[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z µ · æ ð ø ł ƒ ɛ ɵ ʃ ʻ α β γ δ ε η θ κ λ μ ν π ρ σ φ χ ψ ω ϕ ϵ а е ө ᄑ ᄒ ᅬ ᅭ ᅰ ᆫ ᆰ ᆵ ᆺ ᵒ – ’ ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ fi ##n ##p ##o ##l ##a ##r ##i ##z ##e ##d ##s ##t ##m ##f ##u ##g ##v ##4 ##c ##5 ##7 ##3 ##8 ##2 ##x ##y ##6 ##1 ##h ##b ##0 ##9 ##w ##j ##k ##α ##β ##q ##σ ##ł ##ƒ ##е ##ᅬ ##ᆺ ##ᅰ ##ᆫ ##ᵒ ##ᆵ ##ø ##ε ##π ##ʻ ##ɵ ##ð ##δ ##æ ##φ ##ρ ##ө ##ᅭ ##ᆰ ##θ ##μ ##а ##he ##on ##at the ##er ##in ##es ##al ##en ##it ##nd ##ed ##ic ##or ##ion of ##ar and in ##an ##re ##ro ##ent ##st ##ing ##le ##as ##ct ##ation to ##el th ##ur ##ol ##mp ##et ##is ##os ##ig ##oc ##id co ##ith ##im ##ly con ##ra ##ce ##ag for with ##ul re de is ##iv ##il ##ow ##us ##ite ##ot ##ut st ##rom as are ##ure an from su ##ter ##her ##ir ##ment ##osit ##ate that be ##if al ex pro by se ma ##ated ##ist ##pe ##og ##om ##od ##ical dep ##eral ##ch on or ch ##um ##la sh sa comp cont at min ##iz ##ve ##ab ##se ##ver ##ions ##am ##ial ##ich ##res ##ies ##ant ##ock ##th ##ib ##ive ##ph ##lu ##ry wh ##ts ge res mag deposit mineral ##ru ##ge ##ran fig ##ces figure ##igh ##ou so ##00 samp ##pp ##ous ##ater ##ity rock ##ction ##est ##con ##ere ##op form ##qu ##iment te la ##ine ha ##les ##ore ##ations ##ely ##art we ##ort ##ues bas pl were magm this ##cc ##ost inc ##ud ##all ##ediment ind ##ence which ##ther ##ad hy col ##ian met sediment en was ev ##hem ##ary ##ass ##arb low ##act ##ac ##ins ##ys ##olog ##ers dat inter have us int ##ide un ##ia ele ##arbon ##rou hyd ##fer rel ne high samples ##em ##ong exp ##orm anal ##ase zir zircon ab mod val ##age flu ##ments hydro sub ##ites pres ##ale show ##able these ##ill ##ds rocks ##ep mar deposits gra ty ##ates data ##ak ##lo ##ution ##ain ##ace ##and geoc cl can ph ear fe ##anic ##ip per ##ult vol sc bet dis sur gran pre ##pect sy ##ism dif qu ##we stud ##ization ass ##du cal ##ast ##ryst ##atic ##ional colle ca dur ##orph ##ures ##un ##ents ##ges ##ff ##erv ##ween ##ied ##gh composit cor ##mal between pr geochem indic ar me whe ##form ##ific during ##pt ##cess ##ect str dist di ox cons ##ign ##ized carbon ##one ##ens rec ##ene ##ari ##erat rep than char le ##rib fluid ##ile not ##dit values isot ##ree gen tra formation ##rust sp ext ##so temp imp ##ced ##ros ##stem fra part ##low may ##ole cryst ##ik ob conc det occ bi ##ively also ##entr model ran system sim sour calc differ ##agues colleagues ##yr ##ative ##elt it been analys 20 ad rat ##ding chan ##ound tim water ##gen prov sul sign ##ell sea ##uld ##ose ##face ##ret ##atter ##reas ##ined ##ard most geolog ##ron ##ay minerals temperat over ##olution occur ##acter crust has sil ##mb ##vel ##ance magmatic ac sug ##net ##hed ##ue ##nder tran their ##raph ore ##ric acc cr ##mm character pale coal ##ides reg ##ess 10 ##ating volc rati such more ##ilar vari how ##ight similar type using other fa within trans mic ##oun ##thermal ##ap ##oci hydrothermal surface under ##iel ##gest quart sulf pb tw supp quartz ##onic rich process sl set ##ust ##ert ##ord ##itic ##ome ##ults sout lower concentr ##par but tr lar ##de different elements ##ium ##erm used ##round geochemical ##ting ap ##osed associ hig ##ach ##ruct obs ##ever contin however loc range ##vi our am ##ck app into cu inclu ##ential consist ##ick time ##als cla ##ne alter ##oss ##lus ##ically org sand lik up there sample ##oz earth lith ##ient source observ ##ress red ##ally fraction all 19 eu well condit magma two ##cted suggest sediments bot par ##co ##ular prop isotop ##end melt pet temperature some ##yro ##aterial study material basin ##rough ##lor ##istry typ ##fic ##oic composition ##out ##ved ##jor gre main higher ##ix ##ility ##ram ##iron compar conditions its late ##viron strat ##ield early ##ozoic results age corre spect ##ber est mg he ##omin ##led fel trace element ##ough silic rem organic mass major present km mant nor ##me mon petro ##hib ##ffect porph ##carbon analy analysis ol ##und through mantle meas ##ted ##fore ##ern ##yrite ##ental ##pper ratios she meth land interp volcanic host ##ca contents mineralization environ pot ##ory comple ##ones depth id comm ##lac repres ##rus hydrocarbon mo signific lim oce ##our ref magnet related crystall ##old ree ##ible tect no interpret produ gas both ther 15 act ##ie oro ident sedimentary processes ##ral based ##ack geochemistry po ##2o ##own ##ould ##der ##otite ##rupt formed where ag ##use ##hy those ##ocl correl dec out ##water ##atite ##raphic record const orig associated 200 af ##atur ##osp deep ##are distrib significant inst chem due sr potential carbonate refle they unit general ##ified setting ##str ##ogen only zircons sm ##esc ##orted intrus ##iss method orogen 18 ##iqu inv along ##pm ##ages compositions ##ier ##va ##xim continental content ##ider increas marine ##ling ##row basal ##gin ##xt ##atively ##ics ##stone concentrations ##ope ##ences soil upper large tectonic ##omal prec ##ns anomal prim 12 patter micro ages dr ##tic ##ration ##hern ##ub ##ivers origin der ##ps ##ities north ##olved ##ocene struct ##assic ##yrox fin ##ear isotope gener ##ior ##ize δ1 ##eter could phase ##formation south ##atures arc geological erupt fault grains estim ##red area mid ##io ##lusions represent ter equ ##eng ##land isotopic co2 bear ##pec ##ismic 16 evolution ##ature contain reflect ##ors aver domin ##ross inf while observed thick result amp magmas studies indicate consistent clay ##oclase ##ived consider fol ##rain ##ang ##mental ##ology exper bel ##ward pla diag felds ##ork bed ppm ##rease bl addit 13 ##ales ##itud common bearing feldspar near ##ath ##nel ##oid beca fluids complex because 11 ##ond ve ##yc ##ially ioc ##lic lay likely iocg ##lis level analyses east stage ce ro metam 14 ig disc 201 field ##hes evid ##vious ##agi fac im zone ##tal plagi abund ##umul respect ##duction plagioclase ser ##any ka ocean granite ##ification systems ##ift one after ##br ##yroxene follow derived average cur pyrite sol gold ##up ##ases ##velop magnetite ##amp ##ded relatively es found ##ather therefore glo ##50 channel glob ##anism metamorph alteration plate granites ##rich seep ##ains develop poss ##yry crustal pol ##ual ##ured calcite porphyry glac ##rit import partic core flow posit ##ctions car grou relative fur ##veral ##amin previous seismic contra ##ability deposition whole generally au ##tern inclusions pred post ##ery ##ition weather analyz pe ##here ##ane contro determ biotite neg ##te margin alth redu although ##ark ##stic thus oxy patterns fir three new shows disp ##sl ##yn ##ivity alk effect ##ise explor oliv emp ##ger ##chn ##000 characterist including init stand plut ##loor small orogenic eros ic long less mult ##han chemical mineralog when oxide further contrast control ##ke enrich 40 bound would ##etic distribution olivine ti wt gl table ##ited sources crystallization respectively ##ox ##hen ##iver ##ify ##ount apatite first matter sequ fractionation non ##arnet mafic changes cyc ##ind 30 ##ince ##semb lat very total ##omet whereas extra ##raphy ##ogenic facies 50 num ##cop ##rop assemb calcul thermal mix same enric ##ological enriched hf press experiment evidence ice global plan temperatures amphib exploration each ms base scale mainly compared important deg chal shale presence types weathering gab nort ##per studied spec ##ove mars ##aceous strong ##ribut stratig gabb will features rates ##ons ##itu preserv methods group oxygen hist surve desc size ##sion ##get top ##ably depositional ##ained il ##33 ##cept crystals ##iven 17 garnet ##oir ##ina mig measured do characterized ratio ##neous igneous gr ##ob enrichment subduction supple ##ently ##leum models ##20 techn ##iversity ##estern reserv back ##floor def increase ##ength wid ##21 ##cond ##allow reported seafloor local norm rad ##ire deple ##osphere alkal ##val ##terozoic seawater petroleum nb ##tion ##umin shallow sulfide ##mon ##hip ##ided ##pear evolved dire like shel ##io2 gabbro bul situ ##lace forming spectrom ##av above units ##hron second ##estig clim many rate ##ning environment investig em rele anomalies ##ject change ##itude negative ga term ##atism ##ctic amphibole cent fact sing prog perm indicating spat ##oids 25 ##ging ##10 resear diam assembl ##gests suggests centr down several text correlation med ##34 ##ish cret sal plot value across appro materials ##ams mean settings cretaceous if ##ational relations phases ##ipit southern characteristics reservoir 100 ##osity exhib examp composed event clin central ep mu ta ##ean shales ##sequ diff measure ##ynam ##ex ##lying provide analyzed mat mel ##ness ##med ant ##lain crystal green kn ke pen underst normal mm rare deformation att class cores transp instru addition oil ##tical ##96 ##int ##ffic precipit primary ul magn extens impact erosion relationship lab ##action ##dle ##esis comb requ diss indicates obt sandstone icp zones ##imp conf reve ##ush region constrain ##ines grained ##ensity sulfur appear positive affect ##cy then ##ither ##ised metal block peak melts ##iate abs distin bar cm tu ##iter mech influ ##eric ##ifer prob peri quant research much ##90 china geology occurr slo ##used ##ute compon regional below rap ##gments ##rad demon separ tri layer ground ##odior middle curr period dust sens about paleo ##eg ##ately ##ink off chlor granit oxid therm ult demonstr grow las ##atory coun resolution detrit bod belt li recon events syn hosted distinct sites ##sc elev identified exhibit hor mn ##iation ##ank ##read ##struct americ considered eastern go ni op ##arctic indu grad occurs analytical cle minor ##opyroxene unc antarctic zn ##45 ##80 lava association porphyr limest triassic river ins ##ula ##ibr ##ertain ##vail δ13 δ18 northern el ##log ##lood bro na ##ha ##ists modeling crat ##2o3 series pressure jur port youn ##tr ##ful ##idual accumul jurassic ii natur ##16 ##erg infer fluor interpreted dominated standard bulk δ18o bre test work ##ky ##ume hyp landsl structure diagen describ laser cre ##ving elect include stratigraphic detrital ##pon ##oph ##ty prof concentration hydrocarbons commonly displa migration sio2 ##ural micros discus glass iron sw ##ail ##ten ##ice ##ame western ##ms ##ground ##work maxim ##pping calculated ##lacement des either zr ##ends shown ##ospher initial 24 end ir sn yr ##olite ##ract understand transport reveal natural light ##omp colum intermed ##ossil melting poor δ13c nd ret ##ht thin ##ote super sections sampling ##quak ent modern ##ung possible mineralogy hree ##30 cover coup before order slight earthquak proposed shelf obtained ##ospheric avail line pat ##15 ##arn atm grain located upl penins intermediate fl mes ##sh ##ven ##17 compr ed given ##ok ##olith university volat ##formed silicate generation example ##14 ##ards ##etry deposited magmatism sci collected corres imag boundary umb ##tle ##stones weak sulph ##ression diagram foc sk ##25 coast ##lastic support isotopes history tuff 70 aust use ##chy detect limited direct lo ##ually ##97 lack ##iple oxides ##odiorite ##ae ##35 ##67 section metas detail volcan active plutonic climate around ##way orth collis lead eruption maximum ray ##pb ##ma ##inite ##ency information suc ##ysical intrusive abundant following assemblages rapid peninsula pyro site ##over geochron arg single mem ##27 should ##pped acid proport increasing number known granitoids fine here ##cing ##ict ##rock ##ocryst ##ills monz ##anisms metamorphism wide ##itive cool areas highly assess veins growth ##enite ##urb step trachy fels activity survey role west eval few occurred interpretation increased success flood ##60 ##ording ##ims variable significantly key described felsic bur fall morph vis ##nock ##yl ##kn ##inity exc plat subs ##forms charnock silt observations oceanic distribut dominant ##ov ##24 ##inc any shar contribut ##izing close ranging shear metamorphic requir fre vie ##18 ##hean condu ##ogene mineralized ##opro dating granitic compositional continu product bedrock cross ##nal ##ays ##ves except variations strata identify cumul fossil sch ##ening ##ending ##ances ##imal ##other mac clos suggested decreas layers reduced ##fficient labor electron aut density pyroxene vary ##of ##ection ##hum ##org ##isation coe shak compound mark additional particular sequence view ##oproterozoic mud ##imil prox sele ##ographic ##insky suggesting typically ##ission supplemental ##uminous skarn four link ##na ##put ##owled assimil province sulfides equil affected case fo ##ze ##28 basins metals partial anomaly drill clear coupled ##shore 23 bu pow var vert ##ator ##anes ##ama faults lithosphere determined hypot available volatile ba ##heast dev ##irc coals typical ##hyan intrusions alkaline landslide display lree liqu rb ##tin sem prior intrusion estimated previously predomin radi liquid ##set ##ison ##omer short petrog developed ##iferous horiz umber hypothes satur tit yb ##ination ##arse ##ans allow conte subsequ according great silica environmental basaltic seepage techniqu measurements reconstruct uncertain uplift austral shakht past zon ##95 ##kes often ##ley react ste expect energ ##lications preserved width american slightly shakhtama ##lied ##11 ##reg ##ography ##lab fract signatures among silicic multiple basement spatial instrument broad frequ hal since ##au proxim adv timing mostly environments volcano gu hol vel ##37 input had various heating kaw year ##enced prot resour even rather solid cooling tak yield ##98 ##onian stable subst earl depths point possib secondary influence laboratory hem length mart tar ##ft ##ords conver ##ulation stor indiv expl mgo normalized bodies craton veloc day eocene path ##cent ##anite chrom metall ##ields trend ##cover ##hyd eruptions chlorite kawame 34 ec net prom ##eor ##eters refer ##omic contains meteor altern elemental ##escence carr permian later mol ##iles ##mented being bystr lake performed supported rover ##ynamic understanding evalu compounds bystrinsky nan por ##rix ##arm without ##ival ##hedral emplacement background discussion 000 ##93 ##ubb structures matrix precipitation xr ##ug ##ints al2o3 exist redox ##rama decrease individual br cam circ fer ##94 ##inces ang intro perid provides provinces crater crush consists param ##lacial produced outc development ultrama compris ultramafic 0000 lu pore via ##the ##til ##rees seam volume records biot differences ##ounts propert recorded generated estimates thickness ##lished approxim column energy 35 60 s1 ##az ##stract toc ##eland ##igen ##usion state contact ##ads abstract flux recent amount dissolution limestone ion ##ld ##iated though explain throughout ##pecially especially effects cycles depleted occurrence slope crushing imm mi wor xen ##pr ##des ##ision ##iform ##ogran scan surround tempor proven altered increases ##copyrite chalcopyrite porphyries accumulation lit rivers μm ##gins ##26 coarse bec ##char ##ologies discover transition comparison glacier spectrometry expected cg opt ##pa ##lation ##ingu variation ##lusion soils particles mixing correspon dun hel slab ##itute ##ets stages ##ouse ##less extent geologic pattern ##amination clinopyroxene inferred vertical fill gul wa ##uc ##be ##atus presented vein factors confir equilibr properties dol pum slow vind ##70 ##36 ##ense ##restr showed ##arily slp abundance salt component hematite vindhyan ##restrial ##aw ##tom ##bs ##heel stress interaction ##ribution space variability magnetic atmospheric 00 66 nature ##line ##ily ##to ##onia ##arc ##ings ##omm extre accur release break 80 mill mount ##por ##ients ##vial ##urface interval granodiorite crit limit terra resulting levels cycle ##copy degree open diagenetic science martian dark ##min ##man ##most ##fa ##hest them exhum orient ##ants caused slip euro massive represents ##brian followed depletion attribut constraints 65 eff mc os ##65 ##ena ##rained hand assum carboniferous least provided signature glacial surveys magnitude predominant world pd pul sill ##ew ##84 ##mentary alb margins cann arch carbonates ackn spectra controlled center provenance europe acknowled fund pa pop s2 sb warm ##house ##ories ##arine ##ceed accomp fractional greater pluton imaging proximal resources bat ful hi pub uk wind ##lin ##sr ##ump ##glacial toget mapping ##laced rest scales distance spot extin estab experi spectrometer carried critical together national vers wol wall ##ras inver geoph grade ranges adj larger gases basalt basalts ampl specific subsurface velocity 90 fron ##cient ##enn ##ster mineralisation expla exposed ##ike access lithium chalk gradient flat horizon years ##uan ##22 summ pros ##ibration ##ously usually need expand scheel impro highest remains determine sequences extraction experiments younger proxy ##charge pumice 39 bla del ##29 proterozoic onset ores ##abil integ ablation subm distingu ##ressive bottom terrestrial images defined metasom detailed platform auth subsequent 45 clu hills might pass phen ##rat ##isod ancient incor ##unity ##olec geologists volcanism appar applied remain blp episod induced profiles band doc dry pyr ##85 ##ogn intra cap calcites times paleozoic estimate mineralogical elevated coastal selected docu delt h2o oh ##rated ##sen ##vs ##vent ##40 ##west ord atl ##contin sedimentation phot biom waters signal archean numer probably components views cannot prospect incorpor 21 five fert gal log rhy sin tre tet und ##fram ##77 ##ka ##sts still ash shap contribution internal ##iking ##view agg seeps mixed preservation assimilation 04 36 simp tung ##ood ##side ##erve ##sten ##idad minim ##resh ##apor ##ynamics current hypothesis parameters hot man overal pal ##rite ##ico ##ana ##izes highl overlying older afric ##ometry diamond titanite earlier wolfram scheelite tungsten overall wolframite si ##ner ##bo ##bod ##arch toward ##ished ##ometer lander better orebod amounts ##comp glomer shares context australia frequency miocene 28 hg molec δ34 ##rip inher ##ased prefer extensive relationships ##radation offshore comprises gulf hiatus 55 aff himal wides ##lite ##orn ##orpt ##ream suites showing ##aching ##ended production invol play widely magnes earthquake earthquakes charnockites devonian introduction himalay widesp did dom mor rift yet ##lies ##menite ##32 ##hf ##bers ##erate ##enes copper seg unl indicated strength correlations supplementary medium glasses black biomark widespread 26 500 87 best div gy mus rid ##pite ##met ##wise andean ##uture made ##ights color ##loads ##ipal recogn partition acqu fav ##cope mob institute predict strongly despite sulphide collision ##ocrysts conducted products approximately temporal predominantly air dim et far nar ##ses ##ctively ##iding review ##omorph valley diffic ##unction implications driven channels ##heng ilmenite downloads texture creep pyroc siltstone distributed particularly semi possibly storage submarine difficult 27 er pers ##ators ##urn ##ety shr ##ada detection ##entially old landing again mediter revealed entire focus techniques target ##ogranite little delta atlant galena ##orption dynamics hom lam loss matur pap sant ##ape ##fis ##vas ##39 ##86 ##olites consequ reaction ##odynamic chond ##ranean soft calcare ##neiss technology investigated combined demonstrate fluorescence saturation ##faces shrimp mediterranean atlantic calcareous bubb ##tes ##fs ##uk ##ged ##onal ##alle ##ulations beha forms formations weight closed leak comparable extracted classification barr orthopyroxene geochronology petrographic meteoric circulation peridotite surrounding attributed versus apparent ads brit cher iber led pack ##more ##bor ##ways ##ules rees start uncon distal mica slag ##psum lateral textures blocks mechanisms focused member equilibrium extinction gypsum aqu mer ##rim ##ias ##ead ##gu ##12 ##aner tool ##ochron sty depend ##acent expos distric ##erating regions largest clastic remote monaz primarily poly furthermore does diameter oxidation patag required fossils substant help amplitude ##allel monazite cut cases fan hence hard jo lamin osc ##rh ##vals ##75 ##ho ##erite ##inal ##imne orb chimne ##lap shock contamination ##seep index intervals ##aster caus arsen conclusions difference parag petrolog potentially primitive structural ##lands containing considering rob northeast ##exist count good collisional zoning porosity bra bene cen econ pep spe ##gs ##wards ##atible ##algin ##itative ##ange ##urst rey another interact moderate physical phaner surfaces prepar whether moreover trig parent spectral produce constrained deeper chemistry terran approach mechanism ##oliths steep geophysical explained sinu oscill pepom opp ##rum ##ba ##aly ##asma ##ochem foramin ##ife exs seams enhan ##ached slick location includes 2000 instead ##ique original reflects ign discrim abundances latitud spatially diffusion absence layered elevation porphyritic diagenesis marked foot power uncertainty explos adjacent narrow ##alginite 86 call sus solution ##38 ##ital ##uss ##aman resp plasma calder frame supply parts represented multi groundwater limestones linear mesozoic detected directly fractures holocene taken ##igenous pyrrh pyroclastic phanerozoic pyrrhotite 400 75 fields ju ##78 ##64 ##99 ##wall ##ining ##anian ##ilic stock transit ##rams 150 proportions trachytic experienced behavi chert patagonia 300 gd ker mis marb rise sized wet ##xico exam segments ##oge cany disse ##igned occup identification final representative feldspars ess experimental grt ##avy released microscope dolom trigger 1000 cru k2o ot way ##ls ##go ##inian thrust ##olitic coinc ##ulated map shape ##sect resid lowest ##acity mexico leuc overpr accret fractionated parallel remo microb finding smaller assemblage dissolved proportion continuous xrf accompan front favor paper 22 33 bin diversity oper vs ##iable ##grow ##western ##onds conn chron partially underlying polar characteristic ##ometric planet brecc load nanos footwall av date nam ##len ##matic ##hn ##hel ##enari ##orts ##mpor conve stream ##tered ##lustr ##ostrat never perme fragments trends locations included points equival nearly kaol ##ternal topography illustr terms program diffra demonstrated iii requires ##hydro optical corresponding restric minimum district sinuosity ##ostratig 71 ax dig dam hum latter raman wed ##44 ##bed ##kh ##ara ##rops ##osite external see ##isted compil ##ibility inclusion ##acies neoproterozoic subglacial scenari differentiation 198 head claystones image flows emission instruments quantify currents microscopy geochronological distributions contributions cumulate δ34s dimens country respons 63 95 fresh germ gond pc pel pac pank sizes ts tm ##oa ##ler ##ring ##ipped ##hurst ##era ##orite ##olian decomp residual respon plant ##iang ##unities indicators similarly ##ustr interpretations correlated 160 place ##brid peaks separated metasediment varies advance yielded scanning acknowledgments documented molecular ##seepage caldera gondw pankhurst response 48 bit dy gon jour lant must run side ##rigenous ##fall ##gely ##cg real ##oporph last india feature quest ##yritic southeast largely 1996 spectrum tecton terrigenous seric solub illite periods sensing burial network reference exhumation passive shaped glomeroporph cenozoic accompanied glomeroporphyritic free future function gbr pur rand ##eous ##46 ##crust ##bur ##olated ##isc ##imate iscg cham ##vement ##acy ##aches characterization sets trending ##ickel moment tectonics precision ##lication plateau dispers classified sensitive inductively halite metasomatism maturity beneath enhanced dissemin diffraction random bo ru tend ##mass ##ffer ##hal ##jection ##icular ##ctor ##imes ##iving ascent incomp dates intense cao thank spin transect monit constant ##issions equipped histories appears profile sciences dunes creeping chondrite arsenop canyon permeability kaolinite germany pacific 56 800 amal dil hu heter nickel rim rims ##pl ##den ##cs ##aries ##urian ##ives ##othem beam almost project ##ado ##assing ##ologic intensity subdu princ indicative strike paleocene others wells agree ##lish 40ar stratigraphy extension combination na2o fluorite atmosphere trachytes floodp cambrian extreme published hiatuses against paragen economic ##crustal arsenopyrite 31 54 cass dz fold round util ##71 ##ering andes ##ania ##olc foreland devi ##utions ##abad white teph having until ##emb hydrogen ##rystall indicator spread conclu 2021 locally ##ief contained resulted degrees alkali greenland require groundmass body diagrams leading morphology charnockite cumulates closure varying coeval mudstone linked reconstructions metallogenic porewater africa explosive microbial monitor 32 59 ast cra dated diver fil ra san ten viking µm ##55 ##76 ##its ##ars ##lets decc ##ired proced sampled evapor analog fluvial scient cause modeled ##ounced parental heat heavy majority extract descrip ##amsan reservoirs america poorly steps visible angle accuracy mountains european himalayan style framework kerogen wedge gonamsan disseminated floodplain deccan 99 ioa ze εhf ##ned ##son ##ford ##vite ##cial ##onite injection ##anical ##ising recharge suite mining uniform unique necess grav gradu canada characterised sheet reflections 2019 groups predic clino separation portion additionally petrography outcrop accessory highlight ##existing ##ochemical nanosims responsible metasedimentary 29 38 47 blu cd cat hop raster soci tio2 ##onounced ##ime ##ateg ##umes hade intern fe2o3 pronounced adak ##oseismic silurian fail sulfate quartzites upward ##covite heated petrogen northwest ##yroxenes complexes position emplaced pressures diamonds plotted ##archean assuming fertile orebodies muscovite leakage restricted gondwana hadean 37 41 58 68 du eas just mission tes tru yang ##pond ##eth isochron ##ivation ##ille ann exceed mak former basis enc duration recover fractions add transg sandstones euhedral norway smect finland 13c cement glaci standards mixt species topographic factor permo ##iterite discuss correspond weakly sulphides tuffs macro decreasing ##ofacies clearly powder technique reactions become confirm pulses inherited etna barren cassiterite 06 brow cree ho mpa pge six ##xa ##bow ##ared tops ##uring foreg ##ota stat ##ifts exch ##chie hybrid mode ##loy qual oxbow span slide hosts drift generate eruptive controls planform climatic ##jected gradients useful monzodiorite decreases chromite outcrops filled fully established divided ridge partitioning err oscillatory accretion heterogene creek 44 46 mt rom rough ramp tel tian turn ##ville ##ches ##yb ##13 ##bia ##reat ##oles ##osph com ##imbr reas repe ster geos sohn lavas indus calibration silver accel lithofacies propose km2 plain importance carlin effective examples greenhouse precipitated quantitative irreg ##anese broadly thought wave slags speed ignimbr juven dolomite equivalent journal foregs irregular 2x 700 cp cze den dra emb nm ##oy ##iac ##ton ##tze ##2um ##ened ##ashan thir ##lys reach ##iforn seen chall shams ##abase geother lakes interest calibr californ ##una artic diorite regard mgp solutions ##aneous boundaries portug buffer ##thetic discovery discovered bathy ##umption inversion phenocrysts incorporated brittle ##ustrine lantian blue yangtze sohnari 2x2um czech shamsabad california 05 74 bath cn cs certain ero ever eolian pure raw ##pro ##tions ##ci states stabil depart ch4 ##phal haz ##ference implies 206 paleoc paleocl lithologies ##ressed stratiform spectros ##berg sheets complete beds reduction reducing grant salinity radiogenic saturated evaluate distinguish magnesium biomarker bubble interactions foraminifer planetary ##olcanic crack juvenile 43 dia floor gneiss rar ##oarchean ##vak ##inities ##environ ##itr ##itted ##etric ##usive strom ##romatic maps onshore ##vers ##ibe ##luvial abrams hydrous gray percent recyc ##erature leaching sourced account paleos massif crystalline 2005 finally belong foundation longer emissions progra slovak separate ediac stepwise dominantly schum ferrom unconform exposure terrane 045 51 drain eds efficient gpa lip mot s3 ##nes ##sp ##ties ##23 ##by ##itable ##itization ##arry ##ention ##ash ##ctu ##olve ##idence defic strain alg ##istic shift resemb indian cold ##acite ##acher datas subty phyl phosph capt imply biological systematic simult 2020 clays sands lithospheric ##cape communities employ initially iceland youngest supercontin succession successions visc contempor uncertainties siliciclastic volcanoes converg promin ##theless terraces 39ar episodes oldest dependent opport transitional connect nevertheless chamber rupt international smectite cpx portugal foraminifera 62 bore drop mature pan peral turb yields ##rared ##eed ##ta ##74 ##2h ##xs ##19 ##hic ##where ##orth ##cting ##urs convent rework deb ##ots ##otic ##ifting make chile chines expression overgrow accomm clasts reey involved microstruct find infrared investigation relev singh oxidized exhibits tested edge closely shortening corresponds extrem funda establish numerous aggreg segment iberia substantial robust marble diverse scientific mixture statist schumacher prominent chinese accommod 1c hund oib osl ping sills tvs xs μg ##zi ##sal ##ched ##ica ##arp ##aran ##elf cones ##ilization stra stability aspect sufficient seem share ##ambrian ##phyr what ##yssal cord oxford report replaced ##ikely providing characterize paleoproterozoic variety twin ##co2 2002 precambrian representing 2015 follows curve particle investigate else assessment fallout morphologies sharp proxies drilling buil 00000 xrd orientation assumed preferentially unlikely package behavior ignimbrite 01 cidad dong gc hc h2 ld lt life mal pfis russ son sans ##lipal ##aer ##rate ##ga ##gra ##cut ##atically ##ero ##lear island ##osition depending ##chron mine ##iber geodynamic intru intens unf fluctu substr recently simlipal transfer sete concentrated apxs upon silicates midcrustal reflecting ##anganese 2014 assembly direction metaluminous mechanical occurring paleoenviron ##tries flank members exclu australian promot full affinity adsorption examined reason 206pb slovakia ediacaran boreh peraluminous extremely hundred cidades sansheng 1a 3a 77 85 91 amb bast fam fran fug lines ml nac somet ##pent ##tely ##92 ##ware ##jiang ##inder ##osyn ##agic ##uted seal ##ruction laur plinian unkn recrystall processing organisms significance correlate 120 erupted belts poland erosional latest degassing backsc extensional appearance absent occurrences currently countries landslides rapidly possibility alternative numerical ##omorphic exsolution question purp cordill fugacity unknown backscatter 2b 64 73 cell get ide vitr εnd ##o3 ##aun ##fur ##gd ##gan ##blen ##ko ##onad ##lex towards ##eline ##etically ##isen isolated ##utes stal alone ##iao moderat valu grand repro paleogene consisting methane completely 180 originally poll polished icehouse localized thermogenic demonstrates insights ##ocrystic existing exhumed distinguished acquired ##ostratigraphic compilation topset article stromat oxfordian vitrinite ##blende moderately 2a 42 84 aromatic bay dynamic gi hill ichn lc omp pco2 ub ##equ ##cam ##68 ##hacite ##bu ##wh ##ont ##itz ##ices ##sters ##ctive ##isk ##osilic ##och ##ray ##agm ##itect stack asc sup suitable ##ifted alumin search ##ods chr ##iest ##ths indeed ##adr ##ades interior modified phys pert discharge genesis conclusion overlap greisen stratification landforms ##ometers ##copic radiation ##uminescence investigations means ##fficients horn detector monzogranite maceral coefficients existence ferro populations cluster bands recognized persist software ##bao 86sr findings amalia agreement making tianbao opportunity omphacite ubiqu 52 83 achie dou dest gam rod tc ton van ##po ##lig ##thes ##gar ##bian ##bhum ##well ##ona ##inia ##inted ##ench ##asa anox ##omag ##iana metav abyssal phon volumes spain ##aps applications observation monfur lands community ##2o5 origins united microseepage originated bedforms veget evident globally plots knowled granitoid subsequently earliest stored pathways chromat peridot fluxes warming needed integrated rhyolite chimneys slicks discrimin gbrs principal spreading petrogenesis telalginite geosci spectroscopy drainage singhbhum laurent stalagm valuable monfurado knowledge 250 97 ika listed mw ring tor trough ##pan ##ritic ##ipp ##uous ##hens ##idity forear dext ##iri proceed sector ##odal ones composite lac ##allic enough ##epend paleoge transform twins identical orogeny considerable ##itudes defin clinothem understood obtain probe proble ultra insight identifying decreased horizons eclog molyb xenoliths effusion simple domain ##metallic latitudinal callov essential convection predicted annual exchange paleoclimate rarely bastias cordillera giant ubiquit metavolcanic ikaite 72 96 away coseismic dip fen har kv ow pse rubb till tadr ur vent win zb ##field ##ystem ##jb ##ela ##ull reached ##omb compatible geometry independ reliable feo ##ipher scatter granul ##ionally collection cave genetic simulations analysed signals crus ##ounted ##ordin landers southwest southwestern 168 plains blan 146 2013 serpent ##aneously define median sloven unclear portable young displays details flooding continued crosscut allows allowing angular ##igenic effusive architect authors ##archae 87sr ##guashan polymetallic triggered leucogranite scenario incompatible rounded easily repeated third geotherm department viscosity aggregates dongguashan christ hornblende landscape dextral pseud 08 1b 3b 57 82 98 ara dab fire gig md ##lined ##rating ##iency ##mark ##for ##ble ##jay ##atites ##ini ##itivity ##ician ##let ##urr ##urally ##olute ##imodal read su1 bep excess shield resist ##ands carbonatite tradit implying frag biod ##raphically differential application cuonad lithology ##coural reflectance belg escoural analyzer neglig controlling enrichments lattic gren downward tai absolute sensitivity swed retreat ##ovician coefficient titan reconstructed immed window improve authigenic clusters intrapl ordovician hardground chimney preparation otfs removed axis pelagic description every paleosol employed fundamental elsewhere intruded borehole sometimes ##aunal ##thesis laurentia forearc slovenia cuonadong negligible intraplate 49 67 bal cath hz lag lse nio sfis zh zhe ##o2 ##47 ##chel ##31 ##66 ##ki ##rec ##asc ##ctile ##ella ##olat cong concept ##raul ##ulate ##illace sao saf compre ##inematic basic able clm feed ##iley noted traps extended ##veld regular supports grey micropro infaunal 2018 reduce calculations reveals grades covering ##max pyrolys argillace buried ##organic displayed half immature confirmed summary treat unders palae domains biomarkers homogene loading digital damage necessary address error hazard conventional peridotites rubbly belgium ##chell argillaceous 02 600 box cie dt days fs fric hang jh kir miss rh sink siber uran ##dic ##bar ##05 ##91 ##kary ##atized ##leber ##osing ##aged ##ters figures metric database hydraul graph syen meand notably concord bijay modelling calcium italy acad cris ##ckleber condition ##ogenetic 187 microf microorg weathered latitude progress measurement created retro argue acidic fracture substit veinlets mountain albite improved homogen lamalginite consequently adsor aqueous petrological discrimination latitudes dimensional bituminous huckleber paragenetic conclude procedure ductile tests accretionary calibrated batholith ferromanganese phyll supercontinent reprodu ##garh comprehens bijaygarh microorganisms huckleberry 900 az bud bush fit jac oms pier rifting sat tens ##lomer ##ah ##eol ##denite ##gi ##gon ##cil ##hys ##wler ##eration inert ##enthic ##stit ##ott stgd ##irs ##opes lakh plants hydrolog perform quarry assumption extrus partly differentiated remained ##enging ##ropical calculate planum ##obs localities gawler centers progressive transported confined thermo elong designed columbia look exception referred introdu comprising cg2 filling wavel fertility tethys highlights ##board orebody unlike started laminae crucial ##going soluble spinel subducted tephras monitoring gradually clinoform society substrate perturb molybdenite fenest architecture christiana microprobe hydraulic academ 2c kg kil mounted od pg riley serv sphal tmp tib vapor δ2h ##nary ##pet ##lds ##iately ##flu ##wide ##inidad ofd ##letin ##ask ##olving ##osystem reaching dem debr ##hers ##ogou depends onto ##ables ##oup ##aternary ##opite plume eng interc interstit abrupt abras modal ##illi ##lope phlog scav quaternary ark striking trapped extends concern overla overlain regia trinidad clast correction ##caogou ##aturated 188 18jb finer consistently facil oceans esp contrasting 177 shallower bulletin taxa influenced synchron operating clean accumulated comprise argu monzon equilibration allowed ecosystem craters lucaogou biotites xenocrystic becom albania santa aqua causes ##hydrox adakitic quality dataset relevant accommodation paleoenvironmental vegetation lacustrine ubiquitous sweden conglomer budget bushveld jacobs pierre lakhra wavelength sphalerite abrasion phlogopite jacobsville 76 aran aphyr benthic epm fix jr kinematic lid mound nuc ple pant pyroxenes sod sich ske ##ij ##sely ##metry ##uel ##42 ##yong ##ker ##ony ##ered ##ita ##itized ##icity ##eties ##osh ##ocate coorg fores islands ##ild anhyd anorth ##mentation ##ifically alluvial makes contamin minimal ##phile resolve interbed usa hydrox preserve preexisting camp array carbonaceous recomm spher spir ##rete cren regression similarity similarities continent append lithuan ##cophile petm remob po2 decay reflection reflected anomalous 123 driving northwestern generations equation belie places 144 oxyhydrox stands lesser thermally chalcophile specifically situated impacts ##odiorites thermodynamic distinctive δ13cdic covered availability mesoarchean buoy guyong evaluation biota bioturb dolerite accurate terrace oriented worldwide sblds spots summar ##abilities remaining african involving lamella iberian operated breccias ##burg brown roughly embed motion subtype xspb recrystallization gamma rodinia lattice immediately debris aphyric epma sichuan 53 78 bacter cc dup dense gut gang jack kbar nod nine p2 py ped rut rout squ xin zud ##iers ##dr ##down ##cur ##cra ##57 ##83 ##yt ##inz ##inolite offer ##arding inorganic ##anced ##stand too ##osic ##idation ##imeter ##agle ##iling ##uth storm began ##istan ##omat lap ##iance next expressed ability ##illed ##akot coring diop obvious bias criter ##achment allanite 193 remark movement orog outer outside precurs placed discrete msc textural greenstone offset council synthetic cratonic cratons swit alternatively spacecra played morakot starting laterally susp essentially sericite asthen eroded recycling fluctuations getchell stromatolites crushed friction comprehensive extrusive lithuania embedded 03 dens give gree jap lp lign lob ny now oph pi p2o5 qing sorted td ver wac ##lines ##iary ##ee ##dt ##tian ##grou ##jord ##alc ##orge incon inner ##roph ##struction ##leys tour ##ursion ##ids ##idated conference sust always sep seas seism once ##verse ##opod interface relief modes valleys subaer clif scar granular preced strateg repub generating object biogenic systematically timesc observe 190 paris propag corrected height masses crystallized activ actinolite decoup construct 2008 orogenesis 135 esc effectively initiation plutons shelves ##aves centur combining rapela oxidizing ##fully irm mesoproterozoic leads contributed fo2 varied radiometric resource explore pathf cgi breakup orientations horizontal photosyn tethyan aggradation simpl ridges illustrated humid scenarios decomposition solubility transects gravity failure discussed bathymetry paleocomm ##ibei simultaneously convergent connected pingos ldg hundreds greisenized definition biodeg pyrolysis treatment arkosic arangi republic 61 88 bes barnet bimodal cy categ casc da done danian fr hn kd kw kar komat lsl om tin ##iitic ##dy ##tage ##uro ##gm ##cale ##cheng ##56 ##79 ##87 ##yond ##bi ##ja ##roc thole ##olle ##olation ##isition ##oses ##imately deformed ##usc ##oth ##otes star beach begin beyond maast mapped ##chang cha shor ##amide plp ##ade hydration neut perc voltage ##une corro ##maline disturb dikes charge note spac accept paleolat regarding supplied slides olig volcanics move crystallizing reef priming northward terrain equal plastic bedding rober 2016 oceanside ##richtian analyze newly ##oxide ##radational oxidised reconstruction design ##otemp edges umbers memoir platin contribute conduct compositionally frequently protoc alternating became dune million paas prospecting preferential affinities magnesian himalaya predictions entirely orbiter causing petrology called breccia digest deviation france achieved ##welling paleogeographic blanca cathod kiruna siberian uranium phyllosilic academy facilit lamellae diopside lpia tourmaline pathfinder besides hno3 maastrichtian 3d 3000 bend ek fed fro fjord gs gap hin iz lib ng none oly pak rhe rot sag tiss tenn yms ##pes ##oh ##iosity ##uation ##41 ##49 ##xas ##ymm ##alt ##ores thresh ##idal coexisting cond conform rev antic ##tering seab mad ##istocene ##oms ##ching ##alline colour univers subhedral ##load ##ips schem discontin prevent dipping replacement notable bioge ##elting added ##ellite paleotemp sulfidation ##achian 1980 isotopically itself mont months interpreting producing activation 2006 invent faulting plaus 110 roof curiosity carry plank termin ##109 penet absorption barite inside ##looded portions orthoclase successive siltstones closer greatly zonation explan velocities evaluated brief parameter ##ogranites literature limits population accompany adjust episodic orders mobile consequence terranes examine occupation favorable tm65 tephra evaporites true cracks rupture reworking aspects anoxic ##omagnet hardgrounds crisis progressively substitution interstitial pleistocene spirit subaerial barnett roberts platinum olymp pakistan tennant 5000 79 89 93 bival cry care cbs dome fis fast ire kol lost mong nw nasa null oom rain sir sort tun tub tmax upp v3 ##p14 ##oon ##off ##lated ##aum ##aqu ##ria ##ek ##then ##fring ##vium ##88 ##haps ##ken ##onte ##onomic ##orini ##refring thaum ##oluminescence ##ishan ##raded ##ago dehyd stag asymm anat anis ##herlands seven ##umb ##uming ##umbo ##ibb ##luvium ##ighter rockfall ##estim ##opter ##opyroxenes texas usp14 subject perhaps streng dioxide obl detachment occas birefring ranged acou coalfield 105 fair ##appear amorph 1993 compare moho novel ##pms precise 125 infil 130 115 2017 positively peat displacement initiated erosive matters ##3333 emerg approaches ##ushuk goeth retain return supercam entrain assessing flooded ##ofisk marks stead conversely chromium ecological netherlands surrounded slp5 geophys frontal capacity ordos ##ript acquisition santorini ##borne orbit stocks tsun tm71 recovery interesting diap programm deficit statistically sonar stalagmite eclogites granulite homogeneous tibet interbedded duplex rutile zudong lapilli greece ekofisk cbsz ireland oomuro sorting thaumarchae 69 aer c2 dro eq fab flor gan gate lock m3 m2 oa p5 qin rdr s4 sore song tert vp yel σree ##pend ##li ##lm ##aj ##ries ##zh ##vill ##73 ##ye ##yuan ##61 ##erife ##esch ##aling tod ##ura ##ident ##rap forward forcing reaches demb iss ante sud ongoing ##lake atomic ##ranular so4 plus plates ##assium intr relation neigh subd perpend assigned cav prist traces track traject rank oregon regime transm transformation sulfates ##ustion ##ermost apart ##icki organ lithological stratified monte hosting potassium moist crystallinity produces pool constit 2009 164 thickened analyzing pegm alkanes empir ##hanj contrasts ##oxy cyclic numbers specim gabbros reserves radar centre ##fficiency labrad ultimately elevations working accordingly advanced taking nanushuk slp4 pdf funded popocate walls explains blp2 treated ##metric bubbles orbital braided suscept marbles removal ##ostratigraphy dimensions freshwater southeastern dilution concluded tenerife transgression transgressive romania steranes contemporaneous turbidity straight ambient geoscience gigant readily traditional grenvill conceptual metrics perturbations ##petl ##flux becomes ##group irmflux biodegradation accepted cathodoluminescence threshold kolumbo rainfall uppermost amorphous goethite qinling soreq tertiary yellow dembicki perpendicular popocatepetl grenvillian ak barb cer cia c29 edit hart hole klus kpb luming mree nist put pod pied pange rig sel sie sider tell tern wood ##nant ##rates ##ien ##iar ##za ##tration ##ule ##cies ##cryst ##69 ##09 ##wan ##onitic ##eria ##ala ##itation ##ored ##rep thous ##occ conj rece ##ilite ##utr anhedral alph chap ##umen sam compaction mini ##sey ##throp whose laki coll ##iani metab encomp marl sclm disappear granodiorites prism arctic extend calcic changing crusts ##mber 107 triple trench apy ##icked ##lusively estonia potassic ##lacing correlates decades outlined instance arcs infill 136 2011 solar glacio stronger ill ##mont shells researc classif ##impir quantification growing mno gover testing ##ophile entrained volatiles imaged lacking orthog platforms subsidence 238 vertically hypotheses reacted proximity thicknesses stresses archive inverse metasomatized rhyolitic tetra shapes segreg merid foraminif powerful occupy overprint overprinted namely sericitic spiny procedures highlighted oxbows heterogeneous roman unconformity overgrowth russia family ferroan independent niobian jhimpir satellite conglomerate nucle japan ophi qingcheng photosynthesis beginning corrobor oligocene seabed inventory explanation olympic dehydration fabric subdiv gigantopter klusman ternary qingchengzi 81 aim bord che eth efficiency fart gne hold hrees jones jorge kin kim ll lent lived mess mention nutr pay sed scc suture vic wu wast wider ##avi ##sist ##slope ##fonte ##vens ##cp ##58 ##hr ##jna ##oni ##erl ##esfonte ##alha ##ito injected ##ste ##inger ##leothem tom thvs ##urg ##olidated ##osen cob coher cohes coars ##ulsion ##otrop alread exists prol ##lau shosh atte mines resolved law weibei plane plumb ##adia meters ##arby interse intergrow hydrated nearby ##emo phyt peru disrupt ##pective sparse extending parting partings 207 processed slopes consisted alterations sandy upwelling thereby ##ressions remot remove mona ##hya constitu 2004 structurally considerably bedded ppmv 111 140 2012 metamorphosed positions aug ##hans hfse oxygenic histor 176 ##obar gabbroic exhibited mats match combustion influx thermochron ##scdt swim swerl irrad ##unga coverage mesh supporting varisc radius liquids ##anshya widths broader pathway metallic rovers luanshya temporally ##beesfonte confirms slp3 pairs ##ennial integration blp5 capable trem simply δ34scdt involvement targets british tools cutting laminated speleothem prepared exsolved residue avg avoid bitumen dispersive subducting clinoforms societies encl macroseepage browne rampur comes regarded bathymetric ##ashi debate twinning promoted pollut supra aluminum callovo balance hanging 188os monzonites fixed remobilization orogens precursor nyemo inconsist tissues paleotemperature mongol strengthen acoustic infiltration entrainment empirical hartbeesfonte piedmont tellur alpha researchers gnejna scco2 already attemp plumbing hartbeesfontein 3c bid born city dram fjor gent gast guse glau hab herve lighter mush nig s5 sar tur tons tropical za ε109 ##pace ##ao ##iams ##sb ##tb ##48 ##cer ##crit ##52 ##hg ##04 ##went ##oncur theor ##inho ##oro ##oria ##ancy coins ##racted stret animal anhydro beagle sever depression who why geomorphic incision indist indire colluvium sedimentological ##actions ##ologically interlake subjected marls typh cloncur peripher ##ulture quick assist indices arm arid ##cession genetically ##ikour 2022 changed regimes transactions underwent ##ielding ##nection lithic 1999 ##ficial comparing comparatively mono crystallize 156 1500 chemically 182 ##uble derivation estimation evolutionary averaged ##licated cements kaikour determin determining williams ##obi alkalic terminal influences thermometry thermometer counter brook ##ophy δ13cb imagery austria loose pyrolus schist drilled variance zoned references ionization equilibrated pdc pulse funding batalha experience manusc glomerocrysts inherit mobil weighted barrier brack transitions residence leucogranites illustrates quantifying pcb pcbs dispersion evaporation trun recovered heterogeneity stabilization ##ibeam percentage algae resemble phosphate capture reworked seems russian chromatography proceedings syenites concordant fenestral kilometers synchronous gutt criteria spacecraft asthenosphere biogeochemical accompanying anisotrop birefringence today antecryst intrins cavities barbara pangea chapter kimber mentioned sedex vicinity coherent shoshonitic remotely monahans variscan inconsistent fjords gastrop gusev ε109ag ##critical anhydrous indirect cloncurry kaikoura manuscript aims bol cations dan dak eur eust finger gia gene ions kold lens lile lrees lesch native pze shed tv tong tends vd waves yielding ##lan ##lie ##aha ##ii ##ious ##dom ##silic ##tonic ##feng ##gx ##gam ##vian ##51 ##xial ##xia ##wa ##ðarb ##erc ##eni inform thv ##uration ##olly ##olac ##oluble ##eto ##etition ##ulatic ##uting stan anne sec ##ogu chain chutes ##last ##lasts shan shifts ##ami geod hamp baseline ens interference intact unus export explo subordin pervas durations ##weenaw art distances ##olet bioc calcsilic 208 101 transient sett applic applying ##ressional redist 1994 studying ##outh correct hex decolle ##issipp 18o preclu microc dominate diagn complexity metamict 14c 143 evidenced serve possess furn postd determination icpms ##ifying planar degradation preserves radio salinities epid diffus keweenaw atten barðarb quantified quantities separates insoluble broken accumulations describe create microscopic supergroup imager exclusively links greatest protolith take conversion meteorites porous xenolith millions efforts needs author ##ratonic incorporation molecules involves mobility airborne deltaic styles substantially oscillations coincides questions tendency amalgam porewaters sanjiang zebu gradual hopanes acceleration challenging stabilized recycled simultaneous convergence microstructures microstructural statistical cells ideal persistent problem owing scattered taiyuan mississipp meandering 187os intercal oxyhydroxide bioturbation suspended tdm timescales activities libs scheme plausible sirbu diapir programme gateway orthogneiss 238u segregation foraminiferal gigantopteris farther messinian ##urgical tremolite bornite gentle glaucon typhoon brooks pyrolusite guttulatic dakota koldaha leschack ##olacustrine barðarbunga zebuxia 2d 750 bb ben cere ecc eight ete gorg gives iv ionic mim nit ou pos pip pix qz right rising swe self tz tab tier task wat zero δ33 ##press ##oen ##ele ##mous ##cas ##54 ##82 ##xi ##ygx ##heless ##ato ##ats ##inio ##altered ##itational ##arian ##arolitic inject ##lean took thread ##ett ##etheless ##isco ##ocated ##idate coexist ##imer connection ##aging force iso ##ilg station beij examin mach ##ograph ##ograms ##ode ##chlor ##uma shore ##abal ##abound geomorph reset ##ested weins ##ostic hyper collap evolving ##asses interfer interglacial uns unaltered hydrates neither presum ##aining ##pectral syenite coral coralline meg oxic consens consumption leached travel ##entricity 203 adop paleoseismic 106 variably laramide upd lithophile stratabound heads heavi measures 2007 smo ##escent 185 drifts 163 162 13ygx root 2010 curves controvers negatively multibeam nonetheless experimentally special stratigraphically ##obile normally depletions directions diffract attention extensively config offers opening columns thinning covers coupling ordered patroc comprised ##oked weakening acidification increasingly trachyte excell assimilate reconstructing protoliths solidification paths promote approximate immisc immobile miarolitic 002 acknowledge extinctions deline deliver blp1 hotsp musgra colorado mobilization exposures joints suspect crude binary named tsi tectono incomple deviations extracts descriptions gravitational failed encoun glaciolacustrine spanning turnover debated transferred excluded ichnogu torok crosscutting dabu titanium ##karyotes engine ecosystems mounded ##onymous anhydrite believed bacteria ccd pedogenic xinfeng densities izabal planktonic asymmetric emergence sudden siderite meridiani lenticular ##stein cobalt swim1 enclosed pollutants strengthening bidart epidote cerean eccentricity gorgon δ33s beijing weinsberg collapse patrocinio musgrave 350 94 bill bole bern bomb c3 cation cant fate fiss fwh hs hing hung jeol lw lig lies pt sg sides ut vulture zam ##ny ##nam ##nac ##ri ##rd ##iote ##ey ##even ##sm ##sions ##mg ##gone ##vf ##coc ##72 ##xic ##har ##wood ##kvf ##erland ##stream thor ##urt ##olves ##idite cour ##imin ##agonal ##ulating anast anonymous ali mah ##ogens ##omosing chosen shifted compressive contour geographic geometric ##opl meter uneven hydrate nept neoarchean subt ##eposit clark canad voluminous scarp surficial quite assume collectively ca2 ##ifications spans imple ##lows occator 204 adve adequ tims variables undergo undergone ##achita obsc ##lusive eu2 ##coal proper meltwater material1 silicification complementary magnetics crystallisation whereby decipher ##issance equator ##enged ##teg reduces 401 cycling importantly chalcoc ##333 migrated defining spectrometers emer emitted spatiote ##ishable epoxy ##exp insu ##160 2405 lacks morphological visual continuum exceptions scho selection device reactiv guang protracted carrier brine bright ##print optim ##inguishable dunite slowly slp2 accurately banding document reviews perspective santi overprints connolly human tectonically randomness utilization roughness denud regardless cskvf resembles subtypes phosphor captured icelandic contemporary sealed purposes pollution tonstein phonolites callovian winds serpentinite ##urrent undersaturated fss adsorbed reproduc hydrology introduced cg2a spherical buoyancy gangue nodules coringa remarkable switch lignite seasonal scarce escarp categor spacing conductivity protocol phyllosilicates ##estimated thaumarchaeota ganzi songpan neighbor pristine moisture labrador editor subdivided coarser historical indistinguishable quickly assistance inheritance trunc euras stanley subordinate calcsilicate hexagonal decollement diagnostic furnace amalgamation ouachita ##oenix consensus headspace fwhm hungary anastomosing chalcocite spatiotempor 07 4b 5e 550 850 aeol ber eor elu ebi ft gro hr kang lop lsb mp mb mur mil mir mun nza okh p1 pic pump risk sent tro tiz tap uc ves vir zuma δe ##ni ##prus ##ax ##rical ##rater ##ih ##mium ##fm ##fect ##graph ##glac ##vature ##cb ##234 ##hra ##back ##wal ##inting ##enoids ##itt ##icochemical ##arning ##rey ##olic ##eting ##osa ##ilent ##romet alt aliqu seated ##ographically ##omically onboard sauss complicated ministry ##antinz ##phatic geo ##0000 tega laden ##inement plumes enab enable ##assa unre highand subb ##ake phoenix ##ipel scre surv prevail precession collect ##unately prone strict diabase recording charcoal leach overpress aca characterizing otherwise quartzite concentrate 1990 basinal ##rought methyl crystallographic noise 153 actual agrees agilent ##ocline decline deepwater deepening dried derim derive thickening ##itudinal cemented discord curvature seeped developments predation ##text bounded calculation oxygenation grid grate ##205 defines climates progradational textured meaning instrumental precipitate magnitudes constraining probable reconna exhibiting creation glassy 240 ##ossils retained entrap loi argon falls macros laborator predominance fracturing holes solidus converted metallogenetic evaluating brines tocantinz slp1 ##mann archives centerline delamination phenocryst photic prospects palito playa acquire packages northeastern dykes realistic folded ##rystalline analogous necessarily catch exceeds cementation qualitative gneisses efficiently datasets ##otsk sufficiently building h2s ltd ##grade unflooded reasonable idea physicochemical geosciences pseudomorph taiwan titanomagnet infaunalization homogenous elongated sodic foreset recommended summarized square century cyprus tholeiitic digestion rheic stagnant steady trajectories sieving thousands classifiers 207pb lenses settling machine aliphatic insufficient denudation neighboring aeolis okhotsk tizt zumaia δeu ##glacier saussur overpressure reconnaissance tocantinzinho titanomagnetite 4a 4d 6p 6b 650 92 950 acted big bould bank bends cf cb cast dm dv dic ew eject fle fla flo face fun fish fans faster hitz jer luminescence mit nn pig pil pock pile ppb tonal uht vul vect ##nants ##aus ##apt ##rites ##ira ##zing ##dashi ##solidated ##mic ##fl ##fts ##vation ##che ##89 ##hance ##belt ##bank ##03 ##ws ##km ##kers ##qt ##erated ##ercial ##alth ##enz ##ora ##ioned inhib inboard ##anges ##repan ##enty ##ctc ##oll ##ete ##etical ##etics ##ises ##iguous ##ocular cov cost coos ##raine ##ractic forces ##ulf reverse sto stre sum ##ifies exact max chic sac compens company compressional ##izona geomet ##ostatic incursion enhance ##hemian ##assed lowstand uscb relies relocated subun subtle volum pret assign arizona ##ifice lee leg left tracing implication biosphere adapt waterf seaward ##arded accounts regressive slr geochemically amaz approp lithologic eux maint remin remelting remnants landward commercial ##ours constitute instit potentials methodology ##xtap microan originate southward 161 dominance consideration ##angl blank 138 ##oidal ##yclic 141 discrepan curnam seeping marginal alkane alkyl explored amphibolite migrate miguel locality localization gave progradation plotting tax cm3 detritus induce antarctica riverine δ13ctc hypers superior edifice orthopyroxenes proportional assessed excurs productivity exceptional assimilated mgoh ##omicro pores contacts slowdown breakdown limiting acknowledges ukraine version phenom episode intrac hotter manif involve copperbelt unconsolidated ##ochemistry markedly juxtap coincide accreted favored binocular operation chronology chronological decompression bohemian ##halassa andesite zephyr powdered confirming steroids accelerating challen hazards ##versed prograde ferromag unconformably chilean relevance oibs pingo ltbs unfort stacked macerals discriminate stalagmites independently fragmentation safod feeding sinks inertinite argued panthalassa sodium anorthosite recommend storms cliff decoupled simplified paleocommunity komati tiny neutron hinter universidad bivalves occasionally oomurodashi ##zhou transmitted payload waste peruvian theoretical δ13cbp intrinsic geneva pervasive radioact watson interferences presumably adopted excellent incomplete encountered billion bernard neptune reproducibility spatiotemporal eluc laboratories dvr ejecta hitzman appropr curnamona excursions zephyria 235 440 ae agen bh bob csl divers eh ewe gj hall hell hue iod iib lan libr mv msl m11 nilg pit pyrox pica picked qings rs rms s6 sier tg ud vast vital wales wcs yt yes zinc ##ng ##nay ##lip ##lier ##rically ##zburg ##ec ##dian ##donal ##mer ##fr ##uhra ##gg ##vents ##vada ##81 ##280 ##100 ##bau ##06 ##wn ##koro ##hene ##eras ##ino ##inel ##inchang ##esian ##aled ##encing ##itting ##icists ##orogenic ##rogen ##stat ##elines ##ola ##olina ##osal ##ocent ##idoni coated ##imet ##imatic conod ##ulinchang ##ivi ##oty asia anorogenic sun suk alm aligned examination ##chi saw compression atoms ##izer ##amb mineralizing ##rup sole ##estration laun week indones industr ##therm collo meta enables datum intercept unp reli relate nevada ##ember express expulsion ##akivi clarn phil fe2 perse scarc que quench assisted collector arr arf meishan ##enschie replic replen repetition notice genus extrater mayurb bio simulate differing 202 ##elleria silty regolith 104 micas micritic underground twice lowermost ##achnay ##ructive apprec 1997 heko siliceous nov 154 ##ospace chemosyn 183 drive finn fines fineto 1600 thicker plays 133 147 1400 eskers plateaus flowing carot caribb emph initi mineralogically ##key sequestration cycl ##ropic 174 migrating supplement technical ##lacements perman texturally eventually epic taph differs matthe keep confinement cm2 probability ##906 rapakivi paleoele oxidative ##ankop elip ellip ##trium workers patch patches uplifted sulphur coastline volcanogenic herein assessments westward excursion excimer ##othermal electronics autom select displaying ##anshan advances holuhra camera explaining optically ##beja slower terrains mcr osnac 901 expanded integrating rhyolites morb focusing leaking laminar robotic ignition behaviors occupied chronostratigraphic polarization namib 1983 networks dispersed dilute princip paragenesis filtered adakite petrogenetic easy glaciers exchanges challis buffered buffering belongs algal supercontinents overgrown hcl ldgs flanks purpose backscattered ##while anoxia ##omagmatic problems mdas resistivity retrograde azim fitting scavenging scavenged overlapping 177hf cleaned budgets pantelleria skele appendix lobes ##opodites cliffs paleocommunities ngmb condens discontinuous tsunami flora specimens susceptibility disappearance nutrient intergrown dramatic turkey kimberlite gastropod eustatic secular ensure 208pb applicable attenuation intercalated nitrogen posidoni pixel examining smooth 13ygx32 controversial delivered cantung 204pb advection guangzhou santiago ftir kangdian ##rometall aliquots grateful entrapment intracratonic appropriate bobbeja ewekoro nilgiri udachnay wcsb yttrium ##donald ##bauer clarno ##enschiefer extraterrestrial mayurbhanj hekoulinchang chemosynthetic caribbean paleoelevation holuhraun osnaca posidonienschiefer bobbejaankop udachnaya 360 4c action bow ball bund boles bfr came gather hou hier iran jump lin lie mous missions n2 olean pent plu pgu practic rio sf sass sound sense tt tal tight uv ural vater vill wit wan wand zc δ20 ##lites ##iet ##tra ##tinite ##ml ##mat ##math ##ua ##gas ##vis ##cation ##ying ##62 ##hing ##jia ##ks ##hek ##atibility theory ##erstat ##inic ##alia ##itatively ##itob ##itarian ##orb ##orith ##orbed ##anco ##aska toxic ##uri ##eted ##isions ##ima ##imetric forest rewa reidite isostatic ##ivari ##otime asian ank anthrop alaska exhal ##chist orange compact ##izations ##verance rocky teide pli incre ##adium ##inson uses unres hydrometall relict valence subaqu presents ##aki scot disag preval symm aren diat carbonatites ##enschist repose learning spring overlo overbur 1050 micron hydrothermally twenty ##omech continue apply ##ney 1978 europ propyl peters greenschist fellows organics kmg methan moko 157 159 agate ##hyl outline 2001 chemocline smith 1830 ##iquely microtext microtherm originating deriv estimating averages claystone folds 1300 ##athian vehic ce4 149 developing glaciation pec empa ##oxic ##inda extractions grants directed termed 259 meanwhile diffuse kev precipitates affects affecting layering sensor chloride distinctly goal 247 weaker surveyor successfully falling macdonald selective ybn frequent advant ##375 inputs takes martin 34s mollus existed circum circular angles biotas xenotime gullies pumices saltation limitations attribute paired batch improving apparently banded capabilities ##continent photomicro manitob recognition predictors etc targeted maturation consequences johan shocked petrologic steepness ##alytical narrower kerogens runs realm freezing randomly paragenetically utilizing filter analogs uniformitarian glaciogenic comments accelerated paleocean belonging lipids motions deficiency algorith ##2hg xs5 strand built ##ontological aluminosilic persistence achieve double destabil vanadium ##point ringwood proceeding harzburg ur5 geothermometer daba ##urrence traditionally grenville lagerstat feedback missing retroarc homogenization contaminated hydroxides 144nd buoyant remarkably ##rophic sustain sustained strategies constructive centuries cascades chaotic shorter shoreline neutral rotation revised discontinu adjustment tunnel tube oblique geophysics geophysicists issue constituting ##occup conjunction illumin ophiolite check wuhan tomography cohesion intersection constituents irradiation telluride habit niger shanxi geodetic exploit redistribution mississippian updated hotspot course adequate phosphorus eurasian macroscopic catchment pseudomorphs saussuritized vulc geometries unfortunately hinterland library sierra sukinda weeks perseverance scarcity replenish taphonomic matthews hierro mousse sassen vaterite village ##ancourt ##ivariate subaqueous propylitic fellowship photomicrograph manitoba ringwoodite 2θ 245 230 317 760 aster bp bgs cmp cos cres c18 dk ech fes fay fused gib gain giving hed jun kre lh l11 my moss mht mild mosa nu nin oct pm pole pie pond pau qms rr r2 ras ss som slu vents vess war wack wavy yd you zro zul ##pass ##oo ##oor ##ova ##oke ##loc ##af ##rie ##ios ##zer ##zen ##ss ##uum ##granular ##43 ##city ##chem ##xul ##xian ##ya ##63 ##610 ##1b ##h2o ##bre ##01 ##jan ##jour ##qiao ##onge ##ester ##alite ##alog ##itite ##itia ##orad ##orient ##arite inn ##anne ##leigh ##els ##oli ##isp ##igor ##ocarbon coating coex coordin ##rae ##cember ##uland ##uliar rein reoccup december isop ##ivoc ##ilob ##usanne ##otka stim stall ashes beh begins ##iffer align aloh seals ##omical ##omere ##omanian depocent chape chuk ##laves ship mina ##izab ##vember ##ichi ##thal sojour ##quil tefl lausanne web ##aded colder entering ##yscale una union uniquely relates highs expon zirconia valid grayscale clock clou scott ##weg assump ##unes ##gess corr arise mega dike ##ension recalc tracer sparry ##cedent simulation admin signs crism 109 microm underlain underestimated slate differentiate associations aminz cube upwards upslope observable 1986 1992 1991 suggestive silicon presently km3 norite measuring reequil november 155 acting outg 2003 afc distribute smelting 1890 invari anomalously 12c 129 genera estimations averaging infra 137 148 facility respective contraction erosivity multic sequential planes planitia amphiboles grouped 170 defle widening ##2100 nb2o5 likewise ##aving termination centimeter permit saline epr diffusive impacted distinction tufa counting lias synthesis ##ankton induces elizab ##166 describes ##tenberg endow supercritical patala uplifting ##176 rayleigh pyroly argues burgess subsamp shared contributes conduit conduits cumulus schists closest hypothesize stevens energetic advent guided protogenetic solids substitute metalliferous ecospace alternate laterite cameras scanned held wax equilibria millennial pdfs warmer summit improvement metasomatic clues pyrites deltas atlas incorporate logging rhyth 3644 predictor reviewers focuses ##3935 chondrites paragneiss cenomanian opposed behaviour coincident residues convective equivalents illustrate compilations 1988 1982 pc1 ##bridge lanthan runout ##bury chambers ##haline diluted utilized andesitic hydrogenous justa ##ethys exceeded errors coming speeds denmark embry paleoclimatic cracking liptinite ##nesian ##nesburg ruptures turbul h2om intensely substrates excluding promotes bayesian lcml doub destructive phonolite phonolitic clinothems eclogite granulites serpentin ##archaeol arabia su1a resistant graphite azores hydrological performance fenestrae england kinematics crenarchaeol appendages believe oxyhydroxides lobe seismogenic objective komatiitic tholei starts ##adeh paleolatitudinal frost madura careful tibetan aerial pegmatite akin podomere prismatic govern corroborated speleothems severe peripheral 18296 mobilized fingerprint annealing unusually microcrystalline 143nd diapirism bbf sweet geomorphology diffractometer immiscibility engineering ligands zambian mahak ##oplankton escarpments truncated groves loparite mpi cbd stoichi chicxul pretoria ferromagnesian agency launched emphas cyclical namibia azimuth anthropogenic pliocene hydrometallurgical overlooked overburden europium vehicle peculiar johannesburg vulcanian cmp3935 lhasa paucity zro2 zululand coexists coordinates chapeu chukotka sojourner teflon assumptions recalculated administ aminzadeh elizabeth chicxulub 09 1d 210 218 316 327 322 450 830 837 award aval bt bst bif bran blo brought cad chen c28 ctb drow eg edu fung gase gale ipr je jar jxa king kla lher liber mort mcc mck mvs manganese mask meni nh nag nord noz oases pin pges placing ric rend roles ripp sv s8 siri tis til tide tand tip vac wen ways zhib σrey ᵒc ##nals ##las ##lock ##ament ##aces ##aments ##rb ##ril ##rison ##iro ##een ##db ##sing ##tral ##tuk ##marine ##can ##cers ##cisco ##500 ##835 ##237 ##xemb ##yak ##hs ##band ##bara ##wk ##wer ##war ##kal ##kto ##ata ##att ##atch ##incess ##esite ##alachian ##eno ##itoids ##edo ##ichen ##arth ##arns ##ano ##anu ##anan ##ingly ##elih ##urated ##urization ##ols ##olis ##isite ##isely ##isons ##iscent ##igm ##idunes ##ithread conce ##rac fort forster ##ivery ##ilds ##ottom store status ase ances ##irdy ##mentally ##ifact ##ifiable prote prokaryotes ##ody depress onward ors chu chips sap ##ibly geol geomech reserve soon ##estone ##opods lao happ indurated ##adrup colors colluvial entered evac intercon unst unia neogene highlands ##onged modification ##agement marly gravel ##aker ##lo4 ##andine clar fe3 disord surpr symp quadrup ##dust caled ##unite princess indication ##ificant ##ectonic distant distilled conserv ##ignificant carbonated recurrence lev leifer leaving tract traversed spl spar spaces impr imper ##ikalia biostratigraphic biostratigraphy adding adular ##elled ##ellate geologia geologically ##ayed overlies accoun 103 fauna transl transpar transba ##apes underpl trilob apatites april continents ##cker appalachian likelih earths parat somewh ##jori comparisons estu health ##ffected landed landsc limonite ##ourg actually output install srm precisely finan generates δ199 resultant foliation ##angs 132 131 eastward road 145 evidently escape polic pollen caraj determines ##teen fires multip multithread planforms degraded speciation 178 ##obic ##206 technologies alkalis alkalinity bulge centennial downslope downglacier clinopyroxenes epither tail antidunes greenish attained ##965 combine confidence constraint tukto quantitatively ##904 regionally grounded periodic sensu synta goes opaqu insignificant elimin inferring electrical switz revealing thinolite thinner patchy ##1500 uplifts peninsular ##258 706 detectable ##976 ##276 successful continuity continuously cumulative mudstones fourier reactive steel fractured amongst tarheel alternations lateritic molar ##ivalent cambridge luxemb biotic xenocrysts ##dese discoveries slabs ##arcl milled millimeter mcd mcs handling pdcs puls batches publication amplitudes ##ennian chalks flatten delivery bottomset blp4 intrafor capability logs logist affil domes ##3267 recognizing airfall dimin reviewer persisted ##tese packed merc dependence districts joint causal arsenic brachi economically linearly triggering otf operations nanoscale names compiled journals board boiling rule huangl deviate monitored astron filtering raised 38arcl catalog hopan discussions topsets geothermal calibrations diaster panalytical establishing 000001 h2ot malta maltese intensities famennian francisco recrystallized purple ascrib clustered discriminator transformations obtaining own feoh ##marks resistance fragmented boxes hangu rhomb concordia inertia thermohaline cg2b overlaps skew anhydros bacterial gangdese lignin objectives decoupling cascadia percival disturbances spaced paleolatitudes protocrust phyllosilicate facilitate revolution anticline montana carrying bivalve carefully anatase returned pegmatites ##hanjiao specimen susceptible rigolet nucleation ethane kinetics thermochronology attempt stretching determinations glauconitic coexistence unsaturated heavily configuration hsgs thorough ##epositional canadas equatorial school ##23409 enabled subbottom screening functions pilbara streams waterflooded reminiscent recommendations radioactive aeolian hellancourt iodine qingshanjiao almandine noticeable permanent principally skeletal condensed oleanane δ202hg paleoceanographic discontinuities replenishment asteroid fayalite mosaic wackestone ##orientation innov unaffected outgassing administration gaseous kingdom lherz mckirdy menihek nozaki sirius tandem zhibula ##yaktuk ancestral protection uniaxial surprising quadrupole adularia accounting transparent transbaikalia likelihood somewhat landscapes δ199hg carajas epithermal tuktoyaktuk switzerland luxembourg intraforeland huanglong 2f 225 3f 315 4000 610 710 8c aid amm bon bru bivariate cul cac cand cert cited ccs ded dich dhan dau ez eon elastic fift flex fuel gp gly gsr harm house hinder jp ja jal jam jord june janu kos kern kind lut lif mut mff mating myl mounts mbs nic nomin ooz oven ovens pear qt rum rely rays roll s0 sut t1 teng tang tsc vide verm viable vigor wal wil xing xia xmg δ7 ##nect ##nard ##nica ##pur ##ave ##ahedral ##rig ##ratus ##iol ##taw ##mix ##mica ##mouth ##fe ##flow ##fined ##fty ##gonal ##cr ##cm ##col ##cou ##536 ##2a ##yk ##high ##hns ##hane ##bium ##02 ##jo ##jhar ##erco ##ests ##ali ##alian ##alteg ##eness ##enali ##edance ##iced ##icuous ##arom andrad ing ##ann ##anob ##roy ##asic ##ashed ##ctung ##olars ##etts ##etime ##igranular ##idental ##rael ##agen ##agnet forec ##ulsions reos israel ##ows ##usah ##otectonic st1 stated static asphal ##mentioned bea beaches alle alunite exom exha mactung ##pection ##omy ##omers ##ombo ##eralized ##chong ##umber ##lay comput computed contr mined ##aba ##thon resin ##erequ ##ops lamp hay baselines inclined indigenous metap metaz enig evolve evolves ##acted interm interdu uncover unequ neo exped expan modify hydrosp subc grab ##iplin scaling quas college collecting caution ##unic ##ffers ##ghter cored prerequ stront replacing notew isother isotropic sporad ##soidal implied impedance maya biology simulated ##elling ##rett overr overview overbank siljan acme transt crist paleomagnet coalification faces ##apore concentric apc apert locating claim clades lithostratigraphic lithoty fractionating 1995 1984 1976 hefty measur interpolated volcaniclastic moon moving 151 ##rupted ago instances ##ogeny 181 1880 ##nsyl driver finely midto ##landite 1690 reflectivity ##angular nearest ##athrust 1100 vei ce3 igcp discern discarded ##umulus serratus solute solvent globular carved cargo peb displacements ##slopes olivines nonmarine ##omethane extrap 505 ##ropel calculating deglac descent illor ##2021 ##214 ##217 radial situation ##avage investigating emtb releases singapore ##346 ##3450 epoch pennsyl attached oils precipitating ##imposed ##iterp mechan ##structure cleavage ##455 inspection nausah accumulate inference fluorescent works creating electro profiling westernmost desert 244 superimposed skarns detecting argent monzonite ##607 morphologically excitation ##aysia schalteg scholars macrom ##organ coev muddy fourth linking devices shortest hypothesized ##958 ##labor guide proto lengths metallogeny camero ##942 ##266 millenn opened sillim archipel centered pair s235 publish ##ennan integral passet blp3 documentation prospective undinsky undiffer 044 3620 management ##boi preferred playas recognize mercur ##123 polym helped helpful johns ##hoe steeper ##alyzer enhancing canyons ottaw coinciding removing polarizing brecciated ##hydrocarbon axes axial ##khand pc2 gondwanan tectonism ##462 projects requirements astm diverg analogues highlighting cataly hopane adakites duck exceeding formerly macrof rarer percentages unconformities ##orthy convention overgrowths fundamentally seemingly gcms ##aerobic fluctuating exclude promoting ambenali stromatolite hillslopes stacking ascending interiors physi troughs paleogeography urs winnica serpentine gigcas niobium zhou palaeo homogeneity hazardous jhz ##karyotic meander microfract microfacies microfossils elongation odp served δ2hmica intercumulus clastics monzonitoids conglomerates foresets contaminants remobil routing ##standing criterion spacecrafts asthenospheric seismically preceded preceding timescale propagation cyanob disturbance facilitated hindust penetration 7900 occasional fairly interestingly locked ##ajos issues cerium putative encompasses governed fabrics prolonged disrupted constituent ##obaric supracrustal antecrysts antecrystic tongling ##lastics hampered artifact bioclastic diffusivity tdm2 glauconite tzr tzirc tabular injections resetting megathrust ichnoguild ichnoguilds lw2 clarke obscured reactivated berge mirr picritic tapajos vesicular prevailing leachates meaningful boulders jersey tonalite inhibit amazonian institut microanalyzer taxonomic hyperspectral komatiite elucidate solely industrial colloform ellipsoidal bowen wandashan ankerite unresolved scotland microtexture advantage aluminosilicate depocenters infrastructure tholeiites mortar nh4 nagerco svm depressurization sapropel paratethys financial hopanoids diasterenes certified dhanjori daughter gpf jalboi january rumney s0375 tengchong andradite forecast exomars metapel interdunes hydrosphere ##iplinary noteworthy pennsylv nausahi schaltegger cameroon archipelago undifferent mercury cyanobacter hindustan nagercoil 2g 2σ 220 260 320 325 6a 7b 725 8b ahe ape bor ble bus bse batter bron bish berg c17 cyl cheng dc dal dar dors eut eom ebs elys fem fras fenn gat gross gibb her hous hun hours iog ionian jsm kl ku kore kato lm l9 let lou lud lun lyn mouth nj nad ngu ocr ps pest pill pose pamp psp ppo png r6 rul ross rpm sher sang sided ssts sorption sigm tent tree tron tls upt vien wel xiang yu yard zi δfm σ2 ##nik ##part ##pac ##oan ##lith ##rone ##rings ##dig ##dict ##ti ##tland ##tually ##mac ##mak ##uo ##gene ##vision ##volcanic ##vitz ##cl ##cd ##cst ##cile ##come ##53 ##326 ##817 ##885 ##2b ##227 ##yal ##626 ##150 ##124 ##hman ##bachian ##07 ##wen ##wack ##wah ##ju ##jing ##heed ##ontin ##atial ##atac ##erts ##inely ##integ ##itoid ##icles ##ares ##arthrop inland inward inlet ##annel ##recedent ##roof ##entang tot toth ##elve ##elkhand thal thom ##urich ##etrically ##isations ##osi ##osulf ##igu ##oclastic ##idic coomp cook comet coesite ##imeters cone ##rains forced ##ulates regen reorgan dead isomers ##owe ##owice ##usetts stem stellate ans anim anaerobic exmouth exerts bypass sept mast ##ommon depic depressions chart chilled chiar ##laps shi compet compatibility atop minute ##section ##ichannel ##phthal ##ryn georg resolving mineralizations so2 ##004 ##estimate formamide hap incised incidence indo indust ener enters envision ##acion intert intersect intergranular unless unchang unamb unroof neody ablated hydrochlor subpar subvolcanic ##aken ##andia classic canning phreat feas perth scap scoria disentang surges granophy prevents ##ismuth calving ##astic ##ghsing ##ectic ##erative reposit reports noticed tracers spite springs ##souri imposed fram biased changhsing ##genetic overw accord accidental paleontological 1070 variabilities faun transformed transverse twelve suppress triv trimet ##erms ##achusetts continues ##vier consistency ##icking upgra upstream upsection lithoun 1998 1970 eukaryotes ##ularity ##endant basinward ##loromethane corrections ##omineral silicified massachusetts commission moved refined refract noble noachian 152 identifiable pointed wherein agric correlative decrep recorder constrains ##aturation chemcam ##ogenous invoke ##ginia precious 127 128 12b 1200 drivers origination δ15 midland equations equip 165 167 166 considerations folding 112 cephal room roots oceanography ##brate curved solutes ##athering channelization polyc carlo contradict negras exploring empire multid multichannel firstly nonline hfses planets oxygenated histograms toplap topographically ##ception 171 1700 garnets ##210 shell gao permits 251 ##108 downstream epme deformational attendant classify conflic sulfuric peaked bars barometer barnard quantity ##908 separately chlorine chloritoid thermod ultimate demonstrating counts reconcile synch horvitz goe opens uncommon ##454 ##haz ##hawk naturally fluorine ##ophysical profound swan swir endopodites snow ##154 edx edwards tuffaceous loads ##977 ##674 ##675 volcanoclastic ##277 ##ocrystalline monzodiorites floods keyw excel contributor contributing shearing autoc marker marking muds ##285 ##286 buffers ##atori baf devoid radiocarbon ##957 guid protect hemisp 3400 promising meteorite poris ##944 00002 00001 property approximation worth optimal helium ##3620 attributes handp pulver albian albert archae centerlines publications summed scheelites integrate hillslope passage drying incorporates unde stillwater 046 hg2 inherent blackhawk division favors reviewed ##vasse consequent unconfined substantiated benef interacted prepare sinuous opposite ##787 misorientation missouri dolomitic coincided residuum binned ##helf convex 1987 1981 1989 631 pelitized metasediments runoff tectonothermal sericitization ##isciplinary roundness utilised zeolite internally enclaves addressed mixtures reasons repeating batholiths erode spectroscopic diachron paleoshelf massifs deficient systematics droplets accommodated build paleoenvironments boreholes famil ascend superv clustering douala destruction definit ultrahigh repeatedly pseudo 8230 aragon ##forward su1c su1b biodiversity everywhere zhu zhang ##recipit rhod rhombo crises reproductive tensile looking introduce odds serves services ##petro strikingly becoming fixation mounds spherules node route precursors verified verify daily karoo percolation movements digested frozen ##ohop conformable prevented terminations tubes orbitolina tsunatori dropping trajectory transmission organisations straightforward yellowish nist610 rigid seldom wooden received illitization nutrients cohesive phytane phytoplankton disruption augite august 176hf mongolia nigeria ##obiology brackish anisotropy indirectly boliv bolide unusual artific preclude microcline benin mimos pipes traveled heavier fissure sgt sgb utility contourite implemented hr3 virtually virginia ##ittent geohaz stricto strictly discordant flame nnw pigmented pockmarks vector ##qtz subunits volumetrically adapted euxinic blanks discrepancy challenge diversification pyroxenite conodont unprecedent reliability replicate finnmark initiative 13ygx32cst bundelkhand gathered practices talus waning ##gasite exhalative prevalence symmetry diatom methanoic molluscan algorithm lagerstatte cosm kreep mossbauer mildly rasheed somo behind exponential cloud ##21003267 endowment stoichiometric education klamath aseismic geomechanical unstable split imperfect installed policy syntaxial opaque flattened affiliated ##2340921003267 bruker culmin caco3 dichloromethane jpg jordan kernel lifetime δ7li asphalt enigmatic intermittent unequivoc expansion quasi strontium isothermal overriding paleomagnetic aperture measurable deglaciation s2352340921003267 polymorph johnson ottawan microfractures remobilized pennsylvanian undifferentiated apex bishop ebsd elysium kuwah lmwe letters njcp pestle pampean uptake vienna δfmq coompana chiaradia industry unchanged neodymium subparallel scapolite changhsingian refractory nonlinear hemisphere unprecedented kuwahara 055 217 214 277 3e 380 378 5b 612 674 7a 7c 720 715 784 8a 9d 980 aas afore alex bure bab bou bip bare b18 b28 bonds bismuth cult cess c27 crops cocc don dow dav dict dashed eme eagle elusive fog fell gir gru gong gun gaps g49 ht hus ham harb hco hope hors iam jol junction k2 kα kill kell kpa los lenn living lying m7 mas mul mif mog mary name p3 ples pun plac peng pict ren rose raba sd sse sess tank vi vibration voor wud weng writ wild yan zd zurich σ1 ##pine ##pale ##picuous ##ober ##limin ##lennan ##ai ##aud ##aign ##ris ##iu ##iates ##emp ##da ##dul ##ders ##dish ##datac ##su ##ser ##sch ##tg ##tor ##tler ##ming ##mas ##mow ##far ##fas ##fig ##fry ##fact ##fang ##fluvial ##uate ##uated ##uge ##gt ##gers ##grain ##vin ##vall ##cel ##core ##59 ##717 ##396 ##816 ##897 ##290 ##235 ##yd ##135 ##hon ##ham ##hou ##hole ##homb ##bles ##ball ##08 ##980 ##930 ##998 ##wed ##hees ##hever ##heating ##oned ##onjhar ##atives ##erabad ##inations ##iness ##esce ##esia ##eshoe ##alic ##aland ##enon ##enoid ##encies ##itary ##itised ##orp ##orre ##orhomb ##arwal andreas ingen ##rel ##ston ##stically ##lem toky ##elman ##urations ##urance ##urities ##ether ##ette ##ishes ##osc ##osium ##igan ##ocean ##idine ##idium ##idually code ##imited ##imetry ##rade ##ulose ##uluk rect rever rejected decarbon isolation isobaric ##ila ##ilities ##oted stish styl ##rometer anad ##terey beibei albe alpine ##peg ##lad shut comprom compose ##izable ##vey ##iesbachian ##anthr gem geotectonic ##geolog ##geochemistry ##ranged sovi ##estation ##oped ##que laud bases ##edimentary induration hyble collabor collaps metast ##hemeral ##asso unra unable unimodal unrec unexp hyderabad ##emor ##emee ##ongs aband abbre abdul modulated module fluvi subround ##illary ##ept ##eposition marco ##loys ##andrum canete phob feot ##iper perfect ##ultad scr disinteg surge prelimin ##pected quxian assert ##ghanian corric diode consolidated conspicuous carbonat ##ensional replace charging charged leat leco leica trap trapping spore spill spilite spathian sponge ##so4 impurities ##ika bioz biases raton ##ellar seaway overs overt overlie overcome silesia ##ricate characterisation regards 108 1090 1016 varieties transcritical underne underlies undergoing suppression sliding ##parts ##pargasite triterp differently ##achi ##violet ##ckers cup cub cuiu claims reddish park parau parker propane ##loration typified compares mgs norweg mons monterey landform interplay completed complemented communic moore ##ouring magnetism crystallochemical actively po4 pointing correlating decade outlet construction deeply chemin generalised smel 184 ##iquity ##ieria ##rows 1250 drier territ reflective infle ample 114 118 facultad serial kaok oceanographic solitary ##ampled polo carval auv postglacial postulated ##arko extraordin pressed deglacial degassed preserving preservational topic ##330 garnetand migm doi griesbachian supplemented ##219 shelly situations investigacion emulsions proglacial 258 ##107 ##106 ##340 salts southernmost epa ephemeral matches ##nessed greenstones knn keonjhar normalization attract classical impactor combinations absorb abs3450 abs3620 tufas ##905 ##901 ##odioritic periodically sensed paleoarchean chloritization county ##scarp goals gofar ##457 ##805 elli accumulating δ18ovs ##kyin crevasse swiss swath ##ailed maxima maximize desic ended transporting transportation retention entra ##305 ##155 grainstone flume ##144 ##255 ##253 705 707 ##679 orthorhomb succeed argun argilic ##275 cooled fewer burn burdig morphologic ##ovite ##ovice ##247 conducting exceptionally fossiliferous schryn autocrystic assimilant assimilating powders predominately radii liquidus zonings ##955 reactivation ##111 halos proximate guin ##377 ##984 substances individually chromitite metallurgical 342 meteoritic molten nann 0001 ##938 brid camilli ##946 ##940 cratered outcome 00008 seamounts ##igenetic abstracts cg4 cg1 helps gully ##368 004 005 001 breaking mcarth mclennan canned archa pahs populated sbg ##lining ##umps inverte inversions 39ark ohio ##continental photograph biomass logan trefry aggradational minimize magnesite morbs divert musc airb targeting chondritic behave helping cutoff fanning john laminations ##seeps causative robinson steeply ##bai ##648 wetland dolomitization thrusting coincidence overprinting favoring 2200 binning polarity humidity ##448 headscarp dimension pellets lastly dispersal thanks huge principle 5414 32s rahman sanidine ##766 prediction catagen hopenes makarwal glaciations 063 heterogeneities tianwen sterane ignimbrites drag draw drake drawn calibrate stromb resembling contemporaneously rupturing microstructure establishment sharply intensive unfav nacl ichnof ##ochthon physically physico greisenization ferropargasite chromatograph discriminating ultraviolet ubiquitously harrison winni crusher blancas pseudose fragile improvements paleosols undersaturation siberia 187re retrog adsorber phyllites ##ahu introducing tibane demarc abruptly concerns concerned lidar nuclear hydroxide campaign brownish py2 py1 routinely orographic ##rophy strategy strategic propagated activated categories omg omtg percolated disturbed plasticity gsa rotated sager conformably anticlin montemor plausibly penetrating adjusted tunable thaumarchaeal drove vpdb neighb pristane ##oxygen labradorite ceres podiform thousand conjug samuel metabol marlstone marlbor infilling glaciofluvial classifier tetrahed border borderland kinetic 176lu irradiated supraglacial tellurides dramatically periphery counterparts ##ophytes anisotropic kimberlites gastropods shedding redistribut mississippi mimic tiering hyperst rooted configurations immiscible delineated suspected hinggan subtract canadian properly emerging visualization schoene optimum categorized editorial murray sentinel troilite ##ipelagic mitig vectors subunit euxinia discrepancies phenomena phenomenon challenges rssc ##ggish indonesian indonesia philips appreciable keeping automated houston increments arenas microthermometry harzburgites illuminate habitat mousseau crest gibbs juniper ninuluk october pm10 sluggish youjiang coatings reinfor reoccupation isopr reequilibration invariably multicolle pyrolytic subsamples rhythmic lanthanide 8370 blooms liberated ripples forsteritic chuanshan geolas happened evacuation symposium imprints translate trilobites mercier innovation lherzolites dedu fifteen harmful luther nominal ooze qtqt video ##aromatic ##owski alleghanian exhaust contrary lamprophy uncovered expedition graben sporadic scholarship macromolec publishing catalytic instituto gatay hunt sigmoidal trond ##wacke ##ontinental cometary regeneration reorganization ##oweathering ##phthalene enerpac unambiguous hydrochloric phreatomagmatic overwhel trivandrum trimethyl multidisciplinary keywords guidance handpicked pulverized rhombohedral ##petroleum geohazards aforementioned cessation david emeishan fogo husband horseshoe lennon plesovice picture rabaul voorhees writing ##datacal ingenieria tokyo stishovite anadarko albeit laudon hyblean metastable unrecogn ##emeeckers abbrevi subrounded phobos preliminary corrick underneath parauari norwegian carvalhal elliott δ18ovsmow orthorhombic burdigalian schrynemeeckers mcarthur catagenesis winnipeg 025 1σ 221 211 229 3g 310 318 370 3rd 430 5a 590 598 577 6d 680 630 660 628 677 686 613 746 810 877 9a 9000 91500 aes aided a0000 b2 bag bell brad bdt baker ct cin cas cel cies c20 c30 din dous dall dys dna drops era eps eaw fet fib ferg fitted gg gh gb gle gol gps ggu hm hen hit hong hind hint homer hints iia iand imb iolite jin jim jag kj kal ket kra l3 l8 lor lia lill lub lond lind lamination mj mly muse mns mft mfs nt nond ov o2 oae pp pw ppt phes push pink picking qs r5 rq rag rud rub rifts rifted s7 sx sit sic t2 tx tort tides tie vad vap voids vms w4 wo3 xm xu xie xiao ya zav ββ δ26 ν3 ##no ##nr ##nm ##nan ##pis ##path ##pathian ##patial ##oand ##ll ##app ##rence ##iop ##iating ##iously ##iomorphic ##zo ##zim ##zil ##zite ##ei ##ez ##ech ##eik ##di ##dik ##drett ##sa ##sd ##tally ##tang ##mor ##fold ##flood ##fields ##uit ##upt ##uang ##greg ##vron ##vosp ##cu ##com ##cating ##cline ##393 ##200 ##245 ##238 ##xis ##yu ##117 ##hi ##hj ##hor ##hre ##hab ##hant ##bl ##ban ##bas ##blasts ##900 ##933 ##935 ##wass ##wash ##worth ##ji ##kit ##kar ##kov ##kash ##kowice ##łkowice ##onts ##onto ##atonic theater thems ##eran ##erane ##inter ##inally ##alys ##enge ##enites ##enches ##enched ##itus ##itated ##ndip ##icia ##oram ##ione offic inequ inception ##anating ##ancies ##rot ##rous ##entine ##leg ##asy ##ctahedral tokash ##elves thorite ##uria ##urning ##olv ##mps ##isova ##igid ##ida ##idden cop copp coop costs coerc ##imica congo forty ##ulk ##ulatory ##ulator reun reju reheating ##iler ##ilst ##usis ##usaer ##otop ##utin sta stro stere stok anate ##hermak ##osities ##atever ##iff alam alps exert exobiology prok ##istries ##omian ##odong deploy ##ch4 ##chan ##chromatic chil chry choic shades sax compan competition competing compelling minnes ##izao ##abyssal ##sea ##version ##americ ##resent ##ibor ##phase whatever geof geography reson ##ouac ##oupo ##008 tem laure ##lesse wehr basically basque ##ude colon sedimentology sedimentologic envelop wash lowto ##insk ##yssey inters interven interlock interrupted usgs unkar ##iand relating relocate expressions expelled validity valentine subsc subsea grading ##aka feb ##iput ##ipated perched perchlor scss beta dism granodioritic quies quenched ##astrophic collections caps ##ghian corner coronad prr indications arms arenite arranged ##ptic strip dien carbonation ##ensor ##ario ##arium reprecipit lever train traverse spars extant extru tempo ##olepis ##iki concurrent concave ##entral modelled sims simulator calcitic ##yric analyser proved ##reting ##ardment ##ardance geologist overf overestim overestimated crusted crusting acetic accounted paleored paleoweathering 102 variants transcrustal richards slices lowered concentrates triang truth trivalent trenches apron ##neusis upglacier redeposit 1950 eu3 eukaryotic euarthrop suggestions pars parad ##endonite ##yroblasts grew ##ramidal ##ought remnant presenting monot month monocl monocrystalline porphyroblasts landf complement complements moja limn limb refers acts aged agass declines decalc outwash aft instant chemistries ##ogenian ##ogenesis 18a 186 1800 invoked alongside prime 124 122 micropale ##tica deriving generic δ11b erupting midlith equals dominates ##ango 134 119 1121 veizer ##licit ##licate ##lishers igm facing ##506 ##501 particulate carolina carpathian seismicity peop negle marginally disputed ##0001 icap mineralogies 405 407 glendonite maficity 504 503 ##ropolis planning amphibolic ildik ##335 175 173 172 ##207 defect ##valuation emit emitting emanating gauss gazim centro centimeters singu permission spatio 2500 ##1035 centrif downlap downhole 1008 epigenetic melilite kemp mmr attest attested classes classifying classifications ##9666 ulvosp impacting confid appeared barnes dusty sensors chlorobi ultras grows bodied liu synneusis gołkowice ##458 ##808 riverbank insert northernmost ##erged fluorination standardised ##kyl hypogene hypabyssal creates crepor microscale microspatial 241 iriri retrie retardance thinned entry couple ordering ##158 meso ##shima ##146 ##141 sulphate ##257 loos ##975 lacked argill monzogran ##604 ##608 burning visir ##yll exclusion subset charnockitic ##244 ##243 requiring ##188 productive machel market markers viewed foam ##288 ##289 bao devolat devoted priority predominate ##ansas ##954 ##leyite ##113 frequencies halle protopodites solidified ##981 hemipelagic 349 3450 ecologic echever bring circuit ferry 000017 000018 luc 353 3500 statement surrounds temporary cg3 ##364 stressors 6629 limitation attributable mci handbo pdb pull albitic albedo public publishers experiences inversely specifications accessible horizontally summer expanding delic delayed passed ##858 ##ventional photos 213 212 galicia tetrad shaping aggraded palmat pallad 283 mora morena mediumto 2600 87rb recognised favour pyroclasts difficulties 279 erik homohop lamb losses papers bubbling cherts unconventional exposing patagonian hardly jointed ##756 brazil interacting preparing steepest calls stockwork gdb misas wetting occupies cruz leucite microbes accompanies binchang operate polarized avulsion avouac kaolin illustrating axios seek responses realized tectonomagmatic functional ##ische ##denum projected utilize hydrogenetic filters filaments raises scientist scientists zealand predicts predicting catastrophic 419 smectitic correspondent stateline teles repeat drap thirty cnk certainly eroding departures distinguishing graywacke prograding draining captures viscous connecting panzh elsevier buildu 0000016 intensified excludes 8530 ambiguous frank something ideally ##aunas reproduction ichnota ascended searching gammac vancou torlesse proceeds problematic molybdenum geothermobar su1d excessive lattices immediate cathaysia regularly greyish palaeocl palaeoproterozoic graphs meanders microfossil adsorbers reproduced looked cg2c perturbation odd odyssey service δ2hh2o demand demise interstitially concerning synchronously argument arguments anorthite contaminant interbeds bioturbated summarize squee switched switching suspension densely japanese tda ##opodite precede propagate photosynthetic dai frigid omz chaos paleolatitude designated facilitates froude izu madao preventing planktic cryptic cryogenian stagn asymmetry anatomical obliquity ##3333333 steadily diapirs dropped floral sudbury tracking ranked constituted constitutes woods receiver metabas encompassing tetragonal ophiolitic aimed chevron prolific lawrence intersected intergrowths attempted severely determinant counterpart δ13cbulk bracketed anisotropies intrinsically shedd ##iii annealed secreting exploited applicability precludes metamictization icpmsdatacal tabeik hyperthermal updip diffractograms acknowledgements delineating hotspots bombardment hinges zambia ##oplot subtropical implementation ##exploration escarpment protocols mbsl pumping ##ihua altitude enabling unreacted survy stagnantand boulder banks mitchell covari volumetric amazon maintain juxtaposed bhatt langhian conodonts reliably replicates novo carotane ballistic cameca pentlandite plun sounding uralite wittenberg disagree disaggreg stranded harzburgite exploiting hedberg vessel vessels ##after ##chemical stimulated deflections turbulent turbulence government awarded drowning richer tilted tidewater ##kaline interconversion clarify disorder levant tracts underplating estuarine ##angshan eliminate logistical diminish jointly brachiopod ascribe skewness ammon flexural pearce tschermak wilson ##nected ##rigation ##mixing ingred prerequisite transtension cristo lithotypes mechanically electrode silliman divergence mirror cyanobacteria borisova bronzite chengdu fennosc housatonic lunar pillow sherloc sangre tentatively xianglin ##roneity thomas answer animals september georgia intertropical unroofing frames faunal lithounits δ15n conflicting undeformed diachronous families bolivia asphaltites 6742 downdip g49214 hco3 jolla kellwass placer wudang wildf decarbonation soviet unravel carbonatization biozones guinasso cg1a archaean muscle airburst stromboli ichnofaunas ##ochthonous conjugate marlboro tetrahedrite subtracting multicollector trondhj unrecognized abbreviations a00000001 bdtz doushant dallas eawm fergus homerian jimusaer lilliput london lindsey museum mnsz vadose zavod δ26mg themselves inequigranular tokashiki coercivity reunion rejuven stokes chryse minnesota ##american intervening interlocking coronadite paleoredox mojave ildikan gaussian ulvospinel creporizao monzogranitic echeverri palmatolepis palladium panzhihua gammacerane vancouver squeeze tabeikkyin bhattach tschermakite kellwasser trondhjem doushantuo 024 2e 2h 2nd 234 290 216 215 367 395 311 393 312 375 4e 4f 418 495 470 484 439 412 5c 533 516 530 525 540 6e 6c 690 616 697 611 691 717 714 798 740 786 880 817 894 885 9b 910 918 985 aur bc b1 bil bir bom bins b21 b16 bsr b40 bona ci c5 coc carb crop c21 c24 c13 cibor d3 d8 dith dul dot dial dib dian dac dick dyn drained dba dacite dashi dhar drought divalent dumps eis eten eras ejected eye fi fres fang fount fills fusion g2 gx gor gel gis got gall h3 hud home hub hurst hidden icon jial jaw k7 ky khe kit kut kam kyr kept lv l7 list lla lep lose lath lane l10 lists l15 liao longe m5 m1 mst mum mse mich mian mia mole mmb mang maly nr nal nel nne n32 nerc oj ost ome oman o58 pn pf pv piv pist pater pia pract p11 ponds pitted pione p141 qc rt rm r1 ros row rings rls rosen rises r01 sik sind spear sought t3 tic tan tam tarb tied tay trop uch ucc uta ven vit vial vall vasc ventral wl wi w6 went want wang w500 xp xal xpl y2o3 zag µg δq ##nar ##nian ##night ##pn ##pher ##pts ##pers ##pret ##ohe ##oans ##lar ##lers ##litic ##ais ##aho ##rid ##rity ##rian ##ratic ##rally ##rift ##iam ##iosp ##iogenic ##ipping ##iya ##zed ##zca ##zhn ##zero ##znik ##ev ##eep ##dah ##dorp ##s2 ##sur ##tz ##tar ##taken ##tario ##mz ##mar ##mend ##mack ##mature ##mised ##fn ##fosi ##uve ##ugh ##uela ##gre ##gent ##gran ##garn ##grometer ##vity ##450 ##416 ##cane ##577 ##764 ##300 ##327 ##395 ##384 ##821 ##837 ##296 ##xil ##x19 ##x123 ##yer ##yar ##ypt ##yne ##yster ##635 ##145 ##180 ##116 ##198 ##hm ##hot ##hop ##hote ##harm ##horn ##bul ##bone ##bay ##bted ##brad ##bitr ##benz ##055 ##910 ##945 ##916 ##917 ##928 ##w6 ##win ##wis ##with ##wand ##wyn ##jee ##jek ##αβ ##qc ##qing ##hero ##ono ##atia thera ##inary ##inds ##esco ##alation ##aline ##alem ##alkyl ##enbe ##enberg ##enisco ##itas ##itate ##itish ##icle ##icul ##icules ##icyt ##orff ##oreni ##orestation ##arith ##arfa ##arsen ina ine inad inhab ##ani ##anj ##ancheng ##rose ##stra ##statite ##stven ##stinsky ##inge ##ingjiang ##lemental ##asin ##asse ##ctors ##ationpetroleum toarc town ##elb ##elly throw ##urna ##olid ##olate ##olds ##etary ##islation ##isiana ##ispectral ##oshal ##ocratic ##idon ##iders ##idates ##idency cot co3 come coahu ##imilar ##imoni conse convin conicyt ##ceae ##agher forum reject reversed reznik deform death deoxygen isomorph isoplot isoreni ##illa ##ilibr ##owit ##ushan ##usalem ##otal ##uta stain strad ##romagnet ##hert bead beier ##iful als alin alum alco aluminous alluvium exotic exogenous bystinsky secon sectors mack ##ogle ##ogram ##oma ##oding ##chun ##chond ontario oriss oronto chak chose chute ##umed ##lah shp shat shru shuang saeed compute composing atom ##izonal ##izhou ##abases ##abolic ##respective ##antle ##antitative ##thrust ##ibway ##phan whol geoz resorbed ##ruary ##geophysical ##00p ##oper formula teeth lacc ##inea ##orean ##arton wealth ##ostone ##ador ##aday hygrometer ##iangs enter envis enstatite wasatch ##associ lows ##actic ##acyclic ##ysite ##ersdorp databases interstic interflu unity unmin unmixing unesco relic neomorphic nemat highland ##emowit expose explicit ##ormal abraded modest modules modifications validate hydroge suboxic subangular presidency ##illonite ##epart marg mariet marenisco tyee ##aked ##aines ##ander clas cans phree ##ipation scrat scores scaled discon dispar disreg dischar disequ granules preand syring qua quar student assurance calor ##atics cape caob capped durye durango priv arbitr meet meier dior carbonic ##enson ##ensky ##ensitive recurrent ##erator ##eratures ##eratane charac charred leik learn leaves lewis notion noting notation traction spik sprain spicules imprec ##cedony conclusive detr biph ##entrum analysing adds timor ##elli ##oseism geologis geologische overnight acrit acicular acropolis crn crin characterizes coaledo coalesce regist regulatory 1010 1060 faith transforms ##aper ##apatite underp underlie underestimate undertaken sulfosal pbs suppressed suppfig richness setup ##ordial concentrating trip ##ermott ##ermann apcs ##achous amuria ##cking ##ickpoint lithics lithostratigraphy observing observational observatory redeposition 195 197 191 1960 1975 1974 1979 1973 1969 parabolic ##endorff petrel typology ##ficially comparative spectro spectroph ##berus mg2 hein heights traceable mantover petrochemical analyte oleno shetland hostett idiomorphic idaho commenced moo refold magnetization nox 15n 15a 158 identifications poik agb decision outlier outstanding outlining ##issive methodist 189 ##iquantitative prima primordial 12a 126 1280 microcontinent drc drifted originates finite finds southamp eruptible ##redha equate bears infilled foliated feldspath bedform bedload rov royal rohon 14a 142 1410 faceted imx aftermath foundering ##505 ##5067 channelized globe glacially particulates carl carving auxil predate predated postulate pele firm empress characteristically standing smallest icv longest longmend multispectral bounding tiers ##henyl sequester 302 309 508 ##copically plans chalcedony specified specularity topology topaz ##334 ##336 1740 1757 grimes ##204 deforestation widest ##218 ##valent spectrometric secondly ##ningar centimet singular 255 252 256 diameters media medford medny exhibition epizonal diffused ##ynamically mathem matched know knickpoint normalised attack attribution ##9614 magnification labile combines dissolve dissimilar absorbed barchan tuoy chloro chlorites chlorob thermoc grown synk synrift horst easternmost gov google opin inducing ##804 insensitive broch naphthalene nazca porto ##tri testifies worked worksh hyperv hypoxic electric electromagnet ##ophase profiler displaced swamp ##ospheres 243 2400 endite irre irrespective poorer nda thinly supergene entailed couplets shelfal lineations lineaments ##157 intermediateand ##okite sulphidic focal coastlines detectors director ##970000 ##97x123 ##356 ##677 ##6742 pyrope geochronologic monzogranites cooler surveying successively burton morphometric visually ##ylene subsiding ##246 ##2400 sharing sheared frez freely ##185 conductive crosses crossing schl electronic shaking food fo04 236 semiquantitative radiant radiometer ##omeres zonations ##953 halo guelb guizhou guinea hollows variously storing dayal promise mollo molasse nanophase ##uged camb angiosp 000010 000025 000023 approximated columnar 355 602 601 ##prints temporarily littor ##charov cg1b dolostone slowing ##706 ##3600 stressed 6632 breaks ##porosity critically 655 65cu effort osi ##657 ##844 ##847 ##840 acknowledged sbld extinct wollast inverted amplified amplification fronts accessed blast ##292 integrity distinguishes 455 phenols phenanthr episodicity pyrene ##857 ##851 capillary ##405 photon photography logarith rhyod sinian undulating ashby minima manner paler palyn ##nerite glomerocryst contextual hgi 557 unlimited 262 2610 divide divides colored colorless recognizable faraday pyroclastics difficulty 276 person lamellar ##fson barriers britain packstone merely merensky exposes polychromatic ##754 economical triggers ignored explosion explosions explosivity multiphase wetter dissected cruise otc otb frontier 223 chronostratigraphy loaded convey ##hydrolog correspondingly 719 humic wedges headed pelitic decomposed decomposing plantx19 dyke goncharov running reality lasting purification ##bursts disseminations boula incompatibility thanked cassini 592 astro raising rafts µm2 analogy extractable gravimetric graduate positioned encaps macroseeps pgept spanned mtarfa romip turned denotes drastic thirteen articles articulated purely stabilize distinguishable ediacara lips phosphatized employing viscosities connections panel pancam turbid turbidite debates strait intensification paleoenvironment bastendorff nacional cordilleran unknowns εndt grande ichnologic doug destroy rodstven toned vegetated chromatograms peridotitic ringbone ultrap insightful tadrs urban venting ventersdorp architectures pseudomorphic arabian dabie mda ##lett ##letons readv swedish lagging zhong pyrolysate undersc addressing frict graphical adsorb azorean satis hydrologic elongate spinels academic kilometer scavenge overlapped facilities wavelengths skeletons ##4290 forests anorthosit anorthoclase hydroxyl hydroxosulf campi campanian spiral appendage summarised summarizes squares xinqiao zudon ##groups scarps scarlett propagating constructed escalation simplistic biodegraded 6100 bimodality dafosi kd2 starra corroded gsss rheological sagan colours schemes paleotemperatures 1980s montmor terminus terminated penetrated briefly cryo nwr anatomy anisian birefringent retaining orbiters gateways oaes organisation pools pooled conceptualization cerberus podomeres selwyn siderophile receive receiving miniatur collided metabolic encompassed 1072 occupying nuclei nucleate ophiolites corroborates kinningar llb wasting thermochronologic attempts habitable theoretically stretches ##obiological counteract bracketing geneve chainik geodynamics hampers pervasively postdate intercalations nitric pixl tiered injectors ##leaned stationary ##ographical shoreface geomorphological 13ygx06 specialized engineers fissures hinge lw1 courses unevenly adequately undergoes obscure deciphering emeritus reactivities brightness optimized seasonality eurasia lopoliths unrelated subbasin discordia tiztmax castleg flegre flakes floors jerusalem nno pilot inhibited compensate compensating legislation waterflood maintaining ##anglha taxon hypersaline manifest manifested juxtaposition komatiites mvp industries datums philipp quebrad arrival appreciated carotenoids epicontinental 13ygx32qtz pentacyclic plugs practice ttg uralitised witnessed forestry prevalent diatoms microthermometric derivative derivatives algorithms destabilization sustainable habitability echo echin junctions piekary ssz warr yd2a ##esterly isopachous alignment webster clockwise megaflood reequilibr 137cs contractional deflection paragneisses embryophytes doubly serpentinization serpentinized frosty mahakam mahakoshal mpi4 emphasis peculiarities avalan avalonia bifur drowned egypt fungi jezero nordbay vacancies wenlock ##amento ##ichenko concepts caledonia underplated estuaries tails mcdermott pulsed pulsating brachiopods catalogs ascribed candidate james mutual vermicul ##collis beavers metazoan pebble extrapolation 244cm argentiferous coevolution coevally millennia millennium macrofossil macrofossils s03756742 metapelites metapelitic business batteries cylinder darcy dorsa eutectic frasnian klmm korea louisiana poseidon ruled yuzhn yardangs ziemowit totals shiwand competent feasibility granophyre repository accordance 107042 upgrading agricult decrepitation equipment cephalopods polycyclic thermodynamics synchysite snowball alberta supervision aragonitic artificial unequivocally polymorphs bureau babichenko biphenyl coccolith grunerite harbert muller moghre ##orrelated rectangular ##geologists collaborative abandoned abdulredha scrutin triterpenoids smelter territories inflection extraordinary attractive absorbance entrapped succeeded invertebrate photographs unfavour pseudosection metabolism redistributed hypersthene mitigate lamprophyre trimethylalkyl 90006 bradbury ctx celest gbmz henry kettle lorenson liaodong sicily tortonian ##nrw ##iophene ##alysis office coppola stereo anatexis alamos prokoph choice saxony temora february sparsely overfitting redeposited euarthropods parsimoni monoclinic agassiz instantaneous micropaleontological neglected 173yb defects confidently lucero 66299 handbook moraine eriksen homohopanes telescope franklin ichnotaxa stagnation ingredients fennoscandia wildfire fergusonite rejuvenation ##americanassoci trondhjemite auriferous bonai cocci ciborowski dashiqiao dharwar eisgarn freshen fountaining gxr gallagher iconic jialingjiang khetri longevity mumbai naldrett nelson ojibway omega pivotal piston practical rosenbauer sikhote sindh tarball taylor vascular wipe zagros δqfm ##hornblende ##benzenes ##arsenides inadequ ##ationpetroleumgeologists toarcian ##olidus coahuila isorenieratane stainless alumina seconds orissa geozentrum ##iangshan interstices interfluves unmineralized mariette phreeqc disparate disequilibr duryea leikoupo imprecise acritarch sulfosalts spectrophot mantoverde olenoides hostettler refolded southampton auxiliary longmendong tuoyan workshop electromagnetic ##97000083 littoral wollastonite phenanthrene plantx1997x123 rodstvenny hydroxosulfates montmorillonite castlegate flegrei quebrada nordbayern vermiculite s0375674297000083 yuzhno moghrein trimethylalkylbenzenes ##americanassociationpetroleumgeologists 0et 020 016 030 060 011 037 012 1e 1f 1g 1su 280 228 295 2205 3he 334 390 345 328 398 326 490 416 425 435 422 5d 5f 580 522 532 564 574 5333 620 634 675 6906 734 780 730 718 8d 8000 833 820 825 860 865 932 975 arom aure aom ares aand aven airc aero ayal aphan b7 b3 b6 bq brom bary brou blow boun bour bold bond bind b27 bending b26 bolc b19 barium barton c1 ces clo cari cros cient c25 c22 c23 d1 dor dre dand dend damp d50 dual daw dwell dwelling dharm eb ej ese ether eun erup eais fat fal fical fost foss flus fias flys fash g4 ger gar gou gill gric gert gork gained glab gott gorge gleaned h5 hk hat hes hues hik hern hour hond hark hither harry hancheng ik iter iles icc jud jub jung jake jiam ko k1 kat kel keral kru kath kink kven kok kenn kana koch kurt kongs lk lic lst lis lod lined leng lang love lods lichen m4 m9 mk men moc mce mical mere mism mish mld muted ns nat nes nest night niel nav nams ncs nested ncd oz ok oes oik oval ooids oht oken oshima pu p9 pelt pour pages p17 psts pico pits pga pitz psm ql rv rol rav rice r14 romer rug rules rij ribb rpms rosal riet rinds s9 sle sis sween sile send ssp t4 tas trom tif tant tud tric tills tsr torn tended talc tidal u3 u6 ucs von vice vinc vries wd w7 wer wak wane wads wfs wiley warning xl xi xiangshan yar yuk yilg zg zeng zheng αβ δε μa σl σh σφ ##nl ##non ##nor ##nest ##nosp ##pical ##phen ##paper ##o4 ##o7 ##ois ##oast ##oise ##oeg ##ook ##oarsenides ##lim ##lure ##lage ##liers ##aard ##aerg ##auna ##iations ##ience ##zn ##zin ##eonite ##dd ##dar ##dite ##dem ##dale ##dling ##dynamic ##s5 ##sk ##sin ##sis ##sification ##sbs ##surface ##snes ##tan ##tro ##tically ##tta ##mo ##mel ##mian ##mens ##mination ##mnosp ##fx ##fj ##fter ##found ##fell ##fo2 ##fusc ##uv ##ux ##uction ##uck ##ups ##gro ##gis ##gts ##gun ##gory ##gonite ##van ##vet ##via ##vain ##vold ##vns ##428 ##4o7 ##cn ##cher ##cive ##cible ##cially ##code ##current ##cels ##737 ##314 ##360 ##311 ##394 ##860 ##877 ##230 ##225 ##295 ##236 ##xiling ##xonomic ##yen ##yle ##yect ##yend ##yang ##ygd ##yramidal ##ypical ##696 ##693 ##612 ##133 ##110 ##196 ##190 ##had ##hold ##hula ##holes ##homorphic ##huri ##hwar ##bal ##bly ##bus ##bant ##bound ##box ##bitt ##950 ##920 ##996 ##918 ##911 ##wd ##wt ##wic ##wins ##westerly ##jin ##jab ##jacent ##kin ##kins ##qent ##æfell ##hetical ##heline ##onm ##atical ##atable ##atile ##athy thesis ##erz ##erel ##inct ##inated ##inution ##inding ##inning ##alg ##altic ##enic ##encer ##itability ##itte ##ndepositional ##edeep ##icated ##icators ##oring ##oration ##orial ##orium ##orokite ##ionized ##aro ##arms ##ariance ##arupt andre andra andres ingest inability inlier ##anag ##reed ##rewed ##rol ##rost ##rocarbon ##entown ##stine ##stac ##stances ##stands ##ingers ##lef ##asht ##ctric tow toled touc toler towed ##else ##elane ##elastic thins thras threat ##urate ##urns ##urang ##urnal ##urfaces ##olar ##oland ##olating ##olitization ##mped ##etal ##etian ##etitive ##isites ##iscover ##osis ##osib ##osign ##osedimentary ##osensor ##igo ##igou ##iglacial ##igiri ##ocal ##ocation ##oclasts ##ocurrent cow coqu ##imrad ##rax ##rab ##raction ##rays ##raft ##ravall ##ceived ##agent ##agmatic ##agasc foredeep ##ulse ##uliani ##ulsification really rechar rebound reagent deut decker deionized isa ##ils ##ilon ##iled ##ilation ##ilizing ##ilpn ##usi ##usoidal ##oto ##oting ##otas ##otation ##otta ##otroph ##utt ##uteng st0 stop stations stde stoss stark stims stoch staining stilpn asl aside areal anion anions anth suffer suitability ##ires beo bean beis beast alloys alstine exit exos exeter exerc exemp prove prokaryotic proyect seag sext sevent mading maiel maison masters ##istol ##ogr ##ogar ##ogang ##omen ##oming ##omelane ##odos ##odepositional ##oderms ##erald ##chio ##chinsky ##chison onlap ork cho chad chong chip chief chhot ##laus ##lave sho shiz shatter shark shards shields shaded sab sack compress contex ati atac athen atypical mind minted minutes minusc ##izon ##iziya ##seismic ##vern ##vertical ##vergent ##amorph ##amura ##resp ##iesno ##anta ##anthomorphic ##photic ##lue ##luids ##ryer wholes whilst whitish geop geomin geote george geobar geographically geyer geographical reside resolves resolv depositand mineralised ##gean ##rana ##rane ##oubted ##00km sampler samplers ##pplemental ##convergent ##opy ##opart ##opia format formal ##quin ##quia ##quoise ##imentary tele teas team tecn ##inez ##inem hack hafn ##artico wear weigh weights ##ortion ##ortment ##uese ##udhuri ##alling indoch ##adal ##ading ##adays ##adpur mettler enem enorm envel enthal enlar washed washing wasser evora ##aryotes ##assess ##arbs lowers lowand ##acters ##actane ##acou ##ysh ##ologico ##erson interd intimately intricate unfer unex unrad unident untang ##iaceae relax neural nebul highstand ##onghe zirconium abn abl abut modulating valles validation validated hydroph hydrodynamic subgroup subgrain sublim subjacent subvertical showings ##illing ##dsims marath marcou marcel ##aks ##akami ##aint ##ainqent ##andez geocarbs canary canopy periglacial perceived ##ulted sco scree scour scours betics betze disco disks surging surmised prep prey symb syns syndepositional quadr quiet quyen assay ##duct calm caut caand capping caogar ##unistic coron corals geochemists arrib arbor arises arrays meiziya ##cessful striated stringers distorts dieg diurnal consume considers carbonatized ##ensis ##ensive ##ensland recur reclus replicated replacements repetitive charring charlie characters leb trays spider spends spline spilled sphene sphero spencer ##sour temperate impart imposs impinge implaus obfusc obstac concurr conclusively bioir biject biomineral bixiling biosign rangan simulating differed ite itrax 20s 205 20na adher adult admix timeline ##genesis ##genoeg signify ##ellular overestimate overmature ##velen acanthomorphic ##netic ##rices ##mma characterizations paleor paleob paleother paleochemical paleotop paleobiological paleogr paleodepositional coalfields regulated 10x 1020 1015 1093 1038 1046 104290 translation ##apsh underwater underway underline sulfoarsenides pb2 twisted supplier slit slice setups ##erto lowering trio ##deep ##deka differentiating aplitic associate ##achite amos amoc amygd applies claw ##neuve alters altermann upwell ##ozo lithos lithified lithification fractionate fractionates allen allochthonous 192 1900 1936 1939 1952 1951 euphotic suggestion bott bottle para paralic parcels ##cour propensity proposal ##endite ##outs gregory ##ixian comparably stratoty spectrally ##bergs mgi heater heath remember manto nordsims monoch monogenetic monosulf monomineral analytic analytically olv ##undi interpolation potter completion comminution magnetometer crystallizes ree3 reevaluation nova 1550 1530 actions ##iev ##raltar wherever agents agitation aginsk agsbs agreed declined outward outlines deepest ##arevs instig ##ogenetics ##isser 1825 1835 1876 invas ##nssc 12457 microgranular microseismic drip drone drives ##uba ##ubsurface ##psino fineness generous arcuate arcgis faulted midcontinent representation tera terpsino equally equivoc equigranular 16s 169 reflectors inflow inflation ##raining bello 13a ##itudinally complexities 117 11th 1150 1160 1170 ##licates ceased roed 1471 1492 1483 igd discl discrep facets ims imf serravall afterwards ##brates sols solvents ##ampundi esker ##507 ##503 globules polys poladpur glaciated glacitect flower flowed carmack furna furrows ##aminated contradic auger predators postemp peko negro reducible newfound longitude longshore longitudinal longitudinally multivariate chemicals mineralogic 404 ti4 wtw ##oxian seques sequentially nonorganic ##indrical ##indicators 303 latvia ##ometrie 509 ##copes ##ropy hfo2 pressing pressur plana planned planorb amphibolites specially speculate marscode strongest grouping groupings histogram descends topas illin ##338 ##3388 ##iveness 179 17β doing gr1 grind gr2a grinding ##obo technologico backtra defens widened ##215 ##2116 ##2144 norman radium shallowly shallowest bull bulging ##aven investigates gauge gauteng gaixian gaoxian factory singly progression programs permaf 253 ##1050 downs downw ##345 salem salient salmin salobo approaching matching matrices antartico normalizing mmes mmol attain attachment ##967 ##960 ##9629 ##9679 extensions label labelled ##dley dissoci dissolving blocky blocked absorpt barwise barrett influencing ##iferation quantifies ##907 ##909 demonstra separating grounding offline chloritic chloroph chloritized thermochemical thermicity li2b synto synthes syngenetic synconvergent mn2 opx opal induan gradational uncorrelated uncrewed ##4597 ##4560 ##4500p inset insolation inspected δ18om elan eltra naa ##haj portray younging ##trated accumulates ##167 inferences fluorapatite fluorosensor standardization standardized structureless electroc microscopes swarms ##teness 248 ends iridium snæfell snapsh columbus δ13corg δ13cresp ndn returns superocean superficially ##306 lineation lineament ##153 ##156 ##159 flash mesothermal ##175 ##172 ##1727 ##olithic volatility ##147 ##149 ##1428 skin skaerg ##2547 coasts 703 7067 ##9700 ##354 ##355 ##671 ##6740 volcanosedimentary orthoph geochronometer geochronometers memorial ##274 ##278 acids hereafter ##rocks ##602 ##6037 burrow visit exclusive subsolidus ##ovolc ##ovolcanic ##ovsk ##2474 viejo conducive crossed schwe markov selectively selecting skarnization assimilants fo00 ##287 ##282 drillholes clearer 2370 23rd powell hypothetical ##ircular predominated radiations radiating radiometrie shortcom hypothesised title reacts stevns expectations energies siliciclastics halogens haldar holland holman holistic holysh ##376 ##3713 kawamura proton solidify ##9875 possibilities martinez tars convert converge converged 344 343 341 340 3428 3409 3403 promont meteorology meteorological alternation nano nanpan nanopart ##936 brat brighter brien bristol circulated ferron ferric ferrim feraud ##941 cratering 00003 000021 000015 000024 000029 0000280 luyend ##thens approximating 354 357 358 607 606 s1b iona ##264 optic wahula ##uccessful ##bec veining slowed ##7075 saltating ##awa 666 669 breakage breakoff 805 801 80nssc ##hester themis 656 osmium ossa ##6569 ##enave hands assumes pulp albitite accomplished accomplish plutonism restite restoration restraining experiencing versa wolff specificity ##stered summing blade delaminated ##29n submerged clumped apparatus remainder bandpass ##854 ##855 intraporosity documents ordinary photored phototroph numerically prospectivity incorporating 219 fertl sintered sinusoidal treating undet undoubted 0435 0436 362 minimization mano manip manually 288 282 molecule inherently 551 morrison ##eneses strengths 266 269 500m divisions gymnosp ##meth ##metamorph partitioned ettler narak narryer 274 persists santo ##391 ##399 ##3933 ##3980 ##ukuba petrographicand aquifer merge ##eady polygonal cuts join joined ##hoek arsenides parageneses northeastward brabant bradley exsolve footprint ##388 respond calderian 755 753 july ##788 ##782 ##649 ##ogeochemistry dissemination cruaud microbi 33rd operates operational chronometer chronologic loader convecting permeable equivalence restrict restricting ##khne ##arah 952 freshly pelite tsf tsukuba decompose 1602 advancement 483 sidewall lasted southeastward tectonostratigraphic sericitized functioning purity ##iscus momentum booth boett boiled 562 rimward subdued 543 541 5400 andesites 3200 films rax raj raise sanmian tenor ##555 ##558 evaporite evaporated evaporitic heats extractability 992 zeiss uniformly uniformity necessitate gravitation sheeted 2900km 3800 473 472 cdz catac easier truly trueness isochrons annular transgranular transgressions cementing correspondence macrobi macrotext ##xaquia spanish heterogeneously 462 469 ##reatment comets geoscient geospectral accelerate irregularly irregularities drastically ##oya thirds challenged geotherms portuguese 054 058 741 bathono erod erodes stabilities departamento paleocoast cracked 431 43210 ##environments ##versing prograded ##2385 phyllite phylogenetic phylogenetics phosphatic opportunities opportunistic connectivity ruptured panoram ##1996 ##1925 aggregate aggregated segmentation robustness accommodate builds 0000015 0000014 0000011 hclo4 h2so4 ltb mali malaysia malvern malachite sonars sonora sontro ##cutive intrudes intensively 854 ambigu mlds naclo4 ##9250 sealing 1205 642 stromatolitic 849 ##ontology ascertain supern aluminium aluminosity chris hornbl ferrohornblende 831 tonn tonto vegetative chromatographic chromatiaceae mwir toro ##hensky metavolcanics dips harris owned ur6 urals ventilation scattering caveats blanco 1461 crosscuts 579 aravall aragonite mdf shielded zhushan ##4737 ##3117 ##663 ##6667 safe feeder underselse palaeozoic palaeocurrent addresses dtm kirtland uraninite ##057 graphitic syenitic syenogranite syenoand concordance conditioned progresses mountainous reproduce comprehension ##irsk performing looks vaporization demagnet ##ouple espana synchronicity cleaning arguing 763 ##kerhoek campo spheres bioturbators guts pedro xinjiang ##drid ##5721 offered obviously greeley nyainqent nowadays ophitic qingfang tdp vergenoeg verkhne ##alcification season seismometers objects heightened decouple escap simplest simplify category frt kd1 karst karachi ##othall chaudhuri designs federal federation libo2 rheology tissue condie anticipated seabee madagasc coloured universal biogeodynamic terminates terminating explanations olympus tennantite 8927 cryogenic fastest tuned tubular staging strengthens obliter peatification emerged emergent steadier orbitally tsunam programmes duplexing oaxaquia ##yeong todorokite antecedent cavity 1643713 cyclicity akata akrot editing rigor sieve woody conjo miniature collage metabolites encompass 107679 orthogonal meridional foraminifers corroborate subdivision gigantopterid aiming payne wujek tomas tomographic cobbles proliferation 1407 augmented 176yb avoiding pollutant strengthened habits turquoise ##cerol ##0450 indistinct mobilize mobilizing eustasy fingerprints ##lieb ##ercito shannon hampering bioclasts biocalcification transiently settled correctly precluded possessed postdated postdating postdepositional diffusional diffusively attenuated benz eighteen pos5 piper sweep ##electric ##etti examinations unsu presumed megap excellence delineation cantab fissile hsg lwir ligtenberg utopia thorium equatorward phosphorous categorize murchison mirning munster pumpelly troodos tapering ucm unreal screen survived survival prevailed discordance macroscopically catchments bigger cb3 dm4500p fleet fleeting float floating funnel pigeonite pockets tonalitic ##chet ##enzie costae ##ulfide sumner exactly chichester assigns assignment legacy maintained remineralized institution manifests ferromagnetic radioactivity elucidated aegean diversified gjp hellenic pitkal pyroxenites qingshan ##2805 sunl queensland quebec quenching arrive 104276 novarupt novosib 147sm initiates permanently epiclastic epicratonic automatic selectivity principles skeleton smoothing bowl liner sfi ttgs tightly ##jiapo ##jiayuan exhaled compacted increment unrest scotia symmetric arenitic microns methanol derivations advantages molluscs circumstances aluminosilicates destabilizing lagerstatten feedbacks sustainability nigerian photomicrographs crescent gibraltar hedenberg krevelen mosselman octahedral pieces rrna slumps yd2b ##oori stimulate stalled stalling behaves exponentially clouds scottish corrid megacontinent micrometer micrometers invariant ##16667 endowed pyrolyzed waxing lanthanum madurai stoichiometry azimuths 210pb 2181 8370450 branched bloom cadiz cadomian fungal jarosite liberation mccs mcclure masked nordland renders rendered ripple vacuum wenjiapo ##5005 concealed ##racle fortunately forsterite storey chuar interconnected disordered caledonian conservative levy trilobite outputs logistics mercara astroni astronomically thoroughly lherzolite surprisingly 3156 bonny candidates fuels glycol glycerol hindered mutually mylon mylonite niche pearson rollback sutures suturing walvis xiaol ##iolo ##umberger computation metazoans subcret subcircular prerequisites lithotype pebbles extrapolated epochs argentina sillimanite ##hydrocarbons divergent 7900a forecasts cyanobacterial battery cylindrical dalwal dorsal eutrophic femn klint korean ludlow ludford lynx lynwood nadir ruling welded thalweg stems competitive envisioned intersects disentangle disentangling granophyres repositories suppresses upgraded agriculture equiped cephalopod polycrystalline contradictory gaojia thermodynamically synchroneity profoundly autoclaves autoclave bafq benefit supervised definitively aragonensis zhujiayuan rhodium artificially vectoring cosmochemistry culminating unequivocal bouvet bismuthinite culturing donkerhoek dictates girdle killops masotta punctu punjab sdz session sessions wenger ##ydrocarbon compromise disintegration disintegrated spillway oversaturated overturning cupola parkfield kaoko kaokoland migmatite migmatites desiccation desiccating nannof nannoplankton bridie dimensionless drawing retrogradational campaigns anticlinal anticlinorium neighbouring isoprenoids isoprenoid 8370106 geolaspro deduced exhausted macromolecules macromolecule overwhelmed bags cinorg dysoxic feti fibrous ggct glezen hinders mlyrb ntbs ovt raglan sxb vapors xmob yaogang cooperative strokes deployed chileno companies geofluids lauretta wehrlite envelopes subscript perchlorates quiescent capsules striped dienst reprecipitation extruded overestimation triangular truthing paradox monotonic decalcified midlithospheric people gazimur centroid centrifuged ultrasonic loosely devolatilization delicate draped buildup geothermobarometry palaeoclimate covariation plunge minnesotaite bhattachary 4843 7404 biligiri birth bombs diallage dacitic etendeka erased hudson kitakami kameni listric llaca lepid liaohe michigan mianlue miaoya nrf nerchensky ostrac pfi paterson rosas spearman tropics uchino utah vials vallis ##tzia ##ught ##hopane inhabited ##anjiao cotectic deforming deoxygenation isomorphism straddling alcoves mackenzie ##chondritic chakrab shatanjiao ##thrusting laccoliths envisaged relicts explicitly ##epartment margolis claspers discharges syringe quarter diorites learned detriment geologiske crinoids suppfigs poikil agbada mathematical chlorohydrocarbons chlorobactane thermocouple synkinematic irrevers frezchem schlumberger angiosperm logarithmic palynological personnel astrobi encapsulated turbidites readvances frictional satisfact miniaturized 13ygx06qtz philippines echinoderms reequilibrate bifurc ##collisional shiwandashan agricultural biphenyls scrutiny unfavourably celestial parsimoniously freshening disequilibrium plantx1997x123x 1supplemental aureole aircraft ayalon aphanitic bromine baryte brouwer bolchert carius crosato cientific dandot dendritic dawn ejercito erupts ficalho fossae flysch fashion grice gertisser gorkha glabra gottlieb hikurang hernandez honda harker hitherto iccp juboori jiamusi kerala kruge kvenvold kanaa kurtosis kongsbergs lengthen langfang lichenized micallef mismatch nsf nesbitt nielsen ohta okenane pourret pitzer qlnrw rijks rosalind rietveld sweeney siletzia ssp11 tudiling vincentown wadsleyite yukon yilgarn δεhf σlree σhree ##balanced ##anagpur toledo touched thrasher stdev stimson stochastic stilpnomelane proyecto sexton madingley maiella maisonneuve chongqing chiefly chhotanagpur shizishan sackett contexts atacama athena minuscule wholesale geominero geotechn geobarometer resolvable hafnium indochina enormous envelope enthalp washington wasserburg unexpected unradiogenic unidentified relaxation marathon marcoule screech synsedimentary arribas diego impossible concurrently bioirrigation bijective biosignatures paleobathy paleotherm trioctahedral upwellings stratotype monosulfide monomineralic agsbs2 ##arevsky microseismicity terpsinoe equivocal discrepant serravallian glacitectonic furnaces postemplacement newfoundland planorbis illinois permafrost salminen absorptions chlorophyll li2b4o7 electrochem snæfellsnes snapshot skaergaard ##ovolcano shortcomings nanpanjiang nanoparticles luyendyk photoreduction phototrophs undoubtedly gymnosperms boettcher sanmianjing gravitationally macrobiotas macrotextures paleocoasts panoramic ambiguity hornblendite aravalli nyainqentanglha madagascar akrotiri pumpellyite novarupta novosibirsk yaogangxian hikurangi kvenvolden kongsbergsimrad 021 010 097 067 026 086 0108 1h 296 267 298 293 294 284 222 2976 3h 330 314 324 365 384 371 3965 4u 4g 421 460 424 411 437 498 436 485 477 486 475 438 446 423 4160 4346 4158 43333333 5g 5th 510 535 560 528 570 565 585 586 578 571 576 5ci 53333 5gg 53333333 6000 635 640 644 671 6h2o 6908 7d 7f 7000 716 797 728 738 8p 8g 8h 890 815 827 818 811 870 855 813 9c 933 996 930 997 927 924 978 968 949 aa ai aal ale ail aus aot ave ary aac apt astr a20 a21 aeg a27 a24 aike a29 a12 a38 a31 aye aesch arose b5 b8 b9 bion bis bos bial bry bret brus bang b20 bav b10 b30 b15 b14 b35 b24 b37 b22 b29 baner b38 bering b23 b31 bw6 c8 cw cro cet cil cerv card ciron crow c34 cush c11 c38 c2h cinder clo4 coseism dp ds df db dw dher dir dock ddu drough dams dsc daz denn dho dgs dah daling dsd d635 e00 elo eand eco effer ega eichen fm fu fc fon fid fith fly fus fot fru fates fip fox fission farm fuk fits fitz flake faint gz gm g3 god gad gian gros gmb gord gently gallow gubb gets gvs g19 gaining gwal hp hd hil hir hod hant herv hov hug huss haman hxs hull hild hunga herc hatch humps hermann ip iw ira ids iba ihs j3 jon jas jank juan jade juliani k3 kent kle kul kot kum kies kud kall kad kase kast kpt krib kron kap kde koz kier khan ksr kash koh kala kennan kaken kansas khaj lr l2 ling lel liv live loci lust lend lund lons lumin lends liles lomb lopes linz lgt lch4 lyster mr m6 m0 mro mos mate mold mps mung m12 myeong ned nir nich nant nqu nong nie nub nath n25 narm nuna oi oe o3 ooid oolitic oks oyster oracle p6 p0 pis pid pad pik pca pte p15 pinc pickel pods pfe pouring ques qiang qdi rg rw ron roc riv rse ram rass ria race rip rast rene rind rina rha rail raz r68 risco rosa renz rios ryu roper r6569 sj sos sla sard sio sons ssc s11 sarm sogn sses sgu sizable tb ted tst tith tag ture ties tall tale tack trees tfe um u4 u2 ump uid uts uand utica vn vo va v4 vil vort vign void vamp vise vibr vagle vch4 vrana wn wp wz wc wy wis wut wir wad wds wied wign ward word wie wish wmin warp wmax walc wadia wester wcl waven xf xb xavi ye y3 yin yib yun yue york yink ysc yuan yao youth zo zz zf zar zim zhen zeg zha ƒo2 βα δp δta μs 푀 훼 ##nin ##nite ##ners ##nip ##nick ##nonite ##pu ##pc ##ping ##pow ##port ##practic ##passed ##oil ##oorganic ##oaded ##oaromatic ##octahedral ##lat ##lag ##late ##lop ##lination ##lerite ##liao ##ael ##aver ##ault ##aue ##afa ##rc ##rations ##rization ##rera ##rising ##iq ##iat ##iab ##iably ##iotic ##ieties ##iwins ##zd ##zy ##zar ##zan ##zak ##ziel ##zyk ##zoned ##zika ##zigou ##ef ##eir ##epp ##eable ##eanic ##eust ##eav ##eok ##eye ##events ##ejo ##ebrate ##evaluation ##don ##dal ##dell ##dors ##drop ##dkit ##discover ##si ##sq ##sed ##sized ##sell ##sue ##sonian ##sson ##sands ##ture ##tive ##tile ##tik ##tell ##tose ##tti ##mu ##mk ##mir ##mock ##melt ##mically ##mond ##mans ##member ##magmatic ##fu ##f2 ##fers ##fied ##fted ##fete ##falia ##froy ##ui ##uz ##uj ##ued ##uut ##uals ##urock ##uitive ##uja ##uching ##uza ##uvian ##uanshan ##uangshan ##uador ##gou ##gart ##gens ##gram ##gyrite ##gressive ##guna ##gott ##gerald ##vre ##vist ##velt ##vard ##vare ##vially ##vescence ##vigor ##437 ##465 ##471 ##483 ##cet ##cos ##cence ##cia ##cast ##cell ##comm ##cased ##clines ##clusive ##cyclic ##cillary ##cchio ##caryotes ##czak ##550 ##510 ##727 ##794 ##729 ##799 ##3f ##390 ##380 ##324 ##398 ##834 ##814 ##818 ##2th ##220 ##267 ##298 ##293 ##226 ##232 ##2501 ##xp ##xy ##xin ##xel ##xene ##xual ##x2021 ##x107 ##yan ##yam ##yres ##yva ##ybe ##yuk ##yzika ##650 ##680 ##616 ##615 ##624 ##698 ##6305 ##118 ##137 ##136 ##139 ##138 ##1hg ##1906 ##1940 ##hist ##hod ##hart ##houn ##habil ##hden ##hmann ##himica ##b1 ##bit ##bra ##bial ##bad ##blow ##bole ##bold ##bob ##borg ##born ##buk ##boni ##basic ##brane ##921 ##926 ##9154 ##9957 ##wel ##wid ##wus ##wad ##wable ##wether ##jon ##jar ##jou ##jins ##jean ##jma ##janes ##jaw ##kr ##k1 ##kw ##kα ##kles ##kons ##kha ##kanes ##kaz ##kelman ##kuja ##kjanes ##qvist ##ᵒc ##heer ##heds ##hety ##hetti ##onim ##onom ##onides ##onde ##onough ##onche ##atm ##aty ##ateral ##atified ##ativity ##atty ##attle ##atants ##eri ##erb ##eron ##erra ##erod ##erse ##erver ##erian ##erling ##erior ##erupt ##iniv ##inth ##inage ##inert ##inthon ##esh ##esqu ##eshan ##esfor ##alu ##alen ##ality ##alities ##alisation ##alho ##alino ##alkaline ##alkanes ##enc ##enable ##enitic ##enium ##enjhar ##itions ##itors ##itales ##itman ##edit ##edom ##edyne ##icore ##icrust ##ictic ##icula ##icpms ##icutt ##oric ##orable ##orls ##orids ##orete ##ionts ##iongd ##arant ##arts ##arana ##arters ##aroo ##arlem ##arjee ##argyrite andy anderson inac inund informed informs inlab inwards inexp ##anent ##anha ##anmar ##anocratic ##analysis ##rem ##rect ##reth ##requ ##reating ##related ##reitas ##roites ##ropped ##roceed ##roying ##roxy ##enti ##ented ##entiful ##sto ##stian ##styn ##stings ##ington ##leen ##leter ##leted ##leman ##leton ##lefson ##lemma ##lejon ##asia ##assemb tolu topp topm tooth toshima touching tobra ##eloc ##elity ##ello ##elope ##elisite ##eldah thomp thorn thiophene ##uram ##urry ##urasht ##olit ##olutions ##olson ##olarian ##olake ##etus ##etized ##etection ##ethyl ##etano ##etrization ##isal ##isla ##isive ##isible ##isols ##osul ##osound ##osilite ##ige ##iger ##ighed ##iggs ##igbed ##ocus ##ocused ##ocroc ##oclast ##oceras ##ocomian ##ocolate ##oceanic ##idis ##idoli cox coat cova cogenetic coinage coleman ##imo ##imated ##imara ##imony ##imensional ##immel conical connel conforms ##rag ##raisal ##ceira ##agu ##agre ##aginian ##agiri forth fordy forested withstand ##ulent ##ulam ##ulia ##ulpt ##ulses ##ulfor rex reop reys reform reentr reyn reven rejection reappear recession reoxygen reassess rehabil deff deals demost dehra dearth deleter ise ism isak isolate ##ivan ##ivable ##ivities ##ivolat ##ilisation ##ilateral ##iloceras ##owet ##user ##usae ##otos ##otassic ##otri ##otrophic ##otethys ##otactic ##utive ##utics ##uthal ##uttering ##utura ##utiful ##utilizing ##utbuk std stine stone stones stella stops stoped asx aserra ana anamb ancillary sue suess suited ##terior ##terpret ##herly ##herill ##herty ##herford ##irr ##iring ##iration ##irine ##irka ##menting ##ositions ##atemal ##ateena beer beads belem begun ##ifers ##ifiers ##ifiably alf al3 allu aland alme exe exx exac exca exited exopodite exterior promp projection bypro byrd bypassed sease sexual sekw seattle mand master maars maja madrid ##isto ##istically ##isturb ##ogether ##omon ##omes ##omite ##omial ##omap ##omeric ##ombe ##omarine ##odes ##oderm ##odities ##odiversity ##icalite depressed deportment ##eralloys ##chl ##chall ##chap ##chuan ##chlan ##chroneity onon onion online onuma onigbed chon chin chur chained chipped chiling chocolate ##umgart ##lam ##lains ##lained ##lamin sha shad shrib shifting shmax ships shats shax shuram say said sadd savan saurasht compl compart compex complications complicate contiguous atio2 atelisite miner minar minable minting minsh minoan minuta ##izers ##izong ##izza ##vee ##vec ##vements ##veget ##abe ##abst ##ablo ##abales ##abria ##abora ##seg ##seer ##seca ##search ##seongs ##verses ##amo ##am3 ##amine ##ameters ##amato ##amuj ##ieson ##anted ##thick ##thydrocarbon ##thaginian ##iba ##ibenthic ##ibalisation ##iveau ##phy ##physical ##phistic ##luence whic wholly whorls ##tsook geb geost geco geosp geosphere geomicro resins resamp resided resume residing resorption resampled resumed magaz depositing ##rued ##rugin ##geon ##gement ##geological ##geoph ##rann ##rance ##cesurfaces ##ighthydrocarbon soi soaked softer sobole sophistic ##002 ##001 ##009 ##00124 ##ppenbe ##ousova rocknest ##esta ##condit ##conference ##consin ##opic ##oping ##opus ##opad ##opold ##opyrox ##opoles formats ##qua ##quan ##quari ##quisition ##quarters lapp lachlan haines hawk havre haarlem hastings ##oregressive ##artz wei weiss weimer weighed ##orty ##ortativity basu bashar plum plenty plentiful ##ccurate ##cchetti incand incip inclin incising incident incisions inclination ##udied ##ados ##adhad colt colville collated enrol encour eva ##asson ##assios ##arba lowlands ##active ##acid ##acryst ##achel ##acandia ##ysz ##ologists ##ersion datuanshan interf interstr interlay users usace intem intell intended intech intuitive uni unqu unified unimp unpro unload unrep unifying unmat uninter unmetamorph unbalanced unzoned unveget ##iae ##iapent hydrom ##ferrous relocation reloaded nech neck neuk nehden neocomian highto ##eman ##ongani expert expense expressive abiotic abeok modulation modulate valhal fluvially ##mentsser hydrost hydrogeolog hydroacou subarc subgra subcritical subcontinental subhor subgroups subalkaline preset showcased ##illips ##illancourt ##dsley ##epleted marc march marien marcas marche tyne ##akoram ##akurna ##andaj ##andao ##andesite geocoding geochimica cl82 canon phd phyric phillips feel ##ipate performs pertin perylene perkin perovsk ##ultimate volkons sche scand scene scout scope sculpt scopus betonim disaster disloc disorientation disassemb granob granoph prem precess prepon preto preglacial precondit ##pectives syne ##wegs assure assortativity ##dun calk calhoun callejon calabria ##asting caf2 caetano duricrust ##orphology ##unists ##uniform ##ffrey ##ffarana ##iedo ##ghuangshan cors corg corer corros corund corpor corona corinth prp pridoli arn arith arising aridity arthrop ararom arrows meant meets meij meeting wheel ##pti ##pton ##cesses ##cessor ##cessing ##cessible strips distort distorted dihedral dioctahedral dilemma diablo oxi oxia consuming consumed consulted ##oneous ##enses ##ensen recumb recoil ##eneye ##ariable charles leu leary lease leaf leave lehm leyva lehmann levee leopold ##ribed notes notting genu generative generator tray trak traced trained traversing travelt traverses spent spare sphere spons spines spills spaw spike spont sps5 sputtering extents imperm imposing ##rosite framb partner partners obo obstruct detract detached occlu biome biofacies biospheres bijaw simulates calcified calcio calcybe calcisols ##elta item italian 209 20th 2025 2055 2031 202hg 20db 20cm adob adela adepartment adiab adquisition rating chang chance timed timna waterlog proves proving provider provision signifying ##ellation ##ellites ##ellids ##ellulose ##ellenave seaways ##retions mostei ##aye ##ayer ##ayment ##aylas ##aymas overly overto overload overrep overflow overpow overthick hasan silts silesian silicalite ##vella ackles sugar ##netti ##uez ##ricating ##ricted accrued crm credit ##mmass characterise characterising paleobiology paleoseism paleontology paleolake paleowet paleopoles reground regina regulation regressed regressions 10b 1033 1017 10na 1037 10be 1065 1084 1075 1064 1083 1049 faure translated transience transcurrent michel micromet ##apurna underto undermin undercut underestim underapp underthrusting sulfid supplying supplies richard slipping sliwins settle setae ##ertal ##ertation ##ertained southerly concentrically ##parameters butane butanes tried ##develop differentiates ##ermere ##ermined apical apenn aplite apfu observer continually locales locutura ##viation amu amery amanta amenable amasia ##cke ##cket appraisal cu3 cups cukα timefram clade clavare ##necke altering sandand sandwic uphe uprising thereafter ##oza litho lithologically lithostatic lithotectonic lithogeochemistry ##iento rediss allochem allotri 194 196 199 19th 1967 1965 1985 1932 1912 1968 1949 1972 1963 eukary parima ##ender melted peter somewhere materialized ##lorescent typologies greinert stratum stratovolcano esterel heij hebre feld remanent organicand massimo majorand norge norhopane monocline monetary monetized petrophysical ##ffective analyse olsson sheen shepher landau landman interplan potash potysz committe commodities ##rusions hydrocarbonseep