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##tern un ##igh ##ong me ##ous ##ition ne ##ab gra ##ts ##ru ##ip ##for ##ib ##ine ##ag fig ##cc pr mag inter figure ##ret ##op ch ##ial ##ations ##iz ##one ##ak ##ment res ha ##ace ##ely rock ##iment comp rel ##rou was ##ence sam fl ##ant ##ens ##ediment these we sub dis inc ##ort ##ary sediment ##ale ##oun have ##ocene ##ay depos north ##ik ##ap ##ian ge ##rust ear can ##yst data ##uct ##art co cl ##ain mod mar ##ges south ##ism ev fol ##ore ##ard were cons ##gh sl ##we ##ich ##ld zir zircon ##iver high ##olog ar magm ran ##ass ##ost along low ##ill ##tain ##ates rocks ##ues faults over ##ell bet sp vol ##ures reg ext formation ##ions cont ##thern age ##fer int ##vel ##ween between ##pt ##its sur ##ift ##gg ind ##ome loc tim ##ff pre ##00 ##can ##ement ##ds ca pale within ##ep intr not ##ach im river ##raph ##ath rec ##uring which ##ros struct colle ab ##pret ##ally ##ick km ##ys interpret ob range all ##ia ##esent during ##zo defor ##ord val ##ozo ##ozoic ##ran volcan ##ide di ##ward cal ##atic per ##ile model ##et it cent region sampl sugg suggest ass qu ##so ##ple ##ron le ##ans show ##end been ##ystem sim anal stud system lar also ##ied ##able mi sc ##estern ages cr ##erv ##ific part ##per ##ack has area ##age ##pr ##ins ##ree time us prov ##ound acc sand but bel en ##au than ##ould thick cor samples well late result ##agues colleagues intrus ##iel ##face ##ient deformation early ter into ad dif out ##oth ##ear ##med may water ##vi occ ##ral ##port extens ##ign ##un ##act indic ##mal section ##ari pos ##ces ##du ac trans ##ue ##yon ##wo lower thrust und app strata volcanic contin more mid ##br ##ined ##ers ##rough ##cl where ##ake western ##posed am marg zone ##ross ##oin ##ield ##ically obs ##ative ##ilar central ##pper ##ized near two ##ie occur lim grou upper crust similar ##ively canyon fra ##reas ##ibut west plate rift ##astern deposits bl miocene ##onic ##ike slip southern ##ough comple surface car ##plac flow moun chan ##stone our ##ude color ##orph ##ight most consist ver ##oci fold under ##ual incl east observ ph how ##och sour ##ating ##red ##idence supp ##tribut ##yp differ extension min ##ance gre tect ##own there ##ado ##rop analys colorado bec ##ismic ##raphic present tu est deposition ##ose ##row gen both some ##ced ##atig northern other ##west bed act top ##av ##ites lith ##yn gener ref prof sign ##aceous up vari flu sea through pe par cret fe dep cretaceous ##ne margin san ##pect associ dist ##assic tuff met ##ments ##ting complex study sm he te detr ##dle ##oung detrit young basal ##str large 10 ##ural ##placement ##ever ##bl however dom sample tectonic ##dition ##mon eastern refle 20 ##ish compos ##xim mountain em seismic magma ##ka its ig ##land their earth geolog middle ##ible marine ##east ##ents ##ular ##ley ##der ##par old based interpreted ##fl bound upl ##bon they associated stratig such ##crop dire magn ##ones off only ##pping ##ope bul grains ##ited belt ##ern sil level corre estim ##olut typ carbon cree creek ele deep quart mu ##tical detrital basins ##ause outcrop bro across signific increas ##velop because zircons ##ork ##ision related magmatic ##ffect set quartz ##present ##cess develop record poss uplift ##ature tem pb represent ##ov ##ness constr cryst form ##form ##try ##ok ##rupt valley ##iss local ##gr unit char ##olution long ##me ##ase maj ##raphy ##ier ##tal sedimentary earthqu major contain ##gen ##ory ##ides ##ikely regional compar lake poin ##ec ##ility field ##ology ap ##eng pres subs ##acter significant conc ##ening normal crustal ##ental new observed fac ##ber depth pat one down sandstone character different 15 id small overl structures ##he def ##ession af units structural source ##ived ##ging later rem ##izon includ ##ization 19 ##uk results composition ##itude correl des basement evidence ##ength ##ider folds using der rate sediments dip main ##ded ##ada ##though although ##allow hor ##itic ##ities analysis oro meas del would shallow grand older rates ##oor formed prec clast values ##iqu ##arp likely ##ified ##atively isot ##amorph orient ##und intrusion fract consistent exh distribut ##out used ground ##atures ##fore calc ru exposed gl sta so thickness ##water ##ably metamorph hist ##fic 12 no ##sem ##vious displacement arc terran peak eros process eocene group plut disc addition due ##atism ##ince relative cool ##ai ##ove base produ block ##olith assem dec expl domin dr ax ##rol sequ constrain ##ti ##cted gran ##ject erupt meth scale topog erosion bre ##ted ##gl ##set northwest previous vertical ##eric bod could mes ##round indicate each ##ring ##ane continu consider accom man dev magmatism derived ##vada nevada above pattern el ##ream ##ons ##ending reflect mon ##tric ##ially geoch short if incision profile ##ob ##lying areas northeast ##vial interpretation ##ently ##aces ##opul wall ##val sever models much ##tic ##aska thus three tren facies cur fel larg ##io ##ors below limest syn ##cr contr strike peri younger bull ##etic plateau lay thin continental jur ##low stratigraphic elev ident rupt orig geome red exam relations cooling bath ##olv jurassic 11 hy popul ##ding ##ise ign alaska ##apai several ##ior map ste after ##eral ther faulting ##oss follow ##ured ##pped import calder ju init ##ogene intrusions orogen origin num ang ##akes ##ensity ##ize paleozoic ##head those ##ided grad support horizon systems hual limestone bullhead suggests ##duction ignim ##adi ##ather hualapai infer ignimbr mt appro temper crystall unc possible ##nel ##ivity ##iles ##ods tex cross here mic zones ##rad pot ##chn active ##ils ##ume point kn rh ##mental far ##action ##olite adj bi mult ##ner maxim relatively event studies ##ble ##ences ##our det ##ument structure aver ##ters ##ifor hyd line sections shear join ##omer separ common do fur ##ah dra ##terozoic southwest ##hip ##ands abund groundwater ##glomer oce allu ##ck ##itt analy history further end gas geo ##ief boundary ##idual same exhum terrane fin yield ##to imp position descr 25 doc ##iassic triassic higher ocean ##pon scarp mineral fill mater ##read modern control located mountains core inv ##acent fluid material found mat rot ##ole ##ty ##ton ##astic shows magnitude maximum effect ##term conglomer distin coast mesozoic length assembl cen ##ique adjacent bord ##way analyses ##work ##ines ##ulated ##iron when ##ately ##idge determ subduction channel document 17 less ##wall ##viron ##ison ##allel ##ability shown occurred profiles bene mant ##ame ed ##sh ##reg expos ##ava trench border br ##por basalt grow americ carbonate setting earthquakes relationship cenozoic ##mod ##ram provide ##oot strain distinct rat tra ##iation prob therefore distribution accommod beneath 40 50 cy ##res depositional including shortening kin colum spring isotop mantle ##ood black rupture batholith nat while ##ikes appear many 13 lat ##inc stress trace la ##iven ##uction ##gments deta ##conform offset brook caldera mass ##chan aqu cle fir port toward ##ages contrast ##ium ##icular ##omal mix environ ##ished silic sequence ##cept ##quir ##neous igneous direction subsidence 16 ##te transport lateral ##gan ##most bur ##roterozoic ##oproterozoic table anomal metamorphic op ##tral ##ambr ##play comb pred relief deposited indiv ##ambrian mafic ##uss evolution changes features defined 200 ##ning ##ertain gravel prim potent average han rich ##used timing fluvial individual ##egr ##osph ##ematic dike density respect compon development processes first vel ##nia total ##ulf intrusive parallel dikes yr secon integr presence post work ##vity ##plic ranges geologic ep conf earl califor term geological veloc 100 mm wash felds second california ##alk ##eland report surve collected transition santa delta ol ##tin ##ither recon ##sr include activity direct earthquake geometry rhy ##entr ##ifer any limb ##oad ##urb ##ected plot unconform recent least sources generally ignimbrite use ##ination ##arge broad affect ##ouse mean clos southeast great describ 14 sier yt mapping ##iple ##ains concentr example ##enic mechan spec detail hanging ##sequ trending ##ount wa will exhumation ##ologic fractures geochron ##ittle back mel exist chuk locally reflection measured kinematic cm cut foc foot ##duct mak coll inferred equ ##les foreland plan patterns sing wide ##western island ##ification ##pression decreas ridge ##ological appar clasts elevation important detach sites discuss period layers conglomerate es non ##wit ##ara events very extensional lab ##tact whe stream arch topography steep uncertain analyz ##lemental ##vium gradient micro growth either gr rap observations multiple rapid ##ank reve strong location change ##ochth bouse mo mot ##eastern ##ics chem proven developed previously feldspar reconstr single reveal ##phys gravity estimates bodies ##ix infl mapped ##vers center few ##ry ##ex ##esis margins outcrops 18 fron ##are contact minim ag ser δ1 ##iocene pliocene interval variations increase abundant alluvium ##shore ox past parts measure ##olved footwall pass wid ##ryst spat characterized ##stand ##charge order ##ape beds biot velocity 30 site ##iate ##mar then conn obl dipping crystal crystallization sierra dam ##ail ##ft ##50 succ ##thermal indicates greater reported side ##spect ##cent alt ##verse ##ump grained temperature gulf kern mud ##over ##tered compr overall supplemental typically known america provenance mem pu ##ills possib potential hyp vie ##ional alb ##ogn deformed assum view av foss ##gment ##elf plutons methods documented resolution ##gress contains precambrian additional following 22 exper intra perm enti emplacement gravels ##ico concl dominated body identified joints isotopic ##oid ##ull spect populations ve vis ##her intern requir condition press suggesting curr angle assemblage detachment trough clara mark phase blocks thermal clear ##co ##faces mex rotation springs ##itr reach ##ustr supply horizontal entire bu ichn lack slope surfaces brecc agg fan hel mig ##awe ##ify ##ogenic cover ##cline whereas seafl overlap topographic ##radation seafloor given ##stones number motion hypoth lava ##aries andes demon recharge ##ott province considered drain natron demonstr iron nam since size underlying levels preserv dominant oblique mexico mov ##ink refer ##atern locations volcanism 201 olig member day ##led contribut fact ##ained allow mount isotope produced oligocene au bay dated poor tip ##ym ##ful ##onian deg grab extend surround recogn ##bric ##ochthon 23 ##rock ##stream even ##iller corres waters axis described migr correspon ##gent ##de ##by ##ases ##imate regions stratigraphy recorded points orientation geophys detailed ke sch tal ##ocl proposed particular terti yielded tertiary like ##ctic subsequ abs wells consists approxim apparent influ rad ##ns extensive conditions ##urface ash prior about head cycl ple ##uc ##ends ##itud ##imens constraints population texas py before composed flank slight overlying volume suggested provides minor orientations soil had ##vil ##ense sets shelf grain ##formation quatern accum stand quaternary ##ival project tran display crater flows therm commonly estimated respectively analyzed ##ind altern ##agh magadi deposit foliation ##tained subsurface compositions mtc tagh ##up ##ten tow progress extent paleo interpretations indicating ##placed correlation geochem initial sr ts turb ##stant ##sect subt lithosph front altyn avail fine lands ##let ##lex super unawe highly magnetic type quartzite pluton exposures probably ##ville unaweep ##onal conver co2 ##press understand break pressure turbid four ##oy ##gar occurs bedrock ka trend southeastern paleocene green ##neiss estimate larger hydro fluids coastal survey pol rough wides ##pread glob talc available widespread 60 nar til ##ually ##ula ##idal expect ##contin weather upward oceanic aquifer graben narrow ##oa ##bly ##arse ##ime ##omag reverse clay paleos occurr general fracture mechanism reconstruction measurements 39 around miss rest arctic compared combined earlier series little ##cy ##ged ##bed extr prop ##ivers ##mediate rifting distance minimum publ gor hol ##ties ##wh ##eler ret modeling relationships geophysical propag morph rim radi ##lastic ##omp being sum proxim ##otka ##usion resulted carbonates calculated latest brookian chukotka 86 ##ean ##aper sandstones ##arily ampl limited mtd component internal cord ##pb ##rem ##iding except shale techn comparison eruptions numer text land mas test ##lope ##enced plat plain provided accret diffic presented supported silicic difficult 500 link year ##ug ##ven ##plied she should step art magmas bedding youngest ##flow deeper must method portion aggradation cycles standard cordiller dates ##other bear prog slab nearly ##ochron composite characterist continuous biotite 70 87 ##iated ##ales ##ords ##urr attribut ##uded ##ffic caused fragments increasing axial devonian ytt lac ##ict unl sedimentation volcano diag devitr largely unconformity slightly bar mw vent ##mv inst forear segments ##abl ##ounts imag resulting significantly continued layer affected breccia forearc best cre gar load rather ##ana intermediate ##aps ##igned throughout mainly exhib temperatures spatial sal ##rn ##ining inject ##plate folding generated typical approach ##marine tower ##of ##td ##tratig ##urent ##ostratig ##estig interbed allochthon studied ##ields flux concret drill investig laurent drainage din right ##line ##ved information ##ches plane coinc southwestern tecton metas effects buried directly global ##pan ##ha ##ores ##itation ##omorph trun ##istocene mostly offshore bulgar dips movement pleistocene er ##uced ##gue ##amb flat weak variable edge namtd now though ##uration prospect ##pers tuffs sequences occurrence published ##fficient bulgaria dimens host hills path ##cing ##na ##bia ##aced shell paleogene lead ##ynam terranes does scarps determined brooks mixing gorge platform div rio ##put ##ina ##inal ##ances climate highest records accommodated 40ar possibly preserved 35 coun sa sill vary ##til rele assembly ##aneous fels primary surrounding expected 86sr 87sr paper swit ins ##istry began white northward volum constrained las pet ##ios ##ll ##ored ##ots stre respon obtained silt depths includes geochronology δ13 weathering dinner hin tak ##ice orth ##isting net compaction ##iking close phys differences forming downward just original column mudstone permian cement scan ##ipp throw ##amo meg laram ##vier geothermal impact primarily integration secondary amplitude fall prom ##80 ##eru exc strength ##vert meta class simple gregg increased precip histor granite eruption trenches ratios environment ##plications uncertainty hypothesis 21 24 dating ero fran walk yuk ##ms ##fs ##ving ##atite often basis dispers variation emplaced element farther wheeler lithosphere felsic walker yukon hal lan ##ger ##atory ##olian shap ##ographic plume crit metamorphism ##regon subsequent radon understanding laramide did har oregon pied sel ##mp ##reat ##ulation stra ##formed arr extends formations cores amount establ ##oseismic oriented succession ##itudes cou role ##roy ##omin exp another track smaller clastic periods ##rador travert columbia anomalies components rhyol labrador ##ymme thermochron flex lines med s2 ##ca ##tep ##kal ##ocryst discontin eval slump ranging value ##ety difference localized glac granitic controlled anomaly transect interbedded laser ##iest ##uous ##matic instr ##olid ##que princ moder southward acqu folded phot geology forms distinctive passive experiment help years laurentia response evalu lost ##ust ##not ##path ##ark proport striking spread quant ##unction angular positions whether microplate connect recognized srmv subtidal ##iversity concretions ##tepec srmvf mer vers conduct alkal att need prefer paleoproterozoic ##acted frame domain applied groups elong open integrated fossil 39ar bearing orthog eolian fre ga ##gre ##inate ##oring ##reme ##amp proper neoproterozoic gray tectonics devils separated appears focus decrease ##ottom numerous accretion dol duct pen pack ##net ##gin ##wise ##ef ##60 input ##osity ##iving fabric correlated environments ##ustrine poorly nature pel s1 ta ##use ##han ##oll plag flood ##rang terr ##unam ide accompan predomin wave focused required princip 300 hf round tan ##ire ##cle ##gy ##ying made ##ident ##uto neogene cannot nearby lithic heat detritus grade alluvial earliest ytts extended tsunam lacustrine cap mill ##lation inf ##urs aluto images diff ##unn represents glass displacements followed ignimbrites hydr ##ameter plots ##witz chemical width damage approximately morphology devitrification gunn ##pec ##isition ##ifers ##tague floor coher preex bounded remain orocline montague ##ogeneous linear ratio rhyolite geochronologic melt ##oclase absence artific streeru half acquisition gunnison streeruwitz last ##urally seem segment ##plies resear northwestern coarse amph overlain remn calcite ##olving geochemical trunc eroded research 90 lag ##rix ##cis ##bo ##xtral ##ert ##itu ##isod dextral ##pose ord interaction ##ellow diat eastward increases apatite produce identify final assemblages portions episod concentration δ13c 000 lav pac sw ##nake ##10 ##ano ant place regard intensity analog remains axes synth landsc cordilleran francis ductile lavas 43 cir joa na yellow ##cut ##urn ##aco altered ##quin sty subreg clif arroy abstr assess ##una basaltic distributed surveys concentrations holocene taken artificial pacific joaquin abstract fiss rise waco ##ead ##70 them ##escent ##empor ##umst reserv accord volcaniclastic upstream trends orogenic matrix yttn instead coupl travertine versus bands coseismic mine tib ##ax ##go ##8o ##inity ##the sevier antic clus times noted quad lithology tempor horn peaks juan impro wavel planes labor δ18o widely fossils covered particularly attributed bottom dynam gu ##bble ##ena ##ised real rework reef asymme ##ird having compat diss modeled crescent feature stage largest juven filled settings aquifers equival crystals success migration ##urrent plagi hydrate juvenile 3d ft full wed ##20 ##ino ##ational ##ade ##chi whole incor ##apor slow fragment westward ##ighted knick cycle confir discussion esc shells selected plagioclase ir might por ##oir ##ingu ##osed reas without ##gether sect tribut until ##ibility ##ologies ##athrust ##endent account ##orphy directed comparable included explain elevations bathy mixed closely chukchi current ##where propagation petro megathrust reservoir bly fer hing kil led mus uta ##uqu ##netic ##la andreas ##olcan prot state still ##ipt contempor intro cav ##raphically diameter perme occurring bedded distingu american natural espec compression framework properties principal blythe utah especially 26 case ##pite ##gence ##kn ##ma ##atist ##erque ##inous ##esian ##ency together ##ulations onto submarine geomorph arg arizon implies sampled accur ##bris downstream despite brittle albuqu schist proximal amphib arizona albuquerque oly pur porphy situ tens ##hed ##atically ##arc ##ising ##olve debris ances ##phy meters coe implications ##issipp majority driven ##rolog erosional abundance probability discussed connected marked mississipp frequ according olymp ancestral cu call log ##iam ##well ##ets ##fj ##volcan ##itive ##acy ##sets shor shape statist ##ights substant limit types ##ovic combination planar intervals demonstrate characteristics garnet err preexisting circ ever ot ##cal ##uter ##urian ##amin ##usions ##enetic compil cause calient fraction generation boundaries silurian differential overlie 199 geometr calderas initiation separate ##ramid moesian again 222 buil reference degree influence pyramid ##board laboratory caliente 45 400 diver pal ra ##aid ##vent ##jo ##enocryst ##outh ##oles ##get aspect seen expression ##ceed university ##izing arm paleod recy similarly canyons offsets laterally explained analytical minerals exposure william experi ##omagnetic network instrum coherent ordovic arroyo kilome mississippian olympia 222rn ordovician away cru hom ill jer nava qaid ##ture ##man ##more ##12 ##ont ##ond ##ives play places restric evolved structurally qual left ener ##rown containing crosscut furthermore determine borderland requires clearly dominantly key medium orthogneiss predominant style incorpor bathyme ##fjel ##volcanic otl recycl navajo qaidam aut fish mouth pit wind ##son ##tically ##yl ##mile ##altepec rep ##ivation alamo ##ching ##enetr ##apse acamb become compositional production ##tymile predic strongly exhibit thought precipitation francisco cavities ##fjellet otlaltepec acambay fans gneiss lo mob p1 pul pump penetr solid ul yields ##ias ##iable ##inis ##itative ##ants isol ##sey sufficient ##ote plun ##rete rivers valle scales thickening among various temple represented define stages joint isotopes collapse gren greenland dig five go pa ##ls ##enari ##anation fortymile onshore ##odior ##ched ##pher ##ibr rockies imbric ##ordinate scenari thank underl lithologic variability feed ##bles plutonic methane curve maps ##iform hydrothermal strait cases light mor os way zon ##sist ##pend third ##ital ##olle rece requ interior haz caus phases basalts silver 198 grande exhumed pastores progressively reconstructions injectites dimensional shaped tanana require bould fed gate ii rare sat wor war ##rich ##eter ##bur ##van ##ened depression onset ##chron providing transfer ##ney oldest 150 discrete ##ways silica ##iferous oxid oxide corresponding alternatively convergent turbidite accompanied coupled permeability energy predominantly 27 65 hot ipt loss splay ##ooth ##hor ##haps ##ased alter seam ##ifts shift uniform neg ##agic highl extending content perhaps assigned deformational correlate explos syncline orogeny descript 250 mineralization massive streamflow ##oids paleosol ##ostratigraphic columnar critical penins contemporaneous instrumental 80 hund oys pan ramp ##foss ##19 ##ja ##omes ##acing ##acies seism figures chron ##izes ##edimentary weighted lowest space abrupt ##prin occup phon distributions granodior else detect effective accommodation directions deltaic collision veta volcanoes promin spreading illustr hundred aer ahe duration lived sval tula ##aus ##ling ##bard ##old ##rain beyon begin ##ilit see organ trig stor ##ians slide ##ende crat 206 magnitudes bulk erupted ##ameters broadly closure specific possibility auth progressive summ salton metasedimentary siltstone cemented conducted rounded diatreme protolith world elsewhere svalbard beyond 28 bran pum ring sens tend via ##aver ##slope ##ew ##vas inher ##ulate ##oming ##aged partic indicat indicated acquir amounts complete bounding remov metamorphosed granit reduced importance originally opening unconformably melting gradients reconstruct 220 reaches tilting master program physical harney elongate accretionary yellowstone hornbl equivalent reason hinge cruz phonolite prominent cambrian ic sf soci εh ##bs ##als inner conj constant excl exceed traces mead prince paleoc image enc ##wood thrusts thrusting carr ##mont overla precision ##iques curv contraction horizons ##alkan archean assumed assuming currently pyro poly linked unlikely package pelagic synthetic landscape wavelength compatible porosity geometries digital peninsula hornblende lies lens trem varies ##ey ##ars andean consequ ##position ##chumst what prism slop ##ostatic recently percent sampling enough became uplifted overlies stable ##gles uncomp involved materials matan make rapidly kechumst turbidites mechanisms diagram ideal subregions temporal gateway oyster 206pb society kechumstuk apt ec lou ray sense sinis ##tes ##bro ##zon ##aled ##orne ##ises condu beha almost fav shar necess incre northeastern intruded uppermost phreat park parameters complexes construct characterize aft deliver reflectors lineam ##ahgre accommodate latter ##omagmatic imaged tectonically voluminous arrival moderately million kilometers isolated uncompahgre aptian sinistral air fit file lid outer sides ##side ##ox ##ground ##lor ##entially tom ##ades clou ##ordant quest domains construction decolle elastic reflects walls kinematics islands ##ext albite spectrom accumulated accumulation landsl roughly paleoslope techniques release established ##ursion laguna escarp restricted acquired wav ##bbles ##inn ##itect ##imin propose ##ography unkn ##assing better ##view transpression seawater distal distances longer initiated crystallized herein architect steeply uncertainties tilted histories rhyolitic seems fission substantial mobile louis lidar 34 37 75 dac dome eas hue lw wil ##less ##ani ##terland revers ##ute static distric ##ometric note buttes wellb carpath stratigraphically crystalline burial reveals spatially factors correspond proximity exception sheets volumes hinterland glacial proportion coeval against homogeneous phreatomagmatic decollement unknown district bra date dred