File size: 195,652 Bytes
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variations structures peak 17 gr ir nw sti west ##iorite ##atur ang mostly granites proposed emplacement kn much ##ters ##ogene analytical display 39 ke mes rb wide ##onal ##rent ##sequent record geology therm crustal back nd ##the ##va ##50 then ##isting ##obil secondary variscan containing continental isochron ##ibuted here ten tri vary ##ded ##alle ##asite ##odiorite ##chist events parts characteristic suggests structural ##mediate ##allel horn ##ug ##tle alb compon exper neg geochemical pyroxenite mudst ##ky ##asing sulfate ##umul interval mica ##ification note gneiss mul ##wor beam sty following polym activity aqu river ##o2 uncon 204 positive equilib possible orebodies aggregates density genetic tet ##ences ##spec microsc thickness petrograph ##ertain org various ##azite dev ##used monazite crystallization supergene example ##ld ##kal ##atter 206 ranging gabbro 204pb end lake ##orp ##etall proxim gray evap marine iii probably bul kb ##iation ##ites ##edimentary direct pge ru sing toget detr hand intro accomp melting tung together detrit body ##ao ##up exhib forms few smiths current comparis ##etallic smithsonite chemistry vent ##sten ##ise alkal ##omati compositional green homogenization tungsten 23 ba wid ##ration indicating silica slight paragenetic ##opyrox ##glomer ablation tr reve succ collected ##ystall epid crossc seawater predom reveal success rather vers ##hite ##oa isotopes weak massif identified selected polymetallic tetra 206pb cen hu conglomer ##acity ##ogra clasts ##raction performed poten followed relationships negative single epidote dark conf elev ##iang granit represents interpret affec pot ##ni ##over order shap features neoproterozoic highly strata least diagram world controlled ##oric abs images syenite estimated granitoid ##nite ##dle ##ber ##ier deep strongly constrain cooling bro since upl ##ount actin extension comparison ##erred anhedral univer subhedral series melt consider reaction patterns open intergrown if ioa nature ##tig ##rob dem ##ogn parallel province ##titu environment younger unconform ##rium carboniferous leuc sources observ ht1 medium versus fels moun ##ling ##ok ##sc mining ##pped ##onda zircons metasedimentary given organic duc ##upl ##ased ##ability intermediate indiv variation sections adj texture textural significantly exploration ocean growth multi detrital ##ograph actinolite 32 liqu ##uan ##iated ##ves ##osal rema ext reser diff recogn suggesting development goet uncertain rutile uplift gl hist plu ##ae ##lastic ##inite ##ittle areas dissolution salinity determined middle crosscut liquid sel ##ively maxim ##qui plate 39ar slightly born ret ##ha ##ished chang zoning clos auth limest generation metasomati ##ength ##ference bornite hf yang ##end ##hean ##atory sulfosal greis approx timing increase radiogenic irreg cy fr jur sw ##30 ##ara ##oriz ##acent summ ##abor preser ##ology recent brine occurrence aqueous individual approxim jurassic ear los ##iod ##onian deposited state ##verse see accord synch adjacent earl 300 pan zinc ##au coupl shall plan ##rian period represented greens bands 40ar mineralisation felsic goethite shallow mec wides toward sem assum subsequent ##ambrian triassic maximum mechan brow ray ##10 ##most ##estig ##oles excep even propor amphibolite ##work equilibrium coupled doc ##ually ##osc ##pread plots investig transition transport ##opyroxene greisen widespread brown foc log thr rele being occurred reef terran ##onstr predominant broad demonstr according 60 il vap will incorp structure known experiment proximal bulk ##roc coun ##vial diagenetic ##osphere ##nes ##nde ##aman magmati ##ological location domain resulted resulting ##blende latter zr ##3c clin ##hedrite work stratigraphic volume introduction accompan tetrahedrite greenschist magmatism 22 mm ##ding ##tend ##tst stre stock colum ##ried subduction mark precipitated complexes provide separates influ comprises mixing albite affected ilm blu tonal ##ric ##vo ##ving ##ists cores any disper gravel ##ithermal mineralogical foot university accompanied 70 case horiz mill rate ##rys ##other ##ope resour dip diameter epithermal solid ##omicrograph coex photomicrograph elevated bif del ##gres ##ground ##ple ##80 ##ech extend overgrow redox chlor remobil placer hornblende vapor econ ##inate ##enesis deg crat granodiorite epis geochron representative banded possib clear methods appears detailed ##nan ##cent mineralizing intrud recr poin previously surrounding irregular frag down gang pond vs ##xi ##arth position paleozoic separated discussion anomalies spatial ilmenite tonalite gangue fba lack ro tur use ##tz exc ##amic siltst epma equiv fug rhy ##bnite ##uous ##prob ##2s ##hest ##ances ##ocite ##acl intern chalcocite ##ffect generations increasing margins ##2o3 ##lished ##ometry decrease strike stibnite leucogranite fra link mal ##led ##ised stable orth ##less partial domains control reflect reduced normalized illustr ##vail mudstones docum clinopyroxene harz ##berg ##ffic conte requi leach foliation ##oidal layer devonian changes limestone craton ##probe ##more ##olcan clus groups sier contribution flat filling interaction characteristics interpretation fugacity labor sid ##bir ##cy ##ties andes ##olitic ##ected sulph across simp species furthermore ##ometric number levels succession sierra da marb ##otic ##40 ##tral quan carried orebody err depleted recognized tes when ##jada ##ularly reference ##amm spot encl presented 207 indicated metamorphosed ##grade paleoproterozoic schist archean ranges unconformity approximately thrust column recrystall cap earth non ##ying ##12 ##ful should quartzite collis highest abundance limited ##hua throughout components ed eb far mob ##vas proterozoic caused limit reflec exposed extensive spectrometer style earlier documented collision 16 dan free ka ##teoric ##igen storm ##ysite signatures geochemistry mojada potential observations synchysite cer o2 rom wol ##yll ##zation ##ley progres ##arent produced numerous 207pb 21 gu ##namic ##urg prof exotic dikes concl breccias among overlap modern potassic ##titute est kv lens tian toc though ##ached ##atic chrom atm sulfid ##ude meteoric hosting microprobe fields veinlet supergroup constrained detection petrographic 27 bol mt nar pul tin ##reme minim inters δ13c comprise salinities calib argill cambrian effec δ60 ##zhi ##west ##enced ##icted mapping chann ##tains clastic sill ##etry reduction differences exhibit panzhi panzhihua cases ##ft ##ially often ##osite ##rams had ##adian volcano dolerite solub corresponding polished multiple δ60ni austr ##not ##rated ##man ##sh ##wall ##jiang rey ank ##amination overlying ##reef canadian heav hosts terms diagrams alkaline predominantly ##rock fragments heavy effect five lines nb nacl role wub ##ji ##rees ##ths hem ##ducted upward amount barren crystalline emplaced thermal maps rims cyc wuben avail uran ##ses ##isible ##eler ##attered ##aces ##ott chim change subs 201 cannot ##rosion consist older ##argyrite discussed kev retro siderite austral 33 bore cement mig ##alu ##truc color evalu imm underst vertical 187 199 materials particles environments does intensity granitoids marble narrow cher hence length pd ##ca ##til attr ##umin ##andong phyll elemental partially systematic signature times sequences invol basaltic spatially solutions spectrometry evaporite uncertainty possibly chimne dhu pass ##ument ##uth ##cence ##sky ##konda ##olith cover includes melts blan flo reflected yielded hypogene shaped mountains footwall coexisting siltstone equival dhukonda 29 dated erosion tak year ##ining ##enting ##ochemical collo subord fracture models modeling abundances largely step mesozoic sulfosalts preserved country economic internal laboratory wolf ankerite exh respons path 150 ##oxic measurements reducing ##ramite laminated recorded marked intruded ##fficient colloform wolframite h2s ##ained ##du ##hl ##oro ##aner ##acts ##acam ##ame bast zoned phaner generated settings ##arily intervals confir closely ##olcanic danba tianshan responsible 500 bism cir cass overal via ##lite ##itite ##iterite without depend ##veld ##orphite interse need acid accumul complete clearly combined authigen bismuth cassiterite overall authigenic hg mil satur ##bed ##ring ##go ##wy ##arized resear induc associations distributed contacts allanite greater peg paragenesis ##itsa larger metalliferous streng lenses intersti kevitsa phanerozoic espec fay ou wa ##su ##tire ##inations ##ald ##ert ##aries ##ush ##imorphite before atacam ##ritic neu entire implic provided depositional final stratigraphy freibergite factors lithologies hypot atmosphere channel hemimorphite especially fayal cat woll ##ches ##aging conver chile exs plat place phosc weather silicates signal adv outc supported standards difference metallogenic ##ogeneous key tesoro australia subordinate strength wollast bse cumul sens ##lin ##ton ##put ##artic ##ash suite extern formations ##rip carbonaceous altern regard ##ometer underlying brecciated trends constant portion particularly angle microscope glob argillic weathering 28 31 80 fall li ppb sac t2 tech vh ##aan ##oe ##crip ##inch extent zonation tempor ##itization ##ellow porphyritic access py2 break sio2 ##oxid filled comparable dissolved poorly depletion terrane available retrograde interstitial vhms bush gas little ##iences ##sively ##px ##where ##inity ##erle ##aneous made prox restr ##quen unoxid space concre ##alla skarns acceler princ orogeny paleo additional overlain boundaries huang extensional history proportion focus malartic kaol estab external bushveld princip 26 400 ble oper pop pse ts ##aj ##oy ##aling ##ishan ##ator ##atreme almost ##ceed chond prot magn diatreme concord ##elling belong apparent follows inferred beds erz monzogranite component kbar directly conglomerate ductile incorpor resources cerro romeral popul pseud bu dig hamm ion might rh yaman yellow ##yl ##ean ##vada ##kh ##ern input ##itude conducted ##oph prospec ord ##umines basins ##ade showed nevada occurring memb cao noted descrip ##iocene homogeneous instr support ##ique mixed background absence duck plateau phoscorite restricted unoxidized yamansu 35 prom pri pub ra yandong ##burg ##carbon ##iable ##xt ##osity ##isted ##ision ##igg fluvial disting ##gebir ##ode metav ##ado hydrocarbon agree ##racted marc ##ctor explain matter elong 1000 bedding soil largest boundary yangtz blue minimum circ distingu ##gebirge yangtze lo mf pow xr ##tom ##gene ##ques bei chrys ##oge existing tend interc energ parameter dome hetero included majority ##overed original correlated tuff ##theast leaching attributed prior energy cree mound ns pal ##lied ##ctions ##wide ##way ##wald ##ind ##era ##ational deformed ##ocoll ##ety ##atible anoxic beha chamb atalla graph ##ibao locations variety modal weibao bottom partly brines brittle reactiv lesser dominantly petrography worldwide summary towards assumed dispersive chert research accessory erzgebirge instrument chrysocoll heterogene chrysocolla bra je mol miocene nu pore s1 xen ##ya ##co ##rem information ##ason ##rad anor ##omag ##stone evolved varies ##akh consisting europ discre reactions youjiang anomaly steep striking grt widely trigg constraints outcrop dat lree natur sod ##uk ##tage ##hf ##varg ##ashan ##agaan chi suvarg fluor dist exceed former voltage serp correction 188 increases 120 ht2 corresponds occurrences lithological cutting folds mudstone considering horizon remobilization framb calibration understand taken ##erlein tsagaan hammerlein suvarga 34 bad ground tell ##yenite ##flo ##son ##70 ##read ##altered off ##estion ##oliths another ##ighted critic unaltered clay pervas canada regression allow ##turally term separate crystallized else ##odynamic surrounded overprinted tenor weakly except demonstrated photomicrographs andesite error sulfidation solubility uranium years wollaston agreement 36 600 bur bene hill h2o mere t1 ##nw ##div ##ben ##rim ##ung ##line ##oen ##ores ##mented ##sely ##ank ##igan ##izes chap proper ##ibb meta sampled resolution carbonatite noril fav fahl heating contamination silicification replacing volcaniclastic lithoge northwest products photograph grades overprint classification styles center selwy mechanism chromitite ##uminous marcasite nsz anorth ##floor critical selwyn 000 24 das dac iv morph nick roc um ##ways ##isms ##usi ##uss ##ilation ##iling chines resid phoen apy genesis moreover desert primarily schw basalt ##anice intense combination varying exception investigated geochronological reflects equivalent concretions kaolinite metavolcanic behavi chinese phoenix 38 71 fias ho lu led mc mv oph rift ##ds ##ex ##ry ##log ##93 ##alam ##arp ##icts ##ocene sukh exch ##ranular plas subdiv representing essen discrim respect bandalam stratiform product seafloor depths caraj estimate monzonite monzodiorite still gneisses microscopy extrem broadly experimental ##nesian ##ottu blanc creek natural elsewhere schwarz exchange bandalamottu carajas dra janice must mobil pent pur s2 tens ##nsky ##by ##iented ##wan them ##ules coinc oriented coll cupr better percent ##luded pyrargyrite old corrected titan explained layered specim specific comprising reserve loss released magnitude incorporated parameters discrete beneath merensky ophi plasma schwarzwald bit hund iib nall pc pap ##eado ##mit ##pite ##tition ##ino ##idge ##mpor ##therm orient sharp feature never ##ayb scattered ##iao ##ike ##akonda contained greys syen deseado microtherm patches slip separation spectra localities 250 ##landite calder ferro halo width proportions chimney proxy chondrite intercal chihu pentlandite hundred nallakonda bacter den fab jinch pare ta whe ##ntal ##rb ##lies ##western ##oritic island ##rating reach ##heric ##opic dipping geometry precipitate slate increased wallrock continu portions expected differenti ##ospheric angel ##theastern ##nantite flatreef