[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z µ ø ı ʹ α β γ δ ε η θ κ λ μ ν ξ ρ σ φ ψ ϕ – ’ ##a ##y ##b ##e ##o ##m ##i ##n ##g ##r ##s ##c ##h ##f ##t ##u ##d ##v ##1 ##5 ##4 ##9 ##8 ##6 ##l ##3 ##0 ##p ##x ##z ##2 ##k ##q ##7 ##w ##ʹ ##j ##ı ##σ ##β ##ε ##α ##ρ ##ξ ##ø th the ##on ##er ##at ##in ##es ##en ##al ##ed ##nd ##it of ##or ##ion ##ar ##ic and in ##re ##an ##st ##ro ##ing ##ent ##el ##as ##le to ##ct ##ou ##ation ##is ##th ##ol ##oc ##ul ##ith ##ra ##ur ##et ##ig ##ly st ##mp ##ce ##ow with ##im de re ##iv ma is for ##id ##os al con ##il ##ult fa ##ge su that ##ter are ##ate co ##rom as ##ure ##la ##ot ##ch from an ##ru fault ##if ##ut ex ##ment ##se on ##ist ##ite se ##est ##ated ##od by ##om ##ri be pro wh bas ##pp ##ver ##og ##ction ##ere sh sa ##av ##lu at ##ther nor sou ##ad ##li ##res ##sion comp this ##ir ##ph ##ta ##ene ##ag ##ran ##igh ##ong ##ock ##em ##ial ##ant ##ations fig we ##ity ##low ##ive col ##qu figure gra sub ##ition ##ast or ##mation ch ne ##ical ##for ##ies dep un ##ect ##ab ##ke ##ine ##ac ##ence ##am ##ins ##ata pl inter mod ##op ##ous ##cc ##ave ##ues res ge ##art inc ##one ##um di ##iz ##ely ##ich samp ##oun int rock vol cont ##ary sp ##mal ##rou ##can ##ud high ##con ##du along ##ted ##ost was ##us ar ##ocene have ##yst ##ism were rel north me mag ##ers ##ts ##ore ##ill these volcan low ##rust mar ##ree colle reg ##ern ##ess ##ale dis ##end ##ates ev ##ges ##ral ##iment ##and which ##fer ##ass ##eld det bet str ind ##ear exp ##gh data age faults ##les model ##thern ##we us ##ard ##ures sc ##ak ##ld ##olog ##ediment loc ext ##ange ##all ##lip betwe between slip not ##agues colleagues ##ruct south ter val ##osition ear sediment ob ##ay ##tern sur within ##ff ca pres region ##erv up ##ron magm rec ##ound ##ib ##ros km ##ath ##pt ##ined ##eral part defor can ##aly ab rocks flow ##ield ##00 zone ##ach basin ##ps tr cor over te ##its tran cal east crust fol qu struct ##ian ##ep ##rit volcanic ##iver ##ross ass ##gest tim cons ##vel subdu le range show samples ##ell ##uring ##raph ad ##ov ##ces dist deformation surf ##rib ##ort ac acc ##ution ##ace formation ##able pale pre ##pre ##ide ##ystem min ages moun zir zircon system si during stri cl ##oth ##age stud ##ia en ##so ##pper app dif ##rain tw ##ced plate ##och rep also ##ift has ##ould ##ari ##ific result und ##ension flu ##reas ##atic interpre trans sug river it analy suggest ##red form ##ward ##lud ##ments cent been than into basal obs act ##au southern dom ##ign ##ater but ##ting li ##ens observ ##xt may ##tain ##rough two upper ##estern where indic lower ##yp cree ##oz ##ord ##ick sim per ##ating contin ##ose ##ack subduction ##ally ##act bel more ##ative sand sour arc under mant cr ##un ##ites ##me ##ized consist ele mantle our across differ ##ilar depth ##par ph lar marg how similar there creek includ ##ile bound set ##lace time area field ##oic ##onic surface comple lith prov ##ozoic disp vari san ##ents ##mm est near ##osed sample ##ively depos ##ber ##ric both extension ##ically late fra ##ake 20 normal ##ip mi ##ka ##idence const out ##ck values pe most through using temp ##ap ##rop ##ight ##last fe ##tains gen he strata ero calc fold bed ##ue detrit ##ring composition ##ismic rates ##dition ##vi tra ##ature well thick 10 occ margin section sign geoch am lav imp met top ##ision shear trend analys ver west ##ry typ ##ones alter rate ##ied ##orph grou ##ology western ##oci strike all other ##cted char central ##oss ##raphic occur ##net ##ough complex earth detrital ##fle ##ish associ upl ##osph prop ##lacement cre ##east present basalt ##olution tect ##stone ##own eastern base ##mb northern dext dextral ##artz meas ##acter based chan early ##xim off character spring ##ase ##ural mel unit pr par ##ance howe conc record ##yd however bon ##ome erosion study ##gn domin alas deposits temper intru used ##form corre ##ve bonin alaska ##ork ign dire crustal ##set bec ##ie ##ress grains vel ##eric ##ential estim ##ah ##ain seismic veloc their sil ##velop bl fl ##pping ##ob ##kes new mineral ##kely tectonic its ##omet ##ogene supp repres lat some develop mountains ##yon terran ##atig ste ##ope sin ##ular po only uplift ##ities 40 compar ##ient quartz youn sl associated gran ##tion alteration scar consistent ##ging one models miocene des ##der continent ##led ##land ##atures they ##ceous ##taceous local cretaceous ##row exh ##ystal disc interpret af long distrib active ##king mid ##cess peak ##io id ##itud refle source ##ley grain ##ove ##ize such pb ru likely ##ible ##out gre pla results ##yn increas ##ole structural three init observed der def sequ 15 oce units large ##ause car ##ived correl because ocean ##und isot magmatic lithosph ##tal calcul ##vial ##west fluid ther 19 thrust ##ger rem lim ##ified related mem ##assic canyon interpreted old dikes boundary continental lavas block core hyd ##br ##ory resp ##ides regional mic process deposition geolog springs line dec smal ##tical fac anom small signific ##ond ##ons ##ness ##rog stratig hor ##uff valley ##itic ##lab separ color represent evidence 12 each ##ited ##ffect ##eous ##ility belt no mass zones ##ption ##vious ##he sandstone ##fic rupt clast emp post eocene magma pop member ##erm sier terrane ##thermal addition subs follow yield deep pat ag slab ##ual ##na popul tuff ##ust derived level due ##ise sequence ##raphy mm rift ve velocity significant those earthqu ##fore sedimentary ed plu determ silic poss ##ening maj scale bre above formed different ##int ##atively prof previous basement major dr bro eru ##ors offset man ##ado ##sions ##ded ##ench strain cool incision kin ident ##ys ##lying comm analysis aver ##cl colorado would ##though although systems ap ##eter ##ills crystal do ##amp pot seg yr ##ination mountain below so relations indicate elev temperature 39 reflect produ structures down displacement cross ##ail compositions ##itude grab vertical hydro southeast ##ada steep terra studies sw cur rat plateau ##orite ##rient contra direction after hist orient sea flows if wal geochron ##bl ##orted ##arm sever shal ##allel distribution ##de ##ured oceanic could ##ially striking modern exposed term desc ant volcano ##ration ##ferred trench cooling found ##ec ##ding plut general geochem ##ression plot topog group 40ar several ##que shallow ##ently relative pattern fir ##dle main far less lake ##ately ##ences observations mg common potential lay sch gener sierra graben fin ##ably mean ##bon ##iven hydrothermal syn ##nel ##ane ##round ##tle magmat table ##most ree ang average ##iation northwest thickness lateral fron land ##ivity ##idge 39ar bene event measure mo ##liz ax vs scarps here transition ##ire americ middle relationsh la pol ##ram first ##ected ##rogen 11 13 faulting channel size ##atch analyses ##work rupture beneath same plat structure appro prim facies ##med development magmatism exper ##ification including grand unc ##aces relatively concent lithosphere ##ne ##elds hf prog nev short compon higher evolution 201 discus mater material gar mult ##ument thin respect equ ##ker continu ##ished 14 ep sm ##uted located constrain nevada felds mes wave then ##amorph therefore ran ##oot ##te prec appear contrast pred ##ito del ol ##cy mafic surfaces sets older doc ##eng conta areas feldspar 25 inf ##isot anisot ##ather metamorph carbon anisotrop kn ##ider ##ilt ##achment zircons parallel pet ##our allu ##ages ##ifor ##over mon ##ank orig outc boninite back ##ertain ##lain ##pped ##ization arch shows type dominant den nw thus condition northeast ##ernary geomet accre document bu cas mus inv thermal geologic ##are sources effect ##ton marine activity ##unction processes subsidence 17 grow ##umation ##rol ##iss forear preserv include exhumation forearc ##ft andes ##mental adj calculated origin ##ble ##aternary andreas quaternary fluvial dominated num ##omm class occurred ##ength ##uch ##ull magn trace stratigraphic fur hills jur work ##iller earthquake 30 ##to examp ##lier sediments ##ochron fract measured defined ple chem change further ti ##ivers ##idual ##chan when history describ drain fan ##aries setting ##gi presence depths clasts walker geochronology cen lin debr ##izon ##cond kinem debris second geo variations garnet jurassic ##val ##rock ##ided ##lay meth isotope ##kal events melting front conditions 100 wall water ##eg ##icular spat consider distin interpretation cle mot test ##yro ##western while accomm anomaly accommod much ##ods ##ount detachment folds igneous decreas bedrock ##olith ##umul ##ortion changes ##rated mechan location shown fraction ##netic propag maxim alkal ##ify obli younger many segment tri ##az ##uc uncertain mud since possible rot ##acent dipping cenozoic cm mc use ##ana ##ither 200 orogen ##stand ##ocl grained adjacent distinct sing ##olv ##amb analyz ##dera 50 end pli red ##iles ##semb strong least ignim initial cut site assemb control ##lastic contact ##ios ##sh ##istocene volcanism plume pleistocene fill generally ##lization single ##ogen minim suggests lava boninites kinematic ridge ##lo ##ream succ extend abund timing like trending mor ##uk dip spect maximum es ##ics dem ##lac following motion mapping identified terrace kern transp import temperatures populations broad elevation pliocene dens foc lack ##yl ##ho collected expos characterized flat edge measurements growth gl element foot ka rich ##cov ##wall abs muscov ##erate ##istral ##resp sinistral uncertaint given pen wide shortening muscovite bay melt emplacement pri vp ##line ##ote corresp whereas minerals isotop correspond pu ser ##ational conver dike amp sr head commonly angle assembla brit er ##ture ##well total features tal ##inc inst increase drainage 18 hyp ##nia ##oro comb neogene locally few point eruption ratios position side contain califor paleozoic topographic analyzed footwall california ##cad any volum contrib fluids reef ##itoid influ cascad ##oclase ##etic state stress ##osite diag provide supple developed granitoid multip ##ium ##ked peri ground prior ##face ##ks coar resolution intrusion plagi described cp hol ##ival ##rian prob ##akes consists anisotropy err plagioclase div island weak ##ambrian either ##ryst therm anomal platoro ##izontal clear bur nd ##omp conf scarp mechanism ke ##ior ##ille fact determined ##olite coll succes gul ##ains ##ner ##atite modeling center ##ief geochemical pack ##ning proxim basalts typically documented heter mat ##ips ##sl ##esis step mapped suture ##laced basins ##ogn trends compared drill magnitude ##ogenic im lo ##enced ##terozoic ##sequ ##istry deple cord suggesting layer respectively dul ##sive ##pe ##ints example cordiller bath ##read stand summ orth assum understand elements component carbonate alluvial oblique dulce 23 bi ##lic ##stones toward intra detail reported extensional characterist previously discuss ##rich requ ##ability minor ent indicating provin estimated slope correlation important blu el ox inferred recon ##ott exc perm veins approxim olig isotopic publ ju mig trough ##ean allow contains ##ute exist ##conform ##ological recogn clos sections limited depositional accretion multiple hot ##ood ##iate ##lan ##way ##erg ##ases map ##ruction arg overlying paleocene estimates patterns geometry non op ##ison press 198 antic heterogene oligocene han ##action ##rite sup order indiv caldera additional vein silicic concentr fab ##used indicates proposed blocks population metamorphic collision had ##late ##chn ##ressive greater lithospheric micro constraints triassic fall ga rad ##gl att relationships bould ##rang grav ##riction throughout profiles minimum individual mis ##onst ##lap estimate kah rever coast white locations ##yrox 16 ##ug value regions mix america ##iltna kahiltna function jo lit ##of ##ject ##ert linear host ##ville ##ind boundaries break experiment supplemental rest resulting prism velocities exhib profile does spatial demonst assemblage concentrations did length wrang ##inent inver apatite curr axis known four ##ali forel ##otite enrich very ##head catch prom vis ##off relief subducted mount sandstones em pic rap ##gan ##sz ##up deg northward param diagram ##glom rapid bar bod ut ##let ##rad ##etna ##omorph plan frame intrusive uncertainty standard entire fine glac ##urb exce shar ##lies ##keetna spec wash talkeetna ##ract incl recent predic av fit lane pac ##ling ##riz phase denali hypoth pacific ale portion ##hf ##itive ##ime ##omag overall accumul simp microp moho mesozoic bla tan wil ##orge ##iding ##idad integ extent calcite recorded support possib bott grad southwest magmas ##ensional differential phases primary holocene hanging fabric 21 rh ##rodu provides variable altered direct massif ##ysical fractures density converg little dam gr colum geod includes geological crystallization andesite coarse bottom affect being parts quant assess underlying flank preserved ##ona ##ines ##inidad ##ocryst refer univers trinidad domain series brittle thermochron proximal published ##yroxene past infer ##elli conglom marath basaltic youngest distributed broke swarm ##neiss outcrop discussed reconst marathon lu vers ##oup ##rained reach ##sect whe poor initiation american appears 26 around gorge na ses yuk ##ience gravel particular env ##iew ##olved anticline foreland yukon ##bed ##o2 ##icient ins ##lam intermed suggested larger tempor stratigraphy 36 view deformed differences beds penins black versus kim ##hib paleomag sio2 ##ape ##ynam relationship brokeoff intermediate rio wed wid warm ##rystal ##her ##ela whole ##ired presented horizontal effects 1983 ariz dated ##ful ##reg ##cting defle weather subsequ ##opro about fluorite glob error succession sespe arizona 27 ##pted ##arine composite interval content northwestern recrystal great earthquakes brecc orientation number permian wrangelli wrangellia br med nac ret sel sul start ##lust ##abo mead ##ologic text ##arily ##ensive margins intrusions ##brite schlier ignimbrite period picabo framework schlieren m2 net vary ##ok ##ila ##tered unconform geomorph highly paleogene separation ranges dating ##iqu ##ense ##rix ##iron subm occurs yielded southeastern ranging methods matrix ast best klam sites coe highest groups generated depleted university klamath 60 rather sal ##xic coah should ##abel interbed lead appar potentially chemical geoph anomalies coahu slow ##nbl ##hen ##enocryst ##rops ##estig ##fficient phot layers polar alkaline province recognized paleomagnetic coahuila cambrian mend pers ##ym ##iated ##50 ##arc altern ##earch scal clin deposited terranes rhy asthen asthenosph 70 bul dac path will ##ma ##wh ##stream ##chist research spread explain partial transt volcanics ##aho hornbl terraces geochemistry farther propagation environ hornblend bull five ##kn ##alu interaction partition folding young slight define primarily investig classification amphib gravity microplate hel year though ano arr surround transect types plutonic mgo approach ##shore volume hornblende 22 sk sons ##wise ##oric ##ray cover intern evalu indu expected techn metas comparison continuous sonsela ech kil ##by ##go ##uth ##pb ##imal made sampled constrained avail lob bear close followed demonstr deflection ##oproterozoic ##yc ##ika ##ique ##tch ##onian ##ining ##eters indian volcanoes topography granitoids mechanisms ecl ##erous ##ingu reve anc neg even subducting bedding ##ossil ##lands interpretations segments soil produced method pressure global available eclog reveal coup imm ##ik ##ns ##2o stre copper better ratio migration catchment wedge bullhead himal morph round rare wind ##gments ##ves ##aters ##isod ##ivation ##ama diss extensive southwestern surve provided mostly remov episod rotation abundant polarity himalay dim nature qt right ##ms isochron ##lied regime phenocryst deeper decrease cascadia biotite bulk friction gneiss sol yak ##bo ##ned ##gin ##elon ##etry ##idal prox times track points smaller yields determine steeply plots schist components outcrops echelon pass til ##cing ##pr ##utat ##alline nearly conclu represents driven plutons grande juan yakutat log ##water ##onal stage composed ##tained need ##abb ##acies ##rites ##vium localized increasing separated emplaced crystals exposure detailed characteristics conglomerate reconstruction 300 band crit pos ##atory isabel ##ifted crest feature ##itudes reflection pluton cordilleran tanana isabella 31 45 day eu il match ray ta tru ##sc ##ans ##etric ash ##ighted expla resulted oriented mainly ##ylon influence probably understanding approximately bore fossil ha ##aqu ##pec tops alun distance proven green prominent stretch boreh 35 bran porph tak ##lt ##owled beh silet domains sourced included peaks significantly accommodated espec geomorphic siletz especially gabb wt ##be ##ratig ##ually still stream conj chl enc erosional granod agg again experi equival contribution inclination hypothesis damage whether geophysical surrounding provenance branch siletzia now role ts ##bia ##vf ##inter infor ##ellow rece maid ##omin depend ##ostratig magnetic noted earlier estu princ erupted distributions considered batholith exhibit weathering survey 00 dynam loss mob run sy εhf ##brites ##inations ##urface suite coinc ##aving rele leuc diff ##igned display sanid silt continued settings redu ignimbrites accretionary negative ou ##cu ##cut ##ances ##cept array southward account diffic variation complexes platform focus current glacial apparent window ##board difficult vr ##ier ##cent ##18 ##rof condu interior ##cont paleo among attrib degree parameters columbia case dra emb las ult ##iorite states exam project mina fields dominantly imag breakup directly salton slightly 24 go before conte mexic forming difference agree levels crosscut secondary reverse gradient temporal arrival princip mexico haz ms tens ##ler ##entin ##ident subd caused distingu crat ##aper granite alluvium mcd exposures falls kimama rhyolite dacite kilomet himalayan bend ce du just mylon wides yellow ##not ##nake ##gs ##van ##pa ##pan ##inity ##enn ##alog ##elf react ##lays ##ifts figures marian science ##pread eroded supported increased separate elevated controlled absence eruptions clearly convergence poorly sanidine widespread 28 37 cumul mill ##til stra ##opyroxene marcy formations ##formed silica siliceous produce predomin simple spreading aust ##pect ##ency ##olites reas weighted regression obtained overlap amount melts united subsurface plun ##overed alunite granodiorite 01 having later nen rough ##rf ##lation ##put ##eres ##ula maps see saint ##ights ##ander acqu ##io2 199 discussion spectrom boulders coastal visc possibly asthenosphere years another metasediment morphology positive nenana 33 80 bent clust m5 rhe sens ##orts ##ice inher ##urr ##gether analog ##ame moderate ##ounts scvf left displace remain linked ##load combined package packages super sulf network coupled saintes sense ##gely ##use ##ved ##pend ##onse stat ##estone ##ockwise residual ##aching largely calculations response sierran orientations heterogeneities help phenocrysts taken laser lab ##ware prot she interface ##izing cannot typical discre generation landsl experiments menderes opp pp rise sb tur ##ipp ##ven them ##itan ##struct ##uration stages ##idote seism ##abl introdu perpend ##cken offshore seismicity aft reflects epidote petrof geothermal bearing explained perpendicular petrofacies might rid ##ex ##ead ##atible ##ina ##inal ##itu together ##urally applied transfer uppermost establ compositional 150 limit accreted fractionation cmf ortho boulder willow ##iques interbedded borehole ahe les lac ow py ##nw ##hor ##ds thous ##eschist fast subst incor highlands strat sedimentation partially distal flux signal signatures tecton oldest offsets progressive blueschist microstruct inversion alex gabbro receiver thousand 500 aff bou hom kl nar ##cal ##erial ##itative ##ang dev ##quartz ##ously ##umed ##izes marked note ##erald ##epend six transform construct uplifted records original lines instead mixed emerald fabrics affected reference subsequent scales internal techniques ##going behav estuarine outer ppm 51 gu move s1 tio2 yb ##jo ##ories ##chika onto compr magnet independ foliation adak comparable correlated delta kechika cordillera bathym enriched recrystallization equivalent alexander narrow paper tre vir ##get ##ump ##kin without ##osc basis ##ography overlain ackn forms increases erupt downstream petrog ##ego kinematics transpression ampl body geodetic nacrite starting topset principal predominant benton statist orthoquartz acknowled bor must tend ##son ##flo ##ino ##ened ##iff ##ographic ##cca mecca extra creep meters slop additionally axes ##welling joaqu bodies predicted peninsular transtensional against klg joaquin dil diver last wav ##yle ##stract seen beyon ##ogran ##acio abstract bounding 206 ##ipit ignacio directed ##aines plain seaflo plotted final transitional metamorphism backarc numerous moraines focused factors enrichment napp information hazard substant beyond seafloor fund hal led situ wa ##bs ##ctile ##osity ##rug strength similarly complete variability impro westward delam oliv examples divide characteristic closely ##erged medium experienced ro δ18 ##bur thole ##inate ##ised ##oll sun what compil unique diego scat corrug bounded dispers parent conclud correlate limestone ruptures postd identify finally precipit spectra broadly glass load assuming radi integrated gravels taur reason behavior olivine δ18o tholei cant clay hand hinter ##rest ##ridge ##sp ##vor ##zu ##orth make ##utian ##odal ##ription geology recovered ##raphically systematic constant ##ressed latest ##rown description precambrian buil mudstone orogenic esc summary revers aleutian thermochronology particularly unconformity partitioned demonstrate eclogite dissolution mariana cluster labor pyrite cantwell hinterland 000 boz ir national rivers via ##oy ##man ##ged ##hist ##ple ##ont ##ety stack ##ives ##rupt ##omat shin shale ##lie until ##ervo upward upwelling observation indicative ##oseismic largest association brecken curve concentration gulf mixing evaluate immed trun aggrad breckenridge 38 65 90 away cb junction zon ##mass ##imate ##imodal devi ##rial proterozoic shap saw ##ems weight meg scen ##ologies terrest ##ibility ##rosc overpr structurally accord perid cryst lithology latitude soft directions archean fracture strongly groundmass ##lications argill ##ugate persist ##ahoe conjugate yellowstone displacements terrestrial 34 cyc dou lens nat pal pow ##ection ##ooth ##more ##dag ##por ##arp stock cores access prehist clockwise energ fragments detritus download axial program furthermore spatially extends corresponds required planar gren ##umption prehistoric 49 bord ##iately ##pite ##ark ##ission ##olve ##urent ##che ##chron onset shape contents mark regard volcaniclastic advan impact implies despite curves laterally laurent key diagrams metasedimentary grenville gond pish εnd ##yg ##bles ##ha ##usion thir input ##ising ##old ##igan favor proced ord unli moder intens ##rous expl expression upon eastward ##parallel constit characterize tectonics calculate facing synth ##lized barri shares width coeval leucogran ductile plunging incorpor 206pb immediately gondw pishan 48 cf cos lid lies son way ##cp ##has ##ten ##aneous ##ets subparallel assumption showed reprodu complexity sequences represented representative wald northeastern filled abundance transport corresponding buried summar restric exception sharp clinopyroxene chlorite half laboratory argillic border har pul sill titan wol waters ##ymm ##ew ##nant ##sw ##hyd ##11 ##eler ##ulated ref asymm span modeled locus si8 nearby deposit signature propose respons rifting means ti8 combination gulch views peninsula thought removed logs bands attributed scenari software energy lidar 32 auth gla mul sat snake ##ese inner tom sufficient ##chy ##section ##ries chall incomp spar ##aker capt abrupt overlies ##ovic accomp lithologic heating proportion stead exhumed correlations remnant mica accommodation islands stepover orthog closure induced hait context agreement cumulative austral predominantly delamination according natural waldron 06 29 cat file pan pore ra trib ##aine ##uous ##po ##esse ##alach ##orm ##ington reor fork fores gray suba ##ector inclu ##umo showing acid appalach performed normalized compare massive channels preserve chemistry fans moraine influenced accumulation proxy conclusions maidu distinguish devonian shinumo