[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z µ º æ ð ø ı ƒ ɛ α β γ δ ε η θ κ λ μ ν π ρ σ τ φ χ ω ϕ а е с – ’ ##r ##a ##j ##e ##c ##t ##o ##y ##n ##l ##i ##k ##d ##b ##u ##s ##m ##2 ##h ##p ##x ##3 ##1 ##7 ##q ##v ##f ##g ##w ##0 ##9 ##z ##6 ##4 ##5 ##8 ##α ##ð ##δ ##ρ ##θ ##π ##ƒ ##η ##е ##μ ##ø ##σ ##ω ##ε ##β ##λ ##æ ##µ ##κ ##ı ##ϕ ##ν th ##on ##ti the ##er ##es ##en ##al ##in ##ed ##nd of ##it in ##at ##tion ##re ##ro ##ar and ##or ##ic ##as ##an ##le ##ent ##st ##el ##mp ##ol ##si ##ing to ##ation ##ag ##ith ##ur ##et ##ac co with con ##is ##ul ##ig is ##ly ##id ##ow ##im for ##ite ##ati ##rom ##oc re ##il ##th ##ve from ##yst ##ra are ##ou ##ure ##ec comp as cr ##ter al di ##ts su that an ##lu st ##os ##ce by be mel ex ##ot mag ##ated ##res ##op ##em wh mo at ##ir ##tic ##ich ##li ##om ma ##igh ##ff ##ng ##ine ##ate ##ere on ##um ##ystal ##am ##ab ##ri ##ted ##sition pro ##sion ##ant sh crystal ##qu ##ver de cont magm ##amp ##te ##osition inc ch ##ents ##se composition or ##di ##uc ##ase ##ph pl ##ge melt te samp ##rac high ##ib ##ting ##iz ha res ##ity ##us ##ues cl pres diff bas ##pp ##ain ##rain were ##og ##ations ##up ##ock ph ##ene ##eral fig par figure low ##les this ele rock ##yro ##ds exp have ##ment ##ence min ##age col ##ther ##ely ##ical inclu ##ous inter ##ch ##con cal se ##yrox ##cc ##tions ##tite ##ran sp ##ved ##ites ##00 which ##ures grain ##ess ##ges ##erat us show vol bet was temp gro ##ne ##we oli oliv ##ass betwe between dis ##able temperat zir zircon en la mant fe ##aly mantle un colle ##ut int met ##ari ##fic mod not basal ##low inclusion er ##ust ev ##opyrox we samples qu magma mineral cor li form ##eri differ zon ##duc ##bs val olivine analy plag rel ##ally ##and siz ##olu dep compositions ##ocl rep ##cent ##opyroxene ##mal ##ong ##agues colleagues im ind calc ##ary ##eter ##ect these ##oclase plagi ##un ##atic ##our ne sub plagioclase erup size flu ##ates ##ree ##arn ##ole ass ##ap rocks per ##der garn isot dur garnet ##ct ##art equ isotop rich ##2o syst system ##can crust than ##itic clin press ##de pre ##ange can sim inclusions ##ber pr ##und ge vari ##ide model ##od ##ad trac consi ##io during ab car mg ##erim ar stu ##ay experim ##artz mat ##liz quartz ##tial ##ull temperature me volcan ##tive sample ##gh resul dat sil mic ##hy ##ak over ##ound element ##ron ##raction ##ilib values full ##so rati ##str been ##ryst ##ative fluid ##hed sug ##yp sugges melts grains ##ign concent concentr ##iel 20 clinopyroxene app ##uld tw ##sti po more ##ments also rim using ##orph data gran crystals has ##ose crystalliz simil lower ##ue gl ##usion most it ##ble ##vely equilib obs similar ##ight bo ##xt ##tin ca lar ox sul micro obser within ##ccur image two range ##end ##ome all sign indic ##vi ##rib calcul le ##par ##bon sc ##ond lav ##tern sour silic their there but ##ke ##ell trace ##kal ##ases ##ental magmatic magne where ##ies 10 ##cess und may ##ers typ ##ore ##ast fraction ##bl str ##est ##ating ##ach ##olution occur condi ti ##gen phase pressure carbon ##ular other ##her ##ater different crystallization some ##hib ##ses ##ces ##enti prim ##for conditions text acc contents magnetite ##fer tim sulf ##ific ##rysts sl sy nor magmas ##ost dy gen glass δ1 grow ag ra ##emical ##ield ##tain ##ill ad com such wt char esti ##8o estim hy melting how both ##ral dom ##ility meas ##ized ext repres δ18o ##ace ##atite process ratios corre ##atur ##dro alkal ##iv imp tran pat consist intr ##all into ##form h2o reac under temperatures ac compar mon ##ined reg used amp ##ry observed ##au ##ile ##oun incre volcanic ##jor ##its studi diam sec ##ever higher group however ##pm major basalts fac ##ort ##pa source comple charac only ##ribu present hydro table rec crustal character ##ear ##olith ##olid ##ack ##rium ##olite ##ord contain amphib growth ##ance lavas concentrations metam ##kes large ##ip prop ##sive ##ration eruption ##ist ##ould content ##ism smal ##ages ##ido dec fel ##lis elements perido 12 fol ##ep xen calculated metamorph ##ard rhy ##och ##ia mafic loc ##fore they ##rite ##pl those ther experiments small dist analyses signific ##rich produc ##pper am solid ##led ##ides enrich si arc basalt our ##osed ##ory no ##vel ##raph ##esc ##ric ##ties ##ocrysts up mi zone age tr ##reg ear equilibrium pb results upper na ##erial ##ugh orth significant ##lec ni ##sc inv ##rough minerals ##log bio formation isotope ##ian flow isotopic plu diffusion sur host ##ion ##ied ##uct represent af ##ement ##ob material phases ##ured ppm ##olog subduc ob ##kely ##ines ##dy ##ale ##ected bound ##ual pe biotite deri ##io2 ##olved ##out geoch ##ang ##mon along spect ##atively xenolith sr contin ##ough based 15 ree ##osph ##erg prov one each core cu field ##quid study consistent ##sible ##red ##idence phen cores complex ##tes liquid elect ##hedral due ig ##rix matrix ##vity ##ame deg resp gpa well bec ##ss ##ram 14 ##sity ##oci its assem ##igin origin correl would const gre common water coe three ##ici peak km ##xim whole consider amphibole op ##lac orthopyroxene ##eterm determ associ eff gra ##omp ##ark det chemical ##pre lay ##round derived out measured main parti same ##umul crystallis rims disc felds ap lith ##inel ref general ##tical likely therefore cent ##ction ##onds rem py ##fied region ##raun ##hraun ##greg bear metamorphic pressures follow found holu therm ##ded holuhraun set expl separ ##sed ##ick ##ural intrusion peridotite pos ##orted could ##vious feldspar area bearing studies emp ##rogen ##ically satur ##face ##erite zoning assembl through dykes thus ru plate red ##tivity reaction bul ##ath associated ##ogen interpre spinel time while ##abb domin processes pattern aver ##han ##ences volum zircons radi kim ro ##enite ##row ##ogene formed prec ##ature sulfide alkaline kimber ver deple distribu bulk ini ##idual basaltic relatively 13 related xenoliths fur ##ood ##ffici ##ability shown depth 201 partial evidence 100 do ##ination sio2 ##itive depos appro whereas nb compon silicate lim pet ages bel el mus sou ##tively ##sis supp previous fractionation primitive obtain ##tile hydrother id kb ter ##50 abund ##ail eu ##ding suggest ##etry presence experimental line ##ling alter compositional indicate transition characteris after ##ably giv hor less pyrox ground fl primary apatite ##rol co2 nd ##az oxy if further ##ton ##ards value ratio def he requ kimberl ##ving clas ##ause ##dition 11 assi gabb thick diamonds mass ##eric partition because average ol sing ##asing near electron 18 zones struct normal addition decre single ##own displ amoun ##mass contr shows differenti analysis groundmass ##emi volcano evolved variation domain phenocrysts hydrothermal oxygen fir num ##graph ##esti relative new result compared ##eng control constrain µm ##me slight part metal trans bar ##anges ##olites petro enriched ##edi mgo second subduction cur ##land il ##mil showing reported strong display bu ##tites generally pol ##cl neg systems ##sr ##orb assum type first ##zed sequ metas evolution mix den md spec mas ##ger ##atible stand ##dera cm ##ps cool ##stry geochemical assimil ##emistry mac ##ple ##enc stage patterns very obtained ec ##cted ##act about concentration gener ##if ##ently crystallisation lithosph so ##ug ##ho ##eters given man relations determined aff mid ##zo ##ited highly scale lava pluton ba clu conduc textural initial plot rutile mush conc anom oce ##ither ##ise macro ocean br lat tra ##one unc estimated possible characteristic hom zr ##ins ##ets chl long ##astic partic ##ferred clust ##orite deep interac ##formation distribution hf ic slab ##ogeneous 50 ##val ##sequ ##neous distin fractional igneous explain emplac inf olivines abs desc ##sm diss metasom fo ##ven ##ectively ##ember prof fact horn cumul nit ##co ##ertain suggests bro fluids coeffici pot uni 19 exce rhyolite correlation roo kbar erupted granite import fin ##though although shap oph ##tal facies end har ##ished when caldera units mean alkali hornbl ##allow ##ince ##ror ##orp sum measure deposits ka ##ove ##atures rare record depleted ##ves ##ende ##itu ##ors any incomp ##formed continental slightly suite ##velop layer ##thern zoned 200 ##arg sever minor ##ogenic ta ##2o3 pred observ studied negative ##edim shallow volume many nitrogen either beam develop preser variations ##ody fall mul run ##ork like estimates investi surface several investig ##ozo ##vo ##ross ##resp error equilibration respectively hornblende 17 calcite oxid ophi multi will ##ms dire prob close ##aries you diag ##amber volati assimilation ##ether chamber note eruptions textures contrast uncertain ##rystal ##pb ##isc above poin intru early boundaries clasts diagram lamp chrom syn identi porph ##eous ##atory models differentiation lampro dark hist pa peral granitic late vs yield ##ha maxim corresp local trend reduc describ mec rate prog increasing section number important mechan tow ##ological ce free shear dyke cle ##bility ##ately ##ression mm sid ##lic ##enes images trachy monaz cooling distinct sedim ##other ##ential ##pped ent variable sources sulfur incompatible cp ##ik discus assemblage gabbro monazite 30 ori then depend poor orient ##rated ##aps silica below ##ozoic residual energ comb macroc 16 40 ##du ##ects examp enrichment south domains ul ##ty ##medi ##hip ##isting ##ields aggreg boundary grained analytical hosted mt ##anite ##illi propor ##ength mixing relationship total appear saturation hree ##ie ##ud conf ##ection calib eruptive experiment occurs north characterized flows following kimberlite emplacement ##ends magn suggested carbonate component gr larger 25 here contam ##uch increase standard fer rates ##nam ##old ##rometer alteration flood band seri ##be platele interpreted mechanism back mn rap ##most ##rap ##rior ##ization param least typical produced commonly radiogenic tak ##sitive ##ired ##used expected few analyzed ##ipit density rapid au des pu prior ##roduc contact order minim dri ion ##line accord detail fa los much ##iss silicic proposed eclog ##emon unit differences osc tri ##estern ##ather parental intersti isotopes ##struct degree requi oceanic measurements oscill ##ten ##ales ##lying ##iles ##versity considered pyrite series ##ka ##per ##ison stor analysed types ##lected ign conductivity 23 case ret ##nown thole beha ##iberg indicates dominant anomal siderite tholei demon solu wa ##sic ##ult sequence ##ench teph rooiberg interstitial cre four marg ##ive ##mb ##onite ##arb changes segreg systematic earth ##til ##anti ##lect recent difference post occurr conclu energy andes ##atism refer overl glasses ##ology layers interaction excep according oscillatory thin star even oxide carbonatite groups continu demonstr bl ##olitic ##ised collected ##unction carri indicating hydrous saturated profiles maximum ##namic bal lack mig ##ots ##grow ##rop invol around heter os ##tered suggesting remain particular ##mediate 86 ##alle ##ocryst products significantly dissolution described gne morb ##tu ##inc being ##umin including forming performed diamond provide abundant secondary towards ##sif chemistry replac level comparison setting porphy ##ided ##rometry quench interpret approxim clear ##allel ve ##ned ##bly ##imb garnets calculations ##kaline simp surround effect controlled volatile correspond ##ced ##ok exten homogeneous cpx ailli fine ms ray ##ness ##ities ##inity state ##ometry diffu ##pping oxides microstruct timesc symp reflect 2014 behavi aillik ir might sect ##hen contribu symplec natur since vary ##fe al2o3 modi intermediate indiv ##scop assemblages young ignimb ep iron solution ##vant reser amount ram tect change parallel resulting texture defined non inher ##ritic ##assic subsequ estimate ##oba ##anging point ##ung coup felsic thermal decrease mdc massif observations pic ##ium ##hu ##onic dikes sulph occurred ##entially previously partitioning amounts bre member overall ##duce storage individual 87 por ##fy ##gite subs incorp imm lead greater components lithospheric ##voir uncertainty contamination loss reservoir incorpor ii las ##dle ##gether together ##idge stable features clinopyrox ##ays metamorphism poly cluster influ peralkaline eclogite ##eg ##oy ##ink inferred ##ish ang stages presented central structure parameters coex euhedral bene gold tit ##ning ##set allow strain deformation plan selected ##fication representative natural fug ##pro ##ft excess appar granul mainly platelet anomalies raman fugac ##probe ##ict ##verse phy interface geological typically activity ##ount shape beneath ##more ##thes compr map should containing smaller separated precipit example eas hyp mol pse wide ##ls ##ually ##itt reve suites exc ##dies 2015 curr assuming pseud reveal lines sch ##hon rele before exhib metho modal does ignimbrite methods 60 frac use ##not dominated southern ##graphic university pop ##opite phlog bodies cao path peridotites peaks ilm direct progres macrocrysts starting phlogopite ##sp inst crat ##ffer env granites fields known ri western ##ial ##bur ##side see mineralog positive characteristics coefficients ##arbung popul ##arbunga fit rather ss ##ðarbunga coun att spectra barðarbunga probably laser 70 ##rical ##oid top ##etric exch cannot microprobe again recrystal depths limited normalized multiple lamproites tholeiitic light san island exist modelling represents effects approach pyroxene older ilmenite pyro ##hod ##tire ##orites entire quanti fluor times rhyolites altered potential history ult ct tio2 ##ased ##ances ##atites succ ##lied diameter solidus required transp strongly ga rif sm work ##tice ##ens ##icular ##lement fe3 206 followed lithosphere middle summ ##iscib reduced sediment base situ yb ##ean ##uter ##fac ##wa ##ley produce method elong timescales brac caps ##ward ##rad short encl materials granulite ##inite ##iron ##ument event arg contains possi kimberlites icp ophiolite orientation calibration fre foc outer ranging ##over ##eline ascent stability ##sions affected coefficient intrusive environ cases mpa nature pow pale ves vers ##cy ##ov ##tir shos devi introduc sulfides agre across monz constant plutonic cumulate identified 86sr exchange 35 av hence trough vi access thickness lattice chlor gneiss immiscib 800 ast mark ranges ##eland ##omin magmatism basis microl strati opx open iceland harr fugacity 22 lree ##hf ##ful ##agne had ag2 liquids grade 1000 clusters ##odynamic proportions ##growth tectonic frequ must ##ner ##ient ##vation ##ern often highest mostly scat ##aceous earli plume broad 87sr ax bath far fron mis ##stic ##hat ##aneous ##ometer intern interval signature term ##enced versus cross ed fr via yel ##iation ##iqu increases trends abundance buffer preserved sector ##henosph coupled coexisting asthenosph yellow nuc pan role ##lin ##40 conver ##ules altern dike ##racted perm variability accumul electrical reflec elastic supplement petrolog generated chlorite explained metasomati developed clinopyroxenes nucle year ##ox ##lation ##ress diffraction unli ##aturated rhyolitic located ##regular porphyritic surrounding function ##read ##enetic colum flux geochemistry original intrusions transitional furthermore volcanoes discussion continuous eastern accur lher ##work recon step ##thers account comparable degass respon regions constraints generation brothers ##itude minimum margin craton batholith lherz cy cf later mer slow ##kite ##ars consequ phon include gabbron entrap titan agreement accessory entrapment hot ide qp wid ##hn ##enites ##tingu distingu neph ##ape geother various crystallized limit recorded ##ittle avail εnd ##taceous ##man ##20 ##oles ##terozoic onset resolution ablation applied northern consists underst among grey regional species ##ency absence trachyte cretaceous inherited apparent front internal nepheline ##ctions ##vated ##aco subhedral syenite phenocryst behaviour 24 oik round site ##fo ##2o5 prefer sections 150 separation chromite detailed interpretation corresponding ke kd ##15 though ##ica ##sively ##atitic composed ##less volcanism signal corrected occurrence reference ##uminous influence ##honitic shoshonitic fi k2o lab peri ridge sk visc wfo ##ead ##na ##pite ##ason ##omer chond hand having ##escence subducted depletion fo2 bands despite particularly quenched symplectite transport frag link pt position sen west ##av ##alc ##stone clos ##illed proper ##graphy sumaco magnitude taken requires heterogeneous approximately current body length moun ##ba ##sv ##pr included duration ##struc signatures linear illu harz predic balagne ##equ ##member ##atch areas asc parts indep na2o determine center tephra veins break illustr independ east my ore pun rb tu wall ##ui ##ina almost feo feature weak simul caused amphibolite decomp throughout bright endmember pyrocl harzbur 300 apl did um wed ##rum ##mq ##12 ##14 ##winite them information ##ols elevated sizes microscop adj foliation deposit additional oxidation irregular exhibit river sedimentary introduction merwinite bse dol est men nar wor ##to ##va alr exs ##ophy ##lies she chad exposed glob levant ##ersaturated chromi confir mechanisms driven carried bracco levanto 28 batch little medi ##rees ##ising super stra spot fe2 inten arch silver partially plotted homogen paine publ subsequent hypo sanid 206pb wedge narrow kv sw ##dration ##by ##sical ##arp terms assumed anomaly investigated discussed geotherm available aeg cut das hol tor ##des ##ining ##olated reach another beg equilibrated extent province respect decreasing bub ##orption predomin aggregation aggregates require recrystalliz succes supplementary years rounded properties ##hi without ##resh ##irc ##omic ##ablis diffic disequ location afric ##obets factor sediments proportion black migration exclu possibly harrat establis chadobets disequilib bin best del doc dam ny ##alica cover reason place lowest inde undersaturated extre locally subducting thermodynamic initi pyroxenite numer latter trapped ##rystalline solubility except pseudos directly against punalica 900 circ hal mc tec ##nan instr ##ice ##ola ##acite ank ##ograph experi applic pyr sett constrained clearly microstructures attribu yellowstone degassing medium published nan ##10 ##tine ##ening ##alu ##ana ##anui exam seg acqu active geochron spectrometry provides green pair gabbros ferro overlap simple diffusi precipitation disequilibrium techn 33 ser sang ##ule ##skite ##tim ##arbon made ##sional forms slop oper plateau metasomatic profile experimentally levels incorporation instead mineralogy nucleation understand chondrite independent pyroclastic sanidine 80 fp lo zn ##arse ##ises suffici spati need meg leuc reactions mixt spectrum degrees standards means yielded entrain contribution progressive tuff confirm cam orogen ras ##rho ##are ##statite ##ocene ##rade ste basement seism indicated ##ella extraction extend increased volumes runs ##ikil relationships triple exception younger environment powder gabbronorites decompression aegir dashed ankerite pyrrho sangay pyrrhotite 29 epm ##rites ##afic ##ta ##go ##60 ##orth maps rest ##ogran mode evalu sims match ##ake poikil glomer symb mont 1200 provided remo exceed finally solutions segregation rift ##faces settling epma 09 aug hr ##lf ##enari ##iso ##ulated ##cep extern ##dsley assess scenari complete ##ramafic thermoba 187 polished sequences development direction dependent involving plane ultramafic immiscible unlikely predominant attributed techniqu megac 27 cas ika morph tur ##nned ##ønned ##itas ##rec ##acl ##acent stri whether ##phy usually showed events majority detect classi observation combined combination magnes grønned document poikilitic 32 39 fil graph ju nw nps εhf ##nite ##use ##titu inner ##anitas ##ective compac sup conte ##ize interi equation distance 1400 gradi old differentiated diagrams northw settings extensive leading deviation montanitas grønnedal 45 eth ftir filled fmq log uh isolated compatible ##ote white compositionally equiv preferred calculate syenites 188 ##orbed histor peraluminous 238 wadsley segregations ##till sulphide population capsule chlorine earlier adjacent seismic dates gas lu sel sph scan ##bite ##ways ##roo ##arc ##isation diop anhedral gross induc simult resulted outc discre specific deeper rapidly substitu angle phyric fractions ideal nyt simultaneous down good her nacl occ pum sal still ##ld ##ini ##itoid ##asts ##sio ##ident ##imin existing mob ##ighted dehy ##teg ##ract spess ##gest tempor mineralization allanite rahat ##rystic trig separate plutons 199 uncertainties synthes macrocryst aillikites modified metasomatized distinguished dolom hypothes spatial external 238u 01 aqu dry ess lam mes oct ##rust ##25 ##30 ##inian ##aging ##opy coll spac reproduc geoba elemental ##stitu norm spectrometer thermometer structures trap karoo layered appears triassic margins microlites reconstruc titanau difficult pseudosection wadsleyite diopside grossular 500 cation cations dating esc five pul sn yields ##ture ##kou ##son ##70 ##ground ##80 ##onal off ##eler plain plots ##izon color ##ranular spread overlying calculation ##ification extracted amphiboles considering interactions oxidized youkou carrier heterogene responsible menat world chromitite experienced symbols aqueous octa titanaugite 26 bon eq iz nec opp tem ##jected ##crystalline ##lm ##shan ##mm ##34 ##sted conve ##uline ##ilt critic align ann sto residence intra repe calcic perov scb sclm acceler 120 centre heat nearly mixed massive affinity roof investigate varying ##hua stratigraphic compaction 188os dehydration ##opyrite 400 last pure ##esis ##atuline ##ros too ##the ##vement ant mobility prot crystallog ##que ##ogn better disper clino ##ador similarly correction recogn rhyod represented horizon structural errors identify examples retur subsequently portions ##prin menatatuline necess crystallograph 36 fab lba vel ##ca ##no ##ially ##bles coarse ##uli ##ray chalc seem 204 largest silicates production afc degrad remark spinels radius petrographic ##void ophiolites background demonstrated schem elongated focused marked permian steep aegirine hrt trigger collap perovskite degradation cree dan ping ##df ##wise ##zhi ##alus ##inated andalus ##rometers stron what ##rian shif china ##dian highl resorbed ##ush intergrowth until ##unctions regard upw 144 ##valent layering release visible scattered axis asthenospheric panzhi andalusite panzhihua 21 700 90 ach dro em hel med ##lo ##ko ##alent ##roterozoic ##assi ##osity ##oproterozoic ##dium sampled varies array datas ##vities lea accomp implies amb correlated ilb lamproite occurring portion populations oikocrysts recrystallization graphite critical 204pb 144nd 05 99 ##ratic ##eol ##une ##uanui ##vite ##gor inp ##ator ##oria anorth ##omorph ##abil shad oruanui plinian ##izing phot volt arrow mica implic