[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z µ · ø ł α β γ δ ε η θ κ λ μ ν π σ τ φ χ ω ϑ ϕ – ’ ##a ##w ##k ##s ##r ##m ##t ##i ##c ##b ##l ##z ##e ##u ##h ##d ##n ##o ##p ##7 ##3 ##5 ##g ##x ##y ##v ##4 ##1 ##f ##0 ##2 ##8 ##9 ##6 ##j ##q ##ø ##α ##ϕ ##σ ##θ ##π ##ε ##λ ##ł th the ##on ##er ##at ##in ##es ##en ##ed ##al ##nd ##it of ##or ##ion in ##ic ##an ##re and ##ar ##as ##ro ##ing ##ent ##el ##st to ##ou ##le ##ct ##th ##ol ##is ##ation ##et ##ra ##ur ma ##im ##ly ##oc ##mp ##ig ##ith ##ow ##ce ##ul de with ##os con is st re for ##il ##iv ##id that ##ter ##rom ##ru co are as ##ure from ##ge al ##est su ##if an pro ##se sh be ##ut ##ate ex ##ult ##ir bas ##ite ##od ##ch ##ver ##om on ##ist by fa ##ated at ##ot se ##ment ##pp ##ta ##la ##ri wh ##ity ##av ##um ##ere ##og sou ##ast sa ##sion ##ad ##res nor ##ction ##con dep this ##ther mag gra res ##ph comp fault or ##ock ch ##ab ##all ##igh ##lu ##osit ##ag ##am ##ally ##ous ##ine ##oun fig me inter ##ive ##ran ##cc figure ##ies ##pe ##ong ##ak un col ##tain ##ata we form rock ##ore ##ely basin was ##iz ##qu int ##ill di ne ##ene ##ations ##low ##ort north ##ant ##yst ##ave ##art ##rou ##ial ##ac cont ##00 ge ##ale vol ##ircon ##tern ##can zircon magm these ##iment have inc te samp ##ence ##ost ##ess ##rust mod ##ary ##ges ##gh high ##one ##ich ##ater ##ud ##etw were ##op deposit ##ediment data ##eld ##ues rel ##pt ##ism pl it ##orm ##der ##fer ##een sediment cal ##em not ##ib ##us ##ard ##ical ind ##ass ##ates km ##ian low ##and ext ev det over south betw between age us ar ##form ##ell ##ff str ca pres sub ##end val ##ann ##ures ##ers pale which colle volcan ##erv ##les reg exp ##ip sp ##du dis sur ##thern ##ins ##vel dist rocks ##ield formation ##aly crust ##rit ##gest loc ##ick ##ift moun fra ##phic ##ution ##olog ab pre ob ##ap cl can ##ocene along ##ay ##ined flow mar within part model ##ath ##rib cons ##ve cre region ##able ##ep ##ord than ##zo ##ret analy app dur may rec ##cted ##au ##ces thick ##erm ##ange ##annel le ##ozo ##int ##ozoic ##ition ##ach ##ear colleag colleagues sim up ##lo ##ens ass dif result during en mountain prov sug ##ne suggest qu cent ##ace ##ryst ##ign ##ss ##ral tran well ##ide show ages ##ced ##ld acc ##rupt been ##ric lar samples surf cor ##net stud east ##ystem has system ##ase po ##age ear tim ##cture ig ##ke ##ia ##red ##mb magma ##och interp ##ward rep sand sour pe more where ##atic volcanic ##mal ##ific ad ##ension ##mm ##so ##ied west ##wo also erupt 10 trans ##fle ##rough stru ##ome intru und indic met ##ile ##ively ##ross ##ley 20 ##elt est ##ound ##un differ fol field ##ari interpret refle min deposits ##ie how depth faults occ lav ##ould comple ##osed temp ##erat ##oth ##ight contin ##ents ##lud sign ##ert ##ments but ##raphic obs ##osition ##ilar ##ps similar sc two into ##formation most there bec ##ry unit surface top analys tra late ##estern ##ara observ sl southern upp sandst under peak consist ##val he ##ening li mi ph grou imp seism occur range ele gre section lower detrit mid ##netic our ##gin estim ##ance ##ough seismic ##ger upper ac out near ##ron cryst ##ever however ##uff time area valley fe point ##imb using const tuff base produ ##phy channel ##ose ##ue extension central ##olution supp ##vi complex ##oss grains calder ##ack sm includ ##dition ##pect ##ake ##ating sample through per ##ang ign detrital ##astern ##ect present ignimb meas ##ized crustal ##ivity youn ##ites dom temperat am ter ##ient ##ative ##rain fracture ##ual ##ree all based ##yp ##iver vari ##row ##xim ##assic ##ause san deformation basal because other western sedimentary large flu ##ier pb ##ck sil sill ##ones prop struct set both ##ization gen some ##west ##velop deep develop northern magnetic ##ors ##reas ##ility arc ##oci quart sandstone ##pping intrusion mes no ##ork 15 ##me repres gran ol record ##ail strata ##ically source par tr ##ish ##ular quartz ther used act mu 12 ##ribution signific contain ##par ##omet early ##aract miocene deposition meth margin ##east their caldera ap der study ##ting volum corre melt gener significant ##lace lake plate such geolog lik strat des zone reflect river ##ceous ##taceous cretaceous results ##iss conc ##ove ##xt associ rift lim ##onic zircons ##idence dire ##ible method prof ##yn lavas ##itic ##amor disc bl ##ek rh magmatic bound ##cess values comm eastern pr ##lift local uplift ##ness metamor ##own only different cen ##though although dec ##ides its ##ded calc short one long ##arb def likely creek id ##ress later water they ##itud ##ably basalt fill el ##ory ##ived ##ural compar ##rog composition ##dle each post shear eruption observed poss maj distribution charact character stri topog middle 200 associated ##orted represent across major hor ##ially small emp ##led ##ada man ##fore paleoch ##yon crystall basement common paleochannel la clast ##rite fac im pla ##ole ##vial much perm ##tal consistent ##ov ##ental ##our trend correl ##atively ero main red three prob disp silic ##ain thickness group northwest cross ##ob ##ount stratig process ##allow rhy bel hist derived hal shallow ##rient plut prec analysis tect ##amb block orient typ cenozoic af rhyol ##rop ##ize measure yield ##fic normal 40 here ##und 19 elev ##umb ##ortion ##itude bed ##kes ##out sequ flo ##ulation temperature line new slip ##lacement thrust off ##ology color bod ##amp ##land canyon ##rol regional ##pon exposed units sier ##ust ignimbrite ##ified increas analyses ##eral ##ane ##elf follow due continu ##eng grad domin pat addition continental ##ences ang exh ##ration those ##lying ##ribut 11 ##ted ##ince ##ently above indicate ##ities rem 100 ##pped unc basins grav feat op pop ##ertain ##vious ##rowth ##ability ##edi ##ider ##anging cur ##olith lith rates ##are shelf pattern 16 related younger shortening ax eff ##anges interpreted if rate sever ##mental geoch bene mass level mountains older could fl ##ern allu ##ression do ##ding resist lay mat thus sierra ##ctions determ mult ##raphy ##arbon ##sh ##ength several ##set ##ensity flood ##ision models jur consider scale jurassic orog ##ok maxim desc gravity ##gl wall ##eet ##yd ##ise gravel sediments lava plateau evidence sal ##erg relatively tri would same 201 ##ire ##round tectonic core ##rid sheet ##ines less appear volume ag bro ant nev ##neiss white ##ado ##lope erosion er previous amp ##cy beneath constra 25 carbon ##eric init ##ferred strike colorado ##li calcul uncertain occurred structural gu land ##iven dikes imag dr so mean rid ##cept mineral great ##tle orig stratigraphic ##allel subs studies heat pluton mon origin ##lic interval eocene ##ring ##old ##eter including ##rast maximum por ste nevada equ ##idual cool belt ##ured ##lain therefore higher facies syn ##kal appro suggests uncertaint terran relations history fin sw zones ##icular distin vis ##rease ident orogen err ed ##yc ##ogene contrast ##neous outc resistivity ##anch when ##izon located 30 pass igneous development bath pot ##erate ##ected geo therm prim possible down anom formed extend least crystal supple ignimbrit below bre inf ##lap resolution ##quir distinct ignimbrites ##ery ##ocl southeast shows mesa table bi bar mater ##iles structure limest many material condition systems thermal ##ometry ##ential ##sions respect subdu paleozoic ground santa topographic fir ##ft isot strong slope ##bl ##ds change analyz non aver growth position spect thin sea control transition metamorphic portion dem minim ##ambri fur ##king ##ided examp compon press fluid features ##ited fract sources halite after inver separ preserv vel mapped prog dike shown temperatures broad conditions density rad use ##read northeast ##rated ##io ##bric fabric vert first triassic ##atism evolution veloc magmatism intrusions profiles lateral processes ep ##ately areas while 39 rat ##ope exc parallel describ found ##lay ##pec fluvial clasts further ##orn inv inst ##que peri any dipping obtain cas memb provide exhum ridge ##to estimates 23 14 far ##olv ##osity ##terozoic expos horizon effect batholith ##az conf ##chan earth av il erupted transp active 50 lack pol ##iew sequence ##eg stand relative biot 13 ##lin ##ished cooling bur cut comb abund import discus crystallization silicic ##glom aval term work ##ank mafic conglom strain alkal probably measurements supplemental limestone structures avalanch pred ##hip rhyolite tib att ent kn rest ##iforn ##elds californ ##ics sup phase relationship ##ambrian period tibet ##ris grand spat adj interpretation ##eline interm permian california reserv collected volcanism few following ##ton conta ##sequ emplacement angle example very wide ##erous ##inc condu trace depositional ut ##rine ##ingle grained center reported layer biotite mig ty ##oir reflection depths americ reservoir ju mm test ##na deposited minor profile analyzed standard type boundary multip ##thermal uncon include offset given ##ior indiv terra steep respectively average ##de grab faulting ##ensive ##ief developed site magn generally 40ar mic rap ##ling ##itan cover secon geom detail estimate metamorph elevation rapid hyp lat scan ##ai ##ms extensional measured methods four ##ument body hyd size single co2 ##ather sills typically subduction velocity member gar hanging will ##ah assum poor felds ##matic requir ##aces orientation multiple individual wid shan mead amount potential second ##ts then text avalanche du doc gneiss pet titan ##act ##etic map deb ##ivers 39ar obtained oce ##ma ##most ##ner ##ream total paleo concent vertical important ocean end ##way ##uc seg presence flows setting cr netw grain exper network yr ##ys ##ature order mark observations unconform ##ination andes changes relief ##formed greater estimated calculated ##son province surfaces production ##ributed ##up ##pb ##astic ##ediate ce sn ##ble ##ison respon sections geologic bad mapping ##apor geochron flat minimum ##cl ##vium activity contains contact document 17 foc sus atl ##lab produced commonly terrane pressure fan numb ##ulations allow ##omm feldspar fla ##ints axis hr ro ##ctor particular mesozoic correlation toward ##lear summ wells fractures ##ey ##ogen redu opening intermediate ##50 defined dates fine ##aries ##ither shor described flare hrcc fran ##iation ##enance ins event sandstones comparison population magnitude focus 18 consists til dip southwest geological continuous patterns error had length rich vent ##co ##ruce ##acent gradient break ##akes spruce locally marine suggesting ##una alluvium uncertainty las ##sc coe geometry spring abs proposed previously ##zon ##gan repe reach ##respon provenance correspon whereas ##oclase conglomerate entire adjacent sch ##over mechan resulting direction metamorphism mant ##lined ##arse ##osph magmas surve larger horn geomor pul prom ser slab trough ##te ##eastern wash value topography outcrop exhumation stage location mount characterized plutons pri spec tur ##sl ##tin inferred accum youngest direct trending drain ##hib evapor indicates populations visc dome ##ape ##bed ##ning ##ocryst ##iron volcano appar energ peaks tuffs porphy graben sat ##rock increase expl influ mantle cyc dra either mt py ##xic ##ject ##contin variations avail number aff pu view ##gi ##gins ##20 ##raction clos env bodies best recon alt ##opro dominated alluvial ampl preserved clear ##by ##imal differences possib plagi dominant curr anomal ##blend prior plagioclase ##ually rever inversion spatial hornblend lit ##yl ##ana reve compositions eruptions guer reveal since ##wh ##ix ##its ##ational points support decreas compared isotope ##imalay around cat ##iller accomm experiment energy ##oproterozoic accommod himalay ##western ##lies ##stand ##isod succ overall ##lapse fabrics episod excur ##olved mor side conver should mexic eruptive approxim radi abundant hornblende brid ##semb ord ##ages collapse ##ffic subsequ ##ensional ##arily complexes granite recorded ##ovic ##her ##str ##isting ##apai sets characterist geochem determined ##stone assemb underlying carbonate debris back ##ains ##ients ##nary ##ful ##iscan ##etric ##chn inclined overlying provides accret param ranges ##cing ##ug ##ura ##onian ##reg ##tered events olig component exposures car ##stru margins timing drill available fron ##ection ##ense ##agnetic techn extensive fields apmb oligocene ##ka ##of like deeper melting does constraints progress ordovic ordovician ##sed ##gm ##get ##esis assess considered geomorphic 60 nac pen ##ls ##lation ##enced green amphib horizontal environ rim ##water maps arch cap partial provided additional chem modeling yielded increasing primary alkali known amplitude ##ten ##ean ##ract coast modern calderas 300 ret vir ##enocryst coll weak ##aternary calib quaternary documented drainage ct cord hual kern num ##ency ##rops shap slight channels bedrock initial hualapai mot tru ##ex ##emp ##omp information ##imient refer caus throughout domain display nacimient nacimiento hol ##rad ##ographic locations ##ologic approach viscosity ##ves ##face stor edge reconstru little 500 case fit kail lag ##af ##els resulted matri hypoth kailas bu ##irc tempor trach constrain propag detailed titanite cordiller matrix cm did old rand sk ##lied ##ink ##osite ##ify rifting shoreline assembla day ##ses ##hed ##vc before ##laced constru apvc appears super ##aho del dim host step proxim ##abl univers fraction ##ification identified gy ka wides ##sive ##ios ##pread ##ond ##ict ##olite lead 206 supported images ratios unconformity franc widespread ranging orth even suggested difference nearly significantly sheets ##ception slow ##iated ##cu ##eters understand variable represents demon migration america response ##ogenic series apparent mo move ##ood ##van ##ival coinc being indicating young 199 increases primarily transport terrace ##ker ##put ##rox ##olcan coarse ##anning elect general limited paleochannels crystals bou ##ice ##olated deg ##iferous depend ##ghs km3 apert gyps lac ##entially ##urent conne state ##sect parts mix laurent sequences controlled garnet duct repeat 36 rare ##cad ##ales ##ety ##urun stream content indu ##rystall establ decrease levels geothermal uturun uturuncu fo ple path sites ##ench head presented granul idaho half continued porphyry lo lakes pow ##aring ##istry composed ##pected intra distance intruded landsl width morph virgin motion bla brine cann fall log ##line ##ero ##ute chamb ##achment diffic reflector smaller displacement precambrian constrained spectra directly difficult lab ring rob wav integ note about enc image exhib ##shore anomaly segment front mc mud rot year ##rift ##mar ##bas ##ead ##ump ##ind ##itna ##oration ##ases stress extent account ##rict eastward proportion geology university 206pb 21 blu hill los past ##arity ##acite plot southward discontin ##ordin ##ynam uncertainties cascad poorly badger survey mexico slightly discontinu ##inous shift fact intern ##ological recent ##phys ratio hydro susitna mechanism accretion techni ductile power air cambrian fre zr ##bb ##gely dext stan shar need ##igned largely components possibly ##hedral dextral 24 3d 90 dated file hel rather sel ughs ##eol ##ingu ##estig shape ##ott occurs determine investig relationships shaped 22 hf ##be ##antic regions upward variation silt volumes strongly atlantic turb storage 80 pa ##man ##orth input ##rodu ##ctivity dev ##iding expected northward plane distingu quant studied mostly phenocryst phases element geophys geochronology springs franciscan gypsum bore band div lines ##work ##atory ##ull ##ogn arg frag ##unction signal reflectors basaltic subsidence required cement particularly laser boreh lgm ##til ##tical ##ina ##eland stra ##inematic until diag elements distributions beds 1000 succes laguna 70 ts vents δ1 ##ras ##lastic ##uf ##ram dips ##aps granitic laterally ##ustrine isotop reference 000 45 barb ##aw altern shale span fold must blocks increased outcrops buried assemblages lacustrine aeol heter ##ium ##alu ##ulated devi began interbed sedimentation overlap spanning surround frame applied recogn laz ##aneous massif flank subsequent proximal movement geophysical barbara crit eu kar nat pit ##cal ##bo ##ven ##urface ##iform applic clastic histor lithosph layers extends earthqu bridges orthog frequ 35 tak ##ns though ##ctic ##etry deformed ##ilian diam evalu obli leuc cores foliation elong striking emplaced typical measurement separated specific satell himalaya collision numerous repeatability circ ##lan ##ining ##ances forming ##elded plan detachment intrusive followed terranes cases oceanic calibration ga qilian var zon ##lust contribution recrystall simon times boundaries oriented ##rolog instru parameters aeolis ##board es ##cent ##other often ##order ##rost ##etter ##resh northeastern inclu diff produce plutonic rhyolitic linear cataract approximately cannot heterogene bott sol veg ##ions ##ark ##iff distributed simp sourced westward metas mainly elevations equival errors 238 crest characteristics years just nar net ray tar ##lder them ##eds stat ann magnet ##izes highly art carboniferous subsurface orogenic american cycle temporal ##olcanic black ##marine bottom bul taz ##ily ##ging ##oup exam ##omagnetic fail whe spac ##wood permaf stratigraphy precision feature again discussed tilting pulses permafrost ox ##jo ##inent ##ason ##ives beh basis ##istocene see ##ame diss ##aper folds signature includes directions define silica porosity combined micro evaporite understanding foot pleistocene statist 75 dat ecl imm sold ##iocene ##cif ##jection ##aster steen gray forms pliocene close transect polarity burial anomalies guercif ##where excursion ##fficient hypothesis wavel narrow taza eclog steens jo kinematic plu ##ha ##growth ##atite ##enite ##ellow ##ille proto ##omin resear chert geomet noted implic play gradients effects discussion marked current oldest chamber turbid wavelength research 26 37 better sens μm ##lier ##itation ##anian alter ##ote geod ##ologies upon slide ##anged orientations axial caused aperture cascades fragments target bol brit border ic medi right ##wall ##uth ##flo ##ened ##arctic referred residual weather extra recyc accura walls salt predic requires natural satellite 27 31 49 400 lid link pd ##ored uniform 150 concentr ##roxene help 238u 02 28 place yellow ##lt ##ois ##oid ash prot moderat district sanid instead combination tibetan converg ##lano whether medium bat dating paper ##ax ##action ##ko ##cut ##ymm ##rack without proterozoic geos spread thickening records eroded amounts prominent isotopic oblique dors humb light lob ult wal war ##oo ##urr whole interior neoproterozoic ##opy domains propert watersh yields floodp imaged minerals intervals ##oldt illin reduced schist radiogenic accuracy sanidine dorsa humboldt illinois coup gr ##aid ##bro ##ville ##atform ##stream make stages another introdu earlier match random ##ufre interbedded diameter bulk moderately ##aidam dz dig dynam qaidam ##rat ##pr ##ved ##ering incor overgrowth abst reflections complete assumed meadow petrog segments focused influence affected trachy landslide eclogite ##ience ##del ##ox ##gor ##chron ##omanian ##lac depression formations contraction sampled ##dera overla ##elles analytical indicated track conclu princ cenomanian represented types groundwater baddel atlas ##eyite accommodated digit princip baddeleyite 34 41 95 cru clust mer pan vary ##63 isolated sector ##quis mode indep overlain southwestern subst explain preex class ##rete earli trench quartzite containing antic synth distinctive ##blished farther exposure crat flareup accumulation trun dimensional lidar abstract preexisting earliest bal might ##bor ##isla exist onset ##ogra indian distal ##ordant accomp implies various discrete offshore driven ill settings coeval granulite stanisla lazufre orthogneiss taken metasediment footwall independ trunc stanislaus 06 pac tls way ##has ##pite toge ##sewhere what comput spot detritus generated despite filled elko elsewhere crystalline antarctic corresponding volcanoes clearly greenland ##empor laurentia established internal implications alteration together fels pur ##kn ##ned ##30 inher neogene southeastern partially interpretations scar nearby trends tecton grade predomin terraces ##strate siltstone karoo soldier aut now nature round run welded ##more infer clara created phot acquis elevated garzon absence amphibolite induced hydrothermal acquisition count five ir mov opp ti wave ##uter ##ars ##cting rev forear composite unli ##ending similarity melts rhe remain equation positions fluids textures snb altyn streams succession against brittle properties substant forearc 03 dard hund kil m3 pers ris role wed ##des ##inter ##alog ##anite ##anelles made reason aspect exce ##ama ##ques incision highest space centers ##ochron add supply among ##ometers basalts facil salada initiated furthermore assuming progressive blue hills devonian deviation equivalent concentrations dardanelles hundred gas ms mob sizes ##ained ##less ##itu ##ocent states almost exception ##ries diab northwestern evid peral locality afric 2014 agg agree orogeny passive published anomalous episodes distinguish pitas lithosphere dissolution metasedimentary 800 miss rol vers ##ext ##he ##jected alb sut analog bearing ##lam ##ript weight diking thank folding united heav phys ##ressed belug soft original ##pecially rapidly decreases morphology ##ordinate techniques pair especially incorp digital accompan beluga 38 glo klam mill national rif rme ##onal ##ime consequ foreland regard modeled ##ordance left underg ##valley 1263 majority precip angular axes erosional final exhumed abundance reverse geochemical geochemistry cordillera phenocrysts ##ymmetric overgrowths klamath rmeh ari dense function go med pore tens ##bar ##vent ##oratory ##urally ##ulate cot ##aving contempor paleogene paleomagnetic ##iplano abrupt corrid acquir conclud ##oked attributed superg secondary andesite altiplano environment propagation degree selected borehole surrounding wedge gond nw tg ##went ##rero ##iable ##ule ##hu ##pend ##8o ##itive inner ##ission start stack ##oming atf ##roup ##ibility evolved clou largest systematic underlain product 120 paleovalley ##zona encla δ18o recognized euhedral arizona corridor gondw az cum ess fed gab glac led mel mol posit ##ik ##han ##70 ##ga ##fo ##80 ##section begin ##ogran ##amin ##izing arm strength ##load meters 207 ##ossil included limit longer rhyolites excursions exhibit craton glob cotton supergroup 29 cro none solution ##wn ##cence ##flow ##ered ##anc sty coher intensity indicat ##ights voluminous probability shallower juan fans guerrero boulder ##umpt recrystallization watersheds coupled versus acquired dacite hu hom having soci ##rical ##lie ##den ##pm ##yb ##ont ##ional ##olation still ##ivine suite sufficient depocent ##agit ##quire ##acies ##opes providing advan travel constant olivine stratified representative correlated herein lithic 250 portions separate termin summit skagit convergence kilometers facilit fil gh gently last pack tend ##equ ##use ##nam ##off ##ita ##ilib ##rum moderate platform ##usc clin ##ricted transient angles ##ediately brecc periods experiments immediately bolson synthetic predominant society away eth full key oph rise van ##wise ##erial align seen seal interfer transg occurr terrain ##rown fills crosscut synrift nonmarine spectrum restricted conducted coeffic closure cordilleran lospe thought precipitation melange coefficients big hat hos hot nam pum tip ##ware ##iop ##ique ##bble ##ub ##gri ##erates ##orite ##urna anc ##conne neg regression cliff become impro outboard ##ometric directed swar identify tilted surveys affect ##basin floodplain contractional pacific felsic incorpor dens deline loss sr son ##usion ##haps ##ym ##atible ##ash require ##ivation ##emb india enough groups impact perhaps postd bars spectrom reservoirs latter andesitic chemical reconstruction rotation needed histories spreading enclaves crooked ophi hosgri bank gn kbar pied squ ##iary ##inces injection ##ans beam overlies arb assumpt provinces transt similarly scour observation imply variety ##ressional broadly useful ##olving attribut dune dominantly ##ofacies mechanisms ##caldera frequency suture weighted contemporaneous ##pendicular 207pb ethiop gnss 00 33 ach clay date ii oak opt outer pix s1 ##eal ##ooth ##inity ##inian ##ena ##ora ##oles ##ised ##uring ##imate station onto ##rie chron slopes occurring performed propose noise ##ressive remains massive gravels 2013 imaging confir summar reached entirely ##ylvan characteristic amphibole archite load laboratory earthquake leucogran geometries gren software accompanied cf fiss fossil give good mg oreg puna rough six situ ##ml ##hyd ##pan ##owled factor who ##agmatic contribut highl ablation ##apurna ##ermost lee scales smc ##itudes plain correlate curve identical describe layered petro root absent correspond views closely decreasing himalayan penns environments application annapurna geosc ##opyroxene anticline illite beginning global indicators predominantly ##connected oregon pennsylvan 2d 48 68 diver ion sin wind wfo ##volcanic ##ington ##thrust ##ets ##uration ##ulf asia ##verse ##omes ##ota former expand ##inson qual accur ##erating perpendicular localized perme processing remov descript means belts spatially util migm latest hydrolog reduction assessment rims construction demonst mixing integrated discontinuous shares solid ##print conclusions rounded african occurrence 01 cam free rma ##iord ##back ##ged ##erical too tool ##ctors making project ##isted context sampling paleos distances thicker volcaniclastic