[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ´ µ ð ø ł œ ƒ ˆ α β γ δ θ κ λ μ ν ρ σ τ φ χ ϕ – ’ ##x ##a ##m ##i ##n ##t ##o ##r ##l ##p ##e ##c ##s ##w ##d ##b ##u ##g ##y ##6 ##3 ##h ##k ##f ##2 ##v ##5 ##0 ##z ##4 ##μ ##8 ##1 ##7 ##9 ##q ##j ##ø ##α ##ð ##θ ##φ ##ł ##ˆ ##β ##ƒ th ##er ##on the ##at ##es ##in ##en ##ed ##nd ##al ##or of ##ar ##it ##ion ##ic in and ##an ##ent ##re ##st ##ro ##ing ##lo ##ac ##el ##ur ##as to ##ation ##im ##is ##le de ##om ##ct ##ly ##ou ##th ##ve ##id ##ter ##ra ##ig st ##il ##ith ##os re are con ##and is for ##ol ##ce be se su with ##ul as ##ver ##olo ##am ##oc ##ge ch ##ies ##iment pro sh by ##ph ##ediment ##olog sediment ##ch ##ess ##se ##ut on ##ial ##ment ##if ##ow ##pos ##ated ##ical al ge ##ate ma ##ir ##od ex ##la ##lu that ##ist an or ##ater ##pe wh ##rom ##ot ##ity ##et ##ure ##low from ##ab ##em ##est ##qu ##ine ##posit bas ##um ##ere ##pp com res ##igh ##ri deposit at ##cc co cont str form ##ud inter ##ary ##ts en ##fac ##ence ##ore ##ive gra ##ad ##ology ##ast ##orm ##iv ##ort pr sand this tr ##ave ##ich sur ##ag ##ect sub ##iz ##ther mar ##orph ##ions chan high ##pl ##ong ##un ##one ##ant par can fac ##ord ##ations ##og sc ##rou ##00 ##ys un ##ely ##ins ##ta ##ill ##ous ##uct ##form rel have ##ional pl ##ian ##ite ##iver ev water inc geom ##ans ##ens flow col ne ##yst low ##ros ##lop ##ale ##ay ##ap surfac rec ##all ##ell ab bed ##ers which ##us ##ass me int comp ##ard nor these im ##ost was ##raph geomorph dis ##ures facies ##erv ##urr ##ological basin ##ep ##ak fig formation ##enc so figure ##ret part land flu ##ystem le ##gh ##cess ass ##able ##ult ##ents ##ach ##velop ##fer develop were ##ound ##age ind ##nel ear ##ments ##ide ##ates pres ##av ##ined per sea trans process over ##rib bi ##oun ##eat ##act ##land ##ied ##port ##we ##uring ##ack sou area system ##ally dep ##vel river ##end bet ##ff ##ock ##ution occ strat channel mod ##ia di stud surface ##iron ##viron ##ics 19 flo has ##vial ##oci car char ##last ##ific reg us ##ib it ##ween between ##acter ##ones deposits sp ##str acc ##lac environ ##so ##tern during been character und ##ues ##arge ##stone interp dat ter ##per ##bon associ dist rock colle up gen ar ##ld well sediments sedimentary ##ip ##res ##ges also dif ##ular interpret ##dit under ##lope hy loc ##ism sequ ##ear cl ph may ##ress ##pt more not ##jord ##ene qu ##ick ##ding ##ction ##ari gener ##ward ad deep ##ome cr cons north curr such coast data del ##urb where processes ob within fa ##ace ##eld out carbon ver pre slope ##ized fi ##ance glac ##ime cor ty differ des into ##erg contin geomorphology ##ded sil than min anal main val south colleag colleagues struct fluvial eros ##round ##ish ##gg most ##ang flood show fjord thick ##rough ext ##ust hyd lith marine ##ograph mud app ##uc ##thern ##ences ##idal po ##de unit ##oss earth ##olution their feat ##anic ##ork sim ##ont ##ively vol ##ould ##omin ##water ##pper inf lands ##ross vari ##ight ##ile level ##yn indic comm inclu ##reas relat ##ps ##ina upper some we marg he ##ie study ##ffect partic other ##ry ##ating ##ue shal ##ain ##our ##sh lower ##ites ##les act ##ck ##ient ##ca ##ified 10 ##als deposition ##ities geology large te along environment ##ting features ##ple ##igraph 20 rep ##ern ##facies different spe ##stones am soil present top development areas delta ##elf cal but ##out gre sm ##lastic ##ove ##ik supp prod ##ok its obs how man prov analys ##own org fr ##rain sequence lim ##ically sam ve condit oce they ##lay coar ##ides depth domin ##ign result ##ecton there plan pat observ ##ize repres ##lain through shallow ##ility ##chn hydro mic field ice ##ream mid time depositional systems ##con ##posed ##oth scale associated typ cent ##ber sugg suggest east geological set ##yon est conditions lay occur shelf long dun tecton bound ##ofacies ##eng ##ree seism ##ental pale exam ##ough sandstone base ##ering energ erosion ##und mat ##ribut margin ##ric ##ake energy record carbonate ##xim pet transport stratigraph disc reserv cross ##yc canyon very fine ac ##ition petro ##ory new ##me plat increas influ ca mass desc moun ele mater current material ##ural nat pal flows turb ##ift all model tw ##oir comple analysis rem exp ##pect near seismic china glaci dec grained silt reservoir platform ##row small ocean ##rol ##ase valle spec ##rop ##ocene changes lithofacies ##ling off ##idence ##stand coarse ##ces ##uction mounta inv characterist ##ors grain represent ##itud conc import peri ##work based miner 15 calc lik sedimentation ##ples dire sign ##ual control ##ential ##ulation occurr continental size ##ae ##use interpretation ##ium zone sl ##ability sour surfaces ##ification used ##led gas ##ise pattern early period ##arp expl two fe term down morph channels em ##xt succ success bar common 200 beds biot organic effect environments ##ank northern coastal ##shore ##ness ##ru ##estern coal clim ##pon ord ##ott ##atic 199 ##amin both fl ##ilar only about ec ##ider similar fin ##oz ##art developed late ##ration hist red wet fol lo ##earch currents ##ath ##ently ##dle ref gravel pe imp research related shale ##ible landsl ##ved prog ##ivers sever ##oration maj orig consist ##uced techn ##ribution structures volc tem wave ##ris surve units id accum howe middle major sin relatively one formed ##ynam many ident however ##iqu turbid fir fre ##ange prec ed ground particular ##mar ##ivity local clay ##ults ##pping higher ##ative ##ised stream ##lands support ##ose ##int sect important por micro drain subs ##formation association due ro origin es ##ided interpreted ##eath several inst deposited class ##iversity frequ ##op ##charge landform evolution tidal ##gn ##ologic year beca southern ##ography because ##anism using rocks ##ottom lar consider af terr phys tectonic au bottom meas characteristics signific dolo found section reach cyc mi ##ral ##ately ##ict compar ##ten observed boundary mem ##ount ##ographic ##ually distribution setting refle ##ially change ##ossil km upl sequences earthqu fur med ##sp def prob mountains ##ail gr ##loc cam ##luvial events dominated studies later ##rit ##och will fjords appro when basins grad characterized relative larg further fact ##ozo num ##get above lamin dunes ##ters ##ably ##lasts ##bla ##ensity kn sandstones strong dr use thickness rich ##leum thin region example ##itude ha pot three describ stress ##akes ##ency fault limest valley order clo rates ##over pred generally complex exploration ##tical drainage ##fore petroleum ##mer ##uch ##ines while ##abit interv meth glacial dynam fra ##ind island prof recent palae sal western source la ##eous samples follow less range ##sequ eng volum ##cept att blo fill ##cted ##ozoic 11 understand bioturb move poss ##ub ##though although cover outc ap av back wav ##itut presence ##ression ste ##ogn layers bur respon including veloc silic survey fossil pos ##ject ##log sci structure ##ier below mech block ##lying ##face limit no ##iss recogn member hor ##ages habit work ##enic veget mineral potential rid ##ire ##lic ##rock ##ame natural west ##por ##up ##uous qin mainly stratigraphic bra elev bedding ##iew 201 affect non rap ##ner habitat 12 lake ##ood ##action offshore deb ##term eastern rapid age stage ##olian geomorphic indicate succession could ##elt vertical climate significant core hum mult ##east storm alluvial ##lopes qinling bay ##tidal ##etry medium bre ##par ##cape density mo weath ##wa sedimentology include landslide temper ##uan determ ri tra ##te ##ists resolution extens sections thus ##ived ##roup fluid 13 ##ted ##ron those ##enced central ae upward located ##aceous method met evidence ##aries grains invest dolom sw ##vi often ##rel ##ull ##ization ##bed bedded aeolian investig ##onstr abund 198 types mig ##itic magn estu engine vegetation rate comb bedrock ##assic adj layer landforms 100 cre much zones preserv horiz ##ced ##ature arch type activity ag ##rad physical 50 kar ##red ##itation ##imes floor commun el ##ef ##erm ##ert ##let const maxim point ##rupt ##anisms uplift ce do table ##oge ##uss first ##marine slopes direct ##med bioc years 30 ent sandy patterns dri equ discharge after op ##bb prim ##ength matter likely ##sc ##amp front groundwater debris maximum ##ym ret ##tail strata ##iao ##ressive soils flat history 25 pen rivers regional addit pap ##outh ##osity understanding avail waves ang reflect dynamics cap ##ey ##ote like morphology ##rat ##way ##esis ##pear general environmental stratigraphy caus identified der detail floodp landscape group mouth susp influence frequency clasts ser ts university few had ##ision allow content press uncon volcanic ##itute br ##lish occurred load volume ripp fun ##nal ##are ##its init ##ulated across ##of results ##ended techniqu aver norm port ##ales ##ify exper decreas bu if ##20 bec ##irc ##lacial correl limestone would ##ains ##ark ##rian spat active species commonly described silicic 18 dra deg being sands depend since beach ##avi shows rise wide ##ves ##ving ##lomer cong conf sum ##unam transg head tsunam plain ##ational geo erosional ##artz end pack expos quartz great sch wid ##tle ##brian hydrolog ##ft ##ven secon steep second each lav ##ci ##ases precip case ku lat nam pass event therefore ##etic measure velocity cm ep mon contain diag provide dune average fan ox tri ##era poor glacier 14 ##zard ##ink ##itu ##stream toward det ##osystem mudstone concent laminated conglomer xiao ##dy ##km interbed ecosystem wetlands accumulation approach appear cle pd ##ms ##fic ##lains porosity rad sort site rework ##emical lead earthquake she subsidence lava circ sens ##most ##cene ##ured exist composit moder fract holo information ##ason ##ids mapping resour disp crust holocene ##arbon exposed direction spatial sheet around log py shore ##estr ##uter separ trend mark ##ffic quant topography considered elevation il ##hip ##ense ##aces ##mented composed submarine scarp modern auth weathering then reve ##tain generated adv fail text cat zh ##sen ##ered seam made respect ##ript stratified minerals floodplain siliciclastic 17 ##au ##reg ##sem margins controlled precipitation cret gu trough ##ning ##read relations northw occurs nature available derived techniques cretaceous line ##nect ##uce ##ols proper mak diss particles effects hazard possible run side ##ond ##ench requ conte forms various massive particularly mix probably pressure 16 bod wind ##ih ##gen basal suba scales deepwater suggests recorded descript models valleys histor bioturbation jok ##ole ##ustr ##ality beh ##rix ##ogenic green resulting magnitude unconform ##aced ##rast grav subd mars plate estim reservoirs represented supported jokul ##vers geoch contrast fire values matrix influenced migration ##put ##erous ##ination usually institute lateral drill normal relationship 21 ramp ##eg ##ane ##lob ##urn ##idual xiaoer propert situ ##ons ##ula faults carbonates produced abundant open ba here pol ze ##flo ##eric ##inct infer ##ano sho ##acks whereas ##blak limited ##vious hill outer ##rite ##hla ##ctic assem shap transition discuss gran position karst ##medi xiaoerblak bank old ##rated tot ##lum trace 196 accord greater dominant ##ributed movement fossils science detailed lit pers ##nary ##iding reef ##lus any geomorphological ##ief factors bath oil sk ##urassic dem ##omorph super ##ension compon impl shown post ##rust ins altern bioclastic interbedded reveal giv jurassic ka mes pore ##carbon ##ato short ##ologists ano canad coasts same following pdc net ple consequ ##pped typically increase dolomite jokulhla foc fall last rest ##ctu ##lays ant internal highly turbidity engineering preserved syn sites test ##enom sharp atl even accom continuous observations increasing methods properties dam our ris ##to ##urface ##old ##istocene assess space crit flooding impact ##radation assembla ##lied inner ##ilt ##iles ##olved ##aternary depress variations palyn subsurface number horizont pleistocene 000 bould ##erial ##ances ##acts proxim exh ##resh indicates streams role classification outcrop agg cut mor ##view constr connect map need abs quaternary supply planar hydrocarbon known gravity ero grow tide ##ful them ##ash ##phys ##antic perm distinct consistent earthquakes cambrian intervals affected context glob pub sat war ##ii ##ging ##acent ##ounts deeper desert close frame human communities series clear bro doc ##ield ##oh ##ov ##isod chap mean ##ontin wetland break temperature episod 40 key lab ##ton ##50 ##enth ##ogene ##allel cores periods according ##ings ##ulations sha overlying collected quality ridges extensive ##eral input ##raul shor fluctu extend typical basement cycles larger adjacent circulation dim far tab ##atory ##inal ##ining ##ice ##pec relief evap arg ##ratigraph four ##osph ##000 colum terrain mostly hydraul production records predict estuary diagen sorted focus docu aqu fav ##ob ##owled intertidal integ applic spect mountain occurrence response ##estrial atlantic tend ##io therm ##inc stat ##ither exc subsequ ##ostratigraph perme simple levels depths tectonics frag habitats ##wait primary caused bathym belt lakes vary ##70 concept ##etric intr geomorphologic seaflo ##stral southeast muddy topographic turbidites compared predomin profile recognized kuwait ##fficient seafloor hal ##itect cond chile orient ##ety ##insula ##ionally regime ##respon ##ropical salt outcro peninsula paper portion shaped total rele hyp espec austral approxim ##lished tsunami network especially link ##ex parts parallel incised imag northeast correspon siltstone downstream ecological pebb either ##yd ##alu ##eline what interact geometry reconstr indiv stratification previous materials edge microb gradient ben dark gul ol rare sing ##ix ##by ##olith forming phenom represents increased terrestrial driven moderate resources behavi phenomen mm melt ##cient ##fjord ##eler stra recharge prom proposed sedimentological bioge studied provided glaciers calcar feed consists ridge ##ustrine framework rain sa vis ##uk ##zil ##onian ##uration ##tered ##agn colla induced distal estab elements terms ##ather interval global microbial ra rather ##ground ##imal deformation shan waters transit ##iple among brazil architect light plains til ##ne ##cap ##ste locally particle blocks cases div good lack mac times isot ##olid ##ird ##istry contribut extre miocene mixed chapter hard sel wor wall ##rate ##ury still stable refer shear pli ##ystall coral provides discontin fires settings defined addition illu drilling ##owledge cer now view ##iation ##ints ##ored ancient resist place profiles mechanisms experi inferred oper ##ma ##berg though dev beg associations product poorly illustr clastic nar ##line ##ged ##eto soft accret underlying peak proble geophys respectively approximately count ##xic ##des ##ention ##elag season geos pop examples pores respons multiple erupt hu ir lsc ##tas ##ars ##ival ##elling biological structural floods applied remote characteristic calcite function transgressive demonstr jokulhlaup individual eu edit ichn past slum youn ##ai ##ets surround evalu interpretations continu southw presented suggested specific sources reaches bioturbated entire exposure historical length ##flow ##igg stack isach see ##ologies enc least manage landslides mechan width broad hydraulic outcrops hypoth australia select isachsen mill rat proport ##emistry basis tract ##aving overall deltas extent variable americ ##ributary ##ique strongly buil requir unconformity given young bl dry fresh hel ##ser ##roc report conce sem interest gray ##formed ##arily indicating analyses organisms turbul braided suspension implic exhib narrow fans ##ah ##man ##reat ##eland ##ulate substr ##ucted norway regions arid wells location showing shales resulted ##rown invol tempor composition revealed another horizontal single benth li rh sill ##tic ##slope thrust ##oratory ##icular inlet ##anc review before seg project ##iff phot phase throughout transported canyons afric palaeo possib posit suspended measurements towards sich ##cm ##19 ##arine ##rod ##empor enh subtidal parame lowstand flux surveys directly angle description shoreline sichuan fund mang ##ds third ##ices ##ceed plant meand ##aken proximal biogeomorph ##ystalline management 29 ru ##mod ##ope ##lim ##acustrine stand geologic incision analy silty smaller bars climatic cycle correlation sensing shoal interactions world geosci ara cur ##off ##den ##oring toge should ##etr contains ##ags intra compris perth seaward century impro progra failure dimens predominant architecture together ##lies ##gs ##glacial ##inter ##inity states aspect maps ##ights ##ried formations minor boundaries combined depressions permeability concep 70 led loss ##inite contact strength geomorphologists carried ##ucing heter produce barri lamination adjust texture subaerial 1960 pdcs growth shape bo clast hem round ##kal ##fall ##71 ##ino meters locations prev plants finer measured numerous limestones movements become degree radi estimated warm laboratory fluctuations transitional 300 60 plu rift slow tens trench cold differences amount technology volcano conglomerate dissolution critical action mound ##mm ##cent ##ka ##je ##izes occas generation crater crest 157 morphological filled sciences ##mediate ##capes bel brit ##ls ##pan ##ks ##atures ##ening tom stability repl ##uls ##phas atm grab recently dating rocky upon cliff cracks largest aeolianite ripples oxy marked benthic 22 air brown ##ays ##til ##ja ##ery ##roph ##rope ##osols iss chemical ##sect trigg subject ##forms ##achian depression lithology simeto ampl paleo marginal slight largely reworked phenomena implications exhibit atmosph oxygen wed yol ##load sup scient ##ensive ##anging landscapes oceanographic emphas comparis initial detrit hazards fragments 23 cen ign iron lag stri ##oles ##olated ##abil fining velocities angular older little components canada olig tilje accretion cenozoic dom pow ##ily ##ba ##inary ##enn ##anced state stages diam wellb analog variety discover conclus campos knowledge triassic conglomerates ecosystems europe his ##oo ##arctic stor sufficient ##verse contempor overlain better distance ##ipelag united height progress papers beaches ##ficial bathymetry surrounding 3d 35 eph five gull m3 wack ##ilo ##yr ##ited ash scar scour dip diffic points explo flank followed rapidly determine cement bodies assemblages boulders permian evapor ##stein editor parameters wellbore difficult 31 clays free lacustrine peat play turn ##ras ##kh ##otic sandur quest complete turbidite mineralog cements ripple runoff body reefs restric slump semi 00 80 cou fut must nw tropical ##lor ##bia step seab ##emeral graded occup includes platforms effective esc storms 1000 detect reworking northwest responsible reported possibly ephemeral 55 having pac sn ##iated ##aland inh ##olites contour flowing intense compound regard terra variability acqu importance slide identify dolostone clos covered decrease northwestern antarctic favor ##imalay future escarp har himalay lif might som sol ##less ##wh ##yed ##orts rece ##ogen necess partially mining minim mudstones appar feature ca2 siltstones controls occurring lob 115 again retreat reflects transgression exposures pyroc ##regular subduction geochemistry accommod subsequent ##rophic diver eas pri ##mal ##bers ##80 ##73 ##chstein except ##pet intermediate mart ##ush disturb infill fields special ##itudes ess significance laterally attributed brecc abundance preservation shoreface make hills eroded ##ostratigraphic irregular temporal predominantly storage wackest seabed pacific 33 90 den day ide oro ped ##more ##bit ##bian ##ingu whole subfacies ##pected ##aminif reduction buried primarily display clearly calcareous substrate barrier rounded essential ax best bord ta van ##ti ##lined ##ga react maok who ##ives scill evid images activ sample coarser planet increases successions terraces km2 furthermore significantly ##ways combination monit zechstein kaol mounds gullies maokou scillato cags fish jian nod son ##ained ##rap foraminif ##ules ##set ##tained color overb dipping diame indicated included grey ##igned expand termin emb reduced ##ritic aquif geophysical africa fundam graben wedge accommodation 01 c2 date diversity ever kh ranging tar ##iph ##ring ##ead ##wn ##orn ##aneous isolated sets sul ##utri alter geote subm facil abrupt ##weg arctic ##eldsp erosive 2020 deltaic oceanic factor 2019 community packstones latter concentration relationships persist tabular documented statfjord behaviour discontinu pyroclastic 24 gy ##37 ##eria islands foreland highest ##pling ##iana introd account paleosols slides dynamic experiment banks column networks rainfall macro country meandering aspects editorial bul go hom ray yield ##bs ##king ##atter ##inian ##aring inund sty prot ##ateg ann ##ordill assum variation observation ##chnical center ##itudinal emerg ordos accumulated burial dispers half gulf ##olidated southwest help favorable diameter 47 did eocene fo feldsp just pied ##oid ##lik ##pse ##wash ##ki ##itative ##ana ##anges ##ellow reason shell subst diff ##shed micrite suggesting remain remains downslope ##opic ##logy determined 133 created does capac separated greenland zealand thermal certain analyz slightly prior ##ordillera bp dest mot tides yellow ##ev ##ech ##spect ##found ##org ##ann ##any suit ##queous pract scot recover bedforms arc ##ished weight decad ##ihat plateau imagery problems mangkal concepts comparison life kaolinite geotechnical piedm mangkalihat er rud ##xi ##ipl ##ler ##dies ##terozoic ##odiversity ##adem immedi wash distingu path longitudinal academ concern 150 accumulations eddies original laja recognition investigations additional confined hydrology hydrologic authors seamounts geochemical component episodic capacity 28 bore nutri rough sag wang wides ##pread ##ean ##son ##jian alas expected orbit ##romat cobb colon bedload disk accur outlet extr sett discipl newfound modeling controlling progradation evolutionary gradually summ linear discussion mesozoic diagenesis conceptual beneath ratio proportion occasionally triggered foraminifera fundamental immediately widespread newfoundland 500 eust ul way ##ying ##hyd ##ker ##21 ##urated ##aser forest ##amorph ##ots interaction ##iving marsh highstand characterised artic weak remo nearly calculated biota frequent upland 2010 sheets subaqueous assemblage diagenetic collapse hypothesis dimensional somet tarim 27 bal jo lines ##oids ##ee ##eor ##cr ##gam ##anch conver fores forens ##oll seem ##ully cheng image leve add ##acement value infilt producing proglacial useful meteor leading satell columbia younger freshwater geosciences british detrital activities forensic cla call et gla lent soci ##br ##hm ##onite ##environ ##ories ##arch tod former unlik watershed neg abys modified 197 spread poly uppermost heav amal road reflected attention engineer elong return allowed schem consequently boulder intrac establish divided black contemporary restricted sometimes 26 ho hand hund rip sizes tributary taken ##tely ##ox ##lier ##wal ##graph ##30 ##ators tools ##ley sud ##ams ##char ##china ##ifting exceed ##fact ##ortun princ ##izing earlier seawater ##ifications acceler generate difference iceberg completely explain ##asequ classified terrace cyclic temperatures subdiv rising construction varying established extreme walls alaska hundred 400 bc duration gover ii s2 six tor ##sal ##wall ##18 ##aning ##acing ##imals ##igen stromat alg animals coinc marls scan unc ##ensb means presents spar upstream petrochina progressive poll discussed morain application ##olithic pliocene enhanced standard yolde oligocene power reactiv disko 48 germ national pp ranges sized wood ##ias ##ients ##cal ##kton ##inn ##arst ##urs ##ctional ##roups unique until ##rosc ##rete amounts proven organ 1998 gravels ##ynamic frequently burrow equival passive moderately require accompan assessment absence previously meltwater contribute pliensb experienced minimum against diverse monitoring protect abyssal amalgam pliensbachian away ping ##az ##mic ##mock ##pass ##eam ##dib ##bor ##onc ##itt ##ulating prospect shel almost mapped ##position ##thermal parasequ displ landward developing percent usa outwash extended cause representing emp identification edi considerable hummock temperate bioclasts decreases becom depending widely appears risk applications oriented relev isotope extrem america amplitude scientific piedmont address glauc govern ages dust fil lam puls sr tun ##bo ##bdib seen without ##ambrian chall chines chron ##iferous ##aps ##ostr dischar partly dibdib regular providing elect impacts sector define volumes backsc moving extension fluids estuarine became namib resource alternating aggradation feedb demonstrated biogeomorphologic hemipelag plume sonar annual substant removed satellite lenticular chinese dibdibba backscatter dig lf tort vent viana ##ao ##wise ##ups ##go ##96 ##jok ##arian ##throp ##rained ##olite ##olitic chen ##iform grading trun ##una incor regimes ##ibeam characterize moreover note ##wards ##okarst condition patch settle petrology 1991 defin stresses salinity multibeam nama fracturing ##ihe argu southeastern pebble stacking mechanics building turbulent comprises heterolithic tom6 mineralogy martian academy ##amorphic hummocky ##jokull band sound wal ##ke ##16 theory ##lets seep ##ute once ##ifts alt ##ables interface subt highl ##ordin ##elled compaction index distribut muds oceans coarsen conclu precambrian faulting background metres investigation estuaries allows summar packstone passage quantitative superficial published subsequently linked reconstruct began evaluation necessary easily facilit motion called today princip tortonian 32 41 econ kver varies ##ha ##feng ##inent ##acar ##omic star conve bearing whe residual traces changed stratal arr obl obtained longer 2001 1990 finally eddy drift mechanism create horizons ##radational hydrological composite quantify advance zhang descriptions connected ##oval seasonal population required infiltration ediacar kverk 56 53 colo categ fiss fully hot lens mel san tim wast ##rum ##rations ##pite ##erical ##oral instr ##igenic prol ##mental extern anthrop ##etal ##ump coh evolved coll mexic ##ference biodiversity regression hyper phases noted crystalline despite paleoc paleokarst masses reflection gradients describe attribut constitut ##ymm penet depends concentrated fractures increasingly palynom absent ##ogeneous integrated orientation turbulence scarps submerg ##wegian discontinuities gyps hemipelagic ediacaran 45 aut aerial bak rank ##mat ##onal ##arf ##ital ##anich shift shru white contribution never ability collection ##imeter ##oks plankton bounded paleoge 2000 similarly 1987 karoo else entr availability catch guad distinctive focused reconstruction prominent saanich reference thought eruptions requires segment cliffs evaporitic inher embay destro suitable boreh settling heavy reactivation extremely challen discharges whether instru 77 bla jun kilo miss sy via yet ##aine ##ij ##ior ##run ##ec ##ware ##yl ##90 ##itive ##urse forces ##ifically maier ##lained cool course relonc able intensity imm ##nels underground ##ieved nearby periodic sinkh physi filling dolomit investigated constitute cemented directions ##ratidal dependent confir granular episodes american arabian emphasis conclusions border planetary sulf analyzed ult amalgamated palynomac maierato reloncavi 38 dav dense gam jour pu pur rim rene yr ##ios ##bru ##ua ##atively ##inations ##alb ##iter ##ster tool ##ising ##lys ##oust ##ray conv onto ##pose ##adi subordin stratum spring terti outflow prelim others calib ##bert influx explained nearshore febru volcan porous foundation members elevated weathered latest approaches existing dissolved moraine ##obath ##ostratigraphy bathymetric corresponding calcaren ##agnolo mechanical atmospheric supratidal ##738 wackestone cobble summary ##igenous external mexico guadagnolo tertiary february 1a 54 65 95 bh cav done drop give kind mol pa tu vers vents ##ious ##ture ##lite ##co ##uen ##ants ##asse took deformed read isobath anhyd ##oted contents grand ##ada changing ##pled norwegian fluvi left span distributed distributary adap deliver provin specifically 2007 gravelly ##mark localized instead grid nonmarine 1980 250 summer steeper skel superim inputs statist illustrated problem continued build positive prograding lago himalaya breccias kharf inundation feldspar moraines accompanied relevant lamina pulses gypsum kharfot 36 ack berg cand os tre ##af ##na ##not ##ople ##lie ##haps ##28 ##erts ##ened ##ica ##icit ##reh ##olation sust ##uli ##ament cha ##chia ##irst ##istic ##pportun interm compreh developments perhaps 1970 deline fiord 102 differential dominance acoust slip empl fold people classes numerical initially drap containing oxid concentrations leads implies palynofacies document spectrum correspond gully discontinuous stacked questions closely escarpment foot sudden submerged gamma preliminary ackn 600 75 coun ech gk ju lu lun ngs opportun s3 sla serv winter ##iu ##oy ##oph ##ran ##eep ##cchia ##ug ##genic ##yp ##ype ##vits ##10 ##aton ##loyed ##eless ##ths ##idrun repe force mag subg uniform intensive datas craton object prefer weihe sampling plane paleozoic precordillera sectors grass complexity elevations humid mob archae flats eventually trends polar consequence proximity saturated visible eruption lsc2 selected involves positions 291 prevail atmosphere terrave every equivalent trunc incorpor subtropical coarsening economic timing catchment syvits laminae syvitski 34 bud dens dates gne living ##nes ##ken ##first ##76 ##onom ##ara ##aclys ##ises ##ouse ##theless stabil ##osa real sus ##ired cost tran ##ichn ##ichan ##aged relation ##usp industr riverine northward silts southward ##uces hydrod centre ##enger 1992 follows wavy horizon constrain causes floodplains decreasing trending marks seamount making canadian