[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z · æ ø ı ƒ α γ δ ε η θ λ μ ο π ς σ ω а о с – ’ ##r ##u ##s ##t ##a ##l ##n ##d ##i ##g ##h ##m ##o ##c ##e ##x ##p ##v ##0 ##2 ##f ##q ##1 ##y ##3 ##w ##b ##4 ##z ##j ##5 ##k ##9 ##6 ##7 ##8 ##ı ##σ ##α ##ø ##ω ##η ##ο ##ς ##о ##π ##с ##θ ##а ##æ ##he ##te ##on the ##ti ##re ##in ##al ##nd in and of ##es ##en ##er ##or ##ati ##ar ##ro ##ic ##it ##ed ##an ##ite ##as ##os ##ation ##ol ##ag ##ate ##id ##le ##is ##at to ##ing ##el ##ent ##ith th ##ul ##mp ##oc with ##us is ##ra con co de ##ly ##ig ##ur ##ter ##tion ##rom ##et ##ure ##iz for as min al are ##eral ##ow from re ##ve ##ac ##tr ##il ##im mineral ##ts ##her dep ##ated an ##ph ##ot ##lu by ##ted depos ma that ##ce ch ##ion mag ##ock be deposit ##yr ##ere su ##ys ##om comp ##op ##se ##ou at ##ulf st rock ##ich sulf ##ment ##res ##tic ##ec ##ther ##ng ##age ##am ##if ##ins inc ##art ##ne flu ex sulfid ##ge ##ab or ##ization ##th ##mal ##og sh gra ##ues ##igure figure ##tite pro ##ition ##ver dis ##cc ##um ##ten form ##od fluid ##ran qu wh rocks ##yrite cr sa ##igh ##usion met ##ous ##ib ##artz ##ine magm ##qu te ##tal quartz ##orph se ##ir col ##ations inter on ha pl ##ase deposits ve ##pp ##ass mineralization ##ies ##ant ##ost ##uc ##yp samp ##yd were res zon ##ting cu ##ene ##alc sulfide ele ##ally cont ##les have ##red this compos low ##ized ##ature ##ary which hyd ##ges ##netite ore ##ong ##ely show hydro str typ ##la colle ##orite ##usions rel ##old ##ik ##iv fe pyrite magnetite bet ##entr ge ##ch val ##ity ##atic ##st incl was high la ab un conc alter composition ev vol ##een ##agues colleagues occ ##rou ##ud rep ##ut element ##ween between anal ##00 ass ph ##ical ##thermal hydrothermal im ##ize cl alteration gold ##ystal bas occur ##eld en sp samples ##ined ##ive ind sil sc ##ri veins us rich ##hed ##eren sub ##ore ##ari concentr ##ess ##rac di ##ates isot temp ##can ##tern ne size isotop au inclusions crystal pre ox ##ian nor magmatic ##sp gran pres ##atite porph cons ##ree car ar ##ture ##erature temperature minerals conten values ##ution zone ##able porphyr ##ad ##fic ##ms loc these ##rox ##itic ##hem ##feren dur ##ata late pb ##ence mel ##mb ##and ##iment stage ##iti during ##oci ##ang ##ia ##ill associ porphyry ##ull volcan dif ##rog ##con intr ##ip ##erite whe ##ren par ##ide ##all ##so ca ##bon stud vari has mic ##our formation ag he ##ect image ##imil carbon ##un sulfides ##ace full also ##ediment ##olog cor ##tin grains main ##ative hos ob data silic fa been calc ##amorph ##gh ##erv bel ##yrox ##ain indic metamorph exp most tra ##ard ##ron within not ##de 20 ##reas ##for volcanic we mass ##ers ##to chalc lower ##ioc differen sug ##opyrite mod ##vely sugges fluids pp ##ll ##ating li concentrations me ##ange can ##ros associated than ##form ser ##ole analys over simil ##ak ##yste consis syste ##ast resul ##ue ##ap ree vein it similar gen type ##duc le ##ages mar po faul ##ose ##ight ##ome zir zircon ##io sou ##ites ##ell tw ##mm ac other ##ound sec sediment reg hosted ##ied tex ##han ##ces ppm comple inclu sph ##alerite ##raph all sphalerite ##ign ##raction contents ##arn ##ides ##arly char ni ##ific ##dition ##inated but trace ##ond ##olution chl per ##rim ##acter ##ram two ##enite character af hig up ##row crystall chalcopyrite 10 ##sm zn enr ##iocl more ##ield ##enic plag ##pper ##mbl using ##ct ##oth range ##ale asse plagiocl assembl und unit obs sign plagioclase elements some ##vi formed related observ dom chrom ad rati sl into age ##rite tran ##uld lar ol ##zo ##act crus magma complex pge ##aring repres ##est compositions different sk rec ep comm ##zoic mon acc geoc host distr massive ##yroxene no ##tered lay common there metal ##tures sour isotope ##ding may orog ##low prec eu such event melt ##ack chlorite ##osed ap both base lik analy lim am ##ick ##ered geolog gre grou ##hemical prim ##sion ##ium ##olite higher ##pre ##tial ##oun their how ##ile ##ist ##ta along bearing under app ##matite ##quid ##ach region pos ##ater metamorphic ##thern liquid ##cted ##vel early ##ay sample zones ##ever ##sti ##eldsp however ##try ##ral mafic feldsp minor ##one ##ath area mant prop ##ov tre basal fraction ir part sn contain used ##ular maj ms ##hib study ##ism represent ##ort struc types ages ##out sr group ##und sedimentary ##cp ##2o major mo disc resp bre ##umul ti system temperatures interpre ##tent south ##ex corre apatite grained feldspar fol rh ##ough present mg imp thick proc ##astern ##land ig ##ame bl ##rop ##itan tour fault orogenic well ##tively model whereas they ##omati content ##rough altered ##zed dr ##ance abund carbonate fac ##are chromite ul ##erg observed titan ##tur ##ically mantle she ##hedral ##elite ##tions mineralized orig tim ##ains through granite ratios belt tourmal those only silicate ores prov ##round ##ivine lith ##ented ##ord sur ##lo ##assic sche ##ross olivine ##sem brecc scheelite ##opyroxene oxid dec north signific ##ens ##tical contr pat upper ##etr reef ##las dissem source ##olv seric analyses andes hematite table ##onic ##orted tourmaline 15 skarn bio deform eastern smal ref process occurs isotopic marg ##av ##atively arc biotite ##ible repl results large significant ter phase trend equ ##ie ##ons ##ared mainly origin small sal set general des ##up intrusion komati sulfur orth based ##oly ##ward ##estern sand contact crystallization pe ##ibution ##ozoic aver icp wt ##inant diag where ##reg crystals ##ix ##ove ##ments meas analysis correl iron ##veral facies ##itive ult calcite due likely contro ##ipit disseminated rem showing ##hemis ##duction amp ##grow ##ho ##ility follow 12 trans py forming addition ##hemistry measure esm contin ##neous studies igneous ##yn ##ble ##que sericite out intrusions fin emp its water ##ff ##ases ##enetic amphib ##iched located consistent second 11 relatively field western ##pb analyzed ##enti enriched km ##ither mus ##afic ##ramafic ultramafic three shows average strati precipit red characterized ##orn ##els ##ectively grade commonly ##acement ##atur sequ micro primary drill 18 ##par northern ##rent interpreted ##fore bec systems amoun pale tect ##graph compared found ##ory ##abb assemblage units ##ike mid post δ3 ##omal including condition ver ##ould ##rease ##ably assemblages centr ##ict grain spect ##tural bar central fine ##aceous respectively refle ##lis inf enrich monz shear pattern der pd pyr ##med ##me ##cl ##atree ##atreef after ##ear occurren conditions fo ga ##ual geological mica 19 ##ction intergrow indicate deriv ##4s ##hen several deformation bod δ1 sup whole gener ##sk ##ke ##val ##ines shown neg fur na ##iorite could disp below cross id rhy cass ##use cassite ##shan above oxides stratigraph ##rho ##ths regional ##olved pyrrho pyrrhotite 100 one def reported basin setting further ##ient ##ress increas inclusion calcul texture basement fl ##oid ##ination separ ##cr ##eng ##vious cassiterite light μm δ34s inte ##ately metas ##lastic ##der cumul os fer inv ##etrog magmas plot strong series enrichment exten consid faults wall ##lay tectonic less core evid margin derived crust orthopyroxene br op ##atures presence crustal ##velop generally ##rys coar chemical si abundant mat ##gen ##own graph gal ##ias ##kal phases empl ##medi ##omog stand aff ##led titanite ##oph thus composed near consists ##itu alkal concentration oxide suggest 13 homog ##stone block same ##iver ##ep develop ##ities andesite locally band ##bs ##aced relative salin 14 midd δ18 standard ##ded ##bd alth anomal textures although med ##amp evolution poor 200 mix ##solution ##des ##ena distin relations do moly pyrox ##rin map ##ogran distribution molybd ta ##tive ##ork local sol xen yield ##mi ##olith contains poss ##ina copper characteris metals ##ris ##orp ##amb previous melts cre ##sen const scale metamorphism expl coarse galena ##ogranite ##cop stages district sequence las evidence ce cen vs ##ause ##ctr ##50 thin anat ##ified electr abs geochemical events because δ18o fels ill ##hip middle fir rare sb supp ##ected fractionation negative relationship gu ##va ##chist 40 ##ub ##ited variable import graphite first bound ##hyd ##omp ##tero ##erous ##used ##term ##tral therefore processes man pt reac mn mate ##pping ##rial laser material each gabb ##ulti layered monzogranite plu ##hron ##ara ##ish ##lain about normal layers ##greg ##mediate ##terozoic ##hod ##ometr sill felsic ##ob ##roscop ##inif method molybdenite multi ##bod ##anges ##ocene determ orebod poten hyp vms ##ors parti ##crib ##inifex satur ##tile foot situ ##oration ##anging geochemistry would ##az ##ince ##cep ##odiorite section komatiite controll anatol ax ##wall compris fluorite isotopes breccia patterns our prob produc moder ##the ##ai amounts footwall four line ##sure cut oxy dominant identi calculated ##lm initi continent ##atin cool 50 describ pot ##xim ##lying intermediate proposed ##wards precipitation characteristic cur dol fold ii syn ##cov ##ivid arsen oxidation 30 tri ##uted ##taceous ##ced typically cretaceous dominated positive bms norite ##tiv int coun contam variations indicates slight epither measured epithermal ##fer compar ##ogenic sele southern ratio garn value mostly distinct garnet num new muscov flow ##li ##ots subduction suggested important top anhyd suggests rim sm ##hes ##iss clas metasediment you ##ma inten ##esis mineralis ##sequ include ##stim muscovite cle like frac petrog ins pressure correlation estim nar ru ##get ##eth green ##ial ##ann ##iocene level ##2o3 electron anhydrite ##bur ##resp typical features euhedral contrast secondary considered homogen go mineralog intersti identif hal uran ##au class corresp correspond dating ke west ##sity china later ##tained time rhyolite alkaline described ##ok ##ters increase dire diorite analytical constra interstitial 70 ##alle coe ##ift result geology oxygen 25 fact pred wa stock examp silica trending following ##allel ##izing spec various transp back los ##orth indicating ##apor ##tail amphibole continental ##atinum bif east ##ote ##osp detail granodiorite ##io2 ##sky controlled young ##gress ##ero ##ather deple ##omic ##ology obtained ##formed pyroxene sti ##ration approx ##gm ##aries alb close exploration arsenopyrite ilm zh ##prin ##ink ##its ##ocrys ##ush ##pped exper ##ification occurrence ##sequent meren ##kes ##ortion ##isting ##rix matrix emplacement pyroxenite approxim ##nown ##over ##yl ##enn ##ley depth being interval platreef highly structural spectrom intergrowths merensky hf ##ane ##ibuted sea variation tu ##face suggesting discus diagram very cal ##rob co2 caused developed cooling slightly ##gite comb coup abl assimil phot ##lision eff pa vapor ##mometr total collision ##spec arg melting parallel mes so ##ness elev defined extension potential triassic ilmenite pol ##ences areas collected occurred granites sections containing ##ug ##ute white clin location peak around er ##oric ##roterozoic beam ##oproterozoic sty strike spati many coupled ##ffic ther off ##iferous 23 terran miocene ##itite ##atism magmatism partic ##unite volcaniclastic superg bush if ##cu ##veld ##hean studied transition saturation anatolia country bushveld ##uo ##tain ##usive deg intersp ##iven overprin sediments textured current ablation dy lab tur ##rus ##oti shap granitic long ##ling ##yan ##iron ##ystall probably initial petrograph ##fficient interspinifex 17 native ##ox ##iden association structures reduc stratigraphy selected genetic then ##ank deep while few when aggreg weak least basalt surround oxidized gabbro doc wide ##yll dete ##iling ang ##iang zircons observations increasing partition ##iation ##inite ##ograph forms lead timing normalized metasedimentary el oce ##aara ##neiss env 201 chromitite appear thickness orebodies approximately ocean cm gang mm ##ple ##ilib ##uch decreas ##ophile possible lam mt ##ring ##ton crystallized ##itt ##itoid anorth excep mete black replacement bodies interaction characteristics bed ##ished ##atter ##ogn textural recent flatreef illite meteoric ##onent ##osc metall interc volati larg archean barren ##ocrysts environ dike known vary zr ##inc state granitoid microscop body marginal cenozoic grow gneiss schist ##tig component compositional recr note primitive irreg surface salinity comparis ##ually ##work ##zation mining exsolution intrusive parag litholog occurrences affected determined predom elevated horn rb ranging wid ##omag ##ogene univer clos performed record recogn epid limb among decrease solid 22 bul ##most ##estig toget ##rams mine deposition investig relationships together 16 ##bn ##tially ##qui plots unc subsequent ##stit ##queous mixing xenoti yielded intro clinopyroxene bulk aqueous end pn ##ber ##hest ##atory interse monaz amphibolite greenstone non ##cut ##onite ##iku ##tinolite silicates interpret throughout contamination fractures given mu pul ste ##sr ##ays ##olcan color carbonatite 206 includes display open example chemistry tr v2 ##gl ##ps ##orl isoc dev order phyll followed crosscut stratigraphic gangue xenotime bi fill har link qz ug ##ark ##lets ##ference parts highest younger assimilation irregular comparison poly ##uous ##ording ##atible exhib ##ively carbonates actinolite discrim replaced strongly sills constrain 60 ear fi volum intrud sources diagrams clasts tuff epidote gl phen ##mis ##alent ##other exc resour strata energ partial complexes multiple potassic monazite ##olcanic bath much rad ##sive ##end ##inel ##enesis any ##ability images represents ##iemi medium dolom supergene energy either free lack nw nb river solution worl ##solved ##log ##65 ##ression ##eneous beth evolved slab layer mgo significantly methods direct world cd pent sw ##tend ##echan exh proxim ##ader cord chalcophile according equilib control banded salinities homogenization recrystall towards ##igg hosts overla structure anomaly hypogene mineralogy identified albite experiment university pentland tin ##uit ##lic ##onal ##ales changes shall dissolution plate resulting settings median docum pentlandite shallow mc mechan ##10 ##zero ##thermometr extend lake diame mean provide equiv microthermometr ##tivity ##gressive aggregates hol ray since yb incorp ##ikes orogen reflect mineralisation terrane predominant bh sio2 ##ties summ ##arth induc geochron contribution outc amount influ ##ethite goethite labor 80 foc h2o ##here ##erred change individ presented metamorphosed measurements 206pb earth jur ##ones though ##rade 204 basalts moderate detailed documented diameter individual 39 87 nac work ##rag ##tz ##vz ##ving ##roc conf anhedral suite occurring representative estimated introduction jurassic hu lo pgm sing ##ertain ##ustr coex ##aces barite reflec depleted batholith born du five al2o3 succ critic resulted number ##ittle growth ##omagnetite bornite success critical bro dark hist nature ##pen alt preserv explain mark access ##ropl abundance dolomite nacl ed ##ground ##ibility margins finland rims degree 204pb single dens hor ranges sul ##ric ##ean ##zbur ##tit ##inity ##nde ##ichon limited fractional anomalies guichon corresponding phyllic harzbur 32 500 cir ccp da hm here mig nd pri pip sy ##ven ##jar reve having consist groups ##ength ferro volatile isochron prior ##jarvi reveal duc frag pit tar ##lies ##fe cores ext seg subhedral ##angshan cao titanomagnetite separated recognized 28 dunite ##uan ##gmatite ##ha reference crat intern showed ##itization overlain across pegmatite paleozoic boundaries intruded mill rather vi vis ##has gray expla province ##loor produced discussion circ pc sri tet xias ##set even upl ##etry cumulus emplaced previously comprises ##ferropl accessory tetra xiasai ##ferroplatinum 29 ##ni ##iod ##mt ##of ##til ##ato thrus greens sandstone ##blende ##lier key coefficient ##robe extensional dykes altar greenschist ba econ δ65 ##do ##xi ##era ##agu ##isen ##ela chamb before attr carri intergrown ##oliths ##ivided polished density 24 bent cree dikes hg lines moun pel sch use via vers ##iated ##west ##ka ##ists rele requi should grad grades disting see ##rium overlying allow adj greisen mss remob illustr spectrometry calib horiz creek distingu remobil 21 bo case kal perv will ##arent ##by ##osite conduc dem ##less phlog activity regard period slip limit limest mob does effect surrounding phenocrysts outcrop pervas phlogop 27 dated fis fab m1 ten ##met ##matic ##ches ##oritic ##ularly devi incomp plas zoning magnetites accomp provid komatiitic cumulates mesozoic laboratory phlogopite ##man ##eter ##bed maxim collo spot volcano ##rental fav differences ign breccias ##lished cumulate extensive consider stibn parental metallogenic exhum accompan path rap umt ##ipp ##tric existing hand basins veinlets proportion deformed chamber plasma jagu nan ou retrog tell wol xiku ##ty ##enced ##ects ##netic resid subst exposed cann perm signature ##tajarvi mustajarvi generated increases standards earlier proximal kalst jaguar xikuangshan 86 sid sim ##rated ##uk ##inate ##ortions ##ella made prospec string altern preferen microp indicated ##rosion domain bands maps uraninite decreasing ##aderas craton versus maximum stibnite ble ##taderas ##tim ##aba had clus concentrated cortaderas indicat differenti ##aki signatures underst ##umulus foliation ##avaara ##onstr loss hornblende glass predominantly ductile demonstr aus erosion ka log ##ruit ##ler ##fsp ##ind ##ila ##vers ##verse ##gest diff heating trapped older remain coeval style turfsp intercumulus harzburgite retrograde tellur turfspruit eocene portion ro ##ira ##cent ##arp ##acent platinum resear zoned immis poin domains limbs underlying basaltic fields lithologies uncertain radi equivalent sulph rapid cannot immisc 26 down lv yang ##water ##astal ##uss coastal extern prof ##ikato lava assum substit ##rograph ##ronorite leuc sequences vertical generations plut axis waikato spatially lamella attributed adjacent microprobe austral kv pse tab ##ways algl ##heric depths hydrox lav allo ##aching lithosp spectra rhyol simp ##theast dominantly ##omicrograph combined photomicrograph oceanic internal exhumation accompanied lamellae pseud algliden 35 300 far mor sed ##ument ##diorite ##inch ##imb magn ##ama concl usually ppb reefs sands pyroxen narank collisional spatial reduced larger incorpor narankavaara aur latter pz tian v1 yin ##ained ##line ##iaba ##more ##cence ##iniemi ##oshan without chile ##ulfide shales ##onga strik silts largest inferred generation orebody narrow petrographic granitoids inductively uplift striking d2 lree lens ram tak ##sc ##ores ##cy ##ves ##volcanic ##fram ##onian ##enting ##ances ##ise ##ulation mado ##quit spinel ##llis ##formation trellis partly paleoproterozoic furthermore flat rutile still styles mechanism bht preserved δ65cu sedex madoonga ion kiv nons ##sh ##ses sha segreg cuiaba hydrous ##stones continuous dispers solub materials axi succession fragments explained carried horizon wolfram external wolframite dac pow round wides ##oe ##terog ##acts ##ime ori quan ##ibly heterog carboniferous hosting belts 207 genesis ##lob xenoliths numerous intense levels ##athering particularly shaped widely interpretation equilibrium incompatible tianshan kiviniemi 75 hs lu mz ming net pal role sel varies beha ##ech contacts cloth active complete respons smaller ##ynam reflected 199 clastic environment microscope overlap 87sr bentley ignimb oriented 2a 45 400 bse bord hanging lut ##ui ##ued ##ft ##oss iso conte ##opan ord distal phosc systematic models precipitated mixed ##vail trigg volume siderite research lutopan phoscorite 33 clay glob led rid tro v3 ##du ##iences ##80 ##aging ##isted cover sem semi ##ude spinifex ##arily weathering included transm epma greater ##pread fractionated ##olving 150 py4 180 1000 reaction folds bifs exception economic residual understand widespread 207pb responsible aila korp mac ##arized ##ice ##anite ##ult ##och sharp ##umin restric assess ##allic represented original komatiites super ##oidal development absence hypot classification therm microthermometric ferrodiorite thrust conducted pervasive provided rounded ailaoshan korpela aw bin cases fias oph prom ##ning ##ially ##ca ##read ##olin ##oliden ##lehem ##atab ##vement extent proterozoic formations ##lays elemental encl locations consisting noted ground brecciated interes homogeneous possibly spectrometer thermal petrography polymet bethlehem broad lavas solubility ##ynamic 000 avail dil ple s2 teth tech ##ious ##o3 ##eb ##12 ##berg ##jiang ##heng ##ital ##isod iss exsolved orient plan uncon ##illera silicification difference episod affinity partially background discuss overprinted anorthite environments paragenetic devonian exhibit resource recrystallized australia raman polymetallic bu del length ##gan ##ood ##pl ##40 ##kop ##alt ##erating thir mineralizing mapping sulfidation ##ighted interlay ##assium fe3 clg ##mber ##ological marine ##turally trends paleo spectroscop taolin center potassium mineralised argill paragenesis pulse geochronology calibration preferentially dbs overal ra tm tio2 δd ##hol ##ored ##ctive ##ks ##ko ##tire ##atis conver ##acing depend ##ously feo concord entire dipping tempor neoproterozoic ##unuo silicic acid accel precious apparent position majority separates lesser ##ublished saturated clear depletion zhunuo weakly angle varying experimental visible limestone behavi overall bene cent dig espec pan prin ##dt ##floor ##60 ##truc ##opyrox ##umines plates phys subs ##rown proportions sandstones brittle boundary norites ##ylitic 238 detection cordillera faboliden differentiation hydroxides alloys lenses ophi especially princ das kine pur published trac ##ierite ##30 ##well ##ining ##ocol ##ety ##acity ##ached ##ops exam zonation fe2 feature ##ade 208 mantover patches ##overed additional alkali blocks identify particular linked thought radiogenic auriferous selv princip mantoverde brown cvz d3 hole ##pite ##15 ##ida ##ised ##izes stable progressive valley bast dip auth marath chlor accumul propylitic ##avy despite ##engj plotted support reactiv cutting clearly mineralogical intervals steep directly orogeny hua reflects permian yinyan spectroscopy beneath marathon bra listed nn t2 t1 ##ject ##tice ##alu ##osph island chond qual reserv resolution lowest geother evalu phosph distributed northwest ##orption constant potentially intensity factor factors seawater appears anorthosite ridge restricted hypothes 238u 77 eq ip six ##osity ##ishan another ##ott stra ##ams tend porphyritic calcare ##athic surve pegm fertile brine gabbronorite transport err offset except largely components investigated crosscutting coefficients incorporated bastard 600 cs cer drop ham ioc ydt ##uy ##uas ##tra ##tage ##ah ##long ##nan ##men ##cz ##xtral ##20 ##zh ##altered ##roph dextral chrys lamp unus unaltered voltage ##racted diops meg final poorly absent suppor anatolian comparable recorded confir favor shaxi ##opyroxenite ##ocolla iocg chrysocolla diopside call centi dong divided fla mud almost chang suture sulfos plac cub unl need variety carbonaceous ##unction accoun redox separate modern flows pressures good partitioning intercal resources history pipe indicator techni chondrite lamproph bic ice lat pi qtz rift ved ##sa ##lified ##ful ##olong ##leay thole magnetic dist place hydrogen ##ada ##ersatur representing ##aya feldspathic transgressive ##skoe define metasomati supported comprise stockwork mcleay summary schists segregation border isoferroplatinum available tethyan 208pb calcareous 250 rose tl ##rid ##tone ##min inher ##aty detr minim ##luded ch4 dissolved seism contained cap ##una modal characterize primarily proced provides andesitic replacing 187 increased pluton product ##theastern dolerite examples experi photograph currently closure pulses focused marked conclusions siltstone ##ganic kinematic dongg tholei 38 43 95 cy dates fug gas glu hot iv mp m2 pen pack ucz ##tou ##lied ##ctic ##2s ##boc ##ense ##itted ##ational coinc ##urs deposited organic shale colum pyrites schem sciences ##ritic arra associations whether calcic overgrow ##akh precurs abundances ##henskoe displays absorption instr halite surrounded detect filled cordierite recrystallization outer substitution lithospheric simplified ##duce clgb gluboc glubochenskoe bal cath gorn mol por pir qw sin vaara ##then ##lon ##ner ##h2o ##ctions ##als ##istral chann compatible star ##ogabb progress produce noril noritic heat heavy weighted modified serpen leaching crystallizing observation times ##uping separation ##anning zhiling seafloor shape extends pathways ##quitas heterogeneous third behavior authors pegmat lattice detrital gorno pirquitas serpentin zhilingtou 3d 90 might nm side εnd ##ura ##ique ##ipped ##kin information ##ago ##mpor reas ##ilg analc fluor ##rian au1 diffic ##contin similarly break terms orthopyroxenite remains additionally finn tecton ##ambrian determine moderately cleav fracture hfse microscopy focus coexisting colloid stringers leucogabb discussed nnw quality ##uashan procedure experienced 44 hree pinch rif tenn ##rup ##ping ##fels ##yre ##where ##herent instit often ##arc ##argite ##iter ##ased ##olated asthen ##imer ##sewhere ##odos enargite scores caus notably olig ##istocene discre andesites fertil metasediments elsewhere hornfels closely bethsa segment 86sr uncertainty taken contempor troodos pleistocene orientation seismic dongguashan fugacity asthenosp bethsaida 2b bore chem last myl nne natur tul ##son ##ques ##wack them ##oria ##icts alumin ##vec beeb ##omorph ##ode seen interbed stratab highl space member moreover liquids ##ovic ##etric remov explan classified colorad plateau hm2 boiling substage telluride plutons tabs ignimbrite ##uminescence ##engjian hypothesis unusual sinistral oligocene beebyn stratabound 2e 31 55 66 bur mcl nam pap san svec vent δ5 δ7 ##mon ##mer ##otic ##co ##33 ##entical ##eden ##asion ##attered ##ingshan cov alast exch prog ##tening metav granul constit hem ##olekop southeast sourced movement implic ##lasts equipped correlations identical ##ishuping halo specific ##ennian transitional dyke subsequently loolekop ##ofennian distinguish m1u deviation rhyolites nonsulfide dispersive ordovic enclosed accelerating huaishuping ipge megac instrument institute colorados svecofennian δ7li alastuo metavolcanic ordovician 65 hi hy kigg pet yell ##nary ##oir ##xt ##ywack ##bu ##ju ##jec ##onitic ##asite ##asque toward ##rad ##imen shor prot production phil silver scanning subvolcanic granular lateral cause great discovered ##avik correlate finally ##ophane guang fourque folded halos constrained transported lithological constraints microthermometry contributions duolong immiscible binary panasque lamprophyre piipp tholeiitic package cleavage fertility kiggavik yellow panasqueira 85 date lomal little morph oik pure pac ##ozero ##qingshan ##ald andean ##anal ##antite ##isz ##ision ##isten ##iscan tool ##ula coherent reach ##iles chines ##amunite ##abas former ##ario porphy arch belong ##aps old structurally respect fo2 ##ophys ##ampi axial iii reduction gneisses filling ##tze daqingshan migration prospects yangtze dacite broadly unconform concordia principal error ##uyamunite channel tennantite natural exchange lomalampi ##istence chinese 02 es est fenn hence kisz lz ret tonal wang wo3 ##uth ##app ##cri ##ele ##wide ##ony ##icular ##itude ##isation ##athe ##ust cond antic ##oura exotic shield ##umaki ##ranular metaty pls sampling occasion repro porphyries upwards propose contras diagenetic 40ar intra contaminated intens ##mometry terranes overprinting leading beds intersected worldwide holes geochronological 39ar tetraferroplatinum distinguished remobilized demonstrated sulphide assumed progressively difficult interbedded piippumaki 00 01 53 barn best cam fu hz liter nec q1 rate rob tal var year ##ao ##mass ##ying consequent alpen ##yric stre short rese lap clim enc subd ##racrus ##spect camp variably obvious massif skele applied corrected 120 drilling supracrus na2o nearby synthe uranophane corresponds wavel ##ospinel exhibits summarized influx circulation profiles quantit triggered understanding groundmass siliciclastic diges dashed mpa pegmatoidal rifting implications shortening philipp estab metatyuyamunite barnes literature supracrustal 73 div fre fram gr k2o mer nist opp pr rough site u6 ##ds ##vospinel ##way ##jia ##inning ##ars ##artic ##ulsion ##tioned ##acies ##ceed suites ##mentary grab ##ights play better spread never ulvospinel lithium stratiform becom monzodiorite ##ambres probe ##anniemi kev combination ##oscand discrimination vihol pelambres deviations colloform volcanoes cluster clusters point photomicrographs completely episodes inherited schematic precursor reason contemporane explanation fennoscand reproduc skeletal frame viholanniemi 34 36 37 49 82 did dynamic em eun gth kall pec sens ural vie zinc ##ier ##hu ##hitu ##cill ##bi ##94 thelon ##inations inst ##ics ##olve ##ilic ##cend beg sulfate plane sampled entra spots differ agree canada act shearing correlated py1 ##entine 198 oscill involved localized situated controlling backsc argued width investigate reflecting syenite lvh magnitude superi awhitu interest temporal centre subsid selvages ##ersaturated analcime ##appear necess subdivided 51 av box cst dat hill ji ml mord vict wn xr yilg ##sand ##ls ##iable ##mented ##put ##tine ##arju ##etah reverse ##ilit ##iltr makes ##omer prospect who seven geometr imm immedi imaging imoura scatter concentrate carbonic ##unn trapping analysed perid crystallize europ oxidizing originally descri amphibol intergrowth distinctive rarely supple reactions comprising initially direction tung genetically angular recently intersection devol experiments influence pegmatites released remobilization mobil immiscibility transmitted argillic favorable distance leucogabbros discrete paper granulite megacrys hietah ##athered view mordor yilgarn immediately imouraren descrip hietaharju 350 57 76 99 cf function ku pop sites tan weld ##rites ##tn ##ae ##lite ##hole ##my ##pentine ##ved ##flu ##11 ##3c ##brid ##rees ##arb ##anaki ##aged ##let conn ank compil ##ope ##oud atac analog basis carmen cav mode serpentine ##akero undersaturated adak crushed geologic ##ova facilit ##lozero outl waters infill infiltr integ importance plung smith estimates ruoss ##burg assimilated ##utes ##ography bedding volatiles ##glomer earlies solutions pipes taranaki segozero sims stringer remaining ##shore ##henga survey placer account photographs hybrid ##ywacke pacific occasionally variscan wavelength framework pechenga ruossakero earliest 05 3a 42 47 bott crac floor ju lan lac now osm sizes talc yet ##aard ##ned ##ga ##hg ##xa ##yuan ##went ##zing ##almi ##ings isolated deb ##ets ##uren ascent mak sud exceed shon project disappear quartzite ##ikely repe ##ract ##ianos ##fication bell explo meters acqui acade underground underwent implies titanites terra emphas brines matter ##vaal products linear effects supergrou overprint elong qz1 excimer incorporation extre tetrahed required mobile outcrops profile pyroxenites ophiolite centime unlikely vedlozero column pinchout kallianos oscillatory devolati osmium academy 1g 48 89 bri cp je mal px russ ttn wb ##sw ##aerg ##aean ##iite ##oa ##ew ##yind ##6fe ##heart ##tian ##rec ##alus input andalus ##ency ##erro ##atigraph ##ostr ##isms ##usik conglomer ##urian ##uriku ##terite recon ##veheart suuriku ##abil ##odol ##quis ##orphous pliocene valler silurian scen subduc northeast ##apatite leached marble perc upward skaerg amorphous underg ##ismuth discord southwest brecciation uppermost referred salau ironsand follows 193 displ gump narati soft deeper fierro mediumto controls mechanisms ##rock target millerite pelitic seems illustrating plutonic rhyolitic reactivation steeply braveheart reservoir intercalated cathodol procedures contrasting consequently lapland synthetic frequ roughly fennoscandian emulsion datas victoria immob bottom tetrahedrite andalusite ##ostratigraph ##usikko suurikuusikko valleriite skaergaard 41 46 800 aim bc b1 f2 fall fron ger ked right sod ##sten ##tang ##ily ##haps ##o2 ##casite ##jing ##jected ##known ##tead ##retion ##inent ##alts ##ico too took ##mposed ##romag stability ##tically flux excl onto geophys ##chy unknown dips ##mbers ##ector silicified marcasite ##igned perme perhaps limits appro applic feldspars decomp δ13c ##skaya 130 ##cept instead uranium erup ##ystalline ##ographic decreases opening bhts useful requires quanti prominent physical accumulation hammer cubanite metasomatized δ56fe porphyrob taln quantitative reproducibility agreement superimposed supplementary tungsten megacrystic ##fluid devolatil cathodoluminescence immobile kedengjian 78 700 aer blu cations gap hun jo jin jiang kb lode nine pil pges pron qf tib tight tvz vl v4 wed xcl ##dong ##d00 ##mic ##oge ##pine ##yon ##3s ##wa ##western ##bles ##ji ##rew ##inal ##orm ##ola ##agabb ##lein ##tional ascend alpine ##lude sufficient ##omatic compression atlas stress statis what onset ##chik highland sclm ##arities diam neo au2 augite micas micaceous expected webs ##ometer southeastern ##view districts discover proven lithology ##ordinate sericitization skarns py3 pyroc microanal enrichments optical δ18oh2o synch synvolcanic estimate ##itsa detected proximity induced load release considering outs room morb moran global examined strain flakes sulfosalts array morphology tonalite anticline resemb kevitsa wnh ankerite supergroup hammerlein tibet wedge 52 62 61 93 96 bor f1 gi lhas pod pile puna tes tong van xf xiling yun ##si ##lı ##che ##ched ##ware ##kan ##90 ##onn ##tium ##aled ##ering ##ories ##ana ##olitic cob revers make compare ##ulfides ##ective ##ogenetic shift discontin places composite ##char evap report enhan scattered subordinate dioritic diverse arrow melagabb parame agains similarities monit precision ##icked regions ##2o5 modeling equation continued δ33s involving characterised absor ##vaara bounded ##theless distinctly stocks step discriminant discriminate layering equilibration eds revealed regarded m1l blebs diffraction points pyroxenitic interlayered supports techniques minimum 187os cycl oikocrysts conduit climate nevertheless acquired jeol software german talnakh diamond pyroclastic giant lhasa against 59 92 98 bes bismuth crop dul flo kit kamb lian pass pill qiang rot rls s1 test vel ##td ##ire ##eed ##ki ##tila ##inling ##erve ##oll ##ulated asian alps ##eca shui rest ##ongy compositionally indium ##itized ##angx volcanism ##ipher ##ford faulting accep others regime crystalline 105 adv precambrian ##ounced originated contributed measurement generate calculations ##oids yields inset 707 specimen parent cm2 laminated closer tuffs overlapping mcd ##ventional alternatively indicators tellurides powder network thermo interesting planar depending evaluate droplets callie serpentinized finnish petro archaean becomes smiths wbc ##yindong exclus hunan pronounced outside kittila qiangtang shuiyindong 1a 1b 54 81 fore fast gyp hcl jinch mas mang qinling run tik ves ##ser ##sum ##sho ##lag ##na ##iary ##onse ##alite andrew ##atib ##ano ##osing ##olute ##lear ##ently ##ochemical dend ##urr ##ilchik ##ami ##abie diss ##umene ##odumene ##qua seams reliable fe2o3 ##ching until unique concluded enough spodumene indoch subt nearly isotopically argen veining left acquis regression slurr epilchik ##achite ##ovskaya thicken py2 possibility cemented absolute comprised laterally transparent polarized ##tones interpretations extending influenced dune gradient limestones fabric lithosphere magnes nonsulfides horizontal palae systematically interlayers phosphate confirm colloids hemati ##jection ##alda years contemporaneous subsidiary necessary tanami atacama pilb synchron kambalda accepted smithsonite gypsum indochina acquisition 3b 72 aut bim bub dd dest emb eight gd hel ide kok lα men mil math pink rates sized uz ##uer ##pt ##094 ##fs ##fied ##bie ##ze ##kura ##96 ##teen ##enum ##eration ##erozoic ##itable ##edony ##anerozoic ##osition ##agre ##ules ##ocite asp alas always alread read chu ##opartic ##iform exist ##ables shri metagre colla platin stron ##lad ##ives phanerozoic spaces prep fay indicative expos chalcedony chalcocite ##ape afyon unde response imply blank transformation transvaal esm2 become ##crystalline metasomatic coarser localities smok kekura so3 degrees shapes aggregate document ##ittance schistosity unclear ug2 fii freezing confined pc2 umt094 nanopartic assuming pseudomorph chilean ##orescence luz transmittance converg ##mineral detector fluorapatite covari oldest cameca digestion beginning geometry scenario ##retionary approach porphyroblasts devolatilization blue besides exclusively tiksho dendritic bimod already shrimp tikshozero 06 63 69 91 a1 bol c2 cher cell esc fil fres hood heden ioa jxa ko lies lunn md nuc nick pum port p2o5 tel tens vic zhen ##aque ##lot ##den ##ioritic ##iatis ##gs ##oz ##otite ##ematite ##pend ##faces ##we ##ba ##inous ##inates ##eric ##erated ##roded ##ants ##osec ##olid ##lex conventional coast ##igranular ##ilent ##imanite maic compound ##outh ath fluorescence quad teut seam haematite ##ostone evolving phyric ##ria diab ##ferences agilent head signal slope monte accur americ equigranular precipitate ##valent mixture sillimanite dolostone intrac topaz inside 706 ##ocryst pair peaks offshore decreased bedded edge pc1 require allowing illustrated bleb sulphides tabular powd ignimbrites ##bergite planes geothermometry technique coincides porosity asthenospheric mylonitic namely prograde guangdong intensely established amphiboles recons dataset parameters pillow pilbara mentioned mathiatis exposure bimodal lunnon nickel vicinity teutonic 7a 79 750 ae amal air bron bay dome done eas emis iia jac ltd nied ric rio sense tub uu vug wai ##rum ##ump ##sri ##tach ##aj ##nam ##iro ##ging ##gam ##equ ##facies ##zinc inner ##err ##arg ##aning ##iteria ##asp ##istent dead ##igan ##eto real ##ilitic atte ##tics ##ify existence quater criteria colored cuts hydrozinc ##ikilitic ##chlag uniform occup assay hydrothermally prev latest ##unta ##erschlag liu overlies poikilitic afric ##ctu ##sional implying driven sheared surfaces ##olves term controvers 118 18o ##lish infer 197 calculation bright opaque affect 140 molybdenum mno identification ##ferred bedrock displaying holocene extraction econom tenor umt33 substan 86sri ##uku alternative ##timately uncertainties siltstones successions dacitic globally acidic purp reserves qtz2 balance ##mont unconformably philippine spreading ##ilicate peridotite cavities adakite outlined elongated discordant websterite discovery discontinuous platinova strontium prepared undeformed hedenbergite zhenyuan reconstruc amalgam emission niederschlag uuu waiuku quaternary hydrozincite umt336 58 68 give hous hund h2s mur portions ren rand ramb sus tain u4 ubi voids μg ##tak ##gc ##mo ##md00 ##eties ##yed ##wuer ##zr ##zer ##aros ##arbon ##anshan ##ols ##lef ##ocl detach ##ils maier ##insula fluctu plus resist laur spar indep concentric ##angas varieties microm carbonati coron ##tina obli weight weathered similarity ##iovaara percent perpend monogenetic ##ounaros proper ##ovounaros presents lithophile patchy replace replaces correlates ultra consistently must precipitating postd ##omalachite defin defining ##ressive interacted 2000 tawuer 404 petrogenesis erz appearance uncom introduc accordingly coexist pc3 mounted gradual pervasively simult pseudomalachite conclusion context py4b ferrodiorites dilution selvage reactivated called sulfosalt peninsula ##kinovounaros causing asthenosphere ##abasca instance backscatter compiled undergone geophysical qfp pods ##charge evaporite melagabbronorite petrolog argentina kokkinovounaros ##bieke fayalite nanoparticles fresh pumice athabasca hundred random rambler tainiovaara independ tawuerbieke simultane 5a 88 bt cn certain d4 dra day hou mr mouth n2 rongy sse ssw sector tonn une war ##rug ##site ##sively ##lan ##lig ##now ##iy ##ger ##mely ##ck ##cing ##vity ##16 ##worth ##bir ##ken ##alative ##ici ##icuo ##olvement ##ellef consequ ##urici mina ##luding suitable prox why cryp cr2o3 ##ighter tem cold intercept spher scan subm subfacies neu preferred northeastern volcanogenic ##soi variability variables heated texturally peripher upon skellef epox accretionary rhod ##ieved icpms 125 finding fineto became ##cline neglig involvement electrum ##hydrox reached plumb curve folding ##bury youngest degass gabbroic qz2 excluded exhalative laborat ##rocks hm1 symp million explains mount providing demonstrate kaol pseudosec away surveys supporting mudstone cyc chemically mersoi played avoid xrf cfgc facilitated plunging lanping sudbury extremely percol frequency permeability cobalt dulong interestingly alaskan jacurici africa oblique perpendicular rongyicuo skellefte epoxy negligible 6a ach bull bren cambrian den datab ever fit fia gp jasp kare kover mis mree miss q2 ros vir verg wu ##sn ##af ##linal ##nes ##ijing ##gar ##ged ##h2s ##mes ##molite ##cumul ##ctively ##field ##wd ##46 ##tectic ##rep ##inces ##ert ##erian ##orne ##orting ##itation ##osen ##ulu ##ulating ##ocumul ##ushan reaching ##trum ##lump chosen bend beishan ##ysis ##omen att extin ##gebir ##ogen disequ ##odynamic ##odioritic metabas interface online ##eneity relation ##ivan geosc ##statite imaged closed enstatite scales suba ##ession varied pool activ signals ##vial adcumul slow epiz ##tains tremolite mswd southwestern provinces lithoc processing ternary ##ixed remnan km2 paleocene reflection monzonite generating ##ski extensively evident graphitic anatase oxyhydrox curves homogenized species spectrum approximate meso ##yllite mmes ##omagnetic records intersec voluminous successive broken marks migrated extracted thrusting gradually allows regardless handp prospective alternating glasses ##ussite py4a ##uminous paragenetically dependent temporally gabbronorites cerussite metasomatism arrays streng gth2 sensitive jiama description infiltration disappearance repeti conglomerate kbar compressional monitor lianlong slurries dd96 ideal chert escape nucle diabase ##argyrite controversial substantial ubiquit sparse erzgebir uncommon ##nowled consequence neutral symple bullock database every karel kovero disequilib metabasalt remnants dd96md00 03 4a 64 71 8a 900 ara auren boud d1 dams ell efficient fing ful fusion feng gro hong jog kh kil kfs lati lib lob myr pm pic perite q4 qing sull slump tp vh wat wil xion yud ##rate ##aus ##iting ##oted ##eous ##32 ##wh ##wai ##bre ##42 ##57 ##klı ##99 ##ıklı ##onique ##onjia ##tipl andrad ##erial ##arine ##anced ##asu ##ateg tom ##enty ##ental ##ocular cove altipl beijing ##ecting ##ife ##ifted ##gean share queb saun seated unm unnam reprec immediate index ##aria care again ##unc ppge ##akangas ##ometers twenty acted add precise correction impact touronjia modeled lithoge significance ##lash dissemination disseminations termin salar orthog sandıklı pear averaging 129 emplo 113 115 mush veronique tectonics opx operating ##ophyllite anomalous distributions δ18ofluid cooler counting selective half predic effective mesocumul reducing leads 2010 160 glac sweden harzburg reveals mountains relev regarding mobility preferential diffusion simple trigger macro binocular promote enclosing buff concordant entirely ophiolitic track phosphates tends cerro placers needed vedra causes chemostratigraph aluminous removal removed sanjiang graben reasonable crack making centimeters absorb jinchang mangan synchronous readily metagreywacke boliv intracr aegean bronz richer prevent economically coronet definition submarine degassing laboratories kaolinite virt subaerial epizonal ubiquitous erzgebirge disequilibrium aurenere fully latit peritectic sullivan yudovskaya andradite covered altiplano saunakangas unnamed reprecipit 04 610 74 cren dou dun ene eib fs gn garb hn hw il lighter mound nu ow pach rou roll sig song sron session tas torn vq way wind wood waning ##rb ##rı ##rig ##uting ##uments ##uish ##aren ##nian ##oh ##cher ##cient ##pse ##pment ##wise ##bia ##ont ##till ##rene ##inating ##enst ##olites ##rared conve cog mines ##owski anth ancient chron chuk compatib atomic ##ifts incons exs ##tites prolong sao ##ibute teph ##ostatic relics ##ived abrup abbre conclude clast ##ystallis spess indeed scav subject granodioritic arf arre ##hemically duran ##iao agrı obtain calcs 205 lowermost ppt lie members veinlet ##ellite text completed ##ctor sometim chromites geochemically thereby underlain regionally liquidus srm ##turing lithostatic decay termed diagenesis remark 123 pyhas pyrene infrared derivation ##ressed calculate wallrocks xenolith cebu plume ##ometric lineation cooled intensive petrogenetic homogenize westward transparen details ##istinguish calder argue turn turb 2013 chromitites thicknesses recrystallis investigation ##bnor intersections holwell coexistence explaining edific 325 hm3 ferroan fragment δ65c gradational seem horizons periods tenors favored 1806 1807 diluted deline converted confirmed flake cubic 187re overgrowths porous starting finnigan borehole unconformity robust divalent entrapment connected integrated shonkin terrains displacement reservoirs eruption provenance resemble collapse luzonite ##olidated accurate blebby house detachment independent proxy findings plumbago breno ellip eibenst hno3 pachon vqz anthophyllite inconsistent prolonged abrupt abbrevi spessar sometimes pyhasalmi ##istinguishable eibenstock 07 08 2σ 450 56 83 97 cat cla cbn cbu ds et fti fran fcu gt kα mcc mun mov mira mott ng peng ques sally sms util vt wass ya ze ##ril ##uce ##lit ##dd ##pan ##be ##ker ##kinite ##72 ##8os ##inian ##aling ##erburg ##orbed ##rolite ##icam ##iclastic ##edy ##asel ##oses ##ising isop ##ury ##terly mined rev ##phot ##otka ##otko mapped chata beach sun compan comparing states stau proble ##tention ##odes whose ##quicam resin reset cup hydrost valid valerian ##eena span indistinguishable scand subpar ##ariate ##racy carr ark ##adian parina variance ##unshan notable leach sedimentation chloritic chromat slate skeena epig greywacke undertak fractions impur decrep tera saline peb transformed microphot 188os verte gao rhyth basinal ferromag plotting affecting 133 145 middling ##dese solely yielding ##sential ce3 ce4 electronic producing insight homogenisation albitization zhang effectively elevation thermometry 230 232 particles gangdese interactions growing 220 depositional muf isoclinal volumes tuffite phenomen excluding histog edges 280 illustrate calibrated ##timate logging roof rapidly alloy farm covering episode ##plate examination geotherm evaluated ##ahi unlike coincid cathays colloidal ##rupole tulasu highlights burial covellite tools essential intraplate rober philippines prism mobilized kuotko shonkinite russian russia subducted quantities join microanalysis arrows germanium destabil embay chuquicam ##mineralized quadrupole pairs vugs carbonatization introduced simultaneously peripheral jasper verging ##nesian extinction strength repetition symplec finger xiong garbh cogenetic chukotka transparency caldera shonkinites spessartine ftir mottled wasserburg chataway staurolite hydrostatic scandium subparallel undertaken microphotograph ferromagnesian phenomenon chuquicamata 2d 310 5c 512 67 94 ben bat bud cz che cmb ebs fed fib juan lumines o2 q5 rus rom rise syl squa till tren vene vip ##uracy ##sd ##tario ##nos ##down ##go ##hi ##hf ##oy ##cd ##ez ##vite ##2hg ##frac ##zn ##81 ##87 ##heless ##onen ##tish ##ese ##ora ##osive ##atonic ##elf ##ulations conj coating ##uring ##etheless review references anne compressive stabil extr grading ##ueshan quen cruc ##quartz ##irk ones ontario ##ppio ##anta ##stan highmont able