underwent producing flux parag comparable 2005 curie ##oliths effic guad extending involved scans widely concentration allows pyr episode progressively predicted peralkal tgb cumul pumice 32 coun grid ke rivers sy ##xas ##ying thresh ##era ##ini ##ased forest except ##odal fav gradu organ interest rocky ##ants ##acity texas lowest usually accord occup traces consisting ##phyric somewh apart generation proble 2010 thermochron downstream download ##ways geochronologic currently subsequently capacity true trachyd steps criter evaluate inclusion vegas icp battle walker petrographic cottonwood pyrene somewhat fiord gong gap kde slu via varies z6 ##ks ##rim ##uck ##oring ##imuth ##ulag ##illa anorth ##iri once seven unique extru duration produces ##parallel bounded 2006 ##lands curves ridges confined conglomerates alkaline conductivity repeated success ##radation coincides electron quantit behav physical azimuth fiordland dha em gives paly rb tribut ve wor ##worth ##yg ##ings ##ctively react coal existing ##chist compris figures ##aki colum inclin plumb ##ems detected sparse partic became structurally granites lithologies potentially microp covered scanner contacts promot explan constructed logging factors framework independent antarctica style ghs confirm threshold according downloads ##ulagiri dhaulagiri palyn 700 bud cla dam fish fission gold tml ##ca ##cs ##po ##field ##itt ##ices ##arst ##thon ##olve ##imodal ##ula read altered ##abil unkn rele ##iance extre scen ##cking deepest reflecting places extended seaflo transitional texture suscept insar pulse reversed argu circulation overlapping review exceed albian gabbro positive achie peralkaline z620 world plumbing unknown seafloor grow ru s3 serv tal εh ##right ##min ##tic ##ui thir ##atures stable stret rece ##iva asc compare compatible ##aged neiva teph relation subparallel recover moreover signatures association characterize 197 bedded lineation ##okarst 2011 mineralog stratigraphically thermokarst restoration adjust offsets grabens snow reaches possibility mixed ##bbles zoning statistical plun geodetic weathering cloud depocenter piedras demonstrated stretch 600 cer fund jbe musc ross ##iations ##hes ##11 ##90 ##inar ##arn ##arge ##eler ##elines stds cost beyon unus necess km2 ##ended assigned interpolation feed smooth terr variability discordance bounding defensive comparing ##ovite dispers subsamp preservation program velocities transported centered paleoge pump bridge carri buil demonstrate dynamics autom heavy essentially breccia crosscutting ancient negative ethiopian grenville muscovite beyond 05 47 crack den dol dark eas ever fresh hinter ku ppm tert ##kely ##bur ##eb ##posed ##10 ##fort ##ji ##ersion ##imeter rework ##ivated prol face ##mentary ##rial resour geographic caled overlie cause enhan access folded foliations southernmost desert blanc postcaldera representing remn ##arez tectonics initiation calculate pressures separation influenced drawn penet holes laurentian proportions strand straight critical earthquakes extracted reasonable diabase roll ##ilibri sonora removed hydrologic gongga hinterland tertiary blancas 42 mft pas td tas ##klin ##lated ##ground ##als ##rocl real ##ilation shinar ##istic ##uminous ##ously interf diap presum expressed disrupt preferred metric heating valleys compositional postrift finding juarez networks snake franklin ##ospheric connectivity establish zoned heterogeneity simple recycling warm ##urrent principal computed moving agreement homogene clinopyroxene assumption pixel slump behavior budget third mftb shinarump diapir 53 bay fer gl hole mv ok rm won ##app ##sp ##za ##hor ##40 ##12 ##60 ##eness ##itoid andean ##stones ##ray makes force com asymmetric interconnected extraction capt paleoc expla obvious underthrust percent ##ectonic mesoproterozoic methow edges inflation thinning fractal tests steeply allowed accumulated chemistry technique ##bbet heterogeneous recycled hundreds coherent enhanced rollback wonji 3a brown certain dou haz kg lane nan yet ##rating ##uar ##oing ##xta thous offer ##eless ##racted ##urian maule ##iving aligned ##odior sem sound meand detect uses valid regime ##loy quest showing uppermost seismicity silurian granitoid apatite reflects localities 2000 lineations swath thermometry dems radar juxta petrolog unconformably ventura corresponds exploration revealed mexican ##strates ##regular electrical robust alternatively variscan contributions inclusions veget linked lobe truncated irregular spectrometry fissure permeability explanation scenari thousand mauleon 55 gulf hun haw lies nell pel sort sense ##uy ##uous ##hn ##dnam ##33 ##ouse ##theless ##urchan conception ##ography ##acy highway ardnam paleocl ##ritic similarities concordant decad calculation thicknesses 2016 lesser constraint originated supplementary examples knick gneisses revers parameter moj accretionary divided diffusion turbidite introduction products gondwana filter ##owledge accurate cumulative criteria terrest hazard ardnamurchan 52 cour crop ebbet hack ice imb mend osc s4 δp ##rich ##ec ##path ##gr ##attered ##oria ##ico ##icle ##any ##asma ##urated ##igen alas anhyd proced ##oma ##otic teth plum plasma able ability canada recently showed 101 smect domes volumetric ##lacements uplifts floods initially greatly passage barri limestones restored mica geomagnetic latitude concentrated serp apparently ##ylon chemically coastal delta falls boreholes flanks failure microsc ##flood inherited vanoss arbuck quantitative comprises mvf mojave terrestrial ebbetts oscill arbuckle bru eure eight mcc vin xian ##well ##iences ##ups ##dal ##nes ##pa ##pl ##3c ##gs ##errat ##inal ##inite ##inary ##itr ##rees andreas ##inge ##osing ##terran prox unre never modified flowed partition ##ochthon metav shearing maintain silicate ##obar 198 ##shui mineralization monts visual inverse effective alkalic predict metamorphosed assume summary mechanical porphyritic cycles weakly terracem plots discontinuity δ13c examine spacing unlikely missing ##aminated advanta swarms quality counter carried ##roclastic underthrusting ##pathic alaska smectite eureka xianshui montserrat 89 brack cambri pure ranch tat wy ##kow ##side ##sible ##slope ##ipp ##ler ##erift inboard ##etically ##oses algor atta ##table faulted chall intersection union columb ##illing notably subordinate subhor thickest 105 channelform others correct corrected prerift uplifted 2008 crystallographic law oper effort calculations imagery soil stead ##izontal minimal confidence terms pyroclastic drilling archean leading mudstone distinguished elongation turbidites scarps photogra substantial consequently concluded transgressive leucogranite highlight camera paleosol organic ##ygen ##ilibrium explained imbric anhydrite vinini metavolcanic cambria algorith subhorizontal 4a 65 ast auth berm dab hand mis sod vect vox ##tely ##dy ##oi ##oy ##xi ##enu took ##ola ree coordin ##ultaneous ##charge seems compet incre subvolcanic create simultaneous ##ney report transverse science height mixt actual contained ##ometer generate likeness decomp filling ##ropri open greatest originally find members 230 siliciclastic attenu steeper responsible comparisons reconstructions 366 bands diagen alternative examined pdf cruz ##ograms incorporated transtensional 689 migmat paragneiss trachydacite columbia 85 cc cast crow dss fing hence ls laminated mylon sides ##ze ##eep ##homa ##aled ##robe ##ctive ##olid ##imately conce ref forward ##lahoma intercept ##ostatic ##opl suba paleod expression regionally leg 106 transfer allochthon reflectivity differential emphas displacements floor 110 matuy considering antec materials scanning flareups ##scape approximate background accreted penins ctma numerical headwater intrabasin robert robinson planes magnetization iceland unlike evidenced architecture anorthosite microprobe susceptibility cerro prolong homogeneous oklahoma dssz matuyama antecryst 350 51 aer bh cd call cuar dall dac fast fun lived m2 pin perv rene rain uta vict wol wet wmb ##tally ##zos ##vis ##13 ##ja ##ino ##inle ##stic ##oustic ##let ##olute ##urb island forces ##ident suites ##ches magdal compaction ##illed diorite submarine laram completely becomes gregor acoustic smith correlative precise considerable monit contrasts positional thinner progra broader radial horizontally transpressional roaring absolute evaporites decreased kernel dimension apertures granulites exhibits sharp leucos instruments oxygen datum aggreg interferograms veins metrics ##odiorite nellis bracket coordinates ##ropriate prolonged cuarzos pervas utah magdalena gregorio 5a bend ecc fut jac pron sorted tw take ##ken ##sd ##rz ##mass ##ienced convent ##ivities coordinate ##gee sust ##ists ##istral ##umines chinle ##ounced interface intens overton overprint care ##eposition enrich interpolated intrude indicative ##unity constit parent derivation defines 2009 facing placed bedding additionally flooding 2015 brook bathym geother thermally 140 polyl grandes standards hyper titanites allowing washington experimental bukow slower dependent accounts successions recrystallized instrument annual transects sensitive protracted cluster substantially rising glacial named ##anska roughly sinistral favor tephra paleogeographic easily every tdx presumably glass vegetation plume tatrz photogramm ccoc renew future pronounced bukowina tatrzanska 46 ba gang nod nik rout xenocryst ωm ##iqu ##ford ##99 ##ali ##alach ##ores inform ##anass ##rec ##ury mah alos alone shield ##utes ##umne resem china ##allon intercal ##quid intense contributed reliable paleoproterozoic engl pebble 108 ##ung observe liquid implying outflow developing deranged blind correlations redbed ##obs sierran triang thermobar ##io2 farallon lacking importance termination roof reduce slabs explos pyroxene reveals retur holocene depending elongate article failed spaced tectonically rheological median molyb ##ember summarized geoscience pyrenees extrusion tributaries mineralogy meandering ##terrane victoria laramide ##uminescence intercalated english 86 aug aphyric bo bsl bimodal dav hue lie mw mok pon ra rig tight went wich zeal ##ll ##going thro ##enc ##arc ##arch ##elope ##elumne ##oulder ##igible come shoulder beau ##vers ##omb ##agnet ##akane ##akker neigh negl ##ante ark disaster prevent flowing partly appalach volcanics temple scattered hexi estimation seismically outside nearest deeply trig defining employ lithofacies antelope synchron swakane controls epc foundation ilm tested fitting 1995 inductively pastos investigate investigated lithospheric specifically planar playas ultra ultimately principally varying purp rheology ##dese alignment densely attribute pennsylvanian column denud ##ebakker scenario sortebakker algorithm subaerial wolf gangdese nikanass hueco mokelumne wichita zealand throat beaufort negligible appalachian nikanassin 04 62 faster gs gps hen hay hinge ky lost na rie wt zft µm ##bank ##eon ##house ##nost ##ners inject ##reat ##arp ##isot ##ett coars ##ested shad compression changed interaction ##ills tem ##opi arr arid subd mounted prefer climate creating assim pegm interpreting amagmatic discordant crystallized correlates probable preclud remained lithology carbonates downward downslope separates preserve horizons avul illu lacks cuts cutting discuss workers knowledge marks insight insights cyclic supports accommodation calibrated superior logs mobility analogous pairs undergone conclude facilitate platforms ophiol ophiolite description growing stretching interfing steady vector mixture decompression attenuation concealed legacy wentworth neighbor ilmenite ##nostic 4b 91 bow ced cath crops his hyb junction oil pine tab ##lit ##hen ##hre ##76 ##gy ##gam ##for ##ica ##ention ##olar ##oluminescence ##etical ##imanite coales projection excess sectors whose ##erext saw depart chup ##agh intersect contour detection camp subt explo canon ##aceous acceler sands tradition estimating ams variably sillimanite 159 manif afar landscape monot cooled visible subducting groundmass analyzing config hyperext experienced rojo geomorph saturation drilled frontal caprock holm hypothes assemblage ##olcano electric depends pathways look landslides muddy ##ynamic selection variance playa lobes scarp opport remaining persist address million starting window interesting claire extrem argued dispersal reworked remnants barrier oscillatory redbeds trigger denudation subdiv hybrid 2a 2b 900 eau eman gand hum jack kh kali lass lens limb nmb rin vit ww ##kopi ##iate ##pat ##ffer ##inned ##encing ##enkopi ##rophic ##elza toll ##lex conve concept iss stability atm org meg necking ##ibelza lows ##forms subbas expon ##apub appropriate ##auk ##ached upstream assist adv obsc westernmost park correction stratov 2004 consistently dispersion continuity ##olithic considerably monzon visit averaged vertically involving effectively avalanches attemp juven details ceased influx drake closer accommodate backarc approaches propagated proximity fractionation moenkopi please chambers encoun mcr varied statistically geometric ##axial geospat introduced dynamic merc runoff mobil traveled cliffs square effici paso findings question course mendibelza serpent proxy asthen called ##epositional gsapub assimilation extremely gandaki www tollhouse subbasins stratovolcano juvenile gsapubs 09 79 87 83 98 a0 aust bran bus elu gig gav k1 kap kang kdes lap lms listed mine nb nut ore s7 symmetric vic vast wood ##kins ##rise ##day ##py thom ##onous ##ator ##inder ##eschist ##ares ##ella tocon today ##urs ##osil cone stations asian anisot baseline ##ched ##asts ##ockwise cha interv ##illi next gehre ##ostrat modest highs ##ople overbank strate subtle subject ##iper clim apply simeon upd assign continent underest phy phyl greens ackn arcs recording 2007 empir aft newly thrusting resistant mature finally swauk identification nonw positioning exclud coverage ##comp ##scarp coefficient drained ##continent retrog displays temporally skarn connected stresses blueschist stanford surrounded instrumental simpl joint yellowstone balan spots gondwan ##denum contribute diverse successive emerg inclinations particles promoted palynofacies achieved unusually automated resource percentage juxtap thousands decades wyoming authors antecrysts cdd ecca jacobs conventional sustained riegl cathod monotonous monzonite gigante kangding ##osilic anisotrop gehrels ##ostratig phyll 07 1a 2σ 3b 43 5b 6a 750 84 ak apt dun eigen gole har jung ros s2 sar tonal vapor villa wil xen ##aa ##actions ##rate ##tectonic ##iota ##gis ##yan ##fit ##ats inset ##eled ##eto ##igan ##igou ##ules ##ully ##osen conj fork share shrim ##omagmatic ##ogany complic comprise chute chosen uns unro cold modal array subver paleocene object conserv applying ##acha students added 104 transformation 204 continues ##cker northernmost arcgis nov limits discre defin ideal strikes grouped belie ##aney continuation determin determining saline appearance 2500 guacha transitions inverted confed avoid polished layering markers numbers shorelines ##osphere pull turn dramatic ##continental younging connection plotted quantify divide historical datas extrap bald moved diablo aggradation improve iii cfma pennsylvania efficient reactivated εhft ascending subsamples kuiper ##burg reversal microscope nevertheless dabaa aeromagnetic mahogany molybdenum rincon efficiency gaviota vicinity nonwelded jacobsville cathodoluminescence goleta jungers shrimp 71 amal brie cess dry fix lu lau mart oct pod ramp rio sph tro wan ##ki ##sr ##lines ##eformed ##uer ##uan ##uable ##fall ##65 thaw ##onides ##onio ##through ##osic isom forced coy cobble cobbles anker projected ##omor ##omagnet onshore ongoing fair ##lains ##ogram ##astrophic chu ##amm incised modification ##ops user ##anner marl thickened enab quad pebbles transform translation reflected otherwise silver discrim follows orogens salinian ago antonio monz mono equal syntectonic inversions grande concentric cements shorter 180 reaching promote catastrophic capill increasingly collins constraining coincident paths signals diagnostic deviations applicable geodynamic predicts floodplains ##brook trachytic orthogneisses opposite exceeds evident rifean abruptly sealing scours petrole inclination ##point readily relev talus necessary caledonides rmse paleocurrent granitoids paleocliff procedure diagenetic lsb roberts dallas functions pervasive enriched bathymetric geotherm photogrammetry explosive david kyanite atmospheric assistance phyt greenschist anisotropy phyllosilic aptian unroof subvertical jungersen brief cessation ankerite 1b 44 6b 72 aerial dil dak fully gave gaps ha hell ks lent lhas mist mun mpa null name rut raney tagh wang xig zey ##wac ##melt ##mitt ##ih ##iph ##iac ##bach ##late ##othermal ##guer ##vie ##ju theor ##aldera ##orge ##roy ##oll ##imes foramin cohes suit ##sected bea compressional colomb highlands plant ##iang ##andes overp subterrane valuable ##erson surpr apprec ##omechan undeformed scw outward produc complexity deformational generating mesh granodiorite 1200 derive ##issipp concern rifted easternmost ide ell precurs precaldera linea 115 remark curv 160 maxima calculating lander pressur ##ready exclu ##aze 5076 combining ##eldspathic conductor migrated magnitudes scanners debre lengths breakthrough turonian accumul saturated explore retrie causes propagating bouguer ##rystalline internally investigations argue joints residuals pdp schists trachyandes conclusion classification country mississipp started facilitated tips improved squares optical mgcy diverg gradual gradually gabbroic recovery plunging ferr partitioning sodium paleodrain monitoring henry avulsion geomorphology mercury serpentinite austral lapilli empirical villavie confederate coyote capillary petroleum dakota lenticular lhasa xigaze zeyit ##wacke foraminif surprise villavieja 08 58 74 96 f1 fring ker lying mary miller ren ranged ##ault ##acted ##mock ##mination ##iat ##iors ##cid ##cir ##uate ##ophyric ##yat ##feldspathic ths ##ato ##atch ##iter ##itance ##itization ##oral ##lement ##ctural ##isian ##isco magee ##ithread ##rome ##gecir already algecir shed exotic ##omic ##umst resolved unnam contents subbasin paleol paleont discharge maria ##zofeldspathic ##angement upsection eng quite people metal ##erted sciences imped measuring quartzofeldspathic grant granophyric quartzites significance derangement characterization lacc crosses crossing dominate multithread nevad soyat finer involve 235 discussions intermitt covers textural titanomagnet geochronological feldspars 1800 specim viscous pyrox moroc assessing retro virt stored buoy leads rarely devitr lazi orthogonal collisional equivalents artific oxides behead john plus convergent petrography ##borne independently purip inheritance regarding boulders swarm transtension ##pancy problem problems rupt εhf pumping caledonian strands hackwood tethyan advantage rigid arkosic employed zealandia arrival bowl department hummock elucid xenoliths discrepancy fixed phytocl ##omechanical producers paleodrainage algeciras unnamed soyatal 450 88 dest daz econ hp hope kin lou m1 mal nd nav si trop verg wl xi ##acc ##sely ##sives ##rb ##med ##mally ##iers ##bd ##lim ##nhes ##16 thole ##inoc ##iting injected tom ##isp ##ises ##ising decker ##osinian ##idal depic chl chutes interiors ##range ##orefer ##izos ##quop dior georefer incomp modi indosinian ##andon evolving subchron paleopl split disequ abandon encomp pequop intrusives metaps thereby sectional outlined perform allanite designed ##xtensional decline calcite els unclear operating lithologic determination syncl stronger analyze fracturing epox instit ##olves eventually tilt currents supporting radius radiometric environmental causing degra morphologies mudstones cascade discontinuities shared interbeds timesc espan diffraction graywacke mediumto trachyte panizos existed tectonism heavily regardless nwcs ##huilla solutions terminations alignments postdate banks summarize architectural loading mgal petrof descriptions utilized pyrenean confirmed extreme unusual captured doub petrological brunhes voxels competition simultaneously castle ##olidated dimensions informally return synchronous cedar hyperextended khola encountered intervening balanced akaki amalgam waning chuhuilla misty rutile colombia overpress trachyandesite kerogen metaluminous devitrified wllo tholei paleoplatform disequilibrium encompass metapsamm epoxy espanita 64 650 8a 82 99 bra bright cle cell came ece ech fly gent get jar luc mich ow tp urb ##ao ##wd ##wide ##wpy ##cial ##carbon ##bru ##upt ##uish ##ho ##hbd ##var ##view ##fri ##inate ##itch ##iong anderson ##asp ##outh ##cts ##etam ##rained defle conform isop isothermal areal asl ##sea ##pper ##laps soufri sauc ##phs ##abric ##inement ##illo incip tears modes ##elding plates ##uss ##ush indust indisting ##assium arenite substrate collectively spin ##ologically preval closed leve ##ensively enh ##nextensional replacement reprodu erupting 1090 metap becoming slices smig ##pective amaz arcuate 12hbd bounds shortly longitud elli compositionally postulated belong yielding 116 masses considerations orographic descending broken anti guana drift sweep potassium ##oclinal subducted controlling periph conductors conductive utd ended marker unconformities road breaksea schem evaporation episodic conversion technology shapes displayed deliver coincide integration rotated shifts hydrocarbon cementation taking evaluated simply weathered protolith watershed clusters autocryst acquisitions consequence going clouds molten sufficiently names densities delineate attributes synextensional columns serve snowmelt funded costs built dolom resources comes berms headwaters dacites bracketed nodules xenocrysts resemble thermobarometry shadow pegmatite opportunity lassen lenses issue juxtaposition laubach fairly unroofing ##juato ##isiana impedance titanomagnetite dazhu louisiana syncline ecef urban ##uishable soufriere saucer incipient indistinguishable amazon 12hbd0 guanajuato 4c 57 67 699 br ci city dan emb fits gain gover hod jam md mip manner mouth rou r33 sink tonian vv ver ward wider welding xr yne ##sively ##rench ##ty ##crust ##bath ##nip ##57 ##yoi ##va ##erupt ##enn ##enom ##oric inward ##enth ##leted ##thinned ##olate ##olian isochron stp ascent ##ifies onlap ##otectonic chile changing choi chrome ##amination ##amillo ##ranean unm unst collu ##acre relax ##ders sedimentology extensively overs regular splay distant ##ickinson preced prepar ##aplano clockwise recurr differs trapping traverse consistency phreat phenom noble quartzose 125 stratification design concurrent methodology discern discover manually uncles opened massacre matter trip fining topographically nonco batholithic illust 130 1300 contamination july summer focusing amplitudes catnip ##strat reconstruct francisco demonstrates degradation footh integrating diagram frequent elongated magnetite overlaps crucial classified peraluminous anomalously mediter stacking filtered chronology leucogranites highlights migmatite occupies thermochronologic tributary ##abilities exceeded ruby receiver recovered tasman disrupted hunt tethys unrelated attacking challeng paleosols imbricated mylonitic emphasize peninsula leucosomes overprinted polyline hyperthinned manifest configuration electricity geospatial busby toconao chaotic strategy gondwanan definition haot cohesive suitable beacon ellip mississippian nevadaplano artificial dioritic jaramillo isopach metapel smig4 dazhuka routing vvd ynez choiyoi phreatomagmatic mediterranean 5d 56 7a 720 94 amb dickinson hem iow jose lip lang lyc lpm pic pun pert qt ras rug raster sale smb sized sbas tand yb ##sw ##su ##ihu ##eed ##yals ##atz ##atane ##aling ##ito ##orbed inhib ##ctu ##raul ##rays ##imeters isab isostatic stabil rein ##iled ##idental ##tering pros shore extern expect bases faces atana ##ots ##riel why normally ##cons ##conform depleted chain ##abase ##aging ##amir interact formative formula rockall neither relate extract usgs ##ello presents paleor expose prev prelim durations recomm quies replaced 102 undated unders continue travis slice underlie consisted channelized supplied genetically activities corrections reflective concordance uplifting postemp representation horst manage redond normalized 196 colored antler monocl equilibrium finite breach infilling barnes transitioned minimize preserves vertex confinement polar latite hydraul assumes widening paleoflow ##ucing 177 focuses continuously evaporative availability catch approximation ##fully carson weakened reconstructed superim delay moho loyals exhibited airborne investigation isotopes gauss diffuse spacers played helpful ultras crush truncation africa 800ha rolling undergo goal stacked essential gabriel package 005 tgb1 battlefield arguello achieve received necessarily automatic reworking remnant disruption advantages efforts fingers peninsular preclude tabular exponential branch underestim ##ostratigraphic dunes complicated determinations datasets spherical relevant ##ollon remarkably ferrar australia fringe intermittent depicted doubt gentle longitudinal ##crustal ##batholithic stpk recurrence foothills iowa lycoming tandem ##atanejo isabella preliminary postemplacement redondo loyalsock 220 5c 77 73 97 aim bere binary cry cited dri done dism eb eolian frict flex gan gis haf hond iles k2 ket kra kone lin mog mile mound mash mention nu nuc pt pear pier pract pca rt sd sif tk tan tam tie trees vil vie xls xiong zihu ##air ##aque ##ajo ##kinematic ##sch ##rins ##mit ##ming ##tles ##crit ##ber ##zone ##zatz ##ew ##ez ##ugh ##ham ##hale ##dre ##nium ##pd ##73 ##fla ##fork thor ##itta ##ionally inlet inacc ##rovers ##isc ##rab mazatz ##osc static reject fort ##ilities covar copper ##esto anch shp shales beach begins exact basic ##chitta ones attain sept ##umu ##ade resolve computer orinoc chief ##amint unf controvers relict ##ismic notable evgr arrays capped subhedral expan preflood classic mars creates thicken ##earing upright quar wellington ##ifications ada 107 indices ##unately occas ##erature butte traver tracing phits midcontinent measures activated marginal prism decay deflation waters elm sheared 2003 manual manuf facility processed shallowing shallowest 1980 ##umber remote driving plutonism monogen edit edific thermomechanical spectral demand progression epid involves ##queous standing fewer utility june feldspathic accumulate drainages puesto converted buffer days supercrit stepover headscarp mcder 2100 surveyed 240 diverted fragment diagra spans obliqu soldiers kinematics researchers targeted uniformly randomly panamint felsite purico photos county persisted nonetheless coherence depocenters packets delineated postdepositional spectrometer situated trachydac petrographically promoting dams adjustment feeding subsample juxtaposed procedures voxel bhts leucosome aggregate renewed ##encies ultrama hayfork injectors ophiolitic acceleration triggered emanating asthenosphere november podhale quadran muncy laccoliths morocco phytoclasts navajo vergent chlorite ##rangement lucchitta noncoaxial illustrated external hydraulic doubtful berea ebsd hafnium honda krafla mogollon sifon vilama viejo zihuatanejo mazatzal orinoco phitsan monogenetic supercritical 54 63 7b 78 8b cta cav dro dow egr fire lco merg nine nested pn pra pue pink qing rod somet seric tied tree ub viable wax yav zen zero ##aff ##wid ##ky ##sack ##rig ##rens ##mat ##mont ##tes ##tos ##tice ##time ##ias ##iam ##bit ##blo ##len ##zz ##zircon ##oge ##pass ##500 ##viron throw ##erite ##environ ##itness ##orogenic inta inland ##icar ##ancy tops ##isf ##uric ##imer ##iguous ##ulok ##osh cones stere store recharge cop coop ##ifim ##champ season search ##therly reset resemb cho ##luid interg interstrat unp ##eneme ##udad relies plastic index indeed lowstand overbur usa disag surp locus marble centro corro pole adak adve ##unch scient traced implement midto output febru constitu ##angular proper 1500 activation differentiation differentiate elastic manger manusc crystallize probe silicates ##ficial thrusts continuing grades remove 1600 benef multic ##ship 2012 originating financ fineto edited bias nonun thinned transpression ##linal combine working conduct lattice william ##active paleof paleoenviron crater 170 reduces inside breakoff laschamp schm speculate ##ugate assessed capable dimin slowly 1990 gypsiferous intrapl ##mark proportional shifted needs bandwid cemented laserchron recognize frequently circular oxid oxide database 260 boliv helped depressions clustering exists pacana risz mobile paired systematically styles hueneme interferogram identifying incorporate impacts arbitr optim fossils geosciences paragen thermochronology particip palynomor fishing worldwide funda feeder penetrated offers semi hawkins knickzone filtering hackett predictions misfit paragneisses ##olidus dacitic rainfall constitute polylines routine august tightly prevented preferentially illustrates interfinger chupamir traditional subdivided advance obscured a01 acknowled excluded tonalite conjugate 204pb troops theoretical lineament exclusively divergence foraminiferal pyroxenite puripicar εhfi economic malasp timescales petrofabric overpressure michigan spinel prevalent ellipt ciudad unstable colluvium triple challenging rugged paleoriver prevail management superimposed ultraslow piercing september elm11 mcdermitt ultramafic phitsanulok ctair downd egrp lcoe pueblo ubiqu yavapai zenifim intact overburden february manuscript intraplate bandwidth chupamirtos malaspina 59 ai ah aro aure arab bes ben cul das drop gorge hall herm hiat kir lif lund mas mds nv n2 nana os omp put pick rached song sole tent tara ves ##sen ##ratic ##iq ##ira ##ious ##city ##uhedral ##hore ##hai ##disp ##nz ##nov ##oor ##oley ##32 ##yer ##ving ##vity ##file ##85 ##je ##aturated ##icial ##icient ##reh ##asian ##elih ##stood ##eted ##rade ##racrustal ##urer ##imo islands reaction ##ild cove cooley alab ##iffer ##irane fam ##ogle ##adero resid composing compreh chines chilled chumst ##iney ##ounting interlay unless collaps ##quite tear overdisp ##ellent cape disabilities mounts consolidated mayor resultant centimeter surficial interplay whereby adequ intruding undul mete differing trapd observable slides underlies understood heights heiney lique acicular ##ufficient tuffaceous ##vier amom mesquite nook actually 121 12wpy ##tington generations geologically likelih ##issance concave blank rhirane community prr localization calcare postflood crystallite permo permit mainst crossed ##obil dominance 112 1100 opus lithics resistive consideration guid subsided pores equilib barre averages fractured radially excellent caswell 232 ##azunch termed restoring steepening micron titaniq ##acturer snap flatt 172 insufficient vented mechanics satisf drag closest literature episodically progressed weakening ##radational hypothetical 1992 1996 induce lakeshore widths blake waves international select siltstones karrens applications historic evaluation evaluating behind datil immature british 4965 4957 4973 protoliths matches matching 340 existence illitization perspective exceptions distinguishing google noneuhedral packages transgression ##ymous postdates assumptions fissures accurately utilize camer icpms accordingly ##points plunge dispersed dolost realistic ##appear capture questions huntington pelones hazards volumetrically deltaic ##welling maintained operated incremental migmatites migmatitic paragneissic finger pinon ##13st favorable triangular purposes ophiolites ##force chupadero hypothesized convection thomson eigenve rosa conservative believe martin phyllosilicate appreciable curvature paleontologic virtual tomography institute industry enhance peripheral dolomite preceding prospect recommend gaussian rtk tamazunch ##rinsic covariance adapt manufacturer diagrams obliquely qinghai interstratified centroid adakitic arbitrary elliptical ubiquit arose aureole hermit hiatus nanaimo omph alabama chinese chumstick trapdoor liquef nooksack likelihood calcareous tamazunchale 1x 3e 330 69 award bist bench cy cart don dar et f2 fert gro god gha hz her hid iron jade ko kol lghs mit mism nm nad nape p1 pig pom pau s5 spe sant sie ta ten tre tun tail win wast wsd zh ##aigou ##wal ##sv ##rist ##iant ##berg ##hann ##oł ##oph ##oval ##pic ##ptable ##gg ##15 ##jls thins ##ons ##aty ##esian ##enites ##edral ##org infle ##icb ##aran ##ingling ##urity mac madre ##ceptable deform dehyd storm reactions ##idiary asal always ##estral ##ifer ##ifact shell ##istration bypass ##otell seem sevier ##ria orange choch ##lun interactions unreas ##izable dix georg incidence modul ##opic lowermost users capping subm ##ersed paleot collecting dispar disappear surv disturb ablated ens entered proved suggestive accounting ##rupted pool igv replic meta 202 foliated ##erto scope trail accept fe3 amoc silva 12a concurr rifts prone pringle 2001 crystallites plaus displaced 193 colorada 11b 111 remobil removal opaque beneficial multif multiph ##irect ##liers ##iveness drive mineralized subsolidus subsidiary ##ringa stepping synkinematic eds ediac ##anchaigou thermometer distinctly subdued ##bling nonb separately excimer parallels 1400 13a workforce conduit ##aiy ##ahedral requiring oceans specul radiolar carry carlin amphiboles 3000 retained ##ifying construct delamination coincided 1997 dependence 360 virginia labeled noteworth ##bbly shapefile division argill elongations diffus linearly magnetotell artifact statistics turbidity sensit pdps walvis grate tracks clustered merid merge pans computation evidently traveltime lasted hotter ancestral pixels goodness formerly tools synd served pumps building accessory straightfor comments certainly double detector decade knickpoint s4c 1053 imbrication datums ponded traditionally convex 87sr thomas climax dramatically octahedral paleocliffs briefly idea pressurization accumulates specimen johnson rupture elucidate tropical degraded amalgamated metapsammites getem levees joseph qtp quiescence automatically dismemb ganze xlsx thorough chiefly editor epidote scientific bolivia palynomorphs dashed songpan ##jections comprehensive meteoric bistatic cylin fertile ghaut hidden ##ołow chochołow unreason concurrently multiphase ediacaran noteworthy straightforward 1c 92 980 a2 aid aqu aqueous bid bill cra civ cate ey gross hard happ haiy iter ken lock mut morm nne pep pits rg rose rule ripp sio2 tst taho tio2 uran vi wa wand μw ##we ##rations ##men ##cos ##crystalline ##b2 ##band ##blic ##lock ##eous ##uers ##uments ##nw ##per ##pal ##21 ##95 ##onymous ##atur ##inia ##inities ##itz ##orous ##organ incons inactive ##aner ##anking ##rect ##asta town ##etal ##urations ##urbed cong sto stones reass reinc ##ructure ##rufo cook ald alph albe suited anhedral bear ##irnov ##cha atyp sec seated whit northerly ##concent deploy graphic resorbed company compiled christ ##ositic ##osities ##agn ##aganchaigou figuers meet unex unimodal unfort basinal nepal ##antarctic zirconium indirect extin overest arroy string subset subjected ##ervised ##rittle fractions clark marrufo conspic creep ##ordia recirc sims upwelling enig enable quick cors corner sandy peace pebbly transantarctic intrudes meter ##unn ##unam traject mioge miicb elemental grew acceptable smirnov amana ternary deepening 155 ##ishing actively 12b deriving geologists concordia profound decatur longmen defending elim characterizing ##ovian ##ourd ##oblastic shallowly 195 190 1900 ##eralic 114 matlab ##rastructure swings ##ycrystalline contrasting passes thermo infrastructure resolutions southeastward broadband excav instability anywhere effectiveness pollen polycrystalline bioturb 135 cutoff abundances predate restor contamin migrating terrains ##ahu respond responses 1750 dipole venta exploratory influences public viewed accommodates geochemically backsc ctmat ##rada ##radd superposed delim orthopyroxene connecting intracontinental labourd integrate mcgee rotating rotational tsunam alternate recognition frequencies circum solely dissolved footprint markedly sensing ashy battles ##cutting coupling matched incorrect overlapped cratonic balance baltic ways inherent revised mswd physi accompanying regarded undergoing glaciation army strengthening homogen ##equa affecting delineation ethiopia solidified keith favored occupied criterion anorthositic quantitatively rbep reactivation talik ##mineral 1972 1978 adjustments plunges pumpel cracks tasks presumed scenarios hawks barriers proxies partitioned attack soils dabb sodic increment increments refraction bht prograding bends intensities glassy thermobarometric 86sr purpose neighboring intersects exploited persistent subdivision attempt mobilized asthenospheric a05 climatic acknowledge emerged eigenval believed enabling discriminate monzodiorite ksar precursor retrieve marysv paleoland buoyant beheaded hummocks destroy xiaganchaigou georeferencing incompatible abandoned tholeiite flysch antietam urbanized embay hodges ##eruptive relaxation splays phenomena ellipso ambient picana salem undersaturated monocline mentioned nucle ptt expansion occasionally merged resembles financial barrel mitig napeequa santonian wsdw dehydration georgia modulus ensure multifluid nonbrittle magnetotelluric sensitivity dismembered civil haiyuan mormon tahoe uranium inconsist reincision albeit arroyo miogeoclinal marysvale 550 6c 66 76 93 box bray cos cations dt dre divers era eric escarp fc fu fash french gil gate giving ht ho hamp house hinder kun kind lon lad ml mild nc nann naz od pj ped pal pse pict qs ram raw ses sig ssw tiz tay tact uk uh vib wire xia ze δϕ εnd ##a2 ##aqu ##wa ##ws ##weg ##mer ##mes ##mog ##mooth ##tang ##tling ##cer ##cies ##cibility ##ball ##lor ##lating ##ev ##uk ##uhe ##dra ##dish ##drical ##not ##oher ##port ##75 ##gre ##greg ##vill ##att ##enders ##edeep ##itos ##itational offic ##orpt ##orov inception ##anz ##anes ##anent ##rope ##rophy ##elerating toe ##lemental ##olle ##isely ##etamor ##etachment ##imetry ##ocol ##mporal ##ulch decon withdra coniac isolation isopl stir stated stem rehe foredeep ##iluhe ##ters asymm ##gevity alum anne anonymous prove beg beiluhe ##uted ##utton exemp ##itemporal ##istered ##pplemental ##astically saed graph ##phosed compart compens compose compilation compacted orbit charn ##oushas intersected format formal diach neo ##arts contract contiguous incoher teana highland ##opography platy ##uska overrid arise arctic arrangement caution subround ##anned collector spenc disability disconnected dissected frames oblate consum append thickens ups encl ##ralitos cored corralitos ##ochi pecha 1020 indication occidental complement completed tempo therein thereaf underp underco peaked phaner imposs nearshore complexities smo fluores grants ##parent studying commenced differentiated deceler defenders creeks smallest lah ##ovich reducing reddish silicified precisely blocked 113 gravitational lithostatic lithologically effusion flanking multitemporal appeared agrees soon subsiding mont monaz monte ##olds equally errone thermotectonic downh respective nonsp averaging inversely ##tooth conflic avo attest attention entrada suprad mmu testing ##ahochi debate experience orders unconformable venting scholar mechanically directional accumulations viscosities python affinities envis envision conversely assembly carp technologies coasts weakness holbrook 5000 propagate skel slowed 1993 365 cannon rings mc13st 210 upwards quantities diagonal alternating europe artola bottoms immediate narrower chamberlain 265 2600 270 4000 links concentrates 02a2 lobate wallace ##opyrox property classifications anticlinal counts 03b2 ##extensional analogs incorporation millimeter cumulate glacier limiting advanced terminated facilitating breccias delineating piedmont 2013a grenvill roots sinuous toolbar cumulates keep organized occupy rbf fisher release adjusted task warmer diapirs validity 525 s4a ##igenic microscopy visualization challen highlighted authigenic allochthonous funn pervasively careers hyperconcent renewable triangle ponding comeau pegmat illustrate coalescence sawtooth configurations looking jackson vitric mobilization updated retrograde simplified wilson conjunction extrapolated discrimination phyllosilicates concerns accumulating buoyancy beheading echo conformably reproducibility versions unmetamor perturb ##supplemental stabilization polarities mounds ##mitted controversy traverses trachydacites sericite waxing stereo cooper disaggreg corrobor mangerite paleofan paleoenvironmental fundamental aht interlayered guidelines flattening cameron fingerprint jadeite kolmog mismatch dixie disparate accepted plausible artifacts meridional cylindrical unreasonable bidahochi wandel congru atypical unfortunately conspicuous enigmatic quickly restorations dabbahu inconsistent brayton fashion ht1 longevity pseud tizircon taylor uhp office ##orption deconv withdrawal coniacian isoplot exempl compartmental charnock ##oushashan teanaway overriding spencer thereafter undercool phanerozoic impossible fluorescence monazite nonspanning supradetachment grenvillian hyperconcentrated unmetamorphosed kolmogorov 420 61 640 850 9a 950 a3 a1 biv brough bish bare bring benth cv c2 cuc cpo cush dich fant fanning gla gpa hgm hearing kv kula list lone mb mulch nag native nash napp nnw ou pange pile p12 qiang rf rely rank sne sight sulf tor tres tins tau tach tang takes tidal vise version wah yumu ##ae ##aus ##airc ##wan ##sa ##ril ##rone ##rates ##toral ##iu ##iously ##bat ##ucon ##hg ##di ##dack ##p2 ##pro ##poration ##gell ##yers ##yhe ##fect ##05 ##04 ##25 ##24 ##jord ##onto ##erc ##atom ##iny ##enes ##enhe ##orad inund ##analy ##reland ##arged ##rod ##ropping ##oul ##ouri ##oured ##the ##thrown ##olites ##eta ##rader maud ##ocated ##ocino ##ithetic dew ##osimetry conven isolate stagn stairc rey rear reorgan ##ilg ##ilely ##idian ##idually ##terey coble ase suffer ano anorogenic shats onla ##otom ##otempor ##tab ##tax ##tage ##adig ##adem residence comprom compute oronto ##agic meyer intergrowth interrupted ##ranular ##pection ##aker week basinward ##izations ##yster ##rous highstand relates ##ibb lowland evolve overt overview arnot substrates subangular ##ends collection spill spain sporad surge prebatholithic preextensional ##apah march marsh marking ##athrust ##athers ##epth lew ##achita simulated ##ensitive enl century centimeters corporation repet adiron admin 109 transformed transvers transcontinental transparent 208 differencing ##ariate mining obsidian scaling miica imposed implied greene midpoint academ outline outliers productivity complexly 156 12nz april plateaus limitation magmatically itself postulate characterizes 2002 mancos probabil colorless 118 flash maturity multi multid ##shire salient sheetflood aged antithetic initiate guide meaning monterey porosimetry equip equator cooler synvolcanic passages primitive barometry structureless nonconform seawater separating vertices parallelism obtaining casual 14c 145 14za polyg predates entrain entrained know supracrustal intermont conduits mm3 ##naissance individually covering texturally documents debated totaling andesites ##upervised focal suspend inspection insensitive schof draining pyrite affinity reconc reconnaissance littoral experimentally ##strating assembled calibrations referenced holder skills superterrane supercontinent fractional 1991 bouse degrees ductilely intracaldera landsliding morphometry motions waven segmentation ##basal shifting powerful quantified banded strains applicability circle heterogeneities examining plug wavelengths 375 senses sensor 275 protocol trachybasal merges merger classes synthesis computational runs opposed opposing tiws ##interia reasons aspects addressed facilities millions ##ogranite limitations indicator huge lasting tendency transgress denser 002 contributes correspondence geoscient utilizing counting problematic battleground vein comprising readings released exceeding stretched cerbat easy freshwater penetrate pasos diapiric bayfield meander petrologic paleoclimate reversals mendocino serpens challis operation reports diagenesis migmatization lsf paleodepth dallol prograde aggregates twt constitutes bathymetry geotherms photogrammetric xenocrystic resembling liquids raft synchronously cuttings 91500 sawyers subtract manifested hypotheses opportun limbs vitrophy megathrust geospatially underestimate ##ostratigraphy wild unsupervised monzogranite dilution ##ihara precursory engine 235u specimens ##16o georeferenced incomple performance braided clean owyhe scheme discovered lipman langenhe punctu catchment crushed underestimated frictional flexural ketner tkcs ##ewitness 1980s edifices sometimes lowstands advection implementation constituents benefits multicolle paragenesis arabia culmin lifet tentatively undulatory mainstem dragovich dolostones ubiquitous omphacite paucity speed replicate radiolarian argillite grateful syndepositional craine categor eyewitness alpha whitney christian bioturbated baltica paleolandsl destroyed ellipsoid diversity frenchman kunlun ncw tactics diachron subrounded appendix smoother deceleration scholarship carpinteria undercooling brought bishop benthic cucapah cushion dichotom fantale nagihara ouachita qiangtang snee tinsley tachrift visean ##roneity staircase reorganization shatsky ##otemporal adirondack transversal intermontane suspended schofield owyhee langenheim multicollector 2c 440 530 580 6e 7c ale ahe bit bly bern bise betic cs c3 cave cand cinder d4 ded dins dict eur eust fro fid fred fang foci files gal gri gord gts gett giant hing hamb hutton hyster jones kor king lam mct mir mell mosc own rul sing sle sis sla self sizable tank twent von vig wes writ winder yent yilg ##aver ##sis ##ski ##mere ##mond ##iotemporal ##bert ##litic ##ee ##ept ##ublished ##hf ##hol ##nitive ##ped ##pur ##pot ##pret ##pension ##gent ##gnitive ##yal ##4a ##14 ##2o ##83 ##67 theory ##eratic ##esy ##enian ##orre ##ories ##iced ##icop ##ani ##rochron ##entiated ##elon ##elimb ##elastic topped tough ##oura ##thing ##throp ##etary ##etland ##etna ##raph ##urning mach ##imen ##imatic ##imensional ##imney ##ocacy ##ulhas ##osp ##oshan conv rejected foreb forelimb ##iling code cognitive albor sum sun ##seismic shetland bevel ##uting ##utral exch ##che ##chroneity ##taken ##astrader sac saud norway compressed chick chose charge chuska chimney ##ables ##abbro ##alline ##amau ##ranged unable uniqu colder colgan intrinsic neutral ##ystone ##acular george volat tearing calico ##emical ##ibilities overthrust arastrader ##eller caes regimes export spars disconform surges ##icking climb marcy consens analyte simul simulate upslope assault suggestion ##sson accelerating larks student ##keetna interpol repose transferred undiffer metac estuar ##erative trains trapped underpl undertaken heated lias phil impinge impair seismogenic gregg ours acid outlet pointed constrict perkins ##cks settling genesis develops paria trim apical apron associations command commingling prest pratt decoup decelles decimeter comparatively postmineral postpro empt managed plains correlating displac siliceous northwestward ##ober 1970 1960 bedload sequentially canyons 11a uncomm gravimeter 166 resistivities layover ##shan ##yden triaxial agulhas antiform landforms monument monomin equilibri sync synform synchroneity switch distinction identif orogenesis outcropping passing breached inflating spectacular think furn fluidization progradation northeastward epoch 395 390 excel instance instances ##quehann 1490 conglomeratic restore spatiotemporal utm latitudes hydration hydrated widest dup deba ##ucial ##ysburg ##sonite geochronometric flats flatten ##clockwise documentation 1700 suspension susquehann royden ##ogenian southwestward richard ##scap schmitt ##ocrystalline draw viewing reconne altitude accommodating ##struct greenish retain retreat shaping hosted kaol demonstrating coincidence 1994 1999 connects intrabatholithic label encro 215 airport stanley helicop 225 diamond diameters specifications circumst metasand raymond bulge examination wheeler microf microcrystalline eclogites geodesy extraordin 2700 pdc pdcs 280 warner ##urrents introduces petrogen tracking 415 4100 trenches anticlines accompl orthogneissic truncates predominate inferences risk ##interpret exceptionally analogues precipit medial enclave strengthened exhibiting globally advances terminus tends hotsp improves situation contributing contributors ionization qualit removing solidus tgb12 3200 kef extruded extrusive successively successfully azimuthal particle explanations palynological damage susceptibilities talkeetna receive tephrochron mineralogical 6000 smoothing paleogeography build penetration interfaces paleocurrents detectors validation petrology vegetated hawley pelagic paleoclimatic oscillations unreli 1986 counterp counterclockwise laws operational steadily competing castor mylonites emphasized programs twin overprinting careful routines ##recip returned raise ultrapot columnar coarser temora ceduna campanian accelerated hyperextension hybridized hybridization conceptual issues attempts stratovolcanoes toconce strateg excluding gondwanide tonalitic dataset october pods troop ##omorphic lineaments divergent foraminifera virtually echelon belonging delivered 12hbd09 12hbd06 governed xrf oversmooth metapelitic hematite inhibited breaching undergoes tgb14a cryogenian k2o anchored attained quadrang caves dropped ##zzly unpublished nonunique williams schmus participants downdip kirk nvz residents overdispersion adequately equilibrated eigenvector godin kohn p1p2 tapped speculative secular graphically unexpected recirculation trajectory tsunami nazca picture wireline consuming lahars attesting skeletal funneled pegmatites perturbations exemplified bivariate pangea ##oulou convenient intergrowths overturning lewis administration probabilistic equipment equatorial casualty entrainment wavenumber diachronous blythe bisected candid dinsar fiducial grizzly gorda gettysburg hamblin hysteresis korringa mirr melloulou vigorous windermere yentna yilgarn forebul alboran beveled saudi chickamau arastradero consensus larkspur undifferentiated estuarine underplating impingement postprocess displacive uncommon monomineralic equilibria susquehanna helicopter circumstances hotspot tgb12a ultrapotassic chickamauga 1σ 6d 670 780 81 9b 9d aided alex bis bure bse blo brad bull baker cation cres cens cia dv dal dos dend dual drops dilation eph escape fif fern fjord gam gud gib gia garb gages gcs gathers hort hold jc jon jeol jiang kam ln lem lists mur mess mus ny nel nich ot oo pf port pend pip qimen r2 rail rms sor sich sval sonic tu taper vale wong word worth wetter woo yang yunn yanz z4 λ2 ##aign ##win ##wash ##sf ##solidated ##rera ##mon ##map ##mund ##ti ##tz ##tian ##tically ##ipped ##iogenic ##bard ##base ##lom ##zi ##zac ##zirc ##uosity ##uble ##hs ##hard ##da ##denite ##ng ##oe ##36 ##gments ##you ##vo ##vin ##43 ##45 ##19 ##92 ##just ##jsa ##ona ##eritic ##atter ##inic ##inations ##inigan ##esovic ##enon ##eded ##alc ##algam ##nda ##itly ##itized ##ione inapp ##icc ##icent ##anson ##arria ##asing ##ascad ##entric ##ela ##elland ##elves ##elev ##strained toler ##thick ##olding ##ollement ##isite ##ette ##raded ##urring maast maint mama ##imilar ##lyite ##ceeded ##osa ##osal star stradd stenian rect ##ilt ##ivate ##ivative ##rup coated al3 shot shang sharing shaw shosh shasta ##cher ##chard ##verde atio2 atascad ##oted seers ##avage ##ctional grapt resolving ##phan compound compress chico ##alled ##ighed ##ighter ##amalgam ##inearity mem interst intersp unext collab intras ##illery diox diatom neoblastic ##arted gem reli reliance plinian plesovic items ##ferential sedimentologic ##emeral ##used ##ardino ##ander evz overg overwh arises arising arranged arzac ##elled ##elling cao subp registered explic ##ips spur spark spilled dissection distortion disturbed locate abb abras preand prehn clar flower marls consumpt creation recurring leone ##ozoisite assisted enth entering enters ##ignific corrie ##iahe sourcing wherein adding adds 10jls transm translated metad fieldand mines ##erator ##erts buttes scot scoria slop ##valu mike grouse imperial midwestern outwash tuffzirc channelization smearing pertain perfect presently measura doming terras ##rows fluctu genetic ##orkin parental ##isher ##ishes muir 1232 derivative desicc concert associate deciph decollement longest elbrook possess majiahe placing mainland redding northwestand rhyod histogram ##ropic sequential 117 119 operator ##ediates 165 1670 benefit flute doe doing multist multimodal ##shine walled salin salinity constrains gui guided monocacy porous equations equant equipped cools finch finely visco identifies orogenically eden 304 passed mesaverde isotropic strongest nonamalgam thinly seaward minimized preserving progradational radio radiation epicent describes foundering ##orning farm faroe exposes exposing transposed transposition 501 1330 burst burying burney works workflow entry entiat ##rising intermediates conduction unconsolidated unconstrained ##iorite seconds hypocent ##aii ##aiene ##max paleoelev 175 176 openings insular insignific 182 1870 breaks breakup hornbrook ##slopes energetic explored pujsa clearcutting revealing ##standing convert radiating parametric ##ofossil ##getts nacional collinearity ##radiogenic approached approaching temporary cm2 constructing hosting stepwise kaib evenly movements fo2 intrabase morphologic morphological blakely falling difficulty difficulties labor encased 213 2120 hillslopes hydroge powered 223 silty inputs banding argent argument surrounds natron naturally 3500 satellites collisions northeasternmost solar soluble magnetized artillery failures spacer dissimilar ##asterly geometrical implication 490 batches dynamically digitized 410 synthes ##boro illum metasediments footwalls independence photon counted irhard remainder 03h kilometer rises exceptional mills underground tensile armin huetam homes advancing terminating lastarria clinozoisite aligns occurrences crosscuts pumices incorporates attributable clays chronostratigraphic confirms fossiliferous situations solidification projects paleosurface gridded forested occupations thermochronometry thermochronometric successful ##ingsley promotes claystone dammed readjust scenes reviews reviewer unknowns s3f ascertain tephras 1973 1975 snowball dolerite evergre prolate geographically establishment warming homogeneity budgets 535 ##space irregularly hawaii nellie knickpoints ##richtian ##terranes maintains lawsonite operations algorithms mises vectors reevalu mixtures mylonite expressions allochthons emphasis fastest wetlands monitor eccentric twice intensely baja nodes informal mahood molybdenite augite ponds coarsest avulsions interfingers coalesce coalesced intersecting campaign subtracted windows interestingly khumu updip retrogression emergence rosy objects objective deterministic extrapolation luke ##kiyou thawed enabled relevance concerning render ##aulted paleontological engage involvement puripica cleavage owing delivery autocrysts hodgetts james sinks xrd ##ennial isochrons prepared preparation phenomenon discernible discovery summerland metapelite punta pertinent catchments crypt drier practical tkl inaccura quarry prismatic edifice buffered quadrant cavities resetting properly conductivities oxidation oxidized acknowledgments petrofabrics prevailing mask picked ##irable collapsed microns snapsh selecting liquefied liquefaction zheng inflection macrop deforming paleotopography disturbance igvs 202hg remobilization carryover aquifer billingsley rippled tstml ##locking deployment overestim stringers eliminate backscattered circumferential homogenization pumpellyite eigenvalues embayed cosm escarpment gateway hampshire mlmm mildly nannofossil xiaoshan stirrat reheating asymmetry annealing graphical contractile incoherent enclosed montana erroneous ##opyroxenite challenge deconvolution charnockite nappes tauca ##analysis aseismic anoxic repetition geoscientists rafts subtracting opportunities incomplete cleaned punctuated christiansen paleolandslide bernardino eustatic fanglom lamina moscovian siskiyou ##orrelation toughness uniquely impairments constrictional preston epochs flattened kaolinite encroachment accomplished ##recipitation strategies kirkwood forebulge bureau dvorkin ephemeral fifth gamma gudmund horton jc11 nelson nichol ooze sichuan svalbard wooley yangt yunnan yanzigou inappropriate maastrichtian maintenance shawinigan atascadero interspersed unextended dioxide plesovice overwhel arzacq sparks prehnite consumptive measurable nonamalgamated hypocenters insignificant intrabasement irhardaiene huetamo evergreen eccentricity gudmundsson 1supplemental 3c 3f 520 740 8c 920 912 a5 a95 bate bog bard bell cp cite cps cris din dot dum dies dose egy fle fence fwh fusion ges germ gather hur hoc held hail hour iber jun jara jarb jobs kw kj kille krig lor lach lule m7 m5 mim mom mck msc master mission mpl mush molds morning nt nø nin nomin pi pap pace posed pomm pond pione q1 row rus rans rena s6 srod tet tps tron tbl uzircon vr vene vaqu wis wran wrench witness yin yag yus york yering zem zip ##ael ##wu ##ween ##kin ##rary ##rified ##rink ##rreland ##mi ##mag ##tm ##tis ##tine ##top ##iates ##cf ##col ##cive ##come ##bran ##bore ##bles ##lst ##lumber ##zen ##eby ##uit ##uch ##uart ##uced ##uki ##hi ##hj ##high ##head ##hoff ##down ##dhj ##nite ##ool ##oke ##ping ##position ##pron ##pastic ##78 ##385 ##56 ##good ##youshashan ##vas ##42 ##08 ##81 ##82 ##89 ##eros ##erta ##aton ##enough ##aline ##ndy ##itant ##orph inval ##icit ##icles ##iculated ##ano ##anut ##anyon ##requ ##aro ##ared ##aradig ##asm ##asi ##rov ##roge ##road ##ropped ##rosc ##ingly ##elan ##elman tour ##lets ##thqu ##thys ##olitan ##isph ##eties ##etics ##eterto maui ##imeterto ##lya ##itherm dewd conse conway isol isoclinal stay stoch staff stuart reest reint reves forcing ##iline ##idt ##term ##terior ##romagnetic aluminous anate projections proceeded ##sections shut shiz shard exerted exerc exterior ##ultural ##cham ##changed ##omically ##omitant ##isture faint fauna seek ##ppab ##tawan ##laces ##avn ##aved ##ogan ##ogabbro sad sag sapping magall graded resin resur resorption compli compressive compelling che chuck chelan ##allop ##lucent ##agnostic ##ametry meco interlocking ##rance ##aka unw unzon unchanged colors colpron weighed rockwell wasatch intended ##illes ##ysts ##acu ##acryst ##acitic geosphere geomechanical voltage incur ##ostratic modify highto highways relocated plank plana sedimentological calient calmag noticed ##ibal ##ibly indent inducing kmean lowlands ##andez extents extrinsic overlo overthick arms arrows strict caps cache ##ersible paleose volcanological exported spar spore spaw spont spilling surm ##inspastic abu abut obl oblit ##aya ##ayten ##athan ##vec crevas analytically leucon ##intosh ##earthqu colleaguesng upthrown enorm proven suggestions queen quench quasi centre wellbore accordance coring corvec hash poiss tims ##oche ##ochemical ##malia adop 10b transmitted translucent ##unga ministry ##ieth howell scallop becker sliding liu imping lowering estimations ##phyria supptable perception presentation domal varieties ##ckley seton mesas mesosc meseta 152 trinity muav muhs 12d 123 1220 apenn generates desirable concomitant commun localizing declin calcic ##arbunga deficit compares ##ledge lajo laings facets permanent redist silicification ##aining stratigraph shallows blocky 1930 float newby gradational patch patches angel lithological lithotectonic maturation multisc ##sheet ##shavn salmon ##ridge agric calculates landscap drivers originate steam equals syntax swing swept swisher visually visibility edenite 305 thermist infrequ biased barth ##ftig nonm nondi spectrosc transitioning broadens epitherm 3900 raton describing invad instant casmalia 141 poly polym 13c 138 13wpy combinations workspace entrance restrict periodic periodically conducive steepest microg hypers hydrous petrified paleoint importantly ends 173 summation franco 186 breaking coex absorbed schlumber promin washes special draped viewer closing converge radiate bridging ordinary assessments collbran cordon refers causative holland reconstructing temporarily cm3 skwent skinned delcer hosts universal orthoclase slowing moxi moisture coinciding coincidental 1998 boud lacy headwall powder cannell ##linear ##eroid labrad integral mcintosh bluff blundy needle investigating 228 hfzircon turbine turbostratic quantity quantification ##works 706 ##ufrera deviates karlst leucogabbro satellitic planform planetary zonation artesian precisions behave microstruct microanalysis statistic 2670 sensors alterations ##otethys geodetically bola bordered 315 022 028 285 yellowish batch walter grass ##lacial 959 panel panels substit indiana truncate computing correspondingly tectonostratigraphic inference irish gasp distinguishable albitization alberta analogy weighting thanked physically consequent consequences tensor contemporary azufrera coherency hubb terminates gharadig packwood clino brecciated interference affects requirement contemporaneously 00k option options s1e chronological goodenough mg2 sixth sinuosity permeable permeametry utilizes hydrology demonstration projecting tgb7 tgb6 325 keween gonghe slug emer emig veh micropore microplate confirmation goldledge susceptible reviewers worldview s3a serves ascend 1976 funding feedback smoothed subsampling carrier 475 penetrating 423 pasayten diapirism ferro paleocanyon explains obviously percentages brownfield offered ##odioritic irregularities sorting reversely filters 1016 bruton mccl mccoy nevershine maintaining 1984 1989 purely attached aster decomposition 230th attenuated 515 pinch pinches programm sharply intensively career enrichment instrumentation renewal shielded augment davis raises purple coarsening preferential precludes interfingering bowen contours subtraction exploit exploiting looks emanate jacket megacryst exponent obscure obscures attempted branches update jointly balancing duncan novaya efficiently enables concentrically dilat theoretically ideally curviline retrieved ferrari maryland reno england pyroxenes moroccan retrode ruptured advantageous phytoclast destru kinetic kinetics tropospheric abandonment timescale petrofacies amalgamation tholeiites paleoplatforms encompassed encompassing cameca deflection industrial levee enhances periphery episodicity incipiently danmark mdas verify manifestations hemisph langu saleeby reinjected ##consin interacting formulae crushing battlefields dried friction ketcham pearce practice fortunately travertine fragmented trachydacitic pn16 rodinia sometime coplan intergranular surprising constituent benefited nonuniform schmidt diminished 1990s downdropped family overdispersed adequate blanket prr385 232th satisfy satisfact eigenvectors adaptive cartesian darker grove sieved treated tuned winthrop wasting inflections submersible pooled remobilized diffusive hardening happy iterative mutually peperitic waard stokes indirectly extinction corsair delimited incorrectly physiographic incrementally ladner palinspastic session zephyria ##wegian alumin begun downhill european disaggregated corroborate congruency pseudo tangential ##gellia dewers stagnant rearrangement suffered spillover sporadic 208pb academy multidimensional polygon trachybasaltic cerbatana lifetime categories dichotomies dictated eurasian freda hinges twentieth written machines exchange sparsely simulates 1970s identifiable reconnection extraordinary unreliable counterpart oversmoothing quadrangle unexpectedly candidates alexander biscu blood dendroge fernandez jonathan lemhi ottawan railroad straddles rectangular shangyoushashan shoshon compressibility interstit collaboration clarify transmission salinas viscoelastic paleoelevation inaccuracies fanglomerate laminae bateman bardarbunga crisis egypt fwhm hours iberia junctions kriging lulehe moment nørreland nominal pommier russo srodon tetra trondhj vaqueros wisconsin wrangellia yushu yerington zemlya dewdney reestabl shizigou shards exercise magallanes compliant chuckanut unzoned caliente spawned spontaneous crevasse leuconorite poisson perceptions mesoscopic apennines lajoie laingsburg stratigraphies multiscale landscapes infrequent nondiagnostic epithermal francois schlumberger skwentna karlstrom microstructures keweenaw curvilinear danmarkshavn prr38521 dendrogeomorphic trondhjem 070 1d 4m 5e 563 560 610 7d 730 710 9c au a4 ail aom afore aphan ber bin bir bri bart bost bun bry bob bending banner cu cad cub cradd cables d0 dred dink ec eg ect ely ese eut egs easterly f0 fial fras fellow flet fused gou gol gunn gosp hil hous hud hier harb harts iw ips je j3 j4 jim jud jins jasp k3 lt ll l2 lun lamination mr mf mø men mort mined mcl mks nk nation night nub niu om oh omitted ply pock page pose peter pice p13 p21 q2 qin qiu rs rog rust raf rival romb ribb sid sir som sist sri sve ske sided tc tv tin tmp tort try tai tns uc uy vø vog vand vann vice void wat wra wag wak xy yy yak zc zob σct ##war ##wart ##kh ##k1 ##kets ##si ##sela ##rm ##rp ##ride ##my ##tright ##iar ##iating ##cke ##cia ##ba ##bride ##lith ##last ##zit ##zing ##ein ##eiffer ##uro ##uog ##uang ##hort ##drup ##nal ##nst ##nake ##nik ##oiny ##pes ##pack ##54 ##51 ##go ##gment ##xis ##ya ##yss ##vine ##vens ##fter ##fined ##fels ##06 thal theater ##onally ##onte ##atan ##atara ##ators ##atives ##atibility ##attering ##inated ##inely ##inating ##inning ##inolite ##enitic ##enna ##enbru ##alt ##alia ##alpy ##itru ##itched ##orial ##ioned inert inex injections inasm ##anta ##ania ##reatic ##arges ##arenites ##asc ##asin ##sten ##steep ##stein ##lead ##leaved ##thur ##thest ##olitic ##isol ##etrical ##radu ##ractions ##urate ##uries ##urization manda ##ocation ##ocarbon ##ocoche ##igation death conod conocoche islay isother isople stre stock stint stub staining reex reacted ##ils ##ivoc ##ivating ##idge ##idently ##terly cohort ##geb alco aliqu ##estration ##ife ##ifers anast prohib ##see ##sey shug bears ##uto ##utat ##utan ##utch ##ulty ##irka baselines ##ods ##odetic ##odgr ##chem ##vered ##omial ##omay ##omosing onward onlaps ##istost ##isturbed atomic seed sear ##mentally ##mentioned ##aven ##ogens ##astworks saf said saada ##advan depict grape grays resum resediment resides resolv composes compatibility orb ##ocks chains ##abas ##abay ##ague ##amil ##ineca inters interconne intersections interleaved ##rant ##peps ##akil ##akage unload unradiogenic weaver rockfall ##quist intimately diop northe ##antry contrad ##oste modifications ##opore ##opulation relied plants ##usive indus kmz evolves overcome oversteep usual arf arenites ##elli caver subc subun subark subequ subterranes valmy paleob collect volcanology expensive spanned disorder disadvan locating ##ickert abilities ##ayoushashan flown flowers marbles ##ribed recumb recorder recalc leaving leakage upw ##loying ##enson assert ##neau centimeterto centuries ##acey accordant ##ricane corners interpolate reprecipitation ##maline adular ##mmons 1050 underto undisturbed metag metam metrop ##leyite 2040 ##uni fieldwork minute minnes occlud butt scre scores scoured training tractive undercut underflow heath phreatic acquire outstanding feas supptab throughgoing perched perlitic amorph deepens magnetically meso granoblastic olistost trp acts actinolite mueller 12c 127 1270 deri reflectance ##xtending ##ynomial discard discip ##eka prz locales localize differentially decorrelation longshore default idw ##resses ##rogen postorogenic posteruptive postseismic stripping horse employing crystallinity clastics faculty plays permiss permits disposition disposal displaces halogens 194 bedform sequestration floors linearity ##ample ##aneity dominates 11d 1150 remelt remanent gravitation opal operate 164 1675 effusive severe flores matt determines ##oking ##glas salinia sheet1 agency agico whitein ernst carbonaceous ##lien lands landform landward landmass landmark drives drastically softer mineralizing monostatic monocrystalline stevens syncon swanson swatara ##yclic contrasted ##izonal passively prime downcutting breastworks infill infinite infantry distinctively firm demagnet evolutionary rattles invoked instig anything 236 147 144 146 batholiths confidently transpressive poland polynomial biotites 13b 132 139 burns combines ##ankton predated attitudes rests adjo centerlines jump microm fourth ##ahue individuals widens textured ending ##ucoph segreg ordering andesine ##upracrustal snodgr responded flatter ##class documenting eventual 181 tilts breakout absorption schwe hornfels troughs speculated turning porphyrocl draa priori hornblendite ##ixel morro radiocarbon backf backed carol carlo carved carving caribb geomorphically greenstone archive ##ractive weaker ctr motivated truth displaying ##radiated propagates oldoiny superposition fractionated 2060 transporting ##roxy dependency lacoste connect granules loose cannibal encoura rotate rotations rotates ##marks accounted bluish pasture hydrod freely 245 2400 ##bei turbines devil element2 divides 704 45s 45n 4500 aeolian heterolithic recognizable historically 35j strikingly gained esri solub metasupracrustal justification rays magnetometer microearthqu narrows narrowest joe join pluvial plugs cherty sensory targets accuracies predictable 2750 310 concentrate 025 ##oidal ashes protected warping introduce meadows trachytes 414 ##quisite waynes computations scarce scarcity tectonomagmatic photography irrig moves waveforms revision 032 persists risers reasoning reasonably spaceborne missouri rolled albite sutured undergradu goes contemporaneity starts azufre federal glaciated ##ikats nonextending terminal terminology interferometric ##ubdu negle improving srm ##ashi postdated 006 clayey optically s1g chronometers 2013b loads roughness contributor rooted correspondences ions expands 010 freeze paleoslope paleoshor peralkalinity tgb3 tgb5 tgb10 pumiceous gridding kept syringa syenitic forests favors graduate occupation thermochronological anorthoclase azimuths reactivating thresholds claim damaged fishman releasing s3d service services ascribed mineralogically necessity feeders terrigen paleogeodetic builds 053 denali kuppab ##1099 accessed accessible tdpeps 539 ferry glen coming capturing certainty douglas offering detectable validate swaths petrologically hunter ##333 courses courtright bruneau ##nessee unrec unreal 1983 1985 1988 wyk photographs handp mislead reporting fingering refor refined intercepts ##oplankton subaqueous antecrystic aerially bhutan cdp monitored aggregated twisp sustain carefully constituted favorably route routinely shields boise raised shoulders arkose arkoses preventing hays wtrp coarsely shades aridity precluded tabulated subtly accelerations hypothesize persistence addresses triggering emanated jackass vital advice elusive wooden interview assignment simplest jointing emergency juxtaposes harris conserved quantifying extrapolate improvement luis laun thawing quadratic catastrophically coincidentally unroofed 725 dilational ksz ##ollision cohesion suitability ideas pressurizing exclusive mississippi fringing paleolat laccolith intermittently hummocky elucidated elucidating navigation xiayoushashan chlor performing metapsammite 993 deflected deflections conformable spinels prevalence reproduce elliot sweeping schemes schematic dolomitic brp danakil governs mda mouths inwardly preceded designate manifesting ellipse smig49 ambiguous inhibiting reinject extracts quiescent undersc 1968 1969 delays flexure linking nuclear pearse inaccess inaccurate anchor unfaulted controversial occasional drove rodero coprodu cooperative disagree surpless mangeritic multicyclic conductance diminishes proportionality optimum paragenetic fundamentally acknowledges ruggedness prevailed oslo putirka picking tentative vesicular famil prr1099 permitting mainstems equilibration dolostone ubiquitously hiatuses omphacitic benches donahue etched grover nadir sieve tennessee tails winds waste seemingly disappears disturbances trails speculatively diffusivity thoroughly aquifers peperite viability ##perienced reassess deployments extinct overestimate eliminated excavated respondents pumpelleyite eigenvalue embayment dtms hindered laden odp sessions alumina underplated underpinning downhole conflict conflicting avoided envisat envisaged envisioned compartmentalization listric nashville inundated onlapping onlapped enlarged meaningful nonconformably reconcile vitrophyre vitrophyres engineering culminated frozen galan ruled singular slemmons convol sacate volatiles disconformity interpolations metaclastic commanders decoupled postmineralization synclinal duplic metasandstones petrogenetic ##interpreted qualitative tephrochronology mirror postprocessing crescent doser gibson kamikats messinian muskets nyquist pfeiffer pendants sorlien tolerance memorial diatomaceous reliably explicitly spurious abbott abrasion enthalpy scotland fluctuations desiccation rhyodacite epicenter transpositional laborator hydrogeology readjustment snapshots macropore yangtse dumitru fleming hurricane hailuog loromay lachenbru papers ransome renaissance invalid tourmaline stochastic reinteg anatexis saddle unwra indentation oblong enormous 1930s thermistors spectroscopy invaded 13wpy04 hypersaline paleointensity prominently hubbard programming dilatational retrodeform destruction hemisphere language biscuits interstitial trondhjemitic aforementioned aphanitic boston bryan cubic craddock dinkelman ectasian fialko fraser fellowship gunnison gospel hudson hierarch ipsf jinsha jasperoid møre menking mksz omineca ohio piceance qinling qiuwu romberg sidi sisters skew uyuni vøring vannay watson yakutat zobzit ##lastics thalweg inexperienced inasmuch conococheague isopleth stinton alcohol anastomosing shuguang grapevine diopside subequal disadvanta recumbent undertook metropolitan minnesota amorphous gravitationally rattlesnake ##ucophane snodgrass schweickert caribbean oldoinyo solubility waynesboro irrigation undergraduate terrigenous kuppaberg misleading wtrpz prr10991 kamikatsura hailuogou loromayu lachenbruch 020 080 2f 430 470 480 540 565 6f 620 8d 870 9e 960 aor aus aiding aitch ble brom bab bug binoc bisc cel coc cmp clu cata cort cem cib cable cron cup cultural cysts dd df dong dau dai ditch dutch eag eps ft fch fell fight foss fines fond fulf fouri gz g2 gj gle gir gast gary gard gans gatan hi hin hir hog hab hart hree hiss hood hans hamil ip iv ionic iris iolite ireland jan jet jul jog jag jap jour kent kel kle kom koch kimb kah kram lk lp lib lift lose lank luminescence lends my mos math monic mole mcker ni n1 nit nic nist nason n30 ngs n45 ores omit ping piv pad pill pediment pem prit placement piles pape pals poses qig rz ry ran rab ryan sit soc save solv sik tz tul tall till tension trol tape tina tiff tilling tung treat tenth t05 tiny uv ulu vs vial verm vred vries vacu wc wing wint wench wark winter wright xl yx yar you yum yuk z1 zinc λ3 λ1 σx σ1 ##with ##wave ##wright ##kj ##kim ##kir ##sm ##ren ##rong ##rative ##rha ##rini ##mou ##mill ##tor ##traction ##iak ##ius ##iret ##iencing ##cg ##cil ##cale ##cote ##cordant ##cito ##bu ##zens ##even ##efort ##eenth ##uing ##uity ##hr ##hq ##hist ##here ##hab ##hill ##hene ##hue ##horn ##hovian ##dd ##dom ##dam ##dden ##no ##now ##norm ##nold ##nigan ##oides ##pine ##panc ##342 ##gway ##gull ##yir ##yfer ##yymm ##vari ##48 ##49 ##fl ##fol ##four ##fluid ##07 ##03 ##09 ##27 ##28 ##96 ##6m ##jan ##jas ##jacent ##qing ##qiong ##ømm thing thail thread thomp theod thems ##erites ##erically ##atus ##atical ##inion ##inally ##inized ##ineralic ##ession ##escent ##engh ##enue ##enerate ##encl ##enberg ##alk ##alth ##alment ##alib ##altered ##ital ##itely ##orp ##orient ##orosity ##orously ##ortable inn inability inliers ##icid ##iculation ##iconte ##anco ##anmi ##anogan ##reced ##retable ##remont ##arid ##arns ##arenite ##arante ##asco ##ashib ##robl ##inga ##enta ##enton ##ented ##entopography ##elian ##ster ##static ##sthene tow ##oubbet ##lem ##leigh ##olo ##olly ##isy ##isek ##issions ##etch ##eterm ##etano ##eteenth ##rael ##rament ##ravel ##rable ##ravity mad mauna maars ##immer ##lyn ##occ ##oco ##ocate ##ocod ##ocument ##ocella ##ocratic ##mple ##ige ##igneous ##igrated ##iggs ##iguity ##owed ##owell ##cemb ##ulent ##ulds ##ulses deural deino deforms decemb ##osely ##osiph conant