[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z µ · º æ ð ø ı ł ƞ ɛ ʻ ˉ α β γ δ ε θ λ μ ξ π ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω ϕ ᄑ ᄒ ᅫ ᅬ ᅭ ᅰ ᆩ ᆬ ᆮ ᆯ ᆰ ᆶ ᆷ ᆸ ᆻ ᆿ ᇁ ᇂ – ’ ##u ##r ##p ##o ##t ##e ##d ##l ##y ##v ##n ##a ##g ##s ##c ##h ##i ##w ##k ##f ##m ##φ ##2 ##9 ##4 ##5 ##q ##6 ##8 ##1 ##0 ##x ##z ##b ##j ##7 ##3 ##ᅭ ##ᆯ ##ᄑ ##ł ##ˉ ##ᅬ ##ᆷ ##æ ##ᅫ ##ᇂ ##ø ##ð ##β ##ᅰ ##ᄒ ##α ##ᆶ ##σ ##ᆩ ##ᆮ ##ω ##ᆸ ##ᆻ ##º ##ı ##ᆰ ##ʻ ##δ ##ᆬ ##ᆿ ##ᇁ th ##on ##at ##er the ##in ##es ##en ##ed ##al ##nd ##it ##ion ##ic ##or of in ##an ##ar ##re and ##ro ##ent ##st ##ing ##el ##ur ##ct ##as to ##ation ##le ##is ##ol ##et ##im ##ig ##ou ##th ##ce ##ly ##id re ##ra ##os ##mp ##ith con ##ul ##ow ##iv is ##oc for ##il st de with ##ate ma su that ##ure co ##rom ##ter as ex ##ac ##ot pro from an ##od ##if by be ##ut are ##ere at ##ge ##ated ##ver ##ial ##se al on ##ment ##res sh se ch ##ru wh ##ite ##om ##lu ##est ##ity ##ch ##ph ##ult ##ve ##og ##ist ##ir ##ction ##ant ##la we or ##pp cont ##ical res ##am fig ##um figure ##sion ##igh ##iz ##iment ##ition ##ib ##ive ##pe ##ab ##ater bas ##ad ##ies dep this ##em comp ##and ##qu ##ich ##cc ##ations ##ous ##ence inc mag ##yst fa ##ore rec ##ther ##ediment ##ine mod ##ely ##ian ##all sediment ##ave ##ag ##ong te ##us inter ev ##ud ##ates ##ort tr exp ne high ##du nor ##ess have ##ata ##ock ##op ind un ##ast ##ain was form ##rain ##ers ##ip ##ost sub pre pl en ##00 were dur ##ts int ##ene low ##lo ##erm ##ia ##ale ##we col mar rel ##amp which ##ism bet ge ##ary ##ld pres ##erv fault ##ik during sc ##arb cr ##rou ##ay data ##ues ar model ##low depos str vol ##ween chan between me ##art us ab ##fer ##ord ##olog ##ution ##ges ##ak ##gh ##orm ##ass tim ##pt ph these ##arbon rock ear magm ##les can ca ##ide ##ill ob ##gg ##ures dis met ##ans ##anic samp ##form result cl flu ##rust ##ace ##ase val imp ##act carbon ##able over ##ific ##con not ext ##ould ##ents ##ret min dif sp sur le ##end our ##ron temp ##ath ##ect show sou been so basin lar ##ari cor ##eral ##ear ##ap ass ##oun ##urr ##vel than north ##ced cons record ##lac sugg suggest ##ell ##ff ##ens ##raph ##erat ##aly crust ##ard ##ach deposit time reg ##ign sim stud ##ystem km supp obs occ ##so indic ##one rep trans cal 20 ##ces colle it mel qu ##ound ##ments ##atic volc ##ep ##rib ##osph und dist pr ##dition hy di ##entr sea has ##ized ##ert ##ally fra pale ac system det incre ##tern ##ros ##ile ##oth may temperat ##ient ##ocene oce ##au loc cryst observ ##ating ##olution ##net ##ruct per ##mm but up inclu also ##ting dr acc ##oss how ##oz under surf isot sign ##ied contin analy app ##osition grain mant ##age plate ##ative differ part formation prov mantle fe mic ##duction ##ozo ##vi vari ##ack where ##eld along ad ##un tw ##ern ##ization water ele ##ose ##ility ##ress conc ##ozoic ##ulf mineral ##gin ##thern ##rupt age ##ick ##ively ##rough ##ree south region ##ites within ##cess samples more ##mb ##pect 10 dec ##ue est sulf ##ance ##ically fluid there results values ##row ##own into ##agues colleagues ##ie two ##led lower rocks ##yn ##ross interp ##ry ##ield δ1 sour lik howe flow sil through mater ##och material ##ding deposits ero am ##sions however margin tra ##ilar using surface ##als composition east similar such calc erupt ##iated meth rem most process exper ##formation prop gen ##ides ##orph ##ined ##ust ##ward consist interpret their hyd micro la ##idence large bec earth thick prec sl ##ismic temperature set ##iver rates ice both const ##last long ##ory ran gra ##mental ##imate ##ric af new red ##itud ##ran depth ##onic other ##ted assoc ##ough struct ##ential magma ##ffect early ##raphic analys late ##cted increas ##eric lith mass condition he ##yc volcanic ##rol changes ##und act ##ological ##ctions mi po ##ond arc ##anism magnet erosion ##ology bi carbonate conditions ##ible compar ocean experiment produ ##ize glac ##ope dom tect observed no sand ##ular bed its ##ight ox well area ##nel corre ##ental all based mo ref occurr associated ##ger ty des used ##ish ##ather ##onst mid would across signific ##pper ##va concentr pb ##eng ##ps present ##atur deformation ##ause meas zone ##vious because ##mal char likely study ages grow out zir ##orted zircon silic ##fore sm ##osed seismic sediments previous curr significant deep channel basal fol ##ions bound ##ne ##gen disc isotope evidence models source consistent 15 hydro therm land par ##acter tectonic refle ##ount ##lay down ##per scale ##ina due ##lob glob they ##ome ##ork different ##itude could deposition rate ##emical marine ##atig melt ##ber magmatic distrib faults crustal inv gre ro repres continental rich ##ods thus equ ##de ##estern bel ##ub subduction org ##ability level ##velop pol only py upper ##out stress comm ##ities ##ogen control ##der ##water develop ##round ##ift unit mat ##ains processes here cyc ##me ##pec growth ##rit 201 ##igin ##omet origin northern ##vir ##viron lim river ter mech geoch lay estim ##par ##her ##ri ##ved ##ivity ##ling dire range ##our top higher near ##ulation character ##land indicate ##ck while field ##xt ##ider effect size lo ##ening comple volum 12 fur after lithosph ##ons ##amic ##lastic ##ded slip ve ##ones correl pot ##ipit constrain ##br perm ##iqu studies ##entral ##ration ##read ##ension base fir pe ##xim organic core fin id environ local global ##val inf phase ##iation ##ink ##ise evolution vel ##ences init ##rop ##ived one ##lain precipit first each further central ##fic ##ales supple occur ##ract formed systems peri ##east ##sh ##ame fract found ##jor major 200 ##ength sample ##ified ##ral ##ys redu common back ##iven small three der ser main ##raphy ##esis ##ently prog preserv southern ##lic sedimentary some when press addition isotop poss climate ##atively super ##ox ##ati typ ##ire contra potential veloc ##ulated crystall host spec lat ##over ##though ##ivers although hist trend bl fac term shar analysis pat impact partic exh ##ake ##ially ##artz increase supplemental rid quartz mult ##lace consider ##ior ##ynamic reflect bur ##uch ##urb concentrations ##ual ##assic δ13 aver cent ##ane china events ##ness limit 13 ##get ##ang determ flo post ##red follow yr ##ince ##iss distribution represent ident disp records grains change ##ases shear emp ##ors ##ossil therefore stratig ##aceous prim lands ##tal ##ature ##ured deg pred 19 conf pattern ag dol strong ##ines 18 do reconst decre gener rati ##tin ##atite sulfate domin rad ##ational num those related ##allow eastern shallow δ18 requ strata elev relative support occurred ##ove comb ##ike same ##uted resear research fl ##ision ##used crystal 17 if much ##ctic temperatures ##ogenic ol plu cool weather ##ained ant ap expl cret syn dem modern suggests 11 ##hy eu import block cretaceous ##lying ##terozoic ##ano magn above contrast ##iew glacial view ##ins off minerals ig ##dle valle inclusions mechanism ##eter rap arch δ13c rapid western ##set ##itic boundary complex dolom 100 link ##roup thermal inst co2 ##sequ mon test ree experiments bar ed ##gments ##co respect quant eruption pressure 25 ##osit hyp derived youn ##ning ##stone anom including volume later ##av ##ier sever event crystals methods influ ##rest earthqu miocene precipitation unc weathering sequ ##ads relatively abund hg ##rate 16 spect ##rich ##thermal oceanic natur ##tle ##ensity man cm ##are transp ret short scales abst thickness ##lish transition abstract relations lithosphere end ##ail prof flux upl underst iron mig ##now strain middle ##ification diff line ##cing ##erg ##ably compared history enrich observations appro natural old sal reve ##ographic below fossil then ##olved ##etic ##ulations resolution interpreted 30 fill ##inc def att indu accum site west yield ##rial ##ination ##ank ste intru compositions peak 40 geological basins ##ural presence provide ##rogen ##ogene setting velocity paleo ##vail ent modeling previously dolomite tar ##ean ##ertain fraction cooling vis ##atures crat ##ffic continu direct ep ##he ##cept ##ided prox fluids structures analyses several ##ery ##vers contrib normal ##ikes melting plateau current ##int ##arm ##lab 14 bod ##ryst ##cy hypoth gr ##ferred active ##way atm ##tion maxim chemical fact ##lope ##contin layer mud nan ##ole ##hip ##elf lead northw ##neous preserved ##lacement igneous general measure atmosph 50 group ##rite ##work ##cond spat measured development δ18o br work ##ana mean discus uplift mount sing ##agnet larg seawater ##restrial el foc turb zones bene second variations regional views relationship slab ##rated exc ##resp extension corresp magnetite basalt important had expand ##opro increased ##oral oxid period shares understand im reported del dynamic ore sol ##nown thin ##ages terrestrial exhum flood hol mg ##20 ##ram ##ither ##ography weak gran ##ov ##estig role valley single bre es ##ium ##flo ##iple shows hydrothermal ridge average stratigraphic ga nu resp ##loads ##ronology downloads isotopic avail mis microb predic beneath less ##ject ##olith mafic ##semb increasing investig radi ##oproterozoic ##oup ##lust ##pping sedimentation uncertain pac ##vial ins subs rele indicates magnetic ##nowled separ spread detail mix demonst magnitude extin ##ears respectively turbid pacific pp ##ax ##han mark suggested volcanism maximum wid assemb ##pped ##lacial fine mes ##ood ##enced ##aces neg assum reveal ##floor med production collected activity ##lished ##ument ##line section proposed commonly ##ape toward cover ##ify contain dikes use ##ately abs prior located pyro loess er op ##ble ##ench order phosph structure permian ##up total ##ression detrit flows eruptions desc currents initial au ke mm since win ##ok ##ha ##ream americ cen gl lack distin poor lit vert ##action ##iles examp ##ambr produced wide ##osity ang ##istry ##opy energ seafloor burial bu fund ka past ##cl reach orient supported sulfide ##ambrian ax bul orogen ##old even coll ##formed larger analyz calculated doc ##aries northeast car os ##oid ##omagnet ##ired ##akes melts diag geochemical ratios pet ##lies recent explain volcano ack uncertaint detrital cenozoic morph ##50 ##lear ##ott allow ##istic estimates energy document clay density condu ##ulate any sci cany diss laur estimated correlation following spreading state landsl reconstru distinct 23 affect cross h2 posit enhan geomet ##rosc acknowled cu very should ##irc magmas primary migration sr ##atism shelf deple trig southeast transport aust coup ##pent ##face resulting driven layers given ##ves ##iding product significantly basement ##iversity many either ##be before content intro interpretation grad basalts veins tarim exhumation hor ##ae exist ##emistry recorded serpent rot sites ##ging characterized possible patterns spatial circ ##gment areas compon cores possib ##fficient cre hot mill ##idual temporal conclu estimate ##to ##org ##ilib strength controlled austral wall ##omp island reserv drill few units amp lab ##99 like depths experimental holocene known rather warm ##put ##oir ##glacial alter subsequ surfaces element margins type fractures limited approach salt trigger reservoir considered measurements available microbial ##omagnetic fre fall table ##ah ##reg caused indicating multiple plume ppm laurent ##rock ##rad text geo obt day ##ex atl ##izon deposited additional generally bulk lake ##ful ##urn anc depend sources effects atmospheric pul porph ##az stage extend features trace induced understanding atlant porphy jur ##ency contents colum crit diam adj pyrite 22 sw ##ygen ##nary thrust ##aternary subdu quaternary mineralization method oliv craton proxy extinction du dim far loss rest si ##aw ##edi ##ark ##olite anox earl close jurassic length national inver trench ##ologic times showed suggesting regions collision frequ around ##pl ##ice ##ute interval ##ensive whereas lava mechanisms reef discussion positive eocene rise rhy ##sp arctic phases ##lasts decrease introduction ancient ##te inferred grav point bedrock silicic occurs atlantic bro slow meg ##ected ##ique determined elevation em fun ##orite summ ##amin ##ortion magmatism minim throughout reduction particular dominated number enhanced serpentin cat clust nature solution slope coinc highly southw four ##itu sections plan intra great equilib levels path ##ft coast uncon value methane afric influence drain gond ##ased metal cycles crystallization negative canyon gondw last ##onal ##ether onset she oxygen occurrence cycle gas non pub though succ sandstone silicate accumulation epis ful ##ets ##etry bear ##ills elements sulfur remain ##rix ##ysical apatite episod s1 ##ratig ##atory stable contact ##ibit strike clim calcite increases depositional topography earthquakes older hypothesis analyzed beha ##ostratig subst remains identified numer vertical ##yl coar variability characteristic environments center visc laurentia wides ##pread ##stream fluvial paleomagnetic differences lithospheric younger sequence entire ##continent oxidation behavi widespread agg gar ##ually ##lt ##arctic ##ocl without timing implic shown green ##shore progress typical anomal brit imm pa ult ze ##lied ##char studied glass science prom position play ray situ ##uring ##acent ##ogn intern constraints series facies generated key ##15 ##bs ##inal toget whether provided heat concentration anomaly nuc example documented obtained together bay por via ##pa ##eg ##ym conver coe expos extensive provides structural developed describ ampl adjacent hal hem na ##ms ##enn revers ##ously forming extra least ##laced particles profiles correspond coun sel ##ored ##eters stand prot ##lap ##ada tri university outc err duct mot pop ##ner ##idot ##resh ##amorph matter acknowledgments did net pla ##ead ##ving ##era input ##reat dry appar remo broad gondwana bott clear dating pan run tib ##use ##34 ##enari ##els scenari location typically bodies northwest focused australia subsequent bearing ec free ic satur wave ##aland andes ##etric soil peridot silt desert environment antarctic earthquake behavior tibet il ##xene ##ime ##ival carbonates variation elect seismicity represents reconstruct ##rystall assembla zealand bottom pore ##alu expect fast estab matrix periods lateral diagen geometry published bal case dated mem pow ##of ##allel indiv implies param ##ensional archean young abundance contribution dynamics axis triassic ductile mol ple sens ##ining grained province landsc div kin ru ##pb prob recogn propose comparis domain enriched grant uncertainty horizon nucle ##not ##60 altern conte evalu ##ief channels boundaries ratio bend ms ##ten ##oration shale contour ##iber subm integ geod assess thank constant mob supercontinent spectrom settings h2o labor gravity ##charge start ash interm clos underlying tectonics trends defined turbidity depleted electron hel ##aling ##iving ##istocene cannot metamorph mechan linked break detailed landslide pleistocene best cambrian dates will ##til ##arine ##cting except being compil need extent variable glaci load smaller exhibit combined instead olivine cur cut ti ##rates ##gi ##10 ##itive information mak overall difference distributed environmental isotopes confir explos attrib unconform ce ir wor ##vas ##ances react recover dominant largest volcanoes critical implications individual laboratory vary ##usion ##pite ##ged ##cent ##ense ##struct ##chn ord duration accret lavas biom despite greater does largely brittle 36 bub ground ##fs ##erozoic ##anerozoic phanerozoic surve include longer beds ##dera direction constrained mainly potentially mixing angle blac years ##more ##90 seas ##ologies paleozoic poll ##rium elevated enrichment directly wind succes black consequ alk incor ##ounts transient geochronology fracture possibly porphyry garnet ##ator chemistry ##ematic modeled metas preservation emplacement coupled megac aggreg comparison world gold rif rivers ##well ##44 minor sets program euro blocks intrusions 60 et wt ##nant ##onian ##inia ##anning still ##ibility resulted ##itudes polar specific ridges mountains component cord might rim wed stack interv interglacial indep unl ##iking experi redox topographic reduced latitude ##hyd fractionation gradient circulation independ 35 ast led lif rod sch ##inity ##ened sty step ##ote exposed plant distance oceans among belt hosted strongly body ##oliths rotation standard europe cordill 400 band cum pco sph ##otic highest striking discover required retreat dissolution incorp pco2 24 28 ##olian whole extre ##ells microsc localized diffusion respon demonstrate petro 27 fron mn ncc rare siber xen yet ##des ##ymm faulting spac applied gradu foundation offset northwestern amplitude expected response feld wet δd ##tical ##ned forear fav ##aged techn neoproterozoic arg sampled furthermore leading absence pyroc america coarse confirm forearc now tens ##spar project locations erupted propert parallel velocities followed olig continuous width anomalies apparent ##welling feldspar 29 21 300 diver pers plastic ##actions ##ients ##stones ##imal ##rack ##ifer cap discharge clp soft supply appear microstruct emplaced profile mesozoic 500 jap opp opt pass ##go them ##idal states chron ##lained plat ##arily simulations ##reek produce 150 rob abundant extensional release poorly column exposure submarine japan creek fit hence rhe ##ump ##80 ##ceed plut caus mostly again linear thought plagi 70 dam turn ##gence ##hes ##ena ##ident chl contains frame display flat products ##radation dike lip ##most ##isc ##ild ##omm ##omes ##amination explained usa melan volumes vein perme steep american reconstructions ##ediate africa motion nucleation accretion alkal clasts miss tak ##ho ##16 ##onding toc ##tered geology geologic surround factors basaltic solid reconstruction warming diamond anoxic earlier minimum equilibrium pathway intervals 45 fo mer pt side ##ob ##cence ##ma ##ict stor debr marsh about diffic inclusion signal appears mineralog amount silica displacement excur corresponding predict assumed cluster described metasom oligocene plagiocl difficult 80 light liqu ts ##ka ##70 ##erate ##urface ##olation ##osc segment interaction crater overlying regime transform determine offshore brecc subsurface little alteration particularly climatic porosity member plagioclase 33 heter ##ds ##ires ##ints ##osystem ##verse cham ##chron ##isting ##ights interface pli propag massive controls species hypothes parameters wedge experienced cordillera sk ##eous ##sive ##cr until reposit account materials orientation hotsp triggered frequency catch southwest ecosystem spectrometry help framework debris liquid hotspot ara ta zn ##plain ##33 ##arc ##rees ##ises chall fail evap locally generation combination shortening floodplain affected drainage properties lac vers ##ection ##gs ##25 ##olated refer orth recrystall ##aging plot canada indicated caldera ##unam types degree respons summer sheet life storage eur fels sap til ##ven ##cil ##ited ##oring shift ##omin strat ##assing cause imply comparable edge filled mountain investigated revealed dimensional attributed rodinia repository bank dz fer lid nd ##ca ##hed ##ipp ##onite ##ories ##orus ##elag ##ivation volat simp observation signals feed drilling internal persist 26 3a gou must ##has ##io ##wise ##bed ##ising ##oll ##izing obl continent various ##riction no3 original 120 peaks ##ogeneous conducted function fully numerical network cru date fresh las md wood ##pr ##other ##sr ##atra forcing copper seep white ##izes compr ##ortions highl ##opes meand fragment waters ##ochron rapidly stead exclu ##opyro subducting ##plate error scenario mechanical siberian permeability 85 mc nar ##ew ##ix ##95 infer ##olites proxim ann recyc better physical accomm zircons terra agree secondary mixed open winter surrounding versus accommod fut hf tidal δ34 ##cular ##fall ##back ##alog dev deb see relief arid 2020 signature providing ranging heating terran quantify proxies phosphorus recognized future δ34s av friction ##sential ##28 ##ont ##its ##icity ##orn proterozoic segments interse evolved ##pture calib acqu detach upwelling track slight biot glaciation crystalline trending facil influenced fossils focus relationships essential subsidence islands substant characteristics kinematic xenoliths narrow gal gap hom just lived tu tru ##lation ##23 stability stages coal intensity regard analytical adv precambrian reflection united ##aneous antic factor weakening southeastern reservoirs independent 65 air ion sin μm ##75 ##30 ##ital ##ician recently forms ##forms showing traps limest finding distributions containing litter geoph zealandia power landscape horizontal style european spacing cases kil lamin ot pse ra s2 zon ##ras ##son ##iest ##21 ##40 often ##ury ##isot deformed cohes ##ush plac enc upstream signatures partial decad eroded compositional ##rolog moho stresses ##ometer final sharp require synth approxim predicted widely ##ostratigraphic tibetan intermediate exception front pliocene pseud 90 bath den dun pg ##dp ##cal ##wh ##erve ##alg ##arp sum asia another figures nearly predomin marked buil orogenic morphology reversal outcrop antarctica melanos tsunam chamber felsic 03 39 46 55 mt sills ##uish ##ily ##ind ##inian ##asing ##osite resist note leve consists microf veget finally deglac requires edific sequences yielded images ##ovician council assemblages ordovician excursion steady facilit dia portion ##ground ##sc ##min ##ores ##ety sut exam shif unique collap ##apes report item performed deeper hydroc poly latter primarily oriented dependent emis coeval established explosive bubble succession incorpor collapse 2b elastic gi mal tet ##lom ##side ##ives ##luvial lowest sampling princ similarly 2010 specim reflects identify stratigraphy eux solub assuming six unconformity polarity ##iferous laser aqu himal trough ##ries ##pir ##oph ##hic ##13 ##roy ##ellow ##olve ##igur mapping sufficient exceed ##iff composed ##ikur abrupt phen proven sulfides amalg interpretations tecton quantit ##aving coastal progressive saturation survey gouge himalay amalgam 2a bore eaw hikur log sink vent ##26 ##bian ##atible ##ola ##olitic reas repe ##iform seism intens phot differential oxides hydrous globally ##angi oldest atmosphere opening existing earliest rhyolite hematite andesite peridotites robust against eawm hikurangi ba bent oph place var ##uous ##den ##vent ##sk ##hs ##ias ##iable ##matic ##anent ##asma reaction made ##iang indian cold ##ikely scanning fragments paleogene upon moreover decline move downstream equival centers ##issipp importance released separated auth uncertainties components conclusions subducted diagenetic balance probably context loading unlikely mississipp ##elagic ophi 38 five fans hills ju sill ##ring ##olving sem necess neogene ##igned upward included ##ressed decay massif points presented 2016 effective correlations floor flank pyroxene ##existing inversion viscosity aggregates rifting taken responsible 02 34 75 away cell eps myl pen ##loc ##yond inner ##ele conn beyond shape shells incomp quest includes ##ranular ##pecially ##ometers dispers granite especially landslides coupling southwestern agreement diapir 37 87 clastic ##rating ##98 ##bia inher ##ctu ##let devi analog compression ##rete accur equator match continued esc carr ##ediately immediately icp youngest geodynamic geophysical tsunami giant fan fil hu mpa rift ##oy ##tic ##lite ##granular ##ering ##ansion ##rops ##igen ##raction isolated mac suite anhyd expansion arroy tims mete metals space occup accord continents applic ##rown amounts head height domains 2019 initiation quantified radiogenic assembly ##ostratigraphy seasonal foot failure ##opyroxene approximately vegetation 600 800 cc cac dip lag sizes ##rip ##ta ##yps ##na ##man ##14 ##18 ##inite ##rap asymm begin ##aman inde correlated background ##ovol details funda gradients possibility textures clusters removal illust favor simple slightly galena levee deglaciation suture hydrocarbon solubility equivalent eolian hund lines mor matur oil ub δ44 ##o3 ##ya ##slope ##cad ##hen ##ontin ##eland ##ctively ##imeter rece stat residual formations prefer preexisting ##ermost driving eruptive proportion oxide discrete fracturing synchron fluxes median phosphate descrip examples viscous corresponds peridotite chlorite pathways annual limestone hundred 32 ecc gu ide oae pron ##off ##hg ##wax ##mes ##by ##roph ##ulating dext extern what ##omic disloc northward transfer paleoproterozoic accomp association involved invok geochemistry latest 1000 target investigate restric anoxia convergence integrated pollen discovery δdwax pyroclastic provenance arroyo indeed 000 47 amb dat kar wild ##hou ##29 ##urian too force stream mapped ##utes alg ##omorph ##phere incision nearb scaling clin impro ##raphically km3 ##osphere distal framb calculations newly occurring parts ##amict pressures configur decreasing generate radial full selected evaluate metamorphic recovered megacryst damage euras tilting recycling predominant princip equatorial ##ypsum preferential dextral nearby framboid 1a crack gypsum nam way ##mely ##45 ##48 ##erite ##icular tod reverse ##mpor stra sus asian ##otach shales ##ighted tran unk uniform fluctu span ##erating qual ##view elemental remained bedding complete explan cratons reached conclusion african populations diagenesis sensitive starting extremely mineralogy pseudotach melanosomes carried 3b 86 m3 wa ##vf ##bor ##jection ##icles alluvial orb interior changing class repro diamict ##entricity twin law slopes construct ranges bio meltwater progradation impacts decreases nanop demonstrated mesoproterozoic numerous played hemis assemblage contempor plutonic catchment ##hedral fragmentation detachment sumatra quantitative mylon eccentricity restricted wildf blu efficient spe tend tun ##uan ##log ##yly ##96 ##17 ##bers ##jord ##atically ##iter ##inguish ##ulsion station exch chronology nev overlap km2 indicative acid systematic access partially add ##ressive decarbon methan proportions pole parana pyr initially terminal valleys monit yields visible spatially separation funding depletion serpentinization establish compilation ##going reference terrane according accompan today 2c bra pap rain ##pan ##vis ##ics tool foramin never ##opic overla distinguish feature ##una ##unity precision ##anisms currently fields ##ropical considering degassing ign archae ##aves diffraction entrain deliver planet pair ##ennial consequently spher volatile seepage proximal findings fundamental pseudotachyly 05 48 dm emb fab ls nit nut rar tem uran ##ug ##8u ##bur ##bles ##itute ##ani ##rec tom ##ley ##leum review conve sust anisot shor chrom ##oming ##ches ##ird contamination ##loy ##roups paleocene accel silurian mixt sandy poles mats reflecting buried monso laterally spectrosc imaging serpentinized half divide petroleum gradually accretionary devonian frictional laminated pgb mississippian anisotrop 04 hir haz jo pack plain sd yellow ##group ##hu ##27 ##xic thresh cong ##ocarbon storm map almost ##amide enab ability implying carbonatite laramide assump amorph marginal ##rolite ##lands majority additionally averaged supports diffus ##continental buoy allows dissolved million progressively breakup cumulate microstructures saprolite ##house configuration unknown hemisphere wildfire decarbonation foraminif fabric threshold 00 88 brown eff fix groups poc rand year ##riding ##o2 ##ls ##ler ##wide ##zan ##ators ##ash conj isochron ##occ ascent resour interactions former meters carboniferous overriding dr1 cycling backarc multi δ13cc ##ossils 187 250 transported insights absent morphological productivity puls swarm episodes outcrops closely biomorph cumul emissions external random 1b dens ii nm ##ton ##iotic ##66 ##alite ##ange ##urs ##ctive ##che mode ##raining detected ##oseismic ##ritic peat representative complexes abundances intrusive layered oxidized northeastern sciences extended remaining removed scenarios landscapes mobility asthen microscopy gradual causing tuff reason explanation spectroscopy hazard 97 900 bud ever lies lap pal pater pelagic sized vit ##app ##wall ##wood ##inic ##anization ##eless ##olar ##imbr reorg reactions ##ocryst forces ##iforn shap seen seam secular ##itect interf enough intense arr cliff ##ended californ 206 calculate biological fold find 2001 maint latitudes exploration architect reveals westward discuss marker covered diameter extracted saturated compiled varying opposite ptme feedback euxinic amalgamation repeated authigen footwall caco3 statist suscept reprodu amorphous biomorphs 700 gab oper pert tan tiss ##uter ##oo ##less ##ffer ##ze ##jo rework ##osol ##ateg chert interbed simult indicators ##erto ##ochronology arcs correct charco histories facet 130 represented identical supporting mudstone availability ##oids promot broadly rupture groundwater megacontin platform challen kilometers placed escarp synchronous predominantly california charcoal 3c 31 76 amm dil fm hand pd sst soc ##tions ##flow ##12 ##bas ##36 third ##itch real ##geographic ##seismic once online onto chem chines residence fair india plasma ##ologically rockfall coron 204 paleocl detect perp decl decomp sourced ##ranean hebs ##rier ##iques primitive unclear intruded contributed turbidite mediter petrolog allowing altered episode clearly reconstructed faster sensit metamorphism recovery extreme diverse heterogeneous ecosystems evaporite ##where edifice examined fluctuations wavel orbital ignimbr rarely chinese mediterranean 1gs 56 bould dou diversity econ gpa lhas outer pur pure pum s5 s3 yak ##tes ##af ##aer ##ke ##94 ##77 ##inent ##esian ##itt ##itan ##ional ##orient ##anes ##ised ##ids shan ##ems exped ##opite subject plinian abras tempor assist hydrate ##enging equal equation directions initiated 198 shallower request combust tested nugg insolation allowed creep texture pulse rhyolitic greenalite promote population contributions surveys pollution ##nantian petrog recrystallization substantial boreh movement necessary incompatible ##logopite hirnantian conglom perturb 1gsa lhasa call ds drop gover tel upp xr zr µm ##po ##lie ##cell ##ware ##atized ##rog ##raw conne ##ules stom onshore ##ists interest preces georg valid surv ##urrent percent tradition calcium volcaniclastic producing ##vajo thermochronology differentiation geochron reducing crystallographic representing decreased turbidites conduit textural geothermal columbia navajo propagation lidar cruc mdas photos nevada 206pb coronene yakut abrasion precession 01 78 cy cas cath dig dest dust eas ecl fiss fjord kg lg tax varies ##equ ##cut ##ker ##85 ##atal ##erts ##ester ##alerite ##rous read ##abil ##andon ##ersatur prepar ablation phlogopite recording dipping paleol drift varied remnant became magnetization erosional biogenic corrected controlling ##ometry contraction particle identification degrees confined apart inductively buffer orogeny olivines coincident equilibration episodic coars pange alternative cement reactivation worldwide rims sphalerite rheology breccia calibration acquired dune himalayan quality budget patera sensitivity georgia yakutat 3d 57 count fire kay lam pick rough sag vents ##uk ##ns ##cill ##ih ##1b ##bro ##inding ##aled ##aran ##arch ##stic ##ingian ##olid ##racted ##osw ##ilater proble ##odal weighted depart moderate neither means ##illi spot ##endicular ##cedent replic partition ##ieved trapped microplate become ##neiss ##acteria root 2014 precipitated derim terms euhedral accumulated image thinning separate medium funded oscill walls subsequently extending restraining intraplate prominent inputs panola andesitic divided orders successions confirmed software causes meander true benthic accurate anhydrite ubiqu ambient karoo speed shorter every soci perpendicular 59 bit hum oc ##kin ##bf theor ##orpt ##imes ##raf ##raul asc beh basis incons plates ##weather mars geomorph abandon metall observe transg ##ospheric paleosol ##mbing 106 δ11b ##ochemical traces precurs compare sandstones concentrated polym ##ogenetic ##ometric permanent supergroup ##aneously δ18osw plumbing ##versely else triggering ##regular days inverse solutions coincides sheets contacts glasses counter irregular techniques hypothesized debate zoning shifts deviation ##ovolc framboidal exchange monsoon architecture expedition uppermost connection eclog lgm theoret inconsist 53 89 aut dense hard kal ni sg ug ##lig ##afic ##sia ##hib ##11 ##elves ##ission ##ivated ##acity prol anat ##odynamic alp ##mentary ##ibb ##ands triple rocky overpr spanning drive lithologies ##ished 2012 ##anging 188 links institute tests bars spectra return mudstones brines delay ##ramafic misorient canyons created immisc ultramafic extraction ##rystalline needed glaciers window argue ##iscan alkaline metasomatized breccias obliqu cohesion aqueous question dislocation monitoring anisotropy authigenic susceptibility pangea elsewhere 06 2d 72 98 az cle cave effic having nuna ow pc rig sul u15 vap ##press ##ying ##ai ##cury ##iac ##iam ##19 ##enc ##ensions injection ##arn ##ingly ##ths ##ulose isost stored susp exact ##phosph contained reset resolved ##astic preferred scat ##so4 collection calcare glacier sands 2009 2000 stronger ediac ##comp attach normalized brine demonstrates neglig millennial australian paths alternatively mobile making 36cl recrystallized terrace terraces accommodated homogeneous beginning description transe diamictite pseudotachylytes mixture 187os 204pb wavelength boulder stomatal ubiquit vapor calcareous ediacaran 1c 44 ach apt cos coseismic dark gs hanging li lakes sides snow ##pc ##zing ##bard ##bach thous ##inations ##environ ##ica offer ##oustic concept maps chile ##ityus ##amb ##abase compaction interst index unus plane extru acoustic ##ynth erod trap eastward similarities consisting thickening gray grade volcanics downslope 2006 progra empir understood relev markers useful morphologies ##ahari paired na2 illite powder makes dominantly stacking argu optim passive mercury ##oscale arag challenging orthopyroxene freshwater anticline bathym cellulose connect asymmetric eurasia nitrogen lapilli reorganization interbedded megacontinent cascad ##orption kalahari ug2 alpine negligible ##ityusa 07 cf clast lens roll serv sval ver ##rine ##fort ##46 ##35 ##inous ##alc ##arth ##cts ##lex ##isis ##isian ##ull forest ##acite ##otroph proced beam ##chy ##adian recon ##weg crisis ##articles spin spring leads left calculation ##ustrine ##itudinal masses wells output discre cycl correlate elevations ##anob δ13cwood barrier fills nanolites elong ppb ##9999 methodology sio2 success international mobil closure bands pyroclasts chlor diamonds lacustrine kinematics cohesive microfract polyg specimen specimens maturation hundreds address tomography acceler plains pulses densities shaped pumice borehole cyanob ##raulic inconsistent cosm svalbard c1 epe eust gneiss o2 put pityusa sab symm tropical ves ##pro ##ec ##cs ##hf ##hot ##mass ##200 ##onia ##ero ##itial ##eth ##imil ##ille stret maz sup ##odior beg alone aligned shell ##ograph modes export prevent scour changed canadian overlain overpress conserv 10be remark processing correction mole outside silicates invent 2017 characterize iddp localities precipitate ##alescence histor postd 17o 110 intrusion contribute ##agnetization exhumed lesser lacking vertically reaches depends pulver criter gravit freezing parameter intermitt curve bubbles stacked microscope divergence oblique avulsion decades facilitated incorporated nanoparticles arrival assistance combustion department theoretical 188os ubiquitous discrepan stretch 49 aer ahe go jet lcr nb perv round rio raman sat squ wast waves ##rient ##eismic ##lm ##gent ##sg ##ks ##42 ##bo ##38 ##inces ##asive ##iguous aspect ##ifies ##uting cha incoming modified interact expon indust eng reliable sclm abiotic spl ##aps ##ounced hybr dr2 accoun provinces becomes produces bounded reflected belong ##herent multilater employ flor plumes magnitudes salinity filling 40ar fractional nann measurement brief granitic granodior extinctions axes osl conclude warmer extends dimensions slower positions protracted kinetic incorporation opport comprises debated bioturb synthesis 39ar phenocryst ophiolite inherited meteorite pronounced database accompanied nutrient buoyant fixed escarpment ammon ##basinal society u15n na2so4 pervasive hybrid multilateral 41 52 83 crest cells gv iod lu mas nac sider tong uk wider yang ##down ##lend ##wa ##mite ##82 ##bg ##bar ##esite ##enite inorg ##anc ##rovers ##ention ##oles ##ivities deform com coherent shock controvers compound incl sedimentological ##agi intergranular uns color art usually capture disrupt discontin clark notably spike spikes simpl ##unction generating thicker preclu precise ranged lithology po4 growing thermally avery limits explore instru instant spectral define accumulations expanded insight assume orientations amphib emerg coefficient select erratic started plants ##osci saprop substantially decadal denud phenom invoked principal contemporaneous paper ##ugate assumption conjugate asthenosphere paleoclimate nuggets petrographic photosynth readily empirical gvg 09 67 99 cie hin lig ores vp ##lock ##ered ##enu ##enes ##annel took ##imately ##theless referred iss stim death ##ters ##tering alread seab resem computed ##usible intercal evid expressed neo norm ##ockwise ##aining encomp scient mexic able ##aked phys capt disapp leach leaving corro regression simulated disturb variety decoup trachy hydraulic microc afr bias silicification folded foliation thermodynamic parag belts 2015 origins considerable emphas 199 combining apert demagnetization monaz uplif attenu nanoscale geometries falls frequent reefs siliciclastic functions climates anomalously exposures reversed mollu biomark steps discovered hypotheses skin arabian ##venile aridification intersection encoun building resistivity juvenile compressional preferentially pyrene nevertheless entrainment convection resources gabbro fairweather prolong rigid interstitial rollback gravitational inorganic denudation already monazite 4b 64 aim aff bbf cns dro izan jm kat pam push san sier tight δ23 εhf ##dy ##vz ##ville ##sen ##iocarbon ##itable ##eline ##elastic ##idian conversely foreland probe proto ##ressions ch4 ##ruction why ##ested ##phem ##izons ##agmatic subcontinental ##lophosph crbg ##illed surge corg ##erature prism partly southward 105 ##ieve travel interpreting sett others itself thermochron ##ogenesis cyclophosph 2013 crystallized century stratigraphically 180 177 contrasts mont eventually influences 40ca ##ways importantly delta solar investigation crosscut existence depending intrabasinal greenhouse probability consequence rifted tensile capacity metasomatism catchments plots highlight essentially regardless flanks penet meteor ##rapment uranium reasonable petrological geochronological crucial paleolat obliquity ##bachian sabah split granodiorite prolonged izanagi δ238u ##iocarbonatite 42 eight fu ghs kim lome mow nw oh pq sy sn sac ten tub ut util zero ##tely ##hor ##iate ##iency ##alt ##orge ##isition ##imin ##thal ##ray stations align ongoing ##ama ##umines complic ##therm unst subglacial enig colla relax geosci preserve ##ordin carbonat spele assimil obsidian adve calcites microorg grand ##onds dome moment moist moving measuring reflections completely peb ##ropri ##ship burrow centre conflu blocky edf ##avy paleoenviron grid nucl radio radius separates angular exists create approaches switch farther summary drained greenland ultimately describe reversals plausible apparently iceland reconstructing spectrometer glaciations make independently styles mineralogical networks acquisition ravel variscan receiver idea algal clino cracks seamounts tissues simultaneously decompression double temporally fissure lamina thousands iodp jmvf pamir settling pqcs speleoth microorganisms 08 43 big bran fert knowled lher mpt nine odp pil sina tin tvz vast ##rary ##ooth ##eformed ##n2 ##gers ##sis ##singian ##hibit ##for ##ford ##47 ##67 ##bil ##37 ##itization ##ices ##icate ##reatic ##asy ##throp ##osa ##ocent sto ##ifically albe shield seven chr ##rum ##lump evolving indire arizon phyl overlie extract so42 ##veld cali caled undeformed drivers underest applying appropri comparing novel moine involve grew 2018 originally constraining velker precipitates fractured reduces backsc superior specifically determination determining ##hyan transitions transitional entrapment ##fficients elip weaker covering kaol diagn diagram acknowledges horizons planes greatly coefficients members alternating microstructural rheological ##obic volatiles mcarth biotite homogen trun edifices seismogenic connected dispersed macrosc application 86sr bluff rainfall foraminiferal viti economic xrf cathay precursor efficiency isostatic relevant aragonite ##wegian seabed scientific ##uminescence knowledge lherz sinai albeit indirect velkerri backscat mcarthur 58 528 66 95 bat bru brack camp ephem fr fed fran kraf lad mw pu pmp portions ring s4 tian tatra titan wester ##pia ##ecedent ##lot ##via ##iph ##72 ##onym ##erc ##itted ##olves ##etically ##rament sud suitable ##acy anonym ##omical ##estration compens ##edimentary modest modulated evident trib norwegian ##iaw geographic changh cape noted spati simulation ##ribed detection perc fe2 variably added 104 estu amaz trapping hydrolog ranau gravel otherwise occurrences significance ##engu siliceous deepening bounding downward community ##parallel characterization ##ropic reduce isotopically facets averaging limitations floods degradation antecedent sequestration yielding 14c grinding layering increasingly ##apehu angles adjust inverted fung serpentinites motions molten ruapehu unconformably ##otemp displays ##crat laco persisted proximity calibrated tectonically himalaya 87sr analogous favorable ideal prone clinopyroxene improved constructive overlapping pairs sustained sdvf yellowstone dilution ignimbrite conglomerate called remnants roughly ##olidated suspended aptian 17o0 opportunity disappear uplifted sacrament enigmatic relaxation confluence laminae arizona kaolinite ephemeral krafla anonymous changhsingian sacramento 350 ae bsr certain categ dacite ebs fpp good hiaw los lhs mou mil mine mbs nhg rising td ugg van zh ##tze ##emp ##lines ##nov ##sl ##cation ##ij ##iogenic ##55 ##atus ##ara ##rot ##rost ##enta ##urally ##olute ##imodal ##igu stal stock story aseismic excess ##acu ##utary always chain ##chi contiguous resolve ##usive explo neigh next subt ens relation scot capped closed fluores valu extant spar ##atha indicator calder quench isotropic ##pective material1 genesis smooth consistently organisms correlative ##shed considerably shearing aged floc contrasting testing retre migrated paleogeographic cratonic continuously discussions elk imaged axial serpentine drilled porphyritic minimal cataly evaluation contourite astro spaced capable appearance optical alkalinity heterogene euris comprise terranes quantifying microfossils examine ##ophy massifs questions δ44ca mylonites tung delivery chromite effusive δ13ccarb cumulates iii statistical traditional easily coarser kayenta bitum ##kinematic abandoned polygonal cosmogenic began overpressure historical waste accounting yangtze controversial sapropel evidenced corrobor sierra assimilation ebsd hiawatha fluorescence calderas 94 award bor bord box bush ff gulf grate l0 lb living mz mim native nick ok oly orog pin pel pengu rene ramp tal vect ##uosity ##rar ##li ##lopes ##hance ##mad ##bound ##iner ##icial innov ##anced andaman ##roc ##lets ##igm ##ulates stag dehyd anthrop ##ode alt ##ogran weight ##ighting compatible incised recalescence modulation ##agmite norway univers subso subparallel prevail enable enhance durations flume volcan paleose accept undergo surficial apply regionally 103 thereby similarity remanent experimentally deserts 1500 involving room hosts postseismic plug barite manif strains diffuse excav granular microbially radiolar mediated rotations strengthened obtain substrate bayesian runoff balter ##ofossils exhibits curv technology feldspars platforms missing propagating highlights meanders excluded regarded tethyan boreal seismically intensified hillslopes mylonitic delivered spherical lss ##burden storms fabrics reworking challenges perturbations taxa problem transgressive cyanobacteria nacl clarkia normally encompass mollusk cyclophosphates appropriate diagnost cathaysia sudden stalagmite valuable bushveld grateful olymp renew subsoil 4c 61 92 bol bif dram draw fs flex hs hab hice ky lgg lpia mu m2 pv ris ss sik take vi wm yap ##uc ##tice ##haps ##fit ##64 ##onomic ##atch ##inozo ##itinozo inhibit ##rel ##ctor recharge decc cov pros anne ##ifeng bylot chitinozo who ##ographically composite modification ##iance ##ips subd intr relate relict presum object imped overburden spans regolith regimes transm fractions paleoch systematically perhaps upslope decel sulfid interplay flowing consisted thickened biotic biostratigraphic discern landward effectively 1200 constraint supplementary supercrat lattice postglacial follows explored δ13corg dolomites linkage quantification migrating continuity muddy imag ##jected investigations ##axial absolute ##upid explains 238u introdu creation laurentian columbian dimin frequently rhyolites british plays extrap runs ecological baltic rupt glaciovolc cutting groundmass etk unlike frontal favored widths plutons marshes ionization sinuosity synthetic exceptional exceptionally items euxinia diapirs occupation illustrate straight planetary δ13ccell cumulative discussed statistically challenge telupid fjords prepared behind gsa molecular discrepancy exponential engine phenocrysts siderite photosynthesis aperture moisture radioisot lherzolite fungal neighb innovation anthropogenic radiolarian diagnostic fsb deccan paleochannel baked cand cast dd gb give gases gorge har hour hani iber ions kn ln2 mit none nne ribb sb sorted sense tor vs vall yuk τc ##posed ##oa ##ea ##dens ##aqu ##sf ##65 ##88 ##ats theory ##arcon ##roan toarc ##osities condens ##ula ##ili stabil dead cop exs ##acies proceed alps alarcon shapes shelves seems chasma ##ched ##ants ##umetric ##ques moderat ##ops ##osti subset preced intact scar strateg caves disse carbonaceous leb ##ectite assc replacement 20200 que distances upd underlain concurrent mineralized hydrated icehouse ##rict heavy pool charge studying smectite folds polished 2004 serra contrad hosting latitudinal share 13c confining researchers synkinematic instability 160 attemp excell radiocarbon marks literature reaching orogenesis carry h2s circu lengths entirely correspondence standing remobil evaluating reactivated season wetlands technique chronologies metasomatic evapor simply recycled anticosti built buildu emission tetrad headwater ##ovolumetric eurasian principally twinning bioge methanogenesis braz uraninite enabled reworked purcell digital ##ersaturated partitioning eclogite overprin ##encies scattered erodible cascades ##probe criteria stretching discontinuous collaps paleoenvironmental nuclide aeolian stagnant paleoseism olympic pvb subdiv imagery engineering yukon toarcian 77 82 barb cla came elu gir jam lm lop lost lign mut pas pie pier piles pict rout sa t3 wil zhe ##ren ##time ##dis ##len ##lis ##nw ##sively ##crust ##ious ##win ##went ##kt ##39 inlet ##aska ##eting revis rebound ##osil ##ithm forced static anim seem whose ##omy ##omit ##omagmatic ##ogens contrary ##ables basic ##ember ##andina tex ##uss neves subtle plank lowermost geologically ##aya array uscl obo resultant overlies lee ##ounted ##achron obsc occas transl district diachron perform underwent apprec microm whereby concret traced microseismic microprobe acting outg folding ##acterial ##berg developing cyclic estimating ##rients volumetric peel finer infrar periph ##shock derive 133 δ18occ plus apenn defle epic 140 misfit predicts insu inside pyrox analyze affecting circum millions fewer ##fully pull collisional serpentinite coincide sheath bayan convergent errors siltstone recognition grants geodetic assessed 4000 siberia alkali clustered persistent regarding batholith dunes sufficiently hillslope anhydrous dips descriptions dislocations streams establishment brachi tools archaeological embed embay teme reviewers packages tanzan chemically govern interestingly ##ersaturation buffered ##archean immiscibility owing resetting optimum lenses spinel inventories pulverized satell flora comments phenomena mexico pyrenees unstable ##lumped curvature wmr annealing radioisotopic mitig valles moderately brazil usclas infrared brachiop 2e 260 69 68 63 775 bo ct cro care don fish gps hi haw lch right swe somet tc tail trees va vic vred wr wan σf ##rg ##rat ##rid ##rical ##rically ##efort ##del ##lin ##vere ##aus ##aisian ##hn ##ipping ##22 ##01 ##bank ##onous ##inum ##inities ##anian ##ancy ##stand ##elet tourn ##imn ##imeters rein conod ##ilt defic coex alaska sher shih severe ##lun resur tekt ##opter ##opside subaer preval presents scarp scandina cry ##ologists disequ ##athrust larson ##apu ##acht simulate transverse 207 diopside observational accounts ##unities concomit ##gins 107 amf calculating methanic remov lithological lithologic biostratigraphy ##ishan presently ##genetic hydrod hydrogen parent downwelling ##perse potassic localization faces termin shared patches quartzite ##lacements degra 1998 confidence archives instance barwa quantity hgs transpression enrichments nanolite mgo ##olithic absorption build conduct ##ilibrium saltation dimension megathrust planar public substrates immediate rayle situated internally halite soils ##ofacies closer exhibited unconformities aggregation astron stepwise offsets confirming microstructure rheic displayed excursions skarn orthog responses comprising exclusively accommodation synthes polydis tectonism amalgamated dispersive geodynamics occupied applicable namche transt entrained dmax nutrients sustain assumptions effort resource maintained rockfalls ignimbrites ##cellular picked replicate transect unusual extrusion argued bathymetric version procedures microfractures eustasy ##hotse conservative 188osi compounds amphibole decoupling encountered katian complicated fertile percolation talus renewed neighboring buildup girdle picture ##crustal animals microseismicity insufficient satellite lchf vredefort tournaisian shihhotse disequilibrium concomitant 3f 4d 54 62 79 74 71 73 91 bh ben bps bsg c6 c3 cul city clumped dau fellow hole jan jas kfs lie mur mush nano pist rom tide tau vide wal ##oe ##tz ##draw ##yan ##aj ##cis ##fj ##mc ##87 ##xley ##jan thi thole ##erates ##iting ##ico ##orous ##anan ##rem ##inger toled withdraw covers ##terland exert ones chalc ##rugin ##oms depocent recurr expulsion indisting union subver ##0000 ##load colder reli ##aku phy ##idecad obvious meter clockwise clacht fluor imposed mining lew levis leuc replaced transformation transgranular 208 ##auc perched drif variables erupting hydration constit structurally lithofacies midto midcontinent thermo parad road organics financ infilt superia crystallizing blank facing quartzites multidecad sheared 18o 172 170 synt magnes complexity quantities severn retention thicknesses ironstone differs steens gren gries turbul deline delamination granit ##linear coverage petit affects geometric millimeter diameters frequencies gondwanan nonlinear ultras protolith protogenetic drying evaluated curie ceased reactive accreted winds fits pluton solids hypothesize taph ferrugin focusing advance advanced otoliths zoned markedly ##uishable ##minated shifted bentonite ophiolitic semi matching huxley asymmetry hydrocarbons ubt guad improve biogeographic contemporary blue package buoyancy conjunction randomly nml interfac tissue simultaneous 76se sgfs anatolian misoriented immiscible ##iams conceptual acceleration symmetry remarkable ammonoids hinterland stimulated intercaldera neoarchean disturbance skinned paleolatitude splitting utah phyll underestim battle westerlies spatiotemp sparse lbt orogens penguin dehydration risk condensed circuit pasos diachronous outgassing apennines rayleigh astronomical transtensional bpsg fellowship piston tholei toledo indistinguishable clachtoll multidecadal ferruginous huxleyi spatiotemporal 4a 650 bon bin bou bigh ball bacteria cp cess cia dic dar dend gently hr hart jun l1 lan mir nile od ped rh rul rely ross sam vict viable δ82 ##ule ##rs ##rgins ##nan ##aver ##avi ##ava ##gone ##fell ##2o ##41 ##zi ##jave ##jik thems ##alup ##itz ##orth inland ##ste ##inge ##elier ##olia ##eto ##osing forward ##ilin star prodel animal anaer ##sea shmin chu ##izations ##adem ##opt subaqu preb places encl colon marie stront uses ##aking ##assa phe ##illing implied ministry spont surges ##ending supplied collectively acmc academ dr3 driver undergone plateaus formationrgins twice ##mber calciocarbonatite processed sliding activation biof domes noble mojave design ##vaal outl ##ney hydrof equations originated originating terrain geochem estimation correlates permit pec superim impacted 134 ##anged determinations displaced displacements 190 agu dominance radiation flare weathered 111 magnesian barents respective spectrum ##tlement defining deflation induce visual contributing focal slabs misery radiometric erlend caribb ##otte distinctive enhancing acknowledge horn strengthening falling ##aware noneth ultra ##pais converted panthal molar explosions consequences lifes bandelier platinum fitting predictions taur tajik evaporation tilt stratified stratification banks meandering mcsc accommodate avs zonation resistant incorporate malpais aquifer reasons intensification dispersal ccm illustrates megacrysts constructed methanotroph accompanying ##burg enables diffusivity foraminifera asthenospheric declined subjected governed surviv oscillations attachment achieved unusually connectivity springs putative intermittent ##board interacted nannofossils captured kimber carbonatites pebble trunc macroscopic ladder puerto category flocs astrochron heterogeneity bitumen habit kyr baltica ruptures ribbon evaporites lignite embedded tanzania vicinity coexist sherwin hydrodynamic taupo withdrawal subvertical leucogran guadalup bighorn hartfell victor themselves prodelta anaerobic strontium biofil caribbean nonetheless panthalassa guadalupian 84 cis cou dh drow d50 fenn gig graph hith hamp imb kr lock lau lyc liber lrg mism moz nas om oct pump rls rica rico sant sak tp tap vir ##dg ##late ##yal ##aid ##grow ##solidated ##97 ##bent ##enz ##itou ##itized inform ##anche ##ellet ##urization tow toxic ##lete ##idi ##idate ##osen ##ows ##ilian coesite ##acos ##ots ##ifact byp ##mented chen chosen ##omati ##irk compressive teph explic ##oper indo unp unex ##rained ##erman marian reloc relies geomagnetic scan scre ##active extens corrid assign consens occs indication italy paleop ##othrix ##auea drives alongside ##ung ##pected calcic reman genus grading newber hec actual biosphere glaciated designed ##aturated measur 2011 directed lob fines infra initi mainland latent 135 ago dol2 monogenetic months migrate defin accumulate fractionated continuing epoch 144 delaware granites respond subsamp extinct mesaver sectional ##ifying keel ##opyrite ##olds ##izontal slowly megab minima coincided coinciding greatest ultrap conversion selenite icfs icacos integrating geode assessment mechanically breakdown cuts confirms ##structure cordiller wetter optically chronological lips foam ##oscand chambers helpful liquids hotspots ferrous 1208 exclude sinter limestones kilauea raises mtb resistance facilitate ##lomb exceeds exceeded ophiolites analogue films begins illustrated matured uniformly ##borne tuning acidification papaku overlaps distinguished pseudotachylyte dmg chromit joint hazards repeatedly operate operated purely perturbation xrd preparation contractional kayitou human cfa procedure elongated mobilized chloride scours square aspects industry industrial bioturbation bioturbated deforming artifact issue microcrystalline paragen biomarkers affinity drove speleothems tdm vector tetrads biogeochemical ##ussian obscured hiatus waning tektites ##opteris subaerial 207pb thiothrix griesbachian taphonomic interfacial cessation subaqueous superimposed lifespan coulomb fennoscand hitherto lrg12 corridor newberry mesaverde 1d 2σ 210 3pc 51 96 ao aid aom bival bonds c2 cer cam cited dav e16 fis fring fission ioa jiang ki kir komati list luminescence mound pf pix rb rou rises s7 saya tg tank treat tonian uc ube weld xiam xilin σ1 ##ril ##tp ##ty ##ections ##ebr ##lano ##nes ##aign ##gon ##greg ##sulf ##cite ##hill ##iw ##iations ##ken ##mer ##49 ##86 ##xul ##zone ##ben ##bod ##blend ##ju ##ji ##31 thor ##onitic ##icxul inelastic injected ##analy ##ares ##elt ##eled ##urning tob ##isely ##isions ##olating ##idional rees ##osp ##oses sun suites comes examination ##otan ##otassic cho chicxul ##chrot ##istral ##iring ##laves ##lavia resid ##izar ##ibe deploy ##quis incip face modal ##orting subg collo mariner geographically sclavia phd classic overt overbank notable leaf basinal assigned consum replen 20th quick ##eposition undersaturated diat micron micros lowering ##ynam ##ochth trade genetic laa precisely heated heavi bedded bedforms oxford deformational charl outward deepest parental communities herein complementary voluminous fury evolutionary consideration centimeter agrees dob δ18oc cooled synchrot demise viewed offers eds ##erged inducing ##uralian ##hebe maxima nanometer hadean periodic orebod thinner flooding weakly granul granophy microbes predicting prediction assembled opened aug ##oke ##okin vertebr analyzer ##oidal clays conductive 232 enhances ##radiogenic dependence pulp restoration rhyth summar catac catalog coincidence unconsolidated oxygenated nonm viscosities ##ognized halogens halokin broader assessments metamorphosed irizar metasedimentary aggregate rodinian schm schist discoveries chronostratigraphic melanin meridional clustering skelet feeding woody ##prising highlighting aridity avoid advant airborne sinistral powerful laminations placing melanosome incorporating malha sinks intensely variance ##sky authors mississippi penalt incomplete deviations received ##rophic algor cracking strand lsu ##recognized mixtures diffusive swarms feedbacks faceted detectable ##anese traditionally country speeds metallogenic clean achieve erodibility successive microfracture eustatic mazon supersaturation unsaturated resemble attenuation biomarker aimed crosscutting ##horizontal alignment pillow stoer diagrams homogenization backscatter ensure boron accepted bolide transmission coprates paleoseismites subdivided sometimes conodont ##lung video ##fjellet 208pb ultraslow phyllosil ruled prebiotic academy hydrofract hornblend kimberlite truncated cisuralian mismatch ##dgt ##benthic explicit extensively consensus remanence hecla infrastructure megablock ultrapotassic chromitite ubehebe xiamaling chicxulub incipient marineris synchrotron granophyre hornblende 1e 325 450 81 agen aha blo cub