[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z · ø ƒ ɑ ɛ ʃ α β γ δ ε θ λ μ π σ φ ω – ’ ##e ##l ##a ##n ##g ##1 ##4 ##t ##c ##u ##o ##h ##d ##r ##s ##i ##v ##y ##2 ##8 ##0 ##m ##x ##p ##7 ##f ##z ##9 ##5 ##b ##6 ##w ##k ##3 ##q ##j ##α ##σ ##ø ##δ ##ω ##π ##θ ##he ##te ##on the ##ti ##re ##in ##al ##nd ##es ##er and of in ##en ##ar ##or ##ati ##ro ##it ##ic ##ite ##an ##ed ##ol ##as ##os ##ation ##le ##is ##ate ##ing ##id to ##ag ##el ##at ##ul th ##tr ##ith ##ac ##us de ##mp ##ur with ##ent ##ly is con ##oc ##ig for ##tion co ##ure ##ter re al are min as ##il ##iz ##ve ##rom ##ow ##eral dep from ##lu ##ot ##et an ##ated ##ain ##im by ##yr mineral ##ts ##her gr depos st ##od ##om ##op ##ted su at ##se ch deposit ##ou ##old be that mag ore ##tic ##ion ##ng ##yrite ##ce ##ys ma ##ment ##am ##ec ##ere gold flu ##res pro sul ##ock sulf ex dis ##art ##ich ##ver ##age ##mal sh ##ab ##ther comp fluid ##ide ##ph di ##tite ##ine rock on ##th form qu or ##og ##ad ##uc ##ition ##igure figure ##ization pyrite ##ang ##ib ##artz quartz ##cc ##ues ##ten ##um ##ne ##ant str deposits se ##ir inc wh ##ous ##amp ##ations ag ##ost ##igh ##ies met ##ting cont ##pp res ve ##ass vein ##qu cr ##and ##yd te this ##alc ##ong gran ##pl ##red samp fa zon mineralization ##ical bas col ##tal ##orite ##fic ##ch ##vel ##ace ##mati tr ##li rocks rel ##usion ##yp inter ##ature ##les ha were hyd ##ut faul ##ary magne par hydro grain magnetite pl un have ##ess ##erite which ab ind ##rou ele low typ ##ton ##ides cons ##ity alter was ##ff ass ##ill ##thermal hydrothermal anal sulfide ##ke ##ud ge ox ar ##ized ##orph sub en ##00 ##arb fe ##ally cl colle ne isot high pre val isotop le alteration ##ates pres sp ##ture ##ive these ##hed ev mod ##ron ##mb bet ##ater mo ##able ##nt ##ize im show ##we nor ##ution us gre ##ene ##ian stage ##usions compos ##ell ##ap conc ##agues colleagues ##itic ##matic au ##uring betwe between sc ##ved ##entr ##all ##arbon size carbon vol ##arg ##ase ##ay ##our ##ia during chl ph ##eld ##ile element ##ence temp ##oci veins ##ata samples associ values granite loc ##opyrite ##here occ within ##ip intr ##ari pb ##ree formation ##ative ##erature temperature rep ##if ##est minerals oro sou fluids occur li ob sil ##olog analys rich ##ome most ##gh ##so can ##to ful ##ale calc ##iti fr ##ers ##yste syste he composition full data concentr ##ms stud incl magmatic zone fault sig ##ast ##tern over ##vely ##ystal ##ma ##ens indic ##otite cu ca mass also ##ros ##arly chlorite bel ##can has than it ##tent image chalc ##imil ##iment ##ack diff been contain me rati ##duc grains ##gen associated vari ##co ##con ##act struc mic und 20 where es sulfides ##ces ##ord ser ##ages ##gg ##ield ##ediment dol ##lud distr rang ##ating ##hem simil reg not hos ##ole type ##atite char differe ac iron pr sugg dom ##ll volcan model sec ##ose sign crystal ##ra ##ely ##tin we resul bot 10 ##ium ##arn consis but late ap ##ix ##ans ##pec lod ##olution ##inated cor ##ard grad into all ##uld ##ue ##mm main ree other sour ##rite includ inclusions ##han bl chalcopyrite ##sion ##olite lower similar ##mbl ##ond asse unit ##tures ##orm per silic assembl both along ##par ad ##ied grou gen ##dition sy more she ##ific ##action sample isotope south sediment ##oor rec app ##try enr def ##per faults crus tw ##ct ##tim formed related bi prec imp zones ##pre ##ren fl porph ##ge ##zo metal mafic sulfur up ##ound ##ross larg volcanic ##ran ##zoic using ##ight porphyr ##ort δ3 metam proc apatite ##kes repres ter ##ular ank age metamorph repl ankerite ##ined ##tered golden concentrations dy ##acter acc ##und two prop ##tur trace mel ##row ratios hosted ##vi mon ##cl tour stri analyses tourmal hig ##ick plu process group red some there character such mus tourmaline orogen ##st ##iv basal spec geoc system magma ##ach dolom early massive ##ath under contro elements may host pos ##rox zir north zircon interpre bre tex mile no ##mo expl pp range ##ist prov ##ral comple comm porphyry how their ##antle study mantle ##ser ##sen ##enite trans geolog ##acement carbonate ##vite isotopic ref grained ##alg region ##hedral different minor ##aring ##raph ##osed ##ents sugges fol lith ##ented maj major ##pper ##ction dolomite ##odies obser ##are ##reg dr sur ##ial area abund temperatures brecc common la oxide contact higher ##un po arc ##hemical musco ##ya ##oot lode muscovite ##ub compositions biotite ##tural cross km bearing used seric ti ##out pyr shear contr arsen calcite tim zn ##ever ##4s however alb prim br py ##hib analy source ##tero complex ep part kalg ##ance sph they ages sl ##ocl ##ame d2 ##tical ##ep thick mar ##ress oroya orogenic ##matite ##ipit ##ould emp ##alerite those ##sem sphalerite ##rh sedimentary field ##cr ##tial deposition grade ##tral sericite ##ogen pyrrh ##lie pyrrhotite ##tively ##orted altered ##rough δ34s well ##ough fold conten table ##que sk exten ##round contents der ##inga dissem intrusions ores signific precipit ppm ##aced based ##ility ##ases ##ibution ##own scale micro paringa ##oorlie tre kalgoorlie wall ##graph condition oxid distric ##kely basalt ##ram typical albite ##hen level δ1 diag ##ments consistent des ##ism oreb ##ak ##pr through ##ama disseminated ##ered bar pge ##greg ##cted ##ived only orig strike conditions si ##tain ##pb present whereas tec respec syn lim ver ##ins cass ##onite ##atively units equ ##der analysis enrich skarn derived ##50 sty sea significant cassite cassiterite fac plot eu inf ##tone estim ##ble ##lip greens ##pping 26 ##ore op ##cre hematite structural set bec tell section general dykes ##abb large 11 ce ii ##ible ##velop represent belt tellur out pd ##ory ##omati crystall smal ##agi ##amb plagi am below results ##sure indicate gabb ##low likely corre sw ##inant arsenopyrite empl af ##iorite trend ##ves ##ands primary origin assemblages crustal ##ines ##atures small 19 upper ##2o three 12 ##duction second ##terozoic slip ##ody metamorphic ##cep fraction assemblage ##oclase ##els wt ##ient ##odiorite ##ail due ##aus ##ual sr ##az ##tive incre interpreted drill district aver mn ##thern metas ##assic occurs ##veral ##zed ##estern sequ including enrichment ##ear displ pressure terran amp id later ##ob ##oid ##ited calcul plagioclase geological bound marg ##ised ##oun separ base post ##ie ##ward ##ount diagram facies ##cp ##ina aggreg mg ##tiv ##ites types regional ##ctr grey follow mid ##int electr systems rh sol ##ft after ni develop ##ffec water ##med relatively pol relations relative mainly ##ork controll ##inc ##ibr import ##oration depth ##enetic respectively amphib sn fine hor eas less ##tile mix observed 15 mine frac distribution ##ormation feld ##the ##ove consid presence local so ##ather content above constr its ms ##atur studies average felds supp ##roxene basin showing contains abundant ##water ##ons coar reduc ba pat ru ##iston characterized surf δ18 ##form thus alth mineralog forming locally ##vious although fim ##erous tecton style fimiston ##hip ##ately ##rop icp long man ste sit western evid relationship ##oph sid ##ozoic ##iched enriched rim could extension situ ##istry ##aton one meas crystals breccia setting contin disc ##hemistry 100 ##vol ##ably black processes strong ##chist ##ities addition feldspar fill located pluton refle gabbro ##ause suggest because ##ox ##opro craton ##enti china ##oproterozoic ##ared ##fore anom anomal fur ##lation ##land neg differen silica generally d3 ##solution ins shale evolution phase poss eastern coarse exploration mt pit pale ##ced mineralized measure fin fels ##gene like ratio felsic ##isation super plan lodes greyw siderite further dominated constrain tectonic mat ##eng stand granitic intrusion each mes partic previous structures 13 fer sin ##olith several ##itive end ##tro ##kal ##alle map important ##hod ##rus ##ination method about oxides bodies hal ##ote ##ors ##usive replacement ##rown ##allel ul stages shoot record deformation precipitation ga reported silicate geochemical ##ena dire oxy normal pred ##idual chang overpr spect aggregates alkal commonly δ18o ##xim granodiorite ##aceous cm ig dip gener seawater standard pt initi ##ished textures line produc dominant terrane rare monz ##ogenic 50 ##ris ##sm ##opy ##eren ##ibu analyzed 200 same ##ided evidence would melt descr rhy ultr bed ##ber stress series crust core ##neous include flow proposed orebodies surface igneous 14 gl ##me ##west whole ##ift ##lm ##ling ##lets ##term parag event shows control ##hron ##fied caus rutile aus mul monaz 40 sal decre ##lying controlled ##theast monazite gal pe ##ither determ diorite shown identi cool emplacement ##verse very nb ##line hom ##vers close spati contrast centr mol ##iation coe compon ilm num you ##hyd parallel margin μm ##ilibr ##quid multi galena band east fir ##king ##hes ##astic ##otte strati intrusive time first oli comb composed liquid reef ##amafic discus ultramafic central effec ##ology barren austral ##dle ther many cang ##ains distin result crossc cle ##val ##ald euhedral deep compris ##iferous inclusion defined poten ilmenite oliv las ##ao ##osp ##acke order phases association consists calculated middle bro bul ##lotte concentration charlotte block ##graphic oxidized metasomati pattern oxygen ##ffic ##wall deple esm activ suggests electron describ nan ##gr ##sol ##artic dete ##ters ##rome succ granites therefore ##medi ##o2 secondary success 18 fluorite ##ression lemo interpret transp lemoine cur foot kn mater ol ##tit ##ortion total replaced typically sequence ##ibuted material pet ##aces near metamorphism cut jur light ##ays ##shan ##pond compared new brecci olivine med oce vms ##adi resour ##quent weather dyke fractionation el ##man ##work ##isting ##respond indium moder correspond initial jurassic gm developed mineralogy weathering ##uang ##mas ##ked ##itoid geochemistry ##ounts steep overprin spectrome canga na tin ##vo mineralisation sha provin bulk dac dating ou ##ences features ##rosc variable greywacke ocean 30 found lay ##hean melting ir ##hand ##onal top thin exp ##qui chlor young laser ta tu ##ret ##tric magmas considered chemical native ##ba rem variations analytical ##cept xen det white volum ##ological mica dolerite amphibole ##ocr texture rhyolite crosscut described back yield memb metals observ detail ##iang andes ##omic prob ##rowth 27 jia examp color containing open crystallization sill mostly do ##idote green overl indicating sources epidote matr broad 16 ##lic ##3s co2 ##sequent formations indiv neoproterozoic ##ified obtain transition syncl mixing ##inity thrus reverse env encl horn australia our ##yb ##field ang northern pyroxene basement measured cooling matrix car ##ding ##aries ##istic subduction telluride trending fact oh satur ##tle compar adj individual cal down sm ##nal ##til state dipping value indicates positive ##hydrite bath cen ##get ##tially negative petro ##end ##du intro shap ##ability ##uch solid reduced ##mediate mount ##ark exper shall ##iron geome orebody estimated gmd shallow nd ##av then anhydrite events grades banded dacite highly occurren δ33s plung equilibr greenstone ##wards potential west ##sr slight environ ##sed invol ##ann cou ##ade ##ically southern increase alkaline mill yil ##its veinlets coll few lead approx explain province cree ill lat nw ##lite ##tend signatures timing fractures direct patterns huang if sands ##ok ##sive ##esis mean unders archean approxim creek hist vs ##ustr stock subhedral structure d2a ##ocrys yilg 23 cret solution ##one ##ties ##acl extend least greenschist display determined batholith cretaceous ax hang ##ple ##acent ##tones amounts yilgarn 25 komati when ##ise reac requi mining ##apolite scapolite frag sigma hosting interpretation brown inten ##ision tra foliation adjacent go lack ##denite ##ric ##erred ##izing ##ogn ##time shaft hyp marb much vers ##ularly ##iven succession fren ##ug ##ring ##anite conf ##other dissolution forms ##pled intermediate class isotopes 206 models ##ears obtained either ##nw ##ving ##rent ##ind ##nde ##pped ablation variation characteristic fis h2 wide ##spec ##ittle deg copper ##litic abs carbonates surround ##blende strongly supergene recorded molyb coupled french phen vent exhib ##umul oxidation predom member hornblende slightly illustr molybdenite ##ei ##au recogn throughout homogen component distinct 70 ed vary ##ness ##most ##ertain prospec reser assum suggesting rims possible spatial number known radi summ sele zoned southeast suggested relationships av ho here lam ##ground ##ually ##ylitic ##80 ##ental ##ocus canad propylitic geology lithosp footwall aur los will ##ased ##vement ##ope distal sections 206pb bo zh ##ying ##20 dikes spot phot ##crete syncline auriferous focus sing conduc reaction deposited magn magmati uni arg preser correl versus magmatism ear lab os ##jec rele orient altern various ranging across recent flat northwest levels ##amaque representative identified approximately er lin nature path ##arz ##orp toget ##lier unc ##arent followed multiple younger ohw together lamaque mm off any subsequent occurred microsc 201 note activity carr saturation marble phenocrys hand ##led ##ik ##ish sche ##edimentary ##ophile 39 poor ##gan ##ute ##orth interg clos plots solub depleted single 400 prof ##ogran granitoid subs ##cover provide fracture around body ##ken access sequences following baix caused hanging ##up ##otime ##hn ##ford ##atch beam sem carbonatite proportion striking diagrams continental reflect particularly xenotime example fragments sti ##tition ##odong presented signature ##mob ##queous current probably aqueous four free ##heng ##ances ##asite maxim mob sediments comprises outer jiaodong colorad ##ogranite genetic harz kamb sb tur ##uous ##asts ##ushan ##iling stable greis blatch ppb boundary ##opyroxene ##alda detection kambalda blatchford bands ##atic ##vered ##ets anhedral domains weak correlation possib glob thrust dark schist wid ##lished ##oz ##mis cores proxim granular geochron limited 41 dated h2o non ##vas exsolution estimates ##grade equilibrium univers maximum ##ification lake ##graphy mgo ##erence bould lub rb work ##nite ##arized ##tra isoc prog tri actin princ extensive vertical settings bedding salinity older volume observations detailed lubei 17 bor zr dev dem antic exh while induc folds influ emplaced extensional decrease nanop occurrence gang lens nacl ##omp ##2h horiz plane boulder garn given ke kur nar sans ##eous ##ty ##tz anorth being mapping ##ogene parts location hetero allow tellurides consider stratigraphic spectrometry ##handao andesite ##fields actinolite nanopartic sanshandao δ2h ##40 ##yl towards ##ules clin represents thickness barite simp exhibit bay dal dens log ##tand ##roy ##asing ##ison discr interaction movement indicated regim abundance electrum amphibolite differenti paleozoic triassic princip discrim 300 qin ##be ##tig ##osite ##atory ##entland silver metasedimentary ##intan methods breccias latter phenocrysts baixintan garnet pentland ##ha ##zation ##erg inte elev pref evap intrud ground accord boundaries ##iew ##onstr paragonite uncertain demonstr gangue hf sel ##hon ##ony sulfate exc images studied significantly poly supported ##formed ##solved boiling pentlandite d1 dil mts view ##ta ##pers ##ful ##acts attr ##oug organ interse collected sinis normalized produced medium angle introduction understand qinling case lø mp mal ##iod ##kken ##trit detrit ##tions ##ograph strain resulting period marked margins d3a ##ength sandstone predominant radiogenic sinistral løkken bu doc hill hole ##iented extent ##arth ##abir silcrete itabir outc anomalies coex heterogene cent dan had pa existing obo previously discussion resources irreg earlier bayan earth growth ri ##way inves ##enced reve suite redox separated mesozoic controls discussed shaped proximal reveal 500 60 econ pg ##ned ##10 ##pro ##fl coun ##echan dike contacts provided d2b ##2o3 environment homogenization hohon accessory lenses itabirite investig hohonu mechan role ##de ##arm ##omer metall inters partial overlying larger term complexes folding changes peg ##voir lithosphere narrow 36 75 gas ton ##not ##rian ##ven ##hest ##atible southwest represented textural techn iii ##ambrian monzodiorite surrounding reservoir avail conducted principal five hot tian ##cy ##oa ##ded ##ior ##yll ##froy ##oric ##itud condu except oriented resp colum h2s progress nanoparticles according detrital affec dat myl nod ##aver ##son ##elite extr partition distributed separation ##fficient resource broadly geometry isochron mpa 21 drop hree ion pul ss ##eper ##lastic ##ner ##isted orth incorp interval internal belts ranges includes 199 change peak thermal corresponding oceanic greisen possibly university devon elevated 22 28 87 86 ioa mig rather ##lies ##tn ##acity areas ##lied cannot head highest partly selected orientation offs solubility anticline outcrop duc fug rid sites wides εnd ##nam ##ining ##oles conte gra again resear zoning lefroy perm ##pread largely groups limit terranes plutons comparison komatiite malartic mylonite widespread bene gushan ##ument ##rc ##ively almost should faulting implic flag abundances fields precipitated differences therm remain labor rap rift ##mented ##inous ##orl ##oll ##asma dec minim fluor contam bastn plasma uncon suboph ##aps 207 development endow brecciated history reactiv characteristics anorthosite density available subophitic cher ray ##gb ##ses ##ks mineralised domain resulted marine 266 lateral filled combined steeply calibr plunge canadian err scheelite still horizon river intersti tonn graph bastnasite ##ems ##tor quan ##less northeast greater concl ##itization constraints predic profile 32 80 hif s2 zinc ##4pb ##ier coinc retro gray beha made disting dispers plat clus volati ##covered 204pb reduction ##oxic colorados interstitial distingu d4 mor worl ##ches ##side ##30 ##ult island ##eth ##omorph ##abric ##illow even consist apparent terms zircons polished anomaly anomalous dominantly collision recognized understanding buff irregular ##floor 207pb chert world 90 pse tens ##lization ##ales ##ense ##rolite ##ash ##oshan ##tening clasts concord acid contribution brittle inferred controlling mineralogical maps generated 40ar topaz preserved key danba economic pgm fugacity ##namic pseud bse cases gu yang ##rystal ##ially basins better ##itical phyll corn reference slab soft particular clearly ##titute crosscutting stockwork attributed endowment mrc prom tit use zin ##wu ##igg dissolved ##udd ##elling obli chalcophile recrystal melts ##aching slate swan effects ##ogeneous ju kk overal sap ##gl ##tre ##mass ##pi ##ker assess modified pris ##athon position poin marathon styles swarm additional final since flows paragenetic ##aldite tuff ##nwaldite groundmass ##probe zinnwaldite overall oper pillow targ ##ov ##oit ##86 ##pite ##inite ##olved ##osph ##iao folded despite amount ferro spatially cutting carried ##covery inductively predominantly permian rapid cumul jins ##ew ##inate ##ula ##acing cob cover locations ##pected sourced largest specific provides ##unction seafloor among original components exposed ##nalpi kurnalpi docum kkr ##glomer bal chemistry mu ##antite ##ists another anoxic shor residual modal phosph syenite ##view sio2 clear factors intense selv heterogeneous unconform behavi ka net pow ##cence ##ored ##vil them though ##ust proterozoic extern extre diop meta critical assimil immob cav contained appears pyro trends polarized spectrometer sills 39ar intergrown coexisting 000 85 fabric vap ##oj ##div ##teoric ##enting dend sulfid subdiv need systematic meteoric pervas performed appro basalts ##more microprobe waters mixed reflec furthermore halite modern overprinting extends geochronology intruded incorpor oblique documented shortening diopside lines ##ued ##xt ##olitic ##oss ##attered ##acted ##heric expected ##ange plate enti ##ackes prior underground lithoun ##ublished brines districts cemented direction effect petrographic directly degree exhal 86sr research contamination immobile 29 cer far ioc lo nne pure qf inp ##arp genesis applied plume epis limes instr greywackes homogeneous focused microscope clinopyroxene regime ##itude retrograde vapor iocg cir kine koit led mer ##ae ##va ##bi ##ways ##athe thole conglomer ##irk place scudd define account point ##ameter equiv pressures monzogranite metasomatized transitional factor good granitoids bornite saprolite episod koitash tholei scuddles 350 hence years ##ctive ##di ##sc ##kirk ##alu dex ##izes ##lugh ##amlugh shamlugh tend arch spring ##reef heems ##ystalline modeling underlying estimate gabbron increases drilling displays old overprinted layers background comparable discrimination techni respons column ssgb 87sr ductile entire tholeiitic heemskirk 150 length ping sch depend before compression diffic strata unli carboniferous tempor chalced metamorphosed median moderate involved required confir semi against platreef sulfidation dextral 24 bur iv listed ple pheng s1 sized ##ai ##nec ##tab ##uth ##70 ##read ##rograph ##iss ##aging suites ord segreg clay evalu flo reflected measurements transport outs ##omicrograph does overlain enclos ##duce hypot absence photomicrograph global organic laboratory tonnage circ kinematic gabbronorite responsible gn mc pen ten ##enesis ##ilization stord chamb ##ams production incomp magnetic energ ##arily estab ##turally lithological ##print constrained tuwu axis ##othermal assuming summary polym affected network instrument best bran little natur sus tak ##cent ##bed ##aneous deeper chrom sharp div ##ometry espec combination chloritoid environments absent country beneath error phyllic points external subdivided ##athered energy especially 3d 33 gi portion rob ##ients ##rees ##elly ##ached produce exam ##ighted restric sampling zonation serp signal included volcaniclastic ##algar ##ameters 1000 planes standards monzonite layer ##anning intens closely ##ozonal kaol 35 del dome deng fall hel published ra sense via varies wa ##log ##ray ##tine ##ator alta mines mineralizing ##iber regard precambrian porphyritic must opal metasomatic metasomatism depletion materials experi lamell mechanism cobal chalcedony restricted 250 fo2 gro rate sim ##ex ##gs ##hu ##where ##ques ##ocene alaver ##lue partially unif usually sci carbonaceous compositional ##duced similarly appear orogeny ##una times primitive epither support surfaces ##volcan dips transported layered observation experiment plunging explained magnes released conclusions selvages outside giant alaverdi epithermal away bon por site tree tonal upl wol xiang ##rid ##fy ##aste ##ley supr excep crack phys replacing pyi greenstones increasing separates lesser patches fertil shoots magnitude weakly datas devonian implications