conterm isobar israel std stim strom stib styl stained staging stalled stacey stowell rees reid reyn reequ reju fore ##ilon ##ilot ##ivial ##ids ##idad ##idire ##romod cox coating coded coaxial covari aside alc alpine ##estation sudden ##ifang anat anab answ promp proof she shelves shmax shrink beard beige exs exit exine ##ulture ##ired ##chley ##charges ##vera ##verine ##omian online ##istically faulds atchley ##oto ##otal ##otter ##otite ##otization seam seep seyfer ##mented ##lage ##lagell ##riam ##riero wht wholes wholly ##avor ##umont ##umgull southerly sab saiss ##adth ##adian norwegian ##concordant depress magenta resided ##phism ##phase chart chay chance chris chond chax chilling chiconte ##abed ##abun ##lus ##inez interbasin ##ranches ##raneous ##peis unav unident uninterpreted uneven unaltered unravel unidire wealth formulation formulations basinwide ##quim intensive ##illation neotethys ##ortium northto ##anted ##acial contoured geobar zirconolite incap incise incoming teach modifying relating plio plastically italy ##ormick ##emy ##ematical notion noting notice ##ibou ##ibone ##usae indeb indurated ##andt ##andin extant extraneous evans detach overto overpr oversp aren cauc ca13st ca05 subg subare subper sublith paleopro volcanogenic registration expense expelled ##ipun spent spores spica ##ductivity disl discharges distilled distillation ##icken ##icked abdes preeruptive prewar prehist ##aporn ##apixel canadian ##ayyir consortium applies recoup leeds leica ##intru ##acho simulations upland ene enter ensu enemy provision ##neg quoted centr ##ideal ears interpretable ##wards replacements sandia volcaniclastics aden advent advis westto 103 1011 1060 transl translate undisco undocument metabas ##ounded folder interpretive complements complementary continents continual signs scene scott scatter scattering ##formational topcon train traction tracts observational slid slate slumgull hex heard phetch impul imposing impacted imparted seismology lowered acocella outlets fei centralia smd smok ##pectives perennial amyg amdrup amcg allen allibone fluence fluvi ##cked propensity proposes structured setup something arcmap mesopore novel noises 151 158 granular granada parado paradig 12e 124 122 129 126 1211 1275 depositionally aplitic generously concur methodologies profiling profession commit differently differentiates shortened longitude ##arbor waterfall elder postvolcanic postkinematic stripped representations horner mankin crystallizing laid faceted ims placer ##talvo correlatives eroding erode erosive mainstream probed displace dispatch grouping crossover crossline ##obson belham halogen typified 407 401 1950 1920 1910 sequenced floored newman offsw 1120 1130 11jls remy remot operates opinion opentopography lithoph litharenites 16a 16c 163 168 1650 1660 severed flight flights doi dozens ##arbonates floodwater ##oki maximized maximize salton 2017 appearing agitation agnes agpa broke antilles erta ershan ample 257 2560 guiding guarante driver ridley ridgway subside montalvo ##licity ##etery portable steph stepped syneruptive finds swales switched distinctions visits eddy editing edmap bathed potassic geofluid thermometric thermoluminescence thermochemical thermosiph downthrown supplemented breadth infilled biological biostratigraphy barite barchan barometer respects firing ##blance nons nonvolcanic nonlinear nonideal thinking metamorphics minima furthest componential velasco prograd broadening densitypl foundered install installed exhuming 237 234 14b 142 farms confident avtis avenue 50k polygen 136 burchard attitude attending attractive entiret knight californian supers spatter centerline migrate testify unconfined offsetting microl latent latino scanned garcia ##ahi ##ahan poorer secondly secondarily durable pete petes petromod oceanographic cren experiencing snoke responding 174 171 178 179 1740 1783 suspect royal insert insides 1850 1820 1880 richer repeating school mantles mantled pulsed promax promising exhumational priest prieto specified evaporated energies porphyrobl pyram numbered altares possibilities guerriero conversions ##strømm backthrust accreting paramagnetic carcote caribou fronts technical ##oflagell likewise progressing 604 greenfield rimmed archie capability capitan collided ctx numerically mott domainal storstrømm ##afee bubble cordilleras skarns ##hedberg constructs supererupt deleted ##ablocks universally gyre orthopyroxenite slowdown moat electromagnetic lacys connections statement 367 368 pathway heads headers loops loosely intrag morphometric logically integrates segmented mc14 mc342 mcafee muds ##umpolar 21a 219 cascading surveying ##physical hydrostatic airwave fremou 241 2470 helium ##otti investigators 226 2200 silti turbulent paul devoid geophysically diverts ##ognized argon strained isotopically recognizing critically karen karst pitt pitted ##calc leucocratic circumpolar planets gao diffractions solver solitude simpler simplicity crestal justify rayleigh tarim annular magnetostatic magnetostratigraphic magnetostratigraphy blackhill oxford microseismic joins joaqu kinematically 370 altering geodynam extracaldera 274 276 49b 4949 linkages helping 287 283 288 moderateto batter ##cutive ultimate ##opyrite couple ##chronology conclusively principle 341 418 416 merriam explaining classical classify trenchward balfour truncations ##nedy inherently southeasternmost tectono autochthon running photoge irwin tipper waveform revis rheologies rheologically person perspectives riser aggrade aggradational aggraded roles versa sutures suturing thanks pairing globe millennial rifled 1263b gooch goals medical medusae nwto productive glaciers ledge molino posited positively strengths ##ossils 291 296 2900 huber traveling constants ghoubbet packed ##equan ##ilibration clinopyroxenite sealed negatively negrini regressions sonsela squid squared 00b 001 335 338 s1a s1h stationary whoi petrochronology 485 489 48ti 687 expanded utilities hydrologically 017 014 011 freezing 323 council grids keaton syenite favoring interested ##ucky repeatedly behaved emission emissions clair claremont golden ready textureless arguably reviewed grows ruiz s3b thirds receivers ascended 1977 adjusting funds dispersive easier kuk straightening 425 realm realizations interfacial postrifting establishing ferrod okanogan ##sport captures doubling detecting validated validating robustness 552 559 pelites pelitic pelona ##3332 528 plumes 1014 1018 1019 serpuk microscopic brush mccormick visualized prediction counterint wyld correctly 2008a imbricate imbrications handling ##oya diagenetically concealment refine intercepted transfers wolverine wetting aggregation bracketing jacqu jacobson convention conventionally intensified intensification ##epositionally constituting hypersthene 469 nodule resemblance triangles triangulation explosively explosions boh lieu rigorously ##encia ##archean ultrahigh 046 kyle rieu ##banks injectivity shaded illustr coalescing excessive sawmill departure contouring exploits addressing human jacketed atmosphere megapixel megablocks exponentially advocate encounter mercator serpentinized austin nbs empirically retrogressed retrogressive jointed 8499 hararo s2a complicating conservatively discrepanc definitive idealized extrapol 718 amalia martinez sphene fairbanks transforming monzodioritic monoa dilute munising ##melts beaumont appreciated appreciate concerned 1151 remarkable pressurize exclusion retrieval australis 587 747 paleolake artificially economically kinds kinnik verging ##161 tomographic abandoning institution degrade tholeiitic encompasses metapsammitic 645 ##varaporn deflect reproduced sweeps urbanization 12hbd05 675 brines ciencia danba govern jams jamie unmanned unmigrated colluvial challenged metapelites smig47 smig45 smig44 smig46 picacho inhibit stabilize reinjection prospective chainman interactively recommended monoclinic breaches polarized 1779 177hf delayed underestimation underestimates aims dripping ganzi liner linds ##schner ##ughter thorium exactly unfolding unfavor expanse quarries deflationary editors epidotization merging pn13 sericitized resembled choose choice choices intergrown interglacial unpreced surplus advective financially williamsport paleoenvironment diminishing participation semiarid acknowledged arabian benisek culmination kirschner life masini osgood vesicles famous collapses collapsing undulating prr3332 flattens blakey cameras enhancement adapted cartwright nmd pauahi s5b speeds tenuous tuning tunqiong zhang ##bergen shells bypassed ##lung disappearance survive survived surviving metaigneous trailing radiolarite divisions gratefully computationally syndepositionally editorial happened iterations kenya kennedy locked mutual ripple tstmb waifang ##astand stopped reassign reassigned security unexposed recirculated trajectories excavation excavations contaminated contaminant contaminants publications backscatter delimit tsunamis subdivisions nucleation nucleate mitigation mitigate mitigated escarpments fuel gila gilotti odbert pedogenic sigma sigmelts vibrat vibrating δϕtop stirring asymmetrical begashib compensation compensate neoformed neoarchean incoherence enclosing montecito erroneously avoiding weaknesses cannonball ##opyroxenes challenges congruent compartmentalized bringing glaucon glaucophane ranks sulfide toro wahrha stagnation reyes reykj ##taxitic compromise sporadically academic sheetfloods protocols trachybasalt paleodepths culminating lifetimes dichotomy csmp caveats deduced froger kingdom singer slaven slaughter westerly sacrament assaults metacarbonates philips trimming emptied emptying 1960s synformal duplex labeling metasandstone microfabric microfossils qualitatively tephrochronologic lewisburg postprocessed censored censoring holden jiangqing portal tapering words worden z420 ##iltna graptolite graptolites intraslope overgrown subpulses metadiorite sloped sloping pertaining perfectly terrascan muirhead decipher multistage multistory radioisot radioactive 176hf kaibab kaibito argentina dissimilarities reevaluation reevaluated rendering cryptic overestimation overestimated nichols nicholson overwhelmed cpos dinoflagell ges0 germania gathered jarbidge mimics mckay nineteenth vrts witnessed consecutive isolates revesiculation shuttle resurgent incursion planktic overlooking overthickened strictly abutting quenching hashim adopted declination redistribution angeles agriculture syntaxis nonmagnetic instantaneous polyphase polymineralic microgravity boudin labrador leucogabbroic grassy substituting clinoforms emerge vehicle ferroan mcclelland coplanarity satisfactory aluminum bloody tetrahedral keweenawan brian egger eutrophic fletcher harbour jeff lunayyir mfk1 mclelland nubia niubei rafael siripun somalia vogar wagner wakabay yyyymm σctma ##yssal reexam aliquots prohibited searle depiction resolvable orbits interconnection unloading rockfalls contradict oversteepening cavern subunit paleobasin recorders recalculated adularescent metamict occluded screens undercuts feasible olistostrome permissive remelting syncontraction instigated burnside adjoining porphyroclasts backfilling carolina hydrodynamic microearthquakes neglecting paleoshorelines claimed unrecognized interviews harrison paleolatitude chloride reinjecting inaccessible anchorage disagreement underpinnings convoluted laboratories reintegrated retrodeformable hierarchy disadvantages aitchison binocular biscay cocorp cemetery cibicid cronbach daily eagle epsilon fossae fourier gastrop hinckley hissing hansen hamilton japan kentucky klepeis komuro kochel kahiltna kramers library lanka mathematical monica mckerr nitrogen pivotal pemex pritchard palsar qigequan rabbit sikkim troll tinajas tungsten vredefort vacuum wcb wenchuan yarlung youanmi yuma yukon ##normal thailand thompson theodolite themselves ##etermined deurali december conterminous stibnite reynolds reequilibration rejuven anabranches seyfert wholesale depressurization chaytor chaxas chicontepec unidentified incapable teaching indebted overtopped overprints caucasian subarea subperpendicular paleoproductivity abdeslem prewarmed recoupling undiscovered undocumented phetchabun smoky paradox paradigm mankinen 1950s offswith lithophile agpaitic geofluids thermosiphon densityplotter burchardt entirety porphyroblasts storstrømmen ##hedbergella supereruptions mc14st fremouw joaquin autochthonous photogeologic serpukhovian discrepancies kinnikinic unprecedented prr33328 waifangshan δϕtopo begashibito glauconitic wahrhaftig reykjanes sacramento jiangqingze dinoflagellate siripunvaraporn wakabayashi yyyymmdd syncontractional cibicidoides 090 2x 3h 3g 3ks 4e 4h 4d 5n 660 7e 760 8f 830 840 815 a6 ath aur ape acted astr airc aware ahn bc bor bing bif bary bach buff biver bact benson cg c1 cou cus cass cmb ciss camb cram ccs d3 dg dor dod dave dann dne delt dove dumb damp dust donal dash dwell dots dutton eigh edu ease epon ecos escap fal fis fow fru fog fres fpe fost fib fie fough fov frost fenton gw gm gi gp ged gor ging gel gur gul gos grom got gage gaz gains grown giord gaging hw hy hon houn hale hau hint hach hough heral hof hull hopi hamm hsu h95 hanson haven ith iver icon iap iacc jr jb jd jx jin jou jot jpe jay jish jane jett jsm jiggs kat kal kro kay kli kaz kemp kink kcal kans killing killed keller lf ler les lic liv lum lak lud lath love lamb leng lind laps lives lamin laki lcf lengh mn mro mil mang mrad mull mitch mingling mosa ns ng nq nes nas nest nom nss noth nue nio n20 ncal nodal nsf nrm o2 oro osl oxic o20 ps pos pir pog pant pric pie pamp pines pini piled pamir p32 p2o pilot qth ques qatt r1 ron rer ral ration rav rip rick rating rah rup riller rains rarity rules rush sx sf sed sul sge spp sile symm sending solving sula siting t1 tf tata tell tide torn tah tpb tax tub tapp tighter um uo uin uas ucs vp v2 vat vas vall vill vard vau vision veter vitr wi wen wro wad want wack wish wane wise wnw xil yu yer zo z7 zent zeta zandt σ3 σy σv χ2 ##aul ##acture ##aft ##away ##aques ##wat ##wich ##wap ##witz ##ked ##kar ##kine ##kman ##kha ##kinite ##kty ##ktop ##sk ##ser ##sag ##sations ##say ##sue ##sour ##saf ##sfield ##ssey ##sample ##rs ##rh ##rin ##rity ##rore ##riment ##rared ##mz ##m5 ##mos ##mud ##mian ##mann ##mmal ##mie ##molite ##tated ##tri ##tect ##tonic ##ij ##ike ##ijo ##iko ##iabase ##cn ##c4 ##cum ##cop ##cates ##cular ##crack ##crat ##bal ##bel ##bis ##bell ##bras ##bious ##l2 ##lite ##log ##liment ##lard ##lites ##lits ##lita ##loral ##lanted ##zu ##z2 ##zer ##zil ##zeka ##ement ##eater ##eus ##eap ##eve ##eable ##eke ##eger ##efficient ##ua ##uh ##uo ##uel ##uqu ##uary ##uve ##uwa ##hith ##hath ##hach ##hole ##himalay ##hkir ##dely ##dron ##dio ##nel ##nis ##nest ##nard ##nay ##nier ##oes ##oen ##oos ##oort ##oah ##oza ##oja ##oasts ##pin ##ported ##pada ##petal ##population ##pired ##38 ##3he ##52 ##59 ##gar ##gos ##gom ##gart ##gers ##gory ##gram ##gistered ##goura ##guto ##xy ##yk ##yra ##vf ##vally ##vell ##46 ##17 ##18 ##130 ##178 ##fi ##fal ##fil ##fir ##fad ##flu ##frees ##filled ##fjord ##faulted ##02 ##2sheet ##88 ##8333 ##66 ##j1 ##jok ##jamin ##jll ##jiang thak ##oni ##onas ##onip ##onne ##onia ##onier ##onts ##onoma ##erver ##erated ##erick ##eria ##eried ##erland ##erque ##erior ##erling ##erco ##eriff ##erfect ##atable ##aturation ##atches ##atoya ##inct ##inis ##iness ##inates ##inding ##esape ##estered ##esium ##eseke ##enz ##enly ##enand ##edul ##edded ##edee ##ala ##alo ##alab ##alian ##alkal ##alpin ##iti ##itat ##itra ##itary ##itage ##itree ##itrite ##itted ##itful ##orb ##oran ##orium ##orily ##orwa ##orwegian ##ionized inch inad incon inart inquir informed inlier innov inhab inefficient ingram ##icz ##icate ##icch ##icated ##icity ##icine ##icto ##iculate ##anence ##anjo ##anuska ##rex ##rey ##reed ##recc ##revi ##reating andy ##arith ##arison ##arena ##arino ##arthur ##aslu ##asia ##asna ##ros ##rophism ##ingled ##entine ##elb ##elz ##elou ##elerate ##elected ##elof ##elberg ##element ##station ##stad ##stats toes tourna tours tolim toquim tobis ##lee ##lemm ##lements ##leton ##lematic ##lebor ##ct1 ##ctified ##ctuate ##tha ##ths ##thage ##thke ##three ##thew ##olic ##olded ##iser ##isen ##isible ##eton ##etus ##etting ##raft ##raftig ##uristic ##urnal ##urcates maier makow mauric mammal ##imetric ##imoto ##mped ##mpir ##mpath ##iger ##igrain ##igmat ##igranular ##owan ##owment ##oweap ##uli ##ulla ##ulsion ##ulitna ##uldron deal dead dewater deept dealt deionized ##osi conacy conifer stur stale stone stout stark stiff stops strange reent rech requ reinterpret requisite reorient reocc fors forens forks forec ##ila ##ilated ##illace ##ilob ##iliated ##ilini ##idation ##iders ##idable ##idym ##idotite coir coined cobb cozz coogan coils cointru cobal areally as3 asked alder alps albed alga alias al2o alno ##este ##estone anal anse anac anatom anelastic anthrop prote ##seen ##seum ##semin sho sheld shus shack shattered shots shaft shtri sheriff shenand shct1 bethke ##utonic ##utics ##utza ##utm5 exerts basically bashkir ##ode ##chen ##channel ##chiop ##chemical ##omylon ##omrong ##iston ##istol ##istries ##istinct faun fayal atac ##otel ##otman ##otogra seis semin ##ppe ##taguto ##law ##rients ##rietary ##ripetal whin ##avia ##aveng ##avitt ##ume ##umonier ##erequisite ##astrophism sage sake saeed sauced ##adi ##aday ##reset ##respective norm ##conda ##conorwegian ##thermally graham ##phur compan compact compliment ort orc chet chur chill cherv chord champ chung chev charged chalc chalk chesape chlebor chomrong ##abyssal ##abolic ##alli ##lund ##luhue ##ository ##aga ##agen ##ag00 ##agonal ##amed ##ountain interrupt interrog interven intercomp interacted ##rants ##pez ##aks ##aked ##akurna ##akenly ##akala unma unbro uninter unequ unsp unaff unwe unstruct unseen unreset coloss colton colbert colocation collage web weer weathers formally formulated formats formidable ##orectified wasser ##izer ##izian ##quito intent intrins intrig integer ##illon die dikty dilemm diurnal diastrophism necks ##eneuve northridge ##antit ##roups ##aca ##acor ##acion contended contrary contiguity geert geopro geocod volun ##canner ##iments tech teza tecn tehach modulation modulated modulate modules ##ghter highand ##oney ##ichannel ##uda ##udem ##opo ##oped ##opaque ##opani ##oprecipitation ##edimentary ##elder reliant relocation relizian ##ismically planned ##derson calaver calvin ##emite ##emens ##emyn ##emnite ##emool notes notwith indistinct ##iances lowen lowto extingu evince evacu detached detriment overcomp southand usable arthur arisen ##ellan ##ellids ##ffe strick stricto caut cawood caetano cauldron caffe preselected subcontinental substrat subclass subjacent subconcordant subalkal ##endant ##endtect valentine paleomagnet paleotethys paleoprecipitation collections ##ervoort regressive regiments expresses exportable ##ipel ##ipated ##iplan spite spider spits spline spike splits spelz ##dup dissect disorgan dissemin distort distribut ##ritarch ##ritories loci mounting ##ologia abraded prem preem prevolcanic preview obstru objections oberling ##apa ##api ##apatite clan clip clint clarity clancy clicking canc marath partings partners considers ##rett ##retson appropri recalib ##aust ##aunay ##cesxy ##ermore ##ermeable lear leave leap lease leake leaf learn leaven leavitt ##intree ##intrex ##ache ##achute ##achulitna simps simms up19 ##ensis envelop ency engeb ##neath ##neider que quanta queried centripetal transected weller wellel wellme wellhead accelerate larson corr corn corps coranz coronas ##ystematic systemic ##asequ poopo timely ##mb6 ##mbol repository sanddal sandwich peach peeled peedee peacor ##atically volcanically adm adob adhere ##mmetry ##soft westg westand westland erupts 10a 10c 10d 10ga 1099 transit transforms ##flective undulations undrained undetermined indications metach 203 2050 ##uno differed folkes ##ario mind ##iempir howard ##erting ##ertino observer scant scoring scandin scaveng scintrex ##formationn thereof ##rymple topical trap traps traffic travers observing slough slivers sl13 sliced slicken underway underfit underfilled underneath heel heft hebride hegart heuristic lijiang lipez mio phosph phoen phalab impure impract impressive impounded imperfect implements impermeable seismological seismometer seismomagmatic seismogram greg midwest midway midcrustal acritarch outp outlin outlier ##ronis ##ronomically feo feet pointing ##olutionized supplies suppressed suppresses supplanted perp perimeter perimeters perlita ##angs ##angers ignored ignores presenting domeland amster tera territories allstad variant variables ##rowed flush fluorite fluctuate pbpa ##ckle silts siljan proposal proprietary genre somewhere deepened mesilla noisy 154 1590 granule granodior granodioritic ##ailed ##ailable parise parson parabolic parachute trong trivial trilob tridym quartzarenite museum 12g 128 1230 1280 12jls container melted stratum desktop desatoya concav director methodist proflines ##ynth discl blanco ##cessing commerc private prerequisite differentiating decision declined decelerating calcium defense ells elkins postcol posterior manip manix manaslu crystallizes laji laumonier ##olet ##ovolcanic redin redfield silicon ##obile processor belemnite histograms halt halves ##rientos blockage ##ropical normalization normalizing 40k 192 elevating ##umbers sequestered newer ##ampled ##lander continually grading patton angola exhaust 11f 1110 11mb6 remagnet reminis remanence uncover gravimetric opens opaques opendtect curta curiously curtis ##olithologic 16b 167 161 severing leveling flor flora flume ##erner doell resisting mats matured matanuska matthew multiv multigrain multichannel ##shaw flooded descended descends sales salar salts ##erged coregistered appearances agents agreed amphith 255 252 256 2510 carbonat initiates initiating guest drastic origins monarch monuments months montaguto monolithologic originates ##rington steve stephan stewart equates equigranular synerg synto finney finnigan swe swith visibly identity edwards outcome 307 303 301 306 30th 30si geoid downvalley downgoing downsag infrared barents barry barring barometers barrov barmie barrientos subducts grounds fires nonlay nonde noninter nonparallel nonradiogenic noncol nonopaque thinnest demarc minimally minimization minimizing pressed pressured aftersh invert separator broadest vertisol epma epizonal paralleling invisible anytime 239 2300 143 148 1420 1430 14nz farmer faraday confine confusion confused earthsc avila lacked poles polys polishing pollard 13d 137 131 13va 13nz ##linorium burr burley burgos combat alkalies prede predating attom attendant entra knox resting restarted superv supras supervised intermountain contacted conducting traceable utc migrates jura ##najok standardized multiplied multiproxy steepen micas micaceous detailing hypogene hypabyssal latir hydroxy ##athered garver garze widen widgi dubious petronis titanium totals paleohyd paleohigh oceanward endpoints endowment ##ucl ceases snm snotel geochronometer ##clastic ##cloped 1790 1760 atlanta flake flakes room roelof rooney summits reductions shortage frantz inselberg 183 185 1812 1892 1878 hadi lengthy ##coa breakaway coevally absorb ##zonal corresponded sche schedul schneider serial seriously ##tee washed speculation specification specifying turk turner turned ##sler ##tinitrite evaporate apparatus porphyries explores influencing cycling drape drains drapes mttm affiliated puck puys puzz puerco amplified clearcut reverber catalog accommodations mora sidewall converting converts conversations approximated approximates ordos geochemistries backward backpack ##chnig paramount oligoclase carap carve cargo carneg caricch carthage ##structure techno 605 601 606 penoke arches archives capabilities ##eanographic retention retrore retreating cti ctwat kernels motagh mottling motivate ##emperature references holly fitted lago lagged bump burov buckley ##ircular sk13 construed constructive superficial superterranes superstructure delaminated delaney delaunay universidad universitat fractionating kaiser ##ictite francis orthorectified slowest moh moine moore moft moyra moveout transports transportation degass degenerate garnetand repeatable 364 3600 fox granulitic looked intracrystalline intraformational intracrat intrapopulation intrachannel morphologically virginian logic lognormal logarith reflectorless labels wavy integers integrity encirc mcla mcgre mc36 mc43 mcbride mcaul mcfad mcarthur proportionally 218 2185 loses plotting hydrothermally sharman 2410 906m file1 helm helical helps helex 227 229 2250 hfses 802 809 paid devoted quantifies phenocrystic geophysics bandpass dividing argues argand argillace signaled signaling straighter diagonally 703 tsd 453 ##awa ##alupe recognizes lazircon massifs orthogonally 355 takats diamictite specificity circulate planum planarity planisp gaudem simons ##rology instructional espada ##center inclusive diffract solve vega ##iffe metasom metasilt naranjo netl status magnetochron magnetizations bottomed tazzeka oxnard ##joy microsoft datable immisc immobile excursional narrowly eclogitic joined plucked implicates implicitly 266 2620 374 sensu sensed ##otea boliang bordering mediated salty saltus predicting predictab 279 2710 313 312 3145 497 496 lidiak 027 029 282 286 2800 2860 ##lty protomylon sanidines batt spreads lobo warning warped warakurna accuracyr couplets grinding introducing dzstats abstracted overlaid principles 955 954 crude cruden