unmineralized evolve ensure india subjected nev neither preex norte preserve carb melted ##anged faz ##ronoritic ##ersley lile overview marbles twin upwell 102 somewh epiclastic mont accuracy eutectic aptian ##ovka grouped lithof northwards sericitic arcs sets diagnos remained continu finely itself 110 185 vertically gave bodrum supersatur negra flank walls banding 2009 explosive normally determination axes probable describe arsenian triang selection importantly smow smec mineralising insights ##oki directed wave wawa ##ylite totally so2 clino longer 2011 2014 nonetheless linkam radiation outcro syen ##venile duck segments international baie allowed differs incorporate dispersed heterogeneity orders macroscop issue argillite identifying chloritization 7700 hamersley ##zhou changed εndi breakdown ##archean tulppio constitutes protolith belongs intensities stret encla establish opposite backscattered descriptions 57fe population analogous cracks juvenile debate explored centimeter subducting application decompression aeromagnetic tightly reversals rotation advanced palaeozoic help aspects blanks convergence american ##umption attemp amalgamation laurite 40480 qfpq evaporites mrs ##worthy handpicked slumping relevant intracratonic latitude reprecipitation calcsilicate valerianovka chromatography epigenetic cathaysia prismatic fingerprin ebsd squares preexisting upwelling somewhat lithofacies diagnostic supersaturation 09 1c 34s 4b 5b 6b 84 bd bid bran cation dri dup dense eroded fes flash gh gross hr jar kate kam krug ly lin luminescence mif nbs picked rib sx serv sorting sirk worth δ20 ##uv ##uble ##tor ##ax ##nt ##nand ##dor ##dishan ##gy ##mit ##o4 ##eite ##fengjian ##13 ##100 ##joki ##70 ##tis ##inance ##inants injection anders ##ened ##astic ##aga ##agangx ##ats ##eled ##oclastic ##ochron conform ##urization ##ured ##izh ald alm rework ##ilite anion compre complic atb atyp ##mental exact exists ##abor ##ogangx distur ##iberg placed plaus mineralizations collector relict lauren unid indian sci ##races diver prepar ##ianite ##iaxi micros siliceous belford expressed 209 modification leav acicular undul recovered monom accord eu2 apart grey terraces salt 121 esm3 112 111 drillhol ##henium stratigraphically δ34sh2s fernand anomalously 2006 cement centered reaches determining arsenides triple diorites constrains labeled anglas 2012 2017 metallic microscopic wider investigations endme true trunc tuffites overlaps 393 pca mounts greisenization substages equivalents downward australian ionization thermochron orientations conversion centres chloritized accumulated huafengjian geothermal straight ##zhai penetr columbia overgrowth started tectono fractured mylonite highlighted program ess urals jiagangx europium populations repeated cpy ttn2 jinping statistics vanad enhanced foreland vesuv thickening hematized powdered 118sn properties spherical ##uluke attached geosciences lithocap oxyhydroxides fengdishan orthogonal employed predicted manganese tephra recrystallisation abbreviations yaogangx rhythmic mufushan rusten venejoki bidau kateba kruger sirkka atypical preparation drillholes fernandez jiagangxueshan vesuvianite yaogangxian 3c 360 315 4c 6c 650 7b a2 ak ale aure amb big biocl dam ete elu fuch fixed gives just kı kar kir kni l1 lang lath lengj lorne mi nud nad nio put pia past ras sd tun teng vife xct ##aw ##hn ##ming ##oin ##ef ##pd ##zz ##7fe ##82 ##tein theore ##tib ##tization ##ream ##ala ##alac ##atives ##artite ##ans ##anab ##askop ##osi ##oski ##leigh ##istr ##elakh ##ulate ##ulama dehyd align ##ims ##imetric depression ##phase chill changing compe stor ##ameen ##neg fluvial distill ##umb ##odac sav ##irical interf interference ##uck resorbed lowto strikes ##ika valu unre union unwe assigned classic sp2 sp1 sperr subg oxford construc ##ades duration hex height ##unity trails ##aka charlot ##ondary afs added slates sket monos apl propag tourmalin decarbon decades refract equal ##upo whereby transfer esm1 continues find empirical redistr drilled monzonitic ##mek 196 crossed rhyodac involves brun 144 ##araelakh hyper fourth potosi synto contaminant contaminants newly youjiang fracturing specular mesoproterozoic ##otitic partitioned 2015 2016 exceptions exsolutions endow muv steel phyllite qz5 tuffaceous rayleigh summar 390 broader histor historic preserves migmatite visual carrier mountain illustrates 270 considerably prospecting understood demonstrates remainder 260 pyroxenes stillwater pallad 1996 environmental macalac sharply dilation buil clgds acceleration digital purity chloride ##mentioned centimet capacity dolerites ##continental tulameen highlight buried named δ57fe constitute instrumental protoliths retur merc ##arsite sensiti avg xrd peridotitic debated terrace emphasized extreme british malartic conglomerates front decomposition ascending sufficiently resembles tescan yunnan cyclic crops passive velhas subtyp bubble bubbles covariations easily tube renabie tonnage coldwell pseudosecondary activities ##nowledge dd96md001 jogs kharaelakh myrmek watanab lithogeochemical glacial crenulation sigma tasman scaveng turbid edifice δ65cus outcropping grossular comprehen laurentian leaving accordance rustenburg aureole bioclastic etela knipping lengjiaxi lornex nudulama dehydration unweathered sperrylite charlotte palladium macalacaskop watanabeite 710 8c 850 auck b2 bias cec cyp chen clays categ dull dick dau days dimen ey fc fro fif gar gel gall gently gbnor ho hing kary kony knowledge list mj miti ns nic peral pock sate sib sneg td tb tch uo2 umbers vo vac vap xin zheng εhf ##ru ##rion ##rating ##uel ##sed ##sur ##aa ##aud ##aill ##avi ##aff ##afloor ##lim ##lie ##lines ##dal ##hal ##mn ##mite ##metric ##pge ##19 ##br ##bian ##45 ##zar ##ky ##kai ##kowski ##76 ##onough thems ##tified ##reedy ##ino ##alida intimately ##escop ##orad ##atitic ##ices ##ito ##asing ##asalmi ##osinian ##osims ##elves ##rap ##ray coated als altit aligned arera recharge ##trial ##ili ##ilen anti ##oto began sum ##yss staging ##restrial orange sho ##vertical formula quite metres quartzites interp elect geodynamic ##stage lah basic envelop spring indosinian scb usak subvertical concentrates next presum consolidated ##tured ##ands volcanoclastic ##edimentary corrob calcium ##ghter believed tradition ##llite canadian ##rosite overbur faulted characterization 103 dominate preced analyzer geologists approp ##ovaya irarsite majia ##ortunity corrections foliated presently facility ultimately northward contrary ##etrically 1500 processed margalida terrestrial equations ortho correlative waterberg ##entially microfrac 195 ##crus ##engths match affects 1300 taupo thinning δ18oquartz normalised multistage initiated smo 253 ##oteth albian photo transitions angles increasingly recognition intersect qz3 exhibiting fire volumetrically excell anyui experimentally ##onald shallower means ##pension 320 tarim circular circulating bentaill tension umt3 nanosims simav ##ukoski ##versely substitute lavrion take dispersion power distally troct ##ochrosite assessment tethys positions purified ##zhoud accounts intercalations minimal scheme precursors tectonically leucogabbro lza condens digested opportunity 8230 europe amphibolites mobilization compilation exploited frontal sodic sodium ##romagnetic jiangnan statistical loadings yunkai reversal cycling mcdonough thickened smoker pseudomorphs covariation telescop pillowed purpose muri suspension rhodochrosite percolation adcumulate arabian boudin kilometers mesocumulates macrocrystalline bronzite virtasalmi owing convection chronology compatibility saozhoud remarkable mccreedy munni pebble 232th symplectites quenched enclaves flashing jarosite δ202hg endmember fuchsite theoretical savukoski sketch monosulfide refractory tulameenite sensitivity comprehensive auckland cyprus dickite daughter karykowski konya peraluminous satellite snegovaya themselves electromagnetic corrobor overburden appropri microfractures bentaillou saozhoudi 210 4he 6e alex bn bg bit brac cb dwell eur fw fut fren grob h2 iles ions kari kuluke l2 les lost lmis lodes nug ok oct page pore pian pers pix pamp pris paz pits rul rup ranged rhenium solv svz tres vector wr wal xiang ##sund ##ares ##lated ##nar ##ior ##iqu ##gai ##hl ##ham ##mq ##mod ##mann ##oing ##vc ##25 ##26 ##27 ##14 ##17 ##ymm ##yond ##ycl ##yzer ##wn ##bers ##zca ##jo ##ineral ##alla ##alian ##aland injec intimate ##esterly ##orts ##arite ##icuous ##icochemical ##osa ##osols ##oles ##idium ##ises ##isible ##atka ##ingram thor thtra consp condu ##urface ash asymm alone rend reop ##ilst ##imes ##imorph ##imens ann anto ances ##otahi ##lum ##ludes max chall beh beyond ##ommod ##seafloor attention ##eco fluence discharge ##cca whilst metap quartzo sealed intermit hazar plimer contraction collection ##ikary ##chong ##chatka unaff phre clots entric speed sporad scap ##rier usgs subseafloor neoteth preva carnian arid arlit ##itively micron corroded ##tinen expense ##ards ##elled twinning regular chromium slingram sk90 accommod eventually geologically positively motion correct impro ##lands ##itance drive drift shell sheets northwestern contribute refer replen originating destruc desert sandy transten microcline drillhole 1800 bars pyrargyrite negro nazca defects flour ferric brug operated 135 143 146 2002 2004 locality soluble xenocrysts felsite reacted gabbros gabbronoritic methodology ##cribed fluorites estimation homogenous urano classes classify directions waip specimens transpression ##enna combining photos turgai 178 1700 elim 2019 lamina anorthos metallogen comparisons univers 1600 polyg constraint excess equilibrated tinos working workings ##roclasts loi coexists herein symb visc circles uplifted considerable pathf pathway nano differentiated hydroxide segregated 75as clothand 1805 assessed superp availability thirty raw behaviour physicochemical principally bracca confirms needs inheritance kinematics detectors focuses aluminos vents 001 shortly influxes division grt gras opposed becoming ##ilicates entrained necessarily mlb connec cavity adakitic outlines exceeding elongate brief cpx ttn1 targets permeable applicable microanalyzer loaded boron tested 59co veloc ##irezr mcdonald fabrics autom ug2u koikary mdf powders resistant micrometer petrological hundreds intersecting karelia tomography quebrad careful address chemostratigraphic bolivian tornio pyrenees ellipses gtk moving utilized ##ddle revsund histogram geothermometer joints microphotographs budget check sylvite 185re smectite 7700x attempt kamchatka microstruc monomineral essentially kiruna piazz sdc chilled valuable δ65cusul garze mitiwai nicola pockets tchirezr ##avier ##crustal excellent appropriate euras future grobler kariotahi nugget octa ruled thtrap conspicuous conduits antof ancestral intermittent hazarika unaffected entrican prevailing brugger metallogeny monomineralic piazzole tchirezrine 2c 2pge 340 550 915 a3 aand aqua bon bure c3 cos dare dav eng gse god him hab ia iz jid jins kum kach kory karp koch kerr ls lid lived mith mly mim mond mort meng nig niron ot ong oib prac pun rod s3 som sok santa tay xs yid ying yili ##uite ##uent ##sb ##senic ##slad ##sedimentary ##tam ##aver ##loc ##gi ##gre ##garn ##oj ##oite ##cid ##eters ##xp ##xico ##phe ##vapor ##variate ##22 ##qiao ##yg ##yao ##bray ##44 ##zil ##zone ##jgarn ##kar ##69 ##7sm ##tif ##inn inver ##esov ##ening ##ern ##erc ##erical ##rov ##rous ##itant ##anping ##ostib ##agou ##isker ##ington ##eli thms ##ularia ##ocal ##raes conversely coff ascribed ala rein react ##aco ##aclastic ##illa ##ilities depart bejgarn ##omitant compac start ##tices ##therly shu shiz shad shifts prove whisker saddle meta ##ibutes tear seal ##ird colour inters once plat plesov cuand ##lest hydrated collectively relates geol ##chland lad ability concomitant ##006 assumption scot richards subcontinental ##orementioned artis arsenic ##aday lateritic latent melon caal ago expect expression trachy ##arded wei chalcostib mexico ##ake consisted poul ##io3 action regia aforementioned crystallisation 109 107 108 obsc adularia transe therein eu3 apophys treated southward apatites mgb smallest equally originate averages measura remove transcrustal secondly reduce microcrystalline paleogene barrier pdb ##mend 190 δ199 ##key crosscu defines interact invisible alkalinity 2008 mixtures tah creating guizh firstly ##ompass manif multivariate linea intermediateand iiib synor syncline synsedimentary counter numbers numerical flowed flowing topographic clean ##ething greenish mineralogically 709 predate spectral albitized zhao ##itschland calaver combus argu mesh elevations ershan overprints irregularly predominance recognised 226 triv 60ni intrude intruding glen lacks lacking swell ##aderi holling 87rb duitschland preservation targe titanomagnetites 289 2857 viable tetravalent 295 29si 240 book ##metamorph incompatib exhumed accompanying nanjing diffuse root researcher downwards 3000 auron narrower taking ##isey continuously palasel 1997 borders exceptional macraes hypothe pleito techn uncontam delta raf physico tracer examine accumulations brazil unusually mudstones intercalation 95mo penik coincide serpentinization reasons tectonism ##rupted ##omorphic 55mn 668 66zn constituent hemimorph ##oirite ##xtap porphyroclasts retain resembl encompass dynamics subsidence european integration juxtap laco disappears displaced geophysics aerial ##ogeierite ascended tibetan monitored absorbed mash dissoci destro fiii convergent 63cu ##ozonal america reconstruct ##oclase fluctuations micrometric percentage postdate petrology randomly ##168 cryptic crypto cycles achieved intersects nucleation karelian grod wilson harzburgitic harzburgites absorbing double impurities embayment romeral carboirite montbray triangle macroscopic fingerprint ghaderi reworking ##aborate undulose penetrative vanadium alegre kıslad miargyrite vife3 alignment interfing aplitic redistribution brunogeierite 144nd centimetre subtypes tasmania voisey lahtinen majiayao pixel solvent scapolite replenish destruction laminae symbols velocity automated 91500 bureau godel jidanping kumtor kachar koryak karpala kochkar mithril mlyb niger nironen something sokol yidun plesovice artisanal chalcostibite measurable δ199hg crosscuts guizhou calaverite researchers uncontaminated hemimorphite montbrayite kısladag 1σ 3f 5g 520 7d 8b 9a aph bip bour buo cas clu cant cheng dop esp fg fund goss gsd ib iib ilı jus junction kin kap kaz lol lig mog mia mps n1 nun oes och oval pond pelite punta rt rag rut rie sov sarb tor tag tons ucc viti wag wilg xi y7 zaj ##ry ##une ##sation ##sis ##stein ##aph ##lin ##lor ##last ##dish ##dynamic ##deco ##ien ##iad ##ggi ##hiku ##mir ##menting ##ool ##cale ##eu ##ev ##eit ##xx ##vally ##2w ##fes ##yla ##wood ##bo ##41 ##jects ##kasing ##66 ##heic ##onous thematic ##inites inward ingress ##enous ##ential ##erme ##orolong ##orheic ##arch ##aroa ##eder ##anen ##anui ##anabie ##osh ##agonal ##idized ##idson ##istic ##istal ##ingly ##octa ##usives ##uskasing conce concept coal cour covers codeco ##igur ##iguous ##terran asia alunite ##aca ##acz depress ##pham ##oma computed ##oping ##sele ##ulfurization stann ##amo ##amite ##ifies ##neath sulfidic ##abs gravity graphe projection ##tency say metaborate colors resolved lowlands hydrodynamic laoj concre reports ##000 enab spaced scmb scarc subun ##racting diaph nept preference norway granob arunta loch melonite ##andine ##illo ##illism intrusives ##ips ##iping ##ipel parr ca2 caution capped micropl agent hexa expan trap masses liq cansi ##apvaal marques ##ighton ##elling twice ack acoite otherwise regimes ##hanti niu ##ifications peru aft crystallographic 101 104 adop crusts complexity recumb noting analyzing limonite ##icking primocryst ##istan underneath appe mantled iridium sn4 respective southwards mgt thicker ##ropic dry titanates titanium origins 156 ##aves generalized desulfurization orthoclase ##ixing correlatives remel 117 ##entified reddish microd 182w ##parts paleosols shears gahn supers cassiterites bruk operation matric matching stands 138 147sm 2005 dots taur creighton ##50c supplied guiy 40168 ##ubric manuk mansur reactive multip ##ferrum select ruorolong ##anned halogen resultant ways transposed albeit zhu ##ocrystic spectrometers polars ##ugou erl 235 ##lingite ##oxidized ##ankyla angel 2018 metalliferous noteworthy 225 2215 endorheic monazites colorless displayed device polym discriminates constraining phenocryst extended focuss ##ragm configur look marker dahal pitch extrap cratonic circle ##dozero pelites 215 bohol paths umt006 residue sided prospectivity kaapvaal pointed sulphur leuco yinji luu selen behave ##ossil globules fe3pt δdfluid depends century subsurface ophiolites tract traces traced qualit eqo certified hamil distances stockworks captured overgrown overgrowing ##akhstan molar pegmatoid analcim discrepan contemporary specifically megacycl 65cu ##ywackes guangzhou yellowish contrasts climatic 737 clustering contemporaneously gth3 ##hua instances begins actual atacamite infilling infiltrating plunges emphasize briartite percolated frequently datasets sodankyla johan neoarchean 9650c pileggi tongue cobre enhance germany jinchuan ##naird dissolve magnesite hematitization synchronously gdn smoky 69ga c281 koillism montebr ##ajunshan realgar occupy reconstruction unexp pseudosection cycle achie missing missanabie bends adcumulates qinglong quebec unmixing terminations pearce 115in buffer chemostratigraphy crackle bolivia doub dunes illum delineated cataclastic dsulfide etched zealand company arkose decrepit decrepitation roberts roberto luminescent trench conjug extrusive crucial nevoria continuum stretching ribbon sx100 almandine plausible unidentified diversity 209bi 121sb 111cd thermochronology elucid laths competent unrelated propagation specularite endowment historical returned mercury gallium ##yssal shoot smooth murihiku alexo bracke pampean rupture phreatic neotethyan shells octahedral antofalla davidson habit mortar otago taylor coffinite department interstices platform scotland apophyses counterparts combustion trivalent 66842 bourn clues funda ilıca kinnaird kapuskasing kazakhstan lollingite sovdozero sarbai viti4 wilgie zajacz ##octahedral course graphene scarcity diaphragm neptune granoblastic hexaferrum recumbent gahnite bruker matrices guiyang manukau dahalajunshan yinjiagou megacyclic koillismaa montebrasite elucidate 1f 2g 3e 460 5d 6d 612 7c a4 a5 aid ats bp ban bag bla bad bang ball bould bai cel cess cand ded ding dot dual fal fam fused gain gond gaps hid hart hold hess ic ios iran ionic jia kes kus kun len lis ling lher lbs linc lengths mv mα mach matur mme maria nc national node oly ping s6 squ sole tol tum tunn wit ward wavy wds wsw xu xoh ƒs ##ras ##rations ##sch ##tt ##lid ##d0 ##dig ##iq ##iomorphic ##granular ##hor ##mag ##mel ##mot ##oo ##oon ##oich ##oting ##cting ##cheng ##xiang ##press ##viz ##vand ##fl ##1a ##ya ##yk ##wob ##wana ##bl ##bel ##borne ##za ##zen ##jian ##58 ##97 ##75 ##78 ##heiro ##tex ##onte ##ini ##inary ##inities ##inheiro ##alen inhib inverse inlet injected ##enes ##orient ##arce ##itoe ##edded ##anpl ##asvaara ##oln ##oling ##atest ##idal ##lete ##leted ##lewood ##isite ##ission ##eline ##ulic ##ulite ##ochemistry ##usamo ##raulic cook ##tering ##izi ##izon forced minas alg aliqu rect ##imeter anate ##luvial maine chon chan chilen beaud ##oms ##ommend compares ##oup stoich ##ichman ##ngenetic ##ifero inca ##nek ##abyssal oru ##ogenesis shifted gravel grande proto projected disloc ##uman ##odong whang criter sealing colli interferences intergranular haizi plain plank plaka veined veio vega cu2 hydration hydraulic strateg typified relate ##iving fei feot feeder ##chun ##chke ##stream inclined washed abi unmetamorph unoxidized ##udes spite spike spikes sc2o3 scarce subarc submic ##oren ##arios ##ariably neogene prevalent norsem northerly ##ficial durang meliad intrag caps haschke microg ##ours agu agate heaz ##ectors indication expand traverse notation ##fort lowering ##rosilite serve overtur overpress marsh zirconium acet charge niels perth perspec crystallizes ##smow recommend monot orogenesis apy aplite bothnian lima amyg greatest prima ##sions ##ountered ##athwa fractionate studying move sheet tims lithostratigraph surv decipher 153 157 easternmost ##avides ##avalent terrig ##ief salv descend desano wherein 128 esm4 outward empa 116 ##entific km3 redstone sequential 189 1850 northernmost midto barot furn naocl separating separately invok invariably stronger wallrock evidenced brathwa oper galinheiro affinities 139 137 141 evolutionary 2007 created cements cementing ceviz graphiteand manner plumes sillitoe determinations hypozonal hypabyssal partitions ##azone probability initiation iiic ##coviscan counts ##ferrosilite selectively uranyl ##auer keep 2500 speculated speculate granodiorites ablated ##mometric argon arguments ##ugal clinopyroxenite offers ##taining turned weaker cmd widths ##omagmatic 223 227 devoid phyllites fills harmot links linking polyphase dolomitic tiny orogenies workers ##rochemical huang ##ustrine reflections darker 5000 syngenetic extract millimetric vii viol vihanti visean grayish uplifts 290 297 school 213 218 incomplete ##mani favour ignition consideration bleaching bleached bleiberg glassy demonstrating ##inders tellurium radius downhole substitutes substituting magnification shares mingling bordered systematics 33s 330 clayton exceptionally thermometer thermodynamic episodic argillaceous apparently subsolid brownish evaluation hypotheses 77se pegmatitic erratic errors offsets drops ##uyuan ##zhangshan megazone centimetric needle lamprophyric ##ridge capable plutonism markedly hotter ivanpl substitutions bald channels heterogeneously serpentinite 90zr breaks segmentation mylon aluminum aluminium explanations metavolcanics petaj petrochemical protracted greatly guangxi oikocrystic archipel channelized retained anticlines 014 53cr camera encountered obviously quantitatively 51v kuusamo facilitate hybridization lacustrine makvand emphasis columns malmani scenarios ironsands aiming quantification webster borate evaporation duluth flood floating rotated networks 8100 forearc runs subtle slurry magnesio embedded helium uza aspect metagreywackes filtered portugal accurately 7063 exposures attes occupies ##untau amalgamated muruntau postdates 4048 melagabbronorites pumiceous unequ warm ##cksele gpa misorient rosie wuhan wuzhangshan mesoarchean dd96md002 efficiently groves 1292 bronzitite fs2 nujiang routine songpan exsolving pyrenean abruptly clapham mirador question ##aselka isoplot problematic cupola arkoses impurity destabilization benavides fibrous luminescing conjunction annealed stabilization nevada clinoferrosilite syenites lycksele ##139 conformable aldan aldridge complicated exactly disturb disturbed scientific truncated langworthy nadoll storuman distillation subgrou constructed hexavalent tourmalinized decarbonized rhyodacite myrmekite scavenging dimensional fifth tdm vapour altitude orthoand telescoping french pristine injections thorough asymmetric challeng accommodated improved transtensional 143nd anorthositic pathfinders grasvally connection quebradas nuggets puncoviscan shizishan obscured rootless palaselga penikat juxtaposition destroyed interfingering doped gossan mogou nunasvaara rieger concealed ##terrane stannite laojunshan concretions microplaty acknowled supersuite tauride erlichman angelo focussed selenium qualitative hamilton analcimolite discrepancy unexposed achieve illumination conjugate bournonite fundamental bangong cessation false gondwana hidden jiaodong lentic linglong lherz lincoln olymp square tumugou ƒs2 ##lidere ##wobble ##lewoodite rectang chilenia beaudoin stoichi whanganui criterion