recrystallized conclusions bastn hypothes published chamber jeol 188os framboidal tellur fahlore mvt fabric jinchuan parental whether aur best hole hibb last pic rates rise ze ##bt ##bre ##ru ##hole ##io ##pc ##8pb ##jias ##rec ##arat took ##idos ##opite unl div variably concentrated ##obar despite basinal smec smaller ##2o5 institute ##anning potentially ht1bt reservo crosscutting summarized recently incorporation horizons extends degree contempor inductively implications palae sukhayb extremely chihuidos hibbing ##jiashan reservoir ax cent did gif holes listed net pit vms vie ##down ##bs ##fels ##o3 ##mar ##set ##pt ##tead ##isc ##ult basis usually active trapped microf provides tectonized referred plotted infil finally instead yields hornfels absent diffusion terranes context quantit effects exhal saturation principal cupriferous smectite sukhaybarat 45 90 bin mi man nan pon phen tac trac ##basite ##rup ##arm mines ##luvial ##phase sto stability exam seg having unm agains 208pb ##viations applied ##unite calculation electrum interes soft displays lamell oceanic 238 reveals ht1px sulfosalt focused experiments point cluster clusters quanti ##uminescence view against ef ide pa pen visible zhu ##lified ##ipped ##vity reason ##abas ##ibility ##velength assim fe2o3 porphyries alloy ##vier discover waters define lateral polybasite remov decreasing boiling authors metasomatism influence gravels million geochronology enclosed floor wavelength cathod breakdown populations paper taconite 238u kal move nec nam side turmal ##ctive ##enst isol ##iles ##aba graben ##umen sampling ##quis geother mode weighted fractions replaces microcr ##huashan disseminations 144 polyphase suppor blocks flows bohem ##theless ##ystalline points illustrated mobility accelerating huangshan xrf pervasive nickel bitumen nevertheless picritic contemporaneous microfrac turmalina dri drop eib lian p2o5 rap εnd ##ah ##holes ##ients ##s2 ##tes ##roded ##ice ##ico thir ##ulf deb consequent residual plus pl93 isotopically partition ##ape notably indicative discovered equipped schematic measurement initially porosity 87rb particular anomalous intergrowths controlling illite mineralised conglomerates yangjiashan mechanisms overgrown recrystallization progressive thought tiny steps exsolution sensitive prospects dashed divided ##enstock eibenstock lianhuashan crac deng pure qz round tab ##avier ##eper ##la ##ineral andean ##roph ##roduc ##och ##ocrys cob ##igranular al2o3 ##ime star ##iform formul ##chy ##iana phys scap districts heat equigranular mgo continuous integ linear identif rarely coeval moderate classified exhibits metasomatic planes semi assuming resource chloride useful rhyolitic mobile cycle techn member description elongated greyschist intercalated infiltr zhuxi necess rapid scapolite 95 bath cf d2 ger kj mor raman tm ##ner ##yu ##iel ##arc ##asion ##iden reproduc uniform analog act silicic synt text six 186 production schists porven basalts surfaces ##cept aggregate experi currently remain capacity profiles boliden evaluate phyllite completely advan behavior subdivided caldera bastnasite bohemian kjpc porvenir 01 800 bri dil hang nuc sites vic wusi zh ##fsp ##ierite ##ging ##pol ##ware inver ##anes ##elle ##ressed excl ##ams segreg calcic preferen occasion sciences ##contin acquis meters belts py1 tio2 become 118 ##venue alkali greenstone revealed remains episyenite turfsp atacamite circul favor ##logopite orientation ##ruit exhalative cathodol microfractures nucle wusihe acquisition turfspruit 00 41 lib now opp ridge sin ##ump ##has ##habas ##ored ##cill ##mic deeper conn cone mined revenue ##trum athabas ##abr proj ark arid clim spaces subst ##ector underl underground spectrum saline oscill expos good fo2 gabbros leading ##hydro examples situated lamina lithology moderately overprinting topograph thermobar frame orthog simplified progressively cycles evaporites ##omagnetite europe anorthosite essentially titanomagnetite ferroan auriferous software lamellae experienced hanging vicinity athabasca 05 55 75 ccp date dul eq fal kh peral tal vr ##ai ##rus ##ious ##wn ##inn intim ##ano ##anal ##anth ##ures asp ##ima ##omorph ##aday repe play nearly valley construc ##ipher regular great essc foliated proced limb calculations infill involved dyke schiel iden probe transported determine means factor places tennantite shape observation glass pluton stockwork influx requires errors profile cements systematics milky pegmatite global established ##adem distinguished heterogeneous xenoliths steeply understanding ##mitted hypothesis quantitative assimilation isolated dengying cathodoluminescence false 04 340 42 51 66 82 bes cam fore ice nm nnw pron rd rough sizes ##ute ##fe ##90 ##wb ##ony ##ering inst ##olid ##ulite ##ets reverse lowest hydrothermally interl abbre ##ands imaging constitu granular masses mariana volcanics outl correlate fractional primitive becom cemented ##hyd ferrom grund thermodynamic seems subsequently controls sulphide simple collisional conclusion ##duce syenitic 144nd advanced occasionally underlain oscillatory peraluminous identical 3b away bal bor cd cad dou dates mz nones pm qf sus sized wb ##aqu ##num ##nary ##dd ##dor ##hia ##kn ##aled inverse ##arge ##osing ##iding ##ulated ##usively ##eto compatible ##ress ##ifer produce enc entra highl strat sedimentation biely modified heavier intra similarity similarities sourced slab smis decreases halos angular bahia cenozoic unconformably demonstrate rhyolite migration outer distance specimen removal rounded batholith exclusively vrch nonesuch 3a 37 85 88 bian box hot k2o pas pink tight zf ##tag ##fte ##wa ##qiao ##osph covel ##atis ##atinum distur ##abase ##agem magne seen seven ##aded ##arby platinum ##rier assess clast enhan phosph ##aps diffic obri obvious skelle similarly ##duced silicified grey thereby geologic ##icked lavas propose decomp 198 invisible fineto 2000 polwb proximity introduced accompany mountain metasomatized ##jiaba ##jiaday 187os confirm temporal ##quency beiya reactivation chapter ideal discovery microcrystalline third siliciclastic besides bianjiaday covellite skellefte bianjiadayuan 02 48 65 amb aff daling eight hree lα rand san xz ##rate ##lan ##of ##oz ##gar ##3a ##onic ##istr thund ##rati ##cend ##ects ##ichi arm argen geosc scanning northeast porphy indicator ##pers care ##fication precise precambrian upon appro imply implies oxidizing ##uns surve analyz trey ##ovic oxyhydro ##ounced explan decay ##oids stratified drilling frequency dolomites backsc uncertainties cycl stocks degrees ##shang immob involve protolith triggered sodium groundwater phenocrys examined movement consequently cracks tabular framework pronounced wbc dalingshang xzmp oxyhydrox 280 62 ber call dag day em myl pac sed site εhf ##ood ##gan ##sberg ##ko ##oni ##erbir ##rocl ##ica ##isation ##agnesian ##ila mak ch4 ##ngenetic short ##orphous ##adow until unkn arra interbed collector phlogopite scav leached peripher cord precision ##ometers others account applic impreg syngenetic amorphous limits importance superi bedrock carlin curve pressures genetically confined textured planar millim episod required reflecting concordant ordovic caojiaba promin horizontal lithogeochemical ophiolitic unlik stoichi geotherm necessary roughly ferromagnesian thunderbir unknown impregn ordovician thunderbird 43 bud cas gi iz kl norite pack qtz rob sas trough yuk ##ew ##rature ##che ##42 ##jing ##ics ##isten ##ission ##ots ##omm compression ##ection incomp ##ching calcare nearby string ##angd ##itized ##spect perme academ cav camp cause regime redistr precious accre ##unction discord lamp microanal patchy diagenesis strain ##tivy evident overlies detect conglomeratic 320 edge pulses accumulation neuquen platreef bleached digestion hydrocarbons graphite nutr datas morphology microthermometric palaeos pontivy ##ulfide infiltration laminae ##olidated abbreviations pasco difficult pacific sedex ##roclastic prominent unlikely budget calcareous academy 2a 3d 700 bim cp cz iia jo lite mac ok ##aq ##typ ##ira ##gf ##sor ##33 ##xa ##hetic ##tice ##ency inher ##anz ##ings ##ulang ##ury anc ##resh disp who ##udao india immediate scatter constitute weight volati mex sims redd ##igned regions slope 180 190 coarser postd producing peb additionally porous ##ieved estimates ##lish cleav gave leads bounded volumes boulang halite histor selen closure linked harzburg sills 187re passagem intersected atacama operating concordia supports ##rophy identify interlay becomes cyclic phenocrysts dagudao interbedded yukon lamprophy palaeosink literature boulangerite 56 61 72 aut bord cations centi done fi gond kine ligh oil slow t3 warm ##ler ##oarc ##wd ##inance ##entin ##enari ##tional ##elakh dex conse cov ##igenetic ##ilian maoni ##omically atlan quad shri ##thierite ##ostrati ##iest indep immedi vargf scenari latent analysed modelling sphalerites caus trapping eun pores epigenetic structurally equation sets ##acke 197 ##renen mswd laterally dynamic igar ##valent distinctive fills normally crushed gradient ##works ##uping opening extracted ##araelakh earliest periods release dispersed dips economically sulphides eds dolerites borehole acidic platform cumulates ##ashima ##ophys burial mobilization segment cobal nucleus arkose kharaelakh foreland armoric immobile berthierite giant accretion centime gondwan ##oarchean maoniuping atlantic shrimp ##ostratigraph independ immediately vargfors 1a 350 46 58 77 ara aog bt bsr bub cath ever gar hcl iic kong mich qin rost tol yet ##eed ##then ##face ##mat ##sw ##ps ##wab ##hered ##inic ##ala ##ention ##arsen ##orting ##ants devi condu alvo alread alluvial alunite ##iled ##ota ##otover ##omb att ##oud fluores discontin ##vers progra shield shotover ##odal hydrogen ard closed spread ##ayat scales submar ##herent apart ##ension ##view southeast replace microc ##ustrating originated emplo southwest silverspar afric supply mixture direction petro illustrating median grun ##orption successive seem episode require depending serpentin hundreds dense formula integrated reproducibility boron ##cending backscattered scaveng casino bimodal mexico cleavage igarape independent aogashima garayat rostrenen already submarine 6b d3 emm gam hn jxa mp nne tsc ug ##ament ##18 ##lim ##field ##cd ##gone ##pment ##xinic ##ream ##oria ##icular ##osen ##osition ##asa ##istral ##atong conven rework antim suture sufficient ##abil ##ables resin relation colors ##take arrow intercept clays geophys subpar left biwab faulting ##ctonic ##hane euxinic undergone arsenic regionally texturally termed lithospheric smo explo emphas inside yielding ##titution probable activities distinctly ferr evaporitic handp selv bluff downward turn pulang chimneys alternatively establish beijing database interest quantities kalatong sinistral substan repeated entrapment approach millimeter ##istence palaeosinkholes armorican gondwana emmie hno3 conventional subparallel biwabik kalatongke 08 2σ 450 54 59 83 cyp dam ell fit fan hel hory hrees just ml mer oly otag sos tsr util ##yi ##ura ##mes ##mann ##vation ##ken ##wise ##welling ##onse ##arosite ##osk ##olati ##olving ##athered ##raded coating asthen always ##imanite antic chosen ##sego ##tically question prograde prospect ##amond what ##umed hyland ##charge oxic unique pls dike diamond clara ##matitic prep concluded subtyp variability acanth skoe martite marks allaq apprec southeastern modeled response monit proven specif southwestern facil ##entine icpms tourmalinite finn importantly consistently averaging remark spectrosc transpression ##cepted 130 peaks displaying pyroxenites microscopic syenites reserves limestones footprin remobilized illustrate daqiao spots effective substitution pathways needed neutral regarded instrumental serpentine dacite dacitic continued differentiation centre miargyrite circulation ambient random careful survey cavities dataset ancient displac reddish interlayered dextral kongsberg michigan fluorescence cyprus olymp otago sossego acanthite allaqi 03 160 44 49 64 68 94 98 dim hz ia kas mention oyu ple right talc ung wadi ##ares ##yond ##bi ##uro ##lasts ##tons ##oted ##vant ##ker ##wh ##teen ##onitic ##tiary ##inal ##ened ##ening ##ora ##itable ##oses ##asting ##ashi ##ators ##mposed ##aged ##agara ##ochemistry ##ops beyond sulfarsen hyd again neoarchean enarg indian indium indeed ##iva ##ract veining northeastern ##ronorite acqui uptake upwelling ##ortun poyi characterize ##unc amer tertiary generating originally feldspars salt 143 transmitted frequent napp overla stratigraphically ##tyabr marginal argu detected ##niques deeply univers remaining plume plutons plane roques siltstones confirmed ##goi techniques belongs ##ophile orders distinguish residues binary climate played ##hydrite magnetic ##perske explanation involvement called array episodes stoichiometric incompatible oktyabr inherited consequ qinling tolgoi discontinuous gamagara ellip facilit kasperske ungraded enargite roquesite 52 av bat cs ced got jarosite kil lt lz sis targ wq ##aer ##nig ##bid ##uts ##oti ##oved ##cing ##ii ##ipp ##ged ##satur ##zh ##heng ##aland ##eness ##idence iss recon ##ils anhydrite stann atte compac compare ##eca sax ##ifting gravity ##iber examination onto magnes ##stream ##que ##chists agnig diops span spher granules ##illera notable acted domes precur traver traverse ##undala higashi sometim ##achite uppermost ##earce contrasts contrasting northwestern enrichments banding fractionated porc expressed removed ##aza ##aysia half 177 mesoproterozoic ##vaal rivers evaporation elevation differ preservation overgrowth possibility excluded contributions 270 sillimanite immisc involves bastard outs temporally buff raf lithogeochemistry tellurides unmineral paas driven synthetic topography orthogneiss aspects double ##dorf accompanying geosciences peripheral superimposed klaza discordant harzburgite lighter deviation grunerite subtypes consequence