# Automatic Speech Recognition This directory contains example scripts to train ASR models using various methods such as Connectionist Temporal Classification loss, RNN Transducer Loss. Speech pre-training via self supervised learning, voice activity detection and other sub-domains are also included as part of this domain's examples. # ASR Model inference execution overview The inference scripts in this directory execute in the following order. When preparing your own inference scripts, please follow this order for correct inference. ```mermaid graph TD A[Hydra Overrides + Config Dataclass] --> B{Config} B --> |Init| C[Model] B --> |Init| D[Trainer] C & D --> E[Set trainer] E --> |Optional| F[Change Transducer Decoding Strategy] F --> H[Load Manifest] E --> |Skip| H H --> I["model.transcribe(...)"] I --> J[Write output manifest] K[Ground Truth Manifest] J & K --> |Optional| L[Evaluate CER/WER] ``` During restoration of the model, you may pass the Trainer to the restore_from / from_pretrained call, or set it after the model has been initialized by using `model.set_trainer(Trainer)`.