[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z µ · ø ı α β γ δ ε ζ θ λ μ ρ σ τ ω ϸ – ’ ꞓ ##n ##u ##d ##a ##t ##i ##o ##v ##e ##r ##s ##k ##l ##m ##c ##y ##p ##h ##b ##4 ##7 ##w ##z ##g ##q ##x ##f ##2 ##0 ##1 ##8 ##5 ##3 ##6 ##j ##9 ##ø ##ı ##ꞓ ##σ ##α ##τ th the ##on ##er ##at ##in ##es ##en ##al ##ed ##nd ##or of ##it ##ion ##an ##ic ##ar in and ##re ##st ##ro ##ent ##ing ##as ##el ##ou to ##le ##ct ##th ##ol ##is ##ation ##et ##ur ##ul ##ra st ##ith ##ly ##oc ##ig ##im ##om ##ce con ma is with de re ##os ##id for ##ow ##iv ##am ##ult ##il fa ##ge ##est su that al ##ate ##rom ##ern are ##ure ##ru ##ut ##la from ex ##se as an ##ot fault se ##ch on int ##ated ##ta be bas di ##ver pro by ##ite ##ri ##ph sh ##pp wh ##ran ##ir com nor ##ment sou ##pos ##od ##ere ##ast at ##sion ##res ##ction ##ve ##og ch ##if ##mation ##ins this ##ad ##ian ##ud ##ata north ##ine pl ##oun ##cc ##qu ##con ##for ##ock ##ous south la ##em ##ition ##ies or ##igh col fig ##ect ##ong ne un ##op figure ##ist ##ally ##all ##ich ##pl gra ##ab ##ag ##rust ##ity ##um cont ##ive inter ##ple sub res ##ts ##ations ##ence str ge ar was ##ism ##ant ha rock ##rou ##ene were we ##ely ##ke ##ten ##ale ##ill ##iment ##ost ##ass ##ted ##ary sam ##ges ##iz ##ediment rel which age these ##oz ##lu ##ter ##one ##du ##and co sediment ev mar ##ial ##li ##ozo east ##ozoic mod ##ff inc basin par me have ##ues reg data mag ##ac along met zir zircon ##we west ear sp ##ical ##ide det depos fol bet high ran ##ard ##ld ##us exten ##ak ##gh ##ath ca ##yst low ##ther formation ##phic ##olog ##ib rocks moun pres ##ates ##ween between ##ess ##ord vol ##eld ##ers ##ures region over faults colle dis ##can ind cre not ob val mounta ##mal ##ater km ##gest ##00 ##ore ##low rec ter ##per pale ##ocene within loc ##ach ##uring volcan ##ined tim ##ss ##par ##ia ##ear tran ##erv ##aly defor ##por ab can stud ##ruct ##pt ##ell ##ps ##amor ##pre during ##its extension ##ield metamor ##ron plate arc range late pre ##mat ##ents acc ##ound am sug crust ##ral ##ross strata suggest ages ##agues colleagues chan ##iver interpre contin en bel struct trans ##ution sur dist us model ##pla app ##ase ##able ##end ##vi analy sc ##ick been deformation ##rit result cons it ##east occ ##vel mountains ##ific ##ting per ass part show ##rib prov southern ##onic marg ##ue gran fold occur tw ##oth ##ign sampl ##pres ##ck indic lar sim ##ced im ##ces obs stri sli ##ap ##ace ##duction ##lud ##ould min ##ep ##yp ##west ##ari conta thrust but slip ##so time ##au has also ##ward comple sour mid zone volcanic river two cor ##och terran ##ne ##med cent tect ac diff section ##rain than ##ystem system ##ley ##ating qu ##red margin northern 20 lower cl ##rough observ ##ance ##ments ##ile may ad ##ceous ver thick area eastern where samples ##taceous ##assic cretaceous ##iss li cr dep into ##mon ##net und ##posed ##act cal he ##raphic early ##rog grou most includ magmat study ##ay complex subduction le ##ang ##pon ##omet ##last fra ##face ph sign how more there dom ther ##ilar tectonic well plut basal ru detrit continent ##ively ##iated ##ized through deposition bound char valley tr western sand similar both out ##yn strat near ##ight ##pper across ##dition under ##ones detrital ##ric ##age ##land differ mi off consist youn our ##ose analys ##ites record sample ##ied supp ##ology field earth present lith ##ift depth typ ##nel crustal grains vari ##ens upper car pe tra ##eric ##own belt pb normal gen ##tion act tem continental 10 central ##cted const ##ever fac however all metamorphic base group ##eral up ele ##ative ##olith orog pos ##ough channel ##set ##ree ##idence ##ature ##olution ##ger ##ular assoc set sandst intru based strike stratig bed pluton ##ry seism sl ##ack ref ##dle bec exh surface pla ##ie ##position fe des other ##ress rupt ##acter character ##ek jur mo metamorph earthqu ##ides est ##terozoic deposits related ##ome ##pping flow old conc jurassic ##ma interpret ##un flu lim regional repres ##osph ang new si displa ##ka ##xim middle ##ork ##form interpreted source ##otop af top ##lis ##ural orogen only clast observed isotop ##our one ##ust bath ##phy its terrane facies associated mes shear ##ited using id ##ically main ##kely geoch ##ado inf ##ber ##row ##ory ##xt ##tical results 19 some such sedimentary rupture ##cl shor fl ##ana maj large major ##val local metamorphism mel pr ##und cryst no ##tern ##atures mineral signific gener sm batholith ##yon geomet ##sions oce sil ##int hill lake ##ause ocean ##onian ##fore temper because land cen creek offset seismic units san likely ##av composition southwest calc yield values miocene ##bon meas hor ##cess dire they ##port northwest ##itud ##ribution separ color estim long 15 ##out significant gre ##ible thermal cenozoic their produ disc different der post stratigraphic would em later ##ise geolog represent ol ##ulf ##ded northeast ##ived alas trend sin ##ci ##vious ##art magmatic 40 due domin consistent ##idge ##pect alaska upl paleozoic corre ##be ##cement indicate ##are hist used ##ain ##of southeast carbon form canyon structural 12 11 cross grad ero ##ove incre ste granite refle bl syn ##ization wall cam ##hi ##sional seg three deep down conver ##ding def sandstone ##itic colorado contra ##iller sier small ##ada previous younger evidence po water dip ##ably above ##te devel compar addition relations follow orig mant pass sal fract lithosph line process contact develop mantle ##uch analysis ##ently ##ok ##raphy cool ro ##ail ##ved ##atively ##ases formed mountain ##ness structures poss ##ration ##allow ##artz origin pat shallow quartz ridge ##tal inv ext lav vertical zircons exposed ##netic after stress suppor ##hed unit peak derived ##iven comp do ##imo models terranes ##ctions studies cord americ older extensional distribution boundary nana ##sl ##ities events ##ffect basement nanaimo level ##ake basalt ##king suggests active 14 ##round coast sulf accre 13 ##son marine te stra sea scale magmatism mass init succ sequ common ##ported ag dz den ##ual cordiller mic zones ##ave ##yd ##lying evolution tri ##ane dev lin por press bre end ##ah ##ured each cooling mater dec higher block material thin ##eng ##rop basins ##ov ##gl ##erate ##rowth cut could unc ##ipp ##ati ##ors ##though although ##opro including uplift occurred correl ##verse ##oproterozoic ##fic ##erm located ##ribut therefore pot compon ##itude ##ann plateau constrain sierra nev peri oceanic pattern ##ination ##ider ##ified ##izon perm gar growth nevada strain sever thickness angle expos ##umation ##he appear exhumation geochron relationshi 200 here ##ption therm analyses ##lo prog several ##rol history kn ##ather lat ##sh ##ocl 201 man ##ring cur fin island equ bro ser ##ility while salt ##mb ##ivity doc pol devonian garnet rest ##yl subs overla landsl bi those ##als transition proven ident ##glom 39 ##vial ##ali miss ##ys thus ##ount ##akes succes relatively conglom ##amic below eocene ##ument condition consider gradi ##ately spect ##matic continu earthquake ##semb ord converg provenance back mult ori super orient ##aries reported meth fir ##work ##erta ##erred ##que interpretation ju pen ##uc ##iation assemb laur ##ences geo accom ##pe ##ert analyz outc ##lision bene hyd ##bo first laurent mat temperature conditions sediments dipping type desc 30 ##kes ##anian determ distin earthquakes fur ##ire prof calcul mon ##ivers mesozoic prim method ##sequ prob ##pped document ##ole ##ynamic reflect further found maxim ##conform beneath distinct 16 relative detach accretion fo exam ##allel horizon ##sive ##bric meg contain ##issipp depositional mississipp del ##ogene collision gr if ##most striking phase empla pac rif rap yielded erosion ##ram magn hills ##ength analyzed mississippian pacific rapid rati same period far ##vier sequence rift geologic ##bri observations pressure cat pop work ##mar ##ina ##eter ##otite sources permian ##ds ##by sevier ##tening 40ar potent ##ially plutons fluid given rate ve ##ither characterized maximum 100 hyp rot mafic ##ope abund rates ##oss ##ogen unconform mor shows southeastern ep timing import measured contrast portion mig ##pb interval oliv ##arp ##ifor detachment ##ening silic olivine 17 rich sing ##yr elev segment much respect event paleo break ##board num pet table ##de structure concent isotopic geometry multi ##brian bar ig sw ##to proterozoic ##ages ##elds change ##oclase succession felds ##lement dext depths 39ar ed ##tle ##ulation faulting include either less ##ging crystall uncerta series ##atic ##ish anom when ##thermal ent 25 cle areas ##verage presence very displacement shortening ##olved ##rior ##iron ##ize changes folds dextral ##gi systems basalts plagi clasts sulfide ##tin ##ec ins sedimentation broad single fabric collected red ##istic since feldspar tu ##ood amph lateral triassic plagioclase ##pr lack modern parallel volcano appro dr non ##lust amphib core ##atol ##icular ##olite requ ##chan magnetic assum topog mem ##ond anatol ##inematic term eru mg ta ##led setting ax ##rock she contains following til ##rated recon ##rang detail dated effect ##bl grand grained indicates landslide describ hf ##ior magma vel ##io ##ject ##ench inst rem ##ided forel ##chist proposed shown lithosphere lavas link conglomerate comb adj intrusions isotope average nw ##mod ##ales shale ranges boundaries geochronology gradients rifting bla lit sandstones orogenic processes possible important had ##contin mark supplement ##enced reve mechan generally ##ream lay arg mean geochem assembla foot veloc dynamic fill wed ##cond deposited ##ological locally whereas clastic produced accommod gla ##ank ##ouse ant att control ##ochron sections features discus steep exper preserv orogeny southwestern relationships reconst mot ##ines second recorded beds prop obta direct ##ium activity fluvial 35 bur host ##wall reverse prec exhib cordillera uncertaint ##sc then toward rema ##respon ##quop grav correspon pequop denali ratios black least ##ns ##ille ##lab compres plot variations so ##ik expla ##ries abs temperatures increase documented dating wrang ##acent adjacent 23 50 ##cy ##gan ##asc dominant many foc ##cf ##esis spring recent imp trench great defined magnitude mm subsequ ##ourne measure dominated cambrian emplacement clear ##zon ##ision allu ##ernary ##lished previously mourne ##ull mapping ##lastic entire footwall ##ai ##ient conf any american hydro propag hang net side respon spec obli provide ##neiss biotite hanging ##up ##me ##ft diag occurs fracture ale op slab ##met ##arse ##ability env appar provin trace sets influ estimates motion fron ##ub ##iles diap ##umb clos ##iew limest potential diapir ret view ##over ##aternary ##imb quaternary mix youngest bedrock horn pa ##stand intra ##ducted flows limited strand ##aho subsidence ##ossil deformed throughout inferred geometries described kinematic ##ris ##lation ##estig dips melt investig america mud sr characteristic fractures component mechanism casc dates map maz being ##ading ##mont lithospheric clust pred prior ##ip ##ville ##ulations ##ival heat patterns ##marine member lo use ##ving ##lor bear ##formation arch regions minor el ka wide ##nia ##erous stand gravel ##ander overlying suggested element support ##ributed abundant unconformity sheet foreland four ##pine califor consists typically hypoth wedge obtained california around ##way ##erg ##idual grain strong ##used transport carbonate compared tuff cascad brit bouse hot rim ##ryst ##les ##onal ##anite ##omag neoproterozoic formations crystals decre thinn ##ogenic requir reveal ##rich olig again multiple supplemental sy total center drain ##jave ##atite ##reg ##ased mojave environ oligocene du dra rad inboard ##etic exist phases tempor idaho compositions calculated oblique ##rence ##stone slope possib initial constraints cro gneiss ##ble ##alach ##arat appalach stratigraphy passive lava laurentian appalachian bu bod tur ##ycl ##ind allow weak plutonic few estimated trending exposure blu ibe mus ##uk proxim ##ctional granites ##neous example igneous velocity ibex bend ##ug ##els understand commonly components curr order av case earli volcanism modeling position development thermochron known migration length sill ##yro ##ha ##itive chlor wash volum resulting geological developed profiles diagram ##cial ##hf geology point ##shore restor respectively ##ational ##rad gray ##umul ##lia ##ervo scarp minim accretionary test ##ves spat ##ape basaltic little bearing ##ervoir cou ##sr alter overall particular ##arily like northeastern gravity prom uh yr andes submarine silt cordilleran continuous outcrop ##iversity preserved fossil tet ##ng ##ean ##fac alk impl volcanics ##ensity latest identified volcanoes reconstru 300 ##iocene ##ven ##72 ##flo pliocene indiv elements probably ##floor ##eg ##ining ##ission reach resear resolution laram ##oked seafloor research ga ##af ##ellia fact before ##ogn separation ##ylv edge wrangellia apparent individual laramide ap fine gond ##xic ##stream white ##lung mexic desert additional does orientation standard spatial lam ##sw ##hen ##bed ##rops sut reservoir minerals gondw 70 affect vary ##ms ##bor ##ange integ plan ##medi presented variable 18 ast fall ##ton ##oid sum suite ##sect ##formed ranging recogn penns rotation ##faces pennsylv δ1 mapped about surve oldest blocks ##anning juan hydrothermal teton 45 just will ##cing altern alpine composed university provides close domain underlying micro experi springs limestone 60 ecl pul ##lt ##ful ##duct ##ification includes understanding eclog dam ulung wid ##ob ##line ##ison forear ##ote ##ify unk granitic heating segments ##ovic progress outcrops anomaly ##omagnetic ##henosph asthenosph ulungarat forearc hol pyr ult ##cov ##her ##20 ##10 stage deb contents move display aft separated collisional geochemical ##ublished cluster ##yrox pennsylvanian did ku que ##na though information ##lap coe parts distance larger young ordovic tilting antic uncertainty front ordovician ##rat state ##lusions surfaces tecton intrusive slight ##ief ##unction methods approxim measurements province against crooked vis ##inal ##ita ##rov ##ray exce ##tah incision location accord suggesting ##vium frame general short poor extent laurentia primarily ##blend eu gab utah wave ##ey ##ead ##yle ##pan exc intern chil coarse ##akut ##athrust paleocene times exposures megathrust network must sel ##rate ##sed ##fer ##ason style seam should larg constra bedding greater considered silicic subsequent hornblend muscov fan published right ##gether expl value belts surround indicating moh text convergent catal eruption proximal largely muscovite er ##inc demon fair cap barrov insular combined exhibit avail demonst barrovian buch rather ##ense ##isod ##ected ##ologic ##igned charl flank followed episod detailed ##continent response coupl mexico queen buchan s1 ##man ##thon ##osed ##ounts resulted gren populations ##elsic ple ##rine ##pted deg northwestern levels vein mixing felsic sia ##uous ##ually ##til ##rations ##cust ##ensional dikes whe lacust intrusion mainly trends assemblages possibly kuh according siah lacustrine day tru year ##gments ##inn ##ark ##ract ##utian shell cover provided margins relationship aleutian hornblende 24 jo ##cut together ##ott coinc eastward studied 206 difference slide represents significantly appears determined primary crystallization topographic suture ##ratig war ##omor whole northward even ##ochthon ##ometers records 199 elevation compressional absence 28 via ##oy ##ostratig ampl enrich tectonics offshore interpretations supported number anatolian 206pb nature ##az ##ware ##alu ##imod need locations mostly comparison horizontal amphibolite drainage hel med ram yakut ##eper ##aser ##iding ##rix compos ##ads foliation energ differences shorel direction crosscut invol peaks convergence ##imodal yakutat 26 br ##aq ##inter columb granul fraction fields place flat poly overlain spectra matrix population hypothesis earlier 80 size schist ##ened ##ocryst ##otte dike orth interbed ##part occurrence cores camp concentrations driven anatolia alteration slightly available charlotte ##aver ##enari stack reason westward space extends scenari folding channels melting melange knc topography layer explain alluvium columbia 75 ahe best bron div ox path wt ##other ##ler production ##ographic evalu highest terra arcs ground types correlation bronson nar ##atory ##ints step moder recycl seismicity ##itudes histor contractional final anomal axis experienced ari es rio sit ##80 ##oll ##urface still another beaver chrom highly ##epend roof subsurface spectrom penins catch glaci ##zona gravels arizona gcf hann laser ni pent tak ree ##ilib shel arr ##lied ##weather independ transect distal thickening overlap veins petrog redu effects linked steeply temporal promin constrained whether pentland lang slow ##cent ##bur ##enocryst ##ula conn ##adian ##ighted parado flo melts surrounding interbedded hanna paradox density heter led zon ##uth ##ains ##bro onset coal ##ffic sampled prin generation uplif grade equival profile directly minimum uhp survey ultra framework years energy bimodal cla rh rivers ##co ##rem ##quid ##ismic ##tered metas surpr crystal product smaller linear original extra continued fabrics approach ##radation composite campanian dim five mine nut site εhf ##ses ##go ##30 ##ice expect shar 1972 distributions sulfides specific narrow moderately 46 cases fre sense ##ique ##pass ##wise ##inity ##owled ##istocene analytical imag ##angue signatures directed quartzite layers remains apatite recognized ##yroxene pleistocene prominent rough sang ##use ##anan ##ances chem moderate amount crest domains nearly nearby typical track estimate polar intervals accommodated characteristics british moho fairweather 22 pow solution ##rite ##mas ##pa ##pite ##ano stations ##odior ##iff relief magnet ammon enc despite estab aftersh lines ##ogeneous mechanisms radi movement ##anguey sanganguey aftershock crit mission nd ##lies ##cle them ##old stre ##ocent deeper ##ches lag content subducted weighted deposit diss note granodior class liquid included ##phys open gondwanan granulite now ##ised chile meters foliated caused overpr paleomagnetic sourced discord define role islands geophys assemblage internal 21 date hal key pd ##bad ##ats ##arc contribution interior geod ##ologies partial intruded represented sinbad supercontinent ##uca body thermochronology ##mediate summ chilla coupled grenville il ms mill na pack rare tonal ##off ##more ##icult ##asing ##ivation geomor incor better extensive difficult mesoproterozoic offsets downstream geothermal numerous concentration corresponding coeval surprise 500 90 cm gu light ncf vers wil ##yan ##wh ##gent ##xue ##flow ##50 ##inated ##inous ##enite ##urally consequ conducted began regard indu indicated complexes wells 198 laterally ##cip originally orientations burial incorpor gl hinter ##iqu ##ged ##8o ##jie ##ional ##ella maps ##ute magmas showed occurring phenocryst ##oliths ##forms mgo instead paper ##montane duct particularly alkal eclogite seamount langjie frequ versus hinterland langjiexue last md round sof ##ner ##wai ##ict ##urr ##atag array mount angular contacts conglomer gradient determine discussion environments buil blue δ18o asthenospheric floor bo bul ou ##put ##chron chert ##istry hand meander regim spac ##aker paleogene signature concord limb generated compil ign focus ##metric catalina err geophysical 000 banning national opp pav patag ##70 ##stract ##uration stat ##lusion abstract transpres translation leading variation upward exhum pressures ##rolog fluids portions elevated propagation affected gabbro rhy roughly ductile bra fuca gulf ##oos ##ew ##ection ##pers ##thrust ##imanite deple until intermediate intermontane evolved ##achita access outboard limit increased accreted alluvial sillimanite ##ostratigraphic pentlandite equivalent expected polarity stret ouachita fle pur pers wal ##action ##ex ##xta ##atible ##thyan diam ##emite coach noted paleoproterozoic structurally depend positive conclud six separate ##cially mica juxta farther marked glacial clearly strongly requires environment reconstruction holocene shoreline soft bulk coachella coun cumul har kil sites zhe ##not ##ency ##ications inher ##ingu ##osa ##amination exp ##ights ##istral localities ##aves sinistral steam assembly ##pecially emplaced breakup attributed buried dominantly cascadia decrease unki poorly scenario especially metasediment rise ##nc ##pot tots stable ##iferous plat organ ##opyroxene ##plate rele transt scales performed largest simple cliff crat orogens prism ##unda discre forms reflection tech furthermore remo controlled planar pyrite amplitude bord ham ##bers ##40 ##water ##2o ##12 ##ering ##inations ##anz inver ##ident ##chunda shift figures unli interface subduct transverse applied elect mesa ##aneous potentially grande discussed chlorite anticline approximately anomalies totschunda 85 dy sb tape ##ker ##ars alb beha ##pose neg neote extend paleoc scar assess ##ckn images dome refer metamorphosed compositional ##hedral sequences brecc latter ##ylon crystalline plots explained focused thinning chloride taken ##fficient shares flex behavi big fund ir kek tribut wind ##tuk ##cp ##pm ##roof ##eless ##theless ##ola aligned unroof recently cannot folded vergent bounded stratal angles infer ##cient forming equilib landslides ##iktuk 238 mudstone required falls siliciclastic enriched medium exhumed kekiktuk 87 fly ray rose sch wides ##ier ##hor ##well star ##imyr ##omin labor having discontin canada ##pread various produce massive identify ##iform taimyr tectonism help situ ammonoos techn subducting dyke widespread ammonoosuc 36 auth ackn bor cir mylon nam sk ##cop ##ont ##erian ##inian often input ##imal rece expres beg project shales plane spot dispers ##pert ablation accum quant bounding trig ##valley locality 150 paleovalley assuming kinematics rims restored ##going ##urrent 238u acknowled 54 dark kg lies pied rg trem ##iable ##ee ##ling ##15 ##ctively made without almost ##otic see ##ired weather inclusions metal spati showing thickened run constant majority green downlo massif cutler uncertainties brittle draw ignimb unroofing piedmont 86 fil sant ##ext ##ym ##oud ##ety conce real fav what ##ploy context incl created ##portion canadian account partition provo height allochthon flare eroded initiated megaf morph amphibole predomin archean bodies crosscutting conglomerates scarps away bal pick rom sj tron ##der ##crust ##bid ##enn ##ctic station stages dior unique terr distributed ##apai contained acqu left ##ricted 120 walls involved initiation correlated horizons settings views reconstructions width ##obar progressive tonalite expand aust ice ped pan pel rod trough ##dh ##des ##ax ##etry ##rade stream react ##ament seen ##ching proportion accumul distingu ##view sci fragments santa increases coastal finally oriented accompan containing rapidly ratio periods rotated tilted combination geochemistry subsequently strands varying connect granodiorite tapeats trondh trondhj bran cy cour free gap glo hon himal past ppm tens ##ily ##oo ##pro ##ferred ##ja ##stones ##ression ##empor param signal association feature longer compris restricted paleoge instru compression influence current fossils chemical overprin summary alkaline behavior laboratory downloads favor himalay full function gps ky sol ##74 ##gla ##xander ##eters deer ##estion intro basis ##ade ##ockwise lakes strength ##terran ##lie ##ructed transg question heav tectonically displaced yields ##ptions axial remn alexander sheets volume andesite implications pulses trunc dimensional critical half kilometers metasedimentary ignimbrite ##crustal ce cog fit fun might sat scan tab upon ##rates ##pah ##inia ##alen ##asin states ##ida ##rupt ash ##ched ##rium comm plates law uniform subst resist transfer ##aceous thrusts thank clim adv ##ometer similarly places displays localized mineralization thermobar argu revealed turbid currently restoration ##inned histories independence heterogeneous power phenocrysts regime pavant statist trigger rgr ##glacial 34 bsr bott ech loss oreg pie yet µm ##back ##75 ##ino inject andre ##amber ##itect southward interse ##acite scat sampling phys outer lithologies upwell derivation carboniferous syncl successions secondary architect alkali ##swell integrated warrior spectrometry zoning aftershocks frequency rounded cliffs border ##anzof electron negative authors romanzof kyanite oregon pin pse s2 sib waves yb zft ##apor ##cence ##py ##bos ##ication ##thal ##ished isol ##idal shap ##ford neogene ##isted art spre caus enthal 207 ##mafic displace postglacial carbonates former compatible strabos superterran abundance experiment confir cascade selected stacking terrace ultramafic products megaflap cycle pseud strabospot aut bon diver junction pure rig sides xen ##19 ##anc ##ulated asym seven ##astle contempor incom span overlies accur thrusting butte vert ##ometric facil conclusions isotopes flood postd points thicknesses descri breaks attribut correspond absent diagrams implies recycled spatially pedro cogswell 27 band gas gpa hp none pon wood ##o2 ##bar ##60 ##ention conduct read exotic ancient ##ography chal chug ##ectonic ##izes ##izing sparse highl among enough transform indicat lithic variability trail conclusion synchron ##oks root supports geochronological progradation geother deliver require filled hypothes thought clay established ##ocenters glass depleted software borne accumulated bottom upwelling 207pb vertically chugach 1a 38 dol humb ion mw mang pges yav ##nw ##ti ##ras ##hn ##gins ##3c ##rees ##entially ##idges onto bypass sharp cold recur recover item supply carri increasing sierran cutoff monaz reflects influx closure mixed thinned debris fractionation evaluate peninsula ##oldt