colliwobble planknek unmetamorphosed norseman durango meliadine heazlewoodite perspective terrigenous desanois brathwaite cevizlidere harmotome subsolidus ivanplats petajaselka archipelago makvandi misorientation puncoviscana erlichmanite 1d 1to 2f 3he 4e 440 420 660 9c 9b 950 aes ayd bis bow biv bari bian berg bcr cg c1 cul cra cock cari came dan dos dow dog dram dug dabie dgs ese effic f3 fan fly fiv fsp fitted font fossil fonte gol hd hin hum hut hall hard iin iolite iae jsm ki kur kyr kenn kula lit lone lpl lying mw mot mut mits nit nas nom none nvz n30 od oh om ove oks pin pual pico ponen qi q3 q6 rm r1 row ried rank s4 sides sorted sie sectors tang trough um vg vit vet venting wur wet w15 westerly xks x000 yt zor ƒo2 δf ##rit ##rifero ##uz ##uis ##uum ##uities ##sz ##sha ##solidated ##tl ##tm ##tot ##ave ##lith ##lage ##ns ##nb ##nant ##nerite ##dy ##dan ##ience ##gou ##hr ##hing ##horn ##mg ##map ##cn ##cou ##cies ##cture ##comp ##eted ##eiro ##xing ##pr ##pos ##prov ##vin ##van ##vil ##23 ##24 ##f5 ##fan ##fect ##found ##flon ##yb ##yant ##bric ##zowski ##zuel ##je ##51 ##56 ##kins ##karn ##91 ##σs ##onde ##timi ##reira ##int ##inan ##inels ##inozero ##aly ##aline ##eson ##esite ##enan ##eness ##ery ##erra ##orized ##arm ##arid ##arity ##arang ##arsen ##rol ##rodiorite ##icate ##icou ##edream ##ani ##itecture ##ası ##asco ##ashi ##osol ##oskarn ##olation ##atero ##ider ##isto ##att ##ator ##atro ##atov ##elve ##elites ##ulang ##mpu ##ocr ##usted ##rain coord coales ##ighed ##urrent ##terpre ##ett ##ette ##etamorph ##izov fors alluvial rees reid rece retention ##acive ##acities ##trium ##imet ##lun mad chr cho chicou bead beeson ##omb compact ##outs atlan atoms sulfarsen ##iff ##ifting ##iforn ##ifying incip ##gend ##abaco ##than shore shang shosh grav projects ##odoz fluidal queen whiti sapos methan ##oushan ##iba ##quanshan team tearing teflon collage intercep interrupted haut hainan ##ppe ##ucity reserve cufes contrad contours lowered hydroly strict stratov reli relicts ##ikang ##ivitt feg feand feish ge4 geograph geomorph ##chment ##chka valve ##stra wash law abo abiti unp unless unrec alterations assays phl imbric golden goldfield enl entered spain spacing split indire induce silty scm score subhor subcomp subprov isotropic auand prelim granoph pressed consumption arran ##ador loci ##atahi lateto ##itisation ##illi ##conn heavier carbonated ##unctions corn oblite silicon fair metamorphogenic expose expulsion traps weighed ##ershan ##ersdor modifications mend meter canfield overlie ##aker consistency ##uez ##apa ##apted genie leh lee leave legend pores pozuel ##io4 twelve ##ignific perfect characterizing undep observe signs dominates adds adapted slack slices larsen ##zoisite ##zozowski recalc recover recording commod monov nova orogene preclude analyze underpl apprec ##ayrol mantling fractionating irinozero moz discern discarded tie mgs mg2 mgbnor imperme ##rought dries sheeted decor decoup contrib 158 refers replacive salla salars designed sandw remnant 12a additions outwards precipitates redep microb microbe 183 1812 1840 derive pyritization fo87 1960 ##ctional bodnar generates ##keite flus δ34sσs ferrifero ferreira evidences brf5 brzozowski opti optim sierra matched 131 developing δ18omagnetite standardization medio 2003 distinction ##ogranites centers thinner supply guana ##ublic plug normalization ##oba multivalent situation anatolide produces describes ##ferrodiorite comparative newfound ##liuyuan topography cleaning greenland ##burn ##burgh halides 251 predates variously ##otect stib zhax californ combine combines combinations paucity argument soil polys 231 labtium longshore 172 ##oxide aggregation weakness envis cm3 mtap metallogenetic lithologically universite epidoti amongst solidus solidified 163 166 stere steps ##olcano 2060 biogenic polymic discriminated discriminating exclude radio swit documenting equivocal holland ##tzite coexisted duuring successful histories preserving denser 321 migrate migrating pipedream 285 ##haus ##hajiang vienna circulated 2900 chambers attribute attributes carriers adjust adjusted remobilisation boulang conductive conductivity 27al fisher tensional wollast permo permits sider simon erosional roots 2627 downstream yangchun externally assume assumes leucon hydroxyl solubilities dacites palosa 1990 1991 1993 1994 1998 ##uiyan ordered triggering 332 ridges transmission sharpe promoted groundwater unconsolidated raft raised rahl positioned ##ademi author nnf islands evaluating phosphor cerium droplet favoring qtz1 minimize tholeiite 43ca gashes mpodoz packages instruments fluoride ##continent pinchouts ##arcillo causative lastly burdig sanche ##co2 distinguishable ##juato 85rb morphological oikocryst architecture belonging channeled occasional 005 008 lapilli massifs fennoscandia py1b 1982 1989 superior wnw kumpu analogy plunge sudden exploitation 481 89y undergo fluxing erupted eruptions devolatilized jinding highlands 93nb tongquanshan vancou ##irectional 105pd 7075 mcdivitt running magnesian magnesium palaeoproterozoic pinkish chuershan smokers filter filho quadril 7900 easterly vuggy 1970 197au purplish purposes resistate simultaneous drawn tonnes warmer avoided percolating denote denoted bending geoscience oxyhydroxide monitoring 71ga hongshan hongliuyuan khizov liberated lobe pictures picritic qinghu watson lithogeochemistry pearson mesocumulate glaciated buffering cracking prevents definitions virtually hw1 routin tornos winds window convective compatibly exsolve 205tl catchment frankeite questions problem carry carrying leachates histograms coinciding coincident destabilized batch batches trenches coatings annealing flanking clinozoisite macroscopically stretches brannerite dried duplic fes2 ribeiro served ##gyz andersen ##zhaiyan 3156 akademi ambient ambiguous biga tengchong distilled subgrain hexagonal scavenged turbidites eyes fc2 fc1 frozen hinge hinges vacuum xinzhaiyan ##daloidal presumably traditional troctolite condensed corroborated reopened behaves sporadically waipapa universid viscosity aluminosilicates carefully checked microstructures eurasian himal izmir kerrich mondaca inverted compaction poulin taharoa synorogenic glenburgh targeting incompatibility hypothetical resembling dissociation replenishment sokolov buoyant cantabaco justif n110 ochre raglan ##istala depressurization sayab subunit niuatahi appeared polymorph configuration looking leucoferrodiorite decrepitated ats139 boulder dotted hessite kuschka kunlun listric maturation ##magmatic ##izontal anatectic chanarcillo oruarang feotot overturned overpressure acetone nielsen amygdaloidal 153eu operations 139la violarite magnesiohorn 404811 disturbance lenticular bisulfide bivariate carius dostal dramatic humid hutti iaea kiistala kyrgyz litang mitsero overes oksut ponente riedel sieving wurtzite yttrium zorzone δfmq ##ville chicoutimi sulfarsenides incipient shoshonitic whitish methane hautavaara stratovolcano feishuiyan geographically abitibi unrecogn imbricated indirect subhorizontal subcomplex subprovince preliminary obliterated canfieldite pozuelos ##ignificant undepleted monovalent underplating impermeable microbeam guanajuato newfoundland zhaxikang california polymictic boulangerite wollastonite palosaari mpodozis burdigalian sanchez vancouver quadrilatero khizovaara oruarangi magnesiohornblende 1e 2sd 3g 380 312 4i 480 5h 5e 580 540 5h2o 6f 7li 740 760 8e ai az bx ber bil bold bons babb boliden bilen brought cab cost cct cited cathe c32 ccd dro dene dynam ef eigh ecl emi eales eche fd fra face fits fring fgs gg gases gnan grid gersdor guez ht hoc hly hog harn hok herc hbl ige ital iki js jb jing jig jow jam jord jub junctions king kim kran kond kila kety kola koren ln lm lag lock lec luc lun lame lcz lubric mb mul mom mich mla moss menna nod nels oy oil orob pı ped pad penn qs qd ry ring renn rice sv s5 siti squid sink s15 til tron ters tunc ur uti uav uvc vø vess villa wy wad xia xavier ye ybn yuan yanshan zeng zero zaf μl ##rh ##riv ##rates ##uing ##ung ##uangshan ##uera ##tan ##tors ##toria ##ahe ##aude ##lides ##nor ##nick ##narb ##dh ##dat ##day ##iams ##iency ##gd ##gsi ##hab ##hui ##mically ##moidal ##matitic ##oil ##ojiang ##cb ##cis ##cts ##core ##cell ##carbon ##ei ##xia ##po ##pot ##poin ##vap ##vio ##246 ##fol ##feng ##farb ##1ta ##yor ##yres ##yang ##yko ##wal ##waz ##wald ##westerly ##bor ##ball ##back ##bium ##bela ##bago ##btd ##bauer ##47 ##400 ##412 ##zel ##zones ##ja ##ket ##kara ##kistan ##92 ##610 ##74 ##83 ##tell ##onomic ##tiary ##tiform ##tized ##rend ##reted ##reau ##requis ##rett ##inb ##inment ##inately ##ali ##alo ##alach inference inherent offer ##ested ##enge ##enites ##erd ##erture ##orago ##atile ##arms ##rotin ##ica ##itr ##ita ##itz ##itak ##itability ##itoba ##anca ##asi ##asse ##asant ##asitu ##oster ##olian ##agcl ##ishes ##atation ##atment town today thous ##uli ##uling ##ulent ##uleng ##ustite isa ##ravel ##rado come comes cotectic comagmatic ##igou ##uri ##ural ##urite ##uralian ##etary ##etskaya ##etnam ##izable asc aside alta alice rehe ##acu ##acal ##acrys ##active ##acial ##actinolite ##ilu ##ild ##ilasitu ##imf depict depicts an69 ##pha ##otation ##otang ##lurob ##lucent cha chi chad chips magne ##ockwise bears ##eres suom suitability ##oming ##omel ##ometamorph ##sey ##oua ##ouman attic stated static staude ##ticed ##ticol ##economic ##nggar ##amar ##amination ##arta ##ney ##new fluvio ##gement ##mally ##oga shir grare prote proustite disk ##umann ##umber ##tens ##rants quick quanta said metre metric ##ouse ##ibi ##quet seas sebago intergl onshore happ haura hawai ##assen ##antan ##uced rests resone ##eneities hydrocarbon ##lade relic geand geotect ##chuan valence ##stable ##stand laok ab40 ab42 abnor ab412 unity unfort unravel unstable concretionary evapor evans ##udinal republic ##utter ##utahi ##00f ims imin clath goldfarb ens enter enables spir spongy spider indus industr scre scope richly subset subzones ##orer concentrating diach dioctahedral dioxide prevail pretoria prerequis nord ##spit consens arm ##adonite melan melatro ##anda ##itian ##illon ##conc ##reny parap ##so2 ##soidal cave agrees hein hetero heights ##uni ##unately ##ologies ##tinela maintained objec beliss expelled 202 web weigh weilasitu ##ersed ##ersaline modally modest modelling suggestion suggestive liqu mej serrotin overth ##ueira mars martite maruleng poorer ##eller twins regularly complementary upg uptak 106 plagi ##ctolite undere domes dominating dominance ads laronde olt crusader crushing crustiform ##estment epoch accreted noble notice noticed metaluminous ##dington apical aperture ##ilee applying appalach ##ayan ##ovite treatment representation majorand mokop ti4 corrego imprin thickest ##ropical drives driving ##arer ultimate lithic surficial decade 159 refine replicate territ tertiary equant ##iep design orthopyrox orthomagmatic sandspit peat measuring 126 127 transuralian translucent outline finer ##ffite westernmost mushes microtex drillcore 181ta paleomagnetic ##lised monzogranites ##cled foils ##ualin 1900 1980 derivatives deformational supra ##sko ##skite negatively nappe naagcl disposed crosses idiomorphic flush flotation ##cristo metasand ferrug involve investment brings graphitization galmo 136 1333 homogeneity 148 1400 medrado 2001 doom taojiang localization possess create lasting centinela thinned electric supposed suppress guo 4015 ##ubetskaya bounding manitoba ##ulties hypersaline producer fourteen 305 garnets anhydritic rimmed sm0 insignificant keays timeball ##okou 7065 7057 silicaand special transporting eastward ##osphere zhong ##ushi parallels polyd erron thermometric 237 23na 170 175 1750 1780 ##oxene reduces documents anglade mmui laminations anorthitic ##oscale metallogenesis ##incor grows predominately recognizable epidosite solidification 162 169 xenotimes pulver devitr exhibited intrudes excav radial cdt cdp swarms tint diameters geochronometer outcome works huge batholiths markers horst ##ricorn 323 327 miguel migmatitic fragmented tarmo ##fe2 2800 2860 cratons millimeter vietnam circum evenly schw scharer version calibrate calibrations distinguishes remobilize bois williams limitation fission fissure favoura nanling cannington permit permiss 860 ##timo clustered differentiates losses kawaz logs radii radiometric 262 266 ##ussalmi leucogranite leucoxene 353 356 3500 faraday incorporates ##lineau segregations powell ##imeters heterogeneities palaw triggers 334 336 globular ridley troilite supercri promising promoting pleasant planetary backgrounds delamination interlayer fe3o4 argillization raises raahe δdh2o δdsmow temporarily accelerated digenite dashu kinetics purple purcell tracers ##30f chlorine phosphoric ipueira strand tendency csiro supportive accounted qtz3 rosebel seismically cape capability capricorn donggualin 386 ##2si detectable molten portimo pirquitasite ##agoorago fluorine fluoritization difficulties tectonometamorph cleavages focusing rifted hornfelsed removes names ##cooling constituting distinguishing hyal protocol 8545 8530f purely fillings esi lzc retre tonalitic intrafol camgsi wavelengths divide divides freiberg ##jiayuan grabens 370 49ti instability entrapped entrainment differing 1985 boxes hills seventeen geometric supplemental tungst megacrysts analogs analogue infills infilled infiltrated 423 47ti junggar debris exceeded acquire ##yindi ##ismuthite discordia discordance ##ostratigraphy 8000 aims falling bluish john jinman ##jiaday statistically neoarch discoveries tongjiayuan discontinuities enhancing melagabbronoritic parameter cyclical 987 passively rlsz vesicular argentite gradients horizontally hematitized milky uzbe alaska c232 c282 cherts tellurob ##weg coastline headland montecristo 7066 airborne bayinb domeyko tubes realized uniformly occupying prevented 140ce peridotites reconstructed suscep sustain ##arbonate detachments fluctuation resistance carbonatitic 88sr draw ##worthite spherules scans periphery icpmsdat misery ##after slowly handpicking boudreau libs lobes lobato wille terminal orthogneiss pearl buffered manganiferous 74ge dunitic sigmoidal sessions exsolves remarkably turbulent edifices ellipsoidal dsapatite etching francis mirabela isoprobe revised companies validate carries geothermometers embayed 5126 federal reviewed stabilize extrusion twinned smectites syenogranite establishing 404809 09btd branch dupuis lyubetskaya anderson reworked atbashi plausibly unidirectional undulatory thermochronological damage damaged niobium tuned construct propagated tourmalinization hyperarid endowed historically migmatites build building myrmekites turbiditic categorized dimensions eye frost fifteen xinjiang altitudes antithe interplay springs presumed traditionally 103rh preceded 195pt condensation telescoped boudinaged corroborates h2te lesher okiep walters rendered reopening metapelite metapelites sporadic 146nd transpressional eliminate polygonal aluminosilicate briefly eurasia costin jinshajiang mimic ongoing rodrig thmsg ala246 reinterpre shaded shadow geolas ladoga caal2si trachyand weihed 108pd 190os manifest manifested lineament lineaments argutite hollingworthite technology rafts constituents encompasses aphyric biplot chengbu espoo ligands wager enabled expansion 101ru multiply 235u pitchblende extrapol doubly smoothing bracketing 460and banxi bladed bairend celadonite deduced kesterite mvt tunnels aliquots chonolith abiyindi intragranular capsules microgranular recommended monotonous movements lithostratigraphic 157gd furnace invoked 141pr floodp unequiv subgroups challenging acknowledged olympus stoichiometric 6605 barium bianjiaday cockade dogan dugald efficiency flysch golfe hinuera motutahi vetreny ##lithic forsterite received atlantic contradict strictly reliability goldfields ##connected fairly menderes perfectly commodities appreciable decoupled microbial optimal 172yb phosphorus routinely duplicate justify polymorphs kyrgyzstan overestim stratovolcanoes unrecognized bilenker cathelineau denele dynamically eclog echelon ggimf gnanagoorago gersdorffite guezouman hocartite hoggar harno hokka hercyn jowett jubilee kondyor ketyet korenaga lecumber lucassen lamego multicol moment mossbauer orobic pınarb rennes sitio s155 trondh terskey tunceli utilised vøring yanshanian ##acrysts chadacrysts magneti suomussalmi shirmp interglacial hauraki resonetics ##standing laokuangshan ab421 unfortunately diachron consensus melatroctolite belissont weilasituo serrotinho uptake appalachian mokopane territory ferruginous galmoenan tarmoola favourable kawazulite palawan supercritical dashuang tectonometamorphic intrafolial freibergite neoarchaean uzbekistan tellurobismuthite icpmsdatacal francisco 09btdd0 bairendaba bianjiadayuan gnanagooragoo lecumberri pınarbası trondhje 1k 2h 4d 4f 412 415 5f 510 530 680 630 7g 7f 711 8d aud ade aote akan bs bing bus bom bous bout bagu buss bonn baker cc c4 cad chemis dt dp d5 dor dus dim ero eig eth euc edition equid eme ejection f6 fent fred fand fix fift fila fmq foster gv gf gj get gase gree gill gull grim gains gera gind gigan hen hud held hout hind hco iab iber ize jer jol jul job japp jaw kr kel kip kep kris kyan kays klim k74 lg lc let lop lach lann luan lind life mature mik mole mile mug moshan n0 nak n12 nomen n100 n70 ov oz oulu p2 p3 pou pand pull poth pann push puk pantan qip ri r0 ris rab rely rud rip rub ross rules rises sf s8 sen sag sis sent sure shed sight sio sonn sio3 tit tip tall vu va vill void w6 wra wuch w11 w14 xl xz xue xxx yar yan yel zo zk zhe zimb zinn γos σfe ##rf ##rich ##rive ##rill ##right ##rift ##rka ##rasion ##ua ##uf ##uw ##utical ##ufficient ##ujarvi ##su ##sig ##side ##tta ##ael ##aou ##aho ##aquit ##lt ##l2 ##len ##lod ##lore ##lance ##litude ##nic ##naya ##d1 ##dam ##ii ##iom ##iations ##gf ##gon ##gner ##his ##hai ##huas ##house ##mu ##mas ##mium ##mater ##mouth ##mixed ##moto ##mosphere ##oit ##oke ##obs ##oured ##col ##cipit ##ciss ##cella ##co3 ##eg ##eh ##em ##emp ##eism ##xian ##pin ##pel ##pris ##phere ##probe ##parta ##vo ##vine ##vass ##vay ##volved ##29 ##28 ##fy ##fon ##fine ##flow ##fkara ##qi ##qv ##qia ##115 ##132 ##yaz ##ymite ##ymetric ##31 ##37 ##win ##wan ##with ##bas ##bour ##48 ##jie ##junction ##jiping ##53 ##55 ##kl ##kou ##kinel ##61 ##68 ##600 ##tek ##teent ##tera ##tech ##onk ##onne ##ontin ##tiao ##titization ##reous ##revers ##inar ##inis ##inia ##incl ##inder ##inish ##alkal ##albie ##alabor inland inyl inspec inev ##esse ##enz ##enges ##enval ##eri ##erce ##eria ##erhaus ##orb ##orge ##oriniemi ##atiti ##arra ##arad ##arman ##roy ##rotr ##rook ##itudinal ##anz ##aned ##anitic ##anico ##anche ##asc ##asus ##asia ##ashan ##astically ##osited ##ostruc ##olar ##olun ##oluble ##agg ##aggreg ##idel ##idine ##lector ##isc ##istered ##istill ##atut ##atoidal ##enthal ##ithified isomorph isometric isparta ##rah ##raded con0 coop coined coad copre coya deion ##ige ##igenic ##iguing ##urate ##urred ##urri ##urides ##teralen ##izuo forward forien forcella asl astim aseism mindan minette alap alpha areal ##owang reich requ reappear rechar ##acia ##tras ##trate ##tries ##trdd ##iled ##ilanen ##tsdam ##heras depic anor anis anast antim an72 an76 ##phased ##otyp ##otomog ##lung maia choc chain chose chief child magistral magino beau beyss beige ##yritization suk sutures ##yses ##ysel ##yscale ##omay ##omena ##omechan ##omosing compens compelling ##opp ##opyritization ##secu atx atten atok atana atmosphere stack ##ichard sulfates ##eces ##ecular incre incid incoming ##arton fluvi exert exemp ##abian ##abwe ##ablan ##abaga ##abonne ##thorn ##thmann ##thonous sharing shared shrin shitian sharman shabaga graded proph disreg disme disrupted disjunction disaggreg ##odified quar quies quoted whak crd cruz sauss saint ##quan tep tegner quartzof seques search ##iring coloured intermedi interven intermineral interior platy ##ucasus resorption cuger lowers hydromag ##ongshan hydrofrac ##orites relief ##iki ##ikvass ##ivi ##ivet ##ivity ##ivaara feas betts geo geographic geji ##chi ##chored valle ##styk highand laz land laitak laowang abud aberd abrasion abanico unan unified uneconomic concurrent evia evolves ##utas phon phalabor clar clockwise bases baseline spl splay spinels indio scarp scaling scoon ##ried usa uses subang subequ subzone subterrane subalkal concentrically isother ##cang neill neves ##ado ##ading locate laterite melange melanges ##mbly ##mbered ##mboidal ##andel ##angir ##angbo ##iller associates intriguing park ##sored caf caw caand caucasus aged agnew hemis hefe healed carbonation carbonatation ##unk corrid corrive ##tinent maintaining ##yroxenite trav 202hg volcanics weick wehr sugar modelled li2o meet canyon ##formably overysel ##uea ##apı ree3 leica lefkara martin potsdam ##ioff ##iotis ##ello ##ellar acts acting actively sedimentological registered complemented ##raphy allanite sphalerites traceable perkinel pertinent afm afc upright upflow crystallised 10a plagiod assembly slit slop slick slice sloping crusher differently skour sklod recoil commens monche accretion nooit thereafter mayer precord precluding precludes bothwell amaz amoe amade grew greyscale ##iley alongside underlies underlie appinites ##acht ##acha ##ayvay ##eldspathic ##tryoidal ##ralan ##ovsky irvine irrevers sn2 ##ortment ##2o8 mo6 moord moilanen discoun tiomay interprets southwesterly mgp improb imposs ##rope drag dryn drastically faces facts shetian tourmalinite proved lithification ##loot ##look oxidization oxidize decimetric ##enshan patten 1513 1517 skarnified refined refining ##ieti salts salsig sett setup descent pend pepper ironstone reminis amplitude ##hores 12c 1200 1210 1280 transform continue ##ynthe ##ynology outlier finish fineness 11c 1150 ultramafics precipitations microdiorite microcontinental microincl 1810 1830 paleoto midcontinent postulated δ34 bark infers ##clature 194 ##henocrysts δ13 abovementioned definite calculating δ34ss δ34sv δ34sfluid δ34svc interacting cumulative extents ##layers brighter crustally sihui mat25 graphic affil alkalis 13c 134 1350 develops 149 media ##amphib mixes distinctions distinctively localisation xenomel characterisation censored electrons absciss δ18oactinolite guide guacha 4010 ##uba ##termost manjia manuf pty reacting plugs ##ishing ##ishaw ##ometry sillto ##roscopic multiphase footprin ##azh lineage cools 504 potter characteristically curved synop trioctahedral intact counted county contaminating southernmost newmont muscovitization ##lieren topics ##heses ##issance likewise insubric insufficient insoluble greenfield goyaz interstitially identifies identifiable halko uraniferous uraninites classical classifies 252 256 257 2580 predicts speciation transpressive ##gmatoidal zhou zhai approximated hfs hfses discusses caled calama coupling ablating photog ##spectral argide so4 so42 extensions pollu clinoch 233 labmater turkey longitudinal petrographically 176 1791 ##oxing deeply elqui oceans laminar lamellar grown gneissic schistose predominate closest recognize 221 2200 2250 161 165 ends endoskarn amphiboliteto mueller stead opened isochores harbour qz4 polyphased phenomena ##othermal excludes bathymetric radon ##endonk dolomites nwr slabs cordiller structured ##lice medians shallowing shallowly mechanical hollow holistic ybcn influences 39k 875 confid confining hui huaka huthmann loop singular successively horiba 32s circled dahu ##venites ferrous volatileand isochrons revealing tarat ##fe3 extracting 282 284 internally millimeters tetrad tetrahedral 299 298 2950 thrusted greenschistto bao 245 247 2460 24mg hg0 pellets schorl schlieren greisenized illustration 211 boz botryoidal periodic 272 2775 tenien ignored ignacia stibnites nanoscale nanotomog tellerhaus resident residence permitted simonen alternation alternate