six crystallised preci abundances heating particles potassi falls ##spec petrological period harzburgite pairs restric hercy crystallographic fabric potassium 51 85 ko pinc rand rls sib yun ##rate ##ified ##king ##wal ##ero integ ##arge ##ored ##sities ##aged ##ithm ##igur albite sharp modally cause carbonates carbonatites imply regim ##ordland gray 1300 petrography displays infilt dissolved trachytic recently balance summary encla vesic column fiordland linked aplite archean glomerocrysts spher temporal accompan random siberi cg dated days fresh nm oib pi pko ##ru ##aw ##32 ##gm ##roscop conn anhy expos span weight qual never ##artonite pataz ##olidus true plumb become km3 kbi mushes emplaced absent metasomatism factors replacement diffusive behavior ##fe2o5 reflects torres extrem understanding documented interior equivalent geobarometer achie voltage precision hercynite plumbing 75 bor fram hard jeol tend ##uador ##sen ##vided ##fj ##titic ##ind infer rech bequ ##ometric ##umsv deformed plac ##ferous contained graded musco partly ecuador conducted final porphyro corresponds faul porphyry elongate focus predicted simulations indeed numerous serp spacing snake clinoen rhyodacite pingnan yunshan bequia ##umsvola muscovite espec give jo m2 mar native pap ses vlf ##26 ##entical ##eless ##olve ##isses dihedral parent parag crystallizing alloy ##velength nah 143 ruape belt support supported identical ##venile shaped appearance wavelength conclusions ##okich comprises count key viscosity juvenile uht dispersive collapse daniel ilbokich especially ruapehu 31 34 blu kine ##rup ##rating ##tely ##ancy ##ational ##iman algor ##luc stre stress ##ometers crystalline play modelled overprin poro microph monit spectroscop correlate assume potentially uniform intruded calibrated auth revealed frequency lherzolite consequently ascend exsolution straumsvola africa initially augite scenario 187os predominantly input extremely kinetic cap cath mur now pd pur vent ##yc ##iferous ##down ##gely ##way ##enting insi ##oling ##isot asp diorite anisot ##osen ##ria ##contin seen evident weighted geophy ##ada largely completely recyc ##veld involved ##ologies thermometry lateral cumulates volatiles fav dominantly conclude demonstrate ##ropy remaining scatter sensitive techniques siberian 143nd 42 850 cen genetic just s2 ##o2 ##loy ##ump ##gc ##wh ##enses ##ital ##sidian ##rometric colour unm metap ##arily modeling strength ##drous patch underco underlying hydrogen ##lisation obsidian effici distributed characterised curve preserve points prograde block replaced surrounded incorporated relevant capsules icelandic accumulation cfbs fragments microscope diffusivity hypothesis octahedral drople anhydrous frame nahlin metapel undercooling 03 46 cell fast gu ht junction led m1 nam ring rot rough ##jection ##carbon ##ler ##ma ##genetic ##onia ##oritic ##ocratic compression always distr ##ichi ##riate ##dierite resid parad noted cordierite imaging equations prepar ##berg magnetites dynamic reached regular surfaces employ flat additionally bars shapes dependence platelets andesitic mineralogical fluorine vesicular asthenosphere established slope 09df ##recipit porphyrobl algorithm spectroscopy 250 3d 95 aure aphy iv junctions pend pack test ##iop ##bas ##hum ##vp thir ##orts ##urally ##acy ##ocity exhum ##ressed ##amb proced sampling basin reprecipit subst ##odic indicative sci acti solidification discr explan approp pyroxenes decreases brune absorption cevp gneisses sulphides broadly cyc breakdown sheets bubbles acquired ##ogranite strike ethiop synthesized stoichi velocity ambient restricted ##fjella recharge clinoenstatite geophysical 09df0 aphyric reprecipitation bruneau 41 55 65 750 date jur lets nio squ ##odi ##ipped ##known ##xed ##granular inverse ##oupl mapping proxim resear unknown formul reli equal equilibria charge propag decoupl obvious detection py1 room heav measurement numbers symplectites angles fract accuracy fragment intensity binary circles geochronology entrained turn seems authors droplets district paradiso pendant jurassic letseng research heavy avoid blow dou kil lenses prom pec rip sites zh ##af ##eve ##ods ##hr ##75 ##aland ##rog ##artine ##imen diversity diverse ##tically spots enc unus liu zonation equipped isotopically sill overgrowth ##elling undergo ##ochron locations complexes becom assembly correlations considerable refract terran contras ##estim soft mtc fertile vein modification brecc subsolidus allows labor morphology spessartine heterogeneity chalcopyrite accompanied country microphen framework appropriate ripening refractory 000 58 600 bur ero ful hem lt mree tet xr ##uy ##sting ##90 ##era ##esting constitu forst ##ott ##lip interc inters listed deposition princ geo consisting scoria reactive arcs ##ospheric chemically affect unique reduction poorly andesites remains extension microstructural entirely quantit ##ware lherzolites cylin preferentially discrete simultaneously essentially normative hardluc roughly software princip hardluck aust act bond bush dac ho kα vana wides yet ##tch ##pend ##ga ##tis ##enitic ##alite ins took ##eca anc stack who chosen includes caled enough assump able scales added representing regression recover upon ni2 cub association ##pread explo redox displaying cumulus find ophiolitic probability depending oriented ##iew parameter involvement aillikite pseudomorph enclosed microlite edge ##oxy thought viscous closely ##vaal begin examined occup colorad implications regime stretch vanadium widespread 82 88 950 ble cs kf pole tib ##tiliz cour cons ##oph attain make proterozoic relation percent perpend overgrow twin timing lavasen propose centres barometry chambers demonstrates epoxy recrystallisation exists environments immiscibility earliest steps width myr umls instrument sufficient mixture substitution recognized ##wald pdc decoupling becomes contrasting fully forsterite bushveld caledonia tibet perpendicular dun eds h2 hots lit ost ##ae ##east ##nary ##la ##ix ##pot ##xy ##vos ##vum ##wide ##onte ##ann ##olation coinc ##ission compare alread stabil ##osite ##otn ##lified ##rimp shrimp dev ##ible ##ibility resem ##erature feot lip geometry modeled ##io3 ##ellite carbonated carboniferous add adam peridotitic xenocrysts producing ##anged 1500 grew distributions electronic petrogenetic curves localities gabbroic 40ar descent details retrog conclusion andesite sectors members argu consequence signals mounted instrum application segments rasvum 39ar northwestern worldwide annuli schematic shaded spherical quality paper insigh aspect anisotropy recycled austral literature ostwald already rasvumite 43 brow oh v4 view ##ily ##dill ##bia ##sely ##pinel ##3c ##fis ##onian ##ert ##erate ##es2 ##atus ##rea ##rograph ##asma ##olving ##urs ##acts condu ##theless sty stati ##omet once interfac enhan weather cordill durations geology concentrated similarity caus left fractionated hyg δ18ov liquidus opam metals longer rarely shallower preservation ulvos putir fault epis inherit physical comprise molar progressively counting success rifting fariman alternatively accurate response phonolite hotter endmembers succession ##omicrograph segment megacrysts scanning bonin repeated ##thetic returned median photomicrograph nevertheless ##where ethiopian hotspot brown ulvospinel putirka 38 48 69 cros ever fed pac rhon sodic vest ##oth ##iting ##mg ##po ##what ##42 ##time theore ##aled ##ared ##arite ##ices ##els coars ##iding referred dioritic ##ained ##ogabb colli interesting former ##apvaal pron moreover carbonatitic others somewhat distances 140 crystallising separates precamb masl ##encies kaapvaal orientations gren massifs polym islands summar converg reflecting metasomatised oikocryst orogenic evaluate removed reproducibility upwelling dataset exposure faults exhumation laboratory ##ontein interfacial precambrian 08 bi ben cc dj fiss jarb ky rise vin ##uous ##11 ##entin ##alog ##aldera ##ank ##mpor ##olv ##sist ##ulf ##imsv ##radi analog ones proble plasma hauy clast interfer feed moderate notable notably ##olute depends ##oclases plagioclases prism ##odol track mg2 arsen ##herite adv ##ordant solidified pegm optical outl vertical limits belong gives define controls cooled ##smow investigation grimsv take anomalous tholeiites systematically overla ##uminescence polycrystalline titanite planar fluorescence argue ##fully accumulated ##mann operating sufficiently mixtures classification magnesian contempor gradient mobile accelerating creep arrows employed explanation ancient kfes2 ##fisherite δ18ovsmow pacific vestfjella jarbidge hauyne prismatic grimsvotn 02 2σ 2fe2o5 cn camp dr dimen fas jx ow pass sant side tre tro tab ##rital ##ctive ##matic ##h2 ##pe ##onv ##erfisherite andean ##urb ##etr isochron mapped ##rip contacts intrac moderat corro subm prev ##achment growing faces product ##scat detrital thermo ##rogenesis precurs petrogenesis else pyroxenitic absolute locality importantly configur backscat timescale riet monzonite columbia periods ptrap positions straight homogenous establish ##ography ##cept classified gradients outcro pumice salinity triggered enclaves blue hematite cylinder ##ophile inheritance djerfisherite fissure overlapping jxa 77 bay day emb kin pen ##app ##tj ##ying ##loc ##uce ##mally ##he ##ged ##gan ##alo ##ares ##anc ##analy ##ings coal reverse ##ilit ##tering divided ##osc ##omm ##ries crystall disloc modes formations calcites condition facilit ##ortun deconv hosts originated lithologies py2 follows feldspars 1100 probe maxima reducing migm reservoirs precipitated situated paleos chloritoid stratigraphy ag2s distinguish megacrystic histories opportun integrated achieved procedure terrane tabular 54 93 az b1 eight fontein s1 ten ##ject ##ey ##lith ##ier ##ze thrust ##inations ##ora ##orini ##antial ##etting conj real alm atom ord hapl resorption space ##ney unre quite liq lived sublith ##ctu geolog granular granitoid ##ford glassy grown react significance reflected hydrothermally ##orbartonite densities chlorbartonite oxidizing synthetic trending ##mediately taking quenching simplified ##egel coexist comprising fitting unlike harzburg aplites batches reaching bubble half cameca inductively dolomite mesozoic antec strona leads koegel cathodol substantial activation reliable quantitative argued conduit statistic santorini moderately sublithospheric 06 1a 49 66 68 89 98 fh2 kn latitic mw ome pip p2o5 rig une v3 vic yang zero μm ##long ##ket ##har ##wood ##itable ##acu ##ulate force rear ##eck ##ectic ##ecting crus ano atomic shield law lake fe2o3 metall ##unc subt granodi otherwise δ13c estimation acid ##ounced produces sieve trunc uppermost plus coeval maintain preclu ellip nearby transfer descrip importance investigations toward distinctly orders clinopyroxenite possibility power monzon global globules african acqui detector seismicity outcrop ##sio4 mobil intergrowths ecuadorian serpentin favour cenozoic rotation ivrea third double unusual microphenocrysts beginning blebs pronounced elsewhere outcrops opportunity cathodoluminescence 00 04 47 72 bonds bott cape dest fgc mu mount sin var ze δ34 ##otime ##73 ##gn ##gna ##83 ##ered ##itted injection ##tioned ##elf ##oll coher ##ections crack alps alone making prolong presum ##ppe wehr lile geodynamic ##odal mg1 sills concentric applying sourced primarily symm implying recor xenotime enrichments upli itself considerably grav detected ##rogenic 176 energies combining stored systematics overlain continued ##ropic microstructure youngest couple paths existence axes intervals illustrated damtj reasonable geochronological context induced pulses protracted horizons necessary blocks ringwood fragmentation explosive cordillera benmore contemporaneous omegna rigid δ34s damtjern ringwoodite 07 44 certain dil dra gal lost mv mz nist pist sem targ vap ##cting ##don ##35 ##went inside ##asion tool ##ached ##iscan ##thal alumin anne ##ticellite ##litic ##amm chann hawa ##usa closed ##lest selec ##arities quad lie ##eria valid ##andine sized immediately indian fluctu ##atest perc perme ##odes sometim tims correct impact underwent monticellite ##ordin 128 ##obusa spectral ##umulus precise supports 180 specif generate trapping program driving tephrite involves picrites troughs edc fixed walls swar diffusivities leucocratic entrainment confirmed northwest luobusa ##arctic ##rustal aligned antarctic anorthite placed ascending unmix prepared porphyroblasts discrimin squares fractures zhang erosion recovered colorados overgrown episodes crossc ccb vincent outlined precursor almandine anorogenic bottom variscan prolonged records gravit piston hawai sometimes unmixing 18o 91 fore mill o2 pom ques rob ske seric tes tonal ub wel ##ks ##br ##bor ##7pb ##zi thresh ##aric ##ants ##sia ##ety iss ##ils ash cruc anion atm atte ##omen ##ights organ plau ##racrustal interest called ##assed enab enstatite land unradi evacu subdi erupti overestim 208 207pb care centers radiation limest pyroxenites 110 normalised yielding describe trachytes cpt southw confidence ions ionic tephri replacing contributions tecton picrite reveals pyrope quantify ct25 gave paleo frequencies mountain began thermobarometric reconstruction remarkably shift infiltration randomly assumption course australia style weathering grenada owing ##etrically granitoids vicinity crushed acquisition mvc target sericite ubiqu attemp unradiogenic 512 74 aut away dig dome hp pel pock r2 rou right wat ##lan ##ki ##33 ##51 ##ona ##altered inset ##isite rework ##ecn crater divalent bey proxy changing check figures expect interfaces disp unaltered collection neigh variety ##aya micas microcrystalline microanaly ##ellar accoun comparing disturb biotites became ##sson originally effective radiol 130 lesser flo transm displayed polar assimilated barometer particle 2000 oxidised synch identification localized sheared clean andesine refertiliz episo ##oidal monzogabb marks slower wider microscopy ##arpment cutting damage numerical applicable casio3 supracrustal lamellar escarpment regardless kinetics patchy metapelites residues aureole sciences proximal enhanced ##poort ##sistent faster rietpoort coherent benmoreite draw robust episode 1b 2a 81 bed dhar fits hess pf pal vis vents xmg ##ade ##o5 ##oro ##lig ##has ##hom ##pt ##gian ##inous ##itous ##ats ##roduce ##ordi ##anites ##etch cone ##ulation compu suitable an50 static stall ##oses ##ceed makes cho basanites intergranular ##wegian ##fications modern fluorite varied cargo mgsio similarities accre imped upward bounded origins separating reduce transform buoy neglig hfse tapped ultim created extensional aillikitic contribute allowing fugacities currently useful approaches fluoride phonolites idea widely sketch ##ophyric extreme ferrocarbon load evaluated pumices spreading stronti fabrics vesicles monitor monitored efficient ##basal stoichiometry propagation buried tetra intercumulus stretching dunite instrumental photomicrographs drill intracaldera ##ancies dislocation statistically specifically 208pb ubiquitous pockets beyond dharw cand dacite edi fut lm net none sve ska veri wind ##ax ##aard ##ja ##ew ##tz ##nant ##los ##dg ##bir ##bour ##ser ##sberg ##haps ##pine ##path ##16 ##gs ##gone ##erites ##eni ##ators ##tional ##orting ##orwegian ##eli ##olas ##uring conven construc ##ths complic crit alpine exact whose ##umber resour resist ##conorwegian uns collect valu perhaps variably apply rim2 equilibrate bore ##view magnetic fractionating primocrysts extrap corrections undergone acicular money ##plate nappe orthopyrox ##ergaard crystallise emphas belts defect defects controlling curved slabs ##venumber southeast contamin minimal wavenumber accordingly migrating clustering apparently easily ##burg smo fe3c buffered alternative gabbronorite featureless uml exsolved excluded exclusively halogen removal thermobarometry selen discrep occasion reproduced convection alignment horizontal remarkable creek paragenes porous muren brecci dacites resemble retrograde ##ulfide crystallinity paleosol haplogranite crosscut pomici limestone dharwar edific future sveconorwegian skaergaard 2d 57 59 56 6a 62 84 berg bartonite dm dmm hi ipm kom kam nno pil pond ros sand sole tau way ##ah ##tut ##yon ##ire ##ioc ##ky ##hole ##fect ##86 ##84 ##ones ##aling institu ##asi ##anes coast copper ##ulus isop ##atibility ##ocrystic rea reo2 sun susp melted ##oted chall changed resolved expon ##chist unless lies relic reproduce subordin ##dered clinozo canyon carlos arran micron observe ##ended ##elled ##ersed ##entine texturally sulfate genesis patag intrins monte facet effectively outside py0 thermoc empir voluminous kimberly structurally buil metasedim so2 concordant predict lamprophy 1600 ##ief design simply ##oked clustered influenced ##ishable planes hypers exhibits counter summit viable degassed mounts ascrib illustrate weakly sheet homogenization geothermometry geothermometers successive index greenland operated leucite technique mesoproterozoic pulse intraplate acceleration serpentine played porosity purp 464 dynamics cycles formula encomp h2s insights every troct embay ##appear coalescence harzburgites description muge zealand permeability threshold plausible negligible window ##pathic orthopyroxenes smooth hiatus ipmj komati ##iocarbon institute 350 64 ci dimin hos hcl hno tb testi tends zhu ##ave ##ev ##yss ##den ##uishable ##sch ##men ##24 ##hes ##py ##vz ##vature ##gl ##4o5 ##89 ##oned ##int ##inal ##inities ##edded ##atti ##agmatic ##igm ##imodal ##ocal cr2o3 ##terite states ##resses why atten ##abor ##abase proceed deb ##dialy resin resetting basanite ##ogram intercon disag enthal ##arian evolving indisting next perfect geometric microc indicators thereby adop comm hydration alkalis ##pms smallest 125 orthoclase phenomen km2 thermometers averages furn idding eudialy contrasts curvature budg denote bren icpms distinctive multip shearing aggregate ##illion puke retain remained sulphur pores immob ct1 deviations monzogranite harris petrology nucleated understood skarn sensi chromitites torsion zn2 needed ##ellae extended scenarios lamellae reconstructed upwards emission enclave session namely xrf collisional ##olvus pegmatites reactant presumably wehrl dilu skele computed impedance borehole pillow subordinate clinozoisite intrinsic troctolites mugearite hno3 ##yssal interconn indistinguishable eudialyte 5a 63 7a 7b air bimodal c1 cv cup econ eut fill iw jia kg lens ligur tens vac vrain vatti ##aff ##awa ##ition ##kod ##bo ##76 ##96 ##zoned ##41 ##tized ##erture inges ##ata ##arine ##sid ##idote ##iled div ##osing melan ##lier online ##rie contour orange plates lowland cold seven spe spl discontin unzoned valence depart microgranular siliceous ##ello whereby 104 undeg textured adding charges extru reacted complement fold invoked derive consideration determination aperture remnant ##icked volumetrically radial limiting supply ternary longs interacted distinction infr meaning 177 160 mno takes ##tility involve contributed modifications epidote polybas ##ishing pathways cratonic ultra introduced conversely preferential covers mcdon camero assessment dolomitic heterogeneities convecting return highlight datasets infiltrating connected ##continent aureoles breccia principal adamawa causes theoretical coarser convergence submarine atoms antecrysts subdivided monzogabbros drawn conventional selenium tauanui empirical ascribed encompass sensitivity vattikod undegassed polybasite mcdonough cameroon 4b 73 78 96 ded dull et fes fam fail gib gond hc jade mir million rul rid riv sa sigm tan v2o3 wd wet δf ##tt ##tured ##kja ##s2 ##hl ##vative ##fa ##fact ##wan ##ense ##rehen ##ura ##istine ##owled forward ##atis compound comprehen askja sud ##ope ##ematic ##antz shards incon ##dily phosph ##eralic disor disappear quater valley analyz ##ands calciocarbon ##detic canada pristine ability pore ##ribut accomm impro comparatively americ orthog ##obil obj derivation spectrometers continent cube respective originate great greatest determining feldspathic apart remobil preced belie terrain ##azzo heated height ##graphically newly negatively brid brine cumulative histogram ##haus mechanical confined ordering drive eclogites concluded overlaps replacive approximation ignimbrites released quantification transported outermost shosh converted alternating permit accurately reconc cfb cfse titanium sense closer globular homogenized hypothe geothermometer recrystallized covered ##ographic nano extending exceeds striking filter oldest historical essential normally necessarily sesia ##rupt proximity geodetic pseudomorphs attained address interestingly arsenopyrite conjug ordination unequ mzb fluctuations antarctica reworking network solely facetted thermocou zhuang disaggreg immobile eutectic melanocratic infrared 177hf gibbs jadeite δfmq quaternary accommod 37 4a 9a aim bd done es fund kong ming nvz ogc tight wo wds ##lastic ##kn ##ker ##hood ##38 ##fm ##wards injected andrad ##lear ##leigh ##sives ##ationally ##igranular ##imination ##imanite ##ocused ##ilite ##vey divi diorites an40 stock start extin molec ##irly max ##uments phan expression expressed sealed fe4o5 unaff evolve lik differing ##olutions depic neither richterite ##ades ##akes rimm lowermost obsc ##ellent 106 1050 extends alkalic consistency folds folded ##scale survey continents consistently grad detachment remnan sets ##fficient defocused decreased displac constraining transformation speculate cm3 unclear finer finding incomple intruding intrusives contaminated fairly eclogitic 230 approximated rayleigh polyg excesses molten excellent schist fracture instability fe3n eventually paleoproterozoic ag2se termination crossing edges preference sk11 holland holocene successions exclude initiation mcbir ferrous powdered matching self opposite regarded ##gmanite join paragonite overprint murun patches compressional preparation discrimination kilg sillimanite dacitic insu stabilization devonian adamello causing boninitic kyr configuration backscattered kinematic geologic metallic granodiorite monzonites uplift damtjernite percolation organic enabled autom ultimately constructed edifice exponential hypersolvus hosting budget wehrlites lowlands riva comprehensive inconsistent bridgmanite shoshone hypothetical unequiv zhuangzi fundam kongsberg unaffected remnants mcbirney 52 61 71 79 8a 97 ball cast duc fle ger gap gover hab hund hill kj kt kern m3 mor mang nas nine nod nomin rising satis tree tay v5 ##ex ##eas ##cr ##cing ##lor ##kin ##blies ##press ##fn ##fies ##worth ##65 ##43 ##erts ##erozoic ##alli ##alabor ##inent inhib ##entary ##eth cohes concept ##iger isome ##imu rev reecn ##rand alalo stresses ##emen ##iral