pdf walker accumulation glob andreas xenoliths borneo humboldt yavapai monazite 44 400 air cad dou dig iv ##ox ##rh ##sible ##jection ##itoid ##ster ##inger rework once ##taaq collap paleose perha granitoid systematic 204 clockwise sio2 calcite separates erosional teph uncom impact provinces factors eruptions bright ##aqtaaq princip discordance diorite synchronous mangaqtaaq collapse perhaps 32 giron hom hund kay pine roll ##nown ##tes ##iam ##rid ##side ##zal ##ital ##eto ##ully make anc subhor arctic ##lus abrupt modeled angel comparable additionally agg triang decom materials correlate ##izontal juven grass epic assumed exhibits influenced retrog ##rystall voluminous alternatively pulse unknown catchments ##burne geomorphic consequence filter predominant honaker principal hundred subhorizontal juvenile gently oro ridges sn ti wa ##tian ##get ##25 ##atzal ##ants ##urian ##ambrian ##estral seem propert shoo ##astrich lacc never ##ists grab ##abil amb perp partially clin calib groups fractions phot moreover peb ##unity proble dela delta broader drill erupted precambrian wrangell mazatzal demonstrate degree divide chromite illust craton paleocurrent discontinuous architecture contemporaneous recurrence ancestral ##astrichtian 01 83 cu cf cycl go hing ii kbar ##lated ##mi ##zot ##ground ##eschist ##ension ##ctor ##the maastrichtian iss ##iving ##rum prot propose ##rial necess united transported ##endicular indicative complete lead lithology variably plain ##berg silurian calcare success program poll superim match petrolog velocities imply temporally blueschist δ13c william pyrrh nutzot contributions geodynamic napp rhyolite circ receiver trondhjemite enthalpy cadiz perpendicular delaware calcareous pyrrhotite nutzotin cul lu log lived rb s3 way ##uro ##han ##grou ##ort ##org ##itas death forward ##owee ##ady gradu incised cause amounts usa ##velength strikes volcaniclastic corrid underthrust variety upstream bedded referred geochronologic brooks ##yles background petm 250 axes accommodation precise john shelf uplifted diameter cumulative window skinned acknowledgments accompanied substant isolated facilit kayak wavelength 29 65 aer bru cru certa lane sens vents wor ##ule ##usion ##reat cones ##idar ##ame ##allon extended preferred appl immedi ##enschist uppermost afric campos microp 2012 2016 members ##bles plotted entirely responsible closed investigated uht gondwana asthenosphere catchment arrival petrographic counter dispersal tremor branch lawson thermobaric siberian superterrane asymmetric tephra grassy culm corridor immediately 2σ 37 cn fiss mc tend ##rise ##lin ##ying ##inate ##oria ##elon ##ellow styles conform ##vertical hawai evapor park highland cave ##alyn midcrustal become ##positional greenschist stratigraphically comprise cuts 2013 farallon elevations argue ##anks corresponds ##metamor limestones investigations laminated exceed specifically transpressional inversion science echelon 204pb epicent lawsonite apart bow ess fer gales hem icp los lidar mu oper rin ##ua ##tely ##rare ##kinematic ##yg ##hock ##zard ##onia ##ery ##erve ##rove ##elle ##olcan ##eta dem ##ruction ##phs chron plant ##alled ##plano ##ump hazard modes recrystall ##parallel ##ptive eng travel mob generations landsc landforms carbonatite shallower extrare denman distinctive magnitudes broadly amphibol details sheeted existence turn allows earliest siltstone widely recycling peninsular imaged meandering patagonian stretching conclude terrest distinguish paleogeographic functions digital predominantly certain rincon extrareg 2a 55 bly bill bould gali hence ls lh mom msw pu pal tidal wy ##day ##azon ##ooth ##equ ##rical ##xten ##alog ##ington ##asa too ##thys ##ols mains isochron report sus analog ##vers ##phas shif ##isting subparallel ##ostatic coher marath modified lowest prev prefer amazon ##nexten recording play characterize bathy emphas representative triple latitude backarc 160 unconformably forelimb markers frontal hornby useful synexten bends warm shelburne wild ##where spacing argued injectate indicators recovered carried triangle terrestrial blythe galiuro lhasa moment mswd mainshock marathon synextensional 05 48 cra eas fut nb nat n10 palyn ups varies yellow ##uel ##less ##lines thir ##erly ##enites ##asma ##ising deploy ##ives plasma next ##opes marl mode overlie occup completely ruby detritus normalized became flux smooth tethyan dense spectrum silicate assume hosted diapirs elong existing weakly progressively visual textures episodes episodic ##inning million mylonitic 86sr ##enny parameters displacements future 72 76 ba bis bay city count castle dry drop fission fully mcc pull vic εnd ##tb ##eep ##rating ##yss ##hyd ##gre ##13 ##itite ##ices ##olve ##urn cone alse faulted intensity ##tselle ##ills cob detect regionally continues ##othills minib observation feed ide ##rown geometric representing deeply contraction stresses correlations appearance ##oclinal overlapping foothills 176 eruptive reveals preclud clusters lobe tuffs integration terraces chromitite reduction inductively concordia compilation hartselle organic unlikely 87sr introduction scattered shaped cntb alsek 33 47 amal bern duration eli fran mol ra tight ##actions ##eformed ##ky ##gam ##field ##16 ##icott today ##lear stor ##ama align ##ateg aspect ##cho ##ples ##plic geographic reloc ##acies ##uss capt ##ibab ##ibility obvious imbric qual ##ilet thicker undeformed valleys seismogenic directions producing ##aines originated agree porphy endicott 2000 ##mark moraines ##yrite tacon preservation remain opening apparently intraplate ##ways possibility planes exclud covered albite equilibrium ##copyrite morphology instrument physical spreading chalcopyrite ##group underthrusting ##yssal amalgam elias 82 file gy g2 kula mer mog malen om sad vanc yuk ##va ##ming ##wac ##alt ##orted ##orogenic ##ans ##arch ##rey ##ential ##ouver devi review ##idine fail sufficient proced ##rier plun contamination interaction collection ##matically ##asequ percent add lie head ##rict presently lithof construction ##lish sanidine initially unclear ##peed examples dynamics measurement ##metry decreases washington debate euhedral fans glacier reduced dissolved classification induced incorporation book juxtaposed inherited removed beginning sjm rodinia himalaya heavy poncho dolom decompres nevertheless clinopyroxene world extraregional vicinity malenco vancouver yukon ##wacke lithofacies 1b called kar pron var wol ##rim ##cal ##bm ##basin ##gs ##atically ##inite ##aling ##icle ##icut inverse ##robe ##eler ##olian ##owa shad shape china chamber ##ounced ##cons lab colum interest suba resour ##rous coars loco ##psum ##pshi district centers traces mainta ##avage produces corrected ##aino carbonaceous reflections denud correlative 2015 curves identification supergroup calculations 1000 morb uncertain syenite reached dams exception catalog degrees ##ochthonous needed rampart involve reasonable paths ##ollon packages mda building error transtensional transtension hampshi neotethys flexural fundament tributary weathering connecticut wavespeed microprobe amazonia natural gypsum mogollon saddle pronounced hampshire 73 95 900 categ gwai jenny lem nann pge sz tit vect ##limb ##po ##85 ##erature ##itute ##anta took stock ##imeter makes ##osh alab extern ##char che ##inson ##iano collu unus haida ##ffrey spla extending presum preex acceler distances margna mineta diffusion constructed significance ##bee wallowa defin micas curv calculate monzon examined workers literature ##rison graywacke minimal altered surveys gabri involves orthog orthopyroxene divided spectrometer glaciers uplifts spaced discrete removal reference started course solid transgress climate statistical syncline granitoids properties graben gwaii alabama preexisting 42 52 68 600 dacite fam gang kin opt perv zaino ##nus ##lith ##enc ##ings ##elf ##igen ##oming ##ompass mac asl asc anim ##ogram ##abyssal ##agic stringer ##illo partly calder leads sandy itself differential lineations ##slope manuel backlimb probability rifts hypabyssal ##ogenetic importance 177 concentrated insights termin reconstruct propagate buoy lamination seamounts explan schists knc1 encompass establish concordant patagonia neotethyan inclined ##dese overprinting remnants truncated ##pahgre paleoseismic uncompahgre hinge mobile external gangdese pervas aug bull mil mss sig tan ##mv ##wp ##29 ##33 ##alpine ##nde ##ics ##ston ##struct ##rob ##roalpine ##lets stability isostatic rewp ##idenced fork ##ivated ascent ongoing beyon who chall evidenced ##acle ##ardino cao indian terti able enhan scoria diffuse thereby underpl mixt penet geoffrey monogenetic periodic workflow silica crystallized wedges attem remaining investigate loading else summar except demonstrated coincide enrichment involving prince extracted geomorph mdas discrepan tributaries santonian partitioning acquired austroalpine riggins description geotherm rollback application coherent bernardino taconic ##asequence wolf denudation 177hf beyond tertiary 700 boud ct ci cop dat ef esc luc mt mound osc piano rand squ saf tib util ##dd ##tectonic ##eb ##mass ##pent ##howee ##76 ##eria ##atin ##itor ##itation ##itative inner stik conj ##ods ##ember ##uminous reliable evident km2 crater traps slides ruptures generate ##dings ##head herein prograde biostratigraphic considerable ##pepper determining delamination epid segmentation lesser terms retro predic ##ipel thinner allowed proximity eclogites visible chilhowee sella explor true liquidus chilepepper wilson regarding oppos opport release triggered nonetheless aggradation hundreds laccolith essentially bisbee plunging lemhi presumably oscill tibet 41 53 74 8a aff dow eight fed oph pt rou tes tual yout ##rences ##sz ##kel ##mit ##aters ##inary injection ##reme ##olitic ##rays repe fast sust ##lain semi ##che beh beam comox atl ##ogra ##aga ##plex ##illian ranged disru occurrences buttes corro quad easternmost ##ometry consisting carson facing slopes slices flowed shorter flor steps compare extreme 140 nevadaplano transitional converged matter mont distinctly grid migrated cleavage linkage marks means filling directivity 350 gravina config opal pair synde ##ostratigraphy bridge solutions radiogenic errors concluded unlike expression comprises global recrystallization lsbm third transgressive elsewhere effor downd ophi tualatin youtcy syndepositional 04 02 00 57 a1 bt banks ced cib dick hum house kl my mile mention nnw rms s4 sized tag tree vp ##villian ##right ##ridge ##ls ##lom ##cell ##clastic ##yly ##went ##ona ##erical ##ini ##inle ##enk ##aner ##annel ##recc ##isana ##ils suns alt ##erness ##uted ##otach search shed ##range chinle chisana plum unre intersect sublith resem resolved relation datab notably prepar providing southernmost ##neville depocenters similarity underwent tradition others shearing mineralog synth syntectonic rob supporting straight potts 2017 serpent considering hydrolog probable megasequence grt swar termination discuss closely paired investigation mudstones srsz silty laminations displayed demonstrates coupling grenvillian coincides shorelines groundwater heterogene discordant breccia realm article pseudotach bonneville retrograde filtering ambig pebble williams wyoming wilderness easily gabriola enhanced tesnus dickinson sunsas pseudotachyly 3a 3b 63 brown cata dav fres fish good lens ts tour ##aw ##iac ##eed ##ks ##ken ##lined ##ply ##fs ##95 ##aled ##ores andean ##isian ##ulge ##omes ##cept conve making reaction ##idation faun alle ##ernacle ##opi graph ##abrecc interst reset ##illi encl ##velt simpl simulation simply quies phaner signals ##osevelt upd intrude moenk geometrical yielding ##itudinal representation correction segreg defines defining lineation processed roosevelt shallowly aged linking thermometer converging primitive reflecting megabrecc unconformities edges precision species retreat drained turonian currents reaches factor ##continental oxyg independent petrography incorporated purcell depending brecciated named santos comprising ceased tabernacle resistant intersection seems necessary substantial highlands landscape address resources curvature pervasive epidote oscillatory corrobor downdip cibola pottsville moenkopi oxygen az cos done fang fanning king mpa nine sd sg siv vi ##ning ##tally ##iate ##sch ##kin ##gate ##36 ##90 ##atch ##ora ##arbon tool ##ette dehyd rev ##osity foreb ##amp ##oted prox cha chief unf subject arrays ##acy paleos paleoch preced belong usually ##auc northernmost lip outside outlined upflow channelform moving limits isotopically separating 110 118 reflected synkinematic salmon road compet 2008 findings restore identical calculation foundation eventually petro linkages accommodate focal kaibab cascades duplex sills volumes microsc debated ##naisian networks episode polyg scenarios anomalous clayst classified geodetic ##iques compiled techniques quantify picks panel proportions overprinted satell community autochthonous incomple double reworked homogeneous aeromagnetic african ##olcanic castlegate mccl percentage column affinity montana cedar mentioned tournaisian allegh phanerozoic fanglom sivas forebulge paleochannel ever hard josh lg lmv miller russ sri serv sarat tong voc ##app ##ained ##ix ##su ##mogenic ##hill ##wood ##fb ##94 ##ero ##enaga ##ros ##rosc ##eline ##olute ##ulary ##imilar isop decl repla sup ##laps excess ##section ##mental ##ode atop ##oga ##aditas lap ##abulary ##umines contribut arl notable preval precip ##icket assigned partridge image obsc cloud ##mond complexity westernmost similarities plaus placed ##ieved characterization ##ospheric noond ##into landward 130 1380 tex decad ##ipped overlapped hydrous determination horizontally veget migmat numerical trenches closer decreasing exists appalachians weakening positions alternative microstruct ramaditas sitka dissimilar package diamond albian flexure expressed weathered inclination allochthonous balance sjfb ##axial reactivated remnant pink accurate conductive highlight nappes epicenter operation baja shadow nanny caldera explanation cienaga routing configuration cosmogenic dehydration chiefly satellite alleghanian saratoga vocabulary noonday 03 56 ccp dens fert kine ow pore rout s5 sorted ten take vent yos ##ias ##obe ##hini ##21 ##erc ##ered ##ator ##inum ##alus ##orth ##anpah ##ctu ##ets strom ##imately ##imuth ##oma ##omb conv isoclinal dez rehe sector ##chy ##plan subz subvertical subbasin residual geos ##enew co2 spanning highs collectively dischar transient simulations acce clark adobe pheng underlies ##riction ##ensive traver flowing orogenesis 196 noise consistently steady synorogenic conversion converted 2007 2010 poles overlaps hypocenters contrasting swit nonmarine tax describe marker obtain propagates predates existed thermochronological standards ##oidal anticlin approximate mohave crestal ##ocenter assessment concept balan picked delivery ivanpah cycles issue superimposition culmination fissure boulder prevail elongate quality subaer fundamental mixture retroarc robust azimuth kingston incomplete joshua plausible texas kinematically yosemite aa aich bol dro dil dri gs gate pange pyrox renew tat tip vir wet yam ##vant ##riding ##pic ##78 ##88 ##ony ##atan ##orium ##itta ##ash ##isition ##rand ##omanian conne reor ##osen forest ##illa ##ilik always seas ##chitta ones compre chosen ##iant neo ##istent ##agnet arid hay ##illed ##illow meter ##ush preserve ##ordinate overriding changing ene apply assisted ##cks corner marginal 2020 classic maya ##lasts ##enshini traject 10be fluvi sheared cenomanian employ correct downward follows lineament 133 dzp knowled ##shenshini curve curved 170 insight institute greatest confined confidence reaching alternating joints extraction crests brack accessory situated acquisition pelagic transgression statistically experimental confirm floodpla attributes readily reworking petrology gradually johnn england bathymetry decompressional vectors monzonites lucchitta stikine conjug behind plume database fresh fanglomerate decades aichilik tatshenshini compreh ##agnetization knowledge 06 3d 4b 77 71 ach cp dest eb eure hun jack lun pillow ripp soz somet silet tac wan ##nost ##dy ##down ##len ##col ##yc ##pts ##ban ##bolian ##45 ##73 ##jo ##91 incons andalus ##ready ##elson ##ollement ##racted static ##omosa revers remark alg ##rug ##otectonic ##rie complic ##poses atten ##iang ##aged contributed subch ark web cook modal regular metap detected disper indeed valid translated ##ritic assist ##press ##nei lowermost crs ##active heights rule charco actively seismometers becomes 1500 emerg 1100 rober port ends decollement ##ropri correlates 2004 2014 find reflectors abundances controls exhibited impro propagated specim obliqu diagnost diapirism ##ossils predate sym ##regional duke couple siltstones microplate experience ##fully excav constrains explos coincident 1993 amplitudes needles polym oxide taking transects ##ffici imaging transpression persisted juxtaposition relevant schem runup concealed courcy heavens accuracy attribute ##lusively snep superimposed nappe facilitated brunei sensitive counterregional conformable ##metamorph ##metamorphic bowman shifts yellowstone minibasin agreement amalgamated dolomite animation tanana escarp square opportunity sustained altyn lenses every strombolian haymond eureka soza sometim siletz andalusite metapel charcoal diagnostic 84 elu fou friction g1 g3 gol ht hy hole iap jac k12 lif list mn nuc nelson orange son wnw zr ##iations ##merian ##pitas ##wick ##gence ##27 ##01 ##93 ##era ##outh tom ##raded stop ##ceed deci ##idotite ##amin ##ilt already onshore diach ##phase ##phacite atta unst intermit resolve ##ozonal sedimentology marble parent parag parson meta ##uska ##ibit mounted disequ create ##ronous continue peral peridotite grant sourcing midto cored hea ##aya supplied ##unities newberg ##ours mesh mesozonal inflation somewh batholiths directional ##pective processing extru extrem 144 145 decay constraint ##rolite latitudinal finite equation equipped considerably backed june examine rotations respective lacks assumptions argon argent reconstructed absolute mudrock gneisses avoid ultimately visit veinlets helium knc3 groundmass connected imagery dissolution granodiorites consequently built depletion dependent platform platyc prismatic sbm identifying austral himalayan turbidites causing experiments diverse postdates geotherms hypothesized ##abilities calibrated problem demagnetization traveled deployment idea mollus relocated omphacite categor milpitas discrepancy exploration tibetan atlanta florida tagh sublithospheric traditional lgm russian ##uminescence reheating subzone subaerial boliv renewed reorgan employed comprehensive ebf subchamber dispersion ##ropriate iapet k1272 deciph diachronous intermitt parsons disequilib somewhat platycary 2b 88 800 ae aim crop ese hil kj kfs mis nod pun pyro rhe sul soc say tal tar vs vast viable xm ##uation ##uity ##lı ##hlen ##brand ##43 ##14 ##onite ##ensions ##itz ##stead ##asins ##let ##lection ##ises start forces ##amath ##aments ##ila ##iling faster ##ester alstead intact intense proto comes plomosa uniqu ##istence ##abas ##ago ##agg interactions subhedral relict ##oney sedimentological inclusion spill spray detection ##erson overview obss valang prepro amaz ##iverian scre scient peru assign complement acid version stratified carib traverse 105 plutonism fe2 ruptured ##unn measuring geologists oliverian 125 camiller converter fracturing lineaments 136 masses ##anned perme permit finer equal ##queous methodology moret ##debrand nonvertical tilt importantly supplementary mechanical controlling ##ubs load elles decreased ##regular gneissic continuously gaps apgs reservoirs textural please pentlandites slower magnetite radiometric criteria guad regimes rhyolitic ##2o3 irregular technique namely projected terrigen instruments questions climatic advance confirmed bands delivered hypotheses globally ##sterite ambient problematic issues pollock circulation hawaiites failure procedures colluvium splay orthogneiss kinetic ##ograms bullhead challeng underplating boudin repeated disrupted klamath prepared swarm segregations supra lapilli discharge accepted phengite anticlinorium pangea pyroxenite seasonal fluvio johnnie conjugate jackson cookes assistance polymor argentina hildebrand pyroclastic valanginian preproduction amazonian camilleri ellesmerian terrigenous 31 6a 8b aver bb bival bush cose counts g4 his nu rm rer rar rising tv tre tide ww ##nam ##div ##ious ##oph ##veld ##vening ##eph ##lite ##mer ##mag ##pet ##pir ##patible ##bg ##xis ##24 ##26 thous thole ##ons ##atus ##ese ##enetic ##iter ##itous ##itance ##iteto ##icity ##aran ##asian ##elly ##leth ##olid ##ulate ##ulating ##ima reactions fored ##ivals anne segh ##table proceed shield ##ifest org ##opy interact intervening subordinate strath ##ands coverage coaxial para spenc index paleol paleont transformation deformational conspic observe ##apes added cry lee throughgoing underst trap trachy constit slick newly ##clas locales prone 117 112 came pole salient developing cooled patches 14c 138 strahlen devils latitudes manifest serve polished transitions missing mora morrison migrating ediac driving ##rangle effective antler implying propagating elemental draining radial radiation buff mexican 180 damage internally capable 240 knc2 layered oxidation evaluation arrivals ##burst dimensions encla overprint regardless 1988 pavlis inheritance equilibration flysch spots partitioned reactivation distinguished introdu ##alena turbidite pseudose incompatible descriptions ionization calibration illustrates plainfield pollen africa fissures hematite excluded titanite unusually penetr random opposite quadrangle resemble mineralogy cataclas quiescence paleosols isopleth precipitation cloudburst vegetation dropped yamhill bracket fourier listric nucle peraluminous extremely scientific moretown bushveld tholei seghin spencer conspicuous strahlenberg ediacaran 5b 6b 66 69 7b 81 aure cct fr gold giant hz ire jun jade ke kah lp lull lying mds mouth ore ora pam pant pand pyroxene qla tel tad tore wra wider waters zero ##ae ##aqu ##iety ##sm ##kan ##cid ##pop ##wits ##17 ##onts ##alo ##orn ##itized ##ancy ##anche ##arian ##rovers ##urations ##uly ##ules depart ##ivwits sun ann ##ots sev sem ##chi onla shivwits ##ranean chuska ##ifact coll controvers interpla intercal subset subdiv subpop mara ##acadian ranch ##akane cay overpress disse disconform paleor interpreting appropriate ##ending ##vily ##apubs ##raining systematically quick vermont cricket crbg caled heft complexities leban underg lithologic varied genesis intruding refine differentiation dominate 113 steeper downslope comparing 135 1300 breach ##ficial 2002 thermo 2011 equally bias ##pean ##lisional matches foundering rifted barrier swakane edific tuz ##print lacking assumption sheeph adjust argill accommodates viewed syenites ##inder tested andesitic 3000 706 450 microf tectonostratigraphic exclusively flanks mediter ramp knc5 evaluated zonation equivalents metasom 460 glen platinum starting helped quantitative pelitic sciences paleogeography triggering scatter artifact spread causal rigid postdate uncommon laccoliths pebbles deltaic gradual conformably epicenters amphiboles shifted craig cobble minibasins 176lu 176hf imbricate porphyrob maintain involvement accelerated buoyant summarized copd datum efforts serpentinite heterogeneity megabreccias proxy microscope tongue ##appear taxa gsapubs virt connection neoacadian taco ##collisional improved specimens explosive escarpment elucid jacinto ##iltna unstable heavily reorganization society target coseismic www thousands foredeep annealing understood moraine pseudosection ireland jadeite kahiltna oracle pampean pantano toreva interplay hefty lebanon sheephead mediterranean 1σ 61 7a 89 ber cot eust gul give giving gorg hs h2o iron kok k2o nc pc sab sore tonian ub yar μm ##uments ##dalena ##away ##ira ##viron ##rillo ##sn ##sely ##kilet ##menite ##ca ##carbon ##hole ##bes ##wi ##fit ##18 ##jon ##onio ##aton ##enesis ##environ ##anites inh ##reci ##ingly ##leum ##olving ##etically ##urated ##urity ##rading stabil mah repro foramin ##ultaneous ##gear suit alum alps exs sec diop prol projection ##rist share como plus southerly ##pled ##plement subt rocky ##key ##duc magdalena metabas spin ##ghan ability amar changed surficial appreci twice simultaneous mining ##nee ##rought depic lebri phyl carved grouped design designed rupturing 195 ##under generating hillslope discern discover discrim derive postulated dominance ##bean 1200 114 crosses blind origins passed shallowing seaward potrillo constraining 2005 2003 2018 documents restraining spectral continuation multid superior supercontin accompl detachments grate paleob remove remained intracontinental ##ahoe look ##omagnet ##omagmatic centerlines drainages crops mush thermochronologic suturing affects ##tonwood recognize dammed ##obil clustering coex tectonites explore erkilet ##omorphs reasons zoned ultrah approaches magnetization ilmenite tonalitic 1989 ##iquitous boot braz stretches purpose perspective harrison irm rodinian connectivity uniformly synclines causes ##anca reader increasingly paleoseism tips iii successive substantially aerial mugear amphiboliteto boulders publ palud suscept bathymetric forelimbs deployed visualization precludes frank alignment amalgamation deviation coarser check unusual famat buoyancy sigm geomorphological utilized ##ographs ophiolite humid ambiguous pseudotachylyte fauna enclosed updip viol petroleum obscured dissimilarity ##fficiently golu intermittent disequilibrium platycarya caribbean permeability rarely ##olidated penetrative porphyroblasts cottonwood gorgonio soreghan