crudely cratonal dimensionality illitic 060 pursue ##3051 tectonized tectonothermal tectonostratigraphy predominance predominately autonoma inferring photo photographic irre irradiated irrespective oppiko revolutionized rheologic substantiated 031 persisting wedges hillslope gaschnig missed albion albuqu analogue heavitree physics accompany 380 milled millik millenn millimeters gogeb medicine cottle acquiring supergene ##hua stacks systematics paleovalleys glacio ledges melvin ##iked armies armijo strengthens 2967 cropping crossey hugh huasna travels terminate lastly packet packstone packstones tended clinopyroxenes interferometry naming namely ##uber ##ubin incorporating delineates losses srtm sony sonoran requirements impactor postdi banked arbitra usefulness 007 009 dateable optimal s11 chronologic 2013c summarizes summarizing cfe petrochemical 484 diverge sinai expanding qualified qualifies qualifying descriptors utilization constructional discontinuously 015 016 projective guadelou guadalupe tgb4 kev keir syenites sympath symbol thresholding organizations downloaded ##rimagnetic extrusions 2006b behaves emitted reactive reactivate coalinga ##emsa microporosity confirming 7000 budhath damming ##abilized gabbros achieves achieving s3c s3e talachulitna ascends 1979 mineralogic snowpack stretches rosser rossville ##hesive ##argement costa smoothly smoothest smoothness carriers buildup 054 058 denote dolly dolerites ##burn ##104 prolifer enhancing accessibility foldedal penetrations penetrates penetrative 429 tdp realized establishes homogeneously slumps slumping diapirically 536 baygoura ferromagnetic ferrimagnetic mvt ##raywacke comingling interconnectedness paleocoasts paleoceanographic fractaled nancy semiqu semiempir detectability validates robustly irregularity hung hungr pelite pellet pelluhue decadal parameterization 524 courtes mendez s4d ##gren ##icohedbergella anhydrous plumose brueseke mccs mccalpin 1987 1981 visualize 899 brackish tatra tatio wyck ##kowski ##ippine attach highlighting 6500 astronomically berming handle handled misclass ##oyang reefal coordinated competent competitive pdfs casts mylonitized refinement paleodepositional transferable emphasizing 1106 robertson 518 aerosp aerona cdf m257 pinning pinhole wetland ##135 ##chester laramie oxygenated takei enrichments everyone 465 node informative liquidus returns augments bohann raising riggs rigorous ##archuk employers denuded wolfe throats appalachians 043 henderson hayward hayden haynes kylander injecting ##ettlit coarsen shading arrest arrive aridification assimilated amagmatically precluding insightful cyclicity interfingered oilfield tabs taber ##forced campus campito campbell subtropical exploitation monotonic geomorphologic geomorphological subdivide rinds concepts megab megasequ advocated attempting encountering geometrically mobilizing efficiencies questioned 095 795 838 8300 985 busche bussey business nutrients s7a s7d vastly woods woody chao chaine modestly updating assigning assignments phyric exclude simplify simplification simplistic simplifies simplifying emergent juxtapose ##osilicate anisotropic 073 0711 437 435 harv harder harker harrat wilshire xenolithic ##etofore complicate unspec unsworth unsuit unsubdu objectives conservation 1043051 204hg definitely confederates aeromagnetics fixing luzircon octree ramps ramparts sphere waned chukar quadrup 180m phytoplankton 442 728 haeus hautza heller mistakenly nullarbor theories colombian meshand ellwood precursors curviplan pressurized trachyandesites australian 083 082 089 5800 742 marynow renamed ##atchee impeded nevadan titanomagnetites 1800s ruptures 887 884 destabilized econom si4 siemens ##idalgo depicting diorites splitting instituto radiometrically degrading degraaff doubled overpressures overpressured bracc brazil brachiop braintree cells cellular gentler getting lucia owned longitudinally belongs roads hydrocarbons shadows 671 brighter bristol embry embedded emblematic governing mdd verified wardlaw oversized oversaw oversizing regularized preparing preparations designation designated discerning discernable noncohesive illustration polyline1 definitions ellipses 5600 947 lipari qtu rastered rugosity stabilized expectations extracting prevents 1966 1777 220m nuft pearls pearthree practically rtg sd1 tanz ##berry ##ught ##dreth ##iscip rejecting covariances anchizonal attains computers quarters quarterm prisms manufacture demanded diagramm obliquity 6380 dropping pn11 pn19 pinkish rode rodrig waxed ##iasm ##zzy stereoph copious seasonal searched chojll intergradational unpro corrosive advected scientists implemented outputs 2012a paleofault paleofloral craters bolivian optimally optimized optimization optimistic participant palynomorph advancements prevails 5900 benjamin hallmark osaka osmos vesicle vesiculated residue interlayer 12wpy12 12wpy54 blanketed permitted guidance barremian insufficiently satisfies prospects recommendation adaptation awarded benchmarks darling darwin darrington etch grocke godt herrero herrm heritage heretofore jadeitic koettlit mismatches nad27 pigeon s5e tremolite ##154 macarena dixon submerged paleotemperature disappeared pools pooling plausibly argillites diffusely merida buildings unreasonably category locke vienna alphas graphics meetings 1955 1954 thermophysical bioturbation respondent publicly delimiting baltican physiography physiochemical homogenized buoyantly ellipsoidal nucleated nucleating 9300 boxes cosi dtm drew fueled fuhr fuzzy gilbert gateways hoh hohol hootman kindly nannoplankton nazarchuk pedro pedoja palm pictured ramsay sigm ukar zeiss zeolite reheis annealed cautioned consumed complemented lahar montgom skeleton keeping funnel pegmatitic disaggregation corroborates fingerprinting deconvolve compartmentalize charnockitic 617 brings listening mb11 mbsf nappe sulfate sulfidation toroweap wahraftig inundation inundates ##analytical dewey aseismically compromised compromising meyerhoff weeks highstands marshes marshall enlargement 12nz13 12nz15 12nz24 12nz07 flashy nonconformity nonconformable 14za130 polygons knowing reconciled reconciling transgresses 0026 battlegrounds wildfir engineers incompletely cleaning punctuating radiolarians categorized paleolandslides adirondacks bitelli csj1 dedicated eurasia frederick hingeline rulers sleeve twenty writing machine convinc sunken exchangers volatile exporting sparsity disconformably climbs climbed climbing simulator interpolating philippine acidic trimmed aprons decoupling syncollision identifier spectacularly furnish furnished furnishing drawing retreats extraordinarily 280m petrogenesis precipitate precipitated unreliability counterparts temora2 quadrangles candidate mirrored bradshaw crescum dalhoff dalrymple lnk murray murfrees muricohedbergella pendant pipes pipeline pipelines sorry tube tapered tolerances starved memory reliability subpopulation abbrevi abrasive enthus 10jls20 10jls08 metadiabase scotia terrasar desiccated deciphering possesses 1198 farmland hydrogeologic syntheses synthesized synthesize illumination illuminating ascertained ascertaining cryptocrystalline masked snapshot tstmlc tstmlf cosmic cosmogenic yangtze cpg dotted gesch jarbridge mimicking ninth pioneering pioneered rowan vrt veneer venezu witnessing ##uitively consejo isolating staying revesiculated checking checks incursions planktonic overlooked paleoseism paleoseabed surmise surmised abutment obliterated quenched hashin adopting liuqu impinges impinged communic declining redistributed patchy ##sheet2sheet agricultural syntaxes restriction 1864 1869 coexisting coexisted specialized boudins labradorite bluffs substitution clinoform emerges emigrant emigdio vehicles feedbacks paleocanyons mcclellan augmentation megacrysts megacrystic coplanar blanketing satisfactorily aluminosilicate spillovers bloodgood shoshonite shoshonitic reestablishing bervera barton bunger cadomian dredging dredged ecology gouge goulty golmud golconda hilly hildreth houses housed judgment llc llulla l2a l2b mortimer pockets pockmarks rogers rivals ribbon ribbons sveconorwegian tvu tmptable tmpsour tortonian trying taiwan ucla vandenberg vandervoort wrap ##khola ##nalism theaters inertia conodont conodonts isotherm isotherms stubby ##ivocal ##ivocally ##chemically safsaf grayscale resumed resedimentation interscanner northeasterly northeastand subcrop subarkose subarkosic upwind upwarp assertion metagabbro buttress buttressed mesozonal 1272 discarded discipline disciplines 1941 sheet1sheet2sheet whiteinella whiteinellids demagnetization segregate cannibalization encouraging ##ubduction unrealistic unrealistically handpicking handpicked reforested reforestation launch launched underscore coproduction families familiar wastewater reassessed crescentic unwrapping unwrapped skewed thalwegs ausz2 bromine bugt celeste clumped cataclastic cortez cupertino dfn daughter fighting fulfills glean girdle garduno hirise hoodoos ipf january julian jagged journalism kimber lku mosquito n150 nicole pillowed sitting solvcalc tullu tiffany treatment vials vermicular wintzer xl30 thingvell ##enclature towns isobaric stimac stylolites covariation anatase answer prompted beardmore exsolved seepage sabkha chondrite interbasinal unavailable unidirectional geobarometry detachments overspill arenaceous subgroups sublithospheric dislod prehistoric ensued centrally advisability translational slumgullion hexagonal impulsive amygd fluvially professional committee 11jls104 remotely guaranteed stephen potassically barchanoid nonsystematic progrades installation 234u polygenic supersaturation microlith crenulation insertion pyramidal mottled intragrain pittville microseismicity battery revisit 687m kukri ferrodiorite counterintuitively jacquemyn bohlen illustrative extrapolating lindsley unfavorably reassignment vibrator z420i radioisotope ges012 reexamined gastropods rejuvenation 2xk auriferous apex astride aircraft bifurcates barycenter bachmann buffalo bivergent cassan cissilini cramer ccs1 dgps dorotea danny dneu deltas donald dashes eighth educ eponymous ecosystem escaped fischer fowles fruitful fresher foster fieale fought giants gedemsa gorges gingoes gelai gullies gosnold gromme gazzi giordano hwy hounsfield haleakala hofformationn hammer iverson iconic iapetus iaccarino jxa joule jotun jpeg jishi janecke kalopani krogh klippe kansas lerch license livermore lovejoy lambert lengai lindgren lenghu mitchell ngds nqm nomenclature nssda nothing nuevo ncalm orocop o20a pirated pogonip price p2o5 quesnel qattara rerun rationale ripon rupelian sedlock sulphur sgeir siletz tatacoa tahiti taxon uinta ucsb vatnajok vasuki villeneuve varden vaupes vitrinite wenatchee wrote wadge wackestone yu2 yerer σvox ##himalayan ##178a thakkhola inadequ inarticulate innovation tournaisian toliman toquima tobisch makowitz mauricio ##igmatitic deepto conacyt recharged reorientation reoccup forensic coirradiated cozzette cointrusive cobaltinitrite albedo algae aliasing al2o3 alnoite anacapa anatomy anthropogenic protection sheldon shuswap shackleton shtrikman shenandoah bashkirian faunal fayalitic atacama ##otogrammetry seminary saucedo cherven chevkinite chalcopyrite chesapeake chleborad interruption intervenes intercomparison unmapped unbroken uninterrupted unspiked unaffected unweathered unstructured colossal wasserburg intrinsically intriguing diktytaxitic dilemma geertsen geoprocessing volunte tecnologia tehachapi calaveras ##emooltha notwithstanding extinguished evacuated detrimental strickley substratum subalkaline paleomagnetism spitsbergen disorganized disseminated distributary marathon appropriately leavenworth simpson up193he encycloped engebretson wellmeyer coranzuli sandwiched adobe traversing hefty hebridean hegarty phoenix phalaborwa impractical acritarchs outlining domelands amsterdam allstadt granodiorites parsons trilobite tridymite 12jls161 commercially ellsworth postcollapse posteriori reminiscent amphitheater downsagging barrovian nonlayered nondeformed noninterconnected noncollinear earthscope polysynth 13va178a 13nz54 hydroxyapatite widgiemooltha paleohydrology roelofs inselbergs scheduled reverberations carnegie caricchi penokean retroreflective intracratonic logarithm mcgrew mc364 mc434 mcauliffe mcfadden argillaceous takatsuki planispira gaudemer metasiltstone immiscible oppikofer albuquerque milliken millennia gogebic arbitrage guadeloupe sympathetic budhathoki proliferation semiquantit semiempirical pelletier courtesy misclassification aerospace aeronautics bohannon buscheck unsuitable quadrupole haeussler curviplanar marynowski brachiopod quartermaster stereophotogrammetry chojllas osmosis herrmann koettlitz fuhrman hoholick montgomery wildfires crescumulate murfreesboro venezuela llullailla tmpsourcesxy safsafat sheet1sheet2sheet3 thingvellir orocopia vatnajokull 050 040 1e 1y 1all 1ks 1through 2m 2h 2θ 2π 2ε 2supplemental 3s 3i 320 3supplemental 4i 4g 4f 4j 4π 460 4supplemental 5h 5f 570 590 510 512 576 5supplemental 680 690 612 615 790 733 776 765 7333 8h 8g 8j 820 880 810 813 9f 911 990 aar aet ara action aran aiz aeg auck a11 a10 a12 awa awar aoki bp bx bon bet bim boc bot ball bally bess bip bins bick bau bert bree bund bland bold born bai bruce bival bras bille bote bhan bets binar boy binned bunch bons baiy bper banking bagn benton baked cb c5 cab cant cac cred coch cun cert cose cites cient carb cities cather cull cices c10 c13 citing cgg c19 cba cimmer clyn cesium cowan cumbers da dc dn dp dy dent dul dru dere dag dale dorm dical dough dron drow dyn dund dys dsl dull daw dying dsd dinoc d500 dwelling dillon ea ew ei ein eig eul eif ether eich eld edition eme esc egan eject erad elaps e15 eaton eucl fi fh f7 f3 fg f4 fel fou ful fos fri fus frit fift felt frog fount flying fft father fug font fenn felled fasc fengh fastand fidalgo gb gd gv g1 ger giv gru gut gad gall gies gill gone gpt gates gau gmm gun gual gier gada geral gorn gsc gases gpm gaged g12 gino gully gulch gilles goni gowan gelder hk hed han him hast hies hess hop hins hear hide huff hov hout hds hank hcl hints hug hump hois h10 harp hiper hiant holds hyal h2o hcf hutch hno hidalgo ib iz ias iran irou icy ili ivan ibd ihs jm jø jal jos jid jav jill jich jem jord jach job jumb jok jaw jorge jenn jaff jahan kr kt kα kan kly koc kow kos kite kist kav kong keld kus kass kers kins kick kath kord kne kron kov kane kold kwh kui kals katz krist kacey kimmer kalli lr lc lv lion lan lis let lur lul live lend lined lep lint lign lree lyon lust lover listing lond lump lull lining letter lending luy loma lrees lwd lots lumber lanz lcol mp m4 m6 moc mla mere mock male mins muff moss meng mold mute malach mtab nl n3 nf ning nil nure nong nick nile nun nose nup n50 nug n70 n40 n60 n33 nylon nuan nitch n15 n95 nerc nilg n36 nisy n52 n135 oi og oj ora oly oter och ota oss oval osh orocl ouy oze oyster oolitic pm p4 p0 pst pest pere pab pag pata plow pater pus para pause pory pain panch pai paces pco panning piding pending pinter pico pgs posing push poured psf posa pcf pabay penson poco piston pache qr qm qat qar qas qiant qmax qfl rc r3 rj rλ rit rud rib rens roch rimb rang rides rov rys rational riscan riff rame ritz rani rubin ss sv sø sen sent sure sver sine sib sard sint serg skal sited sque sys somm ssc sits solved sont somb saved s96 sangs tb tn tth tis tith tid tif tse tate tad ties tong tore tap tents tier tular txt tides tund tedi tset tiles tuc tensional torth tull taps tending tule tont tuck tuy tinge tully tanner tva tonne u0 uph upt uass uand umb v1 v0 vul vist vot vad vag viz vac vide vso vaz vex vanc vander vl2 vetting wu wϕ wel wpp worm wins wake wyp wors wulf woy wade waff wrink wife wrong wounded wmz wuda werner xt xz xu xp xx xf xiv xid xus xie xining xp2 xutm5 yt yi ye yf yon yen yal yad yale yone yeen yem yard yates yue yair yild yutm5 zn z5 z8 z9 zur zir zia zimb zang zamor zhed zeol zois zmin z11 zeb z10 z12 zmax zimmer µg αx αy α1 α2 αmin δm δz δα η3 η1 η2 μl σc σz σd σmax ##aj ##aq ##ais ##aig ##ament ##aack ##apping ##aire ##aean ##avers ##ailles ##a06 ##aolo ##wq ##wer ##wes ##wig ##wale ##writ ##wack ##wds ##wered ##wauk ##welding ##wicz ##kant ##kitic ##kamp ##kiew ##kura ##kind ##kosh ##kelb ##sn ##s2 ##sin ##sel ##sol ##site ##sri ##sivity ##sider ##sik ##sches ##socol ##sparent ##soura ##skir ##subduction ##rt ##rd ##r0 ##r2 ##rith ##rph ##rill ##rence ##rater ##rick ##rish ##ratively ##rince ##rential ##rature ##rints ##rency ##ratory ##rina ##rime ##raro ##rivial ##mf ##mas ##mot ##moun ##mich ##mates ##mach ##mens ##mile ##monic ##mometry ##meters ##mott ##mington ##mosing ##mante ##mouth ##muss ##mira ##mobil ##madi ##migmatitic ##tl ##tn ##t4 ##tion ##tar ##tas ##tol ##tow ##tot ##ties ##tong ##teen ##tia ##tors ##tility ##tected ##timal ##tops ##times ##tario ##trivial ##iro ##iom ##iab ##ipe ##iem ##ipping ##iably ##iels ##iker ##iased ##iaceous ##iastically ##iwu ##iaka ##iolitic ##iwauk ##cr ##cat ##car ##cel ##cle ##cot ##cock ##call ##cag ##cryst ##case ##cross ##cents ##cue ##cake ##cially ##cada ##cott ##coming ##comes ##celines ##current ##cola ##ciously ##cione ##cceeded ##collision ##code ##bs ##bm ##b4 ##ban ##bra ##bow ##bul ##bir ##bous ##bial ##bone ##bian ##bay ##bound ##bie ##bors ##bted ##beg ##boration ##bott ##bitt ##bright ##bolian ##bito ##bolites ##boche ##lp ##lv ##lon ##lar ##lum ##lene ##lates ##lip ##lia ##lically ##litude ##lje ##life ##lutonic ##zad ##zam ##zley ##zones ##zometer ##zagh ##zburg ##zani ##zaro ##zanco ##zkiew ##zr2 ##zlar ##ea ##eu ##eq ##ees ##ech ##eated ##efer ##eff ##eau ##epec ##eean ##ecut ##ehn ##ehue ##uge ##upp ##uction ##uay ##uces ##une ##uating ##uka ##uitive ##uously ##uky ##hc ##hd ##h2 ##hou ##hur ##hla ##hong ##hand ##hau ##hert ##homm ##hood ##hman ##holes ##habil ##hdy ##holar ##hrb ##hsack ##hwal ##haline ##hemite ##hatically ##dz ##dly ##dock ##dies ##dong ##dess ##dem ##dell ##dles ##dick ##dible ##drop ##dico ##deposition ##d16o ##dani ##diorite ##nm ##ny ##nor ##nic ##nar ##nom ##nav ##nous ##nine ##nick ##nels ##nham ##number ##nt4 ##oz ##o7 ##o2 ##oct ##oil ##oand ##oform ##ophy ##okes ##o50 ##oxic ##ophys ##oots ##ozone ##pit ##pol ##pul ##pult ##pment ##pres ##pers ##perm ##pie ##pose ##pones ##place ##pare ##placed ##produ ##pans ##pices ##piter ##prising ##pixel ##pital ##pnom ##7a ##7b ##7g ##71 ##79 ##790 ##795 ##792 ##77b ##37 ##31 ##39 ##3eu ##53 ##530 ##583 ##gu ##gal ##gas ##gro ##gated ##gla ##gast ##giz ##gence ##gess ##gary ##gian ##glo ##gun ##grow ##gout ##gado ##gup ##gason ##gyb ##guy ##gja ##ggy ##ganchaigou ##grov ##glacial ##xon ##xian ##xpl ##xler ##yi ##ye ##yo ##yor ##ymp ##ych ##yolite ##yram ##ytes ##yetano ##ykowski ##vl ##von ##vat ##vor ##vol ##vant ##vable ##vage ##vacite ##vina ##vington ##vini ##volcano ##vs2 ##44 ##433 ##4dem ##4790 ##1m ##181 ##189 ##fx ##fig ##fite ##fta ##fia ##found ##fron ##fting ##files ##fah ##fix ##fits ##fker ##function ##fusc ##fabric ##filt ##fosi ##01 ##011 ##29 ##26 ##200 ##263 ##2sd ##276 ##273 ##278 ##238 ##2b4 ##84 ##810 ##8500 ##815 ##910 ##6a ##69 ##667 ##jand ##jun ##jang ##jpers ##qet ##qtz ##qag00 thur throm thong thap thund thumb thars thrown theore theses theaver thesis ##oner ##onan ##onite ##onore ##ondu ##onap ##onents ##onized ##onically ##onatus ##onnier ##eron ##erth ##erse ##erod ##erable ##erocryst ##erfield ##ercial ##eritz ##er16o ##ersten ##errant ##erlund ##er154 ##atm ##aten ##atta ##atum ##atile ##atization ##atpo ##ateness ##atty ##atisf ##atolites ##ataks ##inst ##inth ##inos ##inod ##inag ##inant ##inence ##inath ##inance ##inization ##intable ##innigan ##initely ##inids ##inforced ##invol ##infilt ##esa ##esi ##eson ##eses ##esite ##esch ##esio ##eslan ##espan ##esirable ##eno ##enit ##enable ##enov ##enning ##eniny ##enerative ##enius ##enmile ##eder ##eden ##edith ##edge ##edometry ##alit ##alar ##alla ##ality ##alates ##alick ##alance ##alier ##alics ##altic ##alito ##alky ##alerite ##aldi ##aleta ##al8500 ##nden ##itas ##itate ##itated ##itran ##itical ##itution ##itively ##itie ##iterate ##itimate ##itously ##itches ##itious ##itiveness ##orine ##orff ##orne ##orized ##orative ##orological ##oroo ##oreto ##orbit ##oriously ##orpro ##orestation ##oriaceous ##ionic ##ionary ##ionez ##ionucl incept inact inwh inks inyo ##icl ##icy ##icul ##icip ##icia ##icts ##icula ##icuous ##icircular ##anol ##anos ##anens ##anced ##anites ##anovic ##anagh ##anping ##rel ##rez ##reation ##rection ##reous ##rewell ##rell ##reported ##repres anders andras ##arer ##arth ##arles ##argin ##arsh ##arset ##arok ##arug ##arls ##arrat ##arrie ##arca ##array ##asy ##asic ##asins ##asitic ##asured ##assemb ##room ##rola ##rode ##rocal ##rosa ##rotated ##inger ##ingbir ##entif ##entory ##entnik ##elly ##elow ##elif ##elite ##elick ##elps ##elect ##elane ##elkal ##elief ##elerates ##elback ##elze ##ston ##stac ##stack ##stown ##stern ##stered ##sterite topp togg totol ##ouver ##oula ##ouac ##ouched ##oubted ##leen ##leth ##leod ##legh ##leable ##lete ##leans ##leguy ##levant ##ctable ##ctites ##cturally ##cturing ##thor ##thong ##thitic ##thouse ##theon ##olent ##oline ##olac ##olumines ##olumne ##oliang ##isal ##isqu ##ispar ##isbur ##isothermal ##isrupted ##isani ##isoco ##eting ##etyp ##etain ##etize ##etected ##etts ##etena ##etuating ##raal ##rand ##raun ##raints ##raying ##raphs ##raham ##rawa ##razing ##raisal ##uron ##uras ##urch ##urial ##urve ##urred ##urics ##urton ##urmoun ##urprising mai mae max mapp macc maus mack maugh maadi ##imas ##imation ##imum ##imiz ##imax ##impl ##imsv ##import ##imchen ##lyte ##ocal ##ocla ##ocations ##ocorrelation ##mpus ##mprophy ##igar ##igate ##igad ##igam ##igia ##iglacial ##ower ##owering ##owitz ##ceived ##ulz ##ulas ##ulpt ##ulates ##ulner ##ulski ##ulensis ##ulhla ##ulinids dey deer deut decc deem deals ##osch ##osced ##osals ##oski ##oswal ##osedimentary conest conch conical conced coney conrad conforms condre connot connor isla isles isoch isocl stil stall stort stop stick stau stear stern strad stump stik staged st11 stiffer sticking stitched st09 steritz stitches rej really reform reme reiss reemp rejection reym reber reappear reanalysis reinterpreted rebu rewrit rebound rehabil reeder reiterate reimchen ford forem fording foreg ##ili ##ilo ##iler ##ilized ##ilitude ##ilding ##ilometry ##iltered ##ilience ##ivor ##ivates ##ivian ##ivable ##ivided ##ivately ##ida ##idity ##idun ##idio ##iddal ##idimensional ##idgian ##terite ##terivian ##roma ##romal ##romet ##romag ##romatic ##rue ##ruh ##run ##russ ##ruding ##rutin ##rugated ##ructuring cole coil coord coau coding codes copy coira coesite coarset asi asama asio2 asper asymp ##urek ##geon ##gees ##geomagnetic alan alta allud alts alcal alota alerting aliased algal alfta alicia allegh sue suaz suarez sunes suez sunda sukh succeeded ##iferate ##ifug ##ifiable ansd anew anpd anasta anionic animas anlyte ##seism ##seyer ##segment ##sewitz shum shran shak shaly shep sherm shah shik sheep shaker shrin shipping shelly shimiz beial begs beij beatty beeson ##uta ##uties ##utins ##uttering ##utilized ##atek ##atever exag exert exinal exfol execut exxon exetain ##ultz ##ultepec ##irp ##iren ##iral ##iring ##iration ##irim ##irce ##irine bass basil basler basica bastow ##itectic ##oding ##odity ##odally ##odome ##odensity ##odym ##odomes ##odynamic ##odimensional ##chon ##chter ##chite ##chary ##cherm ##change ##chert ##chlan ##chho ##child ##chhoff ##chfi ##chelkal ##vert ##verage ##verted ##verizing ##versible ##vergent ##verfi ##omon ##omed ##omain ##omict ##omagh ##omosa ##omerocryst ##omargin onge onland ontario ##isto ##istak ##istence ##istics byrd byprodu faa fa3 fa4 fa1 fa2 faced fahrb farewell atom atop ##otn ##ot1 ##otated ##otot ##otran ##otron ##otyp ##otically ##otential ##otonal ##otuo ##otrina sees sean seized sext seman seym seasc seabed sekine ##mentier ##ppers ##tabl ##tab2 ##lave ##lapping ##lauer ##laucophane ##rien ##rian ##riad ##rially ##rique ##riani whene whither whipp whitch whatever ##avian ##umed ##umfah ##umerable ##erexpl ##oga ##oglu ##ogang ##asto ##asting ##astites ##astrous ##astyk say saar saad saill sagh sapt sable saga saying sauces sappers ##adras ##adistic norite norton norman normark nordly ##ctionally ##condu ##conglom dept depressed deplet depolo depaolo deputies ##thermometry maghre magils maghemite grams graaff graciously reside resinous residing resets resident resampled ressel rescue resupp resilience ##phere ##phine ##phosph ##phistic ##phalian compass compile compels orms orleans chon chin chen chab cham chene chus chap chep chry chara chang chern chinc chug chead chances chequ chills chica chilli chiang chihu chew child charted chips chmi chasm chiar chiasm chiwauk chalky charles chentnik chroma chirp ##abe ##abo ##abre ##abrid ##abonian ##abases ##abrian ##allis ##lusion ##luence ##luve ##luneg ##osita ##ositely ##ager ##agasc ##agua ##aguay ##agigar ##ams ##aman ##amine ##amara ##ameg ##amna ##ametric ##amulag ##amoto ##am200 ##ousov figured meier meining meets megam mehr interim interand interdu intercontinental intercrystalline interdi interformational interelement interrater intertong interchange ##rani ##rane ##ranite ##rania ##ranted ##ranging ##ranitoid figure1 ##ieson ##iescat ##peak ##peedometry ##ongline ##ongtia ##akite ##akone ##akura unite unity unac unve unne unob unsc unreg unans unparallel unacc unlim unerupt unmineral unzi unlocking unlith univocally unerod unimport unocal unruh