criteria horizontally extends imaging behavior resistance ichnof hypothes liu diamond explos flanks ##iphon bulk yellowish saguen eustatic levees meteoric substantial baker terravecchia gneiss ##aclysmic saguenay 05 800 bench city dated destr fs full gis lies ring tel vik ##ng ##oe ##ract ##equ ##side ##ble thal ##erc ##aly ##acle ##els ##isation stro rev fored seas prop exch ##luv whose neogene recurr modifications ##ibility spacing genesis underlain quite lithological heidrun dominate thereby examined ##ycos explicit 1993 final accumulate rio tradit greatest existence advances failures cataclysmic 219 baff shoals jokulhlaups depressional construct hydrocarbons public aquatic begin ##192 improve trenches diamict discovery progressively apparent pedogenic distinguish torr namibia highlight anthropogenic planktonic lunar viking 44 blu cf ker nich png wu yang ##po ##welling ##23 thresh ##onts ##ini ##ores ##urity ##urian ##omm ##ili ##olina chem onshore contacts ##ado scen ##apir partial leg modify interplay fair tectonically removal grainstones 1996 pelo ##opro terrigenous saline metamorphic equal capable brack portions secondary radar sorting pyrite mixing historic dominantly anoxic extending argill predicted straight southwestern ratios improved disturbance overbank aquifer ##hmenger shelves principal dolomitization fluvio skeletal transect strohmenger threshold aim eff gil hence heat ic joh kin ow plo rar rot take vall ##ax ##raction ##ule ##ham ##93 ##iti ##rand chlor shield basic grade prin cannot facing transverse overlies diapir access art consid showed supports shallowing hydroge currently expression biotic flaser majority sinuous reached comparable apart 120 upwards built correlated schw situated insight insights testing integration conducted pebbles shanxi lsc3 craters crests ##where evident terminus style shells ##jiang article algae ##ostruct settlement concluded ##ichnus 02 bat clu dro fle fast iii mom mist oge osc tub vend ways ##rd ##rise ##bp ##zh ##11 ##ero ##ator ##ington ##acy ##imet ##isions ##ram asymm ##ching ##iforn ##ady ##aging placed geometr company comprise ##encing ##aching biom ##ounced modelling item cryst variables speed fraction microsc eastward ##ropri consisting volcanism gradual palaeoge laur crev rippled technique normally tsunamis packages measurement logging ##version perspect ##elero resistant geoscience igneous domain peatlands nodular ##echee ##crystalline clayst elongated hoop hundreds provenance becomes colour cohes embayment superimposed candelero intermitt john moment ogeechee 43 85 ach bene groups kal liqu nig pan targe waning xin ##lation ##pa ##sr ##buk ##attered ##orth ##ician ##anes ##urally ##ased ##lef beyon asc enough traction scattered unst evol meet biostratigraphic ##lastics consolidated indicators californ frict micritic petrograph expans glaciation involved directed slack 2002 1995 escape mixt cloud law extensional additionally reflecting greatly crusts conduct chilean northeastern isotopic cerro illustrate populations evaluate involving volcanoes issues analogue escarpments orogen recovery discipline etc unlike scheme parasequences kilome subordinate tuff comprehensive ##luvium ##oproterozoic brackish mistaken oscill ##bukk beyond 5m aai cow da lid mc mal nan qing rd right ur yuan ##ries ##rating ##rane ##pine ##pend ##sw ##solidated ##wana ##uang ##he ##erve ##atch ##oret ##arz andes ##ella ##elta ##urden too ##ctions ##idire ##ilib revers conform ##olute bypass alread alpine compet intercal next meter ##aking perpend transfer processing overview aren phycos obvious corals deserts ##gged ##anged hydrate appropri ##uck paleont influences express decom morphostruct physics works determining investigate ellef allowing geofact 14c seams drilled antic aggreg erode evaporation corresponds timesc operating dimensions book supra ##ennial snow terrains acquired lobes orogenic overburden expanded alteration nutrient spreading glauconite ##going ultim versus acoustic counter repeated suscept ringnes torrent rarely aaiw lidar ##ranean ##idirectional ##ilibri already perpendicular phycosiphon 2d 39 cas cast fer gl hol juan lich lived ms mit pi sac tst var vit ##rans ##bl ##bur ##bod ##year thous theoret ##orge ##isci ##ident conference ##verd ##utan surv ##ectite inclined generating obst cored design thicker indicative smectite supplied bounding mature maturity transportation explan ##rup ecology reduce silica affecting moist moved weather creating uplifted causing drained appearance pdf fracture zheng troughs unconformities skolith thematic excell excav benue visual experience productivity software encoun selection million rhy sills rupt essentially colorado experiments err society uncer feedbacks digital distributions convex kverkjokull renewal ##albh propag baffin geometries benef california ##ilibrium thousand ##iscipl 37 dong days fit gi her list mont opt sar solid ##xts ##cence ##be ##ze ##zing ##40 ##41 ##ony ##onounced ##inf ##eness ##asive toc ##isition ##raded beij seven geost ##abr bases formative pronounced ##agon ##plic ##00m places imb disrupt ##encies lee induce earlies performed overlie biogenic spits continents maintain smith prodelta itself planolites hydrothermal ##ricult acid cape grainstone sliding slices 1997 ##formational root consideration ##ossils ##oche methane attem steady traps agricult buoy ##ciples latitude clean ##ondon liter constructed release phenomenon feeding collaps raised demonstrate fluxes curve conclusion detected acquisition antarctica apparently jianfeng homogeneous decade roughness seems riparian categories lenses melting prolong penetration nevertheless bhutan 1970s scenari principles schwarz laurent unstable expansion sacw skolithos excellent beijing earliest schwarzrand 97 gent gps mial mant pock sverd td ten util vul ##rift ##ply ##press ##22 ##onitic ##ata ##anian ##entional ##los stagn conj suite geography exists anom ##ett resem subglacial ##therly plates india perennial overg depart floors ##ibis ##ibet spur characterization underst deeply fauna valid simply heavi 106 differentiation shallower office 2009 severe technological technologies supporting instance instability mediter happ working westward travel combinations entrain deglac headwall kuibis named namely illite sharply dams ##ohyd taboche prediction intrus pebbly ichnological photograph intraformational comprising adjustment adjustments 1960s belts issue question nwg received wackestones axial nodules aquifers nutrients accurate negative altitude fissures elsewhere destroyed borehole acknowledge hydrodynamic foredeep exchange explicitly niche peloidal argillaceous considering vendian momentum slackwater kilometers cowichan appropriate miall sverdrup heavily mediterranean 08 1m 350 cum dome los moch mosa od pul pave sold tibet wider ##ipp ##lin ##cion ##gran ##atus ##ora ##elines town start proceed proterozoic ##utes ##uted onc geograph ##ods ##lap ##lad ##otecton ##emat contributed interior ##astrophic surficial ##plate lowest ##appear ##allar abras ##ept develops spaced outside carbonaceous continue ##ishing ##anger lithologies ##shelf 1016 accept twent remn glaciated successive origins blocky ##ission multi constrained mouths decreased separation zhong makes estimate oldest assessments cutting growing taballar favour strauss geophysics ##ancy african concepcion prevent belong subjected yola strike slumping ##804 introduction dispersed percentage definition walker shrubs journal province sustain prevailing gilbert crystals supraglacial ##years imbric prolonged entrainment mochras soldano 06 42 58 51 bacter cos dil fri hinter ligh own perv sides s20 tail vic wen winn watch ##matic ##ira ##iol ##iable ##rim ##rates ##lam ##pin ##pic ##ew ##date ##bt ##35 ##aline ##arid andean ##idge ##rams ##ilst ##andon ##ola se3 chemistry ##ched geographic orange whilst ##emurian resusp highs ##ills relict recon abandon disse disappear ##ached ##struct valu acting 104 2021 manner fronts planes paleogene recording element remark signal sourced terminal 2008 1994 landsliding sinemurian ##ynamics microfacies considerably ##ochemical covering structureless horn potentially swamp archipelag constant capture unconsolidated loading initiated catastrophic exhum aggradational connectivity needed shaw spectral raf products lsc1 interesting european cementation couple himalayan ideas ##rapiti persistence ##organic scotrapiti decades pathways foresets subdivision stromatolites tunnel paleoclim sinkholes palynomaceral chaotic archaeological constraints destruct friction ultimately theoretical encountered literature gentle vulner overgrow ##granular s2096 winnow 73 900 hier ke las mt mur mis nad ooz oreg oolitic pon pist pun pond sb tal tribut um vide wil ##aw ##iotic ##ned ##toral ##oidal ##ren ##pr ##pyc ##ei ##der ##head ##itte inorganic ##anics ##rog ##acles toe ##ima ##iguration asia ##ocarbon always geod geologists ##abric co2 ##ude enter prone ##inson incom neoproterozoic ##aylor meg ##epend assigned systematic modification caref conspic outlined carboniferous 20m planning hydroph ##connect longshore signature 2005 ordov similarities finding measuring recognised dolomites 1983 engineers constitu drive equilibrium frontal bright initi displays contexts behind situation baj ##flood granule littoral argent ##osphere permeable strait slumps segments biogeomorphological program radiocarbon replen ##ulsion scientists introduced balance accelerated subdivided seeps starting arranged paleogeography davis adapt lagoon beginning claystone paleontology geofactor timescales vitr geostrophic understood tibetan abrasion hinterland vicinity archipelago nadw oregon piston tributaries conspicuous ordovician 0738 2nd 86 az astr bor cordillera fed fam food gently ham mine mott nuc plays pelag si sense s18 t3 till tuli umm vu wr wadi yong ##ming ##rist ##rich ##pal ##well ##09 ##49 ##onge ##itted ##icle inland ##rost ##elding ##omarine ##thing ##ille ##ames shi shifting ##phere ##ologist ##utions ##mentation altered ##iration ##odes ##lapping coev contained intern ##unal face ##illion inde carry distances upwelling quick conserv prepar corre lowermost examination glaciomarine deceler oceanography calcis calcrete termed morphologies 1999 clayey draining originating comparing palaeos surveying 50m equation retre configuration diagn trip radial crustal separates separating author 171 inside absolute dimin hydraulics tendency exclus brazilian devices countries proportions involve projects ##etrical occasional scours exploitation played occupied infilled idea assumed emergence rudstones distinguished unlikely establishment organization burrows protected srct patches summarized oblique hyperpyc datasets blue vallis chlorite crevasse mixture rupture ##isciplinary scenario hierarch pelagic s1876 46 59 67 bri dou ecc efficient fj gh gab gond held mention nick pel pla rand rout sic sider zs ##min ##nock ##tically ##rites ##lines ##gl ##kes ##fs ##field ##13 ##ji ##onic ##atum ##inting ##ania tops seed ##oclastic christ shuang ##mentary ##ifies ##irical interd true surges parent scars unf ##taint abiotic intens ##urrent basinal assist bioz regressive uses spong spill ##strat collect ##ips underta ##pted ##ption deepest cruc coastline vertically ##angular ##rought 10m centimet crossing explains biotite effectively fines reducing peking researchers measures hawa coverage 1200 determines trap traits magnetic magnitudes ago pressures branch degraded heads widening latitudes oxides ##versely gives falling synth tests needs tidewater tends released visc division peaks responses ##ancing ##19x rugged believed replaced detritus striking ##abilities detection regarding harris axis tax ##aneously styles concerns disciplines intraclastic exceeds cyclicity pollen germany argued challenge challenges physiographic confirmed trees echino slab kerri intermittent liquid decomposition susceptibility explanation pulse started pervasive ooze astronom crucial 09 49 68 61 89 bival ct cro cra cult dar dow elastic ebb fal hole lying ming mess na pg put pick pie pau pinn slop ti tid tian tamp taking vict wire zon ##norm ##pm ##piration ##cing ##cale ##cular ##du ##dera ##bing ##yt ##han ##erals ##erget ##atically ##inet ##alth inert insect ##asy ##imb devi ##ometric ##omagn stored isost forear forced ##olic ##ulative chal prox alm alluvium basically coated intergranular energet tru univers ##formations geomech lowland recomm mega ##achment independ spit characterise continent continues valang lithostratigraphic inflow somewh particulate lowering caldera planform ##yclic palustrine representative signatures downward 2004 fineto redox look imply ##marks localities roof classic aug came describes describing closer apenn burning respond ##issipp trapped 1989 migrating retrog penetr functional siliciclastics headwater interbeds sensitive quantities authigenic lineament winds unconformably contrasting ##puts alternate consequences continuously connection saturation condens reconstructed saf encrust reviewed slowly brownish paleoenviron coupled hillslopes abruptly orbital orbitolina converg chengdu elongate acceleration stromatolite displaced displacement empirical wasting attributes constituted mississipp conventional calibration cavities anhydrite delivery budge densities plot perspective moisture giant department deglaciation abandoned valuable replenish calcisilt sponges undertaken tidally tampen forearc valanginian somewhat 62 87 aff bing cab cell dend era hang jet james kl k2 ninet oman ps pv push rig ster tan uts vast vanc ##iency ##ns ##ney ##ooth ##rical ##ez ##bas ##bang ##bank ##uate ##gjian ##ye ##6a ##370 ##val ##15 ##inction ##entric ##reci ##rovers ##elength deal ##ouver share ones ##ows ##posing alkal albian aligned ##odal complic cop controvers changjian ##orda ##ords unidirectional ##iang colored nepal lowell leaving leaching ##ribed bio ##acted southerly ##endant 195 floating upd genetic arm underwater que ##ometer corer coring designed ##ggou ##angian appreci committe inclus ##ieth actual 20th reprod reports calving ##oke naturally occurrences 2006 climates microc microf rob ##opes reaching willi england fills wavelength limits ##issance extensively methodology swale details initiation ##ofluvial sumbang precipit reveals guo dissip falls meaning ##ixian contributions huge enhance curves discovered sufficiently semiarid steps occupy contourite ##ushi denmark persistent discontinuity colonization foreset intraclasts icebergs prospects employed glauconitic feedback 1990s waste isobaths grande emplaced emplacement drapes subgroup benches teluk ##point nigeria rdl aggregates mitig rhyth uncertaint conjun reconna dissected indeed eccentric random paulo geomechanics budgets calcisiltite utsira vancouver changjianggou committee 57 72 bes bol bry cn eight fabric hong horda mcc myr name pion pits ram soc sab sant tit takes ven voids xi yi yb zir ##aus ##m3 ##mam ##tecton ##offic ##len ##pc ##pat ##pts ##eposit ##eenth ##worth ##dish ##ban ##ugh ##uosity ##gan ##full ##07 ##zz ##12 thor ##ats ##alian ##arn inform inverse inlets ##rew ##urt ##raft station ##ocl ongoing excess export why ##otyp ##esto come interconnect enl ##add ##iveness traced tracts marl marly park incip recyc abu intact transm deployed 193 190 1950 regolith interpolation array interpreting notably fix flooded lithic apply ##ouldic otherwise 10i 103 109 alongshore presently topograph smooth veh examine complementary remot remained glaciofluvial decay 153 gases reddish sinuosity precise comparative defle defining thinner fram 2016 affects 1981 layered agent ##rador driving regionally serve volcaniclastic loads degradation kuang months circum sensors authfirst alternative giving assessed eroding perman labrador referred operations illustrates seasonally continuity ##flows reviews photos 1575 comparisons freezing mineralogical 0037 coupling contourites receive ##ogenous infilling editorialoffic roughly accuracy marshes joints parasequence governed regularly electron arrange quantifying immense puesto kinds opportunity subgroups preferential mobile costa hypotheses diapirs flex urban varied ##abrics agricultural collapsed mantle cumulative ##otectonic overgrowths findings constituents coeval gabra gondwana sloping almada mississippi replenishment ##370738 reconnaissance eccentricity zircon incipient 4000 5a 5km 6000 96 bis dai effic fbt gro hett jal lst lum lalbh md mil ni pip qiu russ rica s09 tong vlam ##mid ##iot ##li ##pub ##bean ##yal ##yushi ##65 ##fj ##fal ##5192 thom ##atite ##atible ##ester ##inous ##initic ##ena ##orous ##annels ##rees ##ims ##imarine ##imodal ##thys ##thrust stone isop beers ##verte ##eti residence strateg ##udation env ##ung recip bedform ##usc ##assino compatible basinward ##fered indian presum overlapping carib spin notable qual obtain outputs glacimarine tyler lithologic lithoclastic mudrock differentiated organism sampled resultant geologically reserves mounted expulsion offshelf successful find loess preced originated originate uplifts drum thicknesses intervening lesser nov 2018 swath angles functions passing compositions logs separate quantity catal basaltic opening karstification postglacial tested connections ##iiii fluctuating fourth mountainous fragmented promote architectural resistivity devonian continuing selective drying ##rocal possibility losses box hemis 300m emphasized discoveries lobate breccia denudation fisher expanding experimental practice scotland scotia washington coincides becoming filter autom shrub entrant entrench sinkhole palynomacerals rimmed 1980s industrial explosive thalweg thalassino recurrence traditional fairly iceland clust achieved ##burg error stagnant resemb happened acknowledgements mosaic accepted bacteria ##structure destructive vulnerable nucle international diagnost siderite christoph messinian pione hettangian lalbheti s0928 vlaming reciprocal caribbean 1b 52 63 88 92 bon bit ball codes daning ela fu fds gd hst hut host jing jixian lap ner pin plum rifting ss spl sym tang tension vill writ zeng zero ##o3 ##sa ##sediment ##bre ##bound ##brate ##ulo ##ford ##vier ##48 ##μm ##95 ##ona ##alachian ##oria ##itle ##icc inversion ##acular ##asl conch conversion ##olar beam seated asfal che chain ##seth georg george ##irt ##laim anast animal ##oting resol intersect ##facts ##ade ##aster ##ivia sandbod track subtle union incl ##eller abstr compart imple ##aka ##avia transl biology depoc channelized clar ##ressions notes glacially mines minimal appalachian poth indications health acts amph produces hydrograph typified discrete ##ycus petrophys influencing capped exped concave explored coales climbing ecohyd folded technical cycl probe know palaeof siliceous 2013 ##ronous swan investigators migmat ##cedent communic pointed opposit caps geothermal advant failed textural catania 210 canadon restoration ##ohaline ##ontinental ##obic integr spectacular hypers links ##exist biogeochemical tilting contributing hardground surrounded blank segreg photo palaeoenviron parameter analytical radiometric ##kha identifying solar exception dispersal diffraction remaining suitability eustasy converted schemes establishing sparry powerful 482 ##borne electrical facilitated ##hazard kverkfj boreholes sulfur 656 95a truncated industry biomass microscope palaeogeography palaeogeographic petrographic survival obstacle propagation thousands ##agoner buoyancy anomaly pavements proceedings geographical twentieth belonging imbrication resuspension exhumation rafted couplets murray video conservation exclusively hyperpycnal mentioned shuangyushi deviation energetic penetrating convergence swaley remotely 1575ad arrangement nova hemisphere thalassinoides asfalto kverkfjoll 270 74 apt ahm cenom dg dan dump epe fla laser mg mut none ok ore oct ostr pse pile pict riv ross sv sed squ sav tas vess wagoner ##xta ##aa ##auna ##md ##mber ##iro ##iet ##nals ##nov ##list ##pret ##craft ##df ##down ##gis ##ya ##yuan ##yuk ##62 ##hat ##hor ##fl ##vae ##ville ##erted ##onential ##ati ##atom ##inh ##inated ##arc ##iting ##itions innov ##imens deformations ##ompass sto strain stony beams sulaim ##amb shifts get master ##odium ##odynamic anch ante ##otrans ##eties comes coming atop contamin ##udhat interrupt enab enrich ##adas ##adnock ##adavia ##ichichnus parker scrap ##rous uns ##tains incising colluvial recess compress perc transform biostratigraphy strath diox float spr sponge datab upslope deepening ##imeters ##anga lithified simult ##ynth commerc web webp heights ##ieve grew analysed france frank planation ##reek examining math discern ##ycl exponential calcium redist refers pec consisted institut ##opy ##opane larvae thinly ##ucheng attached recognize vegetated braid 2014 moon determination meta 1985 drives equip grouped serious brine expert ##2019x draga degrees tsunamigenic epic month monoc monadnock trilob sensit advoc advanced textbo window basalt estimation geochron granules personal meso damage dammam pubdate warmer breaks evapotrans predictions focuses documents spectrom conception hallad outcropping ##ex2019x raudhat transitions isotopes ##bergen devoid huang encompass rhiz meander arag curv ##interpret 709 heterogeneous barriers 1960ad radius replacement trigger amplitudes scarce evaporite lobe disturbed ideal feldspars diffuse cobbles uplands levee polyg algal percentages ##ostrac bands mudsl paleogeographic inherited physiography journals purpose calcarenite calcarenites adapted bergen delineate footwall juxta luo slabs 29171 stabilization hypothesized fsd ##oek diamicton efforts owing hydrogeology batu cohesion cohesive ascribed evolving casts lichun spitsbergen laurentia photographs winnowing entering argentina quickly brief dendritic nineteenth social venus xiucheng thorough fixed editorialofficex2019x diagnostic christopher villar conchostrac depocent opposite segregation cenomanian ostrac pseud rivadavia sulaimi dioxide webpdf evapotranspiration halladale raudhatain 04 471 5192 7a 700 98 aid ber bin big d1 divers f1 gun hes hour holes ib king lost london mer ng nas nom nest ot plus rondon sf slo tight tms wit wis wol ##xian ##ouring ##ober ##poration ##sk ##s1 ##win ##wide ##divia ##ui ##uit ##gi ##ger ##group ##hong ##58 ##45 ##14 ##jin ##eras ##erly ##erra ##onous ##att ##atile ##orbukk inshore inset ##ela ##asp tow ##omos ##thouse stre store stato ##ilic reject conversely ##olacustrine sept sun ##ulus proced shen ##phycus ##ches onset ##iric answ ##romet ##romorph ##otype ##ember ##umar highlands ##une ##ogle scott neigh compil comput ##eping sof ##retes ##aves perched transformation transpress deplet ##ending italy quyuk cry crime crude corner mainland mainten valdivia infra indication indicator actually tethys smorbukk supple proved ##cons paleomagn discrim influential glacio 15m explore ecologists redeposit wetting folding folds locality microorg escap instant install instream classical frequencies territ physically camera numbers profil palaeozoic covers backthrust ##issue 2011 2017 mole ##bedded investigating 1982 creation creates ##itational drivers bring tsunamites geohazard package diagrams ##km2 existed fractions pyromet advancing 160 gravitational estimates contrasts polished inferences shaping granite granites granitic ##omorphs alternatively sync atlas impacting cuts chapters breaking episode ##ogeneity shorter exclu linking ecologically contributes references experiences operational begins edited ichnodiversity evaluated entirely millimeter youngest substrates temporary palaeophycus clastics preval brittle accretionary contemporaneous ##yright scoured playas 00370738 stepwise occupies 1000m solutions evidenced emerged emerging reasoning reasonable ##evolution recovered arcgis rudstone ulta exceeding coincide coincident scanning pollution germs government chronology facilitate constitutes elsevier instrument instruments blair immature confirm caves dropstones readily anhydrites delivered provinces statistics draped opportunities dataset preferred grassland mobil incorporated revolution kinetic asymmetric kalpin evolve meeting cloudina arenites morphostructural maintaining acidic remnants lighthouse se3s1 s20965192 ponded bajadas famous correct interdisciplinary unfortun centimetres pinnacle complicated copyright rhythm conjunction yielding ##oclase ##otypes recycled neritic plumes georgia anastomos sandbodies inclination blanket epeiric october antecedent springs mathemat equipment sensitivity statoil transpressional depletion maintenance 2m 3m 550 64 78 8000 849 aish blow bimodal creek din fen foss fumar gut gau gorge hun jin kg koks lin lie nit nord pure pace pump sess saylor tree vs von vene xrd yu yan zor ##aunal ##nor ##tz ##txt ##ool ##rig ##lig ##went ##wood ##bras ##uary ##gent ##60 ##hr ##house ##for ##83 ##orad ##aria ##iten ##itlen ##icting ##icyclic ##annel ##rem ##inger ##loy ##lout ##elves toarc dece ##thy ##ida ##igm stim stem stret ##ilah ##oscale forcing ##ollum ##cean bea seal ##ulates ##aments ##ocline chac chih ##sets onlap ##oweath ##poses geologist exerted ##otrop ##etically ##umb entered surge ##ago subj ##izable ##plified ##0023 ##illed ##illips relate evf ##erson ##ersed ##assium compens computer immediate ##urrents percept processed bioweath ##active ##ende diach diatom ##iba spot ##soil distinction arri underwent phr phosph phyt phillips quiet generates added desicc thank fluvially extra extrap ##ucive ##deb ##ontological variant weights actively 105 108 differenti amaz managing fring dominates tectono ##rica natal remob seismicity glaciolacustrine decision calculation calculate signals periodically emiss embedded 2003 ##arte loam precision microarte drainages roots originally terrane cycling compare defines factory stronger potassium complexes palaeoc palaeosols lai aval backwater backflood steph limiting novel determin metals 1988 agents retention 2500 understandings capabilities funn funnel correlations correlative spatially drast schum secondly namdeb passes epoch trips approaching fractured logical pyritic quantification advent guide plateaus jokulsa situations bauch positioning totora 1964 alternation consequent spacecraft palynological shorelines fars farther focusing aqueous excurs saltation australian individ strand promoted sao collabor microbialite ##olidation views hua demonstrates continuum widths exhibits rha biogeomorphology standing ##pani domes difficulties restrict closed necessarily easy disturbances c24 everest ##iphoek google inundated practical concerned concerning extraction articlet joint neglig 1975 returned addressed argument buildings distributaries reconstructing starved attribute bladed june junction cooling 547 statistical statistically problematic ##uliar oxidation objective budget ichnofossils ichnofabrics publications ##ilience transects artific hydrogeological batin ##zhou target ##anese intercalated morphostructures ##blende obstacles attempt hornblende punta ponds careful initiate vitrinite 86sr mottled vugs prepared fjollum ##stratified hawai synthesis echinoid fallout isostatic independent apennine headwaters 87sr hangzhou kliphoek uncertainty besides permanent efficiency spinatum mudrocks entrenched clusters migmatite integrity aptian ahmadi danish interrupted database peculiar monocr curvature polygons villarrica 471a redeposited escaping pyrometamorphic ultapani unfortunately mathematical fumarolic koksilah ##itlenorm toarcian bioweathering remobil negligible 2cm 3000 4b 4th a2 a1 ast bull cac cities cub cadd ds dh ded eolian frost gm gave gap h2 hanging jan jud jiao kept lique my m2 mort mun mian mpa mfs oa plastic pink rib s1 sen seld solution sio syd tm tur tag train vort yin zond ##met ##masl ##north ##tured ##oxic ##rar ##ril ##rens ##lith ##lins ##pro ##plain ##ein ##cut ##cate ##cime ##wals ##ued ##uals ##uah ##gy ##3804 ##hn ##kn ##klo ##kang ##fol ##2m ##42 ##79 ##ju ##oni theme thems ##esc ##enk ##enz ##enha ##edral ##itch ##itial andrew ##anical ##rove ##loch ##acer ##uries ##asion ##iman ##oming ##ometry ##ctive ##thonous reverse reinf rebound fore ##olin beck suited suture chief ##phy ##uty ##iffer alloch exem anjiang orth ##romb ##otrophic ##etian ##ettle ##estral resid interlay ens enable ##faces graph ##orms subenviron ##order scab scope ##0071 unpub ##illan relax ##ensis compan compression leop indire indurated perching transient overland carp carolina ##ibai spark characterizing undulating underg undergo clink ##ptions quar differing analcime ##ustion ##shan 107 10km amm amb topset ##oked observe ##ignment planets hydropat fieldwork ##concent seismology paleoch newly alllist decimeter offset invent invasion calculations emission bare ##artklo progradational template accumulating localised importantly southernmost considerations deflation probable ##location ##ritas grades laminations drifts richness faulted ##inescence profess lah fossiliferous noachian recognizable 125 debrite mooring trapping ##text 13c swartklo 1986 1984 magnet 10000 karrens ell ##erto director entry equations serial funnels ##ofberg portable correlate 18o draw school diagram oxb 140 authlast textures guid greenhouse property shapes accordance bathyal skew skei resting syno rises ##olds assessing publish broken breakdown farm thermodynamic halten conducive linkages ##fjorden hardness operate device devoted proportional rhe photography enhances comprised warming plun cratered crested ##loaded domains 310 inhib inhabit regardless receiving displayed axes taibai evidently alterations goal footh differs destabil washed accurately ##brates polycrystalline sudan ##faction sparse morainal burrowing equivalents substantially principally 536a hotsp coher collision collisions hyperconcent ranked inherent sulfide ##albard volcanics sustained delineated acknowled july cratonic objectives improvements rotation tube perspectives johnson