function r1 sy ##tles align sus ##irp ##ectonic chirp subduct ##iana ##ption regionally systematic sands enhan thicker translation observation somewh ##aho ##urbation grant revealed ##rystall entirely subsequently geochemistry experiments geomorphic ##rologic grenville alteration granodiorite trigger pyrocl tremolite escarpment somewhat 600 95 cf dense rm ##rid ##sch ##aran ##ths ##imal iss aligned suite faulted product strat ##ples never gradu ##ensional indep induced recrystall showed partly underg sourced generate peach hea heter representative facilit rattles 1000 decreases spectra drilling piedmont discontinu needed tsunami ##going reworked wedge ##pendicular negative pumice behavi rattlesnake bani eu fly fields lie spher ves wel yet ##rum ##went ##uron proterozoic ##ploy residual context becomes lithologies signature association teph potentially mechanical microfoss oxy conclusions ##cox ichno degassing alternative radiogenic summar piedra flexure diffusion tiburon hueca wilcox wellbore behavior 33 brown balkan cam dark f4 fund ms ow oil pow pure rob vic yum ##ress ##sl ##uck ##tim ##ps ##kin ##ming ##xta ##erve inlet maar ##oma forces ##amination express ##plano sound interest cook ##associ overpress span sparse ##ached perpendicular partial partially add outside continent vertically signatures smooth emer longitud correlations precise mesoproterozoic continuation considering elevated juxta averaged rotations stresses ##ospheric steps created ##ostratigraphy photog evaluate remnants truncated ##welling quality recycled predicted ##horizon storage sfm architecture flysch oxygen vicinity crop oph sort six sills tc tab tls ##oh ##pot ##ler ##lin ##load ##anite too deb plains start colville ##ards sci ##pertin enrich unde employ downslope thicknesses dry 110 controls ##regular ##plication apparently chemistry flanks transt ##imeter ##ofacies discontinuous quantitative fragmentation irregular tributary ferro porphyry ##hedral cupertin error indicators 220rn carpathians pyroclastic longitudinal ##horizontal cupertino 36 900 band ce den lad ok pore rn wrang ##oration ##icott ##ctive ##igenic fail prox traced cla mode spacing paleomagnetic km2 indicative upon magnet elements apart fracturing channels making moh contacts agre bioturbation veins buoy sheet mw8 dispersal lanfs establish rhyolites alkali ##rangle quadrangle called beginning overlapping enhanced undergone ichnoassoci 29 700 ion national root vir ##pons ##field ##15 ##vo ##40 ##ery comm ##chin ##uska ##ighb neighb resist respons subhorizontal evolving volat ##etna centers sandy outboard continue processing identical jointing endicott edific ##resh environmental greatest background streams reached 238 allochthonous coincident cliffs sectors petrog distinguish amphibolite ##enocrysts experienced pulse scenario lineaments yuma ophi undeformed alex lakes lamin oper roll sulf tonal turn ##tely ##day ##eria ##inite ##enite ##ington const concept ##section protr once ##ously modified arra performed assume ##acks corrid transient similarities inclined others upwelling correct presum derivation soft eruptive ##ouri columns existing reflections nonmarine referred factor convergence missouri matanuska waves louisiana corridor 96 ble fil king lob mow oh sider vapor ##ily ##hy ##be ##30 ##inations ##ang ##eline ##ully sust sharp stock ##ockwise subordinate incised ##arya tims corner outl positive pearya dependent sma localities download defle correlative northwestward monit thinning conglomeratic oppos limbs useful decreasing grid views contributions headwall paleoge loading naa dynamic frequency diverse valleys ##sistent 238u mowry ach bena cul dens jeter lf pon pull run wy ##ric ##iately ##cos ##aling ##alach ##asc dem ##ama ##ateg prol proble ##ppe ##usive ##ander united chall chug chlor resolve subb intens ##aching immed collect sandia appalach continues similarity vergent domes ap2 remained ell reduction examples rhod drag lesser postd washington cmg conclude visible hypothes allows corresponds siliciclastic expand moderate preferred terraces episodes hundreds icp shares expressed ladron responsible culm chugach immediately 32 44 cat era her lying rin road si wood ##ridge ##uch ##lated ##bers ##orts incon ##eless today ##theless devi ##tering rev conve fair ##chist who trach ##allon subject marble ##assar spaced consisting underwent supports lithofacies variety height significance shallower glen continuity imported mica farallon transported existence makassar influenced subtle lithospheric cordillera characteristic hinchin thermochronology dolom introduction bathymetric εhf ##brook tephra robust protracted downloads trachy hinchinbrook 05 dat fing hots kar nw opt ro vents ##aw ##iop ##ued ##tectonic ##gc ##lan ##yward ##mass ##xi inset took conce sem excess ##otic anxi plas plaus ##andon ##ables chert hayward incomp regime recover assist showing blue 207 recording 120 ##cken filling workers terms velocities specimens contributed approximate breakup prospects leading varying excav ##pathic attem infill remnant swar cliff mormon boulder summary paleocurrent microfossils power rnf agreement ohio wyoming incompat bending fut gab hand mis wp zo ##cov ##den ##ev ##equ ##09 ##orium invers ##aso ##osa reor ##iling ##ilities ##odal stack unique interl resem ##apan intense capped abandon ##ieved southernmost litho pebble deeply ##gression calculations producing explanation synchron separates find confined closer describe spectrum demonstrated augen migrated absent unlike paths divided insights proportions ##green tappe anticline accuracy evergreen imbricate granitoids proxy edifice siderite ellip hotspot future wpf 55 66 bal cot cum casc dil f2 good hum lu lane tk talk van ##rat ##iers ##cence ##off ##pm ##pent ##eous ##xt ##rec ##rogen ##omac react isostatic ##idges seep angles complic ##enschist subd clim modest highs ##ologically spots ablation allochth leuc access completely greenschist patton calcare brecken geometric redu potomac eventually separation ##ahu imply rotated ##tonwood coastline cleav conclusion andesitic demonstrates restored technique exhibits metasom asymmetric muscov compressional aspects window pumpage landslide triggered rhodope cottonwood allochthons calcareous breckenridge muscovite bol city fully japan ron sk sz var wgc ##ophy ##eetna ##kov ##za ##atino ##ito ##urated depress fork ##ilibr ann shed atm true states next ##akatino rocky disrupt ##apah evapor artic preced paleont collection calaver adve marginal comparing 197 travel predict existed cutting makkov visit projection retro texture ##ugate increasingly barr precipit terrace improved confirm compiled paleodep jerome organic conjugate slopes question independent heterogeneous welded sorted employed mohakatino monitoring 207pb lithophys cumul talkeetna calaveras makkovik 31 52 cuc gast his himal los snake zft ##po ##ware ##etry ##ken ##ash ##rovers alread sup means relation subvolcanic canada lowland controvers paleov allamo scat crest partition belong belts obsc complexity emb ##parallel muav locality subsided defining compositionally considerable ruptures initially plotted exists frontal comprises assumption concluded surrounded ##remian barremian throws preferentially played feeding cloud spectrometry easily address alexander subdiv ronde article cucapah himalay already paleoval allamoore ba cape f3 fest junction lis none ridges serv ty ##eep ##hood ##mer ##inces ##oral ##aner ##olites ##ulating ##ivian isla ##owled confl ##ultaneous ##amed ##ifest anc ##phas ##conn ##aki evident extreme ##ache perched simultaneous provinces phaner seaway ##nets carboniferous manifest thinner involv ##ningen greatly backarc collu feldspars craters garnets dimensions pathways physi scanning criteria expans episode 436 asymmetry statistically jersey crosscutting underlain causes inherited particles conduit necessary constructed science transtensional opposite appalachian cleavage lithophysal festningen ara aff crow cour cache gs gently ice joh kun ur ##sw ##tto ##poin ##ei ##holes ##11 ##zone ##75 theory ##onoun ##era ##itized ##ancy ##thrust ##imodal force ##ady ##udes ##alline ##iborne pronoun resour subcrop ##apu spill km3 valid diam perspect simpl ##priate ##inson butte rifted estu depending emphas former ap4 newly patches defines 196 groundmass soils syntectonic originated appropriate hydrologic match lengths edges growing details 2000 config marks named ##ochthonous displays numerical imagery shapes flexural connection remaining antith tibet cluster reservoirs distinguished paleodrain ##ylon transpressional subducting products summarized tabular claiborne volatile ophiolite sustained inversion synchronous depressions pronounced 46 49 cast eth gent list mc mound pse solution tw util ##rim ##ave ##iat ##colith ##named ##eg ##lst ##lun ##ves ##atlan ##ero ##ered ##ering ##enesis ##orogenic ##itish ##rophy ##ential tool ##trial ##acite review ##ivated ##sected seas ##ifically shore ##istic station unnamed grav suba subparallel incursion geod evid slick highland obtain systematically terres transgress variably 105 correction ap1 application concern concordant 159 afric design decades uncle determining british specifically albian internally allowed tips projected polar devitrified imaging injection divide fallout clusters tributaries shorter shoreline autom repro plunging receiver seamounts removed reasonable lenses idealized vesic ##ucky ceased ichnoassociation software prolong plasma ##ilibrium gastil embay ancient expansion kunlun antithetic ethiop gentle pseud ##lstrom terrestrial 450 dou fum free gi gives mal mylon son sag taran vect ww wol zero ##azon ##su ##ned ##lp ##mitt ##zite ##ator ##enc ##ench ##orth ##aster ##ola ##ocent deple ##omple ##terey conform ##odacite org reliable incomple datab coal cobble clockwise highstand spans flowed presents ##oseism heating uplifts creeks defin reflecting monterey mtds finally finding controlling epei rhyodacite concentrated equal serpent ##ifying overlaps allowing ##nsyl please poles extracted retreat masw accreted laccolith mw7 investigation tectonism dispersion pennsyl dissolution successions knickzone sector introdu argued zoning explosions description authigenic dacitic euhedral virt tonalite deflection karlstrom zoophy gsapu urb paleodrainage transgressive fumar taranaki www epeirogen pennsylvan zoophycos gsapubs 00 38 48 68 94 bore bend bio cc c00 certain face gat ho hz kent nuc oax pie tit tight targe vard μm ##ci ##gs ##har ##hok ##yll ##mit ##orn ##elta tohok ##then ##olded ##igou ##acan ##raded asthen ##otax shan neph intersect ##onek fluct ##apes clin ##assium ##assfield acceler advan occas volcanics moreover amb amazon blan carry phyll tule otherwise lithos signal variables heav emanation representing idaho shallowly consistently arcs cooled driving constraint ruptured steady follows potassium detected gases determinations edison brassfield contrasts transitional ess moha currents breccias recognition textures progradation investigate trunk eric classified alkaline reworking osc oxidation delivery nevertheless tcm wrangell failure buoyancy presumably climatic tyonek diamond ##rophyre gravitation unclear pennsylvanian c0019 kentucky nucle oaxacan vardar tohoku fluctu mohave ale bimodal cell categ give hast hill hlp mp nu p2 pin rain swe wan ##ses ##tia ##pik ##fall ##zcal ##inter ##aly ##itable ##ention ##urations ##iguous ##idian ##iltr proto strand ##vetia tracy star stret ##ruak intermitt sedimentological coars foliated overprin cavity paleoseism imposed calibr adv acatlan ##erson ##rought phenocrysts thereby depocent silty broken compare apron afar reflector limestones supporting ##adily conglomerates ##osphere unconformities affecting sierran waik steeper measurement comprise visc pressures helvetia 2010 2012 radar return technology standards diagenesis metaph infiltr regarding petrole logs compilation fractionation building pitzcal craton contractional discontinuity overpressure okpik resistant laminated subbas culmination datum elliptical cumulative ##connected reprodu gatos blanca paleoseismological helvetiafjellet okpikruak 02 2b 81 ber bsl cos genetic pd paso r2 rar rig ##ipping ##sa ##wd ##dy ##ba ##bg ##edeep ##iter ##arbon tot ##osen ##osing foredeep beam ##gea seven ##uted ##utian ##poses shad ##pport ##usively why ##onet displaced ##ayuch ##uctively coales argue spot inductively cave ##rosc ability object crbg cored westernmost obsidian underpl actually lithologically pebbles metal teh seismicity contained ##ecryst patch reduc angayuch mineralog involving brief probable batholiths batholithic termination feldspathic meaning discussions passage altar ichnotax preservation ##oclinal influx propagated rims coincide country evaluation focusing antecryst analogue landscapes circular every repe gneisses causing descriptions pangea chronology incremental lwm gradually camera juxtaposed constit challen deviation attempt reduce scattered resources prolonged database heavy gravitational aleutian petroleum reducing angayucham 2d 51 7a 800 cess gil gir hem jw kl ll liqu litt m2 nine opport ppm russ sizes tmv vit ##sen ##tm ##ply thous ##eroa inboard toe ##ules ##omb isochron ##idi convent beg alg fabr ongoing shrim ##ists uncon ##fort ##ibe interfer ##opic chosen ##aint marsh ##ichn caish quite accept transform ##ieve complement mines parent smith easternmost facing remote 195 produces exploration considerably nevadaplano monso curved synorogenic examine multi matches ##ramme latitude termin oliv broader closed melts cuts analyzing permit visual lacks 2015 superim weathered extrusion radiation radiometric create insight transects experimental subregion purpose statistical bathymetry vallec seismogenic aerial aeromagnetic authors carried recrystallization photogramme ferrous bleached rinds inconsistent convex plausible recovered seepage atmospheric subdivided paleovalley ##owledge forceful configuration listed seasonal subaer polarity waikite rarely cessation liquid littoral opportun tmvb fabrics shrimp caishiling 3b 650 aim amal cer dimin eust f1 hough hole mit mather r3 rhe ster tent yak ze ##ression ##aut ##iations ##ui ##nw ##tion ##gu ##delta ##eh ##ham ##hole ##mt ##mins ##back thresh ##isons ##ele ##olum ##oltepec ##imb ##omen readily convers beaver ##ife extern exact progression ##tage stu stile unf meter ##aker relict ##ension dissected coordinate obvious dior students usually ##aupo westmins consisted seaward paraut 204 comparisons preserve delamination shallowing discordant northeastward ##io2 syncl redwall documentation ##ports tradition appearance 130 makes analyze muddy puget avoid lacking contribution heads displayed superior diagenetic investigations coincides leads counter excursion dolost accompanying glassy regardless analogous dynamics dissolved knickpoin accurate incorporated ultim plunge pair paeroa zoned boulders occupied detection branch branches excluded curvature favor dredge issues recrystallized owing crops commun array lobe trachyte luis metasomatism bolivian varied baja colluvial spillover tibetan mounds categor totoltepec underplating girdle llano olivine vallecito houghton external stiletto westminster parautochthonous ultimately 06 41 5b 53 76 85 ay du dick faster gap gpr hun jose mf nan nod nne po pip rifts sio2 ti take wider ##uish ##nal ##gam ##bbly ##05 ##38 ##erma ##ora ##oria ##arn ##arb ##icity ##ange ##elastic ##elinite mac reaction reports isoclinal forward ##rading alti asc suitable sealed ##utat ##uments ##ogran plates placed ##iber resolved ##ensive wet cov covers lows regression ##ometer locus precl ##aths able pervas simply encl ##othem observe blank flowing estill estimating ##olute elect deepest ##ission characterization 1970 stab explo consideration bullsey biostratigraphic finer implying exposes brack burrow respective nonconform drainages moved contribute grabens headwater thermo superposed breaks artu venta investigated ##ynamic county metavolcanic classification historical dispersed harper straight orthogonal tsunamis identifying assessment palis networks penetrative ult sufficiently hazel highlight highlights sensing curves consequently percentage bravo discontinuities photograph enriched enrichment achieved lf1 dolomite reorgan paleodepth physiographic course evidenced giant vector incomplete fumaroles pieces nephelinite lithosome oscill viscosity rigid superimposed yakutat dickinson altiplano bullseye 03 04 1a 2a 88 bon big durations ken ng rand rising rosa sol tv vrat xi ##af ##uth ##tures ##pts ##grow ##wide ##ke ##kes ##lines ##hic ##hab ##ya ##mc ##met ##zz ##25 ##46 ##ontin ##atz ##ita ##itidal ##ices tour ##ctus ##truct ##ulic ##raulic always prodelta ##vertical ##adal comes ##cha ##ogen stored unp graph interface cha sams subp subvertical discharge ##ayered modification spele indisting cactus peritidal centimeter assign scre accounts ##auc ##maline ackn transverse transformation nearest carol changing verging undergo genesis northernmost generating peay emc localization correlates maintain deline calculate decay elias monzon ##cryst orogenesis numbers hydraulic separating abundances coreholes foundation ##inescence mixture siliceous epoch anyui 140 backstr minimal 2013 ##fully 230 geophysically absolute mtcs tsd occurrences extrusive attribute mw9 approaches relev δ13cc scanner historic arriving anticlin quadran wavelet compatibility mush built recycling scenarios oskin removal granitoid exclusively exceeds polyg diagrams delivered alignment heavier facilitate emergent ferroan neighboring petrography demand collectively hypothesized concealed resemble complicated phanerozoic john concerning vitrophyre conventional diorite 204pb ##uishable ultimate reorganization random vratsa tourmaline speleothem indistinguishable monzonite 280 360 56 6a 7b az cath came et ef eag fr f6 fresh gns gold gps hiat jawe lam m3 mom mature nd oahu ped pra pick pier ##rift ##ua ##eed ##lind ##mature ##bor ##vens ##29 ##inorium offer ##oric ##reh ##asia ##olds ##olitic ##trically decl replacement fort ##amm ##ution onl strikes ##odolum come ##chem ##ogram orland orange whose unre unus ##ipa intersection ##oper havas compreh ##api arran extrem contour intrude recurr ens eng entr extensively tops upd developing applications subsidi newark faces 1500 190 fractured noise explore mesa monte synrift stevens texola microp adjust southwestward yielding cylind focal equilibrium motions inflow compress ##oidal ichnonet andesite 2014 migrating hydrochem laurentian ##omorphs saw thermochronologic ##olidated connectivity fossiliferous packages look ultr hazard hazards ##burg encomp consequence ##positional conduits tomographic clouds spectrometer ##inned sykes densities chlorite finger swarm paleontological controversial simultaneously perspective embayment introduced titanite mpd ##interpret interference amalgam threshold stuart synclinorium hunter palisade chaotic δ13ccarb quadrangles cathodolum eagle hiatus orlando havasu extremely subsidiary ichnonetwork sykesville 08 07 350 69 67 71 74 97 bent bou c1 done ech eight hence hard kos mb mary mart mla nas ps rur symme saint tro tac tun taupo ub ##azite ##iac ##ipped ##loa ##hes ##yr ##mally ##mogenic ##vwd ##environ ##robor ##thrown mad maz ##omosing isother cones ##ilized suspect sugar ##urel anast atl stara neither prie interp ##izable resid ##ikfjellet geog conserv overbur spits ##itsa surfic index paleoseismic intrac notable ##achapi imper ##ordin simulated scient scvwd accoun corrobor terrain added limits plateaus presently lithostatic reflected comparatively ##bert ##bergen 1960 12mp processed grouped discord discover decom dominate reflectivity monocl monazite rupturing examined angel crosses ##rade multibe shearing positioning matching lengthy 176 ediac bright laurel anomalously epic confining planina vein marker reaching hypothet moving dayton auv turbidity clays promot greggs connections elongated dolce inputs idea incorporation solidification saturation worldwide necessarily reversals dredged started arrays paleogeography hermit roof interlayered leucogran disrupted obscured himalayan involvement castle ethiopian virtual hoover coarser infiltration cosmogenic tehachapi mineralogy ichnotaxa repeated subaerial opportunity cerro oscillatory subpopul backstripping gnss comprehensive cathodoluminescence rurikfjellet ubiqu ##loaf sugarloaf anastomosing overburden spitsbergen surficial multibeam ediacaran 42 54 78 84 9c 9b bat box cited count eure hmc kah loma miller nitr r7 rod squ sized sred seric yav µm ##ritic ##iet ##time ##dio ##ks ##fel ##va ##jan ##91 ##alena ##nde ##elon ##urc ##igen ##igdio ##oman read foramin conod beh ##ilt bases strands ##plan ##adian shales ##ush ##asts trac plum basinal basinward ##ipient ##ford prz ##opy chile ##aking relate incipient cobbles slice overr overgrow ##ella prel capping notably ##acher impos diabl ##etian quick simulations cracks enh watersh ##vily translated undated apprec chanac phen actual compose emigdio upland ##berry 1912 12b discre additionally ##rolite months redis drained ended finite tract masses 160 burns anomalous evolutionary epig confidence 14c cutler detachments moja ##ixed centered footwalls comprising members vista ichnological fanning preserves 2016 days alternating tsmt ##continent restore restoration propagating landward tested injectite weakness petrologic select glaciation photos helped roundstone capt capable capture coupling reasons purple coefficient markedly accordingly circumst orthogneisses pulses pumping goal underlie oxidized splays explosive ramps abruptly illustrates protoliths reconstructing εhft sloping dacite lwp synde subducted issue stratified heavily own ##times debated starting ##angular intensely postdate fingers excavation infilling swarms cascades evaporation advective traveled precipitated affinity 1964 shoreface depletion conformably borehole ccd phyllite essentially tcmu fluctuations intermittent calibration reproduc accepted blanking ##atzal azim encompass echelon mazatzal prieta monocline eureka yavapai diablo watershed mojave 01 09 72 750 aper bor bif camp das dav gw gul ia kel mol sn s3 tre ural vi viable wast warp ##ras ##aetian ##wack ##een ##eoric ##key ##has ##ypt ##borne ##4u ##atod ##atch ##eri ##inated ##ali ##aland ##aline ##ionally inform ##ask ##asing ##robe ##oust ##oster mahab reyn ##ilon ##ilian alone ascent ##ifies ##ested anaho shards ##pplemental ##ogle atop plus unro ##ighter ##oushas nept ##ibab interf intercal ##antic subround disconnected geos canadian ##arditsa highway extin contents prev preval deform perform persistent ##plex student crypt outflow ##ung ##active acid ##uevi underthrust inclusions sometimes depends sanid meteoric normalized horst calculation ruff 129 explored 115 hyper microsc rhaetian biostratigraphy drap draw distinction 173 expose 2002 eps transitions affects decreased chemically chemeh veget draining talus likewise paleoflow paleoenviron kaibab tilt public morphologies landform layering salada weakly hosted released siltstones taking travertines alkalic diffus equivalents wedget slowly confirmed hinges amphibolites purposes situated palyn qualitative google saturated highlighted seismically ##prints illustrate tomography landslides exceptionally braided alignments facilitated vesicular fundam ##kinematic debate denali wrangel buoyant petrographic rolling sulfide conceptual densely lf2 revised fairplay abandoned reactivation szs retroarc supplied slickens ##supplemental ##encies serpentinite epeirogenic ##harat amazonia sweep metaphor subbasins thousands tentatively zealand conversely traditional ayu stability photographs tvarditsa relevant ##ograms 1960s discordance epicent kahilt prelimin discrepan redistribut epigenetic syndepositional bifurc dashed gulch wasting mahabharat reynolds ##oushashan neptun subrounded chemehuevi wedgetop kahiltna 3a 5a caps drop gaps gond hu kg li lik mg mile null p3 p4 pret pict ques sall tur taper uvas wern xr xenocrysts zn ##ihood ##sc ##cial ##carbon ##cnal ##uation ##ubl ##nus ##py ##fill ##bian ##bound ##14 ##vening ##28 ##90 theore ##inia ##enn inverse ##arhy ##isana ##elines ##elihood ##urum ##imil ##imyr ##ivities ##st4 ##stood ford beach shaking ##udation strom colon nebr ##abas ##ibilities ##inear ##inefjellet intervening chisana haw compens compound coordin foliations ##weather regular contamination ##ptions prepar ##icke interpreting pert assimil quar sims scaling belug thickest ##unately acoust unders continents underest understood phym mining ##ropical generations depart metarhy complexities teaching ##blor temblor ##eck ##iquely ##jected eruptible considerations accompl elles contrad identification examination ##erald inference rhomb bias predate mechanics special melung