sishen wqo stannite agnigundala sometimes 07 5b 6a 81 bay cand cell certain fron fund function jiang lode mang nad ong qmb rot wr xiang ##ning ##yed ##bank ##urac ##fa ##gence ##gression ##ster ##pf ##xs ##alabor ##ense ##ested ##oss ##elitic ##atche thous coherent ##urian ascending alumin ##ilic stress statis ##aminated veined reliable unre evolving ##iance collection sci subj ##ronous ##spath weathered obtain meter micas corroded siliceous accurac grouped precipitating olig equal 1800 195 bright correlations correlates defines fineness ##incul ign localized chemically ##ustrine identification ##ferences optical intensely polarized 176 equilibration ##upine wider predominance huincul interpretations shapes considerable investigation demonstrates ##rocks influenced positions lacking turbid malachite enclosing chromite calibrated soluble nbs upwards flood pegmat alternating blebs powd sodic axial ##rupt germ 186os dilution preferentially thermobarometer cameca disturb affinity ##ozonal redistribution kinematic cathaysia every attached handpicked ##oskarn prepared appreciable specifically randomly acquired ##earceite porcupine outside accuracy 4a 47 57 69 650 7c 73 bis ene efficient eroded fes fix ions kar lac myr nine nist qw rl run vac wed wind zk ##af ##na ##bia ##uish ##tach ##for ##haps ##ctively ##iac ##iams ##ges ##sel ##po ##ka ##eden too defic ##ocular cour minnes rees ##tron ##oth anne make mapped compre flux qual onset shor shift magnesian ##ights resist basic composite diverse abrupt ##utang spike silurian phalabor nixs ##ologies ##itively latest perhaps favo meadow indicators ##lude py3 volcanogenic characterization ##una precipitates sie patag lithosphere oxygenated reached km2 defin became comprised bedded activation isoch ##otectonic ##olling fertile ablated detector ##istinguish devolati trunc potass mediumto oceans remained extreme diffraction thrus williams chloritization excess successions bol30 understood phyllic involving equivalents dependent saturated operated pseudo pseudomorph members power brauns offset property binocular nanling analogous project exposure balance qfm encoun emission mylonite package robust czech volatile pebble antimony spectroscopy mentioned 143nd overlapping ##spathic phalaborwa meadowbank ##istinguishable devolatil braunsdorf 1b 4c 5a 512 7a gn gent game kir lolling ps pill pelitic pearceite vel yd ##br ##hoe ##cu ##cz ##ming ##jano ##ont ##tian ##rela ##ane ##osa ##ols ##olve ##olute ##lex ##lement ##leira ##elf ##atal detach conce ##iong beg ##omen chron sup sauc fluct orange hyc ##anta relate ##taishan unus arch interpol fe3 calcium indistinguishable presents usa lejano varie variables concentrate obl microm believed ##obo vermic pris providing terr bars propyl 193 empir wallrocks 2005 inset ##ief extensively paragneiss numb gabbronorite discuss determination intergrowth meaning ##ibute 135 cm3 youngest book knoll thermo tenors paragenetically ##roblasts transitional relevant delta delhi ##olcano laborator andesitic guangd gutaishan estrela 2015 markedly intersections wave entirely tends european grt1 exceeding residence exceptionally ophiolite pc1 microthermometry bacteria telluride reasonable huangshannan partitioning technique opportun procedure phosphate decomposition porphyroblasts stringers nutrient ug2 olympic dimension ##uroko compaction diopside traverses wedge window minnesota comprehen gameleira lollingite fluctu guangdong 2b 7b 89 9a affect brac bds eas ese emb jung kr kα kuroko lat lab lies mur mott n2 past squ sector tub van wan ##1b ##be ##ef ##equ ##uer ##turing ##hr ##hutang ##mium ##ire ##iting ##iogenic ##si ##sch ##pro ##viva ##zing ##white ##hetical ##inary ##inating ##ropping ##icochemical ##enty cove coated ascent ##ophane ##ionite ##ysis atom compe ##abi proble ##ama ones once shu metac relict report spar envelop pref prevail granulite accepted oversatur ##akes heated ##ards ##luding implying 103 pyroclastic positively lava ternary refer ##etric 196 itself salobo tectonics mussel evidenced dolomitic ce4 ce3 appearance fertil hypozonal giving mesabi thicknesses organ ##opyroxenite absolute ##ographic irregularly synchronous logging international orthopyroxenite fillings dahutang ebc freezing hypothetical exsolved signals cumulus regarding rhomb mfc reactivated umt coincides oldest zealand network namely huangshanxi debris physicochemical ##anesa libanesa talviva intimate intimately constructed plutonic instance enhanced analyzer sasz postdates lamprophyres covari scenario cobaltite accretionary ##ostratigraphic scavenging asthenosphere finnigan footprint avoid gottes rafuse front fundament germany disturbance favored encountered pillow varieties laboratories bracke bdss junggar musselwhite talvivaara 260 4b 76 750 84 99 d1 ded dunite eme eocene eluvial gyp hul hab hous hong ib kc md mut nac oh qilian sx siber wad wnw ##ned ##dy ##15 ##16 ##ral ##ril ##uqu ##iad ##volcanic ##20 ##23 ##went ##jc ##730 ##onti ##tiated ##inous ##arce ##oshan ##lear ##idotite ##usta conform minas ##etres readi ash aliqu ##illac ##imb ##imer suitable complic ##ressive ##tics ##insky ##abound exist exists existence ##odac metap crite pyrites ##ria ##riate diver arrier assigned clar fe2 geometr geodynamic silty aug stronti ##ived scoria scarce subducted subvolcanic ##uringian ##ourn biological ##spf peridotite ##ficial allo accomm underwent pyritic volcanism somewh correct laure melas meliad contributed feldspathic δ11b arcs remove estimation interacted ##ropriate cm2 newly evolutionary grading gradually placers unclear folding displayed records thermochemical aquifer gabbroic detritus greenish approximate stret extending overgrowths excimer rhyodac illustrates sulphate daw tested overlaps bol730 pulse blank fractured bismuthinite induced descriptions raw mfd mfb tuffs tuffaceous graphitic outcrops fluorine bacterial differentiated century manif interesting starting physical inversion stratabound cordillera join border bubble program microchemical substantial argued attemp thousands pegmatoidal lacustrine potassium psamm detachment sauconite vermiculite prismatic propylitic opportunity lattice emeishan gyps readily arrieros accommod somewhat meliadine 06 310 78 710 aure aim bourn cation dest dun et ful fresh gud gusta harb hud hard komati land lie mong mach nod own pine ros rifting s3 slu sse vi wang xi ye δd ##ahu ##yo ##17 ##bly ##rf ##lomer ##ohedral ##ched ##co2 ##pa ##38 ##onc theore ##alite inner ##artite ##rolite ##anks ##aster ##atero ##ela ##rak ##raul conve depression stau atomic ##artment ##tices ##oupl ##ify ##ifferen quater whis ##tension hyper resolved cudd ##ady dia arf carbonati geometric prelim occup conser niu ##apah varied modification intrac trap undifferen add adak appropriate recalc recovered surficial howards tren significance lithogenic calculate explains generate decoupl shearing sheared reaches elip defining sericitization finding 2009 transtension manto lineation