ubiquitous foraminif diopside lebrija supercontinents 4a 4c 5a 58 64 67 98 apt bs bin bent brought cv cess eur eif gast gives kong kld m2 nne oil ps pf pediment sizes ut upla word wright zh ##uar ##uff ##dron ##tun ##ih ##vens ##volcanic ##cis ##cum ##pol ##ba ##wk ##worth ##gis ##gment ##growth ##28 ##ju thor ##inolite ##oric ##itively ##ica ##ashed ##eled ##elian ##ctive ##through ##etano ##ura ##urug ##uldron stan stau ##ocol ##omic maule depres repet ##ilic ##ested alone ##lah exact expan anh ##chester basanites diamic pros ##ria shore shurug atf ##ogran ##oggins unex string happ ##tened ##ostura relate evolve regression metat capped cajon cauldron creating termed ##parts deforming ##ellent enter transferred scot scoggins indication implement slie adop ##isson heated heave trinity outward stratov mio care carry tractions ##tions actual actinolite construct intrudes fluores angostura grew canyons stevens synta deepest sierras poisson 148 micrite decou ##ermere expose hereford progression broken consideration spectrosc continuity backthrust ##ucing ##peak maturity documenting moritz contrasts paleoenviron breakdown breakaway breakthrough editor redist assumes terminal taita effectively ##io2 accommodating 235 improve greatly hydrocarbon motions muddy allowing ##hawk ##radational fossiliferous edgecum anticlines tectonite europ waveforms excellent surrounded wheaton covers crosscuts flattening oxides historical niem chemistry conglomeratic build focusing brachi limitations counting released windermere mediumto paleovalleys morphologies expanded streams parameter ##adeash cement saturated tabular highlights clayey sharply hawaiite evaporation bowl hemipel landscapes suspect prevent occupied ##urned cobbles francis procedure maintained wavespeeds saddlepeak ##point colluvial workflows attempted predicted intersects hydrology davis claystones fertile owing dezadeash ##planar achieved inconsistent roberts symmetric sonora bolivia bivalves ##eseismic paraut buffalo tholeiitic aureole teleseismic intercalated cayetano undergone edifice accomplished paleoseismological susceptibility sigmoidal aptian cessation eifelian kongakut upland staurolite shurugwi fluorescence stevenson spectroscopy taitao edgecumbe brachiop 08 220 43 49 79 8c apert bc bering cod cand cath dun dual f1 gard grove gunn hi jap kim lent m7 m3 nav nio p1 qz tor tay tint vise wing wales xal xenocryst zem ##no ##aus ##eous ##eath ##shed ##kd ##ki ##ko ##mber ##mann ##path ##hr ##hal ##za ##xon thom ##erts ##orge ##anent ##st1 ##oup ##oles ##olina ##isely ##etric ##etna ##urb ##urbed ##lya ##igible ##imil ##omen conod condu mad ##owe ##amette ##eston suare ##ernaya ##erneath sept probe shrim ##odol ##ifiable ##ountered ##fortun ##ighbor ##onged neut negl nebo neither neighbor unnam unfortun graded hawick ##keetna ##assium ##ozones ##luence ##lip spanned collect disappear indust notice ##porites canby plateaus prel prekinematic ##mature accounts ens enig transformed ##vie assimil ##ribed twt completed sectional lowering clar clst1 depocenter underneath leav leuc fragment underlie carolina facility channelized ##unam inflow silver compositionally calcic northwestward separations estimating emb emery northeastward 124 gradational eroding blood poin passage doing ##rounded strait strains micron porosity ##ahua potassium thermod manchester fineto salton landsliding backsc ##pection monte monitor maxima deline magnes silicates ##depositional swath ##ecastle inspection reducing mgkd taur sheep argument discussions precisely soon 230 footwalls confluence envision archipel standing ##erged tuffaceous requiring centered weakness bluecastle testing integrate ##oids willamette international select availability 1992 needs 260 polyphase stacked stepover historic beaverton glaciation slowly approaching encountered radiol radius alkalic roundness depends cratonic inverted accumulations tremolite runoff trondhjem favored scanning interseismic shapes purely ##oxy property illustrate protracted successful circum logs ##oweef ferron ##olcano analogous emphasize palynomorphs ideal preclude capture captured imbrication excluding decompression karl labeled category splays definitive optim backlimbs pairs revised ##lapsed geoscient trajectory reversal complicated websterite excavated sometimes talkeetna guadal supracrustal polymorphic rerou tvf department severnaya paleoriver quickly virtual kokoweef ncsn prolonged simultaneously foraminifera stratovolcano aperture candid cathodol gunnison japan lenticular visean zemlya ##halem suarez september shrimp negligible unnamed unfortunately bloody backscat archipelago 5c 59 650 78 720 96 ara aval bse bigh bore baker c1 cell cima dock durations dashed fet fence fits fras fix gou get gander han hur hab jump july keep lis nan oe oax put pined pier pump pauc r1 ring ros rut ses spl seric sft tas tith tied tors takes tier tahoe tio2 vern wast yuc δz δτ ##nium ##uary ##uila ##ients ##oke ##ez ##mir ##maker ##cos ##cies ##cke ##crit ##camp ##band ##49 ##71 ##79 ##wal ##wide ##waters ##zz ##gged ##fnium ##11 ##84 ##86 ##eret ##aram inform andres ##entional ##ths ##rained ##oclastic ##igran ##imeters ##iminary ##oms mam maf mach maars rees reju ##osing ##oscop ##aminated ##gean alti al2o3 anhyd ##otan ##cher intens beauc diaz shan whose chain ##adem colomb uns graphic subang hafnium relax coah marking incip ##acitic metav metals spite highstand volat overt creep object teran terrain paleost locus ##earth ##erville accoun continents distant user scope conserv ##cedony imm immature striations centimeter acadian academ quite clover likel phreat domes depositionally charts nearshore ##lands offer traced actually plays ##ieve deseret otherwise moved fluctu orogenies mesoscop inflection mineralized smith ##yons postdepositional emer crossing incremental steel ##hip conversely cordier ago evolutionary cutting 2006 equations identifiable 390 monocl epoxy 1700 numbers bars ##eca tule nonmag nonvolcanic taper remobil compressive plotting ##ikov ##upian return paz elim hotter revealing drap promoted andesites affecting ##borne integrating recognition alternate ##linear displaying coefficient texture fairly charleston accordingly joint topographically ##interpre 750 reef ultrapot narrows powder lags summit na2o opposed purple environmental cumulate organization funded ##copia massifs filtered pelona favorable turbidity bsrs spans aggreg orocopia grabens illustrated contemporaneously cyclicity protolith necessarily petrologic crush crushed evaporite distinguishing wyld preferentially played feeder feedback tightly varve orthogonal ##encies macro terminates sigma challen geomorphology wolfcamp effort pseudotachylytes tsunam served prevalent microstructures drift floodplain luning remarkable portland obliquity metapelites extrusion juneau mudrocks iapetus aegean rheology sulph xmg uniquely enclave introduced mahoney reproduc suitable secular paleobotan brazil gastrop ##ihood expansion decoupled 235u niemi preliminary enigmatic assimilation thermodynamic trondhjemitic guadalupian bighorn fencemaker gouge oaxaqu pinedale paucity sftb tithonian yucatan rejuven altiplano beaucoup coahuila phreatomagmatic mesoscopic nonmagnetic ultrapotassic wolfcampian 210 270 4d 4pb 51 62 674 93 aros bm cab cie ded dan dos dism diversity drove fc fj fla gau hree hart iz jan kern kind len mann oct options roc rib sa swe ssw uph xls yre zu ##nian ##nected ##uities ##ael ##acc ##ty ##tine ##iors ##vo ##vin ##eoric ##rig ##sen ##sively ##sky ##kar ##lanca ##mally ##ye ##hre ##ham ##bas ##bank ##gian ##34 ##99 thal throw thunder ##onard ##inetic ##eness ##enhe ##ories ##itial ##itution ##itivity ##icahua ##arenites inset inund ##strom ##stop tolu ##iscan sto stim stir stere stem ##oco maar ##ambers ##estim suites sufficiently ##atepe exerc asper anorogenic intras ##tage beck basic diat ##riasian shats shule why ##iricahua ##astic ##vee cho chocol chiricahua ##ifies plio ##connected ##istingu ##allo ##ablanca ##umber contour intert interf interiors subm subrounded georg gehre wasatch week ##aley copper evans evolving ##acu ##acate meteoric spik foliations caps presents disagg indistingu valibab paleod paleotop paleof volcanological suggestion transl applying corrug acrob differs climb leaves leonard levee ##anga fractional doming rugged bounds underlain consisted carlo upright upsection seismically slump characterizes estuar mescal mainland southwestward colors colored discard 115 ##okinetic computed stradd ended ##ova thermometers prograding 2019 manus equigran subsiding biostratigraphy bioclastic backstop ##erto analyze determinations profiling calculating ##ogenian ##ogenous silicified ##ishable entrad insu broadband driver ##change combining attention preserves blackhawk soil responses slabs closest intrabasin predict loop ##formationn elko lengths 1800 polymetamorph orthoclase laserchron ##burg uplifting magnetostratigraphy halokinetic millimeter bravo markedly paleocan assessing circle received dispersive drawn allochthons accompanying saturation communities injected pinacate autom conductivity indicator hypothesize airborne rolling photos ##mix δ13corg facilitates sensitivity exceeding hazards billings mswdcrit cracks country detector raised storage aspects deviations headwaters chamberlain subaqueous fundamentally vector definition monzonite ascribed encompasses establishment discrepancies ctds datil ##embered heterogeneities david graphical interstitial updated sg1 chaotic preceded claystone decline prevalence balanced balancing freshwater cp0 arkos decipher punctu screen challenging ##ellyite paleolat cryogenian slicken wrapped annual controversial artifacts berriasian appreciable paludal franklin violent pediments slieve paleoenvironmental redistribution francisco ##viejo leaving tauride radiolarian geoscientists cathodoluminescence frasnian fixed hanson pumpellyite rosablanca rutile subangular incipient paleostrain likelihood cordierite macrof sulphide reproducibility arosa caballo fjord kernel yreka zuza ##enheim toluviejo stirling intrasalt shatsky shulehe ##umberland georgia gehrels disaggreg indistinguishable valibabatepe paleoflow acrobat estuarine equigranular entrada polymetamorphism 1c 3c 415 475 91 aph award ben bir bell buc cc cis cited din dal dent dacitic ew euch fell fring gj gent gully ho hen hall hyg kı kent kam klu kau kony lt lath listed lode nab naz ok pinal pict raf rises s6 sse sph sap snee tz tail uran vapor weld zag ##ned ##uck ##dra ##tas ##ii ##iel ##eado ##ll ##cer ##cil ##current ##yes ##46 ##ze ##gand ##gmat ##xial ##fl ##fformationn ##8pb ##56 ##32 ##je thack ##att ##inating ##esna ##enes ##alian ##ored ##orith ##itization ##ionally ##anitic ##icit inland inactive anderson ##elve ##olites ##isporites ##etts ##raph stated staley ##igrain ##imensional cond withdra dece rever reinterpre forcing ##ivoc ##erns arequ exchange ##seismic anate ##otell seis seated bases prote byr ##riers whipp ##rance sound chl chap chond chambers northumberland ##ighting collapsed univers unmetamorph ##oper ##opyrox ##ager wass weight ##izations modest modification basinal mey spnc spores highway ##usetts extensively ##akah ##ght lowto mounts overto overwh overthrust overbank dispar creation ##achusetts volcanogenic tims deform sugar transients transcurrent disturbed resultant italian pert partic grants 209 208pb adequ vergence whereby heel studying runs sands undergo litho pegmat tract constitute slivers slice plains feo fe3 deseado displaces ##rows 1976 1927 prz batholithic hillsl landmass 157 empir sink sinuous crossed smallest fractured mountainous patch shallows 14b 13a massachusetts agrees exposes appeared 2009 thermally progradational know multigrain hydration hydrate monot examination deltas hypocenter rotating ##arping breaking barriers feldspath entrained entrance links argilla meaning geochemically clastics burro 237 imped opened ##ipa lobes kaibit dramatically turkey promont lampro 455 alternation shortly degla days ##ractory coincided 1990 1991 energetic granulites pathway pathways historically reduce langenheim narrower tracking magnetotell ammonite 1984 1982 mdd focuses gabbros limiting limitation walton juxtaposes inherently bordering mylonites inputs metaluminous dioritic proportional truncation resistance resistivity advances intersections siberia formerly superterranes divergent divergence postdated roots dolost cutoffs systematics drilling petrological johnson applic culminations evaporites essential ferry muck chronology recrystallized preferential emphasized palynology thirds marls millions alignments obviously qualitative merge coarsening ##antage chehalem ascending terminus attempt ##ograph disruption synthetic ambiguity resetting megabreccia corroborate corroborated competing polygon mcclure ##supp replaced contribute contributing migmatite denser route conventional traverses switch dilution floodplains destabil hunt waning wanakah algorith attenuation emergent frictional hyper tomography attached categorized proceeds cataclasite nucleation subdivided overpressured argillite metasomat sabah spinel depicted 1958 coexistence ultrahot mugearites stanford repetition metatuff syntaxis hemipelagic duality hiatus tintina xenocrysts conodonts conduits embay microns karlstrom rerouted backscattered sericite ##aramanga metavolcanic overturned rejuvenation dismembered january uphill chocolate submerged spiked climbing insufficient punctuated aphanitic birth bucaramanga euchre henry hygrom kaufformationn konya nabesna uranium thackray withdrawal arequipa protection whipple unmetamorphosed overwhel hillslopes empirical feldspathic argillaceous kaibito magnetotellur 1x 2x 3he 330 420 410 580 550 8d 94 915 au bat ball bang bare beng berg brie cer cow code ec elastic efficient gill gov grug held hual hatch iter kan kel kang lost lree luminescence mut mich mck nick nik n30 ores pum qct qaf r2 ren rely rain rosa sent sod sole tm tro tigh vor vial ze zꞓ zam zimb ##uable ##di ##den ##aj ##ajo ##ij ##oe ##othermal ##vatan ##rm ##sis ##smal ##kg ##minated ##cri ##pron ##hg ##bly ##bound ##banks ##77 ##wan ##zometric ##found ##files ##100 ##31 ##35 ##jiang thins ##onk ##onet ##onos ##atse ##ateto ##esite ##essional ##ena ##ala ##alk ##itr ##itational ##anof ##anomagnet inlet inacc ##asia ##oura toano ##thew ##isen ##isite ##isci ##eted ##urs ##iger ##iguous ##imer ##ception coniac mapp maine repor reject ##ids ##idic ##idgian fores format ##ilton face sudd alph ##lay ##cha baseline dies diab dixon bysmal come compl ##astable atomic ##reservoir cherts chonos ##formal ##ocking colpron ##ects neotectonic unp unequ ##abel ##abwe intercept subtle resol residence geomagnetic ##antı ##antic reli relates ##lusive cov coosa cooper sedimentologic marc martin basinward metastable spars caution lows ##ologically overst indus indire crev creates locate abbe students ##ralta suggestive ##ended scaling ##rites consolidated imprint adve admir wherein cren hec undergoing supplying suppfiles lithostratigraphic lithostatic ##ensis channelforms associations slate slop characterizing moves ##max newfound landmark estimation postcollisional geologically ##ciple domino ##ofossils 12a 123 blank blanche synto synmetamorphic deepening conversions salinian cooler originating comput compens compaction 147 sulfidic denoted ##ydon blocky exposing equates serra docx biozones continuing ##ucoph matthew months 165 delay richter singatse segmented paleoearth 253 inside nonlinear sheba ##ioactive mechanically glaucoph 353 hosts gravitational explains ##cycl confl speculate retention loose archae gravelly centerline dramatic radioactive fewer bending positioned promote implied implication hollow visc waveform excimer explo fairbanks 1997 1996 280 comparisons ramparts stepwise independently petrogenetic principle surveying surprising chemically difficulty stateline transpressive stretched persistence kilometer metasediments hamilton references behaviors funding inferences starts discontinuity discontinuities technical 360 name begin dispersed greenish realistic picking ##ennian panels reactor fitting functional advan advantage piece pieces piezometric incoming 445 impacts retrograded filters snake seemingly photographs goal hinges facilitate wavelengths 371 mcs tends hawaiian exceeded muav amphibolites palynological smoothly bayona dryas geometrically storm geographically instrumentation ##alty reviews columns interesting titanomagnet famennian macrosc terminology augen augment opportunities atlantic human synthes synthesis swarms interstate simplest quiescent proxies preceding competent geosci travertine conceptual prevails trajectories 06kg lunar ripples remarkably emergence obliquely mollusks spillover complementary boudinage ##meridgian constitut qla1 onlapped subpopulations disseminated caledonian elucidate pampeanas eustatic phyllite discovery eurasia thorman ##ilicate prospect ##ogranite scotland parautochthonous uplands brachiopods kimmeridgian thomas ensure pointing envisioned borehole piercing tierralta vernikov informally academy remobilization crushing gastropods stimulated stereonet interfinger paleotopography manuscri billingsley disaggregated kluane laths nazca tzr zagros ##gandoo december byrd wassuk meyers perturb monotonic lamprophy applicable algorithm bengal brief gillis govern gruggandoo hualapai pumice zamantı zimbabwe ##iscipl coniacian mappable sudden bysmalith unequivoc indirect abbey admiralty newfoundland matthews paleoearthqu glaucophane titanomagnetite 06kg15 vernikovsky manuscript 07 09 370 340 375 4he 5d 5g 570 512 610 850 92 99 920 aqu afore aqueous bry cost cull cinder crist d1 dor dust dict et eps fu f3 fro gh gur gave gior gorge hagg iran jord jean kv ker kod lan lad lyons mre mim mong masc muse nm n40 och odd pm py pig pend pap pric pont ques rings ricket roles sx sor som sard sided tb tid tall tear tie ternary uv u2 vict vacu wis wich wander wsw xs ##nin ##nys ##ucon ##uies ##dly ##ders ##ault ##aite ##tor ##tled ##tling ##iu ##iar ##iak ##vet ##vable ##een ##rs ##sf ##late ##log ##min ##pies ##hes ##hoe ##48 ##zo ##zı ##ga ##gg ##gosa ##gonite ##fels ##2s ##87 thems ##eron ##inistic ##esch ##eno ##enest ##alth ##alts ##orite ##oruk ##itat ##itted ##ioned ##analy inward inception ##retions ##stra ##static ##roc ##ele ##elland ##elves ##oured tow ##ursion ##ocon ##ocarbon ##iguies mand isothermal deem replic ##idi ##idag forced ##ows ##ilon faces albe alto ##rup ##sey anorth ##otom ##otrop onlap proper shonk ##mentioned ##ogan northerly plinian ##quet ##emez una ##ichotom ##ables ##abbro ##aging ##agoruk ##umps contours contiguous interfaces interplate subse subsection resid hack ##edimentary relied coerc incising metag overc collector locale ##ached ablated student amll enh enkel believed transpor ##vik ##viplanar scarc ##icker occas granule twinned sims ##auer centur centimeters verm thicken thickest depict undated ##angpo chart output differing typology ##nellia carm carries genetic acts 102 103 associate seismograms sliver sliding refractory placing flowers concretions lime ##osphere newark topagoruk infilled 192 193 1973 ##cline ##cliff ##clockwise majorand nova ##aved calcium measures horse longford differentiated alaskan ##ciation ##beck histograms deepens deepwater develidag lineated invoked extract 1400 straits initi initiate sequential blocked ##glas permanent exhumational manually cura curviplanar multic methane pennin ##pec deterministic monz documentation 164 magnification popular working hypocent rotate ##ogenesis epoch siliceous barn ##tinent redwall feldspars ##prints drives terminations ##bling describes remot littor argues glaucon attest attitudes hydrostatic speculated hornfels intraformation croydon thermochronometric volumetric restorations tests spatter researchers falling ##obal clustered approximated generalized hornblendes veinlet trun coincidence 1995 raman compose polymetamorphic polycycl orthopyrox stacks reasonably knc4 evaluating esplan arrest slows connell linearly extrapol shared sharing freely tracks powell magnetostratigraphic radiocarbon 215 ill guide guided 1985 incorporate frequent frequencies ##urrents statistic cumulates craters paleocurrents brecciation irving irrad inference schol technology author mylonite expressions begins acknowledge darker predominately widths branched globe solely thanked thermobarometry powerful enthalpies confirms facilities chalcedony highlighted rooted douglas snoke photon photogram problems drilled discontinuously goals protoliths blueschistto logged ##groups windows counterclockwise palo isochrons coherency emphasis emphasizes occupies elongated stored porphyritic ##archean deviates failed resource nannofossils acceleration definitively calderas explanations mildly underplated summarizes utilizing stikinia opposing repeating unreal cataclastic tsangpo faunal graphite anomalously mcclelland declination migmatitic microstructural densities routine aridification dzp1 couplet sometime hyal parental australian iapetan spillway assignment challenged boudinaged repeatedly nujiang paleontological paleontologic cataclasites bracketed junctions qla2 sunnys onlapping subpopulation dissected disconformably caledon gulch yarlung yariguies stabilization alumina exsolution amargosa designation discrimination multidimensional grateful gratefully publication famatina famatinian depression ##lahoma diamicton unexposed entering europe suspected navajo neutral neighboring ##lipse disappearance candidates aragonite avalanche split torsvik wasting machines chainman colombia relaxation accounted emerging aggregate tsunami oaxaquia gauge ribbon sweep stopped exercise intertidal leonardian discarded arkosic slickenlines dinosa kızı oklahoma picture ##jections reverber overtopped particip promontory deglaciation metasomatized hygrometer magnetotelluric 91500 bangong kangal zꞓpm reports rejected alpha diabase sparsely oversteep crenulation archaeological functionality ##isciplinary aforementioned cullen cristobal dusty epsilon giorgis jordan jeanne kerogen mascoma museum ochoco price quesnellia ricketts somun sardine vacuum wichita xsps themselves albeit altogether shonkinite amllw enkelmann scarcity penninic hypocentral littoral intraformational esplanade photogrammetry sunnyside 030 070 1d 2d 320 4f 430 6c 680 7d 780 ah action aja a95 bid bog bins bring bank bmv binary cs cj cas cult clu cather cumb dit dab dend drops dsm dots eolian fid g5 gri gull gans hu her hcl hours hno ia jv je jm jam jane kh ken kol kru koz kdes kelly lon lear lend lund mb n1 nac nhr nomen nager pog pice pods pinto qf ris rast ross s7 s8 sicker till tap tides u1 uin ulu wav winter warping xr xg york ##nov ##nerville ##dant ##tz ##tic ##tot ##tites ##ios ##ipl ##oides ##ober ##ook ##vity ##rı ##kı ##kis ##lot ##lors ##cat ##cas ##ciated ##crystall ##yolite ##pick ##hu ##hyolite ##wart ##zvatan ##gra ##xel ##fmas ##819 ##38 ##67 ##62 ##65 ##66 ##onip ##atibility ##inates ##eson ##espan ##enomen ##aland ##oring ##orous ##itate ##ions ##icul ##aro ##arctic ##arhyolite informal ##asy ##asible ##ellus tools ##lector ##cture ##olic ##olai ##ollector ##ulsion ##raction ##ithetic ##oclast ##igan ##ime ##imate conif mack master demar repos rechar aliqu ##rus exit asian anhedral ##chang intric beach beeson ##rif ##phere sher shaly comments normally sought atm ##ogle chines ##cca ##conv ##forward ##ously unable unlo unimodal uncons ##pling ##abolic interfer interconnected subgroups arm washed haval ##kee ##aleont ##izable relies coesite marta eastto parabolic meet meek meade regist metric metarhyolite ##weg spor spur ##aklı ##ibly voltage overs overgrowth college notch valent km3 ##pered paleomagnet loci deforms cankı ##elles ##elling believe transposed surv usgs analyte consens ##ifications perched ##cking ##ckfmas immediate stripped minute ##ney clreservoir verging verme verify ##issance leg leaf phf phenomen domical outflow ##ricane ##agement offers lithological lithotectonic lithologically typological genetically 10a 10b 107 101 1050 groupings upw settling refined movet olds topic inflated ##xton 1980 ##cles ##clide ##clature flan silva lands horst separately 151 155 discipl differently differentiate ##ciyes 12c 12b 111 119 1150 grades erosive synand campb cameca converting defle deflection contrad waterlain passively develops patio shallowest compute compatibility coastline sequentially denote devoid decimeter decelles ##ropical periph perija permits ##shop missou considerations orders superposed outcro benefit matching matched profound monoclinal probabilities detached delaminated populated worked workshop rotational unconformable migrate multiphase 2500 clean parallels drive drivers nonplanar terminate mgal reconna velest institution remote combine blakely supplemented footprint antarctic antithetic mottled mm2 influences retre paxton ##onald drast bucks blund thermochronometers plants recognizable microanaly pulsed widest ##obile progressed approximation approximates visually exceptions self shoulder erciyes caprock exhibiting degradation shells 248 243 join numbered helps median flats flattened oxid arrived ##weathered petrogenesis reduces floors ledge roughness 2229 powders encro strecke noteworth illite packstones cm2 guaite ##whide consequences regarded frequently lastly handpick compiling upwards gabbroic stretch purposes persist inherent organized hampered electrical assessed assessments rays schm circles begun projects quantities greenstone megaflaps stationary tabulated ashin commenced thanks arguments powerline echo physics architectural s2a ultramafics bonita accurately ponded lithics homogenous decomposition calibrations 01a 01tot going successively successfully micropaleont culminating greenschistto ferris icpms engine