difficult ##volcanic 45 ow pac pata talc van ##over ##yal ##wise inner ##isite ##igned mined diameter tetra fav interf great framb overg adv ##viations basaltic specim complete limb importance generations beds volumes assumed ##tze uncertainty conduit ridge minimum yangtze cavities input conglomerate phengite altaite uniform tonalite pataz cap dig might ##arc ##ational ##acrus ##omag highl ##eller occurring regression ##clastic characterised ##roxenite epma δ13 267 paleo finally footprint moderately ##baoshan yielded pervasive cerro hypothes chamber supracrus supracrustal 786 83 bms kv pel rhe ##ning ##ges ##has ##dong ##sk ##onaste ##inates ##roph deport ##etall ##tice projec ##chron norte ##ayed sector bott accur processing dolomitic depths continuous alkali products coeval overlap petrography 238 goeth illustrating reactions turb evaporite intersection progressive pleonaste natural serpen framboid 786b cs gne kelly lree nec ##iable ##flu ##falgar ##altered ##itted ##ols devol ##otation ##eto flux ##quilibr unaltered evolved repe hosts modeled majority emphas δ11 opa calculations suppor overprint generation stratigraphy else examples introduced huangs solutions trafalgar varying linked intergrowth widely preferen nodules clusters pyroclastic equival goethite serpentin ##fluid devolati 65 cd holes kir lamp pers ##gite ##oy ##ract ##90 ##onti ##osc ##ulation connec remo chond dist short ##matitic ##lified until silts ##contin ##raw ##ctor accumul melonite species ##crystalline negro linear numerous overprints million canada proportions orthopyroxene quantit mueller lithounit archite bottom 31 51 800 cy kan koug od oph vis ##ry ##rup ##8pb ##zi ##tec ##tead ##inal ##ert ##arok ##atis thir al2o3 prot relation having parameters leaching showed auth ##ologies concentrated ##luded weathered blf silicates spectra tellurium smaller 120 instead ##ifty enclosed ##misc differentiation differentiated metallogenic offset exhalative photomicrographs divided opaque elsewhere lamproph chondrite kougarok kap ppl ##la ##cture ##ump ##o3 ##went ##inities ##ars conver remob ##ety stre ch4 compatible former interc lowest leuc carbonic dolost volcano underwent ##ubian ##owna crystallized correction ##ieved ##theas rimmed paleoproterozoic sinian andesitic encla integr pegmatite tianshan collisional extrem pingying unlikely lamellae xiangdong kiruna architecture kanowna 55 bou hyal lu liber pur whe ##haps ##sw ##ire ##edk ##astite ##ings reas ##otan goldfields proble ##ada ##aded ##umines ##ostatic resolution hydrogen subm envelop immisc elemental structurally 208pb perhaps moreover accomp brine ##oclastite depositional cement displacement laterally decreasing comprise center occurrences lattice influence ##ollas reactivation dispersive behavior techniques penins established experienced pacific turbid hyaloclastite aff blue cath ham mi nifty pie t2 tan ##oform ##dor ##ri ##ration ##bs ##bre ##bic ##western concept ##tional stability stope ##uminous seg seism ##fication ##vellite trigg const nearly scanning cao variety others underg respect 265 outl ##odynamic aggregate step discord difference halides spectrosc glass salinities requires classified prospects loss recently dalong interes pegmatitic calibration acidic pristine balance thought springs incompatible polymetall rheological 238u intercal whether accompan peninsula polymetallic 600 ene eros wed ##iu ##iated inv ##atin ##icular took covellite prograde ##ibility agree fe2 mode modelling imaging micron active synt propose primarily slick microcrystalline equal baotan mesoproterozoic rarely detected corresponds textured geometric colloform alternatively turn simple droplets intervals heads horizontal volatile pseudomorph titanite assimilation dendrite kinematics uplift vanad deportment necess δ11b equivalent ##uminescence pieman 71 function smo var vents ##uts ##85 often ##eler ##ulated ##truc ##mpor ##igou reach ##iltr fair ##apatite implying implies acceler lithostatic contraction ##ressed skarns infiltr mixture icpms ##oliths δ18ofluid potentially blocks stocks degrees prospect pathways closure width context coincid distinguish incorporated taken devolatilization extremely spectroscopy 42 aer dam fs fus gase hm k2o lq morph sens tab uran ##tage ##ds ##well ##ka ##let ##lec toward ##urli without consequent ##ochemical star ##ceed exch fail abbre oxic subduc lem ##hedrite shea shell ##timony apatites noted refract ##unn kalgurli separate filling ##berg distinctive axial trapped demonstrated contempor graphite recrystall limestone temporal segregation hypothesis quantitative boud erosion gaseous ach bub call goss hann ice kers mil nm pack ro round spl ##long ##uan ##rad ##fe inher injec ##ane ##olated ##isms ##mplec alph ##ott ##odal ##opite chile mapped discovery basis feed left space voltage phlog ##arities ##ometric ##ension massif variability weighted ##mme siliceous symplec applic precision representing replace explan brm crystalline 2000 determine involving sandstones summarized correlations schematic fractured considering fluorapatite cornwall assessment ferroan ##omagne δ13c enclaves constant intercalated exchange abbreviations kersantite phlogopite 01 79 aure aut f2 fre kil pass xr zao ##cill ##fu ##zigou ##rec ##inations ##ency ##arine ##roc ##aner ##ising ##urg ##ysel exceed see ag2 sampled places entr phaner ##iping overysel replaces accre surve lavas lava tio2 plotted information ##2o5 fractional ##aturated supple identification leading lithospheric argued link geochronological simplified reservoirs migollas concordia approach tetrahedrite lamprophy submarine tabular refractory alpha zaozigou 66 82 amb cad did eun hing opp tas ##gu ##hang ##men ##fer ##jind ##alite ##iter ##ishan ##aged ##ently concep ##och ##tically discovered compe parco unm feo ##arge indicative essen consisting upon geologic arsenic arsenian precipitate diagenetic limits ce4 ce3 fractionated drillh follows effective taiping angular huangshan huangjind komatiites successions edik correlated oscill substit ##coveries regimes ##ville ##tectic third accompanied contemporaneous phanerozoic supplement parcoy huangjindong edikan 00 ble bim bism du date fob hz lob nick qtz side ##eal ##ca ##hr ##bility ##ware ##qiao ##tiel ##inso ##asting ##terly ans ##yric discontin compil orbic ##ogh ##ching interl intercept plus geothermal leached ##ellow augite scattered heating meters volcanogenic ##ranular mont consistently enrichments 198 increased sotiel ##ropic ##ophys institute cause saline australian transpression ##handian chloride yields thrusts require zhong photograph subsequently colorado ##mission uncertainties pair tianbaoshan conduits pulse software jinshandian enclosing fertility dataset favor siltstone ophi dolostone reason ##atinum contractional oscillatory supplementary fobinso nickel 34 72 cations pin peral right san vic yellow ##o4 ##ho ##xian ##by ##wa ##kn ##osk iss ##iles ##ilized ##owled ##cend ag3 ##velength array subst clastic ##herent ##ipher belong silicification ##rental lithologies ##ialing ferr paragenesis reefs remn members ##iangzi saturated shape ##avy confined surrounded laminated orientations mobile daliangzi dilation parental partitioning offsets concordant guoj wavelength kapai seismic bimodal bismuth guojialing bif c1 cambrian jog nnw pap sizes wel ##cb ##ched ##uo ##hill ##dh ##sten ##vred ##fr ##zite ##60 ##tevred ##ineral ##osh ##istent devi covered ##odol chines ##ngsten qual ##umation scales intra ranged act deform proced ##achang break driven d2c localised soil product comprising ##handong chloritic tungsten remains synclines relev alternating exhumation kurraw ##ougil mediumto centre buffered recrystallization cumulate reflects merougil intensity help huangshandong undergone wedge agreement rounded coloradoite ##oskarn weltevred chinese kurrawang weltevreden ddh h8 je lher mang now pot sod sant util vi wsw ##hachang ##ious ##zolite ##wide ##aled ##ested ##era ##oritic ##atitic ##ateg ##acy conj coherent recovery ascend ##lund statis ##ngenetic make ##ami quad ##umb rese analog enhan feature neu neves spread immedi obvious variably corvo syngenetic strikes regions contrasting becom crystallisation construc particles ##opyroxenite ##solid expos backsc shallower nwra undersaturated trapping correlate release poorly demonstrate investigated reactivated predicted distinguished buffer worldwide cornubian promin jinshachang oldest examined cobalt exception distance authors ##theastern affinity fs2 subducted gossan hannan inherited discontinuous deformed lherzolite immediately 2a 38 95 bud dou dates fm fib gg jo parent six ##15 ##mosp ##asion ##idi ##ulf isolated ##ured alone ##ilit ##izonal sto ##opic atmosp maoz sulfates discrete ##ibson tran hydrox subvolcanic associations calcic fract hem means undis similarities append imply dynamic ##cline plugs epizonal significance synchron 110 1980 evident pits halo rhyolitic glac decreases identify expert classification illustrated eds microscopy profiles boron quanti volatiles ##omorphic ##ovic phosphate robust groves specimen gneiss cathodol outlined discordant dendrites coincident morphology uranium failure bubble explanation orbicules ophiolite ##owledge mangan maozu fracturing synchronous 34s 57 certain eg emb emission hund lath mac t1 tro ##hk ##fram ##bnite ##hetic ##tein intim ##ories ##itable ##ict ##trati conven rees review ascent sufficient making ##ichi ##adition pyrites ##ights methan tradition assump lie frame concentrates acade ##parallel redis referred facilit eutectic originally reducing longqiao situated ##erences causing coeffic marginal cleav xenoliths jiaoj cenozoic brownfields hypozonal earlies ##ikeng stibnite allows nodular useful reflecting kaolinite sciences porous physical digenite streng miocene consequently ##omagnetic drillhole substitution procedure backscattered prominent hundred methane academ coefficients jiaojia earliest 450 bin cold day lac rom rates ulund wil ##lin ##nantite ##then ##ritic ##si ##yo ##mer ##pared ##zn ##zing ##bar ##ero ##rous ##ola ##astal ##iding too deb coastal anc stop string strat seated seams platinum absol subparallel fe3 prepared ##apment concluded occasion ##ometer heat heavy unde acqui ##pective reequilibr perme propag lithology lithophile crossed deriv microb plagiogranite ##cepti longshan continu planar 130 ferric importantly knowledge provinces overla axes prospective reserves avoid influenced considerable progressively titan unconformity tennantite suscepti cracks ##archean aeromagnetic boudin entrapment accretion survey tasman peraluminous relevant jeol exposure appendix cathodoluminescence conventional framework ulundi absolute 44 49 62 77 73 700 bord ccp hw hol qz rif wnw ##ean ##lated ##gam ##cite ##uas ##ores ##oarchean ##sd ##imp ##ipped ##mi ##pend ##qf ##onse ##tia ##ostrati ##ush ##tioned alum alread asthen ##ilities sun chann orefield ##mental proper ##verine shift ##abound online ##quit basic track cligg ##atest spar ##argyrite volcanism apart ##ards allanite precise porphyries monit pore marker walls bars corrected displaced ##ibute descrip molar interpretations youngest 272 greenfields ##uginous currently clinopyroxenite hfse revealed ##venile outcrops ridges graphitic juvenile dengfu magnesium wolverine ##sky pseudomorphs necessary hinge interlay ferruginous stratabound derivation already asthenosp cligga dengfuxian 02 59 6a 7b ak amal fit fres fund lost mott nam p2o5 rod rad sa t3 ubi wang yet ##nes ##12 ##unt ##hs ##iting ##ming ##fels ##ferous ##za ##temp ##alb ##erd ##ering anders ##anced ##ators ##trically ##ustry attemp chim ##vertical shales quartzite seen incons ##liferous unkn abiti industry assay subvertical collection never repro sheared defin precious ##rencite metalliferous terr striations foliated respective equipped became calculate bounded ##ief mesozonal oxyhyd initially cooled 187 petzite hornfels calaver degass edge greisens preferred datab thermometry remaining morb ferrous powd plateau ordovic florencite chromite portions kaolin raft experiments owing completely accuracy connected visible remobilization integrated fairview accelerating fusheng resemb budget transe redistr cleavage acquired reequilibration hwqf ##quitous amalgam mottled ubiquitous unknown abitibi oxyhydrox calaverite ordovician hwqfp 05 48 47 54 air bc bir dart fore hg jiang ling land nist pip rand ried rough wds ##ler ##nary ##no3 ##ging ##td ##cion ##rated ##ike ##moor ##mitted ##32 invo ##anmi ##lear thars ##ign ##igranular ##omet ##eca disch shan ##abas ##therm ##ades who ##quis reliable interbed parisite hydrous plaus indep geophys collector prev pressed composite regolith corrid twin flotation characterization slow microtherm optical crystallizing 197 lateritic manus additionally superimp generate coefficient youanmi crosscuts activities probe ##okite brownhill alternative pathway subsidi genetically globally periods mechanisms response columb pulses fluorine 2665 targe unconformably fabrics episode framboidal preferentially immiscible aureole ##recipit concepcion competent essentially pairs deviation strength ancient ##pendicular anderson chimne redistribution dartmoor riedel tharsis independ subsidiary 2b 7a 81 84 850 99 cf cacl dur dim done eff gently iod iber liz liter ltd md men mud mound tight ##eed ##grou ##of ##hou ##right ##set ##itite ##yond ##mes ##zhen ##6s ##inance ##enn ##ants ##antimony ##isot ##iscan tow ##urs ##romat anisot states stret stromat suture beyond onset stronti seven ##irical unus constitute geodynamic subord clar ##iance ##ario acquis gradients upright δ36s empirical precipitates oxidizing diagenesis ##tained equigranular tellurantimony mno localized thermo elong centered equilibration extending illustrate illustrates zhang conductive carbonatites induced horizons discriminate ##ographic extracted tensor target dendritic limestones evaluate encloses wolfram framboids repetition supports ##osci ##rupole segments variscan infiltration starting recrystallized injection unmix zhonggu substan quadrupole neutral becomes fibrous academy undeformed inconsistent definition degassing roughly plausible superimposed iberian ##group anisotropic acquisition wolframite 04 37 52 76 bush cam ever hno3 ipb kit nu nuc ponti rd rotation sibson trough wadi ##eties ##ah ##avi ##cher ##ua ##hf ##81 ##xi ##flow ##welling ##jing ##ones ##tian ##rey ##ics ##aster tool todor isop isocl ##ilitic ##omas ##omel ##ockwise exist ##veld trail relate interacted plant assigned geosci ##orphous fe2o3 gren reprecipit heavi concentrate indicators notably ##llur peripher perpendicular ##ctolite precurs upwelling grouped mushk bright amorphous uppermost calculation so2 patch continued ##otellur successful expressed details broader 160 angles involvement ##augh spots ##orption ##ikilitic mobilization interactions dilution centur investigate extraction conclusion anomalously assimilated confirmed grove preferential turbidite interest slicken package application lamprophyre remnant gg6 undiscovered stringers susceptibility linglong random interbedded cacl2 strontium bushveld pontiac todorokite 340 420 cre cation eight fut ger giv hyb jx jas just kar mur mounts miao norite pod pike rus rise sle ##lan ##lines ##ged ##cd ##hrey ##den ##iate ##vin ##yan ##inating ##estion ##ice ##osal ##agh ##ulations ##tries recon aspec ##ime ##imer grid fluores ##version diam formula que ##ogram what aguas favo trial hae consols ##udu arrow neoarchean spaced report differ varieties ##comp ##olites syl southwestern defining crushed impro upwards characterize lithostrati poikilitic tien py2 marc infer estimation 264 sets 11b 193 feldspars ##oxene d3edk ##otes bedded nahrey shapes mobility possibility excimer strained remained laborator stillwater cluster prismatic extreme episodes depending orders experimental boninite evaporites ##etovite supporting intergrowths tanami triggered synthetic achieved symplectite ##rock ambient taipingzhen compiled photographs favorable jogs ##cbon stopes permeability overlapping properties sparse fresh lizikeng literature town unmixing ##omelane heavier mushketovite ##otellurides future hybrid miaoya 03 280 220 88 camp cord eq efficient last mla nine pic pop qi run stil tt test une yb zo σ1 ##ef ##lig ##lamp ##af ##nomelane ##cting ##cap ##ule ##uted ##oking ##pnomelane ##zer inst ##entical ##ora ##orts ##icate ##ank ##anal ##aslamp ##osition ##ider ##urian isa rey recoveries aligned ##ila grav ##omm ##oping beg fluct ##oge colored traces ##ession hydrothermally ensure ##ips silurian ##itized eshan prac 101 gradient otherwise termed northwestern explains transten transmitted pool km2 contributed tims originated 2685 become identical so4 neglig supergroup cm2 producing ##versely stratiform distinction deeply curve ##mann na2o opening involves batholiths hangaslamp reached summar argon microscopic freezing volumetrically influx δ2hw extrusive duck calibrated contributions juomas targets cumulates powder needed looking qfp entirely circulation overgrowth advanced specimens pellets accumulation odp liberty hamama vanadian feeder bismuthotellurides paper santa constructed egst embayed alumin funda reproduc database subordinate claras every trails reprecipitation jxa jasper fluorescence haematite marcasite laboratories stilpnomelane ttg fluctu negligible hangaslampi juomasuo 46 43 440 5a 53 8a aim dense fi fed gind iol lad lies session vel vac wu ##lands ##app ##tville ##cing ##ctively ##oted ##don ##vation ##ymme ##press ##farb ##bray inlier ##orn ##ancy ##isible ##isses ##urrent conse alm asymme ##ilent anti ##erer goldfarb prox proto exsolved exists compan ##phase diverse ##thite ##ogens agilent reset ##andong played arra ##arby clast nearby carbonated occup overpress care 109 ##parkes add adular syen shearing defines crush upward ##turned northparkes howards drag pyritic arsenical py3 oxidised equation 121 feldsp plutonic gabbroic insights mesothermal endoskarn methodology halogens normally nanling 180 dacitic greenalite centime millerite komatiitic fission preservation unclear phenocryst allowed allowing 1990 222 errors dispersed positions behaviour burtville networks instrumental projection emphasis cyc cycl leucoxene problem invisible vanadium sensitive montbray sodic 1980s assumption facilitated occasionally microbial continuity rifting ##albie columbite chimneys dimension muds rdg isoclinal sleeper transtension fundamental reproducibility gindalbie arrays adularia montbrayite 1b 3b 4b 5b 56 650 bad barn den dest daugh f3 face gers guang harb hall hard kosh lined lying nol pron pater ram som wit zeal ##cts ##uments ##otia ##rate ##sian ##xin ##pension ##zhou ##burg ##ese andean ##eness ##oring ##orting ##ana ##isten ##isely ##elf ##atter ##tronite readi ##oto sulu excl ##aberd dioritic once resolved ##andine placed able index ##ffite clim leach evol modification scotia analysed indicator micas gradually ##hana ##paration symme sheba ##athic providing shears contrasts pyroxenite microanal trell infill 2680 fractions postd ##tivity localities δ18ow manif ##oxy differential mesh halogen records alkalic 2005 activation smith solidus leads displaying exhibits lamina zhou erup 2014 nontronite anorthos evapor evaporation intrude excess exclud centred counting 360 incorporation 1994 apparently stockworks operating phosphates schists temporally flood branch branco suspension deline sims pyii protolith remobilized immiscibility interesting slickens kilomet vicinity conjunction stoichi laths coldwell titanium asthenosphere powders pipe targeting mdf cameca favored zoisite gravity almandine feldspathic daughter gersdor koshaberd nolanite paterson zealand readily 1c 3a 550 69 900 che carn em eme ehr give ghana kang kogh kbar meren ncc oib rot uwa vec σ2 ##ax ##aoping ##nig ##genetic ##ood ##rind ##ipping ##pt ##bec ##65 ##ky ##jsd ##ont ##onora ##osen ##lex ##lein ##leth ##iderite ##terite ##izon ##romag ##oth sup atomic chosen bend dise shield ##ficiation ##chison true ##liers intern hydra hydrost plates play indeed ##illera arf subtle neither preparation valve spin moving immediate scen southeastern apatitic percent precisely ##ortun accomm plumes underl posada transient drive contribute epoxy disseminations desert destruc vertically plotting 195 ##cepted laterite ##oids polar 155 itself ##aturation pitching finding halos gauth 144 14jsd decreased diorites moly clean curves knipping newly chloritization remark ##iangshan colorless geometries histor historic ##ocrysts fragment zhaoping argue 390 mobil ##ozero proximity daliu intersected document heterogeneity reveals peaks beneficiation thermodynamic 2663 predict ##ultaneous lithounits technique errorchron robert layering cobaltite simultaneous magnesian highlight highlighted gneisses ##quilibrium repeated serpentinized hammer 2655 steps lq1 xrd xrf lobe quality potassic ascending atmospheric hemushan intimately hundreds descriptions interlayered radial birrind discharge independent substantial nucle isopleth century german pods diamond cordillera consequ barnes ##istence laminae emeishan koghb merensky hydraul hydrostatic accommod gauthier daliuhang birrindudu 06 2d 240 310 6b barb ball bacter box bgb c2 das ese fitted hcl imb ky ls m2 mif nels oly p2 pan pau sse vang wo3 xin ##nogh ##41 ##h2o ##sch ##sively ##92 ##66 ##w1 ##wh ##ontein ##arms ##osiderite ##atro ##ural isog coated recovered always ##ained stann ##omb ##ombe suitable atten atlan chu chron sulfosal distur shnogh ##therly ##phot ones onto ##ading strateg seems metabas veining veinlet traced intercon unre ablated ##illac enter closed leonora spaces norsem ##elled scav phil ##ologic ##itively compositionally caun chlorites believed meg varied notable domes gradual silicic upgr thereby spectral proven arcs ##ublic sericitization ##oclastic thicken marks microcline euxin correct swell swarms ida ##ounced postulated ##ieve longitud constraining effectively deepest ellip gmf chemically 270 petrolog millime reaches recognised homogenized selective 2013 carrier soluble weakness workings preference demonstrates self ##ography ssw migration researcher decou tuffaceous operations ##ovian rapidly dependent compressional confirm mcdon regardless bonin physic own accurate serpentinite perspective integration smooth callovian split frequent cadillac pink ##hoe issue utilized enhanced doub hydroxides binary roman channel kaolinitic prevail corridors iodargyrite mentioned stromatolites geosciences murchison ##appear pronounced kilometre gersdorffite disequilibrium consequence olymp isograd sulfosalts metabasal norseman caunter euxinic longitudinal researchers 1a 2c 4a 750 710 aila cat chen categ elu fusion hess jac jumb lal