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mag ##am ##ab composi su ##ystal or exp ##qu ##ase cont ##ir ##ant ##em ##di crystal ##sion ##eral ##rain pl ##ity ##ues fig inc figure te high pres ##ge ##og res ##ock ##ting magm ##ene were ##ph bas ##ver ha min ##yro grain this ##te ##us ##pp col ##amp us diff ##erat par cal ##ain ol ##ous temp ele mod ##ment exper temperat ##yrox ##ites ##ran ##cc melt rock ##ely ##ri ##00 low samp fe ##ical inter experim sp ##ther ph mineral colle was ##fic qu which have ##age cl ##ures oliv met form en dis we dat ##les show ##ations ##ch ##ence ##yp composition model olivine ##agues colleagues ##and ##olu per ##een ##ass bet flu ##ut ##ween press ##ole ##ari ##bs ##able ##eter ##rac ##art ##arn calc compositions zon ##up between typ ##ess vol ##ration mg li un ##ds mant ##lase these ##hib ##duc rep ##yroxene mantle ##mal ##ap ##ary cor ##aly ##ioc ind ##tite rel garn ##io inclu plag garnet ##artz amp ev quartz not basal temperature fluid ne ##ize val se ##un plagioc ##ally ##ay stu dep data plagioclase ##ong int pr gro ##ect analy ##ges ##ates grains ##2o ##uring conc sub amphib ##ved ##opyroxene ##ne pre equ during ##itic rocks ar sc size ##av ##ange ##ust crystall calcul ##low im differ ab ##ility ##ide ##de sil ##ct can ##so samples pressure ##ore ##iti ##ater using resul than ge also gran ##und clin isot isotop ##str magma ##ental reac ##ers ##ized element vari ##ak ##atic ##dy consi ##ree ##con silic ##ments ox ##ound concent melts ful ##ding condi ##gh frac app tra ##ies ##hed values within type experiments ad gl nor lower rec ##ost ##reas ##eas ##ilib ##ystem full ##orph ti system ##vely solu conditions acc sim obs inclusion er obser occ ##our ##ircon zircon ##der more crust tw ##tern ##ative bo ass ##yd used has ##for 10 ##usion equilib und ##ose all rim image ##ell ##ization ##atin clinopyroxene ##cl occur ##can our crystals ag ##yr may contents two range it ##ue ##uch ##ight been but sul ##bl ##enti cp ##form ##sti str ##emical trace glass ##ses dec rich where ca imp ##iel ##ix sample higher under ##ble ##cess ##oun indic mic there ##ach their volcan 20 ther most calculated maj simil ##pa ##ism sulf ##ded parti ##vi tim ##ign ##tain ##est sug fraction similar sugges mafic lar inclusions major ##ral ##ron ##ome meas ##ating ##uld compar magmas into ##act inf ##ides ##bility diffusion ref ##rations ##tig ##amorph ac ##ist ##ces over ##orite studi h2o ##ill different car how ##ast repres sec zone metamorph ##rog other ##xt temperatures le ##erite ##olite equilibri ##fore ##esc cpx phase gen ##io2 ##ram increas prim rati ##wth minerals study ##ond ##lm both ##pl ##ido ##olution sign ##arly fol ##ined ##ros observed gr hyd char perido erup process experimental ##rib ##kal amphibole comple only ##ale ##ile ##ient esti ##mo ##ace estim melting results ##ific ##au ##enite tran concentrations ##ural such magmatic ##ip howe elements however sour ##ases ##ied ##etr orth coe reaction ##ath ##end ext rh ##ad ##ber based produc present ##ard ##rich ##ang ##ear text enrich prop sur ##par ##tit ##anite consist solubility ##tive equilibrium ##edi up ##dition ##ance ##acter xen character spin corre po ##if ##ort ##olith der sl table formation magne com content ##yrite reg addition af gre represent ##ack br const bear host analyses wt ##olog ##ular tr mix ##mon ##its those ##raph subduc am resp bec contain growth na ##ens expl loc formed deriv alkal ##osed ##ffic crystallization ul ##ield lith basalts ##och ##oci ##round bearing ##ial ##ction no granul ##ke ##ured phases dom associ some xenolith each ##ough ##quid spinel ##ryst liquid ##osph deter determ ##ian ##od mat ##vious ##out rims they ##led si ser hydro bound ##tively ##bon ##bar ##ves magnetite along sy smal ##red derived gpa chemical ##ame bel ##lec ##hedral micro nat contin prov studies sat ##sterite ##umul follow he fel ##ion ilm ##ep ##ages one small pb well after lav volcanic tit pat basaltic do eff mar ##ual ##rease fur geoch ratios isotopic associated found ##sive ##ameter forsterite chl carbon ##zo ##uct rhy ##pre main large 15 ult appro source bul cores bulk water spect shap out pressures group shown due previous thus bio same ##sem volum signific xenoliths ##iven consistent models grt complex ##ucite ##omp ##vel ##pm therefore disc ##tites ap desc brucite whole calib consider silicate biotite ##ean ##ocryst ##ogene ##han ##ically fractionation orthopyroxene compositional significant ##ould ##edim pyrox measured ##ory ##ugh amphibol lim ##ins ##ution supp isotope coeffic further ##tical 100 its 12 early lay new time mater ilmenite titanite material sulfide ##18 def line ##orted ru ter three ##rough ##ected fluids ##neis mon sio2 interpre ##uration ##atively orig ##ia ##rol processes ##ail ##pen ##ause ob ##medi ##xim ##ozo because respec compared general plu ver ##ug cur ecl km la through phen correl eclog subduction ##ometr deple scale ##other ##atite metamorphic trans enriched ##esite ##formation field ##olved assem ra ##zed core antig pattern ##omati ##rix ##ount increasing matrix origin ##land crustal ##her ##kely ##ability ##strib antigorite ##tile initi fo diss ##olid elect abund second fa chrom normal ##mediate δ18 ##opyrite ##alc ##idual mgo ##2o3 natural fac prof strong ##ross unc ##rogen det pet when lavas sedim ##pper experiment respectively pol sr intermediate ##ertain zr ##ties lithosph red ##ced ##veral mixing upper assembl ##ho ##ocrysts abs fir ##50 ##vity distrib metas end ##ines displ pred common bu region first 19 11 sou ##afic ##own stand concentration constrain ms pot solid ##ometer ##yg 50 run ##ards co2 describ ##ms ##ork dr set ##fied shows likely evid poin volume ##sible relations partial ##ramafic ultramafic related eos ##ably display ##anges zones surf 14 ii ##ys ##ences arc recor cent ##umin thermo partition pt pe ##co ##eric peridotite determined ##all decreas uncertain given could while deg ##unction granulite ##itive ##erg ##ozoic ##ement ##ities struct whereas gra ##sen ##tal ##onic compon magn pos indicate reported ##ors stage primitive saturation mul contact parameter δ18o ##itu ##sis rem ##ression relative ##sed ##ove ##reg ##ects above thermal aver fin ##li then ##ick ##isting result north ##rated geochemical ##hip ##ger ##olei num ppm tholei intr oxyg rutile cumul ni ##formed relatively basalt peridotites cm ve characteris obtain electron relationship ##cep ##thern measure ##enes ##though although arsen ##ential eu ree ta tio2 presence value layer ##ling ##raphic multi ##nam depos 30 ##one primary sch increase ##neiss op chlorite id ##eous ##sr encl metamorphism if late shear suggest ##lac spec neg prec oxid evidence less ##orp plot analysis products felds arsenopyrite ##ently ##ished infer oxygen 200 types eruption patterns mig amphibolites ##pentin ##resp part silica average mpa ##ients ##eng ##ison evolution alkaline continental coefficients band ##ish dire domin ##ogeneous hf oce ##sition observ ocean ##lic ##ise requ interac corresp oxides ##echan zoning acti predic mechan ##assic cap posi variations serpentin very feldspar hom nd ##sm al2o3 unit systems peak metal ##ination ##velop ##oid ##atter distin dissolution facies glasses ##vestig ##namic fact will μm ##til investig ##assi total before assum ##row ##ult prog depth import ##atures ##emi amphibolite below discus calibration ##be area contr minor ##rosc estimates slight ##ometry back ##ited following el function would ##me ##kes sing control rhyolite generally initial characteristic ##ends ##isation granites distribution ##cy ##ann standard use ##hyd ##wa cool star deformation develop obtained here mass parag geother interpreted phenocrysts ear emp ro µm ##ains studied surround dac ##fer ##hl ##ple alter mm ##du silicic gener ##ensity sediment ##roscop fer ig ##pb ##val ##rag map eclogite depleted ##ten ##estern ##ogen separ transition single age fine kbar ##rite tow err boundary fit sm ##greg thin ##aset diag changes dataset ##aries ##stry surface aff blu ##ric ##10 ##iles slab identi ##emistry bl light pyroxene ##ately boundaries ##ether ##ological effect lithospheric pge ##isc ratio mol so plan comparison propor syn ret rate ##rap alm measurements 13 base ##orb any showing apatite fahl point parameters free tect ##esis ##ither ##ilt ##sequ close calcite occurs important ##oy ##urated shock analyzed about occurr ##ty ##uted ##erv island section explain mechanism diagram bar ##rystal ##cted av man mus ##side anom orient ##east infilt negative slightly ##mb stability volcano heter peral conf exhib alkali hydrous hor hist ##ss grained ##ift metasomati aug site ##ud ##ks beam ##uced contrib partic profiles ##az examp including sequ several accor pyr ##sc replac constant pd ##ner andes near ##dynamic normalized around cle ##sic ##arc ##astic ##atible ##thermal fract hydrothermal described ##ength por post ##ave ##ons units reactions oxide estimated felsic correspon western ##ive ##roduc ##pping variation solution increases strongly bene coup stable ##osity ##ember energ considered south migm 18 flow nb highly performed indiv ##ather 17 bon ##cent ##ales ##ature ##lect ##acity change evolved analytical mainly secondary interaction pa rele few volati provide pyroxenite direct contrast tectonic individual 25 density ##opyrox ##chean approxim rare possible ##ots ##gite ##yl ##ided depend variable exten observations eq either ##ie thick deep influ textures ke sin across local distinct ep wide crystallisation suggests detail structure ##rystall cu mean work ##over maxim timesc characterized ##ology central inferred ic least non demon calculations cooling augite long andesite exch like appear larger activity according mn situ ##old diffu ##neous isotopes refer decrease approach characteristics igneous pu should forming thermodynamic 16 mid yiel inv mineralog sulfides poor msz potential much ##alle beh plate continu carbonate assemblage commonly geotherm migmati pyro excep ang leuc comb rhyol shapes ##uminous beneath ##ox ##irs residual ##ays green ##lected decreasing component deposits starting error conduc crat modi dehyd aggreg shape exchange komati ##ok ##per ##ka allow feo quan even reflect uncertainty 40 dol ir vs vary decomp number eas sum ##ob ##uter ##bles ##ection exc zircons produced proposed domains infiltration energy ##opyroxenes fug ##ex ##used images resulting therm textural many example demonstr medi tak ##ired basin crystallized oceanic ##iqu ##na ##hen ##rho ##allow ##lement suite modelling sclm indicating enrichment pyrrho maximum pyrrhotite bre gas ky outer ##ao ##20 does materials correlation abundant towards nuc tu wid ##enced modeling trend saturated significantly coupled bonin nucle lit ##onite ##ina ##rade shallow fe3 dates differences occurred erupted ##ipit curr fo2 earth ##duce kn visc chemistry ##aman order adj northern belt assemblages homogeneous cre ##ft ##seud ##abb features ground coex linear mis rather ##ov ##bers ##ances without existing ##omes ent sources amount chlor supplement intrusion cross hyp nan ##fy ##ographic garnets various ##ounts hosted euhedral dehydration gal raman ##fs ##arg ##ised prob reserv indicates overl bub requi reservo 60 lines ##ior ##ena ##itoid note cao petrog rap ##hn ##work ##asts ##unlu fractional simp interpret profile multiple mush rapid bse gold porph zn ##ked ##ocene diameter ##izes equation previously investigated overal ##iation often reve ##ivers conclu caps ##allel supplementary overall reveal 87 pseud ##oth ##gin ##14 ##ored state dist typically coefficient record veins sequence fugacity fl four iron ##not ##ord ##aces devi expected ##anging among pyrop conducted fre talc ##gm ##ae ##tim incomp induced ##aves systematic suggesting effects defined tholeiitic predicted 500 pri ##30 dolom prior aqu hal ore ##ik ##pro ##100 ##etra ##pped ##fication univers difference components exhibit 29 pow rates ##hod ##ctions olivines method ##struct series amphiboles poly uncertainties ##orption progres aqueous vers ##nbl ##hum ##ving preser typical geological ##entially monaz tholeiite history pyrite ##mass ##uf ##ually parallel events subsequ archean presented limited remain groundmass 86 ax bro dy las ##enites ##rop ##iclase ##oss explosi ##ometric opx identified avail hornbl behav current bor pale ##sp ##tes ##ium ##gro ant periclase zoned cannot underst suggested depletion lack orogen ##ula ##verse clos ##assing prefer radi southern ##orpor galena probably dolomite lree ##ven ##onal ##ending stra ##omin partitioning den foc slow ##uan ##lied assi incorpor had granite estimate texture lithosphere dominant peraluminous volatile eastern ##probe laser case ts ##ture ##12 inst ##ores ##ark compr composed ascent agre recorded versus ##growth gabb ##inated ##alu coesite exs step white ##tine evalu cumulates vein enclaves occurrence andesites since timescales break viscosity frequ des ga h2 hol morb ##nos being fe2 introduc equilibration representative trends granulites followed craton ##ward alumin dikes collected recrystall ##illed corresponding lat ves ##hf ##bil ##13 ##atism produce magmatism event symp smaller pyroxenites sediments leucos summ kyanite 300 ba ##ca conver ##acent subs interf included clinopyroxenes represented microprobe spectrom ##rolog chromite petrolog endm surrounding decompression incompatible university 700 au hp ray youn ##ood ##ench cham experi see accumul sulfur amounts located plume room mes pure sizes ##fe ##gether ##erid together coar sherid ##sions ##yrobl metho selected gross carri eruptions microstruct 1000 retrog fractures adjacent porphyrobl methods best yb ##more ##ui att ##izing prot contam classi level additional furthermore driven oxidation positive synth available sheridan path ##har ##tial ##ency altern chalc parental ##ake solutions impact sections foliation extrac contains heating limnos ##neisses magnes ##itude bluff ##arctic rhyolitic aggregates understand ncc wed ##br ##ern ##aneous top intern env ##chist subhedral microscop reflec lea containing spectra layers transp degassing anomal confir vesic grossular 00 ks ##des excess highest minim calculate ##aceous decreases intru altered diffusi monazite down ranging though ##rem showed include recent body subducted provided ##rown controlled paragneiss geothermometer ##o2 ##lying remo diam applied setting alteration proportions angle nucleation brag lo ##ule ##dle ##tir ##ules ##iron olig gruf ##co3 fahlore orientation coexisting hypoth broad wedge environ braggite ages east log sph ##bly ##inity hawa ##upo volcanism partially increased trig 199 magnitude taupo dominated ##ipitation known hawai mount chond china prp crystallographic differenti represents proper lava groups throughout discussion approximately distance might sw ##set ##2co3 ##ende coll enti zona ##aven abl applic ##fficient plut ##till block hence ##rum ##ump cover platin weak reach nature relationships proportion coarse entire platinum 35 80 bal jun ##ancy ##ival oruan ##arily need equilibria abundances possi enclave surrounded fahlores influence middle continuous exclu tuff 86sr hornblende antarctic tsch chamber oruanui cations ed har pop pgm still ##son ##orth ##olve exist exhum short ##ches again mostly na2co3 required ##ogenic except confirm open vac ##ead ##enari ##ason ##oph ##ument ##andag scenari granitic hasandag times margin factor discussed symplec accumulation ebs fav fiel gneiss ores sem ##hp ##pr ##king ##ycl alb anat plots account ##ologies heav term points bands almost heterogeneous pairs icp 87sr agreement popul ebsd fields ast asi cation member tri yield ##ful ##well ##eler isop expan elev spati phot fluor arg liquidus determine abundance degree clear migmatitic reservoir introduction ablation ce hree oph ##equ ##ade ##ining ##ols ##ections ##ote spot silicates greater describe surfaces final cumulate boninitic ##ivalent em lab ##taceous ##leth ##omic colli acceler chrome constrained metals assuming depths dacites directly cretaceous chondrite loss must nit round ##ier ##kd ##rees inner ##oll ##ularly ##ress ##ffer chi charn ord calculation ##blished ##ixi mixed geochron laixi polished dry thermobar dacite sedimentary leucosomes isopleth charnock hy kv lin pic san west year ##are ##ans basis hand modal intersti ##etric spectrum pyroxenes reduc deposit serpentinite ##avenna ophi collision chiavenna 600 70 aure date epm hel massi ##to ##ute ##icom ##urn ##ceed ##ogn basic calder quench elemental recogn access caused indicated ##attered anomaly detailed boron porphyroblasts tschicom epma tschicoma 23 did lp length oh tetra vi via ##tle ##most ##ness ##log ##80 ##ind ##sively appar symb terms curves chromites regions explained replacement taken preserved interface attrib chalcopyrite anomalies properties interstitial 45 ##bo ##atory ##assive ##ilation ste ##erature nearly glob ##stit heat shaped fault absence standards oxidized heterogene modified literature ksv net rift ##oh ##ways areas stages ##embers modul better grow 201 consists spectroscop constraints serpentine published quantit capsule ##brid ##adeite caldera cen five pap coun ##ises ##otassic ##ogran ##enetic signatures ultrap limit eclogites preci developed smv planes metasomatized metasomatism particular exhumation elevated nitrogen hybrid aureole ultrapotassic 47 filled role ranges ##ning ##ensi information coop reason alp ##tingu parts distingu perio sea analysed fractions absorption iii schem species contribution ##henosph deviation 296 diffusivity asthenosph cenozoic cooperite dark jadeite kine ln sect uhp yunlu ##mq ##utions cons made super exposed former disequ perm ##gest ##ilibri mica comparable eruptive grey respon discre degrees development basement mineralogy requires pseudos experienced disequilibri 24 75 ao cir last moun n2 ##ta ##nary ##60 ##elf ##echn diffic forms modeled orthog extent ##ified na2o defects buffer homogen factors assumed reference overlap ##spec petrological massif aoq clu frag pen ##ry ##erous ##rous whether mapping arra sims moreover lead signature lithologies calibrated diagrams dependence carried disequilibrium hot jo ka k2o later techn upl ##tely ##ground ##zation ##istine ##osition ##rip interval volt pristine recycl accomp completely location absent center position generated yielded medium instead retrograde circ 22 400 mc mill massive rid sn xr ##mm ##49 ##rate ##urac ##vite insi ##sted ##statite ##stone ##ract equilibrated dissolved polar predomin molar endmember transport environment years accessory attributed precision nv os omp zh ##dated them ##ini ##ice ##urmal ##isite ##acl highl space granitoid 206 acqu complete product potassic solidus ##lier activ generation affected particularly polym levels junctions voltage 02 dun kar mt ##lies ##tice ##rec ##olites ##terozoic flux relic geo ##kaline great ##raphy newly maps simple pyrope subsequent orogenic ##growths gabbro 28 latter ##fu ##ased tourmal ##ets consequ compatible another rest phlog ##ching condition simult implic ##etry liquids volumes considering 1200 law prograde combined varying stratig assim recrystallization contamination understanding hypothesis ##uracy phlogop simultaneous 27 57 cam est lam lake mor squ ##ma ##inc exam strain ##omatic diop usually inters ##chy liq ##iocene indep accuracy strength regression granulitic marked terran quanti bubble petrographic interpretation revealed focus heavy network spectroscopy difficult accompan 206pb independ 55 800 doc fore fmq nec nam qz war δt ##eb ##ley ##ising isome ##ectic anorth ##abl lowest enstatite hydrogen corrected ##ysical gradi plotted entrap bubbles mesozoic uplift tourmaline establ del fil giv mi nacl sites ##go ##use ##bile ##rea ##rating ##ible norites accur similarly primarily additionally marbles correlations original background key mineralogical irreg demonstrate axis exsolution ##bilities rounded symbols phlogopite das fu far prom six ##sb ##ially ##gely ##aw ##ety stor sup resolution compositionally ##iour largely ##escence redox layered elastic mechanisms dependent extension komatiitic behaviour oligocene sphal differentiation insigh assimilation necess entrapment il kd pal ##eed ##wh ##gr ##by ##jc ##eless sufficient conte metap reproduc seg intra clinozo assess assump refract ##ification plumb curve distributed emplac clinozoisite refractory plumbing 900 fram lun njc pan rb rif εhf ##tz ##main ##pite ##ln ##down ##ants mamain ##abil prism variety rechar 204 upon become locally follows specific chloritoid radiogenic breakdown despite summary internal scenario predominant document anorthite mamainse recharge junction led δ49 ##bur ##lite ##erate ##olated coord ##ibility lie reprec imping micas majoritic experimentally datasets plane almand replaced released require pyropes trigger albite orthogneiss clust implications lunar 204pb espec pent tes tab ##mann ##gn ##titic ##estim ##inder ##sist ##agn isother stre onca dev disper until prepar ##itized ##struc variability left locations effec ##landite initially metasomatic schist earlier little flat frequency lattice spectrometer microscope minimum diamond balance quantitative kinetic storage especially pentlandite 34 dest kunlu nar sant test inside ##stan ##ott ##omorph hapl old depending timing respect geochemistry 150 descrip ##ometers structures finally observation ferr black corresponds extensive appears komatiites vesicles accelerating alpine restric diopside sphalerite tabular kunlun narrow haplogran 03 99 ##yc ##vant ##15 ##edon ##itt too stri proced place ##teg feature arr sill solubilities impro hydrox provides marble calibrations supported phenocryst correlated petrogen metasedim correspond backsc ##anning exception ##ique explosive behavior alumina hawaiite confirmed isopleths zhang illu rifting reprecipitation almandine 32 sb ##etic ##oich ##gins ##ctic ##onitic ##itted inher ##itectic mobility ##ighted onset formula peritectic never crystalline added cause mixture ##rysts carbonates vertical facil separated toward blue identify peralkaline horiz andesitic yields combination demonstrated entrain ##argyrite closely substit extracted magnesian against spatial geochronology array ridge granitoids morro frame petrogenesis 85 ae bi brown cell cases dim ess fall graph oct pum tonal trem ub wall ##fich ##iy ##11 ##ður ##arau mafich diver ##dies ##gean parox modelled corro includes substan resulted caus outc obvious electro regional grade magnesite oper affect halarau synthetic leading period irregular fux δ49ti ##oichi facilit aegean paroxys halarauður 52 95 90 cyl mac mil miocene yel ##o4 mobile atoll ##osh caledon mode implies ##rograph ##covite structural numerous muscovite epis putir widely subsequently evaluate possibly independent forearc tremolite yellow putirka bin cast ion rt ##ging ##adi ##cies ##koy ##inate off instr ##orts ##orini ##let ##ime ##ached ##ili ##atis asc anhyd ##ressed resid intergrowths equivalent hydration spinif correction domain provin carbonation 144 143 taeb empir orientations ##ksan portion release thermoc capsules ##aeksan anatol charnockites distinguish penins dashed predominantly santorini fuxin spinifex taebaeksan 44 48 fast me pist suc tio ƒo2 ##s13 ##hac ##err inp ##olving extern align ##tically prox interg mineralization unli indeed strat support define correlate reduced fitting progressive spectrometry thought vacancy quenched recognized heterogeneity metapel restricted peninsula 65 ach dri side sensi tg wor ##fl ##rust ##cient ##ky ##onds inj ##idote ancient crus shosh probe older ##less listed scl fully complexes defect finding separate occurring epidote means timescale involved conclusions leads joao omphac lamell isomekes documented outcrop anhydrous 01 21 94 jot kang now qc trac εnd ##xi ##rites ##b0 compare anhedral ##opro dissem weight perme noted ##ersat ##tains charge orthoc detected rhyolites allows intrusions paleozoic comprises classification reflects application triassic photomic tetrahedral paper permian accompanied stret castro achie shoshonitic jotun photomicrograph 33 42 db0 fas good gneisses ide mang right sk tro yet ##ton ##o3 ##oar ##way ##rup ##vities thir ##enting ##elt ##eth constit ##thors ##resh ##omer ##ppe meta ##olute index reli depends geometry react updated xenocrysts true explan sie phengite absolute measurement ##valent separation errors bars volcanoes clearly ##ylite ##rystalline width reservoirs powder remaining preferentially aluminum swar ophiolite discrete gives ##sb4 external kangxi ##oarchean kangxiwa 750 cyc dsc pac rough µg ##man ##da ##75 ##zbur ##ones ##itous integ ##ories ##asma coast exceed always ##ope dike dihedral shar plasma resorption fe2o3 sperr ##weenaw ##ayed sci reached adak bodies imply fractionated extrem contained nappe dokd 120 runs ell keweenaw median systematically focused harzbur expansion sector activation micaschist dispersive description framework graphite paroxysms 144nd empirical ##oproterozoic sperrylite dokdo 49 56 du duration opp osc qtz ske ##sting ##tri ##ire ##ily ##wards ##aded ##pri ##bre ##70 ##ings ##ulated ##iding alta cr2o3 sampled induc seism arrow scales ##aternary signal greens amb alkalis match appropri transformation potentially solidification iden assume mmes microstructures reflecting broadly collap edge symplectites fluorine schematic asthenosphere arrhen proxy pacific oscill 650 82 crac eds fresh ions nm sized wides ##40 ##wise ##uce ##bi ##ki ##ero ##aled ##olcan ##rad ##idine ##theless ##omers ##abase having usb modern physical qual quaternary scanning abbre isotopically undersat alloy becomes seric patches ##pread 1100 ##cept direction ign flows relevant ##iquitous rapidly dynamic picrites sanidine modulus assumption nevertheless octa ubiquitous 143nd disseminated ##sb4s13 extremely greenschist identical widespread abbrevi 3d cs et ever hart m2 morph pul tt tib tend ##t0 ##ira ##kn ##alog conn isolated ##eca ##owled ##atites alrea stress ##restri atm shield enhan percent ##raction consisting accre underpl largest reflected active peridotitic ##mobar naoh apfu monit displays interactions elong geothermobar planar greenstone pseudomorph ##prin population responsible mountains fragments recycled stratigraphic squar terranes gradient necessary caledonia faster explanation appropriate already ##restrial bat cut czo ftir h1 members sand seen van vap ##tectic ##has ##gl ##ax ##uven cotectic ##ational analog ##ommo she deformed tempor clasts database corner ##ung prev imag traverse ##hedrite recon accommo glassy refine textured enrichments propag propose chemically outside supply detect hfse capacity paragneisses empl thickness authors diamonds plutonic populations smvs emplacement prepared metasediment illustr inherited tibet 08 31 46 dome emb gap hsr ib ##ged ##lites ##inite ##itch ##oria ##asion ##ician ##ani ##els proj ##ritic interior repe scattered occasion ##ours cpo 2020 ##plate magnetic regar apatites terrestrial faul ##cool numbers specif precipitation portions 18o deeper plateau coexist ##ovician axes explosions classified alternatively orders ordovician apparent reasonable pseudosection snc xrd accurate prismatic isothermal backscattered omphacite stretching ambient undersaturated ##owledge 000 fron mine tn ##fm ##iform ##bor ##ld ##iter ##orum ##olation iss ##omelt what chall incon deposition scatter ti4 genesis orthopyroxenes association symm driv displayed remn characterised precipit ##iscibility migmatites aggregate ##iques incorporation protolith geothermometers labor techniques insights palae procedure world sharp seismic oscillatory bt cas gy give hbl kap lib myr s2 tf tens wat zln ##mik ##90 ##tivity ##rab ##ecting stoichi mole make ##ppmik cold moderate perv indian amph seem box ##blastic undercool 207 representing explore ##odic sippmik outl detection mss investigate transitional affinity islands diffusive approaches progressively endmembers consequently cameca intraplate province unlikely adakitic atmosph specifically tnco inconsist kapili sippmikk 37 bott lmo oib pass pore rand tre tam vel ##eys ##oblastic ##went ##ah ##ps ##19 ##ital ##roc ##ict ##entot ##ission ##osite proceed phon enc uniform subj equal occup ##ellur sulph underwent characterize subducting ##odes providing transfer bud ##ware barometer contributions porosity involve shallower overla ##etrahedrite recrystallized summar alternative internally settings possibility linked reducing clusters third inductively ##olcano abbreviations every squares employ front pervas 207pb bottom random ##entotetrahedrite 05 1a 36 away berg dou eocene iv je lath lher oda pi pel pur ten util ##ser ##iting ##he ##uth ##ctive ##esan ##eno ##inations offs ##orient ##urally conv condu ##aced stabil shift ##ograph resem diffraction spots ##2o5 able variably ##contin majority afric bright heated discover δ18omelt remains northw optical migration ##enging peaks retain ##azeys fracture volatiles 16o continued wider knowledge misorient simpl dyke younger prp100 ##ophile pseudosections homogenous geobar namely thermocou findings ideal mangazeys troct keweenawan octahedral metasedimentary laboratory lherz odaesan misorientation 250 72 88 92 fran len mree pfs vu ##mer ##ru ##uts ##ders ##2nd ##ker ##ention ##ening ##ense ##endi ##alt ##lection ##ste ##olitic isoch ##romit stored begin atom div ##rian spl quad lies unkn segreg crystallize concentrated trapped ##ismuth carm estimation coeval rhe correct furn 110 useful mno boninites comprise frequently intrusive pluton blocks weakly excluded expansi acquired wars ferritch dimen ##koye piston roughly faults tambo budg jeol unknown ferritchromit 26 39 54 aut bms bismuth days iw kra lu land p2o5 sao turn vie way wav ##iph ##mg ##ha ##ze ##vil ##erites ##ink ##itz ##itable ##atu instit ##tional ##orites ##artine ##letal ##elv ##mpor ##oli ##uly ##imb rej bey sud expos colour ##erately moderately spess quite web zonation mgd mantles neigh valid intensity geology varies ##reep appendi recently recover twins refined metamorphosed grs extrap ##ogenetic supports plum transm 198 gray cumulus paragonite dacitic ferro soft ##orbed oriented histories examples nbo thermometry petrography incorporated converg young microstructural pathways extraction magnesio antarctica reduction visible global establish ##where segment impingement ##agnatite effective horizon tonalitic skeletal cracks underplating watson mangazeyskoye vuagnatite view spessartine appendix 2a 2d 64 73 arab bent dating hcl kitt keno s1 ses targ zero δφ ##ipped ##oo ##ler ##lig ##line ##jall ##erical ##esized ##ator ##oration ##rook ##roton ##aste ##ank ##olves coinc iso ##actic ##ilst analc move whilst reset ens enough weighted unique deproton scb trachy adv glomer overlying overestim overprin overste slope ##odal titan margins eclogitic reduce distributions displaying neglig partly positively cooled generate fitted return 1300 avoid porous influx modification thermometer created slower dominantly intruded charnockite asthenospheric response ##elfjall laws simultaneously examined established ##going hydroxides substitution cylinder intergrown ##rustal micaschists dynamics ##ellurides beyond software kittelfjall analcime negligible 38 act genetic hz just july kam kok mer ##sely ##matic ##n2 ##rates ##gg ##gan ##gac ##brian ##roduce ##icular ##ancies ##olland coh asy ##tered crater ##sewhere beak divalent suture ##ranular feed perform ##utes lip relation subm silver norm ##fort implying sulfos ##ades ##anged grew limits respective plus originated originally ##erga grades ##cepted elsewhere influenced angles ##argentotetrahedrite closer preferred loop needed existence spatially globules moduli xrf acqui karoo context contempor reproduced coordination triggered corrosion substanti succes sensitive permeability achieved photomicrographs franc furnace bismuthot kenoargentotetrahedrite target isobar 69 aim bed duc ero eag h3 ip jolland kim kt0 med satin sack ska wet ##ming ##ey ##oor ##vf ##vature ##87 ##aling ##oco ##romise compromise whose suitable expressed ##eralic hade sampling ##racrustal ##aps ##itization geolog clino ##eastern observe others ##ada upward regard trivalent ##umulate outp ##pms ternary monogenetic curvature sets records contras emphas separates approximate icpms appearance chlorine lateral log10 scenarios albitic ##welling fluorescence help heterogeneities consum recycling circles mcr polymer dunite gabbroic supracrustal elasticity schists entrained ##iyang milani lamellae constitu collapse hartley sheet temporal imaging inconsistent veloc thermocouple budget arabian overstepping lawsonite normative ##ergaard acquisition contemporaneous ductile jollands satinoco skaergaard hadean 53 78 96 detr fits fric hgm m1 ping r2 ring ries ross rkd xiyang ##sity ##aon ##56 ##23 ##alts ##atus ##ora ##ara ##ices ##elength ##imodal ##resses who atte shif once ##abric ##sional resorbed ##ush interes calcic liaon report coron next seven depic subd subz subord equations equipped scoria crystallised imm add accepted cpx2 cpx1 extend volcanics ##veld absorb decreased precise predict distinctive importance discuss alm100 exhibits localities yielding poorly komatiite paleoproterozoic preferential dense incorporate youngest paths topot reaches edges thermobarometry thermobarometric steep discrep intervals relicts segments oldest haplogranitic diversity input crushed elongated reconstruc involvement overlapping lenses carmel wavelength deprotonated francis bismuthotellurides detrital pingding attemp liaoning 1b fut fill nio nomin pock sodic tang v3 ##aq ##cing ##zr ##ying inverse inset ##sities ##urb ##ishan construc ##romb ##ters stromb ##osen chaste expression ##iran preserv metall weather ##chet ##chemical unra evans arran arch varied silicon traver agree indicative comparing overg overgrowth ##bermann produces producing upwelling poik determination determining microph maintain considerable assembly find pyrargyrite rarely involving demonstrates ##ovolcano petrogenetic ##timately power assign gabbros carrier microstructure synthesis microscopy environments opening geochronological link mounted relict delam miargyrite liebermann improve essentially megac aligned stratovolcano ##fla swarms cycles harzburg etna accretion vapor ibm challenging undercooling employed divided segregation krafla substantially subdiv subordinate future chasteiran poikil liebermannite air cn dal dop hem native py past ster vred wel zo ##sbs ##xa ##wn ##wide ##uous ##onoun ##ert ##ended ##arbon ##ana ##iss conven ##ocl ##acial compression ash asp critic making chron ##ables sus basins color metast unm pronoun underestim ##illi complement extends afc patchy carbonated transformed initiation ##olidus 197 drill remark enclosed fertile ##oya occurrences contribute sequences replacing southw 177 170 details referred cratonic allowed easily ##ovich nanolites interpretations conclude powders remained hornblend ##128 trigonal picrite growing counting scheme million superg essential walls causing operating episodes instrument jotunites quality occasionally worldwide seems simplified grs100 contrasting francisco stromboli stere metastable 06 2sb4s13 5a 730 98 aran cv centi eight hund hatu hoya jur jxa nw nu nist pv pin redi ss sx satis tin vess ##ius ##pend ##vr ##ered ##arine ##analy ##ola ##agu ##urs ##ulation real ##tering anne statis molec diverse shv ##osc proble chosen ##ived suites expon ##erates interc interest intercept intensi calculating geoph norite tians care foli fold ##ausible consistently calibrate considerably monz evidenced ##icked ##licate serpentinites metaluminous ##annite rob energies decomposition outermost chloride deviations ##humite ##bilization leucosome converted diffusivities covering exclusively harr vacancies favor asian emission ophiolitic collisional distinguished tested kinetics entrainment pumice ##11b facilitated ##adily instrum db06 integrated ignimb enhanced detector remnants zln128 laths offset lherzolite ##entioned kokchet submarine clinohumite regardless subzone absorbance topotactic microphen hornblendite aranovich jurassic redistrib ignimbrite kokchetav 2σ 5b 62 84 9a 91 az bimodal certain gorum hn ho hab lap lost lob miscibility o2 ple pits r1 sole wr wa wind xan δ56 δ11b ##tling ##nite ##haps ##rim ##rys ##path ##uish ##uka ##lases ##16 ##sio4 ##imer ##imanite ##iled reverse exact cruc ##otes ##oted makes ##iver ##dierite figures resour feot disp perpend perhaps ##arities lile repl cordierite neo seam plagioclases concord twin agsbs ##ixed production texturally derive spinels belong microc hebi approached km14 constraining potassi arcs ##istinguish schm precurs predicts predictive program couple extended takes adjust conclusion reveals progress preserve straight evaluation evaluated synthesized removed continuously tuffs symplectic anatase 2019 superior highligh terrane quantify accurately insight destabil strike sillimanite causes electrochemical anatolian anatolia ellip arrhenius ttn tibetan protoliths ##ahishan bergell african troctolites ipge traverses harzburgites pronounced robust kokchetavite gorumahishan lobate window δ56fe ##rystic potassium ##istinguishable gorumahishani 04 09 3a 59 6a 89 8a 97 cf dp dro dra gain kore les pole qfm selv train teth ur ##irag ##ev ##ned ##oys ##gri ##ading ##do ##cr ##alite ##edded ##ndy ##orting ##oles ##sid ##sives cogn ##isot ##ocal ##acing ##acts compac ##oupl alone anisot start static why shards shirag proterozoic chec ##dium placed colored collection ##olutions indistinguishable quartzo notably depart immedi ##iesone decoupl measuring otherwise ##ardo ##ensky domes ##odol microanaly descent phenom transects uppermost buil settling centre gradu cumulative ##enesis schiesone mechanical blundy avardo confid clean localized epox accordingly migmatization take ##times powell closure subsolidus ##hara removal oligomers covers photograph argue apparently periods hotter highlight highlighted karak gradients ##grt effectively haplogranite pumices substantial orthoclase monitor prevent accommodated atmospheric resemble atoms institute ensure merensky feeding kimber interesting discrepancy preservation 177hf centim hundred tiny tianshan harrison hno3 lapilli ##pathic anisotrop shiraga immediately epoxy 1σ 350 530 63 6b bra bending cath d0 fing fay her hours iab ionic luf mene sal ukal wood ##iq ##itite ##efort ##water ##rar ##rical ##af ##ader ##lan ##kreep ##yritic ##ono ##inian ##itant ##rehen ##strating cos ##ective comprehen anvil stau stresses ##omitant atten maira shaded ##atex ##ighter ##oses chann ##abrook sun expand plausible plinian presum resear resolved parent modes ##ranean sprea collect disag ##racted unst uncon selec seabrook intrac concomitant prehn crystallizing crystallinity reacted oxy erf boe agent 208 majorand infrar hydrated estimating comm hosts belie microlites discrim eclogitization faces evident oxygens reef oxidizing 2000 controlling started paragenesis sodium contributed fractured 176 pair longer tua overlain concluded explosion antec denc densities instance design chalcophile anomalous intrusives collated applicable argu homogenization aoq8 polarized dungri cambrian sufficiently striking binary inputs alignment metapelite drift injection arrows matched batches ##iterranean symmetric outlined pervasive double conduit expansivities ##ipher neighbor transmitted glomerocrysts asymm mediterranean arrang vredefort chronometry perpendicular concordant compaction gradually fayalite ukaliq research prehnite infrared 07 43 450 850 adi brac babb bush dau dora efficient fail fabric go hu hcc jam ko kyr l2 mari nick ques rou rot rise river smo t0 wave yam ze μ14 ##fit ##eformed ##h2o ##gor ##gun ##app ##ura ##long ##ctively ##8u ##tio2 ##encies inn ##lek ##lets ##leung took ##rael ##ratic ##ithm ##aged isog israel compiled states ##omm begins prolong changing incip restite colum diffus interfer mineralizing weigh persist ##arnes reproduce ##ney geometric variables ##ghinite apply glac undeformed ##clastic agents agate decades whereby majgrt ##ralian ##istocene carry processing ##iferous explored ulleung itself monomers ##rolite correlates transform srm buoy describes grad layering ##namically specim investigation investigations config pyroclastic excimer viscous ##hnke flood monazites veinlet introduced interfacial porphyroblast remove differentiated reaching proportional entirely triang ##fully 238u grown sectors fragment activities fluxes square emplaced panel horizons cylind ##adium reliable sieve opposite arrhenian sericitized morphology ##glom analogous regarding driving treat encomp discovery retained rejuven convergence horizontal velocity pockets assigned critical stereographic cvp vessel intensities geophysical foliated microphenocrysts pleistocene dispers agsbs2 precursor selvages urkreep meneghinite staurolite oxybar boehnke adiab bushveld hccp nickel smooth μ142nd incipient 2c 550 66 93 done ec fes l8 ns s5 sti uvr v2 wu wil ##imp ##eong ##ruc ##grain ##38 ##ub ##bc ##bas ##cut ##erm ##orre ##ask ##ano ##eline topl ##agne cour ##istic ##idt ##imeter whit attain atomic ##tices shao cho deb ##ements incre presents metab garne neither neoarchean ##unity concern preced crystallise abiti ##itites concentrates alloys sulu wherein underlying 2012 similarities regime became sometimes matching alongside marks rhyth ultra apart increasingly reman speciation lesser 2009 ##oidal ferric ferrous shocked exhibiting accord meaning diffuse references 40ar ##141 systematics halogen radius breaks transported vesicular 001 hawaiites plutons jungg emitted 2017 counter aoq4 nvc consequence examine intersections coordinated destruc ferrar rtln residues success metapelites lamellar orthocumulate jotunite swarm scienti illustrated projections regarded precipitates coldwell boxes sulphide summarized movement returned bedding subdivided cnk exponential comprehensive intracrystalline configuration uvr100 toplis abitibi junggar 360 4a 6c 79 aust aud bes bow cer cand dab esc fs fund fixed him hill iter jm jia kg k0 l9 mu og pc pix rio semi self vent vib yang δg ##fj ##sing ##tures ##ef ##ode ##hr ##head ##ren ##rus ##25 ##22 ##21 ##jgun theore theory ins ##orr ##orter ##lex ##eland ##olv tool coal ##isov ##ulate ##imetric mahara shorter ones plates places played highand resist phosph ##lest ##cher zonal india scott ability grano reactive ti3 accoun decarbon ##ixing carl transi brid trench derivation apul considerations ##insic lineation linearly obj km3 dissolve normalised co2aq northeast cm2 sche negatively 2005 2008 positions root generations barometry migmatite distinctly iceland refertil ##allet brecc crosscut simply distances deviate borisov exsolutions eventually conversion retrogression contaminated vesicle 1998 favored lengths apparatus alps arrays stratigraphy film promin assumptions cluster electrode operated facilitate residence intergranular cycle sciences harzburgite pulse ttg monitored accommod refinement palaeo stoichiometry stoichiometric utilized northwest beginning webst recovered session resetting sulfosalts consumed constituent coronas address doped redistribution solely decoupling confidence finger collector 208pb question prolonged destruction dabie fundam og87 ##fjallet ##jgunj maharajgunj phosphor 3b 51 74 720 83 bath cd ds dv dot eoarchean gib hum jap juven kil lsr lived lighter mann mentioned nine none national pon rig vis xmg xbc ##iro ##xag ##rd ##gone ##pt ##back ##tition ##inities ##inner ##ico ##anced ##lear ##elite tom ##sio ##etat conve conglom ##ocratic ##acities rees compilation extin annite criter ##oto ongoing ##osing proxim changed expect ##que ##diogenic plastic ##ogram interl spatter clast clastic meters ##chron unre valence selection princ subgrain sca ##dynamically adc undergo undergone thereby ##achment 2021 acid leitz ##lmannite ##ribed ##aux sourced extru slip greaux trending ultimately ullmannite lithium somewh determinations hexag effu mars outg consideration terrain origins normally unclear solidi ##uminescence preclu 2007 directions serpentinization feldspars controls sm19 affects identification molten importantly histogram ##ksu cleav southeastern tectonics noneth situation invok geothermometry angular combining residuals modify allowing fugacities mediated taking porphyritic half preserves comprising gabbron holland symplek petrology loaded applications covered needs favour argon thermobarometer helens tetrahed symbol seafl kinematic geodynamic giving ##grs preparation procedures falls tonalite macroscop macroc sensitivity 94i skinner sericite geothermobarometry batch vanadium propagated embayed subject randomly piec northwestern quadr actual geologic frictional shifted nominally unradiogenic welded suspen monzonite replen schmidt dpg cognate ##odoluminescence cathodoluminescence presumably unstable selective asymmetric column glacier treatment encompass rejuvenation course whitney metabas garnetites audetat granodi bridging scheelite prominent japan juvenile convex princip somewhat hexagonal nonetheless seafloor 2b 5c 58 7a 7c 71 8c 950 aq aand ber bou bom barnes cus cycl dn ding fc gu hth hinder ia l1 mal ming nn ppb tay tight tends wang xoh ##fes ##fect ##sn ##hre ##uksu ##lor ##cp ##kite ##zon ##zn2 ##yan ##tible ##erge ##inic ##ito ##itri ##ittle ##reme ##ordi ##arce ##icit ##elier ##static ##stoichi ##stones ##rapped ##silite ##urian ##isph cones readily computed composite alt algor stem diap dipping ##osims melted online ##osp ##ivari dem orange ##ography ##phy baseline ##ussi span spacing ##fice closed formul formations disl ##che perc calcium corund evolve notable select sealed ##une concave scarce applying tradition recalc ##ford indicator 2010 overgrowths extreme corrections explains explicit ##odac continent significance stronger 193 1400 thermodynamically gravity numerical deposited oxidative serpentinized totals empa lightning kev nonstoichi thermometers nanop nanosims paleo orogeny denotes agrees veinlets experience protoc symplectite acceleration quenching recogniz papers hybridized technology polymet intersection isomeke extensional necessarily reproducibility assessment isotherms backscatter episode yellowstone thermocalc pistone injected outcrops permeable achieve sket ##rupted reactant sieved connected percentage repeated sulphides rheological ferrosilite successive output hemisph conventional aspect remarkably molecular department salinity attention argued innuksu ##agnetic candid jmvf pcs coalescence decarbonation websterites fundamental phosphorus dotted humite manner effusive symplektites hthp taylor ##itrified nonstoichiometric innuksuac 010 670 81 bm bak dm dil day eth econ fan fis hm hen hos hyg hump ice iand k9 kb kat kep kfs kern kpr mack myl nk opa pg pec pfu picked rum ros ramp sens tv ug woll δv ##fz ##fies ##sh ##take ##hance ##worth ##uum ##crystal ##ciy ##kina ##zian ##yn ##jing ##øy ##ineralic ##att ##olati cov ##ulf ##ocrystic ##ilent alask ##tse shish chao ##ively play ##teen called collectively envelop energe enhance discontin perfect ##utral unzon inten subcontin subsid arise differs differential silurian granoblastic adher erciy ##forward ##elled agilent decipher sulfate fractionate suggestive ##astonite extr bearhead exploration lithic bounded belts rhyodac 128 monomin detachment 147 averaged intrinsic cm3 banded bandelier assumes starts tecton infiltrated pump thermodynamics involves leucogran leucocratic nuclei nanosc broader availability understood assisted comprised exsolved hollow holsn meso attached contamin alternating loading hypothes spherical hawaii gneissic heavier asia labrad held count 479 orthogneisses millimeter polymineralic filter panter devitrified devolati metasediments ascending ascribed morphologies accreted pseudomorphed cutting prevail atmosphere phonolite occupy pervasively geobarometer quadrup 39ar exposures extrapolation coincides overestimation beaks eagle eagles immiscibility tangtse constructed delaminated megacrysts poikilitic unmixing southwest supergene wawa resource adjusted straightforward drawn tethys karakorum centimeter unconform 176hf neighboring diffusing buoyancy cylindrical dispersed nsgl ##ubbles scientific besides criteria cleavage invoked gabbronorites replenish hindered ##zn2sb4s13 disloc hmas hosting kept kernel opaque wollastonite δvcrystal alaskan shishkina chaotic unzoned subcontinental subsidence adhering erciyes monomineralic nanoscale holsnøy devolatil 77 ble cros dig dft eur fed face ger gond gave ham hots ios jones mut ot prac pack qf s3 sam sio sense till uralian vents γos ##fi ##fn ##med ##ew ##98 ##oen ##hi ##hman ##rally ##rens ##py ##pan ##pot ##pate ##bedded ##la ##don ##kw ##kin ##zer ##zing ##65 ##vosp thrust ##tization ##eritic ##alak ##alkaline ##read inser ##orosity ##ars ##roy ##ash ##ics ##enty ##olo ##si2o ##ident ##imis ##ocular rework ##atibility exer al3 anion ##ceira ##ressive moving began shire onto pliocene ##ogether basanite parg parab intergrowth interbedded spi spread phan mete wee mg2 unus relates relax neave concordi subalkaline immo clinopyrox ##akh adop adding recomm underl micron therein refers reflection ##etrically rhod ##berg consistency uptake ##ortunity slop magnetites bru brittle ##ensus ulvosp lithot ##umulus carbonic spectral ##hane terceira monocl curved laur initio fo8 chromium chromitites 1980 constraint describing dru drilled 142nd thermally electronic taur feldspathic mechanically distinction thinning ##105 130 heterogen metasomatised fewer ##yllite locality works working icorr demonstrating behrens excell currently crossing diameters holes conversely subset proto proton classify magnesium microscopic remobilization spher 1999 exclude exists shortly triple reduces 2015 consensus circum interstices quantities quantification accompanying independently promote spectrometers destroy ##omorphic improved obviously binocular provinces crush db07 indexing reliability ellis opportunity qualit elongate geothermobarometric vapour remnant gy105 proceeds subjected conduits rheology dimensional exposure websterite trachyand overprint titanium filling weathered weathering overgrown accretionary complementary satisfy statistical intercal crucial korean training ##evs phenomen build cleaned disaggreg james ulleungdo oxybarometer adiabatic rhythm accordance theoretical accommodate gibbs ##chronous scaup leitzke marsfjallet cuspate mingling ##hreys altogether corundum traditional henry hygrom humphreys katalak pgb covari labradorite blebs euras gondw shirey concordia ulvospin monoclinic katalakon 2h 260 67 61 610 612 7b ade atio2 ball bish ct cate ceas dam eb ere edi eut fos fick gri gerv gover hole jd jus kle kly mun nimis put pile pad ri rul rect roles s4 s6 sig t2 vy void vt0 vict ##tonite ##iors ##morb ##nected ##47 ##94 ##oin ##oting ##gs ##gi ##aff ##uable ##bus ##crystalline ##cfm ##79 ##kj ##kins ##zi ##zen ##zil ##yon ##62 ##vo ##tified ##erolo ##ender ##alay ##ndl offer ##atka anders ##arity ##leigh cost forward isost ##imin ##atives sty stock stagn ##tskite byrd moved moho ##omagnetic makw ##iza chir chuka ##aments plat ##versely mining calor intercon phoen queb ##chatka perspec ##assed ##arta unf unaff reports neutral prone subt arf crystallinities abrup canyon ##sotskite granular concentric lowering twenty 105 1050 allison ##uchevs indication majoritized completed characterization magnetization afar mixtures americ liquidi smallest ##lecalc heater carboniferous ap14 1250 defines month depletions 1150 centres northeastern tholeiites capture developing herein generating ferrom smn smith ##108 synmorb infiltrating particles particip pahar volatilecalc approximated extending deeply likewise cratons ##exp northernmost hyper nanoc mushes polycrystalline dykes slowly chambers experiences 1991 baltic needles existed exhumed vacuum anatectic termed papale darker superimp permit technique centered 575 quantified warren paliza panels impinged testing hydroxyl brownish unlike reliably exceeding sandstones embay occasional drives liber zln141 outlines discovered expansivity extrapolated convergent establishing sessions trachybas kamchatka sulfosalt erosion eroded overgrow delamination megacryst poikiloblastic pinerolo ##olai ##aguara instruments instrumental km14fn highlights ellipses interestingly brazil channel spreading believed antecrysts marie yamada gradual choice escap himalay jiaolai resistance apulian interlay extrusive bombs dingwell algorithm ##ussian recalculated nanoporosity k9108 intensive quadrupole replenishment pargas relaxation lithotyp heterogenous ulvospinel adequ bishop erebus klyuchevs rectang vysotskite isostatic makwiro phoenix perspective unaffected abrupt klyuchevskoy 230 320 68 76 9b bur bron bivari cat cum dram drop duan dcr eg e1 eun fam fans hop hann hirs iac ju kj kα lt lα lig lamp m3 mim mort mounts nic nis nav nsb obl ocp sid sax var waven x4 xal ##fel ##fact ##fold ##tured ##turn ##iang ##ez ##of ##oz ##h3 ##wr ##wed ##wing ##wey ##ufficient ##bach ##d7 ##colite ##74 ##kar ##yb ##va ##eras ##esian ##eschist ##encing ##aland ##ato inac ##roup ##asi ##asons ##lete ##stage ##olas ##sidi ##eto ##ulating ##ulze force ##imoto ##ilm reasons exha ##vey aliv mobilization ##otan mad shik chr chip defic deform expense ##quil contacts ##antarctic ##ogens ##text ##ries interp interiors phys wehr ##chmann calcsi ##malcolite relate ampl evap neill neoproterozoic ##atest arimoto scan scav ##ava ##ghter recal itaguara imposed 2013 ##view similarity maficity overturn ##xtap ##aday surpr upwards representation mixes lithophile serve hydrostatic microlite microtext marzian 1500 outli grouped discern ##ogeneity limiting verwey transantarctic raw δ18ocal polyg 11b 111 recording arsenic multistage schano schulze optically inference 2003 ##ishing ##licated interacted ##roscale separating affecting blueschist ##10zn2sb4s13 blank ##iscible seques pdfs nearby pores bonds approximation sinking leucitite ##oba tub boninite crossed nanjing galeras ##fski floor incomplete halogens lacking deser gaussian holness petrologic rayleigh ##fe2 protracted confirms 1997 excluding ##asoni aster label viol 2016 quantity 240 aoq2 mcdon dunites regressions names filaments faraday ##burg triggering tests ##agnesian dispersion hydroxide sb15 injections track reactants powdered exceeds signals csd csds propagation illustrate repetition depositional gyeong passage phonon pelag purple africa isochron dimension ##inkotan coloured loops isobaric ##mingtonite outputs emphasized laterally friction immiscible reconstruction attempt southwestern supergroup realistic problem azores microcrysts km14e highlighting lesne check photographed kimberlites anisotropic arrangements brack daughter rotation zealand isograd carrying specimens triangles l8d7 increments remanent hills insufficient accounted batholith extinction proximity boud explicitly sketch hemisphere baker economic perfectly rhyodacitic contaminants prevailing devolatilization hotspot immobile bruker excellent destroyed intercalated phenomenon damage edifice eutectic gervasoni justi padron victoria chirinkotan ferromagnesian bivariate cummingtonite dramatic fanshi hirschmann iacono juxtap mortar navarta wavenum surprising marziano outliers schanofski mcdonough gyeonggi 1d 2g 4b 4c 41 480 8b ayd bri bell ci cyp cree cited dt dhf es ft fi fal fic fusion fme gir hr hid iz iod kol kelv ml mv mir miti nun own owing pts port r3 ran rom roll solv tan turb u14 v4 vic wi wo xf δf ##fo ##fri ##sess ##nom ##45 ##oon ##ober ##hb ##hou ##ham ##hene ##ring ##genetic ##gvf ##aer ##ady ##uation ##uting ##uoba ##bic ##bos ##dam ##d22 ##kt ##onia ##ering ##erido ##ened ##inous ##integ ##eder ##ators inhib intimately ##orated ##orous ##oritic ##arite ##elly touch tough ##urg ##itect ##iscan cone congr concept ##ige ##ectites ##acement rev rear compan albe aluminous antic stop ##tics shut ont chem chain expose contrad ##diff plays restitic colors usgvf ##ousand fei interrupted spar spid spong ##therm mineralized ##fications quant clay entering disinteg permo fluence ##utter list ##unately introduce grove armalcolite scaled ##aving immediate canada geosc siliceous concentrate trap adm lowermost tips ##dered equilibrate undul decoration ca2 caution imped underth undergoing indicators microscale ##vial ##vision infill actin ##ists ##ister leaving charged regular ##baric ##lectic head volumetrically apr interpreting obsidi originate fair chromitite strongest ends soufri running 140 possess remel northward geochemically ##cepts ##ceptible tapped multip 2001 migrating ##licates predictions captured homogeneity ferrop smectites lightfo barite manif manually exhibited fracturing benefic southward 2500 extensively eqs keep situated continuum greenland ##oku dolerites ##obrook excel media gasp tube create misfit chloritized ##arged probability orebo polynom polybaric radial steps frequent frequencies desired ##bilized 3000 younging accumulated retrogressive extract 002 intruding ##umption balanced tscherm ##sonian handp ophiolites tetravalent steph globule 2011 lnkd conserv homogenized fragility circle polarised examination nams promoting metaperido reproduces assessed descriptions october mild distinguishing dried fe2o3t 491 analogy refinements illustrates gaps 0001 issue scattering palaeozoic undercoolings treated ##rocks doubly convection convecting stabilize recoveries transmission kamen performance corona depicting reconstructed nominal construction architect hematite remarkable annealing intercumulus habits seamount lesbos microanalysis kimberlite hundreds anisotropy ##after designed arrangement huang interferences successfully ceram l9d22 vibration ##rusting carlos refertilization fingerprin visual conglomerate subgrains adcumulate outgassing modifying macrocrysts diaplectic mackwell holloway crosses weeks druitt trachyandesite gondwana costa interconnected months smithsonian trachybasalt pargasite lithotypes eg79 hannuoba lampro variscan shikoku calcsilicate deserpentin creek false iodp kelvin mitig rollback solvus u1438 vicinity δfmq toughness congru albeit spongy geosci soufriere lightfoot ##obrookite polynomial architecture 210 520 640 710 9c aside bh bross bind bta cup cav cinder dul dend dens ea elu fro fun ffs fiss gd gall hi hg his idi ival jud lan lid lens mich nas pf pit page pds passive pige qa r0 rely tor tol tres uw ukt vg vect wal wit ward worth wire xm xgrs θc ##sch ##sho ##tm ##iency ##ee ##evite ##nis ##42 ##oul ##ouring ##hom ##wan ##rb ##gam ##uero ##lastic ##limin ##cri ##55 ##51 ##2ot ##ku ##zel ##66 ##vation ##85 ##88 thousand ##tian ##tiagu thems ##onites ##erozoic ##enitic ##inan ##inch ##altered ##atak insen ##oring ##asco ##asca ##elves ##rand ##rads ##raki ##ago coated coher cogenetic ##isen conj ##igan ##iguous forst ##idam ##imes ##ecu ##thal compe an90 station cr3 ##omeric mapped dip dips ##uments ##umbo shed shore melange chose ch11 ch2ot deby ##ams ##ami ##ama ##amafic ##ambrian suevite ##rained ##phrite hamp minutes ##ppler uses feas spaces speed wash class metav metamafic enab enters enthal disch dispar disapp datum periph life lifes unequ unaltered ##dsley ##dshe ##dspathic induce quartzites nept intense analyze subpar prelimin scans scaling crystallizes crystallising calculates differing reacts ##akk trail trapping adap 104 102 rimmed ago italy cpos impacts 2014 fractionating cargo generates studying grutter processed ##kalinity survey ##parts pool regimes greatest constants derivative derivatives lithological continues 15n2 voluminous discord supporting defining rule monos monte plun version verified km2 transect transpar rapp raised initiated secondly petro setup pointed 142 centers ##allic magnified finite finland ##lie europ precambrian inferences dominate prediction ##sman distinctions contrary ##anned rods roots roeder 1350 peralkalinity confusion histor 1800 paired thicker keppler epit cubic workers behind greenish modifications 404 ##obubbles fe3o4 ##seudobrookite entrop nanobubbles ##othraki ##30f remainder strand denote evaluating holyc latent minimise logzr 1995 colloidal weakening favors accelerated santiagu basicity viable steadily grows spectroscopic quantitatively limitations hybridization lnzr consecu buffered overlaps join polaron environmental fluxed relics markedly films irregularly promoted device flatten strikes 8530f diverg corroded corrobor δ49tiilm millet strata metapelitic drive tracer traces idea collapses pulses enhancing underplated pseudomorphs 086 463 embedded coexists issues challen precipitated casquil occupied summarize purp offsets resembl geobarometers isochores dimensions overestimated overprinted overprinting cratering succession geologically emphasize polymerisation velocities shifts depicts unravel maintaining aspects underestimated pvt problems careful azuero habit resources seamounts belonging destabilization drople korea quartzofel phenomena channels sunset spreadshe antecrystic dauph goal zeiss isograds interference weighed specimen wilson debated preceding counterparts austral bowman iterative transient objective brecci breccia rigid histograms macroscopic pieces quadril suspension percolation recognizably polymetallic candidates ethan fanara rossman tvz discontinuous extrusion pumpelly diges german hammer samothraki ##si2o6 phanerozoic adopted rhodonite tauride crushing hygrometric eurasian riet participation superimposed ltd oblique xalm interpolation recalib tubes labeled wavenumber dhfse kolumbo mirr nunatak roman impedance obsidian fairly ferropseudobrookite tschermak handpicked stephanite ceramic deserpentinization brossasco cavities dulan dendritic functions hiatus nascent qaidam uktus θcpp ##critical themselves insensi debye metavolcano disappear peripheral neptune subparallel preliminary holycross santiaguito casquilho quartzofeldspathic spreadsheet pumpellyite 013 2fe 280 3c 430 680 ai amal aill afore a94 bj big cati came damp dong dyg dwell dmm dgg ej effic fak files gor gun gently hs hing hess kr kec kind kla lb mw mur mach mex m12 mung nich nbs ncfm od ober ps row rules rises ranged s7 sides solved s20 tl t1 tail vast ways wrapped xu x2 xcl θd σt σfe ##fits ##fabric ##sin ##sat ##town ##ition ##ifor ##mt ##member ##mentioned ##etical ##xon ##nia ##44 ##96 ##we ##r2 ##gers ##gast ##ai ##p0 ##uated ##lab ##den ##del ##day ##dick ##cid ##72 ##29 ##2th ##qz ##zhou ##ya ##yuan ##68 ##vent ##tives ##onent ##onian ##erte ##inding ##altic ##aline ##itation ##itance ##itten inward ##orm ##oram ##arithm ##stain ##sthene ##oltz today ##raul ##sil cob coded coating cook ##issions ##ulties ##iggs ##idation isasca ##eck ##ecalc ##acted ##owitz ##thur ##thoph rein reag rever rehe complicated allu anatex anthoph st3 st1 stated stannite cryp bytown motion moves atyp mare dixon ##ticomp share shoul melend chad ##amb sustain organ contour ##eman ##emens incorre incident ##tex usa parad califor ##rie interm interdiff intercepts spanning spaced quick classic meter metac metatex methane formulation ene eng enl enter disor disks dismember pert perple fluct fluorite unp unless unfort reporting ##apsed relating evolves quartzite neogene valuable seated depression prender ##ectonic subaer equant scarc scope ##usted ims geor geolas variance considers oxford apprec soluble accounts 109 101 ##ellie ##yric decorated imper underground ##aching 2018 sulfidation partitions infinite diffusional accept acicular lepr leaching signs grid grinding griggs hydraul charges ##ificant bren ##raphically noble ##keting matches matlab bounds belo microfabric height afterwards titration mark marking ultr shapecalc complexities apex limest 125 122 1280 lineations monche facet facility uncorre polishing assembled displacement firstly 190 1123 solidified 1450 pex ##alling grav multicomp averages resultant tapping plotting 2002 migrated evolutionary ##lice capable contrasts elapsed functional cooler stars masses mm3 smellie diagnos synhp ##rystals avc confining august replaces andesine postd postulated 187 180 approximations maximal appeared combinations feooh nucleate ##ova entrapped nano zns ##ikite progressed versa axinite paleomagnetic lacks radii stratified denoted incorporates exsolve mesoarchean coarser ##bru transpression minimal look hypothesized hypothetical eastward logarithm triggers 1990 applicability weaker harley confirming ##ophy marginal favours favouring fluorination ##otephrite emissions labelled drying thermobarometers massifs 232th stein steady 470 consumption supercritical difficulties cluzel penetr john circular insign polarization consequent diopsid focusing difficulty deline delay 99v sills illustrating bias wallrocks paroxysm distinguishable db05 skc constitute constitutes integration integral durations skewed 8230 cracking octahed tendency enhances imaged projected symmetry cashman gy60 libowitz myrina proceeded phonotephrite transferred purity utilize ##ographically lherzolites split correctly institution rejected segmentation viewed coincide kaminch 695 ##mingled depicted scoriae steeply metallurg maintained synthesised stratovolcanoes doping compressional underestimation 1976 annealed zln128a ellipse tethyan checked karakoram monitoring expanded believe researchers bracketing fabrics routin yamato smoothly attainment debate increment concerns pixe vibrations carlo transitions icelandic crosscutting ds62 ponded tomography ##sio5 unreal preclude tetrahedrally macroscopically piece granodiorite nno nnw protocols bm3 fischer ##ulfide energetically 128a leucogranite hypotheses unconformably dislocation mutual practical reworking parabola meteorite clinopyroxenite recommended underlain slopes spheroid qualitative covariance categ ceased fosdick governed ruled sigma styles stagnant calorimetric synmorb40 hypersthene embayments liberated overgrowing rectangular siderite ##bachik scavenging asteris csdslice bracket boudins fictive tanlu turbid rearran contradic spider clayey actinolite orebodies congruent bindeman elucid frost pigeonite tolbachik coherent conjunction forsteritic lifespan unequiv adapted monosulfide transparent consecutive droplets dauphine australia germany rietveld romanou insensitive amalgam aillikite aforementioned dongdo dygert efficiency fakos klaver lba murphy mexico mungall oberthur anatexis anthophyllite atypical shoulder melendiz incorrect california interdiffusion unfortunately prendergast subaerial scarcity appreci hydraulic multicomponent diagnostic synhp1 insignificant diopsidic libowitzky kaminchik elucidate 012 1c 220 420 5e 630 7d 740 a2 aer aar ath apl aided akin ah3 bond brough bank bico cc cz camp da dated dco dict eyr esm fr fly fozo gases hell hual hms iolite ku kon kink komm liv math nand nne nak ok ov oki p1 ped pip passi pink q1 rup rav rays sg sd sv sj sel sol sap saw tb tal tem tap vt vin vice wan wag xi zaf ºc δp δ7 δqz ##sw ##sal ##sworth ##ious ##min ##mber ##nchronous ##4o ##41 ##oyd ##hor ##high ##rig ##3o ##37 ##31 ##aue ##aean ##p1 ##poin ##uk ##uq ##uag ##bian ##bric ##dh ##2s ##ken ##kel ##zn ##vv ##van ##volcan ##vwr ##17 thor thom thie ##tie ##ester ##escher ##enic ##enous ##ensional ##als ##al2 ##alization ##alai ##itat ##rel incep intim insp inwards inversely ##orill ##arch ##lee ##entrum ##ingly ##sibility ##si3o ##isely ##uli ##igranular forces ##ima ##uret ##ectivity ##oclase ##ocrystalline reader review compres compatibility ##atitic ##ouse ##ouchy ##vember askj stah moon ##otach ##otnot ##oming ##ommon bein beat distr shen ##ffers ##ossible prove prosp ch4 chilled chapp dext deion contex ##iring placing teph resolve ##eneite minas modally ##rier lowers interact interpl intermingled spain collective quasi clari clarity ##ched ##cham peripher perister ##utan unity unamb ##apto evac evolving notation neon valley search analyzer analyzing subvolcan subcham preand arises scand cann ##ersaline ##aks advant lowered recip simulated 103 10b 106 108 1060 allan allanite imagej ##clic ag10zn2sb4s13 ##yry ##uchs ##uchi ##blic ##blot ##entia cpfu decay impl impossible ##cessed ##achi fractionations measura magmasat ackn oversat carb lep grts grune erupt eruptives ##auer ##etrical orthopyrox extra extents presently ##angong characterizing ##ify ##ologically am5 noting novel november ##key associations matter served ##lections continue proven ##umulates carbonatite 15n volumetric pyroxenitic supposed supplied defin defini rub terrig monomer montm generalized vertically eclogitized footnot electrical chromat uncommon detached ##hood metasomes buffers 1975 1175 msh solids 146 