niger tuffites oscillations intercalations anticycl benefit listed saralbh attempts remnant hydrophobic retreating diminishing hierarchical s18763804 zsb biozones downd victoria zoning chalk proxy truthing august robust mitigation bryozo cnpc sabkha titan circumst ##esterly drumlins ssids abstract ecohydromorph svalbard scraping simultaneously hesper hours scottish softer infrastructure fossati chacritas chihuah desiccation emissions avalanch schumm monocrystalline caco3 liquefaction ribbon seldom sio2 sydney zonda themselves reinfor leopold indirect clinker hydropattern swartkloofberg hyperconcentrated chihuahuan 03 07 3804 450 5000 6a 8a 99 ah ath bs berm bird bidirectional billion brought cir card cake cott dw don dru drought fell guan hi hc kun keep keping lad lia lang lmd mam nort naz ooids pier pendant qam rt spp s00 sie sarp symm tip tier uk uv ves vital viol virt wc words xion yem york ##xas ##mite ##mogenic ##nw ##neath ##tt ##type ##trans ##rary ##rystall ##pb ##part ##eter ##sor ##dao ##bro ##bil ##boration ##ufficient ##63 ##64 ##68 ##key ##25 ##jing ##jli thromb ##eri ##atives ##inage ##enburg ##alt ##alous ##itim ##itidal ##icity ##ente ##rology ##elle ##elist ##asi ##asian tour ##isaged deer ##illa ##ander fort search suc suf ##ulu ##vertical ##ama cho propose shr shc shf shad ##phra sedimentologic ##ifer ##ifest mail ##ode exfol ##lue ##istered ankang ##pex ##otes ##abas ##estones ##quite ##inea ##inement ##rie atten attain interglacial intercrystalline trac tricyclic subround subangular sublith subvertical ##izont march param unless unequ reli relates plio colluvium recrystall abut ##retions leak indist peritidal seaway overpress overpr ##ounting deputy ##ends ##endal ##endations modelled registered spont spaces splays sporad accounts accounting unde distric arendal undergoing underneath clark ##ptic notice ado cru crim northwards ##aceae preexist fiat mini maintained hydrates appra infrar indices tephra obsc manual manifest micrit centuries layering stratigraphically petrotecton petrobras platy mount decisions specimens representation successively orders loose firth freeland preclu edges edwards poros originates defic grant grids dred hai ##inder laid 110 possess surveyed posament workers 2012 ##actionid breaching ##parallel determinations trav swash migrate combine combustion directional 30km penns reflections brent bridge ##ofag 1800 drag drains dramat dramatic quartzose steeply monso triple detachment appeared circular sensed zhao respective 175 lineaments runs opened herein hillslope bankfull totally 1966 supergroup postulated insufficient mesoscale mesquite damages impacted ##ashan permits globally 40m accordingly applicable thermohaline singima ##ixia ##steep lacking macrosc viewed broadly interested manganese arabia heterogeneity hematite ##falls rifted tensile tomography airborne issn oligo ##yrbp turns martini displaying monitor c29 dateloaded sulph ##37ad macrof going homogenous assumptions dispersive practices boreal extracts extracted ##210 ##cryst societies ##bridge watersheds hooke tunnels highlights summarizes obliqu categor paleocurrent attributable blade ##ylv cooler ultra calibrated calcarenitic s300 291210 truncation incorporate destruction publication diamictite highlighted kerogen effort asymmetrical speeds intermittently daji qingdao reversal competence expressions casc ferro ##body excavation errors benefits optim ##agonia buoyant laurentian pockmarks utilization sustainable cosmogenic lighter se3d remarkable paleoclimatic punctu carefully deceleration retreated seeds viscous 8937 bivalves tianjin insects recommendations safe cabo alkaline updrift williams randomly interconnected 1950s vehicle strategies envisaged preceding resembles sympos petrophysical expedition palaeoflow advantage 270m contamination enabled compressional braidplain spectrometry conchostracans wiscons wolman september microorganisms molecular december palaeoclim bauchi individuals rhaetian hawaiian january mianlue ##known unpublished relaxation inventory saralbhanga hesperian nazca qamar sarpang wcars xiongan yemen ##transactionid exfoliation subrounded spontaneous petrotectonics posamentier pennsylv dramatically singimajli 320 3rd 66 76 79 83 aer aided bou bog boh bigg bots buck cd cu civ cusp du eye fro ga gal gall gold gpr hanch jap jez k1 kle kwa kau ling lou lts live lift mr mu masse merc nano nah nann oyst ooid pil pans pii qixia rn rod rely rill song tended vect wad μm ##xc ##xial ##xia ##iy ##tze ##rid ##rater ##pest ##pris ##sch ##do ##bes ##bly ##bone ##uation ##gal ##gang ##yer ##hman ##kers ##kov ##furt ##vol ##zen ##zulu ##47 ##1g threat thaw ##eres theories ##atl ##iner ##orley offer ##itated ##itage ##ico ##icles inject inverte ##requ ##rogen ##lood ##ura ##urch ##isc ##ison dead ##omes ##omar ##through ##rading ##igan ##iglacial stations static ##osis ree reaction retain cone ##olle sec suspect ##occ ##geology chim chutes chorley church shed shar shut ##phistic ##ediments ##chinson ##ifiable alaka geog geop maine ##irbil ants ##que resilience depositing cove copp stront ##arya enorm ##asta prime sandier trenha ##agen subhor highland ##uns ##unes para parad parag ##ogram ##ograms scouring unknown incise flowed lowlands recirc abru ##usy compact compressive ##ards imper imposed dissem sophistic partition fluores lear leving ##acharya indones preserve peru perform periglacial overc deple depict mode modulated modulus 1973 1930 flocc care chart itirbil genetically clino phre quasi generations adsor ##ometers crack consolidation faunal outward verte corro corall ministry southwards structurally simulations ##ontein infaunal landsat wei wee heihe particip ##uelo teichichnus texas patagonia observing micros centers centimeter centimeters longest longgang dunlin seismics paleohyd transporting cai decline concretions periph calcretes morphologic emer barn barrel barrem 200m effectiveness flor eco finely ##athian impr tempest firm educ sectional microtidal ##formationn rov bottoms comparatively uplifting probability ##locrater gradational knick drusy hair stressed palaeontological salts attitude 119 outcomes april noaa ##porites brand multid multichan mediumto 130 137 methodological dolomitic swept migrated creep agree ##efjord 30m reflectance fewer correlates 180 1835 drawn dependence conflu confining lavas latium oxide 178 guy northwesterly runout 165 behave bays polishing discussions oilfield demand ##omorphology antofag synch damara exha permaf fluctuation farmer favored status predominate halite orientated approximate imaged olen feeder deformational ##stepping operated devast eruptive lengths enclos broader implication narrows aridity projection ##emporal lowstands funding meanders rui worldwide arauc ##gsd board powell analogous diplocrater evaporites slumped sn1g solely ##ogenesis ##petro irregularly submers columnar macroevolution yields assume emergent analyzing arcuate piedmonts forests marshy weakly meteorological societal heavier standards german woody requirement relevance chronostratigraphic ventil reconstructions fissure constituting penetrate embayments destroying purple renewals volcanol pair lagoonal chaiten echo service polarized denser explosion telesc revised recurrent yangtze legend kinemat cluster drove faster tubes targets laws conductivity oscillatory rdls yuanba conformable conformably expressed mitch excavated uncertain ##405 disrupted agriculture 978 utilized intrusion pavement ##angerfjord twenty diluted ponding talus umr wilson wright palaeoslope hierarchy dougl pellets intensively biozone viscosity bivalve condensation encrusting bingham ##banks controversy inclusions reproduction microcodium ##zzi enlar bisac successfully automated bonn hutchinson tangential palaeoenvironmental savann enrichment ##ynthetic commercial trilobite thoroughly ##elaar paleomagnetic territory syncline rhythmically anastomosing fenestral ##ceanographic perceptions amazonian funnelling excursion artificial dsgsd ##metres exemplified carpathian ambient synoptic reinforced cotton hiatus laden symmetrical vesu violent shrink ##izontal indistinct district adopted preexisting infrared porosities ferroan punctuated symposium botswana hancheng kwazulu mercury nahr nannof vector strontium enormous trenhaile recirculation abruzzi levings itirbilung barremian multichannel antofagasta permafrost diplocraterion douglas 1d 1st 271 93 ale ays bate bot bone bell bach cil cave dal dur dab dang drow dash fern fula filt finger gang gains hous hood hopane ire jl jia kir kame lot lags ml mary mach musc nine nav nne pater pull puelo ry rol rights roles roll raster sx self tent tell taylor uta uav vad ward yue za zoo ##mir ##tons ##rf ##rass ##lining ##pi ##can ##current ##wis ##dat ##dlo ##dom ##dig ##bush ##upp ##gm ##gu ##hi ##hue ##hedral ##kan ##zo ##893 ##17 ##eries ##esi ##inic ##iness ##inities ##ali ##aleri ##itz ##itance ##icing ##icated inactive anderson ##entiated ##static ##access ##acability ##eles ##ellus ##uri ##urized ##ask ##imetric ##isive ##isotrop dewater ##omb ##idella ##rav repet repose reju isb ##olc ##ocor shrim ##section expect anisotrop ##romic ##otidal ##etch ##abst ##quir resur ##ria coe coating coals cours contraction contrary interf interst ##tsas surging ##agonian mariner ##ongs faces facult scores unal unus ##taxial ##ensland neap ##apor ##elli ablation norsk disr disint ##aks fluidal flush lever induces perce transpar oversteep biosphere systematically depoz deploy channeled channelised modes modem modulating students charles regulation spite spans splay spots characterizes undiffer arte underlie ##earing phen ##pton adequ crush consum faun faug outline outbur outlines prem glacigenic corers coriol minutes ##ggy thickest mudflows ##ucity ##deposit simulation margar ##ckwise team alongside ##plete presenting topics fracability patagonian hydrostatic micron paleof allen completed remove nearest decolle declining smallest invoked concom slice slicing termination ##rug lof imped sink streamlined microcrystalline subsided rooted eskers ##opter cameras cambridge predicting profound palaeoval avoid avhr burned burdig vegetative qinan 2015 debate multil ##parts moves ##vius aeolianites magnes combining archives 50cm opposed primabst frontier 25m capability generalised unconf loaded averaged ##ifying buff deglacial 141 147 concentric conglomeratic interbedding radiation marker textured zhu guinea makkov running descriptive histories historically bao baham shoved discusses reefal mesotidal focal syntaxial accompl risks palynology 000yrbp agglomer cutoff moray constrict connecting absor contextual ##ovite meanwh breakthrough episodically integrating spectra thermally fragmentation intrins predominance interacting feeders shan23 dividing hardangerfjord operation productive ##deswell encour miller helps substratum benthos silliman thrusts mangrove shoaling curved programs adjusted radiol 60m plug cratering markedly ignimb analogues progressed 310023 occupying 100083 acquire closure borders fishing termini ##ornh facilities facilitation rainfalls bulge goals yielded helpful reasons diffus diffract practition weighted colonial ##walik explaining uncomm pollut organized protection amalgamation ##borated prospecting electrom ##arians definitive definitions facilitating obliter prolific ##matism inherently kilometres mission periodicity purposes molten mollus paucity spanning buildups treated acoustically oxidized s350 magma grasses archaean incorporating stabilized realm hydrodynamics recurring tradition constructing bluff modifying plough valles ##zhong claystones achieve petrography mixtures tuffs nanjing reversed obviously aggregate susceptible glass lichen piper survive heritage montana anomalous validation intrusive mosaics oncoids oncolitic cuttings favoured frio friable hornos rafting paleoclimate umdlo ##renoids geodynamic incoming incomplete hydrophilic siwalik vuggy preparation palaeosol plagi collecting hawaii echinoids 6100 crops cultural dowdeswell putih inertinite proxies recommended megaflood looking condensed cabaleri pv1 rigid queensland microfossils william dissipated electronic daily luminescence thomas isopach isoprenoids presumably qualitative s0928893 split translational potholes nonetheless pictures stopped institutions mudslide ibex kingdom nomtsas procedures neighb compiled supplemented instantaneous sessile veneer microartefacts backflooded drastic ##olinids scabland undergone guidelines inhabited hotspots coherent downdrift circumstances avalanches athabas cardigan norte ##inageology suffered tracers sublithofacies reliability criminal obliquity cascad wisconsin bohai civil cuspate japan louis muir ##prising subhorizontal paraglacial sophisticated fluorescence indonesia depleted 1930s phreatic coralline multidisciplinary agreement exhaust olenellus fundingbody macroevolutionary telescopic kinematics binghamton enlarged vesuvius alex aysen bateman hoodoo ireland muscovite utah vadose rejuven courses disinteg flushing undifferentiated outburst coriolis decollement avhrr burdigalian meanwhile sillimanite ignimbrite uncommon umdloti plagioclase s092889370 athabasca 1cm 2a 570 69 750 84 aar aster bj bret bamb bornh cul cain crop cited dc dorm duct durb dict daz eth fib fetch gong gross gain gath gmm garn han hurr home holl io ita ji je jane ken kor kel kim kap kok kyr krig kitim kongs ll lund lingu longe mh mili mouldic nak oval pb pit pis pad pene peng qian ral rab rose rub sd s4 sous swe sigm t1 tons ub vc vous vib villa wt wro werra xg xie xiang zou ##aˆ ##air ##app ##aware ##millan ##nav ##top ##oif ##rence ##rick ##restrial ##lass ##linal ##linian ##lona ##page ##even ##ecal ##cont ##count ##sub ##winian ##words ##duc ##donal ##bar ##bul ##uing ##gment ##yu ##yle ##yang ##yka ##hu ##her ##hen ##hore ##hua ##kop ##fect ##vity ##0r ##03 ##020 ##ðar thread ##erion ##erozoic ##atories ##iny ##inate ##inorm ##inverte ##edo ##itant ##itao ##itatively ##itching ##ionts ##icts ##icip inev ##anerozoic ##rep ##reed ##rob ##lol ##lose ##elect ##urnal ##asing ##asers toler dehyd ##idate ##idromic stan stass stick stained ##illo ##ilian ##osen ##osynthetic rect foraging ##olate seag suction ##ulin ask ##amish ##oclasts cham chosen ##iest shu ##edimentary alone alber mafic ##odynamics exert exotic ##lusc ##ister ana ##aterrestrial ##pection ##abolic ##ems ##ematic ##estart ##quan coo ##uded ##udstones interrel intercryst ##adth ##ivation sandw sandar sandbanks tracks surprising ##agers ##ague subset subsoil suboxic subparallel mara cang facet scul uneven ##ucting reliable incurs incises ##enson ##ysts ##alevel ##aya ##allium abd ##ersch ##ership intended northerly dissect ##epard partings flume learn leaves ##ght ##cession inducing presettle ##ava transformed transduc ##ountain ##ocks modest dikes diurnal flour carved regulated regressions italian ##soir undrained collections wellhead sequential philo phanerozoic adds coastlines faecal ##aceans verm verging fielding corvol continually silurian structured lithostratigraphy applies pobre featured simpl volfirst volatile volissue infrequ heap hebr studying ##ship ##shui lowered 10s 2022 gree manusc french coars observable hydrogen micas midto suggestive estero seismically paleoh mats reserved descending twig ##pectral glaciations concrete 156 155 calcified calculating exploratory termites flasers ##ozump histogram reduces ##athic progression consistency accumulates identifiable grounding ##oseism microand instances classifications yearnav foundations ##tened thinning clockwise salars english englacial volumelist 11t 112 1100 steel noise mineralization riding 122 humans breadth mooif trade traject metal metre metamorph dolomudstones swell investigative preserving ##ogether firstly bioconstr entrap dried equant equator 259 bras brann bruns spatiot 182 drape endem schmid hydrologically steepest triangular 143 145 144 concentrate ##km3 sortorder sensor quantified authfull 170 lineations 163 169 greenish subducted poland karstic skag alternations shortly anoxia consequential lasting restore damaged criterion depressed grown pubyr pubdat brooks keywords dimension predictive ##itecture releases ##exp darker melted promotes rainwater collaboration rahman tilted macmillan experiencing accretional seasons ichnofacies continuation millions blind helic grayish ##ahari ##mann photic analyse intrapart improving strengths books slower britain tomb replace paleoec exhibiting wedges emphasize 238 analogy flanking cementing difficulty detectable contours ##ogenetic priv exceptions exceptional specialized taitao fundament khz gytt macrotidal dispersion helped analyze practically ert rudists colonisation extract extraterrestrial settled summit weaker 275 balanced jointing foreshore seemed claim ##architecture 1977 intraclast torres tuneles digit incorporation sounder sounding walsh altogether indexes coarseness facilitates econom starts melville collinson paleocurrents inheritance instrumentation periodicities dolomitized puerto convolute mollusc ##coast buildup osis delineation oxidizing 60071 luis serving ##ophotic magmatic maglona objects 29179 exchanges chemosynthetic peloids argillic thresholds icar kinematic ##imetre asymmetry biomouldic kalahari lawrence bypassing counterparts ferrug holistic msl pipe piinorm explanations disruption intrusions odp prevented imbricated bacterial remarkably winnowed 90071 misinterpret sb2 vitrinitic yongquan srctype srctitle srctitlenorm ghar route branching taxa darwinian pglast pgfirst pieces tianshui victims wireline zonation inflows paleoenvironmental cells ##basinal inclusion microfossil wavelengths meaningful ##tectonic transmission topographically authfirstini flexural 60007 md07 pipes russell tongue catalina fisheries pioneer written ##sedimentation check resolutions pothole amphidromic 210pb hypersaline hyperspectral squamish vessel vessels recession franklinian exponentially epicontinental monthly textbook textbooks geochronology pubdateend pubdatetxt encompasses rhizocor aragonite aragonitic juxtaposed 291713 291712 ostracod ostracods pseudomorphs webpdfpage diversified merges ngozump slov witness rejection answer geohazards prevalently mobilized blown nitrogen purely stimulated beaver diachronous diatoms arrived phrase differentiate stephenson determinant collaborative articletitle h2o municip training allochthonous ensure subenvironment companies sparker ammonite professional lahars ellip oxbow skeiðar rheology plunge foothills destabilised bryozoans indirectly birds dwyka druitt pierre sieving succeed leakage undeformed travelled monsoon martinius jeza pillow coppice depicted adsorption vertebrate emerge synchronous devastating bisaccate bonnia botry bachu dangerous drowning dashed machine paterson ryseth dewatering repetitive shrimp unaltered leverington depozone artefacts adequately concomitant makkovik pollutants ploughmarks isopachous alexander dormant ductile durban dazhong hurric kokelaar kriging kitimat longevity souss ubiqu voussoir wrote ##donald inevit stassfurt seagrass presettlement philoso corvoli hebrides mooifontein entrapment branney brunsden spatiotemporal pubdatestart gyttja ferruginous rhizocorallium webpdfpagecount ngozumpa 020 030 3b 5d 6m 610 71 850 841 9a 94 91 ahead bad bend bris bagn ced cid cact cyp cgl dy d3 d2 ding dog dough drown dwelling elu fert gar gou gaps hou hid hall htz ira ionian jab jones kat kos kend kerm keller killed komar lip lives mn mb mack mug nino oo oost piles qish rm rj ren rou rong rog rav rules rico sph sse sans sap siphon ton tins tack tai treat tissue ut uran vf vail viable vapor wy wales xuan yao zi ##mes ##mor ##mul ##mass ##million ##iap ##nt ##nic ##nan ##nest ##turn ##oen ##oining ##ront ##lit ##lides ##elo ##eid ##wan ##bol ##back ##uits ##gin ##gens ##yi ##yan ##yre ##66 ##hart ##kin ##fort ##fers ##fish ##ventional ##zone ##72 ##9a ##94 ##99 ##90071 ##jem thro thins ##erd ##eros ##errat ##ono ##onst thes ##atable ##inites ##initial ##oran offered ##aren ##itary ##itous ##itime ##itatus ##iced ##icules ine inad informed ##anella ##anjem ##ento ##stad ##roch ##acama ##ele ##elimb toes topped ##imbr ##isely deter death demar dems ##omy ##the ##velope ##tery ##iguous stav stacks ##ilient ##osed cones ##andur forth forward forelimb ##olm ##olids ##olars suites sutured ##ulia asl chun chert chains propan shall ship sheng sharing shepard ##phal ##ologia alps albed alignment maur maiz magh exit exits exec ##lag orono oranjem ##pemir ##ota comment reserve resilient ##river atacama coon cook contend contract struck formal intert interl intersp interference interfaces ##tserrat enables enquir envelope ##adec ##astic ##orted prism surf subun ##izer ##izers maritime ##plank pars parox parabolic facts ##ogra scal scru ##ysmal unep unable ##uctions placer evac evans neb neut lows ##rosphere ##ayed ##ellino disposition dislocation ##encl soon flushed ##ulting indo presc ##avang ##avour pert transfers overr overlay overlap biost bibl ##wei sought ##enda carter charco charnock user spain spicules accid ##souri characterises characterisation ##argement datum ternary ##perse associate rockfalls upw ark ares arrow clams phoen notch notches ##omech crino delim delaware obstr ##elder verified precession corporation maintains ##gga extinction ##ustatic hydrosphere lithics lithosphere applying popp pointing simulate ##onto weerd ##ainus 10cm 2096 ams amore calend smcr ##iken supplying howard manip managers samhan dominating planned shallowest mica micaceous icecap typologies centres ##berlite easterly tectonism ##enging paleos paleocene examines discord crosses elemental twice expressive expensive glacioe deciph ##ropy offers invad invasive 1500m slick explor feet termite eman coalbed coaledo flash flora finest ##artic refine peter impound waveand sinks precurs grounded ##inted instabilities ##opod median ##ochron laminar knoll kneller hao pottery complexities palaeol attest 114 ##ubeid silicification recognise easternmost multis breach moore trail traverse 1300 migrat adjoining ##cedony archean 5020 elutri elkton ##erty constit bioclast entrained driver opal opposing flattened derive unconventional ##206 183 188 confidence schist scholars steepness montserrat 149 1400 fractional pyrit separately marking markers illum authigen 17α 1737ad 1600 basalts oldenburg 1963 skills demonst ##omorphic superposed superposition superior inspection revealing mesh antid dammed palynomorphs 00090 aggrading themes ##ashelf labor ##enthic integral spectrosc thermocline intras intrashelf predominated orientations promising promoting ##agnetic raw ##neys harden selby worthy ceram resisting accreting counted popular millenn builds dryland thrusting ##iffe positional ##1930 enhancing stands intraplate seawards improves prograded adjusting plugs tensional paleoceanographic ignition ignimbr striated stripping domal powder ashley exploited playa turned 1000km sn2m compounds regarded harm somma solub easier ##801 brecciated denoting pedotypes pedogenesis activation jiange jiangy sonoran foraminifers expands terminated embank 0148 c26 c23 c22 c25 c27 ##iphase persisted columns homogen assumes assumption foam justified weighting decadal pathway 283 50000 satellites formerly 1972 returns principle stromatolitic ppm pinger displace governments ##board ##book chronostratigraphy digging trunk noteworth settlements banded bandera walter altitudes convective coloured penetrated shifted entrance destroy missing convin subordinately outflows volcanos bhatt paul paola lagoons oxidised documentation correspondence suddenly serves served services ##ophy magmatism prevailed ##onomous diamonds gneisses gneissic foredunes traditionally 444 chemainus scenes heating owp rotatory ##9390071 diapiric considers drops crystal liquef pani orogeny oscillation malays competition competency arenite geofactors timescale excavations dongying herring listric montane optical ##info rootlets mantled pockets stagnation resemble ##otectonics dilute tails resuspended disappears disappeared remarks exhumed couplet vulnerability overgrowth missouri sb3 geodata megach initiating adaptation adaptive adaptations wrong conservative exclusive hyperpycn double sicily sicilian assistance centimetre branches astronomical crag crabs darwin false inertinitic chalcedony independently retrogradational safety encrusted paleoenvironment paleoenvironments pushed rigorous steranes dealing controversial queen precipitated uncertainties bolasp enlargement vehicles deflected preferentially pipeline russia envision shrubland bitum lapse ##sedimentary cheap compartments coalesce okavang picture sedge anchored discernable redistribution expertise epicent mudslides nasa sfap ##errak towed storegga installed excluding 003707389390071 s209651921930 gutter pumping extrapolated fringe restrictions cubic caddah morton pinkhua tagus andrews interlayer paleochannel anticyclone s18763804206 zsb4 s0037 thrombolite recrystallized noticeable micritization deficiency sulphate categorized optimum pennsylvanian biggest frozen galleries rilles invertebrates chimneys geopark disseminated partitioning weeks longgangxi paleohydrology imprint tempestites knickpoint hairpin arauco ##petroleum submersible mitchum nannofor cilento filtrate uavs anisotropy unusual perceived faunas margaritatus palaeovalley multilay magnesium unconfined accomplished intrinsic radiolarians practitioners disintegration s09288937018 aarseth bretz culmin gongola hollister itapemir jeff janeiro kimberlite mhw miliolids sigmoidal ##kopf alberta transducers infrequent paleohigh twigs skagerrak private slovak ubiquitous bagnold dougherty drowned eluc iraq jabal kermadec muglad qishn siphonichnus taiyuan uranium inadequ stavanger albedo maizels maghre oranjemund interspersed paroxysmal scrub charcoal phoenix smcrbukk glacioeustatic migratory demonstra spectroscopy ignimbrites noteworthy bhattacharya bolaspidella okavango 003707389390071c itapemirim 0m 1km 2b 2km 2mm 3a 3c 3ma 3cm 4m 4km 5cm 530 6b 620 6km 790 82 81 940 945 aw aph ari aware apex bif bow bir bub binary bsr cc cb c3 cit cation cig cres cust cids cables cinder dm dre dys dall dick dco ew eid eject eged fd f3 fat fly fens foci feng fash fabrics gn gur gle gast gone gard gome gris gcm hz hing hans hind hull hof hold hann house hubeid iv iow jack jck ko kent kab kang kurt lt lod lined lining mul mir mla muse moz mask nong nap nps neng nio nnw om ou ooo pter page pang pah purs qiang rut rine riz rosa rills slu sad sight sided sogn sark ssw sabr sodium t2 tam tied tuc tilt tls vat vig vug won word warp wax wsw wnw xan xing xue xiu xrf ya you yulin zar ##x3 ##xon ##aff ##affect ##mu ##men ##mens ##mple ##mond ##ien ##iers ##iella ##nott ##tis ##t15 ##oan ##light ##polar ##ejiang ##eavour ##cs ##city ##cay ##cates ##cang ##sible ##surn ##sley ##weath ##wind ##da ##dc ##dra ##dated ##bat ##bour ##bearing ##uated ##uters ##gay ##gers ##61 ##6000 ##300 ##hos ##hoe ##kanes ##fly ##fri ##fts ##fluvial ##flam ##280 ##5a ##55 ##500 ##01 ##zu ##ziana ##zona ##43 ##44 ##84 ##98 ##97 ##qut ##jie thint things thorn thumb ##onym ##aty ##atology ##atform ##ese ##esmin ##inium ##inality ##enorm ##eddate ##alities ##alqut ##oric ##orse ##arm ##ita ##itical ##itely ##ioned ##icate ing inversely ##anol ##recc ##ston ##stage ##rocess ##rolog ##ingers ##lock ##lomite ##acia ##elm ##ello ##elberg ##elming ##urst ##asch ##asia toxic ##imer ##imant ##imetry ##implic ##isal ##isis ##isional ##isporites ##leo ##lev ##leys ##ctoral ##ctype ##lyk ##idites stok ##iline reyn reme reality areal conven ##andez isolation ##olating ##olls beta secular sealevel sui ##ulhla ##olomite ##amps ##amenorm ##ocrat ##occo ##gement chong chond chinageology shuan shilo ##phyl ##phycos ##phelo ##edimentation sedimented ##che ##chuan online onboard ##ifluvial ##ifinality ##posal ##possible alve alert albe alkanes mah ##iras exact exerts exerc ##lapa ##laiba ##istics anc whit ##romatic ##etland ##etism ##empton ##ques ##quier ##qualand ##umn ##uman comments resum resolved resident ##ighter ##ripet ##ripts atyp coordin coax coexist format ##udi interfer interstratified entail ##adu ##adj ##adays ##ivoc ##ivated prist trond tracing trichichnus surm surlyk ##therlands maria highand ##plan ##platform ##oneis ##ante canali facility ##ogonal scav scene scann scorse ung unmod unaffect ##insen ##tak ##illi ##illing ##illary ##illonite ##uctive ##uctory plut plans plint ##itek incisions geometric ##ensus ##ensides nev neither neotectonic nephelo netherlands ##ystone lowe ##ayual ##aped ##aping recur ##allian ##ellan abrol intelle compacted computers ##ardino impossible geomorphically geomorphologist discon disequ disconnect figures parting lev leed leave leaf lewis assign assignment ##veloped ##agement indent pertain perimeter transpor translation transformations overwh overwash overexp overturn biostratigraph ##weight ##wearing soufri ##veland stratov channelization modal modulation 19th carr carpet carries ##ibly spre spurs spaw spillo interpolated ##perm distant distally upsection arising arnott underlies undercut loch ##aripp adm adve consulting whereby faint ##elde outlets preocc glacifluvial desired mind ##ographie ##uca ##ucion pool pools volga ##ppert relating ##pson ##rymple tepe ##igraphic 206 205 20cm repub differently topmost butte sm0r supplies managed fraser vein ##consolidated centripet ##engers paleol paleoproterozoic paleoseism energies ##undt matching stratigraphical discrep crossed crossmark acicular allig expelled glaciogenic oceanology ##roll ##asei specified offsets ##standing characteristically 152 158 151 1500 signs gaski feas downwelling morpho morphodynamics barren northernmost ##aminated similarity wetter foli loams refined refract implying consistently sinian sinking identical identifies freundt precisely edward edged grounds microplate