width of the pool. You're really just multiplying the area of the bottom of the pool by its depth. Let's say that the width of the pool is 20 feet and the length is 40 feet. So, 5.5 x 40 x 20 = 4,400 cubic feet. 5. **Convert the answer to gallons.** To convert the answer to gallons, simply multiply the answer by 7.48. 4,400 x 7.48 = 32, 912 gallons of water. You're all done. 6. **Calculate the volume of the pool as if it were a cylinder.** If you have a round pool that is of uniform depth, then all you have to do to find the volume is to treat it like a cylinder. To find the volume of a cylinder, all you have to do is find the area of the circular base times the height; this uses the formula Let's say the pool's radius is 4.5 feet and its depth (height) is 4 feet. Plug those numbers into the formula to find the volume: V = π x 4.5 x 4 = 254.46 cubic feet. To convert this to gallons, simply multiply the result by 7.48. 254.46 x 7.48 = 1903 gallons. 7. **Use the shorthand formula for finding the volume of a round pool.** For faster but slightly less accurate results, you can also plug the depth and diameter of the pool into the following formula: . Let's say we're working with the same circle that has a depth of 4 and a diameter of 9 (the same as having a radius of 4.5). The volume of this pool = 4 x 9 x 9 x 5.9 = 1,911 gallons. The result is slightly larger. 8. **Adjust the formula if your pool does not have the same depth.** If your pool is shallower on one end and deeper on the other. just measure the minimum height and maximum height of the pool and divide them by 2 to get the average height, or the depth you should use in either formula. For example, if the pool has a minimum depth of 5 feet and a maximum depth of 10 feet, then you can add 5 + 10 to get 15, and divide 15 by 2 to get 7.5, the average depth of the pool. You can use this as the depth of the pool in either formula. 9. **Find the average depth of the pool.** Simply find the minimum depth and the maximum depth of the pool and divide the result by 2. Let's say the shallow end of the pool measures 3 feet and the deep end measures 8 feet. (3 + 8)/2 = 5.5. The average depth of the pool is 5.5 feet. 10. **Find the average width of the pool.** Now, just find the average of all the widths of the pool by adding up the different widths and dividing by the amount of widths. Let's say you're working with a pool that has three widths: 20, 15, and 20. So, add them up and divide by 3. 20 + 15 + 20 = 55. 55/3 = 18.3 feet. The average width of the pool is 18.3 feet. 11. **Find the length of the pool.** Let's say the length of the pool is 40 feet. 12. **Multiply the average depth, the average width, and the length of the pool.** So, 5.5 feet x 18.3 feet x 40 feet = 4,026 cubic feet. 13. **Multiply the result by 7.48 to get the answer in gallons.** 4,026 cubic feet x 7.48 = 30,114 gallons.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Be More Modest?,"We've all encountered someone who's the opposite of modest—they go on and on about their accomplishments, they constantly one-up everyone, they have to have the biggest and best of everything. Someone who is modest, on the other hand, doesn't feel the need to show off to others, even if they do have a lot to brag about. The good news is that anyone can become more modest. It just comes down to cultivating the right attitude and being more mindful of how you present yourself and interact with others. If you're not sure where to get started, don't worry—this article will walk you through some simple changes you can make to start becoming a more modest person. 1. **Have a healthy, realistic impression of yourself.** Being modest begins with how you see yourself and your place in the world. By being aware of your own strengths and weaknesses, you can avoid the pitfalls of arrogance and start to live more modestly. Try to see yourself the way others see you by asking your closest friends how they perceive you. Ask about both the good and the bad, and let your friends know you'd like a fair and honest assessment. Acknowledge your good qualities and your positive accomplishments, but don't let these things inflate your ego or define your life. 2. **Seek out advice and constructive criticism.** A modest person is defined by his or her humility. If you're trying to live more modestly, you should accept the fact that you do not know everything about yourself, and that you may need advice and guidance from others. Accept that you may be wrong from time to time. Remember that there's nothing wrong with this; no one is perfect, and no one can be right all of the time. Don't interrupt when someone is criticizing you or giving you advice. You may be tempted to defend yourself, but by listening actively you'll learn a great deal about yourself. Don't dismiss the criticism others offer you, but don't accept or believe it all at face value. Ask other people who know you if they've noticed similar patterns of behavior, and assess your need to improve while keeping your ego in check. 3. **Resist the urge to brag about yourself.** Another facet of humility is personal restraint. Modest people do not brag about their wealth or accomplishments, and they don't let these things define them. That doesn't necessarily mean that you should hide anything about yourself; it simply means that you shouldn't boast about anything. Telling a new acquaintance in conversation about something significant that you've done isn't necessarily bragging if it's relevant to the conversation. Telling someone about your accomplishments repeatedly, or reminding someone who already knows about them, could be seen as bragging. 4. **Accept compliments without an ego.** A modest person should not let compliments get to his or her head. You can accept a compliment graciously, but you should not let it feed into your ego or make you think that you're better than others. Recognize that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, but don't let those qualities define you or anyone else. If someone compliments one of your strengths, you can practice being modest by thanking that person and complimenting them on one of their strengths. 5. **Strive for selflessness.** A modest person puts the needs of others ahead of his or her own needs. That doesn't mean forcing yourself to suffer; it simply means being considerate of others and fostering a desire to help others in some way. Be kind to others and think about whether their needs are being met. You may find that it is ultimately more important and more rewarding to elevate others than to try to elevate yourself. 6. **Live within your means.** The key to living a modest lifestyle is living within your means. That means avoiding extravagance and settling for the basics. You don't have to deprive yourself to live modestly - you just have to value function and practicality over luxurious status symbols. Drive a car that is safe, comfortable, and works well. Don't choose a car for its flashiness or status value. Buy or rent a home that is sturdy, comfortable, and in a safe neighborhood. If you only need two bedrooms then don't rent or buy a place with three bedrooms. Find out the average cost to purchase a home in your area and try to work within that price range (if it fits your budget). 7. **Buy used or discount items whenever possible.** One easy way to live a more modest lifestyle is to buy items that are used or discounted instead of paying full price. This can help you save on the basics when you're at the store. Look for items on sale, discount, or clearance when you're at a retail store. You can also check thrift stores for gently-used items available at a fraction of the cost of new items. Gently-used items are often in like-new condition. You can find these at thrift stores, consignment shops, and pawn shops. Many clothing stores put out-of-season garments on clearance. These can typically be purchased at a very low cost. Check stores that are going out of business, as they often have good deals to move products out the door. 8. **Try not to worry about whether others are impressed.** Living modestly and humbly means emphasizing your values ahead of the opinions of others. Don't trouble yourself wondering whether others are impressed with you or with your possessions. Instead, focus on living a meaningful and upstanding life. 9. **Wear clothing that is not revealing.** Many religious and cultural institutions encourage people to dress modestly. The goal of dressing modestly is to provide a good, morally-sound influence to the people you interact with. Generally speaking, modest clothing is any article of clothing that is not sexually suggestive and does not show off the body. This means avoiding any clothing that reveals too much skin, and it may also entail avoiding clothes that are tight-fitting. 10. **Avoid extremes in appearance.** Modest dress may also include a general avoidance of extremes, depending on one's culture. This may mean being neatly groomed and manicured, conforming to prescribed fashion trends, and abstaining from getting tattoos or piercings. Someone who wants to live modestly and also wants to have pierced ears may find that a single pair of plain earrings will accommodate both desires. 11. **Use language that is positive and uplifting.** Modest speech means refraining from vulgarity or negative language. Instead, a modest speaker should strive to be a positive role model for others and should try to make others feel happy. Don't use swear words. If you're trying to be modest for spiritual purposes you should also avoid blasphemous language. Ask yourself whether the things you say would inspire and uplift others, or them feel uncomfortable or upset.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Care for Poinsettias.,"The Aztecs in Mexico grew poinsettias, long before the first Europeans settled in the U.S. It wasn't until 1825 that the first U.S. ambassador to Mexico, Joel Roberts Poinsett, introduced the poinsettia to the U.S. Since then it has become ubiquitous as a Christmas plant. Caring for your poinsettia during the holidays season is easy, as they require little attention while in bloom. However, caring for your poinsettia throughout the year and getting it to rebloom the following December is another story. Here's how to do both. 1. **Choose a healthy-looking plant.** Healthy poinsettias should have dark green foliage and brightly colored bracts (these are the modified red leaves which look like petals). There should be no signs of wilting or drooping and no fallen or yellowed leaves. 2. **Observe the display conditions.** The plant should look full and attractive and should not be crowded between other plants, as this can cause premature bract loss. It should stand two and a half times as tall as the diameter of its pot. 3. **Check the leaves and soil.** Check the soil for dampness: if it is very wet, but the plant looks wilted, this could be an indication of root rot. Then have a look at the underside of the leaves to check for insects such as aphids and whiteflies. Do not choose a plant whose leaves are spotted and yellow. 4. **Examine the true flowers.** The true flowers of the poinsettia plant can be found at the base of the red colored leaves, or bracts. They should look like small, fresh buds with red or green tips. If there is a layer of yellow pollen covering the flowers, this means that the plant is more mature and will not last as long. 5. **Avoid buying poinsettias which are wrapped in paper or plastic.** It is possible that the plant may have been displayed this way for some time. If this is the case, the leaves may turn yellow and fall off much sooner than expected. 6. **Be careful when bringing the plant home.** It is important that you cover or sleeve the poinsettia before you take it home, if outside temperatures are lower than 50 °F (10 °C). If poinsettias are exposed to low outside temperatures for even a few minutes they can chill or even freeze, causing the leaves to droop and fall off. The gardening center or store where you purchase your poinsettia should be able to provide you with some form of protective covering for your trip home. Just make sure to remove the protective covering as soon as you get home, otherwise it could cause damage. 7. **Select a suitable location for the poinsettia.** Place the poinsettia plant in a location where it receives at least six hours of indirect sunlight each day. Placing it near a sunny east or west facing window is ideal. Just don't let the leaves of the plant touch any cold window panes as this can cause them to freeze and fall off. 8. **Maintain the correct temperature.** Ideal temperatures for poinsettias don't reach above 70 °F (21 °C) during daytime hours or dip below 65 degrees at night. This is important in order to maintain the bright red color of the bracts. You should also avoid exposing the poinsettia to cold drafts, or to dry heat from radiators, appliances or open fires. Be aware that temperatures below 50 degrees will chill the plant and cause severe damage, while exposure to frost will kill it. 9. **Water the poinsettia when necessary.** Poinsettias like moist but not soggy soil, so you should water your poinsettia when the surface of the soil feels dry to the touch. Water the plant until you see water begin to seep through the holes at the bottom of the pot. After 10 minutes, remove any excess water from the saucer beneath the pot. If the plant is left sitting in water, the soil will become too wet and will not contain enough air, leading to root rot and other diseases. If the plant is left too long without water, the leaves will begin to droop and wilt. To prevent this, make sure that you check the soil regularly. If the leaves do begin to wilt, water the plant at once, then water it a second time five minutes later. 10. **Fertilize your poinsettia after the holidays.** Depending on when you purchased your poinsettia plant, it should not be necessary to fertilize it at any point before the holidays, while they are still blooming. You can usually wait until you've had the plant for about 6 to 8 weeks before it becomes necessary to fertilize. Of course, if you don't plan on keeping the poinsettia there will be no need to fertilize. Many people find that it's easier to just buy a new plant each year, rather than caring for the same one all year round. However if you do plan on keeping your poinsettia, you should use an all-purpose, water soluble houseplant fertilizer to fertilize the plant in early January. Use according to the manufacturer's instructions. The fertilizer will held to maintain the plant's green foliage and promote new growth. 11. **Commit to caring for your poinsettia.** It is possible to hold on to your poinsettia plant and get it to bloom again the following year. However, this will require a yearlong schedule of care which must be strictly observed, otherwise the plant will fail to reflower. 12. **Maintain the same watering schedule til April.** After the holidays, you can maintain the same watering schedule as before: watering the plant when the soil feels dry to the touch. Continue to fertilize the poinsettia every 6 to 8 weeks using an all-purpose houseplant fertilizer. 13. **Allow the plant to dry out.** Once April comes, you should stop watering the poinsettia and allow it to gradually dry out. However, you should not allow it to get so dry that the stems begin to shrivel. During this time, store the plant somewhere cool and airy, at a temperature of about 60 °F (16 °C). 14. **Cut back the stems.** At the end of spring, when the bracts turn a muddy green color, it is time to cut back the stems. Cut them to a length of about 6–8 inches (15.2–20.3 cm), though this will vary slightly with the size and shape of the plant. You can begin watering the plant again at this point, using the same procedures as before. 15. **Repot the plant if necessary.** If the plant seems to be a bit cramped in its current pot, move it to a new one that's around 2 to 4 inches (5.1 to 10.2 cm) bigger. Use a commercial potting soil with a high percentage of peat moss. 16. **Move the poinsettia outdoors.** During the summer months, you can move the poinsettia outdoors (still in its pot). Place it in a lightly shaded area. Continue to regularly water and fertilize the plant. 17. **In August, prune the new shoots.** Once August comes you can cut or pinch back the new shoots by about an inch, leaving three or four leaves on each. Fertilize again. 18. **Move the poinsettia back indoors.** At the beginning of September (or well before the first frost) move the poinsettia back indoors. Place it near a window where it receives plenty of indirect natural light. Continue to water as before, and fertilize every two weeks. 19. **Follow the correct reflowering procedures.** The poinsettia is a photoperiod plants, which means that its budding and flowering schedule is determined by the amount of daylight it receives. So in order to have the plant blooming at Christmas time, you will need to limit its exposure to light in the months running up to the holidays. From the 1st of October onwards, keep the poinsettia in complete, uninterrupted darkness for 14 hours a night, from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. Move the plant to a dark room or cover the plant with a box. Be aware that even exposing the plant to artificial lighting can halt or delay the reflowering process. Remove the plant from the darkness during the day, as it will still need about 6 to 8 hours of daylight. Try to maintain the temperature between 60 and 70 degrees F and continue to water and fertilize the plant as normal. Follow these procedures for approximately ten weeks until the poinsettia reflowers and the bright red color begins to show on the bracts. Move the poinsettia back to a sunlit area and follow the care procedures described in the previous section!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Tarp a Roof?,"Tarping a roof protects your home's interior from being exposed to the elements because of a damaged skylight or roof. A tarp also protect your roof from further damage. A tarped roof provides 90-day protection from the rain. Tarping your roof means your home is protected so you can make permanent repairs later on. 1. **Find the point of damage on the roof.** Use a ladder to reach your roof. If your roof is too steep to stand on, examine it from the ladder instead. Look for damaged roof tiles and scattered debris. Examine the entire roof carefully. There may be more than one section where your roof is damaged. Alternatively, go to your attic and examine the roof. Large water stains on the wood of the roof are tell-tale signs of damage. 2. **Measure the size of the damage.** Carefully get onto your roof if you can. Kneel down by the damage and unroll a tape measure. Measure the precise dimensions of the damage. Remember to measure all points of damage. If you don't know the dimensions of your roof, now is a good time to note them down for later. 3. **Take lots of pictures of the damage.** With your phone or a camera, take as many pictures as you can of the damage. By having evidence of the damage you should have an easier time working with your home insurance if you have it. Having pictures of the damage also means you know how large a tarp you need in the hardware store. 4. **Purchase a suitable tarp.** Most hardware stores will sell a variety of tarp sizes. Generally, it's better to make sure the tarp is bigger than what you need than smaller. Most tarps cover the majority of a roof, but to be safe, measure the size of the damage and make sure your purchased tarp will cover the damaged area. If you have any uncertainty, ask an employee for help. 5. **Ensure you have all the proper safety equipment.** Repairing a roof can be dangerous. If you're certain you want to repair the roof instead of a professional you need to have all the appropriate equipment. A sturdy pair of boots, thick gloves, a firm ladder, protective glasses, a helmet, and a high visibility vest are all essentials. 6. **Get some friends or family to help you.** If you plan on tarping your roof without a professional, you should bring some friends and family to help. Laying out a tarp can be dangerous, so it's important that you have an extra pair of hands to help with the more menial work. If you are certain you want to do it by yourself, make sure there's someone in the house that can help you if there's an emergency. 7. **Clear all debris on the roof.** If possible, wait to do this on a dry day. Bring a brush with you onto the roof. Remove all branches, leaves, and debris so that the roof is completely clear. Make sure you brush off all the leaves so that no insect life is trapped under the tarp later. If some of the branches are particularly heavy, you may need some help lifting them off your roof. 8. **Unroll the tarp from the corners.** Tarps can be unwieldy, especially on a windy day. Bring the tarp out of its packaging. It can either come folded, or as a roll. Either way, find a corner of the tarp. Once you have a firm grasp on it, have a helper grab an opposite end. As you move away from each other the tarp will naturally unroll. 9. **Lay the tarp out flat over the roof.** Lay the tarp across the roof so that at least 4 feet (1.2 m) lies on the sloped part of your roof on each side (known as the 'Peak'). Let the rest of the tarp hang off the lower border of the roof that overhangs the wall (known as the 'Eave'). Never lay the tarp out during a storm. Never walk on the tarp. 10. **Secure 4 2x4 (38 x 89mm) boards with a drill to the peak ends of the tarp.** The four edges are the peak ends. Lay a 2x4 board under one of these ends. Make sure at least 2 feet (0.61 m) sticks out to the side. Then, attach the tarp and board by hammering cap nails through the tarp and into the board underneath. Repeat this process 3 more times so that all the peak ends of the tarp have a board attached underneath them. 11. **Wrap the tarp around the boards.** Wearing a pair of carpenter's gloves, wrap the tarp around the boards underneath so they're covered on all sides. Lift the board from underneath and rotate it counter-clockwise. Once the tarp has covered all sides, lay it down on the roof again. Repeat this process for each wooden board. 12. **Screw through the tarp and the boards, into the roof with a drill.** Choose 6 equally spaced spots on each 2x4 board. Then, with a drill, screw in 2 inches (5.1 cm) long screws. Make sure the screw goes through the tarp, then the wooden board, and into the roof. Repeat this process for all the boards. This secures the boards to the roof. Your tarp is now partly secured to withstand harsh weather. 13. **Lay 4 more 2x4 (38 x 89mm) perpendicular boards and screw them in.** Lay the board flat on the roof. Place the short end of this board against the long side of the screwed in boards. Make sure the new board is over the tarp. The new board should be perpendicular to the old board. Then, choose 6 equally spaced spots on the board and screw in 2 inches (5.1 cm) screws with a drill. The screws should go through the board, then the tarp, then into the roof. 14. **Attach 2 2x4 (38 x 89mm) boards with a drill under the overhang of the tarp.** With the peak section secured, you need to secure the overhang. Bring the overhang onto the roof so you have a solid surface to work on. Then, put a 2x4 (38 x 89mm) wooden board under each side, making sure 2 feet (0.61 m) of the board is sticking out of the side. Attach the boards to the tarp by using cap nails. 15. **Roll the tarp's overhang under the eave and screw it in.** Roll the tarp back off the eave so that it's hanging off. Then, wrap the 2x4 (38 x 89mm) wooden boards counter-clockwise so the tarp wraps around them. Place the boards tight against the base of the eave. If there's any slack in the tarp, keep wrapping the boards. Then, screw the boards and tarp into the wall using 2 inches (5.1 cm) screws. 16. **Screw more 2x4 (38 x 89mm) wooden boards onto the tarp where necessary.** The boards that are attaching the tarp to the roof are known as 'anchor boards'. If you feel that the anchor boards aren't enough to secure the tarp to the roof, or you see some areas that are loose, you should act. Lay as many 2x4 (38 x 89mm) wooden boards across the tarp as you see necessary and screw them in with 2 inches (5.1 cm) screws. This tarp is only a temporary fix to damage in the roof. Once you have applied the tarp, make plans to get a permanent fix for your roof.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Lower Uric Acid Levels with Diet.,"High levels of uric acid are associated with gout and an increased risk of uric acid kidney stones. High levels of uric acid in the blood is known as hyperuricemia and may be detected using a blood test. If you have high levels of uric acid in your blood, then there are several dietary changes you can make. Make sure that you follow your doctor’s instructions first and foremost. 1. **Limit purine-rich foods.** The best way to reduce uric acid levels is to limit the amounts of purine-rich foods in your diet. Purines are chemicals that form when your body breaks down certain types of food, but a high level of purines can lead to conditions like gout and kidney stones. You should avoid purine-rich foods if you have had gout or uric acid-containing kidney stones or if you have a family history of these conditions. Do not exceed more than two to four servings of any of these foods per week and avoid them completely during a bout with gout or if you have uric-acid-containing kidney stones. Purine-rich foods to limit or avoid include: Beer and liquor Sugary soft drinks Fatty foods such as fried foods, butter, margarine, and high-fat dairy products Organ meats such as liver, kidneys, and sweetbreads Beef, chicken, pork, bacon, veal, and venison Anchovies, sardines, herring, mussels, codfish, scallops, trout, haddock, crab, oyster, lobster, and shrimp 2. **Increase your intake of phytate-rich foods.** Phytate is a substance that seems to prevent the formation of many types of kidney stones, including those caused by uric acid. Include two to three servings of phytate-rich foods every day. Phytate-rich foods include: Beans Legumes Whole grains 3. **Include dairy products in your diet.** Make sure that you include calcium-rich foods in your diet, such as low-fat dairy products. Include one to two servings of calcium rich foods per day. Calcium rich foods include: Milk Yogurt Cheese 4. **Eat vitamin C-rich foods or add a vitamin C supplement.** Getting enough vitamin C may also help to lower uric acid levels. Try eating a couple servings of foods that are rich in Vitamin C each day or talk to your doctor about including a vitamin C supplement to help lower your uric acid levels.Foods that are rich in vitamin C include: Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and limes Kiwi fruit Berries Cantaloupe Pineapple Mango Papaya Broccoli Peppers Sweet and white potatoes Tomatoes Leafy greens such as spinach, cabbage, and turnip greens Cauliflower Winter squash 5. **Stay hydrated.** Drinking plenty of water can also help to reduce uric acid in your blood. For most people, the recommended amount is six to eight 8-ounce glasses glasses of water every day. Talk to your doctor for a specific recommendation on how much water you should be drinking every day. 6. **Drink green tea.** Green tea has been shown to decrease the risk of uric acid-containing kidney stones. Try to drink about two to three cups of green tea per day to help lower your uric acid levels. 7. **Sip some tart cherry juice.** Tart cherry juice has long been used in naturopathic medicine to treat gout and kidney stones. If you have an attack of gout, drink 3-4, 8-ounce glasses of organic, tart cherry juice. This should provide some relief within 12-24 hours. Eating cherries can also help. Try including a serving of cherries in your diet each day. 8. **Include a moderate amount of coffee.** Drinking coffee in moderation has been shown to decrease uric acid in your blood. Try to include a cup or two of coffee per day to help lower your uric acid levels. 9. **See a doctor if you have gout or kidney stones.** If you have had gout or uric acid-containing kidney stones or if you have a family history, make sure that you see your physician regularly. Don't wait to see your doctor until these conditions begin causing serious problems — seeing your physician early can help prevent many issues and can hep you make good choices for your self-care. You can safely make dietary changes on your own, but it is always best to keep your physician informed of your self-care approaches. 10. **Watch for symptoms of gout.** Gout is a painful arthritic condition that results when uric acid salts deposit in joints. The most common joint in gout is at the base of the big toe, but it can also affect the joints of the feet, ankles, knees, hands, and wrists. The joints affected become red, inflamed, swollen and painful. It occurs more often in men, but postmenopausal women have a higher risk as well. 11. **Determine if you have kidney stones.** Kidney stones can form from uric acid and can cause kidney damage and disease. Uric acid-containing kidney stones can be very painful and are the most common type of kidney stone in children. Kidney stones may cause significant symptoms which include: Severe, sharp pain Nausea Vomiting Blood in the urine Sweating Fever Cloudy urine 12. **Learn about risk factors.** Even though diet plays a major role in uric acid levels, anyone can have high levels of uric acid in the blood. Adult men and postmenopausal women have the highest risk. Other risk factors include: Obesity or being overweight Untreated high blood pressure, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and kidney disease Some medications including diuretics, low dose aspirin, immunosuppressant drugs Family history of gout Recent surgery or trauma",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Sue for Emotional Distress.,"How is emotional distress defined in the eyes of the law? In most cases, you can only sue for emotional damages if the incident in question physically harmed you. Emotional distress suits are trickier than other types of lawsuits. It’s important to have a solid understanding of the types of emotional distress claims before you attempt to file a lawsuit. 1. **Familiarize yourself with the types of emotional distress claims.** Emotional distress is categorized according to the intent of the person or company responsible for inflicting harm. There are two types of emotional distress. These include negligent infliction of emotional distress and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Negligent infliction: The responsible party exhibited negligent behavior that caused distress. Intentional infliction: The responsible party demonstrated outrageous behavior that caused distress. 2. **Determine if emotional distress was negligently inflicted.** Negligent infliction of emotional distress happens when the one party's negligent behavior causes distress. The emotional distress must be the result of physical injury caused by the person you are suing. For instance, you might be able to sue for emotional distress if you saw an accident that killed a loved one. You must have suffered emotional issues afterwards. 3. **Determine if emotional distress was intentionally inflicted.** Intentional infliction of emotional distress happens when one party's outrageous behavior causes distress. In this case, you must prove that the other party intentionally or recklessly demonstrated outrageous and extreme conduct. Physical injury must also be a factor. For example, your neighbor started a fire on purpose in your garage with the intent to kill you. If you started having panic attacks that led to fainting, you might have a case. In this type of situation, the physical injury is a direct result of emotional distress. But if an employer screams and makes threats at an employee, this might not count as outrageous conduct. Even if it's rude and insensitive, it might not count as emotional distress. 4. **Keep a record of physical symptoms.** Write down the physical symptoms you've experienced as a result of extreme emotional distress. Note changes in your sleep patterns and eating habits. Write down other physical symptoms that you’re experiencing. If you don't have a record of your physical symptoms that relate to your emotional distress, you may still have a case. It will be a lot tougher to prove that your issues are directly connected to the incident in question. Severe emotional distress like prolonged extreme social anxiety or paranoia may be enough to collect damages. If you don't have proof of related physical symptoms, talk to a lawyer. You can ask if you have a case. 5. **Determine what role physical injury played in your situation.** Emotional distress suits are almost always related to physical injury. These types of suits vary by region. But it’s typical that you must have experienced physical harm or were threatened with physical harm. Talk with your doctor to determine how your emotional distress relates to your physical injury 6. **Show the link between physical harm and prolonged emotional symptoms.** In cases of negligence, you must prove that you experienced physical harm. This physical harm caused prolonged emotional symptoms like severe depression or anxiety. A common example of proof includes medical records that describe your emotional symptoms. These will also describe the likely causes of your symptoms. 7. **See if you can sue for emotional distress as a third party.** In some states, you can sue for emotional distress as a third party. For example, you might have a case if your child or someone close to you was physically harmed in an incident. This incident must have occurred right in front of you. You would have a more solid case if you were also physically injured or experienced the threat of injury. For your case to stand, you must be closely related to the victim. You must also prove that the emotional stress you experienced as a witness exceeds that of a random bystander. You must also prove that you had such distress that you experienced physical symptoms for a long time afterwards. You must prove the connection between your physical and emotional distresses. 8. **Assemble your medical records.** Make sure you have copies of all your medical records so that you can show how your health has changed after the incident in question. 9. **Write down an account of what happened.** Before you meet with your lawyer, write down your account of what happened. Take careful note of what you think caused your emotional and physical symptoms. Also, make a list of symptoms you are experiencing. 10. **Hire a lawyer to take a look at your case.** Because emotional distress suits have so many gray areas, it's a good idea to talk with a lawyer to test the strength of your case. 11. **Ask your lawyer about the likelihood of recovering damages.** Even if you have a good case, it might not be worth it to sue. You will have to decide whether you want to incur the fees, time and mental energy it will take to move forward with the lawsuit. 12. **Make sure it’s not too late to sue.** Each state has a statute of limitations on different types of offenses. These specify the length of time during which you can take action after the incident occurred. Emotional distress falls under the category of a personal injury tort. The statute of limitations for personal injury tort ranges from 1 to 6 years, depending on your state's law. After you are injured, you need to immediately look up your state's statute of limitations. Regardless of the statute of limitations, it's best to file your case sooner rather than later. Look up the statute of limitations for personal injuries in your state to make sure you've still got time. 13. **Find out where you will file your suit.** If you and the defendant are from the same state, that's where you'll file. If you're from different states, it is likely that you will file in the county where the incident in question occurred. Talk with your lawyer to make sure you file in the right jurisdiction. 14. **Fill out the complaint.** Work with your lawyer to fill out your complaint. This involves assembling paperwork that gives details about the incident in question. Be sure to make it as thorough and detailed as possible. You can fill out the forms on your own, without a lawyer. But it's important that you fill out the forms correctly, so it's best not to do it on your own. 15. **File your complaint.** File the complaint with the courthouse to start the personal injury lawsuit process. You will likely need to pay a filing fee; check with the court clerk for the fee amount. Some courts will allow you to file your complaint online. Check with your courthouse to determine if this is an option. 16. **Wait for the defendant’s written answer.** The defendant has a specific amount of time, such as 28 days, to file a written answer to your emotional distress lawsuit. If they don't file an answer, then you will win the lawsuit. You will need to file a motion for default and get an order of default. Check on your state's process, since the process varies from state to state. If the other party files an answer, then you may proceed to a court hearing. 17. **Begin the ""discovery"" process.** This is the process in which both sides find out as much information as possible to argue their sides of the case. For example, the other party's lawyer may contact your employer Your lawyer will also perform research to make sure you have plenty of information about the other party. 18. **Give a deposition if requested.** The other party's lawyer might ask you to give a deposition, which is an oral testimony given before any trial. You'll be interviewed about the incident that occurred as well as your personal history. In particular, you will be asked questions about your past medical issues. 19. **Have your lawyer file motions with the court.** Each side has the chance to file motions to dismiss certain evidence, admit more evidence, or dismiss the case. Your lawyer should decide whether to file motions, and how to proceed if the defendant files a motion. The court will rule on the motions before the case proceeds. 20. **Consider reaching a settlement agreement.** If you and the other party are willing to settle the case by reaching a mutual agreement, the case won’t need to go to trial. Personal injury trials can be lengthy and expensive. It's considered preferable to settle out of court instead. Talk with your lawyer about the right decision for your case. 21. **Meet with a legal mediator.** A legal mediator can help you negotiate an agreement with the other party and will be satisfying to both parties. Find a legal mediator through a community dispute resolution center. You can also hire a professional mediator. Both parties usually share the cost of mediation. 22. **Stay informed with the process.** Your lawyer and the defendant's lawyer will also talk throughout the process. They will try to reach a settlement agreement. Your lawyer should keep you informed about the process. Try to schedule regular contact you’re your lawyer to ensure that you’re kept informed. 23. **Decide if you should take your case to trial.** If you were unable to reach a satisfactory settlement agreement with the defendant, the next step is to go to trial. Your lawyer can talk to you on the pros and cons of taking your case to trial. At the trial, you will need to discuss your case in front of a judge. 24. **Work with your attorney to prepare.** Your attorney will help you prepare for the trial. This might include preparing testimony and assembling evidence. 25. **Attend the trial if you haven’t settled.** If you have opted to take your case to trial, you will be notified when the trial will take place. Your attorney will use evidence, witnesses and information to prove your case. The jury will decide whether you will receive compensation and how much you will receive. If the court postpones your trial date, don’t worry too much about this. Trials are often rescheduled based on the judge’s schedule. Don’t worry that your case has less merit.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Play Temple Run.,"This wikiHow teaches you how to start a new game in Temple Run, as well as how to use the controls and basic strategies to improve your gameplay. 1. **Open Temple Run.** This app resembles a gold statue's face. Opening Temple Run will direct you to its home page. If you haven't yet downloaded Temple Run for iPhone or Android, first do so. 2. **Tap OPTIONS.** It's in the lower-left corner of the screen. 3. **Customize your preferences.** You can change the following options: - Slide left or right to lower or raise the music volume. - Slide left or right to lower or raise overall sound. - Slide left to disable the tutorial. - If your friends play Temple Run, leaving this enabled will show their progress. 4. **Tap BACK.** It's at the bottom of the screen. 5. **Tap PLAY.** Your new game will begin. 6. **Tilt your phone left or right.** This will cause your character to move to the left or right side of the path. 7. **Swipe left or right to turn left or right.** You'll want to do this as soon as your character reaches a turning point in the path. Swiping left or right while running on a straight part of the path will cause your character to stumble, which will forfeit your current bonus. Stumbling twice in a row will cause the enemies behind you to catch you, thereby ending the game. 8. **Swipe up to jump.** Doing so will help your character maneuver over low obstacles and broken sections of path. You can also retrieve power-ups by jumping through them. 9. **Swipe down to slide.** Sliding helps your character avoid high obstacles. 10. **Double-tap the screen.** If you have any utilities (such as resurrection wings) equipped, doing this will use them. 11. **Understand Temple Run's conventions.** In Temple Run, your character starts off running at a reasonable pace through a fairly linear maze. As your time in a specific run progresses, the character's speed and the maze's complexity both increase. If your character stops running at any time (e.g., because of stumbling twice), the game ends. 12. **Collect coins when possible.** Coins both increase your score and count toward in-game purchases, such as power-ups and character skins. Yellow coins are worth one coin each, red coins are worth two, and blue coins are worth three. Don't prioritize coin collection over safe running if you're going for a high score. The magnet power-up will collect coins for you. 13. **Pay attention to the multiplier meter.** The vertical bar in the top-left corner of the screen grants you a bonus each time it fills up, meaning your overall score (and resulting reward) grow each time the meter refills. To fill this meter, collect coins. Running into a tree branch or stumbling will reset the meter's progress. 14. **Jump instead of sliding when you can.** Sliding helps your character maneuver beneath some obstacles, but it also changes your camera angle, which can cause you to fall into another trap. Obstacles you can vault over instead of sliding under include the following: Fire Tree branches Short gaps 15. **Purchase power-ups.** You can unlock each of the game's power-ups from the section of the home page for 250 gold apiece, though upgrading them after this point will cost significantly more. These power-ups include the following: - Immediately grants your character 50 coins. - Gathers coins for you so that you don't have to run through them to collect them. - Allows you to run through obstacles and over gaps for a brief time. - Makes you invincible and boosts you forward for 250 meters of running. - While not technically a power-up, upgrading this attribute shortens the distance you need to run before coming across red and blue coins. You can also purchase ""Utilities"", which are items to help you in-game. Tap the screen twice to use them. 16. **Pause when necessary.** To pause the game, simply tap the ""Pause"" icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Closing the game while it is paused won't reset your progress.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Pop Sorghum.,"Popped sorghum is a great alternative to popcorn. You can pop sorghum in all the same ways you can pop corn, with a few tweaks to accommodate its distinct kernel. The easiest way is probably in the microwave. But most people prefer the slightly buttery mouthfeel of sorghum popped in oil on the range. If you have an air popper, you might be able to use that to pop your sorghum, too. 1. **Heat some oil in a frying pan.** Use a steel pot or a pan with steep sides. The exact amount of oil you need depends on the volume of sorghum you’ll be popping. Typically, you’ll need two tablespoons of cooking oil for every ¼ cup (32 grams) sorghum kernels. Heat the oil on high until it appears shiny. Coconut oil is the most common type of oil for popping sorghum. It adds a buttery flavor and is very healthy. 2. **Add your kernels.** The amount of kernels you’ll need to add to the oil depends on how much oil you’ve put in the pan. If you’ve used only two tablespoons of oil, you’ll only be able to pop about ¼ cup (32 grams) sorghum kernels. ¼ cup (32 grams) sorghum kernels makes about two cups of popped sorghum. 3. **Reduce the heat.** When you add the kernels, the range should be set to high heat. After adding the kernels, reduce the heat to medium-high. Do not cover the pan as you would when making popcorn. 4. **Stir the kernels constantly.** Use a wooden spoon to move the kernels around the pan. Continue stirring until the time between pops is about 10 seconds. Do not leave your sorghum alone while popping on the range. Failing to stir the kernels – and failing to stop stirring when most kernels have popped – will result in burning. 5. **Bag your sorghum kernels.** Place ¼ cup (32 grams) sorghum kernels in a small paper bag. Roll the open end of the bag up tightly and fold it so it stays closed. Do not use a plastic bag, as it will melt. If you wish to encourage popping, toss the kernels in a small bowl with a bit of melted butter or oil. Place the bag on a plate if you do this so you don’t end up with a greasy mess in your microwave. 6. **Place your bag in the microwave.** With your bag of sorghum closed, place the closed fold face-down in the microwave. Set the heat for two minutes. Check the sorghum after the timer expires. If a significant amount of sorghum remains unpopped, microwave it for another minute. 7. **Remove the sorghum from the microwave.** As your sorghum pops, it will make an audible sound. When the sound of popping sorghum falls to a frequency of less than once every few seconds, take your sorghum out and pour it into a bowl. Your sorghum should not need more than three minutes to pop. If it does, consider increasing the strength setting on your microwave. 8. **Choose the right popper.** Because sorghum is lighter than popcorn, hot air poppers will generally not work for popping sorghum. Some hot air poppers, however, are acceptable. If your hot air popper blows air up and out of the machine, do not attempt to pop sorghum with it. If your hot air popper blows hot air in a circular pattern within the machine, use it to pop sorghum. Check your hot air popper’s user manual to determine if popping sorghum is possible. Alternately, you could cover your hot air popper with a mesh net of the sort used when steaming vegetables. This will prevent your sorghum kernels from escaping the hot air popper, even if it is of the variety that blows hot air up and out from the center. 9. **Let the hot air popper run for two minutes.** This will give the hot air popper time to warm up. If you add sorghum kernels to the hot air popper before it’s warm, the kernels will dry out and be unable to pop properly. 10. **Add your sorghum kernels.** Turn your hot air popper off and sorghum kernels in a volume that is appropriate for your hot air popper. Turn the hot air popper on and listen for the sorghum to start popping. When popping slows to once every five seconds or so, turn the machine off and dump the popped sorghum into a bowl. Different hot air poppers have different limits. Check your user manual for information regarding what an appropriate weight or volume of sorghum kernels might be in your device. You may see a bit of smoke even when your sorghum is popping within the prescribed times. Monitor the sorghum and remove it from the hot air popper after popping slows. 11. **Top with sea salt.** Sea salt is a common topping for popped sorghum. Transfer popped sorghum to a large mixing bowl and add about one teaspoon sea salt per four cups (32 grams) of popped sorghum. Sea salt has the same basic nutritional profile as regular salt, but it is less heavily processed. 12. **Use nutritional yeast.** Nutritional yeast is a yellow powder with a nutty flavor. It contains vitamin B12 and other B-complex vitamins. Don’t apply nutritional yeast too liberally, though, since unlike salt and most other sorghum toppings, it adds calories. 13. **Make a cheesy mix.** You could sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese over your popped sorghum to give it a bit of the cheesy, nutty taste that Parmesan possesses. Alternately, you could choose another grated cheese like cheddar. 14. **Make a cinnamon-sugar treat.** After your sorghum is popped, dump it in a bowl and drizzle with canola oil. Sprinkle one teaspoon white sugar and ¼ teaspoon cinnamon over the popped sorghum. Toss or stir with a spoon to coat evenly.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Clean Berber Carpet?,"Berber carpet can be a comfortable and elegant addition to anyone's home. If you have Berber carpet in your home or are thinking about installing it, it is extremely important to understand the best ways to clean and condition Berber in order to maintain its original beauty and practicality. Berber carpet's trademark look involves varying sized tufts of loops and is usually made out of wool, nylon, or other fibers like olefin. There are many different ways and theories regarding just how to clean Berber carpet, often depending on which material of Berber you own. 1. **Try water first.** The simplest and easiest way to remove a tough stain is to apply cold water to the tainted area. Blot the stain with a dry towel first to avoid rubbing the stain deeper into the carpet. Dampen a clean white towel and gently work the towel into the stain and then blot the stain with a clean, dry cloth. Repeat these steps until the stain is gone. Never scrub your Berber carpet. You will damage the fibers and cause fuzziness and snags. Blot from the outer edge of the stain toward the center of the stain. This prevents you from spreading the stain and making it larger. 2. **Use a cleaning solution.** If water is not working, try a cleaning solution. You can purchase a cleaning solution that is formulated for cleaning carpets or you can make your own using vinegar and water. Mix white vinegar and water using a ratio of 1 part vinegar to 5 parts water. For example, mix 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of vinegar with 5 tablespoons (74 ml) of water. Test whatever cleaner you use in a small area before you apply it to the rest of the carpet. Try it out in an area that is not visible such as under a piece of furniture or a rug. If it causes damage to your carpet, you can cover it up. Do not use any cleaners that contain detergent or soap. This will result in a soapy residue that you will not be able to remove from the carpet. This residue may also attract dirt. Follow the same steps you used when treating the stain with water only. 3. **Pour baking soda to absorb the liquid.** Baking soda can be used to get rid of the moisture you created while removing the stain. If the liquid has not penetrated your carpet and caused a stain, you can skip the previous steps and only use baking soda to clean up the spill. Cover the spill with baking soda. The baking soda should ball up as it absorbs the liquid. Wait for at least 20 seconds and then vacuum up the baking soda. Repeat this process until the baking soda no longer balls up. You can also blot the area with a clean dry towel. Don't let the baking soda sit for too long so the stain doesn't absorb into the carpet. Berber is tightly woven and retains more moisture than other types of carpet so it will take it longer to dry. 4. **Vacuum immediately after treating the stain.** Follow-up any stain treatment with a good dry vacuuming. Vacuuming will remove any excess dampness. Berber carpet's varying depth and intricacies make it easy for water to settle and possibly lead to unhealthy mold accumulating in your carpet. Vacuuming up any dampness is a sure way to prevent this from happening. Vacuuming will also speed up the drying time. Use slow, steady movements as you vacuum the carpet. Rough vacuuming may damage the carpet fibers. If you notice that the stain has reappeared after you vacuum, treat the stain again with water or cleaning solution. 5. **Steam clean your carpet.** Steam cleaning uses hot water to deep clean your carpet and extract deeply-embedded particles. You can purchase a steam cleaner and do this yourself. Before you steam clean, you need to vacuum and spot treat the stains on your carpet. Follow the manufacturer instructions for using your steam cleaner. Pull the machine slowly as you go over your carpet. Only go over the area one time to limit the amount of water that you apply to the carpet. It is extremely important that you dry your carpet thoroughly. Not extracting all of the water can result in mold, mildew, and odor. Open windows and use fans to speed up the drying process. If you do not want to purchase a steam cleaner, you can rent one from a local hardware store or carpet store. 6. **Dry clean your carpet.** Dry cleaning involves applying a dry powder to your carpet, working the powder into the carpet, and then vacuuming up the dry powder. The dry powder helps pull the dirt and soil out of the carpet. Vacuum your carpet before you apply the powder. Follow the instructions on the cleaner to determine how much you should use on your carpet. The instructions may recommend that you use a mechanical brush to work the powder into the carpet. However, the brushes should not be used on Berber as it may cause snags. Instead, work the powder gently in with your hands. Always read the label to determine how long to leave the powder on. Some powders require 20 to 30 minutes while other compounds may be vacuumed up immediately. This type of cleaning is recommended for Berber because there is not a risk of over-wetting the carpet and causing mold and mildew. 7. **Hire a professional cleaner.** If your carpet is deeply stained or you are not comfortable using these methods on your own, hire a professional cleaner. A professional cleaner will assess the type of Berber you have and the condition of your carpet. The cleaner can then choose an appropriate cleaning method. Use carpet cleaner that has experience working with Berber carpet. Visit the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Cleaning website to find a certified carpet cleaner near you. 8. **Vacuum your carpet regularly.** Weekly vacuuming prevents dirt from building up. Use a high suction vacuum that does not have a brush. Berber is a looped carpet and a brush will snag and damage your carpet. If your vacuum has a brush, turn the brush off when vacuuming. Vacuums with a beater bar should also be avoided. Vacuum up dirt as soon as you see it. If dirt sits on top of your carpet, it will eventually work itself into the loops of the carpet and it will be difficult to remove it. 9. **Prevent damage in the first place.** Simple things like removing your shoes when you enter your house or placing mats around doors and other high-traffic areas will go a long way in keeping your Berber carpet looking sharp. Do not allow eating and drinking in rooms that have Berber carpet. Children and pets make keeping your Berber carpet more difficult as they are more likely to cause stains and snag the carpet. If possible, limit their time in the areas that have Berber carpet. You can also cover areas with large rugs or place blankets on the carpet when your children are playing on the floor. If you have pets, keep their claws trimmed to avoid snagging your carpet. 10. **Clean up spills as soon as possible.** Berber is more stain resistant than other types of carpet. If you spill something on your carpet, you have an opportunity to take care of it before the substance penetrates the fibers of your carpet. Oils are much harder to remove from Berber carpet than other types of spills because oil is easily absorbed by Berber. Time is the most important factor for preventing stains. If you can absorb the spill, you are much less likely to have a stain. It is best to call a professional cleaner for an oil spill.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Pick Someone Up from the Airport.,"Picking someone up from the airport can seem like a tedious and difficult task, but it doesn’t have to be! If you plan to pick them up yourself, make sure you know which terminal they’ll be arriving at, check the status of their flight before you leave for the airport, find out if they have any checked bags, and have your traveler call you when they're ready to go. If you plan to meet them inside the airport, park in short-term parking and wait outside of their terminal. Alternatively, meet them curbside if you don't want to go inside the airport. If you aren’t able to pick your traveler up, you can schedule a ride to be ready for your arriving party when they land. 1. **Know which airline your party will arrive on.** Most airports have multiple terminals, with different airlines flying out of each. If you know which airline your traveler is flying with, then you know the general area of the airport that you need to be in to meet them. Look for the signs for their airline. For example, if your traveler is flying with Delta Airlines, look for the Delta Airline signs at the terminal. Check the airport’s website to find what terminal the airline your traveler is flying with uses. 2. **Check the status of their flight before you leave for the airport.** Make sure you have your traveler's flight number so you can check the status of their flight before you actually head out. If their flight was delayed, canceled, or redirected, it will affect when you need to leave. Go to the airline’s website or the airport’s website to check the status of the flight. Look for the airline and flight number. Call the airport to ask for the flight status. 3. **Find out if they have any checked bags.** It can take a fair amount of time for checked bags to make their way from the airplane to the baggage carousel. Parking your vehicle at the curb outside of the terminal is prohibited, so make sure your traveler has picked up their bags and is ready for you to pick them up before you pull up to the curb. If your party is coming back from an international trip, they will likely have a checked bag. They may also have brought things back with them that require them to go through customs, which can take longer for them to make their way through the airport. 4. **Arrive 30 minutes after their flight is scheduled to land.** If you try to time your arrival for when your traveler’s plane lands then you could be waiting a long time before they actually make it out of the terminal. It takes a while to get off of the plane, pick up any baggage they may have, and make their way through the airport. Time your arrival to be about half an hour after they’re set to land so you don’t have to wait around for them. 5. **Have your traveler call you when they land.** An easy way to know when you should pull up to the curb or make your way to the concourse to meet them is to have your traveler call you when they’re getting off of the plane. Planes can sometimes be stuck on the tarmac, so having your traveler call you can keep you up to date on their whereabouts. They can also tell you exactly where they want you to meet them so you can get in and out quickly. 6. **Park your car in the short-term parking lot if you plan to meet them.** If you have to travel a great distance to pick up your party from the airport, plan on parking at the airport and waiting inside for them to arrive. Flights can be unpredictable and you don’t want to end up arriving too late or too early without being able to wait comfortably in the terminal. Park in the airport’s short-term parking lots to save on costs. If you’re traveling from a distance, parking in the short-term lot can allow you to relax and wait in the airport for your party to arrive. 7. **Meet your traveler outside of their terminal if you’re not picking them up curbside.** If you do decide to park and wait for your party inside the airport, wait in the area outside of their terminal for their airline. Going through airport security to meet them at their arrival gate can be time-consuming and may be prohibited. Many airports have restaurants and cafes outside of the security check that you can use to kill some time before your party arrives, but you can’t wait for several hours or they may ask you to leave to make room for customers and travelers. Even if your party doesn’t have any checked bags, the baggage claim areas are often near the exits, so they’re still a convenient place to meet. 8. **Avoid parking if you’re picking up curbside.** If you’re simply picking up your party from the curb outside of the terminal, parking is time-consuming and an unnecessary cost. Instead, arrange for your traveler to meet you at the curb. If you arrive too early, drive off-site or wait somewhere nearby for your traveler to land and make their way through the terminal. Parking at the curb is prohibited at most airports. 9. **Wait until your party is outside to meet them at the curb.** It’s prohibited at most airports to wait more than 5-10 minutes at the curb outside of the terminals. In order to follow the airport’s rules and to be courteous to other people picking up their parties, wait until your traveler is actually standing at the curb with their bags before you drive around to pick them up. Have your traveler call you when they’re heading to the curb with their bags. If you can’t contact your traveler, keep circling around their terminal until you see them standing outside. International arrivals may take longer to make their way through the airport because they have to go through customs. 10. **Call a taxi cab** Most airports have a fleet of taxi cabs nearby that are waiting to ferry people away from the airport. Contact a local cab company and schedule a pick-up for your traveler about 30 minutes after their plane is scheduled to land. Be sure to provide your party’s name and the address where they need to go. You may be able to pre-pay their fare or put a card on file that they can charge once your traveler is dropped off. You can also schedule cabs online. Many cab companies have an app that you can download to your smartphone to schedule a cab ride. 11. **Pre-order a rental car for your traveler to use if you can’t meet them.** If your traveler has a valid driver’s license and is at least 25 years old, you can arrange for a rental car to be waiting for them to use. All airports have rental car companies that you can use to schedule a rental pick-up. Call the company or go online to pre-order a rental car for your party. Your traveler will need to present their driver’s license to get the car. You can also pre-pay for the car so your traveler doesn’t have to do anything except pick up the car. 12. **Schedule an Uber or a Lyft to pick up your traveler if you can’t make it.** You can use a ride-sharing app like Uber or Lyft to arrange for a driver to be waiting for your traveler when they land. Make sure you input what airline and terminal the driver needs to be waiting nearby to meet them. Schedule the ride to be ready about 30 minutes after your party is scheduled to land. Your account will already have a credit card linked to it so you don’t need to worry about prepaying. You should also get an estimate of the fare the ride will cost. Some airports do not allow ride-sharing. Call or go online to see if your airport allows it.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Make Aloe Vera Juice.,"Aloe vera juice is a delicious and nutritious addition to any drink or smoothie. Consuming the gel of the aloe vera plant is known to ease inflammation, help digestion, and regulate blood sugar. Making your own aloe vera juice can be tricky, but once you’ve mastered how to extract the gel, you can create healthy and delicious smoothies and juices in a cinch! 1. **Wash the aloe vera leaf under running water and pat it dry.** Aloe vera secretes a yellowish liquid (right after plucking) that is toxic, so you’ll need to wash it well. If you’ve just harvested it from outside, let the leaf sit inside for 1 hour so all the liquid (also known as “latex”) gets out, then wash it. Use a clean cloth to pat it dry once you’re ready to cut into it. Most store-bought leaves have already had time to release the toxic yellow latex, but you should still wash the leaf beforehand to remove any dirt and debris. The latex kind of substance can cause allergic reactions. Ingesting the yellow latex may cause severe abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and/or vomiting and it can be deadly if you are allergic to latex. 2. **Use a sharp knife to cut the side rind off the leaf and pull it apart.** Cutting the sides off will make it easier to open the leaf (almost like you’re filleting it). Slice into the side “seam” of the leaf with the tip of your knife and slide the blade down the entire length of the leaf. Once you pull the leaf apart, you should have 2 pieces. Discard the rind (or side “seams”) that you’ve cut off. You can also use scissors for this step, just make sure they’re sharp and wash the sticky residue off the blades afterward. 3. **Peel the yellow layer just beneath the rind with a sharp knife.** Carefully use the blade of the knife to peel away any yellow residue, film, or specks—that’s the toxic substance that is secreted by the leaf when it’s picked. Discard this layer once you’ve removed all of it. You should be left with nothing but a clear, gooey substance on top of the bottom leaf. Repeat this step for both leaves. Wash the knife with dish soap and water after removing this yellow layer. The yellow layer can also be removed by gently rinsing the leaf in a solution of 1 tablespoon (3.0  tsp) of white vinegar and 8 fluid ounces (240 mL) of water. 4. **Use a spoon to gather all the clear aloe vera gel.** Run the edge of a spoon along the leaf to scoop up the clear gooey substance. Gather as much as you can—at least 2 tablespoons (6.0  tsp)—and plop it right into your blender or into an airtight container for later use. Make sure there are no yellow or greenish specks in the extracted gel. The gel can be stored for up to a week in the refrigerator, but to get the most health benefits (and the freshest taste), use it immediately. You can blend all white fleshy parts in the blender so that the gel has no lumps. To extend the shelf life, add a few drops of lavender essential oil, tea tree essential oil, or vitamin E oil. 5. **Blend aloe vera gel with oranges for a simple sipper.** Place 2 tablespoons (6.0  tsp) of aloe vera gel and 3 whole oranges (peeled) into a blender and set it to high speed for 30 seconds to 1 minute. You can also blend the gel with 16 fluid ounces (470 mL) of orange juice (with or without pulp) if you don’t have fresh oranges. Aloe vera gel has a bitter, acidic taste and can have a laxative effect, so it’s important to dilute it with some other liquid. 6. **Mix the gel with fresh watermelon juice for a bright and sweet taste.** Use about 4 cups (950 mL) of fresh watermelon juice or about half of a small, seedless watermelon (cut into chunks). Toss the juice or chunks in your blender along with the gel from 1 aloe vera leaf, blend it at high speed until it’s fully liquid, and that’s it! Add a squeeze of lemon or lime for a kick of citrus. Store the juice in an airtight container or bottle in the refrigerator for up to 5 days if you’re not drinking it right away. 7. **Add it to your fruit smoothies for a hydrating refresher.** Simply combine ⁄2 cup (120 mL) of strawberries or blueberries, 1 banana, 1.5 cups (350 mL) of milk (any kind), 4 tablespoons (12  tsp) of aloe vera gel, and ⁄4 cup (59 mL) of ice in a blender. Blend it on high speed for a minute or two (depending on the power of your blender) or until mixture has a smooth, creamy texture. You can store this smoothie in the refrigerator (in an airtight container) for up to a day, but it’s best enjoyed fresh! Use vanilla or chocolate flavored nut milk for a richer tate. Add 1 tablespoon (3.0  tsp) or 2 tablespoons (6.0  tsp) of peanut or almond butter for a thicker consistency and sweet, nutty taste. 8. **Create a detoxifying green smoothie with aloe vera.** Pour 8 fluid ounces (240 mL) of unsweetened green tea (fresh brewed) into a blender with 1 tablespoon (3.0  tsp) of aloe vera gel, 1 cup (240 mL) of fresh spinach, 1 frozen banana, ⁄2 cup (120 mL) of pineapple chunks, and 1 pitted date. Blend the mixture on high speed until it’s smooth, which should take about 1 or 2 minutes depending on the power of your blender. Add 1 tablespoon (3.0  tsp) of chia seeds for a healthy dose of omega 3 fatty acids. 9. **Make a tasty tropical treat with pineapple and papaya.** Place 4 tablespoons (12  tsp) of aloe vera gel, ⁄4 cup (180 mL) of pineapple cubes, and ⁄4 cup (180 mL) of papaya cubes into a blender. Blend the mixture on high speed until it’s smooth and creamy. Then pour the drink into serving glasses with some ice cubes, a squeeze of lemon, and enjoy! Stir in 1 teaspoon (0.33 US tbsp) of honey to sweeten it up. Stir in 1.5 fluid ounces (44 mL) of tequila, vodka, or gin to make a tropical cocktail.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Learn Cryptography.,"""Cryptography"" is defined as both the practice and study of the techniques used to communicate and/or store information or data privately and securely, without being intercepted by third parties. With the growing awareness of cyber security and cyber crimes, Cryptography is becoming popular subject. The following articles describes ways to start learning more about it. 1. **Choose your resource.** There are plenty of free resources out there, some of which are available on: Coursera: Udacity: 2. **Be consistent.** Like any new learning material, it takes time and effort to grasp the underlying concepts. 3. **Get standard books to learn about this subject.** Look around the web, read some reviews and pick the book that you think most suits your needs. GoodReads: 4. **Stick with it.** Try not to miss out on stuff in between, incomplete knowledge can be worse than no knowledge. 5. **Try practicing.** Instead of just sticking to the theory, try to code something on your computer. You could use online tools like: CrypTool: 6. **Find other resources.** There are plenty of other websites that provide information about Cryptography. Some of these are: Learn Cryptography: The Geek Stuff: 7. **Ask around.** Find people, in real life or the virtual world who have prior experience in computer and network security. Post questions/try to answer questions on online forums, this will help expand your knowledge base. 8. **Be curious and have fun!** That's what learning is all about.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Treat Walking Pneumonia?,"Walking pneumonia is also called 'atypical pneumonia'. It is a less severe case of pneumonia and is a lung infection. It is most common in people younger than 40 years of age. Some of its symptoms are 'headache' and 'body ache'. Respiratory pathogens that commonly cause walking pneumonia are bacteria (this includes Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila, G. pneumoniae), a number of viruses and fungi. It also includes as well as inhaled food or drink. Walking pneumonia is very contagious. It is spread through contact with droplets from the nose or throat of an infected person . This is likely to happen if infected person was coughing or sneezing near you. Walking pneumonia is very slow to detect. The infection starts off with nonproductive cough, mild fever, body aches and headaches. It is important to visit your medical practitioner right away if you sense that you have symptoms of walking pneumonia. 1. **Get a prescription for antibiotics.** If you are diagnosed with walking pneumonia which is normally caused by bacteria, you will be prescribed an antibiotic.Your medical practitioner will prescribe an antibiotic which is loosely based on your medical history and presentation. You may also have to do a sputum culture test to identify the type of bacteria which is present in your lungs. This helps pick the right antibiotic. There are several antibiotics that are usually prescribed for the treatment of walking pneumonia. These antibiotics include 'macrolide antibiotics' - which are often prescribed for children and adults. Fluoroquinolones on the other hand are often given to adults and are usually not recommended for young children! Tetracyclines can be prescribed for adults and older children as well. Consult your medical practitioner in order to find the best antibiotic for you. Early treatment of pneumonia and its subsequent treatment with an antibiotic can prevent life-threatening complications. Your doctor may suggest eating yogurt or taking probiotic supplements. This ensures healthy gut bacteria and biome while taking the antibiotics. Use a bronchodilator or inhaler. These usually considered useful for difficulty in breathing, a tight chest, or wheezing. This helps open up the alveoli of the lungs and facilitate oxygenation which rides off mucus containing bacteria. 2. **Taking over-the-counter medication usually reduces fever and headache symptoms.** Over-the-counter (OTC) medication can ease symptoms like fever and headache. Though it will not cure your infection. Take an aspirin, ibuprofen (such as Advil or Motrin IB) and acetaminophen (Tylenol). To help reduce secretions that harbor bacteria the lungs a mucolytic OTC product (such as Mucinex) can be helpful. Make sure you drink a glass of water along with your mucolytic medicine. OTC medication and prescription medication, such as blood pressure medications often do not go well together and can cause some complications. Talking to your doctor before you take your prescribed OTC medication for walking pneumonia is considered a good idea. 3. **It is generally recommended that a person has at least 10 to 12 glasses of water or warm fluids each day.** Drinking lots of fluids will help maintain secretion and expectorate from your lungs and also help to clean out any infection. You can also add honey and lemon to hot water, to get a Vitamin C boost (this is very good for your immunity) if you have a sore throat. Having Green tea is considered wise as it contains antioxidants. Fruit juices which contain vitamins and minerals are also beneficial. 4. **Give your body rest.** Adequate Rest is essential. It helps in the recovery process from walking pneumonia. During this time your body will focus its energies on fighting off the infection. Lie down in bed with your feet elevated and relax, even if this means missing an appointment or a class. 5. **Eat nutritious, easy to digest foods.** Concentrate on maintaining a diet that includes a lot of soup. Ideally this could include Chicken soup or even chicken bouillon, and other small but nutritious meals throughout the day. You shouldn't tire your body with big meals. On the other hand but you should support your immune system with nutrients so it can fight the virus. Try an egg and mushroom omelette for breakfast. Eggs are a great source of zinc and can boost your immune system. This is also easy to digest. Mushrooms contain glucans. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper to your omelette. This will help break down the mucus in your lungs and increase drainage. Yogurt with fruit for lunch or as a snack is a great idea. The active cultures in yogurt help improve your gut bacteria and the immune system too. Let your dinner incorporate foods that are high in vitamin C and antioxidants. Such foods include red peppers, oranges, berries, and leafy green vegetables. Including foods high in beta-carotenes and vitamin A are also good. Such foods include carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes. Go for the yellow or orange colored foods. 6. **Echinacea tea or elderberry tea is a great suggestion.** You can make your own echinacea tea or buy it at your local health food store. Echinacea has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help to fight off the symptoms of walking pneumonia. Make your own echinacea tea by steeping 1 teaspoon of the dried herb in one cup of boil water for five to ten minutes. You can also make your own elderberry tea. Alternatively you can buy elderberry tea at your local health food store. Elderberry can help to treat respiratory infections and kids love it too. Be warned that Elderberries do not have sufficient scientific studies to support their consumption. The latest scientific review concluded that more research is needed in order to recommend it to patients 7. **Eat more garlic.** Garlic has powerful anti-microbial and immune-boosting properties that can help fight against walking pneumonia. Mince 1 teaspoon of garlic and add it to a cup of boiling water to steep. You can also add garlic to your chicken soup or other easy to digest foods. 8. **Consume more Ginger.** Ginger can help settle an upset stomach - has antiviral and antibacterial properties. You can make your own ginger tea by steeping chopped ginger in hot water or buy ginger tea at your local health food store. Ginger tea is safe for consumption for pregnant women and children. 9. **Do an herbal steam treatment.** Inhaling boiled herbs can help to clean out your lungs and throat of the virus. Start by boiling two inches of water in a pot over the stove and then turn off the heat. Add ½ teaspoon of thyme, oregano, and one to two drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Use a towel to cover your head and hover 12 – 15 inches away from the steam. Make a tent over your head with the towel and inhale the steam through your mouth and nose. 10. **Take vitamin supplements.** This is a good way to boost minerals and vitamin intake. It is reccomended that one takes Vitamin C for good measure. You can also take zinc supplements. Only take the recommended amount on the label, as zinc can be toxic in high amounts. Consider taking selenium supplements. An essential mineral that helps with adverse antioxidant reactions. Some people may lack selenium and better believe it, this is due to the soil that happens to be selenium deficient in their area.100 mcg/day of selenium is ideal requirement Take probiotic supplement. Antibiotics destroy your healthy gut flora.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Check Tire Tread.,"A tire becomes legally worn out when its tread depth reaches two thirty-second (2/32) of an inch, according to most jurisdictions throughout North America. To lower your risk for vehicular accidents associated with low tire tread, check your tire tread using the penny test, the quarter test, by examining the treadwear indicator bars molded into your tires, or using a tread depth gauge. 1. **Place a penny into any tread groove on your tire.** 2. **Rotate the penny so Abraham Lincoln’s head is upside down and inside the tread.** 3. **Determine whether you can see Lincoln’s entire head when the penny is inserted into the tread groove.** Your tires are considered safe and legal if a portion of Lincoln’s head is covered by the tread. However, if you can see Lincoln’s entire head after inserting the penny into the groove, you may need to replace your tire. 4. **Repeat steps #1 through #3 in various grooves all over your tire.** If Lincoln’s head is visible in any groove, the tire may need replacing. 5. **Place a quarter into any tread groove on your tire.** 6. **Rotate the quarter so George Washington’s head is upside down and inside the tread.** 7. **Determine whether you can see Washington’s entire head when the quarter is inserted into the tread groove.** If a portion of Washington's head is always covered by the tread, your tire has more than four thirty-second of an inch of tread depth remaining, which indicates your tires are still in good condition. 8. **Repeat steps #1 through #3 in various grooves all over your tire.** If Washington’s entire head is visible in any groove, you may need to replace the tire. 9. **Examine your tire to locate the treadwear indicator bars molded into the tread grooves.** These “bars” are located at the bottom of tread grooves in various locations all over your tire, and can help you visibly determine whether your tire tread is low. 10. **Check to see whether the treadwear bars are flush with the adjacent ribs.** If so, this means your tire tread measures in at two thirty-second of an inch, and the tire should be replaced. 11. **Purchase a tire tread depth gauge from any auto parts store.** Most models of tread depth gauges cost between $3 and $8 from any auto parts retail store. 12. **Place the end of the probe into any tread groove on your tire.** 13. **Push down on the base of the gauge until the shoulders of the device lie flat against the tread block.** 14. **Grab the barrel of the gauge and carefully remove the device from the groove without touching the probe.** 15. **Make note of the tread depth reading.** 16. **Repeat steps #2 through #5 on various parts of the tire.** This allows you to find out whether any grooves in your tire measure higher than two thirty-second of an inch, and whether your tire needs replacing.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Peel Plums?,"Peeled plums are perfect for pies, jam, cakes, and baby food. If you try to peel a plum by simply pulling back the skin, you'll end up with a sticky mess on your hands. Instead, blanch the plums and then place them in an ice bath or trim the skin off with a knife. This simple techniques are quick, easy, and will leave you with delicious plum flesh. 1. **Boil a pot of water on the stovetop.** Choose a pot large enough to hold all your plums and fill half of it with water. It'll probably take about 10 minutes to boil.. Place a lid on the pot to help the water to boil quicker. 2. **Fill a large bowl with ice and water.** Add water and ice to the bowl at a 50:50 ratio. This will act as an ice bath for the plums. 3. **Slice an ""x"" on the bottom of each plum.** Use a paring knife to cut a cross hatch at the bottom of the plum (the side opposite the stem). Make each cut to be about 1 inch (2.5 cm) long. This will make it nice and easy to peel back the skin. Don’t worry about making the cut deep, simply cut through the skin of the plum. 4. **Blanch the plums for 45 seconds in boiling water.** Carefully place the plums into the pot of water. It is important not to leave the plums in the water for longer than 45 seconds, as the flesh will go mushy and the plums will start to disintegrate. Always be careful when cooking with hot water to avoid burns. 5. **Submerge the plums in the ice water for 5 minutes.** Use a slotted spoon to transfer the plums from the boiling water into the ice bath. The icy water will help to pull the skin away from the flesh of the plums. Make sure that all the plums are fully submerged in the water. If some of the plums aren’t submerged in the ice bath, make another ice bath for them. 6. **Peel the skin off the plums.** Place your finger under 1 of the little flaps formed by the ""x"" you sliced, and pull back the flap. The skin should easily come loose in 1 big strip. Keep pulling back the flaps on all four sides until you've completely peeled the plum. If there is still a little skin on the plum, use a paring knife to slice off any remaining skin. 7. **Cut around the circumference of the plum.** Press the paring knife firmly into the flesh until it hits the stone. Follow the natural seam in the skin and cut right around the plum. Keeping cutting until you have split the plum in half. If you don’t have a paring knife, use a sharp kitchen knife instead. 8. **Twist each half of the plum in opposite directions to pull it away from the stone.** Hold 1 half of the plum in each hand. Firmly grip the halves and slowly turn them away from each other until one half of the plum comes loose from the stone. 9. **Lever the stone out with a spoon.** Push a dessert spoon under the stone and then press the handle down to pop the stone out. If the stone won’t coming out, push the spoon under the opposite side of the stone and then lever it out. 10. **Cut the plum in half and pop the stone out.** Place the plum on a chopping board and cut around the circumference of the plum. Use a teaspoon to pop the stone out of the plum. 11. **Chop both pieces of plum in half.** Cut each plum half lengthways to create a wedge. This makes the plum easier to peel. If your plum is particularly large, consider chopping each piece of plum into thirds. 12. **Trim the skin off each plum wedge.** Press the skin side of the plum firmly down against the chopping board. Carefully glide the knife as close to the skin as possible to remove the skin from the flesh. Compost the plum skin or use it in smoothies.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Get Rid of Yellow Nails.,"Stained and yellowed nails can be extremely unappealing, especially when you want to give your nails breathing time in between polishes. Lucking, treating and preventing yellowed fingernails due to nail polish is quite easy, requiring only a few simple household items and some sensible nail care. 1. **Remove nail polish.** Use a cotton ball soaked in nail polish remover to take off any nail polish currently on your nails. Simply rub each nail with the cotton ball until all of the polish has completely dissolved. In order to fully treat yellowed nails, the nails themselves have to be bare, with no layers of polish or varnish. Once all nail polish is removed, you can fully see the stained areas of your nails! 2. **Buff your nails.** Use a fine grit buffing board to lightly sand off the topmost layer of each of your nails. Gently rub the buffing board on the surface of your nail, moving the board straight back and forth, perpendicular to your nail. This light buffing can expose your unstained, clean nail underneath. Rotate your nail to the left and right to make sure you’re also buffing the sides of your nail, not just the top, middle section. Only buff each nail for about 10 seconds. You only want to remove the very top, stained layer of your nail. 3. **Rub lemon on your nails.** Cut a lemon in half and rub the inside of the lemon onto your nails. Focus on rubbing the lemon on each nail for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. Once all of your nails have been rubbed with lemon, allow your nails to absorb the lemon juice and dry for about 10 minutes. After your nails have soaked in the lemon juice, apply a moisturizer to your hands and nails to prevent them from drying out. The lemon juice can lighten your nails much in the same way it can lighten hair when it is sprayed on and exposed to the sun. You could also squeeze lemon juice into a bowl and use a cotton ball to apply the juice directly to your nails. 4. **Scrub your nails with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.** Mix 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with 2 ½ tablespoon of baking soda until you have a paste-like mixture. Use an old, soft bristled toothbrush to apply and rub this paste onto your nails. Rub your nails with this mixture for approximately 2-3 minutes, and then rinse it off with clean water. Be sure to moisturize after using this solution. The hydrogen peroxide will dry out your hands. Consider adding a few drops of lemon juice into this paste to give the mixture even more whitening power. Alternatively, you could also create a soak by adding the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda mix into about 1 cup of water, and soaking your nails for about 5-10 minutes. 5. **Apply whitening toothpaste to your nails.** Apply a thin layer of toothpaste containing hydrogen peroxide to all of your yellowed nails. Use your fingertips or an old, soft bristled toothbrush to rub the toothpaste all over the surface your nails. Allow the toothpaste to sit on your nails for approximately 10 minutes, and then rinse off the toothpaste with clean water. After rinsing off the toothpaste, apply lotion to your hands and nails to keep them hydrated. 6. **Whiten your nails with denture tablets.** Drop 2-4 dissolving denture cleaning tables into a bowl of water, and soak your nails in the water for approximately 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, use a paper towel to dry your hands, and then rub on some lotion. You can soak your nails in this solution a couple times a month, but be sure you soak then when your nails are bare, and free from nail polish. 7. **Tea Tree Oil.** If your nails are yellowed because of a nail fungus rather than constant use of nail polish, tea tree oil can help with the discoloration. Apply a couple drops of natural tea tree oil to each nail twice daily, and use your fingertips to massage the oil to all parts of your nails. Tea tree oil is a disinfectant and naturally fights fungus, which could help combat the yellowing of your nails. 8. **Consult a medical professional.** If you nails are severely yellowed, or the yellow coloring doesn’t improve with any of these methods, you might have some sort of nail infection or yellow nail syndrome. A medical professional will be able to properly assess your situation, and may prescribe a medicated cream or supplements to treat your yellowed nails. Zinc supplements are commonly used to help treat yellowed nails. If there's no medical condition causing your yellowed nails, you may simply have to wait for your nails to grow out before they return to their normal color. 9. **Apply a base coat.** Apply a clear base coat of nail polish to all of your nails before you apply your colored polish. The thin layer of base coat acts as a barrier to the dyes in the colored polish that can stain your nails and turn them yellow. Allow the base coat to dry for about 5 minutes before proceeding to paint them with your colored polish. A base coat also serves as an anchor for the colored polish to hold onto. 10. **Avoid dark nail polish.** Dark nail polishes (black, purple, blue, red) have pigments that can discolor your nails if the polish has direct contact with your nails. Applying base coat can help prevent this color staining, but in general, try opting for lighter polish colors every once in a while. Using lighter or sheer nail polish colors can give your nails a break from the harsh dyes found in darker polishes. If you do want to use a darker color, be especially sure to use a good-quality base coat to protect your nails. 11. **Go without nail polish.** Try giving your nails a break from nail polish altogether. Allow your nails to be naked and breathe about 3-4 days every few weeks. Going without nail polish for a few days will allow your nails to naturally be exposed to air for a bit before being painted over again.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Get HR Certification?,"Getting certified in human resources can help jump start your career, so of course it's something you'd want to do. The first step is to figure out what kind of program you want. Then you can complete the certification through a credentialing institute like the HR Certification Institute or through a college. 1. **Use the HR Certification Institute for self-directed certification.** The HR Certification Institute is one of the main credentialing organizations for human resources in the U.S. They offer a variety of certification programs that you can complete through their website at 2. **Check with your local community college for a cheap option.** Community colleges offer an affordable way to get your certification. Look at the offerings for certifications on your local community college websites. Generally, courses are anywhere from a couple of semesters to an associate's degree. It can vary greatly by college. You might also find programs at 4-year universities, but those are more likely to be a bachelor's degree with a focus in HR certification. 3. **Look at online colleges for convenience.** Many online colleges offer HR certification. These programs can be good if you don't have time to go to physical classes. However, many of these schools are for-profit, which sometimes doesn't hold as much weight as a traditional university or other certification organizations. It's up to you whether you think a for-profit university is a good idea. Nonetheless, keep in mind that this certification may not hold as much weight as one from another university or a credentialing program. It may not be easy to tell which universities are for-profit. However, they're usually the ones that have campuses across the country, such as University of Phoenix, DeVry University, Kaplan University, and Capella University. If you're not sure from the university's website, look it up elsewhere to find out if it's for-profit or not. 4. **Pick a certification exam.** The HR Certification Institute offers a variety of self-directed certification programs to choose from, depending on where you are in your career. This program focuses on certifying you based on your knowledge, rather than putting you through courses. You'll need to pick one before moving ahead with certification. Most require some combination of HR experience and a degree. It's best if the degrees are in HR management, but it's not a requirement. For instance, the Associate Professional in Human Resources is for people who are starting out. You can even take this certification right out of high school. You can purchase study material The Professional in Human Resources requires a combination of experience and education. You need 4 years of experience if you have a high school diploma, 2 years of experience if you have a bachelor's degree, and 1 year of HR experience if you have a master's degree. The Senior Professional in Human Resources requires even more experience. You need 7 years of HR experience if you have a high school diploma, 5 years if you have a bachelor's, and 4 years if you have a master's. 5. **Study for the exam to gain your certification.** This certification is basically just an exam you take to prove your knowledge. Before you take the exam, you'll need to study up for it. The HR Certification Institute offers both preparation materials for free and for purchase. If you wish, you can even bundle your test exam and preparation materials to save a little money. For instance, you can get exam outlines for free at However, you'll need to pay for practice exams. 6. **Schedule the exam.** Schedule the exam at your convenience with Prometric, the company that proctors the exams. You'll need to schedule the exam at one of the many testing centers, which are located in most major cities. You can use Prometeric's site to search for a testing center. You can take the exam most weekdays, as long as you make an appointment before the center fills up. 7. **Take the exam.** Arrive at the center at least 15 minutes ahead of time. Bring a government-issued ID with you, such as a driver's license or passport. You will use a computer to take your test. Keep in mind that all of your personal belongings must be put in a locker issued by the test center. In fact, you can have nothing in your pockets except your ID and your locker key. 8. **Apply for the program.** Just like any program at a college, you'll need to apply to go there. Typically, applications will require information such as your high school transcript and GPA, SAT scores (in some cases), and biographical information. Most for-profit schools and community colleges are not difficult to get into. In fact, some community colleges have open admissions policies, meaning almost anyone who applies gets in. You can also enroll for financial aid at the same time. You may be able to get student loans to help you pay for school. You'll need to fill out the FAFSA, the application for federal student aid. 9. **Enroll in the required coursework.** Once you apply and are accepted, you'll need to enroll in classes. You should have a detailed plan from the school stating exactly what classes you need to take. If you are confused about what to do, you should have a school-assigned advisor you can discuss questions with. To enroll, you typically go online during the enrollment period and choose your classes, especially if you are in an online program. For brick-and-mortar universities, you can also visit the registrar's office. 10. **Complete the coursework.** Usually, if you're getting a certificate through a college, it will require coursework. How many semesters you'll need to complete depends on the program. Some programs have as few as 18 to 27 hours or 6 to 9 courses. However, others are closer to an associate's degree. In some cases, you'll need to complete the coursework in person. In other instances, you can complete it online. It depends on your university. Even if you complete it online, you may need to come to the college for orientation or a few other in-person meetings. Check with your program to determine the grades you need to pass the program. 11. **Apply for graduation.** Often, once you've completed the coursework, you'll need to apply for graduation. Basically, you're just asking the school to verify that you've completed the program. You'll likely need to pay a fee, as well. Visit your school's website to find out how to apply for graduation at your school.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Store Macarons?,"Delicate and crisp on the outside, sweet and creamy on the inside—there’s nothing quite as blissful as taking a bite into a fresh macaron. If you somehow have leftovers, you’ll want to store your macarons properly so they don’t become soggy. This wikiHow will walk you through what to do with your macarons step-by-step so they’re nice and fresh the next time your sweet tooth kicks in. 1. **Store your macarons in a container with an airtight lid.** A plastic or glass container is best for this. Make sure it’s clean and dry, and double-check the tightness of the lid. You don't want any air getting in and making your cookies soggy! Plastic zip-lock baggies are also an option, but since macarons tend to crumble easily, it’s best to use a container with a hard shell. 2. **Line up or layer the macarons in the container.** Place the macarons into the container side-by-side in a single layer. They can be touching, but not overlapping. If you have more macarons to store, tear off a piece of parchment paper and place it on top of the first layer of cookies. Line up the next layer on top of the parchment paper. Continue alternating parchment paper and cookie layers until you run out of macarons. Be sure to use parchment paper, not wax paper. Wax paper will stick to the macarons and create a mess. 3. **Eat the macarons within 24 hours if you don't refrigerate them.** Unrefrigerated macarons will stay fresh for about a day. If you think you can eat them within that time frame (who could blame you!), put the container in the pantry or on the counter. Keep the cookies out of direct sunlight. 4. **Consume refrigerated cookies within 3 days.** Put the container in the middle of the fridge, where the temperature remains consistent. Don’t store the cookies near the front of the fridge or in the door, since the temperature fluctuates in those areas. Make sure there are no heavy objects nearby that could bump into the container. 5. **Freeze the cookies for 3 to 6 months.** Macarons will hold on to their flavor and texture in the freezer for up to 3 months. After that, the quality will start to diminish, but they’ll still taste pretty good up to the 6-month mark. Place the container near the back of the freezer to avoid fluctuating temperatures. Give the container a little room and don’t place anything heavy or large near it. 6. **Let the macarons defrost for 30 minutes before serving.** Once you’re ready to eat your refrigerated or frozen cookies, pull the container out and set it on the counter for about half an hour. Allow the macarons to come to room temperature before serving them. If you are only eating a portion of what’s inside the container, take out what you want, and quickly put the container back in the fridge or freezer. 7. **Pull the macaron shells out of the oven and let them cool.** Let the macaron shells cool down before adding the filling. If you don’t, the shells may crack or lose their crispness. Handle the shells carefully, since they’re quite fragile when they come out of the oven. The shells will be the visible part of the cookie, so you want them to look as perfect as possible. 8. **Fill the shells** You can fill the macaron shells with cream cheese, fruit jams, fondue, ganache, and so much more. Try something new, or add your favorite filling once the shells are cool. 9. **Freeze macaron shells to fill them later, alternatively.** You can freeze unfilled macaron shells for about 3 months. When you’re ready to finish making the cookies, pull the shells out of the freezer and give them 30 minutes to come to room temperature. At that point, you can add your filling and assemble the cookies. 10. **Place the finished macarons in an airtight container.** Use a plastic or glass container and make sure the lid snaps on tightly. Line the cookies up one layer at a time. Place pieces of parchment paper between any subsequent layers. 11. **Leave them on the counter, refrigerate them, or freeze them.** Leave the cookies out on the counter if you plan to eat them within a day. Place them in the fridge for up to 3 days. You can also freeze the cookies for 3 to 6 months. If you're storing in the fridge or freezer, place the container in the middle or near the back. Avoid placing the container near the front, since the temperature fluctuates there and will cause the cookies to become soggy.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Cover a Bruise on Your Face.,"If you bruise easily, learning to cover up or hide a bruise is crucial information. Having a large bruise on your face can be distracting and even damage your self esteem. Covering up bruises with makeup and clothing, or drawing attention away from them, can make the healing process a breeze without decreasing your confidence. 1. **Wash your face with a gentle cleanser.** Cleanse your face with a cleanser appropriate for your skin type. Using circular motions, gently work the cleanser into your skin, making sure not to skip your hairline, eye area, or neck. Then, rinse your face until it's clean and pat it dry with a clean towel. Work the cleanser into your skin for at least 20-30 seconds, making sure to get every crease and corner of your face. 2. **Apply a daily moisturizer with 30 SPF.** To prevent wrinkling, sunburn, or any other form of sun damage, select a moisturizer for your skin type with an SPF of 30 or more. Be sure to apply sunscreen liberally to your face and neck at least 15-30 minutes before you go outside. You can also use two separate products by applying a simple moisturizer and following it with a sunscreen of 30 SPF or greater. You should wear sunscreen every day, even when it's not sunny outside. 3. **Select and apply a color-correcting primer.** Color correction works by canceling out unwanted coloring with colors opposite them on the color wheel. Use a color correcting primer on your bruise before applying any other makeup. Since bruises change color as they heal, you'll want a different color primer for each stage of your bruise. Purchase a color correcting palette with a wide variety of colors. To figure out which color to use take a quick look at the color wheel. Orange cancels out blue, green cancels out red, purple cancels out yellow, and yellow cancels out purple. 4. **Apply a concealer to the bruised area.** Use a concealer 1-2 shades lighter than your skin tone. Pat, don't rub, the concealer into your skin. Start with a small amount of concealer, layering it until you get the desired coverage level. If you’d like to cut down a step, color correcting concealers are also available. 5. **Cover your face with a foundation.** Select a foundation that matches your skin tone and shade. Work the foundation into your skin, making sure to blend it into your hairline and along your chin and neck. Start with a small amount of foundation, building its coverage as needed. You may also switch this order by starting with a foundation and following with a concealer. This is a personal preference; do whatever works best for you. 6. **Set your makeup with a translucent powder.** Use a fine dusting of powder along the areas where you’ve applied the most makeup. Use more powder along any areas where you’ve applied concealer, or any areas of your skin where shine and oil is a concern. You can also use a tinted powder if you want even more coverage, but for just setting your makeup a simple translucent powder will do the trick. 7. **Brush bangs in front of a bruise on your forehead.** If you have bangs, style them so that they fall in front of the bruise. Style them to the side if your bruise in on one side of your forehead, or style them straight down if your bruise is in the middle of your forehead. Blow dry your bangs while they're wet, brushing them in the direction of the bruise so that they dry in that direction. Finish with a light spritz of hairspray. 8. **Wear a hat or headband to hide a bruise on your forehead.** A hat is an easy way to hide a bruise on your forehead. Hats that sit lower down on your forehead can completely cover up bruises, while brimmed hats and caps can provide shadow to hide a bruise. Pull a beanie or beret low on your head to cover up any bruises on your forehead. Wear a wide brimmed hat to hide any bruises higher up on your forehead, or to make it harder to see other bruises. 9. **Wear sunglasses or eyeglasses to hide a bruise around your eyes or nose.** If you'll be outside a lot, opt for a dark pair of sunglasses. However, if you'll be spending most of your time indoors, or will be outside at night, select a pair of eyeglasses with thick, large frames. Your eyeglasses don't necessarily have to be prescription. Pick up a pair of glasses with clear lenses, or even a pair of blue-light canceling glasses. Blue-light canceling lenses will also protect your eyes from harmful blue-lights that are emitted from your computer and phone screens. 10. **Wear a scarf to hide a bruise on your chin.** Depending on the weather, pick either a thin or thick scarf. Keep your scarf up near your chin either by tying it in a thick knot around your neck, or by wrapping it around your neck multiple times. A circle scarf would be a great option, as it loops around your neck multiple times and typically bunches up under your chin. 11. **Wear a bright color.** Pull attention away from your face by wearing an attention-grabbing color. Choose either a bright pair of pants or a shirt, or go for an entire outfit made of bright colors. Use the color wheel to your advantage. Wear a color opposite to that of your bruise, to tone down the bruise's vividness. For example, if your bruise is purple wear a yellow shirt. 12. **Apply interesting makeup.** Rather than covering up the bruise with makeup, try using a bold lip or eye. This technique isn't meant to hide the bruise, but instead direct attention away from it. Wear a red or hot pink lipstick, or experiment with other colors like black or blue. This will draw attention to your lips instead of your bruise. Do a smoky eye, or a winged liner to draw attention to your eyes. Put on fake eyelashes for an even better effect. 13. **Use big, bold accessories.** Using a piece of statement jewelry or loud accessories can be an easy way to distract attention away from a bruise. This won't hide any bruising, but will provide something else for people to focus on. Wear large earrings or a statement necklace that grabs people's attention. Put on a large belt with an interesting buckle to draw attention away from your face. 14. **Put on cute shoes.** Have you ever heard someone tell you to use clothes to highlight what body parts make you feel confident? Doing this can draw attention to preferred areas while also working to distract from other areas. To really distract attention away from your face, draw attention to your feet by wearing interesting shoes. Wear a pair of bright colored shoes, a high heel, or even just shoes you get a lot of compliments on.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back.,"Relationships often end in a whirlwind of doubt and bitter accusation. You probably said a few things you didn't mean, and she fought back. Now that you've had a little bit of time to think about what's been lost, you know you want her back. If you put your heart and mind to it, you might be able to win her over all over again. Fixing whatever went wrong in the first place can be all it takes to prove that you've changed. 1. **Get your life back on track.** So you've been in a relationship for some time, and maybe your girlfriend has just broken it off. It's a sad and lonely time for you right now, but focus on the things you can change about yourself before you move back on to her. Girls want to see self-improvement from guys. Maybe your girlfriend complained about something you did while you two were in your relationship. Maybe there's something that you know you can improve simply because it will make you a better person. Well, now's the time to strike. Cut your video game playing down to a reasonable time, if that's what she wants, or start wearing cleaner clothes when you're around her. If you focus on being a better person while apart, you can go back to her with the ""evidence"" that you're a new guy. Recover emotionally. You don't stand a chance of getting your ex back if you're not emotionally calm and controlled. Women dislike needy, clingy, desperate men - so you need to pull your own life together before attempting to draw her back into it. Like it or not, showing her that you can deal with life on your own will attract her back to you. That's because girls like men who are self-sufficient and independent. So go out to the gym, visit the movies with friends, or start an adventure. If you're having a great time, she'll want to be there with you. Get some new clothes. New times call for new duds. It's a subtle change in you, but the importance will be clear to her: your new outer shell will signal deeper changes underneath. Get that new shirt that you've been wanting to buy, or those new pair of jeans. Looking sharp is an important aspect of physical attraction, and if she sees you looking great in unfamiliar clothes, she'll sense that there's been forward movement, if not wholesale change. 2. **Get the right attitude.** Getting your ex-girlfriend back starts with finding the right attitude. Girls, for the most part, want to see mature, independent guys who like to have fun and know what they're good at. We know that's a lot to work, so start small if you're feeling overwhelmed. Stop being jealous. Being jealous will get you nowhere. Jealousy is associated with fear and anxiety, two unattractive traits to have. Plus, what you're non-verbally telling her is that you want to control her. No one wants to be controlled. So learn to fight your jealousy if you can, and focus on being non-threatening. You'll get more bees with honey than you will with vinegar. Act like nothing's wrong. Even if your guts are tumbling like clothes in a washing machine, try not to let her know. She's probably not going to want you back if you're acting depressed, mopey, or sulky. Make sure you're laughing and genuinely trying to have a good time. You might find that you've become a happier person along the way. If you are feeling depressed, surround yourself with friends or family. Don't wait alone in a corner and just hope for her to come back to you. Develop a playful sense of humor. What do girls say they look for most in guys? A sense of humor and a playful attitude These two traits are attractive because they tell other people that we're youthful and not aggressive. So learn a few jokes if you can (friends are always good to try them out on) and keep the ones that work and throw away the ones that don't. Learn to make fun of yourself a little, in a confident way — not a mopey way. And, for goodness sake, be playful, especially when you're around her. Tease her lovingly, or play a small prank on a friend. You'll notice the difference in her. 3. **Leave her alone.** At least for a little while, give her some time to think about the relationship. If you had a great relationship, she'll think about all the good things that you did for her and feel the absence of you in her life. Cut off all communication. Maybe you don't talk to her for a couple weeks, or perhaps a month. This is tough and it will hurt, but really it's killing her more. This will also let your tempers cool down if things were heating right when you broke up. It's a good idea to always move slowly. If no one cheated or there was no abuse, things probably can be worked out. You need to give her space for three reasons: 1) People simply need space; if you can't give her any space, maybe that's something you can work on to show her that you've changed. 2) She'll get an opportunity to realize how good you are; not that she doesn't know this already, but she may not feel it in her bones. 3) You'll show her how independent you are on your own; the ""rebel"" is so attractive to women because he's totally on his own and doesn't need other people. That said, be a friend and keep in touch regularly so you don't leave her mind. 4. **Start talking to another girl.** Don't do anything with her, but strike up a friendship. You want to raise your own stock by showing her that other girls like you and are attracted to you. Don't get this step confused with pursuing another girl. You want to hang out and talk, do fun things together, but not hook up. If you hook up with another girl, your chances of getting back together with your ex are greatly diminished. Go out with a group of girls. Show your ex that attentive girls like being around you. These girls will be your wing-women. If you can pull together a big group of popular, intelligent, smart girls, chances are your ex is going to feel more interested, maybe without even noticing it. 5. **Tap your inner alpha male.** The alpha male, in nature, is the male in a group of primates that has the highest rank, and gets his pick of the females. Most girls are attracted to the alpha male for deep biological reasons: They believe he can provide for them better, protect them better, and give her biologically fit children. Even if you don't think that alpha males are your ex's type, subtle changes might work on her: pump out your chest a bit, make an effort to work out your arms and thighs, and project strength. 6. **Give her an apology.** Whether you broke up with her, or she broke up with you, an apology is almost always in order. An apology shows her that you're capable of swallowing your ego, and that you care enough to tell her you were wrong. If done correctly, an apology will work wonders. Send her flowers. Girls love flowers, for reasons men still don't know. They die after a week, and they just sit around gathering dust. Well, odds are your ex probably loves them, because they smell pretty and look good and she gets to show them to her friend and brag about how much someone cares for her. You want to be that someone. Send her a letter. Girls also love letters, because they take a lot of time and you have to express your feelings. Start off by saying something like: ""I know this letter doesn't fix what's broken between us, and maybe it never will. But I want you to know that I care deeply about you, and I always will. That part has never changed. The part that's changed is that I realize how stupid I was to let you go."" Tell her in person, asking directly without playing games. Set a time to meet in a public place, or a place that you know she'll feel comfortable in. When the time is right, say: ""I know I made some mistakes during our relationship, and I wanted to take full responsibility for those. I shouldn't have done [whatever it is you did] to you, and I feel horrible now. But the biggest mistake I made was losing you. I don't expect anything from you, I just want you to know that."" 7. **Slowly work up to friendship.** Maybe some trust was broken in your relationship, and now it's time for you to start repairing it. Trust for girls is a big thing. You want to show her that she can trust you again, that you are worthy of her trust. Do something nice for her without expecting her to pay you back. If she's studying late for an exam, pop by with her favorite tea or coffee and let her know that you know she's going to kill it tomorrow. If one of her friends gets in an accident, stop by and pay your respects (the friend will definitely let your ex know you stopped by). If your ex mentions she wanted to see a movie, buy her two tickets for her and her friend to see, and don't butt in. Your time will come soon. Go out for coffee or tea together. Ride your bikes into town. Hang out at the pool. Have conversations about things both of you find funny, or like talking about. Remember to act confident, be funny, and get that playfulness out so that she can see it. 8. **Tell her you still have feelings for her.** Once you've apologized and become her friend again, you can finally tell her you want her back. Try to pick a romantic spot to do this, and try to tell her when it's just you two. It won't hurt if you're looking your best. Be honest about how you feel, within reason. Don't tell her what she might have done wrong in the relationship. Instead, focus on you. Let her know that you've thought a lot about where things went wrong, and show her all the ways in which you've changed. Tell her how you've become more patient, more forgiving, more aware of your own shortcomings, and be sure to back it up with action. If you say you've become more forgiving, be able to show her that you're not as quick to point out other peoples' faults. You can say something like: ""After we broke up, I realized I was looking for love in the wrong places. I realized that you gave me exactly what I need, and it's really a shame that I had to realize that after we broke up. But I realize it now, and I'd be stupid not to try to get you back, because you're exactly what I need."" Or you can say something like: ""You may not like it, but most of what I do now, I do it for you. You've made a better person. I understand what it means to care for someone now that I've been with you. I want to share that with you again, this time better. Because I can't deny that I still have feelings for you. I'd be lying to myself and lying to the world."" Assure her that you both can fix the issues that led to your breakup. Remember why you guys broke up in the first place, so you can learn from your own mistakes. Have a plan ready, and discuss that plan with her. It's no use in getting back together if you go through the same issues all over again. If you didn't listen to her feelings enough, be sure that you're listening when you tell her you like her. If you didn't get along with her friends, make an extra effort to get along with them. Have a plan to attack what's likely to go wrong, and you'll impress the socks off of her.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Prepare the Breast for Breast Feeding.,"Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for your baby. It contains exactly what your baby needs for nutrients, energy, and antibodies against illnesses. Your body will prepare your breasts for breastfeeding without you having to do very much. However, there are a few things that you can do to learn what to expect and get organized. 1. **Massage, but do not “rough up,” your breasts.** Massaging your breasts will help you relax and prepare you in case you need to manually express milk for the baby. The massage should be gentle and not painful. Start above the breast and stroke with a circular motion while moving towards the nipple. Then move again to the outside of the breast in a different area and repeat, moving towards the nipple. Do this until you have moved around the entire breast. Do not “rough up” your nipples by scrubbing them roughly with a towel. This will remove the natural oils that your breast produces and may make them sore. 2. **Determine whether you have inverted nipples.** Some women have inverted, or flat, nipples which appear to have an indentation in the middle. You can determine whether your nipples are inverted using the pinch test: Pinch your breast between your thumb and forefinger on the areola, the dark area about an inch above and below the nipple. If your nipple becomes erect, it is not inverted. If it retracts into the breast, it is inverted. Women may have one inverted and one protruding nipple. The degree of inversion can vary from slight to severe. Your doctor will also be able to tell you whether your nipples are inverted or flat. 3. **Do not worry if you have inverted nipples.** Many women with inverted nipples are able to successfully breastfeed without a problem. However, there are devices you can buy and techniques you can learn about to prepare in case your baby has trouble: Push your nipples out with breast shells. Breast shells are plastic devices which press on your breast making the nipple pop out. You can prepare your breasts by wearing them before the birth and then after the birth for about 30 minutes before feeding time. Use the Hoffman Technique to stretch your nipple and make it easier to pop out. Put both thumbs on either side of your nipple and press into your breast while also spreading your thumbs apart. Work your way around the nipple. Start doing it twice a day and work up to five times per day. Continue doing it after birth. Use a breast pump to pull out your nipple right before feeding. Try an Evert-It Nipple Enhancer. This device uses suction to pull your nipple out. Stimulate your nipples to make them erect before feeding. Massage them between your thumb and forefinger until they protrude. You can also, very briefly, apply a cold compress, but do not numb it. This will make milk less likely to flow. As your baby latches on to drink, squeeze your breast or pull the skin back towards your chest. This will help the nipple protrude. Try a nipple shield in consultation with a lactation specialist. This is worn over the breast and allows milk to flow through a hole to the baby. If the baby has difficulty gripping the breast in its mouth, the shield may help. But do not use it without professional help to make sure it is done properly. 4. **Keep your breasts clean, but do not use harsh soaps.** Washing your breasts in clear water will be sufficient to keep them clean. Lotions and lubricants are not needed unless your nipples are very dry. If you have psoriasis or eczema, talk to your doctor about what medications you can use while breastfeeding. Wash your hands before breastfeeding or expressing milk. 5. **Use a breast pump to induce lactation if you are an adoptive mother.** Adoptive mothers can often breastfeed by stimulating their breasts to produce milk. Stimulate your breasts through pumping every 2-3 hours around the clock before the baby comes. Use a Medela Supplemental Nursing System or a Lact-Aid Nurser Training System to feed your baby additional milk while he or she stimulates your body to increase its milk supply. The quantity of milk adoptive mothers can produce varies greatly. It may still be necessary to provide some formula. 6. **Talk to trusted friends and family members who have breastfed.** They can provide you with advice and support. Breastfeeding difficulties are very common, so chances are you will know people who have had similar problems. 7. **Discuss breastfeeding with your doctor.** Many maternity wards in hospitals and birthing clinics have staff available to assist new mothers. Consult your doctor about any medications, herbal remedies, or supplements you may plan on taking while breastfeeding. Ask your doctor whether they are safe for your baby during breastfeeding. If you have had breast surgery or implants, ask your doctor whether it will likely impact your ability to breastfeed. 8. **Attend a course on how to breastfeed.** You will be able to learn techniques for breastfeeding, including how to hold the baby to encourage it to latch on properly. Most courses encourage partners to attend as well so they can learn what to do to be supportive. Ask the experts any questions you might have. 9. **Contact a lactation consultant.** Even if your baby has not yet arrived, you can meet the consultant, discuss your concerns, and develop a trusting relationship. If you need help learning to breastfeed, the expert may be able to come to your home and assist you. 10. **Join a support group.** Your doctor may be able to suggest a support group in your area. If there isn’t one, you may be able to find one online. La Leche League International has in-person and online support groups and information sessions in many languages.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Put a Collar on a Cat.,"Cat collars are particularly useful for cats who are indoor/outdoor or exclusively outdoors, but you may not realize that collars are useful for indoor cats as well. In case your cat wanders outside or runs away, her collar will prevent her from being mistaken as a stray cat and will help identify you as her owner. Putting a collar on your cat may prove to be difficult at first, especially if this is the first time that she is wearing one. Have patience, though—she will eventually get used to it and probably even forget that she has it on. 1. **Select a time to put the collar on.** The collar will be a new experience and sensation for your cat, so it will be important to choose a time of day when she will be a little less resistant to having the collar put on. You could try putting it on during her meal time or play time, when she will be distracted with another activity. You could also choose a time when she is calm, such as when you are spending quiet time with her. 2. **Let your cat investigate the collar.** Place the collar on the ground near your cat so that she can get used to it before you put it around her neck. To help her get more comfortable with the collar, you can put her own scent on it. To do this, you can rub the collar on your cat's bedding. You can also rub a soft cloth around your cat's mouth (if she will let you) and then rub this cloth on the collar. The collar may not seem so foreign and strange to her if she recognizes her own scent on it. You could also purchase a synthetic pheromone spray at your local pet store and spray this on your cat's collar. Do not rush your cat's investigation of the collar. 3. **Put the collar on your cat.** When your cat is calm and content, slowly and gently place the collar around her neck. Talk to her in a soothing and reassuring voice while you are putting the collar on to make the experience as comfortable as possible for her. Give her a treat when you have the collar on so that she can begin to make a positive association with wearing it. Your cat will probably fidget with, or scratch at, the collar and try to get it off the first time that you put it on. The first time that you put the collar on, leave it on for a few minutes then take it off. Put the collar on your cat each day, leaving it on for longer and longer each time. Your cat may need some time before she's more comfortable with wearing the collar all day. Consider giving her a treat each time that she has the collar on and doesn't try to get it off. Eventually, she will get used to the collar being on without needing a reward. If she manages to get the collar off on her own, put it back on but do not give her a treat—she may think that she is being rewarded for getting the collar off. 4. **Check the fit of the collar.** It is very important to make sure that your cat's collar does not fit too tightly or loosely around her neck. You will know that the collar fits correctly if you can snugly yet comfortably slide two to three fingers between the collar and your cat's neck. Your cat may tense her neck when she has the collar on for the first time, so you may need to wait a few minutes until she relaxes her neck muscles before testing the fit. Do not put pull or tug on the collar when you are sliding fingers under it. If the collar does not fit correctly the first time, remove it from your cat and adjust it accordingly. 5. **Check your cat's collar on a regular basis.** Your cat may lose or gain weight as she gets older. If significant enough, her weight changes could cause her collar to become too loose or too tight. If you notice that her collar is hanging loosely around her neck or seems to be squeezing her neck, take it off and make the necessary readjustment. 6. **Choose a safe collar.** When you walk into your local pet store, you will notice that there are many types of cat collars from which you can choose. Despite the many choices, keep in mind that safety is the most important feature of any cat collar. Breakaway collars are considered to be the safest type of collar for cats, since they will automatically open up if your cat accidentally gets her collar stuck on something (e.g., window blinds, furniture). Breakaway collars will typically have a fastener that will automatically unclasp with enough pressure. Some collars come with attachments, such as bells. Although these attachments can be useful for an outdoor cat (e.g., alerting potential prey to the cat's presence), they can also get caught or stuck on things, which could be dangerous for your cat. 7. **Examine the collar.** Before you purchase the collar, run your fingers along the entirety of the collar. It should not have any rough or sharp edges that could irritate your cat's skin. You should also check to see if the stitching has started to unravel. If the collar has a fastener, make sure that the fastener does not have any sharp edges when fastened. Consider testing the strength of the fastener before leaving the store. Pull on the collar with varying amounts of pressure. The fastener should release with a moderate amount of pressure. If it releases with barely any pressure at all, then your cat could slip out of the collar too easily. The amount of pressure needed to release the fastener will depend on your cat's weight and size. For example, a heavy cat would probably need a fastener that releases with more pressure than would be necessary for a light cat. 8. **Avoid elastic collars.** Some cat collars will have a section of elastic fabric woven into them, which would stretch to the point where your cat could get out of the collar if it gets stuck on something. However, elastic collars can serious injury to your cat if she happens to get her leg stuck through it. Elastic collars also have the potential to get stuck over your cat's jaw, which can cause serious injury. If you choose an elastic collar and it gets stuck on your cat in a way that causes injury, take your cat to your veterinarian immediately for treatment.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Present a Resume in an Interview.,"The interview is one of the most important parts of the process of finding a job. Notably, it’s also a great opportunity to present your resume in a way that will make you stand out as an applicant and will emphasize the strongest aspects of your career experience. By following simple formatting techniques and assembling your resume in a professional way, you can make sure your resume is presented in a way that makes you a strong contender for the job you’re applying for. 1. **Make sure your resume is formatted correctly.** Use a professional font such as Times New Roman, at a size between 10 and 12, and leave 1 inch (2.5 cm) margins on all sides of the resume. Place your contact information, including your name and email address, at the top of the page and make sure they stand out from the rest of the document. For example, consider centering your name and contact information instead of having it extend from the left. Your name should also be in a slightly larger font than the rest of the resume. Make your resume as skimmable as possible. The people reading your resume may have to read dozens, or even hundreds, more like it and inevitably will have to skim them. Thus, making your resume easily skimmable will make the reader appreciative and give you and your resume more attention as an applicant. 2. **Get a portfolio or folder to hold your resume and other papers.** Before going into your interview, acquire a portfolio that will hold your resume, your references sheet, and business card, as well as any other papers you plan to bring to your interview (e.g., a writing sample). For best results, use a portfolio that vibes with the culture of the company you’re applying to. For example, if the company is more artistic and expressive in its content, consider using a portfolio with creative designs or that you can personalize with your own designs. If you want to appear organized and professional, use a simple black portfolio. 3. **Print your resume on quality paper.** It can seem like a minor issue, but the person handling your resume during your interview will notice if it’s printed on paper that’s not the same as all the other resumes they’ve had to read. Purchase linen or cotton paper from a stationery store and use it to print your resume on. Use this paper to print out your references sheet and any other materials you plan to bring to the interview. 4. **Purchase business cards on paper that matches your resume.** Business cards are a must-have in much of the professional world and should definitely be included with your resume. At the same stationery store, purchase business cards with your name, contact information, and professional affiliation to include with your resume. Make sure your business cards are printed on the same type of paper that you used to print out your resume. This will give your documents a consistency that will reflect positively on you during your interview. 5. **Place your resume, references, and card in your portfolio and bring it.** Your resume should be on top of your references sheet, unless you can place them on opposite sides of the portfolio. Place 1 of your business cards in the card-holder slot in the portfolio. Bring your portfolio as assembled to use in your interview as a reference. If your portfolio doesn’t have a card-holder slot, simply bring your business card with you and give it to the people interviewing you if the opportunity arises. 6. **Bring multiple copies of your resume and cover letter.** It always looks bad when job seekers don’t have enough copies of their resume to share with multiple interviewers. Make several copies of your resume and bring them in your portfolio to avoid looking unprepared. You should also bring multiple copies of your cover letter and any other relevant documents you plan to bring to your interview. 7. **Clarify what parts of your resume your interviewer is most interested in.** It’s perfectly acceptable to ask questions of your interviewer about what aspects of your resume and experience you ought to discuss. This way, you can jump right into the most relevant portions of the resume and ingratiate yourself to your interviewer by saving them time. For example, ask your interviewer something like, “What part of my educational background or work experience is most interesting to you?” To be even more precise, you can also ask your interviewer how much time they would like you to spend discussing specific portions of your resume. 8. **Prioritize discussing your most relevant work experience first.** When asked about your previous jobs and experience, don’t feel like you have to go through your entire career in chronological order. Instead, state that you’d like to start with a particular job that involved skills or activities that are most relevant to the position you’re applying for and go from there. This strategy has the added benefit of preventing you from being rambling in your answer. Moreover, if your interviewer remains interested in other aspects of your prior experience, they will most likely ask about them in a follow-up question. In any case, do mention your two most recent jobs and explain why you ultimately ended up leaving them and applying for this new job. 9. **Emphasize the parts of your resume that highlight what you bring to the position.** The ultimate truth is that whoever is interviewing you wants to know why they should hire you and the different parts of your resume don’t all speak to this question. So, you should take the initiative during the interview to talk up the unique skills, educational background, or experiences that make you the best applicant for the job. For example, if one of your previous jobs was very similar to the job you’re currently applying for, talk about the relevant experience and skill sets you acquired through that job and how you could bring them to bear on the new position. Don’t try to summarize each prior position or educational experience in its entirety; instead, focus on describing those aspects of the job or training that are most relevant to this position. 10. **Avoid skimping on the details of your resume.** Although you want to be concise for the sake of time, you should also avoid going through your resume so quickly that you end up skipping over too many details. Be succinct when discussing the less relevant parts of your resume and be more detailed when discussing your most relevant experience. For example, spend ample time discussing any previous jobs that were similar in responsibilities and required skills to the job you’re currently applying for. Meanwhile, spend as little time as possible on prior jobs that aren’t relevant to this position at all. If you skimp too much on the details of your resume, your answers may come across to the interviewer as superficial.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Clean a Suede Purse.,"Suede purses can be difficult to clean, but they do require cleaning now and then. If you have noticed that your suede purse could use a good cleaning, or if your suede purse has a stain that you are not sure how to remove, then there are several things you can try. After your suede purse is clean, there are also some things you can do to protect your purse and keep it looking great. 1. **Keep your suede purse dry.** The first rule of cleaning a suede purse is to avoid using any water on the suede fabric because the water will discolor your suede. Don’t wet the suede at all or even use a damp cloth on it. If you feel like a little moisture is necessary, then you can hold your suede purse above some steam. For example, you could hold the suede purse above a mug of hot water for a few seconds and then brush it clean. However, do not allow the purse to become wet. 2. **Brush the suede to remove fibers and dirt.** A brush is the best tool for cleaning suede. You can use a brush to do a basic cleaning on your suede purse, or use it as a spot treatment for stains. Brush the suede going in one direction to clean away dust and dirt from your purse. You can also use small back and forth motions to take care of stains. You can use a nail brush or get a special suede cleaning brush. 3. **Rub a clean eraser over stained and scuffed areas.** A clean pencil eraser can also be a useful item for cleaning a suede purse. You can rub a pencil eraser over any minor stains, scuffs, or discolored areas to help restore them to normal. Make sure to use a clean, never used eraser to do this. If the eraser is dirty then you might end up transferring the dirt to the suede material. 4. **Use a suede leather cleanser on your bag.** You can get specialty cleansers meant for cleaning suede. These are great for the general maintenance of your suede purse. However, do not use a cleanser that is meant for regular leather or another material because it may damage your suede purse. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for using a suede cleanser. 5. **Apply some vinegar or rubbing alcohol to a clean cloth.** Vinegar and rubbing alcohol are safe to use on suede, and they can help to brighten up the look of suede that has gotten dingy or dirty over time. To use vinegar or rubbing alcohol to clean a suede purse, pour a small amount onto a clean cloth. Use just enough to make the cloth damp. Then, begin to rub the suede with the cloth to clean the suede. You may need to do several applications, depending on how dirty the purse has become. Let the suede dry completely after applying vinegar or rubbing alcohol. 6. **Blot fresh spills.** When you first spill something on your suede purse, be sure to blot the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel. This will help to remove excess moisture and minimize the damage of the spill. Take a clean cloth or paper towel and press it over the area of the spill. Do not rub the area! Use multiple towels or cloths if necessary. 7. **Use cornstarch or talcum powder on fresh stains.** If you have just spilled some oil or liquid on your purse, then blot it dry with a clean cloth or paper towel and then sprinkle some cornstarch or talcum powder onto the area and let it sit overnight. This will help to soak up the residue left by the liquid. The following day, tap off the powder and use a brush to remove the excess. Remove the rest of the stain by cleaning the area with an eraser, vinegar, or rubbing alcohol. 8. **Allow mud to dry before trying to remove it.** If you try to clean mud off of a suede purse while it is still wet, you will only make matters worse. As hard as it might be to leave the mud on your purse, you are better off waiting for it to dry completely before trying to remove it. After the mud dries, use a brush to remove the dried dirt from your purse. 9. **Freeze the purse before trying to remove wax or gum.** If you end up getting wax or gum on your purse, then you can remove it by freezing your purse first. This will harden the wax or gum and then you can pull or chip it off in pieces. Don’t use any sharp objects to remove the wax or gum from your suede purse. Use your fingers or a brush. 10. **Use a suede sealant.** You can buy suede sealants to help protect your bag from moisture and keep it looking nice. These sealants are often available in shoe stores and you simply spray the sealant on your purse and let it sit until the sealant is completely dry, usually overnight. Keep in mind that a sealant will not make your suede purse waterproof or immune to stains. It will just help to repel some of the moisture. 11. **Store your suede purse in a dust cover or pillow case.** Using a dust cover or pillow case can help to keep your suede purse looking its best. If your suede purse came with a dust cover, then use it to store your suede purse when you are not using it. If your suede purse did not come with a dust cover, then store it in a pillow case when you are not using it. You can also use a plastic bag or an old shoe box to protect your suede purse. 12. **Keep your suede purse out of the sun.** Leaving your suede purse in the sun can cause the color of the suede to fade and change color. Make sure to store your suede purse somewhere away from the sunlight to prevent it from becoming discolored. Storing your suede purse in a closet or dark drawer is best. Just make sure that you do not pile a bunch of other items on top of your purse because this can cause your bag to become misshapen.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Add Flavor to a Bland Recipe.,"Bland food happens––soups, stews, casseroles, desserts and other dishes can often taste ordinary. Fixing blandness by adding flavor is a great way to save the meal and still enjoy eating it. If you ever think you have the perfect dish, then you taste it and it has no flavor, these tips will help enhance the flavors in your dish. 1. **Use house seasoning.** Otherwise known as salt and pepper, adding a dash of this simple seasoning will improve many dishes. Add a small amount and taste as you go. Freshly ground salt and pepper will taste fresher and sharper than already ground versions. 2. **Add a dash of a prepared seasoning.** There are many varieties of prepared seasoning that can be purchased. Some are generic and suit a range of savory dishes, while others are targeted to particular foods. Follow the instructions accompanying the seasoning. 3. **Make and use your own general seasoning.** Seasoning mixes aren't hard to make at home in large batches for use over several months. You can be absolutely sure about what the mix contains, making this an even better option. Examples include: Seasoned salt Seasoned pepper Chicken and rice seasoning mix Taco seasoning mix Italian herb seasoning. 4. **Add mustard to bland dishes.** Mustard is an excellent accompaniment to macaroni and cheese, chili, or any savory food. Most of the time these are comfort foods that can do with an extra zip. Add 3 tablespoons and the tanginess of the mustard will get rid of that bland taste. 5. **Try lemon juice.** Lemon juice is said to be a healthier alternative for salt. It has a tangy flavor and enhances flavors like no other. Add 2 tablespoons to a salad dressing or fish dish. 6. **Try lime juice.** This has a milder but more distinct taste than a lemon. The bitterness can give a dish that bite it needs. Add 2 tablespoons. 7. **Use hot sauce.** The all time favorite. It gives food a spicy, tangy flavor. It can be added to literally any dish! Add as much as you'd like. 8. **Use spices to improve the flavor of both savory and sweet dishes.** There are many possibilities for improving food with spice. Start by checking out How to use spices in cookery. 9. **Use spices with a bit of kick to improve chill and other dishes that need a hot kick.** For example, cayenne, paprika, strong black pepper, etc. 10. **Improve the flavor of a bland sweet pie with spices.** It's already too late to fix the pie but you can add pumpkin pie spice or similar to the whipped cream or sauce that goes with the pie. Or, add sweet spices to powdered sugar and sprinkle over every slice of pie. 11. **Prefer fresh herbs over dried herbs where possible.** On the whole, fresh herbs have a better flavor and will add great taste to help remove blandness from food. Consider growing a kitchen herb garden of your most-used herbs to make it easy to add the herbs to any dish as needed. 12. **Use celery salt or celery seed.** This has a strong flavor which is good for improving a bland soup or stew. 13. **Choose an acidic addition to improve the flavor of bland food.** For example, vinegar, tomatoes, wine or juice from citrus fruit (see above) can improve the flavor a lot. In many cases, acidic additions can also tone down cloying, sweet tastes. Balsamic vinegar is a nice sweet and acidic addition. 14. **Add a decent dash of soy sauce.** The saltiness and flavor of soy sauce will improve a bland soup, stew, stir-fry and other savory dishes that have a liquid component. 15. **Add ketchup or tomato sauce.** The acidic flavor adds one dimension, while any additional flavorings in the sauce will add depth to the dish too. 16. **Pour in a little Worcestershire sauce.** This is a strongly-flavored sauce, so don't overdo it or you'll be looking for how to tone down the flavor. Add a dash or two to soups, stews and similar savory dishes. 17. **Use sherry.** It can be either drinking sherry or cooking sherry; whichever, it will add flavor to bland soups, casseroles, stews, chilli, etc. 18. **Add white wine.** White wine can add acidity and sweetness to a bland dish. It's a good way to use up the last of a bottle. Dry vermouth can also add flavor in the same way as white wine.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Make a Tortillon.,"Have you ever been in the middle of drawing something, only to realize you didn’t have an easy way to neatly blend your work? If so, then you need to try using a tortillon. A tortillon is a cylindrical tool artists use to smudge or blend marks made by a variety of materials, including charcoal, crayon or pencil. And luckily for you, it’s very easy – and cheap – to make a tortillon at home. 1. **Gather your supplies.** To create the tortillon, you will need a blank piece of copy paper (recommended size A4) a ruler, a pencil and a pair of scissors. You will be able to create two usable tortillons for every one piece of copy paper you prepare. A4 paper is 210mm wide and 297mm long (approximately 8 1/4 x 11 3/4 inches.) 2. **Draw a straight line.** To do this, measure 1” down the side of your paper and mark it with your pencil. Flip your paper and measure 1” down on the other side. Connect your ruler between the two pencil markings and draw your straight line. 3. **Cut your paper.** Following the straight line you’ve drawn down the center of your paper, cut the paper into two halves. To learn how to cut a straight line on paper using scissors, read this article. 4. **Roll your paper.** Grasp the narrowest end of your paper in your hands. Roll the paper evenly and medium tightly towards the other edge of the paper. Be careful not to roll too tightly, as this can result in a more finely tipped tortillon. If you are struggling to roll your tortillon, try positioning it on a flat surface and rolling it using a similar motion to that of a rolling pin. Don’t worry if you struggle for a while; creating a usable tortillon takes time and practice. 5. **Form the pencil shape.** To accomplish this, you will need a thick wire, knitting needle or something similarly sized and shaped. Using your tool, push the center of the tortillon out until it has assumed the shape of a pencil. 6. **Secure the tortillon.** Take a small piece of tape and use it to reinforce the tortillon. Make sure to trim any extra paper or tape from the top, as this will get in the way of blending and could potentially ruin your shading. 7. **Clean your tortillon.** Tortillons will last for a long time, provided you care for them. To clean your tortillon, rub it against a rough surface until the outer layer is scraped off. Medium sandpaper is a great tool for cleaning your tortillon. When blending lighter areas, use a clean tortillon. When blending darker areas, use a dirty tortillon. 8. **Trim the frayed paper.** Using craft scissors, clean off the excess paper from your tortillon. Go slowly, and try to recreate the rounded point you had after initially creating the tortillon. 9. **Organize tortillons by color.** If you continuously clean your tortillons, you will find they have a much shorter shelf life. To avoid this, try organizing your tortillons by the color lead they have on them. If you continue to use the correct shade of tortillon when you are blending, you will not have to clean them as often and the tortillon will last much longer.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Become a Jewelry Designer.,"Becoming a jewelry designer gives you the freedom to express yourself creatively, and share your designs with the world to enjoy. You have the opportunity to be self-employed or work for reputable jewelers across the globe. It is your choice to learn the trade through on-the-job training or gain formal training at a school. This job is perfect for driven people who need a way to share their creativity and style others. 1. **Pick your path to becoming a jewelry designer.** There are many different routes you can take to becoming a professional and skilled jewelry designer. One way you can help pick your own path is by deciding what you may want to specialize in. Decide if you want to only design, or design and create your jewelry. If you want to stick with just the design aspect, you may consider focusing on your illustration skills, as well as getting an education in fashion and jewelry design. If you want to create your designs, you will then have to gain practice, knowledge, and expertise in working with medals, jewels, and various raw materials used to create jewelry. Try attending a reputable trade school for jewelers. Many jewelry designers skip school and learn through apprenticeships and on-the-job training they find by applying for work at reputable jewelers. 2. **Learn the basics.** New jewelry designers usually just start out by learning how to adjust, re-shape, and resize jewelry. From there, you can learn more difficult elements such as cutting and setting stones, mold-making, metalworking and engraving. Once you have these basic skills learned, you can focus on your personal style in areas of shape and texture that you can practice mastering. Jewelers suggest learning about gemology, sales and jewelry fabrication in order to understand the process of jewelry production from beginning to end. While you do not need a formal education, there are certain skills you may want to consider taking classes on. You will need manual dexterity, artistic skills, steady hands, experience with CAD software to design, the ability to visual design ideas to actual jewelry, and a knowledge of popular fashion. 3. **Give yourself a competitive edge with a degree.** Depending on the specific route you take, you may benefit from going to school. Jewelry makers who become specialized or independent tend to be more successful with a formal education. Also, employers find jewelers with a degree more appealing because they do not require as much on-the-job training as a person without a formal education. This will help you stand out against competition. You can take your education as far as a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts or Masters of Fine Arts in Metalwork and Jewelry Design. There are many accredited universities and art institutes that can give you the opportunity to cut and shape gems and pieces of metal first-hand. A few of the best jewelry design schools are Rochester Institute of Technology in New York, Istituto Lorenzo De Medici – The LdM School of Design in Italy, and Birmingham City University in England. Advanced credentials and experience can help you one day if you decide to start your own business. 4. **Plan a timeline.** Once you decide that you want to become a jewelry designer, you can begin practicing right away by signing and creating you ideas. However, if you are looking at finding a job, it may be helpful to know how many years you will have to put in before that may happen. If you decide to receive a formal education, you can be in school anywhere from two to six years. You will need about one to two years of experience and on-the-job training to become a skilled designer. Keep in mind, you can receive this experience while you are still in school. 5. **Learn the process of creation.** When a jewelry designer has an idea for a piece of jewelry, or is presented with an idea from someone else, there are several steps that need to happen before that jewelry comes to life. Depending on the situation, the design phase usually takes about seven days, and the production can take about two weeks. Here is the typical process of design to final product: The designer will start by drawing their ideas on paper with pencils. It has become common to design jewelry with special computer software that can give a better idea of what the piece will look like in 3D. The next step is to make a 2D design into a 3D prototype. This can be done in various ways such as 3D printing, CAD, or clay or wax molds that can be filled with melted metal. Once the prototype is worked out, the jeweler can start casting the metal. A jeweler can then cut, polish, and set precious or semi-precious gemstones into the jewelry. 6. **Gain experience by crafting at home.** You do not have to limit yourself to designing at a job or school. With the proper tools and materials, you can practice making your designs come to life. Materials and tools can become expensive, so you may want to start out with just the basic materials. Here are some general tools to get you started: Scissors that are professional-quality are great for cutting into extra small places with ultra-sharp precision. Thread Clippers are useful for quick snipping work. A standard graphing ruler is a basic piece of jewelry equipment that will help you visualize and create your designs. Use less expensive materials than what you imagine your design ultimately having. If you are envisioning a piece with silver or gold fill, practice with copper wire or other base metal wire just to get the hang of things. Hammers and mallets can be vital for forming jewelry. 7. **Expand your tool collection.** There are so many different types of tools required to make the wide range of jewelry available. The type of equipment you buy will become more specific once you decide what type of jewelry it is you want to create. Here is a list of common equipment used to make jewelry that you may or may not need: Bead boards Disks and templates Anvils and blocks Wire jigs Stamps and punches 8. **Invest in a variety of pliers.** Pliers may be one of the most helpful tools you use to help you create your designs. They are many different pliers out there, and they all offer a unique way to help you create jewelry. Here are essential pliers to have in your tool kit: Wire cutters are great for cutting headpins, eyepins and wire to string jewelry. Round nose pliers are good when you want a smooth curve and will help you in you make loops, bends, clasps and jump rings for wire work. Chain nose pliers have a flat surface and taper towards the tips which makes them great for getting into small spaces and gripping wire. They are also useful for opening and closing jump rings. Crimping pliers are a perfect tool for stringing beads because they have two notches on the jaws that easily secure tubes and beads. 9. **Begin work in the industry.** It is important to get your hands working as soon as possible to gain knowledge, practice, and skills. Apply at local jewelers to see if you can get your foot in the door in anyway possible. Even working in the front of the store as a cashier can teach you a lot. You can learn how jewelry is displayed and presented to the customer, and listen to the feedback they have about the pieces. Be sure that any jewelers you work with know the direction you are headed so that as positions open, or help is needed designing or creating jewelry, you can be considered for the job. 10. **Network with as many people as you can.** Spending time in an art, craft, or jewelry setting, and put the word out there that you have a passion for design. This is a great way to start a meaningful relationship with designers and other people who can help you launch your career in jewelry design. Bring value to those relationship by letting people know what skills you can provide such as reliability, quality, sincerity, creativity, business and marketing knowledge, or dedication. Sell yourself and your skills so other people in the industry want to have a connection with you. 11. **Learn good communication skills.** Jewelers work closely with employees and customers to figure out designs and talk jewelry. You will have to communicate with your customer about what they are looking for in their piece. This will require you to have great interpersonal skills so you can build strong relationships to help you to successfully sell jewelry. Consider taking a communications class at a local college. Remember to always be polite and friendly when talking to fellow employees and customers. 12. **Submerge yourself in the fashion culture.** Jewelry designers need to know what the latest fashions in jewelry are, as well as the history of jewelry, so they can stay current, and sell jewelry. This will require research, attention to detail, and input from other people. Regardless of the education you receive, or the skills you learn, you will not be a competitive designer unless you have creative ideas that appeal to other people. Try to get internships with designers, or volunteer at fashion events to learn about great styles. Read as many books as you can about the history of jewelry. Great books to start with are, History Of Jewelry by Black and Georgian Jewellery 1714-1830 by Ginny Redington. 13. **Sell your product at art fairs and home shows.** These events pop-up throughout the country in large and small cities allowing vendors to rent a space to sell their product. If you want to sell your own product directly to the people, consider finding local fairs and shows near you, or go on the road with your jewelry. You will be charged an initial fee to have a spot at the show, but after that, the money you earn from your jewelry sales are yours. This is also a great way to advertise your jewelry. Make business cards that let people know how they can contact you about your jewelry. Leave them out for people to take as they admire your pieces. 14. **Set up an Etsy account.** Etsy is a great website for creative entrepreneurs who want to sell their homemade products online. You can post pictures of your jewelry for people to view and buy. It is a convenient way to sell your goods when you do not have your own website or store and you are trying to get started as an entrepreneur. 15. **Be prepared for economic booms and busts.** As the economy fluctuates, so will jewelry sales. Although jewelry sells at even the worst of economic times, jewelry is seen as a luxury item and sales will definitely take a hit if the economy is struggling. Try to make the best use of your time regardless of the number of sales you do. You can use slower months when sales are down as an opportunity to design and make jewelry repairs. 16. **Learn important skills to become an entrepreneur.** If you want to have your own store, be sure to learn all areas of the business, not just design and creation. You may want to just focus on jewelry design, but if you open your own store, you will have to know much more to become successful. Consider taking courses in business administration, merchandising, and entrepreneurship to help you start your business and become successful. 17. **Have a strong will.** There are many aspiring jewelry designers out there with no formal education for graphic or jewelry design. Regardless of where you stand with your knowledge on jewelry design, if you have the passion, you can become a designer. Whether that means working for yourself, or for another person, you can make it happen with passion, hard work, practice, and networking. It may take several years to find yourself in your dream position. Do not give up if things take a little longer to start happening for you than you expected. Remember that learning a new skill takes a lot of practice. You may not have a natural knack for jewelry design at first, but with practice, you will improve your skills. 18. **Take care of your health.** Designing and creating jewelry can be hard on the body. You will spend many hours leaned over, shaping gems, and focusing your eyes on innate details. After a while, your body may start to ache, your hands may tense up, and your eyes can feel strained. As you create, take time each hour to walk around, stretch out, and relax your eyes to prevent injury. Always wear protective eye goggles when working with tools to cut and make jewelry.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Write a Business Case.,"A business case provides justification for a proposed business change or plan, and typically outlines the allocation of capital and resources required to implement the proposed business case. A successfully presented business case can act as an impetus for moving forward with a new, alternative plan of action, or it may simply provide a consistent message, or unified vision for future business decisions and operations. A well-drafted business case will expose major or implementable solutions for conquering a business problem, issue or goal in order to provide decision makers with multiple options to choose from. 1. **Identify and thoroughly understand a relevant business problem, issue or goal.** Your first step in creating a successful business case is to clearly identify the business problem, issue or goal that your business case will address. Hold a brainstorming session with your business’s decision makers and managers in order to understand the problems that arose and the business goals surrounding the problems. It is crucial to clearly define the problem and parameter of the solution. There should be an agreement about the scope between the person authorizing the business case and those who will execute analysis. Justification for the project could be based on the benefits to business operations, strategic direction goals, and/or cost benefit analysis. 2. **Brainstorm about potential options for resolving the business case problem, issue or goal.** Both during, and after your initial business case brainstorming session, you should discuss potential solutions and plans with key personnel and management. Identify multiple options for implementing your business case plan in order to determine the most feasible option for resolution. For example, if the business case plan revolves around entering a new market, there should be a brainstorming session held in order to determine that different marketing strategies required to make the new market entry a success. Don’t just go off and write the business case independently, because successful approval and implementation is dependent on support from relevant business stakeholders and managers. 3. **Review your business’s mission statement.** Once you have identified potential business problems, issues or goals, and potential options for resolution, you should briefly review your business' mission statement. A well-drafted mission statement should have been created during the initial business planning process, and typically includes a brief explanation of the business’s objectives, competitive/market advantages and a short explanation of the business’s philosophies and goals. Consider whether your business case is in-line with the mission statement in terms of complying with and furthering business goals, objectives and philosophies. Reviewing the mission statement can allow you determine whether the business case and proposed resolution options further the ultimate mission and goals of the business. In most cases, you will be following the directions of a superior whose responsibility is to confirm compatibility between mission and the alternative solutions you provide. 4. **Determine who should write the business case.** Typically, one or two people take on the duty of writing a business case. With just one or two writers, the tone and style of the business case will remain consistent. The writer(s) should have knowledge and expertise regarding relevant business operations, and must be open to accepting input from other team members and business leaders. 5. **Write down the problem statement.** This statement should provide a straightforward explanation of the identified business problem or issue, and discuss the business areas that the business case must address for successful implementation. Use the first sentence of the problem statement to concisely present the problem, issue or goal that the business case seeks to resolve. For example, if the business problem is the need to generate additional lines of revenue the problem statement should begin with a statement that: “[Insert business name] is interested in expanding its current revenue stream by [business case’s proposed answer to the business problem].” Get the approval of those requiring the report before continuing. 6. **Create a proposed solutions statement.** Express the projects and options proposed by the group as a solution to the business problem, goal or issue. Explain in detail how the proposed change/plan addresses and resolves the problem, issue or goal. Include what should be accomplished by implementing the proposed business case plan. Indicate what is needed to implement the solution or project, including items like a monetary budget and increased labor numbers. Anything that is needed to complete this solution should be explained in the proposed solutions statement. Explain the methods used, and the research conducted in order to come up with the business case plan’s proposed options. Include information about meetings with surveyed departments and target audiences. 7. **Provide detailed timelines and time frames for successful project implementation and completion.** Provide ideal dates and worst-case scenarios for plan implementation, as well as a more general time frame for business case plan implementation and completion. Provide the costs associated with the project implementation timeline, as well as the potential costs/losses associated with not implementing the proposed business case plan. Explain the potential consequences and losses that could result from the plan not being implemented. 8. **Draft an executive summary.** The executive summary is the first, and most important part of the business case. The business case executive summary outlines the proposed project, that if implemented, would further the identified business goal, and/or resolve the identified business problem or issue. The executive summary will contain the major considerations that will be later discussed in more detail, including the timeline for business case implementation and completion, as well as the projected benefits and costs of business case implementation. Begin your executive summary with language such as: “This report is submitted in support of [insert business plan, goal or issue]. Provided is an evaluation and analysis of all relevant financial, marketing and business costs/considerations associated with implementing the suggested recommendations in this business case.” From there provide an explanation of why the proposed business plan should be implemented, and identify the impacts on the business for not implementing the plan. 9. **Edit your business case draft.** After you have completed a first draft of your business case, your next step should be to carefully review your business case for any unnecessary language and grammatical errors. Make sure your business case is formatted in a manner that is easy to read and clearly displays each of the separate business case sections in underlined or bolded text. 10. **Present your business case to the personnel who will be instrumental in implementing the business case plan.** Get the agreement and feedback of those who will be responsible for implementation. Although, they are not usually the decision makers, the best way to ensure that your business case will be successful is by making sure that the personnel responsible for implementing the plan have the opportunity to review the business case and offer suggestions for changes and other feedback. For example, if your business case suggests the implementation of a new marketing strategy as a means to enter new markets, you should definitely take the time to meet with the marketing team in order to ensure that the processes contained in your business case can be feasible implemented by marketing personnel. 11. **Present your business case to final authority.** Your business case should be presented to the management professionals who are responsible for providing approval for new business strategies or plans. Begin with the problem, issue or goal that your business case is addressing. From there talk about the resolution provided by your business case, as well as the different options, and steps that must be taking to bring about resolution. Consider using a PowerPoint presentation to add visuals to your business case presentation. Brainstorm in advance about any potential concerns that management may have about implementing the business case plan. Make sure to address these concerns during your presentation, instead of waiting for management to raise their concerns.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Make a Revision Timetable.,"A revision timetable will help you focus and make the most of the time you have available to study for your exams. You can make a paper revisions timetable using letter or legal size paper and a pen, or you could make your revisions timetable on Google calendar or in your weekly planner. There are also mobile applications that can help with your revisions timetable. Whatever media you use, be sure to prioritize your subjects, make time for study breaks and get plenty of rest. 1. **Find out how much time you have to prepare.** Write the dates of your exams in your calendar. You might want to put a star beside them to indicate their importance. Then, figure out how many days you have left before your exams. Divide the number of days left before exams by the number of subjects you need to prepare for. Now you know how many days you have available to prepare for each subject. 2. **Create study blocks for each topic.** Use your textbook and learning materials to determine the specific topic areas within each subject. English Literature, for example, may be broken down into the different books you are studying and then further into chapters, themes, or quotes. Highlight or circle the topics using different colours. Figure out how many topics or sub categories you have for each subject. Then, divide up the time you have for the subject into study blocks for each topic. 3. **Look at your work calendar.** If you are currently employed, you should review your work schedule for the upcoming weeks. Figure out where you can schedule study-time between your shifts. If you have a lot of upcoming shifts, consider working less so that you have more time for revisions. 4. **Review upcoming holidays and social events.** You need to figure out when your studying may be interrupted by social events or holidays, so that you can plan accordingly. If it looks like there will be a weekend when you are unable to study due to a social obligation, try to put in your revision time beforehand. 5. **Chart your weekly revision timetable on a piece of paper.** You can make a paper revision timetable and put it up behind your desk. Get some paper and some different coloured pens. A ruler might help, too, if you want to make a table. Make a column for each day of the week. For each day, jot down the subjects you will focus on and the specific topics you plan to study. You can also download revision timetables and then insert your own subjects and times. 6. **Try a timetable application.** There are a variety of mobile applications that can be used to schedule your revisions timetable. These applications work on a variety of platforms. For instance, you may find one of the following applications helpful: If you use an Android device, you may find Timetable helpful. It will mute your phone during your study sessions and allow you to block your time effectively. You can make a personalized study plan with the SQA My Study Plan application. You can store your timetable on the cloud and access it across a range of devices with the My Study Life application. 7. **Revise your revision timetable on a weekly basis.** At the end of each week leading up to exams, reflect on what worked and what didn’t work in your revision timetable. Consider how you could spend your time more effectively, and then make the revision timetable for your upcoming week. For instance, if your study week starts on a Monday, you might want to start your weekly timetable on the Sunday night or Monday morning. 8. **Prioritize your study time.** You should think strategically about the subjects on your list. You should make more time for the relatively more difficult subjects or the ones you have a hard time with. You should also make more time for subjects that you need to achieve a particular grade on, in order to proceed with your professional or life goals. 9. **Do big projects first.** Do the big projects first, since they will require the most effort and concentration. By studying the big projects or subjects first, you will avoid the situation of not having sufficient time down the road. Remember to integrate some flexibility in your schedule. You may need to go back to the big subjects later in your revision timetable, depending on how it goes the first time around. 10. **Decide which tasks you should only spend short bursts of time on.** If there are subjects or topics that are relatively easy or take less time, you could allocate smaller blocks of time for them. You may need to allocate relatively more, smaller blocks of time to certain subjects. If you are memorizing new words for an upcoming Spanish language test, you might want to allocate more frequent, smaller blocks of time. 11. **Schedule study breaks.** Instead of only scheduling blocks of time for studying, you should insert specific study breaks and rewards. You could schedule a study break to go for coffee with a friend. Another option is to schedule quick workout sessions at your local or school gym between study periods. Regardless of what you do with your breaks, it is important to make time for them. 12. **Schedule your study blocks in a realistic manner.** Although it is tempting to be ambitious at the scheduling stage, you don’t want to jot down huge blocks of time that you won’t realistically be able to complete. Instead of blocking off fifteen hours a day for a hard subject and getting disappointed with yourself when it becomes unmanageable, consider blocking off realistic chunks of time that allow for things like a social life and family obligations. 13. **Start your day off with something you know you can accomplish.** This will give you more motivation for the rest of the day. Make sure the next slot is something heavier so you don't put off your worst subjects until the end. 14. **Determine when you study best.** Some people study best in the morning, whereas other people like to burn the midnight oil. If you know when you can concentrate best, you can use that time of the day to focus on your revisions. 15. **Set goals for a particular study session.** At the start of your study session, consider the specific goals you would like to achieve. Take two minutes to write down a specific goal you hope to achieve, such as completing the reading up to a specific page number in the textbook. If you are memorizing dates or events for a history exam, write down a goal to memorize a particular number of facts for the exam. 16. **Use subject specific study methods.** Consider whether you are using the most appropriate study methods for specific subjects, such as flash cards for a history exam or rhymes for an oral French language exam. It is important to tailor your study methods for the type of exam material. If you need to identify parts of the human body, you may want to use biological illustrations or pictures. If you need to perform in an algebra exam, you should practice doing equations. 17. **Focus for realistic chunks of time.** Instead of studying for hours and losing concentration, it is best to study for thirty or forty minutes at a time. If you still feel fresh after forty minutes, you can always get back to work. 18. **Give yourself regular breaks.** If you are going to study for the day, it is important to give yourself breaks between periods of studying. Go for a short walk or grab a cup of coffee and then come back to your revisions later. 19. **Review your study session goals.** At the end of a study session, you should quickly review what you have accomplished during the session. Give yourself a pat on the back if you have accomplished any of your study session goals, such as finishing preparation for a particular topic or subject. If you haven’t yet achieved your goal, write down what you need to accomplish in order to get closer to the goal during your next study session. 20. **Tick things off as you do them.** It will feel great when you can tick off a subject from your study list. You will have one subject less to worry about. That said, it is important to come back to the subjects you studied first towards the end of your revisions period. 21. **Make time for refresher sessions.** As you move further into your revisions schedule, you may need to remind yourself about particular subjects or topic areas that you covered weeks or months ago. So, it is wise to periodically revisit the subjects that you covered earlier in your revisions timetable. 22. **Make sure you get lots of sleep before the exam day.** Sleep is important for cognition, which is necessary for exam performance. To ensure a good performance, getting a solid rest is really important. For instance, you should try to get between eight and ten hours of sleep per night. Unfortunately, not getting sufficient sleep will limit your concentration and learning. If you are prioritizing study time over getting adequate sleep (i.e., 8-10 hours), it could negatively impact your ability to concentrate and learn during your study sessions.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Care for Wavy Hair.,"Wavy hair is a beautiful hair type to have. Waves can support a variety of looks, from carefree and beachy to sleek and classy. This is a great hair type to have, but it can also be difficult to take care of because it is neither straight nor very curly. Keeping your hair in shape can be simple with the knowledge of how to wash, style, and maintain it properly. 1. **Buy a good shampoo.** Use a shampoo that is made for wavy to curly hair. Choosing a shampoo that is made for another hair type, like straight hair, won’t give your hair the proper care it needs. Look for shampoos that specifically say they are made for a wavy hair texture and will add bounce and/or definition to the waves. Do not use too much shampoo or shampoo too often. While shampooing, focus on your scalp and use a quarter-sized amount. Depending on how oily or dry your hair is, wash once every other day or once every few days. Consider any problems you’ve had with your hair before buying a shampoo. Look for a sulfate-free shampoo if you have trouble with frizz, as sulfates tend to cause frizz. 2. **Pick the right conditioner.** Along with buying a shampoo made for wavy hair, you should use a conditioner based on your hair type as well. If you find a shampoo you like, try to find the conditioner that is paired with it. If there isn’t a conditioner that is meant to be bought with the shampoo, then look for a product that says it is for wavy hair. Make sure to use conditioner every time you wash. Only apply the conditioner to the mid-shaft through the ends of your hair. Conditioners made for curly hair can work for wavy hair as well. If you are concerned about the ingredients in your conditioner, like alcohol that can dry hair out, look for an organic conditioner. 3. **Rinse with cold water.** Hot showers feel great, but they are not good for your hair. Warm water is good to use to allow the shampoo and conditioner to work into the hair, but finishing your shower with warm or hot water can dry it out. Even if you start with a warm shower, end with a cold one. A cold shower will close the cuticles and help seal in the moisture from the shampoo and conditioner. If you really can’t take or end with a cold shower, use one cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with two cups of water and pour it over your wet hair. This will remove build-up from products and dandruff from your scalp. 4. **Put your hair in buns before bed.** If you do not plan to style your hair after washing it, then put in buns before bed to help maintain waves. Towel dry your hair, apply a styling mousse, and then put your hair in four twisted buns. This will help you maintain soft curls for the morning. 5. **Let your hair dry naturally.** Don't use a hairdryer to dry hair if possible. Instead, let it dry naturally. The heat from a hair dryer can cause damage to hair and leave the waves looking poofy. If using a hair dryer is unavoidable, make sure to apply a heat protectant product to your hair beforehand, use a diffuser, and put the dryer on a low heat setting. 6. **Use a comb as little as possible.** A comb can cause breakage to your hair, especially if it is used too soon in the styling product. First, use your fingers to detangle hair. Then, you can use a wide-tooth comb to tackle any knots that you were not able to untangle with your fingers. Start combing at the ends of your hair and work up to your roots, rather than starting at the roots. Do not use a brush. A brush can cause breakage and ruin the shape of your waves. Comb your hair while you are still in the shower if you can’t avoid combing it altogether. 7. **Scrunch product into your hair.** Use a mousse or other styling product to control frizz and maintain waves. Divide your hair into at least four sections before applying product. The smaller sections allow you to coat every strand of hair. While applying the product, scrunch your hair, squeeze it for a few seconds, and then let it go. 8. **Avoid heat styling tools.** Hair straighteners, flat irons, and curling irons can damage your hair and cause the waves to look frizzy, so it's best to use them sparingly. Your hair will be healthier if you allow it to dry on its own and stay wavy. If you do use a heat styling tool, then use a heat protectant product before straightening or curling your hair. 9. **Finish styling with an oil.** Complete your styling routine with an oil to seal in moisture and add shine. Look for a lightweight oil that won’t weigh your hair down, like Argan oil. Only use a small amount. The size of dime should be enough, depending on the length of your hair. Apply the product from mid-shaft through the ends of your hair. 10. **Invest in a deep conditioner.** Use a deep conditioner once a week to give your hair extra moisture and protection. Deep conditioning gives your hair more a more intense conditioning than your usual, everyday conditioner, and it should not be used as often. A deep conditioner can repair damage, add shine, and protect your hair from pollutants and harsh UV Rays. Apply the product from the mid-shaft to the end of your hair, leave in for five to thirty minutes, and rinse thoroughly. The product should say that it’s a deep conditioner or mask that is not meant for daily use. The amount of time you leave the conditioner on your hair depends on the instructions on the label of the product, and the amount of damage to your hair. If possible, apply heat by sitting under a hooded dryer while the deep conditioner sits on your hair. This may help your hair to benefit even more from the conditioner. 11. **Use a clarifying shampoo.** Using a lot of product can cause build-up in your hair, which can leave hair looking dull and limp. Buy and clarifying shampoo and use it once a week to get rid of dirt and oil in the hair. The instructions for use depends on the product, but typically you should massage and lather into hair and then rinse thoroughly. Consider following up your clarifying shampoo with a moisturizing shampoo. Clarifying shampoo can have a drying effect on hair, so a moisturizing shampoo can help to return moisture back to your hair. 12. **Try to stay away from chemical processes.** Avoid chemical processes, like dyeing hair and using chemical relaxers. Chemical processes damage the hair, and it can be hard to recover from that kind of damage. Use an organic hair dye if you do decide to dye your hair. And if chemicals can’t be avoided completely, make sure to deep condition before and after the process. Henna is an example of a natural hair dye. 13. **Trim hair regularly.** Heat usage, combing, and brushing causes split ends. Not getting rid of these split ends can cause the ends to split ends even more, which leads to unhealthy hair that will probably need a dramatic hair cut later on to fix. Trim your hair every six to eight weeks to keep your hair healthy and long. To envision what broken hair is like, imagine breaking a pencil. The ends split (hence the word split ends) into two, sometimes three strands. If you cut your hair frequently, it's not going to keep splitting all the way out.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Make Emergency Baby Bird Food.,"Seeing a hungry baby bird can certainly pull at your heartstrings. Ideally, feeding a wild baby bird should be left up to his parents or to the experts at a wildlife rehabilitation center. However, you may need to feed a baby bird if his parents do not come back to feed him after several hours, and you are not able to immediately transport him to the rehabilitation center. 1. **Learn what types of food you can feed a baby bird.** Because of the sheer number of bird species, it can be difficult for the average person to know the species-specific dietary needs for baby birds. Fortunately, some foods are generally acceptable to be used as emergency baby bird food. For example, moistened dry cat or dog food can be fed to baby birds. Puppy chow is especially high in protein—an essential nutrient for baby birds. If you do not have dry cat or dog food, wet cat or dog food is also acceptable. Insects and mealworms are also acceptable as emergency baby bird food. They are both excellent sources of protein. Pre-made emergency baby bird food is also available at your local pet store. It is relatively low-volume and high in calories. It can be added to dry dog or cat food as a supplement. Seed formula is appropriate emergency baby bird food, but only for doves, pigeons, and parrots—these types of birds do not eat insects. 2. **Learn what you should not feed a baby bird.** Milk should not be a part of the emergency baby bird food that you prepare. Birds do not nurse, so milk is not a part of their natural diet. Bread is another food to avoid giving to a baby bird, since it provides no nutritional value and could cause internal blockage. Pet bird food is also not recommended. Pet bird food may not meet the nutritional requirements of a wild bird. Baby birds obtain water from their food, so it is not necessary to give them water separately. 3. **Purchase mealworms and/or crickets.** You can find mealworms at your local pet store or bait store. Crush the mealworms’ heads before feeding them to the baby bird. Visit your local pet store to purchase live crickets. Before feeding them to the baby bird, you should seal them in a bag and freeze them for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the crickets will be dead, but will still look and feel like the real thing and will not be too frozen. Crickets are a good source of water for baby birds. 4. **Prepare the dry dog or cat food.** Baby birds must be fed very small amounts of food to prevent choking. Dog or cat kibble is much too large to be fed whole to a baby bird, so you must do some extra preparation. One option is to grind the kibble in a blender or food processor to break it into very small bits. You should then moisten it with warm water until it is the consistency of yogurt or feels spongy. Another option is to moisten the kibble first, then break each kibble piece in half by hand. This method could get tedious, so you may prefer to grind up the dry kibble. To achieve the right moistened consistency, use one part food to two parts water. It could take up to an hour before the kibble is at the right consistency. Dry food that is too moist can drown or choke a baby bird, so it is very important to properly moisten the food. 5. **Warm the baby bird.** A baby bird must be warm before it eats. To warm the baby bird, fill up a jar with warm water and place a nest of tissues against the jar. Place the baby bird in the nest and allow him to warm up. Given the baby bird’s small size, a few minutes may be all that’s needed before the bird is warmed up and ready to eat. If the baby bird has few feathers, or no feathers at all, use a small plastic container (e.g., empty margarine tub) as a nest. Fill the container with paper towels or toilet paper. You could also place this against the jar of warm water to help the baby bird warm up. 6. **Encourage the baby bird to gape.** The baby bird may gape (open its beak) on his own once he is feeling warm. If not, he may need some encouragement from you. Softly whistling or gently nudging on his chest are good ways to stimulate him to gape. You may need to gently pry the baby bird’s beak open with your thumb. Keep in mind that you may injure the baby bird when handling him, so you should be very careful if you nudge his chest or pry his beak open. 7. **Feed the baby bird.** Use something very small to feed the baby bird—tweezers, cocktail sticks, plastic coffee stirrers, and baby medicine syringes are all suitable feeding utensils. After putting a small amount of food on the feeding utensil, aim the utensil towards the right side (your left) of his throat. The left side of the baby bird’s throat contains the trachea. Just like with people, food should not go down the trachea. Hold the utensil at a height where the baby bird will easily be able to take the food from the utensil. Make sure the food is at room temperature. You may need to cut the crickets or mealworms into smaller pieces before feeding them to the baby bird. Feed the baby bird until his crop is full. 8. **Feed the baby bird on a schedule.** This is probably the most challenging aspect of feeding a baby bird. In the wild, a baby bird gets fed every 10 to 20 minutes during daylight for 12 to 14 hours a day. Maintaining this feeding schedule is not very practical for the average person. Contact your wildlife rehabilitation center to transfer the baby bird over to the center’s care as soon as possible. The emergency baby bird food should be fed only as long as it will take for you to coordinate the transfer of care. Discard any remaining soaked food after 12 hours. After this time point, the food will start to spoil. 9. **Determine if the baby bird is a fledgling or nestling.** A fledgling is a partially or fully-feathered baby bird. A fledgling has likely outgrown his nest and is walking around on the ground or low branches before he can fly. He still needs to be fed by his parents, but is not completely helpless. You should leave a fledgling where he is so that his parents can find him and feed him. You should only move him if he is injured and needs to be taken to a wildlife rehabilitation center. A nestling has either no feathers or the beginnings of feathers. If you see a nestling out of his nest, put him back in his nest. If the nest has fallen out of tree, put the nest back in the tree, then put the nestling in it. If you cannot find the nestling's nest, make one by placing shredded paper towels in the bottom of a margarine tub. With a nail or wire, fasten the tub to a tree near where you found the bird, then put him in it. 10. **Determine if the baby bird needs expert care.** If the baby bird's parents have not come back in one to two hours, or if you know that the mother is dead, the baby bird will need to be transported to a wildlife rehabilitation center. He will also need expert care he is injured or appears sick. Do not delay in calling a wildlife rehabilitation center. The sooner you can transport the baby bird, the better his chances for recovery. If someone from the wildlife center will be coming to pick the baby bird, keep him warm in the meantime by placing him in a nest of tissue against a jar of warm water. 11. **Do not assume you need to feed the baby bird.** Although you mean well, you may be doing more harm than good by feeding a wild baby bird. In fact, many wildlife centers recommend that you not try to feed a wild baby bird. It is best to either leave him alone or transport him as soon as possible to a wildlife rehabilitation center. It is likely the baby bird's parents are nearby and will return to him within a few hours to feed him. If you mistakenly take the baby bird out of the wild to feed him, you may deprive him of the care that he needs from his parents.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Write a Scientific Paper?,"Even if you are not planning to publish a scientific paper, you may be asked to write in this format for a college course or other program. Because scientific papers are written in a specific format, it is both easy and necessary to learn how to write them well. Following the style guide and knowing the necessary content of each section will help you to develop your skills as a scientific writer. 1. **Know your audience.** If you are in a field that crosses disciplines you might need to write the paper a bit differently than if you were aiming the information at one field. In some cases, you may want your study to be accessible to all readers, so you need to write the paper in a way that everyone will understand. In other cases, the audience may be people in the same field that have background knowledge of the subject. Since it is a technical paper, you will need to use some technical language, but avoid jargon for the sake of jargon and use acronyms only when absolutely necessary. Define all acronyms the first time you use the full word or phrase, then use the acronym throughout the rest of the paper. 2. **Use active voice.** For the most part, journals will require you to use active voice. This is not the case for every journal so make sure to check the style guide before you start writing. To use active voice, write statements like “We performed this experiment…” instead of “The experiment was performed…” 3. **Follow the style guide for publication.** If you are submitting the paper to a journal for publication, they will have a style guide or author guide that details all of the necessary formatting. It will tell you the maximum word count, the margin size, the font size/style, references format, etc. Following the author guide is absolutely necessary when submitting the paper for publication. Any restrictions on table/figure sizes or table/figure legends will also be included in the style guide. 4. **Organize the paper in the proper order.** Every scientific paper is structured the same way. It starts with an abstract that briefly summarizes the paper and then leads into an introduction. The materials and methods come next, followed by the results. The paper concludes with the discussion section and a list of references. Some journals move the materials and methods to the end of the paper and/or combine the results with the discussion section. Check the style guide for the specific journal you are submitting to. Although this is the order the paper will be published in, it is not necessarily the best order to write each section. Follow the steps in the “Writing the Sections” for the best way to compose the paper. 5. **Start with the Materials and Methods section.** When you sit down to write your scientific paper, the first section you want to write is the materials and methods section. It is the easiest place to start and doesn’t require much time to complete. The methods should be described clearly and anyone with the proper training should be able to replicate your experiments based on this section. Materials used for each method should be included, with references to the company and catalog number for purchase. You should include a description of all statistical methods used in the paper. You should also include explanations of any ethical approvals needed for the completion of the studies. 6. **Describe the results in the Results section.** The results section is pretty self-explanatory. It is the portion of the paper where you describe the results that were obtained during the course of the study. Results should be reported neutrally and reference any tables and figures included in the paper. You can summarize the findings, but do not discuss the data. You don’t need to include every experiment you performed or result you observed, just the information needed to convince the audience of your findings. This is not the section to speculate or draw conclusions. That comes later in the discussion. 7. **Interpret your data in the Discussion section.** This is where you interpret your results and discuss them in the context of what is already known about your topic. Draw conclusions about the data and talk about future experiments you would like to do to further the study. The goal is to convince the reader that this data is important and they should care about it. Avoid simply repeating what you have already said in the results section. Avoid making wild claims that can’t be supported by the data. Don’t ignore other papers that contradict your findings; discuss them and convince the reader why your data is correct despite the other information out there. Some journals combine the results and discussion into 1 larger section. Check with the journal before you begin writing. 8. **Review the literature in the Introduction.** The introduction is where you convince readers that the study you have done is important and tell them why it is important. This section should thoroughly review the available literature, discussing the problem, its significance, existing solutions, and the gap your work is trying to fill. State your hypothesis and objectives at the end of the introduction. Avoid long introductions; you want to be comprehensive, but succinct. 9. **Summarize the paper in the Abstract.** Save the abstract until the rest of the paper is complete. The length of this section is usually dependent upon the journal, but is generally around 250 words. It is a short summary to tell the readers what you did and what the important findings were. The final sentence should offer some interpretation/conclusion about the findings. Think of the abstract as an advertisement to encourage people to keep reading. 10. **Write a descriptive Title.** The final aspect of the paper to complete is to write the title. You want the title to be specific and reflect the data that is presented in the paper. This is the teaser for the paper, so you want to grab their attention. At the same time, you want to be succinct and use as few words as possible. Avoid technical jargon and abbreviations/acronyms. Consider which keywords you want to tag so that readers searching for articles on a specific topic will be directed to your work. 11. **Choose to present the data as a figure or a table.** The way you present the data is completely up to you, but there are some guidelines to help you decide the best way to show it to readers. Tables are used to present the raw data of the experiment while figures are used to illustrate comparisons. If the data can easily be stated in 1-2 sentences, there is no need for a figure or a table. Tables are frequently used to provide information about the makeup of a study group or the concentrations used within a study. Figures are used to compare the experimental results of the different groups in a visual way. 12. **Format the table properly.** When presenting data in a table, you must align any decimal points in numbers. Tables include short self-explanatory titles and brief legends to explain acronyms. Don’t include tables if they are not referenced in the text. You can add these tables to an appendix if absolutely necessary. Position the legend directly above the table. 13. **Make data sets easily distinguishable.** When constructing a figure, avoid adding too many datasets to one graph. This will look cluttered and will be difficult for the reader to understand. You may need to split the data into multiple graphs. This does not change the way the data is analyzed or interpreted, it just makes it easier to see. Avoid adding more than 3-4 datasets per graph. Label all axes properly and use the appropriate scales. 14. **Include scale markers on photographs.** When using microscope images or photographs of specimens, a scale bar must be included so the reader understands the size of what they are looking at. Make the scale bar clear, the font size easily readable, and include it in the corner of the image. If the image is dark, make the scale bar white. If the image is light, make the scale bar a contrasting dark. If the reader can’t see the scale bar, it is not useful. 15. **Use black and white images whenever possible.** If the paper is for a course, this step doesn’t necessarily apply. If you are submitting to a journal, there are substantial fees associated with color images, so avoid using colored figures if you can use line styles or patterned graphs instead. If you do use color, use complementary mute colors that don’t scream off the page. 16. **Use fonts that are large enough to read.** When making the figure, the font may look perfectly legible, but keep in mind it will be smaller when placed into the paper itself. Before you turn the paper in, look through all of the figures and make sure that all of the text is readable without having to squint. 17. **Write figure legends that describe the data.** The figure legend shouldn’t be too long, but should give enough information to the reader for them to interpret the data without reading the corresponding text in the paper. Spell out any acronyms used. The figure legend should be positioned underneath the figure itself. 18. **Use inline citations.** Every source should be cited directly within the paper. If you are making a statement based on information read in a book or another journal article, it needs to be cited directly after the statement. If you have multiple references that support one fact, cite all of them. Keep in mind, more citations doesn’t make a better paper. Cite peer-reviewed literature, manuscripts, and published data. Avoid personal communications, submitted, but unpublished manuscripts, and articles not in English. 19. **Check the style guide for format.** If you are submitting the paper for publication, the journal you are submitting to will have a specific style guide that will detail the format of inline citations and the reference list at the end. If the paper is for a course, ask your professor for the format. Some journals use an inline citation of (Author, Publication Year) with an alphabetical list at the end. Other journals simply use superscript numbers within the paper and have the numbered list of references at the end. 20. **Match the content to the source.** Make sure the source you are using accurately reflects the information you are saying. If the source doesn’t support your statement, find a different source. Paraphrase the source and avoid direct quotes. If you must quote directly, put the information in quotation marks and specify the page the quote came from. 21. **Avoid citing “common knowledge.”** Many journals have a limit on the number of citations that can be used in a paper. You want your paper to be well-cited, but if you have a limit, you want to make sure you are citing important information that supports your conclusions. If you’re unsure about information, err on the side of caution and cite it. If something is considered to be common knowledge in the field, it is not necessary to cite it. For example, stating that DNA is the genetic material of an organism does not need a citation. 22. **Use citation programs.** The easiest way to compile all of your references is to use a software program such as Endnote or Mendeley. These programs organize the references within the paper and make sure the format is correct. Many journals have a citation format that you can download and import into the reference manager that will update all of your references to the format required for that journal. Reference managers help avoid incorrect citations and save you hours of work updating the list of citations individually as you go. For more information on citation programs, check out",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Write a Resignation Letter.,"One of the greatest secrets of success is knowing when to move on. With the right resignation letter, you will do so with satisfaction while leaving on good terms with your previous employer. Though you may think it would feel great to get a few things off your chest about how much you've come to hate the company you work for, it's in your best interest to be kind, polite, and helpful, so your professional future remains secure. If you want to know how to write a resignation with class, see Step 1 to get started. 1. **Have a friendly but formal opening.** This can be a tricky balance to maintain, but your goal should be to keep things amicable while maintaining your professionalism. Unless you really don't have a good or familiar relationship with your boss, you should begin your letter by saying ""Dear"" followed by your boss's first name. You can say something like, ""Dear Lisa,"" before you announce your resignation. If you say, ""Dear Ms. Smith,"" then your resignation may come off as too formal, especially if you do have a friendly or at least cordial relationship with your boss. Of course, if things happen to be more formal at your company and you normally call your boss ""Mr. Jones,"" then you should stick to that in the letter — in that case, suddenly getting familiar would be strange. If your letter is typed on paper instead of email, just write the date at the top lefthand side, with your boss's name and address written below it. 2. **Clearly state your intention to resign.** It's important to state your intention to resign in clear terms so that your boss doesn't think you are open to an offer for a higher salary or other perks, or that you are open to a counteroffer though you've accepted a new position. You want to be crystal clear so you sound confident in your decision, or so you're not faced with the discomfort of your boss coming to you thinking there's a chance that you'll stay on, after all. Here are some ways you can clearly state your intention to resign: ""I hereby submit my resignation as [your position here.]"" ""Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation from my position as [your position here]."" ""It is with regret that I submit my letter of resignation as [your position here]."" 3. **Give proper notice** It is simple courtesy to give your employer a reasonable amount of time to fill your position. If your job is complicated, your employer may need time for you to train your replacement. Give notice of no less than two weeks. It may be common courtesy to give more notice if your position in the company is more elevated. Many people recommend using your given vacation time as an accurate measurement of how many weeks' notice you should give; if you have three weeks vacation, for example, you should give three weeks' notice, if you want to be polite. You should state your last work day immediately after you've stated your intentions to resign — you can even do so in the same sentence. Here's how you can go about it: ""I hereby submit my resignation as [your position here] effective on July 12, 2014."" ""Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation from my position as [your position here]. My last day of employment will be July 12, 2014."" ""It is with regret that I submit my letter of resignation as [your position here]. I intend to work until the end of the month, with my last day being July 31, 2014."" 4. **State your reasons for leaving (optional).** You don't have to be too thorough in this part, but it could be a nice gesture to state your reasons for resigning. If you're resigning because you're just really unhappy at the company, you don't have to go into detail about this. However, if you're resigning because of retirement, maternity leave, personal reasons, or, most commonly, because you've accepted an offer at a different company, then you can state this to give your boss a better sense of the situation. Here are some ways that you can state your reasons for leaving: ""I was recently offered a new opportunity at a different company, and have decided to accept the offer."" ""I received an offer to serve as [position here] of a company that suits my needs, and after careful consideration, I've realized that this opportunity is the right path for me."" ""I would like to inform you that I will be retiring on April 3."" ""After much thought and consideration, I have decided not to return after maternity leave."" ""I have decided to resign for personal reasons."" 5. **State that you're willing to help out during the transition.** If you're in a position that would be difficult to fill, and if you really feel you owe it to the company, then you can make it clear that you're happy to help train someone else to do your job or to smoothly pass on your duties. Ideally, if you were planning to resign, you might have been doing some of this already, little by little, but in any case, if you care about the company and know that you have big shoes to fill, you can mention that you're willing to help during in the interim. Here's how you can state it: ""I would be happy to help with the transition of my duties so that the company continues to function smoothly after my departure. I am available to help recruit as well as train my replacement."" 6. **Thank your employer for the experience.** Resist the temptation to leave a piece of your mind unless you want to be remembered as an ungrateful whiner. In fact, do the opposite: document positive memories of your job. Mention how this job has positively influenced your career and how it has or can help you secure an even better position. This will leave your boss feeling like you've had a positive experience at the company and it will minimize any potential animosity you may encounter. Unless you really feel like your boss does not deserve any kind words, do this as a common courtesy. Here's what you can say: ""I can't thank you enough for all of the experience and confidence my position has given me."" ""I want to give you my sincere thanks for all of the opportunities you have given me and for all of the knowledge I have gained at your company over the years."" ""I'll always be grateful to you for going above and beyond to ensure my success at my position."" 7. **Wrap up your letter on a kind note.** The way you end your letter depends on what you stated earlier. If you said you'd be happy to help recruit and train a new person for your position, you can say something like, ""You can reach me any time at [your phone number] or [your email address]."" This will show your boss that you really are committed to the success of your company. Remember that you don't want to end on anything but a positive tone that leaves your boss feeling warm, or at least not furious. If you really do have a close relationship with your boss, you can go the extra mile to make this clear by ending by saying something like, ""I'll never forget how much you've helped me over the years, and will always be grateful to you"" or, ""I never would have been able to secure this new position without all of your help and encouragement over the years."" 8. **Have a nice closing.** End your letter by saying ""Warmly,"" ""Kind Regards,"" ""Wishing you the best,"" or something similar just before you write your name. You can also just use ""Sincerely"" if you want to be more formal about it, but you can also use this opportunity to use a closing that really shows how grateful you are for your experience at the company. 9. **Stay professional.** Be respectful and courteous. Do not use emotional or controversial language in your letter. You are a professional, so quit like a professional. If you have quit because of the working conditions at your company, you can kindly say so, but there's absolutely no reason to go into all of the details of why you have left the company. You can write them down on a different piece of paper for yourself, if it will make you feel better. Just remember that this letter will go in your personnel file and will be available any time a future employer calls the company asking about you; you don't want a negative letter to have an adverse effect on your future. 10. **If you're turning in your resignation letter through email, stick to similar conventions.** These rules can be followed whether you're turning in a traditional resignation letter or if you're resigning over email. The only difference is that your email won't require you to write the date or your boss's address on the top lefthand side, and that you can title the subject of the email ""Resignation"" along with your name, to give your boss an idea of what to expect. Resignation over email is becoming more common than ever in today's tech savvy society, though you should have a sense of workplace etiquette when you decide the best path to take. With the mass transition to email for a lot of work correspondence, it's become common for resignation letters to have become a bit shorter than they used to be. Now, just 5-6 sentences can do the tricks instead of several detailed paragraphs. 11. **Read it over before you turn it in.** Though this piece of advice is true for any piece of professional correspondence, it's particularly important to give your resignation one last look before you turn it in. While checking for typos and grammatical mistakes is important, what's more important is that you're pleased with the overall impression given by the letter, and that it comes off as positive instead of hostile. You may just quickly get everything off your chest and want to turn it in immediately, but if you let it cool for an hour and read it over again, you may see that it could have been a bit more kind. Once you turn in the letter, there's no taking back anything you said. Make sure that it's something you're proud of, not a way to get back at your boss.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Knit.,"Blankets, scarves, sweaters, gloves, stuffed animals—there’s virtually no limit to what you can make with some yarn and a pair of needles. When it comes to knitting, once you’ve got the basics down, the only limit is your imagination (and maybe the occasional hand cramp). So we’re here to show you just that! We’ll guide you through casting on, knitting a row, and casting off, plus a few other handy stitches to get you started on your knitting journey. 1. **Choose a ball of chunky yarn and a large pair of knitting needles.** Yarn comes in a wide range of textures, weights, and colors, but we recommend that beginners start with a medium to heavy weight yarn (often called “worsted”) and wooden or bamboo needles that are 7–10 mm (0.28–0.39 in) in diameter. Larger yarn and needles makes things easier to handle and see. You can knit with straight needles or circular needles. Circular needles are helpful for holding a large number of stitches, such as for a blanket, and you can also knit in the round with circular needles. 2. **Make a slipknot** To make your first stitch, loop the yarn around your index and middle finger 2 times. Then, pull the first loop over the second loop. Tug on the tail (or end) of the yarn to tighten the knot around the base of the loop. Then, slip the loop onto a knitting needle and tug the tail more to secure the knot. The slipknot counts as your first cast on stitch, so make sure to include it if you are counting stitches. 3. **Loop the long end of the yarn around your left hand.** Holding the needle in your right hand, position the slipknot about 0.5 in (1.3 cm) from the tip. Take the long end (or “working end”) of the yarn, and wrap it clockwise around your left hand so that the working end hangs off your palm, below where the yarn meets the needle. Grip the needle securely (but not too tightly) near the first stitch with your right index finger and thumb. Wrap your other 3 fingers loosely around the body of the needle to make it easier to control. 4. **Thread the needle through the bottom of the loop and pull.** Bring the yarn over the needle so that it loops above your first stitch. Then use your left hand to tug on the working end to tighten the loop and create your second stitch. Don’t pull it too tight—just enough to wrap snugly around the needle. 5. **Repeat the sequence to cast on 10 more stitches.** Continue to repeat the same process to cast on additional stitches, looping the yarn around your hand, threading the needle up through it, and pulling it taught. For this beginner tutorial, we’ll just cast-on a total of 12 switches to make a small swatch. Remember to include the slipknot in your total cast on stitch count. 6. **Transfer the needle with the cast-on stitches to your left hand.** Always start a new row by transferring your knitting needles to the opposite hands. The needle in your left hand will have all of the stitches on it ( the “loaded” needle) and the needle in your right hand will be empty. Hold the working end of the yarn in your right hand, threaded over the top of your right index finger. Left-handed knitters tend to learn to knit with the loaded needle in their left hand, as well, though if you prefer you can hold the loaded needle in your left hand, mirroring these steps as you go. Use the same grip as you used to cast on your stitches. 7. **Thread the right needle through the bottom of the top stitch.** Push the tip of the needle through by about 0.5 in (1.3 cm), approaching from the underside of the stitch. If you have difficulty pushing it through, your cast-on stitches may be too tight—in this case, re-cast your stitches, making the new stitches a bit looser. Make sure that the working yarn is hanging behind your work when you do this. 8. **Loop the working yarn counter-clockwise around the right-hand needle.** Use your right index finger to wrap the yarn around the back of your right-hand needle. Then bring it back toward you so that it rests between the crux of both needles. 9. **Pull the yarn down through the stitch.** With the tip of the right-hand needle, pull the working yarn through the topmost stitch. Let the old, cast-on stitch that was on the left-hand needle slip off so that the new stitch settles onto the right-hand needle. Be careful not to let the new stitch slip off the right-hand needle. 10. **Repeat the knit stitch until the end of the row.** Follow the same sequence to knit more stitches. Keep knitting until you reach the end of the row and the left-hand needle is empty. Use a row counter or a row counting app to make it easier to keep track of how many rows you have knit. 11. **Switch the needles between your hands and knit the next row.** Place the right-hand needle in your left hand, so that your left hand is now holding the needle with all the stitches. Hold the empty needle in your right hand. Then, continue knitting in the same way as you knit the last row. Do your best to keep the yarn at an even tension, to make all the stitches equal in size. It’ll take some practice, but that’s what this first knitting exercise is for! A knit stitch is denoted on patterns with a “K”, for example: K1, K2, K3, etc., which mean “knit 1 stitch, knit 2 stitches, knit 3 stitches,” and so on. A “garter stitch” is made by using this stitch to create every row. 12. **Knit the first 2 stitches as you normally would.** When you’ve completed your last row and are ready to cast off (or “bind off”) the last row of stitches, knit the first 2 stitches in the row as usual. Use the same grip you used to knit the previous rows. 13. **Insert the left-hand needle into the bottom stitch on the right-hand needle.** Insert the point of the needle downward through the first stitch (or, the second stitch from the tip of the needle). Next, push the left hand needle into the first stitch (second stitch from the tip) of the right-hand needle. Make sure the working yarn is behind your knitting. 14. **Bring the bottom stitch up and over the top stitch.** Use the left-hand needle to lift the stitch up and over the top stitch of the right-hand needle. This will leave you with 1 stitch on the right-hand needle. 15. **Knit another stitch as usual.** Knit another stitch in the same way that you knit the first 2 stitches. Insert the right-hand needle through the stitch on the left-hand needle, wrap the yarn under and over, and pull it through. Let the old stitch slip off as the new stitch replaces it. This will leave you with 2 stitches on the right-hand needle again. 16. **Lift the new bottom stitch up and over the stitch you just knit.** Use the left-hand needle to lift the bottom stitch on the right-hand needle up and over the top stitch just like you did the first time. 17. **Repeat the sequence to the end of the row to finish casting off.** Continue to knit 1 and lift 1 up and over that stitch until you have 1 stitch left on the right-hand needle. Pull this stitch to widen it and then cut the working yarn about 6 in (15 cm) from the base of the stitch. Thread the freshly cut yarn through the final stitch, and tug to tighten and complete the cast-off. 18. ** Purl stitch** The purl stitch is basically the opposite of the knit stitch. Thread the right-hand needle down through the top stitch on the left-hand needle, this time bringing the right-hand needle in front of the left. Then loop the working yarn over and behind the tip of the right-hand needle, and bring it through the stitch using a pushing motion. Purl is usually represented by a “P” in patterns followed by the number you need to purl, such as P1, P2, P3, etc., which mean “purl 1 stitch, purl 2 stitches, purl 3 stitches,” and so on. A “stockinette stitch” is made simply by knitting 1 row then purling 1 row, alternating as you work. A “seed stitch” is made by alternative knits and purls within the same row. 19. **Work an increase** If you need to add or remove stitches from a row in your work, use increase or decrease stitches. To increase, knit through the same stitch 2 times (without slipping it off between knits) to add a stitch. To decrease, knit through 2 stitches at once to remove a stitch. If you are using a pattern, make sure to follow the instructions for increasing and decreasing carefully. These stitches are important for ensuring you get the desired results. 20. **Try a decorative stitch for a more intricate look.** There are many different types of knit stitches you can try. Find a stitch that interests you and try it out! Some stitches you might try include: Brioche Stitch Garter Stitch Moss Stitch",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Report a Fake Instagram Account.,"Did somebody create an Instagram account pretending to be you or someone you know? Instagram takes impersonator accounts seriously, so it's easy to report them on the web and through the mobile app. We'll show you exactly how to report a fake Instagram account and make sure the account is deleted. 1. **Go to in a web browser.** If somebody on Instagram is pretending to be you or somebody you represent (such as your child), filling out this form is the most effective way to report the account. If you want to report an account that is impersonating a celebrity, organization, or public figure, report it through the mobile app. If somebody is pretending to be your friend, have your friend fill out the form instead. 2. **Select the option that best describes your situation.** You'll need to choose whether someone created a fake account for you or for your child. If you selected ""Somebody created an account pretending to be me or a friend,"" choose ""Yes, I am the person being impersonated"" to continue. 3. **Enter your name and email address into the first two fields.** Even if you're reporting an account for your child, you'll need to enter your own name into the top field. 4. **Enter the name and relationship if you're reporting for somebody else.** If you are reporting for your child or somebody else who has authorized you to make the report, you'll have to provide your relationship to the person, such as ""Authorized representative"" or ""parent of child,"" as well as that person's real name. If that person has their own Instagram account already, enter that into the ""The Instagram username of the person being impersonated"" field. 5. **Enter information about the imposter.** You'll be asked for two pieces of information related to the fake account: In the ""The full name listed on the account that you're reporting"" field, type the name the imposter uses in their profile (if they entered one). This is not the username—instead, it's whatever the person added as their name in their bio. In the next field, type the Instagram username used by the imposter. 6. **Take a photo of yourself (or your child) holding up ID.** Any form of government ID will work, including a driver's license, birth certificate, passport, visa, or tribal identification card. You can take the photo with your phone and then email it to yourself if you're using a computer. If you don't have government ID, you can hold up other forms of ID, such as a library card, bank statement, check, credit card, transit card, paycheck stub, utility bill, diploma, or school ID card. For a full list of accepted ID forms, see 7. **Click Choose Files and upload the photo.** This adds the photo to the form. 8. **Click Send to submit your report.** Instagram will review your report and contact you if further information is needed. If they determine that somebody is impersonating you or the person you represent, they will delete the fake account. 9. **Go to the profile of the person who's pretending to be you.** Reporting an account in the Instagram app is less effective than using the web form, as you can't provide any proof or specific information. But you can still submit a quick report to Instagram through the app, and they'll use ""technology or a review team"" (according to the app) to investigate the situation. This method is better if you want to report an account that's impersonating a celebrity or avoid scams and report a fake account created to scam people. If you're reporting somebody who is impersonating or your child, use the web form, not the mobile app. 10. **Tap the three dots at the top-right and choose Report.** This displays a few reporting options. 11. **Tap Report Account.** It's the last option. 12. **Tap It's pretending to be someone else.** Now you'll see several options for reporting. 13. **Choose who the account is reporting.** While you won't be able to provide any proof that the person is impersonating an account, the option you choose can help Instagram investigate the issue and disable the account if they think it's suspicious. For example, you can select if somebody is impersonating somebody famous, but you won't be able to specify who they are impersonating. 14. **Tap Submit Report.** It's the blue button at the bottom of the screen. This submits the report to Instagram. Depending on what their technology or support team finds, they may disable the account.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Write a Prologue for Your Novel.,"The prologue appears at the very beginning of a novel as a section before the first chapter of the book. A good prologue will feel essential to the novel and not just a bonus chapter or a stalling tactic on the part of the writer. To write an effective prologue for your novel, you will need to first recognize the purpose of a prologue, create one (or several) drafts of the prologue and edit the prologue down so it is polished and ready for print. 1. **Use the prologue to provide backstory.** One way to use a prologue is to provide backstory on a character or several characters. This can help you, as the writer, avoid using other tricks like flashbacks or inserted backstory in the novel. This option is useful if you are struggling to cover the details of a character's past within the action of your novel. However, many writers argue against using a prologue as a way to dump a whole bunch of backstory, or past information, on the reader. Instead, the backstory in the prologue should feel essential to the rest of the novel and contain information that could not be placed anywhere else in the novel. A backstory heavy prologue should reveal the origin of the quest or mission in the novel and provide the reader with information about the past that leads up to the present action in the novel. This could be the history behind an event, like a war or a conflict, that is touched on in the novel or the history of a character who is important to the novel. 2. **Have the prologue hook the reader into the rest of the novel.** Many writers use a prologue as a hook that intrigues the reader. This type of prologue should raise compelling questions in the reader's mind. It should give the reader a reason to turn the page and set up the reader with questions and/or images that will be addressed in the novel. A hook prologue could present a scene that introduces character and action that become very important in the novel. It could also foreshadow what is going to happen and allow your reader to briefly meet one of your characters or several of your characters. 3. **Use the prologue as a way to frame the rest of the novel.** Some writers will use a prologue as a framing device, where a character is motivated to sit down and write the novel. The character in the prologue will then serve as the narrator for the novel. This method can be effective if your novel is voice driven and dominated by one narrator or one to two narrators. Writers will use prologues this way if they feel they need to let the reader know why the story is being told. 4. **Focus on a different character perspective in the prologue.** Sometimes, a prologue is used to introduce a character's point of view only once. The rest of the novel may be told from another point of view or several other point of views, and never focus again on the character in the prologue. This option is usually only done out of necessity or for a compelling reason, as you want the character's perspective to contribute to the novel as a while or reinforce themes or ideas present in the novel. This type of prologue gives you the opportunity to use a point of view that is not used much or at all in the rest of the novel. It also prevents you from violating your POV later in the novel, as you have already addressed the one character's point of view in your prologue. 5. **Choose which type of prologue fits your story.** To write an effective prologue, you need to first consider which prologue type fits with your novel. Often, prologues are written after the novel has been completed or when a novel is in its finishing stages. If you are writing a prologue cold, with no other chapters written, you should still think about how the prologue is going to affect the rest of the book. Think about how the prologue is going to enhance your novel and feel integral to the story. Will it reveal character, setting, or point of view? Will it provide backstory or frame the rest of the novel in a particular way? If you are writing a prologue for a completed book, you should also think about how the prologue will interact with your first chapter. The prologue should hook your reader in and be just as strong as the details and scenes in your first chapter, if not better. The prologue should not regurgitate details in the first chapter or feel redundant in any way, as this will likely lead to a boring and dry prologue. 6. **Create a scene with sensory details.** Often, prologues are set within a scene, especially in action and thriller novels. This gives the prologue a fast pace and helps to engage the reader right away. You should think about which scene or scenes you would like to use in your prologue. This may be based on the character voice you decide to use for the prologue. Use the five senses to make the scene come alive for the reader, with a focus on what the scene smells like, feels like, sounds like, and of course, how it looks. Have your character interact with these elements in the scene and use your character as a way for your reader to access the scene. 7. **Aim for a prologue with one to two scenes.** Most prologues are successful if they are short and to the point. Try to use only one to two scenes in the prologue, as too many scenes can make the prologue feel too long and drawn out. Often, using one powerful scene as the prologue can be very effective and draw the reader in right away. Avoid hopping around in time a lot in your prologue, as this can make the prologue feel confusing or jumpy to the reader. Try to stay in one time period or within one to two time periods so the prologue does not become too long. 8. **Use a specific character voice.** If you decide to use your prologue as a way to access a certain character's point of view, make sure you get into the voice of your character. Think about how the character might speak to others and to themselves. Consider the age, background, and gender of the character, and how this might inform the character's voice or style of narration. If you are using the prologue as a way to access a character that does not appear again in the novel or only appears as a minor character, use the prologue to really explore the character's perspective. This is your opportunity to show the reader more about the character and delve into what makes the character tick. 9. **Put backstory in the prologue.** If the purpose of your prologue is to reveal the past moments in a character's life or to discuss the history of a character, you should make sure there is enough backstory in the draft. Include engaging details from the character's past and have the character show why these details are important or necessary to the rest of the story. Though the backstory should be about the character, it should also connect to the larger themes or ideas in the novel. 10. **Keep the prologue short and to the point.** A good prologue is usually no more than three to four pages total. Read over your draft and trim it down. Remove any details are are not necessary to the overall story or nice to have. Keeping your prologue short and to the point will make it that much more effective and ensure your reader stays engaged enough to move on to chapter 1. 11. **Make sure the pace is fast and engaging.** The pace of the prologue should be quick and brisk. Avoid over explaining something or giving away too much information to the reader, as you will have an entire novel to do this. You do not need to cram the prologue with information that might fit somewhere else in the novel. Keep only the essential details. One way to check the pace of the prologue is to read it out loud to yourself or to someone else. Mark any run on sentences or awkward moments in the draft and work them over until they sound smooth and to the point. 12. **Look at how the prologue fits with the rest of your novel.** Once you have edited your prologue, you should place it in front of your chapter 1 and look at how it fits. Does it feel like an engaging start? Does it contain any information that is also in chapter 1? Does it strengthen the novel overall? Your prologue should be strong enough to stand on its own, separate from the novel. It should almost read like a short story, with a contained story line and a conflict. However, unlike a short story, the ending of your prologue should remain open. It can introduce a conflict that will be resolved or addressed later in the novel, leaving the reader wanting more.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Start a Conversation with a Guy?,"Starting a conversation with a guy can be a nerve-wracking process, especially when you think he's cute. But if you can pluck up enough courage to just go for it, the results can be oh-so-worth it. Here are some simple, easy-to-follow tips and tricks for striking up a meaningful conversation with a guy. Think about it this way, guys are people who do think of themself as friends, and believe it or not, boys get nervous when talking to girls sometimes as well. 1. **Introduce yourself** The most straightforward way to get a guy talking is to walk right up to him and introduce yourself. It doesn't matter if he's the new guy at work, the cute boy you've noticed around the school corridors, or the handsome stranger at the coffee shop - put your shoulders back, plant a smile on your face and approach him confidently. Say hi, tell him your name and ask for his - if you're lucky he'll take it from there! Once you find out the guy's name, use it frequently in the conversation. People like to hear their own name - it makes the conversation more personal and creates a sense of intimacy between you. Just be careful not to overdo it! Say something like ""Hi, I've noticed you around here and I just thought I'd come over and introduce myself. My name's Kate, what's yours?"" Simple! 2. **Use the circumstances around you.** One of the easiest ways to start a conversation is to take advantage of your surrounding circumstances to get him talking. It could be literally anything, from the weather, to the traffic, to the results of a sports game. You can either make the comment to him directly or to yourself, hoping he sees it as an opportunity and responds. Commenting on the weather may seem like a mundane conversation starter, but it works nevertheless. Try saying something like ""Beautiful day, huh? Don't you just love the sunshine?"" When starting a conversation with someone you don't know, the point is to break the ice and open a line of communication first. Once you've done that you can move on to more interesting topics. If you're sitting next to a cute guy on the train or an airplane, try sighing and muttering to yourself about the delay or bumpiness of the ride. If he's interested, he'll take this as his cue to respond in sympathetic agreement. Once you have his attention, you can take it from there! 3. **Ask him for help.** Men love to help women. They're biologically wired that way. So engaging the damsel in distress routine from time to time might just help to get the conversation going. Appeal to his manly muscle and strength - it will give him a confidence boost and make him feel more comfortable around you, allowing conversation to flow more freely. If you're struggling with a heavy stack of files or a bulky box, ask if he can help to lighten the load. If you just can't seem to open the coffee jar or unscrew the cap of your water bottle, see if he'll oblige. Make sure to smile and thank him sweetly after he helps you - everyone likes a little appreciation when they do a good deed. And he'll be ready to jump at the opportunity to help next time round. This step also comes with a warning: don't overdo it. You want a guy's respect as well as his attention, so don't play the damsel in distress too often or you'll come across as helpless. 4. **Compliment him.** Guys like compliments just as much as girls do, so paying your guy an enthusiastic, genuine compliment will definitely get you in the good books and optimize his interest in the conversation. Paying him a compliment is a great conversation starter as you can be as intimate or as casual as you like, depending on how confident you're feeling. If you're feeling forward, compliment him on his amazing eyes, his killer six-pack or his George Clooney smile. This will let him know that you find him physically attractive, which all guys love to hear. If you're aiming to be a little less obvious, compliment him on his snappy suit, his funky band tee or his great-smelling cologne - letting him know that you think he has great taste. Compliment him on his performance at work or on the sports field, if you happen to be present at the time. Tell him he did a great job on the presentation or that he played really well. He'll know that you were paying particular attention to him. Alternatively, you can compliment him on something a little less personal. If you run into him walking his dog, compliment the dog instead (earning you major guy points). Or tell him that you approve of his choice of sandwich at lunch. Anything that grabs your attention and gets him talking. 5. **Ask a question.** Questions are great conversation starters, especially if you're feeling a little awkward, as they provide you with an excuse to talk to the guy under the pretense of seeking out information. The questions themselves can be as short and simple as you like. Just try to avoid questions that can be answered with a short ""yes"" or ""no"" as this can lead to awkwardness, causing the conversation to fizzle away. Phrase questions in such a way that he will be forced to think about the answer, or at least provide more than a monosyllabic response. Men can be a little dull at times, so try to help them along a little. He'll soon realize that you're more interested in him than in finding out what time it is. Try asking him if he has a pen you could borrow or if he watched the basketball game last night. At this point it's just about grabbing his attention and getting the conversation going, so don't worry too much about the topic. 6. **Find a shared interest.** Finding a shared interest is conversational gold. When you find a topic that both of you enjoy talking about, the conversation will flow much more easily. Even if it's something you're not particularly knowledgeable about, demonstrate your interest by asking him plenty of questions and allow him to do the talking. For example, if you discover that you both like to watch football, ask him about his favorite team, who he thinks their best players are and whether they'll make it to the playoffs this year. Once you get him going there'll be no stopping him, and he'll probably think you're a pretty cool girl for being interested. Pick up on hints about his interests from his clothing, desk or accessories. If he's wearing a band tee - bingo! He likes music. If he has a surfing picture set as his desktop background, that's a pretty good indication he likes to ride the waves. Picking up on small details can help you to choose the right topic to get him going. 7. **Ask open-ended questions** To really get the conversation going and to find out about your guy's interests and personality, it's important to ask open-ended questions. Avoid questions with one-word answers or rote questions that he'll automatically answer without thinking. For example, avoid starting a conversation with ""how are you?"" which he'll probably answer by reflex with a ""fine"" or a ""good"". Instead try asking him ""what did you do this weekend?"" or ""what do you think of the new boss?"" which will force him to think about his answer and actually string a sentence together. Alternatively, you can try asking him an ""either-or"" question, to initiate a playful debate. Ask him whether he prefers ""The Simpsons"" or ""Family Guy"", rock or hip-hop, burgers or hot dogs. Whatever he answers, gently tease him about it and soon you'll both be laughing. 8. **Listen** Conversational etiquette dictates that you should always listen more than you talk. That's why you have two ears and only one mouth, right? So once you've got the ball rolling, take a back seat during the conversation and really listen to what he's got to say. Let him take charge of the conversation for a while - in case you've never noticed, guys tend to like the sound of their own voice. Even when you're not talking, try to stay engaged in the conversation. Acknowledge things he says with a smile, nod or other appropriate facial expression or gesture. Being a good listener during your conversation does two things: it allows you to make a good impression, letting the guy know that you're thoughtful and easy to talk to, while also giving you the chance to see whether you actually think this guy is worth your time. From the things the guy says, you'll get a pretty good idea of his personality and you can think about whether you want to take the next step. This is important because - let's face it - if you don't find him interesting now, you won't find him any more interesting on a date. 9. **Pose an interesting question.** On the other hand, if you've got nothing to say for yourself, he may not find you very interesting. Elevate your conversation beyond everyday chitchat by posing an interesting or thought-provoking question that will make him think and ensure that you make an impression. Give him something to ponder and you'll be in his head long after the conversation has ended. For example, ask him fun yet interesting questions like ""If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?"" or ""If your house were on fire, what three things would you save?"" or ""If you were a fictional character, who would you be?"" These questions will hopefully make him smile and give you a little insight into his personality. Or you can get a little more serious and personal and ask him questions like ""what is your biggest regret in life?"" or ""where do you see yourself in ten years?"" Just to be clear, these are not the kind of questions that you ask to open a conversation or that you bring up completely out of the blue. If you do, he'll probably think you're just a teeny bit crazy. These questions are best reserved for when the initial awkwardness has passed, maybe after a couple of drinks. 10. **Bring up pop culture.** Pop culture is the old reliable when it comes to conversational material. Everyone, no matter what their interests, will have something to say about movies, music, television shows, books or the latest crazy celebrity baby names. Once you've gotten a sense of what his interests are, you can ask him whether he's seen a particular movie, read a particular book, or heard a popular band's new record. Also try asking for the guy's opinion or recommendation when it comes to an aspect of pop culture he considers himself an expert on. Guys love to show off their vast knowledge, especially to a rapt audience. For example, if he loves Woody Allen movies but you've never seen any, ask him which is the best one to start with. Feeling confident? Maybe you could suggest watching it together. Or if you can find something random that you're just as knowledgeable about as he is, you're in luck. Impress him with your love of obscure 70's punk-rock bands or your readership of Franco-Belgian comic books. He might just think you're The One. 11. **End on a high note.** The final step in successfully conversing with a guy is to know when to gracefully bow out. You should always leave him wanting more, not wishing you'd take the hint and leave. After a particularly successful joke or story, you should try to make your exit. Tell him that you need to get back to work or should be getting home. Hopefully he'll be disappointed you're leaving and will look forward to the next time you get a chance to talk. If you feel that things really went well and you like this guy even more now, put yourself out there and suggest that the two of you go out for coffee or drinks after work sometime. If you feel too awkward to say it out loud, do like the girls in the movies and slip him your number on a scrap of paper. Right before you leave, you should look the guy straight in the eyes, flash him a smile and say ""I really enjoyed talking to you, *insert guy's name here*"" It's personal, it's flirtatious and it's so much more memorable than ""see you later"". 12. **Smile** Guys are more attracted to happy, laughing, smiling girls than scowling, duck-faced divas. Fact. Smiling makes you seem friendly and approachable before you even open your mouth to speak. He'll instantly feel more comfortable around you and be more willing to open up. Laughing at his jokes will boost his ego and make him feel good, while also making you look more attractive. Win-win. 13. **Make eye contact** Eye contact is one of the most vital aspects of successful conversations. Think about it. If you are constantly averting your eyes or looking away you'll either look awkward and uncomfortable or as if you're not interested in being there at all. Plenty of eye contact projects confidence and indicates interests, which is exactly what you're trying to achieve. Be careful not to stare though, that's just plain creepy. 14. **Be subtle.** Ok, so you want this guy to know you're interested, but you don't need to wave it in front of his face. You can smile at him, make eye contact, laugh at his jokes and ask him questions, but don't do it too often or hang on his every word like an over-eager puppy. Try to retain a little bit of mystery and make him work a little for your attention. Guys like the chase, remember? 15. **Look your best.** Attraction isn't always physical, nor should it be. You want a guy who's attracted to your intelligence, your sparkling wit, your sweet nature and maybe your ability to chug a pint of beer in under 7 seconds. But when trying to get a guy's attention, it doesn't hurt to look your best. This doesn't mean high heels and a full face of make-up. Rather it involves things such as dressing to suit your figure, always having freshly-washed, sweet-smelling hair or wearing make-up that draws attention to your best features, such as your full lips or beautiful eyes. 16. **Don't overwhelm him.** Asking questions and getting to know this guy better is all perfectly fine, but try not to scare him off either. Don't ask him questions that you wouldn't feel comfortable answering yourself. Also, try to keep the questions breezy - you don't want him to feel like you're scrutinizing his answers, as if he were interviewing for a job or being cross-examined on the witness stand. Play nice. 17. **Make physical contact.** A subtle brush against his shoulder or a hand lightly placed on his arm mid-conversation can give a guy chills and let him know, without having to say a word, that you're interested. You shouldn't overdo it, but once or twice over the course of a conversation will achieve just the desired effect. 18. **Ask him out** This is what it's all been leading up to, right? If you've spoken to your guy, decided you like him, and you're pretty sure he likes you back, why not bite the bullet and ask him out? It doesn't need to be a big, romantic gesture or anything so formal as dinner. Try asking him if he'd like to a grab a coffee (or something stronger) after work on Friday. This will give you a chance to spend some more time together without being in an overtly date-like situation. Just think of it as an extra opportunity to work on your conversation skills. Not so scary at all!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Handle Being Laughed at Behind Your Back.,"The feeling that you are being laughed at behind your back is a common and often upsetting phobia. You do not, however, have to feel down about yourself if others are antagonizing you surreptitiously. Take a critical eye to the situation and if you feel others are mocking you, take action to bolster your confidence and remove these negative influences from your life. By evaluating  your situation, directly confronting your antagonizers, and focusing on developing the positive relationships in your life, you can learn to deal positively with those who laugh at you behind your back. 1. **See if they are really laughing.** If you think someone is laughing at you behind your back, take a step back to assess the situation. Look at what you know to see if this person or these people are really mocking you. Ask yourself if you have done anything new or noteworthy recently. Good news or performance may inspire people to laugh with you, rather than at you. Look at the situation. If you hear actual laughter around you, know that it may have nothing to do with you. A person may be watching an entertaining video on their phone, or they may have seen something funny happening behind you. Check out your surroundings to see if there are other possible sources for laughter. Think about any predisposition you may have to believe that people are mocking you. Do you deal with social anxiety? Have others in your past treated you this way? Evaluate your concerns and make sure they are coming from fact and observation, rather than internally-generated suspicion. 2. **Look at who is laughing.** Take a look at the person or people you think are laughing behind your back. Decide if they are the type of people that you want in your life. If you think a friend or peer is laughing at you, ask yourself, “Do I really want to keep a close relationship with this type of person?” If the answer is no, then you can end the friendship. If you find a rival or bully is the one mocking you, pay them no attention. Remove them from your life simply by not feeding their desire to upset you. If they believe their words have lost impact, they will eventually move on. 3. **Listen to why they are laughing.** Often, people mock that which they don’t understand or because of an insecurity. Find out why a person or group of people laugh at you in order to reassure yourself. Someone may mock you because they don’t understand something in your life. Perhaps you are more focused on work or school than they are, or perhaps you have different interests. If someone is mocking you because of something they don’t understand, tell yourself that your choices are valid and they don’t need other’s approval. Say to yourself, “I study to ensure a better future for myself,” or, “This hobby brings me joy and doesn’t harm anyone else. This person simply does not understand why this hobby is meaningful to me.” Someone may also mock you because they are insecure about something that you are not insecure about. They may not have the guts to wear clothing that is very different from what is trendy, for instance, but you do. Tell yourself, “This person has no power to make me feel bad about something in my life simply because they are insecure.” 4. **Tell yourself that you're wonderful.** Don't be modest. Every time you hear about someone laughing at you, pause and think to yourself, ""They're wrong and I'm a wonderful person."" Do this until you're convinced. Make it more real in your mind by backing it up with reasons why you genuinely like yourself. Tell yourself something like, “I am intelligent, resourceful, and I can make amazing cookies, and that makes me wonderful.” Keep repeating this to yourself, no matter how hard or silly it may seem. It may be hard to believe while you are hurting, but the more you say it to yourself the more likely you are to start believing it. Even on days when you don’t hear about someone laughing at you, remind yourself that you are wonderful and others don’t determine how you view yourself. 5. **Confront them.** Confronting a bully can be intimidating, but if you feel overwhelmed, talking to them about their problems may bring you some comfort. Set up a time to talk with your antagonizer one-on-one and see what their laughter is really about. Talk just the two of you. A large group may create a defensive, emotional situation that brings out more aggression. Let them know that they hurt your feelings laughing at you and you'd like them to not do it again in the future. Ask them, “What about me makes you want to laugh at me?” Listen carefully to their answer. It is likely grounded in their own emotions and has little to do with you as a person. Ask your antagonizer, “How do my actions or interests impact your daily life?” Evaluate their answer to see if you really do hurt them in a meaningful way, or, more likely, if you simply confuse them because you are not like them. Understand that annoyance and dislike are subjective. Other people will have different views of you. Just because your antagonizer doesn’t know how to handle their opinion properly doesn’t mean that you are bad or have done anything wrong. 6. **Find an ally.** There are a number of people with whom you can discuss your antagonizer. Look at close friends or family members if you want someone to listen and reassure you. Ask a friend to be your go-to person when you think you are being laughed at. Let them know that you don’t need them to solve any problems for you and that you simply want to be able to vent about the stress your antagonizers cause. If your friend is around during an attack from your antagonizers, engage with them instead to distract yourself. Start a conversation about something you both enjoy, or ask them, ""How is your day going so far?"" 7. **Find a professional.** If the laughter has gotten to a point where it impacts your daily life, look for a professional therapist or counselor to help you deal with your emotions. A trained professional may help minimize the long term impacts of your antagonizer and help you develop healthy coping mechanisms. Find a therapist or counselor that specializes in dealing with trauma from bullying or social anxiety. Find affordable, professional help by working with educational clinics at local colleges or sliding scale practitioners in your area. 8. **Laugh along with them.** People laughing at you are looking for attention. They want to make you feel bad. If you can laugh along with them, they won’t get that attention they crave and will likely eventually move on. Allow your laughter to be genuine. Others might be looking to hurt you, but you do not need to hurt yourself. Instead, think to yourself, “It is funny that they find my passion dorky because when I do well at the things I love, I feel like the coolest person in the world.” Try to let their comments roll off your shoulders. If, for example, your antagonizer claims something you like is nerdy, simply smile and say, “I guess that makes me a nerd,” and walk away. 9. **Address your feelings.** Being laughed at can be painful and may hurt your feelings, especially if the person laughing at you is someone you considered a friend or someone you like and respect. If you are feeling hurt and betrayed, address these feelings instead of stuffing them down or pretending you are fine. Avoid short-term solutions that can increase your stress or be dangerous, such as self-medicating with alcohol and drugs or self-harm. Accept that you are upset. It's okay and understandable to be hurt when someone laughs at you. Instead of saying to yourself, ""Whatever, it's fine, I don't care,"" simply acknowledge your feelings by saying, ""I feel really sad and betrayed right now."" Focus on the present. Reliving the moment and ruminating on what happened can prolong your pain. Instead of thinking, ""I can't believe they laughed at me. I'm so embarrassed. It ruined my whole day and I hate that it ruined my day. They're such jerks,"" try to just acknowledge what you're feeling. Say, ""Okay, I'm thinking about it again. It's making me feel sick to my stomach to think about it, and my face feels hot. But I'm on my way to guitar practice now, and I'm going to focus on my lesson and playing well. I'm bringing my attention to what is happening right now, not what happened this morning."" Try not to judge yourself for feeling hurt or engage in negative self-talk. 10. **Involve an authority figure.** If you find your antagonizers more of an annoyance, you may decide to deal with them on your own. If they are impacting your ability to work or function, though, you may want to bring in an authority figure to help you deal. If you are in school, speak with a teacher you trust. See if they would be willing to set up a meeting with you and your antagonizers after school and moderate the situation. A school counselor may also be of help. If an antagonizer is impacting your ability to do your job, let your supervisor know immediately and ask them for help. 11. **Focus on the things you can control.** It's important to remember that you can't control other people and you can't stop them from laughing. If someone was laughing at your haircut so you wear a hat, then they may just laugh at the hat, or find something else to pick apart. Trying to anticipate how someone will react, or making all your decisions based on what you think someone else will find acceptable, is exhausting and impossible. Shift your focus from what you can't control (the actions and opinions of other people) and start paying attention to what you can control — your own actions, feelings, and your opinion of yourself. Choose to treat yourself with kindness and compassion. You have control over what your self-talk sounds like, and it's important that you behave like your own best friend. If you find yourself engaging in negative self-talk, challenge it. You can also control your own actions, how you treat others, and what you will accept from other people. You can choose to show the people who laugh at you kindness despite their rude behavior. You can also choose to walk away from their taunts. 12. **Find better friends.** If the person laughing behind your back is someone you considered a friend, try finding more positive people to keep in your life. Take a look at what matters most to you, and find people with similar values regarding friendship. Try joining school groups or local meetups to meet people with the same interests as you. Look at options like book clubs and dinner groups to meet other people outside of your established social network. Spend more time with the people who have supported and helped you. Focus on bettering your friendships with them rather than surrounding yourself with new people. 13. **Be the bigger person.** Try changing your relationship with your antagonizer by offering them friendship and help. Offer to be there for them, and know that if they reject your help that you did all you could to create a positive relationship. Look at your antagonizer’s insecurities, and offer to help them address them. If, for example, your antagonizer laughs at you for getting good grades or caring too much about your job, offer to help them study or get started on a work project.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Prune Tulips?,"Prune your tulips to encourage them to regrow, or trim them for your vase. Simply use garden shears to cut your tulip flower at the base of the stem. Do this after your tulips fade in color or whenever you want to put them in a vase. Tulips can last in a vase for 3-7 days if cared for properly. You can easily trim your tulips to make a beautiful centerpiece or prepare them for next season! 1. **Wait until your tulips begin to fade.** Once your tulips blossom and the flowers start to fade, the flowers become wilted and look unattractive. Typically, tulips begin to fade in May or June. The exact month your flowers start to fade will vary based on your location and climate. 2. **Prune off the heads of your tulips using gardening shears.** After your tulips fade, trim your tulip plants to encourage them to grow back next year. Snip the head of the tulip using either a pair of garden shears or a sharp pair of scissors. Do this after the blooms are faded. 3. **Avoid removing the tulip leaves when you’re pruning.** “Deadheading” is the process of taking off the bloom of the flower. When you do this, you want to preserve the leaves and foliage of the tulip plant. Only snip away the head of the flower, rather than the green leaves. Keeping the leaves intact helps the flower continue its growth cycle, and they look attractive. The tulip plant has attractive green leaves that look great throughout the summer. 4. **Remove the leaves about 6 weeks after flowering.** About 6 weeks after your tulips bloom, your plant may turn yellow or brown at the ends. When this happens, you can trim the leaves. Either trim off only the brownish sections or cut the leaves at the base of the stem, based on personal preference. This encourages the plant to grow back next year. If you'd like, trim the leaves completely off leaving just the stems intact. The stems may shrink or wilt as winter strikes, but this way the plant will resurface in the spring. You can use garden shears or a sharp pair of scissors. If you trim the flowers at the end of June, you can cut the leaves in late July or early August. 5. **Prune your tulips when the blooms are closed but the color is visible.** To maximize your bloom time, cut your tulips when they are in the advanced bud stage. This is when the flower hasn’t quite emerged, but the bud is close to blooming and the color of the flower is visible. The flower will fully bloom in 1-4 days. You’ll see a pink or purplish color from within the mainly green bud, for example. 6. **Cut your tulips at least ⁄2 in (1.3 cm) down the stem at an angle.** Using a sharp knife, garden shears, or scissors, make your cut on the stem at angle. Cutting the plant at an angle keeps it healthy and promotes regrowth. You can cut your tulips to any desired length. For a standard vase size, cut the stem to around 12–18 in (30–46 cm). 7. **Avoid cutting the foliage as you trim your tulips.** Only cut the stem of your tulip plants, rather than trimming the leaves as well. Make your cut towards the base of the plant, but ensure there are no leaves in the way. This keeps your plant healthy. Leaving the foliage in place helps the plant build up energy for next year. 8. **Put your tulips in a decorative vase full of water.** Fill up a vase of your choosing about ⅔ of cool water, and then place your tulips inside. You can fill up your vase with many tulips, or you can also add other flowers or floral accents. Avoid adding paperwhite narcissus or daffodils to your tulip vase. These flowers exude a gummy sap that can harm your tulips. Using floral preservative is not necessary for tulips. If you want to use one, simply shake it into the water before you place your tulips into the vase. 9. **Make a fresh cut at the base of the stem every 2-3 days.** Use a knife to cut the end of the plant at an angle, removing about ⁄16–⁄8 in (0.16–0.32 cm) of the stem. A knife is the preferred tool to make the cut, as scissors can crush the stem and make it more difficult for the plant to absorb water. 10. **Replace the water in the vase daily.** To maintain the health of your tulips, dump out the water every day. Then, fill your vase up with cool water. With proper care, your tulips can last 7-14 days in a vase. This helps the plants absorb water and extend their vase life. Tulips stay fresh the longest in cold water, rather than warm or hot.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Use a Hyphenated Last Name?,"Hyphenating your last name is one way people choose to change their names after getting married. Once you change your name to a hyphenation, though, that's just the beginning. You have to change it with other organizations, such as the Social Security Administration, and you have to deal with the ramifications privately and professionally. 1. **Have your proof ready.** When changing your name on your Social Security card, you need to have proof of your new name. Because you are likely changing your name because of marriage, the best document is a marriage license that shows your new name. You'll also need proof of identity, such as a state-issued ID or driver's license or a passport. In some cases, other forms of ID can be substituted, such as an employee or school identification card or a military identification card. If you don't change your name with Social Security, it can affect government services. For instance, the IRS won't recognize your hyphenated name if it's not the one that's associated with your Social Security Number. 2. **Obtain the form.** You can print out the form online. You can also get the form at your local Social Security office. Either way, you must turn the form in physically in person or by mail, so you must have a physical copy. 3. **Fill in the form.** You will need to fill in some basic biographical information. For instance, you'll need to include your address, Social Security Number, and place of birth. Nonetheless, the form is fairly short and shouldn't take you very long to complete. Be sure to read the instructions ahead of time. For instance, you only need both parent's Social Security Numbers if you are applying for a brand new card for someone under 18. In this case, then, you don't need both parent's Social Security Numbers, but those are still blanks on the forms. 4. **Submit your form.** You can take the form in to your local Social Security office. You can also mail it in if you prefer. To find your local office, look in the phone book, or use the Social Security Administration's locator to find your nearest office. 5. **Wait for your new card.** Your card should arrive by mail. As long as you filed all the necessary documents, it should be at your house in about a week and a half. 6. **Change your driver's license.** Even though your name is similar to your old name, you need to change it on your driver's license. How you change it depends on your state. Usually, you'll have to change your license in person. Before going to your local department of motor vehicles, check online or call to see what you'll need. Usually, you'll need to fill out a form for renewal or name change. The name of the form will vary by state. You'll also be asked to pay a fee. Most of the time, you won't need your Social Security card first. You will need your old driver's license and proof that you changed your name, which is your marriage license in most states. You'll also need to change the information on your car's registration and title. 7. **Change all legal documents.** When you change your last name, that means you need to make all your legal documents match. For instance, you need to change your name on your insurance and at your bank. All of your bills need to have your new name. Have your marriage license ready so you can show that you changed your name. Some places may require your new Social Security card. Try to think of all your bills, not just the ones you pay monthly. For instance, you may forget to change your name on your toll pass if it's not coming out monthly. Also, remember to change your name at places like your doctor's office, as they will be looking for your insurance under your old name if you don't. 8. **Think about social media.** Another issue you need to think about is social media. You can change your name as you see fit. You're not required legally to do so, but you can change your name on major social media platforms and blogs. However, if you have a specific URL (website address), changing that will be more difficult and time-consuming than just changing your name on the account. On some social media platforms, you may not be able to change it. Some websites do have limits on how often you can change your name, so make sure you are ready to change it when you do. 9. **Decide which name you want to use professionally.** If you have been known under a certain name professionally, you can still keep using that name as long as your legal documents are under your legal name. However, you can also switch over to your new hyphenated name. Some women keep using their maiden name because they are well-known in their community under that name. For instance, if you're a local author or real estate agent, it may be better to keep using your maiden name. If you've gotten married, though, and many people know about your marriage, you should clarify how you want to be known from now on. Many people will assume you're taking your husband's name solely. 10. **Clarify you have a hyphenated name.** When making appointments or reservations, it's important to clarify you have a hyphenated last name to make it easier for the other person. If you don't, the other person may try to mash your name into some sort of bizarre hybrid, plus you're giving them a heads' up about the punctuation. For example, you could say, ""Are you ready for my last name? It's hyphenated. It's Smith-hyphen-Jones."" 11. **Be prepared for other problems.** For instance, hyphenated names can cause issues with computer systems sometimes, which may not recognize the hyphen in a name field or may not know how to classify the name properly. Other times, forms are too short to fit your name, or you may find that an email address has a character limit shorter than your hyphenated name. Nonetheless, hyphenated names do have some pluses. For instance, hyphenating usually creates a unique name, meaning no one else is likely to have your first and last name combination. 12. **Discuss the options.** When naming your kids, you do have several options. You can give them either one of the parent's original surnames. You can also give them the hyphenated name. Some parents form hybrid names, so the kid isn't stuck with a hyphenated name. 13. **Giving your child either your surname or your spouse's is a good option if one of you feels more strongly about carrying on your family's name.** For instance, it can also create identity issues, as your kids' names are not technically the same as your name, if you have a hyphenated name. 14. **Consider identity.** While younger kids may not have a problem with having different last names from one of their parents, as kids get a little older and go to school, they may start making comparisons with other kids. It can be confusing to them to have a name that is not the same. They may also get questions from other kids about their last name, and why it's not the same as one parent or the other. Names connect families, and having the same name can show kids that they belong. 15. **Understand why hyphens can cause problems.** Sometimes, hyphenated names present their own set of problems for kids. For one, many kids have trouble learning to spell out longer names when they're first learning to write. Hyphenation can also cause administrative issues, since some places are unsure whether to file under the first surname or the second surname. It can also cause future problems, if the kid decides he or she wants to hyphenate last names later, as that adds a third surname to the mix.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Find Deer.,"Locating and tracking deer can be a difficult task. Whether you're hunting deer for their meat or simply watching them in their natural habitat, doing a little bit of research ahead of time can go a long way. As long as you use caution and are mindful of the potential safety dangers, hunting and tracking deer can be enjoyable pastimes. There are many ways to hunt and track deer; it is important to choose the method that will be the most fun and that will work the best for your equipment and surroundings. 