degassed remar finer veined 3047 encloses special specified precisely predicting capac investigating elim ##cyclic hereafter geothermal earlies rooy ##ferrite ferry molyb comparisons synchronous barker infiltrate confined conflic contribut contributes particle sequest hydrothermally corresponded bonding dependencies detailing maxima icap approaching 160 168 poorer dolerite irre nucleating currents ordering hypogene hypersaline nanolite porphyry pseudotach disturb flank fourth amongst incompatibility universitat polycyclic closest radiation incorporating instances summit subsystem interfaces mesh pathway vesiculation 007 005 minimize downward loi oligoclase 1993 edenite opened hasandagı heavily terminated asio2 elevation photo arguments roundish picture helm helium attribute ##bouring counts reasonably seawater lng uplif 4000 millerite ridges polymorph 276 570 lamd intersect focuses promotes ##ittuq exceptional inherently substitutions ubm diverge periodic episodic ascend crusher thirty sievwr science opposed ##ingshan abbreviated connect geothermobarometers sheets propagating detectable detectors coexistence precipitate myrme ##rocal overlapped pelitic ideality neighbouring validation validity plumes 1984 magnesioferrite advoc advance titania actually genetically asynchronous isobars aims emphasis polymerized polymerization attempts attempted insets metallic archaean powerful ##arbonates susceptible nuvv satisfact carefully favorable 626 written replace microcrystalline destabilisation dropped draw gained trained building centimetric brandl hercy hermann discrimin discrimination discriminate fails kohl mariana gradational fragmentation oxybarometers adiabat stisho wuhan ultrahigh remanence australian bowl iteratively muk yangyuan accounting kilaue conglomerates acidic macrocryst quadrature metabasalts dni demouchy ##phyre formulas protocol recognizable polymetamorph candidate peculi envelope hypothesize country dislocations package ##arsite mg2sio4 unusual unusually microns laurite laurentia disaggregated ebel pilet voids andersen quebec american nanocrystals baltica escape himalayan interlayered adequately inacc chris chips physically amplitude microtextures polygonal pelagic batholiths dramatically juxtaposed aydin brief cyprus ft1 inhibit revised companion anticip underthrusting remelting multiply metaperidotites vibrational bhvo fissure vectors xmapto stationary washout enabled enthalpy ##akkers discordance plunging european epitactic entropy ethanol hs20 ##eckner reinfor sustained quickly dismembered perturb moncheite transpressional penetrate routinely categories appreciable aarons atheneite brought eyring flysch hellenic hualalai kommescher ovoid pedra ravna δpth δ7li ##point ##uagittuq thieblot inception askja stahle district chappell dextral deionized contexts tephra interplay periphery peristeria unambiguous subvolcanic reciprocal gruneisen terrigenous montmorill footnote 3047a earliest rooyakkers sievwright nuvvuagittuq stishovite kilauea 0t 014 015 2log 2h2o 510 540 6e 6d 675 770 8h 830 9d aur bsi bab bran bad bench bern c0 cul cab cign creep dup dual dah ese f0 fif fused fire fh2o gi gem gale gau gang god gao gior gwan hin hit hour hard hanging house ihp iki jump jaw java jinan kt kro kur kds kreep let liz lock lach lang liles lrees lyn mh my mas mcc mcl mug mud muse muret ny nin nom nut om oil p2 pun pear pages rf rm rod rsc rings sf s8 stim salt sava tent tong tron tick uta v5 vul vest wb wus wds xca xpr xps yun zro zou zimb δte ##fc ##tally ##iff ##iemens ##mes ##men ##eties ##ns ##nas ##nular ##95 ##oite ##oited ##oks ##hu ##hd ##hiz ##holtz ##r1 ##rant ##gd ##got ##34 ##35 ##3o4 ##auc ##aved ##pe ##pd ##por ##ples ##uit ##ude ##uvi ##ublished ##bit ##bha ##bubbles ##lib ##lich ##lers ##dano ##civ ##53 ##5u ##24 ##za ##zberg ##ym ##ymer ##vance ##jb ##jem ##82 ##1141 ##ła thiemens ##time ##onv ##onte ##onous ##erup ##erture ##erciv ##eny ##encl ##enstatite ##edkar ##itor ##rex ##reen ##reement inhom ##orad ##orily ##arge ##arak ##arded ##rover ##rotherm ##asis ##asonic ##ica ##icuous ##mpl ##mparn ##olymer ##ington toho ##ratig ##sial ##aging ##urr ##urate ##uria coau coerciv withers ##isson ##istically conform consp forest ##idi ##idal ##identi isom isolation ishiz ##imbr ##acting ##acrysts ##ilite ##thest reb compound compact ##atio2 alle alene an87 annular stack stalling ##tsdam ##lumparn moore ##iba ##ibalization ##otal ##otectonic ##ombo ##ophane max mand mandl diatex division shri melanges promp chen chak ##amura ##abwe ##abreen expelled ##quartz contours controver ##emonte plail tear resc restites resolv ##ocking ##phase happ ha1141 minute ##uss ##usc ##ppine user usual diffused diffract ##rient ##rifer interven spoon sporad ##therford phili phyric washed quies cla metag enables distil datap datong pressed ##aria liu uns unb unexp unidenti replicate indire depict depolymer ##ongli ##2o4 concurr subl ##neu pref preex equigranular arbit scail crystallographically abdel silt ##atero granophy varieties ##akes glacial glauc nord simulate simulating obsc erron zirconium asser assay 107 ours deconv richer richter implied ##ountered microm sulfates action acts ##istries ##illo differently carrol carpor ##astoh metamorphogenic leg leak ##wthor ##lmer folds folded eruptible ##iley coeur rhombo ##adag ##bert ##ardt ##angui ##titude po85 potsdam ##orty exploring derives lithology ##ochth ##ochemical notion ##outen microl microcontin naturally volcaniclastic titani marine marches 1523 aperture suppose suppressed ##180 rutherford monoph sio2aq versions vertex correlating rahman antigorites originating foil zrsio4 redef assemblies ended 114 11a constrains ptrap pegm grab grating averaging ##icking eurotherm ta98 multipl optim shearing speculate oxidization oxidising migrate ##respective ##enged dominates distinctively singhb controllers developments paragenetic roerm ferrifer separately slabs retrie basements tectono barro barometers barrier ##sson metasomatites contributing benefit southeast 173 175 relevance volatil 254 approximates deepest influences keays sino sink sintering localised nonline exchanges mnn 1600 midto mineralogically behave continuity exceptions conductive modifi dehydrated ##kai evenly irrespective sums kyush nucleus linearity missing misfits chlorides probable simplest concluding 870 87rb flame fourier priori halo ##etrating 297 29si methodology parallels broken paleocene ##sps preference instability agreed holds holder vesuvi convert accumulations ybn international 004 006 remobil loose 1992 chondritic differentiate property 3515 tuffaceous marginally symplectitic termin heterogeneously cationic photon argues argentotetrahedrite eman emerg lindsley 705 recognize 235u steel globally counted schemes superprobe permits lastly clues penetrating johan accompl positioned circuit ridol osso zheng karl greatly named qzn warburg warrant delayed filters sixfold sphalerites palau ##tze impinge streaks devonian schistosity 340 haplogranites exceptionally identifying substituted dimer dimers facilitating 525 caledonian yellowish ionization offers ascertain ascended empirically distinguishes 482 481 fastest proxies dripping omphacitic tracing 425 mangan ##o33 indexed widths ellsworth dubha arrowed 8200 ignored ignimbr etch morphological connection connectivity pseudomorphic squared reconstruct 084 projection repeat faulting symmetrical driver palaeoproterozoic ##raborty inconsistency velhas encountered occupies employing piemonte utilizing stabilized stabilization geobarometry geobarometric thermocouples troctolite troctolitic ##rutile isochemical unknowns 266 autocrysts automatic autocl extrapol 1989 1986 coincident advanced returns performing aimed ipges medard consuming supracrustals constituents constituting interested steeper discrepancies tangent arranged improvements subdivi pyx convenient critically underestimate nubian statistics certainly xanes crucible 8900 cognates statically microanalyzer herzberg ##waters disagreement commences community 176lu designated efficiently l27 route diffuses weights persistent persistence transforms buoyant triangle cylinders dispersal eci rhythms meaningful vesicularity successful cerro pixel yangtze resistant apulia rigorous extinct suspended encompasses metabasaltic granodioritic principle berry guang formulae fisher sensor tvarak discontinu 1473 147sm leucogranites inserted reworked exerc exerts anions anionic spike spikes clinopyroxenites recommend qualitatively disaggregation covariation balleny klem munoz putnis ##oints anderson quebra unfilled america nanocrystall himalaya adequate bronz liguria nicol saxena saxnas exhaus exhausted deficient wehrlites evaporation sequestered fires girdle hida izu mvis wijb ontong chemistries manifest beneficial mildly kameni fingerprints lamprophyre mitigate geosciences denser judged pitangui thousands competition discharge pooling historical flattening divergence corroborated δ49tiilmenite challenges resembling breccias quadrilatero digestion recalibrated catisio5 hinge alluvial bytownite chadacrysts organic fluctu unpublished microfabrics ultrasonic uncorrected nanostruct octahedrally metallurgical asterisk aeros hmsp mathez nandedkar nakamura piper passivation sjouten sapph temora waning ##dhjem thorough thomas intimate beinn beattie clarify cannibalization measurable carbide orthopyroxenite definition chromatographic remarks eliminate sequestration helmholtz satisfactorily polymetamorphism xmaptools montmorillonite auriferous cignana dahongli giordano gwanmes hitachi ihpv krogh lachlan muglib museum ninio nomencl nutrient omitted rscm trondhjem utah vestgot wustite xprp yunkai zimbabwe δteff tohoku coauthors isomodes ishizuka compounds ##atio2rutile ##lumparna shrimp chakraborty controversial resolvable intervening philippine distilled datapoints unidentified indirect preexisting arbitr scaillet granophyre glaucophane erroneous carroll carporzen rhombohedral titaniq monophase singhbhum roermund ferrifero retrieved modifiers kyushu vesuvius dubhaich ignimbrites autoclave tvaraklumparna dahongliutan gwanmesia vestgotabreen 2e 2an 2mg 3o 310 3fe 3180 512 580 560 7h 780 760 775 a3 ak alex bac bock bif bivalent burn bcr buchs cit cel cess dc don ded dos dich dred drap drip drained eigh ems fh fw fz fj fate foun gs gb gar gan got gather gsp gels gzn hd hk hun hold iap jan jag jem jsm jining kw kβ kal kel kess kft kula kester lac lad lends lover lying lago mism mme milled nig nir name oven pk pil pam pie pier paste qing qingshan rpr rze s9 sa sit song sail solve slee sisson tm tj tar tag tur tant tun trough tons task ui uv ube vo vig venting wn ww wise wfe xc xpl xco xfe yili zin zur αand γ0 δx δh ρao ##flu ##fier ##scan ##ske ##shan ##istr ##isis ##mu ##m1 ##mise ##eting ##empl ##xtio2 ##xrd ##nn ##nk ##nar ##nitic ##night ##nakh ##nigan ##97 ##ool ##off ##oand ##hel ##hak ##hion ##hmen ##wd ##win ##wite ##rt ##rath ##ratt ##gy ##gne ##gner ##gula ##300 ##ael ##ais ##aars ##po ##pq ##ped ##pet ##press ##uro ##uig ##uki ##bole ##bour ##barnes ##bauer ##ls ##lo ##lı ##lin ##lated ##dal ##dor ##denite ##dish ##donal ##cm ##cer ##com ##cting ##cale ##cial ##54 ##52 ##2e ##26 ##28 ##klan ##zz ##zly ##yi ##yers ##67 ##610 ##612 ##vin ##vere ##jar ##ject ##job ##jiang ##83 ##tium ##tiri ##tiary ##tify ##onical ##onance ##onto ##onitized ##ontium ##erically ##esi ##ese ##ested ##enk ##enber ##envil ##inal ##alus ##alled ##itari office ##ats ##ateral ##atch ##atto ##atching ##ream inval ingrowth andrad andalus ##orate ##arb ##arts ##rotiri ##asj ##asing ##iceous ##anan ##anch ##ancing ##elts ##elago ##sts ##stration ##stances ##stream ##olper ##ingite ##rable ##sia ##sio2 ##ete ##etre ##etus ##etary ##etect ##etamorph ##etone ##agmatic ##ury ##uran code copper conic construct condam ##ulates ##ulang ##igm ##igu fort ##idim isol ##imetry ##ocally ##ocenti ##ocused reich reuss compens exert exempl alvi aliqu aso33 anch answ stolper crisis moment moss mobil mobilized ##iber ##iboyd ##otation ##omated bei beer beier atg atlan ##uck dihd ##umed ##ticular shell shale shales shima ##osilicate ##osilicates ##izzly onwards ##inear chines chains ##ives ##ichael ##ament express ##quist contacting ##irine ##emy incong tegner ##gee reser resides resided resolving resonance ##ockwise ##tings mined ##usting colder diff1 para paralle call ##aina modest ##rans interrel spd spans spanned spratt ##thermo wasser clots cliff clockwise enable enorm disrupted ##ationship ##chi fluvial ##ario ##racting zonations ##upta typified li2o lips unable unav unimodal univari ##ape corgne relies ##io3 sees seal seve seod severe ##unc ##aysia depended intrag intended analyte analyser analysing subround subarc subpro subgro subtle precon prepa preval preven equally equidim arm sc4 scrip scxrd imbric abys ab22 canonical geographic ##ersed silicification applies traject gloss noril norway rece rech ##osta ##orphous ##orphyritic simulation twice bode book boulang assays assayed ##forsterite 10a 1012 1075 undetect ##elli ##ellite agn agv strontium decimetric caal impose indications micaceous micrograph ##acher ##vian larry comparatively refining ##tigorite acting acad actively acetone acosta ##istan overc overwh overview overnight overpress caro lee leary leake lept genova ##lmann folding grun grenvil grizzly completion ##ilegula estimations ##ipelago ##adic ##adam ##ardite consisted xenocrystic ##ifying slides slice come comes commer ##acken brine trunc ##raphical amorphous exploited alkalic notice associate ##osphere determines ##odos matric ##bara microtherm microbubbles hefe helex ##ione wellington dohmen efforts martin maronia martian furthest mainten 155 outward discarded apthermo suppress 1220 defa deflections defocused lineament ru2 tertiary monomeric obduc ##othermal initiating fo90 normalization poles redlich reddish fired displaced 196 standpoint mswd pointing eosfit ##yscale partitioned peach structurally magnification multitude parameterised ##itudes remote fineto finnigan numerically veg obtaining tait tailegula multiphase 303 schlier school enclosing sheared directed observable interacts cape caption ##meable controller paragraph geotherms roof mm2 mmto thinned affinities bluish blades blasj soon sobole synneu retention 134 freezing ##ithermal sectioned barbara horiba augites nearest westernmost couples flowing 1700 bonded pa14 releases releasing approximating ##ylitic ##ylvan dependency thickened influencing keel sinθ sinistr epithermal referenced public invari mineralogies potentials continuing continually angel conduct conducting modifier aggregations ##okaria quansh reflectance vsp decomposed decomposes numbered thermochemical brey tuz widening nucleated ##inawite know ##amanske ordered adjusting creates noteworth simplic mushy distal flakes flotation freie dolomitic halos universally axial borne border densi instant exsolving holling converge petrologists decompressional mesa carriers protons contaminations alternation alternate extracting ##brucite envis 003 downgoing removes remobilized oligomeric 1994 1996 hawaiian differentiates properly collating collided 3565 editor shortest shortcom terminate populated expansions labram nitrate linn aureoles helps recognised tetrahedrite 454 ##ogranites hybridisation permitted 244 homogenisation penns mediumto mcgee predominate zhao 021 karadag mt2e ##etsky implication stratigraphically assimil lambert intersects strengths focussed networks 558 fusible fuerte supersat ill ##while panama coordinate impinging requirement clustered devine 3460 santa narrower 032 990 improb improves illustration 32b inheritance pumiceous ##iya diversities electrostatic δ49tia facilitates caledonides resident residue 1438 445 stratal words 01m1 nowak tracers disseminations orthocumulates fashion troilite troodos explanations integrating adakites inducing seismically schematically oscillations sericitization pulsed percentages ##ractionated geothermobarometer pseudomorphing sandstone ##glomer temporally caso4 gy30 passed encased uniformly summarised bergen tended ##hebe convolution convinc convective stabilities brightness 725 88sr lenticular carmichael budgets autocrystic autochth automated ##haus ##atubo ferroan horizonte 735 glomerocryst overestimates avoided 383 successions targeted bedard erosional log10η contemporaneously pocket tangential preserving metallization archipelago dalha pyeong pyrex zoisite convention unmatching complemented 1979 1978 pinatubo sx100 vessels statistically molecule molecules problematic exponent geophys foliations monzonites hook hoare exactly drove decoupled photographs cathaysia cosθ anvils attenuation expands commenced anomalously arguably neighborhood asymmetry 433 failed routine innocenti transformations 665 wilding precedes preceded rtlnatio2rutile rtlnxtio2 scientists configurational 7900 fs2 himu pixels theoretically objects refertilized clustering dvmt proximal unreacted outgassed terrains favoured tetrahedra tetrahedron principal berlin cyclic cycling cycladic dnb mali mallmann tightly diapirs ##cheon sketches repeatedly hemispheric dilution diluted mackinawite mylonitic mylonites enveloped tectonically mesoand unconformity ##ashto ##si2o8 phaneritic meteorites fo82 spheroidal crushable hygrometer eurasia categor ceases fossil ruling sigmo style unfractionated subtracted subtracting escaped rectangle family ligand deformable wehrlite discernible violent pelagonia justification justifies juxtaposition portal ranked stops shutting ontario sparse quanta disintegration undulatory infillings beneficiation keeping conservative kamenetsky 210pb cups idioblastic idiomorphic toronto uwg walker witwaters hampered feasible feasibility speedometer disparate disparity trails purposes mirror tschermakitic disappearance biggest kr00 keciboyd machine nbs98 ncfmastoh θd0 ##ventura cobalt reversed reheating cryptic contoured paradigm intermitt metacarbonates enlarged disordered impermeable acceptable brenna limestones postdates ##brueckner delineate unrealistically rearranging unequivocally amalgamation czamanske okcheon svarts talnakh vincl wagner ##iously ##2s2 ##al2si2o8 inspection ##si3o12 acknowledge oversaturated supposedly definitive rubatto molybdenite contributors pseudotachylitic uplifted advocated hercynitic mukadam peculiar briefly perturbation cabri fifteen gauges godet lizardite langmu mclnk nyquist pearson tonga zro2 inhomogeneous ##ratigraphic coercivities conspicuous diffractometer sporadically siltstone deconvolution leakage microlith multiplied barrovian mnncfm remobilisation accomplished ridolfi subdivision guangzhou discontinuity klemme nanocrystallisation bronzitites exhaustion wijbrans fluctuations sapphirine nomenclature 2antigorite akrotiri bockrath burnham cessation emslie fwone gbpq iapetus jemez kwong keliya kesterite ladakh loveringite nigde pk52 pamir rzehak sitklan songpan tarim tonset ubehebe vigorous wnw www xco2 zinca zurich ρaoq ##fluid ##uigou ##dorff ##donald ##jobacken invaluable andradite andalusite condamine reichardt aliquots answer mossbauer atlantic chinese incongru interrelationship wasserburg enormous univariant seodo subrounded subprovin subgroup prepare prevalence preventing equidimensional abyssal boulangerite undetectable micrographs academy overwhel overpressure leptokaria grenville commercial matrices hefei maintenance schlieren sobolev synneusis ##ylvania sinistral quanshuigou noteworthy shortcomings pennsylvania fuerteventura supersaturation autochthonous pyeongan rtlnxtio2quartz witwatersrand keciboyduran svartsjobacken langmuir pk52a interrelationships 1r 2cl 214 213 2ca 215 211 2sb4 3f 3g 330 3log 375 3fe2 4h 4s13 416 5t 5i 5na 513 590 6li 7li 8d 813 890 a7 a5 a1 ads aware ayers bs bc bti ben bay bore bach boch bold b13 beno cı cac cpp d4 d1 dur dust dree dron dick dzr ew ein esi eif eme fm fec fang f50 flex fixing gh g2 gon gol get gou gual graphic gaz g16 gfz gulf hc hed hus hark hrees iles jw jou jant job jiang kh kin kik k2co3 kono kfz lz lor lou los lass lose lpm mj mα mds mall manning mention mp0 nh ng nge nile nann nh3 orog osm oval pm p3 pp pst pus pges pav pall pind pangong pione qn rl rq ras rene rust rake rising rru ryan russi render sab sav ssem sorted s15 s11 solving s19 t3 tti til trom t12 toll tones tung tellurides ulmer vp vl v0 v1 vit vag vir vft vinc vital wy win went wol wis wish wrap waves wadeite w75 wones w97 xd xin xep xities xsp yag yuka yeong ysin zind zinc zentrum zcm µa α300 δgin δvr δ26 εoh μg σpp ##fh ##f2 ##fet ##fis ##fim ##fass ##fun ##fall ##five ##sber ##s10 ##tc ##tor ##tak ##tzation ##ii ##iw ##iate ##iav ##mir ##melt ##ele ##ny ##ners ##nest ##oan ##oated ##hot ##hir ##hbl ##ws ##wat ##wich ##wack ##wall ##wood ##rh ##rin ##rat ##rina ##rising ##rink ##glac ##gning ##gupta ##gelli ##3n ##39 ##3si3o12 ##aph ##aus ##aitic ##awa ##ahar ##pment ##part ##pyr ##uel ##udi ##uak ##ukj ##bt ##bag ##bard ##bia ##bda ##lot ##lom ##lates ##lore ##lining ##losilicates ##dp ##dite ##cu ##ck ##cence ##78 ##71 ##27 ##01 ##kine ##kov ##kara ##qi ##zard ##zentrum ##zuki ##yer ##yagu ##63 ##600 ##vat ##vred ##vice ##jaitic ##89 thomp thresh ##tier ##titive ##tiao ##tio3 ##tiana ##tish ##tivation ##ont ##onential ##era ##ery ##ests ##enig ##enerite ##enzo ##enium ##inates ##inav ##inisc ##inberg ##alen ##alth ##al3si3o12 ##nde ##itting ##iteto ##attice ##atories ##ret ##re3 ##rep ##reat ##rean ##re25 ing inform inukj ##orf ##ori ##organ ##artic ##arpment ##roph ##rowth ##rocessed ##rodite ##asth ##anian ##anca ##leted ##leys ##ented ##entzian ##elle ##elve ##elastic ##elik ##ster ##sten ##olic ##olis ##oliv ##olson ##olinite tools totally ##ray ##radi ##sitic ##sibly ##sisted ##sio3 ##silicates ##ithms ##agar coyagu ##isin ##issible conce ##ulations ##ulian forty isb isometric ##lyte ##imet ##immer ##ech ##ocean ##acular ##acalc ##ows ##owi ##illex reo2 reind reyn reversely comput compute compressed composing exter ##ourable als alph alty asu astime an50 an40 anodic an65 ankar ankara strac stalled cryst crest byp motions mobilities ##iberg ##ota ##otom ##oteth ##omically ##oporphyritic ##opolis wh83 whalen attes maud dir dive diorite diorites diaph ##ticellite shan shard shots shrink ##ategy ##ositic ##osities ##ights ##izers ##ossil chut chaves chry dew deuter ##ichang ##aminated ##abound suited suffer suzuki ##diam ##erals plac plain tepe highs ##gearite resin ##phyllite basan basically haase hawthor hazard mind mines ##tevred ##ushan colours ##ampahar diff13 ##rik ##riatic fe5 febru intersp interrup spite sput phil phyl clim formers formulated enig encc enfs entered weinberg wealth weichang ##chall ##cheng ##changed pers perug perkins persisted ##asses ##utu ##utz pressing pressur ##arney unpro unatt unchanged reprocessed ##apva corfu ##ioch indo indis relie garnetand ample