c29 dra done ea fib gang ho hc her hmad iz iran je junction java king kinc kbs lode lcis mv mash nk pang puk rut rend roper sir self sorting tres tied tides upt war yar εnd ##rhot ##lim ##vin ##nected ##ao ##aments ##garn ##cb ##clasts ##cibility ##cribed ##hys ##iy ##ipped ##ky ##ki ##mor ##470 ##56 ##0r ##xing ##bly ##푀 ##atte ##eres ##erst ##erior ##ali ##ionally ##icle ##reh ##recedent ##sten ##ctoral tops ##isovolumetric ##olum ##eties ##etamorph ##imensional reocc ##ravel ##rade ##ithospheric convent isog max ##oten anisovolumetric areal alb sealed chifeng comput compreh ##inement tear evolve expression ##ataina indent unb unrecognized unravel ##ipelag subhorizontal ene ##iak scav arran mehg ##aki ##akan ##assium obduction metric impart spor surprising basinward coral ##ensbachian ##sour transferred calving 2021 melted prist paleoc dr4 underpl continues ads ##unately 108 activated oxic discr hydrox park polyc riverine mechanic ##xtap 127 potassium permits fining locality infill ##roportion derivation serve ##oxic special speciation facility centennial limitation 1300 postulated disproportion deglacial generations dominate floral olive cooler april archipelag linking monz barren influx retro shortly salts defect paleob paleoge epit 1400 brid meaning oxidative thinned separating assumes revealing operating ordered ordering keep explaining existed rotated rotating creating fallout geotherm ##full porphyries critically swir broken planform nuclear amplitudes halogen selen protopyro comparisons bends explosion attribute biomass passed chronostratigraphy solidus 4500 pliensbachian ##crip stratovolc bankfull ferric ferroan gouges ##print highlighted detachments tracks biota tuolum otf placer facilitates shifting tethys exceeding tectono repeat juxtap inherit escape seasonality lagerst invoking targeted algae qualit efficiently pyrrhot spheres ##recipit reviews thresholds seamount reproducibility promotes promoted escarpments paleoclim dsis destruction spots humid geomorphic abandonment scatter ##ambique bathymetry reconc cyclostratigraphy gneisses remarkably inventory pulverization employed briefly simplified preclude instrument tube geosciences ##ordinate clinoform clinoforms branch caledonia tributary disappearance mbsf quenched okataina sses prospect chitinozoans presumably deceler sulfidic diminish preceded queen overprinting pyroxenes tcn ##apuka orthogonal synthesized efforts recurrence phyt paradigm tholeiitic spontaneous geochemically tauride biofilms gigant graphite mozambique unprecedent jiangnan pixel ##sulfate deployed microspar ##ochthonous charlotte kincaid kbsis pukapuka yarlung reoccup isogdgt protopyroclasts stratovolcano tuolumne pyrrhotite unprecedented 870 ape acted brom cata crough cyl dc dw dana drap eot frost finger gul gib hw hors hav happ icy jour kj liver nail nsf nnw port pah pauc roles seric tf tm tas tie ur uv vig vad wg yb zim ##uang ##rites ##ping ##part ##tang ##ye ##vol ##vian ##sm ##cf ##cas ##cies ##fect ##fjord ##foten ##mark ##57 ##600 ##100 ##ball ##atization ##eras ##estered ##enon ##encing ##ioned ##ann ##strained ##asi ##lee ##olle ##oluminescence reid ##owe ##iling mack ##ureal coating code come ##otely prove projection anate ##utaries ##mentally ##respective shed seated sept che chin chim wee orna resident baseline ##ado compet ##therly ##usis ##uska ##ussia intercon unable subordinate envel ##iaz ##wei marques geologists scott obst disper dischar flush impr impur ##actic overflow sps spores temperate ##erator simulating calor paleot paleoseismic ##rosive dried undergoing continue mica wherein adding concord interpolated amoc travers traverse compositionally remove remotely proper microt construction heights magnetoz glacially refined ##neusis hydrocl involves rover richard organ mature loads lofoten aftershock vehic finite 2005 2003 progression southernmost pressurization crystallinity termination 1999 flutes synneusis blocking ##insic ##insula barrem ##avage sequestered 1600 retr profound contributes bright delicate oregon weakness mesh erg phosphatization ##oku ##clockwise analyzing carib conduits triggers concluded ##ahed inversions ##plates intragranular unconstrained behaviors aggradation ultraf pores porous protoc rule ##6011 assessing closest irrespective experience schem projected property plastics capitan appeared optimal flats lacc references plotted repository1 inference annually interseismic gaps enclaves denali troughs abruptly quantitatively necessarily peninsula accurately huang ccd ##mann ##ontinental named strait tendency exchanged accessory addressed archaeal pairing anisotropic enabling maintain reproduce declines decomposition purp nugget taxon budgets ascribed counterclockwise misorientation attached ##ambres extrusive prograde serves elongate mobilization mazama ##ographs criterion ammonoid artific disruption instantaneous selective issues leaching trachyand microcrack gabbroic thermochronologic geoscience advective speleothem chrm involvement bracket franc amazonia mouth zhang subtropical retreated retreating tungsten tunguska pelambres prevailing volcanogenic manifest excavated mollusks covari intrigu impedance discernible glaciovolcanic knoll strategic lebanese updated excellent lopingian wilson texas concretion embayment sweat vaureal prevalent removing degraded publication polydisperse chalcopyrite infiltration magnesiocarbonatite grenville turbulence mirr enclosed leucogranites virt ##enzie tephra mariana tdm2 uciams subgrain quickly orebodies 232th algorithm hydrofracturing mvt pristine mechanics archipelago paleogeography ##cript lagerstatte apex catast danae havre paucity vadose september interconnected envelope marquesas dispersion hydroclimate vehicle barremian 220 3e 750 93 ber bill bron bond bones bah baz bhs cel cult carb dna dani eid fro fount fires fug gave gau german iv iq ihe kerm kcf ll lin lying mus m0r ner nod nerc oa ozone pm pond qig rt r2 rust rules s6 ton tic tls uh um wbar xuan you yaz zk δg ωcal 푀 ##ui ##rian ##pts ##oon ##l2 ##yk ##vet ##vision ##nal ##gc ##sedimentary ##cia ##hre ##field ##feng ##menite ##92 ##ximate ##jections ##ᅭᆯ ##퐤 ##øya throw ##atran ##erget ##ineral ##alk ##icine ##icted ##orbed offic inactive andean ##rocal ##ingen tox ##ols ##imu ##iglacial ##lysis ##rael ##osk congo ##uli ##ulus ##ivoc ##ivian israel suited cost coales ##acites ##odoluminescence alum albor ##mentioned shat shad seal sealing search sector chern ##estine ##ph1 ##ogram contamin resorption ##umer ##add ##adec ##ander ##ichi faun interrupt neut neck unf unro unequ unimodal unradiogenic ##erson subgroup subsea energet ##look colom colored faulted scans scaled chang ##aken rockies ##ggar imposs impressions overest ##ifications extr mina spore ##aplano suggestions sims suppress suppressed obss paleomagnet increments ##ructive periglacial append mantled fe3 admin watershed concern ##rought 101 ##ieval flowed slipping constitu longitude longitudinal activities comparatively bedload corrections moved deeply foliated ##neys landing landers landforms landmass distributary grey equally organization ##rittlement 2016011 riverbed ##parts 122 125 ##inkle 2008 reductions somewh supercontin multic multip burning 132 determines 1800 radially numbers shallowing combine exploring syngenetic synsedimentary ##inson instit mono monot sequential naturally manus transpressive retained retrog middleto lineations approximate accumulates paleoflo δ18obenthic delt investigating releasing widening medicine covert phosphides lacks petrogen positively creme millenn ##radational trenches intracontinental drainages lasting ##etsunam poro nao ilmenite probable recognize bending mss mechanistic needs curved cutoff explosivity reacted intervening 240 270 xenolith tensor divergent 5000 columns turnover permeable steeply taklim ##hoe ##obar orthomagmatic stratal cruise excluding mcm advances sintering geophys otfs ##406 sumatran levees ##minating principle baumer huge macro applications cclay ##188 proportional datas interiors diamictites stationary nevad monitored accordingly overlapped archaeol embrittlement sdg diffusivities pulsed vitiaz reorgan shaping interfaces maintaining econom petrography conglomerates dsfs teletsunam percentages cathodoluminescence fissures ##abilities coarsening problematic rooted ascending transgression precursors anatolia overprint cleavage sulu transects programm served ##ullen accelerated cyanobacterial discrepancies mask shocked inclined inclination disrupted precludes instrumental emergence phenomenon dropped tightly meteoric utilized carbonatitic backscattered brulee tributaries hydrology mbsl scotland mimic manifested encompasses dramatic dramatically drawdown flexural ##related objective supercraton extrapolated exponentially hours iberian exsolution scarps contradict remobilization collapsed barbed elusive occasionally micrometer peripheral epicontinental brachiopod fishes wrinkle deficient scandinavia conductivity romanche reliably lewisian financially blanketing underestimated june chuar bypass measurable lobes cordilleran komatiite thorough colloform replenish ##epositional ##ynamically advantage phyllosilicate agency cubic pangani sirjan ##4703 computational comprehensive inheritance gigantopteris bromine cylind reidite mackenzie chimneys ultrafine bhsz celestine iheya kermadec xuanwei youth yazd zk4703 alboran cherniak unequivoc subseafloor impossible administ 2016011ph1 somewhat supercontinents taklimakan 1pc 2f 550 790 820 bw bone bern bimodal cs dy ech egg fp gh gain gron ha ham hall hau hco hinge jing jones jump kv kern kcr k2o lib mors mott muse ng n2 nank oor pit piv paly pract placement ren rip rose rond raw ripp sv sor sigm takes taz tonal xu yul yil δ33 ε1 ##uation ##polar ##lan ##lle ##vat ##vity ##vents ##sw ##cers ##canic ##cules ##hl ##hote ##wart ##ku ##kond ##fo ##fe ##fib ##med ##mas ##math ##93 ##63 ##1c ##08 ##03 ##zburg ##76 ##ese ##ald ##itr ##itor ##orogenic inac ##anite ##angin ##rey ##reas ##reth ##reated ##elian ##uries ##olis ##olate ##olym ##etus ##etrically ##iger ##igan ##idimensional conce ##ivari isolation isolate ma1 ma3 sund coalescence ##iffs ##utable ##erequis alin allu aliqu albed ont shut shaking cherts ##cher ##istrib ##lave resolving depression depicted compact ##ichuan fauna ##orementioned recurrent modulate ##agou highs nord unt unfort ##ipelagic suboxic subpolar entering intensive ##loof ##ermal ##iao ##iafjellet martin arise ##ghter ##asses phreatic caution caps ##illation clou cliffs ##rusting valangin overc overwh overgrow overlook extents mind mines splay leaves ##ende larsen ##apsh consolidated regular supplies 2048 quite quasi undert distillation prerequis hyper diox ##iente perfect drier differing ##vier varieties adop ##icken interpolation interplate likel ##ochemistry tracing microanaly lazi becoming thicken slides slicken setup constitute aforementioned redistrib ##rane healing ##yclic actually mira magnetostratigraphy oceanographic moen outflow 153 downgoing roof originate terr territ characterizing look complement constrains ##valuation backwater smallest preserves ##oxid crystallize blanc ridged burgers ##uchuang centimeters centuries limiting aging dolost strongest flash 176 115 archived δ13cp westernmost complexities reex reevaluation edges editor younging 165 manner retain ends defines stewart epiph ##heating seconds periodically solely weakened missour demonstrating media medieval detritus glen glenc funds collisions carrier osm diagonal documenting laurussia distinctly 235 srp productive rotational circular hotter millim 225 ##awa emer emitted summit ##amining fourier planets coastline climactic centered garg implication anomalous immob hemipelagic ##enna extracellular runout individ msz submerged integration integrates thanks constants helvet breaks breakoff compilations loaded exhibiting curves cuticles wedges unless microscale mno ##dese perspective opposed passage ##umption linearly steeper taking surrounded craters propagated liquidus orthoph felsite ##hedra crushed md96 wintertime narrower kilometer pseudo bathyal ventil ##ventae ##skloof juventae diapirism inherent accuracy film morb megacrystic namely ##logskloof pyrites establishing dmf convective shoreline accelerator john sdm isochrons ##6666 interflu megacontinents realistic declining ##after temporary dsdp surviving percentage oscillation bitlis geomorphological geomorphology polymorph counterpart counterparts autochthonous azimu prograding reconcil chlorine symmetric vesicles vesicle ##ographical prevented conservation aeromagnetic rounded kinetics tonga tongue colorado discontinu resemb mexican decoupled emphasized pyrenean deltaic paleolatitudes snapsh teniente tubes utility advection pebbles burrows branches tiny ##forward indirectly brackish campaign france compensation estuarine hydrological scotian catalytic corroborated borden altitude bifs hsuchuang sikhote inhibited supercratons introduced glaciovolcanism straightforward ddas iberia proceeded contradic attempts claim james pieces piercing hawai ##standing reinfor daughter depocenters drifts syntaxial granitoids lanping survivors drowning hampered locked ao96 david routing ##jiagou toba sunjiagou oxfordian nonmarine halokinetic penalty gangdese nkana uptake conventional underplating discrimin polycrystalline defects paleoclimatic hw21 weeks obstac franciscan covariation virtually catastrophic baham neritic umkond toxicity faunal unroof watersheds manuscript deltas mcmullen nevadaplano replenishment cylindrical administration groningen museum oorlogskloof pivot palyn δ33s ##vatn ##fibers alluvi albedo unfortunately valanginian overwhel missouri immobile helvetiafjellet 010 390 480 580 720 aph ava aval alex bsl bacterial birk dent dual eb eul edu eject fell gd gg gate gong gale giving hat his hid hild hbf jar ken lst live lord lift lrees liang mich male mounted molds mosk nur nodal ost oyst pi pos pge pock pose rol rub sre sis siang sieved slave sichuan tb tent tur tab tag tert tape tice ttp vacu wy wax xifeng σy 퐤 ##uary ##rur ##rity ##pin ##oard ##octoral ##tian ##eb ##dom ##lank ##limin ##yka ##vite ##ael ##ament ##awe ##sal ##can ##cule ##hol ##hoku ##iary ##iya ##found ##24 ##84 ##xi ##xis ##bc ##78 ##73 thaw threat ##atites ##ino ##inh ##inely ##alar ##aline ##ita ##iti ##ora ##orosity inward inboard ##rox ##root ##urag ##asis tolle tohoku ##oul ##cean rear reun reju ##rac ##osal ##osov ##oclastic ##ocyclic fort forec ##ila ##illes ##ilities sta stru dece decon ##acc ##oty anch beiya atom ##gement ##resolved shel chose chips ##omon ##istically ##iration resili ##ading ##adial ##emite comprom ##que incub ##allon intercept ##ortex tr15 northerly ##opography unm uniqu unamb unresolved ##astable washed subl prelimin durability betic ##iki scope meishan abiogenic phil ##arbonatite disag dispar disint metab metastable ##aceae ##ificant leg leak ##ends ##ectonic soap corner ##api ##apatite consumption suggestive ##ensky ##ignificant simao indices transformed transients transvaal 205 distilled seaward paleont deterior loci locus underwater differed feas micritic ##unosa ##icking lowered amund traject methyl remote consistency slice graded newfound lithic actively magnetot magnetostratigraphic magnetizations noise allocyclic moon refine measures outstanding smtz ##neg 157 thermometry differentiate ##bergen roan equipped believe develops ##peco originates ##riers lois 129 aftersl finely idah ##shui fractal ##yssal preserving speculate histogram blan termed impactite reflectance burned ##uchi chinahe identifies prime 1990 conflic confinement 183 requiring combines flir antilles apatites 119 117 archive 253 hypocent 166 manih endogenic lineation attention ##ankov visco ##head grouped bring elimin hold respiration insignificant marking negle pyrolysis distinction caraj 230 crossed approaching thrusting farallon timesc minimize intracal ##onaland episodically substances describes amplified extraordin counts protru pop1 running rungs northwestward freeze siltstones desertification nucleate nucleated ##tened integrate integrity geodata thanked tio2 attributable ird biomole consequent alken aggregated etende ##hydrocal standards microscopic favors technical projects steepness merapi merensky difficulty transformations helped arava taiy failures floodplains lacunosa ferroc nd2 persistence persistently mda forcings detached raf raising approximation vegetated deglaciated reports identifying varved july mylonite ##eley ##eleke 371 filter footprint cacl2 externally invoke datum classified classification laws nanoporosity tends tuned systematics distinguishing reviewer 001 formerly peatlands tuffs promotion promoting ammonite ssts ##basin detector doub 1986 boreholes droplets zrp destructive easm cemented fireball saga ##ihood ##olidus replicates oscillatory metallic eclogitization hardening obliquely cleet efficacy suspension wavelengths gsd liu relevance aragonitic cascade ##otrophic outputs cyclostratigraphic ##99999999 polygons vesicular postdoctoral intermittency stretched chapeco belonging inclinations ##enesøya stimulate physically physics trachyd 1992 thermochronometer meteorites underestimate titanium titanomagnet estuary adjustment milankov awarded mzb ##mado universal enhancement flexure ssw vienna intrinsic diminished stabilized exsolved disseminated excellence remobilized eluc routinely revised periphery deflected brachiopods carefully crypt bhds beni culminating january dendritic pedogenic miseryb astrochronologies prodeltaic dh1 lycops nascent santa sakurag ##owska relocated initiates epochs fennoscandia fringing overturning vertebrate cleaned explicitly izena lodeve mashonaland retroarc epitaxial meaningful ##recipitation reconcile dwyka drapes vigorous coatings anatexis imprint magnetozone aftershocks trachyandesite billion fugacity gauge germany ponded qigeleke ##fengya office paleomagnetism monohydrocal millennia geophysics economically programme youthful fpelagic kernel mottled ripening yulong yilgarn ##kuotan inaccess sunda nordic overlooked mindola dioxide adopted likelihood moenave epiphreatic glencoul interfluves snapshot bahamas umkondia birkhill euler education hildreth liangfengya moskenesøya posl tertiary reunion rejuven forecast deconv resilience preliminary disinteg soaproot amundsen newfoundland afterslip idaho manihiki carajas intracaldera etendeka taiyuan ferrocarbonatite milankovitch sakuraguchi qigelekekuotan monohydrocalcite 021 2h 3g 3he 375 660 850 ace aap bb bow binding c5 cep crop dt dan dow dots dacites elast eme erosive ft fly fate fern gro gel hes harb iap ihg jp kore lt ly lamp lomon my mess mang mosa nost nond nons name nested pave pile pun penn pits qilian rc ram rms russian s8 s0 son sided saw sidi tip tree trop tang training vul vital vortex wk word wnw yd ysg zam zcb σ3 ##uz ##upp ##uber ##uacu ##uroan ##rations ##ride ##rative ##rift ##ois ##ool ##tening ##ee ##ders ##dish ##lites ##lopt ##yre ##var ##vable ##vvatn ##nn ##gu ##gv ##gman ##sch ##cw ##crit ##hr ##hi ##hing ##high ##iating ##wash ##kets ##fac ##flu ##fact ##ming ##mta ##melt ##62 ##160 ##zen ##bra ##jiang thal ##oni ##atz ##erized ##erland ##inter ##insh ##eshoe ##eni ##alth ##ndepositional ##itely ##itina ##oria inert inversely ##anon ##anth ##arg ##arches ##real ##rect andreas ##roid ##ston ##stop ##ella ##elvvatn ##urse topped ##ison ##olic ##olly ##etall ##imetry ##igorite ##idel ##idine ##idently reyn reheating ##rays ##rapped ##ithermal ##owawe ##ivals iso isovolumetric ##ocyst ##ocrystalline ##ilite ##ilsk stem stay stark stiff dewater dexing maok cob coals cogenetic course ##rometamorph asper exit exerts examining beowawe atoms segreg sevier searches chath chains choke chahed wholly ##omal ##phreatic ##istical contex resides ##izable ##abrian ##aterrestrial bases baskets compell compose ##andin magall ##therms modify modulus ##ago team interd interfer intersp triang expans neill highland ##duct norilsk ##oplank unrelated unreal ##ersed subarctic preglacial prevents enz enter entered envis lows colluvial marl maria relied gehre prescribed scalar arises artic arrays striated abyssal ##ordial photic ca2 ##ansi clar notew minutes spite tempo sov so2 basinwide cored coring corals ##apvaal asselian ##ensis ##ards suppression transrot calabrian collect quies unders distant distortion diorite seaway paleotemp dr6 signs ##agement adhes twins 1019 δ199 erode generic thickest ##orylation graben reddish lithostratigraphic lithologically biod biochemical biowe oxyan moves ##athering midcrustal ##enged grown outp outlet silicone channelized hydrog ##perian differentiated invari believed pyrometamorph fieldwork 128 inflow ##inku ##ropod precipitating supplement 2002 backstop mainshock superp supergi specular particulate reflective averages centroid 136 ##angular ##angpo representation identity disputed primordial predates 1980 1995 1929 confidently generates 171 antigorite explor 1100 glacials offsp dolomitic monument hypers severity management transitioned profiling ironstones migrates lineaments saline attained stepping stegman intruding paleophreatic visually epithermal normalization 143 nanos elias benef expanding oxidizing imna holds ##202 gaussian radiating radiative subsolidus negatively opens phosphorylation gloss angola kaapvaal bulla morphometric morphodynamic ##istics dissip lauraceae crossing crew labile geotherms porphyroc swamp swiss ##ygenic sio anoxygenic inverte remainder garlock ultimate glassy ##340 ##elson fastest divides dividing recognizable msr integral ashes mechanochemical breaking glacio maker grounded polarities strikingly 2400 xenocryst favoring argill 21ne plasticity chrons japanese ##identified flattened flattening lipid ##165 predictive tsangpo 330 propagate failed tilted persists freshly fragmented steadily devast device intersected intersections galiw spacings encaps decade sharply denot denggar tsunamis facilitating 2010a 2010b logs logistical sinking ##elev diapiric analogues filtered ##igenous occupy diplopt lagoon ##186 fundamentally morr morain proportionally targets targeting karst namibe ways explanations orbit twinned ##962 nitrate tomographic chromat monsoonal 002 fixation peatland lapse palae arrivals authigenesis reproduced operation dilat fairly detecting wavelet 1984 combusted teles validity survival geochronologic crucible destabil cementation county countries roughness sagelvvatn partitioned paleosols polymetall misorientations own attachments thousand forests ##otrophs beamline reconf successfully begun intermittently aerial squares wasting exponent accounted floras amphibolite emerged selectivity photosynthetic hinder physi leached disturbed paraguacu emphasize encounters affinities sanidine traveled fueled syndepositional sngv grande momentum stopped christ extracts campanian laden spatio amazonian gravels mouths zhong stocks exploited bituminous borne pinch vectors excavation chitinozoan presumed objects cande candidate harzburg toro subsets dissected lebanon carrying seasonally overprinted piez pierce route planktic leeward occasional concretions cyclicity government ##imnion resurfac scandinavian transpressional dimensionless bhut dauph depocenter constitutes delineated granitoid dendrites rhp ##orthy starts outlined outlier ultrahigh victoria imbal imbric town unexpected subsamples paragenesis bivalve cerro camera kirmta mounds welding consumed heavily granulite augite rhythmite summarized cataclastic schmid kingdom albert imparted sporad paleocurrent disproportionation qualitative horseshoe nailed sericite ##volcanic ##ollector ornament impurities paleoseismicity concordant profoundly scheme laccolithic microcracking subgrains ##ineralization shatsky colombia overestim extraterrestrial appendix multicollector paleoflood poroelastic teletsunami ontong undertaken prerequisite terrigenous territory dolostones osmium individually orthophosph δ33ssulfate alluvium ejecta hidden vacuum december sublithospheric cleetwood cryptic ceps emeishan hesperian iapetus lomonosov messinian ##uroanat ##critical thalweg dewatering maokou chatham contexts magallanes interspersed gehrels noteworthy δ199hg bioweathering supergiant offspring imnaha invertebr galiwinku diploptene polymetallic 1f 2g 3h 4e 440 5b 525 690 760 890 ak akin bac bse bell bish bins bilater badd brought cd cra carm c28 cocc ded dir dans drops ebro fen fem fana fweather gent gum gene gun gross hv hit hop hak hill hell hier hind himn jer jian jinding kel kur kap l2 l3 lond lamination m4 m1 mort mond muted niz nether nye ps pace pice p30 rv rg sod sse spp song sail sax slump tell tint tensional tips tjan trox u14 vu vas vib verg voids wing ward warp wsg wander xanes yandin δf δ56 λ1 ##uy ##ugh ##uals ##ria ##py ##pi ##p4 ##pers ##ova ##ober ##o12 ##tress ##tically ##tonic ##ey ##dney ##lat ##lip ##gian ##gun ##gals ##grown ##car ##cive ##hole ##ii ##iosity ##wich ##watz ##kian ##kli ##kirk ##kinson ##fined ##mg ##mq ##mic ##map ##mise ##54 ##150 ##02 ##04 ##zz ##bi ##bul ##bab ##bted ##ja ##79 ##onides ##erization ##eryc ##erobic ##indu ##iness ##inting ##eding ##altered ##ito ##oric inam ##ania ##ancing ##arid ##arithm ##requ ##rob ##strial ##ela ##elting ##uric ##leted ##imer ##imetric ##oug ##ouse ##ouqu ##thrusting ##idire rev rever ##osak conform conund ##ocentral ##occo ##ilization ##ilob stoch stems exogenic ##acong ##oto prote ##odep ##ifiable ##utants atoll ##see onward shot shib shansi sec seed seym chi chad ##rub ##oma ##omery ##phase ##ctional ##antan weighting resol ##ameter ##umn ##uminous ##ighter ##pe406 ##aba depolym recre recomm sedimentologic intert interlay evolves trilob neural neob indus indio unz unidentified unaltered formative envision intras ##enekian ##lover colville relating geys george geographical ##ikouqu scoria arb arising armor modelling strikes aboard ##aker magmatically canol ##illonite metacong impinge oversp spurs lever ##athian soon sole ##ariro consort ##elli ##elluric ##eratic ##achian replac ##epleted ##ospheres undepleted prs frag fram paleodep incremental observatory peric underground undercut 109 1020 1090 decimeter deciph decameter sulfates amarg microtherm microplates slp slide longest grab healed magnetized magnetically bios biased sandwich correcting refract refraction desic charlie outwash silicified sms smith smow smear deepwater thermobar globe equals polyn northernmost ##riel nearest loi completed 12c 124 permitted initiate ##iveness proglacial superg ##iversification reflectors bury burn ##uchia 139 postulate identifiable landsat predating 1960 1994 dolerite 18eb genera dominates flocc 1700 olenekian anti dems 113 1150 1123 euarth instabilities month monod monte reeves 2500 hypocentral ##avor severely 169 cm2 ended endow strained diffract salinities fossilized attest induan accumulating steam intrude 40cas paleocean entr entrapped fractionations continuum epil ##ception contribut grass maximize nanling works working workers delim hollow mg2 weaken mission miseryc subsided priority phosphide kept lacked evenly carol carlo osi morphosp conducting conducive dissoc geometrically acknowledged circle labeled alters altering ##ahili geoflu obtaining daye ##urned ancest atlantis porphyrob swahili restore eman funnel fungi planum intrac intracellular equilibrate equilibrated lasted oxygenation substit centerlines paul ##158 ##151 bays porosities describing selkirk populated ##eady drygals powders ##ofossil axisymm sensors division probes nucleus alternation helm exceptions glaciogenic curiosity attributes cements pollutants windward incorrect garnets ##atories interglacials aster schl schematic schists banda 280 pyroclast 296 298 2100 3000 displaying lipids difficulties segmented transforms heterolithic heterocyst skew southwestward arabia ##3333 ##33962 stratum stratosphere feeder 262 ##ioff exclusive mcs intersects tracking homogene anticip airgun ##30188 laminar otolith raise microfossil tetra soluble ##ophotic logarithm baikouqu movements necessit ##ctuated macrost occupations 20193 ccsm maturity oils receiving statistics guided 472 ##omorphs improving configurations framboids namib spanned classical nanopores acidic acidified ##burial convecting sustaining packed ##276 foraminifers fixing multiphase 1873 palmas vitr susceptible gabriel tanana ##osols interbeds petrology petrologic boulders pumices ##9433962 1988 conglomeratic validated digest destroy paleolake buffering sags ascended behave behaves autom autumn returned owl exactly offering arguments verify elongation cosmic supersaturated overpressured postdate aerosols satis ##boe chaotic belongs nannofossil tongariro controversy instruments emerging sapropels ##locking intercalated encompassing leachable 1991 apertures attenuated mollusc 64pe406 montmor penetrate fuel sydney utilizing unsteady obsidians burrowing nuclides pila ##6792 shields caledonian brun titanite compensational estuaries certainly ##iguously exploiting catalysis borders mzc mimics pinus universite prevailed subsoils hsz sikosak decelerating sulfidation introduce castle knick preceding scarce headwaters paleoseismite cameca lmgc mutually performance appreciable hawk wright prevalence removes terminates polydispers benioff culminated nanoge exerted semiarid odbc starved methanotrophic astrochronologic lycophy liberated nasa october pumping taper scanned screen definition foams paragenetically fennoscandian bivalves listed welded choice diatom heavier