latest ml oct p1 pc p3 pene qaf root squ sli tel twe viable way yam yandong δ66 σ3 ##eted ##lo ##lites ##aite ##uce ##dal ##site ##shang ##yi ##mit ##phere ##pick ##back ##jiang ##rehen ##aling inversion ##itative ##olid ##ashan ##osec ##osedimentary ##idal ##ulating ##acon decomp cox cour coord reaching anion antimony chips ##ech sulph disp dissol discoveries shif share complic comprehen quite quater granul trac ##lian hydroly subh subpro next moz grew healed cup diffusion notation accepted 10b perc adop sheeted crusts bias floor refold lithium pores d2edk microphot microlites europ afric 190 srm averaging bounding ##ounted horses ##theless coarser sider pitch fineness plants tectonics matter half geochemically directed causes salt numb multisolid liquids cangshang activated detector 18o yielding meaning histogram 230 extended marbles argill 2016 handpick solubilities substr hangingwall wider program nanoparticle simply groundwater excluded markedly econom investigation metallogen thermoc decay decades coincides pillowed covering cavity systematics systematically pervasively unlike segregated taking examine ##huian exceptions crackle datasets overgrown huangshuian removed removal protoc envelope trigger ##urgical exceeding opportun reasonable ##frac qualitative statistical john manganese nevertheless foreland geophysical mounds elongated precursor quebec townlands practical federal harbor raman 144nd dashed stannite metabasalt ailaoshan hessite jumbo octa telfer δ66zn ##osecond quaternary subprovin microphotograph horseshoe 68 89 8b crop eure eng fron gyp gap gases hi hamp icbon len myr past roll ske tong teth tested ves venting wass wood ww1 ƒo2 ##lle ##ares ##19 ##cu ##day ##sum ##iy ##ily ##vanite ##ye ##yro ##25 ##mor ##pic ##pge ##for ##fts ##zu ##95 ##bur ##jia ##tis ##timal ##inding ##nded ##erc ##erton ##erry ##erburg ##ench ##arite ##arch ##organ ##orizon ##roded ##anza ##eden ##idence ##atus thross ##tracted ##usively decl conversely ##ocite covers retained als ##vection ##ims grund stp ##sever charge mare ##ectite existed comparing metres ##quency cruc ##pling ##tala relict interp unid abrup indire constit consolid arr clockwise spher sperry northeastern usgs schem carbonation ##ours phyric ##ifically liu ##tood calcium cuts belle chalcocite diffr dominance webs 105 maintain bladed perth persever silicified added syg ##times porphyro upflow tera ##rowing ##cl2 specifically positively texturally explored references lithoge drift brecciation arcu sericitic analyzer extensively optimal swit 125 ideal ##obei aggregation easterly easily 1500 fractal mss msw supply finely fineto ferromag ##memb eventually identif stratified combining broken metasomatised electronic transparent expression ##ocrystalline jiaobei smectite understood 235 reacted assume selection unique ##ject substitute baixiangshan mobilized 410 densities polyphase irregularly terminates coincide selvage power ##villian episodic establ chromitite signals delta regarded science accumulated leucogranite problems necessarily achieve called frequency lamprophyres opposite taipingshan issues ##ulfide 57fe traditional traditionally boudinaged bordered monitored akh ##nesian 187re resemble oxyhydroxide invoked grenvillian slickenlines arrows sylvanite improve ##efontein fluctuations wuyi denotes exclusively anorthosites ##nigan scenario underlain hammerlein barberton imbric decoupling mcdonough lala slivers tweefontein subhorizon eureka gypsum wasserburg throssell abrupt indirect constitu sperrylite perseverance ferromagnesian subhorizontal 1g 320 370 64 63 acan bes bill dong dav fire gp hu hin hum hous kg luminescence mian merg nv ning nubian ong pv ped pile sed td ts tes wind yene ##11 ##oing ##ru ##rig ##ijing ##vic ##mic ##77 ##kite ##35 ##erth ##arce ##orate ##itos ##olation ##lection ##idate ##ela ##trical ##usite ##usta deviations conform ##ocity ##igen rework alas grinding ##omme ##omorp supers att atom attain beijing makes ##amo ##amatic goldfield protracted exact exoskarn existence ##abil compare question sev why trm trun triang faulted abra ##ude arab enough spi span moodies noril concer scarce carbonatitic ##iforn lived hemis acted acicular volcanoclastic 103 ##ansu permis percy adak recomme somewh sometimes ##achitos controvers transverse refining regionally dramatic ##crib microfrac ##amau origins equations outline 196 separating basinal rup fills ##oxide ##entific insight measurement mapachitos halide lineations ultra 140 describe nano shafts californ downward solids plunges milling illite lacks absorption predominates distinctly focuses focusing preserve 2017 2015 closer 170 logging excell dilat pges 36ar technology ##yllite pulver limitations tonnages retrog dispersion pseudosecond pseudomorp phyllite operation operated phosphor unconformities needs loi lengths schief confirms fertilized interface interference uniformly capable converg converted ##theasterly pegmatites enveloping turbidites segment variance duke lobate ##ineralized double quantities reviewed laco willi propagation namely rodin transects microthermometry unusual constitutes periphery lithostratigraphic populations velocity ##ererz proxy overpressured careful syenitic cycle mudstone vector hydraulic scaveng phillip ##appearance jacola penetr coordinates comprehensive siderophile substrate octahedral hiatus hampton marelle diffraction websterite akhtala acanthite ongoing yeneena trunc hemisphere somewhat california pseudosecondary pseudomorphed schiefererz 380 9a 97 apl cp dsm draw fo fil gd gs hunt ku kα kum lord mv mos mis mich mcc mounted pock qh ric ros rou rach ryo s0 sx sand warm xia ʃree δf εhf ##lab ##nerite ##ga ##14 ##current ##uish ##oys ##hal ##diorite ##yman ##mq ##mium ##ping ##bl ##bles ##67 ##kins ##tidal ##ream ##erial ##ential ##atibility ##asi ##osity ##osims ##letal ##ulate ##aches ##uren react asian ascrib ##ows depart ##ett anch anvil depositing stau chall ##ysis shri ##aborate ##tened ##new agate aggene agnew resin tract intermit intertidal ##lest unp suba enc collectively presents greatest scott scatter reports ##ify fully concentric overview overturned whereby 102 ##anshan gradation similarity ads apply preclud impar impact metaluminous volcanics melatro plug ##stream specular brea noble transfer transcurrent refer brief py1 ##ressive synand styl 260 2650 gabbros employ displace displaces fimistonand continent d3b inset inside finer finland matched generating causative banding nanosims detect olig ##istinguish chlorine thrusting carlin explaining approximate lacking hyper hypogene ##ugate homogenous reserve zhu photochemical linking paths 2018 devoid anticl thicknesses organized intersect coexists environmental investigations affect droplet orthog 32s promoted paragenetically mung pyroph needles inputs merlin columnar buried evaluating sharply intensities regarding bonanza interferences ##omagmatic intersections siltstones liberation conceptual fairly chilean aureoles sanin sanyo actual sodium conjugate analogous enhance spreading glacial glaciation intimate procedures romeral ##sio4 debate accretionary tasmanian tasmania 187os resembles microthermometric patchy russian aspects fii polarised kyanite nelson entering physicochemical doubly romanech olympic eluc yamansu course hydrolytic adopted numbers metallogeny subprovince myrme skeletal ##picuous mswd establish besides billion alaska arabian permissive recommended excellent rachaite ryoke δfmq staurolite shrimp aggeneys intermittent melatroctolite ##istinguishable romanechite 67 610 74 8c 94 bt bron bra cand chem dm d5 ded fam flex gross her hen hage hab ipge kl lc lv lock lunn mort master maturation o2 pq pal slu song sides sorting tap tub tons um v2o3 yuan zec zheng ##ltz ##aw ##aic ##ais ##ael ##ni ##nen ##nan ##13 ##tude ##che ##hi ##hom ##hind ##down ##sh ##ston ##iency ##vari ##ym ##84 ##mg ##mond ##xic ##pd ##pit ##fin ##zuo ##55 ##ball ##62 ##khe ##ja ##jiu ##heres ##heider ##tex ##tell ##titic ##inology ##alusite andalusite ##enes ##orbed ##itan ##icam ##asberg ##osing ##ises ##uli ##ulsk thous ##trial ##usamo dehyd ##urst ##urtian ##iguous coales real sturtian sud chib behind ##ticular mam mama ##respective ##restrial prolong disappearance ##ables ##abagh diab dioxide ##thal quant seward ##ighter resid ##assium ##quiv ##quicam cryp ##anded tegh granoph ##ch2 unf elect conspicuous ##illonite subsolid fei clltz valley ##hedra beta moved ##ianite ##ellis scarc ##ifted hezuo ##co3 escap ##ggets 107 apical ##ixed graded alloy silician adr symb southward biogenic ##gend accounts spectr commerc observe albitized complexity slates marti maria microtex synvolcanic 2690 ceased originate idi ##oblastic ##ounting distributions supplied tectonically steel evidenced measuring ##entified coarseand 13c ##rust lineation 2008 stresses austell determining cooler multipl discuss resultant successive irrespective topography xenomorphic probable probability 279 275 greenish overlies overlaps sm2 mountain equilibrated collap leader histories stocksc intensive gover hypers phenom recognition radiometric correlates labrad links globular workers considerably evaporitic ##ougamau intersecting buil centres metallic termination terminology ionization migrated implication decipher 2660 stillwell acids guide metavolcanic incorporate incorporating merc ##aean archaean burial ##nected evaluation branches dengying helium uplifted 2674 2676 pellet emphasized serpentinization ophitic kapan corrections purp miar smoker fused mild room splits ##rocks cadia ##guer ##menellis concepts essential compilation montmor transpressional zhongjiu remnants breakdown potassium santosh statistically atmosphere hydroxide troctolite exposures saw ##unta ##hstein attempts oxyhydroxides duration unusually randomly gives giving karabagh picrite unequiv instance asymmetric crushing centimeter cyclic guangzhou somkhe witt interestingly kangguer supra destruction bacterial chuquicam siliciclastic upgrading millimeter dissolve tracer histograms argillic handpicked economically thermochron protocol opportunity johnston front lenticular ww170 unidentified consolidated arcuate house mianlue pulverized phosphorus rodinia phillips kumasi mosaic pockets subaerial employed photochemically pyrophyllite hagemann lunnon yuanbaoshan zechstein dehydration chibougamau prolonged teghout subsolidus scarcity stockscheider montmorillonite unequivoc somkheto chuquicamata 07 09 2h 3he 4he 5c 590 61 6c 7c 92 az aid bate bag cn cc clu cost city cren eur ecl effic fes fan fly gard gunn gusta ions jap junction jones ker kren lati moss ns n40 national pump rig rain rost sd satis tl tant wacon xi xiao yc ##ev ##em ##eit ##loot ##gera ##tak ##tors ##uer ##ufficient ##oured ##rf ##rich ##rised ##sis ##struc ##io ##ipl ##iff ##2th ##mow ##pan ##fs ##face ##fabric ##werth ##wett ##ko ##kers ##31 ##jo ##onic ##onous ##onomic theore ##ref inverse inhom ##enge ##ormal ##orack ##itant ##ictional ##anc ##anhu ##osmow ##lete ##inger tools ##ager ##acr ##urface ##enty ##ocular coast come reed revers ashan ##iled ##etch ##imanite static ##odos ##omineral ##omitant cha ##economic exsol shad shared shaded compatibility comprised diameters orange ##uck ##ucas ##anged ##ibut quartzites ##umed seam resist ##quan cris criter ##ficial ##liff reli haiy parameter unwe unified indistinguishable feot feather clath claus isotopically move norway ##aping concomitant auhs locate ##ifies southerly calcare hex caucas mexic micros doming weight consisted apy apophys grading gradational lowering alongside advection adela ##ificant recalc deflection preced ternary terrestrial accounting monte reduce orogenesis text studying dolomites albeit brick bracke thickest precipitating microg microfabric trem wallrocks ##graphically design ##priate presently synch facility infold 11a outliers crystallize smallest originating 1986 1200 drilled calculating separately aggregated amphiboles bah δ18osmow mineralogically ##roportion longer continues continue reflection negatively insign insufficient finnigan 13a endmemb ultim normalization changed 2007 flowing 143 peb ##valent 189 take ##bauer voluminous ##ocratic 2720 sillimanite 165 smy count miller sandsloot 232th predominance recognize 702 herein zhao flattened carry nonnen keays narry logged integ elevation polyg diluted viewed dananhu paas 213 drops orthomagmatic minimal buffers tensile assessed pillows cumulative externally approaches appropriate ##vaal conglomerates tends tendency burg evaluated circulating incomplete wave lamellar scientific porgera favour greatly advant 835 pelitic projections streams leucocratic dolostones volcanoes liberated purity problematic cathays undergo 2651 discordance infiltrated distinguishing injected ambiguous unmineralized blewett pinch analogue manganosiderite macro troodos assumptions binocular debris holland channels monitor description amalgamation geophysics twinning duric peripheral reconstruc aspect begin begins vacancy address evolving symmetry trellised slickenside stoichiometric carnmenellis emerg rotated spinel cleaned germany accommodation atlantic disturb strategy interconnected thickening weaknesses frequently categories decompression disproportion africa meaningful rollback crucial constituents merges ningwu attached atoms controversial microfractures kuusamo michael warming xiahe ascribed unpublished elucidate flexural mortar sudden granophyric spectrum bateman euras eclog flysch japan krennerite latitude mossbauer rostorack waconichi theoretical ashanti unweathered clathrate calcareous mexico apophyses adelaide insignificant nonnenwerth narryer disproportionation 08 612 78 aoc aph bsr bind bunn bench cro cel cell dot dra eh ew eroded fp fast fuch foss finger gent gosc growing ia jiu kot krig khal lis lands lind lhr m3 mly mut nad ot public qing rc rud sate sent stern sorted sited viv wet wyman xpl year yanshan ##lore ##nos ##ger ##gus ##tario ##uated ##une ##uard ##oh ##hurst ##rza ##iro ##ios ##ycl ##26 ##mr ##moto ##7sm ##ze ##zil ##wand ##worth ##kou ##ji ##tes ##teen ##tiated ##tified ##iner inval ##atization ##ices ##osil ##ishes ##isla ##idad ##idates ##idden ##agonal ##eled thorite ##tron ##acas ##acities defic debed decline ##ochemistry ##igenetic coop rev ali allu ##ilite ##aining grab ##ode chap ##tics ##ysite ##ocking diss compound ##inea ontario ##adic ##angular ##uma agrees ##qua granoblastic trach hydrated magnetites uns unra unless aband ##tonite waste ##ffers arb argen armen subse subto enable clout classic clark legend au1 sclm carbonatization repul ##ifying ##ifex oblite ##itiv france overlie diffus differs metric microme undiff 205 seriate ##llite ##rared 108 106 apfu alloys perri sheet ##ifications recycl biref implied flon flin ##rane ##unders melted ##vial processed dolomitization undertak ##roxenes northward explore transf geologists suggestive lithic dry driv lauren albitization brag epigenetic martite sketch treated infrared 111 swir averages metasands ##oidal snow localization extensions cratonic constrains match 13b fergus normalised predate changing ##rise ##erentiated 2002 glomer multic nbs stratigraphically olivines depletions nanocrystalline 182 185 mediated elim topographic xenocrysts andesites 2730 broadhurst transitions envis ohmoto sm1 petrogenetic ##aving greenschistto scapolites confidence fisher prospectivity preserving labeled flatter 2012 carrying subsurface ##uping weaker globules universidad accordance attribute coexist metallurgical affecting 215 1992 1997 283 minimize tensors guinea promote juxt pointed directions load hypothe simulation overgrow capture capacity digestion 2675 project fluxes connection ##continent visual author lamprophyric ##ingston reasons enveloped synto synthes 425 sensitiv recrystallised packages roof symplectitic ##omagnetite seem surveys cadmium hinges ##mentioned ##ochth bleached requirement ##cbrza soils ascended haloes quantify macrosc titanomagnetite asthenospheric named saunders transect jiangnan corridor twinned 848 effusive tightly stretch elongate created reconc lithostratigraphy 2645 symplectites pooling so42 overgrowths aluminum ladder companies resetting 1990s dimensions f3b climate pyroxenites trellis manifested excluding internally international findings remarkably historical historically mobilisation documentation simultaneously vanguard xinli attention catacl square shifts granulite cupola declined spherul scheme porphyrobl lithogeochemistry powerful reworking spiked ruptures retrogressed carefully penetrative truncated richer ##kinson anchoring imparted anticlockwise brazil slump collapse labrador efficiency gardiner gunnisla tantalite inhomogeneous shadows crisis feathery clausthal hexagonal caucasus tremolite synchysite cathaysia duricrust disturbance bunny fpel fossil goscombe jiuwand kriging khalil nadoll satellite yanshanian unravel undifferentiated perrierite birefring undertaken juxtap gunnislake jiuwandashan 3c 33s 4c 5f 520 98 ai bog bari bak ct cv coc cock cited caps dag dod dare eocene fc fv fixed gt gibson hold hong hron hanning hagh heden hco3 ives izu jin kont lan lig lop ming mog mature mma miss mbs none oc om oun pis pil put port peng rene roy s3 sms tg tay ug vir wr war wan womb xie yid ze ##lor ##lang ##aud ##aight ##aments ##gasite ##49 ##typ ##tually ##cliff ##uting ##oin ##h2 ##ham ##hore ##habas ##ras ##rating ##iers ##ynt ##yuan ##21 ##27 ##87 ##pu ##pat ##fit ##fec ##fson ##zroy ##bel ##war ##kitic ##39 ##tet ##onian ##tiary ##tization ##ino ##inary ##inian ##esterly andrad inward inliers ##arsen ##anks ##olas ##isk today ##agami thor thsio4 ##acite ##acting ##active dee decan cogenetic ##terrane requ retain realgar returned anat anshan ##imb ##imented grasberg stated stack stabil ##omitable ##oped atac athabas beach beaud ##ysynt ##amorph ##aby ques quar ##angshan ##tency ##neiss ##antom strains straight incip ago contours veined tetr ##chcliff trp trip interior hydration parais pargasite ability indomitable conser arunta suboxic clays nept isotropic prehn leaving spacing modelled modifying motion usa uses ##arges ##arged phantom republic southeasterly ##itis overth cubic cai masses diffract meter variables ##co2 undul 209 ##orda dominate volcanosedimentary blades blank perid shen recumb applying twins twenty bivari tertiary therein interpreting exploit completed commod commenced refine lau laur ##unite albitite brd pyroxenes slope marking sphalerites microc treat wallaby diagnos designed verging sett 119 representation crystallographic swager aft 129 ide geologically mgcl2 polysynt locality δ18oc steeper situation gabbrodiorite superp superterrane constraint meshes ferri ##kaline recording granodiorites cm3 ign lineaments produces 2003 rhyod rhyth bedrock stressed 145 147sm decrepit pend determination nanjing tiny shares rhyolites 274 2700 greenhill 166 1600 1650 enclose ##dington individuals calder downs downstream sm4 solidification colloids displayed 2500 version predominate edges prospecting lamination laminations argues arguments alternate lining 2011 carriers 415 177 175 anticlines ##ogeneity 3000 intrudes dilational attribut organisms detritus hills heterogeneities terminate terminating availability nodule 1999 287 285 fugacities thermochemical thermometer rapitan decision contaminant prediction predictive cobble subdivision exhalation certified dependence difficul confirming phengitic ordered chambers lithologically waight experience ##hua porosity owen advoc advances 2671 deportments devolatil remote 315 protoliths purple purification wedges acceleration subducting milky symplectic automorphic passive exceeds accreted dupl 1988 1987 1983 victor papua breakup viol vienn neutron becoming troilite occasional continuum sunrise fitzroy attempt terrains powdered 197au efforts stretching stretched precursors create population runs unex sessions antiform company occupying 1097 dimensional climatic symmetrical microanaly microanalysis infilled evaporates chec spinifex contributes remarkable lq162 nucleation vangorda splitting prevailed prevailing percolation ##forms arranged 235u gpmr hinchcliff window concern dramatically dilatant williams ##labs department briefly mungari myrmekitic candidates ##ulskite thousands mamacas diablo quanta symbols commercial microtextures purpose miarolitic thermochronological gustafson pumpelly criteria haiyu bracketing bahia 143nd pebble favourable advantage reconstruct binduli fingerprint kotulskite cooperite graben compounds trachy repulse driving braggite fergusonite multicol hypothetical porphyroblasts coco hronsky hannington haghpat mbsf ounces renew taylor virtually yidong athabasca beaudoin incipient triple paraiso neptune prehnite recumbent bivariate diagnostic polysynthetic attributable vienna hinchcliffe 081 2g 2au 2fe 330 5d 58 820 91 aq bis blu bell boun ci cz cas came dul dow fro file gb gaus grown gsw gulf gsd hon har his hier hcbon hingston iles l1 ld lud lile lighter mach mye muping n2 ok oval pli q4 qix rt rul rub raster rye sib tm tent tigh tun tsc tunn talb torn vu vast voids wal wen ways wire wollas westerly zhe zamb zft ##eum ##ln ##l2 ##lf ##late ##afloor ##ny ##gi ##44 ##45 ##tangular ##uing ##oo ##oen ##ool ##dish ##rb ##rmb ##radi ##iogenic ##yer ##yogen ##menting ##mineral ##put ##fine ##fei ##91 ##51 ##bor ##bation ##bell ##with ##wena ##heless ##onu ##tise ##tiful ##reau ##inately ##aline ##alak ##esite ##erra ##erada inev ##enon ##ara ##arith ##oriented ##atives ##ropl ##ito ##iton ##ictic ##anitic ##edl ##edded ##olar ##oshon ##osinian ##leigh ##level ##lector tofr ##agne ##agmatic ##atons ##ulu ##acies ##usted ##urities ##urbation isomer conve ##ocumul forward cotectic rein read rejec recover alt alunite ##ota ##oturbation ##etheless ana anh ##herma grt start stored ##oming ##omated ##ops ##opes sum began ##iong ##ceived ##amme ##rest sulfarsen extin disord discre ##verton shand shoshon ##abilization ##thday ora ##iberg sex ##iring whose agglomer agcl2 rest cryogen cratons tefl fayal mineralizations coloured trond relics interact hydros plans uneconomic ##essar abr industr indosinian lowto ##tonic alterations geor geom ark arid subround subjec subject subtyp sublevel enig feas nev neym valu lea presum spor speed spider spheres spessar modifications imaged northerly ##iana sc2 ##vedges ##allad ##ife ##soidal cany calcitization heated hefei concentrating indices meyer micaceous regular regularly dominates ##tinental 104 corro sourcing adm adap sedimentation rectangular applies apprec crusher twenti bioturbation imper imped impurities flank upd metamict ##kesite tourmalin reddish museum ##stage special complemented transformed transvaal refers lithologic surficial ##ialic lafl laverton