evolutions quartzand fluidal neoteth valleys sealing sebas sept ##aya ##ayma intens prin ##ecta analytically ##nean ##neath prep preexp equiv ark arti arte sc12 sc13 scanned sc31 crystallises crystallography differed ##soy ##sover ##sotile geik geomagnetic geotectonic clinoch isotrop ##erson ##aki ##consin recess recall tie tip simulations ersoy ##ourn ##ourg zirconia crustally twelve 10f 1080 10zn2sb4s13 undep ##cled ##cline agpa ag10 agglom agglomer cpm cpe strategy traceable december declining capp implement implan impacted imprin ##ielite underlies undertak underneath micros thereafter volcanological majhbl ##vive tims compares infilled refill acted seconds secchi leave leaves levant leuven legac cpx3 prime primocryst primacalc ##lmey ##plored charlier charging ##ipu ##adou ##berton propensity surv survive upscan uprising xenomorphic poya derp sliding slices regards regularly regrowth afm brc trd ##monium am10 amami ammonium becoming nafz ##ensch locus ##ociation noise ##odically maturation si4 siting si2o serbo seriate service hydrosilicates microbe microdiam microcline heights pb2s2 patch dots effort march carbonaceous carbonatitic 15fe waters spectacular biotites complexity discs apy amphiboliteto ##inson suppresses 12a 12b 121 tera mono monticellite ##ailable plug verify curie curvil kmean phenocrystic transected translates ##formationnn fieldwork raises ##lander foam fo74 foams dissolving dissolves dissociation δ18odol profound uncoated poli srp buka 195 1970 1951 potarite ##msdorff drh drastic 145 ##uminosity peking degas grading gravel grande ##sening magnet magnitudes muller reminisc finish northwards intrigu electrons 305 schiav opac operate operates idding speculated neglected oxidised 2004 2006 migrates banda dominance hfses requiring mechanics captures serpentines serpentinised united ##oids ##tility progression ##bei elimin characteristically ##wahara alterations sedimentation ##roscope fertility separator transitioning smear thinner thinnest blr blended blanch moles soil so42 planetary retreat 133 13a 132 1323 explaining barberton manso infiltrates peraluminosity confocal augitic sequential pyrites constantly ##nerable southwards 188 1875 flowage 174 bonfim paul 251 sintered localization cuts cuand cube cu10 culet meanwhile workings maximize longest longish 167 165 162 1620 midocean invo behaved plateaus migmatitzation pyrophyllite combine conductivity dehydrates ##peranca dolost irarsite irradi decompressed easy excur excitation thermometric ##ipitated fo2s creating ##abbros ##ovite chloritization hypoz hypidi nanometer nanomin ##iorso petrographically petrographical ##works zno pseudo flor flour flash freely freiberg 5000 dolomites universal progresses groundmasses 869 dynam dynamically lasted bordered radiating radiometric southernmost slowing assigning agreements exsolves stepwise evaluations h2omelt holocene aluminium recrystallize lattices eventual ba19 bailey bajaitic ##cade converts subsets surroundings au80 experiencing purely coarsening grossly retrogressed porphyroblastic attracted protogenetic ##aneously topographic topography microscopically reflections reflective reflectivity transporting 0012 minimized intrude downwards downstream removing load looks broadening sphene chondrodite swit swallow switch ablated blocky 807 needle harmon stillwater favourable semimet termination isoplot elevate photos argument ##iningen em1 ##omicroscope accelerate rounds linking picritic sank sanuk sanbag calderas recognition accessing visibly 452 4500 stepped counters precious 475 472 reasoning conser superp supererup permissible 7500 mountain buffering kaolinite kaapva kawahara circulation 225 snaps ##uracies ##stedt polars polarity polarizers predominance osa ##aclasis dungan mtz phlogopites 271 camg lambda squee examining intersecting strengthen strengthening accompany forec warm anorthositic delta backgrounds dasgupta promising kdfe assessing coordinates impinges almandite testify devoted 3400 033 improving substitute substitutes substituting 85rb dimin dimeric graphically tonalites diverging outcome electrodes operative operational 522 521 5210 macro macedon macdonald episodically binned ascends anatolide 440 44ca 485 meet meeting externally stratosphere stratabound worm omphacites traced stretch stretched 3300 mangerite reactor exceeded shares 568 induces collapsed undersaturation ignition 143ndand etc etnean pull pulver sandwich ##axy temporary temporarily prevents imagery propagates employs thicknesses project projecting repeating coexisted ##fmashto precipitating laboratories palaeocene casio3 s22 tfz outline treating subjecting equals occupancy occupying ##elluride 3650 3615 lathy pioli pelon pelites pellets peltier ##heim ##heated resembles retaining ##kered isochor furnaces usefulness krak luo landsc wavy ##mg2 ##vilm ##inkles recovery 1985 1982 ferrobas views movements ensuring ensured deprotonation trachyte advancing glomeroporphyritic titano titanites beakers feedback wetted wetting clinoenstatite contrasted consume polymerizing 532 subzones addressed topotaxy reconstructions attempting fills expressions metallogenic archives harzburgitic airfall weltevred colorless unmetamorph underestimates 1977 millions stereomicroscope hoyazo nwr pinned ssw ssfc sxfive satisfied realm anneal microphenocryst redistributed 625 hoformationnn wrinkles wadsley twinning belongs schmitz schmutz precursors adjustment adjustable quantifying destabilized δ56feomp 976 checkered departure microanalyser merenskyite fingers unstudi erfc pairing strikingly failure going huge koenig rotated ##tio2melt columbia weighing triangular fragmented encompassing stix stiff stiffer concerned concerning counterpart beside escarpment mugearite object refertilisation accommodating northwestward 745 dsdp kilometers visually tomka tomographic interlocking scaff adcumulus extruded marschall precluding precludes kinematics principles principally berman guide malvo algorithms demarc formulations percol nanopartic bakker dmn economically mylonitized roselle sensu sensing ##worthite energetic deciphering extrinsic rhyodacite tectonism contaminant millimeterto centimeters 7700 crossover digital hamada mutch otowi practically packages ##fiable insert parabolic week underlined sloping taurus circumstances trachyandes gondwanan 2h2 ballhaus ctd governing klewin munster stagnation platy platform platarsite calorimetry baltican embayment liberation channelized abruptly burial bronze cataclasis famous mimic mimics ##ofossil inactive madison deficit deforming scavenged microtextural sequestering ##fe2sb4s13 violarite brackets l8d7r2 l8d7r1 aydar british cyprean esperanca girard izmir wires touching conceptual company stopped sparsely quantum disintegrating underthrust infilling remelted conservatively metaperidotite l9d22r2 fingerprint mitigated geoscience densely galli gallina judging michigan michenerite uwc witness ##tiansen dipoles classical discharged petrochemical petrochron historic strands flattened divergent corroborate challenge purpose brecciated quadrilateral digested 2fe3o4 ejecta nicholson odp odds s20a s20b tlc reagent reheated crypt metatexites disorder brenan limestone facetted johnson incremental incrementally unrealistic bracketed contradicts unequivocal amalgamated aplites campo daitari dictated dictates friningen konig rupture selous ##horst compressibility prospect evacuation evacuated subchamber subchambers scandinav advantage advantages implausible provenance capacitance conflicts conflicting myrmek myrmekite discriminant discriminating kohler kohlstedt inaccuracies christiana christiansen anticipated reinforced unambiguously babbs branches badampahar bernadou culm duplicate giant gangue gaozhou hardly kurile letters locked myvat punct stimulated tentatively vulnerable ##gdan ##pd20 rebound stacking diatexites prompt rescaling quiescence unbent unexposed concurrent sublattice prefers microcontinent marchesi redefined pegmatite graben optimum terminology emanating manganese automatically extrapolations exercise nicollet aerosols thoroughly trondhjemitic arbitrary erroneously deduced dichotom dredged draper eighteen garfun ganzi hunt kessel mismatch pillow qinghu sailipu tjelik tagh turkey tuned wfeo xcos ##narlı ##enbergite ##tingsites unavailable precondition trajectory received agn3 overcome truncated microthermometric default obduction 303rt simplicity densification hollingworthite envisaged linnen improbable electrostatically convincingly conventionally geophysics categorized sigmoidal ligands nbs981 incongruent subprovince subgroups 2sb4s10 bachmann bochum cınarlı caco3 dronning dickinson eifel emeishan fangcheng ghiorso gualda gazel hedenbergite husky harker jougdan jantos kikuchi lzc lorentzian mdsc mp02 ngezi nannofossil orogens palladium pindos renewed rakefet rruff russia sabrina savillex trommsdorff tollan tungsten vaggelli virt vincenzo wisconsin w75re25 w97re3 xitieshan xspss yeongnam zindler δginf δ26mg ##fassmer ##sberger ##ckfmashto thompson threshold inukjuak coyaguayma reindel exterior altyn astimex ankaram stracke crysts diaphorite shrinkage chutas chrysotile deuterium suffered tepekoy hawthorne february phyllosilicates unprocessed unattached relief sebastiao intensely preexponential geikielite clinochlore isotropic undepleted agpaitic implemented implanted imprinted refilling secchiari primacalc2 ##lmeyer microbeam curvilinear bukała drastically reminiscent schiavi blanchard hypozonal hypidiomorphic nanominerals au80pd20 sanbagawa kaapvaal snapshot squeezed weltevreden unmetamorphosed wadsleyite unstudied koenigsberger malvoisin nanoparticles scandinavian myvatn dichotomy garfunkel tjeliken 0τ 0ab 050 020 049 1w 1g 1γ 118 2f 2o 2p 2α 2100 212 2si2o6 2forsterite 2brucite 3e 3n 313 380 370 3water 3sio2 3forsterite 4e 4g 4d 4oh 460 4enstatite 5o 5al 5si 518 514 515 6f 6i 6g 6p 620 6ca 615 611 690 623 6brucite 7f 7e 7g 7ca 790 8g 820 8100 8fe 880 840 9e 920 980 960 a4 aes aul auc aries a600 bx bit ban bim bir bart bill b2o3 bord boss brian boltz bangong cx c2 c8 c1 cra csi cim cart cun crop cwater cyan cym dx d2 dτ dξ dti dar dsi dyd dmo dta dgd dvilm eo ey era eis euc ease ecc e30 elmer fle fres fab fri fons fsp fwh fn2 fuchs faina gp gj g1 gase gues golu gak gets gourg h4 hig hous hides hack hys h10 herv hope hung h41 harney io ior isis js jr ja jas jing jim jack jins juan jingshan journ kp k2 k1 kı koc kere kde kue kram kaz kress kola lx l3 l0 lβ lul lot lange lour lill lots losing latest lws m4 mb md men miz mart mong mct mound mys mie mked mittle mtex nt nab nss nh2o n72 nckfmashto oz ost ode ough oreg p0 pq piv pich pir pbs peter pup pak pest ppl posed peng piles pending pca push pku picking qil qiang rp ren rar ration roc ram rab rip rend rad rens rivers rank slu siv scc sess sak sach stit sort sits sval sided sake stir sodal sorting saf siber tz tas tel tso turmal tank ut uh ust ulu uran ural vog vill vaz wm wir wund wip wards wether wales wyl wark wo4 wo3 wsw wester x8 xib xfl yt yosh zag zell zang zerm αto γr γtio2melt δs δρ δgr δcp μa οn σm σp σv σip ##fa ##fol ##fus ##flow ##fast ##facts ##sa ##sd ##sor ##sel ##sation ##swell ##ski ##skj ##tl ##tan ##turing ##tron ##tang ##tail ##tner ##techn ##tomatic ##tech ##taminated ##ikal ##iad ##ihan ##iffer ##iams ##ihood ##iogranites ##met ##mitic ##mium ##mier ##m16 ##midt ##mhb ##melts ##eav ##eak ##eep ##elect ##eik ##even ##elek ##eiro ##xed ##xos ##xey ##nh ##ng ##non ##nes ##net ##nect ##nacl ##noite ##48 ##4ca ##9ln ##987 ##o6 ##oal ##oure ##oac ##otic ##oform ##odynamic ##o14 ##oining ##hy ##hic ##hem ##hart ##hui ##hire ##wm ##wc ##with ##wig ##wid ##willi ##rse ##rine ##rically ##rto ##rheim ##ga ##gu ##gz ##g8 ##gra ##gos ##golu ##gang ##gia ##gged ##granular ##3fe ##3sbs ##aa ##aos ##ads ##aak ##px ##pou ##pip ##pots ##uil ##uary ##utite ##uang ##uises ##urating ##uerte ##ublic ##bal ##bul ##bir ##bay ##bout ##bbe ##bilt ##box ##bium ##bax ##buerte ##lation ##lock ##litic ##lined ##lvite ##lister ##locking ##dt ##dat ##dra ##dag ##dom ##dens ##dales ##dwell ##ci ##cı ##cil ##cell ##cator ##crustal ##ciled ##corre ##cribed ##cnacl ##73 ##59 ##2x ##200 ##2sio5 ##05 ##02 ##kh ##kle ##ket ##kiy ##kaya ##zin ##zak ##zircon ##zho ##ziy ##zler ##zyn ##yu ##yder ##yang ##ysio ##ylyte ##69 ##vm ##vg ##vp ##vet ##vate ##vine ##vens ##ji ##jy ##jus ##jee ##jima ##jm16 ##84 ##86 ##81 ##1n ##170 ##ıcı ##θd ##ʻian ##ørto tho thrusting ##tious ##timal ##tially ##timon ##tirol ##tized ##tiven ##tio14 theod thesis ##ontin ##onable ##onder ##ontine ##onomic ##erer ##erly ##erated ##ermon ##erland ##erophile ##ession ##essible ##enn ##entin ##enner ##enna ##enza ##encer ##inar ##inter ##inif ##inho ##inert ##inned ##innis ##inopolis ##alo ##alan ##alum ##ality ##alder ##alian ##alities ##alty ##al2o4 ##ndon ##iton ##itter ##itability ##itational ##aten ##atan ##atum ##atau ##ataina inver invi inland ingr instruc inlet inert in16 inev inaa ##orable ##orach ##oriously ##aru ##aras ##arized ##arovite ##rox ##root ##rooite ##rotron ##asp ##asan ##aska ##aso3 ##iced ##icot ##icularly ##icto ##iccator ##an0 ##anson ##anquil ##anyi ##leading ##leaved ##lepip ##ento ##entally ##entric ##elin ##eling ##elten ##elerates ##ston ##stance ##strained ##stensional ##statitic ##stratigraphic ##olly ##olding ##olia ##olarized ##ingen ##ingle toul topm ##raded ##sized ##si47 ##si4o ##etent ##etration ##agos ##agger ##uri ##urer ##urch ##urry co3 coch cogh couch copre withhel withdra ##iser ##isch ##isited ##isade ##ispy contig conrad condens ##ulting ##ulded ##ulator ##ulasi ##ulglac ##igt ##ationn foram ##ida ##idel ##idence ##idually istit isocl isaak ##lytes ##imed ##imers ##imond ##imold ##ureira ##ece ##ecked ##econds ##economic ##ocry ##ocarb ##acal ##acies ##acian ##acements ##iling ##ilies ##romite ##romod rehyd reinc reading ready rehom reorgan reimold compati compose complied compress competent ##atization exogenic exotic exagger ##oud areal ##veil alive alfa al2sio5 alıcı alaska aso4 ##terer ##termann anu anti antil anox anik antimes an45 an88 anqi st2 stain store stace stone stressed stelten ##tsmann ##tserr cr4 cr2 cred crank crimp cruises crispy ##segrain ##resented ##ludag byerly moyn motor motivation mosa moulded ##ibb ##ibles ##otland ##otograph ##omagne ##ometre ##omagmatic begun befus whate whiti ##ucity maun mahar mavr diach diox diabase dioritic ##ums ##uma ##uman ##umenting ##ticpx shim shiel shad shorth shattered shelf shaw shades sh84 ##fform ##osion melan ##erex ##erequ ##izel ##izations ##tinen ##tinct onuma ##osites ##ineering prowat proenza che chand chart chern chev chaos church deem dead debr ##amund ##amelts ##ammitic ##abases susp suitability ##quari contested ##ircled ##antz ##ematite ##dio ##dia ##eraluminous plio plau placement incoming inclined prescribed ##geik ##geodynamic ##oglu ##ogutu resis resolves resumption resumed ##phl bass basing ##verely ##vertical ##versible hayd hazen haematite mini minusc ##using ##uska ##usoidal usage diff5 diff2 diff8 diffrac diffracted park parents param calk caltech caldwell ##aines moderated ##mented ##ranite ##rants ##00f feg feass feather feocl fe4o interand intercepted interleaved sps spg spont spencer phl phyllite physio mineralium collecting ##ficial quern clm clau clark clermon metres metak metrich metacher format envision enstatitic disk weiser databases ##cha ##chkin ##chmidt ##chrotron ##checked colleaguesng ##oluble perth pertain perimeter perkin periad pertermann ##assess flush ##uto ##utable presses ##olet ##racks ##racuse ##arning ##arnet ##esson mgt mgol mgsio3 mgal2o4 likel unreas unnam unsc unex unwan uneven unlocking unveil unterer replicated republic ##aplog ##apagos corr cored corson corners ##ioka plagiogranites evo notoriously neil neph neut neotectonic nepou neuman valency valais seep sevent severely ##ayers stump depress depresses ##onglom intact intake prerequ groo concession substr subdu subten suboph subvertical ##neutral prevalent premise preheated equip ard arato scre scant scru scori scotland ##avant ##avorable ##ustrine aber ab44 ##deley ##dehorst silva siluro canary canadi ##soidal ##orem ##orean ##oreman ##itively ##ititc ##aterrestrial gee geom geometr geograph geosp georem reacting reactivity ##ersutite ##aku ##akis ##conna ##concil ##ghi travel adula adversely gln glide glance glimp glitter ##ostasis ##ystematic tied tian accessible accelerates eric erratic erzin ##oured ##ourret board bohem ##forth 1049 equilibrating undist undrained undiffer underex rimming ##elling ag2o ag50 ag3sbs buttner ##bling ##entiated strings strict stricto decent deciph decorate ca0 caul capped cafz cawthor caal2si2o8 caf2 underto underline underrep indices microg ##achel ##achments volcanology volcanogenic 20x 205 majmhb sulfoan timeline suggestion suggestions ##rone ##ronous comparative inflection inflections ##istered overth overpl oversho overlie h2oand ##illa cardiff carswell ##astroph ##rogarnet leo leached lejar learning ##esced ##rams priming primocrysts primordi ##lman ##rosting grit grate grits hydrogarnet erupting ##modal ##aud transtensional magmatically ##ipicot orthomagmatic reactional reactionrate ##endorf rhodes rhenium ##ado ##adoci ##adonite ##ango ##angle ##angel ##angrim proposes surge surmise upgra xenoblastic characterizes correcting po6 ##ifies slide slave sliced slurry reground regulated registered greber greyscale greece bruce brighter trimer triton trimers subductions am9 am3 amyg amete naxos explor locate alkalinity lithof ##ochrom bearinghyd nova novate noamund ##keley ##quidus ##odally ##odong matjus mattirol ##outz siemens serial serves serving ##barometry sylvite syracuse microp microplate natures saturate saturating ##umulitic healed ##ions pbo title dobbe effusion marls marinho foundation foundational foundered carbonatization ##zobarometry maintains 157 151 15gz approved spectro outlier groupings biogeodynamic complexly apert apophy calibrating calibrants orthopyroxeneand amphibolitic limb suppression 129 1230 1215 1275 1270 1225 defrosting ruth ruhr rugged monoc monot montserr monochrom plugs vertices curling cursor kmorb laacher laiw phenoand depletes transgranular transcrustal raimond ##omatiites ##herjee initiate dissected electric electrum secondarily chromian normalize normalizing facets detachments petromod polat zrn ##hoe absorbed metasome endeav displacements commonalities built 192 1900 1941 119 113 1130 1115 1190 1194 1145 1155 1196 stands solidify 506 508 501 drivers settle evidently evidencing century thermofis thermoelastic ptt ptra ptand pt3fe pelee degasses ##ergrams grayscale posos parameterization δ18ozircon ##itud finely ##liq ##liable ##liquidus intrud cumulitic cmas characterise characterising characterisation arsenate tafel multivalent ##oney schre schaars schnet scherer option opens optimal enclose neglec oxidize miguel banding bandwid hfand oceans oceanographic interacting capability williams μm2 investigates discussions minority elan elli elkins singh singular rhyolitemelts ##wave cools stark develops empty roding rooted rodehorst ##hldt siliciclastic sedimentor ##roscopic ferrand ##ogenised transitioned town ##104 identifies bls blending blake bladed mollo plans plank planets synto synkine synchrotron retains alm45 alm67 ##tynite sectional barren baragar manusc orientated metasomatising metasomatizing augmented ##ksal ##azar ##scales replacements pdf nearer nearing porcher benefits coupling 182 18ocal 18odol 18grs nbos individually 172 1750 pajar paucity ##ylab ##ylene dependences eq3n kea kebuerte sinα sinusoidal cufes worked nonide longgang longitud exchanged appearing mnz mntio3 puzz 169 163 1650 mineralogylab behaves geothermometric combines conduction conducive modifies dehydrate aggregated ##perly ##kafjallet 40k 408 irvine vsd easier thermoreman ##naiss kyung kylander widen shallowest earthqu viscometer viscosities adjoining homogeneously creation linearized misleading crosschecked hyperaluminous galapagos ##arging ##argement bubbling ##itoids conclusive ##143 disthene flo floyd fourteen deviated deviates deviator halt halite halsio halama 290 methodological polyeth polytechn polymodal axs explosively borghi paleogene paleoarchean lacked radioac ##orporated strati straub denoting slowed slowest tsolidus tshire desiccator h25 h2aso3 holding holocrystalline hollister fe2sio4 introduces cratonization aluminian aluminosilicate recrystallizes correspondingly lateto latourret symptomatic summer summed baogutu subsumed hpg8 seek plumeand mesoto mesostasis ##fehldt attachment classifies alternated magnesioch wedges wedza topic topology 008 0056 0065 0074 ks0 minima minimization minimised minimizes minimizing minimising downwelling broadened hawaiʻian differentiating swell switz sweep swanson ##sets collerson colloform ablating ##tillo henceforth weakest 354 3500 3550 3570 3572 june possibilities exclusion exclusive excludes hornblendeor edenitic harbor harbour popular shortening ##chester confirmation ##asonically semet expanse spatiote fluorides argentin argento ce3 labels collisions ##olls ordinated geochronometer dryness links pico sanche westward westren interstitially deposita 6000 703 dateable recognizing lengthscales vienna attributes 453 456 458 451 ##board stepping steele modulated spectroscopists limitation precisions 47m ##ningham supercool supersized superliquidus formerly greywack disequilibria 759 ##rousfluid kaw kaersutite ##ript ##ripts 228 2250 mcbir millimetric ridley sn2 snake snyder osler zhou acquire acquiring activated polymagmatic 029 027 025 karrooite mt35 fluxing geozentrum 2866 tourmalines consequences implicit 275 morgan moraines ##max intersected quantifiable documents documenting foreland necking qzt qzbc warmed delim filtered filtering dash farther sixteen behaviours necessit necessity palisade ##eedometry ##grimmer reproducing reproducible 9000 framb frames rifts rifted prisms δ49tir δ49ticpx ##bury reprecipitated tescan testified isotherm stream devoid effectiven schistose kinetically blackish restriction restrictive 034 038 995 featureless arrival improperly correspondent 325 322 328 3200 3210 inherit 855 cells falling ubide corrosive causal electrolytes periodically fuxian 523 5215 905 908 macinnis macquari milky muscoviteand binning binodes rt1n ##leton anhydrite residing residuum spinifexes 446 483 487 mev meets meinert 019 017 219 217 945 948 tracked tracking 33p 337 332 423 426 thirteen sieving roughening coastline sharing extremes 1201 ellison 49cnacl 562 56fe opposing ambiguous appropriately collapsing 825 crack nmr nmnh directional ignoring ubiquitously greenschistto m2s pullman connects connecting ##owledged pseudomorphically vanish ##hastingsites ##axial analogues shea reconsi reconciled reconnaiss refineable propagate 0825 461 ibc