microphenocrysts bleikvass differentiate log10 diffract pointing sulphid 264 2600 2680 2632 downs tabulated tabei pseudo 352 354 359 farther farms morales moritz magnet sandsloot aurora takes ##vester flattening shahab shaoxing widest 755 7500 nets neto palynology 1992 1999 199hg 45sc 4000 335 ledges 1803 ##ochthonous assessing superterrane thermomechan thermally dilational issues unconventional unconstra deliver thirteen spectroscopic panel substrate kinetic featured authigenic chloritoid nno chondritic hypothesized ipc strained csul ##zhong flaky changzhou unlithified lamprophyres pierce pieces ##saw tlse ##minating procedural 387 433 954 fugacities balkan balanced molnar molasse molecular stars starts timescale ##upingao fluorination tectonized 44ca tennesse ##ruption naturally interbeds removing 31p 316 3100 666 papers sanidine progression granulitic haloes shorter guangji pacana pacquet tonalites wangxiang wangrah anticlinal 004 fujian robert synthes synthesis grn nist610 prichard contemporaneity reproducible 347 3600 gth1 kalliom begin py1a 1983 1984 1986 1987 victor ##tineberg geometrical directional mobilisation 99ru popular tantal ##113 connects facilitates facilitating integrating 428 lanthan lacn makheras terrain emphasizes supergroups malachite reconna undergoing 193ir displacing frequent 414 417 falls fronts frontera fluxes exclusive unknowns approached applications quantified quantify porphyroblastic jiangshan jiangxi kbars kb132 ##d002 ##jiabian ##omatically stresses microanalyses synchrotr loading 527 629 borralan tongjie xflash ##chek diamonds floated floats lianyuan pillans velasco advoc advant advances 7072 7079 parentheses masl mangweg vesteralen ##lagen fe2o3tot palaeosol confirming 72ge autoliths ddh ##uerqia readers collared collahuas ##ladic fiiia nanoparticle pseudomorphic pseudomorphically luzon 638 bolangir c231 escap nuclides teloua ##osecond compounds intracontin bronces richest tubular ##aspro occupied controversy economy substantially housed fluctuating laurasia corona replacements ultrafine postdating definitive independently drain dravite unevolved warming rhodium 125te plumbing cycladic percolate misc wuhua ##nesburg ##gedacht extinct activation lithoclasts mesoand repetitive nucleated symplectic arabia lobate ##while unmixed unmodified ppgeand addressed terminology employing 113in predictive relevance promotes intracrystalline crenulated woodburn tephras 2054 xenolithic fragmentation δ65cul delineate delineating mccoy moved ngatut problems resetting leachate gaojiabian jasperoid beni benioff czech fibers sylvester carbide overviews triangular syenitic enclave decompressional helpful 404801 fingerprints dripping duplex linz conformably anions truncating repeatedly kırka miar putative raster tuning tengtiao vife2 ##tibility storage unreal 1966 rhyodacitic hyperprobe hyperspectral summarize summarizes centimetres subtype categories listvenites sibson siberian vacan antiform shoots interpolation envelopes preceding anglesite umt365 umt366 troctolites muriwai boudinage bitlis frenzel prisms vectoring wrr walther xiangcheng xiangzhong injecting thorium ashwal annular transtension waipa 178hf anorthosites polygons viscous superprobe quebrada intermittently costech himu mimics mondaquit ongatiti practice rodinia inversion reinfor reactor compacted geolaspro ladinian poulsen 107ag transects cleaned swells hollinger targeted incompatibly rafael nigeria sokolovskaya aphanitic espin rutland ruthenium torsion xiuw y730 enabling adopted remelted remelting microdrill microdistill johannesburg robertson bracketed bagas badu ballard machali pingxiang tolstyk ##melt inhibited algoma incaic gravels dislocation strategy submicron submicroscopic aguablan expanded survive salvy salvador descending 137ba incompletely mylonites mylonitized websterites attests attested questionable thoroughly lherzolites rectangle aydar bowen culminating kennedy mwm mutually nominal odds ohmoto omitted qiupingao troughs vitreous ##gouand ##ocratic coordinates ##imetre shorelines intercepts cufes2 hydrolysis washout enlar granophyric recalculated discernible mgsio3 driesner contributing sandwiched redeposited 1839 flushed optimize polysynthe envisaged 163dy 166er stereographic successfully leuconorite 1970s universidad himalayan leucoferrodiorites indirectly billets bonson costabonne eighteen framboidal fringe igem italy jigsaw james jordanite kimber kranendonk kilauea locked lubrication mb0 nodules nelson pedip paddington svet wyche wadati ##point ##fengshan ascertain reheating chaotic attico protected quickly seasonal happened hawaiian geotectonic ab401 abnormally clathrate spiral industrial prevailed prerequisite ##illonia heinrich heterolithic weighing mejillonia overthrus marschik plagiogranite underestim adsorbed noticeable 1980s naagcl2 flushing polydymite erroneous devitrified permissive strandline hyalophane retreat tungstate bayinbuluke susceptibility willemite buildup antithetical rodrigues reinterpret shadows caal2si2o8 trachyandesite floodplain eclogites multicollector magnetitite diachronously trondhjemite adequ aotea akanani bingham bombs bousera boutroy baguio bussink bonnet cadmium diminish eigenval emeishan fentou fredes fixation fifty gfz gaseous greece grimaud gerais gindalbie gigantic hindered izegouand jersey jappila kipushi kristineberg kyanite kayseri klimm lopolith lannigou luanchuan mugla nomenclature pandan pannello pantanosa qipanshan rabayrol rudnick sonnenthal titration tallberg vuoriniemi wuchuan xzmp yarlung zhejiang zimbabwe zinnwald ##fontein ##teenth inylchek inspection cooperite coprecipit deionized astimex aseismic mindanao alapieti requiring ##trdd0 anastomosing ##otype chiefly childress magistralnaya beaufor beyssac attenu stacked fluviatile shrink shitianfan disregarded dismembered saussurite quartzofeldspathic intermediary cugerone hydromagmatic gejiu laitakarite laowangzhai abuduerqia aberdeen phalaborwa subangular subequal hemisphere hefei corriveau wehrlite perkinelmer plagiodunite slickens sklodg commensurate moncheite nooitgedacht precordillera amazonite amoeb amadeus ##ayvayam irreversible tiomayo impossible dryness shetianqiao salsigne reminiscent microinclusions δ34svcdt mat253 manjiazhai manufac goyazite halkoaho clinochlore huakaizuo teniente nanotomography tellerhauser bleikvassli shahabi thermomechanical unconstrained tennessee kalliomaki reconnaissance synchrotron mangwegape collahuasi intracontinental ngatutura tengtiaohe mondaquita xiuwacu microdistillation tolstykh aguablanca polysynthetic eigenvalues abuduerqiaolun 0h 050 065 012 0h2o 0na 1s 2s 2o 2θ 2to 2au 2cu 2h2o 2h2s 3s 3h 3to 3fe 4s 4h 4k 465 410 411 5i 5cp 5pl 6h 690 780 720 8f 833 ah ail ake aval austr aks akin aqi bv bot bass bond bacter benn batter boss berme bauer barton bazh cus cph cart cuc crow cels camb cams c14 dm df dag dage dab dang dap deng dub dai duch dna eg eh ec e1 ew eag ems egm ecu eolian eilu ekl ft fq fb fen fas fel fum ferg funn flet falla fras f75 fidel gx gon gent gam gab gatic gand gren gour gun grin gna giving gcb hp hes hit han his hul hus hom hage hins hod hect hue hither hann hira hoe hanning hrees hoy hbr hvc hatt i2 iti ire iand jag jet jian jap jorn jama kg ky kre ker kle kot kys kres kut kath kens kink klic kama koe kern lr lt lp l7 lо lon lal lot lif lod lyd lined larn lyn leng lift luo lsc lense lrees leco loma lomb l400 m3 mω mti mts mian mack mist m50 mdu mald myk nis nim nik nav nps nald nodes naga natt o4 ost orac oun oven pg pv pq pw pon ply pere pich puc pang pange pole pound pest pick pons pcu pric pira pheng puy pump pinn picking panned qp qil qion qingshan r2 rig rising roles rita sg s0 sq s9 s7 sac sam sant sabb seng somp ssr satis ts tn tc tq t3 tuc tso tap tick tort tamp tlm tann tmt tio3 tio4 tropical uy uit uand umber utm vag vat vil vib vity vand vast vign vial v2o3 vital vsmow wo wq w7 wen wack wav winc w10 w25 winn waned xe xw xing xtal xie xcu xpl xishan xushan xiao xiping xmap xgf ys yag yam yard y2o3 yink y80 yering zu zw zim zou zart zamb zhes ziy zangbo δmineral δxx ##ror ##rally ##ride ##rring ##uhe ##uate ##ule ##uter ##uqu ##uang ##uela ##ujia ##ujo ##uoma ##s8 ##sing ##say ##syl ##slagen ##tx ##tb ##typ ##tons ##tory ##tants ##aol ##aign ##aust ##awa ##aoping ##lg ##lant ##lian ##lill ##lific ##lane ##labs ##no ##nc ##nal ##nel ##nom ##nold ##night ##nites ##n11 ##nife ##dly ##dated ##dgl ##dd00 ##dioritic ##dini ##diff ##drift ##iate ##iac ##iere ##iogenic ##iosp ##iela ##ihu ##iographic ##ihua ##gu ##gа ##gow ##gass ##gfor ##gression ##gdong ##gasi ##hic ##had ##hia ##hak ##homog ##haz ##halite ##mr ##mor ##mid ##mil ##mins ##mia ##mative ##mak ##mond ##menite ##mons ##maz ##miao ##mlin ##menshan ##oi ##o1 ##o8 ##oen ##oot ##off ##oep ##ook ##oiberg ##cas ##cla ##come ##cay ##clo ##cup ##cceed ##current ##ey ##ek ##eis ##eep ##eterm ##egl ##eathering ##xr ##xcu ##xuan ##xhg ##pu ##pa ##pi ##pc ##piment ##pia ##peng ##poration ##plier ##von ##vic ##vsky ##viron ##vinc ##volving ##vo2 ##vuoma ##03 ##2b ##2000 ##fu ##fi ##far ##fold ##fang ##fers ##fring ##foot ##qin ##18 ##1hg ##yte ##yus ##yram ##35 ##3uc ##346 ##wer ##wed ##wuling ##ben ##bite ##bul ##bly ##bad ##bank ##bult ##basite ##bayrol ##brook ##zk ##zong ##zale ##zens ##zela ##js ##jor ##jud ##jad ##jde ##jau ##jiaba ##jishan ##jno ##54 ##500 ##ked ##kine ##khan ##kangas ##konen ##keli ##kapı ##knife ##976 ##699 ##85 ##ıc ##ıkes ##heet ##heren ##heavy ##hevsky ##tes ##tec ##tetra ##onos ##onally ##onable ##onto ##onites theba ##tition ##tiated ##titic ##tious ##tide ##tio3 ##tio4 ##tidal ##tikangas ##recc ##refring ##inic ##inion ##initic ##alk ##alve ##alies ##along ##alens ##alysis ##almia ##nda ##ndi ##ndong inac inad infor inex inject inversely inlayers inlice anding ##estite ##esch ##enitic ##enberg ##enko ##encing ##environ ##eritic ##erning ##oro ##oring ##orith ##orical ##orio ##atization ##aric ##arith ##aray ##aruite ##roic ##icy ##ication ##icup ##iton ##itor ##itas ##itus ##itter ##itch ##itsk ##itoph ##itational ##itake ##itney ##eds ##ede ##edam ##edder ##anes ##anian ##anides ##anone ##aniemi ##anco ##anova ##anza ##anuni ##asis ##asivaara ##oser ##osel ##osla ##osilicate ##osedimentary ##osurface ##olon ##olic ##olten ##olivine ##olae ##agan ##agher ##agne ##agast ##agalo ##ided ##idates ##idolite ##idiomorphic ##lean ##leum ##lected ##level ##leqv ##isis ##isher ##isely ##isik ##isovskaya ##atus ##atable ##atational ##atomagmatic toul tome tocop totor totx ##elting ##ents ##entation ##entory thrown thtot thco2 thiosp ##ulty ##ulgar ##ulskite ##mpe ##mping ##mpered ##oche ##ocation ##ocus ##ocally ##ocused ##ocarbonate ##ocaoping ister isob isomorphic ##rand ##ramm ##rading ##rabayrol cong concep contig contend consecu convinc co3 coming cooke copia deer deks deals ##igong ##urum ##urst ##urance ##urgy ##terberg ##terior ##romet ##etat ##ether ##etted ##etolv ##etallic ##urek force foram asi aster astra mind al3 alle aliv alder alton aluk al2s aloh arenites ##oweathering reed reader rejected ##vection ##vember ##acles ##aches ##trance ##trdd00 ##ilai ##ilmenite ##imim ##imoy ##tsk ##tsev ##tsburn ##hery deportment depaol anu ant anox an65 an40 an60 anchored ##phylite ##ota ##otches ##otoushan ##lue ##lund ##lume mapper maaves maocaoping maotoushan chim chich chap champ chink chinch chao chongy chutas ##ionite magalies bear beard beiy succeed sunda ##omulti ##omants ##omiro comprom compex compli computer ##sected ##outa atop attained attain attaining ##ulfed stops storm stdgl stanides rockall ##ecu ##ecess ##ecrep ##ngall ##ngoing ##amine ##amme ##amaki ##ammit ##ifferen incong incision ##artfontein existed existent exoskarn exagg ##abuna ##abolic orpiment ##thur ##thalmia ##ogle ##ogether shan shred shms shmb shiping shifting grand figures prosp proff progen proceed prolific ##vertent dism discon disconnected dissected ##umen ##umasu ##tened format fluidization ##ranite ##ranitic quasi qugasi whalen whitney cristal sax saw ##ighting ##ighbor metac metad ##ibl ##ibles ##ibut ##ibilities ##inea ##ineering ##quity ##quak ##quilib teap tehery quartzand sev segm ##irs ##irre ##ir10 ##irborne cole colder interdu intercrystalline interconnected intertek interruption onward haa hay haw haap hampered plains plays pluri vehic ##ppard ##assified ##ostasis ##uchen resis resides resolving resolve zonal zonations cue curac cuto cuiy cunc sulfideand composes lowand oregon hydros hydrohalite striation striations ##lai ##lapel collect relay ##iked ##ikov ##ikvan ##ikoushan feather femt pyriteand ##entration ##entrum ge2 geore gefe geodes geza george ##chberg ##changed vallance ##strom inclination highs lai laval laeter lazh laura lafl abraded uns unable unreas unamb united untyp unchanged concludes concerning ##udang ##utz ##utors ##uttering ##utosel analimim asser assump assurance phoen cline cloud cliq clarity cliff ##ystals enig enable enters entrance spi splays spanning spry sputter spiked sputtering ##iveira indo indentation scmp scum scree scabb sciss scott scanned ##rie ##riilmenite usp usual richmond subto subround suboph subbas subtidal sublevel ##ariro ##essed ##ractive diap diode nee neand neares nejde neighbor au3 augen pref prema premetamorph preconc ##iana normative ##spyrite graniti pressur pressing conserv carap carls carlin carnic cardiff art arriv arlt arthur contentious ##adi ##aden ##adag ##adier ##roxrf ##hematite durham pbo melita ##mbana ##andag ##andong ##androv ##itidal ##anga volcanosedimentary ##rogen ##ipation ##ipment ##ipico ##ipeg ##rents parat parad capping microxrf ##oury formational formationis agcl agglomer hey hekou hendong ##unerite ##ologically corrosion cortex corvo coranz corporation ##tini hoskin fails faint failed calcitic calcites ##ervised indications express expands trail ##ardeis notwith ##deley ##deman ##demir 2020 ##forward weis weather weights ##tool differential modify suggestions ##lling liuy memor ##rosive serrin seriate analyse overlook overnight overcome ##aks ##aken ##akan ##akai ##akane ##akino ##akivi ##apiro ##apoh reequilib itabuna genalysis lep leeds marly marls martine marjor poi pools po72 poured ##io5 southerly acd actin accept secular secretion regulation regressive complements charts charges charged perform perple perimeter peritidal perapoh characterizes updated crystallising 10d 10x 1019 zns zno zn2 ##alehe plagioclases undated undulating undisc undifferen signify doming chrome chromian adding adits adela admixed advection slater oloy oliveira skin epd epi commenced commerc mono monocl hostrocks notion noise november sourcing orogens precluded precisely meltvapor chlorites apex apfu likeli analyte limiting ames amandel greves prime primed primocrysts ##iston ##taishan undercut undercooling append ##achi ##achab poses posterior metamorphically minorand manto mantles proponent proposes treating fractionations irmm irish irresp irrad irhaz snf ##cpy ##2o6 mo4 motiv mohak brea brembana southto correcting rhomb presentation impover implant igcas blurred blanco blotches ##ropy welling drc drying drifting facing ##areg ultras titanate titanhematite sheppard tima timolar timmins tourmalines provok surpris ##lotr ##lots ##lored oxidative northto ##etrical 152 151 1516 biotitization deforming ##ava ##aved biotites biotiteand equipment originates salmil salikvan generalization pezz wtn ##ixie ironand ultrac remolten ##hoi ##hoop ##hood ##hotsk 1250 1230 1281 1270 1228 12jad transient transgress transferred transgression transcurrent transfers pyrope ##yna sericiteand outgass fining waterhouse 11b 1100 1130 ##entile stratification stratified ##elsior microf microto microspect 186 1820 paleocl paleoweathering verma vermic verify veritas barrig barrett monzodioritic pd7 pdge pyritic ##clic ##clath ##classified foil fored foitite 191 1930 derivative ##4sio4 supersaturated supervised negates negros neglected naoh nautical defocused flame flipped flincor ##crystals lightfoot μmol δ34sg osi ferriilmenite invading inventory brt brn bring brits optically oploc opinion coarset si4 siika abundantly matsu galan standing alkalic 133c 13trdd00 bandurri 142 1410 1494 δ18ov δ18ocarbonate ##bda ##ampled 2001a doe dozens molybdenites taj taox tailing taishan taihua localised solar solutes xenocryst xeno1 possibilities ##inaibi characterises cream creates explore exploring lasted ce2o3 ceased electrical illitization firm rarer supplying guy guanshan guanda guinea 402 406 ##ubian ##ubduction ##termoser manque manually managa manville manegl pt2 reacts reactivity mnand normalizing ##obrecc ##inifera methodologies hypidiomorphic lineations ##atino 50l describing potaka curtin curious iiia synand synkine arsenopyritization 301 30to triphylite ##tives ##tiveness comparatively valueir10 newwa topic smelting ##hester ##issa ##max ##majarvi insulating pressured estimations rule ##burgite homogenously goe goal gover google halted halide classifying correspondence kempe westwards 704 7080 7040 7046 7045 7056 7083 7037 coevolving 255 predated predecess speck specie transports backarc deplete depletions pyroxeneand stirring albitoph experiences approximation ##ylene ##ennan ##aneous ##aneously tuareg couple photomulti paasivaara totals argues argentine mesozonal mesostasis soon soak ##nessed polarity pollen polishing policy ##ugo erm er2o3 2300 2350 particle ifp ##cuk transitioning interspersed dy2o3 labram labels longmen longtan longstanding ##yancy petrographical 173 177 1790 1726 deepest fewer surrounds timings elan lammas lambda mty ##rington ##tonen blacksand bedard metallurgy larga paragneiss lithologic predominates recognise solids 228 2246 investigating 16o 168 1680 ##stituted ended ending pn30 pn46 pn22 ##bert ##berl interpretative mungall pulps steam carbonatites carbonatiteand trs trumb triton tribut v20 v22 ##orlie biphase birefring harris harqua linkage polycy polycrystalline polymineral polynom polybasite discrimin 608 fioren volumetric excel excitation excelsior baths bathurst radically dolomia dolomitization lacked swamp exhaus exhaust equilibrate ##licting ##licity plateaus ##103 meaning meanwhile hollis holmes yb2o3 bhvo2 inducing earthquak 870 nacleqv ##rocessed conflo conflicting huize huanuni huilai loader duanshan darkand altyn altogether accessible edx edax ediac ##rican ##titative 328 pipetted syros symm ##venjarvi ferrohed ferrodioritic fragmentary milled milling viability graywack circa pcs 296 2969 ##ofeng ##tilla thrusts baoshan bajo baumann bailey baofeng 242 2494 2451 hgt pellet pelado releases releasing alloway 217 2100 2150 2145 kalgo conducting conducive conductor conductors demand periodically limitations 275 278 2730 2720 2741 2792 deviate ##bediela spotted favors ignited rapu rapakivi nanometer nanhua ouyang retrogression alternates differentiating austin kaawa kaitake kautosel logfs logarith diffused roques rooted rooiberg roedder 2692 yangwan profiling substituted leucope leucocratic simpl simply simplicity pseudore conclusive auricup tianpeng strikingly ramo ramos flattens flattened ionized ##shui segregate 752 luoling palme 1995 454 ordinates 337 clayey claybank troitsk coverbed semiquan macfl ##ochroic restricts restrictions restrictive assessments supercontinent supercooling superheavy thermochemical aware awaruite bindeman ophitic ophthalmia enclose 0001 dilute dilatational pleochroic ##123 ##127 episodically discussing delim interlayering paleoge raise raising raibl rauchen tmice tmco2 tmclath ##ksandrov converge dependence entirety behaviors panels panxi panaf panaly physik physiographic tracing examining fe2tio4 principle principles principale brownfield chlorization accumulate reactivate steeper geothermometric constantly 778 sixteen stradd transportation csil ##uashi ##menxia mega calls changsha needles accounting lattermost piuqu distorted inherits detritus minimized capacities experience photography tholeiites 388 434 436 gasben ivfe2 penge columbite balak balanca balıkes moller porcup sinuous ##thens ##alsio progressed thirdly serpentinised sideways analcimes fluorides difficulty tectonostratigraph tectonothermal nnwto 446 4400 rifts discreet seismicity chemex alumino highlighting 311 314 319 662 burma mclennan paparoa sanmenxia exchanged granules constituted implication instrumentation hijau hiatus ##buzong ##radation ##imensional prototype philips silverton piippu morphologies morphologically 029 esms esino lzb tonalities diagenetically 002 011 532 5300 necks talas taltal vargfor streaks encour encode camps campaign digests 731 738 grzela grunerite merit ##jiaotang playing spreads schematically reproduced 361 363 368 490 82se 8200 sensu senses instant actually actlabs 1981 1988 oscillations 513 514 518 avoids jiujia immersed devolatis mobilize viewed 575 kuiti welded ##111 analogues hybridized 4200 470 472 474 jumping lancang ##gaud makkonen exceeds emphasizing 487 897 jeedam maliotis malvic ##swick reconc reconstituted percentile displace emulsions 413 462 aimed ##tangchong applicability decomposed eruptive porphyroblast 7800f aerosols aerosol hunua jinji jiangsha nineteen nineteenth pilote prone qfm ##ogeography ##jiadian 525 5200 52cr 618 61ni borovskaya boroh tests testing tongshan tongling tongariro yunque yunlong ##lıcay ##902 ##906 reversed enhances melagabbro 5910 5930 925 92zr 983 beside bismuthinite bismuthtell float floyd liancheng passes passage rotary 7071 7073 7077 petrofacies petroleum mango mangakino vesmajarvi dissimil dissolving dissolves dissipation fe2o3t subtracted subtropical palaeogeography pilboy 723 autochthonous automatically autobrecc dd97 gd2o3 idea ideally miluo mildly uzb aspera platiniferous strongest documentation pseudomorphosed luzong 91zr boltsburn c233 cells filoche fresia koh mdp pumices tensor ##wei quadrants diablo diablill 7061 7064 7068 requirements nickeliferous 795 ae6 easy easier jacobs tubing ##arged realization realistic assayed african terminated termination 1187 1972 1974 1979 brightness 1402 discontinuously 682 renishaw ubiquity fluctuated laurin sparry property ultrapot postdated introducing introductory petrologic 882 certainly mrc tonnages uneven warran warrants ##iyoi crypt temora rhodonite rhodope 1252 degassed laboratorio avoiding achayvayam brenan denoting denisovskaya fitr fitting gpcb gpmr jaspilite missinaibi rosia rosso rosler rosette rosiere vergent attracted activated slower strengthens nucleate nucleus neutralization neutralized 6400 719 araujo boudins fingered fengsh fengtaishan kilometer liber liberation pmc qinghai tpz tp72 vhms wiluna tomographic unmanned indexation terminates 1291 1291a mushket 1601 tracking absorbance latitudes andradite40 reprecipitated 04so2 dunites hw2 ilt ilomants illapel mounds own rollback songhu taskapı taslıcay chronological scavenge scavenges calcsilicates 2058 textbo 1239 recrystallised seemingly robustness abbreviation 070 976 claim clairborne etc france munoz moves mira3 penglai quesnel utilize utilizing yaxuan zeiss zeeh zebediela isople isoplotr validated validates spans pebbles pebbly gaozhou gaojiping rhythmically 1335 1336 1338 mufu coincided jointed destabilize embayments symplectite 51254 674 batu buddini federation roman rometolv reviews reviewer annean quench crucible crucero crucibles 1024 montana continuation continuing continuity 2009a triangles outcropped protolithionite helped attempts attempted 404804 404805 fingerprinting 845 bdp branches drier drivers jarvin liner lintilla linbuzong serving services δ201hg ##ntke ##izhai almaden complicate complicating scios science diverted monometallic 2017b endmembers truncates straightforward penetrate essakane vanadate vanadates akouta aleksandrov biggest karst karalve karapiro kirchberg naden piaotang rastering tunable alignments competency interflow apliki decarbonization decarbonatization 1961 1969 