[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z · ø ƒ ˉ α β γ δ ε θ ι λ μ ν σ ω ϵ а м с – ’ ##o ##r ##e ##n ##t ##z ##i ##a ##4 ##0 ##m ##p ##d ##f ##c ##s ##w ##h ##y ##l ##x ##q ##u ##g ##v ##b ##8 ##σ ##k ##6 ##2 ##1 ##5 ##9 ##3 ##7 ##j ##θ ##α ##μ ##δ ##ø ##λ ##β ##ˉ ##ι ##ƒ ##he ##te ##on the ##ti ##re ##in ##al ##nd ##es of ##er ##en in and ##ar ##or ##tion ##ro ##ic ##it ##ed ##ite ##an ##as ##os ##ate ##id ##ation ##is ##ul ##le to ##ing ##ol ##at ##el ##ent th ##mp ##ith ##ag ##us with ##ac is ##oc ##ly ##ur de con co ##tr ##ig ##ter ##ati min for ##ure ##rom ##eral ##ve ##ow as re be are ##iz ##il al mineral from ##ated sul ##ot ##ph ##ra ##im ##ts by dep ##lu ##her ##om that ##ted se ##ab ##op ##se ma ##ion sulf depos ##res an ##ich ch ##ys ##ce ##ge ##ide comp at su ##ock ##yr sa deposit ##ment ##ere ##tal ##tic ##ou me rock or ##um flu ##ng ##od st dis pro ##cc ex on ##ther ##ition ##ine ##th ##am ##if form ##og ##mal sh te ##ver ##pe mag fluid gra ##ct ##art inc ##usion ##ins samp ##age ##ass ##igure figure ##ir ##qu ##ten ##yrite ##ib ore wh ha ##ran ##ous ##ides ##ant ##ch ##ues ##igh cr ##la ##ost rocks ##ations ##les bas ##red mineraliz ##one ##tite res ##alc sulfide qu ##iv have ##ting hy ##pp ##ally this were ##ity cont la inter ##ne ##ut low ##dro ##ary rich ##artz quartz ##ature ##arb ##ater ve ##ies samples deposits hydro str compos di was ty rel col ##ill ##arbon ##st ##ong ##ely which isot ##able isotop ##ad pres these ##ain ass show minerals ##ore ##rou ##uc rep magm pyrite ##ive ne ##ace ph mineralization ##ud ##ges val ##orite un ##ess pre ##tw carbon ##usions ##00 occ ##ical pl ##ize ##ates ge mass high ##ene intr composition ##ari occur ##een en betw between ab ev ind size cons ##entr ##ap incl ##ence ##orph ##ystal ele conc cu li ##ution im ##thermal temp hydrothermal ##oci cl ##con fe ##hed values associ ##old temper temperature sulph ##nt ##ian ##ip ##ke colle anal par ##iti ##ase ##eld ##so ##low ##atic been crystal ##ull us ##uring ar ##mb ##erv also full within ##tern calc fr ##fic ##itic ##ined ##ome during loc metal zone ox ##act sub concentr ob ##and has ##anic inclusions dat ##ites vol formation it ##ers ##ron ##ative not ##iment ##ied veins ##our ##ments sulfides ##ized ol ##erite ##atite ##for associated mod gran whe pb ##agues colleagues le ##ms image ##ell alter dif conten vari stud ##pec mic ran ##un indic most ##ction ##olog nor ##fere alteration main ##action data ##form ##ediment can lower sil ##ones sim ##hem ##ros fluids massive po pge ##to typ sp cor magne than we pr fa ##ue bar ##ding ##ia exp met ##de ##inated isotope ag chalc lay ##dition ##yste syste ##ures resul prec zn ##gges sugges tw ni but ##otite bel ##ium chrom all type ##mm he ac ##ov over ##ose gen ##ale ##olution gold red ##gh per ##xt ##ast simil br up ##pper obs ##rog ##ree oliv ##ial more rati olivine comple dom tr ap ##ack observ ##opyrite sediment two magmatic ##ating ##ound consis where pt ##aring volc acc ##ll ##tin ##vely similar grains other ##cted differe base some analys sc pp ##all ##ick ##ign ##arge ##raph may ##ific vein ad formed ##me stage 10 silic ##acter ear ##round ##uld bearing af ##row ##cess ##uct faul ##est zones ##ole distr ##ight ##yro porph ##are ##ard ##ular late rec present repres ##ield char und inclu ##ak bot intrusion table chalcopyrite complex ##ix au hos ##ages character volcanic pd related ##den bre fol ca range pos sign text ##par into concentrations bi contain reg prim porphyr she ##duc ##und ##ces host mel ##try there ##enic calcite 20 ##ipit mon no hig system ##ang process brecc rh sample under sal part comm precipit crus both mar struct contents enr ##roup gre ##pre sph ##ay ##alerite using sphalerite ores isotopic pe well magnetite common how ##land ##vel ##ens ##ach ##stone sour unit ep ##tered age along ##vi observed am group ##abb their ##ization cla micro gal water ##quid repl liquid barite sou ser ##mbl represent ##ena ##hemical ##ort des model chromite geolog porphyry es asse ##ever compositions however assembl mant ppm crystals mo ##ca tran ##che such area dol magma galena ##hedr fraction ##per ##ren different sur ##tial carbonate ##reg ratios ##sion ##oly mantle ##onic iron smal ##ist condition ##cond small ##ross ##fe rem mineralized dr upper trans ##jor major sand only uran imp hosted ref ##ains ##inite event bl ##umul interpre conditions ##ism types mafic pat minor orig study mat sulfur os second ##hedral gabb ##cr sulphides higher tim ##ile elements ver tre ##ded grained lim geoc crystall ree analy ##tim ##ines ##sem follow ##han thick dissem prov abund they ##ibution pyr based ##yrox ##oic ##ance ##out primary ##veral ##ably signific mg δ3 ##ioc ##ough ##ented large ##tent origin ##zoic corre sea ##ons ##ility occurs temperatures ##lo ##orted metam 15 sulphide ##osed one early spec prop metamorph ##olv significant ##olite sequ basal der disc disseminated diss ##tain ##enetic element results dy ##ases those ##assic general ##kely trend fold ##ual ##tical ##rh presence field ##ically ##ither graph region bod lith chl app due ##atively phase sl oxid its ##ient drill ##oid ##water ##isation altered pyrrh pyrrhotite 12 deriv ##ep ##xim three ##ible ##acement ce diag ##fore basin cross section tect showing source could layers ##use refle ##sen intrusions ##inant shear used reduc 19 ##4s ##itive 18 later inf contr several amou ##own ##pect dolom belt after likely out ##aced set equ ##velop ter ##gm inv analyses ##ors ##els content found whereas basement derived eu ##ber deform ul zir ##ogenic zircon post exh precipitation sandstone tectonic aver ##ail ##astern fine sin contact sedimentary ##ured calcul mix ##2o ##ural incre mater ##ork material ##inity ##landite sequence hor iden ms ##ities descr ##kes ir wt fract strati ultr sy ##ama meas plag silicate distribution south pale ##ove ##las ##greg ##term processes band ##ised grade breccia ##ord ##tively ##ward ##ination contro north interpreted emp less develop hem chlorite ##ond determ relatively located addition δ34s ##pen ##face ##omati sem ##raphic average ##ctr ##tif ##rop beca produc because fo metals ##amafic ##ie ultramafic flow electr ba ##ub ##rough faults ##ould ##inc dec phos poss sol ##tiv ##alite ##vious separ mainly fault shows near ##olved ##tive ##ict consistent pattern ages disp indicate 200 ##zed brine trace fir ##idual ##ered fels ##ory deposition ##rowth very first mn ##ared felsic fill mus ##och forming pent super relations geological graphite describ 11 ##ited mineralog gener through ##aceous characterized orog ##gite mine exten clay pentlandite ste prob ##pping enric 100 km ##acl strong enrich ##der ##ans ##thern plot enriched bed eastern locally correl fin below commonly feld reported previous secondary abundant ##ced identif tra contin fluor felds sch copper normal analysis deformation cumul do ##estern ##enite studies assemblages centr komati lake around ##sr ##vir suggest ##lase coe including central ##viron ##alle neg generally pgm ##omal contam setting ##med ##hip thus ##ods composed biotite plagioc ##allel respec lead relationship ##ier ##pb ##ble ##erous shown environ evid crustal dolomite plagioclase ##cl ##ganic local pred alth inclusion variable dominated time although supp contains brecci 50 ##ris ##trog ##up ##bod orebod fractionation described lar sk granite therefore black fur ##eter ##gen mineralisation parallel import fact ##des ##sm def about stratig ##ob ##ada estim ##olyb mixing num ##cep dire aggreg ratio dissolution bodies enrichment car ##o2 ##ately deep ##atures ##apatite initi ##ortion ##ram ##que fluorapatite py ##nts ##oss ##vers relative massif 40 δ1 ##ars depth uraninite feldspar ti ##nite ##ath like salinity respectively plu rare solution ##cp textures crust further ##itite ##50 ##any scale gabbro cle chemical organic ##lying ##ibr ##chan above assemblage regional ill ##anite ##lay diorite consists crystallization ##av ##opyrox meth ##adi amounts mul molyb ##ished molybden each sr deple press oxy ##hemis empl ##omp ##cop ##lic ##ather metas ##hemistry same occurren structures ke poly stages ##ified clays hematite ##ric ##nown ##esis melt ##ging systems district seawater electron mid na ##uch ##val carbonates analyzed 13 cut western ##ood ##roscop end μm ##tially ##olith oxides suggests ##rown multi ##iorite ##iss compared sediments horiz 14 shal 30 cur vms ##rite ##amp arsen poor important spect ##ozoic ##istic ##atur det evidence would ##ty ##quent close differen epither surface detail epithermal layered replacement uranium las thin whole layer chromitite following el clas typical ##ovite brines melting solid superg isotopes arg ##arn compar poten result units patterns ##uted indicates probably so fractures identified si ##led discus crossc molybdenite our ##ps ##omic characteristic appro open ##tero ##odiorite ##ogen phases ##lm ##bur co2 ##tral events geochemical ##yl ins ##ided new concentration indicating calculated syn negative light ##ff ##agne anomal chan distin ##ok ##oration ##idered considered ##terozoic line ##veld ##rent ##lain gabbron slight ##medi ef radi ##the frag appe aggregates fac hom ##ush activ positive bush ##pro ##tit ##ane total association bushveld nd native ##gin ##isc interg magmas evolution monche ##tained pyrox sti ##ute oxide ##unite foli metamorphic euhedral initial crosscut amp ##wa ##erred ##iven apatite limest oxidation ##lastic musc bedding fra ga ka ther expl dominant gabbronorite non ##kal ##tile value spati litholog muscovite tour core replaced oce ten ##ton ##ress ##pped tourmal mill sw yield ##tro ##ky ##usive ##aces ##resp grain corresp dykes ##acite ##hib arc containing green series skarn bul known many nacl satur ##56 ##ish sele forms shale petrog determined environment supergene hol pyro wall ##wall ##ties carbonatite affe cement if pol cool ##amb studied ##raphy long tu reaction features analytical dyke controll contamination pressure ##ret compris sulphur typically ##onent include carr cen growth icp nick ##pr ##tric ##ters component block predom amphib nickel hal ##rix ##sequent ##thite measured foot fer ip ##ik areas collected ##feren tri structural matrix much pit zinc ##dle then ##ibuted moder ##mediate four ##ae ##ilibr partic alkal ##other parag mineralogy bor ##az ##ise ##opro stand ranging barren decre oxygen mac ##arse sulfate followed ##ually ##arz ##ability phot abs surround proposed larg potential ##oproterozoic ##be stock various ##duction peak slightly bulk footwall ipge triassic ##work ##onite ##ording ##ount inters granodiorite transp produced defined distinct bound gang ig ru deg orth while obtained seric metamorphism correlation constr clin northern increase cir du ##oe ##ox ##hy ##line comb coun hydroc indiv rhy contrast stratigraphic middle horizon fragments limestone pal coarse order uncon carbonaceous least developed phosph standard ilm pare strat intrusive earl schist approxim individual lam ##oph ##ink ##iferous trending extension spectrom circ mor targe zon ##ertain ##itum ##tra ##qui highly variations magnetic reef reflect irreg ##wards possible activity 16 lab ##ring ##most andes when level according reduced irregular cm mes vary ##oh ##int assum transition breccias back given tit ##au ##isod preserv microscop episod ##oidal either vap fluorite stable geology ##queous foliation ##itumen lens mud ##ien ##ince ##anes rese intern intermediate suggesting bands ##burgite cooling harz ##rian ##corite ##ara being ##ression exper phoscorite orogenic occurrence facies controlled cal med ##its ch4 ##chean clear current pel ##ness ##ike ##gether ##ift hyp ##ficient diff observations recent continent effe hydrocarbon act fl inten ##idotite together dete conf see laur suggested precipitated tourmaline selected bou mostly proportion δ18 harzburgite ground ##lets granites acid ##ification sources representative ##iocene equilibr cumulate homogen clinopyrox sm ##ior mechan kaol predominant unconform ##hest ##ark mean ppb primitive structure relationships emplacement aqueous dacite ##rus ##di ##uous ##tig ##atin lais unc granitic mob interpret argill constrain 25 east ##oric prod residual ##stones occurred margin geochemistry province measure possib orebodies depleted shallow mc var ##cy ##ling ##enesis ##itu examp magneti clasts exploration alkaline duc ii por ##shan ##vall mining clos reduction laisvall pot rim ##log white class highest matter ##loor ##atinum ##over ##ivers ##estig ##isting ##used ##amur ##ogene sha ##neiss waters outc investig strongly ilmenite ax hill wor intro silicates thickness ##tle excep few archean location itab monaz diagram exhib sinter bro hist ##cts ##enites ##ider ##ison top ##omagne any summ ##ches body sections extens illite affected particular sericite kaolinite ductile 26 er here nw situ ##ld ##asing plate ##apir subsequent variation aps development metasediment still framb dens ##pd ##ingle prog ##ogn intrud evap pool orogen gangue approximately world lat ##nan ##onian ##eng ##ita interaction partial peridotite recogn ##aching ##2o3 multip internal continental 17 23 halite west you ##ote ##et ##ina memb ##ameter parts amount estimated ##ambrian dunite fab miocene single tur wide ##tine altern ##abas mete ord resour ##neous significantly oxidized exhal mss generation igneous laurite gas hood mm sel ##zation ##2s ##hen reac proxim consist texture southern dissolved direct monazite young fabric hole rather ##je ##arch ##orp ##ision coll even cav folds ##oids semi detailed radiogenic correspond itabir mig ##floor ##ug ##tend ##ocr before map anhedral diagenetic control normalized orebody direction bo jur lack link work ##lite ##ccess extend includes great represents inferred komatiite comparison characteristics earlier jurassic av ##ulph platinum allo previously meteoric goe pods sb vs ##ta ##ven ##ka ##arne ##ustr success ##ology remain country ##ntal ##uth ##ittle shap grad diapir volum seafloor intersti multiple bur pa ##ma made overpr intergrown parental δ18o interstitial mt ray δ56 ##fficient ##uan ##bitumen ##hes ##atism ath magmatism ##formed note display spatial pyrobitumen outcrop extensive δ56fe 22 nature ##nes ##avi ##charge reserv imm ##ometry metall ranges access liquids mineralogical discussion saturation uncertain ##abasca athabasca 70 down ed tsr ##ially requi univers domain monz provide influ foc ro ##yll ##10 state abundance basalt filled number ##athering ##probe cementation surrounding gl ri tak ##bo isoch dem allow extr resp elev accumul filling circul target preserved predominantly broad goethite cret ##end ##mi ##tition ##lem thrus ##ocene interse weak earth textural horn numerous cretaceous dating gu tro ##rystal ##3s ##inch geita resulting underlying serpen laser loss will ##sed ##ony ##inities ##orat consider ##rograph microprobe komatiitic 40ar carried unconformity introduction bore garne mi ##cting ##erg ##ased ##ists depend ##ops ##verse weathering overlying 187 since holes laborat vapor 27 econ free sill wil ##ctive beam china ##oun discharge formations strike diops presented partition ##pecially recrystal salt grey especially vertical methods greenstone amphibole paragenetic interpretation metasedimentary recrystall 39 300 far ice san ##til often ##rams deposited crat compositional indicated expla marc ##acl2 coex δ13 changes lithologies lenses measurements latter garnet 80 bism cacl2 h2o jinch norite nons ##enov ##ley alum maxim ##lap dip cann point dolost factor crosscutting therm larger equilibrium migr avail jinchuan gneiss op ##tom ##ster interc concentrated record illustr ##omicrograph appear bornite photomicrograph stockwork homogenization example nonsulph ny wid wides ##way ##30 ##ann ##ants ##ively sulphate hosts melts coeval magnetitite university bismuth cannot 60 genetic ram role sn ##iting ##ulari rele ##set ##ird ##ivided subhedral explain across perm veinlets original separated does degree experiment density dark ion koh mal ton ##west ##ham ##uce ##ground ##bed inte though alb orient perc biogenic underst mark banded depletion possibly potassic accessory craton case xi ##li ##lon ##uamur ##orded ##ots ##tallic partially resulted overg peri adulari systematic partly ##pread semenov appears polished titan shape itabirites overprin widespread kohuamur kohuamuri 000 24 500 five zr ##etry ##ense ##ank towards ##acted interval collo occurring ##metallic silica recorded complexes trapped polymetallic thermal moroc dolostone ##sterite raman adularia h2s ##eb ##uans ##here ##nde ##enting ##ishan exc extent place abl ##ometric among contribution determine ##change emplaced arsenopyrite differences orthopyrox phosphate intruded maximum ##uanshan cambrian coup ##omorph exchange had datuanshan granul silver prior textured 206 timing limited mgo paleoproterozoic ocean bu doc em fre hf pic vers εnd without ##izing ang ##ames cruc fav ##ovic accomp volcaniclastic salinities microb geoch graphitic comprises medium ##ength colloform 206pb ble jab tell xen ##nam ##td ##lan ##lished ##va ##arsen bec ##ysts dipping volcan distributed auth groups δ33s oceanic orogeny river coupled geochron 29 portion ##mic ##read ##osity phyll ##ariham included trends 199 simp microscope err exhalites explained xiariham xiarihamu ta ##mass ##inate ##ellow island ##therm mineralizing ##ude subs ##anging sandstones times ##othermal strata andesite volume economic diopside 21 cent site ##plu off ##ital ##anov ##uss cover antim chond ##ctolite quan modeling terran steep shales moncheplu ordovic elevated available versus jaber monchepluton ordovician cass tong ##tre ##iqu ##ious ##lies ##van ##anz ##osite seg saf prof grades ##gest usually active complete shee marine microtherm 150 occurrences chromitites closely ##omagnetite taken ##lemite willemite δ13c titanomagnetite 45 nol ##iter detr mines ##raes clus granit ##berg flows dispers trapping macraes proportions groundmass mobil exhibit younger cavities hornble mixt nolans aqu chemistry mount vass ##oir ##lin ##ving ##err ##iterite forsterite ##vement pros hydrox concl ##rosion genesis performed ##arent contained ##undra 204 calculations increasing materials environments largest factors cutting poorly ##ylite petrographic ##ference mesozoic intens confir member shaped reservoir isochron circulation tellur cassiterite vassbo goss hot hanging phen sid ##iented ##ints ##veal reveal ##ilation almost sty induc precious analysed represented ##onstr 188 discussed absence horizontal spectrometry proximal demonstr laboratory hornblende her hpd nod vent ye yanov ##pite oriented having ##anta smaller provided mixed fracture throughout supported ##obil clastic ##titute spatially spectrometer episode succession troctolite cruces microbial 204pb siderite yanovka 87 bif bay cher james lg rid talc ##dor thelon cov should dikes colum exposed heat models remobil path involved paleozoic ##theast ##ophile extensional framboidal immisc antimony 41 400 fis nar round xr ##mo ##20 ##osp ##acts ##ame ##ogut diameter geothermal images ars reflected baogut plots stratigraphy kemi anomalous anomalies ##hydro collision ##namic ##arsenides baogutu aus brown lree lub play q4 ##ex ##co ##bs ##onding ##tire ##elite ##ocite retrog gray ##lad ##less carboniferous entire chalcocite signature despite diagrams particularly selen ##ocrysts required nonsulphide detrital 188os arsenic austral best d2 fal last might sites γos ##ner ##dill ##alis ##ula ##olated minim segreg dist assim evolved ##itization modified ##ellite ##pected cordill pegm remov spectra cumulates deeps solutions tuff combined mechanism except summary plateau recognized understand ablation narrow lubalis cordiller lubalisi cer est erosion iwa pow ##more them ##rete ##ached another suite ##umented unk preferen ##arian ##orphite older leaching variably ##unction space hete account fractional correction ##onsible plut furthermore pyroxene components decrease produce responsible tonalite documented jameson falun 86 bene day rap rift use yellow ##ind ##atible attr exs ##ibility hand ##chn enc redox hosting signatures folded folding drilling cem ##overed solub key transport assuming hydrocarbons clinopyroxene axial serpentine cap ju ml pse pore tab ##min ##bal ##70 ##alent ##asite ##ult dev ##trati ##trum sulfarsenides antic phys ##contin ##iang sperr ##rogene bottom greater spectrum separates ##rowths must generations leading brecciated ##avy ##hyd levels history accompan heterogene pseud tabular sperrylite bath marian sus ##80 ##jac ##time ##ola techn ##ctor basins contacts showed nev plat ##formation position basalts fields separate support hypot progress alloys thrust 39ar orientation accompanied ##jacent 35 del dun lines ##uk inp ##ising cores ##igg ##rade ##imorphite ##ngs prot ##ograph ##iva locations old explo adjacent hemimorphite schists method difference change ##ways gabbronorites modern largely reefs clearly paiting sills permian nevada d3 good overal sme ##ctite ##icate ##ational ##izes ##luded distal disting extre expected tend sampled sampling ##ivalent canada domains limit apparent continuous coefficient py2 pluton tenors saturated blocks paragenesis boundary detection product porosity orthopyroxene mixture covellite overall distingu d6 dig jo pul perv s1 six tm ##ns ##ss ##ences ##abound need planes ##itical leuc overlain basaltic lesser finally identify cleav ##ampi stratabound varying intense varies 187os 95 dil ker lomal ##yan ##tian ##ason chine ##ysky compression atlas incorp respect chalcophile caused specim laterite deformed generated layering comparable pyroxenites laminated mudstone calibr argillic rims ##logop resources interes phenocrysts lomalampi 36 cases mv n2 ou pure qul vel ##ey ##40 ##ft ##ules seam ##ifer strain net belong upl moreover consisting horizons stib yielded corresponding palae effect glass malanite sheeted estab hypothes chineysky qulong 44 dated eocene hart lac pn vo ##ves ##tis third const reverse reference beh ank anor sapro existing phlogop places whether variability afric electrum arsenides ##theastern dominantly petrography tungs stillwater experimental steeply beneath dunites smectite pervas mvt tungsten 01 3d away kap wa ##eper ##ck ##s2 ##where ##go ##alts ##icts ##isted anhyd exam tetra critical perme representing patches involv settings reactions moderate pallad ##anese research resource remaining tellurides gossan ##hydrox assimilation batholith 250 ccp kar log mol nb oh pants tie ##nary ##tter ##by ##ances ##isms ##ulu isolated ##otation mapping former subduction concentrates heavy remains majority provides infill ##ordinate additional baishan clayey background reactiv intercal photomicrographs period authors tongshan granitoids chert cemented input cleavage amb lw little ssm tian tun vb ##tundra ##cu ##we ##12 ##ream ##enced ##tions ##attered ##ope subm lem diffic agree actin brittle aplite ##inesc specific discrete discovered exhalite fo2 cumulus oxyhydrox standards assumed focus migration widely thought marked terrane ridge xrd 86sr solubility anhydrite tianshan 00 46 length ##ful ##gins ##alag ##enn ##argite ##orated ##asi ##athe better atlan ##iber energ enargite spring characterised porphyritic precipitate isotopically ##ensch epid 120 reflects increases plagi separation final syncl ##iscan hypogene investigated linked burial weakly years 87sr plutonic constant phlogopite kapalag lemarch actinolite energy kapalagulu fall kv led pi ##of ##can ##cher ##ump ##kite ##itted took ##ust ##acing ##acity ##tst sulfid discontin ##amar restric until eval inde hydrothermally associations princ heating aptian schem chlor reducing postd methane differenti else monchetundra variscan accumulation ##anning column stibnite ##enschist princip did dense ug wol ##ored ##ri ##lied ##ument ##rees ##nda ##arine ##let ##ochemical alto star hyd interface encl subordinate indicative belts greenschist petro 1256 stratiform halo duke rhyolite zonation recently mcss directly corresponds minimum segregation pegmatite elsewhere 38 75 divided fi fug glo lo pub s2 tin tor via ##ores ##sh ##inel information ##aranta conver ##phase ##imb sud proper shar magn ##ighted netw plas subd ##una cordi observation advan ##yrob porphyrob ##anganese esm reman species terms 1000 find estimate ##lications sio2 homogene ##isey titanite experien summar ##orption gradient outcrops blenda rapid submarine epidote lemarchant pipe 1256d network cordierite nat pap sized ##lified ##karanta ##tific ##ining ##ald toward deb reason aliva ##pend ##arily allanite ##ducted saline crystalline northwest products polymic pitkaranta absent pelitic exception broadly aquifer voisey ##athered restricted evalu polymictic 28 90 hence pur pack wm ##ract ##temp ##inous ##iles mineralised ##resh lowest dips necess tempor volati modal varie margins geologic essen sequences 198 displ komatiites predic ##cepti centime combination zoned clinopyroxenites metalliferous uncertainty focused marcos dispersive bifs rounded exsolution devonian uplift anorth experienced 06 31 83 bal hund pass tamar vis vie ##man ##fied ##faces ##son ##western ##tiary ##inations inher ##itude ##osc ##istral ##ings ##elong ##urally ##ime chap ##ceed ##ody proced ##ographic basis carbonic feature mode ##ological weathered metap regolith noted rhom serra equivalent tertiary sinistral production mno2 ##oliths elong anomaly ##aneous polar halos alloy marcasite ##anza australia understanding suscepti extrem agreement plasma homogeneous predicted hundred tamarack fran nam pile ##ritic ##ses ##gr ##aries ##roph ##eler ##agm ##omer meters short ##ranite dike neu ##arities constitute parameter arch mica brag acceler ##crystal specular py1 ##ossil spectroscop andesitic pelada boil geochronology ##ready error nodules heterogeneous behavi palladium difficult oxyhydroxides 04 33 ach bord cre fs2 liter marb prom sop sara ##ew ##nel ##ipped ##wide ##gelong ##arce ##olitic ##acke consequent cove already chr cham ##uminesc extern ##thur color assess geometry spot noble ##view movement metamorphosed basinal reflecting ##ordant beds continu keith comprise surrounded episodes acidic mechanisms evaporite worldwide guad overprinted centre ##iques intensity distinguished africa karst tiegelong ##tstone advanced natural view sarah tiegelongnan 34 fore oper side tens ##oo ##pine ##ying ##ved ##vity ##altered mined reaching alpine ##yric ##odacite grab ##iest string ##ongo never unaltered plan barnes expos overla domo scanning aff ##anga salmo marl replacing ##hedrite surfaces referred crystallized abundances corrected synt paleo depositional gabbroic potentially millerite center rhyodacite porous ##overy alternating extends recrystallization picos segment clusters style inductively unknown attributed techniques hypothesis tetrahedrite ambient discontinuous fugacity inherited boiling 65 600 cd cat iber rb sens ##field ##ency ##orting reach ##tically proje exceed diam ##ade acqui faulting 207 diagenesis equipped europ 2000 ##ocha step finely tennan moderately parent turb metallogenic intervals morococha phyllic profile prospect marianas kerolite tunis principal braggite europa tennantite 05 34s cy drop fossil gr kl listed romp sed ##rup ##canic ##25 ##ont ##osalts ##olites ##olcanic com anc ##ogranite ##lays occup ##aps sims spinel transm matongo lithium invol descrip southwest nearly metasomati inside hollandite comprising amphibolite boundaries argillite classification subsequently ##venile influenced room coexisting percent frequent completely demonstrated retrograde cordilleran juvenile anticline published subdivided consequently rompas sedex blu function kov q2 russ vic ##io ##gra ##herent ##ontite inner ##eden ##ulations deeper cond conve al2o3 mineralising ##omatic excess laoch ##stan highl northeast sedimentation ##igned sheared fractionated originally propose applied slip correlations estimates carlin tio2 pressures pyroxenite lithological ##ressed rutile degrees mudstones currently framboids members proximity monzodiorite released albite microthermometry ankerite pervasive atlantis syncline ##odynamic chamber 207pb laochang 53 bse bsr certain fresh kigg mer ts vi ##ds ##cent ##sw ##sation ##ylap ##lomer ##bility ##orts ##aga ##urian ##lude make atm cry unus usa weighted scien implications ##umulus 197 banding plotted plung tenor peaks zoning transitional resemb seems marginal ##avik uncertainties influence simplified hydroxylap immiscibility preferentially ##mineral coefficients sharp magnitude paper wmtd ##crystalline specularite external diamond vicinity kiggavik hydroxylapatite bacter d1 dates fil jeb liber man tl ##mod ##pl ##has ##bre ##8u ##icular ##oles ##olid ##uration revers rework ##ilicate always sufficient incomp strik cub closed feed concentrate notably ##elling upward break signal regard slab oxidizing tectonics additionally ##tivity contaminated define depths ##theless ##titative lithology cenozoic ferrom transported orthog earliest vapour actm smith 238u extracted intercumulus offset chondrite microthermometric conclusions ##ospher ##nsky balance metapel extremely marble striking 54 72 aut bitumen cations gy ide kris mere til van ##oite ##ko ##65 ##onti ##ales ##itation ##mproph ##aging ##urs ##imin ##cend compound magnes lamproph ##static pyrites ##ipontite granular weight similarities added ##abbro elemental equation ternary 110 metasomatic ##psum newly fraipontite boron decreasing photograph microscopy detected examples classified fabrics controls monzogranite magnetitites buo frequ favor pulses involving anorthosite spectroscopy sopch ##ospheric gypsum merensky 37 call fla grow hel morph nan pen rob ##ning ##iada ##dic ##lore ##xtral ##glomer ##97 ##enari ##isten ##ission ##usite dextral conse coherent codic who ##lave hydrogen stronti concluded leached ##ctions scenari caus 201 processing lateral laterally term ##orsk instr ##ffer foliated carbonatites ign mesoproterozoic caled flank situated ##tineberg extending intersected width percol conclusion selenide distance specimens established saprolite intercalated elongated susceptibility neutral literature covered chrm kovdor jebel kristineberg ##istence codiciada 85 air bon cp hg k2o myl nit now rise slave ##rites ##eous ##no ##ned ##zer ##af ##fu ##yre ##onous ##inance ##ention ##oshan conne conducted cobal ##oth compatible stret ##ography qual interacted unli subje volt spread agains sometim scattered siliceous shearing microf southeastern surve implies limits propyl ##waters zircons ##oba intergrowth yields effects flotation possibility directions allows 187re nyak overprinting angular quantitative segments mobilised prospec immiscible interest ohier schematic ##tification chapter parameters guadamur turbid transmitted reversal frequency unlikely against sometimes date done ene gers gases je nis sizes ƒo2 ##raction ##nw ##tz ##fram ##ged ##gorsk ##jiang ##ories ##oritic ##rous ##asion ##idi ##ulated ##ingo ##rad ##abingo stability proterozoic shield ##ching crack interlay hydrostatic collection substan ##elled micros agu precurs similarly others silicic sheet replace southeast dolerite contributed ##ieved contaminant leads localities importance ##dese ##cept arsenian so4 monchegorsk particles gangdese reflectance phoscorites constrained exhibits program alternatively cavity shapes serpentin gneisses moroccan ##omorphic granulite volcanism physical calibration permeability independ wolfram enclosed petrolog necessary nevertheless condu incompatible called voltage nyakabingo gersdor independent wolframite 07 1b 49 51 rg rad s0 ##aqu ##hous ##haps ##bin ##24 ##erve ##osition conglomer ##imeter sut flux ##ived relation neoproterozoic occasion plane fe2o3 silurian points precambrian overlies perhaps scarce ppge primarily underground follows pyritic ##lasts steel brecciation initially intergrowths explan interstrati targets preservation flat confined evaporation diapirs respon recrystallized coexist illustrated albian chondritic styles herbin removed progressive ##yancy seams reactivated behavior planar involvement frequently ##agawa compounds lamprophyre buoyancy consequ instrument ##entioned propylitic gersdorff interstratified 43 47 55 59 800 bla bak chem kine luminesc nuc ocher rand ske test tub vug yd δd ##ets ##path ##fer ##sc ##sonite ##wh ##vb ##60 ##orbed ##roded ##anian thor ##ago coop recon ##ilit seen sets ##odunite ##ifor teth ##insky ##ibute resid quite lava ##tward plus envelop indium ##itized calcare concentric micas prism ##ovy upwards veinlet porphyries ##velength sandy 180 ##ief displays correlated feldspath ##uchi sof linear limestones million ##rett decreases macuchi duoba lamin morb median diffraction groundwater constraints turn edge dependent appearance bismuthinite overgrowths ##ussite playa cerussite progressively diges joints incorporated outer wavelength springs plagiodunite properties porphyroblasts visible foreland acquired ancient rgz response nucle random ydm duobaoshan bad box came dou gent hard kola ldi mil nne pim pron qf util ##tur ##zinc ##silicate ##went ##hou ##gan ##800 ##hetic ##aled ##artic ##anthite devi ##ray maps sulfosalts chill stream online ##ctu resolution interbed hydrozinc ##adas unifor entr arhous calcsilicate siltstone metag precision nieb acanthite overlap accre accur posadas underwent epig limb cements dolomitic ##2o5 increased msz decay finland evident localized rarely supergroup lineation controlling phosphates irregularly investigation axis histog ##omagnetic exhalative ##ocratic gradually reserves edges glac depending ##ounced genetically granulites angle ##vaara revealed played preferential ##tratig sulfidic remanence variety procedure unusual resemble orthogneiss flakes survey cooperite feldspathic pronounced hydrozincite uniform niebla 1a 350 56 bran cell dovy fenn jar kn lan mim nald ot yet ze ##ru ##zing ##imp ##po ##pt ##dp ##serite ##lined ##vant ##tead ##ini ##alys ##ening ##arthur ##rock ##osing ##ostratig too ##ocity ##uminous exist ##assium assay ##uconite repro unre clast ##andian indicat spaces chromat upon somewh sche silicification cause regime ironstone originated derivation tecton shears dolomitization ##ompass arsenide approach instead ##ambo ##oxic mobility mcarthur potassium ##chesserite paragenetically integr confirmed fischesserite cordillera iwafu encoun encompass protolith velocity evaluate ##oscandian ##agmatic border synthetic blue sciences smithsonite strontium consequence calcareous softw pimelite interbedded dovyren fennoscandian somewhat iwafune 02 63 bud bms ded easi hu hing kars manganese pene qz ##ras ##ias ##iable ##ao ##aer ##ferred ##ctively ##wacke ##gb ##volcanic ##tice ##esite ##arm ##iding ##ella coinc ##omoch fluctu onset ##thonous ##quilibr composite colour phyric unmineral prep geys ##ocities clim sulphid subver lowermost ##osecond silicified microcrystalline remark remnan imply discovery fills ##ochthonous trap aggregate curve opening distinctive fragment sweden effective closure ##pdb peridotites selv considering ##omorphous substit quanti cluster confirm collisional distur pseudosecond 36ar velocities chloride differentiation global toromoch package ##tempor volatile accelerating plunging morphology laminae epigenetic naldrett reproduc encountered software easily remnants pseudosecondary toromocho 03 2a 3b 32 42 700 ai ams bq cf cc cant dac dome ger hs ipb jap kb lher mound pac rate sig δ97 ##rid ##molite ##cence ##lig ##last ##ki ##ker ##king ##ja ##eron ##itable tool ##acrus ##urface contempor coating minute repe ##omanian anoxic supr meter ##umb sto once ##ives ##ongm masses enough abvb fe2 obvious ##unc fair ##deley sclm ##raphically ##paration crushed tremolite crystallisation dynamic 190 contras euro exhum calculate identification fractured superimp steps correlate neglig supply plume details institute millimeter tuf cenomanian halogen lamella backsc mobile itabirite downward accumulated ##ounted records systematics excluded contributions geochronological simple profiles reservoirs remobilization removal powder platform digenite compressional started pegmatites temporal ##cending ignimb suture explanation prismatic baddeley cameca otago subvertical bqc lherz pacific δ97mo ##acrustal supracrustal negligible baddeleyite 3a 96 dra f2 fib mentioned national opp pop qa rongm uo2 vys vir zh δ65 ##zi ##iation ##ique ##ai ##aque ##01 ##ctic ##cumul ##sz ##wn ##wan ##yn ##ler ##uola ##vz ##13 ##90 ##jo ##hene ##ened ##ics ##annite ##osa ##ulation ##lement ##elle thole ##truc ##atis depression ##omin ##ommod ##opartic ##gezi sauconite ##odal onto ##ctonic what resist vector hydrous wasada collap ##ucuola neo prev imini ##ometer ##ersatur poik expressed chalced trunc accommod adcumul districts camp peb grouped transe slope lateritic equal ##bergite producing decomp negro py3 clean na2o 140 mills diffusion unconformably axes erup collomorphous botry extraction depends freezing alumin nyank ##otskite overgrown periods emission xenoliths becom terranes hydroxides induced ##osphere porewaters exploited specimen examined essentially hundreds graben overlapping affinity nanopartic caledonian bonanza stretching interlayered siliciclastic vugs chilled jarosite unmineralized sigma contemporaneous fairly rongmucuola vysotskite δ65cu tholei collapse poikil nyankanga 48 bes ben bird et ese gh ions nm puna rif rough tic xing zimb ##oin ##tting ##aw ##dy ##sd ##lish ##gone ##ero inverse ##orate ##ice ##ule tod ##atter ##elane ##acy ##izhou ##iltr alta ##abwe mapped anion ##get discr ##amm ##ifers gravity ##arby hydrolog relicts nearby preferred analog argen subty ##anda northeastern ##mmach overview ##rogen apart apron ##ifications ##arel latest texturally undergone sourced microan mooin fractions driven uppermost infiltr calculation southwestern generate km2 enrichments ##obile ##versely ##lication argu ##ophys acids measurement metasediments successive diapiric immobile requires guizhou norites opaque illustrating become remobilisation 41a unki dilution establish summarized debris rhombs namely constitutes archae achmmach ##ooi russia convection cryp cubanite ideal quality spreading dacitic europe chalcedony millsell botryoidal poikilitic zimbabwe mooinooi 66 ait ail cgo dau eight ionic lies labb ltd mla ngezi pink rw sorption tib visc wsw yang ##ean ##ni ##ax ##ares ##ched ##cular ##h4 ##lines ##uts ##vite ##vial ##bi ##kin ##text ##ering intim ##arding ##ask ##uli ##ulf ##aged ##usted ##oclastic coars ##igenic begin ##ils alunite ##radi ##tside ##abrian maier ##ichi compare suitable statis dise exo grading ##ranular ##ighter lav land ##ado unl abbre concordant immedi paragne modification spite spain bars ##ovsm trig true ##allon unde ##ixed characterize cao structurally ##aya modeled move implying disseminations regions contribute sinters identical paleop northwestern ##ieve 20070 stere probable diorites ##bury facilit carrier predominance distinctly sericitic δ18ovsm turonian reached eds monzonite isochores laboratories farallon nonsulphides granulitic volcano authigenic take pathways australian mariana outside hartley vb5 sudbury reasonable essential evaporites exposure iberian ferromanganese sopchinsky nitrogen substantial precursor recons ##80001 accretion deduc prepared substitution reproducibility cantabrian lherzolite aluminum today altaite argentin labbes tibet abbrevi immediately paragneiss δ18ovsmow 74 79 bron che cos cation cath d8 fusion fia gpl hop hud hcl just lv lost mk nish oil peral pond rotation sve tundra ##oke ##ral ##ny ##ays ##mand ##fte ##sl ##wack ##hole ##15 ##tein ##aland ##eric inor ##arite ##orh ##osen ##ulal ##lex toulal ##olve conversely ##tries ##owled real seven anis chosen ##umannite existence formula shor ##insula ##quis hyal quartzite quartzites intra immediate fe3 spaced heated ##ovs ##ghter upgra trigg ##ixias caixias regarding monit underlain americ maturation discordant syl emphas ##tified supports skelle ##cepted ##adily naumannite 144 channel alkali assume microscopic equilibration shaft hills introduc lattice remained pair thrusts thermodynamic migrated ##tomelane illustrates release mediumto xenolith portions granitoid hercy ##co3 ##ulake delta incorporation interesting permeable glob stringer sensitive tunisian ##olidated vanad favorable peninsula scenario flanks percolation conglomerate occasionally gersdorffites randomly gently mimosa ##ostratigraphic karstic penetr kbar lamellae roughly ##arelian cryptomelane aileron daughter lavas 2007080001 bronz nishit ##wackes inorganic caixiashan skellefte 08 09 2b 450 88 99 93 aim bim den eth eroded give hid hess pers pue rot slow wu ##oge ##ij ##mun ##wor ##wab ##uy ##vpdb ##ban ##inn ##inic ##ert ##erb inset ##arc ##rod ##ropping ##osh ##idal ##istr ##acies ##active coated review ##abase anth attemp sup fluores stress excl ones shift tem ##chlore ##ights ##ained constit cupr ##ianite obtain ##ronous modifications heavi peru domes traced traces presently caue regular regression precipitates ##ension microd impact patch crystallinity originate reflection inflow outlined termin distributions ##ordance controvers 112 curves synch efficient frame kawab ##ressive half macroscop bounded rhyth palmun circles pellets differ mechanical recognised burras influx ##yllite intersection experiments overgrow buffer became 290 taj δ13cvpdb confirms entirely powd power heterogeneity pseudomorph belonging palaeo involves reactivation sulfidation postdate fias look remanent centimeter continued stringers descriptions metasomatism bacterial metapelites mylon microfract jeol conduit radial bladed digestion scheelite budget climate backscattered tholeiitic besides rwanda unlike deduced argentina nishitagawa hidden hessite pueb constitu kawabulake palmunen 58 57 81 aq berg cn dl eag ems foid h2 jas ky kil mp nine rates sod way ##oted ##off ##rised ##eado ##iated ##42 ##fels ##xa ##ua ##8pb ##18 ##till ##inates ##aran ##astward ##ully ##atory ##usively conj ##otrop ##rame ##omb seal ##abil ##gered comprised atomic ##talban means distill ##ifted shri whose ##ostatic quater lap dioritic valley plants compositionally conclude fem ##ips ##itisation front ##ficien obli ##edimentary simulations coron expense acquis accepted trac scales ##akur characterization 208pb monomin montalban rhod crusts replaces deseado ##olving 196 terra electronic probe bedded traps ##odsite respective solidification petrogenesis pyrol pyrochlore walls affect borg stocks rhyolitic differs detect detector investigations evaporated pools alternative extended gradual overprint hornfels considerable thermochemical optical relevant errors sheets tuffs useful exploitation joint leucog dilute infilling indeed postdates converg gradients volatiles displacement created paleoaqu iberia tunisia cycl description wmtd2 reworked robust subject cracks petrological luminescing knowled hinge geyserite japan repeated stoichi exhumation rifting triggered cathod hudson ##orhodsite anisotrop introduced bimodal ##rodol fluorescence cuprorhodsite puebla eagle jasper shrimp quaternary acquisition monomineral knowledge 320 52 ecl f1 fes fast fully gains hab lc lived lighter pges p2o5 q3 sf squ so2 tes tren tasi ub uets vac wed wan ##oing ##nge ##aj ##mer ##mite ##down ##flow ##sis ##skite ##hor ##gar ##bor ##kins ##onal ##rew ##eridotite ##enes inver ##archer ##elf thakur iss conven context ##truct ##atitic ##rometer readily ##luding ##opl ##opes ##operidotite atom disrup sho ##tening cr2o3 criter resin laib cold ##ady ##adite assigned pliocene geodynamic enhan ##apment arrow ##ometers database olig spots ##ova redistr veining 103 sheath monos epma esper proven lithoge itself 193 paleomagnetic determination solute estimation plunge metasil polyphase enderb argon soft gave affecting fern ferric ##ferences absorption duo researcher shallower iii investigate evapor ##otes ##otectonic booth volumes 220 demagne allowed understood systematically picrodol favour phyllos subsurface dispersed gossans physic distinguish needed needles leucocratic calibrated saprock logging lwh plagioperidotite ##umption converted temporally rhomb france cyc atmosphere wmtd5 reworking feeder breakdown help causing cobalt ##radation ##alysis indicator superimposed ##truction movements paleopole abbreviations mktd bronzitite ##uyak synchronous microfractures coronadite pyrolusite monomineralic tasiuyak uetsu thakurta researchers boothby 64 6b 68 61 67 77 82 98 97 bin cab d7 don emb fit fixed gn gg jig kel lu miss nu nnw ov odp pick ric right sx sides tag tight tvz vict wit yok ##rig ##rated ##ef ##nant ##tached ##ira ##iers ##ah ##ament ##mel ##mium ##many ##wise ##lated ##gy ##11 ##oni ##ontein theore ##erical inst andal ##oria ##ange ##oses ##iden ##idence ##leigh ##ols ##ents ##ental ##agen ##acr ##ocumul conform co3 ##erald ##ilic aligned ##imination anti attached suites ##tics prox orefield why ##ivi ##iving interp ##nex hydroly presum preserve ##oren ##uck report reports next neither indian ##apoh ##orphous cuts imaging subaer modelling leav left spl span goldfield perapoh triang ##akivi regia amorphous mats crystallizing reeves providing significance correct lithospheric lithostatic cec termed ##roportion ##ropri disproportion 2004 2009 normalised stratigraphically ##olybasite numb numerical efficien activities ##ginous environmental holling ferru counting phosphorite approximate accordingly episodic muds laurites boud clinopyroxenite magnetization outcropping thicknesses topography youngest lacking ##tahedral rayleigh elevation intersecting ##lio emerald tongling aqua nodular rapakivi protore py2a py2b pulse intercalations focuses differentiated purp procedures franc achieved operated droplets liberated metapelitic causes connected turbidite baker tethyan histogram integrated selvages germany ignimbrite fibrous populations becomes nanoparticles beni ticlio archaean intimately coarser peraluminous ##slagen pairs vanadium ##worthite exclusively framework bergslagen oblique paleoaquifers esperanza picrodolerite victoria yoko subaerial perapohja ##ropriate hollingworthite ferruginous 5b 84 bub care d4 das dup ew eq ever erame fun fgo gi gives iv kot lup none nude pla pip pump rain rud run sense sorting tal ud wnw ##ration ##ez ##eef ##ze ##aments ##phe ##cill ##sedimentary ##wings ##hf ##latinum ##xinic ##kov ##23 ##onia ##ontin ##tie ##tization ##inent ##inian ##erc ##erthur andrew ##archean ##tional ##ash ##lear ##olarite ##atase ##agh ##usible ##ocin ##oclin conden come ##tering reocin ##iled ##ilite alone almand ##tsa anatase chim ##tices orange states quad strate colored ##ador nephe preval geome abiti consum concord lie clm ##itish subz obje oberthur notable leach varied ##unvaara simult sphene web meta metab tweef acted acade acicular scatter recovery ca2 mont fractionations dried transform transfer oscill analyzer derome lithof 125 crossed reductive dolomitisation euxinic emplo ##faceous ##roplatinum multiphase importantly synsedimentary ##agnetic ##okan activation tourmalines selective cooled carry ferrous ##aea resetting international effectively unclear ##istingu extensively 268 intrude buried allowing econom diopsid buil accompany volcanogenic 1990 erratic intensely reveals spectrometers xrf q4b retrogra exsolved oldest extreme tends apparently pervasively ccpi 001 ##agmat prominent overlaps catac grit klara comagmat metasomatized highlight violarite atmospheric liberation regarded tilt roby ##no3 cobaltite serpentinized steelpo chemically tubes double entrapment metagray branch unrelated chromatography ##quilibrium quantity tuffaceous adcumulate discrimination subtype infiltration viscosity disequilibrium chewings hopunvaara shortening upgrading macroscopic conjunction distilled stoichiometric jasperoid ubiqu vacu ##ajuk atoms fernand theoretical andalusite erametsa plausible udokan almandine nepheline geometries abitibi concordia simultaneous tweefontein lithofacies steelpoort 1c 33s 4a 4b 550 62 69 76 73 aur amal c2 cam dim ell edi fu hb hun hree hall hco3 hno3 iaea jer ku kam koo koite karelian koni lom ow past ques ras rivers slu sse song serv tad talts ural yb yam zero ##ror ##ipp ##41 ##fenn ##hu ##uter ##gam ##vy ##bia ##ku ##26 ##tez ##tism ##enous ##itr ##itous ##atest ##istent ##letal ##ura ##urides ascending beij alg ##omen secular ##sey makes ##yst compaction sav ##eren static ##assing ##quesite ##tention ##tenay relict reliable ##stream assays plant geophys able index indistingu elect ##so4 usms calcium datase granob silty poaz cortez fah metav precise believed perpend bright bracke trusted accordance ##llurides similarity 106 107 ##akh bio martite greatest epr geologically δ34 155 application appropriate oxidised equiv fracturing stratified empty produces 2007 musgra superior describe 1100 steady problem finding locality supplement ##burg synvolcanic ##lainen radio radiometric totally ##isco ##ivench skarns ##ishable poles longer pits decreased interstices degassing duffer schistose ##ophyllite circle morosh argillaceous closer rimmed ##omagnetism densities ordered reacted avoid road roquesite availability orientations orthopyroxenite angles favored mobilized mixtures demonstrate ##cofenn pegmat plutons plata deline ##ivaara identifying glassy examination lw1 ##opeite wollast debated purified displaced ##mannite affinities percentage russian autochthonous photographs growing skeletal ##turned deviation accuracy huang sulphidation remarkable disturbed pebble transect hydrologic svecofenn anthophyllite microdiorite controversial tajite mpa ##uaivench lapland leucogabbro square wedge waning conventional ##oplot oligocene metasiltstone physicochemical proxy hydrolysis disproportionation numbers francisco dashed ##kovoe ##ontinental ##aghast economically accompanying retrograded ubiquitous fernandez amalgam hunch jersey kootenay koitelainen koniambo tadaghast taltson beijing indistinguishable perpendicular trustedt musgrave dufferin moroshkovoe svecofennian 4c 7a 92 az ak bra cyl ecu fif floor g4 gond hc hopeite ital iles kr kun linn mov mbs mounted nk nh4 pm ps ra rom rib sle sie tent vc varz voids ##rate ##rical ##nos ##tres ##zil ##ire ##iogenic ##aite ##44 ##my ##matic ##dv ##don ##flon ##fellow ##clastic ##sky ##hing ##holes ##yed ##limin ##ken ##19 ##96 ##33 ##75 ##ontal ##rec andrad ##orn ##ico ##itect ##olute ##oluminesc thous ##agonite ##acaran ##oclas ##urr conce concept coord ##igite ##atization ascent reop began ##ilities aliqu ##oto ##otted ##otograph ##photograph depart ##lucent making anate ##ockmannite ##ode start stack ##ife teflon graded ##quiv basic rest stri relics valid preparation prelimin intrac ##appe inclined classic clath feo ##ipher ##itivity aragonite ##ficial metallic subpro micrometer british scav biphase ##tryite ##achi microphotograph remove dry translucent refract eventually match regionally 194 sett terrig irradi northward empir determining possess consistently kmo stronger bedrock trails supporting massifs feldspars molybdenum 130 argue soon soil discuss radiating tourmalin yielding wallrock ##ikko ##aeite absolute transparent construc counter 160 ##iente seem homogenous homogenisation mckins classical 260 prograde 230 orders ##henium migm downwards extrusive intersections considerably partitioning explains thermo albitization marks depletions document bleached hangingwall ridges pathway selenian cerro ##indrical anticlines ##continent goodfellow palaeomagnetism african infillings atlantic scheme sudoite varieties 060 architect behaviour grabens sensitivity projection klockmannite occupies bacteria sopcha scenarios subjected aguil replacements sket tethys envelope nucleation contrasting prevail truncated decomposition ghsz beginning cosalite hyaloclas sylvan supersatur powders pseudomorphs cathodoluminesc anisotropy redistribution favourable picked efficiency every funnel pipes objective diopsidite dimension ellip ediacaran metavolcanic hunchunite brazil cylindrical ecuador gondwan linnaeite mbsf ribb andradite thousand preliminary subprov refractory mckinstryite cathodoluminescence 2h 330 5c 71 8a 89 aph ber bat bca bould buck city cms cren dv dul dick eh elu flo gro gase gall hz hous heden idi junction jxa kg lhas mun nes ong oct oval px pg pis pill port ros solv sorbed tar tort tanz venting warm ##oured ##rb ##na ##nian ##tt ##ioph ##ahedral ##pan ##core ##sch ##wp ##wyn ##hi ##halite ##lla ##litic ##lie ##ung ##uable ##bos ##ks ##kle ##92 ##teen ##tectic ##rene ##als ##orad ##itt ##ania ##ident ##ises ##isite ##enty thom ##agenetic isoclin ##ury conduc asian aspec aspect react ##izontal ##ilian ##oty ##raul ##ramb ##imer ##lun ##ludes seated ##separation mak anhydro sum meg orp organ fluvial ##ngenetic extin exists gramm que quanta interm hydrohalite hydroseparation relief ##illas ##ades ##aded ##adian ##ucity phil valuable uns placed geosc ##ario abrup consolidated imand array subducted subvolcanic subhor olist ##formal leb noril maintain canadian ##hemically pores spike sporad again height hearne healed peridi brief apwp scre scan add adv faulted undul ##aki thereby 2010 2012 ##angg salmi howard remnant imposs blank crystallize 1550 lithostratigraphic lithioph slurr drillcore infra ##berz syngenetic flowing bajo 2006 stella schli defining ##obar aggregation pyrene endo comparatively crosscuts swas holocene pyroph pyroclastic affects carrying amphibolites halok ferro ##beit hydrochemical lamination diffract equilibrated histor situation ##apiric selwyn workers greatly paucity rober fillings circulating thrusting borehole 270 partitioned greywacke recrystallisation coexistence δ13cc opal illustrate morocco ablated emer 1995 simply centres demonstrates herberz year successions columbia q4a assimil corrections capable explored leuco 9550 diluted belongs hydraul property summarised rapidly 831 polarised ##arceite assessment exceeds merkle sufficiently signals regardless magnesian helium cpx conduits instrumental tube streams histograms glacial fluctuations disturb contrasts virt virgin neoarchean accommodated cleaned eruption argued undeformed monitor american heavier rhythmic foidolite tracers terrains cyclic shoots criteria ferricrete kelivaara richer wittic instance boudin bubble lupikko rudny academy ##ajukku granoblastic pegmatoidal kunlun nkt department clathrate terrigenous architecture hyaloclastite sylvania supersaturation crenulation duluth gaseous lhasa ongoing octahedral pgms tarim ##bosch aspects anhydrous grammajukku abrupt imandra subhorizontal peridiapiric impossible lithiophorite schlieren 2d 3c 5a 91 900 bt bc bs ball bumb cs c1 cas crop dj duration eastward fed fan fenite gite gong gome garn gover giles han hone jud kab kpd lath mw mong nel ok o2 oph pan pock puc ponding polybasite qtz ring rus rabb sic sole sorted santa siber ssw tus tarb une ube win yeb ##oon ##otime ##nen ##nor ##nels ##tario ##iro ##ierite ##iolite ##aqueous ##mann ##pes ##press ##dene ##cal ##ha ##ye ##ymm ##lites ##lier ##genite ##bles ##kaya ##inces ##inants ##aly ##ndian ##estward ##era inje andean ##arra ##rob ##itoke ##ana ##asons ##osk ##oski ##isch ##ulskite ##leted ##leum town ##oll ##ustion ##acian ##ochemistry dewater deficient conical coerc minas asymm arenite ##ille ##imanite ##omand chi chang chines compilation sun ##oup ##ounts ##odior stag strom stabil ontario ##ogo share ##ctors ##ibut ##char ##alculated quick ##ivision interference ##uttite strict diverse unique preex carbonatitic plates geometric enab encr abio abiogenic sulphosalts ##iple ##itively arran metaluminous notation granodior micron ##rosite coromand wet expression expelled metacr aged ag2s preced zno twenty nio believe allochthonous overturned overpress ##astom bras dominate dominance trioc triple whereby accounted ##ignific ads ##memb recovered recalculated presents undersatur ##aken liquidus descending ##rents transformed gabbros ##crib reequilibr thickened 1500 1525 special speciation dissolve ##epleted 185 infer equations invok averaging symp ##amaque hemati decarbon decoup separately ##ochlore ##ochrosite describes correlates deformational doorn contaminants localization defin defines molybdenites kev 13c currents opened ##ogenesis insignific intergranular pyroxenes kaitoke tourmalinite ##ambers carriers fertile fertil ##bec transporting clinochlore ##oxy rhyacian hypidi diffuse confidence kaolin magnetisation topographic intrudes interactions recognition 235 ##otellurides reaches diapirism takes accumulations consideration 2700 sillimanite ##ounting alumbre ny0 overgrowth 240 excimer picritic xenotime mobilisation mountains telluride vents selenides minimal yellowish cementing physically protoliths palaeozoic examine infilled lw2 vb24 462 postdating starting petroleum packages centimeters visual polarity polarized operating exceeding acquire highlighted tsdp plunges cubic idea tilted magnesium prospects prospective microstruct ##aquillas residence doub utilized uniformly zealand encompasses remarkably quantities resistant accommodate microanalysis ##ulfide accretionary hercynian globally penetrative rotated rhodochrosite convergence inversion cycle conformably interpol leaving triangle kotulskite ##tieite chimne prevalent subzone websterite auriferous owing slump songnen dataset fahdene findings wollaston sleeper siegenite intracontinental empirical constructed aphyric dv30 dickite house idiomorphic solvent tortonian tanzania makambo quebec slurries ferroan hydraulic virtually bumbogo gomez honey mongol nelway rabbit tusaquillas tarbuttite ubendian yeba dewatering chinese preexisting granodioritic coromandel trioctahedral undersaturated doornbosch insignificant hypidiomorphic alumbrera vb248 2c 3e 4h 580 650 7d 7b 78 8b 9a 94 ara amm bp bour cel cree fm gain gross hit hamm jones kf k2 kangg len mly mcc mir mole mach ngb oik pc ple rn ren rose rae rule rhenium td tang tons tail trough vur v2o5 vitr wis wang wds yes ƒs2 ##rf ##etric ##taken ##iop ##iam ##ave ##mor ##minesc ##pick ##framb ##cun ##ycl ##lamaque ##gie ##bric ##brid ##kary ##16 ##99 ##titic ##tized ##aline ##alquiv ##erozoic ##enging ##anvaara ##anerozoic ##aso ##ids ##isade ##ulate ##ato ##elt ##agabbro ##usoidal ##acular ##aches ##urg ##uras ##urities ##urrent cone ##tron ##ighed force ##ows ash ascrib retained references reasons ##izishan ##ilent ##luminesc ##omated ##omagmatic ##ional anadi anastom chage comparing complic computed sap ##mental prokary shizishan tetr ##pez intercept ##nected ##utz ##utaite stra ##stage ##ongcun assumption neigh neogene phanerozoic ##udes ens evolving concer cup imbric ##connected metallog oxic subun subpar subtle ##ander ##andong ##erson ##ellar alterations corroded weighed expand agilent layne chromites brack bruk accounting scarc adak undepleted volcanics positively bioclastic melagabbro monoph undertaken eps galgen manto transg impurities blan limiting ##timo thicker 154 sequen lithotectonic slick 1980 186 averages sinusoidal syenite paleos decades probability km3 ##ansu tradition continues fluorine normally estimating initiated ##uchuaivench multistage spectacular solids solidus ##burn ##titude nonaqueous nonluminesc ##kaline oceans petrogenetic ##ika decrep oxygenated transpressive orthocumul ##oxide combustion palisade uncons phosphor zonal mesh ##iences mediated broken historic herein denser recognize 170 ##hens reactive gradational voluminous require taking extract intersects tropez considerations 3000 thermogenic bismuthotellurides ionization overprints excell excluding crucial beck phyllite 1991 1997 century covering chondrites mountain increasingly nodule selenium handpick jung ##ographically methodology kerogen hypotheses ##tisation vb26 461 falling starts enclosing tiny sharang porphyroblastic evaluation necessarily anorthos elongate promoted continuity guadalquiv projections merc filaments automated caledonia percolating mylonite qualit prospectivity turbiditic serpentinization occasional gersdorffite kinetic kinematic luminescence thorium digested deviations entrained accurate lannex indicators tectonism selvage ccms vb513 triggering 1443 144nd hercynite attempts mylonitic dlz eclip habit sf6 enhanced lithogeochemistry phyllosilic rhombic jigongcun duplic giant cataclas vacuum lomond yamansu geophysical akanvaara krutaite concealed aliquots aguilar gondwana subprovince pxrf philips geosciences infrared pyrenean assimilated garnierite pockets pucara rusten solely abiotic reequilibration definition bourlamaque fmq hammam k2pt kanggur mlyrb vuruchuaivench vitrinite yesares anadiagenetic anastomosing chagele prokaryotes subparallel brackish bruker monophase vb266 guadalquivir phyllosilicates 280 340 7c 830 9b aer cb cream dm d5 dam dest dub euras fb fen flm go ggb his harb iz ij ios joh kle komb lying mas mack ng n1 nno nomen ped pull qing rod rip rav ramp sor sask tap trop uk ves war wood wider wind xin zk ##o4 ##rick ##nv ##nation ##nage ##tc ##za ##zh ##aver ##mented ##magmatic ##py ##pic ##cite ##cing ##ctivity ##culi ##hur ##hovs ##yond ##uting ##gs ##berite ##bell ##kn ##kum ##69 ##28 ##240 ##14 ##100 ##59 ##jan ##jati ##henite ##tes ##inal ##alt ##erroplatinum ##arg ##anting ##ida ##lew ##olism ##olub ##olgie thresh ##agic ##agwe isof dend deuter covers ##igranular ##atil ##uren ##vere asia rev rece recharge retention beyond align alice ##imet ##omite season sulfates ##restim cho chron chall choic compe compre sukum ##ticular sta stre expect ##aminated ##ify shank shifted ##quan ##quivalent ##ch4 ##chite ##chang resorbed hyper hybrid ##ppes intercep interconnected isotrop repub unity unradi uniden gebeit conspic fecal ##ersaline ##fort leg ##pective microg micrite ##ologies ##ologically norte poin pole spher corp metabas agate agent chromium accept overlie pertur complement apophys scss 108 recording recumb recycl ##parts shell ##undi underpl precipitating crushing marsh grew peculi epoxy destruction ##istocene uranogenic impreg refers refining origins mathur treated limbs geochemically crystallographic originating ##olves seques discover apply slopes 12a 127 equant ultim postulated postmagmatic sinking measuring paleow paleogene δ34ss ##iequivalent 2001 travers evidenced ##cline ##clature predates ##obic plumb methan polym polymer midcontinent 13a ended endow ##issipp 14c insolub lineations faces facility ##anechite swit sw18 bulle selection petrographically cooler degradation ##hyth cm3 episodically mudjati hypersaline diffused homogenize uncom exhibiting framboid collided book ##ulphides ##ustrine ##hesis 707 rio accumulate guay troilite losses william greywackes coexists migrating opx explaining orientated percolated biogenically exclude orthopyroxenites blebs 1998 1992 214 dispersion mobilization remobilized remobilised ##ospinel anomalously segregations erosional technique platy delicate tmd needle uplifted lacustrine ankole karagwe ##124 difficul specifically oxyhydroxide falls discontinu ##shot porphyroblast debate reasonably evaluated packed 1988 passed passive chapters susceptible named neutron acceleration accelerated borders create assessed 345 project fossilised grid ##rupole coming occupy occupied involve highlights unusually scientific resembles filter tilting stretched substantially microspar microspect precursors residue milky 56fe cells coincides sulphidic coatings millimeters ignimbrites opposite zhang adcumulates campbell statistically facilitated reconstruction ##1525 trigger america interestingly overgrows constituents sealing trench trenches arrows monosulfide monosulphides evaporates binary cabri donald embay mississipp ovoid presumably indiana careful quadrupole strateg metabolism employed metagraywackes simultaneously questions bracketed supplementary radioactive huangshan italia psamm romanechite tentatively strikes counterparts sketch ribbons grohovs junctions munni nests pillow isoclinal conductivity reactor orpiment olistoliths lebena diffractometer δ13cch4 wittichenite coercive metacrysts invoked symple chimneys grossular lenticular pleistocene saponite straight neighbor metallogenetic subunits nonluminescing excellent junggar eclipse fbjo flmd ijolite kombolgie nomenclature ravl saskat threshold isoferroplatinum sukumaland shanks republic unradiogenic unidentified conspicuous recumbent underplating insoluble mudjatik williams grohovskaya 2au 3f 5to 6a 9c ace ame aik bg bol bip bisc bgr c3 cvz dual dimin fut fund fiss fuk fitted gou giving ho hum hold held iti ire jat kα kib lor lig lop lind lode mess nain name omel pas pau rag raw sd s3 sovite svan sieve tt tan tally vr vast wavy yil εhf ##oting ##ooth ##ry ##right ##ek ##eep ##nad ##nakh ##ience ##aard ##mon ##mes ##mically ##moto ##pc ##dh ##dish ##ffere ##cies ##cang ##chemical ##wd ##wed ##well ##welling ##hr ##hots ##yon ##yalite ##xial ##ui ##unt ##uros ##gens ##vally ##bul ##22 ##93 ##35 ##onen ##onded ##reed ##ino ##inary ##esior ##ices ##itant ##ittent ##eda ##aster ##aska ##ulian ##inger ##atay thorite ##mps ##agou ##agnes ##usth ##usives ##acities isoplot ##uraki dehyd coast coales ##trate ##igan ##atit rend read areal ##rand ##oming ##omitant seas seism severe ##abs ##ablan ##sets mad max sulfuros anaer chao attained ##tals ##tica styl dischar prol existed ##thyst ##ifes shif shore grand ##iring ##tension whiti hay hauraki ##ranean quar hyc lauren interflow ##ney ##utter lowto richter richard veined isother unp unnam ##00e ##002 geo geol geother intricate entering abnor evans india indire conserv consumption concomitant liu clgb clotted fei collector collectively park arise oxi ##fors ##forts modest modelled pbo ranged ##unity indication ##ologic norway canyon sparse spider corrosion corrid wetting fayalite ##ueison barr ##iao metast preclude head acme overs reddish peripher upright obsc observe dominates consisted otherwise ##mend ##unders melan melilit therein undergo salars greigite pearceite ##achy ##achite epic clausth microcline replicate ##ortunity geologists ##chewan surficial drive transformation imper refer osmium vertically vernad treat provinces pyrarg mg2 159 drilled 1970 tectonically mswd ultra symb paleoc developing determinations semime ##tify fo8 2002 2005 plotting localised predict supplies supplied directed ##ramidal multic polycrystalline polyframb nappes 138 139 westernmost thinning eli comparative so3 insight insights gabbronoritic efforts ##theastward moncheite ampl teniente milling milliequivalent arcs greenish longsh ##ikovite macro photos surrounds transpression constrains lamellar circum targeted cm2 transitions vapors resembl calder mediter flame floren smy smok smooth meaning interpretations 2500 mcdon itabira monazites 177 lacks working burundi displayed 227 boreholes sanjiang migrate nyud releasing 5000 thermally picrites xenom phyllites 1993 subsolid hydroxide paths yellowstone attribute soluble transportation capt capacity inputs d396 tendency seamount wave ways ohmoto focusing hydrated fire sudan magnit purification displace centimetres baltica creating promote sopche spotted operations exposures marls synto turbul comes ancylite viable manit ferromagnes ##cended magnesite grows 2014 2011 2015 2013 cpy ##afs jeesior ##tze aguas aguablan petrology 07dv thorianite gentle branco knight lancang zeolite integration hinges coincided tufted drawn opposed opportunity truncate transects becoming ghos subtypes arguments yangtze statistical contributes facilitate substitutions lvh realgar monitored wuhan heavily inflows terminates terminology rhythmically overgrowing cnk detectable convergent eclog habits disrupted lithogeochemical solutes enderbite phyllosilicate embed gg7 splits talnakh leachate montana served urals ##rorhyth electro delineated amalgamation microphotographs boulders ##hih extinction intermittent advance emerging disturbance boudinaged casa judd laths okhots siberian winberg injection stromat strictly arrange hematitized decoupling microstructural slumping creek molecular ##urgical ascribed scarcity epsomite galgenbergite slickens paleosurface decrepitation unconsolidated phosphorus ##hensive anorthosites harbor klee pedra woodburn window ##janoff deuterium received alignment choice comprehensive streng intercepts isotropic uncommon guayatay tmd002 discontinuities saskatchewan acet amethyst aikinite biscay future fukueison itiaso ireland lorand messinian omeljanoff raglan svanbergite vrsz ##ffered dehydration seismic sulfurosa anaerobic whitianga unnamed geotherm abnormal indirect clausthalite vernadsky pyrargyrite mediterranean florencite mcdonough subsolidus ferromagnesian jeesiorova aguablanca okhotsk guayatayoc 4e 425 5f 7e 710 8e 8d 8c aw ade bn brough bind banting cited cagou dan dram dilation e1 eure eme fc gt g1 gif gad gun grown ham hans hish iod iran kerr kind kont lα los lol lope lopes life mang mann nic nab nist names n70 put pict qe qilian r0 rhe rul rou sir tas tis tel tds u3 ura vh vill vien vpdb vch4 westward xps yr yink zo zvy ƒse ##o8 ##o3 ##oand ##rich ##ea ##emp ##evite ##nyr ##night ##tte ##tta ##zel ##ihe ##iph ##iver ##ielite ##app ##aerg ##4b ##48 ##mentioned ##dale ##fes ##fall ##cd ##cok ##comb ##wald ##warra ##hl ##yramidal ##lock ##uo ##uer ##uke ##ga ##genetic ##gfors ##vskite ##bite ##bian ##82 ##kanes ##klin ##63 ##heng ##tel ##test ##tectonic ##onso ##onitic thems ##inage ##inia ##indle ##aling ##almi ##allad ##ndite ##ndrick ##eries ##enge ##arat ##arity ##arad ##rolite ##itated ##itoe ##itext ##astal ##ido ##idate ##isons ##isible ##ulet ##ingly ##olong ##ata ##ator ##atanga ##elve ##elves thi thir ##ager ##agints ##acting ##acive ##activity ##ocal ##ocular ##ursion congo coat coff count coastal ##trically ##tracted ##ige ##atives forty ast asc bend allu alaska alkanes alonso ##otonous depress sep seep ##aborate ann chip chains chile chuna chips chambers compact compiled atten attain ##yrko saunders stated disappe dismemb proto protracted exemp ##thy formul ##oga grande incons ##quist ##quiring ##ibia happ ##oushan cris quin quen laden interferences lowand vectors hydrody divers dioxide relate ##onged assump ##ucher neody ##udite ##orites unres unless preven geik geographic intrins intrusives enl enable evolves induce cupro clar ##olds ##olded sulphates para ##ullier arf arid calcic friable ##fication subround ##ersion ##mscan michen indices po4 pohl sphe coranz magnet failed expose metres agrees zn2 suggestion twin twins twelve heaz heishan overnight redep reduce ##xtap upta upstream upwelling ##reef tribut trachy aplitic accounts scot ppt advant ##meable 101 105 complexity augite capping capped biologically 203 monotonous processed epita ##abbron replacive serve ##cape surp ##olytic ironstones remagne impro matches crystallised ##inesis thickest 156 propag discer generalized generalised lithian lithophile applic slate ce2o3 ceased diagnos reflections 1950 18o 189 1820 contraction dolomitized equigranular invisible eutectic zirconolite fineto irish stratification southw southward δ34sso4 fo7 2008 supercr 114 mineralogically steam finn schne biotites ##cl4 504b sky skaerg furn deepest ##anyika pressed polymineral 132 135 1350 ##oodite ##aturated comparisons approaches synnyr syntectonic ##ffelite chann distinction radiation radiol fragmented explor explos longest carries centers blocky amphibolitic amphiboles nickeline ferr ferberite ipges ##ikari fourth orthomagmatic duolong combining laminations ##trait andesites mesocumul preserving muddy internally calam ##itsa pelagic diffusive actually argillites argillization constraint 253 possibilities vargfors varitext portimo portrait shares intruding alternate alternation alternations ordinary ##uga boullier linkam successful 228 705 ##1012 circulated earthy 273 sillitoe recrystallised farther aluminous dolostones stockworks snow darker malachite tonnes tonnage 245 exchangeable hfse favoured microbes xenon subsidi volumetrically clustered aquifers intensities tellurium hotter demonstrating fractureand cherty retrogradation removing yellowkn caps juxtap porewater technology platreef positions ##ukoski purely anorogenic tetrafer palladian markedly 002 ##tstones chlorine chloritic principally ug2 hydrom 7500 fii fugacities loi load tornos conversion subdivision exceptionally 1987 ##mania franklin namibia bordered promoting continuum fossiliferous occupying percentages bluish conduct convective certainly mertieite cryogenic ferromagnetic nitric connection conglomerates fluxes blake qfm accreted glaciation ##point ##ostratigraphy encompassed japanese obviously drainage population zhu pebbles nanoparticle etyrko anions discrimin hydrological microanalys disease stereographic stereoplot svecok ##ovsky sylvite globules aims powdered powerful looking lookout mylonites constituent foidolites kilome sodium tracer rhodium tests inverted 10369 evaporative demagneti cycles binocular missing presumed purple rainfall strategy consumed metaborate oscillatory 2682 metagraywacke savukoski fifteen pmd varzea varzuga coordinates reopening anatectic settled settling irradiation irradiated tourmalinization prevailing dimensions ehsd hedenquist thomson sporadic screening address pyrophanite halokinesis historically robert bssm crops uneven ##oskarn asymmetric chiarad stagnation quickly encrust microns decarbonatization kevitsa 235u honeycomb arabian celes hitachi mirror oikocrysts tanganyika ashio complicated blanke sequential handpicking