crossing thicker wells wallrock faces infras 2630 11c 118 117 115 cementing outward sweden crustally 126 averaged rhod niob ##inches constrictional tectono longitude stere stronger ##entine instit paleogene likewise mats matagami mesob 132 133 ##oteth deformational gave alkalis homogeneity ##versity multistage banda eastward oxygenated transposed mederer thinner expanded tai takes 164 adjust downwards smow centers mountains expertise shallowly ##avor westward southernmost goon classical classifies exhibiting selectively avg photo magnitud preserves erlang pathfin 2019 noteworth carries nonetheless universal workflow exhaus kev considerations logarith differentiate principally selvedges organosedimentary mp4 documents counts technologies hotter affects extract orthoclase greisenization 284 282 migrate permitted contaminated rayleigh 2664 tonnes graphic predicts coincided platy clustered ##30f evenly pseudo promotes obliqu saprock prisms tuffs amongst 8530f approaching homogeneously columns depends circles polymictic naturally chromat chromium examination serpentine intensely falling fallout helt ##hui tetrahedral interflow limbs digested highlights 834 rheology ##etallurgical projected necks emphasizes persistent remove distances cyan conversion enclave luz cementation outlines invari ##tructure coincidence 426 lq21 boudreau gossans milos applicable applicability explanations schematically automet automated killi lavasen 66zn opposed task ##ferropl drillholes blebs 341 belongs seismicity actlabs utilizing obviously exceptionally stokesite dynamics 1109 certainly egp ##bara avoided ccpi holwell interlayers attempted terrigen amalgamated birthday jiangxi ##32s invokes targeted effort slickenf sylvite 2642 campbell efficiently aluminosil lady vacanc proxies occupy overpressure 10970 addressed syenogranite centimeters cycles f3a halls evolve postdate postdates delineated stoichiometry chev ##axial percentage destructive atlantis disturbed interconversion unrelated meguma ellipses petrological pc2 squares sulphide complicated refolding engine england tethys tethyan vesic ##tisation arrange identifying 63cu davies triangular convergent convergence aplite mvt qhb challenge encoun precludes oligoclase hyperfine orthogonal bronzite grossular henry tube coalesced crypt electro martitisation idiomorphic hypersaline phenomenon picrites unequivocally clues seamount movements microgran endmembers ultimately beginning eurasian eclogite aphanitic dotted drake fuchsite gentle linds m3a mlyrmb mutual publications vivianite invalid deficient chapter abanderada armenian recycled snowball envisaged sensitivity barium cocker dodeca loparite mingling mogalak omf pilbara andradite deemed requiring stacked tetraborate ##itisation peridotite superposition rhyodacite violarite pumpellyite multicollector bisulfide bountiful gaussian gswa hierarch ldc pliocene qixia sibao tightening tscherma tunnels talbot tornos wollastonite ##mineralization sulfarsenides extinction disordered discrep shoshonitic cryogenian teflon fayalite subrounded neymark twentieth laflamme infrastructure institut magnitudes erlangping pathfinder noteworthy autometamorph ##ferroplatinum terrigenous vacancies mogalakwena tschermakite 1m 4h 5e 640 7d 830 96 93 915 ahe aes aqua big brom bren brough cin cos cus cheng cyl cathe dai dah daping eth edenite ft fen gw gid gain gou gand garz hr hut icap icbrza jan jig jint kb kon kin kay kare kuan kfs lit life my mir mong mole mudd mosc mrf naz n20 n60 n65 n35 px pw pine pole pix pond pick patin pca rm ring race rushan roles rising risk tar til tail trop tsr ut ur ural vet vide vill vented vedl wat wto write winches xiling xco2 ya zero δd ##emp ##ece ##equ ##ls ##lot ##lim ##lai ##affec ##gant ##gens ##100 ##4cd ##tl ##tau ##cumul ##uv ##uit ##uter ##utite ##uino ##otic ##oting ##oining ##hj ##hol ##halite ##da ##db ##dale ##sn ##sp ##sia ##iations ##vative ##yg ##yre ##yang ##ycher ##800 ##m2 ##mat ##pate ##peng ##po4 ##79 ##76 ##73 ##fies ##found ##zon ##bench ##wacke ##widden ##38 ##qing ##jas ##jus ##te2 ##onents thems ##tious ##tify ##inel ##ints ##inion ##alistic ##eric andre ing inhib ##ened ##ening ##enish ##encing ##ropping ##ita ##icted ##anon ##anar ##anol ##anue ##eda ##edimented ##oling ##olub ##oses ##isons ##isker ##idium ##idge ##elli ##elves ##ularities ##track ##trada ##trained ##acal ##acular dehk iso ##ocal forced comes comond retur reorgan alley areal depicted ##lum anne anast anhui ##imber stall stands stained ##odior ##omosing chr chal chill bee bear beaver maghem ##tices ##ysdale mao ##amid ##amst proved exemp disag ##artman shang shut shaz shards ##abilities ##thers compex compares computer diversity quoted ##aden ##umin seal seas sema sealed whisker agcl ##ighb ##ighting metaborate resol resedimented ##quot critic team ##ongshan granules granule ##plate ##play ##planar ##chuan trn trf traps tracing triton ##lia relating reliance interplay ##leswidden park hydrohalite plain plays union unable unst unaffec elegant typified assays ##udi geolas arti collect neighb preex valid valence leg spain spier spars spycher ##roneous imm northeasterly greece ##ians concurrent aug scrc scaled locating intracon obsc obuas ##ometers ##so4 fulvic hekou indication ca2 caution capped ##rost variogram estrada ##ordi serve serra ##gget regia ackn irons domal sectors signs ##arna lateto ##pect corroded ree2o3 lowermost ##onde adcumul shelf defiance biased impure imposed imposs flak flash proponents ##viplanar mono monomineral speciation speculated underpl underlie zirconium commun suggestion foliations drysdale ##uber contradic albitisation analyte analyzing epr epic slopes ##ocline marley mariana maranon ##resses ##critical microorgan ##prising ##pruit sie sierra equally enriching ##orementioned optim becker iiia outlier pd2 amyg aforementioned originates 124 ##cepts fractionates mns metasediment ##cpdb solely poles 158 159 ##ropong maninga manner discs additions insolub evolutionary meso particle sink spectacular standardization ptx initiated ##sm0 ##ibuting 2009 beduino flowed 1400 402 ##lineau molec multiphase liquidus lasted lasting brothers ##walls esm1 esm2 describes nanosc nanonu transporting curral curviplanar newfound oceans spectrometers nava 305 topic thinning expelled greenfield ##licting adjoining caled equilibria fewer axinite fragmented brownfield travel confid conflicting classify predominately radii hook botry photos focussed singer conduct argument erroneous 2010 closest 4000 subset reflectance darker nonm exsolutions working isochore principl borate device inducing ##royed principle discriminating intruding demonstrating intersects buoy redoxcline 5000 60ni counter mechanical 36s 754 75as accordingly pulled 1995 1996 281 mylonites implicit implicate unconsolid endowed 2662 calibrate calibrations predictions 323 ##ething tension slabs promising promoting june pointing ##ovsk cumulus balances balleswidden kaap 0000 exhalites 290 equivocal chalcedonic s155 floyd circulated 335 1000ln delayed raised cobaltian magnesite overgrowing highlighting δ13cpdb hypotheses accurately turbul fluxing equivalents persists distant shortly accumulations thirty convert envelopes displacements affil segozero seismogenic triggering 2657 outlining glassy accompanying pseudomorphic 717 719 smoky smokers ##tructures accelerated aeros uraninite ##bergitic bubbles inherit 7900 freiberg kilometer competing substituting 004 008 interlocking peralkaline substages actually ##umbla resembl construction fmq ##frames sufficiently daye wiluna debated stringer fe3o4 permeable ferricre overlapped susceptible 7700 holistic rifts ##ostratigraphic alumina 2728 akropong reproduced terrain databases kaolinization discharges prevent columbia andersonian chimney independently 8100 substantially nuggets nugget nuclear geoscience grenville creating russia inferring instances summarize summarised summarizes aims antiforms destabilization destroyed something manifest eruption erupted evaporated evaporative exclude slickensides ehr81 ##652 bends transiently mobilised accommodated xinjiang attenuated chronology unrealistic megacr upgraded thickened swellable ellipsoidal petrologic isograds catal refolded europe europium african microphotographs tongren woodall interpillow spherical schemes maintains lithogeochemical expressions substitutes chromitites imbricated dongma humic pedogenic sedex tdm2 conformably supersaturated supersaturation triangle 103rh adakite doublet williamst scavenged scavenging drawing roset routine challeng 10240 adsorbed oligocene fiii habit songpan resident unfavor multiplier govern mildly cnk ccra rigid satisfy ##emite reversal chaffers resistant ##quanzi reliability recalculated preceded infolded integra polygonal rudall aliquot alluvial obliterated diffuse transferred 111cd metasandstone captured ##ochthonous macroscopic spherulitic birefringent dagger fvsm0 hedenbergitic portug penglai wombin zeiss ##fect thorium atacama questions conservative overthrus diffractometer undulose laurite duplicate duluth honman ruled rubidium walker wireframes sextet trondhj industrial geometallurgical subjected subtypes enigmatic feasible nevada valuable leaves spessartine canyon adapted tourmalinization rhodonite taihua goonumbla logarithmic chromatography cyanide luzong invariably aluminosilicate chevron engineering vesicles cryptocrystalline drakewalls hierarchical discrepancy instituto autometamorphism brenan cuspate cylind cathelineau ethanol gidgi garze jintang karelia kuanping mirr muddy moscow nazari racetrack utm veta video villanue vedlozero winchester themselves dehkordi comondu return anastomosing ##odioritic maghemite exemplified shazly semail unaffected preexisting sparsely scrc0 intracontinental obuasi impossible flaky monomineralic microorganisms insoluble nanoscale nanonuggets newfoundland navajo principles buoyant unconsolidated megacrys williamstown trondhjemite villanueva 2σ 210 3e 385 4e 430 470 490 460 5h 580 6g 6d 720 9d 9b 920 981 a1 ay aided bol bing bat bure bod bsem bcr bore buck cb cul cib cast ches d0 don days dup dfluid doped ec f1 fos fel fila fte2 gul gse gab gond gains gaps gode hs hy han hus hil him hud hope il ire ival jen jul jus jsm jaw kt kut lr l2 let lec leng lme logn lange larc lomb m6 mw mit mot mim mari motte mik nit n50 n85 natro n25 oil oik pm page pang pum ples pill pear puch panning pallad qiu r2 rose ramb rams ronde sv sen sor sad sav siber sialic tp tag tib tene uv uoc v4 vh v6 v3 vise wavy xcl yu yant ybs zi zk zartman δ5 μg σree ##eus ##las ##lith ##lity ##litude ##loch ##ave ##ajas ##na ##nb ##nate ##nel ##nace ##gur ##granular ##18 ##42 ##ci ##cer ##cel ##crest ##uk ##uis ##uata ##uker ##uquan ##oon ##ozo ##hab ##haus ##hman ##hozero ##des ##dat ##dao ##rin ##rical ##rates ##rie ##sb ##she ##sal ##stim ##sonite ##sedimentary ##van ##vium ##yn ##yag ##2b ##82 ##mich ##mically ##m95 ##po ##phe ##fall ##fact ##zak ##97 ##bon ##bro ##berite ##bber ##bration ##6d ##63 ##620 ##6fe ##wan ##wler ##wana ##kot ##kudu ##37 ##33 ##qq ##jos ##jah ##teent ##onet thematic ##inrich ##allum ##nding ##ndip ##ests ##erical ##erture ofw int inver inversely ##ente ##enas ##arves ##orogenic ##atinite ##icated ##icou ##ictite ##olating ##asted ##leted ##lebration ##idually toc tous ##agic ##agonite ##eline ##ato ##atte ##aturing ##ulates ##ulian ##ulsion thios ##tridge dead ##urable ##urri isv isan isol convection ##ocian ##octa ##ocean ##ocont force cook coaxial codes rend rech alg alp minas minute ash asp ##izhou depression ##otonous ##etre ##etate ##ether ann antig anha annot anning grant std ##opol attained atkinson cho chi chao charged chicou ##oub bead ##yssal maw ##ames ##amination ##amways ##amane ##amidal ##erestim goldand promp proli protec exer disrup dismemb shore shandong computed compressive ##phrite quxi ##ogabb ##ogether ##add ##ador ##aday ##ucity ##ucane figures ##ummond ##nean strass strict seques search ##ira ##irn incoming agent ##ostatis metre contour ##quh ##andesite tephrite granny ##chlore tramways ##lik relies intercepts hydrom ##utah paras parge parkes partridge plastic unnam unfr aberd indis indoch induce lows lowered consum altering assisted geother geostatis artic aragonite ens enab enarg entered encomp feand featuring cla clan neil neand neoteth nephe highs highand prere preand prelim learn spong ##hedron modally modest ##mbly ims concre au9 scre scan scand scans ##aya ##oury objec canon ##itius ##itised hemati height heinrich overc ##maqing cub ##imilar ##genesis variolitic ##coelite undep underestim wherein esua servic acetate ##tina webber 1086 ##arnota consistency butt apex aperture corp coron ##ardite ##uez blind blanks ##ondu assembly pertur perfect ##parts adve adequ sheets ##actionated ##timi bio biocl biological replicate replenish proposal monotonous plumb somewhere ##statte ##acht novel explos exploring ##sening geologist referen suggestions litho lithof majorand dried drummond surprising laoshan ##unts crosses tie tier tiks pyramid contrary contributing arsenides albitic bring brack bruker analyze epoch sladen mark martin maraz pyrrhotites δ34scd extents dissemination micrograph microdiorite oxidising deser desulf barometry synsedimentary verg eu2 269 2692 opd opinion generalized 1100 celebration outlying outwards crystallised americ 194 1985 1960 122 127 123 increments incremental mn2 mnand amplitude ##inawa mg4 ##fty niuata develops mixtures 152 156 localizing soon coars coarsening reduct baja ##formance tectonostratigraphic rimming measurable fillings furnace negates pitca paleoc find fining finds finucane supercontinent supercritical mesoarchean 137 1300 ferberite gao gawler changs generates 2006 galenas determinations coolbro nb2o5 numerical bandurri firstly combinations ##values nanometer detecting 181 transpressive curved curtin newcrest elan ##manus napp shaquanzi chlorargyrite younging observable andesine opened 1640 individually carmen carlo carajas comparisons sm3 smel petrogenesis introduc experts huangmaqing approximation approximated ##ustrine ##ocryst 231 ##plex 252 browns travers traject hypidi versa fissure copperbel exhibited homogenizes edwards assumes radiating summit select ##80c losses boul spotted photon magnification orientated alternated mmol offer ##ikat accessible accessories proportional globe 176 1700 demand influences influential keep heterogranular logical ##tanding ##hai prefer selen d1edk dilute ##persed organised periodic outcropping centro paucity rivers investigating interspersed narrower 7500 tonian technical datum extrap isochrons orthopyroxenite orthocumul correspondingly 225 87rb migrating benefit remainder 2661 2669 322 325 graywacke behave platform volatility distinguishes guiy assessing operational ##ova balmat phosphosiderite syenites behaviors neto powell pyrochlore priority 291 295 293 2900 faro faraday loose qfm instruments merge schorl school moderateto ivsi clayton transportation outstanding circular penikat tenors sustain dividing 332 339 intensively 3500 delamination raw ##huashan appearance exceptional increasingly pacmanus tetraferroplatinum favors cape capability δ13cc 2672 hypothesized pelagic continuously emphasised δ114cd cdt persisted ##oyne accumulate quantity 3100 511 protuber authigen purified submic turbidity constants 2658 glasses invest invaded infiltrating icpmsdat widths damming lq32 lq95 starts started failed shells recrystallisation boudins hannover miles roamane autochthonous passed ##rocher seeming 828 8230 contemporaneously 007 duplex qtz2 1989 ophiolitic pinwar vice substage belonging papers deviate intraocean breaks relevance helps utilizes vijus statistics quadr construct buffering 95mo buddington joined ##ulfate tranos hemley glaciogenic ##ovice gneissic ophiolites embedded facilitate facilitating lacustrine ##barrow propagate propagated boudinage border borders ##tiaho sparry 59co rodrig radiation wangbaoshan budgets unknowns forearc strengths dimin mention ##ennian stromatolitic thermofin 522 isoplot successfully centurion karim diamictite 88sr camps piche practice 101ru asymmetry 121sb transtensional guangxi exclusion postdated 200567 zhoujia eruptions anorthositic excludes ehr80c kanggur vectors nucleated hydraulically balls ballard chukot chronologic boninitic boninites physico doubt category roots anionic sulphur shifted complicates granulites tracers percolated european handpicking protocols opportunities crops tonga declining interpolation perthitic switch switches switched 125te 1256d identifies imbrication indirectly constituent david humid testing conformable reworked attaining exactly sevan sevunts spikes concerning adakitic 1964 rupture dilatational drawn filtered mvc misoriented mccallum roscoelite adsorption stylolite stylolites detectable orthogneiss mungall myrmekite deduc deditius famatinite famennian hercy habits lv49 locked ##chell cryptic escape 107ag governed phenomena build deciphering ww170652 unequivocal 59077 bagas crenulation fes2 kerrich rainfall ##acraton exsolve exsolving ##ucki microsp microstructures monteiro microfabrics 1893 smythe 70295 integral burgstatte burgoyne incompletely undergoes emerging landscap otjos qingdao ##jiaping revised dissimilar argentite argentina subsection subseafloor micrometric 205tl laurentia laurentian glomerocrysts synthesis cataclasite slumping fossils juxtaposed juxtaposition bakker capsules konttiaho lanari ligands wraps warr decanting anatase stabilize caijiaping 209bi commodity albitites treatment settling idea ferrihydrite ignition decrepitation pendarves difficulty advocated devolatilized microanalyzer trachyandesite renewed bluish czarnota downdip gbm95 harlik okinawa tentatively tuned zambian rejects altogether agglomerates hydrosulfide abraded arkose presumably corrobor 118sn niobian mesobands slickenfiber 109709 encountered microgranite lindsley 1mx 91500 fenitization gwb kayla patinas tailings ingress reorganization chalice resolve unstable elegantly neighboring ironstones adcumulates epiclastic metasediments molecular botryoidal counterparts turbulent 71992 aerosol inheritance freibergite challenging government cylindrical mirror bingham bureau chesley dupuis foster gaboury gondwana godefroy hyc himu hudson ireland lognormal larcombe lombador mitchell motutah mikucki oikocrysts plesovice pearce puchner ramsay svg saddle siberian tibet tenement vhms visean yantai ybsn zipper δ56fe ##eusser ##teenth tousuquan ##ocontact antigorite anhaeusser anninghe chaotic chicoutimi dismembered ##ogabbro strassberg pargee parkeston unnamed unfractionated aberdare indochina geotherm geostatistical enargite encompass nepheline undepleted esuajah services lithofacies tikshozero marazion δ34scdt micrographs niuatahi pitcairn bandurrias trajectory hypidiomorphic copperbelt guiyang authigenic icpmsdatacal seemingly pinwarian intraoceanic rodriguez thermofinnigan 20056780 chukotka otjosondu motutahi 010 070 060 2θ 2h2o 3f 3fe 4g 4f 480 5g 530 5fe 6e 6f 620 630 7g 7f 780 8g 8h 8d 840 815 9e 950 910 ao a2 amm amo aker aishan bour bgr bok berg beller batter carb cata camb dor dms dst daz dwell denn daw dulsk et eigh era eina eman ebur fec fia feng fifty frost gh gan gel gat grow gels gams gci hart hens hack hub hotte hidden iid iae jar jose jium jub judd joch james kre kal kos kong kcl kun kint kuang kimber ln lang lous lap lard list lance libr lrees lcbrza mj mold mere mree mcl mumin nn n7 nur nome name n10 n30 n90 nimb ov oy pn ps pec pich pour pmm pep pual punta rar ras rog rib rir rip sro sher sab swe tor tide tang till tip teng tropic uq v2 vit v2o5 w5 wing wand word worm worth wri wulian xu x2 xf xishan xiong yt yve yud yalg zv zarm zimb μω σv σpge ##ez ##eb ##ek ##emer ##loc ##lod ##ligou ##ake ##aved ##akes ##niangshan ##normal ##gar ##git ##gis ##gopol ##4o ##4b ##tte ##tke ##turing ##tory ##tmann ##cheng ##cada ##ctonic ##uy ##ux ##uum ##uably ##uities ##oed ##ooc ##off ##oying ##hold ##hir ##hole ##hling ##dl ##dan ##dell ##dales ##drid ##rs ##rim ##rier ##ius ##ipp ##ierite ##vus ##vinc ##viron ##vitization ##vsk ##ynes ##2si ##mn ##mater ##mia ##mins ##magmatic ##xiang ##piment ##posed ##fq ##far ##fan ##formation ##feng ##zh ##zen ##zge ##59 ##53 ##bow ##bir ##bations ##bach ##bei ##64 ##68 ##win ##wal ##wig ##wood ##wacht ##kop ##keng ##kinel ##3he ##3o4 ##qtz ##jocian ##tek ##test ##onom theme ##tie ##timati ##till ##tized ##rea ##reic ##inter ##inally ##iners ##inert ##aly ##alate ##alach ##alysis ##erli inser inorgan ##enched ##encer ##enuk ##aric ##aran ##arat ##arra ##orb ##orne ##orms ##atib ##roof ##itz ##itor ##itably ##ica ##icz ##iction ##icates ##icto ##olic ##olly ##olism ##olai ##oliated ##asc ##ason ##asia ##lected ##leaved ##isable ##isters ##atero ##ido ##idy ##idine ##iday tod tomich ##ago ##elitic ##elko ##elreic ##aty ##atarg ##uly ##ulite ##uling ##ulloch thom thres thund thier ##tration ##trieved ##training ##ithostatic ##aca ##acion ##acive ##ustion ##uster dewater degr ##lysis isua isdell cone conce connate convinc ##ocarbon ##igo ##igur forty ##tionally cored covari cogit reid reich reven reques reject received retrieved alfar minnes ##illi ##ilian ##ilms ##ilst ##ilatero ##izable ##otyp ##otaite anhyd ##yramidal graca stabilities ##odou ##omon ##omes ##omite ##opically ##opelko sui suff suited suturing atlas ##sected champ chaling beak ##yst ##yses ##amite ##amagne golding ##resolved prolate extra exert exiting exerc exotic expect disk dispar disper disapp disloc distill dissected ##verwacht shu shab shuang shosh ##aba ##abar ##abwe ##abie ##abyssal ##abolism compens compact ##phine diat divalent diocta onverwacht ##thing ##thart quies quick quenched or3 orpiment ##ogang ##ogenetic ##ady ##adonite ##adically ##ucl2 ##ango ##anges ##angniangshan ##ibou quartzand ##uese ##tensen ##umah strip strun strange stradd stricto sealing seym ##irmed incur wholly whilst ##ously agents aghs ##ostress ##ightest metap metabolism contoured resone resorbed restraining veget vega ##assification ##quet ##quartz ##quisite granville granodioritic basta colour colors colours ##cha ##chong ##chun ##china ##mative trap trav truly relic relates relieved relax intertek interleaved hayman haynes haerli ##utter ##utang hydrolitic plac unpre united unzon unroof unresolved ##erites abd abnormal lowers consens consumed wash ##fformation assist assign sulfideand ##kevic geo geote oxford oxalate arizon arises ##orphic subdu subgroup subeconomic entry entra ##002 neall neody neogene premineralization vale lease presenting presumed spoon spencer modes ##mber mo4 moho usts ##apf ##apir conclud scaling ##entric ##ayu ##aymas phoen ##ilee ##ociation ##atau intrins intricate intracraton ##arios formational ##ifero