inflation assumes intraarc vehic aggreg recognize 234u superposition supercontinent hydrocarbon ##continental gora amplitudes ##remes links layered lanf coule ##ocrystalline attitudes taimyr tsunamigenic lasted diatremes fissures improve guil confirms 1999 palo raw williams loose solidus 1989 iii warm ##burne oxidizing paleosols sensitive iceland encoun wavelengths ##arship airborne suscept interesting denudation sulfides paleogeographic fairly assistance incompatibility stacking abandonment reactivated preceded advection barrier partitioning lisburne served arava estuary emphasize african vesicles definition urban accelerated rainfall klipp ngurum ##mette carolinefjellet ##crystalline anticlinorium fortuna recurrence microprobe ultrama kosi trojan tacoma atlantic hypothetical sredna behind overgrowths azimuth uralian ##wacke ##atoderma unroof intercalated sanidine epsilon preliminary gondw likelihood quesnel salleri wernicke nebraska beluga phymatoderma aravaipa nguruman 47 58 57 7c 98 bin bud bends bench csl ds d0 dob g2 gover iv living name pram pink pauc r4 rely sph sale tin tor tie tier tama vitr ##ae ##app ##sf ##uing ##uate ##uated ##uence ##tensional ##pass ##warp ##dt ##eby ##hf ##yo ##vc ##vill ##xene ##33 ##je ##99 ##onti ##atter ##erid ##enes ##encing ##edo ##itos inspect ##arine replaced ##stit ##idental ##idote ##ams exotic proced stronti ##ematically unfort ##ipe intercept chrom chamb ##izo resur compacted dissect geor geographic cove modul overview suri surv paleol recurrent deforming persist centur assert queen lear leav ##ended ##endently ##prising uses entered ##acting indication ##ariation undul apply amer blind sometime activities associations 101 eman emission ##dera deepening setters applic apvc precurs glau explains origins 114 1100 steam steens ##ogeneity uncom involve effectively determination 1700 cleare ##teb combining parallels postulated workflow epidote reconc species backsc equation esplan steepness spectral troughs 2011 cyclicity accumulate projects claystone retre textural testing prograding exhibited fluxes metasand laserchron quantify conductive principally diffuse preextensional segmented researchers interactions regarded franciscan guadal ferry statistics limitations errors divergence kilometer grenvill ##pended transferred occupy particle carrizo increment increments gradual independently spherical emerged ichnoassociations rootless virgin neighbor laminations outlier problem optimal semic excavated incompatibilities reorient ##ratonic annual preceding partitioned himalaya confluence estuarine africa wolf bioher asthenospheric occasional carrying stretching advance depocenter returned pdo shaded antecrystic begun photogrammetric diminish knickpoints pairs communities duplex mfci covariation electron burrows kenya moment pederson piercing ensure compressive scientific accounting ubiquit overriding enhance reproducibility extinction hyperpy fundamental picture xrf ##abasinal hawai coordinates acoustic metarhyolite guilmette dobhan pramoll paucity saleeby vitric strontium unfortunately chambers esplanade grenvillian hyperpycnal 580 62 7d 73 aided bigh bight brought cod cop dan dro dite econ fast footh fixed gel ham house kal liter nnw od qt ssw tb tear tends tropical um voc vast vish wr ##ious ##sible ##cake ##ufficient ##nu ##non ##ners ##worth ##dalena ##eb ##hi ##yb ##yan ##mas ##vale ##vement ##2o ##ji ##jon ##inth ##orith ##itization ##icratonic ##asy ##rovo ##ings ##olation ##trical ##omic rebound ##stop ##ild ##ilot suter bypass ##place ##ember shot ##cher normally trip triple neu ##abled graded ##aging magdalena chino resor compet reli weight substr subset submer ##iance get coy cohes clique ##elling prevent intrudes intrabasinal imple calava peru peralk pericratonic ##ifications believe enabled thickens thickened resultant outward poso colored lithological depic distant tejon younging quartzo ##gridge charco concurrent concave 1900 erosive discern blocky drying erosionally continuing monolith contrary 118 biases maxima fining fills 175 distinctly trapped 1300 2004 olist 1400 speculate geochronological backstop collaps 180 minimize agree ##ailing puzz rotational fanglomer coverage schof ##ctice accumulations ##upe town converted extrap extraction holes morphological radius masl tests linking bars venting creating interbeds ##omorphic dimension platforms ##inae counting insufficient frank langridge instrument needs coherence synthes improvement slower megathrusts mushy porphyritic tension substantially circum build experience predicts underlies ##richnus ##horn explosion pancake ##print illustrated inherit reconstructed princeton matanza suspended stratal spheroids funding overpressures oxygenated sciences banded claim operating presumed bleaching filtering kingman lobes problems subbottom dolomitic optim gabrovo interlimb skarn belonging involves geodetic slicken highlands pseudomorphs double sonora findings asthenosphere clinopy occasionally wrangellia strandja objects constitute challenges gilbert hematite algorith complementary eustatic mitig stere dolostone categories bracket ##ontinuous acknowledge polygons laminae practice cylindrichnus maryland psamm subpopulation batches impossible quickly aperture kelly neptunian quarry accomplished vehicle ultramafic learning amerasia uncommon backscatter guadalupe semicontinuous bioherm bighorn ditec foothills literature vishnu implement peralkaline charcoal schofield clinopyro 1c 1b 6b 8b 9a 92 apl aus bow bell c3 c2 dest diversity g8 gro gree hos ky kam koy kula life laths mut mbs nomen patern ris rose rov sar self tg ton tay yta ##rite ##current ##uel ##nick ##tally ##pir ##gis ##dp ##lis ##facies ##bes ##16 ##67 thir ##ese ##itly ##itna inward ##icop ##elves ##lets ##ulite ##ocal ##imen ##ithified ##acular ree retain rehi fores ##ultural alp aliqu ##amber suites suture exem ##utes ##utonic ##otectonic strateg anne anorth ##plutonic ##eme ##odiversity ##char ##table ##oga atten plata ##uding stem stations starship unrec metric ##rugin cher chain chamber subangular incoming ##aymas ##iang ##rustal classic evolve arenite overc overt ##ellite surprising indeed ##dspathic paleocl ##achron immediate diachron quen scar scope coring acre transl transgression lowering ##clature mounted changed consistency vergence underne differs grew acted actively activated upslope upsection upwarp fluvi pebbly sanup complexly 108 103 corrected estimation concord remark ##ukuk correlating maintained calculating arcuate arcgis explic sequential granites verticals manner synkinematic peripher separability kinnick contrasting mixtures silicate 167 opposed 2008 2009 2007 integrate backfill cutoff equally detached grate ago passes spectacular ichnodiversity covering contributes contributing volumetrically breaking surveyed roughness exceptions exceptional sheep slabs continuously attributes unlithified loads concrete drilled coincidence weaker divides counted scanners metaplutonic medial glaciers merge segmentation truncate orders synthesis arroyos assessed fissure guaymas reality successfully ferrugin contemporary permeable argill accurately tensile frequently frequencies plays incorporate exhibiting penetrating plunges imbricated satellite seamount collisional cratons indicator overlapped favored susitna transtension establishing volatiles ophiolitic rollback kings outlined runoff problematic challeng chloritized postdates hypotheses attempts gabbro accessory annular paleodepths conflic geodynamic laccoliths target ambiguous waning depocenters challenge russian ##ichnites nanush pervasive thermoelastic onlap unrelated unusual updip isotherms decompression leucogranite rodinia ##feldspathic ##igenous reading conodont selection prevailing discrepancy theoretical colonn undersat inspection century applicable precursor metasandstone pramollo tripod quartzofeldspathic puzzle extrapol franklin clinopyroxene austral greece kyanite koyukuk nomenclature paternoster taylor exempl attenuation diachronous underneath ferruginous nanushuk 3c 4b 410 6e 8a 8c 83 89 aeg ben bank binned dak drought efficient fox giving herald ikey kra krum lent lap move nic pic ram rene rout ross rail sap sided takes tail wt won wack wake words xenocryst yb ##affect ##cular ##oods ##othermal ##ng ##nic ##pi ##wk ##wak ##hre ##hib ##matically ##8pb ##bre ##boy ##ze ##34 ##39 ##27 ##54 ##onite ##ati ##att ##int ##inement ##edonian inn inver inland inactive ##rees ##anations ##ancha ##ingly ##isions ##lehe ##throp ##ols ##olding ##osh mam ##igmatic ##acc reinterpret ##stands forcing foreb conv sun ##estone ##ota ##otop ##uminous ##irine share sherid ##tand orca ##phase ##pheral triang ##iston univers unweather unaffect neck grauch ##ibly interplate chief flight displac disequ displace geore gehre modal ##ostrom ##illi ##ellent immature caledonian suggestive ##endix crack entering enigmatic ##aun colleaguesng adm outline ##unctive transcurrent lowered appendix midto whereby margar carm observable lithification lithostratigraphic refolded profound throughgoing parameter depend studying 205 208pb itself geologists bounds magnes offsw possess representation ##berts characterizes 155 ##heur orog measuring rule sof explanations dominance manage manually severin ##cript peripheral 112 importation horizontally knowledge knife biogenic documents mineralized ##tyboy assembled 170 trenching traction accommodates accommodating blackha latent law ##chanical 1600 2001 works terminate ##tina describes specimen stronger aged serve passing ##ognized assumptions viewing helium aug augment bayline degradation degrees recognizable migrate radial headland frontier plutonism ##imeters prograded characteristically instit creep salinity streck cements megac excellent thermochronometric evaluated quantified attitude attached elongation graywacke focuses millimeter truncation lags ##urned clustered timesc temporary realistic successive arguments raf raised raises homogen restrict autocryst pumped imbrication thanks receive waro losses chronostratigraphy cratonic conjunction conjunctive exceeded lineament reversed syenite heterogeneity spanning establishment constitu filter ponded intensities trachytic roberts plausibly recovery infilled powerful stacked cascade lulehe tk09 313 crests nonetheless phaneritic validity perspectives simplified designated automatically ethiopia malheur epeirogeny shannon intersecting pdf shadow patchy monsoon rheology macro ascend nonconformity headwaters rigidity solely arrange engine amalgamation martin madre interpolation geograph ##omanian tracers phenomen circumstance warping interfing vegetation paleoenvironmental prettyboy underestimate contradict coulee encountered tintina ubiquitous substrate submerged coyote olistostrom inheritance aplite kamch tonto alpine unrecognized explicitly grateful aegirine dakota lapilli wonji ##anchaigou sheridan unweathered unaffected georefer gehrels offswith blackhawk 2c 380 61 82 91 aid agr awak bo bis born cinc don eph fug fash gf gain gird hall jas lull lighter n2 nis naso ou pt pap pill pav rul rend spl stained ten tth tidal tst4 upr went woh wang wnw you youshashan εnd ##rical ##iab ##call ##carp ##cott ##ool ##oph ##ofer ##uff ##urolite ##n4 ##nost ##tas ##pev ##pension ##wits ##eater ##ki ##hu ##hz ##men ##mill ##bill ##zger ##onia ##ats ##atives ##inities ##ester ##eno ##altered ##oro ##iting ##aro ##ares ##arenite ##icolle ##rect ##any ##anan ##anent ##anced ##road ##isf ##ctor ##olar ##tress ##trift ##itheater mach ##omm rein rect rejected ##iva ##ivia ##ivwits isop ##idate ##idently ##ravel bevel alger alask ##ategy secular ##ifact ones strategy anate anch anthrop ##emeral ##odones ##umed shivwits comments ##tail norian ##essel stik story ##enetically cold unable unres unaltered unravel meet graym grapev interact chr resolv resolving relay subtr subequ dissem sedimented cooper marburg consolidated ##ghan sliding slices arise overthrust contiguous ##ometry paleotop ##acho implied recomm diox quies lees ##insic enters ##augh deformations termed adequ adiab output postrift lowermost ##clockwise carved tube ##avity tuffaceous metzger oldham ##flu quartzites ##rupted compares comparative pointed subsiding concavity facilities downthrown remove desert destruct ##amorphic staurolite sole 125 1200 ##olithus decimeter drive granular continuum mangan ##tricted shortly stepping stepped ##ogenetic grades multicolle eventual hydrolog separately ##ahaw dramatically imped positioned 2500 foundering cenomanian 177 kinematically 133 clean ##ception hanning confidently mmn4 mechanically periodic revealing fronts obliquely mudstones requiring markers ##itrary ichnology brecciated helenes influences displaying alternate towns ##letz generalized missing hollis retention artifact methodology diagnost creation ##haus weakening dividing sapping releasing inside ##ipple impacts ##erupt 210 lanza arrest glacier merged gave graybill tax ##ollon flooding terrigenous remainder amphitheater episodic analogy 430 styles temporally dynamically guided geomorphology geomorphological argument schists porphyro shorelines errone 1992 williamson experiences mediumto pitch penetration solidified ways satisf shifted chronostratigraphic occupation particip programs curvolithus polyak percentages shared tomahaw questions ##innati reversal heave spherul microfossil camacho purely operated rollover sulfate ##hyd sustain deflected achieve ponds catal catch rinded misery resembles diluted humid tk46 reduces paleontology retrog controversy obscure automated doub mylonitic sonar depleted urbina tightly overprinted metaphors subbasin russell begins algodones uncons photogrammetry eustasy sterling counterclockwise dolostones reactions precludes pervasively screened delineated nasina residue nitrate square weaknesses captured informally drawn diffusivity vesicularity slickensided perturb rhombic unroofing gondwanan sphere undulose glaucon retreating neighborhood drove gelai kalofer tbx cohesive fanglomerate algorithm mitigate mutually risk strategies metrics concordia periphery argillite conflicting kraina krummen lenticular picnic renew wackestone inverted forebalkan disequilibrium management megacryst geographical phenomenon olistostromes agric awakino cincinnati ephemeral fashion gfpm girdles upright wentworth wohletz alaskan anchor anthropogenic stikine graymer grapevine subequal disseminated dioxide adiabatic destructive multicollector hollister tomahawk krummenacher 270 312 4c 59 63 64 660 610 640 77 8d 950 aetna bag bins cater coch counts camb cdp cogenetic drough dame diking ey eld fam fits fuel gard gath gia gains genetically hly iw iod kur kot kir kine lique liber m6 mos mim mish mild nere nov oak put purs qtr rip rib sin sic solut siber sdt t3 tied tree tiles twent vu wra ##rant ##aque ##iar ##iency ##cm ##oe ##ule ##uable ##tz ##tamorphic ##gas ##gle ##win ##wash ##wberry ##dish ##ee ##ez ##even ##lu ##lock ##l12 ##local ##mand ##map ##minth ##fined ##84 ##85 ##bing ##bitrary ##1b ##zahu ##24 ##98 ##97 ##onally ##onites ##atoga ##estricted ##enk ##alt ##aldera offl ##itan inquir intact inelastic ##aren ##iced ##anyon ##anza ##analy ##ented ##leys ##ouring ##thetic ##truction ##urity ##ulates ##imer ##imes ##igan ##ombs ##acon ##acity ##across replic retained ##idium forced suc supr suited sevent sealing prove ##otely ##otonal ##plain ##irestricted ship shifts complications ##chke ##uscript ##therly plant plug stan stood ##forts ##ibed prone intervent interconnected interstit ##opor chick chose hauter computed ##ensus subun dispar ##ikilot ##apsh cozahu clar maricop slides highstands ark arbitrary ranch ranged lowstand ##illa spinn spenc regress extents ##ggy indian industr ##omechanical ##ometamorphic pref premature paleor notice lee larson scoria haschke believed env enso enables ##ielement terra advent occidental ##brid ##clide ams ammon completed care inclusion phosph differing depositionally acting lithified refine upthrown metall 106 104 bully setup tempi ##meable ##berg remotely 1980 deriv deltas ##iquity glend 122 drivers constraining granulite ##gla manuscript eluc reflective month monocrystalline ##tice ##cribed thinned reddish examining 116 hybrid gradational micros multielement groundwaters endogenic fines invari invok matter matched rotate lengthening channelized documenting 174 1750 bordering strains travers probe lattice aquit firm silicified opaque predates 2005 cm3 collided nonlocal label minimizing passed connell damming kernel viewed permiss permanent ##oidichnites ##ullies vegas international bubbles bubbly aggl helminth demonstrating names auger approximation ##nson pyrite volumetric accumulating standing thermomechanical greenhorn hydrod surveying globules 395 restoring extra mascall platoro prograde instance concretion tectonometamorphic dives whitewash petrolog orthoph physically falling promote excimer 2480 strawberry thermochronological flexing acquire connecting version attention ##efined flooded floodplain tanacross ##ursions diatom analogues anticl laborator successful incorrect confirming amphibole autochthon penetrate goals feeder received 1984 1985 correspondingly ##fossil occupies storm cratonal pumices reasonably paleocanyon polycrystalline favoring constructive questa wavy suspension grantz graduate facilitating welding funded juxtaposition sorting failed magnetized magnetostratigraphy moho ionization rooted resistance deviations convective datil semirestricted misinterpret vantage leucotonal bolivia disruption predictions lowlands paleovalleys serves ##merian manifestation colluvium affinities johnson ##eguk tools embayed virtually 002 boreholes biofacies ##mitted advanced essential nucleation nucleated pinch pinto swept waned intermittently overprinting advances coalescing constitutes attempted unconfined monsoonal visualization diminished ##guer unfolded knickpoint joseph poikilot pipes preclude nonconformably bonanza prodeltaic unpubl maintaining randomly effort efforts sawatch amalgamated bouguer nascent intracaldera impermeable discovery discovered promoted 843 counties plumes encompasses boron gwf treated geosci prevalence underthrusting 1293 epicenter stromat department ellesmerian aggregate icelanditic susceptibility klippen ##jegla procedures chromium dissecting modulus leaving 1149 duplexes copter odd qtzite umiat vocs neuhaus depicted slickenlines hosts saratoga aliquot annealing overturned paleoclimate quenching cutoffs challenging colonnade undersaturated extrapolated railroad xenocrystic homogenized arrangement jasper split beveled manganese diagnostic erroneous spherulites unconsolidated renewed agricultural cambro droughts dameigou gathers kotel liquef misheguk nereites qtrb solutions siberian sdt2 vuggy offline inquiry intervention interstitial hauterivian cozahuico maricopa spinnaker spencer tempiute 1980s helminthoidichnites orthophot poikilotopic unpublished 2σ 3e 370 560 93 aval brow bring bombs bacon dm dow dun dots eur egan f5 fid fence gross gullies hell hurr iz i2 iter jack jones kw kb kay lif lland leng lah linc lamp lomb mir mog mich miles mention nb nose nav px pine pian pile pear pilar pole pores piston qm r6 ripple s5 sig sib sight sink sizable t2 tas tong tely tape treat tteb ut uran vig wat wal wart york ##rites ##aqu ##iot ##iors ##oat ##ugh ##ubian ##nary ##tock ##pat ##pic ##wel ##din ##ky ##ker ##ked ##lab ##lers ##hand ##year ##mid ##fit ##bial ##bone ##xag ##xial ##62 ##44 thems ##atka ##atified ##erted ##erman ##inating ##edition ##orous ##itz ##itor ##itively ##itory instant inev ##icane ##rea anderson ##ancial ##ascal ##rost ##isite tough ##oln ##track ##osystem ##osyn ##osities ##sted ##static conject alto almand ##atever fauna basanite ##ifiable export exchan strad striations an20 ##umb shiz shield ##chian ##ustry ##ushed whatever ##phic ##ects plc ##istan ##istol stim colgan unst unchan unex neotectonic ##ipel ##agmatic priet intert interd interaqu interiors cho chond haul relates flaw subhedral dism ##orted ##iko copper coating modulated marl eva consensus conspic argent ##illed ##tains overst spike indu industry locate ##000 intras notion ##achiop kmz interpretive centr leve leaf simulation scarc cren usgs thicken coral ternary adop extensometer ##igneous transcontinental thrusted undis applying verde underta ph1 phenocryst acts lithics generates hexag ##stratified 102 ##bled geologically quartzarenite develops ##isson longitude longwell subside destruction horse measures delay rubble ruedo soon 12a 12c 12d 124 driver drift axen constrains granule meso elim walled thinly thinand ##olves 111 biological sheared ##ahl ##ahsen ##itten ends financial imping lengthened channeling 179 editor bordered bristol brachiop ratto 506 isotopically naturally 13a offsetting working confusion ##oading unconformable describing backtrack melilit footprints equations steepening microph microcline microbial chemostratigraphic chemostratigraphy chemosyn 187 serbia biota ##umped ##overy possibilities intraplate permits marking aggrading refers ##ymous ##ymile 235 scheme schmid projecting srtm frontally superg fourth hydrostatic upwards narrower restores textbo ##urrents saline approaching investigating prospecting hillslope insar hinder excursions strengths metaigneous 245 erod harr expedition instruct helps helpful evaluating connects peloidal predominance 3000 capacity millions widths antler assessing anticlines bottoms escap escape porous porosities bathyal caves callville logist limiting circulation 1996 1990 geometrically divergent instruments incorporates autochthonous mouths loess penetrated isolate going ##chronology hotter splaying seams granodioritic organization summer summit inherent exceeding paleocurrents carrier ecological ecosystem favors easy correspondence translational triggering summarize tabo discontinuously proxies magnetization neighbors distinguishing filtered ##bee outliers appalachians expanded culminating inconsist revis subjected plaster assisted incompatible ##0905 baltic balanced dilution tk54 atmosphere 1976 1977 cuttings barracks barriers cumulates belongs addressed ##owledged utilized utilizing reviews obtaining corrections sagging wolcott targets intersects clintock advantage ambient nuclide starved calibrated aprons berg coalesced ##roscopic briefly thousand ##ichnus nodes poisson pipe macroscopic brackish bonin ##ontinental acknowledged delineate frict picking declines onlaps unusually arranged bentonite tuning madison residua geographically conservation imperial corroborated boxwork nitrates squares foraminifers appreciable snapsh prevalent cryptic 1736 landforms redistributed bifurcating liu preparation assimilation assertions emanating reconcile reorientation hawaii danubian written reliability claimed bellahsen thirds cherry overcome scargle remarkable franklinian australia banks saprolite margarita carmacks orogens augite institute tk09b engineering kamchatka georeferenced pillow unresolved subtracting ##aughlin impedance 177hf ##eruptive catchment retrograde doubt perturbations megacrystic bagley hly0905 iodp kinetic seventymile chicken subunit derivative glendonites permissible leucotonalite downd hurricane izu llandovery lincoln mirr mogollon navig px10 siberia telychian wartes themselves instantaneous toughness exchange shizigou prieto interaquifer conspicuous argentina scarcity melilitite chemosynthetic textbook 1d 4a 4he 550 670 7e 780 710 8f 980 a1 bad bill bival c0 c4 cba dt eff eject effic egy fru foun fring files flet g1 gou gts gru gans ganchaigou hi hn him hood hind i1 jig jam ks kop khz lend luk lamination laun mcc math mull nit nom nested nsf ov option pes pace pits pond qilian rie roman ss s6 sore sym sque sauc tt tm tar tum tall till task tiva vul vessel wit wish wai wipe yer zr zion zapp ##rig ##ratic ##riel ##ault ##iates ##sal ##she ##saw ##cock ##cies ##cime ##coll ##citos ##crustal ##opl ##oided ##overs ##ub ##uac ##nah ##tle ##pro ##part ##gman ##ws ##dom ##dale ##eap ##ewell ##kjegla ##lith ##lah ##house ##mat ##mere ##mock ##fn ##f27 ##bonic ##bted ##beck ##18 ##xing ##xis ##6l12 ##26 ##47 ##95 thor thins ##onymous ##atus ##atical ##atized ##inian ##enidium ##alar ##nder ##itical ##itatively ##itium inund inception ##ican ##ref ##reced anders ##anch ##enth ##isely ##oubted ##trip ##trified ##ocratic ##imated ##imilar dead decline mahood ##iguing ##omena ##omya ##acial isost ##st5 ##oweap forest fortress cond ##ract ##rage ##raft areal ##ilely ##ilization alph ##amath ascribed faun basic ##uting ##utch anonymous ##emical ##emex ##aday ##irates ##chell ##ogor tritium placing ##atable unim ##abamb grading ##ipated ##forward ##inez prater interplay intermont interrupted ##rety china chev check ##aka reset residence resides comprom relies relating ##roup