1. **Choose your area.** Walk into legal hunting grounds where there are woods. If you're hunting or tracking deer on someone else's property, ask where deer tend to bed and where the most common place to see deer is. This will help you decide where to start. Typically, deer prefer covered areas to make their beds in. Look for ditches and hollows with dense cover or thickets crowded with brush. They often bed along stream bottoms or on southward-facing slopes to keep warm in the sunlight. 2. **Choose your time.** Deer are mostly nocturnal, but they can also be seen out in the daytime. However, since they usually sleep during the day (and it is hard to see them at night), the best times to search for deer are early in the morning or at dusk when the sun is going down. These are their normal feeding times and the time you will be most likely to catch a glimpse of them. 3. **Search for visible signs of deer.** There is often evidence of deer all around you if you know where to look for it. Keep an eye out for indicators that deer have been in the area like tracks or droppings. Deer droppings are usually small, jellybean shaped pellets that are dark brown in color. Sometimes the droppings appear as a bunch of separate pellets, sometimes as a bunch of pellets clumped together. You can also try staying stationary in an area that is known to often be frequented by deer so that you can simply wait and watch/listen for the deer. Make sure you are moving through the woods as quietly as possible to avoid spooking any deer that might be nearby. 4. **Look for places deer would be attracted to.** Deer usually bed in areas of thick brush; these are good places to begin your search. You can also search for edible vegetation that deer feed on like wild grasses, greenbriar, dandelions, or acorns. 5. **Be as quiet as possible.** Deer have very keen senses of sight and sound. Try to be as silent as you can while you are tracking through the woods. If you are too noisy, they will hear you long before you notice them and you will miss your chance. 6. **Continue searching.** Follow the tracks and keep searching for signs of deer until you encounter the animals. This takes patience, but is worth it in the end. 7. **Find deer tracks.** If there is moisture or snow on the ground, this will make it easier to locate tracks. Deer tracks are easiest to spot in snow or soft dirt/mud that is malleable to the touch and will reposition into a track when an animal steps on it. 8. **Look at the features of the tracks.** When you find deer tracks, you can use them as evidence to help you determine how many deer were present and how big they were. Deer tracks have two “toes” and a marking at the base of the track. Deer have cloven hooves which means they're split down the middle. Deer tracks normally look like the image below. Generally, the bigger the track, the bigger the deer. Remember, if you see larger tracks accompanied by small tracks, you may be following a doe with a fawn. You do not want to kill a mother deer as this will orphan the fawn. 9. **Determine if tracks are fresh or old.** If the tracks seem frozen over or are messed up by other tracks, they are most likely old. If there has been a recent snow and there are uncovered tracks in it, they are probably new. 10. **Clear the area ahead of time.** If you're looking to kill a deer for venison, it is important to prepare the area where you will build the stand well ahead of the time you plan to begin hunting. This will ensure that your scent is clear of the path by the time you want to hunt. You should clear away some of the noisy ground brush so that you will be able to access your stand without making too much noise. 11. **Build the stand.** There are several different kinds of hunting stands to choose from. Decide which one works best for you and the area in which you want to hunt. Both types of blinds should be built in areas of heavy deer traffic to increase your chance of encountering a deer while you wait. Be sure to do plenty of scouting around the area before you choose the location to build your stand. Look for deer beds and signs of grazing. Ground blind/stand. A ground stand requires less work to construct than a tree stand. You can actually build it out of natural materials. Try to find a tree to rest against and then use sticks, leaves, and brush to build up a natural cover that blocks your lower body. Make sure you pick a slightly elevated spot so that you can see animals that approach. Tree stand. A tree stand is a good idea if you are in a heavily wooded area. But make sure there is plenty of leaf cover or branches surrounding your stand, otherwise your silhouette will be noticeable. Use all safety features for the stand (like a climbing harness during construction) to make it completely secure and be cautious when entering and exiting the tree stand. One misstep could mean disaster if you fall. Make sure you follow all of the manufacturer's directions when constructing the tree stand. If you skip a step in the building process, it could easily make your tree stand unsafe and dangerous for you to use. 12. **Prepare your area.** Install a rest for your rifle. Some models are designed to wrap around the hunter while they are seated; these are ideal for use in tree stands. Make sure all pieces of your blind/stand are silenced in whatever way possible. Cover your seat with fleece, lubricate any moving parts, encase chains in tubing, and bring a piece of old carpet for the floor of your stand. All of these things will help reduce the noise while you wait. 13. **Wait for the deer to come to you.** Deer travel all day, so you may be waiting for a long time. Bring a book or something to keep yourself occupied. Bring plenty of food and water to last the duration of your hunting excursion. Be prepared to exit your stand when necessary to stretch, or take care of other personal needs. Occasionally moving around will make the waiting more tolerable. 14. **Find the location of the deer when it was shot.** When you initially shoot the deer, try to watch closely for the path it takes when it runs after being shot. Once it runs away, go toward the place you last saw it, probably the spot where it was shot, and look for signs of the deer. There should be at least some blood here, so it should be fairly simple to locate. . 15. **Search for directional signs.** Try to figure out which way the deer when by looking for visible signs. Try to find evidence of blood on the ground or on nearby brush. There may also be broken branches and other disrupted vegetation as a result of the deer's hurried exit. If there are tracks and blood, follow them. Keep looking for the next sign of blood or the next set of tracks as you make your way toward the injured deer. It is easier to track deer in the snow but it is still possible to track them out of it. You just need to look for signs of blood and disrupted/broken brush or vegetation. 16. **Kill the deer when you find it.** If you hit the deer in the gut, it is likely the deer will not die for a while as it will bleed to death. Be cautious when pursing a wounded animal; they are more unpredictable and can be dangerous. If you can, stay back and shoot it again in a fatal place when it has stopped to rest. You are aiming for a quick, humane kill on the animal whose meat will help sustain you.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Look Better Than You Already Are.,"Do you want to be the beautiful girl in your dreams? Do you want the beauty you always need? If so, read on! 1. **Using make all the time isn't good for you skin.** Use a little mascara on the upper lashes and a clear or pink lip gloss and maybe a little blush to highlight you face or liquid liner starting from the middle of your upper lash line and outwards. This defines your eyes and gives you the 'cat eyes' look. If you don't feel like wearing any at all, put some lip balm on. It helps protect your lips from drying out and gets you closer to achieving those soft, pink lips. 2. **Get rid of spots, acne, zits, and pimples for clean, pure skin.** If you can't, then get concealer, foundation, or put on natural looking make up. Be sure that the concealer or foundation is the same color as your natural skin tone.Remember to use the make up remover to get off all that make up muck. Take a shower or bath every day, but don't get you hair wet unless you're going to properly shampoo and condition it. Always condition your hair after you shampoo so you can get the silky, glossy and good smelling hair you wanted. Use lotion if you have dry skin, and use sun screen if you want creamy white skin. Brush your teeth. If you have problems having a good smelling breath,mouth wash and a good smelling toothpaste will do the trick. If pearly whites is the problem, use a good whitening toothpaste and good toothbrush. Brush about 1-3 minutes every time. If you want to smell good, then try to layer fragrances. Start with a scented shower gel or bath oil. Move on to body lotion and finish with a light splash of perfume or body spray. Your skin reveals a lot about your health and habits, so it is vital to take care of your body’s largest organ. Exfoliate your skin, including your face and body, up to three times per week. 3. **It will leave your skin glowing and your hair shining.** It is also good for your body because, as you know, 80% of your body is made of liquid. 4. **Not only will you feel great, but it give your body a chance to freshens itself and you will look better than the day before.** Sweet treats, heavy meals, and sugary drinks before bed will keep you awake, so avoid this.If your tummy's rumbling,then have a cup of warm chamomile tea to help you relax. Try to relax before bed by listening to some gentle music. Make sure you have done your homework earlier,doing right before bed will keep you awake. Put a glass of water next to your bed just in case you wake up thirsty. Pull on some comfy pajamas, wash your face, brush your teeth, and hop on to bed. Read for a while until you are nice and sleepy,then turn out the lights. 5. **No matter how you look, a smile will brighten your face and make you look beautiful.** 6. **Now, just because you're trying to look better doesn't mean you going to go all phony.** Be yourself, because the beauty inside is more important than the outside. 7. **For some occasions, such as when you go to church, wear dressy stuff, like a dress with dressy but comfortable shoes, like wedges or ballet flats.** For everyday wear, go for skinny (but not so skinny that you can't breathe) blue jeans and a cute t-shirt and cool and comfortable shoes,and every now and then, wear a skirt. Invest in quality classic pieces. Don't just follow current trends. Focus on buying the best quality and classic clothes you can, as these pieces are timeless and you last years. 8. **Necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, hair clips, the choice is endless!** Maybe a necklace and earrings are fine for everyday wear. Oh, a hair clip or headband is fine, too. Remember to make the accessories match the second main color of your clothes. For an example, If you are wearing matching purple skirt and shirt with orange lining and details,then use orange accessories that are a little brighter than the clothes.Remember to keep it to a minimum, though, too much is more than enough! 9. **That doesn't mean you should be the slenderest girl on the block.** Just eat well and exercise. If you're not very happy about working out, exercise does not mean work out. Do something. Dance, swim, run, or just simply play! 10. **Regularly shampoo and condition your hair for silky, shiny, luscious locks, but remember to rinse it thoroughly, or it will leave your hair dull and drab, and sometimes, left over shampoo or conditioner will cause an itch to your scalp!** Also,different hairstyles will show off what beautiful hair you have. Wearing your hair in a ponytail is one of the prettiest (and simplest) hairstyle you can make. Other essentials are braids, pigtails, buns, side ponytails, and simply let your hair down. Consider changing your hairstyle yearly to add a freshness to your overall appearance. The change doesn't have to be drastic. Sometimes, a simple switch on the way you part your hair can make a huge impact.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Buy the Rights to a Book.,"There are a few situations in which you may want to buy the rights to a book. For example, you may be a publisher who wants to publish a book in your country, or you may want to purchase the rights of a foreign author so you can sell them in your country. Alternately, you could be a producer who wants to buy rights to a book in order to make a movie or TV show. All authors have copyrights in their written work, and this copyright gives them the exclusive right to reproduce the work and create derivative products (such as movies). To buy the rights, you should consider how much you can offer and then reach out to the appropriate person to begin negotiating details. 1. **Find out who owns the copyright.** This is usually easy. If you are a book publisher, then look on the manuscript or at the cover letter. It should state who owns copyright. Authors also reserve film and TV rights to their works, so if you want to turn a book into a movie or television show, then the owner of the copyright should own those rights. 2. **Check that copyright hasn’t been assigned.** An author might already have been approached by a producer to turn a book in a movie. If so, the author might already have assigned those rights to someone. You can check with the U.S. Copyright Office. You can search the U.S. Copyright Office online at Search for both pre-1978 and post-1978 records. You will be able to find more post-1978 records, but it’s important to search both time frames. If you see that the author has already assigned the rights to someone else, then you are out of luck. 3. **Call the author.** You should call the author to confirm that they own the rights and that the rights are available. There’s no point negotiating for the rights with someone if they are not available. If you are a producer, then you will need to find a telephone number. Look at the copyright registration. If you can’t find a phone number, then contact the book’s publisher. 4. **Know who to contact.** You will need to negotiate with different people, depending on who you are. Accordingly, you should figure out who to contact about making an offer for rights: If you are a publisher, then you should negotiate with the author’s agent or, if there is no agent, then with the author directly. Foreign publishers will probably need to contact the publishing house which published the book initially. They typically have specialist rights staff that you work with. Alternately, you may need to work with a sub-agent. 5. **Determine the book advance.** Book publishers often offer the author an advance, which is an amount of money. The advance is usually deducted from future royalties. For example, if you offer a $10,000 advance, then the author doesn’t begin to receive royalties on each book sold until they have earned at least $10,000 in royalties. There is no easy way to determine how much an advance should be. If the author is unknown, then you might not need to offer any advance. Advances are also broken up and paid in installments. For example, one third may be paid upon accepting the manuscript, another third when the author delivers the manuscript, and the final third on publication. 6. **Choose a royalty rate.** Royalties are standard and don’t vary much from contract to contract. However, you need to understand royalties before going into negotiations. Consider the following: Book royalties are typically calculated as a percentage of the retail price. For example, if a hardcover sells for $25.95 and the royalty rate is 15%, then the author gets around $3.90 per book. As a publisher, you might try to get the royalty based on the net price. This is the amount you receive as publisher after the book is sold. Royalty scales can be graduated. In other words, the royalty percentage increases as the number of books are sold. 7. **Get your details in order as a book publisher.** An author will want to know quite a bit of detail before agreeing to sign on with you. Accordingly, you should determine the following information before going any further: expected first run (e.g., 10,000 copies) proposed publication schedule local retail price your marketing plans the amount of your advance 8. **Express interest in the work.** Call up the appropriate person (author, agent, publisher) and express interest in the work. You should be prepared to discuss how much you are willing to offer as an advance, as well as your expected first run. If what you are prepared to offer is far from what the author wants, they can decline to negotiate with you. You also should be prepared to talk about your publishing house. Ideally, you will have a brochure or a list of published works that you could share with the author or agent. This is particularly important if you are buying foreign rights, because the author might not be familiar with your reputation in a different country. 9. **Negotiate details.** Before moving on to draft a contract, you should reach agreement with the author on the details of publication. This will make the contract drafting much easier. Talk about the following: proposed formats for publication (e-book, paperback, hardback) whether the copyright will be in the author’s name or the publisher’s the applicable currency publication schedule length of license any additional rights (such as the right to re-license in your territory) proposed changes price and availability of electronic files who will obtain permission to reproduce illustrations or other images 10. **Understand options.** Movie and TV producers don’t initially agree to buy book rights because they don’t know if they will be able to get the financing to make the movie or television show. Accordingly, they buy options, which give them the exclusive right to purchase the film or TV rights within a certain amount of time. 11. **Get a release from the publisher.** After you perform your copyright search, you should have the book’s publisher sign a Publisher’s Release. This form confirms that the publisher doesn’t own any of the rights you are seeking. 12. **Determine the length of the option.** An author won’t give you an endless amount of time to publish a book or turn it into a movie, so you need to come up with a length of time. Generally, 12-18 month is standard, though you should push for 18 months. You can try to negotiate rights to one or two extensions at the same price as the original term. 13. **Come up with a fair price for the option.** The price you pay for an option will depend on the book’s popularity and whether others are bidding to option the book. If the book is not well known, then you might pay $0 but promise to use your best efforts to get the picture made. Alternately, if the book has been moderately successful and has been out for a while, you might pay $5,000. You should talk to other people in your industry if you have no idea how much to offer. Generally, the option price should be set off against the price you pay for the rights, should you exercise your option. 14. **Negotiate with the author or agent.** After you come up with what you’d like to offer, you should call up the author or agent and negotiate. Express interest in the work and be prepared to go first when making your offer. You generally will need to negotiate the following: The ultimate purchase price. Don’t leave this until later. Instead, include the price in your option agreement. Generally, the purchase price is tied to the budget for the movie. For example, 2.5% of the final, written direct budget is standard. You also should negotiate a floor and ceiling (minimum and maximum amount). Net profits. It is standard for authors to get a percent of net profits, though if you are making a film for school then these might not be an issue. Right to acquire the same rights for any sequels. If a book is a big hit, then the author might write a sequel. You will need to buy rights to the sequel, and you can secure your right to purchase them before anyone else. Reversion rights. The author might want a right to reversion to protect against you sitting on the rights but never making the production after you exercise your option. 15. **Exercise your option.** If you secure financing, a screenplay, and a cast, then you might be prepared to exercise your option and purchase the rights. You should exercise your rights according to the procedure spelled out in the option agreement. Your option agreement might state that you can exercise the option by sending written notice or simply by beginning principal photography. 16. **Hire a lawyer.** As a publisher or producer, you prepare the contract. You should work with a lawyer, who is an integral part of any business. An experienced lawyer can help you even at the negotiation stage. You can find a lawyer by asking someone else in the business if they would recommend their lawyer. If you can’t get any leads, then contact your local or state bar association. Ask for a referral to a lawyer who handles copyright and literary works especially. 17. **Find sample contracts.** You might not be able to afford a lawyer, e.g., because you are a student who wants to make a film for school. In this case, you can try to find sample contracts online and modify them to suit your situation. Columbia University Law School has a sample book contract at The American Bar Association has a sample option purchase agreement at 18. **Allow the author to review the contract.** You should have handled most of the negotiations before sitting down to draft your contract. However, you still need to give a draft of the contract to the other party and give them a chance to look it over. If the author suggests substantial changes, then talk them over. 19. **Sign the contract.** All parties should sign the contract. Make sure to give the author/agent a copy of the signed agreement and hold onto the original in your principal place of business or in a safety deposit box.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Become a Professional Golfer.,"Becoming a professional golfer takes time, dedication, and perseverance. You will need to develop your skills through lessons and consistent practice. Finding a reliable golf partner or joining a local golf club can help you get the experience you need to go pro. Once you’ve honed your skills, you will need to participate and excel in both amateur and professional tournaments to become a professional golfer. 1. **Start playing as early in life as possible.** If you or someone you know has dreams of becoming a professional golfer, it’s important to get started as soon as possible. If you are a child or teenager, don’t wait until you are an adult to begin fulfilling your dreams. If you are an adult, begin playing today. The sooner you begin playing golf, the sooner you can reach your goal of becoming a professional golfer. 2. **Take golf lessons.** Even if you’ve been playing golf for years, you can still benefit from golf lessons. Lessons offer an opportunity to hone particular skill sets and get feedback from your instructor. Try taking golf lessons at your local golf course, or even signing up for a class through your high school or local college. Ask friends, family, and other golfers for suggestions on great golf instructors. Check out what types of lessons your local country club or golf course offer. 3. **Develop a consistent routine for practicing on the golf course.** To become a professional golfer, you must play golf regularly. Dedicate time to practicing your short game and putting, as well as hitting fairways and greens. Begin by dedicating 10 hours per week playing golf on a golf course, in a variety of settings. Work your way up to 20 hours per week of golf practice. 4. **Master multiple skills.** To become a professional golfer, you will need to work on specific skills that will help you reach the peak of your performance. You will need to master putting, bunker, full swing, chip, pitch, lob, and approach wedge skills. Try to work on each individual skill during golf lessons, incorporating the feedback from your instructor. 5. **Dedicate ample time to each golfing skill.** While it’s important to spend as much time on the golf course as possible, it is equally important that you dedicate time to each specific skill. Doing so will ensure you develop a wide range of skills to your fullest potential. Set equal time aside each week to work on putting, bunker, full swing, chip, pitch, lob, and approach wedge skills. Begin with dedicating 1 hour weekly to each specific skill, and work your way up to 3 hours weekly per skill. 6. **Build your mental skills.** Becoming a professional golfer means working on mental skills as well as physical ones. Embrace challenges you encounter, and stay focused on the process rather than the result. Stay in the present when you’re on the golf course, and don’t be too hard on yourself when you make a mistake. Most importantly, you must fully believe in yourself and your ability to master the game. Let your confidence guide your game. 7. **Find a reliable golfing partner.** Becoming a pro means you need to hone your skills through individual effort, as well as through competition with others. Finding someone you can play golf with regularly will help you become a better golfer and speed up your journey down the professional path. Ask a friend or family member if they will dedicate time each week to playing golf with you. You can also post in online forums or use an app like Golf  Match to find a local partner 8. **Join your local golf club.** There are many benefits to joining a local golf club. In addition to getting experience, you will make connections with other golfers in your area. Joining a local club may also lead to invitations to participate in the club’s tournament program, providing you with opportunities to compete in local and regional tournaments. 9. **Play golf in college.** Playing golf while you’re a college student will provide you with invaluable experience. It can also help pay for your education through scholarships. If you can’t play on your university or college team, consider playing intramural or club golf as a college student. 10. **Compete in amateur tournaments.** Take advantage of opportunities to play in local, regional, and national amateur golf tournaments. These tournaments will give you competitive experience. Playing in amateur tournaments will also provide you with an opportunity to become known in particular golf circuits, which will come in handy as your golf career progresses. Some amateur tournaments to consider include the USGA Amateur Championship and USGA Amateur Public Links Championship. 11. **Compete in multiple professional golf tournaments.** Try to play in as many professional tournaments as your budget and schedule allow. This will give you experience as well as exposure to other professional golfers and potential sponsors. Some tournaments to consider include the Moonlight Tour, NGA Pro Golf Tour, and the eGolf Professional Tour. You can enter the eGolf Professional Tour by signing up on their website: 12. **Play in the PGA Tour Qualifying Tournament.** This tournament, also known as Qualifying School or Q School, is played in 4 sequential stages. Players qualify for the stages sequentially, with only 144 players making it to the final stage. After the final stage, the top 25 players will qualify for the tour. You can find get information on the qualifying tour processes and registration here: 13. **Earn your PGA tour card.** After you qualify for the Tour via Qualifying School, you will need to earn your PGA Tour Card to become a true professional golfer. You can do this by winning any 3 events on the Tour. You can also earn the card by finishing in the top 25 in total earnings for the regular season of",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Thicken Fruit Juice with Cornstarch.,"Thickening fruit juice is helpful if you're making delicious foods like pies or tarts, as well as canned fruit juices or fruit sauces. Cornstarch is a popular thickener because it creates a shiny filling without clouding the colors of the fruit juice. If your recipe calls for a dry ingredient like sugar, you can easily mix cornstarch with this dry ingredient before following the rest of the recipe. If your recipe doesn't have a dry ingredient, it's best to mix the cornstarch with water before adding it to the fruit juice. With just a few minutes of time, your fruit juice will be thick and ready to cook with. 1. **Mix 1 US tbsp (15 ml) of water and 1 tbsp (7.5 g) of cornstarch in a bowl.** Measure out equal amounts of cool water and cornstarch and pour them into a bowl. Stir the cornstarch and water together in the bowl with a spoon. This recipe uses 1 cup (240 ml) of fruit juice, but you can alter the measurements so the ratio stays the same. For example, if your recipe called for 2 cups (470 ml) of fruit juice, you'd mix together {{convert|2|tbsp|ml|abbr=on} each of water and cornstarch. If another liquid is used in the recipe you're using besides fruit juice, it’s okay to use this liquid instead of water. 2. **Add the cornstarch mixture to the fruit juice.** Once the water and cornstarch are thoroughly combined, pour them into another bowl that has 1 cup (240 ml) of fruit juice in it. Stir all 3 ingredients together so they’re mixed well. Avoid adding cornstarch to hot fruit juice so it doesn't clump. 3. **Cook the fruit juice on the stove top over medium heat until it’s thick and bubbly.** Pour the fruit juice mixture into a pan or pot and bring the heat to medium. Stir the fruit juice as it heats up and watch for bubbles to start forming in the juice. These bubbles mean that the juice is thickening. It shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes for the liquid to bubble. 4. **Cook the fruit juice for 2 more minutes to cook the cornstarch.** While you can remove the fruit juice from the heat once it starts bubbling, you might be left with a cornstarch flavor. To get rid of the cornstarch taste, let the fruit juice mixture keeping cooking for 2 more minutes before calling it done. If your fruit juice is heated or stirred for too long, it can start to lose its thickness. Use your thickened fruit juice in a pie or other yummy recipe. 5. **Follow your recipe's instructions to add the fruit juice to your dish.** Once the cornstarch is added to your fruit juice, follow the regular recipe and do whatever it says to do with the fruit juice. For example, if your recipe says to heat fruit juice and pour it into a pie crust, you can add your heated cornstarch and fruit juice mixture to the crust normally. It's okay if the recipe doesn't mention anything about adding cornstarch to thicken the juice. 6. **Measure out 1 tsp (2.5 g) of cornstarch per 1 cup (240 ml) of juice.** Use a measuring spoon to measure out the cornstarch you'll need for your amount of fruit juice, but don't add the cornstarch to the fruit just yet. Cornstarch works best if it's mixed in with another dry ingredient first. 7. **Mix the cornstarch with another dry ingredient first, if possible.** If your recipe includes another dry ingredient like sugar, add the cornstarch to this ingredient before adding it to the fruit juice. Stir the cornstarch in with the sugar to help separate the cornstarch granules so they don’t clump together. Sugar is the most common ingredient to mix in with cornstarch. Adding the cornstarch in with another ingredient first will make it easier for the cornstarch to mix evenly with the fruit juice. 8. **Add the cornstarch mixture to the fruit juice and stir them together.** Once your cornstarch is mixed with another dry ingredient, pour it into your fruit juice. Stir the ingredients together with a spoon to help the fruit juice thicken. It’s okay if you don’t add the cornstarch to another dry ingredient first, but it might not work as well. 9. **Follow your recipe normally to cook the fruit juice and cornstarch.** Once you've mixed the cornstarch into the fruit juice, there aren't any more special steps. Keep following your recipe to put the fruit juice into a pie or other type of mold before cooking it to create a delicious dish or treat. When the fruit juice is cooked or baked, it will thicken correctly.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Wear a Bowler Hat.,"Bowler hats are a classic accessory that can be worn in a variety of different ways. You can wear it cocked to 1 side, or pushed back on your head, for example. It all depends on the look you’re going for. Whenever you wear a bowler hat, be sure to follow a few simple rules of etiquette such as removing your hat while you’re indoors or touching the brim to thank someone. It’s also important that you clean it and store it properly. 1. **Rest the brim of the bowler cap evenly on your head for a classic look.** The standard and classic way to wear a bowler hat is to place it evenly on top of your head so the sides are about 2 inches (5.1 cm) above your ears. The brim of the hat should form an even line around your entire head. If the bowler hat is resting on your ears, then it’s too big for you. 2. **Cock your hat to 1 side for a nonchalant look.** Lean your bowler hat so it’s cocked to 1 side of your head but won’t fall off easily. This will give you an air of uncaring and nonchalance that will make you look more confident. Fasten your bowler hat to your hair by clipping a hairpin to your hair and the inner lining of the hat to keep it on your head at an angle if that’s the look you’re going for. 3. **Push your bowler hat back to appear relaxed and open.** Lean the bowler hat so it rests more on the back of your head. Align the brim in the front of the hat so it runs more along the crown of your head rather than your forehead. This will make you appear relaxed, friendly, and inviting. Wearing your bowler hat back on your head can cause it to fall off more easily if a stiff wind catches you. 4. **Tilt your hat over your eyes to make yourself seem mysterious.** Push the brim in the front of the bowler hat forward so it rests along your brow. This will cause the brim to hang over your eyes and make you seem more intimidating and mysterious. Tilting your bowler hat forward will also cast a shadow over you eyes and provide you with more protection from the sun. If you have a duster or a jacket with a collar, turning your collar up with your bowler hat tilted forward will make you seem even more mysterious. 5. **Avoid wearing a bowler hat if you have a rounded face.** A bowler hat has a symmetrical shape and will bring attention to your rounded face and make your face appear fuller. Wear a hat with angles and an asymmetrical shape to contrast your rounded face. For example, fedoras and long sock hats will make your face seem longer and more angular, rather than full and round. 6. **Do not bend or shape the brim or the crown of a bowler hat.** The brim of a bowler hat is meant to be rigid, even, and straight. Bending or warping the brim will make the hat appear damaged and cheap. Once the brim of a bowler hat has been warped, it can’t be easily reset to it’s original condition. If the brim of your bowler hat is damaged, take it to a haberdashery to have it professionally repaired. 7. **Wear a dark wool coat with a bowler cap in winter.** Wearing clothes that complement your bowler hat will make you look better when you wear it. In cold weather conditions, pair your bowler hat with a dark wool coat for a classic look. In warmer weather, a dark blazer complements a bowler hat very nicely. 8. **Remove your hat when you enter a building and during a meal.** Proper etiquette dictates that all caps, hats, and head covers should be removed when you’re indoors. You also need to remove your hat whenever you’re having a meal, regardless of your location, as a sign of respect. If you’re in a pub or a casual lunch-time cafe, you can get away with wearing a hat. 9. **Touch the brim of your bowler hat to greet someone.** If you see someone you recognize on the street or you walk past them in a hallway, touching the brim of your hat is an appropriate way to silently acknowledge and greet them. A gentle tap with your thumb and index finger lets them know that you see them. Use this greeting when you’re on the go and can’t stop to chat. 10. **Raise your bowler hat for a more dignified greeting.** Grip your hat by the crown above the brim and raise it 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) above your head whenever you encounter someone you want to show respect, such as your boss or a lady. This shows that you respectfully acknowledge their presence and is a more dignified recognition than a simple touch to the brim of your hat. If you’re walking past someone who is heading in the opposite direction, pause to let them pass as you raise your hat. 11. **Place your bowler hat over your heart during the national anthem.** As a sign of reverence and respect, remove your bowler hat whenever you hear your national anthem playing. Hold it over your heart with your right hand until the song is finished playing. If you’re talking to someone or walking whenever you hear the anthem start to play, stop, remove your hat, and wait until the song has finished playing before you continue. 12. **Tip your bowler hat to convey your gratitude.** Grab your hat by the crown, raise it off of your head, and tip it forward whenever you want to say thanks to someone or show them your appreciation. This silent acknowledgment is a classy way to signify that you appreciate something that someone does for you. For example, you could thank someone who lets you go ahead of them while you’re driving by tipping your hat. Thanking your bartender at the pub when they give you a beer by tipping your hat is proper. 13. **Use a hat brush to remove dirt from your hat.** Brush your bowler hat gently with a hat brush to remove any dust or dirt that may be on the surface. Start at the front of the hat and work your way all around it so you don’t miss any spots. Brush in the same direction so the material looks smooth and consistent. You can find a hat brush at a local haberdashery or online. 14. **Run a lint roller over your hat to remove dust and hair.** Dust and hair that you can’t easily brush off can be removed with a lint roller. Use a fresh sheet and gently run the roller over the surface of the hat to pick up any material you don’t want on it. If you don’t have a lint roller, use the sticky side of some scotch tape to remove lint and hair. 15. **Wipe the brim of your bowler hat with a clean cloth.** The brim of your hat needs a little extra attention because it’s the place that is most likely to pick up dirt and dust. Use a clean, dry cloth and gently brush around the brim to wipe off dirt particles. Brush in 1 direction so the material has a consistent appearance. 16. **Hang your hat up in a cool location.** Storing your bowler hat in a cool location will keep heat from warping it or shrinking the headband. Hang it up on the peg of a hat stand or on a hook in a closet or hallway to keep it from being crushed or squished while it’s in storage. A cool closet or a hallway out of direct sunlight are great places to hang your bowler hat.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Heal over Exfoliated Skin.,"Exfoliating your skin can leave it youthful and glowing. But there’s a delicate balance between just enough exfoliation and too much. Over-exfoliating can occur from using products that are too strong or improper application techniques. This can leave your skin glowing red and irritated or even burn or scar it. Over-exfoliation can cause pain and discomfort and affect your appearance until the skin heals. You can heal over-exfoliated skin by treating it at home and soothing painful areas. 1. **Detect over-exfoliated skin.** If you suspect you applied the wrong strength product, applied too much pressure, or used too many exfoliators at once, look for symptoms of over-exfoliated skin. These may include: Redness Flaking Irritation Burning sensation 2. **Apply cool compresses.** Gently press a cool, clean washcloth on skin you have over-exfoliated. Hold on your skin for a few minutes or until your skin feels less irritated. Avoid rubbing the washcloth over your face, which can make irritation worse. Repeat doing this as necessary. 3. **Press on aloe gel.** Gently dab on a thin layer of aloe gel. This can soothe irritation and promote healing of areas you over-exfoliated. Keep the aloe gel in your refrigerator for added cooling and soothing benefits. 4. **Take an anti-inflammatory pain reliever.** Use a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, or NSAID, medication if your over-exfoliated skin causes you pain. NSAIDs can ease your discomfort and may minimize any inflammation on your skin. Follow your doctor’s instructions or the dosing recommendations on the packaging. The most common over-the-counter NSAIDs you could use are: Aspirin Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) Naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn) 5. **Use a gentle cleanser.** When you wash your face each day, use a gentle and non-foaming cleanser. Use lukewarm or cool water and lightly work the cleanser over your skin. This can minimize the risk of further irritation and clear away bacteria or germs that could cause infection. Use a gentle, non-foaming cleanser to wash your face. Avoid using anti-aging creams. Avoid products with exfoliants, fragrances, or retinols because they can irritate or exfoliate your skin even more. Allow the skin to heal completely before beginning your new, toned-down exfoliating regimen. 6. **Pat your skin dry.** Rubbing your skin dry can easily irritate already fragile skin. After you’ve cleansed your skin, gently pat it dry with a clean towel. This can prevent further irritation. 7. **Moisturize your skin.** Apply a thick moisturizer to your skin after cleansing. This can calm your skin and promote healing. Avoid creams with fragrance or exfoliating ingredients such as retinoids. These can further irritate and exfoliate your skin. 8. **Dab on a hydrocortisone cream.** Put a 1% hydrocortisone cream on top of moisturizer twice a day. Focus the cream on irritated areas for up to two weeks. Hydrocortisone cream can ease irritation and inflammation. It can also get out any red on your skin and provide a barrier from bacteria or germs. 9. **Consider a vitamin C cream.** Use a mild vitamin C cream instead of hydrocortisone if you prefer something more natural. At a concentration of about 5%, vitamin C cream may soothe your skin and help it heal faster. Avoid exposing any area with vitamin C cream to the sun. Vitamin C creams and lotions can make you especially sensitive to the sun. Covering yourself up can protect you from sunburn and further irritation and inflammation. 10. **Layer on vitamin E oil.** Gently apply a thin layer of vitamin E oil on your over-exfoliated skin. This can keep your skin moisturized, soothe any discomfort, and promote healing. 11. **Avoid the sun or wear sun protection.** If you’ve over-exfoliated, you took off not only dead skin cells, but new ones as well. This can expose delicate, new skin that is prone to sunburns. Protect your skin and promote healing by staying out of the sun if possible. Wear sunscreen or sunblock even if you’re just running errands. This can minimize the risk of sunburn, further inflammation and irritation, and hindering the healing process. 12. **Go au-natural.** Wait a few days to a week to return to your normal skincare and makeup routine. This gives your over-exfoliated skin time to heal completely before you apply anything with chemicals on it. It can also minimize irritation and speed up the healing process. 13. **See a dermatologist.** If you notice your irritation worsening or it won’t go away after a week, make an appointment with your dermatologist. They can determine if you have severe damage or an infection on your skin. Depending on their exam, you may receive a prescription for a stronger cortisone cream or a prescription barrier repair cream.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Fold in Egg Whites.,"Folding egg whites into a cake batter for an angel food cake (shown here), a souffle or extra fluffy waffles takes a little practice but is completely worth it. The egg whites are incorporated for making a fluffier, lighter (and more delicious) batter. Keep in mind that care must be used to keep from over mixing the egg whites and losing the benefits of their fluffiness. 1. **Select very fresh, and very cold eggs.** Choose large or extra large eggs to make separating them easier. The best results are obtained with very fresh eggs, since the protein ""strings"" that cause the stiffening of the whites break down over time. 2. ** Separate the eggs.** When doing this you must be careful not to get any yolk or shell pieces mixed in with the whites of the eggs. There are several ways to separate an egg: Method One: Carefully break the eggshell in half, and hold it over a bowl to allow the egg white to pour out slowly while the yolk remains in the shell. Method Two: Place the entire egg into a shallow bowl and pour off the white without breaking the yolk. It helps to hold the yolk back from the edge of a bowl with a spoon. Either method requires practice. Method Three: Hold a slotted spoon over a bowl. Crack the egg open and then pour the yolk and white through the slotted spoon. The spoon will allow the whites to go through and down into the bowl, while the yolk will remain in the spoon. Method Four: Put the egg in a bowl. Find a plastic bottle with a wider mouth. Now pinch the bottle so that it crinkles, and place it over the egg yolk. Let the pressure on the bottle release, and the yolk should be sucked up into the bottle. 3. **Allow the egg whites to warm to room temperature.** You can save the yolks for another recipe, such as homemade mayonnaise, or you can use them later if the recipe calls for that. 4. **Place the egg white(s) in a straight sided mixing bowl.** Mix the egg whites at medium high or high speed with an electric mixer. Keep the mixer moving around the inside perimeter of the bowl so all the contents are mixed equally and thoroughly. 5. **Beat the whites until they have the right consistency.** Properly beaten egg whites will be uniformly white and will be rather stiff. They should also form soft peaks and be light and fluffy looking. This is a critical step. Some cookbooks recommend adding a small amount, usually less than 1/4 teaspoon, of Cream of Tartar to help with the beating. The cream helps make the egg whites fluffier. 6. **Put about a third of the whipped egg white into the batter.** Gently mix this small amount of egg whites into the batter. Doing this is called ‘tempering’ the batter and helps with when mixing in the rest of the egg whites. Only stir the egg whites into the batter until the batter looks barely combined and slightly clumpy. Make sure all other ingredients are thoroughly mixed according to the recipe you are using before adding the egg whites. 7. **Fold the egg whites into the batter.** Using a large spatula, cut a path down the middle of the mixture with the edge of the spatula. Gently turn half the mixture over onto the other half. Continue cutting down the middle and turning a portion over. This will work even better if you use a large metal spoon or a palette knife to ""cut"" the egg whites into the mixture. 8. **Don't stir the egg whites into the batter.** The purpose of folding is to retain the air you have beaten into the whites. Be careful to only work the batter enough to incorporate the whites, and never use an electric mixer for this step. 9. **Finished.** The finished mixture should still look a little lumpy but no egg whites should actually be showing.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Reset Career in Need for Speed Hot Pursuit.,"There are a variety of reasons why you might want to start you NFS Career all over again. It could be that you want to select a different career mode option at a stage of the career that you have already passed. Or you might be playing an NFS version that does not allow multiple user profiles on one computer—like Hot Pursuit 2010, for instance—and you need to reset the original user’s progress so you can make your own. Whatever reason, it’s very easy to reset your career in NFS: Hot Pursuit. 1. **Go to Documents on your PC.** Open the Start menu on your Windows Taskbar, and in the menu, select “Documents.” This will open the Documents folder. 2. **Find the folder named “Criterion” and right-click it.** Right-clicking on the folder will open the context menu. 3. **Select “Delete” from the context menu.** This will delete the “Criterion” folder. Alternatively, you can left-click the “Criterion” folder then press Delete on your keyboard to delete the folder. 4. **Click “Yes” on the dialog box that appears.** This will confirm the deletion. With the old career file removed, you can now create a new career in the game. 5. **Launch the game.** In this game version, resetting your career is as easy as creating a new profile. So to begin, launch the game by double-clicking its icon on the desktop. 6. **Press Enter (or any other key).** You will gain access to the game’s Main menu. 7. **Click on “Options” from the game’s menu.** You can also access “Options” by scrolling downwards and highlighting the option using the Down Arrow key, and pressing “Enter.” 8. **Locate the “Driver Profile” submenu.** Press the Right Arrow key repeatedly to scroll between different submenus till you get to the Driver Profile submenu. 9. **Select “New Driver Profile.** The next page will load allowing you to create a new driver profile for Career mode. 10. **Type the name of the profile and press Enter.** This will create a new driver profile with 0% Career progress, which will immediately be activated for use.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Report a Rape?,"The decision to report is a personal one, but there are many advantages to doing so. Most rape is committed by repeat offenders. If you know someone has committed a sexual assault, filing a report might prevent that person from assaulting others. If you or someone you know has been raped, take action as soon as possible. Getting prompt medical attention is best for your health, and getting a sexual assault forensic exam (sometimes called a ""rape kit"") will help you obtain evidence that you might want later. Get support from friends and family as you go through the often painful process of recovery. 1. **Call 911.** If you or someone you know has just been sexually assaulted, and you need help or believe you may be in danger, dial 911. Explain that it is a sexual assault case so that you are more likely to have a police officer who is trained in handling sexual assault cases. 2. **File a police report as soon as you can.** Look up the direct line of police in your area, or go in to the station. Ask to speak to a police officer trained in sexual assault cases. There is a statue of limitations for reporting sexual assault to the police. These vary by state. If you had a sexual assault forensic exam, but did not report the assault, file your report before your exam is discarded. These time limits may not match. You can check your state's statute of limitations here: [1]. Ask your local sexual assault service provider about your state's storage policy for sexual assault forensic exams here: [2] 3. **Contact campus police.** If you are a student on a college campus, you may be able to contact campus police for help. Call campus police and ask for someone who is trained in sexual assault cases. 4. **Get a sexual assault forensic exam.** Visit a hospital or health center that does survivor care. Call the National Sexual Assault Hotline 800.656.HOPE (4673) and ask for a center near you that can give you a sexual assault forensic exam. If you find yourself in a hospital being treated for assault-related injuries, explain that you have been assaulted and want to report the crime. A sexual assault forensic exam, sometimes called a ""rape kit,"" will help protect your health, prevent pregnancy and STIs, and provide crucial evidence if you choose to go to court. You can skip any step of the exam that you choose. Do not shower. After you have been assaulted, avoid bathing, using the restroom, combing your hair, or changing your clothes. If you do change your clothes, place them in a paper bag and bring them to the health center. 5. **Ask for privacy.** When you file a report, you will be asked questions, some of which may feel sensitive. It is your right to give this information in a quiet and private place. If you are not led to a private space in which you feel comfortable, insist on being given more privacy. 6. **Take breaks.** Your first report may take several hours, and later reports may also be lengthy. Ask for a break whenever you need one. You can also ask for water or a snack. 7. **Ask to speak to a supervisor.** You will probably be assigned an officer who is trained in sexual assault reporting, but be prepared to ask for a different officer if the one you have is not helpful. If you feel you are not being taken seriously, or do not feel comfortable speaking to the officer assigned you, ask to speak to that officer's supervisor or an officer the next rank up. Remember, it is the officer's job to listen to you. 8. **Ask for support.** You can have the right to have someone with you while you give your report. If your officer asks to speak to you privately, you may refuse. You can ask for a trained advocate. Some police stations have professional advocates who are trained to help you through the experience of reporting the rape. Call the National Sexual Assault Hotline, 800.656.HOPE (4673), and ask to be connected to a trained advocate in your area. You can also ask to have someone you know with you, such as a family member or friend. If you do have a family member or friend in the room, they may be called as a witness if the case goes to trial. 9. **Be ready for several interviews and repetitive questions.** You will be asked many questions several times over, some of them uncomfortable. If you are asked a question several times, it doesn't mean the officer doesn't believe you. Asking one question several ways sometimes helps people remember details that may be used in the report. If a question is painful, take your time. Don't be worried to amend your story if you remember something you left out, if you think you got something wrong, or if you aren't sure exactly how to answer one question. Trauma survivors often forget details. You may be interviewed several times in order to confirm details and give you a few breaks. 10. **Don't be afraid to answer questions truthfully.** What happened to you was a crime. Even if you were doing something illegal at the time, such as using drugs, you are not at fault for what happened. Remember: being in any place, using a substance, or wearing certain clothes does not give anyone permission to touch you. You give consent by enthusiastically agreeing to sex, and even then, only if you are old enough and sober enough to do so. People who are drugged or blackout drunk cannot consent to sex. 11. **Revise the assault report.** After your interviews, your testimony will be written up in an assault report. You will be sent a copy. Review it, and add any details you have remembered. If you have any additional evidence, such as a message from the perpetrator, you can add that to the report. 12. **Choose to press charges.** A prosecutor will determine whether or not there is enough evidence to press charges. Not all cases can move forward: in fact, most rapists do not see jail time. However, if it is possible to press charges, you can choose to do so. The state may legally press charges without your approval, but this is rare in cases of sexual assault. 13. **Seek an order of protection or restraining order.** After you file an assault charge with the court, get a protective order (called in some states a ""restraining order"" or ""order of protection"").. This is a court order that prohibits the perpetrator from coming near you or harassing you in any way. You or your lawyer can obtain and file these papers with your local court. Papers can be obtained at protective order centers in your state, or at a municipal or justice court. 14. **Report to campus security.** If you are a student, report your sexual assault to campus security as well as the police. Your campus may be able to help you get space from the perpetrator, and may even discipline the perpetrator. Not all schools have a good record for assault cases, so make sure you also report to the police. Refuse to sign a nondisclosure agreement. Some school administrations might pressure you to sign a nondisclosure agreement prohibiting you from discussing the assault. You are under no obligation to sign it, and doing so could put you at risk for expulsion. If your school pressures you to sign a nondisclosure agreement, pressures you to not press charges, does not take your complaint seriously, or discourages in any way, they are violating Title IX. In this case, consult a lawyer with Title IX experience. 15. **File an anonymous report.** If the perpetrator was a student, make sure the school has a record of their crime. Some schools keep a file of anonymous complaints in an effort to track serial rapists. They do not press charges, but they do help the school gather evidence in case someone does choose to press charges or take on-campus action. Check the campus security and student health websites to see if there is an online form. 16. **Report within your community.** If you feel like telling people you were raped, tell anyone you feel safe talking to. You may turn to your friends, family and community members. You deserve support from the people who love you while you recover from the trauma of assault. Most rapists are repeat offenders, and telling people who assault you might help prevent future victims. If you work with the perpetrator, tell your boss and your human resources. They are legally required to take your situation seriously and provide you with safety in the office. In some cases, your HR director may be required to report the crime to the police if you have not.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Get Your Parents to Be Nicer to You.,"There are few things more frustrating than your parents being mean, harsh, or acting like they just don’t get you. Unfortunately, you can’t control how your parents act. But you can choose how you react to them, and that can make a big difference in how well you get along. In this article, we’ll give you a few tips for how to deal with your parents when they’re being difficult. 1. **Parents can learn from their kids’ behavior, too.** Treat your parents the way you want them to treat you. If you make an effort to be kind, respectful, and helpful, they’ll probably really appreciate it—and they might try to return the favor! If there’s something you appreciate about your parents, tell them. Say things like, “That was a really great dinner, Dad. Thanks for taking the time to cook for us.” Little gestures like giving your parents a hug, doing a chore without being asked, or saying “I love you” are simple ways to show you care. When you show appreciation or gratitude for something your parents do, they’ll want to keep doing it! Always speak up when they do something nice for you. 2. **Acting out can feel satisfying, but it usually makes things worse.** When your parents are being mean, you might want to scream, throw things, or even look for ways to get revenge. But doing these things won’t help. It’s likely to just make your parents mad and keep the cycle going. Instead, look for healthy ways to let out your angry feelings. Sometimes it helps to get moving when you’re upset. Try going for a run or a bike ride until you calm down. If you’re really mad, try punching your pillow, pounding on some Play-Doh, or squeezing a stress ball as hard as you can. Writing down your feelings can also help you feel better. You could even write a letter to your parents letting out all the things you want to say to them, but don’t show it to them. Put it away somewhere or tear it up when you’re done. 3. **Having more positive moments can improve your relationship.** Instead of avoiding or ignoring your parents, go out of your way to do fun things with them. When you’re together, chat with them about things that are important to you or that you find interesting. The more time you make for having fun together, the better you’ll get along. For example, instead of playing a video game or turning on the TV when you’re done with school, say something like, “Hey Mom, do you want to go for a walk with me?” or “Would you guys like to play a board game?” Try not to just talk to your parents about problems or negative things in your life. Let them know about something funny that happened in school, tell them about a cool book you’re reading, or ask them to tell you stories about when they were kids. 4. **Your parents might not understand how their actions affect you.** It can be tough to speak up about your feelings, especially if your parents are being harsh or unfair. But it’s the best way to let them know what’s going on in your head, and it might get their attention better than just acting on your feelings. So instead of yelling, storming out, or getting quiet, try to put your emotions into words. Let them know that you feel bad and you want their help to make things better. For example, say something like, “Mom, when you yell at me like that, I feel scared and angry.” 5. **The word “you” can make people feel attacked.** When you’re talking to your parents, put the focus on your feelings—not on what your parents are doing. This way, they won’t feel so much like you’re blaming or judging them, and they’re more likely to listen. For example, instead of saying something like, “You’re so mean! You never let me do anything!” try something like, “I feel frustrated and upset when I ask to visit my friends and you say no. It means a lot to me to spend time with them.” Also try to stay away from words like “always” or “never”—since it’s probably not true that your parents always or never do a certain thing! Stick to one specific thing that’s bothering you instead of exaggerating or making general complaints. 6. **Talking when everyone’s stressed or upset can make things worse.** If your parents are already upset or if you’re in the middle of an argument, your conversation might just turn into more fighting. They’re also less likely to listen to you if they’re really busy or worried about something else. Choose a time when you and your parents are all pretty chill and you know you’ll have time to talk. For example, it’s probably better to talk in the evening after school and work instead of in the morning when everyone is rushing to get ready. If you’re having trouble finding a good time, ask your parents when you can talk. Say something like, “Dad, there’s something important I want to talk to you about. Do you have a few minutes after dinner?” 7. **If you keep your cool, your parents might do the same.** People are like mirrors when they argue—they tend to reflect back what the other person is doing. Even if you’re really upset, try to keep your tone calm and respectful. That way, your parents are more likely to listen and less likely to blow up at you. If you feel your temper starting to rise, take a few slow, deep breaths. You can also try counting slowly backwards from 10 in your head. You can also say something like, “I’m starting to feel really upset, and I don’t want to yell. I need to leave the room for a minute and calm down.” Staying calm during an argument or a tough conversation is really hard, and it takes practice to get good at it! Don’t be mad at yourself if you struggle with this at first. 8. **Show your parents that you care about their feelings, too.** If you listen to them, they’ll feel more valued and respected, which might make them a little more ready to hear your side of things. As hard as it might be, give your parents a chance to talk and explain where they’re coming from—and do your best to really understand what they’re saying. While your parent is talking, don’t interrupt them or try to contradict them. If you want, you can give them signals to let them know you’re listening, like nodding or saying “uh huh” or “okay.” Try repeating what they said in your own words to let them know you understood. For example, if your dad says, “You’re always messing around on your phone during dinner. It’s so disrespectful!” say something like, “I hear you, Dad. You don’t like it when I spend so much time on the phone. I’ll try not to do that from now on.” 9. **Sometimes a good plan can help everyone feel better.** If there’s something specific that you’re arguing about, sit down with your parents and talk about different ways to fix it. This way, you’ll all feel like you’re doing something productive instead of just fighting about the same things over and over. You could say something like, “I know it bothers you when my room is messy, but I’m always really tired after school. Can you let me take a nap when I get home instead of asking me to pick up right away?” Listen to your parents’ ideas, too. If they feel like you value what they have to say, they’re more likely to take you seriously. 10. **Trying to keep talking when everyone’s upset won’t solve anything.** If you feel like your conversation is about to turn into another big argument, it’s time to step away. Say something like, “I think I need to take a break and calm down. Let’s talk about this later.” During your break, take time to think about what went wrong and how you can avoid it next time. Think about different strategies you can try when you talk to your parents again. 11. **Try not to blame yourself when your parents are being harsh.** If your parents are being really mean or unfair, it’s easy to feel like you’re doing something wrong—or even like there’s something wrong with you. But everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness, even when they mess up. Remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can, and try to be nice to yourself even when your parents aren’t. Take time to do things you enjoy, even if that means just spending a few minutes a day reading your favorite book, watching funny videos online, or chatting with a friend. Don’t forget to do basic things to take care of yourself, like getting enough sleep, eating healthy snacks, and getting physical activity. 12. **If your parents are often mean to you, you might need outside help.** If your parents really don’t seem to care about your feelings, or if they keep doing hurtful things even when you calmly ask them to stop, let someone know. You could tell another relative (like an aunt or uncle, a grandparent, or a grown-up sibling), a teacher, a school counselor, or your doctor. Explain what’s been going on and ask for their advice. They might also be able to talk to your parents for you. It’s never okay for your parents to hurt you physically, or even say they are going to. Hitting, pushing, grabbing, kicking, and threats are all forms of abuse. If this is happening, don’t try to talk to your parents about it. Tell someone right away. If your parents often scream or yell at you, call you mean names, put you down, or ignore you when you’re hurt or upset, tell someone. These are also abusive behaviors, and they’re not okay.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Repair Leaking Tie Rod Holes in a Poured Concrete Basement Wall?,"The most advanced repair methods for stopping water are the use of compressed swell plugs which contain polyurethanes that are water-activated. Water-activated materials can co-exist in wet environments longer and more effective than conventional bonding materials such as hydraulic cement products or caulking. Exposure to moisture will activate the polyurethane body and fully expand over a three week period causing additional sealing pressure beyond the initial compressed seal gained from tightening. 1. **Observe the entire wall from a distance of five feet (0.13 meters) away after the location of the first tie rod hole leak.** Viewing the wall in this method will help see the others as they may appear as a small extrusion or irregularity in the surface of the concrete. Most homes will have tie rod reinforcement holes every eighteen inches (0.46 meters) across the wall. Eight-foot high walls (2.44 meters) have two rows approximately one foot (0.30 meters) from the floor and the upper row is approximately five feet (1.52 meters) from the floor. Ten-foot (3.05 meters) high walls will have three rows with the first row approximately three feet (0.91 meters) high from the floor and three feet (0.91 meters) higher for each of the remaining two rows. Normally the upper and lower rows align vertically with each other. 2. **Use a standard hammer by rapping on the area until the ⁄8 inch (1.6 cm) (15.88 millimeters) hole is fully exposed and the edges of the hole are hammered away to a beveled edge.** In most cases the front of the tie rod hole will have a ¼ inch (6.35 millimeters) to 1/2” inch (12.70 millimeters) cosmetic covering of concrete. 3. **Properly expose the existing 5/8 inch (15.88 millimeters) diameter tie rod hole to a depth of three inches (76.20 millimeters).** Take a standard screwdriver, dowel rod, or a tie rod bar to finish exposing the hole to a 3 inch (76.20 millimeters) depth. If necessary, the area may need to be drilled out using a 5/8 inch (15.88 millimeters) masonry bit. If the tie rod hole has been repaired before, it will be necessary to drill the hole out using a 5/8 inch (15.88 millimeters) masonry bit. 4. **After properly exposing the tie rod hole, remove any debris in the tie rod hole by flushing out with clean water or vacuuming.** 5. **Insert a water activated compressed swell plug into the exposed tie rod hole.** 6. **Hand tighten by turning the coupler end.** 7. **Once snug, lightly tap the end of the coupler with a hammer until the coupler is flush with the wall.** Finish tightening to a snug fit with a 3/8 inch (9.53 millimeter) socket or a 3/8 inch (9.53 millimeter) nut driver. Do not over tighten as it may cause the plug to spin or fail. 8. **Leave as is or cover with a suitable hydraulic cement or comparable masonry product that can be found at home improvement stores.** ",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Cut Gladiolus.,"Gladiolus is a striking garden plant known for its tall spikes and elegant florets. It makes an excellent mid-summer bloom and can add a sense of drama to any arrangement. Cutting, vasing, and caring for the stems the right way will ensure that your bouquet stays fresh-looking for much longer. 1. **Harvest gladiolus in the morning when 1 or 2 bottom flowers have opened.** It is best to cut gladiolus at the point when 1 or 2 flowers are already open—the lower ones will open first. This will ensure that the flowers stay fresh longer once they’re in a vase. It’s always best to cut flowers in the morning when the air is cool and the plant is the most hydrated. 2. **Cut the stalk at an angle, leaving at least 4 leaves on the stem.** Use a sharp blade to slice the stalk at a slanted angle because it will allow the plant to take in more water. Leave at least 4 leaves on the base of the stem so the plant can rebloom next year. Avoid using scissors or a blunt tool because these will crush the cells in the stem, shortening the cut flower's life span. 3. **Place the cut stems into a container of water immediately after cutting.** Put the freshly cut stems into a bucket of water as soon as you can after you cut them. Fill the container with enough water to cover at least the bottom 3 inches (7.6 cm) of each stem. You may want to bring a bucket of water into the garden with you to make it easier. 4. **Fill a heavy vase 2/3 of the way full so that each stem is submerged.** Choose a heavy vase that can counter the weight of the stems. If possible, use a taller vase to keep the stems upright—that way, the spikes won’t bend. Be wary because the cut flower stem is tall and heavy and can tip over a lightweight vase. A tall cylindrical vase with a weighted bottom is a good option. Make sure the vase isn’t too wide at the top so the stems stay as vertical as possible. Add weight to the base with gravel or pebbles. If necessary, add more water to the vase to provide some stability. 5. **Arrange the stems evenly around the vase for stability.** Make sure all the stems aren’t leaning on one side of the vase, especially if it’s a tall one. Disperse some of the weight by leaning each stem around the vase like numbers on a clock. If you are making a multi-flower arrangement, use those to pad the space between the gladiolus stems so they stay in place. 6. **Place the vase in a cool, non-drafty place away from direct sunlight.** Avoid putting the gladiolus anywhere near an air conditioning unit, fan, heater, stove, or television because wind and heat can dehydrate the florets. And a dehydrated floret can affect the health of the other florets. For safety's sake, don’t put the vase somewhere it will cause damage if it tips over. 7. **Change the water and recut the stems by 1 inch (2.5 cm) every 2 days.** Cut 1 inch (2.5 cm) off the stems at an angle and change the water every 2 days to keep the spikes and florets looking fresh. Use a sharp blade to slice off each end at an angle about 1 inch (2.5 cm) up the stem. It’s important to clip them regularly because microbes will grow at the base and block the flow of water up the stem. If you notice the ends are slimy or dark green after snipping the end, cut it again about 1 inch (2.5 cm) at a time until you see a fresh base. Cut gladiolus will last anywhere from 6 to 12 days depending on the health of the plant when you cut it and how you take care of it. 8. **Feed your gladiolus with plant food with each water change.** Plant food is made of sugar, an acid, and bleach; the mixture feeds the plants while keeping bacteria or mold from growing. Every time you change the water and snip the ends, stir some plant food into the water. The feed will give the flower more nutrients and keep it healthy for longer. You can buy cut flower feed at any superstore or grocery store that has a plant nursery. You can also use half a crushed aspirin pill instead of flower feed. 9. **Deadhead your gladiolus twice a week to improve their appearance.** Inspect the stalks twice a week and pinch off any wilted or scraggly-looking florets. This will not only improve the look of the flowers but it will allow new, healthier blooms to grow. Wilted florets will appear shriveled and limp or show signs of discoloration (like darkening or browning). Remove each flower as it begins to wilt—don't wait until the seed head begins to form. Take care to remove not just the shriveled petals but also the swollen bit at the base of the dead flower (where it connects onto the main flower stem). This is the bit that forms the seed.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Communicate With a Deaf and Blind Person.,"Deaf-blindness comes in varying degrees and varying levels of communication needs. It can also result in many communication challenges. If you have someone in your life who is both deaf and blind, learning how to communicate with them shows your care and love for them. This can mean you do anything from learning sign language to just being there for them. Communication with those who are deaf and blind is often treated as a commodity, rather than a given and should be encouraged where possible. This article addresses different forms of communication for deaf-blind people. 1. **Know that there are a variety of degrees of deaf-blindness, or dual-sensory loss.** People with extremely limited sight and hearing can also be considered deaf-blind. Some people with dual-sensory loss may still have some vision or hearing, however limited. They may still be able to speak or read in certain instances. On the flip-side, communication may be limited or restricted to expression of physical needs. People who are unable to communicate are not dumb, but instead hold a great deal of potential for personal development. Congenital deaf-blindness is when a person is born without hearing and sight. This, depending on the level of auditory/visual loss and other factors like environment and other conditions, could greatly affect the individual's communication and basic self-care skills. Acquired deaf-blindness is developed later in life, through an injury, illness, or age. People who have had the opportunity to undergo a ""normal"" childhood are often more adaptable to different methods of communication, especially those involving knowledge such as spelling, a concept of labelling, space and of communication itself. Congenital deafness/acquired blindness is when someone is born deaf and loses their sight later in life due to injury, age, or illness. Congenital blindness/acquired deafness happens when someone is born without sight, and then later loses their hearing due to injury, illness, or age. 2. **Be aware that there are a variety of techniques used to communicate by and with people who are deaf and blind.** Each person is different. Because there is so much variance in the degree of sensory loss, and because overcoming these limitations is a massive challenge, there is much variance in the ways the deaf and blind navigate communication, including: Speech Written communication Graphic and non-tactile symbols Tactile symbols and object cues Gestures/movement cues Facial expressions or noises which indicate a feeling or opinion Manual sign language Tactile sign language Braille Touch cues Symbolic action (e.g. taking you to the tap for a drink) 3. **Prepare to face miscommunication.** In certain cases, it may not be possible for the general public to communicate with the deaf-blind. It is not uncommon for trained communication partners to have difficulty or even fail entirely to communicate effectively with their deaf-blind partner. Frequently, people who are unable to properly communicate with the deaf-blind choose to ignore the communication or the person altogether. Do not do this, but rather, see if there is someone else who can understand what the person is trying to express or a different method of doing so. Do not give up. 4. **Take the deaf-blind person's hands.** Hands are the ears, eyes, and voice of many people who are both deaf and blind. Being hand-in-hand allows for continued communication through the physical connection. A person who is deaf and blind may not realize you are trying to engage him. Taking his hands enables him to experience your attempt to interact and communicate to him and to connect together physically. 5. **Seek medical advice about both senses.** Be open to anything the medical experts can recommend. Even a small improvement can improve the quality and/or quantity of sight and/or hearing, which in turn could improve communication. Be especially pushy about assessment and action if the deaf-blind individual is a child, as this is the critical period (most important time) for development and will affect the child's communication for the rest of their life. If possible, get the medical practitioner to test the type of hearing loss the individual has. Different hearing aids may have varying levels of success depending on where the problem in hearing lies. As well as typical inner-ear hearing aids, ask about bone-conducting hearing aids, which can be fitted on headbands and glasses for ease of wearing. Tests should ideally be conducted several times, especially if communication is a considerable issue. This ensures that results are accurate, rather than representing a day when the person was not feeling communicative. 6. **Look for a communication partner.** In some cases, people with dual-sensory loss are accompanied by a partner trained to facilitate communication for the deaf-blind. This person will have sometimes formal education in deaf-blind communication, and will have developed rapport. It has been shown that the level of education in deaf-blindness has the greatest impact on communication with the deaf-blind. 7. **Look for more subtle cues.** The person may try to communicate with you without using a communication partner. These may include hints in the form of: Changes in body language Pre-written notes or cards Recordings or utterances Changes in the person's breathing Changing facial expressions Physical actions (such as taking you to the fridge for food) If they reach for your hands, this could be an attempt to communicate. 8. **Take any card or note that is provided to you, so that the person knows you have received the message.** Then hand it back, unless instructed otherwise. A person who is deaf-blind might communicate using written messages or pre-recorded messages. These are used to convey essential information about their activities. 9. **Be patient.** Communication for the deaf-blind can be extremely difficult. The person may need considerably more time than you are used to in order to express what he is trying to say. By giving him the time to fully convey or to try different ways to express the idea, you can help facilitate interaction. 10. **Use sign language if they do.** Sign language comes in a variety of forms. Many people know the tactile finger-spelling signs, as well as some basic adapted American Sign Language. For people who do not know either, it is possible to use the POP, or Print On Palm, method, by using your index finger to trace the letters on a blind and deaf person's palm. Memorize the finger-spelling hand signs. Take an ASL (American Sign Language) class. Consider learning finger braille, a modern, Japanese way of signing with your fingers. 11. **Use tadoma if they do.** Tadoma is a method of communicating with the blind and deaf whereby their hands are placed on the lips of the speaker. The person with dual-sensory loss feels out the shape of the words as you say them. This is similar to lip reading. Not all people who are deaf-blind can use tadoma, and not everyone will be comfortable with another person placing a hand on their mouth. 12. **Wait at least five seconds before prompting for response.** Studies show that waiting five, ten, and fifteen seconds all were measurably more useful in communication with the deaf-blind. A zero to one second wait before prompting for a response is too short. 13. **Learn to use Braille if they do.** There are devices called braillers that allow you to type out a message for a blind person to read. Sometimes these can be very expensive, and you might think of also getting a (cheaper) braille label printer. Companies are even developing braille technology for smartphones. 14. **Be patient and don't give up.** If your deaf-blind loved one doesn't use any of these methods, be sensitive to their needs and persist with what works for them. Spend time with your loved one so that you can pick up even a subtle change to their demeanour, behaviour and communication patterns. Enthusiastically and overtly encourage any and every small communication success they have with them. Rome wasn't built in a day. Talk to their teachers or other people who spend time with them. If they're in education (of any shape or form) then there ought to be goals for the individual - or at least specific lessons. If they're not in education, you could seek it, or seek an expert. Alternatively, you could come up with some simple things yourself. Try accompanying one specific command with a sign if you think they might be able to see you. Repeat the sign every time you ask that of them, until they can anticipate what you will be doing with them from the sign. Maintain a healthy routine which enriches their life, because at the end of the day, your loved one's happiness is more important than any amount of communication.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to How Long to Wait to Reply to a Text.,"It's always exciting when a new text pops up on your phone. While you might not have a reply prepared right away, the person’s probably waiting for you to respond. Everyone has slightly different texting habits, but you can still be respectful and follow some general texting etiquette. We've put together a list of options and advice to help you figure out the best time to send your message! 1. **That way, you won't leave them hanging or forget to respond.** It can be easy to forget about a message until later on if it gets lost in your notifications. If someone asks you a question that needs an immediate answer, show your respect and reply to them right away. That way, you won’t keep them guessing and they can keep doing what they need to. For example, you should try to reply right away when someone asks you if they need to buy a ticket for an event later that night. 2. **Why keep the person waiting if you’re excited to chat?** If you’re just relaxing and you get a text from someone, just take the time to read it and respond right away. The person you’re talking to will really appreciate the speedy reply and know that you’re eager to continue your conversation. Some people can see when you open a message even if you didn’t respond, which could make them feel anxious. Wait to open your texts until you can respond to them. You can still usually read your messages in your notifications without opening the app. 3. **That way, you can keep the convo flowing without seeming needy.** Even though you might be really excited to message them, you might seem a little needy or clingy with an immediate response. If you want to play it cool, wait for up to an hour so it doesn’t seem like you’re always on your phone checking for their reply. While it’s okay to reply later if you’re actually busy, purposefully waiting to text somebody might feel disrespectful if you’re available. If you had to make the person wait for more than an hour, offer them an apology and explain what kept you from messaging them. 4. **If you want to talk but can't right now, shoot them a quick text to let them know.** It’s completely normal if you can’t send a full response to someone right when you receive it. If you’re caught up doing something else and can't really chat right now, try to chime in to let the person know you’re not ignoring them. Then, you can give them a time that works better for you. For example, you could say something like, “Hey, I’m caught up right now, but I can chat tonight! 5. **If someone takes a few hours to text you, you can wait that long to reply.** If the person responds to you within a few minutes, they’re probably pretty eager to keep up the conversation so say something back to them quickly. If the person took about a day, then you’re fine leaving the text until tomorrow before you have to reply back. On top of taking the same amount of time, try to make your messages a similar length as the other person. That way, the conversation still feels balanced. 6. **Apologize for the delay and continue your conversation.** There may be days where you’re absolutely slammed and can’t find a chance to check your phone, and that’s okay! Even if it’s later in the same day, let the person know that you’re sorry for being so busy and offer a kind and thoughtful response to their message. For example, you could say something like, “I am SO sorry work was such a mess today, but other than that I’ve been pretty good! I hope your day wasn’t as stressful as mine 😊” 7. **Texting someone too late could wake them up.** Make sure the person is awake and available when you reply to them so they see your message as soon as possible. If you think the person is asleep, you can wait until morning to message them back. That way, you’re less likely to wait around for their message back. If you know the person keeps their phone on silent or vibrate, then it might be okay to reply late at night so they see your message right when they wake up. 8. **Waiting longer without explanation shows that you have no interest.** Even if you’re taking things slow as you get to know the person, too long in between texts can give someone the wrong impression. Say sorry about taking so long to get back to them. For example, you might say, “OMG I’m so sorry I missed this! I’ve just been really slammed the past few days.” 9. **A deep question might need a thought-out answer.** If someone asks you a tough question and you aren’t sure how to respond, see if they can give you any extra thinking time. That way, the person will expect a response eventually, but it’s not something that you need to worry about immediately. You can always respond to an insightful question asking for time. For example, you could say something like, “I’m really going to have to think on that one! Can I get back to you in a few days?” 10. **You may need to send a second message to remind the other person.** Studies have shown that after 4 hours, you’re more likely to get a response if you text again. That gives you enough time to restart the conversation and makes you sound less clingy. While more people aren’t bothered by a double text, constant messages or a wall of text could get intimidating to reply to. If the other person sends a lot of messages, set some texting boundaries. 11. **Cut off contact completely so you can move on.** This works best if you’re texting someone on a dating app that you just connected with. If you’ve only been texting but haven’t gotten together with someone in person, then you haven’t really had the time to form a good bond with them, so it’s okay to leave their messages on read. It’s also okay to ghost someone if you feel unsafe when you’re talking to them. If you’ve met the person you’re talking to but you still aren’t interested in the conversation, be honest and tell the person directly. Waiting to reply or ghosting the person will only hurt their feelings more.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" "How to Play the ""Goofy Gift Exchange"" Christmas Game?","Whether you’ve always called it a “white elephant gift exchange,” ""Pollyanna,"" or a “Yankee swap,” this gift-giving game is a fun addition to your holiday party. And while it’s obviously perfect for Christmas, you can have a goofy gift exchange on many other occasions too. 1. **Determine a maximum cost.** Generally, $20 to $25 is the recommended cap on cost for gifts, but you should adjust that amount to suit the situation. For casual gatherings, a smaller amount might be appropriate. Likewise, if it’s just a silly game for kids, it will probably be more fun with small, inexpensive toys than bigger items. 2. **Ask your guests to bring a gift to the party.** Give them the price range, and let them know that they should wrap whatever they bring. If the game will include all ages, ask guests to label any adult items, such as alcoholic beverages. Likewise, if they bring a toy, they can label it specifically for children.e Specify in advance whether they should bring silly gag gifts or something small but nice, just so all of your guests are on the same page. 3. **Count all the guests at the party who want to participate.** Write numbers on pieces of paper from one up through the total number of participants. 4. **Throw all the numbers in a hat.** Have each person to take one. This will determine the order that they go in to pick their gift. 5. **Direct the first person to pick a gift.** They can unwrap it immediately. Otherwise, they don’t have to do anything else for now, just hold on to what they chose. 6. **Let the second person pick a gift.** Once they have unwrapped it, they can either trade with the first person as long as the first person agrees to the swap, or they can keep what they chose. 7. **Repeat the previous step with the rest of your guests.** During their turn, they can trade with anyone who has gone before them or keep the gift they chose. 8. **Give the very first person the option to trade with someone.** This way they won’t miss out on the chance to make a trade even though they went first. 9. **Tell the first person to pick a gift.** Don’t let them unwrap it yet. This will be a ""blind"" exchange, where nobody gets to see what they've chosen until the end. 10. **Let the second person choose a gift.** They can also steal from the first person. If the second person decides to steal, then the first person gets to choose another gift. 11. **Repeat the previous step with the rest of your guests.** Once you have three or more participants, a person who loses their gift to a thief now also has the option of stealing from someone else. You might want to have a “three steals” rule for gifts, people, or both. This means that a gift can only be stolen three times before the third thief gets to keep it. Similarly, a person can only be stolen from three times before they get to keep what they have. If you have a large group or you put a limit on the number of steals, you may want to tell those who have been stolen from just to choose a new gift from the pile. Otherwise, it could prolong the turn indefinitely, because whoever they steal from could steal too, and so on. 12. **Give the person who went first a chance to steal.** Once everyone else has gone, go back to the first person. If they want to keep their gift, they can, but at least they have the chance to participate in the stealing. 13. **Unwrap the gifts.** Now that everyone has a gift, tell them to unwrap what they have and enjoy!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Apply Henna to Hair?,"Henna is a non-damaging plant-based dye that you can use to stain your hair a reddish-brown color. Applying henna dye to your hair can be quite messy, and you have to take some precautions to make sure you don’t stain your forehead or surroundings. Once henna is on your hair, you have to wrap it in plastic and let it soak in for a few hours before you can rinse it out. The key to dyeing your hair with henna is the preparation, because the powder must be mixed and left to sit for several hours before it can be applied, so make sure you mix the powder in advance. 1. **Mix the henna powder.** Henna comes in a powdered form, and you must mix this with water before you can apply it to your hair. Mix ½ cup (50 g) of henna with ¼ cup (59 ml) of warm water. Stir to combine. Stir in more water by the tablespoon (15 ml) as necessary, until the henna paste becomes the consistency of mashed potatoes. Once you’ve mixed the powder and water, cover the bowl with plastic and let it develop at room temperature for about 12 hours. When you're ready to apply the dye, mix in a bit more water until you have a thick but spreadable consistency. 2. **Shampoo, then dry your hair.** Before applying henna, you'll want to start with clean hair. In the shower or bath, wash your hair with your regular shampoo to remove dirt, oil, and styling products. Rinse out all of the shampoo. Once out of the shower, towel dry, blow dry, or air dry your hair. Do not condition your hair, as the oils in the conditioner can prevent the henna from penetrating your roots properly. 3. **Protect your hairline with oil.** If you have long hair, gather it up and tie it back so it’s out of your face and off your shoulders and neck. For short hair, put on a headband to keep your hair out of your face. With your fingers, apply some coconut oil, body butter, or petroleum jelly to your hairline, including your forehead, neck, and ears. The oil will create a barrier between the henna and your skin, so this will prevent stains around your hairline. 4. **Comb and part your hair.** Let your hair down and comb it with a wide-toothed comb. This will remove tangles and knots without making your hair frizzy. Part your hair in the center, and let your hair fall evenly to either side of your head. You don’t have to section off your hair, because you'll be dyeing it in layers. 5. **Protect your skin.** Henna tends to get everywhere, so it’s a good idea to wear old clothes and to protect yourself with a rag or old towel. Drape the towel over your shoulders. Arrange the towel to cover your neck and shoulders, and use a pin or hair clip to keep it together. Because henna can stain the skin, put on a pair of rubber or nitrile gloves to protect your hands and nails. You can also use a plastic sheet, poncho, or a cutting cape. Keep a damp rag nearby to wipe drips off your skin immediately. 6. **Apply the paste liberally to a small section of hair.** Starting with the topmost layer of hair, grab a thin 2-inch-wide (5-cm-wide) section of hair from the middle back of your head. Comb this section away from the rest of your hair. With a large tint brush or your fingers, apply 1 to 2 teaspoons (2 to 4 g) of henna to the roots of your hair. Spread the henna toward the tips, adding more paste if necessary. Henna paste doesn’t spread as easily as conventional dye, so it’s important to ensure that your hair is fully saturated from root to tip. 7. **Twist the hair on top of your head.** When you’ve fully covered the first section of hair, twist it a few times and then wrap it into a bun on top of your head. The henna paste is quite sticky, so the coil of hair will just sit there. You can pin it in place if you like. For short hair, twist the section and pin it on top of your head to keep it out of the way. 8. **Apply paste to the next section.** Working with the same topmost layer of hair, take a fresh 2-inch (5-cm) section of hair from beside the original section. Apply henna paste to the roots with your fingers or a tint brush. Work the paste toward the tip, adding more paste if necessary, until the entire section is saturated with henna paste. 9. **Twist and wrap the section over the original bun.** Twist the dyed section of hair a few times. Wrap it around the original bun that you created with the first section of hair. Because the henna is so sticky, the coil will stay, but you can pin it in place. For short hair, twist the section, place it on top of the original section, and pin it in place. 10. **Continue applying paste to the rest of your hair.** Work in small sections, like before. Work toward the front of your head, applying henna to the hair on both sides of the part. Continue working in thin 2-inch (5-cm) sections to ensure proper coverage. When you’ve dyed the topmost layer of hair, repeat the same process with the layer below until all your hair has been dyed. Keep twisting and wrapping each section of hair around the original bun. 11. **Touch up around the hairline.** When every section of hair has been covered and twisted into the bun, go around your hairline and add more paste to areas where the henna looks sparse or more coverage is needed. Pay particular attention to the hairline line and roots. 12. **Wrap plastic wrap around your hair.** When your hair is fully covered, take a long sheet of plastic wrap and wrap your hair. Wrap the plastic all the way around your hairline and completely cover your hair and the top of your head. Don’t cover your ears. Wrapping your hair in plastic will help keep the henna warm and moist, and this will allow it to set. If you have to go out while your hair is like this, you can wrap a scarf around the plastic wrap to cover it. 13. **Keep the henna warm and let it set.** Henna generally takes between two and four hours to set. The longer you leave it on, the deeper and more vibrant the color will be. You can encourage color development by keeping the henna warm. Stay inside if it’s cold out, or wear a hat if you must go out. You can leave the henna on for as long as six hours if you want to achieve maximum vibrancy. A few hours should be enough if you're just nourishing your hair with henna. 14. **Rinse with conditioner.** When the henna has had enough time to set, put your gloves back on and remove the plastic wrap. Hop in the shower and thoroughly rinse the henna paste from your hair. Rub conditioner into your hair to help loosen the paste. Continue conditioning and rinsing until the water runs clear and there's no paste left in your hair. 15. **Wait a few days for the color to develop.** Henna takes about 48 hours to develop properly. When your hair first dries, it will look very bright and orange. Over the next couple of days, the color will deepen and become less orange. 16. **Touch up roots as they grow out.** Henna is a permanent dye, so you don’t have to worry about the color washing out or fading over time. You can reapply to achieve a deeper and more vibrant color, or just apply more paste to your roots as they grow out. When touching up roots, leave the henna on for the same amount of time as the original application to achieve a similar color.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Make Iceberg Slime?,"Iceberg slime is a variation of fluffy slime that has a crunchy top layer, like a layer of ice! Make a batch of plain fluffy slime, then let it sit out for a few days to turn it into iceberg slime. It’s an easy putty-like mixture to create at home that’s loads of fun for kids to squish and play with. It can even be a great stress reliever for adults! Borax can be harmful if not prepared properly in slime. Happy sliming! 1. **Put white glue, liquid starch, and shaving cream in a large mixing bowl.** Pour 2 ⅔ cups (417 mL) of Elmer’s white school glue and 2 cups (500 mL) of shaving cream into the bowl. Add ⅔ cup (167 mL) of liquid starch as the last ingredient. You can use clear glue instead of white glue to make the slime more translucent. 2. **Add food coloring to the mixture if you want to change the color of the slime.** Put a few drops of food coloring into the bowl with the ingredients. This will change the color of the slime from white to any other color you want. Divide the batch into separate bowls before you add food coloring if you want multiple colors. 3. **Stir all the ingredients together until you get a stiff texture.** Mix the ingredients together as much as you can with a spoon or other mixing utensil. Stop stirring when the slime is too stiff to mix anymore with a utensil. If the slime is too stiff, then add 1 US tbsp (15 ml) of water at a time and keep mixing it to make it softer. 4. **Knead the slime with your hands when it becomes too stiff to mix with a utensil.** Use your hands and knuckles to knead the mixture like bread dough. Stop when it is all an even putty-like consistency. You can take the slime out of the bowl and knead it on a counter or cutting board at this point if it’s easier. 5. **Store fluffy slime in airtight containers if you aren’t making iceberg slime.** Put your new fluffy slime in jars, sealable bags, or tupperware containers. This will keep your slime moist and fresh. If you want to make iceberg slime right away, then don’t store the fluffy slime in airtight containers. 6. **Put fluffy slime in a bowl and flatten it out.** Place a batch of fluffy slime into a bowl, or divide it among several if you want to create several smaller batches of iceberg slime. Flatten it out with your hands so that it creates an even layer in the bowl. You can get some cheap plastic bowls at a dollar store that are perfect for making iceberg slime in. 7. **Leave the bowl uncovered for 2-4 days until the top layer is crunchy.** Place the bowl with the fluffy slime on the counter or somewhere else out of the way. Leave it for 2 days, then check on the surface to see if it is hard. Leave it for another 1-2 days if the top layer has not hardened yet. The top layer should crack when you press your finger against it when the fluffy slime has turned into iceberg slime. Larger batches of slime take longer to harden. 8. **Poke and play with the iceberg slime, then let it dry out again.** Use your fingers and hands to crack the surface of the iceberg slime for a fun sensory activity. Knead and squish the slime together until it is an even consistency again, then flatten it out in a bowl and let it harden again for 2-3 days to create another batch of iceberg slime. After the second batch of iceberg slime, it’s best to make a fresh batch of fluffy slime and start the process over again before it gets old and stinky.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Clean a Tragus Piercing.,"The tragus is the small piece of cartilage that partially covers the ear canal. If you’ve decided to have your tragus pierced, it’s important that you keep the hole clean and free from bacteria and infection-causing germs. Clean the inside of the piercing daily with saline solution. Wash the outside of the piercing with antibacterial soap. Proper and regular cleaning prevents infection and ensures you have a great-looking earring to show off. 1. **Purchase 1 gallon (3.8 L) of distilled water and natural sea salts.** Beginning the day after your tragus was pierced, plan to clean your tragus 1-2 times a day for 6-8 weeks. Both distilled water and sea salt are available in most grocery stores and supermarkets. When picking up the salt, make sure that it’s all-natural, non-iodized, and contains no added ingredients. You’ll likely need to buy a higher-quality salt than ordinary table salt. You can stop doing saline water soaks once the tragus piercing has healed. Distilled water is very affordable; it usually costs about $1 USD per gallon. 2. **Mix the water and salt into a saline solution.** Measure out 4 tsp (33 g) of sea salt into your 1 gallon (3.8 L) of distilled water. Mix the ingredients by replacing the cap on the gallon of water and vigorously shaking the bottle. After you’ve agitated the bottle for about 30 seconds, the salt will be completely dissolved in the water. Store the saline solution in a kitchen cabinet when you’re not using it. 3. **Fill a coffee mug ¾ full with the solution and heat it in the microwave.** Due to its position on your head, it’s difficult to soak your tragus in salt water. The best way is to pour the saline solution into a large mug. Place the mug in the microwave and heat it on high for 20-30 seconds. This should be enough to heat the water to roughly the temperature of your body. The amount of liquid needed to fill your mug will vary, since mugs come in all sizes. If you don’t have a suitable coffee mug, any other type of glass will work. You could try using a shot glass or a pint glass. 4. **Soak your tragus piercing in the saline solution 1–2 times per day.** Once you’ve warmed the mug full of saline solution, remove it from the microwave and set it on a counter or tabletop. Carefully lean your head sideways over the mug, with your tragus piercing facing downward. Lower your head until your pierced tragus is fully immersed in the saline solution and leave your ear there for 7–15 minutes. Soaking the tragus piercing will keep the tragus piercing clean and prevent infections. 5. **Clean your tragus piercing with a compress if it won’t fit in the mug.** If you try to soak your tragus piercing in a mug and, for whatever reason, you can’t get your ear below the water level, use a saline compress instead. Again, microwave the mug full of saline solution so it’s at body temperature. Then, fold a clean paper towel into fourths and dip it into the warm solution. Pull the paper towel out of the mug and hold it directly against your pierced tragus for 7–15 minutes. While using a compress won’t clean your pierced tragus quite as effectively as submerging the piercing in saline solution, it’s still much better than nothing. 6. **Rinse your ear off with tap water to remove the salt.** Once you’ve soaked your ear—or applied a compress to it—for 7–15 minutes, pull it out of the mug or remove the compress. Cup your hands under a running faucet and splash clean water onto your ear 2–3 times. This will rinse off the salt from the piercing. Excess salt left on your skin can dry the skin and the pierced hole. This may slow the healing process. 7. **Wash the outside of the piercing with antibacterial soap once daily.** All you need to use to clean the healed tragus piercing is a bar of antibacterial soap. It’s easiest to clean the piercing when you’re in the shower. Lather up the soap and spread the lather on the outside of your ear and tragus piercing to clean the skin. Rub delicately so you don’t agitate the piercing, and rinse the suds off immediately. Wash your tragus piercing in addition to cleaning it with saline rinses while the piercing heals. Never stick soap deep into your ear canal, and don’t try to press soap bubbles under the piercing or inside the piercing hole. 8. **Do not fiddle with the recently-inserted jewelry.** It’s important to let the tragus piercing heal around the piece of jewelry that your piercing specialist has inserted. To this end, don’t spin the jewelry around in your ear, don’t tug on it, and avoid fiddling with the piercing in general. A hands-off approach will allow the piercing to heal and prevent scabs from developing. It goes without saying that you should never remove the jewelry from a fresh piercing. 9. **Do not sleep on your pierced tragus.** Sleeping on the side of your head with a pierced tragus will put pressure on the piercing and may cause it to swell up or develop a scab. So, if you just had your left tragus pierced, sleep on your right side, back, or stomach for at least a month. Once the piercing has healed, you can sleep however you like. 10. **Never apply harsh cleaners to your tragus piercing.** Your freshly-pierced tragus will be extremely sensitive after it’s been pierced. While applying stringent cleaning products to the hole will clean out bacteria, the products will also agitate the piercing and slow down the healing process. So, avoid using products like: Hydrogen peroxide Rubbing alcohol Neosporin Antibacterial soap 11. **Wait at least a full month before having a smaller bar inserted.** Most professional piercers will put a larger bar into the tragus piercing, so that the hole won’t grow shut after it’s been pierced. If you’d like to switch out the large bar for a smaller, less-noticeable piece of jewelry, wait at least 4 weeks. If you switch out jewelry sooner, the piercing could heal itself shut. Always check with a professional piercer before swapping out jewelry in a recently-pierced tragus.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Do Spiritual Warfare.,"Spiritual warfare is an ever-constant battle of good versus evil, God versus Satan. Since it takes place in the spiritual realm rather than the physical realm, it can be easy to ignore, but the outcome of each fight can have eternal consequences. To do spiritual warfare, you must understand the nature of the battle, the weapons and defensive tools you have available to you, and the types of attacks you can expect to face. 1. **Shift your focus to the spiritual realm.** As the term suggests, spiritual warfare occurs primarily in the spiritual realm. It may have repercussions in the physical realm, but if you don't address a problem at its spiritual root, you won't be able to combat it effectively. In Ephesians 6:12, the Apostle Paul explains, ""For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."" This verse defines spiritual warfare as warfare against powers that are not “of the flesh,” meaning powers that are not physical or tangible in nature. Since the spiritual and physical realms are connected, things that happen in the physical realm can have spiritual consequences and vice versa. Obedience to God in your earthly life, for instance, strengthens your spirit. Violating God's law in your earthly life will also weaken your spirit. As James 4:7 says, ""Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."" You have to first submit to God in order to resist the devil. 2. **Rely on God's power.** Only by God's power can you hope to win against the enemy. Relying on God's power requires you to accept the salvation offered to you by Christ. You must also understand that each victory belongs to God. When you rebuke the devil, you must do so in Jesus' name while relying on God's authority over evil. Even the archangel Michael says ""The Lord rebuke you"" when fighting with the devil over the body of Moses (Jude 9). If even angels must rely on the name of God to rebuke evil, it is little wonder that the Christian must rely on the name and power of Christ to do so. It is also important to understand that the name of Christ alone does not do the work. It is your relationship with Christ as a Christian that you must lean on. Acts 19:13-16 describes the story of the seven sons of Sceva, who used the name of Jesus to drive out evil spirits without having a solid relationship with Christ. One day, an evil spirit fought back and overpowered them because they placed their faith in the wrong aspect of the process. They simply used the name of Jesus, but they did not really know Jesus. 3. **Cast down any proud thoughts.** You have the power to do battle within the greater spiritual war, but this power is granted to you through Christ. If you begin taking pride in that power as though it were your own, you need to cast that pride aside before continuing. Satan might be able to use the sin of pride against you in spiritual warfare. To truly submit to God, you need to be humble. It is impossible to truly submit yourself to the might and will of another if some part of you believes that your own power can possibly be equal. If two powers are comparable or similar, then you hold neither one as absolute over the other. You must fully rely on the power of God to do spiritual warfare. Let go of any pride you have concerning your own power. As the Bible says, ""Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."" 4. **Demonstrate obedience and self-control.** Doing spiritual warfare requires you to remain obedient to God in all things. Oftentimes, you must exercise great self-control in order to achieve such a level of obedience. The Apostle Paul instructs believers to ""be strong in the Lord"" (Ephesians 6:10). It is important to note that the term is ""in,"" not ""by."" It is not enough to rely on God's power to win your spiritual battles for you. Instead, you must be in fellowship with Christ, fighting alongside God in the battles you face. To do this, obedience and self-control are necessary. You must be obedient to God by following God's commands and by resisting or ridding yourself of any force that would influence you to do otherwise. Self-control requires you to rid yourself of any excess. You need to balance yourself spiritually by resisting the urge to indulge in things that are wicked or in excessive amounts that can cause spiritual decay. 5. **Remain alert.** 1 Peter 5:8 says, ""Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."" Know that an attack may come when you least expect it. You must remain aware of the spiritual battleground, and you must also continually guard yourself against potential attacks. Treat the battle seriously. The enemy is always ready to attack, so you must always be ready to defend yourself. When you wake up each morning, take the time to prepare yourself spiritually through prayer and meditation. Ask God for His help each day. A good prayer to pray is ""God I can't do this, but you can."" 6. **Know what the “armor of God” is.** The ""armor of God"" refers to a set of metaphorical spiritual armor that Christians should wear at all times to protect themselves against Satan. The whole armor of God is described in Ephesians, 6:10-18. The passage instructs you to ""Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil"" (Ephesians 6:11). In essence, arming yourself with the protection and weapons offered to you by your faith in Christ, will allow you to stand strong and hold out against evil attacks of a spiritual nature. 7. **Wear the belt of truth.** Ephesians 6:14 states, ""Stand, therefore, having girded your waist with truth."" The opposite of the truth is a lie, and Satan is often referred to as the ""father of lies."" Arming yourself with the ""belt of truth"" means protecting yourself from the evils of deception by clinging to the truth. In the Bible, Jesus refuted Satan's temptations in the wilderness with truths from Scripture. You can also do this; quote Scripture to refute the lies of Satan. To cling to the truth, you must seek the truth in all things and speak the truth to all people, including yourself. Don't let yourself be deceived about anything. 8. **Put on the breastplate of righteousness.** The second part of Ephesians 6:14 refers to the ""breastplate of righteousness."" ""Righteousness"" refers to the absolute righteousness of Christ, not the halfhearted and fallible righteousness of mankind. Through your faith, you must rely on the righteousness of Christ to protect your heart against spiritual attacks just as a physical breastplate would protect your heart in a physical battle. If Satan tries to tell you that you aren't righteous, quote Romans 3:22, ""This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe."" 9. **Slip on the sandals of the gospel of peace.** Ephesians 6:15 instructs believers to ""shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace."" The ""gospel of peace"" refers to the gospel or good news of salvation. Preparing your feet with the gospel of peace suggests that you will need to take this gospel as you travel into enemy territory. By stepping forward with this gospel, your soul is protected with each step. As Scripture says, ""Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you."" This includes spiritual protection from Satan. 10. **Grab the shield of faith.** You are also instructed in Ephesians 6:16 that, above all, you should take ""the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one."" Faith is an absolute essential to have when engaging in spiritual warfare. Like a shield, faith can protect you against otherwise piercing attacks launched by the enemy. When Satan tries to tell you lies about God, remember to keep your faith that God is good, and that He has good plans for you etc. 11. **Don yourself with the helmet of salvation.** As Ephesians 6:17 states, ""take the helmet of salvation."" The salvation spoken of in this passage refers to the spiritual salvation Christ offers through His death and resurrection. A helmet of salvation can be interpreted as the knowledge of spiritual salvation. Just as a physical helmet protects the brain, the helmet of salvation protects the mind from spiritual attacks and false claims that would turn your mind away from God. 12. **Wield the sword of the Spirit.** The second half of Ephesians 6:18 instructs you to take ""the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."" The sword of the Spirit is directly described in the passage as the Word of God, or the Bible. To yield the sword of the Spirit, you need to have an understanding of the Bible. Your knowledge of scriptures can then be used as a rebuttal to spiritual attacks. Hebrews 4:12 says, ""For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."" 13. **Pray in the Spirit.** The verses regarding the whole armor of God finish with Ephesians 6:18, which states that you should be ""praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints."" In choosing these words to wrap up the passage on the armor of God, the Apostle Paul highlights the importance of relying on God for spiritual strength through the practice of steady and ongoing prayer. The Bible tells us to ""pray without ceasing."" Continually pray over every situation in your life for God's protection and help. The armor of God is a set of tools and protection that God grants believers, but it is the power of God that the believer must ultimately rely on. 14. **Prepare for both offensive and defensive warfare.** Offensive warfare requires you to actively tear down enemy strongholds previously built in your mind. Defensive warfare requires you to guard yourself against future attacks. An enemy stronghold is a lie that has already been built inside your mind. It gains strength by deception and accusation, and it may make it harder for you to resist the power of temptation or to see through Satan's lies. These strongholds have a tendency to become stronger or louder when you are alone, which means you need to actively work at tearing them down using the spiritual weapons God has granted you. As these strongholds lessen, it will also become easier to guard yourself against future attacks. 15. **Fight against deception.** The enemy uses deception to trick you into believing something untrue so that you will fall into error and sin. A notable example of this would be when Satan deceived Eve into believing that no harm would come to her if she ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. In reference to the armor of God, you actively rely upon the belt of truth and the sword of the Spirit when you battle against deception. The belt of truth is your defense against deception, while the sword of the Spirit allows you to fight against deception. In simpler terms, fighting against deception requires you to understand truth. To understand truth, you need a thorough understanding of Scripture. 16. **Battle temptation.** When the enemy uses temptation, he tries to make something wicked look good and appealing in an effort to entice you towards it. Temptation usually follows deception. For instance, Eve was tempted to eat the forbidden fruit after being deceived into thinking that doing so would be acceptable. Something wicked can only look desirable to you once you have been tricked into thinking that it is in some way good. Dealing with temptation requires you to resist the devil while drawing closer to God. Both elements are necessary, and both naturally go hand-in-hand as you put them into practice. Draw near to God through prayer, Bible study, obedience, and worship. As you draw closer to God, you will turn away from evil and temptation will have less power over you. 17. **Deal with accusations.** The enemy will accuse the believer using past faults and sins in an effort to weigh that individual down with shame and hopelessness. The Bible refers to Satan as ""the accuser of the brethren"" so he will even try accusing you to yourself. Remind yourself always of the verse, ""There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."" With regards to the armor of God, one of your best defenses against accusation is the shield of faith. When the enemy fires an attack against you using your past failures as ammunition, you must guard your entire self against the attack by relying on your faith in Christ. You can also use the breastplate of Christ's righteousness to guard your heart and the helmet of salvation to guard your mind against such attacks.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Plant Dragon Fruit?,"Pitaya, or dragon fruit, is a tasty treat that most people know for its fire-like appearance. These fruits grow on Hylocereus cacti and, with some tender loving care, you can plant and cultivate them at home. 1. **Choose between dragon fruit seeds or cuttings from an already developing plant.** Which one you choose all depends on time. If you're growing dragon fruit from seeds, it could be two years or so before your plant bears any fruit. If you grow from the cuttings of a stem, it could take much less time (depending on how large your cutting is). Growing from seed isn't harder, for the record. It just takes more time. Professional growers sell dragon fruit plants that are ready to be transplanted to your garden. Just be careful as you're taking them out of the pot, to ensure that you don't damage the seedlings. 2. **Determine whether you're going to grow the plant outdoors or indoors, openly or in a container.** Believe it or not, dragon fruit can grow just fine in containers. If you do use a container, use one that's 15"" to a 24"" in diameter, and at least 10""+ deep, fitted with a climbing pole. However, the plant will likely eventually grow to a point that it needs a bigger pot, so be prepared to transplant it when that happens. If your plant is going to be outside (whether it's in a container or not), choose a place that's at least partly sunny. The roots can be in the shade, but the tips of the plant need to be in the sun to bloom. If you live in a warm area with a long, warm growing season, this plant could sustain being outside. They can generally handle a very light frost, but that's it. If your area has a decent winter, bring it inside. 3. **Use well-drained, sandy cactus soil.** After all, technically this plant is a cactus. The last thing you want to use is a wet, mucky soil. They are light feeders that don't need a lot of nutrient love. Plant them in an area of your garden where water doesn't tend to pool. If you get a lot of rainfall in your area, plant the dragon fruit plant on a hill or mound, so that the water drains away. If you're planting in a container, grab a large one with drainage holes at the bottom. If you don't have cactus soil available, you can come up with your own by using a mixture of sand, potting soil, and compost. Fill it up a few inches (7cm) away from the brim of the pot. 4. **Let cuttings dry before planting.** If you obtain a fresh cutting, it is best to let it dry in a cool, shady spot for about a week. This will allow the wound to heal and prevent infection once it is planted. 5. **Plant in full sun.** The leaves of the plant should be exposed to full sun for best results. Make sure it's still getting adequate sunlight as it grows. 6. **Plant flush with the soil line.** If you're using cuttings or a farm-ordered plant from a box, take it carefully from its container and replant it flush with its new soil line. If you're using seeds, sprinkle a few into each container and cover lightly with soil. As for seeds, you'll have to wait and see which ones take. In a few weeks, you'll have sprouts and they'll likely need separated. If not, they may not reach their full potential. Consider mixing a small amount of slow time release fertilizer into the lower level of the soil before planting; this may help your plant grow faster. 7. **Fertilize only occasionally.** Even a cutting will take up to four months to get a good, strong root system going. However, when it comes to fertilizers, be wary: too much can easily kill your plant. For best results, feed them a little slow-time release, low-nitrogen cactus fertilizer only about once every two months. You may be tempted to do more to see more immediate growth, but it won't help. 8. **Water the dragon fruit plant in the same manner as a tropical cactus.** In other words, only give it a little water when it's practically dry. If your plant is large enough by now to have a climbing pole, keep the climbing pole moist. A dripper would be useful in this situation. Overwatering is possibly the most common reason plants die. Don't be tempted; they don't need it. If you're using a pot, keep in mind how it drains. If there are no drain holes, it needs even less; otherwise the water will just stay in the bottom and lead to rot and decay. 9. **Watch the dragon fruit plant grow.** While your plant may take a couple of years to get fully going, some hit giant spurts where they can grow a foot in a week. When it does start developing, you may want to use a climbing pole to give it structure. This can help it reach its full potential without it breaking or weighing itself down. If you've planted your dragon fruit plant from seeds and they're now visibly growing, separate them into their own pots. They need their own turf to grow and flourish. You'll notice a bloom start to develop over the course of many weeks. However, it will only actually bloom for one night (yep, it's nocturnal) so you'll likely miss it in its full glory. Many are self-pollinating (if it's not you can try hand-pollination; brush the pistil's natural pollen down into the inside of the flower). If a fruit is going to develop, you'll notice the flower wither and the base of the bloom begin to swell. 10. **Prune the plant.** Dragon fruit plants can get quite large; some varieties can even reach upwards of 20 feet (6.1 m). When it gets too large, start pruning it by cutting off some branches. Less weight may actually get it stronger, concentrate the nutrients, and encourage it to flower. You don't necessarily have to throw the branches away! You can either repot them yourself and grow another plant (they will take root virtually effortlessly) or give them away as a gift. 11. **Pick the fruit** Dragon fruit usually produces ripe fruit in late summer or fall, but can fruit at almost any time of year if it receives enough water and warmth. You can tell that a dragon fruit is ripe when the skin turns red or yellow, depending on variety. The skin will also feel slightly soft when squeezed, but not mushy. 12. **Eat up.** You've been waiting years for this moment, so savor it. You can cut the fruit into quarters and tear off the rind or just dig into it with a spoon. It's sweet and has a texture that resembles kiwifruit but it's a little crunchier. Once in full production, you could see four to six fruit-bearing cycles per year. They amp up eventually; it just takes them a little while to get there. So don't think your first fruit will be your last. You've waited patiently and now abundance is your reward.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Promote Your Art Online.,"Thanks to the meteoric rise of social media, promoting your art online is more important than ever. Though advertising your work on the web may seem complicated or unnerving, especially if you're a more traditional artist, actually doing it is a fun and engaging process. 1. **Create an online portfolio to showcase your best work.** Your online portfolio should show off 10 to 15 of your best works of art. Try to pick pieces that give a good sense of your style and technique, and make sure to include relevant information like each piece's title, description, medium, and size. Some artists create unique portfolio websites using services like Squarespace and Wix. Others host their portfolio on free sites like Behance. Make sure to upload high-resolution versions of your art so people can see all the details. 2. **Start an art blog to drive traffic to your portfolio.** In addition to your portfolio, consider starting an online blog to keep people updated on your life and work. Online search results rely primarily on text, so posting on your blog regularly will help direct people to your main portfolio. If you really enjoy writing, you can also use your blog as a platform to discuss your artistic inspirations, favorite creators, and anything else you're passionate about. Some popular blogging services you can sign up for include Blogger, Wordpress, and Medium. 3. **Create social media accounts to reach new fans.** To give yourself a real online presence, sign up for a variety of social media services. Posting on these platforms regularly will allow you to connect with new fans and keep people interested in your work over long periods of time. Post your art on social media so people can share it around. If you're lucky, 1 of your pieces will go viral and direct lots of potential fans back to you. Some great social media platforms for artists include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. Issue a press release. Hire a press release agency to write an article about you and your art. Press release agencies usually publish articles on hundreds of news sites with the potential of reaching millions of viewers. This can be an effective method to get your brand and your art out there. 4. **Put your work on specialty websites to reach people interested in art.** Unlike standard social media networks, specialty art websites can give you access to people who understand and appreciate the craft itself. Upload your work to as many of these sites as possible so your art has the greatest amount of reach. Search online for websites related to your style or medium of choice. Some websites to consider uploading to include DeviantArt, Artstation, 500px, CGSociety, and ConceptArt. 5. **Join online art communities to find other creators.** Perhaps the easiest way to connect with artists online is by joining and actively posting in art forums and social media groups. There are thousands of different communities on the web, so search around to find ones that appeal to you. Different communities have different membership guidelines, so read through a forum or social media group's rules before joining. Large communities are best for getting ideas and promoting your work. Small communities are best for meeting new people. Some popular online communities include the WetCanvas forums, the Artist Daily forums, and Facebook's Artists Trying to Make a Living Creating Art group. 6. **Comment on and share other people's work to build goodwill.** When you come across an awesome piece of art on a social media network or specialty art website, take a few moments and leave a comment explaining what you like about it. Then, consider sharing it with others through your social media accounts. Not only does this promote the overall community, but it will make the artist feel good and can help you foster a professional relationship with them. If you really like a piece of art, consider remaking it or transforming it into something new. Doing this will bring attention to both yourself and the other artist. Try making fan art of your favorite creators and sending it to them. Many artists will share this type of content, and a few may even start following your work after. In addition to promoting their work, consider reaching out to artists directly on social media. 7. **Participate in community projects to meet new people and gain exposure.** In real life, artists get together to participate in things like gallery openings and street shows. In the same way, online artists often work together to create artwork compilations, fan magazines, and similar things. Though these projects rarely pay anything, they're a great way to meet other artists and get your work in front of new people. Participate in projects that match your style or center around subjects you enjoy. These projects are often poorly advertised, so the best way to find them is by following your favorite artists on social media and keeping an eye out for any announcements they share. 8. **Submit your work to online competitions for publicity.** Enter your art in as many online contests as you can. Whenever you win, you'll expose a whole new group of people to your art. However, even if you lose most of them, you'll still make the contest's promoters and judges aware of your work. If a judge or promoter liked your submission, they may start tracking your work. This can lead to jobs and publicity down the road. Some online contests give out monetary prizes, though most simply offer feature spots or other forms of exposure. Websites like Fine Art America and Artists Network host a number of competitions throughout the year. 9. **Upload lots of different art pieces to engage more people.** When promoting yourself online, the key is quantity. The more artwork you put up, the higher chance you'll have of attracting new fans and keeping your current fans happy. These pieces don't need to have the same level of detail as a gallery submission, but they should still be clean and relatively polished. Try to make at least 1 art-related post every day. Put up 2 or 3 unfinished versions of each piece in addition to the final product. This will help you turn a single work of art into multiple online posts. You can also upload content that isn't your art. Share photos of other art that you like, images that showcase something that inspires you, or other related content that can help people understand who you are as an artist. 10. **Create artwork based around popular topics to help people find you.** Even if your art is jaw-droppingly beautiful, most people won't be able to find any of it until you gain more popularity. However, if you create small, topical pieces and post them online, people may stumble across them during their normal browsing sessions. Then, they can follow the piece back to your social media accounts. Try making pieces based on popular movies, TV shows, video games, and musicians. Pay attention to the trending sections of sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Doing so will show you what's popular on any given day. Make sure to tag your pieces so that they show up in people's search results. 11. **Make content that shows off your personality to develop a supportive fanbase.** When promoting your work online, your personality is just as important as the art itself. People like to support creators that are honest and engaging, so try to make pieces of content that showcase your unique perspectives and opinions. Share posts on social media that show your studio space, your inspirations, and the process behind creating artworks. This helps to understand how you work and is a very interesting glimpse into the life of an artist. If you have a camera, record yourself talking about the things you're interested in. These types of videos, known as vlogs, are incredibly popular and will make people feel closer to you. If you have a webcam and computer, try hosting creative livestreams on sites like YouTube and Twitch. Doing this will allow you to show off your personality while working on your art.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Fix Doll Hair Without Fabric Softener?,"If you've had a doll for a while, its hair is probably fluffy and frizzy. Although you might have seen the popular trick of using fabric softener to smooth doll hair, don't reach for the bottle! Fabric softener contains harsh chemicals that can damage the doll's hair and make it greasy or matted. Instead, treat your doll's hair like your own and use your favorite hair products to get your doll's hair looking shiny new. 1. **Brush your doll's hair with a wire brush to remove small tangles.** To make washing the hair easier, take a wire doll brush and run it through the hair starting at the ends. Work the brush up through the hair towards the doll's scalp. If you're fixing the hair on a large doll instead of a small fashion doll, brush through 1 segment of the hair at a time since you'll have more hair to work through. 2. **Rinse the hair with warm water.** Don't use hot or boiling water because it can damage the doll's hair. Instead, hold the doll's head under the sink and let warm water soak through the hair. If you don't want the doll's outfit to get wet, take its clothes off or wrap the doll's body in a towel before rinsing the hair. 3. **Massage shampoo or liquid soap through the hair.** Squirt shampoo or soap onto the palm of your hand and rub your hands together. If you're fixing a small fashion doll, use a few drops. For a large doll, use a dime-sized amount of product. Then, rub your hands through the doll's hair, starting at the ends. Work the shampoo up through the hair, but don't massage the scalp if you're fixing a large doll. If your doll's hair isn't very dirty or you just want to give it a light wash, spritz antibacterial spray into the hair instead of shampooing it. The shampoo removes dirt and oil that's accumulated in the doll's hair. It also makes your doll's hair smell great! 4. **Rinse out the shampoo with warm water.** Hold the doll under the sink and run warm water over the hair. Rub the hair with your fingers to help the water rinse away the shampoo. Keep rinsing until you don't see soap suds. Remember to not use hot water or you could damage the hair. 5. **Rub conditioner through the wet hair.** To make your doll's hair smooth and cut back on frizz, squeeze a few drops of conditioner onto your palm. You can use double this amount if you're fixing a large doll. Rub your hands together and massage the conditioner through all of the doll's hair so the strands are coated. If you don't feel like deep-conditioning your doll's hair, spray a leave-in conditioner instead. 6. **Rinse out the conditioner with warm water.** Hold the doll's hair under warm running water and massage the hair to rinse out all of the conditioner. The hair should feel soft once you've finished conditioning it. If it feels slippery, keep rinsing. It's important to get all of the conditioner out of the hair or your doll's hair will be dull and more likely to clump together. If you used a leave-in conditioning spray, skip this step. 7. **Pat the hair dry with a clean towel.** Take a soft towel and gently wrap it around the doll's hair. Squeeze the towel so it absorbs most of the water from the doll's hair. Don't pull as you squeeze or you'll make the hair frizzy. 8. **Brush the hair with a wire brush or metal toothed comb to straighten it.** Take the brush or comb and start combing at the ends of the hair. Work up towards the scalp to straighten the hair and remove tangles. You can also use your fingernails to tease apart large tangles. 9. **Let the hair air dry completely.** The amount of time it takes for the hair to dry depends on how big your doll is. A small fashion doll should dry within a few hours, while a large doll will take up to a full day to dry. 10. **Divide the wet hair into vertical sections.** If you're curling a fashion doll's hair, divide the hair into 5 or 6 vertical segments. If you're working with a large doll, separate the hair into as many segments as you like. Keep in mind that the more segments you make, the more curls your doll will have. 11. **Wrap each section of hair around a perm rod or hair curler.** Hold the end of 1 hair segment and twist it around the smallest perm rod or hair curler you have. Work the rod or curler up towards the scalp as you wrap the hair and secure it in place with a bobby pin. If you can't find small curlers or rods, wrap the hair around a straw and stick a hairpin through it to keep the hair from unrolling. Some hair curlers or perm rods don't need to be clamped closed, so follow the manufacturer's directions for the product you're using. 12. **Spray each wrapped section with hairspray.** To help the curls hold and give a little bounce to the hair, spritz the wrapped hair with inexpensive hair spray. Don't spray more than a second of hairspray or you may coat the hair with too much product. You can skip this step if you want soft, loose curls. 13. **Let the hair air dry for 1 to 2 days before you remove the curlers.** Set the doll aside for a few days so the hair dries completely. If you take the curlers out before the hair dries, it won't hold its curly shape.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Stop a Cat from Pooping on the Floor.,"It can be frustrating when your cat starts pooping on the floor, on the carpet, or in other inappropriate areas. But the good news is that you can usually solve this problem with a bit of time and patience. In this article, we’ll talk about a few of the common reasons why your cat might be pooping on the floor, as well as the best ways to get your furry friend back into the habit of using the litter box. 1. **** Medical problems are a common reason for inappropriate soiling. If your cat has recently started pooping outside the litter box, it’s important to rule out any health problems that could be causing the issue. Call your vet right away and set up an appointment for a checkup. With the right medical treatment, the problem behavior may go away. Some common health problems that could cause your cat to go outside the litter box include constipation, colitis, or a problem with the anal glands. Let your vet know if you’ve noticed any other symptoms, or if there have been any recent changes to your cat’s diet or lifestyle that could be related to the problem. 2. **If there’s a lingering smell, your cat may be tempted to go there again.** Dispose of the poop as soon as you notice it, then use an odor-eliminating cleanser to thoroughly wash the area. Try an enzyme-based cleaner designed to break down pet odors. Don’t use strong-smelling chemicals like vinegar or ammonia. Not only could they irritate your cat’s airways and skin, but the strong odors might encourage your cat to keep using the area as a toilet. Follow the directions on the cleanser to make sure you’re using it correctly. For instance, you may need to let it sit on the stain for several minutes before wiping or rinsing it away. 3. **Some cats are very picky about the state of their litter.** To keep the litter box as appealing as possible, scoop it every day. Empty all the litter and clean out the box thoroughly at least once a week, or every few days if you have multiple cats. Avoid using harsh or strong-smelling cleaning chemicals when you clean the box, since the fragrance might bother your cat. Stick to warm water and mild dish soap. If your litter box has picked up a lot of set-in, lingering odors that don’t come out easily when you clean it, it might be time to replace it. 4. **Pick a spot that’s quiet and private.** Just like humans, cats like peace and quiet when they do their business. Put the litter box in a location that doesn’t get a lot of noise and foot traffic, away from your cat’s food and water dishes. Wherever you put the litter box, make sure your cat is always able to access it. If your cat can’t get to its bathroom, it’s more likely to go where it isn’t supposed to. Choose a spot that feels quiet and safe, but not too restrictive or closed in. You don’t want your cat to feel cornered or claustrophobic while going to the bathroom. 5. **This is especially important if you have multiple cats.** Your cat may be more likely to use the litter box if it has more than one box to choose from. Aim to have at least one litter box per cat, plus one extra. If you have several cats, try to keep the litter boxes in separate areas of your home, especially if your cats are territorial or don’t get along well. This will help take some of the pressure off if your cat is territorial and doesn’t like to share a bathroom area with other cats. 6. **Look for a box that your cat can use comfortably.** For instance, your cat might prefer a box without a lid, or a larger box rather than a more compact one. You can even set up several different types of boxes, then observe your cat’s bathroom habits to figure out which kind it likes best. Some cats like having lots of space to do their business. Try using a large, shallow plastic storage bin instead of a regular litter box if your pet needs extra room. If you have an older cat or a cat with mobility issues, go for a litter box with low sides so it’s easier for your kitty to climb in and out. You can also get a litter box ramp or steps for easier accessibility. 7. **Your cat may be sensitive to certain smells and textures.** Experiment with different types of litter until you find one that your cat seems to prefer. Most cats like unscented, clumping litters best. They may be irritated by litters with strong odors or a coarse texture. One easy way to tell what kind of litter your cat likes best is to set up 2 or more litter boxes side by side. Put different types of litter in each box, then pay attention to which box your cat prefers to use. 8. **Cats prefer to go in shallow litter.** To make sure your cat feels as comfortable as possible, pour about 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) of litter into the box. If it’s any deeper, your cat might be tempted to skip the litter box and go elsewhere. 9. **The smell might make the box more inviting.** Look for an attractant powder that’s designed for use in kitty litter. Mix it into your cat’s litter according to the directions on the package. You can also buy specialized litters with cat attractants already mixed in. Look for these products at your pet supply store. You may also be able to buy them from your vet’s office. Litter attractants are typically made with a blend of herbs that smell pleasant to cats. Common ingredients include lavender, sage, calendula, echinacea, and spearmint. 10. **Offer them a treat right after they use the box.** This might encourage your cat to keep using the litter instead of going on the floor. You can also try speaking to your cat in a quiet, encouraging voice whenever you see it go where it’s supposed to. Be consistent with the reward, and offer it as soon as you see your cat come out of the litter box. That way, your cat will be more likely to associate the reward with the good behavior. Most cats respond best to food rewards. Offer a favorite treat or a little bit of wet food. 11. **Squirt it with a water gun or rattle a jar of coins.** This will startle your cat and interrupt it from doing its business, but it shouldn’t scare or stress it too much. If your cat comes to associate going in the wrong place with an unpleasant noise or an annoying spray of water, it might be discouraged from doing it again. Try to do this as soon as you notice your cat getting ready to go (e.g., if you see it scratching or squatting) rather than after it’s already started or finished. Don’t try to scare, punish, or discipline your cat. Stressing your pet will only make the problem worse. You can also try saying “no,” then calmly picking your cat up and putting it in the litter box. Use a firm voice to get your cat’s attention, but don’t yell, since this could scare the cat. 12. **Cats sometimes go outside the box when they’re anxious.** Think about anything that might have happened recently to trigger the new behavior. For example, have you brought a new pet into the home, or has there been a change in your daily routine? Did you switch to a new brand of cat food or litter? If you notice that anything in particular seems to be bothering your feline friend, look for ways to minimize the source of stress as much as possible. For instance, if your cat has been getting into fights with another pet, try to keep them separate when you’re not around to supervise their interactions. Keep your cat’s routine as consistent as possible. For instance, try to feed and groom it at the same times and in the same locations each day. If you can’t eliminate causes of stress, you can also try a calming aid such as a pheromone diffuser, spray, or collar. You can get these products at most pet supply stores or vets’ offices. 13. **Your cat might be misbehaving because it’s bored.** Make sure your pet has plenty of fun toys to keep it entertained. Set up an interesting environment with scratching posts, perches, and places where your cat can hide and rest when it feels stressed or overstimulated. You can also try playing with your cat near the litter box or leaving toys close to the litter area to make it seem more inviting. Cats can also get stressed and go outside the box if they’re lonely or not getting enough attention. Spend time petting and playing with your cat every day to keep it entertained and make sure it feels loved. 14. **Double-sided tape may also discourage your cat.** It could be that your cat simply enjoys going in a particular spot outside the litter box. If that’s the case, it might be enough to make their unauthorized bathroom area less appealing. Try laying down a layer of aluminum foil, since some cats dislike the texture and sound of foil under their feet. Other possible deterrents include: A layer of double-sided tape or sandpaper. A motion-activated, odor-based deterrent spray. Some scents that cats dislike include citrus, lavender, cayenne pepper, and peppermint. An electrified mat that can deliver a mild but annoying shock when your cat walks on it. A plastic training mat with a prickly surface that won’t harm your cat, but is irritating to walk on. 15. **This may help get your cat back into the habit of using the litter.** If nothing else is working, try closing off the area where your cat likes to poop. You may also need to restrict your cat to a smaller space for a while, such as a single room where it has never pooped in any inappropriate areas before. Make sure your cat has access to everything it needs, such as food, water, toys, and a comfortable place to sleep. In rare cases, you might need to confine your cat to a really small space for 1-4 weeks, such as a large cat or dog cage with a litter pan and a sleeping ledge. You may not have to keep your cat totally confined for the entire time. You can let your cat out as long as you’re around to supervise it, then put it back in the enclosed area when you’re not there (for example, at night or when you have to go to work). 16. **Anti-anxiety meds can help control unwanted bathroom behaviors.** If other approaches aren’t working, your vet might be able to prescribe something that can help. They’ll probably recommend using medications in combination with other methods, like adjusting your litter cleaning routine or providing more litter boxes. Your vet might also be able to recommend an animal behavior specialist who can work with you and your cat if the problem has gotten really out of hand.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Sprout Lentils.,"Lentil sprouts are a tasty way to enjoy lentils and are as easy to grow as other sprouts. The flavor is somewhat like fresh peas; they go well in any salad you'd usually add sprouts to or in a sandwich with a spread such as hummus. You may even enjoy eating them on their own. 1. **Choose the lentils for sprouting.** Any of the brown, green or whole red lentils will work. 2. **Wash the lentils thoroughly.** Place them in a sieve or fine-holed colander and wash under running water. Remove any debris. 3. **Place the lentils into a large, clean jar.** Fill the jar with lukewarm water. 4. **Cover the jar.** Cover the top of the jar with muslin or cheesecloth. Secure it in place using a rubber band or tightly tied twine. Absolutely do not cover the jar with the solid lid. 5. **Soak the lentils.** Leave the jar in a warm place, overnight. The lentils must soak for at least 8 hours. Your hot water cupboard or in the kitchen near to where to cooking is happening can make nice warm places to encourage germination. 6. **Drain the lentils.** Pour off the water the next day. Leave the muslin cover in place while pouring (this keeps the lentils in there). Turn the jar upside down and drain well. The easiest way to do this is to sit it in a colander or similar kitchen tool. 7. **Let the sprouting begin.** Once drained, turn the jar on its side and leave in a warm place. Keep it away from direct sunlight. 8. **Rinse and drain regularly.** Each day remove the lentils from the jar and rinse well. This moistens them and helps them to continue germinating, then growing. Remove any lentils that haven't germinated (begun to sprout) and return the sprouts to the jar to keep growing. 9. **Use when they have sprouted enough.** The sprouts are ready to eat when they're about 3cm/1 inch in height. Usually this will be achieved after 2 to 3 days of growing. 10. **Use as wished.** Lentil sprouts can be used in a variety of ways, such as adding them to stews and soups, tossing into stir-fries, plumping out a salad or part of a salad sandwich. Or, you can just snack on them as you like.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Be a Good Husband and Father?,"Being a husband and a father are perhaps two of the most important roles you may have in your life, so it's completely normal to want to put your best foot forward. Start by showing consideration for your family and learning to communicate with them more effectively. Remember that to take good care of your family, you must take care of yourself, so implement positive lifestyle choices that support your health and well-being, too. 1. **Be there when it matters.** Some moments may really stand out in your family, such as when your spouse gets passed up for a big promotion or the moment your young child learns to bike without training wheels. As a spouse and a parent, you won’t be able to be there for every single moment in their lives, but try to be there when it matters most. Avoid missing out on important sporting events, recitals, anniversaries or birthdays whenever possible. If you know it’s important to your spouse or kids, try your best to make it. If you can’t, let them know how upset you are to miss it and be sure you’re there next time. 2. **Show interest in your spouse and kids.** It’s common for many families to fall into a ho-hum pattern of only discussing things like the kids’ grades, bills, household repairs, and who’s picking up whom from sports practice. Strike a new chord when communicating with your spouse and kids by adding some new topics to the conversation. If you never ask your spouse about their day job, ask “So, how’s that big project coming along at work?” If you never inquire about your children's friends, you might say “How’s Rebecca adjusting to the new school?” Changing up the way you talk helps show your family that you’re interested in them and what’s important to them. 3. **Be a role model and practice what you preach.** Don’t expect your children to follow your advice if your own behavior goes against it. Hold yourself accountable for meeting the same standards that you set for your kids. For instance, don’t lie in front of your kids--even little fibs--if you are emphasizing the importance of honesty. If helping out is a big deal in your family, be the first to pitch in with chores or household responsibilities. 4. **Date your spouse.** When’s the last time you took your spouse out on a date? When were you last romantic and spontaneous? If it’s been a while, commit to dating your spouse more often. Compare schedules and agree on dates and times when the two of you will go out together sans kids. Dating your spouse also refers to behaviors you did when you were dating. For example, maybe you made them breakfast in bed or regularly purchased a bouquet of flowers to surprise them. Pick those romantic habits back up and watch how your marriage transforms. 5. **Encourage open and honest communication.** The best husbands and fathers regularly talk to and listen to their spouse and children. When your family feels like you actively make time to hear them out, they will be more forthcoming with communication. Good communication starts early on, so try to implement positive practices as soon as possible. Power off your phone or mute the TV and turn to face your loved one when they are talking. Let your loved ones know that you are interested in talking to them by making yourself available and paying attention when they’re around. Ask open-ended questions to show your interest, like “So what do you like most about this TV show?” 6. **Be an active listener.** Many husbands can probably admit to tuning out their spouse and kids every now and then. So, you could probably benefit from freshening up your listening skills. Practice devoting your full attention to your loved ones when they're talking—this one tip could benefit your entire family. Turn to face the person who's talking and make regular eye contact. Nod or encourage them to share. Before you rush to the next subject or end the discussion, sum up what was said to show you were actually listening. Say something like “It seems like work has you stressed out. Am I right?” 7. **Avoid judging or criticizing.** A common barrier for effective communication is jumping in with judgments or criticisms. When you do this, your spouse and kids put up walls and are hesitant to talk to you. Instead of judging or criticizing, ask more questions that help you better understand their perspectives. For instance, don’t ask “Why would you do that?,” ask “What happened?” Or, say something like, ""Hmm...Tell me more about that."" 8. **Use meal times for conversation.** Meals are a special way for families to come together. Eating meals together promotes bonding and fosters communication. Dedicate this time for catching up on one another's days or discussing important issues. Take turns going around the table having everyone share the ""peaks and pits"" (highs and lows) of their day. Take advantage of everyone's presence to share family values or broach difficult subjects with your children, such as bullying. 9. **Be a team player.** Your behavior should reflect the notion that you and your spouse are on the same team. This covers basically everything from splitting household and parenting duties to backing up your spouse when they discipline the children. If you aren’t currently being a team player, you might ask your spouse, “What can I do to be a team player?” Being a team player helps you to support your spouse, but it will also reduce conflict between you and minimize the kids’ chances of undermining either of you. 10. **Carve out regular quality time for your family.** Good husbands and dads have a strong bond with their family, so be intentional about spending time with your spouse and kids as a group and one-on-one. Schedule in bonding time throughout the week. You might start a new tradition of playing games or watching movies every Saturday night for group bonding time. For individual time, try sharing a hobby with your kids, such as tossing around a ball with one child or listening to another child practice the violin. Rise early to share a cup of coffee and enjoy the sunrise with your spouse before the kids wake. 11. **Embrace other family ties.** As a husband and a father, you can help your family build strong values by emphasizing the importance of family ties. Whenever possible, try to get your own family and in-laws over for a meal or involve them in your kids' upbringing. Plan a regular family outing or gathering, such as Sunday brunch. Ask your family and in-laws for parenting advice and invite them to parties and sporting events for your children. 12. **Cherish old traditions and build new ones.** Good family values also include observing religious holidays, cultural rituals, and family traditions. This might include celebrating Hanukkah, attending church services, praying, or exchanging gifts on Christmas. Show respect to existing family beliefs and traditions and create new ones that are distinct to your family unit. If you and your spouse have the same views, share those beliefs with your children. If your views differ, find a happy medium so that your children have an understanding of both your backgrounds and beliefs. You can also try blending or alternating celebrations from both traditions. 13. **Unplug regularly to focus on your face-to-face relationships.** If you’re the type to immediately turn on the TV or laptop after a long day at work, try powering off the electronics for a while. Focusing on sports, TV shows, social media, or even bringing work home could create distance between you and your family. Give them the gift of being physically and mentally present. If you typically use electronics throughout the evening, create an earlier cut-off time to devote more attention to your spouse and children. Spend the extra time catching up with your spouse, reading to your kids, or playing board games together. If you have to do some homework, then let your family know exactly how much time you will need and when you will be available again. 14. **Get enough sleep.** When you’re raising small kids, sleep often gets kicked to the curb. Unfortunately, depriving yourself of sleep can make you grumpy or irritable during family time. Improve your mood and have lots of energy to play with your kids by getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Sleep better by shutting off electronic devices at least an hour before bed. Do soothing activities like light-reading, taking a warm bath, or making love to your spouse. 15. **Eat a nutrient-rich diet.** Parents often stress the importance of eating healthy to their kids, but you may not be following that advice yourself. Eat well-balanced, nutritious meals to fuel your body so that you can be productive at work and still have energy left over for your family. Eat a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, including whole foods like fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and nuts and seeds. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Reduce the amount of junk food and processed foods you consume. 16. ** Exercise** Physical activity is one of the best ways to support physical health, live longer, and manage everyday stress. Plus, if you exercise with your spouse and kids, you’ll be modeling healthy habits for your whole family. Plan a fun night of bowling with your spouse and kids. Or, go for a family bike-ride or hike on weekends. If your favorite form of exercise is a solo one, such as running, then make sure to also plan some activities that will involve your whole family. 17. **Manage your stress effectively.** Because children often pick up their parent’s habits, strive to develop healthy ways of handling stress. Instead of turning to alcohol, drugs, gambling, or compulsive shopping, stick to healthy habits like exercise, relaxation techniques, and self-care. When stress hits, try meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to quell the tension. Build a self-care routine that allows you to regularly engage in fun, nourishing activities like gardening, getting a haircut, or listening to your favorite music. 18. **Build a strong support system.** You might be so consumed with your marital, parenting, and work responsibility, that you don't prioritize other social relationships. Take measures to keep an active social life, so that you have healthy outlets for stress. Join a club or organization relating to your career or a hobby. Participate in a church or civic group in your area. Or, start a Meetup group for dads to gather in your local community. Your social network is a valuable resource for getting advice and encouragement for being a better husband and father. It can be helpful to talk with other men about your role as a husband and father.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Prevent Receding Gums.,"Everyone loves to have a bright, beautiful, and healthy smile. “Gingival recession,” or receding gums, is the movement of your gums such that it leaves the root area of your teeth exposed and visible. Receding gums usually occur in adults over the age of 40. It poses a problem when it compromises the appearance of your smile and increases your teeth's sensitivity to touch and temperature. To prevent receding gums, you need to maintain healthy dental hygiene and make some lifestyle choices. 1. **Visit your dentist regularly.** Periodontal disease is a leading cause of receding gums. See your dentist every six months for cleanings and check-ups. If you haven't had it done, ask about fluoride treatment. Having regular professional care can help prevent diseases of your mouth and gums. Gingivitis, periodontitis, and plaque all cause inflammation in your gums, which causes gingival recession. Your dentist can help you prevent these or treat them before they get worse. Having misaligned or crowded teeth can cause or worsen gum recession and may warrant orthodontic treatment. 2. **Consult a periodontist.** If you have dental problems that your regular dentist can't fix, they can likely refer you to a periodontist. Periodontists specialize in preventing and treating periodontal disease, and may be better equipped to help you with gingival recession. 3. **Brush your teeth twice a day.** Take the time to thoroughly brush your teeth two times per day. Brush in the morning when you wake up, and before bed. Use toothpaste that contains fluoride. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid hard-bristle brushes. Consider purchasing an electric toothbrush, which may reduce plaque more than brushing with a regular toothbrush. Be sure to brush the inside, outside, and tops (chewing surface) of your teeth. Brush your tongue, too. 4. **Use proper tooth brushing techniques.** A big mistake people often make is brushing their teeth too hard. Brushing in a rigorous horizontal (back and forth) manner can cause trauma to your gums and can wear away the enamel, causing gum recession. Ask your dentist to show you the right way to brush your teeth. Tilt the head of your toothbrush at a 45° angle towards your gum line. Use small circular vibratory strokes. Brush with gentle pressure. The bristles of your toothbrush can actually go 1 mm below your gum line to remove plaque that gets stuck there. Do about 20 strokes in one position before moving on to the other surfaces of your teeth. After doing 20 strokes, do a sweeping motion towards the biting surfaces of your teeth to move the plaque out. Do a back and forth horizontal movement to clean the biting surfaces of your teeth. 5. **Keep your toothbrush clean.** Always rinse your toothbrush after you brush your teeth and store it upright – not lying down in a drawer or on a counter. Do not keep your toothbrush in a closed container often, because this can encourage bacteria to grow. Keep each toothbrush in your household separate. Get a new toothbrush every 3-4 months, or if the bristles get frayed. 6. **Floss your teeth every day.** Flossing should go hand in hand with brushing. Flossing further removes plaque that was not reached by the bristles of your toothbrush. For effective flossing, get an elbow-length string of floss and wrap both ends around your middle fingers. Leave an inch of floss that you can work with. Starting from the back tooth, slide the floss very gently in between your teeth with the help of your index fingers. Do not force the thread to go down, which can cause damage to your gums. Repeat the same procedure for all your teeth, taking care not to damage your gums. If your gums bleed when you floss, you need to be gentler. 7. **Stop smoking.** Smoking can cause a lot of general health problems. It can also cause a lot of dental problems, one of which is receding gums. Put in the effort to stop smoking now to improve your oral health – and your breath! While you're trying to quit, try to use nicotine substitutes such as nicotine patches. 8. **Stop grinding your teeth.** Grinding your teeth, or bruxism, is common – you may not even know that you do it, especially at night. This not only strains the muscles involved in chewing, but also leads to gum recession. Learn to stop grinding your teeth by trying some simple techniques: See your dentist to get a night guard that stops you from grinding your teeth while you sleep. Consciously try to unclench your jaw muscles during the day. Stay away from caffeine and alcohol, especially near bedtime. Lower your stress with meditation or a soothing bath before bed. 9. **Do not get oral piercings.** Metal jewelry placed inside your mouth does not only cause problems with your teeth but also affects your gums. The barbel of tongue and lip piercings tends to hit the gum line repeatedly, and the trauma caused by this ultimately leads to gum recession. If you decide to get an oral piercing, make sure that the piercing shop observes excellent sanitary conditions. 10. **Make sure your dentures fit properly.** Gum recession can be caused by partial dentures that fit poorly. If your dentures feel loose or rub on parts of your gums, see your prosthodontist to have your dentures relined (refitted properly).",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Measure Speaker Impedance.,"Speaker impedance is a measure of a speaker's resistance to an alternating current. The lower the impedance, the more current the speakers will draw from the amplifier. If impedance is too high for your amplifier, the volume and dynamic range will suffer. Too low, and the amp could destroy itself trying to produce enough power. If you're just confirming the general range of your speakers, all you need is a multimeter. If you want to conduct a more accurate test, you'll need some specialized tools. 1. **Check the label for a nominal impedance rating.** Most speaker manufacturers list an impedance rating on the speaker label or the packaging. This ""nominal"" impedance rating (usually 4, 8, or 16 ohms) is an estimate of the minimum impedance for typical audio ranges. This usually occurs at a frequency between 250 and 400 Hz. The actual impedance is fairly close to this value within this range, and rises slowly as you increase the frequency. Below this range, the impedance changes rapidly, peaking at the resonant frequency of the speaker and its enclosure. Some speaker labels display an actual, measured impedance for a specific listed impedance. To give you an idea of what these frequencies mean, most bass tracks fall between 90 and 200 Hz, while ""chest thumping"" sub bass can be as low as 20 Hz. The midrange, including the majority of non-percussion instruments and voices, covers 250 Hz to 2kHz. 2. **Set a multimeter to measure resistance.** A multimeter sends out a small DC current to measure resistance. Since impedance is a quality of AC circuits, this will not measure impedance directly. However, this approach will get you close enough for most home audio setups. (For example, you can easily distinguish between a 4 ohm and 8 ohm speaker this way.) Use the lowest range resistance setting. This is 200Ω for many multimeters, but a multimeter with a lower setting (20Ω) may give more accurate results. If there is only one setting for resistance, your multimeter is auto-ranging, and will find the correct range automatically. Too much DC current can damage or destroy the voice coil of a speaker. The risk is low here, since most multimeters only produce a small current. 3. **Remove the speaker from its cabinet or open the back of the cabinet.** If you're dealing with a loose speaker with no connections or speaker box, then there is nothing you need to do here. 4. **Cut off the power to the speaker.** Any power running to the speaker will ruin your measurement, and could fry your multimeter. Turn off the power. If the wires connected to the terminal are not soldered on, detach them. Do not remove any wires connected directly to the speaker cone. 5. **Connect the multimeter leads to the speaker terminals.** Look closely at the terminals and determine which is positive and which is negative. There is often a ""+"" and a ""-"" sign to identify them. Connect the multimeter's red probe to the positive side, and the black probe to the negative side. 6. **Estimate the impedance from the resistance.** Typically, the resistance reading should be roughly 15% less than the nominal impedance on the label. For example, it's normal for an 8-ohm speaker to have a resistance between 6 or 7 ohms. The majority of loudspeakers have a nominal impedance of 4, 8, or 16 ohms. Unless you get a strange result, it's safe to assume your speaker has one of these impedance values for the purpose of pairing it with an amplifier. 7. **Get a tool that generates a sine wave.** A speaker's impedance varies with frequency, so you'll need a tool that allows you to send out a sine wave at any given frequency. An audio frequency oscillator is the most accurate option. Any signal generator or function generator with a sine wave or sweep function will work, but some models may give inaccurate results due to changing voltages or poor sine wave approximation. If you are new to audio tests or DIY electronics, consider audio testing tools that connect to a computer. These are often less accurate, but novices may appreciate the auto-generated graphs and data. 8. **Connect the tool to an amplifier input.** Look for the power on the amp label or spec sheet in watts RMS. Higher power amplifiers produce more accurate measurements with this test. 9. **Set the amp to a low voltage.** This test is part of a standard series of tests to measure the ""Thiele-Small parameters."" All of these tests were designed for low voltages. Lower the gain on your amp while a voltmeter set to AC voltage is connected to the amp's output terminals. Ideally the voltmeter should read somewhere between 0.5 and 1 V, but if you don't have sensitive tools, just set it to below 10 volts. Some amps produce inconsistent voltage at low frequencies, which is a common source of inaccuracy in this test. For best results, check with the voltmeter to make sure the voltage stays constant as you adjust the frequency using the sine wave generator. Use the highest quality multimeter you can afford. The inexpensive models tend to be less accurate for the measurements later in this test. It may help to purchase higher quality multimeter leads at an electronics store. 10. **Choose a high value resistor.** Find the power rating (in watts RMS) closest to your amplifier's on the list below. Choose a resistor with the recommended resistance, and the listed wattage rating or higher. The resistance doesn't need to be exact, but if it's too high, you may clip the amplifier and disrupt the test. Too low, and your results will be less accurate. 100W amp: 2.7k Ω resistor rated to at least 0.50W 90W amp: 2.4k Ω, 0.50W 65W amp: 2.2k Ω, 0.50W 50W amp: 1.8k Ω, 0.50W 40W amp: 1.6k Ω, 0.25W 30W amp: 1.5k Ω, 0.25W 20W amp: 1.2k Ω, 0.25W 11. **Measure the exact resistance of the resistor** This may vary slightly from the printed resistance. Write down the measured value. 12. **Connect the resistor and speaker in series.** Hook the speaker up to the amplifier, with the resistor between them. This creates a constant current source powering the speaker. 13. **Keep the speaker away from obstructions.** Wind or reflected sound waves could disrupt this sensitive test. At minimum, keep the speaker magnet side down (cone up), in a windless area. If high accuracy is required, bolt the speaker to an open frame, with no solid objects within 2 ft (61 cm) in any direction. 14. **Calculate the current.** Using Ohm's Law (I = V / R or current = voltage / resistance), calculate the current and write it down. Use the resistor's measured resistance for R. For example, if the resistor has a measured resistance of 1230 ohms, and the voltage source is 10 volts, the current I = 10/1230 = 1/123 amps. You can leave this as a fraction to avoid rounding errors. 15. **Adjust the frequency to find the resonance peak.** Set the sine wave generator to a frequency at the mid or upper range of the speaker's intended use. (100 Hz is a good starting point for bass units.) Place an AC voltmeter across the speaker. Adjust the frequency downward about 5 Hz at a time, until you see the voltage rise sharply. Tweak the frequency back and forth until you find the frequency where the voltage is highest. This is the resonance frequency of the speaker in ""free air"" (an enclosure and surrounding objects will change this). You can use an oscilloscope instead of a voltmeter. In this case, find the voltage associated with the greatest amplitude. 16. **Calculate the impedance at resonance.** You can substitute impedance Z for resistance in Ohm's Law. Calculate Z = V / I to find the impedance at resonance frequency. This should be the maximum impedance your speaker will encounter in the intended audio range. For example, if I = 1/123 amps and the voltmeter measures 0.05V (or 50mV), then Z = (0.05) / (1/123) = 6.15 ohms. 17. **Calculate impedance for other frequencies.** To find the impedance across the speaker's intended frequency range, adjust the sine wave in small increments. Record the voltage at each frequency, and use the same calculation (Z = V / I) to find the speaker's impedance at each frequency. You may find a second peak, or the impedance may be fairly steady once you get away from the resonance frequency.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Overcome Fearful Avoidant Attachment Style?,"When you have your needs met as a child, you learn that you can rely on the people around you. But when your needs are ignored, it can cause you to develop an anxious, avoidant, or fearful attachment style. The fearful avoidant attachment style in particular might make you crave closeness and intimacy while simultaneously shying away from it. Understanding your attachment style and where it comes from can help you relearn attachment and work toward healthier relationships. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about a fearful avoidant attachment style and how you can overcome it. 1. **Your automatic thought process influences how you see the world.** When you have a fearful avoidant attachment style, you often think badly about yourself and those around you. Try to catch those thoughts and challenge them with new, positive thinking to slowly work toward a more secure attachment style and positive outlook on life. If you think, “No one will ever love me,” challenge it with something like, “I am worthy of love, and I will find it one day.” If you think, “Everyone only wants to take advantage of me,” challenge it with, “My friends and family love me for who I am, not for what I can give them.” Neither positivity nor negativity exist in a vacuum. There's always positivity around you—you just have to be willing to seek it out and give voice to it. 2. **Identifying your emotions helps give you power over them.** When you have an avoidant attachment style, you probably shy away from your feelings or block them off entirely. Instead, try to name the emotion and then express it—it will help you communicate much better. “I’m feeling sad right now because you snapped at me today.” “I feel a little angry because you didn’t keep your promise.” “I feel really anxious right now because I’m overwhelmed.” You can start sharing what you feel more openly and authentically with your partner. It will help you work out of the avoidant style and towards a more secure place where you can say that it is okay to share your emotions and what is going on with you. It is alright to rely on someone else to soothe you, help you feel better, or help you address what is going on with you. 3. **You may be closing yourself off to others nonverbally without realizing it.** When you have a fearful avoidant attachment style, you may be signaling to others that you’re not interested in connecting with them, even if you don’t mean to. Try to make eye contact with other people, keep your head held high, and uncross your arms. These small changes will make you look more approachable, and they can really help strengthen your relationships. Try to pick out these nonverbal cues in other people, too. When someone is sad, do they cross their arms and turn away from you? When someone is happy, do they look right at you and sit up straight? 4. **People with fearful avoidant attachment styles often have low self-esteem.** Your self-esteem can affect your relationship with others, and it can make you feel like you aren’t worthy of love. By raising your self-esteem, you can take control of your life and feel like you have power over your own decisions. Some good ways to raise your self-esteem include: Celebrating your successes, both big and small Doing hobbies and activities you enjoy Setting (and achieving) small goals Doing something nice for yourself every day Eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise Writing a list of things you like about yourself 5. **Stay present in the moment to avoid succumbing to fear.** When you have an avoidant attachment style, it can be easy to start worrying about the future (or get stuck in thoughts from the past). If you notice yourself doing that, try to stay grounded, and notice everything around you. Keep focusing on what’s happening now, not what might happen in the future. An easy way to stay in the moment is to use all 5 of your senses. When you catch yourself drifting off, try naming one thing you can taste, touch, smell, hear, and see. Try to maintain a grounded, humble perspective about life. In both good times and bad, this perspective can help you remember who you are and help you realize that life is good. 6. **The people you love can prove that you can rely on others.** If you haven’t been able to depend on the people in your life very much, try to find friends who will stick with you no matter what. Hang out with them often and do things together that make you happy to improve your thoughts about other people. Since a fearful avoidant attachment style can make you see the worst in people, it’s good to find loved ones that you see in a positive light. If you don’t have a ton of friends right now, that’s okay. It’s common for fearful avoidant attachment styles to shy away from close relationships. Try seeking out like-minded people by joining a group or a club that you’re interested in. 7. **Human beings are flawed, and that’s okay.** When you have a fearful avoidant attachment style, you can sometimes spend a long time searching for the perfect person. However, everyone has their own demons to deal with, and you’re never going to find someone that doesn’t have problems. Try to accept that your loved ones and partners will have flaws, just like you. It can be helpful to compare someone else’s flaws to what they do well. If you catch yourself judging someone else, try thinking, “Sure, they might never be on time, but at least they always remember to text me back.” You can also look for the deeper meaning within your own judgment. For instance, when your friend is late, does it make you feel uncared for? If so, you can work through those emotions and recognize that their lateness has nothing to do with you. 8. **Understand your own boundaries so that you can assert them.** What are you comfortable with in a relationship? What are you not comfortable with? For a lot of people with a fearful avoidant attachment style, the boundaries are there, but they’re hard to express. When you tell other people about your boundaries, they can respect them, which leads to a more positive relationship. Sit down and think about your emotions, your thoughts, and your values so that you can express yourself clearly and accurately. For instance, how much alone time do you need? What are some topics you’re not willing to discuss? What are your values? What do you care most deeply about? 9. **If you have a partner, tell them what you’ve been doing about your attachment style.** They might be able to give you some words of advice or even some encouragement. Share with them what you know about your attachment style, what you’ve been doing to work through it, and what they might be able to do to help you out. “You’ve probably noticed that I seem a little preoccupied lately. I’m really trying to work on my attachment style and reach a healthier level with my self-esteem. It would mean a lot if I could share with you what I’m doing and how I’m working on things.” 10. **You can model your attachment style off of someone else’s.** The good news is that 50% to 60% of the population has a secure attachment style, so you probably know someone who fits the bill already. Try to watch them and see how they handle their emotions and their relationships, then do the same thing in your own life. When they get upset, do they shut down and close themselves off? Or do they state their emotions and communicate them clearly? When they get rejected, do they take it personally? Or do they brush it off and try again? 11. **Getting therapy is the best way to work through your attachment style.** Since a fearful avoidant attachment style is so deeply rooted in trauma, it’s important to talk about it with someone you trust. A mental health professional can help you identify where your attachment style comes from and the steps you can take to work toward a more secure one.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Date Old Milk Cans?,"If you’re an avid collector or a vintage enthusiast, you’ve probably stumbled across a few milk cans in your life. Usually made from tin, these cans range in size, and have a variety of different labels. While there’s no exact art to dating an old milk can, you can estimate its age by looking for printed brand, ingredient, and copyright information on the can. If your specimen is older, try examining its materials to see which historical era it hails from. With a little time and diligence, you’ll be able to better organize your antique collection. 1. **Take pictures of your can labels so you can digitally enhance them.** Use your phone or a more professional camera to photograph your milk can from different angles. Focus on the label—if the letters or words are degraded at all, you might be able to see them more clearly using photo editing software. Aim to take pictures of the milk can at all angles so you capture all the details of the item. If you have difficulty identifying the can later on, bring these pictures to an antique professional, or upload them to a well-informed message board on an antique collecting website. 2. **Examine the the can for a visible company label.** Look at the front and back of the milk can and look for any obvious letters printed or embossed on the surface. Take note of any brand names so you can search for them on the web later. Some milk companies are more well-known than others, and come from different eras of history. For instance, if your milk can belongs to the Union Dairy Company, you can date the can somewhere between the early 1900s and 1980s. Some milk can labels will come with a visible mascot or logo. Keep this in mind when you look up your label online. 3. **Identify cans made before 1950 by a 2- or 4- digit number on the label.** Check to see if a 2- or 4-digit number is listed somewhere on the can. If the phone number is this short, you can safely assume that your milk can was made before 1950. If the phone number has 5 to 7 digits, you can determine that the can was made in the 1950s or 1960s. In many cases, these phone numbers will appear hyphenated on the label. Older phone numbers didn’t use area codes, which is why these company numbers are so short. 4. **Look around the can for visible copyright years.** Search all over the can to see if any packaging or shipping year is listed. While old cans won’t be very specific, you might be able to find a visible label. Take note of this year in case you want to look up more info about your milk can label online. Not all labels are incredibly exact. Even if the label indicates that the can was made during a certain year, there’s a chance that the company could’ve manufactured the can in an earlier year. 5. **Attribute certain phrases on the label to the early 20th century.** Use food labeling requirements to your advantage as you inspect the can. If your label uses the word “cure” in the label, you can date it back to 1906 or earlier. If you see terms like “hermetically sealed” and “packed in sanitary cans,” date the can somewhere before the 1920s. Additionally, note that any label or can with “patent pending” written on it was made in the year 1940 or later. Over the years, labeling requirements became more specific. For instance, after 1920, manufacturers had to include “salt added” and “sugar added” on their labels whenever necessary. Manufacturers have used the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval since 1910. 6. **Note that the circled “C” trademark is older than the circled “R.”** Look around your can to see if you can spot an “R” or “C” enclosed in a circle. Date your can as far back as 1914 if you see the circled “C,” as this was one of the earliest copyright labels. If you see a circled “R,” note that your can was made in 1949 or later. British milk cans used the “Reg.,” “Rd,” or “Registered” label to indicate copyright around 1884. 7. **Find cans made in the 1930s and 40s by checking for thick metal construction.** Look on the outside and inside of the can to get a feel for its construction. If the metal feels thick and bulky, you can estimate that the tin was made in the 1930s or 1940s. If the can feels sleeker and less clunky, you can assume that the can was made in the 1950s or later. The same logic applies to ink and paint used on milk can labels. If the detail work was applied in thick layers, the milk can was probably made in the 1930s or 40s. 8. **Identify 19th-century cans by their thick paper labels.** Gently rub your fingers along the paper label of your milk can, if it’s still intact. If the paper feels thick and bulky, you can date the can back to the 19th century, or sometime before 1900. If the paper feels thinner and sleeker, you can assume that the can was made sometime in the 20th century. This isn’t the most exact way to date a milk can. If the label is in good condition, try using the brand and copyright info to more accurately date your can. If the label feels embossed in any way, the can was likely made sometime after 1890. 9. **Remember that 19th-century cans used 3 pieces of soldered metal.** Feel along the edges to detect any obvious solder lines. If the milk can is made of 3 metal pieces that were melded together, you can date it back to the 19th century. If your milk can is smooth with no melding marks, you can date it back to the early 20th century or later. Since grooves and solder marks made the milk transportation less sanitary, the milk transport companies updated the milk can model. 10. **Compare 19th-century milk cans to old milk churns.** Examine the size and structure of the can, and note if the can is thick around the bottom and tapers off toward the top. Take a close look at the can’s size, and try to guess how much milk it can hold. If your guess is around 60 US quarts (57 L) or more, then you might have a railway milk churn, which was first made around 1867. These cans are named for their resemblance to old-time milk churns. Since these cans are so bulky and large, you might find them difficult to carry. 11. **Note that cans with small holes on the cap were made between 1820 and 1940.** Examine the cap and look for a tiny pinprick hole peeking through the cap of the can. If this hole is visible, you can date your can somewhere between 1820 and the 1940s. If this pinprick isn’t visible, you can safely assume that the can was made sometime in the mid-20th century or later.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Clean a Hot Glue Gun.,"Cleaning a glue gun mostly comes down to removing glue and debris that has built up on the gun. Foil will take off most of this glue. However, you can also try acetone to remove glue and debris. Similarly, it can help to keep the glue gun clean after each use by wiping the tip off with a dryer sheet. 1. **Tear off a large piece of aluminum foil.** Aluminum foil is a good scrubber for a hot glue gun. Rip off a square of aluminum foil and wad it up in a ball. A big piece is a necessity because it will help keep you from burning your fingers. 2. **Scrub the tip with the foil ball.** With the glue gun warm, push the tip into the ball of foil, making sure you don't burn your fingers by touching the tip. Rotate the tip or the ball to scrub it, taking off glue and other debris. 3. **Rub the glue gun down with the aluminum foil.** Once you're done with the tip, rub the rest of the gun down with the foil. The gun should be warm so that the glue is easy to remove. It should scrape off most of the glue. 4. **Heat the glue gun using a heat gun or blow dryer.** Set the glue gun on its side, preferably on a silicone mat. Lay a single piece of foil on top of the glue. Rub the foil in, using protection on your hands so you don't burn your fingers. Go over it with the heat gun or blow dryer. The glue should stick more to the aluminum foil than the glue gun, so you can easily peel it off. Repeat the process as needed. You may need to remove parts, like the kickstand, to help clean the whole gun. 5. **Wipe off the tip.** One way to clean the tip is to simply use a dryer sheet. After you're done with the glue gun, run a dryer sheet across the tip, being careful not to burn yourself. It should remove most of the glue. 6. **Use a pin or needle tool to clean out the base.** If you have a cordless gun that fits into a base, the small hole at the bottom of your gun may need to be cleaned out from time to time. Otherwise, you'll have trouble settling the gun on the base. Use a pin or needle tool to scrape out the hole, leaving it clean to fit into the base. 7. **Apply acetone.** Pour acetone (nail polish remover) on a paper towel. With the glue gun off, begin rubbing the glue gun to remove dirt and stains. It may also take off some of the glue, especially small pieces of glue. Keep rubbing until the gun is clean. You may need to change out your paper towel and reapply the acetone from time to time. 8. **Disinfect the glue gun.** If you think your glue gun has come in contact with germs, you can wipe down the outside with a disinfectant. Don't use one that's flammable. Also, make sure your gun is unplugged and cool before applying the disinfectant. For instance, you can wipe it down with a solution of half vinegar, half water or a gentle commercial disinfectant. Dampen your cloth with the mixture. You don't want the cloth sopping, so wring it out. Wipe down the gun. Use a cloth dampened with clean water to wipe it off. Dry the glue gun off with a paper towel.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Care for an Outdoor Rabbit.,"If you choose to keep a pet rabbit outdoors either all or part of the time, proper precautions need to be taken to keep your bunny happy and healthy. Domesticated rabbits need an outdoor home that is spacious, secure, clean, dry, not too hot or cold, well-stocked with food and water, and not isolated from regular contact with humans and any rabbit friends. Help your furry friend live a life that is long enough and enjoyable enough to hop about! 1. **Decide if your rabbit should stay outdoors at all.** Traditionally, pet rabbits have often been kept outside in a pen or “hutch.” And, since you see wild bunnies hopping around all the time, you may assume that your pet will do fine outside as well. But there are many factors to consider. Some organizations now strongly urge that you keep house rabbits indoors at all times. Domesticated rabbits have lost the instincts and skills that keep their wild companions alive, and are not creatures that are suited for extreme conditions, or surprises (from predators or otherwise). Others contend that it is acceptable to keep rabbits outside during the daytime, when the risk of predators is lower. Even a secure enclosure may not keep your bunny safe from a raccoon, fox, or neighborhood cat. Still others still say that, with proper preparation and care, full-time outdoor living is fine. As your rabbit’s caretaker, the decision is yours. 2. **Feed your rabbit more than carrots.** Bugs Bunny may have done fine with a single-veggie diet, but real rabbits require lots of hay and diet diversity. The staple of your rabbit’s diet should be hay, which should be available at your pet supply store. This should make up about 75% of its diet. They should have hay access at all times. Pelleted food should also be a part of your rabbit's diet. Your rabbit should get 1 ounce of hay-based feed per 1 pound of their body weight once a day. Each day, you can add leafy greens as a treat and a handful of rabbit pellets, which offer important nutrients. 3. **Keep its home clean.** A rabbit will typically establish 1 or 2 litter areas in its enclosure (let the rabbit decide where, and then place a bunny litter box there), but keeping the area clean in general is important for health and happiness. Do some general clean-up daily, removing soiled straw, etc. Perform a more thorough cleaning at least every 1 to 2 weeks, removing and replacing bedding materials and the like. Soiled and/or damp bedding will encourage flies, which can bring on maggots that can infest your rabbit and cause “fly strike,” a potentially fatal illness. 4. **Some rabbits do better in pairs.** Wild rabbits are sociable creatures, and that quality has not been bred out of their domesticated cousins. So, if you’re going to have a pet rabbit, spend time with it, or consider giving it a friend or two. However, never bond unfixed rabbits as breeding for hormonal aggression can occur. Not all rabbits are happier with another, even when fixed. If you chose to house rabbits together, do so carefully. Check on your rabbit at least once or twice a day, and spend some time with it. Hold it, or let it roam free a bit (in your bathroom, for instance, or an outdoor “rabbit run” enclosure). some rabbits prefer a companion, so think about adding another compatible bunny — ideally of similar size and age. Make sure they are spayed or neutered, especially if you have boy and girl bunnies together — you know what they say about rabbits! 5. **Give your rabbit daily exercise and play time.** Rabbits are meant to be active creatures, running and hopping about, and need at least 3 hours of ""free range"" time per day for exercise. ""Free range,"" however, does not mean loose and unsupervised in the yard, unless you want your bunny pal to become lunch for your neighbor's cat. Your rabbit must either be supervised or placed in a secure ""bunny run"" that allows plenty of room for horizontal and vertical movement. Rabbits are also curious, sociable, and intelligent, and thus benefit from play time (and so will you!). Games like ""bunny bowling"" (the rabbit knocking over plastic pins), ""fetch"" (with you doing the fetching!), and ""cardboard castle"" (which is inevitably destroyed) are among the many play options. Rabbits enjoy playing with paper, cardboard, or untreated wood toys as well. Avoid treated wood and some varieties such as cherry, redwood, and peach, as these may be toxic. 6. **Prepare a proper home.** The days of thinking it acceptable to keep a pet rabbit in a small, isolated “hutch” are in the past. Rabbits need a dry, clean, ventilated, safe, well-placed, and relatively roomy home to thrive. Modern outdoor “hutches,” with multiple levels and/or rooms, are suitable for pet rabbits as long as the bottom isn't wood. Wood absorbs ammonia from the urine and can make your rabbit sick. You can also construct your own bunny home. Look for plans online, but make sure the home will be secure and relatively weather-tight. As 1 example, you can create an exercise pen (or “rabbit run”) for your bunny to use daily out of wooden framing, rabbit fencing, and a plywood top and vinyl or wire(galvanized pvc coated14 gauge 1""x1/2"" with) with rest surfaces . It should be at least 8 by 2.75 by 2.75 feet (2.44 by 0.84 by 0.84 m) to give your rabbit enough room to run and hop about. 7. **Protect your rabbit from predators and itself.** Making sure other animals can’t get in and your bunny can’t get out are essential. If you’ve ever had wild rabbits invade your flower bed or garden patch, you know they’ll eat just about anything. So, especially if your rabbit ever runs free in your enclosed yard, avoid having poisonous plants around. Also, anywhere your rabbit will be, take care to secure electrical wiring and keep it out of tooth-range. There are many plants that can be toxic for rabbits, including aloe, begonia, daffodil bulb, Easter lily, and geranium. Check before you give anything new to your rabbit. 8. **Keep things dry.** When it comes to an outdoor rabbit home, dampness leads to dirtiness leads to sickness, such as the “fly strike” as previously mentioned. Give your rabbit home a roof that resists rain — it can be plywood, corrugated panels, or even plastic sheeting or a tarpaulin. Repair and replace the roof as necessary to keep the rain out. During heavy rain or snow, consider moving your rabbit (by having a mobile home or second home) to a drier location such as a porch, garage, basement, or just in the main house. 9. **Beat the summer heat.** If you’ve spotted wild rabbits near your home in the summertime, they’ve probably been lounging in the shade or in a hole they’ve dug in your yard. Rabbits like to stay comfortably cool year-round. Place your rabbit’s home in a shady area, and/or provide shade with a roof or screening material. Make sure the enclosure is well-ventilated to prevent overheating, however. You can also try freezing plastic water bottles and putting them in the enclosure. This will provide your rabbit with some cool spots to lounge. Another tip, is to provide a tile or stone slat for the rabbit to lay it's belly on. Ventilation can also be a strength of a wire floor (galvanized14 gauge 1""x1/2""), but be sure to always have rest mats. If temperatures climbs too high, make sure to bring the rabbit inside as they can easily die of heatstroke at 82 degrees. Make sure your rabbit always has a fresh water supply in warm weather. 10. **Make winter warmer.** With a properly insulated and protected home, rabbits can withstand the winter cold, although you may consider just keeping them inside — at least at night — during the coldest time of year. Before winter arrives, repair the rabbit’s home, taking special care to fix any leaks or damp spots. Damp is bad, and damp and cold is especially bad for rabbit health. Add additional bedding as insulation. You can also line walls and floors with layers of newspaper. Consider covering areas of fencing with plastic sheeting, and covering the home with a tarp or blanket at night. You want to reduce drafts and hold in warmth, but make sure you allow some ventilation. You can purchase special heaters for a rabbit home, but make sure any electrical wiring is out of reach. There are also special bunny heating pads, or you can just nestle (securely closed) plastic bottles full of warm (not hot) water in the bedding several times per day. Check on your rabbit friend more often than usual in cold weather. Make sure its water supply is not frozen, and provide extra food to give it the energy it needs to fend off cold weather.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Stop Harassment.,"Harassment can make you feel frustrated, angry, or even scared — but you don't have to put up with it. To stop harassment, start by confronting your harasser and letting them know that their comments or actions are not welcome. If they persist, you may need to report the harassment to the proper authorities. If the person still won't leave you alone, you may want to consider filing for a restraining order against them. 1. **Identify the person harassing you.** When you confront your harasser, call them out by name. If you don't know their name, use a description that distinguishes them from other people around you. This can be especially helpful if someone is harassing you in a public place because it draws others' attention to the harassment. For example, if you're on a train and someone is harassing you, you might identify them as ""Man in the blue shirt"" or ""Woman in the red dress."" If you do know their name, address them strongly by their full name to call out the harassment. 2. **Tell your harasser that their comments or actions are not welcome.** Speak in a loud, clear voice with an even tone. After identifying your harasser, tell them explicitly to stop whatever they're doing that's harassing you. Some examples of what you might say include: ""John Davis, do not make those comments on my appearance. They constitute harassment."" ""Man in the blue shirt, do not touch me without my permission. That is harassment."" ""Rebecca Reed, I do not welcome or appreciate your advances. You are harassing me."" 3. **Let your harasser know what you want them to do.** After telling your harasser what you don't want them to do, you may want to add a statement about what kind of comments or actions are welcome. This is more appropriate if you're in a situation where you know the person harassing you. Some examples of things you might say include: ""Let's return to our discussion of this group project. We have a deadline looming."" ""I understand that you probably thought your comments were funny but I was offended. You're welcome to tell jokes that don't include that topic."" ""I would appreciate it if you kept our relationship on a purely professional level from now on."" 4. **Remove yourself from the situation if the person persists.** If the person continues harassing you after you've told them clearly that their behavior is not welcome, it's typically best for you to find a way to get away from them as quickly as possible. In situations where it isn't possible for you to completely leave, try to put as much space between you and your harasser as possible. For example, if you're on a train, you can move to another seat, another car, or put a person in between you. At a meeting or similar situation at work or school, find out if you can move to a different seat. 5. **Call an emergency number if you feel you are in danger.** Sometimes harassment can go too far. If you feel that the harasser is threatening your safety or well-being, call the emergency number, such as 911 in the US or 999 in the UK, immediately. Tell the operator where you are and what the person is doing. If your harasser is unknown to you, provide a description that is as detailed as possible. Take a photo or video of the person with your smartphone if possible. Keep in mind that the person will likely flee the scene before anyone arrives in response to your emergency call. However, the call still has the effect of stopping the harassment—at least for the time-being. 6. **Keep records of the harassment.** If you're planning to report the harassment to anyone, you'll need proof that the harassment took place. The type of proof you need depends on where and how the harassment happened. At a minimum, keep a personal log with the date, time, and location of the harassment along with your account of exactly what happened. If the person is calling or leaving voicemails, save the voicemails and your phone log to show the number of times they've called. If the person is sending you harassing text messages or other instant messages online, keep them but also screen cap them so you have another copy. You may also be able to get photos or videos of the harassment with your smartphone. If you're in public and there are bystanders, any of them might also have taken photos or videos. If anyone is around when the harassment occurs, ask them if they are willing to serve as a witness on your behalf. Take down their name and contact information. 7. **Tell your supervisor if you're at work.** If you're being harassed by a coworker, tell your supervisor or the individual your company has designated to handle harassment claims. There should be information about this in your employee handbook. If you don't have an employee handbook, talk to your direct supervisor about it. If you're being harassed by a supervisor, you typically would go to the person above them. That person would have the authority to get them to stop their behavior. If you're being harassed by someone at the top of the hierarchy for the company you work for, such as the owner of the business, talk to someone who has sway over them and can show them the error of their ways. 8. **Contact local police if you're being harassed at home or in public.** As long as you feel safe, call the police non-emergency line or go into the local precinct in person to file your report. Bring any evidence you have with you. Depending on your harasser's actions, they may be charged with a crime — but not without proof. Answer the officer's questions as completely and honestly as possible. When the officer is done interviewing you, ask for a copy of the written report. It may take a day or two for it to be ready. Typically, you can just go back down to the station and pick it up. Read over the written report carefully and make sure there aren't any errors in your story. If there are, let them know so they can be corrected. 9. **Get help from your phone company for phone harassment.** If someone is placing harassing or threatening phone calls to you, your phone company may be able to set up a phone trace or phone trap to get information about the person. This information typically is forwarded to local law enforcement. If possible, you might also try to block the person's number so they can't call you. Most of the time that will put a quick end to the problem. If you can't block the caller, you can still ignore their calls. If you answer the phone and it's them, simply hang up. Do not engage them at all — they'll just keep calling. If you don't want to go to the phone company or if your phone company can't help you, make the person think you did. Put a message on your voicemail that says something like: ""I can't come to the phone right now but you must leave a message. I've been receiving harassing phone calls and if you don't leave a message your call will be traced and the information forwarded to law enforcement."" 10. **Alert a website administrator about online harassment.** If you're harassed on a website or social media platform, you can let the company that owns the website or platform know about the harassment. Typically, they'll simply tell you to block the person. However, depending on what the person is saying, they may take additional steps, such as banning the person from the site. In some situations, you can also report online harassment to your local police. However, they typically won't do anything unless your harasser is local and known to you. 11. **Gather information about the harassment and the harasser.** You can't file a restraining order against a stranger. To request a restraining order, you must have some basic information about the person harassing you, such as their name and the address where they live. You'll also need to describe in detail the activities the person is doing that constitute harassment. Most courts go by a legal definition. If what they're doing doesn't fit into that legal definition, you might not be able to get a restraining order. 12. **Fill out a petition form at your local courthouse.** Courts have fill-in-the-blank forms available for anyone who wants to request a restraining order. These forms are relatively straightforward to complete so you shouldn't need to hire a lawyer. Basically, you'll need to provide information about yourself, your harasser, your relationship to your harasser, and what they're saying or doing to you. In addition to the court clerk's office, you can also typically pick up blank forms at some lawyer's offices, domestic violence shelters, and police precincts. Some courts also have the forms available online for you to download and print out. Some courts, such as UK courts, also require you to write an affidavit describing the harassment that occurred. Your affidavit is a statement under oath that you must sign at court or in the presence of a qualified lawyer. 13. **Submit your petition to the court clerk.** Once you've filled out and signed your forms, make at least 2 copies and take them to the clerk of the court in the county where you live. You can also file in the county where your harasser lives or in the county where the harassment is taking place. In most countries, there is no charge to file a petition for a restraining order. The court clerk will typically return the copies to you. One is for your records and the other needs to be delivered to your harasser. In some courts, the judge will hold a brief hearing immediately to issue a temporary restraining order. This order will remain in effect until the date of your full hearing. 14. **Have your harasser served with the petition.** If you have a temporary restraining order, it will only last until the date of your court hearing. Your harasser has to be given a chance to explain their side of the story or argue against the restraining order. Courts use the service process to ensure your harasser has knowledge of the hearing. Some courts take care of service for you. In others, you have to arrange for this on your own. Typically, you can have a sheriff's deputy or similar officer of the court hand-deliver the petition to your harasser. File proof of the service with the court and keep a copy for your records. If your harasser doesn't show up in court for the full hearing, you won't get your restraining order unless you can prove that they had notice of the hearing. 15. **Attend the court hearing to have your restraining order issued.** On the date your hearing is scheduled, arrive at the courthouse at least 30 minutes early. Bring with you all evidence you have of the harassment. If you have witnesses to the harassment who are willing to testify on your behalf, you can bring them as well. An attorney isn't necessary, but you can hire one to represent you if you wish. You can also bring along friends or family members for moral support. Keep in mind that your harasser may be there in the courtroom and they may ask you questions related to the restraining order. The court officers will protect you from any harm. When you talk to the judge, speak in a loud, clear voice. Explain the harassment, sticking to the facts of each incident or situation. If the judge asks you any questions, answer them honestly and completely. If the judge is convinced that the person is harassing you and is a threat to your safety or well-being, they will issue your restraining order. 16. **Keep copies of your restraining order with you at all times.** When the judge issues your written restraining order, immediately make multiple copies. Keep copies everywhere you frequent, such as your home, relatives' homes, work, or school. You should also keep a copy on your person at all times. In some places, you're also required to file a copy of your restraining order with your local police department. If you commute to school or live on-campus, you should also give a copy to campus security.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Wear a Mini Skirt?,"Mini skirts are fun fashion items that are never really out of style. They come in many different styles and can be added to many different types of outfits. To wear a mini skirt in a way that’s attractive and true to your style, choose the right cuts and materials, complete the outfit with cute accessories and tops, and remember to create coverage balance. 1. **Wear a skater mini for versatility.** Skater skirts, also known as circle skirts, flare out away from the body in a flattering, girly way. They’re usually worn around the waist, which makes them shorter, but also versatile. You can wear skater mini skirts all year around, and when styled correctly, you can wear them to work, date night, and weekend festivities. 2. **Show off your shape with a bodycon skirt.** If you go to a nightclub or bar, you’ll likely see many wearing this style. Bodycon mini skirts are very form-fitting and are often made of a thin fabric. Go for this mini when you’re wanting to embrace a sexy style. 3. **Wear a denim mini skirt for everyday style.** Denim minis are really easy to pair with clothing and accessories. When wearing this material, be sure to pick a top based on the fit of the skirt. If you have a looser, distressed denim mini, stick with a soft, comfy shirt. If you have a tighter, form-fitting skirt, go for a fitted shirt. 4. **Wear a layered mini to achieve sophistication.** Mini skirts with layers have soft folds that give off an elegant vibe. These minis are perfect for work or for brunch at a fancy restaurant with your girlfriends. 5. **Try a tasseled material in the summertime.** Tassels can make an otherwise normal mini feel uniquely western. Stand out in this style when the weather is warm. 6. **Choose an embellished mini for a night out.** A mini skirt made of sequins or embellished with a metallic pattern is perfect for going out. Tone the look down during the day with a simple shirt or vamp it up at night with some glamorous jewelry. 7. **Go quirky with a ruffled asymmetric skirt.** If you’re wanting to stand out, pick a skirt with some ruffles that has an interesting cut. An outfit with a fun piece like this can be trendy, feminine, and quirky all at the same time. 8. **Create a sleek look with a bodysuit.** When wearing mini skirts, tucked in shirts can get bunched up underneath. Wear a bodysuit underneath your mini so that you don’t have to worry about keeping your shirt neatly tucked in. Bodysuits also give your upper body a fitted, sleek silhouette. 9. **Pair bold colors and patterns with solid neutrals.** When you’ve picked a mini that has a busy pattern or vibrant colors, it’s best to go simple elsewhere so that your look isn’t overwhelming. Try wearing a solid black top and black heels with a fun, bold skirt. 10. **Go casual with a graphic T and some skater sneakers.** While skirts are easy to dress up, they can also be dressed down. If you’re wanting to give off a more relaxed vibe, pair your tight mini skirt with a band t-shirt and some Chuck Taylors or Vans. 11. **Add in some menswear-inspired pieces to create contrast.** Mini skirts can look very feminine on their own, so complete your outfit with some less feminine clothing if your style isn’t ultra-girly. Try wearing a blazer and brown loafers with your mini. 12. **Elongate your legs with flats.** Contrary to popular belief, flats will actually elongate your legs more than stilettos will. Accesorize your mini with a pair of ballerina flats instead of reaching for your heels. 13. **Add a feminine touch with nude pumps.** If you want to wear heels with your skirt, try a pair of nude pointy-toe pumps. These will add femininity to the outfit in a classy way. 14. **Carry a small handbag.** Stylistically, a mini hand bag fits best with a mini skirt. Stay away from bags with long handles and/or cross-body purses. These may pull your skirt up and reveal your underwear. 15. **Wear tights with your mini during winter.** Stay stylish and warm during the colder months by throwing on a pair of tights underneath your favorite mini. This can be a good way of showing off your legs without showing too much skin. 16. **Cover your arms with a long-sleeve shirt.** If you’re going without tights and the weather isn’t too warm, a long-sleeved top can complement your skirt very well. A cute long sleeve shirt with a higher neckline will keep you from feeling too exposed. 17. **Balance a mini and crop top with an oversized jacket.** A crop top and a tight mini can make for a really attractive outfit, but may feel a little revealing if you’re wearing it somewhere other than a late night party. Put on a stylish bulky leather jacket or wool coat over your outfit so that you can create a desirable contrast. 18. **Wear a sheer overlay.** Much like tights, sheer overlays create the illusion of covering up. This is a great alternative to tights when you want to wear a mini conservatively but it’s hot outside. Try throwing a flowy see-through lace dress over a black mini and black camisole.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Clean Ugg Slippers?,"Ugg slippers are so soft and comfy. They are really great at keeping your feet warm and protected. But these can be quite pricey slippers, so you want to make sure to keep them properly cleaned. By spending a bit of time on cleaning your Ugg slippers, it will make them last longer. You can wipe the suede material with a damp cloth, use a protectant spray, or even work out specific stains with chalk or other specialty cleaning items. 1. **Wipe with a microfiber cloth.** Using a microfiber cloth is a great way to clean your Ugg slippers on a regular basis. Simply run the microfiber cloth across the surface of the slippers, being careful not to press too hard to fray the suede or sheepskin material. Depending on how often you wear your Ugg slippers, you should do this approximately once every two weeks. 2. **Brush the slippers.** Use a suede brush to gently brush the Ugg slippers about once every week or so. Brushing your slippers regularly will help clean off any existing dust and dirt, while also preventing them from getting dirtier over time. Gently stroke the suede all over the entire slippers. Try to move in the same direction all the way around to avoid making any irregularities in the fabric. 3. **Use a cleaning spray.** Spray a small amount of cleaning solution on a sponge. You can purchase one directly from UGG – like the UGG Sheepskin Cleaner and Conditioner – or use another product that works for suede or sheepskin material. Use the sponge to gently dab at the surface of the slippers and clean away any dirt or other residue. After cleaning, be sure to let the slippers dry completely before wearing them again. You should let them dry for at least 24 hours in a cool place out of direct sunlight. 4. **Use a pencil eraser.** If you have stains on the outside of your Ugg slippers, try using a large eraser to clean them. Simply use the eraser to outline the stain. Then gently scrub the area where the stain is. Be careful not to scrub too hard, as this could damage the sheepskin material. 5. **Clean with vinegar.** Combine ⁄2  c (120 mL) of warm water and ⁄2  c (120 mL) of distilled white vinegar in a small bowl. Take a washrag and dip it in the mixture. You want the washrag to be damp, not soaking wet. Dab at the stain with the washrag and gently rub the stain out. Remember that too much water can damage the sheepskin, so don't saturate the washrag. 6. **Use chalk to remove oil or grease.** If you get an oil or grease stain on your Ugg slippers, try using a bit of chalk to get it out. Just sprinkle some of the chalk onto the stain and let it sit overnight. The grease will absorb into the chalk and leave your Ugg slippers looking brand new. In the morning, brush away the chalk and the stain will wipe away with it. You can also use cornstarch and talcum powder instead of chalk. 7. **Scrub the dirty fleece lining.** Clean out any hair or debris that has accumulated in the bottom of your Ugg slippers. Then pour a few drops of mild dishwashing liquid on a damp washrag and scrub the insides of your slippers. Don't use too much dishwashing liquid or the insides will get too soapy and it will be hard to clean out. And make sure your washrag is just damp – not dripping wet. You don't want too much water inside the slippers. 8. **Spray them with a protectant seal.** The sensitive suede on your Ugg slippers should be protected. You can purchase a spray from UGG directly or you can use other protective sprays intended for use on suede or sheepskin items. Spray the solution on the slippers and let them dry completely – usually for one day – before wearing them again. Be sure to spray the slippers outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. 9. **Store your Uggs in a clean, dry place.** Since Ugg slippers can be slightly difficult to clean at times, it's important to take proper care when storing them when you aren't wearing them. Try to keep your Ugg slippers in a clean place away from any dust or dirt accumulation – like in a closet or drawer. Because of the suede material, you don't want to keep them in a damp place that could ruin the fabric over time. Keep your Ugg slippers in a dry place instead of somewhere where moisture could reach them – like the bathroom or garage. 10. **Avoid wearing your slippers in dirty areas.** Ugg slippers are mainly intended for indoor use around the house. Even though they have a hard sole, you should try to avoid wearing them outside – especially in areas that are particularly dirty. Try not to track your Ugg slippers through mud or other inclement weather that could damage or permanently stain your slippers.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Identify Common Poisonous Berries in North America.,"Now how does one know which berries are edible? The best way is to learn about various species of harmful berries. Although eating a lethal berry just one time will not harm you, it will cause serious discomfort. While this list cannot cover every poisonous berry in North America, it will give you a solid set of guidelines from which to work. 1. **Stay away from berries on plants with spines, bitter smells, or milky sap.** In general, the following plants are not safe for humans to eat, including the berries. You should check for: Milky or odd-colored saps. Berries or nuts in pods and bulbs Bitter or soapy taste Spines or small pointy hairs Pink, purple, or black spurs. Three-leaved growth pattern (like poison ivy) 2. **When in any doubt, do not eat wild berries!** At the end of the day, there are very few circumstances where the minuscule amount of calories in berries are worth the risk of getting sick. Even in a survival scenario, it is not worth the risk. Diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea all strip you of vital fluids and sugars, putting you in far more danger than you would have been without the small bit of food. Just because you see an animal eat a berry mean they are safe for humans, this is especially tempting if the animal is a mammal. 3. **Stay away from white, yellow, and green berries.** In most cases (some botanists guess as high as 90%), these three colors indicate poisonous berries. While a knowledgeable camper might be able to name or find some exceptions, the best rule is to avoid all white, yellow, and green unless you're sure it is safe. Red berries are roughly 50% safe to eat, so some basic testing may show you what is safe and what isn't. If they are in clusters -- usually bad. Solo berries -- usually okay. In general, blue, black, and aggregated berries (ie. raspberries, blackberries, etc.) are safe to eat. There are, however, some exceptions (Pokeberry, with its bright pink stalk and dark berries, is very toxic). 4. **Smash the berries to test the juice on your forearm, lips, and tongue.** A good way to check berries in a pinch is to see if the juices cause any irritation. First, crush the berry on your arm, waiting five minutes or so to see if you get irritated. Then repeat the process on your lips and gums. Finally, chew a berry for 10-15 minutes, but don't swallow it. If none of this causes irritation, move on to the next step. Only test one berry at a time. These tests are useless if you can't tell which of the two berries is causing the problem. 5. **Eat 1-2 berries and wait 20 minutes if you absolutely must get something to eat.** If you're in serious doubt, it is best to move on. But if you need the berries for survival, you should eat slowly, seeing how your body reacts. Within 20 minutes you should see symptoms if you're going to get sick. Even if you're fine after 20 minutes, keep eating slowly. Pace the berries out over a long time to prevent any toxins from gathering and give you time to adjust or note problems. If the berry tastes terrible, then this is a good indicator that it may be poisonous. 6. **Always look up or carry plant identification information when going to new environments.** There are not a lot of hard and fast rules about berries because there is such a large variety. If you are going on a hike or an expedition, carry a book with the names, pictures, and descriptions of berries. This way you’ll know which berry you are looking at. 7. **Know the symptoms of berry poisoning.** You will likely experience intense digestive disturbance and nervous symptoms. In general, if the following symptoms appear within a few hours of eating the berries, see a doctor immediately: Nausea Vomiting Dizziness Diarrhea Convulsions Blurred vision Cramps 8. **Avoid any areas sprayed with herbicide, pesticides, or other chemicals.** Otherwise fine berries can turn toxic in an instant if covered in chemicals. Smell the berries beforehand, and steer clear of areas near farms, homesteads, or large gardens to be safe. If you know a berry is safe, but are worried about pesticides, you can still rinse the berries off in clean water and eat them safely. Chemical poisoning will often bring the same symptoms as poisonous berries. 9. **Stay away from dark blue Virginia creepers.** They have five-fingered leaves, grow tall, and are popular as a wall creeper. The berries are dark and blue. They are sometimes confused with the three-fingered poison ivy. 10. **Note the dark purple, flat berries of the Pokeweed.** The plant is also called poke, inkberry or garget. This is a tall and bushy plant. The flowers grow in long, bright pink clusters and the berries resemble dark blueberries. They look very, very appetizing. They are not. 11. **Avoid the orange-yellow, encapsulated Bittersweet berries.** This plant is easy to identify. Its berry is enclosed by an orange-yellow capsule. Make sure you do not eat them. Image of Bittersweets 12. **Steer clear of Deadly Nightshade, also known as belladonna, or jimsonweed.** Many other plants in the nightshade (Solanaceae) family, such as potatoes, are not deadly. Deadly nightshade flowers are white or purple and are star shaped. They are mostly found in warm regions, such as in tropical America. They are mostly found as creepers. All parts, especially the unripened berry is poisonous. There are serious and often deadly symptoms after consumption. 13. **Never eat Ivy berries of any variety.** They are green creepers, commonly climbing up trees or hanging low to the ground. They have dark green, waxy leaves. They also called English ivy, Japanese ivy, etc. They are native to Europe and temperate Asia. The berries are poisonous and are white when ripe. The berries are usually very bitter, making you unlikely to like them anyway. 14. **Stick away from Yew leaves and berries.** The foliage is more toxic than the berries. Death is usually sudden without any symptoms. The berries are fleshy in appearance and bright scarlet. They have a cup-like depression at the base. The berry itself is not dangerous, but you should still The seeds can cause instant death. 15. **Kiss under Mistletoe but stay away from the berries.** This plant grows and survives on other plants. This parasitic plant has yellowish flowers, small, yellow- green leaves, and waxy, white berries. It has not been established if these berries are harmful to humans or not at all points of the life cycle, but it is best to avoid them always to be safe. 16. **Stay away from Holly.** The Christmas bush has pointy, waxy leaves and bright-red berry clusters. One or two might not cause issues, but 15-20 can be fatal. 17. **Don't eat Dogwood berries.** Found in the eastern US in fall and winter, these dark red berries (with small, brown tips at the end), usually come in small clusters. The leaves are broad and rounded. While not deadly, you won't be having fun for the next few hours. 18. **Stay away from Cotoneaster's big red berry bushels.** This evergreen plant has long branches that often point up. They are often so heavy in bright-red, round berries that the branches are hidden. They resemble small, upside-down tomatoes, complete with little brown ""leaves"" at the end of the berry. 19. **Pass on the yellow-orange American Bittersweet.** Resembling little lemons mixed with grapes, the yellow berries come in big bunches. They have a little yellow tail at the end of them. American Bittersweet is common in the mid-Atlantic region of the US.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Stop Twitching in Your Sleep?,"Twitching, which is a sudden, involuntary movement that can occur at any time, even in a deep sleep, can disrupt your sleep and reduce your overall health and well-being. There are many different causes of nighttime twitching, many of which are treatable. While some causes may require medical treatment, you can often stop or reduce twitching with basic lifestyle adjustments. For instance, relaxing before bed, exercising, and eating a balanced diet can all help fight twitching. 1. **Meditate.** Listen to a guided meditation right before bed. Videos and recordings are freely available online, and you don’t need to do any research about meditation to begin using this relaxation technique. The benefits of meditation revolve around the practice’s ability to distract you from thoughts and feelings that may be causing you physical turmoil, even while you sleep. Guided meditations will give your clear, simple instructions that are easy to follow. When choosing a guided meditation, be sure to choose a video or recording with a voice and pace that you enjoy. It’s best to choose a video earlier in the day and save it for use later. 2. **Focus on your breath.** One particularly effective meditation technique involves practicing mindfulness. To do so, simply focus your attention entirely on one thing, such as your breath. For instance, think about how it feels as air enters and exits your body. It may also help to repeat the same thought with each breath. For instance, simply think the word “relax” each time your exhale. Mindfulness has consistently been proven to help increase both the quality and the duration of people’s sleep, and to decrease the number of disturbances people experience while sleeping. In fact, mindfulness has been proven equally as effective as some medications in treating sleep-related conditions. When thoughts arise that momentarily distract you, simply push them away. Do not contemplate why you are thinking certain things, or become angry with yourself. Simply let the thought go and return your focus to whatever you’d been meditating on. 3. **Try progressive muscle relaxation.** This is both a physical and mental exercise that can help calm both your body and mind. By focusing on specific muscles, you draw your mind away from stress, and wind up relaxing your muscles in the process. Do the exercise right before or after climbing into bed, and whatever position you feel most comfortable. Before you begin, take a minute to focus on your breath. Breathe deeply and slowly. After a deep inhale, flex the muscles of your toes and feet and count to four. Exhale slowly and allows your muscles to relax. Repeat the process for your different muscle groups, moving up your body. For instance, after the next inhalation, flex the muscles in your lower legs. Continue to your upper legs, abdomen and lower back, chest and upper back, fingers and hands, lower arms, upper arms, and shoulders and neck. Finally, after another deep inhalation, flex the muscles of your face. You will likely have to make a funny face to do so. On the final inhalation of a complete cycle, tense all of the muscles in your body. After holding the tension for a count of four, release this tension as you slowly exhale. Repeat the entire process three times through. As with many relaxation exercises, you can find free videos and recordings online that will guide you through progressive muscles relaxation. 4. **Do deep breathing exercises.** Many meditation and other relaxation exercises benefit from deep breathing. In fact, deep breathing alone can relax your muscles, slow your heart rate, reduce anxiety, and diminish disturbing thoughts. There are two main factors to be mindful of while learning to breathe more deeply. First, breathe all the way into your abdomen. Second, maintain a slow and steady breathing rate. More specifically, start by closing your eyes and focusing your attention on your breath. Place one hand on your lower belly, and the other on your upper chest. Inhale through your nose for five seconds, trying to bring your breath as deep into your body as possible. Your goal is making the hand on your belly rise, while the hand on your chest only moves a bit. While this may be challenging, you can quickly improve your ability to do so with practice. After inhaling, hold your breath for five seconds, and exhale for five seconds. Repeat this breathing practice for five minutes. Even better, do this breathing practice lying in bed as you wait to fall asleep. Not only will it help you do so, it will help your body and mind calm down as they drift off the sleep. Find a free video online to help guide you through a few deep breathing exercises if you’re just learning. Many include visual reminders to help you keep a steady pace, for instance. 5. **Consult your doctor.** Speak with a physician if twitching is preventing you from getting consistent rest. While you may have an idea about what’s contributing to your twitching, it’s important to rule out a serious condition that may require medical treatment. 6. **Do a sleep study.** You physician may recommend a sleep study. You may even want to ask about whether or not doing so, even if they don’t bring it up. Medical professionals will monitor your body and brain activity as you sleep, which will help them determine the cause of your twitching. 7. **Consider whether you may be experiencing sleep tremors.** It can be hard to describe what nighttime twitches feel like, let alone diagnose their cause. To help you do so, it can be helpful to weigh the likelihood of different causes. Does the twitching most commonly occur in your hands, arms, legs, and face? If so, you may be experiencing sleep tremors. Talk to your doctor to ensure you do not have a neurological disorder. Meanwhile, reduce your alcohol consumption, as drinking is another common cause of sleep tremors. 8. **Monitor when twitching occurs.** Another likely type of twitching you may be experiencing is actually a condition called sleep myoclonus. These types of twitches can appear repeatedly or singularly. Their distinguishing factor is that they occur during the initial stages of sleep. Though these types of twitches are very common, it’s important to mention them to your doctor. Since the timing of your twitches matter, get in the habit of writing down the time whenever a twitch prevents you from falling asleep or wakes you up. Share this information with your doctor. Twitching of this sort may indicate restless legs syndrome or other sleep issues that can prevent you from getting quality rest. 9. **Identify a sleep convulsion.** You may also be experiencing convulsions. If involuntary spasms afflict one or two limbs in particular and last for a minute or two, it is likely a convulsion. Note which limbs are affected, as well as any changes in consciousness, as well as your temperature. Convulsions may be a symptom of a serious health condition, including a head injury, heart disease, epilepsy, or low blood sugar. 10. **Seek help for dystonia.** Dystonia is a movement disorder in which your muscles contract uncontrollably. It requires medical treatment to control. Some early symptoms to watch for include: Speech problems Uncontrollable blinking Pulling sensation in your neck Foot cramps Dragging your leg 11. **Rule out REM behavior disorder.** If you’re twitching during REM sleep, you are less likely to notice, though you may actually be twitching quite aggressively. This occurs when your muscles have muscle spasms, reacting and twitching in an attempt to keep up with your dreams. If you find yourself waking in the middle of night, or a partner tells you you’ve been twitching heavily at night, talk to your doctor about REM behavior disorder. 12. **Exercise every day.** One of the best ways to reduce nighttime twitching is by staying active. Exercise not only makes your body healthier, it reduces anxiety and helps you fall asleep more quickly as well Even if only for a jog around the block, get in the habit of exercising moderately for at least 30-45 minutes every day. Other good exercise options include bicycling to work or going for a swim. 13. **Keep a consistent bedtime routine.** Another helpful methods to get higher quality sleep is keeping a regular bedtime routine. Most importantly, try to go to bed at the same time every night. Further, do the same sequence of activities before going to sleep each night. For instance, do a relaxing yoga routine, take a warm shower, and read for fifteen minutes before lights out every night. 14. **Eat plenty of magnesium.** One of the nutrients that it most important to a good night’s rest is magnesium. The best way to make sure you’re getting enough is by eating foods rich in magnesium. These include nuts and seeds, legumes, and green vegetables. 15. **Adjust what you consume before bed.** There are several things that people commonly consume that may be contributing to your nighttime twitching. The most likely culprits are medication, alcohol, or caffeine. If you can, take medications earlier in the day. Keep alcohol consumption to one drink per day for females and two per day for males. 16. **Stay hydrated.** Another way to immediately improve your general health and likely reduce twitches at night is drinking more water. Shoot for eight 8-ounce cups of water per day. Additionally, limit your consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and soda, as these beverages will actually dehydrate you. 17. **Address potential vitamin deficiencies.** A balanced diet is important to all aspects of your health, including sleeping. Other important minerals to ensuring a good night’s rest include folate, zinc, calcium, and iron. If your diet does not contain adequate amounts of these nutrients, talk to your doctor about taking nutritional supplements. This alone may reduce twitching symptoms.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Make a Casserole.,"Casserole is French word for ""saucepan,"" and like the French cassoulet, refers to any recipe baked in the dish of which it shares its name. In a casserole, any variety of starches, meats, and vegetables may be combined and baked together to create a meal. Casseroles can be a great way to combine leftover ingredients into a single dish, stretch a small amount of protein into a full meal, or reinvigorate old stale foods and give them some new life. Because many casseroles follow a similar prep, the basics are covered first, with more specific recipes for pasta, rice, and vegetable-based casseroles to follow. See Step 1 for more information. 1. **Get a good-quality casserole dish.** Casseroles are made by combining a variety of starches, meats, vegetables, and other ingredients, sometimes raw and sometimes cooked, into the dish and baking them in a casserole dish. Casserole dishes are traditionally square or rectangular baking pans, usually made of Pyrex, aluminized steel, or earthenware. Often, casseroles are quite hearty, topped with cheese or breadcrumbs. 2. **Choose a starch.** Most casseroles use as their base some variety of starch, which will form the most substantial content of the casserole. Typically pre or par-cooked before being added to the casserole dish, using starches as a base is a good way to stretch a little bit of protein or vegetables into a full meal. While casseroles are amenable to any variety of ingredients, most tend to use the following: . Pre-cooked potatoes can make an excellent base for breakfast or dinner casseroles, or as a topping to shepherd's pie in it's mashed form. If you want to use potato in your casserole, you can purchase frozen hash browns or parboil peeled and quartered raw potato until fork-tender. It goes especially well with beef, or other red meats. . From egg noodles to mostaccioli, pasta makes a perfect base for a casserole. Mixed with any variety of sauce or cheese, pasta casseroles can be made both sweet and savory, perfect for any time of the year. Lasagna is the classic of the genre, but experiment with different pastas to find what you like best. . Common in both Middle Eastern and Midwestern American cuisine, rice-based casseroles go particularly well with chicken or other poultry. Basic white rice is good to start with, but wild rice, jasmine rice, or even black rice can make casseroles surprising and complex. . Why stop at rice? Quinoa, barley, wheat berries, oatmeal, or any combination of whole grains can make a substantial and healthy casserole, especially when combined with rice. Egyptian koshari, which can be made as a casserole, features pasta, lentils, and rice as an idiosyncratic base for its spices and flavors. Why not? 3. **Choose a meat, vegetable, or a combination of the two.** For most casseroles, you'll sauté the proteins and vegetables briefly in a skillet, then finish them off in the casserole dish, topped with breadcrumbs or cheese. For that reason, you can almost think of a casserole like a stir fry that you bake at the end. through before being added to the casserole dish. Casserole recipes that feature a lot of liquid, however, will sometimes call for raw meat to be added to cook everything at the same time. It's possible to do both. make excellent additions to any casserole. Because everything is cooked together, casseroles are an excellent way to spice up somewhat bland vegetables. , green or brown lentils make an excellent substitution for the meat in most casserole recipes. Commercial meat substitutes, like seitan or tofu-based meat alternatives are amenable to the casserole as well. 4. **Choose a binder that will keep everything together.** For lots of casseroles, a sauce or egg mixture will be added to the ingredients to keep everything bound together. In Midwestern cuisine, this often takes the form of Cream of Mushroom soup, but béchamel, curry, whipped egg, pasta sauce, or other ingredients are likewise common, depending on the ingredients used. 5. **Sautee the ingredients and combine in a greased casserole dish.** Meats should be cooked through and vegetables should have the crunch taken off, but should still be somewhat firm before being added to the casserole dish. Before adding ingredients, it's a good idea to grease the pan with butter or oil. Depending on the casserole, you might like to layer the ingredients into separate layers, as with a lasagna or a moussaka, or mix the ingredients. 6. **Bake covered for the majority of the cooking time.** Depending on the topping you use and the kind of texture you're looking for, it's common to cover your casserole with aluminum foil or a lid, and bake between 350 and 425 F. The cooking time will vary, depending on the ingredients and the amounts. For casseroles in which all the ingredients are cooked ahead of time, and you're just trying to melt cheese, you only need 10 or 15 minutes in the oven to finish the job. If you want to cook rice in liquid, you're looking at a cooking time closer to 45 minutes or an hour. 7. **Uncover the casserole and add the topping, then broil to finish it.** If you want a cheesy or crunchy top to your casserole, don't add it ahead of time, or it'll be a soggy mess. Wait until you've cooked the casserole through, then remove the cover, add your topping, and broil the casserole to finish it. Common toppings include: shoestring potatoes French onions parmesan cheese potato chip crumbs cracker crumbs mashed potato 8. **Make baked macaroni and cheese** One of the easiest and most delicious simple casseroles to make is a baked macaroni and cheese. By varying the ratio of cheese-to-macaroni, you can make yours gooier or more firm, depending on how you like it. for a square-shaped casserole dish and a full box for a rectangular dish. Cook until al dente, then rinse with cool water to stop them from cooking and put them in a greased casserole dish. , then whisk in about two tablespoons of flour and brown it to make the roux, while it clumps up. Keep stirring it, or it'll burn quickly. When it browns, add 2 cups of whole milk, a little at a time, whisking vigorously, to integrate the flour and thicken things. after the milk has been added, and let the roux thicken. When it bubbles, add about 8 oz. of shredded sharp cheddar cheese, or whatever kind of cheese you like, melting the cheese in. Cheddar is most common, but mix it up by adding half cheddar and half pepper jack, or mozzarella. Use your favorite kind. . Common additions might include sautéed mushrooms, ground beef or sausage, raw tomato slices, onions and garlic. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes, then top with breadcrumbs or parmesan cheese and broil to finish. , add more milk at the beginning, and use fewer noodles. , make less sauce, enough to just coat the noodles and add a significant amount of breadcrumbs to the top. 9. **Make tuna casserole** Tuna casserole, or tuna-noodle casserole, is Midwestern cooking at its commonest. Using egg noodles, canned tuna, and cream of mushroom soup, it's a quick and hearty meal that you can derive from cheap pantry ingredients. until al dente, and rinse them in cool water to stop the cooking. , mix one can of cream of mushroom soup with a half cup of water, one drained can of solid white albacore tuna, and a cup and a half of frozen peas. Salt and pepper to taste. might include cheddar cheese, chopped pimento or black olive, frozen carrots, or using canned salmon instead of tuna. for about half an hour, then remove to add breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese for a topping. Broil to finish. 10. **Make lasagna** To make a basic lasagna, you can layer cooked lasagna noodles, mozzarella, parmesan, or ricotta cheese (or, better yet, all three) and marinara sauce in a casserole dish and bake until the cheese is melted and warm and delicious. and meat you'd like in your lasagna before adding sauce to the skillet. Spinach, mushrooms, eggplant and sausage are all common additions. Layer noodles, then sauce mixture, then cheese until you fill the pan. It's common to top lasagna with a beaten egg and parmesan cheese to create a nice golden crunch on top. for 25 minutes and then remove the cover and bake an additional 25 minutes. Before cutting into it, let it stand for 15 minutes. 11. **Make turkey with wild rice casserole** A great way to revitalize leftover poultry is to cook it up as part of a casserole with fragrant wild rice and vegetables. One of the great things about cooking a rice-based casserole is that you have the option of cooking the rice in the oven, alongside the other ingredients, or you can use pre-cooked rice in the casserole if you've got it on hand. This option is available for any rice-dish you make in the oven. . Add half a white onion, chopped, and a few cloves of minced garlic, to your taste. When the onion is translucent, stir in two chopped carrots (about a cup), a stalk of chopped celery, and about a pound of turkey breast, cut into bite-sized chunks. Brown the turkey, cooking about 2 or 3 minutes. , or whatever kind of rice you like, with 2 1/2 cups of water, a can of condensed cream of mushroom soup, and a sprinkling of a half-teaspoon each of marjoram, thyme, and rosemary. Add a teaspoon of salt and pepper to taste, then mix in the chicken mixture and stir thoroughly. Bake covered at 375 for about 30 minutes. Remove when the rice is cooked and the liquid has mostly evaporated. might include chicken or other poultry for turkey, and the addition of frozen peas, water chestnuts, pimento, fresh chopped mushrooms, green beans, or asparagus. Add whatever you like, and remove what you don't. Cream of chicken soup would also be perfectly effective to use as a thickener, or you could leave out the soup altogether and use a cup of cream or milk. 12. **Make a chicken biryani casserole** Most commonly associated with Indian cuisine, biryani is actually a Persian dish, originally. While not traditionally prepared as a casserole, mixing curried chicken and cooked basmati rice in a casserole dish can be a nice change of pace from the cream of mushroom tradition. It smells delicious and tastes even better. , fry half a small white or yellow onion in butter (or clarified butter, called ghee) with a bay leaf, two cracked cardamom pods, and a tsp. of whole cloves (5-10 cloves). Add three cups of basmati rice and stir in the spicy butter until it becomes translucent, then add about 6 cups of water and cook over low heat, covered, for about 40 minutes, or until all the water is absorbed. Remove from the heat and set the rice aside. If you don't have the whole spices, substitute two tsp. of powdered spice. , marinade 6 or 7 chicken drumsticks and thighs in a mixture of coconut milk (about a quarter cup) with chopped cilantro and mint (about a half-cup of each), a tablespoon of dried cumin, a tablespoon of dried coriander, and half a bulb of chopped garlic. Make little slits in the chicken, then rub with the marinade and let sit in the refrigerator overnight. , fry a whole chopped white onion in butter or ghee and add 5 cloves of minced garlic and a two-inch piece of ginger, chopped. Add 5-7 whole cloves, a cinnamon stick, a tsp. of turmeric, a tablespoon of dried cumin, tablespoon of dried coriander powder, and a tsp. of gram masala. Stir the onion and dried spices together for about a minute so it doesn't burn, then add a cup of coconut milk, two cups of water, and stir everything together thoroughly to mix. When it boils, add the chicken, then cover and cook over medium-low heat for 30 minutes until the chicken is cooked through. , line the bottom of the casserole dish with half the rice, then top with the chicken and curry sauce. Add the rest of the rice on top, cover with foil, and bake at 350 F for about 40 minutes. Check about halfway through the cooking time to make sure the rice isn't drying out. 13. **Make green bean casserole.** A savory staple of many a Midwestern American holiday meal, green bean casserole is a creamy baked side dish made with few ingredients. If there was ever a recipe that cream of mushroom made necessary, it is this. , mix together about 4 cups of cooked green beans, cut into bite-sized pieces, and one can of condensed cream of mushroom soup. , a few dashes of soy sauce, to taste, and salt and pepper to taste. and bake at 350 F for about 20 minutes until it gets warmed through and bubbling. Top with about a cup of fried French onions and let them brown in the oven for about five minutes. Serve hot. 14. **Make summer squash casserole.** Summer squash like yellow crookneck or zucchini have a tendency to be pretty bland on their own, but baked up with cheese and crunchy topping can take them to the next level. (roughly 2 medium squash) and sauté them over medium heat in some olive or coconut oil and half a chopped onion, then combine with ¾ of a cup of water, 2 beaten eggs, a cup of shredded cheddar cheese (or whatever kind of cheese you prefer), and salt and pepper to taste. and spread into a casserole dish. Top the mixture with crunched up cracker crumbs, or breadcrumbs if you prefer, dotted with a tablespoon of butter. Bake at 400 F for 20 minutes, or until golden and firm. might include cherry tomatoes, fresh dill, basil, or other summer herbs, and bacon. The same recipe would also work for winter squash that had been par-baked, and would be great combined with other root vegetables like sweet potato and carrot. 15. **Make broccoli-cauliflower casserole.** To liven up cruciferous vegetables, you can't go wrong with cheese. Thickened with a simple roux and baked under breadcrumbs, it's a delicious, if not super-healthy, way to eat your broccoli. Start by chopping a head of broccoli and about half a head of cauliflower into bite-sized pieces, or by defrosting a package of each, if you want to use the frozen variety. over medium heat in butter, then add two tablespoons of flour to start the roux. , browning the flour, then add about two cups of milk, whisking to thicken. When it bubbles and gets thick, add a quarter-cup of parmesan cheese and a half a package (about 4 oz) of cream cheese. with a teaspoon each of thyme, oregano, and dill. If you like a little kick, this works great with about a quarter teaspoon of cayenne, as well. and spoon into a casserole dish. Top with breadcrumbs and a sprinkling of parmesan cheese, then bake at 350 F for about 40 minutes. 16. **Make roasted winter squash and quinoa casserole.** A common complaint about vegetable casseroles is that the cheese and cream outweighs the nutritional benefits of the vegetables. While cream-of-mushroom and other varieties of cheesy casserole may taste good, there are perhaps more nutritional ways of preparing vegetables. Mixing quinoa--a perfect protein, as well as a delicious and hearty grain--with hearty roasted butternut squash fits the bill of healthy and tasty casserole. Roast one medium-sized butternut squash at 400 F, after slicing it in half and scooping out the seeds. Drizzle a little olive oil on top of the squash and roast in a roasting pan for about 20 minutes, until soft. If you'd prefer chunks of squash, rather than mashed, you can peel the squash and chop it into bite-sized chunks before roasting. , chopped, with 2-3 cloves of minced garlic in olive oil. When the onion is translucent, add a teaspoon of dried sage, or a tablespoon of fresh chopped sage, and one cup of quinoa. Stir to coat the quinoa, then add a cup and a half of water. , then simmer over medium-low heat, covered, for about fifteen minutes, until all the water is absorbed. Add salt and pepper to taste, then stir in a cup and a half of chopped spinach or kale, a quarter cup each of dried cranberries and chopped walnuts, and two beaten eggs. , combine the quinoa mixture with the roasted squash. If you want, you can add a half cup of shredded swiss cheese, on top or mixed in, or leave the cheese off entirely if you wish. Return to the oven and bake for about 40 minutes. 17. **Try tater-tot hotdish from the American Midwest** It doesn't get any more Midwestern than tater tots and ground beef. It also doesn't get any easier or more nostalgic. Childhood comfort food at its finest. , seasoning to your taste. If you like it a little spicy, add some chili powder or cayenne. It's also common to add garlic and onions. , when the meat is cooked, and add two cans of whatever vegetables you like. Green beans are common, as well as peas, corn, or some combination of the above. Frozen vegetables are likewise fine. and top with a bag of frozen tater-tots, then bake at 350 degrees for about an hour, or until the tater tots are golden brown and crispy. Serve it up with tabasco, and it's winter in Minnesota. 18. **Make Mediterranean moussaka** Moussaka is a lot like lasagna, but with potato and eggplant instead of noodles, and meat sauce and béchamel instead of marinara and mozzarella. It's delicious. Start with a basic meat sauce, made with a pound of browned ground beef, garlic, and onions, spiced with cinnamon and oregano, as well as salt and pepper to taste. Add a half cup of red wine, a half can of tomato paste, and some lemon zest. Simmer uncovered for about 20 minutes, then turn off the heat. , and 2-3 medium-sized potatoes, then slice into equal rounds, about a quarter-inch thick. Boil the potato rounds in salted water for about 7 minutes, until fork-tender, and grill the eggplant slices, or sauté them in the skillet to cook them through. It's usually best to salt the eggplant and allow them to sit for about 15 minutes before cooking them, to release some of the moisture. In a skillet, make a roux by whisking about a half-cup of flour in about a half stick of butter over medium heat, then thicken with 3-4 cups of milk, whisking vigorously. In a separate bowl, beat two eggs, then slowly add them to the hot mixture, once thickened, to temper it. Add nutmeg and salt, to taste. with potato rounds, eggplant rounds, and meat sauce, alternating however you wish. Top the mixture with some parmesan cheese, if you wish, and the white sauce, then bake at 350 for about 45 minutes, until the top is nicely browned. 19. **Make Southwestern black bean casserole.** For a tortillas-and-black beans variant on lasagna, you can mix up a spicy casserole with hearty black beans, chorizo, and chili sauce. in a skillet over medium-high heat, then remove. If you don't like chorizo, regular sausage would be a fine alternative. and 2-3 cloves of minced garlic, adding two teaspoons of ground cumin and one of cinnamon, when the onions become translucent. to the skillet, with a cup of chicken stock, and return the chorizo to the mix. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 10 or 15 minutes, testing for salt. , spoon some green chili sauce on the bottom, then layer several corn tortillas in a layer on top. Spoon some of the black bean mixture over the tortillas, then add a sprinkling of shredded monterey jack cheese, or the cheese of your choice. Continue alternating layers until the dish is full, and top with extra shredded cheese. Bake covered for 20 minutes and uncovered for another 20, at 350. Serve with sour cream. 20. **Make southern hash-brown casserole** It may not be healthy, but it's the cornerstone of a country breakfast. Next to fried eggs and a bowl of hominy grits, it's hard to beat cheesy hash-brown casserole. a cup of sour cream, a half cup of melted butter, a can of condensed cream-of-mushroom soup, 2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese (or your favorite cheese), and a teaspoon each of salt and pepper. Mix together thoroughly, then stir in two pounds of shredded potatoes. It's common to use the frozen kind for this dish, but if you shred up your own, rinse the shredded potato in water and squeeze them out thoroughly before adding. , and top with the secret weapon: crumbled corn flakes cereal. Bake uncovered for 40 minutes, or until golden brown and bubbly. 21. **Make rice pudding in a casserole dish.** Casseroles and starches don't always have to be savory. Baked rice pudding makes a wonderful finish to a meal that's spicy and light on starch. To make rice pudding: In a casserole dish, combine a cup of cooked white rice (or brown rice, if you prefer the texture), with two cups of milk and one of water, two beaten eggs, a half-cup of brown sugar, and a quarter cup each of chopped walnuts, and raisins (or whatever fruits and nuts you prefer). Season with nutmeg, a pinch of cinnamon and salt, and a half teaspoon of vanilla. Bake at 325 F for 30 minutes, or until golden brown. Check for doneness by sticking a kitchen knife into the center of the casserole, which should come out clean. You can substitute the spices for others as you prefer. 22. **Make baked oatmeal.** Oatmeal can be prepared the night before and popped into the oven in the morning for a wonderfully warm and comforting breakfast. It's perfectly amenable to whatever fruits, nuts, and additions you like in your oatmeal. , combine a cup of raw oats, two cups of milk, and a cup of water. Mix in a half cup of brown sugar and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Add whatever nuts and dried fruits you like, or leave them out entirely. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. and bake at 350 for about half an hour, or until golden brown, with the edges bubbling. Halfway through the cooking top, remove the oatmeal, and top with slices of fresh fruit and a sparkling of cinnamon-sugar. Sliced peaches, apples, or pears are all appropriate. 23. **Make bread pudding** A great way to liven up stale bread is to mix up a bread-based casserole. While bread-puddings can be sweet or savory, the dessert variety is the most well-known, particularly in southern cuisine and BBQ cooking. , tear up at least 6 slices of stale bread, or about half a loaf. In a separate bowl, beat 3 eggs and mix in 2 cups of milk, a half cup of brown sugar, and a teaspoon each of vanilla and cinnamon. Add a quarter cup each of chopped nuts, or dried fruits that you enjoy. Pour this mixture over the bread, and bake at 350 for about 45 minutes, or until springy. Test with a kitchen knife in the center, which should come out clean. , substitute your favorite shredded cheese for the sugar, and dried sage, oregano, and rosemary for the cinnamon.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Become an Israeli Citizen.,"As the only Jewish-majority state in the world, Israel is naturally a place where many Jews wish to immigrate and become citizens. While Israel welcomes many who wishes to become citizens, it can still be a difficult process to complete. But Israeli law allows for citizenship to be granted through several avenues including naturalization, affiliation (through marriage or descent), and also under the Law of Return. With a little research and hard work, you can learn how to become an Israeli citizen. 1. **Be born in Israel to an Israeli parent.** One of the easiest ways to gain Israeli citizenship is by being born in Israel. If one or both of your parents is an Israeli citizen at the time of your birth, you are automatically granted citizenship. You can prove that you were born in Israel by providing a legal document like a birth certificate. Citizenship will likely be granted when you are born in this case. 2. **Have Israeli citizens as parents.** Even if you were not born in Israel, it is possible to become an Israeli citizen by birth if one or both of your parents is also an Israeli citizen. Your parents’ Israeli nationality can have been acquired by birth, by naturalization, by residence, or by the Law of Return. To prove that your parents were Israeli, you’ll need to go to the Israeli consulate and bring any documentation you have attesting to their Jewish heritage. This can include passports, identification cards, birth certificates (if this info is listed on the document), marriage licenses, letters from Orthodox rabbis, etc. 3. **Be born in Israel with no other nationality.** If you were born in Israel and have never been granted any other official nationality, you can acquire Israeli citizenship. To do so, you must apply for it between your 18th and 25th birthdays. You must also have been a resident of Israel for at least five consecutive years at the time of your application for citizenship. To apply, you’ll need to go to the Israeli consulate. They will be able to give you the appropriate forms. You’ll need to bring an official document (like a birth certificate) proving that you were born in Israel, along with any other identifying documents you have to explain the status of your nationality. 4. **Understand the Law of Return.** The Law of Return is a rule enacted by the Israeli government in 1950 that allows all Jews, both ethnic and religious, to return to Israel as their homeland and gain citizenship. This law was created largely to create a route to safety for Jews who were misplaced by the Holocaust, and for their descendants. A returning Jew is called an oleh (male) or olah (female). 5. **Rely on your Jewish heritage.** If you're Jewish, which is defined as being born to a mother who is Jewish or having converted to Judaism, then there is not much that you need to do. Israel will welcome you with open arms. All you have to do is go there and formally request citizenship. You can also be considered a Jew according to this law if you converted to Judaism and are not a member of another religion. If you converted to Judaism, you’ll need a letter from an Orthodox rabbi that you can bring to the rabbinical court. This group is part of the Israeli justice system and they determine who is considered Jewish or not. 6. **Avoid being considered a threat to the Israeli state.** The Israeli government can deny anyone citizenship under the Law of Return who they deem might be a threat to the Israeli population or who might engage in activities intended to harm Jews. This caveat is meant as a safeguard for the existing citizens of Israel and to keep people out who mean them harm. This means that you should avoid any involvement in extremist groups, especially those who are anti-Semitic. You should also ensure that you have no criminal record and that you aren’t infected with a contagious disease. 7. **Go to Israel.** If you are the descendent of an Israeli citizen or Jew, or if you have married an Israeli citizen, you are able to apply for citizenship if you intend to settle permanently in Israel. You must settle in Israel to prove that you want citizenship for the right reasons and not just to gain an Israeli passport. There is no time limit here on residency here. You just need to show proof that you are settling in Israel permanently. This kind of proof can include rental agreements for housing, work contracts, utility bills in your name, etc. You are not required to work during this time, but it will only help your case if you have work documents to show when you apply for citizenship. 8. **Prove your descent.** Visit the Israeli consulate or the Ministry of the Interior (Misrad Hapnim) with your birth certificate to prove your descent. You should also take your marriage certificate to the Ministry if your spouse is Jewish or an Israeli citizen. This is where the first stage of the application process takes place. They will give you the correct application forms to complete and tell you what other documents they may require from you. 9. **Obtain an ID and citizenship.** Once you have completed the application, you will be granted an Israeli identification card, along with citizenship documents (including a passport, though this document can take a bit longer to process). Apply for an Israeli driver’s license so that you have more documentation proving your residence status. The process for attaining an Israeli driver’s license includes getting an eye exam, visiting a physician for a health exam, scheduling a driving lesson, and taking a written examination. 10. **Live in Israel for three out of five years before applying.** Before you are eligible to apply for naturalized Israeli citizenship, you must have established your permanent residence in Israel for at least three out of five of the years immediately preceding your application. This helps ensure that those applying for citizenship genuinely desire to be part of the Israeli community and have demonstrated it through their ability to live successfully in the country for a reasonably long period of time. 11. **Become entitled as a permanent resident.** To become a citizen of Israel, you must prove to the government that you intend to settle in Israel permanently. This means residing in Israel, locating employment in Israel, and becoming part of the community. Learning how to speak Hebrew is important at this stage as well. 12. **Renounce other nationalities.** In order to become an Israeli citizen, you must renounce any other nationalities that you currently hold. This does not mean that you must give up your other citizenship, but that you will agree to adhere to the Israeli laws regarding naturalization and gaining citizenship. Alternatively, you can prove that you will no longer be a foreign national from the time of becoming a citizen. This can be proven, depending on the circumstance, through various documentation such as your birth certificate, passport, marriage license or divorce decree, etc.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Talk Cars.,"Chatting about cars is a really fun thing to do with friends, strangers, or almost anyone for that matter. It’s a great way to pass time and can be a great hobby to get involved with as well. It takes a little bit of time to learn about cars and know how to talk about them so by following along, you can get set up and ready to chat for hours about cars with everyone whoever you like! 1. **Learn the basic terminology as a starting point.** This will get you kicked off in the right direction so you can begin to learn more about cars. Use any resources you have available to you such as the Internet, the library, YouTube, or your friends. Learning the basics of cars means that when you come across more technical terms in magazines and on shows, you'll have a better understanding of what they mean. A few terms to learn might be ""torque"" (force that causes an object to rotate or twist), ""camber"" (the side-to-side tilt of the wheels), and ""horsepower"" (1 unit of horsepower is equal to 550 foot-pounds per second). 2. **Search online for articles and information about cars.** There are a plethora of resources at your disposal on the web that enable you to read up on almost any make or model of car you can imagine. Make sure to look for videos as well as articles on forums. Youtube is a great resource for finding videos and reviews of a huge range of cars. Look for videos that focus on cars but are also designed for entertainment and also have professional looking production quality. Watching these videos is a great way to learn about cars without feeling too overwhelmed by the technical language as the narrator will often explain esoteric terms. Most car-makers have very technical information about their cars online that you can access through a simple Google search. This information might be more technical but if you can navigate your way through it, it can be really useful. 3. **Go to a car dealership to ask some questions about their cars.** The people here are employed to know the ins and outs of the cars they are selling or working with. Having a chat with your local car dealer or mechanic allows you to have an in-person conversation which means you can ask questions about things you don’t understand. Make sure you ask the person if it’s OK that you ask them a few questions about the cars and that you let them know you aren’t looking to buy a car. These people are at work so it’s important you respect their time. Try and go prepared with a few basic questions such as: “Do you prefer hybrid or regular vehicles and why?” Or perhaps, “What is your preferred make and model of car and why?” 4. **Read car magazines to learn about the latest trends.** Car magazines are really popular amongst the car enthusiast community. Try and find one that is more general rather than one that focuses on a specific part of motoring (unless that’s what you want). Car magazines are great because they often cover a huge variety of topics such as new technology, popular cars at the current time, profiles on important individuals in the community, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Look around at your local bookstore for magazines or if you can’t find any there, often convenience stores or pharmacies stock them. A few examples of car magazines are Motor Trend, Hot Rod Network, and Autocar. 5. **Watch some car TV shows to increase your knowledge.** This is a really informative and fun way to learn about cars and kickstart your inner motor enthusiast. Make sure to try out a few different shows as there are a huge variety that cover many different topics such as remodeling cars, comparing racing cars, reviewing new cars, and many other types. Most of these shows air on TV but if you can’t get access to any of them for some reason, try looking on YouTube as many shows put full episodes up online for free. Watching shows is really convenient because it allows you to multitask while watching the show. A couple of examples of car shows are Top Gear and MotorWeek. 6. **Listen to podcasts on cars to get up to date with discussions.