NeMo / examples /asr /asr_adapters /
camenduru's picture
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# Adapting the model
python \
--config-path="../conf/asr_adapters" \
--config-name="asr_adaptation.yaml" \
model.pretrained_model=null \
model.nemo_model=null \
model.adapter.adapter_name=<Unique adapter name> \
model.adapter.adapter_type="<linear, tiny_attn, or others from config sub-sections of `adapter`>" \
model.adapter.adapter_module_name=<null, or str module. Type: encoder, decoder, joint, or multiple with + between them> \
model.adapter.linear.in_features=<dimension of the layer outputs of the model> \
model.adapter.linear.dim=32 \
model.adapter.linear.dropout=0.0 \
model.train_ds.manifest_filepath=<Path to manifest> \
model.train_ds.batch_size=16 \
model.validation_ds.manifest_filepath=<Path to manifest> \
model.validation_ds.batch_size=16 \ \
model.optim.weight_decay=0.0 \
model.optim.sched.warmup_steps=100 \
trainer.max_steps=300 \
trainer.devices=1 \
trainer.precision=32 \
exp_manager.exp_dir=<Some directory for experiment manager>
# Hyper Parmaeter Search
python \
--config-path="../conf/asr_adapters" \
--config-name="asr_adaptation_hp.yaml" \
-m \
model.pretrained_model=null \
model.nemo_model=null \
model.adapter.adapter_name=<Unique adapter name> \
model.adapter.adapter_type="<linear, tiny_attn, or others from config sub-sections of `adapter`>" \
model.adapter.adapter_module_name=<null, or str module. Type: encoder, decoder, joint, or multiple with + between them> \
model.adapter.linear.in_features=<dimension of the layer outputs of the model> \
model.train_ds.manifest_filepath=<Path to manifest> \
model.train_ds.batch_size=16 \
model.validation_ds.manifest_filepath=<Path to manifest> \
model.validation_ds.batch_size=16 \
exp_manager.exp_dir="<some directory>" \
exp_manager.create_wandb_logger=true \
exp_manager.wandb_logger_kwargs.project="<Project Name>" \
# Fine-tune a model
While adaptation is very efficient for low-resource datasets, it imposes several restrictions -
- The vocabulary of the new dataset must be supported by the pre-existing vocabulary or tokenizer.
If tokens exist outside this scope, the adapter will have to learn UNK tokens (or fail entirely
for character based models).
- As a consequence of the above, the language of the new dataset must be the same as the original model.
There is ongoing research to enable more sophisticated adapters for other languages.
When adapters cannot be readily used due to the above limitations, fine-tuning may be a better alternative.
For documentation on fine-tuning a model, please visit -
# Pretrained Models
For documentation on existing pretrained models, please visit -
import os
from dataclasses import is_dataclass
import pytorch_lightning as pl
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf, open_dict
from nemo.collections.asr.models import ASRModel
from nemo.core import adapter_mixins
from nemo.core.config import hydra_runner
from nemo.utils import logging
from nemo.utils.exp_manager import clean_exp_ckpt, exp_manager
def update_model_config_to_support_adapter(model_cfg, current_cfg):
with open_dict(model_cfg):
# Override prediction logging in config
model_cfg.log_prediction = current_cfg.model.get('log_prediction', False)
# Update encoder adapter compatible config
adapter_metadata = adapter_mixins.get_registered_adapter(model_cfg.encoder._target_)
if adapter_metadata is not None:
model_cfg.encoder._target_ = adapter_metadata.adapter_class_path
def update_model_cfg(original_cfg, new_cfg):
with open_dict(original_cfg), open_dict(new_cfg):
# force inject some keys into the config
whitelist_keys = ['num_workers', 'pin_memory']
for wkey in whitelist_keys:
if wkey in new_cfg:
original_cfg[wkey] = new_cfg[wkey]
print(f"Injecting white listed key `{wkey}` into config")
# drop keys which don't exist in old config and are not whitelisted
new_keys = list(new_cfg.keys())
for key in new_keys:
if key not in original_cfg:
print("Removing unavailable key from config :", key)
new_cfg = OmegaConf.merge(original_cfg, new_cfg)
return new_cfg
def add_global_adapter_cfg(model, global_adapter_cfg):
# Convert to DictConfig from dict or Dataclass
if is_dataclass(global_adapter_cfg):
global_adapter_cfg = OmegaConf.structured(global_adapter_cfg)
if not isinstance(global_adapter_cfg, DictConfig):
global_adapter_cfg = DictConfig(global_adapter_cfg)
# Update the model.cfg with information about the new adapter global cfg
with open_dict(global_adapter_cfg), open_dict(model.cfg):
if 'adapters' not in model.cfg:
model.cfg.adapters = OmegaConf.create({})
# Add the global config for adapters to the model's internal config
model.cfg.adapters[model.adapter_global_cfg_key] = global_adapter_cfg
# Update all adapter modules (that already exist) with this global adapter config
@hydra_runner(config_path="../conf/asr_adapters", config_name="asr_adaptation.yaml")
def main(cfg):'Hydra config: {OmegaConf.to_yaml(cfg)}')
if cfg.model.pretrained_model is None and cfg.model.nemo_model is None:
raise ValueError("Either set `cfg.model.nemo_model` or `cfg.model.pretrained_model`")
if cfg.model.pretrained_model is not None and cfg.model.nemo_model is not None:
raise ValueError("Cannot set both `cfg.model.nemo_model` and `cfg.model.pretrained_model`. Select one only.")