repetitive 0000 fronts challenged symmetrically sharply cash cascade cassegrain castillo libo2 liberate liboure s2a tensor watts watkins coldest inconsistencies passes tref ##193 ##rock phonons encaps encircled budding summarizing 05a doubt pelite purified purification tensional utility stabilise stabilizes stabilizing simplification simplifying homogenously idealized lherzolitic 728 7219 8837 925 france ##stein isochore isochors divide divides divinopolis segregated segregate rheologically 262 54fe krawc lubric ##hai institut ##mporal rejects sudden sudbury exposes exposing colourless neighb neighbour validated validate 1987 1988 grayish magnesiohor magnesiohastingsites establishes establishment horizontally viewpoint 2dh 648 6400 arabia s1b trachytic advection advances glomerocrystic overestimate overstepped titanomagne avoidance influxes merely merkle ##ggish asymp craters performs submill francalan bismuthotelluride ##mingly outpaces emphasizes icpmsdat helped consumes polymerised 785 964 9686 ringwood rossangel shifting absorbances reconstructing filler niobium ##urbed constructing traversing microphotograph assignment assignments linkage subdivides cnr pastes vred3 vred2 welch welding zoom ##oclas chronology coloring colorado unmixed pronounce 1971 drilling 069 06jy centito eighty hundskj jxa82 nujiang nist610 nist612 pinch realized annex intensification tianshui harris redistribute 2σal 2σap 629 848 azorean bimodality o22 wright wafer ##ukała ##164 crucibles perpendicularly concordance microcryst microcracks programs progressing ellipsoidal 093 592 971 gaining selvage microanalytical builds confident confidently prevented brandon d0exp saline salmin presume disagree unconnected uncontaminated unconstrained selecting intracalder commence 4338 fabricio goes jambon jamda kohn koira koksal questions roux rotates rotating t0t prolongation weighting glaciation srm610 srm612 2cu ec2 ec1 ecorr wuyi wuensch wilke wilhel whitlock choose metaborate austrheim escal fs5 jiao jiaodong k0t muir vented δga ##eften insulator insoluble toolbox coalesced webster addressing fundamentally phosphorous 517 744 836 bathym dsfluid gibb kilometer kilometre ponding pontal tomkins criterion expectation ##quez unrelated unreliable adcumulates undergoes 2021a outgas precluded cleavages invoking gabbronorite geodynamics replenished columns metabasites granodiorites berkeley bougu bouvet bomb cyclades stems demise percolated corundoph traditionally recalculate outputted mylonite peccer rumble ramped sensors enveloping energetics enhancement intensively extraterrestrial 128g tectonothermal pumped prevails quadruplet unconformities devolatilized gerais hotspots mutually practice packed ##potts ##lai insertion inserts ##asht exerted parabolas mg24ca immobility adopt adopting rhodop rhodope sloped brueckner fo85 fo88 fo81 classifying circumneutral dimensionality intercalations buildup rhythmic rhythmically 6700 klepe putative interconnect unfavorable subtraction participate hyperion superimposing permitting trachybasalts interlayers interlayering pargasites lithotype burst bursting bronto cats catastroph drops families hopkins mimicking nicely siderophile madureira physics evaporites evaporated recalled discerning polygenetic 11113 sequesters tubingen violently csdcorre isochrons supergroups zealandia boudin justify wavenumbers ciwr eshe fiji ficr hidden portage portland turbul inhibited revisited anticline chemo chemex contradict spidergrams quantax disintegrated undulous undulose ca2al3si3o12 infills april manifested manifests orebody conservation l9d22r1 visualize lamproite congruently 7102 fissures hiskey michipicot relying torch vector walled competing hamper enabling enthalp 1024 pooled discordant plunge europe epitaxial resembled ethane recalibration mirrored nunataks disappeared camebax ejected ejection gorge hinges hessite kr88 kecikal machines nichinan psammitic vastly ##denum ##itationally coban coatings reagan reagents reversal alluvi chadwell paradox intermixed metaconglom metatexite metatextite engulf engineering enlargement fluctuation unpolarized georoc georgia imperceptible ultrasonically 12288 faceted facetting uncorrelated gravim gravitational gravitationally postdate 1873 delineated octahedron splitter metallurgy asterisks rearranged contradiction 7409 aplite ccd campanian daito okataina pinkish rupturing sg3 sg2 seldom sawyer wager ##4o7 ##ukami inspected compressible prospects scandium implosion acknowledged lepage lepontine definitively 146nd 146sm capacitive molybdenum contributor irreversible irreconcil pseudotachylyte disturbed disturbance photoelect uplifting polymorphs advocate drawback hercynite mukherjee inaccurate anticipate 2log10 babuska baddeley benchm culmin gemini hints hindu hangingwall lynch lynxey masked mccar mudstone puna rmse stimulates vulcan ##24si47 ##eruptive conformably rebuil allevi rescaled happens happened quiescent claesson metagabbros unbinned unexpected depolymerising sublayers prefix nordly nordbay obscure obscured asserted micrometer micrometre legend microcontinents grabens volatility volatilization sinogeik nonlinear nonlinearity haloes emanate emerged emergence johannes ascertained 2669ln extrapolate exercises recommendations nanostructure nanostructural aerosol arbitrarily 512104 alexo bacao celadonite dc30 donor drips fh2 fhwm fz4 fzb fj170 fjørto fountain fountains gsms gottsmann gathered january jagged jagoutz kalsi lacustrine piezobarometry pierced sleeve sleeves tanton tantalum uvarovite voigt voizel ##aarslan ##pook ##petrik ##dallmeyer ##esien ##enko fortunately isolate exemplified anchored mobilizing beijing reserve reserves parallelepip intragrain intragranular script scripts imbrication recharged recharging grunesien noticeable suppressing blasjon blasjoal publication publications invariant tuzgolu instantaneously editorial assimilated assimilating ncfmastohc intermittent intermittently microliths microlithic mnncfmasth overwhelmingly 2ca2 3fe2sio4 5na0 a770 adsorbed benign durango dusty einstein fecl flexible goncu golludag gouge hc200 jwjm16 jobin khaplog kinked mj18 mallik mentioning nh4 osmium pushed pavia pioneering raster tilting vitally wyatt winchester wolf wraps xinjiang xepos ysinα ingress ##olivine concealed reynes computational alphamelts bypass placer basanitic fe5o6 interspersed interruption sputtering philpotts climate enigmatic perugia indistinct neotethys september prinzho prepfast equivocal artifact artefacts 10fep agglomerates cappadoci undertaken microseconds legacy survival brc1 microdiamonds patchworks intriguingly opacitized iddingsitic eliminating 188os pauling invoke dolostone irradiated excursion florida freibergite dynamical 001271 switching swallowtail semimetals sankaku conserved supereruption camgsi2o6 forecast macedonian krakatau landscape ##mg2sio4 ferrobasaltic nwr193 stiffness scaffolding demarcation trachyandesites cryptocrystalline myrmekitic culminated punctured xcosα preconditioned virtually ankaramitic 0τγ 6ca0 7cafes aesar aulbach aucanquil banaras bimodally barton borders bossanyi brianconna boltzmann csiro cimelt cartoon cunningham cyanide cymrite dydx eobs eye eucrites eccentric fresnoite fonseca fwhm gp2 gaseous gakkafjallet gourgaud higgins housed hysell hervig jahn jasper jingziy jinsha journal kp10 kırse kocaarslan kerem kramers kazakh lx00 loury lillfjallet mizukami martel mongolia mked1 mittlefehldt nabelek nsss ozone odeasan ought oregon pivotal pichavant pirard pupier pakistan pestle penglai qilian qiangtang rpi rarer rationale renders renssel sluggish sivas sachan stitched svalbard stirring sodalite siberian turmalina ustc uranium urals vazquez wmgo wirth wunder wipe wetherill wyllie xibeik xflash yttri yoshioka zellmer zangpo zermatt οnsets σmini σpge σipge ##williams ##zynski ##timonites ##tio144 theodulglac ##inifera ingrin instructive in16164 ##orachidi topmost cochiti coghill coprec withheld contiguous foraminifera istituto isoclinal ##ocrytic rehydration reincorporated rehomogenised compatibilities aso43 antilles anoxic anikina stacey crimped moynihan mosaic whatever whitish mauna maharal mavrorachidi diachronous dioxide shielded shadows shorthand ##fformationn prowatke chevron debris suspected plausibility hayden minuscule fe4o5 claudio clermont metakomatiites metacherts envisioned pertaining periadriatic flushing likelihood unreasonable unnamed unscaled unexplored unwanted nepoui seepage seventeen prerequisite subtended subophitic equipment scrutin scoriaceous canadian geographical geospeedometry erzincan bohemian undisturbed undifferentiated ag50w ag3sbs3 strictly cawthorn undertook underrepresented sulfoantimonites overplating lejaren primordial upgrading amygdales ametek lithofacies bearinghydrousfluid noamundi matjuschkin mattirolo apophyses montserrat laiwu raimondo petromodeler intrudes schaarschmidt schnetzler bandwidth synkinematic alm45pyr manuscripts pajarito eq3nr cufes2 thermoremanent kyungpook deviatoric polyethylene polytechnic radioactive tshirege latourrette magnesiochromite 00744 switzerland spatiotemporal argentina sanchez westrenen supercooled mcbirney effectiveness macquarie reconnaissance libourel krawczynski magnesiohornbl titanomagnetite francalanci icpmsdatacal hundskjeften tianshuihai salminen intracaldera whitlockite bathymetric bouguer peccerillo mg24ca24si47 klepeis catastrophic csdcorrections michipicoten kecikalesi photoelectron baddeleyite lynxeye rebuilding nordbayern sinogeikin fj1704 fjørtoft parallelepiped blasjoalvan goncuoglu hc2009 khaplogranite prinzhofer aucanquilcha brianconnais eccentricity jingziyu kırsehir rensselaer xibeikulasi theodulglacier mg24ca24si47tio144 030 090 1f 1mg 1180 1sd 1grimmer 2v 2ω 2re 2se 2pb 2na 2sio4 2fes 2fe2 2sd 3s 3h 3r 3si 314 3100 3ca 3ma 315 390 3al2 3an0 3petrik 4f 4o 4l 4π 4and 410 414 4100 412 411 4brueckner 4mg2sio4 5f 5h 5g 5d 5k 5j 5an 5co3 511 5si2o6 5sio2 5brueckner 5mg2 6l 6j 6ab 618 6100 613 660 649 619 6h2o 6fe2 6143 6williams 7m 7k 7ab 718 712 719 765 7gi 7pd 8f 8an 818 8na 814 819 8water 8h2o 8sps 8brueckner 8fassmer 9f 910 9na 930 9co3 949 915 911 975 987 9p0 9brueckner 9root 9an0 a9 aw aη aas ale ara aid aoc ave ares aph agh akal arag aks a100 ah2o ahr ahead auck b4 bz boc brom bce biz bcc blow bund bour buch bacter bhan bins baz bao bior bgr binder b11 bert bamb bauer bns boliv bioch bourn cb ces cic cet cag cant city cain cage carn cip cco cement csm cift csp cs13 carta crand df dh dw dz d8 dσ dst dres drain dog dcc dand daly dav dental dak dach dod dli dsm drag dss dks dna dfe drown djc dope dax dmg dorr dla dzn darb dinar ef ei e9 e2 eol eil ece eph ech eart educ eav estr eco esp e23 eaq egri eaf e29 erik f2 fκ fet fib fuc fum fem fole fary fct fost fell fuch fix ferg feng fper fake f80 f60 f70 fcr fgrt fring fiber fray fushan fidel fusing gt g9 gg gc gin gent gur gly gil gse glu gated gam gures gyp gut gore gers gron gard gian gpm gord gans gero gakk gury gupta gasses gvp gatan h6 hv hic hag hse heral hong hue hory hco hall hob h20 hui hbr hco3 hier hans hoh h11 hira hgg hatt hanch huck honey ire iog icon iug ief iota ji jn jæ jon jer jin jal jnd jor jak jose joy j13 jax j21 jaguara jcm julian jenner jliq kl ker ken king kul kom kase kir kran kne kak kip kho kli kise kots kina kov khar kerr kani kimb kiss kerm krus kinan k39 kasp lf ls lm ll lv lon lal lnd lst lich lus lut leter lust lde lest lined lend loy lud lina lui lump lining lets lma latites lhas mr mous mio mbl mist mond meng m10 mik mca murn mura mla mash mhb mdh moud nf nr n3 nes nal nel nag nil nem nue niel nond nip nug nons nice n70 nhr nfz nasi npd nushan nangrim o4 o3 oa oc o1 oes oro oly ohn oik oman omg ooz omt px pn pw pλ pδ pφ psi pag pis pid piz pab pant pose pace pied pause pann paces passing pleth pans pinc psb panning pitch pcr pfz panned p31 poured pmax q2 qti qin qem qap qix qian qins qwin rs rx rw rδ rer rin rat ric rol rag rib rated riv rus rut rong rose rome rout rins rna r12 romer rational ripped rolland rosen rarity russian rica riley ryers ruck rushan rga rvg rachel rangrim s0 sz sæ sen sor sic sent sag sure som syro sbs sart sound stern svi skal sad soci sough s18 sonic solei seng s10 saz s14 s12 soph ssb sadi sorts sky sauer tc t6 tδ ton tet tul tig tec tum tus tand tari tree tell tale tmo tort tack tall tmb tyl tark tca tensi tta tellur tighter tilm tiring tarney telluride tatan tingle tisch tmax u6 ure ura uto umm u23 utm ufh vm va vc vk von vor vas vet viz vity vand vak voun vau vend vard vsm vss vox varg v2o5 v51 wp wd wc wen wul wak wies wied wad wpb write wisc wie word wake witt wadi woo wulf woen wenk wulian wutu wonder xs xe xn xw x3 xl xz xor xil xab xand xex xna xfs xiro xpy xfe2 xsps ye yu yc y0 yv yj yı yar yant yore yund yak yell yue yax yoon y89 zi zb zl zv zing zuc zam zient zhen zimp zcp µms ʃr2 αi αa α2 αθ αγ αgrt βi γvm δd δk δμ δ13 δzr ε35 ε143 ηλ θe θ1 λi μs μc μμ μο μpa σ9 σ3 σ1 σree σzr τhe ##f5 ##fal ##fur ##fter ##fts ##fting ##fran ##frac ##fay ##fron ##fill ##field ##fley ##fgr ##fitted ##fani ##fh2o ##fring ##fusc ##farb ##futable ##s3 ##sk ##sur ##sum ##sri ##sures ##solu ##sable ##sue ##senite ##spar ##sory ##sall ##sao ##s12 ##schist ##s11 ##skoye ##sla ##szentrum ##tf ##tr ##tk ##tre ##tent ##tet ##tation ##top ##tos ##typ ##tup ##tcl ##tvi ##test ##tard ##tors ##tty ##tlement ##toli ##totes ##tectonic ##talling ##tazar ##ij ##iet ##iati ##iop ##ios ##i2o ##iitic ##iak ##ienti ##iular ##ika ##iked ##iuse ##iades ##iada ##iford ##iacian ##mi ##m2 ##my ##mic ##mel ##mur ##mite ##mis ##mul ##mow ##mites ##mand ##map ##mund ##menti ##mond ##math ##m60 ##minate ##menting ##micular ##m25 ##m600 ##ek ##ease ##element ##efs ##efficient ##egl ##ealing ##ekar ##e3o4 ##xp ##xy ##xj ##x8 ##xen ##xig ##xene ##xist ##xial ##nf ##ni ##nv ##nec ##niz ##nand ##nick ##ninic ##nica ##nsson ##4s12 ##93 ##91 ##9hf ##997 ##oe ##oa ##oti ##oed ##oine ##oir ##oding ##otive ##oise ##obe ##okes ##ook ##oiting ##odium ##oete ##hm ##hes ##hin ##hal ##hol ##hra ##het ##him ##how ##hole ##hore ##henes ##hner ##holes ##hists ##hardt ##hape ##htinen ##wi ##wal ##wri ##wend ##wang ##wo2 ##wley ##wo3 ##wford ##wo33 ##r3 ##rp ##ras ##rase ##rary ##ride ##riding ##rara ##r2o4 ##rillo ##gk ##gı ##gre ##get ##gul ##gou ##glu ##gart ##gitic ##gree ##gative ##gill ##gian ##gall ##gement ##gors ##gaz ##gets ##gadi ##galo ##36 ##3o2 ##347 ##3si2o6 ##3tl ##aj ##aη ##aul ##aand ##aform ##aign ##ahan ##aia ##aho ##aox ##pu ##pol ##ping ##pur ##pac ##pati ##pect ##pick ##puted ##pans ##poration ##pangong ##picuous ##putable ##ptynite ##uo ##ua ##uj ##uβ ##uing ##uate ##uge ##upp ##urations ##uial ##utile ##uitive ##uiqu ##urous ##uitous ##uitable ##uatu ##uaq ##uhi ##ukw ##utian ##uzak ##uyu ##utious ##bb ##bes ##bed ##bro ##bis ##bble ##benite ##bini ##baw ##bby ##bismuth ##bola ##beck ##bsi4o ##bukała ##b4o7 ##lon ##las ##lis ##lid ##lim ##lap ##lating ##lides ##lard ##lisation ##l10 ##lh2o ##linic ##lats ##lwall ##lovite ##lenn ##dd ##das ##dic ##dim ##dow ##dents ##deen ##dction ##dors ##dao ##dules ##dnar ##dret ##dmium ##dnick ##cs ##cx ##car ##cle ##col ##cra ##cos ##case ##cir ##cion ##cks ##cake ##copro ##cola ##cury ##cii ##cript ##7c ##77 ##76 ##57 ##5si ##500 ##5fes ##2σ ##213 ##2s13 ##2al2 ##2si3o12 ##2b4o7 ##03 ##kr ##kk ##kı ##kol ##kil ##kos ##kho ##kish ##kise ##khar ##kets ##khas ##khb ##kami ##kutan ##krat ##kerson ##kibb ##kfur ##koe ##qilib ##zy ##zar ##zas ##zan ##zet ##zul ##zap ##zale ##zion ##zie ##zstan ##zzi ##zhd ##zillo ##zione ##yen ##yin ##yth ##ych ##yne ##yenite ##yaz ##yoblastic ##yxene ##y2si3o12 ##64 ##61 ##6si4o ##vz ##vim ##vec ##vents ##vally ##vad ##vold ##venites ##vimetric ##vcp ##velled ##vmin ##velling ##je ##jon ##jav ##jang ##jia ##jwa ##jave ##jka ##jik ##juan ##jacent ##justed ##juaq ##8th ##800 ##8o2 ##1h ##118 ##160 ##175 ##λi ##αolivine ##δnn ##μvm ##ƒo2 ##γr ##γili ##γsin ##γtio2melt ##η2 thy thal thra thms throw th14 th23 tholo thiba th01 ##tis ##tia ##ti0 ##tiy ##titions ##tiated ##timent ##tibility ##tikal ##tism ##tifer ##tides ##tifies theri the14 theta ##on3 ##ona ##onu ##onk ##onom ##onate ##onch ##onio ##onally ##onne ##onization ##onoritic ##onym ##onjang ##eri ##erle ##erges ##ervi ##erred ##eria ##erho ##erfc ##erbilt ##erpac ##estite ##esov ##estia ##enst ##enly ##eness ##enses ##enco ##enyl ##enerate ##enze ##enulation ##enberg ##enbach ##en41 ##enogranites ##enhorst ##enbeck ##ino ##inas ##inet ##inant ##inable ##induc ##inary ##inally ##inopyroxene ##inde ##inoch ##inution ##inced ##inall ##investig ##inarily ##inhac ##inters ##inzon ##inigan ##inions ##intup ##alm ##alas ##alic ##alsi ##alyst ##alment ##altite ##alks ##alsi3o ##allmeyer ##aloclas ##ede ##edl ##edish ##edyne ##nda ##itc ##itary ##itory ##itably ##itors ##itner ##iterate ##itani ##iturb ##itoba ##itenbach ##atz ##atas ##atly ##atable ##atost ##atured ##atomic ##atoblastic ##atsch ##atched ##rew ##rev ##rely ##rece ##requ ##rech ##reau ##rection ##reira ##rews ##rekh ##refring inte inund inad inequ inade inspec ingrowths insb inline inapp ingam inorgan inboard inefficient in160 inonu andrews ##or1 ##orro ##oric ##orse ##ority ##orte ##orded ##orating ##orius ##orhom ##orova ##or34 ##or01 ##orgos ##ornsson ##oritc ##aros ##arant ##arites ##arack ##arke ##arsen ##arli ##arked ##archy ##armalcolite ##arova ##arsson ##arhy ##roid ##roved ##rovision ##rophyre ##robismuth ##aser ##asting ##ascon ##asov ##asolidus ##aslan ##asaki ##ascar ##ican ##icou ##icate ##icine ##icity ##icron ##iclastic ##icarbonates ##icochemical ##iclinic ##icrovision ##ane ##anas ##antit ##anks ##anov ##anui ##anade ##an47 ##anasi ##anee ##anza ##antify ##lean ##leum ##leber ##letz ##levant ##levo ##lemen ##lementing ##lebenite ##ente ##entary ##entory ##entuated ##entangle ##elon ##elic ##elom ##elph ##elhardt ##mpo ##mpus ##mpton ##mphas ##stat ##station ##strom ##stant ##strain ##stock ##stand ##stens ##stract ##stratig ##strable ##stwhile ##olations ##olari ##olds ##oliti ##olian ##olished ##olten ##olov ##olito ##inging touc topa tooth topped toky touret totalling tobb ##rak ##rais ##radu ##raised ##rada ##ravimetric ##si1 ##siec ##sitions ##sius ##siding ##simon ##sivity ##sims ##sides ##sirian ##size ##simpl ##sitized ##ithfully ##eted ##etation ##etter ##etres ##etall ##etani ##etler ##etries ##agan ##agion ##aghan ##agement ##agged ##ag10zn2sb4s13 ##aguchi ##agonitized ##agulates ##agpur ##agascar ##urra ##urates ##uries ##urred ##urug ##urities ##urises ##urkreep ##urious coin cole cove coand coding cosm coales coule coiled co59 coagulates ##iso ##isher ##issen ##isone ##isper ##ische ##isva ##isothermal ##isputed ##isorse conical conch conund connot conson congo conglomer coniacian ##uler ##ulite ##ulib ##ulsion ##ulph ##ulus ##ulier ##ularities ##igon ##iger ##igran ##igence ##igram ##igang ##igneous fora ford forced forcing forests forget forcola ##idl ##idon ##idity ##idus ##idable ##idio ##iditic ##idies ##idolite ##idli ##idson ##idoto ##iderho isf isle isogran isomer isua ##lysis ##lysm ##iming ##imok ##imagnetic ##econd ##ecke ##echer ##ecute ##ecars ##ectives ##ocite ##ocoy ##octa ##ocontin ##acy ##acite ##acock ##acyr ##actites ##acently ##acadag ##aclysm ##owiss ##ilf ##ilin ##ilites ##ilations ##ilient ##ilateral ##ilkov ##illetz ##romal ##romate ##rometer ##romotive ##rometall ##thy ##throw ##thew ##thmites ##thon3 ##thority reid retic read reformation reused reapp rewr revision reassess rewri comply compart compile complic computer compex complicate complicates compete compston compiling composites compelling complim compilations ##atian ##atisi ##atipu exiting eximer execute ##ouch ##ourag ##ourous ##veins ##veats aln alain aland alap albar alsio albert altitude al27 aso asher as2s2 aseri ##terly ##tervel anl anast an20 annot an80 an60 an70 an38 anode an47 an62 an42 an85 an96 an68 an37 an95 an35 an53 an54 an39 an78 an63 an48 std stds stay stour stpl stoch story stemi st30 stores strip strec stoich stoff stachel ##ceiv ##ceived crm crd crsi cr2o criti cr53 crenulation ##sea ##seen ##ressively ##luk ##lund ##lude ##luded ##lucent ##lusions ##luhr ##luxed ##lurobismuth mosi mouri mogk mojave moacyr ##ibram ##iberte ##ibniz ##otti ##otely ##otri ##otron ##otometry ##otry ##omi ##omon ##omatite ##omechan ##omains ##omyl ##omarg ##omosing ##ometamorph ##omanian ##ombini betic beach bead beige bebout bexp ##ops ##opx ##oped ##opyro ##opad ##opetra ##opoul ##opuhi whites wholes wholly atf atb atj atop atrex ##ucted ##ucch ##uccess maar maqu maugh maison maka maier ma15 maki mauro mazz makov maaten diph divi dietr dipar dives dihyd diving diking dials ##umoite ##umgart ##ticed ##ticity ##ticulated shb shand shak ship shack shatu shading shats shlom shmul shaox shuiqu shelom shurug ##ffs ##ffe ##ffen ##ffin ##ffle ##ffrich ##ffred ##ffney ##atempo ##ositing mela melonite melson ##izu ##izer ##izard ##izhou ##izhu ##izistan ##izona ##tini ##tination onlap ##osa ##osic ##osely ##osome ##osals ##oskov ##osyenite ##ository ##ostini prote prohib proved provi prospec chn chu chich chri ch2o chill chile chau chia cheng chud chances chung chert chinch chuck changle chalks chisone chidli chocoy ##iving ##ivably ##ivered deu deer dearn debe debre dealing deals dehra ##icho ##icholls maghre magee ##amine ##amell ##amitous ##ammer ##amoto ##amaru ##abin ##abar ##abitation ##ab54 suffic supr suev sutcl su500 sunda or3 or1 orman or87 or98 expenses expulsion ##qui ##qued ##quate ##quaternary ##quantit contrain contention contouring ##iral ##irier ##irmed ##ante ##antage ##emeral ##ematic ##emann ##emade ##emaq ##dien ##dias ##dified crystaland crystalized plated pland plenti plenty plga plesov inch inca incons incidence figure1 tefl tephrite highland highnv preset presenting prestvi ##geite ##gevity ##ogne ##ogad ##ogero ##ogolov ##ogravimetric resus reside resins resone resurg resupp resilient ##ocks ##tingen ##enez ##enees ##eneocrysts ##phi ##phere ##pholite ##physical ##pherical basites basset basket ##verly ##verage ##vertent haif hafn minus minoan minm25 grainy grainsize ##tep ##tek ##tey ##uson ##usage ##ppes ##ppen ##ppers ##ppled ##ppling ##pprp ##ppolito coltor colombini cologne ##amped ##ampling usp useless usgs diff6 diff10 diffrat parr paros paramorph parise parma partings parmenti parstat parsimon calamitous calogero oli olist olsen olive ##oustic tempo temperate tempering temptation eleven ##yroxenites ##ranitoids meltand ##ria ##rive ##riate ##riers ##00t ##008 lowand lowde fee feig feand feoli fe2o4 featured interde interrog intermedi intercep interstratigraphic interjacent intertek spn spent spand spak spill spear spss spie spring sputter spray speak spurious spiral phn ph2o pheneocrysts mineralic mineraland mineralisation college wasatch ##fices quac quep quoted quiet quoti quintup quilf