** Look for these podcasts online through a Google search. There’s a huge range of topics that you can listen to through podcasts and there are more being added and created every day! You can find podcasts through a simple Google search on your smartphone or computer. These podcasts often feature automotive experts who have plenty of first-hand experience in the industry so you can be certain you’re listening to reputable sources. A few podcasts to try listening to might be Everyday Driver or Smoking Tire. 7. **Go to a car show to chat with people.** The experts at car shows are there to talk about cars, not earn a commission by trying to sell them to you. This makes it a perfect place to go and learn, ask questions, and just generally be around a whole bunch of cars. At these shows, you will also be surrounded by other people who are interested in cars and are eager to have conversations about them. Car shows are often held at events centres so look online at the calendar of your local events centre and see if there are any car shows coming up. 8. **Join your local car club to connect with fellow motor enthusiasts.** This is a really easy way to ensure that you’ll get regularly scheduled time to talk about cars with other people. Look around at community notice boards or information centres for information on your local car club. Car clubs are generally fairly cheap ($5 USD - $50 USD sort of range) but there are also much higher end ones that deal with classic and luxury cars. The commitment level of these car clubs tends to vary so make sure to check what sort of expectations there are on you as a member before you join. Some clubs require you to have a certain type of car or to meet up a certain number of times per month/week but this varies from club to club so it's best to check that out. 9. **Search online for a web-based forum to contribute to.** These forums are fantastic as they are usually free and are very convenient. Start with a basic Google search and browse around for a forum that looks like it suits your interests. They will often vary in terms of the types of cars they focus on (classic, electric, luxury, etc). One of the advantages of these forums is that you may be discussing cars with people from all over the world and, as such, you get to hear a variety of different opinions and cultural nuances. 10. **Pick a few favorite makes and models of cars that you can talk about.** This is really the first step to having a conversation about cars with someone. Take a bit of a look through the different makes and models and pick a couple that you really like. Try and pinpoint exactly what you like about them so you can chat about it with people. It doesn’t really matter which cars these are as long as you know enough about them to have a conversation. Be explorative with the cars that you pick. Look at cars on the Internet from past generations and various classic cars! 11. **Ask lots of questions to the person/people you are talking to.** This doesn’t need to be a constant stream of you only asking questions and never having any input yourself. But when you are chatting with people, asking questions is polite and also shows that you are interested in hearing what they have to say. Try and focus on getting some detail out of the people you talk to. For example, you might say “What’s your favorite version of the Ford Fiesta? I loved the 2013 edition.” Asking questions is one of the most effective ways of not only learning about foreign topics, but of having a productive and enjoyable conversation. 12. **Try and find other people who enjoy talking about cars.** If you try and talk about cars with people who have absolutely no interest in the subject, it won’t go very well. Try and get to a motor show or into other situations where you know the people around you will have interest in cars. This is when the Internet can come in handy; there are lots of forums online where motorists can chat and talk about their favorite cars, developments in the industry, and new technology. Look around on Google to try and find these forums or to try and find groups of people who meet up to talk to about cars. Sometimes there may be motor enthusiast groups near you. 13. **Bring cars into conversation politely rather than forcefully.** If the conversation is going in a different direction other than cars, don’t try and forcefully bring cars into it. Instead, let it naturally flow in and if the conversation drifts away from cars, don’t worry about it. This is more basic conversational etiquette, but it’s certainly important to note. For example, if the conversation has moved to talking about the weather, instead of cars, simply go along with it. If you get a chance to bring cars back into the discussion, feel free. But if not, don’t worry about it. 14. **Support discussion of opinions that differ from your own.** Never simply tell someone they are wrong. When it comes to something like cars, there is no such thing as a wrong opinion. Make sure you are polite with your disagreement and then proceed to talk about the reasons you disagree. It’s very possible that someone has a different opinion than you on something. This is a good thing!. For example, you might say “I personally don’t like the new Prius model because it isn’t fast enough. Tell me why you do like it.” 15. **Observe and listen a lot when you’re chatting with people.** Try to make sure that you give everyone else a fair chance to talk and voice their opinions. If you've just finished speaking for a while, let other people talk for a bit. It’s OK to talk a lot when you’re in a group with lots of people but try to make sure that you aren’t the only one having their voice heard. Talking about cars is lots of fun, but building friendships and relationships with the people you talk to is also really important.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Buy a Firearm in Virginia?,"Provided you are over the age of 18 (21 for handguns) and can pass the state and federal background checks, it is relatively easy to buy a firearm in the state of Virginia. If you're buying from a private seller, you don't even need to complete a background check, although some private sellers may request that you do before they complete the transaction. Virginia doesn't require you to register firearms or have a permit to own or open-carry firearms. However, you do need a permit if you want to carry a handgun concealed. 1. **Bring a valid government-issued photo ID if you're going to a gun show.** If you want to purchase a gun at a gun show from a private seller, you'll still have to be able to prove that you are over the age of 18 (21 to purchase a handgun). You must have a driver's license or state ID that lists your name, gender, and date of birth. If you're using a driver's license issued by the Virginia DMV, it must have been issued to you at least 30 days before the day of the gun show. If you aren't a resident of the state of Virginia, you can buy a rifle or shotgun from a licensed dealer, provided you bring a secondary form of ID to prove your residence. 2. **Discuss your purchase with the individual selling the firearm.** Provided you're a state resident, there aren't any significant legal requirements if you want to buy a gun from a private seller, whether at a gun show or elsewhere. All you need to do is agree on a price and the terms of the sale. Virginia also doesn't have any requirements regarding the manufacture or composition of a firearm, so you likely want to look it over carefully and make sure it suits your needs and doesn't have any glaring defects. 3. **Provide your complete name and address to the seller.** While it isn't legally required, the Virginia State Police recommends that private sellers keep a logbook that lists the name and address of anyone they sell a firearm to, along with the make, model, and serial number of the firearm and date of purchase. Keep in mind that because you're buying the gun from a private individual, your name will not show up in the chain of ownership for the gun. This means if the gun is found at the scene of a crime, the seller will come up as the last owner of the gun with that serial number. The log is primarily to protect the seller, but also protects you in case the gun is stolen. 4. **Comply with a background check if the seller requests one.** While there is no law in Virginia that requires an unlicensed private individual to run a criminal background check before they sell a firearm to someone else, private individuals are restricted from selling a firearm to someone they know is ineligible to purchase a firearm. If you're at a gun show, Virginia State Police will be on hand to conduct background checks for anyone who asks for one. You can also order your own background check ahead of time by going to the nearest Virginia State Police headquarters and completing an application. However, these do take approximately 15 days to complete, so plan in advance if you want to bring along your own background check. If you don't want to go through with the background check, simply find an individual who is willing to sell to you without one. 5. **Complete the purchase of your firearm.** There are no further legal requirements if you want to purchase a firearm from a private seller. All you have to do is make payment and leave with your firearm. However, you want to make sure you comply with Virginia laws regarding the carrying of firearms as you transport the gun home. Generally, you can open-carry any firearm as long as it isn't loaded. If you also have ammunition, it's a good idea to store the ammunition separately. If you purchase a handgun, you can put it in the glove compartment or a similar concealed area of your vehicle for transport, even if you don't have a concealed carry permit. 6. **Confirm that you meet the eligibility requirements to purchase a firearm.** While Virginia doesn't have its own eligibility requirements to purchase a firearm, you must meet the federal requirements. The Virginia State Police has an eligibility test, available online at, that you can use to quickly determine if you're eligible to purchase a firearm. Generally, you must meet the following requirements: Be at least 18 (21 to purchase a handgun) Never convicted of a felony or misdemeanor that carries a maximum sentence of 2 years or more Under indictment for a felony, subject to an active warrant, or under a restraining order US citizen or lawful permanent resident of the US Not convicted of use or possession of illegal drugs within the past year Not acquitted of a charge by reason of insanity, or found by a court of law to be insane, incompetent, or mentally incapacitated Not dishonorably discharged from the US Armed Forces Not convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence charge 7. **Visit a licensed firearms dealer.** Licensed firearms dealers are licensed by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Virginia doesn't have its own licensing or registration requirements. You can search the list of federal firearms licensees (FFLs) at if you need help finding a dealer near you. Many of these FFLs have websites you can visit to learn more about the shop before you make the trip. 8. **Fill out the firearms transaction record forms.** Once you find the firearm (or firearms) you want, you must fill out both a state and federal firearms transaction record form. These forms require you to provide identification information as well as answer questions about your criminal background. Answer all questions and fill out the form completely. Do not lie on the forms. It is a felony offense and could result in the loss of your right to purchase firearms indefinitely. You must also pay a small fee (as of 2019, $2 for Virginia residents and $5 for non-residents) for completion of your background checks. This fee is nonrefundable. 9. **Present identification to verify your identity and residence.** To purchase a firearm, you must provide at least 2 forms of ID. For your primary ID, bring a valid, government-issued photo ID that includes your full name, address, and date of birth. Your primary ID must have been issued at least 30 days before the date you purchase the firearm. Your secondary ID is to prove your residence. The address shown must be identical to the one you provide on the transaction form. This ID could be a copy of your lease, a current utility or telephone bill, voter registration card, car registration, or a hunting or fishing license. If you are buying an assault weapon, you must also bring identification that proves your citizenship status, such as a US birth certificate, valid passport, permanent resident card (""Green Card""), selective service registration card, or voter registration card. 10. **Wait for the results of the background checks.** The dealer will either transmit your information over the internet or by calling a phone number. The results typically come in a matter of minutes. You'll get a response of ""approved,"" ""delayed,"" or ""denied."" If your background check comes back as delayed, the dealer may need to collect additional information from you before selling you a firearm. If the status remains ""delayed"" for 3 days, the dealer has the discretion to go forward with the transaction. 11. **Complete the purchase of your firearm.** Once the transaction is approved, you can buy your firearm and take it home. If you live in another state, you may need to have the firearm transferred to a licensed dealer in your state. Virginia does not restrict the number of firearms you can purchase in a single transaction. 12. **Confirm that you're eligible to get a concealed handgun permit.** Generally, if you can pass the background check to buy a handgun from a licensed dealer, you'll likely be eligible for a concealed handgun permit. There are, however, a few additional prohibitions. Specifically, you will not be eligible for a concealed handgun permit if you: Have been convicted of 2 or more misdemeanors in the last 5 years Have been convicted of assault, assault and battery, sexual battery, discharging a firearm in a public place, or brandishing a firearm in a public place within the last 3 years (or have one of these charges pending) Have been convicted of stalking or have a stalking charge pending Have received inpatient mental health or substance abuse treatment in the past 5 years Have been convicted of drunk driving or public drunkenness in the past 3 years 13. **Complete a firearm safety training course.** You must demonstrate competence with a handgun by taking a training course approved by a state government agency or conducted by a state-certified or National Rifle Association-certified firearms instructor. Your county circuit court may have a list of qualified courses you can take. Online, electronic, or video courses are acceptable. There is no live training requirement. If the course issues a certificate of completion, a photocopy of that certificate is sufficient to demonstrate your competence. If the course doesn't issue a certificate, you can also use an affidavit from the instructor of the course. 14. **Fill out the concealed handgun permit application.** The concealed handgun permit requires you to provide information about yourself and your criminal background. The questions on the application are similar to those you answered when you filled out the firearm transaction record to purchase your handgun. You can download the application or pick one up at your local circuit court. If you answer yes to any of the questions about your criminal background, you are required to provide an explanation of your answer and attach any documentation you have regarding that item. Failure to provide complete information could result in denial of your application. 15. **Take your application to your nearest circuit court.** Concealed handgun permits are issued by circuit court judges. Submit your application to the court clerk's office and pay the fee. As of 2019, the total application fee for a concealed handgun permit is $50 or less, including a $10 fee to issue the permit and fees of up to $40 to cover the cost of background investigations. These fees vary depending on the city or county where you live. To find the circuit court nearest you, go to and click on the appropriate part of the state map. You must submit your application at the court in the city or county where you live. There is no requirement that you live there for any specified length of time before applying for a concealed handgun permit. 16. **Wait to receive your permit in the mail.** Provided you meet the eligibility requirements for a concealed handgun permit, Virginia law requires the judge to issue the permit to you. It will be sent to you at the address you provided on your application. While the background investigations may take up to a month, Virginia law requires permits to be issued within 45 days of the date you submit your application. If the 45-day period passes and your permit hasn't been issued, the court clerk will certify a copy of your application and send that to you. The certified application works as a temporary concealed handgun permit for up to 90 days, as long as you also have a valid government-issued photo ID. 17. **Keep your permit on you whenever you're carrying a concealed handgun.** Once you have a concealed handgun permit, you're entitled to carry a handgun concealed on your person. However, you must always have your permit with you. Although you aren't required to show the permit to law enforcement, it's a good idea to do so. For example, if you get pulled over for a traffic stop, you might hand over your concealed handgun permit along with your driver's license and let the officer know that you are carrying. If you are convicted of being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while carrying a concealed handgun in public, your permit will be revoked and you will be barred from applying for a new permit for 5 years. 18. **Submit a new application to renew your permit after 5 years.** A concealed handgun permit is valid for 5 years. At the end of that period, you can fill out a new application to renew your permit. You don't have to take any additional firearms training. Provided you still meet the eligibility requirements for a concealed handgun permit, your permit will be renewed. Given that it can take up to 45 days to get the new permit, you may want to apply for a renewed permit a few months before your old one expires if you want to continue to carry.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Add Swatches in InDesign.,"Color adds emotion, detail, emphasis and interest to print documents. Adobe InDesign, a desktop publishing program that allows designers to create a variety of print materials, allows you to add color swatches for use in your print documents. Using swatches allows you to uniformly apply and modify the color schemes used in your documents. 1. **Open the Swatches panel, which is located in the far right side of your workspace.** If this panel is not already in your workspace, open it by selecting Windows>Colors>Swatches. 2. **Select Other Library from the Color Mode list.** Navigate to the file from which you would like to add swatches. Click Open and then select the swatches you would like to add. 3. **Click OK.** 4. **Open the Swatches panel and select Load Swatches.** 5. **Navigate to the InDesign document from which you would like to add swatches and double click the file name.** 6. **Open your Swatches panel and select New Color Swatch.** 7. **Locate the Color Mode list and select the library file from which you would like to add a swatch or swatches.** You may also select Other Library from the Color Mode list and navigate to the library file from which you would like to add a swatch or swatches. 8. **Select the swatches you would like to add and click Add.** 9. **Click Done.** 10. **Open your Swatches panel and select New Color Swatch.** 11. **Select either Process or Spot as your color type.** 12. **Select a mode for defining the color.** 13. **Drag the color sliders to adjust the color values or enter specific numeric values in the boxes located by the color sliders.** If you are using a spot color, select your color from the Color Mode menu. 14. **Click Add to add your swatch and create a new one or click OK to add your swatch and exit the window.** 15. **Begin creating your document and adding color as desired.** To add color to text, highlight your text using your Selection tool. Open your Swatches panel and click the Type icon. Select your desired color from the Swatches panel. To add color to a frame or other object, select the frame or object using your Selection tool. Open your Swatches panel and click either the stroke or fill icon. Select your desired color from the Swatches panel.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Shut Down Windows.,"This wikiHow teaches you the safest way to shut down any version of Windows. There are many ways to shut your PC down safely, but the most common way to do so is using the Shut Down option in your Start menu. To avoid data loss, make sure you've saved all of your open files before shutting down your PC. 1. **Click the Start menu.** It's usually at the bottom-left corner of the screen. 2. **Click Power .** It's at the bottom-left corner of the menu. 3. **Click Shut down.** Windows will now shut down and power off the PC. If prompted to install updates before shutting down, select the option to do so. If you are not able to shut down your computer with this method, try pressing Alt+F4 and then selecting Shut Down. 4. **Press Ctrl+Alt+Del on the keyboard.** After a few moments, you'll see a screen with several menu options. The options may vary depending on the version of Windows you're using and which updates you've installed. 5. **Click the Power button.** It's at the bottom-right corner of the screen. 6. **Click Shut Down.** Windows will now shut down and the PC will turn off. 7. **Hover the mouse over the bottom-right corner of the screen.** This will display a link to the Start menu at that corner. 8. **Right-click the Start menu.** A menu will expand. 9. **Click Shut down or sign out.** Another menu will expand. 10. **Click Shut down.** Windows will now shut down and the PC will turn off. If prompted to install updates before shutting down, select the option to do so. 11. **Click the Start menu.** It's the circle with a Windows logo, and it's usually at the bottom-left corner of the screen. 12. **Click Shut down.** It's at the bottom-right corner of the menu. A window with some options will appear. If you don't see this option, click the small sideways triangle at the bottom-right corner to expand additional options. 13. **Select Shut down from the menu.** 14. **Click OK.** Windows will shut down and the PC will turn off. 15. **Click the Start menu.** It's the circle with a Windows logo, and it's usually at the bottom-left corner of the screen. 16. **Click the sideways triangle.** It's at the bottom-right corner of the menu to the right of the padlock button. A menu will expand. 17. **Click Shut Down.** Windows will shut down and the PC will turn off. 18. **Click the Start menu.** It's the rectangle with a Windows logo, and it's usually at the bottom-left corner of the screen. 19. **Click Turn Off Computer.** It's next to the red icon at the bottom-right corner of the Start menu. A pop-up screen will appear. 20. **Click Turn Off.** It's the red icon at the center of the window. If the menu says that Windows needs to install updates, it is recommended to do the installation. If you don't want to install updates, click Click here to turn off without installing updates instead. 21. **Wait while Windows is shutting down.** 22. **Open the command prompt.** You can shut down Windows from the command prompt if you're having issues shutting it down using the Start menu. If you're using Windows 10 or 8, you can do this by typing cmd into the Windows search bar and clicking Command Prompt when it appears. If you're using Windows 7, Vista, or XP, click the Start menu, navigate to the All Programs, Accessories, and then click Command Prompt. 23. **Type shutdown /s at the prompt.** You'll see a message that says the computer will shut down in one minute. 24. **Press ↵ Enter.** This shuts down your PC. 25. **Press and hold the power button for about 3 or 4 seconds.** After a few seconds, you should see a shutdown message on the screen. Lift your finger when the message appears. Only use this method if you were unable to shut down your PC using the method for its operating system. 26. **Select the Shut Down option.** This powers down your PC. If the PC is frozen and no shutdown message appears, you can force the machine to power off by holding down the power button until the screen goes dark. This should be an ultimate last resort as it could cause data corruption.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Survive a Breakdown of the Social Order.,"Many past civilizations from the Romans to the Mayans and Mesopotamians have all met their end. This could be due to varying reasons like failed administration, financial turmoil, rebellion against the authorities, etc. This wikiHow guide will help you and your loved ones survive a breakdown of the social order. You will have to prepare for your survival and security until help can arrive. If help does not come, this article will help you learn how to prepare yourself to face the challenges of this social hazard and work towards the long-term goal of rebuilding the society in the aftermath. 1. **Monitor local and political news.** Breakdowns of social order usually don’t come out of the blue. Ask yourself these questions about the local and political climate: “Could this be a temporary or long-term event?” “Does this affect me and the safety of my family? If so, how?” “Could this turn out to be so dangerous that there’s a chance of me or my family being injured or killed?” “How are the people around me reacting to this? Could they behave irrationally towards me?” 2. **Make sure that the social order really has broken down, rather than some local disturbance, such as a riot, uprising, or strike.** If you have access to media, check local radio and television news stations, or dial to an emergency station. The government, if communications systems are still functional, should be broadcasting emergency information alerting its citizens of the danger. 3. **Remain calm at all times.** There may be lots of frightened, desperate people wandering in the aftermath of a breakdown of the social order: this is the greatest danger of all. Do not give in to panic or hysteria -- it impairs rational thinking and adds to the overall chaos. 4. **Take measure of your overall surroundings and behaviors of nearby people if it is safe to do so.** Ask yourself: “What resources do I have access to?”, “What do I need?”, “Where do I go to get what I need?”, “What don't I need?” A clear list of essentials is vital to making a solid survival plan. A basic list would include: Water Bar soap AM/FM radio (HAM radios work well for communicating with others as well.) Canned food (including a manual can opener) Space blanket First aid kit (with waterproof bandages, rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, sutures, etc.) 5. **Consider storing 2 weeks to 3 months supply of items that will make your life easier during a period of social breakdown.** If you are stockpiling supplies or hoarding food, you may not want to make it publicly known. You don't want everyone converting your house into the new local grocery store. Warm and moisture-wicking clothing is essential even if you live in the warmest climate where the temperature and weather changes erratically. You can still get sick from getting wet and not changing into dry clothing as soon as possible.Relying on electricity or natural gas to stay warm and dry is not recommended as it may become unavailable for weeks. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/d\/d9\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet1.jpg\/v4-460px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet1.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/d\/d9\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet1.jpg\/aid167707-v4-728px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet1.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} Safe sources of water may fail for any number of reasons. Of course, your hot water heater is one source of drinking water but it may be filled with sediment. Consider storing water in food grade containers in case of an emergency. 5 gallon (18.9 L) containers can be moved if needed. 55 gallon (208.2 L) barrels are great but impossible to move during an emergency. Store 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water per person per day. A family of 4 will need at least 120 gallons (454.2 L) to survive 30 days. Avoid storing water or other materials in dairy jugs as the dairy residue can be hard to wash out and break down faster than non-dairy jugs. Try using an empty water jug or a well-washed plastic container instead. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/a\/ab\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet2.jpg\/v4-460px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet2.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/a\/ab\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet2.jpg\/aid167707-v4-728px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet2.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} Sanitation: You're warm and have plenty to drink. The next essential is staying clean or sickness can and will spread rapidly. If there is no water pressure, the toilet can be flushed by dumping a gallon of water into the bowl after use. Try to use old dish washing or bathing water. Don't waste your drinking water. If there is no water or functioning sewage systems nearby, establish a latrine or a waste bucket far from sleeping, eating, and common areas without plenty of ventilation. Use a bit of that drinking water to wash hands. It is worth it to stay healthy. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/a\/af\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet3.jpg\/v4-460px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet3.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/a\/af\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet3.jpg\/aid167707-v4-728px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet3.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} Defense: Often, in social breakdowns, there are people who may be very dangerous and violent due to the lack of law enforcement. One must defend what resources they have from theft. During the 1992 Los Angeles riots, Korean business owners were able to defend their businesses with firearms from being looted and burned by rioters. Owning a weapon and sufficient ammunition may be critical for survival. Also, one must know how to maintain and use the weapon in case a situation might arise. Just make sure that the weapon is legal and if applicable, registered. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/c\/c9\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet4.jpg\/v4-460px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet4.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/c\/c9\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet4.jpg\/aid167707-v4-728px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-4Bullet4.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} 6. **Consolidate your immediate support networks:** friends, close coworkers, family, and neighbors. No man is an island; it is crucial to remain connected to a community if one is to survive a breakdown of government. Make sure that your loved ones are safe by keeping them close by and in contact. 7. **Venture out to procure your needed supplies.** Be aware: in the immediate aftermath of a disastrous breakdown of the social order, if you are in an urban area, there will likely be many, many people looking for the same thing. Looting will be rampant and widespread, and in the chaos, you may not be able to reach your ideal supply centers. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/4\/4b\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-6Bullet1.jpg\/v4-460px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-6Bullet1.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/4\/4b\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-6Bullet1.jpg\/aid167707-v4-728px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-6Bullet1.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} Have contingencies in mind: cast your net wide, but locally. Do not venture too far from your base of operations in search of needed supplies, and if other people are willing to fight or kill you for it, back away. The key is to be adaptable and to survive. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/2\/2d\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-6Bullet2.jpg\/v4-460px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-6Bullet2.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/2\/2d\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-6Bullet2.jpg\/aid167707-v4-728px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-6Bullet2.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} 8. **Having secured your supplies, it will be time to consolidate things back at home.** This will call for you to become an effective leader: oftentimes even a well-prepared group can break down due to internal tensions. Keep a level head and try to be fair and impartial in dealing with difficult or stressful situations between people. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/2\/2e\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet1.jpg\/v4-460px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet1.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/2\/2e\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet1.jpg\/aid167707-v4-728px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet1.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} You will all be under a great deal of stress: try to encourage stress-relieving activities, such as plenty of exercise, board games and puzzles, reading, and investing time in learning useful practical skills. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/0\/08\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet2.jpg\/v4-460px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet2.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/0\/08\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet2.jpg\/aid167707-v4-728px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet2.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} Delegate resources efficiently and according to need. Although some will obviously want special treatment, remember to keep in mind that your resources are limited. If necessary, use triage. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/4\/49\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet3.jpg\/v4-460px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet3.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/4\/49\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet3.jpg\/aid167707-v4-728px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet3.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} Give everyone a useful task. Idle hands are the devil's plaything. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/7\/74\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet4.jpg\/v4-460px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet4.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/7\/74\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet4.jpg\/aid167707-v4-728px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet4.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} Resolve arguments before they can occur. If you sense tension or anxiety growing between two people, try to get the issue out into the open before it can turn into a potentially deadly confrontation. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/1\/1a\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet5.jpg\/v4-460px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet5.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/1\/1a\/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet5.jpg\/aid167707-v4-728px-Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order-Step-7Bullet5.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} If conflicts are unavoidable, try first negotiating a compromise: speak to each person involved on a personal basis -- don't try to be a dictator. Calm spirits by speaking in a firm, but soothing tone. If the situation continues to degenerate, get friendly, neutral parties to restrain the combatants. 9. **Having created your small community, secured a supply of resources, and taken charge of its leadership, you will be well prepared to wait out the social breakdown until the rule of law is restored.** 10. **If it is truly catastrophic, resulting in national destruction and a regression of civilization, you will need to take further steps to ensure that your community becomes the nucleus for the rebirth of society.** ",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Clean Your Cat's Feet.,"Since cats naturally clean themselves on a constant basis, humans don’t have to spend too much time attending to their overall hygiene. However, some parts of your cat – like their feet – require some care to ensure your feline friend’s basic health. To make sure your cat is generally healthy, you should provide regular foot cleaning care, make sure their nails are clean and intact, and be a proactive troubleshooter if you do encounter any problems while cleaning their feet. 1. **Examine their feet.** Before cleaning your cat’s feet, you should take a quick look at them. This will provide you with information about the general health of your cat’s feet. When examining their feet: Look for redness or sores. This could indicate allergies or infections. See if there is any green or black pus. This could indicate a virus or infection. If your cat has infection between their pads, your veterinarian may recommend an anti-microbial soak using such medicines as captan, chlorhexidine, or povidone iodine. 2. **Rinse their feet.** By rinsing their feet, you'll remove dirt and grime and make it easier for you to wipe down and clean your cat's feet. You’ll also aid in their self-cleaning process by removing debris before they lick their own feet. Pour warm water (99 degrees Fahrenheit or 38 degrees Celsius) into a medium size bowl or similar container. Quickly dip your cat's feet (one at a time) into the water. Skip this step if your cat doesn't want their feet dipped. 3. **Wipe their feet gently.** After dipping, you should gently wipe your cat's feet in order to remove any excess dirt that remained after dipping. Wiping their feet down is important, as you'll be able to get dirt that wasn't removed when you rinsed their feet. Wet a clean microfiber cloth in warm water (99 degrees Fahrenheit or 38 degrees Celsius). Dab or wipe their feet thoroughly. If their feet are particularly dirty, use a little bit more water. If for some reason you need to use a shampoo or similar product, make sure it is formulated for cats. In addition, follow manufacturer directions regarding proper dilution. 4. **Get in between their toes.** In order to clean your cat's feet properly, you need to make sure that you clean between their toes. This is important, as dirt and grime may accumulate in hard-to-reach areas of your cat's foot. Gently separate their toes. Use your cloth or rag to wipe away dirt. Rinse your rag after you've cleaned a crevice between toes. 5. **Avoid using chemicals not intended for cats.** Since cats regularly lick their own feet to clean them, you should avoid using soaps or other chemicals not intended for cats. By using these products, you’ll potentially introduce chemicals that your cat will wind up licking and digesting. Stay away from: Artificial dyes Parabens Sodium laurel sulphate Petrochemicals Human cleaning products Cleaning products formulated for other animals 6. **Inspect their nails.** When inspecting your cat’s nails, look for any signs of damage, infection, or other problems. Nail health is important to overall hygiene, as an infection of the nail can quickly spread to other parts of your cat’s body. Look to see if the nails are intact. Observe to see if their claws are jagged, have been torn, or are missing pieces. See if there is any fungus present. This can appear as redness or swelling, or you may spot green, black, or yellow growth around the claws or pads. 7. **Clean their claws.** After inspecting their nails, you may need to systemically clean them. This is especially true if you notice fungus, other growth, or any sort of damage to their nails. Dip their feet in warm water. Gently dislodge all dirt, fungus, or other debris on the claws. Claw fungus is fairly rare. If your cat seems to have claw fungus, however, you should consult your vet. Your vet may then prescribe a topical antifungal, other cleaning agent, or even an oral antifungal. 8. **Trim your cat’s nails.** Trimming your cat’s claws is a key part of maintaining proper hygiene for indoor cats. This is important, as many indoor cats don’t have the ability to wear their claws down as they would outside. Thus, their claws may grow long and may accumulate bacteria. However, when trimming your cat’s claws, make sure to use a proper cat claw trimmer. Position your trimmer perpendicular to the claw and along the transparent part of it. Make sure to avoid blood vessels – these appear as small pink triangles in the center of the nails (the “quick”). Avoid clipping near this area. Quickly cut the transparent part of the claw. If you’re afraid you’ll hurt your cat, trim just the tip of the claw. After you trim the tip, you can move up higher and take more of the nail off. If your cat does not respond well to nail trimming, you may need to have your vet do it. Clip one or two claws at a time before taking a break. Trying to get a whole foot or even all your cat’s feet might be too much to expect. 9. **Avoid the quick.** A cat’s quick is the portion of its claw where there is tissue and blood vessels. If you cut their quick, you’ll cause them pain and may expose them to the dangers of infection. Thus, you need to be very careful not to cut their quick. Always cut less nail than you need. If you cut the quick, consider using a silver nitrate applicator to stop blood loss. You’ll take the applicator and apply it to the area that is bleeding. Regardless of whether you use silver nitrate or not, the wound should stop bleeding in 5 minutes or so. 10. **Remove foreign objects.** Your cat may at some point step on an object that could become lodged in their foot. When this happens, you should remove the object and clean the foot properly. Use antibacterial soap and warm water to clean the area. Take tweezers and pull the object out. Apply an antiseptic like betadine to the wound. Cover your cat’s foot in a bootie or sock for a day or so, if the cat allows it. Keep the cat from licking the wound, too. You may even use an e-collar to prevent this. 11. **Care for their foot pads.** While a cat’s foot pads don’t require regular cleaning or attention, they may need to be cleaned if they are scraped or injured. This is important, as an injured foot pad may lead to serious infection or other problems. If you identify an injured foot pad: Look for signs of infection. These include redness, swelling, heat, or oozing fluid (pus). If it’s a small wound and doesn’t look infected, keep an eye on it until it heals and keep the surrounding area clean. Consider protecting the foot with a sock or cat bootie. A soft wrap is best – never bind anything tightly around your cat. Talk to your veterinarian. In some circumstances, your cat may need topical antibiotic or a course of oral antibiotics. 12. **Consult your vet.** There might come an instance when your cat’s feet exhibit symptoms or problems you’re not familiar with. In this case, you should talk to your veterinarian. Your veterinarian is trained to identify a wide variety of cat foot problems. Schedule a meeting with your vet. Make sure to tell the receptionist the details of your cat’s foot problem. For instance, if you notice black or green pus built up between your cat's toes, tell them. If your cat has had foot problems before, let the vet know about them. While they may have your cat’s medical records, they may not have had time to read them thoroughly. Inquire whether you should clean your cat’s feet before bringing them to the vet.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Turn Dead Leaves Into Mulch.,"You don't need to let dead leaves go to waste in the fall. You can harvest dead leaves and use them as mulch. You will have to gather and shred the leaves and then prepare a compost heap. By mixing the leaves with a few ingredients, you'll have mulch for spring. You can use mulch to fertilize your soil and add to a compost bin. 1. **Get your leaves in a pile.** To start, rake up the leaves in your yard. You want to gather all the leaves together so you can prepare to turn them into mulch. If you have a smaller yard, you may only need one big pile of leaves. If you have a bigger yard, you may have to make a series of piles to rake up all the leaves. 2. **Shred your leaves.** To make mulch, you will need to shred your leaves. There are many different ways you can do this. If you have a leaf shredder or wood chopper, try feeding your leaves through this machine. If you don't have one of these machines, you can run a lawn mower over your leaves to shred them. You will have to thin your piles out a little so the lawnmower can run over them. 3. **Prepare a compost bin.** You need a compost bin for the process of turning leaves into mulch. If you already have a compost bin, you can use that. If you don't, you will need to prepare one. You can purchase a compost bin at a local hardware store. It's important the bin be at least 3 by 3 feet. You will probably end up with several 12 to 18 inch layers of leaves, so make sure the compost bin you select can accommodate this. 4. **Start with a six inch pile of leaves.** You will need to create several layers when turning leaves into mulch. To start, you should spread out a pile of leaves on the bottom of your compost bin. Keep the pile about six inches high. 5. **Add a material with a higher nitrogen level.** You need materials high in nitrogen to help break down the leaves and create mulch. Manure is generally the best material you can use here. If you don't have manure, you can also use cottonseed meal, bone meal, or Agrinite. You can purchase many of these items at a local hardware store. It's best to have a five to one ratio. There should be five parts leaves and one part of your nitrogen material. 6. **Add water.** Getting the leaves a little wet with help them turn into mulch. There is no precise amount of water to add. It depends on how much leaves you're working with. Add enough water that the leaves are damp but not saturated with moisture. 7. **Turn the leaves frequently.** Once the leaves and nitrogen are mixed, it's up to you to help them turn into mulch. You will have to take a rake or similar tool and turn the leaves over every three days. This will help them begin to break down and turn into mulch. 8. **Cover the heap with a plastic sheet.** Keep your leaves covered with a plastic sheet or tarp. This will keep your leaves warm. It will also prevent weather from drying the leaves out or getting them wet. 9. **Add mulch to your garden.** Mulch can be used in your garden. You can place them over seeds and plants for fertilizer and protection. A six inch blanket of leaves can help protect plants over the winter from strong winds. 10. **Put the mulch in a compost pile.** If you have an existing compost pile, separate from the one you used to turn your leaves to mulch, you can add your mulch to this. The high nitrogen compost of mulch created with leaves can easily help break down organic material in a compost pile. 11. **Fertilize your soil.** Mulch can be used as a fertilizer in the spring. You can add a layer of mulch where you're planting new flowers and plants. This may help them grow faster.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Marinate Lamb Chops.,"A lamb chop is a rib cut usually containing a rib bone. They are a tender, thin and succulent portion of meat, usually cooked medium rare over high heat. You can flavor a lamb chop by sprinkling it with spices or by marinating it for several hours. Marinades usually contain an acidic and an oily ingredient, which helps to tenderize the meat slightly. 1. **Defrost lamb chops by placing them in the refrigerator 12 to 4 hours before you cook them.** They should not be defrosted in the microwave. If you are short on time, you can marinate them lightly for one hour. 2. **Place the lamb chops in a large, sealable plastic bag.** 3. **Mix your marinade in a bowl.** There are several great options for different marinade flavors. Try one of the following: Create a middle-eastern marinade with one-half (118ml) cup of yogurt, several tbsp. (30ml) of olive oil, 1 tbsp. fresh chopped mint, a clove of chopped garlic and 1 tsp. (3g) of ginger. Add ¼ to ½ tsp. (0.5 to 1g) of cayenne pepper, cumin and coriander. Mix a tbsp. (15ml) of hoisin sauce, one tbsp. (15ml) of soy sauce, one tbsp. (15ml) of rice wine, a tsp. (5ml) of honey and ¼ tsp. of Chinese five-spice powder. Try a French marinade with one tsp. (5ml) of Dijon mustard, several tbsp. (30 to 45ml) of olive oil and two tbsp. (30ml) of dry vermouth with chopped rosemary, crushed garlic and black pepper. Make a Vietnamese-inspired mixture of crushed garlic with several tbsp. (30ml) of lime juice and (30ml) soy sauce. Try red wine, olive oil and crushed garlic for a simple Italian marinade. 4. **Whisk the ingredients together in a bowl.** The exact amounts that you use should cover at least half the chops. Try to use equal amounts of oil and acid (vinegar, juice or wine). 5. **Pour the marinade into the plastic bag.** Massage the chops to coat them thoroughly with the marinade. 6. **Push extra air out of the bag.** Seal it. 7. **Place it in the refrigerator the between 4 and 24 hours before cooking.** The longer the chops marinate, the stronger the flavors will be. 8. **Turn the bag every two hours so that the liquid coats the surfaces evenly.** You can also simply turn it halfway through your marinating time. 9. **Remove the lamb chops from the refrigerator 30 to 45 minutes before cooking.** This will help them come to room temperature and cook evenly. 10. **Take the chops out one by one and pat them dry with a paper towel.** 11. **Heat your grill or skillet to high heat.** Coat the pan with oil when it is fully heated if you are using a skillet. 12. **Place the chops on the grill or in the pan.** Don’t allow the chops to touch while you are cooking. Turn after three or four minutes. 13. **Cook the opposite side for three to four minutes.** 14. **Remove the chops from the pan.** Set them aside to rest for five to 10 minutes. 15. **Serve immediately.** ",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Plant Clematis.,"Clematis are vines that come in a stunning variety of colors and bloom ranges. They’re perennials, blooming in the spring and summer and dying back in the fall and winter, and can grow up to 20 feet (6.1 m) tall with lifespans of over 80 years. Clematis require full sun on its blooms and cool shade over the roots in order to thrive. See Step 1 to learn how to plant and care for beautiful clematis. 1. **Pick a clematis cultivar.** Clematis flowers come in an enormous range of shapes and colors, from pink blooms that span 6 inches across to drooping blue bells to starry white flowers. They've grown in popularity in recent years, so many nurseries offer dozens of varieties to choose from. When you decide which cultivar to buy, take the color, shape, potential side and sun requirements into account. Clematis often take several years to flower, so look for a potted plant that's already a year or two old. Here are the most common clematis cultivars: : Has large, pink flowers and is one of the most common types of clematis. It's hardy and easy to establish. : Has stunning magenta flowers and grows vigorously on trellises and arbors. This variety blooms last, from late spring to fall. : Has red flowers and is a suitable choice for growing in a pot, since it doesn't get very large. : Has pale pink, bell-shaped flowers and does particularly well in very hot climates. : Has deep purple blooms and grows vigorously; a widely available favorite. : Has abundant blue-violet blooms and vines that climb vigorously. : Has small white blooms; grows as an evergreen. 2. **Choose a sunny location.** Clematis may come in an amazing range of shapes and sizes, but they have similar needs when it comes to sun and temperature. They are hardy plants that require at least 6 hours of full sun per day. Clematis are hardy from growing zone 3 to zone 9. A few varieties of clematis will grow in partial shade, but they won't reach their full potential unless they have full sun for 6 hours per day. Look for a spot with low-growing perennials and groundcover that will shade the roots of the clematis but allow it to grow into full sun about 3 or 4 inches off of the ground. Clematis need cool roots and full sun on the vine and flowers. If you can't find a spot with groundcover, you can plant it later or mulch 4 in (10.2 cm) deep around the clematis to keep the roots cool. You can also plant clematis near the base of a shrub or small tree. The clematis will grow up the branches without harming the ""companion"" shrub or tree. 3. **Choose a spot with well-draining soil.** The location shouldn't be so dry that it doesn't retain moisture, but it should drain well enough that standing water doesn't sit around the roots of the clematis. To test whether the soil in an area drains well, dig a hole and fill it with water. If the water drains immediately, the soil is on the sandy side. If the water stands in the hole, the soil has too much clay, and doesn't drain fast enough. If the water slowly but steadily seeps into the soil, it's just right for clematis. 4. **Test the soil for its pH level.** Clematis prefer the soil to be neutral or alkaline over acidic. If you conduct a test and determine that the pH is a little too acidic, sweeten the soil by mixing in limestone or wood ash. 5. **Dig a hole and enrich the soil.** Dig a hole several inches deeper than the pot the clematis came in, so that when you plant it the soil comes right up to the first set of leaves. Before you plant the clematis, amend the soil by working in compost and granular organic fertilizer. This will ensure that the plant has enough nutrients to establish itself in the first few months after planting. If you're working with soil that tends to be clay heavy (slow to drain), dig the hole a few inches deeper than you normally would. If your soil is sandy (quick to drain), a slightly shallower hole will be better for the plant's roots, so they're close enough to the surface to get plenty of water. 6. **Plant the clematis.** Very gently remove the clematis from the pot it came in, taking care not to rip or break the fragile roots and shoots. Set the root ball into the hole, about 3-5 in (7.6-12.7 cm) below the surface of the dirt, and pat the soil around its base stem. The soil should come up to the first set of leaves; if it doesn't, lift out the root ball and dig the hole a bit deeper. Leave the stake in place so that the young clematis has something to grow against for the first year. 7. **Mulch around the roots.** Place 4 inches of straw or another type of mulch around the base of the clematis to keep the roots cool. You can also plant or encourage the growth of low-growing perennials whose leaves will shade the roots of the clematis throughout the summer. 8. **Keep clematis well watered.** Give the clematis long, deep drinks of water whenever the soil seems dry. To test whether it is dry, stick your finger in the soil, then pull it out. If you didn't hit wet soil, it's time to water the clematis. Don't water the clematis too often, though; since the roots are shaded, water may tend to sit for a longer period of time before it evaporates. Water in the morning, rather than in the evening, so that the water has time to dry and be absorbed before night falls. 9. **Provide a support for the clematis.** Clematis will not grow unless they have a vertical structure to climb. During the first year, the support that came with the clematis will be sufficient for the plant's needs, but after that you'll need to provide a larger support, like a trellis or arbor, to encourage it to grow bigger. Clematis grows by twisting its leaf stems around slender supports like twine, fishing line, thin branches, or screens. Be sure the support you provide isn't too wide for the leaf stems to reach around. It should be less than .5 inches (1.27 centimeters) in diameter. If you have a trellis or arbor made with wide pieces of wood, line it with a screen or attach some fishing line to provide a support thin enough for the clematis to wrap around. As the clematis grows larger and reaches around the support, you can help it stay in place by ""trussing"" it: loosely tying it to the structure with fishing line. 10. **Fertilize the clematis.** Every 4 to 6 weeks, feed the clematis with 10-10-10 fertilizer or side dress it with compost by spreading it around the plant's base. Clematis requires plenty of nutrients to grow strong and produce abundant flowers. 11. **Prune dead or damaged stems at any time.** While clematis aren't prone to being affected by pests, they can get a fungal disease that can cause the entire plant to turn black and die. If you see a dead or wilting stem on the clematis, use a clean pair of pruning shears to trim it away at the base. Disinfect the shears in an isopropyl alcohol or a bleach solution between cuts so you don't spread the disease to other parts of the plant. 12. **Prune away the oldest stems.** Since flowering becomes less abundant on stems over 4 years old, you can cut off the oldest stems to encourage new ones to grow. Wait until after the first bloom of the season, then use a pair of clean pruning shears to remove the stems at the base stem. 13. **Perform annual pruning according to the cultivar's requirements.** Clematis does well with an annual pruning to encourage fresh growth. However, different cultivars require pruning at different times of year. It's important to know exactly when to prune your specific cultivar, since you can damage the plant if you prune it at the wrong time of year. , meaning the flowers appear on last year's stems, require no pruning except to cut back their size a bit and keep them contained. After they flower, prune back to a pair of healthy buds. (Apple Blossom is in this group.) , meaning the flowers appear on last year's stems and new spring stems, need to be pruned to remove weak growth. Prune them in early spring, before they bloom, to remove weaker stems, then again after they bloom to improve their shape. (Nelly Moser and Ernest Markham are in this group.) , meaning the flowers appear only on new spring stems, should be cut back to 12 inches at the beginning of spring. (This includes Niobe, Princess Diana, Jackmanii, and Venosa Violacea.)",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Play RMVB Files.,"RMVB (RealMedia Variable Bitrate) files are created for the media player produced by RealMedia called RealPlayer. The easiest way to play RMVB files is to download and install the RealPlayer software, although there is another method for playing RMVB files for users who already have Windows Media Player Classic installed and do not want to install additional media players on their computer. 1. **Download and install RealPlayer if you want to run RMVB files directly in the media player created by RealMedia.** Visit the RealPlayer page on the RealMedia website and click the RealPlayer Free Download button. Save the downloaded file on your computer using the Save window that appears. Allow the file to download completely. Open the folder where you saved the file and double-click on the icon of the downloaded file to start the installation wizard. Enter your email address and choose the location where you want RealPlayer installed. If you don't choose a location the installation wizard will use the default location. Click ""I do not accept"" then ""Agree and Continue"" to every non-RealPlayer software it prompts you to install until you reach the RealPlayer installation, then click ""Agree and Continue"" and allow the installation wizard to install the software until you see a status message indicating that RealPlayer has installed successfully. 2. **Install Real Alternative if you want to play RMVB files in Windows Media Player Classic (without installing RealPlayer).** Download Real Alternative from the CNET website by going to the Real Alternative download page and clicking the ""Download Now"" button. Save the file in a location that you will remember on your computer and allow it to download completely. Close your Internet browser. This is an essential step to make sure that the Real Alternative installer does not conflict with your Internet browser. Double-click on the downloaded file to open it from its saved location. You will see a dialogue box appear saying that Real Alternative is being installed. Let the dialogue box remain on your screen while Real Alternative installs in the background. The dialogue box will disappear automatically once Real Alternative has been installed successfully. 3. **Download and install VLC Media Player to open your RMVB files with its help.** Go to this software's official website and click the Download button. 4. **In the newly appeared window click Save to download the file, and wait until this process is finished.** 5. **Open the destination folder, find the just saved file and double-click on it to start the setup process.** 6. **Follow the suggested steps in the opened installation wizard to successfully install VLC media player on your computer.** 7. **Open RMVB files using RealPlayer or Real Alternative using the following method.** Right-click on the RMVB file and then left-click on ""Open."" Choose the option that says ""Select the program from a list"" in the window that pops up and then hit the OK button. Select RealPlayer from the list that appears in the Programs list if you want to use RealPlayer to play the RMVB file. Otherwise select VLC media player from this list to open this RMVB file with VLC media player. If you want to use Real Alternative instead you should choose Windows Media Player Classic from the list since that is the media player that supports the Real Alternative plug-in.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Draw Like a Fashion Designer.,"Fashion designers have a unique way of drawing. Their models are simple and elegant with most of the detail going into the clothing. Whether it’s for a specific job or just for fun, drawing like a designer can lead to some gorgeous artwork. 1. **Sketch a circle for the head.** 2. **Draw the shape of the face.** 3. **Add the guidelines for the body.** Use a triangle-like curve for the upper part of body. Draw a circle for the hips. 4. **Add the basic outline of the dress.** 5. **Draw the basic features of the face.** 6. **Draw the hair as you like.** 7. **Draw details on the clothes.** 8. **Add more accessories if you like.** You can draw accessories like gloves and necklaces. 9. **Erase the draft lines.** 10. **Color.** 11. **Draw a model on the front and the back of a sheet of card or paper.** 12. **Make lines around the model drawing a design.** Let your imagination go wild.Just try put a picture on to your mind first and then try drawing it! 13. **Wrap it up.** Designing is really fun. But too much embellishment is just too much. It's easy to get carried away, even the simplest outfits are the coolest. 14. **Remember, this is your work, you can do anything, as long as it's yours.** Getting inspiration is great and helps a lot, but make something you would wear. Draw a similar outfit, but make it more you. Have fun, it's all yours.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Train Your Ferret to Walk on a Leash.,"Going for a walk can be a great experience for both you and your ferret. Leash training your ferret will allow him to explore the outside world while still being safely in your control. Check your local animal control ordinances before you take your ferret outside. It is not permitted in some areas. 1. **Purchase a H-style harness.** Visit your local pet store and purchase a H-style harness for ferrets. Do not buy a collar or a Figure-8 style harnesses. Your ferret could easily slip out of a collar, and the Figure-8 harness is often too loose on one side and too tight on the other. The harness should be made of nylon and have plastic buckles. Metal buckles get too hot in the sun, and Velcro closures make it too easy for your ferret to escape. 2. **Put the harness on your ferret indoors.** Place the harness on your ferret for a few minutes and give him a treat. Your ferret will probably not like the harness at first and may resist, pretend to fall, or try to run away from you. Make sure the harness fits properly and is not too loose or too tight. You should be able to fit your little finger between the harness and your ferret. Slowly increase the amount of time your ferret wears the harness and give him a treat each time. Your ferret should be used to the harness in a few weeks. Let your ferret play while wearing his new harness. Give him a favorite toy, treat, or play a favorite game while wearing his harness. 3. **Attach a leash to the harness.** Once your ferret is comfortable with the harness, attach a ferret leash. Allow him to play with the leash attached, but do not hold the leash. Give your ferret a treat to reward his good behavior. Always supervise your ferret when his leash is attached. You do not want it to get tangled around his neck or some other object. Gradually increase the time you leave the leash on. Move on to the next step once your ferret stops negatively reacting to wearing the leash. 4. **Hold the leash.** Once your ferret gets used to the leash, hold the leash and let your ferret walk around. Allow your ferret to lead. Gently tug on the leash a little to teach your ferret about resistance. Always reward your ferret with a treat. After a few training sessions, begin to direct your ferret using the leash. If he moves in a direction you do not like, gently tug the leash and guide him the desired direction. Reward him with a treat for following your lead. Never yank your ferret with the leash or pick him up by his leash. 5. **Walk close to your home.** Your first walk should be close to home. If possible, walk in a private, fenced yard. The first walks should only last for a few minutes, and then you can build up to 15-20 minute walks. Your ferret will be the leader for the most part. It is difficult to teach them to take direction like a dog. Take treats and water with you on your walk. Ferrets can easily dehydrate. If your ferret is too scared to go outside, sit outside and allow your ferret to stay inside. Continue to hold the leash and be patient. Your ferret should be open to going outside after a few attempts. 6. **Walk further from home.** Once your ferret is comfortable in your yard, you can take him for a walk in your neighborhood. He may feel more comfortable walking next to hedge lines. Stay away from places where a lot of other animals are. You do not want your ferret to pick up any illnesses. Your ferret will want to explore, but do not let him drink from any ponds or puddles. Don’t let other people touch your ferret when you are out. 7. **Allow your ferret to have fun.** Your ferret will enjoy playing in a pile of leaves, dirt, or freshly cut grass. If your ferret is staying in your yard, you can set up some of these fun things for your ferret to get into. Your ferret will not walk in a straight line as you go down the sidewalk. Try to only use the leash to keep your ferret from getting into danger such as going down drainpipes or engaging with other animals. Pick up your ferret immediately if a dog approaches. 8. **Avoid extreme temperatures.** Your ferret will not do well if the temperature is 80 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. If it is warm outside, try to stay in the shade. Take a water bottle with some ice in it so your ferret has something cool to drink. You can also fill a spray bottle with cold water and spray your ferret down. Consider the temperature of the walking surface. Asphalt and cement heat up on warm days and bother his feet. Neither extreme cold nor extreme heat are good for your ferret. Keep him inside instead. If the temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, your ferret may get cold. If he begins to shiver, place him in your jacket and go home. 9. **Apply bug spray.** Spray your ferret with a ferret safe flea and tick spray. These bugs carry diseases and/or parasites that are harmful for your ferret. Spray his entire body, and use a cotton swab to apply the spray to his ears and under his chin. Avoid spraying his eyes and nose. Check your ferret for bugs before you bring him back inside. If you notice any bites, treat them with antibiotic cream or ointment. If your ferret has any swelling or redness from the bites, call your veterinarian. 10. **Check his feet.** At the end of each walk, check his feet for any pebbles, stones, splinters, or broken toe nails. Wash his feet after the walk if you need to. You can also carry alcohol wipes with you on your walk so you can immediately clean his feet if necessary. Be extra careful if your ferret walks on gravel. There may be sharp stones or glass mixed in with the gravel. 11. **Vaccinate for distemper.** Distemper is a fatal, airborne virus. Your ferret is much more likely to get distemper by going outside. He can pick it up from grass, weeds, trees, other animals, shrubs,and even you. After the initial shot, your ferret will need to get an annual booster. You may also want to give your ferret the rabies vaccine. Talk to your veterinarian about the proper vaccines for your pet. 12. **Stay away from fertilizers.** Fertilizers and weed killers are poisonous to your ferret. Do not take your ferret in any lawns that have signs from commercial lawn care companies. You will not always know if a lawn has been treated with fertilizers, but try to avoid them as much as you can. Fertilizers are usually safe after drying for 24 hours. Also avoid any leaking car fluids such as oil, antifreeze, and windshield washer fluid.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Relate to an Introvert.,"If you are a social person who likes to interact with many different types of people, there is a good chance that one of your friends is an introvert. An introverted person may seem more withdrawn, shy, and need to make more an effort to socialize or interact with other people. This doesn’t mean that the person is anti-social or has some kind of social phobia. Introversion is instead just one personality type in which individuals need to use more energy to engage in social situations, become more tired and drained in large groups, and regularly need to take time to recharge their social butterfly batteries. Introverts are sensitive and aware people who can make great friends. It's important you understand the roots of introversion and how you can understand, respect, and relate to your introverted friend. 1. **Avoid passing judgement.** People with introverted traits can seem like they have no problem socializing; they may be able to trade quips, be quick witted, put on presentations for school and work with seeming ease. Introversion is not shyness, social anxiety nor avoidant behavior. Just because introverts can pull out the social fireworks when necessary does not mean that they are not in fact introverted or are faking it. You don't know how ""passing"" by being social and extroverted in a given situation affected that person. Ultimately, introverts do have different needs for self care than people who tend to be more socially oriented. Rather than jump to judgement, try to sit back and learn. Talk to the introvert, instead of assuming you've got him all figured out. 2. **Ask the introvert what he needs.** The best way to find out more about your friend and how you can help him feel more comfortable is simply to ask him. Friendships are wonderful things to nurture, and the point of friendship is to get to know someone, care about him, and keep his best interests in mind. Take the time to find out about what introversion is like for your friend, what his challenges are, and how he feels. Ask concrete, complete questions, as these types of questions may be easier for someone with introverted qualities to answer. Your friend may feel relieved that you are taking interest and showing that you care. Here are some questions and suggestions you may want to start with: What are the easiest social situations for you to be in? What kinds of social situations are the most tiring? Is there anything I can do to help you when you feel socially overwhelmed or drained? Do I ever make you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed in social situations? How can I help ease that? 3. **Give introverts alone time.** This rule is important and is often the hardest for most extroverts to understand. Introverts like people, but their inner electrical systems are wired very differently. When they're grouchy, crotchety, or just tired, they need time to themselves. If extroverts are solar cells, absorbing light and energy externally, then introverts are nuclear power plants, internally charging a 'self-battery'. They need time alone so the battery has time to charge up again. In almost every case, the absences of introverts or their need for time alone has nothing to do with you. It's about them and what they need for their own well-being. Give your introvert plenty of space and don’t try to pressure the introverted person in your life to be social when he feels tired or overwhelmed. Introverts have limits when it comes to social stimulation. 4. **Understand and respect boundaries.** Don’t try to pressure your introverted friend into going someplace or doing something that he isn’t comfortable doing. If your friend tells you he is tired and not feeling like going to a party, don’t get upset with him, don’t try to manipulate or guilt him into going, and respect that he wants and may need time to himself. Call another friend or always plan to bring someone else with you so that you won’t take your disappointment out on your introverted friend. Being a true friend means you nurture healthy, honest boundaries in your relationship. Don't barrage your friend with emails, texts, and messages if he hasn't been in touch for a bit. This can be overwhelming to the introvert; instead, trying sending ONE message that you're thinking of him. 5. **Embrace communication.** Explore other ways of communication that may not be as draining for your introvert than talking in person. Some introverts find it easier to talk over the internet or in other non-verbal ways of communicating like texting. Get to know what makes your introvert most comfortable. Keeping the lines of communication open can ensure that there aren’t misunderstandings and that you don’t take your introverts’ need for alone time personally. You need to learn that when your introverted friend isn't feeling very social or breaks plans with you, it is not personal and is not about you. It is instead something that your friend needs and is related to their essential nature. If you haven't heard from your introverted friend, rather than call or visit him in person, try sending a brief text message that says something like, ""Hey, haven't heard from you in a bit. Just checking in and hope all is well."" Remember that introverts sometimes prefer more distanced modes of communication. As a helpful tip, introverts often screen their phone calls, even those from friends, because they find it interrupting and also taxing. Often, introverts let their calls go to voicemail so they can return them when they feel it's the right time and they have sufficient energy. So your introverted friend isn't ignoring you when he doesn't pick up but will get back to you when he feels ready. 6. **Listen.** Listening is an essential part of any friendship. It is important to listen carefully to your friend that has introverted qualities because they may not be that comfortable expressing themselves frequently. In other words, pay attention! In addition, because of their tendency to reflect and think internally (instead of out loud, like extroverts), introverts tend to do the bulk of listening in conversations. They usually don't mind this, but it's also important to let them express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions while you sit back for once and take it in. Be in the moment and focus your mind on what your friend is saying. Put away your phone or turn it off. Give your friend your full attention. Try not to immediately let your mind get flooded with responses. Listen closely, maintain eye contact, concentrate on his words, and take a moment to digest what your friend has said before responding. Try to avoid responding with minimizing statements like, ""Oh everybody feels that way sometimes."" Your introvert friend's experience is valid, what he feels is valid, and it’s not always helpful to immediately nullify what you have just heard by generalizing or downplaying it. Instead try responding with active listening responses and leading questions like, ""I hear you. It’s interesting that you reacted that way. Why do you think you had that response?"" 7. **Invite and reciprocate honesty.** One of the marks of a true friendship is free-flowing and mutual honesty. Once you have learned more about your introverted friend and how his world may be different from yours, then it is healthy to encourage your friend to feel comfortable telling you how he feels. You aren’t a mind reader, and you can’t tap in to his energy or comfort levels at all times. A healthy friendship should include a level of communication where your introverted friend feels safe telling you what is really going on inside his head, even if it's something you may not want to hear. Let your introverted friend know that he can always be honest with you. If your friend decides that he just isn’t up for going out because even the thought of small talk feels exhausting, appreciate his honesty and react with empathy. You can express your own emotions, since honesty should be mutual, but avoid laying guilt or blame at your friend's feet. Instead, show empathy and compassion and let him know that you understand and respect his choice. Reacting compassionately will show your friend that he can be truthful and straightforward with you without fearing judgement or pressure. Introverts often feel that they have to put on social show just to appease their friends, and your friend may be very grateful that there is someone in his life he can be honest with about how he really feels. 8. **Accommodate.** Introverts generally prefer to spend time at work and home alone or in a small group. They also prefer to do one thing at a time and spend their time on it, rather than be doing multiple things at the same time. Try to accommodate introverts wherever you can; perhaps that means inviting only one other friend out when you're planning a movie night with your introverted friend, instead of a huge group. Avoid organizing gatherings in big, crowded spaces, like festivals, which may overstimulate your introvert (due to the people, music, loud noises, etc). Create an environment in which your introverted friend feels safe and like he can be himself. Make sure that introverts have a ""safe space"" where they can go. For example, if you run an office, consider enclosed conferences rooms of varying sizes as an option either for introverts to have some downtime to gather their thoughts and work privately or for small groups that need to work together but who might otherwise interrupt or distract their introverted colleagues. 9. **Be a friend.** By encouraging honesty and creating space for your introverted friend to feel comfortable being himself, you are being a good example of a nurturing person who accepts him for who he is. The more this facet your friendship is nurtured, the more empowered, honest, and healthy your introverted friend can feel about his life and himself. 10. **Learn about personality types.** One of the great things about having a circle of friends is that they all have different personalities, viewpoints, and ways of being and doing things. An essential part of having friends is getting to know them and all of their unique personalities. One useful thing to do that can help prepare you for personalities that may be different from your own is to read up on personality types. Learning more about introversion can help you understand your friend in a way that doesn’t lead to misunderstanding. Respect that enjoyment of life comes in many forms, and not just what you personally find fulfilling and fun. Learn about how your friend finds satisfaction and enjoyment. Read up on introversion and extroversion as the first pair of psychological preferences in determining personality type using the Myer-Briggs test. You can also decide, after reading, which preference applies to you. Knowing more about ourselves often helps us understand why and how we view the world and the people we care about. Learning about differences might help you in turn learn to appreciate the various outlooks, perspectives and advice that an introverted person can offer. For example, they approach social situations from a very different vantage point than an extrovert. Your introverted friend may have noticed something at a party or social gathering while you were too busy gabbing away to catch wind. As a general rule in life, it’s always to your benefit to learn about people who are different from you and share in their knowledge. 11. **Understand the core of introversion.** Introverts require more energy to be social and find social encounters draining. Introverts find their energy in solitary, often creative pursuits, whereas extroverts are energized by others. While extroverts actually physiologically experience an intensification of the feel-good hormone dopamine when surrounded by others, introverts do not. They find contentment from within. Introverts are not necessarily shy, nor are they afraid of people or fearful of social settings. They are also not typically misanthropic, meaning that they dislike mankind and human society. In fact, introverts often have heightened abilities for sensitivity, empathy, and creativity. These characteristics can make introverts truly caring, solid friends. 12. **Realize introverts are deeply introspective.** Introverts like to think. This does not necessarily mean an introvert's wonderings are any more meaningful or significant than an extrovert's. It's how they process the world and the people around them. They need to process their experience. Their introspection is in fact what makes them such excellent listeners. Note that introspection is not the same as ruminating, which is a compulsively focused attention on your problems, distress or mistakes and has been connected to mental health conditions like depression. Introspection is rather the examination and observation of one's internal mental and emotional processes, like a kind of self-examination. Introverts, because of their ability to internally tune in, tend to be drawn to more creative, detail-focused, and independent professions. 13. **Know that introverts are at their best one-on-one.** Most introverts enjoy conversation with one person at a time. So don't take it personally if they're a bit quiet in a group situation. They're probably absorbing what everyone is saying, and turning it over a few times in their heads. This is part of their introspective and thoughtful nature. In addition, you may notice your introverted friend hanging around near the exit when surrounded by lots of people; this is how introverts cope in crowded places. They like to be able to make a quick exit if they need to. 14. **Be aware that introverts might appear to be 'acting' sometimes.** This is particularly true in social situations. Some introverts are not naturally social people. This can make it difficult to interact with others who are inherently more extroverted and gregarious. To make the going easier, many introverts have leaned how to be 'temporarily extroverted'; put differently, they act. Acting for them requires an extraordinarily amount of energy and effort. This is why many introverts need a little break or alone time after a big social event. But not to worry; if you and your introvert have a very close relationship, he'll be his 'real' self most, if not all of the time. 15. **Respect that your friend identifies as an introvert.** Respect that this is a personality trait your friend lives and feels, and not a choice or lifestyle. It's a way of being. Respect that your friend has a different way of dealing with the world and of processing social stimulation and decision.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Soothe Red and Inflamed Gums.,"Red and inflamed gums can occur for a variety of reasons, such as hormonal changes during pregnancy, but it is most often a sign of gingivitis. Gingivitis is a common and mild form of gum disease that is caused by excess plaque and tartar in the gums. In order to soothe your red and inflamed gums, you need to treat the gingivitis. There are several ways of doing this at home. However, it is still very important that you see a dentist, as only a dentist can remove the hardened plaque that is causing the inflammation in the first place. 1. **Eat cold foods.** Ice, or ice cold foods such as popsicles, will numb the area that is inflamed. If you just need some temporary relief, and you can't get to a dentist right away, use ice to numb the area. 2. **Apply a numbing agent to the area.** A topical benzocaine ointment, such as those used on babies when they are teething, could help ease the pain temporarily. This could be especially helpful before attempting to eat or brush your teeth if your gums are very sensitive. 3. **Take over-the-counter pain killers.** Ibuprofen is a NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) that will decrease the swelling. Taking acetaminophen or aspirin can also be an effective short-term solution to your gum pain. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package and only take as many pills as is recommended. 4. **Soothe sore gums with chamomile tea.** Put one tea bag of chamomile in a cup of boiling water. Allow to to steep for five minutes and cool slightly before drinking. Swish the tea around your mouth to sooth your gums before swallowing. Aside from chamomile's anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and muscle-relaxing properties, it can also be used as mouthwash to treat inflammation of the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. Its active ingredients come mainly from its leaves, which contain 1-2% volatile oils, flavonoids, luteolin and quercetin. 5. **Prepare a mouthwash of saltwater.** Mouthwash made from saltwater can be effective in treating red and inflamed gums because it will cleanse the area and help to kill the bacteria that is causing you discomfort. Simply add a teaspoon of salt to a cup of hot water, stirring it until it is dissolved and then swishing it around your mouth as soon as it is cool enough to do so. Make sure that you don't swallow the saltwater. Simply spit it out when you are done swishing it around your mouth. 6. **Use peppermint tablets or capsules.** Peppermint extract has 0.1-1.0% oil that is made up of menthol and menthone. These oils act as an analgesic that reduces pain when applied to an inflamed area, such as the gums. Use 3 to 6 grams of peppermint tablets or capsules and dissolve in 10 ml of distilled water as mouthwash. Use once a day. Caution: If you have gallstones, consult your physician first before using peppermint extracts. 7. **Use sage leaves.** Sage leaves can be used to treat inflammation inside the mouth, throat and tonsils. To make mouthwash, put 2 tsp of chopped leaves in half a liter of water and bring it to the boil. Let it cool down for 15 minutes before using as mouthwash. Swish for 5 minutes several times a day. Sage contains alpha and beta-thujone, cineole, camphor, rosmarinic acid, flavonoids and tannins. These ingredients have antibacterial and antifungal properties. 8. **Make mouthwash from myrrh tinctures.** The use of myrrh in mouthwash has soothing effects on inflamed tissues inside the mouth. Myrrh can also be used to treat pharyngitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis and ulcers. It can be applied topically to mildly inflamed areas inside the mouth. Myrrh contains resin, gum, and nonvolatile oils. The resin component has antimicrobial properties which help the immune system by stimulating activity of the macrophages (type of white blood cell). To prepare the mouthwash, add 30 to 60 drops of myrrh tincture to warm water. Swish around your mouth for 30 seconds. Alternatively, myrrh tincture can be applied directly onto sore parts of the gums. Use a q-tip to directly apply extracts of myrrh. 9. **Apply aloe vera on sore gums.** Aloe vera can be directly applied to red and inflamed gum tissues. It can also be used to cure viral oral lesions, ulcers, and gum abscesses. After brushing your teeth, apply a small amount of natural aloe vera gel directly to the inflamed gums. They will feel instantly soothed. Apply the aloe vera solution twice per day until the inflammation subsides. 10. **Help gums heal with manuka honey.** Natural, untreated manuka honey, from New Zealand, has antimicrobial and wound healing properties. It helps to keep the gums stay moist and provides a protective barrier over them. Honey can produce hydrogen peroxide and kill bacteria by dehydrating it. It can be used to treat sore gums, ulcers and other problems inside the mouth. Use a q-tip to apply a small amount of 100% pure honey to sore areas inside your mouth. Do this three times a day for five days. 11. **Visit your dentist.** He or she will assess the state of your gums, looking for soft, swollen, or red gums and visible plaque or tarter at the base of your teeth. In addition, your dentist may perform x-rays, in order to assess whether the disease has spread into the bone surrounding the teeth. 12. **Get a professional cleaning.** If you already have gingivitis, the dentist will perform a scaling and polishing treatment. In this procedure, calculus deposits and plaque (tartar) are removed from the surface of the teeth. It is recommended that you visit the dentist every six months for a routine scaling and polishing. Because you are having such extreme symptoms, the hygiene appointment will most likely take more than one appointment. Scaling: Your dentist uses ultrasonic or manual scalers to remove calculus deposits and plaque from your teeth. These calculus deposits are mineralized and cannot be removed with normal brushing. To tell if you have calculus deposits, run your tongue over the back surface of your teeth — calculus deposits will feel rough. Professional removal of plaque greatly improves periodontal health. Polishing: After the calculus deposits have been removed the dentist will polish your teeth. To do this, the dentist or dental hygienist will use a polishing paste and a rubber brush. Polishing pastes contain fluoride to help strengthen your teeth and prevent tooth decay, and abrasives like siliceous minerals to keep the surface of your teeth smooth and shiny. The smooth surface finish will prevent bacteria from sticking to your teeth and gums. 13. **Take antibiotics, if recommended by your dentist.** After your teeth have been cleaned, your dentist may recommend antibiotics if the infection is serious enough. These can be taken via a prescription mouthwash, topical gels, or in pill form. 14. **Consider further treatment if the infection remains or gum disease develops.** Your dentist will make suggestions for further treatment. If your gingivitis has developed into gum disease, and it has moved deep into your teeth, you may need to consider surgical options. Options include flap surgery, bone grafts, and guided tissue regeneration. Tooth extraction is also a possibility, since gum disease will lead to bone disease and bone is what anchors the teeth. 15. **Maintain excellent oral hygiene.** The best way to further prevent inflamed gums is to maintain excellent oral hygiene. This gets rid of bacteria inside your mouth and also prevents other dental problems. Make sure that your toothbrushing technique is effective in removing plaque and remember to see your dentist every six months for a routine checkup and cleaning. Drink plenty of water after eating. This can wash away food particles and the potential for gum-damaging bacteria. 16. **Brush your teeth at least twice a day.** Studies show that brushing can prevent gingivitis. Effective brushing should not only reach in between teeth to remove plaque, but also massage the gums to stimulate micro-circulation in that area. The best technique for brushing your teeth is the modified Bass Method. Orient your brush in such a way that its head is tilted at a 45-degree angle towards the gum line. This allows the bristles to clean 1 mm below the gum line. Use small, vibratory, circular strokes to remove plaque. After about 20 strokes, do a sweeping motion towards the biting surface of your teeth. For the biting surfaces, do a back and forth brushing stroke. Repeat these steps for all of your teeth. 17. **Floss before brushing.** Flossing helps to remove plaque along the margins of your gums. This saves the gums from getting irritated by bacteria present in plaque. Floss first, since flossing brings the plaque stuck between the teeth out, and then you brush it away. Get an elbow length piece of dental floss and wrap each end around your middle fingers. Leave at least an inch of floss between your fingers to work with. With the help of your index finger, gently slide the floss in between your teeth, starting at the back. Allow the floss to hug the surface of your tooth and gently slide down to the gum line. Then, drag the floss against the surface of your tooth. Do not force the floss in between your teeth as this could damage your gums and cause bleeding. Repeat the same steps between all of your teeth. 18. **Use saline rinses.** Dissolve 9 teaspoons of salt in three cups of warm water. Rinse for 30 seconds, then spit out. Do this twice a day. Rinsing with salt water is an effective way to reduce the bacteria in your mouth. The bacteria present in plaque causes irritation of your gums. Salt rinses create a diffusion gradient inside the mouth. This means that it causes the bacteria to become dehydrated and die. 19. **Quit smoking.** Those that smoke are more likely to get gum disease, as smoking is very hard on the gums and bone, causing bone loss, which subsequently is more difficult to keep clean. The habit can give you a variety of gum problems, including sensitive gums, bleeding gums, or painful sores on the gums.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Install a Rear View Camera.,"A rear-view camera, also known as a backup camera, lets you see what’s behind your vehicle without having to look backwards. Though the device comes standard with many new car models, you can add a rear-view camera to your vehicle if it didn’t come with one. 1. **Buy a mountable backup camera for your specific vehicle.** For safety, make sure you purchase a device specifically designed to be a rear-view camera. Purchasing one made for your specific vehicle will make it easier to install than a standard aftermarket camera. So you can install it easily, look for a camera that mounts onto or directly behind your license plate. Look for backup cameras at consumer electronics stores. 2. **Get an external monitor if you want to keep your existing rear-view mirror.** An external backup monitor is a small video screen that mounts onto your windshield similarly to a GPS. Though they take up more space than internal monitors, external monitors are far easier to see and can be easily replaced if necessary. If you’d like, you can use a standard video monitor instead. However, keep in mind that it may not have all the same features as devices designed for use with backup cameras. 3. **Purchase an internal monitor for a less obtrusive device.** An internal backup monitor is a fully functioning rear-view mirror that houses a small screen inside the glass. Some internal monitors clip on top of your current rear-view mirror, but others replace your original mirror entirely. Most internal monitors shut off and disappear when not in use, making them a perfect option if you want to preserve your car’s looks. 4. **Buy power and video cords if your camera and monitor didn’t include them.** For most rear-view camera installations, you’ll need camera and monitor splitter cords with connectors for video and power cables, 2 bare wire power cables, and an RCA video cable. Most installation kits include these cables, but some may require you to purchase them separately. Some camera models use wireless transmitters instead of standard video cables. 5. **Take off your rear license plate.** Using a Phillips head screwdriver, remove each of the screws holding your rear license plate in place. Then, pull the plate off and set it aside. Make sure you place the screws in a safe place so you don’t lose them. 6. **Remove your trunk’s interior panel.** Pop open your trunk and look for a solid interior panel covering the opposite side of your license plate mounting area. Then, insert a trim removal tool or other thin device behind the panel and pry it off. Removing this panel will expose the car’s rear wiring chambers. 7. **Drill a small hole in the license plate mounting area.** Make sure there are no obstructions between the license plate mount and the rear wiring chamber. Then, create a small hole in the car using a power drill equipped with a high-speed twist drill bit. Line up your hole so it is directly behind where your camera’s power and video cable will go. To figure out where to make the hole, hold your camera up to the area you intend to mount it. Then, note the spot where its splitting cord sits. Create a hole that’s large enough to fit your camera’s power and video cable. If you come across any obstructions, try to remove them. If you can’t, see if you can make a hole nearby. For most jobs, you’ll need a drill bit that has a diameter between ⁄8 and ⁄4 in (0.32 and 0.64 cm). 8. **Place a rubber grommet around your camera cable.** Before running your camera cable into the car, slip a rubber grommet onto it near the non-splitting end. These small rubber washers, available at most home improvement stores, will keep the wire in place and prevent leaks. Choose a grommet that’s just large enough to fit inside the drilled hole. 9. **Run the camera cable into your trunk.** Pull the splitting end of your camera’s video and power cable through the drilled hole into the trunk of your car. Make sure you pull it tight so the rubber grommet lodges into the drilled hole. Your camera cable should run from the outside of the car to the inside of the car. 10. **Locate your car’s 2 reverse light wires.** Reverse light wires are the cords that connect your car’s tail lights to the dashboard. They hook directly into your vehicle’s tail lights and are normally located in the hatch or trunk of your car. These cords look different for every vehicle so, if you can’t find them, consult your owner’s manual for model specific information. 11. **Strip and separate your car’s reverse light wires.** Using a wire stripper or pliers, peel back the rubber covering the wires. Then, use a screwdriver or other thin tool to poke a hole through the middle of each exposed wire, separating the individual wire strands. For safety, make sure you do this while the car is turned off. 12. **Fuse your camera wires with the reverse light wires.** Attach 1 of your bare wire cables to the camera cord’s power connector. Then, poke your bare wires through the center of the exposed reverse light wires and twist them together. For safety, make sure you wrap the combined wires in electrical tape. Make sure you poke your positive (usually red) bare wire through the positive reverse light wire and the negative (usually black) bare wire through the negative reverse light wire. 13. **Route your camera’s video cable to the front of the car.** Connect your RCA cable to the camera cord’s video connector if necessary. Then, run it through your vehicle to the area by the fuse box. Depending on your vehicle model, you’ll usually be able to do this by peeling back the automobile’s headliner or side panels and pulling your cable through the exposed chamber. For certain trucks, you may need to run the video cable through the vehicle’s frame rail. In most cars, you’ll find the fuse box underneath the steering wheel. 14. **Fix external monitors to the front windshield.** If you’re installing an external monitor, first attach your device’s included mount to the windshield by following the manufacturer’s included instructions. Then, hook your monitor onto the mount. Most external monitors use a suction mount, though others may come with a more complex mounting system. 15. **Attach internal monitors to the rear-view mirror or mirror mount.** For certain internal monitors, you’ll need to clip the new device onto your current rear-view mirror. For others, you’ll need to take off the mirror and slide your monitor into the pre-existing mirror mount. Some internal monitors may come with their own mounting system that you’ll have to attach to the car’s front windshield. 16. **Run the monitor’s splitter cable to the fuse box.** If necessary, hook your monitor’s power and video cable into the device. Then, route the cable from the monitor to the area next to the fuse box. If you’d like, use a trim removal tool to pop out the headlining panel directly above your windshield. Then, run your cable through the exposed chamber. 17. **Connect your monitor’s camera cable to the RCA cable.** After routing your monitor’s splitter cable, connect the video end of the cable to your camera’s RCA cord. Then, wrap the connected cords with electrical tape to hold them together. If your RCA and video cables have the same ends, you may need to purchase an RCA male to female converter cord. You can find these at most electronic stores. 18. **Attach your monitor’s power cable to a fuse tap.** Connect your remaining bare wire cable to the backup monitor’s power cord. Then, push the positive (usually red) end of the bare wire cable into the open end of a fuse tap. Finally, crimp the 2 cables together with a pair of pliers. A fuse tap is a small cable that converts a bare wire into a fuse signal. You can find them at most auto part stores. If you’d prefer, you can leave the bare wire cable off and connect your camera’s power cable to a cigarette lighter adaptor. Then, plug this adaptor into your car’s cigarette lighter receptacle for power. 19. **Plug the fuse tap into the fuse box.** Locate your fuse box and open it up. Then, plug your fuse tap into an open fuse cell. If necessary, check your fuse box’s lid or your vehicle’s instruction manual to see which slots are open. After attaching your fuse, consider taping all your wires together using electrical tape to get them out of the way. 20. **Connect your backup camera to its power and video cable.** Return to the back of your car once you’ve installed the rear-view monitor and all the necessary camera cords. Close the trunk if necessary, then connect the backup camera to its power and video cable. Your camera’s power and video cable should be sticking out of the hole you drilled in the license plate mounting area. 21. **Mount the camera to your license plate.** If the camera attaches to the front of your license plate, fix it to the plate by following the manufacturer’s included instructions. If the camera attaches to the back of your license plate, line the device up with the plate’s fastener holes and thread screws through them. In most cases, you can attach a rear-view camera to the back of your license plate using the screws you removed from the car earlier. 22. **Reattach your license plate and trim panels.** Using a Phillips head screwdriver, put your rear license plate back on your vehicle. Once you’ve reattached it, give the license plate and backup camera firm tugs to make sure they’re secure. If you haven’t already, reattach your car’s interior trunk panel and other trim panels by pressing them back onto the vehicle. 23. **Test the camera to make sure everything works.** Before using your new camera on public roads, test it in a safe area like your driveway. If it turns on, place a large, durable object like a trash can behind the camera to see how distorted the image is. If it does not turn on, read your installation manual for troubleshooting information. In many cases, rear-view camera malfunctions are caused by loose or improperly connected wires.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Look Rich Without Being Rich (for Guys).,"Even if you don't have a lot of money, there's a lot of things you can do to look rich to other people. Looking rich will earn you more respect from people. You can look rich by taking care of your body properly, wearing great looking clothes and accessories, and by acting like you have all the money in the world. 1. **Get a nice haircut.** If you have shaggy, messy hair, you won't look rich to other people. Shop around in the local neighborhood or search online to find a good, inexpensive barber. Ask the barber for a tidy trim. If you like having longer hair, brush it back or use gel to style it. You shouldn't have to spend more than $20 on your haircut. 2. **Style your hair and comb it every day.** If you just wake up and leave the house without touching your hair in the morning, you won't look rich to people. Use gel or other hair products to style your hair. Comb your hair to make it look neat and tidy. Neat, styled hair will make you look rich more than untouched, messy hair. 3. **Rub moisturizer onto your face and body.** Moisturizer will not only keep you looking younger, it will also help you look wealthy. Rich people can afford to see dermatologists and have skincare injections all the time. Frequent use of moisturizer will keep your skin soft and supple. Any moisturizer for men should do the trick. Don't spend more than $20 on a bottle or tub of moisturizer. 4. **Buy a teeth whitening kit.** A hallmark of being rich is having incredibly white teeth that almost look they're glowing. You probably can't afford to go to the dentist often enough to make your teeth look that white, but you can use a teeth whitening kit. You can find a teeth whitening kit at your local pharmacy, supermarket, or online. The more you pay for your teeth whitening kit, the more effective it will be. The best kits on the market go for $100 or so. If you're on a tight budget, you can get a kit for between $20 and $40. Remember to brush your teeth and floss frequently as well. There's only so much the whitening kit can do. 5. **Keep your beard trimmed if you have a beard.** The longer and longer you let your beard grow, the smaller your chances are of appearing to be wealthy. Keep your beard clean and neat looking. Don't let it grow too long. Wash your beard with beard shampoo to make your hair look healthy. If you struggle to grow a full beard, stay clean-shaven. 6. **Use a sunbed or get a spray tan.** All rich people seem to have permanently sun-kissed glowing skin. This is probably because they frequently go for holidays to places with hot climates. Sunbeds and spray tans allow you to get that same skin color without having to pay for an expensive flight abroad. A spray tan is better for you than a sunbed. If you do use sunbeds, use them in moderation. Expect to pay no more than $25 for a session on a sunbed or a spray tan. 7. **Avoid wearing clothes with logos on them.** Rich men tend to wear t-shirts that are solid colors, with no logos or writing on the front. The clothes you wear should be plain with minimal branding or other writing on them. It's okay to wear shoes with logos on them, especially runners or sneakers as you'll be hard pressed to find a pair of these shoes without a logo, 8. **Dress smart and for the occasion.** Only wear shorts to the beach or when shopping. Instead of always wearing T-shirts, try wearing men's plaid shirts over jeans or khakis. In more formal circumstances, wear a jacket over your shirt. Dress up in a dress suit once in a while. Go for the business, business casual or/and preppy look. Wear a casual suit as often as possible. Casual suits are less tailored and less formal in their design. Don't wear a tie with a casual suit. Wear a nice, solid colored tie if you're wearing a shirt and suit trousers. 9. **Wear clothes that fit properly.** Rich men have stylists or shop at fancy, expensive clothing stores where the employees ensure the clothes fit perfectly. Baggy clothes look sloppy and can make you look unkempt. Clothing that's too tight will be uncomfortable and won't look nice to other people. If you have the money, go to a tailor and get your clothes tailored for a better fit. When buying clothes, try a few different sizes on beforehand to find the size that fits you best. Sort through your clothes and get rid of everything that you haven't worn in a long time and all the clothes that don't fit. Put the clothes in a bag and donate them to a charity shop. 10. **Iron, clean, and look after your clothes.** If you take good care of your clothes, they'll last longer and look better. A simple iron can do wonders to a wrinkled shirt. Store your shirts and jackets on hangers and fold your pants before you place them in your wardrobe. Buy the highest quality clothes that you can afford. Avoid buying knock-offs as they're often poorly designed and made. 11. **Get plenty of pairs of shoes and wear them in rotation.** If you only have 2 or 3 pairs of shoes, chances are that they'll all be worn and will look old after a while. Buy as many shoes as you can in as many different styles. Try to avoid wearing the same shoes more than 2 days in a row. If you're constantly wearing different types of shoes, people will think you're rich. Take good care of your shoes, particularly if they're leather, so they'll last longer. Have a quality pair of dress shoes, trainers, canvas shoes, casual loafers, and desert boots. Shop around online to find sales. You can find good quality, inexpensive shoes on the internet. 12. **Find an expensive looking watch.** You don't need to own an expensive watch to look rich, the watch just needs to look expensive. You can go to the local jewelry store in your town and ask if they're selling any second hand watches in good condition. Search online marketplace websites to find watches that look expensive for cheap prices. Check the seller's feedback rating before you buy. 13. **Replace your wallet with a card case.** Rich people rarely carry cash with them but they do carry credit and debit cards. A card case is essentially a wallet for card storage. Card cases have no section to store cash. Buying a card case and storing your cards in it is a simple thing you can do to look wealthy. You will still need to carry cash around with you, so keep your wallet. Store it in your jacket pocket or another place it won't be seen. 14. **Be more confident in interacting with people.** The popular phrase ""fake it 'till you make it"" is a good motto to live your life by. Even if you don't feel confident, try to act like you are. Smile more when you talk to people, walk with your head held high, and make eye contact with other people. There's a fine line between being confident and being cocky. Be nice to people and never treat them as if they're beneath you. 15. **Use good manners when interacting with people.** Rich people tend to be nice to the people they meet throughout the day. If somebody holds a door open for you, thank them. Say ""please"" when you order food at a restaurant. If you're trying to move past somebody in a busy shop, say ""excuse me."" Manners will go a long way to getting other people to think you're rich. 16. **Work out at the gym and stay in shape.** Rich people tend to have lots of time to go to the gym. A good physique is a sign that a person is financially secure enough to spend a large part of their time getting fit. The fitter you get, the healthier and richer you'll start to look. There's no need to join the most expensive gym in your town. Find a good gym with a special offer for new members and sign up. The best time to join a gym is around Christmas and New Year. Gyms try to capitalize on people's New Years Resolutions at this time and offer massive deals on membership. 17. **Drive a nice car if you have the money.** This is possibly the most expensive thing you can do in your effort to look rich. Cars are a status symbol and there's a big difference between the type of car the typical rich person drives and the type of car everyone else drives. Scout second-hand car dealerships in your town to find a deal on an expensive car. No matter what car you drive, keep it clean and well maintained. Don't leave garbage in the car and use the car wash at least 2 times a month. Rich people would not drive around in a dirty car. Look online to see if anyone in the local area is selling a great car for a cheap price. 18. **Make friends with rich people by joining clubs.** If you surround yourself with other rich people, chances are that other people will think you're rich too. Golf clubs and tennis clubs are great places to mix and develop relationships with rich people. Golf is typically a lot more expensive to get into than tennis. If you're on a budget, join the tennis club to meet rich people.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Call Eritrea.,"Sometimes, having a friend or loved one in a faraway country can be difficult because you can’t talk to them as often as you’d like. However, you can get in contact with someone in Eritrea by placing a phone call, as long as you have your country’s exit code, the Eritrean country code (291), the area code (7 or 1), and the 6-digit subscriber phone number. 1. **Dial the exit code of the country that you’re calling from.** The exit code informs the phone company that you’re calling from outside of Eritrea, and they will be able to connect you to the telephone services in that country. Exit codes vary based on the country that you are calling from. For the United States and Canada, the exit code is 011. For many other countries, including the United Kingdom, the exit code is 00. 2. **Type in the country code for Eritrea (291).** Next, you’ll dial 291, which lets the phone company know that you’re placing a call to the country of Eritrea. 3. **Dial 7 if you are calling a mobile phone or 1 for a landline.** For Eritrean phone numbers, the next number is considered the “area code,” but there are only two options based on the kind of phone that you’re calling. 4. **Dial the 6-digit subscriber number.** Be sure to type the numbers into the phone carefully to avoid calling the wrong person! All phone numbers in Eritrea have 6 digits in addition to the country and area codes. For example if you’re placing a call from the United States to a mobile phone in Eritrea, you will dial: 011 291 7 XXX XXX. 5. **Wait for the phone to connect and ring.** For long-distance calls, it can take a moment for the call to connect. Be patient and wait to hear ringing to ensure that the call has connected. If the phone doesn’t ring within 15-20 seconds of dialing, hang up and attempt to re-dial the number. 6. **Buy an international calling card.** Calling cards help to offset some of the expensive charges for placing international calls. The card, which you can buy at most grocery stores, comes preloaded with a specific number of call minutes that you’ve already paid for. Look for cards that charge low fees to place calls and have low maintenance fees or none at all. These charges take away time from your calls. Make sure to select a card that has options for calling Africa. Some International calling cards might be region specific, like Europe or Asia. 7. **Locate the PIN on the back of the card.** Once you’ve purchased your card and are ready to make a call, flip the card over and locate the PIN, which is normally hidden under a scratch-off or peel-off coating. Some calling companies print the PIN on your receipt to avoid theft. If you can’t find it on the back of the card, check your receipt. If you can't find the PIN for your calling card, call the customer service number printed on the card for assistance. 8. **Dial the access number.** To use the card, you have to activate it by calling into the card company. Normally, this is an 800-number listed on the front or back of the card. Listen closely to the directions, especially if it’s your first time calling. The automated message will prompt you to enter your PIN, so have the number on hand when calling. 9. **Dial the phone number and wait to be connected.** Once you’ve entered your PIN, the automated message will prompt you to enter the number you want to call. Be sure to enter the country code (291), area code (7 or 1), and the 6-digit subscriber number. Be patient while you’re being connected. You should hear ringing within a few seconds of dialing the number. If you don’t, hang up the call and re-dial the access number to start over. If problems persist, contact the customer service number of the card company for assistance. 10. **Keep track of your minutes to avoid being cut short.** Use a pen and paper to keep track of when your call was connected and how much time you spend on the line. Some companies will remind you of how many minutes you have remaining before you place your call, but it’s always good to keep track for yourself! Once you’re getting down to your last 5-10 minutes, consider reloading the card you have now or purchasing a new one. 11. **Contact your cell phone company to get an overseas calling plan.** If you know you’ll be calling overseas or traveling often, some phone companies offer international plans for discounted rates. Your savings will depend on how often you’re calling Eritrea and how much money the plan for your phone company costs. Be sure to ask your provider if there are any additional fees for calls to places like Africa, which may be outside of their traditional international plans. 12. **Use a VoIP service like Skype or WhatsApp to call via WiFi.** Apps like Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, and many more allow users to place international calls to other individuals who have the app downloaded on their device, sometimes for little or no cost. They use a service known as Voice over Internet Protocol to place the call over WiFi or broadband. Many VoIP services are free when the call is placed to another user of the same app, but they will charge fees for placing calls to mobile or landline numbers. Some VoIP services charge a flat rate for use of their services, which can be much less expensive than other methods of calling. This is especially useful if you call Eritrea often, and the person you are calling uses a landline. 13. **Download a messenger app that supports calls.** If you’re calling someone who has a smartphone, apps like Facebook Messenger, Kik, and WhatsApp support user-to-user calls over WiFi or data for free. You won’t be charged for placing the calls, but be aware that your phone company might charge for data or WiFi usage as per your phone agreement.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Use Twitch Watch Parties on Android and iOS.,"Back in 2020, Twitch launched its Watch Parties feature for desktop web browsers, which allows viewers to watch videos and shows from Amazon Prime Video in perfect unison with their favorite streamers. Twitch has announced that Watch Parties are now available on mobile iOS and Android devices. We’ve outlined how to use Twitch Watch Parties on mobile devices. 1. **First, you must be an Amazon Prime member and have access to a Prime Video subscription.** The content you want to watch must also be available in your region. What this means is that, if a streamer is watching a movie in Russia, but you’re Amazon Prime is based in the U.S., they might be streaming movies or TV shows not available in the U.S. If you don’t have an Amazon Prime account, but would like to make one check out our article: 3 Ways to Make an Amazon Account. 2. **Open the Twitch App and log into your account.** If you don’t have an account you will need to create one at this time, which is easy and free. Check out our article on how to make a Twitch account: How to Create an Account on Twitch. 3. **Once you are logged in, navigate to the “Discover” page with the compass button in the middle of your screen.** On the Discover page, click on the magnifying glass in the upper right-hand corner and search for “Watch Parties.” 4. **Scroll down to the “Categories” section or click the “Categories” tab underneath the search bar.** This will bring you to all the Watch Parties currently being streamed. 5. **Select the stream you want to watch by clicking on it.** If this is your first time joining a Watch Party from a mobile device, Twitch will ask you to log into your Amazon Prime or Prime Video account. Click “authorize this device” and enter your login information. 6. **Once you’re logged in, you’re all set to watch Amazon’s video content with your favorite streamers.** Much like following along with a video game, you can participate in the chat, subscribe to channels, and show streamers support by cheering. 7. **Unfortunately, you streamers on Twitch cannot stream Watch Parties from mobile devices.** To use Watch Parties, you will need to be set up on a desktop device. If you stream regularly, you should not need to make any modifications to your setup to start a Watch Party. 8. **Watch Parties also do not count or impact a path to Partnership (those looking to monetize their accounts and receive special creator privileges).** But, this should not discourage you from using Watch Parties! With its expansion to mobile, more and more users will be able to see your content on-the-go, which could earn you more subscribers and grow your channel. 9. **This feature is going to become more popular.** With Twitch’s mobile expansion it’s likely you’ll see a lot of your favorite streamers begin to use this feature more and more and you can enjoy their content on the go.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Kill Tree Roots?,"You don’t often think about the web of roots underneath the tree in your yard until they start wreaking havoc. A cracked foundation or busted up driveway is no fun, and no matter how much you love a tree, sometimes the roots have got to go. The good news is that you have multiple options for killing tree roots (or even the entire tree depending on how serious it is) yourself. Please note: The WHO considers glyphosate to be a probable human carcinogen. Its use is prohibited in some states and countries. Please check with your local laws and use caution if handling this chemical. 1. **Cut small problem roots.** Although labor-intensive, this directly addresses the issue with no risk to nearby plants. Dig out the soil around and under the root first, then cut with a root saw or loppers. Cutting roots aggressively can put the tree in a long decline, potentially killing it over many years. Follow these rules of thumb to prevent this: Multiply the diameter of the tree by eight. That's the minimum distance from the trunk you can cut with low risk of serious harm. Cut roots on one side of the tree only, especially if you're risking a cut closer than the minimum distance. 2. **Dig a trench to block roots** Cutting roots once is only a temporary solution. To maintain the area, you may need to dig a trench and cut away the roots annually — or up to twice a year for aggressive root systems. You can save yourself from this chore if you dig one deep trench (ideally through the entire topsoil), then install one of these barriers before backfilling: Galvanized metal roofing. Fold the top over to avoid a dangerous sharp edge. A double layer of HDPE plastic,Overlap sections of barrier by at least 12"" (30 cm) so roots can't slip through. sometimes available free from feed stores For best results, buy a commercial root barrier treated with herbicide. Trifluralin is a common option unlikely to harm nearby plants. 3. **Kill suckers with herbicide.** Some trees respond to cut roots or other damage by sending up new suckers from the root system. To kill these selectively, sever the root so the herbicide does not travel to the main tree. Apply an herbicide that contains glyphosate or triclopyr amine carefully to the sucker so it does not spray to nearby plants. Many suckering plants grow aggressively. If you are not willing to kill the main tree, you will need to repeat this treatment or periodically dig up the suckers by hand. If you've cut down the main tree but suckers are still appearing in your yard, your only option may be to apply a broadleaf herbicide. This will kill all vegetation in the area. Repeat each time suckers appear until the roots run out of nutrients. 4. **Replace damaged pavement with crushed stone or mulch.** It may not be possible to kill large surface roots without killing the whole tree. If that's not an option, you can install a surface the tree cannot break through. Since this does not kill the roots, it will not protect garden areas or sewage pipes. Carefully remove any damaged concrete with minimal damage to roots. Cover the area with geotextile fabric. Leave 6"" (15 cm) of clear ground around the trunk, or 12"" (30 cm) for large trees. Cover with 3–4"" (7.5–10 cm) of crusher run (a type of crushed stone aggregate) or 6–8"" (15–20 cm) of coarse mulch. Mulch is less effective, and may wash away in rain. Edge the material with stones to minimize shifting. 5. **Pour copper sulfate or rock salt down your toilet.** This is the easiest treatment, but it risks killing the whole tree or surrounding plants. Flush either product down your toilet bowl (never into a sink or shower) in ½ lb (¼ kg) increments or less, until you've added 2 lb (0.9 kg). Avoid running water into the pipe for 8–12 hours so the salt has time to kill the roots. Follow all safety information on the label.Both chemicals can cause major damage to aquatic life. Their use may be regulated by your state or country, especially near water treatment plants. 6. **Treat your pipes with a foaming herbicide.** Foaming herbicides expand to fill the pipe and take some time to break down, making them the best option for sewage line root removal. Contact herbicides kill the roots quickly, while systemic herbicides can take a couple weeks but may kill the whole tree. Different foam consistencies are appropriate for different sizes of pipe, so read the label before buying. Some herbicides are toxic to fish or other wildlife. The label should describe the environmental impact, and may include information on how to minimize it. For best results, hire a professional plumber to apply metam-sodium. This is a corrosive chemical that requires training and safety equipment to use. 7. **Have a professional clear clogged pipes mechanically.** If roots have clogged a pipe completely, they will block the flow of chemical treatments. Hire a plumber instead to clear the pipe with a Roto Rooter or similar mechanical tool. This also has the advantage of avoiding environmental impacts from herbicide. 8. **Repair the pipe.** Unless you're willing to repeat this treatment regularly, the cleared pipe will need structural repairs to prevent root regrowth. Installing a lining inside your pipe requires less digging and disruption, but a complete pipe replacement is often cheaper. You may also need to remove or relocate any large trees near the pipe, or the roots will keep growing into the sewer pipe. 9. **Research your tree first.** Some tree species can produce root suckers, growing whole new trunks some distance from the stump. Removing the trunk will not kill the roots, and can even trigger new growth. Avoid this method with these species (not a comprehensive list): Elms, cherries, plums, and lilac trees can regenerate from roots after the trunk is damaged. Use herbicides instead. Aspens, poplars, sumac, and black locust form ""clonal colonies"" of many trunks during normal growth. Their roots are very difficult to control even with herbicides. A local agricultural extension can recommend an effective herbicide treatment for your species. 10. **Cut the tree to a stump.** If the tree still needs to be cut down, cut it so about 3–4 feet (0.9–1.2 m) of the trunk is still left above ground. This ensures that you have enough wood to grab onto to pull the trunk out of the ground. Felling a tree is very dangerous. If you do not have experience and the proper tools, the tree may fall in an unexpected direction. Hire a professional if you have not done this before. 11. **Excavate the stump.** Dig around the stump using a shovel, mattock, digging bar, or backhoe. Cut through the largest roots with an axe or saw as you reveal them. Clear a radius of about 4 feet (1.2 m) around the tree, or as much as you need to detach the main roots. Before taking a chainsaw to a root, place a board underneath it. This protects the chainsaw from dirt and rocks. Once you've made some progress on the hole, spray the area with a hose or pressure washer to reveal more roots. 12. **Attach the stump to a winch.** Most stumps are much too secure to remove manually, especially when freshly cut. Secure the stump to a hand winch anchored to a strong tree instead, or chain to a truck. 13. **Winch slowly.** Even a hand winch can send a stump flying with lethal force when it bursts out of the ground. Pull in short, slow bursts to avoid this risk. If you are in a truck, alternate forward and reverse movement. Ideally, the stump should pull loose from the ground gradually, and fall gently on its side. 14. **Grind a stump down if necessary.** Some large stumps may not budge even with a winch. For these, you'll need to rent a stump grinder (or hire a professional). These are dangerous machines, so wear protective glasses and ask the rental agency to train you. Here's the basic process: Clear away any rocks near the stump that could damage the grinding wheel. Position the wheel a few inches above the stump's front edge. Start spinning the wheel, then lower it slowly about 3 inches (7.5 cm) into the stump. Slowly move the wheel from side to side to cut away wood to a 4 inch (10 cm) depth. Repeat with the next section of stump until it is level. Repeat the process until the whole stump is ground at least 8–10 inches (20–25 cm) below the ground, or deeper if you want to plant a new tree. 15. **Fill hole.** Pull out any remaining tree roots and fill in the hole where the tree was with soil. Plant grass seed on the top, water it, and you’re set to have a tree-free area that blends in with the rest of your yard. The tree's roots should stop growing and eventually decompose. 16. **Know the risks.** Roots of the same species often grow together when they touch. This means that an herbicide applied to one beech tree might spread through the roots and end up killing more beech trees in the same area. This is especially likely with species that can form ""clonal colonies,"" including aspens and black locust. 17. **Select an herbicide.** Herbicides that contain glyphosate or triclopyr amine are effective at killing trees and available at garden stores. Your species may respond to one of these more than the other. For example, glyphosate may do a better job controlling Russian olive, while triclopyr is the better choice for locust, maple, oak, and willow. Triclopyr amine should work at concentrations of 8.8%. For glyphosate, try to find a concentration of about 40%, then dilute with an equal amount of water. If that isn't available, apply undiluted product with at least 20% concentration. Herbicides containing 2,4-D, dicamba, or picloram are risky, as they may spread to nearby vegetation and kill it as well. This shouldn't happen with careful application of glyphosate or triclopyr. 18. **Wear safety equipment.** Follow the herbicide label instructions to prevent dangerous exposure to the chemicals. At minimum, wear long sleeves and pants, closed-toe shoes, latex or nitrile gloves, and safety goggles. Choose clothes you don't mind ruining. You do not need to wear a mask, since you will not be spraying herbicide into the air. 19. **Apply herbicide to a stump.** This treatment should prevent all or most of the roots from spreading and growing new suckers after a tree is cut down. It does require a fresh cut surface, but as long as the tree was cut less than a few weeks ago, you can create a new one: Cut the stump close to the ground. Keep it as level as possible, so herbicide doesn't run off into the ground. Clear away sawdust. Using an old paintbrush, apply herbicide just inside the bark ring. This is where the living tissue is that will carry the herbicide to the roots. Dispose of the paintbrush and empty herbicide containers at a hazardous waste center. 20. **Kill a tree with herbicide.** This is an easy alternative to chopping down the tree, although it may not be safe if the dying tree could drop branches on a path or road. Also, this may not work in springtime on trees that produce a lot of sap, since that tends to push out the herbicide. If neither of these are issues, apply herbicide with the ""hack and squirt"" system: Chop downward into the trunk at a 45º angle to make a wedge. Insert a spray bottle with a narrow nozzle directly into the wedge. Squeeze in a little herbicide, trying not to get any outside of the cut. Consult your herbicide label to find out how many cuts to make, and how much herbicide to place in each cut (usually 1 mL or less). Some extra-aggressive trees require girdling instead, with herbicide applied to the freshly exposed wood. 21. **Remove the dead wood.** After a few days or weeks, branches of the tree should start to deteriorate and fall apart. As chunks of dead wood fall off the tree, remove and dispose of them. Some trees or root systems may require multiple coats of herbicide to fully penetrate the wood. If the tree survives, check your herbicide label for multiple application instructions. Expose a fresh layer of wood with each application. 22. **Remove the stump.** After the tree is dead, dig up the stump using a shovel or backhoe. Keep in mind that it could take years for the tree to decompose on its own, so you do not want to wait. Make sure to remove the stump completely to prevent the roots from growing.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Make an Easter Cactus Bloom.,"The Easter cactus (Hatiora or Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri) is a close relative of the Christmas cactus and the orchid cactus which, to a beginning gardener, can be quite confusing. However, the main difference between the species is the bloom time, along with other major differences in appearance and growth habit. It's time to make that Easter cactus bloom and get those hands dirty. 1. **Identify the Easter cactus.** Unlike the closely related Christmas cactus the Easter cactus is sold in spring in bloom, starting from March or April. However, if you're in a more well stocked garden center or plant specialist, you might probably run into leftover Christmas cacti on clearance. These two, as well as the Thanksgiving or crab cactus, also are sold as ""holiday cacti"". Easter cactus, unlike Christmas cactus, has long cladophylls (leaves), which are oval and plain, not short and toothed, wavy or scalloped. The Easter cactus also has flowers that are more open then the other species. The other ones are more closed up, like tulips, and weeping. Epiphyllum or orchid cactus are more robust and larger plants than Easter cactus and are often hybrids of other Epiphyllum species as well as Easter cactus. These plants can be found in bloom anytime spring or summer. You can always ask the dealer or nursery attendant for confirmation of species. Orchid cactus has wavy cladophylls (leaves) that set it apart from Easter cactus. , Rhipsalidopsis rosea (pink flowers) and Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri (bright scarlet - orange red flowers) are the two main species sold at the same time. Dwarf is smaller and more suitable for smaller rooms. The Rhipsalidopsis and Hatiora names are used for the same species. Also there are new hybrids and colors coming around in the plant trade. New colors are hot (bubblegum/fuchsia pink), white and salmon peach colors. 2. **Know the correct growing requirements.** The Easter cactus originates from the warm steaming jungles of Brazil. Unlike the desert cacti, this plant is epiphytic, meaning it grows in trees and not on the ground.The Easter cactus is not a very sensitive plant and can tolerate indoor conditions moderately well. A healthy plant is necessary for flowering to occur. 3. **Place the plant in bright indirect light.** In the northern hemisphere, if the light is from a north window, you might not have to worry too much about the sunlight being too strong. The same goes for full sun in winter because it's weaker than summer sun. However east, west or south sun is too strong for many plants and the plant must be placed further from the window or a translucent curtain should be placed between the window and the plant. Too much sun will cause Easter cactus to turn yellow and crispy brown. The proper soil to use is a mixture of orchid potting mix and African violet mix. Mix these two in equal parts and add some cactus and succulent mix or garden sand, to help make sure that the soil drains well. It's best not to buy soil mixes with fertilizer already in them, as this can do more harm than good. Regular potting mix is too heavy for Easter cactus. This plant flowers best when its roots are crowded. It doesn't develop a large root system so only repot when it's not growing well and too crowded. Repot it after flowering during the dormant season or in the spring. 4. **Water carefully.** One of the major care issues with Easter cactus is that it's very easy to overwater this plant. Keep your Easter cactus evenly moist and not soggy during growth and flowering. Once the soil surface starts to feel dry to the touch, or the first segment of your (pointer) fingertip is dry when inserting your finger into the soil, the plant needs water. If your plant stems start shriveling and drying out, this means that the plant needs more water. If the plant starts turning yellow and soft your watering too much. Overwatering will cause brown scars on the plants, the plant to turn bluish grey, shrivel up and also the stems to fall off. 5. **Ensure the right temperature.** The preferred range is average room temperature (50 to 70 degree F) A good rule is the higher the temperature in a room, the more moisture a plant needs the lower the temperature the less moisture it needs. The moisture in the air (humidity) and the amount of water in the soil should be adjusted based on this rule depending on the room temperature. Do no expose your plant to extremes like cold and wet or hot and dry. A plant in a cool room grows more slowly, thus using less water and humidity. A plant in a warm room grows faster and this causes water loss. So the warm room plant will use more water and humidity. 6. **Check the humidity.** The plant does well in average humidity. Many sources say mist the plant daily or place it a larger tray with pebbles and water, but often times this leads to rot, fungi, mold and death of the plant. Pay attention to the plant if the stems are shriveling and the soil is moist, raise the humidity when you notice this. If you use a humidifier, indoor water decor, aquarium, or keep the plant cooler than requirements you don't need to raise the humidity. 7. **Fertilize the plant every 2 to 4 weeks.** When the plant is resting for a month after flowering don't fertilize it at all. Any fertilizer that's for orchids or African violets works well for this plant. 8. **Know the pest and diseases that might occur in keeping Easter cactus.** If these are not controlled in a prompt manner the plant will become sickly, stunted and even die. Spider mites are critters that produce fine cobwebs in your plant. These are not attractive to look at and if not gotten rid of, they will start to kill the plant and the plant will die. Many times spider mites are a sign that a plant is too hot and too dry. Cooling the plant down and raising the humidity will get rid of this pest, or help get under control. Mealybugs are white wooly bugs that resemble ghostly pill bugs. They form colonies of white wooly masses mostly in the ""notches"" or joints of the plant. These pest will not only suck the plant leaves but they can also leave a sticky honeydew trail that is a breeding ground for mold and fungus on infected plants. Scales are hard shelled insects that will resemble hard brown bumps scattered around the plant. They also excrete a sticky honeydew trail that can also support the growth of mildew or mold. You can easily get rid of these pest with by taking a damp cloth drenched in rubbing alcohol and gently wiping the pest off the plant. Drenching the plant with warm water in a shower can also help greatly. Use these techniques to treat all of the pest mentioned above. If the infestation is heavy use any houseplant insecticide following directions on package. Watch out for slugs and snails when placed by open windows or in outdoor situations check for ragged holes in the plant. These guys can be plucked off the plant when seen. Chlorosis is a condition that causes the leaves usually of the center of the plant to turn a weird pale green yellow color. This means the fertilizer your using doesn't contain enough micro-nutrients to keep the plant healthy. All fertilizers contain three basic nutrients for plants.nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P), potassium(K) however some others have other nutrients like copper, selenium which helps plants grow better. Another problem is cold soil temps in the fall. Plastic, glazed or ceramic pots are more insulated than terracotta clay pots. Easter cactus doesn't like to be overwatered! There are several diseases of rot that will occur under soggy conditions. Drechslera Cladophyll Rot will cause black fuzzy spots of Drechslera fungus to grow on the leaves of the cactus. Erwinia Soft Rot causes slimy black spots to start at the soil line and take over the whole plant Fusarium Cladophyll Rot or Rust will cause tan to orange sores on the plant.Pythium and Phytophthora Rot will cause the plant to turn grayish green and roots to turn mushy.These rots cannot be treated and you can try to make cuttings and start new plants or throw the plant out. 9. **Make cuttings out of lengths of stem counting 2 to 4 ""links"" or segments.** Cut the cuttings at the ""notch"" of the stem. 10. **Allow the cuttings to dry and callous (form a brown to black scab) on the cut end for 24 to 48 hours.** If you plant it immediately the stem ends will rot. 11. **Poke the cut ends into a container of moist perlite.** They will root in 1 to 2 months. You can also use moist sand (get your sand from a garden or aquarium shop) or vermiculite. 12. **Provide sufficient darkness.** The Easter Cactus starts setting blooms once it's experienced a 10 to 14 week period of long cooler nights and shorter days. The length of darkness must be 14 to 16 hours long. Budding will usually start around February or March. 13. **Place the plant in its display area in bright indirect sunlight.** The spot needs to be cool (60 to 65) and away from draughts. Draughts are sudden temperature changes like in areas close to windows and doors. Don't put the plant near any heat or electric sources. If the plant is too warm, buds may never form. Temperatures of chilly 50 to 45 degrees also help in bud formation. 14. **Mark your calendar for the day you want your Easter cactus to be in bloom.** If you want it time for Easter, you should start around Christmas or New Years. Some new cultivars may require less time. 15. **Continue the regular care for the plant and provide the longer nights by blocking out any light from reaching the plant.** Any light during this time will interrupt the process and you'll have to start over. You can do this by placing anything that doesn't allow light through, like a box, black plastic bag, or larger flowerpot (with no drainage holes) over the plant. This includes any light! No night lights, candle lights or flashlights. If it's exposed to light during the dark period buds will not set. 16. **Cover the plant at 4:00pm and leave it covered until next morning when you wake up remove the cover.** Don't worry if you don't do this the exact time each time. Just don't keep the plant covered all day the plant will stop growing! 17. **Look for the flower buds to start forming.** The tip of the stem will start to swell buds and show color. Once this happens stop the process. If the plant doesn't form flowers it mean that the Easter cactus was kept in too little light and/or the night temperatures were too high. Don't expose the plant to sudden changes in temperature or move it around too much. Doing this will cause the buds to drop before opening. If you forget to water the plant the flowers or expose it to high heat and dry air the flowers will die prematurely. 18. **Enjoy the flowers for a month or more.** When the flowers get wilted and die, cut them off. Don't allow them to produce fruits as this well cause the plant to have little energy and produce small, puny flowers the next season. 19. **Rest the plant after the flowering period for a month.** Water the plant sparingly (very little) and don't fertilize it. Flowering requires energy for any plant and the plant needs to take a month-long break. If the plant doesn't have this rest period it will not produce flowers the following year. Be careful not to overwater the Easter cactus during this rest period. The plant is not growing and doesn't need extra water. Let the soil dry out and leave the plant alone. When the soil dries to 2 inches (5cm) or more (your entire pointer finger in the soil), then you water.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Practice Sustainable Agriculture?,"If you want to farm sustainably, there are certain measures you need to undertake in order to move toward that goal. And if you're looking for a farm that practices sustainable methods, then you can use these steps as your criteria. 1. **Don't confuse ""sustainable"" with ""organic"".** An organic label means that the food was grown or raised without the use of synthetic chemicals (but there are exceptions). Lots of people confuse sustainable agriculture with organic farming. Both are aimed at using more ecologically sensible practices, but they are judged by a distinct set of standards. Organic farming, especially when carried out on a large, industrial scale, can still damage the environment and threaten public health in a variety of ways: Ecosystems can still be ruined by widespread monoculture; pesticides can still be applied; soils can still be depleted of nutrients and organic matter; pollution can still be created; and exorbitant amounts of fossil fuels can still be spent (and wasted), all under an organic label. 2. **Know what sustainability means:** Farming a single area so that it produces food indefinitely. In order to move in this direction, a farm has to: avoid irreversible changes to the land (for example, erosion) withdraw no resources from the environment that cannot be replenished (for example, not using more water than can be replaced regularly by rainfall) produce enough income to remain on a farm in face of worldwide farm consolidation and infrastructure development 3. **Consider the source.** Determine where your resources come from and whether you're taking more than can be replaced, either through natural processes or your own practices. Where are your resources and inputs coming from? Think specifically about water, energy, soil amendments, and feed (if you have livestock). Also think about long-term, capital investments, such as structural building materials, tools, etc. Keep in mind that no farm is an island: complete self-sufficiency is not a requirement of sustainable agriculture. Long-term stability and productivity is. The more renewable and varied your resources are, the longer your farm will last. 4. **Eliminate waste.** There is no ""away"" to ""throw"" to. Everything is connected. The three ""R""s apply here more than ever: reduce, reuse, recycle. It'll not only be more sustainable, but it's cheaper, too. Examine every bit of garbage and waste that your operation produces and ask ""What else can I do with this?"" If you can't do anything to do with it, try to think of ways someone else in the community can use it. Be creative. 5. **Encourage diversity within the farm.** Choosing ""poly culture"" over ""monoculture"" results in less waste and often, reduced fossil fuel consumption. Use varieties and breeds that are well-adapted to the conditions in your locale, rather than bred for maximum productivity and storage (with a sacrifice in hardiness and flavor). Rotate crops and pasture. Use companion planting and green manures to keep the land perpetually fertile and to prevent topsoil loss. Don't let any one piece of land lose an irreplaceable amount of nutrients. Keep plants and animals around that indirectly benefit the farm's stability and productivity. For example, yarrow and nettles add to the nutritional value of plants grown near them, as well as increase the volatile oil content of plants grown for oils. Plant extra basil to serve as an insecticide, and keep guinea fowl around to keep ticks at bay. As they roam your farm (and the surrounding countryside), guineas eat the ticks left by browsing deer off tall grasses. They are traditionally reputed to kill or keep rattlesnakes away as well. If guinea fowls are not common to your area, try growing ducks (if you have a fish pond) and/or chickens. Chickens can eat crop trimmings and vegetable waste. If they can't eat them all, they claw and step on it, enough to make it into organic fertilizers rich in nitrogen (especially when added to their poop). Raise both livestock and crops, and set up a mutually beneficial relationship between them. The simplest way to do this is to use manure from your livestock to fertilize crops, and use some of your crops to feed the livestock. If you are unable to raise both, find a neighbor who's specializing in the opposite and set up an exchange. 6. **Encourage the diversity surrounding the farm.** The ecology of your farm does not end at the property lines. Plant trees around the farm that act as windbreaks and also provide habitat for local birds (which can prey on insects that prey on crops). Tolerate natural predators that keep pests at bay (for example, snakes that feed on gophers, ladybugs that feed on aphids, spiders that feed on insects which spread diseases to crops). 7. **Diversify financially.** An ecologically sustainable farming operation won't do anybody much good if it can't generate a profit and keep itself running. Unless you or someone else is willing and able to sponsor the farm with an off-farm day job or another external source of income, you're going to have to crunch the numbers until you're in the black. Take advantage of the options available to you as far as direct marketing is concerned. That includes: CSA/subscriptions, farmers markets, roadside stands, and even the Internet. Adding value to products is a smart way to differentiate this farm's lettuce from that farm's lettuce. When you take your lettuce and make it part of delicious burger made from healthy meat that was pasture-raised in your own fields and top it with a slice of tasty, red tomato that grew in your own soil, you stand to appeal to a wider audience and rake in more profits. In other words, don't just grow a wider variety of stuff––do a wider variety of things with the stuff you grow, and consider selling it from an on-farm store or restaurant (as well as on the Internet). Cater to every economic level and ethnic group in the community. People of varying wealth seek different things from a farm. Certain ethnic groups value farm products that the mainstream community has no interest in (for example, many Caribbean immigrants seek male, uncastrated goats for meat as well as amaranth, a widespread weed, which they use to make a dish called Callaloo). Publicize. Talk to everyone about what you're doing at the farm. Provide educational tours and workshops. Keep your farm looking nice, because if it ever comes down to it, the local community may fight development proposals because they perceive your farm to be a haven of agricultural heritage. 8. **Find good, reliable labor.** Find people who are committed to sustainable agriculture (not just dabbling in it) and who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty as they apply their minds. A reduced dependence on fossil fuels means an increased dependence on human labor, and not just physical, manual labor––you're going to need knowledgeable workers who understand the complexity of the system you're running and can enhance it with every decision they make. 9. **Enjoy your life.** Farming is hard work, but the most successful farmers know when to call it a day and circumvent burnout. Remember why you're farming and why, in particular, you're aiming for a sustainable operation. For most people, it's because they like knowing they're leaving land in better shape than they found it.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Eat Healthy Amounts of Soy.,"The soybean is a plant in the pea family and is a source of complete protein, meaning it contains all the amino acids needed by humans to make more protein. Soy is controversial, though. Some people tout the benefits; others launch into lengthy discourse about its risks. If you want to eat soy it is probably best to learn how to eat it safely first. 1. **Know how to eat soy safely.** The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), a division of the National Institutes for Health, considers soy safe for most people “when used as a food or when taken for short periods as a dietary supplement.” When choosing a soy product, it should be whole, organic, and non-GMO instead of refined or processed. Research has indicated, however, that eating large amounts of soy can reduce fertility in women. It may also interfere with the normal development of fetuses and infants fed on soy formulas. Asian societies used soy for centuries without a problem. This is probably because in Asian cuisine, soy is usually used as fermented food like natto, miso, and tempeh. The process of fermentation may change some of the components of soy while leaving the isoflavones, which are the potential disease fighting elements in soy, unchanged and functioning in different ways. 2. **Eat soy in moderation.** Following the recommendations of NCCIH and the American Association of Family Physicians, men and women should eat soy in moderation. This means that adult men and women should limit soy to 25 grams a day. This means you can have one to two servings of soy product a day, like a cup of soy milk or four ounces of tofu. A reasonable recommendations for those under 18 would be about half this amount, or 12 to 13 grams of soy each day. This amount of soy can benefit you by lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The same amount of soy can decrease menopausal hot flashes and maintain bone density. Currently, there is not enough information to provide recommendations about how much soy for women with a history of breast cancer. 3. **Replace unhealthy foods with whole soy.** One of the benefits of whole soy is that usually soy products are eaten in place of unhealthier options containing more fat. Incorporating whole soy into your diet adds fiber, vitamins, minerals, and polyunsaturated fats. Whole soy is a healthier option for protein over red meat. It includes high levels of protein without saturated fat. Whole soy can be used in place of red meat and dairy products, both of which can be unhealthy. 4. **Eat edamame.** One of the best and healthiest ways to incorporate soy into your diet is to eat the whole soybean, commonly called edamame. A whole soybean has not been processed, so you are getting the nutrients from the bean. Try steaming the edamame. You can eat it as a side dish, or throw some into a salad. In half of a cup of soybeans, there is 16 grams of protein, along with a good amount of vitamin B6, vitamin B2, vitamin B1, Vitamin K, folate, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, selenium, phosphorus, iron, and calcium. Buy organic or non-transgenic soybeans if possible. 5. **Drink organic soy milk.** Another way to get healthy soy into your diet is to drink soy milk. To get the healthiest soy milk, make sure to buy organic and GMO-free. This eliminates the use of pesticides and potential dangers of GMO. One 8-ounce cup (237 ml) of soy milk daily is a good serving. For the best health benefits, get unsweetened and unflavored milk. Flavored milks have added sugars, which are not good for you. You can also make your own soymilk, which is even better than buying soy milk. All you need to make soy milk is organic non-GMO soybeans and purified (fluoride free) water. Check the labels of the soy milk before buying. Avoid buying any soy milk made with soy protein or soy isolate. This means the soy milk has been processed. 6. **Cook with tofu.** Tofu is a versatile, healthy way to incorporate soy into your diet. As with other forms of tofu, make sure to get organic soy that is non-GMO if possible. A daily serving of three to four ounces is acceptable. Tofu can be used to replace meat in dishes. For example, you can make stir fries and other dishes with tofu instead of meat. Try tofu in place of eggs. You can also make tofu patties for tofu burgers. You can even try tofu chicken fingers. Try grilled tofu with vegetables as a side dish. Add tofu into your smoothie. There are many websites and books full of tofu recipes for you to try and enjoy. 7. **Eat fermented soy dishes.** Many believe that fermented soy dishes are the healthiest way to eat soy. Many Asian dishes are fermented, such as tempeh, miso, and natto. Fermented soy products are easier to digest, and they are good sources of probiotics. Tempeh is high in protein and B-vitamins, along with other minerals. Tempeh is versatile and can be put into many dishes, such as salads and even tacos. Miso has a lot of B12. Miso is generally found in a paste and soup, which can be purchased in stores. Natto is a paste made from fermented soybeans. It is most commonly found in health food stores, online retailers, or Asian grocery stores. 8. **Avoid processed soy products.** While eating whole, organic, non-GMO, and fermented soy products provide healthy forms of soy, all other forms of soy should be avoided. This includes soybean oil, soy proteins, soy burgers, soy energy bars, and other forms of refined or processed soy. Avoid anything with the words soy protein or soy isolate on the label. Refrain from eating products made with soybean oil. 9. **Learn the importance of phytoestrogens.** Soybeans and soy products contain isoflavones, a class of plant substances that includes phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are substances that are similar in structure to human estrogens. In some circumstances, they can either increase or decrease the effects of human estrogens. Because of this, eating soy has raised some concerns about reproductive cycles, fertility, puberty, and overall safety. The main phytoestrogens in soy are genistein and daidzein. These phytoestrogens have been labeled endocrine disruptors; however, the disruption can be positive or negative depending on a number of variables, including age, gender, and hormonal status. The isoflavones in soy can also act as goitrogens, substances that interfere with normal thyroid function. 10. **Know how eating soy can benefit your health.** Soy has been recommended to help with various health conditions. Soy has been used to help with menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, to help reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and to aid in lowering the risk of heart disease, especially in women).Soy has also been used for lowering LDL cholesterol and prostate cancer. The results for the benefits of soy have not always been consistent, however. This inconsistency can be due to a number of issues, including how much soy is ingested, in what form, and the individual variations of people to soy based on their particular hormonal status at the time. 11. **Understand the risks of soy.** The benefits or dangers of soy is inconclusive. For example, phytoestrogens have been implicated in increasing the risks of breast cancer in lab animal studies. Human breast cells are also affected by the phytoestrogens; however, many studies have also indicated that women who eat soy regularly have a lower risk of breast cancer. In men, some studies have indicated that soy can lower sperm count. Other studies have indicated no effect at all. Most of the studies have been conducted in lab rats and mice, but the concerns exist because rats and mice have hormonal systems that are similar to those in humans. 12. **Understand the risks of soy for children.** While the studies done on lab animals or adult humans are a mix of benefits and risks, the studies of soy in children are less promising and the evidence of harm is more significant. In one study, infant girls who were fed soy-based formula had significantly more breast tissue at the age of 2 years than girls who were breast-fed or fed a dairy-based formula. The use of soy-based infant formula is also associated with early puberty for girls as well as longer and more difficult menstrual cycles. Infant formula based on soy should be avoided completely, unless specifically recommended by your child's pediatrician.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Build a Minecraft Cottage.,"Below is how to craft a small Minecraft house using commonly found items. It's not too hard, and it looks nice, but be warned- it is only 5 by 5 blocks! If you like, you can expand it to 7 by 7. Just place the logs accordingly. Feel free to use whichever logs you like, but the wood should be the same type. 1. **Place 4 logs of any type in a 5 by 5 square.** 2. **Place 3 planks, preferably the same kind of wood you used for the logs, in between each log.** One side will have the door, so be sure to leave a space in the middle for it. If you have an eye for designing, you can use different logs and planks that look good together. 3. **Place one log above each wood log that you have.** Place a wooden plank next to each new log, leaving space for windows (if desired). 4. **Add a door and (optionally) some glass panes for windows.** 5. **Place cobblestone on the top of your house.** This should form a roof. You could also use wood logs and planks. 6. **Add cobblestone stairs to the edges of your roof.** 7. **Add torches on the inside of your cottage.** If there are no torches on the inside, hostile mobs will spawn inside your house. 8. **Decorate your cottage.** To start off, put in a crafting table, a furnace, a few chests and a bed. 9. **Add cobblestone stairs all the way up your roof, forming a small pyramid.** This step is optional, but it will make your house look nicer. 10. **Add flowers of your choice along the sides of your house.** Since the new update, there are plenty of flowers to choose from. An alternating pattern will look the nicest. 11. **Add a rooftop garden!** You need a flat roof, some dirt, ladders for getting up there (stairs are too cramped) water, fences and seeds. Lay out the fences along the edge of your roof, so you won't fall off. 12. **Create a secret underground tunnel!** Make a deep (at least 3 blocks) hole underneath the floor, and add ladders so you can climb down. Then start a tunnel leading to a secret room! Maybe a pool, a doghouse, a cool bedroom- anything you want! Remember, since this is a secret tunnel, nobody but you should know where it is. 13. **Here's something you can do once you've built your house:** Mine the , (logs are the wood straight from the tree with bark and all, planks are logs that you get by crafting. Place logs one block outwards from where they were in the beginning. You should now have a one-block space in between the corners of your house. Extend the roof to these logs. Underneath this new roof space is a good spot to add flowers.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Raise Chicks.,"Raising baby chicks is an extremely rewarding experience, as you watch them grow from chirping balls of fluff to egg-bearing, full-feathered hens. Chickens are great pets, but they can also be a handful. Here are things to consider before starting your own flock, and the correct methods and procedures for raising baby chicks with love and care. 1. **Make sure you have the resources to raise chickens.** Raising baby chickens is a rewarding experience, but it is not something you should jump into too quickly. Before you raise baby chickens, think long and hard about why you want to keep chickens and whether you have the time, money and space to provide for them. In terms of expense, keeping chickens is relatively cheap compared to other animals. However, chicken feed is a necessary and ongoing expense, and vets' bills can add up if one or more of your chickens falls ill. You may also need to invest in a brooder and/or a coop if you are raising chickens for the first time. Chickens are not terribly time-consuming, but you will need to feed and water them daily, keep their coop clean (which involves shoveling manure) and collect their eggs once or twice daily. If you are planning on going away for more than a couple of days, you will need to seek out a chicken-sitter, which can be tricky. If you let eggs accumulate in the nest boxes, the hens may become broody, which is where they will peck or cluck at you if you attempt to collect the eggs. To discourage this, look into a broody box. 2. **Look into the legality of keeping chickens in your area.** Before purchasing birds or planning for a coop, it is important to check local regulations and homeowner association rules. Many municipalities ban roosters (due to the noise they make) or place a limit on the number of hens a household can keep. Some communities also require permits, signed agreements from neighbors, or an appearance before the zoning board, while others have ordinances that restrict the size and placement of outbuildings. 3. **Plan to keep at least 3 to 6 birds.** Chickens are very sociable creatures, so you should plan on keeping at least three to six birds for company. Having an extra one or two is also not a bad idea should any of your chickens fall victim to predators or disease. In addition, hens typically lay 5-6 eggs a week, so four birds will provide you with almost two dozen eggs per week. The more chickens, the more eggs! 4. **Choose your breeds.** The breed of chickens you choose to raise should be based on qualities such as temperament, egg-laying ability, size and color of the eggs, climate suitability, aesthetic value, and meat quality, depending on your preferences. For dependable egg production, choose ""layer"" breeds, such as Black Australorps, that were bred to lay reliably. Leghorns, also, produce about 325 eggs a year. Dual-purpose breeds (which provide eggs and meat), such as Buff Orpingtons and Laced Wyandottes, and Plymouth rocks, are bigger than layers but have better egg production than ""broilers"" (Cornish Cross) or (White Rock Cross), which are breeds used primarily for meat. Research your breeds on Google. For starters, I would lean towards Americaunas, Orpingtons, Silkies, Brahmas and Austalrops. I would stay away from ""butcher breeds"" which are more aggressive and have a shorter life span. 5. **Find out where to source baby chickens.** You can find day-old baby chickens at your local farm store in springtime, or order them from a mail-order catalog. Be aware that mail orders usually have a minimum order policy, requiring a shipment of at least 25 chicks. This is because larger numbers of chicks are easier to keep warm in transit, resulting in fewer losses. However, open the box in front of the mail carrier to account for any losses. Place your order in spring. You don't want to be ordering in the middle of autumn or winter. Colder weather can hold you back and be much harder to care for your chickens. If you order at the start of spring it'll be easier for you and the chicks. Besides, most chicks are only available to order in spring. If you only want three or four chicks to start off, consider combining your order with the orders of other local chicken breeders or farmers to overcome the minimum shipment requirement. Alternatively, you can ask a farm-supply store if they will include your order in their own. If possible, specify that you want all females when you place your order. Roosters can be loud and aggressive and are not recommended for first-timers. The hens will also lay better without roosters around. 6. **Think about the space and equipment you will need in advance.** Initially, the chickens will need a brooder, which is a small enclosure like a cardboard box or rabbit cage, which can be kept indoors or in a garage. Then, once they move outside, they will need a chicken coop; a safe place where they can lay their eggs and be safe from predators. In the chick stage, the chicks might do something called feather picking. This is where the chicks pick at another chick new feathers, the shafts of which are filled with blood. The chicks are attracted to the color red, and will therefore pick all the feathers, resulting in the crippling or death of the chick. To discourage, buy a brooder light that is red. The blood will look less interesting because everything will be red. Once grown, chickens don't necessarily need a whole farmyard to run around in, in fact, city and suburban chickens are becoming increasingly popular amongst those who have even small-sized yards. However, you will need some semblance of a yard, preferably with grass for the chickens to peck around in. 7. **Prepare a chicken brooder and a lamp.** The chicks' first home is called a ""brooder"". For one-time or once-in-a-while use, a cardboard box or plastic storage box works just fine. A cage suitable for a rabbit or guinea pig is another good option and is also easy to clean. Brooders can also be purchased in farm supply stores or you can build your own. The brooder should be placed indoors or in a garage - somewhere that is free from drafts. Keeping the chicks warm is essential. The size of the brooder is not overly important, as long as the chicks are not overcrowded and there is enough space for a feeder and water. The walls also need to be high enough to prevent them from hopping out once they get a bit bigger. 8. **Use the correct flooring.** The floor of the brooder should be covered in a layer of clean litter, made from pine shavings or something similar. A newspaper can also be used, but it is not the best option as it is slippery and the printer ink can rub off on the chicks. This litter should be changed every couple of days and should never be allowed to remain damp.Never use cedar shaving! This is toxic for their little lungs and causes brooder pneumonia which is fatal. I recommend pine shavings that are doubled screened for dust to prevent allergies. Cleanliness is very important at this stage of the chicks' development as baby chicks are prone to a number of diseases, most of which can be avoided with proper sanitation. 9. **Monitor the temperature carefully.** A lamp should be placed in the brooder to keep the baby chicks warm. Use a light bulb with a reflector, which can be purchased in any hardware store. A regular 100-watt bulb will also work, though some people use an actual heat lamp. Place a thermometer in the brooder so you can monitor the temperature exactly. The temperature should be 90–100 °F (32–38 °C) for the first week or so, then can be reduced by 5 degrees each week thereafter, until the chicks have developed their feathers around 5-8 weeks old. Alternatively, you can tell if the brooder is warm enough by how the chicks behave. If they are panting and/or huddling in corners farthest from the light, they are too hot. If they huddle together in a ball under the light, they are too cold. You can adjust the temperature by altering the distance of the light or changing the wattage of the light bulb until it's just right. 10. **Make sure they have food and water.** Chicks start out eating a special food called ""crumbles"", available at farm supply or pet stores. It is specially formulated for their dietary needs and comes in both medicated and non-medicated versions. If you choose the non-medicated versions, be particularly aware of cleanliness. This feed is a complete food and no other food will be necessary. You will also need to ensure that your chicks always have fresh, clean water as it is imperative that the chicks stay hydrated. You should change the water once or twice a day to prevent it from becoming contaminated. Special waterers are available at farm supply stores, they are inexpensive, light-weight and can't be overturned by the chicks. Any shallow bowl will also work, but you need to watch that it remains upright and free of poop. Even baby chicks will naturally scratch at their food, so a feeder that keeps all of the food in one place is helpful. Special feeders made of galvanized steel are available in farm supply stores, though any shallow bowl will do. 11. **Share play time with them.** Baby chicks are playful and curious creatures. It is important that you spend time with them, handling them frequently and talking to them until they learn to love and trust you.You can cuddle and even watch TV with them. They love to jump and play. After a week or two, the baby chicks can be brought outside to explore for short periods of time, provided the weather is warm. Just watch out for predators - that includes the cat! Although the baby chicks get all the sustenance they need from their feed, it can be fun to feed them treats. After the first week or two, you can give them a worm or a bug or two from your garden to play with and eat. However, greens are not recommended just yet, as they can cause diarrhea-like symptoms which can be dangerous to small chicks.You should also wipe the chicks' butts, because their poop can become crusty and cause infection, use a napkin with lukewarm water on it. Once the baby chicks are about a month old, you can place a low perch in the brooder. The chicks will jump on it and may even begin to sleep there. Just don't put the perch directly under the light as it will be too hot. Make sure to wash your hands with warm water and soap after touching the chicks. Watch children carefully around chicks to make sure that they don't hurt them. Chicks can be very fragile. 12. **Move your chicks to an outdoor coop.** Once the chicks are about two months old you can move them to an outdoor coop, provided it's not the middle of winter. Coops can be purchased from a farm supply store, or you can build your own. The coop provides shelter for chickens, protecting them from drafts and predators. It keeps them warm in winter and cool in summer. There are several important considerations when buying or building a coop: All coops should have enough space for chickens to forage and get some fresh air. In terms of size, a chicken coop with a footprint of 4x8 feet should comfortably house 3 to 5 chickens. Though open-air roosting coops are an option, you should really provide your chickens with an elevated and enclosed roosting space, if possible. As with most birds, chickens have a natural roosting instinct and are partial to roosting in high areas. The roosting area should also include a roosting perch where the chickens can sleep. A perch should be 2 inches (5.1 cm) thick and 8–10 inches (20–25 cm) long for each chicken. All coops should have nesting boxes in their roosting area. These are just little 12”x12”x12” spaces for hens to lay their eggs. One box will do for every two chickens, as they don't mind sharing. You can line the nesting boxes with straw or wood shavings. You should clean your chicken coop once every 4 months, and change the straw and floor shavings every week and a half. 13. **Protect them from predators.** A good chicken coop should protect your chickens from predators. In fact, security should be the number one priority when choosing a chicken coop, as chickens are helpless at the hands (or claws and paws) of predators such as weasels, minks, cats, raccoons, dogs, and even hawks. Make sure your chicken coop is wrapped in 360 degrees of wire cage, with holes no larger than 1 inch (2.5 cm). Regularly check to make sure there are no cracks or loose boards where predators could slip inside. Make sure that the wire goes down about 6 inches (150 mm) under the coop so that predators cannot dig up into the coop. 14. **Change their food and give them treats.** Once your chickens reach the two-month mark, you can swap their feed from ""crumbles"" to ""laying mash"", which is also available at the farm supply store. Along with the mash, your older chickens will also appreciate any tasty leftovers from the kitchen and garden weeds (as long as they're free of pesticides). You should also place a bowl of gritty sand in the chicken coop. The chickens need this sand to grind up and digest their food, as they have no teeth. You can also give them a crushed oyster shell supplement from your local farm supply store to provide extra calcium for strong eggshells. Leave the chicken feed in a durable chicken feeder and make sure to clean it regularly. You should also check the feed itself every other day to may sure it isn't mouldy or wet. Remember to give the chickens access to plenty of fresh, clean water. Large waterers can be purchased which don't need to be filled as often and heated waterers can be used in winter to prevent the water from freezing. 15. **Interact with them.** Chickens appreciate human interaction, so make sure to talk to them and call them by their names. Tame chickens can also be picked up and rubbed, and if they're shy you can encourage them with a handful of grain. Some chickens will greet you at your door or will answer or come running when you call. The friendliness of your chickens will depend somewhat on the breed, but also on the level of attention you give them. 16. **Know when to expect eggs.** Young hens (known as pullets) will begin to lay eggs between 20 and 24 weeks of age and they will lay approximately 5-6 eggs a week. Hens will lay through the spring and summer months and into the fall, as long as they have 12 to 14 hours of daylight. In the fall, their egg production will dwindle, before increasing again the following spring. You can expect to collect eggs daily, or even twice a day. The larger the chicken, the larger your eggs will be. Although hens can lay as long as they live (8 to 10 years isn't uncommon), they start producing fewer eggs after 3 to 5 years. 17. **They lay fresh eggs.** The major perk of raising chickens is that you will have a flock of egg-laying hens in under a year. The eggs your hens produce will be fresher and tastier than anything you can buy at the supermarket. Plus you can control exactly what goes into them through what you feed your hens. Eggshells can be white, brown or blue-green depending on the breed of chicken. 18. **They provide compost.** Chickens are veritable compost factories, they will turn their feed, plants, insects and almost any kitchen scraps into a nutrient-rich garden additive through their poop. 19. **They provide insect control and landscaping services.** Chickens will eat almost any insect unlucky enough to cross their paths, along with mice, snakes and minnows if they get the chance. They also love pecking at fresh grass and plant shoots and will happily weed your garden for you. 20. **They're fun to watch.** From adorable, chirping chicks to squawking, squabbling adolescents, to beautiful, full-feathered birds, chickens are a joy to watch. They are entertaining and lovable, each with their own distinct personality. They are also very handsome birds, some breeds with plumage to rival even their most exotic, tropical cousins. 21. **They provide food.** Chickens don't just provide eggs, they also provide chicken (who'd have thought it?). Hens will stop laying eggs after 3-5 years and at that point you can decide whether to keep the older hens on as pets, or turn them into stew. It may sound harsh, but that's the way of the farmyard. If you unexpectedly raise a rooster instead of a hen, you can eat it after 5-6 months. 22. **They make great pets.** Chickens are very sociable creatures and if you raise them from chicks (or hatch them yourself) they will form a bond with you and be very loyal pets. Tame chickens will sit in your lap, feed from your hand, cluck at you in greeting and might even come when they're called.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Cook Jalapenos?,"Jalapenos can be a delicious, spicy treat. There are dozens of ways you can cook jalapenos, but most recipes call for roasted, grilled, or fried peppers. Roasting jalapenos is very easy and brings out their naturally smoky flavor. Grilling jalapenos is another popular method that works well with many recipes. One of the most popular ways to cook jalapenos is by deep frying them, especially when they are filled with a tasty stuffing! 1. **Preheat your oven broiler.** Most ovens have a broil setting on the knobs that typically control the main oven temperature. Allow the broiler to preheat for at least 10 minutes. In most ovens, the broiler's heat source is located at the top of the oven. Adjust the racks inside your oven so that the jalapeno peppers will be close to the broiler. 2. **Remove the jalapenos’ stems.** Use a knife to cut off the stems on the jalapeno peppers. You can also pull the stems off using your fingers. Alternatively, you can keep the stems on if you want your jalapeno peppers to be an easy finger food. 3. **Slice the jalapeno peppers in half.** Cut from the tip of the pepper to where the stem was before you removed it. If you want to peppers to be a bit less spicy, remove the jalapenos seeds. If you left the stems on to make the pepper's easier to eat with your hands, slice them in half along with the rest of the jalapeno. 4. **Place the jalapenos on a pan.** Place the cut side of the pepper face down on the pan. The jalapeno peppers can be close together, but they should not touch each other. You can coat the pan in cooking spray or butter, but this isn’t necessary. You can put down a layer of aluminum foil to line the baking sheet. This can make the baking sheet easier to clean. 5. **Place the jalapenos in the oven for 7-10 minutes.** The skin on the jalapeno peppers should be wrinkled and slightly charred. You only want the skin of the jalapeno to char because if its interior gets blackened it can create an odd flavor. 6. **Remove the jalapenos from the oven when the skin looks slightly charred.** When the jalapenos look done, pull them out of the oven and let them cool. If you want them to cook a bit more, you can put them into a sealed container while they are still hot and let them self-steam. If you want to add your roasted jalapenos to a dish, you might want to remove the charred skin first. The wrinkled skin of the jalapeno will easily peel off if you let the jalapenos steam for a bit after taking them out of the oven. You can put them in a sealed container or simply put a bowl over the top of the peppers in the pan. 7. **Preheat your grill.** Set to a high heat if you are using a gas grill. If you are using a charcoal grill, keep the lid shut after the coals are lit to generate a lot of heat quickly. 8. **Cut the jalapeno peppers.** There are different ways to cut the peppers depending on what you plan on doing with them. In practically every recipe, however, you will want to cut off the stems. If you want to reduce their spiciness, remove the seeds and membrane from the inside of the pepper. If you aren’t stuffing the peppers, you should slice them in half, from the tip to where the stem was, to get the most even cook. If you plan on stuffing the peppers there are several approaches you can take to slicing your jalapenos depending on the recipe you want to follow. If you want to make stuffed jalapeno peppers, you need to make the stuffing before you cook the peppers. 9. **Put the jalapeno peppers on the grill.** You can put the jalapenos directly on the grill if they are not stuffed and you pay close attention to them. Otherwise, put the jalapenos on aluminum foil before placing them on the grill. Typically, the jalapenos should be cooked at a medium heat. If you are grilling jalapenos without any stuffing inside, you can grill them on a higher heat if you flip them regularly. 10. **Cook the jalapenos for about 8 to 10 minutes.** The peppers should be tender when they are done. If you are grilling them without using aluminum foil, remove the peppers if they start to blacken. If you want your jalapenos to have stuffing in them while they grill, make sure that it will be fully cooked in 8 to 10 minutes. Otherwise, cook the stuffing some before placing it in the jalapeno. 11. **Heat up your cooking oil to 365 °F (185 °C) degrees.** Use a deep fryer or cast iron Dutch oven. Any kind of shortening or cooking oil will work great for deep frying jalapenos. 12. **Make your batter and breading.** To make your batter, mix 0.5 cups (120 mL) of flour, 0.5 cups (120 mL) of milk, and one egg in a bowl. In a separate shallow bowl or plate, put 3 tablespoons (44 mL), 1.5 cups (350 mL) of breadcrumbs, and 1.5 teaspoons (7.4 mL) of salt and mix them thoroughly. This is your breading. If you want to add other spices to your batter put them in the dry mixture on the plate. Some great spices to use would be garlic, paprika, or chili powder. If you want to add a liquid ingredient like beer or lime juice, add it the mixture in the bowl with the raw egg. 13. **Slice your jalapeno peppers to fit your recipe.** If you are frying jalapenos without any filling, cut them into small rings by slicing across the width of the jalapeno pepper. If you plan on adding in a stuffing to the pepper, make an incision on one side of the pepper where so you can remove the seeds and inject the filling. If you plan on putting some kind of filling in the jalapeno pepper, like for stuffed jalapeno poppers, you should put in your stuffing mixture before you begin battering the peppers. Don’t use more than a tablespoon or your pepper might explode while it is being fried. 14. **Dip the jalapeno peppers in the batter mixture.** You can batter each jalapenos pepper individually, or you can put several in the batter at once. Make sure that the entire pepper is coated in the batter. 15. **Coat the battered jalapeno peppers in the breading.** Roll the peppers on the plate until they are fully coated the breading. To avoid a mess, you might want to bread the jalapeno peppers one at a time. If your breading is getting clumpy or too moist from the batter, add a few pinches of flour and mix until the clumps break down. You can also add a bit of salt to soak up some moisture. 16. **Place the jalapenos in the hot oil.** Be careful and gentle placing the jalapenos into the hot oil to avoid splash-back. You should use tongs or forks to drop the peppers in to decrease the chance of being burnt by the hot oil. Avoid letting the jalapeno peppers touch each other while they fry. If their breading touches while it is cooking, the peppers can get stuck together. 17. **Fry the peppers for 2 to 4 minutes.** The outside coating of the jalapenos should be golden brown and crispy when the popper is done. Remove the peppers carefully using a frying basket or long tongs to avoid getting burned. If your jalapenos peppers are not floating on top of the oil, they are either not done cooking or stuck to the pan or basket. 18. **Remove the fried jalapenos from the oil and let them cool.** Putting the peppers on a plate with paper towels on it will soak up excess oil. If you stuffed the peppers, you will probably let them need to cool for a few minutes because the insides might still be very hot.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Keep Leeches As Pets.,"Leeches can be great pets for those not too squeamish to keep them. They can survive for several months without food, require minimal care, and are unique creatures to keep in a fish tank. But like any pet, you have to know how the feed them and maintain them. Lucky for you, this isn't too hard! 1. **Purchase a glass tank that is at least ⁄2 gallon (1.9 L) large.** Visit a local fish or animal store and invest in a fish tank. Leeches are adept at living in close quarters—at the most, about 50 can live comfortably in 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water. However, this ultimately depends on the type of leech and their environment of origin. In general, 50 leeches at most can live in a 10 gallon (38 L) aquarium. Pond leeches do best with 1 to 2 leeches per gallon. 2. **Catch your leeches from a pond or buy them from a bait store.** If you catch leeches on your own, use a small dip net to collect them from a pond or remove them gently using forceps. You can also visit a local bait store of science supply shop to buy them. If you buy leeches from a store, ask the staff about what kind of food and space they require. 3. **Fill the fish tank 75 percent of the way with water from a pond or stream.** Leaving some space free at the top of the aquarium creates a barrier to stop leeches from escaping. Always use spring water, dechlorinated tap water, or water from the collection site. Never use purified water or chlorinated water—the former is harmful to the leeches' metabolic balance, while the latter contains harmful substances like copper and chlorine. Be sure that the water is cool and clean. To get rid of chlorinate in tap water, fill a container with the water and let it set for 1 to 2 days. Once the smell of chlorine fades, you're good to go! You can also purchase a water dechlorinator from a home hardware store. 4. **Keep your tank's temperature between 60 to 70 °F (16 to 21 °C).** A temperature range of 76 to 80 °F (24 to 27 °C) is recommend for most aquariums, but you can widen this range a bit for leeches. In fact, they can tolerate quite a range of temperatures—anywhere from 40 to 80 °F (4 to 27 °C). A submersible or hang-on heater are the best options for temperature maintenance. For small tanks, make sure the heater is 5 watts per gallon. Larger tanks require about 3 watts per gallon. Keep an eye on your tank's temperature regularly and adjust the heater as necessary to keep it within the proper range. 5. **Pour 2 inches (5.1 cm) of gravel into the bottom of the tank to create hiding places.** You can pour more if you'd like, but around 2 inches (5.1 cm) is a standard amount. This gives your leeches places to hide. You can also add shells and plants for some variety! If you get your leeches from the pond, take some plants from the area around it and add them to your tank. Purchase shells and plants for your tank from pet stores. 6. **Put your leeches in the tank and cover it with a tight-fitting lid to prevent them from escaping.** Gently pour your leeches into the tank. If you have a small amount, you can also place them in one-by-one with forceps. Always secure the top of your tank with a tight-fitting lid, such as a screen lid. Leeches have the ability to lengthen their bodies and squeeze through small openings—never skip the lid! Purchase a screen lid from a local pet store or online supplier. 7. **Keep your tank in a cold, dark place away from light.** Most leeches are nocturnal and don't like any form of light. Be sure to keep them in an area out of both direct sunlight and artificial light—they can harm the leeches. You can also cover your tank with a towel if you can't find a location away from light exposure. In the winter, you can place your aquarium outside as long as it is partially covered with a towel to prevent direct exposure to sunlight. 8. **Change tank water every 3 to 7 days or when the water gets dirty.** When the water looks dirty or starts to smell, it's time for a change. Additionally, keep a lookout for skin, which looks like slimy, whitish-clear particles and is a sign the water is dirty. To change the water, use a bowl or measuring cup to scoop out old water from the top of the tank. After removing 25 to 50 percent, fill the tank back up. Don't change more than 25 to 50 percent of the water at a time. Any more and you risk sudden temperature changes that can harm the leeches. Be sure to change your water at least once a week. 9. **Feed the leeches once a week.** Remember that leeches can go months—even up to a year—without eating. But for captive leeches, once a week is best. In terms of food, meal choice can depend on the type of leeches you have, so always ask your supplier for food recommendations. However, 1 earthworm per leech usually works for all leech types. Remove the dead food remains about 1 hour after putting them in the tank. If you caught your leeches in a pond, feed them pond snails. Medical supply center leeches typically require fresh beef liver. Frogs, fish, and earthworms are great food sources for many kinds of leeches. If you're unsure, stick with one of these food sources. Don't feed your leeches in the winter.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Visit SCOAN?,"The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN) is a popular Christian church in Lagos, Nigeria known for controversial claims of “faith healing” and “miracles” led by the pastor TB Joshua. To visit SCOAN and experience the sermons or offer a prayer in person, you must first request an invitation from them. If you show up without an invitation, you will not be allowed to visit. When you receive an official invitation from the church, then you can make accommodations and travel to the church for your visit. 1. **Fill out the questionnaire on the SCOAN website if you live outside of Nigeria.** The only way you can attend SCOAN if you live outside of Nigeria is by filling out a questionnaire of personal information. Complete all the fields on the online questionnaire form and answer all the questions fully. Fill out any medical conditions in the bottom boxes of the questionnaire so SCOAN knows if you have any issues that you want “healed.” You can fill out the SCOAN questionnaire here: Have everyone you plan on traveling with fill out the questionnaire as well, and list their names in the appropriate section of the form. 2. **Email SCOAN if you're from Europe and planning a group visit.** SCOAN regularly plans for groups of European travelers to come to the church in June, August, October, or in December during New Year's Eve. Send an inquiry email to info@scoanvisitseurope and write the main reason you would like to visit SCOAN. Include any health issues you may have in the email so SCOAN knows if you're looking to get “healed” during your stay. Don't send an email if you live outside of Europe since you won't get a response or be considered for the invitation. 3. **Call SCOAN directly if you live in Nigeria or are Nigerian.** People living in Nigeria or Nigerians living in other countries are able to reach out directly to the church to request confirmation. Try calling any of the numbers for SCOAN to speak to one of the church representatives to confirm your visit. If you don't receive any confirmation, then you can't go to SCOAN. The phone numbers for SCOAN are +234 (0) 706-486-5517 or +234 (0) 705-807-9083. You can call any number to get confirmation about visiting. You may be able to travel to Lagos without an invitation from the church if you call once you're in Nigeria, but it's risky since you don't know if you'll be able to go. 4. **Wait for an invitation email before making any other travel plans.** After you fill out the questionnaire, a representative from SCOAN will send an email to continue communicating with you. They may ask you to clarify any information or let you know your invitation has been accepted. Once you reply to the emails for your invitation, you're able to make your travel accommodations. It may take several months or years for SCOAN to reply to your questionnaire since they get a large number of requests daily. The email address the representative will use will be If you receive an email from another address about SCOAN, then it's a scam. 5. **Get your passport if you're traveling from outside Nigeria.** In order to travel to different countries, you need to first get your passport. Fill out your passport application, provide photos or yourself, and bring other forms of identification, such as a driver's license or birth certificate, to the nearest location that processes passports. After your application is accepted, your passport will arrive in the mail within the next few months. If you already live in Nigeria, then you do not need to get your passport. You can pay an additional fee to get your passport within 3 weeks if you need it sooner. 6. **Apply for a Nigerian visa if you live outside of West Africa.** Fill out the tourist visa application form for Nigeria completely and click the “Submit” button when you're finished. Pay the fee listed for your application with a credit or debit card and wait for a scheduled interview date in your email. Visit your country's Nigerian Embassy at your scheduled date and time to interview with an official about why you want to visit Nigeria. If you're accepted for a visa, then you'll receive the visa so you can travel. Be sure to bring all of your personal documents with you when you meet with the Nigerian Embassy or else they won't approve your visa. You cannot apply for a visa unless you have an invitation from SCOAN or someone else that lives in Nigeria. 7. **Schedule a flight to Lagos, Nigeria and let SCOAN know about your arrival.** Search online for flights that fly into Lagos, Nigeria and search for the best price. Compare the available airlines to see what they offer and any amenities they have on the plan. Then look for a departure date about 1 week later that goes from Lagos to the airport closest to your home. Book your flight a few months in advance so you can get the best deals. A member from SCOAN will be able to transport you and your group to SCOAN or your hotel so you don't have to rent a vehicle. 8. **Make accommodations at SCOAN or at a nearby hotel.** SCOAN has multiple locations nearby and on-site that have rooms and food service available. Communicate with the SCOAN representative over email to find out the prices and the extent of what they can offer. If you'd rather stay in a nearby hotel, make a reservation for the amount of time that you plan on staying and visiting SCOAN. 9. **Pack loose and comfortable clothing to wear during your stay.** The temperatures in Lagos, Nigeria is usually 80–95 °F (27–35 °C) and humid, so be prepared for warm weather. Pack light, breathable fabrics to bring along with you and wear while you're visiting SCOAN. Make sure your clothes aren't revealing since you'll be in visiting a church during most of your stay. Look for clothes made out of cotton, linen, or chambray since they're light and comfortable in the heat. 10. **Bring cash to buy things from the SCOAN shop.** While many things may be included with your accommodation, you may want to purchase items from the church shop or additional food. Visit the shop at the church to see what products they have available, such as books, CDs, or DVDs. If you're on SCOAN premises, you can also buy food and drinks outside of your scheduled meals. The shop accepts a variety of world currencies, so double check with the shop to see if you need to convert your cash. Telephone and internet services may cost an additional charge. 11. **Try the different church facilities while you're on-site.** Visits to SCOAN usually last 1 week, so you have a lot of time to try different things. During your visit to SCOAN, check what services are available to attend and what facilities the church has to offer. You may spend time watching faith-based videos, listening to testimonies from other people, and listen to sermons by TB Joshua. Attend as many of the events as you can to get the full experience from your trip. You can also access the Faith Resort Ground, which has prayer groups and huts where you can experience “faith healing.”",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Find a Banking Job Internship.,"Within the banking industry, there are numerous employment opportunities and career paths to choose from. If you are interested in working in the banking industry, finding a banking job internship is a great way to explore your career options while getting some experience under your belt. Finding a banking job internship begins with assessing your goals and what kind of internships you’d like before applying and interviewing for the job. 1. **Visit your university’s career service center.** If you are in college, your career service center is a great tool to find internships. They often have knowledge of open opportunities in your field. A career center advisor can also connect you with a mentor in your industry who can offer tips about finding internships. You can also have your resume reviewed and get interview practice. 2. **Attend job fairs.** Your university likely sponsors job fairs throughout the semester, where employers will come to meet students for internship opportunities. Here you can network with people in the banking industry and practice interviewing. 3. **Check newspapers.** Open internship and job opportunities are often posted in the classified sections. You can also find postings on upcoming job fairs. 4. **Network** Talk with your friends, classmates, coworkers, and professors and mention that you are looking for a banking internship. Introduce yourself to acquaintances and strangers. Approach everyone you speak to with kindness and confidence. It is helpful to prepare a brief statement about your goals and qualifications to quickly mention in conversation. Say something along the lines of: ""Hey Amanda, how's your semester been? I am thinking about looking for a banking internship next semester. I think I would like to go into finance."" Also network with club advisors, coaches, and previous teachers. Ask family members if they know people in the banking industry who you could connect with. 5. **Reach out to industry professionals for suggestions.** If you have a particular bank or company in mind, contact someone from there, expressing interest in internships. You can send them an email, call their office, or drop by in person. A banking professional will be able to provide specific feedback about the best way to find an internship. They can help you meet people from different banks or point you in direction of other networking events. Say something like, ""Good morning, John. My name is Patrick, and I am a senior at the University of Michigan, graduating in economics. I am beginning my search for internships. I was curious as to how you found your position and if you had any advice on the application process. Do you have some time to chat?"" 6. **Search for internships online.** Look for banking internships on job boards like CareerBuilder, Indeed, InternMatch, Internships, and LinkedIn Internships. You can search generally for banking internships or specifically by banking industry. 7. **Apply** Rank your favorites after you have found banking internships that interest you. This will help you prioritize which internships to apply to first. 8. **Review the company's website.** Look for the ""about us"" section, and be sure to read the mission statement, usually found on the home page. Is this a large corporation, or are they family operated? How many employees work for this company? Are there any client reviews? Familiarizing yourself with the company and its culture can help you add relevant details to your resume and cover letter, as well as help you get ready for a potential interview. 9. **Prepare your resume and cover letter.** With your resume, you are highlighting your strengths while not bringing attention to potential weaknesses. Explain in your cover letter why you are the perfect candidate for this banking internship. Prepare a unique cover letter for every internship you apply for. Include details like previous work experience, personal character, and work ethic. Emphasize your relevant experience in your cover letter as it relates to the information in the job description. Make sure to address every point under the ""qualifications"" section. Use information on the company's website as a guide for how to present your strengths. Look at the mission statement and respond proving why your experience is relevant for the position. 10. **Review your application.** Double check the internship requirements and make sure you cover these points in your resume and cover letter. It is helpful to have someone proofread your application before you submit. 11. **Submit your application.** Some internships require an online application where you will answer questions and explain your experience. If you have a local company in mind, drop off your resume and cover letter in person. You can submit your resume and cover letter via email as well. It is typical to apply to an internship 6 months in advance of the intended start date. 12. **Practice mock interviews.** Look up sample interview questions and rehearse your responses. You can rehearse in front of a mirror, with a friend or family member, or with a career advisor. Have the other person ask you the interview questions practice responding to them. You want to speak clearly, calmly, and confidently. This will help you prepare for your interviews. 13. **Check on the status of your application.** After about a week, call and ask to speak to the hiring manager regarding your application. If you have a direct contact, ask for that person by name. Be respectful, friendly, and polite on the phone. Checking on your application shows your dedication and initiative. You can also check on your status via email. Say something like, ""Good morning Cindy, I recently applied for the financial analyst internship with your company, and I am calling to check on the status of my application. Is the position still available?"" 14. **Schedule your interviews.** Finding a banking internship all boils down to the interview. Schedule your interview at a time of day where you will not be rushed and will have time to prepare. Your interview will most likely take place over the phone or in-person. You may have multiple interviews for certain positions. 15. **Thank your interviewer.** Send a letter or email thanking them for meeting with you and extend your appreciation for their time. You can do this either via email or phone. Either way, be sure to follow up after your interview.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Plant Marginal Pond Plants?,"Marginal plants are aquatic plants that grow around the edges of ponds. The plants often feature white flowers or colorful leaves to accent the pond. Planting marginals is easy! Just decide if you want to create containers to situate along the margins of your pond, or if you want to plant marginals directly in the water with rocks to hold them in place. 1. **Choose marginal plants based on the water’s depth.** Use a ruler or tape measure to measure the depth of the water where you would like to plant potted marginals. Then, select marginals based on the depth of the area you want to plant them. Some example depths and plant options include: 1 ft (0.30 m) or deeper: great water plantain or water hawthorne 6 to 12 in (15 to 30 cm): bog bean, lesser spearwort, or arum lily 2 to 6 in (5.1 to 15.2 cm): sweet flag, flowering rush, bog arum, yellow flag, corkscrew rush, golden club, pickerel weed, and giant water buttercup 2 in (5.1 cm) or less: marsh marigold, golden buttons, Japanese water iris, water forget-me-knot, lizard’s tail, and brooklime 2. **Select the aquatic plants you want to grow in a container in your pond.** There are many different types of aquatic plants that you can grow in containers submerged in a pond, so visit a plant nursery or garden center to find some that you like. Try pairing a short and a tall plant or 2 plants with different color leaves to add interest to your pond garden. Plan to purchase and plant your aquatic plants between mid-spring and early summer. Check the tag on the plant to determine if you need to grow more than one, what height the plants will reach, and how far apart to plant them. 3. **Choose a container meant for growing aquatic plants.** Aquatic plant containers have many small holes in them so that water can easily flow through them. You can purchase these types of containers at a plant nursery or garden center. Make sure that the container is big enough to fit all of your plants into it. Do not place more than 3 plants in each container. If you don’t want to submerge the pot, you could also place it in a normal pot and position it on the edges of the pond. 4. **Line the container with hessian or a polypropylene fabric unless it’s made from a fine mesh.** Unless the container is made from fine mesh, you’ll also need to line the container with hessian or a polypropylene fabric to prevent soil from escaping. Place 1 layer of the material in the container so it covers all sides. Then, trim the excess material along the rim of the pot. You can purchase these types of material at a garden supply store or nursery. 5. **Layer large rocks or stones at the bottom of the container.** It’s possible for the planter to tip over or float away if it’s not heavy enough, especially if you’re planting a tall aquatic plant in your container. To help weigh it down, place 7-10 rocks or a single layer of stones in the bottom of the planter. You can harvest rocks or stones from in and around your pond or garden. 6. **Fill the container halfway with an aquatic-friendly growing medium.** Use your hands or a small garden trowel to do this. Medium to heavy loam is ideal for aquatic plants, but you can also use garden soil as long as it’s free from herbicides and fertilizers. If you’re unsure, get a specially formulated aquatic growing medium, which will help to promote the best results for your aquatic plant. Keep in mind that aquatic growing mediums usually contain fertilizer, but it is a special slow-release kind that will not seep out into the pond water. 7. **Add the plants to the container and cover the roots with soil.** Take the plants out of the containers they are in and gently pull apart the roots to loosen them. Then, place the plants into the container with about 3 to 6 in (7.6 to 15.2 cm) between them. Scoop more soil into the planter to cover the roots completely. 8. **Cover the soil with a layer of gravel to prevent fish from disturbing it.** To finish preparing your plant for the pond, scoop gravel onto the soil to cover it completely. Use about 1 to 2 in (2.5 to 5.1 cm) of gravel to the top of the soil. This will help to prevent fish and other wildlife from kicking up soil when they swim around in the plant. You can also layer more stones or rocks on top of the soil if you do not have gravel. 9. **Soak the planter in water for 5 minutes.** Pre-soaking the planter will help to weigh it down and rinse off any loose soil or debris before you introduce it. Place the planter in a bucket or sink filled about 1/2 to 2/3 full with water. Then, remove it from the sink and place it on the ground to drain. Don’t do this inside. Make sure to soak and drain the planter outside to avoid making a mess. 10. **Submerge the planter in the pond at the edge or in a shallow area.** Choose an area of the pond that is deep enough to cover the planter with the plant above the surface of the water. Or, if you used a normal planter, you could position the pot along the edges of the pond. Try placing a few rocks around the sides of the pot to help keep it in place. 11. **Choose marginal plants based on the depth of the water in your pond.** Measure the depth of the water where you would like to plant marginals. Then, select marginal based on the depth of the area you want to plant in. Some example depths and plant options include: 1 ft (0.30 m) or deeper: great water plantain or water hawthorne 6 to 12 in (15 to 30 cm): bog bean, lesser spearwort, or arum lily 2 to 6 in (5.1 to 15.2 cm): sweet flag, flowering rush, bog arum, yellow flag, corkscrew rush, golden club, pickerel weed, and giant water buttercup 2 in (5.1 cm) or less: marsh marigold, golden buttons, Japanese water iris, water forget-me-knot, lizard’s tail, and brooklime 12. **Remove the plant from the container it came in and rinse its roots.** Use your fingers to gently spread the roots apart, which is also known as tickling the roots. Then, rinse the roots under running water to remove the excess dirt. Use an outdoor spigot or garden hose to do this. Make sure to check the plant’s tag for information about how tall the plant will get, how far apart to plant it from other plants, and other important information. 13. **Move rocks to make a space for the plant at the edge of the pond.** Choose where you want to place the plants, then move a few large rocks aside to make a space for them. Place the rocks on the grass nearby while you plant the marginal. Try not to unsettle any of the dirt or sand in this area when you pull out the rocks. Another option is to plant the marginal directly in the soil on the edges of the pond. This will integrate them into the pond without submerging the plants in water. 14. **Place the roots of the plant in the water and secure them with rocks.** Next, place the marginal into the water roots down so that they are nestled right on top of the soil in the pond. Then, take the rocks you removed and stack them around the plant’s roots to keep it from floating away. The rocks will keep the plant in place and the plant will eventually root itself into the soil.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Clean Fuel Injectors?,"Clogged fuel injectors can hinder your vehicle's performance, lowering its power and mileage. Keep your engine running smoothly by cleaning your fuel injectors about once a year. Fuel injector cleaning kits are simple to use and very affordable. Caring for your vehicle will pay off in the long run! 1. **Purchase a fuel injector cleaner kit with a PEA cleaning fluid.** Look for a cleaning kit that is suitable for your type of vehicle. Each kit should come with a canister of fuel injector cleaner and a hose that attaches to the fuel injector and fuel rail. For the best results, opt for a cleaning fluid that contains polyetheramine (PEA), which will dissolve thick carbon deposits more effectively than other ingredients. Most fuel injector cleaning kits can be used for any type of vehicle, but you should read the package or ask a store clerk to make sure. You can purchase a cleaning kit in an auto store or online. Full kits usually cost just under $100 each. You can also purchase the items in fuel injector cleaner kits separately. Cleaners that contain polyisobutene (PIB) will prevent new deposits but will not remove existing ones. Cleaners containing polyisobutylene amine (PIBA) will remove and prevent buildup, but they are milder and less effective than PEA cleaning fluids. 2. **Review your vehicle's engine layout to locate the fuel injectors.** Different types of engines have different layouts, so your fuel injectors may be difficult to find. Take a look at your vehicle's manual to determine where the fuel injectors are located. You can also look up your vehicle online to find this information. The fuel injectors will be located under the hood of the car. 3. **Disconnect the fuel pump from the fuel injectors.** Brace the fuel pump, which should be located on the side of the engine. Gently pull out the fuel injectors to detach them from the pump. Once they are removed, connect the fuel return line to the fuel pump so the gas inside it returns to the tank while you're cleaning the injectors. You can also insert a U tube to funnel the gas to the tank. Follow the vehicle-specific instructions in your vehicle's manual if you aren't sure how to disconnect the fuel injectors properly. 4. **Disconnect the pressure regulator vacuum line if you have one.** Locate the fuel pressure regulator if your vehicle has one and look for the vacuum line attached to it. Brace the vacuum line just above where it connects to the regulator. Gently pull it out to disconnect it. Check your vehicle manual to see if you have to do this step. The regulator will usually be located just behind the fuel injectors. 5. **Connect the cleaning kit to the fuel port.** Locate the fuel port, which should be attached to the fuel rail in your engine. Follow your cleaning kit's detailed directions on how to attach the hose and fitting to the port. This will vary between kits, but you should focus on making sure that the fitting is attached properly to both the hose and port. Make sure the injectors have no exposure to fuel as the cleaner is flammable. 6. **Remove the cap from the fuel tank to prevent pressure buildup.** The cleaner will remove debris and grime by using a burst of pressure to inject a cleaning solvent into the fuel injectors. Be sure to remove the fuel tank cap before starting the cleaning. This will keep excessive pressure from building up, which could cause combustion. 7. **Turn the vehicle to let the cleaning fluid into your injectors.** Double check that your fuel pump is turned off. Start your engine and let it run. The motor will stop running on its own once the cleaning fluid is all used up. It usually takes 5 to 10 minutes for the cleaner to cycle through the injectors and get used up. 8. **Remove the cleaning kit and reattach your pump and injectors.** Remove the hose and fittings from your fuel port. Reattach the fuel pump power supply and the pressure regulator vacuum hose. Put the fuel cap back into place. 9. **Turn the vehicle on again to make sure the fuel injectors work.** Test your vehicle to see if you've reattached everything correctly by starting the engine. Listen for any abnormal noises, which may indicate a problem. Drive the vehicle a short distance to make sure it runs smoothly. If you followed the procedure correctly and notice abnormal noises, contact a professional auto mechanic. 10. **Clean your fuel injectors about once a year.** Using a fuel injector cleaning kit yearly can help prevent the buildup of harmful deposits. If you clean less regularly, carbonaceous deposits can grow and harden, hindering the function of your vehicle. Set a yearly reminder on your phone or computer or time this yearly cleaning with a similar task, like your vehicle's yearly oil change. If you do not use your vehicle often, you can clean the fuel injectors every 15,000 miles instead. 11. **Replace your fuel injectors if they show signs of malfunction.** Fuel injectors may sometimes need to be replaced entirely to ensure that your vehicle functions properly. If you notice signs that your fuel injectors may be malfunctioning, bring your vehicle to a mechanic to get checked as soon as possible. These signs may include: Your cylinders misfiring. The ""check engine"" light turning on frequently. Your vehicle stalling or not starting with a full tank of gas. Smoke. 12. **Get a professional fuel injector cleaning if you can't do it on your own.** If you are unable to perform yearly cleanings on your own, do not skip the process entirely. Bring your vehicle to have the fuel injectors professionally cleaned every year as needed. Contact local repair shops for price estimates before deciding where to bring your car for the cleaning. This will be costly but it will prevent problems with your engine that may prove to be costly in the future.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Wear a Chain with a Hoodie?,"Chains are a tried and true fashion statement that tell a story of identity, as well as your own style preferences. This simple type of necklace works well with a variety of outfits, but is especially stylish when worn with a hoodie. The key with choosing and wearing chains is to not overthink it too much, and to pick out a piece of jewelry that’s comfortable and representative of you. 1. **Invest in chains made with high-quality materials.** Make a commitment to your new fashion statement by purchasing a chain made with nice metals, like silver, gold, or platinum. It’s completely fine if you can’t afford something really pricey—what matters most is that you pick up some jewelry made with real metal, and not something cheap, like plastic. You can get some metal chains for under $30, depending on what you’re looking for. The type of metal you choose really depends on your personal preference. Silver is a more universal chain material, while gold may have a confident, luxurious connotation attached to it. 2. **Opt for a simple, looped necklace for a stylish look.** Search for chains that are pretty flat and not overly heavy. Ideally, look for jewelry with flat, thin chains that aren’t bulky and uncomfortable to wear with a hoodie. Some of the most comfortable chains to wear are shaped more like ribbons, and are smooth and thin. 3. **Select chains with religious symbols if you’re spiritual.** Look for jewelry with symbols that mean a lot to you, whether it’s a Star of David, a cross, or something else entirely. Your chain should be representative of you and your identity, and a religious symbol is a great option for this. 4. **Pick out a necklace that’s around 24 in (61 cm) long or so.** Think about where you’d like your chain to fall along your chest. Note that 18 in (46 cm) long necklaces will fall slightly beneath your neck, while 20 to 22 in (51 to 56 cm) long chains fall somewhere around your collarbone. If you’d like your chain to be front and center, choose one that’s at least 24 in (61 cm) long, which will dangle around the center of your chest. If you’re really tall or have an especially large build, you may want to buy a chain that’s slightly larger. 5. **Wear a chain with an obvious pendant for a bolder look.** Look for chains that have interesting shapes or pendants that w draw a lot of attention to your chain. Choose these chains carefully—they can be a great option if you’d like to draw a lot of attention to yourself, but may not be a good choice if you’re trying to be more subtle. Pendants really depend on personal preference. If you don’t spare a lot of thought to what people think of you and your fashion sense, then pendants might be a great choice for you. 6. **Check that all your accessories match the chain color.** Think about any watches, bracelets, or other accessories that you wear on a regular basis. Try to choose a chain that matches the color of these accessories, so you can create a more cohesive, stylish look. This isn’t a hard and fast rule, especially if you prefer to dress casually. If you don’t wear a lot of accessories, you don’t have to worry about this. 7. **Leave the front of your chain visible over your hoodie.** Place the chain around your neck so the chain is snug against the back of your neck. Keep this portion of the chain hidden in your hoodie, then untuck the front portion of your chain along the front of your hoodie. If your chain has a pendant, keep it centered along the front of your hoodie. 8. **Tuck your chain into your hoodie if you’re wearing it for sentimental reasons.** Don’t feel pressured to make a statement constantly with your chain—it’s okay to keep it tucked in! If your jewelry represents something personal to you, feel free to literally and figuratively keep it close to your heart. For instance, if your chain is a family heirloom, you may want to keep it tucked in instead of showing it off. 9. **Wear multiple chains to make a bold statement.** Layer multiple thin chains around your neck, collecting them around the center of your neck and hoodie. Try to pick thin, ribbon-like chains that won’t be super bulky and uncomfortable to wear.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Surprise Your Girlfriend.,"Whether you’re planning for her birthday, celebrating your anniversary, or just showing your love and appreciation, a fun surprise for your girlfriend is always a good idea. It’s easy for a couple to get so caught up in their lives that they forget to show their love for each other. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of cute and romantic surprises that you can use to wow your girlfriend and make her feel special. 1. **Your girlfriend will love a sweet hand-written note.** Sit down and write about all the things you love about her, and don’t be afraid to get specific! When you’re done, seal it inside an envelope and give it to her when she least expects it. Don’t live near your girlfriend? No problem! Send her your letter in the mail for a lovely surprise. You could also write little notes and leave them throughout your house! Try putting a few love notes in her coat pocket, her coffee cup, or underneath her pillow. 2. **Let her lounge in a warm bathtub full.** Run a bath full of warm water, and don’t forget a body-safe bath bomb! Light a few candles in the bathroom and leave some soap on the side. Let her soak for as long as she wants, and bring her a snack if she gets hungry. Play her favorite music or read her a book while she sits in the bath. 3. **A mix of her favorite songs is sure to make her smile.** Curate a playlist on Spotify or YouTube full of songs you think she’d like (or ones that remind you of her). Send it to her or play it for her the next time you see her to watch her face light up with joy. This is a great long distance gift idea! Since you can send a playlist anywhere, you don’t have to be in-person to give her this gift. 4. **This romantic date is super easy to do.** Pick your girlfriend up and drive to the highest spot near you, but don’t tell her where you’re going! Park in a spot where you can see the sunset clearly, then sit back and watch as it sets. Don’t forget to bring a few snacks! 5. **Let your girlfriend relax by taking on some of her tasks.** If you know your girlfriend has been super busy with work or school, surprise her by doing the dishes, folding some laundry, or vacuuming the house. She’ll probably be super grateful, and you two can relax together afterwards. You could also run an errand for her if she hasn’t had time, or go pick up some groceries for her. 6. **A public display of affection lets your girlfriend know you love her.** If you don’t usually engage in PDA, try surprising your girlfriend with a quick kiss or a hug the next time you two are out. If she likes PDA, she’ll be happy that you’re showing her affection where other people can see. If you or your girlfriend aren’t into PDA, that’s totally fine! Pick a different surprise that she’ll like instead. 7. **Show off your chef skills and make your girlfriend happy.** Head to the store and buy all the ingredients for something delicious that your girlfriend will love. Surprise her by cooking her a full meal, and don’t forget to clean the kitchen afterward! Try making pasta, lobster, or steak. 8. **If you’re a morning person, use your time to surprise your GF.** Wake up before she does and whip up something delicious, like pancakes, eggs, or bacon. Present it to her in bed on a tray so she can eat yummy food while she wakes up. Pair your meal with a cup of coffee or tea to make it extra special. 9. **Move your lunch or dinner outside to make it extra special.** Pack up all the things you’ll need for a meal, and bring along a big blanket to sit on. Spread your food out at the park or in your backyard and enjoy a meal with a view! If the weather is crummy or you don’t feel like going out, have a picnic inside instead! Spread out a big blanket in your living room and eat off of paper plates to make things feel special. 10. **Surprise her with something yummy that she’ll really like.** Grab her a delicious dessert or make her a nice dinner, then leave it in the fridge. Put a note on the outside that says “Open me!” When she comes home, she’ll probably be really excited about her special surprise. You could also grab her a milkshake, a coffee drink, or some ice cream. 11. **If she forgot to bring food to work, take her something delicious.** Text or call her ahead of time to make sure it’s okay, then show up with her favorite food. If she has time, you could even sit and eat with her for an impromptu date while she’s on her lunch break! Try packing a sandwich, some chips, and a drink for an easy lunch option that she’s sure to love. 12. **Give her something warm and cozy to fall asleep with.** If your girlfriend’s on her period or it’s just chilly outside, fill up a hot water bottle with water and place it on her side of the bed. When she comes in the room, let her know that it’s there for her to cuddle with as she drifts off to dreamland. You could also use an electric heating pad. 13. **Use your trade skills to create something special for her.** If you’re good with your hands or you know how to do a craft, try creating something! A special gift that was made with love is sure to make her smile, and it doesn’t have to be perfect. For instance, if you’re good at woodworking, you could make her a cutting board or a nice wooden box. If you know how to knit, you could try making her a hat or a cozy scarf. 14. **Walk her down memory lane from the beginning of your relationship.** Head into Google Slides or PowerPoint and put together a few minutes of pics of the two of you. Start at the beginning of your relationship and keep going all the way up until the present to reminisce about sweet memories together. If physical photos are more your thing, get a bunch printed out and go through them in-person together instead. 15. **Give her a gift she can hang on her wall.** Find a good picture of the two of you, then get it printed out at your local print shop. Pick up a nice frame and wrap it up, then hand off your surprise when she least expects it. You can get photos printed fairly cheaply at most drug stores. 16. **Compile a ton of fun memories into one sweet book.** Get some photos printed out and then glue or tape them into a scrapbook. Fill it with your fondest memories, and don’t forget to make it look nice! When you give it to her, you can spend some time flipping through the pages together. Use stickers, patterned paper, and Washi tape to make your scrapbook extra special. 17. **This classic gift makes almost every girl smile.** If it’s a special occasion or you just want to show your GF some love, stop by a florist and grab a bouquet of flowers. Give them to your girlfriend to cheer her up and make her happy. To make those flowers last, buy a vase and keep them in water. 18. **Show your girlfriend that you remember everything she likes.** Grab a gift bag and fill it with fun goodies, like snacks, treats, and makeup. When she receives her gift, she’ll be so happy that you remembered her favorite things! You could also buy notebooks, pens, stickers, nail polish, or stuffed animals. For some cheap and easy gift ideas, visit the dollar section of your local home goods store. 19. **Relieve her stress and make her feel relaxed.** Have your girlfriend lay down and slowly massage her legs, her feet, her back, and her shoulders. If you really want to make things calming and cozy, light a few candles and turn on some soothing music. Use some lotion to make your massage extra sensual and smooth. 20. **Get your GF in the mood with some new underwear.** If you want to surprise her with a sweet but sultry gift, pick out some lingerie that you think she might like. When she opens it, tell her how excited you are to see her in it the next time you two get intimate. In a long distance relationship? No problem! Order her some lingerie online and have it delivered to her home. 21. **Make your home extra relaxing with dim lighting.** While your girlfriend is gone, turn down the lights and light a bunch of tea lights (or turn on battery-powered lights). When she comes home, have some relaxing music playing so she feels calm and tranquil. This is also a good way to set the mood before getting intimate with her. 22. **Make your next time in the bedroom extra special.** While your girlfriend is out of the house, get some rose petals and sprinkle them on top of the bed. Add a few in the pathway leading up to the bedroom, then light a few candles. When she comes home, she’ll be surprised by all the planning that went into this romantic gesture. Dim the lights and play some mood music to really get the vibes right. 23. **Book a day at the spa to let your girlfriend relax.** If it’s in your budget, call a local spa or salon and sign your GF up for a massage, a facial, and a pedicure. Drop her off for a wonderful day of relaxation with no obligations. Don’t have a spa day in the bank? That’s okay! You can pamper your girlfriend at home. Buy a few face masks, some nail polish, and some fancy lotion, then offer her the same services that a salon would. 24. **Plan a romantic treasure hunt that ends in a candlelit dinner.** Write out cute clues that lead her around town, and leave little gifts at each one. At the end of the night, meet up with her and have a romantic dinner, just the two of you. Use clues like: “I’m in the kitchen, and you’ll never eat me, but the dog sure loves to greet me.” (The clue is in or near dog food). “Turn out the lights in the room and go rest your head on me. I’ll help you fall fast asleep.” (The clue is under her pillow). 25. **Relive your fondest memories by taking her out for the “first” time.** Think about where you two went when you first met. Then, take her out on the same (or extremely similar) date, down to what you eat! Reminisce about all the fun times you’ve had, and don’t forget to share your “first” kiss all over again. 26. **Surprise your girlfriend with a hotel or an Airbnb.** Make reservations for somewhere nearby, like at the beach or in the mountains. Ask her to clear her schedule, but don’t tell her why! Then, you two can take a romantic road trip and spend the weekend together just relaxing. Make sure you double check her schedule before making any plans. Otherwise, there could be scheduling conflicts. 27. **Celebrate your girlfriend with her friends and family.** If your girlfriend’s birthday is coming up or she just achieved one of her goals, plan a huge party, but don’t tell her about it! Invite her closest friends and family members, then have them jump out when she least expects it. Get your girlfriend out of the house by taking her on a shopping spree. Have a friend decorate the place while you’re gone, then come home to a party that your girlfriend will never forget. 28. **What’s something your girlfriend has always wanted to do?** If you really want to surprise her, make plans to check off that one thing she’s had in mind for years. It might take some planning, so start early! If she’s always wanted to go skydiving, sign her up for a lesson. If she’s always wanted to travel overseas, buy plane tickets for the two of you.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Immigrate to Ireland?,"Whether you have Irish ancestors, or you simply love the country, Ireland is a great place to visit or live. Recent years have seen an increase in the number of people immigrating to Ireland. The reasons are varied, from employment to education to those seeking long-term immigration status. The process varies as well, according to the reason for your request. 1. **Look up the Ireland immigration laws specific to your country of residence.** Each country has its own set of rules. Information can be obtained through the Irish Naturalization and Immigration Service. In many cases, a green card or work permit will be required in order to live and work in Ireland. Certain non-EEA citizens will require a visa in order to enter the country. EEA stands for European Economic Area. 2. **Research whether you'll need a visa to enter Ireland.** You can find this information from the Irish Naturalization and Immigration Service at If you live in a European country, USA, or Canada, you likely don't need a visa. If you need a visa, apply for your visa at an Irish Embassy or Consulate. This visa allows you to seek entry to Ireland, it does not guarantee it. 3. **Obtain employment in a category that allows you to have a Green Card or other work permit.** This includes two options: employment that includes a salary of €60,000 or more, or employment that includes a salary of €30,000 or more and is in a ""strategically important"" occupations. This includes nurses, IT professionals and other highly skilled workers. The Department of Enterprise has created a list outlining the positions which qualify. It can be obtained from their website. They can also provide information on work permits. Green cards are not the only employment based permits that allow one to work in Ireland, but they are the highest form. Green cards allow a person to apply for permanent residence in Ireland after two years, unlike other work permits. Other employment based permits include: General Employment Permits, for those with a salary of €30,000 or more in any occupation, and Dependant/Partner/Spouse Employment Permits, for dependents, partners and spouses of those with a green card. 4. **Apply for a work permit.** This can be done by you or your employer. Green Cards are valid for a period of 2 years and there is a fee of 1,000 euro (approximately 1,440 USD). This fee can be paid by either you or your employer. Application can be done by filling out the application form found on the Department of Jobs, Enterprise, and Innovation's website. Some of the information you'll be required to include on the application form includes: details about you like your passport information, social security number, and education and work history, and details about your employer like their employer registered number, address and type of business. 5. **Register with the immigration authorities.** If your application for a work permit is successful, and you have your visa if you require one, you may travel to Ireland. Once there, you must register for residency with the Garda National Immigration Bureau within 90 days. This must be done in person. The Immigration officer and Garda station can be found in Burgh Quay for those residing in Dublin. Those outside of Dublin should contact their local Garda station to locate the local Immigration Registration Officer. If you're a non-EEA national, you will be issued a GNIB (Garda National Immigration Bureau) card when you register. There is a €300 fee. This can be waived for spouses of Irish citizens, those under 18, and refugees. 6. **Get Permission to Remain if you wish to retire in Ireland.** If you have a visa or do not require one, and you can prove that you will not be a burden to the state, you can be permitted to reside in Ireland for up to five years, at which time you can renew your permission. You prove you won't be a burden to the state, and that your retirement is legitimate, by showing the immigration authorities certain records such as your bank statements, and previous work permits, if applicable. 7. **Determine whether your student status in Ireland would fall under the Degree Programme or the Language and Non-Degree Programme.** New guidelines were put into place in 2010 dividing the regulation of students. The Degree Programme refers to full-time enrollment in a program that will lead to anything from a bachelor's degree to a Doctorate degree. The Language and Non-Degree Programme refers to full-time enrollment in an English Language Course or a Further Education course. Make sure that you meet the qualifications under the specific educational programme. These can be found through the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service. 8. **Determine whether or not you must apply for a visa.** The list of countries whose citizens are not required to obtain a visa includes the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, most European countries, and others. You can find more information from the Irish Naturalization and Immigration Service at If you need a visa, apply for your visa at an Irish Embassy or Consulate. This visa allows you to seek entry to Ireland, it does not guarantee it. If you need a visa, apply for your visa at an Irish Embassy or Consulate. This visa will allow you only to seek entry to Ireland, it does not guarantee it. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/0\/09\/Immigrate-to-Ireland-Step-9-Version-2.jpg\/v4-460px-Immigrate-to-Ireland-Step-9-Version-2.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/0\/09\/Immigrate-to-Ireland-Step-9-Version-2.jpg\/aid1368238-v4-728px-Immigrate-to-Ireland-Step-9-Version-2.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} 9. **Register with the immigration authorities.** If you are successfully enrolled in an Irish university on a Degree Programme or a Language and Non-Degree Program, and you have your visa if you require one, you may travel to Ireland. Once there, you must register for residency with the Garda National Immigration Bureau within 90 days. This must be done in person.The Immigration officer and Garda station can be found in Burgh Quay for those residing in Dublin. Those outside of Dublin should contact their local Garda station to locate the local Immigration Registration Officer. If you're a non-EEA national, you will be issued a GNIB (Garda National Immigration Bureau) card when you register. There is a €300 fee. This can be waived for spouses of Irish citizens, those under 18, and refugees. 10. **Determine whether you qualify for long-term residency.** Allowable situations include spouses/dependents of Irish citizens and workers legally residing in Ireland for more than 5 years. Spouses and dependents of those who have been granted long-term residency can also apply for long-term residency. More information on the eligibility requirements for long-term residency can be found through the Irish Naturalization and Immigration Service at 11. **Apply for long-term status through the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service.** Documents required will include work permits, visas, Certificate of Registration, passport and proof of relationship or residency. There is a fee of 500 euro (approximately 719 USD). Application can be done online through the Irish Naturalization and Immigration Service website. The process for long-term status may take up to 6 months to complete. 12. **Renew your long-term residency status.** Every stamp giving long-term residency status lasts five years. If you've received long-term residency status previously and wish to renew this status, you don't need to submit another application. You just need to attend your local Immigration Office and renew your permission in person. 13. **Determine if you qualify for refugee status for permittance into Ireland.** According to the Refugee Act of 1996, refugee status may be granted to someone ""owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his or her nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of that country....."" If you arrive at the frontier of Ireland and ask to seek asylum, an Immigration Officer will conduct a preliminary interview. Then you will be required to go to the Office of Refugee Applications to further your application process. 14. **Familiarize yourself with the requirements needed for naturalization.** Naturalization is the method through which a non-Irish citizen can get Irish citizenship. There are a number of requirements you must meet before you can apply. Those include: Be of legal age (18). Children can be naturalized through a different form if they are the children of an Irish citizen. Be of good character. Be a resident of Ireland for the required amount of time. Make a declaration of loyalty. (This is done at the naturalization ceremony after your application is accepted.) 15. **Determine whether you've lived in Ireland long enough.** To be naturalized, you must have been living in Ireland legally for at least a year before the date of application. You must also have been a resident for at least 4 years in the past 9 years prior to the application. Residency is proved via the dates on the stamps on your passport. You get those stamps when you register for residency with the Immigration Bureau. 16. **Make sure you meet the standards meant by ""good character"".** Good character means respect for the laws of the state. When you apply for citizenship you must provide information about your criminal record and offenses committed both inside and outside of Ireland. Everything down to traffic tickets will be evaluated. A background check will be conducted after you submit your application. 17. **Apply for naturalization.** Application forms can be found here: You must mail the application form to the address listed on the same webpage. A background check will be conducted and an assessment of your financial status will be conducted. These processes may take a good amount of time. Eventually, the form will be sent to the Minister for Justice and Equality, who has absolute discretion on the applications approval or disapproval. If the application is approved, you'll be sent a letter telling you so, with instructions on final procedures. After you submit the final documentation and fee, you'll be invited to a ceremony. At the ceremony you'll receive your certificate of naturalization.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Know if You Have Diabetes?,"Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that affects your body's ability to either use or produce insulin, which how your body can use blood sugar for energy. When your cells become resistant to insulin or your body doesn't make enough of it, your blood sugar levels rise, causing many of the short-term and long-term symptoms of diabetes. There are four different types of “sugar” diabetes: pre-diabetes, type 1, type 2, and gestational, although the majority of cases diagnosed each year are type 2 diabetes. In each of these types, there are both similar symptoms and symptoms that distinguish each type from the others. 1. **Assess your risk for gestational diabetes.** Gestational diabetes occurs in women who are pregnant. If you're at higher risk, you may be tested during your first prenatal visit and then again in the second trimester. Women at low risk will be tested in the second trimester, between weeks 24 and 28. Women who experience gestational diabetes have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes within ten years after the birth of their child. Risk factors include: Pregnancy over the age of 25 Family or personal health history of diabetes or pre-diabetes Being overweight at the time of pregnancy (a BMI of 30 or more) Women who are black, Hispanic, Native American, Asian, or Pacific Islander Third pregnancy or greater Excessive intrauterine growth during pregnancy 2. **Look for the risk factors of pre-diabetes.** Pre-diabetes is a metabolic condition in which blood glucose (sugar) is higher than the normal range (70-99). Still, it's lower than recommended for treatment with medication to control blood glucose. The risk factors for pre-diabetes include: Age 45 or older Being overweight Family history of type 2 diabetes Sedentary lifestyle High blood pressure A previous experience of gestational diabetes Having delivered a baby who was 9 pounds or greater 3. **Evaluate your risk for type 2 diabetes.** This is sometimes referred to a “full-blown” diabetes. In this condition, the body's cells have become resistant to the influence of leptin and insulin. This increases your blood sugar levels and causes the symptoms and long-term side effects of the disease. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes are similar to those for pre-diabetes, and include: Over 45 years of age Overweight Physical inactivity High blood pressure History of gestational diabetes Delivered a baby over 9 pounds Family history of diabetes Chronic stress You are black, Hispanic, Native American, Asian, or Pacific Islander 4. **Check for the risk factors of type 1 diabetes.** Experts believe this condition is caused by a mix of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. White people have a higher incidence of type 1 diabetes. Cold weather and viruses may trigger the development of type 1 diabetes in susceptible people. Living in a cold region, such as Scandinavia, Finland or the UK, also increases your risk slightly. Early childhood stress. Children who were breast-fed and ate solids at a later age have a lower risk of developing type 1 diabetes even with the genetic predisposition. If you have an identical twin with type 1 diabetes, you have about a 50% chance of also developing the disease. 5. **Get tested for gestational diabetes during pregnancy.** Women with gestational diabetes often show no symptoms at all. As such, you should always request a test for it if you have the risk factors for gestational diabetes. This disease is especially dangerous because it affects both you and your baby. Because it can have long-term effects on your child, early diagnosis and treatment is important. Some women feel very thirsty and need to urinate frequently. However, these are also common signs of any pregnancy. Some women report that they feel uneasy or uncomfortable after eating foods that are high in carbohydrates or sugar. 6. **Be vigilant for symptoms of pre-diabetes.** Like with gestational diabetes, there are often very few symptoms of pre-diabetes. Diabetes symptoms are caused by very high blood sugar levels, which people with pre-diabetes don't have. If you have the risk factors for it, you must be vigilant, get tested regularly, and be on the lookout for subtle symptoms. Pre-diabetes can develop into diabetes if left untreated. You may have pre-diabetes if you have ""acanthosis nigricans"" on specific areas of your body. This is simply thick, darkened patches of skin that most often appears on the armpits, neck, elbow, knees and knuckles. You might experience a feeling of uneasiness after eating a meal high in carbohydrates or sugars. Your doctor may test for pre-diabetes if you have elevated cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, or other hormonal imbalances, such as metabolic syndrome, or if you are overweight. 7. **Evaluate your symptoms for type 2 diabetes.** Whether you have the risk factors for the condition or not, you can still develop type 2 diabetes. Be aware of your health condition and watch for these signs that your blood sugar may be elevated: Unexplained weight loss Blurred vision or other noticeable changes in your vision Increased thirst from high blood sugar Increased need to urinate Fatigue and drowsiness, even with adequate sleep Tingling or numbness in the feet or hands Frequent or recurring infections in the bladder, skin or mouth Shakiness or hunger in the middle of the morning or afternoon Cuts and scrapes appear to heal more slowly Dry, itchy skin or unusual bumps or blisters Feeling more hungry than usual. 8. **Suspect type 1 diabetes with sudden symptoms.** Although most patients develop this type of diabetes during childhood or adolescence, it can also develop well into adulthood. The symptoms of type 1 diabetes may appear suddenly or be subtly present for a long time, and can include: Excessive thirst Increased urination Vaginal yeast infections in women Irritability Blurred vision Unexplained weight loss Unusual bedwetting in children Extreme hunger Fatigue and weakness 9. **Seek immediate medical attention when necessary.** People often ignore the symptoms of diabetes, allowing the condition to progress to a dangerous degree. The symptoms of type 2 diabetes appear slowly over time. But with type 1 diabetes, your body can very suddenly stop making insulin. You will experience more severe symptoms that are potentially life-threatening unless treated immediately. These include: Deep rapid breathing Flushed face, dry skin and mouth Fruity breath Nausea and vomiting Stomach pain Confusion or lethargy 10. **See a doctor immediately if you experience symptoms.** Your doctor will need to perform several tests to determine if you have diabetes. If you do, in fact, have diabetes or pre-diabetes, you will need to follow-up with regular treatment by following your doctor's instructions. 11. **Get a blood glucose test.** The blood glucose test does exactly what it sounds like it does: it tests the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood. This will be used to determine whether you have diabetes or are at risk of developing it. This test will done under one of three circumstances: A fasting glucose blood test is done after you haven't had anything to eat for at least eight hours. If it is an emergency, your doctor will do a random blood glucose test regardless of whether you have eaten recently. A two-hour postprandial test is done two hours after eating a specific number of carbohydrates to test your body's ability to handle the sugar load. This test is usually done in a hospital so they can measure the number of carbs eaten before the test. An oral glucose tolerance test requires you to drink a high glucose fluid. They will test your blood and urine every 30-60 minutes to measure how well the body is able to tolerate the additional load. This test is not done if the doctor suspects type 1 diabetes. 12. **Submit to an A1C test.** This blood test is also called the glycated hemoglobin test. It measures the amount of sugar attached to the body's hemoglobin molecules. This measurement gives the doctor a good indication of your average blood sugar measurements over the past 30 to 60 days. 13. **Have a ketone test done if necessary.** Ketone is found in the blood when an insulin shortage forces the body to break down fat for energy. It comes out through the urine, most often in patients with type 1 diabetes. Your doctor may recommend a blood or urine test for ketone: If your blood sugar is higher than 240 mg/dL. During an illness such as pneumonia, stroke or heart attack. If you experience nausea and vomiting. During pregnancy. 14. **Request routine testing.** If you have diabetes or are at risk of developing it, it's important to monitor your health and blood sugar levels regularly. High blood sugar will cause damage to the microvascular (micro-blood vessels) in your organs. This damage can cause problems throughout the body. To monitor your overall health, get: An annual eye exam Evaluation for diabetic neuropathy in the feet Regular (at least annual) blood pressure monitoring Annual kidney testing Dental cleaning every 6 months Regular cholesterol testing Regular visits with your primary care doctor or endocrinologist 15. **Make lifestyle choices with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.** These conditions often develop because of the choices we make, rather than our genetics. By changing those choices, you can reduce your blood sugar or prevent the development of the condition. 16. **Eat fewer carbohydrates.** When your body metabolizes carbs they turn to sugar, and the body needs more insulin to use it. Cut down on grains, pastas, candies, sweets, soda and other foods that are high in simple carbohydrates, as your body processes these too quickly and they can cause a spike in blood sugar. Talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian about incorporating complex carbohydrates with plenty of fiber and a low-GI (glycemic index) rating into your diet. Low-GI, complex carbs include: Beans and legumes Non-starchy vegetables (most vegetables, except foods like parsnips, plantains, potatoes, pumpkin, squash, peas, corn) Most fruits (except for certain fruits such as dried fruits, bananas, and grapes) Whole grains, such as steel cut oats, bran, whole-grain pasta, barley, bulgur, brown rice, quinoa Don't limit your fiber. Instead, subtract it off the total carbohydrates (per serving size) on the Nutrition label. Fiber is not digested and actually prevents blood sugar spikes, resulting in better control of blood sugar levels. 17. **Maintain a healthy weight.** Insulin resistance goes up with an increasing waistline. When you can maintain a more healthy weight you can stabilize your blood sugar more easily. A combination of diet and exercise will help keep your weight in a healthy range. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day to help your body to use blood glucose without insulin. This also helps you maintain a healthy weight and improves your quality of sleep. 18. **Do not smoke.** If you currently smoke, quit. Smokers are 30 – 40% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than people who don't smoke, and your risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases the more you smoke. Smoking also creates serious complications for people who already have diabetes. 19. **Do not rely on medication alone.** If you have type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes, your doctor may recommend medication in addition to lifestyle changes. However, you cannot rely on medication alone to manage the disease. It must be used to support the major changes caused by your lifestyle changes. 20. **Take oral hypoglycemic medications if you have type 2 or gestational diabetes.** These medications are taken in pill form, and reduce blood sugar throughout the course of the day. Examples include Metformin (biguanides), sulfonylureas, Meglitinides, Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors and combination pills. 21. **Administer insulin injections if you have type 1 diabetes.** This is really the only effective treatment for type 1, though it can also be used for type 2 and gestational diabetes. There are four different types of insulin available for this treatment. Your physician will decide which will be most effective in controlling your blood sugar. You may take just one, or use a combination of types at different times of the day. Your doctor may also recommend an insulin pump to maintain your insulin levels 24 hours a day. Rapid acting insulin is taken before meals, and often in combination with long acting insulin. Short acting insulin is taken about 30 minutes before meals, and usually in combination with longer acting insulin. Intermediate acting insulin is usually taken twice a day, and lowers glucose when the short or rapid acting insulin stops working. Long acting insulin can be used to cover the time when the rapid and short acting insulin stops working. 22. **Eat more foods high in healthy proteins and fats.** Although once thought to be the source of heart disease, the healthy fats found in avocados and seafood are now known to be good sources of fuel. They may help to stabilize blood sugar and reduce your food cravings. Always avoid trans-fats, as these are the bad fats. 23. **Ask about new treatments for diabetes.** There are some new medications that can help lower blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. One type of medicine, called an SGLT inhibitor, helps your kidneys get rid of extra glucose from the blood and send it out in your urine. Examples of SGLT inhibitors include Canagliflozin (Invokana) and Dapagliflozin (Farxiga). Ask your doctor if these drugs are right for you.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Teach Kids to Accept Responsibility for Their Actions?,"Kids have a natural tendency to want to avoid taking responsibility for the actions they've taken. No one likes to get in trouble, particularly kids. However, you can teach your child to honor things they've done. The first step is to help them understand that all actions have effects, with a wide range from pleasant to unpleasant. Next, you need to help your children learn how to be accountable for what they've done. The best way to do this is to set a good example by modeling accountability and managing your response to their truth-telling. 1. **Explain natural consequences.** As you go through your day with your child, make sure to talk about the ways that actions lead to certain results. This advice is not about punishment. Rather, it's about neutrally discussing the ways that what a person does affects the eventual result (both favorable and unfavorable). For example, if your child brings home a good grade, you could say, ""See, you got a good grade on this because you worked so hard."" Your discussions don't have to center only on your child. You can discuss situations with yourself, too. For example, you could say, ""I was late to work today, so my boss was mad."" You may have to explain how some consequences occur quickly and others occur further down the line. This will help to get them thinking about the future. It's also helpful to validate that sometimes your child might intend to achieve a certain result, but they might not always get the result they hope for—like they might study for a test but still not get the grade they wanted or possibly deserved. 2. **Encourage action and consequence role play.** Another way to help your child think about how actions have natural consequences is to set up verbal scenarios for them. You propose an action or situation and ask your child what they think would happen next. When something happens and your child has to make a decision, this is a good time to have them talk through the possible options and results. For instance, you could say, ""Say you forgot to tell me you had a club meeting after school. What would happen?"" Don't judge what they say. The point is to help them think through how an action has an effect. 3. **Let natural consequences take their course.** Natural consequences help children realize how their actions can affect themselves and people around them. Sometimes, you may be tempted to let children off the hook, but instead, let them experience consequences (within limits, of course). For instance, if your child resist cleaning up their toys, you may want to avoid conflict and do it for them. Consider providing a time when you don't clean up the toys and they remain messy. The consequence may be that your child can't find the toy they want to play with. 4. **Use logical consequences when natural ones don't make sense.** Sometimes, a natural consequence will be too delayed to have an effect on behavior (such as cavities developing when teeth aren't brushed). Other times, safety is a concern (such as when a child wants to run into the street). In these cases, and others, natural consequences aren't a good solution. Logical consequences are ones you impose, but they fit the situation rather than seem arbitrary. For instance, if your child breaks something, have them pay for it out of their allowance or do extra chores to pay it off. That is a more logical consequence than being grounded. When you impose a logical consequence on your child, make sure to talk to them about why you're doing it. Otherwise, they might just get upset and not understand. 5. **Avoid forced apologies.** When your child does something to another person, such as making a sibling cry, your instinct may be to tell the child to apologize. However, forcing a child to apologize doesn't help them learn how to accept responsibility in the future. It just temporarily ""fixes"" the current situation and possibly fosters resentment. It's more impactful to help your child come to the conclusion that they will need to repair the relationship. Using the example, forcing the child to say ""I'm sorry"" won't mean much to either the child or their sibling. However, if you talk with the child about why they made their sibling cry, helping them deal with the emotions and adaptive methods for expressing them, it will help them de-escalate. Be sure to use the situation as an opportunity to teach more appropriate coping skills and to encourage empathy by asking you child to remember how they felt when someone made them cry. Pretty soon, they will realize that their sibling is mad at them, and they need to do something to repair what they've done to their relationship with their sibling. That shows them their actions have consequences that they need to do something about. You can prompt them by saying something like, ""What do you think you can do to help your sibling feel better?"" They might apologize, or they might do something else to make up for it. Either way, letting the child initiate it will help it feel better, and they'll be more likely to do something similar in the future on their own. 6. **Assist with problems rather than fixing them.** If your child finds themselves in a hard situation (that they got themselves into), you may be tempted to swoop in and fix it for them. However, a recommended approach is letting the child try to fix it themselves, with support from you as needed. For example, say your child comes home with a bad grade. You may be tempted to lay out a plan for how your child can improve. Instead, ask the child, ""I see you are having some trouble here. Do you have ideas of ways you can support achieving your goals in this class?"" If your child needs it, you could offer, ""Is there something I can do to help?"" You might also say something like, ""This is important. Let's both take time to think about how I can help support you, then we'll trade notes."" This might include helping them write out a plan they can stick to—it will resonate more if they have a part in designing the plan Once you come up with a support plan, teach them to revisit the plan regularly to see how it’s working, assess it, and make changes as needed. 7. **Model responsible behavior.** When you make a responsible choice, sportscast or narrate it as you do it. That way, your child will be able to see the methods you use to get our desired outcomes. (If you don't get the outcome you wanted, acknowledge that, too.) Children benefit from positive examples of behavior to help them learn responsibility. For example, you could say, ""I won't go over the speed limit because that's unsafe and I could cause an accident."" Alternatively, you could try, ""Let's return to the store and pay for this apple because the cashier overlooked it. We don't take things that aren't ours."" 8. **Make appropriate responses to blame avoidance.** If your child does something against the rules, they may try to blame it on someone else, such as ""Sister made me do it!"" A typical response to this excuse is, ""If Sister jumped off a bridge, would you jump off a bridge?"" The problem with this response is that it isn't clear enough about what the problem is. Your child needs a direct and concrete explanation conveyed calmly and without shame. Instead, say something like, ""Your sister may have influenced you, but you decided to do it yourself. You could have chosen not to follow your sister, but you didn't. Therefore, you're responsible for what you did."" Be sure to point out times along the way that they could have made a different choice to encourage them to learn how to get out of these situations earlier. 9. **Own up to your own actions.** Children learn by seeing behaviors modeled (and explained). Therefore, you must model owning up to your actions to your child, as they'll be watching you to see how they should behave. If you do something wrong, admit it and apologize—that will show that even when you're an adult, you can take responsibility for your actions. For example, say you were late picking up your child from school. Instead of saying, ""I was late because there was so much traffic,"" you could say, ""I'm sorry I'm late. It's frustrating to have to wait for me at pick-up. I didn't leave enough time, but I will tomorrow."" Similarly, don't make children take responsibility for the consequences you impose on them. Instead of saying, ""Because you didn't come home on time, I guess that means you want to stay home this weekend,"" say, ""By coming home after curfew, you are showing you are not able to keep it responsibly and could benefit from practice doing so."" 10. **Stay calm when your child owns up to something.** If your child is honest with you about something you did and you blow up, they're not likely to be honest the next time. It's important to stay calm, even if you're upset about what they did. If you feel yourself getting upset, try considering why it's a trigger for you and giving yourself space to process accordingly. In more time-sensitive moments, count to 10, or take a few, deep calming breaths before responding. If you need to, take a short break before discussing the issue with your child. Wait until you can have a calm conversation. Also, make sure to give your kid kudos for being honest with you. 11. **Enforce the rules.** Your kid relies on you to set boundaries with them, which includes enforcing the rules. You can't expect your child to accept responsibility for your actions if you continually make exceptions for them. Holding them to the rules helps them realize that they must own up to things they've done. For example, if you want your child to learn to take care of their things, teach them from an early age to make their bed each day, put their toys away, and so on. Although it is not always possible, it is ideal if the rules exist before a situation occurs and that your child has a good understanding of the rules. Do your best to avoid looking like you are making up the rules as you go.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Speak Well and Confidently.,"Good communication is the key to success, whether you're speaking in front of a large audience or trying to get a point across to a new friend. If you want to know how to speak well and confidently, you've got to believe in yourself, speak slowly and carefully, and have strong convictions about what you're saying. If you want to know how to sound intelligent and thoughtful when you speak, then see Step 1 to get started. 1. **State your opinions with conviction.** Before you speak, you have to make sure you really believe in what you say, whether you're saying that Kanye's new album is amazing or that the growing inequality gap in the United States should be the government's #1 concern. You don't have to sound arrogant to get your point across and to sound like you really believe in what you're saying instead of turning to other people for validation or approval. 2. **Make eye contact.** For one thing, it is polite for others. Also, eye contact will help others to listen to your thinking carefully. Find a few friendly faces to focus on so your confidence goes up while you're speaking and that you're communicating your message even more clearly. If you look down at the floor, you won't look confident, and if you're looking around while you talk, people may think that you're distracted or looking for something better to do. Look people in the eyes when you talk to them - you can look away for a moment or two to get your footing, but in general, stay focused on the eyes of the people you're talking to. If you see someone looking confused or concerned when you're speaking, you may even think about whether or not you're being clear enough. However, you shouldn't let one confused person get you off track. If you're talking to a larger group where it's difficult to really make eye contact, focus on looking at just a few people in the audience. 3. **Use the shortcut method for better speaking.** Chances are that you'll sometimes have to speak in public as part of your role. While this can seem intimidating, the benefits of being able to speak well outweigh any perceived fears. To become a better speaker, remember the following strategies (deliberately kept short for ease of memory): Plan appropriately. Practice. Engage with your audience. Pay attention to body language. Think and speak positively. Cope with your nerves. Watch recordings of your speeches. This will help you to improve each time. 4. **Know the room.** Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids. Knowing what you're up against and having a sense of where you'll stand, how the crowd will look, and what it will feel like to move around as you speak can definitely ease your nerves. It's far better to know what you're facing than to have a big surprise -- and a blow to your confidence -- on the day of the big event. If you really want to know the room, you can also show up on a day before your actual speaking engagement to get a sense of what it's like. 5. **Visualize success.** Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear and confident. Visualize the audience clapping – it will boost your confidence. Close your eyes and imagine the most confident and well-spoken version of yourself up in the audience, dazzling them with his words. Or if you're nervous about speaking in a smaller social setting, picture yourself wowing a small group of friends with your words. Picturing the scenario you want to enact can go a long way in making you succeed. This way, when it's time for your big moment, remember what you visualized -- how can you get there? 6. **Know your audience.** Knowing who you're talking to can go a long way in helping you speak with confidence. If you're addressing a large audience, it's important to know where they come from, how old they are, and what their general knowledge is about your subject. This can help you prepare your words accordingly. If you're talking to a handful of people, knowing as much about them as you can -- their political beliefs, their senses of humor -- can help you say the right thing (and avoid saying the wrong one). One of the reasons people get nervous when speaking is because they don't like the unknown; that's why you have to gather as much information as possible. 7. **Have confident body language.** Body language can go a long way in making you appear and feel confident. If you want to have confident body language, here's what you should do: Have great posture Avoid slouching Don't fidget with your hands Avoid pacing around too much Look ahead of you instead of down at the floor Keep your face and body relaxed 8. **Know your material.** Pick a topic you are interested in. Know more about it than you include in your speech or conversation. If you know a lot about your subject, you will feel a lot more confident when you have to speak about it. If you only prepared what you were going to say the night before and are terrified of getting questions you won't know how to answer, then yeah, your confidence will not be at an all-time high. Knowing five times more about your subject than you're going to say will make you feel prepared for the big day. If you will leave some time for questions after your speech, you can practice giving it to a friend in advance; have the friend ask some tough questions to help yourself prepare for what may come. 9. **Praise yourself every day.** This will promote your own confidence, which is important when you speak. With more confidence, people will take your thinking more seriously. You don't have to think you're perfect to truly praise yourself and let yourself feel like the amazing person that you are. Remind yourself of all of the great things you've accomplished and worked so hard for. Look in the mirror and say at least three things about yourself, or make a list of all of the great things that make you who you are. If you can't think of anything you'd want to praise yourself for, then you'll need to work on boosting your confidence. Build your self-esteem by focusing on something you're good at, addressing your flaws, and spending time with the people who really care about you and make you feel good about yourself. 10. **Speak loudly enough for everyone to hear.** While you don't want to shout, you should speak loudly enough so that people don't have to ask you to repeat yourself. Speaking quietly or softly will make people think you are shy and that you don't have confidence in what you're saying -- that you don't really want to be heard anyway. If you speak in a low voice, not only will others not be able to hear what you say, but you will also portray a submissive demeanor, which suggests the opposite of a confident one. On the other hand, you don't want to speak so loudly that you're talking over people just to be heard. Your words alone should get people's attention. 11. **Expand your vocabulary.** Read as much as you can, from online journals such as Slate or to serious literature like Anna Karenina. The more you read, the more you'll know and the more expansive your vocabulary will be. You'll be learning new words and understanding new phrases without even knowing it, and soon, you'll be using the words you read while you're speaking. Having a wide vocabulary is a must if you really want to speak well. This doesn't mean that you have to throw fifty $100 words into your speeches or everyday conversations every time. Just a few key ""fancy"" words can make you sound more intelligent, but not like you're trying too hard. Keep a vocabulary journal. Write down all of the new words you've encountered while reading and define them. 12. **Avoid excessive slang.