mo6 mould moves moura moyar moieties limbs limaye ##ourcesurfaces refine refines refinement magnets crystallised crystallising crystallinities crystallographically reefs interpretive producers 1510 1595 1511 1570 1540 1577 1575 1564 15jb acta ##iec ##iehen identities identifies ##dero ##derance ##derick agi agand agitated ##hyay decoding decadal decisive outp outwards outpace outbre outbursts outliers outsized ##waters 20022 2000000 ##atural ##aturity deepened instability instabilities chemota chemostratigraphic chemostratigraphy srs sriniv generalized ##ogenera smn smy ##escue ##escopic ##issivity ##issberg methodologies 1827 1860 1865 1864 ##iquette invaded invisible ##agesourcesurfaces ##ierite contentious ##xtensional ##icsystem soilgas precisions precris ##nska primed primabst 121 1233 1214 1293 1277 1255 12co2 1292 1256 1261 12124 microt microph micropl micrograph microlites microseeps microgran microalg microlamin drisc ##ublished ##iversary northto northrh structured structuring fining finest finkelman generational southwesterly arches archety ##redited midpoint midlat ##ioka terp terras terceira equant ##enga ##pecific 16o 1650 1635 1695 1670 16jb domination dominating infills infancy infauna infrequ thicken thickest thickens clayton clayey ##ologyconference belize belousova plastered feldspa blends additions additive 1330 1327 1322 1346 ##athpur 113 116 1133 1116 1130 1197 1126 1136 1171 1141 ##licity laying cele roy roan roht roads metamictic discredited fieldwork evidences evidencing sera serrated serious oceania ##bride ##bright curation curtin solve solomon goldeneye ##uping ##upite ##veloped ##ampf ##amples esa espo foundry ##508 ##5024 ##5095 ##5022 ##5099 ##5044 platelets develops poles participation carls carrap carrot carthaginian auvs postsur posterior analyzes peg ##aneh negates ##tex oxychlor fired news newman newport disprop dispute disposal disperse ##ynite ##ynthetic alken effectiveness explores emplacing ##chnologyconference ##0004 ##0007 ##0009 initiate longley longstanding multimeter ##keleton 409 40k 4025 40604 olivineand glog ##henes ##henian ##henium sequeir noncarbon nonpr nonbu noncollisional nonferrous nonuniform cyclo 305 307 308 301 3093 3085 3075 lati lateto totaling ##ometres ##ometrically 506 501 50th 50885 assembled calculates calculator mixes pressured amphibolitic mswd ##perian specify speculation mars20 marschall willbob descending topical ilaro ##3334 ##3396 ##3314 ##3397 ##3367 ##3377 ##33976 17th 1750 1710 1730 miganeh doyle grz gras grass griggs ##208 ##2015 ##2040 ##2077 ##2086 ##2076 ##2073 ##20237 technological backst backdrop deflation default defreitas defocused widen ##211 ##2135 ##2124 ##2146 ##21766 ##21555 ##condary normative radon radars deplete alkaliand petroleums nbn nbs shallowing ##monoaromatic bulgar ##avita abovementioned environmentally investigators emulsion emorb emissivity centres facts permitted permissive 257 25th ##105 ##1016 ##1056 diamict downwards downgoing downwelling medial medusae ##344 ##343 ##349 ##3480 ##3485 ##3432 ##ishi ##ishaw salty salinian salata approached 1002 10000 100na 1000000 eventual eproceed epibenthic muful mukh mugi mukaz tapping tapped ##sequencing matt matlab melanocratic antlerite antelope knoll keenjhar penultimate understudied normalize normalisation mm2 mmx mmhg attracted attests transpression transpressional ##963 ##968 ##962 ##966 ##9650 ##9680 ##9677 ##9654 ##into ulig magna labs requejo dissolves dissipation dissertation sandstoneb icp10 ##impses confocal confluence ##ushina thence barre barform barforms barometry barometers barrel cmax tucker tugt probes probabilities quantifiably ##903 ##902 ##9095 ##9022 ##9046 triaromatic dusttra paleoflu paleoalt paleoec ##ega ##egu ##inking oxidizers thermobar thermomech thermobaric counters reconcil reconfig syngene syncline synerupt distinctively eleven horse mnand ##ankulam clemens ##4516 ##4525 ##4535 ##4518 ##4565 ##4577 ##4564 ##806 insulating elles elie ells elutions elmer ellefson broke broitman broderick najou ##hai ##hauser portability ##truth ii1 ##162 ##16577 ##16chap ##ergence inferior fluoride fluoritization fluorimetric fluorocarbon fluoresce standardise δ18of breach breached testable hypocent diagenetically laserchron electrum ##ophily ##ophilic ##type profess microspect microsensor discusses ironstone ##groundtruth maximized desmet desorbed 24219 endurance endopodite endeav endmember irgs irrigation irmmass intermediat δ13cs δ13catm ndongani retort retarded returning retreating supergroups superchondritic entail entropic entropy hree3 ##304 ##308 ##3045 ##3017 patent patil patsch ##151 ##1510 ##1534 ##1567 ##1583 ##1556 flatter flocc flotation ##shorete ##shuping ##170 ##1745 ##1764 ##1741 ##17816 edmon edenite eddy ##oka ##okhod volatilization ##140 ##1415 ##1412 ##1444 ##1474 imagining umbria weakness weakened sulphates sklig ##2526 ##2564 ##2546 ##2557 7095 7031 7056 70674 70916 austr austin austrian detects detectible directors loop loess loops ##974 ##973 ##978 ##971 ##9716 ##9712 ##9775 ##9744 ##9702 ##358 ##3500 ##3565 ##35116 ##676 ##6727 ##6777 ##6786 ##6744 ##6741 ##67346 sectional sectioned volcanology ##mapping abundantly rapids pyrosequencing ##overs membrane ##272 ##270 ##279 ##2740 ##2768 proportionally numbered monzo cools trachybas trachyandesite surveyed westfalia fewo4 ##6096 ##6016 burro burned burtell morphostratigraphic morphometrically visco ##knife platy subsystem siltand ##oves ##ovich ##ovoy ##242 ##240 ##2427 ##2428 ##2436 ##2413 ##2481 ##2443 ##2408 shears freedom ##18o ##184 ##1875 ##18k1 continuing continuation ##aysian schw schimmel macpher macquari closing auto autos autof autochthonous autonom autotrophic autoregressive ##oflag shaker shaken viewpoint fourteen fourfold linkage ##nah ##nair ##naire ##naphthalene fo0 foil fo03 ##zeit ##2833 ##2822 ##2839 ##2874 ##2858 ##284525 239 2300 232th bucket powellite vara vertebrate baig baug baux baumgart semic semivolat predominates radiative radiolarian saturate saturating ##9570 reactor reacting reactivity stein instrumentation broadening broadband halted advoc guarant guimara guatemal guandao guaymas holds hollow holmium ##374 ##3784 ##3740 ##37135 protogenesis protrusions evenly solidi ##986 ##989 ##9877 martite martitization converging metalloids echel ecuador meteorically carrera carriers molasses roveri evaluations nanometers porter 00016 ##931 existent redoxcline briquette camborne circle ferri ferropic ferrid ferrugin ##948 ##9496 ##9417 ##9422 ##9440 angell angled parametrization outcropped 00004 000016 000037 000032 000055 0000237 00001500 0000277 lucchetti seamount biotitization 352 359 605 6067 6037 s1e fluxed ionov thoughts immense immersion immaturity ##ogranodiorite scanner surroundings litter ##265 ##2668 ##26901 ##charova transitioned cgs cgc option dunham helene helix fillers gullying gullied wahal ##bee veinlet ##705 ##7027 ##7036 ##70113 ##369 ##3615 hematiteand vindhyans ##tomatic stressor 003 006 0034 00243 6630 6625 6619 accuracies 8082 80399 miller millimeters terracore darksands ##mineral ##minint slips efflorescent mcm mcvey mcbride mcbee osborne osborn ##655 ##65835 handful ##846 ##8423 albared cannibalisation archival pao paid paul paces pavements popularity s2c s2re plutonists battle fulbright hijma pubtype windblow windermere mappings restored wolfson walloon inverting 905 903 accessories accessibility flatness ##2260 ##2228 summons needle needles improves pumiceous bladed delay delimited delhi ##2916 ##2997 submitted authlast 454 452 clue hillside passes ##raton episodically dryer pyritised ##8518 intrapart intracontinental capac ##407 ##402 ##4080 ##4051 photosh watershed watersheds 21α 21β 21st 2100 galactic logƒ logic logfo2 undulose undisturb undepleted ##7700 ##7787 stillstands ashing aggrade 0450 04608 363 36ar 3650 simplicity minimized minimise minimizes hothouse manning managed managing palm palmer palette palabora ##nerable ##boa 281 2800 2827 hg0 ##ription preference 555 558 556 55fe affir ##reamer moret morse moraines morozo morioka riftor ##3227 ##32395 segall blackish blackwell 500000 500ᵒc 872 dividing gye colorimetric predictable airbursts dimster farvel creeps siltstoneb 275 273 271 erlan erwin erguna perspectives ##urned homophily lamara matured maturities papua santos ##864 ##869 ##8685 ##8662 ##uki ##ukh ##alleled leaks leaked ##borosilite gypsumand aquatic aquifers merges ##guanshan ##1280 toolbox dependency polyph polyhedral polychlor polygenetic substantiates cuticles hardage hardness joaqu ##753 ##7557 ##hova shocks indexes petrologically robert robots benefic beneficial reykjanes preparations parentage opposing exsolving exsolves enhances ignore powered narrowed 869 ##ussia respiration calderon calderas 400km 757 759 7500 ##6477 ##9914 ##9993 1505 misz misan misident miscell wetherill ##ogeophysical occupations essence dolomites 1000km crucially otago thrusts resident residua residuals leucogranodiorite favorability favorably 331 3300 chronologies chronometry chronometers avoids avulsions ##hny ##mporary permeabilities diffracp restricts damley damaged humite hummock humbold weddell ##444 ##447 ##4490 compiling headquarters headwaters responsive 6300 6390 955 9555 german pellet tmchl ##rington decomposes decompressional 1608 placement 4800 mustafa featureless solubilities freeze functioned purified pursu pursue boost boyd ##ffery monitors 568 dilation diluting huang huaylas heterogenous heterohe rimmed projecting projections subduct agreeing agreements floodplains 3100 utilisation ##7121 deviated requirement 5945 crand craic diverging filtrated rao raohe sanandaj tenure µmol ##556 ##761 ##7690 analogies analogue extractabilities descriptive frameworks 9900 387 47245 bluff catheline rastering upwardly petrogeny northwestward positioning 413 4197 5838 683 688 duppenbe justified justify isochronous annapurna anniversary makers glaciomarine corresponded macrocryst macroev 0697 sixth sixteen hybridization qualitatively erratic erratics erroneous 463 4626 4639 mta teledyne telescopic ##1384 ##osphores steroid sterols geosyn thoughtful juveniles cpi denk denoting embody embayed embayment ##oyant ##lysis interested 052 csib certainty purechem rawand departure paleocontinental granting magnesiumand diachroneity gneissic paleoslope schumaker unconformable 0455 0453 04594 04526 04577 045330 lipid lipman s3a s3c ##spicuous ##2318 ##2398 deficits resembled capturing connects cpxand 6294 droplet panarthrop peralkaline turbo ##748 ##1980 ##ursky conventions extremes statistics accommodating cordierite twinned 0180 gcdkit ldms malwa mineoka intruding intrude intensifying unfailed fluctuates flanking promotion reasoning 772 853 famous ##pentlandite ##9221 ##9225 laurussia latestage questionnaire backscattering 648 cellulose getter ##koite ##kova stalage grandite reprocessing pollmann 4200 4297 8400 bayan ichnodiversity ichnogenera lc29n ##6838 ##ontaines ##ochimica ##ochrosite ascertained suppe supers superalloys ferrous persisting 5290 doucet destroying gamboa rodrig tonye toniolo ##points ##onautics landsat discriminant discriminators torch ##ipps forearcs paleogeographically definitive ultradeep ultrabasic eclogitic fenghuangshan harnessed hartsook harrington rubble winter ##ulli southwestward 2013a geothermometry geothermometric 088 573 57co 5786 8200 araba fireball ##markable fragment titaniferous windows baltic balanced baltica cathaysian lago lags zh1 ##reciated safety pyrolysates treatments underscore palaeof dtms rhiz sinking uranpress ##056 ##9195 ##agedetection syeno substitutions substituted substituting homogenized dimensionality extrusion thermoelectric elongo perturbed kilaue kilometres odor demulsification intercratonic arkansas 1889 18jb50 18jb20 18jb27 18jb18 18jb26 18jb32 18jb05 18jb52 18jb04 18jb03 18jb43 18jb02 18jb07 synchrony arguably budgetary 762 please skews ##oshals contaminations campomen decayed decaying bioturbations 789 duplicate duplicates gutzeit jackson nodes pyramidal pedogenesis rutherford routes routine squyres ##ytane diops 193fx offsets suspic denser lobate ophite pipe inconclusive inconspicuous sustaining seasons seismometer subaerially precedent strategist propagates escuela 882 cascalho dajia frg friable kwis kwinthon karli karakoram omnip ##5633 ##7915 ##othiophene starved chair ##adecane percolating oligoclase equaled digestions cathode fedoro gsm gssr gssp izzo liberate ng12 ngri rheologically rotate thresholds conformities anticlines anticorre madras universit universities ##loaded schematic prevention montre inventories plankton terminology ##10900 penetrate penetrates adjusting robertson cryovolcanic carey fisher sirjan ##offshorete ##8830 anatolian oblate acoustically infiltr 13039 ##333333 6914 aerospace aerogeophysical aeronautics c2e drozd ganoderm songliao ##6121 intrigu tracks tracked organo organized pegmat empirically yellowknife barbados c29n c29αβ edition nist612 putirka pangean selenite selenium selenga sieved woodite ##report samarium collar collins collating collocated collimated disappears disappeared prisms infillings glacioeust illmenite governing tetraether tetravalent tetracyclic conglomerateb nucleating corroborating subdivisions borders bordering bordered ethylene farthest holdover llc llnl lentoid wastes ##hrar ##urgy coarsening prolate intersections intergrowth phytoclasts disrupting disruptions historic historically thermochronometric irradiance encloses tellurium s5a saramuj zaf zaheer zaffarana stretch stretched severity monoaromatic 1563 1500000 determinants deterministic bracket trunk eustice tonga tongguanshan ##lanc informal informing stanovoy subordinated calcsilicates decollements precluding possesses furnas postdates diffusivities attenuate idealized diapirically benison etements pipelines pipette watkins ##ariances injecting threads coexisted isovalent machines geomorphologic hyperion hyperparameters unsuccessful megas adopts 1063 10610 smoother controversy controversies openings incompleteness encounter cobaltpentlandite ligand sidescan ##nacch ##rda mahagiri mahabales contours contoured neptunists subtraction implements advective obscures deciphered emerge emerges ##expression visualmapping reactivations guangxi optimize documenting categorization truncation truncates spatiotemporally berlin grooves hrl murphy milan milot milkov mirise munker munni munarah p1a picos picrite sentix troxel vesic vesicles vesuvian ##ittuut altimeter altimetry altogether aliquot unremarkable survive leachate leachable 1990s gratefully saussuritization bigi biggest casts casting ewing fleck tonalites vulnerable ##chero ##89277 ##eteen covaries covariance covariances costly ##ulfme stopped street sacchi compensation pretreatment assigning assignments adaptations institutes microanalytical microanalysis manifestation juxtapose unfortun neutrons hinterlands universidade 235u 2352 23523409 agencies bh10 bhatia ehiro iodoorganic mv99 pyroxenitic rsd ##merian ##1008 sunny launch colloidal unpolar unpublished queiro arrived arriving noticeably bioindicators bioevents finnigan 133cs carotene initiating 174ax elliptic elliptical automatically 90135 namibian azimuthal condensate ballard bundes lindsley pentane sfc sfisto witness wangen wanders δ201hg ##hekou ankang micronto peterson petersen smithsonian microtextures bandedness uniformitarianism paleoceanography stranding destabilize proceedingoffshorete illuminates checks checked bpd cosmic dkx dk39 dk41 echosound fesem hedleyite myanmar ninth nineteen poleward piece ssw somoza wares warakurna reinvigor reinterpret reoccupy stalls aligns depocenter clocks corriveau 109cd micrometric micromega 18905 multicellular subsampled subsampling stevenson waxy rhythms embryos embryophy doubt serpentinised tholeiite akinin akinbo mahakoshals emphasised emphasizes bifs branch branching cadmium egrc educating fungus jeffrey jeffery klaver masking pinch pinpoint richest richers rendering tilt tilting wenquan ##lasite conceivable fortescue statuses happen evacuated unsteady symptomatic caledonides conserving conservatively sparitic imprint imperial 103272 translates appalachians earthscope installation policies pollenzo multiplier multiproxy tailed periodicities opaques eliminates eliminating mcdade mcdonough flattening bottomsets diminishes diminutive skewed innovative ammonia bonin bonavita dedicated fifty glyc harmonic hindering jaime jammu jamieson koser lutz mbsf nominally oozes relying tangko videos vermicular vigorous vigorously willa xiayuk ##iolane ##annual ##annathpur beautiful exhaustion computer computational contrarily lamproites uncovering expeditions sporadically transtensional cristalino claimed discernible cargoes ##21765 ##iterpenoids mechanistic macromorphology ##26667 pairing ##12385 ##hydrocarbonseepage catalysts duckworth physiographic physiochemical artifacts artifactual mirrored inhibiting forecasting bleu blebs bleached bushe dalma dalziel darwin femtose frasl grossular herb heroy louvain lunokhod nadu psiloceras r6607 r6851 r6602 shergott sangshuping welsh yardang ziyang ##nikov ##cl2 thalassios thalwegs thomasson answ animation depicts depicting depicted shipping georgiev intertidal intersecting feasible perthite faunas lithounit 12839 δ15nair conflict ##67512 baf2 bafaka protected protective 0000193 archaea archaeology archaeological undeveloped benefited familiar definitions definitely rhodonite rhodochrosite rigidifiers bolivian cosmogenic cosmochimica culminated 7156 alexander bipyramidal cultural dictated girnar hammer k2so4 mulroy mogok renishaw sdo viellenave vibrational ##schland ##8164 ##0815 revert reverses stylolite stylolites stylolitization shuttle compromised ##anthrenes gemstones collapses collapsed collapsing unexposed unexplained abandon abdullah fluvio fluviatile perfectly scripps assertions overturned cupellation cubes cubic cubanite communication communicated communications smelters territory inflections extraordinarily investigaciones swiss2021 entrapping burnt bridge invertebrates diverticula dragged unfavorable pseudosecondary retrogression tibanex2021 demarcation demarcated neighbors metabolizing hypersthenes mitigation gibbsite reinforced reinforcing deduction exhaustive lamprophyres overwhelming davidson 5772 6307 6306 bagh ciesm c20n c30αβ dinares dinoflag epsilon epsomite fibers ggus ghats gleissberg golfete golombe hitachi hongan hongchun hindcast imbric jinya jagannathpur kjeldah kaluza krause lubricate lubricating mlynska nondest oviedo pw2400 r5957 r5257 rudimentary rudnick rubidium sitampundi vapour w480 ##coming ##jiaba ##interpret copse coprecipit staff stroke companion ##resentation geofyzika resonance resonetic laureate colonial enveloping intersertal interspecific perchlorate dismiss dismantle quiescence dienerian leveraging overestimates triangle monoton monthly landfills landfilling limnic limnology decalcification midlithosphere 112198 peoples emitters gazimursky centrifuge ##966667 inserted insertion retrieved retrieval loosening argillite argillites baoerling devolatilisation bringing publicly delicias 28325 favoured favourable lambert lambda gdbt kaolinization kaolinitic seeking draping buildups 8530f palaeoclimatic metabasites metabasaltic chevrons hyperthermals disagreement disagreements disaggregation drownings diminishing ammonites ammonium bhattacharjee 0242 2342 4182 7988 81704 carbide dithiolane dulce duluth dotted dibenz dianne gorstian hubert hubei hursthouse kutchero mangano pioneer pioneering rowland tanaka tamil venation vitric ##yarwad ##enbeck inaa inaccurate ineffective consejo consecutive convinced convincing ##lahoma shrub shrubs shuanghekou ##geophysicaldevelop wealthy nematophytes nematothall hydrogeologic scratches scratched disconnect disconnected disregard disregarded quaife private arbitrarily spikes spikings biphasic biphytane register registered 106013 faithful faithfully underpinning 1960s petrella spectrogram heinrich feldspathization centimetres centimeterto attacks govett opinion opinions hyperveloc hypervariable directorate cambon pyrenees rhyodac rhyodacite conveyor ##hydrologic douglas dougherty destroyed ultrapure ultrapotassic underscoring adsorbent anorthosites anorthositic cryohydrologic llb2 llb6 counteracts counteracting megafloods megaflooding avalanches coccolithosphores tarballs inadequately acritarchs spectrophotometry spectrophotometer ##americanassociationpetroleumgeologistssearch 016657 28042 aromatized avenues blowouts bounces bournonite bindeman cesare clovis c23to dorado dharmadhad fatalities false foster flushing gerdes gouges gillis hesperian iterative judean junggar koepp katta kelsey kathleen kokchet kennicutt licenses lisin lovecchio mk5 meniscus merewether mishra nestola navar oklahoma peltier ravizza rugosity ribbon sisurock tasman troms tricyclic tornqvist w700 wernecke wakita xlh yarushina zengjiaba ##norway ##phenanthrenes ##ucky ##onmoon andrew towers cowley coquina recharging deutschland anthrac beisl exoskeleton exempl seagull seventy mastersizer orkney choose chipana compressible ##izontal ##iesno16chap geopetal telecomm ##inematically hackley weighing enemy enlargement unfertile untangling nebulizer abnormal ablating abuts sublimation geocarbsulfor scooped discoaster quadrilateral cautiously coronas recurring leblanc spheroidal imparted impingement implausible obfuscate obstacle biomineralization adhering admixture paleotopography paleograsses 103893 pb2s2 amygdules allende bottles heaters monochromatic instigated invasive roedder igdgt disclose polysynthetic contradiction sequestered pressurized backtracking defensible bullion downsampled downwasting labeled dissociated demonstrable synthesized 706770 orthophotos burrowing schwehr 23708 promontories bratisla ferriman 80nssc18k1 undetermined manipur ##methods narakode microbiology rajesh geoscientists erodible supernatants tonnage demagnetization escaped obliterate tsunamis rigorously conjoined pos527 unsuitable megapulse cantabrian unrealistic sunlight crescentic hedenbergite corridors mylonites xiaolonghe subcretion lynxeye gaojiayu punctuated nannofossil ovtcharova bhattacharya lepidocroc ostracods chakraborty poikilitic irreversible astrobiology satisfactory bifurcated plantx1997x123x146 cientificas lengthening geotechnical enthalpy unexpectedly paleobathymetric electrochemistry 41607 728885 aa0815 aalborg ailiao auscope aotf aveiro aryl aachen astrid aegirine ayeyarwad aeschynite biondi bisulfide bosman bialik bryoz bretanha brush banerjee cwm croatia cetac ciliates cervato cardiff c2h6 coseismically dherboni dirty droughts dazhou dennison dhoonmoon dgs5 dahdah dalingqiao dsdp d6357 eloise effervescence eichenseer fmq fonseca fidelity fithian fruit farmer fitzgerald gzl godfroy giannetti grosjean gmbh galloway gubbio gwalior hirise hervig hovland hussain hamano hildreth ipge jankowice jadeite kentucky kotarba kumar kieserite kudankulam kaduna kasei kastner kribi kierczak khanka kashmir kakenhi khajula luster lonsdale linzizong mungall myeongseongs nedamo nicholson nubian narmada o3t oksuz pisarevsky pidh padhrar pikeshan pfeiffer quesada qiangtang rgb rwth riazan renewable rhaetian razor r6871 renzulli ryujin slama sardinia sio4 sarmiento tithonian turell tackle umpqua utsira vnir vaillancourt vortices vigneron vampire visean vibrations wnw wyoming wisconsin wutong wirrda wadi wiedenbeck wignall wiebe warping walcott westerhold wavenumber xavier yeonche yibin yunnan yuejins yinkeng yscg zzg zarella zegwel zhao 휀 ##discovery ##mkan ##x107679 ##width ##wusu ##iongdong inaccessible inundated inexpensive toluene toppling topmost thompson covault connelly fordyce reopened reentrant reynolds revenue reappearance reassessing deffontaines demostrated dehradun deleterious isaksen ##utbukse aserradero anambra alluviation almeida exacerb excav byproduct seaseep onigbedu chilingar shribak shatsky shaxiongdong saddles savannah saurashtra compartmental compexpro minshull gecohem geospatial magazine ##geophys sobolev sophisticated ##opadhyay ##opyroxenites hawkins weissel basharat incandescent incipient inclinations enrolled ##acrysts interstratified interlayered intemational intellicore unreported unmatched uninterrupted unmetamorphosed unvegetated neukampf expertise abeokuta valhalla ##mentsseriesno16chap hydrogeologist hydroacoustic subgrains subhorizontal marieni marcasite cl8200 pertinent perovskite volkonskoite betonimiehen granoblastic granophyric precessional preponderance preconditioned synextensional corrosion corundum corporation arthropods araromi meijer recumbent lehmrann nottingham traveltime sponsored spawning impermeable framboid partnership bijawar calcybeborosilite adobe adelaide adiabat waterlogging mosteiros overtopped overrepresentation overflowing overthickened ackleson undertook undermining underestimation underappreciated sliwinski apennines timeframe clavareau sandwiched allotriomorphic eukaryote heijde hebrew interplanetary committee hydrocarbonseepagesourcesurfaces outbreaks chemotaxonomic srinivasa precrisis microplaty micrographs microgranites microlaminations driscoll northrhine terrasar infrequently rohtas espoo carlsbad carrapateena postsurvey disproportion ##chnologyconferencepaper sequeirinho nonprim nonbuoyant mars2020 radarsat diamictite eproceedings mufulira mukhopadhyay mukaza tugtupite dusttrak paleofluid paleoaltimetry thermobarometry thermomechanical reconfiguration syneruptive ellsworth najoui desmethyl intermediateto flocculent trachybasalt schimmelmann macpherson macquarie autofocus baugur bauxite baumgartner semivolatile radiolarians guimaraes guatemala echelon ferriday ferruginous wahali 8082a albarede windblown intraparticle photoshop undisturbed morozovella erlangen lamarao polychlorinated joaquin misidentification miscellaneous diffracplus hummocky humboldt pursued heterohelic 4724587 cathelineau duppenbecker macroevolution rodriguez fireballs kilauea campomenosi dajiahe kwinthonze omnipresent fedorova anticorrelation ganoderma intriguing mahabaleshwar vesuvianite unpolarized queiroz proceedingoffshoretechnologyconferencepaper echosounder xiayukou femtosecond shergottites thalassiosira tibanex2021x107679 dinoflagellate golombek hongchunba kjeldahl dismantlement ##geophysicaldevelopmentsseriesno16chap hypervelocity ##americanassociationpetroleumgeologistssearchdiscovery dharmadhadka koeppel kokchetav telecommunic bratislava lepidocrocite ayeyarwady myeongseongsan riazanoff yeoncheon yuejinshan zegweld betonimiehenkuja ##geophysicaldevelopmentsseriesno16chapter 0m 0mm 033 034 096 090 015 017 014 035 095 029 040 039 075 071 031 03333 0333 0276 0111 0368 0648 0113 0157 0159 0172 012385 1o 1st 1mp 1km 1wt 2o 2i 2m 2j 2π 2ɵ 2ө 2mp 2ca 224 226 270 2min 265 299 2h2o 2674 2858 2246 2706 2wt 2am3 2974 2270 3s 3m 3mp 3de 333 321 396 335 394 336 329 377 386 338 3lig 3h2o 3108 3454 3957 33600 3840 39629 3am3 4n 4l 4i 4m 4he 4th 420 445 415 497 467 428 465 429 444 471 476 4333 4205 4276 4217 4275 4981 49700 4788 43314 4105 520 521 534 596 545 517 567 527 5na 593 5min 512 531 5bi 5mg 5457 5247 5938 5di 5808 5975 5wt 52144 5973 52997 54490 6m 6f 6g 645 615 614 6na 695 698 684 622 629 632 678 646 676 6ci 692 6li 6176 6965 6607 6958 6942 6356 6851 64597 62547 69654 66744 69417 7p 7e 7g 7j 7th 735 770 765 712 775 799 771 776 723 768 766 7li 7166 72021 7958 7330 7111 7288 7909 7265 710900 8s 8m 8f 8j 8amp 821 834 845 814 835 867 828 898 884 822 829 840 839 812 8gs 823 819 891 8333 8375 8258 8958 8942 8286 8901 89666 8356 8149 9e 9g 9mp 920 990 917 925 935 911 926 940 977 913 974 919 941 9333 9455 9908 9938 9158 93333333 9215 9175 91583 97027 a2 ay ah aj aant aud aap apar axim aox arama asten alys ajay aker awar ailer achromatic achond achondritic bm bg b4 bic ban bent bing bim bog bam bib bost bad bac bak bens buld bose bric bust bert bach boss bjor besc bors bual bery b34 b25 bov borg bans b36 boa bpl bounced b13 bgd bores bonte bcr bachi bought bancheng baked bsed bmineral c4 cx c6 cj ck cq cit cim cure cate cab cart corm cable creas cust cram cages cbr c000 c33 ccy c16 c15 c14 c35 ciated c26 c36 c40 c12 cuna c19 citz casa cull cables cien cadia cima cumber carton czy dn d2 d0 dj dion dut dter dum dart dost dud dill dose dance doz dca drus dub dps d34 d16 dma d24 danes dans dubb dug d84 dsr dump daly denari dull dcp dgg dhon doped digenetic dnr dji dynamically dading d388 d5005 denti dagu dmineral dukh diterpenoids eo ei e2 ey e1 ees eul eir epe ection eest ease ements ender emm eases effic erad e28 e11 e32 eternal eoarchean eble ehr eii egg efined elabor elaps eiii emma eracle erect ff fut fif fry fins fia file frust fides fals fend fern fier feng frit flab files