trainer = pl.Trainer(**cfg.trainer)
exp_log_dir = exp_manager(trainer, cfg.get("exp_manager", None))
if cfg.model.pretrained_model is not None:
model_cfg = ASRModel.from_pretrained(cfg.model.pretrained_model, return_config=True)
update_model_config_to_support_adapter(model_cfg, cfg)
model = ASRModel.from_pretrained(cfg.model.pretrained_model, override_config_path=model_cfg, trainer=trainer)
model_cfg = ASRModel.restore_from(cfg.model.nemo_model, return_config=True)
update_model_config_to_support_adapter(model_cfg, cfg)
model = ASRModel.restore_from(cfg.model.nemo_model, override_config_path=model_cfg, trainer=trainer)
# Setup model for finetuning (train and validation only)
cfg.model.train_ds = update_model_cfg(model.cfg.train_ds, cfg.model.train_ds)
if 'validation_ds' in cfg.model:
cfg.model.validation_ds = update_model_cfg(model.cfg.validation_ds, cfg.model.validation_ds)
# Setup optimizer
# Setup spec augmentation
if 'spec_augment' in cfg.model:
model.spec_augmentation = model.from_config_dict(cfg.model.spec_augment)
model.spec_augmentation = None
del model.cfg.spec_augment
# Setup adapters
with open_dict(cfg.model.adapter):
# Extract the name of the adapter (must be give for training)
adapter_name = cfg.model.adapter.pop("adapter_name")
adapter_type = cfg.model.adapter.pop("adapter_type")
adapter_module_name = cfg.model.adapter.pop("adapter_module_name", None)
adapter_state_dict_name = cfg.model.adapter.pop("adapter_state_dict_name", None)
# Resolve the config of the specified `adapter_type`
if adapter_type not in cfg.model.adapter.keys():
raise ValueError(
f"Adapter type ({adapter_type}) config could not be found. Adapter setup config - \n"
adapter_type_cfg = cfg.model.adapter[adapter_type]
print(f"Found `{adapter_type}` config :\n" f"{OmegaConf.to_yaml(adapter_type_cfg)}")
# Augment adapter name with module name, if not provided by user
if adapter_module_name is not None and ':' not in adapter_name:
adapter_name = f'{adapter_module_name}:{adapter_name}'
# Extract the global adapter config, if provided
adapter_global_cfg = cfg.model.adapter.pop(model.adapter_global_cfg_key, None)
if adapter_global_cfg is not None:
add_global_adapter_cfg(model, adapter_global_cfg)
model.add_adapter(adapter_name, cfg=adapter_type_cfg)
assert model.is_adapter_available()
# Disable all other adapters, enable just the current adapter.
model.set_enabled_adapters(enabled=False) # disable all adapters prior to training
model.set_enabled_adapters(adapter_name, enabled=True) # enable just one adapter by name
# First, Freeze all the weights of the model (not just encoder, everything)
# Activate dropout() and other modules that depend on train mode.
model = model.train()
# Then, Unfreeze just the adapter weights that were enabled above (no part of encoder/decoder/joint/etc)
# Update model config prior to training
model.cfg = model.cfg
# Finally, train model
# Save the adapter state dict
if adapter_state_dict_name is not None:
state_path = exp_log_dir if exp_log_dir is not None else os.getcwd()
ckpt_path = os.path.join(state_path, "checkpoints")
if os.path.exists(ckpt_path):
state_path = ckpt_path
state_path = os.path.join(state_path, adapter_state_dict_name)
# Save the adapter modules in a seperate file
if 'delete_ckpt_after_train' in cfg:
delete_ckpt_after_train = cfg.delete_ckpt_after_train
if delete_ckpt_after_train:
# Remove PTL ckpt file, and potentially also remove .nemo file to conserve storage space.
clean_exp_ckpt(exp_log_dir, remove_ckpt=True, remove_nemo=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
main() # noqa pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter