[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z µ · º ø ƒ ɛ ʃ α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι λ μ ν ο ρ σ τ φ χ ω ϵ с і – ’ ##a ##p ##e ##d ##5 ##7 ##c ##o ##u ##t ##x ##n ##s ##i ##l ##r ##g ##h ##w ##v ##f ##q ##k ##y ##2 ##3 ##b ##1 ##m ##z ##α ##9 ##0 ##8 ##6 ##4 ##j ##μ ##φ ##ε ##ω ##η ##ο ##σ ##θ ##δ ##і ##ν ##ƒ ##β ##º ##ø ##ρ ##he ##te ##on the ##ti ##re ##in ##al ##nd ##er ##es of in ##en and ##ar ##or ##tion ##ro ##it ##ic ##ed ##an ##ite ##as ##ation ##os ##ol ##ate ##le ##is ##ing to ##el ##id ##at ##ent ##mp ##ul ##ith th ##ag with ##ra ##ur ##ig ##oc is de co ##ure ##us ##ly con ##et ##ter for ##ati ##eral re ##iz al min ##ac are st as ##rom ##ow ##ve ##her ##lu mineral from ##im ##ated ##ts ##il dep ##ot by ##ys an ##ted ##yr ##ec ##ce ma su ##op ##om at ##ment depos ##tr ch comp flu that ##ere be ##ion ##mal ##ph ##ther ##art deposit ##se ##ock ##res ##tic ##ou ##ran fluid ##ich fig figure pro di ##ins ##ab ##ition qu rock ##tin ##od sh ##og dis ex sa ##age ##cc bas inc mag on ##yrite ##artz form quartz ##ine ##ri ##ization ##ver ##um ##uc ##yd cr sul ##ass ##ten wh ##ues ve sulf te ##ir gra ##tal ##ge ##ib ##ydro or ##th ##igh ##ide ##ature ##am hydro ##ations res ##ous ##ost ##ant se ##pp met ha ##ical ##st were ##ff ##usion rel col zon ##qu rocks ##thermal ##yp hydrothermal ##ting pyrite ##ies samp ##alc ##ity ##red this mineralization ##tite magm ore ##vel deposits ##orph ##ary which sp ##les inter ##ong ##ut typ compos ele ##ch ##li ##ges was have ev ##rac ##ized temp ##etw rep low ##ud ##arb ##ain ##old ##een gran ##ne ##fic ##ystal cont betw between ##erature temperature anal ##ess ##ip un show en ##rou pl cl composition fe ass high ##orite isot ge val ab alter ##hed fa ##atic veins isotop ##ved ##for colle ##atite ##00 ##ene ##lusion ##ore ox sub ##form ##ill ##ally gold pre these ind ##arbon crystal ##eld occ ##ution ##and alteration carbon inclusion ne ##ture pres cu ##entr ph us ##nt im ##able ##ad ##low element ##ap ##ian faul ##ize ##ence occur ##ace ##ive ##uring fluids cons ##con ##agues ##oci colleagues samples associ par conc ##our ##ates ##ari sulfide porph diff ser ##ides values minerals porphyr loc li during size ##ay ar ##ase ##ang mod whe str ##tem ##rite formation stage ##ect calc ob stud nor per ##ata vol ##sp ##so ##ystem system associated ##ia ##arn ##iti magmatic pb ##ale ##olog ##ond can late within analys also ##erite vein ##ros ##pl ##mb ##rog porphyry ful sc ##otite ##ak ##iment inclusions conten ##vely granite ##hem cor concentr differe ##de data me mic ##tern full ##ative ##ined ca has not bel vari ##arly rich ##ng ##can been gen resul ##ediment intr ##ers zone image sim ##ree indic ag ##ast int he over basin frac than most ##ct isotope ##est ##ell hos ##dition we ##gh ##ely char all type where le au mass ##ied main ##olution related ##ield grains it ##itic ##ole ##un 20 ##row dom sug chalc ##ram sugges mar tw zones ##ord ##ser ##all ##ign ac ##acter ##ces ##mm sec sediment ##duc ##ium reg 10 character area ##vi ##ages ##zo tra obser bi sal ##ue ##opyrite two ##uld simil ##ric app base inclu ##ll but ##ron may chl ad ##raph prec other ##ater such po ##ral ##ose sour ##ific sign hosted crus consis sou ##ard acc rec ##one sph pr ##alerite sphalerite rati formed using different mo ap dol ##ome hig magne into early es ##iterite ##assiterite chalcopyrite ##ack cassiterite ##if distr ##ach zir zircon ##me ##ange volcan age lower no carbonate magnetite sn ##den fault struc similar lar ##ound comple more proc elements ##aring ##hedral ##sion chlorite ref ##ating ##zoic along sample bot ##ipit ##han ##iv model sil there crystall ##tures ##tered ##ight tran und uran comm bearing deform ##hemical ##ross process repres grou eu sur host ree concentrations ##ke ##oly tex biotite red calcite ##ber ##ick tour tourmal some ep ii mel apatite common resp precipit pos micro repl ##und event metal both faults ##ction ##pre ##enic higher prim basement intrusion observed zn ##ular region geolog ni ##acement δ1 diag ##assic analyses up their ##ecti trace sk ##hib maj ##inated field how imp includ ##ile major ##rox contents ##act metam br ##gen temperatures complex range under tourmaline crystals ##ath mant ##olite exp bre part ##cted ##ines ##ort based contain fraction volcanic gre ##are deformation ##osed ##eldsp oli feldsp study sedimentary oliv ##ever ##ov ##tur however af ti condition analy corre olivine ##pper ##enetic mon types used massive thick ##tent abund source ##ance ##ism asse magma silic assemb sulfides ##thern feldspar conditions am ##ens ##arnet metamorph tim ##ons ##velop compositions garnet assembl flow ter ##tical tre group 15 well ratios dolom arc mn seric sand geoc ##tial skarn mantle ##ains content only represent contr prop ##ically belt fol pale ##ibution brecc ##ix ##ones ##isation la disc gener km she ##veral lith ##round des ##kely ##onic ##ases interpre table stra second ##ist ##rough ##ility uranium water ##atively prov ##ible present basal north sulfur ##eri ##orted signific trans mineralized ##tain sandst set ##ren incre orog ul ##ie large smal grained likely primary emp altered ##ble ##ress systems ##ork develop series ##fore general ##tural significant ##grow ##ict ##istr ##ena oxides sericite small ##pen inf rem phase whereas ##ough calcul through analysis they trend cross equ ##ioc those orig ##atures ig plu refle ##tero ##ented expl contro ##ob meas results ba lim ##afic gal three ##etrog ##out minor ##terozoic ages dr unit respecti forming ##ould pyr ##tig ##tions oxy measure ##ep ##ites ##own tect pat galena ##ments consistent correl mineralisation ver studies scale sr after ult could relatively ##med tri ##tim inv occurs due sy ##ca addition bar ##ared ##rich ##ake empl ##pm ##matite precipitation stri showing follow mat ##land ##ably isotopic surf ##ris ##yrox ##ory drill ##aw ##ered south including ##ub ##ither ##ramafic dolomite origin mg mafic enrich consid processes ##ual ##ry ##ited ther local ultramafic centr ##las ##zed diss several deposition ##cri na ##aced stages grade shal out ##kal ##kes central bound sl 12 post characterized bor pe sol displ wt ##ish partic 100 cut hor alb crust ##rh dec intrusions respectively pyrrh pyrrhotite ##sure ##ld spect fluorite relations oxide ##vious ##olyb δ18 eas metas dy ms molyb tur ##reg const ##opro ##pping spec molybden 11 chemical lake core reac evolution oxygen ##tiv inte ##uo ##2o ##inant grain ##neous euhedral reduc shear igneous ##oproterozoic each ic ppm relative sep mainly descri bl ##ear ##eter ##hip enric plot locally ##hemistr ##hemistry mul compris ##itive ##duction relationship enriched ##ctr ##bed electr commonly ##anges oxid therefore geological 19 its indicate diagram compared crustal pattern ##lase ##ected ##oun ##ths characteris sequ tectonic iden ##ail ##val enrichment 40 amp band same located aver carbonatite hal ##ward ##atis plut multi 18 el ##olved ##idence alkal ##omet pressure ##medi surface fine fir ##tif ##eng distribution upper ##oid ##ove one shows ##raphic fur mix first mus ##az ##ga ##ina ##anite generally molybdenite west fractionation further ##xim ##ial ##the ##abb differen ##ody intergrow district δ18o plag interpreted ##yroxene plagioc gabb ##estern presence crystallization plagioclase ill ##cl supp uncon average num ##lite previous concentration amphib ##mediate iron ##inite ##erived orogenic derived ins ##ark ##oss metamorphic 13 less regional ##iver ##ha ##ann eastern ##els ##sem southern poss eff analyzed ga ##erg dissem ##rosc triassic ste ##ished esm icp end alth ##ities calculated although fi thus oreb reported time tin yield ord estim unconform ##4s mineralog ##atism ##roscop bec poly ##ors sty grad breccia mt would ##ount contact ##ple ##ms gabbro fill si ##ateri strong suggest ##aterial hom material ##tive contin whole secondary ##hen ##erous ##use features so ##tit def ##odi ##rix ##ced ##orp ##eren ##sequ characteristic kim ##ient exten evidence later melt matrix bul mid ##ozoic ##abas ##raction import kimber ce ##ather diam separ sill ##oy ##ology δ3 μm ##av ##ma ##onent ##izing normal events very ##pb ##rys ##idual result ##50 ##hes ##usive component coll neg granites marg replacement ##term homog δ34s distin assemblage dire structural horiz identif 14 ##hron anh chrom dissolution patterns bulk aff western ##ately determ abundant 30 pot petrog ##omp ##aries occurren developed controll andes ##ided ##cep produc ##ogenic shown emplacement ##pr coe coar prob ear fac isoc ##resp 200 cen ##hy compar exhib ##ovite assemblages man ##ays ##ps intermediate thermal constra ##rade measured important rare disseminated os magmas when electron ##odiorite tian stand deple serpen suggests serpentin back sw ##ked ##omic studied volum corresp ratio correspond car ##ination initi ##ently poten proposed stratig ##prin cm ##ince sele ##lier dominated ##lastic shallow musc unconformity 16 ##ded ##king ##tially ##tral above hematite syn muscovite do ##ocrys ##greg obtain 21 fl lay ##amp ##eous ##o2 phases ##aceous ##raphy described sequence ##oration sup setting cre deep depth ##arth ##odies below ##ness total stock ##ydrite units anhydrite ##ause ##end ##atur liqu variations sandstones because polym exhibit ##work ##ects intrusive decre standard 50 our ##cd ##sr ##iqu thin value northern coarse fact phen ##inity prog ##ability distinct ##itu spati record textures metals por ##tile prosp granodiorite isotopes overprin sandstone horizon cle microscop observ include structure monaz oce rim ##ression while typically composed 201 trending amphibole monazite ocean cir fin found pred ##olith contains replaced det domain reflect las line op ##rystal cou overl activ correlation display cur salar ##ans changes ##uch inters clin sch wall ##itite ##ru inten ##ibu negative 23 ##habas ##ven ##esis ##oric cool copper athabas shap typical about new occurred dominant accord geochemical albite liquid athabasca grow giv light crat parag variable texture terran bc pri ##hod thickness spectrom alkaline phenocrys ##ust ##allic generations multiple circ ##rystall hyp ##ving anom aggreg contrast brecci discus metasom controlled anomal long ores situ ##oph poor transp dens hg nd ori ##ration ##inc magmatism spin close ##ounts py ##nown clas appear abundance around ##ox ##get ##ised method ##adi bcf ##ft ##bur analytical detail according hu mc ##ug ##ulation comb proxim env abs preser ##apor wide ##dle ##ots ##ties ##erred examp granitic compositional ##pled section sources geology kimberlite potassic pul ##rent deg conve approx consists considered four lin ##sen ##vo ##iss sulfate carbonates memb least mixing approxim pol pge ##tle ##qui relationships possible earlier facies obtained rhy you ##hean ##rop ##asing ##ilib ##iron class near moder coupled pcd ros ##cy ##lon ##20 transition boundaries middle environ chemistry solution ##used succ ##pped ##ified green following intergrowths success ##sity ##ka ##more basins ##verse variation structures ##enite indicates diagenetic slight initial ju kig mec nw being ##anging lead dolost characteristics sills aggregates density mechan cal fels tit ##gl china veinle crossc ##theast order style homogen identified log pd ##teoric ##lying ##etallic poin pluton potential given young felsic either ##to toward ##ula ##ters shale phot positive strike phenocrysts duc if ##taceous ##west ##omer seaw level brines orebody cretaceous seawater marb ##ring ##ength activity nb old meteoric consider polymetallic open incorp unc highly various mostly across striking margin many ##ibuted gl wor ##ty ##ision ##aces suggesting ##vik larg epither dykes ##glomer epithermal east fracture amounts equilib barren solid ##gavik kiggavik 17 fold wa ##uff ##ittle conglomer ##opyroxene indicating paleoproterozoic laser cooling convection sing ##ote ##fs ##tend ##olcan mineralizing ##amb abl ##formed marath ##ification explain black mineralogy diamond marathon aqu ke ##go ##other fluor containing interpret illite comparis selected crosscut world bro river sm ##ling ##ves ##2s then ##ental beam extend surround peak 39 nod ##ute ##ogn sche 40ar observations craton ##ertain ##rad dete areas ank zoning sections models estimated probably rosie veinlets single cat hist vs ##au map ##rium plate collected fractures proximal marble gr retrog vapor plan crystallized uraninite depleted ankerite much tet ##ara ext resulted ##unite sediments increase control lam med radi sb ##ik ##alle metall like interaction affected spinel ##xis ##lic any ##athering 37 hf h2o ##sh dipping subsequ parts weak recogn contribution boron constrain ##allel wid ##iod had subduction period basalts limest extension ##olcanic ablation ##80 conduc exc brine monz terrane bed known vary ##co clos perm weathering salinity determined growth example titanite tr ##zation ##hest ##stone clay subs induc suggested ##iferous slightly comparison here lat ya dev state granit indiv iii oxidized chromitite pcds younger retrograde 25 ##atory few association precipitated complexes current mechanism individual 26 av dating dunite ir mes pip ##atible textural representative barite ed foc pit ##cence ##1b thelon ##ocene prof subhedral signatures ##arthur mcarthur approximately equilibrium granitoid ##ood ##uous anhedral summ ##tingu sala highest melting geochron basalt followed reduced ##cept qb ranging vers ##sive ##most ##enesis detr mine ##lip images resulting metasediment continental defined ##erence predom orient dark er genetic ##momet ##onian archean geochemistry development 86 fis gas sid ##rem toget ##acl resour ##apatite parallel intrud alloy adj recrystall note silicate amount generation grades member together bol lack qz rif co2 diorite distal evap fluorapatite zr ##ased cores ##ili even ##ological differences clasts dri pyroxene work ##inate ##elite depend ##umines orogen significantly fiord broad pas ##osp quan spot phys performed detailed versus ka mm ray ##ks ##icted magn forms ground silicic clinopyroxene aqueous d2 fr kal ##ise island requi chond prot ##nean location mean marine metamorphism inferred diagrams occurrences breccias ##burnean δ7 reve ##acent ##imb disp plas intro provide particles towards δ7li reveal 300 bon slip ##10 ##ital deposited interval elev neoproterozoic ##iang accomp peg comprises limestone adjacent hol satur xen ##oz ##over ##nite ##estig ##rob dem ##truc exis white increasing limited investig banded normalized direct uncertain accompan h2s moss rate since ##oot ##ually top ##oule distingu bands number metasedimentary ay role ta ##ae ##lished ##isod coun ##etry ##ogran intern perme episod ##ective timing exploration baoule reduction previously occurrence volume circulation rhyolite mossi ##uk ##ilca northeast ##spec overgrow 206 ##awilca oceanic discussion environment boliv ayawilca bodies il ##30 ##onite ##enced conf allow stress should assum presented ##aching 1000 oxidation scheelite siderite 87 dac non ranges tula ##em ##ok ##ba ##ergen ##icient univer clus indicated reference brittle stratigraphic paragenetic predominant tulaergen lree ##ches often ##gest arg ##itization includes propor andesite preserved ##nw ##log ##hn ##ences ##roc residual sem ##eneous afric recognized permian econ loss throughout cutting reaction spatial spectrometry homogenization detrital evaporite wides ##da ##line consequ ang maxim exs reser hand ##pread represents northwest ##eters degree ##ikro ##ogranite widespread bat far mig mioc overal ##sed ##inous occurring melts outc halite interpretation conducted frag chondrite internal miocene overall fer ##lies ##vas ##nde reverse suite reflec dyke yielded 36 hann ##ground ##tine restr ##lied porphyritic caused basinal ##berg limit emplaced block ##uminescence bonikro pegmatite 85 ru rb ##oform ##tively ##lif partial systematic hosts epma orebodies coeval stockwork huang bur brow ##trated ##neiss ##rograph position influ mineralogical linked calib 39ar brown doc lab geomet primitive exposed foli comprise spatially conglomerate avail fisher kaol introduction university hannans 22 gang ##eb ##yu ##asite arsen ##ersk microther underst among provided ##blende invol colloform produced isochron serpentinite prioz appears succession dolostone priozersk nacl rid rather ##ument ##ially ##orge ##idote ##less elemental complete epidote province intergrown strongly ##titute petrography ductile older wavel accompanied microthermomet vis ##hg ##42 ##ularly mapping energ george sims ##elling ##arent ##obil boundary 199 steep ##omicrograph carri decrease polished photomicrograph nodular monzogranite restricted energy bse native use ##oe ##ively ##ulong change before seg ##aken appro access ##ubanite solub reactiv isocubanite corresponding ##rup key orientation demons maximum mol mill sant ##ops diops perid canad acid remain remobil ##2o3 simp components collision prior history permeability kaolinite wavelength cent case dated nature ##ping andrad ##ogene partially δ11b fields silicates basaltic radiogenic 86sr 33 500 cam d3 est five ##shan ##tition ##orten stable compression ##ney ##unction deformed greater 150 measurements therm spectra numerous possib overprinted incorpor subsequent latter irreg elevated predominantly solubility 70 ax cd ion pse sin tas trac ##tific ##titial ##ana ##ols ##ult dikes shorten gray ##ude ##formation param active signature baish fias petrographic ##iquan prograde interstitial transport orogeny pasha dacite available peridotite pseud baishiquan 60 90 cath espec will zh ##rim ##bs chim ##ordant recorded clear methods 206pb fragments andradite shortening especially cy free mor pure ten yang ##dd ##du ##rees ##alu ##rating ##stones evolved strata recent litholog westmore effects diameter direction chromite cenozoic serpentine point medium intruded protolith bolivian westmoreland 35 400 fre gneiss ##af ##ire ##led ##read ##alts ##ochemical orth zoned evalu pref marked ##zov represented experi furthermore supported filled extensive separated coexis dispers proportion rutile body down kan mount nan song yulong ##3c ##40 ##tiform ##era inher rele minim div garnets discrim specific instr ##orption progress surrounding granitoids ilm tec ##nam ##gress ##rec altern analysed hete consist zircons groups horn effect styles separation does flat levels yazov geochronology economic huangsh carried irregular ilmenite aus cases eburnean san ##drem ##xt ##ances ##ida ##iles dip color imag domains applied mob modeling paleo particularly illus materials margins stratigraphy factors shaped anomaly ##ophile pulang plateau metallogenic gangue tasdrem heterog tasdremt 28 80 dates earth fug tell ##turing ##ful covel conver ##acity ##omas attr see phos heat auth respons microf metamorphosed generated bornite constant microscopy largely 87sr diopside estab covellite lher ##ui ##gan ##bre ##zolite ##rap star feature inde imm cann regard flows involved background larger ##namic austral lherzolite lines morph ou pa tuff ##tz ##yll ##mit ##man ##here ##time ##enting ##arp cover conte ##ection ##ographic ##lie ##racted tempor ##rosion terms strain original halip differenti filling tianyu superg microscope juomas extensional pipe profiles ##ospher docum tellur responsible juomasuo cap six zab ##pite ##casite ##oure ##na ##lo ##lig ##mass ##isen thr compatible belts marcasite apparent largest vertical dissolved prospects metasomatism combined tetra closely groundmass labor understand instrument cannot zabili del fall net path vent ##up ##rd ##zuo coinc reas chamb ##fficient ent salt included despite reflected alkali constrained tianzuo rims phosph ##ospheric 00 75 did hence hole jur kv rap ##ean ##dor ##rated ##volcanic offs information ##oshan ##attered ##ilation mada ##amination sampling conclusion mica princ mixed osc layered factor spectrometer widely mechanisms recrystallization calibration experienced techn jurassic 1a 1b blu buff nne var ##ior ##fe ##till ##eriment ##try ##ird zonation unli phyll cord indicat experiment greisen infill ##owna layers porous crosscutting santa parameters lithologies kanowna documented dat erosion prom ##ding ##70 ##olitic ##idation ##ules mining ##acts ##abric sharp ##ograph ##umul sulph space showed envelop ##aps pervas belong increases oper intense dolostones points varying err magnit plasma arsenopyrite segment canada fugacity princip oscill kark length ##altered ##arrow without ##ety stre chang resear spar ##lian unaltered ##ector peru overlying δ13c additional plutons shape incorporation approach accessory cordill oscillatory karku fit narrow ret tar ##ner ##nuo ##onal ##tire ##inities ##osity extent meta entire highl fav subvolcanic ##adog locations regim redox contained ##ovic ##turally tecton layer absence catch resource siliciclastic existing foliation songnuo attributed australia offset bath luc natur pop site ##uel ##uth ##ying ##min ##tice ##oll formations ##iberg metav feed geother noble ##istral comprising depletion paragenesis anomalies duck inductively sinistral divided rapid magnitude ##adoga natural metavolcanic 01 29 4he good hree taken vie ##cent ##sc ##vity ##til inp ##aneous ##etric ##vement ##imen ##iled proterozoic except incomp plots leaching ##ival paleozoic displays explained rift broadly country ##lified cathod catchment 24 best dam function pt sites still v3 ##dida ##son ##lot ##lites ##hu ##ways ##ki them ##arg maps beha contacts pha ##condida partition modified ##iao lek salinities chlor escondida ##ismuth dolomitic sets smaller plotted kimberlites homogeneous moderate moderately weakly induced summary required influence microthermometric lucia view fo2 kb ladoga might netw pur u1 yel ##sely ##ining ##orlie cob almost having ##static need percy belle variety heba fracturing silica remains trends correlated sequences tianshan corresponds ##goorlie focus kalgoorlie holes saturation uncertainty consequently remobilization incorporated regime network yellow hebaoshan 31 3he cri eb gu led ##ta ##ses ##iy ##hi ##hf ##va ##matic another made ##omorph place genesis adv consisting abundances ##anning horizontal surrounded substit focused intervals directly reflects chimney minimum supergene bet u2 via ##ored ##ger ##zuel ##99 ##arc ##anal ##oluminescence ##isted production shif sulfidation hydrous spread ##contin ##ordinate volcano expected depositional particle electrum amphibolite prospect intensity poorly leading quantit distinguish clusters frequ inherited cathodoluminescence 55 d1 fabric puc s1 ##of ##sw ##iable ##ky ##ya ##alt ##izes former ##ritic hydrostatic ##chist usually faulting mode 207 ##vial ##viations expos ign ##landite particular plutonic difference lesser center porosity ##rystalline classified environments detection controls assuming african exsolution possibly imaging reason critical 27 250 cel cell nnw oph pore pub vel yid ##ctive ##roded ##eler rework short ##irs spots ##chl ##ipay ##arily ##aya ##tember ##unuo chalcophile acceler respect times ##ressed localities shalipay displacement september descrip carbonatites clearly clastic glob constraints mesozoic resources physic zhunuo ##dd0 microfrac chambara cordillera input shalipayco 02 bene cations dilation ham sens tir v2 ##hydro ##mi ##arized ##ulated ##tst extern ##uminous graph interbed ##iping ##angping hosting charlot pozuel volcanism fractional baiy species reducing ordovic comparable deeper final optical overlain textured metasomatic confir argill burial ##ebel reactivation hornblende error incompatible yidun charlotte pozuelos baiyangping ordovician bal dj ene fia foot lens mud pow s2 varies zha ##prob ##ets compiled subordinate ##ario arch camp 204 siltst stratiform ##overed ironstones so42 product probe stocks discussed pulses ##lications migration preferen established morphology better ophi external 71 lo ring δd ##eted ##icular ##olated ##idor dex ##ette ant exh tend ##ighted repe contamination encl porphyries trapped majority partly correction sheeted increased southwest integ estimates earlies potentially exhibits oriented conglomerates trig ##imbrite visible centre coexisting authors ##rapment thrust laboratory entrapment behavi substitution pucara exposure ignimbrite hamra