flare flute floral floods wee sublith dissection incise clams modify consolid sliver slivers highand arid ##taining overest spars speed indent indire indurated ##ometers loci caution intrinsic intriguing ##achita implication abraded abras ##yssal valpr valuable suggestion ##endant simplic analcime mi1 scouring scalar corwin sectional posited undoubted midcrustal ##clic ##oinyo ##iebeck bluff carpent carbonic underwater undergoing ##ochemical greene ##rope ##ropole becoming tubes ##aved refined pecha petrified paria feas distort heated heights domal doming emirates oldoinyo elemental ##isional temascal ##ovit ##forms charged fieldtrip applies ##enger newberry characterizing differentiate differentiated remob derive precious precisely exhau calcium 128 novel grouping blockage decomp decade dominates dr1 drumst seques erupting manual elk monz monot curvil ##critical identifiable 119 ignored ##ioriebeck stegman originate crossing farewell faraday maximize averaging ##ahia dramatic oceans geoanaly finn matz maturity borders ##rego exposing trap kind 135 1350 traceable ##iveness aqueous clement opito 2006 primitive integrating epox terminations anywhere plotting closest concentric ##ductory periodicity noncy microcrystalline strongest moist ##ixel fewer 188 183 1800 1850 oxides ##mark obliter dams albitization avoided entirety ##ulla viscos mexican buck buena ichnofacies obliqueand surrounds migrates ##deformed kept schl schell ##oclastic radio ashes ##uca stands projections progressed supercritical 602 narrowly ##omagnet paleosurface hollow retur texturally sheath 704 unloading instances garlock salient dinosa tectonostratigraphic tectonothermal weaken weakened ##cingo ##ynamics cementation scans scanned falls excret metaps classifications 215 2100 expands tracks photo photographic quantifying opened frey properly dolores ductilely pelitic taenidium ideas ideally rounding floors linearly truncates δ13cwood swell clustering improving realm asymmetrical dissimilar successively wedging ledges introductory frequent logged ##aminated compilations fractions 1998 raising auton loop amongst paul morava zonation receivers 1988 1983 warming panhand seismograms organized branching rings senses meadview carries polyphase sidescan ##iminated lwps stratification mswd oki oklah magnetite commenced edifices alexis tonalitic sharply outlines opposing grids ponding ponteb prolific karst gabriel ellipse balance cascad human hummock leucocratic evaporite precipitate precipitates scatter junctions listric manifested arab courses emphasized casts twice utilize reviewers evidently automatic vesicomya mylonites vectors incompletely serpentinous deflections 001b certainty targeted acceleration advancing phyllites progradational cells mpa tehuac ichnotaxon antecrysts gilroy klamath terminus terminology insightful mitchell traditionally counterpart categorized 06tm mfom node enclosed enclave exploited straightforward unpreced graphical screens speleothems etropole pract picked offers declined ##ammitic england adjusted hydrochemical hydrochemically hydrochemistry fingerprints martinez symmetric symmetrical isotherm 176lu promoting phenomena tracts capturing circumstances watersheds borrego davis david snow performance microscope drape palynomorphs slickensides redistribution drops huge ##ennial stromb compensation ellesmere budd budget ds5 d06l12 ##appear resurgent incrementally hawaiian econom economic competing 1900s dimensionless destroy foreset anorthoclase ##character dependence magnesioriebeck softer augmented timescale constituent fugro ouachita pavement ruled isopach christ cooperative paleotopographic artifacts participants catalog humidity glauconite cochabamb garden liberty sicilian ##arenites succeed stanford ranchos industrial ammonoid elucidate microstruct aquitards labeled hydrodynamic diatoms anticlinal paleocanyons 002a geoscience eurasia lifet lengai lamprophyre mentioned pilarcitos tapeats utility uranium ##patial almandine stradd unstable intertidal chondrites dismember coatings oversteep centrally hexagonal eliminate impingement microphenocryst supergroup harrison baltica boxworks egypt fruit fountains fletcher gouge grunder jigsaw lukovit nitrogen soreghan symb squeez saucer tarim witnet wipeout yerba zappulla ##sheet ##collisional ##f27l alpha intermontane chevron indirect abrasion valpredo simplicity undoubtedly carpenter temascalcingo drumstick curvilinear geoanalytical epoxy noncyclic viscosities dinosaur metapsammitic panhandle oklahoma pontebba hummocky tehuacana unprecedented magnesioriebeckite cochabamba 020 075 1supplemental 260 5c 530 6c 630 720 711 8e 850 9d 99 aa agen bit bing bir ball balk borne cro cros cogn ded dar dre duck d05 eh ejected fal fred food fuca gather gained gully golar hen hit hst hip hop hans hack hour hst4 il iap jo jan jun kool lud lock lip lun luc lst5 mess mend mcl moll mosa niel oo pm pak paint r5 ros rav rind roy rosed rises rules ryan sod sant sile somal sina svo tian tular tto tix utm vill wils wester yu zig σh σx ##rie ##ael ##sp ##svale ##cp ##cil ##cad ##oon ##oen ##oct ##oides ##uity ##uven ##ufel ##nm ##nual ##tana ##gru ##good ##wal ##wind ##don ##eit ##kar ##kins ##limb ##hs ##hle ##mo ##made ##maker ##msted ##fect ##found ##83 ##800 ##bas ##bru ##backs ##vine ##zan ##zag ##zburg ##63 ##65 ##04 ##36 ##23 ##2th ##jacent ##juven ##77 thole theod ##ony ##onts ##onyo ##ato ##erick ##ini ##inte ##esi ##eness ##edale ##ala ##itably ing inlets inhib ##ared ##icul ##annual ##asant ##rocal ##rochronology ##entuated ##isp ##isot toc ##leigh ##lective ##olitan ##tration ##train ##trient ##urate ##ulds ##osely ##ospec ##ocor ##ocol ##ocated ##ocino mapp ##igible ##iguity ##omial ##terpret ##acle ##acles ##acrustal rechar rejuven conical ##radu ##iline ##amar ##amic asia asper aslan fails faulds sund seal sear seward proceed onla ##otill ##otell ##otyp strip strath stripped answ anker anisot ##plen ##emite ##ematical ##posing ##adaka ##umber shel shock shufel coming compl ##pps ##chcock ##tages ##ogo southerly ##astro attained ##phre ##thers truth ##istically ##isteng uns unbur uniquely uneven unkar meander neo negl ##abyssal ##formal ##ago ##ager ##agnetic ##cca prer interannual ##ops ##opes ##ople reside restrain happ compile computer compelling company ##rouch fled ##enson ##ensis weights subg ##ikare getic geosphere cole coeruptive clues modifying marls southand evac ##arded slipped arrow arising arikare rank ##assed ##assost ##illion ##illing overto overhan overrid ##elles spaces regulated ##gged india ##004 caet cahu capps noticed implic imnah recumb structured allen valgu ##wards pers ##etti ##ette item italy suggestions assisting quinn leaching leave scaled scaly crude crassost ##pered proved accentuated belief enter entail corros corals adding outc outp outflu indices indications pose acs undist midway ##ointerpret ##iev limitation blun slips completen verge foldand underco mini ##ropolitan tuf somewhere ##avor profess people parental associate metropolitan smect healy teacher ##strained 10a 10d 10b 1050 ##blasts emit embr oldonyo brothers representations ##oked ##issance longest longshore ##eco ##ecadal fieldwork concurr newfound facility differentiation smallest reminis designed shallowest distributary rub ruby stair histograms 123 discrim cooler coolant produc decelles driller drenth topographically breach breached breaching ##glacial mesoper manip monument montana wallace felipe synta think 1119 steamb initiate inferences ##nelson know biased multis averages analytically ending geoph finely finds impart mats 171 benef bridge trains traject 406 kino 13c laid aquari silicates ##teen burro prede predefined worked confinement reporting transitioned olmsted reconna ##ifera southeastward 148 speck backlimb footprint colliding equiline plank importantly nonun nonco nonline nonvolcanic nonwel provenances 1825 passively spatter spatiot damaged altitude hypabyssal albeit conclusive visited visually ##co2 ichnof ichnogen aggraded 232th keep schematic approximates approximating influencing pleasant thermally progresses geochemically tsadaka availability converge breakoff fourier polym globe globally ##bedded propagates radium summed landmass testable stepover attributable loaded ##ostratigraphically tectonomorphic flatten council street respond mega metahar classes historically 212 2134 arrested thermochronometer thermochronometry ##queous photointerpret proportional angularity conductivity attendant gauss gazz property pellets tanzan glasses swaths antiquity circle ##emporal quadrant guid guide ird irvine explaining ##law 2600 argues situation ##caldera geometrical 4000 raise incorporating loosely morgan osgood receiving silverton 1986 requirements chronologies aeronian summing meadow encased polyhedral consequent prismatic raymo behave parker fitz 375 753 eastand reversely carpathian enhancing issuing spheroidal tephrochronology 330 powder ##timore expressions smoothed tcnm irregularly denot magnetotell roots resistivity distinguishable tonalites film stocks paleogeologic ponce chloride collecting postdated hypothesize icpms catoct herr revolution conceal bald baltimore dilation humphre complicate complicates metasomatized annul evaporites prediction visitors questioned supai service conflict resource simplifying emphasizes formerly 1969 configurations mcd twin twisp utilizes reviewer subaqueous vesicle mylonitized conformable definitive definitively introduce 948 certainly piece titan nepheline ambiguity lithosomes oscar tcmm fluctuating nutrient stranded stretches overprint reproduced berrocal ##arbonate objective metaluminous meaningful unconstrained complemented multiyear permitted subaerially rheological ##guisteng obviously headscarp favorably nann nodules ##385 xiotill epochs anticlinoria polygon freshening freshwater golden moments offered entrada updated adjustment cylindrical inflows fingerprint benthic marysvale symmetry tuned tunnel interpre conservative corroborates 176hf leucogranitic subpopulations sericite sericitic sericitized foraminifera conodonts viability warped geospatial cryptocrystalline outflows draped 1737 vegetated palynological epicenters compounded prepared perturbation susceptible klippe unroofed gondwana binomial csl3 governed toroweap procedure george surviving persisted assertion leaves virginia diminishes code hampered resorbed resorption reliably prevented monolithologic collapsing improvements bracketed psammitic implemented bowl grotto reefs stems fluvio backfilled backfilling exemplified wakefield innov innkjegla reinterpreted reinterpretation convinc triangular displaces displacing admix adminis bisects papar tthp rectangular anatexis unraveling recommend quiescence adequate periodicities township porphyroblasts satisfact pursue ribbon supracrustal shipka arkose regressions paleoriver envision traverses firmground agglut misinterpreted liquefaction fencemaker michael unchanged interdecadal flawn levee adopt ##bledown schmidt erodible instructor logistical revisited friction downdip mirror navigation textbooks badger bivalve ksn mathematical ovoid pescad riehle romania ttua tumbledown vulcan wishbone thorough faunal weeks sublithospheric consolidation remobilized returns paulina strombolian ##characteristic microstructural lifetime dismembered symbols balkans borneo cognate duckwater ehlers false frederick henry hitchcock hst3 hipat hopedale iapet koolau luning messenger mendocino mollus nielsen rosedale siletz sinaja svoge tianguisteng tulare ttoa tixmade wilson zigzag ##zburgite tholei ##integr mappable ##raduate ##otype ankerite anisotrop shufeldt negligible restraining arikaree caetano cahuilla imnaha recumbent crassostrea completeness undercool concurrently newfoundland reminiscent mesoperth steamboat reconnaissance nonlinear nonwelded spatiotemporal metaharzburgite gazzi magnetotellur catoctin xiotillo pescadores tianguistengo tixmadeje 040 1σ 3supplemental 411 570 520 6d 712 715 880 915 940 ae a3 a2 aph apr austr b1 b3 bic bse bop bick bish bgr bara benson cb cation cab cern cather c19 dor dur dus dah dict eat eel eop ecl echin eigen fc fift foster gt gau ggs galena hart hach h2o hiko i4 ire ions ipts jag jour ker kim komin koh kahu lul lect ming mort mbl mood mfs molded nel noth og omitted pk pf pach pun pods pont pilot popor pemex pixel qoa rx ras rut rog ried roles sac sab say sula snelson ties tell tile tet tread tighter von vad vene vap vet voids wing wto winn zim ##rated ##rick ##rias ##rared ##aa ##az ##air ##aign ##ien ##ipl ##ipher ##spers ##skin ##ski ##case ##craft ##o3 ##otr ##uz ##uary ##uai ##uosity ##ny ##n0 ##nor ##nian ##nov ##tan ##tian ##tang ##pal ##ga ##gerald ##wesi ##down ##kre ##kwood ##li ##lo ##las ##lad ##lies ##lina ##linson ##lopes ##hg ##hore ##yph ##yors ##ywacke ##mort ##monic ##mob ##menite ##fol ##fold ##81 ##87 ##bu ##bul ##bank ##vin ##vation ##zca ##zlina ##66 ##06 ##37 ##jas ##94 thing throck ##atra ##attered ##erta ##erill ##inum ##inized ##ennia ##eds ##alth ##alant ##aluminous ##alistically ##orad ##itant ##itler ##itkre ine inval inade inhab inacc informal ##arain ##arns ##arrie ##icts ##represent ##related ##anitic ##angin ##asm ##astr ##room ##elity ##elope ##elimb ##lek ##leaved ##thest ##thyan ##olm ##urable ##urization ##uly ##osc ##osite ##ocally ##imble ##imanite ##imillion demar max maced maastr ##omitant ##terior ##aclastic ##aclas reex reiter replen ##ivocally isochemical istan ##station ##idad ##iders ##idging forelimb ##rament beitler alle alum alps ##ampl ase seated ##iff ##iferal exs exer exit ##esta ##utite ##uret prohib ##otaupo strict an10 ##plored ##odelta shots shelves shosh comet comagmatic ##chik ##cheg ##ograd ##veyors ##phere ##phane ##ection ##ectified try tracing trimble ##essively plastic ##istine ##quate ##quarrie stated stark st10 unreas unamb unma unequ unimodal unmet meant nepal ##abase ##abilized ##ips ##ipment ##agou priest pratt pristine interstratified interspers interleaved ##rett chim chian chuck ##aks ##mented resided resumed compan compart computing relax wasatch wealth subdu substit subcaldera dishar dispro disappear ##ortium sedimentology northto northwind ##iken ##apotr ##iants geob geography ##artz coble clump ##ainment modifies maroon evapotr consumed considers consortium slate slipping ##ichichnus ##ichtian ##ologists overd oversp spe spur spont sporad contorted intended ##velope indones precon paleob intruding impress ##raphs recessively ablated obst valangin ##ranular diap diameters perce pertin perennial perfect peraluminous ##iley ##etition centre centro quiet quany leg lew lever legs ##anspir scr scot crin ##acker accru accidental belograd enable envelop enpo ensu ensen envelope ##auna ##aunal thickand thickto adam adverse adher mayor waterways occl posed ##dup acicular transpar transpress transformed midand ##clasts amato amrouch ##ieth lime frag complements completion carving verbee sourcing mind mink ##adox ##rowed activation topics refinement refilled profil profiling fluores paradox fecal febru disturb metaclastic heuret tethyan teichichnus 10c 10be empir embedded ##parts estimations ##oluted setback quartzose ##ovo localize containment ap3 apex concert concomitant downs downf downgoing downwelling differently 1512 1530 defic 19b 1950 1930 correlatives desc deriving orocl measurable delaminated ##amorphosed calcic rugged glah 1250 noaa discr discipl additions blocked ##oliths ##olithic decipher drink ##rolitic grants breitkre mesh mesosc ##anek devoid eliminated monospec curving syncollisional contract examines 1150 ignores initiates crystallographic crystallizing crossed micaceous adjoin biostratigraphically multil multimillion lineation lineations shears doing drains alluvi fluidal matmon 1738 ##walla bras brines brench bridging traverse 131 latir portland 16a ##tech burg burst combine combines 2003 prime posttectonic epither terminal ##urbated 14b speculated waxing cm2 collinear equant equator equipment planform planolites singular singarain periodically nond nonref noncharacteristic microbes gryph 181 184 1829 1898 minima widened ##standing damaging permission permaf visibility curricul ##cophane horizontals bubble brecciation held andesites demonstrably preserving referenced poorer degassed recognizing 236 schol absaro headward cyclic flanked tsm supereru breakdown paleoscarp restite hold rimstone rimrock radiolar amplification masked 5000 linkage stepovers ##otherms bears 708 unless barometric instability salt ##ofoss coinciding movements hillslopes pathway division divisions ##puted counters sillimanite releases surroundings cementing promise strengthen classical classify classroom 218 eroding ##vington dispersive shaping arrived thermochronometers slumps instruction quantity quantities quantitatively merely merges conducting preferential elongations ##nett pelites tazlina predominate predominates tanner ##irez capo millennia infras infrared hydration artificially lastly seemingly truncations antelope 432 nazca ##cutting reserves ##axial quadra improb improves dissolves wedges slowing escalant irvington protons statemap schistosity amphiboles purveyors situations logging circulating fractional fractionated 1991 1993 1995 1997 builds buildup crucial crosscuts bathymetrically pitone windward republ repetition ##chings predictable mobilized penetrates solids ##odiorite feedbacks morrow requirement warner 275 uniformly descriptive peninsular oysters ##199 seismology detector detecting detectable illustrative illustrating organism author sensor tended tendency acquiring exclusive encou consequential ecs rayleigh parkfield airport airfall aircraft fitting tomas architectural 340 343 dacites homogeneously dateable dredging systematics granting productivity stratotype undergraduate lieu darker smoothing juxtapose juxtaposes tcsf tabulated debacker irregularities 367 failures agrees sheet1 establishes 291 petrogenetic operate operations constants kingdom stockli runs intensive postdating expanding catastro cataclas catchings rincon roadcut siwal incongru fairweather optical room concepts semi semiar excavations resembl synchronously dilational modestly accessible metasomatic skinned skarns 1973 supplies suprage subdivide lister nonex tyro physiography ##point simpler 467 mcquarrie twins seasonally stationary geodynamics designation designate pseudom mali maleme saglek serpentinized 005 hooper advantages tcml nucleus starvation stretched coarsening viscous infiltrated berrias coalesce coalescence mineralogical everywhere 518 hemipel interferometric 1958 1952 monsoons multiphase terminates permitting aims aimed ceramic r33 conversion exactly unfavor counterparts aydin ascertain wetter covary enclosing exploit exploitation tvz ##after ##tructure screen decays 2013b 230th relevance etcheg french pierce unrealistically recurrently entrained looks conservatively intracontinental accounted angeles ubiquity foraminiferal ##ushing plumbing imposing appreciated tractable campaign gwc molding trees microscopic paleoenvironment publication publications discrepancies bifurcated mgal turonian turkey tapering ##ennatus assimilated coulees rawlinson urbanized csl1 csl2 governing georectified moduli paleolat paleoland undulatory emanate glaucophane retreated advancement coded odds depicts discernible collapsed instrumentally syntheses slickenline stereonet psammite destabilized mbsm mbsf reeval retains foresets translates fluviodelta remarkably 1677 spectacularly benches ramirez routine convoluted sunny triangulated universal magnesium sofia timescales rafting rafted autocrystic constituents shadows interfinger contradiction 617 ptn0 papers tthm machine reinfor resolvable recommended quiescent hydrological porphyroclasts satisfy eye famil kuril kirkwood ripples sinuosity twenty twentieth replicated disparity noticeably terrains careful carefully invariant concretionary petrological laboratories laboratorio stromatopor orthophoto orthophotos avalanch fidelity iterative jackpot kayak pearce sigma treatment vigorous inevitably conjecture exported plc97 stimulated unexplored induce intraslab crenulation undertaken horsetail delayed brachiopod backtracked 235u escaping snapshot billings efficiency hno3 kopuai mccoy ##aulted inundation forests compromise sparsely feasible distortion exhaust decompacted monzodiorite finnigan matzel moisture buckskin radioactive ##omagnetically excreted cascadia practical destroyed catalogue oversteepened fruitvale bingham birch crossey deduced hanson ilmenite january mclaughlin mosaic ooze pakistan westerlies ##basalt theodore recharged asperities sundance answer compliance unburrowed prerift overtopped overridden beliefs corrosive smectitic rubber staircase discriminate producer syntaxial geophones benefited trajectory speckles nonunique noncoaxial ichnogenus flattened gaussian tanzania fitzgerald herrera nannofoss convincingly paparahia ribbons vulcanian iapetus siletzia tholeiitic undercooling mesoperthitic magnetotelluric 91500 aphanitic april bicarbonate bopesta bishop barajas dusel eaton eopennatus eclog ggs3 hachured kominz moody nelson pk199 pacheco poporotaupo riedel sacrament sulawesi vadose vapors ##morton throckmorton inadequate demarc macedonia maastrichtian istanbul unreason unambiguous unmapped unequivocally unmetamorphosed interspersed chuckwalla compartmental disharmonic evapotranspir spontaneous valanginian pertinent quanyagou belogradchik ensuing ensenada adhering transparent transpressive verbeek fluorescence february glahn drinking breitkreuz monospecific brenchley epithermal singaraini nonreflective gryphoides permafrost curriculum absaroka supereruptions infrastructure escalante republic siwalik semiarid supragetic berriasian hemipelagic etchegoin fluviodeltaic avalanche sacramento evapotranspiration 019 009 2supplemental 3f 3he 310 320 315 4d 470 420 5d 519 515 6g 6f 7l 7h 7f 7j 79 719 8n 8g 9e 930 990 aro aiding aware bj bq boc bone bart bile bold cp cin cas cus cand cock cart cie cities cott cind cultural cze cws dd drow dyn dmp daw dave eid eich ego ebing fz fle fib fix fert fmt fenes frost gh gb ged gal goc gib gass gill german hon hid hce hut hud het hiller hessel ip ij ji jud jach jean jets jmc ki kon kone koun kley kawe kha k09 katz kolm lak lath lile ltd lots lerma laughlin mil mong mental mills ner nac nist nations nain nick n09 nodal oval oella pc pent pig pil pata pop pend poth pause pah puna paho pasc pinned q47 row rab rag rick rude rms reno sb sø sit sits sonic sok siron sieved siting staining t1 tch tap tons tank tiers torn tarn uph upt v0 viz vict vibr vital win wen wop wau wsu winter xen xco2 yuc zi zag δt σv ##ri ##ris ##ration ##rest ##ries ##rone ##rens ##apped ##aphic ##iously ##ser ##sion ##san ##sino ##cro ##cation ##cus ##cain ##cour ##culated ##oo ##oqu ##oard ##ober ##opped ##uably ##night ##nav ##tg ##tions ##tonic ##tled ##tsey ##t29 ##pen ##pole ##paper ##pital ##p28 ##ptable ##gon ##gos ##gwe ##gun ##gers ##gae ##gonia ##giev ##graphs ##wt ##da ##dins ##denite ##dden ##eas ##eth ##event ##k8 ##king ##kley ##kana ##klaw ##los ##lain ##lia ##light ##luk ##laki ##l05 ##lasts ##l14 ##how ##here ##may ##mise ##fig ##ffer ##facing ##86 ##89 ##bros ##begr ##bird ##1a ##13 ##17 ##100 ##volution ##xon ##zer ##64 ##629 ##08 ##01 ##03 ##02 ##32 ##35 ##21 ##2004 ##2hg ##45 ##475 ##57 ##92 ##78 ##74 thal thom ##onitic ##atan ##ators ##atrix ##atuff ##eras ##eros ##erut ##erland ##ercial ##inary ##inally ##eska ##esov ##enable ##enna ##enbee ##alp ##alculated ##orre ##orok ##orously ##orily ##itre ##itta ##itage ##itically ##itants inl inac inability ##arst ##arctic ##arolitic ##ariance ##ica ##icate ##icatlan ##icists andre ##anen ##annel ##anof ##asi ##asin ##aset ##assem ##enta ##ingers ##isphere ##elet ##elief ##ctuated ##thick ##throw ##thier ##theska ##olo ##olic ##olov ##ura ##uru ##urized ##urring ##ulpt ##ulsion ##oses ##osic ##osil ##ocarbon ##ocoen ##imant ##imah ##imony dees defl dehyd ##igley ##igranular ##omo ##omous ##terran ##acores repos replac reject ready reklaw ##ivial ##ivibe ##ivocal ##ivluk isp isab ##ste ##stin ##stown ##idg ##idually ##owell ##owski conse conduction bea beut arequ ##ila ##iled ##ilinear als alf alber alters ##amir ##amerid asph asian aside asym suns sudden segy seash seatt ##romagnetic ##ifier exerted exterior ##ceptable ##utu ##utical ##utting proton online striated straths stringers anto ansan ##emsa ##embre ##ode ##odus ##aded ##adrad ##advan ##umer ##iru ##irnov shut shattered complication ##chev ##chlight ##chitta ##ographically ##astically wholes ##phically norway northerly ##thermally ##ectivity tres truly ##essart plac plesov ##andes ##andro ##istin ##istent ##quop ##quisite stone stick stops stiff stopped ##alling ##allization ##ocking colder