** If you want to be well-spoken, then you can't go around using slang or too much casual phrasing. Of course, if your audience is young and hip, you don't want to sound too formal or stilted, but you should avoid saying things like, ""You guys,"" or ""Hella"" or ""Nailed it!"" or whatever phrases are going around in your culture these days. Of course, if you're just speaking with friends, then slang is fine, but if you're addressing a more mature audience and want to speak well, then you should avoid it. 13. **Don't be afraid to pause.** Some people view pausing as a sign of weakness, but this is absolutely not the case. It's okay to pause to gather your thoughts and to think about what you're going to say next. What's far worse is speaking too fast and sounding like you're rambling, being frantic, or even saying something that you will immediately regret. Part of slowing down and speaking thoughtfully means that pauses in your speech will sound more natural. If you use verbal pauses (such as ""um"" or ""uh"") while you speak, don't be too worried about it. It's just a natural way of getting our minds into gear and even President Obama uses them quite frequently. If you think you use them too much, you can try to tone it down, but don't think that you have to avoid them completely. 14. **Use gestures only when necessary.** Gesturing while you speak is a great way to get your points across and to emphasize your words. But don't use your hands or gestures too much when you speak or you will come off as a bit frantic, like you're using your gestures to compensate because your words aren't enough. Instead, keeping your hands at your sides and using them in just a few key moments when you're talking will help you get your point across. 15. **Be more concise.** Another part of speaking well means knowing what not to say. You may think that you have to give ten examples to prove some point, but in reality, you may only need just one or two, and your ideas will come off more strongly because you chose the best points instead of throwing the entire kitchen sink at the audience you're addressing. If you're giving a speech, then every word has to count; if you're just talking to some friends, it's still best to avoid rambling. If you're giving a speech, then write it down and say it aloud. Reading your own words can help you see where you're being repetitive, and which things you'd like to cut. 16. **Repeat your main points.** You may think that stating your main points once is enough and that your audience will get what's most important about what you have to say. Well, that's where you're wrong. If you have a few main points that you really want to get across, whether you're addressing a crowd or trying to make a point during an argument with a friend, stating your main points again, perhaps at the end of your conversation or speech, will help you define your message and make your point even more clearly. Think about writing an essay. You have to repeat your main points at the end of every paragraph and in your conclusion, don't you? Well, speaking is not so different. 17. **Use concrete examples to grab your audience.** Concrete examples are the bread and butter of any speech or conversation. Whether you want to convince your audience to use renewable energy or convince your best friend to dump her loser boyfriend, you'll need to present a few cold, hard facts to get people's attention. Pick the statistics, anecdotes, or stories that will most effectively get your point across. Remember, it's not about throwing a million statistics at your audience -- it's about using a few key points that they will actually remember. Tell a story or two. If you're giving a speech, a story at the beginning or the end can help introduce your points in a more human way. 18. **Develop a relaxing routine.** Begin by addressing the audience. It buys you time and calms your nerves. Pause, smile and count to three before saying anything. (""One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand."" Pause. Begin.) Transform nervous energy into enthusiasm. It's all about finding whatever works for you. Maybe drinking a cup of peppermint tea before you speak does the trick. Maybe drinking water every five minutes will do it for you. Once you find what works for you, stick to it. You can also develop a routine for talking to friends. Find something that calms you down when you're nervous about speaking, whether it's grabbing a Koosh ball in your coat pocket or smiling a bit more. 19. **Practice, practice, practice.** Rehearse out loud with all equipment you plan on using. Revise as necessary. Work to control filler words; practice, pause and breathe. Practice with a timer and allow time for the unexpected. The more you practice, the more natural and well-spoken you will sound when it's time to speak. And the better you feel like you know what to say, the more confidence you'll have when it counts. 20. **Don't apologize.** If you're nervous or have accidentally misspoken, don't draw people's attention to it by apologizing for it. Just get on with what you have to say and people will forget all about what you said. Saying, ""Sorry guys, I'm just so nervous,"" or ""Oops, that was awkward,"" will only make things more awkward and uncomfortable. Everyone makes mistakes and there's no need to acknowledge yours unless you're really, really good at poking fun at yourself. 21. **Concentrate on the message – not the medium.** Focus your attention away from your own anxieties and concentrate on your message and your audience. The most important thing is to get your point across, not to look like Steve Jobs when you do it. If you focus less on yourself, you will feel less self-conscious and more like a messenger, and that will take off a lot of the pressure. Before you speak, remind yourself about how important the message that you have to convey is, and why conveying it matters to you. This will make you stop worrying about whether you're talking too fast or sweating too much. 22. **Gain experience.** Mainly, your speech should represent you — as an authority and as a person. Experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking. A Toastmasters club can provide the experience you need in a safe and friendly environment. Just getting into the habit of giving speeches or speaking publicly will also help you succeed. Even if you just want to speak confidently in front of friends or strangers, the more you do it, the better you'll be at it. It's like any other skill. 23. **Realize that people want you to succeed.** Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative and entertaining. They’re rooting for you. Think positively about what you have to do before you begin and know that no one wants you to trip, stumble over your words, or forget what you were going to say. Everyone wants the best for you, and you should want that too. Speaking can be a scary thing, whether you're talking to a football stadium of people or just your class, and everyone wants you to do your best.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Make a Photo Frame.,"Picture frames are a great way to show off your favorite pictures, but they can get expensive. Making them rather than buying them is the best way to get a nice frame that perfectly fits your picture without breaking your wallet. Frames make perfect gifts for loved ones, or keep them to adorn your own walls. 1. **Cut a piece of cardboard or construction paper into a rectangle.** This will be the size of the frame. Depending on how wide you want it to be, make it a few inches bigger than the picture on each side. 2. **Cut a rectangle out of the middle of the cardboard.** The rectangle’s size should be slightly smaller than the photo. 3. **Paint the frame.** Paint it all one color, or paint patterns and figures on the frame. You can also use markers, crayons, pens, or colored pencils to decorate the frame. 4. **Glue on paper decorations.** Cut shapes out of paper -- stars, hearts, animals, letters, or symbols are just some ideas -- and glue them onto the frame. 5. **Get creative with your decorations.** Use cloth, buttons, beads, glitter, stickers, or anything else you can think of. Glue these decorations onto the frame in whatever patterns you like. 6. **Make the back of the frame.** Cut a rectangle out of another piece of paper. This rectangle should be slightly smaller than the whole frame, so that it easily covers the center of the frame. 7. **Glue this new rectangle to the back of the frame.** Attach it firmly and smoothly on three sides, but make sure to leave one side open so that you can slide the picture in. 8. **Slide the picture into the frame.** Slip it in through the side you left open on the back of the frame. 9. **Finished.** 10. **Decorate popsicle sticks.** You'll need six or seven large popsicle sticks for the best look, but you can also use smaller sticks. Cover them with washi tape or other patterned tape, or decorate them with markers, colored pencils, or paint. 11. **Glue the popsicle sticks together to form your frame.** Lay two sticks down vertically, about five inches apart, and glue a decorated stick horizontally across the top. Glue the next decorated stick adjacent to the first, being careful not to let any glue show through the crack. Continue until the two vertical sticks are completely hidden by the decorated sticks. 12. **Decorate the frame.** Glue wooden shapes, beads, paper, buttons, ribbon, or anything else you like to the front of the frame. 13. **Attach your pictures.** Smaller pictures work better for this frame -- using a wallet-sized photo leaves room for more decoration, making both the picture and the frame look good. Use glue, tape, or a push pin to attach your pictures to the frame. 14. **Add a magnet to the back.** Glue a strong magnet to the back of the frame, centered horizontally and near the top, so that you can hang the picture on your fridge or anywhere else magnetic. You can use a hook instead of a magnet if you prefer, but the small size and light weight of this frame makes it a perfect addition to your fridge or school locker. 15. **Finished!** 16. **Gather 4, 8, or 12 sticks.** The number will depend on how thick you want the frame. They should be about a foot long and ⁄4 to ⁄2 inch (0.6 to 1.3 cm) in diameter. Choose sticks that are relatively straight and free of knobs, forks, or other unsightly features. 17. **Prepare the sticks.** Make sure they're all the same length, about 11 inches (27.9 cm) long. Remove any leaves or branches. Wash the sticks if they're dirty. Then divide the sticks into four groups (of 1, 2, or 3), and lay each group of sticks out to form the frame, with one group of sticks along each side of the picture. Lay the sticks in each group next to each other rather than bunched on top of each other to create a wider frame. Make sure your picture will fit in the rectangle at the center of the sticks you've laid out. 18. **At one corner, lash the sticks together with twine.** Use a hot glue gun to glue one end of the twine to the back of one corner of the frame (You can also use hot glue to initially fix sticks in batches together). Bring the twine diagonally across the front of the corner. Then bring it horizontally across the back of the intersection. Bring it diagonally across the front again -- this time it should fill in the other diagonal (so if the first time you went top right to bottom left, this time you'll go bottom right to top left). Wrap it across the back vertically this time. Again, wrap diagonally, and then horizontally, and then diagonally, and then vertically. At this point the front of the corner should show two wraps of the twine across each diagonal, so the twine should form a thick X. The back should have one wrap along each side of the intersection, so the twine in the back should form a thin square. Secure the end of the twine with hot glue. Keep the sticks on each side flat and close together. Make sure the twine is tight throughout the knot so that the sides of the frame are secure. If you want to experiment with other looks, try any lash to tie the corners. Try out a square or diagonal lash, or experiment with one of your own. Repeat this for the other three corners. When finished, you should have a strong and secure frame. 19. **Glue the picture to the back of the frame.** Trim the photo to fit, if necessary. If you don't want to glue directly onto the photo, or if you want to be able to change the picture in the frame, glue a larger piece of paper to the back of the frame instead. Attach this piece of paper on three sides and slip the photo in through the gap on the last side. 20. **Glue a piece of twine to the top of the frame to use for hanging.** This piece of twine should be six to eight inches long, depending on the size of your frame. Attach it at each of the top two corners, again using a hot glue gun. You'll be able to hang the frame from this handle. 21. **Finished!** 22. **Mount the picture if desired.** You'll be gluing the picture right onto the wooden frame. If you don't want to glue directly onto the picture, or if you want a border around the picture, mount it on, or simply tape it to, a piece of high-quality paper or cardstock. 23. **Get two matching wooden slats or square dowels.** Use thin wooden slats about an inch wide, or ⁄4 to ⁄2 inch (0.6 to 1.3 cm) square dowels. They should be about an inch longer than the width of the picture. 24. **Paint or stain the wood slats or dowels to your desired color.** With the simplicity of this frame, staining the wood often looks best. However, you can also paint it a solid color or decorate it with paint if you want. 25. **Glue the wood to the top and bottom of the picture.** Center the picture horizontally, and make sure the wood is perfectly straight and level across the top. Glue the wood on top of the picture so that the picture is visible underneath. If you find that you have to cover too much of the picture, use another piece of paper under the picture and glue the wood to that instead. 26. **Attach string to the top piece of wood.** Get a piece of string that you will use to hang the picture. It should be 8 to 12 inches (20.3 to 30.5 cm) long, depending on the size of your picture. Screw small hooks into the back of the wood about halfway between the edge of the picture and the edge of the wood. Tie the string onto these hooks. If you don't want to use hooks, simply hot glue the string to the wood. This will be secure enough, and it won't show from the front of the frame. 27. **Finished!** 28. **Buy or make a basic frame.** Cut out a piece of cardboard as big as you want the frame to be, and cut out an opening in the middle for your picture. The frame can be as simple or creative as you want - go for the basic rectangle, or cut a large base with windows for two or three different pictures. Add construction paper over the back of each picture window to hold your pictures. Glue the paper on three sides so that you can slide pictures in and out of the frame. You can also buy a simple wooden frame if you don't want to make one. 29. **Collect several old magazines or other paper.** The colors and gloss of magazines make them perfect for this frame, but you can also use old newspaper, cardboard paper, or any other scratch paper you have lying around. 30. **Cut the paper into strips.** If you're using magazine pages, simply cut each page in half lengthwise. If you're using newspaper, cut strips about four inches wide and ten inches long. 31. **Use a wooden dowel or skewer to roll a strip of paper into a tube.** Place the dowel at one corner of the paper, at just more than a 45 degree angle to the page. Roll the corner of the paper around the wooden dowel. Keeping the paper tight, use the dowel to roll the paper into a tube. As you roll, the edges of the dowel will be covered by the paper. Don't lose them, as this will make it harder to get the dowel out of the tube. Simply slide the dowel to one side to make sure you always have enough of a handle sticking out of the rolled paper. 32. **When you near the edge of the paper, place glue along the edge to hold the tube together.** You can simply put a drop of glue on the opposite corner from where you started; this will hold the whole tube together. However, if you later cut the tube, you risk cutting off the glued part and unraveling the tube. To prevent this, put glue on the whole outer edge of the tube. This way, it will stay rolled no matter when or how you cut it. 33. **Repeat the above steps to roll enough tubes to cover your frame.** You'll need more than you think, so make sure you roll plenty of tubes before proceeding. 34. **Cover the basic frame in Mod Podge.** You can use another glue to hold the paper tubes in place, but Mod Podge tends to be effective, secure, and easy to work with, so it's a great option for this frame. 35. **Lay tubes along the edges of the frame.** This will give the edges a clean, smooth look and feel, and you won't have to worry about perfectly trimming the ends of the other tubes. 36. **Fill in the frame with tubes.** Cut tubes down to size before you attach them, or trim them to fit as you put them in place. For a simple frame, lay all tubes vertically on the frame, one right next to another. This will create a simple, classic look. Experiment with laying the tubes diagonally or perpendicular to each other, or even use them to create patterns. For example, add a small square of tubes rotated 45 degrees from the rest to create a diamond in the middle of your frame. Bend the tubes to create corners, or let them stick off the edge of the frame. Get creative -- the layout of the tubes will define the look and feel of your frame. Make sure to place the tubes tightly together so that there are no gaps or holes in the frame. 37. **Cover the tubes with a layer of Mod Podge.** When you've finished filling in the frame with tubes, a layer of the matte will act as a glue to keep them together and in place. It will also provide a shell covering that will strengthen the frame and keep it crisp and glossy. 38. **Let the frame dry.** Once the matte has completely dried, slip your pictures into the frame.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Be Intimidating.,"Intimidation is making others feel fear, nervousness, or inadequacy in order to gain social standing or produce a desired outcome. Although it is seen as a negative quality in many interpersonal interactions, it can be helpful in sports, business, and other competitive environments. Learning to be intimidating can also help you avoid being intimidated by others. 1. **Stand up straight.** Body language is very important when it comes to conveying a certain attitude. Making yourself seem as tall and confident as possible will make you seem more intimidating, so be sure to practice good posture. You can even lean forward a bit when communicating with others. 2. **Fill the space.** Whenever you are sitting, standing, or walking, try and take up as much space as possible. This suggests that you command the space you are in and that you are confident in yourself. When walking, move with your arms open (swinging, out at your sides, etc.) When sitting, lean back, and keep your arms and legs loose and open. When standing, keep your legs apart and arms out whenever possible. 3. **Place your hands on your hips.** When you are standing in front of or next to others, rest your hands on your hips, and keep your arms open, away from your body. In many contexts, this stance conveys authority and can come across as intimidating. 4. **Stand in people’s way.** If you physically take up the space that others are trying to move through, they will either have to confront you or move to the side. Most people will want to avoid directly confronting you, and will either ask if you can let them by, or slip by without bothering you. Either way, you will appear intimidating. Try this technique by blocking hallways, staircases, doorways, etc. If you want to appear especially intimidating, if someone asks if you can please let them by, say something like “Oh, I didn’t notice you there.” 5. **Cross your arms.** When standing, walking, or sitting, cross your arms over your chest. In many contexts, this can appear intimidating or aggressive. Make sure to cross your arms high over your chest, and do so firmly. If you cross your arms over your lower body, or loosely, it might convey nervousness rather than authority. 6. **Scowl.** While a smile can convey friendliness and agreeableness, a scowl suggests aggressiveness, anger, or displeasure. This can make people slightly afraid to talk to you, which may be desirable when you want to appear intimidating. 7. **Point fingers.** Using your fingers to point, especially at people, conveys authority and conviction. In some cases, it might even seem slightly rude or aggressive. However, when you want to seem intimidating, this might actually be a good thing. 8. **Build muscles.** Research shows mixed conclusions, but many believe that a muscular body leads to more assertiveness, and is deemed more intimidating by others. If being muscular makes you feel more intimidating, then you just might come across this way. Try various body building techniques to increase your muscle mass. 9. **Don’t fidget.** Tapping your hand or foot, shifting your weight from side to side, wringing your hands, and similar body movements convey a sense of nervousness. If you are trying to seem more intimidating, keep your body still and move deliberately. This type of body language signals assertiveness. 10. **Look well-groomed.** Taking good care of your clothing and personal hygiene, and generally maintaining a good, clean appearance, helps convey a sense of assertiveness and confidence. Get in the habit of practicing a little personal grooming, and see if you come across as more intimidating. If you’re a man, consider growing a beard. Many believe that beards convey masculinity and assertiveness. A suit, a nice dress or pants suit, or other formal wear can convey authority. If you are trying to look intimidating, you might dress a little better than everyone else. For example, if standard dress at your workplace is business casual, you might seem slightly intimidating if you wear a full suit instead. 11. **Maintain a neutral facial expression.** Many of our emotions are conveyed through facial expressions—happiness by smiling, disagreement by frowning, shock by gasping, etc. If you maintain a neutral expression, and limit the amount of emotion you show, then you will come across as more intimidating. Practice not smiling, laughing, frowning, etc. in situations that normally call for these expressions. You can even practice in front of a mirror or with a friend to perfect this technique. 12. **Make eye contact.** In many cultures, looking people in the eye is seen as intimidating. Practice looking at people directly in the eye when you talk to them. You may feel yourself coming across as more intimidating, and you may notice others reacting accordingly. In some cultures, making direct eye contact with people is a sign of disrespect. If there is a cultural taboo against looking people in the eye in your area or among the people you are working with, be very cautious about breaking it. You want to come across as intimidating, but you don't necessarily want to be rude or overly aggressive. Glaring at people, and rolling your eyes will also appear intimidating. Be careful, however, because this may also seem rude in many contexts. 13. **Speak clearly.** Confidence, or a lack of it, is conveyed in the tone of one’s voice. If you mumble, hesitate, or whine when speaking, you may come across as non-assertive. However, if you speak in a clear, even tone, and at a moderate to loud volume, you will exude self-assurance and seem positively intimidating. If you have trouble speaking clearly or evenly, take a moment to think before you speak. This will give you time to prepare what you want to say. It may also convey that you are confident enough not to be bothered by a little silence, which can itself make you seem more intimidating. 14. **Be assertive when communicating.** You can showcase your confidence in the way you communicate, thereby increasing your intimidation level. This means doing things like: Not always agreeing with others. Voicing your opinion. Not shying away from conflict. Using “I” statements, such as “I disagree” rather than “You’re wrong.” This emphasizes your authority. Agreeing in principle, but not necessarily in detail, by saying things like “That makes sense, but...” Not becoming defensive when others criticize you, and not offering counter criticisms. Instead, focus on making direct statements about your opinions. Being persistent. State your point over and over again if necessary, but don’t waver from it. Being willing to say “no” (or ""I'm too busy,"" etc.) to some requests. If you're worried about being assertive, remind yourself that you are a powerful person who can make it through anything! The more you embrace this mentality, the easier it is to focus on pleasing yourself instead of pleasing other people. 15. **Talk trash.** “Trash” talk, or slightly criticizing others, is common in sports as a way of conveying confidence and unsettling opponents. It can be used in other contexts, however (like political ads or in the workplace), to appear intimidating. Trash talk in other situations can be direct, such as telling a coworker “I’ve got thirteen new accounts listed in my report this month, Jim, and how many do you have? Zero.” It can also include sarcasm, like “Nice job on that report, Jim. Maybe next time you’ll actually win an account to include in it.” Avoid sexist, racist, and otherwise offensive language. Keep your trash talk focused on a person’s abilities rather than his or her identity. 16. **Have an entourage.** Walking into a new place with a group of people at your back will make you look like you are powerful and important. The stronger and more confident the other people look, the less likely you are to be bothered. Having an entourage suggests that you are a leader, and can be intimidating in a positive way. In some locations, you can even rent an entourage for a short period of time. Ideally, your entourage will be composed of good friends who support you and even idolize you. Your entourage can even act as your ""wingman"" by talking up your achievements and impressive qualities to others. Be kind to your entourage and treat them with respect. Make sure to listen to them and support their interests. 17. **Flaunt your achievements.** If you have an impressive academic pedigree or honors and awards to show off, and are trying to appear intimidating at work, don’t be shy about decorating your office area with diplomas and certificates. Having your achievements on public display will make you seem intimidating to anyone who stops by to talk. In order raise your intimidation level, you can also briefly mention your achievements in conversations as often as possible. 18. **Be mysterious.** Sometimes silence speaks louder than words. Try keeping a little distance from others, not being too talkative, and seeming somewhat aloof. If you can cultivate a little mystery about yourself, others might be intimidated and curious about what you are really like. Don't always speak up. Observe others and appear to listen carefully, but maintain an air of mystery. Always appear to be busy or occupied with something (such as reading a book or working on a notebook or tablet), but don't let others know what you are doing unless they ask. Whenever people ask about what you are doing, give short, vague answers that suggest mysterious importance. For instance, if a coworker sees you busy with a tablet and asks what you are doing, just say ""Oh, it's this new work project. They probably haven't told you about it yet.""",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Go to a Skatepark.,"You've been skateboarding on your sidewalk, parking lots, and school yards, but not the skatepark. Going to a skatepark for the first time can be scary and intimidating, but practicing basic skating skills beforehand can help to build confidence before you tackle skatepark equipment. Learning proper park etiquette, how to skate around others to avoid causing accidents, and being sure to practice safety while skating will make sure you have a great experience when you take the trip to a skatepark. 1. **Learn the basics of skateboarding or roller skating before going to a skatepark.** You should be at least an intermediate level before you attempt going to the skatepark. Practice on your board or skates by yourself, learning how to balance and stay upright while in motion, and jump with them. Be sure to know the basics of riding the board and at least one trick you can do. A few good tricks to know are the ollie, the pop shuvit, and the kickflip. 2. **Take short and sweet turns on the equipment.** One “run” on a piece of the park’s equipment should not last for longer than a minute, or you will be tying up the line of other skaters wishing to go. Especially if you’re just going through the basics, try to get a few tricks in under that time, before coming back and getting in line again if you would like another run. A long run is alright on occasion, but not every time. If you do go for a long one, make sure you time it right so you’re not blocking off anyone else. If it’s a run through multiple pieces of equipment, be careful not to cut anyone off as you move along. 3. **Keep the park equipment clear.** Although it may be alright to temporarily sit on a ledge or a bench, most flat surfaces in the park are there to be skated on. Move your gear out of the way of the equipment to avoid any other skaters from tripping over it. See where any other skaters who are taking a break are, and join them if you need somewhere to stand around in between runs. If you can’t find a spot in the park to take a break, going outside of it will have places you can rest where you won’t have to worry about blocking other skaters. 4. **Find out if your skatepark allows bicycles before riding one there.** Some city’s skateparks, such as Seattle’s, don’t allow bikes to be used in them. If your local skatepark allows bikes, make sure it doesn’t have metal pegs on the front or back wheels that can damage the equipment. A bike is a lot larger and more damaging than a skateboard or someone on skates if it’s involved in a collision, so be sure to avoid others while performing tricks. Wash the tires of your bike if they have dirt or mud on them before you come to the skatepark. 5. **Be inclusive towards everyone who is at the park.** Everyone is entitled to the space, no matter if they’re on a board, skates, scooter, or bike (if it’s allowed). It should go without saying, but don’t say someone shouldn’t be at a skate park based on their race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. Anybody who wants to be there should be allowed to be there. 6. **Go to the skatepark in the morning to avoid crowds.** Afternoons and after school especially will be busy periods for a park, so if you want to practice when there are less people, try going in the mornings before 10:00 AM. Certain parks may also be busy certain days and dead on others, while it may be the reverse for another park nearby. Go when the crowd size makes you most feel most comfortable: less packed for beginners, more dense as you get better. 7. **Take your turn to not cut others off as they skate.** Cutting someone off is called “snaking,” and it’s the most common cause of collisions. Wait as the other skaters use a piece of equipment before taking your turn. Learn the rhythm for when you should go and how long you should take each time. Apologize to anyone who you accidentally snake and try to avoid it as much as possible, or risk getting a bad reputation in the park. 8. **Call out to other skaters if you plan to skip or take your turn.** Don’t linger on the edge of the bowl or the lead up to a ramp, as others will be trying to skate there. If you’re waiting your turn and decide not to go, say “Dropping.” If you’re off to the side and want to take your turn tell the others there “I’m in.” Always do your best to telegraph your actions to the other skaters before you make them. Call out “Board!” to other skaters who might get in your way while skating to let them know you’re there. 9. **Wear the proper skating gear.** You’ll thank yourself later when you fall over numerous times practicing a new move by wearing elbow and knee pads, wrist guards, and a helmet. Properly fitted skates should be worn that are sturdy and offer good ankle support, and should always be buckled securely. Wear a mouth guard to keep your teeth safe through each fall. Check the wheels on your board or skates to make sure they’re firm and tight, as well as not damaged. If your wheels are in a state that would compromise your ride, replace them immediately. 10. **Perform only what you’re comfortable with pulling off.** Work your way up the skill level of the equipment your park has until you master each, before moving onto the next. Try out a mini ramp when you first get there, before working up to the larger, shared vert ramp (AKA “the bowl”). If you ask other skaters for help, make sure you pay attention: they don't want to spend their whole time helping you, but will be willing to give you some useful tips. 11. **Get up quickly if you fall.** If you’re not injured from failing a trick, you should get up as soon as possible to prevent being struck by another skater. If you’re seriously hurt, let others know so they can help you or get medical assistance. 12. **Warm up before and cool down after skating.** Start out your routine each time by stretching on your board and seeing the different ways you can manipulate your body on it while keeping balance, potentially to make a new trick. Try it at first while in place, then in motion, and perhaps let it serve as a good launching point for what you want to practice that day. When you’re coming down, skate around gently for a bit before stopping and doing some in place stretches with your arms and legs.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Deal With a Loved One Going to Jail.,"When someone you love goes to jail, it can have a huge impact on your life. You have to grieve the loss of that person in your day-to-day life, as well as deal with any extra struggles his or her loss brings. In addition, you have to learn to navigate the maze of visiting the person in jail. Though it's tough, you can learn to create a new life for yourself while your loved one is gone. 1. **Stay in the moment.** If you try to think about all the years ahead without the person you love in your life, you'll likely get overwhelmed. Instead, take it moment by moment, dealing with what each day brings you. If you have trouble staying in the moment, you can try a mindfulness technique. For instance, while you're in the shower, try really paying attention to what you're doing. Don't let your mind wander to what's going on later in the day; instead, pay attention to how the soap feels on your skin, the way the hot water relaxes your muscles, and the scent of soap in the air. Focus your attention on the sensations you're feeling, not what's going through your head. 2. **Prepare yourself for what lies ahead.** This advice may seem contrary to the last step. However, you can still stay in the moment while knowing that what comes ahead may be difficult. For instance, you may begin to lose certain relationships because your loved one is in jail. People may not be as forgiving as you'd like them to be. Of course, it will hurt, but if you lose friends, know that you will probably also gain friends who are going through the same thing. In addition, you know the people who stick around will see you through thick and thin. 3. **Make a plan and a budget.** If the person you loved provided part of the income for your household, you're going to need to get a new plan. You may need to get a second job or even move. Take a careful look at your budget to see what is necessary for you to survive. Include the extra costs of supporting your loved one in jail. Jail can be expensive for those on the outside. From making phone calls to buying items at the commissary, your loved one will need money to help her while she's inside. However, those costs can add up quickly, as even adding money to an account comes with fees. Therefore, set a budget of how much you think you can reasonably spend on the person per month, and stick to it. If you don't think it's enough, see if anyone else in the family is willing to help out. You're also not going to have their support around the house, so you may find yourself with extra housework. Don't be afraid to ask family members for support when you need it. 4. **Take care of yourself.** This process is a grieving process. You're losing someone important in your life, and it's important to grieve that person. Nonetheless, don't forget you need to still take care of yourself. Try to sleep on a regular schedule, and eat healthy meals to keep you going. 5. **Decide how often you can visit.** Most jails limit how often you can visit. In addition, the place where your loved one is held may not be as close as you would like. Therefore, you must decide how often you will be able to visit, so you and your loved one will know what to expect. You can also let the person know when you'll be able to email or write. 6. **Make a plan about how you want to tell people.** It can be difficult to decide how much to tell other people. The truth is probably best, since some people may find out from police blotters or the newspaper. However, if you're not comfortable with that, you can say you separated or that he or she had to move away. Just be consistent in what you say. Also, make a decision about who you want to tell. Maybe you want to keep it just in the family, or maybe you feel like you should tell certain close friends. It's better to decide up front who will be informed. 7. **Think about what you want to tell your children.** It's important to tell your children the truth when your spouse lands in jail, if that's the position you're in. If you don't and they find out the truth, they will feel you betrayed their trust. Be direct, and try to answer any questions they may have. Also, give them a script for what to say to people outside of the family. For instance, they could say ""He's away,"" or ""She's in jail,"" depending on what you decide. In addition, if you decide you want your kids to visit the person in jail, make sure to go first without them. That way, you can tell them what is going to happen when they get there and help calm down some of their fears. 8. **Find out the rules ahead of time.** If possible, contact the jail so you know what to expect. For instance, you'll likely be subjected to search. In addition, some jails only allow video conferencing, so you may not be able to actually hug the person. Most jails minimize physical contact, limiting it to a short hug at most. Knowing what to expect can take some of the tension out of it. You won't be able to give anything to the person, such as baked goods, so it's best not to bring things like that with you. 9. **Use calming techniques.** Visiting someone in jail is stressful. If you find yourself anxious, try some calming techniques. For instance, you can try putting a relaxing scent on a tissue to take with you. You may not be able to take it in with you, but you can use it immediately before or after by holding it near your nose and breathing in; however, remember that scent will be linked to that experience, so try not to use something you smell all the time. You can also try breathing techniques. If you find yourself feeling anxious, take a moment to breathe. Close your eyes, and breathe in while counting to four. Count to four while breathing out. Focus on your breathing until you feel yourself calm down. 10. **Don't be surprised if the person lashes out.** Being in jail is scary for everyone, and she may be afraid she's losing you, too. Plus, she's having to create a new life for herself in a tense situation. Try to be understanding, but don't let the person walk all over you, especially since you're having a tough time, too. 11. **Have support afterwards.** Seeing your loved one in jail is going to be hard, and the whole experience of visiting a jail isn't going to be fun. Therefore, try to have someone available immediately afterwards to be with you. Go out for a coffee, and have a chat to help ease your tension. 12. **Join a group.** Many communities have support groups for people who find themselves with loved ones in jail. You might be able to find one through the court system. You can also try contacting local psychologists' offices to see if they know of any such groups. 13. **Try a grief counselor.** If a group setting isn't for you, try a few one-on-one sessions with a grief counselor. If you don't have insurance or your insurance doesn't cover counseling sessions, visit a sliding scale clinic; what you pay will be based on what you make. 14. **Set aside guilt.** You may feel guilty that your loved one is in jail while you are not. Remember, that you did not make the same choices she did to land in jail, and all you can do now is support her. The first step to moving past guilt is to realize that you've done nothing wrong. It's not your fault the person is in jail, and you can't change another person's actions. On the other hand, if you feel like you did anything to help land the person in jail, accept the responsibility for that action; one way you can accept responsibility is to apologize to the person. Once you've apologized, try to push forward. Put the thought of guilt out of your mind, and stop going over it in your head. You can't change the past; you can only move forward into a better future. 15. **Create a new ""normal.""** For a while, your life is going to feel out of whack. With someone you love suddenly gone from your day to day life, you may feel a little lost. However, if you can just keep working through it, you'll readjust to life without them, and life won't feel so strange. Part of creating a new normal is staying on track with the normal seasons. That is, don't be afraid to celebrate holidays and birthdays without your loved one. You don't have to sacrifice your own life just because you're loved one went away. Try creating new traditions with your family to have something to look forward to. Alternatively, you could try a new hobby to take some of your time.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Stake up a Bush or Tree?,"Planting large bushes and trees are great for adding coverage in a garden or yard, and it is important to provide them extra support through staking, should they need it. New trees and bushes or those that have sustained damage might need some extra support, so you should use stakes to help them grow strong and large. There are several methods of staking that will work best for your tree or bush depending on its size and root system. 1. **Select one bamboo or wooden stake.** A single stake method works best with a bare root tree, or a tree that was dug out of the ground when leafless and that had all of its soil shaken from its roots. Select a bamboo or wooden stake for small and medium sized trees or if you’ve got a larger tree on your hands, use a metal stake. Select an angled stake if you’re concerned about letting your tree have room to flex and build up its own strength. Select a tall, straight stake if your tree is top heavy. 2. **Insert the stake on the windward side of the tree.** Dig a hole 6–8 inches (15.2–20.3 cm) deep about 2 inches (5.1 cm) from the base of the primary branch on the windward side of the tree, or the side with the prevailing wind. If planted on this side, your tree will pull away from the stake instead of rubbing against it. If you’re doing preventive staking, place your stake in the ground before you plant your tree. This will prevent damage to the roots of your tree if you accidentally hammer your stake into them. 3. **Locate the primary branch.** Once your tree has been planted, look for the primary branch that supports the most growth. This is typically near the center, but if you have a tree that has split down the center, there may be 2 primary branches. 4. **Tie the primary branch to the stake ⅔ of the way up the stem.** Using a material with a flat, broad surface, such as elastic or a wire inside of a rubber hose, tie the branch to several locations on the stake for firm support. You should use a figure eight loop to tie the branch to the stake in order to prevent the stake rubbing up against the stem. Take care not to use a tie that is a bare cord or wire as these will cut into the tree and damage it. 5. **Remove the stakes after one growing season.** After one growing season your tree’s root system should’ve spread out enough to fully support the tree without additional help from stakes. Remove the stakes and save them to reuse on another tree or bush. You could always leave the stakes in place after removing the ties. Then you’ll have a barrier to protect the tree from lawn mowers. 6. **Gather two or three wooden stakes and broad, smooth ties.** The double/triple stake method is useful for trees with balled or burlapped roots to prevent it from rocking back and forth in the wind. You’ll need 2-3 stakes of the same size. They should be roughly ⅓ of the height of the trunk. Acquire 2-3 ties that are broad and smooth for attaching the tree to the stake. 7. **Drive the stakes on sides equidistant from the tree.** Place your stakes at an angle about 15–18 inches (38.1–45.7 cm) from the trunk on opposite sides. Make sure that the stakes are buried deep enough in the ground that they do not give when pushed against. This will help to keep the tree stable in poor weather and storms. 8. **Attach the ties ⅓ of the way up the stem.** Attach each tie about ⅓ of the way up the stem so the tree will have some flexibility to give in response to the wind. You want the tie to be firm, but with some give to it. 9. **Remove the stakes after one or two growing seasons.** Make sure to remove the stakes after one growing season. If the tree’s root system moves in the soil when you remove the stake system, leave it in for an additional season. 10. **Select stout stakes and strong wire.** Guying a tree is the best method for large trees in areas with heavy winds. Guying anchors are shorter and stronger, and so you’ll need 3-4 stouter wooden stakes. You’ll need to gather wire and padding for the wire around the tree as well. Since you’ll be using shorter stakes, make sure you mark them with bright paint so no one will trip! 11. **Drive the stakes angled away from the tree.** You’ll want to place the stakes equidistant from the tree’s stem below the edge of the tree’s canopy. Make sure they’re at an angle away from the tree for maximum support. 12. **Tie the wires on the canopy stem.** Attach the wire tautly, but not restricting all movement, from the tree to the stake. You’ll tie the wire around the stem above the first set of branches, also called the canopy stem. Be sure to use padding, such as a rubber hose, to protect the tree stem. 13. **Remove the stakes after one or two seasons.** If the tree’s root system seems firmly anchored in the ground, remove the guying system after one growing season.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Be Popular.,"What do all popular people have in common? Do they all wear the same clothes? Have the same hair? Say the same things? Of course not. There are popular people all over the world, enjoying their social status at school, work, and wherever they go. There's no magical quality that can make you popular, but if you work on getting noticed, being social, and getting involved, you will improve your chances of turning heads and getting smiles everywhere you go. 1. **Be confident.** Nobody's perfect. Therefore, you don't have to be perfect to be popular. Even if you feel that you're far from ideal, the first step to gaining confidence is to believe in yourself. Knowing yourself is another important aspect of confidence. You need to know about all the different parts of yourself—not just the parts that you want people to see. Affirmations are a great way to boost your confidence. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself whatever you need to get pumped up, whether that's ""I'm going to nail this"" or ""You're going to be fine at the end of all this."" Don't hide in the corner. Get up and bask in the spotlight, if the moment is right. If you spend all of your time worrying about how you look or what other people think of you, you won't get very far. Instead, work on loving who you are and what you do. If you love yourself, everyone will want to join in. In class, also get noticed, raise your hand, and finish your work on time. People will get to know you better, Never be afraid to speak! Fake it until you make it. Even if you don't feel confident, just acting confident is the first step to making you feel good. Confidence has a lot to do with body language. Walk with your head high and your arms at your sides instead of crossed over your chest. Don't hunch. Develop your confidence by excelling at the things you love or developing new interests. If you find something you really care about, you'll be more likely to feel good about yourself. 2. **Put yourself out there.** This usually means to be willing to step out of your comfort zone. If you're not popular, it's because you're not comfortable doing the things that popular people tend to do, such as: Making conversation, cracking jokes, flirting, and in general, engaging people. Remember that popular kids are popular only because they are known by (and get the attention from) others. Remember, if it isn't yet working out, don't wait for someone to come talk to you, you might as well talk to others you never did before. You may be introspective, shy, or quiet, but in order to get what you want, you need to change how you interact with people. At first, that might feel like you're being shallow or fake, but remember that being yourself is, at its core, all about knowing what you truly want out of life. 3. **Find your own style.** To get noticed, you don't have to dye your hair pink or get a tattoo on your face. What you should do, however, is find your own look and style and let people see that you're comfortable being yourself. If you're hiding behind a pair of gray sweatpants, you won't get noticed—at least, not in a good way. So, find a look makes you comfortable, whether you look preppy, hipster chic, or grungy, and own it. You don't have to buy the trendiest clothes that everyone else is wearing unless you think you can really look good and comfortable in them. If you're buying the same Converse that everyone in school is wearing but they just look wrong on your feet, everyone will notice. Whatever you wear, have confidence in it. Don't check yourself out in the mirror or ask everyone in your path if you look okay, or people will know that you doubt yourself. It's great to pay attention to your looks, but looking like you're trying too hard to be popular is worse than looking like you don't care. So, if you're not really into makeup, don't slather your face with it. If you don't like popping your collar, don't do it just because that's what everyone else is doing. If you want to get trendy clothes but don't have the budget, check out stores that have cool clothes at an affordable price (especially during their sales). Check out Aeropostale, American Eagle, or even Forever 21 to get some great deals. 4. **Take risks.** To be popular, you're going to need to take a few chances on a social level that may normally feel uncomfortable to you. So be prepared to be bold. Take risks by introducing yourself to someone you haven't met, going to a party you were invited to (even if you don't know many other guests), or by making statements that make you stand out in a crowd. If you get used to taking risks (without putting yourself in danger, of course) you will definitely get noticed more. 5. **Don't act like you don't care.** Yeah, if you go around acting like you're too cool for school, people may notice you, but it won't be in a good way. Though you may not want to be the teacher's pet and answer every question right, participating in class and making an effort will get you more positive attention than shrugging or being rude if the teacher asks you a question. Part of looking like you're ready and excited for whatever life throws at you is to smile more. You don't have to smile like a maniac; however, you should smile when people greet you, or even be the one to smile first. This will make people want to get to know you. If you're in high school, then you may be at the point in your life where most people around you think it's cool to look bored or totally uninterested. However, you'll get noticed even more if you go against the grain here. 6. **Be interested, not interesting.** Don't try to act interesting to get other people's attention; act interested in them. Ask them how work or school is going, how their family is doing, how that situation they mentioned a while back turned out, and so on. Then relate. Talk to them about how you or someone you know had something similar happen to them, and how they dealt with it. Stop thinking about yourself and how you can impress others. Of all the people skills that popular people have, the one that none of them can do without is empathy. How well do you relate to other people? Stop worrying so much about how you look, how you sound, how you compare, and start thinking about how other people are doing. 7. **Be friendly.** Popular people are on friendly terms with pretty much everyone—not only their peers, but also the teachers, the supervisors, the grocery store clerk, the janitor, the parents, the kids, and generally anyone who's even the tiniest bit nice. They're on good enough terms that they can hold a short, friendly conversation with anyone in the room. There's no reason you can't do that, too. Being friendly doesn't take a big effort, but it makes a real impact. Keep it casual. Small talk is all about sticking to ""safe"" topics. Stay away from anything controversial, like religion or politics. By expressing your views on a controversial topic, you're bound to be unpopular with people who disagree. Keep the topics ""light"". 8. **Don't butt in.** There's a difference between being friendly and going where you're not wanted. Respect people's privacy; don't pry. Learn to read body language so you can see when your questions are starting to make them feel uncomfortable. If a person is backing away or leaning away from you, checking his phone every five minutes, or talking quietly to another friend before you approach, it may not be the best time to talk. Don't invite yourself anywhere, don't stalk, don't brag, and don't interrupt. In other words, don't be annoying. 9. **Give a helping hand.** Popular people don't just know everyone—they're on good terms with everyone. They establish those terms by helping people out, and they don't do it in particularly noticeable ways. They do little things to establish rapport (in addition to some big things, like volunteering). They offer someone a pencil when they need it. They close the neighbor's gate when it opens after a strong wind. They hold the door open and wait for the person behind them. But most often, they listen to people when they talk, and they offer to help somehow. If you truly empathize with people, you'll want things to work out for them. If there's nothing you can do to help then, at the very least, let them know that you're hoping the best for them. 10. **Be yourself—for real** This may sound trite, but people who are truly popular don't worry about what they should do to ""fit in"", because they really do just because they're comfortable with who they are. You might think that in order to be popular, you need to be attractive and talented, but while it's true that those qualities are more likely to make you a hit with people, there are extremely popular people who are otherwise quite average, and there are extremely good-looking and talented people who are anything but popular. Remember, the only thing you need in order to be popular is a good set of people skills. The remainder is all yours to mold as you see fit, regardless of what anyone else thinks. Part of being yourself is knowing yourself well enough to laugh at yourself. Show people that you recognize your quirks and don't take yourself too seriously, and they'll be impressed. 11. **Don't try too hard.** Surprisingly, many ""popular"" people don't put too much conscious effort into it. They simply are themselves. If you're desperate to be popular, it will show in your actions, and people will think you're a poser, or worse, a freak. One way to make friends is if you find a group of friends that shares your interests, whom you can easily be yourself around. Then, as you become more and more accustomed to hanging out with people, you can branch out and start talking to different people. 12. **Join a team.** You don't have to be Lebron James to join your school basketball team. Joining a team is not only a great way to exercise and feel good about yourself, but it's an awesome way to broaden your horizons and make friends. If you're even a little athletically inclined, it's worth it to try out for one of your school's sports teams or to join a casual sports league in your neighborhood. Joining a team will expose you to more people and will help you learn how to get along with a variety of people that you might not otherwise encounter in your classes or daily life. Joining a team will also improve your social life. You'll be more likely to make plans for what to do after the game, or to go to pre-game dinners and other activities with your team. Joining a team is also a great way to put yourself out there and to let more people know who you are. 13. **Join a club.** Joining a club is another way to broaden your horizons and to meet more people. You may not meet the same kind of people at the school newspaper that you'd meet on your soccer team, so it's a great idea to join a club and a team if you have the interest and the time in your busy schedule. Find something you're interested in or even just curious about, and try to put yourself in a leadership role in the club once you've gained enough experience, so you're more comfortable being a leader and know more people. Don't worry about a club being ""too nerdy"" for you. Doing something that you love and meeting more people will make you more popular. 14. **Get involved in the classroom.** You don't have to suck up to the teacher or have your hand raised in the air the whole time to stand out in the classroom. Just be friendly to people when they sit down next to you, answer your teacher's questions without being overbearing, and generally show that you care without being so absorbed that you don't notice the social dynamics around you. If you're more active in class, more people will know your name and recognize you if you come up in the conversation. 15. **Maintain a variety of interests.** Don't just be a jock or get obsessed with the school yearbook. Instead, maintain a variety of interests by having a few irons in the fire at once. Though you shouldn't spread yourself so thin that you don't have time for yourself, being more involved in more activities will help you get recognized, put your name out there, and get to know more people from different walks of life. 16. **Get involved in your community.** Getting involved in your community will not only help you improve the life of people who are in need, but it'll help you learn how to interact with a larger number of people from different backgrounds, ages, and financial situations. The more people you know how to get along with, the more adept you'll be at meeting new people and making them feel welcome when the time comes.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Identify a Belgian Malinois.,"The Belgian Malinois is one of four Belgian shepherd breeds (also including the Belgian Laekenois, Tervuren, and Sheepdog), being the most popular among the four and a member of the herding group. Belgian Malinois are distinct from the other Belgian breeds due to their short coats, but they may still be confused with them and other breeds, such as the German Shepherd. Fortunately, this wikiHow will help you identify key Malinois traits to distinguish them from other dogs. 1. **Consider the dog's size.** Belgian Malinois are fairly large dogs. Males can weigh anywhere from 60 to 80 pounds (27 to 36 kg) with a height of 24 to 26 inches (61 to 66 cm), and females stand from 22–24 inches (56–61 cm) and weigh 40–60 pounds (18–27 kg). 2. **Check the head.** The head of a Malinois is overall proportionate in size to the body and is clean-cut and strong without heaviness, the top being more flattened than rounded. Malinois have moderately pointed muzzles that are approximately equal in length to the topskull. They have a scissors or level bite, a black nose and lips, and an expression of alertness and readiness for activity. 3. **Examine the eyes.** A Belgian Malinois' eyes are medium-sized and slightly almond-shaped. They are brown in color, preferably dark, and not protruding, with black rims. 4. **Notice the ears.** The ears are stiff and erect, proportionate to the head in size. They approach an equilateral triangle shape. The outer corner of the ear should not, if held down, come below the eye's center. 5. **Look at the paws.** Belgian Malinois are cat-footed and have round paws that are well-padded. The hind feet may be slightly elongated, and dewclaws are typically removed. The toes curve close together, with strong nails that are usually black but may be white to match white toe tips. 6. **See the tail.** A Malinois' tail is strong at the base and the bone reaches the hock. When in action, it is raised with a slight curve without forming a hook and is strongest at the tip. 7. **Inspect the dog's overall structure.** Malinois are well-balanced with a square build and appear strong, well-muscled, and agile. They give an impression of solidity and depth without being bulky. Malinois have a round neck, a level topline, long shoulders, a deep chest, and parallel legs. They walk with a smooth, easy, never tiring gait and tend to move in a circle rather than a straight line. 8. **Check the appearance and texture of the coat.** Belgian Malinois have comparatively short, straight coats. The coat is hard enough to be weather-resistant, includes a dense undercoat, and conforms to the body without hanging down or standing out. The hair on the head, ears, and lower legs is very short and somewhat longer on the tail, backs of the thighs, and neck, where it forms a collarette. 9. **Identify the base color.** A Malinois' coat is a basic brown in color, ranging from rich fawn to mahogany. The underparts of the body, tail, and breeches may be a lighter fawn, though not a washed-out fawn color. 10. **Look for black markings.** Some hairs on a Belgian Malinois have black tips, giving the appearance of an overlay. Malinois also typically have black ears and a black mask on the face. Occasionally, a Belgian Malinois may be seen with white markings on the toes or a small white mark on the breastbone (not extending to the neck). 11. **See if the dog is active.** Belgian Malinois were originally bred to herd, so it's no surprise that they're very active dogs. They have high energy levels and require regular vigorous activity. 12. **Recognize intelligence.** Malinois are known for being intelligent dogs. They can excel in agility and obedience classes when properly trained. 13. **Look for a high prey drive.** A high level of prey drive is common in Malinois. A Malinois should be taught to correct any negative behavior relating to their high prey drive at an early age. 14. **Notice if the dog is protective.** Belgian Malinois are extremely protective. This, along with their attentiveness and intelligence, make them excellent guard dogs without being overly aggressive. 15. **Check for alertness.** Belgian Malinois are very alert and attentive. They are quick and responsive to commands.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Become a Cardiologist?,"A cardiologist is a doctor who specializes in caring for the cardiovascular system, namely, the heart and blood vessels. Becoming a cardiologist is not a simple task, and requires you to be committed and disciplined. If you want to become a cardiologist, you can start during your high school years. Beyond that, you’ll need to earn an undergraduate degree, attend medical school, earn a place in an internal medicine residency, and finally, complete a cardiology fellowship. During this time, you will also need to successfully complete many examinations. 1. **Look into potential medical schools.** You may already know exactly where you want to go to medical school, but if you don’t, you should start looking at the possibilities as soon as possible. This will be very similar to your experience searching for an undergraduate program. Don’t just pick the top medical school in the country for that reason. Instead, search for a school that will be a good fit for your long-term goals, financial limitations, and personality. There are many factors to consider. For example, some medical schools focus mostly on research while others focus on patient care. Some focus on a specific specialty and many don’t. Medical schools even vary on levels of competitiveness. For example, Johns Hopkins is famous for being cutthroat, but other universities might offer a more collaborative atmosphere. Don’t forget to consider things like location, weather, and student life. Though these may not be the top things to consider, they are still important. For example, if you cannot stand long, cold winters, a school in the Northeastern United States may not be the optimal experience for you. 2. **Take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT).** The MCAT is a written, multiple-choice examination. It looks at your ability to think critically and problem-solve, and tests your knowledge of the natural, behavioral, and social sciences. The exam usually takes about eight hours to complete. Most undergraduate students take this exam during their sophomore or junior year of college. There is a nearly limitless amount of study material available for the MCAT. See what materials and courses are available through your university, or visit the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) website to view and purchase study materials: 3. **Apply to Medical School** Once you’ve made a list of all of the medical schools you believe to be a good fit, you’ll need to start the application process. If you are applying to a lot of medical schools it is important to stay organized. Take note of applications deadlines and any applications fees that must be paid. You could consider creating a folder for each medical school you want to apply to. On the front of each folder, write down the name of the school, the date the application is due, and a checklist of each document that is to be submitted as part of the application, as well as the address or website where you must submit the application. You will need letters of recommendation as part of each application. Don’t put off asking for these. Be sure to take note of whether the medical school has a template for the recommendation letters and how they are to be submitted. Make this clear to the people you will be asking. Many medical schools use American Medical School Application Service (AMCAS) and others use the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Service (AACOMAS). This is nice because these application services do some of the work for you, but they do require a $160 fee that includes one medical school. Each additional medical school you wish to apply for costs $38. 4. **Maintain a good relationship with professors.** Your professors will play an important role in your medical school experience, and will also be important for landing a position in a good residency program. This is because they are often the ones responsible for writing letters of recommendation. Put your best foot forward in medical school so that your letters of recommendation will be favorable. These professors will also act as mentors, and the relationship you have with them largely depends on how you use that relationship. If you don’t take an interest in building a professional relationship with your professors, then they won’t either. You will be continually challenged in medical school. This is because professors want to see who is cut out to become a doctor and who isn’t. You will need to study the information you are learning very hard so that you can put that knowledge to use without supervision. 5. **Prepare for the first step of your licensure examinations.** During your first two years of medical school, you will be required to take the first of three steps towards becoming licensed. There are two different types of licensure examinations offered in the United States: the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) and the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX). The USMLE is required for licensure for medical students attending medical schools that confer a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree but may also be taken by medical students attending medical schools that offer a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) degree. The COMLEX is required for licensure of DO medical students. Both examinations are taken in three stages (known as levels or steps). The first stage of each series of exams is very rigorous and includes 8-9 hours of testing on about 300 questions. This test examines your basic understanding of science and how it is applied to practicing medicine. It is important that you study extensively for this examination. Be sure to take full advantage of any study materials available to you. You can find practice materials for each step of the examination process on the USMLE and COMLEX websites: You must pass these exams in order to move on in medical school and eventually to receive a license to practice medicine. 6. **Look for rotations in cardiology.** In your third and fourth year of medical school, you will likely move your education to the hospital. In the third year, you probably won’t get much say in the rotations as all medical students are required to spend time working in each of the fundamental specialties; however, in your final year, you may get to speak up about what you’re interested in. This is when you should try to focus on cardiology as much as possible. Don’t forget that you will be required to write an essay for your residency application. During your rotations, try to keep a journal of your experiences and interactions with patients. You can then use this journal to write a great essay about why you would make a good resident in their program. 7. **Prepare for the second step of your licensure examinations.** In your final year of medical school, you will complete the second of the three steps for licensure. The second step of the USMLE and COMLEX examinations are separated into two parts. The first of which tests your clinical skills (Step 2 CK for USMLE and Level 2 CE for COMLEX) through a written examination. The second part (Step 2 CS for USMLE and Level 2 PE for COMLEX) is an exam that looks at your ability to work with patients. Step two of the examination is administered over a two-day period. As with step one, you will need to prepare yourself for this examination extensively. Visit the USMLE and COMLEX websites for practice materials. 8. **Get involved in all your school has to offer.** Medical school is a very challenging time in the life of a student, and you may think that you should spend all of your time studying; however, getting involved in extracurricular activities and continuing to volunteer in the limited spare time you have will continue to build your CV, and will also provide a network of mentors, friends, and peers that can provide academic and emotional support during this time. Don’t underestimate the importance of social support during medical school. Your friends, family, mentors, and peers will be vital for this. This also means that you should do your best to find the time to be something other than a medical student. For example, don’t feel bad going out to have coffee with friends sometimes. 9. **Complete an internal medicine residency.** In order to become a cardiologist, you’ll need to complete a three-year residency in internal medicine. Interviews for residency positions usually occur during December to February of your final year of medical school. The day when residency positions are announced is commonly known as “Match Day” and occurs in March of your final year of medical school. You will need to apply to residency programs around the country/world, much like you did for your undergraduate and medical programs. 10. **Take the last step of USMLE and/or COMLEX.** The final test for licensure is usually taken at some point during the residency. The final step is a two-day exam. The first day involves a written, multiple-choice exam consisting of ~250-300 questions that test your knowledge of basic medicine. The second day involves observing your assessment skills. The first day of examination usually takes about seven hours. The second day of examination usually takes around nine hours. COMLEX Level 3 is taken in a single day 11. **Complete a cardiology fellowship.** Like the residency, the fellowship is typically also three years. During this time, you’ll likely split your work between seeing patients and learning from experienced cardiologists, and doing research. Once you have completed your cardiology fellowship, you will be able to become certified by the American Board of Medical Specialities (ABMS) and/or the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) as a cardiologist. 12. **Choose a specialty.** During your cardiology fellowship, you’ll have the chance to choose your specialty. There are several specialties that you can choose from, including: non-invasive cardiology, invasive, non-interventional cardiology, interventional cardiology, and electrophysiology. Be sure to understand that a cardiologist is not a surgical field. If you want to become a cardiac surgeon you will need to pursue a surgical specialty instead of a cardiac specialty. Pediatric cardiology is also a tract separate from cardiology, requiring three years pediatrics residency and three years pediatric cardiology fellowship. If you wish to be a pediatric cardiologist, you must pursue a pediatric specialty. 13. **Be aware of the types of employment available for a cardiologist.** A cardiologist has a wide variety of choices when it comes to employment settings. For example, you could be employed by a government agency, a hospital, or a research lab. You could also be employed by a private practice, or you could even open up your own if you wanted to. Opening up your own medical practice is a big commitment, and may be especially challenging if you don’t have a lot of experience working as a cardiologist. Many cardiologists work in a hospital or a practice owned by another doctor to gain some experience before venturing out on their own. 14. **Know the average salaries.** Cardiologists are typically very well-paid, but it is important to understand that the amount you are paid for your work depends on a range of factors. If you work in a big city, you will probably get paid significantly more than if you live in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Keep in mind, though, that this is also due to cost-of-living factors. It will probably be tremendously expensive to buy a nice home in the middle of a big city (or even in the suburbs), but you will probably be able to afford your dream home in a smaller town on your salary. There may also be significantly more competition in a cosmopolitan city that everyone wants to live in. It’s all about comparing the advantages and disadvantages of different job opportunities. The median salary in 2014 for the lowest paying cardiology specialty was over $245,000 and the median salaries only increased from there. 15. **Understand the day-to-day duties of a cardiologist.** Because of the prominence of heart disease in developed countries, a job in cardiology can be a busy one. On a day-to-day basis you can expect to: diagnosing heart problems, prescribing medication, conducting medical procedures related to the heart, and giving health advice to patients. Day-to-day duties can vary widely depending on the type of job you hold. For example, if you take a job that focuses on research you might not see patients at all. 16. **Consider becoming a member of the American Heart Association (AHA).** Becoming a member of this association is a good idea because it helps you network with other professionals in the field, gives you access to continuing education, and will help you stay informed about new developments in the field of cardiology. You can even join the AHA while you are still a student. Memberships range in price from $78.00 up to $455.00 per year depending on the level of membership and the benefits included. 17. **Look into joining the American College of Cardiology (ACC).** The ACC is another respected organization that you might want to consider becoming a part of. As a member, you will be connected with thousands of other professionals in the field, and you will be given access to relevant medical journals, which can be very valuable. The initial cost to join the ACC is a little over $900, but the cost to maintain your membership is only around $150 per year. Note that to become a member of the ACC you will need to prove your qualifications and provide letters of recommendation. 18. **Take classes in the sciences during high school.** In high school, you may not have much choice in what classes you take, but where you do have a choice, try to aim high. If your class offers AP or Honors courses, take them, especially if they are in science courses such as biology and chemistry. If your high school doesn’t offer advanced science courses, look for any advanced courses they may have. For example, courses in literature, history, or economics. AP/Honors courses may help you earn college credit, which looks great to prospective universities. Take as many courses in math and sciences as you can. You want to have a strong foundation in these subjects before entering university, if possible. 19. **Earn good grades** You may think your grades aren’t that big of a deal in high school, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. If you want to become a cardiologist, you will need to think about long-term consequences of your decisions, which starts with earning good grades in high school. Developing discipline when it comes to studying and doing well in academics will help prepare you for what is to come in your undergraduate classes and medical school If you are struggling in a course, take steps to find a tutor, or go to the teacher after class to ask questions and get help. Most teachers will be happy to spend extra time helping you if they can see that you are taking the work seriously. 20. **Look into universities that interest you.** It is never too early to start thinking about where you would like to complete your education after high school. You’re going to need to complete an undergraduate degree and go to medical school. Start thinking about your long-term plans. If there is a particular medical school you’ve always dreamed of going to, look into their undergraduate programs. Make a list of things that are important to you in a university, and go from there. If you’re not sure where you’d like to go to university, then you can take a more practical approach. Think about how far you’re willing to travel for your education. In the United States, it is more affordable for most students to stay in the same state that they hold residency. Most of the Ivy League schools have great pre-medical programs, but these universities are extremely competitive (not to mention extremely expensive). You can certainly apply to these programs but consider other universities as well. While a huge university might have more resources and prestige, consider the fact that professors won’t be as accessible. You may spend four years with a professor without ever getting a chance to speak with them one-on-one. On the other hand, a smaller university may not have access to the latest educational technology, or access to top internships, but you will get to know your professors much more easily. 21. **Take required entrance examinations.** Once you have a list of schools you are interested in applying to, you can look into the entrance requirements for these universities. Almost all universities will require you to take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and many others will require that you take the ACT as well. Doing well on these exams can make the difference between getting into your top choice or not getting into any of your top schools so it is important to take these very seriously. There are many options when it comes to preparing for these tests. You can attend preparation courses for both the SAT and the ACT, but these tend to be expensive. You can also study on your own using one of the many study guides available. Be sure to check your high school library for these study guides before purchasing. 22. **Apply to your chosen universities** If you are still in high school, you should do this well before you graduate. If you have already finished high school, you can apply as soon as you have all of your application materials ready and the application period is open for your prospective universities. If you are planning to apply to several universities it is a good idea to begin preparing your materials well in advance. Make a list of required application materials for each university you want to apply to. Make note of deadlines and application fees as well. Remember that universities are looking for more than grades. Think of everything you have done that will be impressive to a university. This includes volunteer experiences as well as extracurricular activities. If you are still in high school, start work on your applications in the summer before your senior year begins. 23. **Don’t assume you must be a pre-med major.** Many students believe that, in order to get into a good medical school, you must be a pre-med major or a biology major. This is not true. More and more, medical schools are looking for students with well-rounded liberal arts education. This means that, in some cases, you could actually major in English and still get into a good medical school. If you do major in pre-medicine or biology, consider rounding out your education by taking classes in a variety of subjects. This will give you the best of both worlds by preparing you for what is to come in medical school, while also demonstrating that you’ve gained knowledge in a variety of subjects. 24. **Volunteer.** Volunteering is a good idea for many reasons. It gives you a chance to see what it’s really like to be a cardiologist, which can help you figure out if this is really what you want. Volunteering looks great on a CV, and it will give you experience in the field, which is valuable for many reasons. Try volunteering at a local cardiologist’s office, or any kind of medical clinic where you can gain experience. Even if you can’t find a volunteer opportunity in something related to medicine or cardiology, you can still volunteer. Look for volunteer opportunities that help people in need. For example, you can volunteer with Habitat for Humanity or at a local soup kitchen. If a university or medical school must choose between two academically impressive students, they will likely choose the student with volunteer experience. Some programs, such as Gap Medics, offer pre-medical students an opportunity to shadow doctors abroad, but you must be at least 16 years old.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Wrap a Baby Sling?,"Using a sling can have many benefits, both for you and for your baby. Wearing your baby in a sling keeps your hands free, making it more convenient for you to handle your usual household tasks. At the same time, slings promote close bonding between you and your baby; you will become more attuned to the baby’s moods, attitudes, and movements. So what are you waiting for? Purchase a wrap-style sling that suits your height and the build of your body, and then start with Step 1! 1. **Fold your sling.** Before you can master the different methods for wrapping your baby in a sling, you need to learn how to fold and secure the sling itself. If your sling does not have rings, you’ll cross the fabric and secure it with a knot. To begin, fold the entire length of the fabric so that it isn’t as wide. Do not twist the sling. You want it smooth and even. 2. **Wrap the sling against your stomach.** Take the folded fabric and wrap it against your stomach. Check the placement – you want the middle of the fabric to be hugging your stomach. 3. **Criss-cross the sling around your back.** Bring the ends of the fabric, criss-crossed, around your back, so that the crossed ends come over your shoulders and hang over your chest. 4. **Criss-cross the sling around your front.** Take the ends of the fabric hanging over your chest and cross them again, tucking each end under and through the fabric on your waist. 5. **Wrap the sling around your back again.** Bring the ends of the fabric around your back again. Note that if your fabric is still too long, you can repeat this process, bringing the sling around your front and back until it’s a good length to tie in a knot. 6. **Secure the sling with a knot.** Tie the ends together in a knot, and smooth out any crumples and creases. 7. **Position the sling.** If your sling has rings, the process for setting it up is a bit different. First, put the side of the sling with the rings along the shoulder opposite to the hip or arm you typically use to carry your child. In other words, if you usually carry your baby on your right side, then set the rings on your left shoulder. Let the part of the sling without rings fall freely down your back. 8. **Open your sling.** Spread the sling out completely. 9. **Bring the sling under your arm.** Take the end of the sling without rings, which has fallen down your back, and bring it to your front by passing it under your arm. Spread the sling again. Make sure, at this point, that the sling isn’t twisted on your back. 10. **Pass the end of the sling through both rings.** Grasp the end of the sling and wrinkle it so that it will fit, then pass it through both rings. Note that these rings are functional; you can customize the size of the sling to fit your child’s age and size. 11. **Secure the sling.** Bring the end of the sling back over the top ring and down through the bottom ring. Check to see that you can tighten it by pulling on the end. Once the sling is secured, you don’t have to untie it. You can simply remove it as is, hang it up, and, when you wear it again, adjust the size as needed. 12. **Open your sling.** For newborns and babies up to a year old, the cradle hold position works well. Starting with the basic wrap, you’ll have two layers of fabric across your chest. Pull on one layer, and it will open like a pouch. 13. **Put your baby’s feet in the sling.** Hold your baby against your shoulder, lean back a little, and slip his or her feet in the sling, toward your midsection. 14. **Position your baby.** Turn your baby so that his or her arm and side are resting against your body; then, slowly lower your baby’s bottom on the pouch. Make sure that your baby is facing the opening of the pouch. 15. **Finish the wrap.** Take the fabric around your waist and pull it over your baby’s body. 16. **Get in position.** Starting with the basic wrap, hold your baby against your chest, either facing you (for the chest-to-chest position) or facing out (for the back-to-chest position). 17. **Position your baby’s feet.** Pull on the fabric across your shoulder and slip one of your baby’s feet on one side of the fabric and the other on the opposite side. 18. **Tuck your baby’s legs.** Carefully tuck your baby’s legs under the fabric that’s wrapped around your waist. 19. **Secure your baby.** Pull on the fabric around your waist and stretch it up to your baby’s neck, making sure to keep the fabric under your baby’s bottom. 20. **Lay your wrap on a flat surface.** This position should be used only for toddlers. If your baby is over a year old and mobile, start by placing your sling on a bed or other flat surface. 21. **Position your baby.** Place your baby on the sling. Make sure that the width of the sling is spread from his or her knees to his or her armpits. 22. **Put your baby on your back.** Sit in front of your baby’s feet, facing away. Reach for both ends of the fabric, and pull them toward you, bring your baby against your back like a backpack. 23. **Position the sling.** Pull both ends of the fabric up and over your shoulders, then across your chest and around your midsection. 24. **Secure the sling.** Bring the ends of the fabric to your back. Secure it with a knot under your baby’s bottom.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Paint Fiberglass?,"Painting fiberglass is tricky because the surface is smooth. With the right preparatory steps, however, you can get a smooth, professional-looking finish. The trick is to take your time and go slowly, especially between layers of primer, paint, and topcoat (if you are using it). The exact paints you use will depend on the object you are painting and its intended purpose, be it a boat, bathtub, chair, or door. 1. **Make sure that it is not too cold or humid.** If it is too cold or too humid, the paint won't dry or cure properly. This can result in the surface turning tacky. Ideally, the humidity should be 60% or lower. The temperature should be between 65 to 90 °F (18 to 32 °C). Check your local weather forecast to find out the humidity. If it is too humid, it would be best to save the project for another day when it is less humid. 2. **Find a well-ventilated area to work in, then cover it with newspaper.** If you are working on larger project that can't fit on a table, cover the ground with a drop cloth or a cheap, plastic tablecloth, and set the object on top. 3. **Remove any hardware.** This is especially necessary if you are painting a boat, sink, or door. Place all of the removed hardware into a box that you don't lose any pieces. It would be an even better idea to store small screws in a plastic bag inside the box. Don't mask off the hardware. This won't give you a nice finish and could lead to the paint cracking or flaking. If the item has caulking, strip the caulking away. You will need to apply fresh caulking after the paint has cured. 4. **Clean the object with soap and water.** If the object is small enough to fit in a sink, take it inside and wash it with soap and water. Rinse it clean, then allow it to air dry completely. If you are working on a larger object, work in a bathtub instead. For especially large objects, such as tubs and boats, scrub it outside with soapy water, then rinse it with fresh water. 5. **Buff away the shine with 150- to 400-grit sandpaper.** Paint doesn't stick to glossy surfaces, so you need to remove all traces of shine to help it adhere. Sand the fiberglass with 150-grit sandpaper until it is no longer shiny, then work your way up to 400-grit sand paper. You want the surface to feel smooth and dull. 6. **Wipe the dust off with a tack cloth.** A tack cloth is a tacky piece of fabric that picks up dust easily. You can find it in most hardware stores and well-stocked craft stores. If you can't find one, you can try a microfiber cloth instead. For stubborn sanding dust, use a rag dipped in mineral spirits. 7. **Mask any areas that you don't want to be painted with painter's tape.** You can paint the entire fiberglass object, or you can paint only parts of it (i.e. stripes, zigzags, geometric shapes, etc.). Tear off strips of painter's tape, and use them to cover the areas that you do not want to be painted. Run your fingernail across the edges of the tape to ensure a tight seal. If there are any gaps, the paint may seep underneath and give you a fuzzy line. 8. **Purchase the right type of paint for your surface.** A basic spray paint or latex-acrylic paint will do just fine on a decorative piece or a door. Polyurethane or epoxy paint are better suited to surfaces that will see a lot of heavy use, such as boats, bathtubs, and sinks. Polyurethane paint is ready to use. Epoxy paint must be mixed with a catalyst, just like epoxy resin. The catalyst is usually sold with the epoxy paint. 9. **Purchase the right type of primer and topcoat, if needed.** Most polyurethane and epoxy paints do not require primers, but most spray paints and latex-acrylic paints do. If your paint requires a primer, make sure that you buy the same kind of primer and topcoat (i.e. spray paint primer for spray paint, oil-based primer and topcoat for oil-based paint, etc.). Check the label on the bucket or can of paint to find out if you need a primer and topcoat. Set the topcoat aside for later. 10. **Coat the surface with 1 to 2 coats of primer.** If you are using the brush-on kind, simply apply it with a foam roller or a paintbrush. If you are using the spray-on kind, apply a light, even coat. Allow the primer to dry to the touch before applying a second coat. If your primer is not coming out evenly, apply it in short bursts rather than a single, sweeping, side-to-side motion. 11. **Allow the primer to dry and cure.** How long this takes depends on the product that you used. Some primers cure within a few hours while others take much longer. Just because the primer feels dry, that does not mean that it is cured and ready to be painted. Make sure to check the label. If you apply the paint before the primer finishes curing, the final surface may be tacky. 12. **Apply your first coat of paint.** If you are working with epoxy paint, you will need to mix the 2 parts together (epoxy and catalyst) first; other types of paint do not require any preparation. Apply the paint systematically, working from the right to the left (or left-to-right if you are left-handed), top-to-bottom. For more specific instructions: Brush-on paint: pour the paint onto a tray, then apply it with a foam roller first. Smooth it out with a fine-bristled paintbrush. Spray paint: apply the paint in short bursts, rather than one continuous, side-to-side motion. How much you use of each part for epoxy paint will vary from brand to brand. In most cases, it will be a 1-to-1 ratio, but read the label to be certain. 13. **Let the paint dry, then add a second layer, if needed.** How long the paint takes to dry depends on the type of paint that you are using. Spray paint and latex-acrylic paint have the fastest drying times, while polyurethane and epoxy paint have the slowest. Most types of epoxy and polyurethane paint will not require a second coating, but spray paint and latex-acrylic often do. Apply the paint using the same method as before. 14. **Allow the paint to cure completely.** Once again, just because something feels dry to the touch does not mean that it is ready to use. Read the label on your paint can. Most paints will be dry to the touch within an hour or less, but it may take several hours or even a few days before you can use the item. 15. **Remove any masking tape that you applied earlier.** You must remove this before adding the topcoat, otherwise you risk sealing the tape under the topcoat. Carefully peel the tape away from the surface. If you get some chips in the paint, fill them in using spare paint and a paintbrush. If you applied spray paint and get a chip, spray some paint onto a tray to make a puddle, then apply the paint from the puddle with a small paintbrush. 16. **Apply a topcoat, if necessary or desired.** You can apply the topcoat the same way you applied the paint and primer: brushing or spraying. Again, make sure that the topcoat you are using is suitable for the type of paint you used on your object; an oil-based topcoat will not work on top of a water-based paint. Also, pay attention to the finish of the topcoat: glossy or matte. Not all paints require topcoats. Polyurethane and epoxy paints are durable and act as topcoats as well as paints. Spray paints and latex-acrylic paints do need top coats. 17. **Wait for the topcoat to dry and cure before using the object.** One of the reasons paint and topcoats turn tacky is because they did not finish curing. Leave the object alone for a few days, or however long it takes for the topcoat to cure. Read the label on the can of topcoat to find out the exact curing time. It could be anywhere from a few hours to several days. 18. **Reassemble the hardware, if necessary.** Only do this after the paint has dried and cured. If you apply it too soon, you will risk damaging the painted surface. If you stripped the caulking away earlier, you can apply fresh caulking at this time.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Become a Surgical Technologist.,"A surgical technologist is the person responsible for sterilizing equipment, operating machinery, or assisting a surgeon during surgery. If you want to become a surgical technologist, you will need to complete an accredited program. Certification may be required for some jobs as well. While you may have to take some time to study for your new career, this will be an exciting and fast-paced job with plenty of opportunities. 1. **Get a high school diploma or GED.** A high school diploma or GED is required before you can start your surgical technology program. Unlike other medical fields, you do not need a bachelor’s degree first. While there are generally no prerequisites for starting this program, classes in biology, chemistry, and health may give you a good foundation for your studies. 2. **Complete an accredited program in surgical technology.** Accredited programs may either grant a certificate or an associate’s degree. Many community colleges and vocational schools offer surgical technology programs. An associate’s degree lasts two years while a certificate will only take a few months. While both will work, an associate’s degree may qualify you for more jobs. To see if a school is accredited, look it up in the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs’ database. Any accredited surgical technology program will offer hands-on experience. For this reason, online programs may not be accredited, as they will not be able to provide this training. 3. **Join a military training program.** Instead of a program at a school, you can get on-the-job training by joining the military. While the training is paid for by the military, you must sign up for service for a certain number of years. To join, contact your local military recruiting center. They will determine if you are eligible and put you in touch with the Medical Education and Training Campus (METC), where your training will begin. The US Air Force offers an apprenticeship in surgical services. This requires 624 hours of training. The US Army will train you as an operating room specialist. This program requires 768 hours of training. The US Navy has a program in surgical technology that requires 1057 hours. 4. **Earn your CPR and BLS certifications.** In addition to your degree, you may need to be certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or basic life support (BLS). These programs may be offered as part of your education. You can also become certified at local schools, non-profits, community centers, and gyms. CPR certification usually lasts for two years. You will need to renew it after that point. BLS training teaches you how to respond to medical emergencies. BLS training sometimes includes CPR. Certification lasts two years. 5. **Decide which certification you will apply for.** There are two different certifications that you can apply for. Each will qualify you for the job of surgical tech. Both require an exam and a fee. While both certifications are valuable, the certified tech in surgery is slightly cheaper while the certified surgical technologist certification is more widely known. The certified surgical technologist exam from the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) costs between $190 (for members of the Association of Surgical Technologists) and $290 (for non-members). The certified tech in surgery from the National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT) costs either $155 (for students and recent grads) or $195. You can join the Association of Surgical Technologists by filling out a form and paying a $80 fee on their website. This is not necessary to pass either exam, but it may provide a discount on exam fees. 6. **Gather your documents.** Before you can take the exam, you will need to provide proof of your training. If you went to an accredited school, this includes your transcripts and a copy of your diploma. If you received military training, you may need to provide a form filled out and signed by your supervisor. 7. **Apply online or by mail.** Both certification programs can be joined by either mailing in your application or submitting it online. Once the application is accepted, you will be given a test number, a testing center, and a date for the exam. If you are applying online, use the portals on the NBSTSA or NCCT website. Scan your documents into the computer, and upload them as PDFs. You can pay by card. If you are applying by mail, print out a copy of the application from their website. Make copies of your documents. Attach them to your application with a paper clip. Include a check for your exam. 8. **Take the exam.** Both exams are roughly four hours long. However, the programs differ in what type of questions they ask. You will need to bring a number 2 pencil and an ID to the exam with you. For the NBSTSA exam, you will answer 105 questions about operative care, including sterilization, machine operation, and patient transfer. Twenty questions will cover other duties such as testing equipment or talking to patients. There are also 50 basic science questions. The NCCT exam contains 135 questions about surgical care, including preparing a catheter, assisting with sutures, and operating machinery. The other 40 questions cover additional duties, such as how to inventory supplies or label samples. 9. **Prepare a resume.** Your resume should list of all of your training, certification, and experience as a surgical technologist. If you have any other experience in medicine, be sure to mention it. Don’t forget to include your CPR or BLS certification as well. You may want to emphasize your attention to detail, strong stress management skills, and interpersonal skills. For example, you might write that you ""excel when communicating with patients"" or that you are ""an effective multitasker."" 10. **Search job boards in your area.** Check local job boards and career sites, such as Monster or Indeed, to see what surgical tech jobs are available in your area. In some cases, you can even apply for the job through these websites. 11. **Inquire at local hospitals.** The majority of surgical technologists are employed at hospitals. Try to identify all of the local hospitals in your area and see if they have any jobs open for surgical technologists. You may also have some luck looking for jobs at local medical practices and outpatient care centers. 12. **Ace the interview.** Most surgical technologist positions will ask for an interview before hiring. This interview will test your knowledge, interpersonal skills, and professionalism. They may ask you to describe a certain medical procedure. You should explain the procedure in as much detail as possible as well as what your role will be during the procedure. The interviewer may want to know how you will act in emergencies. Based on your training, explain the proper procedure for handling an emergency. The interviewer may be interested in personal details, such as why you want to become a surgical tech or how you handle stress. Use specific stories and anecdotes to illustrate your point. For example, you might explain how undergoing surgery made you appreciate the people working hard to heal you. 13. **Update your certification once a year.** Once you have a job as a surgical technologist, you will need to maintain your certification. You may be required to take up to 14 hours of continuing education courses a year and pay an annual membership fee. Re-certification generally costs about $77 for one certification and $104 for more than one.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Remove Blood from Hardwood Floors.,"Removing blood from hardwood floors is easier when the blood stain is dealt with right away. This will prevent the blood from seeping in deeper into the wood. To get rid of the blood from your hardwood floor, choose a method below that is appropriate for your floor. 1. **Blot the excess blood on the hardwood floor with a dry cloth or paper towel.** Do not rub, just blot as rubbing can cause the blood stain to spread or go deeper. 2. **Sprinkle the affected area with baking soda.** 3. **Dip a brush in white vinegar and use it to gently scrub the stained area.** 4. **Wipe the area thoroughly with a dry clean cloth.** If the stain is still visible, try using hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide can bleach your hardwood floor so be cautious when using it especially if you have a dark hardwood floor. 5. **Apply hydrogen peroxide on a white cloth.** 6. **Scrub the blood stain gently with the cloth.** 7. **Wipe the affected area with a damp cloth.** Rinse the area thoroughly to remove all the residues. 8. **Dry the hardwood floor using a towel or cloth.** 9. **Use a clean cloth or paper towel to blot the excess blood on your hardwood floor.** 10. **Mix 1/2 tablespoon of liquid dish-washing detergent with 1 cup of cold water in a small bowl to make a detergent solution.** 11. **Moisten a cloth with the detergent solution.** 12. **Use the cloth to wipe the affected area and to remove the remaining blood.** 13. **Rinse the area thoroughly using a damp cloth to remove any residue.** 14. **Dry the hardwood floor with a dry towel or cloth.** Check if the blood stain is still visible. 15. **If the stain is still noticeable, dip a superfine steel wool (number 0000) in liquid wax.** 16. **Lightly rub the affected area with the steel wool.** The steel wool should remove only a fine layer of the surface on your hardwood floor. The rubbing might turn the waxed hardwood floor dull, but the liquid wax will shine it up. 17. **Wipe the surface clean with a soft cloth.** 18. **Wax or polish the floor if needed.** 19. **Wipe the blood on the hardwood floor with a damp sponge.** 20. **Rinse the sponge.** Repeat the wiping process until the blood is gone. 21. **Use a damp cloth to wipe the floor.** Wipe thoroughly to remove any remaining blood stain. 22. **Dry the wood using a towel or cloth.** If the blood stain is still visible, do the following steps. 23. **Buff the affected area with a cloth moistened with mineral spirits.** Do this lightly. 24. **Wipe the area with a clean cloth.** If the blood stain is still visible, repeat the process but this time use a steel wool (number 0000). 25. **Rub the stained area using a steel wool moistened with mineral spirits.** Do this lightly and make sure you rub along the grain of the wood. Try to remove only as much finish as you have to. 26. **Use a soft cloth to wipe the floor surface clean.** 27. **Refinish the affected area after 24 hours, if needed.** ",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Calculate Total Dissolved Solids.,"Total dissolved solids (or TDS) is the measure of all organic and inorganic substances dissolved in a given liquid, revealing the proportion of different solids. There are a number of different uses for TDS: it can measure pollution levels in lakes and rivers or mineral levels in drinking water, for example, and also has agricultural applications in irrigation. To calculate the TDS for a particular liquid, follow these steps. 1. **Gather your materials.** Before attempting to measure the TDS of your sample, make sure to prepare a clean, clear space with the appropriate instruments and tools for the task. If you do not have access to the materials necessary for this procedure, they can all be purchased easily online. You will need the following: A clean, properly sterilized beaker that is free of dust or other particles A sample of the water you want to analyze, collected into the sterilized beaker. Ideally, the sample should be at 25° C (or 77° F) at the time of analysis. An electrical conductivity meter — a device used to measure a solution's ability to conduct electricity. It works by releasing a current into a liquid, then measuring the resistance. 2. **Measure the conductivity of the sample.** Make sure your beaker with the water sample in it is placed on a flat, stable surface. Turn on the electrical conductivity meter, then insert the measuring lead into the sample. Wait for the reading on the conductivity meter to become stable before noting the result. You may have to wait a few seconds before the reading stabilizes, but it's important that you wait until the number on the display stops changing. The measurement displayed on the electrical conductivity meter is the purity of the water, measured in µS (micro-Siemens). The lower the µS value, the purer the water, with 0 µS being pure, unpolluted H20. 3. **Plug your data into the TDS formula.** The basic formula for calculating total dissolved solids looks like the above illustration. In the formula, TDS is measured in mg/L, EC is the conductivity of your sample (the reading from your electrical conductivity meter), and ke is the correlation factor. The correlation factor depends on the liquid being used as the sample, and it may also vary according to atmospheric conditions. It varies between 0.55 and 0.8. In the example above, say the correlation factor at the current temperature and in the current pressure conditions is 0.67. Plug your values into the formula. The TDS for your sample is therefore 288.1 mg/L. Water with a TDS of less than 500 mg/L meets the Environmental Protection Agency's standards for drinking water. A high TDS does not necessarily mean that water is unsafe for consumption; it may just suggest that the water will have unpleasant aesthetic qualities in terms of color, taste, smell, etc. If you are concerned about the safety of your drinking water, you should have your water professionally tested. 4. **Gather your materials.** Prepare a clean, clear space with the appropriate instruments and tools for the task. If you do not have access to the materials necessary for this procedure, they can all be purchased easily online. You will need the following: A clean, properly sterilized beaker that is free of dust or other particles A sample of water, poured into the beaker Filter paper An evaporating dish A stirring stick A pipette large enough to collect a 50 ml sample A scale 5. **Weigh the evaporating dish in milligrams (mg).** Make sure that it is completely dry and completely clean of any extraneous particulate matter. 6. **Stir the water sample in the beaker with your stirring stick.** Stir vigorously enough to agitate the solution. This ensures that any particulate matter is more or less evenly distributed throughout the sample. 7. **Collect 50 mL of the water in the pipette.** Make sure you're still stirring the water while collecting the sample — don't let the solution settle before you pipette your smaller sample. If you find this difficult to accomplish, you might ask a friend to pipette the sample while you stir. 8. **Extract the filtrate.** Put the 50 mL water sample from the pipette through the filter paper three times to ensure all particulate matter has been collected in the filter. 9. **Weigh the evaporating dish with the filtrate.** Transfer the filtrate from the previous step to the evaporating dish you weighed in step 2, and wait for the filtrate to dry completely. Once the dish and filtrate are dry, weigh them in milligrams (mg). 10. **Plug your data into the formula.** Use the following formula to calculate the TDS of your solution: TDS=[(A-B) * 1000]/mL sample In this formula, A stands for the weight of the evaporating dish + filtrate, and B stands for the weight of the evaporating dish on its own. Because you pipetted 50 mL of water, the value of ""mL sample"" in this case would be 50. The final value of the Total Dissolved Solids is measured in mg/L. Water with a TDS of less than 500 mg/L meets the Environmental Protection  Agency's standards for drinking water. A high TDS does not necessarily mean that water is unsafe for consumption; it may just suggest that the water will have unpleasant aesthetic qualities in terms of color, taste, smell, etc. If you are concerned about the safety of your drinking water, you should have your water professionally tested.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Cut Corks?,"If you’ve ever broken a cork while opening a bottle of wine, you’re all too familiar with how easily they crumble into pieces. Since cleanly cutting dry corks is next to impossible, you’ll need to soften them first by steaming them for 10 minutes. When they’re cool enough to touch, cut them with a serrated knife and use them in a variety of craft projects. 1. **Place your corks in a vegetable steamer or metal colander.** If you don’t have a steamer, use a metal colander that will fit into a pot. Fill the colander or steaming basket with as many corks as you need for your project. Steam your corks in 2 or more batches if they won’t all fit in the steamer. You might only need 1 or 2 corks for a smaller project, like making wine charms. On the other hand, if you’re making wedding place card holders for 100 guests, you’ll need 50 corks. 2. **Set the steamer in a pot of water.** Cover the bottom of the pot with about 2 inches (5.1 cm) of water. Try to keep the water level low enough so it doesn’t come into direct contact with the corks. After adding the water, place the steamer in the pot. 3. **Cover the pot and steam the corks for 10 minutes.** Turn the heat to medium-high and bring the water to a boil. After 10 minutes, take off the cover, remove the pot from heat, and let the corks cool. They’ll be nice and soft after steaming, and they won’t crumble when you cut them. 4. **Boil your corks if you don’t have a steamer or if they’re store-bought.** Fill a large pot about halfway with water, add the corks, and bring the water to a rolling boil. After 10 minutes, drain the water and let the corks cool. Steaming works well for corks pulled from wine bottles, but it’s harder to soften unused corks purchased at craft stores or in bulk online. If you boil the corks, they’ll absorb more water and swell more than if you’d steamed them. They’ll shrink back down to size as they dry, so don’t worry. If your project involves glue, you’ll need to give boiled corks a little longer to dry than steamed corks. 5. **Let the corks cool until they’re safe to touch.** The corks should still be warm and damp when you cut them, so just cool them for a few minutes. Start cutting them as soon as you can touch them without burning yourself. If you’re working with a big batch of corks, keep the lid on the pot as you cut so the rest of the corks won’t cool down too much. 6. **Cut them with a greased serrated knife.** Use a wad of paper towels to lightly coat a sharp, serrated knife with oil, butter, or shortening. Don’t grease the knife so much that it leaves lots of residue on the corks. Be sure to use paper towels instead of your hands to avoid cutting yourself. If you notice the corks look slick after cutting them, wipe them down with a clean cloth or paper towel. 7. **Curl your fingertips as you cut and direct the knife away from your body.** Use firm pressure to slowly and carefully slice through the cork. Keep your fingers away from the cutting line and hold the cork with your curled fingertips. That way, your nails will offer protection just in case the knife slips. If necessary, get permission or assistance from an adult before using a sharp knife. 8. **Saw through the cork with the serrated knife.** Use steady back-and-forth motions to saw the knife through the cork. Don't try to hack straight through it using only downward force. The right technique is like slicing through a crusty loaf of bread as opposed to chopping vegetables. 9. **Dry corks completely before coloring or gluing them.** If your project involves glue, stamps, or markers, let the corks dry at least overnight after cutting them. Spread them out in a single layer on newspaper or paper towels so they dry faster. If you're not gluing or coloring the corks, you can go ahead with your project. 10. **Cut corks into ⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) slices to create wine charms.** After cutting the corks, use an ice pick or metal skewer to poke a hole near the edge of each slice. Slide a 2 to 3 inch (5.1 to 7.6 cm) length of thin, flexible wire or twine through the hole. Use a marker, stickers, or stamps to decorate each charm with a unique symbol. To use the charms, tie the wire or twine around the stem of a wine glass near the base. When they’re not in use, tie each charm’s wire or twine in a loose loop (like the first step of tying your shoes) so it doesn’t become separated from its charm. 11. **Use slices of cork to keep framed wall art from tilting.** Cut the corks into slices about ⁄4 to ⁄8 inch (0.64 to 0.32 cm) thick. Glue the slices to the rear side of a frame at the corners. The cork slices will grip the wall and help keep the frame level. 12. **Make simple wine cork place card holders.** Cut the corks in half lengthwise so they’ll sit flat on the table. Then use a thin craft blade (such as an X-acto knife) to score a thin slice lengthwise down the rounded side. Score the rounded side just deep enough to fit a sheet of paper, and make sure you don't cut all the way through. Create place cards by printing or writing your guests’ names on card stock. Slide each place card into the scored rounded side of the wine cork. Wine cork place card holders are perfect for a casual dinner party or for a wedding reception. 13. **Carve a personalized cork stamp.** Cut a cork in half, and use one of the halves to make shapes to create your stamp's design. Glue the design onto the other half of the cork, then let it dry for at least 2 hours. Dip your stamp onto an ink pad, and use it to personalize letters, thank you cards, and notebooks. For example, make a stamp with the first letter of your name. Cut a cork in half lengthwise, and slice one of the halves into thin strips or curves. Use the shapes to form the letter, then glue it onto the other half. You could cut a cork in half to make 2 cylinders, then cut a thin slice off of one of the halves. Draw a heart onto the slice as a guide, use a craft knife to cut out the heart, then glue it onto the other half of the cork.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Shave Your Vagina for Sex.,"Are you ready to take charge of your personal grooming? The good news is you don't have to head to the salon for hair removal. It's completely safe and really easy to get a perfectly smooth shave around your vagina all from the comfort of your home. Make it a spa night and get the self-care you deserve! Just remember that you should never feel pressured to shave your vagina—it's totally a personal decision. Ready to get started? We'll walk you through the process with lots of helpful tricks so it's as smooth and safe as possible. 1. **If the hair around your vagina is long, it will clog your razor quickly.** Take a pair of clean, sharp scissors and trim the hair close to your skin. You may want to use blunt-nosed scissors designed for grooming your pubic area so you don't accidentally poke yourself. Sometimes, partners may want to trim or shave each other, but this isn't a very safe idea since you're more likely to accidentally cause injury. 2. **The hot water softens your hair and skin so shaving is easier.** Working with hydrated, smooth skin can also prevent irritation and ingrown hairs so don't skip this step. It's fine to use hot water before you begin shaving, but you'll want to use warm water after you've finished since your skin will be super sensitive to heat. 3. **Rub a loofah or exfoliating body scrub around your pubic area.** Then, rinse off while you're still in the bath or shower. Exfoliating might not seem like a big deal, but it really helps your razor from getting clogged when you shave. Plus, it minimizes your chances of getting those dreaded ingrown hairs! It's totally fine to use a homemade scrub, too! Try a body scrub or simple sugar scrub. 4. **Don't try to shave while you're sitting or laying down.** Research actually showed that more serious trimming injuries happened when the person was laying down. Instead, stand in the shower so you can lean forward slightly with your legs spread apart. This way you can see what you're doing. It may help to place a mirror on the ground below you so you can see your vagina better. 5. **Spread a generous amount of shaving cream near your vagina.** Try to use a fragrance-free or sensitive shaving cream since these are less likely to irritate your skin. Then, wait a minute or two so the shaving cream can soften your skin and hair. You've probably heard that you can use baby oil instead of shaving cream. You can use this in a pinch, but the fragrance might bother your skin. Never use just soap to prepare your skin for shaving—it's not moisturizing and it won't protect your skin from irritation. 6. **Use your free hand to pull your skin taut and shave with downward strokes.** After every 1 or 2 strokes, rinse the razor so it doesn't get clogged. Go slowly and apply more shaving cream if you feel like you need it. Keep shaving until you've removed as much of the hair as you want. You can use any type of razor as long as it's new and sharp. Dull blades make it harder to shave and you're more likely to nick yourself. Splurge on a quality razor—you can find razors with multiple blades or moisturizing strips for instance. While you can shave all the hair off or leave a strip, you can also play around with fun styles. Buy grooming stencils at most beauty supply stores. Just press the adhesive stencil to your pubic area and shave the hair around it. When you remove the stencil, you'll see a design like a heart, triangle, or lightning bolt. 7. **Let the water rinse away the tiny hairs and shaving cream.** Keep the water temperature comfortably warm—you may be more sensitive to heat right now. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing your vagina since it probably feels pretty sensitive! 8. **Mineral oil like baby oil can weaken condoms.** So, if you're planning on getting some action after shaving, it's really important that you wash your vagina with soapy water to remove traces of the oil. A study showed that even 60 seconds of exposure to mineral oil reduced the strength of the condoms by 90%! 9. **Massage lotion around your vagina to lock in moisture and soothe your skin.** Get out of the bath or shower and pat your skin dry. Then, reach for a lotion that won't clog your pores to minimize your risk of getting ingrown hairs. These are labeled ""Non-comedogenic"" or ""Won't clog pores."" You might want a fragrance-free moisturizer or one that contains aloe vera gel since these are gentler on your skin. Try shopping for a moisturizer that's got the eczema seal approval—these are the best on sensitive skin. Again, skip moisturizing your skin with baby oil if you plan on using condoms for protection since the oil will weaken the latex. Don't apply aftershave or perfume to your vagina after you shave since it will really sting! 10. **Skip tight panties and clothing since they'll rub against your sensitive skin.** Friction can also cause bumps and you don't want that! Instead, wear soft fabric like cotton that's gentle against your skin. Natural fabrics also let your skin breathe rather than trap moisture. 11. **It's completely normal for your vagina to be a little red or bumpy after you shave.** This is another reason why it's a good idea to shave the day before you plan on having sex. Give your skin time to calm down and resist the urge to scratch if it feels itchy. Sometimes, applying aloe vera gel or 1% hydrocortisone lotion can help. If you notice ingrown hairs, don't reach for the tweezers to pull the hair out. Instead, leave it alone so you don't introduce bacteria that could lead to an infection. Ingrown hairs will heal on their own.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Prune Thyme.,"When growing thyme, you need to regularly prune it throughout the years in order to promote a good shape of the herb and encourage continual growth. Thyme that has become overgrown due to a lack of pruning will be very woody and won’t produce many new stems and leaves. If your thyme has reached this stage, it’s best to replant a new bush and maintain good pruning habits going forward. For regular maintenance, plan to prune the herb in the spring, as desired during the growing season, and in the fall before the first frost. 1. **Prune thyme in the early spring once you see new growth starting.** Look for the new growth at the base of the plant or from the lower stems.Once you notice new growth, use small garden shears or scissors to trim off about ⅓ of the oldest, woodiest parts of the plant. Do not trim the new growth. Trimming more than ⅓ of the plant will leave it too bare and can slow its growth and production, so take care not to cut off too much. 2. **Snip fresh thyme stems throughout the season as needed for cooking.** Use small garden shears or scissors to cut off 5 in (13 cm) sprigs to use in recipes. When choosing which stems to cut, try to choose ones that you can leave at least 5 inches (13 cm) of growth behind. This regular harvesting is all the pruning that is needed throughout the season. Trimming your thyme regularly will encourage more fresh growth and a more rounded shape. 3. **Deadhead the flowers to maintain appearance and encourage regrowth.** After the flowers bloom and fade, use scissors or your fingers to remove the dead flowers from the stem. Cut or pinch the stem just below the flower head, but above the first set of healthy leaves. Removing dead flowers allows the plant to focus its energy on producing new, healthy stems and growth, and keeps the plant looking alive and fresh. 4. **Cut off the top third of the stems before the first frost to prepare for winter.** Do this all-over pruning about 1 month before the first frost is expected to give the plant time to heal and slow its growth before winter. Use small garden shears or scissors to remove only the soft, green stems from the plant. Do not cut past the woody parts of the herb—this is where it the new growth will occur. Cutting the thyme way back will allow the herb to better withstand the winter weather and encourages new growth in the following season. 5. **Harvest thyme just before the plant flowers for the best flavor.** Once the plant begins to flower, the herb begins to lose some of its flavor and potency. The thyme can still be used after it flowers, just expect a milder flavor. 6. **Cut the thyme when it reaches 8–10 inches (20–25 cm).** Use scissors to snip just below the growth node where a new bud or set of leaves is forming. Only remove the fresh, green stems and leave the tough, woody part of the stems behind. Also be sure to leave at least 5 inches (13 cm) of growth so that the plant can continue to thrive. Cut the thyme in the morning after the dew has evaporated for the highest concentration of oils. 7. **Wash the thyme in cool water.** Hold the thyme under cool running tap water to rinse off dirt and insects. Shake off the excess water and pat the sprigs dry with a clean paper towel. Alternatively, you can hose your thyme plant off with a garden hose and allow it to dry for a couple hours before you cut the stems. 8. **Store fresh thyme in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.** Fresh thyme tends to have the best, most potent flavor. Use the sprigs to flavor soups, stews, and meat, or use it as a garnish. You can make thyme oil, vinegar, or butter using fresh thyme sprigs. 9. **Dry the thyme to preserve it for future use.** Dry the thyme in a dehydrator, in the oven, or by hanging it in a warm, dry, dark place. Once the thyme is completely dried out, crumble the sprigs and place them in an airtight jar or container. Store the dried thyme in a cool, dark place for up to 4 years. To dry the thyme in a dehydrator, arrange the sprigs in a single layer on the racks in the machine for up to 2 days. Dry the thyme in the oven by placing the sprigs on a cookie sheet and baking them with the oven door propped open at 180 °F (82 °C) for 1-2 hours. To hang the thyme to dry, bundle about 4-6 sprigs together with twine. Hang the bundles in a warm, dry place out of direct sunlight for about 1 week.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Measure Olive Oil Spray.,"If you are trying to bulk up or are watching your weight, you’re probably very meticulous about how many calories you eat in a day. Measuring olive oil spray and figuring out how many calories you're getting can be a little tricky since you can’t pour it into a measuring cup. Fortunately, by checking the nutrition label on your can of olive oil spray, you can figure out how many calories you are adding to your meal. 1. **Remove the lid and put the spray can on a scale for a base weight.** Set up a small kitchen scale and make sure it is set to 0. Take the lid off your can of olive oil spray and wait for your scale to measure it. Most serving sizes are in grams (g), so set your scale to that if you can. 2. **Take the can off the scale and spray the oil once for about 1 second.** Hold the can of oil upright and away from your face. Press the nozzle down just slightly and let it spray out for about 1 second. Try to spray as accurately as possible so that you can gauge an accurate measurement. If you are worried about accurately timing yourself, you can set a timer on your phone or your computer for 1 second. 3. **Weigh the can on the scale again, keeping the lid off.** Set your kitchen scale to 0 and then place your olive oil spray back onto it. Wait for it to give you a measurement to see how much oil you sprayed out of the can. 4. **Subtract the second weight from the first one to get your measurement.** Whatever your total is will tell you how much olive oil is in a single spray. Then, you can calculate how many calories are in 1 spray of oil. For example, if your olive oil spray weighed 100 g the first time and it now weighs 85 g, subtract 85 from 100 to get 15 g. If you sprayed your olive oil 2 times, divide your sum by 2 to get a measurement for 1 spray. 5. **Check the nutrition label on the can for a serving size and calorie count.** On the back of the can of olive oil, check for the label that says “Nutrition Facts.” Look for the serving size at the very top of the label to see how many calories are in 1 serving size. If you’d like to calculate the total fat you are eating through olive oil spray, check out the nutrition label for the number as well. Most olive oil sprays have 0.25 grams of fat per 1/4 of a second spray, even if they say they’re fat-free. 6. **Multiply the calories by the number of sprays you use.** Typical serving sizes for olive oil spray only last 1/4 of a second. However, spraying olive oil for 1/4 of a second is super hard, and you’ll probably spray it for at least 1 second. Take note of how many times you spray your olive oil, then use that number to calculate how many calories you are eating. For example, if you sprayed your olive oil for 3 seconds and it has 2.4 calories in each 1/4 of a second spray, add up the amount of 1/4 sprays are in each second (4). Then, multiply 3 seconds x 4 to get 12. Finally, multiply 12 x 2.4 to get 28.8 calories in a 3 second spray. Some fitness tracker apps and websites will do this calculation for you, but it’s always good to double check yourself. If you are calculating total fat, take your total number of 1/4 second sprays (in this case 12) and multiply it by 0.25 to get 3 grams of fat for a 3 second spray of olive oil. 7. **Try to spray oil for less than 5 seconds at a time to cut back on calories.** Since the amount of calories can quickly add up, you should try to be cautious when you use olive oil spray. Hold your can about 6 inches (15 cm) away from the surface you’re spraying, and count the seconds in your head as you spray. If you spray your olive oil for about 5 seconds at a time, you are consuming more calories than 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of canola oil (41 calories). Multiply 5 seconds x 4 (for the amount of 1/4 sprays in 5 seconds). Then, multiply 20 x 2.4 to get 48 calories. 8. **Avoid spraying a lot of oil by spreading it with a paper towel.** Instead of holding your spray nozzle down for 4 to 5 seconds, try spraying the oil once in the center of your pan or baking sheet. Then, use a paper towel to spread the oil out and coat the edges and the sides. This will cut back on calories without having to give up olive oil spray.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Clean a Front Load Washer.,"High-efficiency (HE), front load washing machines are easy to love because they require less water and detergent, thus saving money. However, these models require special procedures to clean and to air out the (interior) components. If you find your front load washer smelling like a locker room, it’s time to clean it thoroughly and start using special maintenance procedures. Regularly clean the gasket and drum of the washer so that mildew doesn't grow. You should also learn how to keep your washing machine dry and clean between loads. 1. **Locate the gasket.** The gasket is the rubber ring that runs along the opening of your washer's drum. This is what creates a seal to prevent water from leaking out of your washing machine. Open the washing machine door as wide as you can and peel back the rubber that runs around the opening. The gasket will remain fixed to the washing machine, but you can pull it open to clean it and make sure nothing is stuck. 2. **Remove any foreign objects.** Once you've pulled back the gasket, check for any objects between the rubber. Sharp items can damage the gasket and the washing machine if you run the machine. Always check the pockets of you clothes and remove items before washing them.Common foreign objects include: Hair pins Nails Coins Paper clips 3. **Check for dust or hair.** If you notice hair in the gasket, this means that particles from your clothes are building up on the clothes. If you have pets or people with long hair in your household, you should check the gasket for hair at least once or twice a week. If the gasket looks dusty, you may need to occasionally keep the door on your washer closed. For example, if your dog will be crated in the laundry room overnight, keep the door closed. Dust builds up on the gasket when dust or lint from your dryer or laundry room floats around and lands on the gasket. Cut back on dust particles in the air by regularly changing your lint trap. 4. **Clean any mildew.** If you see black spots, your washing machine is growing mildew. This means that the gasket isn't getting dry enough between uses or your soap is leaving behind too much residue. This moisture causes the mold to grow. To remove mildew, spray down the gasket with hot soapy water or a mildew cleaner. Wipe the cleaner away using a clean cloth or rag. You may need several cloths if the gasket is slimy with mildew. Keep spraying and wiping until your cloth comes away clean. 5. **Deep clean the gasket once a month.** To kill the mildew, add 1 cup of bleach into your empty machine’s tub and run a hot cycle. You should also pour 1/2 cup of bleach into the detergent or fabric softener compartment to ensure that your entire machine gets clean. After the cycle is done, run 1 or 2 rinse-only cycles (hot) to both clean and to remove the bleach scent from the machine If you notice black mold on mildew spots after running your machine, you may need to put on gloves and a mask to scrub the spots using a bleach solution. Dip a toothbrush in a solution of no more than 10% bleach and scrub the mildew. 6. **Sprinkle 1/3 cup (74g) of baking soda into the inside of the drum.** Baking soda will help to remove any odors from mildew or dirty cloths. Close the door. Load two cups (473ml) of white vinegar into the detergent tray. If the full 2 cups do not fit in the detergent tray, add the small excess to the fabric softener tray. The vinegar and baking soda will create a reaction that cleans the drum of your washing machine. Always check the instruction manual that came with your machine for specific cleaning recommendations. 7. **Turn your washer on.** Set your washing machine to do a cleaning cycle (if you have that option). If not, set it to do a regular wash. Choose a high-temperature wash so that the baking soda and vinegar will have a chance to react. Let the machine run through a full wash and rinse cycle. If your HE washer has a cleaning cycle, the owner's manual will have specific instructions about when to add the vinegar and baking soda. 8. **Clean stains in a very dirty HE washer.** If your machine is very smelly, and you suspect mildew is growing inside the drum, run a cycle with bleach. Load two cups (473ml) of bleach into the bleach dispenser. Add any excess bleach to the fabric softener tray. Run a wash and rinse cycle. To completely rinse out your machine, follow by running a hot rinse cycle (without anything in the drum and without bleach). . 9. **Remove and clean the detergent dispenser panel.** Pop off the detergent dispenser panel and soak it in warm water. Remove the panel and spray it with all-purpose cleaner. Wipe it clean and pop it back into place. If your machine has a fabric softener dispenser, you should clean and wipe its panel as well. 10. **Clean the outside of the washer.** Spray a clean cloth or rag with multi-purpose cleaner. Wipe along all exterior surfaces of your washing machine. You'll wipe up any lint, dust and hair that can build up on the outside. Keeping the outside of your machine can prevent dust and dirt from getting into your machine. 11. **Use the right detergent.** Purchase a detergent that's specifically designed for use in an HE machine. You should also use only the recommended amount of HE detergent (and fabric softener). If you use more detergent than is necessary, the detergent will build up on your clothes and on your machine. Detergent buildup can create odor and cause mildew to grow. Nearly all pod/pac-style detergents are HE-friendly. For heavy loads, manufacturers even recommend 2 to 3 pacs, even in an HE machine. 12. **Remove your laundry right after it is done.** Don't let your clean wet clothes stay in the washing machine for hours before switching them to the dryer. Mildew and odors develop more quickly in HE washers than top load models. If you can't switch the load of wet laundry, at least try to crack the door open so that the moisture isn't completely trapped in the washing machine. 13. **Dry the gasket in between loads.** Ideally, you should take an old towel and completely wipe around the gasket after every load of laundry you wash. The goal is to remove all moisture from the gasket so mildew can't grow. Keep the door slightly open when you're done washing a load so that moisture evaporates from the machine. You should also dry the inside of the door, especially if you tend to keep the door closed. 14. **Remove and air dry the dispenser tray.** While you should be in the habit of regularly cleaning the detergent dispenser panel or tray, get in the habit of at least removing it after each wash cycle. Take the dispenser tray out and let it air dry. This will also get air moving into the machine itself which can prevent mold growth. If you're in the habit of removing the dispenser tray after each wash, you can quickly check it over for black mildew or stains that need to be cleaned.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Live Your Best Life.,"""Live your best life."" These four simple words, made famous by Oprah Winfrey, give a single instruction to follow for happiness and success. While the quote is priceless in its meaning and simplicity, it's an instruction many don't know how to follow. There are many things you can do to start living your best life. 1. **Realize your full potential.** Give your best effort to everything you do. When you have a task or a project, complete it to the best of your abilities. Even if it’s not something you want to be doing you should still do the best job you can. Giving less than 100% won’t make you feel better or bring any positive rewards. Work on cultivating the skills you already have and learn new ones when you’re able. 2. **Find your place and your purpose.** This is perhaps one of the hardest steps to living your best life, and many people take their whole life to find their purpose. A lot of people never fully realize it during their lifetime, but it is absolutely essential to living life to the fullest. Think about a talent that you were born with, something that you enjoy doing and you feel would benefit the world by doing. The key to finding your place in the world is to be open-minded about where your path will take you and trying different things so that you can discover what you love. It might be something unexpected. The main way to determine if you aren’t in the right place is by looking at the amount of satisfaction you feel in your life. If you feel satisfied with your work and your surroundings on a daily basis, then that is a good sign. 3. **Know your own limitations.** It is important to recognize your full potential, but you should also recognize your limitations. Sometimes being persistent at a specific task is not the right choice because your skills might be put to better use somewhere else. Think about what you’re good at and try to cater to your own skillset when you make decisions. For example, if you are very skilled at drawing and other art-related tasks but you aren’t very tech savvy, you should try to focus your energy on endeavors that allow your creative side to shine rather than technology-based pursuits. This will allow you to be more successful in the things you attempt and more satisfied with the outcome. But be careful not to become too stationary and unwilling to change or adapt because of this. 4. **Be mindful.** One of the greatest sources of many people's stress is the fact that even when they are doing something completely unrelated, their mind wanders to a place of dread, fear, or some other sort of stress. Keep your head in the present moment and enjoy every second. Life is way too short to waste worrying about a problem that you've likely blown way out of proportion. Being mindful means being present in the moment and carefully considering the things you encounter in your life. This kind of meditation and self-awareness will help improve your life by allowing you to enjoy it more and take stock of what is truly important. One mindfulness exercise you can try is meditation. Meditation doesn’t have to be performed as an organized ritual for it to be beneficial to you. You can spend as little as two minutes every day simply sitting quietly and reflecting to see results. Try focusing on your breaths to keep your mind free from distraction while you meditate. Another mindfulness exercise you can try is yoga. Doing yoga is great for your physical body, but it also helps develop your mind by giving you time to think about your body, how your body works, how your body relates to the world around you, and how your mind relates to your body. This kind of self-reflection is a great exercise in mindfulness. 5. **Be spiritual.** This does not necessarily mean you have to be religious. A spiritual person is one who walks his or her own path to find truth and connect with his/her source/God. Forming your own philosophy isn't always the easiest way, but in the long run it is worth it. Being spiritual means connecting with the universe and those around you. Be thankful for the life you have and show gratitude in your attitude to others. Treat other people with respect and kindness. Appreciate the relationships you have and the beauty in the world around you. 6. **Find a helpful advisor.** Find someone you can trust to confide in and to give you advice. This may be an old friend or a professional counselor/therapist. Sometimes making decisions can be difficult and it will help your ability to make mindful decisions if you have someone to talk to about these issues. Talking things through with a counselor can lower your stress and anxiety levels as well as give you more confidence in your decisions. A counselor can help you be more self-aware, which will allow you to be more present and mindful in your life. 7. **Focus on the positive.** This is another one of the essential steps because everything is as you perceive it. Even the most dreadful of situations can take a turn with a positive attitude. Instead of thinking ""I have to sit in traffic,"" think ""I have some unexpected time to reflect on my life while I sit in traffic."" Positivity is a choice. Choose to look on the bright side of things and find the silver lining when possible. Positive thinking can also reduce the amount of stress you feel about your life. For example, instead of thinking “I’ve never done that before,” try thinking “This is an opportunity to learn something new.” 8. **Be appreciative of what you have.** No matter what your situation in life is, you have things to be grateful for. If you take for granted the people and things in your life, you will always be looking for the next thing – always wanting more. Take some time to reflect on what you do have so that you can be happy in the moment. Even if you feel like you have nothing to be thankful for, that isn’t true. For example, if you are reading this, that means you have access to the internet and electricity (luxuries that much of the world can’t afford) and the free time to research topics for pleasure. These are things to be grateful for. 9. **Avoid jealous thoughts and behaviors.** Jealousy is not a positive trait and it is not attractive to most other people. Being a jealous person will only push away people in your life. And being jealous about other people’s possessions is pointless because they are simply things that don’t matter in the long run. You can’t take them with you when it’s all over! If you find yourself feeling jealous, try focusing on what you have instead of what others have. Think of the things you’re thankful for in your life and practice being grateful. Also, instead of being jealous of things others have (a negative emotion), try picturing the thing you want as a goal that you will work toward achieving (a positive emotion). This way, you aren’t upset that someone else has something you want. You are simply being mindful of the next step you want to take in your life. 10. **Stop complaining.** Whining is a very negative trait. It will not attract positive people in your life. Think about all of your blessings and try to move on. If you feel like complaining about something, consider why it bothers you so much and try to think about any negative situation as a learning experience. Then you have nothing to complain about because you’re always learning and growing. 11. **Live an active and healthy lifestyle.** Living your best life means being healthy and taking care of your body. The better you treat your body, the longer it will stay healthy and functioning well for you. This means you’ll be able to live your best life even longer because you’ll be in good health longer into your old age. Adults should try to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity in each day. Eat a balanced diet. Avoid fatty, fried foods and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water. Adult men should drink about 3 liters of liquids every day and adult women should drink about 2.2 liters every day. 12. **Make active decisions.** Think about what you want in your life and go after it. Make a plan and take steps to reach your goal. Be decisive in your daily life and in your long-term goals. Don’t let others pressure you into making decisions that aren’t right for you. If you want to go to college or change careers, think about it carefully, weigh your options, and then make a decision. Then consider the steps you’ll need to take to make these changes a reality in your life. 13. **Be proactive.** Life is short – and it only seems to pass faster as the years go by. In contrast to the infinite past and infinite future, your life is really only a flash in time. Make the most of every second. Don’t sit around and wait for thing to happen to you. Go after what you want in your life. Once you have decided what you want, pursue it. When an opportunity comes along, be brave and take it, even if there is a risk involved. 14. **Be willing to invest in things that matter.** Most things in life take time. Whether you are trying to make a marriage work or create a successful business, all endeavors worth pursuing take time. If you want to live your best life, be willing to put in the effort for the things that matter and give it time. Don’t count on easy fixes. If something seems too easy or too good to be true, it probably is. If you have a fight with your partner, it doesn’t mean you should break up immediately. You need to be willing to put in the time and effort to resolve the disagreement instead of just throwing the relationship away. When your child does something wrong, you don’t immediately punish them every time. Sometimes you use the situation as a learning experience in which you teach your child valuable life lessons. You invest your time and energy into your child because they are important in your life.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Start a Nonprofit in Canada.,"Nonprofit organizations provide goods and services that benefit a particular group of people or the community in general. If you want to start a nonprofit organization in Canada, get a board of directors together to plan your operations and plan your fundraising and activities. Once you're ready to open your doors, incorporate your organization at either the federal or provincial level. Then you can register with Revenue Canada for tax-exempt status so you can issue income tax receipts to your donors. 1. **Determine what goods or services you want to offer.** Take a look at the community or group of people you want to serve and figure out how your nonprofit could best benefit them. You'll want to look at the kinds of needs there are and the best ways to help fulfill those needs. Look at other nonprofits in your area and what they are doing to figure out unmet needs you can tap into with your organization. If you already have a goal in mind, figure out how you're going to provide your goods or services to the people and what kind of resources you'll need to accomplish that. For example, if you want to ensure people have access to clean water, you might hand out water filters to people who need them or teach courses in basic water filtration methods. 2. **Draft a mission statement for your organization.** Your mission statement outlines your organization's charitable purpose for donors as well as the general public. While it doesn't necessarily have to be lengthy, provide enough detail to keep it from being vague. For example, if you wanted to provide greater access to clean water, you might draft a mission statement that describes your goal to ensure that all families in your province have adequate filtration services and the knowledge of how to clean their own water safely. Your mission statement may be anywhere from half a page long to a couple of pages long, depending on the focus of your organization and what you want to accomplish. However, typically, you'll want to keep it to a page or less. When you choose your board, share the mission statement with them. They may suggest revisions or additions. 3. **Create a plan to put your mission statement in action.** A nonprofit business plan describes in detail how your organization is going to fulfill its mission and where its resources are going to come from. You'll also outline the organizational structure of your organization. Your structure and internal hierarchy largely depend on how you plan to operate your organization. For example, if you plan to recruit a lot of volunteers to work in the community, you would want someone in charge of recruiting volunteers and planning volunteer events. Be specific about the services or goods you're going to offer to people and how much they're going to cost, as well as how much it's going to cost to operate the nonprofit. For example, if you're going to offer water filtration devices to families without clean water, you would need an estimate of how much each device would cost your organization to purchase and install. Come up with ideas to raise funds for the nonprofit, including fundraising events or social media campaigns, along with realistic projections of how much money these activities will bring in. While your business plan doesn't have to be extremely long and detailed at the outset, you'll eventually need a more detailed business plan if you want to seek institutional investment or sponsorship from established nonprofit organizations. 4. **Choose board members for your organization.** Choose your board members based on your goals for your organization as well as your organization's purpose. While it's fine to have friends and colleagues on the board, it's also typically a good idea to get an attorney and some sort of financial expert, such as an accountant. For example, if you wanted to start a nonprofit to expand access to clean water, you might want to ask a scientist or water expert to be on your board. Typically, you want to look for people who share your passion for your nonprofit's cause. However, keep in mind that you also need some general operational expertise, especially if you've never run a nonprofit before. 5. **Look into fiscal sponsorship.** If you don't have sufficient resources to get your nonprofit off the ground, you might consider sponsorship from an established nonprofit organization. You may also be able to get sponsorship from educational institutions or for-profit businesses that are aligned with your cause. You may also be able to find a nonprofit incubator in your community. Nonprofit incubators act like incubators for business startups to provide you with the resources and connections you need to get your nonprofit off the ground. The Tides Canada Initiatives Society has a program that offers fiscal sponsorship to nonprofits. The North Star Fund also maintains a working list of organizations that offer fiscal sponsorships on its website. If you don't have a sponsor or other arrangement, you and your other board members can expect to be extremely active in the coming weeks or months to try to raise money at a grassroots level to get your organization off the ground. 6. **Choose a corporate name for your nonprofit.** Your corporate name can be either a numbered name or a word name. If you choose a numbered name, a number is assigned to your organization when you incorporate. A word name, on the other hand, must be unique to your organization. To get a word name, you must order a Nuans corporate name search. To order your name search report, go to You can order a federal report or one specific to an individual province or territory. You do not need a Nuans report to incorporate your organization in British Columbia, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, or Nunavut. However, it's typically better to go ahead and get one anyway. A Nuans report certifying that your name is unique is not the same thing as a trademark. If you trademark your organization's corporate name, you'll have added protection against other organizations using a name similar to yours. Your corporate name can be either English, French, a combined English and French name, or two separate English and French names. However, your name must be unique in both languages. 7. **Decide whether you want to incorporate provincially or federally.** As a Canadian nonprofit, you have the option of incorporating either at the federal level or at the provincial level. If you incorporate at the federal level, your organization can operate throughout Canada. If you only plan on operating locally, on the other hand, it may be better for your organization to incorporate in the province or territory where your headquarters is located. Your operations will be restricted to that province or territory. Visit the website of your province or territory's corporate registrar for more information about incorporating there. A list of these websites is available at 8. **Draft your Articles of Incorporation.** The Articles of Incorporation is a document that lists the name and address of your organization, the names and addresses of your board members, and other information about the establishment of your organization. If you're planning on incorporating federally, download the form from the Corporations Canada website. The website of each province or territory's corporate registrar has province-specific forms. You aren't required to use the form. You can draft your own articles if you want, or have an attorney draft them for you. However, it's typically easier to use the free form. 9. **Incorporate provincially if you intend to remain local.** Visit the website of your province or territory to determine what documents are required to incorporate there. Typically, there will be forms you can fill out. Submit these forms along with any other required documents to incorporate your organization. You'll also have to pay an incorporation fee, which varies among provinces and territories. You may pay anywhere from $40 in Nova Scotia to $245 in Yukon Territory, as of 2019. However, this is still typically less expensive than federal incorporation. Typically, you'll get a certificate of incorporation within 30 days, although the turnaround time varies among provinces and territories. In Ontario, for example, it may take as long as 60 days, while in Alberta you can get your certificate in as little as 10 days. 10. **Create a federal corporation if you plan to operate in several provinces.** To create a federal corporation, go to the Corporations Canada website and click on the ""Incorporate"" button. Before you get started, make sure you have digital copies of the following: Form 4001 — Articles of Incorporation Form 4002 — Initial Registered Office Address and First Board of Directors A Nuans name search report 11. **Draft and file by-laws.** Once you're incorporated, you'll have the first official meeting of your board of directors. At this board meeting, you'll draft the by-laws for your organization. These by-laws must be filed with the corporate registrar within 12 months after they've been confirmed by your board of directors. Typically, you can just use the model by-laws available on the Corporations Canada website. Make sure you remove any clauses that aren't applicable to your organization. If you'd rather create your own custom by-laws for your organization, you might want to try the By-law Builder developed by Corporations Canada and available at 12. **Gather documents to complete your registration.** Your registration application with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requires supporting documents. While you can apply to register your nonprofit online, you'll need to have these documents scanned and ready to upload. You'll also need your business number (BN) to begin your application. Your BN is a unique 9-digit identifier followed by a 2-letter program identifier and a 4-digit reference number. The program identifier will be ""RR"" for ""registered charity,"" although your registration will be listed as ""pending."" You can find this number on your certificate of incorporation. Documents you'll likely need include all formation documents related to your incorporation, financial records and documents for the organization, documentation of your organization's income and expenses, and other documents and information related to your expected activities. 13. **Access your organization's CRA account.** Go to the Canada Revenue Agency website and select ""My Business Account."" You can register for a new account for your organization using the BN. Once you've set up your account, click the link that says ""Apply to be a registered charity or RCAAA."" This will take you to the online form. 14. **Complete the online form to register your nonprofit as a charity.** To start the form, you'll be asked a series of yes or no questions. Your answers to these questions determine what other information you'll be asked to provide. You can save and go back to your application at any time after you start it. Check the ""progress and status of your application"" page to see how far along you are on each section of the application. You can go back and change the information you provided in any section at any time before you submit it. When you've completed your application, you'll be prompted to upload digital copies of all required documents. 15. **Track the status of your application through your CRA account.** Provided your application is complete, you'll receive an acknowledgment letter from CRA. The letter will include the estimated time before your application will be assigned to an officer for review. Once your application is assigned, you can follow its progress through your CRA account. If the CRA requires more information or documentation to process your application, you'll get a letter in the mail. Although you have 60 days to respond to this letter, get the requested information to the CRA as quickly as possible to avoid any further delays. 16. **Wait for your notice of registration.** The CRA will send you a notice of registration when your registration is approved. This registration includes your organization's registration number and the effective date of registration. Keep the notice of registration in your organization's records along with your incorporation documents. If your registration is denied, you'll get a letter stating the reason. You can appeal by sending written notice within 90 days to Assistant Commissioner, Appeals Branch, 250 Albert Street, Ottawa ON K1A0L5.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Sharpen a Pencil.,"Sharpening a pencil correctly can be important, especially if you are an artist or just want your handwriting to look smooth. In fact, it can be an artisanal skill. There are several different ways you can sharpen a pencil. 1. **Use a portable, manual sharpener.** These usually come with two holes in a small plastic square. One hole is for a smaller pencil, and one is for a larger one. The benefit of using a manual sharpener is that they are cheap and portable. Again, if you’re not careful, you can create an irregular pencil point. Simply put the pencil into the sharpener’s hole, and turn it several times to create a point. Sharpen over a garbage can, unless the sharpener has a plastic bubble designed to capture the shaving remnants. 2. **Try using an electric pencil sharpener.** An electrical pencil sharpener will create a pencil that makes a very neat line. Push the pencil into the hole in the sharpener. The sharpener will make a whirring sound as it sharpens the pencil. A downside of electric pencil sharpeners can be irregular sharpening. However, they are the easiest to use. Choose a pencil that is worth sharpening. The pencil’s lead (the graphite core) should not be off-center or it will be hard to shape into the normal conical point shape. Make sure the pencil is not bowed. Use an old rag in order to wipe the residue off the pencil after you sharpen it. 3. **Hold the pencil right.** You want to grab the pencil near its point if you are sharpening it with a knife, about 1 ½ inches from the end of the pencil. This will stabilize the pencil. Hold the pencil in your non-dominant hand, and the knife in your dominant hand. You want to make sure the utility knife is sharp. You can sharpen your knives (carefully) with a knife sharpening stone or steel. Position the knife about ¾ of an inch up the shaft of the pencil. Start to remove the wood. Expose the graphite that is within the pencil itself. Push the blade of the knife through the pencil’s wood with your thumb holding the pencil. Push the knife toward the unsharpened end of the pencil as your non-dominant hand rotates the pencil. A thumb knuckle’s length away from the end of the pencil is how deep you want to go. Once you’ve exposed the graphite, you can shape it into a point. 4. **Carve away at the pencil wood.** You’re ready to refine the graphite when it’s showing about 3/8th of an inch. Keep the blade’s steel on the graphite. Hold it as a low angle. You don’t want to remove too much material. If your knife doesn’t cut through the pencil’s wood easily, it’s probably too dull. If the lead of the pencil is soft, cut small bits away of the wood at a time. If your pencil sharpener will not sharpen the pencil well, check that the space where the pencil tip should go is not blocked by broken graphite (the black part) from the tip of the pencil. If it still will not sharpen well, the blade in the sharpener may be blunt. Do not jam in the pencil too hard. Knives are very versatile tools for sharpening pencils. Make sure you cut in a direction away from your body for safety purposes. Use a utility knife. Hold the edge of the knife so it faces the pencil’s tip. Put your non-dominant hand’s thumb on the non-sharp edge. Use your thumb to push the knife out with your thumb. At the same time, press down with the thump that is holding the knife. You could put a garbage can in front of you between your legs to catch the scraps. 5. **Sharpen a carpenter pencil.** Take a utility knife. Hold the pencil firmly in one hand and make sure the tip is pointing away from you. Use slow and certain strokes in an outward direction to sharpen the pencil. You can also use a special carpenter's pencil sharpener. Insert the pencil into the hole, and slide it back and forth against the blade of the pencil sharpener. Try an X-Acto knife. These are good for charcoal pencils because charcoal is soft and can be damaged by electric sharpeners. Worse, the charcoal can damage the sharpener if it gets stuck in it. 6. **Choose a point style.** There are four points to choose from when sharpening your pencil. The most common is the standard point. It’s a sharpened point that resembles a cone. A chisel point is created by using a knife to cut the end of the pencil into a chisel shape. This allows people to draw two types of lines with the pencil; the tip creates a thinner but darker line, and the flat sides of the chisel point create wider lines with softness to them. The chisel will keep itself sharp as you draw. However, the chisel point can be harder to draw with unless you’re practiced at it. Artists sometimes use this pencil point. The needle point is a sharp concave point carved with a knife. It is a very fine point and can be prone to breaking. However, it’s good for use in drawings with needle-point detail. Carve the wood around the pencil down more deeply to expose more of the graphite. A bullet point pencil carves away wood from the pencil’s last centimeter. Then carve the end into a bullet shape with a knife. You can make many different types of lines with a bullet point. 7. **Use sandpaper to sharpen a pencil.** A good trick is to use a little bit of sandpaper to sharpen your pencil when the graphite gets a little worn down. This way, you can sharpen the pencil without having to go through the full sharpening process each time. Many artists keep pieces of sandpaper next to their drawing boards for this purpose. Another method is to buy charcoal pencils that are paper wrapped. All you need to do is pull the string on such a pencil to peel off a bit of the paper to expose more of the graphite. Using sandpaper or a sand pad will also polish the charcoal. You don’t want to see indentations when you draw a straight line.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Catch Latios in Pokémon Ruby.,"Latios is a great Legendary Pokémon, but he can be very hard to catch! While finding him is up to chance, it's not really all that hard. Catching him will be the real trick! With a little preparation, you can catch him with ease. Just get started with Step 1 below to find out how. 1. **Beat the Elite Four.** Latios will not be available until this is complete. 2. **Once the credits have rolled and you're in your house in Littleroot Town, go downstairs and watch the television when you get the chance.** It will inform you of a blue flying Pokémon wandering around Hoenn. This is Latios. 3. **Have your Master Ball ready.** The best method is to save your Master Ball for Latios, since it tends to flee. If you did not save your Master Ball, you'll need to see the next section of this article. You can scroll down or use the Table of Contents at the top. 4. **Travel to a good area.** Latios is a roaming Pokémon and will be found just about anywhere. To make Latios easier to catch, you'll want to go in an area where you can reload easily, such as opening up a cave near a field using a secret power. 5. **Search for Latios.** Search around through the grass or other environment until you find Latios. Don't waste time fighting other Pokémon; run from any other battles. If you haven't found Latios in an area after 5 minutes of running around, exit the area and reenter. 6. **Throw the Master Ball.** When you run into him, throw the Master Ball immediately. Congratulations! You've caught Latios! 7. **Have your Pokémon ready.** You're going to need a Level 40 Pokémon to take on Latios. Get a Trapinch or a Wobbuffet or any high level Pokémon that knows Mean Look (such as a Golbat or Crobat). Give a Pokémon that has Mean Look the Quick Claw ability and buy some Carbos for it (to be sure it's a top speed). Put this Pokémon at the top of your party. Wobbuffet and Trapinch are useful because their Shadow Tag (Wobbuffet) and Arena Trap (Trapinch) abilities will keep Latios from escaping. 8. **Buy tons of Ultra Balls.** These will be your best bet for catching Latios. A regular Poke Ball is not recommended. 9. **Use your abilities.** If you chose Trapinch or Wobbuffet, whittle down his HP and throw tons of Ultra Balls. Otherwise, use Mean Look right at the beginning of the fight. If you make Latios faint, reset. If he gets away, you can now track him with your Pokedex, in the style you use to track the legendary dogs in G/S/C.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Hold a Wine Glass.,"Holding a wine glass isn't rocket science, but there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. As a general rule, hold the glass by its stem instead of holding it around the bowl. 1. **Hold the stem between your thumb and first two fingers.** Pinch the stem of the wine glass between your thumb, index finger, and middle finger. As you position your fingers, place them on the lower half of the stem. Your middle finger should rest on the stem just above the base. Only these three fingers will come into direct contact with the stem of the glass. Your remaining two fingers should naturally rest on top of the base. This is the standard way to hold a wine glass. Holding it in this manner should provide plenty of stability while keeping your hands away from the bowl of the glass. 2. **Pinch the stem with your thumb and index finger.** Wrap your index finger around the one side of the stem, then support the other side of the stem with the tip of your thumb. Keep your hand positioned toward the lower half of the stem. Your remaining three fingers should curl into your palm in the form of a loose fist. Generally, these fingers won't touch the base of the glass, but it's find if they brush against it. 3. **Grab the stem directly above the base.** Pinch the stem of the glass just above the base using only your thumb and index finger. Even though these two fingers pinch the stem of the glass, they also brush against the top of the base. Use your middle finger to support the glass from beneath by extending it outward along the underside of the base. Allow your remaining two fingers to rest naturally. They may press into the palm of your hand or follow along with your middle finger. 4. **Lever the base with your thumb.** Keep your thumb over the base of the glass while supporting the underside of the base with your index and middle fingers. None of your fingers actually touch the stem of the glass when using this technique. Your index, middle, ring, and pinky fingers should all curve gently into your palm. Use the top portions of your index and middle fingers to support the base. Note that this holding style is socially acceptable, but it's also the least stable. It's best to practice it when you're by yourself before using it in polite company. 5. **Never hold the bowl.** Holding a wine glass by the bowl is social taboo, but the reasons for that are as practical as they are polite. Both the taste and appearance of the wine can be negatively affected when you hold the bowl. When you hold the bowl of the glass, the heat of your hands will quickly cause the wine inside to warm up. This problem is most pronounced when sipping white wine or champagne since these types of drinks taste best when chilled. The problem isn't quite as severe when drinking red wine, but even red wine tastes best when kept a little cooler than room temperature. Additionally, holding the glass by the bowl can leave fingerprints, which makes the appearance of the wine glass less elegant. Both your fingers and the prints they leave behind can also make it harder to examine the color or clarity of the wine. 6. **Grab the glass toward its base.** Since this type of wine glass has no stem, you'll have to hold it like a normal drinking glass. Grab the glass toward its base, however, instead of holding it at the middle or top. You can wrap your thumb and all four fingers around the glass if you need to do so for the sake of stability, but if possible, try to keep only your thumb and two fingers on the glass itself. The other two fingers should gently curl away from the glass or support the glass from underneath. 7. **Minimize contact.** Since the heat of your hand can warm up the temperature of your wine, it's best to hold your stemless wine glass as briefly and infrequently as possible. Try to hold the glass only when taking sips. If you can set it down somewhere, do so when you aren't actively drinking the wine. Fingerprints are pretty much inevitable when you use this type of wine glass. That social faux pas usually won't matter when you're among family and friends, but if you're hanging around wine connoisseurs or trying to make a good impression on someone new, it's best to put the stemless glasses away and opt for the traditional glass type instead. 8. **Rest the glass when needed.** If you are unable to set your glass down and feel the need to support it in between sips, you can rest the base of the glass on the palm of your non-dominant hand while continuing to hold the glass at its stem with your dominant hand. When you need to set the glass down at your dinner table, note that it should be placed to the right of your water glass. If you don't have a water glass, simply place your wine glass down in the upper left corner of your place setting, where the water glass usually sits. 9. **Sip from the same spot.** Try to drink from only one spot along the rim of the wine glass. Doing so can improve the scent and appearance of your wine. If you sip from too many different places along the rim of the glass, the excess contact can actually taint the scent of the wine. Since scent and taste are closely linked, this could also degrade the taste of the wine. Additionally, your lips leave a print on the glass like your fingers do, even if you aren't wearing lipstick, balm, or gloss. Sipping from only one spot makes the top of your glass look cleaner. 10. **Keep the glass partially full.** As a general rule, you should only keep the glass one-third full when drinking red wine or half full when drinking white wine. On a similar note, when drinking champagne or sparkling wine from a champagne flute, you should keep the glass three-quarters full. By only filling part of the glass, you can minimize the risk of accidental spills. Completely full glasses can get heavy, and since you can only support the glass by its stem instead of the bowl, your hand may weaken and slip beneath the weight of the wine. 11. **Look into your glass as you drink.** As you go to take a sip of your wine, direct your gaze into your glass instead of focusing on another person or object. Looking at someone else as you sip your wine is considered especially impolite. This is true regardless of whether or not you're in active conversation with anyone. On the other hand, you should maintain eye contact with someone when making a toast. Lock eyes with whomever clinks glasses with you. Doing so is polite, and superstition holds that failing to do so can mean seven years of bad luck. 12. **Tilt the glass when studying its appearance.** If you want to study the appearance of the wine, tilt the glass slightly while holding it up to the light. Use natural light when possible. If you aren't able to get a good view of the color and clarity, position your glass against a white or pale background to make the viewing process easier. 13. **Swirl the wine carefully.** Swirling your wine is socially acceptable as long as you don't get carried away. The key is to gently swirl the glass in small circular movements while keeping the base on a flat surface. Keep a firm grip on the stem of the glass as you swirl it and only continue swirling for 10 to 20 seconds. If you have a loose grip, move the glass too forcefully, or swirl the glass for too long, you run the risk of accidentally spilling your wine. Swirling the wine around can also help any unpleasant notes in the wine dissipate before you drink it. 14. **Hold the glass directly to your nose when smelling.** When checking the scent of a particular wine, tilt the glass slightly and place your nose directly inside. Alternatively, you could hold your nose roughly 1 inch (2.5 cm) away from the top of the glass instead of sticking it directly inside. Some people are able to detect more of the scent by doing it this way while others prefer the traditional technique. Either way is socially acceptable, though.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Learn to Drive in a Driving Simulator.,"For those seeking a safe and convenient way to learn to drive, driving simulators are an increasingly helpful advanced form of driving education. They offer inexperienced drivers a way to practice driving in dangerous conditions or simply learn the rules of the road from the safety of a driving school or even their own home. Although they can be pricey, driving simulators are the best way to learn to drive without undertaking the ordinary risks that driving entails. 1. **Practice vehicle control tasks until you can do them automatically.** You’ll need to be as well trained as possible in carrying out basic driving tasks so that you can do them simultaneously while driving. Practice these motions until you can do them without thinking. Vehicle control tasks include handling the steering wheel, using the gas and brake pedals, shifting gears, visually scanning the road, and using the turn signal. 2. **Test various braking scenarios to learn how to safely stop your car.** It goes without saying that the two most important actions involved in driving are accelerating and braking. Put yourself in different braking scenarios to get comfortable stopping your car in a controlled manner. For example, use the simulator to drive in a downtown area with lots of pedestrian foot traffic to practice braking for pedestrians suddenly walking into the street. You should also practice braking for ordinary reasons (e.g., stop signs and red traffic lights) to get used to braking slowly and in a controlled manner, as this is an important component in everyday driving. 3. **Use traffic sign scenarios to practice responding to different signs.** Get used to braking at stop signs, slowing down or stopping in response to yield signs, and accelerating or decelerating in response to signs conveying speed limits and sharp turns. Road systems are governed by a variety of traffic signs. Make sure you’re familiar with all the signs you might encounter while driving before moving on from the driving simulator. 4. **Practice turning and changing lanes using your turn signal.** Turning and changing lanes are tasks that involve a tricky combination of shifting your speed and maintaining visual awareness of cars all around you. Use the driving simulator to practice these maneuvers until you’re comfortable controlling your car’s speed and position relative to other cars at the same time. These tasks also require use of your turn signal for legal and safety reasons. Be sure to use your turn signal when practicing turning and merging so that you’ll also do so when driving in the real world. 5. **Avoid going over the speed limit or being distracted while driving.** Virtual driving simulators are particularly good at teaching would-be drivers to identify risky behavior, such as speeding or using their phone while driving. Use the simulator to help identify various risks drivers might take and practice avoiding them. Other distractions might include loud music, eating while driving, and other people in the car. Although a driving simulator will not remove distractions from real-world driving, using a simulator can help develop a sense of self-awareness about risk-taking and impulsivity that learners can bring to their driving experience. 6. **Park your simulator car in a variety of spots.** Parking is not only something that every driver does every time they drive (it’s how driving is brought to an end!); it’s also a part of most driver’s license exams. Use the simulator to practice the steering wheel motions and braking involved in parking until you can do them from memory. Common parking scenarios include front-in parking, diagonal parking, and parallel parking. 7. **Gain experience with driving in both manual and automatic settings.** Although you will most likely have a preferred transmission you’ll normally use, there may come a time when you’ll be asked to use the other type. Take this opportunity to gain experience in both settings. This is much safer than learning how to use both transmission types while actually driving. 8. **Practice driving with lots of other cars around you.** Driving on a crowded road can be a very stressful experience, especially if you’re unaccustomed to it. Use the simulator to practice driving around other cars to become acclimated to stop-and-go traffic and to get a sense of how to safely keep your distance from other drivers. A common shorthand for measuring the safe distance from a car driving in front of you is the “2-second rule”: after the car in front has passed a fixed object, it should take you no less than 2 seconds to pass that same object. 9. **Simulate driving at night to get accustomed to driving in darker settings.** Driving at night can be relatively dangerous due to reduced visibility. Practice driving under darker conditions to get a sense of how to drive at a safe speed and with proper focus at night. This is especially important if the roads in your area do not have street lights; your headlights will be the only thing illuminating the road at night under such conditions. 10. **Drive in rainy conditions to experience driving on slick surfaces.** Rain-soaked roads make it easier for your tires to lose traction and thus make it harder for you to keep control of your car, while rainy weather results in reduced visibility. Practice driving in simulated rain to learn what to do in these conditions in a risk-free environment. Your tires losing traction on wet roads is known as “hydroplaning.” The vast majority of automobile crashes caused by the weather are the result of rainfall and slick roads. Practice driving under rainy conditions as much as possible for maximum safety. 11. **Practice driving in snow if necessary.** Even for many experienced drivers, driving in snow is not intuitive. If you live in a snowy area, make sure to simulate driving in winter conditions to get a sense of what you should expect. For example, a car’s brakes are less effective in snow than on dry pavement, and so you’ll need to move more slowly and keep a greater distance from other cars when driving in the snow. Snowy weather causes the most weather-related car crashes after rain and wet pavement. Spend as much time as possible practicing driving in the snow if you live in a cooler climate. 12. **Simulate driving on steep inclines if you live in a hilly area.** Like driving in the snow, driving on hills is a skill you have to learn and practice in addition to basic driving. Consider practicing driving on simulated hills if you plan to drive in an area with lots of steep inclines. Because you can’t see what lies over the ridge of a steep hill, driving on an incline requires a driver to better anticipate what might be on the other side of the ridge (e.g., an oncoming car or a hidden obstacle). You’ll need to learn how to use your car’s multiple gears to maintain control of the vehicle when driving up or down steep hills. Practicing driving under normal conditions will not be entirely applicable to driving in the mountains. 13. **Practice driving on rural roads.** Rural roads are often characterized by a number of safety hazards, such as relatively fewer traffic signs, a lack of shoulder or guard rails, a lack of street lights, and others. Consider practicing driving on this type of road if you live in a rural area. Rural roads also often have blind or sharp curves, which require anticipating what comes after the curve and reacting accordingly. Rural roads tend to be relatively narrow. It will be helpful to have experience driving on such a road, as it will help you to better understand your car’s actual distance from cars passing on your left. 14. **Get experience driving in bustling city centers.** When driving on city streets or downtown, by far the most prevalent obstacle to watch out for are pedestrians. Meanwhile, bumper-to-bumper traffic makes it far more likely for you to coast into the car in front of you. Practice driving in a simulated downtown area to learn how to deal with these conditions. For example, repeatedly practicing driving in a city center will help you develop faster reaction times, which will be critical to avoiding fender benders and collisions with pedestrians or cyclists. Crosswalks are the most common site of interactions between pedestrians and cars; consider devoting significant time to practicing driving through multiple crosswalks in a city. 15. **Drive on a simulated highway to practice driving under stress.** Many drivers will tell you that driving on the highway is their least favorite type of driving. Simulate driving around high-speed traffic in a safe environment to develop the skills and reaction times you need to successfully drive on the highway. For example, you’ll need to get comfortable with merging, keeping a safe distance from other cars, and checking your mirror and blind spot, all at high speeds. These all occur frequently on the highway. Although personal experience is often the best teacher, in this case using the simulator to practice driving on the highway is the better option, as you will develop skills less efficiently in a high-stress environment.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Black Obsidian Benefits?,"Beautiful and glassy, black obsidian has been used by healers and shamans for thousands of years because of its many healing and grounding benefits. Thankfully, you don’t have to be a shaman to enjoy the wonderful effects of obsidian. From communicating with spirit guides to plain old good luck, the benefits of this volcanic wonder are easy to come by when you add it to your crystal collection. In this article, we’ll walk you through all the great things about black obsidian, plus show you how to use it for the best results. If you’re ready to gaze into its shiny surface, keep scrolling! 1. **Black obsidian provides insight into the causes of physical ailments.** It’s been used by healers to diagnose and treat illnesses for thousands of years, and many individuals choose to hold, wear, or meditate with it to soothe their own bodies. It’s also a detoxifier that relieves tension and improves energy flow, especially in the lower half of the body. Some of its specific healing uses include: Promoting good circulation and warming the extremities. Relieving arthritis and joint pain. Soothing menstrual and digestive cramps. Treating an enlarged prostate. Helping the absorption of vitamins C and D. 2. **Obsidian shows you your true self for mental and emotional healing.** Black obsidian’s reflective surface aids with introspective work, helping you face the dark parts of yourself and accept yourself fully. It highlights your self-sabotaging patterns and shows you what needs to be cut from your life to release negativity, including toxic relationships or negative attachments. Black obsidian doesn’t absorb negative energy from you. Instead, it empowers you to find the root of your problems and deal with them yourself. Working with black obsidian helps with unresolved traumas and getting rid of emotional baggage that’s holding you back. Psychologically, obsidian is useful for managing and soothing mental and emotional illnesses like anxiety or depression. 3. **Spiritually, obsidian strengthens and heals you so you can be whole.** This stone helps you discover talents and capabilities you may not have known you had, including spiritual gifts like clairvoyance or prophesying. It revitalizes your soul so your inner energies can flow freely and anchors your spirit to your body. Obsidian stimulates personal growth in all aspects, including spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. It won’t reveal to you exactly how to grow spiritually, but encourages you to explore the unknown and remove the obstacles in your way. 4. **Black obsidian protects against external negative energy.** Over time, low vibrations from others can cloud up your auric field (especially if you’re a healer). Working with obsidian can release this psychic smog from your aura since it’s a powerful spiritual cleanser. Wear obsidian jewelry or carry a piece in your pocket for an easy way to ward off bad energy during the day. 5. **Obsidian has a strong grounding effect that calms your body and mind.** Obsidian is made of cooled lava from deep underground, meaning it carries the peaceful, nurturing energy of the earth with it. It acts as a conductor, taking all of your excess or nervous energy and channeling it away to the ground to help you feel at peace. Black obsidian is also related to the root chakra, the lowest and most grounding chakra in your body that makes you feel secure. 6. **Obsidian is useful for contacting spirit guides and loved ones.** The vibration of black obsidian facilitates communication with your spiritual guides, guardian angels, or whichever protectors you believe in for guidance and strength. By looking into its reflective surface in low light, you may even be able to see the image of a loved one, too (living or passed). Obsidian has been used by shamans and crystal gazers to contact the spiritual world for thousands of years. Reflective pieces of obsidian are useful for scrying. Scrying is the ability to foretell the future with reflective objects or surfaces like mirrors and crystal balls. 7. **Black obsidian is very lucky, especially for wealth.** Obsidian has the ability to turn bad luck into good luck. It cleanses or deflects negative energy that might affect your decision making, thought processes, or emotions to help you make practical, lucky choices. This is extra valuable when you’re making financial or career decisions. Obsidian doesn’t help with love or romantic luck per se, but it helps you see yourself and your relationships clearly to make positive change. 8. **Incorporate obsidian into your meditation routine when you’re anxious.** If you feel like your head is in the clouds or you’re faced with a new challenge, grab your obsidian and go to your preferred meditation spot. Hold the obsidian in your lap and focus on thoughts that will help you release your anxiety. These thoughts could be things like: “I embrace this new challenge and am prepared to do my best.” “I release my anxiety into this obsidian.” “I will stay grounded in the face of uncomfortable changes.” 9. **Keep black obsidian nearby while you journal or do self-reflective work.** Set a piece of it next to you on your desk, wear it as jewelry, or hold it while you self-contemplate. Its reflective properties will help you identify and release any internal blocks or negative habits that are holding you back from personal or spiritual success. Looking inward may not always be comfortable, but the obsidian will guide and protect you while you face your shadows or unresolved traumas. 10. **Add obsidian to your home’s feng shui to filter out negative energy.** To harmonize the energies within your home, keep a piece of obsidian near your front door to block low vibrations from entering. Try placing smaller pieces on top of door frames, windowsills, or in all the corners of your home, too. Keep a piece in your living room to maintain good energy while you entertain guests, or in your bedroom to keep you grounded and safe while you sleep. If you work from home, put obsidian in your office space to filter out negativity from unpleasant calls, emails, or messages. Try placing obsidian near your TVs and computers to keep toxic energy from the news or social media from infiltrating your house. There’s no bad or wrong place to put black obsidian in your home—if your intuition senses that it’s needed in a particular area or room, go ahead and place it there. 11. **Wear obsidian jewelry to ground and protect you throughout the day.** Put on a black obsidian ring, bracelet, or necklace before you head out the door to keep a protective shield around you and your aura. If jewelry isn’t your thing, carry a piece in your pocket, backpack, or purse for the same effect. The jewelry will keep you grounded and connected to the earth, especially if you feel nervous or scattered. 12. **Use black obsidian to balance your root chakra.** Wear or sleep with obsidian to passively soothe your root chakra throughout the day or night. To actively target it, meditate while you hold the stone to your lower back or pelvic area where the chakra is located. Clear your mind and feel the energy passing between the stone and your chakra, and then up your body throughout the rest of your chakras. The root chakra is a swirling ball of red energy located at the base of your spine. The vibrations of black obsidian and the root chakra resonate very strongly and provide a connection between you and the earth. 13. **Sleep with black obsidian to aid your dreamwork.** Before you go to bed at night, meditate with your obsidian and set a clear intention for your work—maybe you need to wake up with a solution to a personal problem, or you want to communicate with someone far away or who has passed. When you’re finished, place the obsidian next to your bed, sleep with it under your pillow, or wear obsidian jewelry overnight. The clearer and more well-intentioned your goal is, the more likely you are to achieve it. It’s OK if your first attempt at dreamwork is unsuccessful. Keep trying and make sure to keep your intention clear and front of mind. Obsidian is also useful for sharpening your dream recall and lucid dreaming abilities. 14. **Hold or touch obsidian while meditating to boost your physical health.** If you’re feeling generally unwell or ill, meditate while holding black obsidian to gain clarity on what’s ailing you. Your meditation might reveal you’ve been overworked, suffering from bad sleep, or engaging in other unhealthy habits that are running you down. If a specific area of the body is in pain, place the obsidian there while you meditate and channel your energy and focus to that spot. Try visiting a crystal healer, like a reiki practitioner, to perform more complex healing rituals for you or to guide you through your own self-healing. 15. **Cleanse your black obsidian every 2-3 weeks to clear it of bad energy.** Cleanse it with method that doesn’t involve water—obsidian is only a 5.5 on the Mohs Hardness Scale, meaning that prolonged exposure to water might degrade the quality of the stone. Some simple and effective cleansing methods include: Leaving your obsidian on a natural surface that receives direct moonlight overnight. Placing obsidian in direct sunlight for about 30 minutes. Smudging your obsidian in sage or palo santo smoke for 30-60 seconds. Activating a tuning fork to the “Om” frequency (136.1 Hz) and touching the tip of it to the obsidian so it resonates with the vibration. 16. **Physically clean obsidian with water and gentle soap if necessary.** If your obsidian crystal or jewelry is smudged or dirty, wipe it clean with a soft cloth, water, and a mild soap or detergent. Use as little water as possible—obsidian shouldn’t be wet for long, but a quick cleaning is unlikely to do any damage. Avoid using bristled brushes since they can scratch its glassy surface. 17. **Store obsidian in a fabric-lined box away from sunlight and moisture.** Obsidian scratches easily, so wrap it in a natural fabric like silk, suede, or leather if you’re storing it with other crystals or put it in its own lined box for protection. Store it in a spot where it won’t sit in direct sunlight for days on end and especially where it won’t get wet (too much water will make it brittle). Scratches diminish obsidian’s glassy and reflective surface, but they also change how it conducts energy. Obsidian is very sharp when it cracks or breaks, so handle it with care! 18. **Obsidian forms when volcanic lava flows cool very rapidly.** The fast cooling usually happens because the lava flow encounters a lake or ocean, which gives obsidian its glassy, reflective luster. Most obsidian is black or very dark gray, but some varieties are red, brown-green, green, yellow, and (very rarely) transparent. Depending on what minerals were in the lava, the obsidian can also have a golden, rainbow, or white speckled sheen to it. Obsidian can be found naturally anywhere there’s ever been volcanic activity, like Argentina, Iceland, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, New Zealand, and the US. Obsidian has been used by humans for thousands of years. Early civilizations used it to make knives, weapons, carvings, masks, and mirrors.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Download WhatsApp?,"With WhatsApp, messaging your friends and family has never been easier! You can send pictures, videos, and texts to people all around the world, even if they’re not on a mobile network. Downloading WhatsApp is a little bit different depending on which device you’re using, so follow the instructions made for yours below. Once you've downloaded WhatsApp, you can create an account to start using it right away. 1. **Open your iPhone's App Store.** Tap the App Store app icon, which resembles a white ""A"" on a light-blue background. Make sure all of your information is set up in the App Store, like your email address and payment information, and that you’re signed in with your Apple ID. WhatsApp is free, but iOS won’t let you download any apps unless your payment information is updated. Make sure your mobile device has iOS 9 or later before you start downloading WhatsApp. 2. **Tap Search.** This tab is in the bottom-right corner of the screen, and it will take you to a separate page within the App Store. This screen is where you’ll be able to search for specific app names. If you aren’t connected to WiFi, you’ll need to turn on your mobile data for the App Store in order to use the search function. 3. **Tap the search bar.** It's the ""Games, Apps, Stores, and More"" text field at the top of the screen. Your iPhone's on-screen keyboard will appear at this point so you can start typing. 4. **Search for WhatsApp.** Type in whatsapp and then tap the blue button in the lower-right corner of the keyboard. You might see a few options come up, but the full name of the app you’re looking for is “WhatsApp Messenger.” The app is made by “WhatsApp Inc.” 5. **Tap GET.** It's to the right of the ""WhatsApp Messenger"" heading near the middle of the screen. Once you click on it, “Get” will change into a spinning wheel. If you've previously downloaded WhatsApp, you'll see a cloud-shaped ""Download"" {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/e\/ea\/Iphoneappstoredownloadbutton.png"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/e\/ea\/Iphoneappstoredownloadbutton.png\/30px-Iphoneappstoredownloadbutton.png"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":460,""bigWidth"":30,""bigHeight"":30,""licensing"":""

I edited this screenshot of an iPhone icon.\n<\/p>

License: Fair Use<\/a>
\n<\/p><\/div>""} icon here instead. 6. **Scan your Touch ID fingerprint when prompted.** A small screen will pop up at the bottom of your device asking for your fingerprint. Hold your thumb or pointer finger onto your Touch ID surface to prompt the WhatsApp app to begin downloading onto your iPhone. If you don't have Touch ID or it isn't set up for the App Store, you'll instead tap at the bottom of the screen and then enter your Apple ID password when prompted. Skip this step if WhatsApp begins downloading automatically. 7. **Wait for WhatsApp to finish downloading.** WhatsApp should only take a few seconds to download on most Wi-Fi or LTE connections. Once WhatsApp finishes downloading, you're free to set up WhatsApp by clicking on the app that’s on your device. If you want to open WhatsApp to begin setting it up immediately after downloading it, you can tap to the right of the ""WhatsApp Messenger"" heading. If you had a previous WhatsApp account and you want to restore your data, open up the app and verify your phone number when prompted. If your information is backed up, it will start downloading immediately. 8. **Open the Google Play Store.** Tap the Google Play Store app icon, which resembles a multicolored triangle. This will open up the Play Store where you can search for and download apps. Make sure your Android device has an OS of 4.0.3 or higher. 9. **Tap the search bar.** It's at the top of the screen. Your Android's on-screen keyboard will appear so you can start typing. It will say “Search for apps & games.” 10. **Type in whatsapp.** Doing so will prompt a drop-down menu with matching results to appear. You’re looking for the app that’s called “WhatsApp Messenger” by WhatsApp Inc. The app you want will also have a green checkmark next to it. That means Google has verified that it’s the real WhatsApp. 11. **Click INSTALL.** Next to the WhatsApp app, there will be a large green button that says “Install.” Tap on this to automatically start your download onto your mobile device. If you’ve already downloaded WhatsApp, the button will say “Open,” in which case you can just open up the app. 12. **Tap “Agree and Continue” when prompted.** Doing so will prompt WhatsApp to begin downloading onto your Android. You’re agreeing to WhatsApp’s privacy policy. If you want to read it before agreeing, click on the text that says “Privacy policy” to be taken to a separate webpage. 13. **Wait for WhatsApp to finish downloading.** WhatsApp should only take a few seconds to download on most Wi-Fi or LTE connections. Once WhatsApp finishes downloading, you're free to set up WhatsApp. If you want to open WhatsApp to begin setting it up immediately after downloading it, you can tap on the right side of the screen. 14. **Open WhatsApp's download page.** Go to in your computer's browser. You’ll see options for downloading WhatsApp on your phone or your desktop. You must have WhatsApp installed and signed in on your smartphone before you can use WhatsApp on your computer. WhatsApp will automatically determine whether you're using a Windows computer or a Mac. 15. **Click the DOWNLOAD button.** It's a green button on the right side of the page. Doing so prompts the WhatsApp setup file to begin downloading onto your computer. This button will list your computer's operating system as well. 16. **Wait for the setup file to finish downloading.** This will take a few minutes. Once the WhatsApp EXE (Windows) or DMG (Mac) file finishes downloading, you can proceed. Keep your computer on the entire time that WhatsApp is downloading and installing. 17. **Install WhatsApp.** This process will vary slightly depending on your computer's operating system: Windows — Double-click the file, then allow the setup to run. WhatsApp will open automatically. Mac — Double-click the DMG file, then drag the WhatsApp icon onto the Applications folder. 18. **Sign into WhatsApp.** Once you've installed WhatsApp on your computer, you can use WhatsApp on your phone to scan the QR code in order to sign into your WhatsApp account. If you don’t have an existing WhatsApp account, you’ll have to make one on your phone before you sign into it on your desktop. The WhatsApp for desktop is directly connected to the WhatsApp you have on your phone. If you turn your phone off or uninstall the app, you won’t be able to use WhatsApp on your desktop. 19. **Make sure you’re signed into Apple or Google before you start.** It will be much easier to download WhatsApp if you’re already signed in with your Apple ID or Google ID before you open up the App Store. If you haven’t created an ID yet, you’ll have to do that before signing in. On iOS (iPhones or iPads), open up the “Settings” app and click on “Sign into your [device].” Enter your Apple ID and your password to complete your sign in. On Android Mobile, open up the “Settings” app and click on “Accounts” > “Add Account” > “Google.” Follow the instructions to enter your ID and your password and sign into Google Play. 20. **Follow the Android Mobile instructions if you have a Jitterbug.** If you’re the proud owner of a Jitterbug Smartphone (meaning it has a touch screen), you can follow the same steps outlined in the Android Mobile method to download WhatsApp. Open up the Google Play store, search for WhatsApp, click “Install,” then hit “Accept and Continue.” If you’re having trouble, go back up to the Android Mobile section for more detailed instructions. 21. **Add contacts from your phone to WhatsApp.** If you’d like to use WhatsApp with your family members and you already have their phone numbers, they’ll be automatically added to your WhatsApp app. If you ever want to add a new contact to WhatsApp, just add the contact to your phone and it will automatically be saved into your WhatsApp app as well. You can’t delete contacts from WhatsApp, so once they’re there, they’re there forever!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Grow Cucumbers.,"Cucumbers are high yield plants that are relatively easy to grow in a backyard garden. Bush varieties of this tasty vegetable can even be grown in containers on an apartment porch or balcony. Once you've adequately prepared the soil, all they really need is plenty of water and a lot of sunlight. 1. **Find a sunny location to plant your cucumbers.** Cucumbers are a tropical vegetable, and they crave a lot of direct sunlight. choose a spot where they won't be too shaded from the afternoon sun. Cucumbers grow roots 36 to 48 inches (91 to 122 cm) deep, so don't plant them near trees. Tree roots will compete with your cucumber plants for water and nutrition. The size of your space will dictate how many plants you can have. You'll want to space vining plants 36 to 60 inches (91 to 152 cm) apart. If you're growing them vertically, allow 12 inches (30 cm) between trellises. 2. **Remove weeds from the area.** Cucumbers should be grown in a weed-free area. Weeds will drain nutrients and water from the soil, starving your cucumbers. Small weed cuttings can be left in the soil for fertilizer. For best results, pull the weeds up by hand, yanking up as much of the root as possible. If you leave the root of a weed behind, there is a strong likelihood that the same weed will grow back. Avoid using herbicides as a shortcut. Both chemical and organic herbicides render the soil unsuitable for overall plant growth, so they'll hurt your cucumbers as well. 3. **Bring the soil's pH level as close to 7.0 as possible.** Cucumbers thrive in soil with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH. You can buy a pH testing kit at any garden supply center or hardware store. Add agricultural lime to increase the pH of your soil. Add sulfur or aluminum sulfate to decrease the pH. 4. **Spread granular fertilizer into the soil.** If you're using inorganic fertilizer, the slow-release granular fertilizer will best feed your cucumbers throughout the growth cycle. Use a trowel of a small rake to chop up and loosen the soil before adding fertilizer. This allows the fertilizer to mix into the soil more thoroughly. For natural fertilizer, use rich compost or aged manures. Mix them into the soil to a depth of about 2 inches (5.1 cm), then gradually cut and work them into the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm). 5. **Add organic material to improve soil quality.** The ideal soil for cucumbers is loose, light, and sandy. This type of soil gets warmer more quickly and retains that warmth more easily. If you have more clay in your soil, add organic material. Dense, heavy soil can be improved with peat, compost, or rotted manure. 6. **Pick a bush or vine plant.** Vine plants are far more common than bush plants. However, if you have limited space, a bush plant may be easier for you to work with. Bush cucumbers can be planted in containers. You can still have a vine plant even with limited space. Build or purchase trellises to use and create a vertical garden. 7. **Choose a tasty variety.** There are many different varieties of cucumbers. If you're not sure which one to pick, visit a local farmer's market and sample several different varieties until you find your favorite. If you're particularly sensitive to bitterness in pickles, try European or Dutch greenhouse varieties, which have a bitter-free gene. If cucumbers make you burp, try Asian varieties, which are marketed as being ""burp-less."" English and Dutch long hothouse cucumbers are also burp-less. 8. **Plant when the soil is at least 70 °F (21 °C).** Being tropical plants, cucumbers are exceedingly sensitive to cold temperatures. Wait until at least 2 weeks after the date of the last frost to plant your cucumbers. If you want an early crop, start your seeds indoors about 3 weeks before you plan to plant, then transplant the seedlings to your garden. In cooler climates, you can warm the soil a few degrees by covering it with black plastic. If you find that your area is just not suited to growing cucumbers outdoors, consider growing them inside. 9. **Moisten the soil before seeding.** Stick your finger in the soil to check its moisture level before planting. If you feel dry soil up to your first knuckle, water the soil before seeding using a gentle hose or watering can. Watering the soil before you plant your seeds reduces the risk that you could wash them away. 10. **Start from a seed.** Cucumbers have fragile root systems. It's much easier to seed the garden directly rather than trying to transplant seedlings. Drop 3 or 4 seeds together in a group every 18 to 36 inches (46 to 91 cm). Planting several seeds together allows you to select the strongest plant. If you are transplanting seedlings, wiggle the entire structure out of the starter pot, soil and all. The soil helps protect the plant's sensitive roots. If you transplant a cucumber bare-rooted, it likely won't survive. 11. **Push seeds slightly into the soil.** Cucumber seeds should be no more than 1 inch (2.5 cm) into the soil. You can also lay them on top of the soil, and then cover them over with topsoil of a similar depth. Use the flat side of a hoe to tamp down the soil over the seed, but be careful not to pack it. 12. **Give the plants plenty of room.** Vining plants, in particular, require a lot of space. Cucumber vines can grow 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 m) long. In large gardens, the vines can simply spread over the ground. If you have limited space, you may want fewer plants. Cucumber plants that are too crowded can become stressed. The cucumbers won't grow to size and will taste bitter. Production will also decrease. across and about 8 inches (20 cm) deep. The container should also have several drain holes to ensure the best drainage for the plant.”|}} 13. **Set up a trellis.** Growing cucumbers vertically increases exposure to sunlight, giving you a higher yield. It also keeps the vegetables cleaner. If you want to grow your cucumbers vertically, go ahead and get your trellises ready before the vines start to grow. Use 4 or 5 ft (1.2 or 1.5 m) welded wire fencing or hog wire to create a 12 to 18 in (30 to 46 cm) diameter cage. This size cage can support 2 or 3 vines. As your plant gets bigger, you can gently wrap the vine tendrils around the wire to encourage the plant to grow up the trellis. 14. **Add mulch once seedlings sprout up.** Mulch helps prevent the return of weeds, which can deprive your cucumbers of nutrients. It also keeps the soil warm and moist. For additional warmth, use a darker mulch. If you're using straw or wood chips, wait until the soil has warmed up to at least 70 °F (21 °C). 15. **Keep your cucumbers well-hydrated.** The soil surrounding cucumber plants should be slightly moist at all times. Plan on giving your cucumbers at least 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5.1 cm) of water a week to fulfill their hydration needs. Be especially vigilant as the plant flowers and begins to fruit. Stress from lack of water can result in bitter-tasting cucumbers. Water at the soil level. Wet leaves are at risk of developing powdery mildew. A drip irrigation system can regulate the water flow more constantly, while keeping the foliage dry. 16. **Shade your cucumbers from excess heat.** If you live in an area where summer temperatures routinely climb above 90 °F (32 °C), your cucumbers will likely need some shade from the afternoon sun. Plant taller crops south of your cucumbers to provide some shade, or use a shade cloth that will block at least 40 percent of the sunlight. 17. **Cover your plants with netting to protect them from wildlife.** A fine mesh netting will keep rabbits and chipmunks away. Covering seeds and tiny seedlings with a berry basket keeps them safe from getting dug up by animals. Once the plants get larger, you can remove the netting. A fence around your garden would better protect your cucumbers at this stage. 18. **Fertilize again once flowers begin to bud.** If you fertilized your soil before seeding, wait until runners appear on the vines and the flowers begin to bud, then add a mild liquid fertilizer or organic feed such as compost or aged manure every 2 weeks. If the leaves turn yellow, your plants need more nitrogen. Look for a high-nitrogen fertilizer. When using inorganic fertilizer, take care not to get it on any of the plant's leaves or fruits. 19. **Use insecticides or fungicides to combat pests and disease.** You can buy both organic and inorganic insecticides and fungicides at your local gardening center. Spray your plants at the first sign of insects or fungus. Sulfur has fungicidal properties. However, if you're using sulfur as an organic fungicide, check your soil's pH regularly to make sure it remains in a range suitable for growing cucumbers. Read and follow directions on any insecticides carefully. Even organic insecticides can be dangerous if used incorrectly. 20. **Pick your cucumbers at the optimal size.** For higher production, you don't want to leave your cucumbers on the vine too long or allow them to get too big. The best size at which to harvest your cucumbers depends on the variety you've planted. Generally, Middle Eastern or Mediterranean cucumbers are shorter and thicker than American varieties. In contrast, Asian varieties typically are long and slender. American slicers generally should be 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) long. Middle Eastern varieties are best at 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm), while picklers should be harvested at 3 to 5 inches (7.6 to 12.7 cm). 21. **Pick cucumbers often.** Generally speaking, the more frequently you pick cucumbers, the more cucumbers the plant will grow. Check your plants every day and pick the cucumbers that are around optimal size for their variety. While picking your cucumbers, check for weeds and inspect your plants for signs of any insects or disease. You should also check the soil and water as necessary. Cucumbers need plenty of water throughout their growth cycle. 22. **Use pruning shears to pick cucumbers cleanly.** Take hold of the cucumber, then cut the stem about ⁄4 inch (0.64 cm) above the end. Many people think they can simply pull or twist a cucumber off a vine. However, when you do this you risk damaging the vine. 23. **Refrigerate your cucumbers to keep them crisp.** Try to use your cucumbers as soon as possible after you harvest them for the best flavor and texture. If necessary, you can keep them in the refrigerator for 7 to 10 days. Wrap them in plastic or put them in a zippered plastic bag before refrigerating them to keep them from drying out.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Defend Yourself in Court?,"Unless you are involved in a small claims dispute or going against another person who is unrepresented, defending yourself in court is a very difficult and risky decision. Most people who represent themselves in court, particularly when they go against an attorney, do not win their case. If you have no choice but to represent yourself, you must prepare your case, familiarize yourself with court procedures, present evidence and witness at trial and file court motions. While it is difficult to represent yourself, there are many things you can do to give yourself the best opportunity to win your case. 1. **Understand the legal names for parties involved in a case.** You must learn all of the legal names of the participants in a trial. The judge or opposing attorney will refer to people by these names. The participants include the following: Pro Se litigants are individuals who are a named party in the civil lawsuit or criminal case but are not represented by an attorney. If you are preparing your own defense in a case, you will be known as the pro se defendant. The plaintiff is a person who files a civil lawsuit (a case for money damages) against another person or business. If you are involved in a civil as opposed to a criminal case (discussed below) the plaintiff is the person(s) suing you. The plaintiff may or may not be represented by an attorney. The prosecutor is the attorney that represents the state in a criminal case. In a civil lawsuit, a plaintiff sues a person that they believe has harmed them in some way and that harm has caused damages. There are a variety of civil lawsuits that could be brought such as a personal injury lawsuit, a divorce proceeding, a discrimination case, or a breach of contract case. In a criminal case, a prosecutor presents evidence to the jury to try and prove that a person accused of committing a crime actually did commit the crime. A jury or judge hears all of the evidence and the defense and decides whether the prosecutor presented enough evidence to demonstrate that the accused committed a crime. 2. **Familiarize yourself with court rules.** Each state court and federal courts have procedural rules that all parties must follow when bringing a case to court. Below is a list of potentially relevant procedural rules and where to locate them. If your case is in federal court you will need either the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and the Federal Rules of Evidence. You can find these rules at Federal courts also require that you review and follow and rules of procedure for the specific federal district court where your case is being heard. These rules are located on district court websites. You can locate the relevant district court website here: Once on the relevant website search for “rules of practice” or “civil procedure rules” and you should be able to locate the rules. If your case is in state court, you can locate the relevant rules by conducting an internet search with your state name and “rules of civil procedure” or “rules of criminal procedure,” and “rules of evidence.” You can locate local court rules by calling the court clerk where your case is being heard. In a civil case, you can find the name of the court on the first page of the Complaint that you received from the plaintiff. Also, you can conduct an internet search for the court’s name and “rules of civil procedure” or “rules of criminal procedure,” and “rules of evidence.” Most courts provide this information on their website. 3. **Request an attorney if you are in criminal court.** The Sixth Amendment entitles criminal defendants to have an attorney assigned to them if they cannot afford an attorney on their own. If your criminal case carries a potential prison sentence of six or more months, you are entitled to have an attorney appointed to you. If you have the option to have an attorney appointed to you, rather than you defend yourself, you should request an attorney. 4. **Determine whether you can afford to retain an attorney in civil case.** One of the reasons people choose to defend themselves in court is because they cannot afford to hire an attorney. If this is why you are planning to defend yourself, you should determine whether there any ways to retain a low-cost or free attorney to assist you in preparing your defense or handle the entire case themselves. Below are some ways to locate potential attorneys: Contact your state bar association and ask about how to locate and pay for an attorney when you cannot afford an attorney. The American Bar Association has compiled a list of state-by-state resources that can direct you to attorney referral sites, such as contact information for state bar associations. The ABA provides this information at Contact legal aid in the area where your case was filed. Legal Aid societies often provide low or no-cost representation for individuals who cannot afford to retain an attorney on their own. You can locate Legal Aid societies by conducting an internet search for the name of the state where the case is pending and the words “Legal Aid.” You can also contact local law schools and see whether they have a law clinic that would represent you for free. 5. **Provide an answer to the complaint.** A civil action begins when someone files a complaint and serves you with a copy. If you have been served with a civil complaint, you will have to quickly determine if, and how, you plan on responding. As soon as you receive a copy of the complaint, review it. It will detail the claims being made against you. In addition to the complaint, you will also receive a summons, which is a document telling you that you have been sued and it gives you information on how and when to respond. In general, you will have 30 days to respond to a lawsuit, starting with the day you were served with the complaint. In order to respond, you will have to file an answer. If you do not file an answer in time, you risk having the court rule in favor of the plaintiff in what is called a default judgment. To file an answer, contact the court in which you have been sued in and ask for an answer form. You can usually find them online but if not, you can also visit the courthouse in person and obtain one. The answer will contain straightforward responses to the plaintiff's claims. For each paragraph of the complaint you will deny the claims made, you may agree with the claims made, or you may state that you do not have enough information to provide an answer. Once you complete the answer, you will pay a filing fee and serve the other party with your answer. In California, the filing fee for a contract dispute involving $25,000 or less, the fees will range from $180 to $300. To serve the other party, you will have someone that is not a party to the lawsuit give a copy of your answer to the other party. 6. **Consider filing a cross-complaint.** In addition to filing an answer, you may want to also file a cross-complaint, which is like filing a lawsuit against the person that just sued you. A cross-complaint can only be filed if the claim you are making is related to the lawsuit that has been filed against you. You must file your cross-complaint at the same time you file your answer. If you do not do this, you will waive your ability to raise your claim later. To file a cross-complaint, find the appropriate form in the same way you found your answer form. A cross-complaint form will usually ask you to state the cause of action and why you think you deserve to have a court rule in your favor. For example, if you have been sued for injuries you are alleged to have caused in a car accident, but you also received injuries that you think were the fault of the other party, you can file a cross-complaint alleging that they should be liable for damages as well. 7. **Research the relevant law.** In order to defend yourself in court, you must understand the legal claims or charges against you and prepare your legal defense. This requires that you research the law related to your case and strategize on how best to defend yourself based on the legal claims against you. You can gain access to legal resources in the following places: You can use local law libraries open to the public. To locate a local library, conduct an internet search for the name of your city or town and law library and “open to the public.” You can ask the law librarian to direct you to the legal resources you need. You can search for local state laws and statutes online at: You can also use free online legal research websites to locate legal information to assist in your defense. 8. **Conduct discovery.** As soon as you file your answer, a legal process called discovery will begin. During discovery each party will have the opportunity to request information from the other party in order to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of the case. During discovery you can collect facts, get witness statements, find out what the other side is going to say, and see how good your case is and how good their case is. You can collect informal discovery by conducting your own interviews, gathering documents from public agencies, and by taking photographs. You can also conduct more formal discovery by taking part in: Interrogatories, which are written questions directed to the other party that they must answer. Depositions, which are formal interviews between you and someone else important to the case. Requests for the production of documents, which are formal requests for particular documents. Requests for admissions, which simply ask the other party to admit or deny a specific statement. Subpoenas, which are court orders requiring the other party to provide you with certain information. 9. **Attend all required court appearances.** Before your actual trial, you will be required to attend at least one pretrial conference. In some states (i.e., California), this court appearance is called a case management conference (CMC). At your CMC, you and the other party will meet with the judge and discuss how the case is going to be handled. At the CMC you should be prepared to discuss: The possibility of a settlement; Your readiness to schedule a trial date; How discovery is going or has gone; and Your willingness to concede certain issues that are not in dispute. 10. **Oppose any motion for summary judgment.** In most cases, the opposing party will file a motion for summary judgment, which argues that the undisputed facts of the case require the judge to rule in their favor without the necessity of a trial. You will need to respond to this motion quickly. For example, in Nevada, you will have ten days to respond to a motion for summary judgment. In order to respond, you will need to file your own motion explaining to the court why the motion should not be granted. You must be able to show that factual questions exist and are in dispute, and that a judge or jury should decide these issues at trial. Your motion should contain enough information to convince the court that a judge or jury could potentially rule in your favor at trial. To do so, you should present evidence supporting your story from information you have gathered during discovery. You can usually find an opposition motion form on your court's website. Fill out the form completely and accurately and attach any necessary documents. 11. **Try to settle the case outside the courtroom.** Before your trial date, meet with the opposing party and try to come to an agreeable solution so you do not have to go to trial. In California, for example, there can be mandatory settlement conferences aimed at resolving the dispute. Settlement conferences can also be voluntary. During a settlement conference, you and the other party will meet with a neutral third party. During your meeting, you will discuss a possible settlement with everyone. The neutral third party will not make a decision but they will help assess the strengths and weaknesses of your case. Settling a case can save you time because you will not have to go to trial. Also, coming to an agreement will save you money because you will not have to pay court fees, witness fees, and you will not have to take as much time off of work. Finally, settling before trial will give you more control over the outcome because you will not be leaving the decision up to a judge or jury. 12. **Prepare for trial.** If all else fails you may have to go to trial. Before your trial date, be sure you prepare adequately and are confident in your game plan. To prepare: Be sure you have prepared your evidence, which will be in the form of witness testimony or exhibits. When preparing your evidence, make sure you organize it in a way that makes it easy for you to introduce it in court. Have everything in the order you are going to bring it to the court's attention. Also, make sure you have prepared your witnesses so they know what you are going to ask them and what the other party might be expected to ask. Also, be sure you know the rules of evidence. While no person, attorneys included, knows every possible rule out there, you should try and understand the basics so you are ready for court. The rules of evidence dictate how, why, and when evidence can be introduced in court. They are there to make sure the court only gets reliable, relevant, and accurate information. 13. **Go to trial.** When the day of your trial arrives, get to the courthouse early and get settled in. When your case is called, step to the front of the courtroom and be ready to go. In general, you will be required to conduct the following: An opening statement, which is your opportunity to lay out the facts of your case and tell the judge or jury what you will prove during the trial. You should plan and write your opening statement as part of your preparation for trial. In addition, outline the evidence they will see and the witness testimony they will hear. A Cross-examination of witnesses. The Plaintiff must provide you a list of witnesses before trial and you should prepare to cross examine them at trial. During cross-examination, you want to make juries question the believability of witnesses. When cross-examining witness, it is important to remember the following: Ask direct and leading questions so that a witness has little opportunity to explain his or her answers. Do not appear to “badger” the witness or it may make the jury more sympathetic to the opposing side. If a witness changes their testimony, use their deposition testimony to show that they are providing inconsistent testimony. This may make the jury discount the entirety of the testimony as unreliable. If the witness is hostile to your case, then you must highlight their bias so that the jury understands that their testimony may not be completely reliable. A presentation of your defense. After the plaintiff is finished putting on their trial, you will have a chance to call witnesses and introduce evidence that supports your position. The plaintiff must prove his or her case in order to win and therefore, the burden is on the plaintiff to present enough evidence to meet legal requirements and convince a jury. Objections. During trials, the opposing attorney may try to present evidence or question a witness in a way that is not permissible under court rules. You should make an objection to this type of evidence. You do this by stating, “I object” and then give the legal basis for your objections. Give a closing argument. After you finished your defense, you will have a chance to make closing remarks to the jury. Since the Plaintiff must prove their case to win, you should restate your story of what happened and refer to the evidence that supports your story. Your closing argument should be brief and directly on point so the jury can easily follow your argument. At the end, ask the jury to find you not responsible. 14. **Actively take part in your arraignment.** The first time you will have to represent yourself in criminal court will be at your arraignment. At your arraignment the court will tell you what the charges against you are, what your constitutional rights are, and that you have the right to an attorney. Once the judge has said their piece, you will have the opportunity to respond to the charges by entering a plea. You will have to respond by saying not guilty, guilty, or no contest. Most often you will want to plead not guilty and force the prosecution to go to trial and prove their case. However, in some situations, especially if you have negotiated a favorable plea agreement, you may end up pleading guilty or no contest. If you have been in jail awaiting your arraignment, you will also have the opportunity to discuss bail options. The judge will generally have the ability to release you on your own recognizance, set bail and send you back to jail until you post the required amount, or refuse to set bail and send you back to jail without the possibility of being released. 15. **Request evidence from the prosecutor.** After your arraignment, you will exchange information with the prosecution. This process is called discovery. The prosecution is usually required to provide you with certain information to ensure a fair trial and balance the scales because you will inevitably have a harder time finding information that the prosecution might hold. In general, you as the defendant will have to request the information. You should be sure to request any oral or written statements you may have made, your criminal record, any reports, expert witness names and contact information, and you should request to examine any object or document the prosecution might have. However, because you are representing yourself, you may be limited in the amount of information you can see. Prosecutors are required by law to protect the identity of witnesses while they are preparing their case so the witnesses are not put in jeopardy. This is one of the reasons you should seriously consider getting an attorney. If you have an attorney, the prosecutor will be required to release information to them that they may not have to release to you. 16. **Investigate your case.** After you have received all of the documents you requested, you should begin the process of investigating your case. If you are not in jail, you can call, email, or talk to people in person to try and gather more information about your case. If you are in jail, you will need the assistance of someone else. While you may be able to send letters and make phone calls, investigating a case while you are locked up can prove difficult. As a criminal defendant, you have to be careful not to be seen as intimidating or threatening witnesses or victims. In fact, if you are going to try and interview witnesses or victims, you should hire a professional to do so. 17. **Research the relevant law.** In order to defend yourself in court, you must understand the legal claims or charges against you and prepare your legal defense. This requires that you research the law related to your case and strategize on how best to defend yourself based on the legal claims against you. You can gain access to legal resources in the following places: You can use local law libraries open to the public. To locate a local library, conduct an internet search for the name of your city or town and law library and “open to the public.” You can ask the law librarian to direct you to the legal resources you need. You can search for local state laws and statutes online at: You can also use free online legal research websites to locate legal information to assist in your defense. If you are in jail, you can ask to access the jail's legal library, if they have one. If they do not have any legal books at jail, you may need to ask for help from someone that is not in jail. 18. **Attend all required preliminary hearings.** In a majority of misdemeanor cases there are very few preliminary hearings, if any. Most of the time a trial date will be set and you will go straight to trial unless you negotiate a plea deal. In most felony cases, you will take part in at least one preliminary hearing before going to trial. At this preliminary hearing the judge will decide if there is enough evidence against you to make you appear in court for a trial. If the judge decides that there is not enough evidence, your case will be dismissed and you will be released. If the judge decides there is enough evidence to make you stand trial, you may be arraigned again and a trial date will be set. 19. **Submit motions to exclude evidence.** Before your trial date, you will have a limited amount of time to review the evidence against you and submit motions to the court to exclude any evidence that was gathered illegally. To do this, you must write and file a motion to suppress with the court. The judge will read your motion and decide whether to grant or deny it. In general, evidence can be suppressed if it was gathered in a way that violated your constitutional rights. For example, a murder weapon cannot be introduced in court if it was found during an illegal search or seizure (i.e., the police did not have a warrant). However, there are a number of exceptions to this rule and if the prosecution can convince the judge that an exception exists, the evidence may still get in. 20. **Negotiate a plea agreement.** As a last ditch effort to avoid trial, you may want to negotiate with the prosecution about a possible plea deal. A plea deal is made when you and the prosecution agree to certain terms that you will submit to the court. For example, you may agree to plead guilty to a single charge and in return the prosecution will drop any other charges they have against you. Alternatively, you may agree to plead guilty to a lesser charge in order to avoid going to trial on a more serious charge. Also, you may agree to plead guilty to a single charge and in return the prosecution will drop any other charges they have against you. In a final example, you may agree to plead guilty to a lesser charge in order to avoid going to trial on a more serious charge. By pleading out, you can avoid the time and cost of defending yourself at trial, the risk of a harsh punishment, and the publicity that may come from a trial. However, if you are truly innocent and you feel that you can prove it, you should not agree to a plea deal. 21. **Go to trial.** The last phase in your criminal process will be the trial. You will be considered innocent until the prosecution proves otherwise, which they will have to do at your trial. Also, during your trial, you will have the right to remain silent and not testify against yourself. If you choose to remain silent, the prosecution will not be able to use it against you. At the beginning of this process, you will have the option of requesting a jury trial or waiving that right and having a judge decide your case. Once the trial begins, you will conduct yourself and go through the same tasks as if you were in civil court. This means you will be able to provide an opening statement, cross-examine witnesses, present your defense, object when necessary, and make a closing statement. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/0\/0c\/Defend-Yourself-in-Court-Step-21.jpg\/v4-460px-Defend-Yourself-in-Court-Step-21.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/0\/0c\/Defend-Yourself-in-Court-Step-21.jpg\/aid400546-v4-728px-Defend-Yourself-in-Court-Step-21.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