pulpi skeletons bloom blooms scavenging adsorbed hydroxide juxtaposed humidity deceleration diminishes stratovolcanoes tasman zimbab chinle discharges flushing calorimeter traverses retrieved protocols capitanio artificial intriguingly bronces frozen iqrs linn ##퐸 costa retrograde dataset unequivocal nankai ronde ripples tonalite concealed ##ivariate overcome perfectly slickenfibers looking ventilated contradicts discriminate obstacles unroofing aphanite avawatz hatrur liftoff rollover tagh wyoming ##otype incubation uniquely metabolic legacy deterioration magnetotelluric blanco viscoelastic biomolecules alkenone ##eleyite ##9999999999 trachydacite titanomagnetite inaccessible rejuvenated disintegration acex korea nostoc punctuated words reynolds isothermal ##oplankton envisaged paleotemperature adhesion oxyanion moraines teleseismic reconfigur harzburgite bhutan orthophosphates bishop bilaterian baddeleyite coccolith fanaerobic fweathering hierarch himnt london mondsee netherlands nyeboe picea p301 troxel u1425 vibration yandinilling δfmq δ56fe ##p4o12 ##industrial conundrum stochastic shibantan seymour armorica metaconglom impingement amargosa refractory euarthropod 40casw paleoceanographic geofluids drygalski axisymmetric ##301886792 logarithmic baikouquan macrostrat ##943396226 montmorillonite polydispersivity zimbabwe hatrurim 1g 215 290 410 5c 520 530 730 995 aure aks bce bom blow bund bacter bread bgs buchia cn c4 cz cation cres clu dp dre dive dose ee ey ef ese eld efs ejected fn file files fms fias fidel gan gam gard gust gplates hn hur hun harm io iter ichn kung kicking l8 lon les lou lun lree lang lighter m7 ming mif mong math mds mitch nt nat nus nak nun nose niger ov oib ooids p2 pic pent pig pand pus pip pges pertain p2o qiang ri rin rins s9 sz sore sah tac tand terat tension vg vms wen wn2 wuli zob δm δbul λ2 σflow 푤 훼 ##upt ##pret ##oan ##oand ##ti ##tot ##ez ##eity ##ext ##dives ##lor ##lar ##lase ##lance ##lichi ##yd ##nith ##ners ##norm ##nace ##aut ##gess ##sz ##ser ##cel ##core ##cceed ##hal ##hist ##iot ##ius ##iously ##wk ##king ##fl ##fold ##filled ##mi ##250 ##91 ##928 ##68 ##113 ##xenes ##za ##zer ##bre ##bru ##band ##bros ##bance ##belt ##jal ##74 ##푤 ##훼 thuring ##onts ##onites ##atu ##ateth ##eram ##ession ##enberg ##alen ##itation ##itna ##orre ##orated ##orbance ine ing inoc inund inset inhib injections ##rep ##ster ##stra ##strom ##static ##stands ##stec ##inga ##elon ##urate ##asion ##asia touch ##isation ##isperse ##etal ##etland ##eterto ##ida ##idies ##idental ##iduous rect reass reyk ##rading ##raded ##osive ##oshan ##ithetic cones ##ulhas isop ##ocite ##ocline ##illa ster stre stere stadial deer deact mad succeed ##urei coord cook coexisting coordin ##romatic ##teren ##terior ##terrane ##terbru exotic exerc ##otectonic projections ##odowska atop allo albian aliph alvar ship shetland cheng chape ##rupts ##omer ##chan ##chronology ##phae ##vember ##lad weigh orange ornith ##ppler contract reside ##ams ##ibly ##pection ##ade compute competing ##iche incise ##orefer recess ##agen ##agonal intergrow highlands ##opically ##opolis unis unrest unacc unidire ##astically washing formulation ##ersible ##iplin subangular preto preindustrial prehist envelop enters enthal enlar lowers ##ermere relics georefer crises arm arrow arsen armado strict striations abnorm abraded ##utions ##ghan ##assiz cao caf ##gged fluvi imple overs overste overhead notation mini spall spons ##athers sokli ##arium ##eralic assay consolid recorder suggestion ##ensurate ##ached ##oneuroanat repub replace translation 203 undet undersaturation hyphae paleos paleopro paleoneuroanat ##rosphere ##aux ##aust observing bute dr8 underne underlies underlie feo feather micrite adher adequ concave ##rupted ##icked deciduous ##ocho ##ochitina ##ochteren eroding ams trac easter proposal genetically ##wards hydrosphere microp microve microenviron microlites slices slochteren settlement redlichi magnetometer biases biospheric compares comparative november bedform moab refers pb2 outlines channeled ##nek discord discounted 156 hydroph hydrotherm hydrostatic thermogenic paris parateth downhole ##inawa globules differently differentiating richness equil equidimensional ##deuse ##ube poland polish commenced commensurate ##ogeny ##ogenian hereafter limb estimations ##xtures 121 123 furnace aftermath veining correlating firm fineto ##valley infilled infrequ supplemented ##shead 2007 additions possess superbasin superterrane velocimeter multist considerations burgess ##angan flour postrift 193 19th 1900 1996 agent agate agents agulhas agassiz 1860 doing doppler easternmost flares 178 173 antip antithetic 1110 dolomitization linkam linkages monomin barc barometer barometry ##co3 ##cool 252 sequester manually retard ##nowing fossiliferous attain induces peaked paleohyd paleoflow paleoelev visit 142 145 148 muds mudrock worked meanwh ellis ellip ##2016 ##ovian gaidies insens insular inspection subsidi separately detailing mesoscale mesophotic absorbance phosphates phosphatic winnowing ##hawk cenospheres angara energies ##clide bulge documentation dissimil 239 shoulder ##bees grades gradational horse strengths strengthen labrad likewise warmth approached texturally swells switz thrusts subduct methodological faroe rhyod slowed slowand em1 emit catal planning coastlines draining oxygenic nonun sulfurization s14 s13 ##ostratigraphically numerically aggradational progresses pao converged exposing counting counted ecsz saturating waveform illu illin expectation ##ofluvial molding dives kind rugged ##603 submersible geodynamically laboratories helps williams compiling glaciofluvial curtin ##107 irish reacting biomineralization bubbly grounding windermere blackhawk alkanes transiently rifts ##440 607 polarized scholar banding 243 282 275 273 mn2 argument confirmation tensors oligotrophic 292 211 capability passages fitted ##umps ##805 steepening alkalic segmentation transforming brecciated 331 tapped ##253 mountainous cruises mdds copperbelt seeps whitehor ##opyroxenes devoid seek δ34ssulfate frictionally ##28301886792 intersect intersecting acquiring facilities narrowing ##237 advancing otw s2a encased requirements frontier diaz polyhedra incorporates malvin maldives ##ophores ##iffusion tectonomagmatic logging repeating varve upwards decaying flanked 343 inherently filters filaments filament ##igenic maceral lags ##149 ##147 asymmet favorably morocco streamer ##487 unkar fluctuating classes reproduction methanogens rainwater distinguishable joints ##huah ##279 ##ashi 971c architectures reproduces gabbros dilute realm chemostratigraphic declination ##942 ##7777 temporarily calls callovian stomata validation survive crucially digitized taxonomic ##856 counties picks problems replication ##neisses roots societal polymeric irregularities theoretically overprints delayed delaying isostasy arguably cascadia cyclical mobilize preventing molecule historically postdates goe goal chaos employing nacp ##bara coming unsupp simplest emergent resembles capturing trachyte emphasis 1997 traveltime cyclophosphate penetrated penetrating penetrative kimmer ohio symb snake aligns collagen doublet fertility shielded chris caledonides truncation macroscopically batches puzz westerly percolating amazon categor quenching astrochronology heterogeneities corroborate corroborates okinawa pinned pelitic penguins ramped ##ogranite viability extrapolation casts harr stabilize updip attempted collapses jamstec mutual texnet planktonic translating performing mitigate careful donors cryogenian terminated chalcocite reliability obviously fluorine fluorapatite lewis financial magnesium turbulent bonito binary boud boudeuse odds pecube methanotrophy survivor habitat habitats coexistence drowned lauterbru pumps tp1 screening assignments paleopole paleoprecipitation artifacts 210pb kiel rbsh treatment granulites august vertebrates catacl skeletal pillows drag fibrous rutter renders warning maxwell unbaked arranged metrics sporomorphs adsorption monzonite paleobotan bridges qualitatively branching reoccupation reoccupational gullies gibbs happen happened pahs uvrs check chinitna paleotopography properly microtidal weaknesses caribbees capitanian huangshui artificially intriguing mirrored fountain fountains nodules rtms coalesced neutral energetic energetically constituent constituents petrogenesis reorganizations thoroughly bweni library sigmoid aliquots untreated cloud overgrowths regularly microanalysis redistribution reexam 235u gargling resemblance claimed gateway oysters rubia tentatively tabular tapeats ##holtz anchor unambiguously disaggreg leaky trajectories methylation histograms timescales elucidate bowen danish elasto ftir fernand harbor ltd sonora zambian ##nnen asperity compelling interdiffusion expansive enzym clarify hydrographic pyrometamorphic argillic devastation encapsulation chromatography alberta invertebrates fenitization gentle hakurei saxo wingate chihuah resolvable interlayered overspill consortium fragile paleodepth periclase desiccation supergene flocculation monodisperse diffractometer morphospace ancestral emanating helmholtz heterocystous vitrinite owlshead reconfiguration vibrational metaconglomerate aureole aksu bgsbs eeco elder fidelity gamma mongolia mitchell nusfjord naknek p2o5 qiangtang rinsed soreghan tandem vgps wuliuan zoback δbulk 푤푤 thuringian inoceram inhibition reassess reykj coordination coordinates alloys aliphatic alvaro chapeu weighed ornithogenic unaccounted ##iplinary strictly fluvio consolidation republic underneath hydrothermally paratethys infrequent monomineralic meanwhile subsidiary dissimilatory labrador switzerland illinois whitehorse malvinas filamentous unsupported kimmerid lauterbrunnen 033 025 014 017 320 340 420 418 5a 540 640 780 726 880 ah aur a95 aila b1 bj bes bus bench brad bird bivariate cg cad centr cmb cpb c30 cpo d3 din dal dor dong damp dism dick dup dict drought diversification e1 eth erupts fes fou fos fla fam food fash fpc fij gc gm gis gut gather grit glace gained gets gives het hil hong hay hect hear hone held hok jack jenn jinsh ko kh kø ker kan kla kam kun kang know kov kcl l4 lul liz lpe lined linc lind ligur lls lists lull lends lumps mp ml mj mun mons mco merg mold mention merged nist nerv nomin null ncw nelson oasis p1 p0 pion peral ponds qcb qinh ry ras rsl say sie solved sits sauc t4 tes tit tall tort train tay tms tull trem trophic treated ud u150 vc v5 von ven vestig void vester vivian villa wu wb wit wang wench xin xig xiao xanth yin yos yong yun ysp µg δ202 μw μ2 μx ϕc ##ua ##uro ##uate ##uca ##ufact ##rm ##rer ##rim ##rut ##rification ##pal ##pic ##pop ##pyc ##pired ##tr ##tine ##ek ##een ##eable ##eonite ##efined ##dain ##dmore ##lated ##lates ##linal ##yu ##yath ##ybar ##yaya ##vp ##vic ##vities ##vsky ##vsm ##ny ##nam ##nell ##aam ##avail ##away ##afs ##gz ##gis ##gra ##gomery ##syl ##sson ##cale ##crest ##cline ##coll ##casses ##hav ##hape ##hama ##hmap ##iab ##iret ##was ##wler ##worth ##wald ##kel ##kim ##fossil ##mow ##2o3 ##5n ##53 ##61 ##89 ##180 ##129 ##06 ##xpl ##xby ##zed ##zite ##bal ##bour ##bury ##jok ##jind ##7o ##71 ##734 ##326 ##łodowska ##ᆷ푀 ##ᆻ퐸 ##ᇁ푀 thr thins ##oned ##atable ##atives ##inution ##escribed ##ndip ##itively ##itiation ##itime ##itches ##ionu ##ici ##icates ##orem ##orhe inse inject inlets inception ##anford ##ariance ##aroa ##rection ##recc ##reau anderson ##rove ##entang ##stances ##sterite ##elic ##elle ##ura ##asalt toe tos topp toler ##isible ##olm ##olan ##olub ##olimnion ##ett ##etical ##imilar ##oubted ##tha ##thick ##cepts ##lytic ##ido ##idates reorient reanaly revision reoxid reburial reinga ##rably ##osis ##osely conse conch confer conduction ##ulata ##ulie ##ivating isob ##oclast ##ocalc fore forth forsterite ##ilic ##ilely strom stir store strad staged stops stanford maur ma15 coated copp copa exterior ##acities ##acitic ##acalc ##otu ##ota proof prohibit anhedral anisian anorth anita ##odont ##ifi bypro bystra beach ##utra ##utch ##uttress ##erext atomic ##gements ##gevity ##ials alert alloy alhama onlap shen shaw seals chart chond chalk ##rus whit ##omb ##omers ##ombo ##lus ##lucent ##cha ##chist ##chuan ##changed ##phy ##pheres ##vey ##istries ##antina ##laugh weir wealth ##ppe resisting resorbed ##amotu ##umber ##izer ##abo ##abound basically ##adr ##ador depict depressed depressions ##ema ##emat ##emann ##emool compart compress ##iches ##ichannel ##ichael incidence recalc ##edimented modulating sedimentology ##agn evacu ##udd trip exported nek neph ##due ##oping ##ople ##opus indones une unpro unload unoxid uninter unchanged ##ersen ##ipu ##ostatic subc subhedral subvolcanic preand intended lowe lowto lowstand ##ermo ##erms ##ermine ##ermeable ##aleva ##aleels ##wein collab marc marble martian maritime ##ampling geos scs scores scrut ark arms ardmore meet usual ##aka ##aks phon canon cavity cauca cavities disentang meta metaz metaign metaux ##anson ##ansberg clath valve imper impermeable overgrown ##conform notion noting notice extensions spur spits spathian lept ##endants ours ourinh ##aths ##ective sound soutp ##arius corer coralg corrosive ##urrently ##elled ##arded depositing timeopt regressions student repet translucent quar undated undescribed undoubted die detr incrementally observable perkin butler ups ##tington dr9 dr7 ##ozones underp underthrusting undercool applies mantles partners provision fei featur micas adak adiab ##unfo ##ernle waterfall waterberg concur concurrently 102 decolle fluidization therein thereafter ##iebe δ15n δ17o amagmatic amasia tract trail traits tracers hydrates microte slurr seton settle iceber ##rices afds associations lithoph heads ##unda actors mire arcuate bioclastic biocalc producers nova noachian oxybar mov moments mohr ##gerouse midand midcontinental midlat ##engai presenting grows outbur silicon bounds discarded 151 parr downs downcore ##omechan distribute invading invasion invisible gregg royal roxby equant equates polys comminution matrices limbs limpop ##riad ##riatic 1236 permo permiss peg people finn finland infau firstly foundering majorand deriving mainten pressed superposed supercritical crystallites blind terminations impacting impactors particulates multibe multidimensional multichannel 131 posterior postcoll ##isson displac predate 192 195 1970 1975 1978 confound 182 184 186 1895 doctoral sulfateand radar radionu shallowly shallowest combinations ##isional 175 1750 plun antiform apices syncline demand 114 contrasted ##insp δ13c1 rapids bare barriers quantifies 2560 hypolimnion hyperext uncomm 162 161 1640 manufact shortland ende enduring migrations attains stepped steiner 4080 ##rogenic paleovalley entiret continuation continually ##heur 1450 hypothetical nanote 505 δ18ovsm elli oxidize solutes exhume flooded mgs ##oves breeding ridgecrest gawler microbrecc radiate inspired insolub spreads demonstrably ##axis widgi priori erence phosphatized glide poorer buff collated collide collided northeastward northeastto carriers carcasses clayey dissimilar 233 depletions transportation couple contentious horst rotate rotates possibilities creates miller millimeters strengthens ##994 ##990 freely ppmv textured ##urnal ##aze diamantina 229 227 switches subdued dug dualeels losses restored restriction sixt lengthening inverting trenchward broke ##aminated drains nonneg s12 ##yll implicit implicated greenstone positioned situation converting coev protected triunfo outcome ductilely pop2 ##nerable ##erais broadband panxi runaway ##346 ecology saturate andesites silty ##ivalent expectations memb please sensing kinetically recognizing ms66 intermix irre worth reactivity 362 ##445 359 ##otea amongst banded sphere sphaer 245 281 2800 2845 diffusional xenopus offsetting wetting wetland 297 passes passively robert rheologically causative damaged ##isciplinary ##1698 ##obicity ##kaido ##702 brecciation skłodowska frameworks ##335 ##336 ##331 ##gs2 referenced sheeted stratabound dzs feeds oblate obliter freshening md95 md04 comprised fragmentary excludes mclaugh inferences debuttress ##ontane focuses tuamotu truly advent advoc anticlinal sinuous ##308 ott ot1 s2c ##219 encour predominately 035 465 ##indwein suturing hydroclastic malheur aquatic ##piration ##ophyll tectonostratigraphic logical seismology seismometers seismographs photographs phototrophs robustly robustness varves author semic 02a 7500 incomplet ##985 ##leton deviate matches matched carrara icpms accordance applicability 201936 footage 8000 ##142 receive synchronously synchroneity ##rophyre invokes ambiguous ambigu karl ##omorphic improves principles cracked ##452 ##458 suspected hemispheres contemporaneously wildfires tended acids methanogen methanogenic establishes brahmap ignored archaea spherules spherule 484 nitrification rarity reviewed accelerating matsuz monsoons hirise ##272 005 003 884 883 densely tuffaceous 972 9000 palike pallad palermo palinsp maintains reproductive tan160 correctly reality chemistries 2042 565 economy purdue assisted 19867 creeping governing ##point interesting validate 01c digested easy ##cutive ##857 sagging departure mediumto metallogeny polymerization eclogites 8980 sgf prolific anatomy delays windows 069 ##phosphates snowmelt extruded powdered optimized optimally connects connecting service services ##464 ##356 accelerations pumiceous symmetrically ##ethief supra supers postdated going squee interacting england nannoliths opportunities hybridization masl sideropolis unsedimented precluded decadalto ligand disappears emphasizes attenuate attenuates rigidity traveling montania montgomery utilization alignments advected gridded radioactive pilbara vastly stoichi phyllite macroscale lherzolites frign french frank francis rings compensated adjusted tdas exploits ensuring spars smoothed catalytically border lbis mza orographic dehydrated altyn volcanically renewal drawing sikkim inhibiting covariance paleochannels hourly ribbons torques torque vsmow stabilization coprecipit proceeding strategy collapsing mutagen sao saiss wilkinson seemingly ##embered plankton translithospheric appreci micrometers epicent circumstances embayments mitigation mitigating boot book ctm ##hnyaya ##eletal reinitiation conodonts deficit resurrection terminate orthogneisses murray murcia roman wallace walker ##ajiang ##00000000 constituting blanket 1724 delineate underestimation darran pedogenesis rhombo colony designated pecos peculi 190pt visualization miserya methanotrophs hydrodynamics leucogranite liberation sakhal tp2 tp4 ##iliania bypassing scanner lobate initiative subsample hiatuses ceramic ##benhav residuals overturned diatre δ18ocarb periodicities summarize halokinesis schmitt avoiding penalties hoernle herb rutile warr ##etamorphosed unblocking unraveling unravelling scavenged arrangement surprisingly paleobi juxtaposition reconciles decelerated phytoplankton fingerpr fingerprint gully horsethief journal jourdain sericitic task uviger zimgarn ##tangian ##marks sheds ornamented competition discharged impurity overflows calorimetry richardson cariboo ##ahedral protocol huangjind microcracks manifests bronzite culture cultures carbox iqr ll1 mushes nodular rti tonn toned 푚푀 coalesce aluminous shadow shadows ##addles interrupted interruption neutron necker unfavor concerns institut monotonic monotonous sequentially cutoffs datasets reorganized masked contradictory unequivocally bwts dyso ghost jinggu taza aliquot martinique clouds overgrowth hyperpyc microanalyzer blancos millimeterto emerge emerges gargle polymorphum azimuthal reconciled reconciling discontinuity discontinuities resembling hawaii avalonia avalanche alexander ebb michigan malea ostwald pipe ttpf ttpfs 퐸퐸 rearran staff unmetamorphosed disparate paleontological feasibility smtzs conflict hypocenter hypocenters eliminated extraordinarily rafted sagaing vesicularity lycopsid forecasting downdip grooves lamprophyre myriad mangrove mosaics pavements pennsyl tropics vulnerable ysgma stayed cobalt segregation triangular article transrotation quiescence outpac superposition 1980s hypersaline benefits glossopteris porphyroclasts denotes hindered borneo resurfacing dauphine imbalances sporadically ornamentation overestimated carmichael dedu dirb hinders nizhnyaya psu sailipu tintina vugs vergent warped proteins depolymerized recommend trilobite neoblasts unzoned geysers undercutting deciphering grabens biosign sandwiched thermobaric endowment delimited caroline dissociation substituted schlindwein homogeneously tetrahedra automated satisf nanogeochemistry nostocales coccolithophores ##9433962264 breadth hno3 kungurian longevity louis lunar natron picrites pigeonite pertaining rinds inundation deactivation recessive unidirectional washington prehistoric envelopes enthalpy georeferenced abnormally paleoneuroanatomical adequately tracer microplastic microveins redlichiid hydrophobicity antipodal barcode paleohydraulic paleoelevation insensitive catalyst scholarship macerals puzzling harris paleobotanical reexamined disaggregated chihuahuan elderfield inoceramids kimmeridgian ailaoshan besides benchmark dismembered dickinson fougerouse fashion fiji gmgs2 hettangian hector hokkaido jackson jinshajiang københav klamath kunlun kovaleva lincang ligurian mjema merging nominally pione peraluminous qinhang saybia tescan taylor tms600 vc331 vesteralen vivianite village wenchuan xigaze xiaojiang xanthan yosemite δ202hg ##available ##jokull ##orheic conference ##emooltha unoxidized uninterrupted metaigneous spitsbergen ourinhos soutpansberg coralgal undoubtedly partnership decollement icebergs oxybarometer midlatitude outburst ##omechanical limpopo permissible maintenance multibeam postcollisional 1970s uncommon entirety δ18ovsmow insoluble widgiemooltha ms66pc sphaerulata ##1698113 obliterated mclaughlin debuttressing incompletely brahmaputra matsuzaki tan1604 francisco rhombohedral peculiar sakhalin uvigerina huangjindong 푚푚 unfavorable pennsylv københavn 020 015 080 077 1σ 244 3i 3x 360 310 313 415 490 495 445 560 590 526 536 620 695 613 725 895 950 aw aul action aves aven aromatic bp ble bad bag bip bens bach bals bang bcr born bsf baker cin ces coc cir cab cations c00 cay cass cable cust cout crock df ding das dich doz davy dapu drey eon eif eag emm eric eber euch ejection ective fd fi f1 f0 fal fiv fif fum fiz fus fulf fond feng fri fada f17 falk gt gor gac gru gpe gall gast gts gone graphic gof gerais ht hen han hou hud hins hcl hott ire ionian j2 j1 jac jord jacu kt kı kes kent kul kill kron kie kons kdes kpr killed kaken ld lent lis lant lich lose lyn lps lub lout lique lining lfo mf m8 mb men ment mul mcc mene np nn ned nps naz nrm og o9 oven pes pis pra pest pag pach pied page peter pav pze pomer qr qgis r5 ration ros rated rog rong rilling rpi rmi riebe sx sas sig sib slo ssc saf sieve sara session tl t2 t6 till tah turning uw ure ust urub vo vess vene vice vials ws wes wern wran wsc wavy xct xian xiang xiph yt yam yich ymelt zinc zhen zuber α95 δt ε3 μ1 ϕw ##uments ##rr ##rd ##rn ##rf ##rse ##rene ##rans ##rick ##rie ##right ##rength ##pm ##pical ##plained ##porated ##prus ##oi ##oes ##oil ##oans ##obs ##tar ##tra ##tive ##tally ##tke ##eur ##eau ##evis ##evite ##dies ##dong ##d18 ##ll ##liao ##yer ##yin ##ymp ##vos ##vine ##vill ##ni ##nation ##nos ##nus ##apt ##aff ##aulie ##ga ##gell ##gue ##sass ##sio ##sche ##satus ##cm ##cz ##cat ##cul ##clu ##cyc ##cels ##current ##hos ##hir ##ham ##hab ##hop ##hear ##hard ##hert ##hemite ##ien ##iro ##irogenic ##wan ##war ##wds ##wind ##ko ##ked ##kary ##kins ##keletal ##fker ##mt ##mat ##mort ##max ##mob ##mawa ##515 ##83 ##899 ##860 ##190 ##140 ##xon ##xial ##xias ##xiang ##xagonal ##zano ##ba ##bes ##bel ##box ##bold ##jun ##jias ##jaf ##3d ##32 ##325 ##318 ##łowska ##ᇂ퐤 ##ørn ##onen ##onom ##onically ##onaut ##onodont ##onclu ##ato ##atum ##atology ##atilization ##atelli ##eration ##erupt ##iny ##inction ##inoid ##initial ##eness ##eda ##edral ##edometry ##alian ##nden ##itally ##itoe ##ioni ##ionized ##iced ##icam ##icill ##icochemical ##orship ##orporated inability informed informs ##anza ##arf ##reed ##roys ##entina ##stock ##elia ##elie ##elted ##elines ##elinite ##elmer ##elective ##uru ##urity ##urmal ##urcation ##asu ##asp ##asby toes tourmal ##ationally ##lection ##lefield ##isp ##iso ##isk ##isen ##isik ##olit ##olper ##olatilization ##etna ##etveld ##ethyan ##ims ##imination ##igration ##thier ##thew ##thrown ##idad ##idance reinc recher ##rax ##rand ##raft ##osur ##ospec ##mple ##mpean conv conway ##ulog ##ulative ##ulae isother isolating ##ocal ##ocyath fork ##illo stac stolper deem deionized mand mach mamm mahu suit sucess supr suffer suevite ##ureate coh co3 cole coste ##romorph ##terozo ##terivian asymp exop exquis ##acular ##otidal ##otomy ##otoxic ##otrans promp anth answ anorogenic aneur ansatus ##odd ##odes ##odified beaulie ##utive ##gev ##sey alle alph alam al2o3 ##resent sho shore shast shik shack sheng shards shmax sect sepia sehl seiches chap chute chilled chocho chisik ##rup ##ruit whart ##omar ##lumber ##channel ##veget ##iris ##irka ##antarctic ##lapping ##lajokull wein webs weathers resin resus reserve ##umasu ##izers ##iba ##ibald ##pez ##peedometry bass ##ados depress compan compile compressed computing compressions ##quilib ##quicam ##icho inciner incisions inconclu maghemite ##oreal ##inea modulations modifying modifications ##alline ##allels sedimentologists ##ager tease intercepts ##uda ##orte expose express expense negev highand highstand ##duate indoch unav ##aster wasatch wasser formulations ##ipment ##ipice ##iplano subcrustal subalk prem precon premise ensemb ##001 ##000 intimate intcal lowland ##ermined ##iaxial march relic ##ampled betula geogenic geomar ##ervat ##ika ##ikil scw scree scrub crm crinoid ##lows stripped meco ##artag abiot ##ordland ##ghu ##ght ##ghe ##ghton ##assed timiris phased phreat ##arbonate capping caxias ##ggy metag ##anica ##aceans ##asequ valence impose impreg ##acters overlay overde overview overthick extrat minas spo spm spain spink spaces spark spenc spilite surpl surmise sursass ##rone ##ronian ##roneous ##athochitina southerly sought coralline ##apest ##apore ##apolis assert conspic ##ellones ##ensland ##raphers ##erative ##alytical crustaceans regulated regulate repose transpar transantarctic calend collections collecting collective ity itrax melville quadr ##eping undulating distorted prince hyal diab diabase diurnal hash ##erton ##ertime increment ##nett perimeter upflow dred signifies ##iedel proved ##vie variously adds adopt adriatic adapt adelie concert ##ulfides mineralizing ##ginis ##ickson ##cessed 1050 1030 1017 1087 fluides ##owned sourcing silts throughput traver traction trapez eastand calcul calcification remagnetization remelting remelted remigration proposes hydraul laid laevis laureate earthtime thickens precious precipice slate iceberg gramado aft newark lithostatic hebe hexagonal ##ycomb pointing poisson pompean poikil magnetism magnetoand erosionally biologic biologically biostratigraphically biozones domal sandia corrego mooring refute tyrr desired ##ishy characters outs outlets outboard zirconia smelting deepens foliations ##neville sourceward 152 154 1536 thermochemical thermorem thermomechanical para parcels parallels downthrown globular invest roy rov continentality richer equipment ##ubert ##ubduction pyrit pyritic stressors commission commerc ##ogenous ##ogenically matlab matthew ##meyer origination riverbank topmost topographically nearshore characterizes ##ckite ##xtural loops 126 1220 1250 veks potter perman permaf finest inflection ##ficial ##shelf ##raltar ##ysm backste derives serious seriously progradational ##oxygen crystallographically specified speculative sharing sharper patchy impactor particip exhaust quartzand quartzitic multif multitude multisc multimodal burma centres 1316 floors postkinematic postorogenic postext postgra postmort ##issance disposal empa 196 1920 1966 1912 1979 agreed 185 1850 1823 dominating shallows shallowand ##ikewan fluting 179 174 pluck apw explores synglacial 112 116 1190 eupro viewing archety ##sets complexions 10000 testable reequilib barney edwards eddies ##covite 254 255 256 25mg ##avut ##avik ##avors ##ieren influencing hg26 16o 168 167 1650 16wds spectacular manikewan ##arevsky shortened transitioning ending profil salonen fossilization 3023 induction steel peaking 404 405 paleoequ paleoec epidot epma ##heim ##versible 1490 ##rystals grids grasby factory factories nanning nanometers ##olet generalized singapore elrick foci secondly exciting expands delph delaminated solve solute solving thinly exhuming holness mgal mgap mgso4 ##2012 ##rams weakens misle missions misinter investigator radii radiograph inspected mixes widen widest widened meso mesotidal mediate absorpt erd erences erased erroneous erickson opaqu augment americans verticill angaran angolan buck ##cl2 axen bulges documents carap carved carpent carries petrel pettke ackerson morphologically ##50sc ##otta clayton dissolving dissolves statements landsliding 234 237 2300 2331 crosses posited geometrical cuanza ##ircular transporting couplets ##bec circulate circulating milling conclusive ##tobenthic labsf ##9945 warmest salta fallen laurentide geobar dependency ##azi traceable 224 226 2200 swed swet swell swanson subducts farellones rests restrength ##awi ##plored ##plinian ##temp brook mega