analogy easy occupy occupying elongation precluding rawhide relocation captures imbricated instrumental merges ##ansas headward dolomitic shaded ##consin coarsely stocks micaschist solidus 427 kinds animated reconstructing encompassed indianola attempts boudins escape conjunction predicts explored sustain ophiolites 003 ##rangement unrelated traditionally mineralogical straightforward serpentin hydrologically fisher convection convective enclosing subjected duplexing polygons mccloud isoplot replace replacement obscure fertil deza taxon azimuths dzp2 cp10 rippled inconsist reversely attendant robert couplets excavations scheme schematically lifespan tomographic paragenesis 144nd backeddy deciphering aeolian nodes nodules uniqueness converters permitted kinetics averaged bbt treated slickens juncture lulls ##ontsova sunset breached adjusted adjustments microfossils eustasy inhibit amarillo discovered multidisciplinary looking pfu words zheng diamictites adopt adopted european gardner gardnerville taylor taylors wingate industry noticeable delineated magnesian hurricane habitat lisburne mammal anhydrous unspec volatile objective immobile monocline draping challenge dedu doser flakes october xlsx ##karet thalweg asperities choice corrugations slumping paleocanyon fringing gentle chondrite adequately mckay troxel vorontsova complications unpublished marcellus crevice sloping macroscale lamprophyre governed pumiceous paleoearthquake bryozo dictated ghost gurun kodiak lanka monger pontide sorting victoria wisconsin town manduca metagabbro enhance century multicollector glauconite volumetrically statistics hyaloclast casquet cumbre dabie hno3 kozaklı nhrl nomenclature pogonip uinkaret ulukis wavy ##crystalline ##changed chinese unloading unconsolidated havallah meeker cankırı consensus ##ckfmash vermeesch movetm campbell reconnaissance buckskin streckeisen noteworthy guaitecas taylorsville unspecified ulukisla 015 380 425 6d 6f 7c 775 760 9a 9c 9b 97 ak aid akin bh bif bench bomb c2 cel cast call cec dall dum dang dyn dai daw econ eff ease ft f2 fif fire ferns gm gal gross grow gather gpe hop hell hint herm hope hood jim jud jemez ket kir kde las lock lille mit mur mos mir mature nist nested niger od os option ozvatan pg pit pus pits pile page pics qap row rond rip r33 sed sar sider savage saw tent tun tension tort tropical um upt vl vg van vene vess want ward wang wack yering δ7 δ8 ##une ##uena ##da ##del ##donald ##iet ##ius ##ips ##ool ##ophy ##eh ##eim ##rally ##sd ##loch ##mp ##mut ##mog ##mile ##cation ##cise ##cumul ##yo ##ptable ##hm ##house ##bin ##44 ##47 ##gal ##gst ##gers ##ginia ##xc ##fa ##200 ##210 ##55 ##joura theory ##oner ##onym ##eration ##inis ##inos ##inally ##inding ##esy ##esse ##aline ##orre ##orov ##itu ##itant ##itory ##itatively ##ania ##icine ##ste ##sty ##roe ##rophic ##enth ##ingled ##asp ##elps toe tops ##leaved ##thest ##oliated ##isc ##iskan ##isotrop ##isphere ##etary ##etical ##uris ##urate ##urang ##ulian ##ulus ##ulatus ##rastruct stit stoch ##imet ##imby ##omitant mak max deconv rein ##osedimentary ##idt forsterite ##ivities ##amook ##ilater ##ilmet ##gevity supr suwan alber ##urek ##lage exits anch anter anah answ anisotrop ##ota ##otempor sep season intr bass dikel projections ##item ##rian shut ##irnov comcat ##posal ##possible ##astrophic ##ressions ##oglu champ ##insp ##aday ##inear ##inement ##ineca ##quite ##quilib lah collage unra unity unbl unident ##opite ##istically ##ichael ##agmatic ##umption inters interlay interleaved subdu subun subarc subcontinental resor arenite arrangement haines weighting wealth ##illing ##ozone coon coated cove coals cohes march marsh marbles ##ozoisite easterly incise basinwide parker alongside metad metaf speed spons ##ardo ##usive lowland ##iburis ##essible overflow overestim indent oblate valle valuable recessional ##aching volcanology volcanosedimentary abras ##ructive ##pton ##precise arcgis enable transmit transcontinental distally applies ##asey ##enderg scour scott ##ificially proved twelve ##ignific indications simplic impossible imprecise midland rivera centre acicular quimby quiburis lowered aden adding thickens crin ##nett undulating ##rogen ##ayut complexly leigh leather ##lasted phlog phelps rusty trichotom outli outlasted nearest office suppitem typified variables tracer acted activation 104 positively seismology seismometer seismographs juruena mooney oldow concern concurrent concomitant ##kai mesquite infrastruct 1970 1960 1949 localization prenderg nov noble smirnov ##avor longitudinal 154 eman sinu dominates ##bec southeastward 128 126 11d 116 crossover erod stepping stepped stewart camera downs convert compares salinity salinia possess originate patchy quartzose quartzarenites extents ##iveness compound compelling dooner ##ffected 14a 143 sulfur sulfidation 13c 137 team ##ahl correlating 2001 finan equant resting biased transitioned geoand analyzing hydrated ##boat distinction ##irectional monroe reflectance 16ch mega grinding farthest catanz catastrophic ##inae 1721 richey concentrate baram barrie baranof swam ##toon dextrally crystallizing insignific tubes tufa instance remanent fills antifor antiform steepen expert motivated obtaining precurs remainder ##labor soils 23b 232 mm1 ##iento confinement anywhere hydros special ##mez fronts closing retain retrie reticul intrabas investigating srv cascabel stronger drape temporary restoring likewise tetra ##bedded 186 fallout pennsylvania microcline eclogitic eclogitization damming widening ##obs ##coviscan ##206 movements quebec coeffici anticip accordance gabb excursion megathrusts episodically covering 241 2400 coinciding 1998 1999 2800 ##alupe medicine 265 brfs polycrystalline reasoning divides division grounds moderateto espir arrested ##burn float clays productive extractions dimin 228 225 encased classical classify overprints geodesy summer mills packets guilmet 1987 builds floored boiling handful erratic exhume braided ##persed persistent dependence sixmile counted council expulsion steamboat platta ##anza inversions ##arship equilibrated school ##horse laborator 369 boring names quantified triggers spatiotempor ignimbrites conceiv concepts flareup ##ennial austin troughs accumulate branches tensile questioned truncate truncates scanned lawton arguing physi isolation artificially bonin diverted asymmetry flooding attributable mwth 443 abruptly triangular retrogression snow clinozoisite 01b cyclic pollution geodynamics circular ways graduate bruin worth petrographically counterparts 378 hemisphere operate demise chronologic chronostratigraphic extraregionally palinsp preference playa spacings smoothing visualize episodicity detecting aligns relocations porphyroc taconian exclude omineca reviewed worldwide karmut variscan exceptionally gabriel family kink optically encompassing mixteca periodicities geothermometry copies utilize biostratigraphically predictions ophiolitic 028 s4a unrec unreason intersecting resembles databases preparation convex simplified chaos belonging polygenetic quantifying tongass supai vegetated 1964 1969 switched dried virginia wetter connections huntoon ripple arkansas regularly schematic siletzia life lifet mno mollusk molluscan categories bolivian misfit puncoviscan loaded guadalupe averages ##magmatic shielding paleolake trachyand trachybas enclaves randomly french fraser keasey tadjoura ##ariance collins argillic metasomatic aluminum exsolved subtyp metabasites metabasalt phyll ultrahigh bootstra mugearite checked eurasian utchron happy carefully carrying backthrusting hydrocarbons cemented prevented parautochthon brachiopod coda torowe neutron collecting industrial monitoring circumst optimally candidate ganderian nankai sessions ##zzly anhydrite volatiles objectives fluctuations monoclines draped feedbacks challenges paleobotany paleobotanical 2105 izee lenox manner saint inundated diatoms weeks paleodep paleodrain straddles paleolatitude macrofossils fjords hallmark kamenny saprolite welded ##raphical condens reinterpreted anatexis chapman tracts meaningful dolostone ##supplement hatchet kanayut nickel vials zealand inaccessible reliably covariance advective exploited advancing geosciences perturbation unequivocal indirectly frost pyram pendants tidwell deemed ##owski anorthite unaffected subsections coercivity carmichael ##cliffe remotely trunks polycyclic illum irradiated scholarship unrealistic reverberations oversteepened cultural ditches dendritic grizzly jeol jmc kolmog longevity mbsf piceance rastorg tillamook xrf ##graven conifers aliquots interference sporad spurious overgrowths valentine flanking blundy handpicked schmidt engineering bifur cecil dangerous daily ketch lillegraven mirr odds pushed siderite vlf yerington ##cumulus ##onymous stochastic suwannee antero anaheim dikelets unblocking interlayered subdued abrasion simplicity leatherwood phlogopite infrastructure prendergast doonerak catanzaro intrabasinal coefficients espiritu guilmette spatiotemporal karmutsen puncoviscana toroweap kolmogorov 076 2c 3f 470 440 419 490 5f 520 540 560 6e 630 7e 740 8e 8f 820 870 925 amat ape bes bit ble bure bab bsl berm bilater crow cout cub don dar doz dund dora dunder era eigen fru fus frog fift fulf files finger falk gor gle gir gib gpts hect hong hik hub hind h2s ik ic icy jx kt ko kur kum kli ling lut lib mch mend miles munn np nom nich nckfmash oat ooid pi pom pil pak pear pay push qa rt rat rol rules s0 s9 sen sag sav sylv sauer td tt ties tang tuc tensional tls ur umi vin vall vide villa vitr writ yak zo zen zelve δd σ1 ϸc ##ni ##nal ##uy ##ugh ##uents ##uye ##uclide ##db ##dan ##dynamic ##aff ##aign ##tt ##test ##tari ##tang ##tress ##tica ##iab ##oley ##oarchean ##vron ##eon ##eth ##ethe ##ebeck ##ship ##kurn ##kaya ##lan ##lam ##linal ##lark ##mo ##moth ##manned ##cra ##yt ##yer ##yala ##pin ##pel ##pik ##puk ##hic ##high ##hold ##bu ##bard ##bitr ##bbin ##ws ##wis ##wend ##wack ##zel ##zana ##gy ##gary ##gart ##xu ##xul ##fect ##fted ##full ##23 ##2hg ##82 ##89 ##814 ##64 ##jas ##just ##jardo ##97 thd ##onn ##onisporites ##erion ##ertion ##erry ##erio ##ink ##inel ##inod ##inction ##inhan ##enic ##altered ##alcedony ##nder ##itan ##iting ##itru ##itut ##itely ##itting ##itina ##ionuclide ##icts ##icxul ##ara ##arak incon inability inapp ##reed ##roch ##asi ##asm ##asse ##askin ##ela ##elt ##elity ##elope ##elines ##oust topping ##cting ##thite ##throp ##olita ##olitan ##isch ##isaged ##etti ##urable ##ursions std stalled stowe ##oca ##ocino ##ocols ##imetric ##iminhan ##omosing coney isab isost isocl isobar rect reid repose rebound ford fore forth force formal ##ivate ##amically ##ampling ##ilian ##ilization ##ilinear fajardo ##geoclinal alib alpin areal ##rupted ##uts ##lad ##lazo exem asch anast anthon annot anonymous anarak ##oto ##otes ##oting ##otra ##otroch seal seed seep ##chalcedony online ontari intended ##taken died prove prodel byker ##rietary ##phistic ##phee shuff shingled ##pps whit ##irka coming ##aster ats ##vector ##vember chose chiqu chew christ chips chitina chicxul chasm ##adth ##inea plug ##quin ##emical colder colvin collabor nept unres unma unless unlith unmix unmanned unaltered ##alline ##plified grays graphs gramp ##abinos ##abrian ##ags ##agle ##agites contamin contaminated interpol intercumulus resin resur resides george arbitr ##isms ##ismically hauk ##teness ##tenance ##assen ##izer relamination ##andag ##anders coordinate coxc modify module modulus meanders regressions ##acı ##acity ##ac00 ##acio ##acryst metrop spi ##ards ##aka capping cache ##thers ##thermally ##ologists ##iba ##ibited ##iboust ##ordiller dispro disrupt disconnected india notion noting valde territ paleop paleocl locating ##sson ##poration abyssal ##eller ##psh ##pson ##prean preand prehn pregrowth preweathered amp ample colleaguesng chance ensu transposition uses append ##ends perform pertinent simulating imposed strip buttress ##wards completeness corporation ##ochi quoted quxu quasi 2091 202hg clock clough observatory adher verma cr2o3 undul calgary calabrian ##ayuch leave lewis signs trish trimodal truly underestim undertaken offsw fieldwork variabilities carl carlin peach pecha trapped temora 106 ##oughly refers feasible moore flower conclusively concerns ##unique angiboust angayuch middleto ##lische mainst maintenance ##berry 1900 1974 somewhere ##clinal ##valuation melan november sanup ##bona separator 15b emitted embedded geologist olson sinks sinyala ##pected corrections ##ofenest 12g increment increments blanca synform syncollisional downgoing downhill downsection defects pool passing cools roble rojas compass dobbin 14d 141 sulfate 13b 132 tefl strauss commonal dzmix denotes microm micaceous tripon triaxial device breadth material1 ##erman potsd garver appearances thermometry prograded ##roll knick knoll ##oclases manual management fining rests subsidi transitioning ##glomerate continuum backward backfield ##works assembled ##erti hydrogen ##books matt mats matlab matonisporites monocryst prime 16a 1650 foil examining megacryst mississippi magna faraday morley epigen 172 paleohigh structureless ##tleback ##ishes plagioclases lacked parallelism nonunique terminated reconc ##blin describing ##jectate ##enched instant instability institut remov reminis combinations glaciated anti antita antelope steepest steepening propensity proprietary 358 burrows precordiller gravitation corresponded sophistic ##ikoff explaining imping trenchward mm4 clearwater confusion hydrodynamic hydrothermally ##metrical envisaged ##standing intramontane predated bears elves stands fourth hottest radionuclide turtleback weaker weakened positioning thermochronometry lengthening ##radian minima testable promoting apg apulian laminae lamaskin 705 18o experiences pulled progresses hold holm holes ultram debates anticlinal selection erz capabilities degraded ##inner joined ##omorph amplified amplification enrichments ##azlı needy 268 26al campaign layering ahead narbona glacially reevaluation shelves arrive arriving slowed heterogenous productivity dimension magnetozones magnetizations ammonites encrust criterion liquids discordances haliminhan correspondingly guenth guinea 1983 ##cipitation incorporating lasted rounding angularity cherty concordance limbs compilations ignacio rhyod accessible steaming organisms prisms hampel hamblin negro referenced bigger equilibria schell schlische born mylonitized skolai spotila quantification acknowledges acknowledged 548 kgd spatio download drawing 867 realign realized inclinations predominance bald baltica romero expanding streamflow santander connects cyprean honors tensor strengthening scans tablazo substitution advoc thermobarometric turbiditic powered echinod intersected pinched autoc autotra bonanza bonzana banded banding ponding wooden woodlark chalky highlighting delivering 385 386 bypassing recovery carriers doub digitized synchronously 321 3200 angeles epiclastic oroclinal photography wrangellian cube goose google goethe hingeline protocols programs logging 290 sensu mcd mcint mcphee evaporative exceeds mueller operated chronologies puzz suspic analogs analogues analogue warmer crack easier naturally 7630 county ##urnal detectors feeding bernina frantz raises ##165 porphyry reviewer dolomites kara karabinos varv varves interestingly catalogs titration ##points chevron curvilinear transgressed 422 524 optical optimal macdonald ascends establishing ##336 underplates penetrated periodicity summarize geothermochron geothermometers geothermometer ctd squar squaw oppositely fastest quadran quadrup gridded configurations 022 002 s4b taggart vpdb sublithosphere serpentine hydrologic tsi convey graphitic ##illips enclose segregation addressed sg4 sg5 unfoliated paleoshor harder hardebeck lgp serves lapse ##uminescent microstructure densely convolute residuals acceptable traversed 1963 anticlinoria prevailed diluted gs210 wetlands achieve destruction hunting pillows algal regularity validity portray improves specimen escarpments metapelite metapelitic sonoma stops attained paragneiss meshes extrusive australia intermittently disequilibria platycaryoides misal sulu talc ##lırm orthogneisses polymorphs averaging tvc trehu tidewater shielded interacts interacted crypt trachyte constituted constituents isopleths bracketing kept wrap collided colliding controversy marapos overpressure disconformity refinements breaching elucidating inhibited stabilized depicts discernable discernible discriminate publications benthic utility thoroughly depressed repetitive proskurn ##ogranites happened enters scotts implemented miogeoclinal careful syntaxial hemipelagites codes dunham thompson clarify leucogranite pointed stratovolcanoes arab dockum ganderia hurlow habits keeping putirka waste ##coso mammoth machine intensely intensities colombian graphically accounting conservative conservatively eliminated oaxaquian thalass inundation asperity translations paleocanyons automatically davidson paleolatitudes macrofossil dalradian gj1 hoisch ##icitly anatectic seisan disparate impedance dolostones destabilized destabilization embayment overwhelming batches ceramic eclipse iterations kelley nikon sentinel sodium tightening foresets resolves resolvable hecate heceta blanketed compensation conflict viscous viscosity constitutes briefly pigeon papers sx100 tbd uvas ##eronimo residue transporting occasionally monzogranite barnes orthopyroxenites caledonides dinosaur kızılırm bogazlı bankfull clues fidelity janecke nacional repository recharge intricate ##rified atmospheric paleomagnetism survival peripheral missoula outcropping retreated oxidized micaschists serpentinized bryozoans dumitru fifth growing judging moscoso rondonia tentatively tortolita veneer vessel ##urangi ##imeterto deconvolution reinfor supras alberta anchor answer anisotropy unravel unidentified interspersed metadata crinoids outliers concerning 1960s sinuosity erodible 143nd insignificant antiforms 232th retrieved reticulofenest gabbron laboratories palinspastic kinked unreasonable lifetime trachyandes trachybasalts subtypes circumstances condensed rastorguye sporadic bifurc ketcham amato apex besides bleached bureau coutts darwend dundee eigenvector fifteen falkowski gorges girty gibson hongli hikurangi hubbard ikpik jxa klipp mchugh mendocino munni nominal payette tangential tucson umiat vintage vallier vitrinite written isabella isostatically isoclinally isobaric aliberti aschoff anastomosing anthony ontario prodelta bykerk chiquerio chicxulub neptune unmapped unlithified graysc grampian hauksson coxcomb metropolitan valdez territory prehnite appendix trishear offswith angayucham teflon potsdam subsidiary monocrystalline epigenetic reminiscent antitaxial precordillera gravitationally haliminhanı guenthner echinoderm quadrupole gs2108 proskurnina kızılırmak bogazlıyan reticulofenestra rastorguyev darwendale ikpikpuk 060 0336 1m 3e 310 374 4e 4h 4g 416 436 510 530 515 588 518 640 719 725 825 995 ai ase aided aware aseismic aochi bk bast bost bak bach bones bain bish brad boca cic coc cim card cyp cust cyl crock da dm d2 d3 dru dod dak dpar dok dade eta eph eld ejection egs educ efficiently ehr elapsed fern fior fasc fusion fellow fash flip fij fenest gam gru gun gases gsc grown gosh geronimo hr hin hith hig hid hod hud hick hines ib jumps ks kas kab kav kimb kob kame lod ligh lyon lange lists listing mv ml m0 mal mas mimb mosa mules ns n0 nad nay nomin nino n60 pas pra piv pace pose plastic pract p2o pahoe qcf qiang qilian rd rul rog rend rie rowe sce sine sack sie sds sna tiff tenn uy vit win wes wern wata wai xii yc yon youth za zun µl ##nikov ##uing ##uated ##uvial ##ught ##ucca ##do ##dm ##dg ##don ##dely ##tel ##tation ##tland ##ipar ##iomor ##iometric ##iago ##oia ##ooms ##vall ##vnikov ##ei ##ev ##ement ##eak ##ren ##ride ##ratic ##si ##sight ##sonian ##sah ##spot ##sives ##kins ##kof ##lic ##lope ##litz ##lkaya ##mous ##mend ##miento ##cold ##cillo ##colitic ##yuk ##pites ##ht ##hom ##hok ##halyn ##hicle ##hibit ##bre ##bate ##bide ##base ##brate ##719 ##794 ##wul ##zi ##zh ##zak ##zger ##zof ##gar ##gru ##gell ##gue ##fers ##fish ##fold ##fino ##filled ##230 ##02 ##05 ##03 ##112 ##119 ##185 ##81 ##83 ##54 ##57 ##52 ##545 ##37 ##j2 ##jos ##jang ##jols ##92 ##98 ##993 ##966 thief thesis ##ontinent ##oncillo ##erth ##erite ##erop ##erates ##atric ##ators ##inat ##inely ##incan ##inities ##incing ##esby ##encing ##enberg ##ald ##alc ##alis ##eded ##edition ##orites ##orius ##ormous ##itated ##anon ##anut ##anently ##icke ##icto ##icias ##ariant ##arlı ing inval informed andy ##ref ##reau ##rett ##stack ##structed ##asite ##asitic ##elogan ##outs tol tohok ##lex ##leigh ##leading ##lequin ##thing ##thick ##ollis ##oluted ##isf ##isner ##ett ##etian ##eterm ##etches ##etorius ##urbid ##ulse ##rap ##raf ##rake stall stain stump ##ocument ##igi ##igm ##igation ##igorite ##imant ##omar ##omial ##ombo ##cea ##ceived conse maur isla isogra isabel dealt dealing rear reading reinc reappear ##oses ##osely ##osisporites ##osilicate ##idam ##idance ##idites fort ##amington ##amiskan ##ulty ##ilin ##ilely ##ilob ##ilworth ##esta ##estone ##estones sund ali albee al2s ##run ##ruh ##utes ##utonia ##lace ##lagell exag exerts exchanged asia ana anad ankar anthrop ##otal ##otyp faultmod sey seasc sealing ##chn ##chard ##chio onion onlaps oncolitic intrig ##tag ##tail behead basem dieg diode ##verstone proposes proposal prohibit ##rift ##phone shd shot shock shimant ##ranted ##raneous ##ird comet norian norway ##posing ##odones ##odium ##erequ atlex ##respective chich chill cherta choos chuar chuck chrm ##ifer ##iffer ##adine ##adigm ##udan ##udied plata pluvial ##cont lago ##emic ##emeral collinear neill necks nehalem union unzon unline unbro unsu unsupp unchanged unruh ##opically ##ista ##istan ##iche ##iches ##ichiometric ##plication graham ##abled ##abeth ##agan ##agne ##agof contoured interd subark subterran subalk subei resolving resumption resampling ##tsburg strict strateg stricto geore geography ard arrow arise arrang ##antitative haw ##enega weisner ##illes ##izabeth ##ters ##oneous ##due ##andon cole coord coating evacu maranon ##liquid eastand modulated modulating parr paris parasequence parasitic paradigm mead meets mecca ##aco ##acion ##acular ##acidites metasequ metzger sput spir spore spear spont speak folia beta caught lowstand ##ibal presc overg overbur overthick disp dissect disks indo indct indeterm oberth ##004 recumb receded ##achment ##parted abort aborted abuts abandon canson ##pto ##pting ##ptank ##preanof precon accru ames ambl engl ensemb entered enormous enabled ##endous scl scul scav scours ##ickert consort italy peric perplex perennial perfect assertion ##uez ##uevi twin ##cker ##ckenberg larsen simon imper imported imparted striation slips ##ariation bute haslam midpoint cors corals cortland corestones ##ochemical acry quar quiet cloos observable adds verified verde verdi wherever liken crd crass ##mons unders undocument cald hex ##ayo ##ays leo leake leamington ##ango phil phosph howard thereof ruff rupper continentally trilob outline outstanding stratification ##rically mike mihalyn younging earthsc ##ensky carling carbide peat peel peale peper traction trapper tracing acting 109 faculty basements orographic posit posits intrusives bedforms seismostratigraphy seismograph seismogenesis seismologists slumps refining refracted refraction becchio plavnikov ##iequilib feat ##ressed characteristically mohawk concert conclusive ##unning fluor fluence ##kawul topmost shears iddings idiomor infilling 1975 1971 ##clides shores flight localizing melted prerequ generates generously landing sanak calcs measurable longitude longshore 15d 1550 1513 1578 1517 grey gregg postmetamorphic postseismic poststack emission olist northeasterly sinter sinking ##ciu 409 ##oflagell formula 122 11a 1170 1143 grading erode blanks blobs synforms synrift wallooms cameron downhole ##tebrate comparative comparatively additions salina developments paterson quartzites invari invariant extinction extraneous afterwards comprom compact 1450 1431 13d 139 teutonia strained seaway agreed cordilleras micritic triax ##aneity portable pressed endm endpoints blocking blockage think thinly ##ermott permanently thermomagnetic ##load knight finzel equator brothers saltus ##mbly ##ylene ##ylitic biases biozone identifications spectacular methow laura geoid geobar analyzer benef hydrates descent furn professional mono month foundered 16o 16c 162 1600 1632 container delim delicias ##ogeneity strikingly erosionally pacificum periodically popelogan vehicle moran moreno silicon 17a 175 singular peters ##deposition barite barren swan swale swell edgar crystallize 251 redding tub tucker drone noncollisional nondeposition mgand tapping effectiveness grandview ##io5 instabilities blake lituy footprints ##conda antigorite experts preserving propylitic 359 3500 bury burst ##nswick 236 239 2300 springerville impure trenching hydrox specul diagenetic ##ubduction ##umba retained ##overed investigacion muds srm predating loosely archive archiving elli elba ellipse elizabeth hypothetical transportation hotspot rimmed rimming thinnest totals totaling dune ducea duplication drains radiated temporarily buck buckn aven ##haus restores minimally littleton prompted ##faced ##venamiskan ##725 gained gauss gaptank ##ognized api standardized 703 709 ##born integrates planform 189 1825 fallen summed sumdo recognizing 453 456 justified alternations microseismic ##obson progressing holland hollis holds holder holborn pyrene kupreanof coev tectono viscos visibly excel mustard selverstone ##ferenced explicitly mohn textured fairways capacity demonstra flanked s11 trudg ##racturing 242 246 joins joaqu ##cutive