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import os
import numpy as np
from torchvision import transforms
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import PIL
import clip
import open_clip
from functools import partial
import random
import json
# class BrainMLP(nn.Module):
# def __init__(self, out_dim=257*768, in_dim=15724, clip_size=768, h=4096):
# super().__init__()
# self.lin0 = nn.Sequential(
# nn.Linear(in_dim, h, bias=False),
# nn.LayerNorm(h),
# nn.GELU(inplace=True),
# nn.Dropout(0.5))
# self.mlp = nn.ModuleList([
# nn.Sequential(
# nn.Linear(h, h),
# nn.LayerNorm(h),
# nn.GELU(inplace=True),
# nn.Dropout(0.15)
# ) for _ in range(4)])
# self.lin1 = nn.Linear(h, out_dim, bias=True)
# self.proj = nn.Sequential(
# nn.LayerNorm(clip_size),
# nn.GELU(),
# nn.Linear(clip_size, 2048),
# nn.LayerNorm(2048),
# nn.GELU(),
# nn.Linear(2048, 2048),
# nn.LayerNorm(2048),
# nn.GELU(),
# nn.Linear(2048, clip_size))
# def forward(self, x):
# x = self.lin0(x)
# residual = x
# for res_block in range(self.n_blocks):
# x = self.mlp[res_block](x)
# x += residual
# residual = x
# diffusion_prior_input = self.lin1(x.reshape(len(x), -1))
# disjointed_clip_fmri = self.proj(diffusion_prior_input.reshape(
# len(x),-1, self.clip_size))
# return diffusion_prior_input, disjointed_clip_fmri
class Clipper(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, clip_variant, clamp_embs=False, norm_embs=False,
hidden_state=False, device=torch.device('cpu')):
assert clip_variant in ("RN50", "ViT-L/14", "ViT-B/32", "RN50x64"), \
"clip_variant must be one of RN50, ViT-L/14, ViT-B/32, RN50x64"
print(clip_variant, device)
if clip_variant=="ViT-L/14" and hidden_state:
# from transformers import CLIPVisionModelWithProjection
# image_encoder = CLIPVisionModelWithProjection.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-large-patch14",cache_dir="/fsx/proj-medarc/fmri/cache")
from transformers import CLIPVisionModelWithProjection
sd_cache_dir = '/fsx/proj-fmri/shared/cache/models--shi-labs--versatile-diffusion/snapshots/2926f8e11ea526b562cd592b099fcf9c2985d0b7'
image_encoder = CLIPVisionModelWithProjection.from_pretrained(sd_cache_dir, subfolder='image_encoder').eval()
image_encoder =
for param in image_encoder.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False # dont need to calculate gradients
self.image_encoder = image_encoder
elif hidden_state:
raise Exception("hidden_state embeddings only works with ViT-L/14 right now")
clip_model, preprocess = clip.load(clip_variant, device=device)
clip_model.eval() # dont want to train model
for param in clip_model.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False # dont need to calculate gradients
self.clip = clip_model
self.clip_variant = clip_variant
if clip_variant == "RN50x64":
self.clip_size = (448,448)
self.clip_size = (224,224)
preproc = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Resize(size=self.clip_size[0], interpolation=transforms.InterpolationMode.BICUBIC),
transforms.Normalize(mean=(0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), std=(0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711))
self.preprocess = preproc
self.hidden_state = hidden_state
self.mean = np.array([0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073])
self.std = np.array([0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711])
self.normalize = transforms.Normalize(self.mean, self.std)
self.denormalize = transforms.Normalize((-self.mean / self.std).tolist(), (1.0 / self.std).tolist())
self.clamp_embs = clamp_embs
self.norm_embs = norm_embs
self.device= device
def versatile_normalize_embeddings(encoder_output):
embeds = encoder_output.last_hidden_state
embeds = image_encoder.vision_model.post_layernorm(embeds)
embeds = image_encoder.visual_projection(embeds)
return embeds
self.versatile_normalize_embeddings = versatile_normalize_embeddings
def resize_image(self, image):
# note: antialias should be False if planning to use Pinkney's Image Variation SD model
return transforms.Resize(self.clip_size)(
def embed_image(self, image):
"""Expects images in -1 to 1 range"""
if self.hidden_state:
# clip_emb = self.preprocess((image/1.5+.25).to(self.device)) # for some reason the /1.5+.25 prevents oversaturation
clip_emb = self.preprocess((image).to(self.device))
clip_emb = self.image_encoder(clip_emb)
clip_emb = self.versatile_normalize_embeddings(clip_emb)
clip_emb = self.preprocess(
clip_emb = self.clip.encode_image(clip_emb)
# input is now in CLIP space, but mind-reader preprint further processes embeddings:
if self.clamp_embs:
clip_emb = torch.clamp(clip_emb, -1.5, 1.5)
if self.norm_embs:
if self.hidden_state:
# normalize all tokens by cls token's norm
clip_emb = clip_emb / torch.norm(clip_emb[:, 0], dim=-1).reshape(-1, 1, 1)
clip_emb = nn.functional.normalize(clip_emb, dim=-1)
return clip_emb
def embed_text(self, text_samples):
clip_text = clip.tokenize(text_samples).to(self.device)
clip_text = self.clip.encode_text(clip_text)
if self.clamp_embs:
clip_text = torch.clamp(clip_text, -1.5, 1.5)
if self.norm_embs:
clip_text = nn.functional.normalize(clip_text, dim=-1)
return clip_text
def embed_curated_annotations(self, annots):
for i,b in enumerate(annots):
t = ''
while t == '':
rand = torch.randint(5,(1,1))[0][0]
t = b[0,rand]
if i==0:
txt = np.array(t)
txt = np.vstack((txt,t))
txt = txt.flatten()
return self.embed_text(txt)
class OpenClipper(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, clip_variant, norm_embs=False, device=torch.device('cpu')):
print(clip_variant, device)
assert clip_variant == 'ViT-H-14' # not setup for other models yet
clip_model, _, preprocess = open_clip.create_model_and_transforms('ViT-H-14',
pretrained='laion2b_s32b_b79k', device=device)
clip_model.eval() # dont want to train model
for param in clip_model.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False # dont need to calculate gradients
# overwrite preprocess to accept torch inputs instead of PIL Image
preprocess = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Resize(224, interpolation=transforms.InterpolationMode.BICUBIC, antialias=None),
transforms.Normalize(mean=(0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), std=(0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711))
tokenizer = open_clip.get_tokenizer('ViT-H-14')
self.clip = clip_model
self.norm_embs = norm_embs
self.preprocess = preprocess
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
self.device = device
def embed_image(self, image):
"""Expects images in -1 to 1 range"""
image = self.preprocess(image).to(self.device)
with torch.no_grad(), torch.cuda.amp.autocast():
image_features = self.clip.encode_image(image)
if self.norm_embs:
image_features = nn.functional.normalize(image_features, dim=-1)
return image_features
def embed_text(self, text_samples):
text = self.tokenizer(text_samples).to(self.device)
with torch.no_grad(), torch.cuda.amp.autocast():
text_features = self.clip.encode_text(text)
if self.norm_embs:
text_features = nn.functional.normalize(text_features, dim=-1)
return text_features
def embed_curated_annotations(self, annots):
for i,b in enumerate(annots):
t = ''
while t == '':
rand = torch.randint(5,(1,1))[0][0]
t = b[0,rand]
if i==0:
txt = np.array(t)
txt = np.vstack((txt,t))
txt = txt.flatten()
return self.embed_text(txt) |