directed intensive metallic details argent argue overprints folded gives 170 devoid mounted 325 plung investigate logf counting 220 remobilisation road increasingly orthopyroxene leachates capable atmospheric needle accumulations implicit converted sensiti ##linal population ##erner promoted powder drav specimens fabrics reservoirs ##anese segregation preferential taln 04jc ##ifero oxyhydroxide oxyhydroxides impregnations permeability selenium quadril causing centimeter ferrifero monitor displacement hydraul frequently ltd recons spherul precursor unmineralized annealing interpolation oblique micrometer covered atoms fertility covariation criteria strontium melasyenite dawson bournonite mongol ##lomerate staurolite quaternary cuddapah preliminary undifferentiated quadrilatero 09 560 550 74 bg bon bould boud dq eg give gross lig miss national pages rhe ric rio ssc ssw tally tall v1 void vector voids wu wren wacke ##lf ##long ##fl ##flu ##flow ##h2o ##mor ##mass ##ily ##site ##sorption ##51 ##wds ##7sm ##tein ##inates ##aly ##nded ##eder ##osedimentary deviations isop ##oclase coahu ##igible ##uration ##urface review ann makes discharge quar extra ##tening goldfield colour hydrous ##redox ##rien clath spik collectively ##ande negl prepar presum consolidated ##angular subround concentric meg whereby ##tina twenty added adsorption accur impro 102 10fa ##oblastic equations ##ovolcano paleoc ##etrically speciation outline respective ##wards sericitic tourmalin finely 145 distributions flank flanks expand garnets ##abbro syncl na2o transparent steady homogenized coeffic coefficient situation longer selection gradational growing irrad grayish true crosscuts affecting considerably retained preserve stream columbia marker dispersion downstream marbles ##120 farm cherty 315 falls acceleration paleoredox belonging xrd heterogeneity braz xenoti ##radiogenic grt2 chapman photographs purp collap unlike segments drops briartite 004 opposite mzb susp stratovolcano making applicable conduits ##cdt reworked geophysical smooth exploited selvages coatings provenance issue 177hf buffer xiangshan oligocene fixed course resistant definition isochores devolatilization kiruna numbers comprehensive mottled waning fundamental house kcb gypsum gustav harbor theoretical whisker diaph recalculated findings sensitivity talnakh 04jci hydraulic reconstruc spherulitic ##fluid coahuila negligible subrounded coefficients xenotime 63 67 9b ban bran berner che cacl dm dys fib fs2 ham ju len lumines px pied pun pix pinch qiong tas une ucz vis wo3 xco2 yb ##app ##yang ##11 ##bo ##bles ##uce ##lp ##lines ##horiz ##oo ##gent ##sb ##solidated ##pres ##83 ##zusi ##onous ##ontal ##tization ##alistic ##ero ##esite ##ormal ##ans ##anhu ##osilic ##ising ##isely tous thorite ##ags ##ulate ##ratic ##urrent ##trial ##owled stabil sum suites compound compilation ##restrial ##abd quite extin ##ames online share shaded ##thy ##umation ##umann colored ##taken cupol ##ades ##ypt repub unp unradiogenic agu able neither prev index concern ##alli scmb chalcophile subhoriz ##soid ##apan ##fered ##ikil concentrates peru acicular 2010 ##rostruc marrak simult calcites faulted otherwise 105 poikil oxidised geologically corrections brecciation ampl oxygenation ##ubian drift spectral reacted infer firstly controvers derivation finland 147sm drilled metasediment bedlo transformed supplement methodology decreased ##ogranitic volumetrically rimmed cooled thermometer herein unconsolidated centim centers potash recognised plumes investigations broader accordingly workers stockworks bluish deline dananhu guern interstices channels 2016 335 colorless 290 exhumation confirms intersection convergence advoc proxies focuses ionization elongate nuasa exceeds anorthite ##ussia essential discrimination percentage reaching penetr supporting favorable liber connection climatic exposures topographic orthogonal ##inning construction procedures constituents pinkish greyw argentite compressional detectable africa arrows remarkably carefully kilometers ##zhong saxo bisulfide quality pseudomorphs embed ##uquan metapelite stretching fully hudson transtensional mongolia clathrate cacl2 qiongzusi ##pressure tousuquan republic subhorizontal marrakech simultaneous bedload nuasahi 2h 210 240 3c 330 6c 93 air ach apl bn camb cabr du earn ecl fg fam fusion fang fia fiss gd gab hen his hum hess james japan kf ker ll lod mati mold mla pelite ren rou song tl tent take ub v3 vir war ##aus ##db ##dr ##russ ##ule ##lated ##oing ##oke ##ctic ##cting ##gur ##genetic ##pan ##valli ##kt ##3o ##xrf ##jd ##onia ##ontin ##tish ##inter ##ars ##aran ##arid ##arch ##orts ##orad ##orogenic ##organ ##itous ##osec ##astal ##ident thresh thuringian isle ##ocarbon conj coastal read react asian als ##ilik anion anaer ##omian ##omme atten compiled ##ective disequ quanta shms incons incision seam metres rest relics ##tahedral cuts ##asser replic reports assay assump compositionally spf ##mative geotectonic next enough ensure presque au3a scalen subg normative biogenic ##ikie modes ##elled overpressure oblite microstruc ca2 caob contaminated precisely upgra adsor fracturing esc recomme ##mek epox breves characterised olpx laur srm microb thicker slur terrestrial paleos ##ixi decarbon originate brx shelf 125 invari ##entific finer 140 drillhole ##aves 2008 transvaal created najd curved overlie describe determinations intens δ18ofluid metallogen voluminous uncomm ##arze ##ilibrium topaz albitite endow 230 235 environmental extraction assume reefs bifs degruss intrude layering spectrometers ##igenous ceruss availability 2011 evaluation 1991 erosional cumulate regardless chondritic protoliths apparently buoy soils circles loi fluoride fluorocarbon groundmass allows allowing hills haloes zeolite axis networks traces anomalously german inversely segregations connected thermobarometers cadomian argentina geothermometry geothermometer permeable microanaly microanalysis historical aravalli employed african utilized transpressional america target immiscible ongoing myrmek shortening patagonian terrigenous minnesotaite ##prov preferred bracketed complicated diversity alloys lauren interestingly grossular presumably brazil ##abdophane unpub metasediments embedded cabral ##osecond threshold anaerob disequilibrium epoxy invariably uncommon degrussa cerussite 5c 79 97 buc cb ci cum cold daly f1 f2 garze her hmb khe kand kang ls2 lakes m1 mount mosa n1 pn pg pod pip pile pca picked r2 sig sorted sited sink ton tar test viable visc wil way wasser xin μg ##aesite ##den ##yon ##bor ##eg ##uz ##uted ##une ##tonite ##fu ##ffered ##oten ##mite ##molite ##iitic ##ipping ##iency ##pend ##zon ##kon ##katche ##war ##jo ##tiac ##reman ##erande ##enes ##arne ##itation ##itud ##rous ##ican ##edony ##anian ##anubian ##asons ##istal ##istent ##ider ##idong ##enth ##aty ##etamorph references reasons asia alone department ##ilent ##yric ##oping mareman began compressive fluence disapp