microtext rover robert royal ##opo physic bottomland dolostones ##ictic medial media ##ails ##ailine camps campa ##ozoan ##terson knots think ##overed predis interview methyl methanol salient lawal laflam volumetr attack attract 118 bioturbations apron apatite apulia backed backstepping bury responded silicified blocked recognizing ##upation ##updated 126 123 121 multiphase breached ##teen fluidized fluidisation 132 139 metaz swed swelling swamps abundances 100s 100km aged agitated 50km ##erms doi doctype ##ogeology equally equifinality opens fronted retrie papua captured capillary likewise generalized causative serrate serrav contenttype brist fungi ##ofar ##oflag buf correlatable 189 1807 drab transgressions headland headward endang endogenous endeavour packed quartzite scha seconds secondarily kuenz passed passively eventual cm3 148 appearing appearances ##idson zhi zhai zhejiang 172 ##aux gui makers hazardous 161 167 16ka 1663 subdiscipl subducting estimating openarch openaccess assembly 1969 persists bathurst skempton postdo inselberg mesoh focuss syntectonic synsedimentary ##enomics 000years 000m3 00064 morris morocco ##physics permitted docsub breakage labile reliefs argue favoring thermochron exciting fragment conduits releasing northeastward northeasterly olist singh ##oliths frameworks saaty saudi visually divide nowadays illustrating seasonality populated huashan huppert biologically demonstrating eux euhedral ichnology surroundings seek tractive tractional requiring drylands interests narrowing temporally liy silled segmented positively ##emporaneous fundy funded thirdly ruo arab 70m 708 prevention radiogenic replacing 228 amplified oxygenated 233 ignite ignored ignited ##ennie analogs wacke scarcity occupation regards harsh solids receiver minimize minimizing apparatus lobang ##maline specialist irregularities 90m 90masl pedotype bordering reactions jiang dateupdated 240 introduce introductory macrob homes stylol assuming 475 ##like remainder ##annual arcs paths wangcang orbitolinids colonized 500m ##216000 forested articles 279 joins convert converge ##ollis todos negle 1974 1978 1979 polym roads roadways schematic 268 2600 toronto accompanying addressing governmental chronologies discharged patchy namaqualand arguably seepage subtract indexeddate concluding conclude summarize advancement 5600 category timor submergence ranks instrumental missions ##ylind sulfides david davidson rims volcanically molles version reading fluviatile 2007ad skelet superimposition 360 oss oslo ##after ##najokull intermountain documenting counting ##ugate repeat planeaˆ humidity mobility truncations 340 densely datesearch stabilize realized costs ichnofossil 80011 ##oehoe baffl constructional improvement distinguishing highlighting wuji chemostratigraphic chemostratigraphy aims aimed icy owsley articleinfo clues drook dropped tubew vendob ##zhi biomark itemtransactionid itemstage itemweight microscopic microscopy crevices colourless achie kalimant targeted xinjiang meetings clouds lawler mcge mcbe mcdonald nanogeology urgent andesite andesitic reversals arenaceous anticip anticline ultimate glennie designated propagate fitness herb montmor cleaner collapses scenarios pockmark ##224 conjugate validated deglaciated headwalls 08pm oncolite favours ##ioli dissection interestingly paleoclimatology keystone videos willapa geodynamics megaripp bajada argentine borings borne boriken hammer mottling carrying decelerating authority routes sicula synthetic astronomy cultures piegay pinnacles tiering ##ytes truth universal retrogradation plotted psb stere ##basins alkali updated appreciation appreciate appreciable precipitates dissipative rhythmic santos yb224 informal stationary interconnectivity transmitted 1934 1905 topographies topographical deflect authfirstinitial authfirstsurn permanently 4000m biscay grove lumps preceded catalog ##iiiiiiii resembling pioneering pinch writing ##breen ##ulous resolve intersects compartment implement implemented implementation claro healthy petrophysics cyclically cyclonic knowing communication communicating advantages dumping mutually tasman tasks ##horeline innovations innovative ##ambique getting anchor enriched percolation floatstone ##ynthesis commercially advocated huangling encompassing briefly berri nomencl otago procedure compilation computational crypt discrimination discriminate instantaneously installation profiler profilers 80009 dinoflag gutters linxian sealed phrases phosphate fringing tectonophysics articletitlenorm caddis dhalqut dhofar vortices orthoclase ##00714 paleochannels magnetometer skewness publishing s18763804216000 ecohydromorphology ahp circa cirque mammal uvayual virtually tourmaline attenuation parametric unequal overprinted sporadic sporadically cruziana directionality macroscopic issnnorm dateloadedtxt macrofauna palaeoclimatic 320280 klein lifted oyster injection geogenomics primeiras paradigm learning performance flocculation peripheral barnacles florida confluence guyot ventilation savanna dalrymple dabashan houses navig zoophycos ##olcano coefficient coatings interstitial transparent paleoflood bahamas encourage diffractometer electromagnetic mollusks louisiana rejuvenation caineng fibrous garnet hanjiang kelly lunde nakata penecont penglaiba ralph rabaa village ##electric chambers interrelations cangxi ##erschelde manuscripts trajectory 182mm schmidt intraparticle paleoecology economics 291799 witnessed municipal botryoidal hurricane inevitably cacti cypress kendall oosterschelde ravinement sansum wyoming thesis ##rochron enquiry subunits overriding charnockites accidents crinoids obstruction discordance slickensides emanating elutriation constitucion pyritized laboratories hardenbol millennia jiangyou foamy displacements malaysia herringbone s1876380420600714 slovakia inadequate maghrebian aphotic arizona bifur cigem crescent custom dreyer ewtransactionid egedesmin gurioli gomez hofformationn kurtosis ltd mozambique pterid pahoehoe rutile rinehart sabrina tucker vatnajokull vigorous xanadu thinto ##onymous ##implications ##ilinear chondrites albeit trondhe unmodified unaffected nepheloid abrolhos disconform disequilibrium transports overwhelming overexplo soufriere stratovolcano spawning spillover preoccupation sm0rbukk centripetal gaskiers interviews laflamme volumetrically retrieved serravallian kuenzer openarchive postdoctoral inselbergs mesohabit docsubtype wujiaping tubeworms kalimantan mcbeth montmorillonite authfirstinitialnorm authfirstsurnamenorm dinoflagell s1876380421600071 uvayualuk penecontemporaneous egedesminde 0km 0mm 1mm 280 3km 4a 4f 420 5o 670 680 690 665 7m 7b 719 8m 8c 8f 9m ai aˆ aper aust auss aks b3 b2 b1 bent bure bun bus brian bond bob batter bima cs cg cy cess cite cass cath cup counts crown dak dyn deng doz dull dna dug drew dellino eur ese egg eogenetic fp fang fift ftz fuca ger gor gly gig gos gog gans gass gari giles glos ganga hp hj him hith hos hast hack hope holds ia ig ian iog jh jim jial jams kan kra kall kost kows kettle kasei ld lan let lect lacks men mich mong mus mined merg mck muss miles mbt nac nun nans nish nove nival nadi nosed oj ond oph oki pc pig pay pret pain pyc pix qi qiao ros rating rott sit sig sang sail silo t4 tj tith tand tall tie tors tags trophic torn tpi uch vi vin vas vest vry void varian vasse voy vague wa wat went wud worm wish x020 yess zimb ##x19 ##aform ##my ##mals ##mining ##mbia ##iomorph ##iago ##iaceae ##nocline ##nership ##tl ##tit ##tel ##time ##rs ##rj ##rif ##rill ##long ##liang ##py ##pid ##pression ##eth ##ement ##epping ##cor ##col ##cings ##comm ##ss ##sb ##sand ##soci ##sua ##slev ##wu ##western ##wson ##di ##dam ##die ##dire ##bast ##bted ##bec ##uff ##uquier ##gar ##gas ##gus ##gue ##yto ##hl ##hok ##hood ##huan ##hole ##hopane ##helm ##haped ##kim ##klad ##fu ##fit ##feld ##foni ##241 ##249 ##2o3 ##vent ##vie ##53 ##51 ##za ##74 ##900 ##jer ##jiao thri thars threed ##erially ##eresis ##onne ##inely ##inia ##enian ##edge ##alog ##alding ##alae ##ori ##orre ##orial ##oriver ##aro ##areness ##itable ##icul ##icelli inver inge ##anfeng ##rey ##reet ##reck ##regn ##stri ##rood ##roff ##rocarbon ##ingly ##ingjiang ##lot ##lod ##loids ##eled ##elve ##elil ##elia ##elih ##urate ##asm tohok ##imura ##iser ##isfact ##isnor ##lee ##lear deform depex ##omer ##omag ##ctively ##ctual ##lyena ##lyrood ##oux ##oul ##outs ##thrie ##idian ##iduous ##tera ##raf ##rade ##igms ##iguing st1 stones stjord stop ##ilise ##osh ##osote retained reinh reinterpret confer coniferous ##andering iso isles isolate forcings ##olpa beb bear beau sure ##ulatory asian ##ametry ##ametric ##ocon ##ocone ##ocular ##gev ##geomorphology chir chad cheg chromat choux prove shot shatter shaking shetland ##phers ##phase ##cha ##cher ##chas ##chlor ##channel ##sea ##utra onlapping ##mentioned alc ald alb alum align gee gear gets geof geotectonic ##ateful maus mapper maull ##irl ##odict ##odym ##istos ##istical ##isturb ##istreet anem ##pez ##otal ##etra ##etime ##abwe ##eman ##eston ##estone baseline ##umps ##ppt compe resedimentation attained atoll attains cole cools conting stringers formally interg enters ##orementioned grazing ##adv ##asters ##ivian tres trisnor ##iches ##agu subzone marias ##plinian ##unn ##antage ##antao cantera ##0011 unp unste unimodal unstratified unweath ##insale ##take ##illance relies placing ##ensions negev neodym lowers ##apons ##aputra recre reconc reclass ##ells ##ellana abnorm bedsets ##ersen ##usive intent intim intend computed ##ostinh disag disperse disartic disposal ##ervious ##eps ##encer partnership lander landing landmass leu perfect transvers biologists bioh ##endering occlu stratifications stratocone modifies dipl regulations regulate usage usgs spons spalding accent characters undisturb ##pered uptake arise aryl arica arises wellington ##ipods interpretive underflow underpin underconsolidated hyps ##earth clift phreat phyl phyto ##ressed ##ptilo notion noting noticed quies quad generic adh adverse crud crisis consensus ##urbation obstruct fa2 fauquier prelit corps corrid desud ##ergy continual thanks minto ##ggish thickly thickening extinct hydric hydrated litho litholog lithification mudfl pole ##deep earthlike feather inflation variably varieties ##ileiro commission weering weaken weapons hex hein heated actions 10a 1012 texts ##tings reprocess ##faciesarchitecture topsoil calmer suppl ##oking franc lima limb domination patrick observational observatory shallowwater hydrof microp midt shelfal shelfedge longwall longmens seismo ##ribute acis acyclic ##meter ##mech plataform capping descent descendant native allied twelve decisive decimetre deciduous decametric oceanus ##ropic ##ropods imported periplatform 15t 159 15km 1558 signifies ##aea slacks gaspar exploring downwind downwearing empt emery barb barth ##ankov climat climatically flame flute financ ##article looks refraction peterson impressive impregn impervious severely technician surveillance streamflow microstructure subsiding roy classed classify larsen aforementioned terrestr terraced cyclo mio ##tenhelm medi grateful ##located camp campan ##ritslev ##ochannels ##ochthonous gradation laminites knight knolls drifting driest useable haf clothing palaeocene palaeob palaeochannels salad salinities saltings ##sequences engagement volumetric voluminous attachment bloom 113 ##ubei avuls avulsion steam burgan responds posed limitation limitations worked brahm 128 debou ##termost multic multist trains travers fluidization 138 grainsize ##rell 100m 10072 creosote agostinh elver elias ##erman ##leto maxima doing doyle bioclastics 3019 opa fronting reflective reflectors deriving suspensions universityof contentious pressurized ##2018 ##20300 185 1837ad beachrock confines confinement headlands ends expose schtit passages cleveland radio circump compositional fractal sheeting logged pyro pyram shoreward quantitatively zhen zhanfeng 173 guang guthrie guantao lineation sidewall request mixes 16m 168 ##genetic ##genfjorden subaerially normalized 218 21β 21st 210023 bah baas political shoa granit granulo 1962 1965 1961 person anyone geomorphologically skolpa superc implied inspect insolation mesophotic shortening canadensis lasted restored testified risen ##ilton palynof palynomorph connects erodes tideand ##physical distinctly globe satisfact warning clearing fluctuated ##00076 ##00064 ##000900 integrate applicability permeametry intruded intriguing halo linkage benn benkh gulick gullying olsen behaviors behavioral prompted sedimentologically feeds rainy safer divides divisive maca harder worth referring shearing viewpoint accreted county geoscient geospat ##arsandur functioning edition seeking encirc mechanically blanc narrower temporarily rhod rhomb photogra mangal ##models intrabasinal prograde ledges boomer colder ##mming triggering amplification exhibited ##loading supposed emphasizing 239 ironstones strip stripped oligotrophic powers contemporaneously ##ilot freeze 00z 80m nww ##lora 100028 556 55pm snorre closing haro harbour lifetime receives necessitated retreats divergent exceptionally ##petus ##ushan brecciation 330 33405 9062 denoted ideally pedersen tao tafoni reactive evidences monitored sonic greyish terminology khor khola submitted persistently gypc accounted macroand macroform macroforms macroinverte bullet bulging inundate annually substances certainly priority motivated recoverability erd rudist washing academic alaskan colonizing settles disciplinary ##hydrocarbon forestepping highstands removing 2010ad subaqueously bald balances join converging seemingly infiltrate meteorology claims clague ##brunn 1976 polyklad polyphase blackish 260 holyrood ripu exceeded coincided unclear reactivated germination woodroff burrowed protective pingos ##azal prospective shelly shelter sheltered employ extremes fila filmed filament ##boidal chronological hemipelagites venting ##960 chenopod arguments summaries 327 convey drifted 5684 colombia prolifer collisional hypergenic hyperarid gypsiferous auto autogenic autonomous autumn immersed confirms sulfate puye puente osm fiords 102249 draping 60066 75a uniformly archaeology everywhere truncate incorporates ##onomy stabilizing suspected ichnofabric explosions benchmark fsst ##luvia lithologically constructions ##19268 diamictites torrential nichols ##points ##iliar chemically legacy plots ##93x3 accessibility dropping flemming crevass panel panels xinfeng ascendant ascidian frictional kilometer dawson maliu malaya qingchuan ##heid reversing conformities transferred paleontological anticlinal countercurrent casq castro castellana ferrous holding theoretically designation visualization rhyolite ruptured benefited dongwu giardino ##influ spitskopf pocket utilize validate happens travels towns geographically acceptable preventing cosets dilution friends abandonment destructurated talence umb wilgus carboniferousa constituent davisian borgenfjorden family hamlet hampered mottles coevolution correction corrected authorities diminish pellet plaus plaesi routinely zs3 ##fields seedling intensities assisted spilled spillway spillways ##stratigraphic taxon astronomer astronomers 0928 cropping culture naples pickering ##omagnetic isostasy energetics universite apennines retrogressive convergent affil afford affinity affinities k2o pv3 pv2 sterane ##basin ##valley copiap 1953 1954 army quebec reproduc microclim precipitate enhancement conjunctive besly cnrs mccave ramps santa santiago yb6 ##oclinal excessive recycling 1908 1033 1034 deflection frames framestones flexure efficacy groo milankov ##middle ##public thompson strategy presumed shrublands entrenchment nuclear elaborated fuels huttel lapilli symb intersecting abstracts compartmental translated amphipods hydrography hydrographic expeditions coalescence cyclical palaeoflood hardgrounds palaeoenvironments flakes mutti rossby squee ##imensional stops enabling recessional compressed redistributed redistribute monadnocks trilobites advocate advocates mesoand venusian editorialofficex2019x1 editorialofficex2019x25 editorialofficex2019x405 conchostracan depocentre depocenters binding binocular nests slough street streaks cryosphere supplement paleomagnetism excluded prevalent s2096519220300 gauge gauged ##norwegian stretch stretching compensation phytoclasts thanked extrapolation differentiating microartefact backflooding drastically jointly remobilization remobilisation deduced judgment morticelli vorticity ##northatl ##gypt beckinsale allochems residents interlayers graphical subenvironments companion quarter quarry professor 100007 oxbows skewed rheological 3108 31035 inhibited foothill acknowledged anticyclonic bryozoan titanium ecohydromorphic ribbons berms keeping mammals rtk s00370738 tourist choice unequivoc abuts overpressuring overprinting miniat appraise appraisal obscuring obscured manifestations micritized preclude dredging 1800s macrofossils borealis pennsylvania aeromagnetic boguch galile galway kauai kauformationn mrs oysters ##iyat ##iscus paraiba paradigms imperial learned overcome overcoming clinoptilo corroborated participants barnacle barrels educational demands enclosed ventilated pairs savannah duric fernandez kirk tentative tentatively isbn isbns resurfac interflu marineris oversteepening oversteepened crushed microns lofz agglomerative constriction absorbed breakthroughs obliterated 610041 610051 megaflooding rigidity bjh bambam bornhold gaining gathered kenya korla kapiti kongsfjorden linguoidal sweeps dehydration stanistreet sticky asked coolyena intercrystailine faceted sculpted unevenly incursions abdally fieldingx19 greece coarsest metamorphism equatorial brasileiro endemic rahmani helicopter fundamentally claimed digitized misinterpretation ellipso skeiðararsandur philosophy 03019268 610500 841000 cedaria dingwell goudie hidden kosi rmpe roger spherical utility ##9400076 throat ineffect demarcate ##omyid intertw ##plankton parsim evacuation nebkha neutral upwelled ##omechanical delimited calendar decipher invaded multiscale 1836 illuminated authigenesis rawtext ceramic embankments 50000key liquefied megachannels envisioned sedgeo ##petroleumsoci nannoforam multilayer s092889370180011 culminated elucidate demonstrably 94523 awareness dysoxic dalland fatalities fashion gastropods hinge jckulhla kabd nappe outermost pangaea rizzo sluggish sognefjord warped zarga ##mugam stokesi reynolds shiloubei coordinates coexistence entails scanners nevada intellectual disconnected leeder pertaining overturned biostratigraphically tepee republic alligator feasible physicochemical campaign methylated buffer endangered 1663ad focussed thermochronological harshiyat stylolites 27913 neglected polymictic skeleton bafflestones mcgeary stereo berriasian nomenclature caddisfly navigation ##rochronology pteridinium ##implicationsfor stratovolcanoes dinoflagellate aussenk aksu bureau cg2018 cessation dakota gansser gassum gariep hitherto hastings iapetus iogp jialingjiang kallistos kowsmann letter merging nacional nishimura november ophiomorph pycnocline pixel tithonian tandem vascular vryheid x02022 yesson zimbabwe ##committe ##suaq ##westernnorthatl tharsis threedimensional inverted ##elihood tohoku ##omagmatic stjordal beaufort chirp chegau chromatography mausfeld maullin ##odictyon unweathered neodymium reconcil transversal bioherms undisturbed clifton phreatomagmatic weakened longmenshan plataforma gasparo financial terrestrially palaeobot avulsions brahmaputra 100724 creosotebush agostinho 30195 schtittenhelm circumpolar ##00064x benkhelil geospatial photogramm polykladichnus woodroffe puyehue plaesiodictyon copiapo milankovitch editorialofficex2019x259 clinoptilolite fieldingx1993x3 030192689400076 ##petroleumsociet s0928893701800114 ophiomorpha ##westernnorthatlantic 0301926894000764 273 371 4e 4c 4d 4cm 493 5e 5b 5h 6e 6c 676 7i 7c 7ka 713 712 8d 8b 8km 830 810 9c 9b 916 900m aa agn airc aiding aromatic b8 ban bom bil bos bill boun blast bones bso bru boz buch bind balu cq cion cist crel code cpetro cele cylind d4 dac dol dave dich damp digen dolc ey e1 eib ease eras egypt fb f4 fif fost fals felt fits gw gol gir gary gib gup gained gade gelder hur hil hir hant hell hass hear huan hula herc ion iag ivers ions jr jut jord jak jup jorn jean jago kr ky kj kre kot kore kors kings kenn kanger lis lib lime lout lose lint lists luna lili lgm mw mv mim mos mand muc mca muk mcm mgs nd ny ning nomin nile nuan null nih nai ov o0 oua oued olomite pent pom pand pod pab pine pere pant pik pluvial pigg pco pitted pomar pilot rs rf rous rus rick rust rail rains rational ranged rendering sir sass sip sik sier sits solved sags sadd sieve sask sayed s01 tat ted tion tro tig tuk tiny tship tighter va vac vir viv venic ww win wom wise wond wane woh waf wester wreck wandering xu yal yall yuman zm zz zit zam zag zanella δ13 ##x0 ##xing ##x20 ##ael ##aut ##aud ##aeresis ##mb ##mere ##mia ##mish ##mature ##metric ##iand ##iod ##ixt ##ioration ##ipping ##iop ##iography ##ipped ##ni ##nos ##niv ##nae ##nold ##nbro ##tan ##tation ##tir ##tot ##tect ##t00 ##tures ##tones ##t21 ##t10 ##t11 ##t07 ##ops ##oint ##rr ##riment ##rone ##rics ##rene ##racts ##ranc ##rigenous ##ridge ##racharya ##ll ##lc ##lia ##lton ##liffe ##p6 ##ping ##pow ##pus ##prop ##eu ##een ##eaux ##cl ##cel ##cast ##clasts ##cover ##coral ##clastics ##currents ##san ##sel ##sam ##system ##sica ##supp ##with ##wari ##wontin ##wze ##din ##drop ##dible ##density ##dte ##disc ##bh ##bled ##bane ##burn ##bury ##boids ##box ##based ##balt ##uth ##uine ##uates ##ulos ##uelist ##gat ##gence ##gun ##gant ##gments ##greg ##gai ##hy ##hol ##hut ##hill ##hang ##hara ##hagen ##ko ##ky ##kay ##kner ##karst ##fa ##fe ##feldsp ##filled ##faks ##26 ##29 ##2cm ##237 ##vine ##vich ##vian ##vard ##vanella ##zi ##zes ##zeld ##zier ##zob ##862 ##141 ##75 ##945 ##qing ##qla ##jj ##ør thuring thirt ##ertain ##erritslev ##onation ##onia ##onance ##onites ##onious ##onichnus ##atip ##atitude ##atua ##attak ##esund ##enary ##enik ##edy ##eding ##allop ##orer ##orith ##orest ##orable ##orium ##orbit ##arthy ##itor ##itment ##iture ##itization ##itlin ##iont ##icie inch inact inaccess ##ani ##anca ##anization ##anoke ##entary ##rect ##roy ##role ##rose ##roves ##rograph ##ingup ##lots ##loys ##lous ##logged ##aca ##acro ##acings ##eli ##eley ##elastic ##urray tooth ##ationale ##imble ##isot ##isia ##isible ##isited ##ispo ##omot ##lytic ##oue ##oubted ##thest ##veg ##veien ##idine ##idad ##idium ##idley ##terranean ##terrigenous ##igat ##igate stated stad stock stoss stating stoch storing stuck stiffer ##ila ##ilia ##ilization ##ilms ##ilonichnus ##osc rear reorg reatt ##ands ##andare forbes ##olum ##olta ##oluted ##cement seiches sund withstand withdra ##uled ##ulent ##ulong ##uliss ##uliffe ##ulkner asi aside ##vern ##olom ##ocycl ##oclots chw chil chry chub champ chei chillan chidley propp proposing shocks sherman ##pha ##phan ##pheres ##phytes ##edimentology ##ologie sedimentologists ##chen ##chio ##channels ##seah ##utive ##uttons onla ##ialpublic ##ife ##ifiers alf allu alloc alters alti alluvia alesund alpha geol geotectonics max mad ##odet ##odiaceae ##odolum exo exposition exacer ##lux ##luent ##lujokull ##luoric ##isto ##istat ##istral anat anten anabr anhedral anonymous orphan ##peii whip ##rome ##rometer ##otam ##otential ##etary ##lower ##abrecc ##emper ##estion ##estic ##estratigraph ##quist ##quality ##inez ##uma ##ppies ##ppines resonance ##rip ##riatic ##riya ate copper cogn cobalt contrad contiguous strict formula ##udys ##udied intercept interannual ene enig envelop enallop ##orey ##ads ##ades ##ador ##adily ##ivative pratt sandwell sandbar trach truck trimble ##ichsel subb subarctic subhead subpolar subplinian subterranean ##izations ##izio ##therm mariana marram marbat maratua chann highway highquality ##pland ##unian ##unean paral caning canals ##oga ##oglacial scre scree scored unt univ unres unex uninterpret unparallel unrav unloading ##inski ##taq waterlogged incre incidence incert incons ##ensely coloration neo nee neill nept neider neoglacial ##apov abl abraded bedford ##usa ##user mei mead meant imi impose ##ostid disaster disadv dislocated faciesmodels ##ervoir ##akar formational ##encestratigraph sole ##retic parted flumes leith leib lewontin ##ghua ##cesses assam ##acher indus ##avn ##avo ##aved ##avut ##avage ##avente transforms transpiration overlo overflow overpass oversupp biof biochemical ##wear ##urings depicting depicts riverbed ##ender ##enditure ##ocked stratotype module dips dixon ##ironde 1916 1947 haszeld carling charts charged charlot regulating usda ##ibil ##iberg ##ibles ##ibah sp2 spir spinn spores spills spencer spacings ##string ##sop unders undulo undoubted interparticle datalog ##period ##bonat rockfall college upstanding gene genuine ars arve arenic arbit arthrop arzob wellman ##resent ##respect ##gesen underflows undermining locate locating ##ismic sequency ##early clath ph2 ph4 phyc phili ##ressively ##ressaceae quie ##arium genera adim deepened crink crises cristo consilience deleter fax fa1 faulkner outpo carbons carbonatic verify vergent prefect file corsica tyee tyrr southard ##ishan ##gger ##angle thicken extents ##ographically mudclasts poik poison ##deiba earthflow ##anica simulated simulating simplified ##yness commenced ##psed wealth weimer weichsel heber heiberg ##ieval ##sho ##shavn ##cahuan 101 teams 20μm ##ernas speaking amid ample amster ameras presentations topic calm calab calder butler ##ike suppressed ##oka ##okes obser manually analysing fruit limfjord limbs sampl samarium veins veizer thereafter hydrolys hydroperiod icefjord icefields centrif ##berland ##berry eastwards dunne dunham duncan seismotectonic paleoriver matric maturation matched crosscut acu acre acacia petrohue news newton ##meable platel cao caution eleph elegant palm palenik complements complemented expenditure decou decimetric ##rolite ##rolled coarseand coarseto invalu concavo 15a 1562 1542 likelihood slr slit slid sourcing feel downwards downcoast morphogenic morphotectonic morphodynamic morphotype morphometry morphogenesis successes barkh 200km biotope biotopes ##ruitment coalbearing climax flint floral ecoge finite finland reductions wetness foliation loven gravelstone peer peir impressions researches shaley sinistral edx edific ##margin ports microkarst subsalt roanoke escapes classop classifying ##oped ##opically yearly auchas bottomlands bottomset memory furrow mediated medieval deficit deforest grdc ##ritical willis gradistat nummul knob knox strongest drink dryness richard haw haq hauter cloth ##overyre prede sala salina westernmost lapping attended 11a 111 backflow steve stepping stepped steadily burn burrell responding siliclastic surveyor blocking ##isses recognizes horst vegetal westen westwards ##upi braiding nonc nonline ##nert 12a 12000 1270 1280 lakeward debates alluvialsedimentation mediumand ##para traffic ##tegat extensions 135 134 1390 ##tedah ##ronism metric metrics swales switch switz switching migrations engineered combines 100000 preserves arches archived agency agitation agencies agreed agenda agapov ##raduate 509 karl karas karbonat ##redict ##redients floored ##lette doid ##ogeography 308 307 30cm entities entropy aftersh opin primitive ##ymb retard strataform 255 251 25000 2500m 2512 additions reflector capri ##ratics ##wayn generalisation causal dera derives derivative brach brines brenn fungal ##oft averaging portra bug correlating correlatives 184 187 1837 1890 dependency confront sumat geoand ending exposing schul scholar widen widens hydrologists kuhn latitudinal passengers epif epib monkey oxic 14a 146 142 ##inked detriment concentrates approached cleavage ##fico radically disputes pye shorefaces ##fficients iluliss catenary catunean zhou respects 17c 174 17th 1700 ##auer ##augen ##region guiding gugl properly dissol dissoci windows ##ihua ##ihaugen descriptors unconformable gravitative ##versions drillstring xiaoerbul openings bai baode polic polish zeolites grants positioned traceable 1967 oils demise democrat ##omorphological ##omorphologic supermature postrift ##rusts alternated alternately kaas kaiser mesa mesoclots shortand shortest fallen fallibil rests synand synaeresis evenly damaging damming spaceborne critically 000km 00076 cutans erodible distinctions warren warnbro humanity brogger breakup labelled labeled shahe shafts ##eralized shores fluctuates farms farming fartaq ##pecialpublic argues fourteen predictable aquit favouring ##obshavn integrates spectrograph tende tendencies ##ioff ##incol intrud condor conduit oriental outcropped pebbleto ##aluation interacted benjian benavente benioff darkand moderateto promises rainst raindrop sahara visit ##uka ##ukattak raj raise raude transitionally amongst lacked macul macroph isotropy isotropic walled referencing sheared operates ##berger begun illustrations geophysic responsive erupted hubert ird irre irwin irvine irrespect euro editing lengthening encro broadening millimet millennial millimeters millimetre freshly freshet helens helgesen conceived rhom photographic palaeoceanographic palaeoinverte mangroves thirdand thirdorder plantations biogeomorphic 295 290 299 2918 rule rupp ruff ruhl ##modal aradeiba ##agsbrunn programm heteromyid boon boyd plugged slowed ##mmyear crestline morphologically brittl grabens 225 2222 2295 airflow airgun issfirst issuelist emphasizes 23m ignore ##abilization finingto oligohaline oligophotic domical analogies analogical conclusive 358 3500 35km gullied gullfaks ashworth flanked 313 peats mineralogic restricting 00am 0080 80masl detecting 553 snout snub snails acquir closest harms harbor harstad harvard himalayas sombr solve solutes solitary necessity partiallyto pyroclastics diverted divergence ##petent martinsen martinez makeup 