[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z µ º ł α β γ δ ε η θ κ λ μ ν π ρ σ τ φ χ ω – ’ ##a ##s ##c ##u ##t ##i ##f ##e ##d ##o ##k ##n ##g ##x ##w ##r ##l ##b ##m ##p ##h ##v ##z ##3 ##2 ##6 ##8 ##0 ##1 ##y ##9 ##4 ##5 ##q ##7 ##j ##º ##θ ##τ ##ł ##σ ##δ ##ρ th the ##on ##at ##er ##in ##es ##en ##ed ##nd ##al ##it of ##or ##ion ##ic in ##an ##re and ##ar ##st ##ro ##ent ##ing ##el ##as ##ct to ##le ##ou ##is ##th ##ol ##ation ##ur ##ul ##ra ##ith ##et ##mp st ##ig ##oc ##ly ##ce ##im ma con with is ##os re ##ow ##ult for ##id fa that ##la de ##ge ##ve co ##il ##ter su ##ut al ##ate as are ##ch fault ##ure ##se se ##od ##rom ex ##ver ##if ##ru ##ment from ##est on ##ot wh an be ##ite ##om ##ated ##ction ##ir ##ri ##pp pro by at ##ist sh ##ess ##og bas ##um ##ere sa ##ph this ##ther pl cont ##ud nor ##ock comp ##ast we ha ##em ##ical ##igh ##ition ##ak ##con ##ran ##ag mod or ##am ##ect ##ong ##ity ##ain un inter ##qu di ##all ##ive ##ies sub sou ##ant ##ata col ##ous dep ##ich ##iz ##ations ##us ##ial ##cc fig ##rain ##ine ##ac ne ##yst pr figure ch rock ##for ge ##one ##ence ##iv ##ad res ##ip model ##ely ##ene mag ##ret ##art ar ##ues ##du str ##ab inc ##rou have samp me ##op ##rust fl ##ian ca these ##oun which ##ism high ##iment ev ##sion ##ary ##ost north form ran int ##ort basin rel ##ore was low sl it ##ediment ##ges sp ##ates ##ill ##ass ##ree colle ##ircon ##ale were zircon ##form ##ach ##ures ##osition ##ell ##ib ##olog data magm te ##gh not ##fer bet ear ##ik ##can ##les ##ace sediment vol ##we dis reg exp faults rocks ##ard ext ##ld along km ab betwe between up ##00 ##ater us ##raph ##agues colleagues crust subdu ##tern ind ##and range ##ia ##thern ter ##eld can ##ath over det mar ##esent grain ##ount ##ution ##end ##elt ob ##ally ##pt ##ystem tran ##ocene ##gest system east age south region ##its ##ay ##ift ##erv volcan plate ##ers loc ##ack incl dur part arc ##ide rec interp all tim ##so ##ments en ass rep ##ruct ##ord samples pre interpret cr ##ick stud also subduction ##ound cons during ##onic app ##ap qu ##erat ##ase dif le ##ern ##cro sc been our ad tra ##vel cl contin slip ##act sur ##ert min ##ggest suggest may show ##aly ele temp pale acc val lower trans ##au ##ff section ##pper has but result met within ##oz ##ield ##ces upper cree ##rib thick lar ##ral ##ismic ##ear struct ##mal ##ould ##wo lith ##ss ##lab ##ific zone ##age dist ##oic cor ##ens ##ied obs ##mb than ##ozoic ##ome volcanic more ##ep und ##ry ##ced ##ight ##yp includ ##ign cal where ##able ##ized analy temperat ##face ##ke creek ##ward out ##rough per ##ari ##last ##ose formation dom ##orph ##ake ##atic observ tect differ plut sim fol ##oth under there slab ##ively 20 gra ages flu ##eral two mount ##assic ##dition ##ension ##un grou ##och melt indic ##rit ##estern ##olution cryst prov fe lik ##atig earth ##atigraph ##osed ##ents seismic ph occ ##par fra sand composition consist northern stri models imp ##ating ##land most time ##oss ##formation ##ative 10 sample ##ron depos tectonic ##lift into uplift ##ically cent ##ains mant ##cl grains comple other he lim ##lace ##ilar how sil ##vi act geolog near similar ##net pe occur ##ps mantle ##ress ##ile tr ther ##stone ##cess they exh depth meas bl sm ##mm ##ue car late bed stratigraph strata ##ization ##ough ##ish prop through ##iss ##kes ##red bound sign magma id ##ust their ##ne field ##ance using ##resent ##rog represent sour ##gin ##omet based western continent both ##iver present ##reas extension ##idence gen vari surface some ##pping ##ined ##ites off disp chan ##artz early mineral analys pluton ##iated ##xim oce const quartz group ocean ##east ##xt est white deposition gran process values ##row ##bon terran mi ##ever however ##ck ##ory different west ##ones crustal ##ric ##cted earthqu long ##tle ##ove ##ions am deformation ##ible typ bec ref large ##lacement well unit likely southern ##yn intru its complex ##ber ##osph set ##velop units dikes rh par assoc ##ular pla develop ##ork acro ##out such supp area offs across dec sedimentary ##ural margin study continental refle ##int ##aceous ##ening record ##ger outcro strike ig pres youn eastern carbon gre ##semb ##acter des top assemb ##me ##ding ##itud char base calc ##lastic ##fic san one character ##ka corre results ##low hist af ##eric ##val assembla pb cret ##atite used cretaceous ##own mid maj ##rogen exhum major new temperature rid si only geoch fluid estim po ##ograph signific consistent ##lo related disc magmatic ##orted above gener la central ##ness ##ology associated ##ual ##yd thrust ##itic ##ified tri ##eng dire rem ##otop observed ##ility deposits scale poss peak num ##ured local back detrit ##ause sandstone small because evidence isotop ##ribution significant ##li stra zones ##ited do ##ict ##ially red ##west interpreted ##atively stratigraphic ident processes oceanic ##ors silic eocene old ##ision coast separ ##amorph mountain bel ##ogene crystall ##ides ##fore addition each mic ##sc ##ient temperatures no conc metamorph ##led ##ole press follow emp pat block ##ms fac lithosph ##ane ##ected studies hor main compar ##of ##vious init modeling ##iation ##de triassic deep outcrop active flow ##ved river exhumation jur ##ities sea constrain ##chan jurassic appro ridge detrital pot hyd mat due would def ##ec 15 cool trace vert ##der northeast offset ##ember bi orogen sever could mult ##read cro fin man ##ton ##ie ##allow fur three condition strand ##round domin therm terrane inv shallow flat evolution crystal further ##ration thickness comm ##ctions several ##olith ##ys ##ond boundary rhy ##itude ##ength conditions compositions history ##ination feat below gar normal ##ably ##are element geomet 19 bre ##pect ##ince correl mechan ##amp pen ##und produ rates regional indicate equ transp 11 ##pped previous limest seg cross rhyol garnet ##rupt ##ins ste including source ##ting ##verse bath ##ub ##ived den sch ##ont ep structural earthquake op formed grow later maxim those ##ise contra measure micro cooling rift ##ded ##ider ##ize mean events end found ##dle ##br ang meth ##conform lit sn basal ##ench higher relatively displacement limestone if ##uc increas detach trend bur mafic ##ferred middle beds post ##ging ##ently relations analysis bro island continu geologic observations eff ##rol ##though although exposed ##ynam thus mater pattern potent material 12 18 member ##co yield thermal common ##lish stik elements ##uk ##gl ##ics ap ##ble distribution structures dates line unconform after vertical fir ##lision reflect numer maximum ver dip basement calcul pine ##ts ##lying ##terozoic ##ather assemblage ##erate 201 measured miocene ##hip desc first der rest sill ##ression point ##lac detachment lat rich ##rease strain comb sequ ##ages ign ##gi ##ana mapping orig ranges geochem ##elds prec consider ##ribut therefore development lake ##ines pred interpretation ##akes relationship 100 200 contain include ag ru ##uch ##io unc bul inf facies conver ##verage magmas elev domain 30 ##eloc ##ley term level felds veloc alas relative analyses ##glom sections ignim down mo ##rated little origin ##lay ##ume same ero less rate ##ah ##ning thin att distin clast ##sh ##way ##ify when short systems adj older ##ocl examp ##umul dol hill so will ##iqu ##king pass control ##used 14 weak grained intrusion possible alaska ka ##ences allow hyp ##ali geological concent ##edi collision stress underst amp belt sk ##arc strong spat spect ##ertain occurred many el here ret work pressure tur then topograph batholith distinct ori ##ail conglom appear orient 40 lay ##work ##icular marine bulk ##yon interval measurements cen rat exper suggests younger im phase derived 25 hem pet sediments much ##ks ##most carbonate foc ##cond generally far ##our areas second trench cur ##ire inst prog northwest paleo 50 dens ##res ##ina prob ##acent features land ##lement shear hydro method ##lished erupt ##tic ##erm map spec peri adjacent ##oclase cenozoic ##olved ##sequ event metas changes growth average ##lic zircons ##netic depositional hematite glac ##av ##oot ##ccess presence metamorphic requ ##omm structure few fraction ##neiss plagi lithosphere position subs ##ability mountains plutons horiz cas mud side ##ov ##ided import earthquakes denali feldspar plagioclase hf ##inia magn abs cle yr ##uff shell proposed rap ##action prim fract success any ##brite ignimbrite mot ##pl ##vial spread effect mapped ##ivity plutonic rapid ##ted inferred while detail discus mass ##cept ##idual ##estig canyon describ bene ##edge ##otite paleozoic ##orphy mechanism 23 giv porphy yak diag overla investig very infl ##ll depths potential mes ##utat following uncertain yakutat bay syn ##eg ##gan ##ogen accomm americ emplacement contrast stikinia accommod cm ##ately ##thermal ##opro greater biotite geometry dri basins seismicity crystallization understand ##oproterozoic water ##ission ##eter faulting resolution sequence bu path ##ai ##acies southeast amount rupt 13 vis ##ood ##ither ##ifor location least sources ed determ valley transition provide use she ent terranes example spreading ##ram recon shows ##ification lack sing ##ument contains text located support metasediment sw wid ##amb geo ##ofacies conglomerate host env accret analyz converg metasedimentary length ol plateau ##ronology ##neous igneous backarc unconformity clasts core ##ryst ##odi lithofacies erosion sheet alter single sr scan ##atism conf ##allel isotope steep important hol lau ##ons exist respect modeled lead suggested exhib segment dolom beneath rad ##rence dipping ##ada setting period ##iron indiv given miss pub haz collected terra mix ##ker ##inc camp apatite ##water ##erro ##arp reported like additional spatial port ##cy ##hor anom contact modern extend tectonics uncertaint mig nat concl magmatism abund shown broad cut ke wa ##ink dem ##ilib had interface particular ##lob approach break angle either trough ##ino perm cerro lab ou ##te ##he ##yro ##ope recent timing identified influ glob tuff ##ven dike regions individual ##to ##ving environ analyzed aff drain ser expl grad brit doc table ##ipp depend whereas blan numerical density ice since ##sp ##ft ##elf stand predict described cre past andreas expla characterized compared multip wall ##els cover ##rior arch silicic geochemical test fact coe ##ained stratigraphy preserv schell ax ban ##sect fold melting granite 16 mm mon magnitude clastic ##ns ##formed southwest consists patterns document dig pack ##50 dev ##rian ##rete assemblages eu toward stock grav indicates change multiple pol ##ctic minor rhyolite 17 au prior deg ##rix cap clos kin ##2o ##isod plane locally propag does matrix episod ##ambrian published blanco ##rations ##onst interm color increase extensional direct calculated motion demonst prom whe ##aces minim minerals ##ributed clear ill non ts step extra traverse ##ivers ##ynamic reconst gneiss arg throughout porphyry around rot sal ##yl ##onian prof ##ological parallel transport lateral olig global digit ox ##sr ##nown ##pb coar seam plot ##iller assum melts thermoch layer requir fi ##tal type typically ##ysical sol ##ob ##bble ##asus cot diam sedimentation variations possib velocity ##yrox bend ##ios ##faces ##van subsequ ##usions cauc activity ##ogenic caucasus size order ##achian whitehor curr mudstone ##ilibri oligocene av cou fill gr yuk ##ring ##ling magnetic ##ape estimates lithospheric concentrations ratios yukon four tan ##line forear chem extent ##ensive understanding holocene forearc du ##lb corres relationships topography corresp del ##ten ##enced should crystals ##omp ##ner suite incor showed ##ossil limited approxim entire ##por ##hib ##inent ##elton dominated dolomite gravity ac ##western developed characterist estimate defined hazelton foot ##ans ##cting total ##usion expos striking mainly dominant incorpor 60 cord tar ##oid ##aries ##ades transect paleogene domains law commonly combined accretion nw ##sive ##tion ##flo ##etic ##ogn flan parts surfaces includes identify previously dated rol rim ##rate ##ases supported snake convergence cotton ze ##esis stage plan ##issipp youngest fluids seaflo mississipp seafloor em fine rare ##ients ##atch ##itive ##uri ##opul quant initial shortening discuss sup ##ifer wash slow volume overlying accumul ##wood bedding fut ##icient ##rodu univers province presented isotopic devonian mississippian link ##over ##bed summ about fluvial deposited digital ##ilibrium popul ##nia recogn califor brecc hypoth america california smo anomal cy fossil mir wide ##uced ##ject ##oura compon earli flux reflection simp burial detailed standard vary ##gments ##wall maps altern content hand need geod track direction ##dera yielded methods fron ##ves though assess deposit offsh probably respectively dz sin ##pr ##atory information ##istry ##oseismic provides phases center pressures blocks penins cottonwood mirr offshore han na ##not dext nev ##opyrox ##aneous amphib cordiller did ut ##ful ##osite ##ado signat constraints produced ##ontal drainage footwall 39 fre sat coal ##ikoura ##ption kaikoura permian dextral wedge ##ok ##enite ##aland neogene pebble silica elevation focused casc whitehorse ce ##wa ##erg ##ency ##itation ins reach slight volcanism types increasing mechanisms width abundant zealand university rather site ##ium ##other ##go extensive subducting represents green succession solution sites conn conte caused resulting poor metamorphism turtle whether best ##gon clust value experi alteration brittle fall las ##ories ##que integ mark times larger heat variable ##ynamics shells exhibit radi hanging cu case pied ##anite made whole clin ##ediate experiment progress edge documented reconstru nevada bern cumul ful fels resear even ##ardino interpretations geochronology rupture colorado bernardino felsic research ga mill ##rich ##light ##bric them ##ind state fabric ##agit neoproterozoic overall diffic surround suggesting sets skagit mesozoic portion coarse difficult five ore ##orite ##ula reve ##laced before ##lands silc decrease multi continuous 2016 uncertainty mcc rise ##by condu ##vers compaction tempor chann initiation orogenic ampl subsidence clinopyrox reveal mor ##ining except plat dips highly ##ologic expected volcano locations recorded followed comparis 189 precip again role ##zon andes colum ark enrich ##itudes preserved subsequent ##lback rollback bar ##ier ##bo ##alachian ##uration ##ulf weight meg ##ologies appalachian mostly estab separated glacial fracture accommodated cyc frequ 000 vie ##ym beach arctic better ground frame intrusive considered soil ##ailab bit cata date morph sit tak ##ually ##ratigraph ##lies neg resp ##ostratigraph slope differences rhyolites velocities imag terraces salton availab silcrete platform might net ##ead ##ason ##ollement real ##amination note close proven rhe decollement trends hydrothermal ##lications primary ##plate intermediate front view 300 gl hot zon ##pled coinc see being ##ematic ##unam ##ustr significantly minimum tsunam cascades 70 bod fan kodi nar ##fz ##iding contribution intern marl obt class coastal instead directly fiord kodiak narrow ##sl ##equ ##rop ##cont ##allum intra terr tecton occurs decreas horn mccallum 21 dynamics pac εh ##up ##mat ##ha ##her ##ored seism antic another shelf forming included limit estimated penns trending ##ylvan slightly pennsylvan known ##aring toge div crit resulted ##arily correlation distributions orientations banning super pennsylvanian together pome ##ocryst proxim pli plates ##amide evolved studied scal laramide feature increased intrusions horizontal campo explain piedra bitter pacific pomez mission ##cal ##tical ##lied diff clim transform ##una smaller northeastern segments discussed negative must year ##now ##etry regim upward ##ometry various supplement constrained strands opening appears key lawrence ##iferous connect er lo mus ti ##cing ##han ##amin inclusions partial calib underlying param outcrops localized intervals effects particularly labor series diamict coupled provenance ju ve wides ##pread ##ini ##edral ##ract ##ilation ##ries ##physical chall boundaries elevated focus surrounding diamictite widespread 35 cambrian log lov ##ned ##be volum distance fragments impact general rifting earlier lovell last δ1 ##off ##wh ##inter ##elan start traces ##ensional intruded define mechanical nature influence degree tanana peninsula available med ##xic ##iles prot shift mexic diss account creep typical generated transpression overlap conclud kinematic recognized sens ta via wsr δt ##20 often ##reg ##urian ##chn saf obli arcs similarly remain number equilibrium controlled geophysical prominent comparison wsrp por ##o2 ##stones stable ##tered ##omag eval techn provided aft continued 40ar determined anomalies channel 1899 ##ostratigraphic coseismic day h2o mc ##ream ##urally sty ##rial weather cannot appar ##unction contraction geochemistry diagram folds flank situ laboratory evalu ##cent ##itoid ##osity refer deformed whitewater carboniferous hills environments rotation thermochron current chemical 39ar framework network εhf 45 clay jo nod wt ##ita ##etric exam ##estrial orth ##ame reserv formations crat simul grade ##clas nearly longsh young ##ographic specific fractionation amounts cluster precipitation supplemental err mexico hom kil ledge ##rock ranging induced display histories ratio environment breccia terrestrial 80 sg ##oir ##ged ##ened ##rams onto allu caldera folding great remains topographic textures package profile reservoir ahe br li ##ris ##inal ##ark ##old ##ching composite organ ##aps ##igned height potentially investigated driven ##spec amphibole experienced laser tsunami years cru hal vers ##get ##vil ##ice fail ##rograph granitoid sio2 remo redu oldest separate basaltic linear numerous axis correspond characteristics accretionary temporal ##nowled melan opp tru ##ycl caus add meta 206 gravel trig variation separation levels strongly ba espec ul ##son ##wise ##orption infer fair bearing hay unl geor surve indicated bedrock granitic margins records crystalline offsets ##aho gradient predicted versus especially esc lac move medi pap ##ean ##lation ##ang ree sampling rele transt leuc cores gray uplifted centers idaho among ##ogeneous correlated paleoge natural outer coeval seamount future component ##ustrine medium 28 dim hel sy ##tim ##man ##hedral ##ional react alk ant shor scen ##ochth ##ritic thicknesses increases combination petrograph eruption terrace poorly hayes lacustrine air fit pul ##oy ##ational shale ord deple chert noted recycl ##fficient calcite methow orientation layers farther mixed ouach zealandia weighted cycle internal 48 fission imm pos ##use stream ##omin ##omorph contents ##izes ##ordant quest mineralog stikine allows cases visc mixing assuming accumulation cordilleran oblique alluvial ##ville scenari dun ic sel ##more exc proterozoic ##ival highest eastward enc implications microplate discussion massive created solid half lies pers rough ##bl conve shan strat southward southwestern granodi geometries ##ique poly signatures obtained trigger ouachita 90 s1 ##set ##ump ##asp consequ ash ann ##irc basis ##raining strength slp represented emplaced deeper schist basalt islands american affect required possibly approximately volcanoes cataclas glass 206pb ara mal pore ##ta ##ex ##gely ##bia ##put inver ##ceed ##osome ##chy ##ired china intr recently applied largely heating bathym weakening secondary landsl absence primarily buil altered existing affected closure marked clinopyroxene ##omagnetic bra dra ##ection ##bers ##ple ##pite ##atible ##inations inher ##uring ##eters stages seem extern onset subducted despite finally ##ief furthermore points latitude migmat gradients propagation rims hypothesis icp 500 hinter pa tend veg ##uish ##til ##gm ##pm ##vent ##ya ##inous ##stract ##inguish ##ident ##ute interaction highlight regard abstract scar groups compositional proport sills ##shore images requires mirror cement frequency mush hinterland 27 just nm ppm ##jected ##atol ##enu ##alog ##eline reason princ northwestern partition bounded ##riction longer orogeny open original uncertainties packages greenland hornbl ##aspina malaspina hornblend loss way ##ew ##15 ##eler introdu terms left access thickening indicating laur predomin attenu paths leading ##ansas context against zoning load style ##ochthon 24 circ dating hing pan round zr ##ua ##hini ##60 ##onding ##ances ##reat ##eland ##mpor make ##ote begin until teph propert six directed precambrian auth thermochronology populations critical external laurent dr gulf led lgm ow s2 wind xen µm ##oks ##itization ##arm without geomorph sampled flood relief lowest ##velength accord structurally phot silt ##osphere probability absorption ##arpment wavelength siliciclastic exposure cumulative scales orthog kilomet unlik escarpment hornblende 29 ast ack hines tong ##side ##ior ##oring plume contribut modes necess capt span datab paleocene uppermost difference ##ressed lav termin spectral instru landsc require corresponding experiments apparent away bla ecl friction pq yet ##ug ##nary ##bur ##erge ##erve ##inity ##oration ##rade still reverse ##lap ##mental composed ##ellia paleomagnetic propose 150 product steeply demonstrate possibility exposures target amplitude columbia anticline reactiv inversion acknowled pqs c1 go gor heter lines til ##pine ##ths stu alpine ##ches anc interse magnet flor partially reprodu sandstones occurrence representative sourced parent places hydration equival spectrom diagrams sheets broadly factors cape assumed population ##where longshou survey eclog 22 26 bo ms right ##actions ##ei ##bell ##path ##haps ##olve ##olving sut ##ott spring eng perhaps exhumed initiated 199 produce brooks buoy ##rystall campbell contacts plots linked reconstructions proximal hinge properties black tens wor ##hen ##onse ##arbon ##ella chuk enhan trachy accomp largest analytical majority ridges ##oft final 238 ##iform factor tarim naz response median attenuation rounded according database jack ks liqu ot place ##bar ##40 ##als ##thel ##olated ##urface foreland moderat interbed ##izing northward forms spar ##athrust assim complete geology mixt peaks ##ways dolost concentration skill visual settings episode duck saturation ##going ##gonio megathrust landslide princip landscape gorgonio stuhini liquid moderately 3d rob soft ##ering ##enville coach onshore ##otka began project compris ##rang mode interior ##allon report ##ructed lithic distinguish moreover physical ##clud head play 198 growing restraining oriented farallon subsurface fractures southeastern periods episodes grenville characteristic incorporation varying geodynamic full pliocene regime parameters predominant chukotka coachella 32 67 iran now run tw ##xist ##wan ##ras ##19 input ##ety stat almost sem ##uss chile ##aternary energ quaternary volcaniclastic ##view constit park isotopes concordant facil thermo correlations laterally angles collisional program confir covered clearly ##print fully help asthen ##theless 65 ever gond lived ple ##pa ##rees ##ares ##ules ##igen ##omic compression cause highlands space ##weather allochthon repe elect transfer lithologies ##ography discrete additionally garnets epei agree hyper image determine widely explan acqu conducted morphology transpressional craton migmatites 238u dolostone epeirogen 49 nu rout ##clastic ##tz ##64 ##ense ##ctively ##imanite fav aspect ##che beha unk interest figures former foliation granul ##ospheric directions flows sillimanite spectra elong extends dependent profiles delamination incorporated futuna hypothes mirrors reconstruction arkansas enriched ##box establish protolith homogeneous failure fairweather mineralogy statist 400 bord dou dac jap lu wet ##grow ##aline ##ora ##ash ##thrust ##ida deb anatol enough paleoproterozoic ##erald implies peg penet transported reflects latter attributed controls retro horizons extended emerald needed bodies diffusion veins georg scarps ##mporaneous nazas energy unknown japan 55 free mem wrang ##lin ##30 ##enk ##entially deform km2 ablation indep inclinations differentiation sequences containing examples distinctive overlain convergent migration thought insight established organic movement positive duncan tonga independ fund gu lens ni pur zft ##hyd prox ##istocene shap sharp compare moderate never ##ika extre upd scarp observation underthrust phy sandbox impro occurring equation linea descri latest tuffs explained axial demonstrated duct integrated progressively ##contin weathering reduction ult persist granodiorite inherited predominantly pleistocene hyperthermal city light mol pse ##ave ##ule ##gy ##matic ##3c ##erates ##inite ##itated ##cture tool states ##lays ##odal what ##omes obvious sci scat accur transient strikes ##vier variability ##xtap westward become desert coastline separates finding shallowing unconformities calculations passive positions anomaly abundance wave laberge quantify components signature juxtap paper equivalent ##pathic suture accompan georgia pseud ach dam lif mg mist mms tc ##uous ##iate ##na ##gen ##ware ##bian ##yr ##yond ##ator ##enes ##arch stenk review ##odynamic beyond proble ##istral relict splay assume meters distal distributed calcare ##load crystallized 120 lesser stresses leads exhibits conclusions archite currently transects summar simple sinistral taken contributions sgpr address selected roughly veget window florida enhanced assimilation stenkul calcareous 31 37 75 ari dome dynamic et fla gab ##iations ##iable ##ler ##ma ##angi ##ctu ##lear ##imodal ##ird compatible subst canada systematic adv performed slabs phen complexes find correlate rhyolitic erupted accreted illust cordillera ##zona contractional every repeated electron behavi misty arizona 2d bow band gold ir ray tit tun ##onal ##outh ##urr ##ets ##rum contributed compil ##ello discontin duration ##apa gradu nearby bounding defines vertically ##ediately retreat horizon rapidly buya utah rheology body climate evaluate removal immediately world ksfz border es fing hik lid root var ##ily ##rating ##atically ##ersion ##itka ##ased ##urangi forest asitka seen ##ots ##elling inclination prefer ##ressive fields constant reflections ##into characterize else 250 ##ovic british contemporaneous ##continent calibration δ13c concluded reference simulations error trun annual kilometers interbedded principal ##ikawa ductile achie architecture behavior hikurangi coun emb function kel nd ##12 ##ero inverse concept sept chl disrupt overprint partic tims assigned scout distances observe stratigraphically dispersion burg ##avage cleavage successions motions supports dominantly reached fabrics ##board decreasing examine transtensional alkaline petrographic ordovic authors necessary mixture software elsewhere september call hence kit kbar son vir wood ##cence ##den ##lian ##pro ##ht ##orough ##ention ##ised ##olite fast devi search ##phen ##ockwise ##emurian uniform incre ##opy showing percent limb ##mmetric variety mineralization united parikawa correction stephen opc glacier effective syncl cml ruptures closer argu quantit accumulated sinemurian views ##ocrysts connectors volumes δ18 porosity joh depleted recycled spectrometry trunc burgess ordovician 54 71 86 aust bran opt ques ris rig tas ##kwa ##rates ##lated too foramin sufficient exceed ##otrop who subm collap ##fork basinal grand ##rites providing match thermodynamic continuum materials latent contained unclear petm fractional portions monzon oxide approximate respons cataclasite seems tephra orthogneiss jackfork robust comprises anatolian quesn collapse 36 63 dow fil hy nam tel ##col ##flow ##kut ##nant ##ners ##gment ##brites ##pent ##erial iskut ##idity once analog projected having modified resist overgrow ##acke thicker outside feed others silurian geochron ##engu initially microsc precision 1000 ignimbrites ##iques retur hazard ##kerengu kekerengu serpent explore extraction diameter progressive ##equilibrium ##caldera voluminous techniques nodules gravels shoreline unlikely double lenses austral eur imb lock mart om sulf t2 ##af ##rid ##bachian ##14 ##ndip ##ancy ##ctor ##isotrop conne dehyd sevier ##ifically ##ruction ##estim anate anisotrop ##irond shares compilation cache ##ostatic expand upon adirond ##ensbachian imply presum carbonates localization detritus hydrated production efficient restore download hypers conglomerates textural preservation extracted subsequently planes anomalous imaging decreases divide pliensbachian dissolution conclude remaining seamounts dimensional viscosity scenario triggered underthrusting phyll quesnellia downdip euras imbric adirondack 02 33 700 aut ion none ross rio vit ##tian ##inate ##urated ##osc rece rework ##ilized sust ##aged subun disequilibrium abrupt grab representing itself decomp ##ontane angular buried 185 feldspathic moist ##resh specifically ##aves cutoff intermontane deliver flanks alternatively clinopyroxenes andesitic rheological kinematics leucosome paleogeographic nevertheless damage vegetation kitching searchlight monzonite 46 dy dark give ra ##ds ##dy ##ground ##jection stret makes atm ##cons ##ectonic interst resolved incomp spont extru usually overlies partly students qual perp generation shallower geometric ##pectral belts spectrum workers hydrous absent config existence wheeler fossils andesite enrichment regimes challis introduction loading lavas enguri otta favor elongate members flare titanite responsible downloads hyperspectral spontaneous 42 cat lc lie national russ ##eed ##less ##bas ##mass third offer ##anuri ##ray align ananuri saw ##adian teana ##endicular assump paleoseismic lithology ##lasts ##ishi corrected thrusts ##lie reduced follows flats measurement ##comp restored understood spatially eruptive ##lication magnitudes ##pling porphyritic scanner influenced episodic oxides coars summary simpl alternative divided questions encla convection bathymetric ancient ##xisting confirm compiled grande perpendicular teanaway 00 34 600 kg rut sph tm warm yb ##ses ##cas ##ix ##emp ##ba ##orth ##olar stor ##oses proced plant evap ##ortun usa indu ##erature ##neal ##rown becomes consistently metamorphosed horse penn 110 epic ##brid postcaldera ##lisional elevations termination eroded eruptions diagen investigation accommodate ruptured lacks texture scanning scanners dependence euhedral propagating steps oxid opportun causes syenite proportions trachyte iranian ##igenic ultra hybrid bal dry eli gap hund lin pum ##bid ##press ##ho ##ington ##osic forward anneal ##omb ##istic wasatch ##ellow notably expressed detect recrystall ##ordance obsc folded undergo idlian construction generate background facing comparable involved normalized dense denver literature yields unconformably restoration allowed muddy investigations synth missing approaches bancas grid entirely earliest amplitudes groundwater seismogenic proximity calibrated consequence reasonable reactivated heterogene buoyant explanation acquired proxy accompanied esker counter telkwa moisture idliani 01 47 brown cul cra elastic fed list nape pip rif t1 tere tip ##ev ##mer ##pri ##pfz ##ying ##ators ##ery ##ena ##arms ##struct ##imeter seven unique residence ##ibility canadian preferred corrid underpl ##lacements idtim complexity plain burro calculate 2000 retrog mesoproterozoic breakoff minimal rotated chemistry geodetic column ##equa ##aminated examined sgpfz removed melange causing question scenarios laurentian nuka independent lineament summarized johns dehydration subunit rutile culm napeequa terek idtims 38 87 95 aver cath catch hard osc squ yellow ##ax ##ii ##gent ##eria ##organ ##orium ##icients ##olat ##olute ##uli ##ulated ##etian stur ##imo isolated ##illa ##cher exs ##iff shore ##aka ##amber ##ongo subpar cold chron chamber ##ade residual flo intens tea volat marlb assist apply ##erating ##fficients carol ##ometric dispers displacements quartzite association afric remnant straight belong comparing finite thermometry basalts overlapping investigate swarms coefficients promot bending coupling filling peninsular morongo arkosic reservoirs transtension bathymetry drill siltstone ##ottom skills deforming shaped life fingers overgrowths oscill subparallel marlborough 03 batch fish iron kha lag nb pinto ##tely ##gone ##wana ##itial ##asons tod isop coverage ##ilic suites alread aliqu ##mentally atl interact subtle next chain rocky ##opes cai ranged spot teth expression ##iaz marly corner perme sandia constructed differential intrude sier identification empir means moho absolute pathways visible radiation cuts fluxes cataclastic tectono parameter weathered release recycling stratified intrar icpms acknowledgments tilting played gondwana agreement science substant advance anisotropy vitiaz configuration pennj carolina khaishi already 43 56 79 bore delt econ fg jv ken ro rand ramp tre tib uht varies wal ##ffor ##fker ##eous ##dp ##wn ##bor ##has ##onoun ##ered ##ann ##ursion ##ocarbon reaction asy exclud ##oming ##irp shape interactions diver ##acy pronoun 205 sme ide became plaus plafker discordance appropri ##ondritic microstruct considering turn petro petrogen prograde accommodating geothermal extending depending create polar filled clusters falls radiocarbon cycles imaged starting crush granitoids excursion regarding accessory contribute eclogitization insights golden ##urrent kelly sonora sulfide graben decompression interstitial retrograde sturtian oscillatory tibet pronounced 350 41 58 bru ct eas ech good hum junction kim nana pel pah sides ##gvi ##wacke ##hba ##orogenic ##ici ##aner ##rep ##arine tom ##thof ##imal ##osilic rev alg ##ists complic coll art slopes expect abras ushba cry travers transients metap thereby fluctu phaner carri decay mica shallowly 190 ##rolog deriv restric richthof useful conclusion grass radiolar exception morphologies imagery coincident vein sensitive corresponds polygon aragvi laurentia description ##probe syncline quantitative foraminifer return martin enclaves hundred today intrarif delta nanaimo pahau abrasion richthofen radiolarian 66 bould bimodal certain effor fr fert gyp pas pis poc perv plastic puna rb sant sized tt ##div ##kt ##ken ##wes ##lm ##08 ##ji ##atello ##ano ##rec ##reh station stability ##oclasts referred reactions reorgan ##lain debr coop asp ##ama ##alline subround subdiv chirp arri ##abil incision slide spac able terrain overr overlie object inclined inclusion recur alloun lithostatic domes hea displaced supply remained identical flowing 1964 segreg downward mob attemp glaciation ##avy edges breakup ##venile depends creating archean alternating tracks amphibolite revealed juvenile melanosome graywacke petrography viscous solidus capture headwater constitut asthenosphere statistical extreme atmosphere recrystallization heterogeneity sierra appropriate metapel foraminifera gyps pocatello debris subrounded 69 big bottom count egan fer k2o m3 miller orog pow pyr self sense δ7 ##kum ##bles ##18 ##yhe ##itized ##oritic ##ices ##olcan ##eto convent cobble ##char suba ##antic neigh collection overpress marker regionally continues acceler lithologic corb thank siliceous defining involving microprobe effici attribut 140 sk19 importance primitive synorogenic driving influx drainages axes solar identifying emerg ##fully saturated obtain ##ocrystalline challeng started depletion owyhe geomorphic products parental facilitated epeirogeny routing granulites findings bands chlorite diagenetic pervas reorganization gypsum orogens owyhee 1b 44 51 az ess gover mw m2 pt ##cies ##ih ##xis ##welling ##bro ##zi ##oric ##asma toarc ##ouse ##ull ##ulate ##etics stack maz iss ##osing ##idine ##ilian ##ched proto plasma compreh ##usive ##ipapa ranch collectively marks enter ##ordinate corro 207 indicative indicators 10be similarities sanidine correct emphas patton agg turbid densification specim swit dolomitization ##horiz waipapa 160 closely kinetics extrap argue fiji whitehorn experimental gave coincides classified tectonostratigraphic ##matitic challen ##regular channelized mc14 thermochronometry shorter orders built beginning sparse asthenospheric dacitic pegmatitic updip scattered pseudose irregular called δ18o task ottawan russell inductively underplating permeability economic random recurrence allounit δ7li efficiency toarcian 52 800 900 ale edu gal gpa hell hope mt paly pond pyrox ten ug ##aw ##si ##carbon ##fit ##ox ##gle ##gah inform ##elves ##oles ##racted cob coher ##uted ascent ##chron season ##ested ##otectonic ##riel ##uminous ##phile diverse subhedral ##ford ##aley ##ologically notable preclud ##erator transg ##earth outli phys fractions complement completely heavy parag majorand significance discrep localities emplo commun 197 ##pective stead microb apart reflecting ##anauri moving weaker allowing petrolog ##ova contrasts explos tested deglac accept washington smooth integration markers cumulates coincide opposite baj ultim alkali pulses cataclasites brack regardless circum xenolith reproduc eclogite epeirogenic granulite debate improve gabriel illustrate discontinuous preferentially achieved virgin deviation rigid geochronologic connection catalog assumption pumice annealing pipe culmination atlantic empirical pasanauri pisgah cooper corbaley challenging mazat ugak 4d 68 74 cam dil graph her kl mer nine name pure pree pyro sizes ub yav ##crystall ##tening ##iat ##lines ##hre ##zal ##1a ##10 ##yan ##ores inner incons ##stand ##ros ##ential ##ings ##ctive tots ##oust ##ocent making ##ultaneous co2 alone alps always ##chund why ##umines unus intersect ##antment geosc arenite mead disench km3 index leg advan clar clockwise ##ensively simultaneous 202 limits actual mineralized processing decades triple numbers patch constraint finer flattening equilib ##cov latitudes combining originally thinner weakly trenchward hydrocarbon describe tests augment demonstrates illustr argill seams plotted planar plankt assessment napp anticlin thermochronologic errors true pulse consequently ways geomorphology lava reactivation buoyancy interesting peggy purp 86sr 1855 quality tm12 epiclastic obscured polygonal santa pt08 ##horizontal ##earthqu steady mazatzal preexisting ubiqu inconsist totschund disenchantment planktonic anticlinorium totschunda 05 85 bench cf ese fans fresh gia laminated mouth pit s3 tor tab ##ti ##ty ##foot ##fua ##ef ##went ##bod ##itor ##itous ##orith ##anian ##ster tofua ##leys ##olation conj revers fork face thatcher ##ilt ##vertical ##estral anorth contamination modal unf intercal ##ives resour capped relation regression extensively ability upwelling overestim ##apill ##apai metal metals thickened underwent 104 blue signal characterization thrusting bioclasts manif rifted foundation numerically ##shock controlling fractured ##rysts respective segmentation cutting standing coefficient monocrystalline standards needles coales criteria muscov dissolved technique arabian intrins paired highlights magnetite funda hyperthermals bowen presumably simplified synthetic corridor 87sr african algorith phanerozoic carried frsc overriding pyrite conventional neighb 207pb specimens coherent yavapai ##crystalline muscovite ds gla lyon rsc seric zag ##aetian ##sk ##cer ##cut ##uck ##ias ##wart ##min ##vant ##yb ##ygen inboard ##anent ##ared ##arenite tokum ##leum ##olid ##ulation ##rap ##idate com ##chondritic sector excl ongoing ##otic ##ogran ##umb haw ##embed dizi geographic resolve intense slate spt ##ellite disembed indeed prepar scre continents continue volcanics differs occup heft bedded ##ometer presents changing southernmost rhaetian associations grew sie redbed patches dominate snow postd continuity ##ukok apex 2015 rule originated adjust weakness elles reconc lengths erosional confined existed broader predictions oxygen tangle acoust utukok barri realm apparently homogen bright heights paleogeography pair cemented partitioning drift unlike terminus frictional ancestral intersection ##wanan gondwanan compressional hypotheses protoliths dacite wetlands scatter phenocrysts disruption truncated ##collisional locking sawatch coarser opportunity plausible petroleum petrogenesis traverses ##olcanic microbial ultimately fundamental neighboring rscm tokumm hefty redbeds tanglefoot 09 07 84 96 cg dat dro file gent kir ls lign ml nen ped uran van wed xr ##cular ##ucon ##ey ##eismic ##des ##down ##kish ##ga ##right ##rative ##lith ##ball ##17 ##orical ##orites ##ises stag ##imu master ##idi exchan ship savan hab ##conn ##amint subhorizontal array strate reliable overt marino systematically encomp prevent transverse transferred calder foliated consisting 103 105 otherwise smect ##ished presently design remark separating ##ientific involve stewart aftershock reflectors version 14c workflow turkish paleoearthqu transitional swarm capable colored ##obar deline simply satellite connected timescal radiogenic channels morb morain realistic zoned narrows protracted porous dimension annuli panamint owing captured distinguished aspects wrangellia extrem persistent gradually embay argued submarine resistance microscope australia anatexis phyllosilic eurasian sustained incompatible extrusion sphene crack cathod boreh kenai fluctuations asper subdivided headwaters ##charge overpressure pervasive azimu comprehensive deglaciation virginia pyroclastic ##uminescence glaucon disembedding acoustic lspt nenana exchange marinoan encompass calderas timescales 73 77 amal done e1 eight har his house lion ment mont mtz pal put qilian rod sorted tonal μm ##sely ##cs ##tm ##kan ##gr ##rise ##rero ##hik ##zz throw ##inary ##alus ##iter ##eti ##imes maint rees force ##chi whose beam baseline comprise interg subject subvertical evolving ##erson allen quite traced closed translated occas uplifts completed ##vily somewh afc silicate bias combine infilt termed attained concentrated batholiths curves landward metasom fracturing syncollisional drip determining supporting geobod confidence exhibited explored covering testing ##2o3 propagated illite reconstruct laws rarely cycl utilized reaches reaching ##queous cumulate groundmass classification fiordland styles networks cratonic brid fairly ##angular pull stratification drawn ##plex begins contributing instrumental heterogeneous interseismic springs semi facilit penetrative niua descript tools problem gabbro tuned discontinu forests serpentinite anomalously reworked offers alignment drilling restricted heavily subaerial paragneiss baja ubiquitous zagros extremely cathodol somewhat 06 2a 6b 64 7a 7b amb bry gvel himal hsi ii mine mpa nan nuc oro rub ss tay vic vent wider zero ##fo ##oon ##gam ##ls ##mally ##matite ##ature ##inian insp ##rovers ##olinite ##rad read ##illace ##ilization sus aligned asc exact ##rist prol share controvers compet ##ranular ##ranean unro ##usively resem evident ##ached ##ike canopy student leav adam travel ##acted butte metast implying actively geologists measuring granule placed developing easternmost historical midcontinent newly mature bio crosscut ##ontally microf broken lineation calculation 2007 ##io2 kaolinite details canyons 233 diagn ##ogenian hosts scanned migmatite affinity predicts covers propagate reconstructed argillace solutions experience oregon comparisons megac marls intraplate climatic mediter shifts sensor displayed released convex building vegas proportion photograph orthogonal sparker improved etm illustrated repeatedly particle named serpentin delivery stretching aliquots tethyan asymmetric excursions cryogenian bracket cg18 overtur amalgam niuafo cathodoluminescence gveleti himalay tayl vicinity argillaceous mediterranean 53 59 650 72 bri cign cour d1 fon fits gro gas gand hz h9 iv ilm je knowled muri somet waves ##ault ##uale ##uven ##eam ##wide ##rite ##bul ##13 ##juven ##ona ##atter ##eras ##esian ##encing ##alc ##arctic ##olves ##ura macro reasons rejuven alb asian aseismic ##ods ##rup projection ##ograms ##therly plug ##aker unre divers sound cha resur ##ipient incoming incipient ##ostic splays ##ibeam ##weka abfz applying quad added paleof valid translation meter ##ensis underlain northernmost ##clockwise carap grant intruding ##ficial discover discordant remove locality defin multibeam fineto producing ##ubb operator meaning 2012 2017 weakened kaweka retre retention curve horizontally feldspars visco lacking oliv permanent ##elson europ degrees promote tsm solub duplex acid emer slower brecciation researchers conduct temporally tectonically scaling focusing joint antarctic posit streams kilometer acknowledge visualization confirms explanations updated accurate accuracy anatectic eurasia received reworking oxidized counterclockwise chronostratigraphic floor isople microstructural polarity crushed complicated derivation fertile segregation employ kln inconsistent intrinsic algorithm lignite smectite mental ##hiku intergranular geobodies unroof diagnostic brief cignana fonuale gandy knowledge murihiku fonualei 1a 6a a1 cos cell dram fle gps lis myl nne pun roch ven war wil zhe εnd ##sd ##cial ##eau ##eformed ##ophile ##rical ##lit ##lip ##bg ##mont ##po ##pian ##vening thems ##onite ##ala ##elian stations ##ima conform ##ilities ##seismic secular beh ##oma ##umin contour norian compressive ##aking ##aging intervening subordinate sublith subangular depict depocent prism item ##aching subduct ##andes interpreting crbg applications adak trapped outboard perform differing undergone imposed implement changed plutonism grouped granites differentiated reflected redist deeply matti biostratigraphic limestones crossing stepping epoch maxima ends ended 180 2013 2018 2014 precise considerably thinning attention ellip appearance hydrof caspian ##plates gives accommodation drive confusion steeper tuffaceous gravitation av1a tanger breccias assessed fallout million millions continuously reveals bars seismically limitations climax shifted sensible mcs situated evaluated reduce surveys relevant affecting ##ceeded build xenocrysts targets tilted boise trachyandes 1980 debated sharply molyb sciences quantifying gradual worldwide varied ##continental overprinting particles virt storm links exsolution assistance promoted radiolarians arrival country issues pseudosection seasonal explosive accepted xenoliths camer geosci advanced sericite gentle uranium azimuth ilmenite sometimes paleoflow unroofing punctu venus themselves 04 220 57 550 97 aqueous e2 gd ger gently gaps kick lent lost lob mis mich oue p2 pits qsp raka sib ske vect wang ##away ##crust ##uf ##ira ##iam ##ious ##xul ##rat ##loc ##lano ##hg ##09 ##16 ##150 ##jah ##itable ##icxul ##ising ##isition ##olding ##raction ##etically ##igan mad faces suc ##utian ##atea faulted seward annot comput ##astic ##agg neotectonic cher chicxul reset arm arid highway split tearing regular enab assign lewes minto paleolat undeformed outl underestim 204 compositionally acted carn refine recording preserve ##itudinal backsc silicification belie rivers potass potsd thermobar equilibri crosses microplates ##ucing 2010 ##ifying william stronger trenches landmass shearing massif 235 overlaps contrasting pathway editor entrap texturally ##ambeau exploration monz devolat digitized avoid summer util ##erged insolation increasingly widths piedmont experimentally difficulty precipitated appalachians frequently tsunamigenic fanning internally terrigen connector nodes simulation greatly papatea symmetric 484 markedly partitioned instrumentally magnetization spectrometer constitu acquisition hypothesized wrangell independently lineaments juxtaposed lidar disrupted filter analogous feeder presumed nonetheless sustain balance elijah linking undergoes ##merian intensity volatiles dispersal batches jvari treated humidity boulder metapelite aggreg aleutian pyroxene clarence illustrates unfolding resources manifest ellesmerian barrier ##connected ##zzane ambient readily megacrysts carapace retreating cosm rochambeau lenticular ouezzane rakaia ##crustal chicxulub potsdam equilibria entrapment terrigenous 78 88 a4 aim cited clays cdp ded dav elast gt gn gans hu h7 hree js jin kun lakes lapill md nelson ok oph rc serv sink tent tight tie trop tio2 wc zu ##uate ##tage ##tun ##tions ##dden ##ws ##well ##back ##hance ##86 ##inel ##inces ##inder ##enn ##alian ##itivity inev ##ara ##urb stan static ##igu ##ime forced come sudden al2o3 ##sey atop shield sam ##conglom diking subjected depart ##iance cao cand basinward spans tex disloc ##ards upright marble ##ended ##ending allanite encl enhance prev application quar quick lear tracer cliff ##active ##auk mounted fragment sandy centimeter acting ##ressions ##neuf westernmost variably oceans processed marginal carbonaceous characterizes af15 discern ##ictic silicified exhumational cooled equal 11b 115 schem oper rifts snipp 2019 conversely erosive elsc herein northwestward species periph fewer fractionated mudstones ##ufficient inflation portneuf ##inois coexist monot monument polym 170 kinetic illinois assumes possibilities planets assessing dzs insufficient gae 1892 frequent platforms decreased logan greatest crucial metaconglom mineralogical necessarily terminated reproduce engine establishment luz proxies deserts juxtaposition percentage optim geochronological microscopy australian omits phyllite raised incomple extrusive ##basinal confirmed storage procedure procedures brownish averaged remnants substantial ct150 easily revised hundreds effort spaced constitutive attribute turbidites challenges petrological dilution unusual simultaneously equilibration hawke habt asperity glauconite amalgamated himalayan chaotic behind virtual punctuated potassium lapilli ophi snippaker 5a 5b 76 83 91 bor bent c2 came ec hiat jac let mit mgo mash nce pra ram s4 sile takes training ##az ##afic ##sed ##ipped ##een ##dig ##denite ##kite ##no ##gors ##lu ##lot ##pron ##hn ##11 ##je ##jave thresh ##onomic ##ester ##esov ##enian ##orous ##ione ##icol inland inhib injection anderson tood ##oud ##olate ##raul stere ##igmatic ##oca iso dew dead cook ##terbur sun asia ##chist excess shaking ##oggone plesov happ modest unimodal interlay subt subbas subchondritic colpron chains resorption ##abas slick spill betty ##lesse expose uses ##elded canterbur arcuate ens enigmatic leaves adequ traject clsc ##erto paleoc accel valu valleys lowermost mete ##ozircon lithological ##eposition output percol provinces earths heave activ geologically displays construct wells associate decade ##vali estimating isotopically separately concern constraining potrero hydraul matter 1500 verte dominates 196 correlative mechanically equations burdig lineations vergent consideration 2006 moved mojave probable eruptible eventually effectively 2330 southeastward ##ramafic swauk hosted srm poles closest rotations chemically planet quantified recognize geodynamics na2o integrate taking ##ostratigraphy tectonism sensitivity obliqu environmental georoc reef granodioritic polycrystalline pange instrument going tensile reports runs twent ##tzia hypothesize ultramafic molten tci problematic conceptual increments incrementally arguments δ18ozircon risk orthogneisses hazards ##after connections imbricated elias catchment volatile walker excluded tomography power accelerated essentially switch extrapolated eduction palygors cobre outliers argillite torlesse intercalated ##ogranite wedges strategy phyllosilicates facilitate discontinuity nucle orocl photographs overturned taylor solubility antarctica flex molybdenite gerya kicking vector cherry outlined cosmogenic jinvali wc09 ##tunately quarry engineering hiatus siletzia threshold toodoggone plesovice canterbury burdigalian palygorskite 2b 320 99 aer ala aerial ben bud ci fran get hubb ko kar kur ket los lib lying mos mds nested plast pws rib rtm vr vap wan wis yp yh yule ##aign ##aque ##cation ##cata ##iitic ##kh ##ng ##nw ##nes ##rically ##lim ##mes ##med ##pelian ##hu ##hf ##volcanic ##25 thole thumb ##enites ##encies ##ori ##orial ##analy ##ancies ##stable ##elo ##elon ##elev ##elih ##asi took ##ollisional stm cones isother ##osen forces ##ids code alt alm seasons ##ript ##range unm unres unstable diap colla ##oushan depression chal chap geograph maghre ##artic relate spinel disse aband ##endix ##pta appendix quasi tradition clump metabas lithostratigraphic peral ##unctions likelih 106 silent similarity signals representation ##ometers oceanside grants develops designed reducing crystallizing concurrent seaward matches manner equally transpressive opaque foundering continuation reflector precollisional considerable aged rupelian ##uches buller instit ##resian glaciations successfully bays drips determination geother importantly radial campaign wapta breakdown preserves argent quantification recognition centered exhibiting moroc takaka availability εhft superp starts accounted thermochronological orthopyrox longshoushan brine laserchron paleogeologic dimin 480 encoun perspective glasses inherit migmatitic introduced tephras xenocryst ##burn ##burne goal twt wrangel shapes problems windows advant tuning roots quantitatively branches optical sufficiently feedback omission imbrication autom ionization delivered qualit 001 opportunities ultracata ideal tibetan echelon kimball efforts ttg spacing terrains preclude complementary discrepancies community reproducibility purely nappe ##olidated kirby pedogenic xrd stagn savann moraine occasional adamello metastable rejuvenation emerging conductance lisburne mylon wilson sublithospheric carnian backscatter thermobarometry 235u devolatilization elasto dislocation interlayered ##epositional hydraulic pangea twenty hubbard vapor ypresian yhs tholeiitic diapir maghrebian abandon likelihood ultracataclas 1c 464 8a bol bog buff cb duches eps fu gw ix jar ku kn kv kern know kansas mct option odp rr s5 tand take vii villa warp youth ##aus ##su ##t86 ##iph ##iating ##eck ##oo ##gers ##with ##worth ##rim ##ban ##pret ##va ##jeras ##onge ##ato ##inities ##orbed ina andre ##stream ##elly tour ##isc ##thal ##olites ##ulating ##ett ##ocated rehe recharge forcing death ##ilon ##iling albe ##odont ##rub onla anhedral shrub ##phonomic plus plun normally unfor unzon ##rained negl choic rockies cahu evid reli collect ##forms ##ibly betic user indust ##iap ##ptic ##ayuch plateaus entered preval ##icked quench lee scientific adve surficial paleote ##maline ##rought 2020 sands implied ##nett pec blind carry genetic generating differentiate deciph discrim generations crystallinity blocked thermally 195 produces epox angel angayuch detached postulated ##ynamical aftersl reflectance restoring ##lacial 2008 converted terminal downgoing distinction shortly curv instance paleoval speculate subset 230 1300 edific exists migrated breaks permit globally serve coexisting southwestward polished degray stepover fix currents incorporate cordier tarr needs ##note inside surrounded conduits arkoma takla 3000 hotsp classify 210 diffuse upwards tijeras focuses logs lasting ##interpret taphonomic evaluation nodular clustered erratic linearly antiform streamflow convective triggering landslides tends scarce proportional 270 circulation flooding intersections mixtures projects distinguishing penetration retrode accurately accompanying variance achieve percentages limbs riser foraminif names efficiently imbricate autogenic oxidation ultrah catchments yellowstone aliquot substantially 1905 boulders objective mobile attempt galan mtj discrepancy reproducible intersecting conjunction ##sky exclusively pairs microbialite dimensions boreholes cyclic venting prolong leaving serpentinization jeol implemented hydrofract 204pb monzodi zupb texas learning scheme jacinto ##jections isothermal spillway percolation vertebr alacon budget plastron waning peraluminous orthopyroxene inheritance epsilon gwt86 tandem village youthful tourmaline albeit unzoned neglig cahuilla epoxy angayucham afterslip cordierite 2σ 450 6c 660 82 89 93 98 aks bart bill cate dal dest gh gather ho hid hrees iw kde lut lub mil msl nak os ps pert pear pier pione ros sided ural vi viable wacke welded wnw ##ae ##apt ##ca ##cet ##uer ##fn ##eep ##dg ##kin ##nam ##gs ##gence ##wley ##rick ##ratic ##len ##lock ##mill ##pic ##vity ##07 theory ##inated ##inates ##inned ##aled inactive ##sts ##rous ##eled ##legh ##urity ##etal stabil conce conodont isostatic ##osystem ##osomes fort fam fauna coord suction albian alumin allegh asl ##rimp shrimp ##ogra basic ##umes northerly hafn ##akira modification ##amori ##aining uncomp interfaces ##izations neo neither chose chond chosen check geos caps speed teaching sedimentological recover envelop crest conspic adapt resultant ##ozo ##ifications thanks foliations underlies undergoing underfit indicator strip 107 uplifting ##clide silver nearshore peat smith ##issance bounds chancet quartzose longitude longitudinal ##berg decou assembly midto estimation ##lier comparatively initiate deepwater mang flatten ##insp sche brook 1800 verify 2011 lattic geochemically 2009 infill convert alaskan ##shu working turakira distinctly appeared focal specular positioned successful investigating determinations transitions reconna swir olist dolomitized periodic likewise keep creation cream explains banks 177 aug demonstrating argument requiring bends incorporating roles summit geodynamical utility ##oked integrating radius millard exceptions andesites columns enrichments beaches soils 215 seismological tax ##omagmatic flanked reduces melanges unless ##mann excav stratal polygen brachi brawley draf drap highlighted loaded author floodp photogra ##ugate worth accordingly liquids comprising statistics persisted juxtaposes reviews phenom finger faster incremental branch matched analogue adirondacks stretched ottawa sawmill assumptions detector listed listric averaging square ##uliar belonging tethys road idea grasslands ferric governing challenge palyn cobbles outlier nappes purposes conjugate anorthosite occupied homogenization designated remarkably paleoearthquake harris palinsp bridge descriptions ruby ssip inspection crosscutting 233u sounding positively isopleths employed dramatic ellipso gravitational trachyandesite cameron skeena succeeded tentatively quickly peripheral polymictic metaconglomerate ecosystem ##azite ensure oroclinal flexural ketama ribbon unresolved traditional clumped metabasal argentina bogus kernel warped reheating unfortunately choice evidenced industry paleotemp peculiar fixed ultrahigh prolonged vertebrate aksala categ iwamori hafnium chondrite conspicuous turakirae reconnaissance brachiop 08 2c 4b 62 640 9b aid aru aided b3 bus brought c3 cess dred dash eph fro fring gou hon hall hoy hinder iii jls kent king kink lan lang mata mort mound nel nil p3 p1 py pie rose tian tell tribut treat void wai wester ysp zil ##ser ##sch ##siz ##cyn ##cup ##tectonic ##ez ##gun ##ren ##rences ##rared ##lun ##lomb ##buck ##mor ##mouth ##melo ##hes ##viron ##yre thom thorough ##enz ##environ ##edded ##edeep ##altered ##iting ine inund invers ##ansion ##ars ##ston ##stop ##elite ##ols ##rau ##etical ##ette ##eterto stiff ##iger ##imi ##imer foredeep ##idal ##odes ##odivers ##rometer exert exmouth ##ifact ##otach anhyd ##omanian ##irka pros ##istinguish shades shared ##phyr ##thers compens modify unnam unaltered ##ants colder ##usc ##inez aridity arenites ##duction incised highs highstand relamination relax slivers spain spots ##elli noting ##ikil explo expansion extr indistinguish detected grainstone interpolated allochth replacement replaced conserv apprec ##eratures adding trap cloud upperand ##ribed underplate indication imping heated actually occurrences ##mmetry throughgoing fieldwork genesis quartzof para grey ridg backstop separability crystallize deepest maturation biodivers crops manually commin elemental 194 correlates correlating 119 ##insk ##inson opal operating ##conformably 125 calculating ##lacing ##eldspathic 2005 infrared conversion moment moves ##oclinal passed 145 concentric spatsiz eluc hereafter cenomanian curved paleoenviron special glacigenic positioning benefit overlapped dried entiat scans steepens permits bank monazite ##ctice 17lm nonm salt layered cottage coulomb ##ossils approximated footnote flanking zephyr linkage fluxnet simpson alternate frontal sinking sintered cements radiometric cup millim glance seismograms jump impacts accounting evaluating simulated longshore clustering kilbuck failed addressed inference george leucogranite leucosomes antec immediate selection excell affects tendency ##idental floods photos terminology tilt 26al box otmelo visualized robert 1987 constitute allochthonous establishing statistically unknowns memorial funded phyric pseudotach lifet reviewed phenocryst raypath borderland embedded concepts overprinted woody ##prov exceeds filtered omit receive abruptly spher warming plants evaporation baltic corridors cathedral squares exsolved promotes isoplot interactive 205pb revis artifact intrarifian ##abilities acceleration essential stacking enters corrobor ponds informally transgressive physi hercyn legacy purpose ds2 preparation scattering remarkable paleoearthquakes embayed encompasses putirka rodinia metasomat suscept controversy bracketed gross plugs diversity resurgent meaningful olivina briefly redistribution ##ratonic paleolatitude constituents kunlun mdas department candidate practice accelerating meteoric bennett encountered abandoned mctagg deciphering angeles curvature edifices negligible gathered hidden family coordinates scheelite lattice paleotemperatures aruco cessation ephem hoyada nelsc wairau zilio inversely stiffness unnamed indistinguishable allochthons quartzofeldspathic biodiversity spatsizi otmeloi 1σ 2s 3a 360 4a 4he 61 aj aqu bis bacter bird bomb cow cast cik dar eust eoca fly h8 hick iqu job kf ky kash lip lree longe mn merge nc nas nac oak pin pock pink pix qel rg rul rely rach sis soc sver sik trees vs vg vog writ δr ##app ##sw ##cake ##current ##uter ##uah ##tar ##ila ##iac ##ipping ##found ##dict ##drup ##oking ##non ##nock ##nay ##gdg ##lict ##ming ##mid ##mond ##py ##pur ##hic ##ham ##33 ##35 ##03 ##ye ##erly ##eros ##esape ##aling ##itt ##icott ##icratonic inward ##aran ##arapa ##stra ##rosc ##asing town ##ola ##ury ##urization ##eton stern ##igorite ##ocratic cone isoch reinterpret ##ido ##idually coordinate ##tero susp ##utonic ##sej ##section ones onlap ##irarapa ##iston shat shed ##umi ##phase ##uda computed compacted hamp hade haptic ##ago ##agic ##agree unp unex interf intergrow ##cca chelan chih christ chesape ##forward geom geore ##adap resid mecca ##opl care lowstand slump collector ##ikt discharge disagree uspt detection marga en2 enable replic applic leaf transcurrent larks lithification litharenite lithophile undet unders caled outline perid pericratonic graded mounts feo feas earthtim 10b mantles mantled completion ##vium peb measures proposes differentiating intrudes sett plays plains supplied offswith presc desic newfound poikil remote ##liott identif crystallizes noise horst maturity northeastward orogenesis crop manusc invoked equipped 116 schlier epither contradict endicott yielding rests sequentially origins 2002 agrees thinly thinking attached shortened skinned spectrosc elim elliott probe ##licit fractionate subsided 232 porphyries inflate synta accommodates dripping swak envis conflict individually publication migrate wairarapa breakaway draining exploring grades clastics stockwork aupb intermitt nonline rotating plotting ##obia ##oblastic diamond shoulders emission supers brecciated nevadap gauss conduit exceptional barometry rheologically hotter coincided international classes classical intrabasinal 216 division connectivity ##hannon ##2015 cratons brgdg organism organized organization escape antigorite fitting solidification roughness consequences drag draw mushes ##atolu princeton ##ochthonous 242 pancake tephro authigenic geomorphological siltstones tongue contributes targeted reproduced equivalents bohannon 1994 interbeds assimil visualize twin twice inputs semidi helped 490 nuclide elongated doub anatolia retroarc guide obviously summarize addressing etc etched everywhere tunis john branching submerged ##oscale atmospheric spontaneously russia pumices shoreward dispersed africa straightforward lago roof tremor microstructures easier pelagic tomographic collocated artific grassland deltaic fertility stationary attempted emerged emergent emergence governed stacked emphasize turbidite pseudosections precludes transgression smoothing legend 2021 augmented interestingly pitman tabular reversal ##olidus sieh reconcil drops prevented borehole tonalitic maintained descriptive ##radation controversial microfau discovered european depicted depocenters subducts performance geoscience enables gnss oki tropical stanford prevail monoton optimum incomplete dewar mosa ##khumi ##elevu chapman geographically geotherm morocco advantage savannas cb07 duchesnay shrublands paleovalleys hotspot foraminifers hydrofracturing lutetian piercing concealed alleghenian uncompacted recovered mangatolu floodplain palinspastic brachiopods busby dashed thomas inefficient ##imiut fluxnet2015 excellent ##province grossular ephemeral cikobia eocaena flysch iquique joban kfat kashima longevity pockets qelelevu racha sisimiut sverdrup ##uahua hadean chihuahua chesapeake georefer margaret larkspur earthtime newfoundland manuscript schlieren epithermal nonlinear nevadaplano brgdgts 5e 7d 8f bon bival bering binary c6 cart cort eh eure fo fsc gul gut god gore gould hun hys jones kd kal lh lamin mf mut mree nin nom nose pene ripp rmes siz sider t3 tes tall tau uc von vig vast wast zh μl ##aff ##sa ##cil ##come ##uy ##tles ##ien ##iers ##iuda ##field ##ebe ##kikt ##gill ##rally ##lsc ##bel ##math ##pex ##hok ##vis ##vable ##za ##zoo ##85 ##04 ##onet ##atives ##erc ##inating ##ndepositional ##itan ##itos ##itably ##anced andalus ##roph tohok ##lets ##isf ##isph ##iscan ##olian ##rays ##eted star strom stau ##igation ##iguous mapper isoclinal ##osh rein faith faun decl defic sure areal sevent ##odelling ##otal ##otyp ana bea shal shut ##ogle ##umed compressed computer ##rant ##agmatic module ##ames uncons subb subcontinental subvolcanic neck prince chamb chini chug chondritic ##aday resorbed incapill ##opartic ##ismically evolves intact sl17 slipping spc ##ills ##assing ##achron notion sedimentology dispar expert explicit extin ablated upt colleaguesng indian india indio ##ander ##andine ##endrick volcanogenic interplay en1 prelim crater quig lever leave scores trail traction classic surpr paleos lowered thicken ##enschist outward perple sims ##othills imped carm ##ishy ##neau genetically refined rhomb topologies corrections discard discount lauri smallest strait concave blocky facility flower flowed defle orogenies fining invari involves shallowest 193 1900 ##ubduction operate ##uca bursts postseismic brothers ##rolite ##cophile verging pointed richmond ago ag1 uncomm thinned 14b 1400 retained turtles batholithic instant denser landform specul fractionating ##ovolcanic ##ception mesh synchron syntectonic driver transitioned swamp geoha migrating abundances kekikt approaching influencing predictive explaining bannock caples gneisses transporting solely couple fills exposes nwlsc rimmed supra fossiliferous assessments amphiboles satisf coals cascad experiencing millimeter arkose reality zonal intracrystalline superi superchondritic diffus diffusive look ##nedy lastly protoc dissim accounts ##regional technology days thermochronometers kiliuda displaying alluvium brines liu cruise fails opposed truth adds inferences leucocratic outermost mediumto helps helium syndepositional chertova solidified aragon arabia intras mushy introduce circular own spanning google 225 mspt 1992 675 chilean guided purified zftb substit council truncation rising resistant favorable coarsening evaporitic epicent diagenesis ##bidge synthesis tips johnson squishy fisher lagoon boreal kennedy ##borne ##anni divergence bruce bruneau certainly ##amazoo heavier metapelites corrosion corroded catalogs unusually anorthite overestimated coalesced comes prepared screened snowball 07ht stagnant savanna involvement moraines infiltration metasomatism bryozo nanopartic course diversification discovery definition olivine warrior depocenter adakites geosciences madre computational believe williams utilizing aggregates manifestation inevitable raman slicken trajectories paleocurrent valuable almandine chalcophile xenocrystic 001hg ultracataclasite bolide jarbidge reliability ##iapert lubric perturb decoupled drafted draped categories gouge relaxation cupola pseudotachyl lifetime raypaths cowgill eustatic nascent soci written isochron geomodelling prescribed desiccation spectroscopy swakane envisaged gaussian microfauna foothills hyspex kalamazoo laminations sizova siderophile teslin andalusite tohoku staurolite unconsolidated chambers chiniak chugach incapillo preliminary laurier uncommon geohaz kekiktuk 3b 315 460 5c 6e 750 8c 8b 9d 94 950 960 a3 a2 ault aure bf bb bou boot berg bsu cs cig cub csej dt dp din dre dot dum dpar dai drop ew ets eolian fern fiss gi gest gib hp hath hcl hok iber jol kendrick lle lam lined lok mip mend mun mile merged o2 pic pay ql qtz rau rind sd s6 sle tied tull talus uint ucs vents wy ye yuca ##ael ##cop ##cale ##uments ##iret ##iab ##iates ##iote ##fect ##five ##ffer ##eburn ##don ##dcs ##oka ##kit ##kins ##nar ##gis ##xter ##wash ##welly ##rary ##lis ##bound ##mar ##pan ##hold ##vo ##21 ##80 ##jk thous theor ##onas ##onym ##ats ##erian ##inigan ##eno ##enon ##enworth ##ito ##itna ##ionally injected andean ##eletal ##ison ##isely ##isions ##thon ##urable ##ulla ##rav ##etamorph ##etrically ##mpy sto stated stored ##oclastic ##ocalc ##osities faded coating ##ili ##terran suitable alta ##chl ##chuk seal examination ##ifies ##estep ##oto anast beebe ##oms ##omat ##omand ##omically ##omosing shad shaw ##ogan ##phys ##thermally plumes ##eman ##akka ##conte uniqu unrec subprovince southerly colors ##ously ##izable neovolcanic chris gempy ##iving ##adem resolving ##ipa ##ipated ##iplin ##retes relied lows sliding italy spite spike ##eller tear disconnected expon expressions extant alongside kmin upsection overbur marking maroon ##ersen locus ##acks durmid recomm timestep enthal replen replacing ##ordia preced ##apes quies ##asequ score scient scope traps suggestion paleod validity transformation lithologically distant distorted corso coronas coromand ##eper ##key outwash perth perchuk ##ario domal observational underpress 203 208 grading indices indications phosph imperial implication ##formational 109 1050 centim geologist nearest measurable carries bedforms miy ams complexities studying outcropping greg greenschist topics san1 ##kaido ##valu remov separations concret patchy mainland ##eca 15a biased thermocalc 11a 1100 microte burn apron reflective richter richards ignored precisely considerations 2003 2004 rug ruh 305 downstream 143 skeletal spatiote 252 hemisph faraday instability progra densities ##inae hydrothermally methodology subsiding subsidi clean successive masses meso mesoscale waters 130 visually ##iformal entiret envision analyze steepening holds radio breaking labeled ##tey ##head influences drained gradational documents blank stands creates walls archae monitor documentation kinsey propagates profound layering dup approximation academ roll quantities slowly summed cascade ceased ##wave temporarily precipit mega megab megasequ takhini takakka viewed coinciding seismo limiting scalar diffraction climates looking generalized ##while ##208 porcup thermochronometric node ahead crude cruises opposing baxter antiformal dunes select excimer encased discussions granodiorites s11 braeburn highlighting reasoning reasonably circu makeup wavelengths astron instruction inversions acknowledged flora 1990 accomplished liquidus 1988 670 facilities route routed favored 4000 freez funding guer niland persists damaged vegetated bowser graduate sonar deviations uniformly tasks exceeding films returned locked angularity flareup aligns simplification enclave warmer evapor induce hybridization float intensities assisted dispersive belongs ##annel diverge plausibly echo veinlets aspen constitutes 695 attributes issue emphasis emphasized switches galore pyroxenes ##oxide physically physics graphite graphical equilibrated augmenting intercalations resource overestimation manifested coalesce coalescence ##ski screening postdates adjusted datum xrf strateg 1035 aftershocks workflows delineated phyllosilicate tonalite occasionally bryan competing resemble leavenworth ##rupole unrelated quadrupole isopleth 1980s lobes siberia annotated believed aggregate aimed davis gt1 services inevitably operated coexistence ophiolite letz inhibited stereonet happened subbasin subbasins adequate adequately obliquity obliquely nucleation kuril ##analyz isotherms unmetamorph collaps institute superposed diminish automatically qualitative stagnation twentyfive diapirs andrew onlapped plunging discrimination retrodeformation monzodiorites bartol conodonts aluminosilic augite polygenetic photogrammetric phenomenon ellipsoid honshu hindered morton mounds nilkit python westerhold inundated exploitation paraut ridgway elucidate antecrysts spherical baltica metasomatized bacteria bombay pixel ruled ##appear shatsky unexp interfing applicable pebbles settling identifiable intermittent assimilated tunisian artificial reconciled kfatmin mfb nominal peneconte vigorous shales necking uptake carmacks discarded invariably ag1208 instantaneous speculative cascadia superimp lubrication cigsed csejtey hathaway hokkaido llewelly lokken payette qlw uinta ucsb wyoming yucaipa thousand ##onymous anastomosing shawinigan uniquely ##iplinary overburden enthalpy replenish coromandel spatiotempor subsidiary entirety takakkaw porcupine unmetamorphosed nilkitkwa penecontemporaneous llewellyn 1f 330 4c 5f 5d 7c 850 840 aph amm aval b4 b5 bes bir bach bard bare bring boring cus cose cake cust dd dor dict daw fm fis fsp files fo2 functions gc gel gog gord hors hno iz iter icy jord junctions james kla kits kah lad lose lamination ldcs m8 my ming mess mong mck mention nf nit nav nicol oil ota orange pc pict picked rar rain swe t5 ton tant vp ves wack winter wright york zell ##spar ##ship ##clasts ##uvi ##uitive ##tut ##fu ##fra ##eth ##ege ##ement ##ewa ##oh ##oct ##oand ##ky ##ked ##kel ##kle ##gn ##gar ##gian ##gons ##glacial ##wi ##rig ##late ##bly ##mere ##mark ##part ##puk ##hir ##zen ##22 ##67 ##01 ##yk ##qa ##70 ##jan thir ##atro ##atites ##atten ##era ##eri ##erif ##inod ##inley ##inorium ##esy ##enhe ##alla ##ality ##itat ##itness ##orb ##orfer ##oria ##oride incon injections inception ##anence ##anitic ##aro ##entivity ##ctors ##urs ##urate ##urbed ##etail stre stomat ##igs mach mack conv conical conway reint rebound ##ulty ##idak ##laces ##geograph cogn ##ilent ##ilis sum suter ##utinated ##chem ##see sectors ##rome exotic exerc ##ruk ##ruit ##rugin ont anch answ anonymous begun bears ##itectic ##iration proceeded atoms ##istration ##ogram complications compelling ##ematically ##ighter ##conic ##agnet orb ##ectic unable interfer interconnected diab diorite diachron subseismic depress ##ichannel ##inear ##acles prerif chr chipp geomagnetic gehre ##ivoc ##ivian ##ivari ##iplano ##ables ##abilized ##opic evolve formula spik ##alee ##ghian disagg regan extents abb abut uplands subdued indurated ternary overview marsh marcy ##endorfer ##aya volcanopl duran arcgis preand consens lech leak scm scene adop ##veling clark ##erta suggestions paleont lowering ##augh thickest ##raltar corona whereby peru peritectic observable underlie fluores ##une fe3 phil pheng phreat occidental consisted imported timefra 10a 101 blues signs ##ney office estu longest deformational wellington complexly setup rhodes parado decimeter characterizing correcting estimations pool lamp remob remanence silicates separator micas micritic micrometer concur concurr blockage faculty ##chanical cooler severely multichannel fines manual dominance evolutionary 1960 breached mechanics ##ample equant 11c stepped schematic microspar meanwhile endm ##conformable continuing effusive 1250 183 181 ##uki ##glutinated apical verified dipole descent lateto strained precurs predates agilent agglutinated inflow moore originating ##ahedral soon willow passing 147 elk retentivity works 2500 instruct instabilities hydrochl glaciers subsolidus motiv describes describing beneficial buck ediac determines entrained widening analyzing hold publications ##cyc naturally conclusively keel demise ##inoid monit stocks 173 176 175 degassing nonconformably extrabasinal extraregional gneissic rotate salinity salinities oxcal grate delay ##tenac ##oids ##oidal eman superg supras slowdown accumulate accumulations recognizable smo15 contentious handp geodesy tracking frontenac depositing footwalls greenstone experiences cueros progressed gao difficulties silcretes ampliapert revealing barran barnes frequencies morphometric rheologies glen intraformational supercontinent superterran supercyc supplemented connecting shifting poro pores ##omagnet references examining causal movements ##angpo ##timetry reactive immature excel excision polyphase polygons schists intrigu braided regarded cementation accessible 240 captures spanish ##burg productive goes sutured 1993 1998 1999 1997 nazca projector 1985 running 658 657 repeat favors penetrate niem purulla sandboxes irrad titan rooted preferential overprints calls fastest deviates synclinorium truncates 71apa brantut optimal rigorous exceeded namely overgrowth feeding martinez grabens dyke stretch ##basin gridded heterogeneities counterpart averages drilled atlas empirically parameterized pennj1a roano asymmetry excludes echinod human artinsk traversed phaneritic 667 ##recip arrived segregated mobility mobilized ferrugin obtaining entering alex communic circumst improvements 685 cameca 2022 tabor 1047 ##ucky ##minated screen occupies siebel postdate ellesmere reconcile barriers datangpo drove habitat asperities glauconitic monte infiltrated bridges discontinuities paragneisses ascending competent metastability biogeograph serpentinized courses albite albatro validation duplexing dramatically ##point conformably contours adakitic redistributed gravitationally camera lobate siberian madison annotations enabling paleolatitudes refinement constituent filtering deduced david gt3 gnat jsm stanley prevents incompletely ophiolites benthic deadman slickens trajectory activation instrumentation ##analytical isotherm altiplano ##rangement collage disseminated diminished qualitatively fuis kuqa prevalent erratics billion pearson ##kinematic flattened olistolith 177hf fingerprint c31 frozen kentucky kingston langhian langenhe anhydrous prospect extrarenite greyish comminuted nonmarine millimeterto artifacts hercynite susceptible ajala kyanite rgb sikanni replicate undersc caledonian mosaic bonin cartesian ehft eurekan wasting reinfor faithfully surprising deflected protocols nanoparticles slickenlines pseudotachylites society geohazards aureole bf16 dpi dinther drewes fissure gibraltar sleeper ##marks shadow unrecogn quiescence underpressure removing rugged hemisphere megasequence freezing guerrero strategies bartolini aluminosilicate superimposed cigsed1 spatiotemporal aphanitic avalan besides bardelli cusp coseismically custom dawson gordon horsetail hno3 jordan kitsault mckinley wackest wrightson zellmer ##uviation ##octahedral stomatal reinteg diachronous depressurization chippewa disaggreg volcanoplutonic consensus fluorescence phengite phreatomagmatic timeframe paradox concurrently hydrochloric ediacaran ampliapertura intriguing roanoke artinskian ferruginous biogeographical albatross langenheim 040 3he 540 81 915 aw aal ber bigh ball bell bubb boca cab cpt cue clap crist dick doz duff dink ea ey eth fc fog fus fell fia fire ferro fras gs gx gan gun gsc hoz hump hett ik jul jason jade jigs ki kh kula lust lhn mou ns nut nann og owe ostra pd pou pom pill pell pau pamp prist pods puy rv r9 ring row rud ried rita r19 rgr sul sess sole ssp tu tem tag tack tap tail tai ur uh viz wr wb wise yag σf ##aa ##aj ##ais ##sen ##sus ##sps ##cn ##city ##cain ##cia ##cke ##uated ##ueller ##tl ##iem ##ius ##eak ##da ##dh ##ders ##dien ##oqu ##oke ##nal ##nest ##nacles ##gt ##gur ##gru ##guer ##wd ##wed ##rill ##rinite ##bug ##mr ##mon ##mus ##pat ##1b ##yed ##yss ##90 ##49 ##47 ##atere ##aturation ##attian ##aturated ##eres ##erated ##inids ##esite ##esley ##enav ##enberg ##eder ##edition ##alth ##alistic ##itant ##itively ##itative ##orn ##oral ##ica inh inad ##ani ##ank ##rection ##related ##arow ##elman ##asu ##asy tops ##let ##leigh ##ouk ##isite ##isitos ##oll ##olic ##olitic ##olvable ##ationally ##urations ##urized ##ulus ##eta stop stear stoch staff stabilized ##ige ##igr ##igm ##ocian ##ocean ##imate mam isobar isolate ##osit ##osure rear rect reass reappear ##idance ##idote ##idgian cost codes coesite ##ilely ##terly alph alger albor alisitos ##chronology ##chfield ##segur seated exag exemp ##iffer online ##otonal ##otime whit anion behead beige ##omitant ##ppen proceed projections byng atwater atoka shot shelves shelly shosh ##essed sauc ##pher plumb plinian contiguous compan compose compute wealth hapl ##aken ##akuki ##aga unr uncon interrupt intercept ##allian ##antitative deplo ##rains ##rainage prz chai chronology chief chattian ##ading ##adigm resin resolvable ##ipan ##ipel ##iparow artic arises arrays ##abyss meet ##iana caution capping format rank intuitive relates relating lowand lowlands slic slim spic spent ##assed college teach notes notice voltage regressions expedition upland upstream indent overlay mariana obst easterly locate durations duripan assert replace crinoid consolidated leh leverage levant scour ours adob admin adiab clues ##acting mined paleotop paleocl paleomagnet transl ##ffey lithium distribut cored corals undated undert wherein outcome perfect fluorite feot earthsc stripped imposs 102 108 1025 healing lime acts carlo bedload ##isson ##issible ##issier sourcing generic variables amato refraction wellesley paradigm placing younging desired topic sanuk exhuming ##liable straits ##orsville mountainous micra micron ##scopic noaa concomitant compares constrains matlab ##ecyp 158 159 biological finely domino geometrical 11d 112 crossed crossings ##ublished denomin denote epidote opima microl ending founder litchfield detachments broke continually ##ynamically 1200 184 apert apenn apfu apatites derive restores latitudinal strains origination predate 2001 converge converging moose eroding think attitude ##ocline williston ##iquantitative passage 144 kaiparow hypocent hypabyss sket skora turkey topographically progression progradation densely ##respective sheared methodological speciation ##licity magni drier buffer buenav 13c 135 eds singular swings geobar geoanalytical ##rystic segmented radar radially missed public campanian migrates wax permissible timings affinities serial seriate serious serrav britain blanks prediction archipel 166 168 1600 devoid 172 178 174 aux kinds kinematically episodically promin minimize illum argon profiling parallels oxford dug footprint strikingly rimming emii washed hypothetical fossilized simpler fronts sinks ##prp freym insert contempor falling lask conducting conductive mortero barak barren weighting glom gloria zonation intrabasin intraocean 213 seismology anticlines divides featureless loose calibrations calibrate veining logic volumetrically impacted medial mediated protru mexican dissert dissolve numbered mcconn join ##ameen correspondence melanesian triggers baen papers ##angian reex releasing leucotonal graybul 280 symb cherts ##omorphic encoura inverted paull predominance circle hinges panel panthal property xenotime photo 290 terminates landscapes productivity goals intersected magnetics reproducing boh mswd enhances enhancing trachytic otuk sparsely principle principally reporting headward semiquantitative electrical routine wetland deforms guidance purple ductilely molar molnar juxtapose pseudo ##archean substrate bowring goldbug irrespective rayleigh compilations constants embra kelasu chloride particip wooded arguably 717 rigidity 635 analogues anisotropies auton vitrinite receiver subunits cutoffs raises ##consin configurations 342 345 procedural evaporites hundalee recrystallized obscure pipes ##meridgian culminating catchings intensified promoting interacts wallace waldien exclude excluding petrogenetic easy kimmeridgian pelitic pelecyp complicating collins fluctuate derivative ##westerly attempts counting powders ##kumara attributable pervasively govern extrapolate irregularly randomly education employing communities petrologic bajocian brackets 680 74c dilat merely ##standing geoscientific advances illustrator ##efined reversely overestimate metaluminous intrinsically algorithms comagmatic exclusion exclusive ##ogranitic occupy snowy postdepositional adjustment weaknesses homogenous 09b kiraly wedging ##eyron delineate embayment embayments cracking encompassing 7700 montana palm ##grs maintain reconstructing facilitates nuclear ssw inspired prolific resembles taylorsville ##bulge macroscopic unreliable resurrection definitive europa conformable prismatic 2014jk elliptical michilla michael succeed regularly underestimate underestimated utilizes manifests huene mda served ##iguity samo enclosed enclosure cliffs operation coexisted borup mitch concerning planetary powerful aerodynamic frank wisconsin unmix mylonites mylonitic ultracataclasites inaccess andrea ##isciplinary quenched mild nakakuki ps3 pearce uralian ##locks geosep stripes olistost excavations metabasaltic mataora pieces tributary tributaries thoroughly ##enzie conservative appreciate paleoenvironments 17lm04 omitted revisited physiographic hickson lipman nacional vogel hampel unpublished disagreement undetected peridotite feasible poikiloblastic eliminate syntaxis tephrochronology doubt monotonically georeferenced cortes ninety ripple ucla zhou ##rophyre stromatol declination deficit seventy ##otypes subbottom aragonensis intrasample epicenter bryozoans giant iberian raukumara tulloch theoretical stopped paleodrainage 208pb phosphate centimeters concretions microtext burnt megablocks astronomically collapsed parautochthonous unexpected thousands replenishment bachmann izu klamath ladinian mentioned nitric nicolas pcigr street mackenzie cognitive ##chemical ontario ##agnetization chrm gehrels durango lechkhumi adopted paleontological blueschist estuaries lamprophyre microsparitic handpicked barranco superterrane titanium ##recipitation alexander communication circumstances unrecognized avalanche 91500 awatere aalenian bighorn bubbly cueva clapeyron duffy dinkelman foggy fraser hozameen humphre hettangian jigsaw ostrac pillow pellissier paucity pristine puysegur sulph temora tackley taiwan uhp vizcain stearns stochastic isobaric alborz exagger saucer haplogranitic chaix chiefly adobe earthscope impossible sanukitoid denominator kaiparowits hypabyssal serravallian emii35 freymueller contemporary intraoceanic mcconnell leucotonalite graybullian vizcaino 015 2g 3t 3f 564 730 8d 820 9s a0 bs b2 bin bip bish bgr c4 c5 cer cant cac crow csr dδ don dos dure dism dill dilation dta eq eul eut ecc eject ft fat fen fib fusions fusion gat gle gis gly gale grit goss gallow germ goff gyre gmr hil hut hend hula hier ims jd jx jun kle klast kiss kug kpa kdes lt l3 l0 l1 ly lane men mul mism mell mole mull mno nal nsr pn pg pge pam pus pret pace pont p2o pract qa r2 rake rms sj sited tb t0 tree tcomp uw vinc vug vivian wm zf zurb ##aver ##sis ##subduction ##cr ##ciscan ##uo ##uce ##ugh ##uane ##tress ##teg ##ij ##fm ##fits ##ee ##eur ##econ ##dd ##dre ##dely ##dard ##dens ##oes ##oard ##opher ##ko ##kal ##kogan ##ny ##nurr ##n17 ##nigan ##gst ##gra ##gurian ##xial ##win ##rity ##rified ##lona ##bs ##bi ##brough ##bout ##bendorfer ##mic ##mil ##melt ##mind ##pe ##pong ##popul ##peland ##hod ##hist ##hence ##harm ##hler ##vian ##vens ##ze ##zig ##zirc ##zhence ##38 ##24 ##63 ##66 ##06 ##040 ##yville ##qat ##jo ##jer ##jar ##jill thins ##onitic ##atre ##atus ##atories ##atography ##erst ##erite ##erms ##erqat ##ese ##eness ##enable ##enium ##encer ##alk ##ital ##itas ##orac ##orad ##ioni ##icus informed ingers invalu ##anently ##rez ##relation ##argin ##archy ##rob ##rook ##entric ##entura ##eling ##elines ##aset tough ##leim ##leading ##ouri ##oulin ##thys ##throp ##thew ##olo ##olom ##urus ##ulsion ##ulitic ##rably ##mpl stim stem stark ##ocino ##ocolate ##imatic mah mand mapp maier maule isol isost ##osat rechar ##owment ##owski ##idam ##idad ##idian ##idates ##iders ##idently facc dease dewater ##vey cov coated copeland ##ters sund suleim ##utes albed as1 seed ##romag ##romatography ##rug onward ##oted ##otely whene anim bebout ##omictic ##omargin ##rie ##pps prove proctor atac atomic shock basally ##erequ sah sayl sauer contaminated compile complication hapuk hamil ##emoto ##ako ##akor ##ranged ##ager modifying orteg uns unra unass unequ interrog interlim interlock dioxide diatre subecon subpopul ##antuo colon ##ichi ##inea ##acular neand neote neave prerequ cho chip chalc chiap chocolate chromatography ##ivided ##add resamp resumed ##ipe arn arising arranged ##abbro mejill flash highand highland northland northwesterly formal intensive intended relamin lowers sliver slice slipped spider spaces speak spencer ##assa ##aleer ##ght sedimented disorgan disartic disconformably express exported abbe aboard ##000 usgs indire territ oversi ##enda ##ends ##ersed recalc asselian repet replaces consumed ##apitated ##erative lefm trade slips surm surv mining minute paleop paleomargin accidental validate transpar translith transcontinental transcrustal buttress metric ##oza thickens lithified lithotectonic ##labor ##omechanical undivided ##cedent ##ypical creeks outflow outlines ##lastite ##othorac undergra thereafter slab2 fei fe2o3 frag consistency impart impression centre century ##cline heerm heaves pegm ##uez proper ##issant somewhere mineralizing quartzand quartzitic ##cker ameras amenable rhenium developments decisions decapitated presume calcium calcitized sanford midcrustal newer sipp sixt pole povo remanent remotely numerator localizes isotopx silicifying micaceous noble nokle concordance concordia lithospheres initiates deepening seaway potrill hydrolog mats matt matthew duebendorfer default 15c 15b 1550 multid multif multimodal finnigan rhy1 geometrically ##amph equator 117 stevens schl scholar schnurr epma operates grown maximize microanalyz microcline endowment endako ##conformity burk postulate postglacial material1 12b 188 1860 stikinian apw descending rested richness combines sequential prede predated predating agu ruiz ruzhence ##uchen uncor 301 moorb ##layer attest passes passively 142 stressed ample skar strongest spatio spectrally spectacular elmore turonian turbul peter curvil northwestand paleoelev 505 probabilities ##ermined eventual metasand glacially ##ovsky absorbed clem primord successively ##plot rapids giving porphyrob synvolcanic rupturing 13a 136 13j visibility sheep textured swath widest widget geophys hosting accreting conflu confidently holes demagnetization permanently globiger tuffzirc dependences predicting predictable archived factory documenting 179 priori capitan propagator demonstrably promising stepants extract argues saline salmon oligo fias fila solve approximations exposing incorporates slowed universidad simplicity alternates ##prata hanmus freely saturate coalified ##ergence insens integrates timescale timespan caseyville multilayer mccl morris barometer ##ierrez megaf grounds morphological morphotypes sitkal notebo tsunamis 70apa classifications ##slope intracaldera tectonomagmatic 212 217 seismostratigraphic dividing scalprata diffract connects tipper laboratories juan surroundings 355 dissip sensors remainder technical technically channeled channeling mc13 mcaleer referenced rotational thermochronometer joe nodule simulate cruz crudely failures ##yclic 282 antler shores airgun airborne fitted ordinary viscosities dunzig encasing southwesternmost ##umption schistes buildu drast externally paz tended ##ewitness attenuated circulating rounding winds photomic photography silty siliciclastics 298 295 spanned databases terminate terminating instruments correspondingly magnetostratigraphic florissant reproduces 229 boiling ##eijer 1991 tensor 2385 otago visualizations softening runoff cratonal homogeneously borders deformable guiding guinea update ##continents persistence molina reviewer 310 317 370 377 flakes bowl banded ##urrents varicol variscan contemporaneously achieving fastovsky synclinal truncate 7100 optically rises taserqat submers submergence robustness hyal teles resistivity locker ##afc expanded autochthonous dykes interstrat 003 004 annealed crags federal underplated exsolve shoreface floored 035 pennj12 pennj10 pennj11 asymm diversion diverted divergent ideas polarized crusher brun kimura kimbrough peloids complicate colliding expectation cryosat carrier exceptionally 662 french subdivide arriving overrides objects constituting metapelitic pyrene ##18b subaqueous neighbor overpressures thanked ##ihai extrapolation irregularities educ galena tennes ##chronologic 1979 1975 petrology explosion deglaciated acceptable circumvent herr kluane merc meridian 202pb argillic ubiquity benchmarks reversing anorthoclase unfault ds1 sericitized ##ucker ##mineral comments hawkins reconciles drifting 965 dataset dropping gentler designation delineates azimuths montag rodrig tonalites maintaining infiltrating gabbroic 06tm mineable orocop susitna ascended exactly competition resemb 590 coursed macrof soundings quadrang definitively europe soluble emerges conductivity joints jointly cells mylonite sublitharenite depicts performing epochs hydroflu misleading michigan resetting landmasses editorial deduce dedolom huerta js1 kungurian tightly tiekel samra candidates enclose monotonic metaconglomerates ct15015 ct15049 hawkeye born mitigation inhibits subtrop paleocurrents activated constructive reefs reefal nucleate franciscan koppen karakor kurz library liberated chalk geographical dissected geotherms moroccan advantages omissions automated stagnate savannah buffler knight viii plunge reliably collectors prevalence advected monzodiorite destruction destabil ghats ps2 pioneering pioneered rosada uralicus stabilize aluminum enveloped underfitting infilled ##shuihai keeping august taxa taxkogan excavated polygenic photogrammetry phenomena palynological harrison ecosystems metabasalt fringing tianshuihai exerted anhydrite prospective compensation compensated appreciable impingement comminution paleoenvironmental millimeters boxes isoplotr corroborated physiography aquatic bisect bisected castle darker ncsc nacl vgps vogt suspected intergrown intergrowths christopher residue careful undetermined peridot syntaxial organisms tephrochronologic okiwi prevailed bivalve bivalves gutenberg gutierrez godinez goddard hung mutual taupo ##vispong faunal faunas disparate disparity extinction leveraged impedance rhombothorac supracrustal satisfact diffusivity dissimilar dissimilis substitution perturbation perturbations bouguer bootstra dotted dumoulin ew040 fernie jolly laminae mendocino mungar ##iliary recommend scientists perthitic miyag duplic precipitate circuit diminishes interfinger ammonite iterated mingling navigation picture rarity sweep tonn tantalus vesic ##egee exercise diabase spiked leaky remobilized endmember precursor motivated grateful delayed emanating supergene suprasubduction supercycle counterparts echinoderms slickensides wackestone disaggregation eyewitness fusul ferroan ganne ikemoto khz lustres lhn18b mouths oweegee pomona pamplona rowe riediger session urban wrench inhom mammal rearrangement algeria exempl beheaded plumbing slicing noticeable lehkhumi adiabatic paleomagnetism undertaken microlites apennines 144nd buenaventura archipelago auxiliary illuminate laskowski glomer protruding dissertation baenid symbol encourage panthalassa participants inaccessible stromatolites humphreys ostracodes 3tb bishop canton dδt duretz dillon eutectic eccentric ejecta fibrous gleason galloway gmrt hildre henderson hierarchy jxa juncture klastline menant mismatch nsrd pamir p2o5 qaidam r2afc vincent zurbuchen ##melts ##minda ##hodo ##harmonic ingersoll invaluable toughness mappable maierova isostasy faccenda suleimani albedo whenever atacama saylor hapuku hamilton ortega unassigned unequivoc interlimb subeconomic chiapas mejillones disorganized abbey indirect oversimpl recalculated transparent translithospheric undergradu heermance povoas nokleberg potrillo matthews scholarship microanalyzer ruzhencevispong moorbath curvilinear confluence capitanio stepantsminda hanmushan sitkalidak dunzigou photomicrograph varicolored interstratified tennessee unfaulted rodriguez orocopia hydrofluoric tiekelike rhombothoracata ew0408 mungaroo eccentricity hildreth ruzhencevispongus 1s 2i 2θ 3s 340 4s 440 430 43c 560 5yr 6s 6li 7e 7li 720 719 940 986 ak action award aeg aven ailian bt b1 bing ble bure bse bone bab bins bub bora boud cp coc cult cla cum cyp cram cels cyl dut dod dru daly dym daugh e3 e9 era eos eld ejection e10 eye elabor fic fth fost fused fruit g2 gon gil gir gast gard goth gained gang gets h1 hin him hos hess hart held hint hole hour hpa hcs hatter henz ich ions jc jon jour jup jma jaw kc ker kre kra kog kam kus kli kerm kram knot kita kals kouk lm lv lud lich lap lamb lope lrees luminous living lighter mb m7 mas mere mary mrees mike n2 nem nong nont nino navy nantuo od oqu oke oval oman oaro pj pil pop posed pile pertain pav piles pdp ric roz rins rah rav rov r12 r33 reno rioni s9 sig sod sir sort sits soch solved tf tat tart tide try tension tiss trol tamb tape tensional tidal ued urum vc vad vint vision vaya wu wo wg wat wen wol wins wander zn zum zuff zhan zug βyb σ3 ##aud ##acc ##azon ##azz ##aolo ##sic ##sized ##sider ##spective ##sives ##cou ##cock ##clastite ##uel ##uum ##uqu ##ups ##uitous ##table ##tros ##tidal ##iy ##iors ##iuk ##iometer ##fl ##fall ##fill ##files ##ein ##eir ##dal ##dish ##dado ##didi ##oe ##oining ##ki ##kate ##kay ##kht ##kova ##nz ##name ##nesian ##niuk ##gc ##gate ##wis ##wid ##wich ##wene ##wns ##welded ##rh ##rari ##rested ##rorad ##lud ##luk ##bra ##bard ##bole ##bour ##bai ##bold ##bson ##bending ##mit ##mis ##mous ##pg ##pul ##port ##produ ##hi ##held ##hert ##hua ##house ##homa ##von ##vin ##vally ##vance ##vages ##v12 ##vices ##zale ##zitna ##39 ##267 ##2000 ##62 ##yal ##yter ##yend ##yli ##yram ##4a ##44 ##711 ##jima thie thomp ##ono ##onally ##onites ##onides ##atop ##attered ##erion ##erially ##erbai ##iny ##inely ##inage ##inose ##escent ##enic ##enne ##enesis ##eds ##edron ##nde ##alen ##alet ##alina ##altimetry ##alerite ##itch ##itical ##itations ##oran ##orif ##orations ##ormous ##ioned ##ico ##icl ##ican ing ingen ##rect ##revi ##rell ##rewell ##arid ##aract ##arching ##arvon ##stive ##stick ##strap ##strained ##stein ##rose ##enta ##entories ##ingly ##elland ##asse towns tozitna ##lect ##leck ##lector ##legate ##oul ##isp ##isniuk ##thest ##olas ##olly ##olia ##urice ##uritized ##ulpt ##ulensis ##raded ##etrical ##eteen stall stone stay stub styl stiffer ##igrain ##occup ##ims ##imited max maate maurice confer connot coniac condon congru ispect ##osian rever rejected reanalyz ##owdh fore ford forth fortunately foreman ##idating ##idium faced farewell ##lahoma devers dehler ##geomorphic copper cogen ##ilize sucro suited ##utara alum aluminous altimetry asd as2 aside ##cha ##chat ##cham ##chists ##urets seas ##odac ##odynamically ##vert ##mentioned ##estion ##otes ##otation ##otinae whalen wholly anthrop bear bead beck beveling bemis ##omy ##irard ##irrh ##rients byp atypical ##istage ##istically sho shum shaly sharing shots ##essment ##essart ##ogga bases ##uming ##umber ##umont ##umstick sag say sauss ##phy ##therm contiguity ##udal norway ##ocking compress complian compacting ##astroph weath hagst ##akow ##akers ##ag2 ##agin ##agabbro modules modulating modifications ##amu ##amm ##amer ##amined union unco unident unload unpro unconnected unsu unatten unbending intersp interrelation intertidal interiors ##ques dioctahedral diakow subage subarc ##atable colomb ##oussa depressions depaolo ##uso ##using ##aco ##acity neut nept chart chase chester chowdh chumstick geosphere geersen ##ivluk ##adec ##iper ##iplines magwene arms arise arrested ##abi meer meant ##optil ##opyr flight flour flotation ##ianitos intell ##orealistic lowland slides spear sponge spessart ##illes ##assified ##assatus collecting zirconium ##ache ##elled ##ibles ##ibia earnest disconformity disharmonic regressed registration expulsion kmax users usage colleagueso indo indares inducing ##andaj ##iau ##iao terti canc canon canelo ##athan overc overton overcome marques ##ptop ##ystems ##itsch ##erves ##ersburg arcay arcward recruit ##soft enfor enormous reprecipitation prep interpretative cren crescent crassatus considers consuming applegate ##apu queen ##eratic lepri leaching lewis scant scaly script sculpt tract trapping clots ##erts mind minicl suggestive paleose paleotectonic ##auchi ##austive sectioning butano metall metagabbro lithics lithostratigraphy lithoclastic ##sson ##ificant ##agement disturbed corners corpul ##ensen undist ##igneous ##ignificant calaver analyte ##wards outg outp outstanding outsized perimeter ##othorite graus gravey fluor fluence ##eralic ##unique melted ##ritized philib occlud sandwich striated imper imprec imposing 10c 10sr deposystems centeno ##classified completen limitation limonite silla peeling pecha trs trim trpg exhaustive blo blat blow blisniuk smyk idono representations disputed displacing constriction quartzarenite ##rowan longwell longwave amagmatic amazon becoming refining intrusives set1 paris parral suppress supplying deserves topology assembled charlot sanandaj historic histograms histogram pbc majors newton newport fluidization poisson discordia disciplines generates la17 laptop triang trioctahedral trialet possessed localize backbulge detritic straub stradd dokht dobson redund reddish coastlines ##ogeneity microm micritized novices ##olet pressurization pressurized faceted ridge2000 potassic potts matching matmelts deflation 153 cools biofacies biostratigraphy bioclastic severs multic multicol multigrain multistage management ##ieh stranded dominating thermosc thermometer inventories crystaland commission ##olithic ##onda rhy2 rhyodac garcia element2 191 ##pectives correlatives equates transpiration 11f 113 111 ##insic ##ontinent epeir opin grows microseismic microsoft ##brera sned buries postarc postsubduction brods 127 1840 apl apices unconformable aftermath firm restorations pointing ignoring 100711 20000 bull bullb infle 309 ##glomerate downwelling moments originate rateand ##aha attitudes shorten shortwave adjoining hillslope sobole ##iquity 14a 149 weaken weakens hypogene sk06 spectrorad eluviation worked topographical conglomeratic 257 petersen petersburg farley farmer faroe farthest currie instances programs paleohorizontal paleoaltimetry probabil lands shears hydrod hydrox methodologies ##ovian shelled rapitan prime anywhere ##tedly massyli benefits 2300 2350 2312 inflating mesorif synto synkinematic ##ogenesis cm2 drivers watersh 13e 13b 134 1350 13va edit eddy reconsider lacked lackey swgc lengthy lengthening sheet1 confining confident steepness holland hollow holocrystalline dolomitic radiated missouri publish ##incing portray broadened keith keels waiau breakage label ##hev tuffite individuals affir gradationally brittl multiplied archet archive archival testable coevally 16o 162 months montero monoand monocline monomictic digestion packed polish political 1750 auger closing kind demonstration promont minima minimally minimized clearer illumin illuviation nonvertical nonwelded nonunique argus salta ##ylene digitally solv soldado ##obile griff fourth delamin delaminated shoulder incorrect approximates approximating acute rolled rolling planned mississippi emerge emag2 discussing superv slowing universities summits summaries populated recognizing smoother fossilization handling handheld geodetically tracked hancock freeman cease insignificant integral radiating clinoptil progressing gaffey surrounds orebod multiphase temporary amplified morrowan platy barite barbar barnacles weights bitlis morphologic sitkin negatively gloss coincidence seek fanglomerate narrower narrowing intracontinental intracrustal intraclasts tectonized seismogenesis anticipated shelfal critically criterion scaled transformations variously erimo calibrating paramount vehic logged impactor dissolving concludes saffer porosities technological mcf mcdon situation 455 clayton joins joya nodal simulating simulator homogeneity lihir metaigneous baes baez baitsch inferring fairban papua reevalu relevance grayish amongst 288 reactor alkal antof antilles antiquity shorelines cherty ouachitas immisc immobile ##omorphs mineralogically selvages selleck solids persaud perspectives annulus strengths cataclasis inherently 5000 tendencies scars 276 278 275 justification hornblendes accessibility attenuative 244 2400 accordance photon photorealistic 293 captain goeth gorge heterolithic magnetically magnetostratigraphy magnetizations eclogitized 221 suturing england 1996 1995 forelandward dolostones comprised distinguishable 1983 1982 1986 329 324 3200 673 674 runout ##xistent ##ussier helping helpful transferring imagej nuanced routes behave behaved formerly elongation elongations statistic luyend penetrating penetrates penetrometer freeburn niu shaping underthrusted improving toolbox waveform achara lifes tca reviewers architect summarizes etivluk phenoclasts bowles banding bandwid ##etsu compiling bordered eskay varves achievable functionality kelley calling kitt sonoran ##denum deviate synclines 710 monzonites responses 363 639 film filtros namibia analogy resists sulfur ##144a dehydrated anisotropic expands 02a 02b 027 339 337 nonexistent 468 dying catalina cataract catastroph offered simplest 008 005 6000 sphalerite ##ixed storms evaporite penniston epicontinent bald balanced detectable detectible detectors obscuring synthes grids gridding 010 478 underplates retrogression questioned 959 harder harden hardened yellowish ##iffke chronological intensely 033 031 lagerst isopach interacted interacting spotila advancements pennj1b 798 790 randazz ramps tremp walked microstructure petrochemical crushing 580 brush humbold tomname algae collided expectations cryptic derives derivatives restrict restricting 663 661 665 cooperative subdivision 696 counted ferry ferromag ferrari powell ##olcanoes convention subaerially accelerations azerbai comprehension aggress aggressive aggradation specimen extrapol hellenic ponded informal transgress transgressed paragenesis 1976 1977 ultimate 687 74b merging intersects clarify illustrating argillically purported ##earthquakes inconsistency reversed ##iltna ##ogranites sieve sieved postdated homogenized brightness 841 pedon uranothorite vancou 1051 smectites versions delineating dimensionally dimensionless cracks 734 775 ##gren throws subjects cycling bridging semiarid nanadd vented suspect ascend ascertain adams travels microfacies microfossil microfossils 2337 bracketing overturn 726 grove jee ##bulina ##131 rejuvenated resurgence validated acidic jointing algorithmic lisa warrant wild adakite trachyandesites trachyandesitic molybdenum azimuthal venusian 045 570 lobe sibson ##irable annotation aridification assigning assignment underestimates carnarvon backscattered monzogranite utilize sustaining oklahoma serves tropics ##welled ##ennial texaco learn fragmented polymict optimization ct15019 91sus 91amu borate mitig ##lux stereograms sunlight excessive happen subtracted subtraction concerns 1967 320m karst dissem 1065 superposition feedbacks mylonitization diapiric cbv12 duchesne fueled jarosite kuiper knick ##worthy ##bank inacc onlapping advection advective carrying discriminate 1958 paleovalley permitted hotspots retrodeformed achievement foraminiferal hydrofracture billen ghirard hoover lubbers naked pioneer stabilization fortuitous neoarchean geospat envelopes adapted adaptation smithers decoupling brookian 2009a specularite periodicity roads ellipsoids ribbons dredge dredging fringed hallmark kinked mounded nilm treatment westerly inundation extrinsic conservation paraconformable 1190 1195 elucidating specialized antecrystic corroborate corroborates hercynitic susceptibility aquifer darran hickman lipids ##taruso sternai suspension hampered ##oplank carefully slumps slumping disagreements caledonides feasibility poikilitic contradiction 232th conflicting supersaturation drawing twinning monotonous mosaics geothermometry georeference gully mutually nineteen beaumont beaussier subbotinae explicitly extinct craters leveraging paleosol rhombs discounting synchronous couplet intraslab epicentral bryozoa bootstrap berggren cubic dotprodu daiichi ewing gestures mendoza munch rinds recommended timesteps preceded miyauchi 2523 programm radioactive archaeologically academic circuits evaporative dorland fmc fiske fischer kahutara kahiltna monger mongolia ##ohaline thirty machine machines convincing anchor ##ivariate abbrevi coronae philipp pooled 1960s instructive keeley monitored monitoring 176hf niemi niemeijer irradiated irradiation fingerprints underscore underscores reinforce cuspate reintegration cristianitos dickinson dozens jadeite nsf nutrients nannof tuhua tagged ##oquivari inadequ reassessment alpha whitney shoshonitic companies unconstrained deployed articulated meeting spicules indentation overlaying obstructed asserted ourselves administration paleotopographic paleoclimate translating distributing feototal aperture hypocenters geobarometry prominently inserting reexamined bohlen autonom pelecypod dilatation 7700x 2014jk7 samoan mitchell olistostrome microtextural sulphurets exaggeration bsens bipyram crowell doser dismember euler fattaruso gatan german kugruk ltab lynde melloussa mullins pushes pontide sjf uwha wmt ##john ##rooki recharging dewatering sundell animated saharan unraveling interlocking diatremes subpopulations colonial neotethys prerequisite choosing repetitive fragmental imparted pegmatite amerasia sixteen hydrological mattinson multidisciplinary schliffke burkett apwps predecess aguada skarn turbulent metasandstone clemens primordial widgets globigerinids insensitive morrison dissipation buildup drastically 7100f hyalohaline teleseismic 004hg asymmetrical brunhes pyrenees circumvented montague macrofossils quadrangle subtropical peridotitic hungry bootstrapped inhomogeneous glomerocrysts unequivocally oversimplification undergraduate photomicrographs 43ca ailiankate bingham bureau baboquivari borax boudinage cultural celsius cylind dutro dymkova daughter eldon elaborated ficini fthu fruitland gonzale girdle gastrop gothic gangue hints hatteras henze ichinose jc131 jupyter kreager kogruk kamchat kermadec kalsin kouketsu lichen lopez maryland nemaha nonglacial oquirrh rozel rinsed rahl s9ll sigma sirjan socha tatogga tartan tissue trolove ueda urumieh vadose vintage watson winsor zumaya zuffa zhang zugdidi thompson ingenika stylolites ##occupied conference coniacian ispectra reanalyzed cogenetic sucrosic alumbrera anthropogenic shumagin saussuritized weathers hagstrum uncover unidentified unloading unprospective unattenuated interspersed colombini neptune chowdhury ##opyrite intellig spessartine tertiary leprieur corpulenta calaveras graveyard philibosian imprecise completeness charlotte straddles dokhtar pottsville multicollector thermoscientific epeiric brodsky bullbrooki sobolev spectroradiometer probabilistic massylienne 13va144a brittlely soldadoensis delaminating clinoptilolite orebody barbara sitkinak mcdonough fairbanks goethite luyendyk bandwidth catastrophic epicontinental randazzo humboldt ferromagnesian azerbaijan vancouver cbv12a ghirardello geospatial ##oplankton dotproduct abbreviations bipyramidal gonzalez 050 1d 1l 1su 2f 2ta 3n 319 4f 5s 5m 520 6f 6d 6n 6g 615 664 625 7f 760 8e 815 830 818 9a 9c 9f 917 ai ae a6 ain aar ath aware aishi aege bos bale bick bron bust biver beng bond brian bind baker binned bcr bico cis cation cet cran cass card cert cep clement cba cade citing cune citations da dh d2 dan dul dus dale drow dove dual dors damp danian drought e8 e4 e5 emm fs fh fy fj fal fas fos fest fri fum fift fear fred fug fellow fn17 ged gone gene gof gases gosen gsa ht hr h6 h5 hith hud hop hib hide hase hans hind hull htm ib iq ire iow iod iolite jer jim jid jog jain jad jian jose jeric jasp jenn jensen kro kul kow kut kast kad kond kamp kang kura kelson kelli lf ll lp l2 l8 l4 l7 lon les lou lom ligh live latite lond lining laps lumines luminescence lumin louk liao m9 mel mur mim mest math moss mish muse nt np nv nz n8 n1 ner nol nich nop nik nun noss ngl nto nsp n15 naka n10 ngr n85 o5 oib oss ootes pf px p0 pig pod pect pain piv pick pose pinc ppb pice piem qv q0 qian qsw rs r8 r1 r5 ren rst rom rip rene race rend rakes rail rice r15 r14 ryan sx sent sse sri song sop sight sba sull senn ssts sisson sbs sican tn t6 t4 tal tith tet tut ties train tron tund tuc tonian tatch tug talc tumes tye talla tighter trains tucker ux umb vo vn vas vess vene vib vase vestig vice wi win wro wra ward wath word wick wern wane witness waugh xl xb x62 yo yam ysc yili zc zo z0 zach zangi zno zeros ziem zeta βhf δ47 ρice σn τf ##aved ##awa ##aurus ##sel ##sim ##sik ##sels ##cf ##cp ##cra ##cive ##cles ##cap ##cens ##cun ##cible ##cio ##cuse ##comes ##cious ##uh ##uth ##uge ##uine ##upt ##uger ##uvial ##uya ##uclide ##uila ##tt ##test ##tend ##toral ##iet ##ience ##iop ##iland ##fe ##fast ##fton ##fire ##facies ##fold ##finson ##eb ##eet ##eath ##even ##ezon ##eche ##ehn ##das ##dra ##dick ##dible ##d20 ##dler ##disciplinary ##oj ##oen ##oest ##oided ##ophys ##kv ##kos ##khen ##klin ##kinite ##kwi ##kpat ##nic ##nel ##nis ##nut ##nab ##ncan ##nace ##nick ##nov ##gre ##gro ##gas ##gim ##gri ##grain ##gish ##glob ##grained ##xe ##x5 ##xon ##xer ##xus ##wig ##wartz ##wered ##rd ##rb ##rut ##rong ##rarily ##rini ##l2 ##lan ##lst ##log ##liment ##loral ##bes ##bal ##bing ##band ##blastic ##bco ##bidity ##bull ##btedly ##mh ##mock ##mag ##mott ##mington ##pes ##pow ##pach ##pley ##peed ##hr ##hro ##hou ##here ##hart ##hood ##hman ##hikawa ##homb ##holes ##vs ##vol ##via ##vage ##vities ##vasse ##vd20 ##zot ##zilian ##3sis ##600 ##88 ##84 ##830 ##02 ##05 ##100 ##yu ##yg ##yer ##yly ##yos ##yuk ##ycles ##92 ##42 ##48 ##76 ##71 ##79 ##75 ##ja ##jon ##jem ##jack ##jacent thor throm thorium theses thesis ##att ##aty ##atical ##atak ##atte ##ataga ##erre ##erver ##erical ##erally ##erick ##erque ##erior ##erupt ##iner ##inas ##inid ##inem ##inding ##inina ##esch ##esets ##enst ##enach ##enbur ##enna ##eniable ##edy ##ederm ##edman ##ndall ##alo ##alite ##alps ##alistically ##itz ##itai ##itanian ##itario ##itrified ##or00 ##orized ##orance ##orient ##orily ##orca ##oroids ##orhomb ##icles ##icamer inability ingle inklin ##anar ##anth ##anyon ##ancing ##anna ##anza ##reed ##recc ##recedent andy ##aric ##arik ##ariance ##arito ##arolic ##arinina ##static ##strong ##road ##rocess ##royed ##rovian ##royos ##entive ##entus ##entiated ##entino ##ele ##elve ##elect ##eltered ##elastic ##elvis ##element ##asion ##ascon ##aska ##asky ##ctory toe tol topped tocop ##leman ##oured ##ouche ##ouaf ##ouds ##oubtedly ##isch ##isible ##isville ##iskwi ##thing ##thong ##thus ##thage ##thora ##thrown ##thouse ##thmic ##olent ##olum ##oltz ##oluted ##urn ##urch ##urred ##urities ##urnal ##uly ##ulis ##ulot ##ulates ##ulia ##ulatory ##ulds ##ulsed ##rah ##rand ##rapped ##racting ##racuse ##ithetic ##etas ##etri ##etus ##etley ##etna ##mpt ##mplect stace story stamp stood stelf storing staining strug ##ocite ##ocative ##ocument ##ocyclic ##lyn ##cement ##imetry ##imetric ##imyr ##imica mau mao maast maff maund maitai conch conse conder conund conven conga connote consej condens withdra isotrop ishikawa ##osol ##osited ##osio rey reine reject rebur reequilibrium rejection recher reeder reoccupied reorient ##owr ##owell ##owitz forec foresets faa faido faulds ##lagh ##lains deal dech ##gebra coah coerc coffey coleman ##ilizing ##ilensis ##ilinear suwe suff sums sumat suffer ##uto alc ali algebra ##atever as3 asio2 asila ##chyd ##church ##seth seab ##odones ##odym ##romes ##romised exits exec exogenic ##iful ##ifist ##rus ##ruce ##ruple ##runcan onishi ##ota ##otid ##otran ##otia ##otruncan wholes whatever anton ante an20 an40 animal anfinson beall bethel beakers ##omical ##omial ##ombo ##irth ##irik ##irons ##irula ##ria ##riate ##rium ##riatic ##riott ##ripps ##ppe ##pplement ##pprop ##pphir proph proof prohib atio2 ##isto ##istan ##istered ##isterre shar shand shards sheltered ##uma ##umann saint sadler savage saouaf sapphir ##phere contend contamin contrary contrarily contoured ##udied ##udio ##udino ##udsen nordens noroest compound composes composing compliment ##asting ##astically wear weis weigh weiss hagen hauger ##emn ##emen ##emic ##emian ##embers ##emthong ##aki ##aked ##conver ##conglob ##rants ##agno modulate modulus orbulina ##amic ##amict ##amec ##ameter ##amura ##onges ##itya ##ainment unt unity unchan unav unamb unten unans unspec unbl unma unantic unaff unmineral unacc uneven intervent interception interrelated ##quop ##quartz ##quito ##quimica die dipped dives dioritic diorites diurnal ##alls ##alles ##allis ##allation subse subpl subark subsection subregional subconglob sought ##anta ##ataclastite ##atahi colton ##ichell ##izhou ##ccolith ##aced ##acion ##acock neu neill neural nebr neok neosome neenach neodym prh prong prone prices chi chen chick chines chev ch03 ch01 chascon chirik geop geotectonic geocent gebco ##oney ##ivan ##ivities ##iveness ##adal ##adgen ##adiab reside resides resided resumes ##ips ##ipate ##ipah ##eney ##retentive ##arting ##artman arrangement arroyos ##due string strict stront ##abolic incise ##roups meets ##ople ##opies flus flown caand caves cavity cavities cajon evans ##osts ##ortion relic relies slur slid slug slices slaty itc spm spuri spaw sprays spends spruce sponges ##illips collections collective ##formable ##achert ##achoch ##ibbe ##iboff ##ologist tefl tepley ##ghg notwith beta ##ikoff sedimentologic ##weight disk dissect disreg disappear disconformable disko regrid regulating expans alongand abraded ups upwelled ##001 usual ##andez ##iapps overs overwh overthrust overrid overfill overarching overbank march margar marxer ##ounted ##endan ##endant obl obss obduction oblate eastand ##ifts ##ifted ##ervais arclog recency recumb recycles interpolation interplate timote timanian enkel enthus reposition repub reposit reprocess prem prehist cron crink consang consumption appe ##aped ##apsh quiet ##erators leached leeder ##erneath scarc scrap scrut scotia scripps sciapps adits advent adriatic traits tractive trachyd ##vella clouds continual surge surrog ##erty mines ministry minnes ##alytical temperate paleost paleoch valentino transformed ##ffe sectional hash metav metamict metadiab metachert ##oze ##ribe larian larsen larache lithoclasts lithoand distric disturb corg coral coring corral corrug observer ##mber undulating undiffer undefined undeniable undoubtedly undulatory undocument underneath ##ypal ##ignon calah calving ##keetna outlying outgrow outcomes perry percept perched perplex observatory folk underp underlap underflow underground underrep therein graham gracious grapes fluvi ##unsh ##ochem ##rita provocative feb feet phelan phoen phillips ##park frames framed sandvol striations impurity 10d 1060 1064 1030 1010 1085 centaurus ##clusive ##climatic complements hex hein heart heck heumann silber silts nearer peer peucker pequop peacock people trinity truly blund bluff carved carthage carotid caribbe bedford propyl proposing properly ##redict idio ##next ##resented ##ometrically continentward presenting presentation extensions extensionally gen3sis displaces mineralize quartzites groupings depositionally granular granoblastic miette ##cks differently differentiates westand amyg amiskwi typology typified refute reflux welling ##ynomial rhombo paras parker parson parabolic playa supposed suppression suppressed decide decarbon decimal marginally greig deskt desirable topand topological topawa topilensis assembling ##meable ##meesch charge calcic calcimetry midway fluidand poag ##loides disciplinary abovementioned genera generous laz laccolith ##ydid thrusted trips trivial ##otopic possagno ##lium redox redefined identity silicone belasky belemn crystallographic microg ##iente ##ientists nois noack novel noamph noatak concert concrete pressing emplace ##anek mainshock comparative ##ofix ##ofault ##deb deepens potato hydrome matuy matarik defect ##eco 15d 15g 152 151 155 157 1524 15kv vertex ##dermott northeastand offsetting biology biogenic biases biostratigraph biosphere multisc multivariate cropping finest finisterre mann manly manip manning mankh ##ieth furnace thermomechanical thermodynamically invite inviting invoke invasion invisible shallowed flatter commences commenced rhythmic featured garza garrity 1950 breaching breuer ##ampling equivoc 1150 1140 1121 1144 steel ##ubert denk denoted dennis schmid schwartz schartman schubert ##onte epofix opened operators contracted microphysical microcontinent microchemical microtherm microearthquakes endogenic endother endemic founders ##dley ##brink lituya littoral snapsh detaches bury burns burgen middleand postcollisional postmineral posterior broederm 12a 12c 123 1260 1266 18o 186 commonality ##gleri apophys reflectivity vermeesch descomb resting restriction restarting richer ignorance 1006 agreed converting converts elevate 308 307 termini terminations erodible ##ahil ##ahedron attract attaining attainment attendant ##shine ##sheet ##oclases hillsh so267 soaked willard 14f 14e 146 148 14nz kaz concentrate concentrating understudied sk15 ##arcate elusive retain retains retaining turbidity distinctively ##ailuh appearing appearances oriental 255 2550 petti petrified petrini curie northwestto paleokinematic 503 densified densifies landing landforms landmarks hydrostatic hydroclimatic specified specify speculated glacio ##avut ##aveney ##ccessful plagioclases subside cashman mudrock ##oves ##ovolcanoes magnes magnesian primed fractile mott ##plutonic spreadsheet rapidity 231 239 237 2340 yakataga overlaid investigator investigacion inflated mesetas bayesian ##ogeny bugt 13f 131 137 edwards transitioning entry entries entrapped swing swith swash swelling geohist geoalps geoelect geoquimica analyzer analyzes converged oliver olsson coreholes sheeted sheetflo confusing steepen holding holistic holdg holbour existent dolomites missis campeche ##waters ##horn ##horeline contacted conclusive broadening broadband keetley demand demarcate approached troughs permo cerroaz ##teen influential globe globotruncan drains ##spiration standup crewed crevasse multiplying arches archives preserving axen 167 1660 monomin monoclinal monoxide digging packet packstone packets devitrified stockhert gravimetric polyd polyl polynomial 1700 1720 augments priority degassed capital kinks intermixed minimization minimizing illipah nonretentive tsoul tskhen extracting extraclasts rotates salar salient salinia salida salinian ##yllium transports globaland coarset seamarc solver soller cotectic diamonte avoided avulsed grinding ##rington tank tanga chemostratigraphic chemometric chemostratigraphy duke deleted delimited ##neros acetic acadian acarinina characteristically cordey lawton lawson rolls rimfire zeolite ematite emydid ##atchee quanta quantifies initialized initialization slows universal universitario isotopica linkages recognizes miralles fluxed standardized alternation alternately dzirula sinuous mirrored naut dextrally amphibolitic 392 390 ##oko casca inset insular abundantly greenhouse lasing ##quez integrations integrity markuss radii radiometrically evenly millennial ##richtian themes mccoy conduction conducive compactional amplifying morozo barb barents barrell barrovian appalachianand 0001 00003 vieja bituminous dateable negot responding imager realign realms realize noteworthy rheologic frontier viewing hottest hotailuh 703 706 708 709 705 bodnar marlstone narrowed ##contaminated anticipate divisions crittend correlational superior superprobe superprovince supercontinents supererupt proximate missions diffused climatically climbing transforms supplementary looks mussels parametri laborator 353 356 359 354 3500 3550 logist logically volumetric lasted δ11b ##offs sensing tapping taconic taimyr technologies channelization mcbur mcnab mcdermott refers referring frameworks εhf35 joel joined joining orthoclase orthoqu orthorhomb ##amea simulates errone homocline 801 brick ##olds halted halves opposit causative gravelly baff ulmer hayward escapes escaped papas leucogranites paleogeology mediumand 289 285 287 2800 helmh syenites syracuse symplect synext reactant alkane anti antithetic scenes petrographically airy deplete depletions imminent immense poses posits questa mineralogic dunn dunham iceland encod encase roughening ##blance strati stratiform stratovolcanoes polybar polyconic consequent strengthen strengthened inverting builds brazilian bradley inherent seemingly 273 272 2750 justified nmica northwesternmost partitions introduces introducing introductory accessed accessing predominate predominately loads 248 247 panalytical zr4 ##reatment drn owes xenoblastic geomorphologic flooded floodwaters orthogonally 29m 294 297 29si necessit capturing requirement acknowledges stuart surveyed surveyor surveying 223 222 228 224 2200 22deb 263 269 boi boone boehn engaging blackford blackburn ##ellae chukchi accomplish interbedding sparite visualizing principles heading 1989 322 328 321 325 327 6760 nowhere runup tweto twelve twitya twichell seminal volcaniclastics parkwood 651 659 655 plethora ##igencia transference hyperb acquisto 497 routinely favoring dacites ##ashi deben debates debatable penetrated diffusional georgian japanese memory ##linian ##30f ##enko deformations thoughtful insightful funder gueria guizhou guachoch purdue improves persistently lighting ##gyback transiently pseudofault tcfz addresses 316 318 31y 37830 etch flag ##max advocated behaviors iridium esri constantly trunk kilometerscale embry embley kelsey ndo participated callovian uniformity increbes arguing δ18owr truncations 716 7160 8600 risers riggs rigolet tasman submember 365 633 636 feeds returning returns lockup martine martini sulfides ##ridge dehydrate downloaded dimensionality phyllitic 023 333 338 334 autos autocyclic receives receiving decomposition decompaction decompacting 461 dycn raw raise interstation favorably 424 coarsen simplifications 007 343 rutter ybcn evapotran induces 1107 oxidize oxidizing syeniteand hybridized balancing wasatchian detecting obscures buoyantly counterint 01jar 470 craffor crafton crandall elasticity listing piper rifian ##structure culminated 383 381 875 95sus hardening hardware squared floating volatilization 032 036 nbio todos ##ilica permeate permeable sierrita tectonothermal tectonogeomorphic intrarenite substantively substantiated pennj8 pennj1 pennj4 436 econom economically room ##hassee ideally appropriately turnbull petrophysical petrofacies petrogeny polarities 410 bruhn echos humid hummock pelona peloidal tomkins revision algodones complicates collignon artboard crypt fluctuating carriers 1907 restrictions 666 certainty piseco santos santonian ttc ##ktites ##rehumb objectives allounits segregations mobilization attempting constituted 690 biggest counts poway powder overpressurized corbin influxes challenged 448 517 mw8 ##ulls issu emphasizes switching switched δ18oquartz 521 525 alec educt gallagh hopefully pyroxenite teniente ##fit7 seasonally precluded complementing paragonite employs 1978 1970 1971 microbially explosivity smoothness catalogues 686 diluted diligencia graphed graphic herring herriott pyrope geoscientists advancing clarification argillites inconsistencies 058 857 8530f s3a torr toroidal tabar tabulated tabulate reversals intercalation overestimates 1041 lyons ##cerol ##cutive ##iasm coming preparing snowcap reconciling homogenously drifted microbialitic 09a 967 cg19 dropped kirkpat lignitic peds ##gawa shipborne delineation cracked 733 harker harbor houseman montez paludal puts putative rodinian rodgers ##csims maintains interglacial subjective metasomatic geobody cyclostratigraphy ubiquitously 646 647 ambiguity bryant bryde nanoscale rubified rubio ssf ##radational susan resemblance traveled granuleto crosscuts 2007b 2333 2332 megacrystic photographed amalgamation amalgamate himalaya himalayas 729 grocke grooves jeff ##137 alberta albuqu unrealistic unrealistically quadratic quadrant quadruple translational carapaces retreated duplexes nneph warning warren warrants prisms implementing implementation 2014b mcsaveney virtually arrivals punctuate 04cp 575 misinterpret misclassified skew vectors computing computation computationally neotectonics cherahil armstrong outlining underestimating thermobarometric sustainability 88sr aims elastically gt2 js2 tenth tentative tightening zuza shields shielding departure departures dislocations enhancement schemes operations peripher periphery insufficiently optimally ct15038 ophiolitic ecology jacob letters prae ramos ramsey s4a ##11ver ##jee inhibiting stereotyp sunshine excessively happy happens subtracting ensures paleocanyon accelerate accelerator meteor activate constructing concerned 1968 1969 nucleated orocline flexure hiatuses aerially aeromagnetic aerosol benowitz frantz getting koe koh karamea kurile ketcham liberate liberty mosquito wiscsims altiapert alm7 alm85 unreset chapin clumping metabasites 1067 institution instituto campaigns argentino superpose encounter automatic idealized stagnated kugleri knudsen rr3 rr1 s5a s5b ##banke inapprop forcings onlaps shrubland plush prevalently quenching advect 2020a decipher curvy edifice 2101 retrodeformable cyclicity negligibly 827 899 981 bartonian billions destroyed ghrb hoisch pierrehumb rosa rosarito urals viability vienna violent stabilizes stabilizing alleghanian neoformed checked geospeed capsules recovery envelope adaptive striped 1070 mangro infilling keeps taxonomic drafting floodplains palynology palynomorphs palinspastically peripherals metabasalts categorized brachiopod dredges dredged frost froth fringes gouges honor lanka mortimer pygim piece treats voids ##renbrink compensates exploits impinges impinging ridgeline ##inski ##insky benefitted nonmodal jumps jumped roberts pseudotachyly lifetimes phenocrystic omitting spherulitic baltican revisit revisiting metasomatize aja aquitanian bacterial casts ncamph ncrd pinchi pinpoint pinnacles pixels siksik vgg ##03sps reinterpreted reinterpreting reinterpretation shedding unprecedent unpredict interfere christian christchurch residua residuum lowstands applicability pebbly settled contradicts contradictory eliminated eliminating 2323 2322 conflicts intermittently diamonds emissions superswell supersaturated dragging tunisia johnstone johnston artificially reconciliation prevailing cortez ehrenbrink eureka gulch gulcher hunen ripples taught tauxe waste zhong ##04grs starved stromatop ##oshi faithful defici seventh expertise trails surprise paleosols paleoshoreline impeded discounts discounted deflection synchrony synchronized swamps swamped satisfy diffuses protocataclastite 1992a substitute substituted brucejack nanoparticle definitions slickenline pseudotachylite societal isochrons geohazard bouma cubes fernandez gesture gesturing hp11ver iberia jolla lamellae picrite picnic raupach sd1 tullis theoretically coatings ##ogany exponent exponentially exponential preceding perthite centimeterto gregory greenschistto concretion microtektites 143nd prograding prograded blankets blanketed archaeological dupont academy precipitates megabrecc selecting s11ur 1990s 1988b evaporate parautochthon unexposed interfingers vigorously qlwghg replenishing ammonites birsa brings dictate dictated dictates nfh nfanth pictures rainfall swept tantal vesicular thiry ##orbing incongru inconclusive convoluted ##ilisi suteri exercises anchored answer answers answered orbwin orbital interference interferometric diablo formulae spikes abbott abuts abutting marshes remobilization endmembers precursors instructors buckling gratefully emanate suprasolidus supercycles rigorously atlasic echinoderm ##points slickenside olistoliths olistolithic fingerprinting boninitic surprisingly wackestones reintegrating disaggregated beranek beryllium ballpark cabezon caborca cristo dozen ethylene ethiop july nutzot nannoplankton ogre ograv pdf poured poulet rudstone rudnick tuolum tapering yagle σfe ##daam ##dhjem ##gtang inadvert stops rectangular alphachron unrifted interrupted article expeditions scours paleotopography paleoclimatic 1027 1087 apertures hypocenter sketch sketching buffering geobarometer publicly prominence oxfordian ##prp04grs reexamination bohemian embracing autonoma pelecypods dilatancy succeeding samoa mitchum franklinian olistostromes microtextures sulphides sanukitoids cerpa cacl2 feni gisborne glycol glycerol klepe kleanza muldas molecular naliboff pretreatment practical practically tbilisi ##alkaline stimulate mahogany mandate mandanna isoline covary covariance interrogation interrogate chalcopyrite chalcocite resampled resampling arnulf arnosio formalism relaminant disarticulated territory tradeoffs surmise surviving paleoprecipitation sippl sippian multifault stevenson uncorrelated paleoelevation paleoelevations porphyroblasts 13jn 13jn17 sheeprock geophysically 1791 179hf filament filaments mcclelland megafossils notebook notebooks diffractograms submersible submersibles diversions frenchman neighborhood educators herrera herrendorfer mercury resembled resembling dedolomitization dedolomitized karakorum karakoram destabilization bisects satisfactory satisfactorily substitutions miyagi miyagoshi duplicates sweeping tonnage tonnages vesiculation fusulinids fusulinid exemplified cantonale avenue btotal bubbles cocos cummington cyprus crameri dodson eosfit7 foster gilder hindu hosgri hours jonathan kerr kraus kush klippe kramers ludwig lapse nontectonic odds pilot popular pavlis riccio ravenst rovs sodic tidewater wg137 wenatchee ##iyi ##kiold thieulot ingalls stalled stubbe congruent forebulge beckert compressible compliance ##ammitic unsuccessful neutral flourished cancels recruitment enforced crenulation sculpted paleosecular paleotectonics metallogeny undisturbed outgassed outpaced fluorination occluded sandwiched impermeable bloyd newtonian redundant micrometerto multicyclic rhyodacitic opinion microseismicity snedden aplitic firmly inflections hydroxide watersheds editors reconsidering publishing portrayed archetypal polishing promontory illuminates griffith vehicles mcfadgen reevaluation alkalic antofalla immiscibility niuatahi lifespan architectural 008hg baldwin synthesized lagerstatten aggressively wildrose mitigate karstification disseminations inaccur fiskebanke anchorage philippine nannofossils inadequately autonomous 2014jk74 predecessors cylindrical gastropods kamchatka uncovered intelligence 1supplement 8155 aishihik aegean boswell bickford bronk bustin bivergent bengal cisneros certified cepria cuneicamer duluth emmons fyffe fjord false fosdick friedman fumarolic fifteen frederick fellowship hitherto hibbard hasegawa hanson htmc iqr ireland iowa jidike jogs jerico jasper jennifer krogh kowallis kastens kadinsky kondo kangcun kelliher lfes louisville lighthouse luminescing luminosity loukkos murphy mestia mishin museum nzvd20 neritic nopx nunavut nossapu nakajima ngrt ossicles piggyback painted pivotal piceance piemont qvof qiangtang rstudio renewed railroad sentinel sopale sullivan senni sicanus talkeetna tithonian tutorial trondhjem tundra tucson tatchun tugidak tumescence tallahassee umbilica vnir vasquez vessel vasey wiens wraps wathier words witnessed xl30 yoho yamato zoom zachos ziemann ##hroat thromb ##inema ##enburger inglewood tocopilla stacey stamped stelfox maastrichtian maffione maunder conchoidal consecutive congaree consejo condensed isotropic reinecke reburial recherche forecasting dechert coahuila coercivity suweiyi suffice asilah seabed ##ifistula wholesale antecedent prophet shandan saintot sapphirine contaminant nordenskiold noroeste weissenburger haugerud unchanged unambiguous untenable unanswered unspecified unmapped unanticipated unaffected unmineralized unaccounted subarkosic subconglobata nebraska neokinema neodymium chinese chevkinite chirikof geopetal geocentric strictly strontium sluggish spurious spawned teflon notwithstanding disregard regridding expansivity overwhel overridden arclogite recumbent timoteo enkelmann enthusiasm republic repositories prehistoric crinkly scarcity scraped scrutiny trachydac surrogate minnesota metadiabase district disturbance undifferentiated undocumented calahonda outgrowth underrepresented graciously fluvio ##unshan phoenix silberling blundy bluffs caribbean idioblastic rhombohedral desktop possagnoensis hydromechanical matuyama matariki biostratigraphical multiscale mankhemthong equivocal schmidt endothermic snapshots burgener postmineralization broedermanni descombes pettijohn paleokinematics edwardsburg geohistorical geoelectrical sheetflood holdgate holbourn cerroazulensis monomineralic tskhenis coarseto markussen morozovella crittenden supereruptions parametriz laboratorio mcburnett mcnabb orthoquartz orthorhombic oppositely helmholtz synextensional polybaric boehnke guachochi increbescens evapotranspiration crafford crandallite hummocky gallagher kirkpatrick montezuma albuquerque misinterpretation stereotypical altiaperturus alm85prp04grs inappropriate pierrehumbert geospeedometry pygimli pseudotachylyte siksikpuk ##03sps08 unprecedented unpredictable stromatoporoids nutzotin tuolumne klepeis muldashev cummingtonite ravensthroat 1supplemental cuneicamerata nzvd2016 alm85prp04grs03sps08 0e 0v 020 064 030 014 1g 1to 2e 2n 2l 2τ 260 3c 3i 3e 3l 3º 3x5 4h 4j 4es 420 419 414 5v 519 530 6i 6l 620 630 612 610 7s 7i 7g 7h 7j 764 712 8th 860 813 825 92 9be 920 910 913 925 921 ah a5 aor aach apt aide alab afore actions aai aias aids aaj arose bh b0 bate bot bast bak bag brain bret bian bism bost bree bones bove bread bav bored b10 benn b11 bisc bakers bivariate bx5 bilinear banta cc cd c0 ces cel cations cip cerv cear cains cec cather ction citation cientific cinder cze dk dw dm dv d5 dog dous dich dab dough deloc dame drum dots dais dynamically docking eo eg ez e6 e7 eon eat ela ease eber ems eub eco ewart f7 fel fet fate fif fant frust fount fruct frit fict font fres fuse fals fash fenn falk ffast gb gp g1 gj gin gol gru got gall gies gary gates gree gau grib gains glow gual gli gok game goy gasp gior gott gsd gplates gaining guda games gudino gervais hs hi hg h3 hen hed hur hig hong hant hous hiz hine hale hear heral hides hub hbr herm hood harp hob hatch harm hetian higu hila hendrick hcf hirth il ip i3 i2 i0 ily iab igh iap iconic iaga jb jen jor jou jag jam jane jah jav j40 jaff jiao kt kw kr k4 kj kon kat kor kan kas kol kod kum kain kart kab kell kik kand kap kari kne klo kane koy k1a kings krup kara kato keller krig katten koll lk lg lb l6 l9 l5 lor lig lod lite lem lect lain lass lord loz lyd lsc luc lour liles l20 lame lump l15 lbar l19 l30 l12 l14 loses l18 l10 lives l17 l13 llano l16 ligu l11 l25 l21 l22 l24 lifts lulls m1 m4 mall mcl mue mane mund mgl mts muff moura mason mbar myr menes mosc mumin nn n3 n6 n0 n5 n7 nic nst nct nur nim nate nch nest nations nia nick nces nome night native nue nove nsc nah nted nomin n40 nash n30 nano nauk nnw nser nsa nchl nathan npoints oc oh ov oz o3 o4 oes ond ost oct oul oly ock osh oax osk okan orad oeca oyu ooze pi pk pm pon pent ply pest pri pere pak pant pich pard pater pend placement patite pts paho pump paves puck piston pdcs peper padd qz qin qgis qfl ri rd rw r6 r4 rin rog rum rus rop rile runa rinter rival rpm raf r10 r16 rica ripe ritch ryuk rdaam s7 sen sor sos sve syst seld scro soss sne sval sotop sof sway sodi syl svan sizing s3c sses sidi salee td tl tv tro tone tort till tard tia tally tones tint tening tamp tub tedi tind tenu tyr telling tinto tama trained tames tats tiny tache tikoff uo uk u2 u1 uul uch uum uph ucc uo2 umr umag vb v3 v2 ved vet vist vac vort vale verv vide vry vict vince vise vases vann vago vaugh wf ww wit wul wess wak wong want weld welt wmb wake wof wah watch wenk warms wade wann wrap winder wsw w66 wipe werts wirth wmax xu xi x3 x8 xmelts xiy xpow yc yon yes yan you yul ypp yog ysh yuri yang yann ytt z5 zer zel zur zig zim zac zack zoic zerm zym zha zaf zendan µσ βl βlu δd δx δb δh δai δaj δij δbi ρg ρm ρct σ1 τy τav φs χ2 ##aum ##aqu ##apping ##aeric ##aean ##auss ##aena ##aulis ##sm ##s3 ##sy ##sin ##sar ##sent ##sing ##sil ##sest ##sations ##say ##sight ##ska ##svil ##sden ##sena ##smann ##sfield ##skey ##sphere ##car ##cel ##cos ##cod ##cot ##cite ##com ##cated ##cus ##cass ##cell ##crit ##caps ##cman ##circ ##cua ##cott ##cules ##cibility ##coming ##cias ##cratonic ##citas ##cuel ##cibles ##ux ##uw ##uq ##uj ##uor ##uan ##uage ##uka ##uinity ##uzz ##urous ##uvium ##uoka ##uitively ##uinely ##tes ##tis ##tra ##tain ##ties ##tally ##tically ##tec ##tational ##tcher ##ttun ##turn ##tuoka ##iro ##iom ##iant ##ilab ##iably ##iography ##iele ##f5 ##fan ##fel ##fig ##file ##fined ##fited ##fund ##fah ##fram ##fino ##functions ##fusc ##fili ##flux ##ek ##ees ##eas ##eid ##eve ##ech ##eus ##eap ##eens ##eust ##eho ##eaking ##ethers ##eismically ##do ##dm ##data ##dill ##dale ##dell ##dry ##dough ##die ##ddle ##dier ##dules ##dipping ##dulla ##disp ##dowell ##o3 ##oet ##oil ##oter ##oene ##oort ##oates ##oik ##ober ##oved ##oons ##oker ##o01 ##kl ##kp ##kran ##kata ##kely ##kers ##kso ##kne ##kitic ##kley ##ktic ##keland ##kbar ##kaline ##kouri ##kovian ##kashi ##nh ##nat ##nit ##nor ##nan ##nil ##num ##nell ##nib ##nik ##nable ##nitude ##nuk ##nav ##nover ##nals ##noul ##number ##nuclide ##nolds ##gj ##gel ##gou ##gow ##gom ##gale ##gove ##gional ##govic ##gden ##grometer ##g600 ##groups ##xin ##xos ##xite ##xler ##x10 ##xbour ##wer ##wal ##want ##wach ##wack ##wane ##winter ##wara ##wipe ##wkl ##rf ##rp ##r4 ##rin ##rar ##rif ##rift ##rint ##ratively ##rength ##rench ##r2o ##restrial ##rhen ##rators ##rature ##rwith ##riger ##lor ##lar ##los ##lil ##lest ##lum ##ligh ##lass ##lib ##lari ##lating ##lber ##lund ##linal ##lora ##linson ##lutonic ##bb ##bp ##bin ##bit ##bet ##bos ##bow ##bla ##bot ##bous ##bus ##bone ##bach ##bral ##baceous ##beg ##men ##mas ##mate ##mog ##mast ##mant ##mine ##mian ##mand ##mend ##map ##mert ##mun ##move ##mys ##merm ##mob ##maps ##minous ##mds ##marine ##mull ##migu ##mending ##mett ##magnet ##mulitic ##mixed ##pon ##pit ##pot ##pass ##pace ##pick ##page ##place ##pina ##plic ##porphy ##pans ##plain ##ponite ##partic ##hd ##hb ##h6 ##hq ##hat ##hed ##hst ##hing ##hem ##hain ##hous ##hus ##hyst ##hand ##hap ##haly ##hole ##hio ##hape ##hots ##halus ##hinder ##hune ##hantuo ##halite ##haric ##hifts ##hkovian ##hlber ##hmen ##vf ##vz ##vq ##vic ##var ##vest ##vad ##vale ##volution ##vially ##vors ##vins ##velling ##vski ##zo ##zer ##zes ##zar ##zel ##zol ##zone ##zoic ##znet ##zones ##zco ##zha ##zometry ##zbar ##zero ##zano ##zzi ##zione ##zenz ##zani ##zulensis ##zinski ##zgale ##zr2o ##3e ##3he ##322 ##3sps ##3prp ##3600 ##2s ##28 ##29 ##250 ##213 ##285 ##2prp ##263 ##23sps ##69 ##65 ##6hg ##633 ##6prp ##892 ##010 ##025 ##1f ##1h ##1yb ##113 ##1hodo ##yas ##yth ##yot ##yph ##yus ##yian ##yments ##yaline ##ycr ##93 ##96 ##94 ##41 ##45 ##4he ##4267 ##58 ##51 ##59 ##540 ##528 ##56prp ##545 ##qm ##77 ##jie ##jita ##jda ##jcman ##ºc ##łod ##ρct thri thib thork thors thms thiele theories the4he ##ony ##oner ##oned ##onent ##onos ##onot ##onations ##onents ##onder ##onably ##onker ##onometric ##onious ##onkin ##atu ##atric ##atto ##atomp ##atier ##atiable ##atibility ##ateness ##atomical ##ernd ##erle ##erol ##erse ##erable ##erun ##erob ##erling ##eretic ##erboard ##ercial ##erdon ##eruel ##erlund ##inis ##inos ##iness ##inum ##inant ##inata ##inus ##inally ##ineral ##inning ##inuous ##ineto ##inconic ##ineralic ##inikoff ##in001 ##esi ##eser ##esak ##eseen ##esirable ##enat ##enut ##enia ##encl ##enitic ##enof ##enuk ##enaga ##edt ##eded ##edit ##eding ##edom ##ndon ##ndelt ##ndike ##ald ##alach ##alib ##alized ##alization ##alka ##alities ##alics ##aldera ##algo ##alax ##alova ##itin ##itru ##itus ##itely ##itically ##itiated ##itting ##itability ##itob ##itching ##itizing ##itants ##itivities ##orp ##orich ##orers ##orable ##orme ##orio ##orah ##orov ##orivers ##orpor ##oritization ##orba ##orrelation ##oronda ##orbulina ##oramic ##ionary ##ionov ##ionuclide ##icas ##icos ##icate ##icated ##icrust ##ician ##icun ##icont ##icacy ##icists in3 inert inval inline inok inex inches inlier inlet innov innum inbla ##anes ##anis ##anical ##anag ##ania ##anides ##anishi ##ancial ##anthrop ##anistan ##anaki ##ref ##rel ##rean ##reation ##reated ##reach ##reatic ##rected ##revers ##remer ##reoj ##remian andru andric andersen ##arf ##arl ##arith ##arag ##arant ##arles ##arnet ##arish ##arck ##arides ##arks ##arenites ##arenz ##aroka ##arlan ##arameter ##stle ##stid ##stack ##statite ##stans ##structed ##steep ##statte ##rost ##root ##rode ##rotion ##rohan ##rodes ##rochi ##roeder ##rotational ##entice ##entional ##entrant ##entuated ##entiful ##ingen ##ingled ##ingway ##eli ##elin ##eless ##elfor ##elope ##elinite ##elix ##eliem ##elze ##elhart ##elpina ##assemb ##asured ##asilian ##asaw ##askan ##asberg ##ascale ##ascar ##ctable toes toth tober tosc toby to19 to17 touches tokle totally tokso tobin ##leit ##leur ##lemm ##lected ##leton ##leability ##lecting ##lematic ##leaved ##ouen ##ouan ##ouch ##iselt ##isites ##isoft ##isotopic ##thor ##thod ##thand ##thick ##thyan ##thieth ##theid ##oling ##olut ##olad ##oland ##olub ##ollic ##olai ##olson ##olarm ##olgy ##olls ##olae ##olitan ##olycr ##ollected ##urf ##uries ##urac ##urates ##uria ##uride ##urance ##urpr ##ulo ##ulse ##ulite ##ulum ##ulip ##ulib ##ulable ##ulators ##ulski ##ulloides ##ractions ##racs ##racrustal ##rastructure ##raethers ##ragovic ##raeli ##ete ##eting ##etual ##etts ##etium ##etrah ##mpse ##mpus ##mpted ##mphas stad store stating stones stout stars stitch stowell stauss sterling stitching ##igo ##igable ##igible ##igsh ##igman ##igranular ##igrant ##ocal ##ocity ##oclast ##oceras ##ocien ##oclastite ##ocopies ##cea ##cember ##imen ##imit ##imately ##imensional ##imori ##imming ##imoto ##imager ##imaki mac maik madera maars makran conter coney isla isocl isopro isolation israeli ##osi ##osin ##osis ##osediment ##osill ##ospar ##oschist ##osahedron rea reed reil reag reab reop really rept rements revel reyn reme reinc reequ reimer reko rewards reentrant ##owska ##ulture ##ultimate forty forerun ##idy ##idation ##idized ##idire ##idellite ##idragovic faust faint fayon fayal fandelt ##lais ##laus ##lapping ##lahan ##lava dee deem decon december ##gem ##geologic ##geochem ##veat coat coaly coau cohes covis coda cooke cofund ##ils ##iler ##iled ##ilog ##ilus ##ilater ##iliated ##ilob ##tering ##teries ##terior suck suder suez suitably sucker suitability ##uting ##utter ##utive ##utural ##utics ##utiform ##utilized ##utona ##utapu ##utiful alcal aloft alike ##atecas ##atexite asi ask asse asked aseismically areally ##cht ##cho ##chrom ##champ ##chew ##chased ##chirp ##chinson ##chioni ##chuan ##chosin faulty faultkin ##sected ##seismically ##sehir seich seale seym sealing searching seiland sewane searles ##oda ##ode ##odon ##odic ##odies ##odact ##odoch ##odynamical ##odeled ##odny ##odzinski ##romap ##romise exit exogen exiting exxon exterior ##verized ##verhead ##ifique ##ifiers ##ruary ##ruited ##rums ##runa ##ruthers ##estration ##estley ##estead oncol ongove ##otically ##otai ##oturb ##otomy whist whipp whaling an5 anas anab anau anorogenic an25 anette an33 an85 an44 an75 anhyst an29 anatomical anode beau beaker beij beidellite ##itemagnet ##omo ##omly ##omain ##omber ##ombed ##omark ##ctional ##ires ##irre ##iring ##irts ##irifer ##irnov ##river ##ppell proand profic protero prompt prompted byu byerle atlin atna ##istries ##istering ##istentus ##istrators shen shine shatter shenn shervais shaulis shrin shonkin shimaki ##essive ##oglob ##ograins ##ogabbro ##ogalax basil basically basque ##umerate ##umbed ##umenberg ##erext saas said saust sable saving saville sapling saying sacr sabb saponite ##phine ##phone ##phors ##phael ##phaeric ##phoned ##phelinite ##therill plio pluck plentiful plomo plumbed contus contends ##udation ##udder noran norwe norcl norwood norris ##ocks ##ocked compass compend compact complies compromised compatibility compromise ##asta ##astating ##asteau weitin wetherill hao hapt hamb hamm hairp haga hauter hacker haeus ##emical ##emens ##emada ##embel ##ematical ##igham ##akian ##akhst ##conada ##ranite ##agos ##again ##agnetic ##agonal ##aght ##agara ##ageri ##agudino ##agarnet ##agascar ##agasta modation modally modulated modifies modernd modulators ores or90 or84 ormand ##ami ##amme ##americ ##amarc ##amaged ##ongly ##ongkashi unite unreas unified unuk unob uninter untim unweather unrep unchar unbro