cln cl3 cl2 clot clays clipped cloud cloete clarke oliver metre metach metatu metarhy formidable en38 en42 en55 en34 en54 enerpac discl disad disreg distill disease disentangle wei weka datable showcase ##chart ##chyd ##chini ##chased ##chuk ##chuang olivineand colleagueso ##anda ##andra ##andian ##oluted perfor perov pertains perceptible perpet perchuk ##assopoul beta ##utura presssures ##oleptynite ##arik ##bs2 ##ractive calcites calcare calciturb zonally ##upu ##upon ##essary ##essour volm mg3 mgand mgcr mg25 mgf2 mg6si4o li7 liang liao lifh li2b4o7 unmo unad unia unaz unsp untes unified unspec unanaly univer unapp unimp unsat unmingled unsworth unlo unheated uninter uneconomic unassess untre unnec uninde unseen ##dsky ##dsonian mantled repack repolished repository mantleand ##api ##apes ##apolite ##apatite ##apapp ##apstones ##apenko ##arya ##aryya corsic coronal cordon cormier corporation ##alysis ##iocarbonates indust indium indub indented ##titeis relied garnwith ##iotis plagand plagiclase ampules eva evok evinced quartzitic notes notwith basalitic ney neel neogen nebul neatly valance seby seats sekine sezione ##unit ##unate ##untoli ##ayar ##ayama stubby students depositing plagioclasein ##ongo intend intuitive pring price pritch prices pringle pruβ pribram grozn analysable ##2o7 concents concise concurs substruct subequ subto subsidi subcritical substances subglac subeconomic subsiding subisothermal subunit amphiblites ##nebl ##negative ##neiderho preto precepts premier pretty prelude equating equival equator equigran equilateral arp arl armo arms arising arfl ar40 ardia aridus articulated arizona arrive scrap sc45 sc17 sc02 sc03 scapolite sizeable ##aval ##avated ##avane ##usthal crystallines crystallizations crystalllisation calculator imf ima immer imjing imbal differentially abc ab49 aberr ab38 abras abstract abouch ##deformation ##deych canil canard canaria canmet cancell ##so4 ##soft samplesolution pressureand ##orelement geiss gehre gears geographically gevim geowiss geops granet granoph ##unda ##strong magmaor reactivation ##ersing ##ersonic variant variances variants variabil ##aka ##aked ##akas ##akening ##akenly ##dyk ##dymium ##reef oxalic concentrating concentrically fulign fulfill ##ghan ##ghizistan ##ghammer fractal appealing apprais trait traigh traps travelled trachyd ##iest ##ieson ##ieslebenite ##hedron typei adr aden adit ador adds adare adriatic adamell glod globe norman norwe norfol noranda recast rectil recry recyc recalling ##osted ##ostra ##ostratigraphic ##ostromal ##easured ##easterly ti8 tile tisi tiand ti49 tiered tirel tirekh solute solubilized accentuated simon ert erro erase erased er16 eratost erstwhile occluded zirconology zirconosilicate ##ternary boyd bould boyn bodnar boizard boosted assure assured assert haso4 hastingsites ##forsch 10s 10e 10x 10p 10na 1020 1030 10fe 1090 1016 1025 1098 1065 1079 10cu 10grimmer 10ag10zn2sb4s13 ##usions equilibrations equilibrates undistinguishable undev undisputed undoped ##osem600 allochth alloclas allotri allabar rimwards ##ells ##ella ##ellier ##elleria clinopyroxeneand ##classi ##clinopyroxene ##cans crystalshape ag6 ag1 aged agand agcl ague ag2s agios agglu agbis agostini ##yron mayile maybe twofold it300 italian ##uekt ##uchakis ##ightening sultan ##bled ##blishing ##entivity ##entitious cpg cp2 cpv cp1 cpef cpedl string strides traceele glassand decameter decade deciding decito decrat decrep decoding decarli richards richness wherever whereupon caio caob cahn ca42 cautious cadmium caveats caffe impart imported impover improp impressive impacting implementing impurities impactites ##ixwa ##ixtures undersea ##ounit micorr thereof ##acharyya theirs 202 20na 20gr 20barnes 203tl majorelement ##paa ##isms sulfurous sulfonate sulfarsen ##estal ##estake ##estvens sugaki fractionates mafics larson majorized ##ralitic ##ronological ##ronov measures comparably ##actants ##acturer inflow inflating infrequ infusions refines refute reflex refitting refinable refluxed acm acker accepts ackerson acoustic ##cessible overly overhe overhead overtake overriding oversimpl h2o2 h2o1 ##iller ##illary ##illard carter carval carson cargos caribb carrara carpholite ##astratigraphic ##astelic repressur secular lees leucite leger legs leaks leica lebout leika leitner leibniz leverage ##escu ##escript cpxs cpx05 genie genier genalysis ##ramite primelt ##ondrites ##ondalite ##lmaz ##lmark ##plr ##plates ##ploited ##planade signified ##rosphere grimmer hydrate hydroscopic hydrometall hydrosphere charlevo erupts experimentalists amphiboleand completen ##ilee ##moke ##acea ##ifications ##ips ##ipulation ortho orthoand orthorhom orthopyro coevally ##athing ##endes ##endly ##endants ##endonk extant extens rh2 rhon rhass rhodium ##adec ##adays ##adcut ##adenber ##beration productivity ##angou ##angiada ##anggou ##angotry textbo propyl proposing proposals surficial consistencies upsequ upside upwell upstream up213 characters spinodal pods pohl pools pohor poisson poirier ##ife ##ifer ##oliths ##olithe derink slit slivers magnetism comment comers comming cometary regulating register regulates afro afe3o4 aflh2o greer greisen representations representatives ##acker brd bring brines brick brf5 bears hostetler ##ologic ##ologia ##ularite try truth truly trusted triclinic ##itskaya ##raphies subduct amf amu amaz amino amorgos becker container nafe na23 nazion naalsi naopx nappes exploiting locock locating locmel deriving alkalies ul27 litho lithopro lithologically lithostratigraphic lithounit lithologic ##ochemistry no3 noon nodules noticed ##keisen doming associates somewhere sometime somehow xenolithic spineland ##osphate ##ospheric determinant ##oda ##odome ##odged ##odisper mats maturing matured matzen matthew mattey si8 si1 sieb si29 si3n sihet si3o2 serb serre serval seriously hydrodynamic hydrodynamically hydrol10 hydrolysis boundy bounding ##bons syenogranites chemicals microand micropen microto microinc microxen microveins microsoft microplates provokes satellite saturates hein hebr healing hexa hebei heidel felα felspar ##ionite ilmenites ##epc ##eposition onek oneand smalland pb20 wells aftermath laval lavalle titled titrated patten pattr dozen dodsonian effected marma maroon ##ualage ##ualizing foundering forsteriteand chlinoch carbonin rhyacian ##preted 154 159 153 15a 152 158 1520 1551 1529 15bukała ultrade spectroph shaping outwards outflow grouping biostratigraphic biostratig complexing complexation ##pmix discard aps apoll apakh apenn descends descendants lime lima ##insically supplier supplies 100x 1005 1002 1008 1001 124 127 126 12ψ 12log 1260 1249 12sio4 12sio 1234 12sio2 12fassmer 1273 laying newer newest newton materialized ##181 deflect deflection deflation deferred lineaments ru3 ruby ruape rudnick rusiec terre terasaki monton monoor monocrystalline monodisper interprets ##pension ##penny obeys obfusc respects generalize plugin verna verry vervo vernon verifies vermicular vertikal ##ugal ##ugated ##uginous curly curving curiously kmf kmc laan laand la13 laiyang lafay lahtinen lazar phenocrytic phengitic correlative correlatives subductionor subductionless ##ometrically depleting deplete translucent raise raising raimb raheim rafts patterned origination originates initiates fox fo100 fo80 fo60 fo70 fo87 fo44 fo72 fo68 fo67 fo76 dissect dissecting dissolutions electrically electromotive abundancy fahm faithfully chromit normality δ18ocarb ##alczak mgool facts facie profs ##rogenation detract detecting peth petj petrel poland polish polarities polisher srtm sr88 zrc zr90 zrwat redand rediss redeposition ##ceded assembling ##hova distributes metasomatite ending enduring enderle predates predef regionale 1913 1955 1966 1968 1954 19dallmeyer 19s11 11g 117 112 1110 1122 1166 1144 1168 1137 1195 11sps 1139 1159 11williams standing potrillo potuzak solidifying 50l 502 5010 co2or ##msjon drcii setuchi settlement surfactants 14a 1490 14n2 1455 14sps 14petrik arctic arculus recorder centrem centroid centuries pt0 ptz pt10 ptfe pt90 pt95 peeling pebble peacock pequi ##coelastic ##erico ##ericlase ##allation degraded degenerate ##erged graded graham magnsio posit mull mullite parameterizes parameterizing parameterising parameterizations δ18oolivine remolten remotely finds finished finner finishing ##lik ##liari ##like ##icky ##ickening northeasterly intrastratigraphic intrinsically cumulation cumulated niand ni62 cmb cmto vex vehic vekil ##ceptibility ##eneses arsenides eu15 euqilib ree3 reeval reemphas ta5 tajik ta181 tio2and ##linger multielement 304 306 schott schenk schneiderho schiller opted opus optics opinions idaho ##srm60 ifs ifestia shears specks specially specularite neglect oxidant oxidizes inferring 200q party partner partners ##engneisses evolutional ##ishaw ##ishavane domino dominican hf17 hfhart observing observably observato ##lices requantify zonings mechanistic capital capillary homemade homestake nd14 ndluhr al2o3and unitless peaking ##oidable factory willing μmol amphiboliteand ##befort ##bezi backarc backlog backlo elena elazar functioning ##mek ##meij ##annis standardized standardization standardise ##hydrox deformational massand massonne parageneses empc empress rov rooney rozhd roadcut µm2 µmto surrounds ##hler ##hlin ##hlers ##pleted sedimented sedimentological ferron ferrate fermi fernand ferreira ferralitic igg igpet ##ragonal separations kbars erratum smart sm20 sm14 smorf smyth think diagonal diagenetic diagenesis affili afforded affirmed ##10a ##106 ##101 ##10fe2sb4s13 slabor identities identity identifiable blaz blasts blanks blurred lightest molal molded molina molality mollard so3 so2 softer sokol soapstones soaked planer planet planchet synor syngenetic syneruptive syntectonic synonym retro retentivity ##rapeting alm0 alm80 almire alm28 alm63 139 13b 131 1310 1325 1337 1334 13root 13xy 1364 anyone anyemaq freeware ##tyakh sectionor sectioning baro barometric barrie barluk barriers avantage avogad manly manual manuf managed manoa manzan manitoba manicou management manipulation manangotry confused confusing horst hornebl metasomatise metasomatize augengneisses ##ksite beams particulate ##azono ##azzi sequenced sequentially pyrenees replacive nears nearor cleverly fracturation fracturated porosities postulate posteruptive benefitted 189 185 181 1818 1830 1815 1874 1851 1896 18barnes 1883 18ocarb flowed flowchart nb5 nb93 171 1720 1712 1760 1790 1729 1795 1724 17fassmer 179hf bonanza bonazzi paid pahoe pawley parece 259 25a 256 ##ylation ##yl01 dependant equlib ##ieti thickest thickening keith keys kelemen kempton sinter localize epr epiclastic cu65 cu10zn2sb4s13 cufe2 cu5fes workflow workstation ic5 ic0 icit nondeformation demonstrable longhi exchanging mn2o3 mn55 situations referring puk puky publishing shoulders 164 166 1610 1630 1640 1674 16barnes 1669 16yl01 midi midor midand invaded inventory mineralogic mineralogist mineralogie continuation migmatized pyrolite angell leucitites leucoleptynite rhyolititc greenand greenstones componentry dehydrating dehydrox dehydrogenation aggregation ##kawa reflectant reflectances 409 406 401 40pr decompose decompressive numbering ##obases excite excited excavated therma thermomechan thermogravimetric breitenbach breathing gasket gaskets kyle kyuel ##209 ##202 ##20δnn abundantly nucleates nucleobases liter litasov ##inae ##ipitates knt knife viscometry adjacently ##abbro grounded misox misinter missao misclassi ##ovan chlorites chloritic supplemental hypocrystalline hypidio nan3 naney nanodac nanogranites nanyang nanoliti nanosem600 galkin galatian galilee ##fs9 ##fs17 ##fs28 probes overlies overlook bubbly 604 60r 603 607 602 606 60mm 60ni linescans ##itoidic goldfarb porphyoblastic zn66 conclusively revealing 872 pseudobrookite ##145 ##142 ##140 distorted recorders flagged fourfold fourcade ##ordone ##ordinarily deviating frezz freieslebenite talcschist ##gmanite ##307 priorities aquifer halted halves hallmark universite 294 299 2900 polyvalent polyphase polyatomic polyhedron 863 862 860 868 86sri axially brooks dyad dy16 dymoke dymek lasting ##ropriate hornblendi behaviors borate bornite borosilicate paleocontin ##tesy ##tesilli antoine antonio orogenesis ##ulaisva closures closeness preferable radially radiates radiolari straighter straaten stradd denver focal focalization focums slows assistance assistant easternmost laserinduc tsakk tsumoite ##1200 ##1231 installed instalment installation coesiteand veining breaking breakage breakup breakoff desbor desert desolv gauss gaetani gaidies gaffney gaillard h2s h22 h2ot h2om h2al2si2o8 h2so4 holtz holistic holoto holtk introducing recrystallised lato lattan lattard ##137 ##132 ##1323 ##1389 summaries bahart barely baumgart ba137 ##cadia converting converging converged conversation ##acenter subscript subservi subspherical subsampling petrologically 7000 auand authority hpx hp02 raymond chamorro chambefort accumulating sulfurization mesocratic mesothermal ##fe5si coarsely sheridanite carries microstructurally 1000c retrograded retrogressively yb17 ybronov attom attest attractive protect protru protomyl classifications alternatives chalcocite impactor impactors extractive ##bride ##ernle tops topographically toprak ##chists transposed vesiculate 009 0018 0010 0025 0045 0072 0035 001323 ksz minimisation minimises downs downhole downthrow loess lobe loew lozen loads lofgr loosely oligomer broadest logic logƒo2 triga trigged trigonally chondrites prp7 mighty swith swift swedish swinging swamped collar collage collins colliding collomorphic entities ablations blocking ##rums weakens proportionally entirety 357 355 356 3580 3525 3555 3566 80v 801 8020δnn balan balos balances balzer balancing baltazar balkhas balzas balabin balitskaya junan possibilt exclusivity edx edax editors harder harvey harwood haraguchi stillbor exhumated shortwave openand vacated vacant ##ophosphate timespan timeslices seminal ##yclic anatax heaviest termini icps populate asimow membered trio tried trios tripol triocta expansive photometer fluoride fluorapatite fluorophosphate clearer clearest ce4 cease ceiling ce140 ophitic ophicarbonates ophiocarbonates emi ember emorb emerge emulating emii emitting emerges emepc lab6 nitride nitpick rounding roundness innerto ordination ordinary thermobaro thermobaroand charnockitic hyaline hyalo hycra hyaloclas hyppolito kvp lindas pictures sano sanfron westfal handled ophiolithe 704 708 701 7080 7049 7040 7038 7094 7062 7074 7044 7029 7068 7082 7078 70307 helo helffrich ##totically basics accessories 234 2300 2350 2351 ohmic tetrabor violated visibility ##804 attribution interstitials 459 455 4582 ##bode stevens steffen heatmap modulation modulates spectroscope ##bridge cenomanian fivefold county preciousand hybridised aureoleand 474 476 4700 ##ensibly reasoned alpaslan lnk lnγtio2melt sectored consulting supercell superceded permil responded 245 242 246 2400 2416 248th 755 752 751 circa circled mounting n2solu ##tawan homogenise homogenised penalty penetration penninic ##ryonic hottest kaatz laterites technically technological technologies technologically voltri voltages positioning positionand circulating 2200 2273 22dallmeyer 22wo33 400f mcvey mcken mcdonald mcmur mcgill mckibb mcbride mills milli milling milligram sn118 polarisation polarons polarizing polarising predominates predominately transportation nvl nvshan osbor oskar zhuang thematic ##inition activates 024 026 0211 0216 0253 dunn karatas karacadag geoanaly geofis geoforsch 284 289 285 288 2823 2822 2824 281231 restore conditioned conditioning implicated 1200c stratigraphical stratigraphies 274 273 2700 574 579 573 572 578 57co 57fe 5711b camas camera cambro estrada laminar laminae mori morari morbs moritz examines strains straining diopsides focussing accompanies 55or01 forego naming namur warmer anorthosites lowestnegative hydrogenation entrapt delays deliver delano delicate delivered mira miya miyaz backgroundand irregularities phlogopiteor farrow farada farthest promont sixty ##sb2s13 storm stormer supersed supersonic illite kdal kdol palmy palagonitized ##grates metapyroxenites intraand intrafol framed pancake pankrat panacea rb2o rb85 ##lnαolivine documentation coordinations reprecipitates planewave requirements orthogneisss orthogneissand testifies tabulated ##agnini streule streams devised devora devoir disperse leftover metasomatically diamondand 344 342 341 3450 3474 34347 santo testable ##stantiated ##omorphism respectfully 1503 1506 descriptors ferriss ferrimagnetic ferruginous restrict restrictions narrowest 036 031 0356 0396 999 998 9900 9994 9996 9995 ##vantage ##159 ##157 ##ittance striated arrived arrives petrogenic illusory illuminate 329 3280 3222 sb3 sb2s sb4s12 onsets facilities horizonal 852 biases biased biosphere biota bijwa birefring biagion biangiada brownfield dimanov fallout fallback graphs graphed graphical graphitic tremoli wallace wallrock diverges corrode corrodes causatum outcomes electrolyte operation operations periodical irregularity δ49tiarmalcolite δ49tiurkreep 524 527 5223 90zr macros macroscale maclean milke ##oshevs binding binode ionian ionisation ##koyean offline ##letons ##iliar ##atisfact 1440 144o2 peninsular 443 448 4470 44fs9 489 486 488 48ti 48en41 melek meurer megalo aligns stratoid stratospheric fittings 654 6581 achondrites drier drifting sensitized worst worse shoshonite sclater 01p 216 21barnes 943 940 9430 94p0 9405 kangixwa nowadays qcm ##b08 permeation orthocumulitic stretches achieving jotunitic 336 338 3350 3356 3344 427 422 42ca 42an47 ideas ideally mangaia mangarites skipped skaros troi tropper thirlwall ##ethe constituted metaigneous indexes sieber paced ##mania ##75p1 dikelets shared adakite adakititc sectoral sectoring 494 493 490 4979 49phl 56t 564 567 565 5670 opposition skew skeleton skeletons ##ingshaus altai altaite cr2o3cr cr2o3wr seismological arrowhe arrowhead greenshists ambae ambigu identically schematics oscillator 827 822 826 821 8272 82kr freshly nmin nmorb qualities qualification qualify alloying sericitic ignore greenschists csz cs2o etching hartung hartwig morphologically pulls tibtain connections connelly connolly ##ecahedral ##eca2al2 stressing shieldand monitors cutts cutoff sanded sanding sandand sandrone sandiford vanished vanoise vanuatu analogs analogies analogue sheaves ##ungnam ##ungszentrum emplace 083 085 0842 31phl 464 469 465 462 466 46ti 46fs17 embryonic repetitions 2020a specify specifier prismatically isothermally 0003 00055 000008 tnm ##bora inconceiv scatters symmes palaeomarg sharpest seismicity casually castep cascadia lib4o7 library s2e s24 s23 s2b s2d s2c tfo stoichiometrically pervaded seemed seemingly 376 3730 oibs oiband passa passatempo tamarack tambora vela proceeding encourag uniformity uniformitari subjective subjectivity sulphur transferring overlaid summarizes thirdly everywhere bottoms 055 05ʺ 367 368 3600 3620 3613 bergantz bergomi doubled ivor jehol piuro pirapeting pellet pursue purchased tension tenors tenets tenfold utilizes ##heiro offshore convoluted stabilised stabiltiy discovering discoveries 16o1h simpler simplistic simplifies simplifications idealities idealised mangazeyskoe mangazeyskoyean 7238 7200f 884 887 8800 88mg 88mg2sio4 927 9240 92ti0 92si1 frankfur lenient vua ##utsk ##kermann spline splays splinters quadratic segregations segregates carmopolis rheotron rheomorphism 1107 1102 1108 1101 usefully plutonism 264 2600 2618 2671 394 398 543 547 546 54grs auto autonom luha lukk luyen lu175 landi turns turning wavp ##itza reject rejection beyer validates recovering grs6 plumeder transmitting 1983 1981 segmented 2dθ 644 643 642 646 641 64py 733 7325 73wo2 benthic datings s1a sesia targets ##lerud coincided coinciding coincidence ensures ensuing advected advecting advective adventitious overestimations titanian titaniferous 1300hr avoids avoiding avoidances 384 389 385 388 3800 3875 3825 actmite kokkin kokanee merge mercury merapi cohabitation feeds feedstock performances submitted submicron submerged xrf26 acquisitions contextualizing contemporary substantiated substantiate substantiates successively 694 699 692 aiming beds bedrocks bedrock medicine geologia geologie geologique clinoand log10d log10k log10zr log10aη helpful polymerize sheeted sheetlike ductiley ductilely 539 536 531 5300 53cr 783 782 7800 7800f 965 966 9634 rossendorf ##atus3 whoi depiction subdomains subordinated immersed immersing addtion addresses predictable predictors steepest steepening steepened reconstructive wavelengths franciscan fillings pocks pocked tangible v3dim strombolian metallically metalloid metalliferous metalloids ##chetti unravelling archive archimed traversed agreeing overgrew powered linkam linkages improvement dalian py2 py1 pyke python3 ##arbonate ashes aspinall chronometer chronological susa susceptibility colorized unmeasured complementarily complementarity 1974 170er 170yb hornblendes instrumentation stereo stereological 989 983 986 9857 eightfold nwith nwand nuances nistsrm60 pinter pinheiro ssa ssd ssz ssclinopyroxene sx50 sx51 satisfies tinos ##pendence realised realistically anneals statistic exponentially intercrystalline intensified intensifies monzonitic monzonoritic monzosyenite robie favorably pumiceand microphenocrytic redistributing 2σp 2σplr 843 845 842 84sr 91o4 91zr azide certainty hnb08 hohl ho16 hoisch hofformationn hoefs houlier hoernle laporte pleading pleiades plexig r1and r1typ wais waiting waived ##pathetic ##169 ##16o crucially cruciform feotot feototal dispose disputed disparities lileand neoformation neoformed neodymium seams twinned belonged microcrystals programming adjusts adjustments insightful destabilize destabilise destabilizing destabilises elliptical robustly windowless 044 047 048 041 0468 094 097 096 091 594 59p 597 598 5920 5981 893 892 974 979 978 cfx cfb dp2 droop dropping drawing lesher trainable urge ##eva ##cr2o7 compacted departures departement microanalyses graduation cleaning takeoff kimberlitic centimetres anisotropies 634 639 635 632 631 63py 6bender d0e hereto herradu menegaz salvad ##aften cos2 cosolv comprehension comprehensively stauffer attenuated presumed presuming parentless parenthes collectors unstated selections selectively concomitantly oxyhydrox boehler 2082 commission commencing comminution discriminated designs designate designating arguing 074 077 07o4 434 435 432 436 43ʹ 4340 braces goethe hubei hufformationn jamming jamieson kozi kojima kozy kyrgy marianas rotary riverbed t0tc interferometry persists persistently glacially transforming srm987 srm997 gradation configurations proportionality rejuvenated rejuvenations rejuvenating velocitywe smoothes smoothing 662 661 6600 6653 933 936 fes2 nsf ns3 ns2 nsvg s5r s5g s5a s5b stiegl stippled