extr exoskarn seism resurg relief ##adium crd cruc cristal reprec agilent dioritic arran arri interface classic spl spac carbonic geikie conclude chalcedony subtle subprov para ##ectors bias ##aleen perc pers perpend weixi hematitic hearne ##ersed upd accoun apply undergo ##icking metaluminous volcanosedimentary ##unn ##ipitation tims ##istocene verging tremolite equant slaty tera origins develops ##ixing 192 secondly mno dissemination continent 2007 clean ##iquitous curves ##cribed solely crusts electronic totally homogenous resultant gradients botry multic alkalic affects liquids ##haus changed ##augh shallower document coexists chlorine fragment roof 213 guerande sulfidized ##shandong ##eleros 2014 1994 297 pathway accumulated conversion conversely advant wollastonite globally principally pseudosecond buil rhabdophane public load triggering pervasively buried properties behaviour mobilized coincide coincident palaeoproterozoic pontiac phenomen ##rupted quantified pair fe2o3t named geothermal debate formulae rapidly british zhong aspect outlined outlines cadillac highlight highlighted disturbed assessment porphyroclastic application saskatche ##anza historically dynamics centimeters conduit spreading fitted merc anticline pleistocene sulfarsenide sulfarsenides nappe nappes candeleros manganese nadaleen ignimb powders thrusts yd2 ##hoek beginning unusual empirical murd oversaturated habits siberian aliquots augite manifested etob depressions trench argentoten boulder annual preparation collapse fibrous punta pixel ##owledge supplementary cambro moldanubian ubiquitous subgroup recommended unpublished anaerobic hmbs kanggur maremane disappear resurgent cristalino subprovince perpendicular pseudosecondary saskatchewan ignimbrite argentotennantite 370 9c aeg cul dong dried daugh esp fed fran fut gt gap gain hol heden jin jones jav lard lanth mas muer og prac pump ripp son sag sense tons ur wet yid zamb zaf ##ax ##ave ##14 ##bas ##ries ##ufficient ##hn ##ho ##hmann ##oon ##mund ##ior ##iet ##iers ##gs ##granular ##pic ##vil ##53 ##zinc ##heless ##inia inac inspec andrad ##aria ##orre ##orie ##itant ##rotron ##anag ##osh ##asz ##oli ##ises ##lets tool ##ulation dehyd ##usite isa ##oconc coord forster mina ##etheless rect ascribed alg aligned depicted beishan ##omitant states static chall ##ogram que shaqu shadow whose seams ##thal ##thonous ##uca ##irine hybr reset ##static hydrozinc hydrostatic ##assing divalent abiti sporad ##entration nept concomitant conspic ##racrus ##angq lehmann acai overview 205 marmor ##oleiitic tradition unde ##hann applying pyroph undertaken geologists discard discern analyte trewds processed lau law terra fluorites lithic sett generalized walls oslo afif find averages initiated 2002 remnan insufficient carry locality interac transporting ceiv ceii opaqu homogenize combining densities fourth strikes grows radiometric cooler westward knowledge mesh triple ##umulus evapoconc comparisons config confidence consideration 326 historic histogram ##aean retain synchrotron transitions counts room excell linkam ortho simply nonetheless ediac ebg storms ##yllite sulfidization retrogression australian evaluating 1997 phyllites exhumed mild alternative py2a huangshandong kaolin protracted distances 34s discriminate purity titanium pc8 angelica track unmixing ##ochthonous synto brief greatly constituting obviously izanag detectors nutrients ##anzi 190pt lamprophyre warming employing sufficiently smoky selvage statistical subjected vaca deficient sieved truncated concealed supracrus archite paragneisses easily competent nacle conformable gudmund komatiitic hyperarid logfo2 egypt quarry diaphorite piedra amplitude eclog henry hessite jamesonite tentatively endowment buoyant pods seismic reprecipitation botryoidal murdama aegirine daughter future javorie larder lanthan muerta yidun shaquanzi hybrid hydrozincite abitibi neptune conspicuous marmorilik pyrophyllite remnants ceiii opaque ediacaran izanagi supracrustal gudmundite 53 610 91 az aided bill cc cj crop eng fil gg gro gul get gong glac gers gun hr hut jose lg lin lit lec list lath lying mann oros pil rs rid rhod sorting tt tul tud v4 vents vial wal winter xia zero ##aid ##nb ##nage ##normal ##13 ##bian ##bell ##eir ##fm ##cher ##cture ##mand ##iy ##posed ##85 ##ki ##wara ##3b ##35 ##jab ##jib ##jia ##tectic ##onta ##tine ##till ##inel ##inces ##alusite ##ndale ##ential inference andalusite ##arith ##arolitic ##itoe ##anion ##asse ##atest ##olle ##olav ##leite ##level ##lendale town ##inger ##agstone ##uling ##ustite ##ocal ##rared concept coal comes ##tering ##terly rev recharge ##tri arenite alwar almand ##ilst ##imal ##oto mao ##ionk ##oming ##omineral stain chur sudd comparing ##outs sav ##ifts ##iforn ##ifants ##abwe ##vertical proto prolong grab whilst figures metag ##oushan ##uced ##irta ##irian ##chant ##ados agand plaus ##rio interference intermit intergranular fei abnormal ##hedra spanning spinel spionk variance scores sublevel subvertical ##ystals ##ystallis ##apvaal ##ours lemar notation actively apfu indication maintain corta cave doming dominates allochthonous reduce preced lowermost trails unders commun accounts grew greatest eu2 eutectic notice ##ffite sandy transe olifants chlorites treated srb microg ##rogenesis monomineral provinces orogenesis oxyanion contribute tectonostratigraphic lithionite ##hui ##ackes 1500 blame amphiboles dry ##oxide special crystallographic sheets ##cl2 infrared faces produces continues 1400 110 115 1100 flagstone idi worth transf transgres supplied ##titang curral gains goela dissolve erup ##cepti totals isoclinal steph directions petrogenesis ##roscopic ##ibutes californ predicted ##glas longitud graded grown uncorre ##ario endoskarn bullendale weakened tetrahedral leucogranitic differs retur swarm sweden mechanical logatche logarith coexist overgrowing chlorides recrystallis leucogranites illustration enclaves kaapvaal 215 tianyu argillite effectively sillitoe uraniferous subsidence boreholes migmatite migrated colorados attribute 295 taking researcher pegmatitic fayalite catch fallouts concretion buffered digenite prospective look loaded intercumulus ##bench 0000 morphologies apy2 luolav dramatic purple calderas bacterially hypotheses aurora axes miarolitic traced movements microcrystals contemporaneously droplets cobble zhang circulating substage ##omorphic constituent suscepti ##dorffite highlights magneti enhance geosci izu stringer scenarios cobalt arabian petrolog serpentinite ##asawara reworking utilizing remarkable american facilitate batatal targets immiscibility jiangnan aluminum aluminosilic unrelated scientific powdered rls gentle velhas fluctuations problem deduced hulu ##dymite geometries attempt psammitic aureoles destabil niutitang intracontin plunging wrench xiangshanzhong compounds extinction concerning controversial centimetres greywacke simultaneously achieved fanglomerate kfs warmed upgrading laurussia slurries