[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z µ ø ı ƒ ɛ α δ ε θ λ μ ξ σ υ ω а е н о р с т – ’ ##b ##h ##r ##e ##a ##n ##d ##c ##u ##l ##i ##t ##o ##g ##m ##y ##s ##f ##2 ##7 ##v ##p ##k ##z ##q ##0 ##w ##6 ##1 ##5 ##4 ##j ##x ##3 ##8 ##9 ##σ ##ø ##с ##α ##θ ##ı ##е ##ω ##δ ##н ##he ##te ##on the ##ti ##re ##in ##al ##nd ##es ##er of ##en in and ##or ##ar ##tion ##ro ##it ##ic ##an ##ed ##ite ##as ##os ##ation ##ate ##ol ##is ##le ##id ##at ##ly ##ing to ##ent ##ul th ##ag ##mp de ##ith re ##ac with ##ur ##us is ##oc co con ##ve ##tr ##ig ##ter al be as ##ati for ##ure ##rom min are dep ##eral ##il ##her ##iz ##ow from ##ain ##ated ##im depos ##ot mineral deposit ##yr ##ts ##ph ##lu ##se by ##ted ##om that me an su gr ch ##ys ##am ##ce ##ther ##ou ##ab se ##ion ##tic ##ne ##ock at ##op mag sul comp ##ere ##el st ##res ##ment ##od ##mal ma pro or rock ##ge dis ##if ##ide ##ver flu ##yrite ##tite ex ##ng ##ich ##cc ##th ##tal ##ition ##og ##pe ##age ##art form deposits ##ad te ##ous ##um sa sulf on fluid ##uc ##igh sh ore inc qu ##ir hy ##ib ##ten ##and ##ally ##ization cr ##ues rocks ##red hyd wh fig figure ##ant ##old ##ine this samp ##ations ##alc ##ave hydro ##ost pyrite ##orph ##one ##ch ##ass ##artz quartz have ##ies str res ##rou ##qu ##les gold alter ##thermal hydrothermal ##usion magne ##pp ##mati bas ##ature ##ting were ##ary car alteration ve di rel vein ##ges ##able ##ace cont magnetite ##ity mineralization was ##ut ##ive ##ct ar ##ong grain pl these col which ele compos ty ass un low met ##entr conc ##bon ev high ##ical ##con ##ater cl ##pl en ##ran ge carbon cons fe ##orite inter ##ess ab ph siz ##ides ##nt ##ved ##tw ##ore occ anal gran ##ene pre isot pres val ##ill ind samples nor show within ##st isotop ##oci ne occur ##our temp associ size sulfide ##twe ##ke concentr ##uring ##ari sub composition cu par ##ution ##hed ##ud ##erature temperature betwe between ##ates ##ture ##usions during im ##ative ##ome ##ized fa colle ##eld ##ata ##low ##ay ##00 ##so ##ian ree ##matic ##ence ##iment ##ase au also ##ystal ##ip fr ##sem ##can ##ms ful vol element minerals zone ##ia ##itic incl has values ##ff intr been ##iff full us mass ap ##pec diff ##atite ##ediment faul data ##ron ca whe ##gh sil it associated ##arly not ##iti per can formation fluids ##ra le ##ast loc ##olog vari sulph calc ##agues colleagues ##yste ##tern syste ##est ox over porph crystal magmatic contain ##ific veins rep ##opyrite porphyr analys ##otite ##bl he most rich ##ign stage com ##erite metam ##tered image grains ##tin main ##action ##for ac ##ose than indic ##hem ran all sim ##ree ##ap metamorph zon ob sediment chalc li pb some inclusions chl sc we where mod ##ages sug differe ##ll sugges sign ##rog ##ied sou ##duc typ ##iv ##ard ag hos ##mon volcan ##per ##ros simil ##roup but ##ces ##form mic ##vel ##par ##ale char distr pr ##ell bre bi ##ction other ##aring ##ound granite ##uld concentrations lar ##to ##ium ##ak stud conten ##olution brecc cor comple bot ##fic may dom chalcopyrite ni ##ist isotope ##tive ##inated ##lud enr ##wo ##olite metal type late bearing more related reg gre rec formed ##ight silic table resul altered ##cted sour tr two porphyry no la ##dition how similar ##ue ##ack ##ating such ##ang ##sion ##pper age both massive hig und ad ##ield lower sample hosted assem ##ever ##ade however gen mar assembl early mon ser ##acter ##round struc ##ser ##ach pe there common apatite ##tures am ##ial group includ prec volcanic ##ame range under zones elements ##sen ##un rati zir zircon sp different ##ens ##arn es lim obser carbonate complex event sk ##all character ##cess along ##ort ##ers acc into ##ord ##ole fault ##act unit consis ##are ##ance chlorite ##pre signific ep ##row ##ically ##ix repres ##ough ##hemical imp basin pp sulfides relative 10 large mo po ##thern well ##lt tran ##enic present ##ie significant ##land she higher ##tim pos ##han ##ile tim up 20 ##enetic sur using disc geolog host part coal trans rh geoc ##und ##ases arsen ##av ##ined exten region repl process red ##den metamorphic sedimentary ##jor ##try major tex ##osed system py biotite sy ref ##ility bod des ver crus ##raph ##matite br ppm prim fol pd ##ren pge minor mat analyses they prov ##tur ##cond ##ond orig micro ol iron ##az ##ick ##ict contr only ages bl like ##ross ##velop their those feld source ter orog dr ##ented observed ##ism calcite origin felds ##zo dol interpre ##water area fraction dissem spec ##ber app grade arc ##ma ##rox feldspar ##zoic develop skarn ##der ig uran ##out pat zn produc ##co ##ular ##ibution north temperatures represent ##ments breccia ##ork ##ral ##hib alb ##ably crystals disseminated condition δ3 ##assic ##veral pyr compositions smal prop ##cl ##tical ##ible ##ipit ratios tu ##tain tre ##neous sulfur base contents conditions ##hedral ##phal ##rough ##ble small rem expl ##ffe igneous sphal alth abund sphalerite although sequ ##ton grained trace sl ##acement study ##oly monaz monazite fac ##orted ##cr ##ould incre shear ##formation ##tively ##tial analy whereas set south ##ient district ##4s mafic isotopic precipit ##ites ga its water bec used pale ##rh ##sive primary sea due pt af ##ither ##ered faults sulphide systems ##cton general through enrich ##tural pyrrh ores pyrrhotite types assemblages fine ##own ##ount diag showing tecton ms intrusion eu one plot metas carbonatite inf ##iched der ##vi enriched plu ##inant crystall occurs ##landite wt ##gm basal dolom ##inite southern upper ##ob analysis belt 15 hor content ##ived el ke ##gl ##entlandite ##abb ti ##mpl second mg ##ove ##astern ##ised commonly refle deposition ##me inv ##ited copper mant ste ##ail meas ##cp ##reg ##aced consid ##stone oxide derived later hematite solution thick facies ##ioc could ir post ##ena ##els ##aceous contro normal relatively enrichment poss man pentlandite ##kal three amp ##pr ##ustr measure fl ##aus phase less ##ty ##ory several brecci likely sol ##zed based corre ##kes evid equ calcul very amphib gal same bodies trend field dec frac descr ##oun icp ##fore ##omer section distribution aver mel distin processes dy out ##ified lay ul ##face plag galena seric rhy after pgm ##ae ##oid ##astic interpreted ##glomer gabb mus ##ish conglomer drill cross ##ines chan intrusions orogenic fur ##orl mineralog ##tent assemblage west ##sr ##2o ##vite ##pen sr vms ##isation strong lith ##ward deformation reduc follow sin thus ##pect ##chist concentration results ##estern δ34s ##erous ##term respec scale tuff pot ##ters phases indicate import sal time 19 do relations contains regional eastern suggest 11 26 ##ared ##ced ##ual displ geological syn ##amp magma oxid further ##ep forming addition mantle ultr super located pattern average ear level ##ama partic 18 ##olved stri above bar andes separ local mainly 12 each supp env albite found km ##ins ##ortion ##ately contin ##que estim consistent dolomite centr rare tour stages os ##hip ##tiv determ ##iron tectonic respectively contact studies including relationship ##lase sand close sulphides liqu tourmal ##ram ##ctr central liquid ##ret setting environ ru ##vious ##sh ##50 ##inity electr locally fractionation empl structural sequence describ about shown ##olyb ultrama ultramafic iden ##eng metamorphism ##inc def seawater ##tially total prob reported mul molyb ##xim becaus because ka ##enite ##atures composed chemical ##ris mine examp crustal generally ##hron ##val coe stand constr pluton around fin si would ##istic ##ath meth presence chlor 40 mix δ1 ##man ##tif below plagioc ##the ##lying important flow inten model developed ii so ##zation ##usive ##omog new extension ##kaline plagioclase cut num ##yl ##ps ##tero units bul homog ##ors many standard μm near domain ##covite gabbro fo ill ##amb ##duction sericite muscovite multi method ##med previous evidence ##ier ##grow ##ky typically western mineralized characterized coals distinct fir ##work dete green rhyolite wall ##cep ##pping inclusion geochemical molybden ##ons ##prin constrain first ins occurren appe characteristic uraninite correl described bulk 200 cle wide ##ina ##ided ##ada shal tourmaline band pred ##tro bed association ##ities structures therefore ##terozoic chrom ##odi ##ogenic marg nb rad ##bod ##trog compar orebod containing dominant contrast east ##onite sty diorite parag ##rite ##sure initi ##raphic decre ce ta ##nown ##pb ##anic metals gener abundant key ##ather sele events secondary ##iver ##ished ##quent overl surface electron er you yield ##ozoic prog differen cur light ##shan kaol ##atur fluorite ##uch reef ##odiorite any ##ibu consists young ##greg dire typical precipitation ##oration ##ability shows ##ounts superg ##ien ##ok reaction diss peri overprin transp fill nd ##gen appear ##che ##ination ##tric ##ification arsenopyrite 50 fels ank ratio discus ##tained mid sn ##nite ##sm compared northern ##ivine result olivine molybdenite 100 ##iferous intrusive felsic back ##tle ##orp ##istry preser ##itization ##hemistry suggested sources replacement 30 oce ther ##olith ##omic ##omati veinle occurred ##enschist ##esis grad granites textures controll bound much ##nde exp evolution pressure indicates mt our talc ##ded mineralisation ##ple stock ##ibr least variation greenschist potassic ankerite 13 either ##idual dominated foli sit ##ote crat ##roxene mineralogy ##go ##pond ##eren uranium mater mill spect zr co2 ##respond strati sediments suggests correspond diagram considered material ##tit ##rome ##opy elev ##ology slight solid hal ##ior ##asing ##omal comb activ include euhedral situ ##au ##sequent compris extensive andesite probably worl anomal plan record world allo ioc ##over ##ves arg ##itive amounts poten basement iocg bro hist ##rix ##ittle silicate possible calculated identif cal los ten ##ones depth measured lam ##et highly variations variable sulphur giv na ##ric ##ah thin melt caus replaced breccias determined dar black analyzed example if rim ##ise cret fold ##lic toward oxy ##rosc craton cretaceous coar ##izing granitic complexes horiz ##medi affe known las ##bility ##onent core coll ##ffic geology matrix terran ##oe ##tile coun component ##ift obtained ##formed remain elevated 14 ##ental ##tst body tuffite homogen ##de peg patterns mount ##up lead fractures ##ibuted order intense slightly ##be features poor radi spectrome lat open vary ##ually ##pro areas texture activity effe then peak crust lac long ##aces bel sem spati significantly timing surround ##ink mean ##ystall proportion ##tstone vs deple china abs indicating development display foot predom period ##fficient mes ##ging ##hen ##iss ##ogn porphyritic moder transition exploration trending sandstone kaolin controlled ##rent ##ression limit block analytical melting emplacement 25 ba line ##rade ##cts exper provin multiple work ##ays ##lot ##wall deg value across epither geochron strike number epithermal various limest stratig ##tail ##sed ##west ##ularly alkaline forms magnetic few recent levels younger non sb ##sky ##erred off ##ision resour unc ##ological orogen interpret explain bor mc ##lastic intro ##umul whole recogn adj sti var ##olcan detail ##tral while aggreg charlot monz metasomati dyke laser charlotte bac ##du ##vas ##abas stable parts crystallization strongly shallow direct oxygen cen ##dle ##most ##tend being sum sulfate dikes 23 ##ner ##ertain class approx ##queous margin gu jur vap top uncon approxim aur had vis ##rad ##ness ##hes ##asts magn fluor carbonates granodiorite orebody footwall bo gl mn pol tur tra ##oph ##opro change initial selected preserved ##olcanic jurassic av aqueous case ##ov ##hest ##anite reac extend clus collected frag microsc petrog ##time fracture identified four ##pa maxim proposed amphibolite amphibole earl ##oproterozoic ##ially ##omp ##sity ##tig ##ties cool ##amic intergrow weak ##arent metasediment defined middle veinlets summ h2o ##acent deposited map ##verse phot neg sulphate oxides acid sche species environment style potential province ##tn ##yll org produced possib coarse adjacent grow tal tak ##ear ##king detr deep mostly consider occurrence detrit ##onal represents broad 16 dating fact satur ##itite ##str ##ana ##pped observ following salinity mixing maximum negative 000 sing ##cu ##ute ##oar ##ust magmati ##odes ##chae highest epid increase horn continental ##mediate unconform approximately magmatism bms xen ##uang ##tition ##ishan ##ocr mem tech carr influ particularly given ##chaean epidote austr ##ilibr increasing hill kal sw heav diagenetic comparis single chim ##qui interaction indiv isotopes poin methods pegmatite techn will ##alle prot ##oush ##ession ranging suggesting relationships affected limestone individual ##allel econ ray ##ling ##3s isoc conf phyll when dykes alloys austral ble end fab lack lens bastn plate even silica older arche ##blende reflect normalized med ##ctive ##itoid ##ased ##irc encl extensional predominant detrital archean ##oor ##je ##erg ##acl excep ##less subsequent accord arsenian abundance thickness reduction environments comparison cm doc gar genetic native ##by ##o2 ##ences granitoid marine estimated 40ar characteristics supergroup 87 circ ed rather ##set ##chan pref compositional intrud pervas resulted structure geochemistry earth current chimne nw pu poly ##oa ##enesis ##rop ##isting ##tra suite abl complete zircons solutions layers paragenetic pervasive 27 ##oric assum intermediate subhedral note discre equilibr discussion foliation towards ger hf wit ##ring ##ger ##here succ exh parallel lake oxidation dissolution ocean horizon country fragments growth nature allow strain reser ##pecially serpen especially epis pyroxene carbonatites changes δ18 illustr stockwork latter introduction aggregates organic protolith garne tin ##eous ##cy ##oles ##other ##elite prof proxim white golden phos partition actin mark amount largely matoush conglomerates progres leng ##rystall ##lid ##io ##ik ##more ##ocene grand illite detection comprises according gas mile ou river ##end ##mas ##ator depend subduction volum signature underlying skarns reduced barren xeno actinolite 17 lab ##ning ##cut ##field ##atab beam ##ode ##gether δ33s crosscut since uncertain hornblende bastnas garnet fer mm sm ##rian ##ox ##tine ##odic varie silicification ##raphy contribution sequences waters layer thermal dark interpretation δ18o xenotime foc huang ##ape ##estig ##ilg basins investig sections ##theast decrease yielded terrane cooling member discrete 39 wides ##ven ##iding together requi beh should hyp subs control ##orlie ##goorlie recognized earlier kalgoorlie australia ground sid yilg δ6 ##cent ##uous ##10 ##inate cou meren ##eneous camp siltstone positive original melts coeval surrounding bornite metasedimentary focus yilgarn merensky 60 aff here zinc ##iented ##ood ##osp ##atic minim magmas ##ctor induc location serra ##pread ##watersr northwest does previously homogenization auriferous witwatersr widespread witwatersrand down hand il ##led ##line ##mir ##2s ##ico exhib canada ##ameter limited mob provide steam striking δ13 avail ##wu ##atory dev reve ##neiss clay concentrated apparent precipitated brecciated solu conglomerat reveal 36 400 86 fres ro round ##ding ##fl ##ists oriented shale dip ranges metall recrystall brittle remob greenstone grades radiogenic techni lenses ilm remobil free role ##aw ##ulation extr ##gest clasts massif zoning volcano ame term loss mig mud pul ##vo strata partial ##rosion partly invol still fabric ablation german ax peral yang ##ration ##volcanic ##tions ##ley ##ime ord incorp hosts prior provided plots basalt chloride ##athering recorded caused depleted detailed vapor taken observations docum ilmenite gm tar ##tre quan plat images metamorphosed weathering throughout inferred followed furthermore barite correlation chromite appears possibly 500 bene overal portion ##mis ##ules demon chah orient ##ths ##thys ##andong univer metabas ##stones ##ude ##pected position textural vertical ##ambrian transport experiment stratigraphic cluster phosph rounded overall demonstr chahmir lree mor ug ##ug dipping presented overgrow heated includes old production iii banded differences collision microscop economic coupl documented 300 dens five gn hence ion pa pit ##bel ##li them ##tie ##icul ##ached conte ash ang ##aba see disting restric diameter ##itized leach overlying analysed largest studied silicified underst arsenide matter steep irreg occurrences history preferen siderite distingu far hot link nacl ##aj ##nal ##va inner seam larger resulting series settings therm semi heavy ram schist ##mac ##til though represented microb slip particular separated enclosed exhibit fresh coupled nod por use xr ##ful ##ving thr ##atible exs caraj consist occurring paleozoic combined scheelite metabasal restricted carajas dour erosion ming sch ##iro ##side often meishan orth expected place evolved clin spin ##ordant 206 ##shandong err supergene exposed ##probe solubility dourada cass ls nar op ##eper ##ored ##onian rele rework ##ize sel ##ogran altern div unal ##ometric cann indicated grey greater ##iew final degree ##ocrys isochron huangshandong behav ##floor density 80 bur gneiss ##ground ##ances ##olitic carbonaceous silver systematic signatures ##roxenite reflected measurements 199 ##titute argill bacaba progressive unaltered 22 70 cases pur rand tonal vers ##ft deeper mechan proterozoic ##unction ##rown blan representative equiv mineralogical rutile overlap oceanic corresponding affinity gnpa 34s dated led sill ##bi ##ind ##aneous attr similarly groups spot 201 py2 microprobe keith spatially geochronological 39ar amethys germanium 206pb cannot versus brown lal little scan tit ##dd ##log ##5cu cores before mining ##phi pros extre string archaean evap inde partially perm modified again mica ##akh extent basaltic beds styles filling predominantly intruded succession marked beneath 33 bu fish log phen ##hy dex retrog ##acted ##vement mineralised mineralizing ##amination tend ##acemac heating princ among accomp bracemac seafloor oxidized saturation available university narrow princip accompan h2s lines myl sodic ##ious ##ara ##itude ##ational ##ola stratab ##ometry silicates consisting specific emplaced ##chean spectrometer spatial ##oarchean variety extreme stratabound pure ##inous alkal ##ress shap resp diop clos models basalts sinter orebodies prograde talca ##opyroxene resources weakly unconformity serpentin minimum fishtie cher dil rb rio ##ha ##rim ##tire ##enting ##ida cover almost anhedral ##ceed entire ##iang modal silicic noted discrim conglomerate litholog constrained shales chromitite margins overprinted calder point mobil amethyst 21 bal best hel six ##bed ##lite ##of ##pite ##ques noril porphyries access despite dominantly filled spectrometry laco ##duce equilibrium understand irregular nodules gond nan nico ##uth ##van ##xt ##aries chond concl contained heat active zoned included precious ##aving products involved potass mixed constraints bands ##erence magnitude medium peralkaline tonalite retrograde diopside gondw chemistry hard ok ##tant ##yn ##sk ##iterite without ##atin mete volati calcic ##ctions paleoproterozoic ##oidal coefficient flows clearly anomalies laminated resource acidic carried pegmatites proximal δ13c cassiterite caldera ioa tyr ##nw ##nan ##ze ##igenetic compression made ##contin regard epigenetic ##conde layered plutons overlain reefs discussed visconde chimneys publ merenskyite incorpor gmd ##ogranite ##ocrysts tyrone nick pal upl ##ba ##ying ##son ##vial deformed ##acts ##urface interval ##arily performed limoe account showings ##iocene examples boundary boundaries explained petrographic labor meteoric nickel limoeiro duc fre hs tell ##cting disper ##ighted carboniferous ##apolite scapolite mode ##una times majority path flan calculations clear paragenesis ##iente directly uncertainty ##hyd ##atinum ductile bra cambrian d3 hole rift ##tice ##alu ##ush distal resear colum interse fav usually accumul ##raphs domains millerite teniente rims orogeny guiding attributed chondrite potassium bath d4 ##alent andrad ##sever ##elle star produce ##ngenetic residual diamic fe3 difficul persever scat agree coron genesis volcaniclastic syngenetic ##cline standards comparable reactions dissolved foliated lamin proportions polished summary influence blende orientation phosphate reworked ioaa diamictite perseverance 250 pic year ##retion ##inities stability energ faulting plotted outc supported estimate estimates geochronology monzodiorite intergrown completely δ65cu 86sr tellur coronation 24 350 having mil ##bur ##way ##arite ##iter consequent ##iltr shape clastic internal auth ##itical percent ##reef pyro reference ##turally suppor numerous bedding generation generated ##omicrog anomaly terranes poorly offset fluoride photomicrog confir granitoids 87sr platreef spinel divided equivalent palae lodes ##ck ##ument ##ily ##iable inte information ##arbon ##agne deb ##anda platinum phys sized ##ylite generations components taln broadly preferentially phenocrysts energy 00 sper sites ##ula ##acing exceed contacts northeast cub terms ##berg albitization evident separation ##shu varying limits except reserves devonian thrust accompanied years sperr 32 45 did lou morph ##aph ##viz ##zhe ##80 ##erzhe ##isted condu fluvial variably mobility product tuwu smaller increases ##mplified homogeneous detected ceviz difference mountain effect baerzhe ##lidere techniques ug2 difficult talnakh sperrylite conduit cevizlidere 35 ju natur san ##ri ##zn ##where ##edon ##leod ##iles seen dist ##thite ##ogen dike feature inters ##ounds primitive infiltr dolomitic reflects lesser cutting veinlet effects modern mcleod phyllic circulation volume microscope chert accessory understanding gondwana andradite bron d2 lo might pen pow port rif rob ##la ##iassic ##sc ##ising ##acer ##tston maps former sampled hydrothermally evalu noranda tempor subg triassic essen 207 surve py1 brines crystallized coex cleav erup diagrams alloy experien varies metasomatic reactiv profiles oldest microbial xrf error argillic respons ##tstones 65 est function gy prom ##ctively ##uri ##ocite ##heric mapping ##irs neoarchean diffr chalcocite petro limonite metasil flat fields ##2o3 displays define ##theless horizons absence exhal outer ##ospheric metabasaltic balance consequently responsible fran hree holes jia ker pc wid ##bs ##rid ##lied ##mer ##enced graph ##abl segreg ##new tetra ##ibility crack color lowest whether siltstones bott ##anging else ##ches background depletion monzonite ##ikeng mudstone schists against published laboratory batholith 207pb gyps kak miocene now rap tl ##ta ##ged ##mented ##fte ##western ##ontwe ##asma ##idotite ##mpor reas reverse ##omorph another ##tallic que critical constant ##atively cap peridotite leached indicator ##llite agnew ##angd skelle arsenic dolerite fractionated paleos afric ##ustrine plagi finally instr bedded materials combination lacustrine belong absent magnes lengshu hypot morb ##like prospec lithologies natural experienced metasiltstone bottom elsewhere gypsum kakontwe skellefte lengshuikeng 75 ip norite pse pap ##ining ##itum mines ##ogene ##pend plasma highl ##stan framb apt weighted ##iva distributed accretion provides trem abundances continu determine closely kaolinite overprint belts bacuri behavior scanning agreement rapid pseud 34 act lode ophi qin site yin ##ca ##cence ##tter ##ses ##20 ##tific ##icts ##ings del antic colored unlike isotopically elong depositional trends additional additionally calibr exhum focused induced leaching exsolution principal mylon extremely shaped tremolite 37 31 bim dat emp hol rid side ##bre ##ler ##we ##tead ##icher ##asun ##olated thir rees island ##ochemical conduc ##oma chdd atm ##odal existing incomp fe4 ##aria ##luded ##aren must synch andesitic localized ##theastern instead transported darasun mesozoic ##ophys currently assumed remobilization contempor siliciclastic laminae intersti cleavage plagiogranite 29 away bacter cree cumul eocene kum paren ##bles ##ique ##rec state shos contamination geophys never elemental cauld epma py3 increased descrip salinities synvolcanic chloritic intensity decreasing corresponds halite ##hesis ##ovic exception permian alkali closure research authors subgroup chddh parental cauldron 90 den oper view yan ##ai ##dorp ##wide ##arized ##athe ##ents ##acite mined chile exam resid neu zonation ##ameters characterised implic ppb terr albitite remo euro ##overed sandstones identical initially worldwide leading moderate classification glob turret 36ar steeply porous qinling creek bse cy dates kos lig ligh last listed loma mol obl ##ned ##zil ##terog ##tian ##arc ##any ##asite ##isite ##istral better anhyd ##therm compatible proper exc formations necess immis perme heterog ##aps escond accur replacing southwest 150 ##metallic sinistral 263 separates million situated plane remaining surrounded metasomatism trapped extends saturated ##oarchaean polymetallic horizontal metallogenic yangshan distinguish raman brazil distance establ bimodal interstitial immisc escondida bush cd dra mer ton tens ven ##bble ##narite ##min ##mass ##read ##era ##orm ##roded ##osition ##ago repe meters ##uck shar goldfield arr play composite assess concordant variability volcanism ##veld representing geologic ##raphically primarily microtherm ##ismuth appro separate simp moderately ##liden required ordovic linked ##ynamic coefficients survey diffraction contemporaneous kumbel kosnarite ordovician 01 aqu cent em fit hanging ice mog nne pop tm ##ui ##uk ##put ##eric ##ency ##isms took reach ##igan gray placer sizes parameters cav great americ basinal crush spectra mss distinctive 180 support correlate ##orption comprise blocks varis ##ophile schematic plateau chimney groundmass recrystallization targe angle blanco incorporated bronces eruption paper exhumation 02 05 600 88 komati mbi pac ##ex ##mar ##sor ##viva ##ks ##known ##olid ##ulated ##iling ##ogram resolution places unknown metav subvolcanic ##ometer leuc locations hosting recover martite movement ##ieved flag continuous rarely sio2 ##cept pressures ##opyroxenite halo potentially folds lattice recently vapour visible microscopy talviva phyllite profile crosscutting bastnasite inductively released lala essentially ophiolite ##athered ligand bushveld metavolcanic talvivaara 55 800 blu bismuth date fall good kom lu mac pink sus session ##cill ##casite ##ls ##lies ##60 ##40 ##ino ##agh ##acke ##uss ##ils ##tside chines ##ellow ##odynamic short imm apy ##hemically scien southeast moreover regime lava marcasite structurally propyl becom copperbel 187 oscill plutonic remains 238 assuming outside ##osphere thought ##bedded ipge unlikely datase anhydrite venters sharp mogok variscan chinese copperbelt oscillatory 07 67 cum hg kb kam pass son sos yellow ##bnite ##nian ##div ##fe ##6zn ##tiary ##enari ##ices thole devi isolated coffe coinc ##yric ##sego sufficient ##ami ##abr shift need sedimentation scenari ##achang precur space tertiary patch ##oids 198 ##insula simplified ##oki histogram episy length hypogene mechanism dexing conclusions supports peninsula exhalative reason yinachang tonn ventersdorp cumm sossego coffee cand gang hes hund kangd rhe rise raw via ##bers ##nc ##oy ##gite ##mod ##faces ##xi input real ##och conver anor stre stress crater hydrox basis phlog subdiv indicative regions contributed driv tuffaceous importance fo2 widely overprinting anomalous planes planar intensely ##ystalline transitional stratigraphy stibnite boiling glass partitioning layering controls quantit experimental orthopyroxene uplift scattered photomicrographs paleosurface implications pacific propylitic gangue hundred kangdian phlogop 28 iran kr m2 ot pi ##ds ##yp ##alite ##alach inst ##roy ##ics ##agan ##agami suture suites ##cend sector ##iform sapro shri quartzite reset until uniform prev showed immedi fron intra ##ronous signal ##angan ##acturing arsenides originally propose crystalline irish gabbroic correlated gradient center unconformably investigated involving axis overgrowths gneisses titanite stringer stringers column rifting instrument hypothesis nevertheless neutral tholei shrimp immediately 76 bay fus han ning pges tsr wat zamb ##rup ##iation ##ores ##kul ##went ##inations ##ero inverse ##ask ##asion cove geother ##ipw ##ipher repro modes districts ##ordinate discordant pyroxenite proven icpms chloritization institute controlling clusters considering factors edge depending groundwater pulses selv flanagan infiltration ##itumen anticline conducted incompatible lighter heterogeneous 238u heshan saprolite ningwu 1a 57 fed kat qf tan vi vic wave ##bol ##upr ##vil ##wise ##rock ##icupr ##uling rev ##imen ##abir proced extern ##ographic hydrogen subje substan subordinate itabir ##allad coalfield synt brine special infill laterally ##2o5 syncline ruby electrum distinctly cemented classified auricupr protoliths δ66zn technique extraction pairs distinguished random helium volatiles favor telluride interes cubanite komatiite blue cummins otago auricupride 3b 66 63 du dig eas goe har kv right rond vent ##ry ##rated ##uted ##lan ##obl ##rees ##atis ##char diam interbedded occasion neoproterozoic ##ronorite left ##igned chalcedon others added ##crystalline became ##obile mgo follows oxidised tourmalines decreases selective curve depths cause folding photog reservo proximity dependent orders collisional useful promin ridge array immobile watson vicinity ##oblastic 72 85 cre das iv my nnw util vac ##di ##gms ##ko ##wa ##truc anti make discontin ##iber sampling concord interc ab2 nearly weight ##elling laur ##ief paleo laterite ##tyabr calculation drilling particles 120 ##inshan nearby differenti intergrowths influenced genetically serpentine episodes revealed portions demonstrated context clinopyroxene progressively laloki serpentinization oktyabr frequ dispersive morphology coexisting reactivation examined europe ##ussia dataset reproduc procedure prominent oktyabrsk 42 ach cer chen name rough sve wil yinshan ##lin ##ire ##fr ##ways ##49 ##tish inver ##ora ##osc ##oses ##osity ##lement ##elaria proje ##ado quartzites ##ongshan colour meta geometry ##twork network ##ket fracturing differ sourced precision esm sheared upward transf specular applied lateral postd measurement brecciation outl gabbronorite channe salt liquids rub direction millime half folded fluorine possibility observation heavier ##ropic illustrated termite migration demonstrate seams successions dextral outcro ##agnetic debris portable graphite framboidal pseudomorph calibration third yanshan candelaria subdivided phlogopite federal diamond reproducibility 03 74 73 cast certain d1 dah fil gases liter mv otish pong rate tere ##tze ##ym ##vation ##ese ##aging ##active conven ascend ##celer sap ##iest ##mative phyric granoblastic concentrate apart metamict acceler simul southeastern advan contribu producing become ##abbro 266 ##kyn detector overprints textured boron metasomatized box traver reached earliest intergrowth metasediments summarized factor subsequently success involvement fabrics axial yangtze experiments evapor independ confirm dravite sonkul patchy quantitative tholeiitic external chalcedony frequency sveco literature pongola advanced 47 43 48 bate barn cath fen fore gain mounds pan pod qi tail δd ##haps ##uis ##mkyn ##sw ##wh ##12 ##aled ##arra ##itable ##oll ##isten too ##uren ##tically crcc respect relation ##ranular normative associations frame perhaps sometim greis noble lauren underwent implies discovered processing olig applic patches southwestern enrichments diagenesis tectono mg1 reflecting floor equal rhyod stocks histor collap mesoarchaean turb turn fractured points apparently recrystallized mechanisms sills indeed temporal continued elongated chddh0 precursor intercal dahongshan teremkyn independent bateman barnes sometimes 3d 38 3he 95 99 aut bord cas eroded fis ions jap kl tian wnw yb zh ##cur ##uan ##lag ##mic ##fen ##flu ##jia ##reicher ##anal ##osite ##ident ##aged recon ##acr ##acy ##igator ##ilation ##imb anc suitable ##elf ##elreicher ##odong ##uminous sho granular peripher alligator weathered corrid trig ##anga underl ##unite significance surfaces replace verde dolost fractional itself oxidizing ##tified youngest preservation combus extensively identify periods introduc petrography econom ##oxic require clinopyroxenite greyw titan accumulation outcrop jiaodong width accuracy repeated simple deviation scenario vielreicher roughly japan 96 bran bould cam came dou datab eight fim gc gent jj liber pron past ##has ##iting ##tan ##oti ##gy ##mit ##4pb ##estion ##tional ##aner ##tracted alp aspect sun ##thers ##oground hyper ##orphous unre clast constitute phaner concentrates ##arities fully ##bler ##akes domin ##iston law marble amorphous impur ##comp paleoground crystallizing step steps corrected ##ounced rhyolitic lithology reducing so2 ##cepted backarc halogen brothers tenors lamell coarser displaying linear workers aggregate illustrating ##mission rambler exsolved erosional 2012 compressional frank tlg ##tification atmospheric oblique properties ligands provenance ##ville itabirite ronda occasionally svecofen ##istence laurentian collapse ##fluid ancient introduced fimiston jjf pronounced paleogroundwater svecofennian 71 700 buck cs dest eq efficient fly gave give hcl je kg lost m3 pallad pgms rot sher sens ##bo ##ax ##lf ##oz ##o3 ##sorption ##flow ##ales ##anha ##osal ##ulf ##ulate rey read ##acity coas ##oto ##oud ##abil compact maur dischar flux ##chl diach mineralizations unus analog prep valley usa perth pris siliceous lavas adsorption precise py0 brag mats fractions slab sinters 110 265 displacement rhyolites predic cement backsc stratiform gives causing centime ##ocratic allows quanti microscopic xrd optical alternating purp discrimination conclusion volatile africa magnesian bacterial global immiscible ##mineral approach aquif population crushing hundreds pipe selvages goethite namely wiluna castanha turbid database phanerozoic backscat 2a 84 aval ha kir pene pack sd tab tight yam yet ze ##bour ##hi ##long ##gie ##ya ##sediment ##46 ##hel ##orida ##ans ##oss ##idal ##idation ##atol ##inger tool conse beg beach meg ch4 seg seven atte compounds statis protracted ##adian ##umines sha shor hydration reliable carbonic fe2 ##tward nev allanite somewh trad underground syenite referred facil analyz mantover normally florida correction saline synsediment radoun ndf comprising argu opening kaolinitized degass limestones isoch pervasively allowed varieties investigation angular selen burial evaporite serpentinized dilution entirely discriminate chromitites frequent columb mild robust established microthermometric kombol sciences 187os prevail ##anganese conventional sapphi greywacke coastal prepared consequ somewhat mantoverde synsedimentary kombolgie 3a 56 68 8a berg iles jones ken lher mound oh vug way ync ##bal ##ru ##lers ##tage ##taneous ##ss ##fs ##vant ##15 ##heng ##inary ##its ##icate ##trum ##tries ##see ##sel anoxic att compe ##ressive ##vers excess excl ##ography shan who ##quis dips ##ctu concluded evol feed abbre cuts ##hemian obvious ##llur corund ##lude similarity eventually 204pb replaces redox disseminations spectrum precipitate uppermost equation sericitization andesites ##bec interpretations bohemian 160 confined median voluminous ferro requires remobilized extracted migmatite pulse thermodynamic behavi purple overlaps help tellurides petrolog quebec african geophysical residues necessary centre cavities becomes driven review interest discontinuous concordia greisen combustion alpine lawlers impurities kiruna lherz abbrevi corundum 1b 58 64 gb gi hr kan kil mal pier run sate wpb wabas ##bbles ##hor ##uera ##slag ##ken ##kwa ##zh ##onous ##tization ##enites ##ice ##olv ##olute ##isible ##lear ##ingu ##acies ##acitic coop cobre ##ilian ##ots ##sets anatol fluctu exchan ##thonous tem onset online what ##ching resist carib veining interl ##tured voltage accepted acquis ##apatite micron traces pegm precambrian spread shelf ##timet microcontin apprec explo shears tectonically invisible gabbros modeling methodology wallrock yields appearance ##titu ##augh peguera absolute predomin centimet glg taking considerably faber ##venile mobile tarkwa metabasalts alternative systematically prospect mylonite ##ofacies nickeline integ mountains juvenile mylonitic synchronous cumulate descriptions removed cyc rheic ##ochthonous katanga randomly dashed millimeter simultaneous contribute tailings oligocene tianshan gently sherana quantities bergslag lherzolite wabassee exchange acquisition pegmat bergslagen 04 2b 44 49 5a 52 97 cacl cdd dacite hum ire ide just kim k2o lag nine none ps russia tes wes zar ##hla ##rate ##ritic ##ao ##nge ##uel ##oin ##oich ##ojia ##gone ##pt ##py ##kola ##wing ##47 ##ji ##30 ##tiro ##retions ##ald inher ##roph ##ange ##asting ##osing ##osure ##leigh retiro conce ##izes anion ##ressed ##odg maia mapped mauth ##cco2 shield hydroc ##rouhla plant metag concretions envelop granul presum calcare acade similarities ##elled lamp ##angshan undergone characterize sym matagami providing remnan plung plume plunge ##ausen distributions lithological tuffs correlations overlies exposure ##otellur remained degrees offsets cenozoic rayleigh subsid subsurface δ13cco2 incorporation overgrown ##vaal exhibits porosity thrus buff 213 okrouhla started scatter ##burg physical petroc cracks emphas played recoverable iranian instance fronts fusui substantial photographs reservoir vacu transfer qiuling economically maurliden tradition facilit consequence exclusive behaviour abbreviations satellite ireland zarigan ##oichi mauthausen remnants 41 450 cate cat dan dam day lakes mk manganese nit nuc px parent rates sen tor ##namic ##core ##ubl ##t46 ##gu ##hetic ##onia ##onitic ##enes delt conne ##igible alum ##izon ##ommod stoichi proble ##get examination existence ##ngth qual ##tening stron ##matitic ark clim negl parisite imaging ##itish report sims chalcophile volcanogenic break track span accommod ##timate bright microcrystalline microfr appalach northwestern explan paleocene msw decay distinction dynamic lithofacies 197 supply tectonics probe probability bounded 130 rimmed affect 140 leads kaolinitization extended extending hfse episode illustrate stockworks volumes uncertainties campina roof positions ##icula seems alternatively 2011 shapes nanometer flank intersected photomicrograph exceeding talnakhite powder temporally segregated prospects permeability america american apy2 kamoa strength geothermal synthetic favorable antimon laurite inversion travertine dolostone lamellae centimeter aquifer penetr degassing kilome ##olvus caribe cacl2 calcareous sense negligible appalachian 08 4he 61 69 bon bat bitumen done dt46 fam gro land mari nm oolitic pile ur wan yuk ##ho ##right ##af ##lab ##leng ##ij ##ike ##tam ##ool ##oing ##my ##22 ##kom ##xtured ##ening ##oritic ##ark ##ushan ##ocha coff al2o3 atomic ##verton fluores pyrites placed assim closed gem geode occup neo subty favo cao notable perc prices biogenic regression true laverton unde pebble undergo eskola limb imply shearing sheet microanal pyritic plotting tio2 lithospheric 18o supplement ##inson identification molybd mixture sof soft detect radial yielding differential curves transpression caledon tennan homogenisation leader believed ##umulate shallower ##radation organ considerable contributions availability massifs axes seem preferential mobilized confirmed ##agnetite evaluate description removal ##ready sessions tonnage resetting waveleng specialty outlined outcrops framework corridor ##mitted perthuis segment attemp ##uminescence shortening frequently mildly sapphire attached feeder pierre exploited kimber hydrocarbon pxr delta microfrac mswd yukon fluorescence eskolaite tennantite wavelength 06 46 59 650 89 bes bore brough dro daugh ec ese fug finger kur lies mos miss nam pel rp richer spar teng war zero ##br ##bor ##habas ##aal ##ub ##ump ##ipped ##oform ##gs ##mz ##21 ##za ##inn ##ention ##orts ##orting ##icular ##anmar ##osche ##ulations decomp ##urian cobal alone already ##ured athabas stack ##odite distur sulfates sulfosal ##ights quite geodes geodic constitu interacted ##tware isotropic next submar compositionally diffusion capping notably pers acted indication ##aken marbles pebbles implying transe ##timately discover ##aves redep text texturally destruc british microcline contrasting feldspars slop reflections flood amphiboles ##ounted sericitic drillcore bars localised ##shot describe ##mann ##cepti selectively expressed homogenous effectively marginal summit members blebs equilibration progress ##awa peraluminous errors buil tends specifically picarra supporting palaeoproterozoic power evaluation jiaojia crackle atmosphere geophysics permeable establish ##olidated bismuthotellur suscepti coincident converg gradients zambian myanmar achieved chenxi pseudomorphs ascending camie hypers buckshot jeol prismatic gbmz interlay ideal categ stoichiometric coffinite supplementary molybdosche software kimberley daughter submarine molybdoscheelite 5c 62 aim chemically cipw dimen eng fes hz hst id jog kaz lt liz lct national opp pill rou squ sole wer wed wodg xin xia ##rised ##ee ##ean ##aud ##ny ##dill ##cher ##cke ##ule ##lim ##ipp ##oon ##oted ##yro ##sz ##filian ##pi ##path ##1b ##herent ##tist ##aland ##aline inje inset ##icochemical ##eden ##itextured ##oluminescence ##isk ##ulating dem ##urg ##oclase mex supr chino ##ysite ##necke comparing comprised ##odoluminescence prox ##vertical exist exists ##uction cris ##chba enhan consum feo subvertical ##hedrite collection itac canadian ##bla comes ##fors ##forms acqui ##ardite ##paration cordill domes impro ##iechba upright ##ismic ign ##clastic precipitates crystallisation horne stepped respective 118 119 264 localities defin probable finn finding molybdenites erz records argent tension colloform radio uncom varitextured polar trails eds edges illustrates investigations roan rober evaporation bubble mobilization ##skite regarded regarding upland pathways physicochemical conduits portman kerogen segregation tetrahedrite highlight accretionary rapidly synchysite operating immiscibility goldfields microthermometry cavity targets lufilian macro episyenite reasonable anorth craters kriechba covered ##ipwal differentiation rubies cathodoluminescence klipwal trigg palladium predicted tabular zealand nevada giant appreciable granulite exclusively ##tamorph caledonides hydrocarbons pxrf fugacity fingerprin dimension lizardite pillow wernecke kriechbaum 4c 54 8b 98 ae air boud call drop ene ever emission fro gover hess jord jiang kh kn ku lan ml mian nas put rod rack sed spl sme vaal wind yt ##ban ##bly ##bir ##hall ##em ##ebla ##aight ##national ##nagh ##dens ##ctic ##ctite ##corite ##gress ##yre ##site ##satur ##vss ##ka ##wn ##onse ##inning ##esite ##erial ##enk ##aran ##rolite ##oshan ##atui coherent condens alvo beat beagh ##romat ##iled mineralising ##ysis ##ams sets ##ticulate atyp states stromat exact ##than tetr straight assay unmineral enc carbonati fe2o3 international ##nta india industr northeastern suba subduc subround care silurian varied ##fort obtain lie lived scales niebla amb grouped preced ##unas 101 103 presents ##ieve regionally syen originated speciation specimen ##metamorph laterites controvers manif calculate ##wards sands employ ##ristine soil ##cheite spectrosc countries longer provinces mcd recognised topographic trapping avoid fragment talatui australian document intrude punta phoscorite investigate reveals orientations ##fully reworking systematics spots 2013 response intervals favour diamictites percentage percentages pyroclastic roby reactivated wider prospective mylonites dense ##aiunas terrain albitites molar necessarily 1806 apy3 zambia covellite easily channels foreland rhyodacite chddh049 reconstr underlain discharge analyzer evaporites ##selves tarkwaian pegmatoidal westward metagabbro academy vacuo explanation antimony undeformed ecvss ##entioned discovery interlayered enhanced itacaiunas finnigan hessite jordan ##saturated atypical subrounded 2h 3c 81 ber bit cf cell dome dunite fi hu kristine len mcc nac nist nug rul une venting ##bes ##bitumen ##hu ##eir ##emplified ##aur ##na ##dor ##uish ##lis ##lated ##taken ##otic ##mite ##su ##ster ##found ##jiang ##teen ##orad ##arg ##ito ##ica ##ostr ##olong ##ises ##idic iss cone conform converse ##trask aligned bear ##atig ##ilishan ##herite ##ott cham ##odium ##gebir exemplified ##thur ##ographically shif ##tency why rest relict relief magnetites plastic conclude enab geodynamic intercept valhall indisting subtle ##ips ##pective porphyro ##apvaal modelling ##ficial recovered lailishan undertaken spain 2010 refer ##icked contrasts ##cl2 ##owna normalised corrections equipped averages lithosphere 185 continent consistently determination rule kaapvaal take cratons giving effective means stratigraphically unclear guaran reaches photos ##onald influx sweden circulating preferred paragenetically ferrom gmf demonstrates themselves ##nalpi 1990 blank fillings 330 logged amongst closer paths intersection starting pyrobitumen palaeozoic ##arbonate cubic kerman pcds capable cumulates shosh recovery becoming anorthite hydroxides anomalously hanover historically intercalated border cashel fission boulder ##tants backscatter avalonia package argued columbite migmatites kanowna microcontinent nonetheless stronti groves microfractures kurnalpi sparse athabasca xiaolong ##pathic mexico proxy radioactive uncommon racklan spectroscopy kristineberg ruled ##uishable ##ostratig conversely ##gebirge valhalla indistinguishable xiaolonghe 1c 5b 51 83 900 apl ben bud che city ccp crop dum fut fier hn hone hall ich junction kine lor lough mis mun mounted o2 ong p2o5 pingu ras sse zro ##hole ##equ ##ares ##cular ##uu ##oh ##mb ##s2 ##vally ##po ##pic ##zing ##05 ##wet ##onora ##inter ##ndritic ##eness ##orb ##arsen ##itor ##olle ##istr ##isco ##ulic dehyd dendritic ##acers ##use ##oclastic cour ##trium ##igen ##igranular ##tering ##imet ##omagnetic ##omagnetite anba ##therly seismic atom atlan ##opentlandite compare compilation stau formula ##aded saff sulfidation share quad hydra ##chong diverse arran arra unless entr ##rans conspic prelim isother net neoarchaean concentric subhor cu3 paris leonora ##ificant reprec ##ignificant zonal scar schem scav bioti corroded ##olites latest traced sporad esc accounts ##rows 106 surficial transformation processed refr crushed ##turned spectral albitized ##ipitation tubes remark faces precipitating deriv manner manuel ##kesu melan 196 193 displaced 188 locality totally ##then newfound numbers insignificant append overla directed gradual gradually ##auer na2o affecting pegmatitic belle recognition polarized cooled willi supergroups allowing ##othermal marks smith substit devoid volcanoes ametist involves experimentally angles understood thermochemical buried diluted covers dispersed researcher equivalents 004 morphological belonging framboids actual excluded mernagh populations leucocratic scientific kbar signals geotherm subjected harz procedures 2665 periphery titanium liberation unrelated constitutes rotation readily unusually evolving anatolia resistant presumably lamproph plunging petrochemical traditionally ##eneses ##izontal besides ##umption destruction wodgina cristal erzgebirge argentopentlandite triggered called lanthan smectite yttrium industrial chamber guarani shoshonitic future ichkesu ongoing dehydration atlantic staurolite safford hydraulic arrays conspicuous preliminary subhorizontal newfoundland researchers 4a 65cu 77 78 79 9a cz cel cpy falc fund god hage iber kt ksz lign lue mentioned oph pore ra slow tel test tie trough vd ##h2o ##hoe ##affe ##dh ##ched ##uas ##uce ##iated ##tz ##mo ##mk ##ynt ##ycl ##sn ##som ##ferous ##vin ##pd ##pin ##well ##xa ##tectic ##inho ##alto ##org ##oria ##arape ##arthur ##ane ##anan ##olation ##lewo ##inge ##ustry conve ##trical ali alask ##herical meter grab chall ##amatic ##amidal ##abor ##eline stret making sulfarsen ones once quar question ##tention cryp ##alcite hydrous resem ##quiv plus pliocene unaffe clar fe1 abrup preparation indire industry neither ##key immediate apron ##itiferous heaz comm ##osecond ranged modification modelled micros otherwise corn metallic recycl adc adv thereby undersaturated spaced spring limbs complexity imper ppge shee upflow transmitted geochemically redistr bracke blind dry dramatic igarape tube sequeir eux infer crystallize ##obo evidenced lithophile salobo 115 262 183 estimation defining δ11b greenstones comparatively parageneses preserve ##otes halos situation planalto causes counting radiometric ##prop mesoarchean workings mcarthur centers 230 235 carrier endow pump polymic 270 substitute subsolvus positively affinities handp metallurg freezing mudstones phosphates irregularly thermo microbially clino relevant burman index markedly alkalic ##xtap public ##burgite juxtap look franc highlighted elongate emorb komsom sufficiently episyenites converted front subject digestion postdates accelerating ##124 cameca ##chlore diachronous braggite purposes sd124 statistical prevailing petrological cooperite predominance centimetres simultaneously lagoa emphasis nucle assimilation subtype mississ susceptibility square solely cordillera definition anorthosite sedex nacle photosynt strontium hno3 zro2 ##igenous scarce escape derivation 188os ametista cristalino hagemann ##lewoodite unaffected abrupt indirect heazlewoodite sequeirinho komsomol 410 6b 7b 92 bin bis bsr ct cations dj fire gand hart jxa liang mong moles s2 sides tay vast wel wang wood xf μg ##aesite ##des ##cies ##uate ##ufficient ##lith ##gur ##gfors ##yond ##sp ##pes ##welling ##16 theore ##tis ##arch ##icates ##ancy ##eda ##osen ##aton ##inglong ##ager ##urrent conj always alunite beij beyond ##phase ##omin antig grav chosen seated ##ticular ##ney ##nej ##ockwise attain stabil ##mental makes proto prolong ##gets disord ##ify ##ogabbro ##umb incip hydrated whose hydrocy ##ostatic ##quan ##lest diab diox reli arm arf arid assigned unique metres claus clath clays consolidated interg interf interface ab1 ##illed indian norberg neigh concentrically fair intrac perpend republ reports hetero accept allochthonous ##appe lile micas microme charge prac cordi dominate ##ista regular ##anged add lowermost spaces spike spherical impreg upon 208 microp drive ##derg ##clone treo finely fineto eutectic ##metrical mantos ##ausible lithostatic 125 construc finer fineness importantly soils walls insufficient 2007 2000 predates chromat chromitiferous decreased taup overlie dissoci transporting discuss argon argue historic ##roscop 144 absorption ##aysia degradation explains vargfors visual fluoroc deeply deepest kalko technology blewet bastnaesite equilibrated reserve tiny accordingly ferr minimal soluble platform orthopyroxenite argillaceous permit principally dilational gondwanan pathf pyrochlore essential pcd ##ridge peridotites ##ituminous residue assessment simply reaching target ##fect tonnes hydroxyl coalfields european certified colourless successive application double m3a bragg 2655 purpose ##yaoshan beginning shaft vuggy inherited alumin kilometers microanalysis broughderg constituents categor england wedge acquired ##enkrans beaghmore unmineralized subaerial ambient controversial manifest employed lenticular porphyrobl budget dumagami fierro atoms appendix lamprophyre tieyaoshan polymictic metallurgical mississipp komsomolsky beijing antigorite prolonged incipient clausth perpendicular republic cordierite impregn taupo kalkoenkrans blewett 09 53 6a 7a ale bic bag bolid cation dong dacitic et fib fs2 gase gers gushan hon ky k1 kar kip koush lath lying lining mole nav oib pix pista rs ros rus s1 spe ssw sodium tent tons ubi vit vict xinc yun zha zimb ##hnite ##nes ##nary ##cd ##une ##uable ##iate ##imp ##iary ##ience ##iogenic ##tte ##gir ##genic ##mt ##sonite ##kel ##win ##wah ##98 ##oned ##ontin ##till ##int ##inder ##inba ##alkaline ##itous ##itoe ##icalcite ##anian ##idy ##aty ##lyite tops reo retain reward ##acocha ##ustal ##ocol coast copre ##trial ##terly beaud ascent depression ##izh ##owie ##owled ##imes ##imens ##otation ##yran ##sey ann anis sud grgur changed ##amide ##amental ##cell ##abwe seques search ##tics ##ticolle compre ##ellyite ##restrial disp disprop exotic excell ##ighting ##anta strange ##quic ##quitous carlin unmetamorph ##platy able phg granoph ##eneity prehnite valuable collectively hem come indications wet modest laramide niob regimes tract ##angzh adve moncheite ##unately characterization alongside ##actory epox pool sheaf upwelling ##ondo microplaty termed calcites ##zoisite fractionations specimens apply arcuate crystallizes ##obar tien flo flotation melonite ultimate drilled reductant displace superior supplied ##insky ##tivity multicolle chlorine chloritized ##tify intensive characteristically clean diorites paragneiss electronic ##iency transparent ##oliths expression millimet activities oxygenic radiation peaks orogenesis details monzogabbro guany boz turkey reacted petrogenetic petrographically environmental takes detritus increasingly swar pointed enclaves intrudes assume depends fertile focussed herein downward tarim morvan ##liers schistose microbes orthoclase cassidy sillitoe ##iangshan mobilised mobilisation ##zewing regardless incorporate dispersion accumulated laminations picos ##arbonates debate infiltrating bronzewing reasons magnesite hypothe anticl calibrated operation terrigenous europa cycl accurate mercur greatly falls tantal substantially reservoirs utilized differentiated cerro projects upwards channel outcropping filam pods rhyodacitic intercalations autom ##acrustal peripheral boulders destroy sensitive unusual ##bouring ndf2 selenium kenomagnetite cycle cycles cdd1 subsidiary thrusts buffer dansey problem arkose accommodated urd waning gemfield tengchong stacked sulfosalts transect slopes convergence jogs kaznej xinjiang supracrustal consumed macrocrystalline aegir every stromatolitic bittern nuggets check course arrange refractory overlapping williams substitution falcondo fundamental ophicalcite vd22 microstruc adcumulate redistribution pumpellyite clinozoisite looking lianghe welkom xfm ##lithic hydrocyclone diabase dioxide intergranular neighbouring heterolithic clausthalite boliden gaseous gersdor koushk ubiquitous xincheng zimbabwe coprec beaudoin grguric disproportion unmetamorphosed epoxy multicollector guanyinba mercury kaznejov aegirine 82 bt bad bak bah cad dos dur daw ell effic fix gil gou gross ho hous hir iie kund kind lh lm lif mpa np ngu oly oil oct opa pip peng qz ric sited tro tron voids wu wav xl yak ##brid ##ht ##hance ##rone ##element ##eado ##aic ##aite ##ni ##cing ##uments ##uicula ##lor ##oo ##fels ##palite ##kin ##zi ##wer ##6s ##100 ##jo ##37 ##97 ##ont ##tia ##inic ##aling ##ested ##enge ##ential intimately ingress inorg andean ##orn ##rollite ##osil ##atest ##olu ##olati ##iden ##ators thor ##itholite rece retained ##ocal copl concept ##trically ##igenic aspec ashes asym arenite ##ilst ##otropic ##yramidal ##omb compiled proceed disrup ##ifying ##thy ##adol ##adag ##adonite tethys onto hybrid ##ands whilst ##alculated ##chuan ##quot carrollite dioritic relicts veined wash plausible elect assumption unp union unfort enough enhance geome geosc ability ##vedsonite granny preval ##illo norte northerly ##stage subz subalkaline au3 ##ffite usgs masses diffuse faulted silty commod scot scoti whereby ##ards ##particulate niu ##ludes morenc greatest recalculated trach trun adsor advant marking amaz epic move pores reduce pyrox deseado brief microparticulate terrestrial drift origins originate feldspathic ##co2 δ36s explored palette tectonism reflection thicker thickening postulated amphibol sericiti crosscu litho lithoc lithostratig pots 1980 superimp 186 127 intens so4 newly multielement constraining inside insight 2002 2005 nb2o5 initiation initiated program curral broken caled displayed predominate ##henium ##hensive lineation works 232 ##hesizing poles ##yllite grown hornfels carrying cm2 circles ablated lengths 170 behind devolati metalliferous remobilisation stillwater ordered paas pair release 1997 logging nano incorporates laborator braided accumulations piches authigenic debated exceeds loi evaluated surveys ##omorphic prospecting continuum actlab empir hollis examine obliter 187re passive coincides needs scenarios heterogeneously interesting harbour photograph laurussia mvt ##ymoon podbor autochthonous fissure trigger destabil ##board ##ulfide diachrone backscattered yamadag isochores vugs malmk fluctuations integrated concealed subsidence climatic penetrative batch favoured detectable transpressional mosaic cobalt disturbed bismuthotellurides ltd routine injection fingerprint dimensions govern nasliden tetrad carbonatization syenitic ##argpalite honeymoon pinguicula reprecipitation celadonite telargpalite graben ##aborate aprons handpicked francisco photosynthesizing taylor theoretical disordered arfvedsonite acceptable navan victoria ##ontinental anisotropic comprehensive checked gersdorffite bahia dawangshan efficiency gouge life nguba opaque penguicula inorganic copler aspects unfortunately scotia morenci trachy crosscuts actlabs podborany 33s 3sn 4b 440 6c 93 aer big bituminous cold camb ches eur eff fle fusion gol gom gam hed hab huling hinter jar kab kfs lol lamb linglong md mif mist owing pin ren sam ts til ves vie wr ##back ##bach ##holes ##rates ##ey ##ns ##nosc ##dish ##cn ##car ##ua ##lov ##iers ##tville ##ovite ##gru ##sal ##sors ##fes ##froy ##pit ##kinson ##11 ##3a ##35 ##tex theory ##inates ##erture ##ened ##icon ##icany ##ash ##osm ##osited ##olve ##istered ##atas ##atterm ##ularia thorite ##aga react coating ##tron alg depic depart ##omen ##omian ##ombe anast cha chap ##cel ##opl start ##respective mauc orange ##ifex fluvi exer extra ##ades ##anding ##andian cruc hydrolog ##chang diver contam argen artis ##onga placers concer concretion evans preex valid ##illa nept cup param parana ##atahi hasting aperture caob silt peru lep lefroy ##ologies ##ifications commer ##ford ##apment obje scarc agpa ##parallel bias corrosion completed ##ficiation registered nova notice adularia market monoph monitor volcanics observe sky consistency moza tims redee reddish verte microtex ##icking bladed drc drain producer explore sequential southernmost els ##meable irrespective normalization ##priate correct equigranular outline crossed mineralogically srm lithic 195 2650 particle separating supposed ##rise find chlorides multiphase insolu banding ##odioritic generate directions fills snatterm 1000 tenor thinning homogenized opened meso baie centered topaz magnification glac trap fourth amphibolites ##tnam consideration broader carriers ##lingite edith polyg polymer 275 274 partitioned count extract germany quantify beneficiation hotter spinels spinifex opal 1994 1999 220 purified 2014 scanned tendency principle accompanying purely lithologic lithologically volumetrically formerly france instruments belongs ipges norites highlights pseudosecond empa thirty bacteria bacteriogenic operated yanacocha distinguishing aqua emb targeted macroscop needed precursors histograms instrumental fused selvage katangan digenite created achieve inverted transferred postdate acceleration cathaysia fennosc zhou ##acrys sunrise dominance ##axial ##ulfate analogue tightly megacrys ndf3 columbia ferrous cooper microns centimetre ##oint symbol facilitated mkd mkuu qualit appalachians marialite favored named warm ##britholite redeposition redeposited improve roberto window fii issue conformably shifts kinematic entrapment scheme scaveng melanorite geothermometry harzburgite sulfarsenides impermeable euxinic 235u substitutes clathrate fairly intracontinental chromatography dissociation pathfinder porphyroblasts bicarbonate kipawa rusten ##owledge excellent niobium bozicany hypothetical automated arrangement disproportionation olymp octa au3cu commodities niuatahi trunc amphibolitization superimposed devolatil laboratories empirical diachroneity malmkarra euras gomwe hinterland kabatas lollingite vietnam maucherite preexisting neptune commerc scarcity agpaitic monophase mozaan redeemer insoluble snattermyran pseudosecondary fennoscandian 550 750 8c 850 ape bw bif cart cant cerite cinn dor ded dog dame dun dup dai fu gw gosc ht hen ham hoe iod iape jun king kang kcl kler kool lone list lined lov lta mu nu ql ring rib sar sig song sket uo2 vir vien vibr viable vents weld woll xingu zhe ##bauer ##rb ##rory ##econ ##nos ##dr ##dal ##down ##iere ##tus ##tta ##o4 ##grad ##mn ##mg ##yi ##sation ##sch ##sboard ##2h ##vity ##vsky ##zan ##zroy ##04 ##64 ##5n ##tein ##ona ##onough ##oncur ##reh ##reted ##inas ##inaged ##nded ##estions inactive ##roko ##anza ##ancies ##ashan ##asvally ##olving ##lete ##ids ##atche ##inges ##ingly ##ington tot town ##ulph defic ##acive ##urfaces ##usted ##usne ##occo ##ocumulate congo alta aliva bend asian ashan ascr fort forster ##ilite ##ilent ##imanite depositing ##omo ##omme anchang grasvally cho chron changing chilled ##abar ##abind sealed secular attained ##ops ##opallad company compressive stain stated ##resis disequ disappe distill ##thr ##adow sax saager shore questions ##ibed whisk ##olded hydrochl ##chalach strat resolved magnetization relics plomo united metad concurrent classic cloud cloncur ens encomp ##rania geographic carbonated feas intercep aband granodioritic ##enew ##strom nechalach ##ario subang subpro substr subcontin subparallel subecon ##so4 ##iffs ##atites caue notre permis perfect ##astonite head actively indicators obo webs modifications ag2 aguas agilent ##mont microg prisms corner mayak ##luding metaluminous regia grew recomme silicon serrania ##unity sput ##arna ##allon ##erson accreted implied 10a posht upgrad transg rhodes replicate replacive syl descent vertically bruc orogens arcs produces ##ularite northward pyritized explos slices facility plumb hory kev mgcl2 ##mem ##metric invari manto decou decade decarbon decades outliers ultimately ##aev stronger deformational 190 267 oxidising ##eposition 126 supplying envis km2 continues ##rett simpl methane δ15n greenish chromian comparative decrepit 308 grading bounding 13a 132 foliations identifying darreh lasted counter mesothermal lineam orogenies shallowly topographically approximate fluorapatite fluorbritholite mno reactive petrogenesis unconformities xenoliths carry ##ilibrium protocol phyllosil ##jemite circular earthy polyty discrep dependence labrad fern darker ##leyite univers overgrowing ##lieren farther thermoc ##macrory nodule schlieren optim opaline ##ocrystic 8037 burtville gneissic 1998 blanke sillimanite attribu uplif intersections confirms distances load rifted queen capacity paleosurfaces magnesio highlighting ##weathered incomplete denotes repetition playa fitzroy ophiolites kamig sonora stream driving krusne pike instances columnar bayan ##rupole tanana discontinu concordance diamonds successful successfully evaporitic fenitization applicable bordered shoots corridors brann branco liberated dominating ##ozero ##held competent ##horn cdd2 psd testing inherit anions thrusting buffered ##ublished connection quality breakdown bonanza family attempts disturb build bismuthotelluride ignimb findings boudinaged jiangxi condensation beatons beatrix subducting mcdonald mcdonough terrains reconstruc reconstruction unequiv loughmacrory quadrupole isotherms sporadically remarkable iberia ##dhjemite ##vince claras cornwall dramatically endowment nacleq mongol ##atonic armoric micrometer address 208pb 144nd fluorocarbonates dongchuan laths pixel ##quicocha granophyric badam cadomian fixation grossularite house hirdes lhd lmf richest trondhjemite yakabind unpublished adsorbed advantage lithoge caledonian fissures chessboard jarosite ##gruvan department anastom chaquicocha chapter fluvio crucial skytta polygonal megacrysts symbols qualitative octahedral apex cinnabar dupuis goscombe hoefs iapetus koolpin lovozero virt vienna wollastonite ashanti ascribed forsterite anchanghe disequilibrium whisker cloncurry encompass nechalacho subangular subeconomic permissive recommended yakabindie 310 32s amal bj bog bir bond bau binary cc cze don dual eh eud f2 f1 fast fiv ferg gab gap gun gadol h2 hre hse hold hut hong hinge iow jen joint kw kol kot kret kink kola lati lock lang m1 mur mold malach mott n1 nimb nald ov pm pie pond pina pelle qe rain rav sx ssc tw tib van wra zam ##hol ##rating ##ez ##ake ##aard ##dar ##dis ##col ##uh ##uter ##uwah ##lat ##iath ##tor ##tario ##oke ##gre ##gar ##gam ##mat ##made ##ye ##yu ##yte ##yer ##yang ##s8 ##fa ##fo ##view ##villa ##kn ##ker ##kite ##zen ##zur ##wor ##henite ##tected ##onolith ##tized ##reau ##inal ##inia ##inating ##ern ##eritic ##enitization ##enbach inward ##ars ##rous ##itud ##itney ##ann ##ansion ##atex ##idate ##idence ##idium ##atus ##inga ##entous thous thuring decline returned ##acting ##usiv isa ##ocular cov ##trinite ##iguous alber bethen astro asthen ##atinite ##atibility aren ##eralic ##ilities ##izer ##owan ##ima ##imer ##oth ##ota ##luc ##lund grave chrystall chonolith ##ysulfate ##amm sered ##tichenite ##nean atac attention ##opar complic ##verized extin expen sao ontario shangzh shadow quater criter whitney strict vector relate ##uta ##ctors arab arax arrows unn unweathered metre metast clockwise enst ensure geometric getia carbonation constants ##static ##arium parad parting parameter ##ayed ##mscan ##iao uses notation ##itivity ##ologic variance sulphates calcium oxysulfate overbur overturned healed rank scre trip lav adap monos monomic monomin peat ##ialic ##ialyte ##unne complexation impr 105 moving presently geologist transten transformed ##tryoidal ##rents ironstones contrary likewise dried drastic originating ##mao smallest propag remove slate europ ##obridge 1500 keban steel steyn laterization thickest ##iochemical mano equations decipher ##ounting outward outflow lithot reductants 1960 260 269 2620 2640 superlat 189 123 128 determining describes defines finkel ##manlandite foils multistage firstly insights 2006 cements taur selection currents northernmost resultant export expansion ##plets leastand elevations collode counted remainder homogenize periodic mesoproterozoic offer offers adjusted topography botryoidal avoc summar considerations hills bleached endmem enclosing accordance 873 circulated edx edific polyarite gervilla wittichenite episodic ferric smel ##oxene δ18ofluid huangshan ##102 handheld exhibited 360 room dipyramidal metallogen recrystallised recrystallisation extrap migrated pull pulverized platy school releases division burrows 1991 purification tonalitic correspondingly buoy alkalis cherts covering discriminated nanopar oka intersects favors starts 86sri ##bury palaeos physiochemical 320 infiltrated loket powd robinson coexists promoted kermade pc1 segregations colorless batholiths quemont continuation 340 actually ophiolitic exsolutions exceptionally globules excimer assessed appropriate centur tmc grayish leucogranite leucoxene haloes pinkish datasets sharply kb3a kamoto deviations 1986 episyenitization reasonably rheological realistic quantitatively hannan dupl differing accelerated contributing evaporated confirming applications historical zhu zhang shoobridge dolostones efficiently sensitivity pristine precisely yamarna statistically isochore competition obviously ferrocol runs resistance spreading integration humite humos tested envelope symmetrical plunges traditional facilitate nuclear problems famatinite ##labe organization borehole droplets pelitic decomposition sulfosalt slope convergent hypersolvus hypersaline feso4 robert boudreau knowledge putative splays encoun subducted documentation mccl enabled ccpi halls biotitic lanthanide lignite cryptic recycling springs sheets binocular gandhi vastmanlandite aluminum categories alemao honore millimetre cyclic filamentous coprecipit ellip pipes ##identified received electro geoscien prevalent epiclastic movements sericitisation obliterated interestingly aeromagnetic goliath depicted paramagnetic hastingsite elsburg glacial polymerization eurasia deficient ##opalladinite saxo hydrochloric cloudy ensialic feasible intercepts abandoned subprovince subcontinental webster sylvite brucite invariably decoupl decarbonation ##epositional attribute magnesiohorn brannerite ignimbrite mongolia anastomosing virtually amalgam bjur czech eudialyte iowaite kretz malachite mottled nimbuwah qemscan tibet zamu alberta betheno astrolabe chrystalls seredin expense shangzhuang quaternary araxa enstatite getiaowan overburden monomictic monomineralic europium finkelman collodetrinite metallogeny kermadec magnesiohornblende 010 2σ 4d 5d 7c 8d aw aes aid buc ball bcr bauer bowie cp cost dwell eigh ecl eme emer eluc fif gd gall hus held hun hish hok iz ivan idi jus jour jund ked kain kun lb lus lop lena lls mature mounts miro mla maria nh n2 nis nad nsu ostan pas ple pil pach pole qtz rd rit rut ried renew sie santa tren twent tips wol wsw xu yuan yster δ2h εnd ##bos ##hl ##eit ##aerg ##nage ##db ##dite ##day ##cro ##cul ##cast ##uf ##ung ##uquan ##lo ##late ##lian ##lier ##iar ##iite ##tm ##ohe ##oured ##oonga ##gan ##md ##mes ##mix ##moss ##yangshan ##sing ##solidated ##fied ##25 ##2so4 ##vskite ##phe ##pis ##pie ##kh ##kol ##kou ##zz ##qtz ##0s ##wes ##wan ##with ##wyn ##17 ##54 ##jaur ##3t ##32 ##hey ##tesc ##inites ##alia ##alistic ##aloclastic ##erra ##erophile ##oring ##itant ##itory ##itational ##anca ##ason ##asure ##asub ##olovite ##istent ##leton today ##ully ##ulose ##ulsion ##ulae ##ulskite thail ##agonal ##agnes delic rechar retention ##urable ##usonite isog ##ocated coated conv ##ige ##igne alle bell beau beishan asc fortesc mind deppis ##imian ##iminas ##otas ##lucent ##sele ##oming ##omatites ##omitant chain ##amed ##abant ##abrian sealing ##tices ##oping maghem compatibility ##elakh static mad protected orlov disme expect ##ograph formulae tethy sav ##uced shi inca incons quoted ##irn hyaloclastic ##iberg ##andez crude figures hydrostatic rests reside ##quisite ##lespie ##pps carleton diabl washan ##utu ara arizon plates coloured assisted unidentified lowand concomitant cliffs ##plate enter geys consens fei interior ##illos indo nephe ##ariation subc cuau park paringa aug auand augite ##ipation frau fringes fruta intrins intracr intrusiv usiminas leg leaving leices ##ologically oxi oxford overview ##tina acadian wei suggestion suggestive ##rogen agg agate charac price complement tracer notion undulose marti monol precluded sphe spite limiting complexly complexing skaerg ##ortunity accounting ##arelian impact imposed impover 10b 104 moved moeda poit discord discern geologically transform transvaal translucent symp syenites refers descend brabant pd3 ##rence oliver blake doleritic dissemination ##berton developing ##co3 albeit ##clines treasure incremental analyse sett paleogene ##ctonic generalized diagnos metasomatites plug crystallised ##gmented ##oba 157 155 154 elim keep measurable irrad ##elsberg manuf ##prising flakes solv salts 111 2660 ultra barberton separator 122 determinations coevally sierra μm2 greencast molybdenum constraint correlates correlative 2008 2009 predate bedrock ta2o5 generating younging ##oked ##okite graded expelled evolutionary 13c ##erences elevation activation plank plants argues nafo affects lasting ##oey 142 radiating spectrometers longitud believe semime proportional mesoz kaolinization lineations worked variously 237 unconsolidated visually polito clustered fragmented weakness photo negatively hornillos xenocrystic ##ocrase carries swit comparisons chime technical lacking mediated 87rb 271 assumes oceans ##iotic ##ika ##ikari smo smow behave shoulder siderophile focuses minimize roo root metallog remobilised terminated migrate migrating migdis muds involve tarmo orientated morocco ##ugate overgrows ionic paul paolovite pitch ashing leachates schistosity selwyn ##ogranites 1996 purity permo permits logs phenomen narrower ##araelakh serpentinite dilat dilute nanoz nanyangshan nickeliferous ##ushi accumulate picture 240 pyroaur 001 cubes morphologies juan rifts coexist coexistence cleavages diffract exhalites graphitic colorado yinmin exhumed mylonitized holm holwell islands conducive 290 cumulus chddh100 terraces globally lights property heterogeneity 2630 2639 drawn assessing aquit centres embedded fits fitted 1807 ##ksdorp continuously patchily 1983 tonnages ##roya intraplate columns itabira synto eastward easterly ronde vacancies projected outlier rubicon 475 oligoclase histories 38ar shoot underlie repeatedly doubly unrealistic ##fluidfluid palladian analogous turbidite packages tools began mega analyzing selenide competency reviews anatolian fluctuation ##473 ##jii ##rophic envelopes presumed lampro nitrogen ##guer alumina 1970s penetration assimil occupy neoformation subtypes percolated brought rp04 tengtie waroonga ##ubian ##2147 decomposed stacking built category idocrase opportunity demand suprasub fingerprints froth kharaelakh kuh carbonatitic carefully preceding fragmentation huge enables ferromagnes aplite aplitic bench hallbauer ##mbered biotitization sporadic remarkably conspicuously godwin convection aliquot stretching recycled sheeted bracketing publication juxtaposition indirectly conjunction conjugate gravitational reliability lileand micropor constructed mississippi mississippian molecular tentatively yunnan ##izhou sudbury sequestered floors paragneisses swarms anticlines tantalite destroyed gillespie kundana npgms troilite wavy thorough disrupted geometries subzones scotland pyroxenes briefly lithocl intensities gamma hedleyite pinch ##fes2 hydrologic diversity argentina artisanal concerning lepid objective noticeable mesoand macroscopic olympic commercial cantabrian deduced fujii gwalia kangguer klerksdorp vibration altaite fortuna disappear upgrading explosive plumbing polytypes discrepancy labrador fernandez discontinuities inheritance disturbance armorican lithogeochemical birimian fergusonite gadolinite kotulskite latit naldrett pellets thuringian covariation atacama strictly unnamed metastable partings triple adapted imprint transtension nanoparticulate encountered mcclure tibetan buchan bowieite emeishan hishikari ivanhoe idiomorphic journal jundee lusale mirova nadoll nsuze ostanmoss riedel twenty wolf thailand recharge isograd fortescue orlovka dismembered tethyan diablo arizona consensus nepheline frauenbach intracratonic intrusives leicester skaergaard diagnostic greencastle nafooey semimetal mesozonal migdisov tarmoola phenomenon pyroaurite suprasubduction ferromagnesian ostanmossa 050 2pb 210 3f 380 610 710 740 820 91 94 ai aure acan aoki bn bour cro cul cmp cgl da dot dab dare dund fum face gh go gir gome gree gaps going hit hid hyste hinc ja jat jul jam jue jsm kus kens lumines mw mim mich mut mree m20 ns nul ncc nomin nizh oz ove oroya pn pau picked rg russ roll rhenium sf sre sop ske sorted satis siber tos tol tang tall trop tunne vh von vsm wy wab wales xi xing xiangshan xco2 yn yandong yalu δ97 ##bt ##bara ##hs ##hur ##hara ##rl ##rink ##aa ##aim ##aver ##afloor ##nar ##nillo ##dy ##dic ##cite ##cay ##ctiv ##coll ##uit ##uum ##lar ##lation ##ius ##ierite ##ihoe ##ttan ##oort ##oihoe ##gent ##gian ##gott ##mag ##mant ##moto ##magnetite ##melsberg ##yon ##yle ##yapatite ##fz ##f5 ##f3 ##fer ##fis ##fact ##fah ##folded ##28 ##264 ##ping ##polation ##kr ##kai ##zar ##69 ##14 ##18 ##19 ##xian ##xitic ##xagonal ##84 ##90 ##ık ##tiago ##ream ##alt ##alies ##alay ##erfis ##enges intimate inwards inequ anders ##ormal ##oranite ##roqu ##ropl ##roof ##itry ##ication ##icao ##anide ##anies ##anhu ##anubian ##as2 ##aser ##asilian ##ascar ##osome ##osites ##olian ##isture ##ishes ##lean ##lets ##ats ##atal tom tous tower ##entory ##agena ##agascar ##mpe ##mps deuter ##aclastic ##aches ##acidic ##acık ##urrence isop ##ocont co3 coip coord coaxial contig ##vere ##igur ##igneous ##igoon ##terior als allu minas minute ##ilure ##ilitic ##izaga ##imm ##otage mineralium deposita ##phanian ##phyllite ##luotage ##seafloor anne anth anatex suz grid chr chamb chips chitry ##yst ##yssal ##amaz ##aby severe ##tico ##nected atokite magalies computed companies ##eres styl ##odia ##odically max ##gea ##talcite ##ogens ##ogutu ##arto ##ador tefl ##umide ##ummon ##uca shu incong quant quies quick quanta quotas ##ira ##irata hycro ##tensky ##tennes cry critic crink ##inear hydrosp hydrotalcite strate resis resolve ##lesi alterations magneti basic veg relating waste arch artig plays assign assise assays unst unroof metap metaps ##connected ##plot enlar ##ranean geobar interpolation abiti abiotic phil preand valler norm norwe ##standing subseafloor cups cube cufes2 para ##udzh ##ometallic failure collector ##0035 ##iano ##iped voltennes aptian caps notwith canyon leave locus overgre reporting hexagonal ##tines ##forward ##osely obsc obuas pbs scal science modifying ##ivari agrees ##mons volcanoclastic ##parts prism ##eller bio biological enrique lateto regularly recurrence trave lah ##ackes bothnian adds admix marl mont monte serves ##aching pecul apatites amudzh preclude underlies spur spacing ##ensland consisted ##ixe imprec imposs 108 moves mooihoe moisture ##iet surprising geologists coales transmission transforms ##avi bodnar design designed verging verkh crusts brid bruk brasilian ##rena mathur microcr microlite olive ironstone contrad drummon applying ##maq uraninites ##clin tuha treat reman slur analyze paleoarchean ptfe tectonized tectonothermal inference dolomites dolomitization mgt ##metry inventory stere stephanian measuring irand irumide ##pruit measures equally decided averaged furn lithium ##termost 1950 112 synmetamorph synclines participation strikes barcel 124 129 supple continents sandy ##ramite liquidus deflation stands plutonism siroqu chlorapatite ##tifact modeled sokom homogeneity ##ambres westernmost greenland wallaby 2001 2003 predated ceased tafah taxitic prograd curvil ##uchin preserves preserving expulsion 137 135 138 ##tituted solids halogens combining argyle cratonic collage 147 143 ordering meaning periodically transitions limitations baw baogutu working explaining varirata ##olcano monzogranite 230035 classify guide avallon ##ovolcano reacting photochemical possibilities growing influences swell isocon confidence configur phyllitic bleaching ended lacks platelets enclose ##ject exceptions circum prefer intruding pui 2730 gerowie hfo2 δ18osm ##ikan grande outermost fertil smok smmpe δ18oh2o 397 subsolid camps focussing downwards 860 868 fresnillo metalloid terminations ##voir gmcl quantified quantification ##uginous densities ionization pitca linking linkam rammelsberg orthog self argillite 225 705 mechanical blanket ##inders titration logatche ##hyttan closest serpentinites coverage accessible potassically mediumto ##skin volatil regards braid difficulty ##burnean physico 002 325 323 santiago loosely metasomatically promote graphic tetrafer queensland capability 7500 delamination elongation 314 holocene riddar exceptional subgroups chddh102 denser viewed chilean residuum neutron implication excludes 2631 2633 2638 repeat arrive contemporaneously fitting ##uki blockspruit 021 leucogranites maclean shortly 07473 needle 1984 1989 ##oyuan hydroxyapatite drives kruchin prevent prevented tholeiite hanley revis synthesis infilled digested occasional creation create utilizing metaigneous gabbronorites 735 certainly travertines evaporative 470 gains panj pangea podlesi greisens ##lagine reconc branching doubt hyperacidic buckskin eqs analogues aquifers turbiditic 848 avalonian ##ansu segments arguments isochoric selenides sapphires keno ohmoto ##ruent ##153 shanks evolves petrology reviewed 64zn kanmant fluctuating predominates lherzolites pegmatoids psamm conceicao exposures catal cataclastic dananhu nitric connected strongest climate powdery kilometre waned occupied detectors attempt attempted boreholes drove drops pelambres cobaltite perspective establishing susceptible ltas injections democratic acquire 2641 polars polarised aeolian froodite kuroko naslund putoranite condensate exactly straightforward careful preceded syenogranite cells unex shifted ferromagnetic ##ostratigraphic munzur munizaga ##arest ##interpre quadr cu3au schemes 106t geothermometer harzburg lanthanides iberian alaska alaskan challeng crypt resembl commenced 1833 endowed publications naclequiv bisulfide biscay djon djerfis gravity norbergite ferruginous permitted baggott etc rsd rosiere yunkai zhaoyuan advection swarm anticlockwise tantalum microstructures duration asymmetrical washing lithostratigraphic lithostratigraphy 1980s government cambodia habit tilting coatings drainage county mkd153 scavenging rustenburg bw2147 cartagena sigma sketch ##drift stratovolcano metadacite substrate sputtering 2670 envisaged decrepitation counterparts lineaments 8037b blankets unequivocal moldanubian ovacık asthenosphere extinction criteria screening monosulfide propagated superlattice edifices buoyant powdered century duplicate elliptical decoupling attributes amalgamation eclog huston hunan kainuu loparite pilbara rd98 rita ruthenium delicate beauvoir madagascar carletonville august weihed aggradation monolito impoverished poitou eliminate longitudinal switch paulo pitchblende nanozones aquitards lamproite assimilated lithoclasts lepidolite disappearance buchans wolframite acanthite gomez greece hidden hysteresis hinchey jatoba jueluotage luminescent nullagine overes russian sretensky sopcheite tosdal tropical vhms vsmow wabigoon yalung δ97mo inequigranular ##roplatinum tousuquan ##ocontact coipa contiguous anatexis magaliesberg teflon incongruent hycroft crinkly hydrosphere artigas unstable enlarged abitibi valleriite norwegian notwithstanding overgrew obuasi amudzhikan imprecise impossible mooihoekite verkhne bruker brasiliano drummond synmetamorphic barcelona siroquant sokoman tafahi curvilinear δ18osmow subsolidus pitcairn logatchev tetraferroplatinum riddarhyttan kanmantoo djerfisherite 060 2d 2c 3r 3mg 4h 4f 5e 5f 530 6f 66zn 7d 720 8e 8f 840 821 9b 9e 915 9s8 ahe agh aided aerial akin bh ban bos bass bivari c1 cin cab cuc cros cren cited creg casts cosm dop dall deng ddh dsp eg ete ech era ecu egress f3 fan fuch fwh foss gs gle gib garn gole ghan goss hb hi hog hamp hco3 jig juc kre kle kyr kel kres kgm kamp kamb kla kirs karelian ly lon lad lance lama lors logn langd lrees mj mas mam mir mach mort mcl mio nc ny natal nyst oes othr oyu ped ples pium pail pins pico pheng picking rop rak rdu rules rising rora risk sj slu som shed sark s1b tys tidal uq u3 vid vill vell wor word wai wds wo3 waves zo zin zheng сu ##bow ##bres ##bena ##hir ##hang ##h2s ##rs ##rich ##rick ##rinite ##elu ##eanic ##aq ##non ##nate ##nant ##nest ##nov ##dol ##del ##dles ##cti ##come ##chemical ##cada ##uite ##uay ##uven ##l2 ##iop ##ired ##iyang ##tot ##tland ##tah ##o8 ##oul ##genetic ##mi ##ming ##menting ##mrl ##yg ##yz ##yerite ##sis ##sil ##sten ##sest ##solid ##sgruvan ##fu ##fq ##filtr ##filled ##vy ##vap ##viron ##part ##position ##ku ##ki ##kt ##zishan ##zstan ##zoned ##qia ##07 ##wangshan ##6d ##63 ##610 ##jing ##juven ##xe ##xure ##xand ##31 ##38 ##39 ##88 ##tei ##tectonic ##ontein ##tier ##tiated ##reo ##reenschist ##ini ##inian ##initic ##alized ##alitic ##ndepositional ##eran ##ering offic ##enas ##enum ##enov ##environ innov ##oran ##orides ##orient ##arb ##arr ##arith ##argite ##aruite ##rotron ##ital ##itten ##itored ##itanide ##ants ##itect ##osic ##ository ##ols ##olas ##is2 ##ishen ##let ##leum ##levskite ##ider ##atos ##ingshan ##ulu ##ulang thomp ##agou ##agged ##agonia deform reos reoc reich rejuven ##aca ##acites ##urization ##urst ##used ##usite isomer ##ocally ##ocerite ##ochemistry ##oclin ##oceanic cop cogenetic connate ##tract ##triped align alto beige as1 asia astm forty ##ila ##izonal ##owe ##imalay ##otograph ##tsch ##photograph ##lux ##sels ##separation ##omorp meant meyer sut sup suited gru grit gram chief chao ##amme ##amisk ##ammite ##abyssal sec seal sept ##ticed ##nel ##nek attit atoll sulu compaction ##elt ##eled ##elites stan stop strome stored staging stmd ##resh ##odum ##odym mao maher maks promp prove proved rocky disag distant disks ##iforn fluocerite exterior exfiltr ##ngu ##ngate ##ngsten ##thing ##ogors ##peta ##ader ##aday ##adero ##ume say sulfidic sulfatos ##ucat ##uctive shared shuang shangd incision incoming ##andl ##inement hydroseparation ##chner quartzand strad strip resin resone resurg ##quots ##lesse altering ##ppened ##matitized basque carius dian diat divers dipeta contour arte arrow arise artifact unamb unzoned lowto metac metaborate claim ##plain enig entered entering enargite geo geij conser fe5 feand femt interact intermit intercepted interconnected ##orer prere valle indis norr normin neogene subset submic cupro ##heden ##udes ims ##ometers failed collect ##aya ##soidal augen ##ipley ##ipoort friable apfu ##pectral differs ca2 caution capped ##ghan canaa formational ##raal leop sulphidation overfolded repository heap hematitic hekou heishen commission metamic ##tinen ##fordi action ackn indices simandl ##apa sedimentological liu liagh suggestions southerly agent volcanostratigraphic ##peranca mice charles biplot ##tovsky correg complemented nikol ##istan ##woyn moreto recall triang trying tracts novo noticed lafl ##ackish underes adak lowering earlyand monica monitored monoclin serve amyg precludes ##unsw zirconium spodum eshan esfordi esperanca characterise ##orddrift epizonal ppt moorddrift poik pobres poorer ##ieops ##lands 202 discs transcur transamaz rhodium ##under py4 syndepositional refining references desulf brackish brunsw prime pdbi ##ondike microl microphotograph ##ickens ternary dollase speculated appar arcata patagonia productive representation albian ##cl4 tungsten remnant slit slave ##olytic monazites ##critical paleoc paleopl ptand tectonite derive ##viken pluvial crystallographically dolomitized 158 invoke steenk ##cpdb considers lateritic postulate postmag flint calculating galenas averaging melted sericitized rhyth conglomeratic drillholes furtei ##pension sino sink 11b 261 2600 2605 syntectonic ##ampsk ##epoh superposition supercritical 1800 1830 striations separations continue ##quez ##queen rarer ##rams rubble totals kapp construction finest chlorarg mixtures extensions ##ylvan bull gabbrodol illino multip multisolid ##ieri 2004 predict chromoph cementing taand taung taieri select ernest curved transpressive snand 100s 305 evolutional 136 ##goi miller solidus solidification anomalism plans recording californ lamina na2so4 thinly coarsest 145 ##tstam ##beg radius longwangshan surrounds depletions mesh mesocumulate 252 baiano bafq ##isional mcqueen introduce ##umulus adjust stibi metasomatised 239 guo guan guizhou boulang political ##ophyllite ##ova acids acidity coarsely deeps 164 1650 ##cua ##ocrystalline swager interactions pointing ##lingwor isoclin conflic bleb reflectance mediter encloses puzz 2780 garnets partitions progressed gasification 173 labeled beamline hypabyssal substitu sideline exhibiting strikingly δ13cpdb device 369 fresher extrusion extrusive terminate terminating ##imeter metabasic transportation ##uguay overgrowth 3000 paired pits pitching preference distinguishes farm faraday thermomagnetic thermobar freshwater metabasalt orthocumulate releasing selby divide dividing ##ocryst 8060 1993 221 229 equivocal attractive amethystine scans 333 bubbles logarith phenocryst accompany mobilize 219 balmat ##nwald ##bai flanks d317 ##ushu intersecting accumulating bathurst andraditic picritic pyrophyllite palaeoto palaeopl 007 005 008 ##bergsgruvan 355 naturally ##riquez penns powell subgreenschist erupted eruptions 655 estu petroleum exhalite pc2 widths instructive ##pended pseudo pseudomorp 341 calibrations 312 holland holtstam hollingwor synchrotron 298 statement denver oblate excav excluding accurately 2637 2635 millions merge tensile approaches surveyed centred tmd 055 komatiitic unknowns bluff suspected suspension immature 0749 07264 passing yellowish 1987 cummington candidate rheologically ##xiu anorogenic streams stresses hydroxide subdivision phlogopitite ##ypes instant intraoceanic revised externally subjective infills 63cu dumps dungate digital easy harmon usefulness 725 creating creaser utilised antiform paleoge paleoenviron wilkinson project networks outlines millimeters millimetric yanshanian 7420 filabr ascended ascendant saponite simulations traverses evaporate 484 forearc borders cascada klenov klondike ybcn ##curity ##jiaping replacements combusted titanohe gentle ##gyzstan dominion dominates m3b rotated sensu ready mauritanide discharged slabs 2656 predictions cementation centimeters turbidites happened yamansu zeiss ##ingering begins statistics shares shorter nevado degassed evolve petrologic ##kenbos microcontinents predominately millimeterto humid lags westerly ##jiashan ##alda conceiv enveloped academic petrochemically vacuum niton torlesse arkoses climates accommodation explanations dynamics 61ni boninitic batches landforms marialitic uruguay occupies percolation undergoing organized seemingly deltaic microfracture 469 beside mos2 missing names rp05 constituent transects destructive flooded flooding powerful hyperspectral idealized fes2 kazakh opposed opposing squares wedepoh xinxiu cordilleran improved 2642 polarity anorthosites 981 rodded rodinia rodbergsgruvan beaghbeg stromatolites tetraborate unmineralised encaps subaqueous obtaining 101ru 103rh favourable berkenbos bitlis conformable ferromanganese bordering 5bis2 benches honey kinetic misinterpre raster ##ohn isothermal reprecipit scavenge melanocratic godlevskite aliquots challenge challenges stretched sulfarsenide resemble resembles imperfect juxtaposes nucleation nucleated abruptly attaining ##umbite reliably interfingering practice practically micropixe 1256d construct visualised fluorocarbonate categorized manifestations impregnation impregnated alexand tentative vitrinite zhao ##cdt annieops ##angzhou advective pools displacements millimetres filaments microstructural coprecipitation kundelu kinds troct wuyi wujiaping wavenum xl3t conceptual proceeds ##quotch subzone amazon amazonite lithocap intensifying programs 232th triggering destabilization trachyand effusive flexure habits mistamisk samarium tilted vessels written reactor reactant exert extraord contaminated cupola microtextures microtextural embayed scavenged melanorites rustenburgite truncated devolatilization devolatilisation dunnage henry henriquez iodp junge ribs choapa stained distilled distillation microgran transgression transgressive darrehzar phyllosilicate phyllosilicates thermochemically uplifted reconstructions donor jenner locked murky wrapping ##holm thousand ##iguously arenaceous shadows arabia paradise lavigne lithotypes 1960s taurides avocado endmembers smelting palaeosurface ferrocolumbite coprecipitating electrochemical geosciences websterite awaruite fifth gallium hoku pascua pachon renewed ysterberg δ2hfluid convinc maghemite inconsistent crudely ##ppsjo parkerite martitization discordia symple settling solvent planknek weaknesses smooth rooipoort metallogenesis dilatational diffractometer holmtrask 38arcl microporous latitude daily dabie dundonald fumar girdle jawoyn kensu michaud mutual rgb tolgoi tunnels yn10 ##collisional deuteric coordinates alluvial anthophyllite suzuki chambers stylolites quantum quiescence quickly critically architect unroofing metapsammite obscure scalar bridge remanent supplemented 147sm 143nd meaningful fertilizer smoker eclogitic 91500 bassanite bivariate crosh creggan doped ecuador fuchsite fossil garnierite ghana hiatus juchem kyrgyzstan krestovsky kambalda klappsjo kirschner lognormal langdal mortar nyf nystrom othrys pailin pinstriped ropey rdu8 roraima sarkuh uqac u3o8 village vellmer words zinnwald ##ctitic ##vapor ##qiaoshan thompson reocin isomertie alignment chiefly chaotic stromeyerite ##odymium maksaev shuangqiaoshan shangdan diversified unambiguously geijer femtosecond intermittent heishentian liaghat corrego nikolaev laflamme monoclinic spodumene poikilitic transcurrent transamazonian brunswick pdbi2 dollaseite steenkampsk postmagmatic chlorargyrite ##ylvanian gabbrodolerite illinois california boulangerite isoclinal mediterranean substituting pennsylvanian pseudomorphed hollingworthite 07491 cummingtonite titanohematite wedepohl berkenbosch annieopsquotch kundelungu wavenumber steenkampskraal 020 1to 2fe 3g 3te 4e 460 510 580 560 6e 680 620 7ag 780 8s8 bure bow bom bou bous bone bill blow bip bight bomb barium cb cit cig clu cred chem crow cyl cien cathe coch dp d5 dx dal dag dim dess dbs donald dream ew eos ease eye eburnean fial gj gat geral gangd gathered her hur hou hay hang hodg hthr himalay iit ital jo jin jack jup jorn jingshan john ko kon kro kore kaba ln ll lg lin les lit lis lent loci lap lach lob lof lush ldic mp mys mou meng mik miar nr ng nk nch nap nond niang nya n15 om oen omitted owes pine qinglong rm rac rig row rab rays ripp rye ripley s3 sro stic sir sten sale svan sask saga tat till tip tree tonga tully uv uk u6 uand ull ural vg v3 vot vys vog vad vene void v2o3 v2o5 wa wic wis went ward ways wool xe xc xcl ye yu yand yaz y2o3 zi zk zer zate zap ƒo2 σree σreo ##bro ##bation ##bus ##bot ##bted ##bran ##bore ##bound ##bium ##buna ##bismuth ##bbly ##bituminous ##har ##how ##hood ##rin ##ror ##rig ##rain ##ries ##rive ##rical ##rund ##ev ##eum ##ais ##app ##aved ##nic ##nore ##nville ##niangshan ##nogors ##don ##dam ##diff ##dynamic ##doh ##cation ##cus ##uj ##uil ##uquic ##lk ##lard ##lases ##lict ##lanite ##liang ##ii ##iot ##iors ##iarities ##ihu ##ihood ##tl ##tas ##tres ##tang ##oys ##off ##ompl ##ooked ##gte ##gred ##genite ##grade ##mid ##mus ##mers ##moy ##mentioned ##ype ##ytical ##ynite ##yko ##sb ##she ##saw ##s16 ##stein ##fat ##fring ##farto ##farb ##29 ##2fe ##77 ##71 ##vle ##vative ##vcdt ##pan ##pur ##pres ##pene ##phere ##pds ##kop ##kine ##kof ##zim ##zuel ##zburg ##qiling ##ws ##wara ##wald ##66 ##13 ##55 ##44 ##480 ##jin ##jen ##jnore ##36 ##33 ##heeda ##tet ##tek ##teent ##tempor ##tezuel ##onym ##timal ##timati ##tiform ##tikn ##rected ##rela ##remes ##refring ##inion ##incan ##incl ##inox ##inrich ##inants ##alic ##alth ##alinity ##alysis ##alusite ##espathic ##erle ##erim ##eria ##ertained ##erves ##eni ##encing inability inliers inlier inrs ingred andalusite ##oride ##oriented ##orbed ##orrected ##arin ##arag ##arson ##arks ##roys ##rodite ##robismuth ##itting ##itors ##itana ##ican ##icles ##icity ##icto ##iccation ##anob ##anced ##anmi ##asc ##osinian ##atero ##olarite ##olla ##isa ##isky ##lem ##letal ##lectr ##idad ##iderg ##atong ##lysis tomk ##enta ##ull ##ulous thom thms throw thunder ##mping det deal deer deline ##ithme rein requisite reject ##acture ##ural ##ursion ##urtian ##urgy ##uses ##ushed ##ocation ##ocun cook copa cong cones conical ##vered ##trons ##igo ##tery alm alard almas beak asen asand ##atives ##atibly force forced ##urer ##romagnetic areal ##ili ##ilic ##iland ##ilton ##ilatero ##izable ##aine ##aint ##ims ##imented ##immer ##otskite ##otrophic ##lue ##luoride ##lurobismuth mere metric meurer anh answ suff grant chart chord champ chuck chuquic ##yses ##amst ##amata ##oubted ##abe ##ables ##abridge sell segmented security ##net ##neresis ##opting compound compares ##elines std stor stone stay storm stub stann sturtian ##resby ##odoch mand maok proton prokof orific rockhole disl ##ifero fluence existed exocontact ##tall ##ogenetic formil ##adong ##adily ##adney ##uma saw ##ucity shms shang shrink incident ##iring ##ibles ##ibia ##ibalized ##ander cr2o3 hydrom hydrate ##antz ##inea ##alcic ##oneous ##chun ##chynite ##asserim quartzo stricto restite residing resorption resolving ##quel ##quilibr ##quiring goldfarb alters magneto ##ppard carville carlo caraca cardiff veh vectors diameters relates washed arak arises arithme plain plzen compose composing unf unable unrec unmod ##entrum concluding evander highs highand ##contempor clots ##place enters ensu geomorph carbonatis consumption constituted feij fetot interbed intermineral interiors abad phon phill ##oren ##orenc ##orezan ##oregrade precon pressed validation valenta induce indosinian norway neill nearest neodymium ##ouraged ##kejaur concentrating subto subdu suboxic submitted substage subbituminous submers cupr cuhs parys paralic ##hedron ##uding imaged ##000 reequilibr augmented frie fringe frimm frantz ##iapo hasbro ##fferson ##ifferen cae caoping ##ght ##ghanian pertur canon ##raw ##raes ##rared leh leak leica ##astrophic variances variolitic variables overcome analyser analysing height heath hemis heinrich richards commin maine maintained ##formal acf acicular ##hemeral allen ##apu ##apure zonations sedimentology liassic likel pbse something scb scp scand weighting signs ##duct ##ival ##arding aging ##monton ##persed ##rosite microm charlest biored biochemical biotic biota birefring bierle ##tobal ##aks corro corrive ##fication domal domed chalcopyriteand ##istocene regolith greber grenville recumb tracing trlk no3 noku lau ##angu ##angen ##angxi ##angpo undated undisco undoubted undifferen adverse adopting assembly ##adewer genalysis maritana monom served ##achi ##achment pebbly petikn pearson commonplace amg ##iallanite spi spier spiderg differently ##ensh ##arny ##arnota esquel limnic eventual characterisation characterizing characterises ##ortment accompl ##olet ##arela ephemeral ##ixiangshan impressive 107 moresby poyi ##iev shell sheppard ##timated 205 204 transverse translate rhodoch ##avrian pyre biotites syrena syneresis refolded reflux refinement desiccation version verbena crustiform brit pd2 ##rench matric matched microincl ##azo ##aziland contraction blade feldespathic dragged fractionating ##bert producers disseminatedand pyramidal proposal ##cl3 ##clasts treated ##phalian smallto remote remarks slits slickens ##olyarny seta setup gao paleomagnetic ptas2 enriching oreskes eupene infrared plum plugs crystallise crystallising 152 151 153 159 elc eliop kept tieline ##meh invoked stem steels steadily hematiteand thicken thickens postcollisional possess flinn flavrian ##auss ##austed solfat equant equinox fieldwork decimet melbour outwards outbound museum ##ishi ##ishing crossing mineralogies westphalian reduces timefr 1930 dok 114 268 2610 2680 2647 displacing synor synand ultravi ultrapure superprobe 1847 stripped barri 12a supplies supplier ##quet centrif osmir oswald osorezan ##shi ##shs ##shanda ##shmeh ##50mrl ##olybd ultramafics defe finland finds chloridic 402 405 ##manite plagioclases soon standardized foil illites greenbus constrains correlating predating chromium chromites nbs nband eastoe paragonite ce2o3 taocun overlooked erl erf3 youanmi progression fluorites youngs ##okawa dissolving transposed ndcl2 ##cheshmeh ankara middel 301 gradational expand exports expands stockholm 1300 ##erenced milled spectrog stratified stratification corresponded ##titative ##iorso argide argument tenasserim thinner daralu rimming oxychl cratonization lascar collared ##oelectr 1400 1450 ##beck radiolytic longitude belches meanmagnetite ##ystallization footn mesoto ##henocrysts ##issance ##ognized 253 258 2500 baixiangshan offsh uncorrected borbore ##umulates recognize recognizable stilf monzonitic bacd classical marginally guy guinea guangxi topics ##raded fluoro fluorides fluorination granodiorites book gladney tur1 fourteen cooler negro talbot 166 163 saturate unconformable ##uangshan influencing austria kalatong swaziland technological rayrock confident conflict phyllites ends thicknesses cm3 editor edmonton prefix polym polyphase ablations 279 notewor equilibria discussions gerais exhausted parallels strained episodically illustration protolithic tinto marker ##rystalline gashes rivers 172 176 178 1700 labels beams ferrian ##oxing thermally huangmaq 390 affil hereaf minimise induces ##lineau ##2s3 steaming 4000 road rojnore losses muddy documenting platforms universite positioned positioning phosphor phosphoric demonstrating coupling paid paucity ##liable leachate farallon links thermometry thermoelectr semiquan ramdoh ##tilization portezuel erratic erroneous opx option optics optimal opinion ##ogrante alternation cannibalized isochrons behaves 8098 burn 1995 228 2200 704 blanks ##indrical spotted brownish scanner ##akhsky 337 334 diops cherty chernogors discriminant discriminating baltic balanced heling helmy sixteen nanshan nanjing chondrodite hardy hardly hardey freiberg intersect favona milky palaeoc exceeded evidently 322 june sanshanda interstices interspersed penon evaluating subgrain experiencing estrela kerc kerver pca pc3 graphs segregate tetrahedral crackling nowchun quetico constantly caples paleosalinity plagiogrante magnesium papua framboid 344 370 375 311 315 datum ridges ridley thirds thirteen conductive interstitially geophysic descriptive ##ovice denote operations residence neutrons globule cyanob molten anhydrous exclude brazilian cdt merc merchan ##ucki arrival approached 018 emu 8009 macraes sustain suspended 075 67zn passage coincide 1981 lengthy realm ##ochro conversion glasses propylitically 285 uniformly 762 ##kulla reproduce 570 57fe violarite infilling duan duuring dubuna chalcedonic utility utilize vacancy antithe intercumulus differentiate 423 cerny projection projections projecting postdating postdepositional channeled rubidium pseudomorphic 745 730 film films filtered 2667 2661 boxes evaporates 473 430 fenzishan panadero equals chddh084 3811 999 casa tianjin recons reconna underlines requirement greywackes titanian titanomagnetite 9650mrl camg alpuj unreliable impurity lamellar destroys flysch jefferson rotokawa reader discharging fluxes analogy 2657 2654 quantity approaching 84kr avalon penecontempor yamada attes shaoxing nevis facilities arguably prevails consequences kenya attack shannon 1607 helpful malaysia running ##zhuang ##apatitevapor microcontinental ##aughlin idea ##jiagou metagabb enveloping symmetry petrochemistry emphasize facilitates 418 catastrophic damage nitrates toro toroid toroidal arkosic breaks breakup spanning accommodate 1973 130xe exceedingly antimonides penetrated kilometres 695 famous marian occupying microanalyses organometallic 8900 kurrund namibia pelites rp3 rpfr spark ##brick ##borne ##213 decompression cobaltian athabascan aims opposite rouyn wodginite cristobal consuming ignition ignoring 2644 definitive erzincan tensional macroand triggers pillowed airborne frozen governing governed jiangshan jiangnan khwa kharag know knight mianlue sedimented splits ambiguous precede manifested favours beryl domeyko huili lensoidal nist610 nugget ##auride issues ##traskviken porphyroclasts referring refertilization continentally 1990s beni misorient ##po4 arranged entrance 106pd 1967 1966 overlapped substituted czarnota raises slower slowly tellurobismuth troughs ##organ convex alaskite stretches quarry quartet questioned clarity commun advance advances advocated brackets dryness euxenite 2628 1832 handpicking photosynthesis binding gandarela mongshu woodall stabilise clathrates interference intracrystalline micrometre practical visualisation ferrifero ferriallanite pathfinders successively manifestation porphyroblast impregnations bags fibrous honshu kyanite kyushu spear speed vital vitric depressions annual sequestr disposed dispute granophyre hemushan wetland modestly floored buffering urd54 urd69 baker baked elliot npgm pipeline xlh asymmetric ##ombite disruption washington electromagnetic enhancement geoscience prevalence scotty sericitised potsdam 1867 1865 hollister obliterates routinely governments cambro efforts gammons kfs2 mistaken renstrom samuel tsangpo algoma divergent contaminants concretionary validity cupolas objectiv noticeably monitoring extractable embay macroscopically mkd5 truncations commercially hammer iodine junior mueller ql1 ribbon sarfarto sarcheshmeh ##daloidal ##atchewan towns ##ulphide bendigo choice chronological chronometers staining metadacites concurrently perfectly ag2pds envisage simpler simplicity decrepitated 308b counterpart lineament universidad thermochron optimum 8037a blanketing loading buildup reconstruct unequivocally encompasses bonded hrem holds hutti hongqiling jensen langban pieces ponds ravar sx50 twinning ##toral thousands arenites gravel complicated arabian 105pd deciphering lithotype tauride avoca endmember smelter extrapolation ferrocolombite organizations millimetreto geoscientist eighteen emerge emerging elucidate izmir izawa justified kedd kedtrask kunyang nh3 pleistocene pleochro siegenite trench yuanjiagou alleghanian ascertained geyserite subcalcic cuau3 intrinsic intrinsically complementary sphene discernible descending irradiation manufacturing manufacture 1427 transtensional aureoles culmin ghiorso goes hitachi james nominally nizhne rollback sf6 skeletal siberia xiadong andersson isoplot annealed strategy resistivity magnetitite vegas metapelites geobarometry capsules lahtinen montana peculiarities 108pd designated contradict treatment slurry 1950s progradational configuration rammelsbergite orthogneiss braidplain kruchininsky revisited reconcile psammitic catalao quadrilatero harzburgites challenging cryptocrystalline resemblance bhvo bosco cosmos dalli fwhms jigsaw kelley lydon ladder lancefield mamadewer mclaughlin pedra plesovice phengite rakkejaur somarin vidsel worth ##oulos ##silicates office ##orantim deformations rejuvenation copiapo altogether supra secret stannite ##reshk prompt disaggreg straddles resonetics resurgence diatremes contours artefact enigmatic conservative prerequisite valleys leopold adakite amygdaloidal apparition kappabridge multiplying chromophore stibiopalladinite guanchong puzzle thermobarometric logarithmic instantaneous harmony paleogeographic kazakhstan encapsulated reprecipitated transgressions hokuroko convincing symplectitic architecture 7ag4pb bousera blown bipyramidal cigar cylindrical cientific cathelineau daguding dessication donaldson fiala gangdese hodgkinson italy jupiter kabaing lld lgn littoral lentz lofty mouth mikucki miarolitic nchanga niangniangshan rabo stenbran svansele saskatchewan sagaing tullybrick votorantim vysotskite vadose wicheeda wispy woolley xc480 zerreshk zatec zapolyarny ##tasomati ##vlei ##kinematic ##teenth ##onymous ##timating ingredient tomkins ##ursions beakers answer chuquicamata ##amstown stubby stannopalladinite maokou arakan unrecognized unmodified geomorphologic carbonatisation feijao ##orencite subdued reequilibration frietsch frimmel hasbrouck caopingliang hemisphere likelihood charlestown bioreduction bierlein corriveau recumbent undiscovered undoubtedly undifferentiated petiknas spidergrams accomplished rhodochrosite matrices microinclusions eliopoulos solfatar melbourne timeframe ultraviolet barriers osmiridium oswaldo greenbushes middelvlei oxychlorides meanmagnetiteoregrade borborema stilfontein kalatongke noteworthy huangmaqing hereafter rojnoret semiquantitative ramdohr portezuelo sanshandao cyanobacter 381132 reconnaissance alpujarr penecontemporaneous kurrundie kharagpur objectives sarfartoq mamadewerre stenbranet 1e 1d 1g 2f 2s2 2sn 2clin 3i 3pb 3cu 480 4mg 5th 520 5fe 640 612 6mg 6clin 7e 7f 7and 760 7qtz 8g 880 830 8s16 9d 9c 950 910 920 aq a1 aph ace auc aley azur akt azim bs b2 bp b1 bol biz bab bart bold bism bpb bise cn cres cir cave cnt cst cust catol cfs cabor ccd c2h cimmer dus dow dys dir dick dict damp days dongshan dfs dpt dpd ea eure eth ems eco erh eche ende eoe ebi eck ethan fp fx fе fos fag fia fers file feng font fco2 fash funne fh2s felt faint french gt gx gor gan gig gse gel gres gone gass gsr gilg his hat hil hbl hrees heden hinges hulu hangzhou ik iter ige ilt iae ijen jb jr jes jas jac jand jet jishan jabil jinn jason jolla kf kα kin kop kone kong kill kud kron kap kond koun kram kath kado kwet kash keller lc lp lø lhe ler lod lud lip latite lose lun libr luang lists lago ldi lhas luminescence ladol mh mf mz men mack moly muk mangan mask moses moss mention nl nig nim nts nab nase naz nyl nup n20 n05 nappe nested nomen oy oun oma oval ock ooids own omn pk pon pad pir pediment pra pages pto porp prome pah pelite pirs pco2 qing qip qiang rt ration rog rose rund romer rins reng rsc ruling ross rises riet ryz ss sz sic sle sag sure sver sich sine soci sari sard sack sang stim sob sided sodal sieved sodically tb tf t2 tas tag tres tand tap tformation tabas ttn tula tuck tropic ud um utah vu vt vel vand vik viter vangu wen wul wag wur wop wir wand wto winn xp xst xav xmod xuan yon yag yich yard ytter zan zang zhen zaw zub zule zvy αx δe σn σ1 ##bh ##ben ##bit ##bas ##berite ##bale ##bell ##bile ##bric ##him ##ham ##hab ##htite ##homog ##hbh ##rit ##rave ##rary ##rites ##rime ##rcd ##ratonic ##ei ##ef ##ege ##ease ##ety ##eet ##ewah ##aes ##aer ##auc ##air ##aque ##aara ##nard ##night ##ners ##nonite ##nah ##nik ##nice ##nazo ##da ##d00 ##delle ##daph ##cit ##cil ##cou ##centr ##cides ##cra ##civ ##cised ##ciss ##cceed ##comb ##uv ##ux ##uhe ##uti ##uro ##uation ##uly ##uve ##uts ##uam ##uge ##uver ##ugm ##uters ##lv ##lon ##lore ##lific ##lausible ##liao ##ios ##iately ##iushan ##tti ##tos ##top ##tations ##tmann ##tawa ##tully ##oan ##oite ##oting ##otive ##otry ##ook ##oying ##ga ##gon ##gor ##gsh ##gration ##gans ##gerson ##men ##mater ##may ##mell ##mium ##mak ##mically ##mber ##mised ##mination ##moidal ##myran ##yor ##yres ##yak ##ymetric ##si ##sud ##sbs ##spathic ##signe ##sulphide ##fy ##fite ##fold ##fill ##fall ##fkom ##font ##ferenced ##2g ##27 ##24 ##2cu ##215 ##75 ##79 ##797 ##vium ##vids ##vd00 ##ped ##pys ##ptite ##pass ##pical ##pell ##posed ##pins ##pta ##puts ##k1 ##kon ##kim ##klu ##kud ##kay ##kish ##kins ##kken ##ktrask ##karelian ##zu ##zer ##zent ##zak ##zie ##zman ##zenge ##zowe ##qiao ##049 ##wr ##wj ##war ##wth ##wand ##wright ##600 ##618 ##52 ##56 ##jeld ##jial ##jens ##jarn ##junction ##juca ##xts ##xel ##34 ##3shs ##92 ##95 ##9cu ##hear ##heating ##tee ##test ##telite ##tellur ##tegration ##onic ##onom ##oncl ##onov ##onca ##onnage thematic ##tith ##tious ##rew ##rete ##reed ##reil ##inis ##inally ##inav ##inick ##inology ##inpro ##inze ##inarily ##inned ##inators ##integration ##als ##alis ##alment ##nday ##ndip ##estruc ##erd ##ert ##ertion ##erian ##ersen ##ergen ##erbur ##erlike ##erthur ##erciv ##enitic ##enters ##entile ##enko ##encore ##encies ##enzie inade inland inhib inex inlet inapp inhomog inputs anderson andrew andersen ##orin ##ories ##orial ##orily ##arte ##arid ##arat ##arus ##artine ##arzi ##tionally ##ropriate ##itation ##itter ##itgruvan ##iction ##icou ##icaba ##icheng ##anc ##anse ##anous ##anally ##anut ##anitic ##anshan ##ansky ##anjo ##anshi ##ede ##eder ##edas ##edition ##edish ##edee ##asa ##asi ##asm ##as3 ##aster ##asse ##asian ##asitic ##ashy ##ashear ##osh ##osph ##osion ##osium ##osities ##atever ##atectic ##olic ##olate ##olly ##olpa ##olls ##oluted ##oliated ##ison ##isal ##iscu ##isdic ##isbeck ##isenko ##lex ##leen ##leter ##lectite ##ido ##idated ##idong ##idates ##idental ##iduk ##idonov ##atly ##atase ##attered ##ingo ##ingway tow toman touch topped ##ulte ##ulent ##ulative thal thand thall thins tho2 thios ##agı ##ague ##aginze ##mpen dece deleter ##ithau ##ithfully rely reten retro retie reanal reoriented requiring reheating ##acu ##acular ##activity ##acicaba ##ura ##urc ##uru ##urized ##usil ##ustite ##ussion iso isod isometric ispend ishi isobar isomorphic ##oclite ##ocarbon ##ocused ##ocenters codes coerciv conduction contend conforms ##trally ##trong ##igm ##terback alfa alavi betic bead beaver betico belem aster asher asten ##atian ##atified ##urel minable miniscu areally areback deps depress depicts depofacies deportment depocenters ##ild ##ilu ##ilms ##ilob ##ilicate ##herts ##owing ##ained ##imil ##imiro ##otan ##otten ##otapu depository ##phys ##seen ##omag ##omena ##omyl ##ombo metic meiduk ances anto anvil anaer antully anatectic anatase sue suther succeed sunday grating grun grao chal chose chau chihu chicou ##ysed ##ysocol ##amite ##amids ##cey ##ouch ##abong seo seas sectors serena septa ##ione ##never ##nety ##neath ##ockite ##ocking atop atten attend ##ope ##opic compens computer ##ereng ##erelite ##ela ##elmer stations stace stones stressed staal status ##resolved ##odot ##odally ##odep ##odged maar mapp maier mauve mazowe maurel prolate prolific orc ortig orchan rocket disse disreg disease disintegration fluors exit exiting ##nggar ##thium ##ogeneous ##ogai format ##ady ##adf ##adra ##adium ##adier ##added team teix ##umie safe saville sahl sulfotellur ono onwards ##ucky ##ighing shim sharing shipped shaded shattered oregon quen quote quims quasi ##irie ##iridonov hyaline ##ibly ##ibut ##ibilities ##ibonca ##tened ##tenable ##andine ##andrite craw hydr whitish whiffs whatever wholly ##anto ##avelandite hydrogar hydrodynamic ##cha ##chron ##chbe ##chinson ##chung ##chison ##child ##assy ##asson ##assiere ##assini quartz2 quartzof strauss reson resting resides resume ##quate ##quif ##querelite goldd goldand goldban goldhab magnet bases basically carb carl carnian veget veizer relies relax ##utotrophic arms aryl arau arising artific arbit arvids aricheng ##ongy ##ongwa ##ongpo plc platin plaque colors coloration composites tynagh assump assertion uns unity uncr unfore unox unwan unrave unresolved untenable lowered concur evo highst ##contained clou ##plating ##plored ##plots get geore gevers geography geographically gehl carbonyl consols interle interstr interchan interven interacts interrup interflow interacting ##essartine abe abanic abdar ##orementioned occluded granlund ##eneities prem preven press presenting president valve indones indigenous nora norian norms norrb ##stac ##stream neb neil nemat nemaq neatly ##oury ##keady subtr subreg subtro suboph subtracted subtract cu2 cu9 cufe parnazo parasitic ##udgy imbric ##ometasomati fails faithfully collections ##eldspathic ##ayers ##ayco ##00n ##007 ##0025 ##ianite reecl ree2o3 ##encement au2cu au9cu ##ystals ##ipated ##ipres ##iputi fryer fulfill inclination hashim intracl intricate ##iffe usage apical diffusive cawth whenever ##ghs ##ghuangshan siltier ##itised perthite perkin peribonca cangsh ##rap ##raisal lebl leob leins leaves lebow locate sulphosal sulphidic oxo overpres overnight heights hematitized hekim richard ##igny comfort ##tini ##forth acting ##hemite ranger allocation simmons ##apro oberthur obstac lihir pb0 sometime somewhere somehow scour scores scss scope weighing wherever modares differed ##lled ##llised soule sought typified typify ##iving ##ivia ##ivial ##arded ##ardment ##ardia agn agv agglomer agents agsbs hoskin ##pers michen charts prone brenan breithau biased biof biogenetic larson ##aku ##akol ##akia ##akabe contentious corocco botucat ##ficially mayo domino ni3 nikon regressive silicocarbon sourcing try train truly trilob trivial noting nozak laval laohe laizhou lafont ##ango undiss adding marsh markey marsch marigny monometallic serv serrin ##achinsky peucat peanut peedee therein commonwe ammon amule groupings underline underway underta underpin underpins underneath underplating zirconolite spans spiridonov spongy spessartine ##ensis ##ensity espin estimating lime limonitic carbonateand skir skinned characterizes ##ersed ##olevskite epr epit epoch impar impul impet implausible pp16 10d 10s 10to 1080 1097 motion moat pojuca ##ieber ##ieving shea shen shetland ##timi poshi ##iley timeline up213 20fe 203t surge surmised discount discounted hostrock partners transist transient transbai rhass rhombo ##avor extents replen replicates rediss texas pyx pyxt biotiteand refined bodie verify vergent crusader ##raphical brc brf5 brugm brassy pdb pd5 pd3s pd2s pdcl4 pdsb mathe matur match matthe matching ##turn ##ondies microor microve microand microbe microdr microorgan ##azulu ##icka ##icky contribut blasting feldtmann druses feldspath dolnice specified speculation specks speculate speculative ##berget applies appoint ##makeady ##roxide develops developments uraniferous uranoph zn2 albitic δ33shs pyritization pyrito pyramids propylite ##clature ##cliffe tufa trellised sulfuric basements ##bley remelt reminis explic exploring sphalerites sphaleriteand ##tons ##tonic slides slates slov sldi slice slika studying analyte becker paleoa paleowe paleodep pt2fe afield afghan aforementioned eugs ##gman ##obei 15a 15to 1550 15sud horst eldor elura ##gler ##glai secondly mg2 mgab ##ovec ##met invest stee stein stems steeper thickened irms normalise manually manned threeand ##prus ##priately florencite ##tyre solute solving galle decameter decimeter distinctively outboard muski ##ishment ##ishaw ##ishingly drillhole furong mineralogic sri lithified lithoa ##warden reductive δ34spy δ34svcdt ##termes salient salsigne 1940 doing 11c 117 1150 2649 2646 synform synkinematic ##ampi oxidic oxidative ##ept ultrason supercon supersed supersaturated superficially stripping barrett 12b 121 1200 1280 foundation estimations centrally tourmakeady osterback liquidand environs rui ##shakol ##50mn electric electrons employing describing definite defocused totaltail totalcontained karee kaire kaji kawah kafa ##valent ##values siting siktrask chloro 40a ##mania ##tifies ##tiferous ##tifying ##tifiable so3 sokol cutoff ##ylene ##ylitic bulls standardization foya sericiteand greenockite appearing correlatives cleaver clearest cleavelandite ce4 ce3 cef3 generic generates selecting ##ivery eras ershan ercit progradation lightning dissolve dissimil transposition nd3 ndcn ##chez ##cheng ##cheider ##tricably arsenopyrites felsite midland midlands sno2 302 307 304 bounds ##ndeka expose express exposes expedition potassicand 13g 131 sitting ##otecn ##otectonic milling spectacular correspondence eleven solidified ##omalmen combines activated ##auk planet argyro loses lamination naoh ##aho darwin oxyhyd coarsen collomorph collocated ##oehoe counts 146 14qtz ##tstown ##tstanding homogenised ##deleyite ##bean radii spectrometric textureless effectiv peaked lacc semicon ##ystallites absorbed absciss meshes mesocratic mesosome ##henko explorationists limitation blocky blocking 257 256 251 255 254 2563 baojia bauru degraded geochronometer geochronologic strikeor magnetically fewer nonmineral offsw borates borisenko recognise aggregation bacl2 ##abasic 236 classes guided guiyang guangzhou jurisdic topic unconf uncontam visibly ##radian ##radational ##heses footwalls board booys glimm glauc glencore polic politic pollard polishing turner turkish trail traject ##ophilic ##ophosph ##oving ##ovsky reacts microscale petrographical maximal ##tigated cools weaker summation summits broadest 16o 162 167 161 168 1660 16daph factually ##strand ##straw 00015 singhbh ##oarsen horntraskviken memorial sww swamp swaine sweet heavily technologies protomyl confusion endoclastic endocontact ##ircular ##ergence ##aclasite docege garfield ##byachinsky 870 871 874 878 circle circulate edr edax structured structureless earths polyprop ablate 272 277 2760 2740 2715 illustrative ##cynian profound profuse proximate actinolitic markers progresses ##lidmyran outstanding actinoliteand 175 174 1798 labs labile labram labmater ferrog ferberite mm54 smd smudgy ##oxue huangjiashan 396 widest ##venly ##ventional ##105 borniteand focusing 606 60ni homogenizations downhole downstream handful devon devices clayton 365 3600n 867 866 869 rozn roeder rounding ##dings metalloids recrystallize ##awi ##awha extracting termites termination terminates terminology migmatitic migmatitized mudge ##voite germanite germanate priori tarbi platformal benef clustering phosphorite morgans collisions microscopically economics henceforth ##liuhe contexts leachable farms hottah ##aja seamounts thermometer semiarid microbands nodular portr porcel porosities exsolve exsolving schorl schmid schieber orthoc orthophosph clinoch narbale naranjo opalite optically ##ogranitic alternate divrig 8036 bury 1992 703 708 70zn extrem ##akhsk 332 338 logf logical phenocrystic phenomena dextrally retrogression retrogradational tended principles accompanies closing discriminates discriminators calderas 217 balances helps ##ofluoride nancy nanosc nanoto chondritic conclusive hardening meteorite fremoy hsla dispersal timesc pathway flanking bravoite distally interseismic bathymetric stars starved laminar piche picrite picrit monzodiorites mille author palaeocene debreil debouch physio talnotry 328 458 morphologically 356 3500 35qtz jumping jubile junggar sanchez ##riel ##riasian volumetric d2797 loelling loaded lozenge penglai rifean robb robie temporary eruptive reactivations 654 functions promise promotes promoting diffracting petrophys metasiltstones flatter exhalation jiaobei pc9 widen graphitization segregating colorada tlc ##tahedral quebr capture captured prospectivity 758 papers yinzh delfkom delivery mylonitization 371 373 316 313 318 bimodally datable emplectite holistic holmt ##wegu incompatibly synchron contemporary contemporane closures chddh49 chddh007 dentith operates examining terrace territor territory removes globular cyprus lightest lastly molasse oblig properly excursions necessit permeated 2636 2634 horizontally distinguishable cds merging sharpe appropriately simplest embley emergence ##uka mss1 mss5 variscides schematically targeting 600f 883 8822 komatiites pacquet ##ograms leucosome ##ceptometer vapours bismuthinite goodness goodarzi luv luoxue maceral sustained susceptometer immersed propylitized 0739 670 676 671 675 passed yellowstone deviates coinciding coincidental ##abria needles 1982 1985 1988 candidates heshang rheology streaks glassy phlogopitic kru ottawa instability centering 765 fusing fussel hannah watkinson inversely 573 578 tanco tanzan viability procedural syntaxial brineor specialized infillings duarte harlow ##ryos ##ryav cream creede dasongpo utilises ##diorite frequencies 427 424 achieving ceritgruvan ##liness colouration postdated rub2 pseudomorphically 036 741 castor certainty filter filters mv07 ##ymite convenience conventionally 2662 2666 2664 boxwork svecokarelian 479 48t 487 485 483 48mt cathode fenites fenitized fenghuangshan gaining tailing ##istencies laurentia stockscheider collapsed turbulent chddh088 chddh077 chddh056 intercalation independently 95th 990 998 autonom autometasomati casd tianyu zhong shovel shoals peripheries underlined economy economou economies requirements titaniferous 96wj branch brannan camera liberate ##tane ##mitt lamellas franklin ##fluidsilicates jean rotating sherman sensing ##book reyes discharges fluxing perthitic matsuh prediction ##minerali 842 haas hair haast ha21 ha17 ha31 ha27 haerlike haadf hawarden packing zeolites megasc megapro attest traded analyzers isochors prevailed 681 68zn ##hengshan feeding ferroan thermodynamics behaviors abbreviation 585 644 gbn gipps kank malone malawi piercey anatolide temora caribbean interlocking appreciation appreciated wallrocks absolutely integral synchronously contributes acquisitions 042 045 490 976 cdd00 huminick nineteen tests ##aldt concealment anionic hydrocyl granulites symmetric thrusted emphasizing emphasizes facilitating 41mt catete cataclasite damaged dayinge mkushi manganeseand nitrate tornos connections connecting stoichiometry problematic qualities spanned accommodates 1975 1974 1979 197au flanked 087 690 boninite bonnety groot mariana urumie ##hoop ##afz ##ikekud gemmell perched percentile percussion microanalyz microanalytical caledonia organisms 590 598 599 59co 890 borealis mosandrite namya peledas ##born constituting persists persisted persistent transecting discoveries textbook progressing building interlayer aiming engine iddings kazimiro rouxel ##limatic ##ippines ##szentrum injected demise demagne mexican proxies ##forschung ignored 2645 argentolle uncomfort macrotermes episyeniteand dimensional 542 540025 dropstone dropstones emissions jiangsu knolls kuusil lanka rods splay smeared ##kaido condensed encouraged industries precedes 1019 controversy controversies longerich avoided favouring westwards metagabbroic 816 bergman berriasian fioren mccua naco3 unevenly ##huayco ##eira bears plastically plasticity enabling geodynamics 1855 185re strontianite sparsely 514 aplites chev fierce munni rastering rasmus rashoop courcel isotherm refraction 1965 1964 appendices williamstown lamprophyres lanthanum industrialized 7700 790 celes falcon godel ktb lignites ophitic ra2 ra1 raised raise vd52 ##vinces convective quarter quartile community commencement corners cornish adcumulates advent redistributed bracket bracketed dryer inferior inferring 2624 2623 juxtaposed francolite nucleate nucleus theoretically ##tisation stabilized stabilised stabilities disorder ##quanzi reliant interferences fairchild microphenocrysts dissociated ##roscopic permitting aluminium aluminosil incipiently 095 bicarbonates baguam dongji etched fibers fibrolite kyauk karr karlov kipushi lathand pixels rosie speewah zhaoping ##tillation retains annually sequestering disposition disputed hemingway advected float intensively cleaned cleanliness expressions bozshakol hypothetically cycling automotive urd44 everywhere arrangements substitutions microstructure disproportions baddeleyite bakker bakshe durchbe fixed gilbert housed qz1 riciputi trond ##htar thorium conceptually asymmetry proceeded hybridization washout geometall advantages epicratonic pyroxenites pyroxenitic 1863 programmes caledondies destabilised governmental tetradymite comprehensively trachybas 4403 bigger colder efferves fleet kfs1 lamboo mistassini renishaw tsume vesicular wrong ##114 ##113 algal algally depicting exerts exercised hydrological contaminant argentiferous artisanally paramount hastings correctly 1957 supposedly 2744 2748 embryos cooperate warming olympus au3cu2 eurasian bwrcd bifurc cartwright cantabria dorr doganse hamilton klerk muva sigmoidal songbai songpan songliao sketches welded ##schulte ##ulphate bender stratum ##enewaldt ag2te sputtered upgraded explosion 2675 polytype discrepancies labradorite fernie universit universally optimizes uplifts uplifting discontinuity armorica lithogeochemistry boggy bogeda gaboury gunay hreo hrey hutton hutchinson hongliuhe kwak kwazulu kolb langsele murchison molds n180 n195 ovoid piet ponding rainbow ravliden ravlidmyran twice vancou vanadium wrapped ##tori ##atexite asthenospheric chonolithic complicating extinct criterion paradigm ranked propagation 2601 superlattices 1899 summarised summarises edifice extrapolated buoyancy palaeosol powders centuries duplicates coprecipitated electrode decoupled amalgamated bjurliden bjurfors bjurtrask 4daph aesar aeschynite ballarat bcr2g cpx eighteenth elucidated hokkaido nh4 pachuca trenches ysterkop convoluted ascertain maghemitization shiwand inconsistencies concomitantly geyser subcircular sphero symposium descendant pd3pb settled keeps keeping irradiated smoky rooiberg metallogenetic diffractograms eastwards ##fluidfluidpys microporosity sudburyite thoroughly latitudes isograds semimetals aureole bournonite bourdelle crops crouck dotted ghader hitzman julin julia kustelite kusakabe mwashy mimic mimics m207 m208 nominal ozchron sfb satisfact satisfy siberian wyoming wyborn xihengshan ##rinka ##193 isoprime annealing chrysocol severely shurow cryogenic cryometric resistive magnetism vega philips philippines traveling travelled admixed admixture marlstone peculiar spacings coalescence coalescing microcrystallites contradiction slurries stereone stereographic furnace furnished configurations preferably orthogonal volatilization 7500a kruchinisky revisiting psammites unexpected unexposed harzburgitic challenged cryptod stratovolcanoes augusta overestimate aghg banks cinzent cinovec cabri cucl crenulations ddh049 egp etendeka echo echassiere glebe gibbs gossanous hogkulla hampered kremn klemd kampschulte lorson master mirror machines natalensis sjomalmen waihi waiotapu zoom zoisite сu3 innovative suturing sutcliffe gruen gruenewaldt attitude attitudes exfiltration exfiltrational dianion dianne metacherts geoforschung indisput norrish submicron submicroscopic cuproauride commissioned metamictization acknowled acknowledge triangle triangular underestimate underestimated serveis desulfidation microlayers paleoclimatic paleoplacer paleoplacers rhythmically bullen adjustable guojial conflicts conflicting palaeoplacer palaeoplacers powellite estuary excavation subdivisions digitalising paleoenvironment paleoenvironmental filabride filabrides conceivable conceivably honeycomb misinterpreted misinterpretations alexandre alexandrinka troctolite troctolites trachyandes trachyandesite extraordinary extraordinarily microgranite microgranodiorite fumaroles fumarolic ghanaian rdu89 zinnwaldite isomertiete isomertieite laflammeite 2feo buregte boneh billabong bombardment cbn clues credence chemex crowe dpge dalradian dimin gj1 gatan hercynian haycra himalayan joining jinchuan jackstraw konkola krouse korea mystery nrc ngawha nondestruc n152 oenpell racolpa rigaku ripple stichtite tillite ullmanite vogtland veneer yandal yazd thomas thmsg detachment delineate almandine suffered champagne sellaite storage stormy mandated prokofiev orifice dislodged shrinking hydromolybd arithmetic unfoliated ensued interbeds phillips preconcentr submersibles cupriferous perturbation lehmann leakage comminution scandinav ##ductminerali micromass birefringence monomict spires 107ag 205tl pyrenean britain slickensides elc7 decimetres dokhtar centrifug defect erlangen expandable spectrography footnotes offshore polymorph affiliation phosphorus thermoelectric diopsides chernogorsk palaeocurrent 32250mn juneau geophysicist mercadier merchantstown antithetically 9999 reconstituted attesting metagabbronorite sparked definitively misorientations tellurobismuthite communication woodallite sequestration embayments thermochronology pleochroism culminating jamesonite magnetitites orthogneisses disaggregation cientificotecn solfataras cyanobacterial alpujarride aqikekud aphanitic azurite aktogai azimuth bolivia bismoclite bisected caveats custom catolica cfsd caborca c2h6 cimmerian dusty downdip eureka erhongwa echelon eoeburnean ebihara eckstrand fpx fostered fagereng fersmite fengxian fashion funnel ganzi gresens gasses gsr3 hattori hilde igem ilton iaea jacob jabiluka jinniushan kintyre kudryav kroner kapai kondyor kounrad kramers kathleen kadoke kwetta løkken lhegu leroy liping luanga lhasa ladolam mfk1 mengler mackenzie mukasa mossbauer nldi nigeria nimary nabatian naset nazarus nomenclature ounces omai ockerbur omnipres ponti piracicaba prairie ptoh porpylitic promethium pahoehoe pirsson qipanshi qiangtang rationale rundklu rinsed rengard rietveld ryzhenko sleisbeck saggerson sverjens sichuan society sardinia stimulated sobolevskite sodalite tasmania tandem tulaergen tucker tropicana vughs velhas viterliden vanguardia wenxian wagner wurzburg wopmay wirth wandanshan winnowing xstd yonne yichun yardley zangbo zuleika zvyaginze ##bench ##gorbyachinsky ##inproductminerali inadequate inextricably inappropriate touchang thallium december deleterious retief reanalysed isodensity ispendere ishihara isobaric coercivity belemnite astenospheric miniscule depressurization ##ilicatefluidfluid meticulous ancestral anaerob sutherland succeeded grunerite chaung chicoutimi attenuation attendant stacey mappable ortiga fluorspar teixeira savillex sahlstrom sulfotellurides quimsacocha hydrogarnet quartzofeldspathic goldbanks goldhaber vegetation relaxation armstrong arylakhsk araujo arbitrary arvidsjaur assumptions uncrushed unforeseen unoxid unwanted highstand georeferenced geversite gehlen interstratified interchannel intervening abanico granlunda indonesia norrbotten nematoblastic nemaqen subregion subtropical subophitic cufe2s3 imbricated hashimoto cawthorn perkinelmer cangshang leblanc leoben leinster lebowa sulphosalts overpressure hekimhan agglomerate breithauptite biofilms coroccohuayco botucatu silicocarbonatites trilobite nozaka laoheidong marschik serrinha commonwealth amulet undertake impetus 203tl hostrocks transbaikal brugmann pd2sn matthews microbeam microdrill microorganisms contributor dolnicek appointment uranophane reminiscent slovakia paleoaquif afghanistan eugster lithoautotrophic osterbacken totalcontainedmagnetite kairei kajiwara sokolov argyrodite oxyhydroxide effectiveness abscissa nonmineralized offswith uncontaminated booysens glimmerite glaucodot trajectory singhbhum docegeo polypropylene mm5400 rozna tarbiat porcelain orthophosphoric clinochlore narbalek divrigi nanoscale picritov jubilee loellingite petrophysical quebrada yinzhushan holmtjarn ##wegung contemporaneity territories 882234 07393 heshangqiao fusselman tanzania autonomous 96wjvd00 ##fluidsilicatesfluidfluid matsuhisa gippsland huminicki dayingezhuang urumieh microanalyzer kazimirovsky kuusilampi fiorentini mccuaig rasmussen courcelles baguamiao karlovy baksheev durchbewegung geometallurgy trachybasalt effervescence tsumeb dogansehir vancouver shiwandashan ##fluidfluidpysilicatefluidfluid ghaderi mwashya satisfactorily chrysocolla cinzento echassieres geoforschungszentrum guojialing buregtey haycraft nondestructive oenpelli preconcentration cientificotecnics nazarusagı ockerburry rundklumpen sverjensky zvyaginzevite 080 1σ 2e 2i 2g 2θ 2fes2 3h 3e 3l 3s 3j 3au 4g 4k 4x 4te 4cu 420 4fe 4h2o 5h 5i 5m 5s 5j 5x 5ir 5to 5ca 540 512 5as3 6d 6g 6li 649 622 7g 712 8h 84s 810 822 8h2o 9f 9o2 947 922 9h2o 916 9s16 ah aa ay a7 ak a6 a3 aig aand aist avi ampl auck aids azz a14 a18 akulla aasm bb bd bm b4 bx bid bil brou bary bari bates bia bll bale bang bach bort bare bjor bout bob babb bail bae beng buch bok biss b2o3 bitum bumb bann biano bkt cg c2 c5 c4 ces cite cos cag coc cati cure cain cess curing cay cose cade cep cocr crown cigan cgs cicular cista cystallization dn dl dg dm ds dv dz dw d8 dre dac dich dpe dred dore dst dard drow dav d2s dots dsn dorn dfz dingshan dickens dhar dull dapu dingo ey etr eden egl eman ebur eales eigen egre e600 eafz fh fc ft fm f4 fj fon fal fich fand foci frog fell finite fenite feren fft f20 fans fuel fpy fangshan faded fh2o fsp faster gg g2 gp gz ged glu gop gere gad gut gst gay gile gels gps gather gok grome gpa gind gagne gimb gulf gt46 gorb gansu hc hm hj hag hoc hod hib htwe hso hron htin hue hade haz hoid hah hood haw hug hind hta hami helling huan hlab hump hint hinder hoping hushi hinders hushu hohn hpo4 iic iat iand iwo ips ives iaes ji jg jon jor jow jim jud jay jian jose jav job jama jons jau jorm jami jinshan jinning ki k2 kj kor kas kis kent kul kure kiz klu kod kog kand kran kall kare khib koly kyl kup kov kuang kring k10 kvan kyn kush kta kathe kany koz kans kinn ksp kicking lv l1 lic ling lum lib lues lut lore lill l00 lard lade lund lond lute listing lug lind landa luk listr lillo linders lreo lull lucky mb mi mω mit mly mati mot mch mary mast mang mork mish m50 mps mors mrad mzn muck mds muted mosc m12 mits mpd miao mrl mh2s mensh nn nf nti nes ner nos nol nure nif nigh nations nip nak nance nels natures nau nishan n10 n40 nice nkom nh2o nco2 n38 nzim od ow o4 oс oic ole och oros oik oven owe oolites oso4 ojen oadded omitt oinproductminerali pg p2 pq pw p6 pes pis pts pock pere pog page pay pest pied piv pak pue pun paz pco pamp polyb pinc pise pup paw patin puna push piles puck pinn pont pige pushed pione qp q1 qig qion qma qdd rc ry rø rol roc riz ruc rud rame rie rick rgm raus ramp rons roe rink roles riding rings rls rodg rica ragged riley sv s0 s4 sø sat sent sot sph sab scc sib sold sentr sight sdd s15 sgs sorting ssz sadow sats sira saint santo td tc tv tp t1 ted tate tul tac ttr tati tam tum tass tong tess tnt tud tun tarn ters tact tsc tagami tsu tsn twin tdb tats tamaz t13 ut uo uf uw u4 uen uit utter ubr umt ukr vy v4 vul vil vred verite vented vines vise vind vax villa vila vcdt vims vaara win wro wig wad wut wud wms wign wak wers wren wond wither wish wau wise wik waf winder warna waim wiped wackes wrench wustite xt x7 xte xag xand xser xie xik xfl xilu yi yv y1 yar yic yos ying yig yant yud yates yund yana ywe yui yex yoss yule yashan za zd zc zs zal zag zac zel zand zak zet zales µm ƒte ƒse ƒs2 ɛnd δm δp δk λ1 μa μs σp σx σfe он рd с1 те ##bu ##bin ##bar ##bite ##bag ##bated ##bys ##bous ##band ##bations ##bable ##bian ##bra ##bard ##ball ##bie ##bber ##bites ##boid ##bok ##bote ##bet ##bise ##bana ##bitized ##bway ##bagh ##bru ##bridge ##butu ##hg ##hon ##hite ##hac ##hot ##hide ##hous ##hive ##hso ##hak ##haus ##hling ##hik ##huri ##hoz ##hmite ##hyllite ##himalay ##hghan ##hgte ##rf ##rv ##ril ##rion ##rum ##rand ##rity ##rystal ##riv ##run ##rie ##rama ##rman ##rors ##rik ##rator ##ruous ##rush ##rasion ##riet ##raca ##rasson ##ec ##eite ##eur ##ets ##effe ##emed ##ego ##eva ##eck ##efort ##evsky ##eght ##euver ##ehive ##aas ##aqu ##aff ##aign ##afic ##aun ##a71 ##no ##n3 ##nen ##nock ##nide ##nst ##nium ##nun ##nie ##nosed ##nomer ##namb ##nky ##nography ##naugh ##nmental ##normal ##naya ##nilton ##nakhsky ##nbin ##d7 ##d1 ##das ##dat ##dim ##dom ##dene ##dale ##dep ##dah ##duri ##dacite ##dales ##dao ##dridge ##dwin ##dini ##cs ##cal ##cic ##cas ##cos ##cant ##calc ##cia ##cap ##cist ##cup ##codes ##cik ##cules ##casting ##ctivity ##czi ##crete ##uent ##uting ##unt ##uke ##umpl ##ubs ##uabl ##uoki ##uket ##uhi ##utia ##uheden ##uzer ##las ##lain ##lop ##lass ##lusion ##lates ##liment ##litic ##lap ##liv ##lie ##lites ##lish ##lves ##lley ##lway ##luling ##lgebirge ##loo ##lovite ##lzan ##ldite ##iy ##iin ##ias ##ipe ##iant ##iature ##ipl ##iating ##iably ##iob ##iaceous ##iuch ##iup ##iomorph ##iographic ##iomorphic ##iwan ##iograph ##tı ##tar ##tly ##tag ##toc ##tts ##tone ##tch ##tles ##tages ##tact ##tory ##tana ##taw ##tude ##tlog ##tany ##tagami ##tlin ##toria ##topl ##tops ##tagou ##taya ##ttang ##tnet ##takhsky ##t92 ##tuheden ##oer ##oic ##ois ##oom ##oand ##ozo ##ober ##oves ##oules ##oof ##oisite ##oire ##oots ##ojing ##ovalent ##gp ##gin ##gle ##gul ##gated ##gou ##gant ##gies ##gary ##gong ##gran ##gill ##ghed ##gard ##gers ##gases ##gins ##ghen ##gasite ##gaard ##grun ##mm ##m2 ##mos ##mly ##myr ##mere ##mog ##mable ##mia ##map ##minated ##mens ##mie ##mount ##mines ##meng ##miss ##moles ##micul ##mometry ##melle ##mora ##mburg ##murian ##mingly ##moving ##yk ##yw ##yj ##yen ##yur ##yim ##yce ##ych ##yama ##y50 ##yalite ##ywa ##yfr ##yushan ##ycodes ##sa ##sv ##sj ##ste ##san ##sid ##sac ##sted ##sian ##siv ##sory ##samp ##sitive ##stig ##sby ##sley ##sulfate ##fx ##fon ##fal ##fro ##fit ##fid ##fag ##fter ##fim ##fts ##fine ##fides ##feld ##fers ##fok ##fellow ##fua ##fjeld ##2000 ##2po4 ##2as3 ##76 ##73 ##7te ##705 ##724 ##vis ##vat ##vent ##vart ##vine ##vive ##vong ##vene ##vard ##volution ##vang ##vond ##volcan ##vosp ##vug ##varg ##villo ##vador ##viet ##pg ##p3 ##pat ##pot ##pir ##post ##ples ##pong ##piment ##pron ##perite ##pros ##pens ##pile ##ported ##poration ##pasing ##parent ##patic ##pug ##press ##pool ##pherical ##pilite ##kar ##kil ##kock ##kill ##karn ##kma ##kinite ##koe ##ksky ##kov ##kven ##kula ##kliden ##koy ##kbo ##kho ##kash ##kops ##kker ##kius ##kansky ##kpat ##zy ##zian ##zinc ##zamb ##zhen ##zometric ##zakh ##zhy ##zmer ##zwe ##zhi ##zaf ##zzi ##zfeld ##zvart ##qi ##0b ##06 ##03 ##08 ##035 ##069 ##wy ##won ##wal ##wed ##wis ##wig ##wab ##wave ##wartz ##wates ##wiched ##wena ##wana ##wacke ##whel ##wback ##weni ##62 ##68 ##612 ##1h ##160 ##140 ##51 ##5fes ##4b ##4a ##45 ##4pd ##ja ##jig ##jave ##jie ##jok ##jacent ##just ##jirc ##jik ##juan ##jima ##jhar ##jhemite ##jdas ##xl ##x8 ##xite ##xtro ##xplored ##3te ##33s ##380 ##349 ##364 ##82 ##86 ##8ges ##8100 ##837 ##866 ##93 ##9bi ##912 ##905 ##δ33s ##hend ##heen ##heim ##hene ##head ##heiro ##hekul ##helin ##hekou ##herence ##heider ##hepong ##te2 ##tean ##teur ##teozoic ##teberg ##temetric ##teux ##telgebirge ##oning ##onment ##onorite ##onto ##onites ##ontaneous ##onential ##onosh ##oniup ##onjhar theses thesw thesis theories ##tium ##tiations ##tipl ##tiest ##titive ##tity ##tique ##tism ##tibnite ##tio3 ##rea ##rell ##reco ##requent ##retit ##rebagh ##reyw ##inted ##inel ##inten ##inization ##inized ##into ##inium ##inance ##inae ##initization ##indle ##inding ##inert ##intillation ##ala ##ali ##al4 ##allu ##alib ##also ##alak ##alina ##aloa ##alpi ##alytical ##alakhsky ##albie ##nds ##ndry ##ndering ##ndrum ##es2 ##eson ##eside ##esting ##eschynite ##escap ##eras ##erated ##erical ##erbl ##erick ##erau ##erator ##erration ##erned ##erbo ##erhu ##erbites ofsamp ##enig ##enne ##enide ##enog ##enand ##enable ##enium ##entif ##ennan ##encia inse inad infor insen ingrow informed intend inherent inactivity inaja ineffe intact inescap andina andri andorin ##oro ##orith ##oril ##orse ##orum ##orary ##orges ##orill ##orian ##orific ##orium ##orak ##orama ##orogenic ##orov ##oriaceous ##aric ##ariz ##arth ##arine ##arina ##arches ##arstan ##arko ##arss ##arching ##arskite ##arsite ##aramm ##arroya ##arova ##arlap ##aralakhsky ##roic ##romp ##roth ##roix ##roft ##rothite ##roclastic ##rochlore ##robritholite ##roku ##rolysis ##roauride ##itt ##itse ##itted ##itog ##itably ##itability ##ithes ##itometry ##itri ##itny ##itrans ##itoba ##icle ##icated ##icine ##icio ##anu ##ano ##anes ##anol ##antr ##anion ##anky ##anche ##anxi ##anmag ##anango ##edo ##edenite ##edova ##itech ##asen ##asis ##asus ##asound ##asined ##aspect ##asins ##astward ##aswith ##osit ##ospec ##osens ##ostra ##osulph ##oski ##osols ##osoic ##oskarn ##ostibnite ##ationn ##atemal ##ategin ##olis ##olom ##olous ##olations ##olates ##olating ##oloration ##olves ##olize ##ollement ##olysis ##isis ##isoc ##isations ##isian ##iscan ##isers ##isolved ##isva ##isks ##isiting ##isville ##ischer ##isban ##isica ##iscoll ##istinen ##leve ##leted ##lection ##leme ##lebi ##legong ##idel ##idie ##idually ##idner ##idio ##idire ##idelines ##idiomorphic ##atan ##atation ##atter ##atse ##atum ##attern ##atonite ##athes ##atya ##atpy ##atsu ##atoo ##atraca ##atoire ##atteberg ##lyama ##lyumb ##inghe ##ingal ##ingite ##ingst ##ingered ##ingwe ##ingberget tomod token tows tofua ##ently ##ult ##ulin ##ulates ##ulip ##ulitic ##ulium ##ulak ##ulites ##ulty ##ulsky ##ulze ##ulson ##ulsor ##ularities ##ulpt ##ultants ##ulizer ##ulsory thu thm thar thur thalc thier things thumb thresh thabe thulium ##agi ##agar ##agonite ##agranular ##agru ##agamite ##agnosed ##mptville deion dead decon decan dewater deco decl dewe deforms dealing declines dealt dehghan deemed dekock rever reib rect reun rema retre reyn revers reappe reinterpre retract reapp reorgan reuters return reaff rendering ##acal ##actures ##acities ##acitors ##urate ##urated ##urch ##urides ##urance ##uritized ##urbed ##urprising ##urbation ##urmount ##usi ##user ##using ##usters ##ussky ##usxl istr isopro isomorph isolation ishik isolates ##ocl ##ocating ##ochan ##ocup ##ocomp ##ocomian ##occul ##octahedral cof coat coel coog cored coater coded coking cobble coordinate coesite cotectic cooke cobar coherence coulson conden concep conde congress congru conias ##vector ##vette ##vectors ##vezhy ##tris ##trine ##tronite ##trinsky ##iga ##igation ##igent ##ighed ##igri ##igwa ##igrams ##igsby ##igerated ##terite ##teries ##terran ##terud ##terbury ##terranean al3 alph alab alene alun alco alvi alsc aluminous aliden altot altos alcant alfon altipl alatoo beys beun beta beyp beaches bearto bequerelite beehive betts bekker asi as2 as3 asim ashed astur aston astero asset aspir ##atied ##atile ##atized ##ativen fora fork formal forages forces forward forgo ##romes ##romorph ##romised ##romatic ##romitiferous mina minter minip miners minsky miniature minerau areach ##iler ##ilies ##ilable ##ilay ##ilight ##ilty ##ilca ##ilicon ##ilteux ##herie ##hermak ##herulitic ##izo ##izall ##izers ##izwa ##ows ##owlandite ##owbir ##ainment ##img ##imon ##imyrite ##imant ##imatic ##imenting ##imiting ##imhall ##imauss ##otal ##otop ##otassic ##otonic ##oturbation mineralisations ##tson ##tsel ##tstrask ##tsey ##tsev ##phic ##phides ##phie ##phased ##lumination ##luvium ##lutonic ##sell ##selite bypass ##oms ##omon ##omes ##omass ##omial ##omagne ##ommission ##omanian mev meat meres meet meinert metris anu angl annite antit antil analcite an100 anilite anterior ansil antl anonymous sutures sucess sukul suomen sukh sufides suvarg sukho suitably suphides grt grong grip grap gramp grah grappe grids grimmer grinding gratonite grigsby chp chou chance chown chug chadian chipped chaud christine chocol chashan chiar chipley chromp chatter church ##yside ##ys10 ##ysulf ##yshl ##yshon ##ysdale ##ysinghe ##amo ##amart ##amell ##amund ##amena ##amoun ##amson ##amans ##amosing ##amanca ##amerian ##aminae ##amusi ##cet ##ceix ##cements ##celi ##cels ##celan ##cekite ##ouke ##ouma ##ouky ##ouple ##ourous ##oughed ##ouples ##abolize sei seed secc seik seca searc season se44 seyfr searches ##iona ##ionkop ##ticle ##ticing ##ticated ##ticha ##nees ##nement ##nels ##nebo ##nemann ##negan ##neeva ##nefjeld ##ocks atd atg at160 ##opically ##opla ##oppi ##opixe ##ophenocrysts ##opotassic magyi magmat sulliv sultana compart compst compli compress compex compelling compressed compatibly computers computing compliment compulsory compromised ##ereous ##erexplored ##eler ##elve ##elts ##elph ##elting ##elitic ##elsen ##elgran stn sto station stating stays stara stora stump stayed storing stubs stasis ##mentally ##oda ##odang ##odany ##mallite maf maw maas maden maphal mauk maji mazen maoniup maimon proand proust proustite ora orake orbite orpiment rockand ##gend ##gety ##gevity ##ge2fe ##gezhuang dismal discon dispar dismem disconnected disaster dismiss ##ifies ##ifting ##ifton ##ifova ##ifereous ##ideau ##vertent ##verley ##very50 fluency fluorencite flurobritholite ##titextured exch exacer expended exogenetic exogeneous exoskarn ##ngary ##ngall ##ngbal ##ichard ##ichmanite ##thly ##thitic ##thick ##thrown ##thmic ##tallite ##talnakhsky ##ogob ##ographs ##ogochan ##peteur ##arty ##artlab formulation ##aden ##adth ##adia ##adwell ##adanian ##adzu ##adriel ##adno ##adlzan te1 te3 teams tecn tetagou ##ousin ##umi ##umed ##umite ##umara ##umike ##umoite savo savan saai sauss sahara onco onla fluidand ##uco ##uctures ##ucasus ##ighter shock shred shche shandong shores shru incax incidence incursions inconcl ququ quoti quota quiet quyen quorum ##irm ##iran ##irable ##irun ##irhan ##irmed ##iryu hyc ##iba ##ibo ##ibas ##ibone ##tenance ##andite ##andless ##andstones ##andla ##andards ##andua cr3 crave criti criss crux crumpl crpg cranky hyde hydrates ##antation ##olds hydrofr hydroflu hydrosel hydrolysis hydrosilicates hydrosulphide hydrozinc ##ostress ##ostromes ##ostandards pyrite1 pyriteand ##oneity ##onetti ##chak ##chland ##chwe ##chief ##changed ##chromitiferous ##assb quartz1 quartzitic ##ieson ##ieshan strands struver resort resins respond resolv resumption resorbed resumed ##routy ##routine ##quad ##quity ##quist ##quoted ##quito golding goldsch goldstein hydrothermalism magnets ##ppes ##ppell ##matized ##matization ##matitization bashan baseline baselines bastuheden baskil ##tinga carman carnan carolla carizall dilem divalent diabasic diatexite diego dioctahedral relic relay relays ##gesberg ##acek contortion ##uto ##utation ##utterud ##ivered art aray aria archae aragonite ##ongwo ##ongarra ##ongovsky grainy plg plata plating placement plentif colqui coltan colomb colpron colluvium elegant composes tyndrum ass3 assam assuring assists assortment assurance unper unav unites unme unwork unpro unrad unstr unhyd unfr unsaturated unfound unimp unparallel unmix unfolded univari unfilled unorient unoriented unidire unchanged lows lowlands metro metak metacr metadol metatexite metabolize concave concise eval evishes evacu evstig highor highto highland highlands ##cona ##conventional ##aterrestrial cl4 clout clague clifton ##play ##plays ##plasma ##plosion ##plaas ##plusxl enable encr entit enorm entries ##ranti ##ranitic ##ranularly ##rangle geerite geov geof geoz geops geograph geolas georges geospec geopixe geostandards consolid constan consultants feass fecr feio fecl2 fecus febru fetio3 intertw intermon interto interser interme intermedi interfaces interactive interludes intertek interplay abo abut aborted abyssal abraded abrasion abnormal abduri aberration phones phik phuket phycodes pharlap sizhang ##ntu ##nto ##ntzian ##twater ##orequanzi occlusion analar analisis granada granule granitog grangesberg ##enez preor preto preface prekinematic pretoria isotonnage presput vale valde valencia ##illi ##illac ##illier indent indium indurated noran norsem norra norties nordb ##stood ##stances isotopos ##ociated nee neal neor neand neto nego neves neoar neomorph nearto neafz neuser neocomian occuring ##ourret ##ouraging associate associatied sizeable sulfideand ##kei ##arikov subun subare subark sublim subtly subvolcan subjacent subterranean subroutine cuo cu8 cuand cudd cuney cu13 cuwr cuadra cu5fes parada pargasite pararamm ##hedra ##udation ##udicate imer imangd ##ometamorph faure fauna fayalite farell collective collecting collectors ##atay ##ayer ##ayern ##00f ##iani ##ians ree3 reeand reecl2 reepo reepo4 ##matically ##aseodymium auv au1 auhs auhso aute2 ##ipse ##ipment ##ipore ##ipers ##ipio ##ipulation ##ipsite frying fraser ##cani ##canas ##cantek ##msk ##msberget ##mshak fulton fulfilled volts volta voltages vologochan inclined hasance ##ffield ##fform intrashear intragranular fuller usi users ussr usush aps apophys april ##pection diffs diffusiv diffused diffuses diffusing ##ediments ##ronic ##ronted ##roniob ca5 caun capa cafz cailteux caucasus wheeler silific silob siluri siluro silcrete siltiest ##itiic ##itizing ##itisation ##itirama pert pertin perma pertain percep perov perring percy person perchl perimeter pernamb perdah pervene