warranted northwards 1994 283 2827 bridges fractionated flatten orthoph orthomagmatic oxford ##ollenites stillwater chromat spectrometers nipton petrographical prominently connor surveyed ultracold ##remes approached sharman narrowing narrowly 465 chemeh tracked 227 226 magnetized granodioritic geophysics 211 213 msu millimeters packstone tonalites difficulties guidance lightto ##flows consequent 1986 incorporates ##iquantitative ductilely alkalis sofar handle erroneous translational accessed person persian walsh wallace juxtaposing cumulus harris harms harlequin expedition borders inversely subducts electro negatively scarce referring breccias ##ylonite irish irrespective unroofed rayleigh ##horn variously technologies 363 36ar skinner sketches receives projecting tremendous drawdown santiago reality favors morphotectonic acquire icefield pedogenesis pellets peloncillo rodrig reactive freeze ##probe paramount favoring soled solub questionable truncations fungal satisf substrate resistive arguably bottles synclinal bordered confirmation pseudo rigorous asymmetrical contemporaneity postdating descriptive attributing bandpass ponds conductivities ready readers readjust rootlets glassy 381 ions coldstream recurring carrier 4000 aircra doug doubling 204hg tephrites impacted homoclinal homogeneity abruptness aggrading decomposed orofino ##259 clinjectate drillhole cratons cfm go05 ##ctoral necessitate blueschists circu logistic facilitating brunswick crucial crudely crumbly sensors 2016a 3790 mcgre mckee tendurek caveat ferric ferrous operating engadine mobilization certainly pujols playas warming wildhorse 059 nbs occupation smoothed bisect bisects mccall mccoy conejos raw rajang storms relocate capturing qualitatively merensky omitted plunge percentages headed dolomitized karst shades maintaining lemke stockli presumed accelerating solids 426 optima animations paleoseismicity pervasively augland august sigloch ##298 ##295 enhancing penetrate penetrating 7000 boudreau cienega copy lucassen epidot 418 federal behaves floral floresta pairing 04545 humans tags sheds shedding plumes sublitharenites resembling preparations mineralogically robinson fresno goodsight faunas interstation simpler corroborates corroborating sg7 ##schke ##366 chaumba unfault unfavor precedes 118b competency petrochron duplexes microscopy polygonal homogeneously fanglomerates paleochannels service ##ixel ##9412 precipitate imagej2 migmatites migmatization dissimilarities routinely tenuous convincing convoluted subzones phengites 1968 switches prevailing subaerially dilation pangean yamayo neoarchean fluvially dzp4 dzp3 johnny conjugates 068 algae algodones complicate complicating ##iangulatus crsp portrays sympath explosions elusive golconda jacobson paragenes paragraph heavier extruded depletions aims aimed misleading nodular rheic screens caribou irregularly seasonality bivalve nuclides rerunning proceeded straths manifests manifestation nucleated conspicuously keel annually semiquantitative subsets subdivide subdivision disconformities datums virtually targets targeted gulches pc20 pc21 reprodu subtracted metabasalts spinels designate paleobi brazos public paludotroch violated zhu ##icaoz stanciu unexpected metaturbid slievenamiskan constructive improvements franciscan 796 dunes navigation tintic xenocrystic conodont conduit clara silverado monteagle monitored magnesio magnesium sheeprock optimum optimized rerouting backscatter avalon docked docking lisburn sesia splits shanaka relaxed conservation academic smithsonian elimia powdered gastropod daniel dosage gauges hartman izmir stems exercised diatremes choose intertong translates straddling automatic arkoses slickenline bennett dalia ew9412 fringes hopper pinaleno rafted rafael sphere spherical tails condit reinterpretation seisworks chondritic disparity 20920 adequate pegmatites pegmatoidal impeded hyperprobe embayed birthday ballistic ballhaus cerro cowlitz mutual mutually sentence sodic tighter reliability covariation martini suppfiles1 computer 147sm delays surprisingly advanced synthesized synthesize geoscience interfingered bysmaliths unequivocally aquifer dorsey fuis haggart iranian ladicaoz mimick piggy tearing replicates hackle overcomes occasional vermiform ##beckite initiates initiating attests orthopyroxenes extrapolating caledonide dinosaurs kızılkaya participated ahsah a95min bidirectional gullies jamming kenilworth kruzof qfm riser rossi tapers xgrs ##iosira demarcation metrics phenomenon upwarping 1980s landsat discipline disciplines deflections workshops antarctica drastic drastically microanalyses encroachment micropaleontology fertilized slickensides deduce deduced ghosts metagabbros hyaloclastite hyaloclastites akmez bombs dynamically economic effusive gm15 grossular hellenic hintze hermosa locked mitkof pittsburg seds sarmiento sawatch tungst umango upturned wackestone stitching seasons intrins shutter champagne lahar subunits resorbed cohesion marshall metafels sponsors transmitting scottish trichotomous 1970s financial 16ch01 tetrahedral anticipated divisions diminishes conceivably physiography porphyroclasts unrecognized 1969a phyllosilicate paleodepths paleodrainage ##supplemental pyramid illuminate bilateral dozen dorais dunderberg fruit fingerprints hectometer kumarlı nichols oatfield pipe pomona pilot pearce qaidam ratcliffe sylvan ttn video inappropriate rectang forethrust alpineto exemplified whitney plugs unresolved arbitrary paleoclimate ##pshots ensuing adheres undulose underestimates mainstem melanges incrementally commonalities micromass knickpoint paleohighlands reconcile sophisticated impingement turtlebacks ultramylonite erzincan encrusted downloaded autocycl autotracking doubt mcdermott mcintosh puzzle paleoshorelines lgp03 huntingdon portraying misaligned tvc3 cryptic thalassiosira gabbronorites trachyandesites klippen grayscale 1mh aseismically bostwick bachmann bishop cicatric cardona cyprus custom cylind druschke dodds dakota dadeville etayo ephemeral fiorillo fellowship fiji fenestrate goshute hitherto higgins kaskawul kabudan kavak lodge mimbres mosaic muleshoe nominally paso praetorius pivotal p2o5 pahoehoe qiangtang ruled riebeckite scec sdsu snapshots wernicke watahom wairake yonkee youthful zuni ##ontinental invaluable tohoku stainless stumpfl consecutive isograds al2sio5 exagger ankara anthropogenic ##otype seascapes beheaded diego shimanto chichagof chertand chuckanut unzoned unlineated unbroken unsupported subarkoses subalkaline georeferenced arranged evacuated metasequoia spontaneous foliage overburden indeterminate oberthur recumbent abortive cansona ambler englert ensemble scaveng consortium cortlandt acrylic likeness undocumented ruppert trilobites mihalynuk earthscope carlingford plavnikovye ##iequilibrium iddingsite idiomorphic walloomsac triaxially lituya gaussian viscosities trudgill joaquin 282785 oxfordian chemehuevi rodriguez freezeout aircraft mcgrew unfaulted sympathetically parageneses paludotrochus piggyback ahsahka akmezar tungsten cicatricosisporites kaskawulsh watahomigi wairakei 040 012 075 079 1to 1supplemental 272 274 275 3i 372 480 474 495 5i 5e 5r 574 575 525 585 593 612 660 770 713 888 975 921 993 ay a4 a2 a5 a3 ath ager ayd bp bø bic biv bad biver brain bander bray binned binning bago bahl civ cations coz cred cray c33 cocon cags dk dic dre dut dres dana dries dwell drum drown daga dichotom dogle dni dilles e2 eul eau eds ecos eyes eoarchean fs fest foun fass fries fused flap flied fuel fatt gf g6 gith giv gil gif gem gall gism gary gase gome gain gob galena grows german hd hc hat hide hess hear hiding hco hanan hanks herc h14 h18 hreservoir hmax hmin hesse hsupplement hitting hchalcedony haster hliquid ita iod ionic iber iris iasp jt jes jar jol jul jos jones jose jiang jaram kw kat kal koc kom kai kont kee k92 lv ll l2 l1 les lig lom lot lop liz lined lyn lough lond lher l75 lyg lending locking luminescent mp m4 mow math mess mun mcl msc mull mug malo merged n2 nin nes nic nol nop nass native null nano n45 n28 nsf n62 ov oc o2 oqu oak oyst ophic oib ovi oval osl oik oven osm okan ostra ohm p7 pw p2 p8 p3 p9 pic pir pock pem pab pter peter pup pinn palen pyles pgs pipel pours pira prist poured pixel ron ried rakes rica ratt riet rasp sern sits ska s20 squid sieved t4 ton tin twe trit tso tular tank trees treat tying talus tons tdi tni tchalcedony tikoff ud ucc ural upps va v2 ven vid viv viz vand vard vss vik void vital vista wat went wul wong wick wake warp wond wnc wsu xi xie yen yal yue yeh yucca zell zipp zip zipped ziel zvatan εh ##nic ##nock ##nake ##nigan ##nckfmash ##nasite ##uo ##ued ##uate ##uir ##uqu ##ups ##uari ##usional ##uahua ##dest ##dri ##dens ##dish ##aul ##aard ##aib ##aps ##aque ##affrey ##tk ##tect ##tree ##tization ##tna ##t01 ##time ##ien ##iit ##iest ##iates ##iper ##iating ##iently ##ihan ##iwan ##irup ##oon ##oge ##oac ##opping ##oint ##oys ##oided ##octoral ##vs ##var ##vation ##vities ##vacı ##eat ##eid ##eam ##eps ##easible ##rar ##rity ##rone ##river ##rick ##ryn ##r01 ##rink ##renched ##sk ##ser ##sing ##sim ##site ##sations ##sedimentary ##slad ##kv ##kle ##kut ##kata ##kland ##kun ##lat ##lins ##light ##lling ##lanta ##mined ##map ##mically ##move ##mec ##miskan ##master ##cor ##cate ##cers ##cia ##count ##cup ##caino ##cods ##cceed ##clusive ##cnal ##cr01 ##yu ##yb ##yal ##yas ##yhe ##yette ##pc ##px ##pen ##pant ##pens ##pinal ##hol ##here ##hous ##hem ##held ##hah ##hert ##hler ##hemite ##holes ##hauer ##hacı ##bal ##bru ##brock ##brad ##bosa ##bier ##bital ##buro ##basins ##bride ##42 ##41 ##412 ##416 ##494 ##414 ##486 ##770 ##774 ##773 ##win ##wid ##weld ##wford ##wt01 ##zk ##zer ##zed ##ziz ##zie ##zolite ##zette ##gin ##gig ##gant ##graded ##xistent ##fu ##fe ##f1 ##fur ##fall ##fting ##fun ##fram ##fault ##fandag ##fracturing ##2σ ##272 ##236 ##224 ##06 ##040 ##130 ##813 ##510 ##543 ##549 ##534 ##374 ##393 ##jing ##jia ##jiab ##913 ##986 ##ød thra thres threat ##onally ##onitic ##onances ##eru ##eri ##eres ##eras ##eriv ##erted ##erque ##erde ##ercial ##erange ##erød ##ato ##atoc ##atop ##atites ##atitude ##inar ##inas ##inorium ##inova ##inikoff ##esz ##esovic ##enetically ##enhah ##enzie ##alite ##alop ##edo ##edule ##edsm ##orp ##orph ##orial ##orff ##orado ##itard ##itable ##itrified ##iong ##anu ##anes ##aned ##anion ##anence ##anuska ##icz ##icos ##icate ##icted ##icting ##icles ##icists ##icochemical ##ar5 ##aring ##arth ##arid ##arus ##arting ##arset ##arches ##arenite ##ar01 ##arinat ##arburo inches inlets injections inyo ##rection ##requ ##recipitation ##star ##roy ##root ##rowest ##ropped ##enta ##entran ##entiated ##entivity ##ingii ##aset ##asil ##elet ##elting ##elber ##ouma ##ouche topp tobosa ##ctitic ##tham ##olin ##olia ##olinite ##olvable ##isling ##ispens ##etum ##etav ##etium ##ettes ##etnam ##eteen ##urer ##urch ##urry ##ulic ##ulas ##ulsive ##ulds ##rac ##rael ##radu ##ractional ##raves ##racing ##rande ##raulic stu sta stick stiff stahl staff stays ##itheat ##lymore ##ocary ##ocular ##ocoph ##ocratic ##imes ##imne ##imann ##imetry ##imiento ##omy ##omically ##omogeneous ##omict ##omiches ##cepts conway congo conocoph mamore isoch isother isotrop iskut israel dead dept deals dearth reest reem reass repre reentran reimann ##osib ##osomes ##ido ##idad ##idently ##iduation ##idophy ##idirectional ##idelber forge forec forno forerange ##owits ##ivaya ##amed ##amil ##ample ##ambo ##ameter ##ampled ##ilion ##ilite ##ilitic ##ilities faith faced faint fayette faulds sure suited suport supers succeed alun alco alder alnus aluminous aldan ##romal ##ruz ##uting ##utonic ##uteriv ##law ##ladu ##lapping ##lader exported exert exxon exerted ##sected aside asyn asci anata ante ##otted ##otically ##oturb seand seward seals sears sealed seager searches ##chen ##chke ##chell ##chison ##chetav intu intention intimately intensive ##tain ##tand ##taining beer beem beak beise beyer basanite die dipped diabas diurnal difun ##version ##rio ##riad ##riatic ##phen ##phrees ##phalop shug shade shipped shmax shards shiba shrink ##pponn whale ##rano ##iring ##irte ##irrh ##irsk noril norwe norean ##odget ##asts atraves ##ogensis chen cheng chuk chains chilli chilled chih chij cherry chimne ##adon ##adan ##adonite ##adnock ##iana ##iance ##uda ##udoley northstar ##ineau plg plesovic ##ounted ##ccess ##quist ##const ##concent ##conglomerate lapt laird ##emeter ##emont ##emidar orchard orbital ##ighetti collo colombo ##onges unan unav unob uninter unpert unpro unrupt unchar unrounded unweathered ungraded unidirectional ##oped ##opic ##ople ##opsis ##opollenites ##iston ##isture ##istical ##istemic ##allanes ##ichannel ##pless ##plutonic ##abric ##agree ##agnetic ##agasc ##agouche ##agrande ##ume contr contend interg intermix interrupted interfaced intercepts ##plectitic subfield subgroup subvolcanic subbasins resina resonances ##tson geys geograph geiger arf arises arrows arar5 hakata hajiab hauteriv ##enez weil weights wehr wearing ##keys ##illion ##ostromal ##assed ##assar ##tedly samuel ##izler relating ##luor ##luvial ##terworth ##terroot ##anda cohen cova coogan cooley coarset evac marly martine mariana ##lipped modulate modifications incidence incident inclusive incursion incursions parrett meisling meurer regolith datable maghemite magenta magallanes ##acoids ##acruz alongand metall metamic ##weep ##weickert westand westerly sps spar spas spences spurr spilled sponges foliar rankin ##ardite ##ardson ##usp ##usivity ##aky ##akom ##akening ##ghe ##athan cape cavities lowand ##ibeam mounting prese ##essive ##orded overlo overinterpre overfilled overrun collections disf discl disput disposal disagree indispens notes obst obduction validation recross recalc recessive terry ##perms ##perthite paleow paleote ##ache volcanostratigraphy timber ##parowits transected ##erves ##poropollenites abbre aberde cann ##ello ##ronomiches arco arclog arcuate preci preto amagmatic amht amorph amanda ##rala stratabound changg interpretable enables entail structured transit transforms transfers surge surpless distilled disturb usc users ##placed appinite ##endtect ##viations analytic scs scri scaly scaled scoured scrap consum consumption occident perimeter perceived particle granted granof grantham tw1 ##igny ##igneous ##present ##cktel indices simulate impres impr imbal ##apace ##aceae mind mini ##epe butterworth timefram ##augh hash haskin hasandag haschke midas midcontinent riverine twoand corn corte cornus corcor ##ocheng ##neil centrif centimeterto accept diffusive diffusional diffusivity quenched marginally clino adam adak adana admit adria adiab adriatic verification veracruz thickand ##issible liu lips undiffer heads health heidelber heizler ##rogram lees leverage leaching leaky ##angax ##lastonite phyt phillips phacoids morehead wellhead charlie trind sandia outerm ##ynth ##ynomial underway undermined detritals detritalpy ##ricult miyas consistency supposed fieldmove lithified lithification lithoph typologies ##ensively ##ensurate carving carswell carpent caraj carroll carapace pec people traits trade tracers beltrand normaland generic tempos temple tempo 10d 108 1020 1080 1040 10bm 1045 1084 constricted constriction allam allanite allmend allerød upris upriver posa poses channelization ##sets ##geri setup bedload bedsets seismological seismostratigraphic seismogram slates refrain refuting playing ##ieb feet feot feather fe2o3 febru desired desmo desar01 ##acteristic moench movie moisture estratig estuary flown concur concav concurr ##maz ##unas fluorite limon angios newer middleand topics ##ourt ##ourcy batht mesaver mesilla mesoarchean infilt infrar infrequ ##bert ##berlite 190 191 1930 1950 1919 1978 1943 1977 shorten shortened flaser flashed ##anaju melville pride print ##undacidites smn smoked silent ##inty hillhouse oceanographic temperate offsetting sank sanpet horton northwesterly colorless estimations longest 15a 152 158 159 discounted deriv deriving derives postkinematic posttectonic postulate postmagmatic empt emele ollanta ##ulfide ##ulfuss northeastand ##artys ##pectives correa histogram ##ofossil ##oflor 12d 121 129 1250 1240 1236 1227 11e 11c 11g 11j 1160 1190 gradation steve steering steered stephen blount blurry blodget synor synch syngrowth synformal synmagmatic syncont synsedimentary ##hiro sego segy threefold deepen deepened downes downth downlap conversations deficit poik waterfall ##text passages passcal salinas lithospheres ##oking roads royal shallowed extant stressing peaked peaking compactive companion door dohert ##sler 142 146 149 coasts 131 1320 13co 1350 teach tethys teaching agl agard aggl agenc agglomerate agricult dzps denver mickey tried trips devices devitrified poros porous porcher brehm ending endpoint ##aha decap decade decameter decourcy ##ovsky ##gles ##glass uncorre uncovered ##orship ##oprobe potter ##annah nevadan permissible garfield garibal garcia ##hei ##heh thermof thermotectonic ##loid knobs ##shy ##ocline manip mancos manighetti mancktel ##ringa curated curie curious currano finely finding finds finlie finnigan broke brook seram serial serpa ##mblay polynomial garnetand restarting subsided subsolid bik biological biogenic bioturb 395 missed spectrogram continually multist multitude multiequilibrium multichannel multibeam superposition fires penob penoke pencil hydraulic ##box ##book matanuska descending 308 306 309 profess monument monje monadnock monkeys probes reflector maximize ##conformity distinctively 167 161 166 1660 food gratitude ##ramhacı rapids works ##ithermal ##ogenically morgan morton moresby morgant epma epistemic epithermal contrasted migrat olivines silicification 1780 1730 1740 1760 1736 1790 richardson eventual paleoalt paleoele breakoff petrified concentric multipl barrow barrem barforms barometry swed swamp swingii lessons crystallinity entity entrain entrenched 257 252 clew clemons inspir broaden singleton reddish tug tube amphitheat nonco nonrig nonref nondest nonweld nonconformity ##channel topographical ##ondalite anatolides erupt mg2 taiwan tapponn sheer sheath tilts landslideand instances installed remember remagnetization remanence remelting nwand mechanics antrim steepness motivate ##inesian 352 355 ##scot ##scourt towards remapping gravimetric blackburn compressed so4 234 231 233 507 foca focmec improb impulse mm3 clearest entirety confining confident confidently hydrofracturing netl responded specified diagenesis aleinikoff opaque opendtect traceable influential retit retentivity hornbro paul paid intrac stranded investigates investigator mudflows loess loyd lobate elk elston elatoc kaolinite kaulfuss element2 supportive abundantly forelands ##ergaard cascaded britt hotplate ##lesnake oligomict syringa duross duplic drago drafted drafting radar radcliff radcliffe possibilities cropping buyuk allowable weakens music musirup muscr01 muspx ##ugou ##ugget avoided lengthen grayto minimizes testifies coulom promise andesine tetagouche ##facing ##facies implicit 300si ##7250 individuation gavel ##after apa apfu apache whitehorse lamont ##beds sutter sutures 704 707 7060 7095 ##msz integrity planimetric 184 185 183 1835 astronomiches hydrothermalism 454 willard alpineand microperthite microtext experiencing pulsing widens ulungaratocon holloch holtk ultras ultimate ##1010 ##1018 kuiu quebrad ##lapa ##ratonic ##ratified approximations visited ##blende wavebase excised excursions seams rightmost texturally textbooks catalyst capability capital ##mani pleuro ##tilla trum ##arko ##racting ##ractured aleutians 245 249 warme 281 288 285 289 ##azo needle helens helex helena medical ramps composes ##adsky 264 261 269 2600 2667 brim brid brigh brasil columbian fractionating schistosity ##ocrysts orthor interbeds interbedding 752 758 oxbur evaluations terracing narrowest espinal esfandag beaverhead chromites glacio glaciomar nixon nieru taku reefs reequilib petrogenetically prominence slowdown ##bury floyd zonge ##broke claire riverside ##co2 dimple εhfi ##30f ##302 ##3015 ##303c expectations 461 463 469 imagine 229 ##paction magnetometer magnetozone magnetizer encoura critically depositing notebooks nowhere chilean geophysicists 212 2100 halves geodetically summing illusion packed 5000 guest guang guaj guanaju lightning willapa induction glance gloss phenocrystic alkalinity ##ataga boise ##chronously handy handheld 0000 ##7081 rhyth rhyolites accessing fleming purported pursu purdue personal persists perspectives waldri diameters cumulatively harri harold kilian platinova releasing discrepant hamm hames ##405 ##4030 ##4046 ##2o4 ##12b ##1234 invertebrate electrically 8530f dykes albion albuqu negle flexes biggest irwin windy siliciclastics raymond scheid schedule schweickert ##hortened 364 365 skin skelet receiving express begs quantitatively triga acknowledging 5400 lieser ##1546 seeps running drawings 860 ##ennan acquiring austria pedogenic panther rode reactivate accumulates accompany courses honor honoring comprised favorably favorability himalayas ##745 ##746 cephalop coghill fitch funk ashes commun commission commercial commensurate resistivities climates advent 347 348 345 3400 3429 ##inois ##inoides andrews physicochemical upwelled synclinorium electrons pinet pinpoint ##pycnal isolate shaping pseudomorphs autogenic bonnet diverting diverging xenolith ##190 ##196 ##1913 contemporary floods postdoctoral correspondence 271 279 2700 bandwid gashes gaschn nonexistent wooded ##606 conducting synchronicity requirement requirements thoughtful 382 dolly dolerite bypassed items carrizo globules 442 449 cadwal doubly digested ivnw tephras homan homogen homocline rollins aggradational triangles decompaction grassland grasslands retrogradational unknowns orocline clinopyrox calibrate photomosa photograph pebbly illustrating 017 83z cupress cuij cyclocary goes protru protected protocol necessit leadville circa circulating luis logger logistical volcaniclastics 2505 johnston 297 298 bruce bruker bruese brushy cruz cruise certainty worse applications micropyg counters counteract asymmetrically culminates cnemidar mcbride conformity caveats ferro ferros hemat loses ##olcanics demand chronologically engaging engagement traveling mobley mobility distinguishes distinguishable 555 billion puck palms pallad susp susan shifting prevents bathyal 1609 usefulness 05bm 482 cracking crawford palynomorph palynoflor upslope deployments visualizations bayramhacı mccaffrey mccartys pulls ##1343 cobb cobban detectable ideas ideally precluded 338 333 477 molasse molyb raise raising ##161 stories storrs instrumentally 823 8230 merit merely merits merging merida merkle omit omission reviewers fails failures procedural plunges headwall headwater varisc wollastonite labels labrad denuded exceptional cataloged titling ##854 cheaha accelerator accelerograms curvatures orthogonally 428 4200 ##igenic mackey macneil aslan ascerta pervasiveness augite mss2 mixtures summarizing excepting geomorphologic wolfe 177hfdm copious coplan dataset lucy ##ebration ##itories explorer oscillation 4117 531 affinities federation rouer routed fastovsky semiarid behaved matters downdropped 0412 021 cediel myriad mentioning altitude plumose hydrological ambiguities convecting interstices simplistic simplification simplify segregated addressing donegal kingscourt vietnam ##3656 ##arbonates revolution revise revision revilla chaeted chaotically unfilled unfraction unfeasible unflat unfamil unfractured subjective precede belongs belonged upflowing petrofacies microscale microscopically geodetics incompletely doublet columnar russia russell servicos declines declinations contributes precipitated decadal 0384 563 5600 fertility own owyhe routes tenable ventuari dezirte reheated discharges 1967 2007b 2010a switching switzer azimuthal dropping dilcher drifted pyroxenites ##888 reorient forested classically brackish brackets acquisitions freshening comprehensively 714 achie cpx destination destructive destroy pillowed ##455 attenuated arkose arkoma webb website emerged symplectitic schemes everything fouch htd mn12 mn11 mnnckfmash attains unstudied metaconglomerate metaplutonic metaigneous extremes 1442 categorization deciphered misplaced puna rheological saylor ##439 spilling screening screened assigning complemented radiometrically irregularities jacksonville nuclide tremblay ##meride ##244 ##2476 ##264 paraiba paleontology cryogenic trachytic manifested 240819 introduce introduces penetratively nucleates nucleating tholeiite aureoles golden keating telemeter sunlight sevigny semidi overpressures undergradu refinement edifices microfossil microfiche microfabric scattering elucidated targeting berkel gulick kokchetav pc1 sabze sabala inhab inhomogeneous mahogan exsolve subtracting appreciation designated 1955 discerned ##obilized coexist coexisting frankfur ubiquitously 981 binocular gastineau zhang ##286 depressions ##ilicates exactly shoreface stringers happens implementing implementation constructs decoupling backthrusts paleoenvironment redistributed cementation kongakutensis 492 7930 coded dunite kimberlite torrs tortilla xalm ##kiy madin madison madagasc disappears disappeared noticeably ensures clarity claremont leucogranites leucocratic delineation delineates delineating swaths taurides 230th weaknesses selecting stepovers radiolar cathodoluminescent 9640 boreholes c1d fetter getting jumping nanjing putnam pierre sespe tasci vernadsky ##7916 unsorted graphics metavolcanics overtop immisc immobilized fluctuate fluctuating emerge cuttings tapered remobilized eliminates aggregated tsunamis rejuvenated dani danghe hartford izu lenihan lenivaya ribs said sweeps stoichiometric diatom paleotopographic suggestions translating corrugation corrugated discarding