djebel ##probe earliest 43 bo den lu nm εnd ##ind ##lement thole third ##och depths organ metabas reprec enc whether volati scen concentric southeast greens lithost sio2 continuous ##oye determine super settings decreasing standards ##venile link transitional juvenile pipes physical angle reservo geometry dispersive illustrated index ##mitted buffer batholith celes dextral tholei reprecipit greenschist 000 aur cst eocene ku kas listed peral ##aj ##tage ##way ##icts ##ational ##osk ##ishan ##acer sulfates ##stan colum plus phlog voltage noted underlying ##iston respective oxyhydro surfaces shales albitite interac ##avy backsc overlap 238 degrees classification solutions grt subsequently ridge steeply ##aflo understanding feeder quantitative phlogop oxyhydrox ##afloor em fim ln l2 pen pan talc ##ao ##cal ##yw ##25 ##mented ##jiang andean ##roct ##eth ##tically ##apel modal caus ##unn signal distributed crystallographic ##aren ##oval skarns mgo spectral supplement dominantly hypot considering distinguished simplified pseudomorph progressive pervasive 204pb celestine tholeiitic ##oskarn fimiston ##roctolite 350 axis dig nam nimb sel sized van vug ##ier ##kb ##ese ##ened ##roy ##ists though condu ##terite ##luded ##trate excep sulfos ##ibility ##que enhan nearly consols scanning intrac ##ronous representing tourmalines term halo ##cline define overprinting schist terranes hypogene combination greenstone extended planes devon devonian rifting saturated outcro tetrahed datas research phlogopite ##ywack nimbus conduit 3a 45 cc fo ho kar kia mang v1 ##ien ##wide ##ques ##be ##rew ##inations mineralised ##resh dist ##rian carboniferous neo ##aping agains ##ometer moreover δ199 imply contras pressures suppor ironstone members worldwide lamell beds sulphide 207pb beneath ophiolite kiaka against 46 d4 egress hot ly mac nec olig ro round sar ##tom ##hart ##35 ##onad ##inn ##aline ##ident ##ocite ##acing stann ##veem ##ceed ##tinolite ##iber seafloor golden immediate modification strat coronad ##ersaline chalcocite actinolite proced ##ieved equival identify swar hypersaline episode outcrop photomicrographs ##tification context experimental argillic organic reprecipitation auriferous δ199hg stannite coronadite equivalent 72 95 ble box cs cv cumul date dvo fram fresh pet pack ty wnw ##lveem ##has ##wa ##wall ##where ##90 ##inoye ##iding ##ulations ##ached ##mental grab ##ights ##amina metag ##ipher play abbre ##aria diffusion ##ctor ##ordia accre melat microprobe transmitted must successive ##tylveem ##ambrian revealed investigated episodes africa batches completely cyc temporal principal v3a microfractures column tetrahedrite ##ywacke dvoinoye tytylveem 91 amb cer go ghan je jo little rh rob tab uru yb ##otime ##set ##rus ##known ##reywacke ##ero inver ##oles ##iscan isolated ##uss rey atlas ##ibana seen spring ##lift unknown ##eneity diffic arrow caob heiberg heavy acqui uplift mantos fractionated trem equation measurement synt turn reactions gradient cm3 overprint linear absent detected lattice profile driven xenotime cluster yangibana blue variscan phyllic physicochemical antamina exhum supplementary hypothes lamellae metagreywacke 66 cp hy kov mil paren sector ##ah ##uble ##rate ##ged ##welling ##fer ##roduc always ##statite relation pyrites ##ips enstatite assess never ##angle variability indicative salts similarly recently reef microanal lithium additionally characterised ##valent institute controlling finally reflectance brecciated modern extrem ##lication yaoure dependent phosphate conclusions favor ##mineral published zhaiping 238u lyons abbreviations melatroctolite ghana parental 54 hel mal nied pal qx side tel year ##ems ##ued ##ipped ##western ##vities inverse ##ories ##ising ##ocity al2o3 ##eca ##phy exch ##ria crite intercal lowest prep concordia ##arities ##erschl agree ##ctu salmi similarities sourced upward lithospheric calculation soluble steps yields andesitic rarely observation extends median geochronological genetically uncertainties 36ar demonstrated collisional ebfs ##archean velocity footwall scenario exception oligocene procedure robust tremolite niederschl qxrd niederschlag 07 38 56 65 fuch l1 tens ##o3 ##gm ##onse inst ##tioned ##ano took ##urg aliqu prox exam resolution sampled ##ching diffraction arra ##itized cavities heating account response upwelling volcaniclastic waters equipped correlate ##lasts slab dynamic potass portion schists periods recrystallized magnes kallian ##rock involvement huangshaping heterogeneous outcrops frame graben acquired kovdor kallianos 3b 77 82 akes bin lod last luminescence pap qa qems tu tong ub ##del ##uga ##nary ##su ##iform ##ging ##by ##ony ##ening andrew ##anced ##asi ##astern ##athe recon ##lude suture exceed onset hydrogen colour fe3 lived modelling string obvious schem hem left ##una ##igned characterize trapping moz ##achang referred implies metamafic propose discordant 120 elong ##oidal ##theless ##theastern illust step soft separate ##hyan synch prospective intersection examples peaks tethyan metallog telluride indicator archite kasuga sulfosalts dataset nevertheless extremely exchange akeshi qemscan illustrating away eoe kine pass qd rates ##cb ##nan ##naya ##fang ##12 ##14 ##ject ##ency ##entioned ##ani ##ley conn ##iling ##ysis fluctu relict ##quis interf ##litic reproduc unmineral uniform placer constitute cao massif 208 precision surve implications corrected proper calculations correlations napp spectroscop reached interes 198 else support shapes anomalous transported oldest glen nodules plane laminated exsolved ferro reflecting blocks compressional spreading lenses powd backscattered mangan necess accretion difficult fuchs ubiqu synchronous eoeburnean 88 act bili dachang fas gross hb hyd mile sen sizes vic yong ##gy ##ware ##vation ##tian ##ini ##ink ##inces ##tional antic cham ##tence ##chy subd argen lateral corr concentrated notably sedimentation saline replacing expressed volcanics grey monit contributed discre lithology lithological strand provides ##yroxenite effective gabbroic cemented coefficient voluminous initially decreases microscopic gras mesoproterozoic overgrowths reserves axel evaluate huangshui differentiation unlike sparry global peraluminous neoarchean ##rustal unmineralized properties bilihe yongde 03 08 74 89 84 aim crac c00 cree dra hz mif now qtz right ton trough ur vod ##uf ##ily ##bi ##bir ##16 ##mere ##erman ##arge ##oraz ##itous coated ##ectite suites ##omine discontin basis quartzite ##amm colomine ##lesmere intercept substan concordant scal means variably weighted dome apart bottom microcline replaces geologic break dolomitization enrichments tectonics 188 ellesmere ##oids swir cratons ##burg considerable folds smectite schei catal closure confined angular cameca heterogeneity tuffs instrumental ##ographs advanced reasonable sensitive metabasalts lithostatic selv thought immediately arrows exhumation hypothesis palae ##athered ubiquitous grossular subdiv vodoraz vodorazdel 05 2a ches fran ioc lan myr nist sus tl yet ##avi ##cture ##oted ##oved ##ump ##td ##xa ##io ##iences ##went ##zge ##zroy ##asion ##ilg ##ecting atm ##trates ##trial ##arby places fe2 carbonaceous nearby simult heavi underwent tio2 explan consistently 187 so2 directed andesites shallower metasomatite glass planar currently erzge consequence ##bergite limits millim discrimination mobil fitzroy target population accelerating description ##ethite swarm goethite jeol criteria proxy software architecture elsewhere ##birge vodorazdelnaya iocg simultaneous erzgebirge 47 44 58 63 73 bran bak bismuth cig ese fron lies opp pia puna qmp rise russ tes wdd0 yilg ##po ##pend ##ned ##sk ##hme off ##lear conven depoc ##otang sun sufficient ##ranular ##abound ques formula ##charge clays occup occasion ##adium aruf scattered ##ctonic 209 ##raphically prism structurally ##hane crystalline texturally primarily ##ismic removal removed calculate follows identical halos ##gai estimate horizons cleav displaying longx spinels py1 rhyolitic fractured extracted summarized driving plastic assumed ridges acidic unlikely ##imension balance siltstone preferentially boiling contrasting stratabound tabular framework grasberg cheshme cigar piaotang yilgarn cheshmeh 34 57 59 800 ach cation eun kcb ok sse way wsw youn ##pa ##ua ##urac ##lization ##keng ##zing ##tead ##enz ##isc ##atter reach alle mined ##restrial dilu quad sho ##ography reset ##chblende enarg favo differ cause essen districts microb diagenesis fractions great terrestrial discovered plume triangle ##pms albitization icpms oxidizing ##ometric ##tified ##odynamic instead efficient unconformably products caraj ##ique overla transpression absorption pitchblende orientations overgrown demonstrate remaining orthopyroxene seems outs chloride cobalt cells behavior ccp rounded cvf instance spectroscopy glenover corridor creek baker conventional depocen youngest ##uracy enargite carajas 5b ain bra b35 cacl dimension gcc ide kn slow wass woll δ20 ##pol ##inling ##erical inner ##osite ##isite ##ularia deb com cove alum ##cend sud exoskarn onto whose resorption ##stage interior evapor ##racrustal contour subp indep imini associations meters ##elled acquis traver adularia microc bright sericitic transfer slop ##ounted banding numerical disseminations orders facil supracrustal records proximity interpretations depending requires ##ianggai hollandite allows yangtz ##duce ##oured technology envelopes shift trigg reservoirs v1a inversion paper kinematic reproducibility manganese fuchsite catalao cleavage longxianggai microbial cacl2 gccc wollast covered independ acquisition yangtze 42 5a 53 98 bord du der day eroded hill hund ice ltd sig tun xrd ##dish ##ched ##sum ##ioph ##iques ##hole ##ker ##ylon ##tes inj ingress ##ice ##ancy ##iger rees reaching asp chile dike qual ##oge hydrothermally until ##ands carbonic porphy peripher perpend webs weathered application others accuracy europ reddish ternary patchy drilling localized decomp easily continued superi 2016 clino clinop hyper ##adily preservation folded evaporites 85w microthermometry reactivated released alternatively immisc tellurides indicators populations interactions penet vuggy supports binary tongkeng anticline allega outside depocenter facilit triggered hundred ##iophorite perpendicular 09 1c 32 52 air ct che kette mer mong meng ov oct test wol µm ##ares ##dy ##tree ##nos ##wh ##kli ##2hg ##bo ##jing ##anian ##osing ##mpro ##ago isa cote ##atitic ##imer anc anor fluvial ##oumb ##ogram sea ##quhart spaces composite subg latest ##aka magnetiteand similarity redtree implying undert silicification lavas lithiophorite specimen 110 multistage 189 mixture insights sokli affinity selection growing situated ##ophys py2 pyroc approximate photographs bedded ##mometry involving possibility release flats 003 operating entirely ##ismuthite purple reworked interbedded oxyhydroxides diges petro played ambient cerro agreement elongated ##14g nappe discrete c0014g urquhart shovel websterite ovoid 04 4a ak bf bron certain dro fib gyp gers hud ivo lsu mack nick niger oc pel pink woumb εhf ##che ##ores ##ura ##s2 ##la ##rat ##vb ##kina ##yon ##tipl ##aled ##oring ##its ##itable ##edition ##edony ##osen ##olute ##ission ##entlandite readily altipl ##illi ##oto makes ##omm ##trum produce diap ##abil shield ##ams seven ##ffite reliable analog abd subm veining corroded micros notable agu intra chalcedony characterization precambrian crystallisation precipitate expedition feldspars lampro lithoge provinces patches ##yroxen ##kaline spectrum grading ce4 cement neglig volumes flood details logging wave extending detector ##augh lamo contributions true avoid eds overgrowth burkina useful million axial sanjiang outer contemp streng tectono reworking vanadium enhanced distance cycle microanalysis years prepared fluctuations 208pb faso chamber substantial subdivided mongol octa ancient pyroclastic gypsum gersdor ivoire nickel ocvb woumbou altiplano negligible 06 4b 600 83 aph daugh hab hire nuc ol pgm ra tm ural ves zhe zeb ##dian ##56 ##cn ##sor ##iting ##vian ##face ##bid ##ze ##inent ##ern ##oraneous ##olati ##olving tool ##ulic ##ulate ##raulic ##urface ##etr real reop ascend ##lurob ##ima ##ils anti ##tration chosen ##ichig ##ama segreg cold spl ##ficial contraction unp plaka feo fe2o3 geophys isotopically prev ##aded canyon domin dolerite km2 destruc emphas infil ##oblastic southwestern turbid identification endow ##erences separates affect polymict program overlies absolute mechanical opening width devolati edge edges pasco bolivia foliated cycl moroc gneisses regarding differentiated prominent retur tectonically geotherm geothermal partitioning enclosed pseudomorphs cpy tellurob intercalated stringers survey selvages heavier wdd07 wolf bronas contemporaneous gersdorffite daughter zebra devolatilization eichig fil gd id kra mylon ow pron ppb qinling rhe t2 vap wang ##ctively ##oite ##ton ##struc ##long ##gone ##h1 ##wise ##zer ##jected ##tex inlier ##iter ##ocha ##ilure ##omen chu chines chapel ##phot ##abase shri ##ibb metapel unm compositionally failure again 106 added somewh microphot diagnos undergone arcs mno providing originated bars postd decay molybdenum ##then become 2000 carp stratigraphically distinctly ##oliths linea phenocryst wafang smow catac grid wider intrude reveals investigate pegmatites molar simple discriminate alternative converg envelope stret changpo highlight damage interbeds confirm exposures volatile package examined reconstruc monitor discontinuous occasionally travertine clinopyroxenite undertaken microstruc tellurobismuthite eichigt vapour chinese chapelle shrimp somewhat diagnostic wafangdian 3d 48 67 9a bri bay fast gain h2 hcl kene lig ngo pac rc rod rough ribb sod tark u0 vms vector ##ematite ##sively ##gs ##herent ##tities ##ank mines stability ##romat ##luvial ##ections make suitable ##ophane atom flux ##odal extr ##iba haematite coloured ##orphous interl ##utter ##ract ##neys unre assigned valley cuts differs ##itively crustiform accur movement silver crystallize sometim precipitating ##ectivity amorphous lava transten ##tained equal comprised numb determination 1680 2010 walls intensive newly titan diamonds quantities allowed proportions econom ##rupole chimneys tenor evaluation ##fully indeed falls techniques ##hua kbar frequently frequency mudstone repetition emission signals karst lode connected interest ferroan hydraulic vicinity tonn metasomatites quadrupole transpressional δ202hg wollastonite tunis abdar lamprophy kraka kenema ngoe pacific tarkwa sometimes 4c 41 51 6a 61 78 92 bim brac das dou drop ey f1 foss gn gh gases german iv mos ncc o2 rad ssw siber til tonal v1b ycn ##pt ##ule ##uts ##uil ##uted ##lan ##wn ##39 ##zen ##01 ##reme ##eny ##ortion ##ics ##urian coating ##tery alread stromat atomic dips ##odac ##umulation ##ighter evident granular enough suboph cupol concluded modelled noril percent micron ##ramite southeastern accumulation magnetic refer botry epig microsp regions impact underground correct tims contribu infra matter locality describe ##wards supply inside miduk 140 centime volumetric prospectivity 2015 2017 2018 finding accordingly rhyodac ##roportion considerably marginal extraction limestones pits depends require disproportion elevation investigation semi systematically geometric camero progressively mobility establ temporally apparently cobal needed fabrics graphitic confirmed repeated albitites oxyhydroxide join ##urgical potassium lanping explanation achieved ##enzie ideal border petrolog aguiba wolframite transtension bimodal already subophitic botryoidal cameroon 68 bong dest ebs fes fen fam gar gently ia jxa kil lumines liber mv mur mcd mentioned son sver tib voids xiao ##aque ##cur ##lined ##well ##water ##fels ##qd ##41 ##ja ##tish ##inal ##inaw ##arce ##ane ##osc ##osition ##agmatic ##oclase ##ured conj alt ##ille ##yric making ##phase share why colored able suba neu cub ##ady ##adem artific ##akes ##ngs leuc leached mark regression 103 add crushed recovered silurian unde replace sericitization propy paleos paleogene lithic ##ief remnan pyritic invo bounded 193 distributions differential extensively collap distinctive swit cm2 210 salars brecciation combining pdb unclear folding ##othermal histogram excimer bedding closer xenoliths tai counting systematics segments remained 33s track pseudo hornfels mobile authig immature siltstones preferential integrated reservoir intracrystalline room array necessary coefficients palaeozoic simultaneously favored alumin slope independent mackenzie mongolia habit unpub titanium siberian epigenetic ebsd mvt remnants 280 bt call erup fut gi gic gains ihe jm kum ll lost mi ml qob rot tt uft µg ##ew ##emb ##drup ##oys ##uvian ##sn ##sch ##lines ##rion ##yin ##br ##11 ##mg ##44 ##rehen ##aling ##ito ##anks ##ents ##rain ##iguous isach dend coherent ##terior ##imens ch4 comprehen beishan diver excl exterior cru resemb seismic pls plat placed closed geo subduc neigh conser construc stron calcic pers alloys leh ##unc dominate accep academ ##view ##ometers ##memb ##icked precipitates positively microbre microtex metallif zn70 upg siliceous termed ##erial ##obile srm syenite δ18ov specimens half 180 alkalic gabbros steady yielding fills importance normalised petrogenetic producing intensely cooled polarized greenish homogenous ##otectonic metallurgical monzonite subsidence summar ##osphere xenocrys existence allowing batch canadian cdt morb directions inherit conversely starting immobile thrus laborat δ13cv behaviour ignimbrites causative hylog favorable helium tungs schematic metallogeny senonian scales atmospheric 187os prismatic overlapping evaporitic injection mengyin hudson vesuvian owing chuya atoms economically radial microspher establish sverdrup propylitic taihua authigenic future iheya kumasi uftu isachsen comprehensive academy microbrecc metalliferous tungsten vesuvianite 62 93 aut bb bacter b20 buk buil c1 clu eq eight fore fund fs2 gg har hard kod leng mree mounted pyroxen ras ram util willi xr ##aus ##app ##pine ##dan ##down ##oti ##ska ##sterite ##ious ##hys ##haps ##fis ##ken ##za ##zil ##heline ##onough ##alite ##erburg ##rov ##oses ##agun ##ratig ##uration ##igal concept forsterite ##atin ##aches ##imfis ##oth atlan changing compe bey exist ##inea ##tention ##ame ##amiao metallic intermit ##chang ##lique evid evolving ##roup geodynamic neob arja oblique perhaps sciences scatter believed ##ersatur heated ##uni ##allag acicular ##zoisite accumul aptian thereby eu2 thickened thickening 1500 straight significance infer origins explains 1280 115 ##tivity 197 ##ounced ##elsior endoskarn ##roscopic gradational selective portions activities intersected preserve ##going fluorine smok tethys extreme hfse hadamiao excelsior monzodiorite trunc evaporation islands protracted introduc dacitic ##rocks understood successions visual d3h thermo pathways coincided erosional pervasively operated tarim guinea descriptions mudstones volatiles conduits aliquot aliquots arrays powder argentin breakdown 188os russia brazil wasserburg porphyrob periphery clinozoisite hyperspec anorogenic lithogeochemical strength segregation infiltration geothermometer pronounced microstructures ribbons tunisia tonalite rhyodacite cobaltite mcdonough artificial dendritic stronti hylogger funda ggimfis kodar intermittent 34s 4d 450 550 7b 76 700 99 96 ahe aure bou cher cambrian cqd done dub fti her hanging ib just jiang junn kell k2o land liter mas mys mitu nit pli pges past root t1 tips vil ##ax ##ai ##eties ##cher ##uce ##nes ##si ##h2o ##wor ##vite ##vosp ##kan ##ycl ##yana ##tec ##inel ##ery ##icate ##ictic ##osh ##olve ##ises ##ulite ##rains ##oco devi ##usu ##etch ##tering reject alpine asian ##ilent chann compart comparing bei proble ##tinction distur discharge extinction bashart ##thy ##amo hydrox resurg seated colqu intermedi ##chi unique ensure clast indian neither next usa ark ##angular obj ##so4 ##itivity scb scav micas bell varieties agilent acted trails accomm recycl moving notice chlorites crystallizing surficial epit upon feldspath ##ixed ##ixing ulvosp equiv correlates symm employ mgi interacted ##2o5 196 sequen 130 ##plets centered importantly 216 overprints 2011 predic predicted opaque curve 232 230 liquids pyro pulse leads 39ark ##rading excluded notewor qz1 d2ki exists investigations permeable cdr traces cathays protoliths freiberg mountain relev alternating started regarded fillings varian belonging researcher retain highlighted ebf s1kb trigger encaps kuus ##ientific supporting cumulative cycles springs potassically magnesian scheme millimeter dilution know deriv decompression superimp digestion droplets octahedral ##etrically metapelites microphotograph rcum extrusive numbers eyes fossil infrared subaerial paleosurface collapse llallag platform neighb accepted upgrading inheritance ##agunna atlantic beyond neoblasts smoky argentina hyperspectral strontium ftir junnagunna literature mystery pliocene viloco accommod ulvospinel noteworthy researchers llallagua apl f2 give hn hing hous kg l30 lying l01 lighter mu mound mpa ple pentlandite run tru vac wu δ56 ##pic ##equ ##ds ##55 ##cing ##o4 ##oich ##off ##uan ##senic ##iff ##ville ##flu ##kd ##ye ##bly ##18 ##m2 ##matitic ##zi ##zh ##heless ##teen theore ##tiated ##eric ##ateg ##istent ##enty ##agonal ##octa co3 ##eto ##etheless ##atized ##atization reka ##actic statis stoich ashan asthen mineralising mapped ##opl ##omb atac complic fluence ##ocking ##range queen shoot exer ones ##ume tem seigal ##quiv mineralizations ##udite unus platin assay assays assump geosc abrup neogene ims ##ians conspic liu arsenic northeastern care allanite masses regular precise undul skutter sketch ##ova tera 159 shell sheared proven transform equations borska turonian 118 plotting oxidised ##enging stepped tiny resultant collage serpentinization volumetrically 2100 created polymictic clean detach overlaps curves gives circles discuss ##issi polito veinlet 176 nodule constraining lacks drift xenothermal nonetheless batten document 1997 1993 demonstrates orthoclase coexistence downhole illustrates ##uiri regardless paths entra infilling principally shifts globally graphite s2b lithostratig kuh ##ovalent named namely vugs milky help mali procedures constitutes anomalously cracks franc front opposite questions okinaw essential greatly sudoite siguiri europe immiscibility diapir reopened endowment morococha carpath lineament stretching sodium dashed disproportionation famati murphy cubic undeformed giant laboratories bukusu raman fundamental channel beijing intermedios epitactic cathaysia encapsulated kuusamo neighboring hno3 δ56fe stoichi ashanti platinum abrupt conspicuous skutterudite okinawa 2b 5c 6c 69 7a 97 900 amal cier dab emb hed jdd0 kol kival lhas none otish pock ri ric s3 sve squ une vi war xia yuk zero σ1 ##ef ##dese ##une ##uments ##nant ##nerite ##sz ##sorption ##gam ##hr ##ko ##kl ##kh ##bbi ##19 ##mentioned ##zn ##67 ##onitic inac intim ##arab ##orting ##orida ##ants ##olid ##olong ##istingu too ##idized ##ull ##uled ##ursion ##igranular ##ocal iss isop deviations ##usively forces rect recharge alas ascent ##ila ##ota ##omes atte bear ##arton online ##ries ##umed cryp what seem intercep ##ongo ##ongchang ##liq report union plaus clath isother collectively subver subjected indistingu faulted constit lie arf modes ##itised fulongchang ##akh overp 2020 domes marks twin regolith apprec mayo adsorption precur accounts eskd volcanogenic completed modeled undersatur undiff redistr epox impro monovalent silicified americ grouped arctic paleopl northwestern incremental remark originally thermometry sl1 ##ishable albitized decipher tur2 chemically uppermost esm1 endmemb stronger defines ##erentiated ce3 ##aves δ34sv 144 petrogenesis ##ompass isoch 2009 florida decreased rimmed 2019 lineation intersect wallrocks huarab convective successfully plutonism photo 177 kebbi comparisons detect catheline radius radiometric exclude qz2 working workers chondritic accompanying episodic argue positions influenced calibrated gangdese involves santonian d3b thermochemical incorporate discrimin starved coincident chambers ##huani power ##idora integration encoun encompass kars macroscopic ##inning blebs john actual crack fronts resetting essentially dimensional subprov quality ##agoo akissi analogous dominates destruction returned unmixing cataclastic accurate tonnage lamprophyre ##zenbergite tibet neutral aluminum lehota microspherules xrf evidenced introduced porphyroblasts herzenbergite kellhuani resurgidora objective 232th truong ##fluid ##octahedral unusual geosciences carpathians amalgam cierna jdd08 kivalliq lhasa intercepts indistinguishable undifferentiated epoxy huarabagoo cathelineau 3c 64 81 9b 94 bes cn cf crop ded ek f6 fed fette goy hen jog junction kd lol liz lac lath nu ng nac nomen oro oume pic rm rip rang ruled sx sas sorted td tb tub wr wed wan ɛnd ##pris ##52 ##crystalline ##oin ##uable ##xagonal ##ni ##sal ##sation ##gou ##ham ##vrion ##flow ##fect ##kro ##ym ##28 ##bing ##13 ##ji ##σs ##alkaline ##nded ##arsen ##arallel ##rous ##aner ##leigh toum tools ##iden ##idate ##aga ##aged ##rative ##oclastic coal alone ascri ##ows ##imin ##otka anast anox ##omit attain ##tras chall chron chuk began ##oura prolong diach ##insula ##abd quies shosh disapp disequ exact cr2o3 whis grare ##ydrous resin resist ##stable unstable valuable ##hedron ##orementioned subt subject subalkaline phaner ##ade concomit ##ariably ##angg calcare scarce scientific indication aug suggestive marl twenty ##ignific ##llar pores ##ifically snow refers silt eu3 epic metaluminous aforementioned monomic 155 lavrion generate transformation transcur ultras equigranular plun explo vertically trivalent invariably localization slate borate peb solely specifically 111 insignific ##anned polyg gradual defining normally δ34sσs anhydrous affecting 2004 manit serpentinized 1600 flakes deepest 2014 count displayed curved thicknesses py3 ##ilibrium juxt 170 broken ##lingite lamina recognised bedrock trond herein eddy dependence rayleigh groundwater ##ooth assume losses handp geometries approaches axes parameter zhang ##ledge evaluated dispersed dispersion paas pairs supergroup tetrahedral coincides reasons buffered promoted sparse highlights rapidly ##argyrite purp dense denote peninsula causes causing digenite enhance haloes ophiolites synto synthe gradients intercalations interesting accretionary argentite brannerite russian ##skite question 2095 innermost subparallel aspect aspects nigeria nucle coldwell prevail roughly bracke mosa findings invoked exclusively foreland ##otia relevant knowledge superimposed theoretical detachment famatinite yukon subvertical overpress undersaturated encountered fettekro goyllar lollingite nomencl toumodi anoxic chukotka prolonged disequilibrium calcareous monomictic transcurrent insignificant juxtap 320 79 8a bud bgm dic ec eger fly fixed iib jud jia kel kaz kfs l42 md mature oh pum pole q2 rat rou raf siss tor take u3 vo wac wood wind xy ze zo zinc ##des ##57 ##ung ##sky ##iation ##lated ##linal ##rical ##gru ##gasite ##ho ##38 ##bles ##mann ##60 ##tectonic ##ona ##onst ##aration ##arine ##arca ##orous ##icit ##astr ##isp ##atche ##ratic ##ural ##uras ##usite alluvial states ##vements ##luding ##yser ##ech maastr ##opted ##omme ##omanian att atyp compan fluores beg ##tices ##ichtian figures diabase ##abar quar quite incons ongoing ##riwa ##umably ##ucro teena resid seques metac spi span ##ession ##ipucro enab collector presumably pargasite perc perth laterite ##rogen fully scap scotia microm micritic hexagonal charge whereby bias append adopted preced otherwise crush ##arded ##ardima recalc recomme aplitic ##ify processing ##ectively ##olites analyzer termin 151 law ##obar pyrargyrite invent syl drillhole na2o outward albian electronic ##ometry intergrowth supplied amphiboles inset estimation gradually 147 coarser probable centers cenomanian carry 160 syntectonic 217 finely wallrock intens aggregate densely hgt hg2 methodology degass polar ##201 crosscuts homogenized marbles diamondiferous aquif smooth histor grd excell metasediments predomin broader quantification ##isey demonst reserve migrate fertile fertil amongst thermodynamic freezing orthog nano pao capture deline vents technique phyllites promote errors geothermometry networks ##continent distinguishing acceleration physico sensitivity campanian tends metabasalt peralkaline backscatter pseudomorphic intracrat contrasts bleached cumulates rhabd cpx 541 tellian preparation stringer interference sense targets microcrystalline immiscible pelitic submarine uralian geophysics cyclic convergence brief ligands interlay ghardima germany luminescent liberated unpublished microtextural microbreccia club pyroxenes truncated colquipucro employed derivation assumption undulose ririwa squares ##olidated plausible appreciable precursor redistribution isochores 177hf besides ekanite liziping wedge anastom whisker phanerozoic concomitant epiclastic laminae handpicked synthetic mosaic nomenclature judge mdf sissons voisey maastrichtian atypical fluorescence inconsistent appendix demonstrating intracratonic rhabdophane ghardimaou 2h 220 420 425 542 aq bn ball dd dick dav d201 eure f5 fenite gover hr ions kur kap kcl koss kup kerman kyser lati m3 meren nine ove orange px pi pus pill paz psh pimb pyroxenite pump rain s4 session tro tak u6 weld wdd xi δo ##aa ##ael ##emp ##dal ##uasi ##tun ##take ##sm ##iated ##ived ##loc ##lore ##lind ##rb ##rig ##hj ##we ##wd ##wi ##qiao ##kite ##17 ##mn ##mer ##mium ##85 ##43 ##ineral ##inian ##ense ##rot ##itz ##asp ##osi ##atest ##lex ##lection ##ingx ##idal ##idge ##idian ##ulating ##igorous rece alunite aligned stabil ash ##ludes ##ims anate chi bea ##restim ##ouf proj diverse ##abi quant disloc exemp once who wharton sulfarsen ##irt grave seams relate colors spon spher ##liers granoblastic granulite contam uniden enl ability altering carbonatization nept phl ##ades ##adic conclude concern serrat obuasi perfect sci ca2 cavity varied weight leak characterisation trap apply approp aper sn2 commun surpris text eventually regionally ups uptake complexation greatest ##arelian ##ovolcan analyzing mont thicker sandy propag ##ressive remnant explored explicit triple matched localised outlined mswd 113 11b reactive averages effectively gave stere became polyphase defin potosi isocon 2007 exhibiting manif 2012 predates ##anshan interstices 235 metasomatized hg0 ##burn preserves homogenize equilibration 37arca recognition excess excursion bedard ##co3 substitute lacking dried quantified meaning plastically ##overy topography angles influx 225 1998 diopsite remobilized cylind preferred downward nanling differentiate delamination delta phosphorite database changed sparsely focusing 316 s1h corrections buffering stratovolcan swarms hybr examine magnesium passive interferences ferrous necessarily aims ##ammites mobilization tested ##skd wassa qualit superior facilitated chec subgrains fibrous urals ascending contractional geophysical turbidites convergent h2so4 tilva stromatolitic cupola centimeters joints transtensional conjug called ttg resemble subducted bb4 bacterial utilized william conceptual nitrogen compartmental hydroxides scavenging sequentially prediction freibergite complicated lithostratigraphic stoichiometric kolba pockets clathrate ##akhstan paleoplacer powerful laths tdm2 waning shoshonitic disappear ##angguo plunge trondhj flysch kazakhstan rafael woodburn xy6 scapolite recommended inventory ririwai ddh1 dickite kossou latit merensky overestim pusangguo pillow psht pimbyana δo18 received unidentified neptune appropri stratovolcano trondhjem 1d 2c 240 270 3e 6b 6li 650 8c ah aouf bit berg bsr cmp carb chen dh dare d1b duration docking ew ever euras f7 fu fec fips gt gap gour gust hil hold hess jap kr kof lap lined l50 mr mut mach mounts nat pod r2 rene rand raw ssz tol tent tip tang tort tsr void viable vien wack yar σ3 ##aff ##pentlandite ##ex ##ele ##51 ##ctic ##oking ##xin ##xian ##no ##hor ##wed ##vin ##fb ##fwi ##qing ##kon ##kura ##yn ##yg ##bas ##100 ##mic ##menting ##zite ##zows ##010 ##ontin ##tib ##tier ##timal ##tization ##ested inser ##eness ##aramm ##oritic ##ita ##itt ##itus ##osil ##isible ##inga ##ingham town ##elf ##atu ##ator thir ##agne coas conce rev reys rever react review ##iza ##izab alta ##imine anion ##omineral attention chap compare ##iong ##ticles dia ##insky ##ode shred shah ##tency ##irney grav ##gey ##ighting ##amorph sealing sefwi reli relicts relief spaced spanning interpl lowto unf unox assim geji alterations fada subtle indus carbonatitic ##ado ##ads ##ape ##ocities pararamm ##arios ##plate scot ##aki concentrate ##nging ##erson indices agate agrees martin ##zozows tradition traps applying preclude crusts volcanoclastic sn4 references ##hanen processed ##hibole bruk brzozows express expense breves treated sands paleocene paleoto lithophile secondly presents presently ultim ##ieve empir inf41 remove calculating plunging ultra invisible syen symb strikes 125 1200 postulated 114 reacted 1980 itself 18o 182 elizab metamorphics 132 ##elsbergite strongest continu continent defects characteristically laterally ceased cementing replacements identifying 143 148 affects determining produces faces isoclinal constrains shallowly ##amphibole finland optimal activation clinoch geochemically longer appearance kigom homogenisation logf photos consideration ##fs2 ablated kev kekura histories conductivity irrad mesh detritus quantif pegmatitic ##tructural counts rhyolites 2060 ilirney ##30f stresses paragenetically stockworks ##neisses brownish arsenides 1996 centres camie thermoc thermometer tension tenors lithologic proportional imagery conversion microfabric pair neto coincide greisenization enveloped operations cordiller targe favoura 249 viewed needles focussed advant frequent velocities dilational footprin zhao rings enclosing boul scenarios emu vanhanen ambiguous tabs inverted 66zn exceeding elongate metallogenetic 1984 powdered monitored drawn dravite france suscep formulae occupies occupied 57fe cobaltpentlandite dimensions debate comoe microcrac derive peripheral european clinoamphibole penetrative diapirs aph2 nuclear destructive return gdg rheological postdates ligand double coatings cupolas centimeter destabil diversity constructed zn705 xenocrystic b20h lengths accumulated aureole deviation feldspathic variance retained aplites vacancy wuhan asthenospheric atacama francolite heden sveco intimately attemp isothermal constitu endmember 144nd nacle ranged coales ascribed diachronous quiescence ultraslow purpose bracketing overpressure budget routine crushing intensities degassing grd39 excellent anastomosing kapai rainb wdd10 dislocation exemplified spongey aperture cylindrical hybrid qualitative appropriate trondhjemite aoufour gourma hessite kofi random vienna wackest altaite interplay gejiu pararammelsbergite bruker brzozowski elizabeth clinochlore favourable 340 4e 4h 49 490 750 720 8b ae a1 ara aip a52 ban bingham cro city cma da dil dup et e2 ecl fusion gond hi him hong hrees iran jour jones kl kon ker kam kamb lw list lrees lskd m2 m1 martz menz nto oz pp prac pond pile port parent p2o5 q1 rie raj rising tat tight tist uv u4 vit ways xu xishan yunn zang ɛhf ##ave ##aou ##pts ##dh ##der ##dera ##54 ##cting ##cordant ##oh ##oon ##uis ##iet ##lain ##gar ##gac ##hots ##hinsky ##wang ##van ##frac ##ymm ##26 ##32 ##33 ##bia ##brot ##15 ##600 ##610 ##tet ine inhib ##ente ##enge ##enish ##arite ##articles ##ora ##orated ##orne ##itard ##icien ##edded ##anuni ##osic ##osec ##ola ##olz toc ##elane ##ider ##ulf thous ##uri ##urch ##ige ##igan ##ocated ##ocular cour cotun ##uso conform ##ether ##terran minute ##acies stor stolz asymm depict anis antim ##ecke ##opo ##oparticles ##omagmatic chong chip church ##therm ##ougou ##ranimine quater ##ogged saw incip ##rif gravity hydroly hydrofrac metaps methane ##stown ##liable ##udoin unamb enable plates clim clogged fei collection ##oreg phyric ##apf ##ources diffract serra ##ologies ##ologically ##ondary corner microg ca1 notation intrins simulate heishan overlie 105 10b observe applic adsor precious pool movements esc ##hann uranophane uranoth euxin reduce ##icken melonite imper implication underlain tiranimine monoph monecke silicon 154 paleoreg discern generic lithof lithotectonic transient empa ##ressources reflection explore dry ultrap triangular matches ##awnt outline outliers slicken 121 solute oxygenated describing 190 185 ellip ##ometre mush numidian insens 137 efficien dissemination esm2 becomes polycrystalline cele ##rysts distinction 2001 2008 comparatively caruso 16aou syncline 2140 create liquated phenomen 2013 finn fineto fineness opx optim intersections ##rug circular huari huanuni fourier approximation transitions caldera logfs2 younging uncomm aquitard historic extra radiating ##shoy widths periodic conducive permit permiss subset fewer 260 edm bolshoy qz3 kafang protoc 3000 ##aea ##aean univers argon argued migrated fragment blocky 8530f availability carrier 707 tracer pseudosec moritz tennan nanoparticles minimal illustrate stars australian covers covering pathway experiments experimentally fitted highlighting feeders damang ##arged chloritization purified needs guang advocated shifted 55mn publications accelerated microfracture graphical bald loaded looking ringnes superun kasolite interact interacting sulfosalt termination datasets ##innabar tensile dynamics lodes surveys nappes 88sr hb1 vicente discontinu selvage myrme sustained explanations glasses millimeters branch tescan sufficiently okhots overlapped knoll debris slopes decomposition facilitate hundreds anorth nigerian submic octahedron reopening antithe dominance emphasize mylonitic cataclas unreliable contribute joint destroy conjunction switch cruz georessources zn706 thrusting build harz 4dtherm dubawnt arkosic recycling noticeable fossiliferous hinges runoff ##zhou embedded xiaolong rectangle american karstic crackle subprovinces oroya resistant ##gruvan recalculated eurekan beaudoin science leakage conjugate williamstown japan tortonian ##ontinental ##agnetic coastal concealed reysn chapman unoxidized microcracks destabilization dupuis eclog gondw menzhinsky rajel tistbrot yunnan thousands cotunnite quaternary incipient metapsammites unambiguous uranothorite monophase discernible lithofacies efficiency phenomenon uncommon pseudosecondary tennantite okhotsk xiaolonghe tistbrottet 3h 330 5e 610 850 a2 ben big bir bost bub cas cra cand categ cinnabar gp gase gpa iod iaea ji jin jow jum jord jane kf ky kin ken kud kore lip lago mis mess mole n2 nad nun national ps podi qulong rus runn sie satis trou tay tons tunn uy uo2 vh vigorous ward yun zi zal μg ##aim ##eit ##din ##dly ##cas ##coll ##o8 ##uot ##tti ##ning ##sl ##sis ##sland ##sonian ##ias ##ira ##lf ##l2 ##lor ##limin ##rs ##rit ##rations ##gence ##gory ##granular ##halite ##war ##wan ##vad ##kam ##kka ##yb ##yalite ##29 ##bance ##zr ##tis ##tiary ##reic ##reous ##reatic ##alda ##ndin andok ##arvi ##arovite ##arolitic ##orate ##itation ##itch ##ico ##edougou ##aser ##ostructural ##inger ##eluot ##elreic ##ideng ##idson ##entaria ##agen ##ravel ##ury ##urity ##ochemistry ##ocrystalline ##ocratic conden congo ##etamorph ##terly force reor retention al3 ##acities aren start ##lux depart anne ##ophy attained chao compressive bend beige diab quen shaded shideng ##ogether disch ##vers ##ibly hydrohalite resolved ##oush seal ##stra ##fferson ##quartz sp1 spor spacing spider ##lest interven intergranular ##chu ##lips unrec unaff unravel enter clou femg valid fayalite ##atically prelimin indire ##ander phreatic ##aday ##iana consumed serv serves life strateg norm volyn ##pling ##mbing scre scri scarc corrob ##ngenetic healed ##ctly charged allen wherein leach leitch 2090 accept sedimentological regia 109 trail biogenic butte adve poik accounted lowermost refined reflux therein apatites replenish bring undergo expression ##ortun gregory assembly ames timok tertiary 152 1580 1530 dolomitized discord discarded shearing transf transect generalized crossed plugs plumbing limb trioctahedral syngenetic strip maturity matoush drilled southward originating mg2 slic slates peters albeit decades constants bladed blanks multic 1970 multip firstly ##cl2 135 139 ##anner southernmost steel esm4 tinos graded ##titude cements ##avut normalization negatively homogeneity 146 chromat 305 petrographically probability ##respective 2005 selectively 163 214 2110 flag flac deeply totals thinner recording observable ##olithic overlay intersecting schor giving spectrometers circulations circulate circulating transparent ##oxi preserving lining youjiang jueluot solids solidus aqua keep ##2si tetrad media 375 265 268 irrespective darker sider intruding d2b fraser boni international faraday ferric ferrug ##oeum accessible molec remobilised centrif 331 ionization sintering traced tracing grayish transportation morila tenien ##irei prefer coexists mountains nanjing colorless fugacities converted attribu morphological morphologies capable capacity caprock delhi falling phosphates phyllite infills infilled promising sulphides belongs stream offsets 290 245 partitioned needle focuses yellowish guiana exsolutions confirms argillaceous archaean exhal enclaves denoted superbas batholiths emerg l2b intracontinental distorted rooted ##inned columns columnar jefferson synthes microanaly maly upwards magnesio 7700 binocular hemisp passed massifs powders synchronously chamosite tonod ##16o scalar heavily mobilized bismuthinite opposed opportun favoured debated kinematics independently dupl hills injections cheoeum subgrain fibres lithogeochemistry ##yroxenites strengthen ##etrical turbidite cycladic unmetamorph carpentaria lineaments confirming reconstruct unrelated accurately lamprophyres brack doubly repeatedly idealized petrologic petrological fenitised altogether markers unpubl eruption miarolitic rotation conserved summarised establishing autom ##danne competent boudin chert masw ##axial recycled symmetrical housed carefully entrapped unequiv vielreic inactive issue alaskan improve remarkably tibetan henry ripa manitou kelvin pumice beginning metacarbon percol preceded 147sm historically predominance briefly davidson governed kupol sulfarsenides enlarged concerning latitude bergsl dhh1 every mrc renewed shahabi assimilation empirical thermochron microfabrics cordilleran advantage naclequiv himal jourdanne kambalda uvarovite vitreous course ##terrane churchill hydrofracturing intrinsic euxinic paleoregolith celendin guangzhou gondwana gaseous jordanite messinian nunavut podiform running satisf uyuni zalbi ##collision andokro chaotic shidengzi unrecogn unaffected volynskite replenishment jueluotage ferruginous teniente hemisphere unmetamorphosed vielreicher bergslagen 4f 7e 7li 9d aer bus bow barb bain barn c3 cb cz cuc cli cess dar dur dict dwell dull elu eluvial finger g8 gro get gou gpm hin hid ionic kp ko kom kou kay kink lang lone lub lips mir mort n1 nich norite nans ot pc pu picked rø rom roles sd sag sass sole sms satu ts tass tam troctolite takes uk ust uand vib v2o5 wal wavy xl xiong yt ƒo2 ʃree σs ##aq ##aign ##aara ##pu ##ey ##di ##dale ##dberg ##cu ##carbon ##co2 ##oting ##xial ##sb ##solidated ##iab ##ler ##right ##gi ##genetic ##gression ##hac ##hyd ##hara ##holes ##vium ##field ##katche ##karelian ##yani ##2ο ##3d ##1hg ##mow ##mination ##49 ##46 ##jir ##jarvi ##η2ο ##onous ##int ##inia ##erd ##eritic ##erto offer inform ##enn ##arity ##ariza ##orium ##roism ##iton ##anitic ##ansion ##asse ##astic ##asha ##osive ##leter ##iser ##istic ##isely ##inge ##ingly ##ela ##elve ##atsu ##ulo ##ulitic isol defic deleter coff cogenetic ##usted ##ett als al2si stated static stored as3 ##vere ##lung ##imm depicted ##otyp ##otassic ##otrop ann antec ##eces mao max madan sum ##opp ##ope ##omagnetic attic attes ##trium chains chief compac compilation ##ockite ##tics ##ouk ##ranean projected divalent dioctahedral diasp dioritic quick quims sao sak basic ##umen cruc wholes ##ames hydrocarbon severe metres metap happ ##ffdale colqui sphe elect granophy unless eng entered plimer cloth feg assisted geol geograph geotectonic valence abiti faye ##ford ##forward collect ##oren oxford ##illed india indoch ##andra usgs para paringa diffuse serve ##ayan ##ango ##angerite oblite ##iaxial ##ologic scanned corn meter caution variab height overth overview ##ellite leake 205 sugary marking twelve ##ordin 107 characterizing tray traverse ##llite ##llis adak adiab precludes precisely poopo ##ifications motion ##ifying noting refract crystallised crystallizes undated commod calcites epoch zn2 geologically uplif upright fieldwork implied expand expansion gren monte territ trellis mn2 contrary ##ixi discovery generating km3 sheet lithosphere northward transects transgression smallest developing equiaxial explosive ##oba measura ##matites mgcl2 12b 128 postcollision pearce ##ishing decou easier special 119 evolutionary blind blaa 1912 ##value 407 multiphase 183 1800 elim δ18ofluid ##class unconsolidated 1300 estimating unconformities styra si4 hombre ##hens soil separating ##avaara ##rystic identifiable 145 1400 westernmost 304 productive facility centen exhibited carl carlo initiated 16tig 213 flo flank creation predict ##rystals 237 accordance circum circulated situation ##oxide classical ##2011 nbdh glac 1750 extrac anywhere periodically conductive excel excluding triton meso mesoto intrudes d2kb existed counter illu illi ##308 87rb ##logical ##hnoe maxima migrating migmatites rup huanglong ##yuan isochrons visc 1992 1990 ##rupted simply 335 camera irregularly ##olson ##after ortho orthomagmatic experience instruments tech sanaga imaged tetravalent delim deliver 001 blues bluish ##fe3 favors bathym inputs ##huang purity ##analysis spreads distinguishable centerline centerlines shortly displacements beneficial campaign ophiolitic tendency substitutions ##inder ##ochroism names outcropping d4b ##tomelane bleaching csfb cumulus petzite rhys ##ussian atlasic unknowns clustering exhumed reconc exceeded metallogenesis kinetic passage manganiferous faster substantially scaled ##burgite nist610 atmosphere millimetric mobilize 588 wdd08 sunyani occasional prisms achieve diluted differing braided δ201hg comes sudden evaporated contours wollaston facilitates ##ograms py2a py2b digested akin certainly hudsonian aphanitic splays prevent endowed geothermometers films rheology ##iterranean metapelitic microphotographs postdate reconstructed rodrig rodinia stromatolites percentage microns contributing garze kilometers leucogranite markoye switches eruptive rottier subducting conservation microtextures xenocrysts thrusts bacteria williams intermittently aureoles problem disturbed disturbance equivocal hinge house muerto pleochroism statistical careful 118sn cleaned 176hf entrained isoplot alaska cryptomelane remarkable discriminating jogs sasz saskatche tube exactly augite exploited polygonal nucleus prevailing juxtaposed jiaoxi u3o8 zeiss zoisite attached residue sequestration enabled micrometers carrying aquifers fertiliser orthogneisses captured interlayers pieces quanta spherical definition manifested excursions checked compartmentalization disappearance bitumen d1bkb eurasian fecl2 mutually tentatively yarlung ##osilicate thirty revised reactor shredded reliability scotland symbols irradiation footprint boulangerite susceptib hedenbergite svecokarelian a5244 dilat kln kerr kamariza ponds tatric zangbo ##ietova asymmetric anisotrop antimony climate microgranular ultrapotassic solutes 137ba finnigan permissible antithetic destroyed harzburgite unambiguously bubbles crand iodp jiama jumasha kudan korea nadoll rusk taylor department intervening preliminary indirectly strategies screening scripts acceptable poikil multicol flac3d schorl centrifug microanalyzer opportunity brackets himalayan barnes cucl cliffdale cessation darcy gpmr hidden lubietova mortar nicholson nansatsu rødberg roman sassandra saturating tassongo yttrium ##jirca deleterious coffinite antecrystic chiefly diaspore quimsa colquijirca granophyre abitibi fayek indochina adiabatic measurable nbdh010 huanglongpu saskatchewan 0kl 1mg 380 310 325 4s 410 580 540 63c 612 7c 8d 9c 941 az bac bess bond b90 ck cul cock cast df dal dos dod dust e1 eag eth esp eman egs fro fan fring gor gly gun gall glas gull hm hum hut hsp hone hoe jans kus lv lb lm len lit lom love mω miss nak og oly pz pall pelite pier q3 ren ross rhod sate sle sir sides sits tal tum uchu u308 vn vast virt wat wra wo3 wds xe yan zk zur zaf zgi γos δp ##a1 ##aver ##pected ##poration ##poric ##ee ##eismic ##500 ##cel ##cies ##cceed ##cidate ##ool ##uate ##uter ##tang ##xe ##xi ##xico ##nblende ##ired ##lis ##lusite ##rm ##rates ##gal ##gor ##gcas ##hou ##hore ##vari ##foot ##qinling ##yuk ##bru ##men ##mid ##65 ##jati ##heic ##heng ##hetical ##oncl theory ##tized ##tisation ##tidal ##rela ##inites ##inants ##alth ##alto ##erc ##ert inspec ##enges ##encing ##aras ##aroz ##orb ##orre ##orheic ##roid ##rocl ##roof ##roko ##itney ##ica ##anon ##anzi ##olum ##olian ##ategy ##lef ##lete ##leths ##isqu ##ingba ##eled ##eline ##elves ##idi ##idental ##atac ##mpus ##uly ##ulus ##ulty thorium ##agged ##urization ##igu isov isobar code coast come ##uren contig conduction ##eta ##terland rein requ ##izer ##izga alm align altitude algor ##aca stag stain aseismic ##luni ##luvium ##imas ##tsberg ##ilite ##ilities deport depress depression depicts ##ott ##otop ##yst ##yssal anch anand animas mam succeed ##tron ##tries chad chips chilled compati comput compound compares computed ##seismic ##ticular ##rano ##rant ##ranged prove proved ##inson ##aborate quirt sha shab shad shares examination sav saa1 ##cchac baseline incidence inconcl quartzites ##uced ##ucity whitney veporic ##iring ##irline ##ibut ##thonous rest residence resumed hare hairline relates relay zongo ##quia interpol interseismic ##chouk ##lific evia evans ##udi ##aint uns unroof entering ##roua classic clima feapf valve aberd fair oxic subcontin subangular subcordant prevalent induce ##anda carbonatis neves cups cube phu uses imf ##ada ##apted consum ##conn ##ouri ##aritic served arid arranged module modulus strategy obsc perched ##spective pb2 lateritic scope ##akb corvo corrosion corporation mexico capped hasting belif simulations agba agents head overs ##eller weixi maintain maintained 2080 marker maranon twinned ##alla ##allite ##allah acting actively regularly 10a 101 characterizes trachy bio biomineral ##rices applications adela adapted signs pridor moo3 ##acken ##achite crystallinity commenced commerc eutec survi ree3 microd upflow impreg impacts brun brighter expect bremen fractionate fractionations deformational olivines monolithic amaz amyg terrains tren 1540 dolomites representation paleotop generates lithotyp transformed develops iggcas plug ##obo drastic showings ##ubian originate dissolve slit 124 1270 δ18ome tur1 specks reaches blank electrical 1850 ellef insight gao gaussian ##roscale steele esm3 endorheic mineralogically siroua continue deflection diameters determinations 306 2002 2006 standing swelling select 165 169 2130 flanks flame supra supers totally decrep phenom find finer predated ##ansen cooler grown lightfoot circle ##ophyric poorano transporting ##rational ##bury ##ugou pull pulver links ##issance poles polishing classify greenockite successively juquia calaver logs logatche photograph if35 nb17 opened glimm equilibria barrensland 178 brobo ##rada retrogressed planalto laminations anyui weaker weakness conduct permits subsurface 259 edough profeta geochronologic version detriment detritic predominate ertsberg fission adjusted recrystallised rifts spotted spotty kalkb hollis xenoblastic ##ozhnoe increasingly topographic countries ##ogranites confidence ##rocrysts fragmented 360 3600 restrict buried calibrations labeled 2200 arsenide involve 1991 approaching molasse acidity remainder century 5000 came d3a d3kb estrela thermobar incorporates sinuous tasman tracers tracking tracks 60ni downflow divide progressed 282 microfa oued paucity temporarily tellurium ##naissance coincidence 002 75as rapaki ##tilled promoting sharply narrower favour layering incomplete functional ##arging behave kbds guyana ##analy d1h ##chlore clastics mudjati integrating denser ##ochthonous linkam kuung kuroko l2a panch hypothetical digital selved exceptions manga distant 467 460 macinn equivalents 951 boxwork cumulate packets accreted rhom difficulty syntaxial hyc mildly milluni ##aho assessing assessment microanalys malachite criterion 8230 reconnaissance exceeds colours ##quisite interface 2086 spectroscopic 1989 1988 hydrated 89y c0016 palaeo subdivision myri 187re 73ge branches testing occupy 59co alumina hyperprobe penetration penetrating 528 merc ##board drove fibers intraplate olaroz realm split emphasized programs cpy2 contemporaneously filter mylonite prone rheologically postdating reconstruction british rods interlocking numbered germanium contributes luminesces xiaoqinling altot neutron address addressed histograms calls exclusive cruises microbreccias pyroxenites raster competency accumulations jiangda problems arkose scavenge symmetric sequential pyroph pyrolusite pyrochlore triggering accommodation accommodated aplite mueller mounds asthenosphere exerted provenance channelized dabu dabie richer issues isopleths america detectable karstification subprovince amalgamation deduced picture challenges chronology marls 111cd manitoba interestingly goyllarisqu juxtaposes jiaolong company companies sequestered spike perthite terminations aquifer delineated interlayered troilite taking ##daloidal stabilize anatectic projections contaminants surprise propagated stereon 235u phosphorites overestimated fuh hilton lapland nathan pods ##hornblende inserted traditional ultimate logfo2 targeting attempt constituent rainbow randomly wackestones kontti ineff ##ulfide hydrolysis adsorbed elliptical 16aou10 edmund superunit myrmekite submicron eclogite bostonite candidate tunnel vhms ##aimiao arenites discharging service scarcity corroborated advection discordance transferred multiplier chromatography keeping siderophile molecular exhalative synthesis magnesiohornblende metacarbonates thermochronological bainaimiao durango elucidate fingerprin hinterland vibrational walker ##ennian quickly wholesale hydrocarbons happened spheroid cornubian variables territory eliminate ##classified delimited blueschist bathymetric spreadshe crandallite 63cu cockade dodeca eagle glasgruvan honey hoeve jansson lenticular litang olympus satellite tumugou uchucchac vnir virtually watson zurich ##midt inspection ##roclast ##olumetric isovolumetric isobaric contiguous requiring algorith deportment depressurization saa12011 inconclusive climax feapfu aberdeen subcontinental carbonatisation adelaide pridorozhnoe eutectic impregn amygdaloidal pooranoo calaverite logatchev if3580 glimmerite kalkbacken rapakivi kbds0 mudjatik kuungmi macinnis goyllarisquizga konttiaho uchucchacua 1e 1g 2d 2g 2and 2h2o 32s 342 4g 4j 4so 430 440 5d 530 512 6g 620 7f 710 730 aud b2 b3 bm bary bip bour brough buo bui bank b85 cac cost cad cia chem camb dp dm dot dong dale dun dah ea eld eina ems elastic emi eche fb fric fif fren finite f1b gs gent gig gab god gamm girei hun hird ite iia iolite jins jian jose jack james kot kri kie kety karelian kwang kedougou l3 les lec mp mf mz mcc mors manner np nl nug nuel nno oval oyu pn pin pent page pang pest pep pinc pau panaly q0 qiang ruc rov roll rio rita s5 sit sed sos scc sib sene stit sided sieved sorting slips tag till taw trop uas uta vess vict ws wi witt xin xingx xco2 yu yani yuan yanshan μw σi ##afs ##pg ##par ##pro ##pan ##produc ##pancy ##ez ##ezo ##epen ##eathering ##dou ##day ##78 ##cs ##cite ##corite ##cand ##certain ##comb ##o6 ##oac ##uro ##uum ##uang ##tp ##tn ##tb ##tm ##tas ##tant ##tke ##xing ##nchl ##sing ##sian ##sonite ##sulfide ##ikal ##lm ##lith ##last ##linc ##ras ##gr ##gir ##hre ##hvel ##wr ##wal ##wes ##vally ##vive ##f5 ##fo ##flon ##fza ##finder ##kitic ##koe ##yl ##yan ##yos ##ytic ##yram ##2so4 ##36 ##blow ##bour ##bric ##bility ##bird ##mo ##mor ##mas ##minated ##91 ##89 ##45 ##jo ##ju ##hear ##onides ##onomic thems ##tia ##tid ##tiansen ##requisite ##ala ##alan ##aland ##alusite inor ##enous ##enob andalusite ##aru ##arith ##arra ##arape ##orts ##oria ##orbed ##itas ##itated ##itud ##itoe ##itational ##icates ##icheng ##editerranean ##ante ##asc ##ason ##oso ##osited ##osities ##osalts ##oling ##olet ##oliated ##lem ##lead ##lector ##ishes ##istine ##ington tops togo today ##idine ##idors ##idire ##atus ##enth ##uli ##ulates ##agos ##agnes ##rawang ##iguration ##ocaya isomorph dehyd coordinate ##ures ##ustr ##ushan ##ushu cond ##etrich forty ##erals rend reass aln alluvium minette ##acers ##acai stack astime ascertain ##romatic ##romagnes ##oweathering ##lue ##imian ##tsk byproduc ##economic sue suyos ##oma ##oming ##omediterranean ##mentary ##trient cho chart chain chris chapp chocaya compens beke ##mally ##phanite ##phased ##sey ##sego ##seafloor ##ockwise project prolific diat dive diale dietrich ##inshan ##aba ##abyssal que queb quasi ##odep shicheng ##ogen dismemb distilled sahara bastn maghre ##rie ##ritisation crpg sulfidized teflon oruro ##thart ##amura hydrological resis ##ouss sey sear seam metre metaborate hazen rely relics ##redited ##velj interm intercrystalline interrupted typified ##chuan ##lia ##lium washed evolve repub reporting lowered granophyric ##netif ##ipated unwe unclassified plain plays clari clnchl feat feot fetid assign highto geographic geode ##hedra failed subto subterrane subtidal subeconomic subseafloor ##illion goldfield preand preto prerequisite indo indium indones ##arbonation ##andine nep neand nefza presenting phon phili imbric ##adically ##ianite consolidated parisite concre concent serrated serbia lile ##ayed ##ayna arises arrange modally modifications strict calcium perov pertur pbo lateritisation ##plots ##ako corund concentrates megac micrite micrograph microscale richard intrag ##ersion simulated indications agent agia intact heft ##ctural leav legac itacai ##unas 202 202hg doming twinning ##alloy secular 102 108 10to bioti salvad ##uez precluded consisted consistency sound recovery pristine esi ##ifing ##achi notion complemented complementary refine uraniferous survive biotiteand redep melted melville melbour microto replicate ##ctional zns upd imposs metamict brf5 complexly undergoing manto ##ortchouk fractionating ##oves ti4 analyze monomineral ameth terrain terrig 157 arcuate sericitized paleoweathering paleodep lau laeter lauren generative sheets shelf descend strained stradd strabru transl transecting orogenesis ##iev ##ieba inflow igarape plum exploring controvers measuring bau ba2 limonite correlating verging symp mathem matching matrices ##rison drillholes mgt ##cript outwards boundstone slice 12a 129 borosilicate decarbonation ##sures δ18os dy11 speculate 112 116 1100 reductant icap 195 1950 ample 181 1844 1838 alkalinity mixtures ##abbro ##clines unconstra numerals 133 easternmost gaof ##erged stephanite tint polyphased siou continents soon separately sillitoe ##avite normalizing negro identifies 142 141 chromian petrograph producer coevally coarsely 2003 centim comparably thermally depletions initiation 161 1640 16tas synvolcanic synclines dots ##ocrysts 21ne floren creates creating progression structured fining predating lasted coupling curtin schult school schmidt 231 grows paragonite hypabyssal aggregated longitud transposed ##adier huayna mcir combine envis pulsed fourth linking ##senite classes rosario mechanically caled logarith pointed nb16 uncorre worth equilibrated 175 explaining keith ##goi smith retrogression extract radioac ##iki likewise constraint truly subsidi hereafter yaxian 267 262 2680 2628 mesomediterranean focal 8625 alloying recrystallisation diorites orogenies pastes ##osparite magnification ##overies topaz ##ukin overgrows overgrowing arguments ##roclasts consequent batt battery batouri farther migmatitic ferromagnes 365 limitation 85rb ruthart labelled kaolinites 227 arsenian 1995 1999 molten acids thermometers 709 ionisation peridotites zhou purely mediumto gneissic evaluating downwards nanoc nancy nanometre songpan division discriminant surroundings sanidine 281 converting phoscorite starts paired ##yllite documenting sixteen pathfinder coinciding 7500 sulphosalts operation principles streams retro retrie regimes tectonism 29si cathode stillwater chloritic chloritized views 31p guid ##vaam ##vaara ##continents quantitatively d1ki d154 ##ofrm 2074 reasonably veliki loi loos loose loulo repeat integrate denver denud thirdly volatilization continuously supercontinent greenschistto ##ajavaara columbia penn ##caling name ##beam distances oligoclase rober procedural 72ge 95mo pettke petajavaara packages diffusional cerianite goal johann hypotheses 666 ##ahim favoring proxies lodge tuva tongon obviously discordantly stephens architectural connection connecting fluctuating 1985 1986 fuchsitic actually hb2 corridors discrepancy drain suspected tlc 187o mobilisation 475 bismuthiferous 343 dilute traverses 985 sigm porphyroclast porphyroclasts clinopyroxenites cheng merge ##bohedral subgroup bf7 bf2 bf6 mackinaw ##abilities analogue cementation aph1 habits tmc zheng ascended splay emphasis moroccan briug ribbon vectoring ##uttering tonnes tunisian eye fossils mosahim tilting petrology fenites garnetif kilometre tibchi leucocratic leucogranites invoke ttn ##brunn divergence cruise resembles geoanalysis conserv persist lehmann summarize microspherulitic straightforward 115in mash nitric deviate problematic colquech noticeably feldspathization predicting variants ebf3 statistics atacocha exert exerts 176lu lithostratigraphy conspicuously hedral richest warmer ##klidge intimate attest bears cryptic isotherms constituted improved deciphering endmembers detectors workings amalgamated cnrs fedortchouk lacustr picritic sx100 tubular challenging subtyp pebble pebbly pebbles county enhancement prevailed bgm1 ecos ratones window windblow zealand sylvite historical fertility orthogonal delineate concomitantly kurrawang sessions takena ##ingxia anatexis projection contaminated perfectly trapezo communities montana substitutes check overestimation carbide gustafs gustavite lapilli machine tolgoi towns gravitational unfoliated industry traditionally ultimately syenites 1980s 132xe continuing 143nd optimally quantify quantifying targeted coalescence rainbird wackestone aegir araxa banifing hiatus practically rieger tightly inhibited conformably storm chongan chongqing diffractometer applicable applicability 121sb insensitive insensitivity protocol discontinuity discontinuities anorthosite cataclasite cataclasites birimian categories jowitt kyushu kenieba siete yunxian condensed annealing diablo quenched sporadically 1970s 146nd 2658 2688 preferably attributes superbasin boudinaged unequivocal percolation unrecognized bushvel barbara cbu czech kpcb komati kayla n110 tamky σsin deficient compaction saksey severely overthrus adakitic refractory commodities epochs postcollisional ##valueofrm centenario extractions mesoarchean illitization viscosity reconcile rodriguez susceptibility poikiloblastic multicollector besshi emanating frost glyde missing nakamura rhodonite almandine compatibility computational shabaga interpolation unroofed fairly phuoc consuming ##connected obscured agbahou oversatur biomineralization amazonian paleotopographic phenomena pulverized nb17dd0 detrimental tasmania panchromatic rhombohedral microanalyses myriads mercadier pyrophyllite spreadsheet honeycomb algorithm baryte bipyram brought buoy banket camborne dotted dalema einaudi echelon gentle gammons hirdes jinsha krivelj kieft ketyet kwangsian nugget nueltin pestle peperitic panalytical qiangtang rucklidge sedex sossego senegal tawallah utah vessel victoria xingxingxia yanshanian σij themselves inorgan ##idirectional reassess astimex christiansen dismembered bastnasite maghreb republic unweathered clarif geodetic indonesia philipp strictly perovskite perturb corundum micrographs hefty leaving legacy itacaiunas redeposited melbourne impossible amethyst terrigenous paleodepth laurentia dy115 unconstrained gaofeng florencite schultz longitudinal logarithmic subsidiary yaxianqiao ferromagnesian johannsenite mackinawite garnetiferous colquechaca lacustrine windblown trapezoid gustafson aegirine bushveld bipyramidal rucklidgeite 1σ 1st 2e 2σ 2to 2o6 3i 3f 3j 3fe 480 5f 520 53c 570 590 6e 6d 6h 6f 6j 7d 8e 8f 8k 9e 9g a4 aj ati aid auc arac aila alex bx bj ber bate bent bag bom bog buc bore bad bang bould biss bof bomb b67 barton bouss billion ci c2 ces cos cart cum cct cited cust dv dan dus dram dual drap dimin e0 ero eme emin f0 fon fal fos fri fip fish fqd flex faint ger got goss ganzi hc ht hit het hage held hound hok hanshan i1 iz iand j7 jul jig jams jank kt ki kis king kuc kong kun kend kind koch lc ler los lus lop latite liang lwh lingba mw my mb mβ mit mum mian mari mia mell mall mcl mpr muk m25 mura muted manned merged ns nic nsr nuna nabar nested o3 oes och oso odd omitted orano pf pm ped ples put pad pun pric pix pav puk qt qin rt ran rig rab ried rub rhen roy ramp rae rigorous rarity ragged s0 sro sard sque s60 stib tf tyr tinge um uz vas vill vect wud waves xa xo xinshan yab york yaz ybs ysn za zamb αquartz δn δ57 εv ρ0 ##auc ##aam ##pd ##polated ##position ##eu ##ev ##ek ##eum ##eir ##eared ##eformed ##dam ##datac ##77 ##73 ##cou ##cass ##core ##cang ##coy ##cks ##coids ##oa ##otic ##oke ##ofs ##oaren ##uhe ##uting ##upr ##uano ##tl ##tar ##tocrystalline ##ttsk ##xx ##xpl ##xist ##ny ##nb ##nor ##nova ##saw ##iq ##iro ##iis ##iac ##iap ##iented ##io2 ##iying ##lk ##lin ##lop ##lod ##lity ##lves ##lau ##lining ##lova ##rically ##gd ##gon ##gent ##gov ##garia ##hite ##hous ##hill ##hata ##wo ##with ##vig ##vine ##vanite ##fz ##fre ##fold ##fennian ##ql ##kz ##kod ##kess ##kers ##kov ##kof ##khas ##karite ##karu ##yi ##yer ##yle ##yang ##yko ##31 ##3cc ##bes ##bul ##bec ##back ##bach ##boun ##borne ##1a ##mu ##mel ##mous ##mad ##mogenic ##mise ##moto ##magmatic ##zar ##zel ##zwal ##02 ##64 ##jian ##jection ##jee ##het ##heim ##heir ##head ##tea ##tect ##tezuel ##onance ##onbrunn ##tible ##inis ##inion ##inrich ##inho ##inert ##als ##nds ##ering ##eses ##esite in3 infor inherent ##eni ##ennan ##eneses anders ##arne ##orus ##orole ##rostatic ##itates ##ices ##iction ##icated ##icupr ##eded ##anent ##anky ##anama ##anza ##ancies ##ashan ##asured ##asnova ##ashata ##osol ##oski ##osinian ##osims ##olo ##olom ##olosparite ##lek ##ister ##istered ##isco ##issures tof tom tomb ##elle ##elitic ##idium ##ats ##atonite ##ults thh thins thms ##agar ##aging ##aglia ##urated ##urance ##urrent ##ighed ##igator ##ocally ##ochann isan isostructural dee deion coand coole coordin covari cooke ##usch ##uscript conv coniac ##etat ##etres ##etary forward ##atives ##atizing reward ##izable aliv alber alger aluminous alwar mind ##acher ##acted ##acocha stn stut stopp asia asio2 ##veira ##herches ##herjee ##tsdam ##iladoga depressed ##otti ##otra ##otom ##ysical ##ceix maier maboun sund suff ##oped ##opelitic ##omag depositing chr chac chrys comprom compelling bead beads belem ##phyric ##physical ##oua ##oud ##oug ##ouge ##ichang protr dio dieri dioxide ##abgar shang shanks shuang ##ogo ##ogenetic ##ogors sad saf sadi sapro incl incong incursion oncoids quartzo ##ydeformed ##assikro ##tened vega ##iric grao gravel ##talled ##ydrothermal ##than ##thora ##amin hydrody hydrosulfide resident resolve reshear resorbed resonance ##ostatic seik sealed ##ppard metast metric haute ##stp ##stand ##stages ##fford relies relating ##quet ##quist ##queous spg sp2 spite spong spain spans spanned sparitic interpolated ##ongarra ##utable compose ##lieren ##ractive reports lowens ##udes ##uding grant contrad contoured ##ipation unav uniqu ##roups plant plaque claras clockwise fe0 feand assurance highand isotrop validation valaam abnor ##atical ##vedsonite ##orer subcon subround submitted substages ##illa ##illonite preven indosinian indurated occidental ##andre ##andamm carbonation nee neil neody neym nevad nebul press prestea cup cui cug cu2 cu2o cukaru ##adon ##aderi ##adinite ##adonite ##adero ##adalan ##apace ##iano consens ##conde pariz parad concl locate arb arise arising artis modifying obo perform perspective ##itisation ##ondon canaa analyser ##mber fulf scme scans scarp ##aky ##akro ##akvaam cortex mega meune meyer meinert cave caand believe variolitic ##edimentary intrigu ##ershan ##ersible agpa agalloy hetero hexa healing heiying heinrich hearne overbur thanks wehr charts allochthonous alligator lep leo leaves leapf auer itos 203 suggestion marti marsch maroon twice registered 104 1010 1040 1035 1011 ##zokon trays biot bival biased biological applies adm adfb precluding potsdam poorer pozokon recherches priladoga move moore mokka apm dolco ##meable volcanos novel refining silty deforming euhedra reefs biotites redstone somewhere epr melange microcontinent microcontinents geologist niob δ13cc up19 impr impure imprec majorand ##actory brass bridge ##genbach complexed complexity underco expands ##inesq fractionates grew greywack ##arer afm analyte correcting monomet thickest amel amund amagmatic flowed flowing treat grouping 153 mnz geocron contribut paleomagnetic paleochann discip discordia discoveries shea shelves sheppard lithoc lithostructural desil design designed descaling interpreting seconds ##istocene northwes transgress setup orogens generalised ##penberg inference inferences inflection remote removes reminis equant pluvial baikal bajo lime galenob vermic vergence srp sr2 afterwards additions barney barometer mats match maturation drillcore southwards ##uba ##ramafics mgco3 thermomet ##lash dissolving outp outlier outlines bounds boundstones slack 12ps postmas borates borland peki displace cutoff decim declined fluorites δ18omag easterly mss msz speciation 11a 117 1170 shears describes 1951 characterises sequeir ##valli 406 amplif averaged averaging 1899 1890 1839 ellips alkalis ##engths furn museum westward δ18oη2ο suppress insets installed 13a 136 134 1370 possess effort gaoua stepping steepen esm5 esm10 ended fire tinka ##orsinga ##plex sio4 homony defoc definite bulgaria midto midcontinent ##oya μm2 ##avor ##ryst collomorph ##termost 302 coexist coarset probing facing comparative mana manuscript rarer osmium tianche stands serpentinised sww correspondence carr cartes carcass carapace stratigraph cmto cm2s shallowest 16o 166 1639 1667 synand obtaining 211 218 2120 2180 2135 ##ample supersatur cream liquation liquate polymorph thinned northernmost portezuel clearer microscopes oceans lasting opinion couple activated schwar schonbrunn schlieren ##ruent 233 234 2350 23na ##veness growths cratonic paragneisses parageneses metasomatizing situations densities ndcn ##inclusion pyrop ##oxing hunt huax combinations convex ##issolved poli polydeformed juan nwr nwand titration logα logan log10 logged pointing considerations uncia solidification 172 171 fluoride smel ##vester ##2s3 surrounds ##rador vsmow plateaus grit gratonite planetary lamination weakest excite closest permanent clayand clayton subsamp substrate subsiding devoid granitophile 2500 266 2600 2670 2655 2633 irvine summit summaries orientated fissure gashes gascoy lacked rifted distally evenly drif driver works physically kairei kalana bonanza elevations holocrystalline ##robas topic tapped episodically ##ukoski discussions environmental configuration ##okout clustered argu semic exsolve outcomes ferry ferkess 369 hannington limitations huangshan influencing calibrate documents labrador 222 226 224 involvements ridley wavelengths visually visibly visconde miller milled peridiap remobilisation centro centred d3akb thermof incorporating axio sink ##ultramafics 90zr zhong tenkod 357 coexisted nanosc nanosims nanotom ##3cs minimizing alternation flattened 285 283 286 284 2800 converge microfissures ##brera ouadalan outermost tuffaceous capuano ##upung phosphorus offshore buffers ##fe2o3 phyllosil