megas summertime coincidental planforms intrast intraand intracrustal equilibria coasts unconvent lastly nonc nonradiogenic bears climat climatically substitute centering agglom aggrade aggrading garibald implicate immature zebra promising playa playas ##155 ##157 ##1500 ##ymile convert converge amplify amplifies halos halve naica extrabasinal corresponded selection protist protect prototype outcomes ductility popa plafker dryas apparatus panalytical rung diagenetically balances powick moles molded molson sensed sensor nucleating ##604 ##606 ##6018 alternate alternations submit geodetically constantine intermontane william needles glaciological cuticle ##104 ##101 makran irvine biomes 364 directional ##906 seasons ##atorial megaclast rifian ##4467 wedging stacks 357 3500 3570 schw school schlumber schubert 242 248 289 284 petrochron 272 fronts mno2 argentina projecting 294 295 291 219 diverging opposing option options chronometry platy plagiogranite dammed ##166 ##161 solidified foil mercad correspondingly predictor predictable ts1500 ##705 332 339 propagates repositories helping taiw challenged evapotrans versa ##2577 recrystallize stratotype ferrar 265 266 268 261 267 263 functional md99 ##othermic annular winters accommodates accommodating devolatilization ##285 calibrating calibrations upwellings tracked biotas narrowly factorization airy ##756 ##7585 ##7547 ##305 encrust encrusting ##rological requirement approximated pseudomorph pseudofossils bathonian denitr dunite predominated predominance 032 039 031 392 mt2 mt1 resisted resistive ##scape ##mineral hydrocast polyphem malformed malawi ##ophilic surveyed logged ##266 intensively intensities intensifies photograph ##ski indiana indianapolis equivalents 389 sillitoe decays 027 cellular peniche 372 377 ##986 ##lett deviates analogs huber arroyos occupying cacb ##ypsina ##naissance illustrating ##henian receives synchronicity 32s guð guar guang guano guidance guinea accomplished amber clinopyroxenes ##453 ##4875 uniformity pseudotachyl classify constructing nanoporous mylonitization mylonitized tunnel ##174 accessed accessible monitor accompany papers rainfor distinguishes archaeocyath spheroidal tomcat convey spectroscopic 042 joined ##hua congru amorphization diffuses 007 effusion yearly pulsing denser nmr hazardous budapest paloug paterae seams interfing arriving reproducing tanner interbedding ammo handling ##36340 sensitivities edificebound outermost purity ##key ##keetna ##9414 ##ittance ##itanian 1989 1983 perturbed dropstones ##points ##rograph connections volcaniclastics 019 cyprus cyathochitina cathedral digitally destroys dusty ##855 readv biogenicity coarsely pangean lamb picking replicated oscillating ubiquity 597 bittern humic humbold geomorphically metallome metalliferous transgressions δ11bsea polymerized counterbal expeditions eclogitic 531 autoc harder hardground ni2 questionable ##191 ##197 isostatically transected transecting ubiquitously achie snowball interstadial 2006a 2006b empirically arguing 072 verified ##465 reconnaissance spinatum cyclonic successively successful chlorophyll addresses epeirogenic putirka sabk vesic mazartag conservatively molecules historic postdepositional parameterized aerobic aeronaut rounds squishy employment iodine masse mascar masotta deformations comfort simplification instantaneously insightful ligands intercalations scientists physicochemical corroded paraglacial uplifting encounter aims katangan sierran prisms 1055 thermochronometers thermochronometric montana penetration meteoritic fuj fuels tenure complicating paleoenvironment paleoenvironments switched switching icelandic fissureand ##bilite phylogenetic homogenous homogenized homogenize trunk brucite modestly hydrologic fungus ##cratonic disappeared bsrs mouginis ##5555 exploitation subtract subtracted wastewater corroborating awards ffgz livingstone mzd mimicking talkeetna ##liers altiplano universidad undergoes suddenly bolivian bifurcation drawn habits covary objectives impedances transmitted introduces extrapolating rupturing neighbors radiolarians candidates ddh nonexpl ##883 ##atsch condensation scars strategies queensland quebec update pools attempt circuits biogeochemistry subdivision barbados clague lignin revisit revisions obscure translate appreciated appreciate deflect deflection deflections epicentral embayed tanzanian mitigated brazilian donatelli sweeping sometime tails ##ridge ##imnial deficits resurge tektite subaerially cryogenic degrade synthesize muria nanofibers videos ##oehoe recurring fluorination levisoni drifting constitutive paradox syntectonic syntaxis grenvill delineates phyllites tholeiites bonin bonneville balls junggar pedersen ##stein chuquicam enclosing colonies colonization spontaneously terrains miseryd taurides biofilm hamper omitted octacalc santonian virgin unexplained unexplored marianas relocation assignment definitive definitively 144nd cordilleria cameras fischer fringe treats treatments tobago choose residues residency colloidal consuming replenished diatoms ##ynamical tradeoff outwards δ18oconodont rhythmic advantages strands phyllosilicates c29r drastic izu jeol jebel nkwe rendering ##xingensis albite tearing indenter indented indentation arrangements underplated discrimination monzonites epitax bridge bridging geothermometer geothermobar selenium seleniferous paleoclimatology instrumentation phytotoxic eotvos gibraltar portner pahoehoe tmf tmfs vigor anatectic chev competent imprints paleotop concordia traversing microtom microtides magnetozones organized laccolith purple purposes trachyandes manifestation mirrors berger berthier bazzano muscovite israeli contaminated contaminant contaminants changxingensis overestimate extrinsic concerning multiplying institutions retrogression paleofloods petrogenic macroand teletsunamis bernhard echelon eggs hauterivian haughton hco3 libya practical practice renowned ronda sigmoidal ##ivariant compacted untested splays slickenlines mirabilite ventilation johnston ##66666666 azimuth campaigns hawaiian reinforce reinforces obstacle unroofed palynological overwhelmed gdfs ggl gateways kenya lsts michael malek oyster pockets pockmarks tura 퐿퐤 ##pinel thawing fortunately struck strunden sheltering compromises compromised unmodified unambiguous philipp disparity paleontology feasible trajectory refinements ##shuihe brings eliminating neglects timescale protrusion protruding rafting doubled lycopsids forecasts deconvolved bbmt lyle nondimensional nonskeletal nonselective tangaroa ##brak ##inshan inertial starkly cobble interference ##ductivity unrealistic unrealistically transrotational quiescent biodiversity invariant invariably exploratory 143nd nanosized nanosims benefited dissipation dissipated porphyroclastic swamps ##165165 denoted dilatant dilatational physiography piezometer piezometry resurfaced dauphas imbalance imbricate unexpectedly schmidt sporadic bacon baculog cdf crab hellas jericho jianchuan kelvin kuril m1r mortar rvd18 sodic sodium songpan slumping teller vascular ##biological ##ougang revolution conformable conformably security chadronian recreating intertidal replacing microthermometry microthermometric polynya 1960s 18eb01 18eb03 entrance epilimnion epilimnial contributor contributors grasslands holloway porphyroblasts funneled intraclastic intracrystalline asteroid asterisk skewness anticipate anticipated necessitate ccsm4 ccsm3 namibia digestion destroyed molluscan fueling castleford lycophyte lycophytes hierarchy hierarchical blown bundles bacterium crests clues eyjaf ganzi gardnos harmonic mingling mathemat nunavut pushed pipes rietveld taciba teratological δm10 ##jallajokull ##orrected inglefield ##represent touching streaks stereo succeeding exercise intergrowths uniser arrows arsenopyrite implemented spalling paleoshor adhering microenvironment discordant multistory elliptical emitter nonuniform asymmetrical categorized boudin cataclasis enzymes reykjanes auriferous bjørn business brady cgl cadiz dorotea dongxiang fespinel family gc16 gathered heard honeycomb jennifer kerogen kanab lulls llsvp mentioned nervous saucer tortonian tullis udop yunnan μxrf ##ᆷ푐 insects injectites ##elicerates tosca consecutive isobath stromat straddle coppermine anorthite ##ifiers byproduct compartmental compressibility evacuation nektobenthic nephelinite indonesia uneven unloading geospeedometry disentangle metazoans clathromorph noticeably repetitive detrended perkinelmer underpins undercooling trails slurry lithophile parrish polysulfides finnigan infaunal 186os radionuclide plunging antiformal hyperextended elliott microbreccias sixtymile nonnegative coevally membrane intermixed irreversible advocates ottawa encouraging ambiguity palinspastically supracrustal supershear vsmow2 coprecipitates mutagenesis appreciably epicenters fingerprints carboxyl tonnie dysoxic hyperpycnal rearrangement outpaced carolinefjellet satisfy ##9433962264151 microplastics catalysts pioneering ##169811320 pennsylvanian bags benson balsfjord bornite cirques c0016 cayman cassia custom crocker dingjias dashed dichotomy dozens dreyer fiordland fiveto fumar fizz fengyan falkland gorges gallen gts2012 gofar hinsbergen hottest ireland jacui kırse kronenberg konservat kakenhi ldh lpsa lubric loutre liquef pisarevsky paganica pavlis pomeroy qrb rongmawa riebeckite sibumasu safety t650sc tahiti urubici wrangell xianshuihe xiphosur yichnus zhenghe ##cycle ##karyotic tourmaline reincorporated sucesso costech asymptot exquisitely answer aneurysm beaulieu alpha alamos shasta shikoku shackleton sehlke chochołowska wharton resusp inconclusive indochina unavoid wasserburg subalkaline abiotically phreatomagmatic overdeep extratropical spinks spencer surpless sursassite hebei pompeani tyrrhenian thermoremanent pyritization commercial veksler postextinction postgraduate postmortem euproops paleoequatorial paleoecological epidote misinterpret opaque verticillium labsfloc geobarometry unconventional garibaldi schlumberger mercadier taiwan evapotranspiration denitrification polyphemus photographed rainforest palougou edificeboundaries humboldt δ11bseawater aeronautics mascarene nonexplosive grenvillian chuquicamata octacalcium berthierine bernhardt 퐿퐿 baculogypsina eyjafjallajokull mathematical clathromorphum dingjiashan kırsehir 099 044 023 018 1s 2r 2l 299 2p4o12 315 380 370 395 321 317 3440 4he 470 448 417 5e 534 510 570 596 527 5458 680 670 633 648 617 770 740 729 727 823 830 840 811 8200 8994 990 980 970 930 aa ai a2 aq a1 aj a3 ale ail aard aub aided aiding arad aio ache aids aware bv bing bis biv bil bure bot bir bla bast brain bale barbon boun bert bun bry beng bery bsp biber bind bores bering b200 baking ci cb cite cale cart cities cup cambr c90 c33 cele crops crost c03 da dot dod dock dak dmm deng denn diking dwelling dsc d46 danian dvol dynamically dutch divalent drone dynamical eg eh e2 ein eos eut eum ept ease eons eco eye fc f2 fz fon fing fet fred farm fole fusion fanning f16 fras frog fusible fonds fcw fruit flett gle get giv got god gla gord gase gue gric gassing g487 hj hø hon hig hous herm horm hans hrust heral hurr hree hough hope home hint hof hump hints haf herc hung ist ily ich ionic ibe ja jc j0 jx jon jel jim jay jau jean jup jaw jilin judd ku kd ks kw kα kra kac kot koch kola kosci k72 kasp lr lw lor ling let lut lus lach lone lund lope lane lights lives lange lengai mr m5 mle mial mib m00 moss mue monst meng mck m15 m10 mild mbo nl ny nc nh n1 nic nle nce nom npp nong nts nard nau netic niles nyl nio nvz node niche oas omp oru oum ooz oases ooid oolitic pif pere pall p00 pene ppt posed pods pink pins pears pench pgs pelag pont p72 pendants paddles qia qaid qiao r1 r3 roc rib rens rack rav rah ritu rfs rhen russia riedel sic sver sve sain slac syl ssr slumped somal sangan somers saddles tk t1 tre ting tid tith tant tonic tund tread tgs torn trops u4 uph u20 urg vr v4 vin viv vand vill vane viss wo wl wat went wol wad wip wick wish writ wav wms woy wanes warn wsw wabo xtal yo ys ying yerm yans york yeast yili yinshan zo zent zuk δl δ7 δδ εmat μg σx φ4 표 ##uh ##uj ##uit ##uly ##uine ##uates ##usions ##ups ##uously ##uya ##uvian ##uatu ##uador ##urological ##rh ##rence ##rance ##rink ##rera ##ratal ##place ##pred ##pathian ##plus ##oal ##oene ##oved ##oons ##oided ##ocean ##ohop ##oiny ##tel ##test ##tve ##tam ##ties ##tage ##tgen ##toral ##tonian ##times ##tougang ##ein ##eet ##ece ##eil ##eism ##ecess ##ebe ##dr ##dt ##db ##dale ##dell ##daam ##drup ##lore ##lia ##lard ##loch ##lined ##lified ##llan ##yb ##yat ##yas ##yth ##yme ##ysh ##yang ##yalite ##ypical ##vit ##vum ##vak ##vador ##nr ##no ##nar ##nas ##nis ##nest ##nich ##nier ##nium ##number ##ault ##aud ##affect ##gf ##gar ##gre ##gur ##gul ##gous ##gap ##garm ##gional ##gren ##gioni ##su ##ss ##sot ##sian ##spec ##sley ##cu ##cur ##cam ##cun ##cps ##crack ##cash ##colm ##comers ##craft ##h0 ##hul ##hem ##hous ##helf ##hood ##hok ##hlen ##h01 ##iu ##ira ##ios ##iant ##iop ##ihe ##iho ##ieland ##iosp ##iuy ##wid ##with ##west ##wack ##wick ##wang ##willi ##wered ##witz ##kk ##kit ##kow ##kop ##kasing ##kerite ##katch ##kja ##kjun ##fu ##fle ##fol ##fter ##fers ##fonds ##filian ##my ##men ##mar ##mant ##mata ##mock ##mites ##mons ##mont ##member ##244 ##225 ##240 ##2165 ##920 ##915 ##980 ##914 ##477 ##437 ##431 ##529 ##qing ##qiuy ##623 ##617 ##612 ##6l2 ##636340 ##815 ##895 ##814 ##8464 ##1a ##115 ##110 ##133 ##125 ##128 ##175 ##1346 ##1219 ##010 ##xu ##xm ##xed ##xus ##xinal ##zo ##zel ##zones ##zhou ##zards ##bow ##bad ##bide ##bable ##bell ##bling ##bull ##brum ##bula ##je ##jas ##jue ##just ##jacent ##jeras ##744 ##713 ##798 ##797 ##399 ##360 ##321 ##313 ##3149 ##3856 ##표 ##ᆮ푀 ##ºc ##ᆰ훼 ##ʻi thar thre thom thir thork think thier ##onent ##onents ##onance ##onnel ##onomy ##atm ##atan ##atility ##ativity ##atially ##atibility ##erd ##erb ##eror ##erly ##erus ##eresis ##eraz ##inis ##inced ##inted ##inder ##inently ##inrich ##iniferous ##inosil ##inigan ##initely ##inela ##esy ##eson ##eschi ##eschist ##enge ##enell ##enites ##energ ##enburg ##enumber ##enbrak ##ediation ##aler ##alic ##alib ##alative ##alley ##alidate ##alachian ##iton ##itical ##itage ##itative ##itness ##itaxial ##itious ##ionary ##icul ##icia ##icell ##icores ##icules ##icester ##oran ##orate ##orative ##orrelated ##oriously inact inex inks inhab inliers ##anol ##anges ##anie ##anger ##anitic ##anui ##aneda ##aniso ##aro ##arts ##arrol ##arare ##areth ##arride ##arsson ##arwar ##rely andre ##rod ##ropping ##rovian ##enty ##entions ##entional ##entrapment ##entopography ##step ##ingitized ##elm ##elan ##elis ##ello ##elles ##elets ##elastically ##uraki ##urtian ##uriant ##ctite ##ctified ##asc ##asus ##asites ##asitic tof tots toky toki ##isal ##isse ##isite ##isch ##isystem ##oli ##olz ##olas ##olom ##olong ##olip ##olie ##olded ##olcanic ##ete ##eta ##etian ##etain ##etts ##etze ##etuates ##imsk ##imih ##iga ##igs ##igach ##igrams ##ouw ##oux ##thest ##thrust ##ceae ##lys ##iders ##idium ##idisciplinary reest reag reord reign rechar reven rejection rejected reoxygen ##rak ##ractions ##rapping ##raisal ##osulf ##ithified ##ithms cone conter conifer conven convin ##uling ##ulif ##ulpt ##ulaw ##owed ##iva ##ivate ##ivial ##ivates ##ivable ##ivell isocl isarc ##ocation ##ocos ##ocated ##ocus ##ocument forch ##ilon ##ilent ##ilies ##ilized ##illace ##ilio ##illet ##ilcas stow stone stork stym stipp stitch stcm stodd stxm sturtian deut ##atever maar maast mader mauna maoni maatsch suare sums surely ##ureud cot cox coat covel coff coto codes cooper cooke coking coigach ##romole ##romagn ##terman ##terey ##terpret aside aseism askja exac exag exemp exxon exetain ##acion ##acom ##acian ##oted ##otion ##otou ##otox ##otethyan prokaryotic anaba ankerite ##ody ##odong ##odano ##odym ##ifers ##ifex ##ifug byrd beau beane beads beek beacom ##uti ##utter ##utian ##erebrum atr atypical ##verty ##seps ald alc alm onboard ##resting sha shrim shtr shrink shaler seg se0 seb sees seulaw chip chik chord chick chry chipping chazi chilcas ##run ##runa whang whatever ##omum ##omanian ##omotion ##estone ##chia ##cheng ##chner ##chler ##chitina ##chromatic ##chunda ##chika ##chmeyer ##chlore ##phot ##physical ##photic ##phlogopite ##ulty ##ulture ##ultimate ##ogle ##ogether ##ogged ##isturb ##isthos ##anti ##anted ##antitative ##lam ##laub ##laea ort orific contend contorted resort ressour reshape resampling resonance ##americ ##amoto ##umi ##ibent ##ibilities ##ablished basanitic ##adra ##adium ##addy ##iessche ##emul ##emiliania compass composit computer composing compatibility ##andeau ##andscape ##quart incident maghre fa6 fa1 fagh fayalite faxinal recip recons receding ##therford ##iances sedimented ##aga ##ague ##agne ##aggioni ##ongian tec tech tefl ##usal ##usibly ##uskasing ##usetts intercontinental interann intergrown interlocking interspec interquart evans evok evinced ##ude trm trinity trips triton expert expressions expelled nept neovolc neuroanat nepal neurological neotethyan neodym highstands highenerg ##ducted norfol ##oped ##opard ##oplastic ##oporus unans unne unsh unint unman unvis unweather uncomp unrel unifying untang unreas unavailable unobs unveget uniaxial univariant unaffect ##asters wash formally formulae ##ostruct subround subox subarc subzone subcritical subfossil subcratonic preformed eni enorm englacial enfor ##0088 ##0001 ##00515 durable intu intram ##eney ##eneck lowand lowstands lowrie ##lo4 ##iau ##iae ##iaolong ##iaceae ##weighting coloration mary martine relates relay ##ampo ##ample ##ampton geopro geoid geosc geosp gephy geureud presubduction ##erved ##ikman scaly scie scarc sculpt ##arbures cred ##ayan ##ayashi aren arthrop arisen arresting ##lower strips striae voltage chance meij usable aber ablated abgarm ##ordered ##ologia ##akins ##ghes timed timmons ##ptides cancel cangul cai cauch caugh cahok caulif ##illary obducted ##gger ##ggett dish disconform metav metcal metamict meterto sampler ##formations cls clock clogged impl imposes impelled imparts carbonation carbonized carboneras overload overthrusting overfilled overpred overweighting ##concel notes notoriously ##entship ##retionary miner minus minute minnes minicores spro spent spir spider splic spline leave leap leaked leyd leicester ##endel tempe ##atholithic ##athko ##ectic ##ectable softer cors cork corbula ##eared ##earth ##ounting northto considers recorders ##ellic ##ellar ##ellate ##ffin ##ensed ##ensable ##enschist ##raphies crustally ##ardo ##ardite ##achs ##achment ##achusetts regis regrow simon simco simulates studentship supposition ##oney reprecipitation transit transloc transcurrent transfers 209 2050 collector ito ite itn itarare melbour undisc undrained undocument undisturb distally priest ##ditional diol dipped ##entry acute acicular ac02 detections detterman ##rosilite ##ileo mayreau ##iently ##ientists ##auer locate locating locomotion ##ructuring peru perf perit perennial perimeters perception perello buttress upland upright ##tingen dr10 driessche accru accidental ##ozha ##ozaki underline underflow underpress analyte appe appalachian mantellic proving fe72 fecl2 ##violet ##acks wherever ##elde adam adams adcps ##une ##unistic twiss twenty eleg concav concrete ##icke ##icki ##reef ##reement southampton ##cessary ##pectral 1010 1013 1018 1048 1012 1077 1011 1046 10200 decentral decimeters decorated estonia fluidal fluidized thereof ##rowa ##owners colleaguesaniso ##ieving twofold ##ynes throughflow amos amides marginally tracts eastto calcar calcitic calculates eruptible eruptives remineralization ##formationn propensity proposing proponents genuine genotox interpretable microto microcontinent microlite microdr lai lais lahill slit sloping longshore longwood longtougang longmen ranked grao grays ##ricity ##ricted newtonian newcomers redire redeposition redefined associate lithification lithics massachusetts heart heft heaves health hebi heinrich ##ycl volcaniclast acts miro poa po2 pour poverty ##onder arcmap magnetochron magnetofossils biis biopro biochemistry oceanography oceanographical doming tecta noids novar sandmata ##ularities bedsets oxcal allochthonous moore moats movie refining refinement refractions refusal desarrol ##ishi midle midelev midpoint midwest midmant concentric concentrates concentrating charged outline outgoing outcomp outnumber smart smoke curry currie deepen ##gency 159 155 158 1590 1570 hydrolysis hydrovolcanic hydrolytic thermometer thermogenetic thermocline landowners parnell parasequ parece paralic parasitic downand downhill downwind invalidate greg greenschist rojas rooney richelia equin equate equating ##uba organo leveling stressed commences ##ogenus developmental matuy mat253 ##ometries ##virkjun tera ##ource topics ##landite ##cktel effectiveness loa love loop lobe loving loosely complements complemented volumetrically 1270 1213 12200 1264 12600 12100 afterward afterwards lithospheres ve2 pots permission ##iquity ##iquantitative peate pecha peptides finished financed finneg localizes infills inflation infinite infilling inflate inflates infinitely ##inked vela ##ropods oneand ##ractal ##sheet foundations commonplace backing backfilled deriv serpa preservational ##licated ##licative somewhere pressing pressured superchron superficial ##oxy ##oxane crystallinities speculation speculations latite lattic ##overs ##overed blick bl15 faced faculty exhalative ridg multim multimeter multivariate multisystem multidisciplinary reflector reflectivity burst buries burmes burying centimetric centinela 138 137 1321 1346 1355 13su ##anga float floating postentrapment representativity dispro displace empt empty empyre emperor landsvirkjun degassed predated predefined predecess 191 1910 1901 agam agric agilent 18s 189 1870 1875 1813 1848 dohert generous dominica radically requisite eleven supportive 1720 1764 olenell pluij cools coolen antitaxial antiquity apol aprop crete synge synorogenic synext synerupt demagnet 118 1130 11600 1124 euclide euphotic blocked magni magnified magnification magnola magnesite offs ##eterious arches ##seth complexing dolomitized 1005 monoph monosulf monterey testifies barker barnes barneg barrovian edward ##cohes quanta 259 258 257 2550 2528301886792 hyporheic ##aviti eventual uncorrected uncorrelated sequencing hg30 164 163 1639 ##richtian manned managed mancktel cm3 retent retaining returning shorten shortest shortand endorheic endothermic endmember ##ails ##ailed profession diffused lineated lineage lineament oldoiny salient salto salaman salaam salvador 302 309 305 309433962264151 deflated attack attitudes attracted steve 403 4010 40cash paleoand paleoalt ##vailing fractionate fractionating visibility epf epigenic epibent epoxy ##heimer normalizing ##arman 146 141 147 1457 bodied ##rysts grind griff grasses facto mudcrack nanocryst nanostruct northwester ##working ##condida δ18oapatite singularities ##agnetic benefit excimer oxidant oxidization delocal deleterious orellan holes holistic holocrystalline mgt mg72 mgco3 ##204 ##208 ##2065 breached escondida responds misal microbe lessened ##sembly investigacion insulation insulated subsiding separations spreadsheet widens assemble negated towards container pyrolytic pyrochlore opal opdy operator opentopography opisthos phosphorous phosphoan ##uping totaling descent descendants augments kee kev keck kevin kechika keynes mm2 mmol ##okean ##haus ##hazards cenomanian glim glomer liter lituya littoral angel anglo angiosp kah ka4 bullard orogenies collides colliding carl carn caraf carpathian morphologic ##5026 anywhere statement 236 posits acknowledging cuand cucul cuadra shoulders shelfal deplete austrian austria ##aea ##aehu circles circulated componentry mills milligrams concluding australis walled ##omponent reserves ample label ##992 ##99x saltating ##ahl ##aheni ##ahashi ##rades ##radiance geobiological geohazards atlas 223 2220 2250 2280 2270 2247 2288 swim swaths methodologies cratonization dump duke farns resting restores restructuring si72 ##ediary lengthens inverts rhyacian slows slowing slowdown emu emulsion emiliania summing summaries summits minimized minimally minimization minimise numbered fourth fourny intrabasin intraplinian metaluminous metalworking ##onald nonacc nonconform nontra nonchannel noncohes fulgur s1a s1g s11 s10 s1b climb climact climax behaved substance viscoplastic aggressive garner implicates progressed immense zeus zeolite prominently bayo converts converging exposes halt halves halving nappe ##ennes ##ennan extractions protuber ##laporte triol outcropping motel motors motivation motivated ##nerite plausibly broadening broadwas clearer panel panels panama panchromatic ##345 ##341 ##3470 ##3436 ##elsen ecologically ecuador saturates waveand waveforms iliff ilimsk electro ##rystallographic bali balco balanced powell molyb molnar sensu ruvum rutherford probed probing horizontally ##6055 contours contourites submic geodesy constantly spectrometers startup intermediary closing helical helley mechanistically breakage needle ti72 tijeras ##10d ##102 ##101c explosively ceases irm iris irradiance reactivating recovers ##chnology ##chnitz 368 361 bubbling groundbre ##9085 ##90rh windy windgap consequential alkane riffle ##443 ##4417 ##4435 minority programs etch specifications rimmed weddell interventions unlined unlithified experiences experiencing ##hydride 356 351 3529 ledge rodingitized scher schoene retreats 24a 241 285 288 287 283 2835 279 277 2700 2785 wettest technically technologies technician argues argillace 293 212 214 2190 diverge diverges personnel capabilities capacities softening appearing chronometer platiniferous platelets platreef 1508 columnar rheomorphic ##804 causal thoughtful 7029 70266 dams turns turner turned turnbull lipari ##iscous melange alkalis alkalinities missed takahashi ##1621 solidification 454 451 merges pt90rh ##ictic stories storaviti debrite marshall mineralogist mineralogies mineralogically metasomatically 80445 lightest ##707 335 337 333 3300 heterogenous sks skks skager untilting tai tapping zn2 zncl ##3385 ##3378 ##336055 versatility ##252 ##255 ##2566 ##259999 referring orthopyroxenes plotting tilts stratiform ferromagn ferrosilite observationally feedstock 264 2600 ##iogeographic 120a 120b cruz crump crude crush lascar woodland 8500 mcwilli ##ewan ##ewitness anna devitr reliefs avr avoids avoided ##287 ##2898 calibrate acquire narrows galicia galileo homohop homathko justified tuya tuxed tuaheni ##236 ##2357 ##2363 anticlines anticorre anticycl ionizing sintered μmol ##752 ##309 ##3029 showings otago raised ##2195 ##405 ##403 ##40225 encirc sharpened 902 909 denver denote denmark predominate predominates melanosomal tsunamigenic 036 3900 3980 46202 551 mtex microfacies ##minate ##minous ##orescent sutures sutured hydrocarbures polyphosphates giiw malcolm malformations laserchron aquila aquarium ##13c ##135 ##1300 ##1397 exceedingly phenanth logger log10d venting ##263 ##2641 reassembly seismological photo photomic ba2 baas baffin bentonitic bentonites variances ##denum coldest 381 387 3895 hillsides juan ##ringe semire seminal semiquantitative necessity upwardly decayed 024 023436 349 345 346 3400 75129 penultimate penokean couplings diapirically 374 analogy huemul hughes macroc macromole spacecraft occupies headless 201939 2019335 ccw indebted mora morley maturing ##henius descriptive 322 3200 ecca guidel ideas ideally oae1a northwards transferts 00001 479 477 4747 datable kara ##2926 streambed streamlined improbable gypsums ##456 ##451 ##455026 ##485 straw suspect fluctuation fluctuates waimih ##borhood orbiter reprocessed diamicton lawrence biohor bioavailable blum bluish blueschist spearman ##968 ##179 ##1799x exchanges acidity accessibility decarbonization poleward brand braided papua toolbox toolkit foraminifer 055 4826 rarer accelerate mississippians 049 043 joides johan jointing packstone ##huang ##2750 congoles diffusing unknowns 004 isochronous dr11 δ13ccoal 187re cumulus densification densmore nmds ##666 ##chez 971 paterson pelagicus ##appij ##imbrite ##ocrysts ##ocrystic interfere interfinger arrhenius architectural footwalls susceptibilities gaby operations operates pertinent tanaka cherty 130c 311 3114 76sf dilutes pdf pdfs social socio realms realistically chemot chemostratigraphy chemocline chemcam fairhol perplex perpetuates decomposed doubly douillet purification pumilio s5b ##7735 shanxi 1982 1987 calling zrdaam ##pool ##rawaddy interested validating survived geochronometer geochronometers precessional 011 784 easier eclip fissuring reader readjust paleolocation paleolandscape coarsened 574 lamers lamont lamellar ##ukyu departures replica everywhere societies 592 hummock ocampo ascend ascends behn marsden geomorphologists 1067 polymers polymictic countervailing inconsistency inconsistencies 532 539 autoclastic autonom nielsen sg1 ##1180 prolate anatomical alpuj questioned 989 988 981 owned rigorous rigaku u1510 u1518 ##1975 ##192641 ##compar vaporization 443 gsq gschnitz ##bachs interstrat indexes ##ynthetic prograded na2o optima optimization bathymetrically 073 serving verdes ##46160 ##469945 forested spindle spinifex leftover ppbv addressing putting ##ecahedral mazowe supern ##ographies scouring overpressures remarks postdating gravitationally parameterization goes google sats ##384 ##388 ##3895 ##381346 exponents splat dr2b florida granodiorites