onto projection chain chief ##izes hafn phalabor spiral dissi laki uncon evid ims neoproterozoic subregular isotropic ##2o4 abyssal abrupt carry carlo matter database ##stitut ##parts silicon 103 105 unde ##fort ##forward hyd imposed underestim metamict distorted miocene assemblies gravity refin remove rule giving 114 groundmasses cm2 generations affecting nitr preserving increasingly town ##licate 16o ferric puket tephrites lacks approximate diffuse ##fe2 ##fying attachment quantified frequent continuously slowly closure difficul covering nanop examine confirming raster exceeding august morphologies filtered uhp scans temora scheme highlighted inference overprinted residue stoichiometric prominent intercal insight successful successfully summarized mg2fe2o5 dimensional prevent straightforward deconvolution pipe subtle alumina gravitationally hawaiite crucial southwest diges pelag checked disturbance radiolarian floor palae stalled choice strontianite ##elihood criteria resource occasionally bergantz isople patagonian lamprophyres counterparts furnace brenan department deduc ##owledge andradite extinction molecular phanerozoic likelihood rimmed incomplete polygonal murunskite ductile hundred taylor phalaborwa puketona 3a 520 6b 92 915 ara ea eocene fay gp hamm iter kir kerim kpa kars kta lz lac lath mou o5 peng ren rhe wal δ51 ##rb ##ras ##ring ##rations ##rusion ##ader ##avi ##aerial ##eva ##tl ##o4 ##obl ##num ##nia ##lon ##ifor ##ken ##kine ##baric ##hol ##ggen ##well ##zanti ##66 ##64 ##ension ##inces insp ##reat ##sient ##uru coated ##ulating ##iguous isog ##atinum rejected composite aliv aluminous sust ##otassic moho movement ##icha ##omagmatic mad ##umilite projected shared ##vers deform chem chilled platinum ##usti expense interl interp califor sparse usgs grove ens repl imaged subround subaerial perv geomet geiger carb matan quartzo overs overpress posi pozanti crystallize indication come extrusion processing imping transient accep monzo volcaniclastic majoritic solidif naz invari providing provinces phengite complexity discover lithological lithology explore empa dominate averaged mushy defines stronger poles sodium recording predazzo ##odynam cleav northeast ##rapotassic minimize retained creating osumilite interpretations irkine subset iii polybaric allowed 703 ultrapotassic paleozoic frequently petrologic availability labrad mentioned reasons slopes needs orogeny matched 187re detectable magnesium interiors synthesis octahed protolith shifts anorthoclase ##omorphic qualit places martin ##262 overprinting ascended metapelite packing cycle cuboid parameterisation ##lai coincides boninites interference interferences backscatter sintered cracks vapour channels question welded eruptives routine dispersed neighbour transmission refertilization hess3 ##ordia valuable contaminant paragenesis breccias readily metasedimentary perfectly iddingsi skeletal interconnected phosphate conjugate esper insufficient habit ktd kernel ##eastern hafnium undeformed pelagic 91500 fayalite hammer kerimasi karsanti penglai california subrounded irkineeva 1d 3b 94 940 a2 a1 b7 bq brian ds dru fib gri gud hz hall justi kind mil nh ppb rod sx wood yn yemen ##oing ##yb ##naya ##dn ##sonite ##22 ##hing ##fs ##fz ##gas ##99 ##67 ##5n thro ##ons ##onen ##tivities thems ##esite ##ened ##endi ##alkaline ##iny ##inonen ##ndy ##iter inver ##orad ##elves ##mposed ##olate ##olcan ##inger ##agos ##etta coesite ##istic isob isother ##ima ##imens rees review ##ouse compiled antil motion ##ommon maud ##ighter cherts ##diorites plastic ##rained phreat interb ##conna sea seaw sput sporad ##essel quick ##erimposed differential fluoro ##apagos perform arf appendi rim1 granophyric glac indicator ##keting ##hering δ15n adhering domes consisted reacting increment characterize decay metamorphosed solids electro ##ocities optim centur dominance ##ogeneity 2012 supporting kb14 lineation flank defining heinonen 119 contrary ##enging specimens generating affinities conductivities concordia brittle uncommon deeply broader 197 haruru hornblend 2005 fallout 17a chromat cpo ##apsulated calibrations fertility ionization trivalent 232 postulated occurrences lacking comparisons strains apparatus currents quantities ct3 situation bracketing axial reconstruct amongst kev predicts predictions breakup illustrating simulation adjust intense sloping look ##ogranites ##reci superimposed historic ideality dolomites repeat velocities chalcophile highlights held help regimes vesicle piec spanning blundy laterally favor coloured unmodi ##carbonates square undergoing burial constituent actual assumptions instruments hygrometer theoretically collision convergent problem feeding belonging corrosion knowledge pipes truncation 176hf galapagos annealing swarms tested tonalite evacuation carefully ct252 attempt watson microanalysis accounting synchron cleaned accretion verify ##glomer attention adopted failed ridges believed gradual fundamental digestion isopleths deduced gp32 positively accepted monzodiorites cleavage iddingsitized brianconna nh3 themselves ##olcanic antilles seawater fluorocarbonates appendix unmodified brianconnais 1c 2b 5b 67 76 bt bes bri centi dot functions gfz hour kr kep ln latite pink picked rus rog s6 sink sio3 uran utiliz vul woll xse δq εsr ##ju ##cur ##ctic ##ctively ##nes ##lated ##kk ##ben ##back ##mitted ##vil ##gie ##wd ##95 ##98 thom ##erm ##ering ##ena ##enogranites inac invi ##rot ##artic ##ortion ##orre ##orter ##anced ##static ##elli ##sian ##eto coo conce ##ula ##idal ##idate ##itectic ##ocally ##ocrystalline ##ectivity compens dip diver sus stead exhaus ##emy ##ombs ##ngoing shed share shorter contribut ##teen resolve resolv class presents basic interpl calder seaf wasser ##negie disch fe0 unfort meters modest corner report india ##unately subject subsid erupt peritectic equant richer pressur preand ##aday carnegie arti appreci lowering ##xtap ##vian 102 ##astonite ##aching syenogranites raw processed implement actin monos majorand ##ordance decades 129 1280 distal amorph plum survi ##osphere proven correlates constants refined explored ida transitions assig assisted constraint polishing concur ##ithermal trails explaining cumulitic 193 endow 2004 ##arged tapping preserves directions pointed darker discuss magnification drift ignition retrie create fourier extensively mswd ##fe3 epithermal noneth granulites envis existed bracket faraday termed alternate permo marginal phono εndt εnd1 closest lengths ascension independently myers 3000 microscopic irregularly supercontinent reaches proportional harrats examination aegirines casca juxtap selved necessit markedly regarding ##loor implication koh spherul joined captured efficiency porphyroblast procedures obviously fractured ##after unusually overgrowths intersection scoriae principle stacked occupancy colorado problems anomalously treat configurational migmatites conjunction geologically truncated powerful monzoni serpentinized certainly nist6 vapor swarm discriminate evacuated micaschist buoyant complicated resistance collector discrepancy kameni ponding arranged komatiite tbkn microcrysts phenomenon economic divide complementary encompasses mirror compounds greatly terrains kilgore german hills ##worthy nanopartic intercalated ##oblastic ensure overpressure nazca bqa druitt interbedded centim kept rogaland vulcan wollastonite δqfm invisible steady interplay calderas seafloor wasserburg unfortunately subsidence nonetheless cascade 1σ 3c 53 550 ads bra bombs cach du dau dram drop dwell f1 finger gall hin hop hir kut kink n2 nat nic nim o4 pin ple put past ppt sd sat sad sio semi slip vect war ##ren ##rally ##aus ##jal ##jections ##eties ##cu ##tney ##nig ##ners ##law ##dd ##uts ##usive ##mn ##mitt ##37 ##17 ##vinc ##volcanic ##fi ##97 ##za ##45 ##54 ##58 ##iton ##rei ##roc ##room ##robasal ##orient ##asive ##ane ##leford ##stones ##stroom ##eled ##oli ##sims tom coating coord cones convinc isocl ##imer ##romite rect ##thite dipping anti ##rest ##ements moving atlan ##lie ##ighting proto chk chip ##ucar classic diffus basins ##upo elevation expand colon intermitt seed sept spin spik usa feather unp lips ##atically subarc ##apolite equigranular pr3 varieties ##odong ##adiman ##ademy abb ##ghter suggestive box leg ##bonica scapolite undul agent agree agpa agglomer adc comes measuring ##aturation accept academy grouped hydrostatic recalc xenocrystic upt niemi surpr xenolithic determinations effusive gradu discordant discordance refine separately vertically depletions ##rolite heavi olig curtis seques assimilant ##encing plotting traps homogeneity dissolve foot ophitic incompatibility 2002 taupo likewise ##respective probable noteworthy siderites dried reten segregated stars started continuity demonstrating migrated ##grown veks irrespective naturally picrobasal angular comprised hyper mollo excimer exhibiting southernmost fitted fluorination gaus shortly enclosing arguments vii opening 22b crossed conversion columbite labeled illustrates um1 dolerite superprobe intensities begins circular ##ographs nanosc loi loose exceptionally powders ##cepti thermobarometers casetta offset bonadiman convective annulus purely recognised ##noh hrtem triggering shifted exposures achieve borbonica faulting sessions 42ga package activities 09df042 09df067 researchers microphenocryst xrd ##tish ##tisation csd courtney percentage myrme resembles retrogression australian arsenic treated prevents facilitated azimu azucar preclude uplif galena channel selective gravitational forearc ct253 buoyancy halogens suspect challenging purposes proceeds debate enthalpy cvl jiaodong liguria ingested discontinu extrusive dullstroom ruled sigmoidal disordered orthogne preceding thermocouple castleford cohesive conceptual nitride kirwan ##ichael pervasive carbide solidifying neighbouring isobaric phreatomagmatic quickly centuries 232th synchronous besides exhaustion monosulfide amorphous idaho cache daughter galleria kutnoh convincing rectang atlantic agpaitic gradually veksler nanoscale 2g 360 720 770 9b ah bh bach cus dv dend eme fro fusion fused feni gd god gau gura hu him hart hsr iia jd jer k2 kessel lsr ml nick nars national nga ores osm rio rlf roll sver sides tas tent tant vir vog wy wetting zur ##ruc ##rus ##aue ##adian ##caldera ##oes ##ya ##ni ##ll ##las ##lase ##limin ##kar ##kov ##dor ##dem ##bian ##ukite ##site ##mund ##mhol ##hmen ##xic ##1e ##19 ##vine ##fract ##gu ##ging ##grei ##wall ##wana ##88 ##tian ##tiary ##enn ##ara ##oric ##annite ##let ##enty ##elts ##uri ##ige ##idized forces ##romet ##rads compatibility suture anat anvil stated ##osome ##iring ##oming maar ##umb ##umannite defic devoid ##ucl clay clots pargas expan expose expelled intergrown spera enl mantled fei unst meta mete metast modulus evap coron corsic list differs relict relax immediate indire subjected subcaldera ##apah prelimin traces arri mexic ##aks ##so4 granoblastic ca2 leaching scarc ##ondritic ago adak impur monogene monomin hydroxy ##ochemical noise triton naumannite obli derivative cuts cudd studying correlating grades graben outline discard lithic lithot lithium lithophile refers assembled plateaus interpreting averaging ##hane radii root rods kimberlitic version dohmen deposited suppl tera tertiary europ flakes heise classif partitioned 1800 differentiate metaluminous transect barro petrographically ##clic evolutionary special cooler ##hoe barometers concer concave trail ##insula explains fo9 2008 localised describes describing minimisation triang tholeiite soluble earthqu ##antially references exceptions continuum ##tually irvine 87rb influx physic molyb schock pathway instance attached topography san20 smith argon deviator agrees terminated batholiths ##arsukite phonolitic limitations westward pyroclasts worth shea confirms 282 280 intensive holness bindem damaged reasonably pseudosections experience applications ##1014 zno needles assessed detectors film 1998 opposed stokes 4000 36cl helmhol leaving sharply boron ##rupted insign aspects anisotropic recycling genetically efficiently namib substantially scienti explanations kilomet kilaue zheng undergoes terranes tethy quantitatively actually conser dunites coincide styles weathered ##ogabbro pegmatite campi corrobor peninsula facilitate migmatitic unreal coexistence granodiorites maintained precludes ellipso ellipses destabil destruc damtjernites annealed selection ##boring issues anions eruptible neighboring refertilized visual ##orous accreted loaded ##basaltic lm1 discrepancies ##anese build vacancy gondwana analyzer mingling division displacement automated flegrei governed manganese chiefly dissip evidenced hydrated laths δ51v ##tln inspection isograds sustained geometries impingement throats hornblendite chromatography british dotted russia inaccur suscepti resolvable assigned retrieved spherulites f1d fingerprin hirsch satellite saddle ##nigan legend uptake surprising oligocene uplifted kutnohorite bachmann himal nickel narsarsukite rollback zurich metastable evapor corsica relaxation indirect preliminary monogenetic monomineralic hydroxyl cuddapah classify san20b deviatoric bindeman helmholtz insignific kilauea 2e 2c 3f 450 650 7c 740 710 975 adi acan avo akin bou bron bms dod eucl fc fft gain gases gale hre kar klf lut lange lach lob latest mine mss muse m90 opa omitted pas pige qtz rm rust sle slu scc til tpm vnd vict wm ww wis xu z15 σree ##rent ##rates ##ai ##tail ##of ##otic ##oting ##yd ##non ##ii ##ius ##ipping ##dm ##dra ##dinal ##bi ##bil ##s4 ##mer ##mid ##had ##hance ##hind ##pies ##3o ##39 ##132 ##fc ##fti ##fel ##gd ##g2 ##zing ##zation ##zig ##62 ##63 thous thorite ##tilis theory ##erra ##erophile ##essible ##inch ##infa offer ##itation ##itch inform ##ato ##revi ##rell ##arce ##arity ##arch ##ories ##ans ##stromite ##elen ##elve ##oliv ##olves ##si3o tod tops ##ago ##ager ##acity cott withdra ##uly ##ocular ##ilst ##ilies ##veggen behind whilst mole ##omagne ##ables proved shales shinfa chile chern ##se0 ##phrite ##racting happ resident park parab interstic ##chondritic ##erates ##assing enhance fealo unable collectively metaps erron mineralisation corners ##andes reports subcontin subalkaline geolas variance variables ##idean tracer arise ##aysia micrometer overview twenty twelve rimless granophy italy ##ending allan calculating lepr scope scarce tie differently primordi accessible sulfid sulfos slice advant extents reacti acting recomm ##istries 122 121 foli distortion sie sikk ##lecalc srm continue 147 considerations associations ##arker detached outlier crystallises thermochron dominates limbs supposed supplied requiring clastic thicker transl barite dense speciation specimen geochemically manif conduction macroand traject longitu foil ##co2 potassic ##allowtail ##endeka 1700 volatilecalc reduces sided siderophile entropy combinations southeastern gras 253 banding mn132 fewer minimise behave migrate homogeneously tectonite coupling ##ishna precipitates pseudo exhibited progress instant ##ffered ##oids ct262 smn vesu 22a 220 tectonics alternation reflection phonote keep ##1543 chondritic centered words swallowtail holocrystalline excluding binocular haloes leucosome leucogabbro symbol removing thermobarometer morphological turb films filtering supers superg logk ##initial 1997 offers 513 pix pi1543 border marine alloys uniformly capable cathaysia purity employing vesicularity packed thirty exhumed propagating frameworks eroded bonding ##ecahedral recovery cubes cubic occupied 8200 8230 csds consum addressed hygrometers episodic coarsening polymorph polymict bias analogy analogous advoc dimension kinzig facilitating paleosols ag2s0 harzburgitic antecrystic knipping favourable sintering symmetry validity issue atmospheric atmosphere overestimate southwestern tectonically targeted digital transmitted synchrot ferrocarbonatites loading tetrahed tetrahedral exactly unsaturated extrapolated ponded coastal microns building purpose embayed embayments diminish testified ##denum debated enthalpies cupolas vacancies speed split etendeka hcs calciocarbonatites america american objects accommodated tightly woods depicts 230th kinematics unequivocally nodules nominal refinement hundreds arabian moufti rheology walstromite qualitative esperance gudmund looking hours krishna conceiv contributes plumes survive envisaged selvedges necessitates treatment centimeter vulcanian hindered abbrevi undulose recalculated kirwanveggen dendritic osmium wyoming ##rusting expansion unstable oblique molybdenum scientific tethyan ellipsoidal hirschmann himalaya insignificant adiab acanthite avoided dodecahedral euclidean galegu museum pigeonite sleeve victoria wwga ##bilities ##midt ##olivine cottrell interstices metapsamm erroneous subcontinental primordial sikkim longitudinal phonotephrite synchrotron gudmundsson abbreviations 240 4e 4c 4f 440 415 610 780 820 880 bcr cro cad dow dab dup daly dose dual dict ebs eluc fme f37 go gir gun gard gained hamp hse hold holes h14 house ip jan jut jdf kal kds kca les let mong mct msr mfc nap oc p5 pent pich rhen rosen rhom s4 sound sens sini saw tp tun tung tiny ud uz vug vlas wot ward zan δg σf ##rag ##rhen ##rings ##aa ##ais ##auc ##tom ##yk ##nco ##lim ##lite ##lab ##lain ##ira ##iak ##kd ##kins ##dre ##drical ##drup ##bic ##bted ##ution ##uan ##uir ##usis ##sd ##sically ##mag ##mium ##hion ##hhad ##pate ##palli ##xp ##xon ##100 ##fin ##fit ##flow ##fold ##gement ##zlaw ##82 tho ##ont ##oni ##tition ##erge ##itory intim ##repalli ##rover ##roup ##aring ##arithm ##orge ##icuous ##ano ##ani ##anan ##anian ##entador ##sten ##stra ##elope ##elago ##olo ##olating ##olded ##sial tot ##etrical consp constitut ##ishan ##istically rein ##ille ##oubted ##ech cru crush alt alk albe stem strac ##oss maganan ##ophane marepalli ##ffers ##rial controver incip chron chines resided clim bast baseline ##upta phil parco lowand sev seam ##ranean springs washed ##neusis lap unb unenc unox unamb moduli wee quig mineralized corund ##erion olivineand analyse relate ##anded nep neill neave subpar subvolcanic erupting peru persist persistent equally richards ##berry geosc geodynam george ##ading ##adug traced arte arrhen ##ayered micromet overc ##stral ##strati concentrate concentrating 205 twins rim3 rim4 glauc ##tinen cavity microfract microtom signif ##key 1030 undoubted fractionate strict nord aged agate alkalies acted monocl months metamic ##ipelago ##istan ##istribu deci productivity sierra noting ##obol greens outg ##umulate discern apex thermally rudn redistribu roobol vernon 134 2010 2016 dots terrest characterisation oxys heater heights 112 1120 thickening ##ericlase oxygens resultant buffers mashhad sof so42 macroscop oceanward traver characteristically deepest absorb dissolving metasomes broken univers 190 predates falling running 171 170 intrude synneusis paired trachybasaltic entrop 161 169 calibrate northward grune herein hereafter ferrop mn2 pump minima drives accordance 235 creation segregate thinning starts carriers replaces correspondence symplectitic ramadug brey lasting schmidt ss1 approaching workers powell ##ovite 3533 thicknesses chloride stratigraphically harrison 2200 fronts buffering panels accumulate cyclic titanomagne geothermal handp linking ##baum centering illustration eastward wallace weaker simulate decomposition archipelago sanidines geothermoba circle mcm 336 spatially camb 290 evaluation exceeded magnesio logarithm selv substituting substitutions 1990 reconstructing escape pulsed dispersion rhyodac remarks highlighting emul mediter leave shadow grayscale accompanying connection connectivity focuses john ##267 ##rupole cycling ethiopia 09df096 unknowns fragmented doubly encoun constitute cylindrical 88sr bleb cordiller crosses kyanite ##anken problematic advance advanced dimensions fashion corroded submic rietveld embedded penelope coalesc dislocations migmatite realistic metallogenic descriptions serpentinization doublet destro wehrlitic quadratic quadrupole foreland millim tests welding overestimated tectono attempted radiolarite polariz polarized visually transforms sketches ferrocarbonatitic strontium extrapolation parageneses brecciated testifies filling ligurian ingestion discontinuous meaningful sudden histograms nanosims accommodate aimed unequivocal morbs isomeke isomekes reventador unconform difficulties difficulty chemistries interpolation replace oversaturated invariably halldor woodland sporadic glaciation utilized discharged appreciable implementation actinolite concurrent nist612 nanoparticles adsorbed nimnco coordination isoclinal september picrobasalts myrmekite orthogneiss cuspate sverdrup tantalite virtually anatectic meteoric barrovian namibia conservative unrealistically dissipation bronze luttinen lachlan opaque wm1e ##incha today withdrawal cherniak parabola granophyre 147sm manifest instantaneous pixel kinzigite conceivable downgoing ebsd elucidate girdle jutul ocelli pichincha sinistral vlasovite wotzlaw conspicuous constitutes albeit stracke controversial incipient chinese parcoy unencapsulated unoxidized unambiguous corundum subparallel geosci arrhenius microfractures undoubtedly greenschist rudnick terrestrial entropies ferropericlase ramadugu titanomagnetite mediterranean halldorsson sverdrupfjella 2f 215 260 2sio4 314 412 530 730 83 920 asi afore aud aside b9 bow bir bour bert cz cat cess d1 dre dop dron dred eg ew fu fain face gi hs hen harker ij idi jam jsm kfe2 klim lang liles lrees lying lighter mq mull mort miscib mott michael nu ok o1 oval oman pm pit pull porp qix rh rum rose rms sb sti sap srand ty tron tsch u3 uen van vig vison voy xco2 yk ytt γos χ2 ##rin ##rath ##riding ##aolo ##jem ##emp ##car ##tm ##tak ##ode ##yed ##ymm ##yush ##nw ##naz ##lating ##lines ##ij ##da ##do ##dh ##bar ##bec ##bands ##sds ##sky ##mi ##micular ##hog ##hene ##ples ##xies ##13 ##18 ##vy ##v2o4 ##fl ##f2 ##fall ##flon ##gart ##gupta ##zen ##68 ##44 ##87 thord thie thrusting ##tia ##timal ##tization ##ercing ##enburg ##alerite ##alteg ##inic ##ineralic ##eden ##itz ##itan ##itant ##roic anders ##iceous ##anol ##ania ##lets ##enth ##entrum ##stonite ##strained ##sthene ##elt ##elly ##oled ##olitan ##si2o ##sibly ##silicate ##agar ##etat ##etyp ##etani ##active cole coul cogenetic cogn ##isph ##isch ##igu isolate ##idation ##idies ##idually ##ilent ##iling ##tham ##oux asymm cryp alb alph stag strad st76 ##ossi ##ossible exemp ##otta ##eminated move ##irine ##tices ##icho ##liable ##omically ##omarg ##omitant ##ateg ##abar ##riatic prove proxies ##quartz ##vertical ##versely contraction contrad ##text chak chose ##uck ##phirine plat plays teflon clarity ##enezi parana ##therford ##chemistry calk search spite grainsi washing ##neath dispar zirconium enter envelop laur fev2o4 unra unity unhom intended metres ##ficial notation ##eritic ##oluted depaolo ##uno neut subg subvertical pressing prevalent ##berts arth volcanocl overriding ##oundere concentrically twice pooled grantham bohr boyd bostonite cafe caution oxford micrograph microcontinent signs indices indications lee scre scot scbs ##ellur 107 1040 ##ersu ##ersal strata strateg ##achnaya slices sliding grows agents agilent raises ##illing adriatic charged estimating hybr measur correcting impar impossible reactively underpl underlain underneath comparative mono amph increments volcanics diameters groupings facility facets amphibolites ##ists deccan 123 notice ##iang diffusional ##ione obnaz phenocrystic complexities 146 145 kmg optimal grading detecting outward partitions centred thermodynam saturate rub rutherford ##ogenized roberts vermicular 136 1350 2011 suppressed lineages defin defini ##ditional 111 117 assign masses structured normalization constrains transects baragar sequential speculated masotta so3 affects barometric conductive concomitant lattices traverse traditional particip disseminated fo86 ##co3 kaersu 2006 ##arging observable shallowing develops 173 oxidising sectioned ce3 freezing trachyandes dependencies poorer combine 407 appeared 2500 fahl unitary wave tephras creates ##tune simplest ##hennaya modify individually inherent picritic subsets incorporate incorporates influencing physically precipitating schalteg instances ultras gaetani gaidies smow misorient internally panel convert accumulations supplemented surroundings fluxes ##arson consequent geotherms 2400 sky chondrites heterogeneously breaks ##inah archetyp dasgupta requirement ##hiro nyos greenish operation operate tuffs cambr restored ##ogranitic assessing casi turkey ethanol equivocal sphalerite pumiceous salinities temporally 1992 1999 1996 laminated reconstructions 5000 eqs repetition protoc steeper danyush ##loof ambiguous anorthitic ##abilities photographs 51v integral vesiculation columnar piercing ##32s connecting borg tendency clinoenst march paragenetic microphot capture cathode scattering colours metapelitic undercoolings flatten 955 science 09df032 09df097 formulation formulae reliably promote hemisph constituting intersections stacking cubanite pseudomorphic occupy stretched enhances hygrometric everts ##otho polymineralic summarised analogue outlines belongs own passing ##etrative isochrons establishing penetrative deconvoluted distinguishing unrelated unreliable liqkd statistics mwenezi subtracted acidic precluding mobilization mobilised cracked symmetric symmetrical 176lu contemporaneously programme discriminating tonalitic ashley crucible paleoge waters reworked dispersal disturbed ultimate ferrocarbonatite ##bourne criterion resources crosscutting ##86u relicts arrangement metasediments designed smoothly hiatuses ##evsky ##mentioned attenu commenced phenomena multiplied dilution cvsds economically contoured extruding families gondwan ruling sao tanz disorder orthogonal objective preceded thermocouples disaggregation disaggregated mingled depicted obscure obscured findings nominally unconstrained carrying refinements palaeomarg render madinah deforming interlayered replen discovery octahedron grijal inversely isotherms sputtered pieces uraninite thomas ##ermak compensate provenance endowment ##fe3s4 bracketed kohler braided hopper natrolite vectors chips unpol acceptable sequestered hypersthene azimuthal discontinuity emeishan jericho ngaoundere tentatively coronae mexico scarcity lithotyp concerning fo92 earthquakes kilometre destructive susceptible evaporation rustenburg wispy z1586u sulfoselen advantage recommended thermochronometer supergroup diminishes cadoux dictated gardar hampered lesotho rhenium udachnaya thorough alkanes lapilli weeks neptune richardson geodynamical overcome glaucophane monoclinic metamictisation deciph outgassing oxysulfide macroscopic absorbance grunehog handpicked cambrian rhyodacitic johnson geosciences aforementioned audetat bourdon czech cessation dronning faint klimm miscibility mottled qixia sapphirine trondh tschermak uenver vigorous visona voyer thordarson thiele cognate alpha unhomogenized bohrson micrographs obnazhennaya thermodynamically fahlbands schaltegger archetypal cambridge danyushevsky hemisphere grijalva grunehogna trondhjem 210 310 5d 6c 640 620 760 775 790 8b 810 ale aid ahl b2 bock biv brie c2 cel cate cited cdm d2 eng ease efa fwh gj gc gh gund gang hole hbr hint huck io ice iib jack k1 k4 kel kot kram lc lα lag lock lust lct mk m5 mim mut mud mft nne nomen nanded o3 obl pli pour pits pause rup ranged s3 son som sod tc tm t2 testing tg2 ur utility vas vib verg vav voids win wra wang ways wager x5 ys2 δp δquartz ϕamp ϕpl ##rig ##rtln ##aro ##axed ##je ##cz ##turb ##oe ##o3 ##oon ##yote ##ygd ##nn ##kh ##kina ##kla ##dom ##dard ##drite ##bal ##bst ##bow ##bric ##uil ##uth ##utian ##s3 ##sw ##sal ##scan ##stical ##mark ##muir ##hd ##hou ##hill ##xag ##74 ##gent ##gers ##zie ##zentrum ##81 ##ontin ##tig ##tially ##tised ##erup ##ested ##esina ##entic ##enous ##alic ##alth ##alts ##itr ##ita inequ incep inwards injections ##atu ##atan ##atter ##rex ##rous ##arth ##araland ##icc ##aska ##ascar ##leberry ##elastic ##sified ##silite ##ingly ##ington tour ##agnes ##agascar ##etot cost coff coog coyote ##isen ##idental ##atives ##romagnes ##ocrystal rece ##ilation ##thon ##econd compilation cren alaska dihd antic stran st14 staging ##ository exotic ##otti ##otom atesina ##iria ##tics ##liers ##atex ##umgart projections shut shard deer deem ##phase pl1 plg highand ##iba haase haad reside cla clock clari diffract expul expands mining intercept ##changed select usage enable energe unf unchanged metre ##ariate evolves weigh webst wealth quant quoted corona liang analyze relies relief relaxed depress repose replicate repository ##maline indent induce neap neody substr subpl subchondritic flus ##apa ##apted perturb canadian geograph ##oding ##aded ##adines tracing matlab quartzite silt overlie suggestion poya glaz microtext microchemistry allaz ##vius therein butte 109 1012 1060 1070 carbonic timeline syenitic norway dyger generates aguil ##illary adapted coming howell extra extract ##acey implied pat4 reacts undertak monas ##ryggen grouping hydrocarbon recumb characterizes ##istocene ##ismic decoding 12a 12c folding xenocryst amygd solidi nova upr ortho nixon flowed ##obe ##dynamic bounding 155 ##erged complexly igc wellington 141 originating efforts remel pyrex setup explor ##abbro radiating road 132 139 2017 suppress obtaining terae terrig characterise hekla 116 115 181 firm transpar transferred built ##clature assumes sequentially denoted assimilate assimilants soon ##hoop manner midto baumgart ##formationnn infinite ##sman fo90 foils cumulophyric uniqu 1983 roots fineto ends harte 2007 severely investigating 1783 1784 lamproitic sectioning ce4 mmo ##licated 405 aggregated confocal northeastern grt 256 ferromagnes banded ##rapalli desert desicc ordered ##issing ##emonte interstitially behaves demonstra solubilities concluding blank remainder 860 approximating simpli ##fe2o4 modifying sulphidation ##ishment angel angara phyl precipitate easy excitation 6034 craters ##burcz attribut 705 smy ##ensus fe3o4 sedimented sedimentation ##facts methodology ##ova deviate markl marking stratified miskov edx permitted supplemental fluxed stepwise cratons titaniferous greyw correspondingly labelled skora pt0 pto2 myhill tube simulated exsolutions fe2sio4 public narrower holds holding deli documents damaraland initiated circulation mcken attribute examining serve rashoop 29si ##ogranular glomerocryst externally 276 magnesi 3900 graphs innermost scanned substituted ##sio3 1993 hypotheses hypothesize spaced geobarometry bonn convex clinoand identifying steeply collapses helium media arrays leaves inputs ##atories integration siberia piemonte ##awanken anhydrite exposes inferences placing porphyrocl stream author capacity capillary purified ##umption cellular porphyroblastic packages formulations propagated promoting encapsulated laboratories constituents intersected intersects hoformationnn insulated stacks occupies consolid consensus attainment overgrowing twinning pdcs coincidence stabilize arguing viewed conduits statistical prony grenadines polymer analogues feeder mg2sio4 ##mannryggen contemporary campanian treating prevail thermofin establishment cylinders kinds penet ##ancing crystallites deconvolutions 541 tensional haplogranitic coexists 8900 uneven elliptical mobilized mobilisation favouring 005 fgc1 presumed symmetrically aluminium quadr fluctuating percolating hawaii milling questions questioned ##borate enables careful routin accounts accounted floess 8100 beds choose monitoring tetraborate verified ##axial ##161014 resistant collectors emphasize wavenumbers occasional edifices 57fe rosa rossman suspended challis relics patagonia lamprophyre komatiites diminishing iddingsite multiply dilute skeleton contours speich complemented disappearance analyzing improve remobilised reconcile reconciled strikingly bd1 divisions stockwork schistosity jointing ballhaus nash nascent satisfact revised chains spirals dissimil underestimated underestimates prevented rheological ##661 madagascar discovered labrador labradoritic qualitatively esperan b734 justified mild sx100 ##iterated isothermal sputtering sporadically electrodes flanks adjusted piece pinkish sinks uranium ##95cu thomson juxtaposition juxtaposed kohistan germany dramatic dramatically pleistocene warren tomkins antithetic intermittent spiked agglomerate footwall retention retentive gaussberg gaussian um1t rectangular goddard gauges arrival adakitic impurity discarded european triangles inaccurate indirectly boudre hreecn karawanken passive ##tilised foliations sieved srm98 trajectories vesuvius keeping polymorphs dabaa dalyite msr161014 rosenbaum tungsten reinfor cruise chronometry climate artefact micrometres microtomography pumpelly emulsified cordilleran submicron coalesced destroyed manifestation doped henry idiomorphic langmuir mortar tyburcz ##enthal coleman coulsonite asymmetric cryptic grainsize washington unravel arthur scotland definitively trachyandesitic ultrasonic skye casi2o5 flattened replenishment unpolar sulfoselenides trondhjemite aleutian ahlmannryggen bockrath bivariate brief categor efairia fwhm gundrapalli huckleberry ioa jackson kramers nomenclature nandedkar pliocene sodalite vavra ϕamph ϕplag ##xagonal inequigranular inception tourmaline coffinite coogan strange haadf clockwise diffractometer neapolitan neodymium substrate subplinian glazner dygert aguilarite recumbent terrigenous baumgartner ferromagnesian miskovic mckenzie thermofinnigan ##95cu5 boudreau pumpellyite tyburczy 2n 2θ 2na 3e 4d 420 5c 540 570 532 5se0 660 670 7e 840 930 ati aer aur amal aiba bent bol big buc bran bart bull bak cag cac cul cati carn cart came crop cima dar dich doses drained e3 e1 eil elu fan fran foun fric fif fossi gt gb gul gem gently hg han hous hack hanging himu heden iic jung kur kis khib kfe kress kerm ld lin lod lps mts mbs mars m66 missing np nel name oly oven ovoid ongoing pc p2 pear pual p15 pomm qem qps ry rin ramp rsc r64 rtln s5 serial sav sake solve s82 tv tol tap talc tana tuli tons uw ust uand u18 vad vill wit wan wil willi wie witt xh xia xfe x262 xii yu zro zaf µl µg ɛnd δlog ρp σc ##rø ##rint ##aic ##aean ##ji ##eting ##eismic ##cer ##town ##toria ##tze ##oining ##oactive ##yas ##yle ##yritic ##nb ##nas ##lot ##lary ##lore ##litude ##ios ##ived ##ike ##ikes ##ixed ##kf ##kitic ##kty ##kana ##dan ##bt ##bay ##ball ##ua ##ub ##ued ##ubl ##uitable ##uker ##uffered ##sas ##sing ##sink ##mite ##michael ##23 ##hs ##hor ##high ##hman ##px ##ping ##xts ##xitic ##xcess ##36 ##3ms ##3s2 ##1h ##115 ##135 ##79 ##78 ##fting ##fontein ##folded ##gin ##gow ##gam ##gru ##wo ##wed ##with ##wis ##wly ##wang ##91 ##914 ##zr ##zz ##zel ##6a ##61 ##69 ##δρ ##μm thor ##tilisation ##tign ##titut ##erc ##erted ##enig ##eness ##aloidal ##inter ##ints ##inia ##inding ##inbur iner inward insen inapp inhom institut ##atre ##atto ##tionally ##rolitic ##arhraun ##arsson ##ori ##orm ##ores ##orhom ##icz ##icit ##icate ##ician ##icarbon ##anne ##anwang ##leted ##sts ##stand ##mping ##mpus ##oly ##olding ##olished ##olla ##sile ##sipp ##inges ##agent ##agong ##agull ##uride ##urface ##acke ##acies ##acular cot cox coded coug cowly ##isely ##issions ##ulent ##ulder ##igmatic isolation ##idates ##ocean reju reorient reversely reagent ##rabar comprom compres compact compressed aseismic ##tery ##ters aland alvi alco aliqu alto aldan diap diabase dikty diatre sutured suffered an70 anabar st2 strec st75 st24 st38 stfl stacey ##osh ##osem byp bytown beer mela ##ottir ##opx ##oporph moo moat moves attes ##iragong ##omain mand ##ffin ##ami ##ams ##aments ##amorph ##amination ##abyssal project sho shary shish shats sharing shanwang crystalized dei ##ample inca incong chr ch4 chap chert ##diff ##ucity ##racuse ##izhou haz reset ##uses clou ##upata ##ocking phosc eleven expenses ##therm interact intersp interrupted ##che ##chin ##chlore seagull spo sps spent spong spars sprea spatter spikes ##vedsonite uses disk disrupted enfs en99 enigmatic fe1 feand unid intact meter evans weights mineralised lif zonal valais repolished imbric calcalkaline neogene neocrystal eruptively ##aped pertain persp ##cture preval ##berton ##bergite geographic ##odomain ##ado ##adec tracking car83 carmichael cartign mgalo mgfe2o4 argen arato ##ayed ##aking ##akage overlies pods sulu microg microtherm imagej alloc ##vial ##vision lebow lewis leakage sc1 scss scaling thereafter 1017 1013 undep mayer ##estration ti4 tied ##entification primelts accidental syracuse ##ostatic dyng dynam domenig extrac imprec imprint acet ackn regist amplitude completed presently hydrodynamic container ##ips ##ipapa proposing feld 12b ammon amaz si4 notion noble misid miyas trench truly na2 nav orthorhom ni3s2 plung surge afar spectacular continues 159 reeand ##erging electrom electric 1422 considers grand detach outp outliers apenn lithostatic centrally regionally explicit ##icking ##ogeny volumetric radioactive roed rooted precisely kimberley 133 137 1339 2013 1007 approached lima limo elimin ##sissipp lineations oxyba hebi 1170 electrons 1844 transit transverse transvaal barren barberton petrostrati ##landite sequestration denser mask macd so135 ##ugites concern br26 brighter bruker uncorre zrn ##insky longitude 50v infill ##venation 1989 1988 finite finds finnigan ophicarbon endpo harmon kaur 2001 2009 minority tappe tauride 175 178 pointing chromites chromium synand synto identity pahoe paucity pauses ##lice ##licity depended orientated residuals ##iebec confining fertilised serie serious drifting oscillation 237 waipapa interstitials segregates blan carries osbourne approximates simpler simplicity rays irradi symplectic ##fe0 picture 870 subsurface lasted influences hypabyssal exca schlier progresses counts topic topographic exchanges exchanged pyrochlore rifts works workman 2061 elongation enclose argill argument versa ##ovician introduces 3565 gneissic microlith opened 2241 mississipp termin edinbur ##405 converting reflections elastically petrologists fluxing lherzolitic ideally widening fix labram pt95cu5 ##avari prediction breaking mylon tub weakness simulator brightness adjoining rivera dolerites ##tooth ##vaa 28267 supererup homogenisation switch bubbly predominately successively damwal nyiragong indexed pseudosecond halides ankerites pyrites settled nanometer nanodomain greenstone pairwise ferroan 333 334 served confirmation steel environmental 2989 ##taxitic matches glomerophyric glomeroporph 279 2700 cassia cashman turkana compacted supra supersaturated contexts 1882 substitute salite salters 1995 laminations spaces geobarometers escaped snow ##sonian izu annular intraocean backgrounds schemes shifting 2100 drops emissions helsink anorthosite shading sixteen restriction restricts 85rb columns connect connects achieving 75as ##fjoll recharging joins marid marble 31p 34s porosities purple unmixed ht2 ht1 nams rotated regularly flatter stoichiomet 416 reliability decoupled doubt promoted ##afugites ##hrens encaps erosional tetrag constituted geozentrum principally bonded insulation explosively pseudomorphed occupancies consumption attaining percentages overgrows tibetan h2so4 devices enhancing hygrometry repeatedly 140ce biased ##113 ##entino feeders troch intracrystalline intracontin precursors ##heet tensile ordinated ordovician unexp yangtze shielded metallogeny subtracting maintaining serpentinite favoured fgc3 mu6 zeiss aluminum permeable crosscuts hawaiian tescan issued plausibly overestimation overestimates mountains bedford bedroc visco stalling drilling candidate candidates lmu lm3 ##eliquid construction unsuitable emphasized emphasise contaminants kamafugites sandstone sandstones isoplot challen hypersolidus sheeted windows diminished brenker retains interconnectivity fills jiaobe ##bohedral splits ultrahigh returns etc family millions sigmarsson calciocarbonatite calciocarbonatitic remobilized remobilisation believe reconciling aims schistes hollandite kilgour automatically nodule satisfied inhibit inhibition cohesion nitrides 16o1h palaeozoic iterative iteratively δ51vaa isograd sustain interlocking oversaturation octahedra habitus griffin inversion performance arfvedsonite incremental electrode favoring accretionary gp32b εsrt divergent classes discharge pressurization appreciably implemented endowed nist610 mirrors bqa35 nicolas vector ##mn0 ##17a ##fiers diffuses diffusing spinodal agglomeration adcumulate heavier heavily discontinuities rectangle ah2o bhg bhvo frost frozen fenitised godavari huge rio17a deficient pargasite pargasitic ca2sio4 impurities europe physicochemical smithsonian corroborated destabilization δ51vmag inaccuracies fingerprinting fc3ms slumping tilted ##felds thousand thousands sulfidization reactivation reactivated translates turbid turbulent supersolidus supersaturation csdslice consumed advocated adiabatic wwga6 wwga5 metapsammites f371 goal mongt p541 pentlandite rhombohedral sawtooth vugs intimate ##anoic ##illex crushable bastnas philips severe unbuffered strictly nordbay redistribution traverses 235u mcmull logarithmic selvages shadows encountered millimet polarizer unconformity jutulrø ewing kfe2s3 muller okupata pmelts rumble anderson ##si2o6 stradd contradic chakrabar neutral volcanoclastic ##elluric hybrid measurable imparted underplated monovalent noticeable 146nd rubatto participation kaersutite misorientation protocol borgarhraun clinoenstatites microphotographs attenuation gondwanan tanzania palaeomargin rendering lithotypes 3107 ganguly kotui laghi lustres mimic mutual somma tcms vergent wrapped received deemed clarify expulsion energetic flushing siltstones undertaken monastery amygdaloidal orthoand transparent uniquely demonstrably phyllo greywacke pt09 deliver prevailing quadrature dissimilar esperanza reinforced categories atio2 auriferous amalgam branch baker culm cartoon dichotom eiler fountain housed hedenbergite kurka kisgru kermadec lodge marsh nelson olympus pommier qemscan rscm savillex tolsp uwg ustc wilson williams wiebe x262ad xiii zro2 insensitive inapprop ##standing cougar cowlyn rejuvenation diapir diktytaxitic stfl1 sharygin shishkina incongru interspersed spongy sparsely spreads valaisan neocrystalliz perspective car83a cartigny lebowa undepleted primelts3 dynamical domenigoni imprecise registered misidentification miyashiro orthorhombic apennine petrostratigraphic concerns br266 uncorrected ophicarbonates pahoehoe ##iebeckite schlieren mississippian edinburgh nyiragongo pseudosecondary nanodomains glomeroporphyritic intraoceanic helsinki stoichiometries intracontinental bedrock jiaobei bastnasite nordbayern jutulrøra chakrabarti kisgruva 012 1g 2π 2log 2fe3 3n 312 370 410 4se0 560 533 5rtln 6d 612 630 680 690 63c 715 8d 825 9c 9d 910 980 973 aa ae ace aph ade agen aley ayk b3 bmp bab bip brough buch bold bench bern brand c0 cer cari cip cement cerite citz da dt don dal ding dora eh ese eif esm eman ejected f2 fen fem fate fuc fs2 fenn fisch gw get gis got gyp gps garb ghi gjal gatan hbl hso4 ib iles iug jun jud jaw kh kw k6 kle kol kid kum kus kde kers kist kcl kif knot kola kfe3s4 ll l2 lv lg lre lan lig lum lib leng lends luminescence lgs ldn lending lentic mp mal mos mich mene mari mio milled m4o5 m63 mitch nc nal nra nem ncc nun nest nnw od oes oil oreg oju og2 pp pv pge page pges pand pace pile pied penc peters pie pidge pape picha pione p661 qz qfm rt r3 r1 r4 row rely rhod roles rises r25 riebeckite sed sro sits sob sorted sorb s15 saf stis solving sats sorting solvus ts ton tal tic tain tong tull tual tick tail taz tape targe tdm uk u15 uo2 utilis vo vit vast vred vitt vacu vessel wr wets wnw x2 xna xca xradi yan yag yep zt zi zha ƒo2 δt δρ ρs σr σt σb σm ##rant ##rari ##right ##rically ##rason ##rasion ##ads ##ahu ##adily ##aotic ##aji ##jd ##jian ##jok ##janes ##eev ##efort ##cn ##cas ##com ##cri ##colith ##crip ##cceed ##tures ##test ##oh ##osi ##obs ##otive ##oke ##oules ##oomer ##yo ##yl ##yes ##yram ##nel ##nini ##ln ##len ##lar ##ið ##iro ##iar ##iag ##iffer ##itized ##kon ##kites ##kka ##kinite ##kna ##kiew ##kloof ##d1 ##dal ##dis ##dam ##bau ##boidal ##bitr ##uf ##uary ##uka ##ufact ##uatu ##sum ##mar ##mic ##mis ##mow ##mens ##2b ##2g ##2w ##halite ##house ##part ##pitation ##31 ##150 ##7o ##77 ##vin ##vet ##vis ##vations ##vari ##vance ##vatives ##vado ##fr ##f5 ##far ##flu ##fers ##five ##fels ##fring ##g3 ##gg ##gazzo ##wid ##wami ##08 ##zs ##zer ##zes ##zoli ##zotti ##zkiew ##660 ##4o ##53 ##onally ##tives ##tiline ##ery ##erun ##erme ##erned ##erisch ##esov ##enst ##enable ##alents ##alkal ##inis ##inally ##inary ##integ ##institut ##edish ##itat ##itter ##itri ##itaxial ing ingrowth ##att ##aton ##atka ##atonic ##rely ##reuth ##refring ##rots ##arry ##oren ##ortions ##ormal ##orso ##orily ##icent ##icot ##icine ##asible ##anal ##aney ##anmar ##lean ##leus ##lemen ##leading ##entally ##ster ##stop ##stances ##elten ##olz ##olati ##olds ##olia ##olfi ##sim ##sisted ##silon tools ##agg ##agenes ##agabbro ##agnini ##agstop ##itholite ##ithms ##urt ##urred ##urisation ##etti ##etent ##ette ##etary ##acted cosm coordin cobal covari construct concep contig ##isler ##isulfide ##istian ##ularities ##igo iso istitut ##idel forty forerun ##itecture ##roman read reappear reyk ##thmic ##raded ##ouin ##ece competent crd crist allu alaji ##tsdam suit suited suffer supr succeed anu anata an38 answ anatex ##lusions sta st26 stamm st84 stelten ##osols beak beij behrens beads melagabbro exces exert exerted ##otes ##emann moved atyp ##irange ##ticed ##ichsen ##omb ##omitic ##omelt maira makka ##umed ##umenting ##umann ##umstances ##ament ##aber ##abas ##riately ##rieve ##rialite ##rikk pro5 progen proton shast shares crystallin ##quilib ##quately deuter debr dearth contrib magmagenes incl incrust chal chang chev chaotic orb orsi ##ditions ##diform ##divado plesov ##gean ##gebir ##race ##izations hay hauri resur resone resolutions resumed ##usane ##usanne clath clays ##ppes ##ppler ##ogby parr parents paragne lowenst elevations colder coloss interven intermediately ##chi ##chron ##chik ##chatka se2 seal seated season ##rants ##erator user usual ##nefall disrup disinteg entered enorm laizhou lausanne mantles fexcess feasible ##alytical unin univ united unav unrest metabas ##aria modulated modulating erf ##usthalite evz quarry formulated ##eries ##duction valent analytes analyser analysing relied relamination ##andagstop depict depresses depoly replicated calcare ##ectonic ##una neumann subj subord subcr subalkal fluence ##olev assure perth persisted durais preven pretoria prone geomorphic geisler ##odos ##odules ##adere tracers abrasion car113 mg3 arises arbitr ##ayan meeting volcanically ##akh ##rons ##roneev ##ractionated ##hedra concentrates 202 203 po2 po1 potsdam podiform lowers lowered ##tina ca0 caal cave capped capping cavities microcl twofold ##visions lep leached scand scori ##onda ##keisen 1015 1014 1034 1073 undet undiffer fractionations fractionates strat tiered carbonaceous ##entiated ##entified ##formal ##ferrari slit norils magmasat rapp raise ##illo ##illouin adds admitted additions charging estimations extracting ##ives ##ivotn pat1 intrag intrigu reactivity underand underto underlie action acts comparably monoch ampli amplified ampoules ##ilev ##itsch hydrox rectiline characterization ##olithic ##ipated decline decorre 126 1250 1260 rhythmic ##ochthon locate distortions ##richterite amenable noyes ##raphs upflow nappes invoke ##obalite ##inescent derives derivatives ##mont 157 158 1520 reequilib fieldwork degas originates greece peakfit ##lacial effusion ##pret outflow ##umulitic discs discerned apatites apert aplitic remote pycn foundering separator empty bulging dominating radiometric roy roex 13c 1370 133c 1333 nbn petrol supplies ##ailable lineage altering fl1 deflect deflating healed hexagonal heaney 113 1150 thickest massicot oldivado nearest 1843 normalising normalisation decrepitation oxygenated fired µm2 transformed polars type2 type3 densely denoting specified stands ##ugga ##hovite manually manufact manzotti mannefall bao barely clues cluzel concert bring bruc brf5 brillouin travel 505 distinctively inflated infolded descending fo84 ##veness hornfel hornfels broke 1950 1980 1975 1986 finely 2003 beams runaw 174 directed intrudes paid vsp localization reductions sectional mechanically clemens mma dependant ##apsules 162 164 ulms magnetot grinding ##beam desired puk puyo orderings driver loses tried ##tening ignored 233 2300 retrieve behaved wavy postulate referenced referring continuing continuation bladed bloomer blurred balanced balancing 8600 morband ##tude ##inclusions veið extensions diffusively contributing ##fe1 ##fe2o modifies epitaxial epsilon reserves ##huk iiia clinopyroxenites polyphase ##oyuan goldf plank physi moller excav revealing schrikk relevance 6014 ##spect instabilities ssz counted county attest attracted topx toplis potentials ultrason ct2 transpression gao rifted smok working brack shortening eventual possibilities deviating 3500 3514 3583 3576 avl accessed accessories 2238 farther misinter misleading terminal termaber edenite permits accumulates petrologically functioning mera slowing consequences phonon hottest northernmost greyscale ##aco3 24mg preferable preferences keel keith kelemen keppler kdfe signaled labs sk22 skogby skugga links linkage property lengthscale ascends myanmar orebo punta punctu decompressed um11 exsolve chadac globule 288 2800 2854 mediated supervolcanic superchondritic supercri architecture archives swedish hollow predominate recrystallize excludes binaries binning delta delicate delayed documenting thermodynamics initio latters circumstances applicability mediumto nanosem ferrog ferrosal ferrosilite ferrorichterite 338 serici serving operations loop needle orogens orogenesis steadily triplet triplets ##602 montagne removes 1878 270 magnesiocarbon 327 329 4500 whitehouse equivocally equivalents wadsleyites luiz seldom sphere inducing downs downwards herz salt salitic salje dehyd temporary triggers 1994 hypothesised drying dryness essence mesh pulver ##onald colored 2600 boninite tem2 ##stedt critically aligns annandagstop stoe accelerated protru protogranular returning crystallographically 3614 3645 fabries 906 90zr emerging medicine shades photo photos periodic periodically 853 855 kohn kohl integrating infiltrate vesiculated vesiculating spheres ##roscopic spans 7500 borate bornite framboidal inferring faulted focusing joint papuan paragraphs wavelengths 313 316 3400 3484 algorithms spectroscopic uniformity favored 424 droplet guy m1a names named rotating residing regularity 411 55mn propagates fracturing kilometers zhou becoming contrasted intersect geoanaly georoc geoinstitut principles horoman insets anczkiew ni2sio4 exploit parameterization 889 885 dunitic h2omelt stabilise devised devitri devolati resembl retrogressed schematically 43ca coarsely 1407 summarizes upwellings birefring ##ulfid ##ulfides interfering ##odolomitic mg2si2o6 advances drastic passes passed troodos submerged configurations outcropping 776 bayerisch bayreuth ##oscand distinguishable 549 93nb tension thrusts realm realized unreacted 987 p2o5and vicentino crusher lawsonite maintains ellipse acquire favours 003 001 004 47ti 4799 7219 benmoreites 44ca dilat mza quadri validate fluctuation programs discriminates o22 pomona tonalities thresholding organized enabling landau limestones tectonomagmatic 512660 pelites r29 route microanalyses microanalyzer cleaning monzogabbroic bedding compute mgsio3 complicate complicating unsolved contaminating 56fe 622 dm2 kamchatka rosenthal reads reader suspected micronodules faceted thermocalc counterpart embayment komatiitic testify proceeded microcapsules adopt commun 1256 budgets multiplier torsionally wehrlite diluting cups dividing departure hczs wdc disappears disappeared improved improving improves permitting addressing conjugates bdl bd2 bd0 stockp gradational selfrag fundamentally govern manga satisfy ##656 inhibits inhibited evidences underestimate arai iterations laccolith mouirange renormal interpolated quartzofelds impinging solidify invariant invariable 703602 703656 labradorite octahedrally fibrous justifying roding rodinia sxfive throat ##inyo reviewed glacier incrementally optimum optimized optimize 1194 197au adjustment adjustments favorable 768 ##jujok diverge modestly pressurized artifact artificial artifacts envisage selvedge necessitate nanoparticulate bqa10 adsorption brady hopping nicely pleoch putative ##lawi tomography coordinated isoclinally chk14 expanding intermittently spiky unpubl boxes adcumulus picrobasalt azimuth orthogneisses 2gδρ ahead emeleus gauge hartley k2fe3s4 ngao voglar ##kova defici enlarged coronas mexican adakites lithotectonic concerned triangle earthquake physico kilometres corroborates destruction susceptibility fingerprints evaporated hretm lobe lobes slugg informative ##si3o7 happened enhancement foliated translate trajectory vesuvian borders advocate tetrahedrally metapsammite croce duplicate jansen january mongolia naples tpic tuned uzb zanferrari intimately totally bastar seamount ##stratigraphy signify discernable discernible redistributed sofroneev softening traversed universitat 161ac ss1405 cyclicity geothermobarometry geothermobarometric selvage encounter millimeter unconformably asimow bertagnini dredge egmb fujian ijolite vanuatu yttrium yttrialite ##rinted albitic stagnant exemplified disparate disparity envelope laurent subglacial screened strategy strategies definitive assignment liqkdan liqkdfe paleogeother paleogeographic decipher deciphering kelley obliterated pourahu rupture url vasilev vibr δpfr costa anticipated st144 clausthalite unfractionated depressurisation indented geographically microtextural 1093 hydrocarbons uprise 141pr remelting 139la desiccation attributable smythe publications magnesiodolomitic bonnichsen porphyroclasts streamlines penetrated routinely satisfactorily mildly srm987 unpolarized briefly aerosols bolhar barton cags caciag carnia frankf friction gulch hacker ldta lindsley mbsl m66a pearce p1514 rinds tvora village witness waning xh2o yukon σcations inertia cotectic compromised diatreme bypassed bytownitic attests ##amorphic shatsky christian chapman phoscorite unidentified prevalence microgran allocation dyngjujok extracts acetone ammonia navrots electromotive grande detachments output roeder eliminate oxybarometer masked macdonald harmonic microlithons supereruption 75as32s viscosities challenge mcmullen millimetres pt0941 culminated dichotomy inappropriate diapirs incongruent neocrystallization 63cu aegean acetic adequately agency aykel bipyram brought bucholz benchmark cipw cemented citzaf eifel fennoscand gypsum ghiorso gjalp iugs junb kumba kerskloof kistuf kiflawi knott lreecn liber lengai ldnb lenticular mosaic michel menegazzo mitchell nemchin nunat nestola oregon piedmont pidgeon pichavant rhodonite sobolev sorbadere s155 stishovite satsuka tainton tulloch tazzoli targeting vredefort vitturi vacuum xradia yepes zhaoyuan ##knausane ##width cosmogenic coordinates cobalt contiguous istituto reykjanes cristobalite supras succeeded anatahan anatexis beakers beijing makkah progenit shasta crystallinities debris magmagenesis incrustations chevkinite plesovice ##gebirge resonetics lowenstern intervening disruption disintegration enormous univalent unavailable depolymer calcareous subordinated subcratonic subalkalic duraiswami preventing car113b arbitrary microcline undifferentiated norilsk undertook monochrom rectilinear decorrelation ##ochthonous reequilibration apertures 133cs deflectors mannefallknausane hornfelsed runaway magnetotelluric veiðivotn schrikkloof ultrasonically misinterpret skuggafjoll orebodies supercritical ferrosalitic kohlstedt geoanalytical anczkiewicz devolatilisation birefringence bayerisches quartzofeldspathic unpublished sluggish caciagli frankfurt christiansen dyngjujokull navrotsky bipyramidal kistufell satsukawa 015 025 1sd 2t 2k 2m 2ω 2fe 2o5 2o4 2rtln 340 315 4g 430 480 5e 526 542 5fe0 6n 7n 742 733 8c 8κ 834 934 976 941 ak a0 a6 aac aoc aand aerial aven aided asia asian b6 ber bot bds barn bad bell bau bhat bna b73 billion barker bsas cd ces cab city cps c12 cacl cemen caco3 d8 dent dim drain dall dang dick deng deline della daling davi dcu dai ei ere ece eich eigh eject fs f3 f8 fal fou fec fso fost fpa fish fuy fes2 fans fetot g2 g3 gar gene gual ghat guli gdn gsd goss hb hm hq hv hes his hig hum hph hong hde hough hui hrees hann hgs humb hinges iolite jr je jm jnd jas jing jones jcu jiang jolla ks ken ked kro king kra kog kand kap kang kerg kna kula lon lid lati lec larn lose lined loy lhs mj mte mcc mun mound mach mist mism mia mung mosc m51 marian m58 muno nk ns nil nup nasi ot oz o6 omp oss o25 oert p7 pag pay pell p16 p58 picking rw ron rar ran rene rut rses rile rang rules r15 rind rational rank righter ryd s7 sv s9 sic sent sol soc sli sam sab sse sau sort sist soci stir s12 soph somet sossi tt tl t1 tel tres tric trior tgrowth tca tma tank ttj tellur td1 tg3 ug uλ u12 uza vt v2 vh vg vial void vox vice vital vanc vosh wi wu wol wus warn wo2 wire wabar xn x1 xf x8 xal xin xich xgl xni zed zib zak zinc zeol z150 αolivine δc δz δν δco2 ε3 ε1 ρn ρl σ0 ##rh ##rat ##rug ##ritholite ##aite ##aqu ##aign ##aves ##avalent ##jes ##jar ##jing ##jra ##jad ##jie ##jens ##jwal ##jiang ##ef ##een ##eal ##ehn ##efj ##efficient ##cs ##cm ##cence ##cpx ##tb ##tul ##tec ##tri ##tach ##tual ##tfjella ##turing ##tfontein ##oj ##otion ##ool ##off ##ofe ##ooked ##oint ##oarch ##otia ##osilicate ##ostratigraphy ##yy ##yn ##yu ##ych ##yun ##ysite ##ytul ##nag ##nac ##nos ##nated ##nom ##night ##nian ##nonte ##nenthal ##nakh ##lock ##lak ##lason ##lasma ##llan ##lwall ##ior ##ipp ##iong ##isis ##itization ##kens ##kman ##kaya ##dr ##din ##due ##dish ##bc ##bb ##bus ##bell ##boid ##box ##bby ##bru ##brand ##boli ##uh ##uel ##uqu ##ute ##uelen ##ujar ##sa ##slow ##skites ##ml ##mor ##mel ##mock ##mour ##metric ##21 ##27 ##29 ##28 ##216 ##2si2o ##hp ##hin ##hec ##ham ##hols ##hacite ##hmour ##pd ##ped ##pac ##plu ##pion ##pane ##pans ##xi ##xing ##xation ##xam ##xial ##xru ##315 ##160 ##134 ##1h2 ##72 ##vs ##vre ##var ##vle ##vides ##vason ##vator ##vils ##velled ##v315 ##fu ##f3 ##fol ##fid ##fam ##fjor ##fud ##fla ##gi ##get ##gos ##gence ##gne ##gins ##ws ##wich ##wari ##water ##wright ##9hf ##zn ##zu ##zero ##zhe ##zione ##6ra ##47 ##49 ##46 ##48 ##55 ##5ho ##85 ##800 thjor thomp things ##ondi ##onov ##tier ##tied ##tiri ##timent ##tifa ##tiveness theri thesis ##erb ##erf ##eres ##ersion ##erved ##erges ##ertal ##erpac ##ervator ##esi ##ester ##escent ##enb ##ensi ##enia ##enze ##alt ##als ##alha ##alty ##inion ##edge ##itos ##itting ##itore ##itten ##iterate ##itrea ##itoe inh inland instruc inspec inade inbo inlet inefficient ##requ ##rov ##roton ##rophy ##rocarbon ##rotiri ##aran ##ardi ##arges ##artile andujar ##oring ##ortive ##ication ##icts ##icop ##icam ##icirc ##iclase ##asm ##ash ##asam ##asian ##astites ##asco ##asca ##askitic ##asalt ##anag ##anitic ##anion ##anov ##lebrand ##entral ##entrants ##ston ##stan ##stol ##elm ##elx ##elite ##elles ##mped ##olic ##olly ##olian ##ollect ##olls ##sibility ##silic ##sification ##siki ##sivet ##si4o tome topped touch ##agger ##agged ##aggas ##ithfully ##urer ##urate ##urity ##urry ##urrite ##ursions ##urdo ##etamorphic ##acas coop corol coales cook cohe coaxial conical conund conod conform congo conglomer ##isk ##iser ##issible ##isha ##iskin ##ulic ##ulator ##ulze ##igl isle isochemical isasca ##idi ##ider ##idian ##idently ##imef forcing ##atie ##ocite ##ocont ##ocumulate ##ocentral reanaly reading reiterated reentrants ##ilable ##iloch ##iliar ##than ##thing ##thrusting ##rae ##raulic arellan ##ouver comput compelling companion cry crisis crescent ##terior al3 alta altitu dipar dips diox dixon ##tsberg an34 antis an73 an51 an96 an45 an69 an53 anvils st1 st8 stop stell store stau stark stone stove stained st88 stv315 ##oshan melam melange melilite melbourne exac exagger exocont exterior ##oto ##otation ##ottsberg ##opic whene wholly moment moose moore ##irant ##tica ##ticollect ##ichon ##ichinsky ##lia ##like ##omes ##omerates ##omike maine mazz ##ffa ##inea onslow ##umen ##ama ##amura ##abases ##rier pro2 sha shim shell shire shima shtri shelx ##quate ##quity ##quench ##quartile death contenti ##ampled incidence incorre incandes incub charn chapp chuqu chichon ##ucch ##uccess ##phery tear tearing tewari ##ractive ##ibly ##ibration ##ibbe ##tinga ##tings ##izo ##izov hao reson restite resides restites restitic ##uss ##ustion ##ushan ##uska clark presenting ##ppel ##ppers ##ogether phl phd ##erald parc parlak partings expel mind mines mined minute colp colors colima interand interrog interested interfolded interdiff interquartile ##chemical ##check ##chetta ##chichinsky ##conf calpion seych sefid sezione ##rance ##raneous spear spuri spont spurrite ##erators ##nek ##negan ##weigh olive olianti distil disapp disks disrupt entering en91 enerpac lad lau feg febru unfer unia unobs unquench intens introduce methane ##ficially notwith erased eritrea ##ustsd evo evolutions weill weighting quies mineralizing corp corgne formally ##ducted valnonte analyte analytically relating relie depression deposi deproton reporting indones calcium ##aryya ##ectable ##ourn neov neobl neoarch subequ subhor subhedra subfam sizeable fluorb ##olet ##api ##apsed perthite periclase ##artron equator crustally presses pressed ##dehy premon prehn prefers canary canaria simon simons price prytul varian variants ##adhy ##adottir abo abu ablated card caracas caribbe mgt mg0 mg11 arl arising ariskin stubby mats mature matte matric maturity quartzand quartzitic meet meets volcanological volcanology micrometric ##aka ##aku ##aken overand overwh overtime overnight elementally ##rontfjella fluidal suggestions 2054 ##uldrons rimward hasting hashin gloss italic equilibrating equilibrates boulder boehn boffa ##xture ##tinct ca3 caand cahn cauli cairo cauldrons micros microand microdro micrographic microto microscale microfolded microinclusions microspect microdr allochthonous ##via ##vier ##viere calculates learn levy leje leuth sc2 scav scarp scott scotia ##ondo silicified thereof ##eller ##elloni traceable magnetically wherein 101 108 1080 1090 1016 1081 unders undist ##erson ##ersch typified ##estown ##achetti tipe ##genizov carbonitr somewhere prime primocryst ##forth timely timofe slates slides slick noritic norfol dyn dyb ag50 agustsd raf admi adversely comagmatic charts howarth ##ralsp extraneous impl impreg impression impacts imperme imprinted paterson ##alled underline underlies underground underway underthrusting actively acme ac16 ac19 reguir ample ##ounted diamondi hydrofract recip characters characterizing growths dece decent declin decarbon decade decanoic ##lished 127 124 1240 1210 ##ochton amc ames amoe enriching si3 siev sialic siersch ours noticed nothing upd mira mitig miaskitic pbse naal nafud ##ught nions ##sco ##scape invading invmel bioko plug ##ionale representation afs ##obate ##obbly ##obasalt ##ologic ##ologia subducts bounds pelean ##angu ##angz alongside 15n 151 151e 1523 1561 reexam proving provinc pheng complexing electrum degi degasing degraded respond wells becker ##ssasco ##ramid 14b 149 148 1480 1489 waterand optically opacity opinion determines associating graham outwards outstanding apy lithification lithified lithgow lithologic generalized ##ctional reminis pyralsp pyramid foundation foundered thermometric thermochemical ruby redler reddish bultfontein domino ##hanan radiations distribute 131 138 1365 dozen doyle doinyo limb ellis eldg elabor elkins elapsed supportive obtainable kbr kb24 kb08 terra terrace lineaments linewidth horst horsts grounds fl2 flaw flotation ##tonite ##tonian definite defros headed heidel heimef 118 1135 olv oladottir 184 1864 1862 182w normalise ##graphical newman newberry newtonian barth barbo bariloch barrier petrochron neglected type1 type4 denver densification md1 specul massivet ##gerouse standardi cmb cmcm assimilating maclen macfar macrae ##pleted ##ife ##ify ##ifex lithospheres ##hok ##hots manus manip affil plutonism bai baima baromet brines brings bragg latent travelled ##oney deepening hfn ##valja emplacing inflating infilling infrequ dissolves fozo fo83 fo100 profound ##co4 brossasco 1970 1973 1933 1984 1963 1987 19sio3 fining finland finnegan ended ending meanwh sums measureable anyway anywhere tait shallowest shallowto beamline developing developments multicollect investigates ##vozero 172 1720 1796 179hf multiphase multitude probing probabilities diagnos chrome identifi maximal maximised maximize ceasing freeze mm2 mmca monazites entrant ##iki ##apshots combin combines combustion 163 166 168 1640 1635 1678 165ho 409 406a southward ulmer mtn totals ##udes conflic confident confidently northto magnified grid 2570 contaminations standardised ferry fertilisation ferrug ##oldt flooding backarc mnti mnsio3 ##raped rapidity augen aubau puts priori minimised minimises minimizing drier ionized faithfully losses ##issolved ##isssims trivial ##structural oscillating ##perse ignoring wafer wajra ##sics ##mbh earths ##tilidian refertilisation overlooked thinned blades blending balances baltica lacked ##roportion heterolithic oslo 866 abundantly cleared veget modifiers epicent reserved ramire parallels nonelastic inherently picuno subscrip immersed immense immersion incorporating iiib polyhedral polynom anglia structureless planetary granulitic granulometric hypocentral moltifa excel exciting excursions schw school schulze ##note ilmat installed riviere ##iality fitz attractive 7080 7035 7054 7058 topology lightning lightto ultrade transporting sm45 ##ensurate summing situations ybn shortest shortcom encloses argyle freiberg paleocene agreed 86srinitial 352 351 3550 3530 3570 3562 avg avizo henceforth vikes visibly 8000 markers icelandite 226ra ##erna broadening axs axios farina misfit ##aneously international terminations crosscheck frantz fringes fritsch ##ique panalytical converts converge permissible accumulating elasticity petrolog3 nuclear nucleate ##oxene easternmost marginally cycl merapi slowed slowest gabbronoritic widened limitation εndinitial 24a 246 ##fo2 preferably kemp ketilidian kdan fires periphery skottsberg ##nappers transportation ptrh senjad westmor ##avour ##avanken closing properly mounting ##bai ##sville linearly linearity predicated predicting ##inavia feo1 simulating umn um16 ##143 ##14f2 irregularity doleritic ester esters menu menlo exsolving shejwal globally 28si 2860 medial fe2cr intentionally archaean sweden swisssims holder hollis hollin holzhe torsional begun predominance recrystallizing proportionally exclusion disequilibria binodal damages initiate halide halves ##olai experiences experiencing nanoph nanocrystalline nanjing ferrobasaltic technology 3360 3351 serves metasomatically loving lovozero mega tuffaceous camn camg rastered rastering seismically seismogenic exceptional powdering 295 291014 ##604 evaluating poikiloblastic 097 augitic hr800 assesses directional 272 273 275 27al casts turan turning magnesite 32a 396 filaments filament juan compacts northwards 459 45sc ethyl logic historically luth diopsid induces outcome downward goodness herve hermann salmon ##sio2 ##sio5 1991 synthesize hypothesized 013 011 lamination mesa mesosc ##255 ##30f collins colloidal reproduces reproducible cationic snapshots ##izontal coloring 261 269 266 265 268 2640 alignments perovskites 1203 ##huaira recognizing recognition 3600 3640 3626 3686 3639 chalcocite seemingly steepness collapsed pingitore strongest 213 211 218 achaean drove em2 emerge emitter emerges emerald helios helicop hellebrand accomplished ambigu 204pbinitial 053 photograph precious hercynian 5130 854 8500 yunnan integrate integrates infiltrated infiltrates vesicularities accompany freshest pirog spanned extremity achievement 755 born hardly ##indler placement porphyryand johan joining marsco papers papale parenthes 3100 344 3450 3420 streaks murnag purification purdue geophysics 422 ##itals strengths patchwork 031 cells fastest guide guinea m1b namaqu rings rotations rotational districts paradigm employs ivfe2 thirteen thirlwall substances scienze activated appropriately 417 formulas turns avoiding avoidance promise promising promotes promotion peclet peccer sillitoe mtc6 0000 burkh fulf tetrad forsteritic intersample intersheet intersertal depositional geofis austenite actlab hoog kα1 insolu insert insulator regressions recovering explosion parameterised pseudomorphing stretches cseries kfs consangu attainable widths myrs substitutional h2oli coincided coincident coinciding stabilized stabilities stabilizing device feotot 4335 segmented segmentation 385 3800 3889 488 ##mg0 ##42fs theorem ##elsberg grenadian polymetamorphic summarise summarises summarize summarizing converging 081014 biases benz ccd ccbs vinet vinoren vinalha ##ulfed feedback tracked arsenian advised advancing pegmatitic 021 cnk campaign camptonite drilled passo passage trem ##urbed moderateto submagmatic thermoe establishes embrac ##hexagonal ##alo3 crystallite opportunities 545 933 937 azaro azores s13 s18 almirant atomically ordinary haplobasalt spaceand antecryst 06m 496 49ti 66zn 89y knolls knobbly mwm ##hara rearran anode granodioritic serpentinites serpentinitic 045 722 fgcs sinter sinigo zeolites presume rigidity drakens semicirc toolbox annexation selects selectively correctly ##ordinary specify discriminated 913 forecas miller o21h2 skew skewed tonalites welch ashange ashworth crucially organisation landscape subdivision subdivisions subdivides quantifying paleoflu ubiquity attempts attempting 51226 51254 512661 512115 51279 auto autochton pellets r24 r22b ##lane disproportion microanalytical microanalyser disturbances 130914 floors polaron polarization synchysite monzogabbro drawing robustness 819 81mn0 hess2 hessomike pfu palomb impede negligibly ##basalt verifying complication resistors unsampled unsuccess extrapolate extrapolating emphasis emphasised emphasizing selenide 596 59co 564 849 ##ahari ##ahda ##asively exponentially empirically builds indexing encompassed everywhere smoothing hoskin ##glomerates proceeding microcryst adopting commence commerc commensurate furnes multiplying immobility ct176 diluted dilutions pillows 6390 airfall c18 cupola cuprous jiaolai divides speaks speaking meaningless 73a 782 785 967 969 deduce fesio famous familiar failure ridolfi said tanaka wdml ##owledged ##atisation sudan phosphorous disappearing analyzes improvement remobilization reconcilable filters disaggregate 377 3700 ogc3 ogc1 wo43 stocks stockhol expressions obscures displaced displacements schists schistose kinematical automatic 61a 713 798 ballaran castello flex fleet gervason governing morgan nasdal nodular ##randite evidently ims12 abruptly hydraulic townsville ##fe2si3o temora2 digested isopleth arabia kiruna lzc lathes mouteen renisha walker inspected inspired ##versal deformable chemostratigraphy interpolate ensuring pervasively geometrical geometrically carbides nazionale discoveries martinique cuboids b725 fibrolite fibrolitic grivalja gudchichinsky hallmark justify justification milano rodgers inverted ##isticated isobars phreato performing glacial optimised century 1971 1977 1979 1974 chromatogram repeatability bristol utilizing ##bengebirge ##ville concealed compensated susu contributor resolvably classically pressurizing artificially actinolitic survival assigning spherulite treatments micaschists mirroring germane bqa20 centimeters vulcanologia kinked natal natrocarbon nicolet nimis pinpo pinni pinatu warm ##rocal antiformal chk68 diffusely expanded intermittency spinifex featherlike abbb undulatory adcumulitic heaviest sequester sequestering footnote um1b um13 myrmekitic channelized 3604 dvk fenitisation huber huang jerram sverjens task tantal virtual vogel vogeli vogelsberg ##karur anatolian deficit enlarg enlarging meteorites lists arrived scarcely rootless barroisite specialized fo91 physics 28274 282160 namibian corroborating unrealistic destabilise dissipative fingerprint surprisingly 7101 710255 boudin fc1 karavanken lobate paste tilting wisps offered informations ##si3o8 happen happens sulfideliquid sulfosalts siebengebirge thermochronometry pseudohexagonal progressing supergene consume tetrahedra splitter splitting adiabat erroneously 44069 bcr2g crops cropping dabie duplicated dualbeam f374 ipds kalsilite kalahari napoli pentavalent rhombic sensu sensing sensors sawn tunnel zanchetta ##drett ##straumen crude crushing altot altogether climax philipp sevent unbanded persistence persistently artefacts micrometre 205pb 205tl microtomographic signifies signifying stricto nordsim universita 1691 169tm pumps ss1604 mcmurdo emulsion cordilleras submicroscopic coalescing polarizers jutulstraumen unambiguously 2fes bowen bowties birth birch bertelloni dredged fuel giant giachetti ijolites james jambon jamestown kfe2s2 pulled pullman rhine stixru straddle exemplary chakhmour platy searching envelopes neutron subgrain screen hybridized measurably underplating definable kaersutitic misoriented protocols clinoenstatie marchesi microphotograph attenuated gondwanaland tanzanian palaeomargins lithotype thoroughly tschermakite aids celsian cdm3 cdm6 engulfed ghost kelvin locked obliterate poured sonne sonnenthal t2g vasyu winther crenulated crenulation st147 ##atexite shutting unfavour weighed weighing webster websterites quanta quantum perturbation perturbations geographical extraordinary igc1 remelted exploration 181ta firmly desiccator simplification attributes smyth porphyroclastic consolidated penetrate unevenly routines satisfactory srm981 unpolarised 2nacl 2na2o 4dt bucher buchanan bullock catio elusive fifth fifty fossils gb2 hgp han3 hansen khibiny mts134 mts14f2 p21 p2267 rampone r646 ##ubduction ##horn ##wo42fs thorium inhomogeneous inhomogeneity reoriented reorientation compressive compressibility alcohol alcohols aliquot aliquots st226 streck streckeisen st246 shoulder hazard hazards cloudy imbricate pertaining argentite argentina microthermometry microthermometric acknowledge acknowledged amazonian plunges plunging 159tb explicitly 137ba endpoint endpoints 175lu seriously blanche irradiation excavation excavated argillaceous fixes mylonites tubes weaknesses 282677 282679 snowball encapsulating tetragonal tetragonally unexposed unexpected bhvo2 straddles straddling contradiction phyllosilicate phyllosilic delivered amalgamation amalgamate branching fountaining stfl1a stfl1b spreadsheet 5rtlnf aphanitic brandt cerro carihuaira daily donough dalou emanating femg fuca fischer gw40 gislason garben judged kwaggas kidnappers kushiro llds ligand luminescent mpi mariana naldrett petersen pioneering tsuno talnakh tonga vitrophy written yanova ziemann ingrin conceptually isostructural forerunners alluvial suitability staumsvola st268 excessively atypical deuteric inclination chalten orbitals haynes resurgence clathrate paragneisses colossus uninten metabasalts erfau perthitic 203tl caveat lepage scandinavia scoriaceous undetectable stratosphere admittedly intragrain intriguing amplifying hydroxides pycnometry brucite traveled 233u goldfields excavating topxsp smoky brackets sk221 punctuated chadacryst 28547 deltaxp magnesiocarbonatites herzberg annandagstoppane protruding 7500cs devitrified resembling ##ulfideliquid dilatational communication stockpiles rodingites pleochroic deficiency vesuviano paleogeotherms vibratory witnessed 63cu32s fennoscandia liberation nunataks suprasubduction progenitors depolymerization misinterpretation 2k2o 2feo akrotiri avenue b673 bottinga barnes bhattach b731 cesare cabane cacl2 cementite dallai delineate davies daiyun erebus ecemis eichrom eighteen ejecta f8c false fougerouse feco3 fso2 fostered fuya geneva gualda ghats hvf higgins hummock hpht hdehp humboldt jndi jingshan kedahda krogh krafla koga kapsiki kerguelen longest larnite loyalty machine mistaken mismatch miarolitic mungall moscow m519 marianas munoz nuplasma omphacite osservator oertel p742 pagalu payenia pellaton p581 ronde rarer renewed riley rangit ranked rydberg solartron soccer saudi sistefj stirring sophisticated something tresidence tcaopx ttjij ugrandite vials vancouver voshage wuhan wustite wo2en wabarah xnisulfide xichang xglv zedgenizov ziberna z1507o ##ointment ##2si2o8 thjorsa thompson ##timento theriak ##ensides instructive inspecting inadequate inboard ##icamata touching cooper corollary coheval conundrum conglomerate arellano altai altitude dipartimento dioxide antisana stellate staurolite melamine whenever mazzucch shirey shimaoshan shtrikman contentious incorrect incandescent incubation charnock chappell chuquicamata interrogate interdiffusion calpionella seychelles spurious spontaneously disappointment february unfertile uniaxial unobserved unquenchable intensely notwithstanding quiescence valnontey depositing deprotonation indonesia neovolcanic neoblasts neoarchean subequal subhorizontal subfamilies fluorbritholite equatorial premonitory prehnite prytulak ##adhyay caribbean matrices overwhelm italics boehnke cauliform microdrop microspectrometer lejeune leuthold scavenging scarpati undersaturation undisturbed tipeaks timofeev slickensides norfolk agustsdottir admixture diamondiferous reciprocal declining amoeboid sievwright 151eu reexamined provinciality reminiscent pyralspite eldgja elaborated flawed defrosting heidelberg heimefrontfjella barboza bariloche petrochronological maclennan macfarlane barometries meanwhile multicollector diagnostic identifiable ferruginous aubaud wajrakarur vegetation epicentres ramirez polynomial moltifao ultradepleted shortcomings senjadak westmorland shejwalkar fe2cr2o5 holzheid nanophases diopsidic mesoscopic helicopter ambiguity pirogues parentheses murnaghan namaqua peccerillo burkhard intersheeted geofisica actlabs h2oliq vinalhaven azarova almirante sinigoi drakensberg semicircle forecasting paleofluid autochtonous palombini unsuccessful commercially wo43en stockholm gervasoni nasdala ##fe2si3o12 renishaw pinatubo sverjenski 282749 philippines stixrude chakhmouradian vasyukova phyllosilicates carihuairazo kwaggasnek vitrophyre bhattacharyya daiyunshan osservatorio sistefjell mazzucchelli 020 014 060 030 032 026 0fe1 1r 1or 1mp 1na 1ln 2s 2ti 2nd 2si 214 2to 2arc 2ca 2o3 2felds 2oh 2si3o7 2erf 2sio2 3r 3m 3h 3p 320 380 373 3se0 3405 3fe2si3o12 4i 4k 4u 4w 4se 425 475 442 4s4 4μm 4si4o 5k 5f 5g 515 5na 510 525 580 534 5fe2o5 575 5sio4 573 535 524 5fe2o4 5wo 6f 615 625 632 675 673 635 6fs 7d 712 725 783 784 789 796 765 7267 8j 8e 8n 8l 8f 815 814 830 832 826 8ga 842 835 838 8μm 9s 9f 9η 970 932 942 ai a3 a7 aq aes aul ail auc ather aeri aines aram aabb aka aok athes awa ahn aeol aiding aaa auck aike ahrens athan asio2 bc bp bx b0 bit bat ban bsi bing bag bac brom bil bce bres bog bend bill bard bian bang braun bail bif bins bish bft b15 bimin b70 bank batan batter bisulfide baco3 bbb bgi cb cx c3 c9 c4 cic cid cir cli cass cust cay cyp cco cities c15 catch cats c16 cements cerra dn dk dd dp dw d0 d9 der dth dos dem dari dong dole dill ddy dfe dhf dav dba dta diman dmg dave dni dumb dgd dtm dnb dzr dorm dcpx draped e2 e0 eti eit eat eur eul eoc eot eri eph ene eart emil eise ems eset eby eels e11 eaton eppel fn fd fm ff fic fing fis fly fra fres fich fum fri fant fse fus fand fun fell file fist foci fenite fsp f20 fmm fission ffi fnon ff2 fabbro fidel gs gm gv gg gon git gor gel gig gum gse gase gand gose gome gore greg gian gram gets gaps garc gulf going goes gassing goni gsas golla glean golds gurry gmbh h3 hit hut hun hue hers hugh hick hood hither hok hung hind hump hope hedge hushan ia i4 iat iow ith ids iod ifor iie i12 ihs ja jl js jg jon jen jal jed jac jum jant jak jell jord jian job jings jaff jager jaro journ ku kp k0 ker kat kre kor ket kli kab kri kver kamp keral kaly kay kull kak kiel kore kaz kie kok killed kopy kru kuy kank kpt kitch kita kigl keller l0 lβ lal lnd lic ling lil lot lop lir lich lli lom lun lde lund lond ldy lss lone lamber lud liss laco litas lld linger lighting lacey lomb lyn mr mh mx mα mit mst mup mds mess mart mers mast mall mpl msc mcl m2o3 milli marb mrad mba malu m65 m98 m97 merged mdiff merging m7o nt nv ng nti ning nac nis nid nos nir nich nom nab nbs n2o nad null nak night nach nss nimb n10 n30 n70 nurs ntak nfl neritic nested nji nerc n85 om ov o8 ong oand oun ober odf otz omn og3 ought pn ps pw p0 pes pra pir pamp puc prac pus pene pcc pran pne paly pbs pect pod pak pases pill pall ppl ponds pick pik pty pca pdf push p97 piton p63 psd pont pjd q2 qin qif qins qdiff rl rv rg r6 rol ration ruc rib rain rch roch r10 rgs rvz rata rarity rf2 risen ropx rln ratt ronda ritsch ragged risk sg s8 sit sig sure stic s00 swe sart sak stern sall sard solved squid siron somer s30 sinian s80 sque sorts s11 sitz s79 sayan tn tz tin tat tar tag trom twe tand tio tso tell ties till try tack tang trol tedi tone taps t15 tamb tats tasi tvz t19 tontin tamura tuss uc u2 uq u4 uin uum uam uph uog ural ucl umb utilised vl vb vp vz von vse vess vand veter vard vesti vik villi viso venting vann v73 venn vagg vfu vife wc w3 w5 won wer wro went wing wur wul wend wark waz wise wales wench wfe w25 w26 wada wvz w95 winch wille w74 wkf wester xl xp x0 x4 xis xpp xco xls xhf xare xanes xfe2 xiang xiro yr ya yd yv ying yant yand yard yax ycr yosem yyy yushan yaku zo zer zing zag zack zang zimb z14 zerm zira zentrum zindler µs ºc αm δn δm δh ηa σs τs φ3 φ1 ϕox ϕvoid ϕcpx ##rim ##ril ##rative ##rido ##ruct ##rently ##rink ##r2g ##r29 ##rudes ##ahi ##adium ##aert ##js ##jim ##jir ##jus ##jup ##jand ##jects ##jella ##jacent ##justi ##jidi ##journ ##e2 ##e7 ##ezed ##efisherite ##ealing ##eza ##etition ##ebec ##eenth ##ejiang ##eelite ##ci ##cd ##cp ##c3 ##cq ##cv ##c0 ##cro ##cis ##cil ##cra ##cup ##ctite ##cand ##cour ##colite ##cian ##calc ##celling ##cordant ##cier ##cades ##corre ##coli ##coming ##cumulate ##t1 ##tle ##tos ##tot ##tam ##tative ##tke ##tton ##tently ##trust ##tura ##tech ##tδρ ##tudes ##o6 ##oti ##ois ##oil ##oated ##ober ##oho ##oeg ##oft ##ofac ##osities ##oichi ##ohe ##orogenic ##oire ##ohl ##ofs ##oij ##oints ##oinyo ##ys ##yer ##yati ##yth ##yang ##yenite ##ylitic ##yclic ##ny ##ns ##nh ##n6 ##nor ##nst ##nation ##net ##nec ##nate ##niz ##nay ##nell ##nerg ##nik ##nake ##n80 ##nsson ##lv ##lit ##lid ##lli ##lations ##lene ##lates ##light ##lined ##lack ##losed ##lonite ##llie ##layered ##lova ##lobate ##i2 ##ih ##ien ##iac ##iated ##itite ##iod ##ively ##ivi ##isive ##ipper ##itites ##iently ##ihe ##iuh ##itiveness ##iyang ##kt ##kl ##km ##kan ##kol ##kos ##kot ##kop ##kong ##kund ##kay ##kpar ##kinel ##kola ##kero ##kier ##kket ##koses ##koned ##kabor ##kata ##kfm ##kdor ##kfjoll ##ktec ##kasam ##db ##d8 ##dite ##dce ##dri ##dong ##dap ##dled ##denite ##dens ##dbaum ##dita ##djim ##bed ##bre ##bro ##bag ##bul ##bid ##bra ##bous ##bust ##band ##bium ##bens ##bner ##bba ##broo ##bbles ##bush ##buy ##bara ##bda ##bolic ##uz ##uon ##uer ##uen ##uin ##uit ##usi ##uate ##utive ##uang ##uoba ##ubur ##uhi ##ubles ##uogabbro ##uillo ##sb ##sh ##sin ##sat ##sor ##sere ##sri ##sse ##sess ##sall ##s26 ##sae ##swell ##szentrum ##skaya ##my ##mes ##mre ##mol ##mable ##mber ##mstr ##merite ##mature ##mination ##mme ##mif ##mise ##mice ##menting ##mott ##mix ##melt ##missing ##masam ##maku ##moho ##2sm ##2wa ##289 ##2fs ##2s3 ##2sio5 ##2kt ##hg ##h6 ##hre ##hel ##hid ##here ##hist ##htime ##hematic ##hondritic ##hita ##hmite ##hinsky ##pf ##pes ##pin ##pur ##pet ##pec ##ptic ##pass ##pect ##penti ##posed ##pied ##pots ##pta ##pulated ##poses ##penn ##pjd ##xen ##xpl ##x12 ##xey ##xni ##xmag ##xiang ##xigl ##3a ##3d ##3m ##1f ##1g ##140 ##175 ##189 ##7b ##71 ##7er ##7c3 ##q4 ##qiong ##viz ##vus ##vable ##vally ##vio ##vatively ##vrogen ##vaz ##villi ##vada ##velling ##vmag ##fg ##fing ##fter ##fay ##fined ##fram ##fural ##feng ##fier ##gy ##gw ##g4 ##gδ ##gon ##gur ##gated ##gres ##gles ##gites ##garn ##gitic ##gall ##gman ##gui ##gler ##gmann ##grained ##gster ##gonda ##wn ##wen ##win ##wel ##wig ##wart ##wkes ##waz ##wo2 ##weth ##wx12 ##06 ##92 ##93 ##900 ##947 ##zur ##zul ##zite ##zies ##zho ##zilli ##zuch ##zhu ##zometer ##zler ##zogranite ##zburg ##zishan ##zgebirge ##zama ##6b ##4f ##4o2 ##4sse ##57 ##5or ##8oc ##α3 ##αolivine ##α2kt ##ður ##δg ##δli ##ƒo2 ##е2s3 ##økket ##σs ##σf ##εhf ##æður ##ım ##ϕe thre thort thms ##ony ##onent ##onet ##onac ##onts ##onos ##onical ##onous ##onites ##onberg ##onucl ##onzogranite ##tiy ##tiing ##tise ##titive ##tivation ##titioned theist ##eron ##ertion ##erlu ##erere ##erous ##erud ##erfect ##errat ##erisk ##eser ##estite ##esulfide ##eschist ##espans ##ention ##enic ##engh ##enits ##ensive ##enides ##enough ##enoid ##enov ##enna ##enui ##ennan ##enstatite ##enko ##enberg ##enker ##en38 ##enosphere ##en36 ##alz ##al4 ##alen ##alation ##alid ##alyst ##align ##alers ##alard ##alian ##alud ##aluline ##al2o4 ##alibration ##aldehy ##al2si2o8 ##alϕe ##inar ##inth ##inting ##ineral ##inites ##iness ##inates ##inder ##initic ##intin ##inating ##inau ##inned ##inner ##intill ##inmann ##inoids ##inzho ##edit ##edding ##edometry ##nda ##ndt ##itc ##ito ##itre ##itom ##itte ##itely ##itrad ##itney ##itky ##iteto ##itjie inad intial inso insti in10 inert inject inev ingrown inolivine ##atsi ##ateral ##athed ##attain ##aterial ##atement ##atoidal ##atoly ##atelluric ##reh ##re5 ##rele ##reec ##ream ##rever ##reous ##reement ##re26 ##re75 ##re95 ##re97 ##re74 ##rews ##rectional ##ro3 ##rose ##roph ##roand ##roral ##roism ##rored ##rova ##roken ##rosilicate ##rokh ##aru ##aras ##arts ##arich ##arites ##arder ##arke ##arenite ##arper ##armi ##aritz ##artitioned andrews ##or2 ##or3 ##or1 ##or5 ##orated ##oraz ##organ ##oriebeckite ##orgos ##ics ##icity ##icled ##ictites ##iculated ##icacy ##iclastic ##icfit ##aser ##asil ##asch ##astite ##asmal ##asia ##ascur ##asova ##asgow ##asche ##ascand ##an0 ##anon ##anap ##anie ##anella ##anford ##an73 ##an66 ##anistan ##anfl ##an77 ##anpur ##leum ##leton ##levre ##lementing ##ento ##ented ##entory ##entropic ##entuate ##strom ##stock ##stage ##sters ##stall ##statitic ##stension ##stoichi ##stream ##elou ##elima ##elerator ##elhorn ##elctite ##elinites ##mps ##mpop ##mpting ##mpalle ##mphas ##olt ##oline ##olam ##olab ##olte ##olations ##olative ##olten ##olley ##olini ##oluminescence ##sitic ##sidi ##sider ##sidon ##inge ##ingent ##ingement ##ingling topa tomil toft toba toby tobi tohok ##ationary ##agu ##agran ##agalli ##agara ##agua ##aginary ##uritic ##urers ##urance ##urned ##urpr ##urize ##urga ##urries ##urring ##uristic ##etal ##etus ##ethy ##ettin ##etna ##etav ##aces ##aced ##acly ##acites ##acio ##actin ##acogen ##acna ##acama coin coat coot coom code coding cohen cowork codes coire copy cobre copied withers converse conson condom conglomerates coniac condens ##isa ##isal ##isel ##isos ##isations ##isites ##isable ##isorption ##isberg ##isvle ##istinct ##isperse ##isposes ##ulk ##ulse ##ulations ##ulsive ##igr ##igt ##igle ##igtut ##igatan isa isack ishi isometric isomorphic isogranular ispect isentropic ##lya ##ida ##iday ##iderite ##idium ##idency ##idson ##idenb ##idacna ##ows ##owell ##owiss ##ims ##imv ##imit ##image ##imeter ##imetric ##imetrically ##imira ##imondo ##immerite fork forth foram forced forba forks forester forbid ##atina ##atization ##romagmatic ##rombi ##romboli ##romonzogranite ##oclu ##ocry ##occhi ##ocumulitic ##occup ##ocyclic reop rever reass really revi reform rehe reject reint revision revisions reyn reweigh reversal rejects rewel reorgan reisberg ##ilated ##ilian ##ilang ##ilwa ##ilicate ##ilateral ##thy ##then ##thene ##thest ##thah ##thusi ##veins ##veitite ##vember froming frommoho ##raw ##rapped ##rabe ##raisal areal ##oui ##oule ##outs ##ougall ##urelli ##echi ##ecking ##econv ##ectives ##ecanal ##eckeisen ##echuk ##ectiveness ##ecutive comply compart compiles compex complim competing compston competition asu astime cr3 cresc crinoids credit ##tervel ##terpre ##terok ##terson ##terotti alc aln alid alum alge alber alpe alfa albi alike aldehy al2sio5 diad diach diving diking dieck diavi dibi dials diabases diatexite ##tsbo ##ts189 ##tserrat sutton sunda anch an20 an60 annite an25 an30 an26 an75 an90 an35 an86 an84 an24 an65 an98 an37 an54 an58 an88 an63 an13 an68 an87 an81 an23 an78 an77 anxi anahi anjir stamp stain stay story st60 staged status stones st22 stayed st113 st46 statement stanford stationary stowell stromboli steckeisen ##osure ##osely ##ospe ##osalts ##osample ##osomes bean bead beau beard beane bebec melnik exha exiting exerts exerc ##otri ##otto ##otaite ##otδg ##otonous ##otethy mag50 mag30 magix magaritz magicfit ##rested ##resolved ##ressively ##oped ##ople ##ophen ##opax ##opadhyay ##oprim ##opuhi ##emeral ##emens ##emelts ##emistries ##emelt ##emeal whom whate wholes whitney mogh moments moo2 mohr mooney mojand motivation atl atlin atacama ##irt ##irip ##irta ##ichard ##ichert ##lific ##liott ##lifies ##lioti ##omite ##omap ##ombia maka maars ma15 mamm maier majidi mamaku mavrogen mazama maalϕe maitre ##ffs ##ffberg ##fficent ##ngat ##inek ##ineous ##ineering ##erequ ##ereau ##eremphas onwards onasch ##umi ##umbo ##umura ##uminescent ##umatoly ##amic ##amite ##ameter ##ammon ##amme ##ambe ##amaged ##amara ##aminates ##amaru ##aba ##abe ##abo ##ab1 ##abwe ##abass ##abiting ##ab62 ##abchik ##ab47 ##rition ##riall ##riving ##rika ##rietary prospect proofs prompting prolific ##anto ##antra shen shaly shand shale shields shaw shuts shche shaking shrink shuang sharper ##ques ##quet ##quard ##quanti ##versities ##vertently dead dext deion deines devo deby dealers contend contested contention ##teick ##ositions inch incap incident incisive chd chon chou chand chau chance chimb chipped chaus chilling charo chinner chitrad chelima chisel chilwa checking ##seismic ##sewich or98 orbic or44 orville ##die ##dities ##diorite ##dibuy ##directional ##ucer ##ucites ##ucophane ##ucci plc plomer plasmal ##gei ##gezhu meltand meltdy meltwater meltcalc meltdce teal tears tekin ##ractions ##rachondritic highto highway ##ibles ##iberat ##ibniz ##tingen ##izu ##izas ##izli ##izable havre hawkes reslic resolving resolves resumption ##uso ##uspec cl4 clam clog climb clf3 clarke clocchi preset presanella presidency diffused diffracting diffractions bases basically baso4 ##ppo ##ppen ##ppard ##ppled ##ppalard ##ppolt ##ogy ##ogi ##ogle ##ogis ##ogne ##ups ##upon ##upracrustal ##ocks phi ##eralogy paraff pardo parascand lows lowto lowmelt lowεhf ##lesnake rockland ##dson expedi expelling expgui expensive ##encement miners minip minnes minette minigatan colombia cologne ##therly interor interch interde intermedi intercep intercrystalline interrup ##ched ##chart ##chak ##chard ##chaf ##chier ##churu ##chnig ##chromite ##chmidt ##chetav ##conduc ##construct ##concordant call sees sekot septa ##ranted ##rangles spn spand spiel spark spenc spilli spline spray spaw spasm spider ##00r ##00s ##00x ##004 grainy ##essed ##essary ##essini ##essulfideliquid usp usable useless washes tempting groos groppo ##nebo ##weitz ##assas ##assola disad disreg diseng dismember dismis disulfides dismissing zirconia enarg en60 en86 en41 en38 en64 en63 envision enstatitic enthusi laeter laach lakes laza laiyang lafay mantling feor featur fe2o5 fe7c3 feal2o4 ##alyzed unil uncan unpre unves unnam unten unroo unno unspec unanaly unimodal untext unerup uninter unlock untied unjusti untrust unnec unattain unoccup unresolved collective collecting ##utes ##uteng methy metrich metric metrop metabor metatexite metagran ##ariar ##arium modulate modulation modena notch notori basally inclusionand erratic eralo3 eryth ernst erdite erzgebirge evinc webs weond wewa wegmann weidenb quib quasi query queen quebec quintin mineralizations cornell lian life lift li2b limpop lippolt formal ##eriting ##erife differed zonations zonally ##ducing valance valco olivineor relase relates ##andt ##andur ##andards ##andstone sizable deploy departs depriving ##oclaves replic republ reprinted repartitioned repulsive ##ongite colleaguesne colleaguesows imf imager imaginary indigo indistinct calcio calcarenite ##aryk ##ectoidal ##unit ##unsw ##unzu ##ouraging ##ourings nea neil nevis nebul nevada subang subdu subside suboph subsidi subconcordant erupts fluvio ##reef ##oleucites ass3 assured assorted asserts assertion assurance ##apak ##apace ##apoints pers pertin perfor permil perple perspec perrot percepti perlite perdo perkinel peressini ##ders ##derfontein garnwith isotropy garnetor ##ctan richest ##2o6 thanks ##deite ##deau ##deep prepa premi premature prehist canil canarian cancelling canonical simco simboli simien ##berger pr2 prising prinzho priderite prichard prerequ ##under ##undersaturated ##undsson geost geography gehl gebau geowiss geospe geomap ##odically ##odacites ##odisperse ##odeconv ##adam ##adgi ##adzu ##adelou tracts ##iotic abart aborted ab33 ab24 ab2o4 abras ablating abraded ab21 abnor ab5or abiotic carr carl carls carator cargos carswell carpenti carinth carleton carapace mgs mgf mgz mgsi mgand mg12 mgfe2o5 mgsilicate mgco3 ary arred ar40 ar39 arkoses armstr arzilli arndt arrested arctan stuwe stubai ##ayering ##aybar matthe mat262 mathematic ##lize ##lized quartzose temperatureand mege meager meurer volcans volcanites volcanogenic ##ghanistan datable databases datapoints micromonzogranite ##hymetric ##aky ##akis ##akuri ##akivi ##akabe overly overton ##ronous ##sovus fluidized fluidization sugary ##ypes ##ignment concentrator concentrators 209 2050 20fe 2080 2090 clinopyroxeneand applies apportion appeal appealing appraisal twenti pools pooling rimthah hasterok crystallizes lowerto glaring glasgow glimmerite mostand mostler italian equilibrative borough boxy boiling borosilicate boarder bodie ##xtural ##tins cafe3 caf2 caopx caught oxalic microor micropl micropo microbeam microxen microveins microdiorite observing twoor ##endation ##endite ##endant ##endous ##endinger allotri ##viating ##vitiy ##ribed lebas leura leaks leizhou levaz leibniz ##bons scp sc3 sc4 scant scree scall scaled scraped scintill ##ondrites ##ondalite sourcing silicide silician butane butanoic ##keetna ##ells ##ellin ##elloid traceand whereupon ##iesberg 10a 10b 10s 10oc 1010 1035 1024 1022 1098 10mn0 undated undesc undeterm undulate undulating undissolved undamaged typif typographic ##orevs ##astruct ##astroph fractionally ##blende ##blocks strato strengh stringent ##achi tip tiand tiep tips tipped ##gential ##gences ##genshan ##genoeg carbons carbonation carbonte carbonatic carbonado carbonyl carbonatisation carbonatization ##seshoe ##cessible ##entiveness prima primelt primitiveness ##forsch texturing accident accentuate accelerator ##fera ##ferrite timmi timmasam sulfars ##ifications slave sledge slurry slurries syria noran norite norms norwegian dyar dyme dyalo3 generic generator generators genuin δ18oc ag1 agv agder ag70 ag75 agglomerates ag4sse raised raising rafc rajes raitos raimondo ##illan adit adnan adana adria adhes adige adobe comments comendite charvis ##ralantra measures extant δ18oquartz ##aturate alkalinity ##iving ##ivola impart impose impover implan imposing impreci imperfect impetus impulse impressively transc transten transtension pat2 patterson intratelluric ##allon h2o2 underpress underlined underpin acry acmite compares comparability comparator month monogenic monocyclic montserrat monotonous monodisperse regia regrow regulated regulate regulating ampoule ##rym ##ausible ##ounts ##ounting diamictites secular seconds secchi majorite facing facts ##paite ##paeg ##parot complements hydrolog hydrosal hydroflu hydrogarn recoil reckoned recalibration recurring characterizations ##oliths ##ackes ##ordancy ##ordano containers metamafic propylitic proprietary propositions ##istem december decays deceler declines decanal decorated decimetric decameter felastic felty ##lised peridoites 12d 1220 1212 1230 1290 1273 1216 1224 1296 1268 1279 1277 foland ##epohl xenon xenomorphic ##ochemistry ##ochka ##ochromite ##iah maficand loci locus locates locating locale ##plitter ##plicity ##placed distort distler distorting distended significances productive ##pperton amu amba amlit amorgos si2 si1 sikh siemens siundersaturated siivola no2 nokes novel novar november upadhyay tru trumb trentino trascur trento tridacna truspec ##regularities earhtime pbc pbtot naand nadeau orthopy orthocumulate orthcumulate orthocumulitic ##lects niu nikola niagara invok invalu invasion invade invalid inventory formationgδ ##iano ##ianite flowchart plugs surges surficial surmise representations representability representatives afield afghanistan ##ob3d ##ologically ##ologists subduct subductive obduction obducted obviating boundless pele pexcess pebbles people deriving geochemistries ##anga ##angi ##angud ##angana ##angshan ##angdong ##mony spectrometric 15x 156 154 1550 15na 1560 1534 1526 15mg 15fe2o 1548 152sm reefs proves provisos coreld cufe2 phenocrystal complexed electrically igor iggc matrixes matrixand degli respects ##ssac ##ssua 14c 1450 1470 1434 1475 1473 1491 correlative constancy greene waterberg coevally coefficent peaked peaking option options opens operates optics effort efficacy effectiveness graeter grabens grapes ##omponent detaching lays outbur outgrowth outlet outweigh mainz ##umulates ##umulanga discoidal discordia discounted disclosed discounting discordancy feldspath apical apophy april lithogen lithophy lithofac refining refilling generalise generalised generalisation remember remov remounted reminder remolten pyle pyric pyfz python bears holuha thermomet separations possess emptied saturating rubs reddy redissolved bulges bulak bulbous buldibuy ##ogenous ##abbros ##abbroic radially radionucl kimura rooney ##rowicz ##ogeneities vergenoeg deplete depleting depletes distributive 13a 135 1320 1325 1334 1332 1375 13143 furfural ##fficiently 2018 1002 1004 1005 1008 100µ door doas doing approx nb2o6 limonite petj petru pettke petdb elte elnes elgu elthon elliott elchuru musaw southerly suppose suppression suppresses supplier supplementing terns ##504 euhedra eugster lineament alters alterations transitioned characterising afterwards horse horiba horseshoe pyroxentic pyroxenoid flag flame flaking flæður ##rolo ##rolah ##roloren co2and co2rele nd20 ##azangi ifs2 deflected deflation head heier hebr hefter heuristic heilang hegenshan 11a 11b 1140 1110 1130 1173 1189 olman singles nearer 189 186 1895 1831 normaland normalto normalizing amounting differentiates differentiating domainal hydrothermalized firing numerators ##estine newwa controller µms transits transbai transversal transgres barry barcl barbara barazangi petrochemistry petrochemical petrographical petroleum secondor secondly curt curtin cursor ##landt illin reportedly budd bukov budap poli polish pollack neglect negatives neglects firstly metasome metasilicate metasupracrustal metasandstone densif densim denotes denizli md13 mascom masaryk standing standpo cmto cmca ##psar ##psch cools coolest assimilations ecs ecdf soil soot sojourn sokol sorokh manual maniar midand midway middeep baand baie baeza baroand clumped conduct conducting initial143 concurs concordance oceans oceanograph brass bridge brno britholite brunsw lateto trait traill traits travers traducing ##onez ##oneveld uncover uncoated homogeneities zr4 zr2o ##inson ##formationon hfs hfses 50l 50x 504 508 50ti 50cr emplaces infused infinity infilled infeas absorp absorbed descend descended ##smic fo70 fo89 fo76 fo66 fo88 fo62 fo82 fo72 ##vens profiling hornitos nitric nitrate brook brozel potent unimped universities 192 198 1900 1912 1960 1930 19mm 1951 1966 1982 1968 1944 1953 1929 roovle kbars finero fineness endings har1 harder harbour harmer harcour harubur alkaliand sumitom sumida kaik ka64 kawaz kaoline ##itudes anymore anyuan taihe predated predate predating predisposes observatory shallows shallowly falloon fallbro errorchron 17o 1750 1725 1770 1722 1795 1797 oxided oxidize ophiolte multivalent multigas multidynamic multilayered multistage multidirectional multiplicity ##msdor ##ms004 probed youth volatilize chamberlain ##rystals lampert chromitic chromian chromiteto synformal identities identifies identifiers darken darkened paeg paquet pappalard vsds ##hai ##haine ##hade ##havy ##harov maximise maximising maximises maximilian progression numbered mechanics ceo ce2o3 ceased ceo2 freezed freezes clement cleaves mmc mmn mmm mm3 mmto ##lication trachybasalt coolingand entry entries entrance entrapped cpe cpc cpfu ##ikh ##ikite ##ikou ##ikonda ##ikiki 303 305 3050 30ni 3068 30my ##apskaya macrocrystal 1650 1620 1660 1683 1664 16cq 167er 402 40ca 4096 4037 406b ulm ulrich ulla ##hips ##hipeng aggregations mtotδg appearing ##uda ##udram confusion confused experimentation northland magnet magnets magnify magnifications magnitudes grs grant grass grating grits gritting gruen grunder 252 257 255 2590 2576 2564 25μm 2548 ##uchakis standardise fertiliz ferropic ferrei fermi ferriall flooded bandwidth bandpass backed mn3 mn24 mn22 mnco3 rapakivi paramagne takechi rapidness auand au95cu5 auroral desolv desulf puzz ##roduced minimally minimising minimizes drivers ionisation detailing fauna loskop ##issance ##issulfideliquid siliciclastic trial triax trials tristan ##structures oscillations oscillator ##kaido ignore ignores ignacio 23a 23b 236 23na 2310 2338 2358 23fe1 23ab1 retraction retracted retreat retrace retentiveness sideriteand tholeiitc wax waist wafers waxing wadeite ##sican crecra fourth fourna fourteen fourfold margarite segregating earthtime ##lectric postorogenic concludes referencing overlay think thinner continually continuingly demonstration demonstratively bloch blurs blichert blereau blendinger blob3d bali balkan ballevre migdis miguel heterogranular heterogenous osnac 863 867 865 86c0 86sri ##tung ##tuitive quenchable interpretative veining vega vempalle ##nedy ##nedalen surrounds ##cedony ##cedented ##okuon finegrained microstructurally sympelctite reflectors behaviors irn irms irrever irregularities naturkund ##fe20 ##fe34 ##fe16 modifier epoth epiclastic ##vantage reserve rams tectosilicate parallelly parallelism nonanoic nonanal nonconf nonstoichi inherits ##ungszentrum pictured pictures piccoli picabo sulphate sulphosalts breaching individuals 871 877 875 878 porapak substitut immaterial lasers lashaine clinopyroxenitic polycy polyvalent polygenetic polydis polylobate influential ##oyka ##inked ##inkel ##inkled angola centralized benefit beneficial titration strained ##ftjella granules phyritic phyll map216 hypogene hypocrystalline hyperion hypidi hypiod moles 2015b currency pseudoleucites schott schilling schindler scheelite schnet schipper schonberg schweitz schiano schoneveld releasing 609 605 6088 popa popoff pathfin progressed ##space ##ffery ##ialing ##burger seek mineralogically mineralogie ssw council attach attrition attendant 701 706 708 7050 7025 7030 7034 7032 7075 7033 7051 7024 7065 7066 7087 7078 7027 7049 topograph topuz exchanging recrystallised lightly sank existent pyrolite quantity quantifies fluorinating timespans ultrath ct24 transposed transposes gaonac gauteng smit sm55 worked workability ##ensky ##enschaf fe3s 206p middlemost summed summits shortand shortens shortcoming shorttle enclosure materialsand granuliteand argus argues frey frezz focal paleoto paleotethy vesftjella verses deviated deviates introducing monzier constantly 355 3520 3512 3510 3525 3580 3575 3590 3567 3595 3536 avd avio viti vitim violate vienna virolah chlorinity chloritized asta astm asterisk astenosphere ##omineralogy stratigraphical openvs 225 lreeand ##agnetic ##nerman ##iente plumelet plumelets broadband farmer farthest farallon frontier misalign misplaced eday edmund edbroo frb frct french fraser fringe sectorial yellowish panelled panjal panxi ##linal ##linic ##406 ##408 converges alternated alternates dikelet dikelets permission petrologist metasomatizing metasomatizes nuclei nucleates ##oxing ##oxiong diffractionand columbian reconna reconducted reconsider stepanov batholithic lherzolith cyan laterites merle merge merely mercur mercier merensky slows ##arsga phonons titano hotplate ideas idefjor widom ##hnik nephelinites variously ##manus ##manland ##203 ##2064 nephelineor phenocrystand 247 oikocrystic rounding roundness roundish 150nd ##15n thoughts fire fiamme lab6 labogis ski skip skinned ##nai ##asonable handling handhel fo2s linkam positioned westwards ##alcite lengthy ##bax ##baf illumination ##atched centerline centerlines breakage breakouts illustrations illustrative illustrator eastwards myra mylonite myitky mythen puncture rband tukin tubaf walled wallrabe ##inae weakest weakened decompose decomposes pyroclastites wedges wedepohl ##12c ##14n ##14fs rivers riverbed menus menzies narayan worst worse sheer sheep sheathed sheppard chromiferous 283 289 284 285 2825 2832 2833 2831 superor superhe superficial superplu superjacent superposed superconduc superunit spotlight intensively archon archive archae archaic silvers silverand homogenise homogenised homogenize homogenizes narrowly swir swell geothermally geothermometric aegp dash holly holmium torre torngat toramaru tornebo requirements factories exclusive disequilibrated bindi binder binalud delay delamination delimit delaminates deliberat nyerere extremal pyroxeniteand numerically latterly circa circulated circulating circuit halo halite halting halformationon mcbr mcgow mckay tecnai ##olaite settle attribution nanolites nanote nanometers nanomet nanotom nanolab nanoclu nanochemistry nanomineralogy ##10d ##10la ##anaju examinations segal acquiring geochronometers geochronologists pairing ferrobasalt ferrobust ferroactin ferrochromite diffusivitiy technic technically technological 332 337 330 335 3380 3390 3383 3399 3362 operative chondriteand 803 809 808 80se 80km loess loader lofg loosely spatio megastruct leucogranites leucogranitic leucoxene leucitites leucosomes tuffstones camera cameron rashid ##areyk steers steiger stewart steinmann stevens seismological extendend ##ikilitic decompressionand aegirinau 296 298 2960 2990 2928 29r2g ##tawa ##going evaluations glomerocrystic glomerocry 090 096 augment assessments 1873 1870 megacryst 278 2750 2775 2776 cascades morphologically strikes striven stripped stripy striped classifications grønnedla documentation 32b 322 323 324 328 3200 392 393 390 394 3990 graphical graphitic graphitized jump juina nwc εhfinitial suprachondritic oldoinyo 452 ethio ethane logical logfo2 logƒo2 log10d 1888 ##tillot gaschnig gasparot lu3 luviz lumps lugezhu selenite sphene discretized specificity idealized downhole downstream goodenough herring occidental salts saline stillwater ##inifera trigonal trigonally syntheses synthesises 017 019 01fe2o aqua lambda laminar laminae mesocumulate mesoto october ##2535 spacers reconstructs titanaugites grossularand escalation sn42 ##70e7 ##80lv offline plains colorless menatuli menataluline 262 264 2650 2660 26mg bony bonsall bonassola izanag necks opposing temdjim ##345 conveyed criticised annih annells stoeser stoffberg intraand repeating repeats repetitive accelerate centremost heats heaters lastly ##rosite tooth antochka protosite protrudes disperse recognise recognize recognisable recognizable crystallography 362 366 368 3620 3612 3660 3624 3696 3699 3628 3657 coarseand ##uliar remarked steepest steepening pinghe pinguillo pingxiang upwelled 217 219 2175 2187 21μm 7000 7001f 909 908 achondrites droop dropped emi emit emand ematite emitted emerged helps medical medenb ##assivet dataswith leaf amboh ambrym 144ndi 054 990 995 998 9900 992o4 9999 99fe1 9993 anorthosi shadwell photon photoluminescence voltages voltolini micaand implicit implicated sixand sixfold restricting fabricated 517 519 5116 5117 5119 5118 51175 51203 852 851 85fe0 85si2o6 8530f koash kooij kozur integrations ##igurational accompanies cgr freshness nmr nmnh ##awha ##gmassivet connelly extremum achieves achievable 7532 borne bordered borgmassivet framed hardest jeol89 jeol64 tended tendencies recharged recharges placer faulty focussed focussing marl marly marroc maranon marquard marangud mar345 papua ##264 nahso4 nahco3 nahcolite 1435 ilbokichskaya 311 31ab62 341 349 346 345 348 3412 3460 3470 bluish blueschist streaky stressing playing overprints monitors kinetically capability capabilities captures capturing cathey muriah nowell nowhere pdn pdb purang purify vented venturelli geophysically ##adah favors scatters 423 421 42ca 42fe0 ceneri s22 s28 colourless unmatched patchily patchiness blocky 033 036 465 468 4618 cellspace guo guoj guangz guagua guadelou guangdong guanaju m1c m1408 namur rotate rotary rottura ##mai residua preparing asthenosphereic asthenosphereand 09df42 ##recipitates 3d7 3d8 957 ivand ivfe3 ivigtut pendent packets packings thirds substance 413 4100 552 555 655 658 6570 niobium squared squishable reliance propagate fragmental turnover blows kilometer peculiar zhejiang ##757 ##75fe2 encasing encouraging mtc92 veinlets laborato microphenocrystic 0001 0007 00008 589 58fe2o burton ltd xrmre ##uyak ##905 constitutive constitutiing intercorre geoforsch principe bushmanland hooft ##pendence insulating inserted anciently ancellin caledonian exploited parameterized parameterizations parameterisations pseudomorphically ##oxylic occupying 823 blevin kfе2s3 courtillot consecutive attains twinned contrastingly perpendicularly hotspots ##lahraun ##laxed ##laucophane ##potts stabilising stabilises stabilisation stabilizes devils devoted devyati adams petrogenetically arguably 433 439 438 4370 ohm ohakuri views ##ometrie ##ometamorphic interfaced hygro hygroscopic medians brownish ulvospinelto 386 483 48ti 4880 4896 69ga pacmanus ##po4 ##arede coarsens coarsened coarseness collisions formerly 1405 grenvilli polymers polymodal 086 08co3 08mn0 biu bi58 bierme benfontein benito ccp ccim djefisherite fissures kyte ##sistently interfered feeds feedstock arsenal arsenide advise pegmatoidal overlapped 02m 029 02co4 campania campbell drm drag dragged passchier santa santosh sidewall treats trodo troubles tropsch tabulated ##h24o2 ##peis corrosive thermoelastic precursory elsevier backscattering ptrapand jxa82 jxa85 779 77or5 7700x bayon bayadah penrose ##tjiesberg coals crystallochemical conditioned facilitates deconvolve deconvolving deconvolute migmatisation distinguishes 543 547 546 5410 5460 5487 931 936 935 93s2 aztec aztech s1a s17b tenfold tenerife teniente thrusted realms realised realignment ordonez unreactive unreasonable unrelaxed liqkdor geologists coexisted cathodoluminescent 066 065 493 491 663 66an0 6610la 686 896 988 9899 know knife omeo rigorous unexpl zeroth forceful forcefully laws fe2o3t subtly subtypes δ13cv acids acidity truncate truncations truncating precluded outcropdown mobilise mobilize mobilizing mobilizes favourably beginnings 002 009 008 0012 0032 00s4 002064 4750 47co4 72cu bottger fgc2 mukh mueller varsican cohert coherence coherently cracking prolonging ##ppeite lileand recorders gravimetrically 176yb damtjernitic 07co3 446 444 448 44fs 44en36 dilor dilation dilutes galan galax semet targets ##354 aluminosilicate anneal channelled selecting quadt quadrangles indiana percents percolated percolate percolative permeating 1284 1801 specifix programmable swartsbo discriminant discriminants bottoms hawaiites 918 foreign foreground foregoing mills robinson skeptic welder ##ksfjor ##ksøkket ##zirot thresholds ashcro crucibles organization organised organize lande landi landor landward landsat eruptibility 1103 1104 southwards tectonites tectonized tectonism tectonometamorphic ct256 mountainous 51283 51224 51243 51245 51219 51221 512289 743 744 745 748 autochthonous autoclaves autodeconv pelite pelitic peltier pocket roux ##kiy ##kii ##331 ##51vmag beyssac checks expectation disposition radiolaria 1305 float transmitting polarity polarised drawdown 813 816 8173 81br bedard bedded palme palanpur palagu visits choosing chorowicz impeded upwardly transforming sketchily 208pb32s dharwarian lm9 verifications ##tzmann ##bird convention convenient conventionally constructional complicates resisted resistor unsurpr extrapolations orthopyroxne emphasizes smoother selenides 2dt 592 595 598 565 568 623 62ni 843 841 845 848 84mg0 bergman dmc kamenov pilatsi ross ros6 rosas ros10 ros25 roskos sander sandwich tauern taubal ##irectional ##84u coastline isopach sunsas suspension exponent exponents subordinately clinozoisites canyons micronto intrinsically predictor predictably designs designation counterbal ascribing ascribable purports troctolite mugearites smoothed 649 648 6474 6480lv diminution hossere hclo4 ##dener ##schen ##248 ##24s26 ##glass disagree disagreement microcrystic microcrystals adoption commencing committe commingling 1254 phenomenological furnish furnaces multiples multipliers retaining harrisites sensitively interconnect airflow eutectoidal filler fillings jiaoj ##963 ##41en38 ##41fe16 divider melanosome orangeite orangeites 104d 1044 extruded infringement meaningfully 1778 160gd principals encompassing 7325 961 etna et2535 fesem fese2 famine famatina fails gondar hc5 mirdita mirrored riddled rivaled saal saed saves sahi sauss sahara saucer sigmoids sigmundsson tangential wetted ##urahua compounding comprehensively sudo inconsistently phosphates valleys objectively objectives remobilize bridgman shoshonite permittivity globulars hypothetically nanoinclusions nanoblocks nanostructures unequal networks disaggregates disaggregating accommodating 371 3725 aiming bdh esa eskabor ogc2 ogc4 wo39 woolley wo41en38 ##kerhuk andradites divisible stockmann extinct molecules max50 maxwell maxn80 phaneritic likeness depicting rimming obscuring 1063 1067 1068 surveys surveyed displacive displacively incompletely 230914 polygon schistosities jointed insubric insufficiently kyrs 5200 6112 6130 792 794 7900s 979 974 balls ballard castro castelli flew gersten habits kjmol kjarsga ktcp kernels m3o4 morse morari mangerite mangato nasc naso4 ninefold satisfies satisfying ##exp ##allister ##ethite revolution hafnian uncontam ims4f 1039 103ln 1053 1055 undefined hydrometers hydrate hydromagmatic underestimation cm2s townsite ##fe21 nanopores nanoplates nanoprecipitates rasters exceedingly intercalations intercalates intercalibration straightforwardly subtleties subtlety pelagites palaea palaeo palaeoproterozoic palaeont deduction deducing 922 gp50 iterated iterating lza lzb lackey lacro3 renzul walter walvis waldbaum ##64fe34 madre deformations chemometry chemometric chemisorption chemistem interlobate interlayering interlinked interposed pervades carboxylic overshad oversaturate overpressures overpressurize positives impinge accepts volcaniclastics cleavages northeastwards 7031 7039 70314 70311 703115 protoliths neighbours neighbourhood iddingsitization interconnectedness a12o3 b745 b727 bq11 dsn dsq ds55 druppel fibr fibers gudfin gudchik halliday milimeter isotherm reviews maudal interbedding sputter electrostatic electrochemical optimization brittlely 1972 hornblendes hornblendic hornblendites chromatograph apparatuses heldburger helped helping helpful piecemeal synchronized synchronised 6700 762 beside hourglass krmice rushan russian utilize utilizes ##nesburg ##981 inactive inaccessible ##etoenui conceive compensation compensating compensatory dipra diversities diverged diverging divergences exhausting contributors classical pressurised pressurisation 1023 1021 1028 actinide actinides monosulfides 1280hr amorphization survived provenances idaite concurrently endowments discussing retrieving retrieval juxtaposes buoyantly hillshade nanoparticle bqa3 bqa22 centimetric vulcano 53ni brauer hinder hindu hirth kinks nicoles nimes pinnac pinched please plexigl putting sato sadanag sio4 semiquanti warrant warrants warranted ##mnz ##mnos ##37fe20 tomographic tomasche coatings antiquity antimony chk90 chk83 chk35 chk65 colonial seeds seeded spinelloid spiking spikings feathery unpins boxcar agglomerated adcumulates acceptance recalculation recalculating upturned surprise oligoclase 2002a hyperactive hyperbolic hyperthene hypersovus csdcorre myrmekites azimuths uplifts channelised forearcs synchronously daughters kutnohorites convincingly rectangles 2gtδρ 3607 bhima dv3 dv4 dendrites frothy fenitise gaua hudson hartung jdp jeremy k2s k2co3 k2si3o7 k2osample k2oprim osma taste tasman tenth tentative tenths wyllie ##yarova ##lash pargasites expanses enlarge enlarges unstrained arrive arriving scarcer adakite tritonplu obliquity discarding fo93 triangular influxes molybdenite argonne 282947 282757 282905 282331 scientists tethys conserved conservatively ellipsoid destabilises destabilize destabilisation visualized visualised visualize visualisation δ51vgl δ51vmix satelliteand legendre himalayan insignificance 650f 710248 bouvier bronzite karro lutterotti lachance mss1 opaques passively rusty slush tilts tilkero vnds xuwen z1531 z1584u ##feld ##62a informs ##si3o9 todays withdrawn ##omagnetic chilean chernoff happening parabolic micrometerdown granophyres tiebag sulfidised sulfidemelts advantages recommencement recommendation 1223 121sb sieving supposedly translating manifested pseudostratigraphy 220115 symbolized pixels consumes consuming advocating kinzigites tetrahedron tetrahedrite tetrahedrons speeds speedometry speedometer speedometers woodson conceivably adiabate adiabatically metapsammitic 2405 44060 44032 44062a bcr2 cadmium dupuy duplication dictating f379 google goethite gardner hampers ipiki ipikiki janney kalsio4 kalsi3o8 kaladgi leschik lettered napo napier p575 penten rhenish rosenberg rosenfeld rhombs sounding sensor sawyer tuning tunable tunguska tungurahua udirip uzc zanetti zanettin ##xpow ##roups reinjection reinterpre alkenes stems chronological chronicled philpotts seventy seams seaman seamounts unbroken week nepoui peruvian geodynamically overcomes 2059 glauconites nordsims monocl4 metamictization decisive outgassed apexes oxysulfides 1123 softer macroscopically absorbent universal universally 171yb 170914 161dy gruneisen ss1504 ss1406 handpicking geothermobarometers mcmillan 3361 cambro 290f2 magnesioand magnesiohorn magnesioferrite 1990s rhyodacites problematical fashioned destroy destroying polarizations discontinuously manifestations geoscience 2fessulfideliquid 3149 4121 83mg0 bowl bertrand catlos catalytical catalyst catacly catalyzed catastroph drew drebush doping dredging eggler ewart ewimv fusible faceting giuli giordano henrian iji2 idio mullins morton nuanced okumura pulls rhs stiff stiffer stipulated stippled tygon vanishing ##rino ##doin ##falls andersen coulombs ##igubba asymmetrical crypto albania albarede stagno stagnated stagnate exemplifies movements contractional contradict contraddis platform platta platreef searched grainsizes enveloping laurin laurasian laurasia unravelling subgroups volcanoclastites volcanoclastite screening scottish 107ag imparts imparting noticeably 1457 145nd rubbly rubidium 2011a definitely definition 111cd assignments barometricand participated participate 17367 trachyandesites wavelet wavemetric ultraslow skyscan 1992a 51vmag flattens watershed disordering renders replenished octahedrons unpolished sulfoselenide supergroups tschermakitic trondhjemitic celerator celestite celestine cdm4 england engelhorn engineering gj1 ghose ghosh ghg4 gangue icefalls kotkova lustrino m52 m57 m56 m56a m5o6 mimicking mutually mudstone mudstones mudigubba ruptures rupturing sonora somasil tcd urtite vibration vibrate verging winpenn winimage winxpow wrapping ##aroa ##swinkel ##salis receiving crenulate anticlines anticlinal pl1and claims clapperton clarifications expulsed energetics websterite quantel indenter indentation flushed ##apait perturbed siltstone microtexture microtextures undertaking monash hydrocarbonand 12c15n 12c12c 12c14n xenocrystand amygdales upright uprising orthoenstatite igc2 igc4 setups exploring explorations exploratory 1153 1155 115900 transparency uniqueness confocality demonstrable blanket simplify simplifications simplifying phyllic 7052 greywackes pt0264 fe2sio4olivine publication delivers magnesioriebeckite magnesiochromite authority consolidate consolidates consolidating polymerized polymerization polymerised prevails 8900r 005o4 quadrilateral rosarolo improvements dissimilarity esperanca reinforcing ultrasonicated categorize 2nis 2nissulfideliquid 2naa 2naal2si2o8 aeromagnetic boltzmann bigger biggest bartley bullen bullot caglioti catio3 catisio5 carnian camebax darran darcy darah darreh elution eluted fanning fanara francis frictional fossil fossilized gb3 gb4 gully hackly hangingwall jungle khibina khibinsky lddy liner mbsf npc ovoids pc1 pc11 pcigr pearson p1572 ryan ryolite ryabchik ryodacites rinsed r649 r648 rtlnk rtlnkd tapering vad150 vad140 villages witteick waned xhcl xiaoxiong xfeolivine ɛndinitial δlogf σcomponent ##23a ##wo14fs ##61o thorianite ##indinger inertial cotopax compromise diatremes st212 st242 st241 st248 bypassing bytownite attested ##amiut ##amorphism shovel shoots shatskiy chapter cloud clouded phoscorites ##chino unidirectional lifh lifespans imbricated imbrications prevalently microgabbros allocated dyngjus extractive acetophen feldpsar ammonium amazon amazonia trenches trenchward na2mg na2so4 na2sio3 na2si3o7 navon electromagnetic outpourings roedder 2013a eliminated oxybarometers macdougall infills 175f3 178hf blanca blanchard irradiates irradiance argillic argillite microlithic terminate terminus terminates terminology fixing mylonitic mylonitization tubing tubules supereruptions switched switching snowbird doubtful encapsulate encapsulation viscoelastic challenges inhibitors sustaining turbidites csdslice4 mcmullan millimetre contradicts contradicted hybridizing mimics mimicry pt0949 delivering culmination dichotomous fountains inappropriately incongruently neocrystallized 56081 5rtlnfo2 aaab aphinitic baby babuska babechuk brandberg ceramic carius daigle dtos dtron donkerhuk daliuh emanated fenzishan femtos fucacity fischione getter gottingen garba judging khariar khaybar khondalite klemme klewin klepeis kolb kolkata kolumbo kidder kusakabe lg6a lanthan lanzirot ligands lumic mpumulanga malani malokuon maldener marion nckfm nalgonda odp oddities oeser pp1 pandey penck pencil pencksøkket petersburg piezometer pioneer rowe rows sedgw safely safety safonov tsconf tonne tonnes talkeetna tonglu tailored utilise utilises utilising vois voigt vitreous wrinkled σbulk ##cript ##ohay ##obsson ##nelor ##2wjd ##4o7 ingress covariant covariance covariances concepts isovalent forerunner ready reappears reappearance alluded suitably suffering answer answers answered stadi st264 excessive atypically protons deuteration inclined chalcedony orbicular hayman resurgent clathrates paragneiss colossos seasons unintuitive metabasic quarrying subjects subjacent subjective mg3fe2si3o12 ##akhstan 202pb 202hg caal2si2o8 caveats lepanto scandium scorias undetected stratospheric intragranular intriguingly amplifiers hydroxide 1571 157gd pycnometer emptying royal manufacture manufacturer manufacturers brucker 1950s 1980s beamsplitter 17400 17483 puklen pukirta goldfarb physik physiography physiographic excavate smoker misleadingly sk229 punctuate chadacrysts holloway ferrogabbro ferrogabbroic ferroglaucophane sericitisation sericitization sericitised magnesiocarbonatite herzog dehydrated dehydrating dehydrates pulverized pulverising pulveriser annandagstopanne protrude 90zr216 7500a jointly 3400n 3484and guyot guyana guyangz ni2sio4olivine devitrification resemblance ##ulfidemelt drastically 00475 dilatant quadrivalent readers community stockpile governs mangaia renormalized renormalization renormalizing rodingite sxfivefe bradyseismic pleochroism chk149 chk144 chk145 2gδρr29 deficiencies paleogeotherm vibrator frictionless pearceite cotectics microgranite microgranites microgranitoid benchmarked fennoscandian liberated nunatak suprasolidus progenitor depolymerized monochromated monochromatic monochromators misinterpretations 2mα3 3403 4307 a6bc berlin berman bellweth baud baugur bna16 bna06 c12h24o2 dimers dimonov draining drainage dangqiong dangerous dickson dengying f380 f376 garbe garrido hesch hessian hongge hongkong houghton hannover hannuoba iolite3 jeffery jeppeite jmc jiangnan jiangshan kenya kennedy kingdom kingston kangerlu kangamiut knaak knaack latitude latitudes leco lecuogabbro mtex mccammon mccallister munich munster mounds otago ottawa ozone p1645 p1636 r15ts189 r15ms004 rationality svk s9a s9b sliver slivers samanie samarium saba sabah social societal ttk ttg tl2 t1963 telangana trickier triclinic telluride tellurides vtα2kt vhms vg354 voxels wien wires wolff wolfram warner warning xfesulfide xflash xinjie xinjiang zakharov zeolitized zeolitization ρn1 σ0exp ##jeski ##uhisa ##uelle ##hec50 ##hec70 ##pd25 ##pd30 ##erbating ##erbilt ##erflya inhabiting inheriting ##ashto ##si4o19 coalesce coalescent conodont conodonts conformable isochemically reanalysis reanalyzing computational computationally cryolite crysalis an53ab47 st133 st138 stops stopped exacting exacerbating exaggeration exaggerating exocontact exocontacts shaikh shaoxing shimizu shimadzu shells shelxl resonance resonances parcel parcels interandean distilled distillation ladinian ladolam relieve relieved matsuda matsuhisa mattey hastingsite hastingsitic ca3mg ca3si3o9 microsample microsyenite microdrill microdrilling learned 108bc carbonitride carbonitrides ag50wx12 rafts rafray implant implausible impregnated impregnation impressions impermeable impermeability hydrofracture hydrofracturing deceases deceive decarbonation decarbonated updated update mitigation mitigate naalsio4 naalsi3o8 14bq4 149sm kb249 kb245 horstwood speculative speculatively standardized standardization manuscript manipulated manipulation affiliation affiliated infrequently infrequency fozoand 172yb 163dy 166er mtn36 mtn23a conflict conflicting mntio3 subscript subscripted schwandt schwindinger sm45a freibergite vikesa vikesdal cyclical cyclonic kempe ptrh6 ptrh30 266f hellebrandt 513050 513080 8500f johansson johannesburg 000015 000012 fulfill fulfils tetradecanal insoluble insolubility consanguinity consanguineous benzene benzaldehy feedbacks campaigns tremolite tremendous thermoelement thermoelectric embraces embraced s18a s18b 06md1 06md8 rearranged rearrangement skewness 512261 disproportionation disproportionately flexure flexibility ims1280 ims1270e7 chromatograms natali natrocarbonatite natrocarbonatites pinpoint pinpointing pinnitized pinnitization tantalum tantalizing enlargement enlargements boudinaged seventeen seventeenth ss1604a unfavourable unfavourably webstertitic ##wo42fs20 ##wo42fs17 unexpectedly femgfe2o5 unintentional unintentionally erfaulet erfaulets f8c2 f8c5 hummocky hummocks soccerball wo2en75fe2 wo2en64fe34 incorrectly charnockite charnockites overwhelming overwhelmingly wo43en41fe16 wo43en37fe20 026a 1rg 1mpr 2s7 2tio4 2arcsin 2feldspar 3rd 3p2o5 4wt 4se4 4si4o12 5kbar 51091 5wo0 6738 6fs7 7126 72674 9s8 aqaba aesar aulacogen ailikite atherton aerially arami akaogi aoki athesina awaits aeolian aaaa auckland athanassas bx41 b04 bathymetric banaras bingen bacon brome bilenker brescian boggy bardarbunga bianchi banganap brauns bifs bishop bftem bimineralic b709 battery bbbb c3h6 cico cidirt cliffs cassinis custom cayambe cyprus catching dnarich dkrich dp73 dwelling deruelle dosage demise dariv dongbo dolejs davidson dimanov davey dumbbell dormant etirol eitelite eaten eurasian euler eocenic eotvos eriksfjor ephemeral enep emilius eisele emslie eseto e111 eppelbaum fn26 fd3m fmc ff1g fictive fingers fisher flysch fraile fresher fich3a fumagalli friable fanta fse2 fusswinkel funnelor fnonelastic ff2c fidelity ggmbh gonnerman gittins gornerg gigcas gummite gaseous gandolfi gomez gregoire gianolla gramenits garcia goniometer gleaned goldschmidt h3po4 hitachi hutch hunnedalen huebner hersum hughes hickmott hitherto hokkaido hungary hindrance humphre iowa ithnay iodide ifors i12δli jarosite jonasova jenner jalpaite jacob jumo jantos jakobsson jellinek jordan jianping jobin jingsui jaffey jarosewich journal kuoyka kerrich katmai kretz korme ketones klippen kaban kristall kverkfjoll kampunzu kerala kalymnos kullerud kakanui korea kazakhstan kieffer kokchetav kopylova kruisvle kuyatt kankan kitchen kitahara kiglapait l07 lndreec license linglong lopolithic liri lichtervel llif lomonos lunar lde1 lundstrom london ldyb lambert ludwig lissenberg litasov lombok lynxey mrw mhz mα1 mitra muping messum marty mersin mastroloren mallmann mplanfl mclennan marbles mbarombi maluti m7o9 ntr nvk ngawha ntims ningde nacpx nidar noshok nichols nomikou nbs981 nadoll nakamura nachlas nss7 nimbus nurseries ntaka omit overemphas ongonite ounces oberpf otztal omnic pnm psol peslier prakasam pirard pampean practical pushed pranhita pneumatoly palyanov pectolite pakistan pillonet palladium pickups pushing p972 pjdpaeg qinsongite r698 roller rationale rucu ribbons rainbow rchr rochette r10b ratajeski rattlesnake ritscherflya sg6 sigma surely stick s0081 sweep sartohay sakri sallares sardinia somerville squeezed s11c sitzman tatlock tarım taggart trommsdor tweed tandem tioxy tackled tangaroa trollahraun tambora tatsumi tasiuyak t1946 tontini tussock u2mif uintjiesberg uumz uamt1 upholding urals ucla vl3 vpse vsegei vessels vanderbilt vardabass vestige viktoria villiomite vannucci vennemann vaggelli vife3 w3re97 w5re95 wonderfontein werktec wrote wingx wurzburg wulian wendlandt wazi wenchang w25re75 w26re74 w95re5 winchite willemite w74re26 westerwald xlsm xishipeng xcoul xarea xiangshan xirouchakis yao ydmnz yvon yingfeng yantai yandangshan yardley yaxley yosemite yyyy yakutia zoisite zer1 zingg zagorevs zangamara zimbabwe z1461o zermatt zirakpar αmineral δnno φ3σf φ1σs ϕoxides ϕvoids ##jupalle ##oisdri ##lidv ##braic ##2waeg ##2fs15 ##pjd2waeg ##xniolivine ##xmagv ##wo22fs15 ##zuchtung threeto thortveitite theistareyk inadvertently insofar instigated inevitable ##armiit ##orazo ##an73or3 ##an66or1 ##an77or2 topaz tomilenko tohoku cootralantra cooma coworkers copyright consonance condomines coniacian condensation isacks ishii ispectra ##imirahavy foraminifera forbade forbidden reopened reverts reassessed reviving reformulated reheating reintroduced reynolds rewelded reorganising compartment complimentary astimex crescentic algebraic alberta albitisation aldehydes diachronous dieckmann diavik anchored stamper stainless staying st228 beaudoin bebechuk exhaust exercise mag50hec50 mag30hec70 whatever wholesale moghadam mojanda makaopuhi mammoth mavrogenes shandong shawn shchekina shrinkage shuangtian dextral deionized devoting debye dealerships incapable chandrika chauvel chimborazo chaussidon charoite chitradurga orbicules plomerova plasmalab meltcalculations hawkesworth reslicing clogged clocchiatti paraffin parascandolaite expedition minipal4 minnesotaite interchange interdependence intermediary intercepts interrupts ##constructor sekota spandler spieler sparks spencer spilliaert spawned spasmodically disadvantage disregard disengaged dismembered dismissed enargite en60wo14fs en41wo42fs17 en38wo42fs20 en63wo22fs15 envisioned enthusiasm laacher lazarov lafayette featuring uncanny unprecedented unvesiculated unnamed untenable unroofing unnoticed unspecified unanalysed untextured unerupted uninterrupted unjustified untrustworthy unnecessary unattainable unoccupied methylene metropolitan metaborate metagranites notorious erratically erythrite evinced website weondong weidenbeck lifetime li2b4o7 limpopo deployed replicating republic imagery calcioand nebuliser subangular subdued subophitic subsidiary subconcordantly pertinent perforate perplexing perspectives perrotta perceptibly perdotite perkinelmer prepare premiere prehistoric simcoe prinzhoffer prerequisite geostandards gehlenite gebauer geowissenschaf geospeedometry geomapapp ab33an66or1 ab24an73or3 abrasive ab21an77or2 abnormally ab5or95 carlson caratori carpentier carinthia mg12si4o19 arredondo armstrong matthews mathematical overtones 20feg apportioning twentieth glaringly boroughs cafe3o5 microplates micropoikilitic microxenoliths allotriomorphic scalloped scintillator undescribed undetermined typifies strenghten tiepolo primelt3 accidentally timmiarmiit timmasamudram sulfarsenides dymek genuinely δ18ocalcite ag70pd30 ag75pd25 rajesh adhesion impoverished implanted imprecision transcrustal transtensional underpressure acryl monotonously regrowth secchiari hydrologically hydrosaline hydrofluoric hydrogarnet decelerating sikhbir novarupta trumbull trascurrent pbtotal orthopyoxene nikolaev invoking invaluable invalidating formationgδ51vmag 15mg1 15fe2o6 coreldraw cufe2s iggcas ##ssuaq outbursts outgrowths outweighed feldspathoids apophyses lithogenesis lithophysae lithofacies remembered removable holuhaun thermometamorphism buldibuyo radionuclides petruk elguera musawda co2released nd2061 ifs28 hebrides heilangou olmani newwave transbaikal transgressive barclay illinizas budduso bukovite budapest densifies densimeter standpoints sorokhtina initial143nd oceanographer brunswick traversing uncovered infeasibility absorptions unimpeded roovleitjie harcourt haruburgite sumitomo kaikohe kawazoe fallbrook paegpjd2waeg pappalardo maximilians 30ni73 16cq6 fertilization ferropicrite ferreira ferriallanite paramagnetically desolvating desulfidation puzzling triaxially oscillatorily crecraft fournaise migdisov osnaca irreversible naturkunde epothin nonconfigurational nonstoichiometric substitutes polycyclic polydisperse phyllite hypidiomorphic hypiodomorphic schottky schnetzler schweitzer pathfinder 703399 topographically ultrathin ct246 sm55b frezzotti paleotethys virolahti misaligned edmunds edbrooke reconnaissance mercury idefjorden handheld myitkyina tukino riverbeds narayanpet 282514 283225 283190 superheat superplume superconducting archaeometrie tornebohmite deliberately nyerereite mcbride mcgowan nanotextural nanometre nanotomography nanoclusters ferrobustamite ferroactinolite lofgren megastructure aegirinaugitic glomerocryts gasparotto luvizotto lugezhuang 01fe2o8 menatulien izanagi annihilated medenbach ambohimirahavy anorthositic 51167 51174 51193 511858 koashva kooijman jeol8900r jeol6400 marrocchino marquardt marangudzi guojialing guangzhou guadeloupe guanajuato laboratoire 58fe2o7 xrmreconstructor intercorrelations geoforschungszentrum devyatiyarova 48969 grenvillian biermeier trodoos troublesome jxa8200 jxa8530f aztechkl rigorously unexplored 72cu3 mukhopadhyay 44fs14 galaxite swartsbooisdri skepticism ashcroft 512247 512191 autodeconvolution unsurprising pilatsig roskosz sandwiched taubald counterbalances ##24s26x committee jiaojia saussuritic bridgmanites eskaborn wo41en38fe21 likenesses gerstenberger kjarsgaard ktcpcv mangatoetoenui uncontaminated 103lnαolivine palaeontological renzulli overshadow gudfinnsson gudchikhinsky krmicek 53ni71 pinnacle plexiglass sadanagaite semiquantitative tomaschek csdcorrections k2oprimitive tritonplus slushball tilkerode z1531o tiebaghi sulfidemeltsulfidemelt udiripikonda reinterpreting magnesiohornblende catalysts cataclysmic catastrophic drebushchak iji2lidv contraddistinct wavemetrics somasila winpenny ryabchikov witteickschen cotopaxi dyngjusandur acetophenone daliuhang femtosecond lanthanide lanzirotti malokuonapskaya nckfmashto sedgwick 90zr216o guyangzhai 2gδρr29η a6bc24s26x bellwethers kangerlussuaq samaniego wolframite xfesulfidexniolivine benzaldehyde wo2en75fe23 banganapalle c3h6n6 eriksfjord gornergrat gramenitskii humphreys ithnayn kristallzuchtung kruisvlei lndreecpx lichtervelde lomonosov lynxeye mastrolorenzo overemphasizes oberpfalz pneumatolytic pjdpaeg2wjd trommsdorff vardabasso werktechnik yingfengling zagorevski zangamarajupalle zirakparvar theistareykir en60wo14fs25 geowissenschaften formationgδ51vmagxmagv swartsbooisdrif