fuss fring fonte faded fmas fangshan fantle fpu gn gt g7 g1 gw gin ges gos giv gil gated gres gant gere gore gort gak greas gard gess gating goss gout gio gors g21 game gpr garc gera gpl gcs gsp goro gasses gfl g940 g327 gerald gozo ghaj gomes h4 h6 h1 hb hon hic hur hoc him hog hess hust hde herm hick hough hines hame hok hubb hood hara hpl hci hsb hett hrey hitting hbl hilst hensen io i5 iy ij ist iag ith ices ifer iap ilor iences iume iae ives i37 iug i36 i44 ivers istra iuv i394 iulia jg j4 jc jy jb jing jos jut jog jou jad jard jach jup job jav jams jean jug jew jhel jiang jared jij josh jcp jvis jahu j200 jiangshan jensen kr ki kc kon ken kor kas kur kow kus kry kou kater kop kers kak kand kryst kun kole kram kors k10 karn kans kump kapor k44 khal karp kjb kuro kamb kya kombo kelman khor krol k1050 kb1 kinematically ln ls les lal len lated lom lary lution lization lone loz latite lland lift liver lint lised lty lung lanes lug lining liang l13 luna lta liana losing lgm loses l82 lode lrey lorient lept lilst lango lighthydrocarbon mf m8 ment mct mist mts male mone mens myr mell monic moz mend mie mors males myc mire mank mtr mimal miles mike m86 mls mpl mxa mhg mrey merged moma mzin mtex nl nk ning nas nis noc neral niz nab nions nces nations ncc nak nik nose nap nck nour neng nank nug nuan nico narch nights nurn naly ncg nyb nune nushuk nsb nats n06 nanshan naked nerz nomen nidis og oy oen oter och oge oac odu oster oka o42 oesch ograde oorad oso4 okit ogun p7 p8 px pj pα pq pon pas pou ppp pere pud pace pined pome posed pick pual p10 p16 pana p12 pgs pyb p13 pluvial pjord poses ptb pfm p03 pss p02 pests paint prag pamato prance qg qian qix q45 qita qsb qfm qpc ri rd rf rx ration rog riz rab rins rens rust rome rick rix rie rics rrit r10 rural rae rena rses rife rga rgd risen rull rita reno rosc rachel rhenium sz sre sro sst sig soc sure sif sver s00 spp sia sight sonic sne sold solved sark sited s25 s27 sending s37 sorpt sgs sasma sits sga sask ssm sitt sorbed s155 sinem sarah sesqu svec tp tl tf t0 tid tul tut tir tions tore tact tard tiel tory tesc trow txt tual tribut tending tonian ttes tgs tta taps tune tips tighter tng tamb tanglha tinto u5 u1 uit ure uth ury uru umm ured ute u14 urum uring ulys vm vg vc vin ving vas vet vos vag vist vog vene veter vred vestig vail vinal vii viet viol vila v450 vigo vesta vergence wr ws w2 w9 won wes wing wra wag wter wla wpt watter wron wals wern wones ware wiss wire wyl words waged wroc wade wien wyk wushan westerly x2 xy xion xar xid xil xix xiqu xyl xiac xsp xoh xfl xcl xigu yc yim yag yud yene yub yany y17 yau yosh yishan yanshan y635 ywith yalu yamato zp zu zen zor zion zol zab zou zart zong zak zns zang zamin zaman µl ɛhf ʃree ʻa αα βhf βyb δl δr δd δt δu δc δh δρ δce δca δlog δ30 δ47 ε3500 λi λt λ176 μ2 μat ν2 ν1 ρi ρb φf ϕ0 표 film ##nion ##nst ##now ##nated ##nch ##nab ##nqu ##nia ##nites ##nun ##noun ##nral ##nier ##nostic ##nng ##number ##nasso ##nokite ##nhold ##natural ##nuki ##p2 ##pj ##pal ##pation ##pate ##pites ##porph ##pros ##patter ##pron ##plus ##pyro ##pie ##pub ##pons ##place ##plin ##passing ##position ##pods ##piling ##pura ##patt ##penoid ##present ##pheline ##pyeong ##piring ##pukh ##oi ##oing ##oct ##oul ##oog ##oard ##ooun ##oved ##oons ##ohyd ##oana ##ohel ##oilg ##oitus ##oquin ##oacandia ##lt ##lv ##lx ##lon ##lst ##lid ##lot ##lod ##lical ##lib ##lles ##lore ##lide ##lik ##lance ##lides ##losed ##lick ##lang ##llis ##lification ##l10 ##lational ##lms ##lerate ##liang ##lvite ##lared ##lopter ##libeam ##lmann ##lutin ##loper ##livan ##lanted ##lighthydrocarbon ##aa ##a9 ##aq ##aing ##aur ##air ##aph ##acc ##afer ##aip ##aff ##aured ##aire ##aval ##away ##rr ##rk ##ren ##rnd ##rass ##rins ##rase ##rari ##rative ##riel ##rather ##rator ##rules ##rias ##r13 ##ripp ##rien ##rml ##rorad ##ihe ##iit ##iag ##iase ##iret ##iences ##i50 ##iability ##iological ##iway ##iometer ##iologic ##iits ##iita ##iye ##iopods ##iyang ##iomeric ##iodes ##zz ##zu ##zon ##zad ##zale ##zun ##zach ##zina ##zania ##zberg ##zzi ##zott ##zny ##zda ##zione ##zuela ##zivan ##zhauser ##zuki ##e7 ##eh ##ein ##eas ##eus ##eve ##eine ##ease ##eign ##eocene ##eismic ##eger ##eval ##e80 ##eously ##euk ##ehn ##ebted ##ecessor ##do ##dl ##dm ##df ##din ##dan ##dol ##dam ##dou ##dak ##dack ##dior ##dio ##ddle ##dening ##dives ##during ##doch ##doms ##dien ##dala ##data ##diness ##dila ##delta ##she ##sat ##sys ##song ##sak ##soci ##sider ##s000 ##shan ##sink ##sky ##sonia ##scope ##sgu ##s13 ##sfor ##saturated ##subsurface ##samples ##tp ##tt ##tel ##tos ##tim ##tite ##tse ##tene ##tium ##tress ##tack ##town ##tling ##teng ##tail ##t15 ##t17 ##tlen ##time ##t23 ##tware ##task ##tested ##t01 ##toli ##tectonic ##titales ##mes ##mos ##mig ##moc ##mid ##mith ##mus ##mod ##mich ##mater ##mem ##mult ##mile ##mined ##mitic ##metic ##mae ##mug ##molec ##mitted ##mered ##mkm ##mfe ##magnet ##merged ##mermann ##m3f ##miological ##f3 ##fin ##fan ##fre ##fra ##fil ##fus ##fac ##felt ##fric ##fie ##fina ##fail ##fms ##fract ##forn ##function ##fjord ##flake ##fnant ##frane ##ftex ##uy ##uing ##uas ##uly ##uil ##uite ##uom ##uch ##uces ##uates ##uents ##uari ##under ##uating ##uerm ##uber ##uern ##uales ##uctions ##uosity ##ucing ##uarine ##uashan ##ucker ##ufact ##uchinsky ##uhart ##gw ##gation ##gol ##gow ##gite ##gment ##gru ##gong ##gerat ##gree ##gard ##gust ##gert ##gio ##graphy ##gons ##gently ##glab ##gau ##grams ##gmann ##gidium ##grid ##ghenian ##vo ##von ##vit ##vic ##voc ##vine ##volution ##vca ##volc ##vica ##vasses ##vaded ##vyk ##velling ##vgeophysical ##vador ##varo ##vchinsky ##433 ##490 ##480 ##417 ##497 ##467 ##411 ##436 ##476 ##4340 ##4938 ##4289 ##4002 ##4208 ##49225 ##49195 ##467512 ##cf ##cal ##cor ##car ##cid ##cib ##cud ##case ##cun ##cik ##cap ##clin ##cime ##calc ##colle ##cores ##cimer ##cumber ##catac ##c450 ##cadal ##cribed ##craton ##545 ##516 ##597 ##540 ##513 ##587 ##5374 ##734 ##796 ##780 ##730 ##735 ##718 ##726 ##736 ##784 ##744 ##7160 ##7275 ##7204 ##7953 ##72077 ##72564 ##350 ##3000 ##321 ##316 ##317 ##325 ##397 ##367 ##322 ##385 ##3176 ##3976 ##3942 ##3004 ##3108 ##3674 ##3111 ##3185 ##880 ##825 ##824 ##898 ##893 ##894 ##865 ##899 ##823 ##8109 ##8160 ##8176 ##8217 ##8346 ##8144 ##8984 ##89629 ##84577 ##83227 ##8753 ##8a9 ##2d ##2σ ##2oc ##250 ##2000 ##233 ##297 ##260 ##228 ##2go ##2266 ##2675 ##2984 ##2938 ##2981 ##2336 ##22400 ##23933 ##2si ##22481 ##xl ##xh ##xj ##xer ##xes ##xion ##xiv ##xod ##xts ##xac ##xide ##xone ##xially ##xane ##xiang ##xoch ##xicity ##x53 ##xander ##xamine ##yon ##yra ##yce ##yite ##yard ##ymb ##ylac ##yder ##ylic ##yman ##yka ##yba ##ypro ##yarchae ##yols ##ylam ##ymkan ##600 ##625 ##667 ##695 ##684 ##629 ##640 ##639 ##6957 ##6255 ##6207 ##6334 ##6388 ##637135 ##1000 ##120 ##121 ##197 ##193 ##132 ##1455 ##12144 ##1287 ##hp ##hl ##hd ##hu ##h8 ##hk ##how ##hom ##hch ##hial ##hran ##hous ##hore ##hort ##hall ##hian ##hand ##hack ##hills ##huan ##hner ##hada ##hara ##hler ##h19 ##harp ##hgar ##horo ##hino ##huang ##hkov ##haven ##hui ##hinking ##hvit ##bat ##bes ##bing ##bite ##bab ##best ##bins ##bable ##berat ##b2o ##burn ##b38 ##bench ##bismuth ##bishi ##065 ##064 ##047 ##079 ##072 ##0457 ##0377 ##0458 ##03600 ##990 ##927 ##924 ##995 ##993 ##923 ##9375 ##92100 ##9965 ##93450 ##9905 ##9975 ##9909 ##91925 ##9pj ##wu ##wes ##wig ##wow ##wite ##wich ##wick ##wula ##wkes ##wanese ##wmark ##wteen ##washed ##witte ##jed ##jus ##jian ##just ##jie ##jiac ##joh ##joen ##jri ##jhor ##jonghe ##jrnd ##jsgu ##jhore ##khe ##kat ##ked ##kro ##kel ##ket ##kus ##kom ##k00 ##kian ##kell ##kals ##kne ##kie ##kox ##kav ##kht ##kily ##kton ##kvens ##ktonic ##kinel ##kinson ##karns ##kowski ##k055 ##ktik ##kdoms ##ktite ##qi ##qia ##ław ##łowski ##еge ##øhvit ##ʻa ##δ18o ##μs ##аt ##hee ##hend ##hear ##heim ##heated ##heive ##hexane ##oner ##onent ##onoc ##onate ##ondu ##onents ##onance ##onberg ##onker ##onomy ##onmor ##onquin ##onetti ##onnier ##onpyeong ##onfina ##oncik ##ati ##atin ##atro ##atly ##atum ##atant ##atne ##atons ##atitude ##atisation ##atrix ##atto ##atared ##atabase ##atini ##atologically ##atlan ##atche ##at004 ##ataka ##atelly ##ativeness ##atesta ##atlon theme theob theories ##eres ##eram ##eries ##erations ##erable ##eroun ##eritic ##eroids ##erging ##eriesno ##inw ##iner ##inen ##inor ##inan ##inos ##inant ##inous ##inop ##inence ##indu ##inating ##inde ##inolitic ##inned ##inberg ##inloc ##inmarine ##inocean ##inmar ##inhot ##inellids ##innhold ##eson ##eses ##esout ##espan ##eshydrolog ##ald ##alan ##alis ##alid ##alate ##alum ##alts ##alip ##alay ##alance ##alitic ##alach ##alics ##alibr ##alinity ##alonian ##alba ##aloidal ##alunite ##alda ##alerz ##aloclast ##alpatt ##enan ##enst ##eniv ##encess ##envi ##enco ##enbr ##enrich ##enetically ##enker ##enburg ##enothermal ##enkov ##enfelt ##enwula ##iti ##itm ##iton ##itor ##itol ##itis ##itant ##itou ##itian ##itites ##itates ##itled ##ittal ##itants ##itanian ##itimate ##itime ##itropical ##itious ##itats ##ittenberg ##itani ##itaper ##itinous ##ndi ##nded ##ndell ##edin ##edal ##eded ##edge ##edging ##ediation ##edee ##educing ##icro ##icing ##icas ##icher ##icron ##iction ##icopter ##ichert ##icelli ##icellulose ##orate ##orage ##orization ##orced ##orland ##orosity ##orway ##orily ##orrh ##orescent ##oriously ##oritani ##ioni ##ionite ##ionable ##ionuc oft ##arat ##arent ##arct ##aris ##arid ##arag ##arot ##aria ##arites ##arative ##aray ##arme ##argin ##arov ##arama ##aronia ##arini ##aromat ##arranged ##arrera ##arxiv and98 and39 andaman and64 andrade andolv in3 inoc inqu inach inex inhouse inhal inorgan inapp inelastic inactive inplace inhom ininant ##anf ##anion ##anst ##anis ##anut ##anch ##anous ##anine ##anites ##anep ##anically ##anca ##angin ##anomal ##anov ##aneth ##anjiang ##anika ##anban ##anzin ##anhada ##rea ##rez ##rex ##rein ##reich ##reous ##refer ##reage ##reatic ##reational ##reci ##rove ##roth ##road ##roves ##roline ##roseep ##roseepage ##roaches ##rovian ##roll ##robas ##rodite ##roquin ##rovica ##robismuth ##roalunite ##ento ##entite ##entive ##enters ##entrap ##entuated ##enthner ##state ##stated ##stere ##stud ##stad ##stitute ##strained ##stood ##strap ##strophic ##sticsystem ##staff ##stwow ##storage ##inghe ##inged ##ingled ##ingamericanassociationpetroleumgeologists ##ingdeep ##ingulfme ##lel ##lea ##lect ##lement ##leif ##leod ##leyc ##leading ##asan ##asing ##asis ##asest ##asand ##asonic ##asha ##asaw ##asburg ##asmas ##asgeochemistry ##asuccessful ##asmelt ##asuom ##asgow ##ctable ##ctified ##ctolite ##ctants ##ationse toch toong tocop toms topping topped toft toew toka tomass tower tosa tough tolerate tofms toxicity ##eli ##elin ##eles ##elag ##elist ##elts ##elous ##elight ##elief ##elitr ##elaer ##eluminescence ##elophy ##elerated ##elux ##elmae ##elaria thar thay think thail thaw thco2 thods thinsk thinto ##uric ##urite ##urred ##uragi ##urists ##urans ##urton ##urvey ##urdiness ##urfac ##uritian ##olo ##olt ##oled ##olas ##olos ##olia ##olding ##olox ##olob ##olame ##olinite ##olof ##ollin ##olished ##olyb ##olkit ##olmack ##olnokite ##olpites ##olyols ##olinghe ##mpi ##mpy ##mping ##mpir ##mpian ##mpled ##etz ##etes ##etch ##ethy ##etrich ##etyl ##ethyan ##etkh ##etta ##ethers ##etachment ##etries ##etrical ##etrie ##etuv ##etaph ##isi ##is2 ##isy ##isit ##isot ##isch ##isia ##isional ##isens ##isrupted ##isotop ##isoplot ##isnor ##isjrnd ##osol ##osch ##osely ##osediment ##osers ##osable ##osced ##osals ##ospec ##oshan ##oska ##osinian ##oscopic ##osophy ##osmos ##igs ##igt ##iges ##igation ##igite ##igong ##igree ##igue ##igms ##ocarb ##ocumul ##ocov ##ocino ##ocentral ##ocellulose ##ocretions ##ochny ##ocolpites ##ido ##idge ##idian ##idents ##idating ##idiomorphic cout coog copar coke co32 coocc cooked cooke coyne coils cogenesis cogw ##ithic ##ithness ##imit ##imur ##imos ##imant ##imers ##imix ##imark ##imaging ##imoto ##imdal ##imdl ##lyn ##ly20 ##lyung conge conqu conced conject conway coniferous concession conkr ##rau ##ra3 ##rand ##race ##rading ##ractions ##raha ##raven ##ceexploration ##aga ##agos ##agou ##agous ##agem ##agold ##agane ##agna ##agnes ##agwan ##aghans ##agai ##agstaff fork forume forni foreign with10 withstood ##ulu ##ulb ##ulas ##ulus ##ulence ##ulian ##ulary ##ularb ##ulites ##ulative ##ulding ##ulay ##ulitic ##ulfur ##ulfield ##ulsing ##ulata reil rements rept reord reused reze rebur revers rehman reception reversing recesses rearranged deal dean decon dewater dems deering demark dealt dealing dewitte dejonghe deimos isis isost isem isocl isopro isomer isfa ishwar isidis islam isasmelt isocarb isimdl ##ivated ##ivial ##ivating ##ivals ##ivores ##iln ##ilot ##ilts ##iline ##ilia ##ilong ##ilight ##ilina ##illab ##iltered ##ilton ##ilij ##ilience ##ilayer ##owo ##owan ##owitz ##usa ##usively ##usinite ##usgu ##usville ##itech ##otated ##otization ##otell ##othed ##otach ##otrap ##otomy ##otstrap ##otivating ##utas ##utra ##utable ##utok ##utants ##uticular ##utotrop ##utoct stic stion sting stib stace stelt stay stating stick stout stern story stamp stably stained stav st10 stov stays stubb strained stars stille stipp stomat st03 stayed stowe stellar stsd stuck stirr stachel stenothermal stasis sturdiness ##romental ##rometry ##romator asa asi asio2 asoma aspron asbest arey arequ areally ##ureth anic anual an36 anharm anodes anhui suffic sums suits suwan suffers suez suzuki sundell ##term ##terial ##terran ##termost ##terbury ##herm ##heres ##herland ##herches ##irn ##iry ##iric ##irce ##irite ##irier ##irpation ##atea thatta beet beak beck beane beuk begu beja beaded beatt beaker becker beida beige befus bewteen bekily beeson ##ifa ##ifed ##ifac ##ifex ##ifaunal ##ifax ##ifusinite ald alive alge alad alia alfer alue al16 alfa alta alpan alask alpes altenberg alvaro alcud alwmark alanine exon exop exqu exogen exother exmkm prover progen prohib procaryotes prodelta bytown seca seward seyc sema se98 searc seara se980 mao maar mapp maine mander mapper maca mastic mahan maden ma4051 mamfe mafra mauritian ##ister ##istas ##istere ##istad ##istem ##istage ##istral ##istrat ##isteria ##peed ##peange ##ogy ##ogneiss ##ograp ##omatic ##omains ##ombia ##omagm ##omizations ##omorp ##omires ##omnia ##omitant ##omargin ##omolnokite ##odu ##odor ##odend ##odynamics ##odules ##oddy ##odunes ##odiro ##odiam ##odelta ##odiodes ##icals depl dept depos depict departs ##eralization ##eralkaline ##cha ##cht ##chic ##chum ##chyr ##chitic ##chier ##china ##chbe ##chased ##chho ##child ##chwal ##chinsk ##chkin ##chkova ##chdien onte onwards orp or4 orres orang or16 or15 or25 orna or31 orcid chp chat chou chass chac chand chun chick chup chita chipping chiba chbat chitinous cholame chagai chutas ##umn ##ums ##umel ##umry ##umard ##umobi ##umoto ##umerable ##lai ##law ##lander ##lapping ##laway ##laats ##lakha ##laicpms shot shist shran shred shang shaz shpa shmin shaly shipped shots shao shielding shyu shador shilts saes save samm sade saved saint sakh saville saini saddle sauces sahara sakell compile comports compton compressed computes compressions computing complicates contender conticelli ation athy atrop atho atkinson minas minus miners minne minier minte minex minoa minsq ministere ##izal ##izian ##veys ##abi ##abs ##abert ##abetic ##ablation ##abashed ##abiya ##ablx ##abedge ##see ##seen ##sepp ##sego ##segrain ##amy ##amat ##amed ##amic ##ameter ##amount ##aminsky ##ambo ##amagen ##amitales ##amello ##ammitic ##amuragi ##ametaph ##ials ##ialitic ##ialean ##iallin ##ialpub ##ichydrocarbon ##resa ##resolution ##resour ##iesfor ##iesinge ##anti ##ante ##antb ##antite ##antom ##antable ##antitic ##antified ##anthene ##antai ##antapp ##ocked ##thor ##thur ##through ##thological ##thora ##ibilities ##iburton ##ibowitz ##phant ##phide ##phides ##phane ##phire ##phyll ##luid ##lude ##lung ##lurobismuth whit whites whote whalen ##tsberg ##tsfield gex geore geck geogenic geok geoth geobi geomineral gehre geobiological geulb reso resides resting resub resurface ressour resurfac resilience magalha depository mineraliz ##ruence ##rude ##ruzzi ##rugation ##gev ##gements ##geology ##geomet ##gearites ##raneous ##rancos ##rangements figured figure1 ##oux soff so17 so42 soye sopale soxh ##00n ##00r ##00000 ##0015 ##0084 ##0078 ##0099 ##0083 ##0079 ##00648 ##00604 ##002474 ##00510 ##006305 ##007953 sampld ##ppell ##ppert ##pported ##ppler ##pponnier ##oushan ##aterian ##atereducing rockform ##ctional ##ctionanalysis ##esten ##estic ##estments ##estte ##estionable ##cona ##connection ##erext ##opher ##optic ##opiev forman formative formulation formulated formulate formolo ##quence ##quio ##quench ##querel ##quartz tees teal teams teky teee telem texts tehran tejed tektik lau laoz laeter la20 la2o3 lapped lakn lasts lajo lazar laishi laeger ladak ##inearth haq hayn haven haster haavy hawa hajek haoping hawkes ##lesen ##orectified ##arti ##arte ##artine ##artition ##article ##artoitus we1 wever weond webs wears weaves weaver ##orte ##ortant ##ortioned ##ortcour ##ueshan ##uessh bass basanite basanites pll pl1 plos plover plurian plumbo plasmas ##cci ##ccard ##ostrea incap incub incaps incoming incentive ##uda ##udik ##udarevsky ##udylac ##udsepp ##alls ##allha ##allurgy ##edimenttik indoor indisp indeno indented indebted indosinian ##adim ##adean ##adka ##adata ##adilla hysell hyaloclast colin ##iano ##ianite ##iange ##ianov ##iansen metre metres metac metacher metagen metropolis metadata sedimentar sedimentaries ene ents engen engin englacial entries engd enfor enya enigm enzy enusa evince evans evolutions ##arying ##assar lowstands lowanika ##acts ##actinolite ##aca ##aced ##acchar ##acerating ##acao ##aclasts ##aczyk ##acsak ##acasest ##insout ##inska ##insgeological ##ysmal ##yshova ##ologous ##ologia ##ersen ##ersley ##ersmith datable datarm interand interrupt interfaces intertinite interband interflow interlabor interdig intergrain intercontinental interrelated interoceanic interannual interloper interyard interstad interlude intend intrad intention ##idecane ##idemiological ##idecadal unive unpar unne unco unger univer unify unav unsh unaw unfa unta unga unbi unnam unoccup unatt unassess unerod unige untested unmod ungau unabashed unseen ##iah ##iak ##iakes elephant ##arbonate ##arbonates hydr hydrometer ##ferros ##ferenced relied relay relamination relayed neand neoph nehal neoh neuve necking neovolcanic neotethys nepheline nexion nektonic neonate neatly negev highsc highway highfield highδ18o ##emens ##emaker ##emiallin ##onges ##ongok ##onggi ##ongulfme expel exported expans ##ormally analcime ##asequence abu abg abound ab92 abrade abiogenic aboard abzu abruzzi modena modifying modifies modularity modulus valve valences valency valorization valangin ##ageably ##ageochron ##ageanomal flui fluence hydropl hydrocl hydrochemical hydrolysis hydropyro hydrofract subgen subram subare subark subtr suboph subcrustal subcontinent sublith subenvironments subannual subplin subterran presume president prestack prescribed ##alee ##aleza ##alexander ##illo ##illion ##illas ##illation ##illie ##illiand ##eper ##eping ##epad ##epening ##epoh ##eplan mare marin marie marina marna mariani maratt mariae marxer maritime marroquin marialitic marcona grace graded grazing graham gracia grampian tyrr ##aku ##akia ##akund ##akau ##akoff ##akey ##akkal ##akhova ##lok ##lover ##loves ##ainal ##ainable ##anded ##andra ##andstone cl4 clan clath clods clf3 cloddy cane canfield cancel canterbury phcond philic phreatic phasing phantom earsc fei fee fe1 fees feand fe23 fehr feiii fecal feinberg feodor ##anics ##ipa ##iping ##ipore ##ipup ##ipner ##ipada ##ipodal ##iplines ##iproc ##iplan peros percept perouse peroxide perception perlad pervaded perkinel perenco peristeria ##ulton ##ultka volkov volante scher scant score sched scie sciss scince scans scaly schel scars script scandia sc144 screamer scroll betic betick betika disk dislod disease surf sur25 surfact surficially surpassing grane granodiro granadilla preland preexist preprint prefect premature premised preprints prehist prefail preglab prewashed preheated ##pecting syed sylvite sykdoms quint quake quimica quetta quilot ##wei ##week ##weathering students studded ##izationgroundtruth asso asses assured assuring assortment ##due ##dule ##duous ##ducer calde calvin calamitales ##asta ##astro ##astated ##astery ##asthan caff caves caught cayman caithness caulfield durity durable durchbe ##orphism ##uning ##ffins ##ffled ##ffling ##ff20 ##ffey ##ervised ##ervious ##iedrich ##ghnral corps corset coronitic coryne cornacch corrugation prn prs prize price prices printed pronged priced geochemist geochemische indicatrix arl ari ar2 arar aration arrow arte arara aruri ardila arterial arthur arrangements arduous mev meb meca meime mexic mewith meagre melel ##formantle ##formicro ##ptipada ##cessed ##cessarily ##ectable strides striations striae stroncik distally distortion distillation die dias diath dihd dimpled dietrich oxalic oxalate consentr consonance ##igning ##igneous carbone carbons carbonatic carbonized ##ensk ##ensions ##ensable ##ensides ##ensbachian ##ensurate ##ensingamericanassociationpetroleumgeologists recirc recalibr recreational recherches recalls reciproc ##enekian ##ariu ##ariou ##ariaga ##erather repel repair reparative repolished charts charges charwell charlet charlot leal lean leones levent leased leaches lewan le100 le150 levasse levey leaver lefin lecumber leigong leibowitz fluidindu ##ileges ##ilevel nothing notwith notoriously notepad ##ditional isotropy ##reezing geng genes genoux trait trade traffic training traits tradem trachyr formational formationacid ##rusts spz spg spur spall spess spend spire spiking spera spores spalling sponges extrins extirpation extraneous ##soon ##softex tempos tempers tempting template impound impose imported implic impreg imputed implicated imperative implicit imparts impetus implanted impinged impervious ##cedatared ##roscope framed fraught maybe maynard mayhack ##ikk ##ikot ##ikht ##ikara ##ikawa ##ikyam ##ikamagen ##ikantapp obduction obstruction concert concise concurrence concretions concomitant detach detained detaches occlusion occidental bior biram biomin biospheric biopro bioa biochemical biosyn biologically biologists ##entric modeler ranch ranean ranikot sim7 simonetti soured sourcing calcu calcits calcisp differenced differencing colleaguesng colleagueseady ##yrd ##yrites ##elt3 ##elted ##elties itu itge italics itasuom analysers 20r 20e 2050 2096 2030 2067 2060 2024 2093 2094 2029 2046 2048 2052 adn adl adg adiron adams adeg adame admixing adrien admitted adlakha adamello ##dinggou chances changer changs changm changx changers ##ounding ##oundou timer timate timms waterfall water150 ##genite ##gency ##generation providers provisional sullivan ##ellished ##ellinen ##retely ##retegu ##ardi ##ardle geologi geologie geologij ##rons ##ayama ##aykals overarch overboard overste overthrust overthrusting overstated overdue ##acterizationgroundtruth crusty crustally silva ##mbs ##veling acs acken acyclic acmel acheive acatlan acreage acasta acentric suggust ##nettitales ##raphies ##raphyric orefield accident accentuated accidents crc cr3 cr6 crds critic crink cr2o3 crash characteri paleopro paleotethys paleomap paleomargin coalesc coalescence coalescent regains regiao reggio regelous ##essa ##essential 10a 10d 10m 10g 1021 1080 1030 1018 1011 1026 1036 1040 1086 1044 1013 1019 1047 1031 1056 1041 1088 10258 10cm 10787 10290 10nm 10246 106838 10t15 variolitic howse ##ighted faix transvers transloc transfers transducer mico micrit ##ouncing ##ounaki ##api ##aply ##apace ##apva ##apolis ##apagos ##aputra ##ociety hydrothermalized surfacegeochemistry surfaceexploration underes underlined underlining undermined ##ieling ##ielle quartini sulfidic sulfatereducing twt twelf twigs twilight suppressive supposes quartzo ##onicity ##onicain richter slough slush slurr slurry sloping slicing slomnia ##ustof ##ustiano ##erties ##order ##orded buttress trimodal trdr triton trasonic trisnor tristrat larras ##deley differentiable ##ermore geochemicaland geochemicalevaluation ##tings apos apices aplites apai apulia apollin apulian associates ##achine ##achims ##achutes ##ructions ##ructively ##ructuring obsidian continual locus locate locates lochkov ##vie ##violi ouring ams am3 am2 ames amur amid amster amato amira amanu amjori amiita amjhore amanf ##cks ##cked ##ckley ##ckmans appreci apportioned cuo cuand cufa cuba cupro cuvier cuffey ##icke timeke claibor ##nee ##nean ##nears ##negan ##neiro ##neohop ##ossol organism organs organia orgini organta sanded sandbox sandsto sandwich upland upside updom upgrade upflow upcore uploaded upcoming up193 therein thereof ##ozed ##ozoa ##ozinho eartharxiv lithosp lithoid lithochemistry lithospheres lithoclasts lithophilic observes ##resses ##ressibility reddy redef fractionations fractionati allogenic alliance 19n 19a 19c 1934 1930 1915 1935 1924 1928 1940 1977 1938 1964 1971 1913 1966 1942 1956 1941 1954 eugene eucaryotes eucl2 twofold botanical parox parma parana pargasite paralleled parnng parasequence parakey parachutes ##coxene propel propelled proponents propaneth proposals ##endan ##endous ##endable meltor meltout petter petoro petrone petermann petrex temperatureand somehow basinwide ##lora ##lored typing typological typisjrnd ##outz grego greisens greigite mainten ##ixe ##ixed ##ixueshan comparability comparision itsaq lateor stratal ##ieldare correcting spectrorad ##berite ##berries esti estonian estrem mgal mgand mgcl2 heal heap hebr helex heaps heirs heyd hegens heihe heimdal heilong elemente ##oughs siliclastic silicifying remov remediation remelted massonian massanut majorite km1 mantled mantling mantilla nork norges monomet monoph monoxide monolithic monosul monomeric monakoff monastery monsoon petrochina ##hibole ##carbondio analytica olary olier olser olenekian olariu throughput mantleand measu ##foregs shen sheath sheroc methner landmass landais landeshydrolog interplate interparticle volcaniclastics hoste ##cai ##cairn potenti complet completeness idl commences commencing commanded commensurate ##lacive ##rushed hydrocarbonmig mo4 moine moons mohic mohg mohole moulding lime limber limelight ##oury ##ourings ##ouraki refute refug refrig refuge refraction refillab refreezing refixed magnetites magnetof magnetometry magnetostratigraphy magnetizer magnetotactic magnetotell crystallites crystallise reeor reeand reeval reexamine no3 noel noeg novas noaa noiway noanch noisy gasor gaspar gasbench 15th 15000 1520 1521 1596 1516 1597 1527 1560 1593 15min 1532 1578 1555 1568 1547 1531 1558 1552 actlab actinolitic ##ieval ##ieela ##ielement orocline orochinsk ##rales ##ralow ##acktra poison poxa po43 pointer pokro poulton ##dering agost agying aguas ##hyolite ##hyld ##hyman ##hypers ##oclases ##oclines decent decors deches decided dec13 decimeter decode decisions declining declared decelerated decameter outlets outflow outpac outsour outrules ##watertherm ##waterflood constricted 200m 20000 200000 afld afocal afowo deepen deepens deepto ##areup instructive instructions chemob chemex chemostratig chemoa chemoand chemoclines srikantapp carbonateand reflex ##strong ##striking ##ogenichydrocarbon only60 smow smart smittenberg smocov ##escribed intrusives ##issuessh methodological methodlog orogenically 18th 1850 1833 1820 1845 1817 1897 1824 18of 1898 1884 1822 1885 1886 1875 1823 18ga 1868 1857 1861 1862 1863 187036 18556 ##iques ##iquesfor invia invok invocation invalu invalid investments invloves alongshore alongstream ##ierrez continentality contention ##rowfield ##rowinning ##ginite ##xtract ##icsrem ##icsamericanassociationpetroleumgeologistssearchdiscovery soiland upperand ##nsonmor primus primocrystic primelt3 12s 12g 1220 1230 1267 1260 1295 1237 1265 1275 1278 1247 1273 1269 12100 1262 12h2o 12219 12198 122474 12t01 patterning microand microte microinc microbe micropor microvis microlas micropetro microcontinental microhab microporosity microphen microenvironments dras drpc drinking dredging drumel ##rational ##rationnears ##hernyshova ##ubic ##ublik ##ube80 derives northwards northwesterly structions finished finnegan isotopeand generically ##formational eruptibility grainsize ##reder ##reduc ##rediction midst midcrust midpoints ##ioids ##iohop ##iohornblende ##ioindicators representive representations representatives representativeness equates equinor ##engu ##engar ##engers ##enginsky ##pecialpub 16a 16b 16th 1680 1616 1630 1615 1617 1698 1694 1626 1684 1685 1686 1675 1668 1647 1669 1658 1652 16364 16962 16k055 evolutionarily