orogens lihir richterite ##ghs ##soid ##tober frank frictional ##ersutite hematitic heights inclined magmatically sigmo indications cuand caue caob meinert undulations undoub 203 esc este estimati served serves ##ggy ##gging ##ggongshan dolgopol ##hemist regrowth regularities acting accept acute ironand priv dominating volcanology ##tinct 10a 1030 ##pectral coral corren ##arded allochth maintained ree3 ##hannel blan peru perthite perceived performance perkinel silicon adding genalysis recur appalach defocus tw14 biom biof impart imprec flame flakes upta upstream apatiteand replacive dynam accent proposes ##turbed ##viation moncada ##clasts stripped tourmalines characterisation geocentric geochemist ##achite ##achmann interprets explo ##ralithostatic completion differently ##ctional laizhou laodou po7 poore pools arcgis muscovitization ##yao biotiteand ti4 pyrargyrite pyrito brt brighter brightest pyrop slack ##eposition markers marls marooc fieldwork ##crt ##crip ##ogenesis δ34sv δ34sp contentious sklod microbe desrocher barrier ##gregation siting verified ##inson cassidy facing inference inferences 268 2600 option options sectional 11d 116 113 cements pdb amasia smallto 12a 12c 128 1280 fractionate ##auss src drillco sequential pressured amplified ids bounds postmineralization postmagmatic ##inav ##tiveness midcontinent rhomb afterwards niangniangshan developing developments polars controller ##incible amphibolitic snake lessons 151 153 localising so3 abovementioned suppress bau bafq bajocian rui ruthart tectonothermal longsh manning steady ##ophon ##ophistic continents discipl strongest evolutional possess pitches paleoge paleoto paleostress ##cedented superior superprobe planet planning matte mesoto particulate 135 fertile sinuous sinks endocontact replacements normalising δ18ov δ18oh2o δ18oquartz cmca generic pty productive productivity monzogran monzogabbro 504b 2004 ultras 149 146 ##meable ##hydore timefr firstand oliver combine combusted combustion effectiveness lasail middlemost bulchina oxygenation 1800 know totally mediate elson elvan ##mani ##manent nav shahab 304 foundation irradi topograph chloro ##baix ##baikeng dolerites 278 27al 2710 2731 jiaolai doe matrices 161 16o 168 1680 transitioning caribou comparatively adjusted downhole centim introduce geometrically involve couple mills millim yilmia ##itsi ##itsch collage huanglong huangbaikeng ##oki structureless 253 reacts reactive goal hyphen hypabyssal confus confines configur h2te surrounds recognising recognisable recognizable 709 705 703 7084 edx edale edax radio radius summed aven hoef hofformation boa boiled zhuan magnet argide arguing arguably correlating labmater osi osbur releasing alternation erzge ##arzun uncomm mmt mmis mmto ##ika subsidence accessed fourth possibilities universally workbench isocon isocho progression actinol 171 173 1710 gangcha anorthite consideration clinoch clinozo polycrystalline attractive malanite malachite malmani periodically coexistence danzhou paid earthqua rio metallogenetic interstices terminated 365 mylon extracting partitioned 21n 211 214 216 ionic 1991 1998 1993 peaking thermally 2210 288 860 migrates gravel permit ##ollen decade minimization fluorocarbon calibrant 328 3225 grayish behaves platt d4b morris mortensen 902 concordance acidity guaymas yangshan ##wuzi ##ellingite jump assessments operate cobre cobbles coverage documenting baltic balanced muhling heterogeneously kaersutite sulfidic needle incorporates exhalite 297 29si loaded loellingite purely iocgs 241 242 burke pleoch ##issance ##issipp circle circum circulate penge tenor polymodal branching division 337 3300 roby falls rahman experimentally magnesio xiangshan xiangfan physics fertilization pacquet vani innermost interfing advance highlands regressions 2678 832 837 839 repeat emphasize serpentinites persist connect connecting ##continental millions quantitatively 312 od11 visc visually ##tectonic offsetting ##umption converge 55mn luan ##irectional centering behavioral turbiditic tank seismically rheologically intercalations 6000 invent invincible micronto equals 712 damage lq84 morphological morphologies sensu contemporary calling nmr road roasting splay splays injections autonom f24 passing entrained linkam competency diagenetically 001 005 bleb lobes qtz1 qtz3 discontinuities orbicule 1981 1984 favoring 346 72620 sanidine victory ferritization ferrifero procedural ddhs utility vio viability vielreic analogy enhances spreadshe exposes discontinuously fibre fibers join joint undisturbed 110cd quantification synchronously embolite reviews cleavages strengite substitutions ancaster stoped propagates propagating microbially avoiding 77se bordering wnwto property 2727 interlayer 029 026 aktau fresia rodded ##untau collections jiangligou pipes ##ikekudu invoking shanks slower slowly 1971 1979 99ru durango iodp iodine menggongshan ##ennan stromatolite sutured clarke neutralization definitions 375 768 camer rd2 troughs ##uaenuk isoclinally grenne muruntau reconna queens improved 193ir stillwaterite cordierite lastly nineteenth picture ybn ##after instant 1011 10191 distinctions summarizing aluminium everywhere jasperoid fluctuation 431 439 aimed laden velas asymmetrical py3i endoskarns cyclops mudstones badr destabil guangji harbour hallberg halliday harder leachate microanalyses manifests smithsonite zhouchong excessed delineation delineate delineating slickensided eminers ##nigri supralithostatic supcrt scenarios 195pt cleaning ballarat bacterially boxes nelspruit panel panels panjia ##while chronological strategic strategies scavenge philips provenance correctly idaho 2705 millimetric smoothing pinkish channeled channelized olympus yamarna decomposed sulphate dissolves hydrolysis numbered argillaceous programs metallogenesis thermocalc subprovinces 89y vesicular vesuv ##193 unidirectional consolidation 105pd maintaining porphyroclasts upflowing arcuation identifiable abruptly gpa hugging nvg pedogenesis tsnigri tescan testify adakites microfracture 1963 2015a retrogression penetrating aplitic cps cpy cpx misfit roux routin sx100 reactor anchored preclude detectors homogenously anticlinal fiiib establishing intermittently chemex chemocline lvg lv45 palyn tapuaenuk tubular thousand realized realistic mamatarg diabase unfoliated electromag conspicuously escaped escaping symbol commercially microtextural multiplied hyperspectral mercier miarolic thermochronology azumah club kern rainbow sda satisfies xiaojiang resistance reliably deflections microgranular infolding 1986a endmember ultimate 189os smythite county polygons macroand suddenly eurasia eclogites crofty celes celadonite otago revise alluvium dissociation unstrained 205pb 108pd transformation dryness metasandstones glomerocryst 185re eliminating attributes overgrows visualization macroscopically reconcile reconciled cataclastic spherulites unraveling birefringence bogda bogeda kontak missing mississipp ocelli october pisolitic tgst waning xiekeng ##h2s anatom quarry republican commodities refinement microchemical settled ideas ignored rhythmic rhythmically caldera calderas 177hf difficulties victoria unexpected 109744 microanalytical checked renewable aqikekudu froth frozen luders ludwig machine machines vughs vuggy ##radiogenic inevitable inevitably convex reinfor readings recoverable georg george sporadic sporadically admix appreciable impermeable updated obliquity obliquely arrangement arrangements dodecahedra bromargyrite broughm costs daily dahutang gandun konopelko monger pxrf pixel ponded picking tarim tilted tropical yaogang ##pengxi andreasberg annealing stalled chilled beebe disaggregation shangdan shuttle computerised critically artificial legacy immers augusta obscured variograms acknowled underplating community contradicts sieved amygdales caledonian traveled nonmineralized kaapvaal affiliation resembling ferricrete ehr81c rosettes unfavorably aliquots fvsm041 portuguese overthrusting scrc012 megacrystic culm castle filament huston hilton letters leco langevin pumice palladium rambler sorter zk50 thiosulfate isolate recharge alpine annual beads prolific protecting strictly hydromorphic parasitic indistinct enabled neotethys prerequisite preliminary spongy concretions scandinav perturbations advected adequately bioclasts replenishment plumbing referenced brackets deserved 194pt reductants nappe introduces traverses selenium 7500a orthocumulate sustainability protuberances submicron duplexes quadrilatero deduced microspheres landscape corroborated ammon amoeb akera bokitsi bellerophon camborne dmss dstn dennis dulski etc einaudi emanating eburnean gatan gamsberg hensbarrow hacks hubert hottest iaea jarosite josephine jiumao jubilee jochum kintyre kuangou lousal lapilli larder lancefield merely mclennan nneto n75 nuratau nimbus oyarzun peculi pourbaix peperites rarity raskevic ribbon rirgs tengtie tropicana words xishanyao yvette yalgoo zvyag zarmitan zimbabwe ##vski ##birge inorganic thomson threshold thiery dewatering convincing covariations cogitore alfaro minnesotaite anhydrous ##amagnetic disperse disappears shuangpengxi shoshonite dioctahedral strunian seymour resonetics travis relaxation haerlike unprecedented unzoned unroofing consensus geotectonic arizona entrapped neodymium spooner conclude phoenix intrinsically intracratonic undoubted estimating dolgopolova corrensite allochthon perkinelmer appalachians defocused biofilms uptake poorer pyrope maroochydore sklodg microbeam desrochers snakepit longshot ##ophisticated paleogeographic timeframe elsonian shahabi topographically huanglongpu 70846 hoefs hofformationn zhuanqiao osburn erzgebirge uncommon isochores clinochlore clinozoisite pleochro vielreicher spreadsheet reconnaissance panjiawuzi vesuvianite tapuaenuku mamatarget aqikekuduke yaogangxian raskevicius 050 020 1d 1x 1σ 1to 2e 2l 2f 2o4 3w 3σ 3mg 432 4h2o 4lith 5i 5j 532 5sio4 680 670 690 615 641 6fec 7e 7h 730 790 760 8e 8m 880 810 8h2o 9g 9c 9ca 9mg aar aand ama aef aucl2 bh bx bit bus bil bom bock bart buc bip bole bond boor bort bare babb batch bigg blund banshan bdl cw cit cum cess cari cst c20 cust cliff crest dg ds df dre dro ding dus dum dred darb dore dual dams dcb dict docking dabie ea ero eib ech eigen f5 fal fle fate fet fart fide fang fand fenite faced f15 fonse fades g2 gf gk gj ged gle gig get gam gres gib gues gial gun gould gamb goug gera gained h4 hb h3 hø hit hat hod hou hch hun hint hark hok hbl hulu hso4 iic iim iib ito igg iolite izo iris ja jr ji jj jor jing jud jun jsd jimber kh kr ks k2 ken kol kat kast kra kran kund kram kaz krus kind kingston kisters ll lm lx lz lb les lic lag lel lou lace lian lue liling lumines lyang luster loki m1 m4 mr mf mz mb mun mft matur macl mother mrees munn nt nh nr nin nos nat nain nom nto nun nested n15 oz opper oder oman omitted pu pad pamp pina pears pomer pelite puna psi pw1 q2 qm qinc qqq qilian qapf rn ren roc rut rive rhen rie ross s4 sf sag sass soci sole squid sao squi sorption tb tal tart tuc tand tall tied tren tick tann ttn tbs uz ull va vg v1 vo vv von vil vess vibr vsm vims ws wy wig wong wud wra wise warp wudi xl x1 xy x8 xp xil xiti xue xish yan yag yich yarm yashan yrie zw zar zot zhen z51 αsp δx σs ##ey ##ele ##eter ##evite ##effec ##emisc ##emic ##lon ##lus ##lock ##lark ##lamaque ##lov ##aa ##ament ##aren ##aie ##aerg ##ault ##aotan ##aardite ##no ##nis ##nian ##nens ##nium ##nick ##nik ##naugh ##nabar ##gren ##gie ##gressive ##1ir ##tk ##tan ##tam ##tock ##tosecond ##tollen ##cf ##cin ##cro ##col ##cas ##cur ##cou ##cut ##cess ##cke ##cun ##chemical ##cken ##cup ##cceed ##combe ##czak ##uw ##uj ##uation ##uate ##uot ##uab ##uary ##uke ##utile ##uha ##utious ##o5 ##oan ##oul ##oand ##oren ##otitic ##hy ##hot ##hous ##hive ##hst ##hors ##hrc ##hla ##hire ##das ##dig ##dian ##dner ##deposition ##rued ##s8 ##ster ##stone ##shu ##sberg ##strained ##iac ##iom ##iver ##iab ##iad ##ivi ##iably ##ivers ##iug ##iwan ##vd ##vent ##vant ##vosp ##vana ##vara ##yen ##yun ##ytical ##yfr ##230 ##2sio4 ##830 ##044 ##min ##mar ##mite ##mel ##map ##mens ##mments ##mark ##miao ##mont ##mtosecond ##xing ##xts ##xia ##xiong ##pa ##pin ##ply ##pher ##pens ##fi ##f5 ##from ##fang ##fli ##fton ##fie ##fo2 ##fits ##fying ##forth ##fushan ##fontein ##firmed ##fnium ##zz ##zel ##zari ##zers ##zyl ##zishan ##zler ##57 ##bal ##bid ##big ##bling ##bao ##600 ##610 ##619 ##whe ##wis ##wang ##wings ##kh ##kj ##kα ##kro ##kure ##kum ##kist ##kiew ##kony ##34 ##ql ##jar ##jacent ##hear ##healed ##teng ##tech ##tegg ##tegr ##tesc ##tefact ##onk ##oned ##onides ##ontin ##onance ##onker theses ##tium ##tierite ##tives ##titive ##reat ##rect ##reiber ##related ##inar ##inic ##incl ##inites ##infie ##integr ##alent ##alitic ##alkaline ##altegg ##nds ##es2 ##eside ##eschist ##erts ##erlein ##erhaus ##eruke inwards intend inex inherent inactive ineffec inaa ##enor ##encl ##environ ##arian ##aroa ##aroo ##orf ##orith ##orated ##orage ##ortium ##orrect ##rog ##rogen ##itu ##ital ##itation ##itle ##itat ##itter ##itten ##itob ##itors ##itophile ##itational ##itories ##itcin ##itarian ##ication ##icheng ##ictization ##any ##anes ##aned ##aning ##anch ##ancing ##anbei ##eds ##olin ##olec ##olth ##olations ##olfi ##asm ##asz ##aser ##asant ##ashear ##osic ##osely ##osulfide ##ationally ##leum ##isd ##isel ##isko ##isica ##inge ##ington ##idic ##idas ##idou ##idment ##idating ##idao ##idging ##elan ##elia ##elita ##eluot ##atal ##atage ##atog ##atable ##atoric ##atsite ##ulun tho thins thomas thio ##tria ##acher ##ustal ##ushed ##usens deall deines ##urization ##urisation ##enthal isom isob isometric cond conduction contig ##ocun ##ochron ##ocoll ##ige ##iger ##igne ##igner ##iguing formal fortesc coating code coded copi coming coiled comments cousens ##terpre rear rece requilibr reiter reversely reappear reappearance rech2 aln aland alto altit aluminous alente al2si alhrc mind miner minera as1 aside asasz ##ilu ##ili ##ilic ##ilan ##izer ##vere ##veat ##romator depress depressed ##luten ##lucent ##otal ##otroph ##etres anth ancy anorogenic ##aint ##ainless ##imon ##imen ##imuth mineralic ##tsch ##tstollen ##herm ##herically grv gruy granges station stot stamp stace stun storage stainless ##odally ##oma ##omena ##oproxene ##opallad suffers succeed chur chata chip chack charges ##outh ##oudi begs bears beishan beige ##ions ##nga ##ngelia ##ysville ##yshire ##ysocoll max maar maas maier madrid maidment ##mentation ##aming ##amount ##amulun ##ecke fluence fluvial prove disad disreg discover disks disintegr ##artmentation ##ichrom ##malite shading shidao ##abe ##abeng compli comput compress complies compluten compartmentation ##phy ##phosph die diapir ##inear oneto ##thmite or4 or20 ##ado ##adation ##uccess ##angi ##angdi ##ibia ##ibers ##ibone ##tenthal ##netic ##neath ##neisses ##antz strand strauss sembl seyfr severe ##irdner incidence incorrect ag1 aged agraw agnes agno3 aggressive aguab ##iese metag metatur ##ppard ##ppled resis rests respond resurg residing resorption resonance vearn veinand crm crater cr2o3 ##anda ##anding ##ydal teut granada granitophile ##plus ##platy failing collu ##chang ##chco3 try train truc triv training ##liable ##liao relvas ##ypt ##ypool interven interrup intercepted interrelated happ haup havana hafnium hakure hydrating ##utos paramount hydrofrac hydrophosph magnetiteto plated unam unch unity unav unspec unrec unoriented unradiogenic unbal unhealed unanch abuts abiogenic indones lowlands typify typifies consort consult consumption consortium washed ##illa ##ills ##udorf geob geomorph gebre geof geographic geoh gebel geteng arth artefact ##orphs subc subtr subper subcl subsol subangular subcontinental enl enorm enters enables ##001 ##00f feg fe4 feti femtosecond feysville clari collective neares neuma neudorf prem preval leo leone leux lewis presput spg spur spik sputter evans modify ##mbering mo6 moor moves motiv moeda imer normative composites ##apo concave colleaguesows au3 auand auoh scall scope scrim sizeable ##asebach phl phreat ##ocities locus occuren ##ipation ##ipment intriguing reporting ##ifer ##ifts ##iform souza lily liang oberth obatog silt silty ##ometries ##ght calco friction fraser frantz frutos helex heilan overbur overwhe ##ensitive ##enstock cuo cukα capping caves cautious caveat ##rosion ##rosmalite chloriteand believe ##canaba chalcoand ##imentary differing megh memor mealy meisel ##genous ##co0 micrite michen micritic undulating undistinguishable 208 202h esper esuha escanaba actively price dominic volcanological ##oseafloor ##tini ##tinson wei weishan weitz 1050 1060 1067 ##ansion corund corner corrosion alloc allibone reeval blade blaste ##sional unitherm perring permission perime peroxide perovsk permanent assembled ##paramagnetic adds admitted adiab geng shepher shengelia sheppard recl recurrent appe defant deflected twice ##ctural biwe biomineral bierlein precluded impacts imputed ##rents flr flush flanks ##geour upgrade metamictization replicated accounted accrued proposing traceable melange melville melkony month monocl monoch monocline monosulfide monecke ##cled characterise characterizing characterizes characterises mush specul ##achment underlies underpin underneath zirconolite notion noting nova noire ##moola ##moolth explor explores ppge ##istory ##istocene provinc complement transcr transform transmission translucent geologia refined ##aret ##arela drc drastic draining drivers drifts lai lakes laeter ##unct poured pohla pokro arctic biotites sericitized contribut contrasted timisk timmins albany prime bras bris bray brings brachmann briug brf5 bridging brushed py4 pyrosmalite complexation complexing eps slit slush marz marsch mararoa empa empire ##crystal sericiteand ##liegend δ34si δ34sf skaerg microand microbi microplaty treo wallaroo ##graphical oxidant descent descend ##aks ##akhst ##akivi ##prise barra barring sio presentation respects synop synform synorogenic syntectonic limonite limiting verte vermic verify verios equant equator equipment inflow inflection 261 263 2620 2640 2611 opx optically opemisc hematiteand tellerhaus 114 112 1150 cega ##omatic crystallinity amino amato swelling afc 1900 1970 191ir 12b secondly fractionating ##ailable sr2 mni mnz metasom sequenti displacing ample ##obsen calculates margaret separator aggregations mga regionalto midto electrical solve solomon solonker aftersh poland politic ##incor fineand easy easier 15a 1520 1590 feldtmann ##thetic considers localize localisation localise msc supplying reductive baie rule ru65 δ18odol δ18osiderite tectonism longmen longmens manually steam steens sits westernmost evidences ##ophyllite ##ophilic onega continually ##volved ##oxing ##oxikeng furong negated negra insensitive evolutions pitted paleoteth paleoseafloor superparamagnetic sideriteand matching mattinson mesocumul particulates 134 139 136 13yd 1360 ferry ferhy sinter sinters endemic methodologies halvers ulvosp gaisko gairdner oxygens normalizing predates changzhou changchun δ18oqtz pt2 initiation initiates initiatives linearly producer producers monzodioritic 50a 501 5030 meltau meltcu bedard ##bergite 142 1450 gloy glasebach ##mei ##meaning ##lming ##lingworth ##termined paragenes paragneiss eventual austria 409 salvara saligne galt pea determines nbo centric mollus ilmenor youjiang multiply eastwards timeball olive manyeruke middleton brookite brocken bulge bulgar blocky depleting esm4 activate activations activators transposition curvil currents footn knabeng totalling cutoff jurisd lightto weatherley elba elatsite ##mannite nai na2b tinv tinto shaw shaerd shaxiong shaoxing dacaotan 302 3050 3080 irg irms irrad thinly expose expend expresses expulsion expansion chlorides chloritised tapping tapped ta2o5 taolin taocun taoxikeng tug ##rett detachment probabil 271 277 276 273 2719 2714 sillito doing broadlands 167 169 1620 1635 ##3si co2and synclinal envision northernmost pyroxeneand matrixes matrixto carap ohnens comparative adjunct bathurst bathonian ##gett petrochemical petroleum petrographical ##endonk ##dup shaping shapiro geometrical shallowest ##ava plunged ##anned milled millenn ##itsa ##itsin nwr stockp stockhol yilgangi 237 axios axiom 255 25mg trajec lacked ##ognized frenzel confusion confining conforms classes classed ##inders characteristically h2po4 ##umulus illustration recognise recognizing recognises homogenize homogenizing 704 7050 7092 7031 edr ediac ##nessed radially hereafter laminar footwalls boom bo15 zhuang conducting conductivity labram osch2 alternately northwestto northwestward mmg offers anything microscale handling 391 392 398 solubilization singleton profitable granitoidand ##kenny baixo seminal semyen proportionally strikingly stip stippled fourteen maxima maximize harzburg harzbur sband turned turfs schistose schistosity widens widgie geochronometer geochronologic 414 418 416 universite boulders worksh isochemical isocons isochors tripp 172 178 179 1750 zrc induction influencing nanoprecipit garnets keith heterovalent heterogenous ##402 clinoproxene simpson simplest daly denser densely log10 logfo2 amphibolites discrimin discriminated discriminant ##bekist silverton ##haw elevations demonstration demonstrably excitation polyhedral dilated views viewer viewing viewpo attracted organization organise mediumand ##arthur itabiritic outcomes coexisted danfeng hadid irregularities earthy rielli 5001 602 605 countries mechanically metalloids interstrati terminations 362 gashes gasbench hotplate tianpeng tianhuashan ##iorso progressed progressing extrusion isochrone 218 217 2100 pulp pulsed 22a 229 22b 2200 289 286 2800 2810 878 875 headed offshore ridolfi εndi εnd830 contexts zonings benefits implicated implicates implicating thermoge thermometers rapakivi decant decayed minimized minimizes fluoride uncontam unconstrained unconfirmed reactivity cherty 2667 2666 erratic interstitially graphical ##tori ##tories 327 3270 807 809 collisions 909 906 acidified guo guided yangxin phyllosil promise jung jueluot sapro ferrolysis jinshan balzers mule mufushan shortened immobility 0009 00000 854 approached reflectivity entities directional 86sr800 292 2950 2930 farms farquh look loosely circled kinetic mertierite henceforth gabbronoritic responses schul schoen schreiber schaltegg 248 245 246 2400 24mg burra ivy ivan pleasant pleistocene segregate floating mckn mcnaugh mcarthur penn pennes incompatibility incompatib polymorphs branched brannerite suspend sustained 338 333 roberts monzonites 357 355 delim helz raab raise raising raises raeside altai experiencing simulations simonet unifying observational bona porcel porcup pyiib pyiia dataswith 455 vancou favours interfering