[tool.isort] |
profile = "black" |
line_length = 119 |
ignore_whitespace = true |
py_version = 38 |
known_first_party = ["nemo"] |
known_third_party = ["nemo_text_processing", "examples", "scripts"] |
default_section = "THIRDPARTY" |
extend_skip = ["setup.py", "docs/source/conf.py"] |
[tool.pytest.ini_options] |
addopts = "--verbose --pyargs --durations=0 --strict-markers" |
testpaths = ["tests"] |
norecursedirs = [ |
"nemo", |
"nemo_text_processing", |
"external", |
"examples", |
"docs", |
"scripts", |
"tools", |
"tutorials", |
"*.egg", |
".*", |
"_darcs", |
"build", |
"CVS", |
"dist", |
"venv", |
"{arch}" |
] |
markers = [ |
"unit: marks unit test, i.e. testing a single, well isolated functionality (deselect with '-m \"not unit\"')", |
"integration: marks test checking the elements when integrated into subsystems (deselect with '-m \"not integration\"')", |
"system: marks test working at the highest integration level (deselect with '-m \"not system\"')", |
"acceptance: marks test checking whether the developed product/model passes the user defined acceptance criteria (deselect with '-m \"not acceptance\"')", |
"docs: mark tests related to documentation (deselect with '-m \"not docs\"')", |
"skipduringci: marks tests that are skipped ci as they are addressed by Jenkins jobs but should be run to test user setups", |
"pleasefixme: marks tests that are broken and need fixing", |
] |