straddled manuszak automated definitions cp07 cp02 cp08 cp06 slievemiskan benmore dinoflagell ew040 gentler kıslad ltd ltda pictures rafts sapph welding ##cerid ##5680 reversed seisearth chapin chapters universal universities universidad overtopping overthrusting disparities particles pegmatite landmasses promontories 1990s hyperthermal hyperpycnal metasomatism repetitions metatuffs embayments hygrometry overwhelm overwhelmed magnetotellurics battle cowie hatchery iteration iterative kelvin kelsey michelle michigan michoac mckenzie nikolai renbu renamed ##denum ##ajos inaccurate foreshortened cooperative marcath crevasse advection suppfiles2 suppfiles3 sloped computational compensated serravall delayed conflicts conflicting holloway exploitation piecewise augmented constituting constitutive lamprophyres paleoearthquakes 51257 aquitard costa dorogensis etched etolin laden mimic mimics pm1 papua tidally tears ##rocarburo ##element replicate replicated properly unaweep residues hacker coercive overcount vermilion vermillion outputs carmel extracting monzogranites barnacle remoteness trunk polycyclicity extrapolated illinois irradiation scholz unrealistically splitting ribbons participants oversteepening 070719 ahtna a95max biddle bringing dotsero fiddle gullion huge iaesz james khudoley khondalite kenai learn learning learned lends n180 nacimiento risk tapajos xg1 demarcate repositories recharged sherds sherwood atmosphere registers registered paleomagnetically legacy phenomena upwarp horsts deflected contradict contradicted periphery missouri outcropto benefitted cleaned mgal2o4 institutions retreating microanalysis jointing oxidizing encroached homogenously micropaleontologic taxonomy inconsistently inconsistencies lifespans slickenside inhibiting bryozoan celadonite celebration casts dallas dawers dawley economically effusion galiano gathered gathering jimenez kirsch kirkland murphrees ripsey upturn wardlaw wackes ##ophyll ##essee ##orrelation ##steam ##steins makassar seasonally intrarc champion subunit resorption cohesive metafelsic sponsored overestimates indenting indentation transmitted scouring trichotomy novosib emanated emanates possesses compounds compounded 16ch02 swamps swampy expertise precursor precursors hydrosilicate hydrosilicates anticipate diminished classifying schoolhouse conceivable physiographic boninites porphyroclast unrecorded phyllonite bootstrap bootstrapping paleodepth paleodrainages hallmarks pyramidal mirrors bitterroot baba cubas fusilin gleason hindered koh kurz lingering lutetium liberation pak1 pakistan pushes rtp roller senckenberg sagduction savannah td48 urban village yakataga zooming ##ytambo ##wackes incongru inconclusive annotation annotated shuffling christian collaboration collaborative unmixing contaminants resurrection resurfacing spike disproportion paleoprecipitation megacrysts 1722 instantaneous instituto removes removing 70587 dimensionless rhyodacite rhyodacitic realignments advocated suspicion suspicious geothermochronology geothermochronometric squares quadrangles 1963a 1963b arabian arabia overwhelmingly reinforced suprasalt suprasubduction anchorage bifurcates hongliu hongliugou bastnasite baked cimmeride crocker dokka eldorado education fashion gambier gruf hrc hidrocarburo hudec hicks ibrala kimbrough lighter mask nadin naylor rogers rendering sieving tennessee uyak wesley yc2σ zaire tollymore ##rafia stalling mauriit reincision sundell anadarko intriguing basemaps choosing lagoonal unsuccess subterrane strategy ardglass hawley coleman coordinates sputtered spirit speaking prescott overthickened dispense dissects precondition accrued sclm pericontinental perfectly corsica quarry crassiangulatus undersc caldas phosphorous peeling peperite featured prerequisite calcsilicate greywackes olistostromal invariably compromised endmember geoid12b geobarometric benefited delimit petersburg tubing bursts speculative investigaciones ellips bucknell avenue 70377 microseismicity pyrenees coevolved demonstrably flattens orthophot chromatography personnel electrodes ##hornblende solubility readjustments logistico epidotized unfavorable petrochronology convincingly paleobiome publicly metaturbidite magnesiohornblende intertongued mimicking intrinsically metafelsites fruitful rectangles forethrusts autocyclic cylindrical scavenging ayvacı aydar bølling bicarinat bivergent braintree bandera bahlburg cozzette crayfish c33n coconino dkf1 drew dutton drescher driese drowning dichotomous dogleg euler ecosystem festoon friesenhah fliedner fueled fattarus gfz github givetian gifford gismo gaseous gomez germany heart hco3 hercyn hsupplementary hasterok iodide iberian iasp91 jolla joslin jaramillo kaltag kocurek komati kaiparowits kontum lv100 llc lomas lizardite london lherzolite l7500 lygodium mowry mathez messinian mclennan maloja nineteen neslen nicely nolan nopah nanoose oquirrh ophicarbonates oviatt oikocrysts osmundacidites okanagan ostracods picazo pockets pembroke pteridophy pupin pipeline pristine ronde riedel rattlesnake rietbrock raspberry serna skaergaard tonsteins tweedsm triton tularosa treatment udma uppsala vidrio vivipar vizcaino varden vikre wulangax wickham warped wonder wnc119 yalakom yehle zellman zippi zielke ##kunye ##gigedo thrace threshold toppling conocophillips isochore isotropic deptuck reestab reassess reprecipitation forecasts fayetteville suporte alunite alcohol ##ladus asynchronously ascii anataxis beemerville beakers diabasic difunta shugar shibaocheng norwegian atravesada chukchi chilliwack chihuahua chijin chimneys plesovice laptev colloform unobstructed uninterrupted unperturbed unruptured uncharacteristic intermixed subfields geographical hakatai hajiabad hauterivian covault coarseto evacuation martinez overlooked overinterpreted disclose disputed indispensable recalculated paleotethys abbreviations aberdeen arclogite precious amorphous changguo disturbance granofels imprin imbalance timeframe cortez corcoran centrifug adiabatic undifferentiated heidelbergeri phytolith trindade outermost miyashiro lithophile carpenter carajas beltrando allmendinger uprising february desmoinesian estratigrafia concavity concurrently angiosperms mesaverde infiltration infrared infrequent printouts sanpete emeleus ollantaytambo blodgett syncontractional poikilitic doherty 13cooks agglut agencia uncorrected garibaldi manipulation mancktelow curiously finlieve subsolidus bioturbation penobscot penokean morgantown migratory paleoaltimetry paleoelevation barremian amphitheatre noncoaxial nonrigid nonrefractory nondestructive nonwelded tapponnier improbable hornbrook elatocladus kaulfussi oligomictic dragoon buyukkunye musirup01 coulomb 70607 ulungaratoconcha hollocher holtkamp ultrasonic quebradagrande pleurocerid oxburgh esfandagheh glaciomarine reequilibration guajira guanajuato waldrip ##404614 albuquerque scheidhauer skeletal cephalopods bandwidth gaschnig cadwallader clinopyroxenes photomosaic cuijiu cyclocarya brueseke micropygus cnemidaria ferrosilite palladium molybdenum variscides coplanar revillagigedo chaetedid unfractionated unflattened unfamiliar owyhee dezirteer switzerland telemetered semidiurnal undergraduate microfabrics sabzehei mahogany frankfurt madagascar immiscible ew0408 kısladag michoacan serravallian novosibirsk incongruities hidrocarburos mauriitia unsuccessful ayvacık bicarinatina friesenhahn fattaruso pteridophyte tweedsmuir wulangaxiu 0r 010 080 050 074 019 025 029 036 090 078 073 0206 1n 2r 2j 2and 2ms 3n 3s 3l 3m 3h 3g 3σ 312 315 319 4i 4m 412 433 494 493 5h 533 595 590 591 5725 5supplemental 6g 672 620 670 625 613 616 678 691 693 643 614 7i 7h 7f 710 730 791 880 830 840 891 9d 910 930 950 970 940 960 933 991 999 ao aw aar aro aul aru apl apla avi aka apr arand aki aisen aids b1 bj ban bult brom bot bri bud bcc bong bally bag bus blast bree bacter bour bcl bart boss bai bub bna brine boy bimod bold brum bump batch bima binder bocon bags bouma bmsz cg cx c5 c6 crom cran cous cass cld cyst clow cron cens cuch cities cram cient cup cogn cey cinc cyan crown cogenetic c29 c27 c26 csn clip cumberland czo cogenesis citing cliquid caco clipped cusp csteam dt ds dc dp db dw das dul dac deld daly dau dart dare duch dave divers dull dosed dump drier dmit dunn dca drought drus donald durang dbu durable dotted doped ek eg e8 ect eth ece ecc eich ets edu eject eug erat e16 ety elabor egy eagle fen fent fis fos fate fri fial fib fred frol fals foss flab fug fison font fiam frid felt ffold fieb g7 ger gan gro gom gut got gud gies gant gale gone gus gord gile gose gav gart ghi gallow germ gille gover gyro g20 goy gads gangue ganz gym g19 gallon g13 g16 gillian gilli gatan h2 h3 hit het hoc hut hast hous hone hues hend heral hour hok hde hull hark hints hoos h12 h15 hrees herve hans h17 hett hsteam ian ist ira iver iolite iles ives ibar iowa ichn iphone ja ji jr jb jon jer jen jern jins jong jich jess jau jens jour jake journe jumb jason jaw jiant jorn jorge jesse julian jonn jerry jeronimo jalis jilin kd kc k2 kα kon kre kou kle kos kem kag kely kath kess kend keral kress kun kake kram kris kerg kyle koy kcal killed k17 korn kinder ksn krig kansas kien kryn kzk l4 lor lic lou liv lure lta lud lum live lone lard liver lign lift lok lope lover lanz luss loma liang loney lumps llan lassen lurch mh m1 m8 m5 m6 mj m9 men ment mou mul moc mri mere mism maly mens mree mund mather m10 mason m30 mcle m16 mchar mhg mingled mizer m165 ny n7 nce noth nap nome nun nto natic nai nels nms nason n80 n70 nils n90 n78 nila n26 nrm nald nathan nugget oa owe ohi ogl oolite orang oman ocho oolitic osu oye ogg ott pn pp p4 p5 pion pith pri pere pins piz pound pue poth pause puch pah ppb pto pik pub piles pind pug ptil pending pmax panza ppps piston pepe pco2 qt qm qing qts qcl qms qgis qfl qiong ri ry r7 r3 rit ric rid riv rins rud rag rill rus rick roch rav rail rational rita riding r30 r19 raton risen rows r38 ripar ryuk sf sle sis sow sult sver spp sir song sist sale sac seld smal smat sage sited sare sail sake seng sys sque solved s10 sula sains sold sizing sort sauc sending sieve tk tl ty t7 tg tf t1 t5 t3 tou tam trom tse tast tian tud tant trou tus tss tep tau tred tyr tull tsr tling tanc torn training tmax tonn troll uu uk ug uas uwe uav ube umb urum u13 udd ugand vu vv vr v1 von ves vou vul vig vos vad vac vib vail vice voids vaugh wr wp wf wen wit wel wits wiss wane wah wann welds wish wik winn wax wants wings welt wgue wiest xu xp xx x8 xian xia xma xium xiang xfl xiar xiong xco2 ye ys yı yag yum yates yne yang yun yok yeb yaw y26 yonk zn zing zig zim ziv zins zong zab ziz zak zia zap zav zonal zha zaf zob zans zaw zira zara zelt zaco α95 δ34 λt μs ρg σ2 σ3 τi τy ꞓd ꞓt ꞓo ꞓmp ##ny ##nes ##nst ##nol ##nos ##nut ##niz ##nak ##ners ##nick ##nting ##nance ##nologic ##nthe ##nini ##niel ##nects ##ui ##ux ##uf ##uan ##uct ##uum ##uide ##upon ##upper ##uage ##uaries ##uille ##uator ##uingly ##uoglu ##dt ##dz ##dale ##dak ##dick ##die ##dde ##dior ##dier ##diam ##dini ##d88 ##discipl ##drup ##dahl ##dorff ##dbury ##a2 ##aen ##aan ##ais ##aur ##acon ##aum ##aack ##aval ##aitic ##aah ##apped ##afloor ##ahedral ##apert ##aeri ##tr ##t0 ##tre ##tet ##tri ##tins ##tli ##tron ##town ##tte ##tize ##tio ##tup ##tected ##tice ##tics ##tright ##tdm ##times ##iq ##iect ##iers ##iogenic ##iott ##iporites ##iunas ##oh ##oan ##oot ##oqu ##oand ##oined ##oites ##oform ##oals ##oque ##oec ##oining ##o10 ##ohan ##ools ##oils ##o71 ##ojiang ##oalk ##oichiometric ##oapert ##v2 ##vor ##vre ##vent ##vag ##vus ##via ##vance ##vise ##vages ##vinia ##vapor ##vo2 ##vantage ##velling ##eer ##eal ##eul ##ech ##eff ##eus ##eck ##eau ##eating ##epping ##ecess ##eby ##egan ##even ##ehan ##eamp ##eenth ##eavor ##eaval ##rl ##r2 ##rul ##ril ##rong ##rill ##rath ##ryp ##rative ##raries ##rival ##rhen ##rms ##rended ##rara ##sa ##sin ##sor ##san ##sil ##sian ##sary ##sun ##she ##sip ##subs ##spec ##sample ##kc ##ket ##kir ##kian ##kem ##kale ##kpar ##kang ##kina ##kio ##kme ##kened ##kars ##kola ##kpo ##kinson ##korn ##kaline ##kowski ##khold ##ktron ##lh ##lar ##loc ##lock ##lely ##lide ##lase ##lating ##llis ##lsw ##linian ##liter ##locking ##licker ##lmaz ##m2 ##mes ##mor ##mst ##mis ##mur ##mith ##mite ##mant ##male ##mand ##monic ##miss ##mma ##mok ##mds ##mium ##murian ##mobil ##melt ##m303c ##cı ##car ##cel ##com ##cast ##cog ##cock ##cib ##case ##clast ##cular ##cun ##cyon ##care ##cah ##culation ##cales ##cai ##cryst ##caz ##castle ##cua ##cribed ##csim ##cnologic ##ya ##yi ##yk ##yat ##yre ##yot ##yph ##yun ##yka ##yita ##yman ##ybar ##yloid ##pil ##pins ##pell ##pace ##pour ##plying ##pring ##pire ##pired ##pster ##pillow ##pydon ##pulse ##hl ##hb ##har ##hst ##hment ##hist ##hab ##hand ##hac ##hang ##hart ##harp ##hled ##hns ##hai ##hoff ##hunda ##homb ##hatt ##hook ##bf ##ben ##bel ##bul ##bran ##bir ##bod ##ball ##bach ##bens ##bie ##bek ##bart ##bbe ##blo ##bring ##bio ##bench ##bium ##bourne ##bai ##bola ##binned ##brid ##baga ##bulge ##bbly ##biguous ##bauer ##bird ##btedly ##bmsz ##4s ##420 ##415 ##476 ##495 ##490 ##445 ##471 ##477 ##4190 ##4o10 ##730 ##740 ##712 ##760 ##716 ##776 ##790 ##778 ##714 ##7854 ##wa ##wes ##wed ##wor ##was ##with ##wig ##wad ##wine ##wem ##wich ##whe ##wash ##witz ##wthrop ##wberry ##zul ##zir ##zag ##zers ##z15 ##zzal ##zuel ##zini ##zhu ##zags ##zr2 ##gro ##gel ##gil ##gall ##grain ##gson ##gram ##good ##grove ##grim ##guska ##gasite ##gassed ##guide ##qt ##qoup ##xam ##xus ##xiu ##fi ##f2 ##fon ##fes ##fal ##fil ##fli ##fits ##fley ##flt ##fker ##feb ##fix ##finder ##fiel ##foliated ##fluor ##foot ##270 ##274 ##275 ##219 ##260 ##213 ##285 ##221 ##278 ##288 ##245 ##226 ##228 ##2259 ##2298 ##21234 ##2404614 ##08 ##0814 ##1σ ##120 ##113 ##118 ##1206 ##1405 ##800 ##872 ##812 ##825 ##829 ##876 ##890 ##878 ##828 ##899 ##832 ##838 ##87081 ##81546 ##8746 ##8244 ##53 ##572 ##540 ##574 ##533 ##595 ##584 ##577 ##39 ##3cc ##300 ##320 ##385 ##376 ##395 ##394 ##343 ##326 ##384 ##31010 ##37081 ##640 ##619 ##625 ##613 ##685 ##629 ##695 ##673 ##671 ##682 ##697 ##6112 ##6185 ##6295 ##6244 ##jan ##jost ##jand ##jun ##jada ##jov ##jt0 ##900 ##9hf ##910 ##930 ##912 ##925 ##929 ##976 ##936 ##994 ##927 ##987 ##962 ##965 ##9814 thing thol thur thib thrown thorium threed throne theor theses ##oni ##onst ##onous ##onant ##onerv ##onne ##onized ##onization ##onah ##ontin ##onious ##erul ##erom ##eros ##eram ##erated ##erif ##erges ##eryl ##erences ##erational ##erford ##errum ##eroids ##erburg ##erhold ##erello ##erbach ##erfoot ##atis ##atia ##atka ##attle ##atumb ##attered ##atidal ##aturated ##atanga ##atisporites ##atoca ##attain ##atryp ##inct ##inam ##inta ##inata ##inag ##ineral ##inav ##initic ##inds ##inip ##information ##inuous ##inatory ##inosity ##inburg ##inids ##inara ##esu ##ession ##esian ##esia ##escribed ##enro ##enas ##enult ##enog ##enian ##enne ##enay ##enport ##enitic ##enium ##ennia ##enuous ##enaceous ##enridge ##enii ##enwan ##enrath ##enbring ##alment ##alant ##alco ##alizing ##alky ##alda ##edon ##eder ##edom ##edia ##edman ##edova ##ndvag ##oren ##orro ##oram ##orate ##orso ##orough ##orphy ##organ ##orbed ##orily ##orberg ##orria ##ortions ##oroids oft ofqu ##itt ##iti ##ito ##itre ##itally ##itary ##itter ##itus ##itak ##itie ##itically ##itors ##itna ##itizing ##itants ##ituted ##itimately ##itaro ##itoglu ##ionized ##any ##anhe ##anco ##anocol ##ico ##icer ##iced ##icing ##icet ##icid ##icot ##icated ##icits ##icque ##iculate ##iccation ##iceras ##icusp ##icontin ##arit ##arith ##arps ##arits ##aract ##arrie ##arael in3 inoc inli inact inart insect inade inky innov anders ##reu ##real ##rele ##rect ##reth ##reation ##reve ##reous ##retion ##reatic ##related ##reciated ##represent ##recast ##stall ##stive ##sters ##stable ##stically ##statite ##stoichiometric ##strong ##rod ##roat ##roid ##roides ##rophy ##roclastic ##rooms ##roversion ##ente ##entif ##entang ##entric ##entory ##enteen ##ingers ##ingitization ##inghouse ##asis ##asch ##asonic ##asau ##asof ##assemb ##asina ##asibly ##elan ##elos ##elta ##elect ##elten ##eland ##elick ##elert ##elior ##elange ##elief ##elman ##elastic ##eltz ##elotroch ##oux ##oule ##ourian ##oubtedly ##ougall toarc todd totally tosd todt tosun ##lev ##leur ##lemon ##lections ##lego ##lehem ##lemma ##leben ##ctors ##thone ##thouse ##thief ##thylene ##throat ##thlehem ##olu ##oling ##olas ##olis ##olly ##olom ##olab ##olized ##olded ##olson ##ollor ##olves ##olella ##olidation ##olored ##olpites ##olfi ##olonization ##isy ##iser ##isis ##isak ##isyn ##isites ##isited ##issions ##isler ##isetum ##etta ##etamor ##etyp ##etto ##etrix ##etingly ##etuated ##etrative ##uran ##urization ##urto ##urpr ##urns ##urai ##urkin ##uracy ##urmer ##uradon ##urdale ##ulu ##uli ##ulz ##ulid ##ulates ##ulites ##ulsions ##uloid ##ulaker ##ulator ##ulisporites ##uliar ##ulinids ##raced ##raphs ##raising ##rabart stow stru stine stant store story styl stto stish stub stars strange stamp strug stuck stiffer stoking stalky stasis stelten sturmer ##iths ##ithmet ##lyn ##ocal ##ocated ##ocian ##ocumul ##ocean ##ocalc ##ocien ##occup ##ige ##igated ##igak ##igond ##igitizing ##ims ##iming ##imine ##import ##imina ##imatic ##implified ##imators ##imnic ##omon ##omal ##ompon ##omain ##omeria ##ommend ##omerop ##omelange ##ceptable conch conical conven conode conoco congru conicet conasau ma2 macc maier maks maira maitre isak ispar isav isoprobe isonerv deal deut dewe deme dems dewater deino depress deuts dehler dechen deacon deegan deionized really reess reps remediate rejection reaw reestim reyes reanaly reaff rebu reiche rebinned reassemb reiser reoccup ##osite ##osem ##osition ##osus ##ospe ##oscient ##osulfide ##osolized ##osomal ##idian ##idand ##iders ##idoo ##idinoides forem forbid forsch forty ##owicz ##ivin ##ivect ##ivial ##ami ##ams ##aman ##amaker ##aminate ##ampo ##amothermal ##amoto ##ambiguous ##ild ##ilm ##iled ##ilent ##ilation ##illy ##ilies ##ilient ##iloid ##iltered ##ilapai ##ilatus ##ilimnic fah fager fayon fadde ##gei ##gee ##gement ##gements ##geme ##geographic ##gebre ##gebir ##estern sums suplement suemez supersed sudan sudbury thatcher alan alta alger alipp alsi almand ##atethys ##romagmatic ##romagnetic ##rombie ##erner ##ernight areally areolas ##ruff ##ructions ##ruption ##rutin ##ruthers ##utt ##utra ##utite ##utely ##utants ##utious ##utulus ##utlan ##utista ##utiloid ##lak ##lade exter expon exited export exec ##segment asi asal aspl asaah aspire aswas asfal asleben anion anap annet anka anna animal an60 anlin aniak anions an55 anoys anelastic ##oti ##otter ##otiate ##otenay faultkin sean secon seck seek sewem seattle sectors ##chin ##chment ##chod ##chak ##chie ##chured ##cherm ##chlor ##chuk ##chief ##chiqu ##chette ##chored ##chemical ##chhoff ##chfiel ##chatka onal onward onram oncol onasch intrat intcal intentional ##tact ##tains ##tages ##tails ##tably ##tacaz beus bevel beart behe beuk beyss beatt beaum bethlehem beige basically basinger basilic dix diana diking dikme dilemma ##vert ##verized ##verde propos proposition prophy proof bypro bytown ##itectic ##riam ##rially ##riks ##riporites ##riporopollenites ##phism ##phile ##phitic ##pherson ##phae ##phrogen shi shast shand shep shust shyl shish shading ship shiqu shosh shsz shaw shinum shots shrun shaul shopping shieb shafter shoals shattered shreve shulaker ##ppel ##ppad whom whene whiteto wholly ##rania ##ranular ##ranitic ##ranm303c ##irm ##iris ##irine ##irong ##irli ##ircl ##irci ##ircase comte comision comagmatic comerford nordens normale ##odia ##odonite ##odimensional ##odny ##ereux ##ereelert ##astrop atom atoll atoms ##resolution ##rescol ##resolvable chest chak chland chav chuch chave chris chey chester choco chena chiar church chrms cheryl chelan churkin ##iford ##ifier ##ifside ##inski ##inscha ##adag ##adily ##advantage ##iants ##ianensis ##ude ##atable ##atabase ##atakpo northing northfield northridge plated plank planned pluck plerom plentif ##ounce ##ounting ##ccia ##quate ##quad ##quine ##quive ##quib ##quick ##quina ##quila ##queno ##quarrie ##quereux ##coni ##conia ##conception ##forate ##forkian ##ouses southcent southbound lace layp laun lapped laha lahf laja lazi lakang laverde ##emer ##empla ##emie ##emado ##embers ##emucca ##itioners ##ieson ort oral orte ##ighan colby colgan collaps colinear colonized ##ectite ##ective ##ectified neal neel neil neck neap neob necking nebul nexus uni unab unac unia unne unset unified unmod unlab unuk unrad uninc unpol unconv unilater unjust uncont uniangulatus unconst untre uneven unrival unjost unattain unocal unimport univect unambiguous unsegment ##opter ##opia ##opollis ##istribut ##istered ##istinction ##alli ##allation ##alloped ##ichan ##ichtal ##ichuk ##plt ##plant ##plus ##plates ##plifies ##plored ##plotter grapt graci grainto gracil ##abo ##abuc ##abetical ##agun ##agram ##agonal ##agosa ##agdak ##rustal ##ums ##umoto ##uminuous contex contorted interand interrog interlo interreg intermedi interrupt interglacial interlimb intergrowth interchange interchannel interelement interlocking interpillow interrelated interruption ##plets subto subcent submetric subcrustal subglacial subequ subgre subenviron submature subdiscipl subwed subgrain resins resediment reside resorted resser resampled resume reserves reseal resilient ##tsky ##tspring stront strenuous gee geist geved geosphere geoprobe gebel geolab geisler geocien arbor arenites arenaceous arithmet ##anting ##antom ##antial ##antino ##antics ##antiunas haque haven haeus hacı hachured rockies ##enek wech weiq weedon ##keg ##kecan ##tener ##tended ##aleer ##illary ##illium ##illonite ##illimeterto ##imentary ##ostase ##osthen ##ostini ##assing ##assetto sameness ##iza ##izers ##ediments relics relicts reluct ##ozi ##ozed ##tery ##tering ##terall ##teria ##terids ##onezh ##dup ##duno ##duojiang ##andia ##andez ##andaj ##andinav cox coil coaly coales coble coils coelotroch coquina evok evening evolves marac marap marie marcell marty mardi maresch martel martins marsil maroni marconi ##liable easting modifies ##ffield ##ffles ##ffiths incred incises incesu parox parsim pardini pargasite paroscient paratethys parlak meij mewith meighan regal regia regress regressed magaz magangue magix ##aca ##aces ##acogen ##aclastic ##acles ##acacidites ##aclase metach metama metcal meterto metaclastic zirchron zirconium ##wei ##weap ##wego westto ear16 earning spent spider spines sprat spex spaw sperry spinner spickert spaul spiti spicer detract detrended folk highto rangel ##ardes ##ardrop ##ldozed ##usoidal ##usko ##aku ##akh ##aking ##akach ##akoglu ##akkale ##akoram ##ghson ##ghui ##aths ##athetic ##athead caa caption caves cauca captions caplan cavity cahab caf2 caenog cautious cappad lowers lowell lowlands ##therington formationo formationl formational ##ibia ##iberop ##ibniz rockslide president ##ordinary volun ##eldii ##ersaline ##ersutite overly overran overboard overrid overdue overhang collective disk disposition disint disapp dissection dishar disjun disorgan disentang disadvantage indones indio crew crews notation notches obo obvi obducted obey obstruct obstructed obliter valve valpar valdiv valpell ##maline ##aterinburg kml ##00a ##002 ##0013 ##0035 ##0089 ##0054 ##00549 ##00286 ##orevs ##oreconst recall recurrent recorre reclam recession recreation recolonization recommend tera terre terzi terzag ##perm ##periporites paleove paleomar paleoreconst locs ##achi volcanoclastic timer timeline ##parent ##paris ##paroll ##alytical ##alyzed abut aberc abajo abreu canning canadon canaan cancel canalda canakkale studded ##pture ##ptical ##elled ##ellan ##ellid ##amori ##amorphic extensions ##rons ##rones ##ronas arca arcabuc rangefinder premetamorphic premagmatic premo prefers preload preaur prehist prefix ##maturity accident amaga amoco amended amelior amounting sugary crusts crustally crustace agessan colleagueso changer chaney interprets continual envel enkin enlar enstatite engebre entails belly bella transbound transitory transiently transmiss transpired transparent surges surfaced surinam distribut distorted distortions uspc ##place ##plained ##placent ##plastically apps apple appoint appinitic ##endroides ##viate ##viated ##vijo analytics scp scant scree scmb scler scroll scalant scourian scrutin scalloped scandinav ##ickson ##rita consonant consolidation considers ito occam ##veler ##ifica perilla perthite perkins pertaining perfluor perisyn peritectic perforate assure assert assists assisting ##ribe provident ##uev granular granob twins twinning twodimensional ##ignment ##cked ##ckhart larrim simulated simeul simulator ##cedent ims imad impart immer imprints immaturity obsidian striated stripping striatus striatop slipping slipped ##apq ##aped ##apted ##apatite ##apva ##apixel ##aputra mines minch ministry minette minutes minettes minido minnes minutulus ##ep01 ##epenult ##ypodia ##ypaths ##ariate ##ariopsis contacted thrusted buttle butler ##soy ##so4 ##soft ##soonal ##soidal timeand ##auro ##auna ##aunal ##austive completing complements midor midand midwest midcrust riverbank coric coring corral cortes corvall coronitic ##ochthone ##nek ##neider centennial acerif acutely thanetian quit quench query quanta qupydon quinta quemado ##redients 205 203 20th 2094 2027 cl2 clift clicit clotted clams clifside observing observational mayo mayall maybe admi advers admin adsor aderhold adagdak adapted verges versions verdes vertebrate whereupon liq likened liquine cricot crisis ##monate undisc undescribed undoubtedly ##acters ##actured ##actorily calved calving calvet caliches calvert heer heels heuss healing healed hebg hevapor hetherington ##raphically earlyto ##rogabbro ##rographs ##rographically grouse ##ayabo leong leary leica leached levent