opportunistic ammonium 5234 5275 luo lufilian luozha nacional siderian tongcun ##824 ##8220 ##bg010 ##barrel unsolved unsatu disrupting clarkina simpler simplify simplifications precluding po4tot amphibolit selecting 092 09150 09bg010 hinted issyk seaboard intercalation evidences neoformation normandeau captain captures corrosion thermodynamics emphasizing 1993 6413 dropping pushing sanchez tightness prismatic 177hf montane montaggioni meteoritical eighteen fuji syrac symple syringe snug utilize utilising complication assimilated domeyk burrowed confluences pamirs 439 4316 brannerite ##47445 ##678 ##37237 extracting appropriately novelty diagnosis cathaysian 6687 951 bracketing campbell fried federal federation franke westermann ##lots sudbury compensate compensating fe2o3 fe2p4o12 anglesea adjusting adjustments disappearances certainty categories milder milton vanished vanuatu vanadium zheng ##ijn ##5595 exploit neighborhood subtly ensures scotia smoothing catalyze heterogeneously ##ophytic 9400 bordered mimicked pellets ##rocaps altogether universities prevails volcanos volcanology paleosecular acceptor acceptable excavations encompassed gratefully olympus 922 habitable risco viol inhibits covaries prosome prospective prosomal whoi impede impeded transmittance sulfidization discerned introducing ruptured radioisotope castaneda dda torr vsi ##659 ##6575 stabilizing proceeds 2020008 1607 attempting evaporitic buildups subdivide 82se barberton claggett jamtve lmt routine savi revisited revisiting ##osilla seeming tex86 translational appreciation micromolar apennine pyroxenite pyroxenites circumvent circumvents 4000x embeds mitigates boise boiling ctd cropped career donor donax fisher hawemann swept tailed vault vaesite σfe ##ratonic reinterpret coexists resurgence ##opterids ##apuava hydrodynamically degrading buildwas conductivities sustainable sustainability 7315 janasi jannas murch murphy walth ##yanghu ##8740225 phyla phyric fluoride drifted drifters constituted infiltrating blanks griesler delineating ultrasonic plutonism taphonomy improvement interfaced underestimating bouma ballistic balloon ballhaus cp06 darvel darcy darwin junctions odin rhudd ruling ##4150 colonized colonizing permitting 1909 flareup deflationary acknowledgements ultraviolet kimberlites dh7 dh3 dharwar hampers liberate liberates octahedral tapered informal tephras relocating screened assigning paleopoles ##unga measurably initiating definitely responded subsampled davies kien kiruna kirchner komatiites roum s7c ##nesu ##868464 thorium sung choices residue microns orebody catalogs nonmetric nonmagmatic skeleton algorithms stranding hydrofracture megablocks drags fibers ganguly hclo4 heron jeff jeopard rutgers render rendered upturned conventionally tears indentor unbending scavenge 10800 hydroxy hydroxides hydroxyl polycarbonate 12700 monzogranite retrode paleobiogeographic keeping selenate selenitic decelerations diminishing phytoclast reoccupied dwarf draping gibling journey liverpool nails nailing portable portray tmnr uruti urlaub week compete obstruction traversed organizing organisation retrieve retrieving brightness caribou schemes schematically purpose purposely taxonomy bracketed francolite covariations mirror virtual catastroph cultivation carbide daniels froude fugacities llc oaes qiguling tonto 푐푐 푇푀 ##gcm costly aluminum aluminosil shattering ##ograms necking unfolded colombian changle suppressing paleomagnetically appendage landmasses riverbeds multicomponent multiplied multiprox institution monotonically petrogenetic millennium 240437 turnovers macrofossil economies masking bernese csz csds echoes hair hauraki hamm hamers jumps nankivell practically renik sv1 xuzhou ##93186 ##63752 ##itrarily conceivable shutdown capsules overcame prerequisites redistributed territories dolostone 176hf reexamination reexamining osmunda milliman millimolar 2253 individuals mszs orthophoto pseudoemiliania azimuths contradiction hawaiʻi reinforced davidson palynology palynomorph alluviation overwhelm overwhelms overwhelming gongjue kennett ostrac pocket tentative turret turkey tabulated ##rurite ##243 ##itius fortuit staeschi anchored shelly sheltered compromise incubated intercepted uniqueness disagreement metabasalt deteriorating methylated magnetotactic 1990s conflicts conflicting neglect neglected 230th extraordinary extraordinarius biomolecular alkenones datums doubt doubts vesicularities trachydacites titanomagnetites elucid inaccessibility rejuvenation deconvolution deconvolve dowty elastically flysch grooved jp16 ltg lyra myvatn mosaic pavement tangential vulcan ##uberite ##erlandse stiffness stiffened asperities segregated compelled interdisciplinary interferometry interferometric triangles enzyme marlstone undersampling undersampled biodiversification outpace hydrographers pyrometamorphism supplement1 specularite explorer hyperspectral morphodynamics xenocrysts xenocrystic argillites devastating ##186305 karstification orbitally palaeomagnetic destabilized destabilization destabilize physiographic christie christmas zhongqiuy pinching overestimation invertebrate ak135 craig carmacks c28n gumsley geneva gunbarrel hv1 hv0r hittington hopkinson hellinger hindrance kapuskasing mortem rgpin songliao tinto vuggy vasconcel verging revise reversion reverting protection ##omeryx depolymerization recreate recommended intertropical trilobites neoblast unzipping envisioned intrashelf intrasample geyser arborescent arbitrarily leverage leverhul replaces decipher smithian polynyas burnt endowed attesting entrant grassland workings carolina dissociate porphyroblast substitutions ##158469945 schlieren skewed ##33333333 homogeneity necessitates digests destroying satisfact molluscs brunhes brunauer universiteit knickpoints knickzones hawkes nanogeochronology definitions tasmania taghanic ##99999999998 ##999999999998 ##9433962264150 cnrs eyewitness gustafs huronian iterations iteratively ichnospec ichnogenus lesseps langseth mingled ovoid pentagonal pentlandite pushes szabo sahke sahara 휅훼 ##upta ##ydan ##series ##250243 inefficient rectangular isoprop sterile sterilized madre mad01 succeeded exercised shipboard chengdu intergrowth implement overstepping overstepped miniature miniocho spallation sponsored sponsorship assays undetermined undetectable paleoproterozo paleoproductivity adhered easterly microenvironments discordance firmly flourish sequestering retardation mudrocks ellipse rhyodacite rhyodacitic nonunique illuminating illuminate ##6037735 diazotrophs asymmetries ##77777777 symbols boudreau oddsson cataclasites checked fernando fernandez enzymatic centrifug d398 dinner duplicated dictated ethiop foslie flag flames gischler honggous hayes haynes kopp lizhuang lindstrom lindgren ryukyu sieving titled trains tremor venus vestige wuhan wbcs witte xinlia yini yongping ##namomum ##bourn ##326797 thrive tolerant tolerance reoriented reorientation reanalyzed reoxidation reoxidative conchs ##oclastite foreign stirred mauritius prohibited beaches shawinigan chondritic whitmore recalculated tripod unproven collaboration collaborative marcus scrutton phonolite phonolitic imperial leptoporus leptomeryx timeopttemp quarry diehl featured featuring adakitic adiabat microtextures microtextural biocalcification biocalcifiers pegasus displaces confounding manufactured endeavor endeavors nanotextures implicitly 24528301886792 authority semicircular ##98537237 karlstrom palladium palladiferous 069259999 ##464381346 squeezing stoichiometric stoichiometries franklin sparsely bootst bookshelf ctm2016 ##000000000001 diatreme diatremes herbarium warrants warranted paleobiological paleobiologic nodularia deduced biosignature biosignatures 4152 5269 aulavik bachmann bangor cinnamomum coutts eifelian eagle emmett eberle euchelicerates f07 false fifth fondo gastropods hudson jordan kesler lenticular lantian lichens lyngen menengai muller menegon npz nederlandse nazareth pestle pachon piedmont rationale roger sx100 saskatch sigou slovak sscs vessel veneers wesgf wernicke xiangyanghu ##llium ##sio4 ##mobil ##3185 recherche convolute isotherms deemed suitability suprasalt suffered exopolym shoals shoreface sectors chapman weinan bassins depressurization company incineration premature precondition ensemble intcal13 impregnation overthickening conspicuously transparent calendar hyaloclastite hashin dredged travertine trapezoidal calculator hydraulics moorings investment royden permanently permafrost backstepping participating exhausted multifractal multiscale plucking archetypal reequilibration profilers misleading mesoarchean absorptivities augmented axenic carapace carpenter swedish restrengthening megascale intrastratal noncrystallographic climatological agglomerates ##44676 schwendel petrochronological ##75859414 encrustation ##mineralized hydrocasts guðm guarapuava guangdong ##487544676 pseudotachylite archaeocyathid conveyor interfingers ##rographs ##855107 readvance counterbalance autoclaves ni2p4o12 achievable sabkha vesiculated comfortably subtracting ddh1 virginia epitaxy geothermobarometry chevron paleotopographic microtomography trachyandesitic revolutionized nunavutia uniserially paleoshoreline boudinaged bjørnøya cgl2016 stromatolites compartmentalization ##1698113207547 c0016b fumaroles lubrication liquefaction wrangellia xiphosurids asymptotes resuspension unavoidable overdeepening 39599 aleutian ailao aardolie bingham biviscous billows birth barboni bertodano bengal beryllium bspb b20011 celebes crosta daily dotted dodecahedral dengying dennis d4648 einarsson eutectic eptd fonnesu foley fruitful givetian gottingen godard glauberite gaseous gueydan grice hølen higgins hermosilla hormuz hurric houghton hofformationn hafnium ilya ibex j01799x jxa jonas jelly jaupart jupiter ksn kacak kotuy kochi koscielis kasprowa linghou letters lusitanian lopez lightsource mr101c miall mibale muehlen monster mengyin mboa nonglacial nardouw nauyat nylon oruanui ooze pifm perez pptv pearson penchi pgs08 pelagia qiaotou qaidam qiaoenbrak rocas ritually rhenium sverdrup saint sylvite ssrl somalia somerset trelaporte tidally tithonian tundra treads tropsch urgently vivo vandieland watson wiped wickert written wavenumber woyla yermak yanshan zentilli zuktam δ7li δδ13c εmatrix σxx ##sotile ##houses ##wackes ##21651621 ##529100 ##63634090 ##3608 ##385622 tharsis threeto thomas thorkelson ##erazzi ##alibrated inhabit totschunda tokyo ##olipids reestablished reagent recharged revenue conterminous conveniently convincing isoclinal forchheimer stymied stitched stoddart maastrichtian maoniuping maatschappij suarez covellite coffinite aseismically exacerb exagger exemplified exxonmobil anabaena beaufort shrimp shtrikman seulawah chikyu chrysotile whangaehu orifices ressources maghrebide fagherazzi reciprocal reconsider teflon interannual interquartile evoked expertise neptune neovolcanic neuroanatomy neodymium highenergy norfolk unanswered unnecessary unsheared unintentional unmanned unvisited unweathered unreliable untangle unreason unobserved unvegetated unaffected subrounded suboxides enormous martinez geoprobe geoscientists geospatially gephyrocaps geureudong scarcity sculpted arthropods meijers abgarmi cangulo cauchy caught cahokia cauliflower metavolcanic minnesota leydier regrowth simcoe translocation melbourne undiscovered undocumented undisturbed underflows underpressured decentralized genotoxicity lahillia grayscale redirects hefty novarupta desarrollo midelevations midmantle matuyama finnegan lattices burmese empyrean predecessor doherty pluijm synextensional syneruptive demagnetizer euclidean monophase monosulfide barnegat 2528301886792452 mancktelow oldoinyo salamanca 40cashell grindstone mudcracks nanocrystals northwesterly delocalization opdyke opisthosoma phosphoanhydride carafa cucullaea farnsworth intrabasinally nonaccretionary nontraditional nonchannelized noncohesive fulgurites garnered protuberances ##3470980 iliffe molybdenum ruvuma groundbreaking ##4435336055 technicians argillaceous 70293 pt90rh10 skagerrak ferromagnesian mcwilliams devitrified tuxedni anticorrelation giiwas phenanthrene photomicrographs 023436464381346 macromolecule guidelines waimihia biohorizons congolese 76sf00515 fairholme perplexing autonomous alpujarride ##192641142 interstratified ##4616063752 amphiboliteto 09150326797 symplectite domeyko ##47445250243 jamtveit tex86l rhuddanian ##8684642195 푇푇 multiproxy 240437158469945 ##93186276 ostracods fortuitous ##186305857 zhongqiuyang vasconcelos leverhulme gustafson ichnospecies lessepsian 휅휅 miniochoerus paleoproterozoiques ethiopia honggoushan xinliaodong timeopttemplate ##9853723717 06925999921651621 saskatchewan ##7585941493 koscieliska muehlenbachs zuktamrurite 02343646438134639 09150326797385622 2404371584699454 050 034 016 095 075 013 048 012 085 082 1o 1n 1i 1k 1m 1x 1j 1mm 2n 2φ 2ad 2440 3t 3n 3m 3q 3β 334 344 316 328 326 3340 3158 328301886792 31698113207547 4r 4o 4g 4k 4f 4φ 460 444 433 425 428 423 475 430 436 411 4ai 4so4 4200 438 4186 4mg 4147 5th 515 5ds 595 575 598 518 545 566 577 519 547 5158 5151 5276 5279 5346 5219 52357 610 675 630 626 618 645 696 666 694 611 619 642 638 682 637 688 699999999 6856 6sio 666666666 7φ 7th 7be 744 716 728 721 714 718 745 777 746 735 739 7158 7149 7279 7219 7272 7285 73378 7179 747445250243 860 821 813 898 845 836 846 847 86011 920 9be 999 934 910 933 925 975 926 994 919 937 9440 9942 9266 999999999998 a4 aal aic aar aro ater aif aest aus aud actions aines athermal airc aeg a16 aka aec awa aigu aparts aalen aotea a860 bø bic bog bik bak bret bros bau bust bount bland bail berg bint bold brock bisc bob bchron boring bdp b29 bhu bange bero bille booth bengu binga berms baks cw ck cly cant cem cdu clo card cert cros crow coch cpa cels cosc c25 cush c26 crown c18 caman c27 cash craf cij cili cables citing citz cnes cvol cortex cii cocco carius cgcm dos dure dog dum dib dab dts dale dary drou dill dress dyn dub dded dors delf dpb dwell dorn drown dta dash dbf dai darn daus davi dji dye dfe dermal d84 daba dacitic dje doped eq e7 ere eol ece ely era eure ela eich eso ements eformation ede eri eling elic elab ehs eids egc evey ectified fg f8 fj f7 fent fle fim fter fres fult fich fence fia fale fide foss fied fals fift fland fused fier f20 fft f15 fuse fiber fgo fild fict f14 fatal falc fenite f08 fading fade fgz fasc gp gn gw gf g2 g1 gon gst gur gly gow gil glu gem garb gak grib gros geld gree gory gology gains gink gurb giss gnow gov grock gills gym greek gomes g16 gury g48 gani gocc gns gaining g47 gwin gdgt gann gyre goni gjal gathers gagn gpm gyang gerd hd h4 h8 hz hed hing hoc hod hver hyst hag hort hast hain h00 hale hues hord hide hron hap hoth hmm hern hick hond hosed hons hbr h20 hood hels hfs hob homin herve hai hpc hamb hsingian hatch haj hitz hosing hosk house hovers ip ib iel ias iph i00 ips icing iolite iann ipin iwash irawaddy js jen jul jut jere jog jong jud jost jarb jak jens jub jake jah job jpc jama jsm jago jade julie jigs jiaolong kl kon kit kre kle koc kod kut kver kong kus kock kain kear kals kund kather kde kling kane krest kare kole knot kote kump korn kley kash kbar kula koe keto killing klim klee khl kuro kolm karius kinked kennan lc ler lic lur lil lod lum lain l00 lts lia lution lak lass lend lively lability lame lank lief l10 lily l13 l14 lih lille lwa lanc lumines lli liner lotte lty laths mh m6 mx mω mro mated mse mog mian mall mop mould mend murr mens mert mically mund mri mike mcl mto mute malu mounts m17 mull m42 mishan myan mung mende mpi mthick mounting n5 n0 nz nø nin nes nis nim nig nou nth nos nest nir nad nata nain nia nles nces noth nue nie nyn nub namic nones n50 nto nah nena nma nights npr nerve nias n18 naked nili ncb nakan nsw nino nading naust nolan niches nanson norte nozaki nishi nanga ou oi oes ond ool oth ood och oand owe ogg ogen oling ock oax opped oto oead oden oman o18 odel pj pod pir pad parb pill pari pear poun poth pue pilar plast pyc peng pause palu ponding pind paving pele puna purs p91 pza pardo p2898 pijn qat qin qld ques quru qiu rd rl rn r7 ral ror rur row riv rum ries rop ria rass rally roth rau rating rue roch rget rature rail rae rice r10 r16 r23 rometer rna rocc rpo rosa russ ripping ryan rrs rows rizontal roses ribe rye rowe rosov rpm ratsch rasters ronald rennes ses sed sit sion sle sid sial slu sest sity sist siz sad sian sess sari seld sled sne sri sons sinc sbe sedi schar ssive sgs sdp sighted sani sarn senes savage soma sisson srand sachs t0 tro tation tul trom tum ties tts tween tures trust tach tization trow teng tions tons tjor tors tier taw tells tele t85 t1b talc tuss titr telson uf uor ural uav udy urs ueda v2 vat vor ving voc vog vant verm vale vass vry viver vri vons ventral vsh vox vinc vint vera vries voy vuk vlad vague vicki wc wer wel wur wog wies wag wong wud wak worm wile wack wmb wals wust wys wallow wark wether wills wyl wels wob witt w19 walc wbo wanc wbc wuchia wiebe wuda wrapping wonder xl xh xi x0 xz xer xion xial xand xie xeric xish xper xpl xining x10 xfield xmg xiaolong yit yan yst yac yag yale yav yok yild yuan yagi yuc ypm yuba zi zw z5 z1 zet zag zus zip zay zell zach zang zier zhan zha zft zonal zhou zhu zaf zidi zieren µw ƞe ƞm ɛnd αr α34 α33 δr δs δh δw δ8 δσ δ26 δsw εsr λd μl μi ρcr ρij σt σc φ2 χ2 ωar ϕp ϕs ϕshelf ##uw ##uen ##ued ##uing ##uity ##uqu ##ucc ##uell ##uper ##uano ##uvial ##uffer ##ujo ##uke ##uilt ##uela ##uelle ##uelan ##rt ##rin ##rition ##rath ##rens ##ratic ##rally ##ryn ##riated ##rize ##rather ##rme ##rime ##riff ##r29 ##rilling ##renna ##rheim ##pn ##pes ##pen ##pid ##pul ##pot ##pod ##pse ##pant ##pla ##pies ##pand ##pans ##pace ##pack ##pie ##prol ##prit ##pire ##poration ##pingian ##patch ##posing ##pitation ##picked ##plicative ##o4 ##oed ##oing ##oas ##oom ##oad ##oqu ##oop ##oast ##oia ##oform ##oire ##ook ##obe ##oonal ##oining ##ohyd ##oho ##oother ##oola ##oester ##oherent ##ohl ##oque ##oppe ##tl ##tk ##tor ##tan ##tim ##tly ##tge ##tem ##tag ##tort ##trou ##tend ##trol ##tps ##tland ##tration ##tently ##tured ##tines ##tail ##tank ##tana ##turn ##tected ##tchar ##track ##tiques ##tij ##tison ##tria ##tosis ##t3d ##tachment ##ev ##e5 ##eul ##eir ##egh ##econ ##eep ##eav ##ecy ##eously ##eville ##eij ##evet ##echer ##ecutive ##do ##dal ##dim ##dig ##dith ##dely ##die ##dled ##dier ##dov ##dmann ##dien ##dahl ##donald ##lion ##lel ##liment ##lop ##lles ##lling ##lination ##lief ##liest ##linian ##lhor ##litization ##lora ##lensis ##lodowska ##leneck ##linked ##yen ##yter ##yse ##ych ##ypt ##yric ##yder ##ylic ##yram ##ywell ##yuan ##yarch ##yoke ##ygian ##ylus ##yrenna ##vr ##vo ##vy ##vw ##van ##vation ##vil ##vant ##vich ##vall ##vag ##vus ##vik ##vens ##vating ##vps ##vane ##vetic ##vrogen ##vages ##vob ##vica ##vitable ##vasses ##vimetry ##voi ##vardite ##nt ##n1 ##nst ##nut ##nated ##nite ##nock ##nia ##nect ##nard ##nites ##nals ##nold ##nched ##nosp ##nocline ##nologia ##aq ##aif ##aite ##aog ##air ##aard ##amental ##aean ##aera ##aires ##a25 ##aio ##aibe ##gm ##g2 ##gow ##gate ##gated ##gical ##gely ##grain ##gard ##gang ##gott ##gulate ##gden ##gypsum ##g48 ##gls ##g47 ##grade ##greth ##grams ##gnis ##gwith ##s1 ##s0 ##sø ##san ##sel ##sim ##sity ##sary ##sell ##spect ##sified ##sys ##sae ##sonian ##sman ##sandon ##smad ##serman ##scher ##syth ##cial ##cata ##cost ##camp ##cles ##cap ##centr ##cile ##cible ##cope ##cox ##cium ##cup ##cpa ##cera ##cator ##copes ##cores ##coming ##crystalline ##canian ##cauc ##cotte ##ceras ##coran ##colipids ##hj ##har ##hur ##hle ##hac ##hom ##hum ##hyst ##hore ##hall ##hong ##hus ##hene ##hia ##hik ##hay ##hart ##hap ##held ##hically ##hyn ##hling ##hink ##hold ##hto ##hills ##hof ##halog ##hlet ##hns ##hanging ##hacite ##hung ##honitic ##hols ##haline ##homa ##hatu ##hagen ##haust ##h06 ##homb ##iet ##iod ##iite ##iog ##iad ##ience ##iag ##iates ##iens ##ioch ##iott ##iwh ##iovolc ##iencies ##ioses ##ieties ##irade ##iolis ##iella ##iago ##iaba ##iagn ##iomorphic ##i3d ##iogenically ##wn ##wc ##won ##wed ##wil ##worm ##wyn ##wire ##write ##w16 ##warp ##wacht ##wyth ##wamoto ##wijn ##kb ##kan ##kar ##kom ##kla ##kam ##kum ##kong ##kitic ##kov ##kives ##kara ##kfj ##k188 ##kawa ##keley ##kscape ##fi ##f5 ##f1 ##fin ##fen ##fur ##fis ##fra ##fil ##fres ##fam ##file ##fue ##fund ##fri ##fhe ##faces ##fills ##fenn ##find ##fring ##fossils ##fitted ##filling ##fections ##finement ##futable ##fura ##favors ##fanie ##faro ##fahl ##fcamp ##ml ##mx ##mon ##mos ##mod ##mir ##mian ##mall ##mus ##may ##mans ##mach ##mative ##mour ##mano ##mination ##mott ##mca ##micity ##matically ##mug ##meth ##monds ##maker ##mittance ##m915 ##mrin ##moed ##2p ##2s ##2ter ##2co ##220 ##215 ##233 ##228 ##227 ##2202 ##2990 ##2606 ##2465 ##2707 ##2series ##900 ##960 ##933 ##940 ##913 ##936 ##977 ##911 ##919 ##938 ##972 ##939 ##931 ##9186 ##96018 ##9ºc ##425 ##428 ##430 ##427 ##438 ##439 ##4603 ##4326 ##42577 ##52 ##550 ##534 ##513 ##545 ##512 ##535 ##584 ##5335 ##5000 ##536340 ##5r29 ##qa ##qiang ##qelon ##qtag ##620 ##615 ##634 ##616 ##630 ##685 ##619 ##635 ##692 ##6336 ##6453 ##825 ##823 ##813 ##866 ##836 ##835 ##838 ##847 ##8100 ##8458 ##8110 ##8485 ##8186305857 ##89853723717 ##199 ##134 ##144 ##116 ##195 ##123 ##121 ##126 ##118 ##127 ##112 ##19999999999 ##09 ##xl ##xion ##xist ##xies ##xia ##x15 ##xcel ##xuriant ##xhlet ##zth ##zlo ##zale ##zme ##zometers ##zman ##zoe ##zsch ##zhi ##zua ##zoli ##zonder ##zuelan ##bp ##bn ##bb ##bon ##ban ##bid ##bir ##bore ##bort ##bata ##blo ##bord ##bear ##bert ##bites ##bah ##brad ##bolian ##bola ##bird ##bai ##bico ##bben ##blat ##bster ##boreal ##bazi ##built ##jad ##jast ##jury ##joy ##jaj ##jno ##junga ##jzonder ##7b ##710 ##770 ##725 ##721 ##714 ##785 ##735 ##737 ##765 ##788 ##786 ##7158 ##7487 ##7336 ##7104 ##7197 ##7999999999998 ##7192641142 ##747445250243 ##310 ##316 ##328 ##398 ##396 ##385 ##322 ##324 ##3161 ##3191 ##3fur ##łed ##ᆷ퐤 ##ᆷ훼 ##ær ##ød ##øyrenna ##ðle ##ᆶ훼 ##ᆩ표 ##ᆸ푀 ##ᆸ퐸 ##ık ##ᆬ표 ##ᆿ푀 thh th4 ther thiv tham thab thied thread thail thint thorn thule ##ony ##ona ##onk ##onad ##onations ##onism ##onide ##onell ##onally ##onization ##onake ##oniss ##onte ##onuc ##onious ##onberg ##onju ##onoma ##onoi ##onnier ##onardo ##onfinement ##atly ##atif ##atant ##atons ##atography ##atten ##atsk ##atta ##atya ##atches ##atche ##atoids ##atti ##ateness ##atysh ##ativa ##atrun ##ataga ##attachment ##erre ##erle ##eros ##erif ##erely ##erian ##erary ##erable ##erck ##eretic ##er15 ##erche ##erij ##errat ##erque ##erosive ##eriau ##erkan ##erzoe ##erød theo theist theme theta ##ini ##inur ##inas ##inet ##inth ##inate ##inod ##inated ##inver ##inem ##inary ##inform ##inized ##inating ##inde ##inco ##inids ##inters ##inosa ##inopter ##info ##inuro ##innis ##invr ##inmoed ##esp ##es3 ##esites ##esize ##esets ##esville ##eshing ##enst ##enas ##enos ##enow ##enary ##enability ##enulated ##enov ##encl ##enio ##enalite ##enbro ##enico ##eneto ##enois ##enochitina ##enocal ##enerative ##enheim ##enjunga ##enerian ##edes ##edum ##edee ##edeep ##alo ##ala ##alas ##ality ##alve ##alab ##along ##alable ##alding ##alities ##alitic ##alco ##alte ##alizing ##altic ##almer ##albara ##alillo ##albata ##ndy ##ndvag ##iten ##itar ##itra ##itut ##itated ##itru ##itop ##itari ##itites ##itically ##itivity ##itration ##ittal ##iterate ##itman ##itler ##itters ##itrary ##itiveness ##ionts ##ionale ##ionably ##icy ##ications ##icop ##icts ##icides ##iculate ##icto ##icists ##iceras ##icella ##orf ##orial ##orest ##orch ##orations ##orization ##orites ##oriver ##orland ##orano ##orov ##oratory ##orlt ##orbs ##orily ##orias ##orwa ##orwegian ##orrel ##oraster ##orhomb ##orini oft ofqu inis inad inapp ingers inici inelastically inkscape injury ##aned ##anar ##anom ##aniz ##anna ##anthrop ##anxi ##anocrystalline ##anja ##anulae ##ared ##aric ##arra ##aram ##aria ##arret ##arron ##around ##arinal ##arfs ##arsky ##arvus ##rez ##reul ##recil ##rels ##refring ##reinem ando anders andsl andrade ##road ##rodu ##roites ##rohy ##rochron ##robil ##rozen ##roduct ##rozz ##rochitina ##roachment ##entate ##entine ##entury ##enthal ##stir ##stant ##still ##stically ##stimate ##struction ##staff ##stuen ##sthene ##ings ##ingling ##ingency ##ington ##ingmann ##elo ##eli ##elz ##eling ##elation ##elou ##elina ##elber ##elior ##elane ##elitic ##elov ##elten ##elrot ##elung ##elius ##elodont ##elstuen ##uron ##urer ##uran ##urra ##urch ##urized ##uristic ##urprising ##urvey ##uriau ##urdo ##urgical ##urfaces ##cti ##ctm ##cture ##ctual ##cturnal ##ason ##asin ##asian ##assemb ##asaw ##asilian ##ascar ##asmob ##asbord tola tooth toft totally totana tokara ##leic ##lement ##leans ##leable ##lemental ##leys ##letin ##leiff ##leya ##lementary ##leached ##lees3 ##isi ##iser ##isst ##iset ##isph ##isab ##isost ##issions ##isitic ##isonous ##isaki ##ischer ##isade ##isrupted ##olo ##olin ##oled ##olations ##olide ##olare ##olvating ##olfi ##olonization ##olerable ##eti ##etz ##eton ##eted ##etch ##eterm ##etia ##etraph ##ethy ##etrich ##ette ##etime ##etries ##etta ##etrical ##etti ##etermined ##etrize ##imir ##imant ##imonst ##imina ##imension ##impl ##imaged ##imited ##iminations ##imica ##imlines ##imbi ##imonides ##imeterto ##imaud ##igt ##ige ##igated ##igite ##igures ##igms ##igranular ##igley ##igai ##igorate ##ouin ##ouli ##oukov ##oumian ##thur ##thitic ##thana ##thto ##thparallel ##thyan ##thein ##theil ##ceps ##cefully ##idic ##idation ##idge ##idus ##iday ##idized ##idences ##idature ##idisc ##idermal reine reop reating reint reject reaves reapp rechannel rehom rewrite rebuilt reattachment reenalite ##rae ##raine ##rages ##raun ##ragment ##rapa ##raverse ##racite ##ravimetry ##rabort ##rajno ##osion ##osable ##osoph ##osalt ##oshi ##osomal ##oseneck ##osynthetic ##osuke ##oshonitic ##mper ##mping ##mphas ##mporn conical conject conchi conifers ##ulen ##uline ##ulites ##ulatory ##ulds ##ulio ##ulsified ##ulinids ##owater ##owie ##owind ##owlands ##owski ##owaro ##ivent ##ivia ##ivorous isan isle isab isles isome islet ishib isobar isez isozaki isbn ##ocar ##ocity ##ocentr ##ocular ##ociation ##ocoup ##oclasts ##ocroc ##oceras ##ocino ##ocerebrum ##ocratic ##oconfinement ##oceneto forc foram forem foraging foreb forsch forster forgott forsyth forbid foresets foredeep ##iline ##ilus ##ilient ##iliated ##ilitude ##ilizes ##ilton ##ilicate ##iloxane ##ilpn sten stated stall stain stip stamp stap stoss stun stick stde stub stder stav staging stix staining strel stasis stumps stellate stony stedum strobil stelten stilpn dea dean devel deyn deiss dephosph de190 deveget deoxygen dealbata withstand ##atea ##atech maf maus maart maier mahan macl maput mamore mads macal maja master mavic mavrogen suction suess suord suff suget suffic supb sugar sugden su5000 coge coom cope coop coign coined cobe coining comin coerc coaxial coordinate cofact cognis cofund ##rome ##rometer ##romised ##tery ##tera ##terand ##terbe ##terworth ##tertail asa asyn asex exiting exosk exafs exothermic executive ##aca ##acre ##acch ##acock ##ac00 ##acarb ##accept ##acchar ##acao ##aculture ##acık ##oton ##otas ##otation ##otite ##otus ##otect ##otically ##otratig ##otopic ##otropic ##otopography ##otelm ##otitration ##otetraph ##otraverse proce proterozo prodig ana anion ange anse anem ancy an60 anew anode anova anterior an53 anvil anhyst anarra anceps ##oded ##oding ##odus ##odoz ##odology ##odones ##odynamically ##odonts ##odolom ##odeling ##odotus ##ifsson byung beo beer beart beales beij beaver beichuan beaut beebe beeson beeney beige ##uts ##utory ##utral ##utational ##uttering ##utrients ##utotrophs ##utriated ##utblat ##utinosa ##utilus areally ##erees ##eregg ##eremphas ates ated ##geo ##gei ##geological ##geme ##vering ##verus ##vertently ##verwacht ##iali ##iales ##section ##separ ##second al3 ally alive alun alger alike alco alai alfe alfaro algeo ono ong ons onla onem onand onlapping ongar onverwacht shp shx shru shom shand shire shorn sherman shinmoed shimant shoshonitic sech sead sealy sepa sego sevent segu seych semporn seacarb ch2 chir chand chich chag chong chak charbon chard chun chinc chief child chuan chung chelicerates cherche chalco chorlt chelation church ##ruent ##rump ##rugg ##rumal ##ruyter ##rugated whene whitt wholes whalley ##itec ##itechn ##omial ##omian ##omag ##omoz ##omically ##omyc ##omize ##omyl ##omolar ##omenon ##omatif ##omelane ##lux ##luence ##lugh ##lume ##luded ##luoric ##estones ##estrated ##estinian ##estructive ##estionably ##cht ##chs ##chin ##chem ##chers ##chans ##chun ##chger ##china ##chemical ##chang ##chwork ##chman ##changing ##chandin ##chdien ##chonell ##chenjunga ##chestrated ##phile ##phage ##phire ##phistic ##phoons ##pherd ##phanie ##ulte ##ults ##ultural ##veau ##veiling ##veita ##vemeyer ##veev ##ogical ##ograin ##oglob ##ogang ##ogranular ##ogorov ##ogravimetry ##istol ##istere ##istob ##istered ##istrict ##irn ##iric ##irine ##irts ##irie ##irnov ##irhead ##irhyn ##irmative ##ctionally ##antz ##antic ##antation ##antom ##antian ##antun ##antee ##laus ##lamin ##laminated ##lawar ##lahoma ween wear weil weib weber weck weiss weishan weihe weisse webster orp ork orqu orka orku orleans orchestrated ##pponnier conti contort contess contortion contiguously contingency resul resediment reshu resolves resumption resupp resampled reshap resilient ##amu ##am5 ##amed ##amar ##amud ##amap ##amish ##amae ##amaz ##amillo ##amagnetic ##umu ##ume ##umulation ##umbent ##umann ##ighs ##ighen ##izated ##izosph ##izhou ##izumi ##izaga ##imental ##iberat ##ibayashi ##ibasin ##peis ##aban ##abatic ##abric ##abund ##abular ##abases ##abalu ##abbro ##abyssal ##abolic ##abuda ##abody ##abayashi ##abala basa basanite baselines ##ady ##adf ##adj ##aday ##adines ##adingly ##adriatic ##adrup ##adowed ##adowlands ##iesner depicts depolo ##eman ##emurian ##emeij ##emnite ##emorial compton composes compasses compania compliment ##anda ##andal ##andre ##andine ##andesite ##andez ##quid ##quari ##quake ##quilla ##quoi ##quhar ##questionably ##ichert ##icheng ##ichosp ##ichischer ##cciated ##cciali ##encement incong incap incising incomati incoherent incumbent maglab ##ystone ##ystones ##ystein fa2 fa4 fa5 faure fager faint fahr ##orectified recour recirc recomp recency recurs recrie recoil recruit recalibrated recedes recolonization ##thers modally modifies modulates moduli ##elyn ##elyi ##ianism ##ianopolis ##allial ##allite sedimenting sedimentaires ##ag2 ##agat ##agin ##agan ##aghan ##agonian ##agonite ##agrera ##agascar ##ongues tea teased teeth tepla teagan ##ussion ##usha ##usele ##usingly interbe interrog interlock intercellular interrelated interband interrupts intercycle interhem intercompar interlinked intercrystalline interchanging interlaminated evano evele evansi evasion evocos ##udied ##udzi ##udouin ##orts trated trial trations trond trior trash trilater tr01 trullen triaxial trivariant trivial trcera trimlines expel expensive expels expressive neous neap neff nebr neomorph nekt nebul neotectonic neolit nexus nexion neatly neorch neoglob hightemp ##duva ##ducts norman norcia ##essac ##essart ##essorship ##ataks ##atahi ##ocki ##opie ##opause ##opulated ##opolym ##oplots indents indisp indeterm univ unil unite unity unwe univer unified unco unble unnot unma unta unbro unifies unparallel unburden unison unnam unicell unordered unmineralized ungulate unleached unimaged unaccept unsepar unveiling unquestionably ##astian ##astolithic ##astoni wasserman forme formal formers formulated formulating formula ##ersburg ##ersoil ##ersachs ##ip3 ##ipline ##iplan ##iprep ##ostat ##osterman ##ostrome subun subto subchron subbas subseismic subequ subenviron subcellular subbasin subplinian subjacent subhum subboreal subitop subulinids pref preview precedent preburial precepts plr plc plated plik plans plough enik ences enosphere enarg enkel enverus ##00e ##0099 ##0040 ##0019 ##0067 ##0087 ##0056 ##0089 ##00734 ##00263 ##007104 ##003161 durham ##tserrat intract intral intimately intelle intolerable ##enevsky ##eneuvian lowlands lowgrade lowenst ##erma ##ermum ##iavel ##alean ##weak ##wealth ##weighs colin coloss colocated marion marid maries marger marbles marls marcell marcas marino margreth mariott marinco relatives reload ##isman beta geco geography geote geosystem geoidal georem geomechanical geuriau geocentr geotraverse preseismic preslip ##erves faultand ##iky ##iken ##ikie ##ikule ##ikfjellet ##ikova scant scint screes scrat scsw scoop scmos scalable scorias scrugg cron crign cr2o3 crutch cr2p crenulated cristob ##ayap ##aysia ##ayanti ars artal arrest arsia arithm arnold arthur strip strath streng striation strang stripping straths stricto volker ##weenaw chancell channell meets meuse meele mefj mehi mee5 mekong meighen meadowlands ##artin ##artard ##articulate usi user usgs ushik abl abel abdel abilities abbre ablates abios abiogenically aboratory ##orderly ##ologues ##akh ##akere ##akers ##akman ##akawa ##akita ##ghian ##assin ##assino ##association timor timber timeline timbal ##ptolitic ##ptophy pheng phthal phkb phalab phantom rockde canal canopy canald canisp caern caho ##illos ##illator ##illimeter oba obana obrad ##gga ##ggut ##ggled ##ggish ##gguang discon disso disjo disorient disperse disaster disasters disordered disfavors disassemb disorderly disassociation metap mettra metasequ meticul metameric ##ansas ##formis cling clans clone clones clipp clara clipped fluence fluff fluves flushed ##rustal vals valving valenz valentine impract imprec impetus implaus ##acted ##actyl carbons carbonic carbonated carbonand overly overcon oversh overto overrel overheating overrepresent overstep overhanging overstimate overabund ##cones ##conte ##confined ##conorwegian ##construction notations noticed notwith extinguish ##reted ##returo mined minera minoan minerais ministere minibasin spz spence sprain spill spell spines spityusa sprat spitz spends spicules sputter spalding spelz sputtering spessart spastolithic spiky spakman surging surma surug leigh leco legs leats leaking levit lepid levant leonardo leeman ##enda ##enden ##endous ##endipit ##endhu ##endered ##endij ##endien ##endorf ##ronti tempos template templates ##athic ##athym souvent souti soufri so255 sokom soxhlet sophistic larva larmes larryn lardie ##ario ##ariant ##ariously corne coroll corners corfu corporation corylus corcoran coriolis corinth corrugated ##erald ##aped ##apum ##apai ##apava ##aplus ##apasc ##apchans ##apreturo assyn assisting ##ounoff ##urrents ##veland ##veloff northing ##cedario conspire ##lacing ##lacially ##elltort ##ffle ##ffling ##enses ##ensation ##ensively ##enski ##ensibly ##raphical ##raphiques ##eratures crusts crusted crustale ##ardson ##ardado ##achi ##aching ##achetti timeand regia regress reground regulation regressed regulating regulates regrading regatta regenerative registered ##ignment ##ignments ##ignatures simeul similitude supplying obsidi occident occluded ##sover ##soka indications ##onechitina reposition repressed replacements replete repair repopulated transits transmin transversely transcrustal transcribed transiti transcritical transcauc transamaz calites calmed calitites 202 20x 2060 2030 2096 2056 ##cesm college ites itic itay itaki italian melenevsky quan querc quoted quiet quigley quadrup ##atics ##epel ##eposit ##epened ##epohl ##eparvus ##ribe ##osphate ##osphorus ##osphaera undur undatable undermine undamental undiagn undisrupted undulatory underemphas distortions distorting prize private prerif hyc hyun hyps hynes dios diamic diaries dihyd diographs dixon dietze dierck dienerian dietrich seaways hasli ##erted ##erties frau frames fracf framing fracpa paleored paleots paleoriver paleowind paleomag aci acrit acuna acadian acrot acule acuity ac52 systemically detai detrapping ##rosia ##ilee ##ilevel ##othuring mays mayon mayme mayotte maynard ##iento locra locities observables observatories observato ##neth ##ructively ##ructural perish perox peryl perenn performs peroxid perkins perthitic perimental ##mmets butte button butterworth upset upreg upsc upvalley upwind upsection inclus inclusive drf dr5 dryn drief drisc driest dr13 drips dripping accident howald ##ozonations underrecognized underheating underpin underfilled underrep underrepresent underthrust underfilling surfed surfac signified signify signifying signifi ##iedinger analytic analytically analytiques appr appraisal manto ##ageceras differencing formationval provok feg fe0 feel feces feathers feco3 feakins micr ##ozoans ##viations ##viating variant varieg variants ##acka ##eldsp alongn alongand adorn adversely adatte adrian adrift admi adobe admittance adenos adults ##ungs ##unications twc twist twining twigs ##ernail ##erneil watered ##ressure ##ressibility concen concusions ##ulfed ##ulfurization mineralizations southgate 1015 1016 1033 1021 1029 1094 1035 10161 10fra deck decent decided decker decode decisions decorations decoding esti esters esther estonian estanc esteb sulfonic sulfcycle sulfosalt fluidand thereup ##rows colleaguesows colleaguesowed colleaguesuvial ##iehall ##iezometers lowery ##ynian ##ynchonell interpolating ##rym ##ryoidal ##rymple flown flower flowers flowstone silver silla siluriant siloxane throughgoing ##ocha ##ochella ##ochii ##ochyath ##ochimica ##dings erodes amo amy amit amine amide amino amoand amade ama25 amenability amelior amidation tractions trailing tractional calcined calcifying calcidisc remember reminis remediation remeshing remingling remodeling experts experime ##formational ##formationnn propel proposition propesp geno genes genic gencal generative ##ustasy interpretive interpretating interpretational hydr hydrosc hydride hydrus microand microcontinental microaer microsour microphot microphysical microgypsum microlamin laan laeter largeand becchina earthwork earthsc earthworm earthchem preci precomp precariously slr slid slot slater slates sliver slivers sliced sloped setback setups icebre icehouses icecap iceconfined bothnia constricted longand rano rank ranero ranking graiss grams gracil grahn gravey gracefully graptolitic ##ricia afd afield afzel newman newton redding redund rediss redeposit ##ranes ##rangian ##ranchs ##ranquilla ##ranagat ##onics associating structur analysed lithified lithogenic lithostratigraphy lithiot lithotectonic lithostratigraphically lithgow lithotratig massives conditional conditioning hea heave healy heyl hekla heuristic hecht ##ycus volcaniclasts ##rolitic ##rollite ##undi ##undur ##undsson acta activates actuelle actinopter mio mires miram mietus pof poort poised pohl pointed pocti poisonous ##onde arcand arcgis arcsecond magneto magnetostatic biology biote biosci bierman biospheres biophilic bijzonder birefring biopolym biostrome biozonations carbonateor comparably oceanograph glacigenic domed noid noised nobil nocturnal sandand sand20 sandto sandbox ##ularized oximately oxbow wellman wellbore wellendorf ##nelly allen allied allie allochth allanite allerød moons moored moecher moieties moitra refrain refines refug refracted referees reflux ##gered ##gerite ##gerous tyrone typhoons desira deshay desirade desolvating deserves desulfurization ##isholm midland midway midslope midcrust midocean midtk acrossand significa concentrate concentrically pbo ##enga ##pses ##psed presentation ##aturing ##malak chars charles charman charnock outsk outlook outliers outfitted outweighs ##ortedly zirconium silicifying smok smorg smelt smye smoother smolare smirnov deepened channeling folia boundy ##neisen ##neutral ##genetically ##genheim ##genwitz discs discount discour disciplinary discounting discipline 1520 1550 1515 1523 1521 1526 1527 1594 1535 1555 1565 1588 1541 hydrovol hydroisost hydrogeological thermoluminescence thermody thermocoup thermodynamically thermogravimetry thermostat landegh landfills parents parish paraf parks parlung paraut parsim parabolic tectonicand downlapping downtimes downturn downwarp ##persthene differentiable depositionary depositionally ##berl ##berts ##bercule ##berpatch distributes distributing distributaries invalu invade invigorate greene greeley greigite grevemeyer roi rohling rofhe roberts represe richest richland equiv equable equaling equiset equigranular ##deen ##deano ##debra ##deodus bella bellows belinur belemnite belonechitina ##ubo ##ublished ##ubstant organism polygen polonia policy pyram pyxic pyrogenic pybad pygm pymca pyrolitic ##outen stressor stressing command commencing commencement communications ##ogenized controller ##waters developments matos mattin matveev hereby 20190 20114 2012357 ##ometrically lime limulus rivera tercia laying layerto ##paramagnetic ##heret ##herds ##rihyd ##riasian ##lings ##ouron topa topic topical topology topologies topographies neared nearside characterise characteristically characterisation ##cker ##ckow ##ckland ##ckner ##ckii ##ckenbro fielding ##xton ##xtal sizeable loose looping completion completen 1210 1295 1275 1245 1241 1286 1257 1284 furthest furongian furrows ##onski veen veizer vega correlatable correlatives potent potrer potatoids potoumian ##bright ##breras ##briga permuted permano permineral permutational ##iquidus firing peir peoria peking peggy peedee peacock peabody organicand fink finds finsch ids idf idiomorphic localize localizing ##valent ##valier ##valleys infant ##inking ##isei velino ##ropa ##roplastic ##ropics ##ficially ##ractive periadriatic ##shal ##shan ##shot ##shape ##shmi ##shiite founder founded ##yses ##ysen ##ysal reducers reduplicative reducible commonality commonwealth backed backup backfield backthrust backtrack serro seram sergi serpul sergei serendipit progre progrades ##licon ##licity presses pressurized isotopique isotopologues superhe supercontinental superprobe supercool supercycle superocean superjacent superfam superparamagnetic superficially ##oxes ##oxia ##oxanth typified ##irei potentials crystallography crystallisation hostile speculated specially latimer ##oversion ##overable ##iversite histoire blg blard bliesner blichert blinking facu facial facie termined sharma pattison patchwork patagonian patricia impactites impactful ridd ridof ridolfi ridotite quartzose quartzof multidire multivalent multivent multitechn multilevel bursary ##uchert ##ualize ##ualties centros centimeterto ##aneck ##nessed 1350 1310 1380 1370 1333 1325 1340 1313 1314 1317 1327 1312 1387 13100 ##getation ##angle determi floes postcond postex postulating postburial postindustrial posterupt postearth postrather postconstruction ##redients ##redict yrbp ##issometer representations identifications disposition disposed disputes dispensed dispensable disposable shears emplacements emplacing ##orsed stratigraphers stratigraphies stratigraphical prima primacalc primocrysts degas degradational degasses degrades degruyter predation predatory predator predetermined 194 1921 1918 1945 1977 1911 1935 1967 1964 1965 1941 19100 1961 1971 19166 19h0 19kk confines confident confusingly agv agcl agiso agiad ag2s agitated agouron dolichosp 181 1815 1810 1880 1833 1825 1830 1821 1840 1898 18osw 1838 1837 1897 1863 18h01 doi door dove doorn decrepitation generously domination numeric shallowed shallowto δ18owater elevate elevating researcher flute flotation crystalized 1799 1760 1716 1770 1723 1730 1729 1727 1749 1786 171c ifrem ifpen olier olson ological olduva plumites plumper plummets coolest weatherability antle antrim antimonides apical apoph aplite apolar synor syncing synerg synto synforms synemp synrift synmineral syneresis syngang syngenetically demands demagne demenocal 1120 1160 1121 1126 1129 1194 1138 1137 1188 1139 1149 11805 ##hyops eukaryotic europa magnifies abovementioned contrastingly ##iewonski viewshed viewpoint ##insically ##insley ##inski ##inscha offsc offsw offlapping rapuh archaean δ13cn δ13cvp δ13catm δ13cmeth δ13canom boundaryshape complexion complexation complexly 1002 1008 100x instances instructive instigated co2sys monoliths monocrystalline monospec monaghan montserrat testify testament barites barrac barrand barrera baroque barrels barotropic barranquilla edx edible edax eddy edmonds ##coides ##cobar ##cofenn quantum quantifications 25c 251 2570 2536 2564 2541 25928 25115 ##ositely hypoph hypodd hypabyssal hypoxia ##nings ##ninghe lateritic lateritized ##avored ##avikur ##ierrez crystalshape uncw uncover uncrystall uncalibrated hgp hgdis 16s 1615 1680 1628 1626 1648 1637 1672 1664 1631 1689 16318 spector spectro spectrog spectrograph ##richs ##richthyan ##richardson ##tley manz manager mangerite cm5 cm54 ##area ##areka ##areyk ##aregional transposed transpolar reted retical retains retsch retards reticul rethink shortcoming abstracted endure endogenous enderle endorsed ##ailamae profeta professorship fluxing understating ironand diffrac lineages linefind enriching salin salas salary salween salmin salzburg salmon revegetation resolutions 304 3028 3011 3031 3073 30325 309433962264150 ##incised ##inclination defense default deforest deferegg defenses attitude attaining attested attending attrition attractive westland steer steen steger steven steele steering steppe stevens stefanie stephanie 40k 406 408 4038 ##ogeneity paleoint paleoaz paleotherm paleohorizontal paleofl paleoatm paleohills paleovalleys paleoinclination entity entry entails entailed entelodont tarp taraw tarney taroom tarlees3 fractionates visited visits visiting ##fficiency continua directorate epos epof epstein epidermal ##heed ##hefect proxied ##verson normality normaliz normalised plateauing 149 14th 1480 1445 1417 1435 1455 1461 14702 141975 bodo ##cypod grinder grimaud atm5 atm50 maximal maximized maximizes chemicals facts mudston mudfl muddier nancy nanosc nanometric nanocrystalline nanograms nanfen nanbazi nanoconfinement nanotopography nanomolar nanograin ##olecular ##elford leaded generality generalization 509 508 50x 50ex 5072 50604 50ml 50620 grouping δ18oequ δ18ophlogopite brian brighter brf5 bratsk brasilian bristol workflow workaround mounta mountjoy singh singly seawaters elan elle elite elph el14 elmer elston ellam elasmob elisab eliminations elocity elutriated beneficial secondarily slabbed excited excised hadley hadisst oxidizes oxidants oxidizers periodical periodicity understandable understandably ims imai deliberat oreodonts solver solvent solomon thinness thinnest holder holland holman holmes holler holtz holgu holoplank holuh holbourn holyoke holdings hollings ##2070 ##2026 ##2098 ##2018 ##2029 ##2017 ##2066 ##2046 ##2037 ##2076 ##2073 ##2074 ##20180 ##20734 ##20453 ##20h01 ##20612 ##20744 ##20619 ##rameta granulated granules ##ovich ##ovann singleor singleand brevity breheret esm esper esri esitic escript escobar hydrothermalism gaig gavel gauss gaoping gazel nuous nujiang nuii respired misner misident misidentified misrepresent microbrec lessens investigates investigators radiology radiof radiometer radiographs radiocar radiometrically paced pacing inspect insulating insulates subside subslab subscript subsidized subsume releases demonstration pacifico ppi ##axa ##axes ##axonomic ##axiu markwick widiw assembles mesa mesosc meshed mesoto mesocos mesophytic negating medial absences prioritari pyrope pyrophosphates erc erin eras erik erase erently erred erasing erba erika ernest ernst ersity opacitic ##enched phosphoric phospholipids phosphoester structureless ##upalmer auv auger auckland kemp keith keys keker keij keuru keuper keulen keystone keweenaw winch ##oka ##oker ##oken ##okai ##hair americas glenn glutinosa glendhu distinctions literal litsea vertices energie buisman fundacao kapp kaiy kaali kaiho kaiwh kawamoto kafue kaerkan kairei ##clides orientated orientale orientxpl axially axels axio axios bully bulging bulush bullet buller bulletin bulimina collot collations collating collins collocated analyzes northeasterly cara caress carves caraz carving cargo carls caroten carleton carrapa carrollite osbourn ossandon ##omagnetism petm petlab peterson petersen petersburg explainable detritalpy morphotectonic ##501 ##5095 ##5045 ##5027 ##5066 ##5093 ##50942 ##50985 ##50313 ##502ter ##50584 ##otto ##ottir documentary clayand claybear conductively conductor dissolve laurus distinctively 231 2350 2380 2325 2340 2336 2377 23rd crosshair h2om positives ##roscope ##roscopic cui cups srs srm915 depleting depletes southeastward transports transportable austin austaus austrheim ##vesicular productivities ##bee ##beck gradation hori ##aefer ##aeota rotary rotowaro spatiale spatialand crep crept crevas crevasses hotwire milled millan millerite milliken temporality conclusively australiens amples amplicon ##999 ##998 ##9975 ##9927 ##9935 ##9947 ##9972 ##9949 ##9962 ##9954 ##99942 ##9953 ##99125 ##99175 ##992363 ##996575 alterations element2 elementar salty microbialites freed freym fremrin freystein ##ahiro ##ahgre plumeand textiles geoand geoex geoenviron geofis geoinform ancillary pulled ##azan ##azimbi jurgen jurikova adjoining 22s 222 228 221 2210 2290 2230 2221 2218 2248 2212 2294 2211 2255 2222 2287 2273 2268 22128 2277777777 229962 swing swith swam swale swath swind swaneck thrusted methododology olivier olivares cratonal dufres dutheil dimming farthest faraday farquhar restrained siand sio3 siwa siji ##awan anoxically lengthen lengthened invert ##ploration ##planar ##spatholithic ##techn gravimetric brothers broxton slowest slowness megatrun megumu megapasc emulating emulsified emag2 emerald funerary summed summation summers summons minimizes minimised serpentinizing catena catenary catotelm naturelle naturelles coincidences fourfold planation planert planned intracratonic intragrain intraformational ##ftir unconnected unconfined uncontrol metaland canyonincised lasts sheer shepherd nonto nonlim nonvolcanic nonbre nontr noncompar nonmineralized nonprol nonerosive noninde nonanthrop nonvesicular nonplanar publish episageceras fulfer fulvic fulbright sulfurized s1c s1i s1m s1q s16 s1j s1in ##ostratigraphies substages centerline centerpie garson garcia garlan garanti garassino ##oclim timings greenand greenwood greenhouses greenalitic progressing britain brittl imminent immemorial paas paid paap paola paula paveloff ultrath zeiss zeerij zeitler promise player playing rayo rays rayed rayner rayinvr situations ##1534 ##1590 ##1564 ##1539 ##15406 ##15440 ##15702 ##15157 ##15977 ##15310 ##bsam porcup poriag ##egraph ##egang ##egradation converges conversions amplification amplifying amplifications amplifiers halted haloes halophilic hallett halamish halverson hemicell naafs nauru na000 nautilus naumann ##ennaya reversing reversible countered selby selley selvages selwyn stands standoff standstill proton protoliths protists protogenesis prototy prototectonic protective protodolom protomyl protogranular protogeneity ##lapatite triphosph motor motivate motivates pops popayan popigai popularized ##neros ##nerong dida didougang neto netw netzsch plagu ##eraut dryer broadens bottles bottleneck clearest clearance pancontinental panjal pancost panzhi panarea runge runup tiburon ##3466 ##3465 ##3439 ##34860 ##34197 ##340088 ##344326 northwestto ecors ecologic ec2co ics icas icap peridotitic siltand environmentally ili illitization illawar ##imeopt electric electrost electrical electrically electricity bottoms bottomed bottommost bottomcurrent bottomsets porewaters establis balancing baltim meme memory memeti powersoil ##ofield ##oflora ##ofuran parametric parametrize molo mollo molokai plexus sensible sensupalmer divariant diverted kinloch kinabalu ruh ruin ruiz ruator ruicheng probabil probabilities granted granting nuclei ##notaxa ##6028 ##6072 ##6064 ##60798 ##608220 ##604616063752 alternates alternatives ##iefonds ratioed msl msca msgls shaleand submitted submillimeter geodynamical assesses thankful thankfully spectromet spectrometric ashto ashfall ashley ashqelon ashikule intermissions closures turbidityand electrons helium helvetic helicop metamorphosis breakable breakpoints breakups willmore willmott ##tilized glacioe glaciotectonic glaciotect glacioclim curl curated curling curving curls curators cuticular tipped ##105 ##10la ##1070 ##1013 ##1026 ##1014 ##1045 ##1094 ##1088 ##1076 ##10335 ##10623 ##10615 ##108186305857 makers maksae makonde explosives attribution attributing unconformable irrec irino iridium irrawaddy worse reacts reactor reactant reactio recovering recoverable criticality ##chnical ordinary accrete accretions biomineral biomediation 365 367 363 36ar 3620 3680 3633 3613 3656 362577 groundwork ##9018 ##9037 ##9065 ##9056 ##9057 ##90188 ##90734 ##90814 ##902606 ##90439 ##9099175 ##9015702 pollard pollitz windiest metasediment metashape metasilicate megacities megaclasts aggregating goldhab rife ##442 ##447 ##4447 ##44487 ##44104 ##441219 ##44940 ##44692 eurotherm eurotank 604 605 608 604616063752 6010la etc etna etcw etails et535 etimeopt wt4 wt1 stillstands polarizers wedepohl stackshot unlock unlimited independence 355 358 3550 3525 3577 3582 asta asth astm aston astride leduc lifted lifetime rodent schild schiff scholz schutter schelde scheir schonberg schalte schreinem schleiff schulte schizosph schiehall schouten schuchert schaefer schofield stykk ##oteague standardized standardization standardless europeo europeen 40062 bandeau bandwid bandanna cumulation cumulated cumberpatch 249 2480 2470 2418 24147 24341 249056 2850 2830 2821 2848 2868 28308 28986 282926 288684642195 28635 ##oliang extremes microscopes responding petrophysical petrochemical 276 278 2710 2790 2730 2740 2783 27899 271698113207547 frontera mns mnand spacer graduate expectedly feldspatholithic wetto δdphlogopite ##nedah argon argus argles argandon nowell projectile paralleland parallelism oligophotic oligoceneto 2960 2940 2926 2946 29470 29600 217 2199 2160 2195 2187 21252 21442 persian persons plasticizers ##iferation ##iferated capes capital capillary capoas microstructurally opposes oppenheim oppositely optic passing passler passwang themis thematic chronologic chronometers chronozones chronostratigraphies 1501 1509433962264 150617 1506l2 150309 1509433962264150 150900 150714 roberto hencefor ##8016 ##8048 ##8012 ##8077 ##8011 ##8022 ##8041 ##80600 ##8068 ##803191 linearity linearized plagiogran 702 704 707 7036 70899 70443 70813 damm damages damaging damste flatter ##iscs ##ilds ##ommunity ##ommission melanges melanie melanins veinlets permeabilities steepest steepened americanites takaka taklam takayan ##hoft ##168 ##163 ##1625 ##1614 ##1694 ##1655 ##1663 ##1662 ##16279 ##1661 ##16815 ##162363 ##161180 ##160019 surrounds basalticandesite solidify solidifies solidifying minimums 452 453 4537 fo2 fo90 fo74 merit merge merely merian merited merits meroe mercia merdith mercedario pty ##obium ##obiaceae ##obbico ##mai storfjord debrites predictively predictors predictably plagioclases 802 806 808 8023 8014 8046 8086 801c 8068 lightand lightning liquine liquify tss ##701 ##7067 ##7073 ##7089 ##70985 ##7032 ##70428 ##702074 ##7050985 ##oscuro cratering 338 3327 3376 33701 heterogenic heterometric heterotrophic ##dsay ##chrony plio propagators hypothesizing sky skins skull sklodowska sketch ##crs frameworkto arable araki araujo arafura tao tait taiga tapponnier zncl2 ##332 ##339 ##3382 ##3397 ##3376 ##33328 ##330056 challis failing faille laccad lacuna laciovolc ##gsu ##25a ##2513 ##2565 ##2524 ##2591 ##2583 ##25287 ##25992363 refertilized ortho orthosil orthoand orthorhomb orthorectified orthoversion recrystallizes canada3d calderaor ##unami responsiveness sheet1 eurameric euryarch felsit saponite sapphire stratospheric stratatech dziewonski fered ferroph ferrim ferrohy ferrihyd ndard ndvi ndvf ##cai ##cais ##cairn ##hedrite ##elagoscuro volatized volatility volatilization simplicity feeders drillinginfo 269 26al 2620 2615 2660 2670 26455026 ##ollon ##izinge obliterate continentor continentward 12040 1201219 1201590 functioning cruising crudely freshet freshness freshened lasers laskow laskar laszlo lasabuda woodard woodward ##prises whitehill steadiness 859 855 851 857 85th mcmc mcnam mcnich mcbir nares narrative ##ixing ##9595 ##9594 ##9587 ##9541 ##9531 ##95470 ##9589 ##95938 ##958110 ##95710 ##95324 inferring proximally annulus recycle terraplus wintershal surroundings hfse hfand ##falls debret debatable 2020180 2020140 2020157 2020104 2020174 2020197 2020110 2020112 2020168 δ34ssulf δ34scas δ34scrs avon avila aviva ##289 ##2874 ##28000 ##28125 ##283149 ##288684642195 ##282465 ##ontes ##ontological ##ontour intersec calibrates upwellingand trackable substantiate substantiates narrowed narrowest galil galician galdeano homolithic justification justify tuo tubercule tucker truth trudg trusmad truckenbro ##2315 ##2313 ##2329 ##23151 ##23835 ##237073 anticorrel 651 653 airshed sinian sinyal sinemurian sinninghe ##7514 ##7548 ##302 ##307 ##3047 ##3064 ##3084 ##30325 ##305555 ##3033328 geophone powered powering powerfully kilve kilian laminites otto otavi otaio otelo otoceras ottertail ottley raft rajast s2p s2d s2l s2g s2i s2b ##2148 ##2127 ##2119 ##2138 ##2149 ##21477 ##21431 ##2130325 ##4095 ##4040 ##4073 ##40285 ##40968 ##40931 ##407487 ##40339 cohesiveness ##ushu encase encodes encroachment encoded decadaland pseudomorphs 904 906 903 90th 9020 9067 bathed batholiths denis denaturing dunk dunites dunne dunbar dunkel dunhua dunlop pga pgc pgf ##calcium sumner chambered 0327 0394 0319 0372 0386 0371 03823 03er15 397 393 3960 3929 3945 3922 391397 469 464 4696 4662 463385 464435336055 46737 554 557 5511 5588 55928 55960 550099 mtc mtz mtds ##indara resists microfrac microfocus microfabric vegetations deglaciations deglaciating facilitation portionate ##minates ##orespiration sutton examines reporting polyhedral polybar polyorogenic polydim polytechn elasticity giulio giachetti giovann malatya malinver malleable malamud malaysia tete tetrap tetrac tetrameta princeton solubilities solubilization sixth aqua aquifers aqueously aquaculture ##opher ##ophile ##ophycus ##1318 ##1312 ##1357 ##1353 ##13142 ##13815 ##1350942 ##139949 ##131539 ##13160019 mappings abruptness phenoty phenocrystalline provenances quantitively surveyor himalayas amalgamate amalgamations logy logk loggers logistics logatche vented ventura ##262 ##269 ##2617 ##2682 ##2667 ##2664 ##26100 ##26133 ##26102 ##263185 ##269589 ##261357 repeats seismogenesis intensify intensifying photon photons photographic photochemical photoa phototrophic photorespiration differentially earliestand baode baiy baida bajad baudouin benthos bentiaba vara ##skiy moveout equivalence equivalency contextualize 382 384 385 386 3800 3850 3875 3841 3892 fivefold hillside semantic 2016b flanking 022 02942 34s 342 341 3450 3498 3462 34994 347050985 755 758 757 celled epsilon ##elee connor incompressibility dispersant 376 373 3700 3735 37836 3720744 8700 8749 87thto 879018 clastics ##988 ##9815 ##9835 ##9838 ##9876 ##9884 ##98725 ##98902606 inherits deviating