appalachian 400 75 az dat dates good lag lost pa place qf rim tilt tidal tahoe ##nected ##hed ##tran ##eto style almost ##irc subhor overla qual report ##mean howard peb heated amounts frontal ##iform mont cases orogeny extended serp siliciclastic grid breccia ##where ##ostratigraphic kilometers orthoquartzite suntran downloads restricted mulde steady tribut suntrana full light pur rifts ##ai ##ses ##sov ##dy ##alville ##rot ##iving bealville ##irond chi mode modified reservo geosc sampling lowest calib quest adirond displaced travel implications progress dense 1000 ##oliths uncertainties assumed existing supans ##lapse parameter ancient qti stretching strand roughly eruptive taurides tholeiitic sawlan ordovic reservoir adirondack ordovician baker cib fre ia mov turb ves ##loc ##ita tool ##urun isol anim gradu neut ##abase rocker space marie recently transferred percent various created reflecting smect anisotropies obliqu successions depletion blue pressures util uturun specific possibility convergent intervals submerged lobes 310 conducted trunc crystalline foreset subhorizontal turbid uturuncu bo cab hence izu nam solution wor ##ya ##bers ##oph ##15 ##lite ##less ##atically ##lex ##ctively stations stable ##imuth real ##estral chron plane reset arents explan accur pert elect construction folded ##view 10be flood steam idaho majority apmb product british confir provinces quantify subsequently ancestral porphyro embay spectrometry introduction independent virgin azimuth smectite world arentson 02 52 bra brown fel hing por pree pyroxene serv vent ##ycl ##ily ##ires ##inger ##ased ##outh ##uran ##eton ##aged ##amide disloc ##ritic studied lie laramide heat seaward vsmean materials classify muddy factor intrac hotsp accumulated selected environment dimensional needed landslide established movement bathymetric lenses hotspot 03 call dal ec mer nb pt tar ##bas ##rd ##itor ##ention ##olcan alt ##mented spac splay extin flowing paleof analytical indicated belts constriction traces ##ometric places thicknesses mesoproterozoic garnetite mcsz errors else allows leading dynamic ##continent ##urrent adakite transpressional precipitation building advanced 44 55 cru coseismic dig ful hik s2 tenn ##eed ##iences ##flow ##ule ##pl ##70 ##inite inund ##ctic ##imient conve ##oming ##ogy shelf incised highl trig preferred centers lithologies ##lasts heav representing histories moment law buoy link triple periods coars require exclud currently ##ganization planes widely recrystallized nacimient paths skel lobe craton rheological slopes third ##essee subaerial perturb ##urangi dalz paleoflow hikurangi tennessee nacimiento 53 bal coun diller fil hund lived pract ze µm ##ias ##iary ##rid ##side referred consequ ##ilib ##char ##utz ##istler sem seam whistler diam spl cause partly paleod perha mixt trachy separates ##ecito shallower measurement precision magnitudes decreasing alkali containing divided 238 open except bottomset proxies tilting reactivation viscous microstructures bozdag double unlikely moderately synthetic barrier leucogranite cosm montecito serpentin question dislocation hundred perhaps city circ flex oreg ris zr εh ##rat ##ca ##ura ##dh collapse caus cliff twin southernmost continues underlain disper variably supports remains lesser angular northwestward thinning smooth ##olving abundances cascade burial requires excur heterogeneity radial functions quantitative meadow coefficient environments solid tilted critical crosscutting aggradation peridotite haiti elsewhere oregon εhft fire fission gou gps gently hay icp lakes ramp sks yet ##yo ##yed ##equ ##eep ##rating ##fit ##dale ##went ##jave ##ator ##arctic ##roof ##oles rework ongoing proj compatible uniform unroof ##illo ##alya corrid add bedded concord intruded elevations aftersh terms antalya mojave 2010 propagating positions cpx images argu m29 transtension porphy subdom acquired road responsible reorganization electron embayment fully inundation skeleton dalzell dispersion aftershock 95 cam ##ained ##ewell ##ix ##sic ##town ##plate ##xist often ##anian ##thon ##olid ##ulate seven beam proble shift grade geote cache overlie physical propert mineralization latter correlative 120 patch downtown geochronological farewell angles contacts extending morb probability gully ##chnical assessment alternatively syros shaped ##roscop intensity authors accompan vesic felsic extinction diameter gouge corridor geotechnical 2a eight elastic my mb miss pure pron rain tread ##gra ##fo ##30 ##ero ##ators ##inated ##altered inboard ##olute ##urated ##imes com ##ists began ##ressions neoproterozoic unkn unaltered ##ounced extre upstream km2 ##ochthon transient arcs pefo correct localities ide initiated significance tuffs ##armigan generate mesa decreases focal absolute assemblages hypothes integration m27 partitioning criter illust mylonitic ##pani turn acknowledgments substantial systematics cbsz wolf progressively frequ animas cabin ptarmigan digit excursion pronounced unknown 54 64 600 800 mw nnw rand rob wag ##cence ##tically ##ub ##erical ##inting ##ices anders ##asma ##ises review who ##phur ##tap plasma intersection modification index cap ablation surfic paleor ##othem eng domes providing meta occurr lineations identification andesitic absent stresses oxide 210 260 sulphur conclusion subdiv ridges affinity sparse target heavy 238u wagner free ged root varies ##ying ##bg ##matic ##xtap ##olian ##etr storm fort fail aspect once ##rium shield ##emite resist discont canada prefer strikes enough dome ##enschist crbg similarity variety genesis northernmost mineralogy greenschist thrusts hydrous horizon contraction concentrated equation geometries effective fractional approximate juxtap ##lano catchments portions textures unconformably covered branches sulfur discrepan owens petrographic scatter reversal ##ygen surficial gediz discontin 76 air ayd cour date duration fut gives ion iter pin rose squ swe sizes tron vents vector ##rine ##lines ##jemite ##ın ##ored ##ash coal anorth ##irt cham ##abil intercon resem evolved expand obtain able teaching ##ignment santa amaz melange ##forms somewh granitic discord ##ustrine apart termin termination antarctic finer ##ney involved walls accommodate propagated cascades config image oxid heterogeneous exhibits exceed washington reaches alternative inductively rounded ##scape discrete lacustrine gabbroic ##ycling trigger paleodrain ##dhjemite unroofing future trondhjemite chamber somewhat 66 99 bir hur lam lear md m0 oh sentin ##ground ##sr ##uv ##df ##14 ##20 ##inous ##ora deb maule alam coff ##iferous ##mentary seems ##odia ##lun ##therly ##liest chile dips expressed usa earliest assigned adob students transg mayodia ##ickpo moreover displays outside height vertically became flo afric derivation members edison averaged geochronologic landscape delay knickpo volumes proximity bluff oxygen insight varying interbeds amphibolites immob maiden runout remaining tectonism constructed deviation scenario obliquity ecsz ##eepot ##xisting properties sentinel coffeepot adobe bimodal none ojo tid tib vic ##ients ##ratic ##hit ##tiary ##ery ##ena ##ores ##rees ##thrust ##imeter sum sus ##ifically ##itect begin ##ava ##liam chin interg splays lowess dischar ##andon tertiary partic abandon added applic former thank sandy underpl consisting ##cks occurring ##entially ##ometry sinks thrusting clastic apw producing finding syncl poly 250 architect tested ##ucoph useful lohit experimental wheeler submarine amphibolite episodes crests reduced bending inherited amplitude compilation corrugation concluded escarp markers glaucoph rims quality porphyroc porosity ##ilibrium split camer hurric glaucophane 87 aqu gpa komat lass opt zhe ##bor ##ee ##mor ##fs ##tic ##16 ##13 ##ala ##alley ##rel too ##olinite ##ocino station dehyd forest intense scient assist leaching ##ovalley paleovalley apply ##una phil pe1 ##apan others initially facil ##temp denud mush originally decreased cutting importance kaolinite contributed demonstrated entirely specifically supporting 360 photo mendocino indiana episode chlor ##ostratigraphy mobile coincident release extracted nappes radiogenic challen catac isolated resetting explanation immobile hurricane komati lassen ach eas ever fish his k2o pods rb sides xrf yh ##gence ##rate ##rified ##fz inlet ##olitic concept ##rum ##ifies ##utes ##seismic ##therm ##resh ##phy ##quah ##ectonic diorite ##athrust accura reports phys mete meter allochthon correction newly steps pole locality longitude plaus kini seawater synchron thinking petrified 176 numerical ##ucing distinctive ##olves anomalously intraplate collisional asthenospheric amphibole fossils mobility diffusion siltstone draw imaged ridg lacc bouse statistical waves nappe descriptions megathrust summarized harquah mbsl criteria digital aydın configuration yhree accuracy harquahala 05 1b 4a 47 dow gap ii lrf oro oib pel pil tight vbr wnw xen ##ey ##gm ##co ##cos ##10 ##waters ##erian ##inities ##orogenic ##anced ##ings ##rade ##mpass makes making aligned ##otin faulted ##uting byrd ##ried ##avage attemp volat ##allon ##ffz regionally recycling ##ibb deform tex clou indicators underwent ##unity lithic ##iplano imply presently longer farallon geometric bumpass 177 cleavage ##lacial transported lacks headwaters elong allowed william conglomer reconstruct ##ynamic breccias investigations demonstrates removal stretched contributions tsffz dynamics tremor palm laurentia tomography database calibration named preexisting altiplano ##ratonic argued ##roscopy discrepancy anorthosite african facilit downd lrfz 57 6b bru cass crop certain fits gal pit pain scan tel tonal ##ax ##iable ##sm ##sely ##19 ##lock ##lant throw ##eless ##ocratic ##etachment iss ##urel chert interact intercept spot highstand sciences obvious camp ##ovolcan repe heise occup silur blan itself placed deeply edges determinations production laurel contained 170 andesites workers rotating reducing spectrum ##rystalline public column swarms weathered median select reveals true examine kilometer million analogous stratovolcan affinities homerian borah constitute incorporated pulse incompatible orthogonal australian ##hedral accompanied robust interconnected paleodrainage learning tibet vicinity architecture escarpment every meteoric ridgway texas painted stratovolcano 46 gas gam hum jones japan list mcc mpa ns placement ten tail ##12 ##itr ##anan ##theless ##mpor death fair rocky arbon disru terre prepar continue howle heights sliding 153 125 noise empir emphas grabens termed generations multi mono background classified considering mechanical fractions cuts success ess ##hoe combining ##conformity simpl investigate anoxic approaches conjunction distinguished cemented mylonites ##caldera improve dispersed regardless procedure gondwanan titanite asymmetric capture moving confirm cosmogenic random resistant ohio bluffs achie gamma 63 hell ks mouth rc roll tor tank var δξ ##bm ##bar ##oid ##mes ##iors ##tles ##lin ##lined ##onia ##ering ##inted ##ica ##rec ##anking ##eline ##isition ##isons read reaction ##ivated alone suites asc extern prol ##phase never plates relation ##illes ##iance disturb lowermost underthrust varied outlined ##apai heft thicker thickening recording flanking ##ometer comparisons care stratigraphically deepest poles 2011 garlock petrol originated considerable filling densities absor confined assume promot reached temporally photog scaling depending leucocratic ultram acquisition comprises diverse dispersal power gondwana called perturbations counter frequency paleoriver sweep polyphase downdip telese tonalite silurian external hefty 69 aut aval bank cul dol dick fer hu sized wirt zion ##den ##jos ##onite ##itance ##rew ##ctor ##ulation ##idate ##oses why atlant compression ##ranular che evident ##ologically calder ##ellent distances paleoc unders outboard ##ropri 106 changing slick defining caribb processing horst rattles grouped synorogenic 2018 2016 2012 equilibrium contrasts metamorphosed petrogen built rotated anomalous drilling excellent ##ways oper opening visible inclinations gradients greatest texture photos episodic reconstructions imagery contempor inheritance sheets corrugations conclude procedures sonya reproduce inclusions tributary neutron hinge intracratonic filter seamount triggered transgressive cloud 177hf avalan atlantic calderas caribbean rattlesnake 2σ 43 89 900 aug ba bin ew ecu kun lhas nu nine s3 sph μm ##bly ##gent ##right ##found ##itt ##lear ##ola ##ocent ##raction ##imil ##osa ##sey proto ##ador ##table ##ember next necess interiors geographic ##izons strath calient quite assimil ene observe ##ordinate fieldwork frag 207 pe2 amb verging newfound design limb horizons follows identical schem landward 2013 equal equations monitor preservation alkalic rotations transpressive burma details oxic existence degrees standards glacier geodynamic flanks insights transects solely schists reduction arrivals opport seismogenic scattered cycles travelt accurately convection serpentinized hundreds porphyritic aftershocks tidding particip application camera denudation orocl xenoliths ecuador lhasa caliente 08 5a 68 73 77 eag kus m3 nutz oph pis pull r2 sf sills take tip ##ats ##icy ##asp ##lement ##osie cone ##ultaneous cob co2 ##ots onshore whose shore complic ##onged depic unimodal interest art evid indo usgs notably recyc km3 enh appropri ##raining unde simultaneous sands underst complet feo traver associations ##ospheric longitud carried remained valleys determining steepness find 130 unclear progression constraint involves adjust describe alkalis minimal broader instit instru closer joints restor wrangell inverse predict m28 apparently investigation passive matches tsosie dependent imaging cratonic austin spectrometer establish statistically improved stacked zoning laurentian satell pair qfi tributaries products ##basal ##continental trachybasal hayes discontinuous splitting laccolith stratovolcanoes paleocurrent kunlun newfoundland nutzotin ophi 07 41 42 6a 700 aerial cand count dav dark give hins lal ni puna rout soci ty uta ##ei ##imp ##rim ##rme ##field ##34 ##kok ##wa ##wim ##enite ##elength mad isost coy coher cook shor ##ago suband unus ##acite ##ounted speed arb relate flower quar ##aceous clim climate undul actual ##unam intrude ##ometers discrim canyons decad decoup ruptured produces antilles shallowly 144 140 epei anisotropic monaz geotherm 2000 controls ##loyed densely contribute probable orthopyroxene visual rapidly prediction 275 retur retrog interactions gneisses streams 01sov landslides comprise wavelength substantially funda reasonable reversed zoned australia pebble geoscience buoyant mixture vesicles myrme contractional abandonment porphyroclasts repeated ascend prolonged teleseismic eagle kuskok recycled completely hinsdale utah subandean epeirogen monazite myrmek kuskokwim 61 71 drew fresh gon her harc lm nod osc perv rov ripp tab weld ##afic ##yuk ##no ##tta ##uill ##xis ##juill ##atus ##aran andean ##ancy ##rove ##royo ##asive forces ##osing alb anat ##ifact ##omb southerly ##ante ##ants collu ##quid ##ford uncon interf resour incoming arroyo marks cao basinal trim ##eposition assign clar resultant liquid elemental ##isions earthsc become reflected defin defines remote linea decay yielding aged veget foundation herein policy continuation 147 precise knowled monz bucks kinematically accommodating ##aza lacking isotopes srf srp voluminous groundwater confidence reconc mis5 ##ugs speculate pastaza geophys perspect metasomat eclogites ##2o3 aggreg tsunam informal released diffuse residuals opposite tectonically microstructural homogene petrography amplitudes acknowledge compiled stacking cycle refine spanning orthogneiss overlapping chijuill neutral turbidites accurate brack spacing excluded practices reworked projection address extrem hypothesized occurrence ##uvar underplating dehydration tibetan underthrusting photograph ultramafic check artifact undeformed understood society tyee coyote 144nd myrmekite harcuvar lmg oscill pervasive earthscope knowledge buckskin chijuillita 1a 3d 5c 58 84 86 97 cc fusion hy hi h2 hard nag name nava oe otta r3 rin somet ##back ##beto ##iac ##nost ##slow ##hs ##tt ##45 ##pol ##kas ##wan ##aldera dead align suns ##ateg ##cher anhyd ##ifest ##istic seem ##rikas ##vertical atm subset subvertical interst incons ##umd ##uss collection detect indeed expect flowed ##ached adv paleos translation ##osebur crone ##berl outward traced wells uplifts create park pbm play 1500 197 remove horse ediac manifest southeastward steeper primitive epic precaldera contrasting carboniferous buyuk involve works mcm ##ylvan penns talus diagnost cpos ##ompass allowing fabrikas gravina ##ofacies kimbeto ##fully ##regular revealed encoun encompass mobil displayed drap ultra examination goosebur tensile reactivated sulfate networks protolith bathymetry postdetachment irregular strands spaced constrictional buoyancy balance consequently flexure subdomain ##olidated problem targeted course ##abilities amazonia beginning chinle findings achieved ksn rcfz nevertheless evidenced longitudinal satellite lalpani epeirogenic welded trimble extremely navajo sunsas ediacaran ##ylvanian pennsylvanian diagnostic goosebury 56 79 85 94 amal cub damp fiss gns ho hun iron kar mills pick rar rig s4 tc wes ##oke ##gr ##hue ##path ##ky ##ki ##kel ##wed ##jected ##ır ##inothem ##enu ##itri inel ##robe ##asant ##leton tots ##mph ##imately ##idel ##change ##chund ##rie beg compet compound ##agnet ##astic chond depart unf ##ables resolve ##izations disag india tek que lew undergo undergra phyl 204 compositionally imped implying quartzite grant calculating limits limberl decomp horses postcaldera agios editor ##orsen ##clinothem geochemically polished discussions fracturing pleasant chemically tests ends penet supplementary weakness centered layered intraclinothem migrated argue nonconformity attenu fitting microprobe inference alternating methodology dimension dimitri tracks increasingly euhedral encla examined bends viscosity sensitive faster sloping overprinting sufficiently challis gradually chronostratigraphic highlight mixtures causes subdomains ##ixed patches failure birch alamo floor knickpoints apwp conceptual synchronous 176lu attempt volatile conglomerates blanca empirical petrolog undersat assimilation scheme opportunity pisi conejos appropriate perspective hiatus nagorsen rinke inconsist gnss totschund undergradu limberlost horseshoe dimitrios totschunda 4b 5b bm cla fed finger gang gold gumd hcl kuc kutz mich miller ore omph pse pyro r1 sn sorted tu till tape ys youth ##ehue ##mat ##mond ##gre ##rates ##ua ##dese ##vening ##48 ##posed ##inn ##aling ##itivity ##icop ##reh ##anent ##asion ##the ##ollement ##imb rev ##idro conce exchange ##ogram graph graded subject subordinate organ chamb chief chug incre spill indist terrain object tims acce prev classic student replaced fluores centimeter butt perme underest phy lithofacies ##bert ##ipel ##kai output pegm marginal measuring comparing quartzose consistently rub correlates microsc decollement edific majorand downward crosses hydrothermally thinner continuity infilt carbonates ##issipp ##ullen chemehue draining bayhead dives weakly drilled assumes ell oxides juven exists joint emer brenn started textural technique frictional illite explains boreholes relev embleton sensing sheet sheep opposed seismically owing 512 guad independently boron extraction divergence explore sonora scenarios utilize floodp azimuthal hinges crush reworking projected mississipp aspects squar mdas suscept assistance philipp easily plausible readily absorption slicken necessary 207pb sfast candidate isostatic arbitr fundamental ##epositional ottawan epicent mcmullen amalg rarely gangdese gumdrop kucuk omphacite pseud ysidro chambers chugach fluorescence chemehuevi juvenile brennan mississippian 2b 3he 350 59 7a 78 ae bf cgs ds dive edu ets fran fert fixed gd hart hill h2o label ming mut mart nm ps pyrox qta rp wsw δ7 ##mon ##mination ##mont ##iq ##iar ##hog ##ucon ##des ##lar ##25 ##26 thom thems ##ession ##itna ##ster ##elou ##elves tow ##ctu ##eta ##etically ##igm ##osen face faces suit ##otectonic ##utting ##omes ##omic ##tail subcontinental unst intercal intervening upright quad conserv adding enter applying replacement transl acted actually whereby cry differing ##apor tract 105 vergent westernmost otherwise ##nette complexities easternmost characterization corrected blind ##obar calculation ##ptions postseismic drive cooled schm transitions progra smith deline know archipel thermally hillsl drainages fannette propagate rotational 2008 distinctly controlling puer contributing groundhog layering opal misfit exhibited accumulate reaching greatly brecciated clinothem researchers environmental dissolved synd marianas plunge 1993 rheology sensitivity signals boud virt dilution ##burg radiometric aggradational shapes overprinted persisted titaniq glaucon remnants purp ia1 ia3 utilized box coarser consequence riser causing ##paniola fortification discordant debated discharge syncline cataclastic hispaniola williams galante scanning torre compressional contemporaneous traveltime participants simultaneously climatic undulose geophysics bracket atmospheric bmsl phyric guadelou floodplain philippine bfg educ rpf themselves ##essional archipelago guadeloupe 6c 93 au ben bly batch d2 done eust hem hno iber kir pine pied plastic pdf rpa sort sslow tas tiv uran wo ward wider you ##aw ##aus ##bank ##emp ##ox ##mar ##gu ##gore ##sen ##sal ##cies ##ubl ##40 ##las ##pass ##ken ##kır ##jonian ##jection ##erly ##atabase ##itch ##ols ##urst rein forcing conv cot asim ##estones share ##lus computed compressive cold subt chosen modest resolved ##artph contour ##ush marcos regimes evolving capped presum presents ability ##cese acceler paleoproterozoic clout apprec plateaus obsc actively ##ensively outlier traject ##ishable propyl changed carry 196 remark separately determination differentiation profound curv histor plotting 115 experience ##nection hfse epither smartph waveforms appearance olcese growing preserves magnes spectroscopy demagnet 1800 migrating recognition nonm gravit misal coasts joh restraining inverted forelimb predicts simply geodatabase assessing wedges brfs internally evaluation kilgore ##inguishable symm coincide paleoge attribute goal cement straight metasediments analogue superimp thousands funding bozkır irrad peridot persistent explor asymmetry tomographic abruptly inclusion perturbation questions concordant extreme reversals coaldale discordance oxidation aquif challenging issue dickite oroclinal return informally homogeneous pbm1 encountered department undersaturated youthful chiefly spillover indistinguishable microscope relevant slickenlines arbitrary dsms δ7li intercalated torrejonian blythe hno3 piedmont uranium cloutier epithermal 3a 4c 5e 67 a1 bb bp b2 bol bish cation came dest dry ese files griz hole hual jasp mas mol null oc ped pits ram tent wel ##aud ##aque ##aware ##yika ##map ##nect ##nick ##cra ##ty ##tz ##35 ##jon ##ony ##erc ##ered ##erozoic ##aland ##arch ##anerozoic ##rophy ##iguous sta static mac always al2o3 conod connected code ones ##riqu ##ogle ##liers ##taxis subequ depocent ##inson intersect spans ##illed regressions ##ended user surpr ##ibly tejon lee paleoseismic mounted ##othems enriqu interpreting phanerozoic similarities completed 208 ##ringing tradition sheared shearing boninitic desi desert designed rule lime limbs plumes driver driving kinnick reflector reflectors fining syntaxis 1300 2015 2017 143 waveand preclud inflation knott classifies fractured testing ##hood converted 180 cp19 weaker weakening ##slope existed opaque gauss radiation ##ganyika inclined ##ocrystalline retention geomorphology leads persaud ##whide soils himalaya banded experiences reduce ultimate ultimately google hazus protoliths blueschists bougu treat orthoquartzites funded powder accessory regarding ways proportions rawhide lags overlaps qualitative pebbles tools truncated preece zealand cliffs concordia porphyry missing ideal capable occurrences juxtaposed mda interglacial paleovalleys chlorine chloride allochthonous elongate preparation simplified disturbance sweeping coherent speeds quarry photographs artifacts h2s anhydrous inconsistent