duplicate cataclasite rustenberg damage n120 tropical ##lewoodite ##imetres choulet chronology staffelite legacy corporation perturb complementary apophyses recycling impregn δ34ssulph polymerisation donalda mississippi neighboring boliv bipyramidal fissures gouge jatulian lopolith chaotic prolonged metastable melanocratic impermeable semimetals longshoushan transpressional resembling smythite ghosts embedded slickensided strength brought dramatic eureka emeishan hanski hishikari lopez manner qemscan sirm tasmania tisdale urapc vhms vienna yinkeng zvyagints ƒse2 themselves coffinite attenu dismembered exemplified inconsistent diversity assumptions neodymium preventing geikielite coranzuli heazlewoodite uptake epitaxial applicable diagnostic skaergaard varitextured subsidiary yellowknife tetraferroplatinum svecokarelian chiaradia zvyagintsevite 1σ 2σ 2θ 210 3he 380 4d 4f 4he 5e 6c 610 7g ae aure action aker bh boc bian bang bond bisch ci cul clu cad dum dred dotted eng f3 fam fnv gel gom gth gand gaps gained gutz hr har ioc jb jon jir jsm ko kod kale kram ls l2 lose linc latit my mb m2 m1 mot mts mask muer n0 nac nak nels n20 nappe om oly ove pin page pell pall pie pans pinch piles plays rl rene roles sen sro sent ster spe sard sob tul tagawa ur ulex vn von vig vene wl wen yant yandong ##oz ##ril ##ride ##eathering ##nov ##tot ##taminated ##zz ##zen ##zakh ##iite ##iere ##ikal ##aus ##45 ##ming ##mill ##manite ##pos ##pension ##flu ##found ##flo ##car ##cor ##ctitic ##su ##wite ##ynt ##lt ##late ##lim ##xe ##xis ##xitic ##xun ##xico ##uments ##ufficient ##gg ##gir ##garn ##grade ##guna ##vis ##vine ##ville ##bas ##kola ##2th ##52 ##51 ##94 ##95 ##helm ##ona ##onorite ##onium ##tiform ##tindite ##retions ##inen ##inas ##ali ##ala ##alistic ##alkaline ##erou ##enor ##environ int inhib inlet inlier ##arance ##oro ##orium ##orida ##rose ##roof ##icc ##itten ##anies ##isely ##ulite ##leite ##leans ##lector ##olf ##olcan ##olatil ##ollector ##elting tho2 isobar ishih ##oclase ##octahedral ##urb ##urisation ##urwe ##urleite conv contig cob cotectic ##trud ##igu ##iguous ##romatic ##vez asp asthe rect requiring beak beau begins alard alask alxa altitude ##otroph ##oturb ##ima ##ommend ##ables ##ione chu changing chief ##ysite ##ysis company computer companies attention sak ##ouw mexico orleans stop stann stored prove exit exact exca ##inetic ##ograms shad ##asson ##quate ##iberg ##rane ##chment ##lesse ##onet resolved reserve lad la2o3 interf interact interior ##neath dioctahedral wasad relax coloured ##sthene ##ongi ##aday ##adier ##aina ##oreo reprec neil neill ##uduke unb unfort unroof preto geod geobar ##ariably entered envis ability indus industr inclination concretions clots feg collect parad ##itised usimin subch subset submic subalkaline oblite obiro ##ours ##forms variables ##unately noritic cancr lowering ##hemeral spars prac fauna ##dington ag2 precisely znand suggestive chrome hex heav golden reduct upflow upgrade olivo ##ialic track ptand ##llite ##tini scans science adit ##olet ##arded ##ardite recurrent recommend charged complexly characterise characterizes caf bioturb shea melonite ##ipitation rhalmi underneath salts commod crustiform martin ##lands ephemeral ##vik am3 microcrystal micropl desicc esp eskola moz ##cheng surge transtension interpreting studying vermic 157 spectral speculated proposing proposes lithic lithified lithoty applications apprec sl9 ##ients 124 12b 129 1200 1250 195 1930 1965 laterites contrary dolomites outward outlines invoke invariably sink irvine paleocene ##lash develops ##ropolybasite flowed bah baikal decalc decipher describing 117 generating steeper stetindite strongest enriching continue fluoride scho normalization coevally negatively crustally ##cl2 predating predicts supplem skutter parallels aggregated initiate ##arsite rarer srm kendrick polyg 136 131 133 137 1300 1400 thinner sooty siting instit insert insufficient newfound synform ##oku ##okite lineament lineaments radii radiolytic ##titudes evolutionary foliations kazakh explore millenn swarm polish polarities icpms particle borates orthoclase dumps uncontaminated targeting laboreo calaver actual florida confocal proportional unconformities duck exceptions brook erguna orogenies ##enged 1780 232th ##inawite southernmost correspondence ##ocryst workings successively 225 metallogenesis metallurgical edx universite roof surroundings faraday thermometry optim snand permit permitted experimentally marker titanium excitation excursion buffered eman emersion freiberg εnd1525 favors xenomorphic ##vaal volcanoclastic geochronometer taxitic substrate volumetric antimon quantified quantify detrit phenomen phenocryst cherts covari columns graywacke segregated narrower cerium certified cerianite attrition attractive devolatil pseudoc suspension hypothe protoc continuously leuconorite cleavages 367 stibiop palaeoproterozoic palaeomagnetic behind behave wai formerly ambrose tunnel tunnels vb33 synclines differentiate enclose petrochemical haloes fioren loelling publications torlesse summarize summarizes networks papers exceptional 1983 centimetre 3100 passing metapelite spectroscopic marbles externally forebul tension exposes exposing synthesis cdt catchment projected drops kln tsum 1971 films manifes slabs orthogonal merenskyite strontianite ##after ##othorite interlayer explanations bakker kinetics reconc residues enveloping boxwork mild utilised metagabbron assayed unrealistic tectono fluctuation geyser ccw gertrud dynamics exhumed superimposition backscatter zhao resistate vectoring decompression eruptive etc etched ##awnt analogy analogous microanaly intimate statistics vb516 tibetan lvop upgraded discordantly penetrated ethane perspective slowly attempted patchy controversy buffering tajerou aqishan kyanite kilometers terrain detectors repeatedly anisotropic tested disrupt criterion enderbitic demagnetization demagnetisation bronzitites synchronously cabral fitting nujiang sx100 tightly ##amental split triangular rainwater runs ##ashima condensed condensation montmor transformations employing built 1990s cataclastic fuzz kamenov question ybn algal alger radioactivity anglesite amalgamated hc4 moved coordinated reopened anatexis stacked stacking scavenged migmatite dimensional ellipses thousands buckshot eluc flood galleries hedenbergite pisoidal portug rosiere ##iliano sporadically undulose pyrophyllite halokinetic historical roberts 8311012 virginia djon djurleite changed preceded brasiliano adsorption adsorbed kaolinitic doubt doubly interpolation ammonium mccreed macho pcds tailings wispy tetraborate ensure cupropolybasite imbricated adakites transgressive 1980s traditional orthocumulate mercadier qualitative philipsburgite k2ptcl4 dubawnt eurasia fenitized john mackinawite ripley sorb xinjiang challenging competent hypersthene microgabbro spherical acceptable ultimately paleoweathering plumbing polymorph endowment difficulty psammop symplectitic fundamental ligand yilgarn ##ekura discharging shifts isothermal unpub melilitolite treatment symbols multicollector polyframboidal amplitude milliequivalents smoker xenomelt captured magnitny 07dv124 eclogites abnormally bindons gifurwe nabekura picture u3o8 ##alladinite thiospinel thirty county asturian alluvial seeps formulae hydrodynamic unresolved claras michenerite sphero trachyand advantage surpris 1950s southwark polymineralic channelled radiolysis exploring juxtaposed discriminatory microanalyses kilometres encrustations celestite attenuation aegir akermanite bocaina bangong bischoff dumont fnvc gomwe gutzmer iocg jonasson jiru kramers lincang muerto olymp pallatanga ulexite yantac isobaric ishihara contiguous asthen rectang alaskan chiefly excav wasadagawa relaxation unfortunately industrial usiminas cancrinite sparsely heaviest reductant vermiculite skutterudite institut newfoundland kazakhstan millennium calaverite phenomenon vb332 fiorentini loellingite forebulge gertrudis tajerouine montmorill fuzzy mccreedy aegirine 010 1to 2f 2to 3h 3g 310 370 324 430 6d 6h 6g 850 840 915 942 ah aike akin aromatic bing bure brom bari bell bitum cum cart carb cels coch dk dal dur dop division ddh eas eales fs fits fused fash flash gp gs gla gill gap gsd going hm hen him hoe hann hump ilt jm jin jen jun jiang kt king kras kosk lock luc lined list lcl lob ltc m3 men mich mort muse meng ns nub nug nomin od oes oul pw pod pix puch pind ponded pige pione q1 q5 qin qiang rt ron rins ried rising rises rye ritten sate stern sang sialic tay uand vure vise vital wra weld wander xy xiang xmod yn yar zur zyl ##oa ##ohe ##ois ##oot ##ouring ##ozer ##oysite ##rs ##rates ##ryn ##eva ##eberg ##element ##nar ##nate ##nko ##tary ##tang ##tren ##zhou ##iu ##iably ##aul ##aign ##afloor ##43 ##06 ##mk ##myr ##mater ##mach ##ped ##pid ##posed ##phere ##podal ##dt ##dg ##db ##dal ##dou ##donite ##d10 ##duce ##fts ##fold ##fact ##fo2 ##fd10 ##cur ##cou ##ctiv ##sin ##sal ##saw ##wu ##hol ##hai ##yg ##yte ##yant ##lam ##lination ##xing ##uel ##gu ##gated ##gence ##gium ##gall ##vium ##vyan ##bly ##back ##bach ##bird ##85 ##kα ##67 ##600 ##6sd ##160 ##98 ##9fd10 ##3nd ##jun ##jie ##hel ##heet ##teigite ##onk ##onts ##tia ##tier ##reite ##recc ##iny ##inrich ##alp ##altic ##alaya ##eno ing inherent anderson ##aram ##arvi ##oru ##orous ##icou ##iton ##eds ##edim ##edder ##anu ##anol ##ancy ##analysis ##anhu ##ashan ##atero ##atever ##idine ##idmyr ##istine ##ishes ##lems ##lectr toc toiv toled toachi ##att ##aty ##atka ##atson ##elo ##elitic ##elka thtot ##agonal ##ustite ##usting ##actal ##activ isomer ##urite ##urized deactiv connate coal copre coarsen coordinate coax cogenetic ##trial ##igler forces ##romorphite reo rees retain retre retur reyn beaul ##iza ##izable alap aliph ##rador ##raflo ##imes ##imil ##lurob sealed ##aba ##abel ##ablo ##seafloor mao depositing ##restrial ans anch chon chart chain charge chris chicou ##yssal attitude attest atokite ##erereite ##ticellite mey meq mech memor ##ummite ##umino ##odom stb stain stace stars staging disag proceed proustite extra exafs exoskarn ##amic ##ameen ##ogens ##ogummite teigler ##pearceite maghem incip ##asses figures ##tene ##tenois ##ibuting whatever ##anto ##chy ##chuaivench ##chatka ##ighting ##laps ##laves ##lest resides resolve resolving resedim ##alcite lakes vetren hydroge diach diablo waste collaps ##illi ##ongati presenting assisted ##orer ##orementioned neares valence unra unable ##ession prefer gee geope abyssal consolid concluding concession cukα ims ##consin feas ##hedra ##ipel collecting parisite usual arr fronts fractal ##omechan locmel subto subduc subseafloor obari ##anically ##ersed ##ersistent ##ford ##forward granoph leh leak leave micaceous ##unities northeastward maintained simon simao simulation ##rosive poorer ##tovy spans spik spicular spindle corro corrob prisms pristine barri exponen chalcogen precludes twice belgium hegens heihe hepos heinrich acting ##ovich ##ovolcan brick brighter completed domal trivalent apfu aplites accord accident ##tinite scann adop adap adding adits adds 10a 109 1011 afc aforementioned ##olevskite porphyrite reclined presentation ##aktovy characterizing pdb ##denite brenan signs biom biological regimes melilite melteigite thereafter 205 monoch monticellite commenced commerc communities petz wells amyg microtext desc design designed descended ess espan escape mantled motion moeda fractionate ##rench differently surges mantleand driving impersistent refolded secondly tims timely verging verryn analytically ##timi thickening dissemination mgcl2 originates 1580 oneman dissimil lithosphere slates oxidative oxidising drillhole 1240 contributing afterwards outg outline equally terrestrial euhedra exha averaged sinian incremental irres symm bandai ##ordin ##iet ##ieti ba2 decimeter declination 2003 firstly mno mn2 musongati superprobe 115 1150 problems finer travyan schm predate supposed larin skin carl deeply deepening initiation pyromorphite 405 likewise ##cpdb ##50e ##506 ##avg ##copic polydy midto naoh multielement 1430 143nd 305 curved lasting elan argues argument approx approaching activated ##tituted totals pyroxen lithologic miller sweep greenland skarnitization select polars tuwu ##print predominate halogens ##ikat macdon macrorhyth macmill machel photoe photochemical peaked granodiorites transposition orthoand combinations counts rhyolites coarseand stratovolcan approximation approximated mordenite reefal 165 1600 label labelled labrador ##oha reset harzburg pelite flames equilibria unconformable 254 mcdou shaw shafts exhibited histories 261 2600 2620 2692 2699 densely evaporitic recognizable multiply tur1 links ##maa displaying δ56feavg 222 downhole downstream edax rooted roedder glenor ##bohedral circulate intersect weaker weakness guang miraflo 275 wiluna 390 sanidine δ13cpdb maxima thermometers thermomechan gneissic optically nyanz nyerereite malm malartic maldonite percen markers 241 ablating amongst emerg version εndt volcaniclastics ##arsenide author 294 295 subsiding subsidence 211 offer offsets ##anova tongchang profess profound 1505 mobilise ##lining hydroxyl intensive intensively isochrons venture clastics cheralite lg5 ridolf 4000 brownish retrogressed removes benefic enclaves solubilities capill ##trativity anticlin anticona pseudoru sustained suspected platformal ##ngstite exploits d395 pulver needs incorporate calibrate calibrations ##ifero constants ankaram 016 batholiths logfo2 ambiguous ##1226 003 synclinal chloritization hydration 382 loaded ##shandong advances natrolite purity wmc variegated 1984 1982 1981 1985 exsolutions 061 rhombohedral equivalents shortly ##ossils 043 332 creation chamosite colorless assessing operation catal cataly 2000s comments transmission functional kovd q2a convecting 532 violet 1972 1975 1977 sharply filament breakup strikingly vancou buoyant morphologies nancy penikat terminate ignition airbor boni microfossils surveys ##watersrand petrologic 514 planetary 478 475 chemostratigraphy kinetically vuggy thorogummite envelopes nuclear nucleate metagabbro lantenois chromatographic scheiber karstification penetrativity ##armonic coincident fluctuated colours fragmental fragmentation clustering mounds tools 1904 millimeterto 964 resistance prevented campaign tholeiite 484 rifted analogues analogue overviews aprons establishment archaea european 667 ionically viscous coarsely lander underestim stereonet vb552 sudburyite reconstruc reconstituted abbreviated hopanes peralkaline hyaloclastic fe3o4 emphasized emphasizing channeled channelized 88sr denom denote denotes ethanol wuxun reviews reviewed attempt regularly macroscopically palaeoenviron constituting 8100 emsand sodic lapilli cathode redistributed 103rh enderbites distinguishing saprocks rhomboidal mktd23 mktd506 61ni gg4 gg3 jigsaw luohe richest witwatersrand antiformal antipodal leaves purpose purposes nonetheless pumping condens chimbo quadril prevalence consuming subzones leachable scattering build building vacuoles cameron halloysite kamchatka geophysics electrom huangshandong azurite moves conceptual striations validate scavenging tourmalinized sketches prevailed ellipso ribbon 2h2 berth batches boulder eluvial portable organisms extinct briefly screen addressed advoc 8311226 disturbances ballarat governed ophiolite asymmetry stagnant enabled overpressure ny06sd ny09fd10 interpolations kfs rn240 reno wisconsin forceful imbricate expands transgression traditionally orthocumulates qualitatively aerial destabil izumino tapu vesic ##zhang dendrites seasonal ##changed pointed pointing metabasaltic shells peculiar discoveries traverses methanogenesis embayment pillowed straightforward ravliden ravlidmyr diminishes humid coalescence rendering madrid quarr laurentia richterite geoanalysis geolabs corridor barrie obscured epiclastic paleoclim caldera meaningful attributes displacements stromatolitic arrangement acetate awb adequate dananhu gtk gadd iodine kontaktovy tellurob zoom ##locking coats depressurisation attainment disappearance quintinite intrinsic cupropearceite subrounded 101ru remagnetisation propagated discern fo77 supercritical finnigan skytta furnace ferrifero mesocumulates calamine snowbird demagnetised unevenly perturbation impregnations δ34ssulphate bolivia aureole bianmach culmin latitude masked nelson overestim pellinen renewed sobolevskite tulameen urtite vn2 vigorous wlsd convinc ##otrophic stannides shadows unroofing geodic industry subchambers hexagonal bioturbated decalcification supplemented polygonal antimonides detritus devolatilization hypothetical protocols stibiopalladinite tsumoite manifested migmatites elucidate psammopelitic unpublished trachyandesite olympus montmorillonite bingham bureau barium dalong doped fashion jenner koskelo mortar nubian oulmes puchtel pindura qiangtang rinsed riedel satellite sangster vurechuaivench visean ynp zurich ##ozero ##1604 ##junmaa toivo toledo isomertieite deactivated coprec coaxial return reynolds beaulie alapieti aliphatic chicoutimi mechanically memorial stacey maghemite incipient resedimented vetreny nearest locmelis subducting leakage spiked barriers chalcogenides hegenshan heposelka scanned petzite onemana travyanaya polydymite macdonald macmillan stratovolcano harzburgites mcdougall glenorchy miraflores thermomechanical nyanzian tongchangjie ridolfi filamentous vancouver airborne quadrilatero ravlidmyran tellurobism bianmachong tulameenite 1g 2e 2s 256 312 4g 4ag 480 5d 5h 5g 530 570 640 612 730 720 740 950 960 941 aas aid ale aval alex bic bite big biv barb bill bold bare bena bob bolid babel cres cari cke cerv cand cuse cyan cathe cze dro dong dap dull dmm dav dots duli dodom ec ek f4 fro fly face fisc fish feng gb g2 gon gar gil god gud gerv gik gird gdg hi hw h1 hong hanning hours iug ioa jø jus jow jose juan jsc jalp kat kig kim kys kory kink kuk kato ly lon lin lis lent liz lues lard luk mr mj mis mur mum mut mature mitu mime mosa mounts matil nent nun nose nest namur n10 n30 nbs oz och oun oden own pq pag pil pum pun pheng qp rc r2 r1 rin ris rig rous rut rond rds raf ruck roll s5 son sas sot sher sib sisc sider svb tb t2 tron tack tall tfe tints um uc uq u2 ucl unex va vit vial vented void vinc vtt wr wal wag word wales w97 xe xβ xim xafs yt zap zet zaf zheng δm λ23 μg σree ##oisite ##rit ##rill ##rgens ##em ##ele ##etal ##econ ##nment ##nalc ##nial ##tn ##tan ##zu ##zman ##iy ##04 ##ml ##men ##mins ##merite ##mons ##magne ##pin ##pment ##plan ##dj ##fin ##fers ##feng ##facies ##frame ##foot ##cel ##cus ##cil ##centr ##cap ##cale ##sn ##si ##sy ##sations ##scan ##sio ##stein ##sheet ##westward ##whelm ##hs ##hom ##hch ##hlm ##hoh ##honk ##hovich ##harmonic ##l2 ##lorite ##lusions ##xia ##qiao ##ux ##uro ##uit ##uate ##une ##ugh ##uthite ##ujiang ##uza ##uquan ##gon ##gas ##gill ##gren ##vo ##vent ##vian ##vospinel ##bit ##boh ##blad ##bby ##bai ##bah ##kh ##kop ##knes ##6hf ##27 ##17 ##1cd ##32 ##7sm ##jiro ##jarra ##jonen ##teent ##temb ##tellurides ##onuo thesis ##timal ##tiles ##tibite ##ref ##rey ##rel ##rection ##reau ##repan ##inating ##inorium ##alitic ##alach ##ndix ##nderg ##nderson ##ndblad ##ester ##eration ##erted ##entite ##eness ##entie ##eniolite ine inward inwards inference inactive inhom andara ##aru ##arms ##arak ##arama ##arctic ##ori ##org ##orhe ##orne ##orating ##roctolite ##royed ##icam ##icting ##icately ##itz ##itas ##itse ##edition ##itel ##anent ##antite ##anky ##aniferous ##asque ##ospar ##osities ##osingle ##osedimentary ##osalt ##idy ##idge ##idad ##isara ##isker ##iskin ##lek ##lected ##lekes ##leback tous toongi ##inginsky ##ingzhang ##olic ##olized ##olay ##olina ##atan ##atable ##aturing ##atroctolite ##elin ##elly ##eline ##mpel ##uses ##ustal ##acher isol ##ocline ##ocused ##ocont ##ochemically ##ocalcite ##urch ##urization ##urai dealt cook ##trh ##trients ##iguration ##igmatic ##atized ##atibility mind ##romised ##rometry aso ascended reich really returned beud beaver ##izite ##illa ##illex alt alm alber albeit ##otti ##phanite ##rays ##rake ##imass ##imuth ##iminate ##imajuk ##immerite ##tsr ##tsch ##tsovite ##tseva depicting ##lung ##luten ##luvium seat search sector ##abar ##opard maf maucher ant annex ansch church ##geographic compacted compares compressive compromised compluten attes attitudes suited sundblad ##ockwise sao saun saff ##mentally ##ticed meknes melekes org orbit ##uman ##odos station stmp stannite prote exogen exchanged exocont ##inearity ##amide ##ifying shosh shaded grainger ##ctly ##arton inco incoming ##agem ##irn ##quicam ##tennial whisker hamp ##ranites ##chior cru crumb cripp ##lak basically basque ##redeep mineralizations ##oneveld ##onetics reside resorption resonetics quies ##ppl intermedi interven interfaces interacting ##new ##neboh lowers richmagne quartzand hydros strang dia diver dihedral diarsenides washing relies reliably colon colors colluvium colinearity ##illac ##ston ##stable ##stages ##onglomer ##ados ##adonite ##ivered nebo nept phs ##udi valler unm unf unox unmod unstable precon preiss prenderg carbonated carbonatization plac plio geotectonic highand highlands intrag intrap intrigu entra enigmatic abml ##ystalline eleven concordance concurrent cuand cups cube cufes lile lieb ima hydrothermalized clou featuring ##heden temperate ##ians ##ipach collectors usgs ark arte ariskin arrays calcitic calcio fring fried frack frisch ##ficially metallo subecon substages concentrically obo ##anding ##andstones formational ##ersley leaches leopard micrograph microrhyth ##untsovite indications normand siltstones simulated simulate spi sp2 sput spier splay splays corn corund corner weil weights wehr prone prsn pripach barites baraga expedition metac ago agglomer agico agnew precluding twentie nias nihonk butte henderson ##ovikovite overc overlay overbur overwhelm goldstream goldstein perth perido brt bruc dominic trd triton apical apert observable ##tinely scand ppl ##ifice adm ##met 102 1030 1020 1019 1028 afu charges undulations ##akes ##akka ##ixing augen caob bi3 biostratigraphic biref regis prime melted melatroctolite melchior 20ne 2050 montre monolay notice noticed salar salinas crush crusher marly martimo structured grenv sphaleriteand pep pecheng ##ensh ##ensitive amaz amagmatic amesite amelin microp microinc southeastward serrated serdj representation descent desira chromiteand escar ##cairn fractionating surv remin remote remelting drc drift drivers transl transferred transvaal transbai uranothorite implied blame maturing matthe matarak vergence crystallographically reeand ree2o3 analyzing analyze mgso4 ##lo4 ##loul ##loizite 15b propane metamorphically metamorphogenic ##olvable derive discrepan dissolving graphically bodnar lithification applies appalach slivers sliver oxidizes drillholes 121 1280 derivatives reflective reflectivity 192 1960 184 1800 1810 lateritization contribut outwards terre ##gman invaded ##orsvik deformative ulvospinel fineand calculating irarsite synd paleol ##termost ##termined ##ordouw northwestward empa semimass producer foil foredeep bao ##ubic decade decimetres separating mush superter supercontinent superposed 11a 118 116 1140 1141 1194 111cd orogens orogenesis steve steadily stephanite 1005 schoneveld centrif ##ierine ##ierrite evidences localisation timeframe supplying ##upo laramide definite ##obacter ##obuza estimations fluorapatites plumes ##501 ##anyaru ##ava ##avut ##avsky metasandstones keep ends endmemb endorhe multid 148 146 145 1460 147sm 306 302 301 303 curie ##ample arsenoha differential lasted thinly argent soils si4 discusses ##ogeny ##ylene lightfoot ##ffs appeared appendix amph amplified frailes lithologically ##tonite millig millimetres swelling swarms corresponded arcuate saturating sulphurisation centennial predominates amphibolized footprint ferment ##ikov ##ikah ##ikuduke pitcairn alkalis alkalinity standing variously bounds bounding rumpel sericitization sericitized clinoz duobuza ##lineau combine countries council phosphatic phosphoric ##ophane ##ophilic extensions magnetics 164 168 162 167 labmater labuntsovite meso mesothermal titration ##auer preserves medvez ##itsky pelly continents configuration homogenized clinopyroxenes ##arker laisberg mcla mcgill ##lingite magnetism magnetisations closest classes classifications investigating worm introduce sintering ##iderhoh anywhere 266 2644 plateaus aps1 programs pooling ##enga multiplier 175 17α 1700 1750 1740 176hf tur2 tur3 exhalation mss5 gashes ##2s4 ##2s3 younging ##jemite semiquan miguel ##ocrystalline linking works remainder ##mawarra notewor 221 229 2200 immature metallogeny accessible accessories universidad monzonitic glimmerite ##book democratic extrap extraneous guido troodos mio miitel 2710 wilson cratons 806 alumina thermomagnetic optimal illustration stockworked widest ##307 6020 permits permanent tonalitic cratonward titaniferous 2400 2450e h2stsr excludes mediumand bleaching blebby ##lanc ##vais becker geochronologic 291 2900e 1996 taeniolite taupo 216 219 217 centro centred offers quantification ##iquan 453 aquic horizontally yemen bayan remobilizing 411 fisher diameters brownfield ##bsite minimise distances pegmatitic tuffites ceramic attracted exsolve devitr pseudosingle technologies delicately delivered distally tending digital join ##nson dilat atlasic incorporating interests outermost strained hypothesize lacorne voyte voordouw anorthite saprolitic phlogopitite ##cking 2504 molar intercalation periodically vb307 86sr1525 008 460 lengths synclinorium lemarchand ##oflu ##amaru restriction schemes chloritized principle uganda 385 torneboh converge sudovikovite homogeneity ##tifications 284 286 1986 displacing 313 837 ##imetric extremophilic homogeneously naminginsky ##gru bragg spectroscope heterogeneously achieve promotes chrys chrms colorado colorados continuation viewed forearc planavsky affil paleogeographic 6000 catap catalys sensu 057 droplet fossils gras lithiumand metasomatised bluffs functions q2b excessive highlighting 5370 certainty tsrand crypt 1974 1979 1973 ##mineralization filtered manjiro managem feeding breaks breakoff 727 magnesio favoring merenskyte 375 377 flaky morphological consecu instruments 859 mylovsky nittis ##zerland ##affe connections connectivity spreadsheet turbidites jeff agua serpentinite 490 495 515 conglomeratic sutures flatten consequences 432 439 baked bakhch thorough enveloped laminar nucleated harder utilization utilizing deviate accurately evidently glaciated glaciers orthogneisses branches zeiss zeolites chromatograms tectonothermal tectonostratigraphic tectonomagmatic 63cu deduce huge coinciding colourless confirming 3bi repeat repetition 190os dravite fibers ##elleite neoformed prevent camps campanian pebbly erupted xingxing infiltrated idealized 666 landsl triga undetermined paleopoles stereopl facilitating volcanoes reconstruct lv25 realized shortite emphasize emphasizes deltaic globular penetrating 09dv 992 aimed persistent rotational slower supra regressions microdrill inflowing efficiently mylonitized 57fe aqikuduke sodanky waylandite conjug ##abilities distillation 1961 1969 cycling stoichiometry squares ##horn ##kinson issue disruption shoot ##adymite enhance enhancing oligo provenance metasiltstones physico franceville 7730 8200 986 donors nutrients sx50 antiform interpolated spanish goldfields efficiencies boudreau bubbles duplex pumpkin pumpelly ##ashita academic 2686 camscan fuel kuung kuhlm loma slugg serves yamashita savillex statically datasets fahlore brightness bracket 1078 1076 biotic problematic avoided avoiding wollastonite aznalc azimuth akanyaru fifth hclo4 italy moving rais tentative vcdt aliquot validity micrometers scavenge 1949 1947 possesses migmatitic aguilarite metavolcanics gondwanan 2h2o 8900 bergman batch gallium pisolitic pisolites rosia isoclinally quantax intermixed unsu unsorted olistolith leblanc maintaining undulating undulatory blanks δ13cco2 wittichen hyaloclastites abruptly eastwards government hanley hanikah judge kpd22 ophi ophitic panasque siberia unequiv injected ##ollar stabilize stabilization enables enabling encrusting arranged expressions preceding overpressurized 185re hematitization fertiliz fertility kaolinitised visualisation microstructures 4h2o celadonite hitzman machine oikocr rn1604 rosette td2 tailing ##1612 coneor tetradymite concerned adakite sequentially spectacularly handpicked habitus rustenburg destroyed eurasian johnson macken qinghu qinghai rodinia ramps sorg xinqiao zk240 revised challenge microgranite spherul peculiarities ultimate paleowater switch switzerland difficulties microspectrometry strategic strategies symplectite bg42 hoatson holders lindgren pasco sdo ttn tantal ##dhjemite coalesced severely stylolite stylolitic grandes haya geolas conservation conservative corridors oversaturated peripheral undergoing epicontinental 1970s macroand calderas 177hf sopcheite sopcheozero turbulent turbulences manitou manitoba electrode intermittently arrangements acetone geothermometers 7104 gunther hamersley kerrich kinds loljunmaa lollingite manganiferous nicols rheological ruled routinely villanova ascertain sepiolite septemb annual protores happen happened crisis quenched ##uchercor enlar enlarge twinned redepos redeposition tributary tributaries scotland improved schneeberg schneiderhoh 132xe explosion explosive successfully hydromagmatic hydrometal 7500a conductors cryogenically zhuonuo dramatically bhp cadillac kojonen kodar kalevian losevy nacland nakashima senonian steranes speed sardinia veneers ##mingtonite ##fluid ##basin cobres beaker chuquicam sakurai reprecipit unblocking geobarometer envisaged paradis obliterated practical recommended caf2 commodity am399 microcrystals microplate desiccation espoo transtensional lithotypes appreciable bahloul polishing excursions pseudocubic mildly metagabbronorites microanalyzer algeria portugal hydrodynamics spheroidal surprisingly asthenospheric instituto bromine cummingtonite cartoon celsian cochran easy glauconite himalaya locked museum nugget nominally pixels pigeonite ronde wrapped yarlung ##reccia ##lectron retreat meyer disagree extraordin collapsed unravel geopetal feasible corrobor corroborate adopted adapted commercial descloizite designated essene espanola dissimilatory outgrowths exhausted irrespective symmetry carlos pyroxenitic macrorhythmic photoelectron professional beneficiation pseudorutile pulverized ankaramite campaigns reconstructing palaeoenvironmental electromagnetic berthierine wisconsinan destabilization vesicles paleoclimate discernible culminating coprecipitation beaulieau tellurobismuthite alexander barbero benavent bobierrite boliden carius cervelleite cyanobacter cathelineau czech dapingzhang duliujiang flysch fischer gbw gervilla gikoro girdler hannington iugs jørgens jowitt jalpaite kigali kimheden kyser koryu lentz lizardite larder mummawarra mimetite mosaic matilde nenthorn nunavut namurian ounces odenwald pagel pumice rincon roussy ruthenium sasaki sotres shervais siscoe trondhjemite tfe2o3 ucm uqac vincentite wagner words xβα zeta ##teenth inhomogene ##itsevite ##osparite ##isaraitsevite tousuquan beudantite maucherite anschutz churchill complutense saunier safflorite melekestseva exogenous exocontact crumbly crippleback quiescent intermediates intervening richmagnetite strangways neptune valleriite unoxid unmodified preconcentr preissac prendergast intraplate intriguing entrapped cufes2 liebig friedman fracking subeconomic micrographs corundum wehrlite pripachkin twentieth nihonkoku overburden overwhelming peridotitic dominican aperture 102017 melchiorre montreal monolayer pechenga microinclusions desirable escarpment transbaikal blamey matarakoski discrepancy 1960s semimassive arsenohauchercor clinozoisite medvezhy semiquantitative noteworthy voytehovich tornebohm catalyst manjiroite bakhchisaraitsevite xingxingxia landslide stereoplots 09dv501 sodankyla pumpellyite kuungmi kuhlmann sluggish aznalcollar hanikahimajuk panasqueira september schneiderhohn hydrometall chuquicamata sakuraiite extraordinarily jørgensen mummawarrawarra arsenohauchercornite 030 3r 3σ 356 4n 4i 4k 4pb 456 410 420 4dv 5k 524 6f 6fes 7f 7h 750 725 715 8h 84s 880 812 9e 9d 990 aram austr bx bit bos bow bous bary bong bso brow bish bug barian cv cus coc cig cock cess cien chen cinn da db dar dor dab dog div dill dme dare dict dame davy dai damm darc dropping dental dwell ee ea e2 e3 eite eot euc eche eric eff egy easter ecd erosive ft ff f5 fum fles fell fang finite faced fuch fount fulf flex ftt faster finger french gc g3 gj ging gly gig got gam gir gib gole ghan gok glad gulf gasses gatan hon hmp hus hou hens hough hub hind helong harm hso4 harker id iys ige ivan iramb jan jing jac jum jins jaw kλ kal kro kas kid kis kur kop kum kir kiv kong kase kren kep kcl khib kret karel krig ln lb l1 l3 les lag lot lou lib ligh lone lanz lrees lining lago loren lifes lala mf mq mα ming ment mou mary mell mother manning mosc mention mung mensh nos nut nto n50 n80 n65 nze oro oib oven ozer oki ogas olek oosparite pv pts pir ples perite pating pier pik panz ptrh qat qian qms qtc rf r3 roc row rum rick ross ryan rows rppl rakka s6 siz sif sant soci shed sms sale siss satis sato satt t1 tac tig till tuc tnt tso tula tidal taran torsvik uy u1 umb ueda v4 vg v3 vin viv vess vibr vank viter wy w2 wad wither wav wager wrench wester xs xl xu xα xan xib xia xanes xigu yi ya yin yag york y2o3 ybs yuk yanza yapp zi zart zamb zind zaer ziente δs ιι μw σl σ6 ##oinite ##ooga ##oarsenide ##race ##rink ##ractive ##ei ##ety ##eik ##non ##nic ##nom ##nites ##nerite ##nest ##nie ##nada ##noe ##note ##nova ##nikovite ##nardite ##tm ##tone ##trop ##tled ##tane ##tters ##turs ##zn ##zge ##zull ##zie ##zenite ##zenga ##iq ##iab ##iations ##ired ##iomorph ##iagenetic ##iothorite ##aa ##aala ##4f ##49 ##02 ##07 ##mative ##mund ##mens ##mie ##mans ##mars ##mark ##mhol ##pge ##put ##pell ##plo ##position ##phene ##panto ##pnom ##da ##dig ##dra ##dov ##dules ##f4 ##fs ##fite ##fan ##fol ##fang ##ferr ##fza ##col ##case ##cell ##co2 ##corp ##cylite ##cias ##conglomer ##site ##sts ##side ##spec ##sund ##sland ##stra ##sonian ##sberg ##samm ##scape ##ws ##wen ##with ##weld ##wile ##warz ##wet ##wlew ##ho ##hal ##har ##hite ##hle ##hare ##hnite ##hny ##hika ##yk ##yor ##yts ##yres ##yme ##yay ##yind ##yns ##ytane ##lf ##lor ##lith ##lac ##lom ##lod ##lass ##lov ##light ##lases ##lassic ##listic ##lenn ##liden ##labs ##lidge ##lpnom ##xi ##xm ##xin ##xplo ##qtz ##uz ##uv ##uite ##uart ##ugin ##uka ##uert ##ufact ##ungstite ##gre ##gro ##gch ##glas ##grams ##gner ##gera ##vic ##vos ##vare ##vitation ##vador ##vivaara ##b2 ##bir ##bilities ##bitt ##brit ##b2s4 ##blom ##84 ##86 ##89 ##87 ##8sd ##kv ##kon ##kor ##kater ##kuduke ##61 ##21 ##200 ##213 ##1ir ##54 ##57 ##91 ##992 ##38 ##39 ##300 ##727 ##ji ##ju ##jia ##μm ##hev ##hean ##heim ##hever ##hetundra ##te4 ##tek ##tegr ##oned ##onally ##onto ##onitization ##onni ##tio ##tila ##tids ##titization ##tio3 ##tiplan ##reatic ##inden ##inately ##inav ##inlets ##inert ##inburg ##integr ##alo ##alia ##alpy ##aleno ##altene ##ndes ##escop ##erites ##ergen ##ertained ##erational ##ente ##enab ##entine ##encing ##encies inas inac incep inversely informal insets inapp innov inaa andrade ##aris ##orf ##orometry ##orious ##organ ##orlie ##roko ##icz ##ica ##icto ##icup ##icrite ##icline ##icao ##ictization ##ichever ##itb ##itud ##itates ##itoku ##itocalcite ##edha ##ani ##ante ##ancon ##anca ##anley ##anjiang ##ancies ##ancylite ##as2 ##asse ##asib ##asting ##asonic ##asvaara ##ascopic ##osic ##osph ##osinian ##oscopic ##atete ##iders ##idium ##idually ##idotti ##isf ##isen ##isel ##isphere ##istids ##ulative ##ulating ##ulsion ##ulty ##ulasi ##lete ##levskite ##leiite tol tops toka ##olin ##olly ##olum ##olla ##ollement ##atti ##atal ##atom ##atonic ##atwell ##elts ##eltin ##elsen ##elha ##enta ##entlandite ##entory thm thms thall thomp thread ##mpline ##agent ##ague ##agonia ##uscr withney ##acion isop isomorphous isostatic ishika ##ocl ##ocus ##ocally ##ocap ##oconite ##ocean ##ocolla ##urse ##urge ##urity ##urable ##urbed ##urgy dee deal deficien dealing cones conforms code cohes course ##traction ##trium ##tronite ##trained ##trapment ##igenous ##atisation minnes ##romin ##rometric ##romator ##veinlets ##owater asw asph asim aside astime ascend asf4 ret reid reand reje rechar reeds reagent beer bear bead beta bende areva arenites ##izations ##izone ##izonal ##ilure ##ilations ##ilater ##ilies ##ilight ##ilca ##iliter aln alph alia altitudes alcur altiplan minerales ##ota ##otop ##otome ##otometry ##otax ##otungstite ##rak ##imary ##imov ##imik ##imaf ##immel ##imitated ##tsub depict depicts ##luence ##luorometry ##omes ##omain sewa seifer seken ##abd ##abolic ##oping ##opod ##opane ##opentlandite maas mapp mauk ##ionkop sulfarsen anne annes anilite animik chad chace chance champ chilca ##ystic ##ysynt ##cey ##gev ##gets compens compli compatibility compilations athen atlassic suffered say safe saudi ##erexplo ##ticle ##oui ##oum meir meinert meisel rockesite orc orifice ##umite ##umide ##umene ##umontite fluvi fluff ##ngary ##ngst ##ngwe ##odumene std stub stau stressed staged stained stopes stoll stuart stanley sturge dism disk disreg disulf disks distension disharmonic disintegr proton exiting exert ##therly ##therill ##tha ##ths ##through ##thalpy ##thoconite ##ami ##amorph ##amination ##amagnetic ##amanca ##ifies ##ifest format shim shall shard shyn shades shui shiquan shrink shyor shatwell tegner ##vern ##verine ##vertine magenta fluidized gravel graphene gravitation ##ctolitic inca inch incised incident ##irt ##iration ##irnov ##irbas ##quence ##quigranular ##quakes ##tenance ##tency ##tentrapment ##iba oreand oreille oregon orenada whit whitish wharton whichever wholly ##rant ##rani ##chi ##cha ##uese crd crater critic baso4 ##redients resided resolvable sulfideand queen quiet ##ivity ##ivities ##ivits ##pples ##ppard contour contours law laumontite interfere interacts intercrystalline intercepted interrel interdig ##net ##utap lowered ##ateritic hydroflu strad strip striated stricto diand diabase diaster diatom washed relic relates relied relating ##illips ##arbonate ##arbonatite ##sto ##standing ##ongy ##adno ##adero ##adui ##aint ##ainment assists ##oreact ##uca magmato neon neand nebul necking nefza phd phytane phreatic phillips ##udo valang unav unpro unwan unbi unaffe unweld prem prepar preference premineralization carbonand ##007 platin placing get geerite getter geores geographically geoflu geotop intracr ##ariate enter enfor entry enters entom enkin enthalpy abi ab3 aberg abenab eva evolve indo indosinian indigenous considers ##apf ##apace ##apest ##apolite ##apvaal concludes cuo cupt imf imin imaged hydrothermalism clague ##connite feand sulphosalt ##ianki ##ipt ##ipated ##ket ##key parry parabolic paramagnetic ##asequence uses user usko arises ariab article ##mbly ##erves calciothorite frimmel ##fice ##itica locus ##actovy sublay subhydro subgra suboxic subbasin subtrop concentrating obducted oblate ##itesb volyns volchi notre ##ourt ##ouraged olok modify granof pbs pb2 pbte pbco3 leo lee leon leco lepid letters lepanto alterites students ##pection ranks ##unuo ##ologia noran norils normative maintenance silt simmons simulating ##rostibite poured pobre po727 ##tobal spin spic spanning sputter spionkop spodumene spongy corals corrosive weir wetherill prins prist prices faure failure barrett barker baritocalcite ##deformed ag3 agents agreed agudo zns zn3 suggestions twilight nie niob nikon nielsen beltene allan ##mma heap hetero helex healing actively ackn overcor gengm genalysis goldcorp redbed ##ghu perfe perovs peroxide pertn pericline ##xty brachi brindle up213 olivines dominating tris tried trump tracing apati magmatically consistency ptas2 volchetundra differed scar scoon scrs scaleno scapolite ppges ##icking maybe ##ifices adoum ##meoh 10th 10to siliclastic earn earned ##arer ##aret ##arela lateto recover reclass undist underexplo ##aku ##akade ##akitsky bottle auand augm auburn auhs aurostibite pd6 pdrh pd2s cai caution caand postsub postentrapment bi0 bias biased biologic bioreact containers registr shen sheppard ##ducts melnikovite 202 209 mono monoclin monocl months noting underlined salta salvador salamanca commin mara marqu martine marrake ##ayoite pet pend peters pectolite welling epoch amore amooga amrani groupings claim microbe microlite microlites microlam microconglomer microorgan microveinlets galite galway galvez replen bariteand destruc desulf escond escap assembly mantamaru ##chenko ##regional ##olytically smallest driver druses transit transcr transverse sands uranyl implic implication improb refine refined refractive eventual blind blsz patagonia matric matching maturity osbah verify verkh verhny tremend limonite crystallising crystallizes analyte analyse pyrals correcting metamictization 151 1540 1590 15nor 1535 sulphideand speculate speculative discordance discarded dissolves dissipated graphic boda boddington lithocap applying apparat slides slov slack slices slaty sloping drillco 12c 128 122 1210 1290 ce3 crosses reducers 1920 1940 1959 191ir contracted dolomitised dolomicrite outok outflow outlining output setup equilater terashima inventory ##orskite ##elsior eu2 ##berthy deformations zirconium sinai incrementally horiba identifications irmm iridium irumide ultrabas ultrasonic syen measures measurable southren southwards paleotectonic paleoto bandyay northland northup empire hemipel hemisphere determines additions δ34sv ##penberg ##tifies productive foils fo51 ##iecu baoshan ba124 ##uba ##ubisite decline decanting declining decollement disputed 20090 mnz mntio3 superficial superficially 119 113 1111 1144 1159 generates orographic claypo stein steely stepping steele enriches 1004 10093 ##ansarvi easternmost correlatable abundantly identifiable trail traje travertine schult schwarz doe dozen neglected plagioclases ##cled ##clockwise localize skorp furthe ##genbach ##generational parallelism defle defant defocused ##oblastic ##obanu ##obadui aggregations aggregating carsw caraj carwile carapace pyter 40w ##arsky ti4 plugs ##anya gabbroids abovementioned illitized ##avalent ##opyroxenites methanes mulja sri srp pressuring oxyd emplace keays kebrit keivits polymod claystone 13d 13β 1375 cutoff ##roscopy endogenic endoskarn multigenerational ##issive ##issance 14b 149 1450 30l 309 spectrograph ##aturation thinned thinnest eltra elimin eliminate solidified resultant sixty characteristically approached insular inserted insensitive inspection newmod synor ##ffell anomalism channels distinctively ##oked efimov radius fragile faculty homolog nduba ##iscent ##iscus stilpnom muscov gaas gauert kao kaapvaal nonmass nonframb nontronite nondeformed tenuous tengch milled millimet millimetric milliliter swir swell sw42 swager swinden arcubisite greenand greenfield bulb bulge bulges selecting selectivity holtta polysynt ##ambres longitude longtan longitud longstanding tumpline tungst centered ##prus ##primary predominately halbach footnote trien triphase zincian fourier fourteen fourhal alkalic paragenes borate standpoint barrensland oxygenation macinn photo photon photochemically absorbed stockhol transposed clinoh circled dug duan dump ##oethite combines combusted individually rhynie ordering standardization stratum schistosity individuals ##ophosph circuit morro moritz 166 1620 labile labram cma cmaf mesolite mesoscopic ##oh2o assumes microscopes mudanjiang intermediateto caliente caliza media ch4and pelites peltier pelambres ##ikekuduke effectiv actlabs flour confluence laura bouhle δ18owater δ18oh2o groundwaters homogenizing smn sm3 smow smelting smaala smirnov ##iorso interpretative argillized constraining 251 2570 shallowly ##linghu ##itungstite porven porgera closes closing potter pottd rimming axiop fewer topaz topographically summer ##chester 262 267 2670 2660 erzge situations platelets aps2 aps3 progression progradation recognise multiplication 17β 1770 237 2300 membrane turner turkey meteorite meteorites exhaled collar evenly caves cavell ##ugation ##uginsky booga linkham ##ccessful avs sb2s3 vsg ##tawa ##kai bursts buritica pawlew immersed discussions 706 7024 7093 7035 edifices influences influencing root ##101 rios ripples isochore demand demarc extracts extracting elevations elevating accumulates circulations broader broadening thrusted earths earthquakes hornby guo guidotti troctolitic garnets miass ##erged dependence 271 279 277 2730 2724 freeze wilhelm wilkinson partitions greyish sank sanch cratonic maximizes optics ##30f ##306 ##anni bismuthtellurides 6041 permo permil permissive ionised mala malita markl cratonisation 247 2400e ##ankava colloidal ##ebax excelsior coupling ##omorphism silverm buff bueno documents picrite anglo favouring ##ovice accomplished microbially 206pbc blewet jabali xenocrysts ##namically volcanosedimentary 292 299 2900 29si phyllitic 1994 simplistic taihe ##thermophile substr substitute timescale 218 215 213 2100 2100e centromin offsh ##ussler coverage safari saf007 459 dispersal hornblendes conclusively revealing induces induction inducing herring yekater lg1 columbite pathfin 414 narankava roundish retrogression grayish graywackes lastly minimize tuffite erosionally benef beneficial handbook encaps encouraged keyed caples june juonni ##bald devoid device devoted ##ianga pseudo bathyme sustain technical ##ctories platarsite 358 delaminated delimitated delamination duncan dunnage ##iggle johan leucogranite kerm ##logopite 365 purest pureness veladero ##eyerite uplif glasses hypothesized 444 ##tish smectites pervasion 018 015 kaplan wafers ##goorlie anhydrites examines examining tetrahedral tetraferr permeabilities palladoarsenide logs molten molasse reactivations ##cu4 submitted 004 006 005 0075 464 467 plagiopyroxenites fallick fallout pique ##umpi ##umpu sulfidization ##amarca columnar ug1 wolverine ##lett hydride encloses 383 public tinto torn toronto magnification plastic subdiv 281 2800 90th purcell wmtz wmtc necessity necessitates temporarily geologicas displaces centimetric 316 315 passage inherit chapin metapsamm polarizing susceptibilities extremity extremities ##gria ##rophotometry shortage archive archived archipel 044 335 3361 creates continuing keithconnite 347 3400 tensional overlapped discontinuously catamarca projects exceeded diamagnetic stephens 055 cyprus grt grin grine grating klf ##ontological comagmatic occupancy transmiss monzodiorites 537 freshly merge merges viability viianki 1978 1976 diamonds bacteriomorph filtrate jebrak liberates liberating manually manufact manuscr manifest reversed incomplete cubes breakthrough regards orthogonally smithies 546 542 541 54fe 728 729 7219 autoc automatic automorphic lamprophyric lamprophyres frequencies helmhol nanlinghu penzh penberthy hydrogenous terminated termination ##orskiy ignored percolate ##noye connect microfiss microfolded microfluorometry propylitization schematically turbidity eneand shields cracked crackle microspec serpentinites independently 518 suturing flattening instrumentation 431 474 473 477 5535 59co blades chemolith chemostratigraphic chemocline skewed tubular δdwater thorpe thorogenic reconna residing calcarenite softer nuclei badshot douglas hardground hardened milashan utilize utilising chills ##ctuated entrainment metagrey epigenesis decaying glaciations 5600 lanka mimic mimics mimicking ottawa ##po4 unreason chromatograph chromatographically scheussler tectonized potassiumand encompassing 6300 buddington budgets budapest hunt hungary qz3 coincide fluctuate unmineralised geysers climates climatic climax substituted substituting reproduced reproducible 326 429 ccd cantor german hsb2s4 ##ridge ##kington meterto stoffell superimposing tufts powdery 966 9633 drained zhunuo ##132 neoformation prevents truncates equals decomposed eruptions emissions contemporaneously 485 besancon benches etching ghiorso ##awara anionic hydrology analogs infiltrate arguing establishing cryptic 66zn viscosities yangxin landscape facilitates vb544 argentinian check costs cathays hudsonian lv60 mkd ##owledged realistic hyalophane intraand triggers emphasise emphasising introducing vanadate vanadiferous bronzite 094 937 denver ethiop ethylene person persist rotates rotating slows ##ijer reviewing anthony anthoinite supersed exclusive obtaining terminal pseudomorphically palaeoand centimeterto microfracturing 5860 5863 aqikekuduke bergakade kilimaf nineteenth sodalite obliqu 1964 1962 leucogranites paleoaquifer bimodality lcms testing vacancies wedza waned ##hornite issues convenient coldwell evaporating helped helping mktd19 7700 978 975 donor kelino luque lujiang luobadui nueltin ##ahi ##111 instances ##acrysts conformable ##ilicification proxies orefields interplay hydrolytic disproportional numbered phosphorites francolite 848 duplication funnels gii kotzer kotze lupzenga rudistids running talvivaara talkington ##2300 consume objectiv webbed montpell transforming oscillation oscillated oscillations 1255 diopsidized 732 auricup c22 camera camebax fuelled fuhr hbr kuroko kungwe owned raster rastering uralian ##ippines ##hui algae savs ##erenberg indexes granoblast 1061 biotitization pegmatoid delineate delineates ubiquitously psms romans sleek sieving conceicao intracrystal classically empirically possessing tourmalinites construction counterclockwise migmatization migmatisation documentation prevails everywhere elliptical ecuadorian subprovinces batatal buckled buckhornite floored gallinas nesbitt pillar warmth thomas reactors megab megascopic megacrysts reliefs philippines unsaturated geoscience pyrenees pyroclastics diffractometry 2704 emerge emerges monitoring boudinaging fedj federation governs kabanga kpd24 kpd23 kpd44 panichi ##haus changzhou stromeyerite wetted overpressured 1858 invoking 13corg fertilized 2700e ny08sd chimney mongolia 4h2 arabia ammonia creeks rn1612 renzull ascribe complicating ensured concern concerns concerning expanding scarcely galgenberite blanca slicken paleosols decrepitated unconstrained phosphorous extractable anorthositic mercury definitions aeros cb4 creamy dublet fenitization goal goals maslenn masirbas ngalia qingshan riphean tapada tropsch ukra vesuv warumpi dendrite dendritic revsund choose competing hyperthermophile metabasalt acceptor perturbed apophysis 108pd recycled impregnation sequestered sequesters sequestering discovering traversed traversing methanol polymitic endowed 7071 microspectrometer donaldson embayed embayments mississippian carefully strategically huangshanxi psammitic diminished humic kiba kibara kibaran lindblom pasto pasvik tancheng renders reader reading readers discharged shifting hayward quarter laurentian isotherms spidergrams barrier headwaters oversaturation periphery peripheries obscure melilitolites undergoes treatments symbol paleochan fo88 fo87 polyframboids 1388 macrofacies photosynt smokers xenomelts capturing magnitudes 07dv132 eclogite ##hihua stromatolites geothermometry indirectly aware fco2 kontactovy lifetime mangatete ruling telescop zoisite ##iphlogopite ##8200 ascertained anniv cristobal quenching intrinsically aridity magnetometry magnetometer scott 105pd remagnetization improve propagation discerning 189os steaming finnish ferritungstite mesocumulate calamines 7500c fiii loads subdivisions rainfalls addressing mirroring blanket blanketed blanketing perturbations impregnated δ34ssulphide bolivian bhvo bonds ciobanu clumps cluzel cadmium dredge dredged famous families gelena gandun gandarela harris jbel kodarsky kaleva mottled motutap n010 nacional nakasib omn omission pinpoint pieces pansky sterile sardinian veneer wenzel intact inhibits cobble beakers beaufor sakatti stopped ladder ladoga interfing reprecipitation geobarometers submicron submicrometer obliterates practice ag2se commodities am3992 microplaty desiccator lithotype 195pt 1930s sinkholes bahia deciphering schoen schoell 1337 optima emanating covariation covariations suspensions reconcile metagabbronorite analogously microanalytical algerian portuguese sorbent polymorphs ligands asthenosphere rectangle rectangular excavations 91500 91590 ah2s bitumens bituminous carbide dk100 gswa gsdg henley henry hoeve hannah jinding jinfeng junge kingash lucn lobe lobate meniscus michigan odds pioneer qinling rittenberg rittenauer sternbergite tayuan taylor xiangshan xiangfan ##daloidal ##guashan ingress ingredients christian staining proceeds hydrogeochemical diachron diachronous preferably consolidate consolidation arriving granophyric granophyre lehmann northeastwards exponential exponentially pdbitesb biomass monochromator amygdules amygdaloidal microtexture microtextures decimeterto schmitt skinner sweeping labeled δ56feavgqtz guangzhou guangji percentile percentiles emergent emergence capillitas anticlinal anticlinorium catalao catalyzed kovdorskite kovdorskiy underestimated denomination condensate buildup ellipsoid ellipsoidal advocate advocated ny06sd01 ny06sd06 rn2404 rn2405 quarrying nelsonites overestimated convincing alegria avalon bicarbonate biggest bivariate billion barely crest candidate cuse2 dropped dongguashan david dodoman frozen gonnardite garpenberg gilg godlevskite gudmund hw2 joseph katuginsky kukhare lonmin listric lueshite lukturs murmans mutually ochre punctuated phengite risacher rigid ronda rafts rucklidge sonnet sibbald siderophile unexpected vials wriggle walter yttrium zapadno ##sio3 ##ughlin inequigranular isolate beaverlod alberta ##tschal antarctic attests organya orbitolina protected shoshonitic hampered cruises hydrosphere colonies placer intragranular cloudy arkosic calcioancylite metalloids microrhythms spikes sputtering cornwall brucker scandinav ##metamorph birefring registered grenville peperite amazonian micropores survive reminiscent translation matthey appalachians contributors syndiagenetic paleolateritic superterrane centrifugation definitely endmember endorheic 146nd argentopentlandite milligram fermentation mesoarchean mclaughlin extrapol aquicludes devitrification pseudosingleor dilatational ##gruvan chrysocolla affiliated catapleiite grasvally cryptocrystalline consecutive jefferson flattened microdrilling conjugate enhancement raisins unsuccessful ophiolitic unequivocally fertilizer oikocrystic mackenzie zk2405 spherulites symplectites tantalite enlarged enlargement redeposited reprecipitate am39984 unraveling corroborates unoxidized preconcentration transbaikalia hydrometallurgical 84sr aramayoite austria bosco bowl bousera bishop bugarama custom cocos cigar cockade cessation ciencias cinnabar daitoku davydov darcian eitelite eotvos echelon egypt easterly flesh fountain ginguro glycol giggenbach gottschal gamma gibbsite ghanem gladney honko huston hensler hubei hindered helongshan harmotome igem ivanchenko iramba jansen jacare jumbo jinsha kalgoorlie krogh kislov kopia kiruna kongsberg kaseman krennerite kept kretz karelia kriging louvic lightest lanzo lagoa lorenzenite lifespan lalaoui mingling mouelha mellen mungall menshikovite nzega ozernoe okiep ogasawara plesovice peritectic piercey panzhihua qatar rfl rickard rakkaus sizaret sifir society smsp sisson sattasvaara taconic tigre tucuman tulaergen taranovic vivianite vanko viterliden witherite waven westerly xαβ xanthoconite xibeik xiguitu yauli ybsn yukon zierenberg zartman zambia zindler zientek δsul σlree σ6pge ##iqiecu ##yindong ##lithic ##birge inaccur inception inappropriate tokaanu thmsg thallium thompson ##aciones ishikawa deficiency cohesive minnesota asphaltene asimow astimex rejected recharged bendezu alcurra altiplano ##otaxic seifert sekenke mappable sulfarsenites annesley animikie champagne compliant athena meiriqiecu fluvio fluffy staurolite stollberg sturgeon disregarded disulfides shards shynianga shuiyindong shrinkage shyorongi gravitationally interrelations interdigitated hydrofluoric diasteranes diatomaceous valanginian unavoid unwanted unbiased unaffected unwelded preparations geofluids intracratonic entombed sublayer subhydrostatic subtropical volynskite olokit granofels norilsk spionkopite pristane niobium beltenev heterolithic acknowledged overcorrection gengma redbeds perfectly perovskite pertnjarra brachiopod brindley trumpet scalenohedral reclassified undisturbed underexplored augmented pdrhcus postsubduction bioreactor registration monoclinic martinez marrakech petersburg microbeam microlamellar microconglomerate microorganisms destructive desulfurization escondida escaped transcrustal improbable matrices osbahr tremendous pyralspite 15norg apparatus drillcores 1940s outokumpu equilateral ultrabasic bandyayera northupite hemipelagic claypool 100932 trajectories schultz schwarzwald skorpion furthest carswell carajas keivitsansarvi stilpnomelane nonframboidal tengchong millimetre longitudinal parageneses macinnis stockholm clinohumite calientes effectiveness bouhlel porvenir pottdorf axioplan erzgebirge pawlewicz wilhelmij 6041b blewett substitutes yekaterinburg pathfinder narankavaara encapsulated juonniite bathymetric tetraferriphlogopite metapsammites archipelago bacteriomorphs manuscript helmholtz penzhinite reconnaissance 96335 cathaysia ethiopia superseded 5863b bergakademie kilimafedha kelinoja objectives montpellier auricupride fuhrmann ny08sd04 renzulli maslennikov vesuvianite photosynthesis motutapere am39928 δ56feavgqtzitb gudmundite kukharenko luktursky murmansk rucklidgeite beaverlodge scandinavia louvicourt xibeikulasi meiriqiecuo 0to 050 03s 070 2n 2z 2p 2y 2l 2g 2ˉ 2nd 2as 2ch 2o2 2aso 3s 3so 3and 3cl 3o2 32s 3pc 3o8 4so 4to 4fe 4o2 4au 470 424 4800 4si 5i 5l 520 540 512 5ch4 6e 6l 6k 630 620 680 697 624 690 642 7and 780 765 718 711 8g 820 825 824 9f 9to 930 980 940 925 9800 918 aa a4 ay a1 aes ave aiz ape aran auc ause aird aabel bz bb b2 b1 bj ban bent bom bart bir bull bign bund babb bcr biss bigg bivalent bns bray bdy batter bomb barton cg c6 ces cit cate cac cra cct cpp cnt cull crow card cities chemis camb c20 cult cformation cs2 casi csc cropping c18 czel ccl4 d0 dc ds dic ding dus dow dich dole dany drown danz dbs divalent days dusting dhar dxm e4 ey eg eoc eigh eut eud esem eina e10 eye egs e95 edington fp fy fk f6 fte fate fus fide fou fart falc fiv fence fand fix fines fie fath fike fenites flet files font fds fwh felt fanto fixing faint fuca gm gor git ged gus gab gse gog gone giv garb gies gene geld gue gav guan ganz gust gathered gosc gsl grod gander gunders goro gwen gxm ht hp h3 hin hat hac hch hull hour hue hyste hach hines hual hither hors hie halle hier hob hanes hug huan henn hof hrees hacke hongo harc hatt harmonic h07 ia iu i3 iat iain ife iolite ider icel icap jr ji jc js jh jg jes jor jot jere jian jmb jia jens job joss jend juss jerr jacke jaya jorn jiam jinger jachy jager jiu jeline jaffe kh k3 kon kin kes kor kit kan kul kly kra klu kyr kog kran kiti kron kang kors kath kiss kamp kark katin kli kru kpt kosh koren kitt katanga kenor kester klak korsvik lt l4 lm lf lh ll lit lite lul lus lod lif lct lass lant larb lill lst lore live lud loci lov lign lang lism lgm lods libr lute laces lamb leng lina lbs lformation lule luts loses living litt lrs lidy lda md mit mati mab mide mif mog mpe mari mull mast mile mpb mcp muted misc mishan manz mrees m90 menes mounting murg miao molds mlest merged nz np nl nq nen nas ntr nil nph nir nib nad nap nip nied nov night nama nise n60 n13 n90 nice n42 n11 nico n45 oc o1 oas oel ola ost omb oases opd o10 oulu oko overe orake oakes otish pz p5 ping pra pne pad pud pto pest pca pfe psr pav pamp plain pae patin peng pformation puk pss ponti punc puts pmel puck pakh putz paint qi q0 qm qasi qtm qapf r4 rm rø rab rog rms rund rist rains rove rub roh rau reng rita rules rust rings romer rambo rays rarity rige rolf r43 ss sg s8 s7 sing sac sure som syr sine sver sass sold sov sack sound sight sonic stim sier sque squi sits s2o3 s10 sission sarm solving sacr tc tv tk t3 ted ttr tati tiz tres tass tir tant tely trou tess terv tand tied tier tcp tiss tint tau tind tambo tja telt tppl uo u4 uh u6 uph uch ust ull utin uuk uvite vm vy vk ven vor vul viz vil vity vad vance vaz vision vampi vidal wo wer wite wing wat wab wop wine wass wir wib want wong wms wto wort wren wadi write wlad wade wire wals wo3 w94 watson wanni xn x4 xm xg xion xian xial x100 xco2 ym yc ys yen yit ying yus yud yun yue yamb yaz yvb yisf yaku yprimary zc zw zy zb zag zac zher zou zong zang zav zeng zhen δo δx δ98 δ57 ιv λ2 λ1 μa μl ν2 ν1 ν3 σ2 σ5 σα σfe аl мno сu ##oi ##oj ##oti ##otr ##oten ##oates ##oform ##oapatite ##otile ##o10 ##oarsenides ##oft ##ohydrox ##otized ##r4 ##rre ##rac ##rone ##rive ##rie ##rime ##ragm ##ratt ##rgruvan ##ete ##eur ##eth ##eber ##ezed ##eau ##eman ##etries ##eks ##emann ##nc ##nat ##nig ##nted ##nich ##nock ##nch ##nace ##nell ##nia ##nium ##nard ##nages ##nenic ##nance ##nsen ##novite ##ncy ##norh ##novs ##nagh ##nalp ##tb ##tul ##tat ##tus ##tted ##tch ##tun ##tons ##town ##tton ##tnam ##tude ##tuk ##tope ##tman ##tung ##tmann ##ttes ##tocalcite ##zg ##zes ##ziz ##zion ##zir ##zations ##zentr ##zian ##zeld ##zell ##zale ##zca ##zhen ##zend ##zberg ##zime ##zarite ##zoned ##i4 ##iol ##ius ##ily ##iot ##iian ##iels ##i2o ##iability ##ioh ##iology ##iverse ##iometric ##iomatic ##iato ##aq ##ahe ##aes ##ael ##aot ##adro ##aution ##ause ##aup ##aany ##apped ##ault ##ahas ##aoshan ##ajo ##aaki ##496 ##475 ##494 ##03 ##022 ##mr ##mz ##mc ##mas ##mate ##mis ##mat ##mus ##main ##mov ##may ##mels ##mond ##much ##marn ##macite ##maz ##moidal ##minate ##murian ##magnetic ##macher ##mlak ##pi ##pa ##pm ##pg ##ping ##pel ##pres ##ptite ##pill ##pical ##pron ##pole ##panes ##pinsky ##pala ##piration ##dl ##dan ##dis ##dat ##dly ##dam ##dles ##dies ##dian ##duct ##diorite ##ddle ##duous ##fo ##fq ##far ##fed ##fla ##farb ##fies ##fined ##fia ##fast ##fanov ##facts ##fract ##fson ##fved ##fraction ##fru ##fitable ##fontein ##fura ##flam ##ffice ##fnium ##cg ##cle ##com ##cla ##cut ##cerite ##chem ##cross ##ctical ##cup ##chemistry ##cogn ##cules ##cade ##cumulus ##cales ##citation ##current ##coming ##cnic ##carbonatite ##sa ##s0 ##sb ##sk ##s1 ##sti ##sing ##sating ##say ##shy ##sley ##sbs ##s12 ##s13 ##skin ##s11 ##scrib ##wal ##wer ##war ##wth ##ware ##wered ##wav ##wood ##wend ##wley ##wellite ##wns ##wson ##welled ##wasting ##wlett ##hg ##h6 ##h3 ##hit ##hil ##hab ##hill ##hong ##hall ##h2o ##hars ##hok ##hau ##hara ##hri ##hua ##hrel ##yo ##ya ##yd ##yin ##yal ##yite ##yle ##yow ##yap ##yun ##yath ##yaz ##yuan ##ychlore ##ydra ##yugin ##ypical ##ycle ##lb ##loc ##lot ##lab ##lant ##liv ##lian ##lard ##lisation ##lised ##loch ##lane ##like ##lification ##loric ##llet ##latter ##lna ##laminated ##xu ##xon ##xts ##xse ##xian ##xme ##xyl ##xey ##xmill ##xcitation ##qi ##qent ##qiu ##uu ##uus ##uge ##uum ##uene ##uok ##uosity ##ungs ##utian ##uvant ##uitively ##uzh ##uxe ##uori ##uiquan ##gl ##ger ##gor ##gent ##gus ##gne ##gut ##gian ##gand ##gun ##genic ##group ##gory ##gada ##gonite ##gonian ##g2s ##guanshan ##gasite ##gust ##geration ##glac ##goethite ##vg ##von ##vol ##vac ##vature ##vst ##vap ##vron ##vard ##vance ##volved ##vanite ##vasite ##velling ##vrogen ##voing ##venty ##voz ##vsk ##ba ##bes ##ben ##bing ##bol ##big ##bow ##bog ##bone ##bull ##bound ##bak ##bena ##boid ##bors ##brown ##bara ##bote ##bank ##bru ##borate ##bitr ##bride ##830 ##840 ##8600 ##kk ##kit ##kab ##kers ##kox ##kven ##kula ##kenn ##kker ##kana ##kovsky ##kfontein ##64 ##6s ##66 ##62 ##610 ##675 ##2se ##2pb ##130f ##55 ##533 ##900 ##914 ##982 ##9306 ##34 ##3u ##36 ##37 ##3gr ##3pt ##3ni ##369 ##7a ##74 ##7cl ##791 ##jd ##js ##jing ##jam ##jack ##jav ##jero ##justed ##juy ##jiao ##jokite ##jiu ##jarvi ##δ13 ##øsa ##ƒo2 ##hee ##hez ##hend ##heen ##hesion ##hears ##hetically ##helt ##hexyl ##tee ##tem ##te1 ##tetr ##tech ##tell ##techn ##teja ##onte ##onge ##onance ##onolite ##oncl ##oniferous ##onova ##onbrid ##onlight thein theory theories ##tiite ##tiate ##timp ##tiated ##tium ##tiges ##tities ##tidal ##rea ##rek ##rend ##rero ##rele ##reous ##rech ##remi ##relement ##requis ##remer ##inion ##intite ##inari ##inty ##inbur ##intil ##inning ##inova ##inovsky ##info ##alic ##alve ##alab ##alam ##alib ##alized ##alay ##alova ##alsky ##ese ##es2 ##esitic ##espar ##esep ##esans official officially office ##erated ##erts ##erant ##eritic ##erov ##erpen ##erau ##erling ##eritization ##erkin ##erburg ##enable ##enia ##enopyrite ##enoid ##entive ##enric ##enberg ##engezi ##enbergite ##enza ##entel ##enho ##encerite ##enerated inform intero inability inade inert inferences inef inactivity inuit inyap inbound andres and43 and66 ##aro ##arin ##arts ##arted ##arches ##arosite ##arolitic ##arstan ##aroles ##arico ##arlek ##aritsky ##arfved ##orl ##oral ##oros ##orith ##orig ##orge ##orage ##orian ##orgite ##oranite ##orwa ##oriferous ##oriented ##orova ##orhyth ##oramic ##orbing ##ortium ##tionally ##rored ##roosite ##roclastic ##rolitic ##rocal ##rotron ##rocite ##rofanov ##rollet ##rovsk ##icot ##icates ##icia ##iconite ##icrus ##icio ##icontin ##icycl ##icaba ##ito ##itre ##itor ##itan ##itting ##itain ##itably ##itoid ##itors ##itory ##itoids ##itudes ##edy ##eded ##edream ##ano ##anil ##anne ##anitic ##anest ##ansion ##anmi ##anxing ##ancha ##asu ##aser ##asant ##asitic ##asia ##asomati ##astically ##ascar ##as300 ##asjarvi ##ashee ##osi ##osti ##osis ##osable ##osome ##osyste ##osium ##osulph ##ostruct ##osilic ##osensitive ##ository ##idt ##idam ##idia ##idating ##idolite ##idging ##iddle ##idellite ##idio ##ationic ##isa ##isk ##isal ##iser ##isis ##isig ##ister ##isla ##isations ##isian ##istin ##isited ##isberg ##isula ##istivity ##isvaara ##isana ##istel ##uly ##ulte ##ulent ##ultr ##ulted ##ulum ##ulates ##ulose ##lez ##lec ##leen ##lean ##leys ##leine ##lect ##leinite ##leton ##lende ##lectite ##leja ##lebite ##lendite ##lemma ##lebena tome touch topped towns ##inge ##ingch ##ingled ##ington ##olom ##oline ##olial ##olgite ##olished ##olovite ##oluted ##olongm ##olkin ##oltha ##atm ##aton ##atation ##atus ##atted ##atum ##ators ##ataea ##ataly ##atolytic ##atjarra ##atrace ##ela ##elter ##elles ##elines ##elita ##eltd ##elva ##elung ##ently ##entum ##entrant tho th4 thins thand thund thort th2o thsm thaw thode thaba thco2 thrive ##mphas ##ithme ##ithaup ##agte ##again ##agole ##agwa ##agma ##aginsky ##aggy ##aggs ##agundi ##agata ##agte4 ##aggeration ##agascar ##usi ##usy ##ushed ##ustin ##ushev ##usanne withdra ##ache ##acal ##acor ##acid ##acle ##acam ##acell ##acial ##acoidal ##acicular ##acerb ##achev ##acicaba ##acancha iso isle isoc isra isom isopro isomorphic isochemically isomorphism istope ##ocate ##ocun ##ocyath ##ocrocite ##lyte ##lytic ##lygonite ##uri ##urated ##uries ##urst ##urces ##urren ##urance ##urik ##urbs ##urged ##urimeter ##urui ##urnace dead decon defic deca defe detained dewa dema deby deals deforms deem deux conod conje conference congru coo cof coass cored coand coms co2o codes colem cobre cooke coplan cotton copel cogne cohesion ##tration ##tris ##triz ##trich ##trally ##trical ##tray ##trict ##trieved ##trask ##trata ##tracting ##tridge ##igi ##igs ##igon ##iger ##igam ##igms ##igree ##igenite ##igranite ##igoon ##terisk ##atise ##atifer ##atibly mina minm minif minium minie minero minnova minerau forward forced ##urer ##roms ##romal ##romate ##romet ##romori ##eralization ##vet ##vec ##vey ##vection ##veitite ##vector ##owiss ##owhit as0 asl as2 as1 asadi astro as10 as2o5 asking ashf aso4 aso3 asga asahi asenopyrite asterisk reim rever reten revel reuse reward referen reused reappe reisch rememb rezh reapp retsch retraction remma reisberg reentrant retrieved betic beun beach bears beuch belem beerb befors beige begg bearer begun bekker beidellite ##izu ##izon ##izian ##izers ##izarine ##iziding ##izga ##izenga ##izzarite ##izhok ##ilar ##ilas ##iling ##ilst ##ilong ##ilms ##ilks ##ilha ##iluka ##ilisig als alu al3 alvi alty alma allude alvare alente aldan alizarine ##otte ##otas ##otot ##otty ##ottes ##phas ##phys ##phia ##phail ##phased ##phire ##phragm ##rain ##rading ##ramm ##rawn ##rafia ##raisal ##imir ##iminated ##imens ##imited ##imetry ##imasi ##imique ##imension ##imura ##imica ##imhall ##img2s bypro bytown deport deplo depressed ##luores ##herr ##herton ##herches ##oma ##omix ##omena ##omains ##ombe ##ombo ##omuss ##omovsky ##omorian se2 sever seto sembl seward seina seasons sectors seville seeds seventy sebak serend searches ##abr ##aborated ##abridge ##ople ##optic ##oporph ##opress ##opio ##opalladinite ##opilas ##sep ##seite ##sever ##sected ##sethite ##seux maub mamain mawson mavrogen marek maitre maizhok sulfarsenide sulfosalt sulfoarsenides ##rest ##reses ##resis ##resent ##resne ##rescent ana anh ances annite anton an56 anode anoxy an59 an54 anhui ##ichya chm chou chif chong chia chlo chai chico churr chung chapp chuo chapped ##ysyn ##ceanic ##cemented ##geo ##gety ##gevity ##gebi ##idea compo comply compart comput compress compex compressed compelling complication compasses atop attend atoll atalaya atajo atypical atacam atherton sui sutw sums sunda suffice suyun suitably suurik suomuss ##ocks ##yritic saw saes said saam sams saying samand sakins saez saks sakai saddle sahara saintil depositos ##eret ##talt ##talog ##tico ##ticity ##oux ##ouet meass meier metric meet mecher meets meurer rocky oriss ##umed ##umou ##umber ##umby ##ummond ##umatolytic fluence ##ngat ##ngmens ##odigenite stz stations stay stains stoch stark stops stope staf stories stah strec stdg storage discon dispar disord disconnected disloc dissected proch progen proof pro24 proenza exother expend exerted exfol exerts exaggeration exacerb onwards onlap ##thers ##itions ##inez ##inea ##ineysky ##inegra ##ineering ##thrus ##thylene ##amine ##amay ##amber ##amakitsky ##amington ##iface ##iffe ##ifferen ##ifex ##ifformation ##iffer ##ifiers ##iffs ##ifluores formso formaque ##ogian ##ogub ##ogram ##ogging ##ogneiss ##ograd ##ogranites ##ogoethite shock shang shaz shipped shoo shung shaken shonk shiny shatan tete team tech teix tepid teprimary tecnic texts ##vert ##verberg ##peg ##petus magell magix magasequence ##cture ##ctured incong incrus incidence incursion inconcl incentive ##ins2 ##insite ##assed ##igured figure7a ##irite ##irline ##irals ##irids ##irudite ##ircase ##quar ##quot ##quartz ##quia ##quately ##qualand ##quizga ##quimica ##tensen ##tenings ##tenbog ##ibo ##ibbe ##ibao ##ibalized whak whilst haas hade hawa hafnium hawley hakk hailar hairline ##ranes ##rants ##ranched ##antation ##antum ##antled ##chalc ##chron ##chwe ##chloric ##chineysky ##ighing crt crm crs crx crb crud criss crpg criddle crumby ##lai ##lades ##ostromal bases baseline bashil ##reduc ##redict rests restite resto resurg resonance resorbing resistivity resurged restrict resumed ##alca quasi quoted quirt quadro quxu quito quantum ##ival ##ivari ##ivast ##tings ##tinghe ##pplement ##ppabridge contouring lau laval lazen laflam lahars lausanne lailisig interrog interpr interchange interrup interfer interlam interlocking intertek ##neite ##nett ##neville ##nechineysky ##utochthonous ##utotellurides ##utotrophic lows lowell lowδ13 quartzitic quartzoph quartzwacke ##aters veks vega vegas ##ieshan samplesone hydrogenetic hydrofacies hydrofract hydrochloric strick stripped composes composing diode dieth dilemma rely relatives reliability relogging coloration colomb coloform colpron colombo ##illed ##illant ##illian ##arbonates ##state ##statite ##stances ##stof ##stoke ##stacle ##stroms ##ongarra isotopos ##adge ##adict ##adillas ##adry ##adzu presulfide ##ainqent assert assurance showcase ##oret ##oreed ##oreline ##uction reporting repulsion repository pyriteand ##iveira neor nets neogenesis neoflu negev nearer neodigenite phl phik phara phonolite phalab ##udin ##udation ##udied ##udia ##udenbergite ##gesberg valve valde valentine valleys uno unites unia unper united unans unified unamb uniqu unwe unchanged unmet unzoned universe unoriented uncemented ##essy preor preand preformed preuss preimp prehnite prerequis prevec carbonor carbonatic carbonyl ##00n occluded ##icals plc plg plv placement plans planning ploting plurimeter gevers geomagnetic geode georg geijer gehrel gejiu george geowiss geomix geopress massicot highs highto ##eneous intraf compositionand entre enstatite aband abound abrade aborig evinces evoked indones indistin indurated consens constric conserve consortium ##entration ##apure ##apshot ##apalca ##orphic concise concert conceded cui cu2 cu2o cuney cu3pt cuins2 lip liang liassic lipr lipin lianxing imang imber imbed imager tempered ##ociation cld clan cline clockwise cllf clgl cliffs ##contempor fe0 feass feather feff fe10 femand fetot fetio febru feotot ##hederal ##hedron associate associating sulphite ##nto ##ntzian ##ipment ##ipers ##ipamp ##ipring ##iplan ##iplin ##ipico ##ipahi ##iprocal ##ipingch ##ipresent ##kei ##keough ##kett ##keisen collects paris paralle parris parah paramaque parnell pargasite parasitic partridge ##itie ##itires ##itiers ##itimate ##itising ##aseca ##soy ##so2 ##soidal ##sources ##atically