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\n<\/p><\/div>"", ""language"": ""en""}",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Splice Wire?,"Splicing is the process of combining 2 lengths of wires so they can carry a current. Before you splice your wires together, you need to prepare the wires by stripping them and turning off the power. There are many ways to splice wires together, from simply using wire caps to soldering them together. For instance, you might use a wire nut if you're connecting smaller wires, whereas you might choose a butt splice for wires larger than a number 6. Once your wires are connected to one another, cover the exposed ends with electrical tape or shrink tubes and they’re ready to use! 1. **Disconnect power from the wires.** Unplug the device that you’re splicing wires to if you can. If the wire is in the wall or can’t be unplugged, turn off the circuit leading to the area so you don’t get shocked while working. If you can’t disconnect the power, do not attempt to splice the wire or else you could get electrocuted. 2. **Strip back 1 in (2.5 cm) of each wire’s insulation.** Pick a hole on the wire stripper that’s 1-2 sizes smaller than your wire. Clamp the wire in the hole and pull the stripper towards the end to completely remove the insulation. Repeat the process on the other piece of wire. Wire strippers can be bought at your local hardware store. If you are using uninsulated wire, you can skip this step. 3. **Slide a 3 in (7.6 cm) piece of shrink tube onto one of the wires.** Shrink tube is made from plastic that gets smaller when it’s heated. Slide a piece of the shrink tube on your wire before you splice them so you can easily slide it into place once you’re finished. You don’t need to use shrink tube if you’re splicing with a wire cap. Shrink tube can be purchased in the electrical department of your local hardware store. 4. **Hold the wire ends so they’re touching one another.** Press the exposed ends of the wires together so they’re right next to each other. Don’t twist or coil the wires together or else they won’t stay as secure in the wire cap. 5. **Twist a wire cap clockwise onto the exposed wires.** Set a wire cap on top of the exposed wires and start twisting it on with your fingers. Turn it clockwise for about 5 seconds so the wires wrap and coil inside of the cap. Lightly tug on the wires to see if they stay in place. If not, tighten the wire cap more. There's a spring inside a wire cap, so as you spin it, it will get tighter and tighter around the wire. Wire caps can be purchased from your local home improvement or hardware store. Strip off more insulation if you need to keep twisting the wire. 6. **Layer electrical tape around the wire cap and exposed wires.** Wrap black electrical tape around the bottom of the wire cap so it’s completely covered. Overlap each layer of tape by half so there’s no chance for exposed wiring. Use a pair of scissors or a utility knife to cut the tape when you’re finished. If you’re working on multiple wiring projects, use different colors of electric tape to mark which wires are connected. 7. **Slide 1 of the exposed wires into the end of your butt splice.** Butt splices are small tubes with openings on each end to insert wires. Take one of your wires and place it in the center of the butt splice. Push the exposed end until it’s in the middle of the splice. Butt splices can be bought at your local hardware store in the electrical department. This method is a good way to connect thicker wires securely. 8. **Use a wire crimper one-quarter of the way in from the end of the splice.** Match the crimper hole to the size of your butt splice. Place the jaws of the crimper ⁄4–⁄2 in (0.64–1.27 cm) from the edge of the butt splice. Squeeze the crimper handles all the way so the wire is held in place. Don’t use a hole that’s too small or else you may cut through your wire. Many wire strippers have a crimper built into them so you don’t have to get multiple tools. 9. **Put the second wire in the other side of the splice and crimp it.** Repeat the process on the other side of the butt splice. When you insert the second wire, make sure it touches the first one inside of the splice. Use your crimper to secure the second wire in place. Some butt splices are see-through in the center so you can tell when the wires are touching one another. 10. **Slide the shrink tube over the butt splice.** Take the shrink tube from one of your wires and completely cover the butt splice. If the shrink tube is too loose or falls off of the butt splice, crimp it in place. If you forgot to use shrink tube before you spliced your wires, you can wrap the entire splice and any exposed wires with electrical tape. 11. **Heat the shrink tube with a heat gun.** Turn on your heat gun and point the nozzle toward the shrink tubing. Rotate the wire in your hands so the tube shrinks evenly around the splice to insulate the wires. If you don’t have access to a heat gun, you can use a small torch or a lighter to heat the tubing. Don’t let the flame touch the wire or tubing so it doesn’t melt. 12. **Form a 90-degree angle with each of the exposed wires.** Bend each of the wires with your fingers or needle-nose pliers into L-shapes. Make sure each side of the angle measures ⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) long so you have space to wrap the wires. 13. **Hook the wires together so the corners are touching.** Set one wire onto the other so one L-shape is upside down and the other is rightside up. Make sure the corners of the wires are touching one another before moving on. 14. **Coil the end of the upright wire around the wire perpendicular to it.** Wrap the end of the wire that’s pointing up around the straight piece of the other wire. Make sure the wrap is tight so the wires make a solid connection with one another. Aim to get at least 3 coils around the other wire if you can. Repeat the process on the other side. Use needle-nose pliers if you have trouble coiling the wire with your fingers. 15. **Solder** Heat up your soldering iron and hold it near your wire coils with your dominant hand. Hold a rod of silver solder with your non-dominant hand next to the tip of your soldering iron. Melt the silver onto your coils so it drips between your wires and coats your entire splice. Avoid touching the end of your soldering iron with your bare hands or else you’ll get burned. Line your work surface with a paper towel or scrap wood to protect against any accidental drips. 16. **Move the shrink tube over the soldered wires.** Slide the tube over the entire splice so none of the wires are exposed to the outside. Crimp the tube in place if it moves around easily. Wrap electrical tape around the coils if you don’t have any shrink tube. 17. **Heat the shrink tube with a heat gun until it’s tight.** Turn on your heat gun and point it toward the shrink tube. Spin the wire in your hand to evenly heat the tube so it shrinks around the coils. Continue heating the shrink tube until it’s tight against the wire insulation. Use a lighter or torch to heat the tube if you don’t have a heat gun.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Care for Your Baby Budgie.,"If you have a new baby budgie, you can help him develop healthily and happily by being attentive and providing the right environment. Allow the parents to care for the chick in the first weeks, but lend a hand and monitor everything. Once the chick begins to leave the nest, you can facilitate the weaning process. Once the chick is ready, you can take him away from the nesting box. 1. **Let the parents care for newborns.** If you have a baby budgie which you have bred from a pair of budgies at home, it's important to allow the parents to do most of the caring. Part of creating the best possible environment for the chick to thrive is helping the parents look after him. The parents are the real experts, so you should enable them to do the job. You should, however, always keep a close eye on how the chick is progressing. Try to handle any chick as little as possible in the first couple of weeks especially. The chick will be incredibly fragile, with a long neck that cannot yet properly support his head. Be very gentle and move slowly when you handle him. 2. **Ensure a dry, dark, warm nesting box** The chicks are born blind and without feathers, so they are very vulnerable to environmental factors, such as light, heat, cold, and wet. They should stay in the nesting box for the first few weeks so they can develop in a protected area. Make sure that the nesting box is out of any direct light. There should be a good circulation of air, but the box should be warm and insulated from any drafts, cold or moisture. A wooden box that has plenty of nesting material such as plain rolled oats or safe wood shavings in it makes a good nesting box. The parents will construct the nest, but having a safe, closed space like a wooden box can help them feel secure. A cardboard box is generally considered a bit too flimsy, and wood is preferable. There should be enough room for the birds to move around the box, but it should be small enough to still feel closed and secure. Place the box in the cage, but try not to interfere too much. Allow the parents to organise the nest. Having the nest attached outside the cage is the best option if possible as it allows the most space inside the cage. 3. **Keep the nesting box clean.** The chick's parents will try to keep chicks clean, but you can help by making sure the chick's feet and beak don't get clogged up with soiled bedding or anything else. Once the babies start getting feathered, you should begin cleaning out the nest box regularly. Keep an eye out for large build-ups of soiled bedding. Scoop these areas out and replace them with fresh bedding. You should also scrape clean the wooden insert on the base as needed. Try to clean out the nest once a week or more frequently if required. Place the chicks in a large bowl, which you have lined with a soft towel, while you are cleaning the nest box. 4. **Monitor the chick in the first days.** The chick's parents will care for it as best as they can, but you should regularly check on the health and development of the chick. If the chick develops an illness, you may need to consult a veterinarian. By the time the chick is a few days old, it should show some bright colour, and should be beginning to put on weight. Generally a lighter chick is more disposed to illness or is being targeted by red mites. If your chick doesn't appear to be developing or gaining weight, consider contacting your vet or handfeeding if you can. Once your chick has begun to develop feathers, and they have reached about half an inch long (approximately 1cm), they should feel strong when you touch them. 5. **Check the babies for fixable developmental problems.** If you think your chick is not developing properly, you should consult a vet for some expert advice, but there are some basic checks that you can do at home to help the chick develop healthily. The first of these is to look under the top mandible (beak). If you notice a build-up of food, this can lead to an undershot beak. If you see some food stuck there, very carefully remove it with a toothpick. If you think that your chick is beginning to develop splayed legs, try adding some extra bedding to the nest. If the chick cannot stand up straight, perch, or walk around easily, he may have splayed legs. Look to see if the legs lean out to the sides rather than underneath the body. If you are uncertain or you think your chick is ill, don't hesitate to contact your vet. 6. **Help the chick wean.** Once the chick starts coming out of the nest on his own, you can help the process of weaning along, and then help him leave the nest. Once you notice the chick coming out of the nest, you should provide a shallow dish of food and place it at the bottom of the cage. The chick will start eating the food from the dish, beginning the weaning process. You should allow the chick to wean by itself, but monitor it closely to ensure that it is eating enough. Provide a dish of fresh water so the chick can learn to drink from it. Monitor the chicks and parents; when they have not been fed by the parents for at least a week, have not asked for feeds and you can see they are cracking seeds and filling their crops well you can considered them weaned. 7. **Remove the chick from the nest.** Once a chick is weaned you can remove him the from the nest. This will help his development and the development of any younger chicks in the nest. Put the weaned chick in a large cage that you have set aside for young birds. Ensure the cage has plenty of food placed in different areas, but especially in a dish at the bottom of the cage, and a supply of fresh water. Keep a close watch on the young birds and check that they are eating sufficiently. Make sure the bird's crop is full before covering the cage for the night. The crop is the place where budgies store food. When it's full, there is a noticeable lump on the front of the chest. 8. **Consult your vet.** Once your chick is developed and independent, you can book him in for his first check-up with the vet. Bringing him to the vet will reduce the chances of a hidden problem developing. The vet will also be able to give you some good tips on how to care for a young bird. Before you go to the vet, it's a good idea to prepare yourself well. Write down a list of all the foods and supplements you are feeding your bird. Be able to describe the bird's living environment. Bring in photos if possible.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Clean a Solder Iron.,"If you have a solder iron and want to keep it in good shape, you'll want to clean it regularly. Because the iron tips come into contact with hot metals, they are vulnerable to corroding or rusting. But as long as you thoroughly clean and tin the tip, you'll be able to prevent metal buildup and tip damage over time. Using the right cleaning methods regularly on your solder iron will help you maintain your iron's condition for years. 1. **Let the iron cool before cleaning it.** Turn off your solder iron and let it cool down for 15-20 minutes before cleaning the tip. This will allow you to clean the device as thoroughly as possible without risking burns. Clean the tip immediately after the solder iron to limit buildup over time. Place a sticky note near your workspace if you find yourself forgetting often to make cleaning the iron a priority. 2. **Wipe the iron off with a damp, cellulose and sulfur-free sponge.** Take a wet sponge and rub it over the top of the solder iron. Doing this first will take care of any mild buildup and help you discern in a safe way whether the tip is still too warm to touch with bare hands. Use sulfur-free sponges made specifically for soldering, as regular sponges will not remove the solder as efficiently. 3. **Use dampened steel wool to get rid of surface stains or rust.** If you do not regularly clean your solder iron, you may have more stubborn stains or discoloration. Take a steel wool pad and dampen it slightly, then scrub it over the iron's tip to remove rust and any other heavy staining. Steel wool is the only cleaning item safe to remove rust or stains with. Avoid sandpaper, which is too corrosive for solder iron tips. 4. **Wear eye protection while tinning the tip.** After cleaning the tip, it is advised that you coat the tip in a thin, even layer of solder. This is called ""tinning,"" and it helps protect the tip from rust or oxidization. That being said, many chemicals in solder are eye irritants. Solder has a tendency to ""spit,"" or pop if you accidentally hit an air pocket, so keep safety goggles on at all times. Tin the solder iron after every use to prevent rusting. Make sure to wear eye protection at all times while using a hot solder iron. Although gloves are not required for tinning, it is suggested that you wash your hands with soap and water afterward. 5. **Apply** Melt a small dot of solder over the tip in a thin coat. If applied evenly, this will keep the iron's heat flow in check when it is next used in addition to preventing rust accumulation. 6. **Keep the solder in place with an alloy cleaner.** After turning the solder iron off and letting it cool, apply a small layer of alloy cleaner over the tip with a microfiber cloth. This will prevent dust buildup over the solder and further diminish the chances of oxidization. 7. **Use high-quality solder.** Although using cheap solder may seem cost-effective in the short term, it can cause damage over time. Impurities in your solder can cause buildup on the tip and inhibit its heat-transferring abilities. 60/40 or 50/50 solder is ideal, with the top number representing what percentage of tin is in the solder. 8. **Remove debris buildup after every use.** After soldering an item, turn the solder iron off and wait for it to cool. Then, remove the tip and tap the barrel to dislodge any debris. This will prevent buildup from clogging your solder iron over time and diminishing its efficiency. 9. **Check the solder iron's cord for burns or cracks.** A solder iron's cord is prone to damage because of the high heat the device is used under. If you notice any cord damage, hire a professional electrician to replace the cord. Solder irons with cord damage are not only inefficient but also dangerous to work with. 10. **Wipe off the iron's tip between strokes.** Cleaning the solder iron's tip while it is in use will result in better soldering work. Wipe a wet sponge across the solder iron's tip after each stroke to avoid buildup on the tip. When you're finished with your soldering job, you will have less to clean from the tip if you wipe the iron periodically while using it.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Stop Your Ex Stalking You.,"Once upon a time, you were a happy couple. But things changed and you broke up. And now your ex pops up at your workplace or school, parks in front of your house, sits two tables away from you at your favorite restaurant, hidden behind a newspaper, and sends you gifts, postcards, emails and text messages begging you to come back. And not just once, but every hour of every day. You are being stalked. This obsessive behavior will drive you crazy and could be dangerous, and you need to make it stop. 1. ** Call 911 if you think you are in danger** If you are concerned about your immediate safety, do not hesitate to call for help. When you call in, make sure you clearly describe where you are and what is happening. If possible, remain as calm as you can, and try to explain the kind of help you need. The more details you can give, the more quickly the dispatcher will be able to send help. Do not hang up until the dispatcher tells you to. 2. **Cut through your denial.** Your first step to stopping a stalker is to accept that you are being stalked. Stalking is not a minor problem or a small irritant. It can be dangerous, and should not be tolerated. Stalkers can be either men or women, and anyone can be a victim. If you are at all concerned about your ex and what he or she might do, it is not a sign of weakness to accept that. Only when doing that will you be able to stop it. Don’t worry about overreacting. If you feel scared, worried, or angered about someone else’s behavior, you don’t need to tolerate it. If you are concerned, act quickly. 3. **Do not confront your stalker.** Recognizing their behavior will only confirm their belief that it is working, and will encourage further stalking behavior. This means ignoring gifts, calls, and any attempts to contact you. Do not return them or respond in any way. You cannot reason with a stalker. This person has already decided that they will follow you, no matter what you say. This kind of reaction will only encourage them to continue trying, or to try even harder, to stay in touch with you. 4. **Tell other people.** If you think you are being stalked, let others know. Tell your friends, family members, or other people you trust. That way, they can help keep an eye out for your stalker, and call the police if they think something is wrong. When you tell others, be careful not to demonize your stalker. You only need to let others know about them, not tell them how terrible they are. Unless something dangerous has already happened, demonizing them can only help to escalate the situation with others. In addition to your circle of friends, consider talking to a group like HAVEN, which can provide support, encouragement, and legal advice for someone facing a stalker or other abusive relationship. 5. **Keep a record of stalking activities.** Note exactly what happened, along with when and where it took place. Keep a record of every phone call, including the ones you don’t answer, every text, every email, and every confrontation you have. If the situation escalates, and you need to take legal action, this will be important evidence to have available. If you are concerned that your ex has access to your computer, or other means of manipulating an online list, consider writing these events down in a journal. This can be more permanent, and less susceptible to outside tampering. Texts, emails, and phone calls are not evidence of stalking by themselves. While you can prove that the email came from your ex’s address, that doesn’t mean that they sent it. You should still hold on to these, as they can be helpful evidence when building a case for a restraining order. 6. ** Get a restraining order** A restraining order is a court order that prevents a stalker or other abuser from coming into contact with you. Go to your local courthouse and fill out a petition for a restraining order. You will need to include an affidavit that explains what your stalker has been doing. This is where your record of his actions can be helpful. Since this is a legal document, you may want to consult a lawyer when filing the order. Of course, lawyers can be expensive, so you can also reach out to a domestic violence hotline, or other staff members in the courthouse about your options. Of course, a restraining order is only a legal document and not a guarantee. It can make it easier to arrest and prosecute, but won’t actually stop them from stalking you. You will still need to be alert and prepared to defend yourself. 7. **Be prepared to defend yourself.** You never know if or when your stalker will put you in physical danger, so you need to be prepared. Self-defense involves keeping yourself alert and out of dangerous situations, but also being prepared to fight back if there is trouble. Some self-defense techniques are as simple as staying alert when you walk around or having your car keys out and ready so you aren’t searching for them in the parking lot. Don't let your inattention be an opening for someone else. Look for self-defense classes offered in your area. You can probably find them through police departments or local schools. In addition, basic training in some form of martial arts can give you the skills and confidence to defend yourself, at least long enough to escape to a safer place. If you haven’t learned new techniques, or aren’t comfortable using them, having something like pepper spray on you is a good back-up plan. 8. **Change your daily routine.** Because they know you so well, your ex will probably be able to keep track of you by visiting the same locations you do. While this is certainly annoying, you should consider modifying your favorite places and usual routes to prevent them from easily following you. Look for things you can easily change, like places you shop and eat, or things like the gym you go to. Try to find different ways to get to your important locations, so your stalker can’t track you along the way. While you probably can’t change your school and work hours, it can never hurt to ask, especially if you are concerned for your safety. If you do need to make drastic changes to your schedule, keep paper records of the financial effect this has on you. This can be good evidence for legal proceedings, and can even be the basis for financial reimbursement if the changes are serious enough. 9. **Change your passwords.** Your ex probably knows a few of your passwords to things like social media accounts and email, as well as even more sensitive information like your bank account. Don’t give them the chance to mess with these items, or use them to track your activity. Make sure your new password is secure. The traditional advice is to make your password a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols. Keep your passwords in a secure place, and only enter them on secure websites. Another way you can create a strong password is to take the first letter of each word, plus numbers and symbols, in two simple sentences. For example, the phrase ""My first pet was a dog named Fido. Got him in 1993."" would become the password ""MfpwadnF.Ghi1993."" It is long and has a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols. Since it doesn't read as any word that would appear in a dictionary, it is harder for someone else to figure out. Plus, since it can refer to a sentence only you know, it should be easier for you to remember. 10. **Use anti-virus software.** There are a number of good products out there that will keep your computer secure. Make sure your computer always has an up-to-date security system. If it gives you the option to update automatically, take it. If your ex is particularly tech-savvy, they may try to use a virus or Trojan horse application to track your movements and computer activity without getting on your actual computer. Use the anti-virus software to keep your computer clean, and get rid of anything that might be used to follow your activity. 11. **Clean up your social network.** Online social networks like Facebook are a good resource for tracking someone. Make sure you clear out your social media accounts to prevent your ex from having ways to keep tabs on you. Update your privacy settings so that only your friends are allowed to see your posts. After your break-up, unfriend your ex so that they cannot track you through the network. Make sure to ignore all friend requests from them. Be very careful about adding new friends, especially people who know your ex, as your ex could keep an eye on you through them. Don’t be afraid to unfriend other mutual friends, especially if you are concerned that your ex will use them to track you. It may feel mean, but that is not important. Your safety is what comes first, and you cannot overreact to a stalker. Don't make posts that clearly show your whereabouts or anything that would let your ex find you quickly. This means avoiding obvious landmarks like your workplace, school, street signs, or anything else that would let someone who knows you figure out where you are. 12. **Make your online materials private.** This means things like your personal calendar, which would allow a stalker to follow you and know where you are planning to be. Check privacy settings on any websites you frequent to make sure nothing is accessible to anyone you wouldn’t want to see it. Run your name through a search engine to see what is connected to you. If you find information about yourself that you would not like publicly available, get rid of it. That may mean asking your friends to remove social media posts that tag you. 13. **Notice signs of control in your relationship.** Stalking is about control. If your partner has been trying to control you, they are more likely to continue doing so after you have broken up. Some of these signs include: Regularly belittling you, putting you down, or discouraging your dreams and personal growth. Trying to cut you off from your friends and family. Getting jealous when you do something without them, especially with others. Constantly checking up on you, wondering where you are and what you are up to. This certainly isn’t a guarantee that you will be stalked, but it can be a warning sign that your ex might try after the break-up. 14. **Make your break up clear.** There should be no doubt in your mind that you have ended the relationship with this person. The important thing is that there can be no confusion that you do not want to see this person anymore. While you may be tempted to let your ex down easily, you need to be firm and clear that you want to end the relationship. A potential stalker will use any potential opening as an excuse to continue following you, so don’t give one. If you are fearful of the other person’s reaction, make sure to break up in a public place. While this generally isn’t a nice idea, you shouldn’t be alone if you are concerned for your safety. Your security comes first. 15. **Cut off contact.** This means phone calls, emails, texts, and any other forms of communication. Aside from cutting your ex off and not giving them a way to track you, it will also help you get past the relationship. This includes social media. Delete pictures or other items of the two of you together and block your ex. This will help prevent her from stalking you, and make it easier to move on by removing the means to stalk her in response. 16. **Get back your keys.** You and your significant other probably shared keys and other items as a way to stay close. Now that you have broken up, get your keys back. You don’t want to give them any access to you or your things. If you aren’t going to be able to get your keys back, it is a good idea to change your locks. You shouldn’t allow such easy access into your home to someone you don’t want to see anymore.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Sell Coins on eBay?,"Whether you collect coins or have inherited some, eBay is a straightforward way to exchange them for cash. It’s as easy as setting up an account, then listing your coins for sale. Before you begin, identify and grade the coins to find out their approximate value. Then, take steps to post a quality listing, such as by taking pictures of each coin and describing its condition. Selling coins can be very profitable, especially if you own something rare. When done correctly, you may even make more money than you would by selling coins in person. 1. **Sign up for an account on eBay.** To begin selling on eBay, you first need to make an account. If you have ever bought something on eBay, then you already have one. You don’t need to take any additional steps to turn it into a seller’s account. However, take time to fill out your account profile, such as by selecting any payment options you plan on using. Making an account is simple. You will need to sign up using your name and email address so you can keep track of your listings. Once you have an account, click the “Sell” button at the top of the page when you’re ready to list your coins. Alternatively, go to 2. **Read about the fees eBay charges for sales.** As a seller, you get to list up to 50 items per month for free. After that, you have to pay a listing fee of $0.35 USD. The main charge comes from the closing fee, since eBay takes a commission of 10% off of whatever you sell. The closing fee depends on how much your coins sell for. Keep in mind that whatever payment service you choose will likely have fees too. PayPal, for example, charges a fee of 2.9% plus $0.30 on the final selling price. Some areas also have a sales tax, which is collected automatically when a buyer pays for your coins. The sales tax depends on the laws where you live, but you can have buyers cover this cost. 3. **Set up a payment account to receive money from your sales.** The easiest way to send and receive a payment is through PayPal. PayPal is owned by eBay, so it is well-integrated into the site. It allows customers to pay you directly using their own payment account or a linked payment method, such as a bank account, credit, or debit card. Link your payment account by going to your profile page on eBay. You could also have buyers pay through a credit or debit card. To do this, you need to set up a merchant account. It’s worth considering if you plan on selling lots of coins or running a storefront. 4. **Generate some positive feedback to increase your sales.** Your feedback rating is an important part of selling coins successfully. Most buyers will look at your rating before making a purchase. To increase your rating, make a few purchases on eBay or sell your least valuable coins first. The other person may then leave a star rating with feedback that can improve your ability to sell coins. There are fake coins sold on eBay, so buyers often hesitate when dealing with new accounts. If you have a positive reputation with a high number of ratings, people will be more likely to buy from you. The rating system includes the accuracy of the item description, how good the communication was, how quickly the item was received, and how reasonable the cost was. 5. **Identify the coin you want to sell.** You can’t accurately list a coin for sale unless you know what it is. If you don’t know what coin you have, start by checking the date, mint mark, and other noticeable details. Try using a book like the Standard Catalog of World Coins to get an idea of what you have. Also, post to a coin group online or ask a dealer if you need assistance. Another way to get accustomed to selling is by searching auctions for similar coins. Compare the listed coins to yours and see how much people pay for them. 6. **Grade** Grading is a way to put a value on a coin by examining its appearance. A coin’s value is determined by its appearance and is lessened by damage. To estimate a coin’s value on your own, purchase a guidebook or look up grading guides online. You could also take the coin to a professional grader for a more accurate estimate. For example, use the Official ANA Grading Standards for United States Coins to grade American coins. If you suspect a coin is valuable, such as worth more than $200, contact a service like the Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS). They provide an official grade you can use when advertising the coin for sale. 7. **Take clear, accurate photos of the coins you plan on selling.** You get room to display 12 photos for free with each eBay listing you create. Take advantage of this by showing off a coin from different angles. Get good pictures of the front and back of the coin, but don’t neglect the ridges and other small details. Make sure the pictures provide an accurate display of what customers can expect to get should they buy your coins. Taking pictures on a phone is fine, but consider borrowing a decent camera. It can lead to higher quality pictures that improve your chances of completing a sale. Take clear pictures in decent lighting. Show off scratches, discolorations, and other signs of damage. 8. **Write an accurate description about each coin you’re selling.** Give a little background information about the coin. Start out with the name the coin is known by, then mention when and where it was minted. Describe the appearance of the coin as well as any damage you spot. Be as accurate and honest as possible. For example, you might write, “1909 wheat penny with no mint mark. It has a dark coloring on the reverse and a small scratch on the president’s cheek.” Buyers look for accurate descriptions to ensure the coin isn’t counterfeit. If you had it professionally graded, list that as well to add more authenticity to the description. 9. **Clarify your return policy in the description.** Mention that you don’t accept returns if you want all sales to be final. By not accepting returns, you prevent buyers from sending back damaged or counterfeit coins. If you wish to take returns, offer a 30-day window after the purchase is finalized. Explain that the buyer has to pay to pack and ship the coin on their own. Reduce the possibility of return requests by advertising your coins accurately. Clear pictures and descriptions go a long way toward customer satisfaction. Keep in mind that the return policy isn’t an excuse to sell counterfeit or falsely-advertised coins. The buyer can raise a complaint with eBay to get their money back. 10. **List the ways you plan on accepting payment.** Clarify how you intend on closing the sale. Normally, this is done through eBay’s payment platform, PayPal. If you set up a merchant gateway to accept credit or debit cards, let the buyer know. The payment options display on each listing you post. PayPal is typically the best way to complete a transaction since it’s official and protects both buyers and sellers against scams. An unusual way to complete a transaction is by requesting payment on pickup. In case a buyer lives near you, you could deliver the coin to them. However, you should still ask for PayPal or a credit or debit card to avoid scams. 11. **Select a shipping cost you’re willing to pay.** When you post coins for sale, eBay calculates the shipping for you. You have a choice between offering a flat shipping fee or one that varies depending on the buyer’s location. The best option depends on how much the coin is worth. For more valuable coins, such as those over $200, plan on making the buyer pay for insured shipping. For low-value coins, consider choosing a free shipping option. You will have to pay for the shipping yourself, but it’s a good way to draw attention to your listings. You could also charge a little extra for your coins to cover the shipping fee. For mid-range coins up to about $200, try selecting a standard economy shipping with the post office or another carrier. Look for an insured registered mail option for more valuable coins. Note that international shipping charges can be a big problem if you choose free or flat rate shipping. Fortunately, eBay allows you to choose which areas you are willing to ship to. 12. **Set up an auction to let people bid on your coins.** Bidding is the system eBay is known for and it can be risky to use if you’re not used to it. Select a reasonable minimum price for your coins, then wait for people to bid on them. Try setting the coin at a price that is a little less than what you hope to receive. If the price is good and people spot your listing, you may soon see the bids start rolling in. Many listings don’t get bids. This could be because your price is too high, nobody saw the listing, or a number of other reasons. You have to pay the listing fee even when a coin doesn’t sell. This could become a problem if you plan on listing more than 50 coins a month. Auctions are a gamble. Sometimes coins get less attention than you expect, and sometimes a fierce bidding war drives the price up more than you expect. However, you can relist a coin that doesn’t sell. 13. **Use fixed price listings to keep coins on sale long-term.** Set the price, then wait indefinitely until the coin sells. Your listing will have a big “buy it now” button customers can click to make a purchase. It takes less risk and maintenance than an auction listing. However, due to the number of listings, it also doesn’t attract as much attention. People may hesitate to check out fixed price listings. Auctions are useful since you can set the price low and watch people bid it back up. The bidding process often makes them think they’re going to get a better deal. Fixed price listings are very safe, so consider using them for valuable coins you don’t want to negotiate on. Just be patient if the coin doesn’t sell right away. Fixed price listings are also useful if you run a store on eBay, since you could list all your coins for sale on your storefront and handle purchases as they come in. 14. **Wait for a buyer to pay for a coin you listed.** Monitor your auctions or wait for someone to buy from a listing. You will receive a message from eBay through your account and through email. Don’t rush to ship the coin. Check for a second message explaining that the transaction has been completed and the funds have been deposited into your seller account. If you don’t get a notification after a few days, contact the buyer to discuss payment. Make sure they plan on paying before you mail them anything. 15. **Pack the coin to protect it from damage during shipping.** Put the coin into a non-PVC coin flip or cardboard holder. Also, drop it into a plastic bag to guard against moisture damage. Then, wrap the coin in bubble wrap and stick it into a padded envelope. Finish by sticking a label to the front of the envelope. To save money on shipping material, purchase envelopes and bubble wrap from shipping or office supply stores. Then, print the label at home through your eBay account. Pack the envelope as much as you can to prevent the coin from moving. Although coins are made to last, scratches and discolorations affect their value. 16. **Purchase shipping insurance before sending the package.** Shipping insurance is necessary for protecting valuable coins in case they get lost, stolen, or damaged. Consider looking into insurance options for any sale over $20. Generally, a basic shipping option with insurance covers up to $50. Purchase additional coverage for any coins worth $200 or more. Insurance is great in case of an emergency that could lead to a returned product. Most of the time, you won’t use it, but it is useful to have in case you need it. Most shipping companies offer insurance for coins. You could also look for a third-party insurance company that covers coins.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Polish Granite Counter Tops.,"Granite countertops look luxurious when they are shiny and new! If your countertop is looking dull or less than impressive, a simple polish will do the trick. Always clean the countertops before you start polishing to get rid of any spills or stains. Then buff the countertops with either a baking soda paste or a retail granite cleaner to get a nice, polished look. Keep your countertops protected by cleaning up spills immediately and using heat-resistant mats. 1. **Mix together warm water and mild soap to make a granite cleaner.** Before you start polishing granite, it needs to be free of spills and stains. Fill up a bucket or a sink with warm water. Add a few drops of mild soap like dish detergent and agitate the water to make it bubbly. Although warm, soapy water is very effective, you can also purchase specialty granite cleaners for everyday cleaning if you prefer. As another option, you can use a 50/50 solution of isopropyl alcohol and warm water in place of soap and other cleansers. Never use harsh chemicals on granite. Although granite is a hard-wearing material, it needs to be treated gently to keep it looking good. Avoid products that contain lemon, vinegar, lime, ammonia, bleach, or glass cleaners, as these chemicals can break down the sealant and damage the granite over time. 2. **Use the soapy water to clean the countertop.** Dip a cleaning cloth into the warm water and wring it out to remove the excess water. Use the cloth to wipe away crumbs, spills, and stains from the whole countertop. It’s important that it’s completely clean before you add the polish. Microfiber cloths or nubby washcloths are ideal for cleaning granite. 3. **Dry the countertop with a microfiber cloth.** Get a dry microfiber cloth and remove all of the excess soapy water. Work in a circular motion and go over the whole countertop. You may need to swap the microfiber cloth for a dry one if it gets too wet. Drying the countertop thoroughly prevents streaking. Alternatively, you can use a terry cloth towel instead of a microfiber cloth. 4. **Make your own polish using baking soda for an easy remedy.** Get a small bowl, baking soda, warm water, and a fork. Mix together 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water until the mixture is smooth and a thick paste forms. Try to get rid of any lumps before you use the paste. Baking soda is also great for removing stubborn stains from granite. 5. **Buy a retail granite polish to get the best shine.** You can find granite polish at many home improvement and kitchen stores. Always read the label to ensure that the product is suitable for your countertop before you buy it. Avoid general-purpose polishing products, as these can damage granite. 6. **Apply the polish to the countertop.** Place a thin, even coating of the baking soda paste or retail granite polish onto the countertop. If you are using baking soda paste, place small dollops of it across the countertop using a spoon. For retail granite polish, simply spray the product lightly over the countertop and let it sit for the specified amount of time, which is usually 2-3 minutes. If you are using a retail granite polish, read the manufacturer’s directions carefully first and always follow all of the instructions. 7. **Buff the countertop with the polish using small, circular motions.** Get a clean, soft cloth and begin to work the polish into the granite. Start in a corner and work your way evenly over the countertop. Rub the polish into the countertop in small circles and make sure to buff the edges too. It’s important to always use a very soft cloth for buffing, as anything more abrasive could scratch the granite. 8. **Wipe off the polish with a damp cloth to get a streak-free finish.** Streaks can easily ruin the appearance of beautifully polished granite! Get a soft cloth and dampen it very lightly with warm water. Use the cloth to wipe down the countertop, removing any remaining baking soda paste or retail granite polish. If you notice any excess water on the countertop after you have wiped it down, use another cloth to dry it off. 9. **Get the granite polished professionally if there are deep scratches.** In most cases, your granite countertop will polish up nicely using simple cleaning agents. However, sometimes the granite can be too deeply scratched or damaged for home remedies to work. Contact a granite restoration professional to get your granite countertop professionally polished and looking as good as new! Professionals use specialty tools and either wet or dry polishing techniques on the granite. These techniques are only recommended for professionals to use, as they can cause irreversible damage if they are done incorrectly. 10. **Clean up spills immediately to avoid stains and marks.** Liquids that are left on granite for too long can cause dark, shadow-like marks to form. Similarly, bright-colored beverages can stain light granite countertops. Get into the habit of wiping up spills with a soft cloth as soon as they occur. 11. **Buff the granite with cooking oil to provide shine and stain resistance.** Apply cooking oil to a clean cloth, then make circular motions across the surface of the countertop. Use gentle pressure as you buff the surface. This will create a nice shine on your granite and temporarily reduce the risk of staining, as spills won't be able to soak into the granite as easily. Repeat this periodically, such as daily or once a week, depending on your preferences. Use whatever oil you typically use for cooking. For example, you can use vegetable oil, olive oil, or avocado oil. 12. **Use a cutting board to prevent scratching the granite.** Although granite is very hard-wearing, it can still be damaged if you regularly cut straight on the surface. Always use a chopping board when you are preparing food and try not to leave any sharp objects directly on the countertop. This will also help to protect your knives and keep them sharp. 13. **Place hot objects on a heat-resistant surface on the countertop.** Hot pots, pans, hair straighteners, and curling irons can all cause micro-scratches to form. Keep a silicone, heat-resistant pad or an insulated mat within easy reach on the countertop. Micro-scratches form when the granite experiences a sudden change in temperature. Hot objects can also cause the sealant to break down more quickly. 14. **Keep cosmetics off the countertop to prevent chemical damage.** Makeup and nail polish contain chemicals that can tarnish the granite and break down the sealant with long-term exposure. Place these products on a tray or a mat, or leave them in a cabinet instead. 15. **See if water beads form on the countertop to check the sealant.** Granite countertops are sealed to protect the stone from being weakened and damaged from everyday use. Pour a few drops of water onto the countertop and check that water beads form, as this indicates that the seal is working properly. If the water soaks into the countertop, apply a granite seal or contact a granite restoration professional to get it resealed. Make sure you do this sealant test before you do any buffing and cleaning of the granite. Otherwise, you may damage the sealant or the granite. Granite countertops usually need to be resealed every 5-10 years. You can clean and polish the granite if the countertop needs to be resealed, however, it’s best to act promptly to avoid any damage.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Tell the Difference Between Indica and Sativa.,"If marijuana is legal where you live and you've ever stepped inside a dispensary, you might've been overwhelmed by the sheer number of different strains available. All these strains can be split into 2 main types: indica, which is more of a downer, and sativa, which is more of an upper. As it turns out, the 2 types are different in a lot of different ways. Here, we've gathered different attributes you can use to tell indica and sativa apart, whether you're smoking them, looking at a jar of buds, or walking through a cultivation center. 1. **Sativa strains tend to have more energetic names than indica strains.** With sativa strains, you'll see words like ""diesel"" and ""power"" that capitalize on the energetic nature of the sativa high. Indica strains tend to have more mellow names. Sativa strains are also more likely to have fruits, like pineapple or strawberry, in their names, due to the plant's fruity aroma when smoked. Many popular indica strains include the word ""kush"" in their names since indica originates in the Kush mountains, which span the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Hybrid strains usually have names that reflect the dominant type. For example, ""Pineapple Express"" is a sativa-dominant hybrid, while ""Cookies Kush"" is an indica-dominant. 2. **Indica buds are thicker than sativas and produce more flowers.** If you're looking at a jar of buds, you can typically tell indica apart from sativa simply by the shape of the buds. Sativa buds are long and cylindrical compared to indica buds, which are more round. Indica buds are also incredibly dense compared to sativa buds. Hybrids, which are a combination of sativa and indica plants, usually take on the bud shape of the dominant strain. So if those buds have a sausage shape, you know the dominant strain is sativa. 3. **Indica strains have earthy, skunky odors while sativas smell sweeter.** If you stick your nose in a jar of fresh buds or catch a whiff of someone's smoke, you might be able to tell the type by smell alone. Indica produces a heavier, mustier smell compared to sativa, which can smell fruity or spicy. Why do they smell different? Terpenes! Limonene is a terpene that's heavy in sativa strains. This terpene is responsible for the energy you get from sativa. It's also common in citrus fruits, which explains the fruity aroma many sativa strains have. Linalool and pinene are terpenes with relaxing effects that are found in indica strains. If you couldn't guess from the name, pinene can also be found in pine needles and contributes to indica's earthy aroma. 4. **Sativa increases focus and creativity more than indica.** Sativa is typically considered more of a daytime cannabis because it can give you energy and improve your focus. Indica, on the other hand, has a calming effect that relaxes your mind and promotes sleep. For that reason, most people prefer to use indica strains at night. These are very general differences in the mental effects for the 2 basic types. Different people can have different experiences depending on their own mental state. For example, if you have ADHD, you might find that sativa calms you. 5. **Indica has more of a body effect than sativa and helps relax muscles.** While sativa is used to treat chronic pain, its effects are more mental than indica's. Indica is the type that gives you a ""body high,"" relaxing your muscles and reducing tension. If you want a mix of both, try an indica-dominant hybrid. The CBD in the indica will mellow out the THC for a more relaxed buzz than you'd get with sativa alone, but you'll still get more of a buzz than you would with pure indica. 6. **Indica helps insomnia while sativa helps ADHD and depression.** Looking at the mental and physical effects of each type gives you a good idea of the medical benefits. Just think in terms of what medical condition might be improved by that effect. In addition to providing much-needed energy and focus for people with ADHD, depression, and related conditions, sativa is also used as an appetite stimulant. Because indica is also a muscle relaxant, it's helpful in treating pain, inflammation, and muscle spasms. 7. **Indica strains contain CBD while pure sativa strains only contain THC.** The specific amount of the compounds depends on the strain. Some indica strains only contain CBD while others contain THC and CBD. CBD (cannabidiol) does not produce an intoxicating high like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) does. Hybrids can contain different combinations of THC and CBD depending on the dominant type. Different combinations produce different effects, so experiment until you find a blend that you like! 8. **Indica plants grow to about half the height of sativa plants.** Sativa plants are tall and thin with the branches reaching upward. When cultivated outdoors, sativa plants may grow up to 12 feet (3.7 m) tall! Indica plants seldom grow more than 6 feet (1.8 m) tall, but are wider at the base than sativa plants, shaped similar to a pine tree. The usable part of the sativa plant tends to be about halfway up the plant, while indica buds flourish all the way down to the bottom of the stalk. 9. **Sativa leaves are long and skinny compared to indica leaves.** Sativa leaves are the model for the stereotypical pot leaf icon you see on T-shirts, hats, and stickers. Indica leaves are fat, wide, and flat. Although the leaves of both types grow in the same pattern, this is typically the easiest way to distinguish the 2 types of cannabis. Indica leaves are usually double or even triple the width of sativa leaves. 10. **Sativa plants originated near the equator while indica plants thrive further north.** Indica plants originated in central Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Sativa is native to countries such as Thailand, Mexico, Cambodia, and Colombia. Sativa varieties are more likely to be grown in Central and South America. Since indica hails from mountainous areas in Tibet and Nepal, it grows easily at altitude. 11. **Sativa plants grow in warmer climates than indica plants.** Sativa plants grow tall in temperate, almost tropical zones. In colder climates, they're typically grown indoors. In contrast, indica plants thrive in cooler climates and at higher altitudes. Growers tend to prefer indica plants because they're hardier than sativa varieties and produce higher yields despite being smaller plants. 12. **Sativa plants take longer than indica plants to flower.** An indica plant will flower in 45 to 60 days, whereas sativa plants take 60-90 days. Sativa plants have less chlorophyll than indica, which is why they take longer to finish blooming.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Remove a Splinter?,"Splinters are often small, but they can still be quite painful. Splinters can also be difficult to remove. If a splinter is large or severe enough, then you may need to seek medical attention to have it removed. However, if you just have a small splinter that is causing you pain and frustration, then there are some different strategies you can use to remove your splinter and to care for the wound as well. 1. **Wash the affected area.** Before you begin removing a splinter, wash your hands and the skin around the splinter with warm water and soap. This can minimize the risk of spreading bacteria that may cause an infection. You can wash your hands with mild soap and some warm water for 20 seconds. You can wash the affected area with mild soap and water or use an antibacterial wash. Dry your hands and the area around the splinter well before you try to remove it. 2. **Sterilize your tweezers with alcohol.** Before you use your tweezers, make sure that you disinfect them with rubbing alcohol to reduce your risk of infection or any bacteria that can spread inside the wound. Having bacteria in the wound can cause an infection. 3. **Use a magnifying glass and good lighting.** Consider using a magnifying glass when removing the splinter. This may help you see the splinter more clearly and reduce the risk of injuring your skin further. At the least, make sure that you remove the splinter in a well-lit area to help you see it better. 4. **Break and lift the skin over the splinter if necessary.** If the splinter is covered by a flap of skin, then you can use a sterilized needle to break the skin and lift the flap. Sterilize a needle by soaking or wiping it with rubbing alcohol. Then, use the needle to break and lift the skin flap that rests over the splinter. This will make it easier for you to grab the splinter and remove it. If you have to dig deep to break the skin or see the splinter, consider going to the hospital or your doctor to reduce your risk of injury. 5. **Grasp the splinter with tweezers.** Once you’ve exposed the splinter’s tip, grasp it near the surface of your skin with your tweezers. Gently pull out the splinter in the direction that it entered your skin. If you have to dig deeper with your tweezers to get at the splinter, you may want to see your doctor to remove it. If part of the splinter breaks off, you may need to either see a doctor or try re-grasping it with your tweezers. 6. **Get some tape.** Fragile splinters, such as those from plants or fiberglass, often respond well to removal with tape. You can use many different types of tape for this procedure including masking tape, duct tape, or electrical tape. You will only need a small piece of tape. Make sure that the area around the splinter is clean and dry before you apply the tape. Wash and dry your hands before you get started as well. 7. **Place a piece of tape over your splinter.** Apply the tape to the splinter site and press it firmly to make it stick to the splinter. Make sure that you do not press the splinter deeper into your skin as you do this. Apply pressure out and away from the entry point of the splinter. 8. **Pull off the tape.** After you are sure that the tape is making contact with the splinter, pull off the tape. Peel away the tape slowly in the same direction that the splinter entered your skin. As you pull on the tape, the splinter should stick to the tape and come out. 9. **Check the tape.** After you have removed the tape, check it to see if the splinter is stuck to it. You should also check your skin to see if any part of the splinter is still embedded in your skin. If you still have all or part of the splinter, then you can repeat this process or try a different method. 10. **Apply glue to the splinter.** You can also use glue, such as white school glue, to remove a splinter. Just apply a layer of glue to the splinter and surrounding area. Make sure that the glue is thick enough to fully cover the splinter. Do not use instant glue. This may not come off of your skin and trap the splinter in your skin instead of removing it. You can also try using a wax hair remover or wax strips the same way that you would use glue. Wash and dry your hands and the area around your splinter before you begin. 11. **Allow the glue dry.** The glue must dry completely before you can remove it or it may not stick to the splinter. Leave the glue on your skin for about 30 minutes to an hour. Check it now and then to see if it is dry yet. When the glue is dry, it should not feel tacky or wet. 12. **Peel away the glue.** After you are certain that the glue is dry, grasp the edge of the glue and pull it in the direction that the splinter entered your skin. Pull slowly and evenly. As you pull at the glue over your splinter, the splinter should come out. 13. **Check for the splinter.** After you have peeled away the glue, look at the glue to see if the splinter is stuck in it. You should also check to see if any parts of the splinter are left in your skin. If so, then you may need to repeat the process or try a different splinter removal method. 14. **Squeeze the wound gently.** When you’ve successfully removed the splinter, gently squeeze it until you see some blood. This will help to get some of the germs from the splinter out of your wound. Don’t squeeze too hard. If the wound doesn’t bleed with some gentle pressure, just leave it alone. You can use other methods to clean away germs and bacteria, including an antibacterial ointment. Flushing the wound out with warm water for at least a minute will help clean the area. 15. **Control any bleeding.** If the splinter continues to bleed after squeezing it or is bleeding on its own, then you can control the bleeding by placing pressure on the area. This can help prevent significant blood loss and shock. Bleeding from a minor wound should stop within a few minutes. If you are bleeding excessively, or the bleeding won’t stop, then seek medical attention right away. 16. **Disinfect the area.** Wash the splinter wound with soap and warm water after you’ve removed the splinter from your skin. This will help to clean away any lingering bacteria and germs left in the wound. After you are done, you may also want to apply an anti-bacterial ointment. Apply an antibacterial ointment to the area up to twice per day. This can minimize the risk of infection to the affected area. You can purchase an antibiotic ointment such as bacitracin, neomycin, or polymyxin B. Many brands will put the three into one product and call it “triple antibiotic ointment.” 17. **Bandage the wound.** After the bleeding has stopped and the wound is clean, you may want to cover the area to prevent bacteria from getting into the wound. You can secure a piece of gauze with some medical tape or apply a bandage to the injured area. A bandage may also add some pressure to help control bleeding. 18. **Decide if you should remove your splinter at home or see a doctor.** Small splinters that are just under the surface of your skin are safe to remove at home. However, there are some situations where it may be necessary for a medical professional to remove your splinter. If you are unsure about the nature of the splinter or it is causing you extreme pain, see your doctor as soon as possible. See your doctor for a splinter that is more than a quarter-inch (or half-centimeter) deep, as well as a splinter that is penetrating into muscles or by/on nerves. 19. **See your doctor or get emergency medical help for a severe splinter.** If your splinter is deeply embedded, causing severe pain, won’t come out, or even if you are reluctant to remove it yourself, see a doctor as soon as possible. This can help minimize your risk of serious infection or injury. Also see your doctor if: The splinter involves the eye. The splinter will not come out easily. The wound is deep and dirty. Your last tetanus shot was more than five years ago. 20. **Watch for signs of infection.** If you start to experience any signs of infection from the site on which you removed the splinter, see your doctor immediately. They can prescribe a course of treatment and remove any lingering bits of the splinter that you were not able to see. Signs of an infection include: 21. **Consider leaving the splinter alone.** If your splinter is tiny and not causing any pain, you may just want to leave it in your skin. Your skin may push out the splinter on its own. Your skin may also form a little pimple around the splinter and drain it this way. Keep the area clean and watch for signs of infections. If you see any redness, feel heat, or the area becomes painful, see your doctor.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Load a Grease Gun.,"Grease guns are used to apply viscous lubricant onto moving mechanical parts, used commonly in machine shops and garages. Properly lubricating moving metal parts helps to increase the service life of machines and avoid abrasions. Grease lubricant is applied with a grease gun, available at most hardware and auto parts stores. Loading one can be a bit messy, but uncomplicated, whether you've got a cartridge loader or a reservoir-style grease gun. 1. **Separate the grease gun head from the barrel.** If you have access to bulk grease in large containers, grease guns can be loaded more efficiently. To get started, unscrew the head from the cap. The head is the part with the handle and applicator tube attached. Unscrew the two pieces of the grease gun and separate them. Make sure that the handle on the back of the barrel, which is the handle of the piston rod, is fully depressed into the barrel, or you risk sucking some grease through the gun during the process, accidentally. 2. **Insert the open end of the barrel into a container of grease.** Fill the barrel by holding the open end of the barrel down into the container of grease and slowly drawing back on the plunger rod to fill the reservoir, pulling grease back into the barrel. Bulk grease containers are available at hardware stores and auto parts stores, widely, and are commonly used in garages in place of smaller cartridges. If you're a serious mechanic, this might be a good option for you. 3. **Remove the barrel from the grease.** When the plunger rod has been fully withdrawn, lift the open end of the barrel out of the container of grease. Rotate the barrel to break it free from grease that may cling to the barrel. Use a cloth or rag to wipe excess grease from the end of the barrel. 4. **Reattach the barrel of the grease gun to the head of the grease gun.** Different grease guns will work in slightly different ways. For some, it might be a matter of screwing the end cap on, while others need the nozzle screwed on. Either way, engage the threads and turn until the joint is fully seated. 5. **Test the dispensing of the grease.** Press on the handle of the piston rod and squeeze the trigger of the grease gun until delivery of grease is seen at the end of the grease gun applicator tube. Wipe excess grease from the dispensing tip and the body of the grease gun. Use a cloth or rag to wipe the gun down and clean it to prepare for use. 6. **Unscrew the cartridge cap.** Cartridge-loaders are made of two basic parts: the cartridge of grease itself, housed in a similarly-sized and shaped housing, and the dispenser or nozzle, from which the grease is extruded. To remove the cartridge, you'll basically just unscrew the cap that the cartridge is in by turning it clockwise while turning the dispenser nozzle counterclockwise. It might be screwed on kind of tight, so use some elbow grease. 7. **Pull back on the metal handle.** On the end of the barrel where the cartridge is held, opposite the nozzle, you should see a plunger rod that’s used to push on the cartridge and force the grease out. Continue to pull until the plunger rod is withdrawn fully from the barrel. On some grease guns, pulling back should make the cartridge eject automatically. Depending on how much gunk is built up on the inside, it may come out all or halfway. Before you remove it, though, you need to secure the rod in place. 8. **Secure the piston rod and remove the cartridge.** On most grease guns, you should be able to move the piston rod sideways slightly, into a slot in the barrel so that it cannot move forward. On some grease guns, the retracted piston rod will latch into the fully retracted position, and a release tab is provided on the end of the barrel to allow the piston rod to move again. When you've secured the rod in place, you can pull the empty cartridge loose and discard it. 9. **Prepare the new grease cartridge for loading.** Cartridges are typically available at hardware and auto parts stores. Typical sizes are 14 oz. (414 ml) and 16 oz. (473 ml) cartridges. Before you load one in, it's a good idea to clean up the gun slightly to get it ready for a new cartridge. Wipe the end of the barrel with a cloth or rag. This will remove excess grease that may have leaked out during removal of the spent grease cartridge. Before inserting a new cartridge, remove the plastic cap from one end of the new cartridge, so the grease can flow out normally. For lots of people, storing grease cartridges upside down is a good way of getting it to settle on the right side, near the nozzle. If it hasn't been stored upside down, shaking it hard once or twice toward the cap can help to settle it in the direction you want, before inserting it. 10. **Insert the cartridge into the barrel.** Insert the end of the cartridge that had the plastic cap on it first. Push it fully in, so that the end of the cartridge seals with the end of the barrel. Remove the metal seal from the exposed end of the cartridge. Discard the metal seal. 11. **Reattach the barrel to the head of the grease gun.** Screw it on part way, two full rotations, without screwing it down tightly. Release the piston rod from the retracted position and push it into the barrel while simultaneously pumping the handle of the grease gun nozzle. This helps to work air through the mechanism and get the grease started. Stop when grease begins to appear at the dispensing head nozzle. Continue screwing together the head and barrel. Push on the piston rod to ensure that it is fully engaged in the replacement grease cartridge. Pump the handle make sure that grease is being delivered.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Prevent a Break Up.,"Every relationship has its ups and its downs. Sometimes, a relationship heads in the wrong direction, and you might desperately try to save it. You can try to stop an imminent breakup by getting ahead of the issue and trying to problem-solve with your partner. Then, take steps to improve the bond you have with one another. However, not all relationships are meant to last. Determine your reasons for staying and see if leaving is actually the right move for you. 1. **Request a little time.** To prevent your breakup, get ahead of the problem. Pull your partner aside to talk. Let them know your suspicions about the impending breakup and ask for some time to mend things. Agree on a time-frame. You might say something like, “I get the sense you're preparing to break up with me. Can you please give us some time to try and make things right? Can we give it one more month?” You can also use this extra time to do a little soul-searching and decide whether it's really a good idea for the relationship to continue. 2. **Get some space.** After you agree on a time-frame to work on your problems, take a few days for yourself. Spend some time thinking about the issues in your relationship and how you want to proceed. It may also be nice to get an opinion from a close friend or family member about how to move forward. 3. **Hash out your grievances.** Once you and your partner have had time to yourselves, meet back up to exercise your conflict resolution skills. Take a look at which parts of the relationship aren't working and work together to find solutions. This step might go easier if both partners make a list of your major grievances with the relationship. Do so by clearly defining the problem in detail. Then, separately, brainstorm some possible solutions to the issues on your list. Come back together and share your grievances. Then, offer suggestions for how you and your partner can overcome these obstacles. For example, your partner never calls when they'll be out late, causing you to worry constantly. You might suggest that they set reminders in their phone that prompt them to check in if they're out past a certain time. 4. **Use “I” statements.** A lot of conflict can be resolved by simply changing the way you speak to your partner. Using “you” statements feels accusatory and forces them to defend themselves. When you use “I” statements, you can express your feelings without making your partner defensive. An “I” statement might sound like this: “Todd, I'm worried about you when you're out late. It would make me feel so much better if you called to check in.” 5. **Find common ground** In most cases, you and your partner should be able to find a topic that you mutually agree on. Use that as a benchmark to resolve your conflict. Look for the common ground that allows both of you to have your needs met. What is it that you both want and how can you make changes to achieve that? Using the previous example, maybe your partner gets so caught up in spending time with their friends that they don't think to step away and call you. Sending a quick text message to check-in might help resolve the problem on both sides. 6. **Go to couples counseling** If the two of you lack the necessary communication and conflict resolution skills to manage your relationship problems, seeing a counselor might help. Talking your problems over with an experienced professional may help you learn more effective ways of dealing with them. In addition, going to a therapist may also help you see that some problems in your relationship are not solvable or that you and your partner are not compatible. This might be the confirmation you need to go ahead and break up. 7. **Don't beg.** If you think your partner is considering a breakup, you can take action to save your relationship. Begging, however, is not the answer. Begging will only wear away at your self-respect. Plus, if it's all you do to make them stay, they will certainly see through the act and soon be ready to leave again. 8. **Remind each other why you fell in love.** Compliments, gift-giving, or small gestures of love and appreciation can go a long way towards reviving your relationship. Focus on getting closer by paying attention to the little things that you did early on, but may have started to neglect as time passed. For example, if you once gave your partner a foot rub after a long day at work, pick that habit back up again. If you notice that you never say “thank you” for the little things they do, start showing your appreciation. 9. **Be open about your needs.** Many problems arise because one partner or the other isn't getting their needs met in the relationship. Communication is key to a healthy relationship and the foundation of that involves each partner being able to tell the other what they need. Set aside time daily to talk to one another about trivial and serious topics. This will make it easier to share vulnerable statements with your partner. When you state your needs, do so simply without rationalizing. Just say, “I need to know that you care about me,"" or “I want reassurance."" You can also ask for something more specific, such as, “I'd like to hear you say that you love me a few times a week.” Don't expect your partner to read your mind or automatically know how to meet your requests. Give recommendations for how they can meet your needs. 10. **Practice active listening skills.** Both individuals want to feel heard in a relationship, so make an effort to become better listeners. When you and your partner discuss serious issues relating to your relationship, act as if it's an important appointment (because it is!). Mute your phones, turn off the TV, and give one another your full attention. As each person is talking, try to hear the entire message. Before responding with your own thoughts, ask clarifying questions or summarize to be sure you heard right. 11. **Make time for romance** The spark in your relationship may wax and wane over time. But, it's your job to keep it burning by committing to intimate one-on-one time. This may translate to a date night once a week, an endearing phone call before bed every night, or a kiss each day before going to school or work. 12. **Support your individual needs.** It's also important to have time alone or away from your partner to support yourself as an individual. Take time apart every now and then so that neither of you lose yourselves in the relationship. Pursue your own interests, hang out with friends or family, and nurture your health and well-being. 13. **Assess your reasons for staying.** Have you thought about why you wanted to prevent your partner from breaking up with you? Think long and hard about your reasons. Question your intentions behind staying in the relationship. Consider if you reasons are beneficial for both you and your partner or if they are merely selfish. For example, you might have chosen to stay in the relationship only because you fear being single. Or you might try to prevent the breakup because you don't want to be the one getting dumped. 14. **Say “no” to abuse.** Abusive behavior shouldn't be tolerated. If your partner is physically, sexually, verbally, or emotionally abusive, you are doing yourself a favor by leaving. It can be frightening to leave an abusive partner, but many people do it every day. Reach out to friends, family, or resources in your community to help you get the confidence you need to leave an abusive relationship. 15. **Watch out for codependency issues.** If you are in a relationship with an addict or someone with unhealthy behavioral patterns, your feelings of responsibility for the person may keep you from walking away. Being codependent may mean a good part of your self-worth is tied to caring for and supporting your partner. Such a relationship is unhealthy. Learn to recognize signs of codependency. Then, see a therapist privately to work on breaking the bonds that keep you in a toxic partnership. 16. **End a breakup and makeup cycle once and for all.** Some couples have a way of breaking up and making up over and over again. This is yet another unhealthy relationship pattern. If you or your partner has good reason to leave the relationship, you shouldn't keep defaulting on the decision. Make the difficult decision to leave for good. End this cycle by getting real about the problems in your relationship. Don't rationalize or down-play what's making you unhappy. Work to improve other areas of your life, so you don't end up running back to your partner. Rebuild old friendships, find a passion, or commit to a new goal that makes your life more fulfilling without your partner. It may also help to see a counselor individually to address any fears you have of leaving your partner or of being alone.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Make Hamster Chew Sticks.,"Unlike humans, the teeth of a hamster grow continually, much like human fingernails. In the wild, hamsters are able to keep their teeth at the proper length through their food, and by chewing on sticks. You can make your own chew sticks for your hamster at home in order to keep your hamster healthy and happy. 1. **Use natural wood.** It is important that the wood you use to make the chew sticks is unpainted and untreated. Chemicals found in paint and pesticides used to treat some wood could be extremely toxic to your hamster. Skewer sticks, that you can typically purchase in your grocery store, offer a good option since you know they are safe for human use, which means they are also safe for your hamster. Chew sticks purchased in a pet store are typically made of balsa, so if you want something similar to what you find in the pet store, search for those. If you want to use natural wood from the outdoors, clippings of small twigs from fruit trees are safe for hamsters. However, you should be certain that the tree was not treated with chemicals or pesticides. 2. **Avoid sticks you find in your backyard.** While it is safe to give your hamster fresh clippings from fruit trees, avoid using wood you find laying around on the ground outside, which could contain parasites that can harm your hamster. 3. **Avoid woods that contain oils.** Certain types of wood, such as cedar and pine, can contain oils that are harmful to the hamster respiratory system. Choose wood that is oil free. Also avoid wood from the yew and oleander tree as these are poisonous for hamsters. 4. **Decide how many chew sticks you want to make.** You will need to create bunches of 3 skewers in order to make the sticks thick enough to be interesting for your hamster. With a package of 20 skewers, you can make about 13 chew sticks. 5. **Cut your skewers.** It is important to remove the pointy ends of the skewer. Use a very sharp knife or a pair of gardening scissors to snip off the pointy ends. 6. **Cut the skewers in half.** Your hamster will like the chew sticks better if they are shorter, and thus easier to grab. Cut each skewer in half using the gardening scissors. 7. **Create bunches of 3 skewers.** Eventually, you will glue the sticks together, but begin by laying 3 skewers next to each other on a piece of parchment paper or cutting board. 8. **Create hamster safe glue.** It is important that the “glue” you use to hold the sticks together is safe for your hamster. A safe glue can be made by mixing together 1/2 cup white flour and 1/2 cup water until a thick paste is formed. If you want to make your chew sticks more interesting for your hamster, add a splash of fruit juice such as apple, blueberry, cherry, peach or mango to the glue. Additionally, you can also add tiny bits of dried fruit to the paste. 9. **Glue the skewers together.** Generously coat each bunch of skewers in the glue using a paint brush. 10. **Allow the chew sticks to dry overnight.** You will want to allow the sticks plenty of time to dry so that they do not fall apart inside your hamster’s cage. You might also want to coat the other side of the sticks in glue. If so, wait until the first side is dry, then flip each bunch over, and repeat the process of brushing on the glue. 11. **Give your hamster his chew stick.** In the evening, when your hamster is most active, give your hamster a few of the chew sticks. 12. **Replace the chew sticks.** When you see that your hamster is no longer using the chew stick, if it has been completely worn down, or if it is damaged, give your hamster a new chew stick. Do not leave old chew sticks in your hamster’s cage as he might injure himself with the sticks. 13. **Observe your hamster’s reaction to the sticks.** Does he seem to use them frequently or does he ignore them? If your hamster does not enjoy using the sticks, you should search for alternatives in order to keep your hamster healthy. Try rubbing the sticks with a carrot. Rubbing the stick with a carrot coats the stick in a flavor that hamsters enjoy. Coat the stick with a bit of honey. Coating the stick in honey shows your hamster that the stick is something he can and should eat. However, do not use this trick often, as your hamster may refuse to use the stick unless it has honey on it. Hamsters can be susceptible to diabetes if they consume too much sugar. Shave off the outer layer of the stick. Using a small, sharp knife, wittle away the top layer of the stick. This releases a strong wood scent that may be appealing to your hamster. 14. **Try giving your hamster dog biscuits.** If your hamster does not enjoy the sticks, it is safe to give him dog biscuits as long as they do not contain garlic. 15. **Give your hamster a paper towel tube.** This offers a good option for chewing, and hamsters also love to crawl inside the tube. Thus, this option offers more than one activity for the hamster. 16. **Use hard cereal.** In a pinch, you can also give your hamster a cereal such as rolled oats to chew on.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Make a Kokedama.,"A kokedama is a hanging garden. Making a kokedama for your home can be a fun DIY project. To make a kokedama, you first need to create soil balls using moss and soil. From there, wrap your plants in the balls and hang them in your home. Water and trim your plants regularly to keep your kokedama healthy. 1. **Select a variety of plants.** You can use any types of plants for a kokedama as long as they will fit comfortably in your home when hanging. The plants will eventually be hung from ceiling hooks using twine. Kokedama are traditionally made up of a variety of different plants, so invest in variety when building a kokedama. Stop by a greenhouse and pick up some potted plants to build your kokedama. You can also take in plants from outdoors if you garden. 2. **Remove the plant by its roots.** Whether you're using potted plants or outdoor plants for your kokedama, the first step is to remove the plants by their roots. Remove the plant from the pot or ground. Gently use your fingers to remove the soil from around the roots. For plants with very fine roots, rinse them in the sink to remove the soil. When bringing a plant in from outdoors, always check the leaves for bugs and other pests before bringing it inside. 3. **Mix your moss and bonsai soil.** Take a plastic grocery bag and bucket. Put on some gloves. Use peat moss and bonsai soil for your kokedama. Using a 7:3 ratio of moss to soil, mix your moss and soil together until you have an even mixture. You need enough moss and soil to cover every plant's roots in a ball of soil and moss. The precise amounts will vary depending on how big of a garden you're making. 4. **Make a soil ball.** Remove a chunk of soil and moss from the bucket or plastic bag. Use your hands to roll it into a thick, firm ball. Make a ball big enough to completely cover a plant's roots. When you're done, set the ball aside. 5. **Secure the plant's roots with moss.** Use sphagnum moss, which you can buy online or at a greenhouse. Wrap the moss around the plant's roots several times until the roots are covered completely. Then, wrap some twine around the plant's roots to secure them. The amount of moss you need will vary depending on how big your ball is. 6. **Sandwich the roots in your ball.** Break your ball in half. Sandwich your plant's roots around the ball of moss and soil. Then, pat the ball together again so it's firmly secured around the roots. 7. **Cover your ball in sheep moss.** Wrap a layer of sheet moss around your ball. You can buy sheet moss at a greenhouse or online. Get a full layer of sheet moss surrounding the ball. The amount of moss you need varies depending on the size of your ball. 8. **Use twine to secure the ball.** Wrap twine around the ball as needed to secure the sheet moss. Tightly circle the twine around the ball until everything holds together. You should be able to lift and move your ball without soil or moss spilling. 9. **Attach a loop for hanging.** Take another piece of twine. Use a piece as big as you want considering where you're going to hang your kokedama. Tie both ends of the twine around the twine securing the plant. You should now have a plant on a string you can hang up. 10. **Hang your plants.** Choose a spot in your home to hang your kokedama. Place your plants directly in front of a north facing window if possible. If you don't have a north facing window, hang the plants two to three feet from a south, west, or east facing window. 11. **Mist your plants daily.** Each day, lightly mist your plants with tap water in a spray bottle. You can also place a tray of pebbles and water underneath the plants to add necessary humidity. 12. **Water your plants regularly.** You water kokedama plants by soaking them in a bowl of room temperature water for 10 minutes. Drain the soil ball in a colander until it stops dripping and then rehang the plants. Kokedama plants should be watered when they start to feel light and the leaves turn brown. 13. **Trim dead leaves regularly.** Watch your plants closely. When you notice any dead or brown leaves, use a pair of scissors or plant sheers to remove them. Brown leaves that appear regularly are a sign you're not watering your plants often enough. 14. **Repot as your plants grow.** As the plants grow, the roots will begin poking through the moss and soil balls. At this point, you need to repot them with new balls. For most plants, this is necessary about once or twice a year.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Identify a Devon Rex Cat?,"Devon Rexes are impish, playful cats with an unusual look. Originating in Devonshire, England, in the 1950s, their large ears and alien-like appearance distinguishes them from most house cats. By examining your cat's physical appearance and observing their temperament, you can best determine if your cat is a Devon Rex. 1. **Feel for a curly coat.** Devon Rex cats are known for their unusual curly coats. Their fur grows in ripples and waves, often having a suede-like feel. They are shorthaired cats, and their curls are short and dense, a bit like a Poodle's. A Devon Rex's coat can come in any number of colors. 2. **Look for large eyes on a small face.** Devon Rexes have eyes that are exceptionally large in proportion to their petite head size. They are often described as looking like aliens or pixies because of their otherworldly looks. If your cat's eyes are far bigger than a normal cat's, they may be a Devon Rex. Devon Rex eyes come in many shades, so color is not a good indicator of the breed. 3. **Look for large, bat-like ears.** The Devon Rex's ears are large, triangular, and bat-like with deep cups. They are particularly impressive compared to the breed's small, wedge-shaped head. Many Devon Rexes have small wisps of hair sticking off the tips of their ears. Inspect your cat while you are petting them to examine the ears more closely. 4. **Look for a long, thin neck.** Devon rexes have slim, dainty necks, which look unusual compared to their expressive eyes and large ears. Look for an elongated neck where the fur is thinner than on the body. 5. **Weigh your cat.** Devon Rex cats are medium in size, typically ranging from 6-9lb or 2.5-4kg. If you want to weigh your cat at home, a good method is to weigh just yourself, then weigh yourself holding your cat. The difference will be the cat's weight. While weighing your cat may help you determine its breed, don't use weight as a primary indicator. Cats' weights vary a ton, depending on whether they are overweight, underweight, full, or pregnant. If your cat isn't in the typical weight range, it doesn't mean it isn't a Devon Rex. 6. **Play hide and seek with your cat.** Devon Rexes are very playful cats that often enjoy fetch or a game of hide and seek. To gauge your cat's interest in play, let them see you, and then hide behind the side of the couch. If they come to find you or bat playfully at the side of the couch, you may have a Devon Rex. 7. **Encourage your cat to vocalize.** Devon Rexes are exceptionally vocal cats that trill, coo and chirp at their owners. Make some meowing noises at your cat to see if you can engage them in conversation. If they call right back, you'll know your cat is on the talkative side like a Devon Rex. 8. **Gauge your cat's interest in unusual foods.** Devon Rexes have been known to eat lemons, olives, asparagus or any other number of strange foods. They love food and will often attempt to swipe a bite of your dinner. If your cat seems to want a bite of whatever you're having, no matter how unusual, they may have a Devon Rex's unusual taste. 9. **Place your cat in your lap.** Devon Rex cats are social, affectionate cats that often enjoy sitting in their owner's laps. They've also been known to follow their owners from room to room to keep them company. Observe your cat's behavior to see if they enjoy affection or prefer to be on their own. Devon Rexes enjoy the company not only of people but also other pets. They often get along well with birds, other cats, dogs and any number of creatures. If your cat meets the other criteria and loves socializing with other animals, they may be a Devon Rex.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Polish Resin.,"If you have a piece of jewelry or a table made of resin and it’s looking a little dull or scratchy, it may be time for you to give it a polish. Polishing resin is the best way to return your resin to the type of brilliant shine it had when it was first made. Fortunately, polishing resin is a pretty straightforward process that just involves cleaning, sanding, and applying a polishing compound to your resin piece. 1. **Use soap and warm water to clean your resin piece, if necessary.** Dip a sponge in warm, soapy water and scrub your resin with it to clean it. Make sure you’ve removed any dirt, grime, or mold from the piece before you begin sanding it. If you’re working with a small piece of resin and it isn’t terribly dirty, you can also simply dip it in the soapy water to clean it. 2. **Wet sand the resin with 400 grit sandpaper to remove any scratches.** Spray some water on your resin piece or dip it in water to get it wet before smoothing it out with the sandpaper. Sand the entire surface of the resin 2-3 times before moving on to the next step. Wet sanding your resin will give you a much smoother finish than dry sanding and will also minimize the amount of dust created by the sanding process. Wear a mask or respirator while you sand so you don’t inhale any airborne particles. Be sure to use wet or wet/dry sandpaper instead of ordinary sandpaper. Wet sandpaper is specifically designed to hold up when wet, whereas ordinary sandpaper or dry-only sandpaper won’t work as well when it’s wet. 3. **Repeat the sanding process with increasingly finer grit sandpaper.** After you’ve sanded your resin with the 400 grit sandpaper, sand it again with 600 grit sandpaper, then with 800 grit sandpaper, 1000 grit sandpaper, and finally with 1500 grit sandpaper. This will better ensure that you remove any scratches that the coarser sandpaper couldn’t take care of and end up with a smooth finish. Make sure all of the surfaces and divots are sanded before moving onto the next highest grit. If you want to achieve an even smoother finish, you can also sand your resin with 2000 grit sandpaper. However, in most instances, you don’t need to go this far in order to get your resin smooth enough to polish. 4. **Dry off your resin piece with a towel to remove any grit or dust.** Make sure any aggregate leftover from the sanding process is completely removed before you begin applying the polishing compound. This will also allow you to do a final check for any remaining scratches that still need to be sanded out. You can do a simple visual scan to check for any leftover scratches. If you see any, go back and continue sanding your resin until they’re gone. Wet the resin with water to make it easier to see any scratches you missed. 5. **Apply the polishing compound across the surface of the resin.** Apply the compound liberally so that it can be uniformly spread across the entire surface of the resin. For best results, use a polishing compound that is also labelled as a fine scratch remover. For example, products like Turtle Wax Polishing Compound are also labelled as being effective at removing scratches from resin. You can buy this type of product at most home improvement stores. You can also use an automobile polishing compound. 6. **Use a microfiber cloth to rub the compound into a small piece of resin.** Use firm pressure while moving the cloth in circular motions to polish the resin piece. Pay particular attention to any visible scratches and apply extra pressure to these areas. 7. **Use a buffing wheel or polishing tool to polish a larger piece of resin.** Attach the buffing wheel or polishing tool to a power drill or motor, then move the wheel along the surface of the resin while it’s spinning to polish it. Always keep the wheel moving in a circular motion and spin it at around 1200rpm. You can buy a buffing wheel or polishing tool at most home improvement stores and automobile parts stores. 8. **Continue polishing the resin until it is shiny and smooth.** Keep rubbing the resin piece with your microfiber cloth until the surface has a glossy finish and is as smooth as you want it to be. The resin will get smoother and smoother as you continue to polish it, so stop polishing it whenever the finish is to your liking! If there’s any haze or compound left on your resin piece after you’ve finished polishing it, use a separate, clean microfiber cloth to wipe it off.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Make a Wargaming Table.,"Tabletop games like Warhammer 40,000, War machine and Dust Warfare are popular, fun to play, and a great way to spend time with friends. However, unlike boardgames, they require a large area of flat, open space to stage the game. Kitchen tables and floors work when you’re first starting out, but in time you’ll want to graduate to a dedicated wargaming table. Gather your supplies, build your table, then decorate your board. 1. **Decide how large your table will be.** Different wargames call for different sized tables. Warhammer 40K’s standard table size is 6’x4’, but your game of choice may call for a different sized table. Do research, read the game’s manual, and ask others who play your game about the standard table size. 2. **Get the tabletop.** At your local hardware store, look for plywood or MDF sheets of 1” thickness. MDF, or medium-density fiberboard, is a durable alternative to plywood made by compressing and sealing small wood particles together with an adhesive. You may have to ask an attendant to cut your sheet down to size. Most stores provide this as a free service, and it will save you the hassle of having to do it yourself. Always make sure an attendant cuts any MDF, as the glue that holds the board together can be toxic. Plywood is lighter than MDF, but may be more expensive. Choosing between the two materials will come down to the amount of money you want to spend and whether or not you want the board to be portable. 3. **Buy your baseboards.** The baseboards are the four pieces of wood that will form the legs, or frame of your table. Buying baseboards will require a little calculation, so make sure to sketch out your table. Choose boards or MDF pieces with a thickness of 1”, and a width of 8”, 10” or 12”, which are all standard sizes and easy to find. The length of the boards will be a bit trickier to calculate. You want the tabletop to be the exact same size as the frame, so you’ll need to subtract the 2 inch of length from the shorter sides. For example, if you wanted to make a 6’x4’ game board (72”x48”), you’d buy two 1”x12s” of 72” length, and two 1”x12”s of 46” length. For a smaller example, let’s try a 4’x4’ board (48”x48”). For a 4’x4’ frame, you’d buy two 1”x12”s of 48” in length and two 1”x12”s of 46” in length. As with the tabletop, ask an attendant to cut the wood or MDF down to size for you. They may use a jigsaw or table saw to cut it. 4. **Decide on a tabletop surface.** Felt and sand are used to make surfaces for the majority of gaming tabletops. Choosing a covering depends on type of game you want to play. Felt makes a good surface because it is cheap and easy to apply. Sand is another choice: while it’s harder to apply, it helps keep your figures from sliding around on the tabletop. There may be other options available, but felt and sand are the most common. Look for sand at your local hardware store. There are many types of bagged sand available: road sand, play sand or colored sand from craft stores. Choose the type that best fits into your budget and one that fits the aesthetic of your game. Buy felt at a fabric store. Most stores have attendants to cut the fabric for you: all you have to do is bring them the bolt that you’ve chosen and tell them the size. Buy a piece slightly larger than your tabletop so you have extra length to stretch it around the edges. Felt comes in a wide variety of colors, so choose the one that fits your game the best. 5. **Gather miscellaneous supplies.** After you have your wood and your table surface, there are a few more things you’ll need. You may already have them at home, or you may have to buy extra. Find some white glue, a bucket, a wide paintbrush, a power drill, a pack of 2” wood screws, and some coarse sandpaper. A measuring tape and a carpenter's square may also be helpful. 6. **Make the frame.** The frame is the base for your table, so you want to make sure it’s extra sturdy. For this step, you’ll need your wood screws, the drill, and your long baseboards. Ask a friend to help with this step if you can’t hold the boards and drill at the same time. Hold one longer board and a shorter board together to make an “L” shape. Make sure that the angle is as close to 90 degrees as you can make it, with the longer board on the outside of the “L.” Drive three screws through the long board and into the short board so that they fasten together: one screw in the middle and one screw at each end. Hold the remaining long board against the “L” you’ve made to make another “L”. This will form another L shape, with the shorter board sandwiched between the two longer ones. Drill in three screws in exactly the same way as the first “L”: one in the middle and one at each end, through the long board and into the short. Screw in the remaining short board. At this point, you’ll have a “U” shape, with two long boards screwed directly into the short board. The remaining short board will close the shape into a rectangle. Place it in the gap between the long boards to form 90 degree angles with each, then screw through the long boards and into the short board just as before. Make sure the frame is sturdy. There should be no gaps between the boards, and all should be flush with one another. If you find that there are gaps or spots in which the boards aren’t secure, tightening the screw in that area. 7. **Screw in your tabletop.** Place the flat tabletop onto the frame. It should be the exact same size as your frame, give or take a few millimeters. Mark three points on each side of the table where you’ll screw into the frame, making sure that all the screws will go in at even intervals. Then, drill in a screw for each spot you marked. 8. **Apply your sand or felt.** Depending on which tabletop covering you chose, you’ll have a slightly different step at this point. Both surfaces need to be glued to the table, and both require some attention to make sure that the application is even. Ask a friend for help, especially if your table is large. To apply sand, use your large paintbrush to apply the white glue first. Make sure that the application is even, with no areas over-glued or under-glued. Apply sand with even consistency over the board, then begin to spread it around with your hands or the brush. Apply more or take some off as necessary until you’ve achieved the right look. To apply felt, first apply the glue to the top of the tabletop and the edges with the wide paintbrush. Lay the felt carefully over the tabletop, then use a flat object, like the edge of a book, to smooth out any raised areas or bubbles in the felt. Press the felt down over the edges, folding the corners for a neater appearance. A stapler or small nails may help affix the felt to the edges of the table. 9. **Let the glue dry.** Now that you’ve added your sand or felt, the glue will need time to dry. Leave the board for 24 hours, then check to make sure it’s dry enough. If the glue still feels tacky or wet, leave it for a few more hours before using it. 10. **Sand the edges.** Plywood and lumber tend to have uneven and coarse edges that can cause splinters or cuts. Use medium grit sandpaper to shape the edges and joints of your table, softening up any abrasive surfaces. Make sure to run your hands around any edges to double check for splinters or spots you missed. 11. **Paint the tabletop.** If you used sand to cover your table, you may want to paint it. Depending on the game you play, a layer of brown or red paint may give your board a more realistic feel. Wait until the glue has dried fully, then apply paint to the dry tabletop surface. 12. **Decorate the base.** The board is your own creation, and you’ll be using it for a long time. Get creative and decorate your board, personalizing it further. Paint the base your favorite color, then design symbols or add stickers. Take your imagination as far as you want to go to create a board that’s truly your own, or look online for ideas 13. **Start researching terrain ideas for your board.** Now that you’ve built it, it will need to be decked out for your game. Different games require different kinds of terrain, and players spend a great deal of time building and rebuilding battle arenas. Look online, in your game manual, or at wargaming shops for different ideas on how to proceed further.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Remove Rust from Undercarriage.,"Undercarriage rust is a car owner’s nightmare—is there anything you can do about it yourself? It turns out that removing rust at home is actually a pretty straightforward process with a little elbow grease. We’ve put together a thorough guide to cleaning your undercarriage, applying rust reformer, and preventing future rust that will make car rust removal a breeze. Read on to get your undercarriage looking good as new! 1. **It’s important to keep your vehicle from moving while you’re underneath.** Find a hard, flat surface to park on, like a concrete garage floor, a perfectly level driveway, or a parking lot. Engage the parking brake for extra measure. Avoid gravely areas, uneven fields, or areas near heavy traffic. 2. **You need room to slide under the car on your back to clean thoroughly.** A hydraulic or scissor jack will work—just make sure the jack and jack stands have a weight capacity of at least 50% of the car’s weight. Use the jack to lift the car and place jack stands underneath the frame to hold it up. Consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual for the best jack placement. Keep your jack stands nearby while you lift the car so you can quickly place them. If you’re de-rusting a truck, it may already be high enough off the ground without jacks. Otherwise, dealing with rust under a truck is the same as under a car. 3. **Most of the surface rust will flake off with a manual scrub.** Slide or crawl underneath the car on your back and start scrubbing—use a wire brush, a metal scraper, or sandpaper (you can even add a wire brush attachment to a drill). Remove as much rust as you can so your anti-rust treatments have a metal base to cling to. Soda blasting or sandblasting the surface rust can also be good options for optimal removal. Wear goggles to prevent rust flakes from flying into your eyes. For maximum safety, keep them on for the rest of the rust treatment process, too. It’s OK if you don’t get 100% of the rust off manually. You’ll be adding liquid removal agents after this step. If there is deep rust (rust that has weakened the metal or caused holes to form), take your car to an auto shop for professional treatment or to get a replacement part. It's not possible to remove this kind of problem at home. 4. **Some mechanisms shouldn’t be power washed or sprayed with chemicals.** Cover the brake assembly, exhaust tips (or the whole exhaust system), the transmission, and the transfer case. Use plastic sheets, aluminum foil, or even masking tape—as long as it can block water, it’ll work! If needed, remove the wheels to easily access the wheel arches for cleaning. 5. **Degreaser removes heavy grime deposits that can’t be scraped off.** Read the instructions carefully—for most products, you’ll spray the degreaser on and let it sit for about 20 minutes. If your degreaser is not sprayable, wipe it on with a clean towel. The degreaser removes any last oil, wax, rust flakes, or debris from the undercarriage to help primers and rust reformers stick. Purchase an auto degreaser from an auto shop, hardware store, or online. 6. **Use your pressure washer’s highest setting to blast hard-to-reach areas.** Start spraying at the front of your car and work your way to the back, cleaning in sections as you go to ensure you hit everything. Spray a section until the water running off the undercarriage is clear. Wait until the undercarriage is completely dry before doing any more cleaning or applying anti-rust treatments. Place fans underneath your car to speed up the drying process. 7. **Apply right after cleaning to block dust and dirt from accumulating.** Look for a high-quality rust-inhibitive primer—some are sprayable and some need to be painted on. Rust converter covers any rust spots you missed and turns them into paintable surfaces. You’ll probably need multiple coats to thoroughly coat everything. Read the primer instructions to know how long to wait between coats. Primer helps your rust reformer stick to the metal under your car. Rust converter primers are available online or at most hardware or auto shops. 8. **Rust reformer contains existing rust and prevents new formation.** Spray your reformer on every exposed area of your undercarriage. Apply generously, especially to the brake and fuel lines (they’re the most rust-prone). You’ll probably need multiple coats, so read the instructions for how long to wait between applications (it can be up to 24 hours). Oil-based sprays work their way into small crevices easier than thicker sprays. Rust reformers are available online or at most home improvement, hardware, or auto stores. 9. **This is encouraged if you keep your car outdoors most of the time.** Choose an oil-based or epoxy paint (a matte black finish is the most common). Wait until the reformer is completely dry before painting. Undercarriage paint goes quickly, so buy more than you think you need at your local auto or hardware store. This step isn't required, but it can add another layer of protection. 10. **Frequent undercarriage cleaning is the best way to prevent rust.** Wash it thoroughly before winter to prepare it for corrosive salt and other harsh conditions. During winter, wash your car as often as you can on warm days, including a pressure wash on the undercarriage. Wash again at the beginning of spring. Your car is most vulnerable to rust in the spring because of the moisture in the air and the fluctuating temperatures. Aim to wash your car every 10 to 20 days during winter if you can. Drive as little as possible before, during, and after winter storms when there’s extra salt on the roads. 11. **Parking on grass, snow, or puddles increases your chance of rust.** Try to always park in a driveway or inside a garage if you can (your rust risk goes way down if you regularly park indoors). Cracked asphalt can also release moisture into your undercarriage, so aim to park over smooth, sealed pavement when possible. Steer clear of puddles. They contain salt and debris that wreak havoc on your undercarriage. Wash your car after excessive puddle exposure. 12. **Catching rust early is the best way to prevent it spreading farther.** Look for tiny nicks and scratches to buff out and paint over—they can erode and rust if left untreated. Dark spots underneath paint usually mean that the metal underneath is starting to rust. If it’s difficult to examine your undercarriage because your car sits low, lift it with jacks or ask your mechanic to take a look next time it’s in the shop.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Open a Small Business?,"Once you’ve decided you want to start a small business, formulated your business plan, lined up financing, and secured a site, the time will finally come to actually open up shop. While planning a business may present challenges, the actual act of opening a business and bringing the business concept to fruition has its own set of difficulties. To have a better chance of long-term success, you need to get your business off to a good start. Here are a few tips on how to legally establish your business, hire your first employees, spreading the word, and organizing a grand opening. 1. **Ensure you have a business plan.** A business plan is critical to the success of a business and can be seen as a plan that describes your business, products/services, market, and describes how your business will go about expanding for the next three to five years. It is essentially a ""road map"" for your business to follow going forward. How to Write a Business Plan offers much useful information on the process, such as: determining your potential market and its viability; identifying your business' initial needs and start-up costs; identifying potential investors; establishing your business strategy and marketing plan; and creating a clear, concise document that ends with your ""executive summary,"" in which you essentially ""sell"" your business to investors and interested parties. See the following wikiHow articles for more information on How to Start a Small Business; starting up a small retail business such as a bakery; and the specifics of starting a business in California, for example, among others. To make sure you’re ready to open up, consult the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) 10-part checklist for starting a business. Each part of the checklist is summarized in the following three steps below. 2. **Determine the legal structure of your business.** Before starting your business and filing the necessary papers, it is important to decide on how your business will be legally structured. Generally speaking, you will be establishing either a sole proprietorship; partnership; corporation; or limited liability company (LLC). There are important legal and tax implications for each. A sole proprietorship is owned and run by one person, and there is no distinction between the owner and the business. This means that all the business' profits, losses, debts, and liabilities are your responsibility. Choose this if you are the sole owner and want full responsibility for the business. Partnership: A partnership occurs when two or more people share ownership. In a partnership, each partner has equal share (unless specified) in the profits, liabilities, and management of the business. This can be useful in terms of pooling capital and expertise to start the business. Corporation: A corporation is an independent legal entity owned by shareholders. Generally, this structure is not appropriate for small businesses. Limited Liability Company (LLC): An LLC is similar to a partnership, except members are protected from personal liability for actions of the LLC. For example, if the LLC is sued, the personal assets of the partners are typically exempt. If you are worried about personal exposure to lawsuits or debts arising from your business, this may be a good option. 3. **Form the necessary legal structure.** A different procedure exists for forming each one of these structures, and some require more work while others are extremely simple. Details surrounding how to form each type can be located on the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) website. Forming a sole proprietorship is most simple, as it involves no formal action. Simply obtain your EIN (described below), establish a business name (described below), and your can include your business income on your personal tax return. LLC's, Partnerships, and Corporations are slightly more involved to form, requiring specific paperwork. To learn the details on each, check the SBA website, or contact the SBA. 4. **Obtain a tax identification number.** Also known as an Employee Identification Number (EIN), the EIN is used to identify your business for tax purposes. Applying for an EIN is simple, and can be done within minutes on the IRS website. Note that if you are starting a partnership or a sole proprietorship, it is not necessary to obtain an EIN. However, it can be wise to do so anyway. Without an EIN, your business will be identified by your Social Security Number (SSN) for tax purposes. Keeping your SSN private reduces the odds of identity theft.. 5. **Register your business name.** Unless you are running the business under your own name, such as ""John Smith Painting,"" most states require you to register a ""Doing Business As"" (DBA) name for tax and legal purposes. Registering a DBA is done with your state government or county clerk's office. Search the specific requirements of your state online. Establishing a DBA name usually just takes minutes to complete, and is especially useful if you have a sole proprietorship. This allows you to have a business name separate from your personal name. When you form a sole proprietorship, the business name will automatically default to your personal name unless you file a DBA. 6. **Obtain a business license.** The city or county which you operate within will require a business license. Typically, these forms can be found on the website for your city. These forms will require your business type, address, # of employees, EIN, and possibly information regarding revenue (estimations will work fine here). Keep in mind that licensing requirements often apply to online and home-based businesses as well as typical brick-and-mortar businesses. Requirements do vary according to location, so be certain to contact your local and state government to determine specific requirements. 7. **Inquire as to other necessary permits.** Unfortunately, each city or county has different permit requirements for businesses. These can include things like ""Home Occupation Permits"" for home based businesses, ""Alarm Permits"" if your business requires a commercial alarm, or various alcohol and firearm permits. Contact your local government's permitting bureau or similar authority, or seek out the local chamber of commerce or business association for advice. 8. **Establish a bank account for your business.** It is very important not to mix business and personal finances, as this can lead to issues with the IRS. Having separate bank accounts for business and personal transaction simplifies accounting and makes tax requirements easier to understand. To open a business account, simply contact your local bank or credit union. 9. **Contact a small business lawyer or accountant for further guidance.** While forming a sole proprietorship is relatively simple, if you are forming an LLC, Corporation, or Partnership, it is essential to involve a professional. A professional can guide you through which forms to fill out, and can also help you draft important partnership documents. For example, forming an LLC or Partnership involves documents specifying what ownership is attributed to each partner. This must be specified in a legally valid form. 10. **Determine employer responsibilities.** Before you begin hiring, make sure you have taken the necessary steps to be able to collect federal and state wage taxes, provide employee eligibility verification, and obtain worker's compensation insurance, among others. One of your central obligations to ensure that employees are eligible to work in the United States. To do this, you must complete ""Form I-9"" within three days of hiring a new employee. Completing this form will require you to submit documents to verify your employees citizenship and confirm their eligibility to work in the United States. The form can be downloaded on the U.S. Immigration and Customs website. Note that you do not need to submit this form with the Federal Government, but you do need to keep it on file for three years after the date of hire or one year after the date of termination, whichever is later. Make sure to register for Workers Compensation Insurance with your state's Workers Compensation Insurance Program. When hiring an employee, they must provide you with a signed Form-W4 before they begin employment, which you must send to the IRS. This allows you to withhold federal income tax. Further information regarding hiring and employer responsibility are available on the SBA website ( 11. **Hire the right people.** The first impression is critical for a new small business, and unless you’ll be doing all the work yourself, that impression will be made at least in part by the people you hire. Ideally you can find someone who is familiar with the business — someone who has twirled dough if you’re opening a pizza shop, for instance — but even more important is finding a person who is willing and eager to learn. You need employees who want to learn to do things (and represent your business) your way. You do have to be willing to let go a little, however. This business has been your baby for a long time, but as you let it out into the world, you’ll need help taking care of it. Look for employees who are eager to contribute ideas and adapt as the business goes through its early growing pains. Do your homework. Look over resumes. Call references. Don’t just hire your nephew to make your brother happy. (Wait until your business gets on its feet.) Key questions like ""Can you provide an example of a problem that you successfully solved?"" may offer insights into a potential employee's ambition, ingenuity, and work ethic.. Keep in mind that such questions are common, however, and the interviewee may have prepared stock answers already. (An inability to answer effectively is thus a bad sign.) In addition, try to think up a few problem-solving hypotheticals, for instance, that are specific to your small business. 12. **Prepare your site.** Whether you have a physical or virtual business site, the impression it makes on your initial customers will go a long way toward determining your chances of success. If your business involves a storefront — a candy shop or used-book store, for instance — set up your space to represent your vision for the business. Coordinate color patterns and décor with your logo, for example, or consider personalizing it with family photos to establish your essential connection to this business. Consider hiring a professional interior designer and/or decorator. A web presence is becoming (if not already) essential for any new small business, so don’t take this aspect for granted. Especially if your business has a substantial web-based component, make your site intuitive, manageable, and suited to the brand identity you want to build. Hiring a professional web designer may be a good idea. If your budget is tight, and/or your business does not require a traditional storefront, don’t overspend on a fancy space. A local coffee shop can make a good place to meet clients, or you can rent a space as needed for such gatherings. Wait until your business has a solid foundation before expanding into a nicer space. 13. **Consider a “soft” opening.** There is no rule that says your first day of business has to also be your Grand Opening. Give your business a chance to work out the kinks before announcing itself to the world. Restaurants are probably the best-known example of businesses that often have soft openings — dry runs of dinner service with invited guests, maybe even just friends and family. But the concept can work with just about any small business. Send your new landscaping company’s crews out to work on your local relatives’ houses, lure your friends in with free pedicures, or convince your book club to come in and discuss their life insurance needs. Open officially for business without great fanfare, maybe for a week or two before your (well-advertised) Grand Opening. Customers will probably just trickle in, but that will make it easier to practice getting things right before the hopeful rush of customers to come. 14. **Start early.** Don’t wait until opening day, or even until you know when opening day will be. Be proactive in establishing brand awareness and generating anticipation. A “coming soon” sign on your in-preparation storefront is a good start, but not enough on its own. Preserve the bulk of your initial marketing budget for the Grand Opening, but before that time utilize budget-friendly options like flyers, targeted direct mail, and a social media presence. Try to build your brand even before your location is ready. If you’re going to be selling handcrafted necklaces or handmade pierogies, seek out a local craft or food festival where you can set up a table and sell your wares. (Be sure to advertise your forthcoming retail presence.) If you’re an accountant, maybe you can volunteer to offer tax advice at the local community center or library (and hand out business cards). Take advantage of of the plethora of free consumer data provided by the Census Bureau and Department of Labor to learn more about customers. After you've identified your consumer profile (who’s actually buying the product), use the federal data to find even more consumers and reach the masses. Couple this data with insights from free reports provided by research firms (such as Nielsen) to determine how best to market your product/service to your consumer mass. 15. **Establish a marketing budget.** The run-up to opening and first few months of operation may very well make or break your new small business, so make sure you give your initial marketing push a strong effort. One suggestion is to dedicate 20% of your first year’s marketing budget to your Grand Opening. This amount should be significant enough to spread your message widely at a time when your ads are likely to be their most effective, but at the same time isn’t an “all your eggs in one basket” situation that leaves you with limited ability for subsequent advertising. Spend, for example, $4,500 advertising your Grand Opening, because that amount should be sufficient for two media buys. If that amount is beyond your reach, you may be able to utilize a mix of flyers, direct mailings, promotional items (balloons, banners, etc.), and a “sign spinner” at a busy intersection for around $1,500. This, of course, assumes you have a fairly large marketing budget of $22,500 ($4,500 is 20% of $22,500). Since many businesses have much smaller marketing budgets (maybe only a few thousand dollars), always work within whatever 20% of your marketing budget is. 16. **Use traditional media.** If your marketing budget allows, consider using traditional media like radio or newspaper. If you can manage television advertising as well, it is always a good idea to diversify your ad presence. Before tossing radio aside as an outdated media format, note that some three-quarters of U.S. adults listen to radio at least occasionally, and often do so when driving somewhere. Thus, radio can be a particularly good advertising method for retail stores and restaurants. Target your advertising by format (Top 40, Country, Talk, etc.) and time of day to maximize impact. Newspapers are popular among over-35 adults, but even a decent percentage of younger adults read a paper occasionally. Newspapers are still a cost-effective way to reach thousands of potential customers. Consider including coupons as well; they provide not only motivation to visit but a tangible connection between a potential customer and your business. It is also easy to track their effectiveness, as more coupons coming in mean they are doing their job. You may assume that TV advertising is beyond your small business budget, but there are options for producing and placing lower-cost ads, sometimes with the assistance of the local broadcast network. Consider bunching your ads during programs relevant to your targeted customer base — TV judge shows for a legal practice or the nightly news sports report for a golf training academy, for instance — so that you seem like a major sponsor. 17. **Use social media.** Even if you don’t know your tweets from your tags, or assume that your tailor shop doesn’t need a social media presence, make use of all avenues to spread the word about your business. Some 80% of your fellow small business owners are using social media, particularly for marketing. The appeal of social media advertising is its low cost and direct connection to potential customers, but remember that the trade-off is likely to be a greater time commitment. Do a detailed analysis of your targeted and existing customer base and try to coordinate your brand identity and message across platforms. With the ever growing number of social media platforms, you may feel the temptation to be active in as many as possible. But don’t spread your business (or yourself) too thin. If your salon targets 40-something moms who likely use Facebook, focus your energies there. Don’t get caught up in posting all the time; a few times a week will likely suffice. You’ll be plenty busy with all the other details of opening your business. There are, however, ways to link multiple social media platforms. Consider this option if you can manage it without, again, spreading yourself too thin at a very busy time. Social media presence is especially important if your business is online based. In addition to social media, consider internet advertising using technology like Google Adwords. Adwords allows an ad from your business to pop up whenever a user searches particular key words on google. When somebody clicks on your ad, you pay. For an online based business, this can be especially important since it communicates your business to the broader internet. It is also important for traditional brick-and-mortar businesses too, since it reaches an audience that primarily is exposed to the internet as opposed to other forms of media. 18. **Consider when to make your opening “grand.”** As mentioned, there is no requirement to hold your Grand Opening on your first day of business, and it is often advisable to wait even a couple of weeks before staging it. Schedule your Grand Opening for a day and time that suits your product or service — a Saturday morning for a diner; a Friday evening for an ice cream parlor; early evening for a martial arts studio. 19. **Make it an event.** Work hard to build excitement in the days and even weeks leading up to your Grand Opening. Use the term “Grand Opening” in your marketing — it makes it seem more special than just an “open for business” notice. Create excitement by offering prizes, giveaways, demonstrations, special deals, etc., for visitors that day. Hire a photographer to capture the event for media (traditional or social) consumption. Bring in live entertainment, extra staffing, even security if you expect an especially large crowd. If your business and/or its location aren’t conducive to a large public Grand Opening, consider having an event more along the lines of a “launch party” at a nearby restaurant, banquet hall, etc. 20. **Guarantee a positive customer experience.** Plan ahead and do whatever you can to ensure that attendees walk away from your Grand Opening with a positive first impression of your new business. Oversights as simple as inadequate parking, long food lines, or running out of paper products in the restrooms can sour an otherwise enthusiastic reception. Have extra staff on hand to make sure customers don’t have to wait too long for service or attention. If parking may be an issue, try to work out arrangements beforehand with other businesses or community groups — perhaps setting up satellite parking at a nearby church, for instance. Send attendees home with a token of your appreciation — ideally something with your logo on it — along with a coupon / special deal for a return visit. 21. **Involve the community.** Establish your connection to the local community from the very start of your business. Let people envision your business having a positive community impact for years to come. Invite the local press to your event, but also other local business and community leaders. Network with as many as possible and establish yourself as a member of the local team. If possible, align your Grand Opening with a community event, when local crowds will already be gathered. Make it seem like a part of that larger celebration. Sponsor the entertainment at the holiday lighting celebration or midsummer festival. Advertise both your business and your deep connection to the community.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Treat a Cat's Broken Tail.,"Cats frequently get into mischief, whether they live inside, outside, or go back and forth. It's not surprising then that cats can end up with a variety of injuries, including damage to the tail. If your cat comes home and will not lift his tail or it seems bent or broken, your cat may have a tail injury or even a broken tail. You may even see an open wound, blood or bone. Cats most commonly damage their tails from crushing (an item falling on it or door closing on it), pulling (getting stuck then the cat tries to run away, young children, abusers), or both. Once you've determined whether the cat's tail is broken, learn to care for the cat during the healing period. 1. **Watch your cat's behavior.** Your cat's changed behavior might be one of the first signs you notice that alerts you to a tail injury. Your cat may begin dragging his tail or keeping it low to the ground all the time, dribbling urine randomly, or having diarrhea. Your cat may begin walking unevenly or losing coordination in his back legs. Dribbling urine and having diarrhea are not symptoms of a broken tail on their own. If the tail injury was severe enough to cause these signs, the cat will definitely be dragging the tail. 2. **Examine the cat's tail for injury.** Gently feel along the length of the tail. Signs of injury or break include tender, swollen or bent areas. If you notice redness, tenderness, and swelling with fluid underneath, there may be an abscess, or pocket of pus, forming on your cat’s tail. If there is exposed bone or if the skin has been stripped from the tail leaving only bone this is called a ‘degloving’ injury. If you happen to notice a hard, non-painful kink in your cat’s tail, it’s probably because he was born with the kink in the tail or it's an old, already healed injury. pull or try to remove a severed portion of tail since there are tough tendons and sensitive nerves. If you pull or stretch the tendons, you'll damage the use of the tail, hind limbs, bladder and bowel functions. It may also cause arterial bleeding, which is difficult to control and potentially life-threatening for your cat. 3. **Take your cat to the vet if you suspect a tail injury.** The vet can address the injury without additional damage to the tail. Your cat may need a partial or full amputation of his tail if he has a degloving injury, deep cut, or if his tail is deeply or mostly severed. Your vet can also prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection which is highly likely with any open wound. Even if there are no external wounds, the vet can check your cat for other injuries. The vet may find neurologic damage from the tail being pulled during the accident. The vet will examine the tail for signs of physical or neurological damage. If the vet suspects nerve damage, your cat may have an electromyogram test. Anal sphincter and tail muscles are tested for nerve input. This lets the vet know if the tail will be able to recover. Your cat may still be in pain when you bring him to the vet's office. Stay close to him and speak in gentle comforting tones. You may want to loosely wrap your cat in a towel and place him in his carrier when you bring him to the vet's. This will calm him. 4. **Understand treatments.** Depending on where and how the tail is injured, your veterinarian will determine surgery or another treatment. If the tail is paralyzed, but your cat can still walk, the vet will probably amputate the tail. If the end of the tail has a break that's not causing problems for your cat, the vet may tell you to let it heal on its own. Your cat may need to stay at the veterinarian's for a few days to either rest and heal, or to determine the extent of the damage to the tail. If your cat's tail must be amputated, don't worry. It may take him a while to adjust to the lack of nerve sensation and change in balance. But, your cat will adapt to the change and his mobility won't suffer in the long run. 5. **Allow your cat to rest in a quiet space.** Keep the cat inside to let him rest and prevent further trauma to his injuries. Try putting your cat in a small room (like a bedroom, bathroom, or laundry room). This way, you can easily find him, check on the injury, and administer medications. Cats that are sick or injured often prefer to be away from children, other pets and a lot of noise or activity. 6. **Monitor your cat's habits.** You'll need to pay attention to your cat’s appetite, water intake and litter box habits. Tail injuries can sometimes affect bladder or bowel functions. If your cat is leaking urine or feces or not urinating or defecating at all, he could have nerve damage affecting these functions. If you notice these problems continuing, talk to your vet. The vet may need to test your cat's urine for infection and adjust any medications. 7. **Give your cat medication.** It's easiest to remember if you give medications on a schedule. You'll probably need to give antibiotics to prevent infections for any open wounds. Only give pain medication if your vet instructs you and gives a prescription. give over-the-counter pain medications. Many of these, like aspirin, or tylenol, are to give to cats. They can have severe, even fatal, side effects in cats. 8. **Keep any wounds or incisions clean.** Check the wound at least once a day. Your cat may soil himself with urine or feces since it may be too painful to lift his tail or if there's nerve damage. Sometimes wounds will have crusted blood, discharge, hair, litter, or other debris stuck to or around them. You may need to clean the wounds gently with lukewarm water or very diluted betadine or chlorhexidine solutions, and some gauze or a washcloth. Tail wounds usually don't need to be bandaged. Don't use soap and peroxide since they're irritating and damaging to tissues. If you see dry scabs, remember that they're good and don't scrub or pull them off. 9. **Watch for infection.** Whether or not you take your cat to the vet you will want to monitor the injury (or surgery) site very carefully. Don't let your cat lick any wounds. While there are some compounds in saliva that can help heal wounds, excessive licking can irritate the skin and bacteria from the mouth can cause serious infections. Signs of infected wounds are redness, warmth, swelling, and discharge that is white, green or yellow in color. You may want to keep an Elizabethan type collar on your cat to keep him from licking the injury. It could take up to 2-3 weeks for a tail fracture to heal, depending on the severity of the injury. Note that it may not heal perfectly, leaving a kink in the tail, but there should be no pain. All open wounds should also close up.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Know when You Have Too Many Pets?,"You’re thinking about adopting or rescuing another pet. However, too many pets can put a strain on your time, energy, finances, resources, and living space. How do you know when to say no to another pet? You need to be sure you can take care of all your animals as well as yourself and follow local ordinances to avoid losing pets, getting fined, or arrested. 1. **Consider time spent caring for your pets.** Cleaning, feeding, grooming, exercising, and ensuring a supply of fresh water is available for your animals takes time. See how long it takes you each day to properly care for all the animals you own. Compare this with the amount of free time you have available after other obligations are met, such as work, school, family time, etc. Make sure you won’t be neglecting another area of your life to care for all your animals. Always remember to take care of your pets. If you don't have time to take care of them all or don't remember which ones you have taken care of that day, you may have to get rid of some of them. Some animal types will require different maintenance. A long-haired dog, for example, probably needs to be brushed daily, while a cat can groom himself. Bird and hamster cages need to be cleaned out and disinfected often, with soiled bedding removed regularly. Be sure to consider the total amount of time you spend on all caretaking tasks for each animal you own each day, week, and month. The amount of free time you have available and are willing to spend caring for pets will determine how much time you spend with them. However, if it takes over two to three hours to take care of all your animals every day, then you may already have too many pets. 2. **Calculate space requirements for your pets.** Consider what your living arrangements are —how large is the living area and yard space you have for your animals? If you live in a small upstairs apartment without a yard, then take that into account when thinking about how many animals you can house. If you live out in the country on several acres, then you can probably keep more animals. Remember that each animal needs to have enough room to walk around and not be in a cramped space. While space definitely needs to be considered so that everyone can live together comfortably, time is the more important factor here. If you have the time to walk your dogs, then providing a large area to run in is not as important as making sure you can take them for walks every day to meet their exercise needs. 3. **Make sure you have the ability to care for your pets.** Your health status is an important factor to consider when getting more pets. Be aware of what you can and cannot handle without assistance. If you have difficulty getting around on your own, another pet may not be the best idea. Also, consider your mental health status. Depression can make it very difficult to care for yourself as well as pets. Your animals rely on you, so not taking on more than you can handle is very important for everyone’s wellbeing. Animals can cause stress and contribute to mental health problems, such as anxiety. You are responsible for your pets. The more animals you have, the more their needs, health issues and behavior can weigh on you. 4. **Count the number of pets you already have.** Though the number of pets you have can give you an idea of whether you already have a lot, the resources that you have available are more important than the actual number of animals you own. You need to be able to care for and provide an enriching environment for all your animals so that they can be happy and bring you joy as companions instead of more life stress.Consider what species of animals you have as well as individual temperaments and group sexual dynamics before getting another pet. Overcrowding may have a negative effect on the pets you already have. For example, it's recognized that in household with five cats or more there is a high likelihood of inappropriate spraying in order to mark territory. This is because the cats view the presence of other cats as a threat. The more cats, the bigger the perceived threat. So consider whether or not it's fair to take on another pet if it adds to the stress of your existing pets. If you can't count all your pets, or lose count, you have too many pets and shouldn’t get any more. While some people may look down on a person with 10 cats, as long as the owner can provide a sanitary place to live, afford medical care and emergency services for each cat as well as meet their own needs and pay bills, then there isn’t a problem. The pack mentality can increase as you get more dogs, and this can cause more behavioral problems because the social dynamics become more complex and your ability to give attention to each animal is lessened. Mixing male and female animals can increase competition. Hormones, territorial tendencies, and breeding behavior all contribute to problems you will have to deal with. Keep this in mind before adding new pets to the ones you already have. 5. **Create a budget.** Write down your expected expenses and income for the month. Use bank statements, receipts, and bills to help determine what you’re spending every month. Include your house or rent payment, car payments, insurance, groceries, gas, utilities, and other spending. Be sure to include all the expenses related to your pets, such as food, grooming, toys, bedding, supplies, medications, and healthcare costs. Doing this will allow you to see how much you are spending on your pets every month. Consider how adding another pet will change these numbers. Is it something you still want to do? 6. **Consider what you could spend your money on without pets.** Looking at the numbers, what could you afford if you didn’t have so many pets? Look at yearling savings as well as monthly. This can really show you whether another pet is worth it or not. If you didn’t have pets, could you increase your entertainment costs or pay for a car? Could you take that trip you’ve been wanting to take? Now, think about the monthly and yearly costs associated with getting another pet. What will you have to cut out of your budget and lose? 7. **Make sure all your needs are being met.** Don’t skip meals to pay for your cats’ litter. Make sure you get the nutrition you need and can pay your bills on time. If you’re regularly making late rent payments or not going to the doctor so you can buy your dogs’ food, then you probably don’t need another pet. 8. **Pay for medical care.** Medical care for animals can be expensive — sometimes thousands of dollars a visit. You’ll want to be able to save up money regularly in case you need to pay for emergency care or buy prescription medications for your animals. You need to be financially prepared for each animal that you own. Keep up to date with shots. Many young animals need a series of vaccinations the first year and regular rabies vaccinations after that. If you have multiple animals, pet insurance may be a good option. Be sure you can make your payments every month and pay any remaining balances for each pet. 9. **Find out what the rules are.** Your apartment or neighborhood may have rules that dictate the size, breed, and number of animals you can have. Check your lease, talk to your landlord or your neighborhood association to find out if there is a limit to how many animals you can keep on your property. 10. **Check city, county, and state laws.** Your local animal control and zoning laws probably dictate how many animals you can keep on your property. Governing bodies do this in order to prevent unsanitary, unhealthy conditions for residents. You will want to call animal control or talk to your city or county administrative office to find out what the local laws are so you can remain in compliance. Pet hoarding, or having too many pets than you can take care of, is likely in violation of your state, city, county, or other local health and zoning laws. You could lose your pets and even your house. 11. **Make sure all pets are licensed.** Many cities and counties require animals to be registered and licensed. In order to license pets, the pet often has to be spayed or neutered (or a breeder license purchased) and all shots be up to date. You can be fined or jailed if you do not have all your pets legally licensed. 12. **Consider any children in the house.** Because you are responsible for your pets and your children, having too many pets can compromise your ability to care for your children. If you can’t keep your property and home clean or neglect your animals, you can be charged with child neglect or endangerment as well. Make sure your children are taken care of before you consider getting anymore pets. 13. **Be courteous of others.** The more animals you have, the more odors and noise they create. Don’t get so many pets that your neighbors start complaining. The size of your residence will play a factor in this as well — an apartment is going to be right next to another apartment, whereas you probably have some space between houses. Many apartments and cities have noise ordinances. Check with yours to make sure that adding another barking dog won’t be a problem. 14. **Be aware of pet hoarding.** Some people have a mental illness that causes them to have more than the typical number of pets. They are unable to meet minimal care requirements and cannot recognize that they have a problem — even when animals become ill or die. You will need to contact your local police or health department or humane society if you or someone you know suffers from this condition. The unsanitary conditions of pet hoarding also negatively affect the community by increasing the risk of fire, creating poor air quality, attracting pests, and encouraging the transmission of infectious diseases. It is in your best interest to report suspected pet hoarding cases. When animals do not have access to enough food, live in unhygienic conditions or don’t get medical care, it’s considered to be animal cruelty. If you suspect you may be a pet hoarder, seek professional help right away. 15. **Find a new home for excess pets.** If you find that you can’t support the pets you have or take care of them, then you need to give up some of them. You and your animals all deserve to have a good quality of life. If you can no longer give them the attention, time, space, or provide the food or medical care that they need, you must allow them a chance to get the care they deserve with someone else. Friends, family members, and co-workers might be able to take one off your hands. If not, there are many rescue groups, shelters, and animal sanctuaries that can help. Put an add up in your local paper, at a local pet shop, feed store, or on an online site like for the animals you need to give up. 16. **Volunteer or give money to support animal rescue groups or shelters.** If you can no longer take care of extra animals, you can still help out in other ways. Support documented 501(c)(3) corporations with a reputation for providing high-quality animal care however you can. Your local shelter can always use your help as well.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Be Generous.,"We all admire generous people—so why can it be so tough to become a more giving person? With busy schedules and ingrained habits, making time for generosity may feel like a challenge. But there are actually tons of quick (and free!) ways to give back to your community and totally make a difference. Below, we've pulled together a list of ways you can give back right this second. To learn how you can become a more generous person, read on! 1. **A simple “thank you” can mean the world.** Donations and charity work are great ways to give back, but just offering your genuine appreciation for friends and family can boost their mood, too. Plus, gratitude also improves your relationships—and practicing thanks can also make you more generous over time. It's a win-win-win! You can thank someone any time, for anything. Send your mom a text out of the blue: “Was just thinking about everything you’ve done for me. Thank you so much.” When you notice that your son took out the trash, leave him a note on his desk with his favorite candy bar: “Thank you so much, honey! You rock.” If your partner listens to you vent about a tough problem, thank them for their empathetic ear. “I hope you know how much I appreciate this—I really needed to talk.” 2. **People underestimate the power of sincere compliments.** By letting someone know that their hair shines or their work rocks, you can transform their day, boost their mood, and raise their confidence. Offer specific, genuine compliments regularly. Just remember to keep them appropriate; admiring someone’s looks in the workplace, for instance, isn’t a good idea. Let a young person in your life know that you’re proud of them: “I hope you know how awesome I think you are. You’re so passionate about science—it’s amazing.” Tell your cashier that they have a great look: “I couldn’t love those nails more. You have such a fun, unique style!” Leave a fun note on your neighbor’s door: “Your Halloween decorations look AMAZING. I couldn’t believe it. So good!” 3. **You don’t need an excuse or organized event to give someone joy.** Random acts of kindness are all about sudden inspiration, good intentions, and getting creative. Take a second to think—what totally unprompted thing could you do right now to brighten someone’s day? Not only will your gesture make their week, but it could also inspire them to pay it forward, too. Make a heartfelt card for people in hospice care. If you have kids, involve them. Not only will you be teaching generosity, but a child’s creativity can make these cards even more touching. Go through the drive-through and pay for the person behind you. Your kindness will make their day, and they may even start a chain that pays it forward! Baked goods or flowers can totally brighten someone's day! Drop off a little treat with your new neighbors or your morning bus driver. 4. **A single blood donation can save the lives of 3 people.** It’s pretty amazing—go into your local blood drive to give some blood, enjoy juice and cookies, and walk away knowing that you just did some serious good. If you're feeling inspired, visit the American Red Cross to learn more about how you can host a blood drive event. Typically, you have to be over 110 pounds (49.9 kg), at least 17 years of age, and in good health to donate. In most cases, you'll have to wait 56 days in between each blood donation. 5. **Charities need enthusiastic volunteers to help achieve their goals.** That could be you! Think of an issue that you’re passionate about or a need that you see in your local community. Then, search for charities that aim to help (if you're not sure where to look, start online!). Donating your time doesn’t just make you feel amazing, but it’s also a great way to give back. Care about the environment? Join in on a weekend beach clean. Maybe you’re passionate about puppies. Reach out to your local humane society and see if they need some extra help. You might live in a city where many homeless people are struggling. Homeless shelters are always looking for kindhearted, helping hands. 6. **Giving your own savings to a worthy cause is an extremely generous act.** Donate what you can to organizations that you admire. Your donation will allow tons of passionate, knowledgeable people to continue doing good in the world and helping solve major issues facing people today. Remember that even a little can make a big difference. And finally, vet the charities you're donating to: Research your choice of charity first (there are scammers out there looking to take generous peoples’ money!) Look out for look-alikes—some organizations will try to scam you by choosing similar names to well-known orgs If you’re unsure, ask the charity for written materials on their programs and finances 7. **Your experience and knowledge are valuable assets.** So, if you can, share them with others—work as a mentor, help someone prepare for a job in your field, or volunteer to teach. With your skillset, you may be in a unique position to be a huge help to relevant organizations. Maybe you played a sport in college—like soccer. You can volunteer to coach a team of young players looking to improve! Are you a math whiz? Speak to the schools in your area and ask if they need any extra volunteer tutors. If you made it far in a tough career, you can help mentor someone just getting started. Maybe your friend of a friend wants to break into tech—coach them through the process! You could even volunteer with wikiHow. Write an article or edit existing articles to help us teach anyone how to do anything (for free!). 8. **Positive posts are free, easy, and can be a huge help to new businesses.** All over your town, people are busy trying to make their dreams come true. A little visibility can mean the world—so if you experience someone’s work and think it’s great, be loud about it. Take to social media and write a rave review. Not only will you make someone’s day—you could help them take off! Maybe you saw a small, local artist perform; take to Twitter! “I just saw The Rotaries in San Jose. SO good. Everyone needs to check them out ASAP!” If you just ate a new restaurant that wowed you, share their Facebook page: “Just tried Jeff’s Grille and it was to die for! Stop in before they’re booked!” 9. **Show empathy** Mental illness or major life events can take a serious toll on a friend's well-being. Listen to them, celebrate their successes, and continue to check on them—because this can bring more stability and connection into their life. Look out for signs that someone might be struggling, then take action to help: Help them find top resources and professionals who can help Research therapists that they can consider seeing When they have a “win,” even if it’s small, make a big deal out of it: ""You finally cleaned out that closet? Wow, congrats! I know that was stressing you out."" 10. **Sometimes the world can feel a little dark—brighten someone’s day with a positive.** There are always great things happening out there—in your community, in the world, or even in your circle of friends. Do what you can to make sure the people around you get to experience some of those highlights. This can make a huge difference, and it’s super easy to do! Research good news happening in the world today (Was a cat saved from a tree? Did a scientist discover a new species?) and share it freely in every conversation. If someone you know gets a great job or an award, spread the word. Not only will this help create some positivity, but it’ll also make your friend feel celebrated. Send a tip in to your local news station. If something amazing is happening, your city should know! Reach out to your station to fill them in on the news.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Respond to the Eggplant Emoji.,"Texting norms are always evolving, and some previously wholesome emojis have recently earned some seriously sexy secret meanings—like, for instance, the 🍆 (eggplant) emoji! If you've ever stared blankly at the eggplant emoji in your crush or partner's steamy text, don't stress. We'll clue you in on the eggplant's true meaning, along with everything you need to know about the other common sexting emojis. For a complete guide on how to respond to the eggplant emoji, read on. 1. **The 🍆 (eggplant) emoji refers to a penis.** It’s super commonly used for sexting, so if you’ve received an eggplant emoji, look out for other sexual emojis and phrases to help you decide if it's part of a dirty text. Because of the eggplant’s scorching associations, it was actually banned from major social media sites—but it’s still commonly used in private conversations. If the eggplant is sent with sexual text or emojis, then it’s referring to a man’s penis: “You make me so hot 👅💦🍆🍆.” If it’s sent along with info on gardening or salads, it probably refers to a literal eggplant: “My salad today is so delish. 🍆🥦🫑” 2. **Send emojis that express pleasure.** If you don’t want to include specifics, send a combo of these emojis to make it clear you're aroused: 😩😫😰🥵🤯. Send them on their own or include a sultry description of how you’re feeling, what you’re thinking, or what you want to do to the person you're texting. You'll have your text's recipient sweating. “That’s so hot 😩😩” “You’ve definitely got my mind racing…🥵😫” “I can’t wait until I see you in person next…😰😩” 3. **Use the ✋ (hand) and 👉 (finger) to describe touch in your sexts.** To keep the ball rolling, describe where and how you want to touch the person you're texting. Want to get really spicy? Pair the touching emojis with an emoji that describes a certain body part. This way, the recipient will know exactly where you'd like to touch them—making for a seriously sexy convo. “You know what I really want to do right now? 😏…✋🍑” “I can’t wait to see you and, you know…👉🌮” “I’m trying to work but I can’t stop imagining you…✋🌭” 4. **Send a string of sexy emojis to create an exciting sext.** Throw in the 👅 (tongue), 👄 (lips), and 😛 (licking) emojis, and you'll have your text's recipient weak at the knees. “The next time we see each other, it’s on. 👉✌️🌮🌶💦🥵” “You seriously turn me on…👅🦴🍌🤯😫🎆” If you’d rather not describe a specific action, feel free to use the sexual emojis in an unspecific order: “🎆🔨👄🥠🍯😰👉😛💥."" This will still turn up the heat! 5. **Reply asking the person to watch a movie and get intimate.** The phrase ""Netflix and chill” refers to movie-watching paired with a potential hookup. If your sexts are getting hot and you want to meet up, invite them over using these: 🎬❄️. The 🎬 (clapperboard) refers to the movie-watching, and the ❄️ (snowflake) refers to ""chilling."" “I definitely got the message there 😰. Want to come over? 🎬❄️” “Come over. I think we’d have fun…🎬❄️” “Let’s watch a movie and do…other stuff 😉🎬❄️” 6. **Invite the other person over for a booty call.** Booty calls refer to a (usually casual) offer to hook up. If you see the 🍆 (eggplant) emoji and you really want to get intimate with this person, send them the emoji phrase that's code for “booty call:” 🍑📞. “I know it’s kinda late, but what do you think? 🍑📞😉” “Your texts are really getting to me…I gotta ask, you free? 🍑📞😰” Or, send just the emojis to get your message across: “🍑📞.” 7. **Send the 👉 (pointed finger) + 👌 (okay hand) to describe sex.** If you want the other person to know that you’re interested in having sex, send these two together. Of course, it goes without saying that this text is by no means a promise to hook up. Have fun, send sexy texts to turn the two of you on, but don't feel tied to anything you sext. Texting someone a sultry text does not mean you're agreeing to anything. “Okay you’ve got my attention…👉👌🤯” “Oof. That was hot…👉👌🎆” “I’m so into you…👉👌💦💦” 8. **Respond with a sultry message if emojis feel too complicated.** You definitely don't need to include emojis in your response to the eggplant emoji. Send a text that describes how the other person's message made you feel, what you want to do with them sexually, or physical signs of arousal happening in your body. If your aim is to keep the enticing convo going, finish with a question to prompt them to continue. ""You're making me feel really turned on...if we were together, where would you touch me next?"" ""I wish I could touch you right is this conversation making you feel?"" ""I'm sweating...what are you thinking about rn? Be specific..."" 9. **🍑 (Peach):** this fruity emoji secretly refers to a person’s butt. 10. **✌️ (Peace sign):** when it's used for sexting, the peace sign is used to describe a vagina. 11. **🌮 (Taco):** the taco isn't just used to reference the delicious dish. It's also used to refer to a vagina. 12. **🍯 (Honey pot):** you may be surprised to learn that the honey pot also secretly refers to a vagina. 13. **🥠 (Fortune cookie):** once again, we've got a reference to a vagina. The more you know! 14. **🌭 (Hot dog):** if you see a hot dog in the middle of your sexy text, it's referring to a penis. 15. **🍌 (Banana):** if you see this one in a sext, the texter isn't worried about your potassium levels. Nope, this actually refers to a penis. 16. **🦴​​ (Bone):** the bone emoji has a double meaning, too. This one refers to a penis or sexual intercourse (AKA, “boning”). 17. **🍤 (Shrimp):** again, this one is used to describe a penis. Specifically, the shrimp refers to a penis that’s on the smaller side. 18. **🦏 (Rhino):** what's a rhino known for? It's horn! That's just where this secret sexting emoji gets its meaning from. The rhino means: I'm horny. 19. **🌶 (Pepper):** this hot pepper's meaning is simple: wow, that was spicy! 20. **👉 (Pointed finger):** when you see this emoji mid-sext, it's referring to sexual stimulation with a finger. It's also called ""fingering."" 21. **🔨 (Hammer):** whoever sends you this wants to ""nail"" you later (or, in other words, have sex). Clever, huh? 22. **💦 (Sweat droplets):** this one doesn't just refer to sweat. These droplets also secretly describe sex-related wetness or an orgasm. 23. **🍾 (Bottle with popping cork):** this one isn't just referring to popping bottles. Nope, in a sext, the champagne bottle describes an orgasm. 24. **💥 (Explosion):** this one might be self-explanatory. It refers to a big, explosive orgasm. 25. **🎆 (Fireworks):** think you can guess this one? That's right—it's an orgasm!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Check for Breast Cancer.,"According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), breast cancer is the leading cause of death for American women. Breast cancer is easier to treat when detected early, which makes breast awareness key to ensuring breast health. There are a number of ways you can check the health of your breasts and uncover potential abnormalities. You should also be aware that although it is uncommon, men can get breast cancer, so if you are a male and have seen any changes in your breast tissue, see a doctor immediately. 1. **Increase your breast awareness.** Get comfortable with your breasts and be aware of what their ""normal"" state is. ""Normal"" is unique for each woman, but get to know how your breasts generally look and feel. Establish a familiarity with them and their texture, contours, size, etc. You’ll be better able to recognize any changes and then communicate those changes to your physician. In addition, becoming more aware can help you feel empowered as you take an active role in your own health and well-being. Increasing breast awareness is one of the best things you can do for yourself if you are concerned about breast cancer. By becoming aware of what is normal for you, you'll be better able to assess when something is abnormal. Note that even things like breast asymmetry, where one breast is a slightly different size or in a slightly different position, are generally completely normal. You generally should only have cause for concern if things change from the way they usually are (for example, one breast grows significantly larger, etc.). If you have a spouse or partner, make him or her part of the process of checking your breasts and becoming more aware of your breast tissue. This is especially important because your partner sees and touches your body from a different angle and may be able to see things that you cannot. Ask your partner to communicate any changes s/he may notice or feel. 2. **Understand that the issue of breast self-examination is a subject of debate.** In the past, a monthly breast self-examination (BSE) was recommended for all women. However, in 2009 the US Preventative Services Task Force recommended against teaching women to do consistent and formal self-examinations after several large research studies concluded that BSE didn't reduce mortality or increase the number of cancers found. Subsequent studies have confirmed that BSE is of no importance in detecting malignant lesions in the breasts. At present, the American Cancer Society and the US Preventative Services Task Force recommend that BSE should be done at your own discretion. These organizations also emphasize that the real key is to be aware of what is normal for your own breast tissue. Part of the pushback against BSE is because it can lead to unnecessary testing (such as a biopsy), which can cause harm to the patient as well as a financial burden on the healthcare system. The problem is that BSE may draw attention to benign lesions, whereas mammograms can identify those malignant lesions that are real cause for concern and medical treatment. Be aware as well that a BSE should never be done in lieu of a physician's clinical examination or mammogram. At best, doing a BSE can help you become more aware of what is normal in your breasts and can help you assist your doctor in detecting changes. 3. **Know what to look for.** There are a number of signs that you should be aware of when visually or manually checking your breasts for cancer, including the following: Changes in breast size or shape - Swelling from a tumor or infection can change the shape and size of the breast tissue. This often occurs only on one breast but in some cases can occur on both. Your breasts may also change size during certain times in your menstrual cycle, so having an idea of what is ""normal"" for you at any particular time of the month is helpful. Discharge from the nipple - If you're not breastfeeding, there should be no discharge coming from the nipple. If there is discharge, especially without squeezing the nipple or breast tissue, talk to your physician. Swelling - There are aggressive and invasive types of breast cancer that may cause swelling in breast, collarbone or armpit. In some cases, the swelling occurs before you can feel a lump. Dimpling - Tumors or growths in the breast near the surface of the skin or nipple can cause a change in shape and look of the tissue, including dimpling or puckering of the skin (like the skin of an orange, also known as peau d'orange). Look as well for a newly inverted nipple, which is also a sign of a problem. (Some women have naturally inverted nipples, which are not a cause for concern; a change from your normal state is.) Redness, warmth or itching - Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare but aggressive type of cancer that presents with symptoms similar to an infection in the breast: a warming sensation, itching or redness. 4. **Do a visual BSE.** You can do this whenever you like, although it's a good idea to do it after your period, when your breasts are less tender and swollen. Try to do it every month at around the same time. You can even mark down when you do the exam each month in your planner or journal to keep track of it. In front of a mirror, sit or stand without a shirt or bra on. Lift and lower your arms. Look for any changes to the size, shape, tenderness, and appearance of your breast tissue, using the above signs as your guide. Then place your palms on your hips and flex your chest muscles. Look for any dimples, puckers or other abnormalities. 5. **Do a manual BSE.** Devote a set time each month to do a manual BSE. If you are still menstruating, the best time to do this is a few days after your period when your breasts are the least tender. You can do the examination lying down; in this position, the breast tissue is more spread out and thus thinner and easier to feel. Another alternative is in the shower, where the soap and water can help your fingers move more smoothly over your breast skin. You can also do both methods, in order to maximize the examination. Follow these steps: Lie flat and place your right hand behind your head. Using the first three fingers of your left hand, palpate (feel) the breast tissue on your right breast. Be sure to use the pads of the fingers, not just the very tips. Feel for anything that feels hard and round. Start at your armpit area and work your way towards the center of each breast. Move across to the middle of your body until you only feel the sternum (breastbone). Use three different levels of pressure to feel the tissue: light pressure at the top for tissue just under the skin, medium pressure to check tissue in the middle of the breast, and deeper pressure to feel the tissue closest to the chest wall. Make sure to apply each pressure level to each area before moving on. Once you've done one breast, do the other. Put your left hand under your head and perform the same exam on your left breast. Squeeze each nipple gently to check for discharge. Remember that your breast tissue extends to the area near your armpit. This area can also develop lumps or cancer, so it's important to check there as there during your manual BSE. 6. **Schedule annual ""well woman exams"".** These are yearly physical or pelvic exams with your gynecologist or family practitioner. You should see the doctor every year for a checkup, even if you are feeling fine. This is especially important as you age and your risk for developing certain cancers, including breast cancer, increases. During the beginning of the exam, give your doctor an updated medical history. Breast cancer is often hereditary, so your breast exams will be even more important if there is a history of breast cancer in your family, particularly among a mother or sister. 7. **Get a clinical breast exam.** During your yearly physical or pelvic exam, your physician will do a manual check of your breasts for any suspicious lumps or other changes. If your doctor doesn't do this, ask for it. Physicians are trained in how to do a breast exam and will know what to look for and what should be cause for concern. This is why you should never try to replace this exam with your own self-examination. If you feel uncomfortable, you can ask for a nurse or family member to be present during the exam. If you’re a female patient seeing a male doctor, this is typically standard procedure. 8. **Have the appearance of your breasts assessed.** Your doctor will begin by checking the appearance of your breasts. You will be asked to raise your arms over your head and then hang them down by your sides while the doctor examines the size and shape of your breasts. The doctor is not judging your breasts on any aesthetic qualities. She is only checking to see whether they are generally the same shape and size, or if there are any areas for concern. 9. **Undergo a physical examination.** While you lie down on the examination table, your doctor will use the pads of her fingers to examine the entire breast area, including the armpits and collarbones. The exam should last for only for a few minutes. 10. **Stay calm and breathe.** If you feel any anxiety, take a deep breath and remind yourself that this is a necessary part of maintaining and being proactive about your health. Remind yourself as well that breast cancer has a higher success rate of being treated effectively when it is caught early and before it has spread to other organs, tissues, and the bones. Remember that you can always ask any questions about why your doctor is performing certain motions or exams. If you feel stressed out or uncomfortable, talk with your doctor. 11. **Schedule an annual mammogram when you turn 40.** The National Breast Cancer Foundation recommends a screening mammogram every one to two years for women aged 40 and older. If you have a personal or family history of breast cancer or you notice a lump during a self-exam, your doctor may want you to begin having screening mammograms before you are 40 years old. Screen mammography for women aged 75 and older depends on the woman’s overall health. If she has a number of health problems, she is not likely not to be a candidate for treatment were cancer in fact detected. Thus, you should talk to your doctor about screening if you are 75 or older. For women who know via genetic testing that they carry the breast cancer genetic mutation (BRCA1 and BRCA2), screening should begin at age 25 and may also involve an MRI of the breast tissue in addition to a mammogram. 12. **Understand what the procedure does.** A mammogram is an low-radiation x-ray that allows doctors to see your breast tissue. A mammogram can often detect lumps in your breast tissue before you can feel them. Although the doctor may be looking for potential cancerous growth with a mammogram, the test can also detect calcifications, fibroadenomas and cysts in the breast tissue. 13. **Prepare for your mammogram.** Find out if there are any requirements before your mammogram. You should not wear deodorant, perfume or lotion on the day of your mammogram, as these can interfere with the test reading. Be sure to wear a loose top that will be easy for you to take off for the mammogram. Read up on the procedure to help calm yourself if you feel anxious. The test may be slightly uncomfortable but is over within a matter of minutes. 14. **Discuss your breasts with your doctor and the mammogram technician.** They will need to know if you have breast implants, or if you are currently menstruating. 15. **Have the test.** In the mammogram, your breast is placed on a platform and compressed with a paddle to even out the breast tissue, hold the tissue still during the x-ray, and allow for the use of a lower-energy x-ray. You’ll feel pressure and may experience some discomfort during the mammogram, but this is just temporary. A mammogram will be done on both breasts so the radiologist can compare both sides. 16. **Wait for results.** If the potential for breast cancer shows up in your results, you might need have further imaging testing, such as a breast ultrasound to look for cysts or an MRI to evaluate and differentiate a suspicious lesion from a benign one. If the mammogram and MRI detect a tumor or growth, your doctor may recommend an ultrasound-guided needle biopsy to determine both the type of cell growth and the type of treatment needed to treat the cancer (i.e., surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, etc.). In a biopsy, tissue is removed from the suspicious area of the breast and analyzed in a laboratory. Most breast tissue biopsies are outpatient procedures, and you won’t have to stay overnight in a hospital. 17. **Be aware of the basic risk factors for breast cancer.** Although being a woman is the main risk factor developing breast cancer, there are also a number of other factors that increase the likelihood that you could develop breast cancer, including: Age: Risk increase with age. Most people who have breast cancer are over 45 years old. Once you reach the age of 50, your risk increases ten-fold for each decade beyond 50. Menstruation: If you started menstruating before you were 12 years old, or entered menopause when you were older than 55, your risk is slightly increased. In both cases, the risk is higher because of the increased ovulation cycles. Pregnancy: An early pregnancy or multiple pregnancies can both reduce your risk. Having no children or getting pregnant after the age of 40 increases your risk of developing breast cancer. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): Current or previous use for more than 10 years can increase the risk for breast cancer. 18. **Be aware that your lifestyle can affect your breast cancer risk.** Obesity, smoking, alcohol use, and shift work are all risk factors for breast cancer. Whether someone is overweight or obese is determined by using the body mass index (BMI). BMI is a person's weight in kilograms (kg) divided by the square of the person's height in meters (m). A BMI of 25-29.9 is considered overweight, while a BMI greater than 30 is considered obese. A BMI greater than 30 is considered a risk factor for developing breast cancer, since fat cells secrete estrogen, which feeds many breast cancers. There is also some recent evidence that long-term heavy smoking correlates with a higher risk of breast cancer. The risk is especially high among certain groups of smokers, such as women who began smoking before they had their first child. Research is still being conducted to determine the exact relationship between smoking and breast cancer. Alcohol has also been linked to increased risk of developing breast cancer. The risk increases the more you drink alcohol. Women who consume between two and five drinks every day have a 1.5x higher risk than women who don't drink. Recent research has suggested that women who work night shifts (such as nurses) may have an increased risk of breast cancer due to changes in melatonin levels. Further research is needed, however, before these findings will be considered conclusive. 19. **Know your personal and family medical history.** There are also risk factors related specifically to you, your family history, and your genetics, including: Personal medical history: If you have had a previous diagnosis of breast cancer, you are three to four times as likely to develop a new cancer in the same or opposite breast. Family history: You are more likely to develop breast cancer if one or more close blood relatives in your family have had breast, ovarian, uterine or colon cancer. Your risk is doubled if you have a first-degree relative (sister, mother, daughter) with the disease. Having two first-degree relatives triples your risk. Genes: Genetic defects found on BRCA1 and BRCA 2 can dramatically increase your risk of developing breast cancer. You can opt to find out if you have these genes by contacting a genome mapping service. In general, approximately 5-10% of cases are related to heredity. 20. **Be aware that most women diagnosed with breast cancer have NO risk factors.** The majority of women don't exhibit any of the above and are no more or less likely to breast cancer than anyone else. As a result it is imperative that women practice the above guidelines regarding breast health and that they notify their primary care physicians if they notice any changes in their breast tissue.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Change the Root Password in Linux.,"This wikiHow teaches you how to change the Linux root password if you have the current password or if you don't have access to the current root password. 1. **Open a terminal window.** To do so, press Ctrl+Alt+T, which will open a new terminal window with a command prompt in most Linux desktop environments. If you’re not using a desktop environment, you’re already at a command prompt, so proceed to the next step. 2. **Type su at the command prompt, and press ↵ Enter.** A Password: line will open below the command prompt. 3. **Type the current root password, then press ↵ Enter.** When the password is accepted, you’ll be brought back to the command prompt as the root user. If you type the password incorrectly, run su and try again. Passwords are case-sensitive. 4. **Type passwd and press ↵ Enter.** An Enter new UNIX password: line will appear below the prompt. 5. **Type a new password and press ↵ Enter.** The password you type will not appear on the screen. 6. **Retype the new password and press ↵ Enter.** You will see a message that reads “password updated successfully.” 7. **Type exit and press ↵ Enter.** This will log you out of the root account. 8. **Restart your computer.** 9. **Press E at the Grub menu.** The Grub menu appears right after you turn on the computer. In most cases, it only stays on the screen for a few moments. If you don’t press E before the Grub menu disappears, reboot and try again. This method works for most popular Linux distributions (Ubuntu, CentOS 7, Debian). There are many distributions of Linux, some more obscure than others. If you’re not able to get to single-user mode with this method, check your distribution’s website for instructions specific to your system. 10. **Scroll to the line that begins with linux /boot.** Use the ↑ and ↓ keys to do so. This is the line you’ll need to modify in order to boot into single-user mode. In CentOS and some other distributions, the line may begin with linux16 rather than linux. 11. **Move the cursor to the end of the line.** Use the →, ←, ↑, and ↓ keys to place the cursor right after ro. 12. **Type init=/bin/bash after ro.** The end of the line should now look like this:ro init=/bin/bash. Note the space between ro and init=/bin/bash. 13. **Press Ctrl+X.** This tells the system to boot directly to a root-level command prompt in single-user mode. 14. **Type mount –o remount,rw / at the prompt and press ↵ Enter.** This mounts the file system in read-write mode. 15. **Type passwd at the prompt and press ↵ Enter.** Since booting into single-user mode gives you root access, there’s no need to pass additional parameters to the passwd command. 16. **Type a new root password and press ↵ Enter.** The characters you type won’t be displayed on the screen. This is normal. 17. **Retype the new password and press ↵ Enter.** When the system confirms you’ve re-entered the same password, you’ll see a message that reads “password updated successfully.” 18. **Type reboot –f and press ↵ Enter.** This command reboots the system normally.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Be a Good Basketball Player.,"Playing basketball requires natural skill, but you can become a good basketball player if you properly condition your body, practice with the right drills, and master the mental aspects of the game. Good basketball players put in the effort and training that it takes to get better on the court, and they have the personality traits that coaches appreciate. 1. **Improve your ball handling skills.** Some experts believe the ability to handle the ball well is the most important skill in the game. You shouldn’t have to think too hard about dribbling the ball if you practice a lot. A good way to improve this skill is through dribbling drills. Practice with circle dribbles. In this drill, you use one hand to dribble the ball in circles around your right foot. Then switch to the other hand and leg. Practice dribbling between cones or chairs. Try doing figure 8 dribbles, in which you dribble the ball in and out of your legs, using a figure 8 motion. Bounce the ball from one hand to the other. Practice your dribbling with both hands so you can more easily change directions on the floor. Dribble suicide drills condition you while improving drilling ability. Start at the baseline. Dribble in a sprint to the closest free throw line and back. Then dribble to midcourt line and back. Then dribble to the farthest away free throw line and back. Finally, dribble all the way to the other side of the court and then back. Start at one end of the court. Dribble the entire length of the court and make a layup or a jump shot. Get your own rebound, and do the same thing, moving to the other end of the court. Do this three times as fast as you can. 2. **Improve your passing ability.** Passing is a skill that basketball players must master. There are two basic ways to pass. One is a chest pass in which you throw the ball to your teammate without it bouncing. The second is a bounce pass, in which you bounce the ball once when throwing it to your teammate. This is the hardest pass for a defender to intercept. Players working on passing abilities might want to play a pickup game that uses no dribbling at all so they can focus more on passing. Practice passing with two hands. This will give you more control over the ball. Put your weight into the pass by stepping into it. This will improve ball speed and control. Aim for your teammates’ hands when passing to them. Pass to a specific team member rather than throwing the ball in the direction of their voice. Your thumbs should point down at the end of a pass, and you should follow through. Otherwise, the ball will be harder to catch because it won’t have the right back spin. You don’t have to pass a ball with great speed. Don’t forget the easy pass. If you get too tricky, you might provoke more turnovers. Don’t jump when passing. If you do this, you can’t land with the ball so it’s harder. Move toward the ball when it’s being passed to you. That makes it harder for a defender to intercept it. Try to catch it with two hands. Once you learn the basic passes, try to learn more advanced passes, like the overhead pass and the outlet pass. 3. **Improve your shooting.** The shooters get a lot of the glory, and they are obviously critical to the game. But you don’t want to be in a situation where people are blocking your shots or you miss a lot of them. That will land you on the bench. Use your fingertips. This helps you maintain proper control of the ball when shooting. Bend your legs and stay small when you begin the shot. Then, spring up, and end tall, with your body straightened and hands up in the air. When players start shooting while standing straight, they can lower their shooting percentage. The legs are critical in shooting. In fact, you should play the entire game with your knees mostly bent. Go for the higher percentage shots. Don’t always try to shoot the tricky shots. Figure out which shots are difficult for you to make, and focus on the easier shots. This will make you seem like a better shooter overnight. Point the elbow toward the middle of the rim, and keep it in, as well as your middle finger when you follow through. Finish your shot as if you are dipping your hand into the rim. Proper follow through also means that your fingers should hang down, not be together or pointed. Fully extend your arm at the end of your shot, with your elbow snapping back. And keep your elbow at the level above your eyes when you release the ball. 4. **Condition your body.** Athleticism makes the difference between a good skill set, and an unstoppable skillset. Speed, quickness, verticality, strength, and stamina can turn any skill deadly just by simply giving you the advantage over an opponent physically. You need to perform practice drills that condition your body in a way that is designed for basketball offensive play, not just exercises like you might do for fun. Coaches look for players who want to work hard to achieve good conditioning, like who has an explosive first step or who can jump 2 feet (0.61 m) in the air. Use a pre-planned workout. There are many basketball conditioning plans that will help you get in shape and improve your stamina. Even 45 minutes three times a week can make a big difference. Some conditioning workouts suggest exercises like skipping rope, sprinting from the free-throw line to the net and slapping the net with the hands, shooting for one minute from different spots on the court, and performing defensive slide moves. 5. **Keep your feet moving.** A good defender must be quick on the feet and constantly on the move. If you stand still too long on the court, you won’t be good at this position. Mentally envision that you’ve stepped in paint. Ask yourself, how many of your footprints will you see on the court? You want to “paint the floor” by moving a lot and being everywhere. Increase your activity on defense, and you will be more effective. Try for every single ball. Don’t keep your eye on the ball – keep your eye on the other player. Otherwise you could be tricked by ball fakes. Maintain eye contact with the player you are guarding. Keep the player away from the baseline and force him or her to the front of the rim. 6. **Stay low.** Good defenders bend their knees. They spend most of the game moving and crouched low. They should also keep their head lower than the head of the person they are guarding. Keep feet wide apart and legs bent when on defense. Constantly move your feet. It will be easier for an offensive player to get past you if your legs are together or your feet crossed. Keep your nose lower than the nose of the person you are guarding. This way you can react quickly to motion made by your opponent. Standing upright can make a defender lose balance. Your feet should be shoulder length apart, with your knees bent slightly. 7. **Put your hand on the ball.** If you are careful, you can use this technique to be a better defender without fouling the player you are guarding. If the opponent is holding the ball in shooting position, put your hand on the ball. This will make it harder for them to shoot the ball. If your opponent has the ball below their midsection, put your hand on top of the ball. This will make it harder for them to shoot. 8. **Become a better rebounder.** Remember no matter how good you are, you are only one player out of five. Rebounding the ball can determine the outcome of games. Your team can't score if it doesn't have possession. Move to the inside position, so you have a better chance at the ball. Don’t stand straight. If you squat down, you will have more power in your jump and a better chance at the ball. When you jump for the ball, keep both hands as outstretched as you can. 9. **Improve your defensive conditioning.** Defenders need to do a lot of running and must stay low to properly guard another player. Defensive endurance training will improve play. Doing a wall sit is a good way to improve your defensive conditioning. All you need to do is find a wall and sit down, as if you were sitting in a chair (but without one). Stand with your back to the wall. Slide down the wall until your knees are in a 90-degree angle with the floor. Hold the position for about 60 seconds when starting out. Try jumping rope with two legs and go as fast as you can. Time and count your jumps so you can track progress. It sounds simple, but jumping rope is a great way to improve your conditioning for basketball. That’s because it improves endurance but also agility. Try agility drills. Start on the baseline, right side. Sprint to the top right corner of the free throw line, shuffle to the left corner, backpedal to the baseline and shuffle to where you started. Then, move to the right corner and do the same thing. Boys should be able to do this in 10-14 seconds and girls in 11-15 seconds. 10. **Try lower body strength training.** Lifting weights will improve your body’s overall strength, which is good on defense when you need to get rebounds or block shots. You want to vary exercises, though. Do squats. Take a dumbbell, keep feet flat on the ground and go as low as you can, keeping your thighs parallel to the ground. Try lunges and step ups. Using a barbell or dumbbell, keep your leading foot flat on the ground and your torso erect. Step up on a box and then down again or lunge forward with each leg. 11. **Try upper body strength exercises.** These exercises are divided into pushes and pulls. You can use bands to help you by putting a foot or knee into a band when doing things like chin-ups or pull-ups if they are hard for you in the beginning. Use a barbell or dumbbell to do bench presses or shoulder presses. To bench press, lie on a weight bench with your feet on the floor. Unlock the bar and lift it with straight arms. Lower it to mid-chest, and then press it upward, locking your elbows. Don’t move your butt off the bench. Try to do this in sets of five reps. Use a barbell or dumbbell to perform bicep curls. When doing a bicep curl, you want to stand straight with a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your elbows in close to your body. Make sure your palms face forward. Then curl the dumbbell until the biceps fully contract and dumbbells stop at the shoulder. Now, lower the dumbbells to the starting position, and repeat. . 12. **Master the rules.** Sometimes younger basketball players forget the game’s rules. If you don’t know the rules by heart, you will cause problems for your team. A good way to master the rules is by joining a club team when you’re young or in the summer in between seasons. If the team on offense has the ball behind the mid-court line, it has 5 seconds to move the ball over the mid-court line or it loses the ball. Knowing a rule like this helps you prevent turnovers. The offensive team can’t bring the ball back over the mid-court line once it gets the ball over the mid-court line, or it loses the ball. These are the kinds of rules that smart basketball players know. 13. **Study the game.** You need to understand everything you can about your position and about court strategy. You are going to get more playing time if you are a strategic player in addition to one with strong technical skills. You can find many training videos on YouTube. Study your past games and those of the competition. What worked? What went wrong? After a game, sit down with your coach. Together, try to come up with one area that you need to improve. Then, work on that area in practice. Find a mentor. You can ask a basketball coach or find a good basketball player who'd be willing to teach you. Different coaches have different philosophies and systems. Figure out yours so you can adapt to it. Maybe they don’t want point guards to get more than three turnovers in a game. Whatever their own personal rules are, it’s helpful if you learn them. Watch professional and other high-level games to see how the best play the game. Use what you learn in your own game. 14. **Understand your role.** Don’t focus solely on scoring. One mistake young players make is they put all the emphasis on scoring. Focus on how you can add value to your team. Maybe you are a great passer, for example. If you’re not good at being a three-point shooter, don’t try it much. You should give up the ball to the teammate who’s better at that role. Maybe you are a great catch-and-shoot player. Then focus on that. If you are a center, you want to spend your time practicing rebounding and post drills, not dribbling. So figuring out your role also helps you pick the right training exercises. 15. **Be mentally tough.** Basketball is a mental game, not just a physical one. Some experts say the mental aspects of the game are 70% of it. Coaches look for players with mental toughness. Provide 100 percent effort. Basketball is a game of dedication and persistence. Don’t be afraid to be criticized, either. It’s how you will learn. Coaches want players who are passionate, determined, who want to get better and who will work hard to do so, and who have the will to prepare to win, not just the will to win. Be aggressive. Coaches look for players who are aggressive and focused on the court and off it. They want someone who will dive on the floor if there is a loose ball and is constantly applying pressure to other players when acting as a defender. 16. **Be a team player.** Good sportsmanship is one of the most important aspects of basketball. You can only get so far in a sport on your own. You'll need to be humble and ready to listen to your coach and teammates if you want to improve. Being a team player also means winning with grace, losing respectfully, and putting in the effort it takes to be the strongest player you can be. Great players elevate their teammates’ play when they are on the court. To be a good team player, pass more often, run for an open space to help that teammate being surrounded by the opposite team, help block, help with rebounds, etc. People will like you and will return you the favor!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Make a Tabletop Fire Bowl.,"If you have the DIY spirit and want to add some fire-lit ambiance to your patio, you can easily make your own fire bowl to set on your deck table. First, you need to set up an appropriate workspace and grab some safety gear. Then you use two disposable bowls to make a mold for your concrete bowl. Once that dries, you just need to remove the mold, sand it down, and fill it up with fire glass or stones and a sterno can. 1. **Choose a workplace with plenty of airflow.** You’re going to be mixing and sanding concrete to make your bowl, so work outside if weather permits. Otherwise, pick an air area with strong air circulation. If necessary, set up fans and/or open windows to improve airflow. 2. **Protect surrounding surfaces.** Drape a dropcloth, tarp, or similar covering over your worktable. Do the same for the floor or any other nearby surfaces that may potentially get dirty from your project. Then secure your covering(s) in place with duct tape. This will make clean-up a cinch. 3. **Wear appropriate safety gear.** Wear work gloves to protect your hands. Also wear safety goggles to protect your eyes. Additionally, wear a dust mask, even if air circulation is strong, since mixing and sanding concrete will still introduce a lot of particles into the air. 4. **Choose two differently sized bowls for your mold.** You’re going to need two bowls of different sizes in order to cast your mold: one to shape the fire bowl’s exterior, and a smaller one to shape its interior. First, pick one that matches the size you have in mind for your fire bowl. Then choose a smaller one that will fit inside the first. Also make sure that the smaller bowl is: Wide enough to fit a sterno can, with ample space left over between the can and the bowl’s rim to fill with fire glass or stones. Deep enough so that the top of the sterno can is below the bowl’s rim, in order to contain spills. Roughly half the size of the larger bowl to ensure that the fire bowl’s walls will be sufficiently thick. 5. **Mix your concrete.** How much concrete you need will depend on the size of the bowls you chose (as well as how many bowls you intend to make). Err on the side of caution and purchase a larger bag of concrete mix than you think you’ll need. Follow the brand’s instructions on how much water to mix that particular formula, and in what increments. ShapeCrete and Quikrete are two popular brands for small DIY projects. 6. **Grease your bowls.** Now that you’re concrete is mixed, ensure that you’ll be able to easily remove it from its mold before you pour it in. Spray the interior of your larger bowl with non-stick cooking spray. Then do the same with the exterior of the smaller bowl. Lubricate them now so that concrete won’t cement with them as it dries. 7. **Add a level layer of concrete to the bottom of the large bowl.** Use a trowel to fill the bottom of your larger bowl with wet concrete. As you do, flatten the concrete so it’s nice and flat. Once the bottom is covered, use a level to make sure the flat surface is level. 8. **Place your smaller bowl inside and adjust the concrete as needed.** Once the concrete in the larger bowl is flat and level, set the smaller bowl on top of it. Judge its depth within the larger bowl. If its rim stands higher than the larger bowl, remove it, empty some of the concrete, and try again. If, on the other hand, the smaller bowl is still too deep inside for your taste: Take the smaller bowl out and add more concrete. As you do, just remember that you want to keep the concrete flat and level. Also check the smaller bowl’s exterior to make sure it’s still coated in cooking spray. If it isn’t, clean off any concrete and spray it again. 9. **Fill the gap between the two bowls.** Once the bottom layer of concrete is the right height, center the smaller bowl on top of it. Then begin filling the gap between the two bowls with more concrete. Depending on your taste, you can fill the gap all the way up to the smaller bowl’s rim, or you can quit sooner to ensure a higher wall between your fire bowl’s flame and its surroundings. 10. **Agitate the concrete to get rid of bubbles.** Once the gap is filled to your satisfaction, lift the larger bowl and drop it on the ground or your worktable from a height of a few inches or centimeters. Force any bubbles or other gaps that may have formed within the concrete to collapse. Then, if needed, add more concrete to the rim of your fire bowl to correct any flaws. 11. **Protect your mold while it dries.** Place weights inside the smaller bowl so it’s less likely to move in case something bumps into your mold while it dries. Prevent any foreign elements from settling into the wet concrete by covering it with a dropcloth, tarp, plastic, or any other protective covering. Then follow the concrete’s directions regarding how long you’ll need to wait for it to dry. 12. **Remove the mold.** First, turn the bowl upside down. Then give the larger bowl a couple of soft taps with a rubber mallet to loosen it from the concrete. Pull the larger bowl off the fire bowl. Then turn the fire bowl right-way up and pull out the smaller bowl. 13. **Sand blemishes if desired.** If you like the look of a rough bowl, feel free to skip this step. Otherwise, give the fire bowl a look over. Use 60- to 80-grit sandpaper to smooth out any flaws. For an even smoother finish, repeat with a finer grit, like 150. 14. **Fill the bowl with sterno cans and fire glass or stones.** First, center one or more sterno cans within the fire bowl. Fill the gaps between those and the bowls’ wall with fire glass or stones. If you want to hide the cans under a layer of glass or stones, place a grill grate on top of them, then layer your glass and stones on top of that to keep them from falling into the sterno cans. If you’re layering glass or stones directly over the flames, be sure that they are safe for such use. Ask staff at your local garden center which types of stone are best for this best purpose. If you’re unable to find a grill grate that will fit inside your fire bowl, you can fashion your own out of metal hardware cloth.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Keep Your Sandbox Safe and Sanitary.,"Sandboxes are great fun for young children. Unfortunately, they also pose several safety hazards, including exposure to germs and bacteria, scratches from foreign materials, chemical exposure, and splinters. By maintaining your sandbox properly, you can keep it safe and clean, so your children can enjoy playing in it with no worries. 1. **Keep it covered.** The best way to keep unwanted visitors out of your sandbox is to keep it covered whenever it is not being used. A good cover will also keep your sand dry, which will prevent bacteria from growing in it. Many store-bought sandboxes come with covers. You can also purchase retrofit covers, or you can build one using plywood. If the sand gets wet while your children are playing, be sure to let it dry out before you put the cover back on. 2. **Plant a bug-repelling garden.** You may not be able to keep every last bug out of your sandbox, but you can help keep lots of them away by planting insect-repelling plants near your sandbox and adding some natural ingredients to your soil. Mint and basil are both natural, non-toxic insect repellents. Mint also repels rodents. Be sure to cut off any flowers that grow on your plants, as they may attract bees. Try spreading out some coffee grounds in your garden to repel slugs and snails, and cinnamon to repel ants. 3. **Don't let your pets play in the sandbox.** Pets can easily mistake a sandbox for a litter box, so it's best to keep them out of the sandbox at all times, even when you are supervising. A single accident in the sandbox can contaminate it with a variety of harmful bacteria and parasites. For example, it is common for cats' feces to contain a parasite called toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasmosis (the disease caused by the parasite) can cause serious problems for anyone with a weak immune system, such as young children and pregnant women. Keeping your pets up-to-date on all vaccinations can help prevent them from spreading disease if they do get into the sandbox. 4. **Watch out for leaky diapers.** Your sand can also become contaminated by human feces, so try to make sure your little ones always have clean diapers on when playing in the sandbox. If the sand is contaminated by human feces, then children who play in it may contract E. coli. E. coli is especially dangerous for young children. If your children aren't potty trained, never let them play in the sandbox without wearing diapers. 5. **Clean the sand regularly.** To make sure your sandbox stays clean, use a rake or a clean litter box scoop to sift through the sand. This will help you find any foreign objects or clumping sand, so you can remove them immediately. The frequency with which you should clean the sandbox depends on how often it is used. If it gets heavy use, clean the sand at least once a week. 6. **Replace the sand periodically.** Because there is no way to keep the sand in your sandbox 100% clean, it's a good idea to replace the sand every one to two years. 7. **Wash sandbox toys.** While you can't wash the sand in your children's sandbox, you can wash the toys that they play with in the sandbox, which can reduce their exposure to contaminants. Wipe down all toys with disinfectants to help keep them germ-free. If a toy can't be easily cleaned, don't let your children play with it in the sandbox. 8. **Wash your children's hands after playing.** No matter how well you clean your sandbox, there is still some risk of contamination. For this reason, it's best to always thoroughly wash your children's hands as soon as they are done playing in the sandbox. This will help keep any germs that they picked up out of their mouths. Do not allow your child to eat or drink anything in the sandbox. Have your child wash his or her hands with soap and warm water for one to two minutes. Antibacterial soap is not necessary. Just use some regular soap. 9. **Avoid introducing gravel.** Children can get scratched if coarse material like gravel finds its way into the sandbox. To prevent this from happening, avoid placing gravel near the sandbox, where it might be tracked in. Raking out your sandbox regularly should help you find any gravel that may have gotten in. 10. **Prevent splinters.** Many DIY sandboxes are built using wood, which can cause splinters. To avoid this, build your sandbox with the right type of wood, or avoid using wood altogether. Avoid railroad ties, which tend to splinter easily. If you want to use wood to frame your sandbox, use landscaping timbers, which are perfect for outdoor use. You can also use materials other than wood to build your sandbox, such as plastic lumber. If your wooden sandbox starts to splinter, sand it down to prevent injury. If you do get a splinter, then you should try to remove it with tweezers right away. Splinters can invite infection and they are harder to get out the longer you leave them in. If you cannot remove the splinter easily and it is red and causing pain after a few days, then see a doctor to get it cut out. 11. **Avoid toxic wood.** Wood that has been chemically treated for outdoor use is less susceptible to rot and insect damage, but some of the chemicals that are used to treat it are extremely toxic. Avoid any wood that has been treated with Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA), which contains the toxic chemicals chromium, copper, and arsenic. It's easy to recognize chemically treated wood, as it typically has a greenish hue to it, although this does not necessarily mean that it has been treated with CCA. There are other chemicals that can be used to treat wood, which are safer than CCA. If you want to use pressure treated wood for your sandbox, opt for wood that has been treated with alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) , borates, copper azole, cyproconazole, or propiconazole. 12. **Use the right sand.** Some sand that you can buy may contain minerals that are potentially harmful to children if inhaled. The biggest concern is tremolite, which is found in some play sand and may have adverse health effects similar to those of asbestos. To avoid this, only buy natural beach sand or river sand for your sandbox. Avoid any sand that contains crushed limestone, marble, or quartz, as these may also contain tremolite. Regardless of the material, avoid any sand that is overly dusty.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Apply for Long Term Disability Benefits.,"If you have become disabled and can no longer work, you may be eligible to receive disability benefits. Private insurers and the federal government typically define long-term disability as one your doctors believe will last a year or longer, or will be fatal. Because it can take months before your application is approved and you start receiving benefits, you should apply for long-term disability benefits as soon as possible after your doctor diagnoses your disability and confirms your inability to work. 1. **Read your policy.** If you have a private long-term disability policy and you've become disabled, your policy documents will explain the process for applying for benefits. Your policy specifies the disabilities that are covered by your policy as well as how to file a claim. Make sure you are already seeing a doctor before you apply for benefits, since the insurance company will want proof of your disability and will need to review your medical records and discuss your impairment with your doctor. Look for the plan's definition of disability. This definition essentially outlines what you have to prove to be eligible for benefits under your policy. Certain conditions, such as those related to pre-existing conditions, or to drug or alcohol abuse, typically are excluded from coverage. Similarly, your benefits may be limited if your disability is based more on subjective complaints than on an objectively quantifiable impairment. Examples of such conditions include depression and fibromyalgia. Keep in mind that if your policy was provided by your employer, it is governed by federal law. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) regulates applications for long-term disability benefits under these policies. Under ERISA, you have the right to receive a copy of your plan description and policy documents upon written request. 2. **Complete your application.** Private insurers typically will have an initial application you must fill out to provide the company with information about your disability. Use the information you learned from reading your policy to determine the type of information you must include in your application or claim form to prove to the insurance company that you are disabled and entitled to receive benefits. Make a note of all deadlines and make sure you've submitted your application and any related documentation by the dates provided. If you miss a deadline, your insurer may use it as a reason to deny your claim. 3. **Get appropriate documentation.** To qualify for long-term disability benefits, you must prove to your ensurer that you are no longer able to work due to a disability expected to last more than a year. Your insurer most likely will request all medical records related to your disability, including any laboratory or test results, clinical notes, and exam reports. You might want to consider getting copies of your medical records yourself before submitting them to your insurer, so you know what they include and can analyze how this information might be used either to approve or deny your claim. Make sure you submit all documents requested, particularly medical evidence, as soon as possible after it has been requested. This ensures you won't miss any deadlines and decreases the changes that the insurance company will deny your claim. You might consider getting your doctor to write a letter supporting your application for benefits. Your doctor can explain your disability and how it limits your ability to work. Keep in mind that your doctor may charge a fee to write a detailed report of your disability and medical history for you, but generally this fee will be worth it if the letter significantly increases your chances of receiving long-term disability benefits. While your doctor's opinion is important, you also need objective proof of your disability and its effect on your ability to perform your job. 4. **Work with your claims administrator.** Your claim will be assigned to a claims administrator, who typically is someone who works for your insurance company. Your claims administrator may contact you for additional information or to request documents or contact information for your doctors or other health care providers. Keep in mind that most private insurers who approve you for long-term disability benefits also will require you to apply for Social Security benefits. If you are approved for Social Security disability, the insurance company is only responsible for amounts your Social Security benefits don't cover. 5. **Consider consulting an attorney.** Because ERISA claims are complicated and frequently denied, you may want advice from an attorney who specializes in ERISA and long-term disability claims. If you apply for disability and are denied, you have the right under ERISA to sue the insurance company in federal court. However, it is exceedingly difficult to convince a court to overturn an insurance company's denial of benefits. Keep in mind that an attorney can not only help you submit an application but knows how to maximize the chances that you will be approved for benefits. 6. **Download the Disability Starter Kit.** The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides a starter kit with basic information about Social Security law and the types of long-term disability benefits available. The kit includes and overview of what to expect from the application process, as well as a checklist and a worksheet to help you organize your information and make sure you have all the documents the SSA needs to process your application. If you're unable to download the kit online, you also can request one be mailed to you by calling the SSA at 1-800-772-1213. 7. **Gather documents and information.** You can use the checklist provided in the starter kit to make sure you have all the information needed to complete your application. You will need the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all of your medical providers, as well as the dates you visited those doctors or facilities and copies of your records from those visits, including laboratory or test results. Concentrate on the documents you already have in your possession. The SSA will assist you in requesting additional documentation if it is needed. Keep in mind that the more documentation you can provide to back up your claim that you are disabled, the greater the likelihood that your application will be approved. 8. **Complete your application.** You can complete a long-term disability application online, by calling the SSA's toll-free telephone number, or by visiting your nearest Social Security office in person. The Disability Starter Kit includes a link to the online application. You also can apply either by calling 1-800-772-1213, or by scheduling an appointment at your local SSA office. If you want to apply in person, you can find the location and phone number of your nearest SSA office by using the SSA office locator at The application requires you to provide details about yourself, your disability, and your work and income history. Generally, you must prove that your disability prevents you from performing work in your field, and that there is no other work available to you elsewhere that you could perform. 9. **Submit required documents.** If you apply online or over the phone, you still must submit certain documents to verify the information you provided in your application. You should send your documents to your local SSA office, and include your Social Security number with the documents so SSA staff can apply the documents to the correct application. Keep in mind that you must send originals, not copies, of many of the required documents. You should send these documents using certified mail with returned receipt requested so you know when the office receives your documents. Once the SSA reviews your originals, it will make copies and send your originals back to you. However, if you don't feel comfortable sending original documents through the mail you can always take them down to your local SSA office in person. 10. **Wait for a response.** It can take between three and five months for the SSA to process applications for disability benefits. After your application and all supporting documentation are received, a medical and vocational expert will review your materials and determine whether you qualify for long term disability benefits. You may be contacted by an SSA representative if further information is required to process your application, or if you need to complete additional medical examinations. Keep in mind that if the SSA requires you to complete a medical examination, you won't have to pay any money for it. You are, however, responsible for keeping the appointment. 11. **Consider consulting an attorney.** Especially if your application is denied, you may want to get advice and assistance from an experienced Social Security disability attorney. Keep in mind that long-term disability applications frequently are denied and must go through the appeals process. An experienced Social Security disability attorney understands and can help guide you through this process. If you are concerned about the cost of an attorney, you might consider checking with your local legal aid office. Nonprofit organizations dedicated to assisting disabled people also may have legal resources or recommendations for attorneys who provide services for free or using a sliding-fee scale based on your income.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Make a Wrench Mask.,"Wrench is a popular character from Watch Dogs 2. He is loud-mouthed and animated, and sports a spikey vest. The most memorable part of his appearance, however, is his mask: an animated paintball mask with LED graphics and more spikes. While you can always buy the mask or commission someone to make one for you, making the mask yourself is relatively simple. If you get the right components, you won't even have to do any programming that often comes with LED lighting! 1. **Purchase a pair of LED display glasses.** These glasses should be able to connect to your smartphone with an app. The most popular brand is the Chemion brand, but you can use other brands too. You can find them online and in stores that sell computers and other electronics. LED display glasses have a single lens that goes across your eyes, more like a pair of ski goggles than a pair of prescription glasses. This tutorial will focus on the Chemion brand. The set-up and construction for other brands may be different. 2. **Download the appropriate app onto your smartphone.** The type of app you download depends on the type of LED display glasses you bought. Read the instructions that came with your glasses to find out what sort of app you need to download. Most apps should be free to download because they are included with the purchase of the glasses. For example, if you bought the Chemion glasses, you should get the CHEMION app. Without the app, you won't be able to customize your glasses. 3. **Connect your phone to the glasses using the app.** How you do this depends on your phone, the app you downloaded, and the lenses that you bought. Read the instructions that came with your glasses or follow the on-screen prompts provided by the app. In most cases, you'll have to do the following: Turn the glasses on. Establish a Bluetooth connection. Input a passcode to prevent hacking. 4. **Use the app's creator function to create your desired emote.** For the Chemion lenses, the app will have a lot of pre-set designs. These designs won't work for Wrench, who uses emotes, so you will have to find the ""creator"" tab, then input your own emotes. Look up the emotes Wrench uses on his mask, or create your own emotes. Some good ones include: X X O O ^ ^ LOL H I 5. **Use a screwdriver to remove the backing from the sides of the glasses.** If you look on the inside edges of the ear loops, you'll notice a panel secured with tiny screws. Use a mini screwdriver to take these screws out, then use a flat-head screwdriver to pop the backing off. You'll eventually have to do this for the other ear loop, but just focus on the first one for right now. Don't worry if you accidentally bend the backing. You don't need it. As long as the wires are safe, you're good. 6. **Remove the battery, then pull out the battery component.** The battery is set into a little case, which is then fitted into the ear loop. You need to slide out this entire case. This should loosen the wires from inside the frame. Push the end of the battery component into the ear loop, then slide it toward the lenses. This should pop it out. 7. **De-solder the red and black wires from the lenses.** If you follow the red and black wires, you'll notice that they are connected to the front of the frame. Use a soldering iron to melt the connection point between these wires, then pull the wires out. 8. **Repeat the process for the other side of the frame.** Remove the screws from the backing, then pop the backing out. Pull the battery out, then slide the battery component out. Loosen the wires from the frame, then de-solder them. 9. **Remove the frame backing from behind the lenses.** On the Chemion lenses, it's the part that looks like blinds. You'll have some screws on each side of the backing as well as under the frame in the nose gap. You should remove the screws from the hinges as well. 10. **Pry the backing off and separate the layers.** Use a flat-head screwdriver to pop the blinder-like backing off of the frame. This should remove the front lens too. Next, use your fingers to carefully pry apart the 3 layers that make up the LED lens: The plastic blinder-like backing The middle perforated board The black or silver front lens 11. **Pull on gloves, then remove the blinders from the LED display.** The blinder-like backing is actually composed of 2 layers: the blinders and the LED display. Pull on a pair of vinyl or latex gloves, then use a mini screwdriver to remove the screws holding the LED display panel to the blinders. Carefully pull it out along with the flat copper wires. Be very careful during this step. The LED display panel is fragile! 12. **De-solder the wires from the LED panel.** Keeping your gloves on, use your soldering iron to melt the connection between the flat, copper wires and the LED panel. Pull the wires off, then set them aside. Be careful during this step. The LED panel will heat up considerably. You can discard the flat copper wires. You don't need them anymore. 13. **Solder the red and black wires onto the LED panel.** Use your soldering iron to heat up the connections on the left side of the LED panel. Take the red and black wires, along with the battery component, and set them into the melted metal. Use your iron to solder them into place. Repeat this step for the right side. Pay attention to the positive and negative placement of the wires. For the Chemion lenses, the red will go on the top and the black wires will go on the bottom. You will notice 3 connectors on the LED panel: 1 on each side and 1 in the top corner. Ignore the connector in the top corner for now. 14. **Test the connection and make sure that the emotes display properly.** Pop the batteries back into the battery components and turn the lenses on. If they still work and everything displays properly, you are good to go. If they don't, turn them off, remove the batteries, and re-solder the wires into a different position. For example, if red on top and black on bottom didn't work, try black on top and red on bottom. 15. **Get out a set of replacement lenses for a paintball mask.** You can use any brand you want, but this method will use the ones by Thermal, because they work the best for Wrench. Other brands may be set up a little differently. The Thermal lenses are composed of 2 layers of plastic with a piece of foam along the top. You can remove your gloves for this step. 16. **Remove the foam from the top edge of the glasses.** This will allow you to reach the space between the 2 lenses and slide the LED panel into place. The easiest way to do this would be to heat the foam up with a hairdryer, then peel it away. If you don't have a hairdryer, use a craft blade to slice through the foam. Make the slice 2 inches (5.1 cm) wider than the LED panel. 17. **Slide the LED panel into the gap, then pop the lenses onto the mask.** Slide the LED panel into the gap between the 2 lenses first. Next, snap the lenses onto the front of the mask. The wires and battery components should travel under the top part of the mask and down the sides. Make sure that the LED portion is facing out through the front of the lenses. Secure the battery components to the mask with Velcro or hot glue. If there are pockets, you can insert them in there. 18. **Connect a wire and momentary switch to the top corner connector.** Get a momentary on-off switch, then connect a wire to it if it doesn't already have one. Thread the wire through a hole in the top of the mask, then solder it to the remaining connector in the upper corner of your LED panel. Drape the momentary switch across the top of your glasses. Be sure to wear gloves for this step. Pay attention to the positive and negative connections! For a nicer finish, wrap shrink tubing over the momentary switch, then heat it with a hairdryer. You can find these switches online and in stores that sell electronic supplies. 19. **Test the momentary switch.** You should be able to turn the LED glasses on and off by simply pressing on the switch. If you can't do this, double-check the wiring and batteries. If you need to, de-solder the wires, and re-solder them into a different position. 20. **Get a black leather or pleather Steampunk face mask.** These types of masks cover the bottom portion of your face and often come with spikes. You can find them in online stores, such as Etsy, Amazon, or Ebay. A store that sells punky or gothic accessories, such as Hot Topic may also carry them. Make sure that the mask is black. 21. **Add more spike studs to the mask, if needed.** Purchase a pack of silver spike studs that match the size of the ones on your mask. Insert the bottom screw portion of the stud through a hole on your mask, then screw the upper spike part on top. Be sure to fill all the holes. If your mask doesn't have holes, punch them yourself using a leather punch. Make the holes big enough for the screw part of the studs to fit through. How many spikes you add is up to you. It also depends on how accurate you want the mask to be. Look at reference pictures of Wrench. You should be able to find the spikes in the leatherworking section of a craft store or fabric store, but you may have better luck online. 22. **Fit the leather mask over the bottom portion of the paintball mask.** You can hot glue the mask on, or you can keep them separate. If you choose to keep them separate, you'll have to fit the leather mask over the bottom portion of the paintball mask when you go to put your costume on. Alternatively, you can drill holes through both the paintball mask and the leather mask, then screw them together with more spike studs.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Stop Coughing Using Home and Natural Remedies.,"Coughing is a natural reflex that clears your airways of unwanted irritants. However, it can also be an annoying or even painful nuisance. If a cough gets to be too much, a number of home remedies exist to soothe your throat, fight off infection, and keep you cough-free well into the future. 1. **Consider oil pulling.** Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic remedy in which you swish oil in your mouth to remove harmful germs and bacteria from your mouth. Use organic, cold-pressed oil like vegetable, sesame, olive, or coconut oil. Take a spoonful of oil and swish it in your mouth for one minute to gain the benefits. If you can, try to swish the oil for 15-20 minutes. To make sure the oil absorbs and detoxifies as much bacteria as possible, aim to do this with an empty stomach. Spit it out and rinse your mouth with lukewarm water. These contain lipids that absorb toxins and pull them out of saliva. They also stop cavity-causing bacteria from sticking to the walls of your teeth. This is a natural moisturizer that also helps prevent dehydration in the throat and mouth, which can ease the symptoms of a cough. 2. **Take elderberry extract.** Elderberry is commonly used to treat coughs, sore throats and respiratory illnesses because of its anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. It also stimulates the immune system. You can buy Elderberry extract as a syrup, lozenge or dietary capsule supplement at most nutrition or drug stores. Or, you can steep 3–5 grams (0.11–0.18 oz) of dried elderflower in a cup of boiling water for ten to fifteen minutes. Then, drink it as a herbal tea, up to 3 times per day. Consider the following precautions: It's better to take elderberry every 2 to 3 days, since prolonged use isn't recommended. Elderberry is a blood thinner and may not be recommended for people with low blood pressure. Do not use unripe or uncooked elderberries since they may be poisonous. Speak to your doctor before taking elderberry, since it may have some side effects for pregnant women, people with autoimmune disease, and people taking diabetic medication, laxatives, chemotherapy drugs, or immunosuppressants. 3. **Use peppermint.** You can buy peppermint in the form of lozenges, extracts used in dietary supplements, herbal teas, essential oils and a fresh herb. Don't forget that you can use the fresh leaves as a garnish or flavouring in everyday meals. You can also make and drink your own teak up to 3 times a day by steeping one tea bag (approx. 3-4 grams or 1 ½ teaspoon) of dried peppermint leaves in a cup of hot water (80–85°C). Peppermint contains menthol, which can help soothe sore throats and dry coughs. It's also a decongestant that can thin mucus and help break up phlegm. Don't use peppermint or menthol with infants. Also, don't take peppermint oil orally. Instead, it's usually used in aromatherapy or as a rub. 4. **Use eucalyptus.** You can buy eucalyptus as lozenges, cough syrups, and vapor baths at most drug stores to help soothe sore throats. Try applying topical eucalyptus ointments to your nose and chest to relieve congestion and loosen phlegm. It's generally safe for adults to apply eucalyptus to the skin. Or, you make eucalyptus tea to drink up to 3 times a day by steeping 2–4 grams (0.14 oz) of dried eucalyptus leaves in a cup of hot water for 10–15 minutes. Eucalyptus' active ingredient is a compound called cineole, which works as an expectorant to fight respiratory infections and alleviate coughs. Eucalyptus also has antioxidant properties that protect against free radicals, molecules that can damage and infect cells. You can also gargle eucalyptus water after meals to reduce bad breath and soothe your throat. Do this up to 3 or 4 times a day by steeping 2–4 grams (0.14 oz) of dried leaves in one cup warm water (40°C) for 5-10 minutes. 5. **Eat honey.** You've probably heard that tea sweetened with honey can help a sore throat, but eating pure honey can actually stop a cough. Eat 2 teaspoons of honey during a bad coughing spell or right before bed. Studies have shown that consuming honey before sleeping can actually improve sleep quality. Never give honey to a child under 12 months old. It can cause botulism, a type of food poisoning that is potentially life-threatening in small children. 6. **Use ginger.** Ginger can help you produce mucous and relieve coughing. You can steep fresh ginger in hot water to make a tea, chew on crystallized ginger, or add a few teaspoons of ground powdered ginger to 1 tablespoon (14.8 ml) of honey and eat it. Ginger can also calm an upset stomach or nausea you may also have. Repeat any of these treatments several times throughout the day to prevent coughing fits and ease symptoms. 7. **Try thyme.** Thyme is used to treat bronchitis and coughing. It's also gentle enough that it's safe for small children to use. For a great combination of remedies, make a honey-thyme tea. Steep 3 springs of fresh thyme and 2 tablespoons (29.6 ml) of honey in 1 cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Strain and drink to stop coughing. Never eat or drink thyme oil, which is toxic when taken orally. If you are currently taking blood-thinners, talk to your doctor before taking thyme, since it could increase the risk of bleeding. 8. **Consider other natural herbs.** While many home remedies have been backed up by studies showing their effectiveness at treating coughs, many still lack scientific support. You might give them a try, but understand that some may be more effective for you than others. These include traditional remedies that are commonly known for their helpful healing properties: Marshmallow (Althea officinalis) Slippery elm (Ulmus fulva) Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Mullein (Verbascum densiflorum) Sundew (Drosera spp.) Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) 9. **Drink lots of water.** Try to drink at least eight ounces of water every two hours. 2 liters (0.53 US gal) of water is the daily recommendation for the average adult. You can also supplement with glucose-free sports drinks that have electrolytes. If you drink caffeinated beverages, you should also drink 1 liter (0.26 US gal) of water for every cup (1 fluid oz.) of caffeine. Water helps ease congestion caused by colds, preventing postnasal drip that can irritate the throat, and keeps your throat from drying which can cause coughs. Not getting enough water can also lead to dehydration which can cause headaches, irritability, dizziness, irregular heartbeat and shortness of breath. 10. **Avoid inflammatory foods.** Certain foods can slow down your body's healing process, impair the immune system and increase inflammation. They may also cause gastroesophageal acid reflux, which can make your cough worse. Try to cut back on or avoid these foods: Refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pastries and donuts. Fried foods Sugar-sweetened beverages such as soda or energy drinks. Red meat such as veal, ham or steak and processed meats such as hot dogs. Margarine, shortening and lard. 11. **Eat a Mediterranean diet.** Some foods can help reduce inflammation to help ease a sore throat. If your cough is caused by stomach acid reflux, try eat more green vegetables, whole grains, nuts and oil. You may want to cut back on eating fruits with citric acid, since they may trigger gastroesophageal acid reflux which aggravates your throat. Switch to a Mediterranean diet. It mostly consists of foods that help reduce inflammation, like: Fruits (such as strawberries, cherries and oranges.) Nuts (like almonds and walnuts.) Green leafy vegetables (such as spinach or kale which are high in antioxidants.) Fatty fish (like salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines.) Whole grains (such as brown rice, quinoa, millet, oatmeal and flax seed.) Olive or canola oil 12. **Add more Vitamin C to your diet.** If your cough is a symptom of a cold or viral infection, strengthen your immunity to help your body heal faster and avoid future risks of infection. Research has shown that vitamin C plays a vital role as an antioxidant and in promoting immune function, lowering the risk of various chronic diseases. You can take Vitamin C as a dietary supplement, or you can add vitamin-C rich foods to your diet. Good natural sources of vitamin C are: Sweet red or green peppers Citrus fruit such as oranges, pomelo, grapefruit, limes or non-concentrated citrus juices. Spinach, broccoli and Brussel sprouts Strawberries and raspberries Tomatoes 13. **Take probiotics.** Probiotics are microorganisms that are naturally found in your digestive system and certain foods. Studies have shown that they can help reduce the severity of cold or flu symptoms, like a cough, sore throat, and nasal congestion. They can also reduce the length of your recovery period. You can get probiotics from yogurt, certain types of milk, soy products and as dietary supplements. Talk with your doctor before taking probiotics if you have a weakened immune system or are currently taking immunosuppressant drugs. Probiotics also help boost the production of cells that fight infections and suppress stomach acid reflux. 14. **Use oral coconut oil.** Coconut oil has antibacterial and antiviral properties. 2 tablespoons (29.6 ml) of coconut oil, three times per day will often shorten a cold or flu to last only 1 to two days when otherwise it would have lasted 8 or 10 days. 15. **Take zinc.** Zinc is an essential trace mineral found in many foods you eat on a regular basis. It has antioxidant properties that help protect cells in the body from damage caused by bacteria and viruses, prevent future infection and strengthen the immune system. You can take a daily dose of 10 - 15 mg of zinc in a supplement, like zinc sulfate. Or you can get it from a healthy diet. The best dietary sources of zinc include: Oysters, shellfish, shrimp, crab Red meats Poultry Cheese Beans, sunflower seeds Pumpkin Tofu and miso Mushrooms Cooked greens 16. **Get plenty of rest.** Your body needs sleep to heal itself. Studies show that sleep deprivation can weaken the immune system, increase the production of stress hormones, put you at higher risk for chronic disease and lower life expectancy. If you suffer from sleep apnea or insomnia, talk to your doctor for possible treatments. If you have a cold or nasal congestion, try to lie on the side that is least congested to breathe comfortably and allow the mucus to drain. To get plenty of rest, you can also: Avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugary foods 4-6 hours before heading to bed. These can act as stimulants to keep you awake. Create a regular sleep schedule by going to bed early and waking up early to set your body's internal clock. This will make sure you get better quality and consistent sleep. If you can't fall asleep after 20 minutes, get out of bed, go to another room and do something relaxing until you are tired enough to sleep. Melatonin (1 to 3 mg) and/or 1 to 2 Valerian capsules may also be helpful to fall asleep. If you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea—frequently interrupted breathing during sleep— ask your doctor for treatment options. Your doctor may recommend surgery or CPAP. CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) is a common therapy for sleep apnea which uses a small machine to supply constant and steady air pressure, a hose, and a mask or nose piece. Some CPAP devices come with a heated humidifier to help with a dry, stuffy nose. 17. **Create a relaxing sleep environment.** Make sure your room is well-ventilated, quiet, dark, cool environment (between 65 - 75 degrees). Use heavy curtains or an eye mask to block light, a powerful cue that tells the brain that it's time to wake up. Improve airflow and keep mucus flowing by propping your head up on a pillow. The pillow should support the natural curve of your neck and be comfortable. Place a firm pillow between your knees and pull your knees up slightly toward your chest if you sleep on your side. This will prevent your upper leg from pulling your spine out of alignment and reduce stress on your hips and lower back. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, since this can block breathing, promote acid reflux and cause stress. Avoid working or exercise 3–4 hours before going to bed. Physically and psychologically stressful activities can make the body to secrete the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol may increase your alertness. In this context, it is interesting to note that melatonin counters the effects of cortisol. Try listening to relaxing music or doing some light reading a few hours before sleeping. Regular, moderate exercise, especially in the afternoon, can help deepen sleep. 18. **Gargle salt water.** Place ½ teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of distilled or sterilized warm (30-35ºC) water. Stir until it's dissolved. Gargle the water for 1–2 minutes, then spit it out instead of swallowing. If the salt irritates your mouth or throat, you can also use plain, distilled warm water for gargles. Repeat gargling every few hours. This helps to ease a sore throat and moisturizes your sinuses. This lets mucus drain and prevents postnasal drip that can trigger coughs. 19. **Blow your nose properly.** Experts recommended that you blow by holding a finger over one nostril and gently blowing the other into a tissue. Don't blow too forcefully since the pressure from blowing hard can impact your ears, giving you an earache on top of your cold. Be sure to blow gently, and only as often as necessary. Wash your hands each time you blow your nose, to avoid chances of other infections from bacteria or viruses. It's important to blow your nose while you have a cold. This can prevent postnasal drip, keep your sinuses clear, and prevent mucus from irritating your throat, which can easily trigger a cough. 20. **Quit smoking.** Smoking can cause respiratory illnesses, chronic coughing, and even stroke since it deprives the body of oxygen needed to circulate blood throughout your body. It's one of the leading causes of chronic coughing and bronchitis, also known as “smoker's cough”. Try to avoid secondhand smoke and other hazardous fumes if you have a cough or a sore throat. Avoid smoking especially when you have a headache or fever since smoking can weaken your immune system and prolong the condition. Ask your doctor about ways to reduce and quit smoking. 21. **Practice mild to moderate exercise.** Mild to moderate exercises such as walking or stretching boosts your immune system, reducing the recovery period and alleviating symptoms. Regular exercises also reduce the risk of infection over the long term. A daily 30–45-minute workout with moderate intensity exercises like brisk walking, jogging and swimming is recommended. If needed, talk with a physician. Try to avoid intensive training if you have a cold, fever or a headache. If intensive exercise is triggering your cough, along with symptoms such as wheezing, chest pain, and shortness of breath, you may have exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB). This happens when the tubes that bring air into and out of your lungs narrow with exercise, causing symptoms of asthma. Some people with EIB do not otherwise have asthma, and people with allergies may also have trouble breathing during exercise. Talk to your physician or an immunologist to help develop a personalized fitness plan for your condition. Avoid cold, dry temperatures and changes in atmospheric pressure as these can trigger EIB. 22. **Use a humidifier.** Dry air can aggravate the symptoms of a cold, making it harder for mucus to drain and triggering coughs. Use a humidifier in your bedroom or living room to add moisture to the air, prevent dehydration, help clear your sinuses and soothe your throat. Aim for the right humidity. The air in your home should range from 30% to 55% humidity. The simplest way to measure humidity is with a gauge called a humidistat, which can be purchased from most hardware stores. If the humidity is too high, mold and dust mites may thrive, both of which are common causes of allergies. Mold also causes an unpleasant smell and can discolor surfaces. If the humidity falls too low, it may cause dry eyes, throat and sinus irritations. Both portable and central humidifiers must be cleaned thoroughly. Otherwise, they tend to become contaminated with mold and bacterial growth that may be blown through the house. Stop the humidifier and call your healthcare provider if you develop any respiratory symptoms that you feel are related to the use of a humidifier. 23. **Get an indoor houseplant.** For a natural humidifier, consider getting a houseplant. Plants can help regulate indoor humidity by releasing water vapour from their flowers, leaves, and stems. They also help clear the air of carbon dioxide and other pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. Good indoor plants include aloe vera, bamboo palm, weeping fig, Chinese evergreen, and various species of philodendron and dracaena. 24. **Visit your doctor.** While most coughs go away after a few weeks, some may be warning signs of an underlying condition or infection. Smokers may cough more frequently and should go see the doctor if a cough lasts longer than 3–4 weeks. You should go see your doctor with the first development of a cough if you experience: Sore throat High fever Whooping cough Postnasal drip, which feels like mucus running down your throat Coughing up blood - get emergency medical care immediately Coughing that interferes with your work and daily activities - get emergency medical care immediately You should especially go see your doctor if you have previously been diagnosed with allergies, asthma, bronchitis, heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease or are taking prescription medication, such as ACE inhibitors, for a heart condition. Coughing can aggravate these conditions. 25. **See an otolaryngologist (ENT specialist).** Your doctor may refer you to an ENT specialist, who can check your throat for signs of viral or bacterial infection, or if other underlying causes. An ENT specialist can also perform a nasal endoscopy using a fiber optic scope to look at your sinuses. The ENT specialist will look for nasal polyps and vocal cord polyps. The ENT specialist will also identify structural problems if you have a nasal infection, and may suggest an endoscopic sinus surgery. You should tell your doctor about any other respiratory conditions you may have. 26. **Get a chest x-ray.** Your doctor may recommend getting a 15-minute chest x-ray exam if you have symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pain, chronic cough, or fever. A chest x-ray is a painless, non-invasive test that creates pictures of the structures inside your chest, such as your heart, lungs, and blood vessels. Although a routine chest X-ray won't reveal the most common reasons for a cough, like postnasal drip, acid reflux or asthma, it may be used to check for lung cancer and pneumonia and other lung diseases. An X-ray of your sinuses may reveal evidence of a sinus infection. Let your doctor know if you're pregnant or may be pregnant. In general, women should avoid all x-ray tests during pregnancy. 27. **Check for symptoms of whooping cough (pertussis).** Whooping cough starts like the common cold with a runny nose or congestion, sneezing, a mild cough, fever and sleep apnea. After 1–2 weeks, severe coughing can begin. Whooping cough can cause violent and rapid coughing, over and over, until the air is gone from the lungs and you are forced to inhale with a loud ""whooping"" sound. You may even vomit. See your doctor immediately if you have a whooping cough. Many babies with whooping cough don't cough at all. Instead, it can cause them to stop breathing. Infants and children under 6 years get emergency medical care immediately. 28. **Watch for signs of nasal or lung infection.** If your doctor suspects chronic sinusitis, a nasal infection, or bronchitis, you may need imaging tests including an x-ray, computed tomography (CT) scan, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Other common symptoms of nasal infection include: Fever and headache. If you have a high fever or a severe headache, you should seek medical care immediately. Pressure in the forehead, temples, cheeks, nose, jaw, teeth, behind the eyes or at the top of the head. Facial tenderness or swelling, usually around the eyes or cheeks. Shortness of breath or wheezing breath Squeezing or tightness in the chest that causes pain Nasal stuffiness, loss of smell, nasal discharge (usually yellowish green), or post-nasal drip, the sensation of fluid dripping down the back of the throat, particularly at night or when lying down. Rare complications associated with chronic sinusitis can include blood clots, abscesses, meningitis, orbital cellulitis which causes inflammation around the eyes, and osteomyelitis, an infection that spreads to the bones in the face. 29. **Watch for severe symptoms of a cold.** If you have severe symptoms of a cold or flu or have been previously diagnosed with any respiratory disease, you should get professional care immediately. These symptoms include: Cough with green or yellowish phlegm A fever of 104ºF or more. Ear or nasal infection Nasal discharge Skin rashes Breathlessness due to asthma or another respiratory problem.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Do Goddess Locs.,"Goddess locs are a type of protective style worn by African women, including those of African descent. They look a little like dreadlocks, except that they end in delicate tendrils of silky, curly hair. The traditional method requires you to wrap Marley hair around a braided base, but if you are pressed for time, you can use a faux loc instead. Whichever method you choose, you are bound to have a style that will be the envy of any goddess. 1. **Get your crocheting hair and Marley hair.** You will need a pack of crochet braiding hair in a water wave texture. You will also need three or four packs of Marley hair. If you want ombre goddess locs, consider the following: 1 pack of dark Marley hair (matched to your natural color) 1 pack of medium Marley hair 1 pack of light Marley hair 1 pack of light crochet braiding hair (matched to light Marley hair) 2. **Section off and braid your hair.** Divide your hair into 1-inch (2.54-centimeter) squares; use the handle of a rat-tail comb to create clean parts. Apply your usual braiding cream through your hair, then braid each section halfway down. Keep the braids loose at the root. This will help with tension. You can install the crochet hair using rope braids instead. In this case, split the hair into two sections. 3. **Join a strand of crochet hair to the braid.** Pull out a strand of your crochet braiding hair. Find the center, and place it behind the middle strand of your braid. Add the left side of the hair to the left strand, and the right side to the right strand. If you are doing a rope braid: add the left side of the crochet strand to the left section, and the right side to the right section. 4. **Braid just past your natural braid.** Cross the left strand over the middle one, then cross the right strand over the ne middle strand. Continue braiding until you are about an inch (2.54 centimeters) or so past your natural hair. If you are doing a rope braid: twist each section clockwise, then twist them together counterclockwise. 5. **Use a crochet latch hook to insert the Marley hair through the top of the braid.** Open up a crochet latch hook. Push it through the top of the braid, close to the roots. Hook it onto a strand of Marley hair, close the latch, and pull a few inches/centimeters of the Marley hair through. If you are doing ombre goddess locks, it's better to pull the Marley hair halfway through instead. 6. **Wrap the Marley hair tightly around the braid.** Hold the shorter end of the Marley hair against the braid. Wrap the longer end of the Marley hair around the braid, including the shorter strand. Keep wrapping tightly until you have a few inches/centimeters left. If you are doing ombre goddess locks, start with your darkest color. 7. **Add another strand of Marley hair, and continue braiding.** Pull out another strand of Marley hair. Hold the first few inches/centimeters against the braid. Join the rest to the end of the first strand of Marley hair. Continue wrapping, keeping the first Marley strand under the second one. If you are doing ombre goddess locks, move on to your medium color. 8. **Keep wrapping strands of Marley hair until you get the length you want.** If you need to add another strand of Marley hair, do so using the technique in the previous step. How far down you wrap your hair is up to you; most people go about halfway down the crochet braiding strand. If you are doing ombre goddess locks, move on to your lightest color. You may need to cut the medium shade shorter to keep the ombre consistent. 9. **Trim off the excess hair and glue it down.** Use a pair of scissors to trim down the Marley hair to about 1 inch (2.54 centimeters). Place a drop of glue onto the braiding hair, then wrap the Marley hair around it. Add more glue on top of the Marley hair to smooth it down, if needed. 10. **Touch up the faux loc, then complete the rest.** Use a pair of scissors to trim off any stray or unruly hairs. Finish the rest of the goddess locs, then apply some mousse to them to help add shine and smoothness. 11. **Get your crocheting hair and faux locs.** You will need a pack of crochet braiding hair in a water wave texture. You will also need about four packs of faux locs. Faux goddess locs look similar to traditional goddess locs, except that they use pre-shaped locs. This makes them quicker to install and lighter to wear. 12. **Section off and braid your hair.** Use the handle of a rat-tail comb to divide your hair into 1-inch (2.54-centimeter) squares. Apply your usual braiding cream, then braid each section about halfway. Keep the braids loose at the root to aid with tension. You can also add the crochet hair to the root of your braid. Find the center of the crochet strand place it behind the braid. Braid the three together, treating the braid as a single strand. 13. **Add a strand of crochet braiding hair to your braid.** Pull out a strand of crochet hair. Find the center, and place it behind the middle strand of your braid. Add the left side of the crochet hair to the left strand of the braid, and the right side to the right strand. 14. **Braid until you are a little bit past your natural hair.** Treating your natural hair and the crochet hair a one, cross the left strand over the middle one, then repeat for the right strand. Continue braiding until you are about 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) past your natural hair. 15. **Insert a crochet latch hook through your braid, right at root.** Open up a crochet latch hook, and push it though your braid, close to the root. Try to push it between two strands on the braid. 16. **Catch the faux loc and pull it partway through the braid.** Find the top, folded part of the faux loc. Slip it onto the crochet latch hook and close the clasp. Pull the faux loc through the braid by 1 to 2 inches (2.54 to 5.08 centimeters) to create a small loop. 17. **Pull the rest of the faux loc and your natural braid through the loop.** Open the latch hook and slip the loop off. Push it through the loop and catch the rest of the faux loc and your natural braid. Close the latch and pull it back through the loop. Make sure that you pull the entire faux loc and braid (including the crochet hair) through the loop. 18. **Tighten the faux loc and braid.** Remove the crochet latch hook and set it aside. Grab the faux loc in one hand and the braid in the other. Gently tug them apart to tighten the knot. 19. **Wrap the faux loc twice around the braid.** Unravel the top of the loc by a small amount. Wrap it around the root of the braid twice. This will help blend the loc better into your hair as well as make it more secure. 20. **Insert the crochet latch hook up through the faux loc.** Open up the hook first. Find the bottom of your faux loc and insert the hook through the opening. Scrunch the loc down onto the hook until it comes out the top, right where you finished wrapping. You will need to really scrunch the faux loc to get it to fit on the hook. Hold it down with your thumb as you work. If this is too difficult for you, find the middle of the faux loc, and inert the hook through there instead. This ay, you will have less to scrunch. 21. **Catch your natural braid and pull it down through the loc.** Open up the latch hook and catch your braid. Close the latch, and pull the hook down through the faux loc, bringing the braid with it. Continue pulling until the crochet hair comes out of the loc too. If you started from the middle of the faux loc, you'll need to inert the hook through the bottom, catch the braid again, and pull it through the rest of the way. 22. **Touch up the loc, then do the rest.** If some of the crochet hair is peaking out of the faux loc, scrunch the loc upwards and gently tug down on the crochet hair to smooth it back out. Release the faux loc and let it fall over the crochet hair.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Ripen a Cantaloupe.,"For the best flavor, make sure that cantaloupes ripen on the vine. You can ripen this melon off the vine for a few extra days to further improve the color, texture, and juiciness of the fruit, though. 1. **Check the cantaloupe once the color changes.** Never harvest a cantaloupe when the outer rind is still green, since these melons are undoubtedly unripe. Once the cantaloupe changes to a tan or yellow color, though, it is probably ripe. Do not harvest the cantaloupe based solely on color, though. While a green cantaloupe is definitely unripe, a yellow or tan cantaloupe may not be quite ripe yet. Even if the melon is not quite ripe, however, noting the color will give you an idea of whether or not the fruit is close to being ripe. You must allow the cantaloupe to mature completely on the vine. Unlike other fruits, melons do not develop any sugars once they are harvested, so the cantaloupe will not become any sweeter after you remove it from the vine. The color and texture may change afterward, but the taste will not. 2. **Look for a crack around the stem.** The melon is usually ready to harvest when it is ""full slip."" This means that there will be a small crack that completely encircles the stem where it is attached to the cantaloupe. If you aren't sure whether or not the crack is deep or complete enough, test it by applying pressure to the side of the stem. Place your thumb directly next to the stem and apply pressure to the side of the stem. You should only need to use a little force, and the stem should begin to separate easily. 3. **Harvest the cantaloupe.** As soon as the color is right and the crack around the stem is complete, the cantaloupe is ripe. It should be harvested right away. Do not wait too long to harvest a ripe cantaloupe. If the melon falls off the vine on its own, it has likely become overripe, and both the taste and texture will be distorted as a result. 4. **Know what to expect.** As noted earlier, the taste of the cantaloupe will not change when you ripen it off the vine since its flesh does not contain starches capable of converting to sugars. The texture, color, and juiciness of the fruit can improve, though, so this process is still beneficial if you have a freshly harvested mature melon or one that is only slightly unripe. 5. **Place the melon in a brown paper bag.** Use a brown paper bag that is large enough to fit the cantaloupe with a little extra room. The fruit should not be squeezed into the bag too tightly. Ideally, you should leave a little room for airflow inside the bag. Make sure that you close the top of the bag when you are ready to let the melon begin ripening. The closed paper bag traps the ethylene gas produced by the cantaloupe as it ripens. The production of ethylene gas increases in the presence of additional ethylene gas, so keeping the gas concentrated within the space of the bag speeds up the ripening process. You need to use a paper bag instead of a plastic one. Paper bags are porous, so carbon dioxide can escape and oxygen can enter. Without at least this much airflow, the cantaloupe can begin to ferment. 6. **Consider placing a banana or apple in the bag.** If you place a ripe banana or ripe apple in the bag, even more ethylene gas will be produced inside the space of the bag, and the ripening process will speed up even more. Bananas and apples produce notably high amounts of ethylene gas once they ripen, making them better options than most other fruits. 7. **Leave the melon out at room temperature until ripe.** Usually, the process will only take about two days, if not quicker. Make sure that the place you store the melon is neither excessively cold or excessively hot. You should also avoid areas that are heavy in moisture or particularly drafty. Check on the progress of the cantaloupe throughout the process to make sure that it has not ripened early. 8. **Check the stem end.** If you purchased a cantaloupe instead of harvesting one from your own garden, first verify that no part of the actual stem is on the melon. If it is, you should give up on that cantaloupe now, since it suggests that the melon was harvested before it was able to fully mature on the vine. A cantaloupe like that will never ripen. Also check the rind around the stem end of the cantaloupe. If there are any tears in the rind, those could also suggest that the fruit was picked too early. Make sure that the stem end is slightly indented since this indicates that it was easily plucked off the vine. If the stem end protrudes, that could be another sign of a premature harvest. You should also avoid cantaloupe when the stem end has notably soft, moist spots around it. That could suggest that the fruit is actually over-ripe. 9. **Look at the netting on the skin.** The rind should be covered with a thick, coarse netting that appears well-defined over the entire surface of the melon. That netting can, however, stand out more easily on some areas than it does in others. Do not expect it to be perfectly uniform throughout. 10. **Note the color.** If you did not harvest the fruit yourself and are growing it from a second party, check the color of the rind before you make a purchase. The rind should be tinted gold, yellow, or tan. A green-tinted rind indicates that the fruit is unripe. 11. **Use your sense of touch.** Gently press on the blossom end of the cantaloupe. When you do, it should yield slightly. If it feels hard, you should allow the melon to ripen at room temperature for another day or so. On the other hand, if the cantaloupe yields too much or feels mushy, the fruit is likely over-ripe. Similarly, you should pick up the melon as you check it over, as well. When ripe, the cantaloupe will feel heavy for its size. 12. **Sniff the cantaloupe.** Take a whiff of the fruit at its blossom end, rather than at the stem end. The ""button"" of the fruit should be just below your nose as you inhale, and you should be able to sense the familiar fragrance of a ripe cantaloupe when you breathe in. If you cannot smell anything yet, try ripening the cantaloupe for another half a day or so. If you are unfamiliar with the smell of a cantaloupe, simply sniff for a notably sweet scent. The blossom end is where the softening begins and the aroma first develops, so the scent will be strongest and easily noticed there. 13. **Finished.** ",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Make a Teddy Bear Out of a Towel?,"Making a teddy bear out of a towel is a useful skill to learn. You can use it to make a last-minute toy to entertain a child on a trip, or you can use it as a clever way to give towels to a new mother. Solid-colored towels will work the best, but you can use patterned ones too to create more unique-looking bears! 1. **Fold 1 of the narrow edges of a rectangular towel over 2/3 of the way.** Choose a rectangular towel and spread it on a flat surface with 1 of the long edges facing you. Take 1 of the narrow edges and fold it just past the center, about 2/3 of the way. Double-check your proportions by folding the towel into thirds, then unfolding 1 of the ends. If this is for a baby shower, match the color of the towel to the gender. If you don't know the baby's gender, use a neutral color, such as yellow. A solid color will work the best, but you can use a print too, such as paisley. 2. **Roll the top and bottom edges towards the middle.** Take the top edge and roll it towards the middle of the towel. Weigh it down with something, like a cellphone or a book, then roll the bottom edge towards the middle too. If your towel has a tag, make sure that it is inside the towel as you roll it. Don't cut the tag off, otherwise you won't know how to wash the towel later. Roll as tightly as you can. If the towel is too loose, the bear won't hold its shape. 3. **Flip the towel over and find the center.** Make sure that the smooth part of the towel is facing you. The crease created from when you rolled the towel should be in the back. Find the center by folding the towel in half or just eyeballing it. 4. **Twist the thicker end so that the crease is visible.** You may notice that 1 of the ends of your towel is thicker than the other. This is from when you folded the towel over. Keep the thicker end in your left hand and the thinner end in your right. Twist the thicker end so that the crease caused by the rolling is now in the front. This twist is important, as it will bring the rolled part of the towel to the front and create the bear's legs. 5. **Fold the towel in half about 3/4 of the way.** Take the thinner end and fold it over onto the thicker end, about 3/4 of the way. How much you have sticking out from under the thinner end depends on the size of the towel. The larger the towel, is, the more you'll have sticking out. Don't fold the towel exactly in half. The thicker end of the towel needs to stick out from under the thinner end in order to create the legs. 6. **Unroll the thinner end slightly to make the arms.** The thinner end of the towel that you just folded over should still have the crease facing you. Unroll the edges of the towel so that they fall to the sides of the bear. This will eventually create the bear's body and arms. Keep the ends on the thicker end of the towel tightly rolled. They may come loose during this step, so be careful. 7. **Wrap a rubber band around the towel to create the bear's head.** Place the rubber band about 1/3 of the way down from the folded end of the towel. Wrap the rubber band 2 to 3 times around the towel so that it cinches it tightly and creates a ""neck."" If this is for a baby shower, consider using a hair tie instead. This way, the mother can reuse every portion of the gift. The color of the rubber band does not matter because you will be covering it up. 8. **Slip 2 mini hair elastics over the top 2 corners to create the ears.** Do not wrap and twist these elastics, or they will cinch the material too much. Simply slip a mini elastic over the top right and top left corners of the teddy bear's head. Try to use clear elastics, if you can. This way, they won't be visible on the finished bear. If you can't find clear elastics, you can use colored ones. Try to match the color to the towel. 9. **Wrap a ribbon around the bear's neck.** Choose a ribbon color that goes well with your towel. Wrap it around the neck of the bear to hide the elastic, then tie it into a bow. You don't have to use the same color as the bear. For example, if you made a white bear, try a pink ribbon. Cut the ends of the ribbon into angles for a nicer touch. Use a thinner ribbon for a smaller bear and a wider ribbon for a larger bear. 10. **Roll the side edges of a square washcloth towards the middle.** Take the left side edge and roll it towards the middle of the washcloth. Weigh the rolled washcloth down with something, like a cellphone, and roll the right side towards the middle too. Make sure that the tag is inside the washcloth as you roll it. You can also cut the tag off, but it's best to leave it on if this is a gift so that the recipient knows how to wash it. 11. **Flip the washcloth over.** You should now see a smoothly-rolled washcloth without a center crease. If you can still see the 2 ends rolled towards the middle, you are on the wrong side. Flip it over! 12. **Fold the washcloth in half about 3/4 of the way.** Take the left end if the rolled up washcloth, and fold it towards the right end, about 3/4 of the way. The front of the washcloth will have the rolled ends visible once more. You'll have the smooth side of the wash cloth peeking out by about 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5.1 cm). The shorter front half will create the body and arms of the bear. The longer back half will make the legs. Don't twist the towel as you fold it. 13. **Unroll the sides so that they cover the legs.** The side edges that you rolled towards the middle should still be visible on the front of the washcloth. Unroll these slightly, so that they land on the sides of the rolled up washcloth tube. Hold your washcloth teddy together at the sides. 14. **Wrap a rubber band around the neck of the teddy bear.** This should be about halfway down the front of the body (excluding the legs). Depending on the side of the washcloth and the rubber band, you may have to wrap the rubber band 2 to 3 times to ensure a tight fit. 15. **Tie small elastics around the top 2 corners for the ears.** Take 2 mini hair elastics, and slip 1 over each top corner on the teddy bear's head. Do not wrap or twist the elastics; the elastics will have enough strength to stay on the washcloth and cinch it into shape. For best results, use clear elastics. This way, they won't show up as much. Use your fingers to sculpt the ears into shape. Make a small dip in the center of each ear, just like a real teddy bear's ear! 16. **Tie rubber bands around the feet, if desired.** Right now, the legs look like 2 rolled up tubes from the front; from the back, they are a solid piece of washcloth. For a more realistic teddy bear, wrap a small hair tie around each of the 2 bottom corners. Pull the hair ties as far up the body as they can go. You may have to wrap and twist the elastics in order to get them to stay on. Don't wrap and twist them too tightly, however. 17. **Tie a ribbon around the bear's neck.** Cut a piece of ribbon that matches your washcloth. Wrap it around the bear's neck, then tie the ends into a bow.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Do Well in a Fight?,"If you find yourself in a situation where fighting is unavoidable, its better to be prepared than get walloped. Scroll down to Step 1 to learn some tricks about how to do well in a fight. 1. **Try not to be violent.** If you have the opportunity to do so, walk away from the fight. The best way to do well in a fight is to not fight at all. However, if you can't avoid being in a fight, acting like you don't care whether or not you fight can be a diffuser of sorts. Most of the time, guys who want to fight really just want someone to provoke. If you can't be provoked, they might lose interest. At first act like you are not going to fight and let them take a few punches. Act like you couldn't care less and that it doesn't hurt. Sometimes this can make the attacker back away but sometimes it provokes them more. 2. **Be prepared.** Once you have successfully made it clear that you don't care whether you fight or not, your attacker might try to provoke you by laughing at your non-violent attitude. Make sure you are ready with many techniques and that you are prepared to feel pain. 3. **Act confident.** Even if you've never been in a fight before, you should still act confident. Confidence can actually be a good diffuser. Act like you've been fighting everyday of your life--you could couldn't care less whether you fought this opponent. As your opponent is getting ready, throw in a yawn then take your jacket and give it to your mate. (No matter how cold it is this technique works well with all attackers.) 4. **Tire out your opponent.** Roll up your sleeve and make sure you're prepared to feel pain. Imagine you're a brick and no punches or kicks can break you! Do not hit them first. Keep arms distance away and jump around smoothly and swiftly to confuse your component. If you see them go to punch your head.. Duck! Circle them and Dodge! 5. **Watch for lack of speed and move.** Once you see them hesitate charge and punch them in the jaw, tensing your arm and using your shoulder for more power. Then quickly knee them anywhere you can, preferably in the back of the knee or stomach. 6. **Finish it.** When you opponent doubles over, do the moves that will end the fight. A few knees in the face or solid punch in the nose or eye usually puts them in too much pain to carry on. Take this opportunity to flee but don't run. Strut off but fast enough not to give your beaten up enemy a chance to recover. Avoid future conflict with this person and attempt to keep the fight quiet. 7. **Try to diffuse the situation.** The best way to avoid getting hit is by avoiding a fight entirely. Try to calm the guy down. Swallow your pride and apologize if you unknowingly did something that offended your attacker. While apologizing or calming the guy down, try to keep a look of confidence about you. Confidence can be intimidating. 8. **Keep a close eye on your opponent's movements.** Don't look away even for a second--the one moment you look away may be the moment that he decides to go in for a punch. Instead, follow his movements with your eyes. Use your peripheral vision to keep track of where you are in the space that you are fighting in--you wouldn't want to trip over something. 9. **Keep a bit of distance between yourself and your opponent.** If he has to stretch to hit you, chances are he won't take that challenge. Instead, keep a bit of space between you and your opponent so that you can determine when you want to go in for a punch. By controlling the distance between you, you can begin to control the fight. 10. **Do not let your guard down.** Whether or not you are the one who instigated this fight, you will have to participate if it is in self-defense. An important part of avoiding getting hit is staying as alert as possible during the fight. Do not let yourself get distracted. 11. **Tire your opponent out.** You may be able to win the fight without ever having to throw a punch (or taking one). Simply keep moving, forcing your opponent to really work to keep up with you. Chances are, if you are really determined, you will wear your opponent out before he has a chance to attack. 12. **Go on the attack.** If you can't get out of the fight and it doesn't seem like your opponent is going to let up, you might consider going on the attack. This could be a punch or, if you are defending yourself, an end-it move like a kick or knee to the groin. 13. **Finish the fight.** Whether this means tiring your opponent out, going in for a big hit, or simply walking away, you will need to end the fight. Assess your situation and choose the best option.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Select a Garter Belt.,"Garter belts were invented as a way to hold stockings high in a time when elastic didn't exist. Nowadays, they're primarily used as a fashion accessory. But, many people shy away from wearing garter belts because they seem complicated and uncomfortable. However, a garter belt that fits you properly can be comfortable, fun, and fashionable! When choosing a style and fabric, it all comes down to when and where you plan to wear it. For everyday wear, go with a wide belt made of satin, cotton, or powernet and six to eight adjustable straps. For the bedroom, you have more options – try a four-strap style made with any lux material and embellishments you like. 1. **Go with a wide belt for comfort and smoother lines.** If you plan to wear your garter belt underneath your everyday clothing, choose a wide belt style. These create smoother lines around the waist and hips and are far less likely to show through your clothes. Wide garter belts are also more comfortable than narrow ones, making them the better choice for daily wear. Widths vary, but opt for a belt that is at least as wide as your palm. It should sit at the narrow part of your waist, not on your hips. Narrow belts tend to slip down the hips, forcing you to pull at them all day. 2. **Select a narrow belt for the bedroom.** Comfort matters a lot less when you’re behind closed doors, and besides – you won’t be wearing that garter belt for long! If you’re shopping for something cute and slinky to wear in the bedroom, go with a narrow belt that fits around your hips. 3. **Choose one with hook-eye closures in the back for adjustability.** This is a good idea no matter where you plan to wear your belt. Look for one that has hook-eye closures in the back, just like those on the backs of bras. For the most custom fit, choose a belt that offers three (or more) rows of hook-eye closures so you can adjust as needed. 4. **Ensure a good fit by choosing adjustable straps made of elastic.** The straps, or garters, are the suspender-looking pieces of fabric that hang down from the belt and attach to your stockings. Whether you’re wearing your belt behind closed doors or under your regular clothing, go with elastic straps that you can adjust with the same slide mechanism you have on your bra straps. Just like bras, there’s no one-size-fits-all garter belt, and being able to adjust the straps is key to a good fit. 5. **Choose the four-strap style to wear in the bedroom.** Four garters (two in front and two in back) are all you need if comfort and practicality aren’t your goals. These styles look great, but they won’t hold up your stockings for long, especially if you’re walking around. They are also easier to get off, which makes them a good choice for the bedroom. 6. **Opt for six to eight straps for security and comfort.** For daily wear, you need six garters minimum to truly hold up your stockings and keep everything in place – two in front, two in back, and two along your thighs. Some people prefer the extra security of eight straps, but this is mostly a matter of personal preference. Try both styles on and see which feels better for you. 7. **Wear 10 to 12 straps to create fetish looks.** Anything beyond eight straps is outside the realm of comfort and more about creating a particular sexy vibe. If you enjoy intricate details, lots of straps, corsets, and other fetish wear, try one of the styles with 10 or even 12 straps. Keep in mind that if you plan to take these off in the bedroom, you’ll have quite a lot of unclasping to do! 8. **Choose non-stretch satin, powernet, or cotton for daily wear.** If you plan on wearing your garter belt under your daily clothes for any length of time, go with a breathable and comfortable fabric like satin, powernet (sometimes called powermesh) or just plain cotton. Everybody sweats, and it’s important for this area of the body to breathe – for both your comfort and your health. 9. **Select lux fabrics like leather, satin, and faux fur for the bedroom.** Garter belts for the bedroom can be made of pretty much whatever you want! Lace, vinyl, silk, leather, faux fur, and nylon are just a few options. Get whatever looks and feels good for you. If you want that 12 strap leather garter belt trimmed with faux fur, go for it. 10. **Avoid embellishments like lace, ruffles, and bows for daily wear.** These embellishments look great but work best for the bedroom only. Unfortunately, little details like ruffles and bows will show right through your clothes. They can also snag on the inside seams of your clothes, forcing you to tug and adjust all day long. 11. **Choose a belt made of light-colored fabric for daily wear.** If you’re wearing tight or light-colored clothing, dark fabrics may show right through, just like dark panties would – except so much more visibly! Always take your outfit into account before getting all strapped into your garter belt. It doesn’t hurt to double-check in the mirror before leaving your house, just in case. 12. **Go with metal clips over plastic ones.** Plastic clips don’t grasp the stockings well and tend to slide right off. Whether you’re wearing the garter belt in or outside the bedroom, you want the clips to hold firmly onto your stockings. Metal is the best choice. Avoid the clips with metal teeth, though – those can snag and tear your stockings and clothing. 13. **Get measured and fitted at an independent lingerie boutique.** If you've never bought a garter belt before, you may find it helpful to go down to your nearest lingerie boutique for a professional fitting. While the staff person is taking your measurements, give them an idea about what you're looking for and ask to see what they have in stock. 14. **Measure your waist and hips.** If you don't want to get a professional fitting or if you plan to buy online, having accurate measurements is key. Use a fabric measuring tape, if possible. Measure around your natural waist, which is the narrowest part of your torso. Then measure around the widest part of your hips. For most garter belts, all you really need is the waist measurement. However, if you plan to wear the belt at hip-level, you'll need the hip measurement. Either way, it's not a bad idea to have both. Write down the measurements in inches and centimeters (this will save you from having to convert later, since brands may use one or the other). 15. **Check the brand's sizing chart before making your purchase.** Measurements and sizes for garter belts will vary from brand to brand, so always check the specific sizing chart for each. Just because you're a medium in one brand doesn't mean you'll be a medium in another! 16. **Find out the return policy before you buy anything.** Whether you're buying in-person or online, find out the company's return policy for lingerie before making a purchase. Since lingerie is worn so close to private areas of the body, many companies may have particular rules about what can and cannot be returned. 17. **Keep your receipt and leave the tags on.** If your garter belt doesn't fit the way you expected once you get it home, having your receipt will make returning/exchanging it much easier. Until you're sure the garter belt fits, don't remove the tags or any of the protective coverings on the garter belt. 18. **Wear the belt around your waist for comfort and security.** For everyday wear, choose a belt that fits around the narrowest part of your waist. Make sure it's snug but comfortable. If it’s too tight, it may pinch your skin painfully, and if it’s too loose, it will slide down past your hips. It should fit snugly around your waist, but still feel comfortable. Since it's sitting at your waist, your hips provide extra security against it sliding down. 19. **Put on the garter belt before rolling on your stockings.** Make sure the belt is securely in place before you go through the hassle of hooking and clipping everything. Slide the belt on just like you would panties, then make all your adjustments – the hook-eyes in the back, where it’s situated on your waist, and so on. Once you’re happy with the fit, roll on your stockings. 20. **Adjust the straps to the appropriate length once your stockings are on.** The garters should hang down about one-quarter to one-third of the way down your thighs, just past the tops of your stockings. Use the sliding mechanism to adjust them, if necessary, then hook them into place. Once clasped onto your stockings, adjust the straps a little more, if needed, until everything feels secure. 21. **Wear panties that don’t sit higher than the belt on your waist.** Garter belts are traditionally worn with panties, and oftentimes will be sold with a matching pair. The panties should not come up higher than the belt on your waist or be visible at all above the belt. If you want, you can skip the panties altogether – it’s up to you.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Get a Resale Number?,"If you have a business through which you are purchasing products for resale, you should have a reseller's permit, also known as a resale number, reseller's license, or sales tax identification number. This permit allows you to collect and remit sales tax to your state Department of Revenue. A resale number will also allow you to purchase items from wholesalers and distributors without paying sales tax. 1. **Determine if you need a resale permit.** If you are selling goods, you'll need to collect sales tax on those goods in most states. Even if your state does not charge sales tax (for example, Oregon or Montana) it will have a Business License that functions in a similar manner to sales tax. As a seller, you'll be responsible for paying sales tax on each transaction regardless of whether or not you pass along this cost to the consumer. If you sell goods over the internet, such as through eBay or Amazon, to a buyer within your same state, you'll be responsible for collecting sales tax. If you live in Arizona, for instance, and sell to another resident of Arizona, you'll be responsible for paying sales tax on that item. If you sell less than $4,000,000 in annual sales, you are exempt from paying sales tax to buyers who live in other states. For example, if you live in Virginia, and sell to a buyer in Florida, you are exempt from collecting (and paying) sales tax on that transaction. 2. **Find out how to apply in your state.** Different states handle the application for resale numbers through different departments. In California, for example, you'll need to apply through the California State Board of Equalization. In New Jersey, you'll need to apply through the Department of the Treasury. An internet search for resale numbers in your state should provide you with the specific office to whom your application will be made. Most states have provisions for applying online as well as in person. 3. **Collect the necessary documents for application.** If you have a business partner, your partner will also need to be willing and ready to provide information as required for the application procedure. You'll be asked to provide personal identification (social security number, date of birth, drivers license or state-issued identification number) as well as information about your business, such as your bank account information, names and locations of your suppliers, and average anticipated monthly sales figures. If your business is a corporation or an LLC, you'll need to provide incorporation date, corporate number, and FEIN number. You'll need to provide information regarding the structure of your business, its ownership (sole proprietor, general partnership, LLC, nonprofit, etc.) Personal references may be required, and additional information may be requested. These requirements vary from state to state. The above information should be used as a guideline for preparation. 4. **Pay any required fee.** Most states charge a nominal fee for a resale number, if they charge a fee at all. If there is a set fee for the resale number application, you should pay it to the state department in charge of issuing resale numbers. For example, in the state of South Carolina, you will need to pay $50 to the South Carolina Department of Revenue. If you register online or in-person, you'll receive your resale number right away. If you register through the mail, it may be several weeks before your tax number is issued. However, you are free to start doing business right away. As long as you've applied for your resale number, you can start to charge sales tax. 5. **Know the benefits of getting a resale number.** If you have a resale number, you won't be required to pay sales tax on items purchased for the purpose of resale. For instance, if you purchase a new desk, you'll have to pay sales tax on it. But if you buy a warehouse full of desks for the purposes of resale, you won't have to pay sales tax if you provide your resale number. Many wholesale and distribution companies will require you to prove that you are a licensed a copy of your reseller's license or your Sales Tax ID number to make sure you are a legitimate reseller that will be reselling the products you purchase. Most states also require you to provide your resale number in order to open a commercial checking account. 6. **Consider how many locations your business has.** If your business operates in more than one location, you must request and display a resale number for each location. In some cases, it may be possible to file for consolidated permit for multiple business locations. Your sales tax permit is effective until it is canceled by the retailer or revoked by the Department. You may be able to file for a consolidated tax return if you have 2 or more individual sales permits. 7. **Request a replacement resale number if yours is lost.** If your resale certificate is ever lost, damaged, or destroyed, you may request a replacement copy. Providing your business name, original sales tax number, your name, your 10-digit phone number, and your email address with your request will speed up your results. You'll need to contact the same department from which you originally applied for a resale number. For example, if your resale number was issued through the state Department of Revenue, contact this office for a replacement copy. You can make sales and collect sales tax as long as your request has been issued. You don't have to wait until your physical copy of your certificate is restored. 8. **Keep current status updated with the state.** If you make any substantial changes in your business, you'll need to update your information on your resale number certificate. For example, if you are in a partnership and you add or drop a partner, you'll need to make sure the state is aware of the change in your legal status. If you change your business address or your legal address, you'll need to update this information on your resale number application. If you decide to dissolve the business, you'll need to let the state know that you're no longer in operation. If you sell your business or purchase another business, you'll need to let the state know of these changes.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Recycle Cardboard Boxes in New York City.,"Recycling is required by law in NYC, and luckily, the city makes it fairly easy! In apartment buildings, renters should receive clear recycling instructions from their landlord. Collect your cardboard in a paper bag or cardboard box, then drop it off at a central recycling area when it’s full. Homes, schools, institutions, and agencies should place recycling in clear bags or bins labeled with free decals, then leave it on the curb for pickup. 1. **Find your scheduled recycling collection day on NYC’s sanitation page.** Type in the street address for your home, school, or business to find your collection day. Generally, recycling is picked up once a week for homes, businesses, and agencies. Schools may have several days of collection during the week. Find collection days by location at You can also download the DSNY app and check your local schedule and get reminders before each collection day. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can also dial 311 to call the Sanitation Department and get more details. 2. **Separate your recyclables into 2 categories.** Mixed paper and cardboard go together in one category, which includes egg cartons, pizza boxes, smooth cardboard (such as food and shoes boxes, tubes, file folders, and cardboard from product packaging), and corrugated cardboard boxes (like moving boxes). The second category includes glass, metal, and plastic. Mixed paper also includes newspapers, magazines, catalogues, and paper bags. You can include paper with staples or window envelopes in the mixed paper as well. 3. **Don’t recycle boxes with food or soiled paper products inside.** Check your take-out boxes and pizza boxes for any leftover food, soft or spoiled paper, wax paper, or plastic-coated paper products. Remove and dispose of all of these products before collapsing and recycling the cardboard boxes. For example, to recycle a pizza box correctly, remove the soiled liner and recycle the plastic supporter with rigid plastics. 4. **Flatten and bundle or break up large pieces of corrugated cardboard.** Collapse and fold any big boxes or sheets of corrugated cardboard, then tie it up with sturdy twine. If you don’t have twine, you can also tear or cut the cardboard into small pieces that can fit in bins and bags. Bundles of flattened cardboard, newspapers, and magazines should be no more than 18 in (46 cm) high. Always use twine, not tape, to secure the cardboard bundles. Twine is more easily recyclable and eco-friendly than tape. 5. **Use clear bags or bins labeled with decals to put out your recycling.** Clear bags let sanitation workers easily identify the contents as cardboard and mixed paper. Outdoor bins must have decals on both sides and the lid so they can be clearly identified as well. Use green stickers for cardboard and mixed paper, and blue stickers for metal, glass, and plastic. Sanitation provides these decals for free, which you can order through their website. If you use bins, they must be leak-proof and durable, with tightly fitting lids. 6. **Put your recycling on the curb the night before your collection day.** NYC’s required time period for taking out recycling is between 4 pm and midnight on the night before collection. Take your cardboard bundles, labeled bags, and bins out to the curb in front of the building and make 2 distinct piles: cardboard and mixed paper in one, and metal, glass, and plastic in another. Make sure to set all of your recycling materials on the curb, not the street. There’s no limit to the amount of recyclables you can put out for collection, so stack your recycling materials as high as you need to. Putting your recycling out days ahead of time can block the street and come across as rude, so only put it outside the night before. 7. **Ask your landlord about recycling rules and accessibility.** By law, your landlord is required to provide all tenants with clear recycling instructions and an accessible central recycling area. Upon moving into the building or with each lease renewal, communicate with your landlord about updated recycling information. Your landlord should have flyers, brochures, checklists, information packets, or signs that show you what and where to recycle. Landlords can order recycling materials through New York City’s official website: 8. **Collect all your cardboard in a clear bag, paper bag, or cardboard box.** Keep it in a central location, such as the kitchen or next to the front door. Use it to store all the paper and cardboard or mixed paper recycling you collect. 9. **Bring your recycling to your building’s central recycling area and sort it.** Once you’ve brought your recycling to the building’s central recycling area, make sure to put your cardboard in the right bin. Follow any signage and instructions posted in the area before dropping your bag or box of recycling materials into the directed bin. Generally, recycling areas will be located with the trash disposal area. If it's not, the landlord needs to post signs in the trash disposal area directing tenants to the recycling area.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Be Holy.,"Instead of striving for fame, fortune, or material happiness, the Christian must strive for holiness. Holiness comes from God, and as such, one must first understand God's holiness before implementing that holiness in his or her own life. Even after you understand what perfect holiness is, however, striving for holiness in your own life will still take self-discipline and dedication. 1. **Look to God's absolute perfection.** God is perfect in every way possible: perfect in love, perfect in mercy, perfect in anger, perfect in justice, perfect in everything. This perfection is directly connected to the holiness of God. God is without temptation and without sin. As indicated by James 1:13, ""God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one."" The things that God does and desires may not always make sense from a human perspective, but being a believer means trusting that God's actions, commands, and desires are all perfect, even when you cannot comprehend them. 2. **Think of holiness as the character of God.** God is holy, but in another sense, God is holiness itself defined. There is nothing or no one more holy than God, and holiness itself is only fully embodied in God. God is unlike any other, and God's holiness is the root of that ""otherness."" Mankind can never be perfectly holy as God is, but humans should seek to emulate God's holiness since humans were created in the likeness of God. 3. **Reflect on God's command to holiness.** Striving for holiness in your own life is something that God has commanded you to do as a believer. The task at hand might seem overwhelming, but you should take comfort in the knowledge that God will never ask or demand you to do something you cannot do. As such, holiness is within your reach. In Leviticus 11:44, God states, ""For I am the Lord your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy."" Later, in 1 Peter 1:16, God reiterates, ""Be Holy, for I am Holy."" By understanding how God moves in your life, you can train yourself to trust in God and never give up the hope of heaven. This sort of hope provides you with an anchor, and this anchor can keep you grounded in God's truth in your pursuit of holiness. 4. **Belong to God and thirst for holiness.** True holiness will only come once you give your life fully to God. In doing so, you will recognize how you have starved for holiness in the past and how you hunger and thirst for it in the present. To belong to God, you must be “born again.” In other words, you need to accept Christ and let the Holy Spirit work in your life. Before you can truly ""thirst"" for holiness, you need to reach an understanding about why it is important for you to do as God wants. God does not demand things from you simply to test you. Instead, God wants what is best for your eternal well-being and issues commands to you based on that. Even though humanity naturally thirsts for holiness, the world offers so many distractions that the appetite for holiness is often spoiled. The distractions of the world will never offer the spiritual nourishment the soul needs, however. 5. **Prepare your mind and heart.** Even though it is possible to achieve holiness, doing so is not often easy. You need to dedicate your mind and your heart to the practice if you have any hope of accomplishing the task. Be baptized by receiving the Holy Spirit as The Lord promised His followers, to be your guide and comforter, abiding with you forever. Read the Bible, pray daily and meditate upon the word of God to strengthen against spiritual sin and to learn godly ways. In 1 Peter 1:13-14, the believer is instructed to ""gird up the loins of your mind."" If transcribed more literally, it would mean, ""prepare your mind for action."" Setting your mind to action means making a clear, determined effort to abandon sinfulness and follow God in holiness. There will be plenty of outside influences that try to lead you astray. If you do not fix your mind on a clear, definite goal, you are more likely to slip off the path you need to walk down in order to reach it. 6. **Avoid moralism.** Many people often get the wrong idea about holiness and think that it can be achieved simply by following a strict set of rules. Rules and rituals have their place, but when you start to care more about looking holy than being holy, you tread into the realm of moralism. For example, if you pray in public for the sake of being seen by other people, your attitude toward prayer is not as healthy as it could be. You can pray in public if the situation warrants it, but when you do so, your prayers must be for the sake of communicating with God. There is nothing inherently wrong with being viewed as a spiritual or religious person, but that view must come about naturally. You must abandon the desire to appear holy to other people. If people still develop that view of you after the fact, then there is nothing wrong with it, but there is no guarantee that those around you will perceive your desire for holiness. 7. **Set yourself apart.** As noted, God's law does have a part to play regarding holiness. God commands his believers to set themselves apart from the sinfulness of the world. This does not mean shutting yourself off from the secular world, but it does mean following God's law even with secularism criticizes you for doing so. In Leviticus 20:26, God explains, ""And ye shall be holy unto me: for I the Lord am holy, and have severed you from the other people, that ye should be mine."" In essence, being ""severed"" from other people means severing yourself from the worldliness of other people. You need to sever yourself from influences that are not of God. Understand that you do not need to shut yourself away in a monastery or convent to severe yourself from worldliness. You do exist in the world, and if God did not want you here, God would not have placed you here. 8. **Practice self-control.** You will never escape temptation, even if you do start exercising holiness in your life. When you face temptation, though, you will need to control the harmful desire to give into it to maintain any degree of holiness. Temptation does not always come in a tangible form. It is relatively easy for many people to resist the temptation of stealing something from the store or physically hurting someone who angers you. It is much more difficult to resist the root temptations of greed and hate, though. To really practice self-control, you need to do more than simply stopping the obvious sins. You need to guard yourself against the weaknesses of character that can distract you from God. These weaknesses include things like pride, envy, greed, hate, slothfulness, gluttony, and lust. 9. **Do not tolerate sin.** For the most part, this means being intolerant of sin in your own life. Being intolerant of sin also means rejecting it in the world around you, though. No matter how much you may love someone, when that person sins, you must not make excuses for the sin or accept the sin itself. Words like ""intolerance"" and ""judgment"" are often thrown around carelessly and used as criticisms, but the concepts themselves are not wicked. After all, few would claim that it is a bad thing to be intolerant of hate or to judge something as safe or dangerous. The error lies not with intolerance itself, but how it is practiced. Be of sin, but do not use that intolerance as a justification for hating others. God is all that is good, and love is good above all else. Be at peace with all men without which no man shall see the Lord. If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. Do to others as you wish them do to you. Be faithful to yourself by serving God in true sense. Whatever you do to or for the least of God's children you do to The Lord. At the same time, you should not allow the love and sympathy you have for others to blind you to sinfulness. You cannot judge or control the hearts of others, but you should not accept someone else's sin as ""right"" since doing so damages the purity of your own heart. 10. **Die to self but love who you are.** Dying to self means surrendering any desire that is not of God. That being said, God created you to be who you are, so you need not despise your existence. If anything, you need to love yourself in the same way that God loves you before you can approach God's level of holiness. God created you just as you are, which means that you are beautiful just as you are. Your beauty includes all of your struggles, weaknesses, and past mistakes. Even though you are beautiful just as you are, you also need to recognize your struggles and weaknesses for what they are. Seeking holiness means committing to the practice of leaving these vices behind for the sake of God. 11. **Consider working catalysts into your daily routine.** Some spiritual practices can serve as catalysts that help propel you toward a holier, more enriched existence. You do not always need to practice these catalysts to be holy, but they may guide you toward holiness when used. For instance, in order to strive for holiness over the way you view food and eating, you could try fasting for one day, or even for half a day. In some cases, holiness in a certain area of your life cannot be achieved without practicing the catalyst, even though the catalyst itself is not holiness. For instance, you must love and submit yourself to your spouse in order to have a holy marriage, and you must love your enemies in order to have holy relationships overall. 12. **Pray for holiness.** Being holy is a difficult task and cannot be done in the absence of God. Prayer is a powerful resource—one of the most powerful tools available to the believer, in fact—so praying for holiness on a regular basis can help you become and remain holier. Your prayers for holiness do not need to be long, extravagant, or eloquent. Something simple is perfectly fine as long as you pray it from your heart. For example, your prayer could be as simple as, ""God, let me thirst for holiness more than I thirst for worldliness, and make me holy in every aspect of my character and actions."" Ask the Lord Jesus to bless your soul. When you desire to live Holy -- dedicated or devoted to the service of God, realizing that you must serve others, you must ask God to help you.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Change a Child's Legal Name.,"You may want to change your child’s name because of remarriage, divorce, or another reason. Alternately, your minor child might want to change their name. The process of changing a child's legal name will differ depending on the state. Generally, you will need to file a petition with the court where the child lives and pay a filing fee. If the court agrees that the name change is in the child’s best interest, then you can change the child’s birth certificate. 1. **Understand the reasons a name change will be granted.** The proposed name change must be approved by a judge, and approval will not be given in every circumstance. Often, a name change will be granted in the following situations: Both parents petition the court for the name change One parent petitions the court and the other parent, after notification, does not object One parent petitions the court and the other parent either cannot be found or has abandoned the child 2. **Analyze whether the name change is in the child’s “best interest.”** If the other parent objects to the name change, then the court will have to hold a hearing. At the hearing, the judge will have to decide whether a name change is in the child’s best interest. There is no one definition of “best interest,” but the court will consider a variety of factors: the length of time that the child has used the current name the effect a name change will have on preserving the child’s relationship with both parents the child’s relationship with each parent the child’s need to identify with a new family unit through the use of a common name the wishes of the child (if older) any other relevant factor 3. **Talk to the child.** In some states, a child must agree to a name change once they reach a certain age. In Texas, a child over 10 must agree to the name change. Even if the child is young, you should still ask the child how they feel about a name change. Courts will consider this a relevant factor in deciding whether to grant a name change. 4. **Consult with the child's other parent.** Most states and judges require that both parents agree before they will change a child's name. If the other parent will not agree, you may still ask the court for a change and explain your reasons at a hearing. By talking with the other parent, you can feel out whether or not they will object to the name change. If the other parent agrees, then you will want to discuss plans for filling out the paperwork and potentially attending the hearing together. 5. **Find the correct court.** You will need to petition a court to change the child’s name. The court you use will depend on your state’s rules. In many states, you go to the court in the county where the child lives. Some states, such as Michigan, require the child to have lived in the county for at least one year. If you don’t know where to go, call your court clerk and ask which court you would use. 6. **Gather necessary documents.** You may need to present to the court the child’s birth certificate and/or a death certificate for a parent. To get a birth certificate, you can visit your state’s Vital Statistics office. You should be able to order birth certificates through the VitalChek website. To get a death certificate, see wikiHow’s How to Acquire a Death Certificate for more information. 7. **Collect the necessary forms.** Each state should have pre-printed, “fill in the blank” forms for you to use. Often, a state will have different forms depending on whether the other parent agrees or objects to the name change. The forms may go by different names depending on the state. You can ask the court clerk or look on the court’s website. In West Virginia, you must fill out a Petition, which can be found here. You must also file a Civil Case Information Statement, which is available here. In Texas you would fill out an “Original Joint Petition for Child’s Name Change” if both parents agree. You would also need a “Child’s Consent To Name Change” form (if the child is over 10) and an “Agreed Order Granting Child’s Name Change.” If both parents don’t agree, then you would file an “Original Petition for Change of Name.” A sample form for Collin County is available here. In Michigan, you would need a “Petition to Change Name,” which is available here. 8. **Fill out the forms.** Fill out the forms using a typewriter or a pen with blue or black ink. Each state’s form may ask for slightly different information, but you will probably be asked for: the child’s current name and age each parent’s name and address confirmation that the child is a resident of the county where you will file the petition the reason for the name change the new name requested confirmation that a name change isn’t sought to avoid debt/creditors or any law regarding identity agreement that the petitioner is not a registered sex offender agreement that the name change is not sought for an illegal or improper purpose, such as evading detection or arrest confirmation that the petitioner is not a convicted felon 9. **Have the petition verified.** You may need to sign your petition in front of a notary. Notaries may be found at most large banks and at courthouses. You may also be able to find a notary by visiting your state’s Secretary of State website, which might run a directory of notaries. Be sure to bring acceptable methods of personal identification. Typically, a valid driver’s license or passport will suffice. 10. **File the forms.** After you have filled out the forms and had them notarized, you need to take them all to the court clerk to file. Be sure to make at least three copies: one for the other parent and two copies for your records. When you file the original forms, the court clerk will stamp them with the date. Make sure to have all of your copies stamped as well. 11. **Pay the fee.** You may have to pay a filing fee. The fee varies widely by state and by court. In New York, you will pay $65. In Thurston County, Washington, you will pay a total fee of $151.00. Call ahead of time to ask the clerk for the amount and acceptable methods of payment. If you cannot afford the fee, then ask for a fee waiver form. Fee waiver forms often ask for financial information, such as your current yearly take-home pay from all sources (job, benefits, public assistance, alimony, etc.) You probably will also be asked for monthly expenses, such as mortgage, rent, car payment, loan payments, food, utilities, and medical care. If you don’t think you can afford the fee, then gather this financial information so that you can fill out the waiver form accurately. 12. **Serve notice to the other parent.** You need to notify the other parent that you have petitioned the court to change the child’s name. You must give this notice even if you have sole custody. Talk to the clerk about acceptable methods of serving notice. Typically, notice can be sent in a variety of ways. For example, the other parent could sign an Acceptance of Service form in front of a notary. You would then file it with the court. The other parent can often be notified through personal service, either using the sheriff or a private process server. You will probably have to pay a fee. Process servers cost around $45-70. It usually costs a little less to use the sheriff. Many courts will also allow anyone over 18 who is not a party to the court action to serve the papers. Whoever provides personal service will typically have to file with the court an affidavit attesting that service was made. 13. **Publish notice.