import sharp from 'sharp'; |
import { collections, withTransaction } from '$lib/server/db'; |
import { generateId } from '$lib/utils/generateId'; |
import type { ClientSession } from 'mongodb'; |
import { error } from '@sveltejs/kit'; |
import { s3client } from './s3'; |
import { DeleteObjectCommand, PutObjectCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'; |
import { S3_BUCKET } from '$env/static/private'; |
import * as mimeTypes from 'mime-types'; |
import type { ImageData, Picture } from '$lib/types/Picture'; |
export async function generatePicture( |
buffer: Buffer, |
name: string, |
opts?: { productId?: string; cb?: (session: ClientSession) => Promise<void> } |
): Promise<void> { |
const image = sharp(buffer); |
const { width, height, format } = await image.metadata(); |
if (!width || !height) { |
throw error(400, 'Invalid image: no height or width'); |
} |
if (!format) { |
throw error(400, 'Invalid image format'); |
} |
const mime = mimeTypes.lookup(format); |
if (!mime) { |
throw error(400, 'Invalid image format: ' + format); |
} |
const _id = generateId(name); |
const extension = '.' + mimeTypes.extension(mime); |
const uploadedKeys: string[] = []; |
const pathPrefix = picturePrefix(opts?.productId); |
const path = `${pathPrefix}${_id}${extension}`; |
await s3client.send( |
new PutObjectCommand({ |
Bucket: S3_BUCKET, |
Key: path, |
Body: buffer, |
ContentType: mime |
}) |
); |
uploadedKeys.push(path); |
const original = { |
key: path, |
width, |
height, |
size: buffer.length |
}; |
const formats: ImageData[] = []; |
try { |
if (width <= 2048 && height <= 2048) { |
const key = `${pathPrefix}${_id}-${width}x${height}.webp`; |
const buffer = await image.toFormat('webp').toBuffer(); |
await s3client.send( |
new PutObjectCommand({ |
Bucket: S3_BUCKET, |
Key: key, |
Body: buffer, |
ContentType: 'image/webp' |
}) |
); |
uploadedKeys.push(key); |
formats.push({ |
width, |
height, |
key, |
size: buffer.length |
}); |
} |
for (const size of [2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128]) { |
if (width > size || height > size) { |
const buffer = await image |
.resize(width > height ? { width: size } : { height: size }) |
.toFormat('webp') |
.toBuffer(); |
const { width: newWidth, height: newHeight } = await sharp(buffer).metadata(); |
if (!newWidth || !newHeight) { |
throw error(500, 'Could not get resized width and height'); |
} |
const key = `${pathPrefix}${_id}-${newWidth}x${newHeight}.webp`; |
await s3client.send( |
new PutObjectCommand({ |
Bucket: S3_BUCKET, |
Key: key, |
Body: buffer, |
ContentType: 'image/webp' |
}) |
); |
uploadedKeys.push(key); |
formats.push({ |
width: newWidth, |
height: newHeight, |
key, |
size: buffer.length |
}); |
} |
} |
await withTransaction(async (session) => { |
await collections.pictures.insertOne( |
{ |
_id, |
name, |
storage: { |
original, |
formats |
}, |
...(opts?.productId && { productId: opts.productId }), |
createdAt: new Date(), |
updatedAt: new Date() |
}, |
{ session } |
); |
if (opts?.cb) { |
await opts.cb(session); |
} |
}); |
} catch (err) { |
for (const key of uploadedKeys) { |
s3client.send(new DeleteObjectCommand({ Bucket: S3_BUCKET, Key: key })).catch(); |
} |
throw err; |
} |
} |
export async function deletePicture(pictureId: Picture['_id']) { |
const res = await collections.pictures.findOneAndDelete({ _id: pictureId }); |
if (!res.value) { |
return; |
} |
for (const format of res.value.storage.formats) { |
await s3client |
.send(new DeleteObjectCommand({ Bucket: S3_BUCKET, Key: format.key })) |
.catch(console.error); |
} |
await s3client |
.send(new DeleteObjectCommand({ Bucket: S3_BUCKET, Key: res.value.storage.original.key })) |
.catch(console.error); |
} |
export function picturePrefix(productId?: string) { |
return productId ? `produits/${productId}/` : `photos/`; |
} |