crystalizes usage usable usui art arl arden artif arbo ar40 artific arunt arvare arduous arbitr arithme calcioc calcrete calcirudite frontal fritz fraser frizon ##ometallic ##ometrical metaline metaland oxford oxalic oxiziding subang subjacent subaqueous subsets subordin subarctic subgre subtraction subfraction subgroup subtidal suburbs subtracting subhederal obliv obstacle ##andl ##andan ##andis ##andani hastings datum volker volkovsky formationin formationrec ##ersk ##ersuite ##ronological ##ronometer ##ronologia notations nothing notorious ##imental ##ouran ##ourse ##ources oliveira ##forsch modes modally module granada grangesberg pb5 pbse colleagueso colleaguesquot lemm learn lepr leices leeds letn leica leapf leistel leamington imagej imageto ##ellina altering vario variance variants studley ##pectively ##pecified micrometric micromet rank ##uni ##unal ##unsw ##ologial norsem norwe norfol northerly norsethite alterationand ##formity canon canonic canfield siltite silva silvan simonet simandl ##hemian ##roselite potent poitiers typified typology typomorphic typifies sp4 spar spell spang splas spacing spont splash sp2300 spratt sponge spencerite spirals coral corbe corta corfu corvo wear weather weighting website weijer weeks weighing pri prie prince prints price faja fazend faunal ##ueck ##uelez barros barley barrig barkov barcal barrick barcel express expulsion expansion metre metadi metae ##dey ##deau ##deck ##deposition ag4 ag1 agmp ague ag50 agno3 agsbs agxse laying layton precomp precolum precaution zn4 zn5 zn4s zn2s zncu twisted twining twigs niass nixon niqiu buttons belkab belomorian belogub allen allarg allocate ##mme ##mming heyl hebe heaps hekin hexa heals hendrick hepa hewlett heilong acz acts accep acmel acquiring ##ovian ##ovia ##ovalent ##oviscan ##ovanni overly overflow geniss genik ##aleontological goldfarb goldhab rediss redrawn perform pertin perkin perlitic perlites perborate persever ##xtures bru bring brach brgm brug brux brmeoh britain bridging brimhall brunsw brueck upa upub upmc upwelled ##rogabbro ##roggeo ##reet ##ialyte moreno morenc olivineand completion complemented doming traction trie trumb truman tricycl truly apa ap2 ap1 apatit april aparts observing twoor twofold magmaticand wherein pt0 pty ptfe ptpd pt4f accha ##llis ##tinize ##tinized sometime analyser analysing sc3 scme sc2o3 scope scaled scru screw scouring scoates scatted ##allible ##allister ##ickson ##ignan ##ignac ##raphique mayak mayeda mayjav adl addi admi adjusted advection ##meg ##meite ##metz 104 10h 10b 10cl 1010 1070 1040 1025 1090 1018 1092 10μm silicon silicoclastic earahe afford ##rowite ##rowinning ##areche ##arency ##areware ##ardt ##ardation ##ularly lateor lateregional recurs recycle recurren recherches reciprocal recourse chara charts charging charnock undistingu undifferen ##ako ##aka ##aking ##akou ##akia ##akund ##akova ##akami ##aktul botsw complexation complexing ##ixo ##ixiao auk aute auge auoh august au2pb characterises characterizations pd0 pds pd5 pdpb pd3s pdcu pdpt pd3ni pdenric pdagte ##denburg brecha brewer breithaup ca5 cave cavi caugh cawth postimp signer signifies textbook ##parlant biand biopro bi2o3 biof biochemical biography bioge biochemistry bieber bi2se biostromal regain reground regrett regenerated porphyric shelf ##undsen melang melange thereof calciteand 20to 2056 2025 2059 2022 20gro 20μm ##ipitated ##ipitous mons montero monument mondal monocline monashee monovalent notion noel noise ##anger ##angite ##angla ##angshan procession rho rhass rhir rhabd rhinegra underlies underrated underlie underthrus salient salty salton salinic salgada partner commented commission precipitations marque marath marquis marsch maroon martha marshy maruok martell marinova marignac greisen greseux isotopica pee peer peter pepper pecher peura peuras pegu peacor people welllay magnetites magnetiteand ##landites ##ensum ##ensical ##ensuu ##achment ##achidia ##achipamp sourcing epi epimer epizone epizonal epifluores epiplan alongside ##vier amf amist amoe amoric amade amcg amenable amoros amundsen grouping ##abbros claudia microto microlas microlay micropro microtom microcontinent microchemical gali galley galind galera galerkin galicia galleja watering waterlo replicates liquidand southerly serp representations representatives desolv desulph desorbed desert desire deslim desired deserves desilicification geologiques porphyryand esi eschwe assembled mantos moe moore moyow moonlight moresne ##chez ##chey ##chell ##chego ##chette area3 dolosparite dolerites doleritic fractioned fractionates ##renoid ##renzell surdam ##olychalc ##fective remelt remoten drag drie druss drying drives drifted drastically drusy drummond transforms transfers transcurrent majorand sandu sandrus sandman sandmann uranoth impure impression implement impressive imparted refuted refute blast blastom interprets patom patrick matte mat25 matched matlab mathez matandani sulfuric sulfurization osen oslo osler secondor secondand ##crs timed timmins timeline timkit ##ileychlore verge verified veracity veritas verifying treatise trellis lime lima limonitization geocronologia crystallise crystallises ree3 reeco3 reecl2 analyzes ##hanen ##hannon thickens thickpen proved provinc provoked pyritized ##yroxenites mg1 mgal mgtio mgsio3 δ36s δ37cl ##iocarbon ##iochemical metamict 15a 152 1530 1520 1560 1541 1533 1538 1537 onega onezime specie specified speculari speculation specify sequent deryugin discord discount discounted discarding discreet dissilicification dissociation dye dy3 dynamically trendlines fieldwork graphs graphical graphitized lithoand lithostratigraphy lithostruct appold slit slide slime slice oxidize oxidizers pyrrhotites 12d 12h 12g 123 12th 1220 1248 1267 1232 1262 derivative ##eposition ##epening ce4 ceases ceo2 ceasing ceven diagramm basinand shearand reduces reducible 1956 1912 1915 1942 1941 1919 18b 181 18α 1850 1860 1811 1892 1893 1832 laterization infras inflated infallible contradict amounted ##owned dolomitising outbo outlet outlier equates equipment ##veloped tera terry territ terrace terpanes invade invasion foundations ##bert ##beri ##bergen deforming ul9 ulrich postulate postmineralization postregional postmetamorph postcumulus postglac postdeposition exhaus sinuous sincla calculable increment increments materializing horse horita identically identities msc msl ms1 irm irian irrele irreduc fracturation ultrath ultravi ultratrace ultradry ultrapure syenites symons paleothermal paleola paleof paleosh paleomagnetism paleontological ##gregation ##ordinary northwards empress emplectite developments hematization chlorites ##ondian ##onderant δ34sav δ34sfluid δ34scrs ##penter semicontin semivari ##tifying ##tifully ##ropogenic ##ropolychalc producers productivity fo60 fo42 fo44 ##ieu ##ieber ##ieval ##iema ultramafics flowage flowers electrons bau baur baff ba12 ba13 ba02 bafq ba130f baocun baudin baixo baileychlore ##ubets ##ubulake ##incia decree decided decameter declin decorated declined decantation solar solenoid ##tiva disposable 200to traceable firm felsitic firstand mnch mn40 mns2 mnco3 muskox musengezi musoma ##ochlebite ##ochronological pentoxide pentlendite pentlandites superbasin superposition supernat superfast graphiteand 11c 1110 1130 1170 1180 1165 1160 1190 1133 mineralogia orogneiss orognenic mineable minette extention clayton stepped steiger stemming 1001 100to ##derber ##anspiration bedard correlative correlating correlatives fining finlays finning fineness commonly1 feldpar feldespar identifies trains trading travel traverse trailed continually fluorides fluorap fluorinated fluorination fluorinations fluorinating fluoroapatite schovs schouw schlatter schalam schorl schisa schifformation schardt schieber normalisation normalise normalizing cumulative doiny doyle ##virondian negate negoti ##omalachite contaminates ##hips respects ##ieri ##cl6 ##clic ##clines ##clinal localizing localising dominatedand suppress supplier brecciate brecciating 50x 508 50ne 50to 5010 5030 ##upalo lardeau skye skirt skvoz skaggs blackand blackjack furrow furuka paralleled deflected default ##obreccia ##adays directing carter carlo carval carother carrock cartes cartier carolina carvern carleton caribbe carignan carachipamp carpenter deeping ##ramonte ##quet pyramidal 408 406 402 409 403 407 40ne 4010 ##arsuk tielines ##athode plugand ##509 ##507 ##anyuk gabbroid gabbrodiorite cleps organically ##chantite illlite illitization ##aves ##avite srs srsio3 srivast deplete pressured pressurized ##omponent ##licts kele kety kett kezhang kemens ketch ketris polya polyhedral polygenetic polyharmonic polytellurides polytung polytechn polyphased ##ricant seawaters midas midocean nau nazca najd naverberg navier 134 13b 13α 1330 1370 1380 1324 1322 1348 ##roscopic ending enders endless endoto endpoint μm3 μmol multitude multiacid multiphys ##issal 142 141 14α 1456 1440 1412 308 30th 3070 30l2 30s12 curral curvature spectrophotometry detachment ##tyabr differentially detailing uraniumand lastra think el2 elusive elmer elimination elaborate elpid elvst eliminated elaborated solidify solidifying argun comparably sophia sio sira sio4 crosscuting ##ogenide co2and ##ylvan ##ylova ##ylonitization ##ylhexyl ##ylanil ##yllades newwa newhous synae synformal synfold synmetamorph synoptic lightly chani chances lineated slighty effort radiated radially radiolytically ##thens facing facts facie ##ushu activate activator ##titatively ##aneity totaled totaling totalled ndcu ndiza ##isciplin monchetun stirre ample gaize gauss gahnite kahr kaiy kappabridge kavirondian explorat nonline nonmineral nonsto nonmagnetic nonlaminated tourna tenfold sws swing swith swto sw10 archer arctic arched greenalite bulging manyoni saturate saturates ##568 ##ishing ##ishment selectively selebi petrographique environmentally holly holocrystalline pyrope pyrolytic wallin waller ifes ifremer pollard ##amba ##ambias ##ambique ##ambeau longli tuva tuoke tuket tuzg tugut dykeand ##rettite sulphuric growths icpaes halpin foothill ferrodol fergus ferroselite ferrogabbro ferderber ipgm ##ikan ##ikson triarsenides triarsenide matrixto pitz zincand moderated particulate alkaligranite borax borows boratifer ##azate ##azone ##azno ##iseys stands standish maclean macquar ##arzazate photored photographic photometer phototrophic potentials ##bez ##bearing transparency gangou igg igme ruiz rugezi rugg ortho orthorh orthophosph sericitisation sericitie clinoand circa duv dupre dutriz ##oelectr ##oxene ##hya hydrochemistry paler palme palentine palarstan coarseto unconven phosphatized stratal approxima approximates approximating individualized lamina lamasu lamotte lambert ##inkwav circular morris moraga morgan moroni mortensen magnetically irregulari 16o 169 1640 1644 1696 1635 1682 1651 1691 labs labidi labspec laborious cmf cmas cm20 cmyk meson meshes mesocratic mesoto mesorhyth ##ohaline ##ohoha ##ohandis transitioned transitioning backer backarc backside titrated microscopia microscopically fluoriteand lensor lensing ##ientific orogenically caloth califor calzir calvert medieval ch4rich ch4bearing pelind pellet differing diffuses diffrac flaring flints flinty flaggy flushed flocks flambeau confine confusion conflo confident configured conflicts seek laurasia bouch bouabd δ18ogoethite grounds acidity equilibrate equilibrating smart sm2o3 smolkin smelter ##arkers meanwh structureless ##diusite uncovered interpretable 255 259 257 25th 2512 25co3 2523 2575 25ch4 2585 eastand shallowest mco mck mcnic mcfar mcphail mckeough mcallister varanger magnetized magnetised porcel porosities porcup portray pots potts potsd potarite rimkor classify classifying ##neisses outcome outcomes investigates investigaciones axiomatic worth introduct itabitires brock brodt brothers brochantite ##isonal topic topological topics summing kaoliniteand 264 265 269 263 2650 2610 2697 2613 2690 2615 2645 2698 2654 erin erase erased erba ersoy erickson hereafter nwor nwand nwto ##ldite stillwellite prograding evaporate evapotr pooled lato lattices ##engren recognising 17o 171 179 1756 1730 1720 1765 1790 1752 1785 234 236 231 239 233u westfield youjiang youanmi ##otechn faber turns turpin turtman alternately meteoritic orduna ordnance mss1 gasoline mm3 mmst self selmi seluk selby seltmann ##2s2 reacting proximally ##jek ##archical collide collage collages collars collinsite collisonal correspondent migdis miguelez ##ocryts mapinfo boitite boynt bozion bohemian bohannon linkupalo worked goemann sb2s2 ##tahar ##tafson ##uthides interstitially burisch burnard burpala burbank burigi paar paid paul pause paired paolovite ##max ##maquan madeleine δ18ofluid δ18oquartz rayed ##uanfang ##heses ##hesised notes 22a 224 22b 226 223 2270 immense immobil immersion metallurgy accessibility 7010 7070 7080 7040 7097 70800 7042 7018 7041 7019 7075 7028 7045 7086 7089 7038 70306 70496 70982 downflow downwelling downwasting edward edited edta eddy edifice eddies edinbur editors universal universally universities monzite monzogranites focal roble roots royal ##yllaris ##106 ##107 ##1050 ##1016 statement gln glaring glomer glagole glikson ripped riomin takane takahas ##boy isochrom demise extrusion extrude extrusives extracell respond respiration elevate accumulating broadest broadlands ##mielita weakening horny hornlende guide guides guided guiding guaran guilha guinea trojan ##rystals mioge miarolitic depended dependences 1876 1873 274 278 2750 2720 2725 2790 2718 2714 2743 2798 wilde willett wildly beams ##ounie verticalization amphiboleand recrystallizing recrystallizes 398 392 391 397 3924 300to farm farms farmer sanuk sanku sanisla sanchez ##tilation marcoux coexisted 809 bismite bismutotellurides cacl2and nonsensical alumotungstite maximize cannizzarite cannibalized factoring thermometric thermophile thermof thermosc thermotectonic thermobar thermolytically thermochronological thermoelectr thermohaline migrates option opens opinion ##sterites appearances stockworking nyos nyanza nyabar nyainqent widened widgie bismuthides bismuthand 602 605 60to 60ni rammels ramsay sns snj snmz snapshot releases relevance permission permuy densityand ionized ionisation ionizing malaga malvern malinovsky tonnel tonnages ##bedding interelement albitisation albrech oriental understaturated understudied marking potassically cratonal xijing ##liable overgrew adularias titanites 0004 00030 00018 00028 00006 00004 00039 00034 244 248 249 2450 2442 2428 2463 2485 500to zr4 zrsio colloid h2saq ##eby excel excalib silverand priority timings oceanographic burollet emil emulate freudenbergite hfc hfpm picot angara angstroms angouran microbreccia geochimique blend jabiluka tellian xenolite xenolites volcanos volcanology volcanological riverine geochronometers geochronologial 29b 298 293 2910 phyllically 1999 simpson simplest errachidia tahe taipingch ##massa islands subsample timespan timescales economics diopsideand 212 21α 21β 2160 centuries antimonite quantifies quantifying quantitatively cassiter cassidy tongguanshan segovia microthermometrical 150e 150nd 458 457 4500 detrimental flowsheet mobilize mobilising mobilisations conclusive 2048 2041 isochronal isochrones tellurite phenoles phenolic phenomena sidi 1889 1883 herzberg herdian herrero herlec herbez node ventus yegor yemaquan 879 873 87rb bayanova jamesonite shoulder remobilising 4182 4164 fission fisons xral ##mooltha geothermally geothermalism arspy lreeand lree2o3 lubricant ##cois entirety d2mk false ##nerable minimizes segregate segregates segregating distant distorted distortion narrowing narrowest cerotungstite estable pow1 thematic unkur heterometric heteropolychalc falunand 8600 attribut handled handling handspec encom capability capital capacities capitan jump jujuy juquia mln devices devichya anticosti anticathode physik physiology physiochemical ##hydrite accompanies pseudomalachite pseudobreccia bathurst suspect neves platforms progresses progressed 354 352 355 359 353 357 3500 35to 3580 deliver deloro dunhua ##ukuri ##ukimura prototy exploit exploitable adjacently methodological d3mk smear limitation limitations plutonism digging joel joins joined joaqu joensuu pulp pulps pulsating pervade pervaded pervoi s155 s1bedding sixth sixteen tmz ##nsics ##nsij ##nsylvan leucoto leucosome leucoxene 954 951 959 95th 9519 9593 dilor kernel kerolites keraf kerimasi ##yanide chineyite rimskaya interested 360 361 3659 3606 3600n mv2300 n2and outst ouarzazate purer velhas ##408 ##40ar seamounts ##iferation stibiconite correspondingly palaeocene palaeocean 442 441 4400 4493 voo voiseys ##tists thirdly behaves ankeritization saprolites phlogopitized stillwaterite 014 012 017 kapustin waira waipahi examinations tetrahedron palladosilic palladseite ##hydroxides batholithic 2505 karrgruvan karpinsky logan log10 logged logƒo2 logachev moller molasses nbt nb2o3 ohui ohaaki infills reactivating amblygonite tuned ##weite ##125 submerged submitting lemottes agreements actinolitic fo24 fo28 focussed 0013 0059 00124 00111 00s13 009306 00106 4689 lengthy ##athetic ##enschaf epidosite epididy epidotized plagiogranite plagiogneiss fallen ##ofalo ##ofocus ##ittedly schematized chlorinity chloritisation chlorohydrox postdated differentiates differentiating wolter altogether starved hydrid hydrates greenschistto petrochemistry 3800 3810 75as 75th 75900 firest globe loti loop looses publication tinted torres torngat ##shuiquan convert converged sudden properly sharrie magnity plasmic advancing experiences experiencing summaries summarizing pipetted papua debatable reasoning evaluating 282 285 283 2875 28gro 907 9010 pursu temporary volatilisation geologico 1989 prediction ##ceptible anorthitic 065 069 0614 0674 314 318 311 3160 83h 832 839 8397 8344 83840 balta passes visited visually visibility viejo vietnam ##mancy inherits ##oscale chapel carbonicand metapyroxenites elongation polaris polarising extremes frances frantz francois ##rophic shorty shortcoming neutrally archiving ##crystallised specularites boiled errorchron 045 0415 0441 331 339 333 337 33so4 3363 3343 33gre creataea marbridge colorimetric spotty spotlight continuingly naturales viewing viewpoint 344 346 342 341 349 343 foremost forensics operate operational stringy planchette exposition synthesised paleoarchean paleoenviron centering unknowns 6500 65cu cds catface cattiite sensing sensible sensibility projecting diamand ##adec stepwise parenthesis parentheses prospector prospectors 059 cyohoha fossilized grinen gruene klimg2s comment ancaster descriptive metasomatize blum russell vicente ##io4 ##io3 ##ioff innermost convex conveys convected convections 53cr merging merck merino mernagh tsu tsaginsky tsvet tsipring tsukimura viramonte atmospher scientists 197au wmtd3 bacteriogenic filo filtering manar manuel manchester manneville manchego maniema tlf tlc ##plots reverses incompatibility incompatibly feeders upwardly chondriteand 543 5400 5418 5486 721 7223 721016 auto autoliths autoclastic autofocus ideally krister vanuxe vanhanen ##koye ##koanest magnesioh 1105 metasomatically metasomaticand 374 376 373 calls flawed flaxmill helps helvac nantinghe nanotechn nanoscale penoke penkv penisula pennsylvan strontiowhit 2016 2017 ignore ignores flanked flanking widths percolates neutralize neutralized neutralisation neutralised 8530f airie bona boninite boniface cpm hgte nitrate nowadays ##noy ##afolds connects subjective voltages microfold microfurnace nyakah prospecting turbidimetry eneto jemielita ##ractionated ##idirection shielded crackand interlayers interlayering substantiate microscale precursory otherside so42 serpentinisation granuliteand petrologically gersdorfite 074 079 073 0711 07s0 513 517 51s1 radian radians radicals radiocarbon ##houshan fluxed planeand flats flatlands responded 434 437 479 55125 594 590 596 592 5900 blade baking chemotrophic chemotaxic chemosensitive luminescent testable δdgoethite cooper resident residuum prisma prismatm veinlettes 1806 1809 feldspathoidal linearly millions turnbull turnagain wavelengths nucleus nucleates randomisation badly boxplots hardness hardening miliequivalent miliol pimentel utility ##turbed ##houan ##80002 ##80003 deviates interbedding entries metagabbros accuracies glaciogenic ##tratigraphy uniformity 563 5610 56fed branched cellulose jargon knotty langev naldrettite zeeman zemlak ##ruently ##implification ##poke reproduce unrepres unrecogn unreliable unrecrystallised scheel arsenideand integrate integrates integrative encounter bordering softwares 028 029 023 638 631 6360 6390 dedolom huolongm huelva huizenga karstrask penecontempor qz4 qz2 qz1 ##aoer ##armontite ##ellah fluctuates fluctuating preparing prepare preponderant sulphidized sulphidization sulphidizing subvertically remarks chlorideand 034 038 033 037 322 321 327 3200 428 426 7000 cantos dacites dacaot hsˉ sigmoidal ##kiy contemporaneity ##umbers stokes 1907 19092 eurochem eurovector exhume lherzolites 963 9610 draa draining draped draws fibrolitic popular qaidam zhai ##905 depressions whatman resistors prevost chalcedonic truncating accommodates campus camparis transected transecting decompose decompressed decomposes cleaning cleanest na2o2 1407 eruptiva botryoids aluminium aluminophosph nanoparticulate jarositeand poikiloblastic 482 beshears bench benjam bennett benioff ##dyite ##eroon todd ##acyclic discriminate analogies argentine latestto infiltrates infiltrating arguide establishments archaeal archaeocyath ailaoshan dauphas eighty pinkish rwandan rwinkwav wswto ##eanas ##nii ##niq ##nipeg ##biologia ##askwa ##ulfed ##ulfate coarsest ##ichiometric exotic laville landis landmark unlv unlimited undefined undeveloped paleoplac 2007080002 stereogram takemat reconsolidated deduction deducted 741 745 749 791 799 7900 checking chevron chengmens cosθ costibite cos8200 costech fia4 hopping lv0 mk5 ponds reality realms anisothermal anisoft shorter shortenings hyalo ##ovsk monitors sylvanite emphasises channelizes hillside latticework thermodynamics xenolithic penetrates bronze nishitagwa inorganically 082 081 0819 09a 091 99ru 9999 99te1 935 bima denis denki denoted denudation ethylhexyl persists persisted persistence personal rotary slowed slowing slowpoke ##innini ##innigan anthropogenic supersuite fluorescent exclusion cupriferous microdomain microdomains terminations terminologies synchysite synchrotron influxes 2907 pseudomorphing pseudomorphosis looks looked jeoltm pueblo 584 581 585 58h2o 574 575 814 816 8114 8163 81914 aqso2 cnr cnrs emsbo h2or h2so4 h2po4 kylak kyushu kynsij kilian kilometer kilbride kilkenn mpm mpf mp1 ninefold soda soddyite ##426 ##186 ##ombic femto coronation ##akurna 208pbt rhodonite 1966 1963 196pt electronica electronicsu pyrolisis hornfelsic hornfelsed jointly leucogabbron leucogneisses cycled cyclone cyclones robustly robustness cathodes acquisitions 528 5221 fes2 fesio3 q3b sfc sf5 tescan testify tesample wedges ##born conventionally ##tructure ##tructured disruptive shoal shoals enhances 1035 esperance 1934 1936 1939 193ir ferricyanide 2208 picrodolerites favours distinguishable plagioperidotites cobaltand mktd13 mktd67 mktd21 mktd675 mktd533 mktd36 648 643 6448 689 6100 671 675 771 7722 82se 8230 981 98cu4 976 972 971 97800 binaries cabrb cabuer fitton fitches kelly kelamay luis luanga misses nnwand ovg picking rightmost sx51 tagh tagus tagiro ##aho ##amento theoretically instability instabilities andaluz ##identifications presumable leavitt leftmost correctly 2004a 2009a episodicity boudins purported 8485 carey career d4mk giulian giovanni ivanyuk lupton piper pipedream pumped rainy rainbow rudists talon talston ##2314 andrews ##oclinal comet quadt quadrant consumes consumers lieu websterites metaultr oscillate oscillating 1253 125te employe 2681 2685 2689 economy builds erratically retrograding 0017 ubiquity vacuo fernando 6275 695 69905 768 766 762 76cu4 738 733 737 auraro c28 c2h6 camflo cameroon dimorphic elliot editing fuels hbl hb3gr hallmark kuromori kuopio kuipers lomagundi owner rastered rasters raspite rasmus songpan service services servicio uralitized yamagata algorith savin savard electon electrowinning metavolcan brackets bracketing 106pd 10690 107ag 10799 107509 1552 roadcut delineation delineating huangjia hunchuite perpendicularly azzer fifield fifty fifteenth g4a italics krylova kunmarn pmg pm200 psa psat