lefeb leibniz ##angia ##angulisporites ##ometries ##ometerto ##ometamorphic fragil phyloid phreatic phlemon phantom signify therein domal wellmani ruth ruiz rubin rubbly rundvag ruppel throughput charge charles charophy characters try tricusp trillium sander sandbox sandwich sandiford outlets outright outlet outpour outwash outgassed ##ynamically ##ynirci stratum underto underco underground underlined underapp underpress underlay underfilled undercount underpins underrepresent detritalzir ##ricolpites ##lander differed differenced mikes miami offering offered offlapping sampleto suppe suppress supplies suppression suppressed supposition earthy earthflow presenting lithium litharenites lithochemical typify ##nelly upperand upperto caro carve cartes carrara carruthers pew pease peace pepper pecop peix peqoup peynirci tray traffic travers travin traders ##owned ##owners normalizing genna genetrix activated template tempting 10e 10c 10h 10g 1030 1070 1074 1019 1025 1013 1016 1085 1033 1036 1090 1091 1028 1011 1086 1031 1065 1066 10165 constants facet facie faceted allen allan allogenic ##eralized upgoing upraising elektron ##olithic posed channeling ##gering associating setap settable setups stratigraph bedford ##ryoidal seismologic seismogenically slot slopping sloan sliced slims ##acki ##acked refines refug refute refuted refrig refolded becoming exhaustive plaza placer plafker ##iev ##ieh ##ieure ##ieville fei feasibly desira desiccation ##ekoren jura moon mole moab metamorphosing estuaries ##mapper ##maastrichtian interpretive interpretative ##ungs flush flushed limey limonite ##osphoric anglo angled angola newry newmont sio ##kaido ##orkos ##formis afm afar afield topical isotopx ##phyto mesas meshed meseta mesoper mesoto mesoand mescua mesomelange mesostase idor idex id26 id48 id23 infill infinite inflate inflating inflections ##bertson ##rowing ##xture 19d 19b 1945 1979 1931 1944 19471 something flies fluted flash flathead majes majoritic melozi prong preston novel noire noorberg noisy mineralizing generative generator smart smok smoke smz15 smectite oce112 oce113 silland siluran lakewood oceanward oceanography tempered landform landreth landowners creeks sanford sanbaga sanandaj ##avated ##avely ##avoring southwestto southwesterly calcites calcarenites calcarenite ##bonne horses ##cessing ##cessary northwestto ##itudinally separators coloring estimator longstanding 15c 153 156 1520 1510 1530 1533 1549 15kv 152476 15sa ##oute greg grego producer discs discount discolored differentiates differentiating postor postline postpro postorogenic postacc postcumulus postsubs postempla em1 em3 emory empa emerson emitting emmons emsian emulates ##isei ##iseuille representations olmst olinghouse ##ulfed trendlines sinusoidal ##cias ##ciusko 40k 401 405 406 4010 dueker dominos dominating dominque paleozoicto ##aints ##ofluvial ##ofauna southeasterly carbonated carbonized carbonateto carbonatites formally formulation formulas 12f 1220 1280 1219 1225 1216 1276 1224 1234 1232 1262 1297 127250 11i 11l 11h 11b 11f 1110 1180 1130 1194 1191 113656 crossite crossbed crossbedded gradste erodes steadily blanco walled wallmani camps camero camparis ##hirov threeand downcut downwell downfault downieville converge deflated defensive defiance defeating defloc deficits contracting sierro sierrita poised pokorn poiseuille waterways dipole ##tei ##tein ##teen ##teers mantled mantles mantique mantling passes passband saline salients salda salvinia saltspring linework ##uchert coola coolwater room roering rooms rohled roeder ##ailable ##artzite paton quartzo quartzarenite invia invites invoking inventory extinct extroversion afterward stressed unitand peakfit doe dover doctoral corderite americas 1420 1410 1430 1470 1415 1485 1433 1493 1411 1462 141343 accreting accrete 1372 1370 133c 1325 1388 marine20 tecop tejon tecnologic tequila teardrop strayer strahler strawberry straparoll seawater massspec aging agate agcl agencies agnic agnini agico agurto agilent agostini dzier dzmds denniel micrus microgabbro ##yder tripart tripled devil liner linde liniger linziz pores ports porter porcup brew endured endless endemic endeavor ##ahem ##ahochi decide decided decision deciding deceler decimeterto decanting thinand thinking ##ovan ##ovite cutter cutthroat uncased uncapped ##ermian ##ributive potable potassic potash plateauing permo permission garces garvin garlock garbens severe severity severely ##hebe geochronometers 200to hereafter thermoph thermocalc ##lover ##loaf ##rolitic knapp knaack lato latite latitic lateto latitudinally ##shan ##shot ##shend ##shetta manley manage managed manager manuf manhatt manakach ##ringent curving currey curtice fines finest finder finishes equate equable equating equip equaling equivoc equisetum brocher brovar brosip serious sergei serrania saltwater ##mbols ##mbaugh polly polys polish polypodia reston restrict restriction ##yline ##ylopter subspace bio biologic biasing bipol biref bioge identity identifies 39k 397 393 3972 ##ysmal thusly conditioning gradiometry spectras spectranm303c continuities ordinary ordnance backing backset backcount backbulge multigen multplt supercrit supercycl supergroups supervise superieure orientales methyl methylene firm fired ##quez ##ucu ##ucopia geophone geoinformation geoelect ##pe01 ##ertation outcome beneficial hydromagmatic hydrographically ##bo3 ##boids ##boyu ##bolev firstor firstly matos matson maturation matsler matumoto mattei descended 304 301 305 3094 3048 ##kesworth determines distinctions profeta profiled calculates monograph montag monitors monosulfide monchiqu montages monteria monsoonal primaver methodological methodologies probed probing probabil documentable reflective reflectivity maximized maximizing ##conformably 16h 16b 16g 16f 168 163 169 1620 1680 1670 1640 1674 1690 1656 1637 1698 16jt0 16ep01 16pe01 detaches accretionand fox fo2 foley fo88 megats megasequ megaw megapixel delivers deleter delaminate collisions grater gr02 grtand gr196 paced rapela hillsides hillsbor periodogram farley farmer catune catkins catatumb cataract catterall catalyzed popup workman ##marstrom ##dsii ##dsmith fluidal veined veining hypo71 hypersaline rotates ##ogeny mori morter morari mormon southeasternmost epup epigond epilimnic timings migrations migrates miggins migmatically intervalley silicoflagell 17b 174 1750 1715 1775 1733 1728 1787 1737 17lh 179hf richest richness richards eleven elevating paleophyto breakout breakouts breakenridge numeric petit peterman petagram petronas ##deformed concentrates concentrically multiples multiele multiplying barely barry barker barometer barometric barney barrac baroque igcp swith swaley ##tooth ##tools changeover edenite edax edwards edmap edziz editable lesson lessen lessens crystallizes ##isher ##ishaw entry entities entrap enticing entrecast 254 258 255 2574 2575 2555 2541 ##ecar insertion inspected broadest broadens broadening redated redbeds redwine redigitizing tugla tuya paralleled nonover nonpro noncarbon nondepositional nonmin nonpen nontr nonfoliated nonstoichiometric nonresolvable nonplastically ##atolites ##icularid memorial erupting tapped taira taphrogen ##ledo axio axios sheehan reconcil reconnects ##blance hfse hftdm ##ioids ##ioqueno ##jected instructive instigated installation remembered remasof ##chists combines adjoining nwr nwm ##modic shaleand blakem blazers markagun argus meanwh wedowee wedza antip antilles antepenult antioqueno attitude attract attracted attested ##ochronology steepened motivation mottling motyka secondly secondarily propelled directs directorate 354 357 351 356 3591 burt burrow burying burned burdens bursary burkhold burchfiel burckhart remapped blackmon blackness ##illex compressions compresses plotter so2 sobbe sobolev ##iks ##ikan ##ikoura absorbed 2376 50w 502 501 505 5030 focums springtime impulsive impediments mmv mmto mmhb clearer clearfield alluvia alluviated conflo conferences anyone americans hydrobio hydrochlor hydroboids neto respond specular speculation speculations ##meable ##meyer diagonal alejand opq opaqu traceand frond closures ##iewicz potentiality diapiric retrist returned retracing returns reticularid viewpoint paja ##standards intraand intracrystalline intraocean ##riski meltwater meltback investigators muddier mudball mazzini lithospherically predecess ##ipedia ##ipoti loa loi lobo loope looked loads loeltz ##lora arched archie archeamp archetyp elf elson elbert elsin ellsw kazi kazak kaersutite kaapva kaikoura standpoint sheet1 sheetflows fourteen grainstones strongest tuffite britain hotly rima decrement sykes syrac syenitic symbols totaled centering ##regosa dug dugg duenas duffield drab drag draft radically radeff slopechannel crowe crook gneissose laurentianand appalachianand buoys bodorkos turak turkecan musga musgra musbmsz muskeg ordered avulsion avulsive avulsions thermochronometer chlorine chlorides chloritization washes washing washout diagrammatically restorable ##rades grayish ##ervoort minimization minimize minimizing testified testify bearings couette outcropand tetras implicitly implicate 300i ##7215 ##7289 ##72829 ##egrating resolutions laramie researcher gazz gawthrop ##afwt01 apatites aprons gondaw doesn lamina laminar ##swered ##hened ##henius sutam sutured 708 7030 7046 7097 70366 ##ms26 ##msdorff ##bored ##borough integral planet planke planeta planetary planchette 18d 1820 1810 1880 1850 1840 1875 1899 1867 1857 aster astride fallback sumner δ13cc hydrothermalized 452 459 4549 justifies wills willow williston willenbring alternates microand microinc microsupp microcra microconcent microdiam microsample microplates microsoft 604 608 6047 60326 pulverized pulmonate ##ltiequilibrium eclogiteto eclogitized damaging dampen widen widened wideness ##obek ##obrecc ##otee unkar holly holts holohan ##heri ##2033 ##2043 ##2052 ##102 ##1078 ##1073 ##1091 ##1079 ##1044 ##10206 ##10414 ##10476 debra debatable kuiper information1 youngs anticorrelation frontier frontiers ##rator ##ratically statewide statemap tectonometamorphic approximating visibility ##itaine ##rovine ##rovable incisional accords poorer gabs waveguide ##eyite exclusion exclusive internship chil4 chil1 chil3 coarseand timescales networking selvages ##ferential ##ferencing seamless shoulders largeto muscovites surrounds text1 textbook erg erase erne erased erba ernst erickson captains capillary demonstrating couples buchanan s16 s1table degrade degassed degassing degrades truth truong trucke trupulse ##innati ##innigan shellfish 244 2440 2485 2443 joe joan joana joining joyita johns eastwardto 2065 warmed 199854 284 287 286 2821 2826 2834 2832 28200 28302 28219 amplify amplifier numbering horizontaland amphiboliteand helge media medio ramo ramos ramose ramacc composing 262 263 266 2680 2650 2670 2674 2629 2695 2617 2647 261018 brent brink granules granulitic granulometry granulitized granulatisporites fractionate flatter polyester polytun polyvin polyeth polytet matrixand 80i 805 orthoqu orthocumul campus 751 756 759 7500a bestfit dives diving dividing oxcal oxybar wtf terrains groundwaters moderated finalized esi esri eskola esquib sitgre sitkin ##802 ##809 ##8015 ##8093 ##8031 ##8038 ##807250 ##80286 ##8010414 chroma chromatic ##ependent spectrometric peninsulas glaciofluvial hannover ni2 nias takhini reexc reexam shelly sheltered arrhenius distaltri reductions langone language slowing paradoxical densityplotter heterolithic ledges coalbeds ultrastable frameworks clague claiming clavijo rhys rhombo rhodium rhodonite ##coo ##cox ##cophile metasilt linearity extraordinary campanianmaastrichtian ##gois ##goedova ##3016 ##30774 ##307854 expectation sharper 467 468 466 4600 4678 freedom imager sangxiu moderateand polaris polarized polarizing polarizers 222 223 2200 2280 2250 2264 powerman ##pais ##odiorites magnetically ammonia ammonoids encircl radiographs nd45 themochronology street streaking streveler contentious dissolve dissertation notebook classes classed classifies classopollis ##physical openness openworks nowaday geophysically 21a 21b 217 218 216 21st 2150 2119 2121 2117 2118 2134 2187 dateable halite halted halving hallet halcyon keyes ##atskiy geodatabase partialor supercontinental summers summits msa msz millstone millennial millennia naidoo nautiloid packing packaged ##offset incorrect 902 90zr2 cm3 cmyk guf guides guiding guzel guyot guianensis guayabo versa wilder wilford wilks wilfley wilcox ##yania ##502 ##5029 ##50200 ##50993 induce induces 1981 glenn glitter glomerop glodny hinterlands lasting softer buildup boat boil board boyd bohor bohlen bohem bohac boinag boivin bulging bulimina bulldozed ouimet ouzzal handled spaces ignition ignore ignites ignores ignored ignoring igniting 00036 00071 oppenheim ##703 ##7047 status transpressively exhumes exhuming gabbrodior braid brahm braccia depletes fleck fleetingly purified purification purview walking walnut concluding juxtapose glacialis countered harrim harbored kilmur kilbourne expense ##avespeed totshunda platt platy platforms platanites organize organizing relevance simplex cratonal prisma discretization discretize hampers hammond hampton hammarstrom ##401 ##4094 ##4088 ##12a ##1274 ##1228 ##12773 ##12927 ##1230774 inverting ##identification figures11 unlikel electromagnetic 854 857 851 albitized negating negotiate paleocrustal scarborough referable brecciate flexures flexible flexibility biga funds irvin irrele windward ##olaev inferring equilibrate mediumand mediumresolution 877 8713 raynol schilling schaen schlicker schulz schutt schneider schuchert ##ieres starved helpful situation situate 367 362 368 3600 3601 authigenic borin borate mylonitization mylonitically namu nam08 namibia skyline ##ontan ##ontid ##ontney inputting receive beget quantity quantifies 543 5480 54196 darken tremors tremorg ##lingensis ##156 ##1552 ##15298 ##15295 ##15486 ##151913 seeing weatherby runners constantly greenhous drawback 864 866 869 filament ##ymowicz ##ymchuk conceived conception conceals concepc concealment realization realms whatcom flareups megafaunal morphological morphometric morphometry morphotype morphoge morphospe predominate baler balances baltic romeral trona ##crustals diorites acquaints leftmost 1201 1208 1209 expands pedregosa panama panhand panasonic panalytical peltz rodded rodingitization streambed streamline reactivity ##amento proportionately santaquin accompanies connector branching courtright honored tensors paramagnetic signaling instruction instructions chemicals favorito functioning kylander soles solar soling solve solving solutes solvus solomon ##744 ##7475 ##7418 ##7449 ##7486 ##7499 ##74486 ##74740 ##7487081 introversion strengths strengthen strengthens transgressions cease ceases ceiling cogulu fitted saturate scanner tabor tabulate tabulating ashland commence command commences laws lawrence uniformity substrates substitute substituted resisting resistors transferring thankful climax advice advised 341 343 349 3454 echb losses piekars µm3 ##7513 ##7529 ##75819 ##75230 ##7553 ##756112 ##75965 ##7572829 ##751230774 ##inoe injector injectites injectivity andrea andrew physa physically physique upwells secondarystandards architectures electronically pinon pinch pinyon pinches pinching pinney pinaceae s2b s2table ybn isolating articles artesia artemie causally 2071 experimentally confirming pseudocon pseudomorph autochthon autogenically autochthone autobrecc bonde diverge diversion rigaku ##194 ##195 ##1936 ##1946 ##1987 ##1952 ##198015 ##1974740 spanish vertices ##ometrics flooded floodwater 278 273 2788 2765 277513 gasbench pons woods woody woodland woodburne woodruff ##604 ##6094 ##6024 ##60236 ##601234 ##60572 ##60807250 conductively conductors readable chalk chalcophile amongst transforming trails rooting hypothesizes clayton glasses bottoms 384 387 388 383 389 mangrove ##tien sharpness recovering recoverable influxes pdfs 447 448 446 cadmium doubles douilly digitally iva ##rhoites ##stered reworks paleosecular calciteand brightness principally 324 322 3285 32913 homerson homeland rolls rollings ##etofore anczk epicontinental retrogress retrograding retrogressed snell snavely snyder tiwi waits wapsh ##getation ##2500 ##2512 ##2584 ##2535 ##2567 ##25119 ##25259 ##25613 seemed seeming grabbed perpetuated photo photomic delairis deltaplus drillers illustrator cratonally 01f 0114 0144 01685 017475 011974740 83697 cups cufes cuyania cyclone cyclical gootee maastrichtianto issz ##rump protective necessity plainly successes programme programmes pollard pollens pollutants superimposes petrologists culbertson luo luand luzon luhr luconia logan logic logical logarith s3e s3table forwardor usa200 corridors 250kv shelfal substantiate substantiates 29n 294 296 299 2920 2993 29966 657 aerially aerosolized bruma brudz brueck brumbaugh cruces crude cruises crucib senses sensor sensing ##enschistto 2016b counterpart culminated 377 376 37ar cnk fissile mciver mcdonald mcmaster mcgro mcgee mcquarrie mcaleer tendoy tendency tenderfoot evaporates parklands greenschistor 2013b epicentral bowen bowed bowser essence hemo muons muerto operations operates operative deming dempster chrons chronicle chronicles chronofauna recrystallizes recrystallizations english engrained engdahl engulfed traveltime traveltimes mobil turning siltstoneand terrestrially paleogeographically 55161 bouldery ls11 ls100 palm palmer palae tidalite tidalites susitna coherence preferences recordings emphasizing warmand wildcat 054 057 0546 05200 0523 0564 05510 05888 05376 485 483 4800 4840 4845 4824 48912 craven crags palynostratigraphic palynostratigraphy ##uelen deploying plasmaquad fluxes fluxed smoothness elongating visualized visualizing 728 723 726 7219 761 765 766 769 bajada bautista baichtal baffles bisulfide bays bayan bayesian dropstones mccollor pulling vicinities vicente ##138 ##133 ##1386 ##13366 ##13228 ##13910 ##13195 ##1325259 cobalt cobardes feeders 334 337 331 335 336 3395 473 frances molar molina molds molyc raft raypaths ##16o ##166 ##169 ##1685 ##1656 ##1665 ##16966 ##161987 storing aligning relocating porphyries porphyroclastic 2000s ##marks openings instrumented 828 82upper gyirong merrill merriam mogul omitting omissions deviating reviewing karaman karakoram varley variant varela variance variants wolff lab6 label labwor interests interested coarsen coarsest denudated morbs catalogues 734 737 732 731 7325 7337 953 959 9520 90041 90006 nannofossil ##pohl ##857 ##8565 ##85993 ##85813 ##85393 ##85584 ##85671 ##852052 ##85601234 externally cheese splaying accelerometer definable minimalfault solidified 429 521 523 52226 681 688 68002 6000 famous families kinston optics ##igenesis macgin macpherson ascot ascended ascribe animas terminating establishes concordantly milford military tanque ##2977 ##2955 ##2923 ##2906 ##297499 ##337 ##332 ##3388 ##33230 ##33725 ##33913 ##33812 ##roblasts forked penetration penetrations geomorphtools geothermometries 177hfcrust boudouma efx escosa escaped lucia lucile mtds mounds utilizes ##7623 ##7697 ##76534 ##764190 ##76712 conjoined ##emberment ##dingsmo retrodeformed prediction predictable predictably exploratory oscillating 414 417 4150 537 7415 74278 affinis eighteenth fedoz tesauro repeat repeats sustains behave corrosion corroded quadratic quadratically shorterand flores florence montz montmor montreal globalmapper ophiomorph 047 048 0414 04814 045680 0217 0284 02206 02412 02394 0210476 007 001 008 0012 0091 0093 00165 007916 004s 006185 00169 571 573 579 5732 cibicid klutlan klovan s4c ##lshead ##enko altos altitudes altimeters altuda unrepresent unreliable resemblance traditions robledo potts1 discussing discusssion groundwateror discordantly pebbleto wyomingensis 632 631 638 635 brownto brownii cataclast davenport freshened fishtail tscherm tourmaline ##awak ##9574 ##95445 ##95802 ##isiana convectively alleviate graphed interstratified simplifies simplifications phaneritic segregate factorization addresses cosgrove doney sg8 sgbm viens vietti ##367 ##3624 ##3680286 ##9018 ##90543 ##902512 toolset toolbox dehydrated revolved revamp revisited chair unfiltered subjects paleoslope paleosubduction paleosoils lipman 118819 competition competence competencies petrochemical petrophysical duplexed microscopic satellites mcclellan columnals alleghenian harding hardens hardening hardyman serving services tongues tongbai ##9478 ##9445 ##9428 ##9489 ##94477 ##9481546 ##roshi ##roscope declining replacing excessive contributor contributors prevalently precipitous obscures obscuring cloudy plausibly texaco vegetative shadows 037 0393 03185 0398 03224 03813 03986 03495 03574 038565 032977 564 densification owl owen owens owlshead s51 tenera vented ventward ventilation ##21la ##2185 ##2184 ##21790 ##2100549 ##217418 stromatop stromatolites convolved convention reheats geosep ##enewald discharging discharged clarkforkian phengitic 1965 2010b obtainable robustness azimuthally bolsters bolstered droop droplets dilating dilutes drips dripping gsa pyroxenes renewal renewable yamadag ##783 ##7848 ##781405 ##781952 ##886 ##8873 ##88120 ##88764190 forests hayman 2020a employing correcting correctly 1338 1704 1702 insightful 067 06rl 063624 7174 7117 cp01 ebb hunts jackie jacketed waned ##colporites ##colporopollenites ##4547 ##45962 ##458093 ##7383 ##73494 ##73510 ##73439 ##73890 ##73994 ##918 ##91604 ##911685 reversals complicates attending attenuator subchambers webinar modality disperse validate validated ##ropriately symmetrical excavation explosion polymagmatic polymineral juxtapositions everyone everywhere 847 846 8485 goldsmith htl hybrid hyphae lifted lifelines mnich mntio nuclear nuculoid sonar tomograms attain attaching attachment unstratified paragua paragonite metawacke metaplacent peralkaline peraluminuous decaying argentinian avoiding avoidance categorize categorizes reorganized reorganizing reorganizations diachronously 889 88sr 8000 esem misfits misconception misidentification nodal nodule rheologic social socorro says tallade tarim tarduno xm85 xm84 xm86 xm82 xm83 ##431 ##430035 ##1466 ##146024 ##1476712 ##abaskan overviews scientists assigns complementing acids acidified 1058 1368 permeate permeable permeabilities permitting finerand equalizing moretti irregularis advancement ambiente underplatings preparedness supracrustals jacksonensis polymorph 318 3160 averrhoites coseismically hiscock rm206 rm224 reroute rarer rarity trelis treats trevor trellis tideand ww004 ##ephanocol ##merer ##241 ##248 ##2464 ##243016 ##265 ##26200 ##2615486 ##26332 thousand foredelta anneal interacting paraconformably paleolakes transformations leech leeward understudied 11285813 poleo manifestations buffer 1809 introducing pseudosections tholeiites 667 6610 frassetto junaib juniper keck mouths orebod wrapping watershed zeroed ##smith ##179 ##17la departures departamento annonymous announce seventeen seminal semicontin semantics seminoe collocated collimators controversies intercalation intercalations ranchers cayce cayboyu disconformable paleorift paleorivers paleorelief thermoelement tuzla adjusting adjustment argillitic 7065 70619 microfault microfracturing microfilm metasomatically causality rigidity porphyroblast buoyantly taxa2 elucidates 6117 8900 berger berry gullied gulbran nc2500 pc12 pc17 sabine ##183 ##186 ##18725 stabilize stabilizes stabilizing mahood suitably suitability aluminos aluminosity secord prolate prolific subtly subtidal subtraction subtropical metabasite spinatryp spinosus amaragosa appreciates appreciably depicting phylloid designations designating 1959 discriminated discriminating discriminatory blindly multidomain accomplish lookout mushwad coexists paleoseismology paludinae susceptible franklinian checkshot sigmoids humidity violence foraminifers foraminiferal 582 583 589 64s 648 987 9800 9870 binomial psi psps ps130 psilatus utm utc utting zhou zhela ##2899 ##28288 thorne stanley ##omicroscope ##ilicus expansions expansive prospective ##ogranulites unexplored unextended unexplained stringent happen happening metato scotia implementations adoption outwards stratovolcanic constructing 1487 paleoenvironments editorial redistributive improvement coverslip parameterization robertson symmetrically 087215 0833725 089478 432 431 4350 492955 bcage cody duncan dungan dunaway dualism f11 hiking hiroshi navas navd88 niobium toro toran toroidal winguth madre madurai industries prelat ensured enigma assimilated clarified leaved leavitt leucite leucosomes leucosomal leucogranulites fragmentation fragmentary ##unami inflows inflowing silverquick embry embracing embraced 1241 micronugget thermodynamically sooner 230619 selectively trondhjemites circumferential idealized optimization geoscientist geoscientific guadalaj 597 592 598 59682 789 96285 avalonia cells fetch frasier fixes getty getters hanover hurford habs lisa lisle nanofossil nanosem putting putative pierce pumped rosettes rutiles session spline sericitized sericitization task tashan tasks ##ezing ##491546 ##7116 ##710089 ##717529 ##799 ##7978 ##79872 ##7973994 ##79799 ##zzy ##844 ##8613 ##864094 ##igrant mamay intensively intensified intensify unsampled unslipped unsurpr subangulatus relaxes incipiently highstands creeping teranes paleostream immigrant likeliest fluctuated fluctuates emerges emeritus steelquist tapering remobilize returning eliminate eliminating jointly aggregation aggregates crusher crushers macroplant tsunamigenic tsunamigenesis sulphurdale reproducible paleobotanic thermodynamics 2704 2708 93404614 93533 deducing dedicate dedicated dedontney dismemberment flag flagged flagst flaws harte hartley hartland janis kindly lensoidal octahedral rocas sao saes sapping swept upheaval ##hammer ##34307854 ##99730 ##9950200 ##9926200 