perrouty canak canber canfield canmet canterbury cancels canadanian ##raite leary leco leans leaf leka lefort lebena lewis lends leyshon legend ##asta ##astor locating ##ologics variants sulphoarsen calcerous calcrete calcilu colleaguesng colleaguesered colleaguesows ##ternary ##estate ##estone ##estones oxic oxa71 overly overthr overfilled oversi overturn overpress overwhel overarching overthick crystalize magmatically container containers reputation ##blasts heishan hexi hehu hexa helex hettang hefter hendry heidel hematization richness richterite commit metamafic ##tiner ##tinct maintain maintenance ##actionated ##forces aca acl acts acme acretion acquiring ##osek ##osehead thank ##hemist ##hemex ranking ranks rangers allis allard allocated allibone simon simulation simulated simonetti ##reet ##reement ##apes ##apest ##apolis metamorphogenic oby obduction obstr obsid chalcogen chalcoand chalcostibnite liq pbo pbte pband pbcalc pbinto scs score scott scoria scrap scintillation scoriaceous sculpt weedon weiden wealth webber weidner weighed modify sugary ##llitic signify southe ##ducting ##ductor typing typologic ##ivi ##arda ##ardous agates agang agcl ag2s agcl2 agcus aguil agreed agbise aguabl ag4pd ag8ges hospit volcanolith ##perger ##peroidal ##rosse ##rosive ##rospective ##rosilicon ##rosmallite similarily ##rouped butte buttons ##formable ##formities microw micritic micror michelin ##parkes charges charters charoy charnock prm prz prague prichard praseodymium ##ells ##ellie breves breached breiter brecha breadth biology bioclastic bikou biplots bi7te biocl bioturbation biomass biostromes ##ctional graniteand larry ##took ##toex ##toya ##toidal ##aky ##aking ##akade ##akund ##akisite ##akivi studio breccied corg coral corder cortical cortices corbet corporation corrosive completion bottre botsw mayor mayeda maynard doming domination domingo niand nias2 niwr nielsen ##isty ##istmas ##isturbed metalera lateor lateand bearings regulation regulations regrouped greensh greestones recolle recurrent recystallization recrystal reclass ##ightline silicofluoride trade trioc trub tracers trumb tricky tridie tructures twoand twofold porphyrytic porphyryand noise nozz noamund laos laiyang ##ditions howards howells ##ueck ##acks ##angles ##angilay massively undep undulating underexplored undisturbed adr adit adhere adits adequ adept adamell lowers generous genna genkin marte martin marcona assembled montro monocr monoor montre monocrysts montice monument monoch monarch montm monofluoride monovalent monywa monotonic monthly montoya serving serious serrated seriate seringa ##acterisation pet peening peperite thereof apatitevapor amd amu amis amoe amounted amanan amounting amira amenable amasined grouping precluding ##ameenite underwater underling underflow underfilled undertook ##uni ##unen ##unzu sp2 spine spilitic spangen spontaneous spherulitic spionkop ##enson ##ensitometry ##ensurate ##arnins ##arninsky esi esp este esse eskay eschwe limerick limousin skz skins skinn skoda skutterud ##allbo ##alliere ##cessed ##ortant ##ershan ##ersvi ##ersky ##ersley ##erschief accident accounted acciona ##ording ##actual chlorites epstein eponymous ##rowite ##ixes impart impacted imposition implan impinge impediments basinally pp5 10c 10o 10g 102 109 1012 10ys10 moore motive moo3 moho mofz mo105 mozamb mojave moosehead po4 poas potent poiss po724 povond poulin wellmer wellgre ##enice ##ieces ##iety ##lander sheath sheba shelves shentu shemshak sheffield ##timates poses posed ##hannels timof timelines upset upheld up193 20to 2020 20h2o 2033 209bi survi surpass survive surtsey discard discouraged discarding discarded discipl discerned discoloration discreet geologies transgress translated translith transhimalay translates rho rh1 rhon rhand rhomb geochemist ##avides ##avour ##avalent ##avoids ##avaara extensiv processor redisolved metamorphicand systemic systemically pye pyle pyat pyfluidsilicatesfluidfluid pyasins pyromorph pyrosmallite biotiteor sybell symsk refute refitting referenced bodon bodding desu desolv desulph deserves desert desmos desouky desirable verified verner vermic vermont verdel vermicul verifies crusher crustification brick brug brings britholite brindle brisban brussky brimhall brideau brighter brueck primus primocrysts pds pdf pd8 pdand pd4s pdni pdaq pdcl3 pdassb ##rensen pgeand minority matang matches mat25 mattagami ##turbed ##conda microto micropro microchar micropo microdis microvug olary olsen ironand ##azari blain blood blades bloom blamart ##veloped terbium drh drag driver drink drief driscoll drysdale drifting feldspatic fractioned fractionate ##berger ##berry apple appoin appraisal arched ##maid ##roxenites skarnitization ##dermitt uranoth uranoan patters patrick zns zncu zncl4 znshs productions productivity ##coite ##coelite ##cofr northrup northwards northwes northparkes representations representatives representativen ##ralitic ##raltar ##hiboles albared albany albige albitizing conditional conditioned conditionally pyrrothite pyritisation proponent proposition proposes propriet ##cled ##clones ##clair tune tuang tuba tucekite ##taine treadwell trento baseand removing remelting traceable slv slide slieve slansky sloughed facts facoidal faculty ##crystallization ##crt92 incrementally ##formational analytic settle settons southward southamp southwes ##4s16 gaas gaika gauge gaithes gaolous waterlog waterlain becquerelite paleopro paleoto paleotectonic paleotop paleomagne seaway pt3s ptaq ptcl4 ptcl3 afz afro generalization generalised generalisation pyrrhoth ##owned diagonal tectonites tectonostratigraphic tectonometamorph msr msg msmus intrusionand eu2 eu3 euand euhedra oneand metasandstones infa inflate infrequent derdep ##viel plumes crystallinity crystallographic crystallography crystallochemistry wty ##gmo ##obate ##obsc 15b 1520 1522 1537 1590 horse horsc horiuch elan eltra elabor elaborate eldridge keys keel keays kemir ketch keonjhar kemptville ##glas ##glogors ##abbros tikius secondand ##meiwan ##meanmag invasion coppersulphide manturo steered stepping steken ##ails ##ailable ##cpfluidfluidpysilicatefluidfluid thickly ##iochron irwin iridium irvine irarsite postmineral postorogenic postulates postcrystallization normalizing normalize manus manual managed manila mankay maneuver mantique manitoba manipulation amph amperes ampoules flour flame flared flinc flaw flush flash floccul flaky flightline lessinten brecciating solar solve solved solves soller solvation solwara solomon correcting evidences equated equator equipment calculates galan galmoy galadriel decision decime decarbonate decarb decollement decommission decantation fractal ##ouncements ##omerophenocrysts mela melov melville melange melcher distinctions dyking output outgases ulvosp aftersh ##aean musa crossand crossut crossbed chanate chanarc furthe mineralogist westmore ##2o4 ##pening sringer sracek lithotectonic lithostra reducers sinian sinuous sinks sinica sinyak sinaloa sinclair ##pectrome δ34sv δ34sfluid δ34sh2s δ34sraw δ34ssulfate ##termined poty potting potvin salmon salier salinic salinas salars salvador salamanca salpeteur saltwater timeball 192 1946 1928 1919 1913 regionalor regionaland easternmost 11h 11a 11g 113 1120 1149 1125 2621 2611 2604 2619 displaces synclin syncollisional synonymous ##amphiboles oxidant ##epieces additions ultrah ultracl ultrabasic ultrasound supercontin superficial superfine superterran particulate participated 181 184 1820 1860 1840 1815 1825 1829 abovementioned barra barban barbos baragar baruni separately localisation 12r 12c 1250 1214 suppose suppression founds km3 ##inski continually rareco touray tourna osmium ##hipuhi ##tivalent determinate sandand sandbach sandwiched liquor tourmalinized centralian environnement ruape rupt rupasing rutsel ##shikeng ##shiite ##50t ##50x electrical employs identific identity ##engren deflection seawaterand totalling probres reportedly mullite muller mulgar multivalent molybedenite kao ka1 kawab mineiro minemet coeur coeffic standing fining finch finlow finishing finnegan methanol chloritoid chloroform chloritised chlorocomp chloropotassic 40c 40k 401 403 4010 mixes ##mani ##manus ##mannite ##tifacts ##tifully plagiocase flowed flowing soviet news newton newese newwave newberry numbana numerical ##ylation ##ylites bulging bulged bulbous ##orsky standardless domainand gabbrovy gabbrodiorite fokins foxtro illitic ##ambira ##ambarninsky multidynamic multijunction multitude methodologies ##kyk ##kyin firmly detecting greenalite greenhous inclusionor ##onsky ##print instit insulating instigated insurmount insizwa inspection appeal appeared 2003a cleo cleaving cleverley ##inawa shaly banda bandings predef ##trotit bedford chromel radar radical radian radium radiochron comparably eastand styless paragover initio initiates initiating ceo2 cetiner taw tapping tapped taishan taipe tajik taiga taimyrite ##anicipio genera selebi overlay electronics erma erased erba erbium erbutu erdene differentially curie curtail curvy curraw lightand lightfo ##shanjie reef2 reefton reefn3 anything anyhow supergiant ##oku ##okma ##okovite ##okhoz dissipation dissakisite transparen ndjig ##genbach ##chev ##chell ##chepro 502 506 501 505 5010 504b ankeritic discusses midalkaline sncl2 snoke snook snowbir snails olivineand molybdeniteand felsicto 306 303 309 3050 3028 3031 ##omicroscop ##omatiites gradation gradaus graduate gradstein expanding exponential pressured mt06 ourselves stockpile greenschistto 13b 13i 13k 139 sits ##goedova millo mills millenbach millenium milligrams millipore zrand co2and ##opyrochlore ##opyroxenites halar halted halides halved ##iorowlandite activator situations ##aubert planning planned recorders worldly ##vester ##vestigated iocgs broke brook brochan brock brookite calaver caltı calgary calorific caliani losing tenorite tenfold lamcic sulphuric nai naive nafz nappes ##ahari ##ahumara think thinned meltd darlot blackwall oxyanion ##roscale collided colloids collaborate collars ##oeuv counters council 14b 14h 14c 141 1420 homogenise homogenising mountfield leadand ##bee spectrometre lato latulip latourret openness peaking crustor lacn lacroix longbu belonosh belingwe semitrans ##inked ##inkled ##ystallizing depleting abstract footprint periodical meson mesoor mesosoic ##henticated ##issible transitioned transitioning bao baima baiyang baihu baishi bailey bayside linearly experience experimenting workflow workbench geochronometers numbering magneticand nonweathered nonnst nontronite nonchromitiferous nonconventional sbx sb2s3 offs offline uncouples orogenically borate borly borax mcmas mcnaugh mcgill mcphie mcdermitt adjudicate stiff varas varves vartitextured ##tralia aggregated aggregations monzodioritic monzogranites monzogranitic metasomatice metasomatims bacao bacaja ##dups ##abash ##abasinal shallowing shallowand shallowest oxygenation oxygenated cenomanian 23a 233 2310 ##nerability classically classifications guzhen guenand guatemal guidelines guelph guarda vapors vapourous topology topmost unconventional approximation approximated approximates aurifereous hadaean visit visibility ##radom ##nessed ##hesize magnitud magnitny boha bofe boiled boyce boitri gloria glitter glomerophenocrysts polo polime polluc polysulf turned turpin turiy turtles traps traits trafal travis ##ophot avila ##ovich ##ovoe ##ovnik petrogeneses fourier maxima maximised maximize maximising amphiboliteto amphiboleor amphiboleand coolgard weakens weakening middlemost summer summing summaries h2o2 h2oapatitevapor photon photochemistry photolytic photolysis negra scheelites schematized coarseand coarseto talus 16b 165 169 1680 1612 1615 1614 factory ##strask ##anao observable maximums 000s 0001 0005 0004 0008 00028 00018 00007 00029 000113 000364 singular ##cuit ##ustations epidoti hornby xenolith xenocrysts xenomorphic ##ocrystals carrillo carratraca carrizo epidoteand austrian hilltop hilltops kalumb kalkar kalimant kalahari swan swir swto swaya swedish swept swathes diagenetically chimbor individually willner willmore willamstown individuals rayed confining confocal conflo confused confinement confronted bleed bleiberg endured endogeneous enderbites endorse plateaus archeap reflector reflectant medig medical media medial mediation mediate medicine medvezhy enclaved ##jee ##jection excepting accorded reductions cmash documents doctrine garon garven garza genetical 872 876 circulations editors pervasion earthmoving nwand puhipuhi polycrystalline polymineral polydim polyphased ##oaeschynite ##ropogenic ##traverse ablite ablating 273 278 2700 2720 2747 2722 2721 2732 2731 2739 2766 equilibrate equilibrating hf4 witt witwates witnessed ##gerty parallelism lakeview growths strains tinand tintaya ##olese profitable profitability lengshikeng ##ioblasts ##ikou ##ikolitic ##ikino ##ikko ##ikovite ##ikorak ##ikkyin grandes grandia gasbench ##masu depended dependency xeno1 177 1780 1720 1740 labine labelled labrosse labophot ##nington δ33sss δ33svcdt δ33sraw bastnasites bastnasgruvan ferranti ferroniob ferrosilicon ferralitic mmb mmol smar smand smother smirn smartlab smellie ##oxylation variegated darken focal focalized huangye huangxian behaved shoulders hyposal hypidiomorphic couple campbell campaign surroundings merenskyites 608 affording hereby ##oods ##atica minima inducing downes downwelling downthrown downplays handling ilimauss illumination ##2s2 ##2s16 limitedly devoted claypool revealing 362 367 361 8600 roots rooted roerd ##floods metallurgy recrystallising recrystallizes remobilise remobilising freeze ##awela extraneous extraterrestrial extrabasinal zonings termkyn terminal migrates migmatitization mudflow pulp pulps pulling ##vooz strataand stills stillman fabrication peralvillo yangmeiwan ##imetry priority chlorideand tarahumara quantifying quantifiable platt platted 5000 portioned portioning ##misen ##misoppi orientational universal metabasites phosphatic phosphatized demonstrable demonstrably morru morgan morozo mortean morongovsky ##uggets overgrowimg microscopes fiveto pitting pitanga pitfall ##lius ##lienite contested angstrom seek restriction restricts restrictive steepand irregularities preferences siderites farver hotly ##nalal seamount thermogenic thermometric thermomag thermophilic ramire ##tilation ##tilus freshly nodweni portill porcup porcelan thriving schott schwar schwartz schulze ##irov orthogran clinoh clinopyroxenites spinning lsk narigan op2 optic opine options opatica relevent seldom alternated alternately divides unalbitized greyish isochronic behaving 801 80kr burkansky buritirama gneissosity silvery silvermines argillization argillitic argillically argillites argillitization 222 226 7016 7069 7062 70140 purging pursu tonalites versa mechanically mechanised blancos equivocally 34sso4 34sf5 34svalues ledges lederschief ##biotite ##indling ##indji amethysts scannography title titrated titrator permil permissible ##akhsal 336 331 335 339 3300 33sh buick buyer fishione logk logger logfs ##hythmic retrogressive tending narrows narrowly narrowest h2saq ##olai puren purest alkalies alkalinity alkalinization shapiro closes serpentinised cheralite dilation dilles diluent diligent calderian mobilise mobilizing mobilising mobilizes 216 214 baltos baldwin balkash helen ##oflow accessed accessories nanotes nanoncl nanocrystals preciousand peralkalineand hardened hardpan okay okune okhot okinawa ##skatteberg incorporating palmer palarstan ##bax ##baikou ##yingtan laborlux laboratoire nickelines hsu disperse dispersing ##ientes ##hydrolysis researched accumulates milleriteand bathing andradites andraditization stark scatters corona volcaniclastics pictured energies energize tellurium 242 2400 3502 mila milos milestone clastics percents pyrope pyrolysis pyrohydrolysis supportive beddings offsetting fluorideand palaeoer palaeostress palaeoflow ##cks physically physik physiographic 006 003 northeastand ##bergite sperrylites 324 329 3200 3290 32000 457 455 louisville ##806 ##8014 ##80lv mountainous 354 359 3512 juiz juanicipio sanuk sanem sanjiang sankt sanhekou sanshanjie distorted distortion ##ogenically interstice modernization d249 loops loosens penn penge pencil penarroya penobsc powered ##scape evaluations temporarily coexisiting erupting alloyed reactivate reactivational responses 658 6500 estable functional functioning gyi mappings diffracted flats flatten flatto flatlying flattened exhaling frants jiazishan jiaolai kerrich kerrick kernel keringal graphically ##news cracking crackled bottles batholithic gypsiferous rapakivi caption capacitors dolerites paleoslop magnesiorowlandite hypotheses hypothesize bottoms bottomset 75as papago papunen plasmaquad tremor continuing continuity rapids 34th 3428 yinluling delay delayed delmelle delimiting delamerian delivered anticipated calibrate tremolites 372 377 37ar 3700 317 31to bimolybd dattaw dataswith emparan hollow holocrystalline riddle ridler ##wei conduct conductivity chdddh incompatibility 291 293 2900 2980 2940 2912 2954 2984 29si 2975 bacteriomorph creep cumulative kumar kumushi kumishi statements alkaliand chddh77 904 denied denny denoted dennilton denudation operate views yanbian yanmasu ##aiian implicate implicating terraced terrier terracing terraspect eurovector cym cyclone cyanide cytopl kosyak ligurian ligurides molassic mollo ##nedy ##nedah anhydrites ##thermophilic exciting excitation excalib necessity permeate permeabil heterogranular heterogeneities 150nd 2632 cdn cdf cdp cdse drape draut drawing draping draped drawback merit meric merges mercantek tonne ventifact ventifacts ventilation ##masses repetitive sharper arribas assessable concordantly diffractions 016 011 015 014 emulsion emitting emitter emitted emitech moganite mogalak populated tmr ##ukov graywacke supportable 02c 022 027 026 024 028 029 053 058 886 884 8800 pacmanus ##marks leuco leucogabbro leucogranitic leuconorite metavolcanics 556 553 5512 8000 bluish bismuthite bismuthide bismuthides bismuthtellur fallen fallick goodfellow goodnews komarova luis lutite luque lujiang luzy luodang macambira macroscale susu suspect ##lsperger ##602 ##60lv ##ussonite shortages 1870 1871 1874 1879 venterspost 071 074 07215 kb4a kamvong kamariz passes ##divar tholeitic tholeitiic deviate coincided coincidence needless needham reasoned rheologic rawhide ##oye realize converts converting strelley streaking subdivide subdividing 282 287 286 281 283 288 2863 m235 m232 m238 pitinga ##ypt ##aganeite saprolitic uniformity prevents frontal intraor intraand intraformational signaled titaniteand instrumentation neutralization neutrality neutralisation neutralize neutralizers tholeiites 764 763 7600f hanson hannington ##eroon discordantly icpmsdat 576 575 kato katz qfm tank vice waveforms revising subjects subjecting substantiated itabirites specialisation favoring blueand 3b1 662 666 663 66ga 632 636 631 635 634 6360lv dump duke duits dufa digestate goethitic harare harvard kvd1 venture diamant diamagnetic occasions photograp prominences 722 727 724 7219 7288 72114 72349 72837 72912 852 854 8530 dash mye utilization utilising utilizes vacas ##diagnosed antiforms antiformal antiquity makeup laurikko paleoand serpentineand reproducibilities 428 achiev cerium cerianite svetlog willyama invert colours networking outlook saltating rubbly fluorineand graphiteand pseudomorphing pseudomorphous thirdly 030 035 034 033 7463 7384 73866 d1b d16 d13 dahu filho teresa convenient sapuca simulate simulates simultane 2663 2668 boxand boxplot evaporatic evaporatively independence confirmation svecobal 477 476 478 432 437 435 438 481 4800 fenner fennian foreign foremost foresee foresets forecasting gained panel panels panzhi panalytical panorama pannalal poddy podosek qiu qijia δdh2o ##uisky ##122 noblet applicability equality rhyodacites turbine chddh029 chddh055 chddh073 387 386 385 384 3800 3871 95mo 9590 997 991 9900 99ru 9997 9928 9990 9971 9979 9968 9945 autorad authenticated casting casino fisher fischer kloof kladno ybn ybt zharikov zhukov ##fenisite ancastor shoaling granularity introductory titanomag simplectitic japanese 962 965 969 branches cameras camsell cameroon camebax douzakh doucet douglas databases eighty liberia liberating hyperprobe hyperthermophilic unreactive unrepres unreported phaneritic dominican stepwise backarcs lamellaes linearity 2012b obliquely 714 7100 7138 7155 7175 71905 71602 700380 buckton buckhorn csd cs4 csiro destor flysh hclo3 jehl jebra palladarsen palladoarsen rota rotations sheraton sensation ##boi ##boten ##boky ##axially readings readjust coas2 ##oudouma diachoneity diachronic analogs 2652 2653 predicting predictive centimetric turbidity turbidities avalanche kirkpat peneplain packed sdgm tabs zeolite ##ansgruvan begg begin meggen megaves meguma megashear megavoids shao shaquanzi shafts shaerhu shaanxi shortened allaniteand trader arguing seleno selenosulph robustness 5610 686 685 683 689 bergakade kenkel kenoran kenticha kennedy ohnbin ohlander ##sss attachment compete competing exclusion exclusions ##quisites ##ctuated ferrodiorite ferroselite helped helping petrologia discontinuously greisenization greisenized corundums 583 6476 6480lv gii giii kilometer kilbr malm malanite malmi malatya malmani pierced runoff satellitic ##zhnaya ##otshe fluctuate temagamite resistate interlobate interlinked micronuggets spreads spreadshe appreciably exploit exploits exploitation integrates integrating integrity pegmatoid 043 048 445 444 492 495 527 521 525 528 975 974 97mo humber kimheden k2oand lagerbl nineteenth psych tescan testify testifies testifying westralia ##pyfluidsilicatesfluidfluid ##47sm ##jiu ##jiaba ##aldzan inheriting ##rophilic shielded shielding metagreyw metagranitic granulitic granulometric presumes calcarenite academia plumeand ##otelluride scattering scatterplots emphasized vacuole behaviours ##oichiometric 417 caty cathedral catune cattlin catarina dani daye parenthesis parentheses torab torch toroids toronto tornebo deltas connect connector connectivity alumel qualified arkosite arkosites climat tracks tracking spanish microfracturing mswati 1972 1977 1978 1304 hfseand nanometerto antimonio centimeterto penetrate 08264 692 699 bonney boninites bonfim batoliths batatal battery batteries batumike families grodor grooves landscape landmasses landmarks maritime ##225 coffinitization gemstone gemstones occupancy neoformed percolate percolating percleve regressions undetected undeveloped undetermined undergoes sheetfloods molybdate softening organically organophile organotrophic attempting kimberlites pxrd pxrfs deltaplusxl 067 064 461 650and dropped ecma fugacities fingering mosch mosquito peltier rp3a warren ##brand ##bray ##boring ##borated decompose decomposing stacks persist transected textual contrastingly homogenously summitville builds buildups molybdoscheeliteand 626 625 engines english fesil ida idisco idaite idaho idioblasts jogoku route routed wedges xinde xinqi xiaodany xiaorequanzi ##ooning demands demanding enhances consume consumer consumers itacolom improves improving improvement improbable ignores 1196 2643 definable finnliden argentocup radioactivity polarization polarising polarisers robertson uplands fingerprinting pillows 543 548 airbag boudins eneor frost khin khadlzan khangilay khaldzan knox kuzvart kulyumb kuipers nascent putting rodingite rackla split splash splitting winds yttakhsky yttrotit ##banan ##yrev condensable stromatolite tetragonal tetravalent assaying encasing encased encouraging fe2o3t subduct carew obtainable ambros 1014 syeno manifesting spectroscopic fragmental phoscorites 2013a favourably pyroclastics 2hf 2hco 2h2so4 2hco3 2h2po4 817 8100 bernd berthe berns bernard cfb fired huber huosh hungary mccready mccann mccreed mccrea mccallu mccandless nuggety ##hua ##oticed issa issyk chamoisite shifting restoration continentor guarantee shoshonites recovery50 uncommonly 516 513 837 836 benavides buddini budapest chegul dumlu dumoul junctions kinetics lorand misiden misidentified misunder misnomer misfit misquoted misdiagnosed munich munoz rasa rastered zro3 ##054 ##058 courses seismicity quadrangle entrained entrainment ##ransy cu3cl3 zonality scarp scavenges biotitized escapes 106d 106cd refrigerated derivative melanosome 1962 1968 1936 193ir williamson marksheider smithsonite ametistovoe actualistic cristales industrialised stauroliteand 770 775 77se 787 797 798 czamans celerator fundao fundsj godlway lignin lignitic lignitized lignitised raising raeside slowed testa ##h2oinproductminerali convecting convectively grabens quarts quarries quarternary questionable cryptoex clarke clarify commensurate microspherical microspectrome cornubian advise advocating transmittedand euxinia 2627 2625 2629 pumped pumping polymicitic 2701 2704 metallurgically clinoand clinoamphiboles indexing juxtaposing franciscan diachronously nucleogenic mississagi definitions 188osi komsomolsk binned binomial bisulphate bisbee djsp djalt ganderia ganderian jxa8100 