raith raised raise raising raft roman romania tenths ##kenbosch concealing coordination reopens departamento anatectical stacks restart validated clathrates dryness 1948 1945 1943 terrigeneous bedrocks sooner discussing wallrocks 1607 seemingly 230th architectural hyaloclastitic supersaturated elliptic subprovincia 5cacl2 7120 7112 aphanitic beryl berni berzel berkenbosch battle batopilas buckskin dvol dickson eluting float floating floyd floaters groove grobe groves galli housed idiomorphism jxa8200 jxa8600 munz munro munitions nested pillows portage rosita rosario rosengren solvents tortuosity tanzanian warmto ##ttgruvan ##schulte ##ungo ##unggar thomsonite conducting conducive conductive makamba mega megasequence megazone megafolds megacyclic organo organization organism organisation organise organizations organometallic quetico intermingled unserpen unspecified unstructured screened 2010b 2012a ##anggou ##angguanfang howards slurry endoand ferrocarbonatite diffractograms 2705 2709 assimilates assimilating hydraulically 831101 virtual boudinage 9000 bt2 bt1 balloon ballhaus csul csil c1s c17 casts cascade casapalca federov fedorova gongalsky garnit governing kabaya kabete kpd022 mwanza oklo oktyabr panoramic pocket puchelt qtz3 rusizian unevolved winning winchester winnipeg ##oona ##normeoh ##estwards coercivity coercivities chihu changning strombol stabilite stabilized stabilities stabilising ##charoidal encrusted abiotically micronto wetland metacryst metacraton precede precedes overpressures reequilibrated specialized specialist symposium sympathetic decarbonation decarbonization decarbonatized decarbonatation decouple decouples decoupled definitive fertilisation fertilised ##oxylic visualize visualized visualization visualizes exceedingly interpolate slumped honeybrown mongolian rabbitket 4h2s 786 949 9425 9496 9475 arafura ammann ammeberg grossly lensoidal mcclay mccready mccrone mccrea mir10 mironova mirrored molecules machines pco2 pleasant renison rennes renowned rosettes td5 troughs ##aso3 complicate sapphire ##mentalization tetravalent strauss neighbors ensures ensialic cuptrh metallographic subunit expanded expandable adakitic epstein blanc 1546 1543 1862 nonluminescent petrogenetically zonality 1703 requirement extractability excellence 1997a jungfru mercier mercator kinematics eclipsed duplicated duplicates duplicating cataclasis cataclasitic cataclasites k2ptcl6 2808 aeromagnetic aerobic cb3 creamand dmlb d5mk damangguanfang destor dubessy fenghu goias goyaz goyllaris harbour izart izok izzeld izoret klemme master mashan masai mascom ngaany n150 n110 pedigree ripidolite tapers vesicular vestiges warp warped warrants warakurna waroona woodland windows zk15 zk14 zk1604 zk1612 zk507 ##gs600 ##284 ##2404 deuteric revision revived revisited receives alignments seasonally chronometers chronologic choices competition comprehend staal staircase strelna expectation interception isotropy ##fortably legitimate metabasic metabasalts 1081 1085 108cd peculiarity sequester sequestration 1273 δ34ssulfide δ34ssulfate plumbotectonic plumboj plumbopalladinite methanation methanotroph polymict polymerised endowments switching switched uncomfortably booklets booklet 7078 7073 7077 70787 guaymas tmd2 needleto discontinuity scientifically microspectometry microspectroscopy microspectrophotometry 56fefluid cabriite psammite pillowing grossularite metallogenetical metallogenetically saskatoon conspicuously 3f2 3fes2 bgare bg49 bolong biplot diminish funded fundao fissure gouges humber holds holder holding jatuli kibungo ligd liguori lopian lindsley sdd ttg tanami yilan yiliu ##ryptite ##aardtite coastline ##atitude render madore madagascar chaotically stylolites proliferation shorelines grandia hayesep haysep quartered laurenz richards unpolished unpredict geoquimica geoforsch conserving concomitantly parkerite oxihydroxides modestly metastability heading overspill oversimplification obscures melano imperceptible 1594 paleocross semimetal fo86 fo81 fo85 predictable multicationic multicomponent 1386 amplitudes amplifiers longshou macrocrystalline circumscrib circumstances resemblance smyth smoothly meaningless waveand wavelets sopcheoz turbulence manitouw 2011a ghosted embedding talnakhite electrostatic electrochemical electrolyte stromatolite slickensides strengthens geothermometer 7102 7101 adequately adeepening bindheim danis daniels dilational gadds gadolin hamill hamlet hamisana iodp iodometric kindred manganite nabarlek nist610 putoranite pictures rheic rheologically rheologic ruliza route routine routes village villiers villaseca ##485 ##waldt ##locks ##lockite ##alladintite thiosulph thirteen astm ascot bends bending alluvium depressurization annular chipata chipaka chilean attaining disappeared disappears formulas cristalog quinone quinby quench hydrodynamically unresolvable cuprous cuproirids clarify parautochthonous michenirite spheres magnetometric magnetostratigraphy twinning trachyte scottish advantages 101107 surpassed improves 1567 1898 contractional southwestwards fo71 fo73 supercrust supercrustal 114568 skyttgruvan furnished furnaces polyminerallic 1327 channelling radiolarian exploraciones 7053 7057 70539 273a 2734 273c 273b capsules juxtaposition 0029 loihi loadings conductor discriminating microanalyser kilometre demagnetizer demagnetizations celestine lopolithic attenuated skaergaardite 2101 aureoles culminate clue dredging england engenho engineering engulfed family gelpi gandese hrc hrtem haraba harvard harvey koark koongarra l250e latitudes myers mbd mbc mbx mbulu n030 n070 n045 nelsonite omitted ovejero pinto pinitized pinacoidal pellwith piece pinching renewal senarmontite spear speaking tulks urgonian vigier wlg wenz wenban ##posited ##carini intuitively inhibit inhibited inhibiting convoluted ##iguously aspiring beaufort beauparlant beautifully stannous shadow ladogian interfaced interfinger interfacial unbranched unblocks unroofs geodes envisage envisaging paradise paradigms subchamber submicroscopic hexavalent tracks tracking recommendation recommendations bioturbations espina espanto mozambique appreciation appreciably 1958 decalcified school supplementing polygon 131xe 1332 icpmsdat optimize optimization optimistic permitting emanate emanated emanations detritally covariance devolatilisation pseudoclasts pseudocolum hypothetically protocol stibiopalladintite waihi tsumeb manifests reconciled reconciling reconcentration unrealistically geyserites backscattering questioned elucidating flooded robertson johnston microgabbroic psammopelite unpubl spherolites spheroids trachyandesitic surprise surprising bangonghu olympic rectangles excavated excavating excavators montmorillonitic 01075 010369 2f2 3h2o 3h2s 6h2o 840a 9423 aho ahmed broman cummins cartographic carboxylic celsius cochrane dk10 dk1012 durations durham duricrus durazno ddhs easier fsp gp50 gpmr gsg gladiusite himalay hoefs hoekfontein hanna hannover humped jmc junior jiangsu kingston krasnov krasnova krasnoye krasnovite locker lucas lucky menou menotti michigam michipico museo mengla menglian nsvg nuggety nominal odd oduro pw1050 pw2404 pixel pigeon pioneers pioneering rontek wrapping welded yarrowite ##oautotrophic ##materiet ##factory ##guang ##674 ##reccias ##inyvon ##ancyllite coarsened coarsening retreated anchor anchored anchizone anchizonal christie meymacite ##odomes stainless disaggregation proceeded extraordinary hydrogeology hydrogeological collapses unravelling geopetals concessions feasibility arrived arrival lehne lehmi corroding corroborated accidently adopts adapt biomarker biomarkers 2058 205pb monochromatic monochronometer commercially descensum designing essence espana dissimilar outgrowth exhaustion irrespectively symmetries decimeters mn2p schmus schmidt supposedly skinned carlton pyroxenized macrorhythms photoexcitation label1 2549 δ56feavgoreed weaknesses authority professor profoundly hydroxylated beneficiated capillary capillarity pseudorutiles pulverulent ankaramitic 0031 0037 1985a catalina catalysts catalytic catalyze metagabbroids underestimate underestimation reconstructions denominated denominations palaeoenvironmentally 61ni40ar gg3a condenser condensing electrometric berthierite destabilized vesiculated humidity quarries quarried paleoclimatic culminates overestimate overestimates vigorously convinced convincingly fashionable coprecipitated beaulieu stratovolcanoes tellurobismuthides 2s3 2568 2565 5h2 5h2o 95048 aas3 aleutian avalonian bivalve billiton barewood crescent drove donggebi davis dodoma ecs ecole ecosyste frothy fishione gonzale garofalo gilboy godel hiatus hi2314 hongge hongzhen hongyuan justified justify justifies joseite katugin kinks kukulum lydon lydenburg lyubets longevity linziz linxey linneite lisheen lueshe lukkula mrt mrl mrg mjøsa miserite misprint misidentifications murakami mutual n108 n106 ochres owners pilot pilotaxic pilbara punctured phengitic risk rigaku rondonia rafael rollback sonju sibson sideritic svb97 svb96 svb98 tallarico umangite umukuri umkoanest unexposed vaara vaesite vaillant vitric vitreous vitroclastic written walker ximelt ximeltd ximagma zhengguang λ238 λ232 λ235 ##tanjek ##minskite ##fengshan ##l2b2 ##khin inefficient isolation aso33 reichweite altay almond almohandis albert antler attesting orbitolin protection shoshonite hampering cruise hydrostratigraphy diaphragm diverged divergence divergent washington colonche ##onglomerates unmined unmixed unmixing unfocused unfocus unfractionated placers intragrain concurrently cloutier arkoses artefact artemis artefacts calcioancyllite fringe fringes fringing metalloid microrhythm spires sputtered cornfla expeditions metacarbonates metacrystals metaconglomerates agglomerate agglomerations agglomerates overcome overcoming overcomes overlaying brucite scandium admixed admixing admittedly 1029 103069 bireflect register noticeable noticeably grenvillian pepinnini ##enshtat amazon micropaleontological survived remineralization translational matthews appalachian 121sb 1280hr contributor syndeposition paleolatitude northwestwards baoerling superterranes centrifuge keeping endmembers endorheism multidomain multidimension multidisciplin 303a 303c argento milligrams fermentative 1647 mclaren 2666 2662 extrapolated aquiclude devitrified jointing dilatant 2864 chrysotile affiliation catapulted 0571 grasberg cryptodomes magnesioarfved consecutively jeffrey 3bi2s3 microdrilled conjugated duplexes duplexing academics raiswell 8900l unsuitable olistolithic ophiolites unequivocal fertilizers oikocryts mackenheim zk2404 spherulitic tantalum 710463 enlarges redeposit kodaro reprecipitated practicalities am39914 museums rondeau disagreement geopetally corroborating cyanobacteria cyanobacterium cyanobacterial gbw07 rinconadillas inhomogeneous inhomogeneity inhomogeneities unoxidised preconcentrated hydrometallurgy 3rd 3r2 4nh3 7255 8801 bx41 bx51 baryte barytocalcite browne brownto dbst darcy darwend dorr dormancy dabie dabieshan divide divides dmexme dictated dictates daily daijia ea300 eucrite eucryptite effusive efferves fumes fumaroles fuchs fuchtb fulfils fulfilled flexures flexural gcs gj1 girdle girvasite golev houghton idaho jingwen jinghong kasika kasbah kidd kidney kurnalp kurtanjek kumuz kumuzh kivu kivakka khibina khibiny lnst lesher lesley lagache libs libre maryland moscow moscovian orocline oroclinal olekma olekminskite ptsb2 piracicaba pikaranta pikku ptrhass ptrhcus qiannan qmsd qms200 roche roches rossa rosslan santonian santander saleable saleeby satisfies satisfactory tills uytenbog uyuni umbers umbareche vinante vinograd vessel vessels vibration vibrational wyoming wyborn xseries xstrata xiajiang xiaoming ιιι ##marsh ##kvist ##korb inasmuch informally innovation innovative ##astingsite tolsto tolsti thm600 thmgs600 threads threadlike isoprime isoprenoid deemed codeposited retarded retardation beads betafite alnoite alpha alphas300 maastrich annealed annealing chadocrysts chadocryts compensate compensated safety stubby dismantled dismissal disintegration disintegrated protonation shimizu shimadzu whitney whitmarsh craters critically criticizes lawless straddle straddles relictic nebulised nebuliser phillipsite unproven unprofitable premature premise platinoid platinoids getchell georessources georesources enforces enforced abiological abiologically cuptfe cupt2s4 subgrain subgrains lepidoblastic lepidocrocite siltto spinner spinifex spicules spicule ag3po4 ag3ause nielsenite ##ghuagou trisnorh trisnormeoh apatity apatitized scarp scarps auhs0 pd6hg pd6agte4 pd2si pd2sb 202m 209bi monocl3 comminution comminuted marques marquinez petford epochs claims claimed replenished replenishment implicit implicated refinement blindly verkhnechineysky verkhnii bodaibo slovenia slovakia syenogranite syenitoid 2009080001 2009080003 steinmetz deflection deflecting pyterlite pyterlites oxydized oxydizing emplacements polymodal polymodally 149sm 30l186 30l284 eliminates eliminating synorogenic homologues homologue muscovitic muscovitization milliliters bulbous polysynthetic polysynthetically tungstate tungstates flourishing 2676 2373 706111 706426 70249 70247 709390 demarcated demarcating sanchors sanchakou silvermine silvermines buffers substrates substratum offshore offshoot herrington herringbone benefit benefited pseudoacicular johannsen kermesite kermadec uplifts uplifting tornio tornroosite subdivide subdivides 281a wmtc20 wmtc27 315to inheritance 04415 grinding grinder transmissivity transmissivities manufacture manufacturing manifestation manifestations incompletely breakthroughs autoclave autocataly microfissure microfissured chemolithotrophic chemolithoautotrophic metagreywacke metagreywackes unreasonable unreasonably checked mkd5 mkd13 obliquity obliquely 848485 giii intracrystalline megabreccia megabreccias ##hauser 4h2co3 slickenlines aerosol aerosols ukraine ukrainian paleochannel paleochannels telescoped telescoping fiiiand harrison omnipresent omnidirection interfingered interfingering schoenly schoenherr dk1008 dk1009 christiansen diachronic diachronism antarctica birefringent birefringence extrapolation extrapolating wavenumber wavenumbers inaccurate inaccuracy thmsg600 interrelationships unavoidable unavoidably 03s0 07092 2n2 2zr4 2pts 2ch2o 2aso33 3so42 4so32 4feo 512674 718791 711408 98048 ayb aizenshtat apex aranz aucl2 bbc b2w banalcite bombs bartonian birkett bullard bignell bundesans bissig bigger batteries cesn citl category caco3 craw cppf cullin crowded chemistries cambotas cultures cs230 casio3 cscg czelian dusty dowex dichromate dolejs danyushev drowning danzhai dharwar eyasi eocambrian eighteen eutrophic eudialyte einaudi e1045 edingtonite fyles fte2 fusing fouquet farthest falconbrid fandeur fixation fiebig fathom fletcher fontbote fwhm gordey gitarama gedrite gustafson gabon garben giesemann geneva geldmacher guemassa gaviao ganze gustavite goscombe gslsz groddeck gundersen gxmap ht10 h3aso3 hinchey hatch hacini hystereses hachured hualfin hitherto horsts hietahar halleys hierarchical hobart hugging huanghuagou hennig hofstra hackett harcouet hattori iapetus idermeg iceland icapq jr5 jiurui jcby jh13 jesse jorc jotnian jeremy jmbh jiayin jensen jobinyvon jossa jenden jussieu jerritt jacketed jiamusi jingerquan jachymov jiufengshan jelinek jaffey kh87 k3fe konhauser kinloch kesler korako kittila kanamaru kulyk kraut klukven kogyo kranidio kitila kroner kangakund korsakova kathleen kissin kampschulte karku katinniq klippes krupp koshits korenaga kitttila kenorland kesterite klakas lmf lfse llambias litochlebite luljunmaa luster lodes lassiter lantmateriet larba lillianite lorentzian luders lovozero lignite langfang library lutetian laces2 lambda lengai linares lformationlebena lulea lutsiro littoral mitrofanov matildite mabounie midende moganite mpeta marikana mullion miscroscopy manzano murgia np10 nenjiang nascent nibelung nadok napaktul nipigon nieder novo namaqualand n135 n119 o1s oasis oelkers olavi ostrovsk ombla overemphas orakei pravoing pneumatolytic padova pudasjarvi pto6 pestle pfeiffer psrt pavonite pampeanas paez patina penglai pukaskwa pontiac puncoviscan pmelts pakhomovsky qmx qasiarsuk r430 rmca røros rabit rogers rmsd rundkvist ristaus rubble rohstof rauhau rengard ramboz r431 singularly saccharoidal surely somarin syringe sinemurian sverdl sasso soviet stimulates sierras squeezed squires s2o32 sissions sacracancha tedi tizi tassinari tirremi tantato troubles tessier tervuren tandy tierra tcpl tissues tinderet uht uphole uchida ullmannite utinam uuksu vymaz ventilation vorticity vulnerable vilor vityk vadose vazante vampire werne witec wingellina watkinson wabigoon wopmay wasserburg wirth wiborgite wortmann wrenches wladimir wadeite walshe xnacl xmg xgf xiong xianshuiquan xiala x1000 ymad ycf ysample yenisey yitong yingkai yusc yudovich yunxian yambah yazeva yakuwa zweng zymax zaghouan zaccarini zhernovs zouhri zangbo zavaritsky zhenjiang δxs δ98mo δ57fe σαs аl2o3 ##niga ##zentrum ##i4o10 ##i2o7 ##iatoa ##crossing ##uusikko ##ungszentrum ##uvanto ##voluting ##vaporite ##tetramine informative interoceanic inadequate ineffective inyaptuk ##asomatized thunder thortveitite thsmg thawing withdrawn israel isomodal isoprobe deconvoluting deficit decays defect dewaele demaiffe debye conodont conjecture congruent comsol co2of coleman coplanar copeland miniflex minieres mineraux astrobiologia as10494 ashfall reimar reverberi retentive revelstoke referenced reappearance reischmann remember reappraisal beunk beuchat belemnite beerbach beforsite beggiatoa ##ilksite alvikite altyn alvarez alentejo byproducts bytownite deportment deployed severly semblance seinajokite sebakwe serendipitous ##oporphyritic maubach mamainse mavrogenes maizhokunggar ancestral antonin anoxygenic chifeng chongon chiarenzell churruca chappell ##ysynclines compartmentalization computations compressibility attending atacamite suyunhe suurikuusikko suomussalmi saamian samson samandre sakinskoye saksela saintilan mechernich orissa stochiometric stafford stahl streckeisen stdgl2b2 disconformity disparity disordered dislocation prochaska progenitor pro2440 exothermic expendable exfoliation exacerbated ##thylenetetramine shangani shazibao shooting shungite shonkinite shatanjiao teixell tecnicas magellan incongruently incrusts incursions inconclusive whakareware hadean hawaiian hakkari crudely crisscrossing bashilixiao restored resurgence quadropole ##pplementary lazenby laflammeite lailisigaoer interrogated interprwith interchangeable interrupted interfering interlaminations lowδ13c quartzophyllades veksler hydrofracturing stricken diethylanil colombia neofluar phikwe pharaonic phalaborwa valdeteja uniaxial unperturbed unanswered unambiguously uniquely unweathered unmetasomatized preimpact prerequisites plurimeteric geversite georgia gehrels geowissenschaf geopressured intrafolial abandoned abounded aboriginal indonesia indistinctly consensus constrictions consortiums imangakitsky imbernon imbedded imagery cllfz feathery feff8 fe10s11 fetotal february paralleland parrish parahopeite ardennes artifacts arborescent ar4019 artificially arunta arvarench arbitrarily arithmetic calciocarbonatite subangular subordinately subgreenschist subfractions subgroups oblivious formationrecorded notoriously lemmleinite lepry leicester letnikov leapfroggeo imagetool micrometre norseman norwegian norfolk silvana simonetti spangenberg splashed spontaneous corbett weathers weijermars prieto princeton fazendao barriga barcaliente barcelona metadiorites metaevaporite agsbs2 precompaction precolumn zn4si2o7 zn2sio4 zncufes niqiuhe belkabir allargentum hebei hekinian hexahydrite hendricksite heilongjiang accepting acmelabs goldhaber redissolution pertinent perseverance brachysynclines brugger bruxelles brunswick brueckner morenci triethylenetetramine trumbull tricyclic apatitolite scmem scrutinize mayakite mayjavr admixtures 10927 earaheedy recursos recurrences charnockites undistinguished undifferentiated botswana pd3sb pdenriched breithaupt caviar caught cawthorn postimpact bioproducts biofilms biogeochemical bi2se3 regrettably 20gro28 rhabdophane rhinegraben underthrusting marquette marathon marschik maruoka peurasuvanto peguera welllayered epifluorescence amistad amoeboid amorican amadeus microlayering microprobes microtomograph galindo gallejaur waterloo desolvation desulphurisation desliming eschwege moyowosi moresnetite remoteness driekop drussy sandruss uranothoriferous blastomylonitization mat253 reeco3f thickpenny provincial specularitic discordancy lithostructural cevennes diagrammatically infrastructure contradictory outboard territory postmetamorphic postglacial postdepositional exhausts sinclair irrelevant irreducible ultrathin ultraviolet paleolake paleoflow paleoshoreline empressite δ34savs semicontinuous semivariograms baffin ba127 ba134f ba02f baocunhoushan declinations supernatant 111082 finlayson finningan schovsbo schouwstra schalamuk schifformationn doinyo negotiations skvoznoy furukawa carvalho carothers cartesian carvernous caribbean carachipampa clepsydra srivastava ketyet kettler kemensky ketchikan polytungstate polytechnique multiphysics 30l292 elpidite newwave newhouse synaeresis synfolding synmetamorphism monchetuntra stirrer gaussian kaiyuan exploratory nonlinear nonmineralized nonstoichiometric tournaisian tuokexun tuketuke tuzgle tugutubulake ferrodolomite ferguson borowski boratifera photoreduction ruggieri orthorhombic orthophosphoric dutrizac palarstanide unconventional irregularities mesorhythms backarcs calothrix california calzirtite pelindaba confidently bouabdellah meanwhile mcnicoll mcfarlane porcelain porcupine portrayed potsdam rimkorolgite introductory brockman brodtkorb evapotranspiration turtmanntal selukwe migdisov boynton burbankite immobilized 70108 707096 70977 70183 70198 70287 704969 709821 edinburgh glomeroporphyritic glagolevite takahashi extracellular guarantee guilhaumou miogeoclinal sanukitoids sankuanggou sanislav thermofinnigan thermoscientific thermobarometric thermoelectrically opinions nyabarongo nyainqentangla widgiemooltha rammelsberg tonnelier albrecht zrsio4 excalibur taipingchuan cassiterites herdianita yegorov arspy57 heteropolychalcogenide attributable handspecimens delivering prototype joaquin outstanding palaeoceanographic wairakei waipahihi palladosilicide 0059475 epididymite chlorohydroxyl 28gro56 pursued 04414 33greigite creataeaous paleoenvironmental grinenko gruenewaldt klimg2si4o10 tsipringa atmospherically manuelita 54184 722349 vanuxemite magnesiohastingsite helvaci nanotechnology penokean penkvilksite pennsylvanian strontiowhitlockite nyakahura 07114 miliequivalents miliolidea 56fedepleted langevin unrepresented unrecognised 6390la dedolomitization huolongmen penecontemporaneous dacaotan aluminophosphates benjamin archaeocyathid rwinkwavu paleoplacers takematsu chengmenshan 081914 816367 kylakoski kynsijarvi kilkenny electronicsupplementary leucogabbronorite mktd672 mktd533a cabrboniferous cabuerniga tagirov giuliani metaultramafic employees rasmussen algorithms metavolcanosedimentary huangjiawan kunmarnara berzelianite jxa8600m unserpentinized ballooning strombolian rabbitkettle jungfrubergen fenghuangshan goyazite goyllarisquizga izzeldin ngaanyatjarra zk14830 plumbojarosite methanotrophy unpredictable geoforschungszentrum circumscribes sopcheozersk manitouwadge bindheimite gadolinium rulizahene thiosulphate alluviums cristalografia cuproiridsite harabaqi icpmsdatacal pseudocolumnar duricrust himalayan michigamme michipicoten ecosystem gonzalez kukuluma lyubetskaya linzizong linxeye lukkulaisvaara umkoanestad ximeltdisf orbitolinae unfocussed cornflakes bireflectance syndepositional multidimensional multidisciplinary magnesioarfvedsonite gbw07101 darwendale daijiahui ea3000 effervescence fuchtbauer kurnalpi kumuzhya kumuzhje uytenbogaardtite umbarechensky vinogradovite tolstoy tolstikhin maastrichtian ag3ause2 trisnorhopane trisnormeohopane pd6hgte4 johannsenite autocatalyzed omnidirectional bundesanstalt danyushevsky falconbridge hietaharju klukvennoye kranidiotis kangakunde nibelungen napaktulik ostrovskoe overemphasized pravoingamakitsky puncoviscana pakhomovskyite rohstoffe rauhaugite sverdlovsk vymazalova zhernovskiy chiarenzelli whakarewarewa bashilixiaohe diethylaniline geowissenschaften