** You may have to file Legal Notice in a print publication, such as a legal newspaper. In West Virginia, you must publish a notice in a newspaper in the county where you filed the petition at least 10 days before the hearing. Ask the clerk for a list of acceptable newspapers. You may be limited to specific ones. You may have to pay a fee in order to publish the name change. Fees can vary. For example, in Genesee County, Michigan, you will have to pay $80.25 to publish in the Flint-Genesee County Legal News. In Orange County, California, you can publish in The Notice for a $60 flat fee. If you can’t afford the fee, then you should be able to motion the court for a fee waiver. Ask the clerk for the form. 14. **File proof of publication.** After the name change has appeared in the newspaper, you will need to file proof with the court. Ask the clerk for what form you need to fill out. 15. **Attend a hearing.** At the hearing, the judge will review the information in the petition. The judge may also go through the prohibited reasons for getting a name change and ask you to testify under oath that you are not seeking the name change for a prohibited reason. If the other parent objects, then the court will need to hear the reasons for the objection. Ultimately, the court must decide whether the name change is in your child’s best interest. You may be tasked with writing the order, which the judge will sign. You can ask the court clerk when you pick up your forms whether or not you must fill out an order. Typically, there will be a form for you to fill out. 16. **Get a certified order.** If the name change is granted, then the judge will sign an order to that effect. You will then need a certified order, Name Change Certificate, or some other official document to present to Social Security and to have your child’s name changed on a birth certificate. If the name change is granted, ask the clerk what form you will need. 17. **Notify the Bureau of Vital Statistics.** Once a name change is ordered, the name on the child’s birth certificate does not automatically change. You will need to contact your state’s Vital Statistics department and present them with the necessary form. After the change is made on the birth certificate, you should get certified copies of the birth certificate. You may need them in the future and should have a couple copies handy. 18. **Contact Social Security.** You need to alert the Social Security Administration of a child’s name change and complete an application for a corrected Social Security card (if the child already has one). The number will stay the same though the name will be changed.ocial Security Administration website You can download this application and fill it out. You can then submit it to any Social Security office. Find the office nearest you by using this Locator. 19. **Tell your child’s school of the name change.** Make sure that the school knows of the child’s name change. Also notify any medical professional who your child has received services from, such as doctors, dentists, and therapists.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Dress Smart Casual (Females)?,"Dressing “smart casual” is another way to say dressing stylish casual. Dressing smart casual essentially means dressing in a casual manner that is a bit more fancy by creating a neat, fashionable, and accessorized outfit. Dressing smart casual can sometimes be a challenge, however there are some simple tips you can keep in mind when planning your outfit. 1. **Think about what bottoms to wear.** For a smart casual outfit, you must balance flairs of professionalism and fashion. Consider wearing bottoms that are comfortable but sharp looking; they need to be able to pull through a professional yet casual look. For example, a nice pair of slacks, darker-colored conservative skirts, and even a dark wash pair of jeans can all be appropriate bottoms for a smart casual outfit. Most times, your bottoms can act as a base from which you create your ensemble outfit. Your bottoms can absolutely incorporate a pop of color. You could wear something like a brown or dark green skirt, navy blue slacks, or a dark, indigo wash pair of jeans. If you decide to wear a skirt, it must be a business appropriate length (at least to the top of your knees). However, keep in mind that if your bottoms include color and are more fashionable, you should try to balance your outfit with a milder, yet chic top. 2. **Pair your bottoms with an appropriate top.** Since smart casual is all about balancing, your top must equalize your outfit. If your bottoms are dressier, your top can be more casual (ruffles, color, accents, prints, etc.). If your bottoms are more casual, dress up your outfit by sporting a sleeker, more professional top. A professional top would be a button-down shirt, a dressy blouse, or a collared top. Again, your top can incorporate color, it just has to stabilize out your outfit. If your bottoms are a muted color, opt for a colored shirt. If your bottoms are the outfit piece adding color, wear a more neutral top. 3. **Wear a dress.** Wearing a dress is a safe choice if you are trying to dress smart casual. A dress immediately elevates the “dressiness” of your outfit, but the print or material of the dress can add a needed casual element. No matter what kind of dress you choose to wear, the hem of the dress should reach at least the top of your knees. If you have a professional looking dress (conservative length, darker color), you can dress it down by pairing it with casual accessories like a colored scarf or simple, yet stylish jewelry. Vice versa, if you have a more casual dress, you can spruce up the look by pairing it with stylish and conservative heels and simple, clean cut jewelry. When wearing a dress for a smart casual outfit, choose to keep it simple. When in doubt, you rather your outfit come off as more dressy than casual. 4. **Add a blazer.** A blazer is a great outfit piece that can add a professional tone to your outfit, but still keep it casual when paired with a softer top. If you’re considering wearing a blazer, make sure it has a fitted cut. This tailored piece can make your outfit look a bit more put together, while your other clothing items channel the more casual side of your ensemble. A plain black or navy blue blazer can incorporate a more professional feel, while a colored blazer can add in a pop of color as an accent piece. 5. **Slip on appropriate shoes.** For a smart casual outfit, consider finishing your ensemble with a comfortable pair of dress shoes. Heels work great, and close-toed pumps are always a safe choice to complete your look. Flats can also be an option if you want to go for a more casual look. You can make your outfit stand out while maintaining a casual look by having your flats be a main fashion statement. They can be colored or patterned, but it must balance out your outfit of mainly neutral, composed pieces. Wedges and some opened toed shoes can also work for a smart casual outfit if you are attending a more casual event. However, if you are dressing for work, stay away from these options. Avoid wearing sandals with a smart casual outfit; sandals are plain casual. 6. **Wear suitable jewelry.** Accessories are often the outfit pieces that can firmly establish the feel of your ensemble. They can dramatically push an outfit toward being more “smart,” or more casual. For example, statement necklaces are usually go-to pieces of jewelry that can liven up and dress up a plainer outfit. They can include color and act as an accent to an otherwise muted outfit. This same principle goes for earrings. You still want your earrings to be simple, but they can add some flair and elevate to your outfit. If your outfit is already a bit varied with colors and prints, consider toning down to jewelry to balance your look out. 7. **Wear a belt.** Accessorizing your outfit with a belt can add a pop of color to your look, function as a statement piece, or add a bit of texture to your outfit. For example, if your outfit consists of mostly matte fabrics, you can wear a patterned or patent belt to make your ensemble a bit more interesting and add a little variety. Depending on what kind of belt you use, incorporating one into your outfit can make your look more fun and fashionable (if the belt is colored), or more put together and smart (if the belt is more modest). Thin belts tend to look really nice with dresses, and wide belts can pair well with longer skirts. 8. **Sport a watch.** Wearing a watch may bleed over into jewelry territory, but it can be a separate accessory in it’s own right. Try to pick a watch that is simple, yet can make a statement. For example, a watch with a slightly bigger face, but a simple band can make a great accessory addition. Or, if your watch is going to have a bit more color in the band, make sure the face of the watch isn’t so big and bold. Another thing to consider is the material of the watch. Your watch should be some sort of metal (silver, gold, platinum), but the metal color should go with the other metal pieces in your outfit. For example, if your shoes and purse have gold detailing, avoid wearing a silver colored watch. 9. **Carry a purse.** A colorful or unique purse can act as a statement piece to a calmer, more conservative outfit. Conversely, a stylish and simple bag can elevate a more casual outfit. Your purse does not have to match your outfit, but if you already have a color piece in your ensemble (top, blazer, shoes, etc.), you might want to keep your purse color on the more reserved side. Any purse that you use should be sleek and fashionable, no matter which way your outfit is leaning toward. For example, if you purse if smaller, it could be a bit more playful and flashy when paired with a casual outfit. If your purse is bigger, keep it simple and modest when paired with a more colorful outfit. 10. **Consider wearing a scarf.** A scarf can serve as a simple accessory that can add a little variety to your outfit. You don’t want the scarf to overpower your outfit, but enhance it in a small way. A scarf can always add a bit of color to your outfit, while sometimes lending a more fashionable feel, depending on the print and fabric. If your outfit consists of mainly dark colors, consider pairing it with a graphic scarf. 11. **Wear your favorite print or color.** For business suits, the classic attire can be rather boring. Consider switching up your business look by wearing a blouse that is your favorite print of color. Adding in this variety can keep your outfit looking appropriate and smart, while also letting your personal fashion sense shine through. 12. **Soften your look with a sweater.** Blazers are a great way to embellish a smart casual outfit, but if you want to go for a softer look, consider wearing a colorful cardigan or wrap sweater. The color of the cardigan can be a statement color, or it can be an accent color to an otherwise muted-toned outfit. If you are always chilly, a turtleneck is also a viable option for a smart casual sweater look. 13. **Renovate your work basics.** In many business settings, pantsuits are a norm. Switch up the norm by updating your normal pantsuits for ones with slimmer silhouettes. Slimmer silhouettes can flatter your figure while staying modest, and you can mix and match your pantsuit combinations. 14. **Always wear at least one statement piece.** Dressing stylish everyday might be exhausting, but when in doubt (and running low on work appropriate outfits) always wear at least one statement piece. That means, if your dress is going to be pretty boring for the day, make sure your shoes, or you necklace, or your belt is making a fashion statement. Your statement piece could be colorful, or printed, or embellished. This is the easiest way to make sure your outfit is incorporating the “smart” part of smart casual.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Keep Birds Off Your Porch?,"Birds are bound to fly into your yard, but they can leave a mess if they make themselves at home on your porch. If you're tired of cleaning up after birds, deter them with objects from your home or with store-bought spikes. After installing your deterrents, you can say goodbye to birds on your porch! 1. **Hang foil or pie plates around your porch to reflect light.** Reflective light creates a visual deterrent for birds since the sun bothers their eyes. Poke a hole in your foil or disposable pie plates and feed a string through it to make a loop. Hang the reflectors on your porch around posts or nails so birds avoid flying or roosting in the area. Attach shiny pinwheels to any posts around your porch to make a reflective deterrent that moves in the wind. When the blades spin, the light will reflect in different areas. You can also use small mirrors or old CDs to reflect light. 2. **Put a fake owl near your porch to scare off birds.** Birds won't go where they may be trouble, so keeping a fake bird of prey next to your porch will be sure to scare them away. Look for a fake owl with a bobbling head so it looks like it's moving in the wind. Once every few days, move the fake owl to a different place to make it seem like it's flown to a new spot. You can find plastic owls at most home and garden stores. 3. **Keep a set of wind chimes near your porch to deter birds with noise.** Use metal wind chimes so they also reflect light. Hang the wind chimes near the corner of your porch or near any patio furniture you keep on your porch. Hang multiple wind chimes 10–15 feet (3.0–4.6 m) apart if you have a large porch. 4. **Move bird feeders or birdbaths away from your porch if you have any.** Bird feeders and baths attract wild birds to your yard. If you have any, keep them at least 30 feet (9.1 m) away from your porch so birds don't come close to your home. Get rid of feeders or bird baths entirely so birds are discouraged from coming to your yard. 5. **Sprinkle baking soda around roosting areas to keep birds from perching.** Coat common perching areas, like eaves or the tops of outdoor lights, with a thin layer of baking soda. Birds don't like the feeling of baking soda under their feet so they'll avoid landing there. Baking soda needs to be replaced after it rains or gets wet. 6. **Choose a narrow set of bird spikes.** Bird spikes are long metal rods attached to a base to prevent birds from landing or roosting and are sold in sets made for either small, medium, or large-sized birds. Choose the narrowest set of spikes since birds that will normally come near your porch are smaller songbirds. Bird spikes can be found in many home and garden stores or online. Bird spikes are a humane way to deter birds since they do not harm them in any way. 7. **Break the base of the spikes or combine multiple pieces to fit your space.** Measure the length of the area you want to attach your bird spikes with a tape measure. To make a long row of spikes, snap the ends of each base together. If you need to make a piece shorter, look for the notched break points along the plastic base. Bend the spikes at their break points to snap them apart. Many sets of bird spikes are sold in kits that cover 50–100 feet (15–30 m). Choose the kit that works best for the length you need. 8. **Glue or screw the bird spikes on areas where birds may land or roost.** Use a caulk gun and clear epoxy glue to adhere the spikes to the area if you want a permanent installation. Place 3-4 dabs of epoxy per 1 foot (0.30 m) of bird spikes. For a less permanent option, use a drill to drive self-tapping screws in each of the base's screw holes. Although bird spikes aren't sharpened, don't put them in an area where they could harm pets or children. 9. **Use gutter clips to install the spikes onto your overhang.** Gutter clips should be included in your bird spikes kit so you can hang them over your eaves. Feed the ends of the clips onto the base of your spikes so you have 2 clips per 1 foot (0.30 m). Use the other end of the clip to hang the spikes inside your gutters. You can easily remove and reinstall the spikes if you need to clean your gutters.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Attract Bats to Your Garden?,"While bats have a bad reputation as creepy critters in popular media, bats can be incredibly helpful for maintaining a healthy garden. Not only are bats great for repelling mosquitos and other pesky insects, but bat guano, or bat poop, is a great natural fertilizer. If you want to lure bats to your garden, consider installing a bat house near your garden, and plant plenty of fragrant flowers and herbs in order to attract the kinds of bugs that bats love to feast on. 1. **Determine which species of bats live in your local region.** Different types of bats vary in their preferences for food and water, so you'll want to get a sense of the bats in your local region before altering your garden. Do some research online or contact Bat Conservation International for more information on bat populations near you. 2. **Install a bat-friendly water source.** Bats tend to be attracted to steady sources of water, so if there isn’t a natural water source near your garden, consider adding a water source. Bird baths or small fountains are great options that will draw bats to your garden space. 3. **Provide a food source specific to the kinds of bats in your area.** Some bats eat insects, while others eat fruit and drink nectar. Find out what kind of food the bats in your region enjoy, then plant fruit trees, flowers, or herbs that will attract those types of bats. For instance, plant night-blooming flowers like french marigold and evening primrose, and aromatic plants like thyme and honeysuckle, in order to attract insects for carnivorous bats. 4. **Keep your pets indoors at night.** Bats tend to be frightened off by the presence of outdoor cats or dogs. If you want to attract bat visitors, keep your furry friends inside once it starts getting dark in the evening. 5. **Turn off outdoor lights.** Because bats are nocturnal creatures, they tend to avoid roosting in areas that are illuminated by artificial light sources. If you must use outdoor lights, consider reducing their brightness and moving them away from your garden. 6. **Buy or build a bat house.** Bat houses will provide the right shelter for bats to roost during their nightly feasts. If you’re building a bat house, be sure to use rough, non-toxic wood, such as plywood or cedar, so that the bats will have an easier time climbing in and out of the box. You can buy bat houses online or in home and garden supply stores. Bat houses should be at least 2 feet (61 cm) tall, 1 foot (30 cm) wide, and 3 inches (7.6 cm) deep. Some areas have conservation rules that determine how big a bat box should be, where you can place it, and who can check/clean it. Check with your local conservation society or review your local laws to be sure yours complies. You'll likely need to take additional steps to attract bats to a bat house after setting it up. For instance, it needs to be easily accessible, near a water source, and away from artificial light. 7. **Caulk the outside walls of your bat house.** Your bat home will need to be insulated from rain and cold weather in order to provide a safe environment for bats. Apply a silicone caulk around the wooden seams of your bat house in order to ensure the space remains dry and insulated. 8. **Place your bat home in a sunny location.** Bats survive best in warm environments, ideally between 80 °F (27 °C) and 100 °F (38 °C). Find an area near your garden where your bat home will get at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight. 9. **Install your bat home on a south-facing, 15 ft (4.6 m) pole.** Do not mount your bat home on a tree, as predators will have an easier time disturbing both the home and the bats. Placing your bat home on a pole will keep your bat visitors safe from potential harm. In addition, it's best to mount your bat home facing south to ensure that it gets the most direct sunlight during the day. 10. **Use a dowel rod to clean your bat box.** Get in the habit of cleaning debris from your bat box during the winter or early spring months, when bats aren't present. Dowel rods are perfect for reaching into high-lofted bat boxes, and you can find this tool at craft stores. 11. **Inspect your bat home for signs of wear and tear.** After you mount your bat home, you’ll want to check up on it periodically to make sure it’s in good condition. Clear out any wasp or bees nests, and check to make sure that the house is still well-insulated and firmly secured on its mounting pole. Look for bat droppings near your bat home and around your garden for signs that your bat home is working!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Turn a Log Into a Planter.,"While you can buy a wide variety of planters at your local garden center or home improvement store, creating a planter from other objects can add flair and visual interest to your yard. If you're a fan of rustic landscape design, a log can make an ideal planter. The project requires being able to handle a chainsaw, which can be tricky if you're new to the DIY scene. However, you only have to use the saw for making straight cuts and you can use an ax to actually hollow out the log. 1. **Decide how large you want the planter to be.** You can make a planter out of any size log that you like. However, keep in mind that larger logs can weigh a great deal, which makes them difficult to move around your yard or deck. In general, try to find a log with a diameter of approximately 12- to 14-inches (30- to 35-cm) A log that’s approximately 45-inches (114-cm) long is usually a good size for a planter. You can go smaller or larger, though, depending on how much space you have in your yard and how many flowers you’d like to plant. When it comes to the type of log to use, a harder wood will usually last longer. However, hard woods are more difficult to cut. Maple is a good option. 2. **Choose how large you want the opening to be.** You can make the opening in your log planter as small or as large as you’d like. You can make it almost as long and as wide as the log itself, so nearly the entire top of the log is available for planting. You can also opt for a smaller opening so more of the log is visible. It’s best to use a tape measure when you’re trying to decide how large to make the planter opening. That will help you understand how much space that you have to work with. 3. **Consider removing the bark.** Part of the charm of a log planter is its rustic appearance. However, you may want to strip the bark off of the log to expose the bare wood underneath. You can use a debarking tool, such as a draw knife, to manually remove the bark or a debarker that attaches to the end of a chainsaw and uses a rotating blade to remove the bark much more quickly. If there are any twigs, moss, and other debris on the exterior of the log, you may wish to remove those as well. 4. **Secure the log with wedges.** Because the log is round, it can easily roll around when you attempt to cut it. To keep it in place, set a large wooden wedge on either side of the length of the log. Make sure the wedges have a flat edge so they won’t move when you begin to cut. When you’re choosing a location to set the log up for cutting, it’s best to select a spot that’s close to where you plan to put the planter. That way, you won’t have to move it too far when you’re finished cutting it. 5. **Draw the cutting lines with chalk.** Once the log is secure, use a piece of chalk to trace the interior cutting lines for the opening on the top of the log. It helps to use a tape measure or ruler as you’re tracing, so you know the lines are as straight as possible. 6. **Put on your safety gear.** Using a chainsaw and other cutting tools can be dangerous. To protect yourself, shield your eyes with a pair of safety goggles or glasses before you begin cutting. It’s also a good idea to wear a pair of canvas or leather work gloves to protect your skin. You may also want to wear a dust mask over your nose and mouth to protect yourself from the sawdust and chips that fly around when you’re cutting the log. 7. **Score the short sides of the planter opening.** When your safety gear is place, lift the chainsaw and begin cutting the short sides of the marked planter opening lines. You don’t need to cut the full depth of the opening -- just make a superficial score line. For best results, use a chainsaw with a low kickback blade. 8. **Make superficial cuts to mark the longitudinal cuts.** Once you’ve scored the short sides of the opening, use the chainsaw to make a superficial cuts along the longitudinal sides of the opening. You don’t need to go deep with the cuts; you just want to create shallow score lines as you did with the short sides of the opening. 9. **Hold the chainsaw perpendicular to the log and cut deeper.** To finish cutting the longitudinal sides of the opening, adjust the chainsaw so you’re holding it almost perpendicular to the log. Plunge the tip into the wood and cut until you reach your desired depth. Aim for at least 5- to 6-inches (13- to 15-cm). When you’re using the chainsaw to make a plunge cut, you are more likely to experience kickback, which can cause you to lose control of the tool and run the risk of injuring yourself. Be sure to read the safety instructions for your chainsaw so you know how to use it safely. 10. **Cut the short sides of the opening deeper.** Once you’ve cut the longitudinal sides deep enough, plunge cut the short sides of the opening until they’re the same depth as the long sides. Make sure that you join the short side cuts with the long side cuts so the opening is cut to the desired depth all the way around. 11. **Create several lengthwise cuts to the center of the opening cut out.** After you’ve cut out the entire outline of the planter’s opening, use the chainsaw to make several lengthwise cuts in the center of the opening. It’s best to create 3 to 4 cuts that are parallel to one another. The lengthwise center cuts should all be the same depth. 12. **Saw diagonally along the center of the opening cut out.** Once you’ve made the lengthwise center cuts in the opening, make several diagonal cuts to the center portion of the opening that you’re going to hollow out. They should crisscross the lengthwise cuts that you made previously. The diagonal cuts should be just as deep as the lengthwise cuts to the center of the cutout. 13. **Use a hatchet to remove the wood from the opening cut out.** When the planter’s opening has been completely scored, you’ll be left with chunks of wood in the center. Cut this wood out with a hatchet or ax until you’ve created a complete opening for the planter. 14. **Create drainage for the planter with the chainsaw.** To prevent the planter from becoming waterlogged, it helps to create drainage slits in the bottom. Use the chainsaw to cut all the way through the bottom of the planter opening in three to four spots so the water can drain out. Be sure to elevate the log on a sawhorse before you cut the drainage slits. You may damage the chain on your chainsaw if you allow the blade to hit the ground. 15. **Set the planter in its spot.** Once you’ve finished cutting the log, it’s time to set the planter in the spot where you want to keep it. It’s important to move it before you fill it with soil and plants because it may be too heavy to move afterward. If you like, you can elevate the log planter on two or more flat pieces of wood. You should secure the “legs” to the planter with screws, though, so it doesn’t roll off. 16. **Fill the planter with soil.** When you’re happy with the placement of the planter, you must add soil to the interior. Garden soil, potting soil, and even soilless mixes, which usually consist of peat moss or peat substitutes, compost, and perlite, are all suitable. If your soil mix doesn’t contain slow-release fertilizer, you may want to mix some granules of it in yourself when you plant your flowers. 17. **Add your plants and flowers.** After you’ve filled the planter with soil, you can add your plants and flowers. It’s best to start placing the plants in the center of the opening and work your way out on either side. Make sure that the plants have an appropriate amount of soil around them. The soil level should be 1- to 2-inches (2.5 to 5-cm) below the lip of the planter. Water the plants thoroughly with a watering can or spray nozzle after you plant them.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Join NASA?,"The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is a governmental US agency, specializing in the nation's aeronautics, aerospace, and space program. NASA's vision statement is: “To reach for new heights and reveal the unknown so that what we do and learn will benefit all humankind”.There are many exciting career opportunities with NASA, and there are many different paths to NASA. A career with NASA can be exciting, creative, and important, but it can also be demanding and competitive. If it's your dream to work with NASA, we've got some helpful advice on how to plan your path to an eventual career with them, in additional to offering you some practical advice about how to handle the application procedure. 1. **Learn about the different opportunities with NASA.** When you think of NASA, your first thought is probably of astronauts; if going to space doesn't sound so appealing to you, you may nonetheless find a rewarding career with NASA. Just a few of the professionals that NASA employs are as follows: Medical doctors, nurses, and mental health care professionals. Researchers, engineers, geologists, microbiologists, and physicists. Writers, human resource specialists, and communications professionals. Computer programmers and IT specialists. 2. **Identify your academic talents.** If you'd like to start down the path towards working for NASA, it will help to think about what you're good at as early as possible. This will help you begin to formulate an idea of the position at NASA that would be the best fit for you. Think about the following: What subjects do you excel in at school? For example, if everyone wants to be your lab partner in physics class, then you may want to think about a future career in applied physics with NASA. 3. **Identify your passions and interests, too.** Even if you're really good at something—like math or chemistry, for example—a career at NASA will be intense, as will the course of study you'll have to go through in order to qualify. You want to try to select a path where you will not only excel, but which you'll be passionate about. 4. **Design a course of study.** Once you have a plan in mind for your ideal career at NASA, it will be a good idea to carefully outline the courses you'll take, both in high school and/or college. Meet regularly with your academic advisor to make sure you're taking the right courses, and the right number of them. Particularly if you want to be an astronaut, an engineer, or a scientist with NASA, you should choose a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) centered education path. You should also determine as early as possible if your eventual dream job with NASA will require graduate study. This may affect where you go to school or what courses you choose to take as an undergraduate. 5. **Study hard.** It's a bit of joke at NASA to respond to inquiries about how to work there by responding, “Study hard,” but it really is true that this is key. You're going to have to be committed to your studies, and make sure not just that you get the necessary grades, but that you truly are able to master the material. 6. **Choose the right school.** If you're still in high school and are reading this, then you're doing the right thing by planning your path to NASA early on. Take the time to research college and universities that have strong STEM programs, and get into the very best one that you can. 7. **Research the resumes of current NASA employees.** One of the best ways to figure out how to get where you want to go is to see how others before you have done it. You can go to the NASA website to read the bios of some of the successful individuals who work there. Pay attention to where they went for their undergraduate and graduate educations, see if they mention having completed any internships or fellowships, etc. 8. **Determine whether you can follow a similar path.** Are these schools you can get be admitted to? If you're already in college, but are concerned that your academic program isn't strong enough or prestigious enough, it may be possible for you to transfer for your final year or two of college. 9. **Study broadly.** While you will most likely be focused on studying STEM subjects, don't forget entirely about the humanities. For example, studying philosophy, history and/or ethics could be beneficial. You'll learn how to read and dissect complicated texts, sharpen your problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and think deeply about important moral questions. All of this will be valuable in your future career with NASA. 10. **Become well-rounded.** You should also make it a priority to develop yourself fully: this means that not only will you work on expanding your knowledge, but that you'll take care of your body and work to develop your people and leadership skills. It's also important that you find ways to relax and have fun. Try to fit time into your schedule for extra-curricular activities which will help you accomplish these goals. For example, you may want to join the science club, math club, debate team, run for student government, play on the volleyball team, play in the school band, etc. 11. **Learn about the NASA Pathways Intern Employment Program (IEP).** NASA has a program called the Pathways Program, which offers three different ways to begin working with them. The NASA Pathways Intern Employment Program is for current college students or for people who have been accepted into a qualifying educational program. If you are accepted into the program, you'll be able to perform paid work, learn the necessary skills, and gain the relevant experience and connections to hopefully be able to transition into a career with NASA. 12. **Search for available internships with the Pathway Program.** You can either go to NASA's website or to USAJOBS to review all current Pathways opportunities, including the IEP positions. You can also sign up to receive notifications for Pathways opportunities through USAJOBS. 13. **Make sure you meet the eligibility requirements.** In order to be eligible for an internship with NASA, you must be a US citizen, be at least 16 by the time you would begin the internship, be actively pursuing a degree and be enrolled or accepted into an accredited educational institution. You also need to have and keep a GPA of at least 2.9 on a 4.0 scale 14. **Meet any additional requirements.** For some positions, you may need to meet NASA's Aeronautics, Scientific, and Technical (AST) qualification standards. These will be outlined in the specific internship posting. 15. **Apply for the Pathways Internship Program.** To apply, you will be directed to the USAJOBS online application system. We'll provide you with more information on how to handle your application in the following method. 16. **Consider applying to the NASA Pathways Recent Graduates Program (RGP).** Don't fear if you didn't learn about the internship program while you were enrolled in college. If you recently graduated, or will be graduating this year, you may be eligible for the RGP. If your application is accepted, you'll be placed into a 1-year career development program (which in some cases may be extended for an extra year), and which upon completion of the program, may turn into a more permanent job with NASA. 17. **Meet the eligibility requirements for the RGP.** To be eligible, you must have graduated from a qualifying educational institution within the last two years, unless you are a qualifying Veteran. If your ability to apply was delayed due to your military obligations, you may apply within 6 years of graduating or after having received a qualifying educational certificate. 18. **Apply for the RGP.** You can go either to NASA website or straight to USAJOBS to search for current open RGP positions and to apply. 19. **Learn about NASA Pathways Presidential Management Fellows Program (PMF).** The final NASA Pathways Program is for individuals who have recently completed advanced graduate course work. Individuals who are accepted are immersed in an intensive leadership development program which can place them on the fast-track to important government positions and careers. 20. **Determine if you are eligible for the PMF Program.** If you've received your qualifying advanced degree within the last two years (or if you are on course to finish this year), you may be eligible to apply to be a fellow. 21. **Choose the fellowship you'd like to compete for.** There are many government organizations which participate in this prestigious and competitive program (over 100), and NASA is one of them. You'll need to visit the PMF website ( to learn about the requirements and the application procedure. 22. **Learn about the Astronaut Candidate Program.** If you're interested in becoming an astronaut and working at the International Space Program, you'll want to apply to become an Astronaut Candidate. If accepted, you'll be assigned to the Astronaut Office at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, where you'll spend approximately two years training intensively and being evaluated for your suitability as an astronaut. 23. **Meet the basic eligibility requirements to apply for the Astronaut Candidate Program.** For application to even be considered, you must have the appropriate degree: You must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in one or more of the following: mathematics, engineering, biological science or physical science. Notice that some degrees which may make you eligible for other work with NASA will not qualify you to become an Astronaut Candidate. For example, degrees in Nursing,Technology, and/or Aviation are not considered qualifying. 24. **Gain experience before applying for the Astronaut Candidate Program.** You must have at least three years of additional, relevant, professional experience beyond your undergraduate education before you may apply to this program. If you have completed graduate study, it will be allowed to count for some or all of the required professional experience. You can learn more by studying the application guidelines on USAJOBS. 25. **Meet the physical eligibility requirements to apply as an Astronaut Candidate.** You will need to be able to pass the NASA long-duration flight physical. Among the requirements: Your vision must be correctable to 20/20, and if you've had your vision surgically corrected, a minimum of one year must have passed during which time you showed no complications. Your blood pressure while sitting down may not be higher than 140/90. You may not be shorter than 62 inches tall nor taller than 75 inches. 26. **Apply through USAJOBS.** If you are a civilian, you will apply to become an Astronaut Candidate by going to USAJOBS. You will also apply through USAJOBS if you are on active duty in the military, but you may need to go through an additional application procedure through your respective military service (for example, if you are in the army, then contact your local army personnel management for more information). 27. **Apply to NASA.** Even if you didn't participate in a Pathways Program, there are many different “roads” you can take to a career with NASA. While the Pathways Program provides excellent opportunities, you can apply to NASA straight away if you've graduated from college or are in the military. 28. **Visit USAJOBS to find open positions with NASA.** While it's a good idea to start your job search by visiting NASA's website—you can learn more about the organization, the people they employ, and the projects they are undertaking—you will be led to USAJOBS to find and apply for specific jobs. You can use the search function on USAJOBS to filter the results to show positions with NASA. 29. **Use the notification service from USAJOBS.** If you're worried about missing job announcements with NASA, you can sign up to receive email notifications from USAJOBS when a position which matches your qualifications and desired criteria becomes available. Just be sure to check your email regularly, and make sure that your spam filters are set such that the notifications won't be send to the wrong email folder or blocked altogether. 30. **Apply to advertised jobs only.** NASA doesn't consider unsolicited resumes. As explained above, you should search for open positions by visiting USAJOBS, and/or signing up for email notifications of new positions. 31. **Think carefully about applying through mail.** Once you've found a position you'd like to apply for, you'll need to prepare your resume. While NASA does accept mailed hard copy resumes (the address will be listed in the vacancy announcement), they strongly prefer that you use the electronic submission process through USAJOBS. It's in your best interest to apply as they prefer, and avoid mailing your materials unless you absolutely need to. 32. **Tailor your USAJOBS resume.** You're allowed to create and save up to five different resumes on the the USAJOBS site. You'll then be asked to select the one you want to use for a particular job opening. If you're applying for more than one government position, or more than one job at NASA, you may want to create different versions of your resume to highlight different skills. For example, one of your resumes may highlight your teaching experience if you are applying to a job that requires you to train or mentor others, whereas another resume may highlight your research experience. Study the job posting carefully to select the resume that best highlights the skills and qualifications you'll need for that job. Be sure to make note of which version of your resume you used for particular applications; NASA won't maintain the name you gave the resume. 33. **Keep your resume format simple.** You should not use bullet-points or other non-alphanumeric characters in your resume. NASA's computer program won't translate these characters correctly, and your final resume will look sloppy. You may, however, use a dash instead of a bullet to emphasize points or to list your experience. 34. **Avoid copying and pasting your resume.** It's a good idea to first draft and polish your resume in a word processing program instead of creating it from scratch while applying through USAJOBS. However, you are advised not to copy and paste from your word document into the resume builder. Programs like Microsoft word include special characters and hidden code that won't translate properly. If you compose your resume using a simple text file, you should be able to copy and paste without issue. 35. **Refer to the job ad often when composing your resume.** It's a good idea to highlight the key words in the advertisement for the job your applying to when you tailor your resume. Make sure to include those words and phrases as you outline your work experience and present your skills and competencies. Make sure as well to use the appropriate technical terms for your industry. 36. **Avoid padding your resume.** NASA recommends that you keep your resume focused on the job you want, and that you avoid using excessive adjectives when describing your experience. You should also avoid trying to fill out your experience by listing irrelevant work experience. 37. **Omit work history which is not relevant.** You don't need to include your complete work history on the resume you send to NASA. For example, they don't expect you to list the summer you spent detasseling corn or the side job you had as a bartender while in graduate school. You should, however, include your current job, even if it's not directly related to the position you're applying for at NASA. 38. **Provide complete information about your work experience.** Once you decide what jobs to list on your resume, be sure to have at hand the dates of your employment, your salary, your employers' addresses and your supervisors' names and telephone numbers. 39. **Be prepared with extra information, if you are or were a Federal employee.** You'll need to declare any work you've done with the government. Be ready to list the occupational series number of your position, the exact dates of your employment, dates of your promotions, and the highest grade you held. 40. **Include complete information about your educational history.** You will also need to provide the complete names of the schools you've attended and their locations. List as well your major, graduation dates, GPA (and the scale which was used to calculate it), and degrees earned. Most jobs at NASA require at least a four-year degree, and often an advanced degree. It's important that your degree come from an accredited institution recognized by the Department of Education, and not a “diploma mill”. 41. **List your accomplishments.** You should also include a list of any awards you've won, training you've completed, publications you've authored or co-authored, etc. Be sure to include specific titles and dates. You should also outline the computer software, tools, and/or equipment you've used or mastered which could be relevant to this new job. 42. **Keep it concise.** USAJOBS has no length limit on the resume you create through their system, but NASA does. They won't consider resumes over six typed pages (approximately 20,000 characters). 43. **Skip the cover letter.** NASA doesn't accept cover letters as part of the application process, nor does it accept other documents such as SF-171, OF-612, DD-214, SF-50, or SF-15. 44. **Read the job ad to see if supporting documentation is required.** NASA typically doesn't request that you send supporting documentation when you first apply for an open position. Read the ad carefully, though, in case there is an exception to this general rule. You should also monitor your email carefully for any requests that come your way after your resume has been submitted. Some jobs, for example, may require you to send your college transcripts, or you will have to follow up with proper documentation if you're requesting veteran's preference. These requests typically come near the end of the hiring process, though. 45. **Submit your USAJOBS resume.** Once you've completed your online resume with USAJOBS, it will be transferred to the NASA Staffing System (NASA STARS). This system will extract the information that NASA is concerned with from your basic USAJOBS resume. 46. **Review your resume as it was extracted from the USAJOBS site.** Note that not all of the fields are extracted. For example, NASA doesn't extract info from the “Languages” “Organizations/Affiliations” or “References” sections. It doesn't hurt to fill out these sections in your general USAJOBS resume, but don't freak out when you don't see them on your NASA STARS resume. 47. **Answer screening questions.** NASA STARS may ask you to answer some additional questions once your resume has been extracted. These verify that you meet the minimum qualifications and that you're interested in the position. 48. **Answer supplemental questions.** You may be asked to answer supplemental questions while completing your USAJOBS resume. If so, your answers will be transferred, but you'll need to verify that they were transferred completely. You can use this opportunity to amend or revise your answers. 49. **Answer additional questions for specific jobs.** For example, some SES (Senior Executive Service) positions require you to complete the SES Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ) and SES Executive Technical Qualifications questions. NASA recommends that you complete these off-line using a simple text editor and then fill in your answer once you've been able to give them careful thought and attention. These questions are designed to assess whether you have the appropriate managerial and leadership skills and experience, as well as the required technical knowledge and skills. 50. **Be on the alert for a notice of receipt.** Once your supplemental questions have been answered, you'll receive an email notice from NASA which verifies that your application has been received. If you don't receive this, you'll want to go back to your application to see if you've missed a step. 51. **Track your application using the “Application Status” page on USAJOBS.** You can log back on to USAJOBS at any time to see where your application is in the review process. For example, you can see if your application has been received, if the review process has begun, if it's been determined that you are eligible for the position, whether you've been selected to interview, or whether the position has been filled or cancelled",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Cure Balanitis.,"Is your penis feeling red, itchy, or sore, especially around the head? This condition, called balanitis, is very common in people with uncircumcised penises. Fortunately, it can typically be cured at home by using a mixture of good hygiene and OTC medications. Keep reading to learn how to treat balanitis and when it’s time to see a doctor. 1. **Wash under your foreskin** Many cases of balanitis occur when the head of the penis is poorly cared for and not washed as often as it should be. If you're uncircumcised, get in the habit of washing your penis in the shower daily, or at least 4-5 times a week. Pull back your foreskin and rinse it clean with warm water. In medical terminology, the head of the penis is known as the “glans.” You may overhear your doctor or other medical professionals using this term. If you feel like not using soap doesn't get your penis as clean as you'd like it to be, use a gentle, unscented soap to prevent irritation. Keeping the glans clean will prevent bacteria from building up under the foreskin and will prevent most cases of balanitis. 2. **Take a salt bath** The glans of a balanitis-infected penis is typically covered in red, itchy blotches, and is often swollen. If you find the condition irritating or painful, try taking a salt bath to soothe the itch. Fill your bathtub with warm—not hot—water, and pour in about 2 cups (400 g) of salt. Stir with your hand until mixed, and soak in the tub for at least 15-20 minutes. Do this as often as necessary to manage the discomfort from the balanitis. You can also make a saline solution and wash the area with it if you don't want to take a salt bath. 3. **Apply a 1% hydrocortisone cream to soothe the itch of balanitis.** To use the cream, squeeze out a dollop about the size of a pea onto 1 finger. Pull back your foreskin and smear the cream over the head of your penis until the red, itchy areas are fully covered. Apply twice daily, or as often as directed by your doctor. The cream will soothe the itchy skin and will reduce the itching and swelling over a period of 1-2 weeks. Continue to apply the 1% hydrocortisone for another 7 days after the symptoms have vanished. Since the penis is very sensitive, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor before putting on any medicated creams, including over-the-counter ones. If your doctor suspects that your penis is experiencing a mild allergic reaction, they'll likely recommend hydrocortisone. 4. **Try natural remedies after checking with your doctor.** There are many natural remedies recommended for balanitis, but very few of them have had studies done to show how effective they are. If you’d like to try any of these natural remedies, check in with your doctor first. Common natural remedies include: Applying diluted tea tree oil to the penis head Eating more yogurt (a natural probiotic) Eating more garlic (a natural antifungal) Applying diluted apple cider vinegar to the penis head Applying coconut oil to the penis head 5. **Use a non-latex condom** A case of balanitis can crop up as a result of an allergy, and many people have a latex allergy without being aware of it. If you're sexually active and usually use latex condoms, try switching to a non-latex condom. Use non-latex condoms for at least a month. If your balanitis clears up after this time, you can be confident that it was caused by a latex allergy. If you're not sure whether or not you have a latex allergy, visit your doctor and ask. They can perform an allergy test in the office. 6. **Wash your hands thoroughly after handling any chemicals.** If you work in certain types of factories, industrial settings, or laboratories, you're likely to handle chemicals on a day-to-day basis. Before going to the bathroom or touching your genitals, wash your hands using soap and water. Lather your hands for 10-20 seconds, and rinse them until all the soap is gone. If you're concerned that you may have gotten chemicals on your penis, wash it off with soap and water as well. 7. **Change your laundry detergent or stop using dryer sheets.** Scented laundry detergents can cause various rashes and skin conditions, including balanitis. Switch to using a fragrance-free laundry detergent. If this doesn't clear up your case of balanitis, try not using dryer sheets when you dry your clothing. If you prefer to use scented detergent and dryer sheets in general, try washing and drying your underwear separately. That way, you can use unscented detergent and skip using dryer sheets for the underwear loads. 8. **Visit a doctor if your balanitis hasn't responded to OTC treatment.** Also schedule an appointment with your general practitioner if you've had multiple cases of balanitis within a period of a few months. Describe the symptoms you've experienced to your doctor. They'll need to inspect the head of your penis in order to assess its color and inflammation. If the doctor can't make an immediate diagnosis, they'll take a swab of the glans and have the skin cells tested in a laboratory. The doctor will also inspect the skin on and around your penis to make sure you're not experiencing a case of dermatosis, a more serious skin disease that commonly occurs around the genitals. In some cases, your doctor may also refer you to a dermatologist. Since balanitis is technically a skin condition, a dermatologist will have more experience diagnosing and curing the condition. 9. **Use an antifungal cream if you have a fungal infection.** If your doctor believes that your balanitis is caused by fungus on your penis, they'll recommend an antifungal cream. To apply the medicated cream, pull back your foreskin and squeeze a pea-sized dollop onto the head of your penis. Rub it in using 2-3 fingers, and roll your foreskin back down. Apply the cream twice daily for 7 days or until symptoms clear up. If you have a strong infection, or one that's resistant to OTC medications, your doctor can prescribe you a stronger medicated cream. 10. **Try a prescription-strength steroid cream to reduce inflammation.** If your case of balanitis is caused by allergies or a physical irritant, your doctor may prescribe a steroid cream to reduce the inflammation. Unless directed otherwise by your doctor, apply a light coating of steroid cream to your glans once per day for 2-3 weeks or until the symptoms clear up. It's not uncommon for steroid creams to be prescribed in combination with either an antifungal or antibacterial cream. If you have an infection on the head of your penis—either as a symptom of balanitis or for another reason—do not put on steroid cream. Steroid cream can worsen an infection. 11. **Ask your doctor to test you for STIs if you're sexually active.** Most cases of balanitis are not caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs). However, some STIs do cause balanitis. In these cases, your doctor may suggest treating the balanitis by treating the underlying STI. So, if you're sexually active, visit your doctor and ask them to test you for any STIs. The STIs most likely to cause balanitis include: Chlamydia. Treatment for chlamydia includes a round of antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. Genital herpes. Treatment for genital herpes includes a daily antiviral medication. Gonorrhea. Treatment for gonorrhea includes a round of antibiotics. 12. **Tell your doctor if you're diabetic and have a case of balanitis.** If you have diabetes and contract a case of balanitis, it could be an indication that your blood sugar levels are unstable. Ask your doctor to examine your blood levels. If they find that the levels are too low, they'll likely adjust your daily insulin dosage. While a changed daily insulin dosage may cure your balanitis, your doctor may also prescribe a medicated cream to decrease itching and inflammation caused by the balanitis. 13. **Talk to your doctor about getting circumcised in the case of frequent balanitis.** If you can't seem to clear up a bad case of balanitis, or if your penis gets re-infected often, circumcision may be the most practical option. This will effectively prevent all future cases of balanitis. As a less-drastic measure, your doctor may suggest making a small incision along the top of your foreskin to let more air flow between it and the glans. Your doctor will talk you through the complications that can emerge after circumcision. If you're an adult, you'll need a recovery period of about 7-10 days before you can walk comfortably again. While this may seem like a big hassle, it's more than worth it if it prevents you from having frequent cases of balanitis.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Clean Your Teeth After Wisdom Teeth Removal.,"Having your wisdom teeth removed by a dentist or oral surgeon requires thorough post-operative care to ensure a full and speedy recovery. If you don't clean your teeth and mouth properly, you could end up with an infection or painful inflammation known as ""dry socket"" (alveolar osteitis). Dry socket occurs in about 20% of lower wisdom teeth extractions, so you will want to make sure you take extra precautions after your surgery. You’ll need to care for your mouth for at least a week after your wisdom teeth removal using a few simple processes that don’t require much time or effort. 1. **Change gauze as instructed by your doctor.** After your surgery, your doctor will pack your mouth with gauze over the surgery site. You can generally replace these after an hour or so, if you need to. If you continue to bleed, change your gauze packs every 30-45 minutes and apply gentle pressure. You should not bleed for more than a few hours after surgery. If the bleeding continues for much longer than that, contact your doctor or dental surgeon. It's normal to see a little blood oozing from the site for 24-48 hours after surgery. This oozing should be mostly saliva with just a few traces of blood. If you see significantly more than that, this is excessive bleeding and you should call your doctor. 2. **Avoid brushing your teeth for the first day after surgery.** Do not brush your teeth, spit, or rinse with a mouthwash for the first day after surgery. This can disrupt the healing process and lead to conditions such as dry socket or infection. The first 24 hours after surgery are very important for the healing process. Brushing your teeth or other cleaning measures may disturb the stitches or interfere with blood clotting, which can prolong healing or cause infection. 3. **Avoid brushing the surgical site for 3 days.** Avoid brushing the area where you had your wisdom teeth removed for three days after surgery. Instead, you can rinse out your mouth with ½ cup warm water and a pinch of salt beginning the day after your surgery. Do not spit the saline rinse out. Instead, gently tilt your head from side to side to allow the water to wash the area, and then tilt your head to the side to allow it to drain. 4. **Brush your other teeth very slowly and carefully.** On the day of your surgery, resume brushing your teeth very gently. Be sure to avoid the surgery site so that you don’t irritate it or disrupt the blood clots that protect the surgery site. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently and slowly brush your teeth using small circular motions. Do not spit out toothpaste for the first few days after your surgery. Spitting could disturb the blood clot that needs to form over the wounded gums. Instead, use a saltwater rinse or antiseptic mouthwash to gently rinse your mouth, and then allow the rinse to drain by tilting your head to the side. 5. **Resume your usual brushing and flossing routine the third day after surgery.** Once you've reached the third day post-op, you can resume your regular brushing and flossing routine. Continue to be gentle with the site of your surgery so that you don’t irritate it. When brushing your teeth, remember to also brush your tongue in order to remove food particles and bacteria, which could enter the wounded gums and cause an infection. 6. **Watch for infection.** If you follow your doctor’s order and keep your mouth and teeth clean, this will minimize the risk of infection. It’s important to look for the signs of infection, though, and contact your doctor if you see any of them to avoid post-operative complications. See your doctor immediately if you experience problems swallowing or breathing, have a fever, see pus near the surgery site or in your nose, or have swelling that worsens. 7. **Rinse your mouth with salt water.** The day following your surgery, start using a simple solution of salt water to help keep your teeth and mouth clean in between brushing. This will not only help keep your mouth clean, but also help reduce inflammation. Make a salt solution by dissolving 1/2 teaspoon of salt in an 8 oz glass of warm water. Gently swish around a mouthful of the saline solution for 30 seconds. Don't spit it out: tilt your head to the side and allow the water to drain. This will avoid disturbing the empty tooth socket. Rinse with the salt water after every meal to help clear out debris in your mouth. You can also use a mouthwash to rinse your mouth if it doesn't contain alcohol, which can irritate your surgery site. 8. **Use an irrigator to rinse your mouth.** Your doctor may provide you with an irrigator, or a small plastic syringe, to rinse out your mouth. Use this after meals and at bedtime if your doctor advises this treatment. Your doctor may prescribe the irrigator only on the lower extraction sites. Make sure to follow his or her instructions. You can use the simple saline solution to fill the irrigator. Make sure to get the tip of the irrigator close to the surgery site flush it out. You can also use it to flush out your teeth. This may be slightly painful, but keeping your mouth and the surgery area clean will help reduce the chance of infection or dry socket. 9. **Do not use a waterpik or water flosser.** The water pressure from these tools is too great to use immediately after surgery and could disturb your tooth socket, delaying healing. Unless your dentist specifically recommends otherwise, don't use a waterpik or water flosser for one week after having your wisdom teeth removed. 10. **Do not use a straw.** For the first few days after surgery, don't use a straw to sip beverages or foods like smoothies. The suction could disturb the healing process. 11. **Drink plenty of water.** It’s important to make sure that you drink plenty of water after your surgery. This will keep mouth moist and help avoid dry socket and infection. Avoid caffeinated and carbonated beverages during the first day. Avoid alcohol for at least a week after surgery. 12. **Avoid hot drinks.** Hot drinks such as tea, coffee, or cocoa could dislodge the blood clots forming in the empty socket where your wisdom tooth was. These blood clots are necessary to the healing process. 13. **Eat** Don't eat anything that could get caught in the empty sockets or disrupt clotting. Use your other teeth to chew, if you have to chew your food.This will minimize the amount of food that can get stuck in between your teeth and potentially cause infection. In the first day post-op, eat foods like yogurt and applesauce, which won’t irritate your mouth or get lodged in your teeth, which could cause infection. Soft oatmeal or cream of wheat are other good options. Avoid, hard, chewy, brittle, very hot or spicy foods that might irritate the surgery site or get lodged in your teeth, making the conditions ripe for infection. Rinse with warm salt water after every meal for the first week following surgery. 14. **Avoid tobacco.** If you smoke or chew tobacco, avoid them for as long as possible. Doing this will help ensure a full and timely recovery and also keep infection and inflammation at bay. Consuming tobacco following oral surgery can delay healing and also increases your risk for complications such as infection. If you smoke, wait at least 72 hours to have a cigarette. If you chew tobacco, don't use it for at least a week. 15. **Take pain medication.** It’s normal to have pain for a few days following the removal of your wisdom teeth. Use either over the counter pain relievers or a prescription pain medication to help alleviate pain and some swelling. Take NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen. These will help alleviate some of the swelling associated with the surgery. You can also use acetaminophen, but this does not manage inflammation. Your doctor may prescribe a pain medication if over the counter pain relief doesn’t work for you. 16. **Use an ice pack for swelling and pain.** You’ll likely have some swelling for a few days after surgery. This is normal and applying an ice pack to your cheeks will help reduce swelling and pain, including around your teeth. The swelling usually goes away after 2-3 days. Patient should relax and avoid strenuous activity or exercise until swelling resolves.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Become a Professional Organizer.,"You've always loved reordering the Tupperware drawer, making study schedules for your friends, and organizing your closet—and as a professional organizer, you can make a living off of your passion! So, how can you make your dream a reality? Because most professional organizers work as freelance consultants, the trick is finding and keeping clients. In this article, we'll teach you everything you need to know about becoming a professional organizer, including the experience, skills, and training required. Read on to get started! 1. **Organizational skills.** Make sure you have a real knack for creating order—especially in the area of your chosen specialty. Maybe you’re that friend who calls everyone to make sure they’ve packed the right things for vacation. Maybe, when friends are moving, they call you for help (because they know you'll make the process feel super easy!). If you’re looking to organize spaces, you probably have an ultra-organized bedroom and home. If you’re planning on organizing peoples’ schedules, you’re probably always on time and manage a busy schedule flawlessly. 2. **Understanding.** Tons of people who reach out to organizers feel a little guilty or ashamed. They may feel like, because they need help creating order in their life, that there’s something wrong with them. An excellent organizer will know how to accept and show empathy to their clients. 3. **Creativity.** Professional organization isn't always as straightforward as it seems. You may have tons of unexpected challenges thrown your way and to deal with them, you may need to be quick on your feet and think outside of the box. Say your client realizes they have way more stuff than they thought they did, but you only booked one moving truck—what will you do? 4. **Communication.** Whether it’s selling your skills, managing difficult clients, or hiring out other services to help with a job—the ability to communicate well is huge for a professional organizer. Do you know how to get your point across clearly and efficiently? Not only will this make the people you work with appreciate you even more, but it can also make your role much easier to manage. 5. **You don’t need any certifications or training to get started.** It’s a myth that you need any degrees, certifications, or licenses to get started as a professional organizer. Having a certification lends you more credibility down the line. But to begin on your path towards certification, you actually need to keep gaining experience in the field. Marketing and salesmanship can make up for a lack of certification. You never know, you could find clients willing to pay top rates—even without formal training! 6. **Work 1500 paid hours over 3 years to get certified with NAPO.** The National Association of Productivity & Organizing has its own specific set of requirements. First, earn a high school degree. Then, complete and document 1500 hours of paid work. Once you’ve completed those requirements, sit for the certification test (which lasts roughly 2 hours and costs $450). If you pass the test, you’re in the clear. Completing your paid work takes ~3 years, but must be completed in at least 5 years. Every year, pay $100 to keep your certification active. Every 3 years, take steps to get recertified. Either retake the CPO exam or take 45 hours of courses. 7. **Take classes and do work over ~2 years to get certified with ICD.** The Institute for Challenging Disorganization is the go-to for educating soon-to-be professional organizers. There are 3 courses and levels, and once you complete all 3, you’re granted CPO (Certified Professional Organizer) status. Again, these courses take place ‘’while’’ you’re working as an organizer. To satisfy your Level III requirements, you’ll need to have worked for 2 years. Level 1: This covers your career basics, like hoarding behaviors, interpersonal relations, and even working with clients suffering from ADHD. Level 2: At this stage, you learn more about your specialization. If you want to help with productivity or older clients, you'll cover this information in II. Level III: At this point, you'll have spent 17-20 months studying. You’ll take more advanced courses and spend 18 hours working with a mentor in your field. Then, you're CPO certified! 8. **Choose your specialty.** Professional organizers have the option of specializing their skillsets and clientele. Explore your options and read up on specializations that might be the perfect fit for you. Reflect on what draws you most to organization. Are you interested in the interpersonal aspect or solo work? Do you love the idea of helping people who really need it? There are so many paths to take, for example: Help people organize their time. Specialize in coaching, time management, or productivity. Organize physical spaces. Choose a specialty in moving, attics/basements, or storage units. Help people with their specific, personal hurdles. Help seniors, people with ADHD, or children. 9. **Get the word out through friends and family.** Your first few clients are crucial—they help you get experience, references, and more referral clients down the line. Share your plans with friends and family and ask them to discuss with their connections, too. Then, even though these are people you already know well (and you'll definitely stay friends either way) it's best to challenge yourself, right from the get-go. Consider making business cards with your specialty, that way your pals can pass those out to their friends, too. Ask early clients to write you a review if you can. That way, you’ll have it on file to impress future customers. Work out the kinks with clients you already know. Ask these customers about how you can improve, then brainstorm ways to raise the bar for yourself. 10. **Leverage social media to gain more clients.** To expand your clientele, the internet will be your super tool. Create business accounts, share them with your connections from your personal account, and ask friends to share your business page, too. Continue trying to build your reach by friending people, joining online professional groups, and inviting clients to like and share your page. Or, go the extra mile and make a webpage for your business. This way, as your business grows, people can ask questions, book time, and look at your success stories—all on your site. Sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and Youtube are great for building a following and getting the word out. 11. **Get comfortable with selling yourself.** You’re getting started in this career for a reason—you’re a passionate, detail-oriented, hard worker. Don’t be afraid to let potential clients know! Be upfront about the value you bring to the table. Avoid self-effacing comments, because they may make you look less confident. Highlight your skills, successes, experience, and qualifications. You know that your skills can change your clients' lives, so communicate that when a client is interested in your work. Get comfortable giving your elevator pitch to people when they're curious. Whether it's a grocery store isle or a wedding, you never know where you could meet your next big client! Even though it might feel a little strange, your competition is doing this same thing, so you should be too. 12. **Remember that empathy and understanding are marketable skills, too.** When someone needs help from a professional organizer, they might feel embarrassed. Plus, your client might need help because of a major life event—so make sure you’re offering emotional support, too. Focus on being an active listener and not judging them. If a client moves because they’ve split with their partner (and they call you to help), let them know that you’re sorry they’re going through a tough time. If you’re working with a hoarder who’s embarrassed about their living situation, remind them that you would never judge them. 13. **Offer great deals to win clients while you're still getting started.** To build up your base, give discounts to clients at the beginning. Before you have references or experience to speak of, clients might feel like they're taking a chance by hiring you. But by giving them an amazing rate, you lower the risk. Even when you’ve been a professional for years, this practice can do wonders. You could try: Offering your first few customers half-price rates Offering first-time customers a free initial consultation session Offering customers discounted hours if they refer you to a new client 14. **Invest in coaching, memberships, and conferences.** Expand your skills and connections by getting involved in the professional organizer community. Attend virtual or in-person conferences and consider gaining membership to well-known organizations. Note that some of these options are free, some will charge a fee. The American Society for Professional Organizers offers extra resources for their members and coursework for those looking to expand their knowledge. The National Association for Productivity and Organization offers a conference each year in April and additional coursework, too. 15. **Corporate organizers are becoming popular, which could raise demand.** Companies are investing more in new things, like community and mentorship, and it leaves gaps in their workloads. Namely, corporate and office organization can fall by the wayside. If this trend continues and more organizers are hired in the corporate world (and not just by individuals!), the job outlook for professional organizers could continue to grow. 16. **Rates vary widely, but the average yearly salary in the US is $76,000 a year.** If you’re working for yourself, you set your own hours, rates, and clientele. So in short: the sky is the limit. Some professional organizers find clients who are thrilled to pay them upwards of $150 an hour (which is much higher than the average hourly rate: $36). Professional organizers also enjoy a high job satisfaction and flexibility.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Make a Burn Barrel.,"Burn barrels provide a convenient way to dispose of burnable trash if you don't have the space to build a larger bonfire. Making your own burn barrel is as simple as finding a 55 gallon (208.2 L) metal drum, removing the lid or opening one end, and punching holes near the bottom to provide ventilation. Be sure to only use your burn barrel on your own property to eliminate materials that can be burned safely, like tree limbs, brush, and other natural debris. 1. **Acquire a 55 gallon (208.2 L) steel drum.** You can often purchase these for a small price from manufacturing plants, scrap yards, and recycling facilities. In some cases, you might even be able to find them lying around for free. If you're unable to track down a suitable drum, you also have the option of buying one online. However, they will be a little more expensive—you can expect to pay as much as $80-120 for a brand new steel drum. It's important that the drum you use be made from thick, heat-resistant steel. Other materials won't be able to withstand intense burning temperatures, and may produce toxic chemical fumes as they melt. 2. **Open one end of the drum.** If your barrel has a removable cover, all you have to do is pull it off. If the drum is “tight” (meaning both ends are sealed), however, it will be necessary to cut off one of the ends. To do this, use a reciprocating saw or jigsaw to cut slowly around the raised lip at the top of the barrel until the circular face comes away in one piece. Wear thick work gloves to protect your hands while operating the saw. If possible, pull on a pair of earmuffs, as well. It's going to get loud! You can also use a barrel opener tool to pry open tight drums. These basically work like giant can openers—clamp the head of the tool over the edge of the drum, then push down forcefully on the handle to slice into the metal surface, repositioning the tool every 3–4 inches (7.6–10.2 cm). 3. **Create 3-4 ⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) drainage holes in the bottom of the drum.** Flip the drum over and use an electric drill or hammer and chisel to open up a few evenly-spaced holes near the center of the bottom surface. These holes will let out any water the barrel happens to collect during a heavy downpour. If the drainage holes are smaller than ⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) in diameter, standing water may not be able to escape at a fast enough rate, which could make burning difficult or impossible. 4. **Drill or punch 12-15 ⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) holes in the sides of the drum.** Once you've put some holes in the bottom of the drum, do the same for the sides along the lower half. You can pretty much make these holes at random, but keep them roughly the same distance apart. The holes in the lower part of the drum will act as ventilation flues to supply the fire with oxygen and keep it burning hotter longer. Avoid making too many holes, or it could weaken the structure of the drum. Any more than 20-25 is excessive. 5. **Find a piece of metal grating to use as a screen.** A sheet of expanded metal will work well, as will a section of chain link fencing or flexible hardware cloth. Make sure your screen is large enough to cover the entire opening of the drum. It will help keep sparks and cinders from escaping while burning. There shouldn't be any need to modify the screen, as you can simply slide the whole sheet into place over the drum. If you like, however, you can use your jigsaw or a pair of wire cutters to trim the screen to the same shape as the opening. If you decide to cut your grating, make sure it's 2–3 inches (5.1–7.6 cm) wider than the drum opening so it will be able to rest on top easily. 6. **Situate the drum at least 30 feet (9.1 m) away from surrounding objects.** Keeping your burn barrel at a safe distance from trees and thick brush, as well as structures like garages, sheds, and wooden decks and porches, will help minimize the risk of accidental fires. Additionally, make sure there are no flammable items within 10 feet (3.0 m) of the barrel while it's in use. 7. **Place your burn barrel on 4 concrete blocks.** Lay the blocks out on the ground in a square shape. Then, hoist the barrel up onto the blocks so that its outer edges sit at the center of each block. Elevating the barrel will allow air to pass underneath, drawing more oxygen into the flues you drilled earlier. It's important that you use 4 blocks rather than 2 in order to prevent the barrel from accidentally tipping over. 8. **Load the barrel up to the halfway mark with burnable rubbish.** Throw whatever you want to burn into the bottom of the barrel. Add the largest items first, followed by the smaller ones on top. Avoid overfilling the barrel, as this could cause burning debris to spill out on the ground in the surrounding area. Only use your burn barrel to dispose of materials that are safe to burn, such as tree limbs, brush, cardboard, paper packaging, and natural fabrics. Never burn household trash, plastics, rubber, chemicals, or wood that's been painted or treated. When burned, these items give off harmful fumes that are bad for both you and the environment. 9. **Use a long lighter or match to ignite the rubbish.** Hold the flame against a piece of material at the top of the heap until it catches, then withdraw your hand quickly. If you're using a match, drop it into an open space and wait for the fire to spread. It make take a couple tries to successfully get it started. If you're having trouble getting your rubbish to catch, pile some dry wood underneath and on top of the items to serve as kindling, then light the wood instead. Don't use gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, or any other accelerants in your burn barrel. While these substances can make it much easier to start a fire, they can also cause it to burn out of control. 10. **Slide your makeshift screen over the opening of the barrel.** Once you've got the fire going, position the grating over the barrel to keep the flames contained and control stray sparks and cinders. The interwoven metal will also prevent other objects from accidentally falling into the flames. The grating will become extremely hot very quickly, so be careful not to handle it once you've got it in place. 11. **Keep a fire extinguisher or water source nearby in case of emergencies.** An extendable garden hose connected to your home's water line will work best. However, you could also fill a large bucket with water and leave it stationed next to the barrel. Never use your burn barrel without having some means of putting it out close at hand. 12. **Let the fire burn itself out or use water to extinguish it.** The fire will die down on its own after a while. If you want to speed up the process, douse the flames with water, making sure to turn the ashes between applications. Double-check that every last cinder is out before you walk away from the burn site. Using water to extinguish fires in your burn barrel is faster, but it may prevent you from using it again as soon if the contents inside are still wet. 13. **Cover the barrel with a piece of sheet metal when it's not in use.** The sheet metal serves a dual purpose. It will help extinguish whatever cinders are remaining after the fire has burned out while also keeping rainwater, mold, or nesting critters from finding their way in. If your drum came with a lid originally, all you'll need to do is put it back on to keep your burn barrel covered. You can collect all the sheet metal you need at your local scrap yard. Rummage around until you find a piece that's the right size and shape to fit over the opening of your burn barrel.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Overcome an Infatuation.,"When infatuation turns from euphoria to obsession, it’s time to make some changes. Constantly thinking of someone can take a toll on your life and cause an unhealthy mental situation. The good news is you don’t have to obsess over this person forever. You can overcome this infatuation by getting back to reality, refocusing your thoughts, and getting help and support. 1. **Analyze the person's faults.** It’s difficult to see nothing else about a person you’re infatuated with except for how amazing they are. However, no one is perfect and everyone has flaws--even them. Make a list of their negative qualities to bring you back down to reality. Finding these flaws will likely take some time. Engage with the person outside of your regular circumstances or spend more time with them than usual. Chances are, seeing them outside of your typical scenario will show you a different, and unflattering, side. If, after significant time and effort, you are unable to find any flaws, this could signal an especially problematic obsession. Seek professional help immediately. 2. **Look at patterns of infatuation.** Have you been through this before? Chances are, if you’re infatuated with someone now you have likely been in the same situation previously. If obsession is a common occurrence in your life, tell yourself so. For example, when your feelings get overwhelming, remind yourself that this is just something that you do. It’s not indicative that you are completely in love with or can’t live without this person, it’s simply a tendency you have. Coming to terms with that may make you realize that your infatuation is just a habit. Try journaling. Journaling can help you organize your thoughts and better understand patterns of infatuation in your life. 3. **Give it time.** The saying “time heals all wounds” is popular because it is true. Look back at other moments in your life when you were obsessed or infatuated with someone or something. Ask yourself how you feel about them today. Chances are you are completely over it and over time, this infatuation will be a distant memory, too. 4. **Think about someone else.** Telling yourself to simply stop thinking about your infatuation won’t work. In fact, there’s proof that trying to stop these thoughts typically makes them worse. Instead, encourage your mind to think about something else: another person. Think about the person you are already in a relationship with if you are in one. Ponder a time when you felt really close and connected to the person. You’ll likely find that experiencing these feelings kick the other person out of your head. If you aren't in a relationship, focus on someone else you admire, such as a close friend, a family member, or a respectable member of your community. 5. **Use your imagination.** Play mind games with yourself whenever you start to obsess about the person. Occupying your brain with a clever trick can stop the thoughts and encourage you to think about something else. For instance, imagine your mind as a small room that has a person with a broom living in it. Think about the person sweeping away dust and dirt on the floor of that room whenever your infatuation enters your mind. Continue this game until the floor is completely clean and the thought leaves your brain. 6. **Snap out of it, literally.** Pain is an excellent deterrent and can be used to stop obsessive thoughts. Wrap a rubber band around your wrist and snap it against your skin whenever you begin to think of your infatuation. Eventually, you’ll likely associate the pain with these thoughts and stop. Don’t snap the band too hard! The sensation should be mild. Combine the wrist snap with a visual aid, like a red light or a stop sign. Think of these images whenever the unwanted thoughts pop up. 7. **Distract yourself.** Redirect your brain by engaging in an activity. You’ll get your mind off of what you’re infatuated with while enjoying yourself at the same time. For example, read a book, watch your favorite television show, exercise, or call someone. The positive feelings you generate from these activities will likely eventually replace the negative ones you feel over your infatuation. 8. **Talk to a professional.** Patterns of infatuation are often indicative of a love addiction. You may have become dependent on the feelings you experience when you are infatuated with a person so you tend to repeat the same behaviors. A therapist may be able to help you break the cycle. Ask your friends, family members, or a doctor for recommendations. Look online for names if you don’t feel comfortable asking those you know. 9. **Consider the underlying issue.** Talk with a therapist about why you became infatuated with this person. They may help you realize insecurities you have about yourself that were temporarily resolved because of the obsession. They may also help you discover a psychological reason for your infatuation. For instance, you could have borderline personality disorder and may not know it. Repeated infatuation and obsession could be a sign that you are struggling with this condition. If you feel your obsession is getting out of control, you may be at heightened risk for self-harm. Communicate your feelings to your therapist. They will likely make a contract with you to eliminate self-harm. 10. **Confide in your loved ones.** Talking about your infatuation may help you realize a few things you never did before. Those close to you may be able to help you identify the reasons why your infatuation is senseless, which may give you the encouragement to move on. They can also offer you support when you’re feeling hopeless about the situation. Consider also asking your support system to help you get over the person by spending more time with you, helping to eliminate the person’s presence in your life, and reminding you of how imperfect they are, when you’re struggling.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Have an Easy Labor.,"Giving birth can be an intense, but rewarding experience. You may wonder how you can make your labor less strenuous so you can enjoy it. Do exercises that will strengthen your legs, pelvis, and hips early in your pregnancy so you have the stamina for labor. You can also get support and information on labor from your doctor, midwife, or doula so you know what to expect. Then, when the time comes, focus on staying comfortable and relaxed during labor so your birthing experience goes smoothly. 1. **Perform Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor.** Kegel exercises can be done at home when you are sitting in a chair or lying down in bed. Make sure you go to the bathroom and empty your bladder before you do them. Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles for 3 seconds. Pretend you are holding in your urine to activate these muscles. Then, release them for 3 seconds. Try to do this exercise at least once a day to keep your pelvic floor and vaginal area strong. Work up to doing 10-15 repetitions at a time. Do this exercise in every trimester of your pregnancy. 2. **Do pelvic tilt stretches to help position your baby in a good spot for labor.** Position yourself on your hands and knees, with your shoulders and hips in line with each other. Inhale as you press your stomach towards the floor, curving your lower back and raising your chin to the ceiling. Then, exhale as you press your back upward, pressing your stomach towards the ceiling and your chin towards the floor. Do these stretches 10 times, up to 3 times a day. Pelvic tilt stretches are good to do during your third trimester, as this is when your baby is the most active. The stretches may help to move your baby into an ideal position for labor. 3. **Try butterfly stretches to release your lower back and pelvis.** These stretches will help to keep your lower back and pelvis relaxed, which can then make labor a bit easier. Sit on your bum and bend your knees to bring your feet together, with your toes touching. Your legs should form a diamond shape. Gently press down on your knees with your elbows or shift side to side. You can also do this exercise lying down on your back. Make sure your lower back is flat on the ground as you bring your feet together to form a diamond shape. Try to do this exercise in every trimester of your pregnancy. 4. **Do forward leaning inversions to relax your uterus and cervix.** This exercise relaxes ligaments in your uterus and cervix, which may help your uterus align with your pelvis and cervix. This can create more room for the baby during labor. To do the exercise, kneel on the edge of your bed or your couch. Lower yourself onto your forearms, with your elbows splayed out and your hands flat on the floor. Let your head hang freely. Keep your bottom and hips up in the air. Move your hips side to side and keep your lower back flat. Hold this exercise for 3-4 deep breaths and then lower back down onto your hands. Do this exercise 2-4 times, once a day. Do not perform this exercise if you are experiencing stomach cramps or have any pain in your stomach or back. Be careful when doing this exercise in your third trimester. You may need a spotter to ensure you can do it safely. 5. **Do supported squats to strengthen your legs.** Keep your leg muscles strong with supported squats so you can stay upright during labor, as being upright can make your labor less difficult. Stand with your back to a wall. Place an exercise ball between your lower back and the wall. Move your feet out until you are comfortable and point your toes outward. Inhale as you squat down as low as you can, keeping the exercise ball in place. Exhale as you come back to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 squats once a day to keep your legs strong. When you do this exercise in your third trimester, place a chair behind you for support. You can also ask a partner or friend or act as a spotter. 6. **Go for daily walks to improve your blood circulation.** Walking can help you stay active and balanced. It can also ensure you get your blood circulating and be good practice for when you have to walk or move around during the early stages of labor. Walk in a nearby park or in your neighborhood. Try to walk for at least 20-30 minutes a day. 7. **Take a weekly prenatal exercise class to stay fit and relaxed.** Look for a prenatal yoga class or a prenatal aerobics class at your local gym. Sign up for the class and attend it regularly so you can stay fit. Check with your doctor before you take any strenuous prenatal fitness classes, as you do not want to overdo it or put your baby at risk. 8. **Discuss your birth plan with your doctor several weeks before your due date.** Your birth plan should outline who you want with you during your labor, such as your partner or your children. It should also discuss if you want to be mobile and walk around, especially during the early stages of your labor. Decide how you want to manage pain during labor and if you want to take medication. Your doctor should help you determine the key points in your birth plan. You can also decide how you want the environment to be set up for the birth, such as lighting, music, or calming scents. If you decide to do a home birth or use a birthing pool, note this in your birth plan. 9. **Share the birth plan with your partner so you both know what to expect.** Let your partner know the details of your birth plan, especially if you want them to be in the room with you during your labor. Allow them to add things to the birth plan and get their feedback so they feel they are part of the process. They can then support your wishes and make sure the labor goes as you’d like it to. You can also share your birth plan with any family members or close friends who are involved in your pregnancy or labor. 10. **Hire a doula** A doula is trained to support you during your pregnancy and your labor. They often act as labor coaches and can show you how to make your labor easier. Doulas can be expensive, charging per service or a flat-fee. But they have been shown to help make labor less difficult. Your insurance provider may not cover the cost of a doula. Find out if your doula offers a payment plan or a sliding scale of costs. You can also ask for donations towards hiring a doula at your baby shower. 11. **Take a birthing class to learn more about labor and what to expect.** Look for birthing classes at your local hospital or community center. Many family health clinics and centers will also offer birthing classes. Bring your partner with you to the class so they can get a sense of what to expect during your labor. Birthing classes that focus on breathing techniques, pushing techniques, and relaxation strategies during labor are good options. Look for birthing classes that discuss the Lamaze technique, the Bradley method, or the Alexander technique, as they focus on how to make labor easier. If you cannot find a birthing class in your area, look for online tutorial and guides. 12. **Stay home until your contractions are 3-5 minutes apart.** Avoid rushing to the hospital once you start to feel contractions. Going to the hospital too early can make you more stressed out. Instead, stay home and time your contractions. Download an App on your phone that times contractions for you so you do not have to do this yourself. If you feel any sharp pains or you start to bleed from your vagina, go to the hospital right away. If your water breaks while your contractions are still far apart, go to the hospital. Your baby may be at risk of infection. 13. **Use a hot compress on your lower back or belly.** Applying heat to sensitive areas can help make your labor less painful, especially in the early stages. Put a hot compress on your lower back or your stomach for 10 minutes at a time to reduce any pain or irritation in these areas. If these areas are particularly sensitive, ask your partner to give you a massage. Massage can be a great way for you to stay calm and relaxed during labor. 14. **Stay mobile and upright.** Walking and pacing around can help the baby get into position for the birth. Move around in your home or go for a walk in your neighborhood. Go to the grocery store and walk around to distract yourself and stay mobile. You can also sit on a large exercise ball and bounce around to stay active. 15. **Drink lots of water and snack on wheat pasta, crackers, or dry toast.** Stay hydrated by sipping water often during early labor. Aim for light snacks that are high in carbohydrates, like seed crackers and whole wheat pasta and bread. These carbs will give you energy for when your labor really gets going. Avoid eating heavy or greasy food, as this can cause stomach upset and make your labor more difficult. 16. **Take a bath or shower to stay relaxed.** Soak in a bath of warm water to help ease any soreness or pain. If the tub has jets, turn them on so you can get a relaxing massage while you soak. A warm shower, where you stand upright and lean against the shower wall, can also be good for easing pain and discomfort. 17. **Bring an overnight bag with you.** Once your contractions are 3-5 minutes apart, or once your water breaks, head to the hospital or to your birthing center. Bring a bag with light, loose clothing, a robe, thick socks, maternity bras, non-perishable snacks, and a full water bottle. You should also pack photo identification and your healthcare information so you have it on hand. Pack the bag a few weeks before your due date so it is ready to go. Let your partner know where it is so they can bring it for you to the hospital or birthing center, as needed. 18. **Check in with your doctor or midwife.** Let your doctor or midwife know you are at the hospital or birthing center. The staff at the hospital or center will give you a hospital gown to put on and set you up in a room or area. The doctor or midwife will then check in on your regularly to see how your labor is progressing. If you have a doula, let them know you are in full labor so they can be there to support you. 19. **Do breathing exercises to reduce pain and stress.** Start with slow breathing when your contractions become close together and more intense. Inhale slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth, letting air out with a sigh. Keep your body limp and release any tension as you exhale. Do light accelerated breathing as your labor becomes more active. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, breathing in and out rapidly. Keep your breathing shallow and follow a breath pattern of one breath per second. When you start to feel overwhelmed or exhausted during labor, do ""pant-pant-blow"" or ""hee-hee-who"" breathing. Inhale quickly through your nose or mouth and let out a longer exhalation through your mouth. Make a ""who"" or ""puh"" sound as you exhale to release stress and tension. 20. **Communicate with your doctor or midwife once it comes time to push.** Change positions to find a comfortable one for you as you push during late-stage labor. Lean on your doctor, midwife, doula, or partner to support you as you push. Consider taking medication to help reduce the pain and keep you relaxed. Your doctor or midwife can discuss this option with you and offer it to you as you push during the final stages of labor.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Make a Movie As a Kid.,"You've decided to make a movie, which can be a lot of fun! Keep in mind, though, that you will need to do a lot of things to get to a finished movie. You'll need to create a story, find people to act in your movie, set up scenes, take footage, and edit your movie. Don't worry, though, if you take it step-by-step and do it with people you like, it will definitely seem more like fun than work! 1. **Brainstorm ideas by yourself or with friends.** What do you want your movie to be about? Do you want an exciting adventure? Do you want a fantasy story? Do you want a love story? You could also try action, mystery, or science fiction. If you're not sure where to start, think about your favorite movies. You don't want to copy them, but you can make a similar movie. You can also mix and match ideas. You don't have to choose just one! But, try not to let it get too crazy. Save some ideas for the next movie. You can even make a movie based on one of your favorite books or stories! 2. **Decide who the main character is going to be.** The main character is the person who leads the story. For instance, in the film Brave, Merida is the main character. She's the hero, and the story is all about what happens to her and what decisions she makes. You can have more than one main character, such as Nemo and Marlin in Finding Nemo. Basically, your main character will drive the story forward. Your movie is all about them and what they do. 3. **Write down your basic story in 2-3 sentences.** ""Story"" is also known as ""plot."" Basically, it's just what happens. Writing it down in a few short sentences can help keep you focused. Think about what happens to your main character. Maybe you want them to go on a journey to find treasure. That's the end of the story, so your sentences could be: ""Jessie finds a map in her attic with a mysterious place marked on it. She decides to find the place! Along the way, she meets Robbie, a very smart young boy in the neighborhood, and they follow the map and find treasure."" You can also write it as ""What if?"" statement, such as ""What if a girl finds a map in her attic that leads her to a buried treasure?"" 4. **Make sure your story has a high point.** When first starting your story, your character is going through normal life. They need something to set them off on a journey, such as the map in the example. They need to be working towards something, which results in the high point of the story, called the climax. The climax is the most exhilarating part of the story. It's the point where a suspect is about to get caught in a mystery, or in our case, it could be the point where Jessie finds the treasure on the map... or finds out there's nothing there. 5. **Break your story into scenes.** A scene is a smaller section of a movie. One scene is usually made up of unbroken time and action. In other words, each scene stands by itself, kind of like a chapter in a book. For instance, say your character starts out hanging out downstairs, bored, with her mom. That's 1 scene. Then, she is searching the attic and finds a map, scene 2. Downstairs again, she asks her mom if she can go see her friend, scene 3. 6. **Write a short description of each scene.** Try writing a couple of sentences for each scene you want to create. You're writing out your story from start to finish. Just describe each scene one by one. For instance, you might write: Scene 1: Jessie is hanging out downstairs looking bored and watching the clock. Her mom tells her to do her homework, but Jessie says it's already done. Her mom tells her to go find something to do, so she sighs and goes upstairs. Scene 2: Jessie is in the attic of the house, moving things around and looking in boxes. She's looking in the bottom of an old wardrobe when something catches her finger at the bottom. She peels up a board and finds the treasure map. Scene 3: Jessie is downstairs, asking her mom if she can go talk to her friend. Her mom says yes and she runs down the block. 7. **Put your story in script format.** Script format is a little strange. Start by listing where the scene is. Then, you can add a description of the room and anything that's happening in the scene. For example, for scene 1 and 2, you might write it like this: Scene 1Living room, mid-afternoon.The living room is cozy with a sofa and 2 arm chairs. Light streams in from large windows. Jessie, 12, is lounging in a chair, looking bored, while her mother looks on from the kitchen. Scene 2Attic, a few minutes later.The attic is dusty and filled with boxes and other random stuff. Jessie, 12, is digging through boxes and moving around the room. 8. **Add the dialogue.** The dialogue is what the characters say to each other. Sometimes, a character can even talk to themselves if no one is around. Dialogue can sound a little off if you just write it, so try saying it out loud! Think about how you talk to your friends and how you'd talk to your parents or teachers. It's different, isn't it? That should be reflected in your dialogue. Use italics to show that some lines aren't spoken, but rather, performed by the actor instead. Keep going through the dialogue and action notes until you finish with the scene. For the first scene, you might start out writing: Jessie: I'm so boooored.Jessie sighs and leans on her arm.Mom: If you're that bored, go do your homework.Jessie rolls her eyes.Jessie: I already did my homework. 9. **Make a list of all the characters in your story.** You need people to play each character. That means you need to know how many you have first. Write down each character and something about them, such as their name, age, and personality. For example, you might write, ""Jessie is a 12-year-old kid who likes books and plays soccer. She is always getting into trouble because she goes off on adventures."" 10. **Finish out all your scenes to complete the story.** Write out dialogue, description, and action for each scene in your story. Once you're done, you can get started on the next part! 11. **Pick a location or two.** If this is your first movie, keep it simple. Choose 1 or 2 places where you can shoot your movie, not more. It can even be just inside your home with props borrowed from around the house! You can shoot in your backyard or at your local park. If you want to shoot in a building, ask the owner if you can use it first. Pick a place that fits your movie. For instance, most scary movies aren't filmed outside in bright sunshine, and an adventure story may need more than 1 location. 12. **Ask people to be in your movie.** See if your friends want to play parts. Let them know they'll have to memorize lines which can be a little hard! Your parents or siblings might also want to get in on the action. For instance, you could say, ""Hey, I'm making a movie! Do you want to be in it? You'd have to memorize some lines, but it could be a lot of fun!"" 13. **Cast your characters.** ""Casting"" means putting people in different roles. Once you gather everyone together, have them read different lines. That way, you can see which person is best for each character in your story. Then, decide who you want in each role based on how they read and whether they fit the part or not. You can always change your characters around if no one fits a character exactly. Be flexible. Give each person a copy of the script to read. You can highlight their parts to help them out. Make sure you give each person who's interested something to do. If they don't want to act, have them help set up scenes or assist people with memorizing their lines. 14. **Try a stop-action movie if you don't have a cast.** ""Stop-action"" just means you use small figures and take pictures of them. Each time you take a picture, you move the figures a little. When you put the pictures together in a movie format, it looks like the figures are moving. For instance, you could use dolls, action figures, clay, or even building blocks as your stop-action figures. 15. **Run through the script a few times.** Start by having everyone sit around and talk through the script. That is, you can read the description and action, and each other person can read their lines out loud. This helps them get an idea of how the movie will work. It also lets you make changes if things aren't quite working. 16. **Rehearse each scene with blocking.** Work in the location you're going to be using, and go over the lines in each scene. As you do, set up blocking. Blocking is where the actors will move while they're being filmed. Blocking is important because you want them to stay on camera. You also want to make sure they face the camera most of the time. For instance, you might rehearse how Jessie's mom will come in from the kitchen in the opening living room scene, always facing the camera. 17. **Find a camera to use.** These days, it's pretty easy to find cameras to shoot movies. You can use a smartphone, a tablet, a digital camera, or, if you have one around, a better quality film camera. It should be able to record audio, as well. Make sure you know the camera really well before you begin shooting. Play around with it first or look at tutorials online if you don't know how to use it. Just remember movies take up a lot of memory. You may need to download your videos to a computer with more memory from time to time so that you have enough space to keep shooting. Always ask before you borrow a camera or smartphone! Also, be very careful with borrowed equipment. 18. **Drag out props and costumes.** Props are things that you use in your movie, like swords, cups, books, or anything object that moves the story along. Costumes are what the people in the story wear. You can use everyday clothes or pull out old Halloween costumes. Try to make them fit the story and your characters. For instance, a 12-year-old girl who likes adventure might wear sturdy but fun boots, a long pair of shorts, a colorful t-shirt, and her hair up. Look around your house for props you can use. Remember to ask before borrowing them. If you need something extra, try asking your parents if they have what you need, borrowing from a neighbor, or asking your parents to take you to a thrift store. Props don't have to be ""real."" For instance, if you need a sword, you can make one out of cardboard and foil. 19. **Set up a scene by moving things around in your location.** When you first go in to shoot a scene, look around. Is the lighting good? You should be able to see your characters pretty well. Is everything in the room that you need for the scene? If you need a coffee mug for the scene, make sure it's there. Think about how the room or area will look on screen and adjust the room. It can help to hold up your hands in a square (to show you how much you'd see) or simply look through your camera without recording. If the lighting is bad, adjust as needed. Turn on lights or open curtains. Try not to blind your actors, though! For instance, if you have 2 characters talking to each other, you may want to be able to see them in one shot. That means you may need to move chairs around so they're closer together. 20. **Shoot that scene.** After each person has memorized their lines for a scene, you can start filming. You say ""Action"" to start the scene, and then it begins. Your characters should move around like you've written in the script and say their lines to each other. You can change things if the scene isn't working. Try to help people out if they seem a little lost. For instance, if someone doesn't know how to act in a scene, try to give them motivation. You could say, ""How would you feel if you just found a treasure map? Wouldn't you be a little curious first and then get more and more excited? How would that make you act?"" 21. **Set up and shoot the remaining scenes.** Repeat the action of setting up each scene. Look at each one carefully to make sure you've got it set properly. Then, shoot each scene as you set it up. 22. **Encourage your actors to make gestures and facial expressions.** Acting involves more than just saying the lines. Your actors need to react to each other like they would in real life. If someone says something mean, the person they're saying it to will look angry or hurt, for instance. So if you notice an actor is smiling after another character says something mean, stop and talk to them. You could say, ""When that person says something mean, react like they're saying it to you personally. Wouldn't you frown or look upset?"" 23. **Give your actors lots of breaks.** Kids and adults can have short attention spans, and they may not want to act for hours on end. Try shooting a single scene in a day, for instance, so you don't overwhelm your actors. If they want to do more, that's great. Just make sure you're listening to what they're saying. If they're bored with it for today, stop and do something else! 24. **Take more video than you think you need.** When you cut down your movie, you'll need more footage than you think. It takes lots and lots of footage to get the shots that you want. Then you can pick and choose to create your perfect movie. For instance, try shooting the same scene at least a couple of times. That way, you can pick the best shots if something goes wrong in the scene at some point. It can help to shoot the scene from different spots in the room. That way, you can cut between different shots. For instance, if you shoot from the perspective of the stairs, then from the kitchen, you can move between those two perspectives as your characters are talking. Plus, if you need to use footage from different videos, you can do it without making the movie look like it's jumping by switching to a different angle. 25. **Use movie-making software to edit your film.** Most computers come with movie-editing software, like iMovie or Windows Movie Maker. You can use the software to take out parts of your videos and put other parts together. You can also use it to add transitions, music, and credits. You can also try apps like Magisto, Toontastic, GoAnimate, or Animoto. If you don't know how to use the software you have, try looking up tutorials online. 26. **Take out what you don't need.** You probably shot some scenes over and over. Start by moving what you don't need out of your main movie. Try to pick the videos where your actors did the best. You can even pick parts from different videos and put them together in the same scene. For instance, maybe someone spilt their drink in one video, but the actors did the best on their lines early on in the scene. You can use part of the first video and replace the second part with shots from another video. 27. **Order your scenes.** Now that you've taken out what you don't need, make sure your scenes are in the order you want them in. They should have a logical flow from start to finish so that your viewers can follow your story. 28. **Add transitions between scenes.** A transition is how you get from one scene to the next visually, such as fading, cutting, or dissolving. You can add different types of transitions, depending on the scene. For instance, a cut goes directly from one scene to the next, replacing the image instantly. A fade slowly goes down to black, and then brings up the next scene. A dissolve is when the scene slowly disappears as the next one slowly appears. For instance, when moving between scenes 1 and 2 in your movie, where Jessie goes upstairs, you might try a cut since not much time goes by. 29. **Put in music to help set the mood.** Pretty much all movies use music to set the mood. You can use your favourite songs, but make sure they fit the scene. You can also use instrumental music (music without words) to help create a mood. For instance, maybe when Jessie is looking around the attic, you can play quiet music with a good beat that makes you think of someone being curious. Your video-editing software should let you add music. Make sure your music doesn't overpower the dialogue. If you have it playing in a scene with dialogue, it should be much softer than what's being said. 30. **Finish your film off with opening and closing credits.** At the beginning of the movie, you should have the title of your film. Usually, you add it over the opening scene, which you can do in movie-making software. You can also add the names of the main characters and actors if you want. At the end, you can include rolling credits with all the actors' and characters' names. At the end, include anyone else who helped with the film. List any music you use to give credit for it. Put the date in, too.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Communicate Well With People from Other Cultures?,"To build good relationships with people from other cultures, it is essential to learn how to communicate with them verbally and non-verbally. You can make things easier by also learning about their culture and practicing tolerance. Armed with the knowledge of how to communicate effectively, you can learn from people from other cultures and share yours with them. 1. **Learn about the culture beforehand.** A little knowledge can go a long way. If you have time before embarking on a trip or meeting with someone from another culture, try to take time to learn the basic “do’s and dont’s” of that culture. You can find information on this from internet sources such as those provided by the National Center for Cultural Competence. 2. **Expect differences.** Different cultures will speak at different volumes, be more or less direct in showing emotion, may or may not expect to engage in “small talk,” and exhibit other dissimilarities in communication. When communicating with people from other cultures, be prepared to encounter such differences, including ones that you were not aware of. 3. **Understand hierarchies.** When communicating with a different culture, there may be unwritten rules about social hierarchy that you are not used to. For instance, you may come from a culture where men and women are expected to communicate equally with each other but may have to interact with someone from a culture where men may do more talking in mixed company. Similarly, you may be communicating with someone who expects that a younger person should let an older person do most of the talking, while you expect people across age groups to communicate equally. 4. **Be upfront about difficulties in communication.** If you could not understand someone or think that he or she did not understand you, say something about it. Avoid being rude or offensive, but patiently explain the problem. It’s usually better to be upfront than to let a problem in communication go undressed, since there may otherwise be bigger problems later. If you think you did not understand what someone meant, try saying something like: “I’m not sure I understood you. Could we go over that again?” If you think that someone did not understand you, try saying something like: “Let’s review things to make sure we’re all on the same page.” You can also make sure to let the person know to ask questions. 5. **Be respectful and tolerant.** Each culture has its own set of dominant values, beliefs, and prejudices. Signs of these may emerge when communicating with people from other cultures. Basic communication, however, it is not the time to judge people based on these differences. Instead, respect them for what they are, and tolerate them. You may even learn something new. Even if cultural differences come up explicitly in conversation, be tolerant and open-minded instead of argumentative. For instance, if you are American and someone comments on Americans’ tendency to be work-focused, say something like: “Yes, it’s true that many Americans take work seriously, and there are a lot of reasons for that. Why don’t you tell me some more about how your culture thinks about work?” 6. **Be patient.** Communicating with people from other cultures can be enlightening and rewarding, but also have its difficulties. Expect that not everything will come out quite right or be fully understood. Be patient with others, and ask them to be patient with you. 7. **Speak clearly and slowly, if necessary.** Refrain from shouting unnecessarily or treat others as though they do not understand. Raising your voice does not make you easier to understand and can be seen as rude. Likewise, even if there are difficulties in communicating with people from other cultures, do not treat other people as though they are unintelligent. Communication difficulties arise from cultural differences, not because of matters of intelligence. 8. **Be proper.** Be polite and use formal modes of address until it is made clear that you don’t need to (such as a business contact telling you to use first names). Depending on the cultures that are interacting, this may include addressing others: By first and last name By last name alone With a title such as “Mr.” or “sir” Using formal pronouns, if they exist in the language used for communicating 9. **Brush up on your foreign language skills.** If you will be communicating with people who speak a different language, try to learn a few basic phrases beforehand. Your situation may not require you or permit you to become fluent in a foreign language, but you can still try to learn some. Practice the basics, including: “Hello,” “Please,” “Thank you,” “How are you?,” etc. Carry a phrase book or electronic device that can help you find phrases you need and don’t know. Be patient when others are trying to use your language. 10. **Try to use the dominant language if you are in the linguistic minority.** If you are communicating with people who speak a different language, try to use their language at first, or as much as you can. Even if you can’t say much more than “hello” and “how are you?” in their language, the gesture is usually appreciated. 11. **Avoid slang and profanity.** This is important, unless you are absolutely sure how it is used in another culture. Using non-standard or obscene language improperly can make you hard to understand, and may be perceived as very offensive. Since a language’s slang and profanity are complex and highly dependent on context, it is best to avoid them altogether unless you are absolutely sure you know to use them properly. 12. **Use “open-handed” gestures.** In some cultures, pointing with an index finger, giving the “ok” sign, and other common gestures can be seen as offensive. Since you may not know which gestures could be mistaken in this way, stick to “open-handed” gestures. For instance, try using your whole hand if you need to point to something. 13. **Assume a formal posture at first.** Keep your feet on the floor, sit up straight, don’t use your arms too expressively, and otherwise keep your posture more or less conservative. This is because certain postures can be seen as offensive to others. For instance, showing your foot in some cultures is seen as a rude gesture, so you would not want to cross your legs in a way that your sole sticks out. If it becomes clear that a less formal posture is acceptable, you can follow suit. 14. **Understand rules regarding touching.** Some cultures may expect more physical contact between people when communicating than other cultures do. For example, some cultures may shake or touch hands more willingly than others. Don’t take it as offensive if another culture is more or less physical than you are used to when communicating. The exception is if you think you are being violated or abused. If you are uncomfortable, let others know. It’s a good rule of thumb to be conservative with the way you touch people from other cultures when communicating with them. However, if they appear to use more physical contact, follow suit if you are comfortable doing so. 15. **Know how to make or avoid eye contact.** In some cultures, looking another person in the eye when you speak is seen as a sign of honesty and interest. In other cultures, however, it may be seen as disrespectful, confrontational, or a sign of sexual interest. Conversely, some cultures think than not looking a superior person in the eye when communicating is a sign of respect. 16. **Expect different facial expressions.** It is common for different cultures to use facial expressions differently. For instance, Americans may smile frequently, while other cultures may see excessive smiling as a sign of shallowness. When communicating with people from other cultures, you may notice that they are more expressive with their face (to show happiness, sadness, frustration, etc.) than you are used to, or you may notice that they do not show much expression at all. Much communication is non-verbal, no matter what the culture. However, you can focus on the content of what is being said, and ask questions to clarify if you need to. For instance, if someone reacts to something you say with an unexpected smile or laughter, you may need to say “Actually, I'm being I’m serious.” 17. **Respect the amount of personal space the situation requires.** Some cultures may require more personal space than others. If you are communicating with people from another culture and you find they get closer to you or farther away from you than you are used to, it’s not necessarily the case that they are invading your space or trying to avoid you. Just try to follow their cues regarding personal space and communicate as best you can.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Use a Bread Maker.,"Bread makers have simplified the process of making bread at home, because they take over the kneading and baking for you. In fact, all you need to do to have fresh bread every day is pour in the ingredients and press a few buttons! Bread machines are generally quite easy to use once you understand what all the functions are, but if you’re using a new machine and don’t know what all the buttons do, it can be quite intimidating. If you are using a new machine for the first time, read over the manual first, and go through it to figure out what all the buttons and functions are for, in what order to add ingredients, and in what order you should program the different functions. You may even find that your bread machine can make more than bread. 1. **Put the bread pan and paddles into the machine.** These are the components that will be responsible for mixing, kneading, and baking your bread. Open the lid on the top of the machine. You’ll see a heat element in the bottom and a place where the bread pan sits inside the machine. Insert the pan into place, and then place the paddles (sometimes called the blades) on top of the peg inside the pan. To remove the pan from the machine again, use the handle and give it a gentle pull. The paddle will knead the bread, and the metal pan is what the bread will bake in. 2. **Determine the size of your bread maker.** Bread machines have different capacities, and some can make small, medium, or large loaves of bread. It’s important to determine the capacity of yours, because you can’t overfill your bread maker. Add one cup of water at a time to the bread pan, keeping track of how many cups you added. Add water until the pan is full. For a machine that holds fewer than 10 cups, you can make one-pound loaves. For a machine that holds 10 cups, you can make 1.5-pound loaves. For 12 cups, your bread can be two pounds. More than 12 cups indicates a 2.5-pound loaf. A small to medium loaf of bread (one to 1.5 pounds) will have around two cups of flour, while a medium to large loaf (two to 2.5 pounds) will be around three cups. 3. **Find the power button if there is one.** Dump or reuse the water from the bread pan. Replace the pan and paddles inside the bread machine. Close the lid, and plug in the machine. Most machines will come on automatically, but there may be an on/off switch. 4. **Find the Select button.** The Select button allows you to begin programing your bread maker according to your ingredients and preferences. The different settings you’ll be able to choose include: Loaf size Crust darkness Flour type Rapid cycle Dough-only 5. **Learn how to select loaf size.** Some larger bread machines have a button that allows you to select the size of the loaf you’re making, and this will adjust the baking time of the machine accordingly. Most bread machines will have a single Loaf button, and you can push this multiple times to change the setting. As you change the setting, pay attention to how it alters the time on the display. 6. **Understand the different flour settings.** Bread machines have different settings for different flours, and this is because your loaf will take a longer or shorter time to bake depending on the type of flour, such as white versus whole wheat. Some flours have a longer kneading and rising time, while others can be put on a rapid cycle. There are some bread maker models that don’t have flour types written right on the machine. Instead, you may have to select a menu number that corresponds with different flour types. 7. **Find the crust control.** Many bread makers allow you to control the crustiness or darkness of your crust, because it will add a longer or shorter baking time to your setting. Like the Loaf control, your machine will likely have a single Crust button that you can push multiple times to change the setting. 8. **Try the dough-only setting.** This setting is for when you just want the bread machine for mixing, kneading, and rising, but not baking. This comes in handy when you’re making non-loaf breads, such as: Pizza dough Rolls Round loaves Bagels or pretzels Ciabatta French bread 9. **Find the rapid cycle.** The rapid cycle is a quicker version of the bread machine process for when you’re in a hurry, but keep in mind that even this will usually take at least one hour. You also likely won’t be able to choose custom settings like crust darkness when you select this option. When you have the time, it’s recommended that you allow your machine to go through the full cycle, because this gives the yeast and ingredients the proper time to activate. 10. **Master the time delay.** The time or delay setting allows you to program your machine to start its cycle at a later time. For instance, you can put all your ingredients into the machine in the morning, set the delay for five hours, and then your bread will be ready when you get home after work. To use the time delay, use the up and down arrows to add or subtract time from your programmed setting. Once you select your flour type, bread size, and crust setting, your bread machine will give you a cycle time, such as three hours, for example. You can add five hours (so the time display will read eight hours), which means your bread maker won’t start the process until five hours have elapsed. Never use the delay cycle for recipes that contain dairy or other ingredients that should always be refrigerated. 11. **Locate the start button.** You can play with the settings on your machine all you want, and the machine won’t start mixing, kneading, or baking until you actually hit Start. When you do hit Start, the machine will begin its cycle, or will begin counting down through the time delay. 12. **Troubleshoot problems.** The bread machine manual should have all the information you need regarding the functions, how to solve different problems, and possibly even some tasty recipes. But if you have lost your manual, take a look online to see if you can find a digital version. Websites like manuals online are a great resource for replacing lost appliance manuals. 13. **Remove the pan from the bread maker.** Insert the paddle, and gather all the ingredients you need for your bread. 14. **Add the wet ingredients.** It is especially important to add ingredients in the proper order if you are using the time delay function. Your bread maker may be different, but most machines say to add the wet ingredients first, and this includes the water and oil. In order to activate the yeast, make sure that any liquids you add to your bread are at least 80 F (27 C). 15. **Add the dry ingredients except for the yeast.** Add the sugar and salt first, followed by the flour. You want to make sure the salt and sugar are separated from the yeast, so you want to create a barrier with the flour. To make an herb bread, you can also add seasonings in with the dry ingredients, such as thyme, oregano, sage, dill, or rosemary. 16. **Add the yeast.** Make a small well in the flour with a spoon or your finger, and pour the yeast into the well. The yeast always comes last because it needs to stay away the from salt, sugar, liquids, and the heat element until a certain time. Separating the yeast from the other ingredients is especially important when you are using the timer. 17. **Insert the bread pan into the bread machine.** Once all your ingredients are in, replace the bread pan into its position in the bread machine. Close the lid. 18. **Program the machine.** Press Select. If you only want the machine to make dough, select the dough cycle. Or, you can select the rapid cycle. Otherwise, select your flour type, loaf size, and crust preferences. Press Timer, if necessary, and use the arrows to adjust the time if you want to use the delay function. When you are finished, press Start. The machine will begin spinning the paddles to mix the ingredients and knead the bread. It will likely go through several periods of kneading and rest, and eventually it will stop to allow the bread to rise. 19. **Listen for the beeps.** Depending on the bread you’re making and the settings you’ve chosen, your machine may beep to indicate it will start the baking process soon, and this is your chance to lift the lid and add extra ingredients like nuts, seeds, fruit, or cheese. 20. **Remove the dough if you selected knead-only.** When the machine beeps to indicate that the dough is ready, unplug the machine, lift the lid, and remove the bread pan. To bake your simple white bread in the oven, preheat your oven to 375 F (191 C). Grease a nine-inch by five-inch loaf pan and place the dough into it. Set it aside and give it some time to plump up again as the oven heats up. Bake the loaf for 30 to 35 minutes, until golden brown. 21. **Bake the bread in the bread maker as an alternative.** If you’ve opted to bake your bread in the bread machine, the last 30 to 45 minutes or so will be for the baking process. The bread machine will likely beep several times to indicate that it has completely finished its cycle. 22. **Remove the bread pan from the machine.** Use an oven mitt to grab the handle, and gently pull the bread pan out. Tip the pan upside down, and use a plastic or rubber spatula to remove the bread from the pan. If the paddles are stuck inside the bread, use the handle of a wooden spoon to help get them out. 23. **Give your bread time to cool.** Transfer your freshly baked loaf to a wire cooling rack and let it cool for at least 15 minutes before slicing and serving.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Kayak.,"Kayaking is a popular water sport. It’s a great way to exercise while enjoying your time out in nature. Before you start kayaking, you'll need the proper guidance, or else you'll end up flipping upside down! Keep in mind, the water can be unpredictable and you should always wear a lifejacket when kayaking. 1. **Put on a lifejacket and secure it before kayaking to stay safe.** You should never go kayaking without a lifejacket. Either buy a lifejacket or get one from a rental company. Slide the lifejacket on over your head and clip the straps together on your chest. Pull the loose ends on the straps to tighten the lifejacket and fit it tight on your chest. You should also wear a hard-shell helmet if you’re going white-water kayaking or kayaking in a river. It’s not a good idea to do this your first time out, though. 2. **Find a calm, rock-free area to enter the water from the shore.** If you’re taking the kayak out from a beach or shoreline, look for a smooth area where there’s a gradual slope into the water. Avoid areas where you see rocks or debris sticking out of the water. If you’re getting into a kayak from a dock, you don’t need to worry about finding a calm spot to take the boat out. 3. **Drag the kayak on to the shore by holding the strap in the front.** To move the kayak, look at the front of the boat for a fabric strap. Grab this strap and drag the kayak slowly to take it closer to the water. If you’re with someone else, feel free to carry the kayak together to keep it off of the ground by holding it from each end. You don’t need to do this if the kayak is tied to a dock. 4. **Let the kayak down so the cockpit rests over the edge of the water.** Drag the kayak directly to the edge of the water. Hold the paddle behind you while you drag the kayak with your free hand. Continue dragging the kayak and let it down so that the cockpit is resting on the spot where the water meets the shore. If the paddle is in front of you and you drop it in the water, it may float away. 5. **Scoot your way into the cockpit and extend your feet out.** Set the paddle flat against the back of the cockpit and sit on the edge of the kayak. Then, slowly scoot your butt into the cockpit and bring your feet in one at a time. Slide back in the seat so you’re sitting up straight and extend your feet out in front of you to sit in the kayak. If you’re getting in from a dock, use the edge of the dock to balance yourself. Set your feet inside the cockpit and stay low to balance your weight. Balance the paddle on the edge of the dock while you get in and sit in the seat. If there are footrests inside of your kayak, put your feet on them. Most people do not wear shoes when they’re kayaking. If you do want to wear shoes, throw on some water shoes. 6. **Push yourself out into the water using your paddle and body weight.** When you’re ready to embark on the water, grab the paddle and raise it vertically on your side. Dig the blade into the shore and scoot your weight forward repeatedly to push off into the water. If you’re with any other people, ask someone to just push you into the water. This is a lot easier than scooting yourself in. If you’re embarking from a dock, either wait for the tie rope to be untied by the dockmaster or untie it from the boat yourself and leave it tied to the cleat on the dock. 7. **Hold the paddle horizontally with both hands.** In your kayak, hold the paddle horizontally in front of you. Hold your paddle with both hands in case you drop it. Grip the bar with a fist by wrapping your thumbs under your 4 fingers. If you aren’t comfortable while you’re holding the paddle, you’re doing it wrong. The paddle should feel comfortable in your palms. You don’t need to squeeze the handle hard to hold it. However, don’t relax your grip to the point that your hands slide around the bar. 8. **Hold the paddle so your hands are stretched out a little past your shoulders.** Grip the paddle in the middle so there’s an equal amount of space in between each hand and the blades on each side. Make minor adjustments with your grip to stay comfortable. 9. **Turn the paddle in your hand so the smooth and concave side faces you.** The fins on the end of the kayak paddle are called blades. These blades are not identical on both sides, so inspect them to see which side is smooth and concave. Turn the paddle in your had so that the smooth and concave sides face you. When you paddle, orient the blades so that they’re perpendicular to the surface of the water. 10. **Orient the blades so that the flat horizontal edge is on top.** Inspect the long sides of each blade. The straightest horizontal edge always goes on top. If there is an angle at the end of each blade, the angle always points up and away from you. Flip the paddle around so the left and right side swap if your blades are upside down. 11. **Stay upright and maintain a firm grip when paddling the kayak.** Sit up straight in your kayak and keep your core engaged. You can lean forward a little if you have to, but you may lose control of the kayak as your center of gravity shifts if you start moving your torso back or to a side. Keep your feet on the footrests while you’re paddling. If you don’t have footrests, keep your feet stretched out in front of you. You can bend your knees a little bit if it’s more comfortable for you. 12. **Raise the paddle up and twist your torso.** Lift your paddle up a little but keep your elbows under your shoulders. To propel yourself forward, twist your chest a little in whichever direction it feels comfortable to start. If you turn to the left, shift your paddle a little to the left and vice versa. Most of your power comes from your chest, not your arms. This is why coiling your upper body back is important when you start paddling. 13. **Angle the paddle while bringing the raised blade forward.** As you start the stroke, tilt the blade you pulled back down 15- to 25-degrees. Push the raised blade forward while lowering it towards the water. Do this in a kind of semi-circle so that the raised blade goes up and lowers down almost perpendicular to the water. If it helps, imagine that you’re turning two gears with each arm moving in opposite directions. The arm moving forward turns at the same time as your other arm lowers back behind you. 14. **Dig the blade into the water and untwist your torso to push forward.** Push the front blade down into the water so that it’s just under the surface of the water. Then, pull the blade back towards you. At the same time, pull your back shoulder forward to untwist your torso. Push the blade you have raised out of the water forward while doing this. If you’re paddling correctly, you should eventually feel your core, chest, and shoulders getting sore at roughly the same time. 15. **Repeat this action on the opposite side to propel yourself forward.** As you drag the paddle underwater, curl your torso towards it so your shoulder is always pointing at the blade that’s underwater. Then, start lifting the blade out of the water while lowering the blade on the opposite side. Push the raised blade into the water and pull it back while uncoiling yourself to keep paddling forward. 16. **Find a rhythm as you paddle to continue going forward.** As you paddle, you will feel how the kayak shifts slightly with each individual stroke. Find a pattern where that shifting is even on both sides to keep your kayak moving straight. Use an equal amount of strength with each stroke to move consistently and smoothly. 17. **Use sweep strokes to pivot the angle of the kayak and turn.** To turn left, extend the right side of your paddle out in front of you and lower it into the water. Twist your torso to the left and drag the paddle backwards in a semi-circular motion while uncoiling your upper body. Repeat this stroke if you need to keep turning and reverse the direction to go to the right. Your chest turns in the opposite direction that you’re moving the paddle to compensate for the shift in your center of gravity. Maintain your center of balance while doing this. It can be kind of tempting to lean towards the paddle while you do this, but you may fall into the water if you lean too far. 18. **Paddle in the opposite direction to brake or slow down.** If you want to slow down or go backwards, paddle the same way you go forward, but in reverse. Stick your right blade underwater, slide it forward, then lower your left blade underwater as you raise the right blade out. Slide the left blade forward and repeat this process to either slow yourself down while travelling forward or paddle in reverse. To slow down while turning at the same time, just stick one of your blades into the water and hold it still. To turn right, put your right blade underwater. To turn left, stick your left blade underwater. 19. **Hold the paddle vertically to use draw strokes to move sideways.** If you’re trying to line up with the dock when you’re coming back or if you’re kayaking with other people and you’re close to bumping into someone, hold your paddle vertically with both hands. Then, stick one blade underwater with the flat side facing away from you. Slowly push the blade away from you to push yourself sideways without changing the angle of the boat. If it’s more comfortable, point the blade towards your kayak and pull it towards you on the opposite side to move the same direction. 20. **Paddle towards a dock and use draw strokes to get parallel.** If you’re returning to a dock, paddle straight towards the side and slow down gradually as you get close. When you’re within 10 feet (3.0 m) of the side of the dock, brake entirely and use draw strokes to line up with the side of the dock. 21. **Use forward strokes to paddle on the shore for a beach landing.** If you’re landing on the beach or shore, paddle forward. Find a calm part of the shore with an even, flat surface to land and angle the kayak towards that. Continue paddling forward until the front of your kayak slides forward on to the ground. 22. **Step out of the water or use the dock to lift yourself out.** For a shore landing, once your kayak slides on to the ground, use the sides of the cockpit to push yourself up. Step into the water and hold the paddle in one hand. Grab the strap on the front of the boat with your other hand and pull the kayak on the shore. For a dock landing, hold the side of the dock and carefully lift yourself up on to it. 23. **Secure the kayak with a tie line or by pulling it out with the strap.** For a beach landing, grab the front of the kayak by the strap and slide it all the way on to the shore so that the water isn’t within 10 feet (3.0 m) of the boat. Otherwise, the kayak may get pulled out into the water. For a dock landing, use the rope on the dock to tie the boat to the cleat. If you’re taking the kayak out of the dock, grab the strap on the front of the kayak and pull it up on to the dock.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Make Flavored Water.,"Fruit-infused water is delicious and healthy. Keep a pitcher or two in your refrigerator and staying hydrated will be much easier. 1. **Make citrus water** Wash 1–3 citrus fruits per quart (liter). Slice into thin rounds and leave in cold water for at least three hours. If you plan to leave it in longer for more intense flavor, cut off the rinds first to avoid bitter flavors. See below for a step-by-step guide covering all fruit and herb recipes. Try adding ¼ cup (60mL) mint or basil leaves. 2. **Flavor with strawberries or raspberries** Use about 1 cup (240mL) fruit per quart (liter) water. Fresh berries won't infuse well until they're crushed with a wooden spoon. Frozen berries are already broken, but you may crush further to speed things up. Infuse for three hours or more, then strain. This combines well with the juice of half a lemon. 3. **Create a cucumber concoction** Slice a cucumber into thin rounds and add to a pitcher of water. Let steep overnight, then drink within a day or two. Optionally, cut the whole cucumber in half lengthwise and scoop out the pulp before slicing. Enhance this mild flavor with three or four slices of lemon or cubes of pineapple. 4. **Mix blackberry and sage.** This sophisticated combination is subtle but delicious. Try 1 cup (240mL) blackberries per quart (liter), plus a handful of sage leaves. 5. **Infuse with apple.** Apple and other hard fruits don't seep flavor as quickly as others. Slice very thinly and infuse for up to 24 hours in the refrigerator. An hour before serving, transfer to room temperature for added flavor. 6. **Select your fruit.** Follow one of the recipes above, or just choose your favorite fruit. You can play around with the amounts, but start with several small fruits per quart (liter), or 1–2 cups (240–480mL) berries or cubed fruit. Fresh fruit in season has the best flavor. Frozen fruit won't look as attractive, but may have more flavor than out-of-season fresh fruit. 7. **Wash fruit thoroughly.** Rub all fresh fruit thoroughly under cool, running water. Since the peel will be sitting in the water, scrubbing contaminants off the surface is extra important. If the fruit is not organic, consider peeling it to remove pesticides on the surface. This is not necessary for frozen fruit. 8. **Slice into wedges or rounds.** Rounds will infuse more quickly on their own if they are weighed down underneath ice cubes. Wedges may not add much flavor unless you muddle the fruit as described below. Slice rounds in half for a narrow pitcher. No slicing is necessary for berries or cubed fruit. 9. **Add to cold water.** Drop your fruit into a pitcher of chilled or room temperature water. If you dislike the taste of your tap water, put it through a filtration device before adding fruit. Hot water will infuse with flavor more quickly, but turns the fruit into mush and may destroy some nutrients. 10. **Muddle gently (optional)** Crushing the fruit will speed up the infusion significantly, but you may end up with a murky, pulpy mixture. For a more attractive pitcher, squeeze some of the juice out using a wooden spoon handle, pressing and twisting but not pulverizing the fruit completely. Leave the fruit untouched if you can wait a few hours. Alternatively, leave whole slices in for decoration, but squeeze in the juice of one fruit to add more flavor. To flavor a single glass of water for immediate drinking, pulverize the fruit with a muddling stick. 11. **Add a handful of herbs (optional).** Mint and basil are the most common options, but you can use rosemary, sage, or just about any other herb. Rinse the leaves, then rub them between clean hands to bruise them slightly before adding to the water. You can add dried herbs, but place them in a tea strainer so they don't leave fragments in the drink. 12. **Add ice (optional).** Besides chilling the water, ice weighs down fruit that floats to the top and filters out some of the fruit pieces while pouring. 13. **Wait for infusion.** Chill the water in the refrigerator for 3–4 hours, or up to 12 hours for extra-potent flavor. To avoid bacteria and unpleasant flavors, strain out ingredients after 12 hours and drink within three days. Stir before serving. The water will infuse faster at room temperature, but also decompose faster. Steep for 1–2 hours, and drink within 4–5 hours of mixing. 14. **Combine with tea** Let your fruit sit in the same pitcher as a tea bag or tea strainer. Keep this at room temperature, so the tea infuses without overpowering the other flavors. Steep for 1–3 hours, remove tea, and drink immediately. Try these recipes, adding each one to a quart (liter) of water: Black tea bag, three mandarin oranges, four basil leaves, black tea bag Two green tea bags, ½ mango (sliced), ¼ cup (60mL) strawberries 15. **Infuse with spices.** Add a stick of cinnamon, a tablespoon (15mL) fresh grated ginger, and/or ¼ tsp (1 mL) vanilla extract. These work particularly well in tangy recipes. Try the following: ½ cup (120mL) cubed pineapple, ½ sliced orange, 1 tbsp (15mL) grated ginger 1 cup (240mL) blueberries, ¼ tsp (1 mL) vanilla extract 16. **Replace regular water with seltzer.** Make your own soda replacement with low sugar and no artificial sweeteners. 17. **Mix in coconut water.** Replace ¼ of your water with coconut water. Try infusing with peaches or honeydew melon. You may use coconut milk instead, but the thicker, richer drink may be more difficult to balance with fruit.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Treat Tongue Burn Blisters.,"Most people have probably experienced a tongue burn at some point in their lives. These can range from a mild singe to a serious burn complete with blisters and severe pain. If you've sustained a burn on your tongue, there are several things you can do to relieve the pain and quicken the healing process. 1. **Spit out whatever burned you.** You'll probably realize right away that the food or beverage you just put in your mouth was way too hot. You should should remove the food or drink that burned you immediately, or it will keep scalding your mouth. It isn't always possible to spit the food out, but you should try to do this instead of swallowing the food so you don't continue burning your throat and esophagus. 2. **Drink cold water immediately.** This helps in two ways. First, it will cool off the burned area. Second, it removes any food or liquid that is still hot. Oily foods especially can leave hot liquid in your mouth that will continue to burn you if you don't flush it away quickly. Cold milk coats the inside of your mouth more thoroughly than water. You may find extra relief from drinking some cold milk. 3. **Place an ice cube on your tongue.** After rinsing with cold water, suck on an ice cube for 5 to 10 minutes. This will keep your mouth cold and prevent any further burning, sparing as much of your mouth as possible. This will also numb the area, which is helpful because tongue burns can be very painful. 4. **Rinse your mouth out with salt water.** After you've cooled off your mouth, you'll want to disinfect your burn. Your mouth is full of bacteria, and burns can get infected if not treated properly. A salt water solution will help disinfect the area and keep it free of infection. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water. Stir so the salt dissolves. Rinse and gargle with the mixture. Be sure not to swallow any of the salt water. 5. **Continue rinsing your mouth with salt water daily.** You'll still want to keep your burn clean while it heals. You should continue rinsing your mouth once or twice daily until the burn heals. 6. **Keep blisters intact.** If you've suffered a more severe burn, blisters can form and you can experience a lot of pain. If blisters form on your tongue, don't pop or drain them. They may pop on their own, but your shouldn't do this purposely. Blisters protect new cells as they form and keep bacteria out of wounds. Popping them can slow the healing process and could lead to an infection. 7. **Drink plenty of water.** This will help keep the area moisturized, which will help with pain. It also aids in the healing process by balancing your mouth's pH and preventing acids from damaging new cells. Additionally, blisters can pop more easily when they are dry. 8. **Eat ice cream, frozen yogurt, ice pops, and other cold, soft foods.** While you may lose some of your sense of taste as your burn heals, these treats will definitely make your healing process more enjoyable. Not only are they easy to eat, but the cold will keep your tongue numb and kill the pain. Sprinkling a little sugar on your tongue may help with pain. 9. **Keep any cold foods or drinks in your mouth as long as you can.** When you take a drink of cold water or a bite of ice cream, keep it over your burn blisters for as long as you can. This will numb the area and fight the pain. 10. **Drink a milk and honey solution.** This mixture is both soothing and helps increase circulation to the mouth. Increased circulation brings nutrients to the wound, which will help it heal faster and more efficiently. Alternatively, you could just apply a dab of honey to the blisters. This will soothe the wound and stimulate circulation. Honey also has natural anti-bacterial properties that can help prevent infection. Do not give honey to infants under 1. It may cause infant botulism, a serious condition. 11. **Apply an oral anesthetic to blisters and painful spots.** If ice cream and cold drinks don't treat the pain well enough, you can use an oral anesthetic. Brands like Orajel and Anbesol are readily available at pharmacies and supermarkets. These will help keep the area numb while it heals. Be sure to use these products as labels or pharmacists direct you to. 12. **Take a pain reliever if you are uncomfortable.** If the pain from the burn is causing discomfort, you can treat it with a pain reliever like acetaminophen. 13. **Brush your teeth carefully.** The motion of brushing and the chemicals in toothpaste can be both painful and damaging to your burn. You'll have to take care when brushing to avoid popping blisters and hampering the healing process. Don't brush your tongue. You will damage newly-formed cells and slow the healing process. You can also pop blisters, which can lead to infections. Don't get toothpaste on burned areas. Toothpaste can irritate the burn and cause pain. Use mouthwash sparingly, if at all. Like toothpaste, mouthwash will irritate the burn. It is better to just rinse your mouth out with salt water while you wait for your burn to heal. 14. **Visit the doctor if you see no improvement or the pain is too much to handle.** The cells in your mouth regenerate quickly, so most burns on the tongue clear up in 2 or 3 days. If your burn was more severe, however, it can take longer for your mouth to heal. If it has been more than 3-4 days and you see no improvement, see your doctor to make sure you don't have an infection. You should also see your doctor at any point if the pain is more than you can handle, or if the burn seems large or deep, or if the burn makes it difficult to breathe or swallow. 15. **Avoid hot food and drinks while your mouth is healing.** You can still have your coffee and tea, but just make sure you allow it to cool fully before drinking. You might even want to consider switching to iced varieties for a few days. The new cells in your mouth will be very sensitive- if you expose them to hot food before the burn is fully healed, they can easily burn again. Also it will be very painful. Blow on food and drinks to cool them off faster. For drinks, you should consider adding an ice cube to ensure they are a safe temperature. Test everything before putting it in your mouth. Touch it with just the tip of your tongue to make sure it is a safe temperature. 16. **Avoid crunchy food.** Foods like crackers, chips, and crunchy bread should be off the menu until your burn heals. These can scratch against your burn, which will be very painful. They can also pop blisters, which will slow the healing process and put you at increased risk of an infection. 17. **Abstain from spices.** Spicy food will cause a lot of pain for your healing mouth. The irritation from spices can also slow the healing process. If you're a fan of spicy food, it would be best to abstain for a few days while your burn heals. Also avoid adding any spices like pepper to your food. 18. **Stop eating acidic food.** These are mostly citrus-fruits like lemons, oranges, and pineapples. Citric acid will hurt and slow the healing process. Wait at least 3 days before bringing these foods back into your diet.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Paint a Bike?,"If the paint on a bike is old or chipped, painting over it with a few fresh coats of paint is a great way to give it a brand-new, glossy look. Fortunately, you don’t have to pay a professional to retouch a bike for you. With the right tools and some time on your hands, you can paint a bike that will turn out looking polished and custom made. 1. **Disassemble your bike** Remove both wheels, the left and right cranks, the bottom bracket, the front and rear derailleurs, the chain, the brakes, the handlebars, the seat, and the front forks. If you have any attachments on your bike, like a water bottle holder, take the screws off from those too. Put the screws and tiny parts from the bike in labeled plastic baggies so it’s easier to reassemble it later. 2. **Remove any labels or decals from the bike frame.** You might have a hard time taking them off if they’re old and really stuck on there. If they won’t peel off, use a blow dryer or heat gun to warm them up. The adhesive on the labels will loosen when it’s warmed, making it easier to remove the labels from the frame. If you’re having trouble peeling a label off with your fingers, use a putty knife to lift the edges of the label up off the frame. 3. **Wipe down the frame of the bike before you sand it.** If there’s any glue residue left over from the decals, spray a product like WD-40 on the frame and wipe off the residue with a cloth. 4. **Sand the frame of the bike so the new coat of paint is able to stick.** If the frame has a thick or glossy paint on it, use a low-grit (rough) sandpaper to remove a lot of the old paint. If the frame has a matte paint on it or it’s completely bare, use a high-grit (fine) sandpaper. Use wire brushes, low grit sandpaper, maybe between 80 to 120 grit sandpaper to prepare the surface. You can also use a scraper. Generally, a 5-in-1 painter's tool is very helpful. 5. **Wipe the bike down thoroughly and let it dry.** Use a cloth with soapy water. 6. **Apply painter’s tape to the areas of the frame you don’t want to be painted.** There are a few parts of the frame that should be left paint-free: The posts for the brakes. Any bearing surfaces. Any threads on the bike where something will need to be screwed in when you reassemble it. 7. **Put together a painting station outside.** If you can’t work outside, make sure you set up in a well-ventilated area, like a garage with the garage door open. Lay a tarp or newspaper on the ground to catch any paint that drips. You’ll also want to have a pair of safety goggles and a dust mask on hand. 8. **Hang the bike frame by looping wire or rope through the head tube.** If you’re painting outside, look for something to hang the wire or rope from, like a tree branch or a rafter on a covered porch. If you’re working inside, hang the wire or rope from the ceiling. The goal is to hang the frame in a location where you can easily walk around it and paint every side. 9. **Mount the frame on a table if you can’t hang it.** Put a broomstick or dowel through the head tube and clamp it onto a table so that the frame is securely elevated in the air off to one of the sides of the table. If you don’t have a table, you can mount the frame on a desk, stand, or other structure that will hold the bike off the ground. 10. **Use a high-quality spray paint to paint the frame.** Look online or in your local hardware store for spray paint that is specifically made for use on metal. Avoid generic brands that will leave the coat on the frame looking uneven. Never combine different brands of spray paint. The different paints might react badly with each other. If you want the bike frame to look matte instead of glossy, look for spray paint that says “matte finish” on the can. 11. **Spray paint the first coat on the bike frame.** Hold the can of spray paint around 1 foot (0.3 m) (30.48 cm) away from the frame while you’re spraying it, and keep the can in constant motion. Avoid spraying continuously in one area, or you will end up with drip marks. Make your way around the entire frame until the whole surface has been covered with paint. Don’t worry if you still see some of the old paint showing through the first coat. You want to do several thin coats as opposed to one thick coat, so the old paint will be covered up after you apply more coats later on. 12. **Let the first coat dry for 15-30 minutes before you apply the second coat.** Once the first coat is completely dry, repeat the spray-painting process, making sure you get another thin, even coat on the frame. 13. **Continue applying coats of paint until the old frame is completely covered.** Always wait 15-30 minutes in between coats. The amount of coats you need will depend on the color and type of spray paint you use. When you can’t see the old paint or metal on the frame, and the new paint looks even, you’ve applied enough coats of paint. 14. **Apply a clear coat to protect the bike from rust and keep it looking new.** Wait a few hours after spray painting before you apply the clear coat. Once the frame is completely dry, spray an even layer of clear coat all over the bike, similarly to how you applied the spray paint. For the best results, apply three coats of clear coat. Let each coat dry for 15-30 minutes before you apply the next one. Alternatively, you can use an oxidizing primer made specifically for the metal at the beginning. It will prevent the growth of rust in the future. 15. **Let the bike frame dry for a full 24 hours.** Avoid touching or moving the bike during this period. If you painted outside, check the weather forecast and carefully move the bike inside if it’s going to rain or snow. Once it’s completely dry, go ahead and remove any painter’s tape you put on it during the prepping stages. 16. **Reassemble the bike** Put back on all of the parts you detached from the frame earlier, including the wheels, the bottom bracket, the chain, the left and right cranks, the front and rear derailleurs, the handlebars, the brakes, the seat, and the front forks. Now you’re ready to try out your brand-new looking bike!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Quote in a Research Paper.,"A research paper can be made stronger through the use of quotations. You may use quotes when you need to cite a key piece of primary source material, strengthen your argument through another writer's work, or highlight a term of art. It is important to both use quotations effectively and cite them properly to write an effective paper and avoid plagiarizing. 1. **Understand how to use dropped quotes.** Dropped quotes are partial phrases taken from the middle of a piece of text. Dropped quotes are comprised of only a few words and give no information about the speaker. These must always be introduced within a sentence, and cannot comprise a complete sentence on their own. Use a complete sentence to incorporate a dropped quote. Ex: As Rembrandt’s skill developed, he began painting landscapes that are “romantic and visionary” (Wallace 96). Use a short phrase to incorporate a dropped quote: Rembrandt’s landscapes are “romantic and visionary” (Wallace 96). 2. **Understand how to use full sentence quotes.** As the name implies, full sentence quotes are created by quoting complete sentences that take up less than 4 lines. Although these are complete sentences, they cannot be used as stand-alone sentences in your paper. Introduce them with an additional complete sentence or a signal phrase. Use a complete sentence to introduce a full sentence quote. Ex: Over the course of time Rembrandt’s work began to change and focus on different themes, but as Wallace points out: ""Rembrandt’s great gift as an etcher lay in preserving a sense of spontaneity while scrupulously attending to close detail” (142). Use a signal phrase to introduce your full sentence quote. Ex: As Wallace states, “Rembrandt’s great gift as an etcher lay in preserving a sense of spontaneity while scrupulously attending to close detail” (142). 3. **Understand how to use block quotes.** Block quotes are multiple sentences quoted directly from a source which take up more than 4 lines in your paper, or no more than 3 if you are quoting verse. Because these take up a lot of physical space, they should be used sparingly with a maximum of 1-2 for a complete paper. Incorporate a block quote by adding a complete line space between your own content and the quote, and offsetting it by indenting the entire quote to the right a single time. Introduce your block quote with a colon. Ex: According to Wallace: (add a line break here, and then indent the entire quote). Block quotes do not use quotation marks. You have already stated who the author is/what is being referred to in the introduction sentence. Add the in-text parenthetical citation after the period at the end of the quote, though. If your block quote is inside a paragraph, you don’t have to start a new paragraph at the end of it. Simply add another line break and begin writing along the left margin (with no indent). However, you will need to indent the second paragraph by an extra 0.25 in (0.64 cm) if you are citing more than 1 paragraph. 4. **Understand how to use indirect quotes.** Indirect quoting, or paraphrasing, is when you use a sentence from a source but change the wording slightly into your own words. This is useful when you cannot meet rubric requirements by quoting, or if you’ve quoted too much. Be careful to avoid plagiarism though by changing at least 50% of the sentence. Change the structure of the sentence by moving clauses around. Aim to change at least half of the sentence into a new structure, but also make sure that the grammar is correct and the meaning of the sentence is still clear. You can use a thesaurus to exchange words with synonyms. Paraphrasing should only be done if you are certain that you understand the content you are copying. If you are unclear as to the meaning of the quote, you won’t be able to put it adequately into your own words. When you write your paraphrase, don’t look at the quote. Keep the meaning in your head and create a new sentence to match. 5. **Know where to place commas and periods.** When you’re placing a quote inside your essay, you’ll likely have to use a comma or period at the end. If you’re quoting without giving a citation (because your entire essay is about a single work, for example) commas and periods go inside the quotations marks. If you’ve included a parenthetical citation, the comma or period goes outside the quotation marks after the citation. To use a comma, you might structure the quote with in sentence like this: “Yogurt provides beneficial bacteria to your gut,” so it is good to include 1 serving per day in your diet. To use a period, you might structure the quote like this: “Carrots are a valuable source of vitamin A.” 6. **Know where to place exclamation points and question marks.** If there is an exclamation point or question mark inside the quote you are using, keep it inside the quotation marks. If you’re asking a question or exclaiming the importance of a quote, add the punctuation outside of the quotation marks. If you are asking a question about a quoted question, use a single question mark inside the quotations. Example of a quotation that comes with a question mark: Alice said “but where will I go?” (24). Example of asking a question about a quotation: With so much contention, will literary scholars ever agree on “the dream-like quality of Alice’s adventure” (39)? Example of a question about a quoted question: At this point in the story, readers communally ask “but where will I go?” (24). 7. **Use ellipses correctly.** When you use the majority of, but not all of a quote, or if you begin in the middle of a quote, it is necessary to insert ellipses. These show that some of the sentence is not included in your quote. Use ‘...’ to show that a part of the quote before or after your selection has been excluded. Ellipses can be used in the center of a quote to leave out words that you feel add unnecessary length to the statement without adding value. For example: As the man stated, “reading the book was...enlightening and life-changing.” This is done rather than: As the man stated, “reading the book over the last few weeks was not only incredibly enjoyable, but also enlightening and life-changing.” Ellipses should be used only before or after a quote, not both. If you are only use a part of a quote from the center of a selection, it is just a partial or dropped quote. However, keep in mind that ellipses rarely come at the beginning of a quotation. 8. **Use brackets correctly.** The opposite of ellipses (used to leave something out), brackets are inserted into a quote to add information that you deem important/necessary but which is not included in the quote itself. You can include brackets in a quote to give a few words, typically the name of a person or place that the quote is focusing on, to help the reader understand the context. For example: As scholars have noted, “Rembrandt’s portrait of her [Henrickje, his mistress] was both accurate and emotion-filled” (Wallace 49). 9. **Use colons and semicolons correctly.** If you are using a colon or semicolon after a quote, or there is a colon or semicolon at the end of your selection which you are quoting, place the punctuation mark outside of the quotation marks. 10. **Copy the quote exactly.** If you are using a direct quote, it is imperative that you copy it word-for-word. Include all spelling and grammatical mistakes as well, even if you are aware they are incorrect. If your quote has a mistake that you are aware of, put [sic] (italicized and in brackets) immediately after the mistake. This signifies that you are aware that there is a mistake in the quote, and that it is not a mistake on your part. Ex: As Dormer has noted, “his work is much more valuable now then [sic] it was at the time of its creation.” 11. **Quote in MLA format.** When citing in MLA format, your in-text citation should include the author’s name and the page number that the information is from. You can include these together in a parenthetical citation, or you can mention one in your writing and the other in a parenthetical citation. Ex: We can therefore ascertain that “Rembrandt’s decline in popularity may have been his dedication to Biblical painting” (Wallace 112). Ex: According to some, “another reason for Rembrandt’s decline in popularity may have been his dedication to Biblical painting” (Wallace 112), but not everyone agree on this matter. Ex: Wallace states that “another reason for Rembrandt’s decline in popularity may have been his dedication to Biblical painting” (112). 12. **Quote in APA format.** Slightly different than MLA format, APA requires an in-text parenthetical citation with the author’s last name and the year the text was published. They must be included together in the parentheses, or you can mention the name of the author in your writing and put just the year in parentheses afterwards. Ex: As Billy’s character is described, we learn “Billy wasn’t a Catholic, even though he grew up with a ghastly crucifix on his wall” (Vonnegut 1969). Ex: Vonnegut gives a factual statement with a clear opinion thrown in when he says “Billy wasn’t a Catholic, even though he grew up with a ghastly crucifix on his wall” (1969). Ex: With the knowledge that “Billy wasn’t a Catholic, even though he grew up with a ghastly crucifix on his wall” (Vonnegut 1969), we begin to understand his philosophical standings. 13. **Quote in Chicago style.** The Chicago style of formatting research essays uses footnotes at the bottom of your page rather than in-text parenthetical citations. In order to cite a quotation in your paper, add a footnote number immediately after the ending quotation mark (not inside the quotes). This should be paired with a matching citation at the bottom of the page. 14. **Choose the quotations you want to use in the paper with care.** Overuse of quotations is considered sloppy in academic writing because it relies too heavily on others to make your point. Show not only that can you write, but that you can also judiciously sift through large amounts of research to glean the most important quotes that will support your argument. 15. **Avoid summarizing.** If you’re quoting something directly, it should be done because you have valuable insights based on that particular phrase or set of information. Quotes should not be used as filler, followed by a long summary or paraphrase of what you copied. Make sure that when you discuss the quote, you aren’t simply repeating what the text says in different words. 16. **Use quotes to highlight a specific phrase.** Often times in academic writing, a very specific phrase or term may be used and described by an empirical source. If there is no way for your to better explain or reword this phrase, use a quotation. When possible, try to paraphrase or use an indirect quote to avoid seeming lazy with your writing. 17. **Quote important evidence.** Quotations can be particularly helpful for an argumentative or study-based research paper, as you can use them to provide direct evidence for an important point you are making. Add oomph to your position by quoting someone who also backs it, with good reason. Be sure to elaborate on their point after quoting though, rather than just dropping it into your essay without further discussion. 18. **Be clear when using quotes.** Although helpful at times, quotes that have not been clearly attributed can be confusing and out of place. Make sure your quote is given context before stating it. Although you should have a citation involved as well, it is important to make it clear to the reader that the ideas you are presenting are those of someone else. 19. **Include bibliographic information at the end of the paper.** A ""Works Cited"" page, or other bibliographic source page, is used at the end of the paper to list full publishing information on each quoted source.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Memorize an Essay?,"Memorizing an essay is a great way to ace tests, rock presentations, and increase your overall knowledge. If you want to memorize an essay word for word, take things slowly by studying short parts one at a time. Memorization techniques such as visualization and physical cues can help you recall this information on demand. Of course, sometimes you don’t need to memorize things exactly. You may find it more useful to memorize the main ideas or important quotes instead. 1. **Make a schedule.** Plan out how long you have to memorize the essay. If you have more time, you can study a little each day for 20 or 30 minutes. If you only have a day or 2, you can memorize it in 30-minute chunks with a break of an hour or 2 in between. 2. **Break the essay down into parts.** Memorization is easiest when done in small chunks. Break the essay down into small sections. Depending on the length of the essay, each section might be a few sentences, one paragraph, or even one page. 3. **Memorize a little bit each day.** Start early when you need to memorize something. Give yourself 1 day for every paragraph or page. Master 1 section each day. Once you have memorized 2 sections separately, try putting them together. 4. **Read the essay out loud to start learning it.** Reading the essay out loud is important because it forces you to read and speak every single word in the essay. This will help you remember it. 5. **Test yourself after reading.** After you have studied the text for a while, put it down, and recite as much as you can from memory. At first, you may not remember much, but every time you practice, you will recall more and more. Use a partner to test you on what you've memorized. If you miss a word or forget a line, they can prompt you by telling you the next word or two. You might also want to arrange to practice in front of an audience of a few people. This will help to add some pressure, which may be beneficial to you later. 6. **Start from the end if going from the beginning is not working.** If the essay is long, you may find it easier to start at the end. Begin by memorizing the last sentence or paragraph, then move back to the sentence or paragraph right before that 1. 7. **Break up your study session to memorize quickly.** If you only have a short time to learn the essay, you should study it in small doses with breaks in between each session. Use memory boosting techniques, such as visualization and walking back and forth, to help make your memorization more effective. For example, you might study it for 15 minutes and take a 10-minute break before studying for another 15 minutes. Try writing out the essay once or twice. This can improve your memory. Avoid cramming the night before. Memorizing something in 1 session is not the most effective way to learn it. Repetition in small chunks will help more than cramming the essay all in 1 long session. 8. **Visualize parts of the essay.** Associate different parts of the essay with images. You might imagine the essay coming to life as you recite it. When you need to recite the essay, recall the images to help you remember the words. For example, the first part of the essay might be about tiger conservation, so you might visualize tigers as you go through this part. The second part may be about their habitat, so you might think about a jungle. 9. **Use memory palace techniques.** Imagine a room or building that represents your essay. For every main point, place a piece of furniture inside. Associate each piece of furniture with a point you have to remember. For example, if the main parts of the essay are about family, cooperation, and communication, you might imagine a photograph (family), a table (cooperation), and a telephone (communication). When you need to recall the essay, imagine yourself walking from the photograph to the table and then to the telephone in the proper order. 10. **Link passages to physical movement.** Gestures can help you memorize parts of the essay by associating words with movements. You might tap out a certain pattern when you start a paragraph, or gesture outwards to emphasize a particular word. Pacing can help improve recall. Some people even find doing a simple dance to be useful as they try to memorize the essay. 11. **Give yourself cues if you will present the essay.** As you memorize the speech, give yourself a prompt or cue that can remind you which part goes where. Practice hand gestures with your speech. Put certain gestures at specific spots in the essay. If you are allowed to use flashcards, you might write the basic outline on a series of cards. Glance down at these as you go along. You might ask a friend in the audience to give a signal if you are forgetting a line. 12. **Reduce it to an outline to remember the main points.** Write an outline of the essay's main ideas, concepts, and arguments. Make sure you only include the most important information, and organize it in the correct order. You might memorize the outline instead of the entire essay. 13. **Make flash cards if you want to learn quotes.** If you need to recall quotes from literary or academic essays, write the quotes on flash cards. Memorize the quotes 1 at a time. Make sure you also learn the author, year, and any other information that may be tested. 14. **Draw the main ideas of the essay if you are a visual learner.** Sketch out a flowchart or map of the main ideas of the essay. Put the thesis in the center of the chart, and draw lines out to its supporting ideas. When you need to remember the essay, you can redraw the chart to help you remember all the different pieces you need to recall. You can also draw images in your chart or sketch out the main events of the essay in comic form.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Claim a Tenants' Rights Violation.,"As a tenant, you have many rights which your landlord cannot violate. When a landlord does violate your rights, you can claim a violation by writing a letter to your landlord. The purpose of the letter is to notify the landlord of the violation and to give him or her a chance to stop the violations. Although a letter may be successful, you should nevertheless document the violation and be prepared to sue if necessary. 1. **Identify possible violations.** A landlord can violate your rights as a tenant in a variety of ways. The most common is to violate your right to privacy. According to most state and local laws, a landlord must give you written notice before entering your apartment. However, you may have other rights, depending on where you live: The right to have the property maintained. The apartment should be kept clean and in good repair. Any necessary repairs should be made promptly. The right to heat and hot water. When hot water is provided, it must be made available 24 hours a day. Heat should be sufficient to maintain a comfortable temperature. The right to fair treatment of your security deposits. You should be told where your security deposit is being held. The landlord should also return it to you in a timely manner after withholding allowable deductions, such as owed rent. The right to reasonable subleases. In some states, you have the right to sublease. Although you need to get the landlord’s permission before subleasing, the permission cannot be withheld unreasonably. The right to be free from lock-out. If you fail to pay rent, then your landlord must bring a lawsuit in court to evict you, not change the locks on you. The right to be protected from a retaliatory eviction. If you complain to health and safety officials about the conditions of your apartment, your landlord cannot evict you. Other rights created by your lease or the applicable law. You should read your lease and your state/city’s laws to understand your full list of rights as a tenant. 2. **Check if you were given notice.** If you are claiming a violation of your right to privacy, then check if your landlord gave you notice. Your state and local law will determine what kind of notice your landlord must give before entering the apartment. The law should also explain how much advance notice your landlord must give you. For example, in Washington a landlord must give you at least 48 hours’ notice before entering your apartment, or 24 hours’ notice before entering to show your apartment to a prospective tenant. The notice must also tell you the date and time of entry. Go through your papers and see if you were given a written notification. Most laws require written notification, not oral. 3. **Save evidence of entry.** You may not have been home when the landlord entered your apartment. You should therefore save any evidence you have that shows the landlord entered your apartment. If a neighbor heard or saw the landlord, then take down the witness’s name and contact information. The landlord may have broken something in your apartment. Take photographs of the broken object. Landlords have a right to enter for emergencies. If this happens, then ask the landlord for any evidence of the emergency. He or she should be able to provide you with it. (For example, a neighbor may have heard your smoke alarm going off.) 4. **Document other violations.** If you want to sue your landlord, you need evidence. It isn’t enough to go into court and simply claim that the landlord violated your rights. Your landlord could just as easily deny having committed any violation. Accordingly, hold onto documents or other evidence that shows a violation. For example, if your landlord refuses to return a security deposit, then take photographs of your clean apartment. Also try to get the testimony of someone who helped you clean the apartment. If you were locked out, then you can call the police. The law strictly prohibits a landlord’s ability to lock you out of your apartment. You should get a police report if necessary. 5. **Talk to your landlord.** Depending on the seriousness of the violation, you may want to talk to your landlord first. If you have a good relationship, your landlord will probably appreciate a conversation first instead of a letter. After the conversation, you can send a short note summarizing your understanding of what was said. State your understanding of when the violations will be fixed. 6. **Draft a letter.** You should notify your landlord in writing of any violation. To protect your rights, you must put your landlord on notice of the violations and make a request that the landlord stop violating your rights. There are many form letters on the Internet that you can look at. Try to find one for your state, as your state law might have specific requirements about what you should include in the letter. 7. **Open a word processing document to begin.** You should make your letter a standard business letter. Open a blank word processing document and set the font to a comfortable size and style. Times New Roman 12 point is fairly standard. Make sure that the letter is aligned to the left-hand margin. Instead of indenting each paragraph, double space your paragraphs in a block style. 8. **Insert date and address.** At the top, insert the date you are writing. Then space down two lines and insert the landlord’s business address. Two lines down from the address, insert the salutation, “Dear Mr. Smith.” 9. **Explain the violations.** In the first paragraph, you should explain the violations. Be as specific as possible. Include dates and times. You might also explain how much the violations have inconvenienced you. For example, you could write, “On April 22, 2015 at 12:15 pm and April 24, 2015 at 9:50 am, you entered my apartment without providing any written notice. There was no emergency and you seemed unable to explain why you needed to come into my apartment. Usually, I am at work at those times but was home sick. Being intruded upon in this manner caused me considerable anxiety.” 10. **Outline the law.** In the second paragraph, you need to remind the landlord about the applicable law. This information will depend on the state or city in which you live. For example, if you live in California, then you could write, “I am writing this letter to formally notify you that you have violated by right to privacy, which is guaranteed by Section 1954 of the Civil Code. In the future, I would like to receive the required 24 hours’ notice before you enter my apartment for non-emergency reasons.” If your unit is too cold, you could write, “As required by city ordinance, you must adequately heat my rental unit so that the temperature does not fall below 68 degrees during the day and 55 degrees at night. Several times over the past week I have woken up to an apartment with temperatures in the 40s. I am writing to request that you properly heat my unit.” 11. **Conclude the letter.** In conclusion, you should tell your landlord that he or she can contact you and the time when it would be convenient. You could type, “This notice should be sufficient to correct the violations. If you need to talk with me, please call me at work at 555-5555 between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. You can also email me at” Space down two lines and then insert “Best” or “Yours truly” and then insert your name below. 12. **Mail the letter.** You should send the letter to your landlord certified mail, return receipt requested so that you will have proof that the landlord received it. In some states, once the landlord is on notice of the violation, you can sue in court for any subsequent violation. Hold onto a copy of the letter and staple the return receipt to the letter. 13. **Find the appropriate agency.** You can report violations of state or municipal housing codes. Typical violations you can report include failure to provide adequate heat or hot water, unsanitary conditions such as mold or vermin, missing or broken doors and windows, as well as other health or safety issues. You should contact a government agency only if the landlord violates a government regulation. Your landlord might make an agreement with you that is not required by law. For example, your landlord might agree to paint your walls and include that provision in the lease. In this situation, your right to freshly-painted walls is created by your lease, not by government regulations. Accordingly, you should not complain to a government agency. To find the appropriate agency, search the phone book under “Government.” Look for “Housing.” You can also search the Internet. Type “report housing violation” and then your city or state. 14. **Call the agency.** Many agencies provide hotlines that you can call to report building code violations. In New York City, for example, you can call 311. 15. **Report online instead.** An agency may also provide an email address or an online complaint form. New York City’s website, for example, is You can click on “Make a Complaint” at the left and then select “Get help with Your Home” from the drop down menu. Los Angeles also has an Online Service Request option. 16. **Meet with an inspector.** The state or city may send out an inspector for you to meet with. The inspector will walk through the apartment or the entire building. You should try to be available to meet at any time. Having a government official observe violations can be powerful evidence in case you want to sue at a later date. Try to get a copy of the inspector’s report, if possible. 17. **Think before suing.** Although your law may give you the right to sue for a violation of your rights, you may be creating more problems by doing so. Bringing a lawsuit will certainly strain your relationship. If you hope to continue to rent from the landlord, then you should think carefully before suing. 18. **Seek legal assistance.** If you want advice about whether or not bringing a suit to remedy a claimed violation, then meet with a lawyer. A lawyer can advise you of your rights and help you come up with realistic solutions. For example, if your relationship with your landlord is bad, then you might want to move at the end of your lease. To find a landlord-tenant lawyer, you can visit your state’s bar association, which should have information on how to find attorneys. Your state’s bar association may also run a referral service. Costs may be a concern. However, in many states a lawyer can offer “unbundled” legal services. Under this arrangement, the lawyer does only the work that you give him or her. For example, you could hire a lawyer to coach you. You can also hire a lawyer to look over your lease or any forms that you file with a court. 19. **Consider mediation.** Instead of going to court, you can try to settle your dispute with your landlord through mediation. In mediation, you meet with a neutral third-party, called the “mediator.” The mediator is not a judge and does not decide who is right or wrong. Instead, the mediator listens to each side and tries to nudge landlords and tenants to mutually satisfying solutions. During mediation, each side will be allowed to discuss any issue it finds relevant. You and your landlord are also encouraged to discuss your emotions. Sometimes, a solution presents itself early on in the mediation once each side is allowed to blow off some steam. If no resolution is reached easily, then the mediator might meet with you and the landlord in separate rooms. The mediator then shuttles back and forth, discussing what each party wants. Once the parties are close to agreement, everyone meets with the mediator together in order to find a solution. You can find mediation services for landlord-tenant disputes by calling your city manager’s office or mayor’s office. You may also want to stop into your local courthouse and ask. These programs should be offered either for free or for a very low fee. 20. **Find the correct court.** If you want to go ahead with a lawsuit, then you must find the correct court to bring suit in. Depending on where you live, you will probably sue in small claims court or in housing court. Small claims courts have caps. Depending on your state, the cap could be anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000. If you are suing for more money than the cap, then you will need to sue in regular civil court. 21. **File your complaint.** Courts should have printed “fill in the blank” forms for you to use. Stop into court and ask the court clerk for the complaint form. You start a lawsuit by filing a complaint. In the complaint, you allege each of your landlord’s violations and request relief. You file the completed complaint with the court clerk. You will probably have to pay a filing fee. Ask the court clerk for the fee amount. If you cannot afford it, then ask the court clerk for a fee waiver. You will also need to serve notice of the lawsuit on your landlord. Ask the court clerk for acceptable methods of service. Typically, you can serve notice by having someone 18 or older personally serve a copy of the complaint and a summons on the landlord. There are time limits to serving notice. Ask the court clerk for how much time you have. It is generally a good idea not to wait. 22. **Represent yourself in court.** Small claims and housing courts have been designed so that you can seek relief without a lawyer’s assistance. The key to winning your case will be having sufficient documentation and evidence of the violation. Gather all evidence: your letters to the landlord, any photographs or video, and the names of witnesses. If you need to compel a witness to attend, then ask the court clerk for a subpoena and serve the subpoena on the witness. For information on how to represent yourself in small claims court, see Win in Small Claims Court.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Post Pictures on Instagram from Your Computer.,"This wikiHow guide shows you how to use your computer's web browser to upload photos to Instagram on PC or Mac. Although the Windows 10 Instagram app no longer lets you make new posts, you can still upload (on any operating system) by adjusting some settings in Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. 1. **Open Google Chrome on your computer.** You'll usually find it in the Start menu on a PC, and in the Applications folder on a Mac. This method will let you post a photo to Instagram, but you won't be able to use any of the editing tools. 2. **Click the ⋮ menu.** It's at the top-right corner of Chrome. A drop-down menu will appear. If you don't see this menu icon, click on at the top of your screen, then and then click on . Then, skip ahead to step 5. 3. **Select More tools.** You'll find this option near the bottom of the drop-down menu. 4. **Click Developer tools.** It's at the bottom of the pop-out menu. A window containing a bunch of code will appear on the right side of the window. This is the Developer Tools window. 5. **Click the ""mobile"" icon.** It's at the top-left corner of the Developer Tools window and looks like a phone overlapping a rectangle. This turns the icon blue, and the browser window will now display the open page in a mobile view. If this icon is blue, the mobile view is already enabled. 6. **Go to** If you were already signed into Instagram on your computer, this will display your feed as though you were browsing on a phone or tablet. If you're not signed in, click Log In, and then follow the on-screen instructions to sign in. 7. **Click +.** It's at the bottom-center part of the page. This will open a File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) window on your computer. 8. **Select a photo.** You may first have to open the folder where the photo is saved. 9. **Click Open.** It's in the bottom-right corner of the window. This uploads the photo. 10. **Edit the image.** Your editing options are limited when posting with Chrome. You can click the Rotate icon at the bottom-right corner of the preview to rotate, or click Filter at the bottom-left corner to select a pre-made filter. Depending on your computer's security settings, you may not see the ""Filters"" tab. You can try disabling any privacy and/or ad-blocking extensions to see if that makes a difference. 11. **Click Next.** This blue link is on the upper-right side of the ""New Post"" page. 12. **Enter a description.** Click the ""Write a caption..."" text field, then type in a description for your photo. If you'd like to tag a location or another Instagram user, click one of those options on the screen. 13. **Click Share.** It's a blue link on the upper-right side of the page. The photo will be posted to your Instagram page. When you're ready to return to the normal browser view, click X at the top-right corner of the developer tools panel. 14. **Open Safari.** You can do this by clicking the blue compass icon in the Dock, which is usually at the bottom of the screen. 15. **Enable the ""Develop"" menu.** Skip this step if you already see a menu called ""Develop"" in the toolbar at the top of the screen. If not, here's how to enable it now: Click the Safari menu at the top of the screen. Click Preferences.... Click Advanced. Check the ""Show Develop menu in menu bar"" box. Close the Preferences window. 16. **Press ⇧ Shift+⌘ Cmd+N.** This opens a new private Safari window. 17. **Click Develop menu.** It's at the top of the screen. 18. **Select User Agent.** It's near the top of the drop-down menu. Selecting it prompts a pop-out menu to appear. 19. **Click Safari -- iOS 12 -- iPhone.** If there is a more recent version available, click that instead. Doing so will reload Safari in mobile view. 20. **Go to** This will take you to the Instagram login page. 21. **Sign into your Instagram account.** Follow the on-screen instructions to sign in. Once you're logged in, you'll see your Instagram feed. 22. **Click +.** It's at the bottom-center part of the page. This will open a Finder window. 23. **Select a photo to upload.** If the photo is in a different folder, open that folder first to find it. 24. **Click Choose.** It's on the bottom-right side of the window. This attaches the photo to a new post. 25. **Select a filter (optional).** You'll have fewer editing options in this version of Instagram than you would if you were using a phone or tablet. Clicking one of the pre-made filters will apply it to your photo. 26. **Click Next.** This blue link is on the upper-right side of the page. 27. **Enter a description.** Click the ""Write a caption..."" text field, then type in a description for your photo. If you'd like to tag a location or another Instagram user, click one of those options on the screen. 28. **Click Share.** It's a blue link on the upper-right side of the page. The photo will be posted to your Instagram page. To switch back to the regular view in Safari, click the Develop menu, select User Agent, and then select Default. 29. **Open Firefox.** If you're using Windows, you'll find it in the Start menu. If you have a Mac, it'll usually be in the Applications folder. 30. **Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+P (PC) or ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+P (Mac).** This opens a new private window. You can also click ☰ in the upper-right side of Firefox and then click New Private Window to do this. 31. **Click the ☰ menu.** It's at the top-right corner of Firefox. 32. **Click Web Developer.** This option is near the bottom of the menu. 33. **Click Web Console.** It's near the top of the menu. This opens a new panel at the bottom of Firefox that contains a bunch of code. This panel is called the Web Console. 34. **Go to** This opens Instagram's login page. 35. **Click the ""mobile"" icon on the Web Console.** It's near the top-right corner of the Web Console, which is the panel at the bottom of the screen. It looks like a tiny iPhone overlapping a square. This switches the login page to one that looks more like the mobile version. You can also just press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+M (Windows) or ⌘ Command+⌥ Option+M (Mac) to do this. If this keyboard combination doesn't work, try clicking the Web Console box first. 36. **Click the Responsive menu.** It's at the top of the page. A list of different mobile phones and tablets will appear. 37. **Click iPhone 6/7/8.** You can actually select any of these models. This will just determine the type of screen you'll see. If you see a message at the top of the page that says your changes won't be saved until you reload, right-click a blank area of the page to open the context menu, then click the refresh button (a circular arrow). 38. **Click Log In.** It's the blue button near the center of the page. 39. **Sign in to your account.** Enter your login details to sign in, or click Continue with Facebook to authenticate with Facebook. 40. **Click +.** It's at the bottom of the page. This will open a File Explorer (PC) or Finder (Mac) window on your computer. You may need to scroll down to see the icon at the bottom of the window. If so, make sure that you scroll down while the mouse cursor isn't on the iPhone ""screen"" in the middle of the page. 41. **Select a photo.** You can do this by opening the folder that contains the photo and then clicking the photo one time. 42. **Click Open.** It's in the bottom-right corner of the window. This attaches the photo to a new post. 43. **Click the Filter tab.** It's below the photo. This displays a list of filters you can add to your photo. If you don't see this option, your privacy settings may be preventing the tool from running. Try disabling any browser add-ons and trying again. 44. **Select a filter.** The image preview will update with the selected filter. 45. **Click Next.** This blue link is on the upper-right side of the ""New Post"" page. 46. **Enter a description.** Click the ""Write a caption..."" text field, then type in a description for your photo. If you'd like to tag a location or another Instagram user, click one of those options on the screen. 47. **Click Share.** It's a blue link on the upper-right side of the page. The photo will be posted to your Instagram page. To return to the normal browser view, click the X at the top-right corner of the Web Console.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Use Deductive Reasoning?,"Deductive reasoning is also referred to as the “top down approach”, where you start with a general idea and work your way down to a specific idea or a specific solution. As professor Nyaboke Christopher Marwa puts it, deductive argument is from universal to particular. Often you learn how to use deductive reasoning in science class in high school to prove or disprove a hypothesis, but deductive reasoning can also be applied in other areas of your life. You can apply deductive reasoning at home with a partner or sibling during an argument or discussion or at work when trying to come up with a business solution. Deductive reasoning can be a useful tool for analyzing a situation or issue and coming up with a specific solution or answer. 1. **Understand the deductive argument.** When you use a deductive argument, you are trying to prove an argument is valid by showing that the argument’s assumptions are true. The premise of the argument needs to seem strong enough to support a specific conclusion. If the premise of the argument rings true, the argument can be proven as sound or logically correct. For example, you may notice that it’s sunny outside when you wake up. You may then deduce that your husband left the house without an umbrella and not wearing a raincoat. You can then make a deductive argument that your husband will come home without an umbrella and in a sports coat, not a raincoat. Based on an analysis of the premise, you can form a deductive argument and make an assumption that has a high likelihood of being correct. A deductive argument focuses on making a guaranteed conclusion, where the truth of the conclusion is highly probable. The argument should contain a truth that is implied by the premise. You can conclude your husband is not carrying an umbrella when he gets home, for example, because the premise (sunny skies) implies the truth of your argument or conclusion. 2. **Use deductive reasoning to validate your partner’s assumption.** There are numerous situations with your spouse or partner where you can use deductive reasoning to validate an assumption. This can vary from smaller assumptions to larger assumptions. For example, your partner may complain that he is always late for work in the morning. He may then make the assumption that he will get to work on time if he leaves the house earlier in the morning. You may then point out that it takes your partner about thirty minutes to get to work every day, regardless of traffic. You can then make a deductive argument: if your partner leaves the house no later than 8:15 am, he can get to work by 8:45 am and not be late for his 9 am day.You have deduced that his thirty minute commute means he must leave by 8:15 am to arrive at work on time. In this way, you are using deductive reasoning to support his assumption. You may also be in a situation that may have more serious consequences if the deductive argument is not followed. For example, your partner may be allergic to nuts. You can then deduce that he should not eat ice cream that contains nuts, as this could lead to an allergic reaction and serious health issues. The premise, that your partner is allergic to nuts, proves your deductive argument, that your partner should not eat the ice cream that contains nuts. 3. **Apply a deductive argument to a family member’s issue or problem.** Deductive reasoning can also be useful for solving an issue or problem. Often, deductive reasoning comes into play when someone has lost an item or a problem needs to be solved. For example, your sister may tell you she lost her phone charger. Rather than search aimlessly around the house for the charger, you can use deductive reasoning to make an argument for where the charger may be found. Start by gathering information from your sister in the form of a question and answer. You may ask her, “Who last used the charger?” “When was the last time you used the charger?” “Where do you usually plug in the charger in the house?” Based on her answers to your questions, you can use deductive reasoning to make an assumption about where the charger can be found. For example, she may answer, “Mom used it yesterday to charge her phone” or “I usually plug it into the bedroom outlet”. If she provides the first answer, you can deduce that your mother may know where the charger is located. If she provides the second answer, you can deduce that the charger is likely in the bedroom outlet. In both instances, you can use deductive reasoning to reach a conclusion that could be valid and true. It can then lead to recovery of a lost item or the solution to an issue or problem. 4. **Understand deductive reasoning in relation to science and mathematics.** Deductive reasoning is often used to make inferences in science and math, as you must use formal logic to support a conclusion or a solution. You can use deductive reasoning in a science class or a math class to test an existing theory or hypothesis. In science, you can then support your conclusions with experimental data. In math, you can support your proof with supporting proofs or equations. Deductive reasoning is often represented as the general (X) and the specific (Y). There are three steps to forming a deductive argument. First: You will note that every X (general) has the characteristic Y (specific). Second: You will note that the thing you are trying to prove is X (the general). Third: You can deduce the thing you are trying to prove has the characteristic Y (the specific). For example, you may start with the general idea: Every rose has thorns. You may then note: The thing in my hand is a rose. You can then make a deductive argument: Therefore, this thing I am holding can probably prick me. From this deductive argument, you can do further experiments to find cases where your argument may not be true. For example, you may try to find roses that do not contain thorns or that can be manipulated to not grow thorns. You may also investigate why roses have thorns and what purpose thorns serve on roses. 5. **Apply deductive reasoning to a scientific problem.** You can use deductive reasoning as part of your scientific method in science class. Forming a deductive argument is an important step in a scientific study, as it allows you to make assumptions about your hypothesis and then test those assumptions through experiments. You can then use the data from the experiments to confirm or dispute your hypothesis. Start by observing a phenomenon that forms a problem or question. For example, you may observe in your chemistry class that noble gases are stable. You may then make a hypothesis by using deductive reasoning. Noble gases are stable. Neon is a noble gas. Therefore, you can deduce that neon is stable. You can then design an experiment that supports or refutes your hypothesis. This may be an experiment where you test and observe neon’s reaction to certain environments, particularly environments where it is clear when a gas is stable or unstable. You will then collect the data from the experiment and analyze the data. The data should be given a rigorous analysis to ensure your conclusion is well supported. Finally, you will make a conclusion using the data. You will need to determine if the experiment refutes or supports your hypothesis, or your deductive argument. If it confirms your hypothesis, you can confirm your deductive argument: Noble gases are stable. Neon is a noble gas. Therefore, neon is stable. 6. **Solve a math problem with a deductive argument.** In mathematics, deductive reasoning can be used to formulate the answer to a mathematical problem. The more complex the mathematical problem is, the more complex your deductive argument (or proof) will need to be. In the most basic form, a deductive argument in mathematics could be represented by: If A=B and B=C, then A=C. This means that you make a general argument: A=B. You then note a more specific argument: B=C. You can then deduce the following argument or proof: A=C. 7. **Use deductive reasoning to solve a company problem.** You can apply deductive reasoning in your workplace by using it to solve a company wide issue or problem. This logical approach can lead to smarter business practices and higher cost savings, as there will be less guessing and uncertainty around the problem or issue. For example, your company may have difficulty determining how many flats of printer paper to order every month for the office. You may decide to apply deductive reasoning to this issue. First, you will start by asking several general questions: How often is the printer used each month? How many flats of printer paper did the office use every month for the past four months? Is the amount used consistent every month? Second, you can use the answers to your general questions to form a deductive argument. If the printer is used every day, fifty times a day, on a constant basis each month, and if the office used an average of 50 flats of paper a month, you can then deduce that there should be an order of 50 flats of paper per month for the office. You have used information to form a premise (50 flats used on average a month) and then formed a deductive argument based on the premise. You can then place the order and note if the paper lasts for the full month. If so, you can continue to order 50 flats of paper every month. If the paper runs out before the end of the month, you may need to adjust your premise and your deductive argument. However, the logic of your argument is based on a high probability of truth in the premise and will likely be proven true. 8. **Address a client issue with deductive reasoning.** You can apply deductive reasoning in a situation with a client that goes sideways, especially if the client is very logic focused. Deductive reasoning is useful for businesses who are trying to come up with practical solutions to problems or issues. However, it is important that you gather enough supporting information from your client to ensure the solution or deductive argument is based on a solid premise. For example, your client may have an issue with the way you are communicating with her. She may complain that she does not feel she is kept up to date on the status of the project you are both working on. You can then ask your client several general questions: How can you provide more up to date information? In what ways can you make the client feel more connected? What information would she like to be made aware of in relation to the project? Your client may note that she would like status reports every week. Based on the client’s answers, you can form a premise: weekly status reports will keep your client happy. You can then deduce that weekly status reports will ensure your client is up to date on the status of the project. You can apply this deductive argument by providing your client with weekly status reports. The deductive argument has a high probability of being effective, as it is based on a logical and supported premise. 9. **Settle a dispute between employees with a deductive argument.** You can also apply deductive reasoning to a dispute or argument between employees. To do this, you will need to isolate the premise of the dispute and form a deductive argument based on the premise. For example, you may have one co-worker who claims that his cubicle mate is always forgetting to turn off his computer before he leaves for the day. The cubicle mate may then argue that the co-worker forgets to turn off his computer as well. This could lead to a heated dispute between both employees. As the mediator, you will need to form a premise that could solve the dispute or the issue. You should ask the employees several questions, including: What tactics could you both use to remember to turn off your computers? How can you both support each other and make sure the computers are always turned off? What tactics are used by other employees to ensure their computers are always turned off? You can then use the employees’ answers to form a premise. For example, the employees may agree that whoever is the last person in the cubicle will turn off both computers. The premise may then be: the last person in the cubicle is responsible for turning the computers off. You can then deduce that based on this premise, the computers will always be turned off. Apply this deductive argument as a solution to the dispute between the employees and observe if the argument helps to reduce the dispute. Though it can be difficult to predict human behavior in terms of logic, you can safely assume the solution will work to resolve the dispute, as it is based on a strong premise.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Evangelize.,"Sharing your faith with nonbelievers can be intimidating and difficult, but also incredibly rewarding. Evangelism is a cornerstone of the Christian faith and can be a great way to connect with people and share your passion in a tactful, friendly manner. You can learn to make the whole process easier by reading a few simple evangelism tips, starting below with Step One. 1. **Pick an appropriate location and time.** If you want to get out and share your message with as many receptive people as possible, let them come to you not you to them. High-traffic areas good for evangelism might include downtown business districts, street fairs or farmers' markets, and college campuses. Avoid evangelizing around churches of other faiths and other places that might be contentious or difficult. The subway platform at 8 am won't find most people in a chatting mood. Use your judgment. It might be a great idea to evangelize outside a punk rock club on a Friday night, if you can pull it off, or it might just lead to arguments. Make sure to follow any solicitation laws in the area and abide instructions from business and property owners who might want you to move on. Be courteous and leave. 2. **Prepare your personal message.** You might outline and mark particular verses or stories from the Bible you hope to highlight in your evangelism. Also, prepare anecdotes from your own life as a believer that might serve to interest someone in becoming a member of your church. Whatever you think will connect with people in a personal way is appropriate. You might share: Favorite verses and stories. Important verses. The story of your faith. Your history in the church. 3. **Prepare a store of probing questions to ask.** It's helpful to transition from simple conversation into a discussion of faith by leading with probing questions, and it helps to have a good list of them to draw from so you're not struggling to come up with them on the fly. Good questions might include: Do you believe in an afterlife? What do you think happens when you die? If you died right now, do you think you'd go to heaven? Why? Do you feel fulfilled in your life? Do you ever feel like something is missing? Do you ever pray? 4. **Prepare yourself.** You might consider praying and preparing yourself for a day of talking about your faith. Some people find it very hard to share their faith and experiences in the Church, and it takes courage to talk about what you believe in to people who might not always be interested in listening. Get a group together to evangelize as a unit. Don't approach people in a gang, but take frequent breaks and talk about how it's going individually. Having a support group will make the job a lot easier, letting tips and advice flow freely through the group. 5. **Don't rush directly into the topic of witnessing.** Start with some small talk and ask about what has been going on in his or her life lately. Don't expect that anyone would immediately trust you. It will take a while before someone opens up to you. Ask them if they have any pain or sickness and offer to pray for them. A healing from God will help show them that God is real and cares for them. The Billy Graham Association said that 90% of converts remain in a church when they find a friend there. So if you are in college or school, you can do this experiment: sit with someone in the cafeteria for 3 days and make a friend first, then talk faith on the third day. The results may be startling for you, the student may pour his/her heart out to you, even for hours, with questions. 6. **Lead with a probing question.** Ask a question that will lower the person's guard and get them thinking about larger existential issues, making them receptive to an exchange of ideas. A question like, ""What do you think happens when you die?"" or ""Do you believe in an afterlife?"" can be effective at transitioning the conversation into your territory. A most effective evangelistic tool that you can use is a survey. You can ask four questions about an individual's life, and after you know the needs and beliefs, witness to each based on the point of view. 7. **Listen and pay attention.** Evangelism isn't just waiting for an opportunity to speak, it needs to be a real conversation and exchange of ideas. When you ask a question like, ""Are you happy in your life?"" or ""Do you ever feel as if you're missing out on something?"" really listen to the answer someone gives. Aside from giving them the feeling that they have a willing listener, you need to pay attention to what they're saying to learn to respond accurately and convincingly. Avoid pressing the persons that are totally closed to you, but persist with the ones that are open. Listening closely will help you to gauge this interest and open them up even more. 8. **Talk about your testimony to encourage the person.** Tell them about your version of Christianity, what it means to you, and how your faith has changed your life for the better. It's important to treat this conversation as a conversation between two people, putting a face on the Church. In general, you'll want to avoid getting into overly complicated discussions of dogma and theology, focusing instead on the importance of faith and salvation. 9. **Talk about the Ten Commandments.** The Commandments are typically somewhat familiar to the lay person, and a conversation about ""laws"" can be an effective transition into more theoretical concepts and ideas. Even non-believers can agree that lying, killing, and stealing are to be avoided, and hearing it laid out in those terms can make closed listeners more receptive. 10. **Lay out the ABCs.** Some evangelists like to use a basic introduction method of becoming a Christian as a way of giving a possible convert a concrete list of steps to keep in mind when thinking about developing their faith. The ABC method breaks down like this: A: Admit that you are a sinner B: Believe that Jesus Christ is the son of the Lord and died for your sins C: Confess your belief to Christ 11. **Provide receptive people with a Bible and other appropriate literature.** Have some Bibles on hand to gift to the most receptive of the people you communicate with. If your church has provided you with tracts or specific documents they hope to disseminate, give them to as many people as possible, interested or not. 12. **Lay out a plan with them.** A person isn't going to become spiritually mature and be ""Saved"" after talking to you for five minutes. What's the next step? What should this person do tomorrow and the next day to build and maintain their new interest in your faith? Where might you direct them? Consider exchanging information, or giving them literature about your Church if you don't feel comfortable giving them your personal contact information. 13. **Pray with them.** If the person has never prayed before, they might be curious and nervous about the process, which you can help facilitate by walking them through their first prayer session. Say a simple and brief prayer, introducing them to it as a practice. Tell them how to pray and when to pray. 14. **Recommend a church in the area.** If you're in a town that's not your own, take some time becoming familiar with churches in the area that you can recommend. Knowing the time of the next service could be a nice way to give your possible converts a good next step.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Clean Mold Off Concrete.,"Choose from several cleaning agents to remove mold from concrete. Spot test a small area with your chosen cleaning agent to make sure no damage occurs. You’ll need to wear protective gear and scrub the moldy areas vigorously. Rinse exterior concrete afterwards with a power washer. Interior concrete can be wiped dry. Merely killing mold won’t prevent it from returning, so make sure to address the water source that is causing the mold. 1. **Choose a cleaning agent to treat the mold, like white vinegar or bleach.** You can use a mold-killing detergent, diluted bleach, vinegar, or a commercial cleaner made specifically for killing mold. Don’t mix anything other than water with bleach, as certain cleaning agents can produce highly toxic fumes when mixed with bleach. For a diluted bleach solution, mix three parts water with one part bleach in a bucket. You can also use white vinegar to kill mold. Don’t forget to test a small, discreet area first. Bleach and other chemicals can discolor concrete that’s been colored or stained. 2. **Remove affected items.** Any organic material adjacent to the moldy area can be infected. Throw away any disposables like cardboard boxes. Set aside other removable items like furniture or area rugs. 3. **Apply the solution.** Use a heavy duty sponge or scrub brush to apply your chosen cleaning solution to all visible moldy areas on the concrete. Scrub the areas vigorously. If you’re using mold-killing detergent, apply it directly to the spots and scrub it with a bristle brush. Don’t use a wire brush, which can scratch concrete. Wear old clothes, rubber gloves, safety goggles and a respirator or dust mask. 4. **Let the solution soak.** If the spots aren’t lifting, leave the solution to sit for several minutes. Then scrub the areas with the solution until the mold is gone. 5. **Rinse outdoor concrete.** Use a hot water pressure washer for the fastest and most effective rinse. Wear safety goggles, sturdy footwear and long pants. Use a pressure rating of at least 3000 psi with a flow rate of at least four gpm (gallons per minute). This should lift any organic matter that has seeped into the pores of the concrete. If you don’t want to use a pressure washer, try a regular water hose. You can rent a pressure washer at a home or building supply store. You may need a van, pickup truck or SUV to transport it, and a friend to help load and unload it. Ask the rental agent how to use the washer and to give you any safety precautions. Find out if the washer comes with nozzles. Don’t use settings finer than fifteen degrees. Never use a zero degree nozzle on a pressure washer. 6. **Dry interior concrete with a towel.** Once it’s dry, inspect carefully for any mold that may not have been cleaned. If there is still visible mold, rinse the area clean and try one of the stronger methods you haven’t used yet: diluted bleach or commercial cleaner. 7. **Clean items you’ve set aside before placing them back in the area.** Leather, wood or inorganic furniture can be deep cleaned. Upholstered furniture with visible mold will need to be disposed of or reupholstered by a professional. Carpet that shows significant mold growth or is soaked completely through will need to be removed. 8. **Check the land for sloping and debris.** Dirt should be slightly sloped away from the house so that water will travel away from the perimeter rather than pool up against the outer walls. Don’t allow wet leaves or other debris to pile up against the exterior walls of your home. Pooling water can seep into the home and cause mold to grow inside the house. If your driveway is showing signs of mold, consider removing trees or shrubbery that are blocking sunlight on your driveway. Mold thrives in damp and shady areas. 9. **Examine how water is discharged outside.** Sump pumps should discharge water at least twenty feet from your home. Your gutters should expel water at least six feet away from the exterior walls. If your gutters are releasing water too close to the home, install gutter extenders. 10. **Check for water seepage.** Make sure none of your outside hose spots are dripping. Examine the perimeter of the building for any potential water dripping or seepage. 11. **Stop interior leaks and condensation.** If there are any leaks – for example in your piping or roof – repair them. Insulate your roof, exterior walls, windows and pipes to cut down on moisture that forms condensation. 12. **Reduce the humidity indoors.** If your mold problem is indoors, increase the ventilation to prevent warm and stagnant air where mold can thrive. Make sure large appliances are vented, such as your washer and dryer. Make sure kitchens and bathrooms are well ventilated. Run air conditioners and dehumidifiers as needed. 13. **Waterproof the concrete.** Seal the concrete with water-proofing chemicals. Seal any cracks in the concrete walkway around your home with concrete, caulking or tar. If you plan to paint concrete walls, use a waterproof sealant first, then apply stain-blocking primer and paint. For outdoors, try a high quality acrylic sealer made for exterior use. If your weather tends to be warm and humid, look for a low-solids solvent-based sealer. Choose dry, sunny weather and allow the sealer to dry for at least two to three days.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Measure Kitchen Cabinets.,"Cabinets are a central feature of just about every kitchen. Cabinets provide a functional and fashionable way to store food, dinnerware, equipment, and other cooking necessities. Whether you're installing new cabinets or changing up your existing ones, it's important to get complete, accurate measurements to prevent unnecessary spacing issues. 1. **Make a general sketch of the kitchen.** When it comes time to install your cabinets, you'll need to have a clear, accurate blueprint of your kitchen and everything in it. On a blank sheet of printer or graph paper, sketch out the shape of your kitchen and make marks indicating where your windows and existing appliances are. You don't need to nail the exact placement of everything since you'll be making separate notes indicating distance. 2. **Find the height of your kitchen.** Place a plank of wood on a segment of floor you plan to install cabinets over. Using a level, check whether or not the plank is completely flat. If it isn't, add small shims to either side until it is. Mark the area of the floor that needed the fewest shims, then remove the plank and measure from that spot to the ceiling. Note the measurement on your blueprint, then repeat the process for each section of installation floor. 3. **Measure the width of each wall.** To see how much horizontal space your cabinets can take up, measure the width of each wall from corner to corner and record the numbers on your blueprint. Take your measurements from 36 in (91 cm) up, or the height most cabinet countertops sit at. Make sure to note any gaps in your walls created by things like doorways and arches. 4. **Get measurements for any objects connected to the wall.** Even in stripped down, bare-bones kitchens, you'll typically find a sink, an oven, windows, and other major accessories fixed to the wall. To see how much space they take up, grab a tape measure and find their length, width and, if necessary, depth. Remember to record the measurements on your blueprint. 5. **Find the distance between objects on the wall and both your floor and ceiling.** This will help you make sure there are no obstacles in the way of your cabinet installation. If something located over an installation spot, such as a window or sink, sits lower than the top of a base cabinet or higher than the bottom of a wall cabinet, look into moving your cabinet or purchasing a custom cabinet designed to accommodate the object. 6. **Make note of any existing lines, jacks, outlets, and other fixtures.** Like all parts of your house, your kitchen can only function properly if it has access to water, electricity, and other utilities. To avoid damaging your kitchen's infrastructure, make notes on your blueprint indicating the location of all important lines and fixtures, including: Water lines Drains Power outlets Range outlets Light switches Light fixtures Ventilation shafts Phone jacks 7. **Find the total height and depth of each cabinet.** Using a tape measure, determine the height of each cabinet from base to tip and the depth of each cabinet from front to rear. For accuracy, figure out the depth by measuring from the outside of each cabinet, not the inside. Make sure to include any toe kicks, countertops, frameless doors, or other appendages in these measurements. Standard size base cabinets have a height of 36 in (91 cm) and a depth of 24 in (61 cm). Standard size wall cabinets have a depth of 12 in (30 cm) but feature variable heights. 8. **Measure the width of each cabinet.** Just like when finding the height and depth, determine the width of each cabinet using a tape measure. Keep in mind that even if a cabinet looks like a single unit, it may be made of multiple cabinets that each have their own width. Unlike with the previous measurements, kitchen cabinets do not have standard widths. 9. **Find each cabinet's interior measurements.** The inside of a cabinet will be slightly, if not significantly, smaller than the outside. Because of this, you'll need to find each cabinet's interior height, width, and depth separately from the exterior measurements. This is especially important if you plan on altering the inside of a cabinet with things like shelves or mirrors. 10. **Check the measurements of any cabinet appendages.** Depending on a cabinet's specific design, it may come with additional elements like a toe kick, oversized countertop, or frameless door. Though your initial measurements already included these appendages, finding their height, width, and depth separately will give you a more accurate picture of how large each cabinet is. 11. **Find the distance between your kitchen cabinets and other fixtures if necessary.** If you plan on adding, removing, replacing, or extending a kitchen cabinet, you'll need to know the distance between it and any surrounding fixtures. To do so, run a tape measure from your cabinet to adjacent or nearby objects like windows, sinks, ovens, dishwashers, and other cabinets.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Make Blowgun Darts.,"Blowguns are simple and powerful weapons used by tribes in the Amazon forest. They shoot poisonous darts that either paralyze the victim or kill it. Darts and blowguns can be made at home with minimal expense. If used responsibly, they can make a fun and impressive toy. Misusing blowguns can be extremely dangerous. In this article I will teach you how to make one at home. 1. **Decide what sort of dart you want.** As a rule, smaller darts will fly faster. Heavier darts will hit harder. This makes a difference whether you want to use your blowgun for precision work (like shooting against a dartboard) or breaking things (like glass). Fundamentally, the process is the same. However, knowing what you want to use your darts for is important before you go out and buy the materials. The sort of tip you ultimately give your dart will have a significant impact on its use as well. 2. **Acquire supplies.** There are usually two or three parts to a dart. All blowgun darts will have a nail (for impact) and a flight (the part at the end for aerodynamics). Flights can be made by wrapping small pieces of paper into cones. A third part to the dart may be the tip. In some cases, you may want to modify the end of the dart. Whether for safety or utility's sake, you can add something to change your dart's impact. Type #16 and #18 wire nails are recommended for blowgun darts. Choose between the two based on your preference between speed and impact. Sticky notes are perfect for the flight. They're already a good size so you won't need to cut off too much. They're also often brightly coloured, which will make it easier to retrieve your darts once you begin firing them. A tip of a dart can be anything, so long as it doesn't get the way of the dart's natural aerodynamics. For use in your house, some tape to dull the pointy end can help, although some will use a tip to make a dart more damaging. 3. **Make a flight.** Because this is a homemade project, you can go many ways about making a flight for your darts. As mentioned, easy flights can be made by rolling sticky notes into cones. Form them into a cone, and tape the crease to keep them steady. Alternatively, you can glue short pieces of yarn around an ear plug. From there, the nail can impale through the ear plug and function just as well as a dart. In order to find the perfect length for your cone flights to be, try sticking them in the barrel you'll be using. Cut off at the point where the cone doesn't fit in. Try to make your darts consistently. It helps to get really good at one kind of dart. What's more, you'll adjust your shooting style to match the weight and impact of that type of ammunition. 4. **Add the nail.** A nail is usually simple to add to your flight. This involves sticking it through the central part of the flight and bringing it all the way forward. In the case of a cone flight, stick the nail through the back end so that the flathead is covered by the cone. From there, hot glue the nail in place. Once the nail is settled, you are ready to add a tip. 5. **Decide between soft and hard-tipped darts.** Just as with the making of the dart frames themselves, tipping darts begins with a choice. Before giving darts a tip, you should have a solid idea what you'll be using the darts for, and what you'll likely be aiming them at. Soft tipped darts aren't likely to puncture or break things, so they can be used in indoor settings without fear of damaging anything. In contrast, hard-tipped darts can be used to puncture or shatter targets. Tipping darts doesn't generally take as much time as making the rest of the dart, but the possibilities are much more varied. For the sake of safety, if you're just starting out with making darts, it's recommended you begin with soft-tipped darts. That way, you can perfect your craft before moving trying something that could potentially hurt someone. For this reason, soft-tipped darts are becoming more popular. You can make projectiles from most anything. Just make sure there is enough mass to the projectiles for them to gather velocity. 6. **Leave the dart nail as is.** Most dart styles have a pointed tip. This allows the dart to puncture its target. If you've made your own darts using a nail for the flight, your dart will come pre-equipped with a hard-tipped puncture dart. If you have precision metalworking equipment, you can sharpen the nail tip further or dull the end. 7. **Tape the nail end.** Taping the nail end is a quick way of giving yourself a functional soft-tip. Tape will dull off the end and lessen the risk of your darts puncturing anything. It should be kept in mind, however, that this approach does not make the darts totally safe. For a truly safe soft-tipped dart, you will want to replace the nail with something different. 8. **Give your darts a metal head.** Metal headed darts are sometimes called ""glass breakers"", due to their shattering force. To make a glass breaker, you should remove the nail shaft from your dart. Using the hole it's created in the cone, slide a small screw in, with the screw head facing forward. These screws should be kept fairly small. They need to be small enough to be projected, and it doesn't take a lot of size to shatter a glass target. Metal head darts can be purchased professionally as well, if you ant something that packs extra punch but don't want to invest the time in making it. 9. **Repeat until you have a stockpile.** One dart could technically suffice, but it makes more sense to rack up, at least, a few of them. That way, you can use the blowgun without having to retrieve the dart each time. 10. **Consider purchasing blowgun darts professionally.** The same as with the blowguns themselves, you can simply choose to buy darts from a professional outlet if you lack the time, materials or skill for it. Outlets like Cabela's have a solid variety of different dart types you can purchase from. If you're thinking of hunting with a blowgun, it's recommended you use professional ammunition. Expert blowgun users may go as far as to modify professional darts after they buy them. It requires professional-grade metalworking equipment for customizations to reasonably benefit you however. 11. **Use marshmallows for ammunition.** As silly as it may sound, marshmallows can make a perfect ammunition for blowguns. Marshmallows are very light, so they tend to shoot very far with a regular amount of force from the blowgun. They can be bought cheaply in bulk from a grocery store, and are completely safe to shoot around indoors. You can make a fun game out of using marshmallows . You can try to shoot a marshmallow into someone's mouth from a distance. This is great for parties. 12. **Load your blowgun with paintballs.** Paintballs are a great sort of pre-made ammunition. They're usually small and light, so they're perfect for use in a blowgun. Paintballs can get pretty messy, so they're only recommended for use outdoors. Paintball repeaters are available for purchase. They attach to the mouthpiece end of a blowgun and load a new paintball with the press of a button. 13. **Experiment with different targets.** There are pre-made targets for blowguns you can purchase online. Otherwise, part of the fun of using a blowgun is experimenting with all of the different things you can shoot at. Try combining different types of targets with different kinds of darts and see how different combos turn out. It is recommended in the long run that you make a wide variety of darts. Certain types of darts favour certain activities, but you're bound to have the most fun if you have the widest range of opportunities at your disposal. 14. **Consider buying a blowgun.** If you're not a DIY type of person, blowguns can be purchased fairly easily at a hunting or firearms store. Generally speaking, the blowguns you get professionally will be more effective than something homemade, and if you're looking for a quick fix, it's something you should look into before putting the time aside to make one yourself. On that note, you can buy darts as well. However, purchasing everything from a store would rob you of some of the satisfaction of using one you made yourself. 15. **Choose the appropriate materials.** Traditional blowguns were fashioned from hollowed wood. For your own blowgun, there are different sorts of material you can use. If you want to make it natural, river can and bamboo are recommended, as they are already mostly hollow. Assuming you don't have easy access to these supplies, a half-inch PVC pipe is perfect. You can buy these at a hardware store. A precision cutting knife is necessary to cut pieces down to size. If you're using something other than a PVC pipe for your gun chassis, you'll need something to burn and smooth out the insides. A ramrod is best if you're working with solid wood. A red-hot steel tip is good for bamboo or river cane, as it will burn out the excess materials inside. Making a blowgun from a regular, solid piece of wood is not recommended, especially if you haven't done something like this before. All the same, if you do want to try it, you'll need to have a length of wood that could be shaped into a straight pole with a half-inch diameter inside of it. As the hollowing process is time-consuming, you can expect to spend several times the amount of time on this than with other types of blowgun. 16. **Cut your barrel down to size.** A blowgun can be any length between three and seven feet. Longer blowguns generally mean longer ranges, although they're harder to carry and properly aim. Using a precision knife, cut your PVC pipe (or natural substitute) to a length that suits you. If this is your first time building a blowgun and you don't know where to start, make a shorter one. Three-foot blowguns are easiest to use, and you'll get the hang of it without using too much material. Make sure your cut is clean and straight. Rough or slanted edges will increase drag in the barrel. 17. **Cover your barrel.** A blowgun can always use a cool look. If you're making something from home, part of the enjoyment is in making it look as professional as possible. For the look and traction, it's recommended you wrap it up in a coloured masking tape. Buy a coloured tape from a hardware store you think suits the blowgun. Set the blowgun lengthwise against the blowgun and pull the tape up to wrap partway around it. From there, turn it around and do the same on the other side. Look up professional designs for blowguns if you need some inspiration on how to cover up your gun. 18. **Add an laser-assisted aim.** In general, blowguns are simple devices. The ranges you'll be shooting from won't make it necessary to have aim assistance, but it can make a fun addition for your blowgun. A laser pointer is perfect for this, as they're very cheap and relatively powerful. Buy one from a dollar store. Set some hot glue 8 1/2 inches away from the firing end of your blowgun and glue it down. Take care to make sure the laser pointer runs perfectly parallel with the gun barrel. Tape down the laser pointer with some tape to secure it further. Many laser pointers also come equipped with a flashlight, making your blowgun capable in night situations as well. Calibrating a scope or laser-assisted aim takes patience. Tape your laser in a place you think you want it to go. Keep shooting in the same place at an optimal range and adjust your scope if the dart doesn't hit where the aim indicates it will go. Set glue and secure it when you've decided on a placement. 19. **Shoot it!** Find a safe target, and have some practice. Lodge a dart in one side, and blow it out the other. Experiment with different arcs and velocities. It helps to have a strong set of lungs.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Teach Public Speaking?,"Speaking in public is an important skill throughout school and in life. Trying to master it can trigger fear and anxiety in many students. Learning to talk confidently in front of an audience, whether big or small, is something that will benefit your students throughout their lives. Fortunately, there are a variety of creative techniques and approaches out there to help you teach your students how to speak effectively in public. 1. **Break the ice with simple introductions.** Building up students’ abilities to speak publicly starts with getting them to simply talk to their classmates. Ask students to write down their name and to share something they think is interesting about themselves. Then go around the room and have each person introduce themselves to the class. If you have a particularly quiet or large group, you can work up to this by having students introduce themselves to the person next to them. A fun variant of this is to ask students to interview a partner in the class. Then the students introduce each other to the group. 2. **Foster a supportive environment with positive feedback.** As the instructor it’s important for you to provide a good example for your students by giving lots of encouragement and praise to students for trying their best. Speaking in front of a group can be scary, but it’s easier if the group is kind and friendly. Get the class more involved as listeners by asking them to identify 1-2 strengths in their classmates’ presentations. 3. **Allow your students to lead a group activity or class discussion.** Ask your students to take turns leading the class in an activity or discussion that they plan. This model for speaking takes some of the pressure off as it is not really a traditional presentation. However, it still requires the student to organize material and speak about it in front of the class. Avoid calling the activity “public speaking,” because this can frighten students. 4. **Incorporate low-stakes speaking opportunities into routine activities.** Practice makes perfect, or at least better. So, rather than build students up to a few big deadlines, have them complete smaller, low-stakes presentations on a regular basis. For example, you can begin each class by asking students to weigh in on a question you pose to them. Alternatively, you can let your students take turns proposing a question of the day. Give your students the freedom to discuss what they want to at least some of the time, as it’s much easier to talk when you are invested in the subject material. 5. **Practice deep breathing techniques with your students to calm nerves.** Breathing and keeping the body relaxed are important when confronting a stressful presentation. Ask your students to learn and practice this basic relaxation approach before they speak: Ask your students to find a quiet place where they can focus. Have them shake out their arms and legs, and blow air through their lips. Have students stand tall, raise their arms over their head, breathe deeply and exhale slowly as they lower their arms. Ask them to continue to focus on breathing, directing their breath into their stomach and exhaling calmly and slowly. 6. **Teach your students to use visualization to boost confidence.** You can help your students learn to build themselves up before speaking. Ask students to take a few minutes before they present to close their eyes, breathe deeply and calmly, and visualize themselves successfully giving their presentation. 7. **Ask your students to practice positive-affirmations to instill confidence.** Students should draft a 1-2 sentence affirmation that stresses positive traits and abilities. Have your students practice reciting these in front of a mirror a few moments before they speak to the class. For example, “I know what I’m talking about and people are interested in what I have to say,” is a good affirmation. Repeated, it can build confidence before a speech. 8. **Teach your students to stand in a power pose when they speak.** If you stand like a starfish, with your feet spread to shoulder length, chin up, chest out, and with your hands on your hips, your body responds by reducing cortisol, the stress hormone, and increasing testosterone levels. Teach your students to practice this posture and encourage them to use it when they present to the class. Body posture does make a difference in how you feel about yourself. Give your students practice standing in a power stance, smiling, and making eye contact. 9. **Encourage team presentations.** Although working with others can be challenging, presenting as a team alleviates some of the pressure that speaking solo can carry. By diffusing the responsibility for the presentation across two or more students, the stress of the situation diminishes, and students can grow more comfortable speaking in front of a group. Make sure that each student participates in the presentation so that shy or quiet students are not overshadowed by more boisterous peers. 10. **Ask students to share a recorded video presentation.** Making video presentations is important in its own right, but many students may find it easier to present to a webcam than to a group of their peers. By asking students to prepare and show a video, you allow them to also see and hear themselves and it takes some of the pressure off. Have your students host a follow-up Q&A where the class asks questions and they have to respond. This will help further develop their ability to think on their feet. 11. **Assign small group presentations.** Break students into small groups and have them present to eachother. By reducing the size of the audience, you’ll minimize the stress of speaking in front of others. Build up to more formal, full-class presentations from these smaller breakout sessions. Involve students in the process by asking each student in the group to provide 1-2 pieces of constructive criticism to one another. 12. **Tell your students to make mistakes on purpose.** Assign your students a project where they intentionally do something wrong. Then ask the rest of the class to identify what they did that was incorrect. You can help the students get over the worry of “messing up” while also teaching the “dos and don’ts” of public speaking. Much of the fear and anxiety surrounding public speaking has to do with worrying about mistakes. Another approach is to ask your students to say tongue twisters until they make a mistake. This can be fun and can help alleviate the stress of speaking in public with laughter.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Eat Well and Stay Healthy the Mediterranean Way.,"The Mediterranean diet is a style of eating that may help you lose weight and improve your health. It's based on the diet typically eaten in countries and regions bordering the Mediterranean sea. It emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes while featuring smaller proportions of meat, poultry, dairy and sweets. Many studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Adopting a Mediterranean style diet and lifestyle may help you eat better and stay healthy. 1. **Eat mostly plant-based foods.** One of the main components of the Mediterranean diet is eating mostly-plant based foods. These types of foods should make up the majority of your diet. Plant-based foods include a wide variety of foods — some that are high in protein, fiber and many vitamins and minerals. Eat mostly: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans and lentils. You should include one or more of these food groups at each meal and snack. Nuts and seeds are especially prevalent in the Mediterranean diet. They contain a significant amount of protein, minerals and heart-healthy fats. Include 1–2 tablespoons (14.8–29.6 ml) per serving. Another prevalent plant-based food in the Mediterranean diet are citrus fruits. Lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruits provide high amounts of Vitamin C, which has been shown to be a powerful antioxidant. 2. **Replace butter with heart-healthy oils.** Another trademark characteristic of the Mediterranean diet is using a lot of olive oil. It's used both for cooking and for dressing different foods. Butter is a less nutritious choice compared to olive oil because it's very high in saturated fat. Some studies have linked higher amounts of saturated fat to heart disease. Olive oil on the other hand is considered a superior and more nutritious type of fat. It's very high in monounsaturated fats which have been associated with decreased risk of heart disease. Even though olive oil is a healthier choice of fat, it's still a fat and should be measured when you're using it. One serving is one teaspoon and you should limit your servings to two to three per day. 3. **Limit red meat.** Red meat consumption is higher in the US compared to many other countries. The Mediterranean diet typically includes red meat only occasionally — maybe once or twice a month. Red meat has been associated with a variety of negative health effects when eaten in large quantities (like heart disease and diabetes). Recently, a study showed that high quantities of red meat are associated with a shortened life span. Substituting other protein sources (like tofu, beans, nuts or eggs) has been associated with decreased risk of heart disease and diabetes. 4. **Include low-fat dairy products.** Another great source of protein found in the Mediterranean diet is from dairy products. Add in a serving or two of these during the day. Low-fat dairy contains a great deal of protein, but these foods also contain high amounts of calcium, vitamin D and potassium. Dairy products can include: yogurt, cheeses, milk or cottage cheese. Measure out the correct serving of dairy foods. Indulge in 1/2 cup of yogurt, 1 oz of cheese or 6 oz of low-fat milk. 5. **Eat seafood at least two times a week.** In addition to consuming many different sources of plant-based proteins, the Mediterranean diet also emphasizes the consumption of fish and shellfish. Most Mediterranean-style diets recommend eating fish or shellfish at a minimum of twice per week. Include a 3-4 oz serving of fish or shellfish at dinner. Many fish and shellfish are higher in omega-3 fats. This particular type of fat has been associated with decreased risk of heart disease, lowering blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Most seafood is a great choice, and fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines are particularly high in heart-healthy fats. 6. **Cook with herbs and spices instead of salt.** Salt enhances the flavor of your foods, but using more herbs and spices like the Mediterranean diet does still adds a lot of flavor to your foods without the added sodium. Salt increases the risk of hypertension, which may lead to cardiovascular disease or stroke. Herbs do not have any negative effects and are beneficial in the diet. Try: Basil: This herb is very high in essential oils and phenolic compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties and may improve chronic inflammation such as arthritis. It is also high in beta-carotene, lutein, and vitamin A, which do an exceptional job of protecting the body from free radicals. Marjoram: This plant has been used for a wide variety of ailments including colds, relieving menopause symptoms, stomach cramps and gas. Oregano: This herb has been associated with decreasing respiratory tract disorders, GI disorders, PMS symptoms and urinary tract infections. It is also rich in iron, dietary fiber, calcium, manganese, vitamin c, A, and omega-3 fatty acids. Parsley: This popular herb has been thought to help prevent cancer, diabetes, and improve bone health. It also contains high amounts of Vitamin A, K and C. Sage: This herb may reduce cognitive ailments like Alzheimer’s and dementia in addition to possibly lowering blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Thyme: This herb may be effective against fungal infection, particularly those around your toenails. It also may help to reduce acne, high blood pressure and certain types of cancer. Mint: This plant may aid digestion, relieve seasonal allergies, prevent the common cold, and can help prevent bacteria growth in your mouth. Rosemary: This herb may boost your immune system and can aid digestion. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the severity of asthma attacks and stimulates the flow of blood to your brain, which may improve cognitive issues. Garlic: This spice has been implicated in numerous health benefits like: decreased risk of heart disease and hardening of the arteries, decreasing high cholesterol, decreasing your risk for a heart attack and decreased risk of high blood pressure. 7. **Indulge in a glass of wine.** Consuming wine in moderation may reduce your chances of developing cardiovascular diseases in addition to improving your HDL (the ""good"" cholesterol) and protecting your coronary arteries. Many research studies have shown that consuming wine in the right quantities — one glass (5 oz) or less daily — has its benefits. Wine helps to dilate arteries and enhance the flow of blood in your body. Phenols in wine also help to reduce bad cholesterol. Try drinking one 5-ounce glass of wine per day if you drink alcohol. 8. **Eat smaller portions.** The portions typically served in the United States are much larger than necessary. When eaten, these large portions can contribute to excess calorie intake, weight gain and obesity. The Mediterranean diet features smaller portions. These smaller portions can help keep calories low and lead to weight loss or weight maintenance. Measure portions of all foods. You can use a food scale or measuring cups to stay on track. Guesstimating or ""eye-balling"" portions generally leads to larger portions than necessary. Protein foods should be 3-4 oz per portion, vegetables should be 1 cup or 2 cups of leafy greens, fruit should be 1/2 cup and grains should also be a 1/2 cup per serving. 9. **Exercise regularly.** People in the countries bordering the Mediterranean are much more active than people in the US. Their increased activity level is partially why their lifestyle is considered very healthy. Physical activity has been associated with many health benefits including: increasing high density lipoprotein (HDL or the ""good"" cholesterol) levels, decreasing triglyceride levels, decreasing your risk of diabetes and high blood pressure, improving arthritis-related pain, and the reduction of some cancers. Try to do moderate-intensity aerobic exercise at least five times a week for 30 minutes during each session. This will help you meet the minimum guideline in the US of 150 minutes of physical activity weekly. Take up walking, running, biking, swimming, and hiking to get aerobic exercise. In addition, incorporate two to three days of 20 minutes of strength training each week. You should also try yoga or pilates that will help to build up your strength and flexibility. 10. **Walk and move more throughout the day.** People that live in Mediterranean participate in more lifestyle activity compared to people in the US. Being more active throughout the day has been shown to have similar benefits to aerobic activity. Lifestyle activity are those exercises that you incorporate into your daily routine. For example, taking the stairs or mopping the floor are considered lifestyle activities. People in the Mediterranean tend to have more lifestyle activity in their days. For example, they walk to and from destinations or ride their bikes instead of driving. Being active is a key part of their daily routines. Think about your day, work schedule and overall week. Where can you fit in more movement or more steps? Can you ride your bike to work? Can you walk to the pharmacy or grocery store? Can you take the stairs instead of the elevator? Try to add in more steps in your day. 11. **Eat mindfully.** Another aspect of a Mediterranean diet and lifestyle is that they typically eat more mindfully compared to the rushed lifestyles of the US. Eating mindfully can help you eat less, enjoy your food more and may even help you lose weight. Mindful eating is a style of eating. It's a way of eating that helps you become more aware of the types of foods you're eating, how much you're eating and how fast you're eating. To eat more mindfully, try to: take 20 minutes to eat your meal, remove distractions from your eating area (like TVs or cell phones), take smaller bites, chew more thoroughly and tune into your body's sense of satiation of fullness. 12. **Manage stress.** It can be difficult to manage chronic, lifestyle stress; however, studies have shown that people who live in the countries bordering the Mediterranean are better at stress management and have lower incidence of heart disease. Try to manage stress as best as you can. Try: listening to music, taking a walk, meditating, doing yoga or talking to a friend or family member. If stress is too difficult to manage or you're unsure on how to start managing stress, consider seeing a life coach or therapist for additional help.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Defeat Your Enemies.,"In life, we develop friends but we can also develop enemies. Sometimes they’re bullies and other times they turn out to be the people closest to you. By knowing how to interact and handle these people in your life, you can move on without living in fear. 1. **Figure out what kind of enemy you're dealing with.** Not all enemies are created equal. Depending on who your enemy is and the nature of your relationship, you need to learn more about how they work before you can learn to defeat them. Nemeses are like the opposite version of you. You'll find nemeses at work, at school, and in other situations where you're paired with like-minded similar people. Everything tells you that you should be friends with your nemesis—you've got similar interests, goals, and hobbies—but you just don't get along. Your nemesis is the oil to your water. Frenemies are friends that you don't like. Well don't ever be friends with your enemy, not even frenemies. But when you're hanging out, she doesn't ever stop bragging. Frenemies are irritating, toxic, and a real downer. Enemies are tough. From the classroom to the workplace, enemies are serious threats to your ability to get through the day. An enemy is someone who thinks you're taking their popularity, so they hate you and always win at everything. 2. **Keep your enemy close.** The old adage is true—if you keep your friends close, keep your enemy closer. If you want to vanquish your enemy, you've got to learn how they win at everything. That means talking with your enemy, watching your enemy, and learning everything you can about the way your enemy thinks. Many bullies, frenemies, and other kinds of enemies operate from a place of jealousy. Often, enemies will pick on things that they have anxiety about in their own life. If you're being picked on about one thing, it might be because your enemy has anxiety about the same thing or they just want to be mean and embarrass you. Enemies also hate people they view as threats. In the workplace or at competitive schools—any time competition is involved—enemies will seek to eliminate you from winning. That means you're in a bad position. 3. **Observe your enemy.** Analyzing the way your enemy antagonizes you will help you plan a way of getting back. Who does your enemy associate with? What are your enemy's interests? What does your enemy want? Learn what motivates your enemy and what your enemy is struggling with on a personal level. What is your enemy's home life like? Where does your enemy come from? Do some research and answer these questions. 4. **Find your enemy's weakness.** Every enemy has a weakness, no matter how strong they seem when they're putting you on their heels. Finding that weakness will be essential to planning your revenge and getting your enemy humiliated. Some common enemy weaknesses are: Hubris. Just like in the ancient Greek stories, excessive pride can lead to the downfall of many enemies. If you've got a braggy, boastful enemy, being put in a position of embarrassment will be devastating for this enemy. Good revenge might mean setting your enemy up for some public embarrassment or failure. Confidence. Many bullies are really just big babies who have no self-confidence or belief in their own abilities. Lots of bullies are really just looking for companionship and friends, because they feel undervalued and unloved. These types of bullies might respond better to a kinder tactic. Competitiveness. Many enemies are hyper-competitive jerks who've allowed their love of winning to overcome other considerations, like human decency and kindness. Learning to disengage and freeze these enemies out is the best way of handling them and disarming their ability to torment you. If you don't play, they can't win. 5. **Tell your enemy to stop antagonizing you.** If someone is bothering you and you want them to stop, there's a super simple way of handling it: tell them stuff that you have new. If someone is getting in your face with antagonizing or bullying behavior, put your hand out like a crossing guard in the ""stop"" motion. Take a deep breath. In a calm, even voice, say something like, ""Stop! I need you to stop right now."" If telling a bully to stop doesn't get them out of your face, continue repeating the phrase. If they fail to get a rise out of you, most bullies won't be entertained enough to keep on with it. After failing enough times to provoke you, most bullies might just leave you alone. If a bully escalates things after you tell them to stop, it's not inappropriate to tell someone, a teacher, parent, or a superior in the office. Get someone else on your side. 6. **Avoid your enemy as much as possible.** The best way to defeat any enemy is to get them out of your life completely. Avoid enemies as much as possible to disarm them and steal their ability to offend, torment, and irritate you. If you're struggling with a bully, use your observational skills to steer clear of their haunts and spend time in other places. Don't give them the opportunity to antagonize you. If you've got to see your enemy on a regular basis, like at work or school, and you're forced to interact with them, your job will be tougher, but not impossible. The best way to avoid these enemies is to avoid listening to them. Put in earbuds when your enemy's spouting off in the school, so you won't have to listen to it, or show up right before the bell rings in class and sit on the opposite side of the classroom. It'll be like they're not even there. 7. **Play it cool.** When your enemy confronts you, the best tactic is to turn into the ice man. Play it cool. Real cool. Don't get upset, or try to argue back when your enemy launches into their irritating, bullying behavior. Just look at them like you would an irritating swarm of ants, or your cat's puke. A minor inconvenience. Emotional reactions are like water for the plants of enemies. Withhold it and they'll die. Even if you do react, make it cool and calm. Never angry. Practice picturing your enemy doing something ridiculous, like singing opera or wrestling with an octopus, when they're confronting you. Don't listen to the toxic spew coming from your enemy's mouth. Practice reciting a mantra any time they speak, focusing hard on replacing the words you hear with something positive. Your favorite song lyrics, a poem, or a prayer might be an appropriate little passage to memorize for these occasions. 8. **Freeze out your enemy.** The cold-shoulder can be a powerful and effective tool in fighting enemies. Bullies, frenemies, and nemeses all want attention. They want an audience and will pick on people to help lift themselves up and stand out above the crowd. The best way to disarm this? Ignoring them entirely. When your enemy comes around, literally act as if nothing were happening. No sound, no other person present. Give them absolutely no reaction whatsoever. Even if your enemy is standing two feet away from you shouting your name, just ignore them and talk to a friend as if nothing were happening. 9. **Find safety in a group.** There's an old adage about enemies that's true: the enemy of your enemy is your friend. It's likely that your enemy's alienated more people than just you. Find other people to bond with over your mutual distrust of a common enemy. Then plot revenge! Bullies will most often pick on individuals who they think is a threat at beating them. If you've got a cadre of good buds to hang out with, though, you can deflect a single bully easily by turning the numbers back on them. 10. **Prank your enemy** Under certain circumstances, a proper prank may be the best way to get back your enemy. This is especially true with particularly prideful or egotistical enemies, who might do well to get knocked down a peg or two. Some common enemy-revenging pranks might include: Hacking into your enemy's email to send compromising list-serv messages that will embarrass your enemy. Order something embarrassing to have delivered to your enemy at the office. A big box full of old Pro Wrestling magazines, or adult diaper catalogs, or strange and exotic pornography to the workplace. Make sure to have it deliver to the building, not to your office suite, so the delivery person will have to wander around to all the offices and find your tormentor personally. Go crude. Poop in a paper bag on your enemy's doorstep? Jolly Ranchers in the shower faucet? An upper-decker in the toilet tank? You be the judge of how far is too far. 11. **Move on.** The best revenge? Living well. The best way to get a bully out of your life is to move past it and put them in the rear window. Ignore your bully, freeze out your enemy, and get on with your life. If your enemy sees that they were unable to make a significant effect on your life, all the power will be taken out of their immature attempts to get your goat. 12. **Don't look for a fight, but learn to defend yourself if necessary.** You should never let your enemy provoke you into a physical altercation, but some enemies are set in their ways and force your hand. You'll be able to be much more confident in your ability to move through your day-to-day if you know you'll be able to handle any situation that arises. Don't move around in fear. Get prepared. 13. **Learn to throw a punch** Fights don't work like in the movies, where both people throw a million hard right-hands right to the face until someone hits a KO. Most fights are over very quickly. Learning to properly form and throw a punch will make sure that you don't make a valuable movie mistake if the situation calls for it, so you'll be able to throw a high-probability punch accurately and end the fight sooner rather than later. Make a fist by wrapping your fingers into your hand firmly, but not so tight you cut off the circulation. Wrap your thumb around the bottom of your knuckles, not around your index finger and not inside your fingers. Extend the middle knuckle of your middle finger slightly. This is where your fist should make contact, not your big knuckle, where your fingers connect to your hands. Punch in a straight line, keeping your elbows in and throwing linear punches, not big circular haymakers. There's a lot more power in a straight jab than in a big swing. Aim for the nose, the neck, or the stomach. Punching someone in the jaw, cheek, or forehead will end up hurting you more. Aim for soft spots and swing hard. 14. **Learn to play defense** Keeping a good defensive position is just as important as throwing a solid punch, if not more important. Remember, it's not a Rocky movie: a couple solid punches into your kisser and you're going to be on the ground, which is exactly where you don't want to be. Hold your fists, loosely formed, up near your face and shift your weight so your shoulder and hip on your dominant side are pointed at your opponent. Don't square up to your opponent, but turn to one side, to make a smaller target. Keep your hands up near your chin and the side of your head at all times, when you're not swinging. 15. **Move forward, not back.** As you punch, go straight in toward your opponent, holding your defensive posture, and make it your goal to knock them down. The best way to do this is to look as big as possible and advance, advance, advance. Don't let yourself get pushed backward. While it may seem unbelievable and will go against your natural instinct, it's much safer and less painful to move into punches instead of backing away from them. Keep moving forward and getting your enemy to retreat, rather than stepping back. If you have to take a hit, meeting it halfway, before it's reached its full power, will hurt less than at the apex of the swing, where you're more likely to get knocked down. Move forward and get your enemy to shift back. 16. **Keep moving.** Stick and move, say the boxers. If you find yourself in a fight, don't just stand there lead-footed, unless you want to get your block knocked off. Stand on the balls of your feet, bouncing slightly and moving your head back and forth, as if you were dodging a pesky bee flying at you through the air. Make your head a moving target and you'll be tough to hit. 17. **Stay on your feet.** Try not to fall down under any circumstances, or take the fight to the ground. Standing up for yourself with a quick fist-fight is sometimes the best way to deal with a tough situation, if your enemy pushes you into it, but a fight that ends up wrestling around on the ground is dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. If you knock your opponent down, back off. Say, ""This is over,"" and walk away. You'll have proven your point. 18. **Look for the quickest way to escape.** End a fight as quickly as possible by looking for an exit. If you knock your opponent down with a well-timed punch, don't give them the opportunity to get madder and come up swinging. Just say, ""Look, I'm done with this. I don't want to fight you. You started this, and I'm finishing it."" Then make a quick exit and go out on a high note. With any luck, your enemy should be vanquished. Again, fights should always be the last resort to dealing with your enemy, and should be avoided at all costs.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Propagate Lucky Bamboo.,"Lucky bamboo is a popular houseplant that people love to give as a housewarming gift. Despite the name, lucky bamboo isn't really bamboo, and is instead a species of Dracaena. The easiest and fastest way to propagate new plants is by taking a cutting from a healthy stalk. After you remove an offshoot from the main stalk, you remove the leaves and place the offshoot in water until it grows roots of its own. From there, you can continue growing the new lucky bamboo in water, or transplant it to soil to continue growing. Luckily, propagating lucky bamboo is easy and doesn’t take much time. 1. **Remove the lucky bamboo stalks from their container.** Take the lucky bamboo from its container and remove any wire that’s holding the stalks together. Gently comb through the roots with your fingers to separate them, and then separate all the stalks. Pour the water from the container into a colander to drain the water and catch the pebbles. Lucky bamboo often comes with wire holding the stalks together, but the wire can damage the plant, so it’s best to remove it. 2. **Choose a healthy stalk with a long offshoot.** The parent stalk should have at least 2 nodes, which are the lines separating the lucky bamboo stalk into segments. Once you’ve identified the healthy, long stalks, look for a good offshoot. The offshoot should be 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) long, and should be dark green and growing from 1 of the upper nodes. Nodes are the areas on a plant from which leaves grow. 3. **Trim off the offshoot.** Use a sharp knife or pair of small pruning shears to carefully cut the offshoot from the parent stalk. Trim the offshoot as close to the stalk as possible. Then, use the shears or knife to trim off an additional ⁄4 inch (0.64 cm) from the bottom to make a straight cut. 4. **Remove the bottom sets of leaves.** Use your fingers to gently peel off the bottom sets of leaves from the cutting. Leave at least 1 set of leaves at the top intact. Removing the bottom leaves will redirect the plant’s energy to producing roots. It’s also important to remove the leaves so they don’t rot when you place the offshoot in water to root. 5. **Place the cutting in a jar filled with distilled water.** Fill a mason jar or other glass jar with 4 inches (10 cm) of distilled or bottled water. Put the cutting in the water with the cut end in the bottom of the glass. The cutting shouldn’t be completely submerged. If you have more than 1 cutting, you can put them all in the same jar. It’s important to use distilled or bottled water, because these don’t contain chlorine, which will damage the bamboo. If you want to use tap water, pour the water into the jar and let it sit for 24 hours to let the chlorine break down before putting in the cutting. 6. **Place the cutting in indirect sunlight for a month.** Transfer the cutting to a bright location that’s protected from direct sunlight. As the cutting sits in the water, it will begin to grow roots of its own. Eventually, you'll be able to plant or grow the cutting as its own plant. The rooting process will take about 30 days. 7. **Replace the water weekly.** Once a week, hold the lucky bamboo stalk in place and dump out the water from the jar. Replace the water with fresh distilled or bottled water. This will prevent the water from stagnating. As necessary, add more water to the jar to replace what’s evaporated or been absorbed by the growing plant. 8. **Transfer the bamboo to a larger vase.** When the lucky bamboo offshoot has had about a month to grow new roots, you can transfer it to its own vase. Fill the bottom of a jar or vase with at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) of pebbles, marbles, or gravel. Place the stalk into the jar, setting the bottom firmly in the pebbles to keep it upright. Fill the vase with about 4 inches (10 cm) of fresh, dechlorinated water. You can also plant the lucky bamboo in the vase with the other lucky bamboo that you took the cutting from. 9. **Change the water monthly.** Lucky bamboo that’s grown in water needs a regular supply of fresh water. Every 30 days, drain the water in the vase and replace it with new water that’s been bottled, distilled, or left out to dechlorinate. If the water evaporates quickly throughout the month, top off the vase with fresh water. 10. **Plant the lucky bamboo in soil as an alternative.** Lucky bamboo also thrives in soil. Find a small pot that’s at least 3 inches (7.6 cm) deep, and that has good drainage holes. Fill the pot with a well-draining potting mix, such as cactus potting soil. Press the bottom of the lucky bamboo stalk 2 inches (5.1 cm) into the soil. Water the soil, and keep the soil slightly moist at all times. Use bottled, distilled, or otherwise dechlorinated water to water the bamboo. Fertilize the soil with a lucky bamboo fertilizer or diluted liquid house plant fertilizer to help the bamboo grow. 11. **Place the bamboo in bright, indirect light.** Bamboo needs lots of bright light to thrive, but it will burn quickly in direct sun. Find a bright location for the bamboo, such as a partially shaded windowsill, where it will get lots of light every day. 12. **Trim off the top above the next node.** Take the stalk from which you took the cutting and place it on a cutting board. Locate the node from which you cut the offshoot, and then find the next node down. Measure ⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) above that node, and then use a sharp knife or shears to trim off the top of the lucky bamboo stalk. Cutting the stalk just above the node will encourage new offshoots to grow. 13. **Dip the cut tip in white, unscented soy wax.** Light a candle and allow it to burn for about 30 minutes. This will give the wax time to become liquid. When there's a small pool of liquid wax, dip the top of the trimmed stalk into the wax to seal the cutting. This will protect the wound from infections. The best type of wax for this is unscented white soy wax. Dyes, fragrances, and petroleum-based waxes could damage the plant. 14. **Return the stalk to the jar.** Place the parent stalk back into its original jar with the other stalks. Transfer the pebbles or gravel from the colander back to the jar to secure the stalks in place. Fill the jar with distilled water and return the lucky bamboo to its normal location.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Start an Aquarium Shop.,"If you’re a fan of fish or aquariums and want to start your own business, you may want to open up an aquarium shop. Fish and aquarium shops can be pretty lucrative, provided you go about planning, stocking, and running your business the right way. With a little determination, creativity, and forethought, you can turn your business idea into a successful aquarium shop in no time! 1. **Create a detailed, goal-oriented business plan for your shop.** Write out what the short- and long-term plans for your company are in terms of appealing to customers, turning a profit, and expanding, if applicable. This will help you predict any hiccups you might experience in starting your business, such as figuring out how to secure funding or what area of town is the best location for your business. Traditionally, business plans are broken down into some combination of these 9 nine sections: executive summary, company description, market analysis, organization and management, service or product line, marketing, funding, financial projections, and appendix. Be as detailed in your plan as possible. Make a list of the smaller details about your business, such as owner’s and employees’ responsibilities, the types of services you’ll provide, and what prices you intend to offer your products at. 2. **Research the competition to figure out where you can fit in the market.** To maximize your chances of success, you’ll need to determine what you can offer in your aquarium shop that customers in your area can’t get from your competitors. Visit other aquarium shops to see what products and services they sell, what prices they offer, and other relevant aspects of their businesses. Another good way to do this type of research is to learn what leading aquarium shops are doing, then figure out how you could do it better. For example, if a major aquarium shop offers free next-day installation, see if your store can offer free same-day installation. 3. **Obtain any necessary licenses, certificates, and insurance.** Check with your state and local governments to learn what types of licenses and certificates your business will be required to have. Because you’ll be working with animals, your shop will also be subject to any animal welfare laws that exist where you’re located. For example, if your aquarium shop is located in the United States, it is required to be licensed under the Animal Welfare Act. If you’re unsure what licenses, certificates, or insurance you’ll need, you may want to hire a business attorney who can help guide you through these legal questions. Ideally, try to hire one with experience working with pet stores. 4. **Find a suitable empty store or lot to establish your shop.** It may seem counterintuitive, but you’ll want to look for an available storefront as close to your biggest competitor as possible, in order to take advantage of the foot traffic that their store generates. Plus, if they’re successful, it’s probably due in part to their location, which means placing your store in the same location should also help your shop. You may not want to be directly next to your competitor, since customers may consistently choose your competitor’s store over yours. However, you should aim to be in the same shopping center or area of town, if you can. If you’re planning to only sell materials online, you don’t need to worry so much about where your store or warehouse is located. 5. **Purchase anything you’ll need to be able to run your business.** This may include cash registers, store cleaning supplies, or even light bulbs. You can acquire most of these items from a small business wholesaler in your area. You might also be able to buy some of these items, such as cleaning supplies, online or from a mass retailer. 6. **Hire workers to staff your shop, if necessary.** Unless you plan to do all the work running the store by yourself or within your family, you’ll probably need to bring on some extra staff. Hire these workers before you actually open your store for business, so you can hit the ground running. For best results, try to hire workers who have previous experience working in aquarium shops. 7. **Look for a distributor in your region who you can buy supplies from.** You can simply search online for your city, region, or state, along with the words “aquarium” and “distributor” to find a supplier in your area. Although buying your stock from a distributor is a tad more expensive than buying it directly from the manufacturer, a distributor will fill smaller orders (like for a small business) where manufacturers often will not. Distributors are also sometimes called wholesalers, brokers, or jobbers. You can also ask your competitors who they get their supplies from, although they probably won’t be too keen to help you. 8. **Order fish tanks, parts, and other accessories to stock your shop with.** You’ll need to secure supplies of tanks and tank lids, stands, filtration and aeration systems, water treatment systems, tank scrubbers, decor, and anything else that a potential customer might need for their aquarium. Place a small order with your wholesaler at first to get a sense of how much product you can move in a set amount of time. 9. **Purchase a variety of fish types to sell to a wider market.** You won’t be able to turn as much of a profit by sticking to 1 or 2 types of fish, like guppies or goldfish. By selling more exotic species as well, you will not only appeal to a broader clientele, but will also be able to sell more valuable (and profitable) items. You can acquire your fish either from saltwater fish collectors, who capture the fish in the wild, or from freshwater fish farms. Note that you’ll need to know how to take care of exotic fish before you can buy them and sell them in your store. Examples of exotic fish to stock in your store may include African cichlids, angelfish, or swordtails. You should also aim to stock both freshwater and saltwater fish. Although most home aquariums house freshwater fish, you’ll want to make sure you’re catering to as many potential customers as possible. 10. **Take good care of the fish** The fish aren’t just your means of making an income; they’re also living creatures that need to be taken care of. Be sure you’re adequately feeding and housing the fish you’re selling and monitor their health for any signs of illness. Make sure you feed the fish the right type of food each day. For example, some species of fish eat tropical flakes, while others eat bloodworms, while still others eat shrimp eggs and krill. Measure the pH levels in the tank each week to make sure they’re within an acceptable range for the type of fish in the aquarium. Clean each aquarium each week and replace the filter every month. 11. **Consider using innovative ways to get customers in the door.** For example, hold a grand opening on the day you establish your store and offer buy-one-get-one coupons for patrons. You can also experiment with rewards programs and discount days to see what works best for generating foot traffic in your shop. If your competitors offer a particular incentive for their customers, try to outmatch them. For instance, if they offer a buy-one-get-one deal, create a buy-one-get-two program to steal their customers. Appearance is one of the most neglected aspects of aquarium shops. Remember that the appearance of displays reflects the health and quality of your livestock, so make sure to focus on that. 12. **Post advertisements** Place your ads where the most people will see them, even if it’s the more expensive option. Although an ad spot in a print newspaper may be cheaper, it won’t be as effective at bringing in customers as an Internet ad. The same goes for radio ads versus television commercials. 13. **Create a website for your store to build your online presence.** Use search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to make your website appear near the top of Internet searches for aquarium shops in your area. Then, keep your online presence active and engaging by interacting with people on social media and posting frequent updates about your store. Remember, people won’t be as interested in your website if it never gets updated. Be innovative in how you cultivate your online presence. For example, consider posting fun videos about your store to YouTube and other social media websites to get people talking about you.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Wake up Your Hamster Without Scaring It?,"Hamsters are “crepuscular” animals, meaning that they are most active during low-light hours at dawn and dusk. As such, your hamster may spend a great deal of time asleep while you are awake. If you want to play with your hamster, sometimes you may need to wake him up. Fortunately, there are several methods to achieve this without startling or scaring your hamster. It is best to wake your hamster as close as possible to when they would normally wake (e.g., when it is approaching either dawn or dusk). Avoid waking your hamster when he is in a very deep sleep during the middle part of the day. 1. **Talk to him softly.** Try waking your hamster with the sound of your voice. Go near his cage and begin speaking softly. You may even try humming or singing until he is awake. 2. **Offer him a treat.** Another way to rouse your hamster is to offer him a treat. Try holding a treat out where he is sleeping (close enough for him to smell it) and allow this to draw him from his sleep. You may use a small piece of a vegetable (like carrot or broccoli), or a store-bought hamster treat. 3. **Blow in his face.** If your hamster is sleeping out in the open, another option is to gently blow in his face. Of course, you do not want to startle your hamster, so begin with a mellow release of air, and increase in intensity until your hamster begins to wake. 4. **Avoid poking him.** Whatever you do, avoid jabbing or poking at your hamster. This is not an effective way to wake him up because he will immediately become defensive. If he is roused in this way, he will not want to be held or to play. 5. **Move slowly.** Remember, the point is to wake him without scaring him, so avoid swift or jarring movements. Instead, whenever you approach your sleeping hamster, move slowly. This allows him to wake gently and in a good mood. 6. **Make the room dark.** Hamsters begin to wake up and move around at dusk and dawn (or twilight). Thus, you may be able to wake your hamster by dimming the lights in your room. If you can make it dark enough, your hamster should rouse in response to the change in light. 7. **Change the temperature.** Another idea is to alter the temperature of your hamster’s environment. Hamsters sleep more when it is cold, and wake when it is warm. You can try warming up the whole room (by turning up your heat or using a space heater), or warming only your hamster’s cage (by using a heat lamp or heating pad). 8. **Jiggle his food bowl.** You can appeal to you hamster’s sense of hearing and desire for food at the same time by reaching into his cage and jiggling his food bowl. Place a little bit of fresh food into his dish and move it around (making a subtle noise) until he wakes. 9. **Lift up his hut.** Often hamsters will sleep inside of a hut (or enclosure) within the cage. One method for rousing your hamster is to simply lift up his hut. You may to choose to lift up the hut and move it to another location in the cage (exposing the hamster), or simply lift it up and put back down (which may rustle him enough to wake him up). 10. **Tap lightly on his cage.** You can use soft noises in conjunction with vibration by tapping lightly on your hamster’s cage. Using your finger, gently rap on his cage (near where he is sleeping) until your hamster is awake. 11. **Understand that hamsters are “crepuscular.”** Hamsters are commonly (though mistakenly) called “nocturnal,” when in fact they are “crepuscular.” Whereas nocturnal animals are most active at night, your hamster will be most active during twilight hours (dusk and dawn). Understanding this about your hamster will help you better understand and cope with his sleep patterns. 12. **Track your hamster’s schedule.** If you would like to train you hamster to wake up a bit earlier (so that you can spend time with him), the first step is to track his schedule. Spend 3-5 days writing down precisely when he is asleep and awake. 13. **Feed him at the same time each day.** Once you know your hamster’s schedule (specifically what time he wakes in the evening), begin feeding him at this time each day. For example, if your hamster wakes each night at 8:30pm, begin feeding him at 8:30 on the dot. Do this for at least one week before moving on to the next step. 14. **Begin moving your feeding time back.** Begin moving the feeding time back in 15-minute increments. For example, after the first week, you’ll begin waking your hamster up a bit earlier by feeding him at 8:15pm. Continue this until he begins waking at 8:15 on his own (this should take about one week). Then, begin feeding your hamster at 8:00pm, and so on. 15. **Be patient.** This technique needs to be done subtly, over time, in order for it to work. So be patient through this process. Once again, understand that it is your hamster’s innate nature that causes him to wake at dusk and dawn. You are not going to alter that overnight. Furthermore, you’re never going to change it completely. At best, you may be able to train your hamster to wake one hour earlier than he did before.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Load and Fire a Muzzleloader.,"Firing a flintlock muzzleloader provides an experience to the true weapons connoisseur that no modern, precision-engineered, mass-produced firestick can match. Holding, loading, and shooting this pinnacle of early human engineering will reawaken the memory of such legendary heroes and villains as Blackbeard, Davy Crockett, Captain Kidd, and Daniel Boone. See Step 1 for more instructions. 1. **Distinguish between a flintlock rifle, a caplock, and an and in-line percussion muzzleloader.** There are three basic types of muzzleloaders, and you need to make sure that you select ammunition, powder, and a method of loading appropriate to each. The traditional muzzleloader is the flintlock rifle. These feature a more complex but authentic firing mechanism, and a longer ""twist rate,"" which refers to the length of time it takes for the bullet to make a rotation in the barrel. The twist rate affects the accuracy of the rifle. Traditional muzzleloaders with a longer twist rate are generally more accurate when using what are called ""buffalo"" bullets, which feature the traditional lead ball and a more modern ""bullet shaped"" lead. Flintlock rifles require a complex loading operation, fixing a piece of flint to the hammer to strike sparks onto the flashpan, an operation covered below. Caplock rifles have a side-mounted firing pin similar to the flintlock rifle, and operates and loads in much the same way, but uses a more modern pre-loaded firing cap to fire the rifle. Unless you're a very experienced firearms enthusiast, it's recommended to use this method and become familiar with the mechanics of muzzle loading before you attempt to fire a flintlock. In-line percussion muzzleloaders are more modern-looking rifles that blur the line between old-school black powder rifles and contemporary smokeless models. They feature a shorter twist rate and are generally more accurate and easier to load than traditional muzzleloaders, and employ a firing cap in the pin. 2. **Choose an appropriate powder for your rifle.** Traditional black powder can be used in any variety of muzzleloader, though more modern pellet forms are also available. These are pre-measured into compact pellets that can be dropped into the barrel to load. Traditional powder has a tendency to rust barrels if not cleaned regularly and efficiently. Black powder absorbs moisture, making it sometimes volatile. When you're just getting started, consider using powder pellets as you get used to your rifle and the way it fires. 3. **Select an ammunition appropriate for your rifle.** In the beginning, it can be somewhat difficult to figure out what ammo might be the most efficient and accurate for your gun. By becoming somewhat familiar with the way your rifle fires, though, and trying out the different types of muzzleloader shot, you can settle on something that works. Traditional ""round ball"" ammo is made of pure lead and designed to work with cloth patches. If you want to fire in the old-school way that the pioneers did, this is your ammo. If you're hunting, you might want to select something a little more accurate. Conical shot is a more ""bullet shaped"" muzzleloader shot. It tends to be a bit lighter, more accurate, and come in different sizes, depending on the bore of your rifle. ""Sabot"" refers to a small plastic shoe or sleeve used to nestle a rifled bullet in. Using a sabot is a way to increase the accuracy of your rifle and to use somewhat smaller, lighter bullets in a larger-bore rifle barrel. If you're planning on hunting with a muzzleloader, using a sabot with an appropriate-sized ammunition is recommended. 4. **Get some patches, wadding, and lubricant.** Most ammunition sold with wadding patches of the appropriate size, used to seat the shot against the powder charge. Wadding is usually a chunk of cloth or paper placed behind the projectile to seal the bore, or placed in front of it to prevent the ball(s) from simply rolling out the end of the barrel when the gun is pointed downwards. One of the best materials for this is known as ""Pillow Ticking"" and can be easily found at a fabric store. If you can't get it, just use paper towels. Lubricant is used to reduce friction and make the gun function better. In rifled guns, the barrel is lubricated as well as the patch (wad) after each shot to make the projectile easier to load down the rifled barrel. 5. **Get caps or flint.** Depending on the type of rifle you have, you'll also need firing caps to discharge your rifle, or you'll need flint for use in a flintlock rifle, to strike and spark and set off the powder in the flashpan. The most common cap is called the #11 cap, which has been in use for more than a hundred years. Musket caps are somewhat more powerful and are popular with hunters for that reason. 6. **Check the barrel.** Verify that the gun is not loaded by putting the ramrod down the barrel and measuring the distance that it can reach. It must reach all the way to the location of the touch hole in the pan. Use your cleaning rod to clean the barrel of any black powder residue, dirt or dust that may have accumulated. While loading the gun, keep it aimed straight up in the air and avoid putting your face over the barrel at any time, even while you're loading it. 7. **Lubricate the barrel.** Most muzzleloaders will come with a swab (a piece of cloth used to lubricate the rifle) fitted to the slot in the cleaning rod. Apply gun lubricant to the inside of the barrel. Do not apply too much, as it can get in the touch hole and prevent ignition. A thin layer is sufficient, no more than the amount of sunscreen you'd put on your face 8. **Measure your powder.** Pour black powder from your horn or flask into the powder measurer to the appropriate mark, then pour the powder from the measurer into the muzzle. Tap the side of the rifle a few times with the flat of your hand to settle the powder. 9. **Load your bullet.** Using the smaller end of the bullet-starter, push the bullet into the barrel. Be gentle. When you get to the end of the starter, pull it out and use the longer end to push it farther down. Use the ramrod to seat the bullet securely on the powder charge. Use a short but firm motions to seat it, don't jam it in a stabbing motion like you see in old Civil War movies. There's a mark on the ramrod that will let you know when the bullet has been seated. When that mark lines up with the end of the barrel, the bullet should be seated properly. It's important to make sure the bullet is seated firmly on the charge, leaving no gaps between the powder and the bullet. 10. **Load your percussion cap.** With the gun pointed in a safe direction, use your priming tool to seat the cap on the nipple. Make sure the safety is on, if your rifle has one, or that you're at half-cock, if you're using a side-lock rifle. 11. **Fix the flint into the hammer.** Pull the hammer back to the half-cock position. If there is no flint already in the gun, use a screwdriver or metal bar to loosen the screw which holds the top jaw of the cock in place. Use a rectangular scrap of leather the right size to enclose the flint, and fold it around the back of the flint. Place the flint with the leather in the jaws of the cock so that the sharp end protrudes towards the flash pan and tighten the screw securely. 12. **Pull the hammer to full-cock.** Close the frizzen (the part that covers the pan) and test fire it by pulling the trigger. Ensure the lock produces a shower of sparks that hit the inside of the flashpan. If it doesn't, remove the flint and reattach it. Make sure everything is secure and striking appropriately. Take your time. 13. **Measure out your powder.** Loosen the screw on the side of the brass powder measurement. Draw the sliding end of the measurement back to the line that marks the amount of powder required for your specific gun and tighten the screw. Consult your firearms dealer to determine the correct amount of powder to use for your gun. 14. **Pour your powder into the barrel.** Lift the muzzle of the gun so that the barrel is perpendicular to the ground. Level off the top of the powder measurement and pour the powder into the barrel. Tap the side of the barrel with the heel of your hand a few times to ensure the powder all falls tho the bottom. 15. **Load the gun.** Place a lubricated patch over the end of the barrel. This patch should be larger than the ball and should be able to wrap around it. Press the patched ball into the barrel using the short end of the bullet starter. Continue to slide the ball or bullet down the barrel with the long side of the bullet starter. Use the blunt end of the ram rod to slide the ball down the rest of the barrel until it is seated firmly atop the powder. Use one steady motion to seat the bullet, don't jab into the gun like you see in the movies. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/d\/d0\/Load-and-Fire-a-Muzzleloader-Step-19.jpg\/v4-460px-Load-and-Fire-a-Muzzleloader-Step-19.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/d\/d0\/Load-and-Fire-a-Muzzleloader-Step-19.jpg\/aid9757-v4-728px-Load-and-Fire-a-Muzzleloader-Step-19.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} 16. **Fill the flashpan.** Once the ball has been seated, remove the ramrod and lay the gun across your lap. Fill the small brass flash pan powder dispenser with the FFFF powder used in flintlock rifles for this purpose. This can be done by unscrewing the back of the dispenser and pouring powder in until it is about 3/4 full. Pull the hammer back again to half-cock. If the frizzen (pan cover/striking surface) is not already open, open it, and press the pointed end of the powder dispenser against the bottom of the shallow flash pan to release the powder. {""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/e\/ed\/Load-and-Fire-a-Muzzleloader-Step-25.jpg\/v4-460px-Load-and-Fire-a-Muzzleloader-Step-25.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/e\/ed\/Load-and-Fire-a-Muzzleloader-Step-25.jpg\/aid9757-v4-728px-Load-and-Fire-a-Muzzleloader-Step-25.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":345,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":546,""licensing"":""