brunswick summarizing summarised visualize 2601 built return returns mercer mercadier turbidite δ65cusil 7104 claystones category gallagher sibumasu tdecrep voulgar ##ruent ##193uc ##raphed interpolated lahar envelope enveloping 1031 precede majiahe orthoquartz orthoamphib 1959 smoke umt341 troctolitic suspensions boudinages alexand bituminous cbabs okrug okhotsk persistent pampalo xiangfan ##264 ##ycling asymmetrical renders rendering annual challenge behind behaved phreatomagmatic neotethys accommodate improve referring eliminated eliminating universally pathfinder superposed superposition superplume grasberg connectivity addressing microstructure microstructural octahed antofagast boninite bonanza c312 england engulfed engineering izu kerrick mengdong mengxing menglian practical ##vapormt ##vaporolivine ##44906 thms600 ala264 shuang shuikoushan shuixie shizong caalalsio expectation trachyte 109ag transect transecting 70924 709346 arguing glenbrook palaselgа hypothetic technic technical deltaic brazilian penikka resemblance juxtaposed mashhad dissociate destroys doublets replenishments bipyram buoyancy cantagalo justified ligand n140 oeste ochres toronto tagora y710 y716 conceptual subunits expanses niujiaotang adopts adopting appearing 1384 multiplier polymict configurations extrapolated johanns decrepitate bagnold baddeley baiyang celestite famous famatin holds holder icap keskin machine pingjiang solea tunnel witriv witnessed ##d058 inhibiting algorith aliquant chonoliths dislocated vega3 strategies abiogenic intragranitic microgranite aguirre monotonic lithostratigraphy survived descendants 1285 189os furnaces invokes keeps keeping 223699 viii 014d websteritic 70636 unequal bronzitites aldanmaz subgroup dimensionality tdm2 gossanous bangonghu lherzolite olympic rectangles aydin bergslagen culm crae danyus dowex downgoing fontanone hallberg iin115 iin113 kurnal kennan mutual nitric nitrogen nascent naslund omolon pinto rankama ##hrl ##vanian ##23902 ##ocrystalline coalescing madaou choiyoi beads shoreline shangdan shangtangchong gravimetric gravitational geomorphology geomorphological lawrie unpublished unprocessed enlarged arranged arrangement cornwall cornubian lehong lehmann recovery decorated decorating contributors sandwich redeposition 1960s flushes optimized polysulfide envisage epidotization epidotisation radioactive switch adjustment adjustments sideritic siderophile leuconoritic denotes windsor universidade himalaya sokolovskoe sokolovsko feototal aztec bertens cabri cabral drove emii fdp jb44906 jingxi laguna lunar michigan michipico pennsyl penniston rye rytikangas tilted tilting urn urp vessel vessels ##unga ##borate inherently thousand thousands isaac chiarad ensuring screen parapyroxenite objective objectives liquation upgrading 1067 epochs imprint imprints 159tb designated orthopyroxenes microtextures metasandstone metasandstones suppresses 175lu 169tm pulverized excavation excavated millimeterto schwar camgsi2o6 orthogneisses hyperaridity manifestation extrapolating unequivocal unequivocally contradictory overestimation hercynite hercynian interglacials 09btdd025 09btdd029 2hcl audetat bsl chemistries dttn dorland dusty eroding editions equidimensional filaments gvardeis gj1 hudson iberian jolivet jobin kept lgb letter mikkeli n060 n120 ozdemir p2m p3l pouakai potholes pukiq rios riso ripley rubidium village wraps xuefengshan zk23902 ##hisa inevitable ##enzie ##ostructural isomorphous reappearance recharged depicted anorogenic anisot antimony choco sukhoi compensated incremental exemplified prophylitic disaggregated quarter quiescence whakara tepe intervening hydrofracturing valleys lazizhai phonolite clarified splits subalkaline isothermal caf2 cawthorn corridors travelled slopes skouries moorddrift discounted improbably pendant δ34spyrite affiliation 149sm xenomelts abscissas footprints synoptic caledonian photographed 165ho steady nwr193uc cordilleran huijiaba ##fe3o4 diffractometer sulphidised delivering piercey 9549 balkans synthesized tantalum lanthanum advocates advantage fe2o3total escaped drainage miscibility δ65culo duplexes miarolitic unrealistic vacancy wrrd058 reinforces enlargement kimberlite mb0f pediplain svetov overthrusts underestimated adequate izegouandane coprecipitation attenuation slickenside amoeboidal manufacture 3sbu 4s13 5cpx ahvenjarvi ailsh akeake avalanche austria aksaray aqialehe basson bossost bermejo bazhulu cphi cartoon crowded celsian cambro camscan daily duchosla eagle emslie egmont ecuador fqpc fenitization faster fergana funnel fletcher fraser fidelity gxmap gonzale gaboury gatico gourgaud grinding hitachi hulbert huston hagemann hinsberg hectometric hitherto hannan hannington hoyle hattu itiuba ireland jagged japan kremlin kerntke kotulskite kyser kresse kathol kensington koeberl lottermoser lydon larnaca lynch mianlue mackenzie mistaken maldonite mykonos nikolae navachab naldrett nattanen ounces pgms pontide plymouth pangea pestle price pirajno phengite pinnacles qilian qiongdong samalens santos sabbia sengor sompujarvi satisf tortonian tampakan tanner uyuni vague vatyna vityk vignes wavenum winchester winnipeg xmaptool ysterberg yamadag yinkongshan y802 yerington zwartfontein zimudang zartman zhesang ziyun δxxxhg ##n118 ##midt ##oepite ##farlane ##khantsev ##herence thebaud inaccu inadvertent tocopilla totoral thiospinels isterre isobaric contiguous copiapo deksissa foraminifera astrakhantsev altona al2sio5 ##imoye depaolo anoxic maavesi chicharra chapters champion chinkuashi chinchimoye chongyang magaliesberg beiya succeeded compliant stdgl3 incongruent exaggerated shreddy prospected proffered progenitor disconformably cristales teapot segmented interdune haapamaki vehicle curaca cutoff cuiyibi cuncumen femtosecond lazhuhe laflamme unreasonable unambiguous untypically analimimitic assumptions phoenix scabbing subrounded subophitic subbasin diapirs nearest nejdek neighboring premetamorphic preconcentration pressurized carapace carlsbad carniceria arrival arltunga agglomerates coranzuli notwithstanding liuyang memorial serrinha reequilibration martinek marjorie perapohja undiscovered undifferentiated adelaide commercially likelihood amandelbult grevesse appendix proponents irrespective irradiated irhazer motivation mohakatino rhomboidal impoverished implantation ultrasonic salmilammit pezzel 12jadd002 outgassed paleoclim vermaak barrigao oploca coarseto matsuhisa 133cs bandurrias taoxihu tailings taishanmiao guandaokou maneglia synkinematic newwave predecessor albitophyre photomultiplier longmenyuan lammasvuoma pn30d trumbull birefringence harquail polycyclic polymineralic polynomial fiorentini exhausted bhvo2g earthquakes kalgoorlie kautoselka logfs2 logarithmically roquesite leucopegmatoidal auricupride semiquantitative macflincor rauchenstein panafrican panalytical piuquenes gasbench balancao balıkesir porcupine tectonostratigraphic vargfors lancangjiang jeedamya malvicini jiangshao borohoro bismuthtellurides pilboyne dd97md00 diablillos ultrapotassic rosettes tp728 ilomantsi textbook yaxuanqiao rometolvas jarvinen aleksandrovsko karalveem voulgaris umt341d1 cbabsd00 antofagasta bipyramidal johannsenite baddeleyite witrivier algorithm danyushevsky kurnalpi madaouela michipicoten pennsylvanian chiaradia gvardeisky huijiabao wrrd0583 duchoslav gonzalez nikolaev qiongdongnan chinkuashih 0can 010 040 030 015 020 046 099 1m 1as 1imer 1rabayrol 2i 2v 2j 2se 265 2ca 2o2 2zn 2xr 3l 3j 3lm 365 3pt 3sn 3pge 3fe2 4n 4o 4x 4j 430 4rabayrol 5v 5q 565 560 515 5imer 533 594 56fe 5so2 5o8 6g 6k 6li 640 620 6h2o 7h 7e 7k 7th 730 715 733 84s 810 815 820 811 9d 9f 9cu 9fe 980 960 920 933 9fe2 9s8 aa ay a6 aor aas aat aig arom aok aven aquit a20 aoz akey aza aconc bm b3 bj bα bate bock bres bir bost bak bight bram brow blow bough b2o3 bcu bilib buch bps bigg b20 bolong brock banshan buck bird bsz bomb billon bokou ct cv cin ces cro ced cag cmp cac cum cran city cms cata cip cio cland ccl cyl ccu cps coch cpl cased cust cier cbi cga citation clump c13 cvapor caco carta dl dg dh dv dz d8 don dre dar dock dod dore dess dak dmm dach dtur dict dbd daz dni ddo daba doss dls dfluid drew dmn dimorph dbl daly drought dvap dxr dalong ea e2 ez eure etr ease eand erog educ emm esk elm efe eman eject erad erec efs eaf echong ethan erosive fr fm f4 f5 fic fag fle fus fet fiz fow fou fulf fart fined foci fens flas flying fuss filtr fonse flex f42 fans functions fvap fried gm g2 gy gb gis gat gure gac got gou gif gog guc gene gong gut gore gmb gerv greas gole gio gord glas gav gie glis gps groc gathering gilg gathered gets gans gmg gorge ganz gromet gecu h5 hte her hed het hell hie hup heng hub hish hots huit hoch hilg hising hans humb henan hild hco3 hopp hclo h4sio4 hugo i1 iy ite iid ile iul iac ican iok iug icd iili irand ja jn jh jf jy jen jor jit jat jil jim jud jak jack jens jav jink jones jade jings jiao jndi jugo kt kn kd k0 kk kon ken kor kas kos kid kop kou kart kase kost kong kore koci kram kay kov kex kav kup kear kiss kush kha kato kind k20 kario kars konn know kirk knt kosh krit kyb knick keller klen kolar kopp kpa k18 ld lh lf l3 l4 lel lus lil lts lom lud live lore lip lace lose lign lund lance lord lenti lled lero lush lank liling liang litt lato lishan lmin liles lust lyon loll livan lwith mq mø mit mos mere mous mir mong mold mari mull mign mund morn menn mcu mosc mime mft moch moster nt nl nh nq ny n7 nin nal nos nur nich ncc nib nay name nann nagu nuk nama nuas nanning nsand nls nunn n11 n90 n45 nyg natro nuri neritic nhrl og oro osp oso oyan oolitic ocher ostra oclo p1 p4 p7 pas pag pate pith poc pus pig pab piv pari pain pied pign petr pie pork pinite puch pinc poch patis pmin pilg piles public pasc pesch pmax qa ql qm qc qv qul qig qim qian quse qmap qiba rp r5 rk rø rhe rol ril rins rog rene rong riv rang rond rick rov ramp rcu ryan rays ripp rind rds romer rings rico rsd riqu rrf riley rlg ritter sj sı son sar sro sas sra sher sot sich sage sab syd sla seld sari stern sonic sited sob siss s12 sorption sams sisz sds s11 sfs sarm sarid samar tf t4 t9 tat tve tac tam tpp tide tard tied tarn tone tetr trin tara tank tonga tsc tsh tsa t3c tpt tsd tja tamar turek u2 u1 u3 ub uk uus ust urig utt vr vp vf v5 von vas viz vam vog vod viv veld vour vented vivid vni vila vice voud v2o5 vaa vectors viana ws wc w4 wk w9 w8 wti went wus wms wct word wish wox widen witt wales wald worm wire wushan w27 wake wool wkl wenshan wlg xm xp x2 xy xb x8 xig xpp xian xli xinning xvap xcla x500 xanes xmax yu yl yd yp yz yı yong yata your yale yav york yush yangshan yind yah yushan y72 yantan yashan yvon zin zro zan zag zing zig zur zet zack zhib zenti zind zech zgi zarm zinder zanche δs δp δh2s δ66 δmelt λπ λ14 μa σt σree σand σpge ##rs ##rt ##rl ##rg ##rar ##rat ##rary ##rity ##rical ##rub ##rush ##ruous ##rived ##rillo ##rorites ##ux ##uti ##uro ##uated ##uage ##uog ##uene ##uity ##uites ##uens ##uque ##uke ##uial ##ukes ##uyan ##uuk ##uze ##uoki ##ss ##sv ##sges ##sard ##syste ##sland ##sified ##sley ##sonian ##sued ##seden ##silic ##sville ##srand ##tc ##t3 ##tti ##tas ##tant ##tand ##tap ##tland ##tup ##town ##tton ##tagu ##tuna ##ttes ##aan ##aite ##aas ##aos ##aous ##aha ##ahas ##aft ##aals ##ajiadian ##lp ##lv ##lar ##lation ##late ##lus ##lock ##lab ##lization ##lusion ##lined ##lsp ##lio ##lites ##lov ##lough ##liden ##lovic ##lova ##liao ##lifies ##livity ##n4 ##nen ##nat ##nment ##nage ##nik ##nia ##nak ##nio ##nium ##nov ##nort ##nology ##nning ##nberg ##nah ##nbr ##nillo ##nomel ##n115 ##di ##dm ##db ##dic ##dit ##dis ##del ##dab ##dies ##ders ##dale ##dley ##dales ##donald ##dmann ##directional ##i2 ##iar ##iel ##iec ##iab ##ired ##iates ##iers ##iably ##iaceous ##ipping ##iott ##i2o5 ##iamine ##gp ##gz ##gin ##gis ##gent ##gated ##gir ##gred ##ghed ##gitic ##gia ##gill ##gren ##glow ##gory ##ghen ##gerous ##gara ##grated ##gade ##grew ##garia ##gradation ##gtup ##hy ##h6 ##hon ##high ##hir ##hong ##hla ##hold ##hian ##htin ##hard ##hoth ##hma ##hinite ##hada ##huashan ##hmo ##hupo ##haco ##harm ##homiro ##mus ##mow ##mse ##muc ##mik ##mitic ##mata ##mand ##mill ##merite ##mitan ##mix ##mark ##mela ##miform ##mora ##mcuk ##o7 ##oom ##ohed ##oates ##ozo ##oise ##oapatite ##oanga ##cm ##cre ##cite ##cab ##cap ##chemical ##cote ##cales ##coliths ##cman ##cumulus ##cdt ##cada ##ciy ##ctified ##coming ##eo ##emed ##ema ##eformed ##efficient ##eously ##efs ##evite ##xl ##xon ##xin ##xis ##xion ##xiv ##xueshan ##xagonal ##pg ##per ##pro ##pate ##pul ##pure ##pher ##pod ##pass ##pip ##pell ##path ##pected ##plob ##pinning ##pushan ##paa ##plots ##vp ##v2 ##væ ##vre ##vos ##vate ##vill ##vrog ##vue ##vities ##vann ##vka ##vanite ##visible ##vasco ##vasse ##vskite ##06 ##012 ##0si ##099 ##061 ##2d ##2g ##2ο ##2os ##2so ##250 ##240 ##217 ##fq ##f3 ##fre ##fat ##fil ##fts ##ftite ##five ##frog ##fall ##fraction ##fley ##fner ##ftening ##fo2 ##foil ##fried ##fecu ##fnium ##qen ##qinling ##1d ##yu ##yi ##yx ##yal ##yic ##yol ##yoc ##yph ##yun ##yenite ##yzed ##yuk ##yuyamunite ##yunshan ##yroclasts ##yev ##yvon ##yozo ##39 ##36 ##38 ##3nd ##whe ##wen ##wic ##wite ##wag ##wins ##wong ##wena ##wink ##woz ##bt ##bar ##bit ##ban ##bol ##bus ##bra ##bet ##bow ##bted ##bations ##base ##band ##berite ##bell ##bach ##bay ##bend ##bicular ##bao ##bew ##balite ##bachite ##barite ##bosa ##bvre ##4u ##4c ##446 ##4melt ##4o7 ##43nd ##zb ##zan ##zas ##zag ##zog ##zian ##zers ##zhen ##zyl ##zman ##zui ##zishan ##zsz ##zwald ##zica ##zuela ##zuoki ##zdab ##zwag ##jes ##jan ##jas ##jins ##jarn ##jias ##jind ##jacent ##juy ##jonen ##jitian ##59 ##557 ##5fes ##566 ##558 ##5400 ##kre ##kor ##kat ##kul ##kom ##kie ##kok ##kcu ##kox ##kca ##kets ##keto ##kora ##krov ##klin ##kney ##kayan ##kovsky ##kzk ##kked ##98 ##9sn ##6s ##6d ##62 ##7pb ##772 ##84 ##88 ##800 ##8pb ##899 ##ırg ##αquartz ##η2ο ##сod ##hez ##hend ##heres ##hered ##heast ##hety ##heck ##heider ##hetti ##hexagonal ##tel ##te2 ##teel ##teng ##tecr ##teracted ##tekin ##tegrated ##oni ##ono ##onor ##oned ##onan ##onet ##onom ##oniti ##onides ##onance ##onically ##oncl ##onogenic ##onier ##onanshan ##onker ##onentially ##onstra ##onhard theory thesis theorized theorical ##tia ##tie ##tier ##titial ##tible ##time ##tities ##tika ##tiago ##rer ##rea ##reed ##rely ##rets ##reng ##reth ##reib ##rell ##rect ##reme ##rettes ##intr ##ints ##inne ##inally ##incan ##inio ##inding ##inozoic ##intero ##inox ##initization ##intou ##inoids ##injian ##interpre ##integrated ##al1 ##alic ##alan ##alat ##altic ##ality ##alitic ##alence ##alak ##alov ##alena ##alma ##alunite ##aligned ##al2o5 ##alham ##nding ##ndiz ##ndip ##nduan ##ndırg inor inag inec insp inform inund intent ingrow inval inwards inferences inert injects inthan inactive inhomog inherence inaha innov ingred inefficient inbet andree official ##esu ##esh ##esz ##esitic ##espan ##eno ##enet ##enize ##enach ##enche ##enbergite ##encies ##eron ##eror ##eras ##erid ##erts ##ertal ##eries ##ersp ##erto ##ertained ##erling ##eroles ##erhor ##erator ##eruke ##oral ##oroc ##orated ##orian ##orland ##orsk ##ortive ##orously ##orino ##orskite ##oriaceous ##orgade ##orrect ##atian ##atiles ##ativen ##aro ##aran ##arted ##arting ##arata ##arines ##arimb ##arised ##arching ##aroz ##aroles ##arook ##aruuk ##arhy ##roite ##rove ##roop ##royd ##rothermal ##roand ##rocl ##rospect ##rolling ##icp ##icit ##icated ##ictite ##icates ##icto ##icularly ##itre ##itat ##iture ##itated ##itog ##itally ##itree ##itain ##itably ##itau ##itova ##itoto ##itkre ##eda ##edo ##eders ##edenite ##ediation ##any ##anhe ##anical ##antial ##anmi ##aniclastic ##anistan ##anya ##anung ##anovsky ##iterated ##itenbr ##itemata ##asil ##asomati ##aschist ##asjarvi ##asfe ##asalts ##asche ##aseca ##asaltic ##osal ##osic ##osos ##osid ##osis ##osted ##osely ##osome ##osium ##osities ##oscop ##oschist ##osiy ##osilicates ##osmow ##osteel ##ationary ##olate ##olations ##olia ##ollo ##olitization ##olson ##olars ##olana ##olito ##olovite ##olivet ##olfi ##olocation ##oligong ##oliar ##olatiles ##agon ##agar ##agic ##agely ##agenetic ##agmatic ##agonian ##agulate ##agery ##agasc ##agents ##atever ##idy ##idon ##idos ##idag ##idate ##iding ##idam ##idad ##idered ##idanite ##ideline ##lek ##lemed ##leached ##lectic ##lemn ##leaned ##levue ##lendiz ##isy ##isk ##ison ##iser ##isos ##isig ##isla ##istry ##isited ##isput ##istically ##islan ##istinen ##iscid ##isanen ##isdic ##isany ##atu ##atal ##atub ##ators ##atomic ##atson ##atuyamunite ##atsite ##ataclastic ##atoms ##atwer ##atreme to1 to4 tomb touted topped tomic toki to100 tobol tokca ##inga ##inging ##elin ##elle ##elts ##elib ##elitic ##eland ##eltin ##elme ##elof ##elaria ##entopyrite ##entuated ##ithme thres thab thib thak thomp thread tho2 thuring thalham throop ##ulas ##ulart ##ulian ##ulitic ##ulites ##ulale ##ulick ##ultz ##uluk ##ulski ##ulsed ##ulsified ##mpted ##mpop ##mpton ##ocla ##ocian ##ocath ##oclas ##ocline ##oclasts ##ocont ##usy ##usin ##ussion ##uscu ##ussions ##usivity ##uspected isog isod isto isodynamic isolation isosurface isn118 isolate ##rable ##radu ##rawong ##rakovsky conduction conven conject convec conjec conferences convin com cof coat coil cored cohen codes coordinate covalent coora coax coats co66 cott coherence cotton coagulate cousin dece dege devel dewater dehydrox deleted dehoop deemed ##lyer ##igr ##igm ##igite ##igol ##igant ##igang ##igrams ##igler ##igade ##iguities ##igator ##uru ##urge ##urch ##urces ##ursion ##urta ##uritan ##urified ##urring ##urbed ##ursions ##tergren ##tionally ##romorph ##rometer ##rometamorph ##eta ##etres ##etong ##etok ##etasomati ##ures ##ureth ##izer ##izong ##izaro forth formal forces forty fortuna as1 as3 asten ashed ashanti asn118 asn115 minm minus miners minto minist minute minera mindor ministry alac alum alten aland almend alpham alıc arest ##erald ##owo ##owater rear reten reass reun revel reinc retig reanal reabs rehab reutter rehomog reiterated reagents reiser ##veira ##verely ##acl ##acite ##acid ##acted ##acik ##aclas ##acadian ##acito ##acoles ##acatu ##tration ##trud ##trict ##truis ##tratal ##ilati ##illy ##ilure ##ilable ##ilie ##ilizing ##ilmes ##illum ##iliki ##ilintou ##imyrite ##imous ##imerite ##imova ##imming ##imaa ##immerite ##imanya mineraloid ##tsu ##tson ##tsubduction ##hert ##herical ##herill ##herlands ##hermak depoly anl anh anou anand an80 anode an94 answ an90 an70 an82 anmq an26 an97 an78 anhui an48 an55 an68 anlagen anjishan an39 anbar antecr ##phalerite ##phina ##phanite ##philic ##phosid ##otal ##otated ##otment ##otten ##otch ##otuo ##otty ##otuog ##otanical ##luten ##luga bytown maar maqu mayd ma12 maior maoping maokou ma03 maandag mavrog ma099 mazdab maitre mauritan ##ceable chf chant chst chun chains chris chiba chilu chongshan church ##ional ##iontas maguan magura beres beir beak beaker betek beaches beukes bereng belemn ##yras ##eretagu suff suited suffic sudo suerc su1a suzuoki ##ystic ##ysum ##ysken ##ysdale ##omt ##omin ##omes ##omang ##omains ##omorp ##omizing ##omero ##omuk ##ombo ##omandel ##omanian ##omorian ##ometres compart compass compiling complim compluten ##opu ##opol ##opix ##opora ##seen ##sehir ##oule ##ouard ##ouds ##ouchi ##oubted atom attend attach ##ulfate stop stations stace stain stay stains stok stained stored stott stump stopp stutz stationary sulfote sulflides ##mentally ##resented ##resolved ##ticle ##ticing ##tichen ##eck ##ecuted ##ecology ##econte ##ectiveness ##ecycling ##ngqiao ##ngry ##agement ##amu ##ames ##amed ##aman ##amides ##amoun ##amines ##amaz ##amura ##ammite ##amilla ##amasco ##amanca ##amagon ##ifeng ##ifug ##inson ##insic inch incap incised inconcl incesu incorrect incursion ##artliden ##neb ##neys ##neva ##neau ##nejo ##nemora fluency exit exmouth exerts executed ##geted ##gevity ##geochemistry ##gemela ##geevite ##aberg ##abled ##abora ##aburi ##abrook ##abouchi oruan orbicular ##thitic ##thylene ##thaburi ##mala ##malite ##ogan ##oglu ##ogut ##ogneiss ##ograms ##ogela shi shot shop shann shizh shiqu shagou shake shilu shandong grave grams graitic graham ##igured prohib proton proof prompted protrud ##veri ##verley dish disord dispar disks disulfides dischar disruption disgu disintegrated disabled ##ccp ##cco2 ##cchetti ##umn ##umes ##umite ##umiti ##uminite ##umonier ##tensen formulation formulate formulas ##odi ##odite ##odou ##odied ##odigou ##odomes fluidised fluidrock ##rans ##rano ##rania que quir quote quech quinn queh quintero quilmes whites wholes wharton whatever whabouchi crar crud crater crco crump cristo crisis crpg crinoids sake safe saved saatt sauze sakat ##ighoe metaps metagabb metabolic metyuyamunite metarhy metatuyamunite ##ibia ##ibuting ##ibrous ##inezog ##quen ##quil ##quely ##quad ##quency ##qualand ##quoise ##quotch teall tema teeth tejia telef tepr tekked teigler ##talled quartzitic seor seward seals searc sevan sepul severely seabrook ##iration ##irmm ##ircled ##iryol colin colluvial interch interde interto interpen interlob interser interfaces intermont interming interdig interconn intermixed interlock intertitial onwards hapl haplob hafnium haifeng haveri plg plating plio placing planned veget ##ppes ##ppad ##ppler ##pportive ##ppolito ##ieshan ##iespo ##anto ##antling ##ostatis ##ucr ##ucu ##uction ##ucki ##ypia ##ydation ##ydacite ##ydogan restite reside resorb restitic resonance restrict resumes zong ##tinga cug cuo cu1 cuy cu2o cuyan cups ##enez havey lows lowor lowland hydr hydrates ##gesberg orefield ##elyite hydrosp hydrolog hydroflu hydrophilic stria stripped stricto typify typifies ##lak ##lains ##lakes ##laats ##lakara ##laux collects relating relax ##oldt ##olded ##ikari ##ikino ##ikistan ##ikkor ##iva ##ival ##ivite ##ivate ##ivable ##ivides ##iveto ##ivalk feti feie featur feox fetio3 feeders betsi gem geoci geores gemin geography geo2 geoz geteng georoc geopix geostatis ##ch4 ##chou ##chang ##charn ##chists ##chier ##chini ##chuling ##chayvayam ##chuang ##choepite ##chnology ##chbew ##chison ##chydacite valang valmag valsard ##atical ##stances ##stract ##stands inclusive highto highsc lave laun laded la2o3 lakes laps lauk laini lainio laicp laumonier laodou abra abut abink abyssal abstract univ unlo unreg untra unsur uniqu unsu unquan unfold untes unava unclassified unfraction unleached unseen unresolved concluding concession concurred evacu volax volcab volaniclastic colleaguesne occluded occuren occlude occludes occlusion ##udo ##uded ##udite ##udation ##udied repel reporting reperc repurified ##utjarn ##utaruuk ##utneb elementary analisis analiontas ##00p assist assisted assert assaou assortment phill phased pharm hydrothermalism iman imbed imagery clr cln clz clock clara clmelt clf3 clouds alterationand goldstein goldsch basket entail encrus sps spt spin spark sphere spind spheric spams spars spont spray spoon spgz spheres ##ivered indones indeterm silt siltite silcre silveira sc1 sc3 scme screw scrap scaly sc2b scrat scss scoates scoriaceous scrolling ##riet ##riers ##rique ##riug ##ript veins1 subsp subare subsc subcrustal subeu subjects subterran subeconomic subbit subjacent subintr ##orectified ##orethylene ##arian ##essment ##essens ##racing ##racod ##racies ##ractiveness ##raclough dior dias diyan divers dixon dilek diatreme tempting ##canaba neoph neyed nephe neumann nebul nexion neiva isotopos isotopical autric auzan crystalized precon preto preval prefer premis preven presele prejud oxic oxydation nora norian norrb noranda norweg magmatically ##splaats grant grants granof granada grangesberg preston presenting presput pressn prescribed presolana consort consult consertal carter carneg carpath caritat caracoles carphosid arfe arise artill arising armit arises artif arizon arrived ardit ararata arithme arizaro article argemela