unabrid colin collo colour colocated colonized ##tainable weill formosa formulas rockies rockland ##orez ##izi ##izoliths ##quoc ##quart ##quette ##quillon ##quarrie intend intents ##illimeter ##illips died dial dieg diana dihedral dibble diky nex neil neill nept neck neotectonic nebras neovolcanic nebul neodym ##enez ##lowski ##ortment ##antled ##yston ##ystones ##arton ##artite ##ialized ##aced ##acing ##acites ##acities ##acup ##ac20 ##aceted ##acoya contorted contraints ##00r ##007 ##00ft ##0090 ##0004 ##00011 gee geib geogra geocent gehann gebel geersten volpe volley ##canian zirconand magmagen income incident incises incising teard teyss tefl teacup sampler ##osti ##ostress ##ostino ##essa ##essors modoc module ##ght highamp ##icho ##udied ##opis ##opite ##opip ##opically ##opulations ##opographic ##oplan ##opolitan ##optimal ##oporeto depositing datac relie relaminated relatable ##ptop ##isms plc pless plann planning plinth plentif ito italics ##derness ##deranged ##derhau ##dergast sedimentologically caluc calvo calgary calvert calabrian calamine ##emerg ##emistry ##emovian ##emaq ##emthong notation notions notoriously ##ibi ##ibu ##ibo ##ibition ##ibert ##ibasin ##iborne ##ibarca ##ibasins ##iburton ##usa ##uses ##usoidal ##arda ##arded ##ardation indo indies indec indickinson ##asses ##assay kml lowell lowers ##anda ##andary ##andian ##andia ##andstein ev1 evap evo50 overlay overflow overarch overinterpret overfil overcomes overrode overrun southto southwes usher usui useless usarray arte arreg arrange arsen arnold ##ellar ##ellip ##elliferous ##ffin strath strings caand caish ca08 ca06 ca07 ca03 ca09 caught cayetano president prescott presidio subia subcent subpl subcrustal suboph subconcent subev subsections subfol subhimalayan subbott suboxic subfabric subseism suboptimal ##endan ##endre ##endite ##endence ##endip ##endeka ##endyk valens ##anna ##annnels paleographic paleomargin paleostress college volcanologically volcanosedimentary ##erves regoliths regenerate regenerative expel expedi expans expended expelling expulsion ##ipates ##ipating ##ipolar ##iprocal spend spurr spray spends sprink sp03 sp02 sp01 spaleta spicula sputtering spiral disk disint disallow disreg disks disjun disassemb disastrous surfer surrog surging surrency distally distorted crustally locale locates fraught aborted ablate ablating abyssal abnormal aberrant abarrat abraham prelud prebath premineral prepare prefix obvi objection obfusc obstac ##apolite clock cline clone clots canary alongand alongside ##ays marly marie marry marnda maraca marrett marquette party partway ##athing ##athoff conspired ##eps ##eport ##epleted ##orded ##ordances ##reted ##retions ##retionary analytic appeal appraisal durrell mayel maybe reclam recurrent recolle recoil recreation reciprocal ##aucan ##auley ##auched ##auea thickly leu leo leon lees lean leah lebas leached leifer leitz lecia lechem leban leverage ##achai ##ears colleague colleaguesne similitude upsequ upload upflow uplands ##enses ##ensen ##ensolution ##ensities assailed assortment eni ensemb ensen enforce enfil entabl enrique mountainous proves sugar ##neiform ##nebito quinter queb quaqu quiwu quionez quetena quandary cents ##igno ##ralow ##ralda ##raltar tranquillon ##idean showail showered showcase accidental ##rica ##ricts surfaced corona corcione corrugated ##nett easton eastto eastdi hasn po1 poison poik timoth timeline timalit igount igsn igorpro iglauer ##kee ##key ##reduc ##redict ##mbore ##ochemistry ##wardson reposition replace repair replen reprecip replaces replum repenning replete sandand sandto sourcelines peix peirce ##ifica ado admit adorning adiab ##soidal westwale westphalian eruptible 10w 10g 10to 1063 1070 1040 1012 1076 1036 transmit translating transcurrent ##flection strugg struhsack undulation undesirable undoubted undisrupted undetected undivided underexpl undepleted indictors metaper metals ##iley 205 209 2030 2059 estibal estadistic ##oundment ##unate ##unerative folders fieldor ##ariably interprets interpretative minicl minispar minibasins occlusion lavigia completen completion tempting temperate template ##othai ##ightening signify ##erty button ##psometric ##psburg sci scrol scored script scaled scarbor scalar scoriaceous sculpt scrutin sc00011 scandian scapolite twoand ##rylic topic topand topology topaz trait tract tragl trade tracer tractional ##arao observes observatory sl2 slant slater sliver sliter slaty upperto underor underlay underwater underlines underthick underreported underutilized ##valent heim heart heck heather heaman li2b4 miall miosp pheng phased phlog phelps phillips impart imported impression imprec imparts imprints impendence impoundment seismo seismogra seismotectonic eleonore grey detritally midand midland midcrust ##ginitie estimator estimators seismicand ##geron ##gerud ##gerates acres acute ac04 ac52 acrylic outlying outlay outbur outlines outwe outper outskir outnumber outgrow nearer feel feeb feuch feotot ##imble constricted constenius ##phyry channeled channeling channelways ##osection ##uez extensions supposed suppte suppfile supptab2 ##viation ##vihedbergella ##violet ##ossary smiles smits smears ##ditional throughput throughflow peru perry perov percept performs peridotite percents perthitic periglacial perceived peritectic ignore ignited ignoring detritaland ##ects domine amy ames amos amid amado amax amabil amica amato amenable amanda terzagh teresa ##ualage allanites ##ypods ##iveros ##rowing sanctu sedimentaryand largeand flung fluorine ##ierrez pbdz ##ckling propyl proposing propelled propulsion proponents proposals setups settl genders deepen magnetics ##orski arcand arcpy mesoporeto nobles nobu nobel 15m 1550 1520 1530 1580 1524 1589 1538 157g 153eu granting granted olive olby recordings sourcepoints parra parents parking parque parana parker parks parrish pargas parasitic trpb trpd trimble ##ishan ##ishment ##ularity therrien mugu 12k 12j 1250 1260 1225 containers ##parametric earlyand earlyvers marginally apw apollon aplites apache aprica ##tinga ##tingen ##tingham generic generous generically lakeview geologist geologia stratal desire desired deserves ##issed ##issible ##isscross concise concoct concaten concretions ##xto lime limey profilometry professors ##ync ##ynchron ##amori discs discount discoid discounting discoidal discordances bliss blurred rhomb rhizoliths ##cessary ##cessors commences commission commingled commercial commodity prong print prince printable privately ##nesses ##owned ##owners cengiz decide decided decimeters decelerates decimation decoding calcrete shortest shortcoming longand longitudes longwell defray deflates defeated deforestation defenses defects idding ##ressing ##ressively waterlog ##itudinal fillion fillings elk elz ellyn elvacite elasto comparative comparably ##rogram ##rographs ##roglaucophane postde postbur posterupt postextensional postwelding postsubduction postcollision postpones postglacial poststack postleth postpeak postemerg shears majors distributional characterizations striated striations topograph emplace emplacements empty emphatically empowering mankh manuel manchester mansoura manager paleochannnels commonality lapped lahann lamprophy laptop clastto plafker permission ##ovisc ##ouring trended correlatable erodible redated redand redwall redox redirect dispute disputed disperse ##aines groupings northwestor crossbed crossings ##obrecc ##obusa ##ounted belen belousov halos halting halved precollision ##ambed blocking orientale typify typifies afield ##ficially normalto 40ca 4065 406m hereby ##unda 19a 191 1963 1965 1957 1932 1925 1928 elevm elevate elevenmile bedforms bedros sequencing floated floating floyd lineated linework newhouse newberry newfound offsh offensive boden ##ampling ##landian canyondam ##rolitic ##roliferous regionaland ##pond ##ustion ##anez ##elfelder domino dominating additions angled ##ributaries 11c 11e 11h remapping remunerative 1006 10085 uncorre uncalib gravina gravimeters gravelliferous operative populated poprawa popularity curved currie ##olithid ##olithus ##olithites lithof lithium litharenite lithophys lithotyp shelfal patterned 16d 16o 169 1620 1630 1610 1624 axially axiom effected ift severin severely massed flips flocc florez ##ernam ##ernales alluviation door dozen resisted resistor resistance resistors layman laycock matted matti multise multiring multibasin ##oks ##okoski maximal maximilian maximizing descent wallboard wallinga ##eetkind ##ydeformed salado salah salvini salisbur tries triad trips trials triez 20150 ##irez ##irement ##irectional ##ridging sheeted aging agostino brock antof antiqu antenna antidun whiteface whitehor erin erased ##cycle 25m 253 254 251 258 259 2540 2556 2581 carbonites carbonization carbonatite initiat guo guy guandin guarda landfall landowners imagine drs drg drenth drisc so2 soap soaked sophistic meanwh ridget subspec subsumed monolithic monoclinal monahan moniker moncada monetize monomict poro porosities porcel steer stein steins steven steiger stewardson equated equating equaled equivocal equidimensional synpl synforms synorogenic synonymous synmineral synmigmatitic finest finish finlay finders financed swale swell swiss swallow swash swenn switz sweden sweetkind visited orogenies erratum edget edwin eddies ##anchuan 30b 302 3070 3081 passcal bathing bathyal potro potts potoroo geoquim geoanalytical thermof thermogenic thermometers thermomechan thermotemporal thermodynamic downed downwell downwelling downfaulted ignimbritic breachment breiddal breathing infra inflow infinity inflated inflate infinitely distinctness ##oclastites biogenic biases biostratigraphic biosc biholar biozone biolithites barr baril barren barcode barrosa barnett conditioning groundand fired firmer ##fts ##ftund slope4 ##blishing analyzer nonover nonrift nonhyd nonenc nonacc nonerupt nonstrat nonzircon nonoph nonconcordant nonfaulted nonanalytical nontrivial nondeposition nonpol noninfilt nonrotated nonisothermal nongeomagnetic nonquart nonderanged nonellip nonparametric positioned spector thini seaway dem1 dem2 minimizes furrowed furuka pressuring fluidal fluidized afterward afterwards inverting inverts separability velon veloza progenit broaden broadness radon radionucl ##io4 firstly firsthand epipolar 39s 392 excision paralleled founded foundations foundational ##pecies furthered furthering invited invitation invade invoking invokes inventory invulner invariably instabilities ##quez anyemaq obtainable casu cased cashman casitas exhume ##tool 2350 231m 149 1470 1480 1460 1425 1467 1445 farns farthest ##azulensis confines confluence earthfield earthchem avouac illes transposes transportable 502 508 polte polarst polisher polonia political policy polydeformed ##ega ##egan ##egard ##egration 13f 1350 1320 1380 1340 1360 1399 1348 134790 ##linary bury burrowed bursik burnham burchfi cuticle combustion discusses crystallizationor siliciclastics avalonia worked workings workstation workplace alkalis avalanching predetermined tibaldi tiburon attraction attended attested entity entrench knot knife knaack restite restores restitution restructuring restricts ##icscale suprat ##rises grandis spatio intermingled reserve reserves reserved reservation ##tonensis utep utchron biotiteand miguel tyers jupiter juvina mm2 testable testifies testifying ##na273 standardly standardization standardize multiply multipath multipage multiplying multiplier multiprogram unconditional ##iorso ##ioritic terraco steepens steepness steepened ##def magnified magnification magnifications magnesian magnesium magnesio magnanens magnitudinal 40ar39 latitic latrania scanstation scanlon fournier fourteen hydrox hydrogen sizeable subduction1 garlock garrett garhwal garralda willis williston feldspath widened shanaka shanahan amounted ##tsandstein textbo dug dump durab duoyang docx gneissic gneissosity peters petlab petrie peterson petrel petroliferous titanomagh ##actic debouched debauched totaled paleoflood paleoearthqu paleoalt oceanography endure endowed cristo crisscross grainstones experiences market markov marklee ##sonia ##sonruss provincewide ##uper cease ceiling ceasing snout sntn responds responders geochronologies geochronologically ##clast 1720 1770 1765 suspected suspic pressureand flaggy roy royston summed summing summaries ##ogenesis shores franz france inspect insulation inspected inswith inspired insurmoun 18m 18o 188 189 1863 1830 1810 1843 1888 tillage tilicho errorclast lengthened lengthwise richness richey richterite venture ##cox ##covered breakage breakdown absarok scher schlier schub schrader schwart scharer schulz schultz schluneg pulpit pulverizing promise promont serially serendip ##tec ##tepec ##techn washing washers washout washburn priabonian species turns turcot ##tino evaporitic viscously ##ningham saturations satarug exploring cyclically drawd draws drafting drafts mtbm ##continents afford affix puig puerto pucks publishing viewpoint viewpoints ##2084 closes closings bestfit reconsider reconfig altar altman altimeter alturas amplification cleared clearest clearance ##blende reverted hornblendes guerin ##ixed supportive ##illeri himalayas morin morley morris morgan morett morimoto morisani moraines converges converging approximations approximating radiometer radiodensity bridged collapseand characteristically assembling debrisand backside backdrop ##ugt ##ugou ##ugio ##registration carl carries carosi carmich carnar ##structural ##ofeng doesn progresses ##gman ##getated ##getop assesses 607 608 609 penrith pennine pendergast greenwood greenhorn amphibolites environs archer archived archaean archetyp archibarca capital chemehue ##tenhorn ##ractured coastlines retains retardation retirement weakest weakens calibrating calibrate shapiro initialized initialize motif motive motorized motivates truemp trumbore informationb referent referring holt holding holistic holuh ##rades ##radiation locationsu storing casey lags ##afix ##afilla matrixto hypothetically bua bucking bucks buckle buchon buckling propagations cm12 didn oldow randy randall randperm sks ski skin skill skym skye ##hedrite superb supercomp superupt superjacent supercondu superficially delicate delgado deleting dimri universities gyres gyrph kapp kaip kappab 2062 orthopyroxenes orthoand orthoplan slows moorn moores mozley ##ivals ##olcanics generalized generalization generalities bouvier deglac deguy degrades dependencies lackey mixes garnets garnetite garnetiferous 3670 ##alester streamflow contention induction induces ##enchen heading headcut headspace granulate halfway loi loess loop intramont intrafol intraintru intraelement intravolcano blaj blady fallout fallback logical loggers logistics ringed ringing robin robbie encasing frontier frontiers mcd mcgy mc85 mc25 mc24 mc89 mc433 mc263 mcleod mcrand mcquarrie mudcrack rotary ##marking ##basic ##eady stressed stressand proportionately 2130 2190 2124 2183 2143 2181 2146 hillhouse hilltops losing pasted pastoria ##ynamics cascaded surveyor discontinuing hydroflu hydrochemically airy freaner freeport ##bber sharpsburg needles 24b 247 243 244 242 248 2490 2469 909 90zr2 file2 helens helley helgason selvage ughsand shapefiles investigacion 22a 22c 22d 224 2280 2273 22500 hfse hfo2 ##bec ##bee ##beam ##beek siltto volumes1 805 801 806 8092 paine paint pauses ##roduce devine device devries devices northwards elementary diving diverting divisoco ##ullion ##ullough ##ognomic fragmental fragmentary strautins 7070 7076 7085 7092 tsx tsvi tsaidam tselb tscherm ##ramylon ##ramonte 0007 000and 00083 452 456 4590 4512 barbeau ##awk alternated alternations alternates alternatives shaley heterosced deviating lazure flanked critelli pitting pitalito ##box ##venient 357 353 359 3570 takaka ##iliano evaluations evaluates leucotonal elongates circles circulates planke planforms oceanicto varimax zonations ##lustered recrystallize timespans instruction instructed instructive ##othermally inclusivity diffractive heterogeneously bottlene solvers solitary solomon ##iffin metastab equivalence equivalently crests crestline justified narr nets rayner raytheon themes themed annually annotated magneto magnetites magnetocrystalline artur articulated articul americans cycle5 cycle6 blackburn bottomlands bulging buluk bulbous examines examinations fails failing featureless oxy oxisol behzad dissolving dissipated dissipates microcontinent microcontinental microcrack microcryst microbial microdiorite microthermometry microtool microcontinents microstructural microbeam footage 75a 757 753 754 7500 7556 databas databases immersion grayish graymer transecting wavelet narrowed narrowing narrowness joel joining pluij ##haizi ##ominator cherts implicit implicated 263 264 268 2650 2630 2690 2660 2665 2625 2643 377 373 371 378 μmto geode targeting targetlines targetpoints boles bolstered brittonensis borders borderland icf extractor recycle predicated predicating satelliteand 2770 2740 2717 311 319 3100 3112 3142 495 498 499 49ti 49278 400k 400f 40010 liddico linkage 238u16o 02b 024 026 02h2 284 289 2825 2824 2818 ##oidable ashdown protect protovolcanic protuber protruding converged mediumand batang battered batten ##axitic ##koff geosep geospeedometry spreadsheet lobed ultralow ultramylon walk walking walderhau warps warren warrants warrick warranted couples grimes griggs grimsv grathoff griffin digging dynamite ##prins trachyrh tracked digitally digitization digitizing 347 343 344 3450 3499 3482 417 412 419 957 9500 crucially merits merrill meredith panama pancake ##6353 sectoral indepth classifying classroom anticorrelation anticipated anticlinorium anticipating anticlustered synthetically trunk balster variously granuliteu truncating truncational 067 068 0600 06hq paced pacing ##hasized computes purity purified purged purpl pursu ##knife ##30667 tectonites tectonographic tectonothermally predominates autopore autocorrelation autobrecc nowhere rounds rounding roundings runup runups inferior infertility photomic photomosa countries irming irvington irreduc irradiation oppositely ti4 tikoff wavefield revises revital revivals rheomor rheomorphic substantively 037 038 039 036 03er154 kiln kilauea m3s personal risen risks weddell wedgetop ##amaelif amongst hillsgro gasoline msoun mswds ##ituan diabasic northwesternmost 2014a 2014b aggressive aggressively distinguishes 8000 missoula verses versatile ##hew ##heed albino sutlje analogies bearings heaving softness pairique pairings digitalglo 384 3800 millimeterto millpond rife consequential regards klamaths arizaro functioned goat media tensors corridors acquires concluding nwn ##hubl ##huatanejo δ18oqtz azuki azrs aztec cumo cummington essence essays fedo glaciations melnick melanos molly moller molasses positing positives ##gaard ##80lv armed armor armored armoring strengthen cratonization globular globiger 295 294 290 292 298 2980 2999 2904 29si 2931 cropped nonextensional bouldery huo hupp huckle homoclinal societal ##ybdenum ##yb16o stillwater traveltimes termini facilitates filo filament fildani ghz ghosh ghiorso ##offs anglesite ethnic ethanol keying ophitic vanishes vanessa transgressional thoughtful bigger hatcher hospital namson namuro namam200 ##uberite ##gria anczkiew negra negras lossless sr530 sonar sonder sonified sonoma impacting postdating postdeposition spectrometers squaw arbailles scourform attributing 003 0075 0067 331 339 336 3300 3314 acheron clayton optics outermost s1d s15 s1f chronofacies chronicle chronochemistry 2013sample ##ylvania architecturally loaded leucogranitic goodchild mgo rougher roughened factored petrotectonic petrophysical petrocalc petrobras petrochemically rooting rootless 487 483 488 486 4800 48ca 683 685 682 688 diversion diverging diverged ionospheric sinking sinuwa sinusoidal windy expandable qualities permeabilities removes descriptor descriptive demonstrab solidi solidify 012 018 0104 0125 camelback camilleri ##backs toolbox fluxes fluxing paragraph paragonite 2005c efficacy pyrrh tgb2 cumulus cumulodome 32b 327 329 326 3250 countered keystone kevin keegan keuper riversurve symple graduation graduates organisms accords occupancy thermochronometers slugg extruding electrons electronic behaviors emc emran emily veinle worst reactor reactivity coals comprised plumbed particulate microperth promotion frameworks palynology budding claystones claiborne damages damaging goldfield goldstein goldhab ##ca08 ##ca06 ##ca03 ##ca09 ##ulaok reader reading readers readme releases exceedance achievable z620i ruch ruang rubbly rubber serving talwan talabre receives subparallelism recovers recovering recoverability 2011b mineralogies 6008 ceruss cervera ##11a ##116 ##1192 necessitate terratek dispersing paleogeomorphic bridgeport automation automaton automatization 055 051 059 05nt4 477 472 4700 4730 4715 cracking deny denver denham denoted dennis denominator dolan darkened everest evernden freshly kuwa proliferate penetratively strandline strandfl straightness 427 424 421 pascal pascola tdpl tdeps reality realization realize realms realizing interfere interfolded interfluve disrupting disruptions 533 531 5385 bayo bayes ferromag ferroglaucophane glance glicken glomerocryst glopis glossary okamoto rmr0 ##spicuous ##spiration ##121 ##12500 ##124dem comment comision comagmatic comendite caption paleoconne underthrusted inflationary brownian brownish douwe hazlet kgu semken semipel semitran semicircular sounding meanders questa localitiesca06 mexicanos vegetative pelec peleean ##332 knickone knickzones reversing mojavia terrestrially hazardous 523 521 529 courthouse hacker imbalance imbibition mendoza s4e s4f alaskitic plumlee 1013 1015 smectitic passageways microscale oscillation oscillate oscillating bruhn brusewitz mccaff mccarth mccabe mccullough vintage ##daloidal ##nesian ##pa0004 unreported unreinforced unrecovered metavolcanics visualsf predictive counters 892 896 8943 8948 brackets rancher wyland columbus channelforms 2008b lawton lawrence minimalist asteroid hands handwer misled misorient misplaced misfits misrepres misregistration soda soderlund ##dy16o competence competencies competitiveness decompressing openly 230m 2305 attenuate 857 858 859 8500 ccw ccmz castillo conceived conceivable refrain refilling refutes refuted refolding refractions refuge refugio paleodams legitimate legendre 1067 backgrounds intrabasinal icelandic cerroazulensis 517 bhz bhatta cdw calls dallin pinpoint pinpoints raines rainbow victory victories wetzlar ##13a ##lett smithson smithsonite positionalongline dimensionless sharper sharpness oxygenation aggregrates twiss twisted twinned twodimensional takeoffs ##sd2sd sustains sustaining intensify intensifies constitution 2015a brooks 140ce instrumented everywhere glasses renewables 46m 461 4600 4665 bae baier baffin bailey baofeng gangrin niki ##iqueness ##anassas pebbleto 108m 1083 triangulated thermobarometer explosivity returning 86sri augen boat boils boehn bimodality davie ponce raumfah rigolet neighbors triga trigonal employment employees synchronicity ilmeno lithosphericand ultraviolet ultrabasic 047 045 042 048 049 625 629 626 6250 6266 6230667 henan hayman nao na2o injects coarsened coarseness arriving arrested arrhen subdiscip discordantly downwardand illustrating superiority vectorization neighborhood 915 914 919 9156 bowed cathy cathey tabor tabulations ##hreys coalesces sawed sawing sawyer departs departures campi campion 1596 manifold geomorphologies hypothesizing electricidad electricpul persistently extremity hybrids hybridize emanates humans humidity jackknife viton vitroclastic vitreous ##fferson ##lexing convecting conceptually megasc exponents assistive assistants advised advocacy obscuring parkfield monzonitic encounters geometrics mercalli mobilize questioning questionable serpentine 092 096 0930 09hq 797 796 875 835 831 836 981 branney branched brantingham buss gavin kaplan nutrient s7c s7b s73 symmetrically vicinities wooded woodrow chair chaotically intervene ##illiant subjects subjecting subjective subjectivity climates climactic updates nonwetting excludes retrogradational retrograded spotsylvania emerging jacobsen cathodolumines phyllite phyllitic 077 074 0700 07na273 434 432 439 4396 845 846 akin akers akimoto ak135 aptos dunite dunham harsh harwood harraro harmonic harzburg haralick harnesses rosero rosenth roslyn roskowski s2c s2b s2e s2d s2g sargent tonalites village wilmot wilderness wilcox xenolith complications complicates unsorted unsaturated unsmooth unsampled unsatisf unsurprising unrotated coldest subvertically objectively conservancy 2044 arcgis1 nova novak definitively strikeslip determinant avoids pullen aggradationally improvements jungerson 719 7150 7185 7195 7182 7100ft dryness luoyang luonan luobusa luanchuan luftund martz marty martian martyn martini martsol octave sphalerite trout wanes thaws coyaguay fairview ##ammitic marlstone marlstones quadrature transformations silverman discriminating discriminates concentricto 180hf capillarity petroleos bathymetrically geothermally geothermometry greenschistto 445 448 7246 ksituan munchen munoz municip rutter rutgers beaver overpower overpredict appreciation appreciably outwardly producer meshsegment ellis ellison 1153 1155 remarks curving 1601 retrieves retrieving paleodrainages 087 08hq 582 5890 744 741 748 749 961 962 9600 kerri renard renders renbu renowned renlandian paleolakes paleoledge paleontology laccolithic nevados pyroxenites retroarc retroflection devitrification