License: Creative Commons<\/a>

\n<\/p><\/div>""} Fill the pan with powder making sure to tilt the gun slightly so that the powder enters the touch hole located at the side of the barrel within the flash pan. Once the pan is full, close the cover tightly. Your gun is loaded and ready to fire. 17. **Secure the butt of the gun** Pull the hammer to full-cock, and aim the muzzle at your target. Be sure that no one is standing directly beside you in front of the touch hole. Sparks will fly and you want to make sure everyone is clear of the expulsion. Always wear the appropriate ear and eye protection when firing a muzzleloader. It's loud. Practice good gun safety. 18. **Aim the rifle.** Look down the length of the barrel through the open sights. When all three sights are in line both vertically and horizontally upon the target you wish to hit, take a deep breath and hold it. Some muzzleloaders don't have much in the way of sights. You can consider updating your old-school weapon by fitting it with more modern sights. This is especially recommended if you plan on hunting with your muzzleloader. 19. **Remove the safety and squeeze the trigger.** Keep the rifle securely in your shoulder and follow through, holding your position and waiting until the smoke clears (there will be a lot) before dropping your posture and looking at your target. In a flintlock rifle, the flint will slam down, scraping down the inside of the frizzen and flipping open the flashpan, creating sparks which fall into the powder in the now open flashpan. This powder ignites, making a flash of flame which travels into the touch hole and ignites the main charge.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Make an Art Portfolio?,"Looking to showcase your work to an art gallery, to a university, or for an employer? An art portfolio is a great way to highlight all of your best pieces and show your abilities. A portfolio should speak for itself and combine professionalism, passion, personality, and a variety of pieces that have been inspired by you. It will be your first impression and needs to stand out amongst other submitted portfolios. In your portfolio you want to show whoever you are catering to your talent, what makes you stand out from the rest, and why they should choose your portfolio over someone else's. 1. **Look up the requirements for your portfolio.** Every organization is different and so they may require different things within your portfolio or a different format for your portfolio. Your portfolio will also depend greatly on the type of study or career you are interested in pursuing. For example, if you are applying to a film school or animation school, your portfolio will likely be digital and consist mostly of work that you have done within that field. On the other hand, if you are applying to an architecture school or to an art gallery you may have more sketches and drawings. Some institutions suggest only using about 10 to 20 pieces in your portfolio. If you have really strong pieces, fewer is better because the more pieces you have the more likely it is that the quality of the pieces will drop. Always check what the organization expects before you begin piecing together your portfolio. You don't want to waste time creating a portfolio one way, and then have to redo it because it's not in the right format. 2. **Choose finished or unfinished pieces, based on the requirements for your portfolio.** Many schools in the United States require that all of your work be finished, but some in other areas such as the United Kingdom want to see your process and development. Check the requirements for your portfolio before you do one or the other. If you are allowed to use unfinished pieces, do so. This reveals your skills, commitment, and depth of knowledge as well as gives context to the creation and thought process behind your work. A piece of art is often more than just the finished product, but greatly depends upon the process and experimentation of the piece. Make sure all pieces, both finished and unfinished, are perfected. Remove any smudges, fingerprints, or defects that have been left on the piece. 3. **Include observational drawings.** These pieces prove that you are able to observe something in real life and create your own replica of it on paper. Observational drawings or paintings can make up a substantial part of your portfolio. The purpose of these drawings is to show those looking at your portfolio that you are able to record shape and form, detail, perspective, proportion, and surface qualities. When drawing something from observation, aim for a sense of realism, without creating a rigid, mechanical copy of it. It may help to select a subject that's important to you, because you'll begin to think about the themes and motifs behind the drawings, rather than what's right in front of you. 4. **Highlight your best pieces.** If you have been an artist for awhile you likely have an array of pieces, from the best, to really good, to mediocre, to poor. It may be tempting to choose your really good work along with your best work. However, these two need to be separated. You don't want to just showcase your really good work. You want to showcase only your best, the pieces that you are certain without a doubt show quality, ability, artistry, and creativity. Be selective with your work and don't choose pieces just for the sake of variety. It's better to have solid pieces of art that vary less in medium or style than it is to have a lot of different mediums and styles but mediocre art. If it's difficult to be unbiased or edit your own work, ask a friend or two what pieces are your best pieces. It could also be helpful to find a mentor in your own field. Look for someone with artistic talent who has been in your shoes before who can help you make difficult decisions like these. And, the good thing is you know you can trust their judgement because they have experience in artistry as well. Never choose art that is an imitation of someone else's art. Admissions offices and employers have seen thousands of portfolios and will likely be able to recognize if you have created artwork from a photograph or another piece of art. This also reveals your lack of creativity and inability to create art from real life. 5. **Ask a friend to look over your art.** After you have picked out a significant body of work, have a friend or mentors look over it, asking them to give feedback on the different pieces you have picked out. Some of your art may need to be redone or improved, so give yourself enough time before the portfolio needs to be submitted to improve your artwork. Build in time after you've chosen your pieces to reflect and come back to those pieces once you've been able to process. It's important to give yourself this time because you will be able to better evaluate your work and will come back to it with less bias. Sometimes friends can be biased towards your work as well, so it may be more beneficial to bring in someone that doesn't have a personal relationship with you. It may be easier to receive constructive criticism from them as well. Learn to take constructive criticism well and know that it's not an insult or derogatory comment, but given so that you can improve as an artist. 6. **Include supplemental articles, publications or awards.** Some institutions will not ask for this, so once again, check the requirements for your portfolio. However, this can be helpful to show that your work has been recognized by others and that it has has previous exposure. 7. **Use other portfolios as examples.** The best way to begin a project like a portfolio is to find other successful portfolios online and use those as your guide. This doesn't mean copy the format, or follow the portfolio piece by piece, but it means to use it as a reference as you being making yours. Note how the artist organized his or her pieces. Pay attention to the style and design of the portfolio. Are your eyes drawn more to the design of the portfolio or are you drawn to the art? If it feels intimidating or daunting to look at other portfolios, remember that only the best work is what is displayed. Art is made up of technical skill as well as creativity, so even if your technical skill isn't as advanced as those you see, your creativity can make up for it. 8. **Tailor your portfolio to the institution.** A university and an art gallery may have very different ideas about what they would like to see in your portfolio or the design of your portfolio. It's important that as you begin assembling and organizing your portfolio that you keep the audience in mind. For example, if submitting your work to an art gallery, visit the gallery and make sure your work will fit in well in the gallery. Choose pieces, design, and organization of your portfolio that show you are familiar with the gallery and are aware of the art they carry. If applying to a university or job, always look up the requirements for the portfolio, but tailor your portfolio to the type of institution as well. You may be applying to a more prestigious art university that values technique and style, or maybe you are applying to a school that places a higher emphasis and creativity and experimentation. Keep these things in mind as you design and organize your portfolio. 9. **Organize your portfolio.** Group pieces by style, subject, media, technique, etc. You want to make it as easy as possible for your reviewer to find the important information, or to determine if you are a good fit for their institution. By organizing your pieces you will give your reviewer an easy path to follow. You want your portfolio to tell a story. Group by medium. It's valuable to use different types of mediums in your portfolio to show you are well rounded and capable of doing different art forms. It can be helpful to group these mediums together so that your portfolio clearly shows your different abilities and how you've used each medium in your art. For example, you might group pastel art together, and then group charcoal drawings and pencil drawings together, and then you might group paintings together. Group by subject. Another way to group your artwork is by subject, which will likely combine different mediums, but will show your ability to accurately depict different things. For example, you may group by figure drawings, drawings of landscape, abstract art, etc. Group by technique. This is similar to grouping by medium, but instead you are focusing on your range of abilities to use not just paper, but digital media, photography, web design, animation, etc. Use a scrapbook or portfolio binder found at any art or craft store to organize and present your artwork. 10. **Keep it simple.** As an artist, you may be tempted to have a really extravagant, creative portfolio. While it's great if your pieces are this way, the portfolio that holds and displays your pieces should be professional, organized, and simple. The purpose of this is because you don't want a very busy portfolio to distract your viewer from the artwork. You want the focus to be on your artwork, because that's what you are really trying to showcase. Space out your portfolio. Don't have too many pieces on one page and don't go overboard with the information you include. 11. **Stand out, but don't be overzealous.** With an industry that is so competitive, it's important for your work to stand out. You don't want to be grouped in with the hundreds of people who have also submitted their portfolio, so try to create a portfolio that highlights your pieces so well in a creative way that the reviewers can't help but notice. Be careful about overdoing it, though. If your attempts to stand out lead you to creating something corny, or trying to be humorous but failing, you may go unnoticed, or be noticed but in a negative way. The benefit of a portfolio is that you aren't just a name on a piece of paper like a resume. Your work really speaks to who you are and it is easier for an employer to grow attached to the creative impressions in your portfolio than a written set of job skills. Don't overthink your portfolio. Once you have completed it, have a mentor give you feedback, go over it a few times to make sure it is organized well, and clear of any mistakes, and then leave it. By continually trying to edit and improve your portfolio, you run the risk of changing it to ""make it stand out"" that may lead to a decrease in the professionalism of your portfolio. 12. **Create a virtual portfolio.** While it's handy to have your portfolio in a hard copy, having a virtual copy of your portfolio will be helpful when submitting your portfolio online, which is likely what you'll have to do for most applications. Photograph or scan your artwork. After you have chosen the pieces for your portfolio, use a good quality camera to take pictures of your art, or ask a professional to take the pictures. Make sure the pictures are clear and high quality so that when viewed online the resolution is good. Choose a setting with excellent lighting and no glare, and never use a flash. When scanning artwork, make sure there are no wrinkles on the page and that it lies flat on the scanner so the picture comes out exactly like the hard copy. Input these pictures into Indesign or another program that allows you to create a clean cut portfolio that is easy to continually edit. This not only provides you with a digital copy to use online, but also serves as a backup in case your hard copy is lost or destroyed. 13. **Practice presenting your portfolio.** If you have the opportunity to show your portfolio in person, it's important to practice going through it, knowing what you will say for each piece and how you can effectively communicate why you think your work stands out and is valuable. Once you've practiced it on your own a few times, present it to a friend or mentor who can give you feedback on your presentation and how you are communicating your art. Once again, your art should speak for itself. When presenting a portfolio you shouldn't have to go in depth on every piece to explain it, it should explain itself for the most part. However, there may be pieces that were inspired by an event in your life or mean something to you. Use those as an opportunity to show your creativity and passion behind your work. 14. **Gain feedback once you have completed your portfolio.** Ask a mentor or friend to look over your completed portfolio, making notes on the organization, themes, format, and final work you have chosen. You can also attend a portfolio review. There are National Portfolio days in which college admissions counselors will come to high schools and college campus events to review students' artwork. Seek feedback on how you can improve your portfolio, and use this as a trial run to prepare you for officially presenting your portfolio. Little details matter too. If you have text in your portfolio, always check for grammar mistakes. It can be easy to focus on just the art, but employers and admissions counselors want to see that you have reviewed all of your work and that you take this submission seriously. You don't want to spend all your time making a fantastic portfolio that an employer or admissions counselor loves, and then lose all chance of being chosen because you misspelled the name of the institution or used incorrect grammar. 15. **Update your portfolio on a regular basis.** Even if you have already submitted your portfolio to several institutions, always be ready to update and revise your portfolio with new and better work. Save time doing this as you go, so that you won't have to do a major project of revision the next time you submit your portfolio. This will keep your work relevant, and up to date with your abilities and awards. Continually ask yourself, ""Am I in this?"" Your art should reflect yourself and your passions so as you update and revise your portfolio make sure it still conveys the story you hope to communicate.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Clean an Oily Nose?,"An oily nose can be an annoyance and also may lead to issues like acne. Luckily, there are many ways you can treat an oily nose at home. Commercial products can help reduce oil on or near your nose. Natural methods, like steam treatments, can also reduce oils. If you're worried about a reoccurrence, small adjustments to your diet and makeup routine may help. 1. **Remove oil with blotting papers.** Blotting papers are sold at most drugstores and cosmetic stores. They're an easy method to quickly remove oil from your nose. Simply add a small touch of translucent powder to the papers. Gently dab the papers against your nose to remove excess oil. 2. **Wash with a gentle cleanser.** A gentle water-soluble facial cleanser is an excellent way to remove oil from all over your face, including your nose. If oily skin is a problem, pick up a basic cleanser at a drug store. Wash your face in the morning and before bed. Some people have negative reactions to over-the-counter products. If you notice any redness or skin irritation after trying a cleanser, switch to a different product. 3. **Wear sunblock.** Use a mineral-based sunblock in place of your morning moisturizer. Apply it all over your face, including on your nose. A solid sunblock helps prevent oil from building up in your face and also protects your skin from the sun. Look for a sunblock containing zinc, titanium dioxide, or denatured alcohol. 4. **Use an exfoliating skin cleanser.** Most drug stores and department stores sell exfoliating cleansers. These are cleansers with a rough texture you rub into the skin to help remove loose skin cells. If you exfoliate your nose, and the rest of your face, regularly, this can help prevent clogged pores that can cause oiliness. Exfoliate only once a week. Too much exfoliating can cause skin damage. 5. **Apply a face mask.** Purchase a clay or salicylic acid mask online or at a beauty salon. Apply the mask as directed. These masks can prevent oil buildup in the skin, resulting in a less oily nose. Follow the directions on your mask to apply. Different masks are applied differently. As with any product, there is always a risk of a negative reaction. If you notice problems, like a rash or skin irritation, after using a mask, pick a different product. 6. **Cleanse your face with steam.** Steam can help unclog pores and therefore reduce oil in the nose. Wash your face first and then remove any makeup. Heat a covered pot of water on the stove on medium heat until it starts producing steam. With a towel wrapped around your head, open the pot and lean over it. Let your skin absorb some of the steam. Spend 10 minutes soaking up the steam. Some people prefer to add dashes of things like peppermint or chamomile tea, as this may add some extra pore cleansing power. 7. **Apply lemon.** Some people find lemon helps remove dirt from the nose. To use a lemon, mix three drops of lemon juice with enough sugar to form a paste. Apply this solution to a cotton pad and then rub it on your nose. Do this three times a day to see if you notice a reduction in oil. 8. **Use ground almond.** Grind a single almond into small fragments using a rolling pin or food processor. Mix in a small amount of honey and then apply the almond to your nose. Let it rest for 15 minutes before washing it away. 9. **Try vinegar.** Mix a solution of equal parts water and vinegar. Then, dab a cotton swab in the solution. Press the cotton swab to your nose for five minutes. Then, let the solution sit on for 15 minutes before washing it off. 10. **Use less makeup.** Makeup can clog pores and make an oily nose more likely. If you frequently experience an oily nose, avoid using a heavy amount of makeup on or near your nose. Use only a light layer of foundation or concealer near your nose, if you use any at all. 11. **Adjust your diet.** Overindulgence in alcohol may contribute to oily skin, so stick to only one or two drinks a night. Also, some people find spicy food makes skin oilier, so try to cut back on your consumption of that as well. 12. **Avoid heavy face creams at night.** If you use a face cream or moisturizer overnight, this can clog pores and make your nose oilier. Try switching to a lotion over cream. The light nature of a lotion may cause fewer problems related to oil.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Remove Wine Labels for Collecting.,"Collecting wine labels has become an increasingly popular hobby. An intact wine label can be a wonderful way to remember a special occasion or a great glass of wine. If you’d like to carefully remove and preserve wine bottle labels, you’ll need to expose the adhesive backing to a heat source. Once it’s melted, use the edge of a utility knife to lift off a corner of the label and the whole thing should peel right off. Whether you use boiling water or an oven, work with caution and protect your hands from the hot glass bottle by wearing oven gloves. 1. **Boil 3 cups (710 mL) of water in a kettle.** A wine bottle holds about 3 cups (710 mL) of liquid, so use this much water for each bottle you want to remove the label from. Pour the water into a kettle and bring it to a rolling boil. If you boil water in a saucepan, it will be much harder to pour it into the bottle later. 2. **Pour the boiling water directly into the empty wine bottle.** Stand up your wine bottle in the sink. Wear an oven glove on one hand and use this to hold the wine bottle steady. If your kettle has a narrow spout, you can slowly pour the boiling water directly into the bottle. If not, consider using a funnel to get the water down the bottleneck more easily. Be careful not to splash yourself or the label while you pour the water into the bottle. 3. **Wait for about 5 to 10 minutes while the water melts the adhesive.** If your bottle is standing upright in your sink, simply leave it there for a few minutes. Allow about 5 to 10 minutes for the boiling water to melt the glue on the back of the label from the inside out. 4. **Tip the hot water out of the wine bottle.** Slip on a pair of oven gloves. After leaving the water in the bottle for a few minutes, grab ahold of the wine bottle and carefully tip out the hot water into the sink. Use caution as the glass will be hot. If necessary, use a towel to soak up any drips from the glass or the label. 5. **Peel the label off of the bottle using the edge of a utility knife.** Once the water has been emptied out, use one hand to hold the bottle still. With the other hand, carefully slide the edge of a utility knife or razor blade underneath one corner of the wine label. Once it comes up, delicately lift off the rest of the label. The great part about this technique is that you won’t need to get the label wet. This is a great way to remove special labels that you’re worried about damaging. Be careful as you do this since the glass may still be hot. 6. **Preheat your oven to 350 °F (177 °C) degrees.** Once you’ve finished off a bottle of wine, you can warm it up in the oven to melt the adhesive backing. Make sure your oven is empty, then set the temperature to 350 °F (177 °C). Before you preheat the oven, you can set your bottle inside to see if it stays put without rolling around. 7. **Warm the empty, uncorked bottle in the oven for 10 minutes.** Lay the bottle down on the center rack, making sure it doesn’t roll around. Turn the bottle so that the label you want to preserve faces upwards. Wait about 10 minutes for the adhesive on the back of the label to melt. If necessary, set the bottle in a glass casserole dish to hold it in place. 8. **Wear oven gloves to transfer the bottle from the oven to a cooling rack.** After about 10 minutes, put oven gloves on both of your hands and carefully remove the wine bottle from the oven. It will be hot, so use caution! Set it on a cooling rack so it doesn’t leave any burn marks on your work surface. 9. **Use the edge of a utility knife to lift the label off of the bottle.** Slide the edge of a utility knife or razor blade underneath one corner of the label. Once you do this, slowly and gently peel the label off of the glass. Use the knife to cut through any stubborn patches of adhesive. When you’re peeling back the label, use even, steady pressure to avoid ripping the paper. If the label won’t budge, just let the bottle cool down to room temperature. You can try another method later. 10. **Air-dry the adhesive or preserve the sticky label on paper.** Since the melted adhesive backing will be sticky, you can allow it to air-dry or place it onto another material. If you’d like to wait for the glue to dry, leave the label face-down on a sheet of parchment paper overnight. If you want to preserve it in a book or on a sheet of paper, place it onto the page while it’s still sticky and press down the edges to attach it. 11. **Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil.** Fill a large stockpot about 1/3 of the way up with water. Place this onto a stovetop burner and set the temperature to high. Wait about 15 or 20 minutes for the water to reach a rolling boil. If you have a 2-piece pasta pot, use the base to hold the water. You’ll be able to place the wine bottle in the colander part. 12. **Hold the empty, uncorked bottle over the steam for at least 30 minutes.** Wearing oven gloves, pick up the empty, uncorked bottle and hold it directly above the boiling water. Be careful not to allow the label to touch the water. Rotate the bottle every few minutes to expose the front and back of the label to the steam. Keep the water going at a steady simmer or rolling boil to keep generating steam. The steam will gently melt the adhesive backing on many wine labels. If you’re using a 2-piece pasta pot, lower the colander insert into the base. Then, stand the wine bottle up inside the colander. Unless you’re using a colander insert, you’ll need to manually hold the bottle over the water while it steams to avoid getting it wet. 13. **Peel off the label using a utility knife and oven gloves.** The glass will be hot after having sat over the steam for a while, so make sure you’re wearing oven gloves. With the tip of a utility knife or razor blade, gently lift up one corner of the wine label. If it doesn’t budge, expose the bottle to the steam for another 10 or 15 minutes. Once it starts to come loose, slowly lift off the entire label. Once the adhesive has softened, the label should come off easily in one piece. 14. **Air-dry the label on a sheet of parchment paper.** If the label ends up being slightly damp after having been exposed to the steam, allow it to air-dry overnight. Set it on a sheet of parchment paper with the adhesive-side up. This will allow the glue to harden while the front of the label dries off. This is a useful technique to use on labels that you don’t want to submerge in water. 15. **Fill a large pot with hot water.** Boil enough water to fill a stockpot about 2/3 of the way up. Make sure you use enough water to completely cover the entire wine label once you set the bottle into the pot. You can use hot water from the tap instead, but it might not be as effective as just-boiled water. 16. **Submerge the empty, uncorked bottle in the hot water for 10 to 15 minutes.** Stand up the bottle in the pot full of hot water. If necessary, add a little more water so that the top of the label is covered by the water. Leave it to soak for about 10 to 15 minutes or so. If desired, you can purchase a chlorinated soap from a wine store that’s designed to help to dissolve the adhesive. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions so you use the product correctly. 17. **Remove the bottle from the hot water and dry it off.** Put on a pair of rubber kitchen gloves to provide some grip and protect your hands from the hot water. Use caution as you lift out the wine bottle as it will be hot. Dry off the outside of the bottle with a towel. 18. **Peel off the damp label using the edge of a utility knife.** Once the bottle is dry, slide the blade of a utility knife underneath one of the corners of the label. Once it starts to come loose, carefully peel up the rest of the label. Work slowly to avoid tearing the label. The hot water soak will have softened up the adhesive, so you should be able to preserve the label in one piece. Be careful not to rub or scratch the damp paper as it will easily get damaged. 19. **Allow the label to air-dry overnight.** Set the damp label on a piece of parchment paper face-down, if you want the adhesive to dry. Or, set it glue-side down onto a sheet of regular paper if you’d rather mount the label or preserve it in a journal. The moist glue will adhere to the paper. Leave the paper to air-dry overnight. If the label curls up while it dries, you can press it flat within the pages of a heavy book once it’s totally dry.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Use Uber with an International Phone.,"If you are on an international trip and need to book an Uber, you’re in luck—as long as the service is available in the country you are visiting, using Uber is just as simple as using it at home. Even if you did not sign up for Uber before you left, you can still use your international phone to install the Uber app and register for the service. Learn the nuances of booking an Uber on your international travels, how to sign up for Uber when you are in a foreign country, and how to prepare your phone for future trips to Uber-powered destinations. 1. **Connect your phone to the Internet.** You will need either a Wi-Fi or cellular data connection to use the Uber app. As long as Uber is available at your travel destination, the Uber app will work the same as it does at home. 2. **Update your mobile phone number in the Uber app.** If you are using a different number during your travels, add it to your Uber account. Otherwise, you will not be able to receive a text or call from your driver if he cannot find you. 3. **Select an Uber vehicle type.** Move the slider at the bottom of the map to your desired Uber vehicle type. The types of vehicles available in each city will vary. To get a fare estimate for a specific type of vehicle, tap the slider when it is directly beneath the service name (e.g., “UberX”). In some cities, you can select an UberX vehicle based on the language spoken by the driver. In Chicago and Los Angeles, for example, you will find an option to select “UberESPANOL” as your Uber vehicle type. 4. **Drop the pin at your pickup location.** Now that you have chosen a vehicle, drag the pin to the location where you will be waiting for your Uber. Alternatively, you can type the address of your location into the search bar at the top of the screen. When you’re done, tap “Set Pickup Location.” 5. **Enter your destination location, then tap “Request.”** Drop the pin or enter the address of the place you would like to go. If you are travelling in a country where you are likely to encounter a language barrier between you and your driver, it is especially important to enter a destination rather than rely on your ability to communicate it verbally in person. If surge pricing is in effect, you will be prompted to accept the premium rate before your ride is confirmed. If you are traveling without a phone and/or Internet service, be extra mindful of being prompt and visible at your pickup location. Remember, your driver will be unable to contact you if he cannot find you. The app will notify you when the driver is about one minute from the pickup location you specified. Make sure you are at that location, highly visible, and actively looking for the vehicle described the Uber app. 6. **Change your trip options after the ride begins.** If you need to make any changes to your current trip, swipe upward on the app screen to view the available options. Split fare: If you are with another traveler and want to share the fare, choose this option and follow the prompts to add another passenger to the trip. Send ETA: Choose this option to update a friend or colleague on your estimated time of arrival. Change trip destination: Enter a new location here and it will appear on the driver’s screen. Cancel trip: If you need to end the trip immediately, notify your driver and/or choose this option. Make sure you’re in a safe location before getting out of the car. Change payment method: You will be able to enter a new payment method or choose any other payment method you have on file. 7. **Rate your driver.** When you arrive at your destination, follow the prompt on your screen to rate your driver. While tipping is not required, Uber drivers are permitted to accept cash tips if they are offered. 8. **Install the Uber app from the App Store (iPhone) or Play Store (Android).** Setting up a new Uber account is easy, as long as you have reliable Internet access, a mobile phone number, and a valid method of payment. Once created, you’ll be able to use your new Uber account in any location that has Uber services. 9. **Tap “Register” to create your account.** You will be prompted to enter your name, email address, mobile phone number, and password. When you’re done, tap “Save.” You must provide a mobile phone number that can receive text messages in the country you are in. Uber will text you a confirmation code, and you will need access to that text to complete the sign-up. If you only have data service in your current location, you may buy a cheap prepaid phone. In some cities, you may even be able to rent a mobile phone for the duration of your stay. You could also try logging into your regular mobile carrier’s website and check to see if you can view your text messages online. If so, provide your regular mobile phone number and retrieve the confirmation code online when prompted. 10. **Add a payment method.** The available payment methods vary depending on your current location. When your trip is complete, the total cost will be deducted from the payment method you specify. Credit card: Be sure to use a card that allows international purchases. If Uber does not accept your card, contact your bank and request that payments to Uber are authorized. PayPal: While not available in all countries, PayPal is a great option for those who do not have access to a credit card. You’ll need to already have a PayPal account with a linked card or bank account to use this option. Android Pay or Apple Pay: If you have the Android Pay app installed on your Android, you’ll see it listed as a payment option. Apple Pay: iPhone users who use Apple Pay will see the service listed as an available payment method. Cash: In some cities, you’ll see an option to pay in cash. Select this option only if you have enough cash to cover your Uber rides! 11. **Enter the confirmation code.** At this point, the app will ask you to provide the confirmation number it sent you via text message. If you didn’t receive the message, tap “Resend,” and then check again. 12. **Select an Uber vehicle type.** Move the slider (a round icon of a car) at the bottom of the map to your desired Uber vehicle type. The types of vehicles available in each city will vary. For up-to-date descriptions of Uber’s ride options, see their website. To get a fare estimate for a specific type of vehicle, tap the slider when it’s directly beneath the service name (e.g., “UberX”). In some cities, you’ll find the ability to select an UberX vehicle based on the language spoken by the driver. In Chicago and Los Angeles, for example, you’ll find an option to select “UberESPANOL” as your Uber vehicle type. 13. **Drop the pin at your pickup location.** Now that you’ve selected a vehicle, drag the pushpin icon your current location. Alternatively, you can type the address of your location into the search bar at the top of the screen. When you’re done, tap “Set Pickup Location.” If you are travelling without phone and/or Internet service, be extra mindful of being prompt and visible at your pickup location. Remember, your driver will be unable to contact you if he cannot find you. 14. **Enter your destination location.** Drop the pin or enter the address of the place you would like to go. If you are travelling in a country where you are likely to encounter a language barrier between you and your driver, it is of particular importance to enter a destination rather than rely on your ability to communicate it verbally in person. 15. **Tap “Request” to book your ride.** When a driver accepts your request, the map will show the driver’s current location. You will also see the driver’s name, type of vehicle, and license plate number. This ensures that you get into the right vehicle. If surge pricing (an inflated fare price based on current demand) is in effect, you will be prompted to agree with the premium rate before your ride is confirmed. The app will notify you when the driver is about one minute from the pickup location you specified. Make sure you are at that location, highly visible, and actively looking for the vehicle described the Uber app. 16. **Access additional features once your ride begins.** When you are en route to your destination, you have access to make changes to your trip. Swipe upward on the app screen to select an option, if desired: Split fare: If you are with another traveler and want to share the fare, choose this option and follow the prompts to add another passenger to the trip. Send ETA: Choose this option to send a text message with a link to the estimated time of your arrival. You will have the option to select a contact or enter a mobile phone number. Change trip destination: Enter a new address or location here and it will appear on the driver’s screen. Cancel trip: If you need to end the trip immediately, notify your driver and/or choose this option. Make sure you’re in a safe location before getting out of the car. Change payment method: You will be able to enter a new payment method or choose any other payment method you have on file. 17. **Make sure you have all of your belongings when you arrive at your destination.** Check the floor, seat, and your pocket. 18. **Rate your driver.** When you arrive at your destination, follow the prompt on your screen to rate your driver. 19. **Make sure Uber is available in the city you are visiting.** An up-to-date list of cities that have Uber service is located at 20. **Contact your credit card company to ask about international purchases.** If you are travelling to a country where you plan to use Uber, make sure you have a payment method that works in that country. Credit cards are a popular way to pay for Uber, and many credit card companies will have no issue overseas. However, some cards may prevent international purchases, and that can hinder your ability to use Uber. If you live in the US or Canada and have cellular service through T-Mobile, AT&T, or Bell and Rodgers, your phone is compatible with GSM networks. Other providers may also have phones that use GSM—call your carrier if you are not sure. Some CDMA providers (like Sprint and Verizon) have a range of “world phones” that can be used on either CDMA or GSM networks. If your phone is not GSM-compatible, you can still use the Uber app when you have access to Wi-Fi. This can be dangerous to rely on, as Wi-Fi networks are not always available. 21. **Unlock your phone.** If you have an unlocked GSM phone, get a local (to your destination country) phone number by purchasing a SIM card for use in that country. Not only will doing this save you roaming fees, but it will also ensure that your Uber driver can call if he cannot find you. A few weeks in advance (if possible), call your carrier’s customer service phone number and ask if your phone is locked. If it’s not—great! If the phone is locked, as the customer service agent to unlock it for international travel. The agent may offer you an international roaming plan as an alternative. These plans do not come with a local phone number in the company where you are traveling and cost far more money than you’re used to paying for calls, texts, and data. If you do decide that an international plan sounds right for you, you should still be able to use the Uber app to make your reservations. 22. **Buy a SIM card and select a plan.** If you’re staying in the country for less than a month, expect to pay anywhere from $15-40 for a SIM card and prepaid calling, SMS, and data credit. If you have already arrived at your destination, head to a mobile, electronics or department store and view your options. Most stores will activate your new SIM card on the spot. You can buy a SIM card online in advance. This gives you the opportunity to do research before making your purchase. Popular international SIM providers like LycaMobile and Lebara make it easy to buy a SIM card and activate it online. 23. **Download and install the Uber app on your phone in advance.** If you have not already done so, install Uber from the App Store (iPhone) or the Play Store (Android) and create your Uber rider account before you leave. This will give you time to test the app’s functions when you’re still in a familiar environment. While tipping is not required, Uber drivers are permitted to accept cash tips if they are offered.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Is Aries Compatible with Taurus.,"The ram (Aries) and the bull (Taurus)—these astrological neighbors have a lot in common, but do these similarities spell out instant compatibility? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve outlined every angle of the Aries-Taurus relationship, so you can decide if the zodiac’s resident ram and bull can graze in the same pasture.This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here. 1. **This fire-earth pairing can learn a lot from one another.** As a fire sign, Aries likes to live life with their foot on the gas pedal, while earth-bound Taurus prefers to stay at a steady speed. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing, though—bold, fiery Aries can encourage the Taurus to explore new horizons, while grounded Taurus can help Aries stay focused and driven on the path ahead. 2. **Communication is key in this headstrong relationship.** Taurus is a “fixed,” stubborn sign—it’s hard to get them to move unless they really want to. Meanwhile, Aries is a direct, straightforward sign that isn’t afraid to face challenges head-on. Without proper communication, it’s hard for these signs to stay on the same page. Compromise is essential! Let’s say Taurus and Aries are deciding what to do on a Friday night. Instead of fighting, they could reach a compromise: Taurus might join Aries for a couple of hours downtown, while the pair can wind down their evening with a movie night and plenty of snacks. 3. **Both Aries and Taurus love to get physical.** Tauruses aren’t known for being “sexual,” but they are known for being sensual in a touchy-feely sort of way. Taurus loves to get intimate, as does Aries—needless to say, you won’t have any trouble coaxing this ram and bull into the same paddock. Aries tends to have a more direct, straightforward view on intimacy, while Taurus views it as a multi-faceted, pleasurable affair. Sensual Taurus tends to treats sex as a journey toward pleasure, while Aries views it as a singular moment. Aries approaches life in a direct and straightforward way. It makes sense that they’d have the same philosophy toward sex! Make intentional time for sex, rather than doing it in the spur of the moment. Aries might benefit from a slower, more passionate love-making session, while Taurus might benefit from clearly vocalizing their needs and wants in the bedroom. 4. **Aries expresses love more directly, while Taurus is more subtle.** For better or for worse, Aries has a natural courageousness to tell someone how they feel. They cannot hold things back or keep things secret for very long. An Aries is more likely to verbally share their love, while Taurus might show their affection by preparing a tasty home-cooked meal or by doing their partner’s laundry for them. Few signs are as straightforward as Aries. So, it isn’t difficult at all to know what Aries is feeling at any given time. Taurus is way more subtle about their feelings, and may not understand or vibe with Aries’s intensity. Take time to sit and talk about how you’re feeling. Aries tends to have a direct, me-first kind of attitude. With this in mind, give Aries plenty of time to air out exactly how they’re feeling and why. Sensual Taurus prefers are a more hands-on approach in these situations, and may be more comforted by a hug than an emotional discussion. 5. **It’s easy for Aries and Taurus to forge a trusting bond.** Aries and Taurus tend to be on the headstrong side, and may need some time to get a feel for each other’s vibes. Still, once they form a strong connection, it’s pretty much unbreakable. 6. **Both of these signs seek the creature comforts of life.** As the most sensual sign in the zodiac, Taurus deeply appreciates the material aspects of life, like food and financial security. Aries also loves and appreciates the material aspects of life, and both signs will have no trouble forging a comfortable life together. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, which governs profit as well as love. So, many Tauruses love pursuing and enjoying the finer things in life. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, which provides a fiery sense of focus, motivation, and energy. An Aries often knows what they want, and isn’t afraid to charge forward and grab it. 7. **This pair can be a great match if they strike the right balance.** Headstrong and determined, Taurus and Aries often resemble opposite sides of the same coin. Both signs ultimately want lives filled with comfort and passion—the key is approaching these desires at the same pace. Lay all your cards out on the table and be open about what you want. All great, healthy relationships are rooted in communication, support, and careful boundaries—the Aries-Taurus relationship is no exception!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Live With Someone That Has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (O.C.D.).,"Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder in which a person becomes obsessed with a certain aspect of life they feel is dangerous, life-threatening, embarrassing, or condemning. While many people claim they have OCD, often citing a need to see symmetrical objects or the like, actual diagnosed OCD is a real disorder that means life-disrupting obsessions. A loved one’s OCD can often influence communal living spaces, daily routines, and the practicalities of everyday life. Learn to cope with someone who has OCD by recognizing the signs, developing supportive interactions, and taking time for yourself. 1. **Avoid enabling behaviors.** A family member or loved one with OCD can heavily influence the household atmosphere and schedule. It is just as important to know which behaviors reduce anxiety but enable the cycle of OCD to continue. It is tempting for family members to participate or allow rituals to continue. By accommodating your loved one in these ways, you are perpetuating their cycle of fear, obsession, anxiety, and compulsion. In fact, research has shown that accommodating the person’s request to comply with rituals or alter routines actually produces worse presentations of symptoms of OCD. Some rituals that you may need to avoid enabling include: answering repeated questions, reassuring the person about his fears, allowing the person to dictate seating at the dinner table, or asking others to perform certain things several times before serving food. It is easy to fall into this enabling behavior because the rituals and behaviors are seen as harmless. However, if the enabling has been going on for a long time, suddenly stopping all ritual involvement and reassurance may be too abrupt. Inform the person you will be decreasing your involvement in their rituals, then create a limit for how many times a day you will help with rituals Then slowly reduce this number until you are no longer a participant. It may be helpful for you to keep an observation journal, noting when symptoms seem to come up or worsen. This is especially helpful if the family member with OCD is a child. 2. **Keep your regular schedule.** Though it's a stress point for this person and it'll be difficult not to succumb to his desires, it's important that you and others around this person continue life as normal. Instead, come up with a family agreement that your loved one’s condition will not alter the family routines or schedules. Make sure that your loved one knows you are there to support him, and you see that his distress is real, but you will not support his disorder. 3. **Request that your loved one limit OCD behaviors to certain areas of the house.** If your loved one needs to engage in certain OCD behaviors, suggest that these happen in certain rooms. Keep communal rooms free from OCD behaviors. For example, if your loved one needs to check that the windows are locked, suggest that he does this in the bedroom and bathroom, but not in the living room or kitchen. 4. **Help distract your loved one from their thoughts.** When your loved one is faced with the urge to engage in compulsive behavior, you can help by offering some type of distraction such as going for a walk or listening to music. 5. **Don’t label or blame the person for his OCD.** Try to avoid labeling your loved one as his OCD condition. Avoid blaming or chastising your loved one when his behavior becomes frustrating or overwhelming. This is not productive for your relationship or for your loved one’s health. 6. **Create a supportive environment for your loved one.** Regardless of how you feel about the OCD, you need to be encouraging. Ask your family member about his specific fear, obsession, and compulsion. Ask him how you can help him decrease his symptom (outside of complying with his rituals). Explain in a calm voice that the compulsions are a symptom of the OCD and tell him that you won't participate in the compulsions. This gentle reminder may be just what he needs to resist the compulsions this time, which can lead to more instances where he is able to resist them. This is very different than accommodating your loved one. Being supportive does not mean allowing the behaviors. It means holding the person accountable in a supportive way and offering a hug when he needs it. 7. **Involve your loved one in decisions.** It’s important that your loved one feels involved in decisions that are made about his OCD. This is especially true for a child with OCD. Talk with your loved one to find out if he wants to tell his teachers about his OCD, for example. 8. **Celebrate small steps.** Overcoming OCD can be a difficult road. When your loved one makes small improvements, congratulate him. Even if it seems like a small step, such as not checking the lights before bed, your loved one is making improvements. 9. **Learn ways to reduce stress in the household.** Many times, family members become involved in a loved one's rituals in an attempt to reduce the person's distress or to avoid confrontation. Reduce stress by encouraging your family to learn relaxation techniques, such as yoga, mindful meditation, or deep breathing. Encourage them to exercise, adopt healthy eating habits, and get adequate sleep, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. 10. **Find a support group.** Find support for yourself in a group setting or through family therapy. Groups for people who have loved ones with a mental health condition can provide you with support for your frustrations as well as further education about OCD. The International OCD Foundation has a directory of group resources. 11. **Consider family therapy.** Family therapy can be helpful in that the therapist can educate you on your loved one’s OCD as well as make a plan to help bring balance back to the family system. Family therapy looks at the family system and evaluates relationships between family members in an effort to understand which behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs are contributing the presenting problem. For OCD, this may be examining which family members are helpful in reducing anxiety, which are unhelpful, which times of day are most difficult for your loved one with OCD and for other members of the family and why. Your therapist can also offer suggestions about behaviors that will not reinforce rituals, and what to do instead that is specific to your loved one’s situation. 12. **Take time away from your loved one.** Give yourself time away from your loved one to relax. Sometimes worrying about your loved one’s condition can make you feel as though you have OCD as well. Time away from your loved one can give you a moment of relaxation and recentering in order to be better prepared to deal with the stressors of your loved one’s anxiety and behaviors. Plan outings with friends once a week to give you a short reprieve away from your loved one. Or, find your own space at home in which you can relax. Squirrel yourself away in your bedroom to catch up on a book, or carve out time for a bubble bath when your loved one is out of the house. 13. **Pursue your own interests.** Don’t get so wrapped up in your loved one’s OCD that you forget to pursue the things that you enjoy. In any relationship, it’s important to have your own interests separate from the other person, and when you are dealing with someone’s OCD, it’s especially important to have your own outlets. 14. **Remind yourself that your own feelings are normal.** Remember that feeling overwhelmed, angry, anxious, or confused about your loved one’s condition is very normal. OCD is a tricky condition and often produce confusion and frustration for all involved. It is helpful to remember to aim these frustrations and feeling at the condition itself and not the person you love. Although his behavior and anxiety can become irritating and overwhelming, remind yourself that your loved one is not OCD. He is much more. Be sure to separate this for yourself in order to prevent conflict or bitterness toward your loved one. 15. **Suggest that your loved one get a diagnosis.** Getting an official diagnosis can help your loved one deal with the disorder and begin to treat it. Start with the person’s physician, who will perform a complete physical, lab tests, and a psychological evaluation. Having obsessive thoughts or exhibiting compulsive behaviors doesn't mean you have OCD. To have this disorder, you need to be in a state of distress where the thoughts and compulsions interfere with your life. To be diagnosed with OCD, there must be a presence of obsessions or compulsions or both. The following are signs that must be met for a professional diagnosis: Obsessions include thoughts or urges that never go away. They are also unwelcome and intrude on everyday life. These obsessions can cause significant distress. Compulsions are behaviors or thoughts that an individual repeats over and over. This can include compulsions such as hand-washing or counting. The individual feels that he or she must comply with certain rigid rules that are self-imposed. These compulsions are enacted in order to reduce anxiety or in hopes of preventing something from happening. Typically the compulsions are unreasonable and ineffective at actually reducing anxiety or prevention. Obsessions and compulsions are usually performed more than one hour per day or otherwise intrude on daily functioning. 16. **Encourage your loved one to see a therapist.** OCD is a very complex condition, and it is one that often requires professional help in the form of therapy and medications. It is important to encourage your loved one to seek help for their OCD from a therapist. One method of therapy that can be very helpful in treating OCD is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). A therapist will use this method to help individuals change how the perceived risks and challenge the reality of their fears. CBT helps people with OCD examine their perceptions of potential risk which influence their obsessions, to build a more realistic perception of their fear. Additionally, CBT helps to examine the individual's interpretation of their intrusive thoughts, because it is often the amount of importance they place on these thoughts and how they interpret them that causes anxiety. CBT has been shown to be helpful to 75% of clients with OCD. 17. **Look into exposure and response prevention treatment.** One portion of cognitive behavioral therapy can help reduce ritual behavior and come up alternative behaviors when exposed to the fear's image, thought, or situation. This portion of CBT is called Exposure Response Prevention. This type of treatment gradually exposes the individual to what he fears or obsesses over while refraining from acting on compulsions. During this process, the individual learns to cope with and manage their anxiety until it eventually does not induce anxiety at all. 18. **Suggest medication for your loved one.** Medications used to treat OCD include different types of antidepressants such as SSRIs, which help to increase the available amount of serotonin in the brain in order to reduce anxiety. 19. **Look for signs of OCD.** OCD manifests in thoughts, and these thoughts play out in a person’s behavior. If you suspect someone you care about has OCD, look for the following: Large blocks of unexplained time that the person is spending alone (in the bathroom, getting dressed, doing homework, etc.) Doing things again and again (repetitive behaviors) Constant questioning of self-judgment; excessive need for reassurance Simple tasks taking an effort Perpetual tardiness Increased concern for minor things and details Extreme, unnecessary emotional reactions to small things Inability to sleep properly Staying up late to get things done A significant change in eating habits Increased irritability and indecisiveness 20. **Understand what obsessions are.** Obsessions can be about fears of contamination, fears of being harmed by another person, fears of by persecuted by God or other religious leaders because of thoughts that contain unwanted images such as sexual images or thought that would be blasphemous. The fear is what drives OCD, even if the fear is unlikely with low risk, people with OCD are still very much afraid. This fear creates anxiety which drives compulsions, and the person with OCD uses compulsions as a way to pacify or control their anxiety caused by their obsession. 21. **Learn what compulsions are.** Compulsions are usually acts or behaviors such as saying a certain prayer a certain amount of times, checking the stove repeatedly, or checking the locks on the house a certain number of times. 22. **Understand the types of OCD.** When most of us think of this disorder, we think of those who wash their hands 30 times before leaving the bathroom or those who switch the light on and off exactly 17 times before bed. In actuality, OCD rears its head in many different ways: People with a washing compulsion are afraid of contamination and usually wash their hands frequently. People who check things repeatedly (oven turned off, door locked, etc.) tend to associate everyday objects with harm or danger. People with a strong feeling of doubt or sin may expect that terrible things will happen and they might even be punished. People who are obsessed with order and symmetry often have superstitions about numbers, colors, or arrangements. People with a tendency to hoard things may be afraid that something bad will happen if they throw even the smallest thing away. Everything from trash to old receipts gets saved.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Survive Overthinking.,"Do you ever find yourself weighing the pros and cons of a situation for so long that you forget to ever take action? Or maybe you play out a conversation in your head so many times that you feel like you've actually talked to the other person. If so, you might be an overthinker! While everybody gets caught up in their head once in a while, chronic overthinking can make it hard to actually deal with problems, so it's important to learn new strategies so you can get out of your head and back into the present moment. 1. **When you're overthinking, you tend to get caught up in details.** While you might be able to learn something new by giving these things some quick consideration, it's better to step back and look at the whole picture. If you're crushing on someone, for example, you might think about their every comment or facial expression after you see them—but scrutinizing every interaction for telling details can keep you from seeing what's really going on. Does your crush treat you, for the most part, like they're interested in you? Or are you just hoping to find a subtle sign because of how you feel about them? Being realistic about your overall relationship can help you stop overthinking every small interaction. 2. **Big problems seem less intimidating when you break them down.** Sometimes you might find yourself overthinking about a problem that just seems too overwhelming, and you're not sure what to do about it. If you're unhappy with your job, you might get caught up in thinking about every aspect about it that you hate. That's not going to help you in the long run, though. Instead, figure out the first step you can take—like taking an online class in your free time, or starting up a side hustle that you might eventually be able to expand into a full-time career. 3. **Practice mindfulness to develop this habit.** When you're overthinking, you're usually either caught up in replaying something from the past or trying to figure out all the possible outcomes of something in the future. If you can learn to bring your attention back to what's actually happening around you, it can help you be more deliberate with your thoughts. One good exercise for practicing mindfulness is to use all of your senses to experience what's happening in the moment—try to find at least one thing you can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel around you. 4. **Do something that you find fun and engaging.** When your thoughts are running away from you, sometimes you just need to go do something else for a while. Anything will work, as long as it gets your mind off whatever is bothering you—some people enjoy coloring or doing puzzles, while others enjoy going for a walk or getting some exercise. Just choose something that makes you feel good. If you love gardening, go outside and pull up some weeds, or repot a plant that's getting a little crowded. If you like getting active, go for a jog, do some laps in the pool, or practice your basketball free-throws. 5. **Try spending 10 minutes a day writing down your thoughts.** Journaling can be a really powerful way to calm overthinking. When you write, it helps you organize your thoughts, so they don't feel so jumbled and overwhelming in your mind. Writing can also help you get to the root of what's going on—so you might feel like it's easier to see a solution, or even just realize it's time to let go of whatever you're feeling. After you've been journaling for a while, read back through your writing and look for patterns in your thinking. Ask yourself how these patterns influence how you see yourself, your relationships, and the world around you. If you're struggling with critical thoughts, try writing them as ""you"" statements instead of ""I"" statements. If you see something like ""You're really bad at school,"" for instance, it might help you see how hurtful your critical inner voice can be. Try to think of a counter for each of those ""You"" statements, as well—like ""You always try really hard."" 6. **Tell yourself you can't worry outside of this time.** Create a block on your schedule for your specified worry time—maybe 15-20 minutes where you can think through whatever's on your mind. Then, throughout the day, keep a list where you can jot down anything that you start to worry about. Tell yourself you're not allowed to think about it until that designated worry period. That way, you won't end up overthinking all day long about one issue, especially if it's something that could be solved in those few minutes. Just make sure not to schedule your worry period too close to bedtime, or you might not have time to release those feelings before you try to go to sleep. 7. **Saying your thoughts out loud can help you process them.** If you just can't seem to move past your thoughts, try opening up to someone you really trust, like a close family member or a friend. Tell them what you're dealing with and why you think you keep coming back to these thoughts. When you're finished, sit back and give them some space to share their point of view, as well—they might just have some good advice that might put your mind at ease. 8. **Look for solutions instead of just replaying the obstacle.** If you notice that you're just thinking about every little detail of a decision you're facing, or ruminating on all the ways a situation go wrong, try to reframe your thoughts. Focus on how you can be proactive—how can you solve the problem, or what can you learn from it that will help you in the future? This simple shift can help you feel empowered instead of overwhelmed. It can also help to separate how you're feeling about a situation from the things you can do to solve that situation. 9. **Identifying a pattern can help you interrupt it.** Next time you get caught up in overthinking, stop and track your thoughts backward to figure out what started the cycle. Over time, as you practice this, you'll probably start noticing that there are some similarities to what makes you overthink. Once you can identify those triggers, you'll be able to recognize when you're more vulnerable to overthinking, and it will be easier to stop it before it starts. You might notice that you tend to overthink when you're anxious about a difficult conversation, for instance. In that case, you might find that it helps when you write down what you want to talk about, then set a deadline for when to have that conversation. 10. **Stand up for yourself instead of bringing yourself down.** Sometimes, overthinking happens because you're upset at yourself for making a mistake. Maybe your thoughts have even taken on the voice of someone from your past who was really critical of you. Instead of replaying your mistakes over and over, get in the habit of replacing that negative self-talk with something positive about yourself. If you make a mistake at work, for instance, you might catch yourself thinking something like, ""I'm always getting things wrong; I don't even deserve that job."" Instead, replace that with something like, ""I might not be perfect, but they hired me because they saw potential. I've earned my place and I can learn from this mistake."" 11. **Ask yourself whether overthinking is a way to procrastinate.** Maybe you have to weigh every element of a decision because you're afraid you're going to fail. Or maybe you don't want to try something new because you don't want to end up being disappointed in your decision. If you're not willing to make a leap, though, you're not giving yourself a chance to succeed. If you're trying to decide whether to go to a party, for instance, try asking yourself questions like, ""What's really the worst that could happen?"" or ""What do I have to lose?"" Then, ask yourself, ""What if I have a great time?"" Even if things don't turn out exactly how you hoped, you're more likely to regret it never taking a risk in the first place. 12. **These are thinking patterns that affect how you see a situation.** Cognitive distortions are basically a negative filter for your thoughts. Fortunately, if you can learn to recognize these when they happen, it will be easier to overcome them. Some of the most common cognitive distortions include: Believing things are either all good or all bad. Seeing negative events as part of a bigger cycle instead of taking them one at a time. Only seeing the negative parts of a situation while ignoring the positive. Feeling like bad things are really important while good things aren't that important Automatically assuming a situation will turn out badly. 13. **Talk to a mental health professional about your overthinking.** Sometimes, it might seem like your overthinking is due to everyday problems. However, the real issues might be due to things like past trauma or a deep fear of failure. A licensed therapist can help you identify the cause of your overthinking and learn new strategies for how to cope with those thoughts—as well as any underlying feelings that are contributing to them. Remember, there's nothing wrong with asking for help if you need it, especially if your overthinking is holding you back from doing things you'd really like to do!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Copyright in Canada.,"To copyright something means to claim that you are the owner of that intellectual work, such as a painting or poem, a commercial slogan, a musical score, or computer program. For a copyright to apply, the work must already have been created; you cannot copyright the idea for a creative work. Under Canadian law, an implicit copyright automatically exists when the original work is created, but a registration of copyright protects that creation and verifies that you are the creator and owner. It is important to learn how to copyright in Canada, in case you have to show a court you own a copyrighted work. 1. **Ensure that you need a copyright.** All three of these provide legal protection, but cover different forms of material. If you have created commercial branding or a new invention, rather than a creative work, you may need to apply for a trademark or a patent, rather than a copyright. Copyright covers original artistic work (musical, artistic, literary, or dramatic) and gives the work’s creator the exclusive legal right to reproduce and perform the work. Trademarks are designed to protect commercial brands; they limit use of specific words and designs which describe a specific brand. Patents protect the development of new technology, or improvements made to already existing technologies. A patent limits production and sales of an invention. 2. **Visit the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) website.** Nearly all of the Canadian copyright registration process is carried out online, through the CIPO website. This site contains all of the relevant information for filing a copyright in Canada. 3. **Click on “Copyright,” on the top of the page.** The site advises visitors to read the “Guide to Copyrights” before beginning the copyright application process. Click on the “Guide to Copyrights” link and study the information on that page. This will provide information about what a copyright is, what it protects, how long a copyright lasts in Canada, and provide further detailed bullet points about how to prepare and submit your application for copyright registration. 4. **Return to the main “Copyright” page and click on “Register Your Copyright.”** This link will help you begin registering your intellectual property copyright. 5. **Read the page and click on the “My Industry Canada Account” link.** Before you click on the copyright e-filing application form link, you will need to setup an Industry Canada account. This will allow you to pay for the application fee. You need to have your username and password already created, because the form is on a secure server. 6. **Click on “Login to the copyright e-filing application” and fill out the application.** You can both fill out and submit the entire application from this link. To register your copyright, you will need to title your work and place it within a category: photograph, music, artistic work, literary work, or dramatic work. If your work fits in multiple categories, you will still need to select one of the categories. Pick the one that best suits your work. Read through your application to ensure it is correct and complete. For your own private records, print the completed application or save it on a flash drive. 7. **Pay for the copyright application.** CIPO accepts various forms of payment, including credit and debit cards, checks, wire transfers, and deposit accounts. From the main Copyright page, click on “View fees” on the center of your screen to see the applicable fees. Make payment online, using one of the acceptable payment methods. Payment for copyright registration costs $50. If you do not have a credit card or prefer not to use one, set up a CIPO deposit account. Email CIPO’s Finance, Integrated Planning and Administration office to set up your account. You can also open an account by mailing information to CIPO office at Place du Portage 1, 3rd Floor, Room 304 C, Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0C9. You will have to pay $65 if you open a CIPO deposit account to pay for your copyright application. 8. **Receive your registration certificate.** Once you have submitted the registration form, either online or by mail or fax, you will receive a registration certificate within five to seven business days. If there is a problem with your filed application, CIPO will inform you within one week from the date of filing. 9. **Add a copyright notice to your work and to all authorized reproductions.** Every copyrighted work should be marked with the copyright symbol—©—and the copyright owner’s name, followed by the year the work was published. This will let others know that the work is an original creative work, and that they cannot legally reproduce the work or sell a reproduction. Remember that your creative work is still copyrighted, even if it does not have the “©” symbol physically printed on it. The printed symbol serves primarily to remind others that your work has been copyright, and is not theirs to reproduce. 10. **Stop violations of your copyright.** If you become aware that an individual or company is reproducing or selling your copyrighted work without your permission, the correct legal step is to send them a Cease and Desist “Copyright Infringement” letter. The Cease and Desist letter communicates your ownership of the copyrighted work, and asks that the violator cease using the copyrighted creative work. An attorney (or, often, the website of a legal firm) can provide you with a form letter; you’ll need to fill in specific details. 11. **Take the copyright violator to court.** If the offender continues to violate your copyright, you can take them to court to sue for damages. The judge may also issue a Cease and Desist Order, which prohibits the violator from using your copyrighted material. Under Canadian law, copyright violation can be punished with up to a $5,000 fine for infringement claims and damages.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Act Like a Guardian.,"A guardian is someone who guards someone else while having a magic and type. Acting like one is fun and easy. Get started with these simple steps! 1. **Decide what type of guardian you are.** There are the types below. This article also describes how to act like all of these guardians. But, just act like one of them. There are: Magic Guardians, who guard all the magic in the world. They have the power to use all magic. Rebel Guardians, who guard someone in need. They have a lot of powers. Dream Guardians, who guard dreams at night. They have the power to control dreams. Life Guardians, who guard all kinds of life. They have the power to raise the dead. Animal Guardians, who guard every single animal. They have the power to talk to animals. Plant Guardians, who guard every single plant. They have the power to talk to plants. Season Guardians, who guard the four seasons. They have the power to control the weather. Space Guardians, who guard the universe. They have the power to control the universe. Ocean Guardians, who guard all sea life and seawater. They have the power to control seawater. 2. **Decide if you want to become a guardian.** It is a hard responsibility. Do you want to protect something on earth? Do you want to help? Do you want to gain powers? Think over it carefully. 3. **Wear something according to your chosen guardian.** There is a list below, explaining your clothing: If you are a magic guardian, try to wear a white jacket as a cloak. Take the two strings in the front. (Get a jacket like that). Tie them around your neck. Put the hood on your head if desired or if you're allowed. Let the back of the jacket settle on your back. Leave the zipper unzipped. If you are a rebel guardian, wear lots of black and white. Like yin and yang. Try wearing black pants and a blank white shirt. Wear black boots and let your hair down. If you are a dream guardian, your main style is the night. Wear black and dark purple. Try having a moon or star on your tee shirt. If you are a life guardian, wear earthy colors. A suggested style is a green and blue tie-dye shirt, blue jeans, and green tennis shoes. If you are an animal guardian, wear orange, red and yellow, have a warm sort of theme. If you are a plant guardian, wear a green tee-shirt, blue jeans, and any kind of tennis shoes. If you are a season guardian, dress according to the season. In summer, wear a yellow tank top with the sun on it, blue shorts, and pink flip-flops. In fall, wear a short sleeve orange tee-shirt, an orange jacket as a cloak (how-to in the magic guardian section), blue jeans, and tennis shoes. In winter, wear a white coat with fur on the hood, a blue long sleeve shirt with a snowflake, blue jeans, and snow boots. In spring, wear a pink short sleeve shirt with a flower, blue capris, and tennis shoes. If you are a space guardian, wear a black dress as a girl and a black tee shirt as a boy. If you are an ocean guardian, wear a blue dress as a girl and a blue tee shirt as a boy. 4. **Wear jewelry in your chosen symbol of your guardian.** Magic guardians wear a necklace with a wizard hat. Rebel guardians wear a yin yang necklace. Dream guardians wear a star or a moon necklace. Life guardians wear an earth necklace. Animal guardians wear an animal necklace. Plant guardians wear a flower necklace. Season guardians wear a sun necklace in summer, a leaf necklace in fall, a snowflake necklace in winter, and a flower necklace in spring. Space guardians wear a sun necklace or a star necklace. Ocean guardians wear a starfish necklace. 5. **Help someone in need according to your guardian.** A list is below: Magic guardians help people control powers. If someone comes to you with a problem she can't control, help her/him. Rebel guardians help anyone in need. Help in any way you can. Dream guardians help people with their dreams. If someone needs comforting of a nightmare, comfort them. Life guardians help people survive. If someone is in danger of dying, call 911 and try CPR. (CPR is not a good idea if you are not licensed!!) Animal guardians help animals. If an animal is injured or needs your help, do it! Also, volunteer at an animal shelter. Try to help save endangered animals. Try to adopt animals. Plant guardians help plants. Water plants and start a garden! Help others with their gardens too. Season guardians guard seasons. Appreciate the beauty of all seasons and help others see the joy in all seasons! Space guardians help space. Know a lot about space and help your science teacher prepare space lessons if they are okay with it! Ocean guardians help aquatic problems. Help clean up the beaches and save endangered ocean animals! Also, love swimming. 6. **Pretend to have powers like your chosen guardian.** A list is once again below: Magic guardians have all kinds of powers. Try looking at the other ones to see how to do them. Rebel guardians have powers of the yin and yang. Be yin on some days and yang on others. Also, help a lot when you are yin and help a tiny bit less when you are yang. Dream guardians can control dreams. Sneak into your sibling's or parents' room and pretend to give him/her/them a dream. But be careful since Life guardians can raise people from the dead. Spend a lot of time in graveyards and make sure someone you know can see you. When they ask what you were doing, say, ""Helping,"" Animal guardians have the power to talk to animals. Learn the signals and sounds of each animal you can and talk to people's pets. Talk to animals at the zoo. Plant guardians have the power to speak to plants. Pretend to talk to the plants in a plant language. Season guardians can control the weather. Have the weather tie to your emotions. For example, if it is raining, be sad. If it is snowing, be angry. If it's a thunderstorm, be enraged. Space guardians can control the universe. Always be busy writing down plans about the universe and drawing out plots on controlling it. If someone asks what you are doing, go ahead and show them. Ocean guardians can control water. Learn to make optical illusions with water. 7. **Spend a lot of time around things similar to your guardian.** A list is below: Magic guardians will spend time around magic. Watch other friends who are doing this too learn their magic. Rebel guardians spend time around yin things on yin days and yang things on yang days. On yin days, spend time around beautiful forests, playgrounds, and sparkly things. On yang days, spend time in the dark, away from noise, and dark things. Dream guardians spend time around dreaming people. Become nocturnal in the summer vacation and always stay nearby dreaming family members. Pretend to give them dreams. Life guardians spend time around graveyards to raise people to life. Spend time there. Animal guardians spend time around animals, of course. Spend a lot of time with a pet or if you see animals in the park, watch them. Plant guardians spend time around plants. Spend a lot of time with the flowering flora. Season guardians spend time in outside in every season. Spend a lot of time outdoors. Space guardians spend their time in the universe, but since you can't, spend time outdoors in the night stargazing. Ocean guardians spend their time around bodies of water. Whenever you can, visit a lake or ocean. 8. **Develop a guardian personality.** Remember to still be yourself: Magic guardians are mysterious. Learn to be mysterious. Rebel guardians change with the yin and yang. Dream guardians are very nighttime, so always act like it is night. Even in the morning. Life guardians love the earth. Start becoming concerned about saving the environment. Animal guards love animals! Learn everything you can about animals and try to save endangered animals! Plant guardians are plant fans. Learn a lot about plants. Season guardians love all seasons. Learn about weather and how it works. Space guardians are big about the universe. Learn about space. Ocean guardians love water. Learn ocean facts and spend extra time in the shower! 9. **Assign yourself to a friend or family member to guard.** No matter what type, all guardians guard one specific person, even the rebels. Be protective of them, but never become way too protective! Just enough so they still feel free. Always be ready to defend this person.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Carry an Injured Dog.,"If a dog is injured, handle the dog gently and minimally as you transport it to the vet. If they are still mobile, get them to lay down however they are comfortable and stay, ideally in a carrier or crate. Carry dogs that are significantly injured on a stiff, firm surface, and do everything you can to immobilize whatever parts of the dog's body that may be injured. 1. **Use a pet carrier if possible.** If you have a pet carrier that you can safely place the dog in, do so. This is the best option to protect both you and the dog. Encourage it to lie down, and support its body with anything soft to minimize movement during transportation. For more significant injuries, or in scenarios where the dog is having trouble breathing or is unconscious, you'll want to move it as little as possible. See the section in this article on dealing with specific injuries. 2. **Carry a dog with a minor injury in your arms.** If you do not have a carrier, the dog only has a limb injury, and you can carry it safely with both arms, it is fine to do so. Use one to support the chest, and reach over with your other arm, looping it beneath the dog's abdomen, just in front of its hind legs. Do you best not to move or otherwise agitate an injury, but make sure to fully support the dog's body with your arms. 3. **Carry large dogs on a stretcher.** If another person is available to help, use something stiff, such as a board, to carry a large dog or a dog that is seriously injured. Position the dog on its side, taking care not to bend its body. If you have anything soft, wedge it along the dog's body to minimize its movement. When lifting with the assistance of another person, position yourselves on either side of the stretcher. Bend and lift simultaneously, using your legs to support the weight. Position your hands as far apart from one another as is comfortable. The tray from a dog crate is another good option for a stretcher. If you have something that can secure the dog in place, such as a belt, use it to do so. Always position a fastening device over the shoulders or hips, so as not to obstruct the ribs or abdomen. 4. **Use a soft material as a stretcher.** If you have no stiff, mobile surface, a blanket or coat can be used as well. Position the material beneath the dog in a way that will support its body lengthwise. If the material is not large enough to hold the dog in place while moving, use something to fasten it to the stretcher. A soft material will only help you carry a dog if you have another person to assist you. Stand on opposite sides of the material and lift from the corners, pulling away from one another to keep the material as taught as possible. Prevent the dog's body from bending as much as you are able. If you are alone, you may need to drag the dog, but can still use a stretcher to help you do so. 5. **Move a large dog on you own.** If you are alone, position the dog so that it is laying on its side. Place a board or blanket behind the dog's back, along its spine. Position yourself behind the dog as well. Tightly grip a fold of the dog's skin above its neck with one hand and above its hips with the other. Pull the dog carefully onto the board or other material. Lift one edge of the stretcher and drag it in the direction of help. 6. **Muzzle the dog.** Even if you know the dog and it is always friendly and gentle, you should almost always put a muzzle on an injured dog. Pain, shock, and confusion can cause even well-behaved dogs to panic and bite at you or someone else. If you do not have a muzzle, use a long strip of gauze or even a leash to make one. Drape it across the dog's muzzle, wrap it around its jaws, and wrap it back behind the ears to fasten. Do not muzzle the dog if it is vomiting or having trouble breathing. Remove or loosen a muzzles, especially a makeshift muzzle, once the dog is settled. Never leave a muzzle on a dog if you are unable to directly observe it. 7. **Check for evidence of a spine injury.** If the dog has injured their spine, it is especially important that you carry them on a firm, stiff surface. Evidence of a spine injury include immobility or wobbliness in the rear legs, unconsciousness, differently-sized pupils, partial or complete paralysis, or blood flowing from the dog's orifices. There are many options for flat surfaces to use as stretchers. Aside from a board, you can use a sled, table leaf, bookshelf, ironing board, or even a window screen. Make sure the dog lays on its side, and that its body is not twisted while moving it carefully onto the stretcher. Have someone help you carefully move them onto the stretcher, if possible. 8. **Position an unconscious dog's head.** Position the head of an unconscious dog in normal alignment with the dog's body. With the dog on its side, this means the snout should be pointed forward or a bit downward. This is important to maintain both airflow to the lungs and blood flow to the brain. If the dog has vomited, position the head slightly downward, to allow vomit to easily vacate the dog's mouth. Be aware the a dog that has suffered a head injury is likely to vomit, even if they are unconscious. 9. **Do not splint a clearly broken limb.** If the dog's limb is clearly broken, wrap it in something clean, such as gauze or a towel and tape it in place. The goal is reducing movement of the leg. As you move the dog, make sure to support the entire limb, so that it cannot bend at the point where it was broken or fractured. Do not attempt to push broken bones back into place. 10. **Stop uncontrolled bleeding.** If the dog bleeds continuously for more than five minutes, you need to take steps to control the bleeding. First, apply pressure with a clean material, ideally a padded bandage or gauze. This will at least slow the loss of blood. If you have wrap and/or tape, wrap a bleeding wound with tension equal to gently pressing on the wound. 11. **Minimize spine and neck movement during transportation.** While carrying a dog on a stretcher or driving them, wedge anything you have that's soft around the dog's body to keep their body from moving around unnecessarily. Pillows or rolled up towels and blankets are ideal. 12. **Cover the dog.** Unless it is quite warm, use a blanket, towel, or piece of clothing to wrap the dog during transportation. Not only will this calm the dog down, if will prevent heat loss that may occur due to shock or injury. 13. **Have someone else drive.** If anyone else is around, have someone else drive to the vet. This will allow you to help keep the dog from moving around. Further, this will keep you from driving distractedly. 14. **Call the vet en route.** Call the veterinary hospital to let them know you're on your way. Describe the dog's injuries to help the vet prepare for your arrival and start helping the dog as efficiently as possible. If no one else is around to drive, complete the call before getting on the road. Another benefit of calling ahead is ensuring that the vet you're heading for is capable of treating your dog. If they are not, you may be able to have a vet meet you there for emergency service, or they can tell you where to go instead.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Tell if Someone Is Bipolar.,"Bipolar Disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a disorder of the brain that results in shifts in mood, activity, energy, and day-to-day functionality. Although nearly 6 million American adults have bipolar disorder, like many mental illnesses, it is often misunderstood. In popular culture, people may say someone is “bipolar” if they demonstrate any sort of mood swings, but the diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder is far more rigorous. There are actually several types of bipolar disorder. While each type of bipolar disorder is serious, they’re also treatable, usually through a combination of prescription medication and psychotherapy. If you think that someone you know has bipolar disorder, read on to find out how to support your loved one. 1. **Look for unusually intense “mood episodes.”** A mood episode represents a significant, even drastic, change from a person’s typical mood. In popular language, these may be called “mood swings.” People who suffer from bipolar disorder may switch rapidly between mood episodes, or their moods may persist for weeks or months. There are two basic types of mood episode: extremely elevated, or manic episodes, and extremely depressed, or depressive episodes. The person may also experience mixed episodes, in which symptoms of mania and depression occur at the same time. A person with bipolar disorder may experience periods of “normal” or relatively calm moods in between intense mood episodes. 2. **Educate yourself about the multiple types of bipolar disorder.** There are four basic types of bipolar disorder that are regularly diagnosed: Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, and Cyclothymia. The type of bipolar disorder a person is diagnosed with is determined by its severity and duration, as well as how quickly the mood episodes cycle. A trained mental health professional must diagnose bipolar disorder; you cannot do it yourself and should not attempt to do so. Bipolar I Disorder involves manic or mixed episodes that last for at least seven days. The person may also have severe manic episodes that put them in enough danger to require immediate medical attention. Depressive episodes also occur, usually lasting at least two weeks. Bipolar II Disorder involves episodes of 'hypomania', which rarely escalates to full-blown mania, and more lasting episodes of depression. Hypomania is a milder manic state, in which the person feels very “on,” is extremely active, and appears to require little to no sleep; other symptoms of mania such as racing thoughts, rapid speech, and flights of ideas might also be present, but unlike those in manic states, people experiencing hypomania do not generally lose touch with reality or the ability to function. Untreated, this type of manic state may develop into severe mania. The depressive episodes in Bipolar II are generally assumed to be more severe and lasting than the depressive episodes in Bipolar I. It is important to note that a wide range of symptoms might be associated with both types I and II, and the experiences of every individual sufferer are different, so while conventional wisdom dictates as much, this is often, but not always the case. Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (BP-NOS) is a diagnosis made when symptoms of bipolar disorder are present but don’t meet the rigid diagnostic criteria of the DSM-5 (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). These symptoms are still not typical for the person’s “normal” or baseline range. Cyclothymic disorder or cyclothymia is a mild form of bipolar disorder. Periods of hypomania alternate with shorter, milder episodes of depression. This must persist for at least two years to meet diagnostic criteria. A person with bipolar disorder may also experience “rapid cycling,” in which they experience four or more mood episodes within a 12-month period. Rapid cycling appears to affect slightly more women than men, and it can come and go. 3. **Know how to recognize a manic episode.** How a manic episode manifests may vary from person to person. However, it will represent a dramatically more elevated or “revved up” mood from the person’s “normal” or baseline emotional state. Some symptoms of mania include: Feelings of extreme joy, happiness, or excitement. A person having a manic episode may feel so “buzzed” or happy that even bad news cannot damage their mood. This feeling of extreme happiness persists even without apparent causes. Overconfidence, feelings of invulnerability, delusions of grandeur. A person having a manic episode may have an overinflated ego or higher sense of self-esteem than is typical for them. Thy may believe they can accomplish more than is feasible, as though absolutely nothing can get in their way. They may imagine that they have special connections to figures of importance or supernatural phenomena. Increased, sudden irritability and anger. A person having a manic episode may snap at others, even without provocation. They are likely to be more “touchy” or easily angered than is usual in their “typical” mood. Hyperactivity. The person may take on multiple projects at once, or schedule more things to do in a day than reasonably can be accomplished. They may choose to do activities, even seemingly purposeless ones, instead of sleeping or eating. Increased talkativeness, scattered speech, racing thoughts. The person having a manic episode will often have difficulty collecting their thoughts, even though they are extremely talkative. They may jump very quickly from one thought or activity to another. Feeling jittery or agitated. The person may feel agitated or restless. They may be easily distracted. Sudden increase in risky behavior. The person may do things that are unusual for their normal baseline and pose a risk, such as having unsafe sex, going on shopping sprees, or gambling. Risky physical activities such as speeding or undertaking extreme sports or athletic feats -- especially ones the person is not adequately prepared for -- may also occur. Decreased sleeping habits. The person may sleep very little, yet claim to feel rested. They may experience insomnia or simply feel like they don’t need to sleep. 4. **Know how to recognize a depressive episode.** If a manic episode makes a person with bipolar disorder feel like they’re “on top of the world,” a depressive episode is the feeling of being crushed at the bottom of it. The symptoms may vary between people, but there are some common symptoms to look out for: Intense feelings of sadness or despair. Like the feelings of happiness or excitement in the manic episodes, these feelings may not appear to have a cause. The person may feel hopeless or worthless, even if you make attempts to cheer them up. Anhedonia. This is a fancy way of saying that the person no longer shows interest or enjoyment in things thy used to enjoy doing. Sex drive may also be lower. Fatigue. It’s common for people suffering from major depression to feel tired all the time. They may also complain of feeling sore or achy. Disrupted sleep pattern. With depression, a person’s “normal” sleep habits are disrupted in some way. Some people sleep too much while others may sleep too little. Either way, their sleep habits are markedly different from what is “normal” for them. Appetite changes. People with depression may experience weight loss or weight gain. They may overeat or not eat enough. This varies depending on the person and represents a change from what is “normal” for them. Trouble concentrating. Depression can make it difficult to focus or make even small decisions. A person may feel nearly paralyzed when they’re experiencing a depressive episode. Suicidal thoughts or actions. Don’t assume that any expressions of suicidal thoughts or intentions are “just for attention.” Suicide is a very real risk for people with bipolar disorder. Call 911 or emergency services immediately if your loved one expresses suicidal thoughts or intents. 5. **Read all you can about the disorder.** You’ve taken an excellent first step by looking up this article. The more you know about bipolar disorder, the better you’ll be able to support your loved one. If you’re a friend or family member of someone with bipolar disorder, your support can help them manage their symptoms. Below are a few resources you may consider: The National Institute of Mental Health is an excellent place to start for information on bipolar disorder, its symptoms and possible causes, treatment options, and how to live with the illness. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance offers resources for individuals suffering from bipolar disorder and their loved ones. Marya Hornbacher’s memoir Madness: A Bipolar Life talks about the author’s lifelong struggle with bipolar disorder. Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison’s memoir An Unquiet Mind talks about the author’s life as a scientist who also has bipolar disorder. While each person’s experience is unique to them, these books may help you to understand what your loved one is going through. Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Patients and Families, by Dr. Frank Mondimore, can be a good resource for how to care for your loved one (and yourself). The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide, by Dr. David J.Miklowitz, is geared toward helping people with bipolar disorder, and their loved ones manage the illness. The Depression Workbook: A Guide for Living with Depression and Manic Depression, by Mary Ellen Copeland and Matthew McKay, is geared toward helping people diagnosed with bipolar disorder maintain mood stability with various self-help exercises. 6. **Reject some common myths about mental illness.** Mental illness is commonly stigmatized as something “wrong” with the person. It may be viewed as something they could just “snap out of” if they “tried hard enough” or “thought more positively.” The fact is, these ideas are simply not true. Bipolar disorder is the result of complex interacting factors including genetics, brain structure, chemical imbalances in the body, and sociocultural pressures. A person with bipolar disorder can’t just “stop” having the disorder. However, bipolar disorder is also treatable. Consider how you would speak to someone who had a different sort of illness, such as cancer. Would you ask that person, “Have you ever tried just not having cancer?” Telling someone with bipolar disorder to just “try harder” is equally incorrect. Medication and therapy can help manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder, but the disorder can last a lifetime. There’s a common misconception that bipolar is rare. In fact, about 6 million American adults suffer from some type of bipolar disorder. Even famous individuals such as Stephen Fry, Carrie Fisher, and Jean-Claude Van Damme have been open about being diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Another common myth is that manic or depressive mood episodes are “normal” or even a good thing. While it’s true that everyone has their good days and bad days, bipolar disorder causes shifts in mood that are far more extreme and damaging than the typical “mood swings” or “off days.” They cause significant dysfunction in the person’s daily life. A common mistake is to confuse schizophrenia with bipolar disorder. They are not at all the same illness, although they have a few symptoms (such as depression) in common. Bipolar disorder is characterized principally by the shift between intense mood episodes. Schizophrenia generally causes symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized speech, which do not often appear in bipolar disorder. It is possible for someone with schizoaffective disorder, to have the symptoms of both though. Many people believe that people with bipolar disorder or depression are dangerous to others. The news media is particularly bad about promoting this idea. In reality, research shows that people with bipolar disorder don’t commit any more violent acts than people without the disorder. People with bipolar disorder may be more likely to consider or attempt suicide, however. 7. **Avoid hurtful language.** Some people may jokingly say they’re “a little bipolar” or “schizo” when describing themselves, even if they have not been diagnosed with a mental illness. In addition to being inaccurate, this type of language trivializes the experience of people who have bipolar disorder. Be respectful when discussing mental illness. It’s important to remember that people are more than the sum of their illness. Don’t use totalizing phrases such as “I think you’re bipolar.” Instead, say something like, “I think you may have bipolar disorder.” Referring to someone “as” their illness reduces them to one element about them. This promotes the stigma that all too often still surrounds mental illness, even if you don’t mean it that way. Trying to comfort the other person by saying “I’m a little bipolar too” or “I know how you feel” can do more damage than good. These things may make the other person feel as though you aren’t taking their illness seriously. 8. **Talk about your concerns with your loved one.** You might be worried about talking to your loved one for fear of upsetting them. It’s actually very helpful and important for you to talk with your loved one about your concerns. Not talking about mental illness promotes the unfair stigma around it and may encourage people with a disorder to wrongly believe that they are “bad” or “worthless” or should feel ashamed of their illness. When approaching your loved one, be open and honest, and show compassion. Supporting someone who suffers from bipolar disorder can help them recover and manage their illness. Reassure the person that they aren’t alone. Bipolar disorder can make a person feel very isolated. Tell your loved one that you are here for them and want to support them in any way you can. Acknowledge that your loved one’s illness is real. Trying to minimize your loved one’s symptoms won’t make them feel better. Instead of trying to tell the person that the illness is “no big deal,” acknowledge that the condition is serious but treatable. For example: “I know that you have a real illness and that it causes you to feel and do things that aren’t like you. We can find help together.” Convey your love and acceptance to the person. Particularly while in a depressive episode, the person may believe that they are worthless or ruined. Counter these negative beliefs by expressing your love and acceptance of the person. For example: “I love you, and you are important to me. I care about you, and that’s why I want to help you.” 9. **Use “I” statements to convey your feelings.** When talking with another person, it’s crucial that you not seem as though you’re attacking or judging your loved one. People with mental illness may feel as though the world is against them. It’s important to show that you’re on your loved one’s side and that you’re there to support them and help them recover. For example, say things such as “I care about you and am worried about some things I’ve seen.” There are some statements that come across as defensive. You should avoid these. For example, avoid saying things like “I’m just trying to help” or “You just need to listen to me.” 10. **Avoid threats and blame.** You may be concerned about your loved one’s health, and feel willing to make sure they get help “by any means necessary.” However, you should never use exaggerations, threats, “guilt trips,” or accusations to convince the other person to seek help. These will only encourage the other person to believe that you see something “wrong” with them and that you’re not there to help or support them. Avoid statements such as “You’re worrying me” or “Your behavior is odd.” These sound accusative and may shut the other person down. Statements that attempt to play on the other person’s sense of guilt are also not helpful. For example, don’t try to use your relationship as leverage to get the other person to seek help by saying something like, “If you really loved me you would get help” or “Think about what you’re doing to our family.” People with bipolar disorder often struggle with feelings of shame and worthlessness, and statements like these will only make that worse. Avoid threats. You cannot force the other person to do what you want. Saying things like “If you don’t get help I’m leaving you” or “I won’t pay for your car anymore if you don’t get help” will only stress the other person out, and the stress may trigger a severe mood episode. 11. **Frame the discussion as a concern about health.** Some people may be reluctant to acknowledge that they have an issue. When a bipolar person is experiencing a manic episode, they are often feeling so “high” that it’s hard to admit that there’s any problem. When a person is experiencing a depressive episode, they may feel like they have a problem but not be able to see any hope for treatment. You can frame your concerns as medical concerns, such as the high risk of self-harm and suicide that bipolar disorder can cause, which may help. For example, you can reiterate the idea that bipolar disorder is an illness just like diabetes or cancer. Just as you would encourage the other person to seek treatment for cancer, you want them to seek treatment for this disorder. If the other person is still reluctant to acknowledge there’s an issue, you can consider suggesting they visit a doctor for a symptom that you’ve noticed, rather than for a “disorder.” For example, you may find that suggesting the other person see a doctor for insomnia or fatigue may be helpful in getting them to seek help. 12. **Encourage the other person to share their feelings and experiences with you.** It’s easy for a conversation to express your concern to turn into you preaching at your loved one. To avoid this, invite your loved one to tell you about what they are thinking and feeling in their own words to allow for a genuine conversation about their illness. Remember: while you may be affected by this person’s disorder, it isn’t about you. For example, once you’ve shared your concerns with the person, say something like, “Would you like to share what you’re thinking right now?” or “Now that you’ve heard what I wanted to say, what do you think?” Don’t assume you know how the other person feels. It can be easy to say something like “I know how you feel” as reassurance, but in reality, this can sound dismissive. Instead, say something that acknowledges the other person’s feelings without claiming them as your own: “I can see why that would make you feel sad.” If your loved one is resistant to the idea of acknowledging that they have a problem, don’t argue about it. You can encourage your loved one to seek treatment, but you can’t make it happen. 13. **Don’t dismiss your loved one’s thoughts and feelings as “not real” or not worth considering.** Even if a feeling of worthlessness is caused by a depressive episode, it feels very real to the person experiencing it. Outright dismissing a person’s feelings will encourage them not to tell you about them in the future. Instead, validate the person’s feelings and challenge negative ideas at the same time. Everyone who suffers from bipolar disorder has a different experience and recovery and management can be helped by avoiding negative influences. For example, if your loved one expresses the idea that nobody loves them and they’re a “bad” person, you could say something like this: “I know you feel that way, and I’m so sorry that you’re experiencing those feelings. I want you to know that I love you, and I think you are a kind, caring person.” 14. **Encourage your loved one to take a screening test.** Mania and depression are both hallmarks of bipolar disorder. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance’s website offers free, confidential online screening tests for mania and depression. Taking a confidential test in the privacy of one’s own home may be a lower-stress way for the person to understand the need for treatment. 15. **Emphasize the need for professional help.** Bipolar disorder is a very serious illness. Untreated, even mild forms of the disorder can get worse. On the other hand, treatment can be very helpful and can contribute to better relationships and quality of life. Encourage your loved one to seek treatment immediately. Visiting a general practitioner is often the first step. A physician can determine whether the person should be referred to a psychiatrist or other mental health professional. A mental health professional will usually offer psychotherapy as part of a treatment plan. There is a wide range of mental health professionals who offer therapy, including psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, licensed clinical social workers, and licensed professional counselors. Ask your doctor or hospital to recommend some in your area. Treatment often consists of therapy to practice emotional regulation coupled with psychiatry to help the brain maintain a balance. If it’s determined that medication is necessary, your loved one may see a physician, a psychiatrist, a psychologist who’s licensed to prescribe medicine or a psychiatric nurse to receive prescriptions. LCSWs and LPCs can offer therapy but cannot prescribe medicine. 16. **Understand that bipolar disorder is a lifelong illness.** A combination of medication and therapy can greatly benefit your loved one. With treatment, many people with bipolar disorder experience significant improvement in their function and mood. However, there is no “cure” for bipolar disorder, and symptoms can recur throughout one’s life. Stay patient with your loved one. 17. **Ask how you can help.** Particularly during depressive episodes, the world may feel overwhelming to a person with bipolar disorder. Ask the other person what would be helpful to them. You can even offer specific suggestions if you have a sense of what is most affecting your loved one. If they feel supported, they may be better able to manage their mental illness. For example, you could say something like, “It seems like you’ve been feeling very stressed lately. Would it be helpful if I babysat your kids and gave you an evening of ‘me time’?” If the person has been experiencing major depression, offer a pleasant distraction. Don’t treat the person as fragile and unapproachable just because they have an illness. If you notice that your loved one has been struggling with depressive symptoms (mentioned elsewhere in this article), don’t make a big deal of it. Just say something like, “I noticed you seem to be feeling down this week. Would you like to go to the movies with me?” 18. **Keep track of symptoms.** Keeping track of your loved one’s symptoms can help in several ways. First, it can help you and your loved one learn warning signs of a mood episode. It can provide helpful information for a physician or mental health professional. It can also help you learn potential triggers for manic or depressive episodes. Warning signs of mania include: sleeping less, feeling “high” or excitable, increased irritability, restlessness, and an increase in the person’s activity level. Warning signs of depression include: fatigue, disturbed sleeping patterns (sleeping more or less), difficulty focusing or concentration, lack of interest in things the person usually enjoys, social withdrawal, and changes in appetite. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance has a personal calendar for tracking symptoms. It may be helpful to you and your loved one. Common triggers for mood episodes include stress, substance abuse, and sleep deprivation. 19. **Ask whether your loved one has taken their medication.** Some people may benefit from a gentle reminder, particularly if they are experiencing a manic episode in which they may become fitful or forgetful. The person may also believe they are feeling better and so stop taking the medication. Help your loved one stay on track, but don’t sound accusative. For example, a gentle statement such as “Have you taken your medication today?” is fine. If your loved one says they’re feeling better, you may find it helpful to remind them about the benefits of medication: “I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better. I think part of that is that your medication is working. It’s not a good idea to stop taking it if it’s working for you, right?” It can take several weeks for medications to begin working, so have patience if your loved one’s symptoms don’t seem to be improving. 20. **Encourage the other person to stay healthy.** In addition to regularly taking prescribed medication and seeing a therapist, staying physically healthy can help reduce symptoms of bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder are at a higher risk of obesity. Encourage your loved one to eat well, get regular, moderate exercise, and keep a good sleep schedule. People with bipolar disorder often report unhealthy eating habits, including not eating regular meals or eating unhealthy food, possibly because of being on low income after the onset of the illness. Encourage your loved one to eat a balanced diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates such as beans and whole grains, and lean meats and fish. Consuming omega-3 fatty acids may help protect against bipolar symptoms. Some studies suggest that omega-3s, especially those found in coldwater fish, help decrease depression. Fish such as salmon and tuna, and vegetarian foods such as walnuts and flaxseed, are good sources of omega-3s. Encourage your loved one to avoid too much caffeine. Caffeine may trigger unwanted symptoms in people with bipolar disorder. Encourage your loved one to avoid alcohol. People with bipolar disorder are five times more likely to abuse alcohol and other substances than those without a disorder. Alcohol is a depressant and can trigger a major depressive episode. It can also interfere with the effects of some prescription medications. Regular moderate exercise, especially aerobic exercise, may help improve mood and overall functioning in people with bipolar disorder. It’s important to encourage your loved one to exercise regularly; people with bipolar disorder often report poor exercise habits. 21. **Care for yourself, too.** Friends and families of people with bipolar disorder need to make sure that they take care of themselves, too. You can’t support your loved one if you’re exhausted or stressed out. Studies have even shown that if a loved one is stressed out, the person with bipolar disorder may have more difficulty sticking to the treatment plan. Caring for yourself directly helps your loved one, too. A support group may help you learn to cope with your loved one’s illness. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance offers an online support group and local peer support groups. The National Alliance on Mental Illness also has a variety of programs. Make sure that you get enough sleep, eat well, and get regular exercise. Keeping these healthy habits may also encourage your loved ones to stay healthy too. Take actions to reduce your stress. Know your limits, and ask others for help when you need it. You may find that activities such as meditation or yoga are helpful in reducing feelings of anxiety. 22. **Watch for suicidal thoughts or actions.** Suicide is a very real risk for people with bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder are more likely to consider or attempt suicide than people with major depression. If your loved one makes references to suicide, even casually, seek immediate help. Don’t promise to keep these thoughts or actions secret. If the person is in immediate danger of harm, call 911 or emergency services. Suggest that your loved one call a suicide hotline such as the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (988). You can also suggest your local suicide hotline number for those outside the US. Reassure your loved one that you love him/her and that you believe their life has meaning, even if it may not seem that way to the person right now. Don’t tell your loved one not to feel a certain way. The feelings are real, and they can’t change them. Instead, focus on actions that the person can control. For example: “I can tell this is hard for you, and I’m glad you’re talking to me about it. Keep talking. I’m here for you.”",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Make an Impossible Bottle?,"Impossible bottles are, quite literally, the unbelievable result of dedicated focus, patience, a steady hand and a great deal of lateral thinking. This article will show you how to place certain items into an ""impossible bottle"". 1. **Remove the plastic wrapper and toss.** 2. **Remove the cards.** 3. **Heat the sticker with a blow dryer.** It will come off easily without tearing. 4. **Using a blow dryer again, or using a sharp hobby knife, slice open the bottom seam of the box so that it can be flattened.** 5. **Insert flattened and rolled up box into the bottle and unflatten.** Using a bent piece of wire or other appropriate tool, reseal the bottom seam with glue. Strong glue dries too fast to allow you to get it in the right place, so use some craft glue and be patient. 6. **Insert one card at a time.** 7. **Close the box and heat the sticker to make it sticky so it can reattach.** Use some more glue if it doesn't get sticky enough. 8. **Puncture the ball in the fuzzy area (part the fuzz so that the hole doesn't rip out too much of the fuzz, you will comb it back over the hole later).** 9. **Put the ball in a vice and squeeze all the air out of it.** 10. **Seal the hole with a bike pump needle.** 11. **Fold the ball up (or roll it) and poke it into the bottle.** 12. **Turn the bottle upside down so the needle pokes out the neck.** Screw a flexible hose on the end (for pumping up bike tires) and screw the hose onto a bike pump. 13. **Re-inflate the ball and then pull the needle out.** 14. **Disguise the hole by combing over the fuzz and/or putting a drop or two of paint over the hole.** Note that you can seal the hole in the ball with strong glue if it tends to automatically re-inflate itself, then just re-pierce the hole with a skewer once the ball is in the bottle. 15. **Disassemble the Rubik's Cube into all 27 parts.** 16. **Reassemble the cube inside bottle.** Note that you'll need a 3 and a quarter inch inner diameter in order to fit the Rubik's Cube together. You'll need to prod and poke each cube into place and it will help to have long-handled tweezers and similar long-handled tools to help apply force.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Set up an LLC in Nevada.,"A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a popular business form. It combines the financial security of a corporation with a higher level of flexibility for the operator. Forming an LLC in Nevada is a relatively simple process of completing some basic reports and filing them with the office of the Secretary of State. Once you have set up your LLC, you then must keep up with certain annual requirements to continue operating within the state of Nevada. 1. **Choose a name for your business.** Under state law, every LLC must contain words that indicate its business structure. Specifically, the name must include the terms “Limited-Liability Company,” “Limited Liability Company,” or “Limited.” Alternatively, you may use one of the abbreviations “Ltd.,” “L.L.C.,” “LLC” or “LC.” The name that you select must be distinguishable from any registered names of other existing businesses. When you believe you have a name selected for you company, you can check the records of the Secretary of State to find out if the name you selected is available. 2. **Decide how your LLC will be managed.** Every LLC is either managed by members or managers. In Nevada, you will have to indicate your choice of management structure within the Articles of Organization. Each management option will trigger certain filing requirements and owner responsibilities. Take the time to choose the best option for your particular situation. In a member-managed LLC, all the members (a.k.a., owners) of the business share responsibility for day-to-day management. This is the most common management structure because most LLCs are small businesses without a need for a separate management tier. In most LLCs, the owners also want to be the managers. In Nevada, while you are required to explicitly choose one management style in your Articles of Organization, the default is the member-managed system. In a manager-managed LLC, only designated members (or possibly outsiders) will have managerial authority over the LLC. This is a great option when some of your members only want to be passive investors. It is also common to utilize this structure hen some of your members are not skilled in managing a business or when your LLC is too large to allow every member to manage. 3. **Prepare the Articles of Organization.** You must file a document titled, “Articles of Organization.” This is a single document that sets forth the basic organizing structure of your business. A template form for the Articles of Organization is available on the website of the Nevada Secretary of State at Alternatively, you can draft your own. As a minimum, your Articles of Organization must include the following information: The name of the limited-liability company; The name and address, either residence or business, of each of the organizers signing the articles; The name and address, either residence or business, of the managers or members; A statement explaining any series of debts or liabilities of the members, if any; A statement explaining whether the company is a restricted LLC. 4. **Appoint a Registered Agent.** Every LLC that is incorporated in Nevada must name a registered agent. This is a person who is designated to accept official service of any litigation or other legal documents, if necessary. The registered agent must have a street address (no post office box) in the state of Nevada. The registered agent may be an officer or employee of the corporation, but is not required to be. Some LLCs choose to appoint one of the members as the registered agent or an employee, such as a receptionist or secretary. In other cases, if you wish to separate the service from your business operations, you might want to subscribe to a professional company that will serve as registered agent. You can find these by performing a quick Internet search for ""registered agent"" in your area. An official form for designating your registered agent is available at the website of the Nevada Secretary of State at 5. **Create an operating agreement.** In Nevada, you are not required to adopt an operating agreement. However, as a practical matter, you should never start an LLC without one. An operating agreement is a written document executed by every member of your LLC. The document will lay out how the business's affairs will be handled and how business will be conducted. Among other things, your operating agreement should define the right and responsibilities of every member and/or manager. In a member-managed LLC, this might include member voting rights, capital contributions, and buy-out rights. In a manager-managed LLC, your operating agreement will have to clearly address the authority of the managers. For example, will the managers be solely responsible for hiring and firing decisions, or will members have some say as well? Additionally, what managers will be able to buy materials and lease real estate? 6. **File the Articles of Organization and statement of registered agent.** You should file the original and one copy of your papers with the Secretary of State’s office. For a fee of $30.00, you can request that an additional copy be certified and returned to you for your records. Submit your completed filing to Secretary of State, New Filings Division, 202 North Carson Street, Carson City, NV 89701-4201. You must include the filing fee of $75.00. If you wish to expedite your filing, then prepare the paperwork and send it to Secretary of State – Las Vegas Commercial Recordings Division 555 East Washington Ave, Suite 5200 Las Vegas NV 89101. The filing fee for expedited filings is the original $75.00 fee plus an additional $125.00 for expedited service. 7. **Apply for an Employer ID Number.** If your LLC has more than one member, or if it currently has only one member but you expect to take on additional employees, then you must apply for an employer ID number (EIN). This is a number that you will need for filing taxes and dealing with employee issues. You can apply for an EIN at the official IRS website at 8. **Obtain a license to do business in Nevada.** In addition to filing as an LLC, you must obtain a state business license. This is issued by the Secretary of State’s office. You must pay a license fee of $200 for the initial license and for each annual renewal. The Nevada Secretary of State uses an online portal called Silver Flume to assist businesses operating in the state. You can register for an account at From there you can apply for business licenses and make your annual renewals. 9. **Register with the Nevada Department of Taxation.** Similar to obtaining a federal employer identification number, you must also register your LLC with the Department of Taxation and file regular reports. The Department of Taxation operates a website portal called the Nevada Tax Center. If you will be doing business in Nevada, you can register for an account at this website. This will simplify your annual filings and renewals. Visit to access the portal and register your business. 10. **Register with the Nevada Employment Security Division.** This office provides employment and training services for both employers and employees within Nevada. You will be required to submit annual reports and other statements regarding employee unemployment insurance and injuries that occur on the job. You can reach the Employment Security Division online at 11. **Maintain corporate records at the registered agent’s office.** In addition to accepting legal service, the registered agent is charged with holding certain official corporate documents. You should keep copies of all of the following at the registered agent’s office: The Articles of Organization and any amendments Bylaws A stock transfer ledger or a statement of where it is kept. 12. **File annual reports.** To start your business, you file Articles of Organization. After the first year, you will be required to file an annual report with the Secretary of State. The annual report must list the names of all the officers, directors and registered agent of the company. Additionally, you should update the list of members of the LLC, if any changes have occurred since the prior year’s filing. The filing fee for the annual report if $150 each year. You may download the forms from the Secretary of State’s website. Alternatively, you can submit your annual report through the Secretary of State’s online business portal called Silver Flume. 13. **Keep current with annual business licenses.** The Secretary of State requires all business to maintain one or more business licenses, depending on the type of business you conduct. The annual fee for the business license is $200.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Prevent Carpet Beetles?,"Carpet beetles are household pests that hide out in closets, air vents, and similar places. When left alone, they can multiply rapidly and cause excessive damage to things like carpet and clothing. Prevention is key to containing the problem before it gets out of hand. 1. **Vacuum and steam clean carpets regularly.** Go over carpets and rugs thoroughly at least once a week with a vacuum cleaner. Doing this and annually cleaning with steam will prevent larvae from being able to live, grow and eat because it removes their food sources: lint, hair, and dead insects. You can either hire a professional to clean your carpets or you can steam them yourself. 2. **Keep storage areas clean.** Vacuum floors, walls, and shelves of storage spaces at least two or three times a month to remove dust, spider webs, and any inconspicuous eggs or larvae that are hiding in corners. 3. **Wash potentially infested clothes and other fabrics with hot, soapy water.** Any trace of adult carpet beetles, larvae, and eggs can be removed with a good washing. Carpet beetles won’t have time to sustain life on your clothing if you stay on top of washing them. Wash and air out clothes immediately after they’re removed from storage. Don’t wait to do this until after you wear the clothes or hang them in your closet because this will allow any present beetles to find a new area to thrive in. Each month, make sure that any clothes kept in your closet or dresser that you haven’t worn and washed get a good warm wash and air dry too. 4. **Clean out your trash cans.** Every time you take out your trash, wipe the inside of your trash can lid with a disinfectant wipe. Once or twice a year, spray down your trash cans inside and out with a mixture of 1 tablespoon (14.8 ml) of bleach and 24 fluid ounces (709.8 ml) of water, rinse the cans thoroughly with a hose, and wipe them dry with a hand towel or paper towel. 5. **Remove dead bugs from crevices.** Constantly be on the lookout for dead insects in the cracks of the walls and flooring of your home. Try removing dead bugs by vacuuming over them or picking them up with a paper towel. Cracks are one of the more subtle living spaces that carpet beetles can thrive within. 6. **Choose synthetic materials over organic fabrics when possible.** Get products made of synthetic fibers instead of natural ones as often as you can. Carpet beetles don’t feed on synthetic fabric. Keep this in mind when purchasing furniture, rugs, and carpets. Carpet beetles like wool in particular. Wool contains keratin, which carpet beetles eat. 7. **Donate old clothes instead of keeping them stored for months or years at a time.** The longer you keep fabrics folded in a compact manner in a dark, hidden place, the more likely it is that carpet beetles will get to them. This is the kind of environment that they prefer. Avoid keeping garments, bedding, wool rugs, or upholstered furniture in storage. Instead, if you haven’t used the items in the past six months or so, consider dropping them off for donation. 8. **Store fabrics in tightly sealed plastic.** Especially if your closet frequently goes untouched and sees little sunlight, opt to put less used clothing into tightly sealed plastic bags. Use of plastic bags will reduce your chances of attracting any carpet beetles by creating a barrier. 9. **Store fabric in a cedar-lined chest or closet.** Initially, the oils in cedar help to deter carpet beetles. Unfortunately, this can only serve as a preventative tool for a few years because the wood will dry out and no longer be as powerful. This is a good short-term action to take, and is most effective when the chest or closet has the ability to be sealed well. You can also hang your clothes on cedar hangers to discourage carpet beetles. Other cedar products such as cedar oils, chips, and repellent balls can also be beneficial but are usually only effective with killing or deterring larvae. 10. **Seal holes and cracks in storage containers.** Make sure that whatever you’re using to store your clothing has no openings whatsoever, whether you’re using plastic bags, garment bags, trunks, or boxes. Cover the cracks, tears, and holes with a durable tape, such as duct tape. 11. **Secure window screens and air vents.** Keep all small entrances to your home as sealed and secured as possible. Repair or replace any damaged or torn screens that you currently have, and make sure that your screens are made of a fine mesh. Use caulk along the outside edges of air vents to seal them securely. These security measures will prevent beetles from flying in from outside. 12. **Hang sticky fly paper near windows and other potential entrances.** Use fly paper near doorways and windowsills to catch any carpet beetles that attempt to enter your home. The beetles will stick to the paper and will die as a result of being unable to escape. 13. **Inspect dark, secluded areas of your home for molted skins.** If you’re suspicious or just want to be proactive, search through rarely lit, less trafficked areas of your home for fecal matter and most importantly, molted larvae skins. Larvae are commonly the ones who cause the most damage, and molted skins, identifiable by their translucent golden color and bug-like shape, are a strong sign that they’re present. 14. **Dispose of heavily infested items.** If you can part ways with the items that were just infested, it’s probably best to do so. With keeping an item that was previously highly infested, you run the risk of reintroducing any remaining carpet beetles to your carpet and clothes. 15. **Spray or dust your carpet and furniture with an insecticide.** There are many different types of carpet treatment products that you can buy. Make sure that whatever spray or dust you’re applying is for killing carpet beetles specifically, and check the label of chemical insecticides to make sure that the product contains chlorpyrifos, bendiocarb, and allethrin in order to ensure eradication success. Chemical insecticides may be harmful to other animals, so if you have any pets make sure to secure them in a location away from where the insecticide is sprayed or dusted. Spread boric acid all over your carpet and upholstered furniture, and make sure to vacuum it up within two hours of laying it down. While it is lethal for beetles, boric acid isn’t powerful enough to harm humans. Dehydrate carpet beetles with diatomaceous earth. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth on pet beds and in the back of cabinets and closets. It’s safe for pets and humans, but you’ll need to wear a respirator or mask while applying to keep yourself from inhaling the particles. Many common household pesticides that kill ants and roaches will also kill carpet beetles, or simply limit their food supply. Spray the product in corners of closets, on window ledges, and in any crevices that could potentially house carpet beetles. 16. **Store clothes and fabrics with resin strips or moth repellent.** Because resin strips contain an active ingredient called dichlorvos, they are effective in protecting your fabrics for an extended period of time. Vapors of moth repellent are lethal for fabric pests if they are maintained at high concentrations for an extended period of time. Keep your resin strips or moth repellent in a tightly sealed container along with your clothing for two to three weeks for the best results.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Hack CrossFire.,"CrossFire, a popular online shooter, has a very active hacking community. Although hacks are detected quickly by the game admins, new hacks are developed daily. There are several communities you can use if you want to start using hacks. Taking a few precautions will help keep your account safe from being banned. 1. **Download and install the DirectX 11 Technology Update.** There are several system items that you must install before you use any Cross Fire hacks. The first of these is the DirectX 11 Technology Update from Microsoft. You can download it here. Run the installer after downloading it. 2. **Download and install the Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.** This tool from Microsoft is required to run the hack injectors. You can get the 64-bit version here. If you aren't sure if your computer is 32-bit or 64-bit, see How to Determine the Bit Count for a Windows Computer. 3. **Download and install .NET Framework 4.5.** This is what most hacks are written with. You can download the installer here. 4. **Download the necessary DLL files.** There are two DLL files that you will need to download and place in your CrossFire folder. You can download msvcr100.dll from here and msvcr100d.dll from here. Make sure to select ""Download ZIP-File"" to just download the DLL in an archive file instead of downloading the installer. 5. **Copy the two DLL files to the CrossFire folder.** Extract the DLL files from the ZIP files that they downloaded in by right-clicking the files and selecting ""Extract"". Open the ""CrossFire"" folder from your Program Files in another window and drag each of the DLLs into the folder. Some users have reported that adding the two DLL files to your C:\Windows\System32 (32-bit) or C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (64-bit) folder as well will help prevent errors. 6. **Visit an up-to-date hacking forum.** There are several communities dedicated to hacking CrossFire. Because hacks are quickly detected and blocked, you'll need to find a place where all of the latest hacks are listed. One of the most popular communities is The ""CrossFire Hacks & Cheats"" section will have all of the latest hacks that still work. You will likely need to create an account in order to access the download links for the hacks. 7. **Find a working hack.** If the forum you are using is well-maintained, all of the hacks that have been detected and blocked will be crossed out or otherwise indicated. New hacks that still work will typically be at the top of the list of threads. Browse through a few hacks that haven't been detected yet and find one that suits your needs. 8. **Read the instructions carefully.** Many hacks follow the same basic installation procedure, which will be outlined here, but many hacks have specific steps that you will need to take in order for them to work. Pay attention to the region that the hack was made for. Hacks for North America usually won't work for the Philippines, for example. 9. **Download and extract the hack files.** Most hacks will come in ZIP or RAR format. If you don't have a program that can open RAR files, download and install 7-Zip (, a free archive extractor that can open RAR files. To extract the files, right-click the downloaded file and select ""Extract"". 10. **Download an undetected injector.** You will need a program called an ""injector"" to run the hack files. You can find injectors on the same forums that you find hacks. Look for the ""Injectors"" or ""Tools"" section of the hack forum to find the latest injector releases. 11. **Right-click the injector and select ""Run as administrator"".** Running as an administrator will allow the injector to modify the necessary DLL files. 12. **Open the Settings menu in the injector.** There is typically a Settings button you can click to open this menu. 13. **Select the ""Auto-Inject"" and ""Close on inject"" options in the injector menu.** This will result in the best chances of your hack loading properly. 14. **Click the ""Start in Secure Mode"" button.** This will help ensure that your injector does not get detected by the anti-cheat mechanisms. The button will turn blue to indicate that it has been activated. Close the Settings menu. 15. **Type ""crossfire.exe"" into the ""Process"" field.** This will ensure that the injector hooks into the CrossFire process. 16. **Click the ""Add DLL"" button and browse for your hack.** Most hacks come in DLL format. Browse for the DLL that you extracted from the hack archive that you downloaded in the previous section. 17. **Start CrossFire.** Once you've selected your hack DLL in the injector, you can start CrossFire. The injector will automatically apply the hack and close itself as the program starts. 18. **Log in with a dummy account.** Always test hacks with a dummy account. Hacks get detected quickly, so it's always a good idea to test your hack by logging in with a dummy account first. This will help keep your main account from being banned by using a detected hack.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Manifest Someone to Fall in Love with You?,"Do you wish you could just think about the person of your dreams and they'd magically appear in your life? Or is there someone you already know that you wish would fall for you? Even though it might sound too good to be true, manifesting a specific person to fall in love with you is possible if you're open-minded and set your mind to it. Keep reading for everything you need to know about what manifestation is and how you can use it to meet someone special! 1. **Manifesting is willing what you want into reality with your thoughts and intentions.** When you manifest something, you focus your energy and your thoughts on what you want in your life until it happens. If you keep believing that you can do something and taking actions towards getting what you want, then there’s a good chance the law of attraction will make it come into your life! You can manifest anything, from a new relationship to a new job. We are all manifesting things already—everything that you have, that you see, that is in your life, you have already manifested. 2. **You can manifest someone into your life, but can’t force them to fall in love.** Even though manifesting a person will bring them closer to you, they need to be open to the possibility of falling for you. They might be the person of your dreams, but you won’t be able to manifest a relationship with them unless they want it too. Being on the same vibrational alignment helps you connect with the person you’re manifesting. If you put out the energy that you want from someone, they’re bound to find you. 3. **You should only manifest someone physically and emotionally available.** If the person that you’re into is already happy in a relationship or isn’t open to dating, manifesting them won’t work. The universe won’t push anyone in a direction that would hurt them, and sometimes it’s just not meant to be if you have to force it. Remember that everything happens for a reason. If you don’t end up with the person you want to manifest, the universe has something waiting for you later down the road. 4. **Make a list of the qualities you want in a significant other.** You can be general or specific about the qualities that you’re looking for in your relationship. Think about what personality traits you want them to have, what qualities and values they hold, and how you want them to look. You can keep these in a mental list or write them down on a piece of paper so you can remember them. Qualities could be as simple as “loving,” “funny,” “artistic,” “goal-oriented,” or anything else you want from a partner. You could even create a dream or mood board with words and pictures of what you want from a partner. Pictures could represent how you want them to look or the type of energy you want them to have. 5. **Visualize the positive emotions you want to feel in a relationship.** Take a few seconds to close your eyes and imagine that you’re already with the person you’re manifesting. Think about how it would make you feel spending time with them, holding hands, and bonding emotionally. Try to picture what you want a few times during the day to lock it in with the universe. Stick to happy thoughts when you’re visualizing to help you radiate positivity and draw in the people you want to attract. 6. **Tell yourself what you want and deserve with daily affirmations.** By repeating what you want to yourself, you drill it into your mind and send a strong signal to the universe. You can either write your affirmations down or say them out loud to help you meet the person of your dreams. Some affirmations you can try are: “The universe will bring me someone who is perfect for me.” “I will meet my crush very soon.” “You deserve someone who thinks you’re the best person.” “You’re deserving of love.” “I am happy and grateful for everything in my life.” Write down your manifestation with clear, concise, and positive wording. Don't forget to date each entry! 7. **Focus on the traits you want the person to have throughout the day.** A lot of times, people think of what they don’t want in a relationship and end up attracting someone with those qualities anyway. Instead, think about everything you do want from your relationship and you’re bound to find someone with those qualities. You might focus on qualities like being a good communicator or having a great sense of humor. 8. **Take positive actions towards finding love.** Manifesting someone into your life means taking the opportunities that life gives you. Putting yourself in situations where you can meet and talk to the person of your dreams will only make you more successful. If you want to meet someone who likes to cook and you learn about a new cooking class, sign up for it. If you want to fall in love with a person who likes to spend time outdoors, go out on hikes and find hobby groups in your area. 9. **Break out of old negative habits.** The person you’re manifesting will have an easier time finding you if you become the best person you can be. Try to act like how you want your crush to treat you and how you would behave in a relationship so whoever you’re manifesting is more likely to notice you. If you recognize any bad habits getting in the way, take the steps you need to overcome them. Manifesting a new relationship won’t work if you’re still hung up or checking in on an ex. 10. **Get rid of any limiting beliefs.** It might feel a little scary trying to manifest a specific person because they may not live up to your expectations, but the universe knows what’s best for you. Let go of the idea that someone is too good for you or that they’re not everything you want. Fully embrace the people the universe sends your way and you may realize that one of them is perfect for you. 11. **Keep yourself open to different possibilities in your love life.** Even if you have your sights set on a specific person, you can’t always control how they’re feeling or if they’re your soulmate. The universe may have a different plan than you expect. You may date a few other people before you end up with the person who’s right for you. 12. **Wait patiently for what the universe brings you.** Manifesting someone to fall in love with doesn’t guarantee that it will happen right away. The law of attraction works on its own time and you may not meet the person you’re supposed to be with for a little while. Stay focused on what you want and keep visualizing the person of your dreams and trust that they’ll find their way to you.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Look Like Marilyn Monroe.,"The talented, gorgeous Marilyn Monroe has been a sex symbol for generations, and is known for a number of commercial films from the 1950s and 1960s. She was a self-made woman who started out in a series of foster homes and made her way to the big screen. If you want to look like Marilyn Monroe, you have to get the makeup, hair, and style down while maintaining a healthy dose of confidence. 1. **Wear dresses like Marilyn.** Marilyn Monroe is known for her gorgeous, sexy dresses, and if you want to look like her, then you have to get comfortable with wearing them as often as you can. In general, her dresses served to emphasize her hourglass figure, often with a more low-cut look and a belt around her waist. Here are some dresses that you can try for inspiration: A halter neck dress. This dress is Marilyn's most famous, known for its appearance in The Seven Year Itch. This dress was white, with a full skirt with ruffles beneath it, that looked gorgeous when it blew in the wind, exposing her legs. Strapless dresses Dresses with sweetheart necklines to emphasize your bust Red dresses. She is known for her red dresses that match the color of her lips, whether they are strapless, halters, or have sleeves that fall off the shoulder. White or silver dresses with ruffles. Marilyn loved wearing these classy colors, and often wears white strapless dresses or dresses with clear sleeves with ruffles in the skirt. Add some sequins to your dress for a more glamorous look. Though Marilyn mostly stuck to solid color dresses, she sometimes wore dresses with polka dots or red flowers on them. She was also known for wearing stripes. 2. **Rock a more casual Marilyn look.** Though you may think of Marilyn Monroe as always dressed up to the nines, she liked to look more casual, on occasion. You can't always be dressed up, and for the days when you feel like having a more casual night in, you can rock her casual style while maintaining your aura of sexiness. Here are some looks you can try: High waisted blue jeans paired with a white button-down shirt A thick, woven oversized sweater A jean jacket A simple black turtleneck A black-and-white striped turtleneck t-shirt A simple red-and-white striped collared button-down shirt A high-necked long-sleeved orange t-shirt Black checkered pants 3. **Wear shoes like Marilyn.** Though her favorite shoe designer was Salvatore Ferragamo, you don't need to wear such luxurious shoes. All you have to do is wear shoes that Marilyn was likely to wear. She is known for some of the following shoes: Peep-toe high heeled shoes, in cream or white Black strappy stiletto heels Cream ballet flats Traditional cream-colored close-toed heels Chunky black heels Brown heels with white straps Red heels with sequins White kitten heels 4. **Wear the right colors.** Marilyn wore beige, brown, black, cream, forest green, and white — sticking mostly to champagne colours — while avoiding all bright colours except red. It may also help you to know that her favourite store was Bloomingdales, and her favourite designer was Emilio Pucci. However, you don't have to wear designer clothes to really look like Marilyn; tasteful imitations will do. You can mix it up and wear solids as well as striped or patterned colors. 5. **Accessorize like Marilyn.** If you want to complete her look, then you should also wear some accessories that are reminiscent of Marilyn. This can help you tie your look together and be sexy and mysterious all at once. Here are some additional features you can try: A thick belt worn high around your waist A thin pink kerchief tied around your head Black glasses that are pointed around the outsides of your eyes A white fur wrap to add a touch of glamour to any dress A white, wide-brimmed beach hat White sleeves around your forearms only 6. **Complete the look.** If you want to look like Marilyn, then you should have everyday Marilyn clothes, if you can imagine such a thing, to complete your look any day of the week. Here are some of the things you should own if you want to really look like Marilyn Monroe: The classic one-piece strapless white bathing suit Pencil skirts in different colors A pair of high white slacks A bullet bra to get her 50s “sweater girl” look Items with bows on them 7. **Wear the right jewelry.** Marilyn knew that no glamorous look is complete without jewels. If you want to look like Marilyn, then you can go for simple, classic jewelry, such as a strand or pearl necklace, a pair of chandelier earrings, or simple studs in the ears with a more elaborate necklace. The important thing is that you look classy but you don't overdo it. Sometimes Marilyn did wear more dramatic jewelry, such as a chunky orange necklace. She was also seen wearing the occasional silver bangles. 8. **Consider dying your hair blonde.** Now, Marilyn Monroe herself was not a natural blonde. Though you don't have to change your color or believe that “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” you can do this if you're really committed to the Marilyn look. Aim for golden blonde locks before you style your hair the Marilyn way. Though her brown-haired days are lesser known, a younger Marilyn did sport her natural brown locks with more frizzy, compact curls, and looked cute and natural. She also did wear her brown hair nearly straight and past her shoulders once upon a time. 9. **Get the hairdo.** If you really want to have hair like Marilyn's, then you should get a layered, shoulder length cut, with shorter layers in the front and longer layers in the back. Once you've got this look down, you can give your hair extra volume by combing some gel into it while it's damp and then blow-drying it dry in sections. If your hair is more curly, then you may want to straighten it a bit first. Once your hair is dry, you should separate it in sections and spray each section with spray gel, and then set it in hot rollers. Once the rollers have set, you can remove them and brush your hair out, in a forward direction, and then add a bit more hairspray under your layers. Marilyn Monroe didn't have bangs. However, she did have a chunk of hair in a wave over her forehead. For extra bounce, flip your hair back and then work a bit of styling cream through it. Unlike today's celebrities, Marilyn Monroe didn't change her hair style, color, or length every other week. Her hair was pretty much always blonde and curly, falling just below her ears in the front and just above her neck in the back. However, she did experiment a bit with how curly it was, and sometimes had it more coiled and shorter and sometimes a bit longer and more wavy. 10. **Have nearly-flawless skin.** Marilyn's makeup artist, Whitney Snyder, claims that Marilyn often wore thick layers of Vaseline on her face to both soften her skin and give it a glow. Though this is a bit extreme and can lead to dry skin, she was also said to wash her face up to fifteen times a day, in order to avoid getting any spots. She also used Nivea Moisturizer. If you want to get that Marilyn look, then you should maintain clear, soft skin. Marilyn Monroe was a bit on the pale side. If you'd like to stay true to her look, you can avoid getting overly tan. But if you have darker skin, you can rock her vintage look too! For beautiful looking skin, apply some foundation to your face and then cover it with luminous face powder. Marilyn used products by Anita of Denmark and Erno Laszlo, but you can find the products that work best for you. 11. **Get the lipstick.** To get the Marilyn Monroe signature lips, you should apply several coats of crimson or red lipstick to your lips. The closest lipstick color to the shade that Marilyn Monroe used available today is Guerlain Kiss Kiss Lipstick, #522. Sometimes she wore a darker red shade, while other times she opted for a lighter, more peach-colored red. Find the best lipstick for your skin tone and for the occasion. Marilyn Monroe had full, luscious lips. Use a bit of lip-liner to accentuate your lips to make your top lip as full and luscious as your bottom lip. Sometimes, she exaggerated the cleft in her top lip, so you can exaggerate yours, too, with the help of some lip-liner. You can even add a bit of foundation to the center of your top lip for this effect. 12. **Get eyes like Marilyn.** If you want to get those gorgeous Marilyn Monroe eyes, then you need to apply three shades of eyeshadow to your eyes. Apply one darker shade in the crease of your eye, a lighter one over your lids, and then a very light shade above the lid-crease and to the brow. She often used a light blue or a peach shade on her eyelids, sometimes looking like she was barely wearing any eyeshadow at all. Apply at least one or two coats of lash-lengthening black mascara to your eyes. Marilyn was known for her long lashes. You can even opt for fake lashes for fun, or use an eyelash curler to make those lashes more dramatic. A bit of black eyeliner along the top eyelid can also help emphasize your eyes. Though Marilyn didn't tend to wear eyeliner on her bottom lid, just brushing a touch of brown eyeshadow below the bottom lid can emphasize your eyes. 13. **Get the Marilyn brows.** Marilyn Monroe's eyebrows have a high, dramatic arch and are set fairly far apart on her face. Her brows are pretty thin, though they are a bit thicker closer to her nose, thinning out a bit after the arch, which falls just above the outsides of both of her eyes. Use tweezers to get the dramatic arch of her eyebrows down, which look not curved but like two lines meeting, and use lighter brown eyebrow pencil to fill them in. A younger Marilyn had more curved brows, if you're more interested in that look. 14. **Get the fake beauty mark.** Marilyn Monroe is known for her gorgeous beauty mark, located a few inches above the left end of her lips. You can use a brown eyeliner to pencil it in. Though you can also buy a fake beauty mark, you're better off drawing it on yourself. Just take care not to wipe it off and check on your face throughout the day. 15. **Get the Marilyn nail polish.** Marilyn was often seen wearing nail polish that matched her red lips. Apply red nail polish to those nails, making sure you pick a shade that is as close as possible to the color of your lips. You can opt for fake nails or work to develop longer, smooth nails to rock her look. 16. **Wear Chanel No. 5 perfume** . This was said to be her favorite perfume. She once said, “What do I wear in bed? Why, Chanel No. 5, of course.” She was also said to enjoy Fracas and Joy perfumes. 17. **Be proud of your curves.** Marilyn Monroe had what was considered a curvy figure in her day and wasn't afraid to own it. Though her weight fluctuated between about 115 lbs-140 lbs, she was said to generally measure around 37-23-37, at 5 feet (1.5 m), 5 inches (12.7 cm) tall, with a bra size of a 36D. Unfortunately, though you may have heard she would be a size 12-16 today, with today's sizes, she would be more of a size 4-6. She looked absolutely gorgeous at this size, and you shouldn't try to mimic it, but rather, work to be proud of your body and your curves. Stay healthy and happy with your body by doing at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, whether you're jogging or doing yoga. Do dumbbell exercises daily to keep your arms toned. Every morning except for Sundays, Marilyn would workout using ""bust-firming"" moves with her 3-pound dumb-bells. You can try eating like Marilyn on occasion, if you want to see what it was like. She would drink a cup of warm milk with 2 raw eggs whipped together in the milk for breakfast and claimed to eat steak, beef, or liver with at least 10 raw carrots for dinner. During the day she would mostly snack on fruit and veggies. After evening drama classes, she went out for hot-fudge sundaes. Try taking ice-baths, if you can stand it. This will instantly firm up your body. Marilyn did this before her birthday song for John F. Kennedy. She actually took them quite regularly. Marilyn was known for her curves. If you're not curvy yourself, work to create the illusion with your clothes, including padded bras and girdles. For example, a belt cinched in around your waist will instantly give you a sexy, hourglass shape. 18. **Have sex appeal.** Marilyn Monroe is an icon known for her extreme sexiness. While you don't have to take it this far, you should work to be a bit playful and sexy, if you want to be more like Marilyn. This doesn't mean you should wear completely revealing clothes, but that you should show off a little leg or shoulder and not be afraid to flaunt what you've got. To have sex appeal, you don't put it all out there at once. You smile, you bat your eyes a little, you look down at the floor to be a bit coy and then straight ahead to show how confident you are. You have to know how sexy you are before other people believe it. Part of Marilyn's sex appeal is in her mixture of sex goddess aura as well as her innocence. You don't need to be too forward to be sexy like Marilyn. She was also a bit of a goofball, especially in movies like The Seven Year Itch. Don't think that you have to be serious all the time to be sexy. Some of her sexiness lies in her silly nature. Work on developing a low, sensual, and breathy voice. Marilyn had a very seductive voice. If you like, you can try slipping some of her sayings, such as, ""Isn't it wonderful,” into your daily conversations. 19. **Maintain your confidence.** To complete the Marilyn look, you have to show how confident you are about who you are and how you look. Don't worry about what other people think about you and be happy doing your own thing, whether this means dating a baseball player or dancing the tango. The most important thing is that you believe in who you are and don't let gossip or rumors make you feel bad about yourself. Walk with a seductive wiggle in your hips, by placing one foot in front of the other. Use body language to show how confident you are. Keep a smile on your face, even if you're having a bad day. Work to cultivate optimism and a positive energy will radiate around you, just as it did with Marilyn. She didn't have the easiest life, but she tried to stay upbeat in spite of the challenges she faced. 20. **Don't let anyone stop you.** Marilyn Monroe grew up with a mentally unstable mother who had her living with a series of foster parents; she never knew her father. She began working in a munitions factory after high school, spraying airplane parts and inspecting parachutes, before she was discovered for her beauty. She had three tumultuous marriages and many more affairs, and yet, she continued to perform, to sing, to dance, and to light up the stage. If you want to rock her attitude, then you have to keep going in spite of the hardship. If Marilyn had listened to the people who told her she would be better off as a secretary than trying to make it on the big screen, then she wouldn't have gotten anywhere. Adopt her can-do attitude and know that the sky's the limit.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Stop Emotionally Abusing Others.,"Emotional abuse can take many different forms, from narcissism to manipulation, from verbal to physical abuse. Whatever kind of abuse you are enacting on others, there are many methods to begin to take steps toward being less abusive. Admitting your abusive behavior and beginning to make amends with those you have abused will help you resolve past abuse as well as stop potential future abuse. 1. **Admit that you are emotionally abusive.** Recognizing the problem and admitting that you are emotionally abusing others is the first step toward being able to change your behavior. Taking time to try and see the effects your abuse has on others will help you realize the extent to which you are being abusive. If you are unsure if your behavior is emotionally abusive, look at ways in which emotional abuse can be identified. Examples can include violent and aggressive language, such as name calling, yelling, and shaming; controlling behaviors, such as intimidation, threats, or monitoring and withholding money; or physical abuse, such as withholding food or water, or hitting, shoving, and pushing. Contact the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence immediately if your abusive behavior involves physical violence against a family member or spouse. Keep in mind that many people who abuse other people have been abused themselves. You might consider talking with a therapist about your experiences to help you move past what has happened to you and stop treating other people the same way. Oftentimes, you can notice that you're abusing people when your relationships and even your professional life starts breaking down because of the ways you treat others. 2. **Identify the source of the abusive behavior.** Identifying the source of abusive behavior will help you understand where the stress or pressure causing the abuse is coming from. The person you act angry toward or abuse emotionally may not be the problem, but only the victim. If you have problems in your life that you feel are beyond your control, you may lash out at an easy, convenient target, even one that has nothing to do with your real problem. For instance, perhaps it might really upsets you when people give you feedback, because deep down inside you're afraid you're worthless despite knowing it's not really true. Take time to think about what other elements in your life are causing you stress, like work, conflict with a loved one or spouse, or financial issues. Ask yourself questions like “Am I under too much pressure at work,” “Do I have any unresolved conflicts that follow me around,” or “Are there moments in my past that might be affecting my current behavior?” Consider whether you are engaging in drug or alcohol use. Using substances can contribute to abusive behavior. 3. **Cut the source of the abusive behavior out of your life.** Once you’ve identified the source or cause of your abuse you can begin to take steps removing it from your life. Although removing this source might feel like a relief, there are still many other behaviors and effects that need addressing in order to completely stop emotionally abusing others. Talk about quitting your job with a friend or family member if your work is causing too much stress. Seek financial advice from a financial planner if you are struggling with debt or making ends meet. If you suspect the source of your abusive behavior stems from an unresolved conflict or past trauma seek out help from a therapist or counselor. 4. **Listen to the other person’s experience.** Taking time to sit down with those who you have emotionally abused to hear their experience will help you gain perspective on how you being emotionally abusive and what the abuse’s effects were. Listening to those you have abused may often feel like an attack or accusation in itself. Rather than responding with more abuse, try to listen without an immediate response. Listen to others without becoming to defensive or making excuses. Keep in mind that it is normal to feel defensive, but if the other person was hurt by your behavior, then it is abuse. Try to avoid equalizing, minimizing, or denying their experience. Don’t make yourself the center of their story or experience. 5. **Take responsibility.** Hold yourself responsible and accountable for all the emotional abuse you’ve caused throughout a relationship. Although there may be many different sources or causes, you are the only one who could prevent you abusing another. Taking responsibility and holding yourself accountable for abuse takes a lot of courage and is necessary to begin moving forward with understanding and changing your abusive behavior. When discussing abuse, try using “I” statements like “I was too controlling when I wouldn’t let you leave the house without me,” or “What did it feel like when I was controlling?” 6. **Respect the other person’s response.** Do not expect pity from people who you have abused at this point, but be willing to ask for support from trusted friends and family members. Being accountable and taking responsibility for the abuse you’ve caused is not about others forgiving you, but about changing yourself and respecting others. Those who you have abused may not be in a place to be able to forgive you, and trying to use your accountability to gain the forgiveness of another can be seen as an extension of the abusive dynamic. Remember, nobody has to forgive you. Forgiveness takes time and should be allowed space. If, after you're forgiven you sometimes still feel like responding to comments from friends angrily, try to focus instead on using empathy, curiosity, and openness to try to understand where the other person is coming from. 7. **Forgive yourself.** Admitting responsibility and accountability is about self help, learning how and why we have harmed others, and learning how to stop. Although those you have abused may not be ready to forgive you, forgiving yourself will allow you to move beyond your abusive tendencies and leave abuse in the past. Reminder yourself of your commitment to change by telling yourself affirmations like, “Abusing others is a choice and I am going to do my best to change my behavior,” or “I can change my behaviors with patience, the right help, and hardwork.” 8. **Seek out the help of a therapist, counselor, or life coach.** There are many different specialized types of therapy, from cognitive behavioral therapy to group therapy, family therapy to journal therapy. Find a therapist best suited to the type of therapy you think will be most useful to you. Life coaches can also provide consistent long term strategies for self improvement, although some are not trained to deal with more severe types of behavioral or physical abuse. Try cognitive behavioral therapy if you would like help processing traumatic experiences, such as previous abuse, loss of a loved one, or feeling disconnected from others, that might be causing abuse. Try family or group therapy if your abuse is occurring within your relationships with your spouse, children, or siblings. You can also look into support groups. Try looking to Emotions Anonymous to learn how to cope with difficult emotions. 9. **Consult friends and family.** Seeking advice from your friends and family can help you gain perspective and support during your time when you are addressing your abusive behaviors. Friends and family can provide essential support toward self-betterment and self-help. Schedule weekly calls with a friend or family member to check in on your progress in therapy, conversations with those you have abused, or your general well-being. Be sure to seek out those who you feel comfortable being honest with about your abuse. 10. **Contact domestic abuse help agencies.** If the abuse you are enacting on others is physical, reach out to domestic abuse help agencies, like the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, to find out your next best course of action. The NCADV also offers access to support groups and informational resources regarding intervention. Domestic abuse needs immediate attention and may require lawful intervention. Seek out the NCADV or local law enforcement to quickly address physical abuse.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Bend Copper Tubing.,"Sometimes, it's necessary to bend a section of copper tubing in order to make it the right fit for a given project. If the tube is small enough in diameter, you may be able to simply shape it by hand with the aid of a pipe spring. Assuming it's too thick to bend manually, you'll need to use a handheld pipe bender tool to achieve smoother and more precise angles. 1. **Select a pipe spring in the appropriate size.** Pipe springs are available in various sizes, and can be used on any pipe or tube with an external diameter of 12–22 millimetres (0.47–0.87 in). It's important that you use a pipe spring smaller in diameter than the tube you're trying to bend. Otherwise, it won't fit inside. You can find pipe springs at any major hardware store or home improvement center. Pipe springs are useful tools to have on hand for heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration repairs, or any project that involves induction heating or cooling. 2. **Insert the pipe spring into the section of tubing.** Slide the tapered end of the spring into one of the openings of the tube until it begins to emerge from the opposite end. Make sure you leave at least a couple inches of spring sticking out, as this will allow you to remove it once you've finished shaping the tube. Use a deburring tool to remove any metallic burrs on the end of the tube that might present an obstruction to the spring. Tubes that have been cut by a tube cutter often have slightly rounded ends which may not accommodate a pipe spring of the same size as the tubing. In this case, you'll need to recut the tubing rather than using a smaller pipe spring. 3. **Bend the tube into the desired shape a little at a time.** Grip the tube on either end of the intended bend point and apply pressure slowly in short bursts. It may help to shape the tube around a fixed fulcrum, such as the point of your knee. Continue bending the tube until it reaches a suitable form. Tube springs work by providing internal support for the tube, which makes it less likely to kink, warp, or collapse while being bent. Bending the tube gradually cuts down even further on the chances of small ripples and creases forming in the soft metal. 4. **Pull out the spring.** Grab the exposed spring and give it a tug. Since it's flexible, it should come free with little effort. The tube is now ready to be fitted or soldered to another pipe. If you're having trouble getting the spring out, try twisting it counterclockwise as you pull. This will wind the coiled shaft tighter, momentarily reducing its width enough for you to yank it free. 5. **Open the handles of the pipe bender all the way.** Lift the short handle until it forms a 180 degree angle to the long handle, which you'll hold onto throughout the shaping process. This will provide enough clearance to insert the tubing and begin setting the bend radius. If the bender die (the rounded piece at the top of the longer handle that the tubing actually bends around) of your pipe bender tool has a faceplate displaying measurements for calibrating bends at precise angles, make sure it's facing you. 6. **Disengage the tube latch.** Press down on the grooved thumb section of the latch until it comes to a stop in the down position. On most models, you won't be able to insert the tube until the tube latch is out of the way. Pipe bender tube latches sometimes take the form of simple hooks that swing over the pipe or tube after it's been put into place inside the unit. 7. **Mark the copper tubing where you want to make the bend.** Use a felt-tipped marker to draw one or more lines along the top of the tube. If necessary, grab a ruler or measuring tape to make sure the placement and spacing of each bend is as precise as possible. Marking the tube before you attempt to shape it will help you position the bend correctly. Drawing a series of lines can also make it easier to keep track of each bend point you need to make multiple or compound bends. 8. **Slide the copper tube into the pipe bender.** Insert one end of the tube into the open slot between the two handles. Make sure the tube is perfectly aligned with the groove in the rounded bender die. Feed the tube into the pipe bender until the section you marked is resting over the bender die. Pipe benders can create bends in any part of a pipe or tube, including the ends. When you close the handles of the unit, the tubing will curve smoothly around the bender die, which prevents it from kinking or collapsing. 9. **Secure the tube latch.** Flip the latch back up over the tube. You should hear it click as it locks into place. Once it's been closed, the latch will hold the tube steady while you make the necessary modifications. The tube latch is designed to clamp down on the tubing, but not so tightly that you can't make last-minute adjustments. 10. **Line up the marked bend point with the desired bend radius.** Lower the short handle until the notched roll support comes into contact with the upper surface of the tube. If necessary, slide the tube further into the unit so that the intended bend point is in position at the corresponding bend angle listed on the faceplate of the bender die. Make sure the markings on both pieces mirror one another—while the handles are open, the '0' on the roll support should be aligned with the '0' on the bender die faceplate. The guide markings on various pipe bender tools may differ, depending on the model. 11. **Close the handles to make the bend.** Holding the long handle steady, push down fluidly on the short handle. As you do, the pressure will cause the tubing to wrap around the circular bender die. Stop moving the the handle once the '0' on the roll support reaches the marking corresponding to the desired bend radius. Once you've finished bending the tube, simply raise the short handle again to remove it. If you want to double-check your work, you can use a protractor to confirm that the angle of the bend is accurate.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Supercool Water?,"Supercooling a liquid is when you cool it to below its freezing point without it becoming a solid. Supercooling only works with liquids that have no impurities that can trigger crystallization. Once the liquid is supercooled, you can trigger it to form ice right in front of your eyes. Although it may sound complicated, you can supercool water in your very own home with a few simple steps. 1. **Gather the necessary materials.** For this method, you will need salt, purified water, a small clean glass or plastic cup, a large bowl, and ice. If you have a thermometer it would also be useful, but not necessary. Make sure your glass is very clean; any impurities can cause the water to crystallize into ice before supercooling occurs. Impurities can also lower the freezing point of water. The bowl must be large enough to contain the glass and enough ice to submerge the glass. 2. **Fill the cup 1/4 of the way up with purified water.** The amount of water added doesn’t have to be exact. Add enough that you will be able to measure the temperature, but not so much that you won’t be able to surround the cup with ice above the water line. Place the cup in the center of the bowl. 3. **Fill the bowl with ice.** Add enough ice so that glass/cup is completely surrounded by the ice. You want there to be enough ice to go above the water line in the cup. Be careful not to drop any ice into the cup of water. Covering the cup before you add ice and salt is a good way to prevent accidental contamination. 4. **Sprinkle two tablespoons of salt over the ice.** Adding salt to the ice lowers its freezing point. With a lower freezing point, the temperature around the glass can get cooler. Again, be careful not to get any salt into the glass/cup. At this point you can add a clean thermometer if you have one. 5. **Wait until the thermometer shows the water is below freezing.** Because this reaction works faster than the freezer, you’ll want to watch your water carefully. If you have a thermometer. This lets you see exactly when the water is below 0º C (32º F), which is the freezing point of water. This process generally takes about 15 minutes, plus or minus a few minutes depending on your personal freezer settings. If you leave the water for too long, it will freeze. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can set-up a second bowl with tap water. When the tap water freezes, your purified water should be super-cooled. 6. **Initiate ice crystallization.** There are two fun ways to cause the water to freeze: drop a piece of ice into the glass/cup or pouring the water onto a piece of ice. After dropping in the ice, the water should freeze quickly freeze in the glass/cup. This is often called snap freezing. Pouring the water onto ice will cause the water to freeze as you pour. 7. **Obtain a bottle of purified or distilled water.** You can’t use tap water because it has minerals and other impurities that will trigger ice formation during the cooling. Purified water removes these impurities allowing this experiment to work. Water expands as it freezes, so ensure the bottle isn’t completely full before you proceed. 8. **Place the bottle in the freezer.** Make sure wherever you put the bottle, it won’t be knocked around if someone else opens the freezer. If possible tell friends or family not to use the freezer during the remainder of the experiment. If you live where the temperature outside is below freezing, you can put the bottle of water outside. 9. **Chill the water undisturbed for 2-3 hours.** The amount of time needed to supercool the water will vary based on the temperature of your freezer. A good measure is to also put a bottle of tap water in the freezer. Once the tap water is frozen, your pure water should be supercooled and still in its liquid state. Starting at 2 hours, check the bottle of tap water every 15 minutes to see when it freezes. When the tap water is completely frozen, the pure water will be supercooled. If your pure water is also frozen, you may have waited too long, bumped the bottle during the process, or the water wasn’t completely pure. Melt the water and try again for a shorter amount of time. 10. **Remove the pure water from the freezer.** Carefully take the bottle of water out of the freezer. When liquids are supercooled a quick motion can cause it to crystallize into ice. 11. **Initiate ice crystallization.** There are two fun ways to cause the water to freeze: shaking the bottle and pouring the water onto a piece of ice. After shaking the bottle, the water should freeze quickly freeze in the bottle. This is often called snap freezing. Pouring the water onto ice will cause the water to freeze as it hits the ice. As you continue to pour the water will freeze on top of itself.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Take Care of Goldfish.,"Goldfish can be rewarding and medium-maintenance pets but aren't perfect for beginners. Although goldfish require as much care and equipment as most aquarium fish, an aquarium that is too small will eventually kill your finny friend. If you're looking to breed goldfish, have one as a pet, or are simply curious about what it might be like, here are instructions on how to make your fish happy and healthy for years--and perhaps decades--to come! 1. **Get a large enough tank.** The minimum tank size for one goldfish is 20 to 30 U.S. gallons (75.7 to 113 liters). If they don't have enough space a survival mechanism can start making it so they will stop growing, but there is a catch: their organs will continue to grow. If you can't have this large of a tank then look for another fish. You will need to add 15 U.S. gallons (56.8 liters) onto that for each additional goldfish. Do your research about all different kinds of goldfish. Common goldfish, comet goldfish, and other single tail goldfish need ponds or huge tanks as they can grow up to a foot or more in length. Do not get single tails unless you have a 180 U.S. gallon (681.4 liter) tank lying around or a pond into which you can transition them when they get too large. For decades goldfish were touted as being able to live in small bowls, and thus why they have a reputation of having short life spans. However, goldfish can actually live as long as 20 years! Without enough filtration, ammonia builds up quickly in such a small space and the environment becomes toxic. Goldfish will grow to match the amount of space available. However, you are not required to grow them to their full potential. Your one-inch goldfish can potentially grow to the size of your arm--but would only likely to do that if you own a large pond or professional aquarium. 2. **Set up the aquarium first before you buy the fish.** It takes some time and cares to set up a proper goldfish habitat. As mentioned below, there are quite a few steps to make sure the water and overall living conditions are good for the fish. Fish are sensitive creatures that get stressed from going from one environment to another. Too much change too quickly can actually kill the fish even if the environment is ideal. Do not keep transferring your fish from one container to another. Goldfish cannot live in small temporary environments (such as a plastic bag or small bowl) for very long. An hour is fine, several hours not very good, a day or so maximum for a small water container. In an emergency, a large plastic bucket, rinsed well and with water treated with water conditioner works well. 3. **Use gravel that will not get stuck in your fish's throat.** Goldfish are particularly prone to getting aquarium gravel caught in their mouths. Use either large gravel (too big to swallow) or very small gravel. Large gravel is better for goldfish because it will not get caught in their throat and because goldfish like to be able to dig into the gravel to search for fallen food. Be sure to clean your gravel before you put it into the tank. Many aquarium gravels require rinsing, or your aquarium will be cloudy or dirty. Even if you have just bought it, a good rinse and soak in some water for a day will draw out some of the impurities and help ensure that your goldfish are getting the best environment to flourish in. Make sure to not use soap. 4. **Make sure your tank has some scenery and light.** Buy tank hoods with installed lights or any other aquarium specific light; normal old lightbulbs or lamps may not have the right requirements. Goldfish are diurnal which means they are active during the day. They need light to maintain a healthy wake/sleep cycle. There is also evidence that light is necessary to keep your fish's colors bright. Fish that can't sleep well or aren't getting enough sunlight are going to lose their color and become dull. Keep your aquarium lit for around 8-12 hours each day to replicate a healthy day/night cycle if it does not receive natural sunlight. Never put your tank in direct sunlight, either, as this could cause large temperature fluctuations and contribute to rampant algae growth. Think about putting a rock or wood centerpiece with some artificial greenery into your aquarium. The rock or wood will give the goldfish nooks and crannies to explore and the artificial plants won't accelerate plant growth in your tank. Goldfish thrive with minimal decoration. They are typically chubby and poor swimmers, so having fewer obstacles means they can swim more freely. Consider having one medium to large statement piece in the center of the tank and a few plastic plants located outside of the swimming pattern to give your fish the most usable space. Real plants are beneficial because they help absorb some of the nitrates that accumulate in the aquarium because of waste and natural wear and tear. However, goldfish are omnivores and voracious eaters. Stick with artificial plants until you have the time and resources to keep real plants safe from hungry goldfish. Be sure that any decorations you choose aren't hollow (it's a breeding ground for potentially harmful bacteria) and that they don't have sharp edges (your fish might tear its fins). Try using fluorescent lights for your goldfish. Halogen lights and incandescent lights will also do. Pay attention to how much light you give them — goldfish will appreciate 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. 5. **Rig up a water filter.** Goldfish need a filter. A water filter should have 3 stages: Mechanical, for removing large particles such as fish waste or excess food; chemical, for removing odors, discolorations, and other organics; and biological, to break down fish waste and ammonia with beneficial bacteria. It should also be rated for the size of your tank. If your tank is on the borderline between two sized filters, it is usually better to go with the larger filter. Having clean water and a functional, efficient filtration device will keep your goldfish content and healthy. There are three very popular kinds of filters: Hang on back (HOB) filters, which hang on the rim of your tank, and bring water in and filter water out. They are very popular, reasonably priced, and probably give you the most bang for your buck. Canister filters sit underneath your aquarium and use a series of tubes to filter water in and out. Canister filters tend to be almost silent, are a little pricier than HOB filters, but tend to be more efficient at filtering than HOBs. Canister filters are also typically made for tanks in excess of 50 gallons (189.2 liters), and so are usually not available for smaller tanks. Wet/dry filters use an overflow box to filter out impurities. Wet/dry filters, however, are significantly bigger than HOBs or canisters, and so generally only fit into aquariums that hold at least 50 gallons (189.2 liters). 6. **Fill the tank with water.** When you get your tank, fill it with tap water that has been treated with an appropriate water conditioning solution. Or, you could use distilled water. Untreated tap water or drinking water has chemicals and minerals that could harm the fish. 7. **Go through at least one fish-less cycle before introducing your goldfish.** A fish-less cycle involves adding ammonia to a tank and keeping track of the nitrate levels to make sure the water is safe for your goldfish to live in. Sadly, many fish die once introduced into a new tank because of ammonia and nitrate poisoning. Make sure that you add de-chlorinator, because the chlorine in tap water will kill your fish. Before you add your fish, you'll need to make sure the environment is fish-ready. Pick up a pH test kit and test the tank for the right amount of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. You want zero ammonia, zero nitrite, and less than 20 nitrate as your end result. Test strips can be difficult to use correctly, and tend to be more expensive, so get a liquid test kit like the API Master Test Kit. What's going to happen is you'll start adding drops of ammonia continuously. That'll start the nitrite process going. If you keep doing what you're doing, eventually you'll see nitrates which are consumed by algae or plants. When you've done a lap, it's fish time! 8. **Add your fish.** Hopefully, if you have more than one goldfish, your goldfish are all the same type. Unfortunately, goldfish are known to eat other, smaller fish, and can overeat, keeping food from their peers. If another fish is smaller or slower, it doesn't stand a chance. You can use a commercially available tank divider to keep your “bully” or weaker fish apart from the other(s). Goldfish can be decent ""community tank"" fish. However, good roommates need to be selected carefully. White Cloud Mountain Minnows or Zebra Danios are good choices, and so are Plecos. However: These fish live in schools, so if you're buying extra fish, you need to at least buy an extra half dozen. So in short: Keep your goldfish with other similar goldfish. Any new fish brought into an established aquarium should be quarantined for two weeks beforehand. If they have any diseases, you don't want those spread to your healthy fish! Keep in mind that goldfish like colder water than most community fish, so any other species you add to the tank should be hearty. (You could also consider adding a goldfish to a tank with overly-productive livebearers to eat the unwanted offspring and keep your fish numbers in check.) 9. **Clean the aquarium** Goldfish produce waste that even your water filter may not be entirely able to remove. A clean tank means happy, healthy goldfish. And a happy, healthy goldfish can live for decades! Soap is poisonous to fish and will kill them quickly, so don't wash your tank with soap. Also, don't use regular tap water to put in your tank. Drinkable water is not good for them because it takes out some of the minerals which are good for goldfish. Buy a water conditioner at a pet store and put in the amount it says on the label. Avoid removing the fish from the tank when you clean. Using a gravel vacuum to soak up debris can be done without extracting the fish from their habitat. If you have to remove the fish, for whatever reason, use a plastic container instead of a net, if possible. Nets can injure goldfish fins more easily than containers can. They are also scared of nets and can cause them stress. Perform a 25% water change weekly assuming you have stocked your tank properly. Do a 50% water change whenever the nitrates reach 20. It can help to have a few old towels around for this messy process. Just be careful not to vacuum up any teeny fish while you're changing the water. 10. **Measure for ammonia, nitrite, and pH.** Remember that test you did before you added your precious little fish? You gotta keep that up! Ammonia and nitrite levels should be at 0. A range of pH 6.5-8.25 is fine. 11. **Feed your fish 1-2 times daily.** Be careful not to overfeed them, only feed them what they can eat in a minute, the label on the food is wrong. Goldfish can easily overeat and can die. Underfeeding is always preferable to overfeeding. If you use floating food, soak it in water for a few seconds before feeding so that it will sink. This reduces the amount of air the fish swallows while eating, which in turn reduces the risk of buoyancy problems. Just like humans, goldfish want diversity of nutrition. Feed your goldfish pellet food most of the time, live foods, such as brine shrimp, some of the time, and freeze-dried foods, such as mosquito larvae or blood worms, every once in a while. Remember to soak freeze dried food in a cup of aquarium water before you feed to your goldfish, freeze dried foods expand in a goldfish's stomach, causing to have problems swimming. Feed your fish only what they can eat in one minute. Remove any excess food. More goldfish die from overeating than from anything else. Feed your goldfish at the same time each day (once in the morning, once at night) and in the same spot in the tank. 12. **Turn off the light and let them get some sleep.** They don't have eyelids and they don't really stop swimming, but their bodies sort of hibernate. You can tell when you notice a slight change in color and reduced activity (they'll stick to one side of the tank). Goldfish like to ""sleep"" in the dark. You really only need an aquarium light if you're growing plants or if the room is particularly poorly-lit. But even if you don't have an aquarium light, it's good environmental practice to reduce unnecessary energy use by turning off the light. 13. **Let the water temperature change as the seasons change.** Goldfish don't like temperatures over 75°F (24°C), but they appear to like seasonal changes where the temperature dips to the high 50s or 60s (15-20°C) in the winter. Understand that goldfish will not eat below 50-55°F (10-14°C). A good thermometer makes this pretty easy. There are two types to choose from: those that hang inside and those that hang outside. Both should be accurate enough. If you're your goldfish, a steady temperature all year-round of 74°F (23°C) is golden. If you your goldfish, simulate the seasons (goldfish spawn in the spring). Start off by lowering the temperature (""Hey, guys, must be winter!"") to somewhere between 50°F (10°C) and 54°F (12°C). Then, when it's baby-making time, up it to between 68°F (20°C) and 74°F (23°C) gradually. The goldfish will be cued to then lay their eggs. 14. **Check the oxygen level in the tank.** If you notice your goldfish are congregating to the surface, odds are there isn't enough in the water. But good news! Oxygen levels will raise with a temperature reduction. So lower the temperature or get your aquarium out of the sun -- hopefully, crisis averted. or you can get a bubbler and an air pump to move the water. If you've read all of this page, you're aware of the most common problems -- so you can avoid them! As long as you maintain appropriate pH, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and oxygen levels, don't overfeed your fish, and clean the tank, you've answered 95% of your pets' possible problems. Good for you! 15. **Fix cloudy aquarium water** Sometimes even when we put forth our best efforts, things still go a bit awry. Water can turn yellow, green, or even white. If you notice it straight away, it's not a big deal. But do get to cleaning your tank! Each color of the spectrum signifies a different problem. It could be algae, bacteria, or even just decaying plant matter. Don't get too alarmed! With another cycle and a water change, your fish should be fine. 16. **Watch for goldfish ich.** One of the most common goldfish diseases is ich -- where the fish get little white spots on their bodies and fins and have difficulty breathing. It's a parasite that's curable. Move your fish to a hospital tank and use a commercially available fungicide. The important thing to do here is to isolate your fish from other living things, including plants. The parasite can spread to any plant or animal that's living. If you notice white spots on your gravel or scenery, remove the chemical stage of your filter and treat the whole tank. Keep the sick fish separated, as it will likely need more medical care than your healthy fish. You can also attempt non-chemical alternatives such as increasing the water temperature or adding high levels of aquarium salt. Temperatures of 85°F (29°C) will kill most strands of ich, as will about a tablespoon of salt per gallon. Make sure to increase the temperature or add salt slowly over time, no more than 1 to 2°F (0.55 to 1.1°C) per hour or 1 tsp/gal per 12 hours, and continue treatment for at least 3 days after all signs of infection disappear. Once completed, perform frequent partial water changes to remove salt or reduce temperature. Be prepared for a loss of color or vibrancy in your treated fish. 17. **Monitor for Flukes** Another parasite that's a common culprit is Flukes. If infected, your fish will scratch against surfaces, develop an outer mucus, redden slightly, and possibly get a swollen belly. As with any fish parasite (just like with ich), quarantine your fish. He can be back swimming with his finned friends in a few days if you tackle it head on from the beginning. 18. **Look for swimbladder disease.** This one's pretty easy to identify, as your fish will be swimming sideways or even upside-down. You'd think he was up in fishy heaven, but no such luck. But there is luck in that it's not contagious and it can be readily fixed. For this one, you may not need to quarantine your fish. Swimbladder disease is not a parasite. However, if you'd like to err on the side of caution, do so. Medication is usually not needed to cure swimbladder diseases as over- or improper feeding are typically the cause. Reduce the amount you’re feeding your fish, or better yet, put them on a fast for about 3 days. This gives your fish’s gut bacteria time to return to normal. If symptoms persist, consider changing their diet to include more high-fiber foods like peas or cucumbers, or using a medicated fish food specifically to treat internal infections. 19. **If a fish has died, take the proper measures.** First things first, dispose of your fish in a way that won't stink up the house. You can bury it, or, if you feel so inclined, throw it in the compost heap. Do not flush the fish down the toilet! Grab it from the tank with a plastic bag around your hands, invert the bag, and tie it up. How you clean your aquarium depends on your situation. If only one fish died, hopefully it was a parasite that you saw quickly enough so as to avoid it spreading to the other creatures in the tank. If all your fish are dying or dead, you'll need to clean out your aquarium entirely with a bleach solution. Just 1/4 of a teaspoon (a dash) for every gallon (3.8 liters) of water should do the trick. Let it soak for an hour or two to get rid of all the toxins. Then, remove the water and let it dry out.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Make Your Long Distance Boyfriend Feel Special?,"Did your long-distance boyfriend have a bad day, or is he feeling a little extra lonely? Don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to show him that you care about and appreciate him, even if you can’t be there in person. We’ve put together some quick and easy tips and suggestions that are sure to bring a smile to his face. 1. **An email is a lot quicker than a card or package.** Draft a note explaining how much you love and care about him, and how you can’t wait to see him soon. Whether he’s at home or at work, an unexpected message in his inbox is sure to brighten his day! 2. **Little messages and reminders can make a big difference.** Text your boyfriend periodically to remind him how much you love him, and how important he is to you. Thank him for being in your life, and for always being there—he’ll really appreciate the gesture. You might say, “Thank you so much for always being there for me” or “There aren’t enough words to express how much I care about you.” 3. **A call is a fun surprise when you can’t be there in person.** Brainstorm when he’ll be off work, or any time he’ll be free to take your call. He’ll be excited to see your face show up on his caller ID! For an extra special surprise, video call or FaceTime him instead. 4. **Sexts offer a little extra intimacy while you’re far apart.** Don’t worry about sending these pictures at a “right” or “wrong” time. Instead, just snap a quick picture and send it to him whenever you have a spare moment. He’ll appreciate the gesture, and might even send you something in return! You might snap a picture of yourself in some lingerie, or send him a spicy photo when he’s getting ready for bed. 5. **Third-party apps make long-distance food delivery a breeze.** Download an application like Seamless, Postmates, DoorDash, GrubHub, or UberEats. Check that these apps deliver to his address, and then order his favorite meal or snack right to his door. Try to order the food at a time when he’ll be home. 6. **Believe it or not, there are lots of ways to virtually lend a hand.** You might proofread a paper he’s writing for school, or give him a wake-up call to make sure he’s ready for work. Little acts of kindness will really make him feel special and cared for. For example, if he hates clothing shopping, you might order some new shirts and shorts for him online. You might pay for dry cleaning so he doesn’t have to worry about doing the wash, or virtually grocery shop for him. 7. **Playlists are a romantic, creative way to show that you’re thinking of him.** Using an app like Spotify, compile a variety of different tunes that remind you of him and your relationship. If possible, set the playlist to private, and then send him a link to your personalized musical gift. You might pick songs by your boyfriend’s favorite band, or pick songs that match his favorite music genres. 8. **He’ll be pleasantly surprised by the notification.** Log onto Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or your social platform of choice and post a romantic or cute message. Then, tag your boyfriend’s account so he gets notified. Now, your boyfriend as well as your friends and followers can know how much you care about him! You might upload a silly picture of you both, or post a short, sweet message about how much you love him. 9. **When you can’t meet in person, a video date is the next best thing.** To really set the mood, change into a fancy outfit and light some candles in front of your webcam. Regularly scheduled dinner dates remind your boyfriend that you really care about him, and that he’s an important part of your life. You might schedule a dinner date once a week or once every other week, depending on your schedules. If you don’t have time for a dinner date, try coordinating your schedules and watching the sunrise or sunset together. 10. **Draw Something, Among Us, and Houseparty are great options.** Other games, like Jackbox party packs, Uno, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Scrabble GO, and Fortnite are great options to pass the time. Some games, like Jackbox, cost money to download and play. However, many virtual games are completely free. 11. **This old-school gesture is sure to brighten his day.** Write him a sweet note explaining how much you love and care about him. It’s okay if you aren’t a wordsmith—feel free to toss a love poem into the mix, or reference a romantic movie. If it’s a special occasion, like a birthday or holiday, mail him a card, instead. You might say, “I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you in my life” or “I’m counting down the days until we can see each other again.” 12. **Everyone loves finding a package in their mailbox.** Put together plenty of snacks, personal items, and other small gifts that will remind him of you. These gifts don’t have to be lavishly expensive—the package alone shows that you’re thinking about him, which will make him feel special. You might mail him an old shirt or hoodie that smells like you, or a framed photo of the 2 of you together. You could send him his favorite snacks, a gift card to his favorite store or restaurant, or a throw blanket for his bed. 13. **A future trip gives him something to look forward to.** Suggest some fun ideas of what you could do the next time you’re together, like heading to the beach, taking a hike, or just relaxing at home. One-on-one time together is a sure way to help him feel special and loved! You might try a new restaurant together, or plan a getaway to the mountains.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Find Hobbies During Coronavirus Lockdown.,"The COVID-19 outbreak has likely brought a lot frustrating and unexpected changes to your daily life, especially if you’re the type of person who likes to be out and about. While there’s definitely no replacement for getting together with friends, you may be surprised at how many ways you can pass the time from the comfort of your own home. Try out different activities until you find a really entertaining and fulfilling hobby that you enjoy! 1. **Teach yourself how to play a musical instrument.** Search around your home for an old keyboard, guitar, or another musical instrument that no one’s played in a while. Even if you don’t have any instruments lying around the house, you can still sign up for online music theory classes, which give you some background on how to read sheet music. If you’re feeling especially inspired, you can try writing your own song using your newfound music theory knowledge! Websites like Berkeley College of Music can go a long way in helping you learn about music theory. They also have free sample lessons on their website: 2. **Bake some delicious treats.** Search online for different recipes or dig out those long forgotten recipe books, whether it’s cookies, cake, bread, muffins, or something else. Look for recipes that need ingredients that you already have in the cupboard or pantry, like flour and water. Don’t worry—you may need to try out a few different recipes before you get the hang of it! Some recipes are more intensive than others. If your recipe calls for yeast, you may need to let your dough sit for a little while. 3. **Try your hand at origami.** Find some scrap paper lying around your home, or order some special origami paper online. Search for different projects online so you can create beautiful flowers and animals out of paper. 4. **Teach yourself how to sew.** Search around your home for an unused sewing machine, or find a needle and thread that you can work with. Look up tutorials for simple projects, like sewing a blanket or pillowcase, then slowly graduate to more advanced projects, like shirts, pants, and dresses. If you really get the hang of sewing, you may want to continue after the coronavirus lockdown ends! If you’re really committed to learning how to sew, you may want to buy a sewing machine online. Embroidery is also a fun, relaxing activity that involves needle and thread. 5. **Draw or paint to pass the time.** Find some scrap paper or an old sketchbook and start drawing your favorite animal, fictional character, or something else you like a lot. Dig out some acrylic, watercolor, or oil paints to add a splash of color to your work of art. Keep practicing each day so you can improve your art skills! There are a lot of drawing tutorials available on YouTube. If you prefer digital art, use programs like ProCreate, Paint Tool SAI, Adobe Photoshop, or Clip Studio Paint. Painting, pastels, watercolors, and other art mediums are also great hobbies to consider. 6. **Learn to knit.** Check around your home to see if you have any yarn or knitting needles lying around, or you can buy some online. Start with a simple project, like a scarf or a pot holder. If you’re looking for a challenge, try making a pair of socks or a hat instead. Watch YouTube tutorials to get a step-by-step look through the knitting process. 7. **Take up writing.** From journalling or writing letters to short stories and poems, writing can be a great creative way to pass the time. 8. **Take up gardening so you can get some fresh air.** Find an open section of your yard that you can repurpose into a flower bed or vegetable patch. Visit a home improvement store or shop online to pick up the different seeds and fertilizer that you need, then you can get planting! Take some time each day to tend to your garden so you can enjoy some much-needed time in the sun. Rose of Sharon and Russian sage are great options if you live in a really hot, dry area. Coneflower and peony are better choices for cold areas, while irises and forget-me-nots are best for wet climates. Flowers like geraniums and bee balm can grow just about anywhere. Certain fruits and vegetables are more likely to grow in specific climates. For instance, kale and broccoli are more likely to grow in cool, mountainous areas while pineapple, melons, and peppers are more likely to grow in warmer climates. Herbs can give quick, easy results for the inpatient gardener and can be useful in the kitchen. Try parsley, chives, coriander or any other herbs you like. 9. **Do some bird-watching.** Pick up a pair of binoculars and a notebook and head to an open outdoor ara. Keep an eye for different birds, and take note of any that you spot in the trees or sky. If you really get into birdwatching, consider buying a birding guide that helps you identify different types of birds. Always stand at least 6 ft (1.8 m) from others when you’re spending time outside. 10. **Get outside and take some pictures.** Grab your phone camera or a more advanced camera and head outside. Take some pictures of anything that seems interesting, whether it’s nature or something as simple as cars driving by. With enough practice, you can start along your journey to becoming a seasoned photographer. Some fancier cameras have an auto-focus feature, which can come in handy if you’re shooting a lot of pictures outside. Don’t take pictures of anyone unless you have their express permission. Once you’ve taken a few pictures, try editing them with a free software like GIMP. 11. **Enroll in online courses with digital learning programs.** Search online for websites like UDemy, OpenCulture, EdX, Coursera, or something similar. Search for classes that really strike your interest, whether they’re related to a hobby or something purely educational. Chip away at different classes while you’re stuck at home—it may be a great way to pass the time! Some online sites charge a registration or subscription fee for joining. Sites like Khan Academy, Stanford Online, and Codeacademy all offer free classes that you can sign up for. 12. **Learn a new language with a mobile app.** Download an app like Rosetta Stone, Duolingo, or Tiny Cards. Set aside at least 15 minutes of your day to chip away at learning a new language, whether you’re focusing on dialogue, vocabulary, or listening skills. Apps like Duolingo are completely free to use, and offer a wide variety of languages. 13. **Study your ancestry online.** Enroll on an ancestry site, which gives you access to a lot of different documents possibly connected to your family history. Use these resources to trace your family tree back, and see if you can learn something new about yourself and your heritage! Sites like are a great place to start. 14. **Chill out with a single or multiplayer video game.** Think about what types of games you like to play, whether it’s fighting, rhythm, sandbox, or something in between. Opt for multiplayer games if you’d like to spend time with friends, or kick back and relax by yourself with a sandbox game. For instance, if you like multiplayer fighting games, you can play games League of Legends, Overwatch, Teamfight Tactics, CS:GO, or something similar. If you like creative, sandbox games, try out a game like The Sims or Animal Crossing. 15. **Create a digital scrapbook of all your best memories.** Search online for a website that offers a lot of virtual scrapbooking resources. Upload your pictures to your computer or tablet, then download different designs and templates to use with your photos. You can store your pages on your computer, or print them out to make a physical scrapbook. You can also use an app like Pinterest to create a digital board of your favorite pictures. 16. **Learn to code while you’re stuck at home.** Use some free online resources to teach yourself the basics on different coding programs. Work at your own pace to learn how to code—depending on how much you teach yourself, you may be able to put coding on your professional resume! Sites like FreeCodeCamp, Codecademy, and Codewars are great places to start. 17. **Read some new books.** Search around your home for any books or novels that you haven’t had the time to read. If you don’t have a lot of reading material lying around, download some ebooks that you can read on your phone or tablet. You can never go wrong with some classic titles, like The Odyssey by Homer, Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, or To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Sites like Project Gutenberg offer a lot of free book titles to choose from. 18. **Dive into a fun puzzle or strategy game.** Download some logic or sudoku puzzles online, or try out a game of online chess. Start with easy puzzles and matches before working your way up to bigger challenges. You can also try an old-fashioned jigsaw puzzle to pass the time! If you have a chessboard lying around at home, consider playing with a family member. 19. **Journal your thoughts.** Find an old notebook that you can repurpose as a journal. Jot down your thoughts and feelings while you’re stuck in quarantine, or write down any creative ideas you have. When everything is back to normal, you can look at your journal and remind yourself that you got through a tough time. If you aren’t into journaling, you can also try out creative writing. Jot down any creative ideas you have and turn them into a fun, short story to share with friends. If you like writing fan fiction, consider posting your works on free sites like Archive of Our Own or Wattpad. 20. **Work out with fun exercise videos so you can stay in shape.** Browse the web for an aerobic, strength-training, or other exercise videos that target your current fitness needs. Take a few minutes of your day to work out with the video. You’ll likely feel a lot more motivated and productive once you’re done! If you have a hula hoop lying around, try looking up some workout videos that involve hula hooping! This is a great activity to do by yourself. As a general guideline, try to get 150 minutes of exercise each week. 21. **Teach yourself a new dance move.** Explore different dance genres online, whether it’s tap, jazz, hip-hop, or some other fun variety. Look online for videos on YouTube that can help guide you in the right direction and help you perfect your form. If you don’t mind paying a subscription fee, sign up with a digital dance studio for more official lessons and tutorials. For instance, Dancio lets you rent classes for up to 48 hours for $3.99. Other groups, like Steezy, offer monthly or yearly subscriptions. 22. **Play a sport in your backyard to keep yourself active.** Search around your home for a soccer ball, football, or other piece of sports equipment. Burn some energy in your yard by kicking around the soccer ball, or by playing catch with a family member. You may be able to hone some skills, even if you can’t play a full-length game or match. For instance, you can challenge yourself by juggling a soccer ball with your knees. See how many times you can juggle the ball without dropping it! If you have a spare baseball and some mitts lying around, you can practice throwing and catching the ball outside. 23. **Take up yoga or meditation so you can stay grounded.** Set aside some time each day to stretch, relax, and take some deep breaths. Look on YouTube for yoga tutorials or meditation exercises you can practice. You can always invite a family member to join you as you endeavor on a path of mindfulness! Some older video games like Wii Fit offer guided yoga tutorials.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Make an Olive Oil and Salt Conditioning Treatment for Nails.,"Nails can be conditioned and strengthened with olive oil and salt, along with a bit of a soak. This olive oil and salt conditioning dip for your nails can be made up beforehand and used while watching a favorite show or listening to music as you relax. 1. **Place a round and deep bowl onto your work space.** Check that you are able to dip your hands in the bowl, with ease. 2. **Add about 1 to 2 cups of water.** The amount depends on how long your fingers are. 3. **Add 2 tablespoons of salt.** You can add more than 2 tablespoons if needed. 4. **Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil.** If you don't have olive oil, then you can use vegetable oil in its place. 5. **Mix the ingredients together.** Keep stirring until the salt is dissolved completely. 6. **Dip your hands in it for about 10 to 20 minutes.** If you can soak for longer, that's even better. 7. **Wash your hands after soaking.** Finish up by applying your favorite moisturizer. 8. **Repeat this method for a few days in a row or every few days over a few weeks.** The need depends on your observed nail growth. It should help to condition and strengthen your nails as part of a healthy self-care regime of a nutritious diet, exercise and appropriate hygiene.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Replace Skateboard Bearings.,"Sometimes, skateboard bearings need more than cleaning. Bearings can get rusted or pitted beyond repair, and when that happens there’s no real solution beyond replacing them. Luckily, replacing your bearings is one of the easier (and more satisfying) skateboard projects. In this article, we’ll break down everything you’ll need to do in order to install some fresh bearings so you can get back on the board. 1. **Obtain the correct replacement bearings for your wheels.** Your local skateboard shop should be able to help if you don’t know what kind of bearings you’d need. 2. **Remove the wheels with a ratchet or skate tool.** Put the two washers and nut from the wheel in a bag or other small container so you do not lose them. 3. **Place the bearing on the edge of the axle of the truck.** 4. **Continue to slowly apply pressure until it pops off.** If you're going to throw the bearings away anyway, you don't need to be too delicate with them, but try not to damage the wheel in the process. 5. **Repeat the process for the bearing on the other side of the wheel.** 6. **Drop the new bearings into the hole in the wheel or truck.** Go for whatever makes this easier for you when it comes to attaching the bearings. 7. **With the bearing in place, slide the wheel on to the truck.** Put the wheel onto the truck of the skateboard and press down on the wheel to press the bearing into place. 8. **Put the bearing spacer inside the wheel on the other side.** 9. **Repeat the process to press the second bearing into place.** 10. **Add the second bearing to each of your wheels.** 11. **Make sure they’re secure before tightening everything.** The wheels should rotate without the bearing jiggling or providing friction. 12. **Enjoy your new board and it’s smooth ride!** With your bearings replaced, your wheels should feel brand new now.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Become an Air Force Officer.,"There are four main ways to become an Air Force Officer. You can apply to go to Officer Training School, attend the Air Force Academy, go through Air Force ROTC in college, or enlist and work your way towards becoming an Officer. Each option has different requirements and advantages. No matter which path you choose, the Air Force has many valuable resources, both online and in person, to help you through the process. 1. **Check to make sure you meet the qualifications.** To jump right into Officer Training School, you need to have earned a college or postgraduate degree. You also must be between 18 and 39 years old and be a U.S. citizen. 2. **Submit an online application to get connected with a recruiter.** Go to the U.S. Air Force website at and click on ""Apply Now."" This will take you to an application asking for some personal information about yourself. After submitting the form, you'll be connected with a recruiter who will help you through the rest of the process. You'll be asked for your name, contact information such as email and home address, and a little bit of information about your education. You'll be contacted by a recruiter shortly after filling out the application, either by email or phone. 3. **Study for and pass** The Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) is designed to test you on your skills. This includes your knowledge of math, how to communicate efficiently, and several other topics relating to the Air Force. The test is multiple choice and you can take it up to 2 times, so be sure to study and prepare plenty of time in advance. Your recruiter will give you information on how to sign up for the AFOQT. To help prepare for the test, visit sites such as 4. **Go through a physical and mental screening.** Being an Air Force Officer is both mentally and physically demanding, making it necessary for you to be checked beforehand to make sure you’re ready. To complete the screening, you’ll go to a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) where they will assess you. Your recruiter should work with you to create an appointment for the screening. 5. **Wait to be sent to Officer Training School after passing all of the requirements.** If you completed the application process and are accepted into the Air Force by the selection board, you’ll go into the Delayed Entry Program. This will be the program you're in while you wait to be sent to Officer Training School. It’s recommended that you use this wait time to begin a physical fitness regimen to get in shape for the training program. You should include running, push-ups, sit-ups, and stretching into your routine. People in the Delayed Entry Program are encouraged to attend meetings and classes at your local recruiting office. You can be in the Delayed Entry Program for 365 days at most. 6. **Go through the 9.5 week training program.** Officer Training School is broken down into 4 phases and takes 9.5 weeks to complete. The 4 phases allow you to work on teamwork, discipline, the fundamentals of leadership, and many other important skills. For a complete list of the concepts worked on in each phase, you can visit 7. **Check your eligibility.** To enter into the U.S. Air Force Academy, you must be between 17 and 23 years old and a U.S. citizen. You can’t be married, and you shouldn’t have any dependents. You don't need to have gone to college to apply to the Air Force Academy, but you do need a high school diploma or GED. 8. **Find your Admissions Liaison Officer.** Your Admissions Liaison Officer (ALO) is the person who will be helping you through the application process, answering any questions you might have. Your ALO is assigned to you depending on which high school you attend. To find your ALO, go online to the Air Force Academy website and select your high school. When you find your high school on the list, you’ll be given your ALO’s name and email address. If you don’t attend a high school, you can just search by state. Your ALO is the person who will conduct your interview, so it’s best to start establishing a strong relationship with them. 9. **Start your online U.S.** Your online application is where most of the application process will take place. It will guide you through the process, giving you access to the questionnaires, prompts, general information questions, and several other parts of the application. To start your Air Force Academy application, visit 10. **Apply for a nomination as soon as possible.** To enter into the Air Force Academy, you must be given an official nomination by a person legally authorized to nominate you. Most candidates aim for Congressional or Vice Presidential nominations, meaning you would seek a nomination from your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative, or the Vice President of the United States. The nomination process can take a long time, so it's best to start as soon as you start the application. The nomination is due January 31st. For more information on how to apply for a nomination, visit 11. **Submit a Pre-Candidate Questionnaire by December 31st.** The questionnaire will have questions regarding your class rank, high school GPA, and test scores. These questions, as well as some questions about your activities and personal situation, will be used to decide if you’re a candidate for admission. The Pre-Candidate Questionnaire can be started March 1st of your junior year of high school, and you should submit it by December 31st. You’ll be asked for your full name, birth date, social security number, and contact information, as well as the name of your high school and the class size. 12. **Request transcripts** Once you're notified that you’re now in the Candidate phase, you’ll need to request your transcripts and teacher evaluations. You’ll be given a request form to give to your high school counselor so that the Air Force Academy can have access to your high school transcripts. You’ll also need three teacher evaluations. For high schoolers, your three evaluations must be from your Math teacher, English teacher, and 1 other teacher — the best option would be a Science teacher. The evaluation from your English teacher needs to be from your 11th or 12th grade teacher. 13. **Take the Candidate Fitness Assessment.** The Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA) is a Pass/Fail test that you must pass to be considered for admission. Train for the 6 parts of the assessment: Basketball Throw, Pull-Ups/Flexed Arm Hang, Shuttle Run, Crunches, Push-Ups, and 1-Mile Run. You’ll need to find someone to administer the test for you. Your high school gym teacher or sports coach would be a good examiner. You can also visit the website for help finding a qualified examiner, as well as for tips on how to train for the test. If you fail the CFA, you'll be notified and may have the opportunity to retake it to get better scores. 14. **Fill out your extracurricular activities record.** The Air Force Academy will want to find out which extracurriculars you’re involved in, including athletic activities as well as non-athletic activities. The activities you list don’t have to be activities you participate in only at school, but they can only be things that took place from 10th-12th grade. Choosing activities where you showed leadership will be especially beneficial to your application. 15. **Provide a writing sample.** As with most other steps, your writing sample is part of your online application. You’ll be given three questions, and you must answer two of them. Try to use these questions to really show who you are as a person, and spend some time thinking about how you’d like to answer them. Make sure you proofread your answers before submitting them. The questions will have a word minimum of 250 or 400, with a maximum of 3,000 characters. 16. **Take part in a personal interview with your ALO.** You’ll need to contact your Admissions Liaison Officer to set up your interview. You should think of this interview as a job interview, putting your best foot forward and letting the selection panel get to know you. Prepare for your interview beforehand by thinking out answers to probable questions. 17. **Submit the Personal Data Record and Drug/Alcohol Abuse Statement.** You’ll be required to disclose your personal record, such as any citations or arrests you’ve had. The Drug and Alcohol Abuse Certificate can’t be accessed until your ALO opens it for you. After you’ve talked to your ALO, complete this part of the application by reading everything carefully and filling in all of the required boxes. The instructions for opening the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Statement section can be given by your ALO either in person or over the phone. 18. **Complete a medical evaluation.** To make sure you’re healthy enough to join the Air Force, you’ll need to schedule a medical examination with the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board. It can take up to four months to complete this process, so be patient. You need to have completed the Fitness Assessment, Personal Data Record, Activities Record, Teacher Evaluations, and Writing Sample before your name will be forwarded to the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board. 19. **Connect with an Air Force ROTC admissions representative.** Your admissions representative will help you navigate the process of finding a college with a great ROTC program and applying. Your admissions representative is assigned by state. To find out who your representative is, visit the ""Contact Us"" page on the Air Force ROTC website ( and then click ""Locate a Rep."" 20. **Find a college that offers an ROTC program.** Some colleges or universities are host universities, meaning they offer ROTC programs on their campus, while others are crosstown universities and require their students to take the ROTC classes at a host university. To find out which universities offer Air Force ROTC programs and which might be the best for you, you can use the College Locator on the Air Force ROTC website. 21. **Apply for a scholarship by submitting an online application and forms.** An application can be found online on the U.S. Air Force ROTC website and it must be turned in between June 1st and December 1st. After you’ve submitted the application, you’ll be able to download several forms that need to be filled out and uploaded by January 12th. Required forms include the form to acquire your transcript, a physical fitness test, and your test scores. 22. **Schedule your interview with an Air Force Officer if selected.** If you meet all of the qualifications, you’ll be contacted to begin setting up your interview with an Air Force Officer. Treat this interview as you might a job interview, and prepare for it beforehand. 23. **Accept the scholarship offer by May 31st, if offered one.** If the selection board decides to offer you a scholarship, you have until the end of May to accept it. Most of this process should take place electronically. If you aren’t given a scholarship, you’re still able to take ROTC classes during your first year of college. 24. **Take all physical and medical exams.** Once you accept the scholarship offer, you’re required to take a medical exam and meet specific physical standards. This includes meeting the Air Force’s specific weight and fitness standards, as well as certain health, height, and vision qualifications. 25. **Meet the qualifications for the first section of Air Force ROTC.** The first section of Air Force ROTC is the General Military Course, which you would complete during your freshman and sophomore years of college. To be part of this program, you need to be enrolled in an accredited college with an ROTC counterpart, be in good physical condition, have good moral character, be 14 years or older, and commit to taking the aerospace studies class as well as the Leadership Lab every semester. If you’re on scholarship, you need to be a U.S. citizen and be at least 17 years old. For a list of conditions that may affect your Air Force ROTC membership, visit the U.S. Air Force website at 26. **Enroll in the Professional Officer Course upon completion of the General Military Course.** If you complete the General Military Course, you’re able to enroll in the Professional Officer Course after meeting a few requirements. This course is designed for your junior and senior years of college. Your GPA, input from your unit commander, and aptitude test scores will all help determine if you’re eligible for the Professional Officer Course. Some of the qualifications include being a U.S. citizen, being of legal age or 17 years old with a parent’s consent, being in good academic standing, passing a physical and Air Force Officer Qualifying Test, and taking part in a field training course, among others. 27. **Meet all of the basic requirements before enlisting as an Airman.** You should be between 17 and 39 years old to be able to join, as well as a U.S. citizen or permanent, legal resident. You also need to have a high school diploma or have gotten your GED. 28. **Go online to apply and submit an application.** To show that you’re interested in enlisting, you’ll need to go online and fill out an application with some general information about yourself. Once you submit the online form, an Air Force recruiter will contact you and provide assistance if needed for the rest of the process. Apply at 29. **Take the Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test.** The ASVAB test helps decide if you’re able to handle the mental demands of the Air Force. It also highlights your strengths, which will help point you in a direction of which career is best for you. You’ll be tested on arithmetic reasoning, work knowledge, paragraph comprehension, and mathematics knowledge. You can prepare for the ASVAB test by taking practice tests online, found on sites such as If you don't pass the test, you can wait one month before retaking it. If you don't pass that one, you can wait an additional month and retake the test a second time. You'll have to wait 6 months to take the test a fourth time. 30. **Complete a physical and mental screening.** Your recruiter will help set up an appointment at a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) so that you can take your physical and mental screening. During this time, you’ll need to give your jobs counselor a list of possible jobs and aptitude areas you’re qualified for or willing to train for. This list will help determine which Air Force career you pursue. 31. **Go into the Delayed Entry Program to wait for Basic Military Training.** If you pass all of the tests and become a part of the Air Force, you’ll have to wait a little while to be sent to Basic Military Training (BMT). When you’re waiting for your departure date in the Delayed Entry Program (DEP), you should start preparing for training by working out and conditioning. Create a workout routine that includes running, push-ups, sit-ups, and stretching. You can be placed in the Delayed Entry Program for up to a year. 32. **Obtain your unit commander's approval to begin training as an Officer.** Once you're enlisted as an Airman, you'll work your way up towards becoming an Officer. To be cleared to begin the next phase of training as you prepare to become an Officer, you'll need your unit commander's approval, as well as other qualifications which can be found on the U.S. Air Force website. Visit for more information.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Be a Girly Girl?,"A girly girl is someone who wholeheartedly embraces her femininity, without sacrificing her personality or strength. She cares about her behavior, style and appearance, but is never self-centered or mean and is always herself. She is someone other girls look up to and want to be friends with. Being a girly girl is a personal choice, and no one should pressure you to act in any way you are uncomfortable with. But if this is the attitude and look that you are going for, all you need to do is cultivate the right behavior and appearance. 1. **Bathe every day.** Girly-girls have excellent hygiene! Be sure you shower every day and clean yourself thoroughly with soap and water. If you want to be extra girly, try buying scented shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. 2. **Use moisturizer or lotion on your skin.** Having soft skin is a big part of being feminine. You should use a moisturizer or lotion on your face and body every day, even if you have oily skin--moisturizer will stop your skin from producing its own oils. You can use any kind, but check the label first to see if it’s the best kind for your skin type. If you have acne, you can still be a girly girl! Try drinking lots of water and using benzoyl peroxide on your breakouts. If you can’t get rid of them, it’s okay--lots of people have acne. 3. **Keep your nails manicured.** You don’t have to put on a new shade of nail polish every day, but your nails should be clean and manicured all the time. Clip and file your nails so they are even, clean under them daily, and check every day for nail polish chips. If you like changing your nail polish colors, try matching them to your outfit. If you don’t want to put on new nail polish all the time, try wearing a clear coat. It looks just as neat and girly, but you don’t have to worry about it as much. 4. **Brush and style your hair every day.** Keep your hair brushed and styled every single day. Make sure your hair doesn’t have any knots or tangles, and that its neat and clean. Develop a signature hairstyle that works for you, and keep your hair neatly styled every day. Depending on your hair type, you may need to wash it every day. If you hair seems oily and flat by the end of each day, you should wash it daily. Your hairstyle doesn’t need to be elaborate. Your signature style could be as simple as parting it to the side and wearing a barrette! You can also try braids, ponytails, and simple buns. If you aren’t sure how to do your hair, ask a friend for advice or visit a salon. 5. **Wear deodorant and perfume.** Smelling nice is an essential part of being a girly-girl! Be sure you use deodorant every single day. You can also wear perfume--many feminine women have a signature scent they wear every day. If you don’t wear much perfume, try a light floral or fruit scent first. Don’t use deodorant or perfume as a substitute for bathing. People can tell. Use as little perfume as possible, and only use it on pulse points like your wrists and neck. Your perfume should be a subtle fragrance that people only notice when they’re next to you, not a strong smell that hangs in the air around you. 6. **Keep your teeth clean.** Girly girls keep their teeth as clean as possible. Brush and floss every day, and be sure to use mouthwash or mints to keep your breath smelling fresh. Carry floss with you, and use it after every meal or snack. It’s okay if your teeth are crooked or if you wear braces. Just make sure they’re clean! 7. **Wear light makeup.** Try wearing a little bit of makeup to get a girly girl look. Light makeup will make you look more feminine, and it’s much easier to learn to apply than a full face of makeup. Keep practicing until your makeup looks natural and is easy for you to apply. Try using just lip gloss and mascara to start. Keep eyeshadows and blushes in light, neutral colors like light pink or beige. If you want to wear foundation, go to a makeup counter first to be sure it matches your skin tone. Wearing heavier makeup is okay too! Just make sure you’ve practiced your look first. 8. **Keep your clothes clean and pressed.** Girly girls never go out in dirty, wrinkled clothes. Keep your clothes washed and don’t wear anything with stains, even if it’s been washed. Iron your clothes before you wear them. Be careful to read the instructions on your clothing labels. Some clothes can’t be ironed or can only be ironed on a low setting. If you don’t want to iron, try hanging clothes up immediately after you dry them, or letting them run in a dryer on the permanent press cycle. If something has a stain that won’t come out, don’t throw it away! Save it for wearing around the house or while doing work that might damage your regular clothes. 9. **Buy clothes that fit properly.** Don’t buy clothes that are too tight or too baggy. None of your clothes should be so tight that they pinch you, show your underwear, or are hard to put on and take off. They also shouldn’t hang loosely off you or need to be adjusted as you go about your day. Try on your favorite clothes to make sure they fit you properly, and if they don’t, stop wearing them. 10. **Buy feminine clothes.** You don’t have to wear pink party dresses every day to be a girly girl, but it helps to wear something feminine every time you go out. Dresses and skirts are always an easy choice, but you can also wear tailored pants, capris, shorts, and jumpsuits. Instead of wearing T-shirts, try wearing blouses and button-up shirts. Pinks, purples, and pastels are considered classic girly colors, but if you don’t like them, any color can be feminine if it’s got the right style and fits you well. You don’t have to follow trends or wear what everyone else is wearing, as long as you’re dressed neatly and femininely. Anything can be feminine, but wearing florals and prints are usually a good idea if your intention is to dress more girly. 11. **Wear feminine shoes.** Avoid wearing sneakers and flip-flops if you want to look girly. Heels and wedges are a great way to look feminine, but if you don’t want to wear heels, try a pair of ballet flats, as they are also pretty feminine. Be sure your shoes are clean and don’t have any tears or scuffs! If you want to wear heels but don’t know how to walk in them, try stepping with your heel down first, then your toe. Practice lots before you go out in public! 12. **Carry a purse.** Girly girls need to carry lots of things with them! If you don’t carry a purse, start now. It doesn’t have to be an expensive designer bag. You can pick any purse you want in any color or style, as long as it’s in good shape and can hold all your things. Try getting a purse in a neutral color like black or tan--it will match more of your outfits! 13. **Choose soft, bright colors to decorate with.** Your bedroom, locker, school desk, or any other personal space can showcase your girly side. Choose a bright, soft color like pink, light purple, baby blue, or yellow to decorate with. You can get furniture, paint your walls, or just get fun accessories like decorative ribbons, posters, and stickers to make your space girly. 14. **Keep your things organized neatly.** Girly girls don’t carry around stacks of loose paper instead of notebooks or leave old food sitting around their rooms. Start practicing cleaning up after yourself every day and putting everything back where you found it. Keep your school things organized and labeled. This is a great opportunity to buy more girly organizing accessories too--things like binders, boxes, and cases are a great way to show off your feminine side. 15. **Get a vanity or mirrors.** You’ll need a space to check your makeup, practice new hairstyles, and make sure your outfits fit you perfectly. Get a big mirror for your room and smaller ones for your locker and purse. You can even get a whole vanity furniture set if you’re able to! 16. **Show your creative side.** Girly girls aren’t afraid to be creative. Decorate your personal space with cute drawings, notes to your friends, and crafts. Buy some paint pens in bright colors and draw decorations on your pictures and posters, or learn a craft like scrapbooking or sewing that you can use to decorate your area. 17. **Walk and sit gracefully.** Girly girls don’t run everywhere or flop across their seats. Practice walking and sitting gracefully. When you walk, walk carefully and confidently, with small steps and your head held up. When you sit down, sit with your back straight and your arms by your side or in your lap. You don’t have to cross your legs or your ankles, but it can add a feminine touch. 18. **Be friendly and polite towards everyone.** Be nice to everyone you meet. Look them in the eye, introduce yourself if you don’t know them, and address them by name. Ask how they’re doing, and if you are able to help someone with anything, offer to do it! This doesn’t mean that you should let people treat you badly--if you have to tell someone to stop or to leave you alone, do so clearly and firmly. Avoid swearing or using explicit words. They’re impolite, and it’s hard to be girly when you use them. 19. **Show an interest in romance.** Girly girls are interested in romance, but that doesn’t mean you need to start dating or do anything you aren’t comfortable with. Try reading romantic books, watching romances on TV, and talking to your friends about crushes. Some girls like to read bridal magazines even if they aren’t planning to get married. It’s a fun way to show your romantic side and keep up with fashion! 20. **Keep up with trends.** You don’t have to follow every trend, but most girly girls have an idea of what’s popular even if they don’t actually participate in it. You should have an idea of what’s cool to wear, listen to, and watch, if only so you’ll have something to talk about with your friends. 21. **Hang out with other girls.** It’s okay to have guy friends, but you should make sure you have a core group of girls that you hang out with and talk about girly things with. If you don’t have any close girlfriends, start by complimenting one of your classmates on her clothes or makeup. It’s a great way to start a friendship! 22. **Practice good table manners.** Eating neatly and having good table manners is a big part of acting like a lady. When you eat, don’t chew with your mouth open, lean on your elbow, or gobble your food. Practice taking small bites, keeping your hands in your lap when not eating, and chewing and swallowing neatly and unobtrusively. 23. **Work hard in school.** It’s not true that you have to act dumb to be a girly girl. Girly girls are high achievers who care about their education. Pay attention in class, study hard, and try your best in all your subjects.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Clean Pergo Floor.,"Pergo flooring is popular not only because it is a beautiful, affordable choice in hard flooring, but also because of its durability. The Pergo laminate floor surface is compact and hard, which makes it easy to clean. While Pergo stands up to dirt and damage, it's still important to know how to clean a Pergo floor to keep it looking its best. 1. **Clean the floor regularly with a damp dust mop.** Pergo floors will attract dust, so you’ll want to make sure you wipe it clean regularly with a dust mop to remove the most obvious particles. A regular wipe with a dry mop or static cloth should get most of the dust. Before wiping down the floor, wet your dust mop slightly. A bucket of water nearby should be enough to keep the mop moist. You don’t want to soak your mop, just get it damp. If it is too wet, wring it out before putting on the floor. If you are cleaning in sections, you can also use a spray to mist the floor before mopping. Mix 1 cup (240 mL) of white vinegar with 1 gallon (3.8 L) of warm water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle, spray the floor, then quickly wipe with your mop. There should not be any moisture left after a minute of drying. 2. **Use a vacuum to suck up dirt, dust, and hair.** Clean dirt or other obvious impurities with a vacuum cleaner. Put your vacuum on a setting for hard floors, or use an attachment if you are particularly concerned about scratching the surface. 3. **Use a cloth wipe for touch-ups.** For small sections of the floor in need of a quick cleaning, a cloth wipe should pick up the dirt or dust. It is better to keep the cloth dry, but you can moisten it slightly for a little more adhesion. Just make sure there is no moisture left over after you are done wiping. 4. **Avoid using improper cleaning materials.