sulphidation operative magnitogors lengthy spargov peruvian δ13cpd retains ##onald metaultramafics ##ovice 017 013 295 298 296 dams chlorine 317 substituted substituting amphibolites quantity 558 d1kb ignition 27al celadonite publication ##chloric descriptive 022 029 sensing balkhas s2ki 713 718 7119 load lookout δdη2ο anton enclose enclave integral trigonal 4300 43ca bohr volatility superterrane superposition reprecipitated 00001 auricupr panel pankka panadero ##aoqing self vancou enhances enhancing intracrustal terminated tetrahedra ccstp foil foitite lamellar d4ki macra macrocrysts necking roed roots contextual bleiberg boxes boxplots csiro packed packstones ##wave grabens 91500 acquire turns hyttsk milpo assessed 543 malashata ##ctuated exceptionally robustness instant instances papers papua tuyuk tuanama tongue ##delle ##athetic colourless hemati hematized necessitates hb3 hydration discreet aimed creep draw troughs ##ammopelitic domeyko breakup 188o 1886 catalytic lancang myrtle suspend glassy 479 447 44ca offline occupancy 2098 209bi 59co3 8000 shoots icpmsdatac efficiently bravo idea knight slowand comment alumbrera sudbury brightly cacl2and 427 987 borders duplex sigma siguri ##ylonitic chilean hyperion penetrate 321 airborne mercur ##noscand subgroups petrophysical akita bf3 drops peloids ##chell analogues submersible aguas lamprophyric 062 raised vesicular realgar realistic ascendant segregations prevented emphasizing infiltrate morocco fila filtered idi mylonites mylonitized stretched microstructure bayan gained roughness sodic sodanky silvery equals tonnages ghaderi mosander tilted stromatolite percentages referring 140ce 2018a rhyodacitic requirement fennoscand garza garpenberg liberation ##curate subaqueous cubanite 1037 ##ieflinc differentials collapsed 2105 gifford rotated construct persistent thrusted 93nb auton built harrison harlau compex infertile 1978 tethysian introducing visualization porphyroblast cherts cherty dubhite hangingwall jiangshan jiangnan compartment hydroxyl employing relevance retaining ebf1 derivative plethora pleistocene vacuum statistically assayed assumptions liuyuan undulatory 159tb 176yb documentation infillings francisco diapiric abruptly embayed pocket uneven viability inacc inaccurate cryptocrystalline arfvedsonite paleoplacers discriminator encompasses encompassing neutralization 232th16o 645 8100 lacn nutrient orocline ranger ##goudou ##ymite challenge chronological diachron quiescent resistance august snowbird snowmel ultrasonic polygenetic purposes denotes nucleation bracketed overpressured kelly ohmoto torro windsor zoheir quarter residues enabling percolated perthitic preceding terminal sylvanite sylvester 2172 2176 predominates davis governing kurupung pxr troll welded ##aspro stabilized quantax sulfarsenide surprisingly montmor 113in definitively manifest latitudes stratovolcanoes ahmad eurasia fujian hild holds krasnova tentative yarakvaam thirteen reversal shreddy gravim scott syenogranite symbol 182w irradiated footprints bouladon susceptible hedenquist svecofennian attempted constituents aeolian aravalli cropping crops daily etching lwsh practice portug ##600f storage hydrolytic diffractograms escape impermeable reflections slickenlines ellipso optimized aquitards permitted protocols universite universid microfractured superunits myrmekitic anorthite submicroscopic category jowett kinross lagoa psammopelitic ##kami condensation reorient annealed bends diabases quench ##quartzite sporadic validity lifetime slices petersburg 1395 139la tetradymite attribute superbasins emergent duplicate strengthens automatically boudinage unequivocally satisfactory aeromagnetic aerosol g856 g855 gouey koongarra kouassikro otto pc1 xltp informative attico attesting crucial metapelite metapyroxenites electrom electrostatic england geolas geolaspro geographical geographically obliterated 205tl uplifted grenville decoupled decoupling 16tig29 2137 float glacial counterpar illumination rupture ruptures orthoand orthoquartzite ##fe3o4 dilatant anisotropy centrifuged bacaba culmination espin fringes gorceix humite palladium wrapped yanacocha stagnant staining anchoring mamzar compounds shaoxing shadows savukoski hastings commercial survival microdolosparite lithotypes δ18omeasured 165ho 169tm superseded decrepitated thermobarometry microfaults incompletely selvedge c0016a subdivisions stereonets ineffective dodecahedron impregnations kbds044 4jhn 4so2 audetat bourdelle caco3 cadmium friction frenzel gsd giggenbach godfre hunan iterative jackson jamesonite kotzer panglo pinches pauk sibson stitching tagil tropical xinjiang ##lithic dehydration condorsinga renders chappelle diatreme queershan resistivity search featuring goldfields nepheline imbricated concretion concentrating arrangement megacrysts biotitization salvador updated 157gd descending straddling strabruken plumes mathematical δ18osmow 181ta 141pr petrographiques envisaged caledonides nb16dd0 uncorrected 175lu radioactivity battaglia nanocrystals guidotti loosely repeatability denudation sigmoidal conservative komatiite nb17dd032 buoyancy jinshajiang inorganic reassessment clarify philippines 53cr ajabgar atio2 araca ailaoshan alexandre bateman bogoso buchan boulder bissig bofia boussinesq cosmogenic cartoon custom danchi dramatically eroding emeishan eminent falun fosheim gotze hitachi hetaoqing hagemann hounde hokieflinc j7600f jigsaw jamstec jankovic kochkarite lerouge lingbaoite mitchell mianlue mellandamm mclennan mukherjee m257 murakami nabarlek oso3 plesovice padilla punctuated price pavlova pukiq rigid rabo riedel rubidium rhenium squee uzyan village vectors wudichang ybsn zambia δ57fe ##oarenites ##xplored ##zwald tombros deionized cooley coordinates covariation coniacian alberta stutzite stopped mabounie belemnite sadiola saprolite incongruent hydrodynamic seikorole spongy lowenstern uniquely isotropic abnormally subconcordant subrounded preventing neodymium neymark consensus artisanal scmem intriguing heterolithic hexavalent heiyingshan overburden wehrlite leapfrog marschall bivalves pozokoni dolcoath niobium δ13cco2 up193 imprecise greywackes monometallic paleochannels northwesterly reminiscent galenobismuthite vermiculite thermometric 12psg postmasburg sequeirinho ellipses homonymous coarseto tiancheng cartesian supersaturation portezuelo schwarzwald pyrope huaxiong gascoyne ferkessedougou peridiapiric tenkodogo nanoscale phyllosilicates magnitogorsk spargoville δ13cpdb balkhash auricupride vancouver hyttskogen tuyukan lancangjiang 59co32s icpmsdatacal mercury sodankyla harlaux ##goudoum snowmelt montmorillonite goueygoudoum counterparts godfrey ajabgarh hokieflincs mellandammen 1n 1f 1to 2s 2i 2l 2θ 2ge 2co 242 2na 2fe2o3 3g 3to 3h2o 4ki 414 416 4h2o 5k 5j 599 525 516 7i 725 8g 8h 8j 8kal 820 830 840 950 ao ade acan aram amm aha aided aki aky aware ah1 aerial bu b1 b4 bos bure bab bod bib bari bole bare bons bird banks bobo bidirectional c4 cin cate cud cari cren ccd cbs crock credited d5 dt dx dg d0 dock dog dred dap dmm days daping dump eg eh epp emm eolian fp fq fy fet fum fale file fix fans fiss fused flash g9 gj gat glu gse gres gri gong gud gill gone guo gather gans g10 giles gui gup goren gcs glead gfz hp hl han hou hod hif hough hob heng hots hof hkl ip i2 ij ire iter iog iles item iber ida ioa ja js jr jal jan jos jel jag jus jac jaw jem jiao jebel jade jsm jabi jcu jagged kh kμ kit kid kag kati kyr kran kian kang ksp kram kens kep kaw kok kley keny komb kona lp lr lα let lot lou lud lak lps lamb lagos london mim mom mich moun mft mrees mott nk nag nom nels ntd neritic oros ode oik omit ochi oolites p5 pg p2 p1 p8 pes pil pion pir pied pose pie pca polyb peng pina putter ppt pm2 poura paint qf qil qiti rs rl rf ry roc rose rays ruff ruk risen rind radium rises rye ropp ryuk sv sf sti sor sic sat sab sli snt soci stem ske stim sval soph s1b sorption ted tres tain tso tied tme tail traction tav ttd tidal tanshan tzr tanner ui ug uul v5 vat vign vial vamp vital venting vidal vander voud wd wit wur wus wet wren wona wisp xs xv xm x8 xain xie yr yin yal ying yag yum yam y17 zes zou zimen ƒs2 αc βf δ2 μa ρs ρw ρf ##aure ##aah ##avalent ##aolo ##pi ##part ##pap ##pest ##pula ##puttering ##eg ##eite ##eet ##eak ##exis ##eks ##eva ##dag ##dled ##digal ##disp ##donald ##5o ##75 ##cr ##carb ##cale ##cie ##cuo ##cumul ##crustal ##crystals ##coped ##oo ##oi ##oitic ##otile ##ook ##oeb ##ooh ##oola ##uated ##unt ##uoma ##tu ##tro ##top ##tone ##tario ##xili ##nα ##nal ##nus ##now ##nock ##nigh ##nand ##nari ##night ##nial ##noe ##nio ##nakh ##noin ##ste ##sil ##side ##sons ##sors ##sberg ##sidian ##sbury ##ios ##iri ##iata ##iof ##irian ##irov ##lv ##lit ##lass ##lam ##lap ##lari ##lone ##lolites ##lskd ##lnα ##ror ##rarily ##ridge ##g3 ##gis ##gra ##gart ##gass ##gong ##gram ##gross ##garnet ##gie ##glas ##gera ##grated ##grew ##gasi ##grs ##grant ##hl ##h2 ##hb ##har ##hion ##hout ##hui ##hind ##haras ##wu ##whe ##wth ##wable ##wered ##wood ##web ##vx ##vent ##vare ##vka ##vsk ##fal ##fter ##fri ##fers ##fo2 ##falla ##qik ##kr ##kk ##kol ##kong ##kha ##kana ##kovic ##kaya ##know ##yz ##yind ##yishan ##2co3 ##37 ##3s ##300 ##bal ##ben ##bar ##bol ##bow ##bot ##bell ##bara ##bules ##bukin ##mq ##mar ##ming ##mat ##mond ##mund ##mission ##matization ##mkz ##zu ##zic ##zan ##zak ##zers ##zones ##zca ##zha ##zonite ##95 ##97 ##92 ##930 ##040 ##0vx ##61 ##489 ##jin ##jhem ##jens ##jau ##jima ##jno ##ƒo2 ##tek ##te2 ##test ##tell ##tected ##teani ##teenth ##tegrated ##ontal ##onized ##onne ##onia ##onites ##onto theories ##tious ##tiles ##tiain ##titions ##titive ##tieite ##ret ##ref ##rell ##relement ##ino ##inas ##ints ##inization ##inie ##inner ##infal ##integrated ##ales ##altic ##alsp ##aliv ##alysis ##ndi ##ndite ##nderson ##eration ##erra ##eries ##erug ##erned ##escoped insp informed inliers inboard ##enne ##enable ##enberg ##encies ##enkovic and91 and73 ##arat ##arted ##arges ##arska ##aroon ##arook ##orn ##orie ##ornaya ##orio ##oriented ##roum ##roduce ##roton ##rospective ##itor ##itso ##itrarily ##ican ##ication ##icity ##ede ##edo ##eden ##edee ##anling ##ancing ##anzh ##anqiao ##anchuan ##anhead ##anyind ##aninie ##asible ##asque ##osit ##osph ##osurface ##olic ##olves ##olgie ##leu ##lean ##lets ##lected ##lemented ##leview ##lezn ##lectic ##isel ##isher ##isations ##isomb tot toog tooth towed ##elier ##idis ##idization ##idates ##idya ##idio ##atal ##atly ##atch ##ators ##entum ##mpu ##mps ##mpere ##ulu ##ulas ##ulass ##ulze ##ulomb ##ithostatic tho th4 thomp thomas thresh thydrothermal ##agic ##agonite ##ray ##ra3 ##raded ##rajno ##uru ##uruo ##urities ##igram ##igma ##igmatic ##ocumul iso ishi deuter coop coord cook copula coulomb ##ustion cone congru ##eton ##etone fornari ##ativeness ##erald rear reed reich read rejected reanalysis reju ##izuo ##izona ##izontal al1 alin alma alvo alfe3 alvare mina miners ##acq ##acive ##acancy arenite stu stro stace stark staff asw asaah ##owdh ##vember ##luka ##lucent mineralisations ##imes ##image ##imorph ##imanite ##imetallic ##ilin ##ilated ##ilom depiction depaolo deproton ##otan anat anth anto antiform ##ece ##eco ##ecuted mak mamm madag suh suit sutures suction suturing ##opher ##oplastic ##omo ##omous ##omict ##omorp ##omoch ##omirov atten attitude athens ##mentation ##mentally ##tria chp champ chako chisel chowdh compressed fluency beak beau bende behind ##therbukin ##arthy ##ocked ##resgrant ##ticle ##ticellite ##ouy ##ouol proto protect diode dioh dianzh ##abases ##abadi ##abaya quiet qugasi ##tinent ##odol shard shnds ##ogover disag disord disreg disrup disrupted disconnected disintegrated exotic executed sam said saum sauc savel saint ##cci inca incision incident inclined onand ontario formulas quartzof ##verine ##umb ##umie ##umacher ##umgart ##uca ##uche cry cr3 crater sully ##assa ##tenite ##tential ##tengruvan veget veizer sulfidization teleview grande grapest grandite ##gend ##thite ##thur ##ighing ##amg ##amatic ##amian ##amata ##amans ##amellite hydrochloric hydrogarnet rests ##oustic ##ostratig ##anto sev seas seis sempere ##ppled haf haz hamp haqui ##ston ##storp ##stances relic colluvial colusite zonal ##quate ##quanzi ##quitas ##ypal ##alca sputtering intersp interstra intercumul intertek ##uto typology composites eleven ##chan ##chka ##chists ##chini ##chinson ##liang ##liuhe ##lieni waste washout eva ##racting reproduce reposit lows ##uded granodi granules ##neath ##neaure ##ystalline contorted ##essy ##essar ##essed ##ipel ##ipment unity unfor unans unpol unchang unidirectional enters eneto enigmatic playa clt clots clarity fewest feasible assist highland gem geotra valle valent validate fauna ##forsen ##001 ##00lv ##eneities subj subark substage subhor subordin subzones ##illing precon preval preexis preinfal occs occluded ##andong ##andesite inclusionand neill neoform presputtering cuney cuona ##entration philli usage ##nturi ##adong ##adial ##adoite ##aped ##apoin ##apoh ##apagos ##iani ##ianshan ##concel parana parsons partitions concluding concludes concave concurrent ##ouris sulfideand serp liar arri argo aragonite arizona article ##anged ##angles modify ##ectual calcitic ober obsidian obotan norte norian norway nordly pert perko peroxide pertinent perapoh ##ataia ##arnason ##itius ##itizing magmatically pb0 cancan lateto veined veinand ##rosive ##place ##plates fulmar scant scour screw scoured scanhead ##aking ##akala ##heminant ##hemogenic coring cornw corals corrosive concentrically ##deley mete meix cawth notwith richly ##nggar genalysis intricate simulation aged agand agglomer agency agua ##astoplastic hey health henderson overc overr overly overdisp overnight overgrew overwhe weil wealth weighed weeks weighing charac charges alloc leather leaches leila leave leica legend auand augen auxili mainland itataia domo ##ramylonitic marum martine martell marabadi ##orded ##allon ##allurgical acute acknow acetone acoustic secret sedimentology 10ca 1030 1012 1013 training bif bior bivalent bioclastic bivari salient salobo twofold similkam ##rick appeared ##llate butt adding adamellite pools ##ralithostatic ##oseev sourcing crusher ##arden accoun reclass prince differently moved moand mohr moho aps apy apophys apex earlyand escal lowerto novo november snand sn930 referen refraction alongand alongside siltite silven thereafter crystallise crystallography undere undissolved uranyle commence deformations surmise ##keite redwood redmond ##ickened epsil meliata commonplace respond poses microtom micropo microplate microbeam microtop microplates replacive ##unde eventual basements zn80 geologists nikon nieva ##ectives skinned sklod skinner imped impart impression imposing impinge impacted imparted impurities brt ##genite complexing underlies underlie underlined underneath ##athic mantling expose expens expelled brezan volcanicand greves greece ##eldspathic oliveira ##ovak tieb tikh ##ppern mono monts months monogenetic monomict monticellite thickens feldsparand amoeb amenable amarook ##ensity assembled 156 1550 1590 wells dolomitizing archet arcgis mn4 mnco3 mnogover sandpap skarnification representativeness proponent proposes folia ##ixture laval lauras discounted discredited generator lithification lithoarenites stratified strakh ##istopher northwards sulfuric transverse transiting transcrustal transmission translucent settle ##rence increment increments ##pension infras equipment ##iochemical igcas ##terozic ##obs baox baoshan baoling baidya baumgart lima gallium gallieni galapagos drc drag driss pyrg pyritized pyralsp oxybar verde verify veritas vergent ultramylonitic trib ##timer invite syama barri barometry barcel striation striated mat25 matongo ##awa ##awala mgp mgand considers localize centring ##lastite ##critical ##cripts na2co3 nazca outboard outgass centralian bounding slag slovak 12e 12h 126 1250 1267 borne borup boromo pear pearly peedee solve solves solvent wto ##ishita participated participation horst albitic albitised decline decade declining easy easyg turner turkana turneaure ##oproterozic specified speculated evolutions interelement ##2o2 grainy reductions sept blades blister oxidative 1940 1913 1954 crustaland characterise 405 40ca amplit bandelier bandamian halok ##atised 186 elan elsem elbe elimin elbow elastoplastic ##ometres ##ometamorph ##ometrically pressured firm ##tify ##oidable onega musgra ##azuo ##gaarden intergrows δ18ohydro δ18oh2o ##clic supplier suppression suppressed insuff instruc 138 1350 1320 133cs ##haus ##haeg steadily stellate ends estimations unconformable polycy stylolites gabbrodi siiv sikh sierra continues continually ##sequences bulging kimberlitic sillto sillimanite δ33s normalize colloidal negates δ34sfluid affili affinities afforded coarsen tianchi serpentinisation serpentinites swell sweet sweden carabaya selecting ##lieric shallowed shallowing 167 1655 1638 muscoviteand dokh 212 2150 2139 2157 2185 flour flare flames flaky ##o20 supralithostatic totalling standardization standardised 506 thinning prograd porosities porgera granodiorites microscopically foundation predate opal optic optically curv schne schron schulze schumacher schlieric intensively ##ibute 239 bcr bc18 metasomatised longmu ##ophosph transparen transpressive nds ##inck spinks ##burgh hump hung huachang huaka hukk mck mcbr combines combustion envision absorb fourteen approximated rhyth ##ropogenic classically rosas rosette ##208 transitioned transitioning greenland greenstones successor successful leader cal2 ##gler logical logƒo2 photon nbc nbs variously glide glomer glae glauc ##tybas eastwards solidified 173 174 1725 wafers fluorination interpretative rivers smn peaked 39k 392 390 ##radation marbleand extrap mediterranean radii radiation ##licity 377 379 370 3764 ##shishan ##shinn recognize recognizable widened widening hadlari extensions exclusion excludes excitation clayey subsolid induces inducing yauli device 253 251 258 256 263 261 2656 2657 avg avoids irms mesoz edx edific edward edged pitz profiling summer ##lipse ershan erratic 865 860 sidi adjust boliden zrn drive drives dependant physik physiochemical mmg mm2 mmol mmto d2h frlskd kali protom dispro disposition disputable revealing ##iangsi holk holland holocene saturate xenolithic demarc demands ##tructure investigating accompany accompanies distinguishes ##aev ##aekers permeabilities ##ukou assumes 1000lnα dacites nonto nonmagmatic ##oku ##okou ##baud universal argument ##logfo2 ##hno ##rocessed semimetallic cuttings exsolving batu farallon migmatization outcome ferrobas fernand 367 363 366 3630 857 8545 ruukin burn burdigal geometrical geometallurgical 223 221 228 2219 arsenates riddled 1994 steeper accessories solubilities reactivity correspondingly millhous milligram santo remobilizing simplicity andradites 337 332 333 338 3300 500oc d33 d3ki estrada 708 7055 ionized tracked pseudopo pseudomorp 605 zhukou ##rime andraditeand morro morteani mortimer morishita ##dd00 ##dup lithologically 3520 3530 3540 4000 400oc frei ##afle ##ledged prefix prefixed markedly experiences downwelling nanospher nanyuan releases releasing minimize divides dividing alternatives hornby huangshandong austria colorado coloradoite imager paleohydro paleohyd heterogeneities 287 809 convert attribut author responses ##ganization immobil backgrounds morphotectonic paulo ##tzite caption capability caprocks capabilities sixth sixty delay fallen coincidental entrain salta phosphatic phosphoric 005 007 006 004 0019 759 henceforward vartiain greisenized datum databases datapoin sharpe principle changning fits retraction retarded tectonites tectonomagmatic offsetting ##minr feeds metavolcanics 015 011 018 0125 2900 2950 goodness 247 24mg damagar v3b behaves chlorides chlorinity chloritised homogeneously kbr cobweb focussing 313 314 3133 critically guide guided guanda guanyind ##taine ##omorphic advances betts shifting volcanoes pucp s1a ##altaya 2071 exposes exposing centering 279 2730 microfracturing 021 024 hammer graphic baltic balanced foothill s2h archival camps 715 712 71ga 7110 7125 7138 7151 loitso δdfluid antula repetitive 437 438 4326 boiled luob luzonite luanchuan ##ochusch organization organisation metabasic superprobe supercritical supersequences celeste reprecipitating 0001 kumpu phlogopitic emersion emerald panasque supplemental pseudomorphous pseudomorphosed selen vanadinite terminate schistose 452 4500 45sc mangaroon ##bekite 465 462 463 d4h lyn macs macro macros macroc macdonald maclean neck 727 95x bleb blevin css cvz frames framed wnwto ##908 abbrevi cerna certified cernus robinson ybn ##rusite inversely hypothesized 665 660 kovarska mild sectoral ##ferle extremity 238u16o melatroctolites telescoped exchanged 381 384 3800 560 56fe 65cu tensor aliquoted examining slabs heterogeneously 77se 828 8200 lastly tuha hematization stepwise exchangeable passing passively qdp fluctuation fluctuated interflow interfaces reproduced reproducible uniformly uniformity 1983 ubiquity 88th fashion anticlinal argentian strands 032 036 03mkz 083 84kr cracked draping urp urumie ##argement breakoff palaeoto palaeosurface subdividing franchini lanthan lanuoma sustain suspension explanatory 1875 mobilised 47ti 441 581 branching tests questioned claystone 2091 cleavages py1a ##imensional 594 oklo quadr quadratic favouring overlaid depocenters ideas ideally slower coming comra comagmatic sudoitic microchemical 423 533 981 bordered duanqiao tunable ##suma europium penetrated 094 322 chelop meroug mengliang wolverine ##bouring undertake 110208 1892 1893 1891 1894 digests bf5 bf1 bf4 certainty peloidal pellets pinkish ##s27 ##itsa shields analogy flooding avoided avoiding millions pyroclastics aphyric raises tmagmatic zhelezn ##ernales reality ascends segregated unprospective unprocessed emphasizes infiltrated turbidity endowments cycling cyclical cpy1 film own chuqu stretch reconstructions microstructural vapours 4800 hclo4 fluxes fluxing extrusion extruded interlocked unreal tarkwaian 4co2 418 51v 6100 douglas tilt tonalitic magnetics refertil correctly 2018b requirements disproportionate establishes cobaltine bordering transtensionally fenitisation famous kilometric kilograms kilometres luminesce liberate murcie artificially leucog adds undetected switched alumino erupted eruptions mira3 ttgs ##sn4 ##rainian resembled platy neighbouring construction srm610 summarizing summarizes xenocryst laboratorio establishment 938 autochthonous bb3 bb1 bukuru building buildup clues forearc ramaekers utilize utilizing evidently scattergram 1280hr 115sn 1975 1972 1973 1979 truncating visualize fundamentally bouroum bouafle cheralite dubacq dubessy ##si3 ##sio2 ##oshima compartments resurgence ensured indiana arkoses objectives micaschists feldspathized symmetry 1965 1962 1966 2011a knowing superimposition atlantica accommodate accommodates kg010 mutherbukin wuyishan theoretically co32 complicating queensland temora shells detachments discussing helpful franckeite oppositely famatina stoichiometry stoichiometrically 6camg 69ga 975 dabakala kola rica svekof square unexplored warm warrant ##khochusch ##ocala isoprime rectorite rectangular plausibly clathrates precursors improves arctica isochore discriminators johnson johnston cnk deduce dedolom deditius fedoseev hennigh junctions lacc nujiang naca riphean sx50 tubes toolset ascribe shoshonite subtraction subtracted subtracting augmentation marlstone plunges exploiting trondjhem dispersions nuclei 7900 buds bgm7 bgm3 bgm12 eclipse torn toronto toromoch attracted attractive begins quartile quarters metacher spires spikes enables laterites micrometer recalculate terminating lawra degassed polars polarization excellence nanoinclusion delineating promotes cyclicity 2h2s ballarat ballhaus eureka kurnal m3908 nineteen pirajno pumped pumping s45 xiyu ##tunately stabilization spherulitic enlargement sciuba community surprising propagate propagating explicitly 113cd stereographic hg0aq anglesite conjugated williamson compartmentalized compartmentalize disappears ah2s ahlf feco3 machay machines nato natsu renewable toledo tangra ##konos insert insertion ##atunturi revis reversed reversely reactors reviews reviewed shahr gravitation reliant unfavor assimilated industrial empirically 1822 continuity logfte2 thermochemogenic tensional cordilleras advantages nacleq coalesce coalesced diachronously 4h2s 492 a5243 daan dilles hijau hongliuhe hongshishan konongo kerrich lw2 lw1 m1m ppge parenthes riebec riegler tatoola ##1500 ##6000vx inefficient inhibiting conformable asymmetry anisothermal climates adsorbing escaping escaped impervious imperfect ultrapure slickenline 1853 1859 createch finnish optimum permissive edmond 7073 antithetically eclogites 3h2s bench bostrom caso4 candidates kinked kenya lagoonal mislead misoriented psammites psilom siegenite tunnels yunlong reorganization bending unraveling clouded cloudy services leachable 109ag discordancy transfers peterson chromatographic 163dy 2145 tetrads 2681 molecules exhalation emerged emerging 7700e 7700x scalars duplicated automated automatic metacarbonatite percolating satisfy satisfies unrecognised bowden bowman czamans dictated dictates dictating groves grokhochusch getting langfang langforsen mirny mirror puy puqik tsuruo ukrainian ustb ##aq2 ##isticated isolation isolating deficit annual attica attested compacted sakhno crucible collectors obliterate overthickened 107ag adakite commodity uplifts expanded expanding grenada 1194 ##valueofs centennial carlos carlsberg 16tig16 circumstan circumstances extracting illuminated illitized 1990s delivery campaigns akinin rodrigues susceptibilities dilatancy anisotropies poikilitic multicollection centrifuging romania 4saq2 bacuri bonding ck14 ck16 culminated fringe gorouol gallery galleries hutchinson kuschka lv100 ogd renac sleek slezak talnakh talbot zk70 zk040 ##ataclastic reinjection alignment anchored succeeding shaquanzi savva unsorted trachytic trachyandesite commercially survived trench trenching lithotype δ18ometeoric 178hf weaknesses thermobarometer microfault selvedges boxworks c0016b splitter addresses stereonet ineffectual fingerprint fingerprinting glimmerites kbds046 1e1 chemex dongping dunhuang dahlk ea6000vx eldridge fifty gabon lecheminant mccarthy pinch pinching pentavalent wippern yuhuang yujin ##xingcuo ##grs27 ##ascar isomorphic isomorphous stacked byproduct byproducts compensation compensate quebec quebrada seyfri seyferle seamount intermetallic assignment phonolite phonolitic richards intragranular intragrain 2021 monominerallic translates controversial bauer sympathetic symplectic centimetric centimetres 16tas49 7500c retrieve retrieved penninite robert roberts drainage zhenghe subtype subtypes townsville overthrusted overthrusting oversaturation oversaturated maghrebide perturbation 3feooh bx51 bjarnason bagoe boreholes baddeley bangong ci100 ceshui dusting drape diminished e03 fontaine friable flexural gossan izena julie kiost kingsbury kucing kendrick luster mykonos marie miaoya mallery ochil odds pfa pedernales pixel rtj stibnite vasconcel xaisomb yablone zaakro δnno informal tomography thms600 deemed algeria suffered christopher chacaltaya chrysotile compromised dioulass shuanghu saddle vega3 gravels metastable ##standing unavoidable nevada nebulizer conclusive arbitrarily fulfilling caveat agpaitic lepanto martison admixture volcanosedimentary imprint undercover amelia treatment 153eu geocronite contributors disciplines lithocaps desilic transgressive output decimeter δ18omagamatic amplify furnace possessing steepening defocused definitely stratigraphical 166er opinions 1723 subsamples summitville drifts arguably huangshanxi thermofisher zhongza nanotomography 000015 macraes roeder contextualize instantaneous hematitization suspended filaments idioblastic fennoscandian autonomous inaccuracy augusta hildrew reversals portugal ellipsoidal universidad reorientation electromagnetic espinharas gorceixite gsdg concretionary nb16dd025 buchanan customary squeezed 2sigma 2coiis 2427 adequate acanthite ammonites ahafo akyem awareness bureau babak barium bonsall catete crenulation crocket dockman dapu dumps eppawala emmerug fyfe fetot fumar faleme g91500 glutenite gresens grip gudmund gillis gansser guiyang gupta gcsf gleadow hobbs hengxingcuo hotsp ireland iogas iberian jalta jelenkovic justify jacobs jadeite jabiluka kitongo kagoshima katiola kranidio kianna kramers kept kleybol kenyase kombolgie loucks luders laktybas lambda mounio mftb mottled nagornaya orosirian odegaarden oikocrysts p1ki pilbara pione pirquitas polybasite qfv qitianling ruffet rukatunturi ryukyu stippled satsuma sabkha slivers snto sophisticated taining tmeteoric tractional tavares uganda vattengruvan vignes vanderhaeg voudouris wurtzite wustite wrench wispy xvacancy xainza yingshan yamfo zesen zoubekite zimenqiao αcassiterite δ2h ##5o12 ##noinen ##grs9 ##h2te and91grs9 and73grs27 tooganinie thompson threshold ishihara deuteritic cooperation coordination congruent reader rejuven almazov alvarez stacey deprotonation anthropogenic antofalla mamma madagascar champion chowdhury beakers bendezu dianzhong disordered disregarded disruption saumur saucer saveliev quartzofeldspathic craters vegetation televiewer grapestones ##ostratigraphic haquira interstratified intercumulus granodioritic unfortunately unanswered unpolarized unchanged geotraverse subarkoses subhorizontal subordinately prevalence preexisting preinfalk neoformation phillips perkoa perapohja cancaniri cornwall meixner cawthorn notwithstanding agglomerate overdispersion overwhelm auxiliary martinez marabadiassa acknowledged bivariate similkameen accounting reclassification apophyses escalante sn9301 referenced silvennoinen epsilon microtomography micropores microtopography zn802 sklodg expensive brezanik grevesse tiebele tikhomirov amoeboid archetypal mnogovershinn sandpaper proponents laurasian strakhov infrastructure baoxiangsi baumgartner pyralspite barcelona mat253 outgassed easygresgrant amplitude elsemore eliminating ##ometamorphic musgrave δ18ohydrothermal insufficient instructive polycyclic gabbrodiorite sikhote coarsening dokhtar transparency huachangshan huakaizuo hukkavaara mcbride envisioned glaebules subsolidus mesozonal demarcay ferrobasalts fernandez ruukinvaara burdigalian millhouse pseudopotential pseudomorphed nanospherules paleohydrological paleohydraulic attributable entrainment vartiainen damagaram guandaokou guanyindazuo 71381 panasqueira cernuschi 03mkz12 urumieh lanthanum chelopech merougil zheleznyi murciego kg010489 svekofennian trondjhemite toromocho kurnalpi ahlfeld gravitationally unfavorable riebeckite misleading psilomelane czamanske grokhochuschiy tsuruoka ##valueofsample zk0406 dahlkamp seyfried baddeleyite vasconcelos xaisomboun yablonevka emmerugga gudmundstorp kranidiotis kleybolte laktybash vanderhaeghe mnogovershinnoe 0h 020 080 030 042 040 1i 1l 1h 1k 1fe 2r 2f 2k 2m 2j 2nd 2so 2ree 2ca 2cl 2s2 2mn 2sn4 3n 3s 3r 3v 3σ 3te 3al 3ca 3rd 3o3 3s2 3sn4 3sio2 4t 4i 4l 4th 4ma 4fe 4fe3o4 5h 5or 5to 5by 514 6t 6k 6al 680 630 670 625 635 6h2o 7u 780 740 7o20 8l 8m 880 8fe 812 8si 8h2o 8fe3o4 9s 9i 9h 9f 910 999 925 9be a3 a6 aі aes aas aly ari aam aform aand aust aka aik a10 aoshan aiding a13 b5 bv b8 brom bres bues bold blow bism bough bout bish boy bilib bote bok b2o3 b40 bsw baren bura bosen bille bsn ballag bery binning babi bidis bunde cag cus cres cab cata cpl crow czo cose ceng cms casing cgl crov cientific cwr dl dq db dor ding dul drom dut dov daw damp dft dug duff drem dae dulong dui daj drew dcb danian doumb dpt dm2 dfluid dfs2 dcu d500 donald donne d001 e7 e6 eti eigh educ eif eden eons ery etz e14 e11 ehr e13 ejection eimes fd fc fx fv fte fle fat fra fres fou feld face fang fsp fined fell feng fft food fuel fored funn fixing fmq fuca gc gy gb gm gon gos gel gmp gur goc gus gart gir gth gam gut gene gore gand gad gale gree gell gue gaz gorge gera gird gaps garc gets gathered gilg game gye gona gulf glue gkz gulu geco hd hs hh h3 hon hes his hat hul hur hop hins hine hass hour hides hang hect hale holog hue home hort hither hish hina hark hust hind hpa hopp hinder hansen hinck ix iw i3 ira ital ifor iap iug i10 iup ihor iju iwo iyz jb jes jam jun jie jena job jub jels jhn jean jax jinning jasp jingx july jndi k5 ks k2 k1 khe kes kro kly kated kir kib kous kant kli kand kale krog kord khib kare kren kob koun koy kav kru kau koz kbs krap karp kna k16 kern kama ketch kds kham kangg klem kessar lt ls lf lk lor lic lent lum lues lib lore lad lian lign lov listr lob luo lhy lust lists lights langle lands lady lagun lh2o lull lco2 louk ltp lgr mk mα m0 m4 mj mro mts mot mere mog mene mct mun mism mens mist mie mik malle morten malu miles mki manning maria mio misc mla michig mds mzh muche nc nn nv nz nj nes nas nis ning nul nter nib nain nand nay nang nif n10 niang nmin nye nyg nkam nico nhou nasc nql nhb n2o2 oe oy o1 ond oen oil oun oven ooz ohi oya ooids omn pw pq pon pts pec pere pich pab pine pst pain pene pay ppl pak piv pann puch pty paces pana ptz pinn pingx pige pheng pingba panda prices palca qp qc qh qv qing qiz qian qiao qingba rr r1 rz ris row rins rage rum rut rack rick rens raz rha rms rust rinc rug r10 rules ripped rito rkl renish rondon sq s6 sj sis sure sac sot syr sock sine sst sred shed seld sang sale sack sme sort sish sark seren sinc sara ssh sdd sibb sorb salla sures souss sql tc tq t0 tan ting tch tand tnt tad tap tia tarn tree titic tall tue tund teng tthe tug tols tbs tsc troy tape u5 uc uo uti uoc uph upp uile urap umin uwa ulex va v6 von vys vse vene vand vard vov veri vish v10 v2o3 vosk vaugh vh2o vaim vco2 vg3 vyz venne wc wl wf w2 w1 wm win wer wes wen wis went wul wag wil wad wied wun wens wise woot wire wade wyg wether wlf wander wint wool xx xf x2 xar xing xil xform xand xso xser xial xiang xiling xuni xxx yo ys yf y3 y1 y8 yen yor yate yac yalc yari yamb yok yla ygr ywr yushan ycarb yadong zs zv zb zart zap zhem zhan zeng zink zane z500 ƒsm βa δc δf δν δ65 δxx δlogfo2 μl μf ρc ρgi σree τhe φρ ##a9 ##ahe ##ament ##air ##aqu ##aved ##aution ##aub ##aval ##ahy ##ault ##aoshan ##ahu ##aques ##axa ##aims ##p4 ##pel ##pet ##pres ##pip ##piment ##pers ##pole ##ported ##phen ##po2 ##pression ##pective ##ponite ##piled ##paria ##p16 ##p43 ##pek ##pathetic ##peak ##pkong ##eq ##ete ##eon ##eity ##eand ##ease ##earing ##eep ##euch ##eok ##eberg ##e11 ##evite ##eavor ##dt ##dv ##dq ##d0 ##don ##dis ##dra ##dig ##dom ##dong ##dad ##dap ##dell ##derived ##dgl ##dero ##d19 ##d010 ##d26 ##d29 ##dimensional ##79 ##76 ##700 ##7pb ##743 ##726 ##c5 ##ci ##cf ##ck ##c1 ##cic ##cac ##cts ##cock ##cod ##ctite ##cut ##cap ##case ##cipit ##colite ##cels ##chen ##comp ##cik ##cise ##colated ##counted ##cias ##coming ##centration ##oen ##oos ##ois ##oil ##oqu ##oka ##oks ##o10 ##oire ##oils ##ojarvi ##uer ##uite ##uation ##uine ##uge ##uary ##uad ##uating ##utive ##ups ##uget ##uik ##uks ##uberg ##uping ##uosity ##ungs ##uqing ##ujarvi ##uxi ##utrient ##utious ##ucci ##tw ##tre ##tor ##tated ##tles ##tains ##tonic ##tors ##topyroxene ##tonite ##trating ##tta ##tmann ##two ##tawa ##xp ##xo ##xu ##xon ##xts ##xion ##xia ##xhg ##xiao ##x12 ##xpected ##nn ##ns ##nk ##nin ##nar ##nation ##nag ##net ##nog ##nst ##nized ##nold ##nia ##nolog ##ners ##nest ##nium ##nov ##niang ##nonite ##nui ##noch ##nier ##noved ##naga ##nech ##node ##nett ##sin ##sra ##sati ##sts ##som ##stic ##sang ##sak ##scan ##sible ##stim ##sities ##sules ##ski ##sbergite ##sibly ##selves ##sboard ##svig ##sedimentary ##sican ##ii ##iol ##iog ##ifor ##iian ##ience ##ierite ##irog ##iers ##ihan ##ike ##iably ##iuch ##iyu ##i40 ##ienting ##iographic ##iolitic ##ihi ##i2o5 ##iwi ##iqiao ##ijarvi ##iuping ##lar ##lat ##lim ##lich ##lab ##lorite ##lene ##lides ##lerite ##liment ##lard ##lance ##lility ##lish ##lamp ##lsr ##lomer ##lok ##laps ##loch ##lishan ##lah ##lometric ##lho ##lushan ##lockwise ##llium ##lacher ##r1 ##rin ##ride ##rud ##rill ##rue ##rinite ##rinc ##ratory ##rink ##rasion ##ragonal ##rongo ##riza ##rc5 ##rxp ##gb ##gment ##gold ##gill ##gian ##gros ##gren ##gner ##gasc ##gradation ##hz ##hte ##hic ##hol ##hle ##hing ##hra ##hrom ##him ##hil ##hom ##htin ##high ##htite ##hong ##hang ##hia ##hun ##hall ##hist ##hual ##hma ##h2s ##hik ##hnite ##hof ##hists ##haping ##hini ##h33 ##halla ##hlk ##hoku ##wl ##w0 ##wen ##wic ##wate ##wel ##wra ##wart ##wies ##ween ##wry ##wels ##wend ##wrap ##wson ##welled ##wusu ##writ ##wx12 ##vic ##vet ##vated ##vil ##vong ##vess ##vable ##vond ##volution ##vitic ##vard ##vug ##viron ##volcan ##vitable ##vrogen ##vatu ##vado ##vrongo ##fu ##fx ##fi ##f1 ##fes ##fite ##fom ##fib ##farb ##fined ##fast ##fall ##fric ##feren ##fka ##ference ##faj ##froy ##flinc ##figuration ##fiev ##flam ##ftest ##flat ##qi ##km ##kin ##ket ##kine ##kum ##kir ##kie ##kamo ##km2 ##kova ##kola ##kett ##korb ##kinson ##kuli ##ktonic ##yo ##yre ##yen ##yag ##yce ##yren ##yire ##yze ##ylated ##yrocrysts ##yvaam ##24 ##230 ##2mg ##213 ##238 ##246 ##2p4 ##3w ##3z ##34 ##310 ##316 ##315 ##3o6 ##3p43 ##bc ##bite ##brom ##bated ##bud ##bian ##bros ##bard ##bound ##bout ##bina ##bration ##benite ##bau ##bital ##bances ##bo3 ##bank ##buil ##bitt ##borate ##bett ##bott ##balan ##bjens ##1d ##199 ##mos ##met ##mins ##mine ##mant ##morph ##mian ##mari ##mata ##mia ##mak ##mile ##math ##mens ##mically ##maz ##manite ##moric ##mised ##minate ##mera ##metric ##mets ##micular ##mometer ##mony ##murian ##moso ##mhol ##myvaam ##zz ##zon ##zes ##zid ##zly ##zet ##ziz ##zong ##zentr ##zale ##zens ##zark ##zco ##zman ##zhu ##zhi ##zstan ##zmer ##zaki ##zler ##zhnoe ##zaba ##9a ##93 ##98 ##9308 ##05 ##06 ##012 ##0sin ##8a ##8d ##87 ##84 ##800 ##8300 ##8o20 ##69 ##66 ##6al ##650 ##638 ##47 ##4th ##4uo ##442 ##440 ##jes ##jan ##jam ##jeld ##jad ##jkal ##jok ##jese ##jah ##jxa ##juan ##jinshan ##jorie ##juca ##jeon ##μm ##εnd ##δlogfo2 ##δ199 ##ºc ##hev ##heve ##hene ##hell ##hesion ##held ##heelite ##hexa ##hexagonal ##helometric ##teu ##teins ##tecci ##onas ##onate ##onet ##onization ##onies ##onally ##onial ##onka ##onfang ##onker ##onton ##onenberg ##oniuping thesis thebaud ##tik ##tied ##tiline ##tised ##tiago ##tikh ##tijarvi ##rete ##reed ##reth ##ream ##reiber ##repres ##inar ##inac ##inary ##inally ##inding ##inosity ##inoids ##inuted ##inocular ##inburgh ##ald ##alen ##alid ##aloc ##alated ##alab ##alous ##alitic ##alone ##alach ##alties ##alki ##alveem ##alpine ##al2si ##allium ##alnoe ##alsi3 ##al5o12 ##almia ##ndon ##ndations ##nditic ##ndob ##ndep ##erte ##erle ##erity ##erates ##errite ##erance ##erlite ##erta ##erlization ##erton ##eriano ##errin ##ervess ##ests ##esse ##esner ##eschi ##espective official inle inge inata ingrow incep inequ innov inhom inbuil ##enam ##ensp ##enium ##ential ##enically ##enished ##entially ##enters ##entine ##enburg ##enko ##enbec ##entiles ##encias ##environ ##enmyvaam and4s and50 and70 andahu andδlogfo2 ##arr ##arin ##arate ##aris ##arion ##arage ##arting ##arnt ##arad ##arack ##arke ##arov ##artile ##arft ##arching ##aroidal ##aritz ##arwar ##arico ##aroa ##oro ##orf ##oroc ##orod ##oride ##orates ##ortions ##oriver ##orogenic ##orised ##orgo ##oratory ##oriform ##orious ##orwe ##orado ##orbance ##orchouk ##orocala ##ormos ##tioning ##rote ##roite ##roul ##room ##royd ##rored ##rode ##roying ##roosite ##rohtite ##roalpine ##itre ##itate ##itse ##itage ##itain ##itoid ##itario ##itoite ##itrif ##itures ##icol ##icop ##icting ##icay ##ichem ##icating ##ictions ##icamp ##iceous ##icrim ##icians ##icoma ##icamata ##eda ##eds ##edary ##ediated ##edream ##anation ##anion ##anide ##anill ##anov ##anites ##anca ##anha ##anya ##anbir ##ankeng ##anjing ##anakh ##anocratic ##itectic ##as2 ##as0 ##asic ##aster ##asitic ##asco ##ashi ##astically ##aso4 ##asvaara ##aslamp ##asjok ##ationary ##osal ##osis ##ostin ##osch ##ositic ##osozoic ##osomes ##osyn ##olt ##olas ##olly ##olations ##olli ##olang ##olia ##olished ##oloration ##olaj ##oluble ##olysis ##oluted ##olica ##olvable ##olfi ##aten ##leite ##leted ##leum ##letal ##lell ##lecting ##leira ##leev ##leaved ##lepip ##lebenite ##isa ##iso ##ison ##isart ##istal ##isting ##isture ##istur ##isens ##island ##isdor ##istill ##istically ##iskam ##isica ##isawa ##ings ##ingled ##inggai todor toarc to100 tohoku toteu ##eles ##eling ##elly ##eland ##elian ##elang ##elines ##elible ##elob ##elung ##idic ##idity ##idue ##idolite ##idently ##idised ##idually ##idoblastic ##idimensional ##idjan ##ato ##aton ##atra ##atou ##atran ##atform ##atable ##atll ##atogenic ##atoric ##atka ##atters ##atarra ##attro ##atmorph ##entres ##entations ##entuate ##mping ##mplified ##mpirs ##mpette ##mpffite ##ully ##ulture ##ulia ##ulative ##ulsion ##ullier ##ulatory ##ulskite ##ularitic ##ithful ##ithiophorite thuring thors tho2 thorne thios thiol thallium thorogenic ##ager ##agan ##agenetic ##aguan ##agabbro ##agonia ##agucci ##agisawa withsc withstand withdra ##raa ##raite ##raine ##ratively ##raying ##raque ##ravite ##rahl ##raben ##urge ##urst ##uries ##urred ##urized ##urides ##urast ##uritization ##urna ##uruss ##urice ##ursi ##urpris ##urrence ##igo ##igm ##igold ##igui ##igures ##ocong ##ocrystall ##ocline ##ocean ##ocoll ##ocque ##oclore ##ocatal isr isse ishib isopro is50 isomer isla isovalent isostatic deer deol dece decon deines deem dealt dewater dealing dekon deepen coor coat cored copl copre coub cohes coded codes coaxial cohesion ##usk ##usy ##uses ##using ##ustin ##usting ##ushed ##usible ##ussed ##usani ##useni ##lylah ##lyarov contend conformed ##etz ##etus ##ethy ##etto ##etches ##etnam ##etries ##etrano ##teries ##terpre ##terites ##terton ford forth foramin ##atia ##atich ##ativity ##atibly rez retic reins reten revel reun reuse reinc reox reused reques reo4 rewe reanaly requisite rewrit rebound ##izac ##izers ##izonal ##izhu ##iziling ##izull ##izzly ##izarin ##izaton alf alk alph alam alvi alric alto alda alice aldan alsi algou aloh alizarin mini minas minus minif minera minier minerlization minisart ##acle ##acture ##acular ##acial ##active ##aco3 ##acuated ##accounted ##achev areva stp stz stos stph stations store stay stones stoll staged stayed stadial staking stair stdgl stationary asb as1 as0 asher asand ashf as2s3 ##romorph ##rometer ##rometric ##owers ##owell ##owitz ##vek ##herbina ##hermak ##lun ##lution ##luence ##luoride mineralation mineralizaton ##imil ##immed ##imeng ##imark ##imuth ##imani ##immer ##imhall ##atedensity ##tsub ##tsova ##iler ##ilations ##ilater ##iltered ##ilisation ##ilips ##ilenko departing depicting ##otani ##otonous ##otrue byerle ##ysm ##yskoe angl annite annam answ annes anenburg ##yrin ##yritic ##ecology ##ecky ##eco3 ##ecutive maar maop maich maod mayd maoz maman mako madou mahlk mawson mavrogen mazong maoniuping maurice mayskoe suom suther sung suited suomen sukh suerte ##opic ##ople ##opog ##opost ##oporph ##opall ##oplas ##opulations ##omod ##omian ##omitite ##omaj ##ombe ##omaki atto attend atoll attom ##tri ##trong ##trized ##trally ##trast ##trans ##tridge chan chir chand charn chose chif chare chance chaz chances chah chauc chaxa chalki chicrim chomitite complications computer compliment compilations fluvi beart betic beuch bezi bended bepkong bebout ##ional ##mali ##malang ##phorite ##photo ##phasic ##sek ##sealed ##resso ##resolved ##residue ##ticed ##tichen ##ticability ##ticuch ##oum ##ouin ##ouro ##ouine ##outal ##ouch ##ouma ##ouba ##outry ##ranite ##ranted ##ranites ##rangment fluidal figuil prohib progen proof proceed prophy prokof proscan dived diene diall diabas di99 di67 di77 di69 dialous ##ins2 ##inskoe ##abe ##aberg ##ablan ##aborated ##abraque quest quinn quoted quoting quirog quicay quattro ##tini ##tinian ##tinely ##odu ##odic ##odistr ##odoz ##odlok shib sham shore sharing shaw shoun shann shots shaf shire shao shima shangg shades shrink shatran shizhu shimmer ##ogle ##ogut ##ogens ##ogren ##ogeneous ##ograp discon disease dismant exo exit exca exother exacer exlam saes saved sake saval saka sauss sauter sayan sahar saponite saxo bases basically basi2o5 basanites incred incorre incoming magaritz onsh onla oneto onlap onlaps formulating quartzand ##inetic ##riel ##riatic ##versal ##vervaara ##verlod ##ums ##umes ##uminosity ##ucked ##ucao ##uctor ##ydravite crar criss crinoids cristal sulu ##assy ##asses ##assberg ##tenly ##tenable ##tenance ##tenberg ##tensibly whiti whalen wholly ##uese ##uesdell vehn vehic sulfote tegen tept tegner tehini grating grams ##talline ##gei ##gean ##geolog ##geois ##ibia ##ibath ##ibio ##ibilities ##ibenberg orberg orrell orumb orpiment ortopyroxene orbital ##thing ##thrite ##thalmia ##ami ##amic ##amite ##amel ##aminated ##amaz ##ametric ##amosing ##amken hydrolog hydroflu hydrobrom resins reside resting resides resone restruc restst resolving resume rescaling resumes ##ousi ##ousov ##antle ##antau sees seed seir seap seism season ##ppa ##ppi ##pple ##ppolt metaev metatmorph hao haut haad hade hawa ##station ##stock ##stract ##stacle ##ffer ##ffensp relie relictic colin coloration colluvium colonies ##quel ##quies ##quity ##quary ##quilib ##quences ##quette ##quante ##quwu ##quartile ##ype hydrothermalism ##tinga ##iest ##iesii ##ieslebenite thistle magmatogenic magmatich orebed orefield oregon ##veland ##velmann ##velidis ##velleite ##orphyrocrysts spur spand spence spru spik spire speak spray spessar sperrin interfer intermineral interconn interconnected interdig interleaved interquartile ##onghe ##ongana ##ongjing ##ongnized ##ongsang ##uty ##utaries ##utovite ##utara compostions elemets ##chin ##chong ##chun ##charoidal ##chatka ##liographic ##litically ##liott ##likova ##liomaki ##geson evens evolves evacuated ##racts ##racturing ##racataclastic repespective repolished lowers lowland ##udied ##udction ##udorf ##aini ##ained ##olded ##never ##netive ##nejad ##ficially ##ficiated contacted temperatureor temperatureand ##essive ##essible ##ipulation unam unable unpre unble unsure unma unified unsu untes untang untect untre unwra unzon unicamp unaccounted unsealed unresolved untenable entit engl ensu enwrap ##rouze pla placement plenty pl17 placers clan clam clout clark clara clicit claim claims cloos clgb feal feyb febru feodol asset assured highs ge4 geore geoci gemm geof geiger gehr geobar georoc geomod geodic vale valles valun valences valency valhalla valeriano abra abts abound abba abuts abaa abyssal abras abi40 abrasion abbott abaroa abidjan abouch abstract alterated alternetive ##hedong ##hedric fap fand fa10 fails faithful isotopy ##fora ##formal ##forsch ##forcing collecting collects ##007 ##00n ##00s ##00f ##009 ##008 oxydravite suband subord subequ subcontinent subterran subclassified sublith subcrystals sublim subudction ##formities ##illite ##illary ##illay ##illance ##illouin goldfarb premineral prelude premise prehnite indenting indio indenters indelible indentations crystalor crystalized occuren ##andor carbonized neiv nexa neares nevsk neoproterozic nexion nevado neonate neocrystall neimark neudorf ##tured pressed presumed presyn cu0 cuand cunn cuzco cuticuch cuins2 ##entralnoe phou photic phoen philips phorphyrocrysts usp ##nton imer imai imeok ##adir ##adth ##adian ##adui ##adman ##adao ##adze ##adnock ##adnoe ##adetz ##adouma ##adriel elementar elementary ##apac ##apun ##apsh ##apleu ##apalca ##iangai ##ivered consang consult consump consume consecutive constrast ##concep ##connite ##conorwe ##ociated colleagueso colleaguesng associate associates park parra parting parry parked parox paralle parital parada parinas parcels partioning parasitic partridge concord concession concerned concede ##ours ##oury ##ourage ##arika ##ariham sulfideor diffrac diffused diffusing serving serrate serious serbian porphyric locus locates locating living liao lippolt ##ayments ##aylas ##ayuch ##ayoite ##ayanshan ##aymas arl arce arms ardle articles arica arunt arthur arnold armoric aricoma ##anga ##angyi ##angoutry modest modub modules modulated whenever strassberg ##rites formationcomp ##ectrometer calcimage oblong obstacle studley nord norms perchloric perimorph perpet perkin peritectic peribath volkov ##sored ##soft ##ystematic systemically ##arned ##ititic ##itize ##itising pband ##ondo ##ondy ##ondong ##ondrite ##ondike ##onductor canon canil canvas canmet lateand latent lateric latemineral ##rosite ##plus ##plot ##plish ##plastic ##planation ##platform ##mboidal ##mbelang porphyryx sc3 scall scout scarrow scien scrat scanner sclm scorod scatters scherbina ##aks ##akite ##akadem ##aklar ##akurna ##akabe ##imento ##iments contentious ##hems ##hemeral corg cortical coroll corrug corbett cortecci corrode differed mem mende meets meander megal mekong megasc meosozoic meurast microw micaceous ##ternary cai cauld cautious cajam nothing notorious belen belah belousov variate ##nga ##ngle ##ngli ##ngall intralab ##ersed simao simulating simulates simonet ##reement indictors ago agh agro aging agric agron agcl ag50 ag2s agye agmatitic agcl2 agaq aggradation agreed aginskoe agadir intram heav heights heems helex heads heusch heuberg hezark overtur oversi overarching ##estors ##ello ##ellah web weis weather weiss weighting weondong charlier charco charging allard allinc allarg wherever whereras leys leem leleu legros lewry lefroy leeds leimeng learned au0 augm aualloy aubaud massively masshun massigui maintains maintenance ity ##unji 2030 2070 2055 domal sugaki ##ramid ##ramund suggestions marion marching maritsa marjorie twins twining ##ordial ##alled ##allister acl acm action acts acme acry acnk acquies ##acterizac ##mmet sects regoliths regressive regulatory regained 10s 10i 10f 10k 10and 1050 1090 1019 1085 10hz characters ##viate ##violet train traject biases biophile bioge biphase bi2s3 biref biwend saldan salitre ##uef ##ricia apple appalach incluiding ##llo ##lled ##llurides ##rons ##ronicity mayer maybe adiss admin adria adits adriatic precaution poo po4 po726 povond pojuca ##ralak ##osem ##osequences signif signify signifying consistenly souza sounio ##ardite ##arding ##ardous accident accentuate recast recrys recover recsk recoveries recurrent recoil rectiline recurrence recongnized recessive prl prm prussian prsek sphaleriteor motic motiv mohor moorb moyen moisture apical apfu apulia apuseni aprons dolly dolosp dolosparite eshan eseto esasse essak eskola esbc esquel chalcopyrites cassiteriteand ##ifer ##ifera ##ifex distribute ##acht ##achment ##achay zirconium ##meter ##mekitic noise nova nozaki noticed carbonateand magnetites snake sno2 sn3o6 snapsh larin completion complements moreto moretti moreira elementsa chloriteand refractive refracturing refolded bottle bottles bottinga ##hani ##hannes ##ives ##ivity ##ivable silts silveira crystallises tranpression undif undep undulated undisc undolom undistur uranyl uranogenetic commission comminuted surge surmised reeand reequilib ##keu ##key redbed redru redissolved redbank ##bert ##bery ##bergh ##berry ##icking tourmalinites tourmalinization epi epizonal ephemeral melanocratic melagabbro commonwe respected posio postsub microand microca microlas microprob microbe microlitic microbi microinclusion microphen microvug microsoft replication replenished ##undler prime primus primordial basementand znas znand regionrud geologiques nio nier nias ni43 nikol δ124 diagonally upcoming upwelled ##ectiveness traceand traceable skt sky skarnet skuter skarnt sklyarov sketches majdan majuba majakite howie imposed implic improb impla implan implemented brx brk brist brug brilli brr1 britain brimhall brillouin ##gences complexely complexities underway underla underlines underplate underrepres mantled exported expend expulsion breaching breached breaches breadth partners ##inesis greywacke greisens ##aret studying ##oving ##ovites afc afu tiu tiep tipped tiouine conditioned analytic analytically analyzes analytik monoch monnet monotonous monadnock thickly thickto abundancies silicifying assemble ams amos amado amouri amushan ametrano amutara metamorphogenic tima timed timiskam timelines ##onsolidated ##veloped garnetand flower flowmeter terma treo 1510 1599 1535 1541 1526 1587 mnand mnocal mnodol sericitised sericitisation serictised geochim skarnization mantleor mantleand representations representatives contrarily proposing propensity proposal paleoge paleoproterozic paleoriver ##ixia laid laoch lawn lahtin laflam lauruss laiziling discs discount discerned discoloration discarding generatin kmg3 shen shengli lithosequences desvial desano desulf desert ##onicolet stratification straaten secondand ##istan ##istoe waterberg provision provoking northto northpar transba transmit translated transversal transamaz setups ##rents orogene ##ieval ##ieving largeand smaltite empyre emptied ##ressible ##orka developments generale ##istration ##istricts ##enaho smallto ##penny infers inflic inflex remind reminder remnoved remediated removing crossing crossbeam equate equated equally equates equator equidimensional equigold ##iocamm ##iochrom ##obility bai baar baigan bahia ba310 baogut limbs limiting limonitic galenam galadriel threefold ##outz drh dr1 drying drf1 drastically drusy unit1 pyritization pyrito pyrrohtite ##tigates oxyanion ##eper ##owned patom patch pathene patagonia patricia correlative vera verified vertex verkh verwo vermicular srree aftermath ultracataclastic trial triand trivial triphase triocta trials triangles trialled ##timillion invited invalid investors sybell syndi syndep ##ca31 barr barian barrem barometers baragar barrote baratou barramund strips stripped matters mat26 matlab isotopicos ##rise ##rises ##ristalline ##awed ##awan ##awian ##ubets dolomiteand originates mgfe mga9 maficand ##ryman thermost localizing centric centrum centrally ##laste ##lasted dissected dissects dissecting dissipated dissipation dissolves dissolvable dissimil dissociated na8 naand naoh navig navrongo namalang shaly outok outgoing outflow outlining outlasted slide slots sliding slimes 12g 122 1242 1240 12ui 12fe 12uil 1260 1243 12fe3o4 1275 postmagmatic postpeak pee pek peach peterm peiff pe300 pefka pe8300 pevek people solver solonker displacing ##ishun ##ishima ##ishiwi 10000 10036 100ci horset horsts albititic crustderived decided decoration decision deciding decode decametric spectacular fluoriteand oxideand δ18otrue dynam dynode msree turm turkey specification speculative speciments molybdenites 1150 1190 1139 1128 lakehead reacts ##tivities ##tiveness intended ##uo2 ##2o7 ##2o8 ##2o6 reduces reductive icb icdd iceland sepon seperates blr bloss bl01 bl012 blanca blurred bl007 enriches mulka muller multimillion electrons oxidization oxidations oxidize oxidising 192 1910 1930 1900s ##ouna ##ouni characterising ##ailable ##vallian 40s 40k 402 403 amplified banda halted halides halves halogen halogens multipo multibeam multiwave multiste multidimensional multiphasic 1820 1830 1856 1855 1818 1828 1843 1851 1815 1846 1865 1845 18fe2o3 elite elmer elaborate elats eloqu elaborated elliott fineand ##tifical ##tifies ##tifully ##enga distributional upperpart mixes ##inavian ##inafter westwards westmor ##ialo ##abbros plagiog plagioclaste illamp illimani ##clinal supposed supplying supplies supplemented unconven uncontro ironand instit insoluble instigates 13c 13b 131 1380 1330 1390 1352 1328 1360 1332 1365 13cand 1389 lessons regionaland ##hao ##hai efforts effervess effectiveness ga3 ga1 gaas gaug gauth ##erger ##ergraben steam steiger stempro stewart steadman esm7 esm14 esm9a esm8d ending enduring endhore endako endeavor fitini firouze ordered ordinary ##4sio mineralogic becoming polya polycrystals polycap polyethy gradation brecciaform sio si1 siting sio3 siilin si8o20 si6al homological materiales continua softer softest defect deflected deflecting ##cedented ##orptions ##orporated extents bulge bulges buljah bulenga midand midwave ##ractionated kimberley ceo2 ce2o3 ##oyi ##oyans δ30sin ##avoura ##max normalisation collate collins collared collided collaps collophane negra neglected negativity margaret replacementand δ34ssulfide δ34sh2s distinctively 149 1430 1418 1457 1460 1492 chrome dissolutions affection determinant 307 301 309 308 3010 3040 potfaj controller controllig andesine ##cepo2 producers productivity facts isoclin 200f 200oc 200hg manual manuf manji manipulation manangoutry measuredvalueofrm measuredvalueofsample osba ostensibly osadetz electronique standish standalone deplete depleting depletes backarc swith swac swings swager volumina corresponded correspondent carten carters carrot carats cargill caranbir caramel caracterizac initiating cmca muscovites unconformityand 16d 162 168 164 1650 1620 1670 1652 1685 1665 1678 ##kings abovementioned synform synrad synsedimentary synvolcan synfom synkine doe door doing dozen dozens ##ocrystic ##gregated 215 219 2125 2190 2156 2128 2113 2154 2191 2195 flab flight flake flinc fluss flushed flawed ##ampling suprap creede deeps ##nessite stockpiled ##aturity polymodal standardized 50l 501 504 50to 5010 5030 ourselves ##cds ##iquillay think thinnest recorder recorders porcel prospected prospection sandstoneand horizonatal cleveland microscopie monazites rimward 201hg oceanography circa finest finish finishing foundational domainal reflectors lasaga lineations linearly linework option opus opens optics opaques overloo activates curral curather currents ##anshaping clinoclore schiano schaub schreiber schodlok walled ##rupled 2300 2390 2312 coppergold coppermine newman accords paragneiss spectrometric circulates hypogenic hypocrystalline aggregation brecciates discusses longo longbe longqi ##ophores transposition ndpo2 spinifex py4 pycod pyramid ##oxical huge huishan huashan hupers huhma huinac huasco huato huanshaping mcs mcfz mcallister combing combusted absorbed absorbance absorptions ##aporitic ##dley ##otskite sectional sectioned potassicand pulp pulsation pulsing pulsati degas degress degrade degraded degradation convey convecting fournier linwu lindero linziz ##issivity approximates approximatively poland polish polyst pollard pollution classed classifications rosia ##cyanide ##207pb ##2093 middlemost middleback greenville initialization junggar jumping jungle nwto mechanic cal1 califor calatra felsitic ##glass homogenizing homogenised logically logachev pdf pdand potentials shaley photochemical photope photolysis photograp ifante seawateror ##ringence openly uncut uncased gliding epithermaland eastward eastonite equilibrate 1700 1740 1731 waiting waihi conglomeratic conglomeritic singly singular singhb singoyi ##ambres ablate ablating blackish blackbird marathonite kemi kebr keween keeling kempirs kembelang ##goa fluorinated interpretate broke brodd bro55 brochan brodt bro8a riverbed smell sm30 ##veskol 395 399 scheibenberg scheffer 40ar39 40argon catolica vsk grine grinding grizzly grassy grundler vaporand vaporize planktonic tetragonal laminar lambert medial medio mediated medieval radiate radially sbc sbh sb2s3 ##ikan ##ikou ##ikari ##ikoku metallographic metalloids ##xistent ##licting anyusk 371 378 374 3712 3778 ##shaping ##shuik recognizing recognising hadoum ##806 ##8010 conductivities monzogran monzoto monzonitic monzogranites bedlo bedrocks permil trinocular trimmed trucked truesdell ##hestani subsided subsets subsident substrates subscript subscripts hereinafter lattices yauri devised devitrif statement individually chromitites 255 2580 25mg 254uo 269 2620 2630 2690 2641 2667 2638 2632 2649 2636 2692 264th avila avarage irref mesostructural mesocratic mesocumul piper pipedream edax edinburgh edikan focums pitted pitting profuse summers basaltoid basaltoids versa mineville darkest erased ernst 8629 86440 fischl fissures gasben parallelism adjusting recrystallize notes bolhar co2and fluorapatites zr4 ##iliqing drivers driesner workflow dependency broaden broadened pash paste physiographic kaur kappa mmes raylase rayfield magna magnet magnall grounds groundand silicicrete frc frb frmg frimm kalliomaki ##isei prototo prototyp ##imbault dispute disparity disparate plasms introduce δ7liresidue 3003 bonn bonin boninite ##106 elevate accomplish pegs holser holmium ##overs demand demers democratic demouy existent h2sand mossbau ##ooty topograph ##oulet ayora tao tapping taiy taishan taques taishun counted ##ogranulite internally permeate ##ukov 2063 environmentally ##30fe confusion conflow confidently configures confluence conflicting shoulder 1000au 1000δ199 875 879 870 87re nonor nonfer nonmineral nonmat nontrans ##emer ##okit ##okite ##bai argus argues argyle ##hn3 ##rocolite residuals semyon seminal africain consequentially angeles angayuch maximal maximized maximizing maximise handheld batche batteries migdis migratory fragile ferrite ferke reflective 368 364 3620 3640 3641 restriction blocked blocking blockage pegmatiteand 856 85and 8500f 8530fe ##lify ##lifies huangkeng burden burgoa positioned positioning influences influential 39argon brownhill labram labidi geometrically foliage foliations kaolinization 22ne 22h2o 2267 2285 2215 2295 arsenopall microthermometer understudied isochrone ridolfi visited 199hg steepens carries carriers changeable approved approached accessibility solubilisation reactivations reactivating moles molode molasses mills milling millenn millenium santosh acidification remainunc remobilizes simplest simpler simplific simplify prioritize centuries andraditic δ11bfluid 336 3356 3360 3361 3347 500to cameco d3reg d351 estudi 150and thermosc thermotectonic thermonicolet 705 7099 7044 7043 7032 7036 7064 7061 7034 7066 axs axios axiocamm cdd sinian sinks ##olskoe paramount 601 604 60co 905 909 cathles catholic willsb zhuang zhuxi freeze moron morgan morrison mororocala tenet tenorite yangzha yangchun mediumand 353 351 359 358 356 3500 35cl 3580 3557 3560 400km freely freieslebenite ##afluoride ##ireth orthocumul orthophosph orthometamorphic orthocong orthogranulite evaluations evaluates prefers preference experiencing dispersal downcut kaneuch kankeu nanometer nanhua nanxin naney nanxi nanosem songwe songxian ##40c inheriting minimization minimized minimally minimise discriminated tecnolog alternated heterometric flatter flatto geochronology3 ilmeniteand sanying sanmian sanjuan santiago sanhedong coloring colorada paleoand paleoaqu paleoenviron paleoisland 289 288 2870 2828 2826 2829 282011 2845 807 803 801 8012 earths converts converged constantly ##uiye ##rapa starling starostin immaterial immaturity canning cannat lherzolites morphologically ouango ouatarra paar paid pave paved pauses paquette tuffite ##arpment coverage contexts temporary cape capsules sixteenth ##nahan ##naimine tetraborate tetrahexa delor deliber delamin delaminated delivered phosphorous 009 0041 0013 0017 0015 75e 755 752 7578 offswith micaeous princess princeton oscarke technologies technicians technosyn 1a1 blum varas varsican varicol ##fe2 ##fe5o12 phyllosilicate cordani cordierite indicatrix datable promise sulphate sulphur sulphates sulphidic enveloping belonged operates operational oscillating streaky streaks changle changxing changmaz changbai researches peru1 δ13cfluid fitting narrows narrowest retard retsch retromorph retracts tarma taroud ##adogerman ##ovicic tectonothermal tectonostratigraphic tectonometamorphic catchments catchpole bathurst lucas lucky populated feedstock 016 014 294 2913 viejo ##scape ##science incompatibly incompressible leachings 243 24na damara damaged functions ptfe stillwate v3akb ##huile ##huashan behaved chloroform ##ismuthinite moderateto viewing purification purplish u1and cobble cobbles cobriza remobilizations 312 311 318 3100 eby guilin guolang guaymas lednock ##iya ##vais advent advancing beta betare ##arctic electrums amphiboliteand amphiboliteto frequencies 551 554 5520 55cs d1akb fabricated pucks pucheve s1d s155 ##swick ##yah formerly 2075 2073 ignored reasoning criticality 27a 275 277 272 273 271 2700 2750 2720 2740 2760 ophitic ophthalmia public yiduan reworks shortage shortwave ##ayaite timescal timescale globe globar globules 025 023 028 026 0291 beneficiated sensor sensed sensors tirnaimine externally graphitization argillite hornblendeand balances balzers balancing dja muddy mudflat powellite zhaixia archipel archandor archives campo campina campbell campinas camparis 204hg probeimage 711 719 716 7140 7111 7152 7113 7157 7154 7133 7149 7175 7197 loads loongana δdv dexing antwe antlerite antarctic exhaled tended tendencies encloses integrations integrates triga behaviors 435 436 boher books lumps lunggar luanga thirds ##ochrosite organized metabasaltic encased encluded encourage sio2and supercontinents superfast superficially superplastic linkages indexes indexing tholeiite tholeiites greenschistand 0005 0003 00015 00002 000001 000km2 000238 000009 000806 aurora kutim kuolaj peraluminosity columbite interacts interacalated 2386 emulates emissivity penalties panels panzhi panormos ##ywhere ##254 causitive pseudomorphing pseudomorphically 350x 350ºc namur namibia selby vanadian excepting intraclasts intracystalline schistosity schistosities outcropped 457 ccit ccob ccsz foils fo65 hoern hovelmann karhu karamata karlsr karalveem karasjok karamken karouni mangchang ##quesite distortions neoformed contrasted 469 466 d4kb hotter hotplate hottest lyubets macroscale macflinc macusani necher road roof roofs roquesite rounds rounding saranov ##innon ##innigan stratal 723 7219 7267 7237 955 957 95s 954 bleaches boxplot csulfide cs230 cvl cumulated packing packstone ##aminae metagabbro accreting melatrot melatrocolite transmittedand 91s 91zr amba ambo ambigu amberlite cerrusite ceramic cervelleite going goias google ghanmi jewel johannes rhomb yb2 yb3 yb8 syntopost blueand blueberry physicochemically exhume hypothesize 663 661 669 6610 hyaloc milli milder milashan microanalyser extremities favorably 238u207pb 545 547 548 5400 helps helmhol helicop helgeson malene malvas malmi malkov malawian malayaite palin paler palme palmer ##emskaya criterium intercalation prepare agreements robustly tremoliteto 079 383 389 386 3890 3867 3828 567 564 658 654 6520 6510 659308 instability proxxon examinations volcaniclastics magnesiof magnesiochrom ##rock4 779 776 7780 822 824 binding papuan tu36 tuhual tuvatu tonglushan ##gingtm reconfiguration sutured hydrogenous colouration fe3o4 schematized hem2 hem1 hemlo hematitic hemimorph hemipel hemantle stepovers synchronicity peaksite metallogenically ##1280 connate connect connects connector fluctuate ##quisas interfinger interfacial reproduces reproducibilities unmineralised 2083 2084 surveying surveillance property 1981 198hg glenburgh ferrocyanide necessitated fuchsloch 887 881 8800 grossularitic hbl hydrates hydride senouf senchen vice vicinities ##gyzstan anticlines anticipated anticlin anticlockwise chamositic subdistricts argentine greyish monitoring grasby 03s 031 039 0350 0332 0384 089 088 745 749 744 74ge 892 8900 89fe2 847 844 aiming cracking c0013 drained draining dravitic tonne toncic urchin ##ufres discontinued substantiated bottoms breaks catalyze palaeoproterozoic palaeocene palaeogene grossulars vodorazdelanya 05sn 0576 chessboard franz frantz frankl fransis susu tlb ##umpu ##umpi jeol85 jeoljxa 471 445 4400 4460 587 589 584 5846 5800lv 7312 branquet bakker frontier testified testifies ##poke ##nedy ##skoe offers conventions depocentres sunrise occupying occupancies occasions 2092 2096 longxinggai longxiangai contrastingly frameworks 346 3480 3490 34εnd 3400n 573 571 578 574 593 598 596 5900lv 800oc achondrite achieving cationic okno okelob wayen ##pai ##uaig alleged alleviate diluting diluvium quadt quadrant quadrupled microbially outset brandon slowly slowest debatable comments sudan evaporate evaporates evaporative subpopulations traversed microcrystals microcryst microcystalline microcristalline sericitically transferring facilities triggers inversions independence 421 42ca 537 532 539 982 983 9800 9850 98aliv borden duke duoba duoplas duodu dunga derome dayuan dayangyi siglo tuned tuning tunks xrdcarb ##keriza ##ylonite ##tesy injected aspy qualify qualifying porphyrocrysts websterites drillings decomposed decomposes hypercollision penetrates tongkengzh facilitating 098 328 3200 521 529 5244 5243 52cr airfall airphoto chew merges mertieite mernag monger mengler menggong octagonal testable testament cotectic ancaster undertaking 1102 1108 1106 pyroclastite digesting petroleum 041 048 akenob bfl bronze mackinnon pelites peltier pelada pelagic pelambres ##chetti ##lai ##raton shielded shielding seventeen analogies abdalla abdallah submerged microshear microsampling aguablan intraand intraocean intraplatform characterizations expeditions waveor wavemetric truevalueofrm avoidance contemplated mongolian gersdorfite 063 068 066 06zn 0633 832 833 838 8350 nuclides olokit raahe raffensp raialo raimbault uralitization vesle zhejiang ##zek realized antipathetic antiquity antiformal segregate colder splat splits fe2o3t geophysically prevents dominatly dolerites infiltrating programme morococala tellurobismuthinite filters filtering gdn gdf kraemer mylonitization mylonitised owner owned rheomorphic ##toni ##tonello ##zerland chung unmixed 106aliv barsukov postdated stretches stretton reconstructing 485 482 489 488 675 677 67zn h2te rck vectorize ##ankunde ##romators makeup fluxed extruding interlamin interlaminae unreason unreported unreactive transtentional titanate titanites economy economou economical quadrupoleand 4c1 4caco3 413 515 51s 5130 51315 512093 785 783 784 7844 7889 923 929 926 92zr dash dashl dourada gn2 ghost ghats radical radka siberia tonalites norilsk percents micronto micronutrient epigranites microsparite microspectrometer 1402 disproportionated disproportionally disproportionates cobaltian petrologia 685 687 682 689 688 destroying fes2 fesem fesmax fenitising family famatin garland garven kila kilometer liberating liberty murunt murantau mcdoug mcdowell sonar sverjens tibsch xiaohe ##watersra ##ositional altar altatite altay cubes leuco leucosomes 1038 undefined undeveloped propylitically paleostructural paleoshore paleosoils invokes invoking switching switzerland taiwan pseudohexagonal pseudoternary authigenesis aluminium aluminosilicate aluminophosph llsk miargyrite mlr rotational ##snano ##sn316 ##schacht ##44ca31 dendrites coherently diverge divergent diversities divergences resemblance geohist geoecology geoforsch subduct constructing constructions constructional strontian personal persisted persists persisting accepts accepting upgrade upgraded halfpenny 1807 petrogenetically summarise summarises laboratoire hyloggingtm schematically microbrecciation 622 626 62ni 932 933 autoclastic autocrysts autocatal autocrystic builds clue cluff clumps eqv harvard harmony hardly lengshuik rastered rasters rastering utility utilised conceptually atlantis competing beyer existance evidencing neoblast scattering scatterplots accumulates accumulating 1977 1971 1976 197au smoker truncation truncate truncates visualizing visualised argentinian braziliano hyperspectrally strontianite 450f 765 761 7697 7000 991 998 994 964 bouabd bouhle bouvet hermoso heritage landform landtw landscape mason masked maski masterton nitrate deviates deviatoric channels disturbs disturbing disturbances hydroxide hydroxylated intermediatedensity ##chiuto ensures epitaxial symmetries 1967 1961 1969 1960 196hg 196lap 1304 130te 2165 2162 2160 2164 predictive opaqueand 232u 2308 2304 qz1and cathaysian mountainous variances encapsulating kuusijarvi deriving superimposing neighbor ftirs accommodating f2b houston mungall please pleonas runs truro vacant vacancies wuxu ##ziwa ##zhina ##zhuding statistic ##oplots atacamite complicate complicates exercise unusually assaying geoscientific ims1280 transformations 1181 1189 1186 2100f cleaning ##issippi 1764 entraining diapirically carpathian channeling channelways 691 6920 6949 978 97as0 dabaoshan embry embayments kolihan nonexistent ripple richet ricchiuto s3h s3reg svebjens sveconorwe unexpected violet vietnam warping warji warranted warakurna warumpi xiaoxi xiaquwu ##efroy issued rectangles rechargeable seemingly subvertically liegeois overpowers appreciation appreciably undersaturation redistributed redistribute esm15 2009a 2019a discriminates discriminants encountering johnstone neutralizing neutralizes 3caso4 649 648 815 946 bespoke cfl