uniformity uniformitarian capane digiti δ13chco3 2679 projects projecting csl csul csil csiro repetitive emphasizing supportive 65cu personal connects connector distorted shortwa accumulating architectural bottoms 31p 51v 512 515 5170 5126 visitor thirds thirteen ##arsite converts strecke streaks formerly intercumulus extremophile bouzari lujiang ##swiese pacifico affinities hami tancheng ##bsite 2656 discordia erosive microns syntaxial 716 7135 functions varian ##85a infiltrate coinciding 421 aerial aerially fusing hmd lq41 morphotyp sensor tabulated ##kaido fails lemarch recrystallize erosional achie bubbling callao callagh hannula iceman packed roed ##fe3 feeders feedback massifs applications δ13cv 014 018 015 013 791 7976 autoclastic automatic kilometers kilkenny exceeded seek ag2s entrance 660 822 82se ambae ambitle unmineral angularity huangshannan 002 bleaching blended duitsch dunga ##hrab compilations montagne reasonably 349 725 pinching ##wawin wavelengths bismuthinite bifs deviatoric intraplate breaking helped jemi potash quadru ##umbite backscatter prominently lherzolites 384 gg1 gg5 joins joints atmospherically hydroxy undissolved appendices 1108 glacially boronand quantified quantifying robustly robustness cathodolumin manganoan egypt mac73 liebig redissolved academic academia wilk wilson wilkinson stoping undete acquire microbes microbands 445 44ca 626 6200 7000 hollingworth rifted ##orescent tracked monitors 2721 2724 5910 akinfie fitting funded names namibia rods radtke sawawin wangu wangxiang ##1280 terrace terraced degassed transected transecting 484 47ti 4779 airbor jiangshan pipeto randall interbeds prevents 1977 1975 1973 independence 816 lizardite geodynamics subordinated unmixed 5226 765 ##uaig reprecipitated extractions slickenline cationic karst murrin rusted ##lana ##lanca queen favoured 2648 hybridization 8800 nineteen running unevolved ##analytical reykj gravitational ensures pooled na2o2 alumino fluctuating 537 fioren velocities vacuum wuhan consecu antithetic compania occupied occupancy upwardly dragon 1217 centimetric denver destor halloys prone ramana somincor witnessed evolves infilling 2014a suspensions delineates kilometres stoichiometries 9000 chewings emulsion ehr82 kangdian rotliegend ##beckite bending bendigo percentages ##ortunately underlined mobilize repeatedly nucleate nucleus accommodate bacteria hclo4 imbedded kyzyl ls002 unreason unreliable enterprise megashear elliptical 2704 2708 petrology petrologia millimeters decoupled mcdonald channeling 7104 7109 chenzhou eluviation jacobsen pc1 ##daloidal decomposition coordinated anions shifting complicate comprehensively granulitization cuprite percolating 1905 srm9 sideritic halfway substrates economy economical cavityand octahedra 8900 fronts lensoid myriad rollinson skew tongue woodie woodlark woodcut ww179 ##zuela ##bury ##jiahe ##jiaxi interpolated 1053 porphyroclastic mswds establishes deltaplus 187rech2 imbricate imbricates dongchuan davis hinted human housed merging pedolith pedological sedr sedimented tests ##ruver ##773 seventy controversy 1969 phosphorous loihi doublets rodinian vectoring scavengers phillipsite truncates aplites filon films filomena gda mcculloch mccuaig qh12 richest sxd sx50 sandy ##labø departure departament encour encaps 10239 adsorb precluding imparting stylolitic hyperprobe enhancement 187osch2 fiiia elucidating bronze candidate herz herron henan henley locking slumbering umtk ##aisky ##ni4 ##136 ##shuping coalesces quantax residue unfortunately martitization martitized idioblastic multiplication discussing collapsed built building buildup metavolcaniclastic mercator mercado purposes 59073 61ni aztec azimuth bags crenulations gustavite junctions pumping rainwater sdd tlf xihuashan ##joen reverses reversed chaos seamounts criterion haiyang recalculation recalculating precedes bracketed bahama pebbles 1654 zhaoyuan 2137 advantages macrocrystalline reconstructed emergent emergence aphyric cropping crofton celia dots dravite fuchs gentler lisle listric lisitsin landsort lindgren lhr59 mlyb mutually qinghu rudnick deficiency unsophisticated unsuccess abandoned arborescent armenia obliteration micrometer micrometers 106pd recycling explorers nbs19 nbs18 182w eliminated envisage sm1e sm1f visualize synthesized sensitivities brazilian labradorian 982 baker fvt hongxia hedenbergite jinjing jinmei ligand pisoliths portable written waruw waned wombacher xiema ##tetter decanted retains stabilising atacamite questioned quartile overthrust diffractometry exploitation lautenthal microchemistry decrepitated decisions devolatilisation victorian victorious unexposed check checking trachyte 2auhs 2feo 2fe3o4 aqishan blueschist czech dowling gbw okhot q4a rastering zambuj ##putable convective reinterpre reader agglomerate hydrosphere abrasion arkosic presuming corroding admixed appreciably imperative impeded impeding niobium stereonet mesobanded adjustment adjustable exhaust exhausted exhaustive 28290 slickenfibers electrodeposition lindsay dodecahedron brought cinnabar costech chengshuping gouge gandarela hr800 hutti icapq janet january litlabø myers mongol pixels picked tarmoola tilting tropsch urquh uralite watson watkinson yaoling δdfluid ##intsevite andreas inhibited inhibits isoferroplatinum isoenthal stalling christ chrysocoll beehive disagree seasonal agcl4 agcl3 criticism collectors immature august obscure acknowledge underplated communities contradiction optimization optimized amygdaloidal caledonides confident confidential ##ovskaya 00004 affiliated resemblance ferricretes manifestation unrealistically catalyst rosette 102405 unfavorable portugal scrc015 2105 490c 490b boliv bolnis batatal bodmin buckling buckled donors felted felutite gulson gulangdi ilt jenkins julin justify lengshu lengjiaxi mimic mariam marialitic nitrogen pangushan pillar pillars senior savard ##rink intact invert rendering algorith algoma ashwal depressions annotated annotations stdgl prompted exerted disruption disrupted sequestration consumes consuming articles ensialic claypool learned learning ims1280 screw screening objective objectives hematization overcome cubanite underestimation underestimated buttresses corporation corona perfectly proposals desulfid desulfurization vergent vergence 2696 america american coarsest paleochannel changsha changsanbei smelting summitville boulter 176hf keeps preferably extrapolations investment 0074 diminish diminishes 52239 52285a hercynite hercynian warrant geothermometry 2005678049 0601 5fe1 bourlamaque bergman battery carbide dorr dazzler dawangshan eighteen fecl2 ghiorso kretsch kalatage kositcin kunyang kimberley langu libraries molds pichon roger ripley sheraton torsional uqac worthwhile yudovskaya ##4o7 ##zhuang inserted todberg thunder degraded concealed revenue requeson suffered champion beaker exercise disparity dislocations distilled compensate diatre quiescence straddles incursion metapelitic vegetation relicts placer abnormally assignment subdued franklin sigmoidal escarp blanca recurren biomolec imprecise dynamically accentuated exploited po727 pyritohedra ##cript drillcores disciplines monzogranites ultrasonic irradiated centimetre millimetre hyphenated configuration radioactive avenues actinolitization earthquake mylonitic fluorocarbonates morrison jumping interfingers advancement viscosity luanjiahe inventory autonomous cameron rd2773 instantaneous 101917 velasco destabilisation zhouchongcun supcrt92 routinely palynologic electromagnetic celestite mississippian anatomy georgia admixture immersed acknowledged zk501 scandinavian ammonium amoeboid peculiarities zvyagintsevite undoubtedly pleochroism 9caal aarja amazon bhvo bittern bombs bockswiese barton bipyramidal boleo boorara bortnik barely bigger blundy banshanpu cwr cessation carius custom dusty dredged darbyshire dictated eibenstock eigenvalues false fleet fetotal fonseca gleaned gresens gibbsite guest gialoudi gouldie gambit gouges gerais h43 h3po4 høydal hattori hodkiew hunan harker hokkaido iggcas izokh irish jahn jorc jingshan judg jimberlana k2cro kolb kastner kraemer kranendonk kundana kramers kazakhst krusch lesher licl lelang louis lianyun lyangar maturity maclaren munni nrwa nathan nomencl nunes oppermann puzz paddington pampe pearson pomeroy pw17 qincheng rnc roche ruttan riebeckite sfms sagenite sassolite squire tartan tucson tandem trench tanner uzbekist ullmannite vvw viljoen vibrations vsmow wiggett wrapped xilamulun xitian xishimen yichun yarmarna yrieix zwart zaraisky zotov zhenyuan ##house ##digit ##pensive ##biditic ##wangmiao ##inclusions intended inexpensive ineffective ##itoba dealloying isomolar isobaric contiguous ##ochronology ##igneraie fortescue coatings copiapo requilibration reiterated alentejo al2sio5 depressurisation ##otrophic anthophyllite ancylite gruyere grangesberg stampfli stacey stunning ##opalladinite chataigneraie chacko disadvant compliant compressibility complutense semblana seyfried agrawal aguablanca metaturbiditic resurgent vearncombe teutonic trivalent intervening interruption hauptstollen hakurei unavailable unspecified unrecognized unbalanced unanchored indonesia consultants geomorphology geofisica geohistory getengling subperpendicular subclassification subsolvus enormous clarify nearest neumayr leuxoxene spiky motivation scalloped scrimgeour phreatomagmatic occurence oberthur obatogamau overburden overwhelming memorial michenerite 202hg esperanza esuhaja dominican corundum blastesis perimeter perovskite adiabatic shepherd biomineralization melkonyan monocl4 monochromator underpinning ##mooltha transcrustal pokrovski contributor timiskaming brachmannsberg slushball marschall skaergaardite microbiota vermiculite equatorial opemisca tellerhauser 1970s sequentially aftershock δ18odolomite longmenshan paleotethyan ferhythmite halverson ulvospinel gaiskoe gloyn parageneses salvaraja ilmenorutile bulgaria curvilinear knabengruver elbaite shaerdelan shaxiongdong irradiation probabilistic sillitoe envisioned ohnenstetter stockholm trajectories 70923 ediacaran bo1551 semyenov harzburgite turfspruit widgiemooltha workshops nanoprecipitates viewpoint interstratified thermogeochronology uncontaminated jueluotage farquhar schoenly schaltegger mcknight mcnaughton penneshaw suspended simonetti porcelain porcupine vancouver capanema shortwave 71354 morphotypes lemarchant callaghans unmineralised duitschland jemielita quadruple hollingworthite akinfiev airborne 52263 reykjanes fiorentini halloysite ramanaidou kyzylkum unreasonable woodcutters departamento 102397 adsorbing unsuccessful hongxiaqiao waruwari okhotsk zambujal reinterpreted urquhart yaolinghe isoenthalpic chrysocolla bolnisi lengshuikeng kretschmar biomolecules bortnikov hodkiewicz k2cro7 kazakhstan lianyunshan nomenclature uzbekistan 1e 1l 1i 1f 1j 2δ 2nd 2and 2co 2co2 3g 3o 3r 3i 3j 3to 3o2 3h2 4l 4t 4i 4π 4so 4by 4h2 5l 5n 5m 5to 510 586 5h2o 6h 6i 6j 6co 686 685 6ca 681 611 677 6co2 7r 7i 7j 740 784 8f 8j 84s 8au 881 8h2s 9p 940 970 990 932 941 911 913 931 ae ah a6 a3 ati ait ale aul aac ave aog aqu aud ams aoshan ahk azn aiding aquit ayan alex ah2 awar a3he ah2s aasm bn b4 bs ber bic bos bow bab bost bia bans buld bst bach bsm bald buch boug budd bust bsc bering benn bomb banks bsn bsp b3he bachmann cj cis cag cmp cres cart cab cerite cip cros cose card cmm crow c2o caton cities crown cuch catch casts cams coch cards crock cips c3he dl da dn dp dz db dw diz dys dang dick dun dabb dcp dug dau dental doug davy dabas doping dmit dwar dropping dichrom danda ee ey ef eag ems eob ety etre efr eoarchean eche eilu eimon eichrom fu fy fx fas foc fuc fum fant falc foci fix fined father fits f20 fash fenn faster fule foping fese fading fangshan fux fasc faint ges gar gly gil gow geral got god gess gmb gif gole gans guld gail gual gob galle gone gets gdi gsc gathered ghou ghf gansu guren gham gedl gartman gvd h1 hx hp h9 hmp hur hain hine held hari home hco hue hick hout hough hob hina hind hushan harp hrees hds hoch hqf hls hpo4 huber hnb hira huling i1 io ip ib iw iδ iter iab iand iap iran icel jc jf jb j3 jon jed jol jil jim jou jang jund jach jade jsc joy jimp jcu jager java ko kf kes kor kro kle kag kel kul kus kent kou kam kost kand kinga keng kao koz koj kirk kars kosk klin ksi kola klein kusamo ketch koh kolar ksp kaden lg l4 lp lf l3 lite lid lil lain lys luc lib loci lip latite lund lach lough lore lope lish lushan lists lust liles latitic lcbon lh2o lanc lwith lomon mk mas mom mse muc mant malc mto miti mens marly math mist mism meng mald moshan mds moth mounting mfs nl ng n4 nc np n5 nk nj nic nas nis nag nil nut nct nath nak nie nald nao nyl n70 ngu n12 n55 n45 nrb n100 n38 n33 nacion nabar nql nationally nions ove oak oven oolitic ogs omit omor ooh p4 p0 pf pus pim pion png puc pir pace pay pest pediment paz pinc piston pause piling p10 pier piles pank pinches pasc paint panalytical qt qc qx q5 qq qib qie qiang qbs qiong r1 rs r3 ron rol ration rag rum ramp rong rale rox rav rind roz r2o3 romer rses rust roj rational raged ryan rank rises renish rita r33 rabie s8 smp sve sot sop sold stic sam sich scc sary shed sene say sip stent stim sort sak s50 sail sons sme stit sadi sgs s32 sonora sorbed sato sisters sauss sophisticated sql tn tf tati tet tyr tam ties tut tud tally tarn torm tint tao t20 toll tks tula tips tidal tighter trost tulloch tcf tiger uc uh u6 uw upp umb uaz ugr uo2 ubs uhr vl vc vr vp vf v5 vass vene vso vial venti vaugh vh2o vpd wi w2 wx w7 wq wag wir wut wff warn ware wai wbs wards werd wlf winter worms xe xg xm x3 xian xick xser xins xier xuan xzn x12 xcd xh2o xoh y2 yx yz yin ying yat yand yong yates york yaya za zp zf z6 zal zer zel zim zang zwe zind zarz zaf ɑfe ɛnd ɛhf βyb βhf δn δox δdh δ26 δso4 λv λ3 λ14 λ87 μl σn σrey σh2s ##ee ##eu ##ej ##etent ##ehan ##eered ##eva ##eira ##eemer ##lg ##lb ##len ##lid ##lain ##lant ##lms ##loorlie ##lak ##listic ##lope ##lish ##lasts ##lomer ##lars ##lusite ##lamo ##locking ##limentary ##aq ##aal ##aur ##aig ##avo ##away ##aoshan ##aont ##avalent ##aesite ##aucl2 ##aphy ##nm ##nk ##nar ##nro ##nation ##niz ##net ##nated ##nock ##nant ##nand ##nia ##nip ##nest ##nolog ##night ##nonite ##nore ##nible ##nels ##nie ##naries ##nish ##nier ##nov ##nais ##noh ##nitoba ##gas ##gate ##got ##gou ##gec ##gang ##gir ##gass ##gran ##gins ##gogenic ##guang ##galite ##gmr ##gangshan ##gayu ##g600 ##16 ##48 ##400 ##441 ##tt ##tw ##tation ##tag ##tly ##tot ##top ##tang ##tles ##table ##tun ##trop ##tav ##tup ##tner ##tagami ##cg ##cs ##cx ##car ##cil ##cies ##cles ##cian ##citic ##carbon ##case ##cale ##colite ##certain ##coll ##cipl ##coming ##uh ##ui ##uf ##uen ##uro ##uite ##uat ##uow ##uition ##uir ##upp ##uans ##uks ##ueto ##utian ##uzer ##uumed ##ught ##o8 ##oes ##otr ##oyp ##oides ##oard ##ovi ##ovite ##oint ##oquent ##oked ##oise ##ohr ##o15 ##o12 ##otron ##oarsen ##ohedron ##hb ##hul ##how ##him ##hia ##hug ##hik ##htak ##hlore ##hara ##hongshan ##haran ##hika ##hlg ##dr ##dy ##df ##dol ##dis ##dam ##dton ##dick ##doug ##dese ##dohr ##rte ##rag ##rab ##ride ##rum ##rally ##ria ##rip ##rick ##rach ##races ##rified ##rik ##racts ##rks ##rinite ##rdor ##runn ##ragh ##rime ##ryst ##ss ##s5 ##sar ##sing ##sts ##stic ##sell ##sap ##sence ##sating ##sible ##ship ##sav ##syl ##siderite ##sterite ##saw ##sulfate ##sidic ##south ##ij ##ias ##ioc ##iere ##ience ##iya ##ique ##iors ##iological ##iada ##iochemical ##iomorphic ##iversity ##iente ##ihongshan ##vs ##vm ##vp ##vag ##vig ##vine ##vature ##vary ##vally ##vive ##vene ##viment ##vue ##vents ##vsky ##villa ##vuat ##yf ##yle ##you ##ych ##yell ##ymo ##yok ##ynite ##ycite ##yko ##yangshan ##28 ##29 ##2al ##2ar ##232 ##213 ##2nb ##2400 ##8t ##8b ##83 ##870 ##841 ##08 ##06 ##049 ##0441 ##mos ##mid ##mag ##mac ##mim ##mine ##mant ##mitic ##mory ##mised ##mount ##mons ##mnite ##mizes ##mora ##mours ##mixed ##mara ##mhol ##mouth ##mills ##xl ##xp ##xite ##xul ##xistent ##pe ##pm ##pte ##ped ##pac ##part ##pide ##pass ##pill ##pans ##pie ##puts ##polar ##pey ##72 ##78 ##7f ##7pb ##720 ##735 ##f2 ##fw ##fal ##fite ##fed ##fol ##fur ##fig ##fold ##fad ##fill ##feld ##fran ##fined ##foot ##ftening ##fley ##fellow ##fdal ##facies ##finders ##zr ##zor ##zic ##zens ##zied ##zonal ##zew ##zero ##zones ##zhi ##zonian ##zhai ##zczak ##98 ##911 ##9s5 ##54 ##58 ##550 ##5o8 ##5232 ##bc ##ban ##bou ##bad ##bable ##bents ##bula ##bolitic ##bane ##bett ##banded ##brink ##board ##6a ##61 ##69 ##660 ##612 ##631 ##6o15 ##wl ##wer ##woz ##wackes ##wley ##westerly ##wangshan ##wulu ##witz ##kg ##ki ##kon ##kre ##kin ##kan ##kas ##kis ##kass ##kest ##kare ##kob ##kuang ##kha ##kinite ##kho ##kola ##khana ##kham ##kinian ##kmim ##3u ##3sm ##33s ##366 ##363 ##3o12 ##3kg ##q1 ##qmap ##ju ##jin ##jud ##jins ##jok ##jik ##jita ##jeva ##αqtz ##σs ##hee ##hez ##hero ##heet ##heim ##head ##hered ##hematic ##heating ##hell ##hesion ##hexian ##hekou ##helms ##tel ##tea ##tees ##tets ##teth ##tective ##tezu ##onen ##onis ##onate ##onch ##onorm ##onolith ##onets ##onolitic ##onential ##ontinental ##oncur theor theory thesis thelon ##tir ##tier ##tios ##tiate ##tipl ##tians ##tio2 ##tizing ##tifies ##reh ##rew ##retion ##rene ##reous ##rell ##rected ##requent ##reech ##rending ##renean ##ini ##ink ##inod ##inse ##inten ##inting ##iness ##inard ##inct ##inner ##inarily ##inhu ##inants ##inifex ##inova ##inuro ##alop ##alment ##alib ##alum ##alli ##ality ##alell ##alia ##alability ##alup ##alacas ##nder ##ndari ##ndao ##nderg ##ndinger ##ndeposition ##estic ##esting ##esch ##esma ##ery ##erm ##eration ##erate ##erly ##erot ##erim ##eritic ##ergen ##erge ##erding ##erice ##erras ##ernible andalu of1 offic inro inac inqu invite inland invas intre inequ inhab inasm innov inyok ##ener ##enot ##envol ##entime ##enik ##enker ##enberg ##enci ##enhaus ##enzuela ##arin ##aras ##arid ##arted ##arad ##arant ##arting ##arap ##arack ##aracter ##arman ##arked ##artition ##aroles ##arometry ##arometric ##arching ##arisons ##arju ##ori ##orum ##orates ##orize ##oria ##orating ##or27 ##orido ##orously ##ormative ##or29 ##rok ##roys ##rout ##rook ##ropped ##roko ##itas ##iture ##itain ##itch ##itak ##itao ##itability ##itario ##itrea ##itrified ##ittees ##ico ##icy ##icle ##icately ##icled ##iceous ##ictions ##icious ##icontin ##itenb ##anu ##ano ##ani ##anen ##anag ##anse ##anorite ##anco ##anha ##anzishan ##anitas ##anani ##eded ##edas ##edom ##edke ##edish ##olm ##oltic ##olam ##olab ##olvus ##olumbite ##asu ##aso ##asel ##aston ##asian ##astin ##aspec ##asites ##ashes ##aso4 ##asolid ##asvally ##asjok ##osts ##osyste ##osities ##osov ##osurface ##oshui ##ostructures ##ositories ##lek ##leod ##leys ##leton ##letin ##leau ##lemented ##lemen ##lewood ##lemnite ##letizing ##isa ##isen ##isco ##isug ##ispers ##isks ##isier ##iscence ##isler ##ische ##istration ##atever ##atenation ##ingie ##idally ##iderg ##ideline topped toxic ##aga ##agos ##agent ##agou ##agant ##agari ##agraph ##agua ##agerial ##agger ##agnant ##elo ##elle ##elve ##elting ##elible ##elites ##elier ##elarra ##elicz ##ats ##atoph ##atomic ##atched ##atche ##attner ##atzied ##ull ##ulo ##ulting ##ulsen ##ulator ##ulously ##ulsar ##ultipl throm thum thms thsm tho2 thaba thioc thalli ##tram ##trand ##trong ##trally ##trating ##trium ##trients ##ithme ##acock ##acong ##acture ##acitic ##actin ##acond ##acogen ##acrystal ##acoes ##uso ##usi ##used ##usiv ##ussite ##uszczak deion dece deut devo dealing demeaning deyell dewulu ##ura ##ury ##uride ##urai ##uritized ##urprising ##urposed ##urui ##urmount ##entree ##lytic isodynamic isolation ishi ishika conical conian conund convol conde condon ##occo ##ocheng ##ocolumbite ##igt ##igm ##igan ##ighed ##igun ##igonal ##igator ##igning ##iguow ##igonis forces forcing forster fortun forsterite ##tionary co3 coin coom coub cohes coka coesite cowan covary cohesion ##urer ##ures ##tering ##terland ##terlies ##terberg ##terby ##terbury ##terdam ##terisks rex reop rever reten regen revi reun reward rehom remanent reheating reagent reused al6 al3 aliz alve alene alia alco alard aliv alsi align alice aljus alkmim aligning aref mina ministry minjar asi asx as3 asand asia aspro as2o3 asimp asank ascertain asrik asmara asterisks ##ild ##ilon ##ilts ##ilob ##iliation ##ilca ##illex ##izong ##izers ##izhang ##iziya ##veev ##vember ##owile ##owder ##erals depot departing ##luxing ##ots ##otang ##othed ##otap ##ottir ##etal ##etat ##etus ##etain ##etary ##etov ##etched ##etah ##etamorph ##etfontein anu anim anand ances antim annite answ ancill anqing anacond ##ainment ##ainage ##ima ##imal ##imad ##imian ##immed ##imodal bypro bypass byerly ##yry ##yrrh ##yramid mineralize ##tsediment ##tsberg ##heri ##hering ##hermal ##herberg gram grass grun grams grime griff gruen grasvally sta stn stb stass stree stub stoll staging stars stories stah status staining stabilization stagnant ##odo ##ods ##odng ##odde ##odiversity ##oms ##omantle ##omoling ##omuks ##omultipl ##ophe ##oporph ##opia ##oparite ##operth ##oplot ##opoul ##opetal sutures sumo suzu suwal sukho atg atud attend atoll atah ##separation ##search chou cham chart chir chose chough chris chrome chalu chief chnos chira chayu chitter chonolith chinova ##oue ##ouple beau behr behal belemnite orefields orezones ##tica ##tico ##ticles ##ticulously ##ngan ##cement ##ysed ##ysts ##ysical mapp mamm maok makers mabel maonu maimon maanha ##mentally ##amic ##amation ##amell ##ammer ##ammitic ##amura ##eck ##erel goldish goldoff fluob fluency ##resent ##restim prol prohib progr proof propect protective exo exit exocontact exagger exetain discon discl dismis disappear dismant ##arty ##artlab ##ichard ##ichnia ##ichilca ##verde ##verged ##ageous ##mals shock shill shack sharing shann shik shogh shipped shatter shuster shilu shrink sharman shagou shizong shimad ##abon ##abud ##abilized ##abek ##ab34 ##aborated ##ab58 compaction compute compelling compelled computing compatib complimentary ##phail ##phalop ##physical dirks diverged rockand rocklabs onward onwards ##thon ##thitic ##thalite ##thora format formulation quasi query or7 or5 or15 or25 orife orlov orgogenic ##ogonal ##ogged ##ogsch ##ogamo ##ogneiss ##ads ##ader ##adth ##adays ##adict ##adocian ##adalup ##adigm ##ucer ##ucum ##ucun ##ucherberg ##igured pyriteand ##angan ##angou ##angways ##angchuan ##ibly ##ibles ##ibach ##ibniz quartzose quartzwacke ##tens ##tenite ##tence ##tenable ##tenburg ##tenfeld ##tenbrink ##ume ##ums ##umann ##ney ##nend ##never ##neider strangways sees seand sept seeds septe sefw searching ##iral ##iras ##iration ##iryan ##ircles incap whf whb whitak whatever ##ousov ##amps ##amples ##ighing ##iest ##iesner metast metak