339 denotes denison axel bordered bordeaux ##gaard activated sonnt diameters terminate terminations terminates embr embric aquiferous khumb tarbush ##orno 20190 249 gyp experimentation experimentally countrywide editorialcommitte homoclinal raymond inundating protr announced feldspathic justification reasonably substitut priori destined motions ##echinageology erdo erratics rudistic washover washload academician orbiter colonies summers summits linearly conceptualization eustatically removes balan balkan jopling ##anching converting chengning leveed usefulness etna etopo ##archae spreads polymodal roadway intracontinental accelerating ##asequence ##185 algorith scanner uncont uncovered sparite pollara polluted wooded woodlands organics organised organisation organizers requirements accompany protecting ##azies ##azhen ##itty employs addresses filters pulsive pulsating tunnic ##bouring challenging chronic electric trunks definitely arguing banding distributional backgrounds 323 322 410 obligate 565 fissility sanidine prolate 45m autochthonous bakri paleogeomorphology catchments 7700 ##ecyp ##ylene cooled immensely borderland sulfates 3800m rimming rimmam yrs ##uaeria toolbox convoluted subordinated tuf versions ##iously reader readers readings spanish gridded 250m berguaeria candidate osl osorno ##notes ##283 comprehension footage footnotes ##ugal uniformity cratonward 345 costena industries explosives revision revisited traditions constructive diamictons distinguishes 441 chemo legitim effusive effluent gillette rarer rotational rotali chlorites chlorozoan shields prince diapirism accessible insightful ##ostructural flemish fastest iiiii iiiiiiiiiii ##117 geometrical biomes microscale laurasian targeting ascertain petrographical petrographically cloudy conducting conductive oscillate malvern nanometers ##heic ##atchew bypassed competent appropriately ##ucky decomposed decompression morphostructure repeatedly 395 caswell glf holter hollow holtedah lichens varved ##blance rhyolithic propagated propagating fitted optically optimal ##been ##406 disruptions leeward prodeltaic rooting attempted collapsing 97804 97801 ##losilic resemblance traveled photographed acknowledgement 350m cumberland proceeding acceptance favourable belongs 06pm 4200 583 512 cosmic dilation sidescan destructuration keen murphy talcahuan ##printing geodetic incompetent megasequence ##ependent initiatives bajracharya federal familiar hampton nuclides siid wrench yongfu internally ##illionyears decelerates diagnosis 597 doubt efficiently fjerritslev ghost ghazal gondwan pelecyp routine ##136 interdune interdependent intensely collectively synthes ##19x020 taxaceae taxodiaceae slabbed 499 crozier craig ebbells minghu picked pickrill piece piezo tipped tiwari isostatically truly universally universidad megaf spitz augment augmented apenninic 626 jameson jamesoni klinter psilonichnus ##banken ##owski alkalinity 1952 mitigated mitigate 574 7200 bolting bryan eighteenth mccann mccarthy ramifications sabriya titled yb3 informally ##otypic transmiss 1936 1939 framboids kuangshan photosynthesis editorialoffice groove mdc md99 milford military pipelines russian tongde ##iotta qualitatively automob clustered nuclei nucleate pioneered 927 9268 bonne elapsed fuel fuelled hosts pinpoint splash ##9500064x coalesced migmatites communications integrative spectacularly dumped okak svz scraped unsupp recessive simultaneous franklin discerned discernible instituto geochronological geochronologic spectrometer idealized juxtaposition juxtaposes depocenter depocentres 7005 berth ibuttons merely nested sfm witputs ##1496 sunlight answered neighbouring computing computation ##consolidation microorganism profiling 003707389500064x mobilization revolutionized s2096519219x020 dinoc huns hunte nordfjord pumped session vonhu venezu stretched beavers ##otropic compensated compensate diachronism phosphatic phytane phytodet loamy stephen deterministic 250000 funnelled epochs excursions strandveien artificially attempting astini cube dedicated h2s judging turner turning ##processes ##enzie forebul orthogonal residues residential scablands sparks undergraduate lahar magnetite drawing drawdown haltenbanken destabilising hotspot coherence downdip chalky ahnert hcs langzhong sieves virtual forty fortune shadow attaining paramount colluviums overpressure undeveloped cruises manifested precluded precludes deficient monsoons 1751 macroscale sulphide categorised palaeoclimates yemeni bouma boulton bogs bigger buckley froude golden lts3 lts2 rnm rodents songstad wadis wadati ##iyah threaten thawing ##atlas invertebrate security suspects sharwayn shuttle ##edimentsimplicationsfor compactible impermeable career clinoform corrobor week microsites microspar periphery imprints tempestite knickpoints brandano brandenburg confluences guyots 1657 enclosing araucari submersibles mitchell hiatuses shrinking shrinkage indistinctly enormously 271862 ferns fingerprinting lotka mlb maryland rolling yuehe zaqla zaitlin ##gujokull expectations resurre coefficients facultative scoresby deployment phenotypes consumption premise ##deposits ##depositional paleoflow ##optera profoundly bahama cutoffs absorb diffused diffusion mollusk bluffs neighbors neighboring cascading wisconsinan exhaustive rejuvenated outbursts 7501 bamboo bornholm dictated ethylene gathering jiulong korup kongsberg llan pisolites padre padsan rubble vibration ##henian ##robi tolerate tolerant rectangular rectilinear shuwei cooper sandwich sandwaves sculpt incursion vermicular vermiform endemism 144nd rahmanian fundamentals extracting 275283 molluscs ##sedimentationin checklist elliptical succeeding brisbane fertile katla kattegat mackay mackenzie routing saprock tonnes tackle treatment ##erosion toeset deterior deterioration executed interlaminated interlinked prescript prescribed biostabilization biblical arkitek 20965192 manipulate paleoshoreline explorers impoundments palaeolake attests trails antidune intraslope intrasedimentary harmonic soluble homogenised convince convinced ##ophytic hyperpycnite hyperpycnites bitumen epicenter scrubland bubble bsrs citations dickson ejecta hansom hannover koppies kentucky lodgement mulga museum nonglacial pursuit tamandare wonoka waxing xingzhi thornes ingredients ##aschuk convenient alveolinids exactly atypical coaxially interferometry ##adjup pristane surmised scavenging plutons recurved indentation spreiten admixt paleolakes paleoseismicity discrepancy microtextures predisposing attractive aprons metazoan sweden schafer subdiscipline morrison euxinic arabic macrobenthic vendobionts biomarkers achieving anticipated herbaceous megaripple bifurc trondheim overexploited mesohabitat 7190 aperture bentiu business bonds batteries cassini cathodolum cupressaceae dyngujokull fifty gosnold jharia kostaschuk lecture michael mussels nunavut nanson rottnest sangre sailor torsukattak uchupi wuda ##directed thriving ##alaeontological conferences ##chloric alignments geoflu competing unsteady intimately disaggreg disarticulated occluding sponsored accentuated phyllosilic quiescence quadra adhering crudely obstructions reprocessed ##faciesarchitectureterrigenous hydrofluoric micropalaeontological midtre empty climatological impregnated technicians campion campanian hafadjup saladoid multistorey elverhi radioactive pyramid granitoid granulometric supercritical inspections palynoflora satisfactory geoscientists rhomboh macroinvertebrate bulletin bulgings erdgas ##hydrocarbondisc proliferation ##influenced taxonomic afforded reproducibility grooves editorialofficex2019x119x quarrying unequivocal miniaturized boguchwal galileo duricrusts interfluves ellipsoidal ineffective parsimonious campaigns aussenkjer threedimensionalfaciesarchitectureterrigenous palaeobotanical photogrammetric 916a agnostid aircraft bsob cioni cisternas crelling celebes cylindrical dacitic fifth girvanella gupta hilly hirise hantu heart huanghua hulaibah iverson jutland jordan jakobshavn jupiter jornada kotlujokull kennedy lintrap mcauliffe mcmurray nominal nihoul nairobi ouaar pompeii panda pabba pantin piggy pco2 rsl rfid sikkim sierra saskatchew tedrow tshipise vaigat virgin venice winters wohl wafra westerlies yallingup zitong ##nivorous ##roneity ##power ##covery ##clasticsedimentsimplicationsfor ##sammia ##wzealand ##kayr ##feldspathic ##945237 thuringia inactivity inaccessible ##rolepid reorganization reattachment ##ocyclina chryse chubut cheirolepid proppant ##seahyd allocations altipl exacerb antennae anabranching ##abreccia strictly envelopes enallopsammia subheadings unresolved uninterpreted unparalleled unravelling incertum inconsist neptunian neiderhagen leibig biofilms haszeldine charlotte spinnanger undulose undoubtedly dataloggers arenicolites arzobispo clathrate phycodes philippines quieter crinkly deleterious outpourings tyrrhenian weichselian heberti amsterdam amerasian calderas fruitful hydrolysis invaluable lovenbreen microkarstic classopollis deforestation nummulites hauterivian ##overyrecovery nonlinear 1390ad switzer agapova ilulissat catuneanu gugliotta shahejie irrespective millimetres brittleness sombreros sonntagsbrunn khumbu editorialcommitteechinageology erdoel tunnicliffe legitimate holtedahl 9780128 talcahuano ebbellsveg minghuazhen piezoelectric kuangshanliang unsupported vonhuene venezuela phytodetrit forebulge jiulongshan arkitekt admixture cathodoluminescence ##hydrocarbondiscoveryrecovery threedimensionalfaciesarchitectureterrigenousclasticsedimentsimplicationsfor saskatchewan threedimensionalfaciesarchitectureterrigenousclasticsedimentsimplicationsforhydrocarbondiscoveryrecovery 0a 050 070 073 0ga 021 1ma 2o 2θ 220 2μm 3ist 3to 373 396 393 3olomite 4o 4h 470 4mm 480 423 5c 5th 520 5ma 571 537 511 5rj 650 618 635 7f 7000 770 7cm 737 700m 765 762 8e 870 818 8steep 9000 990 976 915 995 ao a3 aal ait aur ace aab aud aus aign aird aij ausp aze aasia arose bm bid bere bian bost bage bress bari bish brough bight bern bott bert bms bold bogen bush bcr bha b10 bends bacia baux bauer cp c1 cin cst cly cod cad cort cros cuc cote cgs c30 c18 cray cada c14 cpi c17 cysts coseism cocon d5 dor dent das dans dale drough dove dors dons duk dorn dana doll darf dwell dpc dade dumb ditching dzu eg eh elo eil eut eir eri eues eld eround eck eok eme eines efic ebers estrat ebro ehman f2 fel fis fid fate fog fult feld fles fake fuse fshore fountain gc gs ging gud gins gale gress gok gual guse gym glim glor gables giu gaging gsa gender gironde hen hit hac hul hess hort hale hay hend hip hue hors hop hob haps hirst hept hgl hims hung hinder hagen hague hersch i00 iber ices iida j6 jer jos jul jam jess jay jost jose jci jacks jump jiti jett jumps jør kα kid kil kol koc kans kay kelf karp koch kane kett kitching kota killing lm lr ls ly l4 lon lor lion lic lac lul lla lud liv lant lep loci lde lively love lign lyc lub liao lanc lonc l16 lsw luck lept liang linsen lushan lincol mas moc mity mall mould mout mund mert msc mirc mft mbl molds m0r milton moga mike np nc ns nel nid nem nso njord nont nica nsw nancy naylor nuka oc oy oh ola oak olog oven oolite ogm pt pas pra pum pill pens pach puc panic penth panch pediments qm qic rc rb rin rit ric ran ras rom roc row rural roch ryd ruk riff rifts rouse rbukk rille rye rieth ricc rrf rasters rationale ruled sor sent sct sod sary save say sell sard sage sib sism sain sank sft siding sja syr sann sgo sbp sizer seston tl t6 tf ties tap tak tuch tink tids tread tings tetr tuls tann tbr tij tiu troll tetra ux uj uca uae vil vand voc vical vog viss vision viles vinger vitek vagu wi w5 wel wou wich wiz wens wize wadd westerly wushan xer xia xix xihua yes ying yil yun yans yining yuk yah yanch zo z1 zj zic zur zong zwan zoan œs ##xh ##x2 ##x5 ##x8 ##xin ##xter ##xus ##xides ##xsp ##xuan ##x50 ##xili ##x14 ##x406 ##aot ##aose ##away ##aje ##aqueous ##m2 ##mary ##mend ##mouth ##macer ##mitz ##melia ##iac ##ipe ##iary ##ience ##ipper ##iating ##iosity ##iards ##iaceans ##ienda ##iatlas ##no ##nom ##now ##nology ##nite ##nell ##nick ##nance ##nsh ##nished ##nefjord ##tm ##tu ##ty ##tal ##tim ##tter ##ties ##tts ##turing ##tics ##tari ##turb ##tice ##t16 ##tzing ##t22 ##oon ##oce ##oot ##oans ##oard ##oads ##rin ##rut ##right ##rdle ##rored ##richnus ##rangian ##rida ##lut ##lla ##lict ##lini ##lihaugen ##ped ##pap ##pack ##prod ##popo ##pizio ##ea ##eur ##ece ##eck ##ext ##eja ##eoproterozoic ##eismic ##eisses ##cp ##cf ##cz ##car ##cle ##cil ##cul ##cam ##core ##canian ##continental ##cylind ##sse ##sik ##sory ##sese ##s960 ##ws ##wen ##west ##wart ##waves ##worms ##witz ##wberry ##dw ##dd ##dh ##dis ##day ##ders ##dstone ##dsh ##dals ##dered ##days ##dler ##dams ##data ##drew ##dinage ##dotal ##dagu ##bi ##bage ##bacter ##bory ##bottom ##beg ##bird ##bogen ##biot ##breek ##uh ##uer ##uis ##uge ##ucc ##uage ##uper ##umented ##uitive ##uaro ##gre ##gra ##god ##gely ##gard ##glac ##gene ##gory ##giao ##gma ##grained ##gmat ##garn ##gui ##gued ##yo ##yz ##yor ##yun ##yia ##yue ##ylol ##ygens ##6h ##69 ##6ria ##3a ##39 ##har ##hit ##hist ##hun ##heng ##hop ##hire ##hesis ##hold ##holes ##habil ##heam ##hui ##huma ##hades ##kor ##kins ##kens ##kuli ##kya ##fin ##fill ##fans ##fang ##fiss ##fold ##fring ##fker ##fram ##finder ##frequ ##fontein ##fair ##front ##fologia ##filling ##filise ##2a ##2o ##2nd ##200 ##vat ##var ##vic ##vis ##vist ##vort ##vable ##vari ##vente ##varen ##vador ##5x ##54 ##5rj ##010 ##zed ##zies ##zine ##zag ##zell ##zonite ##zios ##zsch ##zx0 ##4185 ##86 ##87 ##89 ##1m ##100 ##120 ##1000 ##173 ##123 ##1x8 ##91 ##92m ##qi ##qvist ##jk ##jø ##jes ##jan ##jos ##jave ##jun ##jill ##jland ##jurassic ##łinski thir thors thery thames ##erl ##erated ##erde ##erting ##erically ##erfjord ##erley ##erobic ##erkens ##onum ##onio theod theater ##atis ##atans ##atics ##atiles ##atistical ##esil ##esul ##esch ##esther ##esens ##espan ##inle ##inod ##inum ##inally ##inating ##inmarine ##inids ##inarily ##initely ##ineralized ##enin ##enment ##enok ##enulated ##enula ##enba ##enetra ##energy ##enidium ##eda ##edr ##ede ##edon ##edict ##editor ##edrip ##eddata ##ala ##alf ##alid ##alies ##allow ##alkal ##alks ##alaf ##alensis ##oro ##orp ##orst ##orus ##orized ##orating ##orogenic ##orah ##oriously ofqu ##ares ##arth ##arift ##arato ##aroo ##arjokull ##aratch ##arren ##arena ##arelli ##itr ##itates ##itution ##itised ##itopic ##itemporal ##ionuc ##ionately ##ication ##icase ##icula inu inpe insp inex inquir inapp inexp inasm inversions andreas ##anat ##anse ##anoun ##anish ##anci ##ancient ##anxi ##anha ##anmugam ##anmargin ##enty ##entgroup ##rec ##report ##recedent ##refring ##strom ##sters ##stack ##stown ##studys ##stylol ##roge ##roport ##roism ##rodes ##roarc ##rott ##rojos ##ingshelf ##lok ##loides ##lopped ##lovian ##acs ##acon ##acive ##acites ##aclasts ##acoust ##acyclic ##acontinental ##acello ##aculous ##elly ##elph ##elys ##elper ##elting ##elev ##urg ##uric ##urates ##urance ##urtic ##asively ##asured ##asau ##asby ##asporites ##asphal ##asdagu tol tome touch ##iming ##imil ##imps ##imony ##iso ##isu ##isk ##isable ##isco ##ischen ##lew ##leigh deve deeg deasphal ##omp ##oms ##omol ##ctoc ##cthesis ##lyn ##that ##thal ##thid ##tham ##thick ##thane ##thems ##vet ##veloc ##idam ##idates ##idib ##idges ##idote ##idocyclina ##idiary ##teren ##tering ##teris ##terton ##terlose ##rael ##rains ##rages ##rapped ##rafico ##igraf ##iglia sta stw std stow stay stain stake stood strad stau streg stars stocks staff stjø stalks ##ils ##ilk ##ilities ##ilitopic ##itheat ##itherm ##osp ##osum ##osely ##osper ##osiss ##osino reine reposit really reelf reformed reev rechar reinson retains rehabil conic conan conical conject connot conaus conifer conasau ##andite isa isc isla ismer islets israel forere forus forged ##ollo ##olis ##oline ##olates ##olia ##olding ##olke ##olini ##cemented beat bever beag beyd beishan seh seer sepm sebast sekuli sevente suff suturing suyun withdrew ##ulf ##ulwa ##ulane ##ulandite asp aseismic ##vert ##verage ##verde ##verns ##amine ##ampl ##amus ##amples ##americ ##ambl ##amura ##ocol ##ocide ##ocarp ##ocative ##ococc ##ocumented ##gem ch4 chough chwa chilo chao chute chica chuang chips choking chinle proc pros proto shou shil shib shang shrun ships shards byprod ##phot ##phones ##phases ##philes ##phrates ##pherson ##phoneis ##phelia ##phonomy sedimentar ##change ##chief ##chste ##chmid ##chfor ##chapp ##seab ##sected ##utt ##uting onward onshelf ontari ##ials ##ifan ##ifier ##ifera ##ifacts ##iflux ##owu ala alan ally allog albor allocation alien al2o3 alidib geoc geir geus geologies geologia geelper ##atethys ##atemary mapp mabb maga mabp mader mazz maats maerl ##iri ##irts ##irates ##irante ##odile ##odior ##odeposit exag exogenic exogen exiting exxon exergy exosc ##lair ##lakes ##lager ##lucent ##istocrat annel anec anatom anographie anfilise orland ##ateral ##pelo ##pets ##peaster wholes whipp ##romes ##romso ##otated ##otip ##otically ##otop ##otax ##otometer ##otemper ##otelys ##etical ##etext ##lowing ##abe ##abys ##ablished ##abalu ##abara ##abaw ##abodes ##emens ##emass ##emak ##embers ##emisia ##ests ##estu ##estock ##estration ##estuary ##estesul ##quis ##quise ##quently ##quaternary ##ineering bass basing basem ##umann ##uminous ##ereb ##ereal ##eregiao ##erequis ##ppler como comau resin respiration reshaped ##rietary depositions atch atomic atua cox cov coined cozz strcm ##udu ##udatans interand interacts interrup interplate intersection interlock interchannel interchannels intersected ##tsand enso ##faceous ##oreg ##adir ##adron ##adhy ##asting ##asthan ##astrous ##ivine ##ivities ##ivores ##ortium price pritch preston pryor prerequis sandfl trich trind trinity tricase ##ichen surire ##aga ##agog ##agely ##agish ##ects subc subf suburb subsea subbasin ##izen ##izhong marion marim marble marmul marques margem marquise ##orphous chance ##place ##ploration ##plane ##plata ##plifies ##ongru ##unt ##uno ##unte ##unga ##antara paris parks paraf parmelia parnell paratethys canal canary canop canopy faced facets ##ordial ##ordinary score scatter scroll scrut ##0028 ##yspecialpublic unav uniqu unten unrel uninter unlined unident unrim uninh unamb unbiot unteren uncemented ##inshui ##tage ##tawa ##illes ##illite ##formacontinental relian relied relics relieved relicts ##ionalization plenty evocative watery incap incred incident incongru ##enseddata flowback colin colella nebras neotectonics nexus lowdensity lowfrequ lowampl ##rospect ##loped ##ayo ##apsh receding recruitment abub abode aboard aberde bedwaves ##ersi ##used ##usis ##usch ##usage ##usoidal ##assiz mejill intuitive comprom compile compelling ##ardt ##ardo norweg norhopane imera imeres ##osteg geomorphologies dism dish dispar dislod disasters disastrous faciesthat ##ervised ##erville ##epnick ##akern figr figured ##encast soot sobs sobre sohn sop6 soxh ##retized partington partement landed landas landlock leon leinf leached ##ghman ##ghui ##cessor assure assimil ##aches ##achuse ##achita ##velopment induration indigenous indurates earning ##idea ##avolm ##aviglia perillo perchloric transference translocation translucent oversp overarch overthrust overrid overdeep overfilling ##ribe bias biome biases biopro biomechanical bierkens birefring ##ountains ##ported ##weet ##acked soupy souza ##endix ##ffy ##ffrida occlus stratiform channeling modulate ##iaosp dietr dijk 192 194 191 1900 1920 1919 1971 1910 1940 1941 1935 1949 1942 floes floated flocs flotation hashe carve carey carls carnivorous caroline carpets charn charge regress regiao regulatory users itcz sp3 sp1 spider spilla ##laciated ##sophiles undulated undulatory ##uesca rockall rockenba ups upstepping upriver genes genocide arb arct armed arna arbukk arrojos aristocrat ##ldic sedimentarygeology ##ipar ##reservoir ##gescale underp underand hyg hypor hybr locomot sequestration clint clipper phd ph1 phil phone phari phisu maybe ##ressing ##ressured notoriously ##eney quoted quatemary ady adding adria adher adriatic advert deepse deepens deepcurrent ##ome5rj ##omethane crn critic crimes cruces crenulated consortium curricula coastally delay delays delhi delayed ##urbated wherever obaje fa3 fazies ##acea ##acean outs output outbound carbonized vergn vermic prepon preference slopeward fiji corros coronation desire deserve ##ergrained silk silver silla minolta minagish analyst analised mainstream valent valve valde valpara colleague erosions ##ishi ##ggion ##gging mosto ##angi ##angshan floodwater thickens extant lithographic lithotypes marineflood mudflow mudston appen appendix ##uco ##ucer ##idalfl earthworms simud ##ontian volatiles volunte ##omineral infle infauna ##ightenment ##ynp commens commences ##reasing ##psis uppermiddle something weerts weedon margare hec heard hebb heyang heulandite ##ieu ##uez ##ourhood ##she ##sheng ##lesmere actin acted ##cke ##cai 10d 10g 1080 10be 10years 10aˆ geologynorth teach teaching tethy teeth environmentally 204 208 207 2030 reply repulsion amor amilise amece amorphous topical developmental areasa delta2 ##elfprop calce calved calanch calyp calama calamus bute gregory smh smog smart sms960 ##ikar ##ikson producer ##okurtic manier manning provision fred frond frustr limpopo samuk veen veery therein planforms patti observatories shallowmarine hydrostratigraphic hydrolytic hydrotherm hydropower hydroxides micr micromorph midway midgard timexsp ##conference centro ##berts ##bercul suggestion easter ##yons estanc estonia longitud longma longtan longhit dunn dunef dunrob ##engineering ##reef ##reefs seismogenic seismometer paleoval paleotectonic paleodeposit ##undas matters ##ricate recorders ##ximal petrdle transporte discard disclos discoidal disclose crossslope acrit acids petrolog petroleo newer ##mex ##meyer platt ca1 caugh caverns massas massif massachuse descend elected pallet palimps allard modeled remember expanse silted siltand ##rowth smalland smallsc oceanogra oceanographie speculation specially speculated speciation speculative ##linger offic offices offlap offsho offodile invari invoke invisible invokes invalid grainy representations concert concurrent minerogenic 154 1550 1570 15cm 15years 15min 1563 calcari calculates calcretic calcalkal ##ualties sizeable ##aeo slv slipping gash gasfield patterned patterning earlyi feces fe2o3 feifan downwater downcut downhole downvalley downhill morphotypes morphogenetic em30 emitted emphases emirates successor successional barents barforms barring baraka barranc barcel barrages ##ankrans ordinary ordnance 19930 19990 199801 flight flights ecd ecoreg finlays finetext ##artite histograms wetted foliated lope loop lopez loops loosely lophelia ##athan ##athko refining gravelstones peggion impover impediments impair impenetra researched technol waveinfluenced sinc sincor sinusoidal identifications turbiditic freely edel streamer streamers streambank microgranular microevolution microcryst microphyl microstylol subsph subsystem subsidiary robb roberts esker classically ##opters largescale afro afwa afield terror aub auloc auxili bottomcurrents founded mirand comparability ##tening memoir memorial kms furthest furnished medtot ##spg defended definite ##ailhades grits griff grasp gritty gracello camara campb cambory camarena ##ochasp ##ochroism ##ozoi numerically numanha knock knowled richter richards thinking thinned thinnest haoy haze haowu potent threefold ordered predation predate predates predators predicated petroleumgeology ##uchyia ##inescent intervention profitable palaeost palaeont salish salix salado salvador salterton laar laun lessons rangea attraction attracts 11d 116 117 1190 1135 1115 1160 bioturbating ##uba ##ubcylind apollo aven avellino backs backste backslope backlim backwash backbone steff steven stewart burke bursik silicate silicoclastic ##ieri ##ierine limitless nobes noeoproterozoic ##isson recognisable horne habits habitation workst workings mineralized potentials westem westwater westdirected ##upward ##upnefjord nonp nonvol nonpolar nonfluvial nonaqueous nonfiss 12m 124 127 1223 1200m 1212 12ppt 12t11 debated deborah ##terminate humic humbers multip multicyclic multitemporal stormier bremen ##parable moham movie mojave trapez 13t21 centralia methodologies metas metall invested swab swift swarm swirl ##viation ##relation migrates 100ka arche aground agadir agassiz ##rades 50years 50241 ellesmere ##efined ##efenok ##ermatip ##rupted ceases ceased door dobr doppler ##ussion ##ussure ##marinevort directive 30a 306 303 302 309 30pm 3065 entrapped drip drier equated equates equipped equotip afterwards opencast ##bbeja primordial ##sci frontiers retroarc flatlands 256 25km penn riverscape angios angola angulos reflectivity capital ##ratonic derry derivation groupings serrated tsuchyia pressur brgm bridges ##aree ##ofazies averagely experts buato buzios siliciclasts 18m 181 18α 18th 1850 1893 1811 1858 18t16 sandsized sandslihaugen dependant congress congaree confloc conflic confdate conflict confeditor confused sums tsunamite geoarchae endos endogenic endogen packtones exposes quartzo quartzs quartzfeldspathic schmin schenk schiap schlee schmitz schanmugam schlager ##venia ##venile steepened lattice names namurian epi epidote mono monu monta monzonite monomineral oxford tried trium tripping triangle poorer glacierised clever cleaning radii radhuma radionuc circles compositionally disproport crusted sheetflow logic logistic logistics logistical pyron pyrites pyrene market markings markello quantifies ilha ##hips texturally cataly catena zhys 176 17k 177 1730 1760 1783 17t15 ##auth ##austral ##regional guest guard guira guelph guambl maktak runnels variously massiveplan 162 1609 1668 bodied windy ##ihue ##genhol subaereal behalf subdued estimations ##versible geochem 213 215 211 217 21α 2100 21t07 baf baer baie baoh baja baxter hereafter poliella zeoh zeolite zealous zechste ##floods inference inferring ##anobacter shoes shooting hilltop outershelf assembled transitioned granodior ##lumps 1968 litter litig litotam persian persons ##lusive ##lussuaq anything skill skilled skagen demadron posts poster postdepositional poststack insar insulated inspected alternates alternance alternatives kai mesic mesas ##carbonates shortage pleochroism lastly antiatlas synonymous syngenetic synorogenic testify testimony accomod damuth innermost palyno palynologic palynostratigraphy 0001 000km2 000m2 aggrade agglut cutler moral morgan morfologia needing needles ##fully permo permit permineralized satur saturate warner ##acentec ##ohe ##ohex ##ohopane 406 405 4035 4072 ##503 ##5055 ##50241 ##enthos ##ogeneities ##ings2nd shaft shaanxi fluctuate adjacente farrow argyre ##00096 diagenetically diagenese favors ##obing ##obial ##obiot ##obrecc spectroph thermo thermogenic thermokarst thermomechanical ##incing fragile fragmentary conceptions conceptually southeastem predominates halt halves condon condamine ##responsese saltwater saltating approximation imagine northeaster whateley microbolites benedict oller olivine ##ixing phenomenal meltout straits stravers strawberry prompt promise biogeographic rainfor sausage saussure visited visco ##uku microbialitic raft raises rauns shanyang shanmugam architectures lightning tilghman ##newzealand ##neohopane dives divisions goods macae maceral macerals macdonald contributor hardwood worst stilling stillstand referenced certaint nowell viewing resisted placement operative operator ##max ##mafic devised devote devitr productively narran narss accrete accretions ##xico populus erupting huene huax hugely huygens hugenhol irds irrig ##arssuaq demonstration eugene euphrates ichnogen ichnotax younging evaluations lengthy lengthen ##iggs seeing enclose hypothetical selecting selectively selectivity milldams proportionally americas blacks blanca freshened ##rocorer conceiv semantic implicit implicated narrowly ##ahah ##mani substrata lias rhodal rhode rhoads ##ancies reviewing segundas palaeoec possibilities ##1958 ##rodynamics mangold ##icesbased ##ceedings2nd 292m rug ##model ##modern analytics curated curtis curiosity cursory intragranular intraannual improper ##glaciallakes heterosteg heterogeneities boat hemipe rounding roundness radiating 30000 30015 30017 606 604 607 slows coldcore amounted mounded 1576 believe tomographic replaces replicate grabau 223 221 227 2200 2258 229a 2261 2298 airfall airphot ##eryl ##rophy ##ropeanmargin triggers amplify amplifiers paleoelev oxygenation wedging scientist scientifically emphasise 230 231 ignor ironstone lagrangian strips strikes angularity doming domestic ##bao ##baum statement diamicts wellbores discovering conclusively triassiclower stories storages storakern contemporaries 35m 353 355 354 351 3542 ephedrip m3s ##yrmex ashore ashton scarpland exploit exploded exploiting evaporates evaporative 312 314 playfair turnover ##khz ##khas restricts couples ##loromethane seabottom 5500 snaking snuff snapsh compounded lifespan solving soliflux ##ogenically necessitates minimally minimized 1156 accommodated divert diverge ##806 intermediateand martin infillings specialists 90km 90to 905a orograph orogens pedagog ##aminiferal essentials axios bordet taenidium taphonomy vanished reactor evidencing kaolin kaolinitic kaolinites jiannan jianyi nodos nodosa sonars expandable terminating embod embass embry wedgeor 01a 010 c28 c21 khalaf sulpizio altering geotek geotechn submembers factories behaviours 246 244 241 2430 forelands macroturb meanderings bulim goes gophers homogeneity homathko ##bsite protract protocol annals annotated gulfs helping 474 feldspatic ##oidites shelled substance capacities priorit priorities motivation ##evapor ##anna arcview ergod rudoy pathfinder 150m 286 289 2800 28t10 saguaro colonize colonists colonizers extrus extruded summing conceptualized ##kerchief marshall articulated weakness sometime 272 2774 baltic balonne foreslope chengx20 infiltrates infiltrometer clad claoue glade gladstone lentic ##brentgroup ##environment ##environments todd negi spreadshe polygenetic polynom polydis intracratonic 26km handbook handkerchief ripup riparato ##walde ##301 sudestesul ##character accelerations subdivisions 400km governing reactivate reactivations woods wooden woodland ##calc ##calar ##inned organize accompanies protects ##borhood ##ittant ##ittoral prospectivity landwards risky extremity governs filed filing filtered filbert filaments lami lamja pulsing ##boi regularities electrodes ventura incorrect conditioned pebbleand sounds sounders walton seeping altimetric altimetry subtraction ##elledmarinevort concludes summarised 329 325a 413 4100 ##omicrob conveyed convectively wheel 2001010 2001123 driftless driftwood 566 569 562cm 564185 561m fission fissile melts sanstone wastes externa anthropology anthropocene anthropogenically collar collins collide palynomoc 453 452 autotrophic baked ranking ##maturity 2000m catcher instrumented junctions jungar kiloh synd ##ijk ##ijer ##runary ##ecum ##9062 physiological physiographically confirming 381 389 davies davoe gammacer puzz purported renew convincing outflowing preliminarily calibre calibrate calibrations ##berty influxes volcanogenic volcanoclastic 543 540 9520 bhar cavity cavings kindly molasse paid tupelo tubercul anhydritic anhyddte ##adaplata norwegianpetroleumsociet spaniards delivering summerfield 367 36th 36cl bergs berger candidates osborne trewin tremend ##afai ##icaudatans ##amento chaotically comprehend delineations delineating 1023 oxidises footwear 600m 600μm council echel echinod juyi juvenile lunnan opportunist opportunistic s34 wintertime ##ophycus ##104 ##idrunfield forceful magellan objectively preferable grasso 291806 everyone everything 342 budleigh ##araaf stabilizes realities realize realisation costly ##ichnites constraint constraining hypothesised diamondiferous 800m fuller tele ##alytical foredune propelled proprietary 440 bluish wufeng wuyang yangyan legis legros 199603 aiming gilgai heats icdd kinabalu owi owens rotary rotations takeaway vallance diapirized artifacts artemisia hydrogeomorphic hydrogeomorphologic 120m 1201 schwelle 02t00 batanoun fleet flecha iiii tubules tubiform ##rdal ##rdnary ##zheng ##eroidal ##ropriate cohesiveness 431 859 85cm beneficial kaltim liquine panalytical ascending evolves frictionally expansions conductivities tuffite mcs mcqu mcpherson malin nanoscale qingfeng qingyu rightly urusis ##heidrunfield conformity competencies intercalation intercalating transferring arenaria expressing decomposing anticlines snowfall snowfalls counteract 39a casualties ferrom ferric glide glfs glasby holmes ms2 mscthesis piola varves vitoria vit6ria ##burgh ##bodies survived designs designing weatherly excavating encounters encountering rhyolitic rupturing benefitted 3771 fitz monte montes option sarg solidified ##bei ##beach ##beck ##zechstein geostatistical geostrophy ##plicate imbal smithii acidification literally prolongation laurentide 97000900 gentler vulcanian ##227 stagnated conjoint anomalies departure departement understudied 1062 2009a happen traveling questioned 0848 1mi cumulated loses losing ##linorium township proceeds oncolites geographer geographers abrasional sustainability sustainably imbricate 58a coset friend ownership pervasively wenzhi wenqing wenxuan ##irable resuspend ##structures valued hornad swampy exhumations keel keith keys murdered oozes sb1 talude videography ##renberg ##derance megabreccia megarift megaclasts hydrophone argentino replenished vitrinites azim azmy hamilton sixt siemens wrink yongjin ##palaeo indeterminate quickbird decelerate calcispheres palaeoslopes palaeoshoreline tripartite authoritative 1714 diminution diminished diminutive involvement 463 460 461 59a 675 6700 brierley briozoi ecca nickling pelee pelmat plagued plafker randfontein sideritised zs4 zs1 christian unfav intensified intensification collective 1200km trapial taxonom 09z 689a 6892m 895 ctd crab darling minglong messina na2o putative picking pickard sloped tiros inertial inertinites deviated almirante universit universities megafloods retrograding retrogressively penetrations penetrates encrustations mississippian plotting 6248 dendrochronology nineties nineteen ps3 pvt pushes sterile vastly ##15x dealt complicate controversies bioerosion 1956 1955 updip armour appreciated inclusive reproduced reproduce microcline robot robots robinson precipitating dissipation dissipate bolts boldy bolivia bryomol cnid hongyan mccaff mccabe myrdals ramon raman ramosiss santonian yb7 ##ughlin thorp ##atsu exportation interconnections enlightenment transmittant 1902 fixation 10398 smoothed remotesens deflections framestone framboidal framvaren agente circumference photosynthetic arrangements flexuring flexible zircons 5average 6000m 966 961 groves grotzing jaldh luminescent mild ##midnor ##655 thoms thomson strategic spinicaudatans qualified qualify drumlin drummond catalysts filterand nucleation nucleated nucleus 52z 8853 balls elaboration hutton hosting lapche neri pinches pinstri splits splining writings ##95945237 beaman anastas sandbody tracking inclinations translates clarion clarity clarification clarify amphitheat hydrographs coalescing ecohydrology communicate blankets palaeoenvironment 65693 746 ahmad dgps flaky mutual mutterlose nonex okefenok orebodies sedhn saved task ##irov innovation anchors contaminants unsuit unsorted percival percolates percussion transforming databases frankfurt institutionalization metaphytes seriously rhizosphere curvilinear editorialofficex2019x5 pseudo pseudohex berge diversion diversions hesp ibis ngdc nasep nascent otal otto ottawa slovenia tightly witbank wispy ##uitively ##144 strewn rejected rejecting sunk sunamura answering neighborhood computations infrastructures installations territories backthrusting molechfor bringing 1608 synclinal synclinorium excludes prevalence exceedingly confirmation confirmatory mobilised kineticstudys anastomosed anastomosis blanketed 643 788 blowouts fenest gauging hunting jinmin jinxing nitrate nordhang yuzh yanlong ##riguez ##remotelys stimulation stimulate stems ##ceanography sealing compensating perception diachroneity arriving arrival phosphorus extrabasinal extraordinary extrapolating amazing tectonothermal palaeocurrents determinants bauchite individually stranded collaborate rhaphoneis remobilized remobilised astin astrochronology cuboid frosted gmbh munster pinkish senqu senior tmc tmu turonian tagged tagoro vortex ##northeu ##proceedings2nd foreward foreign ##phyte exemplifies graphically quarries ammoph decimeterto 1255 magnetism ellis draws guideline plunging 3106h inhibit inhibition inhibiting acknowledging acknowledgment acknowledgments nigerian circumstant ecohydromorphologic avalanche 450m ahermatip drugs guanabara guanghui langford language norton piercement virtue thrombolites thrombolitic searching suffer choose shadows attenuate attenuated tracemak recrystallization abutting crimin appraising manifestation dredge dredges dredged 110m possesses travelling macroscopically obliquely ultramafic cascade expeditionary advantageous wisconsinian palaeoclimate 769 aerosols aerobic buckee duplicate gaupnefjord jezero lts4 rodriguez relying wading ##schuh ##schbaum threats threatened injecting ##rogenation secure sec144 chimney sheds sharma geograf geopressured imperative dissemination flocculated clinoforms vertebrates participation participate microsoft centimeterto paleohydrolog emerges floras firmly 137cs 1808 devastation encloses meteorologically bisaccates bonnefjord carpathians nannofossils cilas durations dabantage filtration housing jiahong kirschbaum marystown roller telluric zaixing expectation anisotropic interfluvial interstate facultes unusually perceiving transparency deployments phenotype phenotypic crushing consuming faunistic faugli faugeres premises lofts lofting impede impeded impeding palaeovalleys multilateral baoji accomplish agglomerates constricted constrictions contextualise intrinsically encouraging diffractograms practitioner obliteration neighbourhood cascades cascadia disintegrated uncommonly s0928893701x8 843 bjerg cainozoic dictate ethn linguoid naked pisces pisolitic sweet vibrocorer villages ##lasses ##controlled threads ##represent dehydrogenation stanford sticking chamber shujiao anaerobic interrelated intercrystal cangxian ##alevelchange flourish simpler simplest greek manuscript coarsens 1556 trajectories swells bioconstruction bioconstructing bioconstructions brasil 143nd 169s 1691 dimensionless helicopters intraparticie 2388 digitally 291798 misinterpretations meaningfully municipality skeiðarjokull succeeded botryococc hurricanes inevitable philosophers 0301 3b1 85080 badlands briscal dykes dogs dogmatism fertility gares garbage gouge hallam hallworth kosice roux rongcai saprol tackling ##milliontons ##gensen throats ##arenites inefficient deaths demarc ##phalus maurin maurice execution ##riverine ##planktons parsons evacuate neutron pertinent perturbation overlaying bibliography upwelting arrows ##omechanics delimiting manipulation paleosol deciphered invading explorations flashy impounded precursive precursors multiscalar trailing 1833 1888 illumination authigenically antidunes ceramida popularity solubility embankment 01489062 homogenize ##ophyte 444cm crystaloclasts liquefy megachannel bituminous cheaply s209651921930141 s209651921930117 s2096519219301958 nannoforaminiferal multilayered s0928893701800096 culminating jefferson elucid demonstrable 9401 bowl birth ccv cbc citizen dickinson gleyed gardens hinders hannan iowa jacket koepnick kangaroo mulheam mirrored museo masked nnwsse oooy sadler wonham waxiness ##menensis ##4450241 ##97000900 ingestion convenience alveolar mahone exercise exercised ancud ancestral whitish resumed atypically coaxial ##adjacentec pristine surmount scavengers ungraded ungava levelling levelled spreite undercutting admit advected faintly discrepancies foliations foliose refracted refractive microtextural attacked metazoans swedish bristol bristow endeavours schaubcylind subdisciplines fragmentograms olistost olistolith euxinia liyong liyah macrobenthos subtracting subtractions ossicles ossabaw oslofjord vendobiont biomarker herbivores megaripples argentinean borneo deflects implementing cryptog cryptomicrob interrelationships bifurcates crescentic hofformationnn trondheims disconformity disconformities overexploitation mesohabitats 6701 680y 690y buntsand cyanobacter dengying dozens eurasian eurasia eggs fangxian gerard gorges glyc glycol gigantic glossop hjelle hosp hoskin igua igcp kanies lanza meniscus monger mongolia ojos ondas ondulated pigments pretori roser sigleo tornado tornqvist vintage vestre variants voyage watts wentworth ##sandstone ##diagen ##bastiaosp ##fito ##onnees ##iculata reinhold reinhardt surely shotover shattering alcove alcantara albany aluminum geeologie anemones anemometry coleoptera contingencies intergrove trisnorhopane trisnorneohopane unpredict unprecedent recreation recreational reclassification abnormal abnormally landmasses diploneis diplichnites underpinning hypsometric hypsitherm phytoplankton phytoplanktons prelitrunary prelitrdnary corridor corridors mudflat mudflats hexane heinrich francisco francaviglia ##mechanics 15t03 bartholom cyclothems mediate gratefully debouching traversed opaque opaques pyrox guangyuan requested bahra bahia haloed maca6 encircles blanco rhodolite filamentous osmotrophic crevasses umbaraaf diminishes pelletal plausible plausibility seedlings 092889 ##valleyfill microclimatic symbiotic compartmentalized compartmentalization squeezing editorialofficex2019x405x406 s2096519220300173 s209651922030015x ##norwegianpetroleumsociet quarterly s0037073800 s0037073897000900 isbnnorm isbnsnorm resurfaced resurfacing intertwined decipherment jckulhlaup jckulhlaups cg201810 cg2018136 reconciling editorialofficex2019x259x2 fieldingx1993x3x14 ##westernnorthatlanticregion 273k 810a banana bombs bounce bozeman binds dichloromethane dampened digenesis dolcretes foster falsification golfito gibling hurwitz hassanat herculane kreuser korea korsch kangerlussuaq lisbon libya loutit mucus mukhop ningxia nileke nuanced ovoidites pentney podocarp pika rusophycus ricken saddles s0140 tatry trotter tigris tukur wwii women yalangi zzini zamri zagros δ13ctoc ##autotrophic ##iandanish ##iopods ##tirmenensis ##coralreefs ##systems thirty ##orbitolina ##acrotidal stadler stochastic withdrawals chwd champlain onlaps alfred alluded madafai anatolian cognition contradict enigmatic subbiyah channelling paralic unexpected increment ablating meiof meadows disadvantage faciesmodelsresponsese oversupplied riverbeds arbitrary arthropods prefecture poikilitopic poisoned ##anicaadjacentec observers sampler centrifugal matrices acreage newtonian elephant palmquist barkhan peirce edifice furrows knobs drinking hawkes predecessor aftershocks opinions ##ymbionts brachiopods brennen portraying bugt sumatra schulz epifauna epibenthic dissociation xiaoerbulake policies mesaverde fallibilism broggerbreen intruding rainstorms rajasthan geophysicist irreversible encroachment rhomboidal palaeoinvertebrates 291816 ruffell programmes 2295a acquiring embricated 201906 gypsophiles balanus etopo2 algorithms tuffaceous chemoautotrophic rotaliid iiiiiiiiiiiiiii hollows 978044450241 gondwanan pelecypod megafauna spitzkopf transmissivity automobiles bonneville berthierine dinocysts corroborate araucariacites zaqlah resurrected llanqu ##sedimentationinwesternnorthatlantic saprocks prescriptive conveniently geofluids disaggregated phyllosilicate rhombohedral editorialofficex2019x119x120 lintrapart virginia cheirolepidiaceans ##seahydrodynamics altiplano inconsistency switzerland 97801281496 phytodetrital 02139 9951 aalenian aitken aabw aigner aijun auspices azeotropic aasiaat bereich bressan broughton bertolini bcrs bauxitic cpdw clypeaster cortex crayfish cadaver coseismic coconut d5000 dorjes denticulata droughts dorsa donselaar dukul dollar darfur dwellings dumbulwa dzułinski ehrenberg eloquently eutrophic eirikson eckman eokochasp efici eberswalde estratigraf ehmaniella felix fiddler fulton feldschuh flesh fshoreward gsi gingras gudair ginsburg gresse gokyo gualcam gusev gymnos glimpse gloria giuffrida henry hacienda hesse hendrix horses himself herschel iberian julian jessu jostein joseph jackson jørgensen kilburn kolmani kansas kelfoun kochel kanebogen kettles kitchingman lorenz lulc llaima lantian lepidocyclina ldexico lancaster lonco lucknow leptokurtic lincolnsh mityahah moulds moutonnees mundane mscl mircobial m0rk np4 ncia nsf nelson nido nontropical ohio olade ologie ogmocon pucon panicum penthesil panchromatic qmfl ritter roman rocca roches ryder rukham riffle riethorst riccisporites sodwana sarytirmenensis sellwood sardinia siberia sismica saint sftb sjajland syrtis tlp tucholke tinkler tidssk tetracyclic tulsa tanned tijani vilks vocontian vicalvi vogt vingerbreek vaguely welsh wizard wensu wizevich waddens xerophytic xiaolin yilgarn yunbo yukon yaha zoogeography zongju zoanthid œsweet ##aotome5rj ##aosebastiaosp ##oceanicaadjacentec ##dshoek ##holders ##zx050 thirteen theryosino ofqui ##aratchi inspiration inexorable inappropriate inexpensive inasmuch ##ingshelfseahydrodynamics ##asdaguadaplata developped deegan ##velocity stakeholders staurolite stregth stjørdal reineck repositories reelfoot reevaluation recharged rehabilitation conjecture connotation conausaga conasauga forereef forusbeen beverly beagle beydoun sebasti sekuliye seventeen suffix ##americavolm chiloe shibiao shrunk byproduct ##chmidt ##chappij ##seabed ontario allogenic alboran alidibirov geelperdshoek mappable mabbutt magazine maatschappij exagger exoscopic annelids anecdotal anatomical orlando wholesale whipple ##otemperatures ##abodesaotome5rj ##emassasdaguadaplata ##eregiaooceanicaadjacentec cozzo interlocking ##adhyay pritchett trindade surirella suburbs marquesas parafba canopies scrutiny ##yspecialpublications untenable uninterrupted unidentified unrimmed uninhabit unambiguous unbioturbated ##formacontinentaleregiaooceanicaadjacentec reliance incapable incongruous nebraska lowfrequency lowamplitude abubakar aberdeen mejillones norwegiandanish imerese soxhlet landlocked leinfelder overarching overridden overdeepened bioprotect birefringence occlusion dietrich hasheer carlson spillage rockenbauch arrojosensis hyporheic locomotion clinton clipperton adherence deepcurrentcontrolled vergnaud preponderance analisedemassasdaguadaplata valdez valparaiso marineflooding mudstonas volunteers margarethe hebble geologynorthamericavolm tethyan amecephalus ##elfpropelledmarinevort calanchi calypso frustrating samukha pattiaratchi hydrothermally timexspace estancia longitudinally longmaxi longhitano dunefield dunrobin paleodepositional petrdleo discloses caught massachusetts palimpsest smallscale offshoots calcalkaline downcutting em302 barringer barrancalensis barcelona 19990503 finlayson finetextured impoverished impairment impenetrable microcrystals microphyllous microstylolitic afwah aulocogen auxiliary miranda ##ailhadesaosebastiaosp griffith campbell camborygma knowledges haoyuan petroleumgeologynortheu backlimb nonfissile 1200masl humberside mohammed trapezoidal dobran 30659 ##bbejaankrans angiosperm angulosity buatois schmincke schiaparelli radionuclides disproportionately pyrenees catalytic ##australia guiraud guamblin massiveplanar baohua zeohst granodiorite litotamni ##obrecciation spectrophotometer ollerhead rainforests viscoelastic raunsgaard narssarssuaq huaxian hugenholtz irrigation rhodalgal ##icesbasedremotelys airphotos ##ropeanmarginproceedings2nd paleoelevation ephedripites snapshot solifluxion macroturbulent protracted ergodic 277416 polynomial 20010101 20011231 davoei gammacerane tuberculatus norwegianpetroleumsocietyspecialpublications tremendous batanouny 62484 mccaffrey myrdalsjokull ramosissima 103989 remotesensingshelfseahydrodynamics grotzinger jaldhaka ##midnorway drummondii pinstripe amphitheatre okefenokee sedhnentary unsuitable pseudohexogonal kineticstudyselfpropelledmarinevort ahermatipic s0928893701x80028 botryococcus 0148906295945237 s2096519219301417 s209651921930117x schaubcylindrichnus cryptomicrobial cyanobacteria glossopteris pretorius unpredictable unprecedented hypsithermal 09288937 ##norwegianpetroleumsocietynp editorialofficex2019x259x260 herculaneum mukhopadhyay faciesmodelsresponsesealevelchange 9780444502414 eokochaspis estratigrafia feldschuhorn gualcamayo lincolnshire penthesilenula theryosinoecum ##abodesaotome5rjailhadesaosebastiaosp ##formacontinentaleregiaooceanicaadjacentecabodesaotome5rjailhadesaosebastiaosp deepcurrentcontrolledsedimentationinwesternnorthatlantic analisedemassasdaguadaplataformacontinentaleregiaooceanicaadjacentecabodesaotome5rjailhadesaosebastiaosp geologynorthamericavolmwesternnorthatlanticregion petroleumgeologynortheuropeanmarginproceedings2nd ##icesbasedremotelysenseddata kineticstudyselfpropelledmarinevorticesbasedremotelysenseddata petroleumgeologynortheuropeanmarginproceedings2ndconference 0t 0w 0cm 041 0405 0middle 0lower 1c 1f 1μm 2c 2and 2rid 2km3 2ppt 2kya 3o 3g 3h 3ds 3ga 390 3he 3km3 3x3 3ppt 3960 4i 4φ 4ic 473 437 421 418 490 4min 4μm 4185 4kya 5i 5g 5f 5mm 573 521 518 523 593 5years 5lith 5mmyear 5kayr 5khz 6i 6g 6h 6k 6f 6j 6φ 6th 6ma 6mm 630 616 640 641 649 66a 695 660 7n 7d 7g 7h 720 771 780 773 716 710 793 722 76a 7km2 8t 8and 8mm 8ga 821 896 890 811 8m3 814 81496 8kayr 9i 9l 9e 9d 9h 9f 9al 920 950 9cm 980 973 928 911 942 917 9the ay a6 ak a4 aj ain aas aig aul aif ape aum aort aap ault aime aart aof aids ayr aki a11 aero aplic akin aihua b0 bz b7 bac ble boc brom bigh bast bans burr bgh bav bally burb bang bust bout beng bree bund bop buss bits bended blum bored bags bump bores bounced bola b13 brous bpex bomb billi bx50 btm bisson beryl ci cw c6 cz ces cel cim coc cot cet cord cations cay cus cerv cak cable cca cree cakes cind celt clum cash cuk caving cush cti cordill cyl cached corda cpts ciner cocc cyan census cereb cipar cspg dn dt dl dd db dz dit dies dess dial dir dere dud dive diz dins died dues dress dding dider dart dose dop dau dury dah doring daring dao dada daf danger dirt dulin dumps danica ee e3 ek e2 ez eq eat eos eul eoc eine eigh eun eins eso eile eber eluvial elic erad euk eury eti elys eez eger eyre eloids erect elusive eijk fm fy ff fic fing fas fou fse fist fiver fay ferg fences fry fled fop fame fenced ferm flet frod fenn fcr fug fels fencing fusc fagonia fingers ftir fcf fountains gp gb gz gj gon gin gan glo gel gate god glu gri gill gian gens gros gus gost gates grib gland gish gork gould gund gase gors gages gsc glomer gink gms gov goff gino ganges gorg gaz gpa ganged golds ggu grip glowing hr hl hf hon hic hud hect hys hyst hap hus hick hern hout hint hoch hup hrad herm hms hiding hoh heral higg hoo haged hero hanged hips hoke heller hetian hulu hatis hersi huesca huku hmax ix ip iu i0 ij iit iter iqu iys icon ioge iio iinter ical i11 ionic iger igm jp jc j3 jon jac jol jir jum jans jens jach jie jae jank joch job jars jets jags jenn jana jiu jaw jinh jenk jiy jgal julia jazal jaca jila jelly jizhong jinshui k3 kv k5 k0 k4 ked kro kur kom kla kord kill kite kass keld kerg kie kry kru koz kuan kron kof kink kond krast kief kash kather kja kany kurs klin kames kumar kitch kemper kudu kasting lc lb l2 l0 les len lom lig lil lut lem lpp lord l00 lta lian loun lock lance lust luc lyn lps lue litu lms lane lights lyr lotic lush lann lady linf lushi lli lends lolomite lacher locked lishi lyons l104 mf ment mro mct mce mch mical mts myst mpt mace moss myc moir mason maced mls muck muted mima mandur mencl mestone mentary nm nn nt nl nu nic nur nim nif ncc nud nag niz nant nyst nard nost nied night nain nca noth noz nose nub niew nield nice nser nana nug nerc nili nemat nouldic nivation nails og o2 o1 o9 ost oas oly ota ogg omer oases oaus oyu o01 oesch olok px pw pz p1 pj polo pam poc pediment pir porph pog pins pall pell pak penc pined pear purb pose pages pup pelt pamp pings pagn pays pana puna pants pips padd picc pitch pestic paved pitty qx qa qn qt qp qat qor qit qara qgis qilian qiming qinshui rw r6 rv r0 ror rac rated rla rum rens rome race rile rue rae rind rink rms restr rau rings rds rush rams rna romagn rena ryuk rasp rocc rita rasm riggs sz s8 sj ses sid sate sot sere sack svel send sia sene sals sern schn sake siew sols sons saving s19 sanch sbr sieved sara s11 sips sending sends slee tg tv t5 tin tive tone tys tale tay tass tures tents tso treas tain tsh teng tund tarp tint tided tiss tire tains tau tenth tapir tony ticle tonic turt tester trous tumb tearing tsho tcf tbi tromso tereb tribe tmax uz ume uman urum ucs udinage vm vt v7 vor vel vcc vave viz vap vatic vsp vind vash vii vice v15 vester vorms vedr vials wl wg wj wing wra wess wir wab wore wag wus weld wain wern wau write wto wold wished woll wishing welding wushi wool worms wander womb wearing wulf wiggs wijk xx xa xm xv x1 xen xil xand xun xush xero xixia xyz ye yc yen yate yale yuc your youth yule ybp yew yurt y01 yosh yatsu zn zt zy z2 zed zlo zas zach zie zank zub zera zah zanch zonal zaw zenk ziman zwis œex γw δ18 ρv χcon ##xa ##xl ##xb ##xes ##xem ##xual ##x000 ##xana ##x11 ##xony ##xdepositional ##xploration ##a2 ##aic ##aul ##aph ##aess ##ape ##aqu ##aum ##aiz ##aun ##ault ##aear ##awn ##averd ##aoke ##aoming ##aphysical ##mo ##m1 ##mas ##mith ##mand ##mut ##mest ##mant ##mall ##mers ##mang ##mont ##mina ##mines ##melt ##metic ##mix ##mpling ##matter ##m65 ##made ##member ##muri ##mpus ##milk ##mountains ##mldic ##macrotidal ##iƒ ##iis ##iom ##iid ##iem ##iant ##iocene ##iographic ##iels ##iya ##iopod ##iidites ##iogeography ##iihaugen ##i136 ##iwen ##ny ##nj ##nion ##nam ##nated ##nate ##net ##nad ##nian ##ners ##nost ##nep ##nage ##nia ##nib ##near ##nish ##nium ##native ##nually ##noch ##nier ##national ##ngs ##nmark ##nenger ##narz ##nirt ##niet ##nison ##noclinal ##nmb ##nbh ##tes ##tin ##tst ##tur ##tate ##tri ##tian ##tale ##tie ##tron ##tull ##tuk ##t19 ##trophic ##t12 ##tinitic ##title ##tches ##t17 ##t03 ##turbation ##tusa ##tnite ##tressing ##oa ##oes ##oing ##oas ##ois ##oct ##oly ##oil ##oides ##oided ##oire ##oef ##opec ##oio ##oix ##oxi ##oij ##opportun ##oelect ##ophysical ##ooped ##oplane ##oidea ##oceanography ##obbejaankrans ##rm ##rz ##rac ##rest ##rant ##rys ##rus ##rres ##rish ##rina ##rund ##rner ##raries ##rench ##rash ##rne ##ranging ##rants ##rysts ##rangle ##lk ##lon ##lan ##lel ##lle ##lter ##late ##lers ##lard ##lach ##lide ##lip ##lene ##lang ##lift ##lative ##lte ##lio ##lberg ##lipp ##lmentary ##lgy ##latitude ##lichen ##littoral ##lxb ##lmut ##lnated ##pes ##pas ##pil ##pand ##ppe ##pud ##pian ##pans ##pers ##pact ##pari ##pain ##play ##path ##pof ##plains ##pole ##paced ##packs ##pratidal ##pster ##passe ##plos ##pira ##pirical ##persed ##pstratified ##pedo ##plot ##potential ##pakar ##present ##eb ##ek ##eon ##ees ##epe ##elow ##eters ##eberg ##eker ##eposition ##ebro ##eimer ##easured ##evelopment ##cq ##cat ##cnd ##cies ##cot ##curr ##cret ##coun ##cock ##cari ##canic ##cified ##cout ##case ##cott ##cark ##cosystem ##cms ##cination ##cov ##cline ##cules ##cinian ##crete ##cambrian ##cores ##cata ##c15 ##copy ##cretes ##coming ##cretions ##cellan ##covered ##curate ##clok ##creasing ##cspg ##sm ##su ##sar ##sic ##sim ##sou ##sif ##sich ##site ##serv ##sia ##swater ##sight ##sign ##sund ##sme ##south ##sulated ##surface ##sonian ##ski ##sson ##symm ##selves ##snorth ##syle ##sandur ##synthesis ##sincol ##sacs ##szheng ##wor ##wid ##wig ##wil ##wet ##wast ##wak ##wable ##wage ##wack ##wang ##wling ##wered ##wade ##wagoner ##wkn ##wcoast ##welder ##wreck ##wright ##dt ##db ##d8 ##dan ##del ##dou ##dlu ##dri ##dong ##dell ##dard ##died ##dang ##due ##dain ##dles ##dering ##dled ##delt ##derm ##dacks ##dery ##d10 ##dng ##delta ##drift ##dynamics ##dren ##dune ##dogle ##d97 ##dolomite ##documented ##bm ##bc ##bu ##bin ##bal ##bel ##bom ##bos ##band ##best ##bud ##bad ##bay ##ball ##bass ##bard ##bach ##bock ##bari ##bish ##bles ##bides ##buch ##bull ##bits ##bold ##bars ##boring ##blies ##bler ##bee ##blets ##belled ##bosa ##barz ##billion ##bade ##biet ##bathic ##bda ##billionyears ##busch ##berville ##buco ##ux ##u2 ##u4 ##uin ##uel ##uve ##uol ##uity ##uum ##uiver ##uens ##ulop ##uges ##upt ##ugg ##upper ##ugen ##urope ##uga ##ufact ##uths ##uwin ##ufu ##uvie ##uoxi ##g1 ##gon ##gic ##gro ##gel ##gom ##gid ##gil ##gge ##gate ##gir ##gary ##gad ##gall ##gain ##gstones ##gural ##gors ##gart ##gently ##giss ##grad ##germ ##glob ##gold ##gby ##great ##gler ##gray ##gelines ##gren ##grove ##grass ##gava ##gulf ##grina ##you ##yth ##yra ##ych ##yong ##yak ##ypt ##yte ##yane ##ytas ##yah ##yritic ##yana ##yao ##yancy ##ywood ##yama ##yards ##ygors ##6m ##6i ##6s ##67 ##650 ##6rd ##695 ##660 ##34 ##31 ##321 ##hon ##how ##hiz ##hous ##hyst ##hale ##hall ##hell ##hus ##host ##hach ##hav ##hight ##helf ##hling ##hrad ##hanging ##himalay ##hler ##hwal ##huang ##hora ##hills ##hlen ##hli ##hung ##heller ##hepard ##holiths ##hcl ##hedr ##hallow ##huesca ##hoef ##hpand ##h6i ##kv ##kat ##kit ##ket ##kog ##kian ##kite ##kap ##kia ##kish ##kamp ##karbon ##kash ##ktic ##koff ##kyr ##kking ##kev ##kley ##kke ##kata ##kney ##ktop ##klit ##kulhla ##koul ##klc ##keley ##klini ##karren ##keney ##kikar ##kbeck ##kxl ##fed ##far ##fan ##fel ##fle ##fra ##fut ##fast ##fell ##fia ##fib ##fres ##fina ##fund ##fric ##fossil ##fail ##fines ##fted ##fare ##files ##fah ##fman ##flies ##fellow ##figuration ##finger ##fighter ##figraphic ##franc ##fazies ##2off ##290 ##2655 ##vm ##vd ##vy ##vion ##vig ##vies ##vated ##vir ##vot ##vens ##vass ##vents ##via ##vick ##vance ##vites ##vik ##vold ##vinc ##vann ##vsk ##vorp ##5m ##5c ##56 ##59 ##5km ##5ma ##5ka ##5km2 ##011 ##0301 ##zal ##zion ##zle ##zyst ##zile ##zie ##zka ##zga ##zki ##zee ##zero ##zancy ##zania ##zama ##zometers ##znan ##zbrunn ##ztones ##zbass ##4a ##4m ##400 ##473 ##448 ##463 ##82 ##85 ##8z ##81 ##810 ##8m3 ##812 ##817 ##8billionyears ##1ment ##170 ##15055 ##7ad ##7km2 ##747 ##774 ##9z ##920 ##9md ##qig ##qiu ##qaw ##qlmut ##jen ##jar ##jur ##jab ##jum ##jers ##jia ##jerg ##jour ##jamin ##jured ##jline ##jah ##jana ##joy ##jixian ##juries ##joint ##jcle ##jardo ##jhora ##ðab ther thar thies thuc thric thier thix thiop tholis ##eren ##erit ##eran ##erst ##erel ##erle ##erom ##erol ##erce ##erest ##erus ##erina ##erating ##erric ##errow ##ermer ##erlic ##erless ##erjian ##errum ##erenk ##eritz ##erife ##erreef ##erbud ##erupt ##onor ##onit ##oning ##onated ##onical ##onot ##onere ##onich ##onviron ##onics ##onism ##onie ##onik ##onium ##onolitic ##onini ##onishing ##onador ##onfina ##atc ##atan ##atre ##atil ##atul ##atif ##atod ##atag ##atian ##atia ##atso ##atric ##atability ##atris ##attle ##aturation ##atman ##atitudes ##aturated ##ataclysmic ##ativeness ##atfor ##atdeposit ##atisporites ##atilization ##esive ##esian ##esite ##escape ##estered ##escap ##escent ##esworth ##esmor ##esdeposits ##esmeyer ##esirable ##inat ##inis ##inam ##inab ##inence ##inant ##inform ##intern ##inari ##inded ##inck ##inetic ##inning ##inars ##inhyd ##inavia ##inelli ##inbottom ##inancient ##inifera ##incarbonates ##inmodern ##inburgh ##inmountains ##inlte ##invig ##enes ##enis ##enos ##enod ##enest ##enum ##enive ##enave ##enport ##enie ##enites ##enings ##enne ##enberg ##enetr ##enery ##enorth ##enbl ##enohaline ##enville ##eniny ##enridge ##enhut ##enfel ##enerating ##eded ##edal ##edra ##edus ##edyn ##edonian ##ediation ##edibility ##edule ##edger ##ndre ##ndran ##ndrift ##aln ##alo ##ald ##aled ##aling ##alate ##alla ##alist ##alem ##alia ##alyn ##alps ##alluvial ##alup ##alci ##alah ##alinity ##alays ##alley ##alistic ##alplain ##aloni ##alhue ##alaya ##alleys ##algeomorphology ##alerosion ##alzechstein ##alcified ##orel ##orig ##orch ##orated ##orical ##orine ##orite ##oround ##orges ##orthern ##orient ##orters ##orably ##orov ##orne ##orily ##orhyd ##orimeter ##orella ##orizontal ##orship ##orotal ##orhiz of53 ##arat ##arin ##aral ##arion ##aric ##arith ##arpe ##arity ##arts ##arong ##ariver ##arides ##arines ##aritic ##arms ##arids ##arense ##aracts ##arwal ##arming ##arinet ##arns ##arbone ##arante ##arotal ##arranging ##arlberg ##aronich ##ito ##itl ##iton ##itan ##itom ##itid ##itess ##itate ##itri ##itag ##itland ##itia ##itively ##itled ##itner ##itred ##itality ##itblak ##itets ##itarian ##ioning ##ionary ##ionite ##ionization ##icion ##icter ##icine ##icum ##icite ##icable ##icyc ##icative ##iceous ##icron ##icio ##icritic ##icious ##iclos ##iceras ##iclinal ##iculous ##icomyid ina inb inac inso inward inability inau inks inwards inbound inthe inboard inelastic inopportun injuries inescap andre anders andsb andpil ##anen ##aned ##anth ##angh ##anness ##anning ##anada ##analy ##anston ##anagement ##analog ##anyons ##enta ##ented ##entions ##entral ##entino ##entiveness ##entrants ##rea ##reb ##reu ##rech ##review ##recent ##remark ##recession ##sto ##sten ##stve ##state ##still ##stens ##step ##stable ##stick ##stability ##stitut ##stenth ##stcent ##stuff ##stidalfl ##stmldic ##stedal ##roud ##road ##rochn ##rody ##rothermal ##rovier ##rooting ##rogeomorphology ##roads ##rotron ##rooij ##ingo ##ing3 ##ingering ##ingled ##ingfjord ##ingarian ##ingham ##ingnor ##ingironde ##ingenerating ##lover ##lola ##loca ##loods ##lockwise ##lomb ##loughlin ##aco ##acol ##acies ##acity ##aclast ##across ##acase ##acio ##acao ##acyp ##acidites ##acchio ##acanada ##eln ##elor ##elation ##elid ##elated ##elium ##elier ##elids ##ellum ##elkal ##eliest ##elinski ##elike ##elkamp ##urf ##urce ##urys ##urable ##urities ##urately ##urization ##urds ##urfaces ##urprising ##asz ##asures ##aspect ##asma ##asino ##asco ##asvann todes tolomite tovar tobosa ##ation1 ##ationers ##ationally ##ationpetroleum ##ationengineering ##imo ##imen ##imic ##imated ##imod ##imore ##imates ##imilar ##imination ##imbo ##imnology ##imeda ##imnion ##impact ##isn ##isar ##isut ##isine ##isations ##isost ##isised ##ispar ##isput ##isano ##isings ##iseness ##isonous ##ispi ##isperse ##iseled ##isbury ##islew ##iszechstein ##lei ##leve ##lead ##leans ##lego ##leger ##legal dea dew dean dech deut depos deem deact deca deals decon dext deforms demark demarks deplan dearth deanna dehrad ##oma ##omed ##omys ##omities ##omple ##omyc ##ompon ##omict ##omogeneous ##ometrical ##ombes ##omfort ##omictic ##omiocene ##cts ##cting ##ctionally ##ctonik ##lynos ##lydang ##oui ##oula ##ouste ##oupled ##oupo ##ouched ##oubre ##thic ##thur ##thwait ##thrown ##thless ##thora ##thew ##thei ##thops ##thonot ##vey ##vevold ##idon ##idic ##idos ##idul ##idet ##idary ##idale ##idized ##idental ##idently ##idio ##idety ##idna ##idzi ##teric ##teries ##terey ##terberg ##terogeneity ##terefjord ##terparts ##terdam ##terrains ##rai ##raine ##raud ##rays ##ravel ##raised ##ramed ##razing ##ragal ##raisal ##raeli ##rakata ##igi ##igo ##igr ##ige ##igent ##igel ##igas ##igid ##igand ##igla ##igok ##iguan ##igured ##igran ##igonom ##igonum ##iguity ##igerina ##igorated ##igitate ##igomiocene sti st9 stir stod stive stun stap stall stip stance stout story stark stoff sturt stromb stasi stayed stumps stromso stuiver stenohaline ##iled ##ilis ##ilies ##ilact ##ilik ##ilted ##illet ##ilano ##ilato ##ilds ##ilacustrine ##illap ##ilastic ##ilroy ##ilacher ##ithetic ##ithfully ##ithmetic ##osing ##oslo ##osus ##osound ##osci ##osii ##osilic ##osytas ##osoma rees reen reid reab reun revel reper reps reeng reloc reacts reatively reiter reappear relocation retext reapp rebol reinitial reimer reiser recher rewet rebu reatre reinvig reorient reanaly reentrants areef conq conoc conse conif conges conund conway conforms conquist conversions coniac conzheng connate ##andar ##andary ##andian ##andescent ##andinavia ##andacol isn isab isip isoth isoch isohaline isasch isolating isrm isosytas ford forem forts foref foreg forams forec forsters forbade ##olf ##olon ##olly ##olong ##olded ##olub ##olization ##oliao ##oldy ##olhla ##olored ##olino ##olutions ##olitical ##olorized ##olatilization ##olorimeter ##olitan ##olimnion ##oligomiocene ##ceq beal bean bets beast beard beak beart bears beech beata beche beloids bevis beacon bewil bezie beispi bethic seals seash searing sevent sexual sewage seattle seilacher sue suther sucess suck suga sugar sugai ##ullo ##ulas ##ulla ##ulite ##ulard ##ulace ##ulators ##uliform ##ulatively ##ulco ##ulatip ##ulstrom ##ulloides ##ulatisporites ##ulitag asph asse asci ascent asset assets asphal ##very ##verts ##verance ##vergn ##vertures ##oloma ##ololgy ##ami ##amic ##amod ##amet ##ample ##amonian ##ampling ##amori ##amanca ##amonfina ##amatso ##amanagement ##amolong ##ocian ##ocass ##oclast ##oclim ##ocoral ##ocolate ##ocadv ##ocrysts ##ocwkn ##ocbull ##ocenie ##ocompon ##gean ##geol ##geological ##geometry ##geomorphic ##geomorphological ##geomechanics ##gepole ##geoning ##geosci chp chel chrom chum chale chass chals chris chose chatter chev chee cherts chequ chutan choked cheri chasei chipped cheryl chatman chesworth chasma chiseled chocolate ##ieste ##imento ##imentary ##imentifer propos prote proposition proposes proposal prosop prothonot proceq shp shun shay shak shach shock shish shark shih shash shrod shots shij shixian shade shocked shirts shroud shimen byrne ##phe ##pher ##phin ##phone ##phia ##phologic ##phora ##phalian ##edimented ##edimentde ##edimentational ##edimentdiagen ##edimentgeol ##ologich sedimentol sedimentot sedimentad sedimentations sedimenttectonic sedimentfilled ##chi ##chist ##chet ##chant ##chyn ##chase ##chier ##chemical ##chrust ##chev ##chuang ##chella ##chora ##christ ##chcraft ##chhi ##chelkal ##essing ##essful ##essequ ##esshelf ##sex ##sey ##sein ##sead ##seav ##seism ##sepm ##seabas ##seismic ##sekian ##severance ##uta ##uts ##utical ##utary ##utable ##utics ##utier ##utzen ##utonomous ##utochthonous ##utzsch ##utellum onand onge onem onachita ##iali ##ialasporites ##menter ##menting ##ifex ##ifu2 ##ifacio ##owed ##owei ##owald ##atedvari als alive aliz alun allop alia alme aliqu alice alba alco alpa alder alfal aldra alarm alisporites alhl alerting alberty alarms gem geore geik geert gems geols gears gemm geopro geotecton geosphere geostructural geotop geijer gebiet gehling georges geologich ##atever ##ateevapor ##atecret mai maast maers maip maund maars maule maiti mahan mazag masters maobing mauve mazama maitland ##irm ##irs ##iru ##irly ##iriver ##irie ##irically ##irrow ##irmed ##irky ##irheic ##oda ##odip ##odrain ##odnan ##odiscus ##odomys exon exoz exited exogenous exerting ##lage ##laps ##lake ##lable ##lavie ##lavat ##laughlin ##labelled ##lund ##luve ##lulose ##luohe ##isted ##istan ##istent ##istem ##istence ##istric ##isteg ##istrans ##istocenie anus ancon anew anping anhy aneur anudu aneb anhedr oral orme ortle orton orford orbul orrin orkney orleans ##pean ##peport ##pehn ##peloids ##pealing whom whiz whene whick whitic whitt whirl whalley wholly whatever ##romous ##romerit ##otan ##otri ##otag ##otions ##otones ##otopic ##otonal ##otonous ##otomy ##otiating ##itya ##etes ##etta ##etia ##etics ##etru ##etches ##etands ##etodip ##urek ##urelands ##uretas ##urethrough ##uregui ##abay ##abstr ##abile ##abase ##abank ##abeg ##abei ##abeth ##absim ##abolization ##emetry ##emphas ##emann ##emeasured ##emiceras ##eming3 ##este ##ested ##estors ##esticated ##established ##estimates ##qup ##quen ##quil ##quatic ##quakes ##quhart ##quimbo ##ineae ##ineurope ##posits basics bashan basava basele ##umi ##umations ##umont ##umbers ##umbs ##umara ##umerated ##ereau ##erefjord ##ppa ##ppes ##ppone ##ppage ##pples compl comte comision compose composing comfort comosum comaum reset resence resort reside resided resists residing resha respro reseur respud resedimented ##ighi ##ighed ##ighan ##rile ##riot ##riun ##riers ##riassic ##rienn ##riev ##riverd ##rique ##rivick ##rierreef ##ripples depositand depositories atian atoms ##cci co3 cope coper coves copan coats cooked cothe covent coauth coesite coombes coquimbo contra contort contracts strang strange strugg stricter formulation formulations formulating forminifera formarion formulas ##uda ##udsen ##udged interc interim interce interwe interposed interlob interto intercr interrog interstrat interflows interfered interplan interbasin ##aryotic ##tshire ##tsburgh encap enacted enveloped enroll enjoy enchant enumerated enrique ##facles ##encebro ##encemiddle ##ivegray grave grams grama gramm grauen ##ados ##adial ##adors ##adev ##adoph ##adata ##adiness ##adriatic ##adkikar ##adzki ##adowed ##adromous ##adighi ##ologystratigraphic ##ologypalaeo ##asty ##aston ##astable ##astroph ##asticity ##astudys ##ormets ##ivan ##ivel ##ivate ##orte ##ortment print pruss prints printed prorating prerupt prenest prasino sandor sandberg sandrich sandbank sandfilled sandcovered sandhills trt try trust trash tracy trident trfl trials trcnd tronador tratc triton trigonom trieste ##ichter ##icheng ##ichyd surong surcharge surpass surrog surpratidal ##agation ##agge ##agrain ##agonal ##agram ##agrost ##agyi subord sublim subbit subequ subpyc subsets submeter subiyah subfeldspathic subregional subseabed subiya sublittoral subhimalay subzero subfacles ##izd ##izap ##izance ##izik ##izuka ##izabeth ##thers ##theria ##therium ##thermic ##theriella ##theroidea ##therseav mare marmar marne marco marburg marzo maraca marnoch marjum marinelli ##orpha ##ionsedimentary ##ionsinmarine chances changn chanaral highres highways highbour highvelocity ##plates ##plings ##plored ##ploring ##planing ##planes ##plasm ##onger ##ongong ##ongull ##onglomer ##ongni ##unct ##unta ##unill ##unately ##ungs ##uniform ##unishi ##onewzealand ##onegro ##antz ##antly ##antism ##antecton ##antages parde paragn paragon parcel parabreccia paresch paracon parrish pararotal parigi parsekian cane canoe cannib canoes canonical ##orderly ##ationship ##ationsinmarine ##ogical ##ogast ##ogens ##ogue ##ogroups ##ogrid ##ogelect ##ogonum ##ogrres ##ogonium scm scant scrat scoring sc30 scoria scaff scuba scooped scndre scilato scandinavia scutellum ##roule ##00d ##00km ##00yr ##00years ##00801 ##0061 ##00660 ##00810 ##ysm ##ysca ##ysman ##ysporites ##ysedimentology ##ysurf ##ysedimentgeol ##yssey unity unans unass unenc unia unification unint unters unob unman unfound unox unbur unbe unpro unzen unison ungu unifying unaware univoc unburn unauth unnam unrest unwade unjab unremark unimod unravel unlabelled ##elyville ##insic ##insklini ##insedimentdiagen ##inspehn ##tao ##tau ##taire ##illation ##illdynamics ##ousbrentgroup ##oushuang ##ucts ##ucturing ##ucturated ##formity ##formhang ##formacrotidal ##formstability relic relan relling relational releg ##ionalluvial plater placent plinian plenum pledger plicative ##iani ##iannorth ##ianthe ##ianhight ##itement ##itecon eva evier evench evoke evg1 ev5c waterlain waterline waterflow waterfall waterless waterwash waterfalls watercol waterhole waterbeach waterescape income incub incline inconc incisional incisised incidental incandescent geomean geomoph ##anskog ##ensand ##ensively ##ensities ##ensheng ##ensils flower flowor flowering flowline flowlines colors colds colima colloids colluvia neat neic neil neand neural neote neolithic neander neomorphic neuman neumann neonere ##ystromat lowand lowto lowsedimentation lowenergy lowmaturity lowderm lowetands ##rosion ##rosic ##rosan ##rosider ##lopment ##aleans ##alecosystem ##aleufu ##ayer ##ayment ##ayanes ##ayfah ##apod ##aprop ##apaces ##apaca ##aprospect ##apulco surfacial recast reclined reclam reclaim recomb receded ##alled ##allack ##elles ##ellid ##ellular ##ellina ##ellaro ##elligent abc abus abound abrams abrade abjured aborig abreu abroad beddin bednarz beddng ##ersal ##ersma ##usi ##uson ##uses ##usen ##using ##usand ##usus ##uspected ##uszka ##usalem ##asson ##assar ##assing ##assict meck meuse meier meets meham mecale meixian mehr meyer meijer mecat mearns meighan meysman intral intention intcal intends intricate intuitively intelligent compend compton compagn complained ##ardrop ##ardwa norb norian imbert imposing imouldic imjj immaturity imaiz ##ostis ##ostrat ##raphs geomorphical geomorphololgy diso disch disposed disreg disdain disarranging disraeli disorderly faciesarchitecture ##ervation ##ologically ##ologicalenviron basinwards basinwide ##eplain ##eptic ##epfle ##eprochn ##aki ##akam ##akess ##aklini ##akikar formationin formationjer ##encias soo so2 sovi sobarz ##reto ##retion ##retary partitions partridge landown landfall landrum landmark landmines fluffy flugel fluorine ##ystems ##ystemariver lec lees leach leik lease lewal leco leica lebl leaved lethal lebom leifu2 ##ghter ##gham ##ghuang ##ghmand ##cessional assail assists assert assured asserted assurance assortment ##ulture ##ultants ##entsediments ##entshydrocarbon ##achments ##achry ##achern ##achung ##ferd ##ferences ##ferenced ##ageomin induction indef indiana inductive indlc indisput ##nelly earn earnest ear920 ##ideb ##idebook ##ideposits presided president ##aveney ##avdel perron perenn perpet perished perouse peryt perfor perkins periclinal perisut perseverance permenter perirheic perusing seaways seawall transact transpon transits transversely transcurrent transpression translocated transpof transcurr overly oversh overgen overto overhead overflows overfl overstepping overtop overconsolidated overloading overfilled overrepresent overtur overdue overhanging overlaps ##ribing ##ribly biand biomorph bible biased biasing biochron bioped bihar biomechanics biosilic ##eaton ##activated ##landriverine ##wealth ##ackuang soulard soulavie systeme depred depended depostis ##veld ##velbed riverbanks rivermouth riverdelt ##endi ##endent ##endas ##endip ##endry ##endritic ##endez ##endonites ##endenin ##endorp betula ##ffin ##ffinity ##ffrey strati136 channeland channelways channelisation modular modules modifiers modifier ##iah ##iaad ##iazh ##iautonomous die di2 diet dipped dike diastrophic diasp diqiu diorite diabase diadromous student ##irondacks ##icsedimentation ##icsamod 19m 19km 1918 1909 1913 1948 1943 1944 1929 floats hasenhut ##ociated carl cared caris carson carbor carlos carbone carico carmen carrott carnian carbos carrivick carapaces charting charman charlie charnor charlev ##ifica ##ificent ##ificant regs regis reglac regained regressed regrowth usans usde usual ##ibo ##ibian ##ibout ##ibund ##ibert ##ibway ##ibamatso ito ite itten itaser itll spm spc spent spud spend spik spines spind spare spars spoon spawn sprovier sproule ##stress accident ##lacier ##sople ##softs ##sopsis ##source ##sotherseav ##terns ##ternauer ##ternoon characteri characterising characterizations undue undulations undesc undocumented undefined undesirable interpol interpolate interpenetr datamanagement terry terby terwind terzag tertull terribly ##peror ##perous ##perus ##perms ##perman associates distorted distillation rockenha collemb upflow update upthrust upturn upright upfront uprooting upraised genus genev genese genyao ary arens arris arroy aruma aratris arthur arteries arrays arithmetic ##ldoz ##ldsc ##ldkxl wellto wellmann wellmix welldocumented wellestablished sedimentaryprocesses ##ipt ##ipitation ##ipov ##ipao ##ipollis ##ipede ##resstve ##gesvass ##ulars ##ularia ##ditioning underway underto underfit undersea underhill underwear underconsolidation underrepresent underestimates ##lopefail locale locus locard sequencing sequencestratigraph sequestered clack clash clipping clendenin ph3 phones phym phased phalian pharm phonolitic phabsim mayer mayor ##resses ##pting ##ptive notional notwith ##eneutics quake quets quatt quilted quandary quirky quizap ##icking ##dingen ##dinggeometry ##arix ##ariu ##arias generically generative adam adik adop adob adams adels adversely adisc adirondacks ##omex ##omecon ##omeander criss crystall credibility cranston crutzen crumbs consultants northand curricul delory delto delicate deluca deluge wherein obit obiter obtusa oberen fa4 fahn fausch fajardo faithfully ##aceouse ##aceutical outgoing outsk outdo outback outstanding outstri outpaced outsource carbon2 carbonel carbonatite carbonisot veron verde verina verification verlag prey prees preor preand precon preglacial prehn preconsolidation prehist precessional fiis fiir fiats fihli fiumara glacilacustrine ##imea ##imegreat coroz corpse coroll corrug corpus corymb corcov corenbl corelated coremeasured tye tyre tyred tylxb tybee differed differenced desmar desilic desirable deshpand desktop ##ergistic silil silting silcrete mina mint miners minded minier minute minax minxian minkoff minuta valves valdes southgate colleaguesow colleagueshall fluvialhost erosively ##ishment ##ishable ##ishchev ##ggar ##angulation ##anganese ##angliang floodsh floodchannel showcase fjordhead fjordoceanography thickets extricate extenive ##usted hydration hydrome hydrometer lithos lithoclasts litharen lithofazies marinegroup ##ographs ##ographers mudand mudie mudcr mudlumps mudotones appenn ##ucible ##thernalps ##encesgeomechanics ##idalsand ##idalchannel poet poff poleo poisson poznan poisonous ##dekin ##development ##decreasing ##ossens earthflows featuring simo simon simons simulates simpson similiar ##ontribut ##ontory volpe volkh ##ominated infih infinite infancy infinitely infaun inflate infuses landsides landscap landsforms variogram variabile leveled leveling ##ynian ##yncline command commence commerce relatable ##psi ##pses ##pshire someone somewhere somehow wegn webb wegen website weigel weighed marguer he4 hequ heave hegen heune heiken hecates heuer heiri hebda hegart heywood shaly shaler shalely shalbat ##ainnorth ##ourt ##ourishment ##shi ##shen ##shield ##shores ##shoret ##shaus ##shetland ##shaped ##shells ##shades ##shangliang lowerjur ##itesider acta ##cking ##ckite ##cksp ##iential ##cae ##caze 10n 10o 10c 10b 10ma 1071 10mm 1073 1010 1035 10pm 10t15 10kyr 10olon ##alski geologybrentgroup largeand tegan teacher texana teepe tec15 tekap teardrop ##tington ##pleistocene 20a 20i 20d 20f 209 20km 2025 20t22 20days 203a repuls rep473 reporters reputable ##erni ##erney ##ernails ##ernaustralia ##ernsynthesis ##faciesingironde spears amo am1 amark amade amerom amarat presentation topas toplap topsets topogrid delta5 deltafront deltaicsedimentation callow calaf calabr calpal calotrop callovian calvet calbuco calgary caledonian buttressing greoue greensand sm3 smell smear smok smoo smee smoking smør smeaton ##ikas ##ikof suppress ##okrat ##okitization ##okinetic manley manned manometer manuals maneu manmade manufact manchuang proves proving providence provinc orginated frid friss frances frigid frackuang ##rainian limonite limnic limnology samoa vegas veklc velopment dominat ##ignificant thereof plano planated planart planolite planimetric planners planktic planitia planctonik patterson patented patriot observes throughand throughflow shallowsub ##chna hydroid hydroids hydroelectric hydrocoral hydrochloric hydroacoust hydrocark hydrochemical hydroplaning mice micangshan micromerit fieldin fielddat fieldtri iceand icehouse icepro icemelt midand midpoint midwest midday midlatitude timeequ timebound timefram timefra ##convent ##consequences ##conferences ##otho typify centering centric centered centimetric centipede suggestions eastshetland ##yonsotherseav este esterle laying layman longa long1 longand longte longitudes longxi longley longzhong dung dunlop tectonostratigraphy boundstone ##enged seismostratigraphy seismogram seismometers paleob paleots paleofluvial paleolacustrine paleoped paleotemperatures paleomeander examinations examinated sandstonepetroleum energia erosionprocesses ##unders ##undacidites match matson mathe matches matsch matthew matiali marginally ##ricted ##ricants recordable carbonatemass carbonateevapor peta petts petrel transportand transportational stratigraphies discs discoid discocyclina discretion crossand crossings crossstratified crosssection crossplot crossbars ##ycles ##ycled ##ycyclic ##ycloped verylow veryhach fineor finegrained acres acari acworth acatl acoly acapulco ##itionripples petrol petrogenic petrocalc ##oryearth newcast newberry ##meuse ##meters ##meier ##meandering ##measures platte cays descended descends nathan palmer palai palyp palaw palena palorbit palaear palygors turbatus turborotal allison alleles modeler twt twining twidale twitya completing completen complementing remit reminis remediation remolded expel expended expending nearer nearing nearbank nearsurface glaciology glaciotectonics decent decides decided decame declined declines decimeters decalcified decimated decolorized decapod decelles silti siltation siltto reservoirformation ##rowsk smallto oceanbasins oceanographically oceanographers ##rollable ##asevia speculations ##ropoll ##ropolitan offs offlapping offshoret invites invigorated grainier grainflows representatives representativeness ##itudinous concava concisely conciseness importing ##works 15i 15h 15to 1545 1560 1543 1544 calcifying calcretized likeliest sedimentationinam signify controlsp ##aeter ##aeies interpretationbed sled slates slits slipp ##ificationpotential ##ledo ##ledge gasworks periodical explores fei fecal feels fegge downflow downlap downloaded downstepping downcurrent downglac downwast downgrad downfan downthrown morphostratigraphic morphometric morphometrical morphoclim morphogroups em71 emilia em1000 emperor succulent barely barform barker barnes barometric barometers barwis barkley barðab barchyn bartington commonalities commonplace commonwealth 200g 200000 200mm 200years organicand organicrich effected effectors ##ankind ##rui coaly coalfield coalfields climb climbs ##aminerals flensb flores flutes ##ilaria ecologic ecomorphology ecologia ecotonal ##iderme finished finder finergrained finnmark ##arted ##artimento latequaternary histoire redbed reducive redisc redrill redfin redeposition folk folks loo loon ##athi ##athe ##athrust refill refjord refuse refinement refilling reflux refuge refuges gravelbed peg pether pease peoria pegmat pethick pechora impediment impure impress impression imports imparts impurities imparted researcher researchreport landslidety prognost severity maja majiao majee consistence consistencies technically templates tempting ##risi ##risitets idw idah idiot idolomite middleto majorly sinopec ##ynamically identity identifier ##iques ##iquasporites turbidities turbiditess firing frey freeman precious edget edmont eduvie edinburgh edrisi groundmass particularities ##marines ##markal locales localization clayand higherorder higherenergy ##isedvalleyfill streaming streambed streamlines streampower ##landscape ##landslides supportive ##intensity ##intuitively ##intensities ##intendent ##intimegreat sectionally poro porcellan microflow microforms microgran microtop microgar microplankton microenvironments microdogle microterrains microphone micropeloids microlandscape subside subsides subsamples subsampling subsistence rope rovers roaring rooms roximal eskim instinct institution classa classii classifiable classoides ##oplastic ##opods ##opilla ##opotam ##opalyn ##opolitical evolutionpalaeo tidaldeposits tidalsign ##ologico rockschmidt larse larval larrea afternoon terracing terranes augen auvergn measurable significances dolosp dolopack dolocretes doloszheng founder founding foundering sectioning sectiontitle cycled cycadoph miatl milod miu4 mijen miami compares comparably comparator ##ossiliferous km3 kmthick earthquakess furuno fursich medical medpart medicine ##spie ##sprocess ##spalae ##spanning defend defences defense defender defects default probing probabil ##ailable grano grims grnbh grinded grenville gruszka camille campi camelids ##luvialarchitecture latero lateritic ##ocho willing willwood willesc approx approved grady gradstein graduate graduates ##ozoa ##ozoans ##ozoological nummed numeric numees lamintation ##tersveld ##blages ##blade knapp knife knocked knemiceras knudsen drone drench richer richtersveld thinks haim potency potash potonie stressing stressstate faultline faultprop orderlin clod clogged ##overte ##overfines predated predating predefined ##merian ##uchungs intervene intervened interventions methuen glacialmarine dynamical dynamism dynamically framing ##india ##indling profilo palaeogene palaeokarst palaeobath palaeohyd palaeomagn palaeodynamics palaeostructural palaeotop palaeotemperatures palaeonviron palaeodrain palaeopalyn palaeozoological palaeoverte salar salztones salalah salisbury salamanca saltaire westerni westerners lays laub laumann lavery lessens ##sequencing ##sequencestratigraph ##sequencebro engage engaging engendering attend attribution attacks attitudes attending attachments bloss blount blotches fillings 11m 11c 1150 11cm 1100m 1163 1147 bioturbators ##ubmarine covert outcome apula apenin appealing avg avy avz avoided backing backshore backwards backwearing backpack backreef backdune backyards backstep steered steii stevens stejline ##ogneisses burt burin buries burns burnt burston burgiss burgeoning burchet burdekin includinglake velocimeters velocimetry silicates silicilastic fossilized fossilinh poses sciara structure6 structuremidnorway mechanic blockade noble noormets ##issa ##issed ##issances recognising recognises horace habitable worker workflow riddled ridgelines ##irez ##irement ##licationpetroleum ##rockmechanics ##amegon naturales naturalist westland westphalian ##pora ##porous ##upo ##upach ##upervised bray braids braking braze bradied elevational beddings 20100801 nonregular noncrystalline nonstruct nonpoint nonhazard nonpro nonmir nonrene nonconsolidation nonrec nonestu nonriverine nonnative nonsymm nondolomite nonleve nonuniform nonspanning nonporous rappeport 12c 12b 129 12km 1250 1219 1290 1293 1222 1283 12million 1291 debret debitage ##termined easterner core2 core1 humus humpb humbold humacao humankind multipl multitudinous ##eastasian ##eastgerm ##easternaustralia stormy alluvialbas baya bayhead ##tidalsediment mediumgrained brey brekke breathe ##parably ##parica mo2 moat moons moxi moats mohr mohar movies moenave mophologic ##waji ##uanew rias trait trabeg trampling trawling ##technical ##texas fluidised 13t 136 131 1310 1340 1300m 1314 13obbejaankrans ##ronic ##ronome ##ronomy ##ronologia centralized aegypt aeolis aegir aegean metabas metabolic metasch meticulous metacyp metabolization metadata metastable metrosider metropolitan metronome dolomi dolomicritic sww swd swh swand swsc swings swsa swarming swirly swivel ##viate ##rella ##relief ##relson ##relatedvari ##relationship ##ullatif ##izationmes ##bedr ##beddin ##bedformstability ##bedoverfines investigates 198a 198m magnification magnets magnificent estuarinet vegetational combusted bedrocks bedrockgeology adjudged adjunct landformsnewzealand 100g 100years creatures creeping ##cedents arched archival archaic agi agrees agued agarwal agterberg agendas agronomy 506 502 504 507 50km3 50x50 karman karkang karkev ##reducible elation elis ells ellen eliot elgmat elimination elvevold elizabeth ##eforhyd ##erma ##ermen ##ermaston ##erton ##ertmann ##ertantly ##leton ##letes ##letic constants constrains maximal maximized maximize maximization pointbar ##anismsdensity upliftment cease ceasing cephal dobo doerenk ##ogeophysical ##ussen ##ussionalluvial directs directivity directionally ##medusa 30h 304 30q 30or 30ka 30cal 3011 30μm 30km2 3025 30141 30117 30kv entitled patternssedimentationin drizz equi equals equino equilibri equigran equalled opined opposition opaline primer primacy ##scontribut debrisflow ##ymetric ##ymyrmex ##ymaul ##ympstratified retrospect retitri retentiveness retriev retallack retirement ##tailed soilscape flatter flatand flatness flatted flattening 25t 253 25h 257 2518 2590 25years 2515 2514 25t00 25cms penarth peneplain papyr anglo angled angkor dynamicsgra capo captain captures capilano like1 morphologyearth ##ratulations ##ratiography ##ratulloides generalists causation derrick mouthed suspicion serre serow serology serendip hadley allowance allowances contention pressing brass brink brings brining brush briny brenda bronto bruno brilis brullo brongni loader ripplel functionally ##nalunga ##naliriver ##nalrockmechanics ##areview ##arecent ##ofan ##often ##ofusus normark portal portland portability portez portfol portugal experiential buett bukov buxa buenos ife ifsar ##20m ##20x11 ##ircase correlatability ##ainsh ##arken spatio 18e 186 18ka 1873 18ha 1849 1845 1883 1842 1879 1825 1847 1894 1843 dragged drahun dragging draugen drafted degrading degrade degrades degalci degassing sandsiihaugen dependable ##vesen cong1 congratulations confident confidently configured summed transgraul transgressively transgressing transgresstve transgresses headline tsunamideposits plainly ##ationalconferences geoid geoelectric geoacoust geophones geoinform geoffrey erosionally ended endob endanger endpoint endurance endmember endrody packing quartzitic quartzarenites schers schists schli schmet scholle schupp schulting schrott schedule widest ##tlement hydrologist ##ftin ##venne steepens steepening casebook kuij kuzbass latur nami namalia namikas passchier ##eticulate ##eticcalc cmst cm26 epipelag epox epigen epiand epitom epistem monarch monosper monanth monaco monterey monotonous monographs containment containers diagonal diagramed dunewood fanhead triples trilogy triangulation ##eraas glacierized 14km 1450 1430 1400m 1465 