mongillo tayar taymyr welcome wangershan ##gurtag ##16806 gravimetry ##nejad attainable stabilization stabilizing stabilize ##mentalise hydrocyclones diabases dioxides aridus aridity aridification uniquely intergranularly interfere interfaced interfingered ab1and indiana neighboring fairmaid heterojunction acceptance micrometers practicing regularity 125te constructing constructions insufficiently 2007a 2000s chromatographic chromatographically chromatographs dissociates discussing visualization visualized visualise visualizing bastnaesiteand ferrar doublets aluminae categorised clausthal cordieriteand impregnates 090 53cr cationic etch etching fibro honorary kyak kyaw kyatpy karst karhu karoo karategin kartstrask karabash karstrask lathor linings molecules navigation pixe rosua roskill roscoelite rosengren rusk rusty speak speaks spekbo tenths vitroclastic victorian ##987 ##ontinent retaining coastline annular announcements anisian sudokovite comprehend disposal excellence hemley hemlo comeback wetted wetloo niobec nioboaeschynite pooled petrogenetically magnesiteand cycled cyclical channelized channelised channelways urd04 urd069 urd054 fundamentals gersdorfite 823 82se 8200 8230 btb cadmium cadillac dosimeter durban durham durango gila gilder grossly hootan hojdas hofform hira hirata kindly olyokma oilfield october wujiashan xl30 yakov yakutia ##ni2as3 ##werf ##1000b ##joen ##oluzzi receive recemented receiving proceeding disruptions hybridized unpattern unprospective geometrical geometrically diffusely commodity scottish niujuan trunk adsorb adsorbs amazonian amazonia epicontinental amphiboliotic superimposition 1869 multielemental insightful 2002a programmable hornfelsed devolatization stillwaterite pairing laboratorio empirically passively autochthonously destabilized destabilise destabilize destabilizes diachroneiety malmkarr trachytic trachyitic trachydacite trachytoidal 33sf5 aerosite aerosols cambotas chesley fleuh fleischer flecks golconda hedong hedrick hedrik jarasite lambda md03 pinos pinta pinheiro renierite renowned samnium samarskite tsaga tshepong tsumoite tsawela vessel vesicles vesuv wrinkled ##eyevsky ##nsb ##ns4 ##nsbo ##carini ##lovsk ##fesns4 reactors algae algorith departure anastamosing chappell chapters startling fluviatile exerted crucibles hydrology argentine artisinally concern concerned concerns validated paranaiba siltto leping lepage lepanto microtexture elsner elsberg srm610 srm612 1956 1955 1953 1958 1959 195pt glaciation glaciogenic trappe polygon polymerisation 2745 2743 2014a megacryst mkd25 qualitatively fiii fiiito kinematics olympio octahedron truncation truncate devolatilized bw618 bifluoride cartoon dorado deduction dedicated duncan dunites dunning dunker fujia fuelled gwt hamlet hamersley hamradom iodometric juncal kangma kanggurtag muro muhling mungall nujiang nungbal nuplasma ql102 ql105 ql114 ql113 ql122 sige songvang sketched vibrant vibrational ##drif ##zani ##644 ##ulphates deficiency altaid bends bending fortunately choose chronology chronometry ##opalladanite stainless disappeared disappears saxena shoreline hydrochlorides stratrig ensimatic feas2 interception abandonment subprovinces substrates substrata substratum subcontinent website ag2se microgram micrographic micrographs microgranular mayakite sputters sylvester brucitite plumbides plumbopalladinite invariant decouple decarbonization 190os simplification simplifying protocols universities thermocouple optimized optimizing optimize sillimaniteand attributing incompletely streamer streamers brannock breakdowns disturbances ignimbrites reconstructed mongolian micrometerto addresses anastomose virtue encompassed 32sf5 32s1h bogs bogda bogoro bird bonds bonding bauk bauxite fergussonite gabel gabriel gunnedah gadolinium holding hongshiite kwyj kwnefjeld kolan kolker kolmog kolmisoppi koluisky kotzer kinks kinked latitic locking langviken langtraskviken murunt n18 n140 n115 naldretit pm07 pm08 pmelts piezometric ponded pellet rainy rains rainwater rainaud rainfall sx100 twilight twelve vanishingly wraps ##holz ##holmsberget ##ezas ##garri ##arsgaard thuringia covary gravely ##ammites atacamite complicate complicates vectoring unnoticed metastability ensures paradox screens screensh tripod lavadero lavrion lavalliere adapter monosulphide monosulphate peats imprinted geologisttm transtensive drastically outwardly 2607 2692 2690 189os 128xe 2006a summarizing summarize summarising hillsides episodicity huangshanxi extrapolate extrapolations pullali divisions nanoparticle palaeosols tmcreco tmcactual zhangjiashan encounters mcclarty coprecipitates ellipses ellipsoidal electrostatic bjurvat aware ballhaus ballantr ballooning bcr1 cpfluidfluidpysilicatefluidfluid costa eighth eclipse elucidation fifty fifteen gdp gallion gallinas husing hunter justify justifies justifiable kainosite kunming kunyushan kunalpi lb16806 lopoliths matured nhf n28 nisb pasos pasco pilot rda ritapolis renewal renewable siete sieving siemens trenching ##cro7 ##2so4cpfluidfluidpysilicatefluidfluid delicately allende allehg alleghen beautifully ascott expectation shipping shihang shiyingtan geysers subcrop augment oxfordian overviews weijiaba aggressive martitized monolayer spheres impoverishment poitrasson discordance discernable transforming descended pd3as pd3hgte pd3ni2as3 eliminates irradiating ##elsbergite solvus solvents 111cd 2008a plankton planktonic longitudinally 2378 switched rootless dilatation dilatant nanozoning holmium holmden aquitard 475ma unrealistically lamproites assimilate kuhbanan lithoclast lepidoblastic commercialization kangguertage journals rechargeable 71015 71021 740to 948 bourget crocoite culmination culminated dabieshan dunderbo fume facets goad goose girdles jaques julcani jamon jamieson kuscu kensington mwale mimicking michigan mutually mreeand m206 nsuta nizhny nizhnen ozima skewes skewed satisfied toledo tangorin tangcheng tangpug tangaralakhsky tunneling wychepro xingmeng ##aaq ##zarro ##14a ##1800 ##9093 ##atschev tomography deuterium coordination alluvium anthropogenic suzuoki gridded christmas chambishi styldrift quantax quiescent cryogenically criticism strateco strategies assigns assigning assignment unroofed metaplutonic metapelitic metapsammites geobarometer geobarmometry philpot obscured scalisty traveled lahars lahfid admixtures montviel montbray montelius 108cd 10879 surprisingly coalesces designation microcraton microcrystals microcracks treatments remanence stereomicroscop furnas supplements progrades prograded 230035b circumstances preferable fertilized smokers 7057 70535 70564 70538 70592 volatility volatilised volatilisation 7500i 7500cs 314b 1989a reconciled reconcilable doubtful 8485 catalyst catalanes cataclastically unexplored quadrant quadratic 106t33 resembled resembling eclogite overestimated overestimating overestimates incongruently verkhnegorbyachinsky verkhnebys verkhneilty verkhneambarninsky 4h2so4cpfluidfluidpysilicatefluidfluid 66znbiotite aghso aghasc bhadra banfield banquet boshekul cabral cabezas cucp cucl2 crenulation crenulated cosmology denggezhuang ddh10 ddh11 dsp2 eggins egypt fwhm gsts gleason gleeson gibson gibraltar gossans hogfors hogarth hamper hampers kretsch kreuzer klein klemm kelvin kamprad kampunzu lyons longest lonshi lonnie longevity ladinian lancelot maslovite maslovsk mamlis mirrors mircofr machine machado mclennan pedological plessen phengitic rakovnik slump slugs slumps slumping somaton sheds vidlin worthy zhenghe ##iopia ##395 officially innovation innovations ##lett deforming rejuvenated copious beigeto supcrt92 gritstones gramado secure stanos stopper stopped stoppers prompted disagreement straddle stripasen resonetic resurgent diatoms artesian metacarbonate metacarbonates claimed enigma geotraverse conservation prerequisites vallee indispens indistinct norrliden norrboten cuprous leopard metamictized metamictisation recalled adakitic amygdales desulfurization desulfurized microlites microlaminae apparatus paleocurrent paleocontinent rhythms rhythmic kappa multiply chromophores meshwork adjustment adjustments stibiopalladanite 1648 puzzling thermobarometry logarithm d3177 d3175 d3174 d3173 0072 estuaries estuarine pseudoisoc excavations excavating harmonic paleogeography kazakhatan encapsulation reprecipitating hokuroku convincingly symplectic alluvials architectural obscures fossilized rdu87 rdu86 0207 2fe4s16 bureau bowl bowles bombs bouvette bouillier billion bombarding cbf citric citrate citzaf clutter credibility chemographic crowding d5000 d5987 daliran dimroth gjersvi gatzwe herrin hurley huronian hurford haymon hangwall himalayas joined jackson johnson koenig koistinen koongarra konnun krogh korean linz linjiang linnemann lester lesher lister listric lisheen lapin laptop lapilli lachlan lobe lobes lobatse nrsc ngotshe nkana nkamoun nkandla nondeposition omagh omchak rm2000 rm1000b racopla rigid rippled s360 sticky ullmannite urals uralian vogesite veneers waulsor yebok yuzhnaya yazyur zipper zk12 zk36 zk705 ##haras ##cus2 ##iii ##midt thomson thms600 detached delineated reinforces reinvestigated reinjection congruous congolese almaden merely anhalt suffixes champion sellers compounded stormer staying mandalay orifices dislocation ##tallides sawkins shrinkage hydromica magnetotellur magnetotemetric vehicles vehicle arithmetically plains unfavor ensuing interbedding phonon phonolitic phonolites phillipsite preconditions submersible cuprite perturbations lehrman leaked scandium ##ductors micromag birefringent corrode corrodes corroborated monomers spikes ephemerality impressively pyrenees brittany contractional proposals remotest slickenside 15335 elc1 decimetre 1930s dokuna 2685 synorogenic centrifuge defects erlichmanite spectrographic footnote offshoots fluoroapatite confidently editorial polymict 1723 affiliated phosphorous thermoelectrically 70433 diopsidic chernogorsky baltica freibergite palaeochannels geophysicists mercier merchantek emuford sustainable antithetical 4308 430644 reconsider camgco3 attests attacked metagabbros mariano 8900r 8900l rp3b misorientation tellurobismuthinite communities advancements sequestrate embayment mkd514a hammerli ql110 ql112 ql116 ribbons ribboned townsville thermochronological pleochroic culminates nizhnegorbyachinsky nizhnefok nizhnetalnakhsky contradictory promptly disaggregated instantaneously cientifics ##tasomatized ingredients solfataric cyanobacteria alpujarrides 3pb2 910o acetic acetone aucu aucl2 bizmisen bizzarro babacu babanango barton bartlett cnh cnrs cresent crespo circled circuit dysoxic dyspros dirty dickite dickinson dictated dictating damped dampened ethiopia emsd7 emslie endeavor endeavour ethane ethanol fontbote gxmap gorceix goransgruvan gigcas giggenbach gelado hedenquist hedenbergite ikiryu ikonsky iteration iterative jesus jesenice jaspilite jasperoidal kfeld kopia koppers kongo killingberget kashinite kashmar lodge luders ludwig lunate lunnon library libraries lagoons lagoonal mhc mhf manganoan manganotan masked nylon nylsv nup193 ovalle padan padilla pedimentation qingdao qingbaikou rogers rogerson sureste sinemurian sinewy sangster sanglard tagirov tapers tapering tformationvalues udden vandoeuv vikre viktor wulian wuluma xavier xuancheng xuanwei ytterby ytterbium zubovsky σnmoles ##efjeld ##aird ##nikov ##makoski ##onnagemeanmag ##erdun inhibited inhibitors inhomogeneous inhomogeneities ##lexes towers thalanga thalfenisite thiosulfate thiosulphates retentive retentivity retroarc contended beads asterisk asterisks antophyllite antofag chalk chalice seaside seasons compensation compensated dissect dissected disregarding disregarded safely shimada shimadzu quenching quenched hydride hydratation hydrodynamics ##chaen resonable resonance magnetometer carbothermal carlos artificial artificially platinian platiniferous unsorted unsurprising unravel unraveled evo50 clouded cloutier getters interleaving interleaved interruption interrupted abeysinghe premature premise prevention preventing nebulous nebulizer subtraction subtracting cu2fesns4 intraclast intraclasts diffusively richardson comfortable comfortably obstacle obstacles agnol agno3 agv2 agsbs2 michener michenerite trains undissolved undissociated marshall service servicio ammonia ammonium underpinned espinhac espinharas skirted skirrow epitaxial epitaxially imparts imparted impulse impulses 10dx8 109746 109755 transistor transistors rhombohedral rhombohedron replenished replenishment redissolution redissolves pd5as2 pd3sb pd3sn mathez mathematically maturation maturity microvein microveins feldspathoid feldspathoids δ33shsδ33s pyritohedral pyritohedron explicit explicable paleoweathering paleoweathered paleodepth paleodepths investment investors steele steepening solutes gallejaur gallega 1940s ultrasonic ultrasonically superconducting superconductors supersede superseded 121sb definitely totaltailings totaltailingst foyaite foyaitic dissimilar dissimilarities expresses expeditions coarsening collomorphous 146nd laccolith laccoliths semiconductor semiconformable baojiao jurisdiction jurisdictions unconfined unconfirmed policy policies politically politicians 1670 swamping protomylonite protomylonitic 2723 profoundly ferrogabbro ferrogabbros benefaction benefited portray portrayed schmidberger orthocumulus orthocumulates 70824 extremity extremities logfo2 conclusively meteorites timescale timescales authorities d2797m pc98014 pc99093 synchronized synchronism obliges obligate necessitate necessitates luv213 macerals kruger kruglogors mv07473 mv07215 9987 9981 autometasomatic autometasomatism zhongjiu hairline megascopic megascopically megaprovince megaprovinces kankberg kankakund cdd002 cdd001 hydrocylone hydrocylones textbooks engineering demagnetization demagnetisation uncomfortable uncomfortably rodsjo chevron chevkinite fiercely 7700x celestite celestine falconer falconbridge aluminosilicate aluminosilicates kyaukse trondjhemite trondheim bwrcd2147 bwrcd618 bifurcate bifurcations universitat universitario spheroidal spheroids pd3pb2s2 m207m m208m2 vega3 peculiarity stereonet stereonets cryptodome cryptodomes aghgau echoed gibbsite kremnica kremnicka indisputable indisputably acknowledging acknowledged trachyandesitic trachyandesites microgranodiorites diminish diminished nrc035 nrc058 hydromolybdate hydromolybdates scandinavian scandinavia centrifugal centrifugation aqikekuduke aqikekudouke fpxrf hildeband hildebrand jacobs jacobina kudryavy kudryavtsev omnipresent omnipresence pontide pontides ptoh3 meticulously anaerobes anaerobic arylakhsko arylakhskoe unoxidized unoxidised microdrilling paleoaquifer paleoaquifers porcelaineous picritovy picritovaya 96wjvd008 96wjvd009 3s4 3au2 4cu2 4fecus2 5s3 5ir0 5ca2 6490 71282 84sr 9475 ah2 akaganeite a3b aiglsperger aviation amplitude auckland azzer bdl bx51 bidoudouma bilong brouwer barytoc bariopyrochlore biaojia balei bangong bachinski bortoluzzi barely bjorkliden boutroy bobos bailie baez bengal buchholz bokan bissig bitumens bumbeni bannach c200 c43 cesium cagatay cocherie catio3 cainozoic cessation cayirhan coseismic cadek cepo4 cocrystallizing cigano cgsd dnsz dlgp dsfz dwindling d8395 dreher dichroic dpeosit dredges dardenne drowning davis d2sp3 dornogob dharwar eyepieces etrl eglinger emanating eburnian eigenvectors egreuil fhsss fjallbo fontaine false fichtelgebirge frogs ferenczi fpyx gpf geduld gluboky gopfers gerenite gadas gutzmer gayna giletti goksu gromet gindalbie gagnevin gimbat gulfs gorbatschev hjs haggerty hodrush hibbard htwet hronsky hadean hazardous hoidas hahne hawaiian hughes hindered hellingwerf huanshandong hlabisa hindering iwojima ipsz iaesz jiamusi jgb jonasson jorc jowitt jimenez judging jaywon jianghan joseph java jobin jamaica jonsson jaupart jormua kiirun k2cro7 kjarsgaard korja kisters kentucky kureika kizilca klukven kodoke kogarko kranidio kallmora karelienite khibina kolyma kylmakoski kupcik kovdor kringleme k1050x kvanefjeld kynicky kushikino ktao3 kanye kozyrev kansuki kinnaird lichen luminance libo2 lueshite lorentzian lillholmsberget larder ladeira lundstrom london lutetium lugiin lindsley landais lukkula listrically mioto mitchell mlyrv matildite motzfeld mastakhsal mangyshl morkliden mishra mzn2 moscow m127 mitsis menshikovite ntims neron noligwa nuremburg nifes2 nipn nakokhoz nelson nautilus nkombway nh2oadded nzimane odwal owned olekma ochre orosur oikocrysts omittance pw1800 p680 pesce pockets peregoedova pogo paytan pestle piedade pivotal pakistan puebla punctuated pazaun pampa polybaric pinched pisekite pupin pawley patina pucks pinnitized pontaubert pigeon pioneering q150t qigong qiongmo ryan rønsbo rolled roches rizu ruchey rudaceous ramezani rieger rickard ronsbo rinkite rodgers svenson sørensen sotnikov sabara sibao sentry s155 sadowa satsuma tdm tateyama tulameenite taconic tamandua tassie tongchang tessalina tudun tunceli tarnished terskei tactonite tschermak tsuboi tsnigri tdb1 tatsumi tamazeght utting ufpa uwg ueno uitkyk ubrc umtk ukraine vyalso vulnerability viljoen vredefort veritextured visean vindelgran vaxholm wrote wigu wutongwo wuda wignall waked wersin wrenching wonder witherite wikstrom wafer windermere warnaars waimangu xt225 xseries xikuangshan xflash xiluvo yvon yarrowite yinglin yigarn yantai yudovich yexian yossifova zaitse zcb zsx zaldivar zagros zaccarini zelenog zandkops zeta zalesi δmgo δpyrite δk2o λ147sm σpge σxav с1and ##rivsky ##eckite ##aquo ##nkyite ##frost ##jokk ##jirca ##3te4 theswedish ofsample insecurity inadvertent informative insensitive ingrowth ineffective inescapable andriamena andorinhas ##orillonite ##arssuk ##astwards ##isvaara tomodensitometry thurlow thalcusite thiery threshold thabeikkyin ##agruvan deionized deconvolution decanted dewatering decoeur declining dewey dehghannejad reverses reibeckite rectangles reunited remapping retreating reynolds reversal reappears reinterpret retractable reappraisal reorganization reaffirm istria isoprobe isomorphous ishikawa coelho cooglegong condenser concepts condemn congruently alpha alabandite alunites alcohol alschemex alcantara alfonso altiplano beyssac beunk betafite beypazari beartooth asimow asturian astonishingly asteroidal aspirated formally forgoing minipal4 mineraux areachap bypassing meresnkyite anglo antitaxial antilles antlerite sucesso sukulu sukharnins suvarga sukhoi graphene grampian graham chugach chaudhuri chocolate chiaradia chromphyllite chatterjee seccombe searched seasonally seyfried magmatogenic sullivan compartmentalise compston compliant compressibilities complimentary stumpfl madenkoy maphalala maukherite majiamo mazenod maoniuping orakeikorak ##ge2fe2s16 disconformities disparate dismember dismissing exchanging exacerbated exoskarns tecnologics tetagouche savanna saaiplaas saussuritized oncoids onlapping shreddy shcheka shrub inconclusive ququarssuk quotients craveiro critique crumpled hydrofracturing hydrofluoric hydroselenide hydrozincite struverite responds resolvable goldschmidt carnanransy carizallio dilemma contortions arayan archaeology plentiful colquijirca colombia unperturbed unavailable unmetasomatized unworked unprocessed unradiogenic unstrained unhydrated unfractionated unfounded unimportant unparalleled unmixing univariant unorientated unidirectional metakomatiites metacraton metadolerite evishessan evacuated evstigneeva encrustations entitled enormous geoview geofisica geozentrum geographical geolaspro consolidate constancy fecr2o4 february intertwining intermontane intersertal intermetallides intermediated abduriyim phikwe granitogenesis presputtering valdecanas norseman nordbayern negotiations neoarchaen neomorphism subunit subareas subarkosic sublimate subvolcaninc cuddy cu13ge2fe2s16 cu5fes4 pararammelsbergite imangdinsky farellones vologochansky hasancelebi usushwana apophyses diffusivities caunter capao silificied silobela siluriisky pertinent permafrost pertains perception perovskite personnel perchloric pernambuco perdahl pervenetz canakli canberra canfieldite sulphoarsenides calcilutite overthrusted oversimplified overpressurized overwhelmingly overthickened hehuai hexaaquo hettangian heidelberg committee acretionary rankings obstruction obsidian chalcogenes scrapings weidenbeck southeastwards agangi aguilas agbise2 aguablanca ag4pd3te4 ag8ges6 hospital volcanolithic microwave microrhythmic charnockites bi7te3 corderoite bottrell botswana greenshcist recollected recrystalisation reclassification trioctahedral trubkin trumbull tridiem nozzle noamundi undepleted adequately adamellite generously montroc monocrystal montreuil monticellite monochromatic montmorillonite apatitevaporapatitevapor amoeboid spangenberg spionkopite eschwege skinnskatteberg skutterudite accidentally implants impingement mozambique poissonian povondraite wellgreen sheaths timofeyevsky up193fx survived surpassed disciplines transgresses translithospheric transhimalayan rhomboid extensives pyasinsko pyromorphite sybella boddington desolvating desulphurization vermicular vermiculite brugger brindley brisbane brueckner pd4snsb pdnias mat253 microprobes microcharacterisation micropoikolitic microdistillation drinks driefontein appointed uranothorite zncufes northwesterly representativeness albarede albigeois proponents proprietary southampton southwestward gaithesberg gaoloushan waterlogging paleoproteozoic paleotopography paleomagnetism pt3sn pyrrhothite tectonometamorphic msmuscovite derdepoort 15224 15377 horscroft horiuchi elaborating kemira ketcham tikiusaaq manturovsky stekenjokk mankayan maneuvering mantiqueira flincor flawed flocculent lessintense decimeters decarboxylation decommissioned melovoye ulvospinel aftershocks crossbeds chanarcillo furthest westmoreland lithostraphic sinyakova 112566 synclinorium synonymously ultrahigh ultraclave supercontinent superterrane barbanson barbosa tournaisian ruapehu rupturing rupasinghe rutselheden identifications mulgarrie kawabulak coefficientes chlorocomplexes newesely fokinsk foxtrot greenhouse instituto insurmountable insizwaite predefined radiochronometer paragovernmental taipei tajikistan erdenet currawong lightfoot transparency ndjigui snooks snowbird brochantite brockman calaverite lamcicp oxyanions latulippe latourrette belonoshko semitransparent baiyanggou baihuanao baishiquan nonnstoichiometric mcmaster mcnaughton guatemala magnitudes bohai boitriodal polimetallic pollucite polysulfides trafalgar coolgardie h2oapatitevaporapatitevapor epidotization kalumbila kalkarindji kalimantan swayaerdun chimborazo confloiii endorsement polyminerallic polydimite witwatesrand ferroniobium smirnov hyposaline ilimaussaq roerdink mudflows ##voozersky morrua morozov morteani pitfalls thermomagmatic ramirez portillo porcupine porcelanous schottky schwarzburg orthogranulites clinohumite 70163 70692 pursuing 34sso42 lederschiefer logfs2 baltosser nanoteslas nanonclusters okunevoozersky okhotsk palarstannide palaeoerosion 32000mn sanukitoid sanematsu d2492 penobscot paleoslopes bimolybdate chdddh102 bacteriomorphs terraspectm cytoplasm kosyakov excalibur permeabilities mogalakwena 55125 bismuthtellurides kamariza icpmsdatacal duitschland dufault photographed 72888 8530f achievable svetlogorsky 746316 73842 sapucaia simultaneity svecobaltic foreseeable panzhihua qijiaojing 9590mrl autoradiograph titanomaghemite unrepresented 71389 71557 71751 719059 jehlicka jebrak palladarsenide palladoarsenide readjustments kirkpatrick peneplained megavesicles selenosulphotelluride bergakademie kenkelbos kilbride spreadsheet lagerblad psychrophilic metagreywackes catuneanu tornebohmite grodorten percleveite idiscover xiaodanyang itacolomi argentocuproauride kulyumbinsky yttrotitanite 2h2so4pyfluidsilicatesfluidfluid bernstein huoshishan mccreedy mccallum cheguluquan dumoulin misidentification misunderstood czamanske fundsjø godlwayo cryptoexplosion microspectrometer djaltulsky kyatpyin spekboom urd044 hootanui hofformationn unpatterned niujuanzi malmkarragruvan tsagaan vesuvianite algorithm mkd256 dunkerley nungbalgarri stratrigraphic gabrielse kwyjibo kolmogorov muruntau naldretitte screenshots tmcrecovery50 bjurvattnet ballantrae allehganian alleghenian pd3hgte3 nizhnenoril tangpugou wycheproof philpotts 108796 stereomicroscope verkhnebystrinsky verkhneiltyksky aghascrebagh kretschmar mircofractures indispensable pseudoisochron gjersvik gatzweiler konnunaho nkamouna waulsortian yebokson yazyurdu magnetotelluric unfavorable nizhnefokinsky dysprosium emsd786 gorceixite manganotantallite nylsvley vandoeuvre σnmolesh2oinproductminerali ##onnagemeanmagn antofagasta espinhaco 10dx89 δ33shsδ33sss totaltailingstonnagemeanmagn kruglogorsky kankakunde m208m232 barytocalcite dornogobi fjallboheden gopfersgrun hodrushite kiirunavaara kizilcaoren klukvenny kranidiotis kupcikite lukkulaisvaara mastakhsalinsky mangyshlak nakokhozsky odwaleni vyalsovite vindelgransele wutongwozi zaitsev zelenogrivsky zandkopsdrif inadvertently sukharninskoe orakeikorako