** Like other forms of laminate flooring, there are common cleaning products you should not use because they will damage the floor. Make sure you avoid using this cleaners. Never use cleaners with soap or detergent and avoid using wax or polish. These products can leave a residue that makes the floor dull and filmy. Do not use a steam cleaner or similar device. The excess moisture will leave streaks in the floor. 5. **Clean liquid spills with lukewarm water.** For stains from items such as chocolate, grease, juice, or wine, a mixture of lukewarm water and a non-abrasive cleaner should help avoid a stain or other damage to the wood. Ammonia and vinegar are good liquids to mix with the water for liquid stains. 6. **Use acetone for tougher stains.** Acetone, commonly found in nail polish remover, can be useful for dealing with stains from tar, markers, crayon, lipstick, oil, shoe polish, nail polish, or cigarette burns. Apply a small amount to the stain, then wipe the area with a clean, soft cloth. 7. **Scrape off hard substances.** For something tough and solid, like chewing gum or candle wax, use a blunt plastic scraper. Make sure the substance has hardened before trying to scrape it away. If you don’t want to wait for the substance to harden on its own, use an ice pack to help chill it. Once it is cold and hard, then use the scraper. 8. **Replace the flooring if you have large, set-in stains.** If you have a large stain that will not come out from any of these other methods, you will need to have part or all of the flooring replaced. Talk to the retailer or installer who provided your Pergo flooring, and discuss replacing the stained area. 9. **Put rugs near entrance-ways.** To prevent visitors from bringing in dirt, mud, or other filth from outside, make sure there are rugs near the entranceway. Have people remove their shoes, or wipe their feet off before going too far onto the flooring. Opt for rugs made from natural fibers like cotton, wool, or bamboo. Avoid using rugs with latex or rubber backing, as they can damage Pergo flooring. If your rug does have this type of backing, place a felt rug pad between the rug and the floor. You can also use area rugs throughout the room for areas where people will walk. Make sure you clean these rugs regularly to prevent the accumulation of dirt. 10. **Use felt floor protectors.** Use felt to cover the feet and bases of large moveable furniture like chairs, tables, and TV stands. A small piece of felt to put something between the base or leg of your furniture and the floor will prevent inadvertent scratching. Rugs can be helpful here as well. Place an area rug underneath large furniture that might shift around, like couches. Remember that rugs collect dirt, so be sure to clean them regularly. If you have chairs that might move often, consider replacing their feet with wheels for more ease of motion. You’ll still have to keep an eye out for scratching, but this will create easier movement. 11. **Carry things over the floor.** If you do need to move items around in the room, lift them off the ground instead of dragging them. For particularly large objects, get friends and family to help so nothing drags along and scratches the floor. Always remember to lift correctly by using your knees and keeping your back straight. Never lift more than you can comfortably handle, and don’t be afraid to wait for help with especially large objects. 12. **Repair cracks with putty.** If you notice a small crack or dent in the floor, Pergo makes a finishing putty that can seal the crack. Anything about ⁄4 inch (6.4 mm) in size or smaller should be easily fixable on your own. If the damaged area is greater than ⁄4 inch (6.4 mm), replace the plank. A professional installer can be found by calling the Pergo consumer helpline or visiting the Pergo website. It may also be helpful to keep some of the flooring planks after the installation to ensure you always have replacements on hand.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Recover from Jet Lag from Europe.,"Traveling to Europe and back is certainly an adventure, but flying across several time zones can lead to jet lag, leaving you feeling foggy and fatigued. So how can you make the most of your European vacation and quickly get back on schedule when you return home? There are actually tons of things you can do before you leave, on the plane, once you arrive, and once you get back home so you don’t end up feeling like a zombie. We’ve done the research for you and have listed the best tips and tricks for beating jet lag below. 1. **Unfortunately, jet lag is worse when you’re traveling east.** To help mitigate some of the issues connected to jet lag, adjust your sleep schedule before you leave. Go to bed 1-2 hours earlier than you normally would to help yourself adapt to the local time zone. 2. **Stomach upset is a common jet lag complaint, but you can prepare ahead of time.** If you’re traveling from the U.S. to Europe, try eating your meals a few hours earlier than you normally would. This can help your body adapt to the local time zone, and meal schedule, more easily. You can do the same thing before you head back home. Eat your meals a little later than you normally would to help yourself adapt to your regular time zone at home. Stick with foods you know and like. Now's not the time to try out a new Tex Mex fusion restaurant or eat spicy curry for the first time. 3. **Long flights often cause dehydration, which can make jet lag worse.** Drink plenty of water during your flights to help your body stay in tip-top shape. Eat healthy meals and snack on fruits and veggies to avoid digestive problems associated with jet lag. Steer clear of heavy, fatty foods or calorie-rich snacks. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, both of which are stimulants and can further disrupt your sleep patterns. Keep drinking lots of water once you arrive in Europe as well as when you get back home—it'll help stave off that dreaded jet lag. 4. **Take advantage of times when that seat belt sign is off.** Sitting for the entire flight can make you feel sluggish, and also increases your risk of blood clots. Take time to stretch, stand, and walk about the cabin when it’s safe to do so. Getting a little movement in can give you more energy, too! 5. **To adapt to the local time, sleep when it’s nighttime in your destination city.** This might be tough if it’s mid-day in your local time zone, but hey, there’s no better way to pass the time on a plane than by sleeping! Wear comfy clothes, take off your shoes, and curl up with a blanket and pillow. You can even put on an eye mask and noise-canceling headphones to help you block out your surroundings. Skip the in-flight movie and resist the urge to scroll social media—blue light can disrupt your sleep, so avoid screentime if you’re hoping to nap in-flight. If you can, book your flight so it lands in the afternoon, local time, to help mitigate jet lag. 6. **Change your watch and take your meals at the normal time for your destination.** The best way to beat jet lag is to adjust to the local time zone as soon as you can. Most overseas flights will deposit you in Europe in the morning, so ignore the fact that it’s probably 2 am back home. Follow the local time zone and take your meals and sleep when locals do. The same is true for your return trip. Eat your meals and go to bed at a reasonable hour in your local time zone to beat jet lag faster. 7. **Getting outside and doing some light exercise during the day can help your body adapt.** Spend some time in the sun, especially in the morning, to help your body recognize the local time zone. Some light exercise like walking, especially during the daytime, can help your body adjust its circadian rhythm so you sleep better at night. It might help to book a particularly exciting tour or adventure for a few hours after you land in Europe. This will give you an incentive to stay awake and give you something to look forward to—it’s a win-win! 8. **Resist the temptation to crash when you arrive at your destination.** Going to sleep when it’s daytime won’t help you beat jet lag or adjust to the local time. As hard as it might be, do your best to stay awake until a reasonable bedtime hour in the city you're in. Hopefully, you’ll awake the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to go! 9. **A 15- to 20-minute nap can help you get through the rest of the day.** If you’re feeling super sluggish and need to rest, it’s okay to lie down for a bit. Just don’t sleep for too long, or you’ll end up being even more tired. Keep your nap to 20 minutes or less so you don’t further disrupt your nighttime sleep patterns. 10. **Traveling across time zones can make it hard to fall asleep, and medication can help.** When it gets dark in your destination, take 0.5 mg or less of a short-acting melatonin supplement. If you need something a bit stronger, ask your doctor to prescribe a sleep medication. You can take it at night for the first 3 days you’re in a different time zone to help combat jet lag. Before you take any supplement or medication, talk to your doctor to make sure it’s safe for you and won’t interact with any medications you’re on or health conditions you have. Some common medications that doctors prescribe for jet lag include Restoril (temazepam), Ambien (zolpidem), and Imovane (zopiclone). It's best to take a low dose and limit it to just a few days. 11. **Set your alarm for no later than 9 am local time.** While you might be exhausted and tempted to sleep in late, you won't be doing yourself any favors. To get your body's circadian rhythm adjusted to a new location, you’ve got to follow the local time zone. Plus, getting up early on your first full day in Europe means you’ll have an easier time going to bed that night. By the second day, you should be fully acclimated to European time! The same is true for your return trip! Get up early the day after you arrive home to better adjust to the local time.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Graft Roses?,"Grafting, or budding, is a technique for propagating plants wherein you take a piece from one plant and fuse it onto another. With roses, it’s easier to propagate them with cuttings. But you can also graft roses, especially when you have a variety with beautiful flowers but a weak root system. One of the most popular methods for grafting roses is the T-bud method, but this does require some practice and patience to perfect. 1. **Choose the right time.** Graft your roses in mid-summer, because this is when the sap inside the plants is flowing. If the sap and nutrients are flowing, there's a better chance the graft will take and the new rose will thrive. The best time for grafting is after the mid-summer bloom cycle, which usually occurs in August. 2. **Select a scion.** The scion, or the bud, is the plant you are going to be grafting onto another plant. With roses, a scion is often chosen because of its beautiful flowers, because those flowers will continue to grow after the graft. The best scion is a young stem from the plant. The stem should have established leaves, should have flowered recently, and should have some hardwood starting to develop on it. For the best results, choose a stem from which the bloom has just faded. 3. **Choose a rootstock plant.** The rootstock is the plant to which the graft will be fused. Rootstocks are often chosen because they're healthy and hardy, but they may not have the prettiest flowers. In order for the graft to take, the rootstock must be another rose plant. Two of the most popular rose varieties for rootstock are Dr. Huey and Fortuniana. 4. **Keep the plants well watered prior to the graft.** Roses need plenty of water to thrive, and the graft will have a better chance of taking if both the scion and rootstock plants are well watered before the procedure. Ideally, start giving both plants daily waterings in the two weeks leading up to the graft. Make sure the roses are watered thoroughly two days prior to the graft, and the night before. 5. **Sterilize your knife.** Plants are susceptible to viruses, bacteria, and fungi just like humans are. You can prevent the spread of disease by working with sterilized gardening tools, especially when you're carrying out a delicate procedure like a graft. Not only will this help ensure the graft takes, but also that the plant survives. The easiest way to sterilize your budding knife is with ethanol or isopropyl alcohol. Get a clean rag or cloth damp with the alcohol. Wipe the blade thoroughly, making sure you get the tip, sides, and base of the knife. Be careful not to cut yourself in the process. Set the blade aside to air dry for a few minutes. 6. **Prune the rootstock.** With clean pruning shears, prune your rootstock plant to remove dead foliage, blooms, and stems. Select a healthy stem with many well-developed leaves for the actual graft site. Use the budding knife to remove all the buds and prickles from the middle section of the stem. Removing the prickles isn't strictly necessary, but it will prevent you from cutting yourself during the graft. Removing the buds is important because you want the buds from the scion to grow, not the ones from the rootstock. When pruning or taking cuttings, cut on a 45-degree angle to reduce damage and increase circulation. 7. **Cut a T into the rootstock.** With the bud knife, cut an inch-long T shape into the bark of the rootstock. Make sure you do not penetrate the cambium layer, which is a wet, pale green color. Use the tip of the knife to gently open the flaps you created in the bark. The best place for the T cut is near the middle of the stem, between two nodes. Nodes are where leaves and buds grow out from the stem. 8. **Cut and trim a stem.** Cut off the stem you want to use for the scion. Cut off the top and bottom from the stem, leaving a 2-inch (5-cm) section in the middle. Make sure that section of stem has at least one bud eye, where a new leaf could grow from the stem. Use the budding knife to cut off any prickles, buds, and leaves from the piece. Trim the stem an inch (2.5 cm) below the lowest bud eye. 9. **Cut the scion from the stem.** Place the knife on the stem above the bud eye. Insert the blade deep enough into the stem to penetrate the bark and the cambium layer. This is the layer just behind the bark that carries nutrients. Cut out the bud eye, making sure you take the bark and cambium layer as well. 10. **Insert the scion in to the rootstock immediately.** Make sure the bud eye is facing upward, as this means the stem is facing the right direction. As you insert the scion into the rootstock, the bark flaps will open around the scion. Push the scion all the way in to the bottom of the T, leaving the bud eye exposed at the top of the flaps. The cambium layers of the scion and root stock will now be in contact, and this is what will allow the graft to take. 11. **Secure the graft with grafting tape.** Close the bark flaps over the scion. Wrap a few layers of grafting tape around the graft. Wrap the area above and below the bud eye, but leave the bud eye itself exposed. Don’t be afraid to pull the tape gently to stretch it out, as this will ensure the cambium layers stay in contact. 12. **Give the plant plenty of water.** Grafted plants need lots of water. For the next two weeks, water the rootstock daily to ensure the soil stays moist. You don’t want the soil soaking wet, but make sure it stays damp. 13. **Trim the first buds from the scion.** Once the scion starts to create new growth on the rootstock, it will begin to grow new buds. But while the scion is still establishing itself, the buds can be too heavy and can damage the bud union. To reduce stress on the bud union, trim off the first three or four buds that grow until the graft is fully healed. Trim the buds with a sharp knife or scissors as soon as they emerge. To help give the new plant the best chance, you can also prune the rootstock above the graft. 14. **Let the tape fall off on its own.** Grafting tape is a special kind of tape, and over time it will naturally decompose and fall off. Do not remove the tape from the rootstock. When enough time has passed, the tape will come off on its own, and this will ensure it stays on long enough for the graft to heal.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Make Balsamic Vinegar.,"Balsamic vinegar is a main ingredient found in balsamic vinaigrette, which is used for things like salads and dipping sauces. Making balsamic vinaigrette is super easy and only takes 4 ingredients and a jar suitable for shaking to complete the process. If you're really dedicated, you can even make your own balsamic vinegar. The entire process takes at least 12 years, but it's a rewarding project if you stick with it. 1. **Combine extra virgin olive oil with balsamic vinegar.** It’s easiest to pour 0.75 cups (180 ml) of olive oil and 0.25 cups (59 ml) of balsamic vinegar directly into a jar with a sealable lid. If you don’t have a sealable jar, pour the olive oil and balsamic vinegar into a small bowl. The jar or similar container will be shaken, making it important that the seal is tight and secure. If you’re using a bowl, you’ll be whisking the ingredients together instead of shaking them. 2. **Sprinkle 0.25  tsp (1.2 ml) each of salt and pepper into the liquid.** If you’d rather not measure out the seasoning exactly, just add a pinch of salt and a couple grinds of black pepper. It’s best to add smaller amounts of salt and pepper at a time, as you can always add more if desired. 3. **Add extra flavor to the dressing by adding optional ingredients.** Some people like adding 1  tsp (4.9 ml) of whole grain mustard to the dressing, while others also like adding fresh minced garlic or shallots. If you like the taste of any of these ingredients, add a small amount at a time before tasting the dressing. Adding mustard helps the vinegar and oil combine more easily. Other ingredients you might want to use include Dijon mustard, sugar, honey, strawberries for a strawberry balsamic vinaigrette, or egg yolk to thicken the consistency. 4. **Attach the lid securely and shake the jar to combine the ingredients.** Screw the lid onto the jar so that liquid won’t leak through. Shake the jar for 10-15 seconds, helping the ingredients mix together thoroughly. Once the dressing is shaken, it’s ready to be tasted. If you poured the ingredients into a bowl, use a whisk to stir everything together thoroughly. 5. **Play around with the olive oil and balsamic vinegar proportions.** The most common ratio is 3 parts olive oil to 1 part balsamic vinegar. However, some people like more vinegar in their dressing, while others might want less vinegar. Test the balsamic vinaigrette once it’s been shaken to decide whether you’d like to add any additional ingredients to create the best flavor. Consider dipping a piece of lettuce in the dressing to taste it. 6. **Keep the dressing in the fridge for several weeks.** If you made the vinaigrette with just olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper, it’s not necessary to keep it in the fridge. However, once you add fresh ingredients it’s best to keep the dressing in the refrigerator to be able to use it for several weeks. Keep the jar sealed when it’s stored on the counter or in the fridge. If you created the vinaigrette in a bowl, transfer it to a sealable container or place a cloth, foil, or plastic wrap over the bowl. 7. **Squeeze fresh grapes to use the juice.** Lambrusco or Trebbiano grapes are typically the best type for making balsamic vinegar. Crush the grapes using whatever method you’d like, such as placing them in a bowl and mashing them with a kitchen utensil. Keep in mind that this is usually done with many pounds of grapes using a machine that crushes the grapes and eliminates the pulpy parts when balsamic vinegar is made from companies. The grape juice resulting from the grapes being crushed is called “must.” Wear an apron to prevent grape juice from getting on your clothing. A grape press can help with this process. 8. **Strain the crushed grapes to reveal pure juice.** Place the squeezed grapes and liquid in a strainer to remove any seeds, pulp, or skin with a bowl under the strainer to catch the liquid. You may need to press down on the crushed grapes to remove any lingering juice, ensuring you remove all the fresh juice that you can. 9. **Simmer the grape juice for 2-3 days in a large pot.** Cook the grape juice until the liquid is reduced by a third or a half, causing it to thicken. Cook the juice slowly, bringing it just under a boil. When it’s done, it will have a nice caramel color and a thick consistency. Cooking the grapes is important because it kills off bacteria. Avoid exceeding 195 °F (91 °C) while it’s boiling. Use something such as a large kettle or pot to cook the juice. 10. **Pour the grape juice into a wooden barrel.** You may need to use multiple barrels if you squeezed a lot of grapes. Place a cloth on top of the hole in the barrel to help with evaporation. These wooden barrels are called “batteria.” Small oak casks are especially helpful for making balsamic vinegar. 11. **Store the grape juice in wooden barrels for at least 12 years.** While many balsamic vinegar producers let their vinegar age for 25-50 years, the minimum is 12 years. Storing the juice in barrels helps the juice turn into acetic acid. The barrels don’t need to stay in an area with a regulated temperature—an attic or similar room is ideal as the temperature fluctuations actually help the vinegar progress. 12. **Transfer the juice to a smaller barrel once a year.** Each year that the juice sits in the barrel, it will lose roughly 10% of its volume. It’s important to move the liquid into smaller barrels each time this happens. Having barrels made of different types of wood, such as cherry, oak, and juniper, gives the liquid added taste each time it’s transferred. For example, you might have 6 barrels of varying sizes, with each one made of a different wood, such as cherry, ash, acacia, chestnut, juniper, and oak. Moving the liquid to a new barrel each time 10% of it evaporates is what gives it a unique flavor, so if you don't have multiple barrels, your balsamic vinegar may not have the best taste possible. The size barrels you use will depend on how much liquid (grape juice) you have to begin with. 13. **Continue transferring the liquid until you’re satisfied with its taste.** Once the balsamic vinegar has reached the 12 year mark, it’s up to you as to when you decide it’s ready to be used. Taste the balsamic vinegar to see if the consistency, density, and flavor is ideal, and if it isn't ready, transfer it to a smaller barrel so it can continue aging. Mass producers of balsamic vinegar must have their vinegar tested by professionals once they believe it’s done before it can be bottled and sold.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Tie a Lasso?,"A cowboy never leaves home without his trusty lasso! Whether you're likely to actually need one or just indulging a wild west fantasy, knowing how to tie a lasso on the double can help you rope the wildest mustang on the range or grab a pesky cattle rustler before he makes his getaway. Luckily, all it takes is one simple knot to get started! 1. **Grab a length of rope.** For a lasso, the exact length of rope you use isn't important, provided you have enough length to tie your knot, form the loop, and twirl it above your head. Any extra length can be coiled up and carried with you. For adults, about 30 feet (9.1 m) of rope is plenty; for children, shorter may be better. If you're just practicing, nearly any type of rope will suffice. However, if you intend to actually use your lasso, you'll want a thin, tough, somewhat stiff rope. Stiffness makes the rope a little harder to tie. However, it's a desirable quality because it allows you to ""push"" the rope to make adjustments to the size of your loop. 2. **Tie a loose overhand knot.** The first step in tying a lasso is to make a simple overhand knot. An overhand knot is the basic type of knot you're probably familiar with from everyday life. To make one, just create a loop in your rope, then pass one end of the rope through the loop. Don't tighten this knot - keep it loose and give yourself lots of slack to work with. You'll be modifying this basic knot in the next few steps. When done correctly, your rope should now look like a large ""O"" with the loose knot at the bottom. 3. **Pass the tail end of the rope back through the knot.** Take the shorter ""tail"" end of the rope in your hand. Pull this end of the rope around and over your ""O"" loop. Thread this length of rope between the outside of the ""O"" portion of the overhand knot and itself. Pull the rope about 6 inches (15.2 cm) through. This will form a new loop which will become the base of your lasso. 4. **Carefully tighten your knot without pulling the tail end through.** Pull on the slack end of the rope (the part you'll hold onto when you throw your lasso) and the new loop you just made. As you do this, be careful not to pull the tail end of the rope back through the knot. When finished, you should have a tight knot at the base of a small loop (with the tail end of your knot extending from the knot as well). This is called a . 5. **Pass the slack end of your rope through the Honda knot.** Finally, simply pass the long slack end of your rope through the small loop in your Honda knot to create a functional lasso. By pulling on the slack end of the rope, you can tighten the lasso to grab onto objects. 6. **Tie a stopper knot (optional).** If you're just making a lasso for fun or for display purposes, you're finished. However, if you intend to actually use it, you may want to tie just one more knot to make your lasso more durable and easy to use. In its current state, the short tail end of your lasso can be pulled back through the Honda knot, causing your knot to come undone and ruining your lasso. To prevent this, simply tie a tight stopper knot at the end of the tail. A basic overhand knot will do. 7. **Hold your lasso.** If you simply grab onto the slack end of your rope and start to swing, the tension in the rope will pull the loop in your lasso shut before you can throw it. So, it's important to use a grip that keeps your lasso wide open as you twirl it and build momentum. Hold your lasso as directed below: Make a nice, big loop by feeding slack through your Honda knot. Lay a foot or two of the leftover slack rope next to your loop. Grab the loop and the length of slack rope together. This should create a ""doubled-up"" length of rope between the Honda knot and your hand. This doubled-up portion is called the ""shank."" Point your index finger down the shank towards the Honda knot for added control. 8. **Twirl your wrist around over your head with the rope.** Holding the rope at the end of the shank, begin to swing it in a circle above your head. Be careful not to hit your head or to catch yourself by the neck. Swing fast enough that it's not difficult to keep the loop roughly horizontal, but not so fast that you struggle to control it. 9. **Release the rope as you feel its momentum swing forward.** Throwing a lasso isn't the same as throwing a baseball - it's more a matter of releasing the lasso at the right time than of propelling it forward. Try to let go of the lasso as you feel its weight swing forward - this isn't necessarily when the loop itself is in front of you. Rather, it's most likely when the loop is directly to your side. When you throw the lasso, let go of the loop itself but keep control of the rope so that you can tighten your lasso. 10. **Tighten the lasso to grab your target.** Once it's around whatever you're trying to lasso, pull hard on the rope.This will pull the slack in the loop through the Honda knot, tightening the lasso around whatever object is inside it. Never use a lasso on people or animals unless you're an experienced roper - unsafe lasso use can cause suffocation or damage to the throat. It's also difficult or impossible for someone (or something) to remove a lasso without help, so don't run this risk unless you know what you're doing.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Apply for a Marriage License in Kentucky.,"Getting a marriage license if Kentucky is a relatively simple process. The couple needs to visit a county clerk’s office, complete an application, and pay an application fee. There are some additional requirements if either party is under 18 years old. 1. **Visit the county clerk’s office to apply for a marriage license.** You can apply to any county clerk’s office, unless the bride-to-be is under 18 years old. In that case, you must apply at the clerk’s office in the county where she resides. Both parties must be present to obtain a license. Some counties have more than one office. For example, Jefferson County has seven different branch locations you could use. Check your county’s website for specific locations. 2. **Present your identification.** You will need to present a Social Security card or some other government-issued form of identification in order to complete the application for a marriage license. Until July 15, 2016, the county clerk is required to report the Social Security numbers of all marriage license applicants to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to verify that there are no outstanding child support issues. After July 15, 2016, the Social Security number will be requested as a form of identification, but the number will not be recorded or shared with any other agency. At least one county clerk’s website says that a Social Security card is not required, but some other identification is acceptable (driver’s license, passport). You may wish to check with the specific clerk you intend to use. 3. **Complete the marriage license application.** The application will ask you to provide certain information, along with signing a statement that all the information is true, to the best of your knowledge. The information that you must provide, for each person, is: name date of birth place of birth race gender current marital “situation” (single, divorced, widowed) number of previous marriages occupation current residence (you must provide your residence, but you are not required to be a Kentucky resident) relationship to each other (in Kentucky, nobody who is related any closer than second cousin may get married) full names of parents date of marriage 4. **Pay the fee for the marriage license.** In any county in Kentucky, the fee for obtaining a marriage license is $35. The clerk’s office is able to accept cash, certified checks, cashier's checks or money orders. In some cases, credit cards are acceptable as well. You should check the county’s website or call the clerk’s office to verify. 5. **Complete the marriage ceremony within 30 days of receiving your license.** If the 30-day time frame lapses, both applicants must repeat the whole process, which includes re-paying the $35 fee. 6. **Apply in the county where the bride lives.** This is a requirement if the bride-to-be is under 18 years old. Otherwise, you can apply in any county in Kentucky, if the bride-to-be is 18 years old or older. There is no similar requirement based on the age of the male. 7. **Get your parents’ consent.** If either of the people getting married is under 18, but over 16, then that person's parent must consent to the marriage, in writing. If both the bride and groom are under 18, then the parents of each must consent. Your parents will need to complete a Consent to Marriage Form, which is available from the clerk’s office. This applies to people who are under 18, but over 16, years old. This includes people who have had their 16th or 17th birthday. If your parents are divorced or separated and there has been an order issuing them joint custody, then they both must sign the application. If your parents are divorced or separated but there has not been an order of joint custody, then the parent who has legal custody must be the one to give consent. If a court has ordered a legal guardian for the person under 18, then that guardian must give consent. 8. **Get an order from a judge under special circumstances.** If the female getting married is pregnant, and is under 16 years of age, then you must apply for an order from a District Judge to get a marriage license. This is the only circumstance that allows someone under 16 years old to get married. There is an additional $5 fee for a District Judge consent order. 9. **Be prepared for the consequences if you don’t have consent.** If someone under 18 gets married in Kentucky without the proper consent, the court will issue a “receiver.” This is someone, appointed by the court, who will take legal possession and control of your property until you turn 18. During that time, the receiver will pay your bills and expenses, and is entitled to take a fee for his services out of your property as well. 10. **Complete the marriage license application.** After you have the appropriate consent, you will both need to visit the county clerk and complete the marriage license application. You will need proper identification, in the form of a social security card, passport or driver's license, and a $35 fee. To complete the application, you will need to provide: name date of birth place of birth race gender current marital “situation” (single, divorced, widowed) number of previous marriages occupation current residence (you must provide your residence, but you are not required to be a Kentucky resident) relationship to each other (in Kentucky, nobody who is related any closer than second cousin may get married) full names of parents date of marriage",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Deal With Negative People.,"Everyone has that friend or coworker who sucks the energy right out of you, complaining about all the different ways the world is set against him or her. Unfortunately, you must deal with many different negative people throughout your life. However, negativity by others can have an effect on your personal well-being, too. So to take care of your own well-being, it is important to avoid it when possible, and neutralize it if possible.. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with negative people. 1. **Remember that you do not have to try to cheer them up, solve their problems, or have a solution.** It is laudable to try to turn things around for them. However, keep in mind you may not be able to succeed, and it is not typically your job to do so. In dealing with negative people, it is also important to have good boundaries for yourself. Sometimes the best way to deal with negative people is for you to remain positive and ignore their negativity. Unsolicited advice is rarely taken. Wait until the person tells you they would like to hear your ideas. Sometimes there is good reason for a person to be in a negative state; honor where they are. The best way to annoy a person in a bad mood is to tell them they should not be. While that may be true, it will not be helpful. Be a good example in being positive. Sometimes the best thing to do is to simply take a positive stance. Simply being positive and remaining positive in a sea of gloom will have an effect. 2. **Provide support.** The first time you encounter someone you know being negative, provide a listening, compassionate ear. Try to help if he or she requests it. Everyone has a bad day or needs a hand with something on occasion. Just being a helpful, compassionate person can go a long way to spreading positivity. If the person continues to harp on the same negative topics, you feel emotionally exhausted after you socialize with them, and they overwhelmingly use negative words and phrases (I can't, they didn't, I hate, etc.), that's when it's time to try to disarm their negativity. 3. **Do not engage in the negativity.** It's really easy when confronted with a negative person to get sucked into their spiral of negativity. Choosing not to engage doesn't mean ignoring them, but it does mean maintaining your emotional distance. Avoid trying to argue about why the person should not be negative. In an attempt to make negative people change their tune, the first instinct is to try to argue why the person should not be. Unfortunately, this tends not to work. People in a funk tend to have a lot of rationale why, and will typically have a lot of defenses to keep them there. You will likely spend a lot of time and effort for nothing, and maybe even get sucked into the dark cloud yourself. Negative people tend to exaggerate, focus on their negativity, and ignore the positive. Instead of trying to make them see how they're being negative (which usually only leads to confrontation and reinforcement of their ideas that everyone is against them), try giving noncommittal answers that neither encourage or condemn the negativity. This shows active listening without stating you agree. Noncommittal comments include: ""Okay,"" or ""I see"". You can follow up with your own positive take, but try not to contradict the person: ""I see. It is really hard when customers seem unappreciative like that. I try not to take it personally."" 4. **Use appreciative inquiry.** If the person demonstrates negativity on certain events or subjects, you can have a conversation with them using a technique called “appreciative inquiry.” Appreciative inquiry is a process of asking questions to help the person envision a more positive future. If they are complaining about a past event, you can ask questions focusing on the positive aspects of their experiences or pose questions about the future. These questions might include, “What do you hope would happen next time?” or “What turned out to be positive about that experience?” This question should lead to a story about what a brighter future would look like and how to achieve that future. 5. **Steer the conversation.** If appreciative inquiry does not lead to a productive, positive conversation, then gently turn the conversation toward something more innocuous. For example, you might say, “I understand that you're upset about your coworker. That must have been hard. So, tell me more about your plans for this weekend.” Or, “Wow, that sounds like an ordeal. So, did you see that new documentary?” 6. **Attempt to disrupt negative ruminations.** Rumination (going over the same negative thoughts over and over) only reinforces negativity. It is also associated with higher levels of depression. If the person tends to ruminate, see if you can disrupt this spiral by leading the person to focus on something else. While steering the conversation can include leading the person to a happier topic within the same subject, disrupting negative rumination likely means changing the subject entirely. If the person is ruminating over a work interaction, try bringing up his or her favorite TV show, the person's beloved pet, or something else likely to result in a more-positive conversation. 7. **Help the person see how they might take control of the situation.** Negative people tend to blame all external factors rather than themselves. People who blame their problems on outside factors tend to have poorer emotional well-being than those who take a different perspective. Try supporting the negative person in developing a plan for how to handle negative events. Venting about a negative situation isn't necessarily an unhealthy response. We often work through problems and develop a course of action to deal with the problem during this phase. Try to help the person channel the negative energy in a constructive way. You can ask, for instance, what the person can do to change an unfavorable situation at work. 8. **Help the person accept negative events.** In addition to talking the person through how to react to a negative event, you can also help the person with ultimately accepting negative events. For example, imagine a friend was reprimanded at work for coming in late. She complains to you at lunch, lamenting the fact that she has to take the bus, complaining that her boss has it out for her, etc. You can try saying several things in this situation, such as: “Well, the reprimand has already been filed, and that won't change but it will be taken off your record in six months. You can show your boss that you are committed to being on time from now on.” “What if you rode your bike to work instead? Then you wouldn't have to rely on the bus being on time, and you could leave your house a little later.” ""You're really upset by that, I can tell. I'm really sorry that happened. If you'd like some help getting organized in the morning, I find that's really helpful in getting out on time. Let me know if you'd like me to do that."" 9. **Set boundaries.** When dealing with negative people, set boundaries for how you deal with them. Someone else's negativity is not your responsibility to deal with. If they're bringing you down too much, you need to spend time away from them. If the negative person is a work colleague, cut short their negative spiral by telling them you have to get back to work. Do it nicely, otherwise it will feed their negativity further. If the negative person is a family member (especially one that you live with), try taking a break from them as much as possible. Go out to a library or nearby coffee shop or simply don't answer the phone every time they call. 10. **Identify the negative people.** Part of dealing with a negative person in the long term is to pinpoint whether or not they are negative or simply someone who's had a bad day. Negative people often become that way as a result of being constantly disappointed and hurt, and the anger that is associated with these circumstances. Negative people tend to blame all external factors rather than themselves. Of course, there are those people who are totally negative about themselves, and that can be just as draining for a listener. 11. **Avoid lecturing or preaching to the person.** Long-term friendships or work relationships with negative people can drain your patience just as much as your time and energy, but it's important to avoid lecturing or preaching at the person. Even the most positive among us aren't great at accepting criticism, and a negative person is more likely to see it as evidence that you're also against her or him rather than taking the feedback constructively. Even if “getting it off your chest” will help you to vent, it ultimately won't help the situation. If you must vent about the negative person, do it to someone else you trust in your support group besides the negative person. 12. **Act instead of simply reacting.** One way to help both yourself and the person mired in negativity is to do nice things for the negative individual that aren't triggered by a specific situation or conversation. Rejection from other people will always reinforce a negative worldview, so an act of acceptance can make a difference. People can naturally take for granted the support they receive when they're already in a negative mindset. Show the person a positive action in his or her direction even when it's not prompted by a negative situation. You may have a larger impact on the person's interactions with you by doing so. For example, if you occasionally make excuses for why you can't see the negative person while he or she is ruminating over a negative situation, try instead calling the person up to hang out when they're not in a bad or ruminating mood. 13. **Send the person reminders of positive things to help with positive refocusing.** Remind the person of a fun time you spent together or a funny situation. Give him or her a compliment for something that you thought they did well. It reminds the person that someone is invested in them and helps bring a measure of positivity to the person's day. For example, ”Good job with that essay. I was really impressed by all the research that you did."" 14. **Do something unexpectedly sweet on occasion.** This act can be anything from chores for a day to inviting the person to watch a movie with you or even taking a walk together. This is a good way to affirm positivity to the negative person without turning it into a lecture on their attitude, which few people take well. 15. **Hang out in groups.** Sometimes the best way to deal with a negative person (especially if they are part of your friend circle) is to organize group events so that their negativity is diffused among all the different people. However, you must take care to ensure these situations don't end in the group ganging up on the negative person. This step works best when everyone in the group shows the same empathy for the negative person and uses the same strategies to try to help the person overcome the negativity. 16. **Take responsibility for your own happiness.** Being social creatures, human happiness is often dependent on the quality of your relationships with other people. However, you and only you are responsible for your positivity and your happiness. Being happy in spite of the circumstances means gaining control over your emotional response rather than over the situation. For example, if you're dealing with a negative friend, you can either allow the friend to drain you of your own positivity, or you can shore yourself up with reminders of positive things before and after dealing with the friend. Governing your own emotional response is like working a muscle. You have to practice being in control of your emotions in response to outside situations, such as dealing with a negative person. 17. **Evaluate the person's role in your life.** In the end, sometimes the best way to deal with a negative person is to remove him or her from your life completely. There are times when their negativity brings you down too much to offer you a fulfilling and mutually enjoyable relationship. You'll need to examine the pros and cons of removing someone from your life. This might be hard to do if the person is part of a mutual circle of friends. It might even be impossible to do, such as when the person is a coworker or a superior. Take an honest inventory regarding what you get from your relationship with the person, and don't rely too heavily on the way the relationship “used to be” if the person has become negative over recent months or years. 18. **Avoid the person.** If you can't get rid of the person entirely, avoiding the person will be your best option. Remember, you have to take care of yourself. You don't owe anyone your time and energy, especially if the person drains you of it with negativity.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Use a Foot Scraper?,"Callused feet and dry, cracked heels are unattractive and can collect dirt. You want to show off your youthful, soft feet, especially in the summer. To keep your feet looking and feeling healthy, you may want to use a foot scraper to get rid of unsightly calluses and corns. 1. **Consider other ways to remove dead skin.** You may want to first consider the various alternatives there are for removing the dead skin from your feet before choosing to use a foot scraper. For instance, you might want to use a tool that won't be as rough as some foot scrapers are, or you might want something stronger in order to get rid of very thick callouses. Use a foot scrub. This is the safest option for your feet because there is no risk of friction-related injuries. There are many specialized exfoliating scrubs available at most stores. All you do is rub the foot scrub over your feet to be rid of dead, dry skin. Another way to safely soften your feet and get rid of cracked or dead skin is to use ceramic stones made for exfoliating. These stones, like a foot scraper, usually have both rough and finer sides. However, these ceramic stones can be safer to use than foot scrapers, especially for diabetics. Consider using a foot shaver. Shavers are often made of stainless steel and are intended for severely thick or dried calluses. They actually shave off layers of skin to get to the softer, newer skin underneath. Know that you can damage your skin if you make a mistake while using the foot shaver, perhaps even leading to infection. You can usually get a foot shaver/razor at any drug store for around $10-$20. 2. **Select a foot scraper.** There are many types of foot scrapers available that you may want to check out. While the most common is made with a plastic or wood handle and features a double-sided scraper, they also come in clay, glass, metal or electric forms. Decide which type will make it easiest for you to pamper those beautiful feet. Most foot scrapers have one side that is rougher than the other to help remove corns or thicker calluses. You can also use the rougher side first and follow up with the finer grained side for buffering your skin. Electric foot scrapers or callus removers are similar to over-the-counter microderm-abrasion tools. You can often get professional results with these durable tools. While the electric foot scraper can give you soft feet quickly, easily and efficiently, know that many of them have parts that must be replaced regularly—such as round emery-board discs. Be sure to stock up on these parts. You can also get an easy-to-clean and sterilize glass foot scraper or file for scraping thick skin off your feet. These tools can be boiled or soaked in disinfectant to keep the non-porous surface clean. Be sure to get a glass scraper that is thicker so it won't break as easily. A clay foot scraper is safe for your skin and not as harsh as some other scrapers can be. It is a tool traditionally used in Asian countries. 3. **Get some pumice.** Many people prefer to include a pumice rub after foot scraping for extra soft feet. If you choose to finish with pumice, you will want to find a stone attached to a plastic or wood handle so it is easier to maneuver. You can also use pumice in its natural state, of course, if you prefer that. 4. **Prepare a basin of water.** Any container will do as long as your feet can be submerged into it. A foot spa basin is not a requirement, though it can be nice. You will want the water in the basin to be as hot as you can stand without burning your skin. Soaking your feet will soften any calluses or thick skin, making it easier to remove with a pumice stone or a foot scraper. 5. **Add your oils, salts, soap and vitamins.** Your foot soak can be customized to best suit you. You may want to add shampoo or hand soap to the water in your basin in order to make suds or you may prefer a specific scent to match your mood. Some people use pedicure soaks specifically made for your feet or that contain vitamin A, E or D. Consider adding mineral or Epsom salt to the water. Epsom salt, especially, can help treat cracked skin and aching feet. You could also add 1–2 US tbsp (15–30 ml) of apple cider vinegar to the bath, if you'd like. You may decide that you want to add some oils to the water to better moisturize your skin. Olive oil, aromatic or essential oils, such as chamomile or lavender, are good choices. Add a teaspoon of these oils to the water and prepare for super soft feet. Also consider adding mineral-rich seaweed, marine algae or menthol to the foot soak. 6. **Soak your feet** You now have a warm water bath to soak your feet in. Put your feet in and enjoy. Soak for at least 5 minutes but, ideally, for 15 minutes to get your skin extra soft. You want your feet to be as soft as possible—even wrinkly—before you use a foot scraper to keep your skin from bleeding. . 7. **Dry your feet.** Lay a towel next to the basin of water. When you are done soaking your feet, take them out and put your feet on the towel. Dry them gently. You want them to be dry enough to use the foot scraper effectively but moist enough to stay soft. 8. **Feel for rough spots.** Now that your feet are softer after the soak, check the skin for areas that are callused. Run your hands over your foot, paying close attention to parts of the foot often affected by thick skin, such as the ball of the foot, heel, top of your toes and foot sides. Once you have determined which areas to work on, you can start using the foot scraper. 9. **Use the foot scraper.** Pick up one foot and place it on the opposite knee to get it into a good position for using the foot scraper. Flex your foot, stretching, so the ball of your foot sticks out more. Hold the scraper against the foot and use a downward motion to scrape off any thickened skin. Continue scraping the skin until all areas of the foot are smooth. Use very gentle scrapes—it's best if you remove the thickened skin gradually over a few sessions to ensure you aren't too aggressive with your feet. Use the foot scraper where you determined you have rough skin. Avoid tender or very soft areas. Sometimes only a little bit of skin will come off when you use the scraper. This could be because there is not much thickened skin in that area. If you can tell there is still hard skin, however, try the other side of the scraper or use a foot shaver/razor. Use the foot scraper on the other foot by placing the new foot onto the opposite knee. 10. **Use a pumice stone.** Pumice is a lightweight, volcanic rock that is very porous and useful as an exfoliator. After you use the foot scraper, a pumice stone can be particularly effective at sloughing off any remaining dead skin cells. Apply lotion or oil to foot or the pumice stone to help it slide across your skin easier. Scrub the whole foot, using circular motions. Pumice stones are rough and can be harsh on sensitive skin. If so, don’t press so hard on the skin. Do it lightly. Repeat on the other foot. 11. **Check your feet.** Run your hands over your feet and make sure your skin is smooth. Check the areas you noticed needed work before you started using the foot scraper. If you still feel some rough patches, go back and reuse the foot scraper and pumice. You should definitely notice a difference. Do not overdo it. You can scrape too much, causing redness and irritation or cuts. 12. **Moisturize your feet.** After scraping the calluses, you will want to use a foot moisturizer to keep your feet hydrated. Pay special attention to those areas you treated with the foot scraper. You can use a scented lotion, cream or oil—but make sure it locks moisture into the skin well. 13. **Massage your feet.** Massaging is very good for your feet as well as the newly exposed skin. It increases blood circulation, relaxes muscles and relieve pain. Do one foot at a time and keep massaging for at least one minute each. Grasp the foot in both hands. Use both hands to squeeze the foot near the toes. Gradually move up toward the ankle. Use both hands to twist the foot lightly in opposite directions. Start at the toes and work up toward the ankle. Rub your fingers of both hands along the foot in circular motions. Feel for crevices between bones and joints. Press in and rub those areas. You can also use your knuckles along the bottom of the foot. Kneading the skin with your knuckles offers greater pressure and feels great.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Clean Your Hair Without Water.,"Whether you don't have access to a sink or shower or you just need a quick clean, there are several ways to help clean your hair without using water. Sprinkle baby powder on your hair to absorb the oil, or dab your hair with rubbing alcohol to dry out greasy locks. Dry shampoo is always a great alternative to washing your hair when you're in a pinch, too. If you don't have access to any of these fixes, try hiding your dirty hair by styling it with something like a headband, ponytail, or braids. 1. **Sprinkle your hair with baby powder to absorb oil on your roots.** If you happen to have baby powder at home, this is a great way to mask extra oil and grime in your hair without washing it. Either sprinkle the baby powder right onto your roots, or use a clean makeup brush to swipe it over your roots instead. Wait a couple minutes before massaging it into your hair. Apply the baby powder using 2-3 shakes to avoid sprinkling too much on your hair. If your hair is longer or super thick, you may need 3-5 shakes of the container to cover your hair. 2. **Spray dry shampoo** Dry shampoo is great for absorbing oil when you don’t have time to wash your hair thoroughly. Spray the dry shampoo at least 6 inches (15 cm) away from your head and let it sit for a few minutes before massaging it into your hair. Brush through your hair after you’ve let the dry shampoo sit to help distribute it evenly throughout your hair. Look for dry shampoo in your favorite brand or scent at your local grocery or big box store. 3. **Apply rubbing alcohol to your roots to fix greasy hair.** Soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and dab it onto your roots gently. The rubbing alcohol will help soak up any oil and grease so that your hair looks cleaner. Alcohol dries out your hair, so use a leave-in conditioner on your hair after using this method to add moisture back to your hair. 4. **Try out a foam shampoo for a more thorough cleaning.** Foam shampoos are known for helping clean dirty hair instead of just absorbing excess oil. Apply the foam shampoo to dry hair and watch it foam up, using as much as is recommended on the bottle. Use a clean towel to wipe the foam off of your hair to reveal cleaner locks without using water. Foam shampoos are great for people with curly hair because it enhances your natural texture. Look for a foam shampoo at your local big box store or online. 5. **Dab blotting paper over your hair to absorb oil quickly.** The same blotting papers you might use to absorb oil on your face can be used to absorb the oil in your hair as well. Take a blotting paper and dab it on your hair starting at your roots to absorb the oil, using multiple papers if necessary. Blotting papers can be found at your local drugstore, grocery store, or big box store. 6. **Mix cornstarch with cocoa powder together as a dry shampoo alternative.** The cornstarch will absorb oils and unwanted scents from your hair, while the cocoa powder can be mixed in if you have darker hair so the starch doesn't stand out as much. Combine 0.5 cups (120 ml) of cornstarch with 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of cocoa powder. Mix them together thoroughly before sprinkling it over your roots. For an easy sprinkling process, mix the two ingredients in a jar and poke holes in the top for the mixture to come out. 7. **Massage arrowroot into your hair for a natural oil absorbent.** Start with 0.5 tablespoons (7.4 ml) of powder or a little less, sprinkling it into your palm. Massage the arrowroot powder into your hair starting at your roots and working your way down the length of your hair to absorb the oil. You can find arrowroot at some local grocery stores, in big box stores, or online. It's best to use a damp washcloth to remove the excess powder by swiping the washcloth or towel over your hair. 8. **Swipe a dryer sheet over your hair to clean it while adding freshness.** You might have used a dryer sheet to get rid of static in your hair before, but it can also be used to revive your hair if it hasn't been washed in a while. Rub a new dryer sheet over your hair gently, or press it down into a brush and brush over your hair to ensure each strand is swiped by the dryer sheet. The dryer sheet will leave your hair smelling fresher. 9. **Tie your hair up in a ponytail** If you’re tired of your oily hair hanging down around your face, brush through it a couple times before pulling it into a ponytail. Since your hair is greasy, it’ll be easier to get a smooth ponytail, and you can even add a colorful scrunchie to finish off the look. Pull your hair into a high ponytail or one right at the back of your head. 10. **Use a headband** If you’re pressed for time and need a quick fix, throw on a headband that matches your outfit. This will make your hair look styled while keeping your dirty hair out of your face. Pick out a plastic headband with teeth to keep your hair pulled back, or opt for a fabric headband to hide more of your hair. 11. **Clip back your hair into a twist to hide stringy hair.** If you have dirty strands of hair near your face and want them out of the way, create a twist with the front section of each side. Use a barrette or bobby pin to clip back each of these two sections, keeping stringy, oily hair out of your face. Create the twist as long or as short as you’d like, making sure it’s secured by a pin so it doesn’t come loose. 12. **Put your hair up in a half bun for a stylish fix.** Pull back the top layer of your hair into a bun on top of your head, securing it with an elastic or hair tie. This will help hide dirty roots and keep your hair out of your face so it doesn’t get even dirtier. If your hair still looks stringy after putting half of it up in a bun, consider throwing all of your hair into a simple bun on top of your head. 13. **Braid your hair to disguise dirty hair completely.** Create two Dutch braids in your hair, French braid your hair, or even make one simple braid going down the back of your head. The tighter the braid you create, the better you’ll hide any greasy or oily locks of hair. Brush through your hair before braiding it to ensure your braids are sleek and unknotted. Secure your braids with small hair ties so they don’t come undone. 14. **Wear a hat to cover up your hair if it's too short to be styled.** If you don't have time to style your hair or your hair is super short, throw on your favorite hat to cover up greasy roots. This could be a baseball cap, beret, beanie, or even a bandana to cover the top of your head. Choose a hat that matches the colors in your outfit.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Write an Accounting Ledger.,"Keeping a ledger is one of the tenets of basic accounting. Ledgers allow the company to quickly view all transactions in an account at once. Fortunately, keeping a ledger is fairly simple, requiring you to log every financial transaction from your business in a journal and the general ledger. 1. **Know that a journal is a list of every transaction your company makes.** An accounting journal records the details, date, and amount of all the money flowing in and out of your business. It is non-specific, meaning that you record everything in the journal no matter where the money is going. You must first post your transactions in a journal before your post them in a ledger. 2. **Save copies of all your business receipts, invoices, and debts.** You need to have accurate documentation to create an accurate accounting journal and ledger, so save everything you have that relates to finances for later use. 3. **Set up your journal page.** Using a spreadsheet or a computer accounting program, begin a new journal page by dividing the page up into five columns: Date Account Description Reference Number Debit Credit 4. **Record transactions the date that they occur.** Under your “date” heading, mark when a transaction was made. You should have a journal for every type of interaction your business does. If you receive a $500 check for your business on April 20th, 2015, start the journal entry with You need accurate dates for accurate bookkeeping. Find a time at least once a week to log all of your journal entries to make sure you don't lose any. 5. **Categorize the “account” of the transaction.** This is where the vocabulary of accounting is especially handy. Accounts are ways to think of how your money is being spent or earned. For example, the $500 check adds to your business's cash, so it would be labeled Some of the most common accounts include: Money that your business has on hand. This is not necessarily hard cash. If someone writes your business a $500 check, for example, it would be an increase in cash. These are business expenses you owe. For example, if the $500 check you received is a loan, you need to note $500 under your accounts payable journal. This is money that your business is owed. This journal is essential to capture all weird or one-time transactions, like bad debts, inflation, selling equipment, etc. The the revenue generated by selling your business's product. These three accounts, usually separate, detail the expenses needed to keep your business running. 6. **Assign each account a number for easy reference.** This is usually referred to as your “chart of accounts.” Usually, similar accounts are listed near each other, so you might label Wage Costs 501, Utility Costs 521, and Advertising Costs 531. This helps you easily order and reference your different accounts later on. For example, if you decide to label “Cash” as 101, then you can mark your check as The space between numbers (501 and 521) is so you can add new entries in between them. For example, if you are using physical books, or want to start a new journal every year, you might label “Wage Costs” as all account numbers 501-520, one for each of the next 20 years. 7. **Record the details of your transaction.** After listing the date, account, and reference number, briefly describe the transaction. This only needs to be enough information to accurately remind you where the money came from or why it was spent. With the check example, you would write Some other examples of descriptions include: ”Loan from Liberty Bank.” ”Money from tax return.” ”Sale of old oven.” ”Repairs to factory roof.” 8. **Note whether the transaction was a debit or a credit.** Debits are assets, or things that increase the worth of your business. For example, if you earn $500, you list it as debit. Credits are expenses, or liabilities, of your business, like loans or accounts payable. Simply list the amount of money spent or received under each account. For the check, you write out Debts and credits cancel out. For example, if you spend that $500 on a new oven for your bakery, you would note a $500 debt (Equipment) and a $500 credit (Cash). While you gain $500 in equipment value, you lose $500 in cash. Common debits include cash, accounts receivable, equipment, land, wages, and personal funds. Common credits include: cash spent, accounts payable, bills, mortgage, and loan payments. Remember-- debits are assets and credits are liabilities. 9. **Use separate lines for transactions that apply to multiple accounts.** For example, that $500 check you received for your business might be a loan, meaning you would have to write it down as both “Cash” and “Accounts Payable. Use separate lines under the same date and description to note both accounts and their amounts. 4/20/15, Cash, #101, Check from Friend, $500 Debit Accounts Payable, #201, Loan from Friend, $500 Credit 10. **Record every single transaction as it happens.** Every time any one of your accounts makes a change, record it in your general journal. Think of this document as the “story” of your finances – it tells the details of every economic interaction your business made in order. At the end of the day or week, take all of your receipts and invoices and check them against your journal to make sure you haven't missed anything. 11. **Label your journal.** Just like you labeled every single account, you should make a label for your journal. An example might be by date, such as “General Journal for 4/1/15 → 5/1/15,” or by simply using numbers to place journals chronologically, such as “Journal 1.” 12. **Transfer your journal entries to account ledgers regularly.** An account ledger notes every transaction by account -- so you have a ledger for Cash, Accounts Receivable, etc. You need to keep both a journal and a ledger so that executives, accountants, and staff can quickly look up your business's financial health by date and by type. If possible, make a record in your ledger immediately after writing in the journal. 13. **Use account ledgers to keep track of specific transactions like cash, accounts receivable, or sales.** Journals are where you write the date, details and amount of every single business transaction based on its type. But ledgers break this information up into specific accounts, allowing you to see all of your transactions, like Cash, Accounts Receivable, Sales, on their own sheets. 14. **Make a ledger page for each account.** Make specific account ledgers based on their name and reference numbers. Your first ledger might be ""Cash, #101."" This ledger will illustrate every single cash transaction you've made. You will copy your journal entries into the appropriate ledgers, so you need a ledger for every account listed in your journal. Consider making a ""Chart of Accounts"" table of contents page to help you keep track of each account number. If you have odd expenses, consider a “general ledger” as well, which collects atypical transactions like tax returns, sales gone bad, personal expenses, etc. 15. **Make columns on the far left of the page for the date, journal number, and description.** These can be copied directly from your journal entry on the transaction. For the $500 check, you can list “4/20/15, Journal 1, Check from Friend.” 16. **Split the rest of the ledger into three sections:** Debit, Credit, and Balance. This allows you to quickly see what you own (debit), what you spend (credit), and how much you still owe (balance.) Your final sheet should look something like this:Date | Reference | Description | Debit | Credit | Balance | In a ledger, just like in a journal: refers to money you receive. refers to money you owe or paid. refers to the what you still owe, or the difference between debit and credit. 17. **Place any related credits and debits side by side.** For example, if you have a $500 loan from a friend, start by noting down $500 as a debit. Say you make your first sale for $200 the next day and decide to start paying your friend back. Mark a new date, 4/21/15, and write $200 under your credit section. 18. **Use the balance section to calculate how much money you've earned or still owe.** With the last example, you paid back $200 of the $500 loan your friend gave you. Subtract the payment you've made from the total you owe to find you balance. Here, you still owe $300, so note that as your balance to the right of your payment. In other words, the Balance = Credit – Debit. Not every expense will have a balance. If, for example, you receive a $20,000 research grant that you don't have to pay back, you just note the $20,000 in the debit column and move on. 19. **Remember to make related entries in every account.** Returning to the $500 loan from a friend, you must also note that you owe them the money in “Accounts Payable:/4/20/15 | Journal 1 | Loan from Friend | $0 Debit | $500 Credit | $500 Balance | This must occur every time there is a change to the account. If you decide to pay your friend back, for example, you would need to make a new entry/4/21/15 | Journal 1 | Loan from Friend | $200 Debit | $500 Credit | $300 Remaining | 20. **Record transactions as they occur.** Any time a journal entry is made, that entry should be immediately posted to the ledger. For our example, we have the journal entry: Loan from a friend for $500. This journal entry affects 2 accounts (Cash and Accounts Receivable), so you must make entries to both of those ledger accounts. Turn to the Cash page of your ledger. In the left column (which is used for recording debits), write the date of the transaction, and then write the amount. In this example, the amount is $500. Turn to the Accounts Receivable page of your ledger. Write the date in the right column (which is used for credits), followed by the transaction amount. In this example, the amount is $500. Update these pages as new journal entries arise. 21. **Add a “notes” section to help track new information.** For example, once you've paid off your total loan of $500, you might write out “Paid in Full” under the description, or a small notes section next to “Balance.” 22. **Combine different accounts into one book to build your general ledger.** A full ledger details every single account so that anyone can flip through it to see exactly how much money is being made/spent in each category. The front page includes the chart of accounts, listing each account in the ledger and its number, such as “Cash, #101,” so that people can easily find the information they need. Add the accounts to the ledger in order for easy access. 23. **Add up the debits and credits at the bottom of the page for each account.** This lets you know the total amount you own or owe for each account. If the credits are higher than the debits, then that account is in losing money. This however, is to be expected – accounts payable will always be in debt, because it is a list of all the money you owe. 24. **Add together your total debits and credits and make sure they match.** Debit will always equal credit. This is an ironclad rule of accounting, and it makes sense: all of your money had to come from somewhere. If you bought something, you paid for it (credit) and now own it's worth (debt). If there is any discrepancy, check your journal against your ledgers to find anything you forgot to record. Remember – any transaction, positive or negative, needs to go into the journal and ledgers. Some beginner accountants often forget the idea of “ownership.” For example, if you spend $10,000 on the business, then the business technically “owes” you $10,000. If the business was ever sold, you would be paid back your $10,000. 25. **Review how to craft a balance sheet if you are struggling to account for all your debts and credits.** Balance sheets are snapshots of your business's assets and liabilities. This helpful form lists everything your company owns and owes at any given time, which can help you see any holes in your ledger. 26. **Familiarize yourself with the accounting cycle to learn what comes next.** Posting to the general ledger is step 2 in what is known as the accounting cycle. On its own, the ledger wouldn't be very helpful, but used as a part of the cycle, it is an invaluable tool. The accounting cycle can be broken down into a few simplified steps. Collect the source documents, like receipts or invoices, that need to be logged. Record the transaction in the journal in chronological order. Post the journal entries to the ledger accounts. Prepare the trial balance. This is a listing of all the ledger accounts pooled together, and it should be prepared at the end of the accounting period. Prepare the financial statements. These can be compiled after adjusting the trial balance properly.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Create a Microsoft Account.,"If you want to enjoy Microsoft’s many services—games, emails, and cloud storage, just to name a few of the “perks”—you will need to create a Microsoft account. If you use a Windows phone, you will also need a Microsoft account to sign into it. Creating a Microsoft account is easy, and can be done in several different ways. 1. **Access the Microsoft sign-up page.** Open any your web browser on your computer, and type “” on the address bar. You will be redirected to the Microsoft sign-up page. 2. **Click on “Sign up now.”** This will be on the right of the sign-up page. You will be redirected to the form where you fill in the details for the account. 3. **Enter your full name and then select a username.** First, it will ask for your first and last name, and then for a username. If you have a Gmail or Yahoo account, you can use that as a username for the Microsoft sign-in. 4. **Create a password next.** Make sure your Microsoft account password is at least 8 characters long and contains at least two of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Reenter the password for confirmation when you’re done. 5. **Enter your country, birthdate, and gender last.** The fields for these three pieces of information are drop-down options. Just click the down arrow to the right of the text boxes and select the country, date, and gender. 6. **Verify the information given.** Select your country code from the drop-down option below Gender and enter your phone number in the box below that. You will receive a text verification code or an audio call to verify that you’re a real person and not a bot. Check out the characters you see in the box below the phone number. This is a Captcha. Enter it in the “Enter the characters you see” field. This is also to ensure that you are a real person. 7. **Click “Create Account” at the bottom.** You have just set up your Microsoft account, but before you can use Microsoft services, you must verify the email address (username) you entered. Open the email sent to the email address you registered as username and click the link given to confirm. Your account has been created and verified. You can now use Microsoft services with the account. 8. **Visit OneDrive.** OneDrive is the cloud service of Microsoft, which you can access on your mobile device or on the PC. Each OneDrive user has 15GB free of cloud storage, so if you want to use OneDrive to store your files, you will need a Microsoft account first. Open a new web browser tab or window and type “” on the address bar. Hit Enter and you will be taken to the OneDrive website. 9. **Begin creating a Microsoft account.** Click “Sign up” at the top right of the page, and on the pop-up that appears, select “Create a Microsoft account.” You will be redirected to the Create an Account page of Microsoft. 10. **Enter your full name and then select a username.** The first two lines of the sign-up form will ask for your first and last name, and then for a username. Enter them there. If you have a Gmail or Yahoo account, you can use that as a username for the Microsoft sign-in. 11. **Create a password.** Make sure your Microsoft account password is at least 8 characters long and contains at least two of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Reenter the password for confirmation when you’re done. 12. **Enter your country, birthdate, and gender last.** The fields for these three pieces of information are drop-down options. Just click the down arrow to the right of the text boxes and select the country, date, and gender. 13. **Verify the information given.** Select your country code from the drop-down option below Gender and enter your phone number in the box below that. You will receive a text verification code or an audio call to verify that you’re a real person and not a bot. Check out the characters you see in the box below the phone number. This is a Captcha. Enter it in the “Enter the characters you see” field. This is also to ensure that you are a real person. 14. **Click “Create Account” at the bottom.** You have just set up your Microsoft account, but before you can use Microsoft services, you must verify the email address (username) you entered. Open the email sent to the email address you registered as username and click the link given to confirm. Your account has been created and verified. You can now use Microsoft services with the account. 15. **Access Xbox.** Scroll down the home screen of your Windows phone until you find the green Xbox tile. Tap it to open the Xbox Game screen. 16. **Swipe the screen to the left.** You will be shown two options: “Join Xbox or sign in” and “Can’t see your Xbox account?” 17. **Begin creating an account.** Tap “Join Xbox or sign in,” and you will then be informed that you will need a Microsoft account to sign in. Tap “Sign in” at the bottom of the message. The next message will ask you to sign in or create an account. Tap “Create one” to proceed. 18. **Enter a Microsoft email address you want.** The next screen will have one text field where you should enter the email address you want for your Microsoft account. The address will be like this:, where you replace “example” with whatever you want for your email address. When you’re done, tap “Next” at the bottom to continue. 19. **Create a password.** In the first field of the next screen, enter a password. Note that the password is case-sensitive. Reenter the password in the second field to verify, and tap “Next” at the bottom to proceed. 20. **Enter an alternate email address.** Do this in the field at the top of the new screen. This alternate email address will be used for recovery purposes, in the event you forget your Microsoft account password. 21. **Add your birthdate.** Do this by tapping “Choose date” below the alternate email address field, and then entering the month, day, and year. When you’re done, tap the checkmark at the bottom. 22. **Enter your postal code.** The last box on the screen is for your postal code. Tap it and enter your postal code. When you’re done, tap “Next” to proceed. The Windows phone will now begin creating your Microsoft account. 23. **Back up your Windows phone.** As an option, you will be asked if you want to back up the data of your Windows phone onto your Microsoft account. Tap “Yes” if you want to back up your phone, or “Not now.” You have just created a Microsoft account on your Windows phone. Continue with the setup on your phone’s screen to set up a Gamertag for Xbox games, if you want.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Restore and Use an Old Picture Frame?,"Thrift shops, garage sales and your own attic or basement are places where old picture frames lurk. Propped against a wall or in stacks, they collect dust and grow old and outdated. Bringing new life to a frame is cost effective and rewarding. Seeing potential in what some might consider cast off junk and returning it to its original beauty is good for the soul. Follow these steps to selecting which frames will be good candidates for restoring and how to get the best results with minimal effort and cost. 1. **Select a picture or art work to display in the frame.** Find an art piece or photograph that needs to be framed and displayed. Set it up and study it for a few minutes, asking yourself these questions: What is the all over mood of the piece? What type of frame do you visualize being ideal? What colors predominate? What style or period does it reflect? What space will it fill? In what room will it be hanging? Does it have to coordinate with other frames? Or complement other furniture pieces? 2. **Go frame shopping.** Check the back of the frame to see if it will come apart. Many are glued and the pieces impossible to separate. If there is paper over the back, carefully lift a corner and look underneath to see if there are staples or nails that can be removed. Beware of plastic imitating wood, it can look wonderful, but be impossible to work with. There are so many wood frames to pick from so go with the real thing. 3. **Find a solid, generous work space.** You will need to have plenty of room to set the parts of the frame out, since each will be approximately the same size as the frame. If you need to transform the work space back to how you found it, for example, a kitchen or dining room, you'll want to be extra organized so you can accomplish the entire restoration in one work session. Make an area covered with a soft towel and away from the work space for the glass piece to reside and dry after you clean it. 4. **Assemble your tools.** A pair of needle nose pliers, a hammer, screw drivers, a ruler/yardstick, pencil, small container to hold clips, nails, etc., hammer, a drill, framing hardware such as metal hangers, picture wire, glass cleaning solution, an Exacto or sharp craft knife, sandpaper, cloth rags and paper towels. 5. **Take the frame apart.** Turn it over on a protective surface. No need to distress the frame's front more than it is already, so use cardboard and/or a cloth padding covering for the work table. Depending on its age and where it has been stored, removing the nails or staples from the back might require a little elbow grease. Needle nose pliers usually work well for this job. Save all things you remove in a small container, some can be reused, but keeping a neat work area is important. 6. **Carefully and gently separate all parts.** Remove and set aside the backing, the filling or padding, the photo or picture, and the glass. Keep everything because you might be able to reuse the backing and most often the glass is salvageable. 7. **Clean the frame.** Turn the frame over and examine it. Use a slightly dampened rag to wipe away grime and dust. Take a stiff bristle paint brush and go over the surface of the frame, especially if there is carving or ornate portions. Wipe it down and decide how much you want to alter it. Will you simply restore the wood or need to take drastic measures and paint it? 8. **If needed, restore the missing pieces.** This is the time for creative thinking. Small shapes of soft wood can be purchased at the craft store and adapted, so think outside the box. Depending upon how much needs replacing, it might be better to remove small bits or to add on pieces and redesign the surface. Investigate whether commercial wood filler might work as a medium for molding and restoring small ornaments. Wood glue, such as Elmer's can be mixed with wood shavings or sawdust to make a filler. 9. **For simple wood frames, fix scratches.** If they are deep, fill them with wood filler or purchase a kit of wax sticks in various colors designed for fixing furniture to smooth out scratches. Paste shoe polish works well and is cheap, easy to obtain, and comes in many colors. Magic markers in a matching color can sometimes be used to color and fill scratches. Acrylic paint can be mixed to the exact shade needed and applied to wood frames. Nicks on edges can be sandpapered down and smoothed out. If the frame is in really bad shape, consider distressing or aging the piece for a trendy finish. 10. **Decide if a total paint job is in order.** If you use spray paint, do it in outdoors or in a well ventilated garage or other space. Protect surfaces from the over spray. Be sure the surface of your frame is clean, dry and in drastic cases, light sandpapering might be in order. Never do a heavy one coat spraying. Always do very light handed spraying, let it dry and respray as many times as you need to. The last thing you want is drips and running paint to mar the frame's beauty. 11. **Mimic gilding with metallic paint.** Once the base coat is down, mix a darker shade of acrylic paint and accent low areas, adding to and enhancing the shadow areas. A product called Rub and Buff can sometimes work miracles. 12. **Wash the glass using the utmost care.** Perhaps a pair of rubber gloves would be useful to protect your hands. If the glass is damaged or chipped, replace it with new window weight glass or lightweight plexiglass. Take the empty frame with you when having glass cut as old frames are not always what they seem when it comes to measurements. Letting the glass cutter have the frame will save frustration and return trips to the store when cut glass doesn't fit properly. 13. **Slip the art work into the frame.** Watercolors are meant to be shown behind shiny, not non reflective glass. Oil and acrylic paintings require no glass, but their surface ought to be sealed with transparent acrylic sealer. 14. **Decide how you will secure the back.** Each frame will require its own special method for attaching the glass. Glazier's or framer's points work well in most cases. A point pusher tool is invaluable. Work on a protected surface and away from yourself. An electric staple gun is a great tool, but worth buying only if you plan to use it a lot. It uses heavy duty staples and makes stapling a breeze. Thin, framer's nails are the most common way to attach the glass. A tool especially designed for pushing nails is a big asset, but only works on flat frames. Original nails ought to be disposed of in a thoughtful manner, not tossed randomly into the trash. Staples on frame backs are designed to be bent a number of times and will go back to shape. When they stop doing the job, pull them out and replace them with nails. 15. **Browse the framing department for special supplies.** If you are framing an oil or acrylic painting, there are clips to attach the stretched canvas to the frame. If it is a canvas board, simply follow the procedure for securing with nails or points. No glass is required, though. 16. **Take a good look to ensure perfection.** Before completely securing the glass, turn the piece over and give it a hard look to remove any imperfections or make adjustments. Check for trapped lint, hairs, places that need erasing on the mat, uneven places or shifting, your signature if it is your art work, etc. Don't skip this as it is far easier to discover problems early than to undo an entirely nailed back. 17. **Rewire it for safe hanging.** Definitely, use a ruler to measure down from the top edge of the frame. Go down about 1/3 of the way and mark where you will be screwing the clip or eyelet that holds the wire. Use magic marker if pencil marks are too faint. Don't guess at this. Use the drill first or an awl to punch the first holes for the screws. This will avoid splitting the narrow wood. If more than one screw is needed in the hardware, use matching ones, don't mix standard and Phillips on the same frame. Just be consistent and neat. If you don't have a dedicated punch, simply use a slightly larger nail, tap gently and remove to make the pilot holes. Metal eyelets work well in many smaller frames. 18. **Wire the back.** Don't plan for much slack in the wire. It should never show above the picture at the top when hanging. Do allow a lot of extra picture wire to loop through the eyelets on each side. Guide it through an eyelet, double back and twist. Twist again and twist any excess wire along the hanging surface of the wire. Keep it neat looking. Fold over and tape the ragged ends for safety. 19. **Adopt a framer's tricks for a professional looking finish.** If you desire, cut a piece of brown craft paper larger than the back, cutting small notches where the wire attaches to the frame. Run a tiny bead of white glue all around the frame's edges. Go underneath the wire and place the paper lightly against the wood of the frame. Press paper down against the glue. When dry, cut remove excess, overhanging paper by cutting along the frame's outer edge with a craft knife or scissors. Lightly mist the paper with plain water and a spray bottle. Let it dry and it will shrink to tightly fit the back and cover all the hardware and nails for a professional look. 20. **Hang and enjoy your new art piece.** This hobby is addictive so you will probably find yourself planning the next project. You will gain a new appreciation of the beauty and resilience of the lovingly chosen wood for these old frames. At the thrift shop, you won't blithely pass by the frames waiting to be taken home and restored. Their uniqueness, impossible to find in standard commercial frames, will call to you and with little effort you will have restored a little piece of history.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Deter House Wrens from Nestboxes?,"The house wren (Troglodytes aedon or HOWR) can be a very aggressive bird when it comes to nest site competition. It will remove or peck the eggs and destroy nests of other cavity nesters, driving them out of the area. In the case of nestboxes, house wrens can quickly drive out other birds, including songbirds such as the bluebird. Because they are protected under the Migratory Bird Act, it is illegal to hunt or trap house wrens or destroy an active nest. However, there are steps that you take to prevent house wrens from taking over your nestboxes and diminishing the variety of birds in your area. 1. **Clean out dummy nests.** House wrens create a number of nests, including dummy nests, in order to claim territory and ward off competitors. They also use dummy nests to cover the eggs and hatchlings of competitors, making it impossible for them to incubate their eggs or feed their young. Dummy nests consist of loose sticks, whereas an active nest has a lining of feathers and often eggs. Removing dummy nests makes it easier for other species to nest in a box. It is illegal to remove an active house wren nest. Make sure it is a dummy nest before removing. Removing dummy nests requires constant monitoring because house wrens will return and repeatedly try to rebuild them. Use a birdcam to watch the nestbox. Do not drop sticks from dummy nest on the ground near the nestbox. House wrens will reuse the sticks if left nearby. 2. **Remove old nests.** House wrens often return to nestboxes with old nests, perhaps because they indicate a safe location from predators and competitors. If you want to make sure house wrens do not nest in a certain location, be sure to clean out any old nests at the end of the season. House wren nests are usually empty by fall. 3. **Plug the nestbox hole.** If a nestbox has a dummy nest inside, place a cap over the hole to discourage house wrens from returning. This can be done with a rubber drain stopper or a piece of cork. Plugging a nestbox for a few weeks may convince local house wrens to move on to new territory and open up space for new tenets. Although this may drive the house wrens away from one particular nestbox, it may also encourage them to move on to another one with birds actively nesting in it. 4. **Use larger nestboxes.** House wrens love tiny nestboxes, particularly the tiny ornamental birdhouses that can be found in many backyards. Multiple small boxes placed close together have a tendency to create large populations of house wrens and drive out other species. On the other hand, bigger boxes placed over a large area tended to facilitate the growth of other bird species. It is believed that house wrens prefer the smaller floors of little nestboxes because they offer a better space for building their compact nests. 5. **Try nestboxes with smaller holes.** Slot, Gilbertson and Gilwood boxes have openings that make it easier for house wrens to fill them with sticks and create dummy nests. They also tend to have a smaller size that house wrens are drawn to. Use nestboxes with openings that make it difficult for house wrens to create dummy nests. House wrens prefer a home with a diameter of roughly 1 1/8 inches. Making a hole smaller than this may prevent their entry. Avoid gourd nestboxes, which also seem to attract house wrens. 6. **Locate the box 200–300 feet (61–91 m) away from woods or areas near rivers.** House wrens prefer areas with lots of thickets, brambles, trees or shrubs. Placing nestboxes near house wren habitat, but not within it, will encourage their spread into the territory of other birds. Although the size of their territory is unknown, it is believed that house wrens may travel 100-230 feet from their nest site. Be sure to give yourself plenty of space between your nestbox and the nearby house wren habitat. House wrens prefer nesting in deciduous trees, so place your nestboxes near conifers. Remove shrubbery near the nestbox. You can also place nestboxes facing away from shrubbery. House wrens prefer shrubs over trees. If possible, place boxes out in the open. 7. **Mount nestboxes high.** Although there is evidence that house wrens can nest between 10 and 30 feet, some birders claim that placing a nestbox above 12 feet will deter house wren nesting. This is believed to be because the height places the birds at a greater distance from shrubbery. This is common in urban settings where boxes along trails tend to be hung above 12 feet. 8. **Remove extra boxes from endangered habitats.** Taking down extra boxes will keep the number of house wren from exploding and minimize its impact on other populations. With fewer house wrens attacking their nests, other birds will be able to utilize the space. Keep in mind that house wren territory may extend beyond 300 feet and that boxes beyond your property may attract house wrens to your area. 9. **Place extra boxes without predator guards in house wren habitat.** Placing extra boxes in house wren habitat will ensure that they do not steal them from other species. Removing the predator guard will also make it more difficult for house wren to safely nest and minimize the local population. Eventually, removing the predator guards may also drive house wren into other areas. This may be more of a short term solution. 10. **Make or purchase a Wren Guard.** A Wren Guard is an L-shaped piece of wood that extends over the hole of a nestbox and obscures it from view. You can easily make a Wren Guard at home or purchase on from a retailer. It is believed to be effective because it makes it difficult for house wren to enter the box. The birds tend to perch on the roof before entering the nestbox, but this is difficult to do with the guard in place. The guard should be made of the same material as the nestbox so that it blends in, but you can also make one of cardboard and plastic in a pinch. Typically you have to make your own guard since the dimensions will be slightly different for each bird you are looking to protect. The space between the nestbox hole and the guard will vary depending on the bird nesting inside. However, there are some retail models available. 11. **Watch the nestbox.** Using a Wren Guard requires quite a bit of observation on your part. You need to pay attention to when birds begin nesting in the box so that you know when to attach the guard. The song of a house wren indicates that they have moved into the area and that you need to be vigilant. Male house wren sometimes do not sing when entering a new area and remain unnoticed until they begin destroying nests. Use a birdcam to keep a closer eye on your nestboxes. 12. **Put the guard up after the desired bird has laid an egg or two.** If you put the guard up too early, it is likely that the nesting birds will not return. If it is installed too late, a house wren may destroy the nest before you have a chance to stop it. The nesting birds need enough time to realize that they are in a safe space. Once they have laid a few eggs, they are invested in the space and much more likely to return. Check the nest daily or install a birdcam to monitor it. 13. **Remove the guard after the hatchlings are about a week old.** The guard will make it difficult for the adult birds to feed the nestlings and may interfere with their eventual fledging. It may become more of a threat to the hatchlings than a house wren. At this point the baby birds will be too big for the house wren to throw from the nest or cover with twigs. Chickadees and titmice nestlings need about two weeks before the guard can be removed. For bluebirds, the guard can be removed 4-7 days after hatching.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Drop a Criminal Assault Charge in Texas.,"Criminal assault charges are filed by the state, not citizens. Police investigate reported assaults and the local prosecutor decides whether to bring criminal charges. For this reason, the only person who can drop criminal assault charges is the prosecutor. Not even the victim can get the charges dropped. However, the victim can ask the prosecutor to drop the charges by filing a formal affidavit and a new sworn statement explaining what happened during the incident. Even then, the prosecutor can still choose to bring charges. 1. **Meet with an attorney.** The process for getting criminal charges will differ depending on the county. You should find a criminal defense attorney in the county where the defendant has been charged. Contact the Texas Bar Association for a referral. If it is a domestic violence case, then ask for a referral to an attorney who specializes in domestic violence. If you are the defendant, you should meet with an attorney as well. They can walk you through the steps, which require getting sworn statements from the victim. At your consultation, ask how much the lawyer charges to represent you. Avoid talking with the prosecutor until you meet with a criminal defense attorney. You need to be careful about what you say to the prosecutor from this point forward. 2. **Draft a new sworn statement.** The victim will probably need to correct any errors in the original sworn statement they gave to the police. They can work with their lawyer to do this. It's helpful to have a copy of the original sworn statement on hand. Your lawyer can get a copy if you don't have it. You should explain why your initial sworn statement was inaccurate. For example, you might have been so dazed and confused that you couldn’t accurately remember what had happened soon after the incident. Alternately, the police might have written down the information wrong. Don’t lie. It is illegal to make false statements to the police. 3. **Complete an affidavit of non-prosecution.** This is an explicit request that the prosecutor drop the charges. There are sample affidavits online. However, you should work closely with your attorney to draft the strongest affidavit possible. You must swear to the truth of the affidavit before an officer or other notary. Think carefully before asking the prosecutor to drop charges. Discuss with your lawyer whether it is a good idea. 4. **Attend counseling.** Before the state will drop the charges, you may have to attend domestic violence counseling sessions. The purpose of these classes or counseling sessions is to alert you to the help available for victims of domestic violence. You may also talk about the incident in a safe environment. If a partner is pressuring you to get the charges dropped, you can talk honestly with the counselor about your concerns. Talk to your lawyer about where you can find classes. If they don’t know, then you should seek out a different lawyer who is experienced in domestic violence. The defendant also may have to attend domestic violence classes or counseling before the police will drop the charges. 5. **Lift any protective order, if necessary.** If your partner has been charged for domestic violence, you might have received a protective order. You should make sure your partner doesn’t violate the terms of the order. They cannot contact you until you get the order lifted. If you’re contacted, tell your partner to go to a lawyer. Quickly explain you are getting the protective order lifted. Violating a protective order carries steep penalties. For example, your partner could be fined up to $4,000 and/or sentenced to prison for one year. Talk with your lawyer about how to get the protective order lifted. They automatically expire after a certain amount of time, so you could simply wait it out. However, your lawyer can also file paperwork with the court and ask the judge to lift the order. 6. **Wait for the charges to be dropped.** The prosecutor might not drop the charges. As explained above, they have complete control about who they prosecute. Your lawyer should be in contact with the prosecutor to find out if the prosecution is going forward. The prosecutor does not need your testimony in order to prosecute the defendant. Instead, they can introduce photographs or 911 call audio, as well as eyewitness testimony and medical records. 7. **Avoid talking about the case with others.** You can talk to the prosecutor, the police, and your family members. However, you shouldn’t discuss your testimony with anyone else. If someone asks what’s going on, simply say, “I was told not to talk about it.” The defendant's family might be pestering you to drop the charges. If so, tell the prosecutor. They can help you handle the situation. 8. **Show up to court if requested.** The prosecutor may go ahead with the prosecution. If you are the victim, then you must show up to court. Refusing to show up can have negative consequences. For example, the state can get a writ of attachment, which orders the sheriff’s deputy to go out and bring the victim to court. 9. **Listen closely to the question.** If you don’t understand the question, ask the lawyer to repeat the question or rephrase it. Always repeat the question in your mind so that you understand it. Interpreters are provided for those who are not comfortable speaking in English. You should talk with the prosecutor about the need for an interpreter before the day of trial. 10. **Answer confidently.** You shouldn’t preface every answer with “I think” or “I guess.” Instead, give a confident answer. Always speak as clearly as possible, and use words instead of gestures or sounds like “uh huh.” As it turns out, you might not know the answer to every question. Say, “I don’t remember” or “I don’t know” if you really don’t know the answer. If you make a mistake, clarify as soon as possible. Say, “Can I correct something?” and then explain. Always use your own words when testifying. You can’t be coached to say certain things. Always use words that feel comfortable to you. 11. **Tell the truth.** You must take an oath before testifying. If you lie, you are committing perjury. In Texas, perjury carries heavy penalties. For example, you could be fined up to $10,000 for lying in court or sentenced to state prison for two to ten years. You may be nervous because you don’t want your partner to be mad at you. Nevertheless, you have an obligation to tell the truth in a court of law. Remember that the state is bringing the prosecution for a reason. The state probably believes only a conviction can get the defendant to confront their dangerous behavior.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Care for Arthritic Hands.,"Arthritis, in general, is the inflammation of joints. If you have arthritis in your hands, then you likely have inflammation in one or more of the joints in your hand or wrist. Arthritis in the hands can be caused both by disease (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis) or an injury to your hand. In order to help manage the pain, inflammation, and other changes to your hands, it is important that you take proper care of your arthritic hands. 1. **Take recommended medications.** Your doctor may recommend that you take certain medications on a regular basis to help reduce the inflammation and pain caused by the arthritis. Some of these medications, like ibuprofen (an anti-inflammatory), does not require a prescription and can be taken several times a day. The following medications have been known to relieve the pain and inflammation caused by arthritis: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs — otherwise known as NSAIDs, these types of medication include ibuprofen (e.g Advil) and acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol). Most NSAIDs are available in some form as over-the-counter medications, but you can also get a prescriptions for stronger versions of NSAIDS (i.e. Tylenol 3s and 4s, etc.) Corticosteroids — mainly used to control inflammation. These drugs are administered with an injection. Oral corticosteroids may be given for rheumatoid arthritis. Analgesics — target only pain relief and do not control inflammation and include acetaminophen (i.e. Tylenol). Analgesics are also available in a cream form (e.g. Voltaren) and can be rubbed into the skin around the area that’s painful. Low level analgesics (like regular strength Tylenol) and a variety of the cream versions, are available over-the-counter. Stronger versions of analgesics are available by prescription. Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs — otherwise known as DMARDs, these drugs actually work to modify your arthritis. DMARDs are available only by prescription. Biologic response modifiers — used mainly for rheumatoid arthritis, they work to block specific steps in the inflammation process of your body. Biologics are only available by prescription. Osteoporosis medications — help to slow bone loss or help to build new bone. There are a number of drugs that are used to treat osteoporosis and all are available only by prescription. 2. **Treat pain with injections.** If anti-inflammatory medications are not successful, your doctor may recommend getting regular injections at the site of your arthritis. These injections usually include an anesthetic and a steroid, and they can last for several months. While you may find injections successful, they are only meant to be a temporary measure and cannot be continued indefinitely. 3. **Splint your hands and/or wrists.** Splints can also be used on your hands and wrists in addition to, or instead of, medication or injections. A splint will help support and stabilize your hand or wrist in order to reduce the stress placed upon it by certain activities. Splints are normally worn for a limited time every day, as opposed to all day, every day. Most arthritis sufferers tend to use splints when performing specific activities which may cause them more pain, such as typing, driving, painting, gardening, etc. 4. **Consider surgery for your affected hand.** Unfortunately medications and injections do not always work as well as we’d like. Another option to consider is hand surgery. The exact type of surgery will be catered to your specific situation, but the main goal of the surgery is to reduce the pain over the long-term. Surgery where the joint can be saved or reconstructed is always the first, and best, option. However, if it isn’t possible to save the joint as is, your doctor may perform a joint replacement or a fusion. Fusing the joint(s) together can significantly reduce the amount of pain you experience, but it will permanently remove any movement you have in that joint. The fact that the joint cannot move is how the pain is eliminated, as the joint can no longer rub together. Joint replacement involves replacing your original joint with a man-made joint. Man-made joints usually consist of plastic, metals or ceramic and can last a very long time. A joint replacement will not only eliminate the pain you’re experiencing, but it will allow you to continue to use your hand normally. 5. **Attend after surgery hand therapy.** No matter what type of surgery you may have, you will need to perform hand therapy (a type of physical therapy) afterwards. Initially after surgery you may be asked to wear a splint full-time in order to limit the movement of your hand while it heals. You may also need to change the activities you perform until your hand or wrist is strong enough. Most people can recommence normal activities approximately 3 months after surgery. However, the speed of your recovery is high dependent on the effort you put towards taking care of your hand or wrist. 6. **Use an ice pack to reduce inflammation.** If the joint in your hands or wrists are swollen and painful from arthritis, you can use an ice pack or cold compress to help reduce the swelling and relieve the pain. 7. **Keep your hands warm.** If your hands or wrists are painful from arthritic inflammation that won’t go away, heating up your hands may give you pain relief. In fact, many arthritis sufferers usually experience more pain in cold environments and find keeping their hands or wrists warm all the time (e.g. wearing gloves) can help relieve pain. Wearing cotton gloves while you sleep can also help to keep your hands warm and may help reduce the amount of pain in your hands and wrists. Using a hot wax dip on your hands every morning can help start your hands off nice and warm every day. The hot wax can be kept in a crock pot and re-used many times. 8. **Get an assistive device.** Arthritis in your hands will likely cause you not to be able to perform certain activities, such as: opening a tight lid on a jar, gripping something tightly, prying open a container, etc. There are many products on the market that can help make all those activities easier for you, especially if you don’t always have someone else around to help. The internet is usually your best source for determining what products are available and finding out where you can get them. Google “arthritis self-help devices” and research which products would be best for you. 9. **Take glucosamine and chondroitin supplements.** Glucosamine and chondroitin supplements can be found at most pharmacies and health stores. They have been shown to reduce the amount of pain and stiffness in people who have osteoarthritis, but they do not work on everyone. You may want to try taking these supplements for 2 months to see if they have a positive effect on your hand or wrist pain. If they do not give you any relief, there is no point in continuing to take them. Note that glucosamine and chondroitin manufacturers claim these supplements can help rebuild cartilage in your joints. However, there have been no scientific studies to confirm this is an accurate claim and these supplements are not approved by the FDA for that purpose. 10. **Eat more fish.** Omega-3, which can be found in many types of fish and in fish oil capsules, can potentially reduce the amount of inflammation in your body. While this doesn’t work for everyone, trying a fish oil supplement or adding more fish to your diet can be an option to try. 11. **Bend your thumb.** Hold your right hand in a comfortable and relaxed position with all your fingers and your thumb held straight. Bend your right thumb across you palm (or as far as you can) and touch the bottom of your little finger. Then bend your thumb back to the original position. Repeat this exercise as many times as is comfortable with your right hand. Once finished with your right hand, repeat the same exercise with your left hand. 12. **Extend your fingers.** Hold your right hand upwards with your fingers straight and with no gaps between them. Bend the tips of your fingers downwards towards your palm. Bend only the first and second knuckles, while keeping your hand and fingers straight. Unfold your fingers and return your hand to your starting position. Bend and unbend your fingers slowly and smoothly. Repeat this exercise as many times as is comfortable with your right hand. Once finished with your right hand, repeat the same exercise with your left hand. 13. **Make a fist.** Rest the outside of your right fingers, hand and wrist on a flat surface. Start by holding your hand at a 90 degree angle to the flat surface, with your fingers pointed straight. While keeping your hand resting on the flat surface, close your hand to make a loose fist. Rest your thumb on the outside of your fist. Unfold your hand and put it back to the starting position. Bend and unbend your hand slowly and smoothly. When your hand is in a fist, don’t squeeze your fingers. Repeat this exercise as many times as is comfortable with your right hand. Once finished with your right hand, repeat the same exercise with your left hand. 14. **Curve your hand into a C.** Hold your right hand out in front of you, like you’re going to shake someone’s hand. Hold your fingers straight without any gaps between them. Using your fingers and thumb to curve your hand into the shape of a C, like you’re holding a can of pop. Un-curve your hand back to the original position. Curve and un-curve your fingers slowly and smoothly. Repeat this exercise as many times as is comfortable with your right hand. Once finished with your right hand, repeat the same exercise with your left hand. 15. **Create circles with your fingers and thumb.** Hold your right hand out in front of you, like you’re going to shake someone’s hand. Hold your fingers straight without any gaps between them. Start by curving your index finger and thumb so that the tips touch and form a circle. Repeat the process with your middle finger, then your ring finger and finally your little finger. Curve and un-curve your fingers slowly and smoothly. Repeat this exercise as many times as is comfortable with your right hand. Once finished with your right hand, repeat the same exercise with your left hand. 16. **Slide your fingers across the table.** Rest your right hand on a table with your palm down and your fingers straight. Keep a small gap between each of the fingers, and point your thumb away from your hand. Starting with your index finger, slide your finger to the left along the table until there’s a larger gap between your index and middle fingers. Repeat the same movement with your middle, ring and little fingers. Once you’ve moved all four fingers on your right hand, move them back to the starting position and repeat the exercise as many times as is comfortable. When you’re finished with your right hand, repeat the same exercise with your left hand. Regardless of which hand you’re exercising, you’re always moving your fingers towards your thumb.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Help Your Hair Grow Faster when You Have a Bald Spot.,"Hair loss is a frustrating problem and it may seem like there is nothing you can do about it. Although genetics play the biggest role in hair loss, there are some factors that you can control. You may be able to speed up your hair growth by taking certain supplements, trying home remedies, or making changes to your diet and lifestyle. If you are bothered by your hair loss or nothing you try seems to help, then it is a good idea to talk to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to identify the cause of your hair loss and devise a treatment plan based on your condition. 1. **Take a daily multivitamin.** Getting the right balance of vitamins and minerals every day may help to promote faster hair growth. Taking a daily multivitamin can help to provide you with all of the essential vitamins and minerals that you need, which can be great insurance if you do not always follow a healthy diet. Find a vitamin that includes no more than 100% of the daily recommended allowance of all vitamins and minerals. Check the label to see these percentages. Make sure that the supplement contains biotin. Biotin has been shown to help with hair regrowth in some studies. 2. **Get more vitamin C.** Vitamin C may also help to promote faster hair regrowth when taken as a supplement. Try taking 500mg to 1,000mg of vitamin C twice per day. You can also increase your vitamin C intake by consuming more vitamin-C-rich foods, such as citrus fruits, peppers, and cantaloupe. 3. **Include an omega-3 supplement.** Omega-3s may help support faster hair regrowth when taken daily. Take one to two capsules daily. Check with your doctor first if you are taking any medications. Omega-3s can interact with certain medications, such as blood thinners. 4. **Consider taking a B-complex vitamin.** Stress can be a contributing factor in hair loss. Taking a B-vitamin complex may help to reduce your stress levels and possibly even promote faster hair regrowth. You can take one B-complex tablet per day. Make sure that you read and follow he manufacturer's instructions as well. 5. **Look into L-lysine supplements.** L-lysine has been shown to promote hair regrowth in some studies when taken on a daily basis. Try taking 500 to 1,000 mg of L-lysine daily to help promote faster hair regrowth. Do not take L-lysine along with a calcium supplement or calcium-rich foods. L-lysine can cause you to retain excess calcium in your blood. 6. **Massage your scalp with essential oils.** Unlike most other “natural” remedies, there is some evidence that massaging your scalp with certain essential oils may help to stimulate faster hair regrowth. You can also look for shampoos with essential oils, such as a tea tree oil shampoo. To use an essential oil massage, add a couple of drops of thyme, rose, lavender, and cedarwood essential oils to one tablespoon of jojoba or grapeseed oil. Stir the oils together well. Then, apply the oil mixture to your scalp and massage it into your skin. Leave it in for about 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse it out with warm water. Repeat this treatment once per day. 7. **Try rubbing coffee into your scalp.** One study found that a caffeine-infused shampoo helped to stimulate hair growth when it was left on for about two minutes. You may be able to achieve similar results by pouring lukewarm coffee on your scalp and allowing it to sit for about two minutes. Brew some coffee and then let it cool down to room temperature. Then, pour some of the coffee onto your scalp. Wring out any excess coffee from your hair and then wrap a towel around your head or put on a shower cap. Wait for two minutes and then rinse the coffee out of your hair with warm water. Repeat this treatment daily. 8. **See an acupuncturist.** Acupuncture therapy may help to stimulate faster hair regrowth as well. Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that uses needles placed in strategic locations to unblock energy pathways. Make sure that you find a qualified acupuncturist who has had experience working with people suffering from hair loss. 9. **Eat more fruits and vegetables.** Make sure that your diet include plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables to support your health and possibly even promote hair regrowth. Some good types of fruits and vegetables to include are: Cherries Blueberries Tomatoes Squash Peppers 10. **Drink plenty of water each day.** Staying hydrated is important for overall good health and it may also help with hair loss. Make sure that you drink between six and eight glasses of water every day to stay hydrated. If you are physically active or sweating, then you will need to drink more water to stay hydrated. 11. **Consume more high-quality protein.** Red meat is higher in cholesterol and saturated fat than other protein sources, so it is best to limit your intake of red meat. Instead, stick to lean sources of protein such as skinless poultry, fish, tofu, and beans to give your body (and scalp) the protein that it needs. 12. **Steer clear of potential allergen foods.** Allergens may effect different parts of your body and possibly even slow hair growth. If you have a known food allergy, make sure that you are not consuming anything that contains that food as an ingredient. If you suspect that you may be allergic to something, then you may want to ask your doctor about an allergy screening. Identifying any food allergies can help you avoid foods that may be contributing to your hair loss. Common food allergies include: Dairy Wheat Corn Soy Food additives Preservatives 13. **Reduce your intake of processed and trans-fat-heavy foods.** Eating healthier foods and laying off of unhealthy foods may help to reduce your hair loss as well. Try to eliminate the following foods from your diet: French fries and other fried foods Prepackaged baked goods, crackers, cookies, and chips Refined foods such as white sugar, flour, bread, pasta, and rice Margarine 14. **Get plenty of rest** The amount of sleep that you get each night may contribute to hair loss or just make it harder for your hair to grow. Try to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. If you have trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor. 15. **Manage your stress** Stress may contribute to hair loss in some people as well. If you are often stressed, then try to develop some healthy ways to manage those feelings. Some good options include: Practicing yoga Meditating Doing deep breathing exercises Calling a friend 16. **Exercise more** Getting regular exercise is important for good health and it may also help to prevent further hair loss. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise five days out of every week. If it is hard for you to fit in 30 minutes, then try splitting your exercise up into two or three short workouts throughout the day. For example, you could do two 15 minute sessions or three 10 minute sessions spread throughout the day. 17. **Quit smoking** Smoking has been linked with increased hair loss in men with hair loss. If you smoke, now is a great time to quit. Ask your doctor for information about medications and smoking cessation programs in your area that may help you to quit. 18. **Limit your alcohol intake** Drinking alcohol has also been linked with hair loss in men. Try to limit your alcohol intake to two drinks per day if you are a man or one drink per day if you are a woman, or less. If you have trouble limiting your alcohol intake, talk to your doctor. Drinking in excess can cause serious health problems in addition to hair loss, such as high blood pressure, certain types of cancer, and depression. 19. **See a doctor.** If making changes to your diet and lifestyle or using other remedies does not seem to help, then see your doctor. It is also a good idea to see your doctor to rule out the chance of a serious medical condition. Your odds of having a condition like lupus are low, but hair loss can be a symptom of this disease, so it may ease your mind to consult your doctor for possible testing. If the reason for your hair loss is known but it is causing you stress, talking to your doctor can be of benefit as well. Establishing the specifics of your particular condition can help your doctor to determine the best treatment options available. 20. **Try minoxidil.** Minoxidil (known by the brand name Rogaine, but now widely available without prescription) is a topical lotion that can be used by men and women. It works better on thinning hair than on hairless spots, and must be used continuously in order to keep any beneficial effects going. Minoxidil has about a 35% success rate at stimulating hair growth. Men and women can use minoxidil. 21. **Consider taking finasteride.** Finasteride (known as Propecia) is a prescription pill that stops the conversion of testosterone into DHT, which is a major cause of male pattern baldness. It works best on thinning hair, and must be used continuously to keep up any hair regrowth. Finasteride has about a 66% success rate, but it should only be used by men. Finasteride can cause birth defects, so women who are or may become pregnant should never use or handle the medication. 22. **Look into implants.** In addition to medications, surgical options have improved as well. Hair plugs or skin graft surgeries may be an option for you. With this procedure, small portions of skin from the back of your head (with hair still growing on them) will be implanted onto your bald spots. Talk to your doctor if you think that this might be a good option for you. 23. **Find out about laser therapy.** Low-power laser therapy treatments have shown some early promise as well. Low-powered laser therapy has been shown to increase hair thickness and improve the condition of those suffering from hair loss. Ask your doctor if this option might help with your condition. 24. **Wear a wig or hairpiece while you seek treatment.** Hair loss can make you feel self-conscious and affect your confidence, so you may want to look into getting a wig or hairpiece while you seek treatment for hair loss. You insurance may even cover the cost of a wig or hairpiece, which will allow you to get a high-quality, realistic looking wig or hairpiece.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Heal a Fistula?,"A fistula is a passage between a hollow or tubular opening and another body tissue or between 2 tubular organs. Fistulas may form different locations and variations in the body, but anorectal fistulas are the most common. Surgery may be necessary to correct a fistula, but certain lifestyle changes may make a difference, too. 1. **Eat a balanced diet** Taking care of your diet will keep any stomach and digestive symptoms at bay. Simply avoiding spicy food, junk food and fatty food will give you a healthier digestive system that is less prone to problems. Opt for more whole grains, leafy green vegetables, fruits, and lean meats. Adding fibers and cereal food to your diet will help to prevent constipation, which can irritate a fistula. Try noticing what types of food you are allergic to or that upset your stomach. Remember that it’s not always a stiff rule — each person is different. Fatty waste can increase the possibilities of blocking an anal fistula tunnel and thus can induce the formation of perianal abscess, the major cause of pain in people suffering from fistulas. 2. **Drink more water.** It is recommended to drink one and a half liters of water a day unless your doctor says otherwise. Stop drinking alcohol and soda; instead consume larger amounts of water and fruit juice. This will help prevent any possible occurrence of constipation, which puts pressure on your fistula. Excess water will make waste softer and will help clean the intestines; this is why if you drink excess amounts of water you will feel the need to enter the toilet more often. Water also prevents the intestines from getting blocked especially in patients suffering of some digestive diseases like Crohn’s disease, toxic megacolon, etc. 3. **Use pillows.** If your work forces you to sit down for many hours, avoid putting extra pressure on your back, butt, and legs, especially if you have an anal fistula. This could be done by sitting on a pillow or a “donut pillow” instead of the regular chair. Do what you can to feel comfortable. Try to avoid situations where you can foresee being uncomfortable or bring a pillow or other aid with you. 4. **Use absorbent pads.** If your fistula is resulting in unfortunate leakage down there, wearing soft, absorbent pads will make you not to worry about the leakage of any blood, pus or fluids out from your fistula, as pads will act as absorbent surfaces. Adult diapers work, too, they're just a little bulkier and more stigmatized. Pads are thinner and much easier to deal with. Change the pads often as well since the discharge will have an unpleasant odor. 5. **Maintain good personal hygiene.** Make sure to wash yourself after each bowel movement or going to the toilet. Avoiding any bacteria remaining on your skin is the first step to avoiding an infection. This goes double in public restrooms and when you're experiencing leakage. If you’re outside and can’t do this, always keep wipes with you to be used instead until you can get home. Your hands experience have the most exposure to germs and therefore must stay clean. Change your underwear as needed throughout the day if the fistula is leaking. Change towels each time you bathe, too. Both of these prevent the spread of germs and growth of bacteria which can reduce perianal irritation and thus will help in eliminating the annoying symptoms people with fistula suffer from. 6. **Take painkillers.** Anorectal fistulas are often accompanied by pain that is constant, throbbing and that worsens severely when you are sitting down. To deal with this, talk to your doctor about what type of pain medication and dosage is right for you. Ibuprofen, a non-steroid anti-inflammatory (NSAID), may be helpful for treating fistula pain, or you may need a prescription medication. Pain may be a complication of fistula. A blocked tunnel will fill up instead of draining pus out — a process that may lead to the formation of an abscess, or a sack of pus near the skin surface. Pain also can be accompanied with an irritating sensation and redness that looks similar to diaper rash around the perianal skin because of the pus draining. 7. **Strengthen your immune system.** Maintaining a healthy diet and eating food rich in omega-3s, omega-6s, and vitamin C, like fish, olive oil and citrus fruits will help strengthen the immune system and decrease the levels of inflammation you may suffer due to a fistula. You may also take a supplement if your doctor feels it's wise. Exercise, drinking lots of water, sleeping well, and staying hygienic are also great strides you can make toward a healthier you. And if you have any bad habits — like smoking — consider this a reason to quit. 8. **Stay active.** If your condition allows for simple, gentle exercising such as slow walking, do so for your health and to aid in eliminating stress. Being stressed can affect your general mood and can trigger problems and irritate your stomach. This then affects your digestive system and your dietary habits on the whole, which creates a vicious cycle. Always stop and catch your breath for a while if you feel any pain or inability to continue. This is your body telling you it cannot handle the exertion you're putting it under. Ask your doctor for any kinds of light sports or exercises that you can do. Even at home, yoga is advised by many doctors to clarify your mind, removing stress, and fighting depression. It also enhances your mood and health in general. 9. **Visit your doctor.** Diagnosis is by visual examination. A sigmoidoscopy must always follow the visual examination to rule out Crohn's disease, cancer, and other serious conditions. However, to know the ins and outs of your case, your doctor may conduct 1 or more of the following tests, too: Computerized Tomography (CT scan). Especially in patients with Crohn’s disease, a CT scan indicates the inflammatory stage before the possible formation of a fistula, in addition to showing the cavities of abscess to determine if surgical care is needed. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). This a helpful method to determine any enteric fistulas by revealing any inflammatory changes or accumulation of fluids in the fistula tube. Fistulography. This is an X-ray method in which a contrast media is injected at the external site of a fistula to clarify the fistula path and how deep it is through the tissues which will help in choosing the treatment. Ultrasonography. This combined with physical examination can be used to identify any presence of abscess or fluid accumulation that may reside in the fistula tube. Cystoscopy. This is useful for the “enterovesical fistula” that connects the intestine with the bladder. Microbiological tests. To indicate any sign of infection, especially in the presence of abscess, a urine culture may be required in case of colovesical fistulas. 10. **Undergo surgery.** The most common treatment of fistulas is surgical care, which is called “fistulotomy."" This process will remove the fistula and any pus or fluid gathering in it. Fistulotomy is effective in more than 85% of cases. In fistulotomy for rectal fistulas, a procedure called endorectal flap will be used. This is where the surrounding healthy tissues get put inside the fistula cavity to ensure the prevention of its blockage by feces in case of a recurrent infection. A seton stitch (passing a cord into the fistula in order to keep it closed during the drainage) is also reported to be used in fistulotomy. This, however, usually takes multiple visits to your doctor until recovery and eventually the stitches dissolve. There is a ""Cutting Seton Treatment"" known as ""Kshar Sutra Therapy,"" which has a high success rate. 11. **Take extra caution if you have a fistula near your esophagus.** Fistulas between the esophagus and trachea-bronchial tree are considered life threatening and require immediate and ongoing treatment. If left untreated they can induce chronic lung abscesses and deadly pneumonia. Treatment is provided by a number of medical procedures such as: Esophageal dilation. This may last for months or even years in some patients. Flexible-metal mesh stents. These are the most effective in maintaining esophageal patency and structure. Plastic coated mesh stents. These can also be used to occlude trachea-esophageal fistulas; some are powered with a valve that prevents reflux when the fistula is located near the esophageal sphincter. 12. **Follow up with your doctor.** It’s incredibly important that you follow up with your doctor post-surgery, especially if you have a chronic inflammatory disease, such as Crohn’s disease or other conditions. In these cases, fistulas are just a side effect and the actual cause needs to be addressed. There are other issues that are related directly to intestinal fistulas that the affected patient must follow up on and be aware of, too. They must avoid sepsis by treating any signs of infections, such as inflammations in the tissues surrounding the fistula, control the drainage of the fistula and keep good care of the skin to maintain the nearby tissues in a healthy state. A gastrostomy tube may be required to feed someone with an esophageal fistula. This goes in through the abdominal wall and directly into the stomach. If needed, the tube would be placed while the patient is under anesthesia so they will not be in pain. 13. **Talk to your doctor about taking antibiotics.** Antibiotics may minimize the chances of forming any infections at the fistula site, especially for the enteric kinds. Elevated levels of white blood cells indicates the presence of an infection that may need to be treated with a suitable antibiotic. Fistulas can be treated initially with a compound treatment of metronidazole and ciprofloxacin or vancomycin. Metronidazole will be 250-500mg every 8 hours; Vancomycin is 125-250 mg every 6 hours, or three times daily one hour after eating. 14. **Know the causes and predisposing factors.** Most cases are related to chronic inflammatory diseases such as Crohn's disease and tuberculosis. Others may result from diverticulitis, tumors, or chronic trauma. A surgery or an injury can lead to the production of a fistula, too, as in the case of biliary or arteriovenous fistulas. Recto-vaginal fistulas may be secondary to Crohn's disease, obstetric injuries due to birth, radiation therapy or cancer. Fistulas in children or infants are mostly congenital affecting boys more than girls. 15. **Know the signs and symptoms.** Any fistula generally comes accompanied by these symptoms: Constant discharge (pus) Pain (related to infection) Bleeding Pain in the abdomen Diarrhea Loss of appetite Weight loss Nausea and vomiting 16. **Know the different types of fistulas.** A fistula, by definition, is a tube-like tunnel with 2 openings: 1 primary opening leading to another exterior opening called the secondary opening. Many types of fistulas are known, but 90% of all fistulas are anorectal fistulas. Physically, they can take on the following forms: Blind Fistula: A link between two surfaces; one end is closed and the other is opened. This can turn into a complete fistula if untreated. Incomplete Fistula: A link has only one external opening. Complete Fistula: A link between an internal opening and external opening. Horseshoe Fistula: A link in a U shape, between two external openings around the anus. 17. **Know the complications of an anal fistula.** Unfortunately, a fistula's symptoms isn't where the problem stops — it can also lead to its own complications. They are the following: Secretions that produce inflammation around the anal area Tumors of the anal canal Radial fungus disease (very rare) Exposure to severe trauma Cracks around the anal area Infections of the digestive tract Because of this, it is highly advised that you clean the anus well after using the toilet, observe the rules of public safety and personal hygiene, and use wipes after using the toilet and throw away after each use.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Bleach a Denim Jacket.,"Denim jackets are not only an easy, lightweight addition to any wardrobe, but are highly alterable too. Rather than throwing away your old dark denim, fading can be used to lighten your clothing and give it a new lease of life. While this can be done naturally, bleaching lets you experiment with shades and patterns, giving that chic look you always wanted. 1. **Fill a container with warm water.** The container should be large enough to fully submerge the jacket you plan to bleach (a standard household bucket should be sufficient). 2. **Add bleach to the water.** Roughly, for every 4.5 liters (1.2 US gal) of water 1 cup of bleach should be added. If unsure, too little bleach is preferable to too much, as you don't want it eating through the fabric of your jacket. Mix the liquid well, and remember to always wear gloves when handling bleach. Low-splash bleach is recommended for tidiness. 3. **Immerse the jacket in the mixture.** Make sure it is completely covered, as this will prevent a patchy, light and dark result. Leave for 5 to 10 minutes before checking the extent of the fade. If further fading is required, leave for an additional 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat the process as necessary. Be sure to smooth out all folds, such as the collar. If bleach does not reach the entire surface of the jacket the result will be uneven. If a 'tie dye' look is desired, elastic bands can be used to protect certain areas from bleaching. If your jacket's thread colour is beginning to bleed into the fabric, this is a sign that it has been soaking for too long. 4. **Rinse your jacket with warm water.** When satisfied with the new lighter shade, rinse the jacket thoroughly to make sure all bleach residue is removed. If using the same container to rinse and clean your jacket, make sure to remove all traces of bleach from it beforehand. 5. **Machine-wash the jacket as usual.** Run a routine wash, washing your jacket alone, and with cold water and detergent. Your fashionably faded jacket is now ready to be worn. When hanging to dry, note that sunlight will naturally fade denim. If the current shade is to your liking, avoid sun-drying. 6. **Fill your washing machine with hot water.** You can do this by beginning a wash cycle, allowing the water level to rise. Pause your machine when it is sufficiently full, or when it enters its 'wash' phase. 7. **Pour in 1 cup of bleach.** Use the bleaching dispenser on your machine if it has one, otherwise add the bleach as you would in any other container. Mix it with the water by resuming the wash cycle. Let the water churn for 5 minutes before pausing again. 8. **Add your jacket to the machine.** Place your jacket so that all parts are below the water line and leave it to soak for up to an hour. Finally, let the wash cycle run to completion, and run a second wash to ensure all traces of bleach are gone. Once dry, see if the new tone suits you by trying your jacket on. You may wish to run an extra ""clean-out"" cycle after extracting your jacket. While most washing machines drain chemicals well, this will protect your next laundry load from any lurking bleach. Use a machine dryer if happy with the outcome, or hang in the sun to encourage extra fading.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Buy Scrap Gold.,"Would you like to start a cash for gold business? The good news is buying and selling gold is very hot right now, but the bad news is you will have a lot of competition (depending on what part of the country you are from). Having plenty of experience is a major plus as well as educating yourself on how to buy gold for the right price. 1. **Find the purity level.** Look at the stamp on a piece of jewelry, for example, and this will indicate whether it is 10, 14 or 24 karats (it is only measured up to 24 karats). If there is no stamp you or a jeweler can use nitric acid to find out the real karat of a piece. There are nitric acid kits available to purchase online at such sites as Amazon in order to do this yourself. To convert karats to a percentage, divide the karat number by 24 and then multiply it by 100. This tells you what percentage of the material is gold. A 10 karat piece of jewelry is 42% gold, 58% other metals. You are paying for the gold, not the other metals. 2. **Calculate the current value of scrap gold.** Determine the Spot Price of gold (what one ounce of gold is being transacted and delivered for at a particular moment in time) by looking it up online at sites such as or Divide this number by 31.1 to get grams or by 20 to get pennyweights. Then multiply this number times the Purity Level (percentage of gold)and you have the value of the gold. Here is simple example: A. Spot Price: $1000/31.1 = $32.15/gram of 24K. So one gram of 24K is worth $32.15 under a $1000 Spot Price. If the gold is 14 karats, determine purity by dividing 14k/24k = 58%, so one gram of 14k would $32.15 x 58% = $18.64. 3. **Calculate how much you want to pay.** Find out what local jewelry stores are paying for scrap gold and offer to beat their price. Check out your local competition and price yourself accordingly. 4. **Obtain a license.** In the U.S. you need a license to buy and sell gold in order to be a scrap gold buyer. If you buy and sell without a license you are in violation of your state's laws. First you will need a general business license that you can obtain from your state's Department of Taxation and Finance. They will inform you of the specific license you need to buy and sell gold. 5. **Work with someone who has a license as a Broker/Buyer.** If you feel you need to learn the business first to see the potential and expand, then you will not need your own license. To find a company in your local area, do an internet search under ""pawn brokers, gold buyers and recyclers."" 6. **Keep good records.** You must keep a written or computerized record of every transaction you make buying and selling gold. The state department of Taxation and Finance will tell you what information you need to include in this record, as it varies by state. 7. **Advertise that you are in the business of buying scrap gold.** Tell friends, relatives and co-workers and post the information on your social media sites. Describe how your service is superior such as in pricing, cash payments, or home pick-up. Other marketing ideas to consider are creating a website; blogging; or buying print, online, local television or radio ads. You can design your own website using templates from such sites as that will give your business a lot of legitimacy. Start a blog using and comment on other related blogs as an expert on gold buying. Your local newspaper, cable TV station and radio stations will assist you in designing ads for your business. You can also run banner ads on sites of stores for women's clothing, for example. 8. **Obtain marketing plans from a broker.** If you are purchasing gold on another company's behalf they should be sharing their marketing techniques and plans. Some may even pay for your local marketing efforts. 9. **Increase your revenue.** You could advertise online and accept gold that customers mail in. Continue to expand your local and regional marketing efforts. A marketing investment should pay for itself with increased sales. Another source to find gold to buy is at garage and estate sales. Many sellers price their jewelry low to make sure it sells, or they don't know the current value. Check your local classified ads in your town's newspaper each week to find sales.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Go from Relaxed Hair to Natural?,"Relaxing hair gives you six to eight weeks or so of beautifully straight and silky hair. However, the transition from relaxed hair into natural hair is tough - odd curly bits, split ends and endless breakage. Don't lose hope, since there is a recovery route. Getting back to your natural beauty is a beautiful thing and an interesting road to self discovery. 1. **Keep your hair hydrated.** The biggest struggle with transitioning your hair is preventing breakage due to damage and dryness. Do what you can to keep your hair hydrated and conditioned by using a conditioner on a daily basis. Every evening before bed, thoroughly incorporate either coconut oil or olive oil into your hair and let is soak for 30 minutes to an hour. This will help replenish your hair with moisture and nutrients that will strengthen the demarcation line (the part of the hair where the transition is occurring). To keep the shampoo from stripping moisture, try to wash your hair one to three times a week. On shampoo days, apply to the roots only so that you get the oil and debris at the scalp without stripping your strands. Then, condition as per usual. Consider using a leave-in conditioner for your hair during the day. Apply some to your hair before you style it, paying careful attention to the demarcation line. 2. **Use a deep conditioner regularly.** Deep conditioning treatments take adding moisture to a new level. Although they are typically only used once a month or so, transitioning hair needs extra conditioning and can handle the treatments more frequently. Purchase a deep-conditioning treatment from your local beauty supply store, and apply it to your hair once a week. Alternately, you can also choose to visit a salon and get deep-conditioning treatments regularly. Follow the bottle instructions for your deep conditioner. If you’re feeling frugal, another great alternative to a deep conditioner is using a bottle of mayonnaise. Although it sounds (and might smell) a bit unappealing, it can work wonders on adding moisture to your hair. Apply it to your hair once a week for 30 minutes to an hour. If you decide to have a professional deep condition your hair, try looking for someone who specializes in transitioning hair. They’ll be able to provide you with products and services designed specifically to meet your needs. 3. **Stay away from heat.** In general, hot tools should be avoided if you’re trying to protect your hair. Using curling irons, flat irons, and blow driers can stress your hair and cause breakage, specifically at the demarcation line. While transitioning your hair, do all that you can to allow it to be as natural as possible. Avoid hot tools, and if necessary, limit their use to only one day a week at most. 4. **Limit your hair washings.** This goes hand in hand with adding moisture to your hair; washing your hair frequently strips your strands of the natural oil that helps to keep it strong. Wash your hair as little as you can, using plenty of conditioner when you do. If you’re able, wash your hair once every 7-8 days so that there is plenty of time for your natural oils to thoroughly coat each strand of hair. 5. **Give yourself a hot oil massage.** Waiting for your hair to grow out is often the most frustrating part of the growing-process. Rather than waiting idly by, you can promote new hair growth by giving yourself frequent scalp massages. Use a bit of oil (coconut, olive, avocado, etc.) warmed slightly to massage your scalp. This will stimulate the hair follicles and help the strands to grow a bit faster. Hot oil massages can be done as frequently as you would like, but should be done at least once a week for the best results. 6. **Promote hair growth with supplements.** Maintaining your vitamins and minerals is important to general health (in addition to hair health), but taking certain supplements can speed up hair growth and strengthen your hair extra fast. Doctors recommend taking biotin or viviscal - supplements specifically used for hair and nail growth - to increase the speed at which your hair is growing. Additionally, making sure you have enough vitamin D and A will help your hair out as well. Some studies show that taking a saw palmetto supplement (derived from a small pine tree) can yield faster hair growth than taking nothing at all. 7. **Avoid adding chemicals to your hair.** Although it may seem like a given, you should be avoiding all relaxers and perms when trying to transition your hair. In addition, stay away from hair dyes and bleach, as these cause significant damage to your hair, causing it to break and become frizzy. Look for all natural alternatives to chemicals you typically use, as these will be much safer on your scalp and strands than harsh chemicals are. 8. **Purchase new hair products.** As it turns out, not all hair products are created equally. With a huge variety on the market, it can be difficult to find products that will work with your hair and your wallet. When transitioning your hair though, it is vital to get transition-friendly hair supplies. Look for sulphate-free conditioning shampoos, as well as other hair treatments advertised specifically for use in transitioning hair. Although these won’t necessarily change the appearance of your hair, they will work hard to prevent further damage and reverse current damage in your locks. If you go to a salon that specializes in transitioning hair, ask for recommendations in hair products. If nothing else, find a sulfate-free shampoo. Sulfate (present in most cheap shampoos) causes significant drying of hair strands and it clogs up the pores of the scalp, reducing hair growth. 9. **Consider the ‘big chop’.** It is common for people transitioning their hair to go ahead and do the big chop - that is, cutting off all the relaxed hair, leaving a short amount of new growth near the scalp. This is certainly the best option for creating healthy growth, but not everyone wants their hair to be less than an inch long. If you’re bold enough to try a new look, the big chop is an excellent choice for immediately getting rid of all your relaxed hair, creating an immediate full transition to natural hair. 10. **Trim your hair regularly.** Relaxers are permanent, so whatever parts of your hair that have been in contact with a relaxer will never grow back naturally. Therefore, at some point in time your hair must be cut off to above the demarcation line. If you’re not willing to go for the big chop, the next step is to do regular trims of your hair. Start by cutting off a few inches of your hair, and then once a month cut off ¼-½ an inch of hair. Over time you’ll have removed all of the damaged, relaxed hair to above the demarcation line, allowing your natural hair to grow more strongly. 11. **Cover up your new growth.** The first couple inches of new, natural growth can appear strange when juxtaposed next to your relaxed hair. In order to avoid damaging it further with tight styles, use accessories to hide your curly roots. Headbands and head scarves are popular options for hiding your roots while allowing the rest of your hair to show through. 12. **Try using braids or twists.** Although tight cornrows can cause breakage, using loose cornrows, braids, and twists are a great way to add interest to your hair without damaging it. The most manageable transitioning hairstyles are box braids and Senegalese twists. These hairstyles include little to no hair manipulation and they give a lot of hair protection since the extension hair is covering your real hair. Mastering each style can be tricky, so spend some time finding which works best with your hair and personal stylistic preferences. The most important thing is to keep whatever style you use very loose, so as to avoid stressing the strands of hair. Your hair is most fragile at the demarcation line, so be particularly gentle when styling it around this point. 13. **Find a great styling product.** Many women can vouch for the importance of owning a good hair gel, pomade, or spray; with the right products, you can cover up even the most unsightly of hair styles. Sort through your styling products, and try using them (rather than a tight style with clips or elastic bands) to style your hair. You may like the results better, and it will be safer and more gentle on your fragile hair as well. 14. **Avoid dealing with your hair too much.** Although it can be tricky not to, the more you touch and style your hair, the more likely it is to break and become frizzy. Try not to brush your hair too often, and avoid styles that put strain on your scalp. If you do brush your hair, start from the bottom and work your way up using a comb (not a brush).",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Play the Snare Drum?,"The snare drum is one of the most widely utilized percussion instruments in Western music. Snare drums are featured in both orchestral and marching percussion scores and this drum is also the cornerstone of the modern drum set. Learning how to play the snare drum is often the first step a budding percussionist will take. To learn the snare drum, practice basic techniques and rolls and then focus on keeping time. 1. **Set up your snare drum.** If you want to play an instrument, you must understand how to set it up safely. This way, you can follow guidelines and practice efficiently. The snare drum is a small, circular drum that can be placed on a metallic stand. Your stand will usually have a base, comprised of three to four moveable legs. Spread the legs wide enough to create a stable base for the drum. The stand should not be wiggling at all as you begin to fit the snare drum into it. On the top of your case, there is a metallic chamber where you secure your snare drum. This called the basket. Gently fit your drum into the basket, making sure the drum stays relatively still in response to pressure and movement. The snare drum should be at about waist level. If your snare drum is too high or too low, adjust the stand's height accordingly. Your snare drum should tilt towards you slightly. If you feel uncomfortable or awkward as you begin playing, you can tweak how the drum is tilted for your personal comfort. Wing nuts are screws found on your snare drum stand, which have large, wing-like bolts. Make sure you go through and tighten all the wing nuts slightly each time you begin playing your snare drum. 2. **Practice different matched grips.** Depending on the type of drumming you're doing, you grip your sticks differently. Before you begin to play the snare drum, spend some time familiarizing yourself with different grips. In a matched grip, common with beginners, you hold both drumsticks in the same way. This is a standard type of grip for most drumming techniques. There are three ways to use a matched grip. In a Germanium grip, common in rock drumming, find the balance point or fulcrum point of your drumsticks. Grip your drum with your thumb and index finger here, placing your remaining fingers at the bottom of the drumstick. Keep your elbows out and bend the drumsticks at a 90-degree angle pointing towards the snare drum. Your palms should be pointing down. The American grip is the same as the Germanium grip in terms of how you hold the drumsticks. However, the angle is slightly different. Let your arms fall down and point the drumsticks at a 45-degree angle pointing to the snare drum, once again keeping your palms down. Many people find the American grip comfortable, so it's popular for drumming beginners. The third kind of matched grip is the French grip. You hold the drumsticks close together and almost parallel. You also keep your palms up when holding your sticks. This might not be the best hold for beginners. While it allows for quicker movements, it can be hard to maintain control over drum strokes. 3. **Try a traditional grip for soft sound and jazz.** A traditional grip is most common in jazz drumming. Hold the stick with your palm up, placing the balance point of your stick in the pocket created between your thumb and index finger. Keep your index and middle finger on top of the stick and your pinky and ring finger on the bottom of your stick. As you don't get as much power out of strokes with this grip, use it for softer styles and jazz. 4. **Use correct posture.** Your posture is important when it comes to drumming. You will not play as effectively without good posture and you can also cause yourself back pain. Learn correct posture before you begin playing the snare drum. Keep your legs slightly apart when you stand and hold your back straight. Keep your arms at your sides. Allow them to rest in a position that's comfortable to you. Once again, the drum should be at waist level. Adjust the stand if it's too high or too low. Keep your body relaxed, especially your shoulders, hands, and arms. 5. **Practice striking the drums.** To begin, just experiment with drum strokes. Before learning specific moves or techniques, make sure you know how to use your drumsticks correctly. The end of a drumstick is referred to as the bead. The bead of a drumstick should move up and down in a straight line as you play. Try your best to hit the same part of the drum with each beat. This can take some practice as it's hard to have full control over the movement of your drumsticks when you're first starting out. The sticks should bounce off of the drums. To achieve a bouncing effect, keep your fingers, hands, and arms relaxed. Practice just beating on the drum freely until you feel like you have some control over the drumsticks. Then, you can start learning some moves. 6. **Try basic strokes.** There are five basic drum strokes for a snare drum. As you learn how to play your snare drum, try simply practicing the basic strokes. This will help you become more proficient as you learn more about the snare drum. The full stroke means you hold the drums, using your preferred grip, in a slightly upright position. That is, your drumsticks will be pointing upward toward the ceiling. When you're using a full stroke, your drumsticks will begin in the upright position at the start of a beat and return to the upright position at the end of a beat. A down stroke is a slight variation of a full stroke. Your drumsticks start in the upright position. However, at the end of a beat, they should be pointed downward slightly towards your snare drum. In a tap stroke, at the beginning of the beat your drumsticks are in the downward position. At the end of the beat, they return to the downward position. In an upstroke, your drumsticks are in the downward position at the beginning of a beat. By the end of the beat, they're in the upright position. When reading music, drum parts will usually indicate which strokes you are using. F stands for full stroke, D stands for down stroke, T stands for tap stroke, and U stands for upstroke. 7. **Try a single-stroke roll.** The single-stroke roll is an important drum rudiment. If you want to learn how to play the snare drum, you'll need to know a basic single-stroke roll. Practicing a single-stroke roll can be a great introduction to basic drumming. It will help you get a feel of your drumsticks and teach you how to control them. A drum roll is a simple move in which you quickly alternate between playing with your left and right hand. You start with your dominant hand. For example, if you're right-handed you would play right, then left, then right, then left, and so on. If you're left-handed, play left, then right, then left, then right, and so on. Start off slow. Just aim to have good control of your drumsticks. Make sure they rise and fall in a straight line and land on the same point on the drum each time. Ignore timing as you begin practicing. Just focus on going from left to right or from right to left while maintaining control of your drumsticks. Once you feel in control, begin to incorporate timing. Make sure the beats are even. That is, make sure you spend equal time on each beat. Try to challenge yourself. Increase you speed with each practice session, trying to remain in control of your drumsticks while keeping an even tempo as speed increases. 8. **Practice a double-stroke roll.** A double-stroke roll is a slight variation on the single-stroke roll. Like the single-stroke roll, it can be used to get a feel for your drumsticks. It's another basic snare drum rudiment to master as you're starting off. In the double-stroke roll, you use two strikes per hand instead of one. This creates a faster-paced, more intense tempo. Once again, lead with your dominant hand. If you're right-handed, play right, right, left, left, right, right, left, left, and so on. If you're left-handed, play left, left, right, right, left, left, right, right, and so on. Your drumsticks should bounce naturally when you keep your wrist relaxed. Hit the drum and allow the stick to bounce twice. Then, stop movement in your wrist and fingers and pull the drumstick upward. Repeat on the other side. Start off slow. When mastering any new technique on the snare drum, you'll need time to gain control. Make sure you're moving your drumsticks in a straight line. Make sure the beads of the sticks hit the same spot on the drum for each beat. Practice as long as it takes to feel in control. As you feel more comfortable controlling the drumsticks, move up to a faster pace. Eventually, you should be able to do a quick-paced double and single roll. 9. **Try a buzz roll.** A buzz roll is a slightly more advanced drum roll. Similar to the double stroke roll, a buzz roll uses a more relaxed grip to allow more fluid movements. Learn the buzz roll one hand at a time. Start with whichever hand you prefer. Use your index finger and thumb primarily to guide the drumstick. This hold can take a bit of practice before it feels secure. Say you're starting with your left hand. Use your left hand to strike the snare drum. Allow the drumstick to bounce freely, allowing it to continue bouncing until movement stop naturally. Do not, as you did with the double roll, use your wrist to stop the drumstick. Repeat this with your left hand. Keep going back and forth with your hands. As you go, increase the tempo slightly. Minimize time between striking your left drumstick and striking your right drumstick. The buzz roll is meant to build intensity and excitement over time. 10. **Use correct technique when practicing.** As you practice basic drum moves, remember to follow the proper technique. You'll need to keep technique in mind to practice efficiently. Keep your posture in mind. Remember to relax your body, keep your legs apart, and make sure the drum is at waist level. Use the proper grip. The grip, as outlined, depends heavily on the type of music and your level of proficiency. Matched grips are best when you're starting off drumming as they allow for the most control. However, if you're going into jazz drumming specifically use the traditional grip. It's very important to keep your hands relaxed. Gripping too hard on a drumstick does not provide more control. It can also cause tension in your hands, leading to fatigue and cramping. Even if you feel a loss of control, try to remember not to hold too hard on your drumsticks. 11. **Practice finger technique.** Solid finger technique is what allows you to maneuver your drumsticks efficiently. As you move through the basics of drumming, take a moment to familiarize yourself with basic finger techniques. To gain greater control over your drumsticks, practice moving the sticks with only your fingers. Keep your wrists and arms completely still as you move your drumsticks up and down. Do some of the basic moves we have outlined, like a single roll, double roll, and buzz roll. As you practice these moves, only use your fingers to move your drumsticks. Keep your hands loose as you play. Do not stress out about playing fast. You can increase tempo later on when you feel more in control of your drumsticks. With finger technique, you should actually train your weaker hand first. This way, you're more likely to spend adequate time training your less dominant hand. If you're right-handed, start with your left hand. If you're left-handed, start with your right hand. 12. **Listen to the cues of your band.** If you're working with a band, learn to work as a team. Timing is vital if you want to be a good drummer. Pay attention to the band's beat to determine your tempo. Drummers provide the backbone of rhythm in a song. The underlying beat of a song is usually defined by a drum. You need to be able to speed up and slow down when necessary and play in the tempo required by the piece you're performing. Review the songs you're playing ahead of time to get a sense of when to speed up and when to slow down. Practice playing along to a recording before going to band practice, keeping an eye on your time. Be open to criticism. Teamwork is important in a band or orchestra. If your bandmates or conductor tell you that you're playing too fast or too slow, accept this as constructive criticism. Try to ask them what you can do to play at a more even tempo. If you feel you're playing too slow or too fast, listen to the tempo of the other instruments and players. Try to match that tempo as you work your drum beats. 13. **Practice with a metronome.** A metronome is a small handheld device that keeps beats. All drummers need to start off practicing with a metronome if they want to learn to keep time. You can set a metronome to whatever tempo you want and try to hit your drum with the beats it keeps. As you practice with a metronome, pay attention to when you start slipping. For some drummers, keeping the beat is difficult towards the beginning of a song. It may take them a few minutes to get into the swing. However, for other drummers, the end of the song is when they tire down and begin to slip. If you know your weak spots, you'll be able to know when to be extra vigilant during performances. Ask your band or conductor if you can keep a metronome going into practice. For some drummers, having the clicking tempo in their head keeps them focused. You may find using a metronome while playing with others is tremendously helpful. 14. **Put timing first.** If your beats are not in time, they will sound off to the audience. Even if other aspects of your technique are solid, bad timing interferes with other musicians and creates confusion for the audience. As you begin moving past the basics of the snare drum and playing with others, prioritize learning to keep time. Practice with a metronome each night and ask your bandmates and conductors for constructive feedback. 15. **Rest your thumbs.** Your thumbs tend to cramp and become sore if you play the drums a lot. Try to rest your thumbs between performances and practice. Do not engage in activities, like texting and typing, that require you to use your thumbs. Try gently massaging the skin around your thumbs or soaking them in warm water. 16. **Practice each day.** There's no magic trick to getting better at a musical instrument. You simply need to practice each day. The only way to become proficient in playing the snare drum is to put in the necessary work. Practice should be part of your daily routine. Just as you brush your teeth and shower in the morning, practicing your snare drum should be a daily priority. Take half an hour to an hour each day to practice. Schedule practice time into your weekly routine. If you get done with school or work around 3 o'clock each day, see if you can schedule practice time around 4 o'clock. You can adjust this schedule on weekends or if there are extenuating circumstances. Make sure you're conscientious of others when practicing. Drums can be loud. If you're playing on a second story, make sure you put down carpeting or a rug under your drums to muffle the sound. Try not to practice too late at night or too early in the day. 17. **Record yourself.** Keep a record of yourself practicing. You can listen to yourself playing afterward and check for your strengths and weaknesses. You do not need extensive equipment to record yourself as your primary goal is to gauge your own proficiency. You can use your laptop or phone to record practice sessions. 18. **Consider lessons.** Lessons can be a great way to increase your proficiency. There are many different techniques and styles involved in playing the snare drum. After learning some basics, consider seeing a professional instructor. He or she will be able to observe you playing and offer specific feedback based on your style. If money is an issue, consider buying a book on the snare drum. While this is not the same as one-on-one instruction, it could provide some additional insight on technique and style.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Trailer a Motorcycle?,"A motorcycle tied down incorrectly to your trailer could result in your motorcycle shifting or tipping over during a trip down the highway, or even falling out of your trailer. To keep your motorcycle tied down safely on a trailer during road trips, learn the correct procedures. Learn to pick an appropriate trailer, secure your bike to it, and drive safely. 1. **Pick a trailer that suits your needs.** Depending upon how often you plan to move your bike, what kinds of conditions you expect to encounter, how handy you are with tools, and your budget, there are a variety of different trailers that will be appropriate for your purposes. A variety of trailers are made to fit certain models or brands of bikes. Check with your bike retailer for specific trailer suggestions for the model. Renting a trailer is usually the most common option since most companies that provide the equipment usually keep it very well-maintained, and in compliance with federal and state law in terms of registration, plates, and lighting. Size-wise, a 5' X 9' open trailer with a fold-down ramp is ideal for one or two cruisers. It's also good to have tie-down rings in the front corners, on the floor. Some trailers made specifically for motorcycle trailers have very small tires, which bounce uncontrollably as you drive. If the bike is worth towing, use a heftier trailer. 2. **Get a corresponding ramp for the trailer.** Measure the wheelbase and the ground clearance of the bike, to make sure you get a ramp that's big enough for your purposes. Most trailers should come with a pull-down ramp, but if you're going to rent one, or try to trailer a bike in your truck, you'll want to be sure it'll work. Wheelbase is measured from the center of the front wheel to the center of the rear wheel of your bike. Ground Clearance is measured from the lowest point of the motorcycle, halfway between the front and rear wheels. You also want to measure the height of the trailer or the truck bed, in which you're trying to load the bike. 3. **Learn the trailer permit laws in your area.** Laws vary from state to state, so it's always a good idea to investigate any special permits, laws, rules of the road, or licenses that you might need in order to stay in compliance with local law enforcement. Most rental companies will offer a temporary insurance policy, which may cover only their equipment and which may require you to pay a deductible. Check with your insurance company to see whether the rental insurance will be sufficient, just to be on the safe side. 4. **Make sure you have an appropriate vehicle with a hitch** To pull a trailer with weight up to a ton, you'll need something with rear-wheel drive rated to tow two thousand pounds. Crown Victorias or Chevy Caprices work great. Hitches are rated based on the tongue-weight of different trailers, and you'll need an appropriate hitch for the trailer you use. For motorcycles, Class 1 or 2 hitches are usually fine. Smaller cars can work for smaller trailers, but anything more than a ton needs a heftier vehicle. Trucks and SUVs, from Ford Rangers to Chevy Colorados are usually better than any car. If you're going to tow a much bigger trailer, in excess of two tons, you'll need at least a half-ton truck like an F-150 or a Silverado. a half-ton truck like a Ford F-150 or Chevy Silverado. 5. **Get some ratchet straps.** There are several varieties of these straps but the ratchet type is easier to compress the suspension than the pull strap type, and they are available at most home centers and discount stores. Pay attention to the Working Load Limit of the straps you get and choose a strap that has a working load limit of at least half the weight of your motorcycle. For instance, if your bike weighs 650 pounds, find a strap with a working load limit of at least 325 pounds each. Most one-inch nylon straps will have this rating. 6. **Get a wheel chock for the front of the trailer.** A wheel chock is a sturdy material made of metal or hard plastic that is placed around the front wheel of the motorcycle to inhibit it from moving. While the wheel chock is not a requirement to trailer your bike, it certainly makes the chore much easier, especially if you are loading and strapping without the assistance of a friend. If you do not have a chock then park the bike at the very front of the trailer. If there is a rail on the trailer your front tire should be pressed against the rail. 7. **Use the ramp to load the bike.** Push the bike up the ramp into the bed of the trailer, placing the front wheel into the wheel chock. Place the front wheel of your motorcycle into the wheel chock. 8. **Put the side stand down and attach the straps.** A general rule for strapping anything is to attach the straps as high as possible on the bike and as low as possible on the trailer for the greatest holding power. Use an ""X"" pattern for maximum stability. Start with the front left strap (as viewed from a sitting position on the bike). Secure one end of the strap to the trailer and the other to a rigid point on the frame or triple tree. Tighten the front left strap until it is taut. Next, attach the front right strap in the same manner as the front left strap. Since your bike is on the side stand it will be leaning to the left but in the end, we want the bike to be perfectly vertical when secured. You may want to use some soft loops on the motorcycle end of the strap, to protect the bike, then attach the ratchet strap to the soft loop. 9. **Secure the straps to the trailer and ratchet them down.** Secure the other hook end of the strap to a secure spot in your truck or trailer, preferably on an angle. Pull the slack out of the strap and ratchet it a few times. Repeat this same process for the right side. Tighten each ratchet strap so that the bike will sit in the upright position on its own. You will notice the bike start moving into a vertical position and your front suspension compressing. Once the bike is vertical you will want to tighten the left and right sides equally until the suspension is completely compressed. Don't strap the handlebars. Most manufacturers say that it's not safe to attach ratchet straps to the handlebars because they are simply not designed to take the pressures that will be exerted by the straps and a bouncy road. 10. **Strap the rear of the bike.** Remember to secure the straps rearward of the motorcycle so that the rear straps put counter tension on the front straps, making your bike an immovable fixture on the trailer. Do not tie the straps to guards on saddle bags or trunks as it is likely you will pull the guards off during transit. Again you will want to compress the suspension as you ratchet the straps. 11. **Make sure the suspension is compressed.** As you ratchet the straps down, you need to make sure the suspension is compressed fully. If it is not compressed it is possible that your straps can come loose as the bike rebounds, bouncing around from bumps and dips in the road. 12. **Practice driving around with the trailer attached to your main transport vehicle.** You don't want the first time you drive with a trailer to be the first time you've got your prized bike strapped to it, driving at highway speeds in the elements. Practice hooking up your trailer and driving around a bit to get a feel for things. Practice tight corners, driveways, and backing up specifically. Take it for a test run on a highway, at high speed. Get a sense of how you will need to adjust your regular driving habits to accommodate driving with the trailer attached. 13. **Cover the bike with a tarp.** After securing the bike to the trailer, use a canvas or vinyl tarp to cover it and keep it safe from the elements, or the cover you use for your motorcycle when you park it. The tarp doesn't need to be doing any load-bearing work, so just tie it firmly down to the straps, or to the bike. 14. **Recheck the straps regularly.** It's important to go back and check all the straps and make sure they are not rubbing any parts on your bike. Also recheck the tension on the straps. On a longer trip, do a walk around every time you stop and re-check the straps again. It's always best to be on the safe side.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Keep a Whelping Box Clean.,"A whelping box (sometimes called a nesting box or whelping pen) is a container designed to keep puppies safe and warm during (and soon after) birth. It is crucial for the health of your puppies, however, to keep the whelping box clean and free from bacteria. By gathering a few supplies, following a cleaning schedule, and making safety a priority, you can keep your whelping box clean and cozy, so that your puppies can thrive. 1. **Line the bottom with vinyl flooring.** If you have built your own whelping box, you may have used wood or cardboard for the bottom. These materials are not easy to keep clean. As such, it is a good idea to line the bottom of your box with vinyl flooring. This can be purchased at any home improvement store, and is self-adhesive. If you are using a commercially-made whelping box, or if you have constructed a box out of plastic, this is not necessary. 2. **Avoid chemical products.** Pups (just like baby humans) are especially sensitive to household chemicals. To clean a whelping box, you are going to need a chemical-free, disinfectant cleanser. A great option is called “Simple Green,” and it can be purchased at most grocery stores. You will also need a “free and clear” laundry detergent to use on the towels for your whelping box. A good choice is ""Seventh Generation Free and Clear."" You can use bleach if it's diluted to the right amount, but it's better to go the extra mile and use a product that's labeled as safe for dogs. 3. **Gather additional supplies.** In addition to a disinfectant cleaner and laundry detergent, you will need a few other things. Gather some paper towels, clean bath towels (that have been washed using non-chemical detergent), and a cardboard or plastic container to hold the puppies while you clean their whelping box. 4. **Clean it every day for the first week.** When the pups are first born, they will not produce a lot of waste, and what they do produce will be cleaned by the mother. At this point, you only need to clean the whelping box once per day. This helps to keep the space free of bacteria and keep your pups healthy. 5. **Clean it twice a day for the next 2-3 weeks.** After the first week, the puppies will begin producing more waste. At this point, it becomes important to clean the box twice a day. In addition to keeping the whelping box bacteria-free, this helps to instill the understanding that puppies should not go potty where they sleep. This will help with crate training and housebreaking later on. After this time, the puppies will be transitioned out of the whelping box and into a larger space. 6. **Check the box regularly.** Beyond your daily cleaning schedule, you should regularly check the whelping box for excessive dampness and solid waste. Even if you have already conducted your daily cleaning, you should remove and replace damp or dirty towels whenever it is needed. 7. **Remove the puppies.** To clean you whelping box, begin by removing the puppies. Place them in a cardboard box or large plastic container nearby. If the mother is in the whelping box at that time, help her to exit as well. 8. **Remove all towels and bedding.** Next, you will lift up any towels and bedding and place them directly into your washing machine. Remember to use “free and clear” detergent to keep your puppies healthy. 9. **Clean the bottom with a chemical-free disinfectant cleanser.** Spray a bit of chemical-free disinfectant cleanser on the bottom and sides of your whelping box, and use a paper towel to wipe this up. If there are any particularly dirty areas, you may want to go over them more than once. 10. **Place clean towels in the box.** Take some clean bath towels (that have been washed with chemical-free detergent) and place them in the bottom of your whelping box. You can now return the puppies to their box.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Mark a Baseball Scorecard.,"Keeping score at a baseball game can be a great way to stay involved in the game and keep track of everything that happens. It is also a useful skill to have if you are a coach, player, or parent of a child on a baseball team, as it allows you to keep better track of stats, trends, and the performance of your team’s players. Keeping score can feel really awkward and complicated at first, mainly because there are so many abbreviations that you’ll have to learn. But once you get used to the symbols, keeping score is a breeze, and it can be a ton of fun too! 1. **Purchase scorecards in bulk or print them out online.** If you’re going to keep score for your child’s or friend’s team, you’re going to need a lot of scorecards. Find a design that looks clean and easy to understand and order them in bulk from a sports equipment store or online shop. You can also print a bunch of free templates out if you prefer. This way, you’ll always use the same design. You don’t need to worry about different sheets being radically different—baseball scorecards are universal in terms of the information that they contain, even if the design is a little different. The differences between different sheets are pretty minor. If you’re keeping score at the ballpark to enjoy a professional or minor league game, ask an usher for a scorecard. They typically give them out for free or sell them for cheap. 2. **Use an offical roster to fill in the batting lineup on the left.** You use one scorecard per lineup. The column on the left labeled “player” is where you will list the batting lineup, with the first batter at the top and the ninth batter at the bottom. Each row has an extra line underneath it in case a player is replaced mid-game. If you don’t know the player’s names, you can use their jersey numbers instead. If you’re scoring little league games where there are lots of substitutions, find a scorecard with 3 or 4 lines per player. You only track 1 team’s performance on a single scorecard. If you want to score both teams, use 2 separate cards. There are some scorecards that are double-sided so that you can track both teams on one sheet. There is usually a column on the left of a player’s name for their jersey number. The “Pos” column on the right is shorthand for “position” so that you can enter the player’s fielding position. There is often an extra row at the bottom for a tenth player in case your team uses a pinch hitter or your screw up on a row. Some scorekeepers use this row to take notes. 3. **Identify the inning columns at the top.** Look at the row above the diamonds that are printed all over the page. You will see the numbers 1-9 listed above each column. These represent the total number of innings in a game of baseball. Every time that your team comes up to bat in a new inning, you’ll move to the next column to indicate that it is a new inning. You work from the top to the bottom to indicate which batter is hitting. You work left to right to indicate when things happen in the game. This means that you won’t use every single box on a scorecard unless your team has 9 at-bats every single inning. If your team bats around the lineup, cross out the innings at the top and re-label them. There are usually 2-3 extra columns for this purpose. They can also be used for extra innings if the game is tied at the end. For example, the box in the top left indicates the first batter’s at-bat in the first inning. The box all the way at the end of the row would indicate the first batter’s at-bat in the last inning of the game. 4. **Track your team’s pitchers at the bottom of the card.** There are a few rows listed at the bottom under “pitchers” or “pitcher” where you list each individual pitcher’s name for your team. Some cards have 2 sets of rows for pitchers. This is so that you can track the effectiveness of the other team’s pitchers. 5. **List the general information at the top before the game starts.** List your team, the umpire’s name, the date, and the opponent’s team in the general boxes at the top. Fill in the spot where you indicate whether your team is home or away. If your team is home, that means they’re playing on their regular field. If they’re away, it means that they’ve travelled to play on another team’s field. A team at home is generally considered to have a slight advantage in a given matchup. Fill in any other boxes, like time, field, or league if you want. This information isn’t always essential, but if your league has time limits it may be important. Start the time as soon as the first pitch is thrown. 6. **Fill in your team’s batting lineup from top to bottom.** If you’re keeping score for a high school or little league team, ask the head coach for a copy of the lineup before the game starts. Write each player’s name down on the top line in their row. Include their position and jersey number if you have immediate access to that information. If you don’t, you can fill it in as your team makes it through its first rotation at the plate. Remember to skip a line (or 2) for each player so that there is one name in each row of baseball diamonds. When a player is substituted in, write their name, number, and position below the player that they went in for and draw a vertical line in between the baseball diamonds in the inning that it happened. If there is a pitching change, draw a horizontal line in the diamonds between the last batter of the old pitcher and the first batter of the new pitcher. Write the new pitcher's name in the next row at the bottom in the “pitcher” section. 7. **Fill in any extra information on the right side of the scorecard.** On some scorecards, there are extra rows or columns on the right side of the page for you to list your name, the temperature, the direction of the sun, or other environmental factors. There may also be a section for taking notes or making observations in this area. 8. **Fill in bubbles or boxes in the top left for each strike or ball.** Every pitch is tracked in the individual boxes at the top of each diamond. There are 5 boxes that are aligned in 2 rows to indicate 3 balls and 2 strikes. During an at-bat, every time that an opposing pitcher throws a strike, shade in a box in the row with 2 boxes. Every time that pitcher throws a ball, fill in a box in the row with 3 boxes. There is no fourth box for balls because the at-bat is over if they throw 4 balls. This is also why there is no third box for strikes. If the pitcher throws a strikeout, write a big K in the middle of the diamond. If the batter didn’t swing and took the third strike “looking,” write a backwards K. If a pitcher throws 4 balls and walks the batter, write BB. If they hit a batter, write HBP to indicate that they were hit by a pitch. 9. **Draw where a ball was hit by illustrating it on the diamond.** Every time that a hitter hits the ball and successfully reaches a base, you can draw the location and type of hit on the diamond. To do this, draw a jagged line for a ground ball, a loopy line for a pop-up or fly out, and a straight line for a line drive. Some scorekeepers like to do this so that they can visually represent where a batter hit the ball. You do not have to do this if you don’t want to. It is completely optional, but the information is really helpful if you’re trying to track a hitter’s tendencies. 10. **Mark each base that a runner reaches by darkening the path on the diamond.** To show that a runner made it to first base, use your pencil or pen to darken the line on the diamond going from home plate to first base. Darken each individual base path that the runner uses, but do not include a base if they get thrown out. For example, if a player hits a single, darken the line from home to first base. If they steal second base successfully, darken the line from first to second. If they get thrown out trying to reach home plate after a single, leave the final 2 base paths blank, since they did not reach them successfully. Some scorekeepers indicate stolen bases with a broken line instead of a solid line. You can write SB, PO, or CS above a base path; these abbreviations stand for stolen base, pick-off, or caught stealing. 11. **Write the outcome of an at-bat in each box.** You can write the outcome in the middle of the diamond or in some open space next to the diamond. If they get a hit, write the abbreviation for the base that they reached after making contact. If they were thrown out, grounded out, or flew out, list each player that touched the ball and separate them by hyphens. Put the type of play in front of the numbers. The abbreviations for hits are 1B, 2B, 3B, and HR; these abbreviations stand for single, double, triple, and home run. The abbreviations for outs are F, LO, or GO; these stand for flyout, line out, or ground out. Some scorekeepers also use PO for pop out. DP stands for double play. For example, if a player flies out to left field, you would simply write F7 in the diamond (or next to it) to indicate that the batter flied out and the left fielder caught the ball. If the first baseman caught a ground ball and touched first base for the out, you would write GO3. A more complicated play may read DP3-6-1. This means that the defense scored a double play when the first baseman fielded the ball and threw it to the shortstop. The pitcher went to go cover first base and then caught the throw from the shortstop for the final out. 12. **Shade in the entire diamond whenever a player scores.** If a player scores, fill in the final line along the base path from third to home. Then, shade in the center of the diamond by holding your pen or pencil at an angle. Use back-and-forth lines to fill in the negative space and indicate that a player scored. If you’re making your play notations outside of the diamond, you can fill in the diamond fully so that it’s dark. If you’re writing the play in the diamond, keep it light so that you can still read the original notation. 13. **Mark errors with an E to show when a player screwed up.** Errors refer to mistakes that a player makes which result in an opposing player safely reaching a base when they normally wouldn’t have. Place your E next to the player that caused the hitter to reach the next base. For example, E7 means that the left fielder either dropped the ball or threw it over a player’s head. For a play with an error later in the sequence of the play, put the E next to the player that made the mistake. For example, 4-6-E3 means that the second baseman threw it to the shortstop. The shortstop then threw the ball to the first basemen who proceeded to miss or drop the ball. You don’t include the type of hit on an error because it’s irrelevant; it doesn’t count as a hit for the batter, and it doesn’t count as a hit for the pitcher. It is a separate category of play. It’s up to you who you want to blame on certain plays with unique mistakes. If the shortstop fields a ground ball and throws in the dirt in front of the first baseman, is it the first baseman’s fault that he missed a tough throw, or is it the shortstop’s fault for making a bad throw? This can be scored E6 or 6-E3 based on your assessment of the play. 14. **Use FC to indicate a fielder’s choice.** A fielder’s choice refers to any play where a base runner safely reached a base on a play where another base runner was called out. It’s important to mark fielder’s choices because they don’t count as hits but they explain how base runners advanced or reached a base. Mark a fielder’s choice with FC. For example, if there is a runner on first base, and the player hits a ground ball to the shortstop, there is a fielder’s choice if the shortstop throws the runner out at second but the batter reaches first base safely. Similarly, if the shortstop ignored the first runner and threw the hitter out at first, this would also be a fielder’s choice. If a player intentionally bunted or hit a fly ball to move a baserunner, it doesn’t count as a fielder’s choice. Write SAC to indicate that a player hit a sacrifice bunt or fly ball. 15. **Track pitcher information using hashmarks.** Unless you’re using the opposite side or a second scorecard, there is no way to track a pitcher’s performance every inning. There are only columns and rows to list a pitcher’s overall performance. To make it easy to track a pitcher’s performance every inning, most scorekeepers use small, vertical hashmarks to track hits, earned runs, strike outs, and walks. There are other columns for balks, wins, saves, and innings pitched, but the key information that you need for a single game performance are the number of runs, strikes outs, and walks. These will tell you what a pitcher’s overall performance was like. 16. **Use a scorecard to pay attention to the game and enjoy it more.** Keeping score forces you to pay attention to every single pitch, hit, and play. Since you need to record everything except foul balls, keeping score will tune you into what is happening. For a lot of fans, this makes the game more enjoyable, and the experience of completing a scorecard can be just as satisfying as watching the game. If you just enjoy the act of keeping score, don’t feel like you have to hold on to your scorecard after the game is over. If you like keeping score and you have a child or friend in little league, ask the coach if he’d like access to your scorecards. The coach will be able to use them, and this may free up an assistant coach to do something else. 17. **Add an exclamation point or asterisk if you want to note great plays.** If you’re using a scorecard to track a team that you’re coaching, mark each play that deserves additional discussion or praise with an exclamation point or asterisk. You can also use the marks to indicate mistakes that you want to address in practice. You’ll be able to easily look back over the course of the game and remember which specific play needs to be discussed. This is a great way to track game balls or MVP awards for your players. 18. **Compile the statistics for each batter at the end of the game.** On most scorecards, there are some smaller columns on the right side of the card for you to list the number of singles, doubles, triples, walks, home runs, strikeouts, and walks that a player completed over the course of a game. Store your scorecards for each game to make it easy to calculate total statistics at the end of a season. 19. **Use the scorecards to identify trends in player behavior over time.** Scorecards will also show you how a player is performing over time. If they’re hitting a lot of ground balls, you can work with that player on getting under the ball. If they’re striking out a lot, you can work with them on identifying good pitches. If you see a player hitting a lot of fielder’s choices, stick them either at the top or bottom of your lineup. Fielder’s choices can turn into double plays quite easily, so you don’t want them in the middle of your lineup when the number of base runners is usually high. If a player is particularly good at bunting or hitting sacrifice fly balls, bat them fifth or sixth. This will give them more chances to bring runners in.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Start a Community Center.,"Community centers are typically non-profit organizations that provide communities with a safe place to assemble and address their needs. Starting a community center can be a long process that involves years of planning, fundraising, and advertising. With a little determination, however, you can create a safe space where your community can gather for years to come. 1. **Write down your goals.** It is helpful to create a list of concrete and realistic goals. You may even want to draft a mission statement for your organization. Make a list of ten goals for your community center. If your community center is targeting a certain population (such as the local LGBT community or single mothers), you should include that information in your goals. Some examples of goals include: Create a safe space for the community to gather while providing a venue for the improvement of the community. Provide support and resources to unemployed members of the community through classes, workshops, and job fairs. Give legal aid to the local immigrant community. 2. **Determine your community’s needs.** A community center should help fulfill certain needs and demands of the community. To do this, you will first need to identify what those needs are. Create a list of areas that need improvement in your local area. Some common problems that communities face include: High unemployment Pollution Obesity Lack of green space Safety issues Low literacy rates High rates of alcoholism or drug abuse 3. **Identify your community’s strengths.** Even if your community suffers from certain prevalent problems, it undoubtedly has certain strengths as well. For your community center to be successful, you should try to determine what those strengths are so that you can build upon them. You might consider: How well does your community rally around a common cause? Does your community have certain traditions that bring them together? What kinds of networks exist in your community? This includes religious groups, sports teams, businesses, non-profit organizations, and clubs. What types of skills do the members of your community have? Who can you rely upon during the process of starting your community center? 4. **Decide what services you want to offer.** You will need to decide what specific services you want to offer your community. These services should appeal to both the goals you have set for your center as well as the needs and strengths of the community. Some types of services you might consider include: Adult education classes Legal aid Exercise programs Community events such as movie screenings, festivals, or dances Support groups 5. **Think about location and other practical matters.** While you do not need to decide on a specific location yet, you should begin brainstorming sites where you might potentially operate your community center. You will also want to think about what kind of facilities or positions you will need. Some questions you should consider: Will the community center require staff? If so, what positions might be required? What kind of building will it need? Will it need an outdoor area for a garden or sports? What kind of equipment will it need? How will the center support itself financially? Will it depend solely on donations? Will it charge for classes and events? 6. **Create a budget.** You will need to have a rough estimate of how much the community center will cost. This includes start-up costs, building costs, the cost of services (such as classes), and running costs. To form your budget, contact other non-profits in your area to ask about how much their services cost per month. Compare that with what you want to offer to the community. Consider: What is the average property cost in your area? How much will it cost to buy or rent a building? How much will it cost to offer certain services, such as classes, to the public? How much will it cost to fundraise? This includes the cost of events, mailing campaigns, and advertising fees. What kind of equipment will you need? Is there any special type of technology that you will need to invest in? 7. **Meet with potential donors.** Early in your planning process, you should identify who in your community might be willing to donate money. Call these groups on the phone, and ask if someone would be willing to meet to discuss your community center. You can contact: Local businesses Sports leagues Corporate foundations Religious groups Charities Media organizations Professional networks Philanthropists 8. **Apply for government funding.** You may be eligible for funding from the government. Typically, you will have to prove that you are providing an essential service to the community. You can search for funding opportunities on your government's website. You may also contact your local government to ask them about what kinds of resources might be available to you. In the US, you can search for funding on the Catalog for Federal Domestic Assistance. If you are offering services to a certain population, you may qualify for different types of funding. The USDA offers loans to help rural areas develop community facilities under their Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program. In the UK, you should contact your local council for information on community funding schemes. offers a tool to help you locate nearby resources. In Australia, your community center may qualify for government funding under the Community Development Grants Programme. The Canadian government offers a listing of funding options on their website. 9. **Try direct marketing.** You can get donations from the public by sending out mass solicitations that ask for small amounts from each donor. This will help you rally public support while building a strong financial base. There are many ways that you can do this. They include: Mailing solicitations for donations Telephone campaigns Media coverage on the news, radio, or in newspapers Door to door fundraising 10. **Hold a fundraising event.** A good way to get larger donations is to host an event where people pay to enter. The profit would go towards your community center. Fundraisers should be budgeted very carefully to make sure that you are earning money from the venture. Form a committee for this event. You might even want to find a corporate sponsor to help defray the costs. Some ideas for events include: Gala dinner where participants pay by the plate Music event with ticket sales benefiting the community center Outdoor movie screening Wine or beer tasting event 11. **Gain signatures from supporters.** You should have your supporters sign a petition supporting your community center. On this petition, they should include their names and email addresses. You can present this petition to potential donors and politicians to demonstrate the interest in your project. You can also use it to form a mailing list to inform members about your progress. You can have volunteers stand outside of shopping centers to ask pedestrians to sign. You can also take names and email addresses from any mailing campaigns that you might have started. You may be able to pass around a petition at a community meeting, such as a town hall meeting, PTA meeting, or a local society meeting. 12. **Meet with politicians.** You should try to gather some support from your local government. Contact local city councilors, managers, and the mayor. Let them know about your plans to start a new community center, and ask them if they could provide any support. They might be able to designate some funding to help with your center, or they might be able to help you advertise the center to the community at large. 13. **Hold a town meeting.** Once you have found a few supporters, you can bring your idea to the town. Host a public meeting in a central space where community members can come and listen to your pitch. You may invite donors, policymakers, and the local media to attend. During this meeting, you should present your mission. At the end, allow members of the audience to provide their own ideas and suggestions. Good places to hold meetings include schools, houses of worship, or a government building such as the town hall. Call ahead to reserve a room. At the beginning of the meeting, clearly outline your goals for the evening. Have multiple speakers present the different aspects of the community center, such as financial backing, potential services to the public, and government support. You can use this meeting to solicit donations from the public. 14. **Write bylaws.** Your community center needs a set of bylaws that will list the rules and procedures of your organization. These bylaws must follow state and federal laws regarding nonprofit organizations. The bylaws should clarify how your organization’s internal structure will operate. Your charter of bylaws should be broken up into different articles that include: What name is your organization known as legally? What does your center do? What is its aim? What types of services does it provide? This is where you should list your center’s tax status. Who runs the community center? What powers does the board of directors have? How are directors elected or appointed to their position? How can directors be removed from their position? How do you manage the finances of your community center? Who has access to its funds? You may also want to include policies on how the center will share information with the public, how records are stored and kept, and how meetings will be conducted. 15. **Find a location.** You will need a physical location to house your community center. This should be in a place that is easily accessible to the community members that you want to reach. While you can buy your own building, it may be cheaper to rent a place while you get off the ground. If you are providing one on one support to your community members, you may want a building with smaller offices where consultants can meet privately with people. If you are looking to host events, you will need at least one large room to hold people. 16. **Register the center as a non-profit.** You can gain tax-exempt status if your community center is a non-profit organization that fulfills a local community need. Depending on the services you offer, you might be classified as either a private foundation or public charity. You should consult a tax attorney for help throughout this process. If you are in the United States, you will need to submit Form 1023 to the IRS. You should request an Employer Identification Number for your center through Form SS-4. As a non-profit, you will be obligated to disclose your tax records to the public if requested. In the UK, you must register with the Charity Commission and with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). You can register with the HMRC online. In Australia, you should register with the Australian Tax Office, where you will need to apply for an Australian Business Number (ABN). You may need to pay certain taxes such as the goods and services tax or the fringe benefits tax. 17. **Advertise your services to the community.** Once you have started your community center, you just need to make sure that people come. You may even decide to have an opening event, such as a big dinner, to welcome members of the community to their new home. You can advertise by: Posting an announcement in a newspaper Contacting the local TV station Putting up flyers Mailing announcements",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Talk to Girls Online.,"You want to impress a girl online and show her how awesome you are, but you're not sure how exactly to start the conversation or what things to talk about. You're not alone! Talking to girls online can feel perplexing, but it's surprisingly easy. If you're looking for chatting tips, tricks, and examples, you've come to the right place. We've answered some of your top questions about talking to girls online so that you can be ready the next time you want to strike up a conversation with a girl you like. 1. **Ask an open-ended question.** An open-ended question requires more than a ""yes"" or ""no"" answer, so it's a great way to get a conversation going. Any open-ended question that piques her interest will work. You could try an ice breaker question, something a little flirty, or a random question to learn more about her. For example: What kind of stuff do you like to do on the weekends? What’s a pretty girl like you doing on a site like this? What good books have you read recently? What’s your idea of the perfect day? If you could have one superpower, what would it be? 2. **Just say hi.** Sometimes simplicity is best! Striking up a conversation with a simple hello will let her know you’re interested in talking without putting too much pressure on her. Try something like: Hi! How’s your day going so far? Just wanted to say hi! Hey, what have you been up to lately? Hi, hope your week is going well. Hey, what’s up? 3. **Start with a simple question about her interests.** People love talking about themselves, and the girl you’re interested in might appreciate that you know a little bit about her. Take a look at her profile and try to see what her job or hobbies are, then come up with a question about them. For example: It’s so cool that you’re a firefighter. What’s the hardest part of your job? I saw that you like the band MGMT. Have you seen them live yet? You’re in school to be a veterinarian? How’s that going? 4. **Tell her about yourself.** A conversation isn’t just a one-way street. As you chat, try inserting a few facts about yourself into your convo to pique her interest. You could try: I’m in school right now to be a vet tech. It’s fun, but my schedule’s pretty busy! I grew up in Florida, but I moved to Mississippi when I was 18. I have 2 dogs that I love to go on hikes with. 5. **Ask her goofy questions.** Questions are great because they need an answer, so they keep the conversation going. You can try asking her a few of these to make her giggle as you two chat. Try: If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why? If you worked at a circus, what job would you want? Would you rather drink a cup of ketchup or a cup of mustard? Would you do well in a zombie apocalypse? 6. **Send her memes or funny pictures.** They never get old! Scroll through a few you have saved on your phone, or find ones on Instagram or Twitter. Pick out a few that she’d like to make her giggle by finding ones that you like. You could also try a few gifs if you want to send something a little more dynamic. 7. **Turn a compliment into a question.** Everyone likes to hear good things about themselves, and you can make your compliment into a question, too. Try one or two of these throughout the conversation: You know you’re amazing, right? Have I ever told you how much I like your laugh? You drive me crazy, you know that? Have you noticed me noticing you yet? 8. **Try a little flirting.** You don’t have to go over the top with your questions, but a little fun flirting never hurt anyone. Use these questions if you’d like to steer the conversation into relationship territory: What would you say if I asked you out? What’s your type? What’s behind that smile of yours? Want to go on an adventure? 9. **Go for dating apps to find girls interested in dating.** If you’re really looking for someone to have a relationship with, join a dating app. You can make a profile and match with other people who are also looking to date (or hook up). Common apps include: Tinder Bumble Hinge OkCupid Coffee Meets Bagel Happn Clover 10. **Try social media if you’re feeling bold.** Most people on social media aren’t necessarily looking for people to date, but they might just be open to it. If you feel brave, slide into a girl’s DMs to see if she’s interested in chatting with you. You could try: Instagram Twitter Snapchat Facebook TikTok",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Wash Silk Garments.,"Silk is a very delicate material, so you must wash any silk clothing you own with care. Before washing your silk garment, check the tag to see the manufacturer’s recommended method of cleaning. If your garment says “Dry Clean Only,” you can still hand wash your garment with cold water and gentle soap. If the tag recommends gentle washing, you can hand wash or use the “Delicates” setting on your washing machine to wash the silk garment. 1. **Fill a basin with cold water.** Most silk garments can be hand washed, even if the tag advises dry cleaning only. To begin washing the garment, fill a large basin or bowl with enough lukewarm or cold water to submerge the garment inside. If you really care about the garment, you should probably take it to a dry cleaner's rather than handwashing it. Silk is easy to damage. 2. **Add a few drops of gentle detergent.** Add in a few drops of gentle detergent to the basin of water. Try to use an all-natural or extra gentle brand to protect the gentle fibers of the silk. Then mix the water around with your hand to mix in the soap. You can also use baby shampoo if you don’t have a fitting detergent. 3. **Let the garment soak for three minutes.** Place the garment in the water of the basin and push it under the water once to get the whole garment wet. Then let the piece of clothing soak for about 3 minutes to let the soap interact with the garment. Some experts recommend solely spot treating silk garments if you must wash them yourself. That way you don't risk lowering the quality of the whole clothing item. 4. **Agitate the garment around in the water.** Take the garment and gently plunge it up and down in the water to move the water through the fabric and wash out any dirt or residue. This motion simulates the motion of a washing machine but is much more gentle. 5. **Rinse the garment in cold water.** Remove the garment out of the water and pour the water down the sink. Then turn on the cold water and rinse the silk garment to wash out all the soap. Move the garment around under the jet of water to rinse the entire surface of the garment. Stop when you no longer see soap suds. 6. **Absorb the excess moisture with a towel.** To begin the process of drying the silk garment, lay a clean towel out flat on a table or counter. Place the silk garment on top of the towel, then begin rolling the towel from one end to the other with the silk garment inside. Once you have rolled the towel all the way up, unroll the towel and take out the silk garment. Don’t wring or squeeze the rolled towel, as this can damage the silk material. 7. **Hang the garment to dry.** Hang the piece of clothing up to dry on a drying rack, making sure not to place it in direct sunlight, as this could fade or damage the fibers of the silk. 8. **Check that the tag recommends machine washing.** Before you put a silk garment in the washing machine, check the tag to make sure that the garment can be machine washed. Machine washing a silk garment that isn’t designed to be machine washed can wash out some of the color or damage the makeup of the silk. 9. **Load the washing machine.** Once you have made sure that you can wash your silk garment, place the garment in the washing machine by itself or alongside other delicates. Use a mesh bag if you have one to protect the garment and prevent it from snagging on anything. Don’t place any heavy pieces of clothing like blue jeans in with your garment. Also avoid adding any clothing with metal buttons or snaps that the silk could snag on. 10. **Start a delicate cycle.** Adjust the washer to put it on a delicate cycle. Also make sure to choose the shortest spin cycle to so that the wash is as gentle as it can be for your garment. 11. **Add gentle detergent.** As the water begins to fill up the washing machine, add in mild laundry detergent. Try to use natural and gentle detergent as opposed to detergent that contains brighteners or enzymes that could harm the silk. 12. **Soak up excess moisture after the wash.** Once the wash is over, take the silk garment out of the washing machine. Spread out a clean towel on a counter or table and put the silk garment on top. Roll the towel with the silk garment inside from one side to another. Then unroll the towel and take the garment out. 13. **Hang the garment to dry.** After soaking the excess moisture, lay the garment flat to dry or drape it over a drying rack. Don’t place the drying rack in direct sunlight because this can fade the garment and damage the silk material. 14. **Hang the garment overnight.** If you notice wrinkles in your silk garment, there are a few ways that you can remove the wrinkles without exposing your garment to high heat. If your silk garment only has minor wrinkles, use a plastic clothes hanger to hang the garment, making sure that the garment is hanging completely straight and isn’t folded over on itself. Keep it hanging overnight and see if the wrinkles are gone in the morning. 15. **Hang the garment in the bathroom during a shower.** If simply hanging the garment overnight didn’t straighten out the wrinkles, keep the garment on the hanger and hang it from the towel rack in the bathroom while you are taking a shower. The indirect heat from the shower is a gentle way of straightening out wrinkles. 16. **Iron the garment on the “silk” setting.** If you didn’t succeed in getting out stubborn wrinkles, check the garment tag to see if it can be ironed. If so, dampen the silk garment in the sink and turn it inside out. Turn the iron onto the cool “silk” setting, then iron gently. Make sure to use a cool iron setting, because the hot setting can pucker or even burn the silk.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Read Aloud.,"There are numerous situations in which you might find yourself needing to read aloud in front of a group. Maybe you have to read a book to a group of children, present part of a white paper to your co-workers, or recite a scripture during a wedding ceremony. You might worry that your audience won’t understand you or connect with your message, or that you’ll make a mistake and embarrass yourself. You can relieve these worries by taking some time to prepare and rehearse your reading, practicing some speaking skills, and learning how to deal with nerves. Doing so will help you become more at ease reading aloud. 1. **Underline key words and phrases.** Before you read aloud, go through the text (if possible) and mark any key words or phrases. You’ll want to emphasize these important spots so your audience can better understand your message. Some of the ways you can emphasize these words or phrases are to speak them slower, faster, softer, or louder. For example, if you’re reading the word “Boom!” you should increase your volume when you speak this word. However, the words “Shh, listen,” may require you to say them in a soft voice for emphasis. If the text contains any dialogue, mark that as well. Consider using different voices to give personality to each character. Don’t rely on being able to remember where you should vary the pace or volume in your reading. Make notes in your text that tell you when to do so and what type of emphasis to use. 2. **Decide where to breathe.** Figuring out where you should breathe is important in keeping continuity in your reading. You’ll want to make sure you aren’t constantly running out of breath in the middle of a sentence. Before reading your selection to the audience, go through your text and mark where the breaks in the phrases and sentences are. These places are where you should breathe. When you do take a breath, take one deep enough to allow you to continue reading comfortably until the next marked break. 3. **Plan where you will pause.** Pauses in the text provide emphasis and create a dramatic effect. They also give your listeners a chance to digest what you’ve just read and let your words sink in. Mark the places you will pause in your text to help yourself remember where to do this. Be sure you indicate which marks are for breaths and which are for pauses. Your pauses will be longer than simply taking a breath. Pauses can also give you an opportunity to scan your audience and make sure they are engaged. You can adjust your volume or emphasis based on audience reactions, if necessary. 4. **Watch others reading out loud.** It can help to watch others read aloud as an example of what to do. As you’re watching them, note the things they do that make you take interest or that make it easier for you to understand the text. Keep a notepad handy so you can jot down notes while they are speaking. Look for videos of engaging speakers online. A quick Internet search should come up with some good examples, like Martin Luther King Jr. or Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Study what they do and try to mimic it in your own speaking. 5. **Do a read-through by yourself.** Once you’ve planned out how you want to read your text, practice reading it out loud. This will give you a chance to become more comfortable with the text. Being familiar with the text will make your presentation smoother and allow you to focus on doing the things that will help you connect with and engage your audience. You may find it helpful to practice reading in front of a mirror. Practice the kinds of facial expressions and body language you would like to use during your reading, as these can help you connect with the text and your audience. Make sure you’re practicing emphasizing the words and phrases you’ve marked, breathing at the appropriate times, and adding in any dramatic pauses you’ve identified. 6. **Record yourself so you can observe your reading.** Do a practice run of your reading and record it on your phone or a camera. Read the text as you would in front of an audience, using appropriate pauses, breathing, and emphasis. When you’re done, play the recording back so you can watch and listen to yourself. Make note of any strengths and weaknesses you identify in the playback, so that you can keep the things that work and improve those that don’t. Pay attention to your body language as well as your voice. You may notice quirks that you need to be aware of during your reading, such as bad posture or playing with your hair. 7. **Practice your reading in front of others.** Before going in front of your main audience, practice reading the text in front of a few friends or family members. In addition to providing an opportunity to rehearse, this will help ease any nervousness you might feel about reading aloud in front of others. Ask your test audience for feedback. They may be able to let you know if you need to speak more loudly or clearly. You can also ask if they were able to identify the key points of the text based on your use of emphasis. 8. **Pace yourself.** When reading aloud, the speed at which you read can significantly affect your listeners’ understanding and attention. Choose a pace that is not too fast or too slow. Read slowly enough that your listeners are able to understand everything you’re saying and have enough time to process the information. However, you also want to keep the story moving so that listeners will not become bored. Nerves can cause you to speak faster than usual, even though it might not feel like you are. When you’re in front of an audience, make an effort to slow down your speech a little, even if it feels a bit unnatural to you. Chances are you’re talking faster than you think. When setting the pace, it is better to speak slower than faster. The audience will likely still pay attention if things are moving a little slow, but you may lose them completely by talking too fast. 9. **Practice pronunciation.** Mumbling or mispronouncing words can make it difficult for your audience to understand what you’re saying. To improve your pronunciation, practice articulating certain sounds more emphatically through exercises. One thing you can do is highlight each word that ends in the letters t, d, p, b, k, or g, and practice over-pronouncing them. Doing so will help you pronounce your words more clearly in your regular speech. Performing daily tongue twisters can also help you articulate your words more clearly. Some tongue twisters you can use are “red-leather, yellow-leather” and “eleven benevolent elephants.” If there are words you constantly mispronounce, take some extra time learning how to properly say these words and practice until you get it right. 10. **Warm up before you speak.** On the day you will be speaking, keep your voice warmed and ready by singing or humming throughout the day. This will help ensure your voice is ready when you go to speak so you don’t sound strained. You can also repeat tongue twisters throughout the day to relax your tongue and lips. Repeat the phrase “You see Oz” in an exaggerated manner to stretch your jaw and bring more flexibility to your tongue. 11. **Drink water and avoid caffeine and fatty foods.** What you eat and drink can affect how your voice sounds. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, including a cup before and after you drink any caffeinated beverages. It is best to avoid caffeinated beverages altogether, if possible. Mints, nuts, and fatty foods can cause heartburn or hoarseness in your voice, so avoid these when possible. If you can, bring some water with you when you go up to read. If you find yourself getting hoarse, stop and take a sip. 12. **Make eye contact.** Making eye contact with your audience can be tricky when you also have to read the words on a page. Doing so, however, will help you connect with your audience and engage them in what you are saying. When you’re reading aloud, look at the page only briefly if you can, scanning ahead in the text. Then, raise your head and make eye contact with your listeners, repeating the words you’ve just scanned. Keep a finger on the last sentence you read to help you keep your place in the text. Make sure you sweep the audience when you make eye contact. Look at people in the front, middle, back, and each side of the room. If you have trouble remembering to do this, try making notes in your text to help remind you. Also, make eye contact with specific people. Whichever direction you’re looking, lock eyes with one person while you deliver an entire sentence. This tactic can help you make a deeper connection with your audience. 13. **Animate your voice.** Listening to someone read in monotone is not only boring, but it may make it harder for your listeners to follow along and understand the main ideas of your story. When you’re reading aloud, use inflection, which is where you stress certain words or phrases, and change the pitch, tone, and volume of your voice for effect. For example, when reading a story, speak in a higher tone during a really exciting part, and a lower tone of voice during parts that are more pensive or sad. If you’re reading a story with several characters, give them each a different voice. This can be difficult, so decide what each character should sound like and practice their voices ahead of time. 14. **Use appropriate facial expressions.** While you’re reading, remember to use facial expressions that support the text. You can use facial expressions to show shock, happiness, disappointment, concern, anger, relief, and a myriad of other emotions. For example, smiling will let your audience know you believe in what you’re reading. In turn, your audience will be more invested. If you’re reading a passage where there is a surprising or startling event, show that surprise on your face by widening your eyes and opening your mouth. 15. **Use body language.** In addition to using body language to convey confidence in your message, like maintaining eye contact and smiling, you can also use body language to help convey the message you are trying to get across from your reading. Move your head, arms, and body in ways that reinforce your point. Make sure any body language you use if purposeful and deliberate. . An example could be nodding your head up and down while you read a section of text you want the audience to agree with. Avoid body language that doesn’t add to your reading. For example, involuntarily moving your hands while you read with no purpose behind it can be distracting to your audience. 16. **Breathe** Doing a simple breathing exercise before you have to read aloud can help calm any nerves you have. Learning to control your breathing can help decrease your heart rate and blood pressure, and put your body in a relaxed, calm state. Try this breathing exercise to calm your nerves: Sit still with good posture somewhere comfortable. Close your eyes and start breathing in and out through your nose. Inhale for 1 count, hold the breath in for 1 count, and then exhale, counting to 4. Wait 1 count before inhaling again. Set a timer for 5 minutes and practice this breathing pattern the whole time. You should notice a difference in your mood when you are done. 17. **Strike a confident pose.** An open, powerful pose can help you both look and feel more confident. Keep your shoulders and hips squared, and sit or stand tall. Keep your feet planted firmly about 1 foot (30 cm) apart. Use a power stance both before and during your presentation to reduce nervousness and help you connect with the audience. If you have a podium or table in front of you that you can set your text on, rest your hands on it and lean forward slightly as you read. This can help you appear (and feel) more authoritative. 18. **Focus on the people that are engaged.** No matter the topic, you’ll likely have a few people in the audience who don’t agree with what you are saying, are bored, distracted, or maybe even asleep. Ignore these people. Instead, focus your attention on the people who are engaged with your reading. Focusing your attention on these people will help you feel more relaxed and confident. Look for people who are nodding their heads “yes,” sitting up straight, and making eye contact with you. 19. **Turn nervousness into excitement.** It’s normal to feel nervous when you have to do something in front of a group of people. You may feel signs of nervousness, like clammy hands, sweating, shaking, or butterflies in your stomach. When you start to feel nervous, however, try telling yourself, “You’re not nervous, you’re excited!” Convincing yourself you’re excited (which can exhibit many of the same symptoms as nervousness) can help you relax and feel more confident. 20. **Don’t expect perfection.** Despite the saying “Practice makes perfect,” accepting ahead of time that you are going to make mistakes can help you deal with any nerves you’re experiencing. No matter how much you practice, there’s a good chance you’ll fumble over a word or 2 somewhere during your reading. Public speaking is a common fear, so many of the people in the room will be understanding of any mistakes you make. If you do make a mistake, just keep going. For example, if you say the wrong word or skip a line of text, there’s a good chance your audience didn’t even notice. Unless the mistake will hinder your audience’s understanding, keep moving as if nothing happened.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Make a Guy Your Best Friend?,"You’ve met a guy that seems really cool and fun, but how do you make him your best friend? Start by talking to the guy to get to know him better. Then, work on bonding with him over common interests. Additionally, show him that you have the traits of a good best friend by listening, being reliable, and supporting him. 1. **Hang out in a group to spend more time with him.** It’s easier to hang out in a group setting when you’re first becoming friends. Join a group event where you know he’ll be present or invite him to hang out with your friends. This will give you more time to talk and interact without either of you feeling pressured by a one-on-one setting. You might say, “A bunch of us are going to the game on Friday. Do you want to sit with us?” or “My friend group is going bowling this Saturday. If you come, we’ll have an even number.” 2. **Make small talk to start a conversation.** Small talk focuses on neutral topics, like the weather, your environment, or upcoming holidays. Say “hi” to him, then make a general comment about what’s going on. Alternatively, ask him a basic question about what he thinks about your location or the weather. Say, “Wow, it’s busy in here!” or “It never stops raining!” You could also ask something like, “What do you normally order here?” or “What are you doing for spring break?” 3. **Ask him questions about his interests to continue the conversation.** Talking about his interests will keep him engaged in the conversation and helps you get to know him. Question him about what he likes, then follow-up on his answers. As he talks, nod along and give him encouraging words, like “go on” or “that’s interesting.” You could ask, “What are your favorite sports teams?” “Which bands do you listen to the most?” “What clubs are you joining this year?” or “What do you like to do in your free time?” 4. **Share personal details about yourself to make a connection.** Opening up to someone helps build intimacy with them, which will grow your friendship. However, don’t feel pressured to tell your guy friend all of your deepest secrets. Instead, share small personal details with him at first. Over time, you can share things you consider a secret. Start by telling him about your hobbies, interests, and goals. You might say things like, “My favorite thing to do is play guitar. I’m hoping to be a singer-songwriter some day.” You could also tell him funny or embarrassing stories that aren’t a secret. Say, “I’m kind of known for my burping skills. Two years ago I accidentally burped during the talent show and thought it would be a good idea to burp the rest of the song. Now I’m a legend.” 5. **Send him friendly texts and memes to keep the conversation going.** It’s common to text your closest friends on a daily basis, so send him a short text every day. Ask him about how his day is going or about a common interest. As another option, send him funny memes that you think he’ll like. Text him, “How’s Thursday going?” or “Did you see the game last night?” Don’t text him more than twice in a row before letting him respond. He might feel like you’re bombarding him with texts. 6. **Follow him on social media so you can comment on his posts.** Add him as a friend on your social media accounts so you can interact with him there. Then, like or comment on his posts so he sees you care about him. Focus on what he’s doing and how he’s feeling. Don’t comment on his looks because it might make him think you want to be more than friends. You might say, “This is hilarious!” or “Looks like you’re having fun!” 7. **Look for things you have in common.** Most friendships are based around common interests. It’s unlikely that you and your guy friend will like all of the same things, but you’ll probably have some overlap between your interests. Pay careful attention during your conversations with him and when you’re reading his social media posts. Find your common interests so you can base your friendship on them. For instance, you might both enjoy art and science fiction movies. 8. **Be your authentic self** When you want to impress someone, it’s tempting to pretend to be someone else so they like you more. However, your friendship won’t be genuine, and eventually you’ll drift apart. Be honest with him about your interests and ideas. Don’t pretend to enjoy something that you don’t like just because he likes it. For instance, let’s say you know he likes football but you aren’t a fan. Be honest about not liking football. Instead, focus on something you both enjoy. 9. **Invite him to do an activity that you both like.** If you want to deepen your friendship, you’ll need to spend some one-on-one time with him. Pick an activity that relates to your shared interests, then invite him to go with you as friends. Focus on just having fun with him so you can grow closer together. If you’re both into baseball, you might invite him to a game. You might invite him to see the latest superhero movie if you both like comic books. If you both like the same local band, you might invite him to watch them perform at a local coffee shop. 10. **Give the friendship time to grow rather than rushing things.** It’s normal to want to be fast friends with someone you really like, but it takes time for most friendships to develop. If you rush things, he may pull away from you. Let your friendship gradually develop over time to increase your chances of becoming best friends with your guy friend. Enjoy the process of becoming besties! You get to hang out, try new things, and get to know each other better. In time, you’ll develop a strong bond as friends. 11. **Listen** Good friends are always there to listen, so be there when your guy friend needs to talk. Pay attention to what he has to say, and nod along so he knows you’re listening. Then, paraphrase what he said back to him so he knows you were listening. This will show him that you’re there when he needs you. For instance, he might need to talk about the stress he’s going through with school or his anger at his parents. 12. **Show him you’re reliable by keeping your promises.** Friends can rely on each other, so it’s important to prove that your word is good. When you say you’ll do something, always follow through so he knows you really care about him. This will show him that you’re a valuable friend. If you do need to back out of a promise, tell him immediately, apologize, and try to make it up to him. You might say, “I know I said I’d help you study tonight, but my mom is making me go to my brother’s soccer game. I’m so sorry for letting you down, but I promise I’ll call after the game to talk about the areas you need the most help with.” 13. **Be supportive when he’s going through a tough time.** Friends are there for each other during tough times, so be there for him when he's struggling. Offer him encouragement, give him advice, and be his shoulder to cry on. These actions will show him you're a true friend. As an example, comfort him when he's going through a break-up or encourage him when he's struggling to pass a class. 14. **Keep his personal stories and secrets to yourself.** Friends share personal details with each other, so he may tell you things he doesn’t want everyone knowing. Protect his privacy by keeping this information to yourself. Don’t tell anyone the secrets he tells you. If you do, you’ll likely lose his trust. Assume that what he tells you is meant to be private. Unless it’s common knowledge, don’t talk about it with everyone else. Additionally, don’t try to “help” him using the information he tells you. For instance, he might tell you that he likes a specific girl. Don’t try to set them up unless he asks because he may feel like you violated his trust. 15. **Avoid being affectionate if you date guys.** When your friendship is new, being too affectionate with him might send the wrong signals. Don’t caress his skin, lay your head on his shoulder, or hug him until you both feel comfortably in the friendzone. Otherwise, he might think you’re flirting with him because you want to date him. After you’ve been best friends for awhile, you might both feel comfortable hugging and showing other types of affection. However, give yourself time to get there!",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Look up a Bible Verse.,"People quote the Bible in a variety of contexts. If you want to be able to look those quotes up, you’ll need to understand the way the Bible is organized. It’s also possible to look up quotes without knowing their location. Simply knowing a couple of words from a verse can be enough to help you locate it if you know how. 1. **Identify the book of the verse.** When Bible verses are listed, the first thing you’ll see is the name of a book. Use the table of contents in your Bible to locate that book within it. The table of contents is at the beginning of the Bible. Locate the name in the table of contents and turn to the page associated with the start of the book. The name of the book might be abbreviated or spelled out completely. Some books include: Exodus (Ex) Genesis (Gen) Numbers (Num) 2. **Identify the chapter.** After the book name, you’ll see two numbers. The first number is the chapter. For example, in “John 3:16”, “3” is the chapter number. Look at the verse and determine which chapter it is from in the book. Some people may cite Bible verse using abbreviations and Roman numerals. For example, Lev. xx:13 is the same as Leviticus, chapter 20, verse 13. Locate that chapter within the book. You may be able to find the location of that chapter in the table of contents. If not, you can thumb through the specific book until you see that chapter. As with other books, it should clearly say, “Chapter __” at the beginning of each chapter. In addition, many versions clearly say, : at the top of each page indicating the first verse on that page. Some also note the last verse on the page. 3. **Identify the verse number.** The second number after the book name is the verse number. This number should come after a colon (:). In the case of John 3:16, 16 would be the verse number. If you're looking up a longer passage, there may be two numbers, separated by a hyphen (-). For example, in John 3:16-18, you're looking for verses 16,17, and 18. 4. **Locate the verse within the chapter.** Once you’ve found the chapter, go through it until you find the verse. The verses go in numerical order, just like chapters. There should be a small number at the beginning of each sentence or a small group of sentences. This is the verse number. If you're looking for multiple verses, such as John 3:16-18, 17 and 18 would follow directly after 16. 5. **Choose a concordance.** A concordance is a book that lists every instance of a word’s appearance in the Bible. This is a great tool if you remember the verse, or part of the verse, but you don’t know which book or chapter it came from. Concordances can be found through religious retailers or online. Your church may also have one that you can borrow. 6. **Search for a word from the verse.** Remember an important word from the verse. Look it up in the concordance the same way that you would look it up in a dictionary. Concordances are alphabetized. Choose a distinctive word that may have limited occurrences, such as “flood,” “mountain,” or “rubies.” If you choose something like “love” or “evil” you’re likely to find an enormous number of results. 7. **Search for other words if necessary.** If you find too many results, or you don’t see the verse you’re looking for, try searching for another word. For example, if you remember the phrase, “love must be sincere” and you searched “love” but found too many results, try looking up, “sincere.” 8. **Locate the verse from the concordance list.** The concordance will list all of the places where that word is found in the Bible. A complete concordance will give you some context so that you can be sure it’s the verse you’re looking for. Use the location that the concordance gives you (for example, Romans 12:9) to look up the complete verse and its context in your bible. 9. **Try another translation if necessary.** Concordances are specific to translations. If you can’t find the verse you’re looking for, try a concordance for a different translation. For example, if your Bible translated a word to the English word “praise,"" but your concordance is for a Bible that translated that word as “worship,” it will be impossible to look up the verse. 10. **Search the verse number online.** Choose a search engine, or go to a website dedicated to Bible study. Type the name of the book and the chapter and verse numbers into the search engine. Type the verse number in the generally accepted format if you can. For example, you'll get more accurate results if you type, ""John 3:16,"" than, ""Chapter 3 16 John."" 11. **Remember what you can about the verse.** Do you remember a certain phrase of the verse? Maybe you remember one or two words and the name of the book it came from. Even if you can’t remember very much, you can likely still look up the verse. 12. **Enter what you know into a search engine.** Type in everything you can remember. You should also include the words “Bible” and “verse” to make sure that you get results that are relevant to your search. Your search terms may be something like, “Bible verse about wives in Psalms,” or “Bible verse chapter 7 desert.” 13. **Use a site designed for Bible searches.** There are plenty of sites online that catalog Bible verses by subject or by book. You can use one of these websites to search for the verse. Type in a keyword or a subject. You may also be able to do an advanced search by book or chapter. These online tools can be great ways to find other verses that may be relevant to you or helpful in your studies or prayers. 14. **Search related words.** If you can’t remember any exact words from the verse, or your search is not going well, search related words. For example, if you searched for “stars” and didn’t find anything, you could search for “night” or “sky” or “heavens” to see if the verse shows up. It’s possible you’re using a different translation or that you misremembered details about the verse.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" How to Avoid an Accident on a Motorcycle?,"Many people enjoy the freedom and adrenaline rush that riding a motorcycle can give you. However, riding a motorcycle is very dangerous if you’re unprepared. First, take a motorcycle safety course in your area to learn how to ride safely. Next, always be aware of the road conditions and dodge any obstructions. Avoid common driving mistakes by paying attention to the cars around you. Finally, ride safely by wearing safety gear and maintaining your motorcycle. 1. **Complete a motorcycle safety course.** No matter your skill level, you can benefit from taking a safety course. These courses teach you how to avoid accidents, how to crash safely, and how to deal with the aftermath. Many countries have motorcycle safety organizations or government agencies that offer safety courses. Do an online search to find one in your area. For example, the Motorcyclist Safety Foundation offers beginner and advanced courses all over US. In England, the government offers “Enhanced Riding Schemes,” or courses that are designed to improve a rider’s safety. 2. **Behave as if no car can see you.** Many drivers have trouble spotting motorcycles on the road, whether because of a blind spot or because they’re not paying attention. Whenever you’re driving near a car, assume that the rider cannot see you. For example: Stay away from potential blind spots by riding in front of or behind a car. When a car is backing up, assume they won’t see you in time to stop. Let them finish and then continue on your way. If a car is merging into your lane, give them space. If they can’t see you they will run you over. 3. **Pay attention to the wheels of other cars.** If you’re not sure where a car will turn, look at their wheels. The angle of the wheel will indicate where they want to go next. This information can help you avoid many accidents. For example: You will be aware of cars trying to turn left on top of you. A rider can see whether a driver will try to change lanes at an intersection. If the car is backing up, you will know what direction they will most likely go. 4. **Watch out for any obstructions in the road.** This can include cars, rocks, and other debris. By being watchful, you will give yourself enough time to avoid anything that you see on the road. For example, if you’re riding on a small country road, keep an eye out for any cars parked in your lane. Other dangerous road debris include: Patches of gravel Puddles of water Oil on the road Large branches on the street 5. **Check your mirrors often.** Be aware of what’s going on behind you by checking your mirrors. It can be tempting to keep the eye on the road in front of you at all times. However, you can benefit from knowing what’s going on behind you. For example: If a car is speeding, they may come up behind you quickly and startle you. A car behind you may turn on their blinker, indicating that they may merge on top of you if you don’t pay attention. 6. **Be careful of cars turning left at intersections.** Many motorcyclists are hit at intersections by cars turning left on top of them. In fact, this is the most common type of motorcycle and car collision. To avoid getting hit, keep an eye on approaching car’s blinkers and give them plenty of room to turn. If a car turns left near you without using their blinker, you may need to speed up or swerve to avoid them. 7. **Position your hands over your brakes when stopping.** A large amount of motorcycle accidents happen at intersections. Therefore, you need to be able to brake at a moment’s notice when approaching a stop. Position your hands over both the front and the rear brakes as you stop to decrease your reaction time. 8. **Avoid getting rear ended at stop lights.** Many cars overlook a motorcycle that’s parked at a light. To avoid getting hit, create a buffer between you and oncoming traffic by pulling in front of the car in front of you. Make sure to give the car a friendly wave as you move around them. Other methods of stopping at intersections include: Stopping between traffic lines so that cars can’t hit you Stopping to the side of the lane, giving you an escape route 9. **Resist the urge to ride between cars in traffic.** What seems like a convenient time saver is actually a recipe for disaster. This is especially important when riding between an active lane and a lane of parked traffic. The dangers of riding between these cars include: A car door opening, blocking your path A car unexpectedly merging into another lane to escape traffic and merging on top of you A driver cutting in front of you to merge, blocking your way 10. **Avoid speeding through tight turns.** If you’re going through a turn too quickly, you may end up flying off the road. To prevent this from happening, avoid driving too quickly to correct a bad turn. The faster you’re going, the less time you’ll have to adjust for a sharp turn. Use visual clues such as light posts and telephone polls to help you gauge the severity of a turn. If you find yourself in this position anyway, don’t slap on your brakes or chop the throttle. Instead, lean into the turn and try to ride it out. 11. **Don’t drink and drive.** Half of the motorcycle accidents in the U.S. involve alcohol. Statistically, the best way to avoid an accident is to drive responsibly. Avoid drinking any kind of alcohol when riding your motorcycle. If you’ve had too much to drink, play it safe and call a rideshare or taxi. It’s better to have to come back for your motorcycle than get in a fatal accident. 12. **Follow any speed limits.** It can be tempting to race down the road at top speed. However, if you go too fast, you won’t be as aware of the road. For example, if you’re speeding, you may not have time to swerve and avoid a patch of gravel. Other dangers include: Not being able to turn properly because you’re going too fast Running into a car, person, or animal Hitting a patch of water and hydroplaning 13. **Buy motorcycle safety gear.** Do an online search to find a specialized motorcycle gear store in your area. When you visit the store, an associate will help you choose gear that fits and that meets safety standards. If you buy your gear used or online, you don’t have a guarantee that it will protect you. Always wear your gear, especially your helmet. Safety gear includes: A motorcycle helmet Riding boots Gloves Leathers (protective leather clothing) Body armor 14. **Maintain your motorcycle.** Get your motorcycle checked regularly to make sure all the parts are functioning properly. Additionally, if your motorcycle starts to make a strange noise or if you have trouble steering, see a mechanic. If you don’t, you may have an accident. Other regular maintenance includes: Regularly changing the tires to prevent skidding and sliding Changing the oil whenever needed Rotating the tires if they are out of alignment 15. **Practice braking.** Many riders are unprepared for any accident scenarios they encounter. If you practice braking quickly, the motions will be second-nature when you need them. First, find an empty parking lot or long, unused road. Practice speeding up and slamming on your brakes. When braking, keep your steering straight and your braking constant. Start at smaller speeds and increase them as you become more comfortable with braking. For example, start by braking at 5 miles an hour, then moving to 10 miles an hour. Some people believe that the best way to stop your motorcycle is to turn it on its side and slide. This is a dangerous, outdated method of stopping.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Freeze Kale.,"Freezing kale is a great way to preserve it for later, and it can ensure that you have access to fresh and healthy greens when they're not in season. The trick to freezing kale is to clean it and blanch it first, as this will preserve the flavor for longer. Not only that, but if you freeze your kale in individual portions, it'll be ready to go right out of the freezer whenever you need it. 1. **Gather your supplies.** To freeze kale, you first need to clean it, trim it, blanch it, and shock it to help preserve the flavor while it’s frozen. To do this, you'll need as much kale as you plan to freeze, along with a few simple kitchen tools, including: Knife Large pot Large bowl Colander or strainer Four clean kitchen towels Tongs Slotted spoon 2. **Wash and trim the kale.** Rinse the kale leaves under running water to remove dirt, bugs, and other debris. Place the leaves on a clean towel to remove excess water. Cut the very ends off the stems, and then cut the stems into one-inch (2.5-cm) pieces. Set the stems aside. You can either leave the leaves whole, cut them into strips, or cut them in half for storage. Kale stems are nutritious, but they can make the kale tough. You can remove them before freezing if you wish. To remove the stem, cut off the bottom stem where there is no leaf, and then peel the leaves away from the center vein running up the middle of the kale. Cleaning your kale before you freeze it will make it more convenient when you need it. 3. **Prepare your water.** Blanching is a two-part process that involves boiling the kale for a few minutes and then plunging it immediately into an ice bath. To prepare your water for the process: Fill a large pot with water and bring it to a boil over medium-high heat. Fill a large bowl with equal parts ice and cold water. Have a colander or strainer nearby so you can drain the water from the leaves. 4. **Boil the stems.** When the water is boiling, add the pieces of kale stem and boil them for three minutes. Because the stems are thicker and tougher, they require a longer cooking time than the leaves. Cooking the stems separate from the leaves ensures that you don’t undercook the stems or overcook the leaves. If you discarded the stems or used them for something else, go straight to blanching the leaves. 5. **Blanch the leaves.** Using tongs, place the kale leaves into the boiling water. Fill the pot as much as possible without overcrowding the leaves. Boil the greens for 2.5 minutes. Work in batches if you have more than a potful of kale. Make sure you allow the water to return to a boil before adding more leaves. Blanching vegetables in this way kills enzymes and bacteria that can destroy the color, flavor, and nutrients of the vegetables. Killing these enzymes, therefore, allows you to store the kale longer. 6. **Shock the leaves.** Use the slotted spoon to remove the kale from the boiling water. Plunge the kale immediately into the ice-cold water to stop the cooking process. Leave the kale in the ice bath for 2.5 minutes, the same as your cooking time. If you're working in batches, add more ice after every batch of kale you chill. Shocking the leaves in an ice bath will preserve the vibrant green color, and prevent the leaves from overcooking. 7. **Drain and dry the leaves.** Remove the leaves from the ice bath using the slotted spoon. Transfer the kale to the colander, and allow the excess water to drain off. Shake the colander regularly to help remove the water. Lay two clean kitchen towels on a flat work space. When most of the water has dripped off the kale, spread the leaves out on the towels. Use the other two towels to dry the kale as much as possible. Set the kale aside to finish air drying. The dryer the kale is when you freeze it, the fewer ice crystals will form, and the longer the kale will withstand freezer burn. Drying the kale is important if you plan to freeze whole leaves, but not important if you're going to make kale puree to freeze. 8. **Portion out the kale.** You can do this according to personal preference or the types of recipes you plan on making. For instance, if you plan to use the kale for smoothies and only need a cup of kale for each one, portion the kale into one-cup (67 g) bunches. At this point, you can also chop the kale into smaller pieces if you know that’s how you'll be using the leaves when you thaw them. 9. **Bag the kale.** Pack your portioned kale bunches tightly into sealable heavy-duty freezer bags. Press out as much air as possible, and then seal the bags most of the way. To remove the rest of the air, insert a straw into the opening and suck out the air. Then, remove the straw and quickly seal the bag the rest of the way. Air and moisture are two major contributors to freezer burn. Freezing dry kale and removing all the air from the bag will protect the kale from freezer burn. You can also use a kitchen vacuum sealer if you have one, and this will do a great job of removing the air. 10. **Label the bags.** With a marker, write on each bag the quantity of kale contained within and the date of freezing. This will help you keep track of how old the kale is, tell you when you need to use it by, and remind you what portion size is within each bag. Labeling is important, because although you know right now how much kale is in each bag, you may forget in 10 months when you go to use it! 11. **Transfer the bags to the freezer.** Place the bagged and labeled kale into the freezer for storage. With the blanching, shocking, and proper storage, your kale should keep for up to 12 months. To use the kale, remove the needed portions from the freezer and use them immediately in recipes, or allow them to thaw for an hour before chopping. 12. **Blend the kale.** Cut your kale into quarters and transfer a few handfuls to the blender. Measure out 1 cup (237 ml) of water and drizzle some over the kale. Turn on the blender and pulse a few times to break up the kale. Add a few more handfuls of kale and another drizzle of water. Repeat until you’ve pureed all the kale, using up to a cup of water if necessary. You can blend the kale raw or after you’ve blanched and scorched it, but make sure it’s clean. Frozen kale puree is great for adding to soups, smoothies, and other dishes where you don’t want to notice the kale. This method isn't suitable for salads, kale chips, and other such dishes, because you won’t have access to whole kale leaves. 13. **Pour into molds.** To make the kale puree easier to use, distribute it evenly among ice cube trays, muffin pans, or mini muffin pans. Transfer the pans to the freezer and let the kale puree freeze, about three hours. To freeze the kale puree in specific portion sizes, use a measuring cup to pour the kale into the mold. 14. **Remove the puree from the cubes.** When the puree is frozen through, remove it from the ice cube trays or muffin tins and transfer it to a sealable plastic freezer bag. This will free up your ice cube trays, and make the puree easier to store. To prevent freezer burn, press out as much air as possible from the bag before sealing it. Place the bag into the freezer to preserve the kale for up to a few months.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Fix a Toddler's Chapped Lips.,"It can be hard to watch your toddler develop dry, chapped lips. Fortunately, there are many ways to fix a toddler’s chapped lips. You can improve your toddler’s lip health by keeping them hydrated and protecting their mouth from cold winter weather. Apply a lip balm, petroleum jelly, or other salve to reduce swelling and irritation. Your toddler’s chapped lips should heal in a few short days. 1. **Apply an oil-based product to your toddler’s lips.** There are a number of ointments and oils that might fix your toddler’s chapped lips. For instance, you could wipe a thin layer of petroleum jelly, olive oil, or vegetable oil over your child’s lips. You could also pierce a vitamin E capsule with a pin and squeeze a bit of the oil inside onto their lips. 2. **Apply lip balm to your child’s chapped lips when they go out in cold, dry weather.** Use a clean cotton bud to apply balm on their chapped lips, just enough to cover the affected area. Apply the balm once in the morning and once before going to bed. Reapply shortly before you go outside. Balms that contain beeswax or petroleum are the most effective. Avoid the urge to use your finger to apply lip balm. Doing so could introduce germs to your toddler’s chapped lips. Don’t use flavored or scented lip balms, which might encourage your child to lick their lips. Don’t use lip balms containing camphor or phenol, which can dry your lips out. 3. **Use a lip balm with an SPF of at least 15 if your child will be going outside.** Excessive sun exposure can contribute to chapped lips. A balm with an SPF of 15 or greater can protect your toddler's lips from the sun. Sunscreen is only acceptable on your child’s lips if it is incorporated into a lip balm. Don’t put sunscreen directly on their lips. 4. **Don’t tell your child to stop licking their lips.** Toddlers are often naughty and don’t take well to directions. Drawing attention to the problem will likely lead to increased, not decreased, lip-licking. 5. **Encourage your child to breathe through their nose rather than their mouth.** The air coming from their mouth will constantly pass over their lips and dry them out. Demonstrate the proper breathing technique for your child when you notice them breathing through their mouth. 6. **Wrap your child’s mouth and nose in a scarf during the winter.** Winter weather will contribute to the drying of your child’s lips by making their lips lose moisture. A scarf can protect your child’s chapped lips from the cold, dry weather that exacerbates their condition. In a cold weather, try to get your child to play indoors. 7. **Install a humidifier in your child’s room.** Your toddler’s lips might become dehydrated during periods of cold, dry weather. Place a humidifier in your home or in your child’s room to prevent the air from becoming too dry. 8. **Make sure your child drinks 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.** Dehydration is a major source of chapped lips. If your child is not getting enough water, they might suffer from chapped lips. Offer them water at mealtimes and play times throughout the day to prevent dehydration. 9. **Reduce your child’s anxiety.** Anxiety is often a cause of lip licking. Talk to your child regularly in a kind and reassuring way. Provide a stable, safe environment for your child to play in, and keep them away from stressful situations (like, for instance, barking dogs or mean children who might scare them). 10. **Keep your toddler away from allergens.** Some fragrances, dyes, and other potential allergens can cause your toddler to develop chapped lips. If you know that your child has an allergy, work to limit their exposure to it. Additionally, do not apply cosmetics like lipstick to your toddler, as they often contain chemicals that might cause an allergic drying reaction on your child’s lips. If you believe that your child might have allergies, take them to a doctor. The doctor can perform tests to see what exactly is triggering your child's reaction. 11. **Check the label of your child’s toothpaste.** Toothpastes that contain an active ingredient called sodium lauryl sulfate may cause the lips to dry and can even irritate them, leading to chapped lips. Check the ingredients label on your child’s toothpaste to ensure it does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate. Ensure that your child’s toothpaste also does not contain cinnamates, which can be irritating for someone with chapped lips. 12. **Don’t give your child citrus fruits.** The acid in citrus fruits has a tendency to irritate the lips and can cause your child’s lips to become sensitive to sunlight. As a result, the moisture from their lips quickly evaporates in the sun, leading to chapped lips. Citrus fruits to avoid include lemons, oranges, grapefruits, mandarins, pomelos, and limes. If you are concerned about your child's vitamin C intake, you can give them kale, peppers, broccoli, or strawberries instead. Talk to your doctor about other sources of vitamin C. 13. **Add vitamin B to your child’s diet.** Vitamin B deficiency can contribute to chapped lips. Feed your child more foods with Vitamin B, including meat, fish, leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale, whole grains, and nuts. The exact amount of vitamin B your child needs depends on their weight and age. Talk to your pediatrician to determine exactly how much vitamin B you should be giving your child. 14. **Take your toddler to the ER or call your doctor if they have cracked red lips and a fever for five days or more.** These symptoms could indicate a more serious condition, but only a doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. While serious problems are rare, they need to be taken care of immediately. Your toddler should also see a doctor if their chapped lips are accompanied by other symptoms of illness (for instance, if they cough, wheeze, or struggle to breathe) or if they have a rash elsewhere on their body. If they are not drinking as much as usual, look for signs of dehydration. These include an inability to keep fluids down, a lack of energy, reduced urination, or a lack of tears when they cry. 15. **Call the doctor if your child’s condition does not improve.** If your toddler’s lips are cracked and not healing after two weeks of treatment, schedule an appointment with your doctor. If at any time your child’s lips are not only cracked, but bleeding, call the doctor immediately. 16. **Take your child into your doctor if there are white patches on the inside of their mouth.** Look on their tongue, inside of their cheek, inside of their lip, and on their gums for white patches. These patches coupled with chapped lips (and, especially, cracking or chapping at the corners of the mouth) can be signs that your child has a Candida or yeast infection. Your doctor may recommend the application of an anti-fungal cream or liquid to treat the infection. The precise application method for the medication your doctor recommends varies depending on the product. Consult your doctor or manufacturer directions for specific use guidelines. 17. **Have your child checked for dermatitis.** If your child has red, scaly patches over their lips, the skin above and below the lips, and the skin on edges of the lips, they might have more than a regular case of chapped lips. These are symptoms of lip licker’s dermatitis, a medical condition. Your doctor will be able to recommend the best treatment, which typically consists of rubbing a thin layer of petroleum jelly over the affected area. If your toddler is affected by lip licker’s dermatitis, they might also have patches of eczema (dry, scaly skin) on other areas of their bodies, so look them over closely and let your doctor know if you find any such patches. In rare cases, your child might require a mild topical steroid, antifungal cream, or antibiotic cream. Your doctor will advise your regarding how to administer these additional treatments, should they become necessary. If dermatitis is the issue, try to encourage your child to stop licking their lips. 18. **Apply Rosen’s Ointment to your child’s lips.** Rosen’s Ointment -- also known as 1-2-3 Ointment -- is made of Burrow’s Solution, a topical agent used to treat swelling, rashes, and skin irritation. It also contains Aquaphor, a skin moisturizer, and zinc oxide. Apply the mixture liberally over your child’s chapped lips. Rosen’s Ointment is not available commercially but your pharmacist can prepare it for you.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Write how to Cook Alligator.,"Alligator meat is a popular dish in the southern part of the United States, and it's fairly easy to cook at home. Grilling and frying are some of the most popular ways to cook alligator, and both methods are perfect for an aspiring chef. 1. **Mix the orange marinade in a bowl, splitting it into 2 equal portions.** Combine ⁄2 cup (120 mL) of orange juice concentrate,⁄4 cup (59 mL) of orange juice, 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons (29.6 ml) (25 grams) of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon (2.1 grams) of cumin, and ¼ teaspoon (0.45 grams) of cayenne. Mix them thoroughly until the marinade is an even consistency. You should set aside about half of the mixture to use for basting when the kabobs are on the grill. 2. **Allow the alligator meat to marinate for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.** Place 1 pound (0.45 kg) of the cubed pieces of meat into the bowl with the marinade and stir the mixture to coat the meat with the marinade. Cover the top of the bowl with a paper towel or piece of plastic wrap, and let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes. It's safe to leave the meat in the fridge for up to 2 hours for a bolder flavor. If you let it sit for longer than 2 hours, the consistency of the meat might begin to change. 3. **Soak wooden skewers in a bowl of water for 10 minutes.** Wooden kabob skewers can burn when placed on a hot grill. To prevent a fire, let the skewers sit submerged in water for 10 minutes while the meat is marinating. This will also help to keep your alligator meat moist as it cooks. 4. **Skewer the alligator, alternating pieces of meat and vegetables.** Remove the meat from the fridge and use your hands to push a skewer through a piece of meat. To make your kabobs, you can alternate between pieces of alligator and chopped vegetables, or just do a skewer of alligator meet. Try to leave a little gap of space between the meat and the vegetables to allow them to cook evenly over the grill. Avoid overloading your kabobs. Try to put 5-6 pieces of meat and vegetables on every skewer. 5. **Place the kabobs over a grill on high heat for 3-4 minutes.** Heat a grill to about 250 °F (121 °C) and place the kabobs directly on the grate. Make sure the kabobs are are about ⁄4 inch (0.64 cm) apart as they cook! You can grill them with the hood of the grill up or down. Putting the hood down will infuse a smoky taste into the kabobs, while leaving the hood up will let the flavor of the marinade come through. 6. **Brush the skewers with extra marinade as soon as they're on the grill.** As the kabobs are cooking, get the saved marinade and a basting brush. Then, use a basting brush to apply another layer of marinade to the kabobs. This will help to make the flavors more potent and keep the meat moist while it cooks on the grill. 7. **Flip the kabobs over and cook for an additional 3-4 minutes.** Use a pair of tongs to pick up the kabobs and flip them to the other side, and baste them again if necessary. After 3-4 minutes, remove the kabobs from the grill to cool. Cooking the kabobs for a total of 6 minutes will leave you with meat that is a medium level of doneness, and cooking for 8 minutes will produce medium-well meat. 8. **Cut open a piece of meat to ensure that the kabobs are fully cooked.** Use a knife to cut one of the pieces of alligator open, and look inside of the meat. Like chicken, there shouldn't be any pink in the middle of the meat when it is cooked thoroughly. If there's still some pink in the middle, put the kabobs back on the grill for 1 minute before serving them. If you have extra kabobs, you can store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 1 week. 9. **Mix the alligator meat, salt, pepper, and vinegar in a medium-sized bowl.** Put 1 pound (0.45 kg) of alligator meat into a bowl and add a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. Then, pour in 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of vinegar and stir the meat and vinegar together. The vinegar works to make the meat slightly more tender before it's placed in the oil to cook. 10. **Place the bowl in the refrigerator to marinate for 10-15 minutes.** Cover the bowl with a paper towel or plastic wrap to keep the meat fresh while it marinates. Then, put it in the refrigerator and let the flavors soak into the meat. After 15 minutes, remove the meat from the refrigerator. When you remove the meat from the refrigerator, there should be a small amount of vinegar left at the bottom of the bowl. The meat should have soaked up the rest of the liquid. 11. **Place a skillet with 1 in (2.5 cm) of oil over medium-high heat.** While the meat marinades, place a skillet on the stove and pour in vegetable or canola oil for frying your alligator. Once the oil is deep enough, turn the heat to a medium-high level and wait until the meat is marinated. It's almost impossible to tell if the oil is hot enough just by looking at it. It takes around 10 minutes for the oil to heat to an appropriate level for frying, so be patient. 12. **Dip each piece of the alligator meat into a fish batter.** You can purchase pre-made fish batter at most grocery stores and supermarkets. Simply shake the container and pour the batter into a bowl. Then, dip the piece of meat into the batter until it's fully coated. If you don't want to buy fish batter, you can make your own batter with just flour, milk, water, baking powder, and salt. If you want to batter all of the pieces before you fry them, place the dipped pieces on a plate while you finish battering the rest of them. 13. **Transfer 3-4 pieces of the coated meat into the oil when it's hot.** Use a thermometer to check that the oil is 350–375 °F (177–191 °C). Then, use a pair of tongs or a metal spoon with a long handle to carefully lower a few pieces of meat into the oil. The oil will start bubbling as soon as you put the first piece of meat into the pan. Don't drop any of the pieces of meat into the oil. The hot oil can splash out of the pan and cause serious burns. Be sure to carefully lower the meat into the oil. Avoid overcrowding the oil with pieces of meat. Make sure there's room for the meat to float around while they cook. If the pieces can't move around in the oil, they won't cook evenly. 14. **Fry the alligator for 3 minutes or until all of the pieces are floating in the oil.** The meat will cook quickly in the hot oil, so keep your eye on the pan. When the batter turns a golden brown and the meat floats to the top of the oil, the alligator is cooked thoroughly! You may need to turn the pieces over in the oil if they don't do it on their own. Use a pair of tongs to flip them over so that the batter is evenly cooked on both sides. 15. **Use tongs to remove the finished pieces and place them on a paper towel.** Carefully pull the pieces out of the oil and transfer them to a paper towel to drain. The towel will absorb the excess oil as the meat cools. Continue frying the meat 3-4 pieces at a time until all of the pieces are cooked and cooled. 16. **Serve with a variety of sauces for dipping.** Alligator has a texture that's fairly similar to chicken, so fried alligator tastes great with many of the same dipping sauces as chicken nuggets. Try them with spicy mustard, sweet and sour sauce, or barbecue sauce! If you want to make your own dipping sauces for a gourmet meal, you can mix a simply spicy mayo or a tasty garlic butter sauce. If you have leftover fried alligator, you can store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 1 week.",,"{""url"": """", ""language"": ""en""}" Make a guide on how to Identify Edible Mushrooms.,"{""smallUrl"":""https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/9\/94\/Shroom5.jpg\/v4-460px-Shroom5.jpg"",""bigUrl"":""\/images\/thumb\/9\/94\/Shroom5.jpg\/aid9553804-v4-728px-Shroom5.jpg"",""smallWidth"":460,""smallHeight"":217,""bigWidth"":728,""bigHeight"":343,""licensing"":""

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