undergraduate amalgam gdn suitable iberia presumably bishop grizz hualapai jasper enriquillo bouguer 09 8a 81 88 aid bw brie cu cast drow divers eps fills footh gds gbm jose jun ml mim oax rifted sod war δρ δ11 δ34 ##af ##app ##min ##iogenic ##fall ##tur ##uter ##uate ##dic ##96 ##ls ##wood ##encing inform inyo ##rover ##ele ##lete tod ##ths ##ules ##ulus ##racted ##ett stability reidel alad ##terly anne ##rus excess ##sected ##ista basse shs shock sad ##avada ##agmatic chal neither depression unrad ##abys interm modes ##ops resur incip dib intr ##andt ##andes uses usually extensively valid overr overbur overtur leached striations suggestive butte arcuate variables ##berg normally outliers metal offsw becomes estimation slide 1200 postc kinney switch curie wallace generates vsr delaware ##overy monter northeastward involving consideration 2009 assembly morgan ##linear hypabys footwalls influences ##illeta summed elim permit anticl hosted degass ##omorphs tanganyika thermochronological brecciation retre retain self slower investigated skills coverage continuously eclogitic qt4 ##aquia greenhor taking wtf equivalents runs silty platforms reasons ##urrently transference stratification comprising magnetization magnetizations bentonite dilational postdate glassy impacts reproduc pulses captured stepovers distinguishing appalachians datum purple ##rotational geosciences graduate percentage explanations servilleta ##olcanic trachyandes haymond square resembles terminus laminated knickpoint scientists cataclas pelly pillow cassiar tails disrupted essential promoted nucl fragility complicated enhanced institute county shoreline unusual decades predictions ascending uncons resources vegetation 147sm mis5e aggregates oscillatory cuba lewis dimensions claim infiltration squares thomas town glauconite propylitic magnesium gravitational misalignment bbfs conodont surprising brief drowned foothills oaxaquia δ11b δ34s aladag unradiogenic incipient overburden offswith hypabyssal greenhorn 04 450 6k 72 8b 9b 92 bench cra cess efficient eolian gh giving hz hod hree iugs je jack kok kyle lock lying lhs mt mia nan naz oil sse sri sgr tun trop taper warp zero ##yles ##ihood ##gen ##gone ##cg ##cri ##crystalline ##fe ##tm ##tectonic ##vs ##86 ##32 ##37 ##09 ##21 ##erature ##aloc offer ##rect ##enty ##ithetic ##ury stiff styles alg conform connect ##ilon come ##otillo ##chrot ##utive exact ##omen ##omanian whit shed ##ade choke neigh ##fort unex ##acryst interlay resid incident ##umines controver highs highway maricop ##assium upland upsection corner deformational accounted paleopro preval likel perform ##active underlie undergone consisted creeks bounds complementary lithium lithological pecos throughgoing imposed characterizes concern dominate ##setna silver blank supply developing younging midcontinent played 195 190 lineation decl facility 12a differentiated crystalliz potassium swath oriente antithetic synchrot landforms 11a 135 prograd 14c smear waveform musgra growler cenomanian considerably penetr srm instruct standing ##lanika promote emerg rhomb assessed viewed unconformities dacites surrounded 220 ##2o5 reflections greenstone gabbros encino coincides diffraction ceased cumulate clusters remainder incorrect ##angular situated loading junctions megacryst favored assumptions saturated incomplete panel calibrated obliquely turbidite porphyrob risk solidification ##olidus illustrate engage subdivided roots preferentially iteration alamosa apwps scientific komatiites elongated certainly essentially rollover variance petrogenesis operated avalanch depicted anatolian tsunami hyaloc sometimes ##cherry interstit fissures rigid tcn begins 204pb attenuation labeled eustatic historical smartphone demagnetization superimposed ocotillo desirade gaussian amalgamated diversity epsilon today overriding overturned monterey reproducibility cessation ghc koksetna chokecherry ##uminescence controvers maricopa paleoprof likelihood synchrotron musgrave 1c 3b 96 aim b5 ber bena ced categ d1 fla gm gent ie imb ibm jar jud kg kli kula mold nr nne ok port pace pium pier p2o5 rene tide ur van wy wan wood ##yan ##yik ##bro ##ij ##iating ##ni ##ng ##glacial ##ser ##city ##hrf ##uable ##300 ##xed ##kwa ##wak ##worth ##aled ##itz ##ict inset injection ##asis took ##etical stik force ##osit alread cond ##iling ##ters cov asia ##otop exemp ont sept sewak ##ested whund basic ##luence northerly compaction compreh ##iring ##phyl ##tage subround subtle ##key ##acity modal ##oper residence geore geyik ##uminous diach spe detected string expan extru colleaguesng valuable ##ptank ##achita coral cored distortion paleotop systematically sie ##ifications sugar activation crater pheng lithologically disprop miar outflow feed eroding amcg impart implied topaz creating concurrently estimating mineralized uplifting granul discovered rukwa processed 12b employed postglacial subsolidus plus plugs profeta kinsey commun soon antifor topographically eventually polyg uncomp 2014 equally delt contamination feldspars monocrystalline geometr documentation numbers working describing clean analyzing stronger exposes conversely tallac cp0 division clearwater confluence keep loi 232 biostratigraphy ##licate exclus gaptank literature hosts breaks shared southwestward columns affecting assessments thermochronologic thermochronometry thermochronometers luis na2o blacktail ##regation globally clino clinothems rhyolitic 706 dacitic international evaluated evaluating couple illu haw alunites greenfield exhibiting ouachita going ##gson ##urrence introduced homogen magnetite bentonites parental identifying tauride clustered overprint ##dagı accessible unlike barriers watershed accompl traveled ia2 gradual solutions altitude convex highlights coarsening excluding filtered practice seamounts solidus rainfall illustrated discontinu iterations resemble amazonian optim ##16o komatiite physics cassia occupy avalanche cobble colluvium definition metasomatized drapes picked phyll decompression weaknesses petrologic pyrophyl tapeats buttes martin tivo ##banks nonmarine retreat unconsolidated hodgson stiffness whitney neighbor porphyroblasts interstitial paleoprofiles cedar gmhrf imbric klipp piuma wyoming stikine already exempl whundo subrounded geyikdagı disproportion exclusively pyrophyllite 430 82 98 a2 aided bis bins cath cell cie cited ccp da dram drained drove ebs gis get gard gbs hamp jr jan koot lan mds mention pear pie s5 tes tular takes vi vit vect vapor wake yav ##ault ##bst ##ez ##oidal ##nes ##rift ##rero ##cay ##hy ##ham ##hinn ##tian ##17 ##47 ##95 ##82 ##lor ##zal ##23 ##76 ##onym ##erture ##atter ##ateto ##inder ##enay ##alc ##iting ##itized ##rey ##ann ##anof ##elastic ##elhinn ##asi ##asing ##oured ##oluminescence ##ulations ##rable ##urm stem ##imeters rejected ##idt alignment ##illace ##ilight ##ulty areal cost ase ascent ##laps ##ched anonym exited ##odoluminescence ##rimp shrimp atop ##aging ##agua chur uns ##kee ##amas interfer ##umar spin spis ark reloc reliable lowstand marker collect collectively ##alek detection detector expressions scre capping ##ronous recurrence quies adela distant entered twenty twilight fluor acts belong belie arcmap craters thereby sanak ##cking thickened 109 103 occasion version vergence associate characterizing concurrent ##ahgre flare sink compares grants granites discern midto placing deriv hydrogen microscopy geologically faculty ##ufficient rupturing postulated deepening slabs eds plug manner aperture crystallized potrero shallowest finite syntectonic synrift predate monocl 175 originate workflow describes fanglom distinction ##olithic mcelhinn flatt headward instance hold divides burn kev matter loo ##pection summit recognizing argillace microcrystalline radiate attitudes 160 lengths inversions barber baranof utility plantain insufficient inspection kimber bright ##iquant rhyolites helium arriving technology morphological passage 3000 plutonism happ depends estuary differs focuses conduct drab msw inherent helping protracted limiting own markedly constructive adakites tends ledges ##ollision escavada trunk cb13 zonation deviations moderateto intensely responses qf3 pebbly balanced semiquant problematic engine ##etrical ##etrically terminates debate chinitna underplated 87sr corrections facilitated interacted listed fairly fairbanks dolom cobbles davis routine decoupling tabulated lineaments monzonite oeas teklanika queen impedance enclaves michalek tuxed prevent permeability underestimate ellis fertile conservative schmidt prograding hillslope puercan boudin kirk ##marks curvature peridotites subequal depocenters jackson nankai progradation srmvf instructors avalanching hyaloclast controversial gentle judging renewed condens georefer diachronous antiformal uncompahgre deltas clinoform cathodoluminescence ebsd garden kootenay mentioned tulare vectors yavapai anonymous adelaide fanglomerate mcelhinny argillaceous tuxedni 1d 2g 3c 62 91 big bah cg cyp crow clays cycl d5 d6 drop ef fumar got gru hen jim kam kop osl pum pizon rs rod rake ross rind roles ssw t0 tro tear tay ump vast vervo wast wack yar ##ban ##ext ##oon ##gers ##rison ##sman ##car ##cop ##hes ##hic ##dio ##91 ##pic ##ptable ##zburg ##24 thal ##ini ##encies ##edu ##itous ##ional ##aren ##arhy ##icon ##icar inis insz ##elson ##isf ##isely ##olitan ##ulating ##ithm ##igdio sto rees maz master iso forced connection ##ilities ##terel ##romag asp ##laces ##oted ##chi exchan onlap sey search ##oma bases ##ographically ##lump ##adian ##phan ##ighting ##eman ##qua subg ##formation deployed ##insp interpol ##opolitan ##izable spaces arise marble collector ##alez evolve indus expose valle upslope abutting teph foliated quick quasi leve adam adop envelop twtt century lile ##ordin underlies undergoing ##unately consistency phen complement ##iplin ##api 101 metarhy creation parag intrudes blg localization grew plains limestones smallest horsman ##labor colored 127 masses subsiding tuffaceous professional manus manually community averages historic firm maintain generating meaning magmato angel 11b multic thinned continuing precisely deliver parallelism nwto links accommodates fractionated redd ##ship headwater positioned reefs influx weakened ndand matlab loess biot excav approximated nonlinear attention currents emigdio ##rada wildf gradational affects frameworks submagmatic slowly scaled approaching skwent surveys qt6 ilmon granodior coincided reduces roughness 1992 rheologically superposed helped turkey movements adakitic statistics hazards mediumto reasoning build irrotational crystall palinsp 495 εndt constitutes widths incorporating reproduced summarize summarizes harzburg satisf accordingly overlapped moved truncates confirmed classifying 03sov merge linkage zeolite cosmopolitan smoothed ##fit300 m29b vesicle correctly idea hypothesize juxtaposition ionization oxidizing birth ##lung delays delayed abandoned synclinal ##related assisted plausibly synchronously drawn drawings volatiles deforming conglomeratic campanian emphasize reactions banks petrogenetic ambiguous restoration pairs trachybasaltic ripples albian lineament 86sr aligns mobilization chondritic penetration fingerpr incremental acceptable edifices susceptibility epicenter mingling translated smithies hematite sorting cotterel contours johns 208pb 143nd grizzle ##elev saddle intermitt dibang degassing trachyandesite nuclide jeff nazca ##cript moldic urban comprehensive expansion paleotopography phengite granulite geometrically accomplished phyllites neighboring cedarville pearce spinel barberton mswd ##ollisional semiquantitative hyaloclastite gotland henry pumice pizona rsfit300 taylor umpqua vervoort yarlung iniskin ##iplinary skwentna rsfit3000 750 award aging bund boot bare cave d4 dri dun etch fc fly fme fuc gord gover gases hon ham ice kirt ls lent lif lad lree lfe mit mature mcl nas n30 pock pand pond rul rom rav rond s7 tiff vg vitr wire zandt α95 ##aver ##affect ##bold ##eign ##even ##oe ##minate ##iations ##nual ##ski ##hu ##hir ##hach ##uq ##dp ##va ##lith ##lot ##0s ##02 ##pick ##zalez ##wyn thresh theor ##erially ##atibility ##inigan ##edition ##arn ince ##analy ##stra ##ella ##iso ##isc ##isens ##olding ##rains ##rays ##igu stony ##owitz deuter ##ivities maast sut cogn askin anion anelastic annual seyd ##vereign shaw ##adigm compass ##ematic wee weil ##quite subreg chips necking unn unable unfort unaffect uneven ##ective ##inement resh geomag ##uma contr spi ##roup ##ushe arm arrays relay relating lowlands disabilities ##assett detach expedition ##weather scope ##aking ##lips sedimentological presumed upd basinward tezu tehach conspic leaving leeman ##elling ens enable twice republ reposit transver transrot indication lowering perce mantled lithostratigraphic nearest constrains ##ckle ##aped healy trapped 104 allogenic charity ##netism dextrally prone paradigm dominance alask ignored becoming flight latitudes stepping midlands derive correlating isotrop remanent depositionally geologists separations separating postulate patchy ago ##naiss leveling ##isehir broken cooler kind kinetic apex segregation sovereign swir shales terminate generalized mgal moh moments 110 multisens respective equant epox mesquite ranged ##teen backsc inval preserving traceable spatio fractionating maxima segmented 2003 plio ##loy richter hypocent volumetrically periph look bias biostratigraphic ##richtian importantly elbert reconnaiss permanent gaps utm glaciation sharing fitz grate quantified temporary 36cl paleomagnetism widening deflected bridge selwyn texturally salient demonstrating coupling dimin timescal passes logging needs posit 355 ##interpre batholithic 005 dynamically releasing difficulty projects principally duke ##ennial laterite 1998 1997 seismogram limitations guy deltaic ##kinematic extrapol dilute postdated handpick stacks accessibility explored exceptions haitian 063 qfy geoscient reservoirs utilizing boiling serve intracrystalline semi splits serpentinite circle flexural ramps addressed treads comes comments ##ubdu capacity subdivisions ##borne ##rella phillips physi 176hf issues publicly millions humbold successive dickinson ferromag photoscan ambient instrument ophiolite discrimination decoupled gonave gonzalez nodules tabular colluvial clarify reconcile metasomatism projections oea detectable westerly ##pathic competing chondrite disagg disagree hiatuses pegmat pegmatite rubicon aeolian pyroxenite unstable delineate syndepositional virtual education remarkably paleogeographic irradiation boliv castle soda anticlockwise benchmarks locked mtf interlayered prevalent declination megacrystic cp06 couplets illuminate daito vitrophy ##bstake ##nesian aseismic engineering bahamas cgb cyprus grubstake ##extensional levees bioturb excavated ##elevation bootstra fuca kirtland lenticular mitig nascent romero tiffanian vitrinite wireline inception maastrichtian seydisehir shawinigan unfortunately unaffected geomagnetic tehachapi republic transrotation multisensory epoxy reconnaissance timescales humboldt ferromagnesian 2c 4d 550 74 8c 850 ara apt afore bh bt b1 cel cou dar dan dup dsm dtm dushe e1 e2 elu econ fal fift gro gil gave gain hines hump iasp kh ken merged mvs nst nomen orog peral pau pile pah pank pahoe rut rely rising s6 soc sant seric srot sigm slump tem tied tors tonian ub vugs win wct wet wich xrd xls ytt yuma αt ##ious ##nac ##nous ##rar ##ras ##rist ##cis ##cial ##hurst ##uments ##uble ##42 ##85 ##36 ##03 ##pected ##za thurst ##erts ##aty ##atzal ##inian ##edded ##ioned ##ariance ##ican inta ##angin ##ropping ##roarc ##asite ##isite ##thage ##olia ##racken ##igen ##igranular stor stere strad stember ##ima ##idiary alum aliqu ##illa fa4 fa6 sust ##rucay ##mento ##mentioned sector bypass behead ##oga shifted shifts sacra ##aves ##aday ##range ##ranted web colton collabor subbas ##aster chor chich china unp ##aca ##acy ##amed interp modoc modify modulus george geographically incidence diking relict ##illing collecting regular disconformity dissected strateg indurated extents extract notes notable notice tera valangin recomm recalc canadian overton consolidated lego adequ paleol preced mounts replicate ##wards centimeters activities ##aust displaces estrella ##berry 202 normalization ##ckin ##apit feel ##vik 102 signify metav measures offers dominican ##obil supplied quartzof slivers exhaust discovery distributive peaked 156 carthage remobil hydrated respond decimeter decapit subsidiary vehic crossed swans trenches foundering maintained laying synkinematic synextensional 13a expert concentric hfand prograde shortly 2019 multist equigranular constraining mesost mesosc predates parallels petro origins fluvially classifications tioga seconds mudstones orogenesis analyze ended strongest minimize ##laciation denser instability instabilities 184 combinations cp21 probe dividing thermotectonic thermobar collided gullies orthometric requiring approximation ##conformably recognize closest superg suprat restored deglaciation washed avoid fitted integrating geodetically referenced refertil thermochronometric envision 270 retroarc ##iquitous photography pathways sky lobate removing tilts days fossiliferous wtdp received 007 conduits attributes embedded projecting 240 370 cumulates strains 1991 1994 330 superelevation laserchron protoc bouldery outermost dilat situations delaminated rober postdates upwards 6500 overprints cycla palau poway advantage explos constituting incorporation exceptional refraction 323 320 sparsely raw reorient inclusive paired boh namely flooding braided intraclasts highlighted momentum smoothing concordance m29a beamline ##roscopic rainier ideas illustrates reviews airborne pinned pinnac expanded obtaining terminology antarctica oxidized exceeding 662 floods tidally optical dehydrating easy reconstructed facilitate brune interacting publication human mccracken disruption empirically emphasized rollback ##bara ##icaoz careful autom contemporary sphene monitoring orocline shoreface adjusted instrumental restorations trachybasalt david shorter unusually discriminate retrograde albite interflu interfinger advoc paleosurface paleosols involvement encompasses draped huntz wesnous enclave organic accepted edifice emerging susceptible pseudomorphs francis pyroxen crypt purposes boxes benowitz woods obscured trajectory trajectories exploration aquifer aquifers tentatively intersects traditional powdered chalced eliminate smearing penetrative pierce ##ijima imparted 232th imbricate klippen exemplified hampton ##lapsed fluorine monocline koprucay rinds stopped mazatzal quickly metarhyolite manuscript wildfire granodioritic fingerprinting johnson jeffrey ladicaoz ravinement threshold deuteric cognate unnamed repository alaskan isotropic geoscientists aptian aforementioned coul dushey groov iasp91 nomencl peraluminous paucity pankhurst pahoehoe rutile sericite sigmoidal temora torsvik ubiquitous wichita xlsx αtio2 thurston intact beheaded sacramento chichijima valanginian quartzofelds swanson supratidal wtdpfz huntzinger wesnousky 1σ 7b auk akin bud bio besse bringing cer cult crops csr cinder d3 dism dill dsl dedu fringing gb gib gun hr hid jul jad jab ko kal king kell lah luc mil mata mall mile mench mckin nav nand nak nov nuv nicar nelson om option orange pv pas put pam pined paly pun pix ric rou rend rah sig sole tall tau tint ternary training vista wr wig writ winter wright xig yon δ37 ##ae ##ael ##ais ##apt ##yes ##bidge ##oked ##mer ##ming ##mock ##iers ##nus ##grove ##rations ##rional ##sch ##harm ##hrel ##homa ##fl ##ffer ##till ##tled ##tice ##uag ##uary ##uosity ##da ##dt ##ving ##volcanic ##vuag ##49 ##90 ##68 ##lb ##pot ##pts ##position ##wide ##warp ##onent ##erran ##erboard ##ince ##inned ##esy ##itant ##orous ##ions ##icias ##ictic inks inhib inactive ##annel ##rose ##room ##entine ##entrional ##elve ##elief ##aser ##leigh ##leum ##ouver ##ollapse ##ulic ##ramm ##raulic ##eterm ##igmatic star stan stabil ##ceed rechar mamm isocl formal ##ida ##osh albe fa1 faul ##gean suited coated coax coordin ##lahoma ##oteg ##chyd ana ##ifiable ##utor ##istrib ##odge ##erext ##avo compose compute compatibility compelling ##phenocryst ##ighter ##antaneous colder subchron sublith subvolcanic orphan chess chose neotectonic unres uniqu unless unequ unrelated ##abled intert ##opic geos gehrel ##oney ##ounting spear highland alongside wasatch wasser arenite relates ##ersed volcanogenic discon disequ evap ##weg scm uplands recurrent recessional abut overg overview teth foliations assignment leaves adds paleont mind enigmatic twelve ##ochem fluctu items acting lip liard lips wherein indices ##rices 205 constitu trachyd 10c 108 107 proper creates measura bond flaser newton lattice sinuosity pointing pointed quartzites slaty longwell plays initiating 15a 1912 hydraulic ##brid ##ondale 1232 agai silicon silicified drift commondale so2 reflective reflectance crossing contractile histogram descend faraday fineto synto fronts polym 111 117 progressions evolutionary predated delicias documents infill infrar knoll buena effectively chemostratigraphy mottled ##ifying ##aze mcs 2005 2002 redistrib ##ogenian richard instantaneous hyper hyperext combine fewer diagen thermometry burned conflic heterolithic matrices ##pepper ##licit ellip troughs hotter nonun opened anticlines concentrate microf microphenocryst attitude linearly restore inversely glaciers integral geodesy bottoms insar 36ar selection personal alternate clinop skarn induce qt5 soluble rayleigh ##ylonitic hafit behind 006 drag examining tensors analogues superposition helpful turner turonian stratal fluxed noteworth constructs 519 guest narrower treated petrographically wavy ##ogranite situation strengths reasonably tholeiite constants shinkai cbu deviates stockli programs inputs exceptionally ##sworth refers 294 subaerially serpentine grids vesicular isolate bluewater truncation turbiditic porous serves merges ##entional cruise linkages counted circum circular meadows uniformly m29c problems accompanying purely ##ochthonous paleorelief preferential courses courtill pink exceeded laminations chilepepper transgression nonetheless suspect intergrown intergranular applicable porphyroclast aqueous denuded challenger physically laccoliths pilot tightly 1705 selecting hummock nsf prepared successfully randomized petrology culmin slickens augen ##ittuq protoarc ##embered traveltimes traverses institution ophiolites ophiolitic geothermometry ripple anatolia resource liquids vegetated reconcavo checkerboard hybrid r33 sometime hooper karl unfault queb phyllite penetrated concealed objectives underestim outputs ellsworth emerge crushed crushing aegean mutually cryogenian syndetachment virtually purpose ##ublished reinfor remarkable irradiated raman stair treatment june ##appear annealing postcollapse briefly algor unexposed blanket engagement oklahoma covariance septentrional polygons hawai martinique bisect dramatically january piez screening looking kimberly thalweg isotherm exchanged subgrain harzburgite intermittently gorda honjo ruled theoretical weeks detachments mohave backscatter invalid peripheral bolivia economic nsto orogens storage choroteg unpublished recalculated metavolcanic mesostasis petroleum dilatant roberts cycladic pinnacle bruneau interfluve nomenclature quartzofeldspathic csrp dismembered dillinger dslr jabal kalbas mallina menchaca navig nuvvuag nicaragua pinedale palyn punctu rahl sigma xigaze yonkee δ37cl ##harmonic albeit coaxial coordinates chessboard gehrels wasserburg disequilibrium evaporite measurable newtonian polymictic infrared noteworthy courtillot hummocky unfaulted chorotega nuvvuagittuq 420 5d 6d 8d 9a ay a3 aure ahead aphy bit bom bdt cn dj dock et eth eur eph ereh ft fru fern fellow gy gig gir gets hp hult hall hour ih iap java ky kay lou los lot lined lift lau lap lamp lgm mr mir monic moss nation nuc nomin os oly oolitic oki pi pap pinter qs ren ration rica sit ske sale sits sided td tore tap vene viable void wab word york σ3 ##aan ##ajos ##ye ##bow ##bone ##bted ##band ##een ##eby ##ool ##oaling ##minated ##ih ##iel ##iph ##nock ##ners ##nurm ##rasion ##sed ##cular ##cito ##clastic ##couver ##hi ##hre ##hade ##hassett ##fol ##fect ##tr ##tl ##uum ##dles ##vz ##lim ##log ##lates ##38 ##pis ##pied ##zade ##27 ##200 ##won ##war thor ##onn ##atories ##atives ##iny ##inary ##eness ##alkal ##eden ##itatively ##orca ##orida ##ara ##array ##icron ##rep ##rection ##stic ##ingly ##ingers ##enth ##entu ##cto ##ocone ##ocument ##ullam ##urity ##igible stim stop stone stick stipp ##owack ##imilar dezade rect reyes ##ivoc mach fore ##osities ##ilik fam fa3 fa2 ##geochem ##atexis coordinate cogen cohassett asotin ##ureau anast anhedral anatexis ##ifer exerts online ##isto seed sevi ##omitant ##riole beyd promp shen shad shutting shaking shoaling sac ##avak atta attained ##adem ##adap compact ##tand ##agic ##aglar weighting grapt subc subalkal choic chains chilled christ negl ##forts ##forward deploy unload unrec ##inea ##amec modulated ##opes residing resolving spok ##durable arrow artic reli meet magund ##erson marc marbles mar96 colleges regressed disrupt evolves evapor detr indire expell usarray ##ardo scour ##aky locale extant surv ##ffic caps recover recency canaan abrasion coring crust1 leach leaky adie acute academ accounts prelim closed applications ##ario undated undocument transm centennial simulations peru crms seton setup bothriole peop feot erod erode bedload 10b signs imper imping metag metab shears ##oughlin ##mbing office prince concomitant erosionally florida pool granular disciplinary idnurm ruby initiate sequential sequentially carver ##talk 193 1970 micaceous deciph representation 129 populated plumbing silicate silicification drivers manih ##enchullam commenced ##clockwise hydrof steepest swith swale curved contradic ##blin ##bling terminations firms finely magmatically reex moon polyc 1100 channeled ##nek nevadap think continuum 149 146 ##tebr 252 monoph outcome accreting 1700 grown classroom chemostratigraphic geoid garnets considerations ##olithos mechanically mechanics propagates mcg mcbro 2007 singleton minimally ##loops morrison esri broadband conversion 183 contributes diagonal supplement cpo holes divisions kept ##ognized loose summing 235 237 intrag entrained entrada argon argument opx 1989 veining microseismic mission 165 168 restriction fourteen emerged picrites barbara ##letely species avul accumulations accumulating integrate differentially hangingwall 218 quantities flanked insens medial mediated starts submicron 705 pathway skolithos induces negro methodologies ##iki dissimilar qt2 critically 313 matching raypath ##ansas ashes surroundings estuaries runoff coinciding sanidines focusing conduit cratonal mylonite 280 millgrove sulfates sulfide seismometers introduce stratified stratocone devoid guided guinea magnetostratigraphy borman roof dispersive postdepositional precipitated radius escaped laboratories 658 persists favorable orders synthes synthesis ##1114 refined author incompletely 060 295 290 ##point ##points acidic questa moves truncate truncations caborca names realistic confirms quantifying azimuths worldwide service merc tarim convey coarsest exclude counting ##ilibrated paleodep circulation risers arguments vesiculation rainbow coming hypotheses criterion robinson reviewer england subdivision juxtaposes sulfuric discrepancies coales interconnection paleodrainages chilean discharging formerly optically pelitic bruin occupied robustness listric mccoy randomly achieve varney disturbed carefully promoting counterclockwise autogenic dolowack huge huenchullam 1060 filters spherical fragment complicating instruments country ascended definitive monzogranite aggregate manifested mobilized ultradurable dampened begun competent tekilik undergoes attenuated federal michael pyroclastic revis organized prevail buttress permeable fertility psb prograded hillslopes puerto opaline boudins bracketed d2a d2b reinen subtract ##ushu acceleration appreciate john symmetric symmetrical straightforward destruction molten macrof traditionally precludes warranted resurrection cataclasite cataclasites crystallize emergence categor vancouver waning ontong ontario extrusive communities discontinuity tesnus costa quiescent believe derivative flattening prevented condensation georeferenced efforts fumaroles kamloops troy interpolated adams envelope paragneiss delivery palinspastic satisfy flysch hamblin ls1114 mcloughlin suturing conspicuous transverse grateful ##ubduction disaggreg pegmatitic bioturbated celina darker eluc gilbert humphre winnet sustained interplay exhaustion vehicle supergroup protocol interfingering franciscan chalcedony grooves jadamec mckinley naknek pasco pamir rico tintina written ##warping recharge isoclinal sublithospheric unresolved intertidal overgrow constituent culminating piezometer palynomorphs punctuated aphyric euras erehwon fruit hults iapet kyushu lifton lamprophy mirr monica olymp rationale saleeby tdm tapajos words dezadeash cogenetic anastom sevier beydaglar attached subalkaline negligible unloading unrecognized spokane article magundy indirect expelled preliminary undocumented bothriolepis manihiki polycrystalline nevadaplano monophase mcbroome bormann huenchullami humphreys beydagları 070 3e 4he 418 415 470 410 6e 7c 83 9c 9d airc bs ble bill bsr bureau cir cron cpt counts cycling dy dro dies doz doll durm dodge eo e3 eli elapsed fr fu farm fash foid fmes gc gann hake hail io iod jer jat jag jac jam jean ker kan ket konst kbar kansas lund lher mur mary myst mna mlt muse nun nash nested options oasis octo pave piles push qad row ros s9 sizable tx tus tensional uas umat vin wv worth wlb xenocryst zin δd δ13 ##aut ##away ##yw ##bb ##bing ##bial ##boro ##eap ##oad ##mou ##ii ##ien ##iago ##gst ##gment ##gall ##gun ##rical ##rick ##su ##sis ##spect ##cel ##cil ##cers ##cale ##hn ##hall ##fers ##faction ##filled ##tine ##tling ##uari ##uena ##dom ##ders ##down ##viron ##100 ##46 ##8a ##lino ##39 ##part ##pots ##zie ##wes ##wal ##wich ##wford ##ja ths theory ##erer ##ertion ##inou ##inally ##inolite ##enberg ##environ ##alt ##iterran ##ori ##arve ##areous ##icz ##icia inch ##rete ##roid ##robor ##inga ##entic ##ason ##ouse ##outs ##oubted ##ougall ##isville ##thqu ##thrown ##olar ##ocon ##ocean ##raded ##raft ##urs ##etition ##eties ##etamorph stated styl ##oweap ##owicz deem reb reed reass ##ivast mapp maks isop fored forward ##iders ##osound alph cones ##iled ##iline su2 ##terran coating cooper ##otely ##cha ##chem anad ##rupted exs exits ##mentally ##iston ##istration ##istries seated ##esta ##ode ##odones ##omer ##omena beach beck prohib prospect whipp baseline ##pps ##verine ##ogg ##ogra ##ogical ##ctional shan shut ship shuff shosh say ##avity ##luorite ##therms norian comput compens compile computer ##phere ##taj ##rant ##ema ##emeral ##antom ##antarctic ##antinou ##quence grading subun subjected subangular subterran cho chrom chip necks unre unman ##acc ##acon ##acke ##ami ##insic pl5 interseismic resides ##ume ##uming die diat dior diode contiguous spall ##cano ##ostress ##usible arising reload ##ersen ##illaries lowto ##rusts marking regress dispar disability ##ending ##andez ##assif indust ##earthqu ##ght usib usage ##aka ##akers locate noting territ valles obst upflow recovery deforms abit abilities ##ache ##psum coron corrobor overthrust easterly crusts quart leaf adapt accounting paleostress preand ##othrusts enorm enlar entail enabled ##so4 applies repetition undoubted transformation transantarctic item thanks actinolite ##augh doming ##tington upperand indicator simulated ##ackes sandbar sandwich underp underta ##unities phantom settling lithified lithostratigraphy varieg varieties nearshore outline fe2o3 genetically calcium calcareous ##ringbone trapping 1018 1019 imposs metric ##ryonic charnock ##ishes ##asequence parker paraut concert concavity ##ericity ##aining silts ##oba ##obs suppe sinking comparatively slate slices desired afc ##ioactive greyw plac initi 155 157 carol carson oceanography calculates remotely oldow blocky hydrog hydration ##bride separator colors 12d nois novel agiso ##isegment differentiate offsetting kink apert apache downwelling downslope hydrocar southeasterly steepened terrains sweden curric terminal groupings farner scherer scholar ##anek landis benefit polyl 139 13sov uncomm material1 multisegment 14b smer 251 256 253 2576 monument monte montaj outcast outcropping backst archule denot denoted documenting bub buffer 174 forearcs ##ftig juruena chemistries linking secondly motiv motivation alkalinity segmentation mudpots rotate mcbride 2001 2004 likewise ##lacing motions transposed footpr converge conversions srivast instances influencing multiplying cp20 holds thermo thermometer burst colliding maturity stepwise summer 239 intracontinental discussing permits permission migrates recognizable nonconformably 1980s anticip microto microbial falling gained radar radioactive attest coastline ##ugal breakoff breakaway lengthy inverting enrichments visually eman emission picture picrite bara barite ##omorphic planet speculated avo hypothetical bladed possibilities grades 214 212 quantity quantitatively universidad inferring 268 inside sio2n 273 brist mediterran retained periodically submassif coexist slowed photon ##ymowicz bullard helps helicop 22b skinned echosound evenly street morphologic dissolve ##box needles dayl illino matched rays behn tsw princeton 004 running runouts diffus windows ##rofluorite paleoearthqu amongst embryonic 245 cratons mcdougall mylonitized reactor viscosities senses superfic superior supercontinent stateline protothrusts boring dilation diluted diverges lasted compiling precipitates tholeiites clayey escobar aleutians ##omatically 384 651 powders downloaded ##arko ##haftig thirds leucogranites leucogranitic coso sharply wolverine asymmetrical authentic captures raise raising lagoon paul tidalites reporting fremou animated percentages depletions boyd 02sov brachi brownish ventuari calls splaying extinct 440 crude crucial coarsely requirement baltic serpentinization circa unroofed property 544 540 reviewers engaging subdivide targets forty fails failed scattering 765 766 airway iterative resembling exceeds 996 lamination ##grounds ##uvian susitna discharged particle synclines cameras optimal challenge drawing iii orocop pelagic attempted williamson facilitates facilitating galicia occupies blanpied publications medians selects fairweather disruptions successively toroweap varn promotes photogramm counterpart automatically huckle operating filtering binned sphericity ambigu opportunities sfm depict enhance traverse travertine adjustment establishing trachybasalts madre coherence discrimin decade retrogressive herringbone addresses h2so4 anhydrite interstices detectors ultrapot cubic fissure hoover huntington lewiston snep revised objective mingled schmandt knowing batches plasticity tasks convective conventional accelerated carrying peridotitic pedon welt welsh ##archean preclude grizzly mimic mimics annealed validity postcollisional anticlinal 6k12 crawford efficiently tropical algodones conformably unexpected residue crystallizing emergency beranek jarosite jarbidge portugal september stringers distortions homogenous homogenization optimized disproportionate jr45 viol interference arkose relocation quiescence believed occasional occasionally derivatives boudinaged kirkavak cyclical rodgers tears wasting wackestone aspen ##formational vallecito tephra phenomen phenomena firmgrounds reddish reddening crystallographic etching governed life pockets rondonia contrary updated diminished positively ##interpreted handpicked physiography instrumentation disagreement vitrophyre bootstrap mitigate duplex santiago yttrofluorite straddles subbasins regularization recommend adequately paleolat feeling multistory mesoscopic refertilized automated cryptic coulomb budget deduce july kingdom kellogg routing ##etermined starved mammillaries subchrons uniquely disconnected tethyan fluctuations hyperextended diagenetic ##licitly microphenocrysts clinoptil slickensides cnk ephemeral fernandez gypsum hours louisville laura nucle nominal toreva veneer waban ##repres prompted people erodibility pooled 1970s reexam ##tebrate intragranular restrictions avulsion insensitive paleodepths dolowackestone disaggregated overgrowths eurasia fruitland iapetan olympic anastomosing aircraft dollar durmid elias farmington fashion gannarve ioa jersey jatoba kerrich konstantinou lherz murphy mystic museum october pavement umatilla wvb ##westerly ##oceanic ##etamorphosed stylolites deemed maksymowicz isoplot alpha ##ilinear cooperative anadarko whipple unmanned usibelli territory enormous undoubtedly variegated impossible parautochthonous hydrogranular agisoft apertures uncommon archuleta srivastava mediterranean echosounder illinois fremouw brachiop orocopia huckleberry ambiguity ultrapotassic 045 1st 2d 3rd 3df 650 670 7j 7li 9e 9f 915 action bing bow bop bum bau bring bush c2 cse cav cay cyl c10 c42 dc dor das dot dual dug drops dmean dots eros egm fro fring foss fingers fema fusible ger gor gle gad gata gart gree gross gather hb i15 jol jtr kα kas kron kamb let lem lard lib lath lep lists lighter lvz mn mal mog mism mess mound mun mosc ng nit nad n50 oym pg pd pig pus pediment poured rg ring rus ried riding ribb rosa ryan raster som sight soss tong tac tie um v2 vig vort wra wise xi yok zo zim zam δ8 σn ##bal ##bent ##bled ##eus ##eath ##eau ##oo ##oen ##oher ##mn ##men ##mel ##mers ##mark ##menite ##mlar ##ira ##iop ##ipped ##nal ##gat ##gonite ##rp ##ril ##si ##ss ##sin ##sing ##simp ##sky ##col ##hert ##hler ##fast ##fined ##tw ##tally ##tured ##ucc ##uvial ##uille ##uckle ##vc ##vity ##vine ##veld ##99 ##915 ##80 ##lm ##len ##lated ##lope ##05 ##07 ##p2 ##pat ##zr ##zil ##22 ##211 ##ko ##kl ##kow ##kins ##koff ##wk ##wave ##wash ##jt ##jte ##ımlar ##onge ##eras ##erry ##ato ##atan ##atka ##ink ##inum ##inning ##inifer ##esch ##alistic ##alda ##ital ##itta ##itted ##orn ##oran ##orro ##oring ##oria ##orient ##orption ##orama ##ortable ##iced ##icratonic inqu ##ani ##ancing ##anya ##ston ##strom ##roph ##elly ##asy ##asites ##asho ##leav ##leted ##legh ##lector toome toft ##throp ##olo ##ollector ##ulum ##ithe ##rably ##urations ##urry ##urious ##etal ##ette stained ##mped ##ceola ##imer rear rehe reappear ##ivate mah maf mahe isher forth foram ##idire ##osic ##ositic ##osuch alto alanya allegh ##ilob fa5 fauna famat ##gement su3 susp cox coding codes cohes ashf ##otos ##chill ##chatka annot anharmonic ##ruh ##ife ##utable exert exerc onland ##istical ##isturb sev ##odos ##oderm ##odiorite ##omn ##oms ##omatic ##omylonitic ##rier beaver beacon proceed sher shaver sag ##avor ##avgat atomic atoms ##adata ##liot comprom ##iry ##irn ##photos ##rants figs webs subarc subgra ##astically chay chau chain cherry unm union unweather unacc unruh ##abric ##aco ##ac00 ##amic ##amori interd intersp interplate intersected interleav modul resamp resolv resumed geersen incising incoher ##oneous ##ichert ##ichannel intensive intimately rockland contardo spite spont spurious ##canso ##ostone ##uska arid ##ystone ##isms northand northwesterly meille magic college ##erneath ##aley ##endant exponent explicitly ##ards scot scru scri scores scoured sclm ##ologique loci slips notation colleagueso colleaguesuvial sedimentology obulus upwarping ##ibito ##ptus abers trying corona corbe overest overto overwh overbank oversimp team tecu calais quench ##iang ##epleted assert assertion consag consens consolid considers subdued subduct lev leid lever leave lecl adular ##ovsky accept accru prem stripping clare clots ##agement encl append twins ##ochrom replacing ##ificant undisturb underneath undepleted interpretable transrotational transfers centre centroid activated ##igneous ##ignificant lique lowered ##ozone simi sims simulate peruvian pericratonic continents ##acker mantles crino cristo phosph phoen litho lithics sangre ##ipe ##iper outlet outwash ##ckert ##aping ##apın feuille genetic healing tracers wellington 10a 1020 amund amyg amoe impa implement metaqu metadata trendline verified verde verify verkin vertebrate charlie charco complexly earthchem presenting melan prr parcel studying dominates intruding ##setail silva blichert flights suppress sinter 405 slough slider scarce scarcity descanso ##derm continentally localize exhuming afar pbp2 rug greg greta deriving defiance 15e 152 carl carlo carved carrier rema remin decor horsetail colorad 12e 124 massively emplo popular paterson agency determines breaching differently differentiating ##into brook manip manavgat management cools identifiable aplite april apvc dohert potassic 399 downthrown walong severity anton trenching schw school landon landform moat moore moha laid 11c 1150 13b 132 platy prime uncor progressed shortwave multichannel respects equilibrated equipped 145 148 1400 14sov epma ranch precurs appeared delf delim 2500 months monochrom backtil denote northeasterly buck invari invoke invoked 171 178 172 1750 ##issible originates ##blee classes classical hillshade worksh 305 tikoff lind triangular ##uco muds mudrock mudflow mudcra mcderm 2006 orogenies singular analyzer ending assembled minimized morere demise kernel transportable ##ylene element2 sinistrally priest isotopically correspondence heads brittl totals talc instruction 18o 181 positioning anywhere contributor multiples multiplied cp15 cp10 holyo erroneous diving burke facts packstone packstones loam stands 230 ##lication ##licity intracaldera intraoceanic el211 elko elliot excel excimer approximations migrate migmat ##conformable closing argues 1985 1984 1982 supras individ microanaly fallen ##rangle individuals mis9 16a 166 163 167 breakdown experimentally prismatic demonstrably promin pictured bars utchron planolites specul ##ractures avz simplicity tang wilson integrates gradation 215 219 quantification references universal universities inferences 265 naasho envis inspect insignificant widest warming globe 276 numbered br1 retrie geomorphological coexisting slowness bulging arrested 22a 225 ##rayw metasomatic ##ycus negatively ##ossils morphologies roundness dissip removes episodically phenocrystic soled timescale passed passing logged ilmenite greenish behave streamer experiential experiencing branching dependency batholiths surveyed 001 002 0011 losses symb coincidence displaying windowing paleoiso attributable 2400 crosscuts principles ##identified cements ceases predominance predominately visco 331 338 sensors protru protomylonitic sbc themes ##itanian seismological orthophotos fastovsky fluxes microstructure 5000 515 guide magnetostratigraphic magnetometer amplified borings tender tendency diverge strengthening improves loaded radiating handling escape clustering immediate deviate persistence 340 palo regarded favorably intensities constitutive incorporate sonoran bordered harrison pulsed titanium wolff ##11jt spanish ##eseke capturing 0624 raised raises 4000 goodness gridded parameterization adirondacks turbidity ##ophycus chronology embayments brazil served 038 triga heavily laws 530 practical ze1 zephy circles flexibility rises zr1 twinning icpms comagmatic illustrating frequent frequencies digitized 643 6000 nnwto anderson reviewed metaigneous resistance 764 airgun aydin roseau sweet ##ashelf anorthositic configurations triggering learners africa bluffton vict discharges escarpments komatiitic xenolith deformations clouds reconstructing brun bruhn brueseke scanned spots highstands repeat blanco everyone emphasis successful improvements confirmatory disturbances career 2011a ultramylon counters teleseisms dolostone ferric ferry horsts augment augite augmented ##osaur fragmented designation schemes monitored ecuadorian interesting enhancing appropriately traversing restoring 075 route arbuckle visualization fundamentally nodes nodular rippled assignments decays geophysically tsunamis tsunamigen checked checkpoints oscillations advances paleoslope pbm2 1974 1978 manifestations encounters damped damping rigorous tcns decomposing petrological undergraduates tucano ##4809 conceptions graphite graphical graphically increments rubble epicenters epicentral frantz quadratic quadrant quadrangle conservatively translates tracts educators kirby tasman appreciable 1960 symmetry goals exploring destabil masked tenths staff subequant depocenter bw4809 mimick informative resurgent dibblee intrinsic intrasequence intrashelf vsrs eliminated degassed nuclides claimed surprisingly benchmark cracks tunis connecting residuum prevalence concerns concerning smeared incorrectly megacrysts rigidity categories flakes nrm portland speth sieve sieved feeder feedback cleaned convexity discontinuously klippe disproportionately cells dramatic pieces churchill relocated flattened summitville 1604 happens happened conductive dolomite georeferencing cyclic effort kamchatka troodos waste wackestones adamanian adopt adopted meaningful angeles multicollector palinspastically urbanized drip govern pocket ponded ronde vgp ##isciplinary subregion reshaping contreras spiked ensure perceived hypocenter seismograms extrapolated handpicking qfy2 aragonite fifty social socorro alumina aluminum aliquot aliquots strategy strategies noticeable preceded preceding explosive reoriented reorientation pyroxenes ceramic gibbs hidden lahar lucas november omission pvt pixel wigger inhibited stanford paleontological trachydacite histograms redistribution ellipso nonunique karlstrom quebrada algorithm hawaii navigation aureole bomi dji ethiop fellowship girdle osceola ##2008 ##onnie rectangular ##geochemical seeds graptolite choice deployment reliably marcasite evaporites academic impinge metagrayw deciphering contradicts raypaths conveyor coalesce subtracting elucidate winnetou indirectly 070915 circu cronus dyke eoarchean kanamori ketza nunata rebound mappable foredeep ##ograptus shanaka shoshone abitagua coronado quartiles sandwiched underpinning placoderm initiates curriculum polylines backstop footprint bursts bristol coexistence helicopter superficially varnished photogrammetry duplexes clinoptilolite ##represent bingham bopesta bummers bushveld csejte cavities cylind dashed dotted erosive egm2008 fossen gadwal gatay gartner greece kasımlar kronenberg kambalda lemhi lardeau mismatch oymapın pgt pdms pushed riedel ribbons sossi taconic vortex ##inifera inquiry ##rophic toomey reheating maheo isherwood foraminifera ##idirectional altogether famatinian suspension ashfall subgrains chayu chauvel unweathered unaccounted interspersed interleaved spontaneous meilleur corbeau overwhel oversimpl tecuya consensus leclerc adularia undisturbed liquefaction phoenix feuillet amundsen amygd amoebo metaquartz charcoal employing doherty mohawk backtilted brittlely holyoke el2113 suprasubduction naashoibito 062411jt zephyr underpinnings csejtey oymapınar 2f 4k 414 6f 630 7e 7f 7l 770 8q aw aru aks aphan b4 bk bes bate bad bus ball bie bram berg bicar cy c3 coc cow clu cine cps cia cust db din dave dum dpar dmm dwell dorm daugh eff ease eiss ejection eye ebb fm fos fif fist fib fell fun fidel fassett gs gp g2 ges gol gau gans gorm gpl hv hog hect hous hud hap hons hank hither hind honey house hacker iw iow ichn ivs ja jay jour jaw kr kt kd kel kol klu koy karp kentu lt lp lone lud lus lend lign lang lrees mh mv mk mos mist mine mree mish mgn muff muted miles muk mdh nal nil nist native nons nbs oz oes oak oolite pn poc piv pav pange posed peter psp qp rt rer rau rains rms s8 sent sli seld sonic sque sull sali solved solving tat tli tord tull toro tutor tonnie uk vl vse vision vug vidal wi wn w1 wat wen wit wing wad wend wah w11 winn wife yʹ yan yog yun yue yne yuc ytw z1 z4 zun zhu δh ξf ##amation ##aff ##aps ##yath ##bt ##bat ##bel ##bul ##bad ##bern ##bach ##bable ##bour ##eth ##ece ##eam ##eenth ##oil ##oka ##othermal ##mi ##mt ##mog ##mmal ##mian ##matite ##mington ##iet ##iency ##nest ##nich ##nach ##gy ##gian ##rent ##ris ##rillo ##rhaftig ##sively ##sue ##cer ##cive ##camp ##cceed ##how ##hock ##held ##hman ##hithe ##fant ##fill ##tation ##tri ##tyn ##tiny ##uz ##uan ##uel ##uqu ##uka ##uously ##dick ##dynamic ##dden ##vron ##vage ##120 ##54 ##44 ##43 ##98 ##93 ##916 ##84 ##89 ##83 ##885 ##65 ##69 ##lis ##light ##04 ##08 ##pg ##pine ##pring ##xite ##ze ##zer ##zel ##zins ##zelli ##ku ##kak ##78 ##73 ##jg ##jr ##jiang ##ınd thins thesis ##onet ##onitic ##erb ##erite ##ati ##att ##atra ##atta ##atites ##attered ##inct ##inely ##inia ##inced ##inding ##inometer ##eni ##enes ##enic ##alo ##alian ##alitic ##ede ##eding ##itively ##itors ##itization ##orad ##orov ##arb ##arithm andre inl inac inward infle inject ##reed ##requ ##recc ##remes ##remian ##any ##anon ##anence ##anmar ##ancial ##ste ##stud ##stance ##storm ##rod ##root ##roff ##enta ##elia ##elland ##asa ##asil ##asch ##lemental toho tokl ##cts ##cture ##ctory ##ctors ##oura ##ationally ##iscent ##thy ##thm ##thing ##thys ##olds ##ocular ##ocyath ##ulsive ##ulski ##ithms ##uron ##uric ##etm ##eted ##etime stall stored stops staining ##mple ##owan ##owater decon revel ##ivan ##ivably mains mammal isua isobar ford forks foraker ##ids ##idance ##idently ##idgian ##osal ##osely ##osited ##osuka albar alpine faun faint su1 suvor succeed sudden ##terroot areally cole cove ##romod ##rometer asl asph aside ##laize ##otell ##chary ##chond ##chett answ anthrop ##rup ##ifier ##utan ##utary exit exfol onco sec secular sectors ##odus ##odym ##odina ##odzins ##omial ##ombia ##ppe ##pplemental ##ograph shill sherv shell shats shelly sab sam sap said sauk ##avia ##avista attain norway sought compart complications computing ##irment ##phee ##phistic ##igham ##emica collapsed colombia ##quist ##quito subaqu subcaldera ##astrophic orion organization cha chap chines chama chaco neo neal neoc neote neodym ##forth depressions unz unwe unidentified unidirectional ##abases ##abrecc ##keya ##inez ##ineke ##acites ##acular plant interrupted ##opack ##opty ##ccarb resin resumption resume geop geography incise ##umbent ##izo ##izer intram intimate rockies contoured ##aryya spele spss sporad ##udied ##condition arrang arises arithm ##ismically relies meand ##tsboro ##orealistic lows lowey marl marsh maranon regulations disconformably disappear disharmonic evans ##ands detached betka stront indent express expense ##ghian modeler scott ##aked notion ##ructive southto obdu obvi caution ##erves recumbent ##ibeam canon ##achi trjg coroll overc overst overly overlo overflow overrepresent teep tefl quoted quiet ##iano ##iansen consult consort leg lease leica admin distally distric accentu paleoch paleose paleocl paleowater precondition ##ystems minute minutes strip clog enables reply replace transformed transients italy formula thanked ##enson ##ensis ##ensity observable observatory ##ozo ##icks simulation simulating perched perfect ##oseis arco ##meable ##meesch differenced fieldtri completion variant variously sanuk sanctu frames normalizing ##cky ##cked pea templates ##apace ##rope feas heckert heineke traits trade thickens 10d 1070 1014 1040 marginally sectioned am2 amorph amami imported implant imprec impulsive topic vermeesch charles charlot ##fley proposes proposal propensity chance chanac melted melville prist private parado parece bonnich domino dominica ignoring vela estimator blr flour newberry mineralogical suppmat latent latir someone develops sinuous pools comparative quartzitic slates slides granule granizo locales ##rowth discover discounted longa distributary midpoint ##ioff idavada pbk ##outz ##ynomial default 1550 carr carries carls carmel carapace oceans calculator 192 1914 1917 remagnet remolding remanence blocked hydrate micron micros geologist decide deceler decisions facets ##ondalitic ##rograph 121 122 1235 1286 1236 employ postde postorogenic deepens patula agate agrees agencies edwards pluvial majkow breach manger kinet ##cline apron doing sophistic downgoing downfol hydrox hydrolog hydrodynamic swings afterwards antig trenchward ##dings grouping fines finds finzel financial ##bonate reequ benef poll polynomial firstly 11e 11d 118 131 136 1350 1340 experts ##nee shortened multid multibeam thinly thinnest equivoc 14a 142 1450 smirn mesh precollisional predepositional olive inflow infrequ petromod monogen backfilled archae denver casita ##tonwood 17a 17c 17t originating magnification tips lincol garnetiferous spatter triang cm2 mckee mcphee ##ocline ##ogenous ##ogenesis mormon ##ukuk spectral spectacular escal esrp dems lacked ##respective pencil bayınd convert ample amphithe talk 189 188 combines pointstud volumetric supplemented multiplier holopty probabil erratic thermof burrow bursz ##omponent confining confidently kekeya proximally ##sler loosely summaries 234 biases biased requisite excite exclu permissible jumped migmatite nonconformable opens 1986 1980 collisions microcra microcline fallout attendant misra misinterpreted misorient whiteface 16t 169 joe joerg joining breaking rests barely barremian planning glaciated specified speciation inclinometer simpler microplates wilmington wilfley 213 damaged grinding quantifiable 262 sessions inspected 3613 kimmer warms 272 contention recrystalliz brasil brigham periodic geomorphologic ##iqueness coeffic 60e salt saline salinity slowing photomic photorealistic polarized paleomagnetics person rhythm willis investigators amphiboles arrest surrounds 222 227 2200 skulski covers availability qt3 gneissic solve solie conclusively logarithm ##abbro poso 318 raymond taf tax tapping haeus behr gabbs encased encoura equivalency receivers siltstones ouray windowed difficulties conducting conducive paleoenviron drains drastic examinations mina1 249 goes goias justification 283 2800 375 37ar cumulatively millimeter millennial predominate plunges 016 017 seek acquire acquiring 1990 viscously sensor inherently analogs landsliding opposit turned seismology introductory ##ckenzie transferring 150nd limitation tectono tectonites homocline devast 514 guam guidance s11 ybn magnetotell trees ##egoin amplification topsets acknowledges tended tending extraordin creeping diverted lastly improving improbable sunset precipitate clayand handheld builds irmm irrespective ##ontan ##ontane sawatch megas megaf megabrecc scenic accordance argillite doubles doubly energies ##arkodina markuss advancing impacted impacting thirteen constituted incorporates 485 484 486 cosets reproduces wolbern spanned 329 proportional 0625 0682 catu catalog catastrophic foresets distinguishes databases qf2 rimmed ##ircase montana purified purification pursue chiaren calibrations movetm isola isolating animation chrons pertinent felipe portable services lieu calling buildings 446 55a cruz ##plane inundated highlighting requirements excludes skeletal dalziel zeolites ##ilibration semiar trachyte cosmic serpentinites questionable flexible causal excursions sksslow sksfast arguably roads beamed accompany myers myanmar comment commented transiently ideally m27b wolfe frequently intersections indexes paleorivers fortu resistivity preference domefield juxtaposing airplane iteratively pinch pinpoint coalc coalinga expands bird tiburon sumatra intergrowth particles porphyroclastic cameron aquedu ##1609 scientist mushy mushes cuttings challenges acharyya easier 475 473 pilalo attempts scans issu columnar lister mccurry prepare emphasizing simplest simplify confirming heller torrent ##barrel reader underthrusted careers absorbed powerful culmination dolopack chevron undersc operator 432 auglaize baja binding binocular nuanced necessit necessarily assimilant 2013a participant 771 777 depicts longitudinally adjusting m28a m28b establishment davies routines routinely quarried climbing undulatory decadal visualize retrogression retrogressed wavelengths noda unconv clarity definitively reconciled homogeneity refinement orthogneisses oscillation ccf seemingly advice playback 1977 manifestation encompassing 79br hopper karst picking ##greni competency unfolding unfavor impede impeded petrologically undersaturation inconsistencies claystone snow ##green ##innigan conceivably organizations increment objects rubbly emerges squared amalgamation pseudo hillers martinez thomson entering translating delineated glauconitic bracketing educator auger benioff ##emplacement ##passed cottle cottonwood subtraction appreciated obscure obscures 1960s profoundly curvilinear historically smartphones paleogeothermal cementation exploratory destructive masl mask pedag pedogenic tentative staircase macroscopic 1438 880 bw1609 casts juncture sodic shocks sadler chalfant metaluminous permitted trachyandesitic 041 locking tuned tapered ##cripts ##32r conformity exactly concerned 1958 penetrate rhombic aimed berkel flawed nr02 nr03 piercing waned extrusion extruded sieving communic polygonal disproportionation 980 lanka lanphere langhian ##ezing ##annon unsubdu unsucc interferometric arkosic lowstands collectors flareup monoclinal kevin looked kimberlite dolomitized condensed crowley rodinia ##areness ##arenites connections asper ##chius exchanges subgroup interpolation complementing multicomponent delivered crystallinity harzburgites satisfying intermittent awarded agingand dripping dunlap etchegoin lifetime vg02 ##analytical subregions reshaped spikes conspicuously ensures perceptions kindly hypocenters gratefully diminishes 3555 ##interpretation extrapolation physiographic disaggregation pegmatites castleford bioturbation bhatta bhutan falcon fifteen khan khondalitic relying yttrium stereo stereonet straddle collaboration collaborator subbasin recommended adequate remobilized remobilization responded decapitated multistage mesoscale thermobarometric thermobarometry refertilization envisioned explosion bohlen bohemica automatic advocacy pyroxenites cryptocrystalline coulon biogeochemical gibson gunbarrel hidy kohler lahontan mataquito pvc pixina rendering taupo wiggin wintergreen ##flat ##annels stabilized unequivoc geospat trachydacites descends redistributed conflicting nonuniqueness microfabric quebec underestimates reinforced algorithms blanketed hawaiian bisects invalidity bitterroot docking dockum papers renne skew skewed voids thorpe ##enthal stimulated stoping christiansen arrowhead meeting survived imperfect impermeable metabasite hydrofractures 149sm mcgowan 235u synthesized mercury prevailing categorize lamprophyric mirrors dropped dozens gcmt jagoutz jacob james lundgreni maryland rosenthal tusas vinit xenocrystic δ13ccarb ##supplemental exsolved prohibited shipboard shuffled computational subunit subterrane choose chromat diatremes diorites spallation regressing disparate industry obstac enlargement entailing undertaken charnockitic greywacke caroline noisy hydrocarbon bubbles motivates anticipated avoided diffusivity paleoearthquake counterparts 6k1232r phenomenon paleolatitude nucleation lherzolite brachiopods 04545 91500 bauxite cayman dorsey gathered jolla letters laths lepain messinian mounds munch pige tonga vigorous yokosuka zoom zamora cohesion annotated exercise compromised websites unmetamorphosed interdisciplinary moduli resampling resolvable incoherent scottsboro scrutiny scripps overtopped consolidation levander accrued appendix impairment rugged carlson remapping reminiscent decorated antonio schwartz invariant workshop lindavista mudcracked individually microanalyzer speculative envisage retrieved paleoisotherms victoria brunhes ultramylonite tsunamigenic destabilization ellipsoidal ethiopian impingement metagraywackes nunatak cylindrical amoeboid awareness arunach aksu aphanitic bateman biek bramhall bicarbonate c3an cocos custom dinosaur dormant daughter effus eissinger fosdick fifth funnel fidelity gauges gansser gormaz hv2 hogback haproff honshu hanks hitherto iowa kolmog koyukuk karpuz kentucky lusitanian lends lignite mhcl mkcl moschett misty mishmi muffler mukasa ozarkodina pangea slipped seldom squeezing sullivan tlikak tordrillo tullis toroidal tutorial witnet wadati wahrhaftig yogodzins ynez yucatan zuni inaccess inflection tohoku toklat deconv mainshock albarede suvorov asphalt ##charya ##chondritic anthropocene exfoliation shervais shatsky subaqueous chinese neotethys neodymium unweighted intramontane speleothems sporadically arranged arithmetic meanders strontium overlooked teepee teflon consortium district accentuated paleochannels paleoclimate sanukite sanctuary amorphous implantation imprecise charlotte paradox bonnichsen carlsbad remagnetization postdeformational majkowski downfolded hydrologic monogenetic archaeocyath lincoln escalante bayındır amphitheater pointstudio holoptychius probabilistic thermofinnigan bursztyn kimmeridgian brasiliano coefficients photomicrograph haeussler paleoenvironmental oppositely magnetotelluric extraordinary doublespring markussen chiarenzelli semiarid torrente unsubducted unsuccess bhattacharya geospatial microfabrics arunachal kolmogorov karpuzcay moschetti tlikakila yogodzinski 050 1e 1w 1supplemental 2e 2ø 3f 3p 3k 4m 4f 570 6i 618 619 612 7m 7i 7d 720 712 745 725 747 8f 825 9g 911 a5 aud aware awa aerially arose ban biv brom bse bast bart bern biver bell brough brad bray benn bold batt benson cs ct cd cly civ cite cri cres cations cues cites cities cyn cec camb cuk cup c25 clump cvz dl dz don dion dic dog dere dall dell dred dane duran d14 drum dried ditt dict ect eure eut eld elast eigen effic fo fon fle frit fred fused fug frot fires fdf gut gli gem gone gill gates garm gcp g13 gilles grove grus gavia hg hs hk hq hat hit hos hir hues held heral hort hau hob hope huff herm hatch hrees hicks ib iv ip iz ich ita iolite iliam ihs jere jich jak jama jpg ku kv k2 kat kent kle kich kak kang k08 lf l3 lα ler len lod lyon letic lingu luminescence lodge longe m6 men mct math mined moch mout mula misto nt nv n5 n9 n2 nes nic nach nage noz nsl nodal nub n20 n45 n26 n40 n35 nerc n78 og od oj ores oven oman pom pad pak pose ppb pca puss pomer qbst ry rm r5 r4 rol rog righ rins rud roch rick rip rope rills rational rood rok rabb rame roses rilling sx sor sar sle sism sib sov sob sider tn t1 ton tin ties trust tell tso tension tact teng tub tls tiny uz uit uzu urd vf ved vil vac vess vib vide vestig vice vload villa wc wis want wun wills wander wang wfz wishes xs xin xia x15 yk yin yil yap yana zn zh zag zip zinc zeta zira δε μg μs μl μp μobs ξ0 ρm σ1 σ2 ψs ##aution ##aign ##aolo ##yb ##yi ##yt ##yal ##yth ##yly ##yow ##yville ##yama ##yritic ##yash ##ba ##bi ##bru ##bran ##bous ##bore ##bide ##bons ##bility ##buc ##eo ##eu ##ek ##eff ##eps ##eck ##eger ##ebly ##oh ##oan ##oft ##oeg ##oks ##oining ##oonal ##my ##mas ##mot ##mir ##mile ##mish ##minations ##mold ##iro ##iote ##iously ##iye ##iwar ##iograptus ##non ##nar ##nan ##nst ##nah ##n21 ##gd ##gle ##gis ##gite ##gress ##garn ##rc ##rone ##rish ##rory ##rint ##ratory ##r14 ##rco ##sa ##slip ##sory ##sier ##scher ##sizer ##syth ##cs ##cor ##cul ##cak ##comp ##cipit ##current ##cules ##collisional ##ciously ##hg ##ht ##hol ##here ##hav ##hli ##hip ##hole ##hire ##flu ##fac ##fron ##finder ##filling ##ftand ##tb ##ti ##ties ##tus ##tices ##uo ##ux ##uat ##uine ##upt ##uza ##ught ##uyama ##dra ##dot ##donal ##doe ##dani ##dn21 ##vh ##var ##vred ##1h ##170 ##545 ##948 ##9tb ##81 ##88 ##61 ##64 ##lst ##litic ##lton ##loric ##06 ##020 ##pro ##pure ##pke ##port ##pie ##press ##perate ##p15 ##pital ##xos ##xag ##xts ##xitic ##xiwar ##xcor ##zy ##zz ##zed ##zing ##zew ##zani ##28 ##248 ##216o ##kle ##ket ##kir ##kop ##kum ##kers ##kard ##kpar ##kka ##kty ##kara ##72 ##786 ##wn ##wt ##win ##with ##wach ##wap ##wali ##wai ##ji ##jas ##jack ##just ##jacent ##jvh thi thork thmn theri ##oned ##onable ##onry ##onder ##onometric ##onnee ##erated ##erque ##erupt ##atro ##atil ##atag ##atical ##ateral ##atun ##atna ##atto ##atistical ##inas ##inose ##inites ##inacy ##eske ##esov ##enum ##enna ##enesis ##enulation ##encer ##enkop ##alite ##alib ##aloidal ##alerite ##eda ##iti ##itos ##itical ##itically ##itidal ##iteto ##itards ##itket oft ##orial ##ormal ##orium ##organ ##orbed ##orously ##oramas ##ionized ##arg ##arst ##arks ##araf ##aroka ##arthy ##icit ##icism ##icles ##icym ##icroscopy ##icorn andrad inad inact inland inert injected inapp ingers ##ret ##rected ##anes ##aned ##anite ##aneta ##anuska ##star ##static ##roves ##rochron ##royed ##robat ##entory ##enteen ##elian ##elane ##elbro ##asm ##ascar ##lead toes tour touch tolan ##ouch ##outing ##ouring ##oulin ##ouchi ##isk ##isphere ##iszew ##tha ##tho ##thest ##thia ##thier ##olic ##olas ##olly ##olded ##olatil ##ocated ##ocused ##ulates ##ulatory ##rading ##racu ##rability ##uri ##uru ##urization ##urries ##etat ##etra ##etect ##etts ##igle stern stay stie story staley ##mpse ##owin ##owed withdra ##imen ##imir ##imates ##imensional ##imiye ##imanite dewe deck deionized dethier repre really reyn reanaly reinterpreted reinterpretation ##ivial ##ivian ##ivable ##ivating ##iview mack madag mackenzie forec foreg forsyth ##idges ##idian ##idating ##idized ##oso ##osil ##osystem als alli alco alquist conn conse conicy conrey congress ##ilent ##illi ##ilies ##ilateral faced ##geo sue su4 suction sunbl ##terberg ##terworth ##terivian ##atever coon coach coord coded coats coerc cozy asian ##lager ##lapped ##otential ##otool ##otodus ##cht ##chen ##chard ##chuk ##chitta ##chloric anec ankara ##ruent ##rugin ##runo ##utt ##utors ##utlan ##uttered exac onlapped ##isture ##istob ##istini seas season ##estion ##oding ##odynamic ##odella ##omi ##omon ##omap ##omaceous ##omelane begs beij beakers prote wholly whatever ##vert ##verts ##verizing ##oggen ##erequ shot shast shus shaly sharm shik shores shatter sauc sayl sabb ##avail ##lum ##luoric atyp atterberg ##thered norm norite norms sousa ##adth ##lium company ##irates ##pheres ##tam ##taminated ##taxitic ##ag2 ##agı ##agon ##ager ##agos ##ague ##agnetic ##ighed ##ongruent ##ocking ##emen weber weights weighed ##lown colomb collinear collaps ##ques ##quences graciously subb subcontinent subseismic subhedral sublinear subenviron subchondritic subjacent ##itioners ##asts ortus chit chad chath chun chiqu chilling chuska nept ##force ##formal ##forced depau depaolo unt unreas unified unbl unamb unbur unrest unox unwar unilateral unavail ##ecting ##aced ##acities ##ametric ##amillo plank plsm pljr plesov intercrystalline interlabor modulate modifications modifier ##opite ##oporph resided rescal resorption geor geost geocon geograph geomap ##artes incon incongruent ##oneotodus dix diap dimple dikty ##izoseis ##iche intended integer volts volun volker voltage contend spain sponge spencer ##maline highand ##consin ##dup alongshore ##ostatic ##usp ##usetts arf arsz arctic relied relics relax me4 meant meizoseis magoon ##illar ##illimeter ##illonite volcanically volcanology volcanologique lowers ##rustal martha regist regolith regressive registration regulatory ##essive dissect disreg disabled ##endale ##assified ##assino strict indies inducing indeterm expon expensive ##ghes usdoe ##ardt ##arded ##ardino scant noticed terr valde sedimented obara caver ups recre recurrently recoil recalib recessive ##ibou kma ##athers ##pting ##ptivity ##erals partner canber aberran abraded ablated flowers ##00n ##achyly ##achusetts try trish trilob corral corners overlay overfilling overpress tech teys transected caled calvert folia quot query ##iana ##iances ##eposited assaraf timber consang leftand adm adap adve distorted distilled ##ribed acou acry acicular acadian acrobat accardo paleop ##ystematic minami sik sixt siwali stripped striae clo clark ##iaux eneto enlight ##ppered apple apples twist ##ochro repell repose repasch ##ariate ##ariations undisc undetermined undetect flush transit transpar translate transcripts transcurrent analyte analytically suggestions ##augite domal domed butterworth liu observato ##xtures maya lowerto ##ypes performs perkins peritidal ##osection ##osequences belodella arcgis underway underplate underpass crm crenulation cristob ##une differed ##parametric phlog thereof settle setouchi completing completen complemented lithoph litharenites lithostatic proved 20th 2050 normalize ##iplines miyash ##kawa outs outp outstand outflu peate peers pecha peppe peppered temple ##apagos ##lastonite fe3 feii feomn febru feebly fecht hexag bedforms ##ringe trap traction traps tracing wellbore thicken 10g 1050 1015 1030 1035 ams amos amher impract imposing implicate implicit implication imprint metcal toplap topotool shearer trendell vertices westto typified ##nett ##ishing ##osphere proposing properly presentations ##olutionized offline prerequ paris parman parrish concur concave concrete ##omechan correcting ##vey ignition ignore ##ieff ##ahi silc flon flin mineralize suppressed supptable lateto somewhere somehow steph steens steve poiss poison 408 406 40k slice slurries ##tions desmat desorption deserves localizing interpretative affor longest midpoints pbb pbc rupke playa ##olev defocused 15g 15f 15d 151 154 158 1549 159tb oce11 carve carbide caribou oceanward 194 1934 memorial oldham micas microg microscopic decision declar decimeters ##onda horn ##itics ##labs 12c 126 1250 1220 1217 1249 nokle massachusetts emplaces postemplacement popa ##erman additions subsided subsystems deepen patrick patruno agreed agilent ##ualties ##usts edax editors silicates bremen brevity breadth ##intosh majoring drone drives brooks mang manual kinds identifies averaging ##classified apatites aplitic ##ampled potter soaked eleven 390 reflectivity downlap downwarping hydrostatic terraced swing swift swelling cursory raton contract directional orienting seaway walter geochronologically geochronometers severely terminated descent descended anti antiform foundations ##eca firing maintains farris farthest lessens schlager schutt generator finn synform syncollisional mohor mooney moenkop moisture axen axially transitioned transitioning lapped laigle polat polish polygen political policym politics ##ramid 119 116 113 112 1147 1123 13c 13d 134 137 13talk channeling channeliform platt structureless uncapt garver multiview equate continually 141 1485 14talk epoch smoo feldspath feldspathic ##tee ##tech ##tevred ##textures precaution appearing predetermined deleted oliver 255 259 infers infinite inflated carbonaceous ##idered paralleled petford monolith archive nwand conditional conditionally accrete bucak cashman casualties invo inventory 173 1730 1749 1799 ##issivity adjoining numerals classically worker workforce 309 306 303 307 3035 ##toon ##tooth ##ochronozone please pleochro ##izontally geoanalytical walled wallis waterfron spatiote accommodations fractionate maximize mudlines mudflat rotates cm3 mcgl mcintosh 507 redire redeposition redeposited ##ships ##shoe plumeand minimizing morin morne dipole spectroscopic demwe demands exposing flats flatter glen glomer glendale ##walls absaroka muscovites penista prieto priolo corresponded puia pubel puzz serious converging headed erased ernst totaling talinga 18a 18b 185 182 1870 hypers hypogene sideways contributors reefal stressed diagramm supplements cp11 cp13 hollow holochronozone probing probabilities weakest thermomechan clearer bury burbidge confident confusion packed packet heterogenous mats matmon matuyama matanuska lokka bathyal orthoclase 236 233 2300 biological biasing ##licated intrabas intraflow entran entrants elsin exciting approximates approximating oligo migratory allowable recognizes hotplate ##ergence argus argentin nontectonic nontr nonparametric operate pressing 1988 anticlin hanford hansen supra ##chnig microtextures gao radially ##gler attending gravim mis7 mislead misclassified ##yroxenes 16b 16l 1600 functioned joins jointing jointed linearity hosting breakout resting restites prisms lengthened invert visited visibly emirates emag2 degraded parametric bodie ##radational planation standardized entirety glacially glaciations specimen washing ##racture predicting ##omagmatic accumulates blakely tanque wild wilbur integrations bottles 216 2150 massifs dams dammed damaging grits geodynam coarseor bottomed quantifies referring versa 261 2600 nafe naxos session insulating temporarily 361 364 369 368 363 3686 wedging widens warmer warmest ##rystallization deflect deflecting errorchron 271 2700 2750 brt brass brines bridges medwed nacion retains selvage selimiye textured neto ##oku submeter submillimeter submergence 606 salem salters polarstar alternated clinozo 704 709 bulges bulbous ##mai spreads explaining hornblendes investigating investigator amphibolitic helik helex helmold arrive arrived 22c 223 2270 2268 covering internides internship technical technologies echo kiln kilbour bears deflections ##ycat ##ycle ancaster ##ossiliferous immersed ##nsite rounding abundantly qtc isochrones isochronous gneissosity solo soles solver solomon tracked passively logan logistical ##onalite critiques criticism poses featureless 316 317 451 europe tawach fossilized ##aquillo greenstones stretches 352 stillwater stillings encaps aggressive nowhere receive receiving ##ostratigraphically 008 0025 0026 runup syracu releases ##cutive ##centa conduction drake ultras 247 contexts durable durability yellowish ##ennian reacting reactive reactivity 379 376 straighter aluniteand 015 010 seeps 1999 1996 spectrometers spectromicroscopy 335 334 benthic ##urrents sulfides ##pended status opposing sbu sb3 sb15 turning turns ##itangi seismometer ##eady 1509 leslie lacuna pyramid ##horizontal fastest substages stratum stratiform signaling tectonized blueschistand bouche klutlan ##calc devised devolatil ##quartzose transforming behaves behaved behaviors 510 5130 gui guidel s1a s10 ##joen comprised narrows narrowing narrowly trem trevor trehu ##oscopic eruptives acknowledged ##sonite dilig lasting wavenum halla halted halves ledge situational waelbro waitangi roeske ##burner ##olls ##ollon whattam corrugated postdating precipitating glassburner loads handset handful buildup 00005 irene ##histan 385 386 380 90zr sawtooth groundmasses persisting 341 348 343 3490 3400n cycled doubro doubt doulton naturally stocks stockwork borders thirty explores leucogranodiorite 489 488 483 480 sony wayne waldien correspondingly summarizing restrict sharpness bordering harker harbor harvey pulled pulverizing sillimanite titanaugite wollastonite refolding asymmetrically tomogram incompatibility sparry ##ovicic steadily 069 297 cataly panama panorama panoramas distinguishable azaf lagoonal qfo subhorizontally overlaid montmor montrose pursu traveling progresses progressing freely isolation utilizes truncating book henceforth realm reality realize chronosequences chronostratigraphically electric electrical constructional steaming confirmation embayed 027 0248 525 529 520 522 braun braile felt dislocated intraclast 03king callville ec15 ecosystem merely merits meriaux altitudes spacapan 551 555 554 cruc digested digestion fulfill s2e s2f triggers trigonometric heavier lawton lawsonite cratonward slopeshade 535 balchen council films fildani practitioners zechar consequent consequences seams diamond precisions flexures ##ratified solidifying ##equate ##eepened 2010b 951 camsizer cameca ##ixing sevenmile beamlines 1203 morbto missed rainy rainstorm m27a wolfcamp unknowns 541 640 reviewing capability capital capacities subdividing rootless shielded shielding greenschistto horizontally scatters 760 pinyon pinning squid swept sweeps ##ashan resembled amazon chamberlain lamont lamella laminites ##14a debritic debouch float floors delaying insightful immobility bimodality suspended thankful polyeth architectures architectural aquitards stationary dehydrated assisting philpot ##apanorama facilities coincidentally hisada physique meteor plausibility ridgeline megathrusts 059 05king oibto piloted pilbara tightens wnwto ##1096 ##10545 attempting palmas 57a 574 certainty galapagos tonalitic throws interactive obviously camps repeating occupying selective interconnectedness everywhere 463 460 gaschnig humans japanese mcconn mccaugh mccrory mccarthy tenets ##123 ##mporal 153eu emphasizes simplifies simplistic improvement randomization hellenic variances reading ascribed prolific absorb absorbs counterbal autochthonous culled culminated culminations culverts ferrous ferrod ferrugin huang hughes paleocurrents undersampled ##ropriate 1064 horstwood petrogenetically operational openings neutrons cloudcomp 89y august sphalerite ##seye straths designing designated designates participating 088 735 7700 pullman ##otsk complicate interestingly evidently understudied traversed adjustments institut satellitic 425 423 cande isostatically isostasy coherency quarter climax 140ce visualizing returning returns returned retrogradational freshest gonzal herbert hercules albuqu unconfined uncontaminated interfingers interfaced assigns assigning clara clarke clarification monzodiorite perspectives homogeneously neutralized neutralization brackish brackets photographed ultramafics 588 ccb harder hardening ottawa seemed atmosphere interstate ##umdere 1971 1979 1973 manifests mcmaster encompassed mobilize mobilizing ultrapure 563 562 940 damper hooggen hunli huntoon karoo karelian picks s4b tcr unfossiliferous decompose editorial penetrating revisions revuel revolutionized concepts graphs subjective spilled indistinct objectively microscale infiltrate relevance sheeted extractions slickenline sfastand arbitrarily pseudomorphic pseudosection frank frankel gdrco mingle nmf ##265 townsite suitably unstrained unsteady unstratified quadrup enters enterolithic cryogenic delineates delineating purported 936 aux benham bennett eustasy hemisphere tivy tivm convinced convecting coldest coldwater subtly subtracted modestly accelerating appreciation obscuring propylitically 1965 1967 curving magnesian demagnetized nonmetamorphosed gravitationally misaligned 679 bp15 bp07 bolkard bolgeo destroyed masse masonry molds molnar pederson pedogenesis ramos weltevred ##tzen macdonal intersecting leever leeward desirable precluded precluding idealized 093 0910545 bwip cups cuatro junta sodium warne warhaftig ##after informing anneal interming resurfac intrigu switched retreating cataclasis pillows unconsidered claims township jepps mia1 nazas tunnel tungst warping ##genbach ##vsky offered offering conformable connects shedding residues residential performing blankets 1959 declining declinations crystallizes instructive emergent panels engagements rollovers avalanches hyaloclastic aims category flame flagst jaramillo okuza portal vanuat ##yanob ##brook covary covariations comprehensively speaking expansive paleotopographic phengites miarolitic imparting granuliteto polygon geometrical cleaning cp08a illumination hawkins homogenize watersheds accomplish discontinuities optimize optimization definitions martinod imbrication exemplify 987 bisected bisector jr06 janiszew vienna ##ezi aseismically unsur interferences screens screened belonging discernable discernible 175lu distinctions inspections happen conductivity engineered dolomitization condenses fumarole fumarolic rosselia ##carora ##hesive thalassino isotherms tephrite tephrochron enveloped metarhyolites 1273 multicycle wildfires granodiorites fingerprints bundles bundyville bundtzen caveat caveats drier dunites fc1 gordon mclelland ruling s7d ##uqia theoretically ##iguously anelasticity week subregional unevenly spike relayed expeditions updip transversal perceive backscattered invalidate hypocentral periphery disagreements bolivian vitrophyres vitrophyric bootstrapping bootstrapped mitigation arab arauco darling danger duplicate falla false kenai kenya slumps ##36r14 ##0314a stereoscopic sustaining webster 202hg 1022 exhaustive respondents decimeterto decapitates decapitating vehicles 1844 1843 thermobarometer supergene protocols bohannon davidson advocating francisco chalcedonic grooved cerros culture cultural deduced guns julie kohistan kingman lucchitta mild routed render rendered wrink inhibiting ##roseis stanley stabilize stabilization mammoth formalized faulds uniqueness unequal geosep disconnect tethys mcss hyperextension diagenesis conflict conflicts clinopyroxenes circumstance institutions institutional underestimated reinforce reinforces ay916 aureoles bombs djjvh etc gigapanorama giggenbach hallmarks kayenta lapen lapwai mrt papua reno sitting ##278a thorough stoped stoneco rectilinear machine machines machette forebul famous families famennian ##geochemistry shades shaded shadow compacted graptolites subcore subcrustal choices deployments arrows reliability disrupting detrend detrended detrending leachate transmit transmitted transmissivity metabasites decipher hydrofluoric 146nd mcgrew 165ho 70581 namesake mercator comingling coalescing interconnections revisit revisited revisiting psb1 psb4 macrofossil macrofossils categorized winnetuo lamprophyres mirrored bleeding billion droste dozen french fuis fuji foidites gcps iodine iodide jacinto nashville s9a tuscarora vintage xenocrysts δ13c inches ##oconus reassigned coatings exsolution shuffling compensation subunits subterranes pl5100 pl5278a diatomaceous dioritic reloading disparity industries obstruction corroborate corroborated overthrusting entailed metricto charnockite greywackes 157gd carolina downwellings hydrocarbons scholarly scholarship 139la denotes denoting bubble buffered motivating emanate emanating planetary avoiding daylighted daylights paleoearthquakes paulatto 540r discriminant discriminating 6k1236r14 unexpectedly violation recommendations paleolatitudes reexamination lherzolites brachiopod c10a dci frost fringed gerya gorringe gleason gleaned libo2 maloney mogok mogollon moscow moscoso nitric nad83 rgdn21 russo rusophycus somalian umd wraps zimmer reappears mahia ##osuchus alleghen alleghanian seventy seventeen beaverhead proceeded sagitta overestimate overestimates quenched quenching leidig leidyi leverage leveraged accepting premise enclose crinoid phosphate lithogeochemistry implementing melanges melanocratic gregg coloradensis coloraditos brookhav manipulation uncorrelated uncorrected precursor precursors delfin delfini delimited monochromatic monochromator 178hf 172yb mcdermott mcdermitt instructional mis9c 166er 163dy prominence prominently tangential tangible dissipation soledad symbols viscoelastic protruding airguns repeatability ferricrete augmentation mimicked mimicking circuit circuits cronuscalc overwhelming oversimplify amygdules amygdaloidal metaquartzite metaquartzites 062411jt1 062411jt9 cyr clues dbxcor dumoulin gp1096 ges020 golowin gplates hectometric housed hudson hinds ichnofacies jaime journal krista ktyd kelemen kluane lpos ludlow langston mv120 nalmas nonsubduction pavlis psp1 rerouting raukawa salihli tatlanika vlf vuggy watson wenrich wendell winnowed yanert yunnan ##erbated andreieff injector stalling revelation isobaric faunas succeeding suddenly oncoidal shillong sabinas saprol compartments chapman neocrystallization unzoned geopotential indentation obducted obviate corollary overcomes oversteepened overrepresented consulting administration paleosecular preconditioning clogged fieldtrips pristiograptus microspheres decelerating mangerite kinetics sophisticated hydroxide antigorite reequilibration benefited pollard multidimensional equivocal smirnov infrequent triangulating burrowed excitement exclusive misorientation 169tm rhythmites logarithmically tafahi devastating megascop megafan megabreccia cruziana fortuitous coalc04 birdseye aqueduct issued dolopackstone underscore unconventional unfavorable snowshoe pseudooneotodus pedagogical berkeley communication asperities unequivocally arrowheads jacobian chromatography obstacles 6k1232r07 pigeonite effusive funneled inaccessibility deconvolution archaeocyathid unsuccessfully a5100 audetat await bangs bivariate bernardino bivergent brought bennies battistini crescenta cynthia cukα c25r derebuc dallas durango dittmar dictates ectoconus eureka elastically flemish fritz freder fugacity frotet gutscher glimpse gillis garmin g13ac00 gillespie hk0 hitachi hospital hirth horton hauterivian hobbs hatcher ibimir ipad izmir ichinose iliamna jeremy jicha jakob jamaica kuiper k2omn katmai kichatna kakht kangxiwar lfes leroy lenox lodging leticee linguicorn longevity menzie mocha moutonnee mistook nvt nachlas nageezi nozu nsls nubian pomona pussycat pomeroy rmse rolling rightand rinsed roche ropey roko rabbitket ramezani sorptivity sismologique sobolev sideromelane tnt tinaquillo tsoyow tactile tubes uzumdere urdaneta vedder viljoen vacuum vessel vibroseis video village wisconsin wuntho willsboro xinjiang xiaomi x15b yk10 yilgarn zirakpar δεhf μpred ##roneity ##cipitation ##uineous ##dotally thorkelson theriak ##eruptive inadequate inactivity inappropriate ingersoll tourmaline touching stiegler withdrawn dewey reprecipitation reynolds mackay madagascar forecasts foreground ##osilic alliance alcohol consecutive conicyt sunblood coachella coordinated coercivity anecdotally exacerbated beijing protection shasta shuswap sharma shikoku shatterbox saucer saylor sabbatical atypical collapses subenvironments chatham chunks chiquito depauperate unreasonable unblocking unambiguously unburned unoxidized unwarranted unavailable plesovice interlaboratory ##oporphyritic geostatistical geographical geomapapp diapir diktytaxitic volunte relaxation meizoseismal disregard indeterminacy valdez canberra aberrant ##achylyte trishear teyssier consanguineous adapted advection acrylic siwalik undiscovered undetectable transparent observatoire underpasses cristobalite phlogopite settlement completeness miyashiro outstanding outflux february hexagonal amherst impractical metcalf topotoolbox prerequisite poisson declared 1249885 nokleberg mohorovicic moenkopi polygenetic policymakers uncaptured smoother precautions monolithologic 30358 waterfront spatiotemporal mcglashan glomeroporphyritic penistaja pubellier puzzling cp13a thermomechanical lokkaite elsinore argentina nontrivial anticlinorium misleading medwedeff clinozoisite helikite kilbourne tawachiche encapsulated syracuse bouchez devolatilization guidelines wavenumber waelbroeck 90zr216o doubrovine azafran montmorillonite camsizerxt wolfcampian lamellae polyethylene philpotts mcconnell mccaughey ferruginous cloudcompare gonzales albuquerque hooggenoeg revueltian quadrupole bolkardagı weltevreden macdonald resurfacing jeppsson tungsten flagstaff okuzawa vanuatu janiszewski thalassinoides wrinkled ay9160314a forebulge brookhaven mv1206 derebucak hospitality ibimirim kakhtang linguicornis rabbitkettle tsoyowata zirakparvar 018 048 040 1to 1how 2s 2the 2supplemental 3m 3h 3l 3to 4e 4o 4j 419 4lith 5i 5g 5h 5k 5j 5to 6g 6h 6li 615 620 613 621 7n 7h 7k 7we 715 716 713 710 740 8e 8m 8r 8h 8l 8p 8w 8j 8th 870 816 810 837 950 9be 920 916 913 912 934 925 926 aa ah a0 aer aar aul aet arom ather ains aand amm aec aetna aime aiding aesch akers bn bc b3 bx bid bot bif bab bism bates bak bach bross brain bun bites bight bue bry boss bacter brow buff bire brian bolites bang berc batter baca bacon bakers bilob bidirectional baked billi blown ci c1 cem cud cros coch cred cun cmb cram cather cosc cdf cerian cele cropping c90 cocon cesta caco cartes cusp cyanob dg dh dd dp ding dru daly dosed dgn dull drown dilles doses dls dann dropping dobs dusts ee ei eg ek e7 eat eel eol eul eos eigh eand eber eric eto eject eik e11 ejected eyes ebel fy fat fow fate fri fog fart fich fost fick fond father fuch food flet flam fix fried fox fras gi gt g3 gj goc gur gly gid gos gate gast gies gab gore gron gian grit goth gia goss gyro gaz gains gila g15 g14 gatan gwt gatag gathers gusts hh hd h3 hes hou hoc hfor hop hear hide hue hartz hbr hond hull hott herg hired hidal halog hub hinder heden hmel hkl haley ix ire ian ist ios iran ione iand ions iys ivan itap ickert ics ieda jb jl jk jes jnd jow jil jell jord jang jew jgr jason kw kes kit kor kis kul kur kly kid kav kock kum kost kers kend kand kath kde kram kiss kik komin kds krus krist killing lb ln lh lv ll l2 ling lis lig lta live liver lia lord lun lland love lond lull lamb llo lyc loses lots losing lush loma mu m4 mp mj mβ mα mou mch mong mock mort mick mole mte mft mert mash mfs mitt mosa mno mitch mouse mpg mckenzie nh n6 np nin nol nich nass npre nue nnet nmb nie nob nond niss nto nug nik n18 nice nina nino n15 n16 nuna n10 n48 n25 n17 n90 n120 n43 ola oand ogs osp ozal odp pw pj pes pra pru pest pod pir pene pag pant plow pich pud pern pend pay pep prit page pia pip pry pause pust pise pde pages puch paz pander psm putting pcg p03 p68 pendant pipe piper pinto pillar qm qv qw qmm qbt ri rr rif rite rag rab race rome rito rour rover rods rho ryuk rosen rules ritz rye raka rasm sj sen sro sas sid sla sene song sine sich sern sass sift sve sna sval ssz sym sgs sno sighting s8a siders siang snee t8 tl tp tit tst ting trom tast tam tum tand tian tick tones tah tuch tiller tym tdh tats tighter tetra tachylyte uo uc uv uph umb u23 uae uink v1 v3 v0 von ven vre voc vul vid vom vog vad vial vern vale vamp vander vague wm wu w2 ww went wot wite wong wop wern wand wish wors wert wgs wringing wij winder wapi wacke wonder wartes wuqia xb xu xl x0 xp xab xie xlo xinn x26 xanes yl yes yent yos yac yard yund your yang y2o3 yuan yager z0 zʹ zer zan zel zur zig ziv zab zonal z12 zimb α1 αab βh γ0 θi θre μ0 ρc ρw σand σfe ψp ##aing ##ament ##aak ##aean ##aara ##yu ##yer ##yre ##yse ##yie ##yhe ##yrite ##yushe ##bit ##bard ##bian ##bell ##bric ##base ##bout ##bors ##bench ##bull ##baz ##bbed ##bbe ##b16 ##bitt ##bola ##bending ##blown ##ea ##ef ##eing ##eas ##eis ##egh ##eia ##eys ##eks ##eier ##ebles ##eview ##e12 ##ebted ##effic ##eformational ##efined ##echuk ##o4 ##o7 ##oel ##ois ##opp ##oates ##oides ##oys ##oints ##oquartzose ##mu ##md ##mis ##mow ##mere ##mant ##mand ##may ##math ##mach ##move ##mons ##micular ##moup ##meters ##mounted ##maran ##mylonitic ##miel ##merman ##mixing ##i4 ##iab ##ike ##ius ##iage ##ixt ##ipping ##ikes ##iably ##iaries ##iographic ##iwan ##nb ##nn ##nis ##nut ##nite ##nop ##nian ##nell ##nov ##night ##nne ##note ##nof ##nonian ##name ##nasite ##niny ##nomer ##normal ##gı ##gar ##gur ##gene ##gant ##gill ##gess ##gay ##gell ##gie ##gona ##ggs ##gbs ##gmatic ##ggun ##gistration ##gasites ##gaing ##rr ##rv ##rin ##ren ##rig ##rif ##rong ##rins ##rary ##river ##ride ##rater ##rative ##rically ##rigan ##riving ##rinsic ##sd ##sø ##sat ##sil ##sest ##sli ##sock ##sations ##smal ##sediment ##say ##sons ##samp ##suk ##sior ##sives ##solid ##cion ##cic ##cle ##cation ##cock ##cke ##cam ##cum ##cles ##cell ##cia ##come ##cient ##cott ##cai ##cased ##currence ##corn ##hb ##hq ##hon ##hel ##hou ##hot ##hem ##hart ##hus ##hill ##haz ##hner ##hips ##hika ##humed ##house ##honitic ##hlst ##hatag ##hardt ##hune ##hhorizontal ##hotsk ##fa ##fd ##f5 ##fre ##fil ##fri ##fad ##feld ##fring ##fied ##fills ##fram ##fker ##flt ##fellow ##fety ##fusion ##fold ##fford ##fua ##folding ##fael ##fiel ##fusible ##favor ##tu ##tar ##tel ##tul ##tim ##tite ##tron ##tia ##tari ##tonic ##tible ##tors ##tuse ##tying ##tops ##tosaur ##tograptus ##tany ##uro ##uing ##uation ##uated ##upp ##ugh ##uwe ##ups ##uire ##uitive ##ubs ##uator ##uoka ##db ##din ##dal ##dig ##dely ##dill ##drow ##drich ##determined ##vo ##vent ##vis ##vol ##vil ##vus ##vall ##vov ##vable ##vens ##vors ##vages ##vestig ##vector ##vai ##vince ##vink ##130 ##53 ##554 ##528 ##447 ##439 ##4oh ##9n ##92 ##97 ##986 ##924 ##922 ##87 ##848 ##62 ##67 ##611 ##613 ##676 ##603 ##lit ##lut ##lod ##lations ##lass ##lating ##lwall ##lora ##llis ##lelland ##l170 ##llst ##31 ##336 ##3tl ##339 ##016 ##019 ##py ##pv ##pid ##pies ##pers ##pron ##prit ##pile ##pah ##puted ##plet ##pired ##pyc ##pinter ##petal ##ponder ##pcion ##xial ##xposed ##zi ##zen ##zion ##zan ##zla ##zant ##ziz ##zak ##zada ##zman ##zero ##zometry ##zuma ##zhou ##ztia ##29 ##215 ##270 ##225 ##295 ##2si ##kis ##kim ##kos ##kie ##kner ##kind ##khue ##kavak ##korgan ##karst ##ktar ##qnon ##74 ##77 ##7ʹ ##711 ##7265 ##wol ##wig ##wid ##weld ##wits ##wau ##wire ##ʹs ##jar ##jic ##jan ##jel ##jud ##juring ##jia ##jaw ##ıal tho thing throm thver thak thord thund thomp things thaw thacker thinto thriving theme themed theories ##oni ##onom ##onag ##ondu ##onism ##onts ##onso ##onally ##onites ##onically ##onough ##onkin ##onomic ##eror ##erth ##erul ##erse ##erver ##erad ##erted ##erates ##eria ##erites ##eried ##erland ##ertained ##erche ##erias ##eracy ##errations ##erdt ##erien ##erodus ##erisk ##erpting ##atine ##atism ##atell ##aturing ##atable ##atile ##attle ##atibly ##atomagmatic ##atonalite ##atolls ##iness ##inates ##inay ##inution ##inating ##inative ##inott ##inberg ##inowitz ##inforced ##infeld ##eson ##esel ##esite ##estered ##espan ##escop ##enas ##enues ##enable ##envi ##enger ##enne ##enetic ##enolites ##enzu ##enco ##enaceous ##enogranite ##encers ##enhall ##enavia ##als ##ald ##alen ##alative ##alun ##alina ##alty ##althy ##allum ##alatine ##edt ##eded ##edot ##edom ##edee ##ndated ##ndell ##iton ##iter ##itar ##itou ##itru ##itut ##iters ##ituted ##iterate ##itiated ##itously ##itlin ##itivities ##ittee ##orse ##orect ##oram ##orates ##orhe ##orne ##oraneous ##orless ##orini ##orrelated ##oruco ##ionale ##ars ##arl ##arx ##aric ##aret ##arant ##arka ##arck ##arbon ##arker ##araz ##arked ##arson ##arita ##arenite ##arrie ##arini ##arwar ##arstic ##arrick ##ar1h ##icing ##icle ##icet ##icut ##icity ##icab ##icke ##icts ##iclud ##icto ##icama ##iclin ##icuru andres andam andrew android inability inex informs inext inwards ingle inorgan inasm ineffic inmixing innov injuring ##rex ##rely ##reous ##retion ##retch ##retta ##reatomagmatic ##ano ##anka ##ango ##station ##stem ##stant ##sters ##stage ##stically ##stratig ##stats ##strong ##rov ##roan ##ropped ##rocal ##roached ##rocar ##rocha ##roalun ##ingh ##ingent ##ingwe ##ingford ##entif ##entimes ##else ##elta ##elted ##eland ##elles ##elites ##eloff ##elman ##eley ##elella ##asu ##asic ##asian ##asitic ##asalt ##lets ##leached ##leztia toe tomb tofua tollst toerien ##ctil ##ctite ##oula ##oudh ##ouched ##isos ##isad ##isir ##issions ##isik ##isols ##isdic ##isni ##isputed ##isorse ##thol ##thick ##thons ##thane ##thyl ##thington ##thorn ##thorne ##oli ##olt ##olos ##olate ##olke ##oluted ##olamb ##oliated ##oluble ##olocated ##olyanob ##ocity ##oclastic ##ocub ##occo ##ocaps ##occurrence ##ocarbon ##ocolate ##uly ##ulas ##ulite ##ulary ##ulator ##ulitna ##ulella ##ulpting ##ithified ##ithang ##rap ##race ##ravel ##ramb ##racy ##rago ##urge ##ursion ##uries ##urring ##urance ##urcation ##etri ##etone ##etyp ##etain ##etooth ##etries ##etched ##etingh ##iga ##ige ##iger ##iging ##igad ##igli ##igrain ##igail ##iggs ##lyon ##lysis stru stir stag stich stace stoch stating stones stain stuff stamp stories strug stems stark stub strove staw stitch ##mpla ##mpath ##mpster ##cea ##cex ##cepts ##ceivable ##owski withjack ##ims ##imatic ##imetry ##imhall ##imhole ##imidating dech decc defer deact deville deino dealing deemp dempster reid reag reint reject reelf reformed reflo rebur rejection reaff reiterate reoccurrence ##ivet ##ivak ##ivide ##ivile ##ivided ##ivwits mab max mage maure maus mapper mauff mauch mauna mahood makers mandated maars isn isom isoch isack ispar isob isolith isodynamic isaak ishika forego ##idy ##idan ##idation ##idates ##idences ##idisk ##osi ##osillo ##osalt aln alla alber alder albor aluminous almand alike aldrich al2si coning conical confer conrad coniform convening conifer conicet ##ilta ##ilvi ##ilte ##ilience ##iliated ##iliary ##ilij ##ilosuchus ##iliters ##ilithified ##ulte ##ultip fa7 fayon favors ##geot ##gements suits suffer sundell surely ##teris ##teroz ##terior ##terman ##terfield ##tercamp coat coqu coater copied coira copies ##romass ##romome ##rometers aso as3 asqu asile asher ##ureor ##lage ##lains ##laxed ##oto ##otes ##otal ##otic ##otect ##otins ##otonic ##otically ##otime ##otions ##otypes ##otonalite ##otachylyte ##chas ##cham ##chored ##christ ##ch05 ##chfiel anac ancy annia anillo anorogenic analc anvil anchored ##ruce ##ruption ##rubs ##ruple faultkin ##utter ##utics ##utarx exag exec exiting exerted exetain exterior exotic ##mente ##sex ##seth ##seism ##seminated ##seismically ##seeing onand onward onboard onlaps onasch ##istat ##istan ##istent ##istem ##istant ##istically ##istics ##istrations ##isteo ##itectic seth seand seep seyl seym seix seisc seattle ##estian ##estites ##estler ##estiform ##ody ##odies ##odope ##odified ##odetic ##oduse byers bysmal ##omus ##omay ##omian ##omically ##omform ##ombed ##ombs ##omarker ##omultip ##riat ##riad ##riking ##ripped ##riott ##ripetal ##rielse beo bead beard bevel bebout bemis bezada beige prow profic proust prolate proof proactive whence whalen ##ppa ##pphire ##ogic ##ogies ##ogane ##ogrp ##ogabbro ##erees ##ereau ##erexposed shiz shak shep shish shons shire shrops shade shattered shannon shrin shonkin shivwits shrubs sake saill saeng sayan savage safety savov sapphire ##avill ##luvial attains atlan atolls ##thers ##therlands norte nordh sound soufri soukis ##aded ##adnock ##adensis ##liq ##liable ##resistant comply computes composes complut ##ird ##irit ##irated ##irons ##ircl ##irming ##phem ##phone ##pheus ##taine ##tages ##taish ##agar ##aghy ##agenesis ##ranite ##ranting ##ranitoid ##ongy ##ongations ##ongian ##ongue ##emu ##emer ##emile ##emont ##ematically ##emann ##emeier ##emnite ##emorates ##antz ##antite ##ationships weaver weathers weinberg ##lowa colville colman colocated colpron collage ##quots ##quardt ##quarrie gram grays grape sublay subcent subcont subark subsection subfield subpro subhhorizontal ##asters org orchard orbit orpheus chord champ chuk chew chey chapp cherts chmiel chicama choudh chisik chocolate chulitna chestler neat neil neill neand neopro nebul neuqu netherlands ##forting ##foreland depress depozone unr unity uness unia unob unger unma uninter unnot unrot unix unimp unpol unaware unmin unlith uninterpre unifying unbent untw unorient unbi unjust unbending unweld unravel ##ects ##abwe ##abling ##ab14 ##abyt ##abasic ##abulary ##inek ##acock ##acogen ##acoid ##acuation ##aculite ##encement ##amus ##amination ##amously ##amoto plla plqu plsp plants pltt plmn plmd plrv plentif interand interills interwork interlam interrupt interview interrel interlock interchange intermont interser intersamp intercepts interruption interseismically module modifies modulation modulating ##opalatine ##opteris ##ccio reserv reside resolves reserves resorbed resusp resilience geobar gebbe geolocated ##article incan incred incap incont incises incursion ##umi ##umay ##umann ##umasu dieter diabl diabase dihedral diables diabasic ##izov ##izably ##iznop ##ichan ##ichnus ##ichophycus ##ountain intent intend intric intimidating rockall rockfall rocklabs rockef voltages contorted contouring contingent sps spent spoc spits spider spare spray spex spores spitz sputtered spoel spruce sputter spirit spongy ##canoe ##udal ##udad ##udstone ##conada ##concent ##contemp ##consolid ##due ##duction ##duous ##ductor ##duvai alongand ##ostrat wasn wassuk ##using ##usis ##usche ##usita ##usoidal arlo ararc arms arcto arthrop arenic ardill arenaceous arcex arduous ##ystan ##ismology reliance relicts relamination northto meints meander meets meyer meeks mehner mejia maguire magdal ##erscript ##ts1 volcanoclastic marly march maria marwan maroon marmot marques maravill marquardt ##reef regia regretta ##erness ##essment ##essors disgu disconformable disgbs disfavor dislod disseminated disasters ##ender ##endar ##endous evacuation ##imentary ##anda ##andra ##andstones ##andscape detterman betic betray bettles betty betonnie stricto indones indio indebted expel export exported expired users usda ##ardson scene score scint sciss screw scori scoria scoates sculpting scramb scutarx ##akuru ##akoram ##ologists locating locsat extrus extrinsic ##alling ##allos ##allogen ##alloys colleaguesne colleaguesquots ##ructures southor southwesterly terhune valence valves validate valenta valenzu ear15 sedimentologic sedimentologists obert obeys obtuse oblit ##ays ##ayama ##aybe surge surpass surpassed surmounted ##ffit caption cauc caffer caught cahill caitlin upwell upside upwarp upwar upthrown ##ronorite magmagenesis recip recounted recomb recounting receding reclass recurring ##ibi ##ibab ##ibles ##ibrated ##ibonite ##rosol kmz kmab14 ##athen ##pton ##ptosuch ##eralic ##eralized parting partenavia cane cancel cannon canadensis ##alytical abound abnormal ablations aberrations abigail flown flowmeters ##00s ##005 ##008 ##007 ##00ce ##0047 ##0002 ##acher ##achable ##pshot triton triclin truly trichophycus trystan corestone corpor coroph corestones corrupted corrigan corvall overand overland oversh overload overrid overpass overfilled overfill overnight overthick overseeing teal teach tethered teague tepv ##itspre calner caliper caltech calixt calendar eastto eastham foliage quote queried structured ##eplus ##ritical assure assay asserts asserad assurance timely consuming conscient consigli ##vell ##veluch ##velocity leon lees leight leven lebas lehman lechas leogane leptosuch rangefinder showcased ##eller ##ellers ##ellini ##ellomus ##raphical ##raphies aden adher adey adola adhesive adiab adggs distorts distended acre acetone accent accred paleok paleotectonic prey preto preponder prejud mines mining minable minster minette mini4 minidisk system1 sio sioseis sileztia striation cl2 clift clint clicks cluttered ensemb enjo enforced enabling ##soon ##ppert appressed ##rainment twining tweto ##ochi ##ochtee ##ochthons replete replot reposited ##arium undulation undisputed undivided underexposed fluence fluvi ##atica interprets riverine riverbed ito suggestion format formic formative formulation formulations formulas centrif centuries centripetal basally obsidian obspy observer act17 activating actlabs actuator ##auk ##aunal ##auea domical ##igning button liked liken ##ensen ##ensated ##ensland observational observator observables mayor maybe mayeda twoand twofold indications indicting indictors ##ypoints creeps ##oza simons simms simulates simmons simulator perron pertains perry perimeters perchloric perrins peritectic ##acted belize belingwe belemnite moreand sanded sandand sandflat sandpile sourcing arcata arculus arclog underflow underapp underfilled underrepres underrepresent underdetermined underconsolid mantling crvi crider crash ##unas ##unian ##unggun ##unuwe ##uneplus ##mez elegant differencing ##parral ##paround phone phones phara phreatomagmatic phacoid larsen margarita thereafter ##ilemu timefram fieldmove lithographic litharenite lithocaps prove provo provinc provisos dispel disputed displac displacing sank sangaing ##mmond ##mmons estate nears nearer neared sampleable deposystems ##berger ##bercul ##ricted ##ricably extensionally fraught ##akeha 20mm 2030 2023 2024 2038 2093 203tl ##ipment miha mi100 mirago ##kamp outlast outset outlying outbur outlines outrc peer peel peace peck peebles peedee peacock throughput tempelman tempestites ##apum ##apubs ##apelites ##apakeha ##ropical ##ropean ##ropores feon feet featuring genus generic heim heart hemph healey healthy erodes calcic calcisols bedform ##uez ##viation ##viated tray trail trauth trailing tractional tracer trabaz thickest 10i 10f 1010 1048 1026 1086 1082 1024 10e12 10ch05 occident sectional signifies amy amber amato amarg amenable amanda laval lavier impediment imposition impression impressive imperial imposes implicitly implicated metah metatun metois metatonalite metallogen metapelites topology topics trendlines vera verge verges versions verifies veracity verifying verbat vermicular westand westwater ##ryn typify typifies ##ociate strikeand allen alloy allochthons charge charges charging centrally centralized ##ossopteris ##netite complexing ##ishly associates associating propellers crew cream crete creager presentation ##owned ##owners ##acteria chang changer chancell offs springfield meltand pronged privile paros parry parking parked pargasites parsons parvus parasitic parunuwe ##ancements ##ydime bonus bonval domination dominating alasino intrusives ##veyed bonini ##orkers ignores ##iec ##iezometry ##ressors ##ahic ##ahay ##ahumar ##ahochi velocimetry theirs sillus siltand ##veloped bln blick blobs blisni blender flash flora flutes fluting ##obium ##obucc ##kesworth newer newport mineraland mineralogies ##ometery supposed latite lately latitud latour something mountainside steer steel stepped stevens steiger sintered sinusoidal poinc poik uplift7 404 407 40ca 4017 4069 comparably slid slot slurry sloan slimhole grange scars desorbed continentand continentward exhalative discounting discarded disciplines interpretive afm afield afford afonso longshore longitudes longmen longinott midand midlines ##cessed ids iddings iditar ##itudinal reflex grainstone rust ruth ruape ruppert greene greeley playg playing plafker ##ynite derkey defant deficit defects sequestered 15c 15j 15to 1519 1526 15rc largevol carne caraz carlin carpath carmen carpinter ##undal fluidize fluidization 19a 19b 19f 191 1950 1926 1932 1937 1946 1900s ##gert ##gerated remixed remarks remixing remelted limonite memory membran blockage hydrometer hydride ##brated ##bright ##brero micritic micrometer micromass lineated decant decline decouver decoding decagon decelles smalli facet faceted facwith smallto hora ##uffling separable colorific representations 12g 12f 1230 1214 1234 1226 1247 1227 12talk 1284 1283 1265 ##heated ##ficial emptying emperor postulation postkinematic postextensional postpro posteruptive postmylonitic popcorn ##ermuted subside subsides subsamp subsumed subsimp subscript subscripts deepness patience patriat agu agglom ag50 slab1 slabbed slabless ##ualai populous leveled mmhb eden edited edmap edwin determinative possess bret brett breckin breitspre ##intyre ##intuitive profit profiling profiled professors profundal drisc brocher brothers erupts offset5 maner manley manasi managing manitou incision6 incisional kinked kinks identity ##ysal ##ysse commerc comminution committee commemorates commencement ##clic apical apenn crystalized doe doctor ##ampaign poto potsd potosi mountainous so3 elevate elevator 394 398 396 39k 3996 downcut downgra downthrust downhole downriver downfolding crossand crossbed ##aille verticaland hydrochloric hydrolysis hydrophone steepen steepens steepening swand swell swto swsh swash switz swenberg swauk curious plateaux ##rientos contractor contracts afterslip aftermath orientated walking walcott wallowa ##blance severed severities ##dew ##deen ##decon strikingly antler antenn founder foundational ##ecke ##ecmin ##ecyt ##dingstone topographical 40ar38 shallows shallowing mainland mainstem farley farrel lessons mgl170 schell schlum schopp schulte generously finder finished meaned synand synne syncaldera synops synemplacement synformal syneruptive synsediment ##nelle angled angster northwestand landowners beneficial measureable moyie mompla moody moffit axios vsmow hereby hereafter ##irel middleto lai laan laps lapping lajo lazu pollen polydime 11h 114 1111 1115 1170 1130 1116 1113 1148 1140 1186 1117 1182 1190 1168 13f 133 1318 1330 1334 1348 1326 1327 1339 1380 1343 channelized channelization sizeable platformal uncovered uncomform ##neth proglacial shortest shortgr highertemp garnw garwood garza garcia garzant multimodal multife multigrain thinness respectfully equating equator equilibration equipment continuations 14d 1470 1410 1412 1496 1486 1490 1468 14jr epik epistem smc sm2 smatter smilosuchus meshes waveor ranked ##oots ##tek contrasted predating delle delano olsen olduvai ##cycles ##cyclic docx contamin contaminated feldsparand 258 25w 2550 2520 infra infilled infilling inflating infamously metamorphically carbonatite carbonatites knox knobs knesel ##ilton petersen petdb alluviated mona month monomorph monomin monomic monuments monien monitors monotonic monadnock monsoon outcomes backflow backwards backslip backsli backfills backreef arches arching archived archives archaean archetyp denoma dennis bucal burov invalu invasion invariance invaded 17d 1770 1742 1785 1793 ##rolitic ##issively ##issolved andesine ##mentalization andreasen classed ##uchi traceand furnes furongian hillsides jurena jurisdic worked workbo ##illeri 304 3026 30si 3087 30215 chemo chemostratig tippe describable fanning lining linder linker linda linziz ##conda secondarily geohaz garnetites ##value ##valier methow methane methyl methylene frontally 1005 1007 watery waterman clemente motif motivated testable testament fractionations maximized maximizes trial tried triad triplet ##azar cmto mcfad mcquarrie useable orogenically ##oclla ##oclases distinctively distinctness ##olvable ##ambed ##ambuco 505 509 503 50th 5034 5023 50439 endogenous endorhe pliable redone redding redman redefined redissolved initialize cutoff cutler control4 controller contacting ##shy fillings ##ogenics minima minimization minimizes succinct timings morrow morning moroni morocco diploc maximums essex demarks demarked demirel transposition transpose broadest densification ##yllium ##ylcic ##hof ##hoods edgecum glide glossopteris footnot footnote kaily kaena kappa kaibab penn penoke penalty muscoviteand bays prieta puyse serrated serik sergeot converting conversations amphi srx srtm heading headsp headwalls anglecam britain brittany erg errant ermoup totaled ##incing installing 18n 186 187 1830 1820 1819 1840 1835 1882 1876 1824 1885 18bal hypo7 pointe eruptional positional sidewall sidewalls anyone anything influencers statement statements statemap multiply multiplication grounded priori priorities prioritized ##kser resolutions plagioclases cp26 cp23 holm holt holder holness holistic holdings erratically weaken weakens weakto thermochem thermodynamic thermotect clearest burley burton burgess burdig burchfiel ##omp3 conflation confinement confusing keel keith keck keystone keiter keays keypoints ##ioritic collide gulbran ##nerable ##ninge ##ningham matson matilij stepdown ##ognomic drillers imnah loa loew loops lovell ##sequential depleting cordier duluth bathed summits orthorect obliqueand 23na 2335 bien biomarker biostrat intraformational intraforeland characteristically minorand entang entries entombed entrainment bluish bluetooth elf ellet elwood elston oxyg oxford ##ottom excited excerpting permute permissively oligoclase publishing jump recognizably closes accretional nonto nonparallel nonco nonlin nonacc nonoceanic nontron nonpers nonzero nonseism nonresistant opus opdy opatica 1981 1987 anticorrelated hanan hanson hangen hannah hancock suprad supersed superscript concentrates concentrating concentrically metamorphiclastic hadim microbe microcontinental microkarst microatolls microstratig falloon gaik radically radiated ##gling attic attom attracted attitudinal graves mis8 missions misuse misapp miskow misidentified misinterpretation misnomer ##lapa kahilta revert reverted coastlines 161 164 162 16mm 1650 1620 1643 16248 ##ugation mixer mixes join litter literacy ##ofabric linearized linearizing experimentation reston rested doesn demonstration demonstrable ##inental invertebr invertebrate fourth fournelle catchings promise promont visit visiting reliefs emitted emissions emotions picritic ##ganized degrad deglacial paramagnetic barak barents barring barnes barthol baragar barrientos bodzion utc utk ##letier ##rador planate planform standardization standardizing shark special specifies speculation specmap speculations washes ##ractory predicated avenues avigad laney ##hf16o ##omagnetite micropore microperth blair blake blade tanzan willam wilbanks willapa gradistat southwestand southwestto 21b 21c 217 2100 2130 rhonda rhodope rhombs ##roduced directivity damming grb grass griggs columbian ##onautics domainal thermochronometer thermochronometery paste lumped lubric luccio versaille wheel poorer 266 267 2670 2682 2661 nairn graveland envisions environs forelands insik insertion inspired insoluble intermediately intermediaries 3600 3619 3696 viewing blackjack kimana kimberl sio2mn widen horizontaland deflects 274 277 27al 2718 2709 northwesternmost brecciating br2 brent brine brf5 brimhall media nacional retard retarded selkir selvages sulu startup unconformable geomorphically datings submission astm astiz asterisk 60d 609 603 6046 60447 salta salinities salmon salazar shoulders leaders leadville apparatus coahuilte slows ##henian photons photomultip polarities polarization polarizing mendenhall mendoza ##yman ##ymile ##ymchuk ##509 alternation alternatives scalar 7030 7038 bulge bulgar pathfinder ##alupe helz helland plutoniclastic approached 22i 221 229 2250 22948 skill sketched skemer interns evaluations induction metasandstones kilauea madeira ##ycalc ##iquefaction negra negri negating methodological eclogitized couples immerse strelow streaking streambed rounds rarefied windy winds windblown dissolving dissociate southwesternmost rotationally himalayas qtfl isochrons isochronal solub yakymchuk tracking schistose ##prising ##prises conclusive logical logically loggers logistics banding bandpass bandpassed bandwid posited crestline crestlines 319 31p 312 3100 45sc 4576 45225 457ʹ 45rap dayton eu3 eu2 euphem european taos tapped taureau taiwan ashy ashton ashtech understandings haast hajar ##pecified greenland 351 354 359 358 3500 3564 brant gabbronorite streamflow encases encroached encircl aggraded aggrading aggressors equivalence equivalently nowaday tsf receives depended dependence magnetics surveyors 0013 0012 0035 0082 0023 0027 0039 00948 00509 syenite symple syenogranite sympath εhfy coincidences leucotonalite leucogabbro diffused southwards vrb ##185 ##184 ##1809 paleoelev paleoelevation paleohorizontal draft dragert embree embrace examines projectno 244 248 246 243 2470 2440 2442 24lb 2469 24b16 goeth agreeing agreements principle tensor subdisc mcdonough duhn dubi ductil ducea justified justify justifying ##panic ##pangi reacts reacted sciencebase 281 285 284 288 286 282 2826 2832 2824 28916 373 37185 millar milliliters stracke ##pectral 012 01red 0115 0104 01184 roughs seeks sainte ##ightson acquedot 1995 1990s 339 3300 3335 805 8073 benthem rheologies rheomorphic sensu sensed sensible sensory sensitivities analogy analogies analogously superstruct superchondritic superheated supercycles sulfidation sulfosalt laserfusion labs labile labrador protect prototypes sheer sheath sheveluch sb1 sb2 sbj ##structed seismotectonic seismogenesis introduces introducing ridley ##inae ##inawa 150b 1501 lesher owen owyhe pyrites pychron pyritic python pyrometer pyrope substrate substrates substituted stratas fluxing signaled tectonite tectonostratigraphic tectonomorphic tectonomagmatic blueschistto alexandra affiliated bouysse homes klute narrative ##anga ##angzhou devil device devising ##ependent sixth transforms transformations constructing 516 517 5114 5131 guilla guards guarant guangzhou moveout s1b s1c s1f s12 tio2n magneto magnetism magnetized magnetically magnetometers magnetozone independence narrowed treating trevis trellis virb ##gett ##kink ##oscale eruptible amplifies amplifying amplifier borne sloped dilutes diversion diverts diverting diversions divergent lasts ##ogranites plainly substantiate substantiated fundy funds halite halogen wax waiting wafers strengthen delaminate delaminating olivines room rooy robert rojas sunk sunflow compilations concludes concluding glasses radiocarbon reasoned clayton constantly mudstoneand reversely 0002 00018 00025 00037 00009 00036 00027 00072 00092 000019 000005 iris irving irvine riverside ##ontinental shiny upwellings 381 389 383 387 3800 9045 cb1 deviated shaping sawn megats megaw megaves megasequence scenes scenery accords softening argillites persistently doubling doubled nattari natroalun natrosol palae palagon palisad paludal powell ##poranga accessed accessing energie downloading planarity grenada 494 499 498 490 4900 4940 4938 49ti keyed ##haegh thirlwall inputted favoring procedural moderated eastwards 4800 4899 48ti cosine cosines cosgrove sonar sonically sonoma ##hasizing restricts restricting sharpened chloriteand borderlands harbour pulliam titanomagnetite ##ewar refute refines refining refolded referees reftek refractory asymmetries depositing responsive thoughtful 325 324 327 3200 3244 authigen glaze mulder muldrow saturation satkos satterfield tomographically incompatibly sparker sparked sparsest proportionally orthogonally 065 064 068 066 062 06sov 0668 298 292 2912 catalina file1 panther pananalytical pannonian panalytical rae rapp raikes rafael tribromome ##pool reorients reorganized grayed grayish acidity acidand acidified 754 756 7500ce datable datatable goodman goodfellow paas paid paute paek ##etofore qualify reportname ##iformto fuller lightto purge purity purify purged purdue chipping chiwau geoscope geoscien calibrating calibrate parameterized freeman freedom vesuvian toolbar toolbox animations graduating percentile smectites specifications boaters boily boiled bothered cabins caballos naming namson ##157 ##lessly realization realignment realistically chronologies chronostratigraphy electromag electrically flooded productive virginia azimuthally smectiteand 025 024 026 02king 0214 0217 0276 0202 0298 0284 524 527 5280 braathen bradeen brownto felice hinged pores porosities pyroxeneand serving venting ventura venturi dislocating heats materials1 factorization hotspots 035 034 036 033 030 0309 0317 0347 dalton ecord ecological ecds merging merger meridian tarahumar ##basic ##olcanics paleoflora 443 44ca 55c 556 553 5500 cruises crudely digging fulbright ##plot ##plored ##plash ##plots ##709 lawlor coarsens coarseness thirdly 534 533 532 5350 5344 53wt balances balken baltim practiced practicing zeiss zeolitic zeumann semail semicon semilithified diameters paleodivide trachytic openplot bottomsets cosmogenics circled circulating flexes flexed ##urajan causative twinned disperse angularity smoothness solids solidified solidify gouging hayward haywire uniformity corridors 2010a arguing reorganizational electrons electronic electronics 954 cammaran camilleri beams shifting patchen ##roscopically eighty eighteen eighteenth elasticity myrow myriad misses missoula pureor rainout rainwater commentary comondu comforting corrects m27c criterions turnover turnbull wolfler wolfjaw digitally digitize digitizing 54e 54r 54786 648 646 6425 64265 6008 8000 randn robles captain capitan capillar surficially engaged 2105 subdivides 238u16o freeze freezing rooted rooting fortalez fortunately fortunian fortymile failing failures resistive greenschists juxtapose 768 763 7600 airport iterdecon coals coalbrook anorthoclase resemblance expanding discordia terminating 660 667 6600 991 9937 9993 birkel hurford laminae learn ohm ohmot ##147 ##2022 ##2073 debates alamar transgressions heightened floating floats membership oxygenated tibwith ##oresearch summation chinde applicability polyak polybar polycyclic usefulness amphiboliteand hurricanes glaucophaneand 879 878 87554 87709 aqua aquitanian aquiclud ##borate ##borough ##161 ##168 ##1610 forested forestry scientifically assistants philips mushroom chloritic easycalc hispanic synchronicity bousehead 051 054 058 057 0582 0576 05talk 05786 471 479 472 4746 47711 oiband pele pelkum pellets pelletier pilots tighten tightened xenotime ##gmr ##106 ##1082 deformable texts1 elongation tremorgen palmer downdrop downdropping downdropped 57c 575 578 5728 bruhel brushy cassel cassidy galland galster galisteo galunggun pitre pitfall pitarka scanstation teleview telescop ##axitic ##199 campground campaign campbell occupation occupations occupancy silurica siluricab columnals selectively everything 4646 gasbench humid mcclelland mccallum nserc tenuous ##12a ##1214 preparing preparatory 1258 simplification simplifications randomness randomizing achievable mouths torpid ##reciated ready readjust ascension ascertained prolifer prolongations 2011b 2011c absorbing promotion ultramylonitic acquisitions counterflow counteracted counterintuitive 695 690 autoliths autistic autogra autonom culprit dolerites ferrar ferroan hued huatun huaraz huiznop chevalier undersized 1069 1068 1066 2016a 2012b operations operative 435 438 437 43ca 891 895 890 baez baird binary kuntz nujiang s3a s3c spheres sphfd spherul ##osaurs assimilate assimilated designate schematically equals equalization participation participate 082 0840 08924 08611 08339 689 680 734 738 7396 77c eagar kushi pisa pulls pulling complication depicting depiction unimodality interested arturo artibonite evidences recycles undefined undeveloped completes 13049 restorable predictive m28c satellites pairing pairwise laccolithic 073 417 428 422 42lb counties darkened nipton niobium routes socio tyrr madder madison madrid coyotes flowerdew quarries quarters unduly undulating ##unami decouple decouples 1408 geothermometer geothermometers visualized retrograding pebbleto buoyantly repeatedly epeirogeny epeirogenically myrmekitic 71b 717 freshly freshwater gonna herrick herriott heretofore node tabor welding albitic anatase ##anteus interfaces trimmed clarified clarifies claremont monzonitic monzogranites reconciles reconciling mis5b mis5d aggregated acknowledgements refinements orthogneissic neutralize addressing extremities checking 3dr 580 582 5848 58885 840 8490 864 975 974 979 978 976 9710 ccʹ hirose hardware hardyman nagt rinconada ##backs ##45986 subsets inconspic collections detects expectable advent advant advected advective advancements outwards 1975 1976 manifesting epiclastic epicontinental ultrabasic