unox unifying uninterpret unapp unbound unbi unclassified unoccupied unelement uncement unweight uncontaminated unnat unwant unhinder unidire interand interview interterran interdisciplinary interelement interleaved ##quad ##quences diq died diop diary diane dieg dibble dijk dialk dixon dihd dielfor dilemm diatexite ##allization ##ieson subcro subcl subsc subequ subcont submat subhoriz sublim subprov subglacial subcontinents subvert subgre subgrain subjacent subalkaline subcirc subquad souar ##ante ##antling colville collated collabor colomber depolo ##iche ##ichael ##ichenko ##izone ##izab ##izers ##izhn ##izzes ##usoid ##ushu ##usius ##usetts ##iali ##ccale ##ac1 ##acadian ##aceted ##acuated ##acchioni neff nebo neocryst neuqu nexus ##ystones prentice figure3 chad chib chained chatter choked chonet ch88 cheap rockall rockwell rocktable ##forth gear geote geography geomagnet geomechanical geolas geiselt geocien ##ivor ##ivia ##ivide ##ivable ##ivating ##adar resort resident resolute resolves resumption resorbing reshap ##ipment ##ipses modelers magdal ##retized ##retionary ##artite arl arcan arens arrow arnot arrial arrange arsen arsena ardill arbit aralka arteries ##ducted strath ##abo ##abay ##abric ##ab50 ##abrian ##ab67 ##absent ##abinos ##abitants incred incub inclement incalc incurred ##roup meve meyer mezgale ##oping ##opically ##oplastic ##opatric ##opolycr flx flip flath ca2 caudal caveat ##isms ##ismological ##imentary evens evacuated ##ostrotion northand northto northrop northcent northridge formally formative formities formulate formulation formats ranero ranked intric intcal intimate intentional intimately ##ortment basinwide relie releg relaminated reliance relocated relatives ##orevski wasser wassmann lowvel lowerto slit slot sloss slana sl19 sliders sloping italian italics spu spur spine spss spada spoon speck spera sporad speijer spallation speaking spoil spirifer ##illi ##illed ##illary ##illonite ##assi ##assin ##achi ##achab ##achuca ##achusetts ##elles ##ellan ##ellian ##ellgro ##ibab ##ibner ##iboust ##ibilities ##ibifistula datafiles magmatically tei tech team tears teeth tecn ##ghanistan notation notch notep notove notching notched ##fers betts earney ##aceoust sedimentologically dischar disassemb regrow reground regulate regulation regalla regulates registered registering expel expensive expense expelled ##ardii extinguish extras ##ldoz kml abi abj abers ab09 abdulla abnor abatomp abreoj upand upsc up19 upslope upthrown upcoming up213 upriver ##0021 ##0001 ##aterrestrial ##raphy colleaguesuvial crustally subdue indec indention ##anda ##andia ##andina ##iah tera terhune canals canopies cannib overlo oversh overemp overpow overdisp oversteep overrode overthick marrow marie mariner marsden marcus marineto maricun mariah ##endite obo obstruct obara objections obfusc transected easton eastdipping agepick southand southwesterly ##aye ##ayut ##ayoko ##ervli volcanosediment locale lochkovian ##acking inclusive duricrust party parting partners arcer recall recurr recessed reclass receded recalib recreation recollected recruited recessive interplays interprwith allan allogenic allmending allopatric timeline timanides ##sov ##sovent ene encro envi ensemb enrol enlar enstatite enumerate assure assortment replac reprecip reposited reparameter repacking ##orded prefect preglacial precontaminated interprets interpretive critic crested cr2o3 credit ##icke ##icking subductionand ##ounder ##ounded appel applies appinite ##apff ##apah ##ap79 ##apenko quence quake quently quinter query quade quoted queb quatt queens quemada quizzes leon leary leach lease leco lewan levin leaved lepage levelling ##erna scie scored scoring scots scoates scyth scorba scutiform scudder scandina adhes admit admixed tracing trailing clip clift clino clipped clerical clutter ##actic surfe ##ertu mini minus minab minutes mayaro ##alytic tempo tempting paleoic paleoto palezoic paleorivers accom accident accentuated valve valais transit transloc translate transmit transdisciplinary transrotational ##aub ##auve ##aunal ##ffen ##ffett sectioned haskey hasalova butler metrop metcal metaps metchosin ##ozzi ##ozonations ##ozagudino ##cesco ##ribable lars larson larionov ##earing structured structuring litho lithify lithosomes lithotypes lithostrotion ##ssn ##ssified ##ificing distill distally distanced distentus distortion corr corpor coralline corfu coryph ##ensible ##ensibly ##ensurate ##enschists ##enshain ##mbly thane morey ##epth ##epjohn ##eposited underto undrill undesirable undamaged ##cedony ##ignard calimes calvo calmus calvin calzol callahan calabrian wherever analytic analytically ##kee outbur outgoing outsk outlets outlet outflux outdo outreach periss perennial perfili ##lastonite ##osequences formational doming domical domo01 ##orphization observes observing observance observables differed differenced differencing simone simoes folguer underand underco underwater underfill undermine underlapping underutilized thereof 2030 2093 fluoride fluvially twofold ##unt ##ochron ##olutional provoke feel likeness earthchem earthdata seismicwave phyl phased pheas phreatic sanded sandwell stripping impure implic impract impressive imposes implicit impurities impetus imprint impulse implaus ##lander ##formationon 10s 10f 10e 1015 1019 1012 1014 1011 1021 1022 ##ronite centric centrally centrif centuries mantling ##clides grainsizes completing heath hebr healed heesak limy limey howse howell silva silvia ##violet geologies geologia geologie nears pee peel peck ##psed mantleand ##ressible ##ilets trps trilob measu blur blance blume blood blended blurred blumenberg blizhn blunt smit smow smirnov smearing ##mmetrically ##mm540 carver carrol carner cargo carcass carlos carruthers carozzi bedard ##isher ##ishes ##ishvil ##ishnan propelled proponents ##issolution ##issivity ##kesworth ##redients boundless ##ustion ##usters ##nek ##neider fielding fieldand fieldspec fieldmove sourdough ##gins continentally genus genres genuine genuinely variant variants surfaceand something disposition displace disprop dispelled disperse chang chanis chances channer quartzoschist oceanward oceanographic oceanography ##xton ##xtric grano grange granada granules ##rowed ##rowedge miall mirand mioze mihaly miami differentially weston westto ##rices ##riculum ##riculture amu amid amino amuri ameur amanda amorphization refrain refract refresh refutes refuge refriger refuting largemag unito ##berl ##berry setups rhq rhodoch parr parity parase parents parking parks paraf parox parsim pargas associating associates placitas supposition supplier decides decided deciding decameter decadal decelles margined reflex ##intyre ##gerite ##gerine ##gerstatte igbp presumption presnell carbonation greb grebe greenschists ##acteristic deserve desoto desjar desorme desilets topo topel topmost topologic topdown topaz assembles ##mechan ##meyer ##mekitic charnock charlest calcites calcisph calcretes calcalkaline calcarenites ##lasticity sangre characterizations afghanistan ##ericity ##valuate pbpr cretaceoust ##owned midand midchan midttun midwinter exhume exhumes newark newcom riding sieg siphoned siemens estimator pools ##ographically discoid discretized laoj laharic lajie ##ualizing tries tried trials triangular remember reminder remagnetization remedy remapping reminis remarks peaked peaking peakfit numeric nummulitic locales ##liers ##lique straighter straddle strabos doin doing doctor dohert dohmen dooner redated redwall redeposition redmond redeposited redissolution identifications ##orsed ##orship silicization oldow coasts separators crystallinities crystallographically ##idescent additions microme micagarnet ##scribed noond noah noire nova concav ##ledo ##oley empa emplacements empty patrick blocking facsim ##anephelinite horsts ##oflora ##ofisher initiating ##deev deepen deepmarine flowers flowlines rivera riverine jura seawater seaways ##chanisms jurassicto approval approved detritalpy potted potosi potapenko hydrate matson matty matplot maturities matrices deflate deflating ##ecahedron 156 154 1520 1560 1540 traceable northeasterly biomic biometric biomechanical biharmonic biek bioclast biospar bioturb biomark biozonations biochron multitude multime multikil crocod finland finished fincham financial manages mangan manila mansel mancos manzano manatu manitob mangerite ##iezometry furrowed dominique thermometers thermodynamical thermofisher invoking invitations shallows shallowto flatness flatirons crystalized furthering commercial commensurate ##ysmal ##ondike ##ondalite rhyo featuring garnw garlock garzione normality normalization normalob elementary 1920 1930 1912 1933 1922 breeds brewer bremert correlatable mechanistic ##amphib ##ampler penoke penultimate ##underst regionaland equigranular equilater equipment transpired transpires 11s 11e 11h 118 114 1118 1110 1138 11in001 segall crossline ##rupted steven stefan steffen ##tington baths bathyal ##ubducted denne denotes denudation scheed schlis schmit schoene schroeder schneider ##onto eponymous epstein opx opens operative maximal maximally maximized maximizes maximizing contractions microand microbe microbl microcrystalline microcontinental microanalytical microcontinents microcra microcaps micropartic meanings endurance endorsed founded foundered ##bride angulis angiboust methylene literally snellgro ifsar ifremer ##ucull ##ucchi detaching trended trendure burr burst burying middleto posted postand postformation postcont postemp postorogenic postcrystall posttectonic postkinematic postrift postpon poststack postseismically brocher brodie effusions effusively efficacy patterned patterning 12s 12f 12d 122 121 1240 1280 1270 1290 1247 1248 1850 18yl 1808 1870 18gro 1871 1879 ##coe commonplace stiki ##ukuk ##gling ##glass aperi apulia apalach ##blei ##blemont lineal lineated lineages firing maximums verification verifying verkh veracity verbal dipolar calculus calculates calculator assemblageand descends restite restrength ##lacian latd latites latouche straining strainman combinations combustion sequent sequester sequestration ignition ignore precam precious precaldera ##ributes developmental lakeward predation predefined predistentus 100v 1001 1009 10000 agent agri agents agglom agency agqm agisoft agriculture ruaum rufino ruellan ##uchi ##ioimager uncinata bulge bulbro bulbous bulldoz infrastructure converter conversations eleven elevating 303 302 downs downing downlap downwelled downthrown downturn downhole moon moana moises mohr mooney mooker moffett originates erode erodes lessen ##ahoff ##nings thinnest attach attaching attended attending distinctions shortest shortfall ##oclines dolan dolerite hill1 so19 sohio soignard 14g 14l 1440 1430 1411 1490 kaira kavian kaibab hypidi hyperext concentrates understated amph skies sk14 skulls skłod elution elena elston elsin eluvium eligible elizab retrie retromap retrowedge worker workgroups turned turbor turcot ##aille ##ailang orientated 40k 402 406 405 40º 4042 lays laymon marine20 bulkier 253 258 251 254 2563 hematites hemingway pete petra peterson petrel ##kswood foci ##condida farrar seconds secondly secondarily trenched curios curling curls curtis curriculum ##iregional instructed installation proglacial progradational paleobe paleophys paleotherm paleobot 507 50ab50 densest ##inawa probes probing landman landmark hydrosphere hydrohalite hydrogeologic hydrophone methodologically methodolgy erupting eruptives ##erman ##ermund ##ermature metasup metasamm metashape zirconsaturation glaciated glaciom ##aving ##avorable ##oots request requisite positional subsides subsets subsample subsampling muddier sidewall ##ovitch plagioclaseabsent hfand magnus magnified magnification abs5 absorbing absaroka absolut cleworth fracturation successor anyone ##plus ##plored ##planar spreads massachusetts ##ceptional benefited 236 234 2317 2348 investigates investigators mesa mesocratic meseta bayan synform synand synforms synsubduction synacc synconver synplutonic ##ogenies ##ogenetic ##ogenously contrasted cmts biotiteor biotiteand dries understands waterand resolutions buchan ##aii southeasterly 13s 13d 138 1335 1380 13nz 13wkl visit edited edget edmap sheath shepher entities entrec entrains entrench entombed reconfig metasediments swell swiss swkp swimming widen widened geoand environs lengthened olive corea erosionally sheet10 singleton srtm srs3 scannable confine confused confocal confounded steepest steepened holtz hollis holoclastic holoh leaders radical radionuclide periodically mixes campground porto portable portability portlock portrays miguel natg natsvil broaden broadens kev kemp kept keough kefel wa4 wa5 waive wafers ##inkit demets ##ilibrated hadrian hadlari breakout ##inoides permaf cerrozulensis labrad labeling oujda ##heated ##venience ##tooth affiliated serially sercel explores explorers gradation gradations gradstein ##ippo dependency densityplot icefield icehouse ##fti standpoint predictor multiplicity multipliers wallin wallrich archer archaean facts factories preservations preservational schellart axially axios axioimager bangs 16a 163 161 164 165 1620 1664 1613 1680 1649 1647 mmhb month monvis monoclines monogenetic digested packstones packaged devine devise device devito devils devastating eua eu3 eu2 pollen minority 17c 1764 171yb augen augers auvs prioritizing degradation degraded capability capacity kinney kinaskan doesn intermineral intermingled colormaps director directory promise promoter clearest nonbas noncarbon noncontinental nonvolcanic nonrig nonconformable nonconformity nonporphy nonhem nonzero nonplanar tsuj tsurf tsageri stepwise extracaldera extrabasin gneissose argoland salome salts salvad ##ylides profuse profeta profiler paralleled paralleling parallelism transportation oligomictic digitize digitizing fiamme soles solie solving solvent solutes solonker ##obabi ##obulloides cottian diameters diamante avulsion avisp avdeev grs grasp grinder grims gratier grasberg fourths fourteen tangent chemogenic chemometry chemoand chemistries duuring ducea delicate delete delimit delphine ##omponent ##neri acicular ##ansk totals 603 taranaki ##oidably nwand nwto ##ognomy rollot rimward rimstid zeiss zeolites zeebe planed planke planning planktic emitting emigrant emissivity finegrained quantity initialize discusses supermature ##iferation accumulates accumulating ##roducible universally mississippianand linkam summation summers summarily hypothetically mirza alternated alternatives handt handle handled handful directional offshoots dzmds sinwa sintering sinusoid hannover naoh naxos naeser amphibious amphibolites cordilleras didn utig uttal utilities ##full 393 396 398 399 397 3920 3940 freund freedom saturates coalification coaldale permianaged ##oki ##okend ##alandsl pebbleto ##ergens insar inspect insulation insatiable insolub ##goi ##goon greenish greenwood lasi integrative heats radiate radiates radiative hangingwall clinozo experimentation progresses cumulated cumulatively geochronology3 gazzi gaotai coarseand coarsegrained reveget beforehand mccann amplifiers morency moreno morligh moresi platinum enriching barge barche barometers barforms barnh barremian megash megascale megalandsl estabrook 000x 0004 00004 00001 000025 0000001 grounded grounding ##ailable cataclastite morphodynamic morphologically sitting takuy negate neglect neglecting respond imagine platformward realism realized realistically provenances frontally glodny zonenshain seeks minimums 702 701 7080 7039 7075 70kbar 7077 fang fanned obtuse classically classifying classifies narrowly narrowness ##sler ##equisp intraand intragrain intraplutonic intracratonic intractable tectonostratigraphy 211 219 21st 2120 2160 2170 paced pacing ##upe seismograph seismologically seismometer seismometers seismogram anticlinal anticorrelation pennsylvania critten superand supercrit superheated laramideage bitterroot diffractions climactic northeasternmost mustang ##nowing ##nowable supplementing openings erased ersk ernest loess loew looked looms loyal tirohan laborato diamictites vei veined 351 logging logistic logarith impacting generalities media prototyp creeping concluding sensitivities ta0 tait tapped tafah tawach tajcman tauride tautona tafti ##2010 ##20sps ##chnical safety technician daylight h2o2 mc15 mcneal mcdowell mcgow mcmast mcintyre mcmechan mcbride apparatus situations hillsides thermochronplot networkgt 452 456 459 457 4500 clayand clayto joys orthomagmatic reserves reservations homestead homogalax kilo 809 807 briner brendan brf5 brasilian brigham ##chings organizing organizers crucible crucibles crumbly halite halved halformationon versa verses reductions linearization truer causation metaphors triga trigonometric baum bacon baand baird bearings unlock unlimited unlocking georadar lacassin paparo ##angle ##angles ##angtuoka reece reeand reemphas reevaluate leuco leucite graywack 2850 2822 dimeth helle helex syenitic symmetrically ##manna reacted alkanes antelope shorthand petrographics fitzenz pullap pulsed pulsing pulverized ##oyansk 483 488 487 immersed streamer streamlines viscoplastic dune dunkley icosit icosahedron seligman excited eastwards encirc encinas solidify halfway persons personally convey convect convecting shanaka stratum stratovolcanic southwards 9013 s1c s13 s116 ashley annen strengthens strengthening schistose basaltand glassy malinconic malleability malahoff ##exer invert braun braden brandon drake draft dragoon ##bersome migmatization paul paid pajar pausing paxton tending abstracts 274 277 2700 justify reasoned openand originals losses ##15113 leftand lauren contextual 241 2433 2480 circles circulated panoramic panchrom rounds zrc zrdaam ##uaenuk untilting externalize laurentide drs owen owed owner owned s2a photic photographic photocopies siltand siltitic 296 ackerson tongan ##orings plumeand contributor contributors necessity captivating terminologies spectralon requirements blages blades eclipses frictionally ##ugeliem ##lapel 15039 1504267 targeting reactivate reactivates acknowledging acknowledgment c1and goat goola gooley goergens hetero heteroh tilts stuck ancillary magnetism floral reproduction parentless parenthes equivalence equivalently spectrometers eclogitic 226 2230 2270 2263 2276 262 261 264 267 2670 boo boos boats boosts boiled boichenko bookend sutures engage hingezone tensors worzel factorization jackson ##40d forelands northwards sparitic sparks sparser sparsest mixte megathrusts robin robson robledo ##rangian distinguishes heads headers headwall players playful 1981 6730 nowaday runups twigs ##19b ##19hodo inputand statically statgeochem semenof semicont semilog semiregional energies energetic energetically thermoarl 654 please plexus spacecra repeating electromag electrodes explanatory acquire cratonward epeirogenically nuance nuances nuclides routines ##tze ##tzmann unknowable sillimaniteand establishes bordet bordering doubles douglass luo luan luis luke luhr wetter debouche deborah debouch anatolide pegasus penetrations penetratively 551 559 554 555 5550 memories ##304 independence funds gui guides guij guadal guyot guarant niagara purer purity purcell purchased shapiro sharper updating observationally latestor lightweight molded molasse transient100 passivemar waveforms juxtaposing accompany accompanies pseudomorph pseudomat pseudomorphic pseudomorphs pseudobulloides damaging mgal mistaken ##atoric relicts splaying 120a summarizing summarizations vegetations vegetative 31z 313 314 375 751 7566 75or00 etchings flame flaxbour flavors gabino ##mapping substrates substrat systematics finds illustration illustrations everything electrons bowei bandpass ircon irms irrep irrevers irmm540 iridescent rays rayaver raytra raynolds titus titled tunel tungst tunnel compilers retreats borderlands eschew escondida fingered lidzbar rooting rootless varian varisc varican vargas prefers preference preferably 2508 counsel embank emblematic embodies functionally functionalities kelvin kelemen kelvins ##1270 ##eroensis conceptually chloritic chloritization disrupts disrupting disruptive disruptions dispersions burgmann ordoviciant henceforth kitamura kbars sonne sonny woodland woodhead woodbank deviatoric increment ordovicianand 548 541 547 5480 718 711 714 71aw 863 861 austin branched bransfield opted options risks rigor tascuel submission grandin granduc latentifistula latentibifistula oxideconver responsive robustly quesnel quesnellian 369 367 36ar 632 631 634 6390 dowling filippo hygrometer telve teledy ##colo analogs resisted resistor resistors overgrown overgrowing feeders silurianand microscale microscopes microscopic microscopically serpentine omori sulfate sulfoxide sulfurous sulfidation t2dm ##afe ##14grs ##14263 dehydrates expandable hypersaline hypersolidus phyllites 026 021 024 025 0247 336 335 3350 7001f vital vitric ##oscandia receivers sustut grabs decompact decomposed delivering 465 4671 463e dyorich darkness raft raising raphael stretches interstices incompressible extrude perpetual configured favorability flareups 421 4200 catamarc catalytic liebus russian thirds offering sawtooth paleoseismicity ##lieb ##lieved coarsest coarsely coarsens coarsened simplify confirming confirmation 006hg 341 sphericity pennacchioni oxidative ultrafast ultradry ultraviolet drying dryas linux recrystallizing backgrounds counteracted counterbal 01a 01d 01b 016 018 0119 01hq craig cradd lister ##evic 2000b 200021 columnar questioning culminates 3890 38010 877 958 cathy hardly hardie squarish sturm sturman exsolving ##iffe coldest coldness chrons chronologic chronologies chronologically chronometers chronosequences floors intensively assisting carolinas bendingrelated fillings oscillation oscillating 03p 039 037 fishes fishing lags lagging lagrangian nbs ##itialization subtleties chainman tethyian permeation sierran advancement pennj3 pennj6 pennj5 pennj7 438 439 435 437 565 793 796 7900 7916 79528 deltas kenyan rooney roermund randy ramped trexler tremend walter walsh walcott ##hasize ##annels asympt shapefiles shapefile divert diverges diverging 2059 205tl plausibility turnagain petrotectonic petrogenetically polarizing 3509 41n 416 4100 41892 585 587 bruin bruns brucite bruhat ct15113 echmate pelites pelvic sideswipe ##iciously tomlinson ##osilicates revise revolves algal collot collide colliver collides collisions colluvial expects cryogenic traversing metaplutonic fluctuation decays restricts usefulness grassy coincidentally radiolarianand 668 6600 bimodality frm fertilize pasyan passey pascua pisuq pervade ##kenina ##08hodo ##jiwara ##jiertu ##reciated reorganizations arrives override objectivity recurs recurves segregates segregating mobilize mobilizing viscously gypsiferous 699 697 bigger bottoms ferrand powers δ7lil ##olcanism ##olcanics conventions efficiencies chloriteand pervasiveness reorganizational 446 444 513 510 5150 azores aztec essence essene governs mw9 mwmax ptg ptx mazzar protoor comprehensively comprehensible entertain correctly emphasizing aggradational turbiditic switzer ##horizon randomization 526 529 524 527 5276 9000 aleinikoff hopeful tenet tenfold tennil coherence coherently precluding physico 1973 1974 steadily microborings petrologically explosively explosions acceptance smoothed smoothly brackish circumscribed improvement discontinuously virginian rigidly cataloged pumiceous mazatlan 683 749 cameras graphs graphy graphitic herbaceous klondike klinkit merle merges merck meramec merkouri pyroclasts yavuna ##1033 ##10285 ##10545 ##rosite ##uminescent unusable indexing legal clarity clarified clarifying 2021033 triplets patchwork patchett equilibrate equilibrates ##covici augmentation argillization buoyancyand inconsistently 053 057 856 854 benchmark cfref freshest freshwater pitas pitted pitoik s3b toro torn torres torabi toronto tabulation tabulating unfold unfilled unfavorable overestimating 1048 cuttings coalescing magnetiteand fundamentally pyriteand neighbors dsz dsms glaeb sericitic zagorevski ##cuts comment comendite comobabi hawkesworth hawkswood hawaii prepares preparatory screens sieving postdating adjustments adjustable reconcilab acoustically homogenize pairing pairwise scatters scatterplot 092 073 072 070 07ρct 0710545 849 8400 84322 963 962 968 961 9614263 kirsehir lignin pedons uranopolycr vanbi vanishes wedington weddell shipley overtone overtakes preventing 1031 1052 1058 designates satelliteand extremities cathodes pyroclastics 735 73250 777 amaltheid e11 e117 eighty eighteen harley harold harvey harrington harald mentally mentorship montmor montgom montenat palin palustrine putnam roden rodina ##gr0021 ##iterated beams subjectivity biasing infiltrate infiltrates cycled cyclones cyclostratigraphic heterogeneously facilitating gabbros paragneissic cathodoluminescent 643 642 ambiguous minear nanometer nanogranite nanjo nanogranites nanoplankton nanograins orozco rubin rubble rubidium