unse unob unava unten unident unzon unsu unfossil unstratified meets ##abor ##abilities graham ##ipah ##ipitation ##agat ##aganchaigou magsino interconn intersected interacting interflu interrelated chal chap chains ##izations ##akil ##akers hafn compact compute sambu flip flash flushed flushing ##antz ##antitative weigh weber subare subcontinental subfacies subterran disag disconform disadvan sedimentologic ##ayoushashan ##ika ##iked ##apace geoci cox coex clam cliques modes modelling modifications march marias southto ##ichannel arms arises ##assified ##ostep ##ueschist overbank overthick ##ello spar spite spear spok spark spessart spiked regis regimes formational contend ##veld surge surtsey surmise loch timok prepon cao caut notation ##achment imposes ##raphies recall recalculated college abe abnor aboard ##ysville ##iaxial valued valves ##rants ##ranagat diabase caltepec perimeter ##etary centimeters asserted quasi leached leandro simulates larsen ##iedman miarolitic scour sculpt critic crushed ##insp ##insically ##insular ##insky usa usable users sandwell sandpaper ent enl ##iential adap outlying outstanding watercour poses posits ##cese acceptable transit transpen ##uez ##yonic undet midsh midnight ##brate ##classified wherein amsl amagmatic amenable limiru upperand westwater westto blum blueschist carnian cargos carapace chance colors colorless verte verify underflow underfit observational phil supple mint min2 ministry minutes minivibe greywacke therein ##ropean somehow bedforms topset lithotectonic litharenites refra refining refolding signals signaling ups peix pequop paris parry parana ##neys ##neveld distally metals metatuff smok smfn smirnov teach ##struct 109 1020 209 2050 2020 2030 202hg composes emplac middleton ##derance uplands silts deepens brocher ##cessing ##cessible uplifting tempo ##ova ##ovolcan format ##okarst ##issions ##ieren majorand ##genhe normals downthrust downhole 15a 1520 overlo overlay lateritic 191 192 1940 1946 1936 correlatable derives mainten ##iquantitative orientated ##under calcitic rug staff ##waters histogram 12th arcmap groupings discarded domino dr2 dried drives ##rolites bread ##glinc northwestand devine device elena reflectance shorten severe severely synform thinto thinvers redefined 11c 117 11ts 1160 hypers hyatt ignoring steadily thermod importing originating infers inferior crystallize ##nelith microlites knob farthest bioclastic multichannel furn ##itty analytic analyte endured exhuming oceanward oceanographic mineralizing fluidized maturation rotating ##termost lengthier determin determines 172 1730 mantling bridges grows grown carbonateand strained kinca appeared 134 139 1328 stressed massif aquino firing 166 165 ##gano opens reliefs individually individuals respects veliko paralleled seconds integrations postde postulate postorogenic postcryst postintegr postevent workstation confines confused confident olive olcese reconfig ##iferation broadens closing 14a 141 143 1450 concentrate specul specified williston melted melvin cmer collage equilibr equipped equigranular equivocal planning planetary nonc nonres nonfol archipel analyzer grac grass gritty mottled 186 185 1891 minimally agate agents serrated pastoria widen widest bioturbated connate obliquity damp sidewall altamir muds mudflow ##overed comprised puck puerta hypidi 225 expert experiential permo conclusively conditioned buffer ichnocoen helicop miguel migmat ironstones ironside namely obliqueor moves contributor contributors facts austin 2300 ##illero ##deformation geophysics schematically school approximations radially cycling pyrope ##formational paleohyd sri subtly fineto ##onald converges converting kaol greenstone greenhouse hydrovolcanic hydrothermally polished tilts ##continents narrowest 394 missed rests holds retent propagate morphometric rimmed radiocarbon sumatra technical technologies mask testimony platy difficulty difficulties ##ugs ##ugget methodological aggradational standardized 706 709 barn barents barkley instabilities creates garita injected coincided ##panian erased weakens edgetech 359 sao said felsite felsitic switched insert inspir whitewater ##llite takla physicists laramie impacted fallen promising excitation strengthened metag metabasalt classifier 240 242 erode halos halted lanka langu langenhe langano harland ##reatment tracking media glacially principle photon merc merging needles openness packets territory ##gyoushashan millimeters infaunal diffused diffusive floored lasting truncating 00000 antarctic 435 na2o ##cutive accordance dissolving dissolve dissipated equivalence ##2012 fragmented irish irrad sectoring ##orphyritic petrochron kilograms ledge protected protocol statement 2620 arguably porphyries tensors ##phyllite ##rology mississippi olympic cuicatlan cuadrad calling palm palae palinsp raft armored cruise homogeneity illum illipah ##mann ##ontan energ thoughtful loope mobility mobilization pulver jointly digitized fivefold goes goias imbricates feedback osu zonneveld causative 1987 warrant transfers 655 altering negatively contemporaneously pangae ##fossils seismological occupying detectors triggers sensit inherently reasoning cruziana sf1 exclude excludes encro encasing carreno pyrophyllite polydeformed tremend consequences prisms sloped makeup sharing necessit airy escarpments ##iminating wellbores proportionally braid dredges functions functional aligning pyroclasts stratovolcan europe european welford residuals tephras ichnoassem summarizing summarizes campanian powell yumtheska overpressured smoothness emerging emergence juxtaposing banding cease ceases ceahl okay spacings magnetostratigraphic sheeted commence commercial distinguishes operator correctness missouriensis filters lobate vaporization ##angi monitor achnelith denser pulls rungwe demise proliferation intensified rhodolith culminated 322 325 heritage revise convection 052 options conceals semiquantitative gabbros zoo zoisite inversions interlude abandoning pebbleand dilate tk15 ##recipitation seeps complicating climates cleaved ske skelet variance ##ophycus disruptions paleontologic 1972 traveling retrodeformed retrodeformation barren precipitating 521 525 gastrop controversies addressing subdivision lisenbee manifestations arabian icebre ##points validation simplest simplistic 1963 1965 mcmill mcglinc reviewed concerns designing pseudostep malthe mylonite sagy wolff ##encias databases introduces urbana fumarole fumarolic 486 ccoc tightening shangyoushashan clinton nucleate category hillsh nubia ##falla starts reproduce beranek rigorous caveats metalutite repeating constituted hemisphere m28 m29 m27 ninety marshall 1957 multiplied visualize convexity opportunities amalia rheomorphic tenths zeolite ##ehoe thresholds unfract unfaulted favorable community duplication tioga ##ermaus ##arni ascending ##ogranite ##iberg covariance precluded blanket electrical electromagnetic 1970s exploits exploiting 03cp 043 xi1 xi2 xiaganchaigou xiayoushashan unpumped graphic assignment carolinia 2303 etivluk friedman pedogenic pickerill intersections ensures entrance entrainment microporphyritic adjusting adjustments compressed looked looking 08385 718 713 boudin boudins suspected scientists corroborate decomposed decomposition 176yb hypothetically promotes repeatedly 545 rodrig ##planar tracer tracem przs overrides enhances appreciate reproducible apertures molly molten molyb vienna informative ##iliano interfere prevents performing draping publicly diffusely palynology sweeping bifurcations neptune pretreatment turkana theoretically compensate regularly underestimated contradicts aggregates encounter binary dsm dsdp d02 govern tiny torchlight ##amsville resurfacing georgiev persistence steaming reconciled diminishing ubiquitously danakil gelman kalimant qtz tearing bypassed neutral discernable collapses fanglomerates synthesized optimum optimized algorithms stereo psammichnites bowring grove hospital mbsl sargent aliquots anorthosite chamberlain surprisingly paleoclim quenched scarce translations challenged colonnades undersaturation australis nicoll nicola ramos route saprolitic ##intan universidad margaritan carmel orographic tractions institution autocrysts tk09a macrofossils interfingering contradictions kamchia georeferencing book hallmark outermost ruling rendering machines reiners rectilinear anatectic chris overthrusting paleotopography adequately hydrologically 1332 taxa taxco glauconitic kurile mimics november novillero putative pursued wrapped wraps ##enko replicates plugs clarifies regressive prefolding paleorelief envis phosphatic phosphoria metalliferous invokes traversed permanente agglomer misinterpretation browning brings dmax dunne fidd grossular hellen kbq kbar kayenta lahar lahontan qm44 qm64 sigm sinking tongues vigorously watkins walther inevitable choice intraslope undisputed brachiopods backtracking hindered escaped 1990s loessite ecosystems inconsistencies bergell snapshots doubtful kinetics effusive ejecta fringes gts2004 gts2012 hinders james lenderut launched nominal nomlaki waiorok isostatically isostasy condie ##ogorov overestimated indenter sequestered elkhorn monotis monotonic obliterated schlumber schlieren autonoma autonomous economy economically pavements succeeding straddling squeezer squeezed ##f27l26 ##f27lt29 indirectly agency balls d05l14 hackly joined june luda locked lucchitta raven somalia yucca inhibited rejuvenation search proceeds onlapping sheldon unspec meandering fledermaus subgrain coleman evacuated arrows overhangs personal entailments outflux blunting tufas professor embryonic 171yb aquarius planktonic photointerpreted guidance denoted revolutionized baldridge humphreys annuli twinning titanium interprets innovative admixtures satisfactory ehlersella anisotropic austria bickford bgr77 cerna dorsey dahor dictated journey keranen lulbegr lecture nothing punctuated pontides rutile teteven veneer inhabitants replenish aseismic exsolved prohibit shoshonitic st103 chimneys relaxation subdued substitute disproport geobod clumps indonesia precondition paleobasin diapir lewis occlusions fragmental profiler disturbance empirical downwellings deficiency 1950s oroclinal disciplines mesoscopic contractile adjoining brasiliano bursts equatorial scholarship radiolarians instructional organisms cataclasis resemblance nonexistent pseudomatrix paleolandform sunnyvale reinforce familiar stromatoporoid billingsley exhaustive unreasonably unambiguously bjarni boca bilek cinder cusp cottle czech dynode dmp1 eidembre ebinger fleming fmtomo gedemsa galan gasses hidden hce1 hesselbo ipnav ijamsville jiu jachens jmc475 kounov kaweah khaimah kolmogorov lakoff nacional pentamerid patagonia popular potholes pahranagat pahoehoe pascua q47f27l26 ragged sørens sokolov tonsina tarnovo vizcain vibracores wopmay wauthier yucatan ##roneity ##oquartz ##p28k8 ##eastand thomson ##erosion inaccessible repository isabella consecutive beutel arequipa alberta asphalt asympt sunsas seattle antofalla wholesale plesovice unavail untenable unidentified unzoned unfossiliferous interconnectivity hafnium disadvantage geociencias spearman spoke spessartine preponderance scours watercourse transpeninsular midshelf vertebrate peixe smfn2 downthrusting maintenance thinversus hypersaline hyattstown kincaid postdepositional postcrystallization postintegration nonfoliated archipelago altamirano hypidiomorphic ichnocoenoses helicopter paleohydrology insertion inspired langenheim cuadrada palaeophycus warranted pangaea stratovolcano ichnoassembl ceahlau skeletal icebreaker mcmillan mcglincy pseudosteps unfractured 0838575 rodriguez molybdenite kalimantan hospitality qm44f27lt29 qm64p28k8 waioroko schlumberger lulbegrud eidembreen ipnavik sørenssen vizcaino 0to 010 011 3g 3h 480 460 415 475 4supplemental 5g 5e 5f 510 575 590 5cm 6k 620 625 646 614 7r 7g 760 725 8i 8l 810 840 9k 9j 970 975 aj aom afor aill ads bt bp b2 bes bid bil brom bure bru bues bach bacter bund bob boot boy brain bba baker bahl bahia brett bakers c5 cow cous cations card cass cost cran cend cable cvi cake cert coseism c25 cocor da db dz d4 dge dot dir dog dies dab dale dolog dia dual dpar dalk dust docking e5 ecc edu ease eugs fi fos fun fern fused fulf fellow fiam gd gk ger gis gow gam god gand gone gary gyp gallow game gink g12 ghy giants hul hab hins hree hear heral hond huck hild humped hutch icon iiz iran ihs jr je jon jal jnd jul jog jlp jacc joe kr kat kor kic kid kand kik kost kell kath ket kans kane kram keck kanch lin lor lom lum lone let lign lined lough love lends lining lives liable lucky ltg my mv m7 men mens monic mike moch mok milit myr mhz nm nen nal nol nem nong nay nik nich nath n80 nomin nash ninth nager nugget om ore oct ora owe oun ostr okal oae pw pion pas pou pter pest pir pect pock piz pard page pau pour pinn pogo pco2 qmt rg r0 rit rol rom rif rake rover rino rama raster riley s0 s4 s9 ses sen sent sis sult sse sad sir song sau sav solving solve sold sgs socor sogo seds snett tz tith tene tik tide tact tending tmp taho tamar vp vin vand vall void vintan ws wc w0 wer wes wis wot wign wane wadi wink wll wgs winth woo wigley xe xue xwt zen zob zinc θref ρload σ1 σ3 σ2 ##rime ##aj ##aer ##aard ##away ##aft ##iag ##iating ##iott ##iples ##iodal ##iago ##sd ##sk ##sy ##s2 ##sis ##sum ##ship ##cu ##cn ##cou ##cast ##cive ##crust ##cise ##cape ##cgc ##oan ##oop ##ofl ##oales ##oeb ##uh ##ux ##uir ##uyn ##uka ##uset ##uths ##uild ##ucca ##nite ##nover ##nogor ##tis ##tel ##trop ##tured ##taro ##tinsky ##ped ##pta ##pie ##pson ##gate ##gated ##gant ##greg ##wan ##wart ##wich ##walk ##wler ##wester ##do ##dal ##dan ##dig ##dock ##eat ##eal ##eterm ##eering ##easter ##eysville ##kle ##kovic ##kman ##kei ##lite ##litic ##lson ##hen ##hur ##hma ##hman ##hubl ##hoe ##hini ##hemite ##yers ##yhe ##yette ##mic ##mad ##mous ##mace ##mers ##mically ##mense ##matite ##mospheric ##mixed ##magnetic ##fite ##b1 ##ben ##bit ##bic ##big ##bow ##ball ##bins ##bold ##bew ##bench ##bacher ##betti ##1x ##115 ##vors ##viken ##xides ##zes ##zal ##zens ##zard ##zie ##zonal ##zpot ##zberg ##zlaw ##zhur ##69 ##07 ##3c ##312 ##3l05 ##22 ##250 ##48 ##4nd ##415 ##56 ##jic ##joy ##jemite ##96 ##900 ##7e ##7l ##76 thr thay thomp threat things thumb thunder theme ##oni ##onom ##onik ##onrock ##onitized ##atum ##atitic ##atio ##atte ##aturated ##atilized ##atmospheric ##eres ##erion ##erboard ##iner ##inic ##inou ##iness ##inely ##inced ##invier ##inwood ##esape ##escript ##enport ##edom ##edee ##alamo ##alenko ##orf ##orations ##orges ##oride ##organ ##orms ##orption ##orchev ##ormous ##itari ##itability ##itales ##itives ##itlan ##itutu ##ioned ##ionately inline inches invert inasm inorgan ##aring ##arra ##arging ##arching ##arometric ##armace ##icted ##ictic ##iculated ##icles ##rel ##reth ##rell ##rebs ##anowski ##asian ##askin ##rov ##rous ##ropped ##rographs ##entz ##entally ##entrants ##ingent ##isc ##iser ##isim ##iscr ##ispers ##istering ##isci ##isols ##isotherms ##isitales ##els ##elo ##eld ##eling ##elst ##elve ##elia ##elier ##elane ##elev ##eltz ##lect ##lead ##leep ##leash ##leberry ##oupl ##ouched ##oulos ##thon ##thing ##thqu ##thmically ##olis ##olly ##olac ##olial ##olager ##olatilized ##ationally ##tray ##traction ##trana ##trieved ##urates ##urry ##ulif ##ulco ##lysis ##osian ##ospath ##ocella ##imates ##imited ##imately ##imals decon deuter deploy maf macken ##omosa ##omelane ##omulco ##terly ##acod ##acio ##acency ##acomulco rear reple rehe reused reentr replication rebre reappear reentrants retrieved ##ivari ##ivably ##ivability isothermal isopl ##ston ##statte ##ida ##idy ##idot ##owing ##owater cone ##raff ##rains ##ravity ##ulty ##ultz beth bead becc areally ##ilometer ##ilcha alam alab al2o alaz ##getic ##ami ##amor ##ament ##americ asl asim ##seismic faint fayette sutured suitability sept septa basically baseline bastrop expon expan exxon ##cea ##cemented ##esting ##utod ##utae propos propr proof ##otation ##otone ##otep ##otte anion annot anhedral anaer animals ##plaus ##plinary ##emes ##emplacement ##emplate ##emucca ##emnite ##verine ##odi ##oder ##oding ##odied ##odina ##odomes ##odynamic ##ador ##adig ##umen ##umont ##ired shus shomp shores sherman shala ##chen ##chart ##chard ##chia ##chroneity ##chuh ##tailing ##ogenesis ##oguild ##ogravity ##usa ##ustered orte orchard ##astating whit whipple atom attaining atalamo ##erequisite ##eretaro ##phile ##phistic ##pherson norm trist trust trying trond trivial ##istant ##udely ##udoin ##udios ##uddan ##quant ##quito ##quilcha stit stace stet stance storing stuck stacks st25 ##ctional ##ateral ##ternie unb union uniqu unified unused unman uninter untang unrest uniaxial unleash unquant meosian ##abed ##abies ##aboration ##run ##rupole ##rugated ##ipates ##iplying ##iba ##agell ##cciated prerequisite maghemite interg interrupt interfaces interacted intergrow intercryst intercontinental interglacial intermixed ##retion ##opi ##opically ##opah ##oprecipitation ##opolis chu chad chase champ chocol chips chesape ##onets ##ako ##akely ##akuru reson resin resus resisting haq haot rockall rockfall relic relow relied reliance wass flap flame flora floric flint float flaring ##ensen ##enschuh web wegen weinvier subper subme subark suborth subenviron subfossil subjacent subcro disart disconn disintegr incising sedimentologically ##aletto ##ounted northand northeastand ##ikilometer ##apa geol geom geost geote canal canches cannon canelo datable coated cobl coext coplanar clog clough clino clumped modflow marra marav marching maritsa mariet evans evolves evoked evinced ##ardo consum slates slots sliced sloan highto arena ranked alongside lowand lowstands oversh overarching ##elli ##ells ##ellar spent sput spir spines spry regolith contamin contaminated contingent contemplate intu intimately betweenness ##pting indigenous indistin indeterm indiscr locating prem prekinematic preeruptive ##canquilcha ##ementioned cawood caulif paleomorph paleomagnetically paleokarst paleowater paleoprecipitation intrinsically notes ##achuset impression imprin imprint immat immob immense implaus recurring abi abutting kml oberland obrebs allende ##orden ##ordland volcanogenic die calf perc perplex perimeters perception peridot ##eto quien queretaro ##rons leon leak learn leica simons simulating simpson mio miall scene scott scoop crutch crudely hash ##pred uscgc usarra provision ##ounding sandwich butler belemnite ene entry engl enumer enjoy enormous entailing ##augun thickly cork corry corbetti corrugated aden adds adhes adams difun outg ##earthqu ##portant extensometers ##ignment posing acocella transmitted continual midpoints ##clast ##clusive ##clair amply amlia amoeb ##ieving grouse framed blend blade blistering blakely completions carib cargo carson carlin flowchart verifies vermill underground underrepresent undercutting inclination eastto observatory pha ph2o pharmace ##ochland ##ochitlan suppress differed mina minus minute greg thereafter tuck tubew estudios ##cedony topology topological topopah ##aves ##aval lithostratigraphy litharenite generic generous refute refuted refilling profession signs signifying upflow upthrow fluoride seaways throughput pea peg peter peedee peternie parag paritutu paradig feo feel depict ##neville ##pectral associates smart heiken teal tech ##dley 10p 10h 107 1060 1070 1012 1030 1011 10tm domed ##mond ##isham mountainous emissions earthy ##floods upline magnesian bulge silva carbonaceous elegant muir broke brolo ##velopment settle ##cessed temora ##oves ##ovan formally ##formably ##oking localizing longitudes longyear containers comparably pointing ##eca ##ecitos apenn prescott prescribed concur normalization newer faced faculty downchan downwarp downcutting differentially 15c 15d 158 defeat laterite remel 1920 1916 ##ukeh desic descent desired delight delamar delimited shallows shallowed clastics distribute grounds calcrete calcaren calcisols glaz glitre staging soeg sophistic 121 127 1260 1270 noble peaked erosivity processors discret discount blockhouse decision decisions decimeters decoupl explores exploring dominating drier drastic drastically axel sequentially granules methow topographies brevity northwestto continuations continually managing devil devolatilized devastating patterned elaps elrick elabor elston monoclinal shortest ##obic ##values curling curtis ##orship synext synchroneity ##cribe layout thinor ##lower identity identifies geomechanical rede redox reddy ##olvable 11a 11b 1120 1115 populated mapes steer steve stewart afterwards temperate ##odson hereafter micas micrite ##rades ##chner ##chnical rhuddan faro farrell adjacency multitr multivari multiplying multikilometer ##nered ##ource ##tersbacher separator doe dozens draft southwestand ##andscape ##ittly ##ittivity gasbench geoha finest impound imprec positional 251 253 252 2510 docx oceanography corehole invaded fluidization matlab rotor rotates effectiveness ##termined coastlines lengthen channeled 1710 1720 1740 benefit manto mantled edited edwards edaphic brittly carbonateto ##ooting trained trapping training traps 403 404 505 kink 13b 137 1320 1330 1326 13385 latitudes massachuset portug 16c 16b 161 163 162 1680 1630 1699 1662 1695 buries burton burying opal combinations gravelly primed hanan hannover richly ##ospheres paralleling integrates postkinematic postacc postpro postcollisional postglacial confounding mms2 feldspath secondly transitioning olorges rhythmically ##oaded ##urbed meanwh closes 142 145 149 1410 1490 1499 144nd sierras concentrically mechanistic speculation speculations waiana cutter makran collaboration equates equisitales plants nonde nontectonic nonparallel nonerupt nonmagnetic nonatmospheric ##witness streamer archive steepen steepened microf microanaly microcontinents grimes ##ankov locational moore moenk motivation motivated 18o 1870 1890 1833 1899 1816 fronted minimized agar aguir abundantly oxford widens widening spatio 301 dammed succor sidewalk ##spectral altitudes mudrock mudclast puert hypocent albion intraformational permittivity concluding isotopicos pressurization curricular clearer buzz buchia ichnoguild helbig numbered ironic naming preservational referring references factoring aucanquilcha degraded degrade deguyn degraff recognizes 233 237 23000 ##genthen ##byen keel sched scholl schenk schonrock schultz schemes approximated rad7 ##nsaugun pycn python flanking haddock grainstone ##formationn transected thermopolis alternatives paleoec paleohorizontal paleoisotherms paleoelev turbul ##stantinou subtropical ##letier superzone superjacent plutonoclastic convert converts converging breakaway fourteen hydrous hydrogen hydrolysis polish polyl tilzpot expectation narrows narrowness clayey paleostress paleoshore generalization 399 resting restitic restorations extract extruded extrusions extracting extruding extrinsic publish gorgon morphologic rimming proximally 860 amplify cordova ##pbell numerically mason platinum linkages sheen sheinwood shoulders stepwise methodologies biotiteand attributing lacs ##ictite devitrifying instig crew crews garnered intermediateto salinic approached investigates dinofl tectonomagmatic bulgarian pleistoceneand flatter flatness nowhere prospective hosting hillsides ##ynamically 355 357 saf save switches streaks responds taku justification justify ##ipps megap promont prompting excel strengthens metavolcan environmentally 211 2196 2400 2467 2485 franz halo halip halvors critically criterion harms seldom straighter expulsion thermochronologically flexurally flexibility median mediated slumped slumping principles photography photomic photomosa experimentally evaluates merit merits versions alkalinity fossilien orthogonally freely freiberg freedom grayish packet packstone packwood peliodal pelletier tails accompany predominately ##irectional ##gyback capability caprock captures infills infinite hydrated hydrates coherently linearity halfway northwesternmost researcher 90800 90900 ##box swith swamp antifor analogs circa nappe yellowish styl anticipated quadrupole temporarily hornitos dynamothermal guad guard guiding guba asymmetrically dissipates crescentic ftt ##2028 slowed fragmentary escapes irre irrig portray petrochronology music ##lapping protection 263 26al 2650 2660 2612 geomorphologic purity purisim tensor tensional tensleep ##phyr connectedness cubic logical ##fjorden substantiated substantiates garnetiferous otukeh compiling 1994 459 diverge rae rapp paleodams experiencing homan playa restricting qualitatively energetic borderlands keyed ##ylene predicting lohman loeltz mobil isolating goochland lighting moritz morelia causal 1981 federal saturate saturates worth warn warmer 150x alterations shifting uniformity neglect descriptively 80800 