metacraton metacong ##tington contaya ##pple res2 rested reston resides reseal resistent resumed resumption rescale resume veizer vegas ##asson ##assopoul veinto ##quity ##quely ##quoise ##querel ##quichilca ##quangou crb crand crtically crude cradd craig craston ##andre ##andian ##andler ##ydell ##ydym ##ydacite ##ydispers teix teaching temora ##alcic ##alcoll ##ongo ##ongwoz ##ples ##placed ##plish ##plored ##plots ##redients faure fauna faye fahlore zonal zonations bashan basically baso4 baseline colline colem colvine ##talite ##talled ##ficially ##chal ##chot ##chao ##chased ##chists ##chai ##chynite ##child ##acemac ##matianite ##matization tru traction trade trying tracts trumb truck trigonal trilob trimmed ##lification rely relying relatable relogged interser intermedi interacts intercomp interacting intercontinental intermont interrog interdigit interdis interiors intermixed interbanded hao haul havil haoping hauy hajita haisug hyde hydride ##utation ##utub ##utba ##utai ##utotellurides ##utotrophic ##aryan magnetization parr parker paramagnetic parsap paralell paradigm hydroele hydrocarbon hydrody hydroseparation grainor magnetiteand plains placing unco unamb unob uncover unbi unnec unparallel uncomp unwan uninter unlock unmeaning unlocking uninten unimodal untenable have87 ##essor ##essary abu abated abore abio ablate abyssal indian india indigo indelible lowe lowland lowczak typology consulting washan ##ffer ##fford asset assayed ##illed ##illant ##illong ##illary ##illime sulfideor ##key ##udes ##udite ##uding ##udied gem geore geok geode geopol geolab geisler geopetal arms arise armours arithme subgr suborth subarc submission subtracted subpan sublim subcritical subika subjacent subalkaline subtrop subpolar enfor energe ##003 fe0 feix fetis cl4 cld cline cloncur colley neor neat neill nearing neopro neoform neof neumann isotrop isothermal highto pretre prevalent prenderg valvas valued valency vallen valenzuela valleys valverde isotopx lee lend leak leica leapf lends leeds levene lebou leitch leibniz presences prestea spite spear spend spanning spry spont spilite spanned sphero spiderg spandler ##ivet ##heduling ##hedrally module ##rons bethen ##aterrestrial moe mould moha motions mohr mokop imf imager imreh ##wei ##weishan ##wewa norm norie nordas noranda ust greentree ##eneys ##enetrating composing ##apure ##apety ##apua ##apez ##apagos concur concert concavo concatenation colleaguesng colleaguesne colleaguesered colleagues19 au0 auge sc1 scp scant scie scarp scru sc91 scanned scrip scss scalability scheduling ##vedsonite ##allo ##allite ##allero ##allagua ##arbonate carbonating ##arging ##ayangchuan ##ouri ##iault ##iahang pht phd phs phik phonolitic ##ileged ##ileiras elementary template ##ataka associates locates locmel ##ipated ##ipelitic ##iphered intracl intricately intracrystal intrusiv ##arie ##ariate ##arium ##ariham pbc pb2 pbte formationare reputed repartition repositories repurposed ##ifi ##ifug orogene sounding sounds sought liq li2b ob1 obvi obduction silpd siloed ##ologie analyst richness ##sover canning canterbury ##took ##tojar ##itimizes fru frb frail frute friable fraugh franc frames fritsch fringe franco ##ersley hey heart heater heub heaz healing hefty hebei healy heiwan hekinian concentrically concentrator student siguir ##astroph ##astava overor overly overgr overde overrid overflow overnight ##ensation ##enstein ##enswood cu2 cuar cupr cuba cube cugb cubed cuihongshan cu9s5 cundari cuney caz cake cafe caigun ##rospective belo belches belley belitu belvue belousov hasties hashim itapir diffusive mei meer meish meets meishan meolas mehman meek memory meurer meiziya meticulously rating ##duct grainstone variated ##co30 ##cooling ##cokare ##conform microw undiv 2080 2035 esi espan essence ##order ##orded ##ordinary serial serious sercitic dolej dollars doleritic distracted distribute distributing registration notwith hosed ##olev ##atites charlier charnock differed action accepts prg prism print prider prices pragmatic prichard dominion ##lla secular secret secretion signifies ##raes ##rahedrite ##tino ##tiny ##tinent weining weaving week weighed weighing bottle botsw 10s 10th 10to 1080 1020 1040 1010 1070 1085 10gayu butte apel apoll apoy ##anson ##pection coroll corbett ##arding ##ardottir allme allotr ##mming mainst mainstream ##hanen ##hanan ##hannels blown blabb bliss blanc blonde blasted blattner chalcopyriteand lowerto lowercase ##mblay ##ondritic peron permo pertain percep perdr perrout pertinent ##particles adit adits adheres adhering adamell ##iedar genna syndeposition moreno sheer ##ifices southwards sedimentological recast recurs recryst appren appeal definite default ##performance ##perthitic crusader twining twelve ##ctable biome biases bienn bioge bioclastic biotic biodiversity impose impreg imported impression imposition impacting impinge implant implemented imputation flv flour flare flown flint flaw flavor flinders florido flanag flashes porphyrite ##zoan metaland metaloparite maficor maficto upor up32 uprise up193 ##ounded ##ranites δ33sm tertra ternaries terrene dy2 ##undy twoand propri melita melanges melaphy melanorite ##rows ##vien ##vived monoph monogenic monomic monche ##closed ##cl42 tournais striated higash ##icking redoub redeemer somehow thereafter therefrom tourmalineand orogenies ##standing ##ivos ##ivitsa ##ivastava spectro specified specks speculation ##achi ##achab ##achondritic dolomitized earlyand ##atharra underwater undermine undertook undercooling underperformance mayotte maybe positon postsediment zirchron northand northto northwesterly breaching breitenb breadth noise notice nobles nozak noisier november provoked complements commented commences commencing committees howard ##served transama translation translated translate translith transience geologie refracts refluxing refilled lithons lithotyp majestic majors dolomiteand ##arer ##arevsky drying drier drainage driesner survive surmised surpac survived commons laz laid lafran oxideand ##unsw po4 poi po2 poand poulsen arched arcmap ##yaun muscoviteand ##ubad ##ubanite sericitised tio tierra pyritization pyramidal contradict arsenide arsenates arsenopalladinite arsenoyp calcites timely timeline zn2 albian albitised primed br1 brz brass bryo brune bridge britain bracemac brunsw pyke pyrenean python analyse analytic analytically analytes ##terozic complexly complexities slag sliding slice sl13 sloped slaty ##oclave ##ameili ##eping thickens marin marion march marcy marign maruk marrett martel ##ressing oroyaand oroyafrom empty emplec ##crysts ##ogenize pyrrhotitic pyrrhotitevs δ34ssp δ34ssulfate δ34sσs contention ##quez skia skins skutter skills skinner sketched derive derry oreskes significances scalemag microto micrographic microcontinent microplate micropo microenviron microcrystal microdigit microinclusions microparticles microperthitic treating trelo tremblay kalgoorlieite wallace oxidize ##rams ##henburg diagonal desorption desmos desenvol ##ismic ##aku ##aking ##akovsk ##akabe ##akorum ##prints ##printing throughput barley barrie bartram bartington strikeand siem si6o15 sierras tecnolog synor synfl synforms syncoll limu lims limey verifying ##inske ##derber skarnand seaward cassiterte euh eu3 eugs info infers inform infancy informal infinites infrequent informative estimations 2686 2670 2632 2681 2625 2695 2621 2639 2691 2638 2682 2637 2633 ##orequanzi ##orendao ##oresearch opq opens optics ##create hematites hematiteto seto beck becquerel tellnes sectioned generalised 11n 11g 1130 1186 1185 1160 11h2 114cd 1142 1137 cephalop representatives beltand tellurite outflow output outgass outputs outboard pdand pdf2 pdcl42 ##omatiite crystallise ##ambique plagiogneiss ames amend amounted amcg amulsar amiryan correcting swt swc swand swap swto swedish swamps swanson arsenopyrites employs employing afm afifi trended ##vester crustaland crustalto 192 1930 1941 ##2o4 ##2o8 12d 1212 1231 1239 secondor secondand metamorphics ##ceptionally fractionally ##iently ##ualpa srs srivastava districtto avert mnr mno2 metasilts amplification idf laterites laterisation lateritization lateritized lateritisation ##oblasts ##obanu margenot separations basements postor postulate postformation postcrystal ##tivariate ##ctric greyish greymouth midf midas midst midalkaline electric rhine solar solved solute solwar solovi solvents nii ni2 niand nienhaus poli polyb polito policy polelle polydym sno2 horsts easterlies easiest lessen 154 15to 1550 1515 1535 1513 15mg 1527 1587 mineable mineira ##thest ##ovec soak sovd softening msd ms2 supposed supplies suppresses abundantly ##watersr reduces bao baika baij baiguow baizhang patten patrick ruins rupt δ18omineral δ18omantle mineralogic mineralogies mineralogia tectonization ##hips ##ropole icp735 longev longwangmiao longyou longwangshan manao manitoba mannitoba manuf managerial stem stein stems stepping stepped steiger stella stemming sitting evidently sided situations continual discount discarded discernible 1009 100zn blackto ##oxiling cratonized cratonisation ##entiles furthest negate negating neglected silicaand d3edke instig inspect insurmount installed inspection easternmost pitre pitky paleored paleocene paleomagnetic paleosurface finite finished finnish felspar supergi superjacent planav siderites tectonicto mato matches matlab mattau mattagami mathematic matveev mesosc mesonorm mesostructures mesoperth participation 131 1350 1380 1320 1390 1312 fernand ferderber sinking sinha ##olithoa endogran ##rusts methodological ##otempor ulrich recorders gavil predated predating predef changpo alkalies igarap dipand dipyramidal dipyramid seawaterand standardless ptfe initiate initiative initiating rarer monzoto 505 506 50to ##opyroxenes ##ibuyo 2001 rhyoltic ultraf ultrapure ##berry ##berlin ##berode 14a 14g 148 1410 1486 1460 1455 1487 14ln 14dl 14hlg glitter ##meas ##termost ##termann paragneisses multivariate monazites 408 405 403 4010 4014 4051 salts salton decrees galapagos pee pele peat peter peqmap peacock petermann cools nb5 nbot nband spatiotempor centrally centrifug moller molality coeur numeric numerals paralleled parallelism marginally multitude stratification firstto combines ultramaficand thermob theriault canglang distinctively clearer ##valho deeps deepened ilmenites ilmeniteto olivo lascel lascar ##ospheric middleback broke brook bull bulong buller bullock bulletin blockley patterned patterning deplete depletes esm3 describing nanoto nanomineral nanban ##grant ##gruv succinct successively 184 18u 183 1870 1890 1865 1838 1868 interpretable transports curving curled currie curragh curvature footand footprints knollen pettke cutaway lightly lightfoot newer newberry media medial mediation ##adier eldrid eloquent elaborated correspondence gmwl ##master steepto steepening steepsouth naaucl2 dacites outermost ##roscopic 30to 3090 irarsite tops thinking thinnest expand express exported expands expanding exponential expanse expounded chlorapatite chloritized chloridic taught tauride tuan tuhua tuvuat tukey ##rety ##bax remarked remelting xenolith xenomel xenocryst whitehouse textureless backfill observing detailing ##ianguan probabilities 2750 2780 2790 2760 2715 2712 jiaotang jiaoxiling douling dozens greenland greenhouse overloo broadest broadens broadening 16b 1630 1670 1660 1615 1665 1619 1625 1626 16ni4 16lb ##licity obtaining transitioned transitionally thrusted angled angelier matrixor carmenellis carls carmich cartier carvalho subductionand factory saturate ##tleberode comparability callie calico calagari downes downlo smn smand smartlab ##tillier statement batholitic bathyal petrographically petrophysical ##endaal solidified solidifications ##arkop ##arkers ndtd ##avating ##avities ##avshan δ33sf δ33scf westor westland westfal couples ##itsland collar collins colloid colloidal creep lattices nww nwto huangbi huanggangshan huangyangshan meanwhile undersaturation vsc 239 236 2300 23h2o 2376 233u ##acl2 batholithic axio 251 258 259 2565 2555 2542 2559 ##isey fragmental browning brownand brownish intention intentionally ##isional traverse going ##ricity ##rington confound conformal configured classifications 206u 2069 2065 ##nwr fischer h26 h2se h2co3 h2so4 h2co30 copperand absorbed absorb molybden ##aute2 homogenised homogenizer 707 7080 7030 7070 7032 7067 7055 7091 7073 7097 70402 708t 70660 edong edward edmond editor editors edgec edjud edifices radiometry radiologic radiolar summer summing selebi selecting hoher hover lamil aurora bover book boyn boyle boydell boorder zhai photomultipl focusses focussing conducive magnum magnets uniquely argides correlative correlatives versustio2 labs labile labspec labhr labidi alternations alternates alternance alternatives variously flatly flattening flatreef flattens erba eritrea ertsberg linwu linnen linxiang pathfinders mm2 mmf mmhb offered offering anyuan microscopes microscopia phenocrystic ##ikary ##ikkudu schett 394 399 395 396 3950 3997 ##ganbula intergown intergranular closes closing 4006 profound profiling profession profitability professor subsided subsets subsiding subscrib subsumed subscript subsamples fractureand ##kenbur ##kenhug ##upataka beams semicontin semipelitic reflectors xenotimeand ##titioners fourier fourni fournier ##hengshan mobilities harzger turner turpan turkest turquoise weakened globenstein darksh 411 h2oand nonfer nonradiogenic nonconform universitat universitario lakewood rb2nb worked isocubanite triump 1740 1762 1727 1718 1737 1748 boric borax borrach borrok borrows zrn zr4 zrt devices devitrified demands demarc anticipated induces inductive gangues gangdese ##omplex garnwith keane kelemen keats keivitsa ##401 ##40ar ##yllitic clinopyroxenes simplistic simplicity dalm dalmatianite daliahang densest logs logically logatche electrumand amphiboliteto differentiates discriminates discriminations ##tiges ##entlandite garnetand pentlandites elevate prefers prefix groundbre hfses seltmann excite excel excised excision excalib excavating polyvin polygenetic polyhedra polytyp polyatomic d1ob diluting ##tawa organically sinistrally mpulu mali malonate buhn hiller silcretes itabira outcamp outcome outcropped centaur pavement pajas pawley paulo earths rietfontein ripple invested revealing 500k 607 ##nedy ##106 ##102ar ##echanical environmentally investigates investigative investigacion mechanics ##demann metallurg metallophilic terminal termgran pegmont narrows 364 368 367 3670 3687 752 758 759 756 753 75ga gash tones technic technological monzodiorites surroundings tianbao tianjin h2saq datable datacal extraterrestrial partitions 2190 2113 hreeand ionized ionisation pulsating ssdf ##neringie peaked greisenized 221 228 226 2212 2213 2284 2880 2820 2890 28si 2892 2813 2864 8700 8750 8725 8778 867 migmatitic miggins migmatization offswith ridley εndt εnd800 researched permil permits limitation ##rc001 thermometric thermosci decided decays decameter decode decorating deciphered minima minimizing fluorides fluorination fluoritization contaminants bastnaesite ##apsules 2070 endowments reactivate reactivating cherts ##kskin ##kstrand calibrating horizonte graphs northeastto conclusive predicting 324 3200 3250 3230 3260 3215 3277 3227 80o 8076 behaved platarsite platgruv 204pbi d4a d4ob moro morin morilla morocco ##omorphism 904 90th 90zr ##ashima guichi guyan guizhou guanzishan guideline guadalup guillong yangdong yangxing yangchang phyllonite cornian corners cornered titration titrating zinnk juan kkf ##trel assessor positioning flowsheet tuffites operator ferrocol ferroactin cuttings balancing phosphoric unconformable netrending powered themes diopsidic metavolcan assimilate assimilating pyrolysis pyrolusite 0005 855 8567 8500f vapour vapors sulfidization sulfideto subdivide reflective haliteand plateaus entirety petrographics exhaling exhalations 86sri 86srmeas 299 296 2910 2970 2977 cerium cerusite cerianite cerussite ceramic loop loading loosing loulu lofdal plumeand episonal instrusions vaporisation cirque kinetically ledesma ##aeoen conglomeratic goodfellow episodically tholeiite ##directed dexing arching archive 1507 150nd pingjiang schmit schupp schmid schodde schneider temporary temporarily 244 247 249 243 2418 burakovsk pleading plethora s1a s1c s1edk ##taba ordinary ordubad segregations segregates evaluations evaluates outset organics circa circulations kinematically gabbronorites gnpa mca mcdoug mcleod mcphail mcmaster pencil tenet tenantite tenidas teniente incompetent energydispers polymineral polymict polymodally instrumentation instrumentacion brannel naturales suspected taksav ##aneously chromel chromites chromacl2 divide divides divider 331 334 336 3350 33fe3 33ni4 giulian gifford robotic robinson examines examining restrict 1000s 354 359 3550 3567 delicate deliver deltav delicious domeyko helvite helmhol rahu rafts wavellite ##raywackes altaid opaline metasomatically experiences simulated simulating simulate simulator ##huayu ##quest ##quesite timespan timespans portezu tonalitic wolkenhug xiangguang ##rido suprasolid suprachondritic excepting cracking physically physio physiochemical fertilisation 454 452 459 4500 45sc owned vanhanen ##overde tetrahedra tetravalent tetrahedrally interfaced overgrew advent advancing captions capacities capabilities capital capitao digests digital digesting 2677 2673 paleoarchean paleoasian hypothesised chamberlain supracrustals 8379 pelites peledas pelletizing ##nings ##ningzhen accuracies 238pb goethitic serpentenite csb csic fluxer repeating emphasise δ114 δ112 equivalence 657 cdtn kirby kirsch persistence ##oscope ##oscandian connectivity removes removing chondritic distortion shortage shortcoming 31e 314 317 31f 3140 3115 3132 3139 514 517 519 516 5192 5164 51136 kanfeng odbc visitors ##rupted ##zitite ##inalt authochthonous 1201 1202 ##umpi converging stream leucogabbro integrity integrating extremes extremophilic 5513 bouma bouchot luoling luxul luocheng lungan liberate purities purplish purchased whenever hydrogenous submagmatic submillime envelops 208pb32s accomplish peninsular affine affirmed afforded blueish cathles cathodo hamill hamersley miami piece ##rijeva 2652 2653 stepover stepwise spectroscope spectroscopic interested intercalation accompany wedged ##atinian turns horizontally pseudomorphous pseudomorphously vanadiferous 711 71ga 7167 7127 7134 71136 7154 71363 smoother smoothed varlamo ##tructural fairchild accelerate contractionally coincidental 424 423 4200 aeration damiao fsp fsvm lq97 senses sensed sensing sensible sensitively uranyl uranitite uraninites ##tagee exchanged abbreviation mille packing packet packets packstone rooted roelf roasted roquesite splinter ##radzor inherits injects alphabe feeding precisions explanatory 2000s δ13cdol δ13csiderite 0184 0155 01s8 794 792 797 799 793 7967 79co0 798b autunite autoclave f21 f2edk freedom kilogram kilias passage seemed seeking seeks entrant entries entrainment phaneritic ##ipingite accreting supplemented 662 665 666 8200 tasks ##hangou ##ferated competition competence ##argement arsenicis oscillations substituted thirdly 003 0086 0011 0076 0063 blevin bleaches bimodally bismutotellurides duo durocher duitsland lobular qtz4 orbicular interlimb interlink plusxl montana montanitas 1982 reasoned reasoning 3400 3477 723 72ge 7219 pinnate sank sanjiang sanche sanfang yellowish yellowstone ##hof issued issigonis ag3aute2 belonged ##uoying ##60720 deviates intraformation intrafol deformations ##achanggou helping helpful jean mangerite nowadays potsd utilize vivien wswto conjoint ascends statistica makeup quadropole analogues analogies featured constructing 387 389 3830 951 957 959 955 douville gg4 gg2 gg3 sixty ##15or27 ##ulfed ##ilitates stoffers stoops hydroxyl hemantle hemlo undisputable undisclosed quantifies failures manganates manganiferous manganocolumbite 57co certainty embraces macdon mac11 mac53 mac83 mac61 macalacas macraes mac106 troger conveniently rediscovered facilitates eutectics strengthen academics binneringie binoscope colder wilfley wilhelms wildemann ##yoite debatable stopped stratum occasions undetermined undefined reequilibrate reequilibrated permeating derivatives microbanded continuing ferricyan overlaid titaniferous surveyed 448 446 491 497 4900 625 775 773 731 737 7325 bordele hwb hollow holocene holowile qz37 qz15or27 ##orescence alumel sunk channelled properly tracks sparitic monitoring 2729 hfseand 022 028 027 02b 0263 598 akanani freshest funds rodding roddick said saharan saucer sautba ##123 ##mingshan ##mingtonite ##zaf andersen attempting chime inconsisten inconspicuous definitive definitively territories terraspec kaolinitized redistributed ubiquitously oxyhydroxo 059 055 05s8 481 48ti 4898 472 479 475 473 4750 4780 4768 542 5400 aird birimian hg2 hgte lingbao landforms landmark landtw nist610 nist612 pipeline ##lerc ##328 invoke discharged discharging ##quisites plausibly prevented 1974 1978 1976a manuscript superimposition 817 819 841 846 8506 850to 992 effusion iodide literally literatures mdr mudrocks tower townend strontianite subordinately thermotectonic thermoquest zhangjia zhangfang zhanghuayu repetitions substantiate neutralizing 04d 045 0441 376 3700 3740 528 525 52cr 763 camg nutrients ##ahue ##8100 isoprime geoscientific fe2o3tot heavily mushketov ##otelluric 1602 centuries eightfold gerler gernro gervilla jxl jaspill karari karasjok karapety karakorum podiform rusk rustenburg slezak sleitat ##vink grids fluorescent formulae quetico favouring haeberlin arrowhead sylvester improves improving improvement improbable marche 2644 2643 1935 laboratorio clustering freshly freshwater township hybrids 034 038 039 0331 2808 2805 2205 888 887 eqv pictures piccol testable zoom zohrab instability begun practitioners 1017 101911 transtensive summarising influxes fundamentally reproducible everything jxa82 jxa8100 stilpnomelaneand fluctuate 469 4633 434 437 435 43ca 44069 535 5310 aiming fiji federation ladolam velhas vacuumed wuhu wuyang asymmetrically antifor antiquity prototeth companhia agilent77 clastand occupies carew career dragged feldspatic emphasises cycled cycling cyclical cyclone cyclotron dimensionless isoclinals transtensionally 4b1 567 5653 650f barnat denote denoted destroys destabilized hallmark hardened hardening hardardottir ramdohr witte wittenbrink witwatersr indexes climates climax symmetrically postdating manifold ##oxylic erupt erupting eruptive excessive flooding conjunctions gersdorrf gersdorfite zealandia 696 693 69ga chelle ehrig givetian rotate rotary rotating rotational rottleberode ##kyerim ##lexed bendong disease shielded playing arfvedsonite underlay 1955 polarity polarizing