rupturing rigidly rigidity 4507 8889 88238 8800r destined kindle kinetically louise malthe malfunction malleable malibu vergence ##167 ##168 depicts synclines institutes tiltmeters doubles overpressurization wllo1 wllo2 64k 6480lv 823 825 829 8230 brailo clements cleft clemens echinod jarvis lucero michael michalk michigam michelfelder owens tpd ##hoefer ##etamict deflecting isoprime ##ushi leveed reproduces metaplutonic smig51 orographically drifting roadless schema delivering autocrystic dolomites juxtapositions dazhuqu amazonia 574 578 5700 5750 673 brick brigad brendan brilliant danger daniels jamieson sinkholes tonianand unmistak unstrained unstudied unsteady relaxed relaxing oversimpl oversampling regularly regularization recurrences designing discerned discovering discoveries tripod tripods tripartite foothill polyline2 manifestation manifestly mississippianand 561 941 94al8500 ambiguity hemi hemo hemipel lips langford langtang picabo puntas qtr rasas rasmuss rasterized inhibits isostatically stabilizes reinet reinforced reinverted externally expectation chainan chainons paleorivers paleorelief 1021 undersmooth sliceor 1961 1962 monocl4 polarizing hydraulics 1772 superimposition superimpose delaying ultrasonic ultrasonically crusher 0052 branching underestimating 2209 775 772 778 7700 7756 734 972 aimed cryotron dismember dismantled dismissed frictionally flexurally flexibility ketama linde nuchter ptlp pearson pierce practices sd2 tamu tamara ##schke ##mingham ##eweg ##ewey ##ezed ##ughlin ##oscandia statics fortuit anchoring beaches basicity attaining attainment septum unfamil unfolded unfailed unfiltered controversies expanses quarter 1077 1071 1078 marginalization decayed decaying buffer2 stepovers mcdermott fragmenting fragmentation ultramafite quadrants phitsanulaok 542 635 632 638 636 63795 786 pn2 qinghua sericitization ##renssen throws stereographic stereopip copiously copacoya seasons choosing chooses interstratification unpub indexed surprises corroded corroboration adakites implementing implementations 1600s multicondu 2012b 2012sample biasing nonuniqueness paleoenvironments schmandt diminish ##marked circularity oxidizing 260k 2607 arbitrarily optimize parageneses participate semiencl semiinvol advancement ellipticity downdropping ubiquity bandwidths 597 595 aii aike ahv ahmed ahmadi benowitz benigno culp dasgup halliburton kirt kirchhoff lifespan masks mascall masgout nvox oskin puts putative putana pickett vesa residues residually residua comprehensively interlayers undulates meteorological 12wpy57 12wpy24 12wpy42 12wpy08 12wpy48 12wpy28 12wpy59 12wpy18 1123 11000 guideline equilibrating 1725 1724 1729 172yb16o dragged dragoni transgressions adapts adapting centroids 1xk 693 694 6900 awards benchmarking benchmarked cartography dona donut donated donato donny donelick etc etendeka godoy goddess herrs koerner koonap kolla kolgrov mitra nadin nadine nad83 napeeq piggyb s5h santi sieh sieving tapping treating trekant trexler trevor winchester winchite wastes wasted wsdf zhou zhongtia macauley macginitie macalester deformations dehydrating bypassing modulates submeter submature submission submillimeter paleotrench paleotopographic paleotributaries disparity disparities disappearances survival survivor disturbing ensuring replication replicated replicates metaconglom metaphosph scopem 2001a 2001b 1934 1936 193fx 11196 multifaceted nonbridging carrying 3605 argillization magnetotellurics sensitivities doublet josephine dismembering cylinder cylinders ghauts 927 923 925 a20090 aids bidirectional craig crags eye eyes grossly hardie hardware happen happening iteration iteratively locks locking lockwood lockheed muted mutti peperites rgb rippe tstmf violated vielze violent viramonte waisted waiting wander ##weap ##weiler ##21b township congo stoke stopping aldis aldouri bearrera ##chaeff atypically whitest whitening christine christensen ##agnac meeting unfortunate extinctions stringent stringency subsets clarks conspicuously enigmas quicker profoundly 1953 1958 1959 1900s 1145 thermohaline thermoelect 1359 1356 cutoffs restorable contaminations ##ahua publication backscattering labourdette circumvent circumnav physiognomic homogenous homogenize taliks attacks attacked dabbau mitigates inconsistency 666 6650 7679 93m 936 boxcar cosine dt500 dtrue diversify ericsonia fc3 fc1 fc26 gilder hozam hampering hampered hampsonruss hinders kunming mlhc mlnm nannotrina odd odegard pedernales pedogenesis palma palamara ramon raman ramgar ramseyer ramarao ramirez tactical vibration vibratory vibromet xiao xiaogang δϕpixel δϕatm δϕorbit δϕdef ##waite ##merik ##grei ##anese stemming stemmerik reheated graphed graphite compensated compensates compensating formatted diachroneity neohimalayan cautionary appendage underpinned smoke decelerated 113m sooner montario conflicts attests envisage envisions carpets 2655 2708 keeps echoed perturbation cooperdock disaggregate disaggregator corroborated corroborating congruence pseudocod pseudocla pseudosection pseudovisc deconvolved isoplot3 exemplary exemplifies charnockites undercooled 420910 a1a a1c a1b a1d bivrost barely glauber glauberite pangean rankine sulfates torres torque torrential taupo taught tango tangible tanggla wahweap ##aea ##2588 ##oulis convenience rearrange rearranged rearranging compromises weekly overtops overviews spillways marshy marshak enlarges enlightening repetto repetitive administered 1092 1096 probabilistically 1186 multidomian multidiscip multidomain meaningless meaningfully equipotential casualties 1455 14za14 14za161 14za154 14za116 14za121 14za168 polygonal wavenumbers plugged geoscientist geoscientific exceedingly photogrammetrically opportunist opportunistic wildly wildlife engineered culminations categorizing ellipsoids diachronously alejand alegria bitter bitner bernais cs4 caveat deducing deduction dictate dictating eustasy galland galena galbra kingman lamellar moscow ruling sleep sisquoc slave tanks wesnous ##holtz tough2 convince sunrise sunshine sunagua uniqueness volatization overthrusting ##ellerites disconformable assaulting interpolator impairment acids constrictions commanded prestack decouple empties 166er16o antiforms synclinorium switching furnace richards richardson drawbacks reconnect reconnected retaining kaolinization encroached microfractured petrogenetically accomplish precipitates precipitating precipitously twinning strategists oversmoothed kirkoswal conveniently mirrors forebulges alexis bisbee bsee bloom brady bradley dalafilla dosimeters dendritic ferner gibling gibraltar garber jiangxian kames kamenov lnk1 lemmon message messages mushes muschelkal nyamulag nyenchen ottino pf12500 portrays portmante portraying railway tuitt tuzanco tuolumne tuotuo ##3667 ##eritics straddling rectified shangganchaigou shoshone compounds compounded interstices collaborative intrasite intrasample intrasedimentary diatoms diatomite overgrows overgrazing overgrowing subpopulations explicit explicable spurred distortions clarified 10jls05 10jls06 transmits metadata terrasync fluctuation fluctuated deciphered possessing rhyodacitic rhyodacites benefitted salinina 304m epicenters epicentral farmington paleoelevations 176lu 1827 1870s cm200 laborious argentine argentiferous argentinian dissimilarity illuminate illuminates photonmach 03hqag00 readjusting campaigns rendered renderings engagement jameson cryptodomes inaccuracy macropores macroporosity tstml3 pumpellyiteand cosmo cosmopolitan fanglomerates fifths overwhelm overwhelms overwhelming bogard bogota boggess dinner dinnebito dumont flegrei german germany gathering hurwitz hailugou lorena lachlan mckenna mckinst missionary mushy pipe pikes pierson pieniny papery pioneer rows rowley rowland ransac renaut s6c veneers yagra ##5600 ##8236 ##8281 invaluable stayed stochastically reintroduce anatectic faintly seeks seeking sadorski resurgence resurrection checked unwanted indenting overthicken overthickening paleosecular surmount oblateness obliterate obliterates obliterating enormously provenances impinging 12dc4 concomitantly communities thermistor nonmigmatitic nonmetamict spectroscopic invades instantly polyak polytechn polymodal polymorph 13wpy05 restrictive periodicity micrograywacke microgranite hypersolidus paleointensities 1735 1862 coexistence prominence headwalls powdered leucogabbros 0284 2853 grasses hubbell emigration pinchout programme augmented dilatation retrodeformed destructive hemispherical languages 232th16o physiographically biscuit shoshonites interstitially momentum tetravalent tetrahedrite reestablish reestablished reestablishes trondhjemites 1dk 7108 7106 ailao berry bergeron birth birds birqet birmingham brianna bartley bartolo bungees buntsandstein cuadras cuneiform caddy ecause ecological eutaxitic flett harbors jefferson jimenez judge judging lunar mfv mortar mortlock mclish nubian plymouth roger rogue rafted rivaled sirriani somalian sveinar sveinag tvs tvsi tortuous tortuosity vogel voids wraps wrapped wagoner wakbay xyz σctmat ##selaer inertial ##isols streck strecker streaks streambed stockli stockhert reexamination cohorts aliquot prohibit seedorff searles safely safety resume resumes resedimented resolvably orbiter intersample interspecies interconnectivity unloaded contradicts oversteepened caverns subcircular subcreted subunits paleoburial recalculation assertions adularia metagraywacke metagranitoid metamarls occluding screen feasibly supptab3 supptab5 supptab4 supptab1 olistostromal trpu trpf trpob defaults permissible remelted 167514 mattinson landsat synconvergent firmly demagnetized demagnetizer instigate 147sm 146nd 1326 1322084 1397 139la adjoin jumped micromag micrometer micrometers micromeritics segregation segregated 1817 porphyroclast backfilled cannibalized cannibalize encourage encouraged hydrodynamics 7041 microearthquake revisions neglects freezeback paleoshoreline comingled unrecorded interviewed harrisburg paleolatitudes chloritization schematically underscored underscores inaccessibility coproduce coproduced vesicularity reassessment convoluting duplication duplicate duplicated duplicates mirrorless laboratorio macroporeand invalidating reintegration fraserburg fellowships hierarchical skewing disadvantaged 0202 020815 0208236 8707 auspices blew bleached blebs bromoform babkine buggy celina clues catapult corti dfc dauphine fch4 fch6 fch17 fulfilling gzelian gjastyk gleason girdles gardeweg hiiaka hirth habit habits haberland ipc janet julie jogs jager journey kelm kelvin kellett kimbrough lp19 lifting myvat myriad mos2 moleen molecular niica niicb nicely omitting pingdong pillow pediments ryder ryuky rychert rangin ranger sitra socet social socaire solvent tulip tiffney vermont winged wintwq σxz σxy ##hornblende ##jansson innately innermost innumerable towed madder madagasc isobarically stimulated stromatic strombolian stromatolites stylolitic foreign forefron ##ilotopic covariability alcand suddenly anatolian answered prompting shea shrinks shrinkable exsolution seams seamless seeping sabine chondritic unavoidable unidirectionally geobarometric noticeable noticeably overspilled subgroup sublitharenites dislocations prehistory ensuing provisionally centrifug adventitious advisable translates metabasic metabasalt metabasaltic slumgullian hexant impulse amygdaloidal fluviolac 1226353 1262 concurred professionally committing dispatchable 1920s 11jls11a remoteness 163dy16o floodwaters brokeoff guarantees stephenson nonsynchron nonidealized progradate installations 2377 polygenetic supersaturated microlites crenulated 1784 royalty 1880s pyramid backthrusts mottram intragranular paulsen pittman magnetostatically 370m geodynamo geodynamical geodynamics batteries 4164 revisited personius squid2 kukulski ferrodioritic counterintuitive jacqueline bohaty illustrations extrapolations 71821b paleolakebed tomographically institutions government lindsay unfavorable lifecycle tstmbi tstmbvf delimitate vibrators duplexes radioisotopic ges01192 instantaneously boudinage boudinaged jeffrey reexamine contradictory gastropod rejuvenated paradoxically 0908281 athwart athanassas borne borunda bingen bingham bacterial bacteria cougar coueslan cusp cusps cambo cambro dodge dodson dumbarton dampen dampened dustin false faltering fogg foggy fiber fibrolitic frosted gwen gurnis gurrola gottingen hypsometric hyolithid honored honoring hauterivian haugerud hinting hachures hachured heralded heralds jd7 jd28 jinhong jinfosi katia kattenhorn kazhd kazemovian kinked lesli leslie lummi luminance lakora lakagigar ludington ludwig laths lathwork laminar laminations milky military manganese mosaic mosaicked nester nesbitt nasa nascent nestor nesting psammitic pantosti pantellerites pieces piezometer pampa pampean roncag ralph ralston ravat ravines rickels ricketts rahl rahat sfe sfot1 symmetry symmetrical telluric tubes tubular tappa tapponnier umili umhoefer valles vallance veteran veterans wiel zohdy zoomed zentrum zentilli zetaage σyz ##skite ##skraal ##c475 ##uhverfi ##fluvial ##fjorden ##fjordur ##6667 ##enzie ##enzelli inconvenient inconspicuous inquiry inquiries inhabited inhabits ##reccia mammalian dewatered dewatering sturmer sturgeon staley stalemates stonewall reentrant reentrants requiem requiescat reinterpretation forsburg forslund forecasts forecasting analyst analysts shovel shoaling seisworks seisgun normative grahamstown companion companies compacting ortega chetel chetco chillisqu champion champagnac ##agenetic ##ag0037 interrogate interrogated unequivocal unequivocally websterite weerakone weerachai geocoded geocoding lowenstein lowenstern overcompaction overcompacted cautious cautiously subclasses distorts distorting premier premises preeminent preeminence obstruction obstructions cancels cancelled partnership recalibration recalibrated learning learned enveloping queva quebec cornell cornfield admissible admixed westgate westgrid metachert metacherts mindful scandinavia scandinavian scavenged scavenging sloughed slickenline slickenlines heelor phosphoric phosphorous outpacing outpouring perpetuating perplexing flushed granuleto concavo concavity disclose discloses decisions manipulation manipulated exhausted exhaustively remagnetized remagnetization uncovered opendtecttm curtail curtailed florence florida matsuda matthews multiview multivariate 252cf carbonatites carbonatitic stephanie synergy synergistic demarcated demarcates aftershock aftershocks vertisols 14nz77b 14nz13a predefined predecessors entrapped entrapment knoxville supervolcanic supervising suprasolidus suprasubduction scheelite scheibert turkana turkoglu puckette puzzle puzzling catalogue moraine backpacked carapace carapaces lagoon lagoonal bumps mohave mohawk degassed degassing encircled encircling mclachlan mclaughlin helmert helmholtz tsdl tsdvf diffractors diffractometer metasomatic metasomatism predictably predictability 3123667 protomylonite protomylonitic warnings irrelevant irreversible glaciofluvial hughes postdiking postdiagenetic 009792 tdpis tdpld 8991 attachment cdfs megabytes megabreccia megasequence megasequences businesses 0711181 0711276 harvest harvested unspecifiable unspecialized unsubducted unsubductable nevadanand economy economics bracco braccos gettings embryonic embryophy sd1sd2sd tanzanian tanzania diagrammatic diagrammatically 63803 6380333 rodrigues rodriguez unprojected unprotected etching sigmoid sigmoidal skeletonization funneling convincing convincingly syncollisional lnk3 lnk2 abbreviated abbreviations enthusiasm enthusiastically 10jls205 10jls206a paleoseismologic paleoseismological communication communications ribboned upwarping gleaned juliana kimberlite kimberlites dislodge dislodged amygdale amygdales microlithon microlithons ges01260 ges01289 educational educacion ecosystems jotunite jotunites siletzia inadequate inadequately reoccupation reoccupied volunteer volunteered encyclopedic encyclopedia polysynthetic polysynthetically logarithmic semiquantitative semiquantitatively llullaillaco llullaillajo 1yz 1throughout 2mille 5hz 73338333 880583 8106 aaron aeternam araby aranovich aizawa aegirine auckland awaits awareness bx51 bonhomm betka bimodally boca bottinga ballistic bessel bipyram bickford bauer bertels breeched bundles bornite baihaizi bivalve brasiliano billefjorden botev bhanuwa betsy binarizing boyle baiyin bperp bagnold bentonites cbafix c5cr cabled cacl2 credible cochrane cunningham certified coseismic cientifica carbonic cullen cicese c13n c19n cimmerian clynne cumbersome dcp dpc duluth druschke derek dagushi dormant dicalite dougherty dronning drowning dynode dundurs dysart dslr dawn dsdp dinocysts ewing einstein eigensolution euler eifel etheridge eichhubl eldgja emeishan escalates ejecta eradicate elapsed euclidean fh2o fg02 felipe fouch fulbright fosdick friable fusulinids fritz fifty fountoulis fft2 fugacities fontiveros fennoscandia fascinating fenghour gerber givens grunow gutierrez gallium giesler gillis gauge gualda gierlowski gerald gorny gpmq g12ac20 gillespie goniometry hkl hedgman hasten hiess hopkins hinsbergen hearne huffel hovgaard hanks hugs humphreys hoisch hiperlite hyaloclastites hutchings hno3 ibanez izykowski iasz iranian irouleguy iliamna ibdp jmc475 jøkelb jalama joshua jidanping javier jicha jemez jordan jachens jumbled jokulhla jawbone jennie jaffe krassay kanamori kocurek kowallis kistler kavanagh kelduhverfi kusanovic kassab kerschho kinship kathleen kordesch knew kronprins kovesi koldewey kuijpers kalsbeek kristjansson kimmeridgian kalliokoski lv5600 lionel lanphere lisa lurking lulls leprince lintong lignin luster lovera london lumped linings luyendyk lanzhou mockingbir minshew muffler moldybdenum malachite nlm n35 nickerson nunataks n50w nugget nuanced nitchman nilgiri nisyros ogawa ojos oraibi olympus otero ochoco ossau oshkosh orocline ouyang pmvs2 pstp pestle pereira pabco pagli patao paterson pushed poryphyry panchromatic paiute pco2 pidinga posamentier pacheco qatrani qarun qasr qiantang rci rjd rλsin ritter rudy ribbed rensselaer rochette rimbey roving ryskamp rationalized riffles ramezani ritzinger sørenssen senate sverdrup siberia sardine sintubin sergio skalamaelif squeezed sommerfield ssc2 sontek sombre sangsang tthr tisiren tithonian tidally tseu tadini tongue toreva tapers tierney tularosa tundra tedious tucson torthoclase tulloch tonti tucker tuyaj uphill uptick umbonatus vulcanian vista voting vadose vagaries vizualage vacations video vazquez vexing vancouver vanderhur vl200 welcome wormy winslow wypych worsley wulfenite waffle wrinkle wudaoliang xtio2 xp1 xidatan xushan ytvl yonkee yenlo yalong yadjang yonekura yeend yemen yardangs yuebei yildirim zurich zirchron ziahuatanejo zimbelman zangbo zamora zheduo zeolites zoisite zebra zimmerer αminimum σcomb σmax2 ##aigbeg ##aversally ##a061 ##socolla ##totes ##pnomelane thurman thrombolites thapalia thunder tharsis theorem theaverage ##atpoor ##inatheka inceptisols inactivity inwhite ##arshi ##elowski toppled toggweiler totoltepec mappable maccready mackenzie maughan deutsches deccan deemed ##oschung conestoga concede condrey connotations isochoric isoclinally stilpnomelane storti stauffer stearns straddle stumps stikinia reforming remeasured reemphasized reymers reappears rebuilding rewritten rehabilitation foremost foreground coordination coauthor coarseto asperity asymptotes altamira alluded altschaeff alcala alftafjordur alleghenian suaza suneson sukhothai ansdell anastamosing shumaker shrank shakov shepard sherman shikakura shrinking shimizu beialy beijing exaggerates exfoliation executed exxonmobil exetainer ##charyya byproducts fahrboschung ##otranspiration sexton seymour seascape whenever whipple whitchurch saadatpoor saillard sagha saptarshi saucesian nordlys depletions maghrebian magilska resupplied ormsaigbeg chabalier chamaca cheney chusma chapman chepultepec chrysocolla charape cherniak chincaga chugach cheadle chequameg chilliwack chihuahua chewaucan children chmielowski chiarenzelli chiasmolithus chiwaukum meininger megamullion mehrten interdune interdiking intertonguing interchangeably unacceptable unvegetated unnecessary unobtainable unscaled unanswered unparalleled unaccounted unlimited uneruptible unmineralized unzipping unlithified uneroded unimportant unabridged colloidal diego dibblee dikytaxitic neptune nebraska nebulizer neodymium geografia geocentric gehannam volleys magmagenic teardrop teyssier teflon highamplitude relieved planners plinthic plentiful caluclated indecision evapotranspiration overarching overinterpreting overfiltering southwesterly ushering arteaga arregui arrangements arsenopyrite caishiling subcentimeter subplots subophitic subconcentric subevents subfolders subbottom subfabrics subseismicscale valensise expediency expansibility sprinkled disintegration disallows disregarded disjunctive disassembled surrogates abarratia abrahamskraal prelude prebatholitic obviating obfuscated obstacles maracaibo appealing reclamation recollected lecheminant lebanon upsequence uploading upflows ensembles ensenada enforcement enfilade entablature quinteros quebrada quaquaversally eastdipping poikilotopic timothy igountze igsn71 repositioning repaired replenishment reprecipitated replumaz peixe adiabatic westwalewicz 1063m struggle struhsacker undoubtedly underexplored metaperidotite estibalitz estadistica minisparker completeness buttonok scrolling scarborough sculpted scrutiny sc0001114 traglia underthicken heatherington li2b4o7 miospore phengite phlogopite imprecision seismographs outburst outweighed outperform outskirts feebly feucht supptext perovskite perceptual amabilis terzaghi sanctuary propylitized settlers noblesse 157gd16o pargasite trpba trpdf 1225810 earlyversus apollonia concatenation professorship shortcomings iddingsite waterlogged postdeformation postburial posteruption postlethwaite postemergence topographical mankhemthong lamprophyre crossbeds belousova precollisional bedrosian newberryi newfoundland offshoots 1008527 uncorrected uncalibrated lithofeldspathic lithophysae lithotypes floccules multisegment maximilians salisbury triezenberg 20150332 antofalla antiquity antennae antidunes whitehorse initiatives guandinosita driscoll sophisticated meanwhile ridgetops subspecimen porcelain synplutonic finlayson swennen switzerland edgetech geoquimica thermofinnigan thermomechanics downwelled breiddalur biosciences nonoverlapping nonrifted nonhydrated nonenclave nonaccretionary nonerupted nonstratified nonophiolitic nonpolished noninfiltrative nonquartz nonellipsoidal furukawa progenitor radionuclides invulnerability anyemaqen farnsworth polteau polarstar 1348007 1347901 burchfiel entrenchment supratidal terracoh magnesiohornblende magnanensi 40ar39ar hydroxyl feldspatholithic textbooks durability titanomaghemite paleoearthquakes paleoaltimetry crisscrossing markleeville suspicious insurmountable absaroka schlieren schubert schwartz schlunegger promontories serendipitously turcotte satarugsa drawdown affixation bestfitting reconsidered reconfiguring moretti carmichael carnarvon archetypal chemehuevi truempyi holuhraun buckingham buckskin skymed supercomputer superuption superconducting gyrphaea kappabridge deglaciation deguyinos headcuts intramontane intrafolial intraintrusion mc256 mc249 mudcracked 214300 hydrofluoric 90zr216o tschermakite heteroscedastic leucotonalite bottlenecks metastability articulating microcracks microcrysts databasear pluijm 3142167 liddicoat 282482 protuberance ultramylonitic walderhaug grimsvotn trachyrhyolite 06hqa061 purplish pursuing autobrecciated photomicrographs photomosaic irminger irreducible revitalize rheomorphism 03er15430 hillsgrove digitalglobe azrsio4 cummingtonite melanosome globigerinatheka huckleberry ethnicities hospitality namam2008 anczkiewicz petrocalcic demonstrably 01252 pyrrhotite riversurveyor symplectites sluggish veinlets microperthite goldhaber ##ca08ca09 talwani cerussite 05nt42588 kuwait strandflats tdplb 538533 ferromagnesian glomerocrysts ##124dem1 paleoconnection semipelites semitransparent localitiesca06ca08ca09 pelecypods mccaffrey mccarthy visualsfm handwerger misorientations misrepresent bhattacharyya pinpointing gangrinboche boehnke raumfahrt 62664 arrhenius subdisciplines 91568333 electricpulse megascopically 09hqpa0004 cathodoluminesce 07na27344 harmonics harzburgite rosenthal unsmoothed unsatisfying 7185c 7182a martsolf coyaguayma 180hf16o municipal meshsegmentation 08hqag0037 88896667 8823833 echinoderm michigamme brigadier unmistakable oversimplified 94al85000 hemipelagic rasmussen undersmoothing cryotronics fortuitously unfamiliar stereopipeline multiconductor semienclosed semiinvoluta dasgupta napeeqa piggyback zhongtiaoshan metaconglomerate metaphosphate 1119629 a20090124dem1 vielzeuf bearreraig thermoelectron circumnavigate hozameen hampsonrussell ramgarh pseudocode pseudoclavihedbergella pseudoviscous multidisciplinary 14za142 alejandro galbraith wesnousky kirkoswald muschelkalk nyamulagira pf1250070 portmanteau tuzancoa tuotuohe 10jls06a photonmachines 03hqag0030 mckinstry 12dc47a polytechnic sveinagja wakbayashi 0208158 gjastykki myvatn ryukyu madagascar forefront centrifugation fluviolacustrine nonsynchronous jinhongshan kazhdan roncaglia chillisquaque embryophytic sd1sd2sd3 bonhommet bipyramidal g12ac20189 jøkelbugt jokulhlaups kerschhofer mockingbird skalamaelifell tuyajto vanderhurst altschaeffl chequamegon localitiesca06ca08ca09ca03