container containers containder reflectances ##orsing ##orspo infant infers infomap infeas thickly consideri foll folgu ##rainian ##anga ##anger ##anged ##angles ##angian ##angtoli ##angcai ##ologyno belle plastically blind blended blender blichert blurred blister 13b 139 1350 1310 1345 1380 1315 1328 1395 1377 1312 1355 1347 1366 1382 1372 13258 13448 13503 13407 commonality nearand nearshore ##athan ##athia ##athob ##atholithic ##athadka ##oidable ##oidiscus complexing complexation 11g 11c 1120 1110 1190 1145 1167 1118 1137 1198 1193 1165 1146 1147 1131 1166 1191 1148 1182 112260 ##ondons veined vezin ##ycle ##yclical ##licable layout ##lishes leveled eastwards cec ceases ce2o3 metamorp 1420 1434 1490 1480 1416 1430 1417 1437 1470 1465 1440 1439 1499 1446 1419 1405 1487 14109 1409 14205 14258 14847 igure iglms discs discard discount discarding disciplinary disciplines discretely 20190 20180 201hg faced facie faciologic imarily imjing plagioclases respects plagioclaseand serie serbia seriously serpukh seredin ##anyika ##anyongulfme kamp kaam kapton kazach kavyk kahl kaimur kaptipada kaapva oneweek afterward ##bris averageand curly soll solonker golden goldand ##uplan ##upedal ##upervised magnetiteand ##ample ##ampir ##ampler ##amphibole ##ampouraki esso esert escond esented founded founding ##5080 ##5017 ##5014 ##5025 ##5018 ##5011 ##5094 ##5026 ##5065 ##5086 ##5066 ##5079 ##5049 ##5088 ##5069 ##5052 ##50km ##50835 ##50536 ##50123 ##50626 ##50454 ##50277 ##50255 ##50141 ##50296 ##50916 ##50911 ##503740 ##503227 ##50761 channelised channelways globule globiger ##yrycol polyn polyl polzun polscope ##ualization ##ualfor calciteand porphyryand ##ritts ##ritten participated participate particulary flown posited caron carve carmon carav carnar caracc carmich carapace carneiro ##aminutbukse contract contractile wholeand aucc auand augen auhs predam predates predating predisp predecessor postprint postcollis postmetamorph postcollisional postmagmatic postquench analyzers peer peary pepper peformed peuc peucker peedee peirce pecha peixe ##anez negra ##te2 ##techn ##teeth marginifer reductions reductive reductants oxybar oxygens oxyanion threefold newer newest newwa displace disposition displacing disprove disposable disputable displacive ##slie ##ynian effected explorer exploratory olivier empty emplacements employs empresa ##chnoidiscus ##0006 ##00014 ##00064 icl iculate icdd longing longgen longterm lessons multimodal multiand multitaper multilayer multifac multistage multidecadal multilevel multielement chemicaland chemicalisotop whenever contrasted controllers ##keley enriching 4027 40626 405024 bounds tiamat glen glide gloss glfl glnrw glimpses glasgow ##oxin ##oxdale ##ountyk sequen fractionational nontr nonmetallic nonflu nonrep noncoal nontra nonloc nonerod nonsaturated ##indling ##indley 306 3096 3018 30to 3044 3047 3066 3058 3051 30100 30471 308685 latin latent latium ##omety extractor 502 50x 5050 5010 50ma 5084 5039 5072 50454 50208 50735 numeric ##copies ##coplastic ##copolof ##roporosity sameor enriches ##ologicalto ##ologicalsur pressurization experimented icefield icecap planation planche amphibolit explorationist msdatacal degrad degradational degasses degrade degrading gabriel gaboury specular specification speculated speculative ##ovec marsquak marshi marshall stratigrap stratigraphies preservative descended sizeable ##getically topo topics topological topologies topotactic ##331 ##339 ##3380 ##3330 ##3315 ##3317 ##3325 ##3335 ##3398 ##3322 ##3329 ##3385 ##3378 ##3399 ##3346 ##3313 ##3374 ##3347 ##3369 ##3358 ##3352 ##3304 ##33205 ##33906 ##3307 ##33764 ##33505 ##336569 ##33558 ##33729 ##33921 17o 17α 1720 1721 1734 1745 1780 1797 1760 1724 1784 1764 1787 1704 1754 1782 17277 172839 17hk ##inavian ##inafter ##inawite migrates migrations doe doctor dohm dokht doppler grn grim grating grims grlands grids grasses gr2b griff grinds grs5 grs13 gratitude ##obes ##obil subductional ##203 ##2034 ##2027 ##2028 ##2095 ##2094 ##2070 ##2012 ##2044 ##2055 ##2068 ##2047 ##2031 ##2057 ##2056 ##2054 ##20238 ##20935 ##20953 ##206777 ##202228 ##2089277 ##208164 ##20at004 technic backs backward backup backste backbul defend defense defrag deflational defrml widory ##216 ##2196 ##2190 ##2117 ##2114 ##2197 ##2167 ##2127 ##2160 ##2193 ##2194 ##2170 ##2136 ##2138 ##2164 ##2147 ##2179 ##2152 ##21160 ##2106 ##21455 ##21135 ##21107 ##21253 ##21198 ##213117 ##21650 ##210004 ##2126901 ##21056 ##21k00 ##2150123 ##212034 ##condo ##allowtail reportedly localizing localizes norma radiance radionuc radicals ##irev ##irectional alkalization ##valenker seawaters nb5 shallowto ##monized sheltered buland bulld ##laceable spectrometrie ##avals ##avods secondarily secondorder climbed climatically climbing climatologically manyfold emog emits emax emissive emulsification eminence emarat emilia emitech emslie ga2 gaze gauged centimetric centaur singer progres progressed progrational permited permitt permitting 25z 25000 2568 2579 2573 25346 25437 251412 257787 ##102 ##1021 ##1030 ##1017 ##1067 ##1037 ##1070 ##1036 ##1077 ##1086 ##1078 ##1076 ##1074 ##1068 ##1088 ##1061 ##1054 ##1089 ##1063 ##10787 ##10135 ##10305 ##10555 ##10437 ##10232 ##10137 ##10lv ##103176 researches downloaded downlapping medical medieval ##3496 ##3414 ##3495 ##3470 ##3436 ##3484 ##3478 ##3444 ##3446 ##3455 ##3474 ##3452 ##3406 ##3401 ##34266 ##34227 ##34946 ##34117 ##34935 ##34604 ##34577 ##34837 ##34180 ##34928 ##34909 ##34355 ##34057 ##34727 ##341741 ##349712 ##342193 ##ishment ##ishitou cretan salaman salnikov salvador salento salustiano salvioli 100m 1003 10062 100gro clinoch clinopyroxenites clinolob centralian epi epita epipelagic epimers epifaunal epistem epidemiological muro mugearites mucci muffled taxic tapti tauern tapponnier ##sequential ##excimer mata matin matground matjus melnik ##nessing anti antas antiest antiquity antimony antarct antipodal crystalization crystalizing crystalmelt greenalite greennorway knobs kef keker keels keinan pending pencil penrose pennacch peneplan normality normalizes mm3 mmary mmco mmto attia attended attaches attaining attikamagen classfied transpressive transpired oilfield oilfields ##9633 ##9645 ##9616 ##9615 ##9697 ##9635 ##9660 ##9637 ##9684 ##9678 ##9674 ##9619 ##9647 ##9605 ##9687 ##9673 ##9661 ##9652 ##9603 ##9606 ##9602 ##96462 ##96817 ##96227 ##96330 ##96955 ##96157 ##96857 ##96295 ##966477 ##intensity ##intosh precipitous precipitations ulrich ulmer uliq ullmann ulianov extensiv impactors impactful labmater requested dissipated dissipate obtains sandstoneand ##implications ##implification ##imparte confers conflo confuse conflated confident confounding ##ushima appearing appearances ##cypods blocking peaking barely barrow barnac barcel barrovian baragwan barrancos cm7 cm244 tucs tuchkova ##erico probabil quantifiable muchan ##9016 ##9015 ##9060 ##9028 ##9036 ##9065 ##9084 ##9076 ##9013 ##9074 ##9057 ##9079 ##9054 ##90160 ##90976 ##90942 ##90326 ##90335 ##90657 ##90394 ##902116 ##9033976 ##90343 ##901764 ##909775 geologygeochemistry ##radharp ##radetachment separable trihian grounds middleand currie dustier dustpan senses sensible paleohyd paleoflow paleoenvi paleointensity ##egou ##eggeophysicaldevelopmentsseriesno16chapter ##inked ##inkage offing chlorides chlorinity chlorophy chloromethane chlorinated chlorargyrite granitites oxidization oxidize oxidising thermok thermoluminescence thermocline thermophysical ultraphyric ultralow demonstrators lasers bodzi bodele lii liеge lietuv liostrea reconstit reconnection reconsider synand syngenesis synmagmatic synclines syntectonic synclin syngenite ##scale ##sciences elevate horiba mnr mn4 mn3 ##ankurich americas going gois ni2si opam opined opacity opni operative operties inductive gradation gradstein clement cleated cleans cleats cleaving cleave minority uncited uncleaned uncrushed zno ##459 ##4527 ##4595 ##4511 ##4598 ##4526 ##4538 ##4599 ##4568 ##4588 ##4548 ##4552 ##4582 ##45230 ##452501 ##45137 ##453378 ##4510437 ##802 ##801 ##809 ##8017 ##8024 ##8018 ##8011 ##8026 ##8070 ##8036 ##8040 ##8086 ##8099 ##8046 ##8057 ##8041 ##8048 ##8081 ##80176 ##80206 ##80145 ##80334 ##80218 ##80295 ##80996 ##804737 ##805005 ##80794 riverbed insure insitute insulated inspiring ##ibrils ##vailable ##vailability eli elf elling ellis elias eluted elutr eluting eldrett elsin eltan eldrid elkton brood brockmans naand naphthal navier naught nairr na2oc naimark ##hau ##haw ##hafric portage portland ##triar ##tridecane ##fulness naturaleza ##165 ##168 ##1616 ##1615 ##1694 ##1664 ##1631 ##1605 ##1689 ##16904 ##16462 ##169666 ##16808 ##16296 ##16854 ##169022 ##164518 ##162443 ##1621765 ##16924 ##163346 ##162094 ##169674 fluorometer fluorometers fluoranthene standardize standardisation bulks breaching breyer brembs testified testify testifying testimony workable workflow hypothermal hypocentral hypidiomorphic hyperalkaline hyperext landsliding diageneses describing laserablation crew crevasses creveling electrically electrowinning ##ponding ##ophyt ##ophorids profit sio2and microspar microsampled microsonde microsamples microshear glasspo ironic ironstones swa swing swell sway swift swans swelling swept swallowtail ##tenes maximal deserve desorption desira desmond desmoc desulfur zr4 242 246 24h 24is 2494 2429 2464 2481 24237 24616 endites endogenic endogene enduring endpoint endogenous endorsing irish irrep irvine irreduc snh snail sncs sniff snyder snøhvit understandable understandably lightly lightning lightto ##omponent columbian intermediating δ13cvers δ13cgas δ13c29n nd3 ndir nd2o3 retr retains retty retards retarding rethinking superpro supergi superficial supergenesis superacid superposition supercraton entity entrance entiret entitled modernization ##ungalpatt mineralogyand ##30f ##3014 ##3035 ##3067 ##3012 ##3075 ##3064 ##3046 ##3092 ##3083 ##3056 ##3073 ##30333 ##30857 ##30737 ##301510 ##308830 ##302336 ##309637 couplet beforehand orderly slightest lineage lineages linewidth patio pat55 pat53 pat118 ##1514 ##1525 ##1518 ##1593 ##1594 ##1578 ##1546 ##1571 ##1549 ##1573 ##15205 ##1589 ##1563 ##15166 ##15536 ##15217 ##15227 ##15675 ##15285 ##15897 ##15155 ##15211 ##153017 ##152031 ##158070 atmospheres peninsulas flight flared fluted flips fl160 flipping flagstaff flareup mesegu mesaured mesoscopic ##shire ##shuo ##173 ##1725 ##1724 ##1718 ##1795 ##1793 ##1726 ##1765 ##1777 ##1744 ##1731 ##17234 ##1789 ##1706 ##17237 ##17536 ##17108 ##17117 ##17416 ##17110 ##178518 ##177121 ##17718 ##178346 ##173496 ##1780295 edification edvard edcor ##oko ##oker ##okning ##142 ##1421 ##1417 ##1460 ##1424 ##1437 ##1498 ##1470 ##1438 ##1464 ##1405 ##1488 ##1409 ##1407 ##14210 ##14933 ##14158 ##14858 ##14928 ##14334 ##149716 ##142318 ##149195 ##143004 ##145014 ##140006 ##142044 ##141063 ##1490976 magmatisminocean imagers weaken weakest weakens sulpharsenides sulphphides focums ski sketch ##259 ##2597 ##2567 ##2518 ##2522 ##2577 ##2599 ##2513 ##2591 ##2551 ##25333 ##25280 ##25206 ##25536 ##25290 ##25457 ##25935 ##25782 ##25170 ##25705 ##25497 ##2533729 ##259673 supportive tuffb38 704 7097 7070 7065 7084 7032 7039 7075 7078 7064 7046 7071 7055 7066 7057 7073 7051 7054 70km 7063 70648 70ev 70180 70910 704737 70663 70761 709965 709661 austaus directory loams loft loelling lofted loamy ##9727 ##9784 ##9799 ##9776 ##9723 ##9769 ##97205 ##97817 ##97977 ##97674 ##97675 ##9759 ##97955 ##97766 ##97384 ##97804 ##97936 ##97855 ##97948 ##972668 ##97102 ##97342193 ##97149716 ##aev ##357 ##359 ##3598 ##3585 ##3555 ##3574 ##3542 ##3556 ##3551 ##3553 ##35285 ##35396 ##35416 ##35384 ##35821 ##35558 ##353117 ##351875 ##357700 ##35145014 ##673 ##670 ##6718 ##6737 ##6794 ##6726 ##6722 ##6785 ##6712 ##6775 ##6738 ##6778 ##6764 ##6799 ##6755 ##6783 ##6789 ##67835 ##67206 ##67225 ##67215 ##673397 ##673485 ##672858 ##677027 ##6767512 ##675088 ##679015 metasandstone volcanically volcanological ortho orthomagmatic orthoand orthopyroxenites orthocumul orthorectified collisions leader leadand raymo pyrobit ##overy geochronometry geochronologically argus argyll memory memta ##27a ##2733 ##2716 ##2739 ##2786 ##2778 ##2756 ##2779 ##2709 ##27906 ##27787 ##27998 ##27238 ##27008 ##27055 ##2700p ##27847 ##27920 ##27503 ##274560 ##27663 ##273334 ##272040 ##272740 ##279570 ##271030 ##27359 shoulder acidified acidophilic hereinafter monzodioritic metamorphisms ##urbulence stepovers felsitic felspath westphal westren westgrid successes successor ##605 ##6014 ##6018 ##6065 ##6040 ##6075 ##6099 ##6044 ##6074 ##6079 ##6041 ##6061 ##6058 ##60160 ##60607 ##60227 ##60150 ##60657 ##60624 ##60136 ##606777 ##605633 ##606957 ##60158070 ##609723 ##60353117 burns burma burying burrows burstyn burgeon fallen morphometry morphodynamic morphostratigraphy morphoty visibility visits viscoplastic ##ylites ##yllites ##knal excited plata platens subsident distributor distributary dominants ##ovin ##ovate ##ovian ##ovochny ##2425 ##2424 ##2418 ##2437 ##2493 ##2426 ##2470 ##2412 ##2419 ##2479 ##2449 ##2461 ##2409 ##2448 ##2406 ##24610 ##2401 ##24462 ##24817 ##24885 ##24219 ##24055 ##24860 ##242547 ##242427 ##2450454 ##241088 ##249602 ##244568 ##24141063 ##243553 anyway anymore anyui contributors freer freelist freistad ##186 ##189 ##1818 ##1865 ##1885 ##1839 ##1866 ##1891 ##1841 ##1872 ##18333 ##18154 ##18981 ##18416 ##18327 ##18917 ##18706 ##18693 ##189679 ##189650 ##18556 ##185011 ##183401 ##18177121 ##1825333 ##18675088 ##ogeneities crosspl schs schott schwar schwen schleg schafer schmid schonberg schultka schreder maclean macroporosity closures laboratable autogenic autoliths autochthon autumn pyroxeneand ##oftware ##ofurans ##ofibrils compounded markit markaz viewer viewpoints mudrock mudto mudrocks mudanjiang ##imilco skarnand fourto linkages assimilates fo79 fo82 foolv fo0004 fo0009 ##ze49 ##28a ##28s ##2897 ##2828 ##2898 ##2870 ##2878 ##2864 ##2887 ##2882 ##2872 ##2889 ##281b ##28364 ##28846 ##2896857 ##286061 ##282450454 ##2818327 drillers drillcores 237 231 2314 2385 2361 2317416 buato bugg buchwal varg varved varves vertex vertice vertices bacon baerz baalen baillie baffling bauplan baishitou devitr devono devolitization devils devastated ##ircase ##ircling lreeenrich ##tinites semri semitropical semifusinite intrusionand shortly shortand petrographically satured titled titration titrating titrator titroline titusville environmentalbi australo shakhtaminsky paste pastier zonal ##951 ##9518 ##9593 ##9526 ##9538 ##9578 ##9547 ##9542 ##9579 ##9543 ##95610 ##95276 ##9553 ##95326 ##95930 ##95393 ##95696 ##95950 ##951925 ##95963 ##959716 ##95242 reactant reactors steer steam stepped steering stephan steiger steenfelt expecting expectation energie ##licationsgeochemistry ##119 ##1116 ##1125 ##1193 ##1136 ##11111 ##11282 ##11298 ##119957 ##11009 ##11358 ##113500 ##1137135 ##11233 ##113307 ##112194 ##119076 ##rego fractk broadened halts halide halites halogen halving halves halstat halifax ##auw ##auvgeophysical proximally advise advice advocate advocated guest guard guides guiding guaj guxi guata guilds guiyang guanban guenthner holly hollandite holocrystalline holtz velo veloci velker ##379 ##3785 ##3755 ##3723 ##3792 ##3766 ##3756 ##3758 ##37286 ##37787 ##37396 ##37155 ##37243 ##37157 ##37274 ##37264 ##3720237 ##371412 ##37265 ##37210004 kawabe protota protopodite protovers protuber protodunes protrude solidifed takinos ##9835 ##9898 ##9870 ##9832 ##9839 ##9876 ##9813 ##9874 ##9891 ##9883 ##9861 ##9869 ##9858 ##9862 ##98904 ##98536 ##98958 ##98998 ##98245 ##98756 ##98324 ##98818 ##98240 ##985633 ##98503740 ##988040 ##983075 ##9815155 ##9860150 ##982897 ##98379 hemicellulose lengthscale martinho tarim tarmac tarvain taracsak converter converse converts converges converting converters conversions stores mgoand cratonization cratonized velocimetry velociti daye pathogens chromatic chromitites metallinnhold trended ##hydrated ##hydrite 348 346 34th 3498 34237 34462 34998 34938 34356 34727 34616 348518 ecology ecologically ecolox netted referenced referring ##omicroscope alternatives carries carrara carrillo laterites moles molina lakebed nanc nanomin nanling nanometer nanjing nanoto nanodiam porosities 0004 0008 00015 00013 00081 000238 000sq 0002135 000806 0009440 0001980 000587 0007204 0001070 ##9397 ##9367 ##9366 ##9383 ##9388 ##93234 ##93205 ##932021 ##93817 ##93977 ##93955 ##93238 ##93900 ##93604 ##93608 ##93945 ##93840 ##93230 ##93232 ##931556 ##931444 ##936121 ##939375 ##932106 ##936075 ##9324462 ##939542 matrixand individualized brink brings brgm brinson brenan brendan brindley camels cameroun circles circump circulations circulating ferritic ferrari ##9438 ##9483 ##9488 ##9461 ##94905 ##94117 ##94116 ##94507 ##947075 ##941996 ##94903 ##949905 ##941405 ##949759 ##9418981 ##942887 ##94982897 angaran angeles peridote parametric outcomes ultramafics 000060 000022 000040 000044 000042 0000160 0000206 00002021 0000154 0000253 0000448 0000766 0000458 0000146 0000289 0000300 0000910 0000917 0000737 0000698 00002040 000020237 00002833 0000625 000014334 00003598 00002898 luo luis lucy lumps luzon lufil lumpy poregs ##thene ##tilized seamline biotitic approximates 356 351 3520 3590 3526 3565 35945 359614 353388 354510437 603 609 6010 6099 6055 60333333 s1d s12 ##azulu ##igenically contacting limestoneb1 ionized ionically ionosphere ionospheric immune mira3 worn worst worlds xenon xenocryst xenomorphic ##printing ##deswell provenances ##261 ##2630 ##2629 ##2686 ##2687 ##2658 ##2648 ##26004 ##2659 ##26155 ##26368 ##26837 ##26225 ##26196 ##26920 ##26215 ##264516 ##26823 ##261589 ##2697817 becquerel ##characterizationgroundtruth comparisonlighthydrocarbon expectedly cgsd opted optics ##paces soilsize dunn dunites dunbar dunlop helens helsink helicopter extentable geologiczny patterned clinopyroxeneand wai waist waiver wafers wapti ##uccession equilibrating dollar doleritic slows ##703 ##7022 ##7032 ##7012 ##7064 ##7055 ##7048 ##7051 ##7072 ##70234 ##70904 ##70462 ##70107 ##70428 ##70960 ##702805 ##70436 ##70120 ##702089277 ##702160 ##7010232 ##7025457 ##7018675088 ##3618 ##3640 ##3692 ##3642 ##3687 ##3649 ##36885 ##36253 ##36935 ##36110 ##36167 ##366667 ##36510 ##36680 ##362135 ##362408 ##363615 ##36367 ##363374 ##364511 ##3660160 ##369876 saltative componentry ##awestte 009 0035 0040 0076 0073 0089 00100 00326 00980 00764 00910 00405 00877 001050 001428 009700 009154 00304 001510 00140 002916 0021765 00880 002047 008041 0015166 002522 002733 0070107 0036510 665 663 662 6627 6618 6628 6622 6612 6699 6623 6688 6659 66940 669666 66zn 66814 6624610 6698958 naturelles nature03600 ##tooth extrectable breakout breakouts breakthrough 806 809 8038 8047 80cm 80602 802526 802916 804490 808144 milli millimetric milliq millipore ##urfaceexpression critique openly openwork darker darkripp ##manus ##manualfor ##faure ##fauna orientated euroil eurovolc 654 657 653 652 6570 6548 65mg 65116 65zn 659496 657690 6517234 effusively mcq mcgu mcgan mcdonald mcleod mcardle mcintosh osorn ##6516 ##6514 ##6597 ##6584 ##6547 ##6531 ##6552 ##65626 ##65501 ##65911 ##657915 ##654208 ##651037 ##651578 ##651795 ##6535396 ##651839 ##6570462 handled pulo sillito ##8417 ##8427 ##8432 ##8475 ##8464 ##8404 ##8463 ##84944 ##84897 ##84292 ##84851 ##84788 ##84057 ##842427 ##84894 ##8433205 ##84206777 ##84459 ##84651037 albany albitization albitized albatable cannon archived centering acknowledgment funds fundacao paf pah paami paola pahoe paumard paaminutbukse pahau popov popovich s2a s2g s2h s2is s2under sb3 sbb sband ##oriesapp battel batenburg batallha batanga fuller hirose ukrainian windier ##linan restore restitic restructuring establishes nationalized versatile vershino walled wallrocks wallaroo amplify amplifications amplifies 906 9035 9049 907275 ##sterfer accessary yearss ##uania ##22a ##2280 ##2295 ##2237 ##2294 ##2238 ##22958 ##22210 ##22977 ##22278 ##2224885 ##223660160 summers prosper improbable pumicefall 392874 399417 395026 3915211 blaauw delimit ##291 ##2945 ##2911 ##2993 ##29217 ##29117 ##29355 ##29139 ##292768 ##2900064 ##293358 ##29140006 ##299813 submit submeter submember submissive submergence submerging submicron platformal authigenically 456 4500 45ca 4546 4574 4531 451016 45825 clumps passing passchier phenol phenocrystic phenai phengite ##ratification incorrect incorpate bandas bandwidth dryas dryness pyritic pyritized pyrargyrite ##8538 ##8544 ##85258 ##8559 ##855721 ##853485 ##859744 ##85869 ##85637135 ##853398 ##8530f ##851718 ##852779 ##85651839 ##ognomy intragrain intraformational capstone caprock caprocks capitanian h2oand ohnuki ##vski ##venting ##4079 ##4052 ##4072 ##40607 ##40326 ##40677 ##40428 ##40950 ##406037 ##404737 ##40901764 ##4027847 orden ordinating photons photometry photograp photodiodes biomed signaling 21n 2139 2138 21218 fivemile gallaway galapagos logical logged logistic sinha sinistral trellis tetrater undated undere undisc undeni undulates undulatory undiscover undlt undisrupted undescribed ##777 ##779 ##7785 ##7775 ##7744 ##7771 ##7755 ##7773 ##77340 ##771727 ##77624 ##772668 ##775049 ##773495 ##7730857 ##kahan ashfall ashford agglomer agglutin 047 0474 0447 0431 0466 0442 0461 0448 04266 04275 04377 04501 04505 044290 04877 04338 04274 049875 042740 046016 048753 042984 040078 043399 0434180 04279570 04609723 0437274 048464 364 3600 3630 3669 36275 36284525 362318 tungstate minimally minimizing manual manzi mansour mannion maniits manufact manageably manakau manikyam palin palus palimpses diamondiferous si4 siemens ##bo4 ##archua ##composition 287 2836 2886 2868 28227 28200 28677 282015 281765 282425 28189 282911 hgii ##riptions ##riposi inherits preferable preferences preferably 5517 5585 5576 55455 55008 55416 552238 affords afforded player players magnesia magnesiohornblende himalayas widespaced dida domestic moron moring moretti morainal ##32s ##323 ##3228 ##32506 ##32458 ##32257 ##329614 segmented segura unlock unlinked blackwater 263 26th 2650 2690 2699 26944 2649225 50019 500nm 87m 871 8739 87448 87380 8716577 87545 871865 bestpractic dives mushy mushes muskox riding ridged ##metical ##mette ##metti madeira coloration colorful recognise acquiring favours predictably airing dimethyl dimroth dimethy dimorphism etv etch etched etreatment etnean farina farhad narenwula narizian ##seseries ilmeniteand siltstonewith semiarid 278 272 2700 2745 2780 2730 2711 27958 271841 2784459 erc erin ergo ernest ernst erlang erdf ertsberg erretegu persian persani shrinkage focussing focussed deltaxp atlanta homeland homonymous homologous lamalgin lamtra lamginite maturing papa papale papatea santonian ##39454 ##39930 ##39900 ##39146 ##39260 ##3950277 ##399084 ##394595 ##3916904 ##393035 ##39142044 ##39931444 ##39949905 ##862 ##866 ##86166 ##86626 ##86207 ##86808 ##86360 ##869875 ##861940 ##865095 ##861455 ##863380 ##864552 ##869578 ##863766 ##8626920 ##8639454 chondrodite ##faceslick ##tesville ##ukam ##ukitoids ##gedly behaved weighting closedand closedrather leakages leakagedetection brittlen cherns iberlid packing packets ##borate unconstrained distalmost aquion aquita aqueously merging merlin merits merapi merritts ##guer ##guangcai ##12266 ##125067 ##12242427 tooling toolkit dependant polyons polybar polygon polyamide polymer polyphase polyethyl polygons polyaromat polyureth polyhydrated polythene substantiating cuticular fanno harder hardware joel jointing joachims laminites oscar ##755 ##7576 ##75550 ##75138 ##752073 ##7534057 ##7597977 ##7527998 ##75865095 ##hoi ##seepagedetection arsenian paraglacial robak robie robbins goodness bray brace braiding brahm bracos brauhart branded speak interacts phaneritic phanerocrystalline surfacesubsurface preparatory steepened oscillation oscillating opposition exsolutions slickensides 2000s ignores latitudinally foothills explosively narrowly 863 868 86206 86975 86162443 callaghans ##382 ##3829 ##3832 ##3875 ##38835 ##38930 ##38327 ##38920 ##38344 ##383432 ##389046 ##38308 ##3835116 ##38321 ##3833505 ##389028 ##3817536 ##38142318 ##3897804 ##3811298 ##387051 ##ussite respired groundwaters linearity 754 758 751 75as 7554 75897 75238 75821 75465 75773495 juina ##7817 ##7887 ##78393 ##78008 ##78243 ##78847 ##789679 ##785099 ##782179 ##783474 ##78169022 ##78274560 ##787576 ##646 ##6464 ##6483 ##64100 ##64217 ##64266 ##641474 ##64705 ##646783 ##647048 ##643649 ##9918 ##99180 ##99918 ##9916854 ##9997936 ##999526 ##993756 stockbridge stockpiling transits 15037787 behaviours 3002d gdepart gdgts misra misinterpret misleading wetted wetlands identificationevaluation identificationcharacterizationgroundtruth dolomitized 1000x crux crucib otton otavi ##lsulfide mapas residential leucitite leucocratic leucogneiss accreting parallels parallelism microbands frontiers 22r 22s 2290 2224 22904 2250km 222057 2227663 33s 3320 3380 binds binxian binnin binomial connor connote connoting chronologically chronicle polarizer brecciation nanosem avant avner avulse avulses avanzin avulsing dateable namurian namakkal ##helles conveys streamers illustrator diffrac diffracted ##hydrocalc restriction restrictions minimumburn 713 71965 712146 713480 712196 719579 71988040 axe axs axio axiol axiop digests digentite damaging damming humans humbly wedepoh ##4474 ##44300 ##4416924 ##441470 ##4411009 ##449858 seeks 1983333 heading imagej dimensioned responsibility 63cu 9557 9548 95384 95mo 951745 9572077 pc3 pc4051 pelites peloidal peloritani paced pacing pacmanus tsampouraki tmice tmco2 tmch4 decompressive decompacted decompositions decomposers ##iangular 1605 1601 16058 1604938 160292768 4837 4884 48960 48333333 481068 dyly dyck dystrophic gonzale journey lantent runyon ##falls realization realible realize realms realigning spectrums tectonite tectonomorphic freeboard functionally purge purros purities purchased ##4667 ##4681 ##46326 ##46901 ##46198 ##466667 ##46814 ##46818 ##460015 ##463012 ##4626837 ##4640326 ##4664217 ##crustals ##burak ##burtse ##ischer ##iscence chamine chamley chambishi boom boise bohr boehn boyce bootstrap ruff ruppert ##fferville incompressibility spinning spinizon spinifex constantly arsenopyrites 5600 56ma 5626 5682 56205 56980 562756 562818327 8004 dilated dilutions diluents dilatant dilutants dilacerating huangshan huarme heterohel heterosced nickeliferous rimming ##ologica paleoceneeocene 313 319 3134 3138 311727 3196817 311593 311726 3193608 5465 541980 54189650 547022 543640 dziak rounding utilities utilise ##713450 ##71314 ##712546 ##7193604 andesine ##olcanis forelands forelandward deviates whiteinellids ##embelitr hydrogenised spreadshe concluding 2021a 2021b 202112 202106 greenlandlith microbialites microbialtechn 323 3231 322709 asturian astoria astimix astakhova crab craig cradle film filed filtration filament rapp rafted rafie raudsepp sanche sanjian sanukitoids tenures tenors tenets tenuous ##55782 ##55001 ##556016 ##55007953 ##558036 ##769 ##7634 ##76255 ##7667346 ##763092 ##761488 ##76605 ##7637265 procedural extracting extractabi descriptor mountainside ioaa ze1 zeelmae rechargeable uniformities necessity necessitates gravitative gravimeter clinoypro clinoferros ##ochemicalsamples 292 29000 2923 383 382 381 38000 38205 3860227 47467512 4736935 bluish bluesch cdd cdt cdepartment catching catalonian hoping hopkins societal fe2o3t failing failures assumingly 372 37ar 3700 3710 3798 37368 37387051 4100 41998 4150916 4110787 41272040 4118177121 4195963 583 589 5829 5839 5872 58885 58287 587690 58966667 5878008 6890 6893 6871 6874 6892 6888 6889 681500 68144 6822481 6820953 duo duroph duoro dufrane dufaure justifying justifies justifiable tester truffer yangxin isochronism annually announced anninw annulata announcing exceedance exceedingly makran makatini makassar makoko encroaches encircling recovering recoveries recoverable addax smectites glaciological factored macroalg macroeuk powdery confirmation 062 066 061906 068176 browse ho3 hopper hopping hoaw hoech hooper hooker foregoing ##otaxic statistic exchanged hybrids qualification qualify qualifying usefulness creeks 447 448 442 441 4400 4489277 44966477 441549 4435821 44775049 44647048 4624 46280 46684 mtds mt14 ramps ramped ramping telfer tellurobismuth tianjing tianjin tianhuan ##131 ##131056 ##131875 ##1320935 ##139619 ##13149195 ##139769 ##reatments ##olese ##osphate ##osphoric comment comision comagmatic repea sterenes sterilizing geosep geoscope geosesqu accelerator accelerations waveform waveforms speedup speedometers irregularity cpy denies denied denote denoted denatty drape drains draft drafts embrace embellished nmr ##oyi ##oyuan bathyal blueberries 053 0579 05674 059654 05t23 055069 052095 059553 0598503740 0522210 7400 743615 74966667 749874 74366667 csf csir csfs everest