wilfley ##ubstantiated ##orrelation ##agnetization courtine courtesy ##isticated attained attaining choi choe choices choosen debates debatable garnetifer garnetiteis precede remanences meaningless 0017 2017b counterbal destructive 793 795 791 79o4 audit bowles cerium certified hillocks iteration iterations jmicrovision jm101 jiaoz muds muffle pcalc semiquantit δg2 δgstrain insulated insulate decarbonated decarbonate transitive bridgmanite objectives scheidl retrogressions prominently ttgs accommodation questioned questioning questionable 748 741 741389 834 833 batholite dv4 gibson humidity kilian kilinc manners nonexist ponts pondered pontides pontesilli rigolet rigourous viscoelastic ##icofani proximally expectable interlaminated adcumulitic acids extrusives effusively southeasternmost symplektite argonne symbolize symbolized ##grs18 ##grs19 ##grs17 quadrivalent suspending suspensions columnar metabasic metabasalt granodioritc japanese 2bukała 586 58fe 7190 7177 bombard cusbs2 fcmt guo guides guarant guelph guilin guizhou iaes malag malasp malenco mingles mingled wangsh xohap xohbt ##snano ##zn2sb2s13 altot altotal stemming diapir demand demagnetization ##phyres dislodged percents recalculating protocontin 0106 dml dmto dilated dilute dilm2 dilissen diligence ethiop fisica henkel hygroscopic k913 k931 katayama peck pecher rosa roskos ramps ##shire ##attacharyya covaries playing energetical 1288 tectonites tectonized tectonists tectonometamorph leucogranitic hollows hollowed loadings labradoritic southwestwards replenishments devolatilizing 774 digiuse fedorova gerya gerbode hamelin ottawan packing samos samaj samalas sambridge sio4 ##98b ##py23 thrusts thrusted pargil spiked meteoric mg2si2o6 relaxed underlines underlining micronizing lithotectonic fo89 fo83 taurides heterogenities excellence protoarc spherules 2015a circumvent circumstance circumcir circumvents phenomenological phenomenologically disaggregates adiabatically ulvospinels 2hacker 674 678 61py23 atio2quartz ctf damaged edifices euto griffin gervilla govern jd5 jd1 justified klein munro munker munkhb padded rii riii s4a s6f s6d victor ##6220 offering costly stocks stockworks stagnate chirped plataform platreef calorimeter subtract 1055 1052 ferromagnetic synmorb80 synmorb60 participated hyperprobe hyperbola superimposes 5758 hydroxylation exceedingly liberating overgrows brazilian channeling channelize escaping interlayer isostatically 2305 685 767 768 761 burri burying burkh catalog catalyst cataclysm eguchi familiar hoped hopper hopping hannover kα1 ligurian lampert mimicked mimosa nicoya nicolas nicolet nisbs oblong obliterate siddow varanasi ##iangshan ##h32x inaccessible madagascar shikazono deficits deficiency deforms interpolated interpolations physico physicochemical wehrlitic calcsilicates amplified amplification amplifying amplitudes evaporating 2013b overturns overturned microtexture discerned discernable polygon polygons blueschists blanket deserves asteroid asteroidal asteroids violate isochronous dimensionless frictionally batholithic boudreau sketched surprisingly bellinzon bellingshaus eskise esplanade fiu girnis hrc hidas hidaka izs koloskov mircopro ranks ranking rom48 wiecher wohlers xfap ##hammer inhibition touches ##urgy conceptually revising reararc anticorrelation sparks sparser lists listvenites armalcoliteand admitted admixed admittance undulations cautionary impeded actinides actinolitic headwaters obsidians possesses possessed possessing multiples multiplying multipeak ferropericlase gasparik 0026 tschermark handpicking stephens ceramics l9d22r3 fingerprinting visualized visualization lamproites lamprophyres deserpentinized mitigating δfmqilm δfmqmt geoscienze polynomials 71024 71027 bhattacharyya eaη2 eluted frozen gdn gdgall gd157 hg202 lanqi lanzillo langhammer lids pfa pfc pigeonitic r0r r0γr torn toramaru tolman uw6220 walter walters witter worthy xmt xmgo ##kuyu ##6610 ##884 ##rands coherence conjugated forsterites competitive hampers hampering washington classes lifetimes lifetime lifespans unequal adapt cargoes monosulph transparency petroleum petrophysical setups entropic entropies consecutively joint jointing tracery 086θd 46374 purported resemblance droplet dauphas goals discontinuously germanasca rietmeij recalibrating mirrors mirroring tschermakite insensitivity disappears 2feo 2fe3 3catisi bjerga bjornsson catisi catisio dampen dampening dwelled gor128 gordeych gor132 gunther hsfe kechin kindly machatsch nichols nicholls nbs18 nbs19 nbs987 ncfmashto ncfmasth ncfmasht odin psd rowe s7a tailed xclap σt800 ##44p1 ##qz28 ##ormick cobaltite cooker reinecke reverberation st130 bytownites bytownitic sustainability organized organisms paradiso ##rieties intermixtures metacarbonate england enguial engelhardt enlightening dismemberment george georisorse georessour geolaspro 1093 imperfect acceptor acceptance apex3 125p 1257 122h2o 122142 monchegors gravimetric postdating 1876 187re 187os 1805 lookup lookout logarithmic 232th16o penetrates johns johnston delineates integrals splitters 695θd routines category turbidite rearrangement contradictions contradicting appreciably 7dallmeyer aeromagnetic aplitic akinin czs czech campaign french frantz hmsg kuang kuuj kuandian konter konzet kondias living mathematic nandekar nakada pipes passively ruptured sg1 sgurra sdd svl selukw solar solver solvi solgadi solitary solomon sawn tbkn tb159 talus talerico taper tapered vinet vincent xiong ##37grs17 thoraval thomson ##tieite intimacy ##si3o6 reviews reviewed beinlich beaty prospected clarification scandian 103lnαolivine 1067 1084 1083 decaying implant measurably oversaturation oversaturate leptynite lepidoto orthopyroxenites extraordinarily novelty definitions rubber rubie chromatography remarked capacitor elimination sequestrating 1604 168er irrefutable irrelevant disturbing disturbances subsystems helmy satisfactory drawings polymetamorphic peculiarities peculiarity inaccuracy anticipation xmaptool reinforce reinforces reinforcing dextralpangong montmorillionite 0tvp 0159 510145 8h2 branch brannon benchtop bernascon c0erfc cabinet duplex duplicated fifty fh2o1200 giulian gemoc ganguly gangopad godard hint jumped kuriles kuritani langenhorst lynn master maslovite mccrone mcclenn mccormick mcloed mudrocks nyuekt pearce rmc rm19 sf4 sf7 sf5 sf6 sfvf s8b tenth tentative tonglu ##fcamp ##iffe ##53grs18 ##onously inhomogeneity coercivity conformable conspire allege allegre alleuler stacked mandler diatextite diatextites prompts prompted tearing happen diffractometers sporadic claimed claiming clausthal metagray metagranitoids metagabbro unsystematic unsuitable unsuccess unsatisfact unsubstantiated depolymerized depolymerization depolymerised concurrently concurrency ##neuve siltstones nordlinger obscuration assertion asserts asserting 1073 1078 deconvolve micrometric ##astohc legends leaked microlitic redefining redefinition 1143 ptrapgrs ptrapsps ptrapalm pegmatites pegmatitic multiplicity optima optimized barroisite 1736 173yb volatilisation nonlinearly mnnckfmashto ybnicholls 004884 remobilizing terminates terminating emergent 70529 705106 johansson accomplish ridolphi karlstrom dimerization manganin isochemically subdivisions conveniently 8900r rigorously guangxi discontinuities klemd nanocrystallization bronzite nicolescu exhaustive wijbrands manifestation manifestations fluctuating ultrasonicated nanostructures sapphire clarifying nomenclatures trondhjemite trondhjemites indirectly 2mgsio3 3feti 3fetio3 a3d alexandra bacon bifs bcr2 citations celestite celsius dc40 dc38 donovan deducted dosso dichromate dredging drape eighth gsd gsecars gardien ganze gottingen gathering hkf hkl hunen holders jansen janeiro jsm6610 kaliw kallander kesson mismatched pilatus3 pierce pierfran qingdao saal sausage sailupu tm169 turkish tunable xczo xfeo ##lıgı fortuitous fortunate isolating isolines compensation compensated compensate compensating exemplary exemplarily anchor anchors momentarily mobilize mobilising shells expressing expressly parallely paralleling cliffs unavoidable preconceived armienti armstrong imbricated imbricate trajectories norilsk receiver bookending 1012pa agno3 overcomes grunerite gruneritic truncation microthermometry martins martinique defaulting obducted eosfit7c vega vegard vegetation vegacenter 303r paragraphs invariable invariably knowing simplicial densified instantly instantaneous hollings envisage 0032 2448 improbably convincing problematical geophysically categorised fossilized sigmoid nbs982 θd0exp mnncfmasht mnncfmastohc tonsettf vigorously ρaoq4 ρaoq2 ρaoq8 ##dorffite incongruently subprovinces overwhelm overwhelmed 2137 3gpa 3log10a 3751 375209 3fe2si2o6 a5g a5a adsorption bayes boreholes durham ewart einarsson fmvf fecr2o4 flexural gonzale golan gouges graphics hcvf jwi jiangshan jianguo khondalite kinds louis louvel loucks mallard ngz ng85 osma ovals ppge pusan pavlides pioneer rastering rustenberg rendering s15a s155 tilted vpva vlassopoul vlastelic v1bo v1ring v1tet vitrophyre wyoming winpenny wolfcamp xdvilm xdvcp xinyang δvr0 σpp2σ σppγsin ##fh2 ##wackes ##rh5 ##rh10 ##pyr53grs18 ingv informs informative conceivably ##owska reynolds computations alphaand bypassed attests attested attesting shanwang placers basanites hazardous fe57 interspace interruptions sputtered philips climatic enigma perugini pressurized pressurization pressurisation indisputable neotethyan printing preponder arkose arkoses arkosic artificial artefact ag10fe2sb4s13 ag10zn2sb2s13 agglomerate agglomeration agglomerated agglomerations cappella undertaking microspect legacies surviving upscans ##enschaften microdiamond gravels intriguing opacified iddingsitized eliminates soils 1333 133cs 174yb paulick cu10fe2sb4s13 167er invokes dolostones irradiation excursions pseudoquaternary pseudoternary florestal flourished dynamo 001244p1 switches switched harmonic harmonised semimetal isoplotr sanukitic sanukitoids sanukitoidic conserve superposed superposition superposes supereruptions 7500a 7500cx camgsio4 forecasting testifying diminution diminished diminishing macrobubbles macedonia 44069 44ca2 wormto pulverize pulverized pulverizing isochoric krakow landscapes ferrobasalts feedbacks scaffold demarcates percolates percolative percolating 7700s trachyandesitic underthrusted witnessed witnessing petrochronometer petrochronological petrochronology cryptodome myrmekites culminate punctuated promptly huntly pillowed 303rtg virtual δginf3 ankaramite 0ab1 0ab82 0501 1wt 1walczak 1γcos 2o5 5o8 5al0 5al1 5si2 5183 6feca2al2 623p 8fe3o4 bx90 bx41 bitlis bird birch billion billions craig crawford crops darwend darigang e305 e306 fleming flemet fabs fabries friable friendly fuchsite guess guesses hacker hungary ioa ioannis jr68 jr91 jimo jimenez jackson jacketed k2cr2o7 k1m kuehner kueppers lull luliangshan mbq menzel menuge mysen myself ntu ostapenko ostensibly pushes renzul renishaw rocca rocchi ramon rabin rabaul ripening ripidolite radicofani sakha sakarya safz safety tzm tasmania teledyne tellurobismuth utq utrech uht ulukı vogt vogel villages villiger wo47 wo48 wo37 wo36 westerly westerlund zagros zagami ##hyay ##2x2 inversion inverting invia invisible inevitable inevitably ##aruite ##elinites toulmin toulouse withdrawn withdrawal condensed condensation readings reorganized reorganisation exaggeration exaggerate antipathetic an45ab54 staining stainless credence credited motorised shimura shimizu shawinigan melanocratic melanosome cheonjang cheilletz chandelier chandrase cherniak chernogolov deemed deadman resistive resistivity ministry paramount paramagnetic spontaneous spontaneously perthite mgolrt unevenly corrrection nepheline nephelinites neutr neutron depressurises grooved grooves substrate substrates subdued subdudction ardara ardente screens screening aberrations aberdeen geometries geomapapp geometrical geometrically travels traveled glimpse glimpses underexplored underexploited deciphers deciphered caulle cauliform microgranular microgabbros 205tl overthrusting overthickening overshoot overshoots gratefully explorers exploratory serialized microporosity microporphyritic 15gz15 15gz25 biogeodynamics apertures apertured ruthenium monocline monocyclic monotonic monotonously monochromated monochromator endeavour endeavoured 1192 1133 thermofisher thermofischer ptrapprp ptrapmix schreiber schreyer neglects neglecting elliot elliott rodingite rodingitic 18grs18 18grs11 172yb nonideal nonideality longitudinal longitudinally puzzle puzzling earthquake earthquakes floating floors halsio6 stratiform stratification picotite 70329 greywacke greywackes kawachi kawamoto delimit delimiting dasheng necessitated necessitates framboidal framboids δ49tirut δ49tirutile arrivals 523p1 rt1nγili 217p1 vanishes reconsider reconsidered 000011 000066 cassegrainian watkinson encapsulated encapsulating buddington buddingtonite doubtful lubricated lubricating neighbors neighbours asymptotes asymptotically submillimeter submillimetric ringwoodite microphotographs zoomed pronouncements jxa8200 jxa8230 commencement 2cu10zn2sb4s13 2cu10fe2sb4s13 wilhelm wilhelms escalates escalating jiaojia corundophylite corundophilite tectonothermally rhodopes rhodopia turbulent turbulence 710250 710240 enthalpies enthalpically alluvium alluviums paradoxically metaconglomerate metaconglomerates engulfed engulfing gravimetrically gravimetrical 7409t irreconcilable irreconcilably drawbacks 2log10fh2o 2log10fh2 benchmark benchmarked culminates culminating mccarro mccarthy vulcanian vulcanologia alleviated alleviate unexpectedly nordlys nordlysnano micrometers johannesburg fzb1 fzb10 mnncfmasthc 2ca2al3si3o12 2ca2fe5si fecl2 wolframite cappadocia cappadocian 001271p1 7cafesi2o kazakhstan lx002 lx001 yttria yttrium σminiλi coprecipitation coprecipitated scrutinized scrutinizing ag50wx8 bandwidths synkinematically alm45pyr36 alm45pyr37grs17 magnesiohornblende magnesiohornblendes parallelepipeds 1mg0 2pb2 2naalsi3o 2fesio3 3si2o5 3caal2si2o8 3majka 4o10 4ladenber 5klon 5an16 5mg2al 6ab67 6fe2sio4 614345 7ab12 7giuntoli 7pd0 8an28 8sps7 91500 a99 awaruite aleutian arai aveyron areskutan aphyric akalsi3o6 aragonite a10000t ahrsenite auckland b4l bzs bocchini bromiley bizimis bundles bourdon buchanan bacterial baziotis baobei biorad bertagnini bambui bolivia biochronological bournonite cicr cetac cagliari cantal cainozoic cageo3 carneiro cipw cementation ciftlik cspv cs133 dwelt dzhim dσvmin dresden dogo dandar davidson dakota dachs dodecahedral dragged dssin drowned daxizhu darbut dinarides eolgul eiler ecemis ephemeral echelon education eavp estrutura espinhac eaq2 egrikuyu eafz e299 eriksson fκα fetotal fuca femtos foley faryad foster fuchsitic ferguson fengshan fringe frayed fidelity ginostra gentle gurenko glycol gilio glued gamma guresin gypsum gersdorffite gronvold gardner gianbul gpmr gordon gakkel guryong hickey hagemann heralding hongchuang hobbs hierarchy hanski hirajima hattori hanchar huckleber ireland iconic iugs iefz jæren jonas jericho jinya jalama jndi jormsjon jakob joseon joyce jliqxj kerkho kenyan kullerud komarova kasemann kirghizistan kranendonk kneeling kakanui kipf khotin klippen kiseeva kotsinas kinawa kovdors kharagpur kerrick kaniksu kimball kissin kermadec krusne kaspakas lsvec llif longevity laliberte lichtervel luso luttinen leterrier lustre loyalty ludwig linajav lumped lhasa mrk moussall miozzi mistakenly mondal mengyin mikhlin murnaghan murakami mdh15 moudros nrm nesosilicates naldret nelson nagaya nilson nematoblastic nuee nielson nondescript nipigon nuggets nonsystematic nhrl npdb ocps orosirian olympus ohnenst oikocrysts oozes omtg pxnite pnt pδv pφ2x2 pagongo pisa pizzo pabst pantelleria piedade pannonian plethora pansky pitchstone qtiff qemscan qixia qinshan rxn rδμvm reran rincon rattling ricordone rolled rager ribbons riva rus2 routes rinsed rationalize rosenberg ryerson rucklid rvgb sæmund sicily somalian syros sartorius sounding skalna sadon society sought sonicated sengor sazlıgı sophisticated sadie skye sauerzap tcinvestig tδs tetragonal tulin tigre tecnica tumiati tuscan tandem tariat tmodel tortugal tackle tallante tylan tarkian tensile tellurium tilmunda tatanagar tischendorf ureilites urakawa u238 vaimok vorticity vasilkov vetere vizualage vityk vanderbilt vouno vaughan vendor vardar vsmow voxels vargas wpvz wdx wulff wakatipu wieser wiedenbeck wiscsims wiebe wittke wadia woods woenfs xnh32x xwo x3y2si3o12 xlfrac xirouchakis xpym yeungnam ycv yvon yjenner yılmaz yaroshevs yantai yoreo yakutsk yaxley zippling zbh zl141 zvishavane zingg zucchetti zambezi zientek zhenyuan zimplats zcpe αγt δ13c ε3570 ε143nd μοdel ##wo38 ##bawi ##bsi4o15 ##dicated ##kharam ##8o22 thalhammer thrace th232 tholoiitic thibault ##timento theriak the14n2 ##onchich ##enylamine integrates inundated inadvertent inequigranular inadequate inspecting inappropriate ingamells inorganic in16098b ##or34qz28 ##standing ##stensen touched topaz tokyo tobbio cosmochemistry coalesce coulees conchoidal conundrums connotation consonance conglomeratic isogranular isomertieite reticulite readers reappraised rewritten reassessment rewriting compartment complication complimentary alapieti albarede alsio6 anastomosing annotated stpl804 stochastic st305 streckeisen stoichimetry stoffler cr2o2 critiqued whiteschists wholesale ##ucchelli maquine maughan maisonneuve makaopuhi makipaa mazzucchelli makovicky diphenylamine divisions dietrich dipartimento dihydrate shaker shipboard shackleton shatuo shatskiy shlomo shmulovich shaoxing shuiquangou shelomo shurugwi ##ffredo proteins prohibit provisional prospectivity chichon christensen chauvel chiaffredo chudleigh chinchilla chidliak chocoyos dearnley debeev debret maghrebian suffice suprasolidus suevites sutcliffe su5000 contraindicated plentiful plga3 plesovice inconspicuous teflon prestvik resuspension resonetics resurgent resupplied bassett haifanggou hafnium coltorti diffratcion paramorphs parmentier parsimonious olistostromal lowdegree feoliq interdependence interrogation intermediates intercepting spandler spakman spss6 spiekermann quepos quotient quintupled metachert metatuffs metarhythmites en34fs28 disclose disadvantage disregarded distillation perforated perovksite perpetuated calcareous calciturbiditic mgcr2o4 mg6si4o10 unmodified unadjusted uniaxial unazuki unspiked untested unspecified unanalyzed universities unapproved unimpressive unsaturated unloading uninterrupted unassessed untreated unnecessary unindexed repacking corsica industries indubitable evoked notwithstanding nebulizer sebyan pritchard groznova substructure subequal subsidiary subglacial equivalence equatorial equigraniular armouring arflaser scraped immersion imjingang imbalances aberrant ab38or34qz28 abrasive abouchami cancellation geissler gehrels geowissenschaften granophyric variabilities fulignati fulfills appraisal trachydacite adamello glodny norwegian norfolk rectilinear recycle tirekhtyakh er167 eratosthenes boulders boynton 10cu10zn2sb4s13 undevitrified allochthons alloclasite allotriomorphic agglutination agbis2 traceelements decratonization decrepitation richardson cautiously impoverished improprieties micorrnf 20grs13 sulfarsenides ##estvenskaya infrequent reflexion ackermand overheating oversimplification carvalho caribbean repressurisation leboutellier hydrometallurgy charlevoix completeness orthorhombic orthopyroyxene extensao textbooks propylitized upsequence upwellings pohorje derinkuyu commingling amazonia nafe3si2o6 nazionale locmelis lithoprobes matthews siebel si3n4 sihetun micropenetration microinclusions microxenoliths hebrides heidelberg pb208 lavallee pattrick chlinochore ultradepleted spectrophotometry biostratigraphy apollo apakhonchich apennine 1249p0 ruapehu rusiecka montona monodisperse obfuscates vernadsky verryn vervoort vertikalny la139 lazaro raimbourg petrelli zrwatson redissolved enderlein predefined 11sps5 115900 14sps1 centremost pt10rh pt90rh10 pt95rh5 finnerty vehicle vekilov eu151 euqilibrated reevaluate reemphasizing tajikistan schottky schneiderhohn neglectable hf178 observatoire nd146 backloaded empressite rozhdestvenskaya fernandez sm147 affiliated blaze planchettes synonymous almirez alm28pyr53grs18 13xy10 anyemaqen avogadro manufacturer manzanillo manicouagan horneblende pahoehoe equlibria cufe2s3 cu5fes4 pukyong dehydroxylation 40prp0 thermomechanical misinterpreted misclassification hypidioblastic nanolitisation 60mm2 frezzotti dy163 hornblenditic paleocontinent ##ulaisvaara radiolarian straddling laserinduced tsakkok desborough desolvating gaussberg holtkamp lattanzi baumgartner subservient hp02ver yb173 protruding protomylonite 004575p1 loewen lozenge lofgren 8020δnno balkhash possibilty stillborn anataxis tripolitza trioctahedral nitpicks hycra7 hyaloclastites sanfront westfalische 70490 704063 707413 tetraborate 458242 248tho n2solubility mckenzie mcmurdo mckibben osborne 0211p geoanalysis geofisica geoforschungszentrum 282370 282200 282489 delivery miyahara miyazaki faradaic promontory superseded palmyra intrafolial pankratz 999461 999617 sb2s3 bijwaard birefringent biagioni biangiadajuan tremolitite 5223p1 melekhova arrowheads ambiguities inconceivable palaeomargin encouraging uniformitarian pirapetinga 723896 frankfurt rheotronic 54grs0 autonomous luhauri lukkulaisvaara luyendyk plumederived 64py19 kokkinopetra xrf26d archimedes nistsrm607 ho165 plexiglas r1type 63py20 heretofore herradura menegazzo salvador cosolvent parentheses oxyhydroxides koziol kozyrev kyrgyzstan t0tcv velocityweakening stiegler garnetiferous counterbalanced jiaozhou semiquantitative nonexistent 717778 bombardment guarantee malaspina wangshi protocontinents ethiopian roskosz tectonometamorphic digiuseppe samajpati circumcircle atio2quartzatio2rutile munkhbayar plataforma burkhard siddoway bellinzona bellingshausen eskisehir mircoprobe wiechert 710276 gdgallahan monosulphide rietmeijer gordeychik machatschki ncfmasthc enguiales georessources monchegorsk campaigns kuujjuaq konzett mathematically selukwe bernasconi giuliani gangopadhyay mcclennan nyuektame metagraywackes unsuccessful unsatisfactory kaliwoda pierfranco fortuitously gonzalez vlassopoulos xdvcpx σpp2σpl preponderant microspectrometer 6feca2al2bsi4o15 darwendale dariganga flemetakis renzulli tellurobismuthite utrecht ulukısla an45ab54or1 cheonjangul chandrasekharam chernogolovka aberdeenshire rt1nγiliq 2ca2fe5si8o22 7cafesi2o6 alm45pyr36grs19 2naalsi3o8 4ladenberger 5klonowska dzhimidon daxizhuang eolgulbawi espinhaco femtosecond huckleberry jliqxjliq kerkhof kovdorsky lichtervelde linajavri moussallam naldrett ohnenstetter rucklidgeite sæmundsson sauerzapf tcinvestigator vasilkovskoye xnh32xn2 yaroshevskiy zipplingen en34fs28wo38