1460 ##inkling ##inkosh ##streams detached detonation detonated laminatedsand approachessequ pds ##mszz ##msedimentary ##ficially leader leaders leadership sheer sheep shejiao circled circulations circulating circulates circuits senses moderated fracturation fractofusus mappings dispute disputed crustaceans crustacean logically logger loggers logarith pyril pylon shorezone separations ilt ill illes illing ilaser illen ilwis illit ilberville illegal illdkxl submarinegeology submarinecan modernity modernpleistocene autheg authored weatheringsoil ##taino fails texturing cattle catano catoct cataracts catastroph zhiming zhaoming zhensheng seamless seamstress stratifiedsandstone floodplaindeposits siliciclasticsequencestratigraph 17a 17m 17o 179 1750 1737 1796 1709 1795 1768 1794 1799 1797 1774 17t11 1775 ##aueria ##regulard ##semphas ##sempirical ##semblages guides guided gufeng guaf guerric guarante guandacol guowei guayanes naturelle maker makaw makassar dissimilar hazardness runup runtu sideand 16i 166 164 16th 1630 1641 166a 1612 1665 16μm 1695 1679 1647 1684 1629 windom windward winddri windshield ##ihangshan ##generated subaquatic deepwatergeology descriptor jokes ##oleon ##olepid behaves behaved greenwood greenfell gravely gravimetry subdues subducts subdendritic contrasted ##erousglaciallakes drillings drillbit drillholes normaland normalize normalised normalization 21a 21c 21b 214 21th 21km 21ne 2110 ##eglasses ##loba situate situating ##onservation abundantly openly bait baflow bahe bahan bazhong bazile baisn baftin poles polia police polars poliphase zeiss zejin inferior hillshades assemble assemblies transitioning discussing granulated granulop karsts banktop totals accordi accords accordion literal litoral persico anywhere bathonian batholiths bathysca oiland ski skin skip skene sketch skerman skinned skarpe skirrow sketches skeptic dempse demko dempster demersal demokrat ##omorphologists superb superactivated superintendent superficially componets posters postma postulate post19 postset postulating postdate ##rusted insuring insular inserted insolating insolub insisted insignificant kazancy kaizuka mesima mesostructural mesorbitolina mesopotam porepress ##carbonateevapor ##atoisis ##atoplinian ##atophytes ##atophora plethora pleistocenie fallick lastra restrain restrained restores ##ctuals antu antoni antonio antilles antuco antonini antithetic antiquasporites highlystratified synform synrift synergistic sitespec testament testifies testifying ##enometry sharpbased ourselves risers riserless ##toire ##toyak assesses floodings impactors variationsinal palynologie palynobiot subsurfacecharacter 000a 000and 000ft 00010 00015 000km3 proximality rolecor aggressive aggraded aggrades cutters cuticular cuticles morner morato morne morril morava moriches moribund construens mapocho hydrocarbonbearing erodib tideinfluenced ##ashabeg distinctiveness globes globocass saturn satria warmed warba warrant warbler warfare ##iii ##iiom deepermarine clearer clearest clearance broom brook broke broster brothers ##ohesive ##ovich ##ovolta ##ovizd chaps chapin chapron chapuis ##ontinent breaker breakout breakouts 40a 402 408 401 407 40km 40ma 40cm 40masl 4097 404a keyhole labelling ##tonianthe ##50m ##501 ##5080 shafer ##eralbert inputy ##raulic dimming farrell farthest tabosa tabei ##inalge ##pecenis argon fourier fournier ##osphate ##ospheric predictability ##obile ##obiaceae ##obagyi spectroc occurrence6 tending ##ioids ##iocean ##iophyte thermography thermometry thermometers ##incentral ##incomple ##incisedvalleyfill statically excel excitement ##ostratigraphically permeate permeabilities simplex fragility fragilaria ##7010 ##70years ##70xc southeastward predominately seafloorgeomorphology halos halides halophytic halimeda hallei halokinetic ##ropicaldelta salty saltiph saltbush hypolimnion australis australasia approximated ##examples ##example imager imagined imageries northeasters northeastwards corresponded ##yday ##ydides ##ydrolog ##alupe ##alugad microbes benxi benjamin darkness olsson olhoef olivegray olariu singaren ##byprocesses ##bymarkal ##olithics mmnt strained straighter strahler strafigraphic prominence promontory biogeography raining rainfed saw said sapping sajj saxony saunders visibility visiting viswan visibly ##uko ##uke ##ukimplicationsfor ##zilla ##onians ##oniansofts ##agnesian ##agnetics collage collape raja raising raelation raisings raupach ##grounds shan2 shanley shanha transited ##iplegic tiliman tillage ##nean ##neth ##neil ##steins divisible goodfellow macma macvic macaronich timespans isotopically contributors extremal hardly hardest hardman hardening selima worse worry stillman shears ##ystallina ##ystallines illuviation illuviate cerams ##intsympstratified resistances ##bergia thoughts devising devils devolatilization beglinger illustration illustrative clastictidalsediment naruse narcot peaked peaking ##deshaped geosoft geosyncline populate populous populace responsibility responsiveness huo hugh hufs huiwen huasco huabei huicheng huvenne iran irish iranian irreducible irregulard ##arski ##ivalent ##ellingapp structuraltectonic eurosion editors ichnoas pasturelands ##aijah ##etsi ##etsk evaluates evaluating seeks encased encycloped mechanized mechanistic broadcast broadband broadferd selects mills millpress milliman millimetric millamolong rats rattas youngson blend blame blmm blurs blister dryas freshenings heling helical helmin helena ##sery ##rocchio ##rocarbone ##roclavat conceive concealed seminal seminars semiclos semiautonomous graywack ##formedalluvial turbulently braidedand suspensionfe exhibition narrowest ##reatment aridification singleor benthon benthonic lily liulin lippone liuke rhine rhee rhodes reviewer projecting projections projectiles photograms photovolta palaeoceanography palaeointensities positing ##19z ##199 ##1916 ##rodi anglejan shorelineabys thirds planted planting plantation plantorm meandered 29m 293 298 2958 2961 ruins ruhr ruobing ruape ruqig ruthless ##modellingapp standstill analytic correlationinhyd worldview worldatlas curly curling curvi curving curtin curtailed ##denmark ##denzee shoulders intrapar intrapari perthite ##gssu ##gsuin ##gsogelect ##intergrove ##ightswcoast minority 705 704 701 70mm 7080 706m ledge lossiem strengthen strengthening strengthened heterotrophic heterozoan heterolithics barrie barriea shapefiles boer boyer bobbejaankrans boiled boersma clastor clastto claststmldic hemmens hemlock hemicyc hemiplegic radios radiated radiology radiant radiations radiative radiography radiostratigraphy radiometer radiolar radiometry warmest 300ill 608 609 60cm 60μm 6029 60kayr plugging pluvion plucking riftia trenching ##jee occasion crestal 15743 bella belief belby ##lsk ##ksson ##ksnorwegian ##aturesinmodern tomasz tomasson replicated replacive cliffed cliffrecession oxygenic 22c 22k 222 22z 224 2270 22years 2264 2247 22t03 2220m aires airport airlift ##tilting ##jaq ##jafj ##rophile issar issued issuing chemicals subjects subjection subjective paleoalt paleoadriatic paleointensity wedged wednes weddell supersed supervised emphasised detritic 235 237 2300 2390 2310 23rd 2300m 2342 23t22 2367 ignoring ironies laguna lagerst lagunill lagonegro stripe striae striving finingand oligcene oligotypic oligomict cenozoicfluvial domack domaring domichn domesticated powered powders powdery ##enna ##ancedpublic statements statecraft diamagnetic triassicjurassic europeans hiscott distancee heightened progresses 35a 357 35th 3530 3541 3500m 35km2 35my gullivan ##ilou ##itedeposit ##itedolom ashes ashmore ashfalls scarf diplod dipmeter dipodomys dipartimento exploitable evaporate 315 311 3100 3110 3107 freezes peaty playing ##khove mineralogies mineralogically mineralogists semiperman 00a 005km 00812 80km 803a couper coulter coulomb couvertures couplings futaleufu steppe seaborne occupations escorial 1000s 1000ad detections detectors northwestward ephemeraland 55m 55i 552 554 551 557 55m3 555x pacl pacing snm1 inhomogeneous inhumations inhertantly compounding terraqueous closes closures favorably harland harff harry harold harried harlen harford harlan harboring harvey harriers harrelson haraijah himalayantecton lifts lifeline lifeless solano solvent solvated ##lesshallow ##whaki receivers receipt ##ogenian minimus minimise minimising featureless ca2basinal lobule 1154 11513 pyroclast pyroclasts accommodate accommodates diverging eased easiest ##8021 marti disturbing infills specialised specialty essay hillsides 336 333 33k 332 33z 338 331 3310 33km2 3375 90a 907 909 90min 9058 denis denise denote denlinger daylight daytime oroville pedro pedum pedology pedofacies pedogenetic ##inguishable reductionist essentialy bordner tape tapping tapped taxi tazhong taohe taupo taihangshan tawhaki vanwagoner vanrooij reacting reactivity ##ivesedimentology activating fishermen nodule ##raparticle foraminiferal ##ulesaphysical embau embleton 0103 0169 01695 evergre everdingen everyday khara khadkikar taroll tarapaca sultan sulcata submature submission submicron oceanica 2019b 201909 201912 201903 2019m65 tabularto tabularbedded behavioural 24a 243 2440 2400m 24t19 gyroch gyachung introduces introductions accountable experimenter experimenting macroenvironment macroseismic bulges bulking bullets bulloides bulldoz goa goeth goanna goossens homo homing homocline rayand ##bsam inundates stylus prototyp protested protozoa annulus ##chnicalartic emergency disperses halfway 476 472 47z 478 477 479 4700 didna didymaul foil fookes foxes justify justice justifies justifiable piedras ##oidable ##washington ##anaffinity reasoned substitute substitution 13320 analyzer bpi destucturated motif motoring motives yellowstone ##eville ##eventshydrocarbon ##echanical ##foundationengineering practiced practicable recovering recoveries recoverable arculus arcinfo kaolinitechlor erase erniet erlang ercinian erionite rudis rudimentary ##lerup ##terozoicstri immediacy washes washers washouts pathogens academia academics academie 1506 150k 150km 150cm 150psi episodicities 28a 28m 282 28t12 roughy rougher sagas wangtao wangrui orbiting orbiters orbitally orbitolin cobbleto colony colonisations extractive extraclast extrinsic settngs settlers conceptualizing conceptualizations ratioed proportionately 500000 500ha 500years 500μm 500khz waypoints ##hydrolog ##hyddte ##211 ##21stcent ##amorphism articulate articulates frequented 27a 276 27th 2748 27t15 2743 278m3 2750m 271916 ballast balme balancing baltis joe joined joining foreslopes infiltrated usefully meteorologic meteorologist claw calligonum callialasporites etive ettt etnean lenticul socio sociability sociologically sociopolitical ##archs negra negri negates negatively negatives negotiating abyss polynes polyphy polycha heaved amalthei roadbed roadbridge elongation schematics boulderoften establishments blackwelder 26m 26i 266 263 262 264 261 269 26al 26t07 hoal hook hoyt hoyle hoek handles handbuch handysurf ##oxia ##oxyl ##chinaindia exceedance ##factual accelerate accelerograms accelerometers subdivide subdividing 400m 400i 400years 400μm 400km2 400masl 400300 s23 s24 sixth torso torpedo torito ##salife coincidence coinciding uncomp uncomfort uncoupled sparta sparitic upstreaming pollute standardized standardize standardization powerpoint 48m 481 489 48000 germplasm woodworth woodfib ##iasuper ##californ ##roscopic provenances organizing organofazies equivalence moderatelyto meltwaters pingo pingli ##azoui prospectives shelters shelikof displaces displacive landwarddirected landwarddecreasing percentile empire empirically hummocks temperatezone riskiest dusty dusted film films filthy filipov laminea lambeck lamlnated lamineae srtm tuna tunisia ##boa ##boys ##books ##boatfor challenger challenged chrono chronologic chronometers chronostrat chronostratigraphically regularity lenticularly backscattering digs digits digestion tortoric vented ##gophyl ##gophyte ##ariance patchiness definitively banda bandwid soundings walk walking walvis waltham altimeter subtly distributing precambriancambrian estuariespub summarise passageways 32a 325 32z 324 32ft 32million 41a 41m 412 418021 ##haw ##haideb ##fengshan conveying arrest arranges arrigo advancements connectedness ediacaranaffinity 567 566a 533 538 531 539 5380 5328 5370years colours hotter hotta lensing lensoid mele melina melange melvich melendi melissa sanitation sanzhong sanjiao sanjia timiri wasted wastage ##rumhell instructive ##mentaltechnical externally anthropologist anthropomorphic ##umping collides colliding mexican mexicana mexicella hypervelocity paleocanyons paleokarstification 45a 455 454 459 autogenous autocor autobrecciation baking ##matian ##arfed whiteway paleogeomorphological 2000km 2000for 2000milliontons entrances entrants guadalup guadalupe segmentation segmentary embayed 774 778 777 779a blais blake blakeney bladeshaped junggar missoula syria sytst ##ecolo ##ecreasing ##ecologypalaeo ##yllous ##9034 coola coolly immenha immobile physiochemical sulfidic ultrash 38a 38m 382 384 davitt davenport puffy pugil pujana purer purification purpus purilact purchase rima rimless toolbar toolkit convention springer caliber calibrating volcanology volcanites volcanologists 546 542 545 544 541 5400 653 654 657 65ma 652a 65290 6500years 952 958 9500064x 95945237 bhur bhandar bhardwa cavelier dropstone mola molar molding molnia molisano pause paired pailles paarlberg paioids tuomot versa tookplace ready readable readvance anhydrile adapts 250k 250km 250μm 250km3 superimpose superimposing 366 369 36mm 365ka bergsch berggren berglund bergantz bergaueria candidella osuga osleger treating trelew trepasse trekking ##afsyle ##afalaya ##napping ##lieg ##285080 sustains chair chaetodip intermingled comprehending comprehensively 1025 102655 foldina peoplea drapings oxidative discontinuously 600ma 600500 75m 756 752 755 757 759 75km 7590 echidna echosound juin jufa juillet luvial luxi luxem luternauer opportunists slave servicio ##iujaq ##ugation ##uglio ##1050 repeating repeatable forcebal magic magur magwa magmas maguregui uniformitarian dataswith preferences grasslands polarizing terravechia truncates timingrelief 34a 343 344 348 349 3400 3400m 349a budny densest datesort livingston ##kenriver ##kenaess ##onomyrmex ##arais stabilizers ##osaur realms realistic suskia sussex costal costata costaric transtens tranquil ##ucester hydrodynamically wavyand ichnofauna hypothesize explosively explosivity 056 05t15 05t21 05t10 050061 800km benchmarks fsm teledyn telemetry ##ractures ##racturing thaljhora ##erculatip strohr revise revaluation revolutions seaside seascout propelling propeller exchanged genesisarchitecture heidrunsme 1993a 1993b baffle distinguishable torrents planktonicand 442 445 4470 4421 4441 blunt cfd kerr keratoisis niches nichol nicholls wuyuan yangxin ##poel ##pools ##23oslo ##ommern chemex chemocline partialor legal leguminous legacies interplaying fairways fairbridge fairbanks fairweath fairhav 19960301 equalizing bracket brackets brackenridge mixingmech straightfor straightmeandering effingham gilvar gilchrist heatflow icfs johanness rotated rotates rotterdam rotlieg ##axe chloride chlorophy chloritization chlorobiaceae shielded prinz printing accessed accessing accessory accessibly shallowingupward hydrogeologic aparticie 1202 120km 120masl 120days schwab schwartz schwertmann 02a 0266 0254 02t17 batters batfin drohan flected flegre fastnet iiiiiii misty oscar tubulars ##rda microscales microscopes laurits colourful 433 434 4300km 85m 85ma 85m3 8556 kalm kalin liquids panarctic panacea xinyuan xinjing xinwei xinjun ##pais ##anesenod ascribe ascribing unstrained unstudied unstacked californian californica expanses cloudinab conducts conductor conductance isotopica tuffitic cowan cowie daan daina mcda mcdou mcloughlin mcilroy mclaughlin mcneil malasp malfa malpas maljers malicious malongull malaprop malibamatso malpais nanometer nanhuan nanluohe rdo rightful urge urges urgently urquhart yuan1 ##swillap ##heterogeneity ##eltapap reversible conformkan competitor intercalate meterto arena arenal ##ucket paleontologists paleontologico expresses expressivity anticlockwise aggregation aggregations booklet booklets supraglac suprafans snowpacks glauconiteand counteracted counterpart counterclok countermeasures counterintuitively perpendicularly 392 3942 3955 3981 casing casula caspian castor castle castellan fermeuse feruglio glen glendonites glashabeg holt holist holland holbro holmest lichty lichenometry msmall pienk pieniny varve varanger varnish varvites vitfl ##identificationpotential surviving designate smectiteillite ecologydeep weatherability zhengyuan skolithus excellently visualize visualise visualisation visualizations erratic convexity propagates ##iscipline 37i 374 378 3700yr dongfeng giirl giraud giunta herd herong heritable herrin lister listing montt monty montgom options optoelect saraf sarno sarmatian solidification solidify solidifies solidifying ##bein ##zek ##4096 ##infrench ##infilldynamics tocopilla disruptive leeuwin smithsonian acidity ##ocheague trapsites cleaned cleanup literatures jianfeng1 homogeneously 975 977 979 gpss mantles mantling tenuous tenets tenuis tenerife tenacity utilised utilizing stagnancy ##ettes perennials overgrown overgrazing departments departamento ##ibetaut spurious understate validating 1065 1066a 106m3 happening traveltime deglaciating intrusives photographiques adjustmenti questioning questionably 089 0850 1m3 1metric 1mbar 350km 350years 350kin cumbing cumulatively odum odour odling odds odbc odyssey pulp pulled pullap pulleys ##ippen startling proceeded oncoid geographies ##ematography ##shelfabys acceptors multiples multiloba zhonghua zhonggui zhongshen belonged introductiongeomorphology dispersedly 06a 0625 0682 42a 42m 425 429 586 582 581 5876 5849 51m 514 5100 cosmet cosentino dilates frierfjord hinterlands owners pervious tailed tailor tailings tailored vicente wen2 wenyuan wenjie wenfang ##lammina ##picontinental ##aridies ##cheduled reconno reconfiguration reconstitut disappearing disappearance valuation 1042 1044 1049 signaling 2008a hornsund archipelagos constantly himalayanearth ##organicmatter tunneling gentleman vulnerabilities 734 7396 900km 900ma hierro keene keels keuper keerjian lascar lasmo mura murder misor misau mislead mischna sb5 sb4 talking talante taltal wild willow wilcock wiltshire ##awfish ##rografico enterpris incompat incomparable incomparably megabank megathrust 20my 20m3 20million hydrophones constituencies brightness initiative bajocian argentea programme replenishing adaptable vitrinlte conspicuously 2ndor 2ndintsympstratified 860 868 azules azorella astrona borates borrow feder families foodstuff hamlets hamadas hampshire nuculo nuclide tillite wrongs yong6 yongsheng yongshi ##ming4 ##mingham ##richter ##richtian ##illecaliforn shipping shiyue shiwaji internationale internationally indebted preparing decelerated diagnosed diagnosing tripathi organizational blueback hierarchies 464 4600 466a 4695 468billionyears 595 598 679md brierly brizga doubled doublets ghose ghazoui gabi gabel gabbro mentioning nickel routledge sicong siculo sicilia sideritic sideritization zs2 ##keslip ##fspecialpublic ##1365 ##onicus christi christchrust interdigitate parentage unfished unfilled unfavour unfolding unfossiliferous assisting spongolitic spilling ##stratainnorth collects undertake 10mpa 10millionyears centimetreto 1200i 1200100 branched headslopes viscoplastic ruggedized ruggedness strikingly harrison harrisx20 taxonomy pollena liquidized astronomically 097 0941 0926 498 4920 4955 68m 683 681 686a 615a 89a 898 897 ct93 croft croke crooks croatia craw crafts cultivation cultivate darb darcies darishchev ebbesmeyer falkor mingled mingyi mingsheng messages naess naive napl nappes putting pickup pickerel pickaxe piezometers pauly pinnularia tiers tielike victor zoned ##normalerosion ##han1 inerttnite ##imbionts deviations deviates chalmers chalcopy geomechanical recommence independence inflowing looked auger augering contrastingly condenses condensate safely safire safani encrustation budgeting replenishes calcisiltites 62m 624 627 629 6228 6260 62million 872 affords affirm bing1 bingyu dendro dendroge klene klinsklini klippen ps4 psuty psych pslynos pushing rigor sterk tanaka tanzania ##basalzechstein complications complicates complicating copiously controversially nepali biophysical 1958 updates geneticglob armored armada armella appreciably actualized reproductive microcomp microconglomer microcachry microfabric microfauna microfractures robin precipitations guoqi dissipates wastewater ##pointbard rdl3 rdl1 mitigating conjunctively reconnaissances 575 7290 beside bolster bolivian bryophyte honghan1 mccomb mccoubre mccourt piont ramm ramirez socially saber sabulous sabkhas santo santacro title titles titration venue venerus venetia xiyan ##lenburg ##patrick ##eposits thorium ##atsbeach ##arnath informing informative inverseto stationarity excesses marlstone 1932 1938 1906 1903 1904 190m3 smoothing smoothly vehicular decaying 2016zx050 1981a layeredsediment kuangiru kuangshangliang ##flowsgenerated photosets photosymbionts electronics flexures flexibly urbanization 4000yrbp 6000a 6000ft 964 9675 bison bisects lumens milk milder milestones milhous qiuyong tonga tongues tongway tongchuan tongbao ##midnorwegian ##65xc ##ungites presume presumption presumptions presumptive spindle spinifex qualities obtaining precede drumheller novices 2018a swathes catalan catalonian fourthly boxes boxcar hemispheres 300masl filtering automation automate automatic automatically industrialized industrialization thalassinoids icelandic clustering resembled ##structureevolution internationalized internationaljour diagnostics diagnostically pioneers 52a 52km 5279 525ma 633 634 638 63km 884 887 8800 882a 88170 9248 bonding bonpland bonifacio balling ballistic ballistics daninga daningjixian elaine hosted hostile jingao jingshan laptop lapidary pinones pinching pinjar plummer plumbed ssdi ssd10 sympath tangenz villicum writers ##uloidea conchie cheel cheju resolves resolving resolvable intersections translate depocencer clarens clarified appalachians healthier amphisteg amphibian expedited ecohydroge ecohydrogeomorphology cyclone palaeofloods swanenberg oppositely 210po 210321 hypersalinity segregate parameterized parameterization ##hazardswater 745 74cm aptly danjiang daniels epeiro flaws flagstones mutla okunishi orebody octocoral rossi sedediment sedges sedigraph sedizhong sedlmentary sed1ment square squares squawfish savage savini savrda tasmant tasiujaq ##inhans ##inhonor innovatively stoermer stoppage anchoring antecedents contaminate contaminant interruption interruptions unsure unsucc unsaturated unsurprising unsuspected unsupervised unscheduled percents percolate percolating transformative floatable floatstones sprinkling mathieu pecos pecot moonmilk metaphyl equipluve seriousness epiclastic monocline monoculture trilobatus advocacy geochronologies personalities mesoforms spectrometers encompassed rhizines rhizoids rhizoliths rhizobrecciation rhizoplane idealistic diffuseto polygon polygonal juxtaposing cohesionless lichun1 socials xiucheng2 villarica villarico pseudesther pseudoround pseudocompon 04a 047 04pm 98a 983 9800 989z beros berkeley bigradational diversities diversification gunung gunnison gunfighter gunatil merge merits meromictic ng5 ngvd nasal nasca tightening witchcraft wolf wolfe wolfram ##gerak ##588z ##45yrbp tower towering towfish streak streets streuff answers softened softening cryogenic cryptic cryospheric cryogenian supplemental discriminated discriminating discriminant glacioisot glacioisost redepositing escaped territorial territorium backthrusts 2017zx050 molecules pyrometamorphism 160m 1601 exclude millimeterand ##evolutioncoast mobilize revolutionised kalpinbach famously correctly unfortunate rhythmical blanketing mathematically 3my 3millionyears 550m 550ma 646 642 78a 786 787 8000km blowing blowout blowholes dinas dinarides dinosaur dinaridies fenghuang fossae gaupp gauges hunt hunan hunter hunchhi jin2 linxing linqing nitrite nitrates nitinat nordic nordseth nordwest nordstrom nordasvann nordeste pumpelly sessions veneers yufeng yueming3 ##rigid ##601 ##oradoriver ##oradogeophysical deceased decementation stimuli stretches beaumont chaco chihsia ##umbar subjacent perceptible diatomaceous spotlight arrive phosphates phosphorous phytogenic phytoclast phillipsite desiccated extraglacial extraformational 105m 105m3 1082 1088 108m3 1082m differentiates amazon fringes natalie emissive avalon backwaters stephan stephanian 1988ad 2500km2 2500meter funnelshaped schumann adventure adventfjord guidebook guidebooks strands strandvat collaborated collaborating collaboratively huaue restrictive preparedness peculiarly monocrystallines astrochron astonishing astragal dsas dhol deduce deductive dedeck dedication frosta judith judge judgement judgments myth m2iƒ mortality munoz munitions senita senonicus solutioning tmldic turpan turgid turkish yinyue ##rariness ##provinc ##proterozoicstri ##cutive ##oniac ##onius ##enkarren ##anicalsystems foreand becker becken beckman chiefly ##phyric anjiang1 orthographic orthogonium orthogneisses residue interlayered ensures ensuring ensue ensuing graphs unpubl relaxed sparked undergoes quarters 1074 1078 1077 1074096 ammonites ammoniac ambiguous ambiguity inventories lahee 125m ##textures magnetostratigraphy ellwood elltie 18oi drawings schoolboys 140m guidance skewing synopsis synopses publisher publishes publishers breakdowns farmland plunges plunged inhibits inhabitants goalpara destabilization acknowledges anticyclons benefitting saralbhangh zsb3 zsb2 zsb1 circumstance hesperan avalanching reinforce reinforcement 034m 5000km 5000m3 5000mmyear 992 991 997 athens athenian bsoc bermuda cardium cardott cottonian dwight dwindling dwarfed donato donax donora donnad donnelly donetsk drug hcl ladon langbein mamil symmetric ukraine ukrainian uvigerina vesicular violently ##partiocean ##sorb ##brotrophic ##63x5 ##2545 ##enburgian ##altibetaut ##icityearly ##rologyreport ##rologypresent tourists fortify fortunes fortunately sucrose sucrosic suczek choi choique choices shrank shades shaded shading ##iferrous ##iferheterogeneity attenuates attainment sublithic sublitharenites ##izontally paramedus unequally reliant reliably recrystallize recrystallisation abutment leaks indistinguishable overpressures overpressured overpressurized overprint districts clarkson noticeably adopt cruel cruise preexistent miniature infrareticulate obscure obscures porosi deficits granted possession possessing travis bridgewater ##ofagus 1757 sulphates macrofossil ##crystailine categorization ultradeep ##bodycharacter optimize optimise optimization optimizing punctuate interconnectedness symposia palaeoflows palaeoflowdire ##knownst inventoryglaciallakes 661 669 66650 766 767km2 7645yrbp 79i 792cm 833 832 aeration boudinage bougain bouyancy bohacs buckling buckets cuvier cuyah cuisine cucci civile duval dujie dufres eyeball gaosh gautier gallego galli gallons gallery goldring goldfinger goldthwait japanese kleppe kleidon kleinspehn kleinhans kaufman lingo lingbao lingenfel linguliform louise lts1 liftoff muhlen piling pilkey rnfs rnouldic rodent rodil rodding rillenkarren songpan songaks waddenzee ##iyan ##ridium ##schen ##kershepard ##ereservoir offering injected injections ##igani retaining secured secretary ##geologynorwegianpetroleumsocietynp ##geologyinhonor chimba shedding shares shared sharper sharples geografico geopotential coppices coppiced sandierupward subhorizontally parautochthonous paraffin paragraphs compactional disseminating sophistication partitioned fluorescing indonesian performing overcame deplete depiction floccules floccule phreatoplinian adsorb adsorbed cracked cracking corroded corroboration coralligenous weiyuan participating microslumps longestablished paleohydraulic peripheries florent floristic firmgrounds education educated educate educations educating hairy brandt brandl brandmeier multidiscipline 1375 agreeable 1802 1804 180km confluent 1787 guyana 1654 1659 165588z bayside baysides synchroneity synchrotron exhaustion olenellid boardman germanischen telescope kinematically yuanba3 97800810 enlarging excursiongu vesuvian nannoflora 271747 936 939 9300 botanical bachelor caveat daling dalong durable durham dabski dangers drowndrift dashwood gangu gangxi gangotri houser jiaoliao kirby kirkton marys marylyn navy naval navd8 patera pulls ryan rolled rolls rollover rolesorganicmatter rollback telltale wardtilting yuejun zooor zooplankton zooarchae ##upply ##guinea ##guyana ##1785 dewatered repetition shrimps resurfaces interfinger interfingering interstadial faculty unaligned leveraged transparencies depozones studentship artefactual phenocrysts adequate crusher consumer consumes consumable premised premature premonit ##depositswillap margaret margarets teamwork concomitance impedes impedance ##opterans avoidance magnesian magnesite unconfomities unconfirmed buffon buffers buffalo 1475 147sm 1472545 makkovlk agglomeration agglomerated absorption contextualized contextualize contextualised contextualization contextualizing operationally encouraged radiolarian radiolitid ##ornholm diffuses diffusive diffractions electrometer electromagnetics electromechanical obliterate obliterating ploughing achievement achievements glassy lichenized lichenization anomalously cropsout williamson splitting criminalistics cascadian louisville 1cmyr 69a 691 69211 844 aarhus asteroid asteroids asterosoma bjerrum breton culverts dictating dictionary ethnic fibro gongwang garnets hanover hanzhong hollis itaparica jiarong kenneth kelp kelso kaping llst llibout linguoids mh370 miliolid