throws inundating stopping stimson stimulating stereographic stereomicroscope stemmed stemming becky choices chocolateto interfluvial interfingers submillimeterto wasatchian weekly spikier capsule translate 2019a insufficiently loops looped ##formationnn automates photoscan photosynth cp04 cp09 punctuate paleolatitudinal radiolarians macroflora disaggregation disaggregator awards awarded bellota bellerop ccmb dalla dalhous dental gentile hoonah hoformationnn kentuck kamo kamb kamil kamchatka kluth lathrop nazko okmok okpil rafting sphene sphaeri spherul sapin saprolitic tzong tailoring tailleur zagorevs ##46888 ##466094 ##561 ##56412 ##56416 ##32745 ##3212927 condie deceased reinterprets forcings byrne chlto universite universally universitat wasserburg modestly meyer sugarloaf perturbed undergoes lithoand pegmatoids przs 2009b monotonous meaningless 23713366 impede impeding lamproites 455781405 deglacial deglaciated applicability coarseningand attempting destabilizing algorithms hyperconcent hyperbola hiatuses birthplace overwhelms 942 94272 915416 auerbach augering batiza battery bangor bergen bergama bergbauer cerros cowichan ecole ecological ecstall ecometrics hatcher kanab kanosh kanamori kangmar mutltiequilibrium michael michetti nicky nickerson nikita nikolaev reno renzul renowned renishaw rainy rainier sodaclase trout trochod tightened voronst voronezh zeh zeiss zeolite ##oethylene ##3538 ##358873 ##357978 inaccuracy reporting rejecting foreset foreshock formats alphabetical diabases complication complimentary neotectonics unpacked unprovable basinwardand sparser cautions overstepping advected crenulations suppfiles4 blanket computing computation computations compensate compensatory nonlinearity nonlinearities archaeologists exploiting 2808 advantageous macroscopically macroscopic humanity syntheses synthesizing conceptualizations prospecting perturbing perturbations monotonically government 09876 0985993 51280 51282 512130 997 aqua aquitaine bryan costs costech costantino d18o d13c dormant dorobek dictates etc etching etm2 fuyun fuzzy froze froude ghats gursoy kodrul ladjia ladrones mongolia nm303c pm4 pm7 python pyasina pendant pendrick papuan pontides sx5 sorbonne tbay taller tallest victor wiscsim wandering ##hoefer ##48264 ##4895802 inwardly inwardto towns ##oconferencing mandated anorthoclase anorthosite ##quetted subsegments subseafloor residuum hackles hackberry metagranitic overcome overcoming enhances transports transportable transportand centuries 1922 1937 horsethief initiative multicompon monzodiorites 1641 popularity popularized barnacles glauconitic extrapolation extrapolate hyalina sweeping reverberate reverberating participation participant 030819 070819 070770 070577 3203015 ahmet bidahochi bogda csio2 cj395 cj502 cj194 cj133 cj265 cj179 cultures clue club ditch dendroid griffiths gulliver huber hughson herb heretofore jeff jmm jamieson khatanga kharael kennett kolob kruger kruckenberg krutsky n110 n150 n170 n140 picea qfi qfo qfy risers rastered rossello winters yorker ##huis ##3826332 ##671044 ##671386 ##62320 ##657383 ##iculata conifer demarest aliquot exiting intricately intricacy sheriff sherrod interferometric armstrong meeting meetings register registration sporangia oversimplified valentin survive survived legacies legume legitimately leaflets phenomenological 1050367 upwarps flanagan 151302 1192 deflecting contradicts contradistinction cleaning cleanrooms nonplanarity institutional blundell microanalytical encroaching handpicking persistently schmuck micropaleontological engineered sustaining sustainability serpentinites serpentinization inconsistences inconsistency slickensided mammalian townshend 015825 akhment akatakpo bhp bh29 bh31 bhvo2 benches benched benchmarks bombacacidites c2an celtic castillo calls calling dallmeyer dumont dynode dynamothermal dawn fifield gm21 galeros galatia gallego grossly gatherers hopt hops hopkinson hells heller hermit hermann hoodoo judgements kirchhoff laskowski lockeri mitra mitchell murphy murchison murdie moser osborne osgood oswego pg5 pg3 rowan rondonian ripup ripoff sedge sarnthe sarawak sawtooth tentative tunnel tunguska tortonian umnak umhoefer vgp venezuel vessels ##deleyite ##44161987 ##gstate ##210343 ##55165 ##55455 ##aspina stitch stitched makran makers makimine deconvolving reinjected supratidal albert anchored answers anisotropic shutdown lahars lahontan unravelling unidentifiable intersample marshes metadolom overflowing overestimate overestimated overestimating indenter crinoid outlier suppitem4 suppitem2 suppitem1 suppitem5 suppitem3 concerned novack novices emanating erodibility downsampling possessing 1437 teams financed financially catastrophically insignificance antiformal precursory hydrosphere retaining retrieval reticulata tetrads tetracolporopollenites 1869 gabbs 28000 2652 laboratorio namesake boninitic snowmelt snowbird palinspatically 028781952 unreasonably 1969b lifetimes trachyandesite trachybasalt collinsville subtype bootstrapped circumstantial condensate frosted illumination illuminated rastorguev sporadically spuriously bifurcation ketchikan mirror mirrored mirroring 076800 440118 49082 bitlis babonne babenro berms bilaterally cubic cubanite donmez donelick donnelly dozens dunderburg fruits fuser fusulinids fulfil fulfill fulfilled fulfilling fingerprint glean gleaned hectometerto hindward hindering icantiunas icapq kohn kootenay kuril kurkc kumamoto lingrey lingulid lutz lutton libraries liberated np19 np13 np16 np11 nicholson oatools pieter pomo pilgrim pearson pushing qao rtk ratto rolled rollover senior senira sagging saving savillex sylvester tdm ttv tlsand urge urchin videoconferencing yakima yakymchuk zoisite zoerner ##dani ##tangian ##897848 ##641466 inappropriately rectifies rebounding foreign alpinotype exemplifies seedorff shuffle shuffled whitmore comingling christine christina plugged unresolvable contaminant contaminating interpolation interpolated interpolating interpollis arbitrarily modifying ##ac00298 ##ac00374 ##ac00102 ##ac00248 spiking spikes disprove disproven disrupting paleopoles paleoplate paleoclimatic ampoule ensued performance stripes striped buttressed adherence vermaak undulatory underestimate carlson mainstay melanosomes compasses commonality micrometer knickpoints manuals mattinson megacrystic magnaperiporites 1727572829 paleohighs reconciling antiparallel sophistication impinges 70590 ultrametamor erzgebir campaigns encrusts schellart bornite realigning realignment baldridge advocate advocating autocorrelation autotracked doubrovine googleearth sensufil mcdougall mcintyre puzzling cracked 5242923 ##336431 squared squaring quadrant quadrants 0222615486 00240 conveyor conveyors paleoshoreline lgp3 huntington portrayed misalignment tvc2 cryptomeria thalassinoides paleomagnetismo reinforce reinforces unraveled unraveling gabbronorite trachyandesitic bifurcated bifurcating klippe prodeltaic grayscales echinoderms 37421234 bastite bakhuis bradley cocos cocuy cocorp cimmerian crockford daxue dokht elden educating fernandez fascicular fascinated fascinating fashions gamut gruenewald guntli hinz hindu hinjectate hidaka hodges hodell hodgson hudson hickman ksa kimborough kobuk kobipoti lighthouse listserves mv1206 mvuradon malays malpais malaspina maslyn nserc n060 nadir nayarit practical practice practitioners rd0814 roger renders sinemurian sieh tiffanian tennant vitale vitreous vitrophy winston winchester winchell wescog yc1σ zahirov ##71962320 ##7943 ##7942476 ##7943680286 ##zhou ##zhug ##2309 ##112832 ##185852052 ##8174486 ##9216966 ##9833812 ##9931476712 ##966466094 ##aldin ingress ingram ingredients tolerate ##rafluor maurice rearrangement readings reincised reappears reappearing sundaland aliasing anadolu seyhan seyfe seyitoglu intriguingly basemap shotpoint chooses lagoon unionioids unsuitable interdisciplinary interdistribut interdependent subterranean strictly strategies ardill arrowsmith hawkesworth coordination coatings parrish meadows sputter spiralis speaks ##ibalization prescribed overgrown overgrows overgrowing overthickens dispute ##004190 ##0042100549 abandoned abandonment ##ptools preconceived accruing sclater sculpts sculpting sculpture pericratonic perplexus imperative imperfect impermeable corsinip quarcoo crassiect underside caldwell hexie hexcess hexagonal philip philips phosphoric peperitic featuring fluorine fluorides fluorapatite 1975358873 prerequisites calcschists greywacke olistoliths invariability compromise compacted 145031 endmembers equatorial geobarometry benefits furnace furnish furnaces professionals monthly 16oh delimits 1758 singularly swanston tubitak 239217418 hydroxide hydroxides hydroxyl speculatively elliptical hotspots buckle buckwhe bucknam avenues 70399 pyrenean coevally demonstrable 28325 orthophosphoric chromatograph personius soluble satisfies satisfying satisfactorily readjusted ##25900286 circuit circuitous circuiting nbs987 bisecta bisector bisecting mccallum rawlins augustine ##295337 epidotization 0454524 0454535 0454554 ##3667047 unfavorably petrochronometers misleadingly reproduce reproduces reproducing paleobiology metaturbidites intertonguing mimicked intrinsic cohesionless metafelsite pipework rectangular autocyclicity customarily cylindrus etayoi exaggeration exaggerate exaggerated scavenged 040986 0126244 075774 079625 07973439 5757487081 5938746 59313228 7135 8887449 athwart athabaskan bivio bivariate baddeleyite civilian civilization credible credibility dicot dickey drumlins fs2 fountain fountaining fassaite fassaitic gilbert gemoc gallery gallatin gobu gobekoren hatched itacai itaucu jt21la jt17la julia julie joseph jiangang kattah katnick keeps keefe lesquereux lesnek ligands ligorria lopoliths loptien lynn lynch munster muntener mullions nassichuk ovoid overnight ocampo ocakoglu oyster oysters ohmoto pwavespeed pirate pirmez pablo pinnule pinnacle piracy piraquive s201 tiny tinker uralian vaesite vaa2 venation veneroids vandecar vandervoort vss2 vss1 watson watkins wentworth yenisak yenisei ##aibo ##ointment ##roneity ##421228 ##494778 ##7707 ##773439 ##2729 ##2367553 ##5491325259 ##5347707 ##37434 ##jiao stuwe stuart staircase stiffness isotherm isotherms reemerged reemerges reentrant reentrants faithful faithfully supersharp supersaturated succeeded succeeding aldanmaz exxonmobil antecryst antecedent intuitive intuitively intentionally shrinkage chengue unanchored unanswered unavco unavailable unproven unprotected contrary contreras intergrown intergranular geyser geysers wehrmann incidentally metallic metallogeny metamict metamictization sparking spasmodic preseismic disfavor disfavoring disagreement disagreements obstruction obstacle recrossed recrossing paleowinds paleowestern cannon cannibalization entailed scripts scripps scraped scraping consumes consumed occidental occidentalis impressions impressive cornucopia accepting adakites adakitic admittedly healthcare ##ynthetically supposedly peculiar pecenek tradeoff constrictional concurring bathtub bathtubs 1950s derivations derivative empty emptied 11jc gradationally synchroneity downthrow downthrown roadside 146nd 149sm teacher teachers agriculture agricultural porosities porosira decapitation decapitated thermofisher thermofinnigan brookfield spectrograms multistage multistory professor professorship 166745 17802404614 multiplied multiplier sweden swedish entrainment inspires inspiration tugtup taiwania retitrescol retitricolpites paulo intraclasts intracratonic elkhorn brittlely brittany duplicated duplicates muspxbf muspxafwt01 astronomicheskaya astronomicheskiy microtextures microtextural trumpy trumpet 281809 269857 bridger bridging brigham brightening brasiliano brasilandia columbianus orthorhomb orthorectified ##301595445 encouraged encouragement guangwei guangzhou 000025 000021 rhythmically rhythmite pursued pursuing hammenii ##40303826332 ##4030295337 neglect neglected ##7469445 communication commissioned commissioning 3400n ##191356412 ##606864094 homogenized homogenizes photographed 83z9 83z11 cupressaceous cupressaceae protrusion protruding necessitates necessitating counteracted counteracting ferroan hematized hematitic puckett suspension suspensions 05bm183 palynoflora palynofloral ##134385584 cobbett labrador labradorite ascertain ascertained 041231010 0412671044 simplifying ##3656458093 revolutionize 0384004190 reoriented reorientation achieving achievable destroyed berkeley berkelhammer inhabited inhabitants radiolaria radiolarites ##79163 daniels danielle diatomaceous benmoreite benmoreites dinoflagellate dinoflagellates sapphire sapphirine ##5680640 hyperthermals battlements contradictory kirschner ##ophyllous ##ophyllum fusilinids fusilinidand kohistan urbanized christiansen disproportionate disproportionately hrc4 hrc1 crassiangulatusis underscore underscores tubingen ellipses ellipsoidal orthophotos orthophotography ecosystems hercynian hercynotype komatiite komatiites viviparid viviparids reestablished reestablish imprinted imprinting centrifugal centrifuged 13cooks2 agglutination agglutinated ultrasonically 010899 080300 01928288 0297973994 09060807250 078186 073275 02069216966 2ms270 3sio2 494900 4932259 57259833812 616828 69313910 791710089 891760 933134385584 awakening aaron arose aulacogen aruba aplites aplao akah april aranda bjerrum banff bultfon bromoform botryoidal briquetted bonga ballycastle bagheri buscher breeched bacteria bourgois bartol bailey bubble boyaca bimodally brumley bocono bmsz01 cgf cx12a crane cousens cassata cldeep cysts clowes cronus censused cuchilla cientifica cognition ceyhan cincinnati c29r c27r c26r caco3 cuspate duluth dacites deldicque daunting duchene diversely dumped dmitry dcaol drusy durango ekaterinburg egress ectasian ethyl ecemis eccentric eichrom eduardo ejecting eugene eratosthen etyemez elaborates egypt fenster fenton fischer fosdick friedman fialin fibers frolick falsely fossulatus flabela fugacity fisons fiamme fridrich fiebig gerdes gannett groaner gomis gutmann guddingsmo giesler gantry gordon gavril gartner ghiorso galloway germane gillette govers gyroidinoides g20ac00298 goytacaz gadsden ganze gymnos g19ac00248 g13ac00374 g16ac00102 gilliand h3bo3 hitachi hettangian hutchison hastings housed hendriks heralding hokkaido hdeep harker hoosac h12sh hansen hettner istep iverson ibarra ichnofossils javier jr6 jonathan jerome jernigan jinsha jicha jessica jaupart journal journeay jumbled jiantong jornada jonny jalisco k2so4 konter kreemer kouket klein kosciusko kempton kaghan kelyphitic kathryn kessler kendrick kerala kung kraminata kerguelen koya kinderhook kriging kienle krynine l4c lorand license louisiana livieres ludwig lumix larderello livermore lignite lokier lopez lovera lanzada lussier llanos mhgs menahem mentorship moucha mulcah mocanu mismatch malyshe mensuli munday m30r mcleod m16n mchargue nyquist nothing napier nuna naticopsis naip nmsu nilsen naldrett ohio oglesby orangeto ochoa ppss pioneer pithouses priyat peregoedova pueblo pothole puchkir pahrump pikermian publish pindell puget ptilophyllum qtqt qmflt qinghai qiongduojiang riley ryoke ritchie rican ridolfi rividi rinsed rudstone ragged rusmore ricks rochester ravalli rationalize r19w r38e riparian ryukyu sfm sleep sultan sverdrup sirjan songpan sisters saleeby seldom smalland smattering sarewitz sailors sengor squeezing s1011 sulawes sainsbury saucer tkope tyee t7n t5s touch tamas trommsdorff tseax tastepe tianshan tudigak tantalizing troubling tuscar tepic taupo tredoux tyrrhen tulloch tsrm tlingit tancitaro tonnes uweinat ubehebe umbilicus urumieh u1327 uddin uganda vujov vvr vesicular voucher vulcan vigorous vadose vacancy vibora vaughn wrench wp87 wfvs wenjiao witness welts witschard wissink wahweap wannamaker wikipedia winnemucca waxing wguep xxzvatan xianghui xiao xmaptools xiumian xflash xiarilapai xiongcun yeats ysg yılmaz yuma ynez yunzhug yokelson yeba yonkers zingiberop zigzags zimmerer ziva zinsmaster zongzhu zabriski zizyph ziaul zapatoca zavarits zhao zoback zanskar zawacki zirakpar zacoalco δ34s ##aiso ##iotti ##ohontid ##oecological ##oalkoxy ##oapertites ##v2b ##eaux ##kioeldii ##hstan ##bekirli ##42079872 ##4902899 ##71694477 ##77637434 ##2741078 ##26026 ##2135347707 ##2217942476 ##24538 ##22982535 ##838112832 ##540414 ##59560236 ##3974 ##38473510 ##37081886 ##6952 ##673783 ##62953 ##9301 ##925385 ##92926026 ##97622982535 ##98141073 tholt thurman thibault threedimensional theoretical ##eramid ##orphyritic ofqui ##itiea inoceramid inlier inactivity inarticulate inadequate innovative toarcian tosdal ##rabarti stowell struck stanton stylistic stishovite stubby stampfli strugatskiy stuckenrath steltenpohl conchoidal convenient congruent conasauga maccready maksymowicz isakson isparta isava isonervosa deutsch dewey demeaned dewatering depressurization deutsche dechenellid repsol reawakening reestimate reanalyzed reaffirm rebuild reassembly reoccupation foremost forbidden forschungs fagereng faddey ##gemeinscha sumsulf suplementary supersede algeria alipp6 alsi4o10 almandine exterior exponentially executed asplenium aswasereelert asfalto anapolis annette aniakchak anoysen seconds seckin sewemup ##chiefer onramp oncolites intratriporopollenites intcal20 beveling beartooth beheading beukelman beyssac beattie beaumont basilicata proposals prophyroblasts byproduct bytownite shasta shepard shuster shylock shishaldin shipenwan shiquanhe shoshonitic shinumo shrunken shaulis whenever nordenskioeldii ##astropods chakrabarti chavrit chuchel chavez cheyenne chiaro churchill plankton plucked pleromatis plentiful southcentral layperson launching lahaul lahfid ortega collapsing neoblasts nebulizer unabated unacceptable uniaxial unnecessary unsettled unmodified unlabeled unradiogenic unincised unpolished unconventional unilaterally unjustified uncontaminated unconstrained untreated unevenly unrivaled unjostled unattainable unimportant univectorial unambiguously unsegmented graptolites graciously gracilis contexts interrogation interlobate intermediateto interglacials intergrowths subcentimeter subequant subgreenschistto subenvironments subdisciplines subwedges resedimented resealable strontium gevedon gebelin geolabs geociencias arboretum arithmetic haeussler hacıbekirli weiqiang reluctant coalescence coelotrochium evokes maracaibo marapo marcellinara mareschal marsili incredibly paroxysmal parsimonious paroscientific meijers regressive magazine metacherts metamafic metcalf ear1624538 spidergram spratt spawned spaulding detracts rangeley cahaba caenogastropods cappadocian volunteers overridden disintegrating disappointment disharmonic disjunctive disorganized disentangling indonesia obviates obstructs obliterated valparaiso valdivia valpelline ##005433230 recorrelated reclamation terzioglu terzaghi paleovegetation paleomargin paleoreconstructions abercrombie arcabuco preauriculata prehistoric accidental ameliorated crustaceans envelope enlarged engebretson transboundary transmissivity distribute appointments sclerophyllous scrutiny scandinavia perfluoroalkoxy perisyncolporites providentially granoblastic larrimore simeulue immersion striatopollis minidoka minnesota corvallis acerifolia quenching clifton admixture adversely administered adsorption cricotriporites undiscovered heusser hebgen hevaporation lefebvre fragilariopsis rundvagshetta charophytes tricuspid outpouring undertook undercooling underappreciated underpressure underrepresented detritalzircon cartesio pecopterids peixi peynircioglu traversing templatev2b 1016100 103359560236 10165966466094 elektroniks stratigrapher refugia refrigeration desirable flushing mesoperthite flashes noorbergen smartphone smokers smz1500 oce1129574 oce1130013 sanbagawa 1524765 gregoire postlineation postprocessing postaccretion postsubsidence postemplacement olmsted 122471694477 127250671386 crossbedding gradstein cameroon downcutting downwelling downfaulting deflocculation pokornyi mantiqueira rohleder 1420455 141540303826332 14858010414 14134350993 133cs tecopa tecnologica straparollid agnico dzierma dennielou tripartite linzizong porcupine decisions deceleration garbenschiefer thermophilic manufactured manhattan manakacha equipment equivocal brovarone brosipollis polysynthetically polishing polypodiaceous ##ylopteris bipolar birefringent biogeographic spectraspan spectranm303cms26 backcountry multigenerational supercritical supercycles geoelectric 309477 304899 montagne monchiquite primavera probabilistic 16jt07 megatsunami megasequences megawatt deleterious hillsboro catuneanu catatumbus epupa epigondolella silicoflagellates 172811 17lh01 paleophytogeographic petagrams multielemental barracuda edziza entrapment entrecasteaux nonoverlapping nonprofit noncarbonate nonmineralized nonpenetrative nontrivial reconciled remasoft blakemore markagunt meanwhile antipathetic antepenultimate attractive burdensome burkholder 237638473510 50304030295337 hydrobioid hydrochloric alejandro opaques retristephanocol intraoceanic predecessors archeampelos archetypal elsinore ellsworth kazakhstan kaapvaal syracuse duggar musga01 musgrave tetrasylopteris gazzi gondawana 70303 70461 18209 184090543 δ13cco2 microinclusions microsupplingensis microcracks microconcentric microdiamond 604713 60326191356412 ##20333 ##204315298 ##109186 ##10799018 ##102061 truckee 248555165 244328 johnsen 282160 282670 283224 282009 282199 ramacciotti polytungstate polyvinyl polyethylene polytetrafluor orthoquartzite orthocumulates oxybarometer esquibel sitgreaves ##80387116 reexcavated reexamined distaltriangulisporites rhombohedral metasiltstone 46787289 2264751230774 encircling nowadays 212183 hallett 90zr216o guzeloz ##502945 glomeroporphyritic bohorquez bohemian bohacs boinagrov 00036543 00071198015 gabbrodioritic brahmaputra harriman kilmurray ##127473890 ##12773540414 figures11e unlikelihood irrelevant raynoldsii 541963656458093 tremorgenic ##15527486 ##1529579163 ##151913166 greenhouses concepcion morphogeologic morphospecies baltican panhandle peltzer 345471 piekarski ##75230405 ##756112814 ##759653974 artemieva pseudocontact pseudomorphed autochthoneity autobrecciated ##1936264 ##19468 27751347 3291333913 anczkiewicz wapshilla ##25842309 ##256785393 ##2511962953 ##25613844 photomicrographs 011442 016855491325259 01747577637434 011974740773439 836977469445 cufes2 logarithmically usa2002 2996642079872 brudzinski brueckner crucibles mcgroder ls111 palaeoecological 0546491546 05200911685 052318725 05642906 055102217942476 0588845962 053765680640 4891255455 molycorp ##16566 ##166599730 73371529579163 ##8560123444 minimalfaultoffset 5222697622982535 macginitiea ##2974992 ##3388301595445 ##76239301 ##769791604 ##7653426 74278005433230 montmorillonite ophiomorpha 04144902899 04814641466 04568025842309 02179931476712 0284166599730 022068560123444 024120042100549 023949481546 02104761 001653388301595445 007916256785393 006185759653974 5732204315298 cibicidoides unrepresentative cataclastically tschermak revamped 1188192367553 ##9489241 precipitously 03931 03185421228 0398127473890 03224243016 0398671962320 0349515527486 035742741078 038565769791604 032977756112814 ##2184161 ##217906952 stromatoporoids ##881207943 ##887641904 06rl401 063624881207943 ##734949 polymineralic hybridization mntio3 metaplacenticeras talladega ##43003512 ##246416 11285813897848 junaibi orebody semicontinuous microfaults gulbransen aluminosilicate spinatrypa paludinaeformis ps1306 083372592926026 0894789926200 49295580387116 guadalajara 596823538 9628515 ##7175293 unsurprising 93404614925385 93533217906952 flagstaff upheavals ##99502005 photosynthesis belleropohontid dalhousie kentucky okpilak sphaeriids spherulite zagorevski ##3274536 2371336634307854 455781405357978 hyperconcentrated 94272887641904 9154167175293 renzulli trochodendroides voronstova 098767943680286 09859938174486 wiscsims multicomponent 070770151913166 07057712773540414 32030153274536 kharaelakh ##657383561 01582510799018 akhmentiev bhvo2g murchisonid sarnthein venezuela metadolomite 028781952336431 076800838112832 4401181936264 490822135347707 babonneau babenroth kurkcuoglu 1727572829673783 ultrametamorphism erzgebirge sensufildani 524292399502005 022261548637081886 dokhtar gruenewaldt mvuradonha malaysia vitrophyre wescogame zahirovic interdistributary corsinipollenites crassiectoapertites 197535887360572 2392174183212927 buckwheat ##2590028675 0409869 075774606864094 079625494778 07973439246416 5757487081146024 593874698141073 593132287653426 8887449502945 itacaiunas yenisakran antecrystic 166745185852052 17802404614902512 tugtupite retitrescolpites muspxbfwt01 orthorhombic 041231010109186 041267104446888 038400419056416 010899657383561 0803002511962953 019282884895802 029797399416566 0906080725020333 02069216966629 2ms270918 4949002590028675 493225976239301 57259833812714 61682844161987 693139103667047 79171008919468 8917602974992 9331343855846 bultfontein eccentricity eratosthenes gavrilenko goytacazes gymnosperm kouketsu kraminataur kinderhookian mulcahy malyshev priyatkina puchkirchen sulawesi tuscarora tyrrhenian vujovich zingiberopsis zongzhuo zizyphoides zavaritsky zirakparvar forschungsgemeinscha 10335956023679799 10165966466094606 122471694477703 12725067138672 1485801041413195 141343509939428 spectranm303cms261018 237638473510744 retristephanocolpites 18409054325613844 603261913564122 24855516585671 polytetrafluoroethylene 22647512307742185 0007119801543003512 32913339138031 836977469445415 299664207987293 05464915462184161 052009116858244 052318725734949 056429069489241 058884596275230405 053765680640936 489125545575819 742780054332306 041449028998613 04814641466393 021799314767122 028416659973048264 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