rubatto ssst ventral ##ooned inspire inspiration inspiring reader reading readers ascribed ascribe ascribable prolate proliferation competes competence unrooted adamia midcontinental bioactive biohorizon microfabric 2007a diagnosis megacryst buildings serpentinitic overturning overturns 598 5942 5958 725 7219 grooved jeze sometime waveshifts ##bulloides ##13sps ##onautics macrogeomorphic macrophy macrostructure rejuvenations rejuvenating alberts albania plugged unremark unrelieved sounder chaouen chaotically chappell quadrature paleofloral discovering definitely 2017b viscoelastic duplexed acids emeritus positives employers employees unroofed a1b cosine flecks fletcher fleeting lisbon rocha wilkes εnd30 ##litt ##po4 conformity conformities behaves behaving contouring depicting items subductable redistributes 1801 2014a ellipse hydrofracs 041 573 550ºc 972 970 975 geraght misch misfit misapp misfits miscibility misurac misunderst michard michele skewes skews skewed ##ratus ##169 ##16169 ##isingly ##ractional madge madagascar computes computations armored armenia splitting regularizing enabled assignments underestimation potassically thermobarometer massifs 235uc monzogabbro devolatilized devolatilize devolatilizing avoiding piedmontite filters sustainable aggregated cosmic cosmochem 789 8800 8830 aiming dedicated davies davaille huge huber hugo huachuca hujiertu jinchuan kunstle okhots okinawa tighten tightest troposphere wcvz zuccale ##iguilla suddenly ##seye shielded cande enclosing quarter quicker discerns discernable discernible 115w 1152 1151 schematically operational 2019b northwestwards coexists monotis monotid polymineralic juxtapositions optimized brownishred ct15092 ct15051 virtualized virtualization 768 769 7665 833 832 836 834 borne borosilicates benty bentonitic ecological letter lettered ncei prager praemen ramifications ramsay ##luft ##icola inhibit stereo stereogram sunny sunzha modestly interlayed subtly subtler ##abasca spilled spilling ensuring valuation valuations meteorite meteoritic outputs percolate percolating activates activities constructively hydraulically vertebra vertebral 1966 srmvf planetology pangean instrumented twentieth conceptualization risky powerfully nucleates oroclines flexibility cosmogenicnuclide thresholds burdigalianp 992 990 aerodynamically aeronautics alazani france francesco kohn kohler karig karato karlst karabinos liberates mosar mosher nestedness plastically ribs ribbed wanes wispy ##kheta ##254 altar altot altyn altitude altitudes alm56prp unmodeled chalcedony chapter chapters traditionally peralkaline instituted institutes superplasticity orthopyroxenes encounters idealizations vaporization diapirically abandonment bolster bolivian bolivia boltzmann bogs buffalo fuel fujita fujiwara jarrell kuznet knik kneller knolls kernal knows knowing knowingly mcta mctb optional rr2 s5c inaequisp reheated shrubs plunges unforeseen choices evidences industrial paleotethys 2020b pecimen discriminating discriminant 1952 1955 1957 angelika 2304 permitting permittable 2103 streamflows achievements ultrahot prolongations monzodioritic vertebrates budgets plastrons youthfulness 4505 8200 8239 894 8900 9316169 982 barton bartlet dalhous destabilized ghosts ghaub hoopes hoiland hogem hidalgo lutetium milito milky milank milidragovic nakra nakamura nakanishi ps1 psammitic pertinent perturbed rosy rosita roslyn vielze ##07grs conceal conceivable coordinated uncompressed uncompromised neoacadian checking checkerboard geosolution speeds envelops enveloping crests adapting 1074 smithies scheibner lattices 2009b infills 1770 1774 taxon excavation excavate drafts drape drapes draping authorities authorize worthwhile roadcuts palynomorph palynologically palynoflora ellipsoidal paleotemperature category conspicuously 080 081 08100 0810285 622 62jk bush dashboard fringe hindering lange lanphere langseth langridge language mortar pyritic tells tellian ##schke thomson inextric ##igerina exerts highstands exploiting extraterrestrial conserved conservatively appreciably impinge impinged greywacke ridgelines 1948 opalinus 1256 conversions momentarily paleoenvironment specialfunctions benefiting bankfull 17lm07 17lm03 17lm06 17lm02 17lm05 nonmonot nonmagnetic saltation saltus cupolas jumpoff excellence spherulite revisions physiognomy hercynian metasomatizes susceptibilities ephemerally 6100 bisphaeric bombs cowan castor castro castello darrington dariali eustasy hicks kyba kyushu kylander nasal pinus pinna pinensis ruler ruling relying soccer sikulia vg3600 writing ##mingly ##339 ##03a ##erosa inwardly isochemical coordinatemapping suspended suspiciously shattered shatskey hampers unexplored unexceptional intergrowth christensen geomar residues slumped ##iktat replicated replicates replicating undersaturation undersaturated undersampling feasibly prescribe desiccated poikilotopic identifies identifiers horstwood 1161 1167 spectroscope swakop envisage superset superseding dragged assimilate assimilating doubly doubled doubts doubling johnny microfaunal monotony chapmani geothermometer inefficiently georeferencing bono bony cartographic cartoon cortical gulick hunt huntington mfrp mutch nomencl peneplain rippled taller vigor vastly zhailang stromatic reinitiated reinitialization decline declines declinations deficient surely seventeen ##otalia anaerob beautiful beaverhead shaler shuts shuttle shutting shutoff shutdown necks experts extinctions uptick quigley leverages tractional paleosurface outwards impedes impeding carmichael discarding invariable 1900s speculatively synchronously couplets suprajacent satisfies satisfied cascading superiore diffusely diffusivities truthing aragonite googleearth fisheries lubricated 941 944 945 94zr2o aureoles bb3 bb2 bb1 bb5 bb7 bb14 bb13 bouvier bergen csub cserna cuba cubabi dt84 dinarides drew dummett dumitru dumblei daily ferns fissures gibbs hp62 hp633 jolanta lamont picrites picabo piccolo sd3 sd2 sd6 sd4 sd5 s6d sleeve ##coping stopping stoichi shaded unrecorded exponents markings precede precedes quiescent scientist scientifically scientifique paleodivide paleodepth underpressures 2036 203tl phosphoric phosphorous 1098 1090 1097 gregg gregorio removes burnham rugose 1431 1437 252cf hemispherical mesoarchean mesoameric 1306 envisioned radioisotopic archaeologist archaeoglob profoundly duplication academia academics precipitating megasequences selects astronomy astronomical instructional 1988a freeze guerachi evaporated evaporates strategic collapses collapsing diminishing bartoli aluminosilicates balticaand interfingering instantaneously superimposition spatiotemporally birkeland bachl barefoot bringing borings ddh6 dorsey dormant dorsovent fmq gogolad izanag iteration iterations klauw laden mingle mingled messinian nitrogen navigable navachab orangeand rarer rarest rainy rainer rainwater rainbow tonzi tonnes ##228 thirteen ##allagerstatte inconstans inconvenience streaking convolutional cognate ontong anchizone orbit orbnumber interferes interferences chrms gehrel abbassi duranzo lechler leaks leaked adopt paleontologist peruvian philanthrop blueschists estuary pooling micaschists microsparite sooner 1474 147sm elkhorn instructor motivation motivations buckle buckley 173yb 176lu 1755 delays supergroups supergroup handpicking barranca glenns glencoe superterranes poroelastic titanites 6679 communicated circumstance 2022b davidson prospects reinforces reinforced reinforcing shadows unrecognizable avalanches reintegrated paradoxically bercovici ballooned cabanis cpts dickie dickson eyring fusm ferrosil ganzi ikari julian julie julseth kiel kiruna khondalite luster lhn19b nsph ography pdps poul pomerol pampean ringdal rows rudimentary riedel sessions tagh tapers tapley tapuaenuk tails tailleur urge wrongly ##aisi inhabitants mamuka rectified rectilinear rectangles reassuring reassessed reappears reappearance costa exempting whitish whitmeyer beheading proceeds proceedings shoshonite shoshonites plumbline company companion unconfined interruption interruptions intercepted deploying deployments cautions formatted sliced spiculitic spicuzz noticeably indentor indenting obstruction obstacles asserts assertion lehneri administered administrators adiabat paleomagnetically translations translates distribute distributory undertaking perfectly 1081 micronto 1583 1584 microlite apennine moosevale sketches buffered buenavenut waxy waxing seriously seriousness archipelagos 1684 1788 illumination inserted laskar glomerosa protruded dissertations baenids symbols encouraging panthalassic embrace embraces embraced participate government ##grs23sps ssw16 2014jk150 2014jk228 succeeds unmixing inaccessibility mildly stromatolitic unexpectedly blueschistto humphrey ostracoda pillows temora2 stochasticity exaggerated exaggerates bipartite cerling ceramic caco3 crowd donors dosimeter dismantling equlib eulerian fenster fenestral gataga gosselin hutt hutter hutton hutchinson ims1270 kissock ltd l32 l31 lytt muller mulberry mellouse molecules nalma nalmas pushing preto pretend pontigo vugs vuggy wmas ##ijevic ##631 stimulated stimulates stems stemming mahar mahia isolates isolating recharged dewaters sunda seeded animation sahakian unsaturated unsurpr unsubducted unsafe unravel interlocked diatreme subpopulation colonization neotethyan prerequisites choose chips chipmun relaminate relaminates disarticulate disarticulation expresses expressing territories territorial repetition surmount surmises survived survivor paleopole paleopiezometry buttresses fragile imparting pegmatic amerasian decisionspace sixty hydrologic 15bvs multidimensional multifold multifaceted equatorial 1175 schlumber burkina apwp predeformational aguirre uncorrected attests attesting skarns spectacularly turbulently metasandstones clemons primordius porphyroblast porphyroblastic 1368 sheepbed geophysics geophysicists globigerinoides insensitivity mcclure mccloud megafloral megaflor 2177 diffractometer diffractogram 3557 dissipates 2829 282339 buildups drastic tensorflow 7100ft hyaloclastite telescoping 003hg asymmetrically brunton pyrenean educational educator mercator meridians montagne macrofaunal quadrangles bornite subtropics destabilize destabilizes peridotites dissimilarity dissimilarities bootstrapping recommendations duplicate duplicated vesicles vesiculated eyewitnesses inhomogenously exemplary exemplifying glomerocryst encouragement ##hodo08hodo unequivocal indirectly oversimplifies undergraduates scholarships 94035 aknoul awarded avenues bleed bleached blebs bubble cpx cocorp clare clausius claystones cumbersome cyprean dodecahedron drucker drusy druschke fostering gilmull gardens gardner gardulski hinz hospit harts hartog hartley hourigan journey journal journals kcps kerogen krakata klippen kramer knott kitajima lmll ludlow laplacian mbx mbes mbaf mask masked maslyn nontronite odlum pilger pertaining pavo ricard ravines soderlund sorting trying tensionally tambien wuhan wo3 wg67 wenner wolfe wolfram wollastonite ##daloid thieblemont ##atoputapu ingredients ##steinsson township stalling stays stayed stubby connotes connotation connotations congruence reverting reverts reverted beads bypass bypassing bypassed shoal shoved shoals ##umbered compressa compliances ##amerid unsuitable neutron flights cancel canonical overcast overcame overcoming enforcement prepare prepeak preponder crenulated tracts mindful paleoseismological metallic undistributed outgassing outpaces fluorine occluding imperfect trimble trimlines trimmed bloat blowout constrictional amazonia suppresses newtons triangles triangulated triangulation redundancy micrometers 1531 multicomponent rhyodacites 1136 opinions snedgen 1277 aplite bullseye inflection landsat hydrodynamic hydrodynamics hydrodynamically hydroxides watershed reconsidered sheet1table publishes ##hevsky affirm affirmed affirming archetypical 16o1h kindred promontories illuminated solvation solvated solvus griffin incorrectly supervision supervolcanoes supervolcanism insignificantly vehicle mcfarlan reevaluated alkalinity antofagasta immiscible niuatoputapu lifespans architectures 3632 6394 synthesize lagerstatte aggressiveness extrapolations extrapolates extrapolating transgresses ascertained 7261 mitigated karsten dissemination knickpoint knickpoints knickzones inaccurate fortuitously programme programmed programming philippot nannofossil inadequate autonomously 2014jk72 dismembering dismemberment germany predecessor cylinders gastropod kamchatkan intelligent 5molarm aeolian aegerine aarhus athens athabasca baleares balearic bindeman cetac cetec crane crania cassel cassidy cardinal dawn dhz danyus dusk dusel drowning drowned dorsal dorsett damping e57 fhcl fh2o faso fasulo festoon festoons fugro fugacity geneous geneva hudson hudnut hopkins hopeless hinders hindsight ibm ibapah iodp iodide jerry jersey jadite jadamec jiangj jianxin joseph kulo kulthieth kutcho kutaisi lpst l23 lonm lesh lesnek lomas lomonos melosh melanephelinite mimics mimicked mathematically mathematical np24 nvt nolauve niches nicholson nikolas nikolai px1 pxrf p0e pectinoid pectoral picking renowned renumbered romans romero raceway racemigu render rendered songpan tnt tetouan tetraethers trainers tyee veneer veneered vibration vibrant vestiges vestigial winston winnowing wrote wrobel wicker wickham werner wernicke ##uineous ##lstedt ##02hodo08hodo ##05grs23sps thorndike thorsteinsson ##aloak tolworthy tolgoi struggle struggling maui mauve conundrum conundrums convenient convenience withdraws withdrawal reoriented reorientation sumatra sumatran suffered suffering algebraically execute executive antonio antonijevic prohibit prohibitive sharman sharrah compounded compliments complimentary weiser weighs weighed untreated untangle unavoidably unavailable unblocking unblocked unevenly intervention interventions subsections subplots subplanar neurals chiarenz chicken chickasaw flushes flushed ##ortionately slurry slurries dissects disappearance ##001r oversaturated overthrusting overfilled overfilling margarite margarita oblateness obliterated repositions repositioned reprocessed reprocessing premise premier cronus cronbach consanguinity consanguineous appealed appealing paleostrain paleostress paleochannel paleochannels hashimi hashimoto metavolcanic metavolcanics corrugated corrugations perceptible perceptibly perplexing underpins underpinning underflows febbo february hexi hexagonal heinrich propylitic propylitically amygdules amygdaloid parasound parasitic decarbonation decarbonized lazaro laccoliths belemnite belemnites micrograins microgranite noisy noisiness defects 1524304 1524631 manipulated manipulate steelwork microthermometry microthermometric apophyses apophysis attractive hillshade hillshading 146nd 14nz41 14nz03a kazbeg kazakhst glacioeust magnesio magnesium mottled mottram investigaciones demanding globotruncana globotruncanita polydeformed polydomain polyline polylines capitalizes delimitedfiles lawsonite nautile nautilus barboza barbozagudino 000037 negotiated negotiating realignment 7081 logistical logistics erroneous erroneously baffin baffled symplectite symplectites encoded encoding 273ma panalyticalx necessitate necessitating hyperbolic hyperbolae flaggy embryonic tasmania tasmanides martinec autoscan autosampler 007hg counterintuitive counterintuitively economies economics echosounder crypto cryptocrystalline issued issuing educts 1970s herringbone 8530fplus torrent susanne skewing peripheries peripheroronda jacobs praeorbulina praebulloides paleocanyons meteorology meteorological koether koeberl kohlstedt alm73prp alm72prp mangrove mangroves deficiency deficiencies megabreccia megabreccias tantalum tantalizing incongruent incongruous ethiopian ethiopia inadvertent inadvertently 13jn1 13jn11 popularity inaccuracies inaccuracy jasperoid museums piggybacked piemontese qvof3 qvof2 tutorials trondhjemite trondhjemitic zoomed thrombolites thrombolitic stampede unambiguously disregarding overwhelmed overwhelmingly trachydacite trachydacitic parametrized parametrization orthoquartzite orthoquartzites 0e6 0141 2τf 4esσ ah2o aachen aptian alabama aforementioned bhvo bateman botto bastien baklava bagayoko bianca bismarck bostock breecker breadth bavf bennison biscaye bakersfield bx51 ccd cesare celerator ciperoensis cervical cearley cecil catherin cientificas czech dwarf dmina dv88 doushantuo dichotomy dabie doughnut delocalization damegh daisan eoarchean egg eaton elapsed eberhart emsian eubaena f7001r felipe fetch fifth fantom frustrations fountains fructicos fritz fictional fontana fresher falsely fashion fennoscandia falkor gb2 gpd gj1 goler grussified gallina giesler greece gauge gribbles gualda glimpse goyazite giorgi gottlieb gudauri h3po4 henry hedberg huronian higgins hongyas hantkenina housing hiza hearn heralded hubchirp hermosill harpoceras hoblitt hatcher harmon higueruel hilaire hendricks illapel ipnav i3elvis i2elvis ilya iapetus jbx jennings joris joule jagged jamieson janecke jahren java j406 jaffey ktir krishnan konigsh katir korenaga kanayut kasangtuoka kolmog kodama kumugeliem kainz kartli kabylides kikiktat kandilli kapaloak knew klovan kaneko koyukuk krupnik kriging kattenhorn kollars lbac1 loriguilla liguria lodging lemhi lectures lozano lyda lucier lourens lumped liguro mallory mclelland muehlber manea mundil mglt mtskheta muffle mourabet myrmekitic moscow nnx10 nicarag nctd nimz nchum nests nuevo november nscap nahlin nominally nashville n307 nanoearthquakes naukluft nserc ocelli ovoid ozark onderdon ostensibly october oulad olympus ockerman oshika oaxaqu oskin okanogan orado oecaena piepjohn ponce pentamerid pestle priestley perez pakistan pantodont pichon pardee paterson pendleton pahoeho peperite paddock qinling riu rwth rinconada roger rumelhart rusk ropos riley runaway rinterkne rivals rafted ritchie ryukyu senate sosnit svec systat seldomly scroll sosson snegden svalbard sotopes soften sodium sylvest svaneti saleeby trout tortonian tardree tintic tampa tubingen tindelpina tenuous tyrrhen tamaulip tatsuki tachek uchida uummanna uphold umagma vedder vetted vista vacuum vortexer vervoort video victoria visean vannucchi vaughan wf94 wwssn wulik wesson wakabay weldon wofford wahbi watched w66c wipeout x350 xiyu xpowder yc2s yonkee yanites yulongkashi yogodzinski yangtze yannick yttrium zerkle zelinski zurich zimmerm zacatecas zermatt zymoet zhao µσn βlvq δbj ρgz ##r480 ##mobil ##plicably ##1hodo02hodo08hodo thrives thibert thorkelson thorson thmsg600 ##orporated inertial invalidate inokuchi inexplicably innovation innumerable inblakely andruleit tosco to1769 toksoz ##ollicucull ##etrahedron stadial maikhan conterminous isoclinally isoprobe reilly reagent reaburn reopening reptiles revelle reynolds remeasured reincorporated reequilibrated forerunners fayalitemagnet fandelta deconvolution coauthor cohesion covisualizing sucked sudermann ##uturalis alcalde assem seiching sealevel seymour sewanee ##odactyl exogenous exxonmobil oncolitic ongoveyuk whistler whipple anabor an33ab67 anhysteretic beauchamp beijing proficient byerlee shinevar shatters shennan shrinking saustrup savillex saplings sacrificing sabbatical plucked contusa norwegian norcliffe compendium ##asteaux haptically hamblin hammer hairpin hauterivian haeussler ##embelina modernday unreasonably unobstructed uninterrupted untimed unweathered unreported uncharacteristic unbroken unoxidized uninterpreted unappreciated unbounded unbiased unelementify uncemented unweighted unnatural unwanted unhindered unidirectional interviews interterrane diopside diego dibblee dialkyl dielforder dilemma subcrop subclusters subscript subequal subcontracted submature subhorizontally sublimation subprovinces subvertically subgreenschist subcircular subquadratus collaborators colombera neocrystallization neuquen chadburn chiba chatterjee chonetid cheaper geotechnical geomagnetism geiseltallagerstatte geociencias reshaping magdalena arcangel arrowrock arnott arrangements arsenopyrite arsenault arbitrary straths incredible incubated incalculable mezgalef flathead evenson northcentral intricate intcal20 relieve relegated wasserburg lowvelocity specks sporadically spiriferoid tecnicas notepad discharged disassembly regrowth extinguishing extrasolar ab0938 abdullah abnormal abatomphalus abreojos upscaling up193he indecision cannibalized overlooking overshoot overemphasize overpowers overdispersion oversteepening overthickened maricunga obstructing obfuscating ##ervliet volcanosedimentary duricrusts partnership recurrences reclassifying recalibration allmendinger encroached enviro ensemble enrolled enlarging replacive reprecipitated reparameterized prefecture criticism ##apffel ##ap79g quintero quebec quattrochi queensland scythian scutiformis scandinavia adhesive admittedly clinoamphib surfeit mayaroensis paleoice accidentally translocation transmitted metropolitan metcalf metapsammitic lithostrotionid corporation coryphodon undertook undrilled calimesa calzolari outburst outskirts outdoor perissodactyl folguera undercooling underfilled phylogenies pheasant implicating impractical implicitly imprinted implausible centrifuge hebrides heesakkers trilobus blizhni carroll carcasses ##ishvili disproportionately miranda miozea mihalynuk refractory refreshed refrigeration largemagnitude rhodochrosite parafollicucull paroxysmal parsimonious pargasitic desjarlais desormeau charnockite charleston calcispheres pbprz cretaceousto midchannel newcombe siegel laojunshan reminiscent strabospot doctoral doherty doonerak micromechanisms noonday concavity facsimiles matplotlib biomicrite biosparite bioturbation biomarkers biochrons multimethod multikilometer crocodile manganese manselle manitoba garnwith normaloblique 1930and 192296 bremerton penokean equilateral scheeder schlische schmitz microbeam microblocks microcracks microcapsules microparticles angulisuturalis snellgrove postcontractional postemplacement postcrystallization postponing aperiodic apalachicola verkhoyansk restrengthening agglomerated ruaumoko bulbrooki bulldozer mookerjee so192 kairaki kaviani hypidiomorphic hyperextended skłodowska elsinore elizabeth retrieved retromap4 turborotalia turcotte curiosity paleobeach paleophysiography paleothermometers paleobotanical metasupracrustal metasammites glaciomarine absolutely synaccretionary synconvergent 13nz40d edgetech shepherd entrecasteaux entrenched reconfigured sheet101hodo02hodo08hodo srs3000 holtzapffel holohyaline natsvilishvili hadrianus permafrost labrador densityplotter 1649254 monviso nonbasal noncarbonated nonvolcaniclastic nonrigid nonporphyritic nonhematite tsujimori extrabasinally salvador avispas grimsby tangential rimstidt sinusoidally insoluble clinozoisite revegetated morlighem barcheck barnhard megashear megalandslide takuyo 70391 supercritical erskine loewen loyalty tirohanga laboratoire logarithm prototype tafahi tawachiche tajcmanova ##20sps00 mcgowan mcmaster thermochronplotr paparoa reemphasizes graywackes 282200 dimethyl pullapart icositetrahedron encircle malinconico pajarito panchromatic 1503959 goolaerts heterohelix parentheses nowadays semicontinuous spacecraft electromagnetic guijas guadalupe guarantee passivemargin pseudomatrix flaxbourne substratum irreproducible irreversible rayaveraged raytracing tungsten lidzbarski variscides embankment ordovicianto 71awr480 tascuela oxideconversion 6390la teledyne ##14grs13sps catamarca liebusi counterbalanced 01hqgr0021 craddock tremendous asymptotic echmatemys pasyanos pisuqti mazzarini switzerland tennille meramecian merkouriev 20210338 pitoikam glaebules reconcilable uranopolycrase vanbiervliet montmorillonite montgomery microfabrics jezek macrophytes unremarkable geraghty misapplied misuraca misunderstood cosmochemistry okhotsk praemenardii vertebrae karlstrom alm56prp05grs23sps kuznetsov inaequispira bartlett dalhousie hidalgoan milankovitch vielzeuf ##07grs20sps00 0810067 62jk09 inextricably nonmonotonic bisphaericus sikuliaq nomenclature zhailanggou anaerobic beautifully hp62ver hp633ver stoichiometry mesoamerica archaeoglobigerina ddh61 dorsoventrally gogoladze izanagi philanthropies ferrosilite pomeroli tapuaenuku spicuzza buenavenutra equlibrium lyttelton unsurprisingly chipmunk 15bvs03 schlumberger megafloras gilmullina hospitality krakatauor wolframite preponderance 5molarmass danyushevsky hopelessly jiangjunshan lomonosov racemiguembelina chiarenzelli kazakhstan glacioeustatic alm73prp07grs20sps00 alm72prp14grs13sps fructicosa hongyashan hubchirp2010 hermosillo higueruelas ipnavik konigshof kasangtuokai kolmogorov kumugeliemu muehlberger nnx10ap79g nicaragua onderdonk oaxaquia pahoehoe rinterknecht sosnitza sylvestris tyrrhenian tamaulipas uummannaq wakabayashi zimmermann zymoetz fayalitemagnetite an33ab67or00 clinoamphibole parafollicucullus sheet101hodo02hodo08hodo19hodo alm56prp05grs23sps16 alm72prp14grs13sps01