contention porphyric ##adic ##adays ##adui ##fications ##ficiation locus locating locmel ##hematical ##ferencing durchbew ##atayoc lateand pbs pbte pbzn ##encement melle melind melcher ##mbrano ##ititc ##angen ##angyan ##ills ##illing ##illary ##illimetre porphyryand volcanoclas ##rogabb ##concep ##consecu intrinsic ##ipi ##ipo ##ipore ##ipara ##iphered ##renstein ##renfried paris paralle parada parlance parabolic paraschist paracatu paramoun ##allo ##alliq ##soever ##sources cai cauld caob caute cauch cauti cainozoic caosiy cappad students hasandag microrites ##ouris formationin formationand formationto formationare formationdo formationmark ag0 ag50 agade aguel aggradation agreed heav hearth hejing helex heavi imagej carbonization carbonatic carbonace carbonics carboneous ##unes ##unist ##unstan ##unhis ##unication ##unisik ##acetic ##aceutical fuller ##ologic ##ologia corg coral corund coraderas corner corals coroll corrosive corvos coromandel cornejo ##tinson maintains hosel obvi obduction objection oblate siliclastic silicifying fah faure faero fauna fahl failure calcilicate ##ghugou ##ghuang ##ghanian ##ghanistan ##erves belo bellevue belomorian ##yroxenites ##ainen indices indictors metamorphosis exp2 expound export expend exposing exponen exponentially expulsed travel traits travers training traject trachydacite ##ardation ##ardian ##ronisos ##ronologia nothing 20to 2057 2024 2035 ##forts ##formal ##forms volcaniclas volcaniclasts massiveto chalcopyritization lowerto ##iochemical sugary modes modifies modifying module ppl ppy ##lli ##llo ##llurides lio2 li2b lixiv limpop meant meff mezica melendiz ##angeably canon canber ##rosyenite ##rosmalite serrated seriana sernage sergeevite serrania ##olevskite analyser analysenz overly overand overlay overlied overlim overgrew overwhe overarching ##aku ##akau ##akurum ##astopol ##apfrog ##apbachite itchayvayam leo learn lefe leisen lebed leaf leyte leitch lebow leonhard leapfrog marl marion marum marvel marind marquis martell martitization marzian marimanya po2 po4 pohl pohla pokrov ##oseafloor zirconia sound sounio ##ellon ##ellsch twenti twink ##mme aca acalc acme acute acadian acigol regrow regress texmont completion complement ##raphic allochthonous alligator allotment ##arnota charrier charmitan ni2 nior niand ##ditioned butte butcher traceand peri pertur pertaining peroxide perborate twoand characters afh afghanistan ups upstream crystallinity chalcopyriteand 10s 10g 1050 1010 1012 1030 1020 10ga 1096 1087 1082 1069 ##sman znand zncu plagio ##othnia ##othills assembled undist undistinguishable undisput undoubted signifies ##viren observing observato domical dominic chromacl adit adand admon adrar adiab admix adamides sls slag slabb sliver slits slipping sliding tranquil larget oliver olaroz ##actory crush complexed complexing complexities sks skew skaland skutter skulski recycling reclined recheck recurring epm epstein community commission commencement communication month monogenic monocrystalline moncada monocline accentuated geocronologia distributes noor novel noire noisy notsu commonality thereof ##dingsite maybe mayede mayeda orographic precleaned eu2o3 eventual meltpar chloriteand aps ap1 apanovsky apollo apiliki baseand analytika limari limoniti amilib amanta amdel amarook amagmatic ##ickened geologia grem grego greywackes gregory priming primord primivite ##ounits ##istant ##istola ##tai ##tazar ##tavæ underrep underpinning apply applies appinitic ##achong postsubduction ##veland ##ayen ##ayas ##aymas ##aynak ##ayuminite ##stification maficto feldspath mantos proposing proposal ##ovization ##ovch ##ovolatiles tretra trevasco trephina fractionates ir2 ir8 iris ircr ir10 ir12 irwin irwins snt sn3 snow sno2 snook containers ms81 ms23 ms61 representativen structuring types1 srp sr2 grouping groupings ##undes ##undler ##cpdb ##2o4 ##2o83 mo3 moand moist moina moorb discs discove respond respects respiration breached bremen breitkre breitenbr tiand systemes interpreting foliations rhor rhsb rhombo mgc mg3 impure imposed imported impression implied imprec imparted impinging impacted proclivity igor blbs blanca blzk ##roportion ##roparg tourrettes wellington drh drifted drifts drastic drisc drusy drysdale drucr facie facilities ultim ##erger titanomang shen sheaf shetland shepher shengqiao timeline oresho lithons lithified lithode lithochemical lithogenesis lithotect lithotype lithgow lithostructural lithounits surpass surluga surucu ##loop ##loaf scheelites olivineand brecciates ##opyroxenevaporolivine oxidated oxidant oxidised oxidizes decline decimet decimeters decimetre deciphered northwesterly ##enster contrarily contributes patagonian ##etration disseminates disseminating ##olvus sericitized sericitisation hematiteand 154 155 15to 1530 15h2o 15h2s 1557 1587 1519 1551 refrig refolded isotopica ##avant ##avut arcuate replicates terada equate equated equates equating equals equitable ##ieu ##ieul ##ieops salat salitic salient salama salaf salares salamanca seto generalize desilic deserve deserves ##upon sulfuric orthocumul orthoschist orthorectified sandpip crystallizations peters pehu peede averaged averagely diagonal diagonally whereupon ##ovec correlating correlatable remediation showings ample ##hoat ##houre ##hoogen 12g 124 1265 1260 1215 1233 1294 1290 1216 1242 1244 1248 12trdd0 transit transverse translated translith translation transamaz pyha pyroph pyromorph measures measureable continous continously ##ynton outcop output outbo outlook finite finning finlays finds empty emperor itsz watermel 11a 11i 114 1112 11h2o 1133 1190 1196 1116 11h2s 1148 119sn fieldwork ##entifi musovite muskox reds rediss redef ##elstruis microlas microflu microcol microlayers microenviron microcrystals microlites microchemical 184 1811 1817 amounting paleob paleont paleoteth paleosurface paleolocation paleoseafloor founded foundering midi midand midpoint postulating postulate postcol postcumulus δ30si δ36s verme verified verification vermont vermiform verhoogen centrifug spectrograph baro barra barter barber barometry barbosa baragar barriers barraclough fineand ##lisation ##listic ##lishu inflow infier inflex inflated enriching monzogabb monzonites pdm pd2 pd3 pd4 pd9 pd6 pd8 pdas pdand pdsn pdxl ##clinal ##clockwise afterwards afterglow fo72 fo82 fo76 fo91 fo84 foothills gained gauth gappe gaoligong gautneb ##ualage ##ualization micaand 1950 19cu 1940 1920 1916 1946 1925 1914 1922 1944 1941 1947 192os intergrowing deriving derivates ##hens supras negate furthe nails naumann nappes ##iorites disposition disprove disproportion idb idoy iddingsite cassidy stratigraphical pyrrhotiteor 1007 10000 ##ients fls flq flip flight fluss flints flames separator δ34si δ34sς δ34ssp δ34scdt δ34sbarite δ34sccp interactive metaschoepite osand osarsite ferrob ferry ferropic ferropy ferberite ferrogabb ferrosyenite ferroparg invia invoke inviscid plotter seriesii extenca walled evidently orthopyroxeneand orthopyroxenevaporolivine brs brz bragg brule bryozo britain brasil brigade option opted options opyx crustaland ##veloped chemicals sira siting siand sierr matou matters matches matlab mathez matysken mathematical mattinson ##owned graphs graphical graphitisation galore galley galbra galatian ##kalas ##kalio affili ##ophanes oxideand 13a 13g 13e 132 13th 1360 1326 1344 1341 13trdd0 13jud blocky blocked developments andesiteand banderas ##bs2 ##aceda salinas 147 1450 1480 1420 1476 δ18osmow δ18owater δ18omt δ18odi mediated ##ampling doing dover dozen doviren ##ogranitic tail taxa tazas taimyrite taivalk ##orkdal localizes soler solve solute solonker xenomorph xenocrystic xenovolatiles ##olithic characterising ##orporated ##amba creation crevasse explicit districtand lasing ceases ceasing cembrano cenomanian think thinly anatomizing δ18obt felsitic ##hipo middleor middlemost sbm sb123 sb217 suppression guan guides guidel guided guideline guaymas 40k 408 4087 ##ubl bounds ##hydrothermal ##terman ##termined manus manual manning manoj mankayan manantial maneta management manakau ptas ptfe ptte2 mnr mns mn2 mnz mno2 mnco3 mntio3 gabbrope pluming normalize normalising ##hodka ##hodsite ##ometrically ##ometrics ##obian ##obadui ##roscope ##roscopy molybdeniteand multiform multipl multiele multidirectional multiacid ##orsed ##cribe saturate situations situates ##azi ##aze ##azimb controller fluoriteand probing productive ##aire fourier linearly identities ##lmaz ##lmingly initiate initiates initiative continents 505 507 5030 intermediateto currents currawong dol2 dol1 dolomic synmineral synfl synrift synclinal 302 309 307 3020 30si tried triand triump tripod count counters countries counteracted contaminate epithermaland selecting valuevisible newton muscovitic flown ##liers ##liuping tops topla topmost anhydrites anhydrous rimming smn smd sm2o3 smcn smoliar ##issipp youxian youanmi ##maeno intention muscoviteand cleved cleverley cleveland installed estimating naruo ruo ruape ruighoe greening greenbus ##ialic anhydriteand ##burton homogenizing goals identifiers hales uranophanes ##augitic ##auasfe classifications correspondent datings keith keys keir kemi kelex kegu keppler laterites timefram ##tersill 702 701 7060 7033 7094 7096 7081 7082 7044 7058 7053 7055 7038 70558 70899 coevally 254 2550 2565 25h2o 2566 25mg predict predeterm waal waited waals waxing waitak waitemata stocksc specified speculation transpose ##orthopyroxenevaporolivine amphiboleand eastwards eastonite eastnort ##otechnology ##ospheric ##omicroscope stilp albitic albitite albitisation alboom albriug arsenopyrites zhalong zhaos zhitova zhilintou merens ##kesworth ##ylic ##ylation ##ylened ##ennikov spectrometric merenskyite hfn ##anee tuach tugtup tuotuo tuopu calamine calamines ##robothnia co2and ablations assimilate assimilant assimilates photon photored photocath ##lisional effectiveness paid paolovite paulick vaporized vaporand argut argentopyrite parallelism meshes mesoto mesoscale mesostruc soils softening eleven ilmeniteand poles polve poliang polisher polarised polelle whitehouse clinopyrox clinoh peaked peaking erased erdmann erciy beams manyeruke offline 239 2316 234u particulate volcaniclastics ##uoxueshan degradation ##iveness labs labile labspec turin turpin turquoise shaping longmu longmenshan longmuc ##lington ##lingzhai ##yanaite 17n 171 174 1710 1730 1794 1746 1772 1770 1722 ##oxigong reductive reductants reductant ##anka deepening fewo4 aggregated weakens weakened detecting angren anglo angara anglog angola elena elabor elaborate elatsite eltai appearances approximately1 cmca mm5400 lamination lamaque ##tonite meteorites blackbir ##oscilicates metalloids metallifero volatilization barrensland zrn zr4 ##inco statement microscopical gneissose noteably irregulart paragraph predominated hornbend recorder recognizing limberg solidifying 224 2260 bulgaria mineable mineville investigates 164 167 1690 1699 ##bnerite endocont endorsed pn33 ##bery ##bertal nonrad nonmineralized nonoxidized nonmagmatic nonnen nonconsecu muerto muenster pulang pulsed stem steed stems stepped stephanite colorometric 206u 2063 2068 openings trmb trying trunk tr98 ##gler ##psed ##orlike isocon isocont isoclin isochon devise devoted ordering phyllosilicate phyllosilicates phylloscilicates biological bi2s biorad biostratigraphy harmer harburgite harrington harlov harlaux harriet linkham ug1 ugidos polyhedral polylithic polytetra polyharm polycap polyatomic polyureth discriminants 605 609 606 6050 602d fiia tuffitic epidoteand gls glance gloss glgf glitter glimmerite glomero phenoclastic excite excursions excillum energies potassicand batholitic batholites radical radiated radomiro anymore anyway mediumand nwn rivers ##logel ##loglova bethke cd2 cdte pentagonal swing swain swings swarm sweep swimming exhaled exhalite equilibrating overlapped structureless pentlandites tints tinto tinfoil ##uita platelets shallowest mci mcpha mcfarlane mcgill mcmill mcfall mechanic ##105 equivocation equivalence microthermometries holtta raymo bhvo summit summed summaries ##arthur induction influential influencing 806 h2o2 individually earthy jurisdic 204back moderateand moderateto 399 396 3900 871 879 877 nacional worked confusion confused confocal configured huanshan huhma hungry loa loops loaf loosely reflectivity duan duke duji duftite durable duodigou successor brook brozn brompton altn altunk altunhis marking markets accessed accessibility edward edification edging eddies densely densities hortavæ sulutas ##titu correspondingly 322 329 3250 3275 ccpi dawan dajins hmt hereafter migrates migdis nd2o3 nddm pipeline syndi sykora ferroedenite ferroaugitic isochronal priori pitz 281 283 288 2840 28si 2832 2870 2862 ##uanshan ##uanzui mills miller millings milliq millimetre milligrams millipore viistola visibly visayas explaination pc4 pco2 pcigr uplifting tetraborate 291 293 294 2940 2960 2930 2919 2917 2947 2935 29silic ##ofield ##ofossil ##ofisher ##ofocus ##oflakes ##robe6 baula baizh bahl bahia barents bafq bailly baogut barenstein ##agua attrition 244 246 248 2400 2440 2478 2468 2436 24al1 bento hgs mounting peltonen peltier schuss schott schaff schmidt schoepite schreib scholars schultz schimerite schapbachite schloglova schofield versa versatile shoulder gradation gradate graduate seek allowable calibrating remobilised remobilizes 21n 219 216 2140 boil boost bohl boiled bojitian boosted boynton kalmak kalinga conducts demands demagne demonstra regards phlogopitic 274 276 277 2700 2711 2790 2799 2782 2745 2726 2727 2778 2723 2761 27fe3o4 fischer tenfold deviated deviating plasil plastic accomplish maxima maximized maximizing spotty considerations metallogenically raposos umt40 umt26 umt44 ##tricably proportional proportionally plasmaquad nancy nanolites nanoto nanosecond nanwei nanwen nanotechnology nanofocus outermost retrogressive wolfe ##tyazh residues substance permil simao simulating simulate simmons ##ukcu alternations alternance preferences micropyroxenite cratonization bleach blevin blending ##timer understudied lossada ductilely kaolin kaeo kaislan kaelin kaipara logical logfo2 ##indrical diffusive diffusivity remainders road rojo roeder rohrl royal rojas roelof researches radiate radially radiometrics sulphate sulphates 263 269 267 2650 2640 2660 2694 2670 lvchun yanguan yangjishan yangxin yangchuling yangliuping ##watersrand ##ussia ##ussidon profitable profession leucogranites leucosome simplistic photomicrography pseudostratigraphy pseudomorp 351 35cl 3596 3546 3574 300vp morro morbs morris moradi mortensen mortimer sedx magnitog ##amait tianshui yinwuling yinnik narrowing narrowly lreeand ramada ramifications ramsay ramesh takanen takahas ##scape trellisto flattish stillstands sedexs ionov ionisation kivalliq nonsignificant ##shijing shao shaft shafts segregates segregating dispersal solubilizing axios axiomatically horizonte powered powellite rounds ##oehu orijarvi heterogenite heterogenous 2073 75c 754 75co2 75ch4 luge lu2o3 lujiang luonan luotuog luobadui mingze netherlands palo palma palyg palabora self selway clothor clothto responses responsive 2aydogan 453 459 456 4500 4572 ##ossa ordinary researching phoscoriteand 331 339 3300 3365 33fe3o4 globe ledneva coverage semch seminal semimet semsey 1504 150nd reactional reactionary economics residuals macaco maclean macfarlane macdonald macarthur ##uminoscop restriction restricting assesses supernat supercote thermophys thermometers thermonor thermofisher awanda awulale binn ##ningzhen ##olino grounds groundrush polymetal broadens broadlands broadband 0002 0003 0006 0008 00020 00024 00003 000012 availabil dilates dilutes diluting please s2j ##1280 ##bergitic ##jiangbao issued oriental orientated plans buzwag burakovsky delay delai delicate deltap deloule delivered ##planung ##40ar ##kopje mappings paleoenviron paleohydrothermal spectroscope centering rae raoping rautaruuk tmcla tm06 δdactinolite δdη2ο ##holz ##ksa converts converting feoh concordance acidity preciousand positioning beneficial beneficiation digest digitally panay panorm panxian ##60lv physio physically physique physiochemical subside subsampled subsolvus subscribe 238pb princess daskalio purging pursued examinations fe23 fe2si featureless 2085 alkaliand particularity d3s d3x bastna bastutjarn dipto chlorides chlorapatite chlorire chloritisation chloroapatite accumulating reactivations steepening brand braided bradley qualify reserved phosphohed northwestward hypothesize eqs ipges ipgp straddle tendurek 6000 csuli cerros ##nantite ##20kzk ##zhunk lamproite megaf callan dongshan flare flaketo muds mudrocks changdu changning changxing changpu changpushan sulfosalic cubes cubukcu needing flowsheet goodnew pipeor bicarbonate lattices tholeitic magnetics distant ##ayaerd metasomatised bordering rosebery tlc minima minimizing capture ##unaho 1870 1876 experiencing closures 384 385 3800 3816 3858 4300 4350 952 955 959 956 957 9581 9587 9537 ivfe3 ivrea penknife peneconte packed lithosphericand baltic balzers baltazar moles mollakara qw2 qw1 sinosteel progresses progressing heats timescales pegmatoids serpentinites serpentinisation 3delib ##mporaneously fluoritisation breaker breakup breakoff finnigant 442 449 4490 4420kzk pinchand tennnantite institut institution oligoclase fertilized fertilities hornfelses seismics chemographic ##odeau interbedding coloradoite 318 3110 3133 3141 557 5550 6610 burg burke burning buryk burried burlington namibia papudo sanjia sanfengshan santiago ##merized covary programs programm granulites granulitization hemlo hemipel implicit implicated huaishupingan 652 653 655 659 658 hire hyc hyppolito hyypia ##rads prototo philpot yellows yellowknife 855 859 8500f morphostructural ##analysis formerly porphyrocl archive belonged ##apsulated unconformities channeling channelised channelizes natural87 022 024 028 escanaba estable fenner fennoflakes retains retorgade retrospect retrometamorph retamilla retardation wangu wanganui metatyayuminite reproduction reproduce intraand intensively 003 009 006 00168 534 539 536 538 cameron camarines hzl hzb robin robinson talos taltson varze ##aoer stream streams shortcoming lapse climates climax encased encircled encapsulated subdomains subdivides campbell skeletons quantity siliciclastics shortenings 73ge 7300 7350 divis freely grs grub griff grutz gruene grundler merge merwe nist976 opposing prp prz pr2o3 private roughness ##jiaxi ##jiaping ##jiaobian monzodiorites colloformand reasoning reasonably reproducing 342 345 3400 3422 3444 341d 3488 362 364 369 36ar 3650 373 379 376 378 3700 3750 492 491 493 495 496 49ar 825 829 emulsified emerald peculi uralian vieira zincian zincitization ##huiao planeand oscillating subsiding 517 boxplots datos datum datuanshan mlr xrpd ##ilitating geometries geometrically immature scattering europrobe mobilizing mobilised transmittedand viewpoin viewpoint descriptors 570 576 577 5740 57co 5778 76a 761 766 767 7626 7647 995 996 cfs kuitan kuhmo kujan poping popieul tanlu tanco tancheng welding ##veda ##fluorethylene connate connect connecting ankara ankeritic compilations ##oudong cav10 adakites geologica outlining infiltrate infiltrations integrate integrations integrates integrity surveyed pacifico 054 055 056 058 422 425 429 4250 4280 471 473 4755 bottroyd june jujuy lanashan laccoliths nowhere nowadays debatable makers makronisos sudlon exploiting tetrahedrally columnar devolatization devolatilisation 483 485 489 4800 893 895 8900 briug jego mala malitch malipo wbz ##swered subduct percussion undergradu southwestward southwestwards cathodoluminoscop immobility skaergaardite 41b 416 464 467 4600 b143nd gerbe ##tangian approaching approaches decomposes 130te usefulness quantifications talnak talnalk 782 784 788 aerhada joins jinjing jinwoz lodeve pilot qfir ##3sn4 ##jiwei ascends stressed whatsoever diamictite neoand neoacadian micaschist micaschists discovering pyroclasts outstand 522 521 622 621 624 625 628 614 619 616 932 935 937 96h 9672 9685 borax borosilicate f1r podiform testif ##si6 ##kanarra ##909 discontinuity ##charoidal dioriticto absorbs stepover stepwise stephens pyroclastics 591 596 597 598 923 981 9897 bismuthides floored floze kamber lianhuashan lianyunshan passchier rotating rotational rotoehu s13 s14 velho ##ecahedral restart restarting accepts 1058 advent advance 7070 7076 7078 70765 70740 707909 parentage parentless powdery powdering petrogeochemistry smithsonian exclusivity exclusiveness 54r 543 546 5440 5418 818 81si6 foreign foreground forego hclconc mason maski masked masterman mas105 runoff tikhomiro ##shoek dendrite subtraction subtracting regressions dunefield lithosphereto confirmation 3biryol 728 7227 7269 automatic autoclastic autonom autocla embodied embracing gdcn helix helmy hellyer ideas kokkok kokkalas kokanee mention milan milashan mathur pinks aspros ready reading chuhe chung collapsed preparing prepare fayek fayalitic exposes undeveloped undetermined blankets pseudomorphously converging covariance dendriticand bimodally 062 061 0668 631 6360lv 916 a1772 escala filed films filtering hedenbergitic koyun kojonen koistinen mdl md25 nuclear portray telfer telogenetic teledy telogenesis tensile zhenfeng ##oza ##pended ##pendencies ##bax ##baum compounded monteiro intraclastic intraclasts 7062 7067 70611 70622 70624 reconsidered pillows nickeline 793 aeolian aegir bronce rica deadtime realm attest assaying ##ctuated drivenes 1185 infertile inferring 1975 1976 1977 1978 1404 1405 economies discordantly reconstructions amalgamate 583 585 684 689 687 6887 houston murck murky murchison renco renamed renowned suspended ##gcun ##oclines fluctuate fluctuates resistor laurussia micrometers micromilling carbonatized obliquely percents percentages perpendicularly ultrabas ultrahigh ultrapure 2000r 2000b erzurum erzincan uncomfort uncomformably introductions contextualization randomized independence 887 bt1 cnk cnrs drains drained draining dayan dayinjian ##lanation ##iyenko consequences proxies spherulite spherulites scanlan submitted submillimetre neuquen rhodes 1254 1256d qz2v2 symposium millions xrf20 deny deniel denudation fia4c gpysum gprobe6 jaspers misclassified misinterpre misaligned misconcep mississipp rosa virgin vergence ##itationally attom attractive attractiveness subaqueous pooled activator slows slowed epizonogenic lithochemistry lithocaps strengths nuclei nucleating ubiquitously erzgebirgis disequilibria 039 036 0317 643 649 64zn 718 71103 arapd elliott grove groove honghe hongxia hongchuang hongshijing kiln kilinc kilpel kilometres liberal libo2 library myrs myriad pmms picos picrites piccol qinglin qingbul slumps slumped tp70 tp061 wilkins wilfley xionghuang xiongcun tomkins tomasc unmined indexed career 1293 1295 employ 1138 1154 halfway predicting mesocumulatic 1602 macrocrystals tracked virtual latitudinal peritectically andradite100 reprecipitate 049 048 748 crenulations dunton dunamagon gnpa ilim nueltin owes owned owns route rouch rouxian roughed tornado wooden ##rigoz coggon chronometer chronometers chronostratigraphy chukchi clastto obtaining 2055 2056 lieyi lieksa srm610 lithostatically remarks 1235 transparencies calderas 2013a 2013b recrystallise fragmental δ65cunist delineation delineates shonkinitic ellipse elliptical abbreviated spessartite 071 0750 081 083 0840 562 5600 837 974 978 97mo 97557 catamar cataclas claims clavate claessens dsil dsulf ds91 etta frantz franklin franchini kα2 kα1 mccua munker munali ngos questioned utilizes zeolite ##rilenko ##bei ##bey ##726 revisited companion compania companhia cuprite cupror validation validity valeriano spanish arkosic chromatograph epigenitic vertex gaojiaobian 1337 1452 1451 1456 insightful 230th 2804 2805 coincidence coincidental cathaysian destabilizes symplectitic symplectities 