panor panel ramping rampart chronologic phonolites granodiorites prominently illustrations aeromagnetically ##rainstone seek seeks triga trigon ##iansen 284 branched brankman sensu sensors removes removing removals sf4 encrust pyroxene ##eya diagrammatic ecology ecotone ##broke conducive phreatopl constructing delivering deliveries file1 ##grounds decollements ##iminately 342 345 7500 easterly reverses reversing braz brahma bradley granted 6000 9500 95br rmax issued heterolithic facilitates pumiceous spheres spherulite summaries 3314 cameca campbell owens owyhe robinson robbins interests overpressurized spanned emerge oxygenation ophir sixtymile tcsh tcsd debatable debouched undetermined employing 36ar bandelier denuded denote laden ladbroke porewaters agreed 290 294 resistors responses lakeside operative operators rollovers protruding correctly bleach sideritic sideromelane ##angle deflect monitored opposes gridded achiev wyld demands demised challis intensify collector collectors elliott reductions culminations 329 herangi herzberg roads woody woodland inconclusive deviate deviates revisions subjectivity dolomitization robustness trachyandes 0538 optically robert ##awa ##awau conceivably excessive plausibility fillings misch misident misfit misclassified mislead inversely lithophile 555 5524 balco dilated humic tk56 vancou reactor climax ##ahua metasomatically windows bolide variants depressed forks annen atmospheres evaporative precede precedes 1979 lithophysa obscures obscuring embodied baigan lisa ##merer ##meridg manifests physiochemical araby cours gsa spilled validated diamictite emphasis paleodrainages 465 499 mcint twt twelve utilization ##rophyric obtains obtainable 1057 uncleaved reprocessed vesiculated prolongation pseudomorph pseudogravity doubly doubles mylonitization sonder sonoma sagged wolverine conforms 383 387 3800 489 bioerosion facet facets titled ##otaxitic accelerating accelerator phyllitic heaves gravitationally fluctuation nuka nubian p289 pinpoint rainwater rainbow wanes stretch overprints waikawau infiltrates 026 berkovic costs genetics spotty caveat underplated attempting vitrophyric isochronal convention ##ichnial 1959 multiples terminated terminating visualsf purposeful forcefully liquids liquidus opportunistic tentative zephyr ##deltaic ##olumnus stuhini unfolding meterto diorites synclines avoiding 068 06cp ducea hunt nodular pool piping pipelines macpherson ascended enclose enclaves stabilized stabilization burrowed nonconformable arturo palisades highlighting photographed oscillation 033 88lad bonneville kenai kenyan ngong solub ##ogeny centimeterto assigning undergoes decaying backstripped 2013a polygonal randomness 563 567 azul etc etna frantz lamella lamaskin declustered contours entrapped update 1906 sawmill sawyers encompassing hiatuses 072 0711 7100 boucher c13 hardgrounds psd trophic taconian atlacomulco interpol intraclasts corroborating 12mp25 12mp33 discordia epicontinental 422 4200 542 battle srednogor ##ietary quickbird selective infillings azimuths encompassed davenport gwt trek interfolial extinct cryptodomes acids 1155 hyperspectral microscale drawing distinctions 173yb diffuses fundamentally sweeps epicentral redistributes huene hugh ##145 compensated compensating compounds quarter undersc departure departures accomplish rhomboid vehicles aggregation hydrocarbons warmth icelandites interestingly definitions urbanization ultramafite 474 binning benchmark d03l05 d07l sphene torok inspected intercepted resurge survive survival survivability paleolake paleolandscape persists centuries emanated applicability precursors workflows reconciling metasandstones duplexing pramollichnus 735 copious hammer hammond umm umhoe wrong resorb competent competence coyotep cohesiveness 1755 olistoliths backstops synthesize synthesizing optimally optimizing stereonets implementing c24 thirty thirteen retaining strategically annealed anorthite cherts cherty overcame overtone translating fluviolac 1035 peripherally argillaceous conflicts decompressional extrapolating kyaniteand exemplary exemplify exemplifies bennett efficiently nicol routines wtc ##zek ##396 mammal mammill suntrana universitari chiefly cracking ##aunas parameterized possesses august degradational creeping rafts restrictions robertson arrangements engineers interfingered 91lad board bisect bisected donors fugenschuh lulls pttep pavlis render tenable isoprime resolves resolvability ##ghanian hydrology cleaned argumentation sustaining catalyst catchments retrograded doubts megacrysts cochochitlan eyes eyaset eldzhur famat family mosher mosonik mimic mimetic mildly ribs sinclair sicily ##855 ##245 suczek stanley disparate disparities arkosic industries prefix prematurely noticeable adventdal metallogenic metallogeny elucid monthly microsampl invariable invariably invoked invoking 1745 174ax aquitard augered hydrodynamics extraordin petrology petrologia anticlockwise incorrectly geosciences stromatolites stromatolitic jasperoid liquefied browns bringing dunes jackson kwon pearson tonga watson walsh ##welt ##ermann ##itzi conjectured altogether exporting stimulate unchanging unexposed choose choosing induces ##0002 levees crenulations undertaking 1242028 mesozonal mesoameric editorial erodibility instructive inconsistently inconsistency revisit downdropped ejection fringe hn5 hindcast kopia launching ##aulting condens unimak unimped unimportant checkerboard compromised overestimate sparseness feasibility exhausted novelty sequestration monzogranite matzitzi kindly ##omagnetite salients looping cascading straightforwardly practically destroying christie christiansen succeeded straddles oversteepening microphenocrystic agencies bitumen cropped darling drew d05l12 hackle hours lipman lucia rosette sodic santonian santiago somalian villamor ingram onlapped shelly truthing neoabies subgrains evacuation overhanging implicit entailed outcome outcomes outpace outfluxing undistorted undisturbed blunt tufa emitted manipulated manipulation 1119629 multispectral multisource aquarium predevelopment planktic nonvolcaniclastic ichnofauna ichnofaunas polymict polymictic megafossil megafloods guidelines humphrey annulus mcdowell mcdonald piecewise titanomagnetite nutrients interpretable admixture administered administration recommendations satisfactorily agglutination agglutinated thoroughly mollusk molluscan anisotropy aeolian durability durham echinoid echinoder eigenvalues fifty fifteen ireland ireviken jaggar kimber kimmeridg kohistan mingled mingling mortar mortensen ogol qoa2 rogerson roggenthen sabe treads vetting winnowing winnemucca zimanowski zimmerer ##mobil inefficient invaluable inaccur inaccurate maxwell reiterate alleghanian aluminum ##ampled exercise strictly companion companies overdraft overdispers overspill overspilling speaking spurious sporadic sporadically impressions impressively obstacle obstacles perceive perceived legend leverage script scripps scotch crinoid crinoids accrue accrued enveloped adamello paradoxically downsag downfolded descending discriminated discriminating deciphering multilayered multilateral alluviation alluviated nondrought nondescript paleoscarps improbable improbably encoura encourage catastrophic catastrophically roadcuts incongruent unfavorable unfavorably campaigns paleolatitude reevaluate eyewitness nannofossil nannofossils eclogite demarcated compartmentalization arose bonev bartley cpx cason candidate cockeysville cinders ddb1 drowning dawers eichhubl fibers fixing fertility fenestral ghosh gocad germany hudson hetch konstantinou mongollon neritic nickel piggyback pilotaxitic pendants rabbit ricker sitting tchalenko tapers uphill upturned victor winds wenrich xenoliths ziway zagorchev thalwe inliers andreanof ##osilicate deflation dehydration replacing beaudoin alsop alfred seashore ##uticals placement stiffness unseen unobstruct interfluves chalcedony chapala weighing subareas subterrane disagree disconformity coexisting overthickened sparite registered abnormally sculpted criticism entities enlarging undetected supplemented refraction smoky emplaces overlays rugosity breadcrust thermodynamically furnace reconfigured 143nd speculative equilibrated noncomp nonresistant graciously mudflows expertise buffering migmatitic kaolin retentive barnacles language 000007 antarctica irradiated petrochronologic palinspastic energies pulverized sensitivity encroachment tremendously achnelithic gastropods hillshade blanketed boudinaged tracemaker d02l government paleoclimatic envisage fiddlers hellenides sigmoidal outfluxes replenishment disproportionately geobodies preconditions diapiric ##oquartzose asymptotic unavailable stratovolcanoes ichnoassemblage 6148 aforementioned aillik besides bidirectional bureau buesch bachmann bacterial bundle bootstr bahlburg bakersfield cowie cassidy crank cendo cvijic certify coseismically c25n cocorp dolograinstone diaz dalkjegla education eugster fiordland fosters funnel fellowship fiamme gamma godwin ganderia gypsum galloway gamez ginkoales ghyben hulo habit hinsdale hearne heralding hondo huckleberry hildreth iconic iizuka jr10 jeol jndi julie jaccard korako kikutod kansas kramers kanchev luminescence letters lignite mensing monica mocha mokau military nenana nalma nolan nikon nominally october orakei ounutae ostracod oae1a pwp pioneering pterospath pestle piracy pectens pockets paunsaugun pinnacle rittersbacher rolled sultan saddle sauzal soldiers socorro snettisham tzankov tithonian tahoe tamarack valles vintaned wcg werdon wotzlaw wignall wllo winthrop wooley xeon zenith zoback ##gregated ##westerly ##easterly thompson inasmuch inorganic ##isciplinary ##olagerstatte deconvolution deuterium mackenzie replete rebrecciated isoplot beads beccaletto alabama al2o3 alazeya september exponent expanse exxonmobil proposals proprietary annotated anaerobic shuster shompole ortega tristate trondjemite stacey stetten uniqueness unmanned uninterrupted untangle unleashing unquantified interruption intercrystal champion chocolate chesapeake floricolumnus wegener weinviertel subperpendicular submeter suborthog subcropping disarticulated disconnects disintegrating geostatist geotechnical canchesda coblentz coextensive maravatio marietta overshooting indistinct indeterminate indiscriminately cauliflower paleomorphology imprinted immaturity immobile implausible oberlander obrebski perplexing peridotite simonson usarray sandwiched english difunta ##earthquake amoeboidal vermillion pharmaceuticals tubeworms professional longyearbyen downchannel calcarenitic glazner glitrefjellet soegaard sophisticated elapsed synextensional rhuddanian multivariate imprecise 1338583 massachusetts postaccretion postprocessing feldspathoquartzose meanwhile waianae nondeposition nonerupted microanalyzer moenkopi aguirre oxfordian sidewalks puertecitos deguynos schonrockfjellet paleoelevation tilzpotla gorgonio sheinwoodian dinoflagell promontory metavolcanics halvorson photomicrographs fossilienwelt 908001 purisima otukehu 808003 phreatoplinian owyhee achievable trachyandesite 0538396 misleading vancouver baiganhu mcintosh berkovica visualsfm solubility lamellae srednogorie umhoefer coyotepec fluviolacustrine mammillary universitario eyaseti eldzhurtinsky adventdalen microsampling mesoamerican unimpeded kimmeridgian overdispersion unobstructed kikutodden ostracodes pterospathodus paunsaugunt 050 060 070 015 1g 1e 1f 1we 1to 2k 2l 2ph 3to 4f 412 419 440 429 5h 512 511 546 591 5supplemental 6l 6h 6j 680 612 615 675 616 6cm 7i 7o 7k 7m 7q 7ft 770 740 775 799 8o 8k 8h 8j 812 830 829 9f 960 910 914 ai ah a4 aes ast aud action award ains aish ahead auto aphy akin ake aks a1b awards arun bc bk bb ban bog bus bab biel bari boss bole bare bump bott boring bax bird bond bang bomb cs cw ced coc cra cure cog cere cip cib cort cyst cia cose cites cec cull crock citation c10 c05 copy c28 census cemex crouch dc dw dh dy d1 dx d3 d2 d5 ding dim dut dum dud dib dop dort dian dart dill dys dend dyp duk dai dival divers dug durr drown dash dpi daun daugh dutch dunder dodson ew ek e1 e3 ein ect ely eim ese eut epon erect e32 fo fent fis fct ful fow fate fus fell fack fue fres fium fusion funn fals fasc fotop fogo gp gon ges gle gol gig gse gut gem gall giz gant gay gian giles gour grock g10 gani golding ghz hg hl hh hm hj hat hult hil hir hog hess hik hass hits home hcl hose hope hov hons hover hott hug hof hamb hfs hamp herve hload hoff houst himes hantz hugget hodson ik iqu ionic icr ivan ibs i40 j1 jx jes jim jab jay jord jav jame joy jef jaw jae jsf jenk july jutting j3c jolly jodi kh k1 kv kq kan kas kis kle kow kate kem kve kite kock kip kag kort kore kiver kron kau kear kval kara kde kug kana kamb kfs kamp kyr k2o koe killed kutch krie kodi lp lg lm lb lv lon lit lic lig lot liz lard lich lass lift lep lach lree lyon lope lov liss lcr lour lense lof lamb lond lapse lifts lps lester lutite mk ml m0 m4 m5 mω ment mou mate mere mism mys moor moss mck mitt mole muss mcle mgo muted myan ns nt ny n1 n0 n4 nou nation nad nive nag nap nard nield native nok nons nour nah nto n70 nino nps n75 n29 n90 n62 n000 n94 n100 n08 n35 n45 n92 n74 niag nesting nakuru oi oc oz o2 ost oib ogg pn pp pv ping ply piv ppp pog pater pong pins paces piles pikes pind pax papan psu push pushed pendant pika prades qc qz qul qig qut qap qfl qah qmp qps qimen qiang rt rb ren rou ration roc rus rts rak rins rico rival riding rond rito rosen ripe romanian riva ridg sx sed soc sess sop sial sak sik stain sick sited session sah sinal s80 skal skin sinter solute selling senger sieving td tf tic ttr tul tid tir tand tone tant tale tep tach tick tord tso tides tills troy tying tio2 turc telling tailing ttas taugh tst5 ui uk uv uin uand uts ull uprising uintan vs vg vm ven viv vine vag vial vale vik vior vinc vug vice vox vash viva vugs wd wb w7 wtr wong wag want wich wallow wob wise wales woll wire wsw woods wool wapsh wahl wiley xs xu xp xl x1 xls x62 xser yo yin yar yan yos yik yard yue ybr yok youth yves yester yuca za zc zp zent zak zart zav ziller zind zipp zhan zaf zipped zoro zemex µl ør δ23 ρm ρfill χ2 ##r3 ##ren ##ror ##rate ##ria ##rend ##right ##ryn ##rics ##rases ##ritized ##ritz ##rensis ##rillion ##ritically ##aed ##aal ##aac ##aine ##afer ##aff ##aile ##avi ##aolo ##aphically ##ii ##ih ##ira ##iably ##iencies ##iyo ##ihu ##ihyd ##iolo ##iodina ##si ##sg ##sm ##sin ##sic ##sol ##sim ##sag ##serv ##sized ##sider ##sons ##sonian ##solid ##spec ##sfjel ##sedimentary ##sfield ##sky ##sorily ##saturated ##schner ##cat ##cul ##com ##cated ##cret ##cap ##card ##cia ##cient ##cav ##cok ##cified ##cio ##colite ##cson ##crete ##coming ##colites ##colm ##corre ##covered ##oi ##oed ##oit ##oos ##oil ##oated ##oort ##ovel ##oys ##ovi ##ophys ##oonian ##oonal ##oother ##oaling ##ooves ##uy ##uat ##uen ##uit ##utr ##uil ##uge ##uce ##uag ##uvi ##uari ##uble ##uters ##ucent ##uena ##uchi ##uhedral ##ueroa ##ubert ##uji ##uinely ##uador ##nr ##n1 ##nin ##nes ##nis ##nest ##nut ##nated ##nock ##nous ##nib ##nop ##niz ##nik ##nie ##nish ##nomer ##nitz ##number ##t0 ##tent ##tated ##tect ##tations ##tiz ##tend ##tok ##tening ##tling ##tani ##tler ##tested ##tub ##tura ##tmann ##pe ##pk ##pz ##pous ##pace ##pet ##pack ##pau ##pah ##pots ##passing ##peed ##probe ##gw ##gor ##gst ##gest ##gus ##gall ##gary ##gore ##gates ##gating ##gently ##grad ##gram ##graduate ##gnitz ##wer ##with ##wid ##whe ##wada ##wered ##write ##wartz ##wright ##dc ##des ##del ##dad ##dum ##dens ##dary ##dell ##dend ##door ##dacite ##dipping ##divia ##dahl ##donald ##ea ##ees ##eis ##eir ##epp ##eant ##egg ##eaper ##e10 ##ebris ##evan ##egoing ##eavor ##eaks ##eaval ##euhedral ##kt ##kh ##k1 ##kos ##kow ##kad ##kop ##kill ##ket ##kne ##kha ##kpo ##kinson ##kjan ##kkjegla ##kowski ##kuji ##lm ##lj ##loc ##lure ##last ##later ##lations ##lore ##lits ##lined ##like ##lava ##laps ##liable ##lacial ##lika ##lotte ##ho ##ht ##hl ##hq ##hal ##hul ##hus ##hop ##hale ##hap ##hun ##hold ##hiet ##hoods ##humed ##held ##hida ##yu ##yed ##you ##yfer ##yozo ##young ##yana ##yfjellet ##yaw ##yika ##ykjan ##mes ##mel ##mith ##mant ##math ##mari ##milar ##mund ##matism ##mending ##metic ##mouth ##m11 ##master ##mission ##match ##missions ##mira ##fu ##fe ##fm ##fz ##fen ##fan ##fse ##file ##fron ##fiel ##fting ##fley ##files ##fty ##fott ##fields ##flective ##fauna ##fri ##fformationn ##88 ##875 ##846 ##867 ##827 ##862 ##883 ##881 ##bi ##bj ##bel ##bad ##bite ##bine ##bach ##bbl ##bgen ##bility ##bour ##bean ##bano ##bandon ##born ##batical ##biba ##bm11 ##110 ##120 ##1ma ##vis ##vag ##vant ##vik ##vard ##vally ##vage ##vaska ##vander ##vador ##xg ##xed ##xite ##xide ##xenite ##xenes ##xroad ##zi ##zak ##zland ##zales ##zamb ##zards ##zero ##zhaus ##zcu ##zeld ##zawa ##6e ##68 ##6ra ##650 ##620 ##611 ##010 ##011 ##3s ##3b ##300 ##380 ##360 ##320 ##338 ##329 ##328 ##318 ##3sheet ##2a ##200 ##270 ##215 ##240 ##2sheet ##2sy ##4l ##41 ##43 ##480 ##419 ##439 ##4sheet ##487 ##500 ##538 ##539 ##5sheet ##594 ##5360 ##jol ##jta ##jamin ##jbert ##jaro ##jeras ##jvaska ##93 ##920 ##925 ##991 ##990 ##947 ##937 ##72 ##79 ##780 ##791 ##739 ##765 ##766 ##7145 ##7sm ##qia ##ørn ##øsfjel tham thread thurs thorne thaw thorium theses ##ona ##onon ##oning ##onation ##onos ##onate ##onip ##onass ##onds ##onically ##onviron ##onte ##onomic ##atly ##atom ##atant ##atile ##atology ##atization ##atitude ##atological ##atup ##atidal ##atographic ##ateline ##erro ##eration ##eram ##erod ##erite ##ergan ##erina ##erani ##erration ##erste ##inion ##inent ##inle ##intr ##inoc ##inid ##inata ##inik ##incl ##indle ##inber ##inbur ##inution ##inhib ##inidad ##inosilicate ##inhold ##esa ##esch ##espan ##espie ##eny ##enas ##enol ##enues ##engg ##enia ##enites ##eneric ##enching ##enui ##enbru ##enumber ##ede ##eding ##edge ##edence ##educt ##edysville ##alic ##alith ##alac ##alite ##ality ##alop ##alian ##alism ##alia ##alative ##alization ##alville ##alizing ##alistic ##algam ##altime ##aloon ##alignment ##alerite ##ndon ##ndra ##ndwell ##ndman oftent ##ori ##orst ##orow ##orate ##orical ##ories ##orso ##orhe ##orbed ##oratory ##orange ##orella ##orri ##orida ##iti ##itol ##itid ##itate ##itot ##itated ##itely ##itary ##itating ##itland ##itiate ##itoid ##itime ##itina ##itze ##itacio ##iongar inoc inad inch inta insect informed inert ineter ineg inlines inordin ingle innelson inkkjegla ##aru ##arg ##arl ##arit ##aric ##arith ##arch ##aray ##arift ##aria ##around ##arset ##arara ##arville ##arina ##arric ##arometry ##arrensis ##icz ##ication ##icies ##icine ##icap ##icient ##icting ##icto ##icatum ##rey ##rez ##reid ##reated ##requ ##rection ##recc ##reatic ##reola andy andam andres andarge andrea ##aning ##anos ##anence ##anites ##anne ##anov ##anently ##anching ##anese ##anberg ##annah ##ason ##asion ##asse ##asens ##asitic ##asha ##asub ##asdale ##asleigh ##rok ##roite ##rodu ##roka ##ropping ##rokes ##roxides ##rogates ##entine ##entory ##entiated ##entering ##entangle ##ingo ##inger ##ingle ##isa ##istric ##isco ##isals ##isitos ##iskill ##ela ##elle ##elect ##elian ##elick ##elina ##elella told topped toler toba tozer tokuji ##leq ##leth ##least ##lection ##letal ##leton ##lemette ##leberg ##lefjorden ##levant ##oux ##ouff ##oured ##oulin ##ougall ##oumatch ##ctively ##ctors ##thong ##thys ##three ##through ##thalp ##thcoming ##oli ##olon ##olas ##olate ##olated ##oline ##olume ##olished ##olella ##trum ##tries ##trik ##trative ##trae ##trerill ##trivial ##urg ##ury ##urus ##urning ##urprising ##urangi ##ulge ##uliform ##ulahua ##ulinid ##lyano ##osac ##osib ##osign ##osively ##osomes ##osophy ##osub ##osection ##ositid ##ocity ##ocular ##ocones ##ocument ##ocused ##occo ##ocean ##ocols ##oceras ##imed ##imass ##imov ##imina deal deem decc deact dewater degl deaths dealt deterior dechen ##ithread ##ithologic ##ithfully ##itharenites ##ithmetic mage mace mahe maars mahar maitre maitland ##igrid ##igenesis ##igator ##igerina ##igitating ##omon ##omated ##omain ##omict ##omares ##omodus ##terite ##terov ##terberg ##acs ##acer ##acock ##acities ##acai ##aciation ##acama ##ac004 ##ac200 rees reest reass really reign reval retic recept reacted reuse rebur reposition reprints reapp replace reint reeds reaff reykjan rexroad ##ivate ##ivist ##ivier ##ivasha isn isog isoch isov isocl isodynamic isfjorden isaac isovel ishida isbj ##sty ##stic ##stan ##state ##stall ##stec ##stenson ##ido ##idation ##idates ##idences ##idonia ##idisciplinary ##owed ##owingly forum formal forty forte foregoing forthcoming conley conifer conven conjo coney congru withstand ##raine ##raywacke ##rape ##raisals ##ulture beta beart beard beau bealville ##ilent ##ilis ##ille ##ilag ##ilada ##ilob ##ilding ##iliated ##ilizing ##ilidian ##iloceras aless alqu alder alison alava algar alana alias aluminous almad alvis alisitos ##gean ##gets ##geologic ##geological ##geoclinal ##amas ##amict ##amaged ##amalgam ask aster asked asking ascribe asela ##atepec ##sek ##secon ##seabed faust faithfully suffic suez suitably suwan sugary sees seak seized seyn seals sepm seken seabed segregated secret sewer seht seyfer bass baselines basket basanites ##rometer ##iface ##iffer ##ifaunal ##ifuge faultor faultder faultto exite exag exert exports exogen exiting exfol exotherms exquisite ##estor ##estion ##estack ##utz ##utation ##utment ##utner ##utto ##utainment ##uttg ##utomated proud propon proust proposing prodig prokop onion onward oneto oncolites ##oted ##otal ##otically ##otiation ##otapu byis bypassing strass strach stria strived striation stripping stricto anton ante anten antil anox animal anorogenic anichn anita anhyd anatom ##plu ##pler ##pless ##plates ##plume ##plification ##ploys ##plosively ##emy ##eman ##emological ##emont ##emphas ##eminent ##emthong ##odd ##odap ##odeling ##odonte ##posit ##posited ##posphere ##adt ##adik ##adjacent ##ademy ##uma ##umley ##irm ##irts ##irik ##irley ##irms ##ircle ##irling ##irsk ##irchen shen shist shakes shyl shaly shatter shaft shafer shoaling sherro shtrik shirley comfor comming comsol ##ppa ##ppers ##cht ##che ##chep ##chey ##chfiel ##chilada ##chutz ##takt ##tabandon ##ogg ##ogh ##ogical ##ogullies ##ogovo ##veget ##vectors sough soufri ##uses ##usives oral ortiz orinoc ##astonite whom whak wholly atud attain atyp atilla attraction atleast atterberg atacama ##phin ##phen ##phreat ##phee ##phidium ##phonom ##phoning ##phalop norte norms norwood norbert norris nordens ##therm ##therford ##ectable tress tried trinity truck tryo triaxial trona trinidad trilob ##essing ##essful plans plio pluck plaf plinian plicatum plouff ##andra ##andian ##anders ##andean ##andita ##andez ##andria ##isted ##istob ##istemological ##udal ##udied ##qui ##ques ##quences stop store stree stoch stump stym stars status st100 stowell stalling stellar st245 stpk stateline stenol strokes stuttg stirling ##alli ##allic ##allack ##allized ##allax ##allala ##ataga ##atability ##ocks ##conda ##consin colton colinear colocated ##aterally ##ieson ##iesmic unam unity unord unans uncl unites unne unrupt unble unters unnot unext unassoci unparallel unamed unconnected unantic unacc un18 uncharacteristic unclassified unstruct uncemented untested unerod uninhib unanne unveget ##ighs ##igham ##onguing me09 meinhold meanders ##ousova nees neill neuk neust nejbert ##abet ##abbro ##aboo ##abeth ##abrics ##abbi ##abrecc ##tsch ##tsho ##ruff ##runs ##ipate ##ipts ##ipok ##ipora ##forth ##forced ##forded ##ibniz ##inea ##aga ##agit ##agian ##ag00 ##agonitized ##agogical figured figueroa ##ccessful prong prather price prying priolo pringle prestack interim intermed interven interbas interrel interseismic interdeltaic interrogates interstate interandean ##retes ##opark ##opside ##opatra ##opoulos ##opeto ch4 chen chak chay chik chun chers chec chiqu chaco chuska chilled chilling choked chasm chihu cheaper chinle chorow chitina chabbi ##ialized ##izian ##izers ##izabeth ##oney ##aku ##akken ##akapu resins resident rescal reshap haengg ##aceox ##imental ##imentary computers relieve relocated relizian wasser flotation floated flesch florida ##ensated ##ensible ##ensurate ##ediments wei wets subnet subsets subhorizon subsection subcontinent submitted subglacial subandes subseismic subeuhedral submissions subseabed dish disreg disastro disputed disgor disloc disentangle incap incred incidence incisions incursions incidences ##orting sedimentologists ##aleer ##aleont ##ayten northor northwesterly northeasterly ##ikof ##ikola ##ikiti ##apure ##apum ##apstone ##ap20 ##apture ##apont geist gebiba geopark ear11 cannib canaria ##ystone ##ystallized data1 ##uctant coil coined coven covolcanic coaling coplen coarset coppers cl2 clan click clark clipped clocks modoc modulation modulate maron