cfb dedicated f6c fedj federal fedorchouk henke henjes henocque kdh33 lizardite nuances nghe ngako ngatch nacional oroclinal picotra picrobas picotani ripening ripidolite tbh wedges wanes waned ##prise ##niis ##sala ##arsenide coals ascribing anastamosing attainment chrono chronometry chronologically chronostratigraphic disappeared disappearing whiskers resistors subtly subtract phaneritic concomitance augustin siltand epicontinental exploit exploits exploitable exploitation polygons polygonized polygonization handpicking synthetized questioning questionable nucleate coldwellite prevails mosaics nomenclatures insignificantly juxtaposition 794 7949 bgm6 ecology ecological ecrm ecuad kazan pumqu pumices pumiceous rouchy routinely rafts torch toribio takeoff woodall xy3z zeolites zoom zo16 ##unga ##gruveskol attachment compania begin begun quarts quartered quarry quartiles residually residuum metacinnabar metacraton spiked spikings spanish percentiles micromass micrometric micrometres precedes recalculation recommendations terminology 151eu lawrence inventories 1477 1606 2175 2179 intensified intensification polarizing polarizer polarizers ##2018010 smoothing grdt predominately fertilized orthogneiss nanoand cpx1 ririwaai anastomose anastomosed epiclastics 2h2so4 2hd26 bnsz ballard ballentine hrv hr2 hrz hr800 kuril kapodistr kupcik kuparr kuptsova m3s nineteenth piat pike pumps pumpelly trompette troullier takwa welding wdd9 xiadong xiariham xiayanshan ##ineralization ashadze anatectite chirano chiarad chiraa beaverlod beauty projecting quantum dislocations exemplifies sponsored spherules spherulite contaminant enlarges phlopog leaks apertures communication upsurge montpel montroyd propagation 1131 1134 stereochemical stereograms stereoplots definitive manifests 2012a 235th hg0v meaningful influxes 2253 2258 cylindrite deltaic hybridized qualitatively overestimate pillowed appropriately trondhjemitic 2405 2705 270uo2 650oc ah2 ahmed bittern bituminous berger bergakadem cmpared chenzhou dharwar ewand everywhere feco gtk gustative hilarion holder holding holders japo krstic krutovite mr3 mutch mutual muttoni machado poder tolerance tipand tangaean tangziwa tortuosity ##eleisen ##konen ##ontinuous ##agnetite coasa conceivable revive revert reversible anions chapter diavik diaphorite reliably unfiltered unfractionated unfavoura unoxidised ##adoarsenide martins expresses expressing ultrahigh ultraviolet syenitic syenitoid 125te continuation continuum continuμm 1437 1434 logfh2te logfas2 kevitsa quantifies 2497 franceville 57fe16o microcrack returns destabilized attempting constitutive coalescent hybridization 340oc 4e12 4h2so4 496 49ti aegean banat banyo banjese banfora cro3 crozet daikoku etc etched hirox himu hongshan hongchu journey kl98 klondike kamvong kamchatka kambele practicability ponded pilet porto portray portraying parentage vitrinite ##dert inevitable inhibit inhibitor ##ulfate courtesy conforms minutes storgruveskol antimonides antimonial churchite hydrofractured collections diffractometry serravallian microgabbro microgranite intrinsically 1059 adsorbs pooling escarpment ##hannel euxinia imperative 1547 15400 paleoregoliths explorers dryness slickenlined slickenfib 1909 1906 190os 185re mushroom celebration distinctions 2001a 16aou11 16aou17 16aou15 2013a optima optimization optimizing extraordin permitting edmonton protocataclastic universally universitario fragmentation 8530fplus 7071 70773 707650 guangxi knolls anorthites cruzadao japanese eclogitic gondwanian uncommonly 3hso4 3h2so4 benso benches benito bennett benitoite bigeleisen birck birkett birnessite bubble casts casted casquet casino casapalca craig iodometric jirapa jinman jinding jinxing jinju jinchuan jinzhu jumbo kfd kfsp kyanite kylylah kinzler kintinian kennedy kudaru korenaga lagoon lagoons misery misclass misconcep nadef rustenberg siemens tayga vhx vigorously yunxiao zijinshan ##296 ##tists reoriented reorienting arenitic arenaceous departure ##ophyllite bendigo discharged discharges intervened ##chuzhina unraveled enterprise cloud clouds cloutier validated fayalitequartz preliminarily indirect strategic normative screened script scarcer scarcely corroborate corroborates leachate acceptance 10940 advect advective poikiolitic brings bringing undergoes amesite limbani syngenetically multichannel multiply multiplying 1358 1463 1461 2005a schorlitic linings keeps 2653 siderophores siderophyllite centrifuge preferable streamlines 245yce synthesized synthesizes microanalyzers opportunities duplicates duplicating strengthening brackish percolate everything thermochronology thermochronometry himalaya unrecognizable 4feco3 busan busumb bowl bowers barbar barberton bainiuch cbn durlacher grooves getter gouge gouges gouroul hindu kpdi kojima komnin komsom kouzman kouvervaara kouhestani kayenmyvaam langmu mirrored mirnejad n140 n170 otago ottawa ottonello pc2 puzz puerta sagging tsentralnoe tamra tamarack troctolites vibrations walter xlh xlithiophorite ##aq4 ##sbosch ##haco ##46e informations isolate isolines annen annette annaberg maxn maxium attests cruces wholescale hydrocarbonaceous happens sphene engine enguef collectable paraand obliteration ##ologicas corners variablility 1075 1073 refractories uplifting expandable grenvil territories transgressions 1281 1289 1284 pearceite specialized specialist elimination 1453 1459 carlin 16tig28 floor floating predictable circumferen glacially glacier glaciof mesoand counterpart counterbal counterbalan illuminate viscous viscosities delimit 001s2 blueshists ##fe3alsi3 bathymetry reconciled reconcentration akinfiev isoplotr thirtytwo dilatational anisotropic schorls centrifugation aztec aziza azzaba azimuth azufres bessoles castanha daly dalam dalnaya dalhous dalucao dostal dusty espoo espresso emanate frozen glycolated gallhof human humidity hutti huttonite hutousi kush kusky kusakabe lvr lv10 lmwl loma mississippi nakano ogc1 ogrinc palladogerman palladoarsenide pierre pierce pierina pierced pierkuli rennes renison renowned rhodochrosite sleeper sirnio vastly wrapping wraps yanzid yanagisawa zk008 δpi ##xeye ##iguaya comei comenditic reinvig reinterpre reinforcing almaz aligns staging stagnation stained stainless depressions depressional mamianshan mamyrin succeeds succeeded compatibly computations shaban shading shadow restoring interpolations unsolved unsurpris unsystematic unroofing consumes obscuring agbaou headland maintaining trachyte biomineralized ree3al5o12 ree3fe5o12 microdrill microdistill bruno bruneton brunsvig brunndob brunswick amazon trenches paleotopography ##oboka supratidal superscripts supersuite decrepitation decrepitate pulverizing nb17dd00 1782 3600t tasmanides 28243 28277 282296 favours kurokoand pancho rhombs microanalyse myriad merck splitting addressing pyrophillite edmundian fingerprints spreadsheets dodecahedral dodecahedra algorithms impregnate impregnated 1gpa 5122 5123 512638 512106 7108 7104 710246 7302 audhil bournonite caco cadomian chemocline chemstation dpd dmto dmrxp dongar dunites dunlop dahl dahlite eldorado eldursi fb7 fb6 frictional fifth fifteen french gigon gaban gaboury godefroy hunker iteratively jianchuan josef jacket kotulskite leslie lesbros leco leceq mpodoz mfem mzf mzq mzdq mcclell mccuaig np10 npcds pentoxide pentafluoride pangaea pinched pauwels rollback sitting sibling stitch tillites tropez wires yuanzhuding ##782 ##tbote ##ikalia ##enthal ##uliar dehydrated condrite rendering stacking ascertained choi choose choice choosing chappell diatomic quehua resistive searching seamounts intermixed intermingled featom assigning assignable goldfieldite nephelometric imbricate concretions concentred arrangements megacryst 2021a domingo 10879 biotitized salvadora update monomineralic shelfal descended straddles strabruket translations translating controversy controversies mathematically mgt2 mgt1 1295 δ18osample 1124 1950s sioux petrographical 16tas02 16tas06 envisages caledonia nb16dd00 uncorrelated keithconnite smithsonian smithsonite radioactive 2672 2627 battani 7092 7098 nanocrystal 7500ce 7500cs guidance loosens denuded pennine penniston 666e sigmoid conservations ecosφ ecosθ township komatiitic σsinφ σsinθ compactionand nb17dd031 buoyant nuggets inorganically maghrebides clarified philippine perturbations 3jhn3 3fe2 480ma 6hd19 6h4sio 8kfe 8kfe3alsi3 aucu auc14 aucl2 bx50 bjorka beran berza berryman bagdad bomba bombs badaguan bangombe ciwr cesn cumming cummins dusky draped diminish e04 fontbote frieda flexures gerard germanite gossans hc5 hc1 julia kioe kucha kongsbergite kunst kuntijarvi kunlun kendall lc2018010 lusatia latites lianghe mymekitic mbnds marialitic mallapun nicolet niccolite nicolas ochre oddo pm3 pm1 pedogenic putative pixels qinhai ranch ranked rigorously srodon sarda sardis sarduiye stibarsen vasilenko yabachi zaitse δnminr ρ0cf ##linary ##yanghong ##backs ##022 informally inherently andersen tomographic convolution convolute convoluted forwarded algerian sunda suffice chaco chrysocoll compromise protrusion protrude protruding shangri shangxia shanghang shuanghe sadisdor safely safane inclr incursions metastability contradicted contradicts contradictions unavailable nevados nebulous pressurized cu2fes paradiso paradigm paradoxical conclusively arboriform performing fulfilled agpaicity lepidoblastic 203cepo2 martitisation 1047 1048 admixing imprints undercooling amelin 153dy geocronologicas contributor disciplinary lithoclasts desilification designs designate designated transgresses remotely outputs decimeters δ18omagma 117sn316 amplifiers 1890s furnish steepened esm10a esm10c esm10b defocussed collomorphous stratigraphies creamy polymorphs polymorphic schlierens nwr213 logαsio2 logαh2te logαhte 172yb 171yb smelter smelted smelting gritty subsampled 2669 2668 drifting arguing semiconductor semiconsolidated semicontinuous thermofinnigan zhongdian nanotomograph 28325 71316 71328 7183 4300dv 000011 macrae roedder contextualized hematitized draws drawing drawbacks suspending bravoite filament idiomorphic fennoscandinavian autonoma compexpro hydroxylapatite unevenly inaccessible nutrients diachronic diachronism diachroneity manifestation manifestations hildreth gravimetry gravimetric gravimetrically symbolized portuguese ellipsoid universidade reorients electromobility espinhaco gorceixte hastingsite δ18omeasuredvalueofrm δ18omeasuredvalueofsample 4jhn3 4jhn0 4jhn4 nb16dd020 squeezing up193fx 2geiis 2geaq4 5k2so4 8kalsi 8kalsi3 aramayoite aramachay bosch boschetti bodo bodnar bibiani bibliographic barely cinquante cudahy cuddap carius carious dx40c doghra dredged dredging egergraben fqp fqm fixation fissile fissural gj1 gatan gattar gongondy hls hancock hodrusite hodkie hof2 hofstra ipge ipges ijolite iterated iterates itemized idaite idaho jahn jaireth jsf jssz january janecky jager jagoutz jaws jemmali khz khaki kμw kμf kidd kidney kyrgyzstan kangankunde kspar kensu kensington kawagucci kawishiwi kokoi letting letters mimic mimics moment momentum mich3 michiquillay nominal nominally nelson nelsonite omitting p2a p2ki p8a p8c peschan pesquisas piedra pieman penglai qilian qilianshan rsd rytsk roche rocscience rosebery rinds svc svarft sorata sicily society societe stemming skewes skeletal stimulated stimulate svals svalbard tedi tedeschi tails tailor uih1 vials wittichen witwatersra yrr yalian yalago ##cr2o7 ##tupite ##stein ##gross50 ##gross30 ##vskaya ##3710 ##matron ##zhaung ##intsevite inspected inspired ##icanmata rearrangment stuart strok stroke staffelite anatase anatolia makyr makkonen suhum suitability attenuated attenuation beautifully beauvais ##ouyakro protores protectant shards disagreement disaggregated samaini samapleu ##uchevskaya cryogenic seventy seventh seasonal seashell hafnium hafizull hazarika hazardous hampered hampering interspace interspersed repository repositories clt1a clt1d highlands gemeric valenta subjacent subjectively precondition preconcentration paranaiba concurrently arrival arriving oberthur oberwies nordlys nordlysnano meteor meteoritic overcome overcomes overriding overruled charactrized allocation allochems biorad biorade buttner underexplored underestim commencement impedes impeding impingement monoand settlement dragon oxybarometer oxybarometry tributaries triboulet barrier barriers slovakian slovakia 1262 pearl pearson ##2o22 1940s 40ca44ca31 halokinetic halokinesis affiliation affiliated swells 167er flourish progradational progradeto curvature curvatures schneider schneeberg hungary hungshaping mckenzie rhythmic rhythmically glomerophyric glomeroporph glauconite glauconitic 173yb extrapolated extrapolations edifice edifices adjustment adjustments protomylonitic protomylonite disprove disproving burnard burnham 70857 708254 immobilized immobilising sixtymile 004782 001926 datapoint datapoints foothills 7127 71260 luoboling luobadui pseudomorphously selenide selenides lynott lynxeye macrostructural macrocrystalline macrocryst blebby abbreviation abbreviated 56fe16o suspensions quadrature quadrilater chuquicamata chuquicanmata unrealistic unrealistically refertilization refertilize leucogabbro leucogabbros temora2 dedolomite dedolomitization laccolith laccoliths naca2mg tornado tornroosite metachert metacherts nanoinclusions s45w s45eand revisited revisits parentheses parenthesis circumstantial circumstantially lv100n zk705 zk706 ineffectuality ea6000vxf intermetallics robertson dioulasso vega3lm desilicified desilicification instantaneously 2coiis2 fumaroles fumarolic gansseri gansserina hotspot hotspots pioneer pioneered rejuvenated rejuvenating overwhelming overwhelmingly pseudopotentials 03mkz12c 0hd29 2r3 2mniis 2so2 2ree3 2ca2 2s22p4 2mnrock4 3sio 3r2 3v3w 3te4 3al2 3caal2si 3s23p43 7u0 8si7 aіr aasm alyonka arias aamf aformentioned austroalpine akaoka aikinite a133cs bromine bresnahan buesichem bismark bought boutroy bishop boynton bilibino botelho bokan barenstein bosenbrunn billets ballaganakh beryllium bidistilled cags cusp crescent cabanill catavi crowded coseismic crovetto cientifics dlama dorland dulski dromedary dutrow dovyren dawson dampare dremel daejeon dajing doumbia dm2700 d5000 donaldson donnegan etienne eighteen educts eifelian edenite erythrite etzh ehrlich eimeshan fd022 flecks fatoya framboidal freskd fouquet feldtmann fangshan fueled foredeep funnel gbw0 gonzale gosan gelado gurney gocad gartrell girdle gamma gutzmer geneva gorelikova gandhi gadd greek gellatly gueye gazel gerais girdles garcia gameleira gyeongsang hhh h3bo3 honours hattu hulsbosch huron hopping hinsberg hassel hourglass hangaslamp hectometer haley holographic horton hitherto hishikari harkins huston hindered hoppner hinckley i3nui ira743 italics iforas iapetus iugs iupac ihoril iwojima iyzsz jesus jammed juno jiepai jubankeng jelsma jasper jingxing k2cr2o7 khetri kesterite kroonenberg klyuchevskaya katedougou kirishima kibi kouske kantli klikeriza kalevian krogh kordela khibina karelia krennerite kobellite kounrad koykka kavabraque kauwen kozbud kbsi krapez karpinsky knaak kernel kamaunji ketcham kangguer klemd kessariani lss lorraine license lentz lumic lueshe libowitz loretta laden lianhuashan lignite lovisa listric lobe lhyges lustrous langley landsat lagunas loukouyakro m07 mrozek motorised merely mogou menez munk mismatch menshik mistaken mieu mikus malleable mortensen maluwe milesi mkii miscible michigan muchez ncm nneto nzero njonfang nesbitt nascent ningi nullified nterconnected nibelung nandan nayak nangodi nifty niangniang nminp nkamouna nhouan nascimento nhbd010 ondor ounce oozes ohier omnium pw3710 pqms pontifical peculiar perello pichnoch pablo painter peneplanation payable pakistan pivot pannotia puchkov panafric pinnate pingxiang pigeonite phengite pingbao qhql qinghu qiziqiao qianlishan qingbaikou risks rowins rinsed racklan rickers razor rugged renishaw rondoni sjogren surely saccharoidal sotkamo syringe sockets sinemurian srednog seldom sangdong saleable smejkal sortaval sishiliqing sarkar serenu sincerity sibbald sorbonne sureste tanquary tinggong tcholli tandem taddert tapering tiaomaj tarnished titicaca tallarico tundulu tengchong tugtupite tolstikh tbsz tschermak uti2o6 uphole uppsala urapunga ulexite vavelidis vysotskite vsegei veneers vandi vardar verios vishiti v109 voskhod vaughan vaimojarvi vg3600 vyzkum vennemann wlg w216 wmtz windley werner westerly wenyu wisdom wulff wagner wilkinson wiedenbec wunuget wenshan wooton wygralak wetherill wintcac woolley xflash xingu xilongjing xformations xso42 xseriesii xialonghe xiangyanghong xuniwusu yoked yenisei yoron yatela yacouba yalco yamba yokadouma zsx zvyag zbh zartman zapadnoe zhemchuzhina zhanqiao zinkgruvan z500w δfmq δνminr δ65cu δxxxhg φρz ##p16o4 ##cipitation ##uineous ##uksenaho ##ungszentr ##ns4 ##necht ##lomerates ##wicz ##kirk ##4421 ##teinsson inlet ingemmet ingrowths inception inequigranular innovation inhomogeneous inbuilt and50gross50 and70gross30 andahuaylas ##lepiped todorokite toarcian ##atllization thuringian thorsteinsson thiosulfate withscheelite withdrawal ##rahlen isseini ishibashi isoprobe isomertieite december deconvolution dewatering dekoninck deepening copler coprecipitation coubran cohesive foraminifera reticulates reinstated retentiveness revelation reunification reincorporated reoxidation request reweighed reanalyzed rewritten alpha alamoutal aldahan algouti miniflex ##acturer staying stollberg staircase stdgl3 ashfall byerlee anglin annamitic answer annesley maoping maichuqing maoduan maydagan maozhuang mamani madoubal mahlknecht mavrogenes mazongshan suomujarvi sutherland sungun sukhoi attoh attendant chiriguaya chandmari charnockite chifeng charef chazot chaucha chalkias complimentary fluvio beartooth beuchat beziat prohibitive progenitor proceeded prophyroclast prokofiev dienemera diallo diabasic dialousso questa quiroga shibanjing shamrock shouning shannon shafts shirey shanggong shrinkage shizhuyuan shimmering disconformities dismantled excavated exothermic exacerbated savaldor sakai saussuritization saharan incredibly incorrectly onshore onlapped whitish vehnasvaara vehicle sulfotellurides tegengren teptorgo ##geologiya orberger orumboboka hydrology hydrofluoric hydrobromic resonetics restructuring reststrahlen seaport seismogenic metaevaporitic metatmorphic hautmann haadf hadean hawaiian reliefs magmatichydrothermal spandler spruce spiky speaks spessartine interfering interconnectivity interdigitation evenskoe lowlands unprecedented unbleached unmapped unsuitable untested untangling untectonized untreated unwrapped unzoned entity english ensuing feybesse february georeference geociencias gemmrich geofisica gehrke geobarometer geomodel valunistoe abrasive abouchami subandean subordinated subequant subterranes sublithoarenites sublimation occurences neiva nearest nevskgeologiya neocrystallisation cunningham cuticucho phoenix imeokparia consanguineous consultant consumption paroxysm parallelepiped concordance concessions liaohe armstrong ardlethan arunta armorican modubal formationcomprises perimorphs perpetuating peribatholitic latemineralization scalloped scientists scratches scorodite corollary corrugated mendeleev megala megascopic meurastuksenaho microwave cauldron cautiously cajamarca notoriously belahouro intralaboratory simonetti agriculture agronomic ag50wx12 agyei intramineralization heaviest heemskirk heuschmidt hezarkhani overturned oversimplified charcoal allincapac allargentum leeman leimengou augmenting masshunter acrylic acquiescence trajectory biogeochemical birefringence biwende saldanha appalachian adissa administration precautions povondraite signifies recrysatllization recovering rectilinear motivation mohorovicic moorbath dolosparitic essakane eskolaite snapshots tranpressional undepleted undiscovered undolomitized undisturbed reequilibration redbeds redruth commonwealth postsubduction microcavities microprobes microbiologically microinclusions microphenocrysts regionruda nikolaev skarnetoid skuterud skarntype majdanpek implicit improbable implausible implanted bristol brugger brilliant underlapping underrepresented expenditures tiepolo monochromators monadnocks timiskaming geochimiques paleogeothermal laochang lahtinen laflamme laurussia generatins desanois desulfidation northparkes transbaikalia transmitting transamazonian empyrean inflicted inflexion equatorial baiganhu baogutu galenamagnetite pyritohedral oxyanions verkhoyans verwoerd trioctahedric sybella syndiagenetic syndepositional barremian baratoux barramundi mat262 mga94 thermostatic dissimilar navigation namalangi outokumpu 12uih1 12feo petermann peiffert pe300d 100ciwr horsetail decisions δ18otruevalueofrm dynamical blossoming bl019 multipoint multistep elatsite eloquently westmorland plagiogneiss illampu unconventional uncontrolled instituto effervessence gaugue gauthier stemprok endhoreic firouzeh polycapillary polyethylene siilinjarvi si6al2o22 δ30sinbs collapses isoclinally manufacturer manjiroite osbahr caranbirini caracterizacion synvolcanically synkinematic flincor flussschacht suprapure porcelaneous overlooked schaubs longbeixi pycoden pulsatile linzizong polystadial california calatrava photopeak photographed ifanteyire singhbum kemijarvi kebrit keweenawan kempirsay kembelangan broddbo bro55e11 brochantite brodtkorb 371246e monzogranodiorite bedload devitrified 264tho2 irrefutable mesocumulate gasbench frmgi frimmel prototype mossbauer topographically taiyao taquesi 1000δ199hg nonferrous nonmineralized nonmatrix nontransform semyonov angayucham batchelor migdisov arsenopalladinite molodezhnoe millennia remainunclear simplification 335605 estudios thermoscientific axiocammrc5 willsboro yangzhaiyu orthocumulates orthophosphoric orthoconglomerates downcutting kaneuchi tecnologics sanmianjing paleoaquifer paleoenvironmental 282877 282680 282952 tetrahexahedron deliberately delaminating oscarkempffite varicoloured changmazhuang retromorphosis taroudant stillwaterite pucheveemskaya timescales archipelago antweiler superplasticity 000027 0002389 kuolajarvi panzhihua hoernesite karlsruhe lyubetskaya macflincor saranovskoe melatrotolite ambiguity jewelry johannesburg rhombic hyaloclastite helmholtz helicopter malkovsky 6593082 magnesioferrite magnesiochromite tuhualite hemimorphite hemipelagic senoufo senchenko anticlinorium c0013e 05sn0 franklin fransisco jeol8530f okelobondo duobaoshan duoplasmatron dayangyihao tongkengzhang mernagh akenobe microshears aguablanca intraoceanic wavemetrics 06zn0 raffensperger interlaminar unreasonably 78897 dashlooty micronutrients famatinian muruntau mcdougall sverjensky tibschi paleoshoreline aluminophosphate geohistory geoforschungszentr autocatalytic lengshuikeng bouabdellah bouhlel landtwing 196lapo2 pleonaste svebjensk sveconorwegian unexpectedly kdh337 ngatcha picotrace picrobasaltic ecuador xy3z6 kapodistrian kupcikite pumpellyite xiarihamu chiaradia beaverlodge phlopogite montpellier montroydite bergakademie unfavourably banjesevic hongchuang portrayed storgruveskolen slickenfibers extraordinarily jinzhuping kylylahti misclassifications misconceptions 245yceo busumbu bainiuchang komninou komsomolskoe kouzmanov langmuir puzzle annabergite grenvillian circumferential glaciofluvial counterbalanced counterbalancing dalhousie gallhofer palladogermanide yanzidong reinvigorated reinterpreted unsurprisingly microdistillation brunsvigite brunndobra nb17dd0032 282772 audhild mpodozis mcclellan 108796 nb16dd0025 8kfe3alsi3o10 lc20180101 mbnds01 mallapunyah sarduiyeh zaitsev ρ0cfq chrysocolla shangxiazhaung sadisdorf cu2fesns4 117sn3161a 8kalsi3o8 cuddapah hodkiewicz peschanka svarftjeld wittichenite witwatersrand hafizullah oberwiesenthal underestimation 40ca44ca31p16o4 glomeroporphyritic quadrilateral naca2mg5 3caal2si2o8 3s23p43d0 cabanillas dm2700p gbw04421 gonzalez hangaslampi i3nuihuile kauwenbergh kozbudaklar libowitzky menshikovite nibelungen niangniangshan pichnochlorite panafrican srednogorie tchollire tiaomajian tolstikhin tschermakitic vyzkumu wiedenbeck wunugetushan zvyagintsevite alamoutala verkhoyansk geoforschungszentrum