51257 51251 51256 51253 675 677 67zn 9420 bench batanova buddington budgeted czarnota rusty rommaeno sylvanite trenching venezuela ##87re stabilized stabilizing stabilising extraneous extruded quenching ##stantial ensured 102f 1027 1028 montagne montpell flanks flanked wavemetric clinoand clinoamphib 2014b stretched establishment oppositely centimeterto 404806 4048011 0965 0976 09trdd0 4baker bda branching fesic ghn ghosh ght3 grossly hrm hrsz hrzb hr800 kamo kammik kamenet lyra lyons lincang nbs28 nbs123 nbs127 sxfive serves service servalan worthwhile ##705 andersson almyras almaceda anionic comprehend complication complications plausibility laurentia unidad sciex sciuba diversion diverging divergent microscale microsonde microsampling leaves monomict greyish 1214 1217 112566 2006a 2012a 2012b truncation thermochronometric penetrates penetrating essence cpyvapormt rustenburgite akera akola akimova aksehir aleman ambiguities bigadic elute elution eluted eluant fuchs karoo karapı karaman karakurum karstification langa langmu language langhian nadun nad83 putatively puturge rastered rasters rashoop rasmus tunlob tunuyan ##awnt ##mingtonite ##oinoe theoretically depressions compete competing storing storms ##umbas savo interfaced valuation valuecycling unreactive constructing sketches monosulfides aplites tourmalinites decarbonatation refractories redistribute redistributes redistributing 1964 rhyodacites rhyodacititc brunsv 1443 hyperion 2016b summarises visualization 2709 builds δ57feirmm sensitivities cyclicity myrmekitic comprehensively 7103 cecn categorical froth garwin gelification gelbe galleries hoog hoatson knowledgebase mitigated nicely pocket sibir siberia tchinezog vacant vapors xinqiao zhenghe ##ruently ##764 alss antipin antiper antiformal sumian sumdo formulae interpolations envelops scb2 presume 1036 precedes 1951 1954 smoother umt314 umt378 condensates corroborating appropriately 2102 bns bnsz bgr bracket brackets dwelled fwz h2co3 lester lesage okum persist persisted persistence pixels rupturing ruptured solvus walter walton xiangfang ##2700 ##17103 ##joen ashburton asymmetry render annotated annaberg annieops challenges metapelitic quartzoore contractional scapolitization micronor accommodating improves replenished destructive 1352 1463 1464 2002a waipipi 1789 1788 eliminates 2019a 2019b universal universities polygon polygonally symbol viscosities pathfinding divisions grasby connections velocities autometasomati conspicuously prevailingly a382 bonin boninites boninitic bonhoure c311 costs davila english enguial habits iaesz izeretagu jinshan jinsha jinshupo jinshipo lss mimicking morton otaniemi ongonites practically practition practicing puning punctuated tay97 xsulf yingwuling ##xplored ##tifiable coffinitization reinishaw reactants departure shujiadian shuajiadian tearand colours interstratal platforms geolabs lady concomitantly scottish ago0 expressions trachytic 1095 1074 1075 obscure obscuring transected apophyse counterclockwise 7091 7095 combusting arguin arguably 2261 2264 226ra trivariate hollings bookstrom hypothetically rafter retaining resembled encompassed dissociated 63cu40ar interfinger interfingered centimetreto centimetreup replenishing biplots caso casts caso4 casquet casanova chengba chengmenshan dopant gossans ibtz ligas mogalak nunavut ponded rtk ragged ruttan riegler torch torsional tagh tagil tagama wagner wagani wagadi xiqi xietong ##iencies ##eua conceivable depressing stannodite sayacik laojunstan concrete cautionary microplate expansive acknowledge remelt 117sn microdioritic supersuites taurides multipliers erlangen 2254 focussing looks extrapolation selenide ##ossiliferous qualitatively hamiltons molarity analcimolitic discrepancies johanson unexplored achieving doubt doubled doubling dunesand illuminate conjugation ribbons smoothness pampeanas phreaticand bournite fundamentally 460to a5e aided banian banpo blade blades badham ballhaus ballouard boulders candela candidates candidate candelaria deduce dedicated dingqu dingjias holding iceland iranian kuscu kunst lisiec mvs mvts machines maturity ncb ncds pingtan s6a tolerated tolbach toledo wittichen witwatersrand xohap ##belt ##jiannan ##jianzishan ##7800f ##alenko inhibit algtras anatexis chanthaburi oruro dislocations plainova strategic agua expanding overturn overpressured marshall acetylene chargeability nielsenite recommends recommendation amygdales survival deciphering 1579 descendant 1286 1163 1164 operational 2007a 223ra 223764 huangang huangshui huangjind huanglishu extractable 2979 2977 favouring favourites erratically baldwin 70639 404812 disturbances challenger challenged acknowledges acknowledging achievements lenticules lherzolitic rectangular stoichiometry stoichiometrically bowl boweite barian bianco bergamo bergamasco bcr2g craw cocker camebax danba danisik dannemora downdip efficiencies golcuk hinting halls hardness hardening jsm7800f kurile kurkcu kurzhunk motley nitrate nash nominated nominally odp odlum ohap pinatub qiu rm2000 ranking tangjiaping um1 umtz vitorino vitroand vetz wetter wetting wetherill ##xingxia coordinated coordination coalesce coalesced coalescence forster recemented madrid madagasc madamba choose choosing choices atlantis shangfang gravitationally interception intercepted contradicts hydrolytic hydrolyzed reliably geomorphologic unpubl granophyre granophyres arranging corners ##ersdorf menders lehtonen recalculation recalculating recoveries recoverable commodity appreciably mgsio driest decorate decoupling 1584 1586 microbially optima 2003a plugin epidotized 1635 stereonet stereomicroscope radiofre switches switched switching hollandaire ##hausen siderophyllite 1990s phosphorous routines windows duplication justifying ochreous dramatically overestimate unrecognised 3128 5h2so 540500 azurite bx51 bx53 beryl bertell biluoxueshan boldly bonsall dropping dropped efectively effort efforts eighteenth frauens fringed italics jss jssz jsjs jb1a jb446 jingchong jinghong jiguanzui jambon jordaan kransplaats kilaeua lnαquartz lmc lmst lager lockington lubricate mbh nodular nelsonite pedogenic padova qdm qdp qdob svartliden sinks sinking wyman xiaonanshan xiaogela xiaoxigong yejiwei yuanmi yuanlingzhai zengmu ##waldt ##backs ##jaur offering ascertained reheats chaussidon attica statically ##amaru protective seasoned happen hawaii geotectonically abnormal evaporate evaporated evaporates evaporitic ims1280 clathrates ensuing ensialic spirally industries screened screening subsets prerequisites nordbay melany melanorite melanorites melanocratic paraperid parapyroxenites heinivaara heteroatoms webb webber weighting modestly liquated liquates overthickened marsala upgrade upgraded 106cd plagiogneiss underexplored adsorb oltre noticeably ti49 refinement refinements designation orthopyroxenites orthopyroxenitic 1271 microtexture microtextural 1362 1364 possessing supposedly sm060 sm058 sm056 sm059 70572 specialist zhongjiannan polydeformed erroneously 1759 pulverization pulverizing devitrification horstwood circumstances circumstantial schwartz schwersp fissures permissible strandlines namesake hyaloclasts protocols retreating tungstates johnson 9871 vesicularity alaskaite bayinbuluk susceptible sustainable sustainability drawing drawbacks willemse 512640 512681 512682 512619 antithetically rodriguez thmsg600 reinterpreted caal2si2o3 trachyandesitic manifestations extrapolate extrapolates floodplains doganbey overestimates overestimating eclogite multicolored magnetism diachronous appalachians trondhjemitic 1kuscu audiences buseck ccf c4h6 chemisorption dt1 dpn dorfner dusting erode ethylened eucn equidistant filament getting henry henjes henrique hudsonian iberia jolla july julia kelly kelley kelvin kepez lg6 lcjs letters lachlan lindsay lindsley lindaas mikucki n070 naked nakamura nakhodka n125 ovate ovens ovoo oulujarvi p3l2 pouchou pothole pushing pushpin puketok risks ripidolite rubenach rossel sfd sfm sf6 s8c senior sags surely shedding tipasjarvi vaesite vaisanen vailati villaseca wrapped xlf xuejiping xxxhg yanliao yanbei yelang yelmend yelmand zoisite zoovch zk705 ##d1127 ##iii ##obsen ##egung ##prisingly ##298 ##qvist inevitably ##aradit isomorphically con0xcu recharging depicting anisian antimonite chocaya sukhoth compensation incrementing incident incidence incidental exemplifies prophyroclasts disaggregation quarters quiescent whakamaru teplice sequestered sequesters sequestration intervened hydrofracture feasible feasibility geoecology geoanalysis lazlar landscape unanchored unanimous unanswered concurrently phonolith clarify subalkalic isotherm cawo4 corridor travisany sugarloaf martins martinique ##iotissa sloped skouriotissa accretional moordkopje discount improbable settle settled settling pendants transformations 194pt δ13с δ13cco2 δ13cpdb definitely δ34ssulfide δ34ssphalerite δ34ssulfate affiliated xenomelt abscissa footprint synopses 2577 caledonides photogramm pollution pollutants pollucite steadman cordilleras holloway confident confidence confidently huijiangbao 2995 baoerling bozzo diffractograms sulphidation pseudohexagonal magnetostratigraphy magnetometry 7500c delivery piercement synthesizes tantalite lanthanides advocated advantages 707219 maslovite maslennikov escaping miscible linzizong miarolithic unrealistically vacancies wrrd1127 costechtm reinforcing espinhaco espinacito espinoza microdrilled microdrilling enlarge kimberley mb0xcu pediplanation svetly chaotically overthrust underestimating reinterpretation adequately izegouande lopolithic zinnwaldite coprecipitated attenuator shrinking shrinkage slickensides amoeboid mat253em manufactured 0h4sio4 2sio2 2sio4 2o6 2au0 2h2si2o5 3fe22 3fe23 6904 bvl bvbl bottinga botcharn bonds bonding bacteria bacteriogenic benning bennett battery batteries cuspate cusbs2 cucl cucl2 dm2700 dagushi dagoudong dabla dabieshan dapu daping dube dubawnt egst egrigoz ehrenfried ecs eclectic e187re ewers ft1 ft19 fbg fb1 felic felbertal fumeroles fumaroles gentle gentler gamma gammons gander gandolfi grenville grenvill gnawed hpf hesitation hansen hanchar hombre homoclines hodges hodkie huebnerite hoeve hoefs jianjiaxi kyzyl kleine klemme kutnah kutyev l750 l787 lоl lоlling longest longevity lalor lalisig lifespan lenseand lombaard lombardian mωcm ostracod ostrobothnia pw240 perello peretyazh pichoir pichavant pucella pucks pounds picket pickthorn pumped pumping rigorously rigaku sqt sqrt sacarimb saccharoidal tsds tsangbo tqt tucson tuckanarra tmt006 uitkom uitloop vilama viljoen vibrations vibromet vandenberg vanderhor vastly wql wenzel wenyu wacke wackes xingdi xingxingxia xplora xiaoqinling yardley zucchetti zambia zamboanga ##s89 ##qinamu ##werth ##ıcimen ##tetraacetic informal informally inexistent inextricably ##enbergitic toulouse toulhoat congruous congruently concepts conceptional contended contending consecutively consecutive convincing convincingly co3and asterix asterisk alleghen alleghanian chimney chimneys chaohu chaozhou compromise compromised compexpro shanxi shipinggou shipingchuan grandes grandite proceeds dismiss dismantling saxo saxony sawayaerd metacarbonate metachert metadioritic metadiorites sevastopol coleman hayman hayashi hawkins hawkesworth resistive resistivity hydrosulfide hydrosaline feathery georem georeferencing gefeal2o5 gefe2o4 unsampled unsuspected assertion assertions cloudy enigma enigmatic scissor scissorlike prefix prefaced granitiod granitised conservation conservative paraton paradox paradigm expresses weislogel overlooked lepidolite lepanto po724 po727 acd113 acd111 actinide actinolitic acceptable acceptance performing domingos skinned monoand monocl4 monoclinic ##cpyvapormt provoked provoking surprising surprisingly ultraclean ultracataclastic 122856 transgresses microfocus microfibrous microspectrometer microspectroscopy 1864 vermiculite vermiculitic foredeep foredunes 191ir δ34sgn δ34sgalena 13trdd001 13trdd009 tajcman tajikistan guyatayoc pt2te pt2fecu 50lr governed government 70476 70404 70568 255p speckles speckled blacksands tributary tributaries harrison discriminative discriminators confloiii ediacaran ediacarian symmetry symmetric ferrohedenbergite ferrohedenbergitic graywacke graywackes simplification simplify pseudoreef pseudoreefs delimited delimits paleogeographic paleogeothermal straddles straddling 44619 encourage encouraged spreadsheet instantly instantaneous devolatisation devolatising 8977 reconcile reconciling tongshanling tongshankou 9834 passagem dissimilar dissimilarity autobreccias autobrecciated kohler kohistan ae633 ae647 tubingen renishawsyste unevenly warrant warranted cryptocrystalline cryptodomes fengshun fengshandong liberate liberates mushketovite mushketovization 04so2cpyvapormt claimed isopleth isopleths interflows orthoquartzite orthoquartzites orthoamphibole orthoamphiboles alexandre alexandra okrugin octahedra octahedrally shuanghu shuangjianzishan caalalsio6 baiyangping baiyangtian famatinite famatinia culminated culmination sandwiching schwarze schwarzwald jobinyvon anisotropic anisotropy jaggedto japanese satisfies satisfactory wavenumber wavenumbers inaccuracy inaccuracies inadvertently unambiguously paleoclimate paleoclimatic dd97md003 dd97md004 cbabsd009 cbabsd007 0canaals 0102 2v2o83 2jolivet 2ca2 2zn2 3lmh 4o10 715139 84sr 9cu3sn4 9fe22 a6a aiglsp aromatic aokare avenues aquitards a207pb aozigang akeyazi azaoua aconcagua bjorkdal bαsp bateman bocks brest birke bostonite baklan braminco browne blown bought bilibino buchholz bigger b208pb brockman banshanpu buckling bokouchang ctf cinovec cesium cropped ceduna cags cacl2 cummingtonite crane catanduan cipw cioban cylindrical ccu1 cochrans custom cierco clumps dh17 dvoinoe dzhety donated dremel darcy docked dodecahedral dessus dakota dachang dictated dbd298 dazong dabaoshan dossena dmnrl dimorphic dxr250 euref etrs89 eroglu education emmons eskers elmer efemcuk emanating ejecta eradication erects eaflash ethanol frater fmc fictional fagundes fleming fusible fetot fizelyite fowler fougerous fulfil farthest fenshuiao flashed fusswink filtrate fonseca flexures friedman gbf gatan gacun goufat gifkins gogus guctekin genetical gutcher gmbh gervilla greasy giovann gordiyenko glasgow gavrilenko giebel glisza grocke gansu ganzi gecu2 herrington hettangian hellenic hupi hengdong hubei hishikari hotspot huitang hochstein hilger hisingerite humboldt hildreth hoppner hclo4 h4sio4orthopyroxenevaporolivine iyzsz iullemed iacono icanche ioko iugs icd111 iilijarvi jaques jnf jenkins jorc jitoushan jatulian jilau jimenez judge jakobsen jackson jensen javoy jinkeng jadeite jingshajiang jiaojia knotty kdcl kkf kontak kenorland korsman kashinite koswite kidd koprub kouzman kartaly kasemann kostomuk korean kociumbas kramers kovalenko kexiaxi kavos kupol kissin kushikino karioi konnunaho knowing kirkland koshkul krita knickpoint koppstrom lda lhz lf726 l312 leloup luster luders loretta lignites lundqvist lentiform lledo leroy lushs lankeng littoral lmin1 lustre livanovsky møre mittersill mosfil merely mousseden mirror mongolia mariana mullikkor mignot mundil morning menninne moscow mimetite mochalov mostert ntac nh4 nqlt nyema n700 ninety nalati nurnberg nicholson nibao nayang nannofossil naguayen nukumiti namaqualand nuasahi nunns n116 n90e nygard natroalunite ogilie orocline oso3 ostraсod ocloyic p433 pasava paglio patea pithy pocuro pushed pigment pabellon pivotal parititu paints piedmont pignolino petrasche porkonen puchtel pinckney pochon patison pilgujarvi publication pascal peschanka qaidam qulong qiguling qimaging qibaoshan rpm rønning rheological rolera rinsed rogers renewed rongna rivano rangitoto ronda rickers rovaniemi ramps ryansville ripple rinds riquelme sındırg sonju sarıcimen sasz sheridanite sotope sichuan sabate sla97 seldom sariolian sterner sobolevskite sissons samson s11c saridala tfp t95 tatyanaite tveten taconic tamamait tardani tarnishing trinidad tschermak t3c1 tamarack u3o8 ubagan uusimaa ustunisik urigill uttaradit vasyuk vizualage vammala vogelstruis vodlozero vivallo veldozero vourinox voudouris wcds wkls wtih wusu wctp words woxna widening waldbaum woolanga xbse xigaze xianghugou xliq xclap x500fe yu1 ypo4 yılmaz yongningzhen yalea yavuz yushu yindun yahaya y724 zinin zro2 zanchi zagros zinger zigzag zurich zettergren zhibula zentilli zindler zechstein zarmitan zanchetta δsul δpyrite δ66so2 λ147sm σtabs ##sgesellsch ##nomelane ##iaminetetraacetic ##yphane ##wicz ##5fes4 ##alatage inorganic inagli inection inspired inundated ingrowths invalidates inthanon inhomogeneous innovative ingredients inbetween andreevka officials ##atwerke tombros to1000 tokcaer threshold thabazimb thibodeau thakurta thompson thuringian thalhammer isograds isodat conventionally conjectural convecting conjectured convinced coaxial cottrell cottonbelt december develidag dewatering dehydroxylation astenosphere ministro mindoro alacam alumospinel altenberg almendrillo alphamelts alıcı arestova retentivity reassessment reunion revelation reincorporated retiga reanalyzed reabsorption rehabilitating rehomogenize depolymerized answer anmqs anlagenplanung antecrystic bytownite maquine maydagan ma121 maioro ma038 maandagshoek mavrogenes mauritania chantler chuniespo christie churchill beresford beiras beakers betekhtin berenguela belemnite suffix suffice sudoite compartment complimented complutense attending stacey staining stokes stumpfl stopped stutzite sulfotellurides incapable inconclusive oruanui shannon shizhuyuan shiquanhe prohibiting protruding disordered disparate discharged disguised quirt quechisla quinns quehuita wholesale crudely crumpled cristobalite saattopora sauzeat sakatti metapsammite metagabbro metarhyolite teallite teleflak teprha tekkedag searched sepulveda interchangeably interdependencies interpenetration interlobate intersertal intermontane intermingling interdigitated interconnecting interlocking haplogranitic haplobasaltic vegetation cuyania hydrosphere hydrological hydrofluoric striae relaxation featuring geocientifi georessources gemini geozentrum getengling geopixe geostatistical valanginian valmaggia valsardieu highscore launched laukamp lainijaur abutting abinky unloading unregularly untraceable unsurprisingly uniquely unsupportive unquantifiable unfolded untested unavailable unfractionated concessions evacuated volcabnic occurences repercussions assaouas phillips pharmaceutical imbedded goldschmidt entailed encrusted sparked spindle sphericity sparsely spontaneously spooner indonesia indeterminate silcrete scmem scraped scratches subspherical subareal subscript subeuhedral subterranes subbituminous subintrusions diyanqinamu diversify neophyte neyedley nepheline nebulizer nexion2000 autriche auzanneau preconditioned prevalence preferable premise preventing preselected prejudice norrbotten norwegian granofels presputtering pressnitz consultants carnegie carpathian carphosiderite artillero armitage artifacts arizona arditurri arithmetic locmelis durchbewegung melinda volcanoclastites paralleled paramount cauldron cauterets cauchari cautiously caosiyao cappadocian formationdoes formationmarks ag50w agadez aguelal heavitree heavily carbonaceaous corundum corollary obviate faeroe fahlore expounding expenditure exponential traverses trajectory volcaniclastite li2b4o7 lixiviation limpopo meffre canberra sernageomin analysenzentrum overlimits overwhelmingly learning lefebvre lebedev lebowa leonhardt marinduque marziano pokrovski twentieth twinkling regrowth regressively perturbations 108796 zncufes undisturbed undisputable undoubtedly observatoire dominican admonition adiabatic admixture slabbed slivers largeto skutterudite rechecked meltpartition limonitised amilibia amantaitau gregoire primordially underrepresented feldspathized tretravalent snooks ms23l ms61l representativeness moorbath discoverer breitkreuz breitenbrunn rhombohedral imprecise blzk17103 driscoll titanomangnetite shepherd oreshoots lithodeme lithotectonic surpassing decimetres refrigerator salafossa desilicification orthocumulate sandpiper petersburg pehuenche peedee 12trdd016 translithospheric transamazonian pyhajarvi pyrophyllite pyromorphite outcops outboard finningan finlayson watermelon 11h2scpy redissolve redefined microfluorescence microcolumn microenvironment paleobotanical paleontological paleotethys postcollisional vermeesch centrifuged barberton infiernillo inflexion monzogabbro pdsnauasfe gauthier 1950s 19cu5fes4 suprasubduction furthest naumannite disproportionation idoyaga flussund flintstones ferrobasalts ferropicritic ferropyrosmalite ferrogabbros ferropargasite extencao orthopyroxenevaporolivinevapor bryozoa brasilia sierras galbraith affiliates 13trdd014 13judd002 taivalkoski guidelines manojlovic manantiales gabbropegmatoidal multiplied multielement dolomicrite synflinc triumph clevedon ruapehu ruighoek greenbushes keguqin timeframe 704485 predetermined waitakere stockscheider eastnortheast stilpnomelane zhaosu tugtupite tuotuohe photoreduction photocathodes mesostructures poliangting clinopyroxenes clinohumite erciyes longmucuo anglogold elaborates blackbird irregularto hornbende endocontact nonradiogenic nonnenwerth nonconsecutively isocontours isoclinally bi2s3 polytetrafluorethylene polyharmonic polycapillary polyurethane mcphail mcmillan jurisdiction 204background huanshannan dujiachong broznite altunkaynak altunhisar hortavær dajinshan migdisov syndiagenetic millimetreto 29silicon baizhangyan bahlburg baogutu schussler schaffhausen schreiber bohlke kalmakyr demagnetization demonstrable umt402 umt263 umt448 nanwenhe kaolinization kaislaniemi rohrlach roelofse professionals pseudomorphed magnitogorsk tianshuihai yinnikalatage takahashi luotuogou palygorskite semimetals semseyite supernatant supercotectic thermophysical thermonoran availabilities buzwagi deltaplus paleoenvironments rautaruukki panormos fe2si2o5 bastnaesite chlorapatites phosphohedyphane megafossiliferous sulfosalicylic goodnews penecontemporaneously 3delibas finnigantm 4420kzk2 buryktal sanjiaowo programmer hemipelagic philpotts porphyroclast natural87rb retrometamorphosed varzea griffin grutzner gruenewaldt peculiarities viewpoints kujanpaa bottroydal undergraduates cathodoluminoscope gerbeaud jinwozi outstandingly 9672b testifies 98973 foregoing tikhomirov dunefields autonomous autoclave kokkokangas koyunoba md2500p teledyne aegirine 6887400 ultrabasic uncomfortably misinterpreted misconception mississippi erzgebirgische arapdag hongxiaqiao kilpelainen piccoli qingbulake tp709 wilkinson xionghuangyan tomascak rouxianshan δ65cunist976 975577 catamarca cataclasite mccuaig cuprorhodsite montpellier wavemetrics clinoamphibole 09trdd032 kammikivi kamenetsky sxfivefe karapınar langmuir rasmussen brunsvigite tchinezogue antiperthitic annieopsquotch autometasomatism enguiales izeretaguen practitioners mogalakwena xiqiu xietongmen dingjiashan lisiecki tolbachik wittichenite algtrask huangjindong kurkcuoglu kurzhunkul pinatubo madagascar shangfanggou radiofrequency 5h2so4melt bertelloni frauenstein jb44699 nordbayern paraperidotite schwerspatwerke ethylenediaminetetraacetic henriquez puketoka sukhothai photogrammetry botcharnikov ehrenfriedersdorf grenvillian hodkiewicz kyzylalma kutnahorite lоllingite lalisigaoer pw2404 peretyazhko uitkomst alleghenian sawayaerdun ultracataclastics tajcmanova renishawsystem 04so2cpyvapormtbn 0canaalsi2 aiglsperger catanduanes ciobanu dzhetygara efemcukuru fougerouse fusswinkel giovanni h4sio4orthopyroxenevaporolivinevap iullemeden koprubası kouzmanov kostomuksha mosfiloti mullikkorame menninnee nyemaqen ogiliev ostraсods petrascheck sındırgı tschermakite vasyukova vogelstruisfontein ##sgesellschaft thabazimbi anlagenplanungsgesellschaft chuniespoort geocientifiques