marie marco mariana marcos marrett marwan maroni marsag maritime ##gesell southworth southeastand southwesterly southeasterly ##isman ##ismically evok folk ##oregress ##orealistic ##ardrop consag consumer ##ghian ##ghload slov slurry sledge ##wey ##weighs zirconium highways arf arron arde arnot arnal arthrop arhus arenites arreola arithmetic ranger ranching ranks ranuliform ##assino ##asssic ##osti ##ostini alongand lowe lowor lowto ##illes ##illong ##illary ##uese overly overton overflow overmass overrepresent overrun overpred oversim overemphas overruns ##ellt ##ellini betic spine spain spend spun spons spagh spiking spalling spindle volun voltage volpi extant extingu contex contested contouring contoured ##ference ##ferson intp intent intimate integ ##pty surges surpr surfse surpless ##gga ##gganchaigou ##ggren indoor indiana ##ometrically locale timber timpah ##ffield ##ffles preins preble preeru prevolcanic pregrow prebasalt preearthquake preeminent ##00r ##0016 ca10 ca09 ca11 ca05 ca16 ca04 ca23 ca06 ca08 ca01 ca07 ca22 paleoth paleoor paleots paleote paleogor paleonviron paleogullies ##epress intrade intraun intraval intrarift intrapont noting notions notew ##achal ##achim ims impose imprints rivera riverine riverbed riverla riverfron ##athon ##athoides recla recoding recoil reclined recapture recystallized structuring collective abuse abbre abiot abyssal aberration abutment ##icked ##ickness ##ickson kmb obduction obduct obregon allied allude allanite alludes alloclastic allmending alligator allodap ##iaux ##iautomated deforms valve valdivia ##ozoisite ##ranite ##rania ##ranean ##ranched volcanically volcanology volcanologic volcanological volcanologists dipped diabas dixon dielect diopside calcl calico calvert caltech ##atics perch pertain perry person pertains pertaining perkins perlite perlitic pernik ##ett ##eties ##etts ##etically ##ettes ##etallic itiner itacai centeno centennial asselian quie query quigley quaal queant quoted ##soid ##sover ##plets lei leif leach lease leidi leaks lefm levander leaning leibniz ##anson ##ansson shower ##enden ##endite ##ystems ##ystematic simon simrad analyst mi2 miami mihal scars sclater scrape scandian crink crushing credence cristob ##erves ##ervoort ##ificant ##pert ##perform ##perception hasan haszeld user usage usual ussl proves proving provinc provoking accords accident accented sandra sandand sandias sandbox buttress belen belousova enabl enthalp enchilada enforced ##aust ##auched ##auea thanetian corr corg corral corers corase coroll corners corfu latemar colleagueso colleaguesne colleaguesowed intrusives tera teresa adob adduct aduna admitted adhere outset outlet outbound outbre outbu outsk outsized outnumber outdoor outweighs outperform maye mayer mayoral ##vio ##vie ##viate ##viations occult ##ported extensions ##ignificant ##uno ##unas ##unate ##unconform ##acters ##actible ##activity indicting ##mallet sectioned posit positively positives posament posterov posidonia postabandon acres acadian academy transposed transcr transitory transmission ##uehl lowers thrust1 undulating undocument undamaged undiffer appeal stratabound midwest midsl midsection midcontinental midpoint ##bright ##bridge ##brittle ##ersoll ##cles ##clides ##clines ##closed ##posedly ample amorph amde amoen ameal amounted obstruction centralized nearing nearand nearshore twoand ##iefer ##ieff ##ievent ##ieves limstone limonite limonitized limnop crusts canyonland westor westand riftward blast blick blake blending bluish blurring blurry completing completes carve carrol carey carnic carlos carlson carpet flown flower flowage flowers mounts chang chances ours coloration verified vertic verification verifying verdes verbano vergesell verwey ##ociation underto underway underfill underpred underwrite ##ualized ##ualties inclusively eastor eastdipping observables phi phones phoen phreatic howard howell ##ochasm ##ochlore supplying supptable suppfile ##tributaries ##yprop ##ypods differencing extensionally minnel greyb thereof ##ropic becker presenting presentation tuolum tucson tundra turoka estes ##osey ##rows genus genoa genuinely something ##cedent bedada activate topoc topapah ##avely lithium ##yna ##yns ##ynuk generously generator refill refte refold refrig refract refuting refection profuse proficient signed signify upb upwell upwind varieg varieties peel peace peters pecos pegam peeling pecul peacock parle paracon parsons paralic parasitic parallax fever feand fekad depended depolo depaolo ##nee ##nean ##neth ##neil ##negan sanak sangan ##pected distorted distomodus metadi meticul metivier metamict smt sm1 smear smoother healed heiberg heermann hekpo hefty hebgen teide tefl teza teeth tekle teardrop detrimental 10m 1080 1010 1015 1040 1014 1090 1033 1099 10cm 1024 1098 ##mony ##monts ##monds reflex 2080 2040 2025 20cm 2037 ##isha composing emile emele emplace employs empty ##kaw ##kaido theirs earthsc geologist middleand ##dermitt ##deroux ##pare ##parents ##parame oldow ##flt ##flora stratigraphies stratigaphically magnified magnification office bulges bulimina siltand silvio leveled leveling estimator ##olutely typified typify carbonatite carbonatitic deepen deepened mule brogan brokaw ##ffective settles settling quartzand quartzitic quartzolithic ##cessor ##cessary developments developmental recorders template representatives ##oved ##ovski ##ovgrad constricted ##issed ##issolved locales localizes ##gren ##grud charles charnock charlotte characters longstanding ##asets ##asequences maji majka majura ##ierrez ##genbach ##idescent ##ecypods fieldand apim apache apophys presup president prescribe subscan subsolid subslab subsampled subspace concise normaland normalto newby newdale newhouse newborn ##berget ##bergrud patrick patsy patzcu downsl downcurrent downthrow downste downlapping downlaps characterizations differentiating 15b 153 154 157 1550 1580 1540 1525 1514 15cm 1524 1518 1563 15312 1568 overlaid overloading overloaded defocused defensible afc afro afghan afforded laterites remind remember remanent remanence ##izonate 19a 193 194 1911 1905 1938 1928 1933 1937 ##ukin deserves basements mainland horrend horsfield delane delivers deliber delicate shallowand grandparents precisions precorre isotropic orientate ##undy ##undancy exhume exhalative distributing grounded groundwork calcification calculates calcretes rubbly rusty rutherford rupert glober stay staged soapstone ##ficially 1220 1275 1265 noel arcand arcview erosively procession discs discoidal cools blockages ##olithos assemb assemble decided decameter decarbon decadal decentering exploratory drs dr3 dr4 dr5 driest drips driskill axially ##roliferous sequencing granger granulation granophy ##jecting methylene ##gling ##setti ##ericity mesic mesas meshes ##ringbone ##aneity mann mancos manned manager manila mankh devices ela elves elsp eliminating elutr elnr elmira elisa elphidium elizabeth ##onsolidated monroy monomin monnin monomict shortened incisional ##obarometry wallbridge severity ##ticity curie curios cursorily felt felger synand synto synvolcanic synmet synforms synformal synemplacement synsedimentary syntect ##cracks contracting bulls lays thinsection thinnest jura juruena jurasssic eleven elevate elevating redated redwater redef redire reductant redissolved redundancy bathtub 11n 113 1170 1130 1111 1191 1199 hyndman populating ignm ignore ignacio steel steiner stephen afterward aftersh aftermath ##eralic calderwood juare initiat initiating ##ogeneities angoonian grady gradation gradste gradationally ignimbite ##adiometer inferring tempered crystallizes crystallographically uncorre uncovered texan texans tex86 crossite crossley crossline crosslines crossings hereto micah microlitic microns potassic pottmann knott knots knoll knox knaust rhombs farley farmers biocl biologically biasing biomic biosil biosign multitude multithread multigrid multidisciplinary multiface multievent ##nerability maximized maximizing ##blee detonation hydrometer separations separable commonality doi doher furthest furrows ##ahan ##ahigh ##ahai drake dragged drakos drafting ##cki ##ittee furthered endolithic endeavor gasoline geoid geotherm financed finnegan ##tofen impreg impenetr impract 25c 25b 2550 2560 2570 2532 2521 25883 2543 ##pont ##poned mineraloids materially invisc invasion inventory founded foundational matt matthe matric matri rotary ##olet ##oleon effected ##inescent channelization 17b 1760 1775 1797 lessons mantos mantles edmap edinbur edutainment edmonds ##shops ##shells trenched brian brick brenn bryozo brutto brumley brigham briefer ##porous ##ramite distinctness rattend trail traits trapper trading trails traffic trailing trawler probing accommodations 408 401 402 407 508 503 5010 50cm 5035 507145 kinds kinks columbian isotopx blacks blackish appearing manyara 13d 13e 138 136 132 1380 1360 1370 1340 1327 1324 1323 1321 lato latitud latrania ##incision stressors lapping laumont massone massspec aqueduct clements cleave cleopatra firmer contrasted mixes silicon ##ceptible 168 164 1650 1660 1670 1620 1615 1640 1638 1691 1685 1644 1626 1637 1632 ##teau ##text ##teered ##teenth transporting transportation ##gang ##ganyika bury burdig burdell burchfiel opposition opiyo opinion combust predam predated primer primitives primacs hanna hanzawa richer richest richard richland richterite richtofen fluvialto respected firstly totaled totaling ##ulfed parallelism yrs integrity postulates postcaldera postemplacement postearthquake postgraduate postlava postamalgam postsecon postunconform postponed postincision workshops ##plicated epc epeir epitacio epifaunal epistemological confine californian mm2 mmto washes washed washing transitionally oloy olla olson oloi reconstit reconsider directivity directorate ##entrally ##entricity anything ##urbational ##argement broaden broadest broadened closeness 14d 1480 1460 1470 1420 1415 1440 1498 1457 1474 147sm concentrates concentrator specify specifying speculates wait waxed waiongar wills willard willie willner willson exhumational backward backthrust backbone melville melange melosh melanos cmt cmto cmbs collot collins collocated collabor equating planned plantand apparatus discussing periodograms espous nonover noncal nonves nonarb nonplanar noncemented nondeltaic nonzero nonintr nontrivial nonplume nonphreat nonbrittle nonparame nonporous arches arched arching archived archives archae steepest steepens microcontinent microcontinental micrographs microcu microplates microclines microcracks microtext growths grt griff grøsfjel gratitude ##ankton reveille mother mozamb movie moto ##ixing inflated ##versible centerpie 18a 18c 18b 182 189 1860 1820 1875 1839 1862 1895 1863 1865 minimization minimizes agent agitated agilent agostini serial serbian alluviums oxic measureable ordered ordering orderly biotic bioturbational 303 305 307 3050 3033 30cm ##marian ##marks connotation oblate ##ailures ##ailie ##5028 ##5067 reportedly altime ##umpka mudto hypopy hypichnial albitic albaric ##ognomic ##ognathoides viewpoint viewpoints avoids avulsion avenues fossen 22b 229 2200 2250 2260 2238 226ra intraand intraocean permanently permutation concludes spectrosc spectror veined veining visco internet internationally pressurized markley markets markham ##cois rotationally buff buchan buising bubbl ichnospec ichnosite ichnologists ichnolagerstatte ichnosub breccio brecciate aggress migmatite numbering demonstrations demonstrative namorf ##inked referable oligoclase allowable poorest 2380 2367 234l evenness migrations ##gential kek kev keith kebed keef keiser keedysville keogh keystone schott schmitt schelling schubert schwartz talisman subsequence absorption absolutely ashy priori priority headed headgate cycled cyclical cyclically ##itudinally pyle pyritized shelfal accumulates standford projective projectors thermogenic thermof thermometer thermometry thermokarst thermorhe thermobarometry alternated depositing ##ups ##tenhorn towed progressing progressions paleophy paleoflu paleoerosion paleofan paleoaltime paleotributaries paleoflora tsg ##stantial subtler ##lett ##lette superposing supercontinents supersaturated superprobe superadjacent superficially breakage breakthrough ##oyd ##oyama kazak kaipok southeasternmost greenish greenline greenfields hydrovolcan hydroxides hydroxide hydrogeological surveyor polincl policies polyprop polteau rougher 606 609 60487 expectations expectable narrowed ##imetric ##omagmatism reverseand clayton paleoshor generality generalize generalists 398 396 390 mission missions restless extraneous extrudes extrabasinal extrinsically extrusives propensity goranov holly holom holland holding holocrystalline holtz holberg holmes retards retarded retallack morphogenic morphogen morphometry morphogenetic radii radiating radiometer summation sumdum 862 8620 867e ##eanographic amplified excepting technically technologic landing landmark mash masse masonic mascal accretes accreting accretions shewith sheffield shoulder artesian artists methodical cordilleras progrades biotitet 701 707 7054 875 87gc ##fficiency unloaded unlinked diagonal diagenetically diagonally barely barlow barry barosh barometry baranof barbad baringo baraboo bartsch ventura ventuari installing ##ablished imager imagine forearcs crept creative creede garcia salta salty salvo salinities salinian saliba salvador injections towering ##ostratigaphic interbeddend investigator investigators ##chesnean planets coincidental metasilt metaseds metashale metasediments ##omorphism dipslope erg erta erik erase ergs erasing erickson flats flattening thoughts prospected prospector divider ##putable 40ar39 3500 3567 sa04 sa06 sa01 sa03 sa02 sa22 relegating 86sri insure insides insulating inserted insignificant northwards northwardyoung petrel petroliferous ##otsky responded responding hint hints hinting hinnov hinchey ##iceous orthoclase orthoquartz physics downwards justified columnal columnals scanstation ##ippine thrown throwing megacy megash megaf megalac meguma megabrecc megasequences impactor promark ##8012 ##80594 strengthening ##vertently classed classically classifying classifies 21a 214 2110 2185 2148 248 246 243 2460 2410 2420 2440 2475 2438 2491 2490 2433 2439 24004 france francois element2 felsicand langst langhian ##geration ##gerously critique understandings didn harsh harbour harvard harzhaus piedmonts selvage arrive arriag couple expel tracked trackkey flexes flexures flexuring medio mediter medusa medicine discontinue glaciated transecting southwards photorealistic experimentation helping evaluations ##notia ##arkodina strikingly spreads spreadsheet quantification quantifiable meriel merapi mercall meriaux versatile alkalies attachment attesting preferably fossilized freise fremont freestone frebold freeman gawler graywack dolphin ductility packed packing packstones ##60320 ##60947 pelite pelletal pelecypods tapping tapped taurus tappa taphonom ##useppe terraced ##unami ideals accompanies predominated predominatly waveform wavecut hfb hfse roundness tanganyika tangential tsunamigenesis capes captain capitol capacities capillary milling millville millenn millennial info infancy infauna infrequ inflection diffarg coherency meltwaters acquisitions seeming amphipora 904 9016 lagged lagoonal ##cised ##ertations ordinal ordinary eastwardand episodically pacana swath swanberg swanson ##1015 ##1033 antiform antilles analogously cordilleranus francisquito cirques circles na10 na12 na09 na11 na05 na04 na06 na13 na01 na03 na02 nautical nafe naivasha styolitic subregional assessments ##70e ##701 ##707 ##7078 ##axitic anticipate anticosti quadrillion wavelike bottomed bottomset bottomsets dynamical guo guth guyana guinea guillong realism realization realigned realizations realignment asymmetries dissociation dissertations successes successor plagiogranite ##2087 ##aporutu slows slowest fragmenting knicks confirmation iris iridium iridescent ports ferric fergus kilgore kilauea muscle muscio ##uquila prototype protocols statements statewide stillwater contemporaneity 268 261 264 265 269 267 2690 2677 2645 geomorphically argus arguing accuracies purge purged puruag purported tensions ##hedra ##hedrons coevolution coevally cubes cuitze callout callahan logan logically logatch logarith ##fjellt shortages shapefiles substantiate erratic circulated circulations causeway fractionates laboratoryand 454 4583 4536 divert diverges diverging paloma palomares paludal palagonitized armoring armandita paleodebris recycle cruises crundwell illite jerrett ##manides ##125 ##1295 ##12990 ##ontian ##ondike ##ondolella player restricts qualified qualify mediumand otlatepec autocor autoregress fishes fishing pitting pitches pitaru windy windfall ##ylton repair repichnial loan loeh pululahua solidify solidifying isolates variously grenzland digression digested digitate digestion goosey paine paola pajaro pauses imbrications thankfully underlined feeds feeders moran moreno morocco moraga osl osogovo zonations receives hazzard 1982 bouldery worris warmed warme warrants warbel warukin silicaand oxidization 271 276 274 2700 2750 2710 2770 2720 2719 2740 2781 651 654 6500 hotpot splayed seaman seamless negro negra negate negated negatives negotiation explosivity 2502 streamflows 801 809 pannotia ##1918 ##1917 ##19629 seismites seismologic seismographic seismotectonic figures1 chronologically chronicles chronostratigaphic spaceborne ##printing detections detectible illustration aerially aerodynamic seeing organize organizations trigo stories storages storms specifications authigen 288 281 286 285 2850 2810 2820 2825 2829 2821 28250 28215 ringed sensed ##ewed ##ewert inherits particulate openings reconstructs programme hornblendite icap sf3 sf2 sf5 sfard sociology ##bsite ##alski innermost excluding exceedingly paleocontinental paleoceanographic encoding encircle curvatures pyroxenite polyhedrons tremor tremolites ##eyite uncompensated diagrammed diagrammatically idealize ecologically ecologists ecuador ecstall louden louke ##zonations favositid favalli sharif phreatomagmatism arrivals airflow ##oxia tomke constructions elasticity landsliding wavenumber ##innigan unknowingly architectures 348 3470 3750 3716 755 75wt 75991 easier easiest hueco lwith wille wilton wilfley reversible ##uteuil statics proportionate unknowns brandon functioning syphoning aligns ##rystalline pyroclast 956 9534 rmse ##schel ##schaft productive stratum stratifications stratocones recrystallize heterogeneities behaviors euclide euhedra flyer vesuvi welke contextualized oxyhyd behavioral 332 335 337 3300 3316 brownish balkanides camel cameras funds ms11 owl robbing expressly interested ##association overpressurization spanish perpendicularly addicott continentally smooths smoothly emerges emerman longitudinally sixth sixfold tabulation tabulates ##linde debates debauched enriching employees transtensive 363 362 369 3600 3650 9000 90044 bandy bandpass bandwid ceiling ceasing cephalop denver dennis okure porewater magnetism magnetometer magnetostratigraphically mohr sheet3 sheeting sheetlike beginnings 29b 292 2900 2970 29312 29si 2960947 7000 ##1523 ##15500 ##voets ##409 ##40480 commences commission commencing comminution commensurate committee responsiveness backgrounds cliffside petrographically alexa alexandria lakeshore laminite operation operates rolls turned turnover turnaround constancy conceptually protrudes correcting presumes wavespeed bleeding lobed ohm sharpens sharpened downloaded monitors paleogeomorphic achieving achieves lfb pulled pullman runout running runups demeny ##amafic ##ategorical chloritization chloritoid intensifying collects ellis rhodizonate hypothesizes siliciclastics siliciclasticand moderateto 327 3200 3217 441 447 4469 herjol herringbone roadway wooden woodward woodbine woodruff rev1 revision revolves conveying conveyed fairway fairbank subjects subjective marbleized dolomitized robustly trachytes trachydacite 055 05701 dataset datasets hotspots karen karson roele ##awi concealing semimass semiautomated excesses recoverable recordings excavating powerfully gabites handrich handling handheld handicap mischaracter misrepresent miscorre misnomer misalignment misperception zoepp ##covian ##denov ##events ##equan ##0966 interlocking resembled ##apango synchronized ellipses ellipsoid ellipticity 664 665360 cumulate dilute dilatant goodman humus humans humble humbold tk40 talking vanish vanuat reactive seeping subdomain subdepress climber climatology leucosomes accessed accessibility greenschistto japanese roncat skill skull skagit skolithos skewed varian varna varves varga varnish depressurization ##ilibria evaporate evaporates articulated paleontologically collections advectively 1971 1975 19767 travels traveltime traveltimes predictor predictive retrogression questionable heterogeneously 311 3116 529 52300 loses losing supra supposedly scattering embree cloudy cloudcom subdivides bailey baffles baewert serving services ancora ancestor manifesting physiology physiographically physiognomic expanses expansive 436855 arav arabia aragon affixed affair affiliated affirms johansson kunkle url urenui ##116 ##1112 ##759 ##7576 ##755067 spilling validate validates diamonds simplification simplify simplifies estuaries emphasizing 1962 configured antithetically ##ylonitic 466 469 46145 490 494 497 4976 casto castro casting castello listens mcphee mcaleer mcneil mcdermitt twining twinned twodd ##colithic ##vesh toolbox reviewing seasons gravina gravimetric subparallelism evidences concerned 1590 designs designations polarities polarizing polarizers automatized automatization reprocessing embayments pseudo pseudonon pseudorange pseudosection doubled freeing freehand freezes giere giuseppe malmon mallet malcolm maloney malawi mylonitically sonars sagami wolkow ##enchment ##orthy depletions conformity coaldale definable definitely equalized equalization serpentine poleside laccolithic virtue epeirogenically pennsylvania 008 001 006 004 0015 0047 381 382 385 3891 484 688 681 6884 6845 949 94tm biozonations bioevents ccarb faceted gatan hoel hofer hoosac tighten tightness targeting ##cious shanaka shangganchaigou clinothem clinozoisite clinochlore accelerates amboy ambuehl blancan phyllosilicate essence recognitions trunks kentuckyensis nuclei nuclear fluctuate fluctuated celloni nuances nuanced nuclides p292 pinole pinches pinching pinched pinilla pinabet rainy sweet wanapum strandza starve starfield coarsest coarsely coarsens calibrate advant advice advocated radargram infiltrating petroleos buildings datums 028 025 0265 02759 818 8100 81000 8166 8169 berger berggren cosi cospatial cosetti cossetti rarer ##sa95 totally totten beams ##pported spotila objection objectively objectivist patchett mineralogies mineralogically influxes everyday repeat repeatable repeatability 516 517 512087 8000 gilully gilfill gillette girma hemlock hematitic hemihyd jwr klondike lloyd nineteen nineteenth russia vitro isochronous conventionally algal ##fortian marshes ##ichnological accepting acceptance transforming parentless parenthes smithson 1956 1953 1955 termini terminological olivier visualized visualizing superimposition superimposes vallecitos seasonality mita mitrov rheologically rheinber rheomorphism yakataga zeolites ##hamna conversations conversational stuff unfold studentship 204hg northeastwards synclinal 1303 communication luisian categorical categorically categorization 062 064 0689 06415 414 417 4134 531 535 5300 5363 766 763 762 767 851 ayuquila duplicated duchesnean mfz nanolites nankaido poag popped potrerill piper tien tijeras takeuchi macdonald ascends wetumpka electric stabilizing brackets burrowers thermoarl countywide straightness straightening ultamafic hazelton reorganized vectorial oscillates 034 048 04tm 881 882 8819 88bm11 88538 bonacc bonchev bigger biggs biggest kenneth ngakuru ngdc ngatup solari solman soliva solovi soluble solitary solomon ##afine ##462 ##4629 unpub unpolished graphs graphite graphitic graphics chair samsel subpixel subpeaks assigns assignation assignments transformations carolina carolinian maintains delineation delineations delineates δ13ccarbonate quadrants 5600 5667 friable fritz goldand lamented lamellar pedogenesis pedagogical picks pierre ##boro declination declinations declared fortunately fortuit fortunate unreactive unreliable unreflective comprehension arranging contourites ensues ensuring engdahl engulfed entrant 1903 stevenson micropaleont cylinders compressible compressibility saws ultravi ultrapure ultrahigh ultrafine hazardous chloriteand fingerprinting cathodoluminescent 08hq 076 07125 691 696 690 699 676 7110 7115 744 745 971 bouma doneus echoed henceforth harder hardly hardest mbari martic psv psilon psiloceras troposphere