polarizers remarks fragmentation mobilizing predictable errorchrons layeringand hammerli radialor nuclei isopleths germanides germanium consequences merenskyite 064 069 3105 3106 barbis barbrook ballhaus ls401 nelsonite panter panxi pananalytical panzhi xinpu xinzhai ##413 ##uralian stanniferous attenuation attenuate chuqui chronometer chronometers chronicled ##photometer mega megasc swells ellipse ellipsoid 2709 2706 sswto confirmatory splitter channelization prevails olympiada isogrades metabasalts 7106 71050 71090 71085 71019 710230 71057 catastroph categorize eluent lalor rootless slipped tweez ##yiaso courcy courses courtes sulphates dispose disposed dispelling disposal disputed dissolving complications complicating mozambique cups cupelled cupolas percentiles adopt adopts adopting refolds 1902 srm610 pitchblende meaningless 230th argillites 2016a hangingwalls programming groundwaters thermocouple 682 68zn 89co0 engulfed frontino hietah hampered lensoidal tongling tongueto tethrahedrite vestiges woodland ww160720 ##forward ##jiakuang declines grundler chargeable chargeability marechal cruces crucible crucially crucibles interpolating interpenetrating diffracting website optimally switching idealized mss1 mss5 electronica smectites deltaic akhum improvements 645 64zn 636 besucherberg billerot dongge dongyuan dongjik gpf huize huge huicheng huili huayangchuan huachanggou hinting hinder hinterland humans kgm merged ningzhen ningyoite tdb windows windrim windarra windmills alaskan superscrip superseded attack attach attaches attains exoskarns questionable triangulation arabia concerned permissible recommending controversies 1968 ##entifica 140ce nanoand nanoinclusions 2017b 2015b 1708 excellence dilatancy pulverization pulverizing retrogressive segmentation penetrates hiatuses truncation truncating 97328 drawback foil foya foitite fotios filter gdn gdr gd2 kuh kuroko kumtor mv230 mosuoying miskhana misquichilca misplaced misdirected michou michigan mccall mccrea mcconch pocket qh20 qh25 qh08 ricason rosa rosiere s05232 warmest xiaomoling xiaorequanzi ##1487 reactants ascribe ascribable unpub unprospective subaqueous encircles scatterplots gradationally imparts styloliths 2602 employment hyperzonal hyperarid zhuxi orthogneisses pyrophyllitic billions stauroliteand 679 67zn 67fe3 746 74ge 943 bronzew bronzitite braided bravo candela chemo chemogenic chemotrophic chemolithoa deduce dedicated famous famatinian flexures herrington habilitates klose lcabon morty palme palmer palaont palinuro palenik palasel palaeoen songxian songliao taper tapering tubes ##629 andalusiteand ##iguously coalesce coalescing realize sudan quantz residues residually residuum granophyre electrost alloyed spectron idioblasts idiomorphism 2752 2753 governing hypersolvus labradorite labradorescence merck mercury mercadier purported sawing siliciclastics ww17020 ww170620 ww17064 ww170619 ww170631 ww170629 078 09870 2h2 59057 6100 921 bagdas baggot crenulated crenulate crenulates efficacy fanor fanjins gardens gunnesch kerr keratoph rigs rigorously rigaku satisfact tlc tantalum xiwangmiao xiariham xihengshan ycf ##refining inhomogeneity chahe chaffer exsolves shadow resistors crispe reliant feotot clausthalite auhs2 hexavalent caucasian microstructural apy2 precede preceding tremadocian designate designated synchycite infolds 1200s longerich insufficiently 1437 1439 1894 1899 1656 1653 7024 7029 70292 70297 polygranular 2134 213nwr dropstones burgundy favourably cathaysian macroenviron macrocrysts hollandite duricrusts addresses addressing emerged disturbances interconnectedness decompressional flyschoids japanese 087 782 7800 7800f binds benchtop crowe fingerprinting kotzer lister lisbon lhr70 lhr41 lhr28 lhr72 m3b ottawa publication qingling qingmingshan rcf rudimentary vivallo wetted invalidate invalidates cooper revolution grabens chapman chapleau dissipation trachydacite unsurprising repulsion obliterates diffuses diffusing diffusers 1082 1088 explorer drives bragg 1117 matchstic ferguson 2002a glomeroporph multichannel nbs123 1824 elimination eliminate eliminates sm1c 2012a hypothetically visualizing authorization synthesize synthesised roofing reconciles reconciliation cataclasites granulitefacies porphyroblast slumped fossilised 3caso4 5fes2 bogs baritization baking cockade capsule dago daguding dodson fcg fc2 gtl holds holder holdings honghai honggang hongfad jinfu jinchuan jinchang lignite mogou missouri nonequilibrium nonexistent ockenbur omnip pisolites pisarevsky pilot pengjiakuang s34 s36 s33 wrap warumpi wanted zeolite zeehan andraditic thorough thorogenic decants requisite stacking stabilizes quarter quarters straightforward conserver conserved undulates undulatory blankets peridotitic exploitable lauterberg laurin laurila microcavities microcapsules treatments 1194 superposed rhyodacitic rhythms decrepitate pending pendant pendants 1663 downslope 2011b 1778 1776 175lu subdivisions advocates advocating advocacy devolatilize remotely duplicated duplicates violet unexplored unexceptionally 109740 109741 109711 109714 concerns commercialization trachytic multicollection 2fe32s 917 aqikkudu cienci ciobanu cientifica caso4 camebax dull honnore harris harlov q4c q4b ruling rubane tenth tentative tuning tunable vastly walshe wenquangou ##4500 convecting reinvig rejected rejecting recoverability sextets trondheim industries geomechanical subjective subtype enigma feasibility nevoria valuables leave speeds spidery spessartite canyons regularity admiral adaptation appreciated imperfect impedes impedance update updates updating tourmalinized specialization specialized 115in rhodium stereo stereographic stereonets stereoplot matsa matsuh 133cs taihexian 1642 1646 goonbarrow kevitsa logarithmically 2828 chromatographic persistently cyano luzonite invariant 66zn32s effortless sylviteand aluminosilicates 109705 109706 chevkinite interconversions engineered vesicle 63cu32s encounter encounters cryptomelane electrode electrolytic electrorefining microgranites microgranitoid invalidated dodecahedral peridotites hierarchically discrepant autometamorphic 4hau 968 936 9360 93nb aeschynite bromide bromine cinovec chengchao dahl dahongshan fenzishan gwalia hutchison huttonite hutulu januszczak jiguans jigsaw kbars konkola konongo kink kinks kinloch litang lifetime pw2400 ponding patina tailed urs urged urucum urals wattagee writers ##uvian ##holz ##38u ingredients inhibition isovalent reorganized ##luminating anneal annealed chalk chiller ##ticeships shuttles compex102ar season seasons seashell resolving unstudied geolaspro geolas193 artifact artificially neighbors validity legion legitimizes concurrently ironstone adcumulate flashing epicontinental sieve sieving optimistic 1589 1593 molecule confidently botryoides nonmagmatic nonmetamorph counterpart 75as32s 2817 implicitly tensional 00002 000010 000016 1000lnαqtz turbulently aerosols 7900cx 7700s 7700x nuggetty ehr81a ehr81i catalog catalysis catalysed tdm2and challenged 102401 102404 102406 governments aliquotted fvsm062 fvsm044 overthrusts overthrusted cylindricity mirrors buoyantly megacryst megacrysts ayuso batches batuan boddington bodnar borel culture d02 donington donahue ecs ecosyste eckstrand filaments hsf hanes hushu hiltaba ilton illuminating jenner jennings july julie justified justifies kutnoh leclerc langevag mimics mimicking nitric nitrate pumiceous palladoarsen ramberg seno sorbents savings savillex tpz tp402 tp003 uvr zk2 ##422 ##cerin ##vanian ##yagite ##2b2 ##qqq intuition inverted inverting ##entel thiosulfide isolines ##octahedra coaxiality render renders recharged alps aspy aspiration annum stdfs choi choice choosing choices chiarad prompting promptly proliferated protects exerts exerting shoreline sequester sequestered hydrometallurgical paraschists indisputable article articulated ensuring ensuing enabling claim claoue neotethyan prerequisites preliminarily sponges ims7f concretionary scandium hematitization hematitized overcame overcomes cubes cuboctahedra buttressing corporate coronas coronada perturbed advect adequate bioclaste plumbopalladinite explosive explosively explosions explosivos referencing surprisingly laoshanli bringing brackish epochs deserve opinions 1946 1960s coarsely coarseto reductant paleocontin paleochannels 137ba 2006a 181ta nappes smelter smelters introducing traversed fissures boullier boulerice proportionality 1769 keeping selenide extrapolated extrapolating orthopyroxenites orthocumulates powellite 2916 sustainable 51132 protuberance submicroscopic investors 1989a quadrature mentioning diamictites 88srn kanggurtag switchover davidson deducted microspinifex landscapes subsections warrrab warriedar corroborating reorganizations lombadorfig saddleback tibetan geothermometric geothermometer encompasses encompassed encompassing thermofinniganmat 2005678050 2005678051 010550 0603 3feo 3fe2sio4 5fe3o4 7gn a238u bournonite berger batteries carboxylic dorland dazhai dawn eighteenth feco3 ghosts ganzi kreuzer kali koshrab kongling kunlong kimberlite langao library mjf ovoid ovalle psa psych psammitic pichler rogers sherman sabkha swept sweeneys sweeping torch tangent tangible tangential vital vitrinite vitreous wander yttrium ytterby yudai ##4o11 ##oedrons ##vironmental ##2si2o8 ##formationc ##zhusi ##53m ##bachtal ##koppie inserting todd thundelarra degradation concealment revenge requests ##iliano suiyo suffer champagne beakers extraordinary exercising disparate dislocation distillation shuicheng shabaga shabogamo shabutai compensation diatoms quiescent quickly striped straddling incurring metapelites vegetated placers washing washout geotimes oxfordian subduing sigmoidally 203tl acceptable acceptance acutely private privately privileged blanco recurring biomarkers imprecisely dynamite accentuate exploiting po726 pyritohedron marlstone δ34spyrite δ34spyrrh δ34spentlandite 2688 2689 113cd 1280hr src049 drillcore rhombohedron rhomboedrons 153eu disciplinary possesses planetary monzogranitic ultrasound 149sm 146nd oliveria knowing navon navigator navachab irradiations 2783 centimetres millimetres hyphens confuse confused confusing configurations 7098 7099 70950 70315 70314 avenue magnetotelluric actinolitized 1736 earthquakes mylonitized 1991b gravels fluorocarbonate yangshanzhuang baltica 2417 circumvent divisions interfingered viscosities luanchuan inventories 71290 71284 morphologically splaying autonoma 3461 jointed jointly 0299 cameras rd2366 queensland 101918 velasquez destabilizes zhouchongchun supcrtbl microfractured routines palynostratigraphic electromagnet symbolized 189osch2 celestine 185rech2 mississippi anatomies convexity reinforces reinforced reinforcing georgian admixtures immersion acknowledging culminated culmination culminating filamentous zk504 rechargeable scandinavia deservedly ammonia amoeboidal peculiar zvyaginse pleochroic 2fes2 3ws 4litho 4lithoresearch 6804 6feco 6feco3 8m3kg 9mg3si bx53m bussell business billets bilenker buchanan buckskin bonds citrate citzaf cummins cummingtonite c208pb c207pb clifford dg26 dsul dsph df1 df2 dremel dreibach droop dropped dumont dumoul eroding erode echoed echinod farther farthest gfz gedrite gedabek gammons gamkre hbr hitting hitachi huluxian jiagant jiurui jjf junior krapez kenozero kennedy katangan kinds llcc llallagua lxn luminescent luminescing mzdi mbr munoz munster mft06 nhyiaso ninth ninety qmd renco reniform rivet riveting rhenium rhenish socially societies taliwan taltalite ticks vaillant voigt voisey vonnie vonhof vessel vessels wyche wyoming wonga wudang wudangshan warped warping xpowder yanliao yanodng ##curate ##04415 inherently condie condensation formally recemented receiver alnrc001 altitude altitudes alhrc002 alhrc001 mineragraph mineracoes stationary succeeded succeeding disregarded disregarding disintegration disintegrated computational computationally diemals diapirs diapiric severely metagranites metagraywackes resistive resistivity responding colluvial colluvium trucking trucked happen happened hydrofracture hydrofractures hydrophosphate hydrophosphates unchanged uncharacter geobiological geobarometry subcentime subcalcic subtract subtracting enlarged enlargement fetio3 feti2o4 premise premier prevalence prevalently presputtered presputtering spurious lianghekou meghri meghradzor 2089 weihai allocation allocates reevaluated reevaluation bladeor reclassification reclamation appearing appeared biwende biwender flushing months monthly speculative speculatively explorations exploratory provincial provinceto drastically brasileiras brasiliano brisson brisbane epstein epsilon descended descending synoptic synopses 1147 112cd swellings metasomatzied metasomatites solveq politically politicians easygrant δ18osideritevalues longmenyuan longmenyaun mesocumulate mesocumulates 139la 1450vp mollusk mollusks footnote footnotes jurisdiction jurisdictions na2b4o7 na2b5o8 irgd irgds expenditure tugtup tugutub 2736 ##3si3o12 carapace carapaces millennia millennium nwr193 nwr213 stockpiling stockpiled axioms 70465 70507 70316 stipulate stipulates harzburger harzburgitic 1723 172yb 178hf 179hf discriminator discriminators organizations 2188 875s decantation phyllosilicate phyllosilicates junge junggar saprolitic saprolith mulege 000005 00000422 schulte schulenberg ivanic ivanhoe penniston pennsyl incompatibly incompatibilities robertson delimited delimiting digitizing digitize 512630 512645 streckeisen variants achieves achieving roeder roedder 3846 hydroxyapatite cathodoluminence cathodoluminiscence undetected undetectable 7000f 8800qqq na2o2and consecutively consecutive ls0028 srm981 srm987 8900r 8900m skewness ww179652 ww179619 deltaplusxp encouraging encouraged encapsulated encapsulate herzig herzogsch 61ni40ar fuchsitic gbw0441 gbw04415 282908 282906 mongolian mongolia andreasbachtal christmas christophe disagreement disagreements bolivian bolivia algorithm algorithms stdgl3 stdgl2b2 desulfidation desulfidization language languished diatreme diatremes escarpment escarpments recurrence recurrences millimetreto 9caal2si2o8 amazonia customized judgment judgments louisiana puzzle puzzling pw1700 pw1710 trenchward zwartfontein zwartkoppie stunningly disadvantages disadvantageous aftershocks 2δ33s 3h2so4 4so2 4h232s 68638 6ca2al 7rd 84sr aegir a3l2 atikon aittojar aleutian aulacogen avebury aogashima aquifer audetat amsterdam ahktala aznalcoll aquitard ayankyerim alexandre awaruite beryl bicarbonate bosi bowler bababud boston biaoshui banshee buldibuyo baldwin buchholz bougault buddini bustamite bennett bombarded cisuralian cags cresting cartoon caballero cipw crossover coseismic cardozo crowded cucharas catchment camscan cochrane crocket dlz daweishan dnpm dbcreate dws dizier dysoxic danger dickite dunphy dabbab dcpy dugald douglas dabashan dmitrijeva dwarfed dichromate eyles efb eagle emslie etyka etrending echelon fyfe focums fuca fumaroles fanto falcon f208pb fashion fennoscandian fesem fuxing fascicle gesrdor garrido glycerin gilman gower geraldton gothenburg godel gessner gmbh gifkins ganshul guldberg gailitis gualda gobi galley ghoukass gurenko ghamis gedlinske hxq hp4500 hurwitz haines hariya hickman hobart hindered hochard huberty hnbgmr ioas iwupataka iδfluid iterative iapetus iceland jcm jfreech jonasson jolivet jilson jimo joux jangada jundee jachymo jadeite joyce jimperding koikary kfash kesler korolev krogh klemm kagloorlie kelameili kulitu kusakabe kouda kamato kostomuks kozdon kojonen kirkland karstic koski klinkham ketcham lgx lpg lilly lucifer libo2 lundin lachlan loughrea loreto lopez lishishan lustres lancaster lomonosov masked moment msec muchez mantoverde malcolm mitigate menshik mistastin mismatched mengdong maldonite mds600 niccolite naslund nagyagite nutman nctb nakamura nieva naldrett nylon nacional nabarlek overestim omitting omori p05 puskas pimentel pioneered pucks pacevski payable pestle pinched piercement pankka pascichnia qxf qqkob qibaoshan qieganbula qiangtang qiongzhusi rona rolland rationale ragged rumble rongcheng raleigh roxby ravenswood rozendaal rojas renishaw rabiei svecokare sotk sopko sticking samarium sichuan sarytau senegalite siptenfeld stentor stimulated sakurai sailinhu stitches sadiola saussuritized tetley tyrrell tamarack tieshan tutum tudun tarnish tormanen taoyuan tollari tulaergen uc1487 uhp uwq1 umbria vlassopoul vasskis venezuela ventilated vaughan vpdb wielicz wqyf wagener wirth wutongwoz warning waiotap werdon xgf xseries xinshangou xierqu xuanwei yinzu yandal yongningzhen zaorendao zpf z6413 zalas zeravshan zelic zimmer zweiberg zindler zarza δnno δdh2o δ26mg λ147sm λ87rb ##lidze ##lomerate ##ciplinary ##htakh ##ragwa ##vimento ##furt ##werk theorists ##tiansen andaluz office inroads inaccurate inquarted invited invasive intrepide inequigranular inhabited inasmuch innovative inyoka ##aranta ##or29ab34 ##lewoodite thrombolitic thmsg600 thiocomplex thallium deionized december deutgam devoted ishihara ishikawa coniancian conundrum convoluted fortunately coomarie coubran cohesive cohesionless reopened reverted retention regenerate revival reunidas rehomogenize alizarin alveolar aliaoshan alcohol alignment aljustrel asimplified asankragwa ascertained asrikchai animation ancestral antimonian answer ancillary anaconda byproduct bypasses grunerite griffin stassfurt streepey stubby stahl sumozero suzuoki suwalki sukhoi attending atahualpa chouinard chamosite chirano christiansen chalukou chnosz chirawewa chayuanshan chittering beauvoir behalf mappable mammillary maokou maonuipingite maanhaarkop ##ammern fluoborates prohibits progradation exaggerated exetainer disconnected disclosing dismissed dismantling shillington shackleton shannon shikhtakh shrinkage shimadzu compatibilities orlovka september sefwi incapable whitaker metastable metakomatiite metaconglomerate resealing crandallite craddock teixeira fayek collinear colemans trumbull trilobites intersertal intermediary intercomparisons intermontane interrogation interdigitated interdisciplinary havilah hajitaheri haisugou parsapoor hydroelectric hydrocarbons hydrodynamic uncoated unambiguously unobserved unbiased unnecessary unparalleled uncomplexed unwanted uninterrupted unlocked unmeaningful unintentionally have87sr abiotic georem geokhi geodetic geopolitical geolabs armstrong arithmetic subgrain suborthogonal subpanels sublimates subtropical enforces energetically feixianguan fetish cloncurry neoproterozic neoformations neoformation isotropically pretreated prendergast valvasori vallenar leakage leapfrog leboutillier spearman spontaneously spheroidal spidergrams betheno moulded mohave mokopane colleagues1981 sciex scrutiny scripts phikwe locmelis intraclasts intracrystalline intrusives li2b4o7 obviates cannington frailes frutexite fraught francisco francois heubeck heazlewoodite heiwanhe siguiri overgrinding overdetermined overriding overflowing cuprian belitung hashimoto itapirapua meishucun meolaser mehmana meekatharra microwave undivided espanola dolejs notwithstanding charnockite botswana 10gayu2 apollo apoyo corollary allmendinger allotriomorphic mainstay blabberg blancas blondeau pertaining perception perdrix perrouty adamellite syndepositional recursos apprenticeships biennial biogeochemical impregnated flawed flanagan δ33smformationc tertrahedrite terreneuvian proprietary melaphyres monophase monomict moncheite tournaisian higashi redoubtable spectrophotometer postsedimentation breitenbrunn noblesse nozaki transamazonian translithospheric lithotype lafrance contradictory arsenoyprite bryozoan bruneau brunswick marignac marukami emplectite skutterudite scalemagma micropoikilitic microenvironments microcrystals microdigitate treloar desenvolvimento siemens tecnologia synflinc syncollisional eugster informally infinitesimal cephalopods outgassed amended 1930s metasiltstone postcrystallization solwara soloviev polybaric polydymite 15mg2sio4 sovdozero baijian baiguowan baizhangyan rupturing longevity manaoke manufacture d3edkevent instigated insurmountable pitkyaranta paleoredox supergiant planavsky mattauer mathematical mesoscopic mesoperthitic fernandez endogranitic gavilan predefined igarape dipyramids ultrafine 14dlh spatiotemporal centrifuging thermobarometric canglangpu lascelles brooks nanominerals succinctly 1890s curraghinalt eldridge eloquently tuvuatu xenomelt overlooked 16lbd carlsbad carmichael download ndtdm δ33scfc westfalische molybdenum 70304 707077 edmonds edgecombe edjudina radiolarians boynton zhaiwa photomultiplier schettler professional subscribed semicontinuous fourniere harzgerode turkestan darkshale nonferrous nonconformably rb2nb4o11 triumph borracha demarcation logatchev groundbreaking excalibur polyvinyl polytype mpuluzi centaurus metallurgy termgranulite thermoscientific platgruvan guyana guadalupe zinnkammern ferrocolumbite ferroactinolite metavolcanosedimentary schmitt schuppan schmidt mcdougall energydispersive polymineralic taksavasu giuliani helmholtz portezuelo wolkenhugel suprasolidus kirschvink 51646 kanfengkou 5513841 luxulyan submillimetric 71276 varlamoffite fsvm044 uranitites alphabetic δ13cdolomite δ13csideritevalues 796768 sanchez intraformational intrafolial potsdam conjointly macdonald mac113 macalacaskop strengthened ferricyanide bordeleau holowileena qz37or29ab34 qz15or27ab58 sautbai inconsistencies landtwing zhangjiazhuang 044163 isoprime100 mushketovitization gernrode jaspillite karapetyan piccoli zohrabyan jxa8200 antiformal prototethyan agilent7700 565314 witwatersrand gersdorrfite panzhihua megascopic ellipsoids catastrophically tweezers courtesy hietaharju besucherbergwerk dongjikou superscripts mcconchie bronzewing chemolithoautotrophic palaontologie palaselga palaeoenvironmental electrostatic ww170648 098709 bagdasaryan fanjinshan keratophyre satisfactory xiarihamu macroenvironmental unsurprisingly matchstick glomeroporphyry hongfadong ockenburry omnipresent 2fe32s2 aqikkuduk ciencias honnorez reinvigorated matsuhisa jiguanshi compex102arf geolas193nm nonmetamorphic ecosystems kutnohorite palladoarsenide chiaradia paleocontinent warrrabarty 01055080 koshrabad psychological δ34spyrrhotite rhombohedrons zvyaginsevite 9mg3si2o5 dumoulin echinoderm gamkrelidze jiagantan taliwanya mineragraphic uncharacteristic subcentimeter tugtupite tugutublak pennsylvanian herzogschacht gbw04414 6ca2al3si3o12 aegirine atikonak aittojarvi aznalcollar bababudanite biaoshuiyan gesrdorffite ganshulin ghoukassyan jfreechart jachymov kostomuksha klinkhammer menshikovite overestimation qieganbulake svecokarelian siptenfelde sakuraiite sailinhuodong uc14874 vlassopoulos wieliczka wutongwozi waiotapu thiocomplexes