irregularly coursework 565 5600 56fe 795 799 793 790 792 7923 7946 79603 941 94zr amalia dampen dampening fissile hooke hunter hunninge karstic karato karelia kargı karakoram pickthorn rarer rigby rigorously s4a s4e s4h s4d s40 westercamp ##gr016 ##patholithic inelastic compete compounds compounded departs departure unfilled unfolded unfeas unfoliated disagreed queensland impeding impedances decomposed dimensionless conceptualized conceptualization conceptualizing inconsistency claire fedmap golden goldstream goldste hclo4 hclleached michigan snug tube tufa tubercul ##48676 ##imbi revision conception concepcion subjects subjecting subjectively organizing incrementally prevents centimeterto permeabilities phytosaur ##ipelagic rubin rubified downwards infiltrated infiltrometers sheet1 512336 512106 guadalupe floodplains crusher squarely philippines omphaciteand pseudocub pseudotachylyte pseudopalatine 590 5934 5938 59613 780 782 franz hartsock hillhouse hilltops labels mutual marty martens nmo ##254 ##266 unstudied unstretch intercalibrated quadcop quadrants quadruple conserved conservation enterprises 1054 1057 blindly schmitt delineations misfitting syndeformational virtue dilutions boxplots torreon educated 933 937 93nb benz eustatism hemley hemming hemingford hemipelagic iberian kirsch plasticine pdfs tasmant ##oxane ##401 reinhardt reinvestig reinitiated forcings convoluted convincing ##lusk subtidal subtypes subtropical presumes accelerates accelerator accelerometer appreciably 1969 1966 1151 1152 demagnetizations nonmylonitic nonmagnetic paleogeography paleogeomorphic paleogeodetic paleogeogrp cementing superimposition superimpose superimposing explorer youthfulness 67b 671 673 67008 a1s bbʹ bp14 bp16 bp35 bp21 bp69 bolsters masking molar molina molango mollusk nullifies oc270 ramifications ramsay ramiformto welch welts welcome macroves macropores macintyre macroscopically al2o3n conodonts surprise 2017a waveandstorm 1805 180hf16o treatments treatise powdery h2sand amalgamate amalgamating 091 098 0909 09528 0948676 8150 88b aids bw1809 cube cubas cuestiform castillo castleton diversified junior juncal mlv warps warning warrants warranting ##minating ##rovertible todd sadly chalk chalks chalcop intermixed intermountain resurgence resurveyed validation validating override overturning metals postcollision postcampaign switching switchbacks monterrey 2009a elimination eliminates permitting retaining selfishly reproducible trachyandesites briefed incipiently 04king 0499 04hq 7200 922 92401 crack crags cracking crafford hodges jeol lockeia nannof nanoscale nazionale tune tunganyika tapering warped ##genkamp ##862 ##3791 algal connectivity connecticut whiter neighbors unexplored interlayer interlaying interlayers interlayering performance 1951 1953 1952 1908 1906 1907 1355 13537 progrades progradational penetrations penetrates turbiditeand porphyroblast interstitially rigidly controversy controversies paleoprofile 965 960 962 96zr bergh berry berthe beryllium flaw gentler judged nrcs okhotsk okamoto okinawa renewal tideand wanapum woody woodward ##30013 ##worthiness injections forceful condense covada compactional modality georegistration diachroneity speak corals sieger feeding feeders imparts antiforms uncompensated deltaty cleanly cleanup cp08 keeping clinoand 7060 illuminating hawley hawthorne hawkesworth convexities optima optimum optimally phyllitic phyllosilic decompressional neighborhood neighborhoods imbricated imbrications exemplifies exemplifying 824 8291 981 a2ks getter getters hampel hampson hampered janik janecke lanes pearson s5a s5g s5f s5j viii vital vitreous ##aults ##hammer ##4788 stemming unsystematic unsupp unspecified interferes arkle arkoses arkansas relocate relocations collects collective fluoride fluorides fluorosilic belongs 1090 occasions flareups discerning flattens burnt looks insufficiently kimberley happy mswds semiquantitatively dolomitic dolomudstone preventing kirkpat kirkkavak hyaloclastites georeference 2gtm 2g200 6276 6277 biggest bahoruco cg5 cypress crowell cyclonic d5300 grujic rodinian rodrig wasted wackstone thallium stopping stokes mazama mazhatag isovelocity aspiring aspirated searched interpolating vallejo tephras levee adopting adoption envelopes enveloping paragonite paragenes paragenesis paragenetic 127i 1277 manuszak firmly firmest maintaining meaningfully angelo multicylcic influxes biotic excavation nonlinearly nonlinearity crystallines crystallographically satisfies granuliteand 75096 awards bunds bundle bundled d422 dunn dunes dunite duncan etched flynn honest honored hamill hammond hamilton ls08 lsqnon ls1214 lifespan laden mclaren n30w ravines s7c α95s ##021082 thresholds deuterically sutures sutured sutcul cognitive anelasticty compasses unnormal reshape reshuffling armstrong updates updating ensuing ensimatic repositories transversely 1041 alaskitic isotropy apexes mohr mohos lookout diminishing 0052 00516 00586 00595 00539 00564 extrapolate extrapolates qfy1 geoscientific physiognomic aeolianites mitigated mitigating bharg celsi celestian daniel danyushe dangling duplicated elusive eluviation economically falor fifteenth gilmer gilchrist khz khizov kenneth nstriking orographically s6a s6b santra santonian santorini slumped slumping wetter ##422 ##igenous storms bypasses ##rangement webb collaborative collaborators chorros unpermuted interpluvial interparticle modifying extracting recalculation paleolake paleolandscape paleoliquefaction 2029 feelings metavolcanics 1564 1563 remobilize remobilizations responding respondent decapitation expertise mesostructures petrochem avoidance envisioning 270422 0075 dilatational roberto cyclades advantageous explosively pinnacles interfluves interfingered advocate advocated advocates pyroxenitic piercey 232th16o nomenclatures temora2 quartzofeldspatholithic budgell biofil cerro cultivated cultivate cultivating gbp15 jadero kohlst koolyanob keller kellerman milner milky milliq mckinney nandy nandini nandewar naked nova novillo novaculite om1 om5 om6 paso putumay pamela ricerche tallaric tintic wrp wrong wrench wrightson writing inhibit stars starlight stanwood recharged isoclinally formally formalize faulkner sublitharenites unresolvable unequally unequilibrated intertongue geosoil geosoft spearman abutted overgrown paleontology paleontologic paleontologically fluctuation fluctuating lipman 2057 205pb 205tl constituents 1080 1073 drifting descending infillings 2002a hyperbola hyperfusible hyperpyc hyperconcent ellipse elliptical elliptically microfossil microfractures microfracture microfaults 00668 00654 dragged dragovic superpositional superpositioning circumvent circumstant pinkish culminates slickenside slickensided protoarcs underestimation underestimations stairs bisecting piezometry robertson navigate navigated navigational palynology punctuate 4204 ethylene ephram ftstage fernald fellows fellowships gyroscopic gigabyt giganteus girard girdles haller hourigan louke lapilli nationwide nuclear nominally osborne piracy pikser papuan renowned veneers wabash ##2002 thorium stimulus stimulating stimulates sticking stippled prompt subcores subcritical christine christie christensen marcus marcasites evaporated evaporative survival surviving survivable recovers academy academia peoples feototal erodible bedloads impinged impinging metagabbro metagranitoid metabasalt concomitantly 1933 129i hydrofracture contradiction contradictions reexhumed 1498 1462 classrooms geoid12a mcgonag 237u 2379 intragrain microseismicity avulse insensitivity 7056 dissimilarity dissimilarities syntheses synthesize synthesizing mercier paleodepth comingled dolowackestones fragmentation prevails buttressing psb3 psb2 subtracts macrofold macrofaunal categorizing disaggregating elucidating elucidates mckinleyville overgrowing eurasian fruitful iapetus lamprophyre mirrorless olympus anastomose 418922 831 83147 bleaching blebs bleached bsrs cirques cronbach dyer fusions foiditic iodp jager jagged jamie jamming kanayama ketcham nunivak pushover rows rosner rosella s9b s9c s9d worthington ##gstate rebel reedy reassignment reassessment reassigning mappers foredelta beachrock beachface prohibits prohibiting shutter shuttle shoshonitic computation computationally compensate compensated compensates computers choking choosing chroma chromite unrealistic unreinforced unrelaxed unreliable unreachable pl5266 spalled spalling regressor abitibi coronitic corroborating overthrusted quartet adaptor adaptation adaptations adaptive enlarged enlargements actinoliteand sandbars underpinned undertake undertaking metrics placerias initiative 1558 1557265 157e noisier noiseless curricula scholarships benefitted polyline 1394 montezuma backstripped denotations footprints thermoarl summerfield anticipate anticipating emanated barajas 2687 brister submassifs photonmach helicopters daylight 00447 diffusive diffusely 2453 superficial 384b varnish photogrammetric enhancement discriminatory violent violate violated phenomenological phenomenographic budgets clinoptilolites nucleated nucleates reexamine reexamined reexamining actions bowl bowles bowling bowser bauer c29n cayce c4296 c4298 c4289 c4278 dcrit dorel dmean2 frozen frojel fringe fringes gerke gerken gorges gorgona grossular grossman hbp15 jolivet liberated library lepinay malin malmon messina mounded munster ngakuru nitrogen nitida nadin nadir piggy somali sombrero tongues umino vigorously wrap wraparound yokelson zoisite zimmerman zimithang zaman ##balite ##8023 rearrangement reappeared reappearance mahan ##osuchin ##iloblastic cohesive annotations exercised proceeding sherpa sherrod sherwin sheridan sagduction compromise figs1 figs4 figs3 figs2 website unmodified ##ac00161 ##ac00199 interdependent modulates resample resolvability incoherently aridity scotia scrubbed script overtopping teams teamwork consolidate levy acceptance accrues premo premature enclosed encloses appendicit centroids crinoidal crinoids phosphatic phosphoric lithogeochemical lithoquartzose impaired suppresses rugose gregory greggs remapped reminded decorate manipulated manipulate antonellini schwerdt 1322073 delimit delimits buckles buckland buckley bucknell invariably workshops lindberg mudrocks mudcracks priestly excelsior migmatites migmatized migmatitic migmatization individuated microanalytical speculatively envisaging inspecting inspectors retrieve dissipated dissipating 00298 00119 symbol symbology paleoisotherm protrusions protrudes brazilian 03815 sweetwater sweetkind victims brunton ultramylonites tsunamigenesis tasmania destabilized feedbacks effortlessly government governments governmental pvt2 pixels redistributions ellipsoid ethiopia metagraywacke nunataks cylinders ##rophication spontaneously overwhelm overwhelmed oversimplified oversimplification amoeboidal besim beside badger badlands buscher balloon ballenas bergantz cyrus cowgill cowichan coworkers club dumitru fiber fibrous fibrolitic gsa gsapubs gs2022 gpu ges021082 golconda hectometer housing hudnut hinders iwi ichnofabric ivss jayne journey jaws kriging kelsey kluit ludwig langseth mv1610 miles3 nalgene nilsen nonsystematic pnl pocatell pivot paveloff rtf rtk rt130 reran rauch rainsplash s8b sentiment sonicated salients tatty watts wenlock winged wingate wendy w112 yankee yungay ##riskie ##659 ##erbolt andreini stalled revelle mammals isobarically faunal answer answers answering oncoids secord security shillington sabine samuel samoan samarium saponite attaining compartmentalization chaos chaotically chaparral chapter neoarchean neocomian unzipping geoprep marlborough marshall marshfield disappears disappeared disappearance indenter expresses obduction obviates corollaries overcome overstep overrepresentation consultants legacy administrations paleoseismology preconditioned clogging replacements ##ozoans perfectly fieldtrip feasible feasibility feasibly pristine suppmat1 discoveries 1550123 microns microsoft deceleration mangeritic kinetek aprons sophistication hydroxides antigua reequilibrated benefits polluted multidisciplinary equivocally smirnoff infrequency 17t8 17t2 17t7 triangle burrows exclusion microcrack microcracks microcracking misoriented 16t4 16t36 16t38 2629 recrystallizes recrystallizing recrystalliztion personius rhythmically arrests logarithmic taxa taxkorgan taxonomic encourage encouraging encouragement 283170 283168 millimeterto 01685 01723 01753 devastated s11a s11b s11d megascale megafossils megabreccias catalogs catalogue animation1 fortuitously pinching coalc05 aqueducts issuing dolopackstones underscores necessitate necessitated necessitates unconvinced unfavorably pedagogic berkelhammer communicate asperity khantaish unequivocal skews skewing chromatograph obstacle 6k1232r16 0454535 0454524 0454554 muncho pigeonites customary customized effusively inaccessible deconvolved paradoxically archaeocyathids photomicrographs unsuccessful 61897 74712 91129 bromine bromley bastar bastnasite bartow bartops bradley ctf clyde clynne civic civil crii criii cecil cecile cambro cambray cupola cupolas clumped clumping dzstats donaghy dionex dickey dicellomus dredging dredged eutaxitic eutrophication elder elders eigenvector eigenvalue efficacy efficiency fontaine fonualai gemery gemini hatton heralded heralding huffaker hermon hermosillo itacai itaporanga kleck kleinfeld matheson mathematically n5w nesbitt nesemeier nicely nicole ogden ogilvi odd odds ojp ojito padgett pak1 pakistan ryu ryberg roger rogers rudstone rudimentary sarah sarıal sleep slemmons siberia sibumasu tonto tonarini trustworthiness tells vestige vestigial wanted zheng zhang zagros ψsslow ψsfast ##baum ##kirts oftentimes andradite andraditic inertia ##retes ##etrack decker reanalysis reanalyzed als50 connate connector seasonally colombian colombie subbodies subbottom subhedralto chitina chitwood neptune neptuneplus untested untouched unrestricted unilaterally planktic planktonic rescaled rescaling georoc georisorse inconceivable inconsequential dixon dixie register registered strictly exponents exponential terrill terrigenous cavern caverns upsurge recreate recreated recalibration recalibrated kma3791 kma4788 trilobite trilobites overpressurization overpressureor caledonian caledonia quoting quotient timbered admitted admissible acoustic acoustically paleoposition paleopiezometry sikkim sikkink sixty sixteenth cloos cloetingh enlightening enlightened twistern repellant repellency flushed flushing lithophile lithophysal outsized outskirts outpaces outpouring feiii feeblyto tractions silcrete silcretes stephen stephenson desmatosuchus desmatosuchin afforded affords 159tb16o oce11295 oce1130013 1941 microgabbro microgranite hornbrook mangroves mangapakeha swinging finnigan 1375 137ba 141pr feldspatholithic feldspathoquartzose invokes invoking 30662 pleochroic pleochroism walliserodus redirection redirecting glenlyon 185e 1851 1828023 hypersolidus hyperspectral diagrammed diagrammatic 233ʹs intrabasin intrabasinal entrance entrances gravimetric gravimetri mis7e mis7c wildland wilderness geodynamically geodynamics versailles brt7 brassfield ultrasonic ultrasonically 33589 513065 513073 s10c s10d tremors tremendous diligent diligence restrictive tomograms catalyzed catalyzing pursued pursuing electricity 5255 52032 ec1513 ec1510 crucible crucibles diamonds debouches meteorology meteorological 463e counterbalance counterbalanced ferrodiorite ferrodioritic augustine augustana 42523 quartering franklin auxiliary 0933 intermingled intermingling intriguing intriguingly covarying unsurpassed unsurprising 175lu16o happenstance tephrochronology tephrochronologic ##uqiake dangerous websterite gunsight mildly shadows 157gd16o frosted allegheny alleghenian 172yb16o 166er16o 163dy16o cyrtograptus ges02022 ges02067 journals journalists saprolite saprolites 169tm16o megascopic megascopically frederick frederika g13ac00123 g13ac00157 vessels diapirism volunteer volunteers disregarding 01889 1howard 4lithoresearch 61372 7169 710248 8109 8371 91603 9252 92682 aaʹ ahktar aeronautics aaron aulacogen aetosaurs aroma atherton ainsworth ammon aecom aeschynite bcr bx61 bidahochi bottle bifurcation babechuk bismarck baksi bachman brossy bunge buehler bryozoans bosscher bacterial browns birefring bangong batteries bakersfield bilobed billiard ciudad cudahay crossey cochiti credibility cunningham cramer cosca cerianite celebrated c9014 coconino caco3 cartesian cuspate cyanobacteria dgps dharwar ddʹ dingler drummond dgnss dullo danny ee0002 eggenkamp ekren eaton eolus euler eighth eberhart ejecta eikonal fatal fowler friable fogo fichter foster fickle fondecyt fuchs fletcher flamenco friedman frasnian giant gj1 gocad gururajan glycol giddings gosse gastrocha giesemann gabrielse grondin gianniny gothograptus gossans gazzi g15ac00199 g14ac00161 gataga hdpe hesitant houston hoping hearing hartzell hondo hottest hergt hidalgo halogens hubacher hindered hedenquist hmelo ixrf ireland istitut iysz ivanpah itapicuru jb09 jktm jesusita jndi jowett jilal jellinek jordan jangpangi jewett kwi kester kitts korhon kiska kulm kurile klyusche kidd kavachi kockelella kumuqiake kostis kersantite kendra kandik kathryn kramers kissock kikuchi kominz kruskal kristina lvl lloclla lingulella lisa ligands liverpool lunate llandovery london lulls lambart lloyd lycian lushan muhs mpx moucha mchugh mongolia mortar mickus molecular mtex mertzman mittiga mosaic mitchum nh4oh n60 ninemile nolan nicholas nassa nuevo nneto nmbgmr niehus noble nondeposition nissen nugent nikon n18w olaza ospika ozalaybe pjm pesuna pragmatic pruned pestle pirmez penecontemp pagli pantolamb plowed pichilemu puddingstone pernambuco pendants paying peperite pritchard pipes prytul pustular piseco puchtel panderoduse qmflt qvm qwg ragged rabinowitz rourke rovere ryukyu rosenbaum ritzwol rakaia rasmus sascha sidetrack sladen seney sichuan sernap sifting svec snapshot svalbard symithe snoke sightings titling tingey tromsø taste tamura tumbled tandy tahiti tucholke tillery tymochtee tatsumi tetraborate ucla uvas uphill umbrella u238 uinkaret venereau vreload vocabulary vulnerable vidi vogesite vadose valecito vampire vanderhaegh wmv www wotzla witec wopmay wernicke wishbone worsens wgs84 wijk windermere xlook xinnan x26a yentna yosemite yacobucc zerene zancle zelt zurich zabriskie z1242 zimbabwe θref ##eisky ##raterion ##siloxane ##khueanka thrombalite thvera thakur thordarson thunderbolt thompson ##envirocar ##engerd andaman inexact inextricably inglewood inorganic inasmuch inefficiency innovative tombolos tollstrup ##thylsiloxane struck stirling stagnant stichtite stacey stochastic stainless stamped struggle stubbs stawamus stitching dechelly deccan deactivation deemphasizing reagents reintroduced rejecting reelfoot reflooding reburial reaffirming magee maureen mauffret isomass isochroneity isacks isparta isobath ishikawa allaz alberta alboran almandine al2si2o5 conference ##terozic coquille asquith anaconda ancylite analcime exaggerated executive exetainer seepage seyler seymour seixas seiscomp3 bysmalith proficiency shizuoka shakun shepardson shisheisky shonshonitic shirey shropshire shrinking saillard saengkhueanka atlanta nordhill soufriere complutense grayson grapevine sublayers subcentimeter subcontract subarkosic subfields subprovince champion chukotsk chewing cheyenne chmielowski choudhuri neoproterozic nebulizer neuquen depressurization unessential uniaxial unobstructed ungerman unmapped uninterrupted unnoticed unrotated unimpeded unpolished unmineralized unlithified uninterpretable untwinned unoriented unbiased unjustified unwelded unraveling plentiful interworking interlaminated interrupting interviews interrelationships interlocking interchangeable intermontane intersertal intersample reservation resuspension geobarometry gebbeken incredibly incapable incontrovertible dieterich diablotins intricate rockefeller spoelhof ararcalc arthropods arenicolites meandering mehnert magdalena marquesas maravillas regrettably disguising dislodged indonesia scintrex scissoring scoriaceous scrambling extrusives ##alloysite valenzuela ear1545986 oberti obliterated surpassing caucasian cafferata upwarps reciprocal recombined reclassification kmab1488 abnormally triclinic corporation corophoides corvallis overshoots overridden overthickened calixto asseradero conscientious consiglio leighton levenberg leptosuchomorph adhered adiabatic accrediting paleokarst preponderance prejudice clinton ensemble enjoyed replotting fluviatile centrifugation observers act172002 likeness observatoria arclogite underflows underappreciated underrepresents underconsolidation elegantly pharaoh phacoids timeframes provincial displacive mihai miragoane outlasted outburst outrcrops hemphill trabazimbi 10ch05b occidental amargosa metahalloysite metatungstate metallogeny verbatim chancellor privileging parunuweap bonvalot sillusi blisniuk flashing latitudinally poincare poikiloblastic 40179 longinotti iddingsitization iditarod ruapehu playground 15rc14 largevolume carnegie carpathian carpinteria membrane decouverte 12657 postprocessed subsampling subsimple agglomerates breckinridge breitsprecher professorship driscoll commercial apennine doctorate potsdam 39968 downcutting downgrading downthrusts crossbedding switzerland antennas 40ar38ar1h farrell mgl1701 schlumberger schoppengerd synneusis synopsis synsedimentary momplaisir lajoie lazufre polydimethylsiloxane 11170047 13343 1348007 uncomformably shortgrass highertemperature garnwith garzanti multifeature equatorial 14jr21 epikarstic epistemological smattering contaminant 25205 knoxville monomorphichnus monomineralic monomictic monadnocks backslipping archetype bucalemu invaluable jurisdictions workbook chemostratigraphies tippecanoe linzizong geohazards mcfadden 50341 endorheic diplocraterion edgecumbe footnotes kailyn penokean puysegur sergeotecmin headspace ermoupoli hypo71 thermochemical thermotectonism burdigalian gulbransen matilija imnaha loewy cordierite orthorectified 23356 biostratiographic entanglement ellett oxygens nonparallelism noncohesive nonlinloc nonaccretion nontronite nonpersistent nonseismogenic opdyke hangenberg supradetachment superseded microbeam microstratigraphic gaikema misapplication miskowiec 1643e 1624847 invertebrates promontories degradation bartholomay bodziony microperthite tanzania willamette 21301 lubrication insikin kimberlites selkirk coahuiltecano photomultipliers bulgaria solubility bandwidth 45764 457ʹw euphemia encircling nowadays 00131 00127 00274 00397 symplectite sympathetic leucogabbroic paleoelevations 24705 24lb15 goethite subdisciplines duhnforth dubius ductilely 282615 28328 28241 acquedotto 33354 superstructure owyhee 51141 guillaume guarantee trevisan rooyen sunflower megatsunami megawatt megavesicles nattarika natroalunite palaeophycus palagonitized palisades 49384 authigenic satkoski 29121 tribromomethane paektu chiwaukum geoscienze vesuvianite electromagnetic 02143 02177 02767 03095 03474 tarahumara 53444 baltimore semiconductor cammarano capillarity fortaleza coalbrookdale 99374 birkeland ohmoto polybaric aquiclude easycalculate 05827 05762 4746659 tremorgenic galunggung pitfalls televiewer telescoped campaigns siluricabarrick readjustment proliferation autograv autonomous huatung huiznopala spherulitic 0840862 73964 kushiro 1304980 42lb14 tyrrhenian 58487 84908 inconspicuous 79464 94zr1h ##gr0164 unfeasible goldstein tuberculatus pseudocubic unstretched quadcopter hemingfordian kirschvink tasmantid reinvestigate paleogeogrpahic bp69a macrovesicles 0909254 0952834 chalcopyrite 04hqgr0164 nannofossils deltatylus phyllosilicate unsupported fluorosilicic kirkpatrick rodriguez mazhatagh parageneses ls0814 lsqnonlin sutculer unnormalized bhargava celsius danyushevsky khizovaara petrochemical biofilms kohlstedt koolyanobbing putumayo tallarico geosoilenvirocar hyperbolae hyperpycnal hyperconcentrated circumstantial gigabytes mcgonagall photonmachines piggyback appendicitis schwerdtner pocatello khantaishir itacaiunas kleinfelder ogilvie sarıalan oce1129574 gravimetrique birefringence ee0002848 gastrochaenolites istituto korhonen klyuschevsky ozalaybey penecontemporaneous pantolambda prytulak panderodusethington ritzwoller vanderhaeghe wotzlaw yacobucci zanclean saengkhueankaeo geosoilenvirocars