taconic ##hesive mazama atlas priegnitz residents conservational indexes paleoseismicity intracratonic intraclast intracrystalline imperfect imperceptible scientist 12mp20 12mp15 12mp40 12mp09 12mp05 12mp38 12mp14 12mp39 12mp24 12mp04 12mp13 12mp17 12mp03 discovering monoclines veinlets auvs roofs roofed leucogranites castlegate 423 424 548 5400 78d 786 784 789 7800 7854 845 847 8447 batch boxes rode rodent sericitically ##9174 ##91862 ##91791 ##9160320 readers readings behold behooves incipiently overgrowth prelude quicker appreciation appreciably actuality discreet rediscovered epigondolella selecting photoshop captions coefficients syndeformational 013 017 0115 096 090 093 09ad 723 724 boren davies kelin kelley kelson molasse snorri snavely treating viola viii violate ##atodes unrotated intercalation geoscient geosystems prevail cryptically acidic underthrusts sanidines horsts 129c 1156 1154 microscopy microscopes microscopically drapes drawback drawbacks paleoenvironments diffusing palynologic preliminarily bifurcates capsules dropstones huerta hufformationn hulett huapango liq liou mgcy mile1 p300 pretreated pictures turning turns turtle znand ##2884 beaches colonial colonized colonization hawkins compensational coordinated regularity prepare preparatory assimilate assimilant assimilants simsboro acoustically undersampled underestimates departments metarhyolites contradicting rhomboidal rhombochasm aggregated guillemette encountering airborneand susceptibilities klippes azimuthal 471 473 585 5800 578 binocular budgets dsms governor ivrea pinkies pinkie pinkish sphalerite sphericity torell torres torote tiering tierra ##3398 ##3336 ##992 ##99739 ##991917 intercepting chroma chrome chromite chromatic chromatographic resurgently resurrection georem modulates survived survives paleolakes learned amerasian 1010002 101650 1148 uncomformably 1700s reconciles backscattered guadalaj neighborhoods semiconsolidated reorients reoriented reorienting wolfenden wolframite wolfgang biohermal enhancement 623 6215500 731 73250 cody codes coding copeland coprecipitation danes dangerously dropping dropped droplets fastest fastened hamylton housekne qtfl tbc tears vocontian vastly wrench writing wrenching ##worthiness ##jiro shotgun shotcrete neurologic competed competency substrates substratum submerge submergence getting cohesion preventing outwardly quartzoarenites discerned 175lu 2004a 2004b puzzling extrapolation extractions insufficiently synthesizes circumference circumstantial claims optimization optimize mitigation mitigated mitigating stereographic stereopl stereographically uncommonly semicontinuously implementation implementations clinopyroxenes aplitic bowen bowles bowler bellian c32 destination groove grooves grooved kamlo muting mutual risen risks ##676 ##67mallet foreshore alpide anneal stemming unrecovered chainman overcast overcomes overturning translate translucent upslopeand upwarping concordances arcuateand explicit 2008b 2007a gratefully gabbroic extrapolate australian 3cm 41080 41084 41085 41087 41079 8cm 835 8985 89338 8900r benign benoit benjamin krautner krumovgrad lenticles nicols picou ramifications renee routinely rossa railways tailored wacke ##cularization ##wakpo ##3434 ##34539 ##39846 ##27881 ##27439 ##5491862 ##atiwada inverting mammilar forcings forebulge convolved triangle universally necks necking disequilibria profoundly possessed 1558 1555 1126 1123 1707 tractional laws lawver lawton lawlor augens augmenting streckeis megaclasts homogenous homogenization shadowed macrofossil macrofauna engineered geographies phenomenological interfingers contradictory olistostrome 82b 821 8200 910002 aids boost boiling boqui donated donovan donelick fugacity gaining hallmarks jason n21x n23s n22sy pillers pillars pavant rendall rendition renders rendered splits ##ophata ##kiold ##kiyou machined machette reinitiate reinjecting rectangle isopleth beveling anatexite unrestricted unresolvable meetings interacts resolvably relayed subtract subtracted cooperation adequacy 1256 1259 decimeterto manganui impedes impeded 1771 cleaning diagnostics 21072 arrests taxonom taxonomic taxaceox erroneously 1992c pitchstone participation participate participant spherulitic sustainability cataldo unconscious perturbs perturbed renewable agriculture 635 643 645 7700 77415 bagdad elder fueled fueling gardner garduno hly120 iodide kurz kirby kirchner kirschner kirikiti kinetically liberation liberated mosquito moscard mosinik moscovian mimicked novato novosib oakland putting sinuous sintering wrap wrapping ##iarity ##luent ##mandu ##8494 ##847078 ##849174 ##9746 ##9794 ##9748 ##ourings replicate supratidal supralith suprasub seventy chickaloon subunits clarence clarified clarify clarifying claremont arkle prefolded prefixed prefaulting leeward adventures amsden ammonites ammonoids phosphate phosphoric metallogenesis setups derivatives glendonite 1221 hybridized invoke 174a 1741 firmly permissive pyriteand diatomite leucotonalites oddity oddities splitting liquefying 370ma 936 avalonian avalonia avalanching browne browser dune dunham eurasian grossly hellenic iteration iterated iterating kw1b kw1a kw3c kw3b kw2a lifespan lengitot lahars lamproite michigan michetti mentioning nosean pearthree poleward qmflt sinkholes tasks tasmanides tongue tongaporutu treats treaty utley urania watts watkinson walters walnut ##ioturbated ##patrick ##4486 ##44920 ##ascals conjectural almandines straddle plc98 plc08 plc92 stimulating unstudied unexpected intertonguing interdisciplinary interdigitating chondritic flaws flawed dismissed overstated indupont centrifuge crenulated adopted adoption undissected undisrupted undisclosed undisputable undertake hexagon delays 1249 driftwood mesoand mesoarch elimination impinged 179hf microphenocrysts supergene harris logistically logistics organizational 1977a 1977b frictional frictionally pillows mirrors mirrored navigated navigating conspicuously 7108 baddel billion billions bivalves c0for effusion effinger effluent efficacy efficiencies fringing hoodoos hindward jamstec jamieson jamtsho launch mccalp mcclure mathematically muller mullion ovchep pesci riegl ttec tmi tmr3 tumescent tillites vulnerability vessels waihi waiotapu waiakapu ##oplankton ##matites ##18755067 ##95329 thorstenson inundated inundating andersen condense ##racturing faunas resetting week sublitharenites consolidate aridification overestimates indentor indenting distorting distortions fieldtrips remobilization 12899739 decompact decompaction sequestering elko elkhead 1888 1831ma obliteration obliterating obliterator mexicanos buckley buckmaster radioactivity holloway returning excretes excreting photogeologic dissimilarity karstic ichnotaxonomic snowball snowcap snowmel stromboli isopachous christmas christelle catalogs microstructure lifetimes straddled dismemberment fruitful fruitville symbol ##sheet2sheet 020e 020b 0757 075328 7114 9929 binger birt ballistic cropping crooked croasdale crossover deduce darin darcy darold gathered ilg joel joachim janet junior juntura ludlow ludington locking mcls mosaics oozes pakiser roskowski rosalia rosettes ravines ravinement royal royhan royden sodus sodium soddo santo village villarric villasens westerly yuha yujiro ##8007 ##632 ##637576 ##653398 ##77925 theodolite ingrown ingested ingersoll inhibit inhibiting recharges rejuvenate rejuvenated ##amaru asperity sundarara searches searching stripes striped striping answering shocks shocked complimentary unsaturated unsurprising unburied unevenly meandered neoichnological preriver interannualto happy happen happens happening happened fledged fledgling ranking overtopping overriden implicate implicated implicitly persink persisting corrosion outcropping outpaced outpacing outpourings undistorting professors professorship smectite emitting embraces embraced rubin stairs discrimination producers breaches manipulating syntaxis 1119380 multistage geophone imparted imparting 1713 benefits trajectories predeformation predeposition predecessor speckling nonuniform noncohesive ichnofabrics ichnogenera keeping polymetallic landmasses photointerpretation photointerpretive proportionality tanzanian fitzpatrick powdered denotes denoting herrle revolutionary concealment mcdougall nannoplankton polygonized tunnels tunneling innovation innovations convincing administrative paparahai recommendation envisioned firmgrounds agglutinate vulcano thoroughgoing iapetan mollusks tholeiite undercooled mesoperthite magnetotellurics 040937 41100 aegean austrian bickle cabin cabazon cabrest cabonate cernjvaska catherine dormant dahlstrom dictates eigenvectors fc1 gauge gauges gauging gauged jagla jagnie journal kermad kohn lulbergrud lectures nothegg ogawa ogallala punta pontide pixels rasp sabkha sabbatical tells tetevan veneers vetel vetted wingate ##tangian ##8140480 ##87419 ineffective inefficiency invalidate invalidation inhabited maxey reexamination reextraction reexcav reexhumed reiterated replenished alleged alleviate alumina aluminosilicate aseismically exsolution exerting exercised prohibitive strictest shoshone plasticity st102 meantime chimeco subdue substituting disproven disappears disappearance geobarometric consortiums speak speaker spuren spurred indonesian preconsolid paleobarometric diapric perfectly centroid legal legacy lewi leveraged leverhul scotia scotese envelops enveloping occluded fragile refinements profilers disturbed empirically downfolding downfaulted deficient 1930s descends descended oroclines ruggedness discipline mesoscopically contracts brasington burgundy 2003a singularity bubbleand 236u 23691 scholz radiolarites saltus classrooms quadrapole irvingtonian authorized ecsz 367ma sheet1sheet2sheet cataclasite incongruity incongruously resembling nonexplosively pseudomylonitic ascertained covarying frenchman paleolatitudes paleolatitudinally paleolandforms reevaluation reevaluated reinforces families stromatoporoids exhaustion eclogites eclogitization demarcates demarcating unreasonable compartmentalize compartmentalizes siwaliks 7198 7190 7193 aroused bartow cpgw casualties candidates cockfield cartographic cartwright cartilag cindy ddm drowns dawson eichrom fibrous fixes fertile fenestrae ghost gocev gibert gibson gibbsite gillis gillespie gillentine honor honors honoring hutto hutsky hudsonian hettangian judith judge judged kiore kontakt lathwork milky monger nerc n090 n097 n097e pcelina pilots pendleton rowland rowley rabisha ricketts sitlika tchoumatch tapaj upheaval upturn victoria winding wenlock wintertime xenolith zipper zagros ##croft ##3587419 ##572 ##573434 ##78992 thalassino ##alpur inlier andrew ##ururok deflated dehydrated replaces rejection beaumont alfaro suddenly seashells shuttle placer sticking unsealed unobserv unsuitable unsuccessful unsupported interfluvial chalmers chapman compactible weighed subareal subterranes disaggregated disconformably coexisted clamshells overthickening sparta sparks sparker sparking registration surtseyan cautions cautious cautiously abebe abnormal sculpturing criticized entity enlargement adapts adapted adaptations undetectable blueschists philips philosophy philippine supplement refracted smokes teachers emplacing overlook overlooked overlooking 1940s rugose breadth 11ts09 11ts04 11ts06 thermodynamic knobs furnish determinant deterministic deterministically 1348007 1328b reconfiguration speculatively equilibration noncategorical nonresolvable gracilis grassy grassland dampens dampened sidewalls pucks migmatization schooled kaolinite holdsworth retentivity barnacle metagraywacke metagabbro metagranite languished mercator mercorella mercury 000008 irradiation petrochronological palinspastically illumination illuminate illuminations energized pulverizing sensitivities encroached tremendous necessitated necessitates necessitating commencement achneliths 32267 gastropod 4861 hillshaded 043b tracemakers d02l05 governmental paleoclimatological books envisaged agglomeration agglomerate agglomerates fiddler hellenide sigmoid juneau unspecific unspecified unspecialized outfluxed disproportionally geobody diapirically stromatoporoidand asymptotically unavailability ichnoassemblages 7r99 ajfz adsorption adsorbed billefjorden bilaterally bromide bromley bruin brule bobov boyd boyle cousens cousins cardenas cardellini dauteuil d4318 dirk dirty dabux dabovski eccles eccentricity fernie fernandez fulfill fulfilled gerardo gerlinde gowk gower g12ac200 g12ap20 hutchison hutchinson jonathon jalapa jalisco jlp09 kristin krstic katarina kattenhorn kidd kidwell kostrov kostopoulos keller kellogg kathryn kathmandu kettler ketilidian linan linares lorna lorraine lomonos menlo menisc nemcok nematodes nonglacial nongeneric nayarit naydenov nichols nicholas nathan nathorst omission omolon pasayten poulson pouderoux pizzi pizarrensis pardonet pardee pourhiet romans romanek rifaine sesia seshun senonian senescent sister siskiyou sirles songo savov savannah sgsim tenet tenets tikoff tikvesh vintage vinini vandalism vandervoort wesley wesnous wispy wisconsin winker winkler wgs84 ρloadghload ##1xg thrive thrace thayer thaynes threats thunderbird ##elstaed ##elstuen deployed deployment reheated reheating reentrant reentrenchment reappearing alamosa alamitos whitis whitney normative trustworthiness stitching stitched st253 st254 unbranched unbioturbated intergrain intergranular intergrowth intergrowths chuar chuang resonance resuspended resuspension relowered relowering wassuk wassermann subarkose subarkosic subenvironment subenvironments geolab geolocated geomodeling geomatics cannonball clogging clinoform clinoforms consumes consumption sputter sputtering spiral spirit contaminant contaminants intuitive intuitively premier premixing abiotic abijta percolation percolated leonardo leaky leaked miogeoclinal hashin provisionally enumerate enumerating enjoyed enjoyable adhesion adhesive outgassing outgassed caribou caribbean underrepresented phaplu suppressed gregory tucker tuckup pegmatite pegmatites paragneiss paragraphs paradigm paradigms elegantly muirhead temora2 apennine apennines downwarped downwarping remelting remelted desiccation desiccated discretely discretization decoupled decoupling elaborating elaborately redeposition redeposited multitrench multitracer geohazard geohazards impounded impoundment rotorua benefitted portugal portuguese olorgesaile olorgesailie microfaulting microfracturing agarwal mudrocks hypocentral hypocenters schedules schedule pycnometer pycnodonte paleoecology paleoecological turbulent turbulence polishing polylx polylithologic 3990966 399637576 instigate instigated safely safety megapixel megapascals harmsen photomosaic photomosaics caprocks 909001 909003 swamps swampy antiformal antiforms stylolites stylolitic irrelevant irreversible irrigation irrigates rappel rappelling mobilize mobilizes neglecting panoramic panoramas trigonometric trigonometrically encrusted encrusting brazos brazil 95br115 95br116 deflects robertval robert67mallet misidentification misidentifications climaxed coursed coursing twtt c13n interpolations interpolating treklj treklyano hughes hughesi underscore underscores d07l10 d07l02 famatina famatinian mosheri ##8554629 elucidated elucidating extraordinary extraordinarily jacksoni condensed condensation echinoderm echinoderms kimberlite kimberlitic inaccuracy inaccuracies legendre encouraging encouraged hetchy victorio thalweg thalwegs noncompacted noncompactible d02l11 d02l07 bootstrap bootstrapped funneled habitat suborthogonal suborthogonally geostatistical geostatistics indistinctly postaccretionary dinoflagellate dinoflagellates 060780 2phrases 512115 8121033 aesthetic astm audio ainsa aishih aphyric akech aksai arunachal bksa95 bogs business babcock barium boleo bumpy bottles borings baxley bangs bombaso csbs cwts cedarville cocos craig curewitz cogwhe cerees cipw cibola corti coseiesmic cecil cullan crockerland dwight dh3 d5000 dingwell dutton dumoulin dudh dibblee doppler dortmund diane dillon dysoxia dendritically dypvik duke daily divalent diversify dugout durridge drowned dashpot daunting daughter dunderberg ekdale e31xg einasleigh ectotherms eimfjellt eutaxitic eponymous erecting e32xg foerste fentale fischer fulbright fowler fusulinid fackler fuego fresher fiumara funnell falsified fascinated fotopoulos gpa gonzales ges010 gleason golconda giggenbach gutierrez gallerani gizaw gayland gianelli gourd grocke g10ac004 hhn1 hjelstuen hults hilley hirst hoggan hikurangi hassi honshu hottest hugo hofformationn hamburg hfses hampson hoffpau houston hantzschel huggett ikon iquique icriodina ivanov jxa jesse jabalpur jordan javanese jamey joyce jefferson jaeger jenkyns khatiwada kanipe kasimov kislits klepack kowalski kemp kveton kockelella kipapa kaguy kortyna kronotsky kauai kearfott kvalvag kugururok kanairik kampman koevoets kutcho krieger kodiak lvlm lonergan licor ligament lizard lardyfjellet lichti lifted lepain lachenbru lopez lovell lissonites lcrp lourens lofgren london mentorship moucha mateo mismatch myself moores mossy mckee mittelstaed molecularization mussels mcleod myanmar nye n1sg n050 nouwakpo nad83 nivet nagy napoleon nardin nokleberg nonsystematic nourish nahcolite n75e n088 n92e niagaran oc270 ozarkodina ostreid pnt0 ppg pingos plymouth pivotal pogonip paterson pindell paxton papanikola pradesh qulleq qigequan qutzite qahtani qmpk qiangtang rtp renamed routing rationale rocas russo rakovan rinsed rondonian rosenberg ridgeline sx100 social sessions sopris sialic sakmarian sikora sickel sahagian sinaloa s80w skalar tdm tfc ttr14 tulu tidally tirua tandem tantalizing tepee tachometer torde10 tsoyaw turcotte taught uvigerina uinta utsu ulleri vs30 vmx venue vivid vagaries vials vikre viorel vinci voxels vashon wtrpz wagner wichita wallowa wobus wollastonite wireline woolley wapshilla xseries yarmony yanqia yosemite yardang yokoyama youthful yesterday yucaipa zaikof zenteno zaksek zartman zavada zillerberget zindler zippi zhang zafu zoroaster ørvin δ234u ##k130 ##mariam ##88632 ##875849174 ##867827 ##620611 ##3sheet4sheet ##2407 ##5sheet6 ##76578 ##76613 ##ørnhamna thamama threads thursday thaws ##onassa ##eramus oftentimes inoceramus inadvertently intake insects inertial ineterbedded inegi inordinately ##arayana andaman ##roduce tolerances ##olumetric ##trumental deemed deccan deactivation dewatering deglaciation deteriorate magee maheo maharrey reestablished reassessing reignited revaluated reticulite receptacles reburied repositioning reappraisals reintroduce reaffirm reykjanes isogons isochroneity isovolumetric isoclinally isaacson isovelocity isbjørnhamna convenient conjoined congruent beartooth beaufortian alessandra alquist aldercroft algarve aliasing almaden suffices suwannee seyno sekenge seyfert faultderived exaggeration exogenous exfoliation proponents prodigious strasser strachan striae antonio antecedent antenna antilistric anoxic anichnolagerstatte anhydrous anatomy ##adiki shistose shylock sherrod shtrikman comfortable commingling sought soufriere orinoco whakamaru atudori atypically norwoodi nordenskiold tressler truckee trilobites plucked plafker storegga streets stochastic stymied stenolophata stuttgart unordered unanswered unclos unnecessary unruptured unbleached unterschutz unnoticed unextended unassociated unparalleled unanticipated unaccounted unstructured uneroded uninhibited unannealed unvegetated me09011 neukirchen neustadt ##ag0093 intervened interbasin interrelate chakadiki chayes chikyu chunks chersonian checks chiquito chihuahua chorowicz residential rescaled reshaping haenggi wasserburg subnetwork subhorizontally subsections disregarded disastrous disgorging dislocation incapable incredible ear1119629 cannibalization covenant coalinga coarseto coppersmith clicking marsaglia evokes slovenia ardeche arthropod ranuliformis overpredicts oversimplification overemphasized sponsoring spaghetti volunteered extinguished contexts integral surprised surfseis timpahute preinstrumental preeruption pregrowth ##001641 paleothickness paleotsunami paleotethys paleogorge paleonvironment intradeposit intraunit intravalley intrapontide noteworthy riverlaid riverfront reclaimed abbreviations abiotically obducted allmendinger allodapic diabasic dielectrical calclitharenites itinerary itacaiunas quieter queantoweap mihalynuk crinkled cristobalite haszeldine ussler provincial accidentally enabling enthalpies corollary adobe adductor outbreak outbuilding outskirts posamentier posteroventrally postabandonment transcripts undocumented undifferentiated midslab amorphognathoides amoenum amealco limnopus canyonlands carroll vertices vergesellschaft undertook underfilled underpredicted phoenix minnelusa greybull tuolumne reftek130 refrigeration refractory variegated petersburg pegamite peculiarity paraconformably fekadu metadiabase meticulously heermanni hekpoort teflon teklemariam 1033462 203712990 emeleus earthscope charnockite apophyses presuppose subsolidus patzcuaro downslopeto downstepping afghanistan horrendous delaney deliberations precorrelation globerman 1220676 decarbonated granophyric mankhemthong elspeth elutriated monomineralic curiosity synmetamorphic syntectonically redefine redirected 111177925 11918140480 aftershock juarez initiatives gradstein uncorrected heretofore micahel bioclasts biomicrites biosiliceous biosignatures multithreading multifaceted doherty impregnated impenetrable impractical 25503 inviscid matthews matrices edinburgh brennan bryozoans rattendorf 5071453587419 1327c 132423 132338 latitudinal laumontite aqueducts burdigalian combusted hanzawaia postamalgamation postsecondary postunconformity epeirorogenic reconstitution reconsidered 145744920 waiongaro melanosome cmbsf collaboratory espoused nonoverlapping noncalcified nonvesicular nonarbitrary nonintrinsic nonphreatomagmatic nonparametric archaeonassa microcube microtextural griffith grøsfjeld mozambique centerpiece 1820s 30333 ##50282407 altimetry hypopycnal 22388494 intraoceanic spectroscopy spectroradiometer viscoelastic bubbling ichnospecies ichnosubassociation aggressiveness kebede keefe thermofinnigan thermorheological paleophycos paleofluvial paleoaltimetry kazakstan kaipokok hydrovolcanism polinclinata polypropylene 60487867827 paleoshoreline morphogenus 87gc81 barbados metasiltstone 40ar39ar northwardyounging orthoquartzites megacycle megashear megafailures megalaccolithic megabreccia ##801284 ##805941295 24004875849174 langstakken harzhauser arriagada mediterranean mercalli graywackes taphonomy millennium infrequent 901691 ##10159746 ferguson puruagua cuitzeo logatchev logarithmic 45369794 autocorrelated autoregressive repaired loehn worrisome warbelow ##191866 authigenically 282518 28295491862 282150 282507 282156 ecuadorian tomkeieff 371662 759916e 95341523 euclidean vesuvius oxyhydroxides 33162 90044805941295 bandwidth cephalopods 2960947620611 44693 herjolf fairbanks semimassive mischaracterization misrepresented miscorrelations zoeppritz 66536050282407 humboldt vanuatu subdepressions varnishes 19767847078 cloudcompare 4368558554629 affairs 4614518755067 497670e pseudononion wolkowinsky 688495329 6845653398 clinothems pinabete radargrams 02653 810001 81664486 81699160320 gilfillan hemihydrate parentheses mitrovica rheinberger 0641515 53632884 potrerillos 88bm118 bonaccorso ngatupaku soloviev 566791791 fortuitous micropaleontology ultraviolet 08hqag0093 psilonichnus imperfections 844727881 geoscientist ##33369 ##9919171 guadalajara 6215500n houseknecht stereoplots kamloops ##274393 mammilaries streckeisen n21xy taxonomical taxaceoxylon hly1202 moscardelli novosibirsk supralithostatic suprasubduction lengitoto plc92b mesoarchean baddeleyite mccalpin ovchepole waiakapua 12899739001641 snowmelt 07532810159746 villarrica villasensor sundararajan unsurprisingly 0409373 cabresto jagniecki kermadec nothegger reextractions reexcavation preconsolidation leverhulme sheet1sheet2sheet3sheet4sheet cartilaginous tchoumatchenko tapajos thalassinoides unobserved dabuxun g12ac20038 g12ap20110 lomonosov meniscate seshunarayana savannahs wesnousky wisconsinan 3990966n 3996375769748 trekljano 0607808 81210339919171 aishihik cogwheel fusulinids ges01086 g10ac00428 hoffpauir kasimovian kislitsyn klepacki kaguyak kvalvagen kanairiktok lvlmls lachenbruch mittelstaedt papanikolaou tantalizingly tsoyawata yanqiao vergesellschaftung 20371299076578 11117792533369 11918140480572 50714535874198 14574492078992 22388494801284 60487867827707 45369794191866 28295491862245 95341523573434 29609476206114 1976784707829 43685585546297 46145187550677 68849532988632 68456533981112 81664486274393 81699160320409 5363288434539 56679179139846 84472788176613 sheet1sheet2sheet3sheet4sheet5sheet6