analogies escapes escartin escaped carrie geodynamicists filho filtration huuse huya huhn huaibe hugely huizinge ##oyama ##oyarsky ##ractionated maceration macdonald macinnis macrae macquari macroplastic anhydride spaceborne accords accordion headed heading headward headland 201935 201938 2019336 2019308 2019287 2019403 2019332 2019269 6000 cc01 cc08 cc02 cc174 cacapava dipole lagoons lagoonal lagenochitina lagrangian ##ripounoff ##naway ##nahan ##naesite ##na253 ##najokull ##143 ##1495 ##1436 ##14325 ##1410623 ##18240 ##187197 ##raped asymmetrically illustration illustrative favorability morata moritz ubben ##cadero ##ontinuous receivers statically statoil statutory statiscs preferences proportionately synchronise medians annualto 324 3272 eccan guo guata guide guerc gueriau guantian guizhou guastoni guardado guilds ##rophilic dextrally ##omicroscope accomplish restricts restrictions restrictive pyroclastics 0001 00053 00000000000 474 4760 47600 47477 473439 ambers ambivalent ambrosia ambrym datong databases karstic karelia wildland wildco ##2934 ##2940 ##2931 ##29118 ##29608220 ##292565 forceful streaming streamwise streamflow algodones ##455 ##457 ##4527 ##45276 ##451088 ##4516815 ##453084 ##454073 ##4899 ##4896 ##4885 ##4819 ##4835 ##4838 ##4867 ##4837 ##488740225 todd ##mporaneous strak straits strauss strachan sussman uniformitar fluctuate spanish qualified 866 863 86os 8600 8677 8691 m3r m3n wait waight waiting waita waihe wavering ##borate classed classically classifications constructs bioacc bioapatite biohefect nanoplank nanoparticulate contempora blunt blundy spex tending tendril tune ##ylyte ##9615 ##9672 ##962513 ##969815 ##9614325 ##172 ##1729 ##1711 ##1764 ##1749 ##17452 ##17155 ##17399 ##17405 ##1763634090 ##17k188 ##17616 additive decarbonated methanol monitors accompanies brachy bracciali rainbow rainbird featureless ignition ignore ignores archaeochyath entraining delivering spheroid spheroids spherulites 05c 052 051 053 05721 05501 058012 485 481 487 4800 4813 4884 481397 488740225 fabel nitrite nitrates nittrou uranogenic ##ugal ##aniq tometer tomo2 tomographically reviewing convex chrome chromian chromium halfar frictionalor anisotropies 0414 043470980 049587 hirata hirano hazy hazen joe joan joel joins joana joining joaqu johns packard packaged yellowish ##huysen ##27b ##27160 ##27345 ##27425 ##27735 ##272138 storminess diffuser diffusant 009 006 008 0064 0022 0049 00107 009085 00487544676 885 88thparallel 881661 effusions effluence ##lsiloxane dr1b 1872 densest iij ##669 ##667 ##6677 ##6620612 ##cheon peats tuffisitic reasonably 976 978 977 977585941493 9006 9007 budding budgwith liesegang laps lapis palau palmy palmod palinuro palisade palestinian vitric vitroc shapiro clifford cliffdale californi findlay 2001m discussing authigenically 7000 gabian opera opercul tanlu tan140 tan1312 ##zek corrects promotional groundwaters 319 762 769 76798 dilation dilate dilational fmtz handful handler handica handpicked handheld pdctm ##122 ##basic ##basaltic ##3627 ##3649 ##36606 ##36883 ##36228 ##3642577 ##3640968 thirdly realized realignment chemo chemography chemofacies chemosp chemosynthetic fairway fairhead corona coronae detectability detectors decompressed decomposing petrolog3 petrologically 569 567 5657 56866 douwe doubles economical s5c s5f s3e s3a s3g s3c s3f s3b s3j yakataga ##aerella ##kefjord ##keonake ##949 ##9479 ##9432 ##94785 ##9415440 ##9425287 ##77a ##774 ##77899 ##776453 ##itania shanwang shanmug expedite expedient expedites expeditious subjective abrasive 1981 combusting petrographiques dropstone governs telegraph upperto upplementary zrsio4 ##pohu ##pohl interests validations validates percentile percentiles geochronologically photoshop yakutian precessionally 782 786 787 7800 7822 7893186276 789853723717 casino caso4 casualties destructively dusts dustiness easiest kgˉ ##cutively ##8598 ##8563 ##85279 ##85356 ##85321 ##8515406 ##851350942 ready readings prepare preparing preparations paleolimn coincidentally cementing 578 571 5750 5742 5727345 lamella lambeck rougher sagged saggreg sagawa sagittal sagazan ##nsson ##nswick ##archs replicating partitions imagej mediumand oscillate everyone 59276 humans ##kinen ##kinetic ##raulos ascidian ascomyc ascribe behrens abandonments metalliques metallogenesis metallogenically metallurgical transgress 1069 δ11band δ11bcalcium δ11bborate precursory polymodal polymetamorph polymineral counteracted irregularly exchangeable eclogitized 535 538 5300 5376 53895 891 893 8979 autogenic automorphic autogenically autridge autonoma autotitration hardy harden hardly hardest hardwater kaloola kalacka niu niwa niemeij niobium sgr sg15 ug90 ug96 ##ligible ##1118 ##11s1 proliferated anato anatolide triplet 1889 1886 1883 returns ultramafics windowless questioning 065 063 06166 06123 067b 06na253 7249 986 9835 98399 98999999999998 azores azpi clements cleveland caveat caveats efficiencies pc55 rigolet ##pressible ##aiou ##ai08 ##iamiento ##192 ##193 ##1939 ##1922 ##190067 ##encia isostructural suspend suspending ##phosphorus scattering scattor sandsized 200021 negligibly 44ca cosine darker darkest liassic sidescan snowy snowand snowfield snowpack ##bardment ##bacher offered conceptions conceptually chilean ##ynthesis ##ynthesize grayish volcanicsalong empiric usefulness na2co3 arguvan optimize optimizing bathymetries connector 079 076 078 071 07920 0733333333 07855107 0710615 0723151 074819 cfc clastto rolls verification verifies verifying ##462 ##4628 ##4627 ##4632 ##46313 ##464435336055 ##352 ##3525 ##3575 ##354867 beamtime spinels springdale discrepant cyclones cyclostratigraphically cyclotetraph ##99999 mobilizing chloric chlorites chloritization chloroform chlorobiaceae microfracturing polygon accelerates cosmetic cosmochronology cosmochimica epeiric gneissic putatively sabinas symmetrical veselov ##csis ##hotsk ##20008 ##200487544676 ##eroon ##ethod ##ethite mazatz suplement ##odiorite begue shellnut scoured conserved 2017a 2017gc postdoc postdrilling gravitation parameterize 188osinitial 491 aeration ahead goetze gołed gooseneck goethite rounding satoshi squared ##ksen ##ksfonds ##3845 ##38147 ##38990 ##38857 ##384417 ##3813160019 ##38262 ##utingaite chair chaona chaiten chaotically interacts industries english engaged engdahl engendered engulfed splinters dr2a dr2c belonged florence florianopolis fillings nanni nannolith nannoplankton nannirhyn granodioritic bioturbational hybridized 4100 522 5244 5245 5248 5222 5249 52236 837192641142 luiz luag lucy luij lucas lucia lucile luxuriant luogang luckow mason masks maselli maschmeyer masahiro siderophores siderophile tongs tongchang ukar uk37 yangchun ##8233 ##82707 inorga comet comagmatic shocks compounded compounding unsurprising unsubstant colorless colorimetric artiod disruptive simplifies simplifying amphibian amphiboles selects selector selectively denuded photosynthetically 097 0926100 679 676 6700 674899 99352 hindle hindeodus vpdb ##eneses stimulations stimulating stimulus seabird evidently evidenc evidencing neoformed physique caption captains captivating disturbs disturbances decouple trachytic trachytes trachybasaltic microcrystals microcrysts paragneiss paragneisses parageneses apertural uplifts siliciclastics reversedand buildings prolongs rigidly interstitials 643 6400 642029 aiming affinis affiliated affirmative cnss jmc kato katie katzman katabatic katmai pamela sanz sanford sierras ##seness whyte 1058 10500 1053575 traveltimes settled thermochronological 20139015702 crosscuts penetrates penetrometer meteorological meteoroid meteoroids uraniumand paleolatitudinal splitter 424 4220 42ca fuca fuhr fuyuan fucoides kimura nwr nwand ohol ohira ohlhor syrt snyder sacred sacaj tengger tuba tubular tubingen utilizes ##hora ##alti3d ##raywackes complicate complications complicates unstudied enigmas enigmatically collage relaxed relaxing geoscien assimilate advects domeier pebbly ##ropriate burrowers gridding angularity makeup 084 081 087 0888 08000000000001 083608 431 43ca 43190 bigger bigradational branched fertilization fertilizes ninefold pilatus ##4765 ##4788 ##4762 ##47129 ##47169811320 ##4770428 ##676 ##67316 ##671436 ##3787 ##37129 ##37192641142 ##3790734 ##371655 ##3721431 ##37269589 ##378563 ##osaur shielding chrms arizonaplano phyllic extractable extractives caledonide appropriateness 2018a 2018b kaolin diagnose homogeniz homogenizes trunks 86srinitial backscattering 5800 668 661 66388 669972 958 batten battery bruce bruss bruckner brunswick brackets campi campos campanulae camphora friedel freraut feder francais francsis ladders pufahl puetz pukeonake s4g48 tianshan ##lotr ##722 ##72237 ##72988 tribution ##iawu percussion hydrologically gravelto downwards adjusts idealized 3509433962264151 losiak moulin milan milne milani milestone milenio milestones zhiy zhusha ##ijayanti ##55215 ##55776453 stalder stockwork stockhol stockhert excessive excessively subtraction subtler ensured ensensis ensuing scotchman closedor sparseness smoothly elkins catalyzed astrobiological 9427 borchers boxes ffshore l013142 lbflow nickel okensis oklahoma okareka okhotsk orography pinel pinches pinched peloidal pelvic pelkum ramps talara ##lius innovative stagnation staggered dehydrate anthropology altitudes altimeter altitudinal volcanostratigraphic volcanologists accepting acceptors acceptably 1039 15000 excavating radiolaria curvatures curviline curviplan diagnostically 61906 bolides boltz bolster bolivia flexi flexible hsu kyle ky11 ky03 kyanite kyushu mule muhs muerto muhr muenow muirhead muffle m2a risley risks violation violating ##64321 ##641975 ##64126 ##642313 inhibitors prosoma prosomatif anneals annealed chitinozoa whoopie subdistrict intrinsically presume impedes impeding transmitters transmissometer decelles decelerate discernable discernibility 12000 supercratonic imager extrapolations extrapallial cuttings straighten straightening preparedness engineers candiot candidature castro casting castillo castelrot castelltort ddt harel harness harold harwood harlan harvey harvie knies knott mitgcm nonexist toroidal torrecil vsv vallis ##eaval ##6597 ##65165 ##65744 ##658220 ##65139949 ##8827160 ##8837192641142 deadly deadliest copied coprecipitation exsolving moderateto precede strategiefonds dissect dissection dissecting dissemination lebrun 2020028 2020075 2020030 2020017 2020094 2020042 2020055 2020086 2020031 2020003 2020076 2020073 20200340 2020054 2020079 2020006 20200143 quebrad pooled pooling serravall 16073 160121 remobilisation evaporated evaporative biogeology biogeography brazier eclogiteor subdividing 77se 7700e 822 barba barber barbara clades clawed clamping claystones girard jams jamundi mutu mutated mutating piece pierre pierdom pictured routines saed said saout saved saito saalian wilk wilming wilcox zhejiang ##3918 ##392926 ##391534 ##393047 rebounding animations seemed ##omitizated subtleties planke leeuw obscuring occasion translated translations translates translatable diachronously diachroneity micromagmatic micromete outgrow outgassed cyclicities 13300 133cs 1331939 deflecting epicratonic 1406l2 circumspect circumneutral sheaths embedding governor governments satellitic 260851350942 693 69456 6833 6828 631 6322 639935 boat boer bohem bohac boonad ctx crowe cropping carey donau donoho donnelly hiatal sweeney something tailored vaalbara vicinal vicious wrong waned wanfeng wanapum ##rgaard ##ratally ##hnle ##2221 reiners reinhold sherrod sherriff resurrect cryosphere 1076 10700 hydrogenous parentage terminus terminating degraaff builds builders conductance megathrusts raylei astronomically orthogonally syntheses synthesizing transtension concomitantly 4d2 54193 624 792 792037 74se 71906 71998 731 7322 73604 9100 91958110 bhp bennett c31 culprit culminates janocha jason jasper murmans nanophot nanoearth nanofil romano romatography tidewater tauern walter walters walking waldmann walgenwitz ##ajiaz ##fjall ##8799125 thirumal withdraws recurred unionids subvertically ##00001 reliant fluorinating lewicki leucocratic transgranularly 208913 thermohaline paradigms financiamiento infiltrate infiltrated infiltrates 170722 syntaxes grenada grenadines nonlinearly nonlinearity ultrasonically advancement guadelou conceptualized dehydrationor tholeiite bona bonnich bonatti binning binned binodal binocular binomial boules bouvier boull cessur darren hrm hrsc hrtem lanphere lanzo lanthana langhian lancones langenheim odd odified rhine rhynchonell relying rosser samalas ##4199 ##41406 ##4121477 ##411764 stars starvation subaquatic preboreal prebatholithic enclose colonize academic academia designate designations outlining ##neyia hydroflat hydrofluoric geochemists geochemica geochemcial peclet pecopterids superimposing 134388 1341729 1904 1907 aguas aguilon 11100 1119479 visualizing hornby ultrastructure ultraweak ultrabasic lifespans tilti survivable springsure pebbleto truncate truncates astrochronological habitability coexisted cisneros gigon gigatons graphs graphitic krinsley locking lockstep lockhart lockheed launched mismatches omv omz omission omakere pumped santana santiago santorini sakari sakmar tpw tapers tapering tapster ##976 ##9731 ##97149 ##97255 ##97936 ##97190067 ##enzofuran informing informally informative tows tower towing towers towns tephrochron explicable unpicked unpublished unexposed relocations scannell screens extensiveness assigns consensual paleopressure paleopiezometers remanences actualistic 1358 1353 1443 subsampling megabassin ultrapure cordilleras foamy chromitites jointly humanity paragenetic vectorized coulomb3 2105 512750 512931 519415440 9620 96233 cerling cerium camille camarinal cameroon davis davison fiskel fiskefjord fringes fringed jiangcheng kiaman kirby kirsch kirtland kirscher komatiitic pixels routed rouby s7b uci ##tp5 ##mercury ##4975 ##49604 ##4938262 ##869531 ##31142 thoram tobisch sunasp choi choosing residents deployments ##quisa modality subgroups subglacially phdand overtide consume consumes consumers quicker micronto micronutrients microsized charlier centimeteres granulometry augites rhythms rhythmites rhythmicity summarizing summarizes cataclys cataloged catalogues schmitz schmiedinger avoidance stranded cleaning 208pb2 mismatched mismatching 32588 agencies agencia cube cubed c29n draft drastically fibro gangue hopper hooke hoformationnn hooker ho16279 herrer herodotus izumi jeonju jezek kingman kingston kingti pangaea sirm upton warns warren ##56986 ##5690188 topsy topset convention albitic albuqu computation computationally comprehend comprehensively indentations unbuffer imparting pristane paleocoast paleocrustal paleocurrents paleocommunity paleocontour dr4g dr4f adsorbs 108186305857 polycrystals 1279 1273 127642313 disproportionate disproportionated disproportionates disproportionating disproportionately archipelagos monzonitic monzodiorite retroactions paleobathym paleogeographies epitomize bridget keeps geothermometers geothermometry selenide selenides ##cripts repeatable juxtapos juxtaposes escapements lagerstatten prospects prospectivity orthogonalto phytane phytostratigraphy phytoclasts gigantic gigantopterids 87019999999999 bromide cylinder dcm dwarfs draped gulick gullied gibson hw13 hw12 happy journals kjær nsfc portland portny portenga portugal pahrump pahranagat tasks url urgent urgency urzua urban zimudzi ##5780 ##5785 ##57805 ##100512 ##oweap mackevet shedding cheyen chevalier chimney competitive competitiveness discharging flushes spss calorimetric paleotropical paleotethyan paleotropics concordance constructional organizations organoclastic organelle organelles retrieval brightly brightest ultrafast protocerebrum laccoliths pairings purportedly tungstenand manifestations concretionary mirroring 232tho 232tho2 22038147 beran berlo berkeley berriasian billions bonded bahama bazard carbides carbohyd gaupp gauges ivakins ll13 ll18 llenging ll02 linzme lindsay mushy musgra muscles neritan nodes pmip3 rustenburg uhp umr ωcalcite 푑푀 푘푀 ##hreys ##924765 throws officer officers toxins ##imuth coalescing alumina shatter shades shading searched searching contaminate ##ichiro faunas interruptions neutrophilic necks unfailed unfragment unfavored unfractionated unrooted colombites changbai suppresses appendices 122cm 1259 1251 multicentury multiply multiplicative multiparam 1800s institutes monovalent manuscripts retrograding deltaplus naoh 2405 270341 mcmurdo geophysically geophysicists ##406847 macroforms macrofossils ##18815157 nevadan reorganizing programmes programming juneau bypassed advantageous cylindricity administered bernard bernalillo bimodality css csaba dyed dyja dybb echelle echoing echinod echam5 fp7 ght gharb ghien gainesville hauts haadf haptophy hamed hammer hamilton hallmark hallmarks halloran halliday hauhung haukives hauckii jingbian jingao jingxing jingdong jingpohu kernal libyan mottram ngr nguba nankoweap pitcairn pitfalls practices renne renova renato renamed rosebank ripple rippled ripplel sorry sigmundsson tazzoli tonality tonalites tonalitic yulinshan yilan ##lanet ##lanlensis ##foot ##9326 ##635066 ##63263185 ##083608 ##76134 ##itrance inaccur ##reywackes concepts sundering ontogeny shuts shuttle compacting compactum nordlys untied cautions overcoming splayed regularity undertake undertaking hyperflu hyperbola dioxygen ##vieri adoption likeliho redistribute redistributing mira3 moenkop terreros terreneuvian complementing backwaters editorial 165165165 1654628 epiphyse glencore 2351 millimetric 2252 2259 2254 2258 emergency johnson ##66667 interfluve polymorphs polymorphic reconciliation discontinuously snapshots tinyand hsuchuangia straightforwardly contradicting claims reinforcing discriminated discriminant discriminator bahamian umkondo pivotal pivoting palynostratigraphy palynoflora 3902046 480678 7207 aphyric aphaniz alexandre dualistic felled gdal gongju hidaka jarret jarvis jaramillo kenan kenorland kenneth lifton micheli nurtured osterre ostensibly pioli pirajno piochii piobbico rolf rolling rubber rubble rubidium tenth turcotte tablished vacuoles wyld wysoka waxy waxes 퐴퐤 ##awea ##canically ##849057 ##xiu ##78175 ##7817399 ##739085 threats threaten threatening ##oraite inwards fortifications struers struggled deceased anchoring intercepting unmixing subliquidus philip philips philpot philosoph disagrees disparities leakage paleontologic feasibly methylmercury 1291 blanca blanchandin 1832221 1191 11900 1193642577 1179ºc 1174603 2532 16695 16647129 viscoelastically eliminate holdship holdovers neglecting protrusions protrude irdane rafael 37195470 lawsonite doubling 198675 198685 198687 198686 198684 cleetw liuhe universality elucidates cryptocrystalline lycopsiales eulerian deconvolves disintegrate disintegrated 3755595 acev aapg bbva bowers bowles dtm dangerous dowex ftt flynn fernandina growe harbour harboring jpmx jp227 jp20h01 jp2524 jp17k188 korean lyell lamproites lamplugh lampronti myrme mangili manganese mosaicked nostrand nondeposition nondisp nondimension nondestructive nonsubduction puncture pennacch ramsey sonar sonne sawed sawkins troposphere tropospheric tropopause tangible vulcanian wordian zambia zamorano ##uzar ##upplemental inertia reynaud ##ocysts stemming stays stiffen segregate teams triangulation expanses expansivity unrealized enterprises envisage articulated articulations articulate claras clarifying so270 collecti underside underscore underscores distantly paleotemperatures adhesive biodiversite biodegradation oxyanions outpaces invariable 1281 128301886792 inflowing supplementa supplement2 supplement4 supplement3 mainshocks superplastic superposing superplume specularis 1368827160 explorations explorers hypersolidus 1432098 143172 nanosize dissipating swissalti3d ##34071 ##340534 encapsulated encapsulating ##186465 morainic karstified chromatograph chromatiaceae palaeozoic palaeocrystic palaeomagnetism palaeontological palaeophycus dilatation telescopes destabilizing reconfigures physiological physiologically christian christeson christopher zhongke zhongba zhongyang stocksii harzburgites piezometers bhutanese imbrication imbricated imbricates imbricatus ornamentations overestimating orthophosphate 4407 5254 5258 5251 5253 6905 690166 760155 89086 89095324 akc akie bellon cdl cradle dedolom dedomitizated dirksen dansga fenghu female geneve gunz gunfl gunnedah grossa grossly grossular grosswil hv2 hitachi hopkins hakkinen hillman jerry jerram jersey jianwei jiangsu kelman kelley kelsey kurile kurtosis kurmay m1n mortimer nizna psv rg001 rg20180 sailajiaz saxothuring vasco ##requency revolves reverted atolls securing secrete secreted seeds seeded chiara chadi resolv recreio intertongues interlayers intrasediment intraslope arboreal arbitrary overspilled leveraged leveraging consortia replacive framnes paleodepths pericratonic biosynthetic biosynthesize desiccator smithsonian thermobarometer thermobarometry polynanocrystalline loios 12cand supergroups 13972237 1994a 1994b flocculate antiand monodentate diffractograms attests entrenched delimits delimitation mg2sio4 morphospaces ancestor porphyroblastic emanate intracellularis paulina ##15134071 porositiesof helmut incorrectly ##3333336 airguns tetraether tetrahedrite necessitating 2019399 2019334 2019326 2019398 2019329 2019396 ##27636228 vitrinous digestive automation automatic owlhole brunelli knickzone knickpoint tasmanides alkenoneand ##99999999997 nostocalean reconfigurations bilaterians coccolithus metaconglomerates euarthropoda 1g01 1g03 1g02 215453084 5204788 5305 9955 bomb bombardment bundled bundling bacteriogenic bacterioch cnt cnk cnrm crested crestal clue clusions dpityusa dp190 dp140 dp1094 drew efox efadj ganju gannaway garden gardner gusty gusts gustav hnatysh hurley hurtgen hurwitz hunen hunter hunting huntington huntly harmful iterative ichnofossils kunguang lesions louise luning mathur mathez nt12 nt11 natum nunn nunataks nigerian ovoidal ovtchar ovacık oibs picrite pentose pigments pandya pandurra piper pipeline ripe riability rincon szcz sahoo taconic teratology teratologic 훼훼 휌훼 휋훼 ##lorophyll ##yderma ##2502 ##2505 ##2507 ##9190 ##91996575 ##928107 ##928179 ##9281045 ##6882 ##1138068 ##7411 ##74992 ##enbergensis inevit inevitable inefficiency ingested ingredients inundated insets ##strapping touches rectified rectify rectangle isopach isoprime isoplotr steranes streck strewn stereoplots stereomicroscope deactivated madagascar recessed unrestricted unidirectionally prehistory enveloping enthalpies enlarge enlarges enlarged enlargement enlargements georeferencing armored armitage arrowhead arseno arsenian abnormalities oversaturated oversimpl oversteepened sponsors ##ariumrichardson assaying undetected paleoslope paleosurfaces paleoproxies paleoneuroanatomy adequate tracage microparticles microvein redlichiids 156805 hydrophone parisite polishi polishing possessed possessing multistep multistage flourine 193uc 193ss 178116 antipodes barcodes sequesters paleohydrological paleoelevations 14898 insensitivity rhyodacites emitting emitters catalina s14d s14g s14c s14h s13d s13g s13c s13h illuminated ##6031749 ##60394785 ##1079975 282163 27547169811320 ##8052149 ##253968 ##2539595 ##237606 diazotroph ##1479037 ##48721 ##7777786 symbiotic symbioses symbionts puzzle categorize categorizing harrison warnings paleobotany gibbsite neutralizing reexamine disaggregation fernanda chihuahua inoceramid reassessed reassessment reykjavik reykjavikur aliphatics kimmeridge 0337548 025529100 01763634090 3207547 420860 4187 7264 7268 7267 7263 ahale ahler aurora bjl bushes brademann cgpe cadomian centrally c30r c30o c30n d395 d394 dinosaur dinocysts dalton dalrymple dalailamae doran dongchuan damped dampening dupre dupont dictate dictates ethics ethanol families gutian gutierrez hilly hilgen hilley hildebra hongqiang hongshiite hearne honeywell jenner kohatu koichiro khz khusele khapchans khripounoff kerama kanchenjunga kamoa kamysh kamenov kaminski kangal kangwon lulong lizard lizardite llsvps mposite mpodoz mlc munoz munchmeyer munsell munizaga monsalve nist612 nist3149 nerves p1f p05 p017452 ryosuke rasbury rasmus sievw siebert saucers titration titaniq talling tallis tortuosity tullimonst tremolite tremendous udayap u1509 u1506 u1508 u1507 venetia vestiges vestigial wuhe witnessed xinjiang xinfu yongning yonghua yunque μxas ##tr10 ##18066 ##18036 ##734515 ##3268233 ##ᆷ푐푐 thrived thriving insect ##elicerate tosdal topple topples toppled toppling reanalyze reanalysis consecutively isobel strombolian stirring stirrer storegga straddled mauritanian mauritania ma154 coppice exteriors exteriores prohibitively anorthosite byproducts ##utchou alloying charting chondrite chondrichthyan whittington whitacre weirs ##adrina ##ematrix compartment compressible recalculating recalcitrance evacuated nekton nepheline indonesian unprocessed unprotected unloaded subcrop subcrops subcircular subcommission marcott geosynthesis scrutiny scrutinized arkose arkani arkansas canonical disentangling metazoan clathrates imperfect imperfections noticeable spurious studentized repetitively quarter quarters detrending underpredict undercooled provisionally adakite adakites adiabatic adiabatically waterfalls tractable slurries settlements lithophysal headspace polysacchar pegmat peg09 infauna posteriorly displacing displacive 1958 confounded 1822119 radionuclides 175485 plunge demanded demanding hyperextension 1626018 manufacture manufacturer nanotextural nanotechnology elliot microbreccia buffers buffalo dissimilarity dissimilarities horsts ##9905045 ##99063263185 sixteen nonnegligible coevolution ##346824 membranes intermixing irrefutable ##702236 advocate ##308641975 ottawan encourage 03577 4658 4658837192641142 authorization semicontinental semicontinuous 7500cs 2019362 2019365 2019367 2019363 ambiguities karloukov 4846677 ##2721013 palinspastic 198674 198676 198678 198673 06929118 ##35635 ##35626102 superswell squeeze squeezed sparsest sparsity coprecipitate proceedings mutagenic appreciative epicenter bootstrapping bookhagen ##00000000001 blanketed ceramics herbert herblands fingerprinting carboxylic rti2018 tonnage neutrons dysoxia ghosts hyperpycnites rearranging outpacing deduce deducing recommendations satisfied benchmarked benchmarking pioneer uncommonly ##169811321 pennsylvania 0807585 0804627 0773 2447 3xr 3xs 31324 4159 4905335 4956 495678 49564126 5907999999999998 5267 536838 7251 8959 8958 895105 awaba aulbach actionation avenir avenues avenue blebs bleached bleaching bader biplots bipyram biproduct bachu bangong cinder cesar cocon cocos cocoon cabon cabral cabinet coutterand davydov eiflius eagles emmy ericaceae eberly euchelicerate f09 falcon fifths fusiform fuscata fusuline fulfill fulfills fulfilling fondecy friable friends friðle gruber grundvag gruneisen gastropod graphica htc htm https henry henley hennings hancheng houston hudec jacob jacques jacutingaite jordon keszth kulstir kiefer lentic lisa lisbon lantenois lichen lynna m8r mbam mbie mbtp5 menlo mentation mentone mentological mulvane mccoy mccaff mccarron menez nnx15 nazionale ogden ogasaw oglanlensis peshto pescadero pesquisa pravob prairie praeparvus pesticides pachyderma piedra rosenthal rosette roselee rogerson sxx sasakawa sigloch sloan uwpy uwg2 uwitec urements ustar voila voigt voepel vessels venezuelan wesenbergensis werner yttria yamato yamamoto yamakita ##reneuvian ##obsson ##czak ##czkow ##83186465 ##baum ##onomid ##alianchi ##arfon recherches convolution isotherm mandatory mandela mandeville machines machiavel mammal mammoth mammifer suitably supraregional suffering cohorts coleman exoplanet prompt prompting prompted antholz anthoniss anthracite alleged allevardite alleviating shoaling shengqing sectio chapel weinberg website bassin companhia incinerated preconcentr ensembles relicts scrubland crmash metagabbro metagraywackes metagreywackes impregnated overlays overthickened sparks sparked sparking assertion conspicuous transparency calendric quadrant quadratic quadrature hyaloclastic diablo diabatic diabases dredge adapted adaptive concerted travertines trapezoid calculati hydraulically poikilitic poikilitically poikilotopic 1543627 1536702 1536405 15361663 investisse royale riverbanks 1220676 pottery permanency permafrozen backstepped participants exhaustion multifault multiscalar 1969 1920s 179392926 plucked archetypical reequilibrated 2566037735 16wds15 16wds33 16wds14 profiler 404f1 14903 misleadingly investigatorship absorptions erdem erdman erdaog augmenting buckling carapaces carpentaria 23415977 ##99452874 sweden restrengthened megasurvey intrastratally noncorrected climatologies agglomer ##15564 protista protistan ##60182990 ##101305 ##101307 ##1012664 ##9061662 ##4467949 3576575 schwartz 248451088 petrochronologic 29400000000001 ##705883 ##70520453 ##25774875 265919 2673382 ##285659 ##75687 ##75610335 ##75620008 encrusters pseudomorphically 392204 389200487544676 guðfin guarantee guangxu amberleya pseudotachylites ##1746031749 archaeocyathids 0422148 congruent congruous congruence interfingering ##94141118 0197067 01975620008 readvances lambert counterbalanced 5311410623 autoclave hardgrounds ##19127425 achieves sabkhas vesiculation comfortable fujisaki fujibayashi fujiawu ##555554 covarying ddh16 paradoxical paradoxically boninites 144ndinitial epitaxially geothermobarometric vigorously chevreul paleotopographical