intensities fluorocarbonate tarim viscosity wasserburg accounting multicolle advantage disappearance ogasawara ripples dehydration settling evapoconcentration architecture lanthanides gulch gersdorffite manner orosirian tudun winterberg almandine sudden prolonged intermittent lemarchant olifantshoek monomineralic blamey california longitudinal logatchev researchers luolavirta intracontinental 3e 3f 360 4e 8a aq ajab bh bure berg brough cn cropping dj dar dupl eh eur elu fart fif gall gera hp hou jins kud kwy kpt koli lag lher lif lap lrees lind luminescence lived my mim mian mounts oc ow port pits parent qi qaid rt rus ram rose rust rain s5 sich sang tan ut vance vcdt vectors xian yan δq σree ##nos ##nam ##dling ##yer ##bile ##rat ##rich ##rates ##rying ##unt ##lot ##tt ##tario ##fes ##hol ##halite ##oting ##mn ##iite ##ga ##vd ##44 ##zn ##zolite ##zburg ##wler ##xta ##xian ##je ##inho ##erture ##errien ##enum inj ##arico ##ariance ##itz ##icc ##ices ##icit ##icate ##icung ##ana ##ancy ##ateg ##isite tod ##idi ##idad ##ingen ##eluk ##entum ##ato ##ats tholeiitic ##ocratic contig count ##uri ##ursion rekt reorgan alas alta alvi ##opes analc mad mamm ##omanian sta attained ##econ sulzburg sulfates distill quen ques querrien proved proustite orific exact ontario shosh seated sept tefl ##quin cub cup hydrox hydrohalite unf agrees interf feo feeder spite spain ##iani alterations enig highand valu phyric ##ayer schem ##angu ##ips ##illary subaqu ##apatite ##ologically leak ##pla acet aperture fair webs heiani marti maricung contam regia allarg ##ersley adop adap therein impur 10b ##memb complexity processing ##ova ##ovak melan tectonically 185 lithium lithophile smok refers diagnos sequeir barrier explored decades 1960 northward drvd bras empa southward titanites ##kesite 121 127 1200 eventually postmas mgcl2 pea 2003 expense stronger carrying ##ieve permit ultim particle so4 gawler goe going gover ceased opti option middling predates predict replacements mediated gradual radial classical halogen angles ##ugate albe geochemically notewor aqua equilibrated ##ldite evapor exhibited exhibiting alkalis successively successful tetradymite centered deepest considerations ##oked 327 diffus ##aea closer hfse swell summar greenschists amphibolites greisenization 60ni experimentally workings greenschistto 224 223 extended intruding pointed ponded orthoclase sulphur encloses edges ##leyite 275 minimal ##mania uraninite substitute 332 337 cementation evaluated systematically passive covering neutron chilean 318 temporarily digested mounds chambers jebile molasse offer 367 36ar carbonatites favors apy3a exceptional drain drawn colloidal colloids pc4 orientations greyschists syenogranite continuing stokesite examine unmetamorph crack identifying infiltrated moroc remainder zhou zhao inverted projection eqo 8230 doubly pm38 idealized ##garh analyze explanations campbell redistributed covariance quadrup ##ostratigraphy petrogenetic serpentinized scavenged mpa geophysics emphasized ferrug fans displaced universidad ellipsoid facilitated magnesite ongeluk wright subject 176lu thrusting gently chronology archaean ophiolites krkon tubingen metacarbon sparse claras rhyodacite accommodated dunitic landsc slump convective carbonatized conserv decoupling dravitic bgr boudin tallarico isoplot accurately tourmalinites hamersley juxta tasmania cupola aguas poikilitic penetrated matildite conjugate inconsistent assumption scalenohedral adsorbed microbial mosaic pnz pgm crucial arranged percol kanggurtag gt34 forsterite challeng shadows discarded interactions configuration mildly nacleq groves pilot ridges ##jibo grabens plausible spionkopite undersatur stephanite uncorrected logarithmic looking cobbleto susceptible magnetitite ajabgarh bureau euras farther kwyjibo kolihan lherzolite qaidam sichuan utm δqfm contiguous rektorn reorganization analcime mammillary shoshonitic teflon webster maricunga allargentum diagnostic sequeirinho postmasburg noteworthy jebilet unmetamorphosed krkonose 2d 2c 5e 5f 5h 540 630 640 7d 7e 730 8b 8c 96 900 aer aid bc ben bac city cren chen dur dot dorm ew ero eff f3 fen fec goss hold hors iber iaea jg jnb kerle lβ lining mree mort mun none nons name nade nomen ove rip rank soc sess satis ves vug ws wit wds wsw yun yub zo ##nom ##nant ##nsite ##19 ##ev ##uo ##l2 ##tude ##farb ##feng ##hom ##ham ##ck ##mer ##mayer ##sn ##sk ##ping ##vk ##vally ##vian ##28 ##27 ##92 ##94 ##84 ##ze ##kin ##kop ##wakh ##630 ##xitic ##juca ##72 ##hel ##tex ##rey ##erical ##erhaus ##enable ##enmayer inhom ##esterly ##arms ##iton ##ictic ##oso ##osic ##let tom ##elane ##ustry isobar ##ocont ##octahedral ##rand cook ##igou ##iguous ##urite ##urleite minute ##etch ##ured ##acities ##aches rein rece revers realistic alum alax ##ilities ##iltst ##otation ant anti ##lucent ##eres attain comput ##restim fluorph ##ogens sha shao shifts incoming seques sealed ##tency ##ume hyal resolve happ goldfarb mineralizations ##lest ##netic unless aged ag2s plant ##ongxi diabase interferences ability evb sp1 spider ##weg neumann prevalent industry presumed concurrent ##aya au3c score granoblastic suboxic subangular ##tured lateto ##iaoshan bio ##plate modelled fawakh weidong micron sketch corr corner domal healed twice marial simul ##ignific trail trachy signs undul moreto ##ersch upstream adm ##undi appe applies impact 101 pojuca noting nova py3a charge served corrensite complexing design vertically vergent microtex amenable mont monoc thickest thickened limbs slovak tectonism refract developing propag explore explicit match straight generic decim 1970 increment drastic brya bruk outward crystallize crystallizing sheet ##tivity salts crossed ##clature constants superprobe supercontin ##ivers postulated facility ##crasite productive sericitized tourmalines mnz continue 148 11b metasiltst ##ava initiation ##issipp 2006 expon expression transgression translucent remnant insignific ranged carrier normalised lineament comparatively thinning particulate so2 so42 mixtures numerical ##cepts ##respective homogenisation 138 cmd lasting monzonitic longsh lamination younging radiating placed argon classes 175 irrespective stilp knob knipping thermoc characteristically styl polymictic rule ##isey bajo widths ##opyroxenes triton version ##ograms ##bert leucog recognition histograms selenite ##hajiang changing closest swarms ##30f 3000 plank mechanic brownish clinopyroxenes 226 millerite solids coexistence degassing fragmented ##arthur roots documenting schistose subsurface 2017 333 migrating immersed 1999 1998 pdb accumulate outcropping liu py2b focusing ionic rhine brach molar ##omagmatic 341 allowed morphological ##ussian mcd mcarthur discriminating purified tension pc2 tai taxitic continuum bastnaesite lastly ##io4 lamellar penet assimil discoveries ##ochro starts integration technology necessarily actual segregated 001 arkosic aridity ##inned glassy instances cadmium 88sr confirming surveys mylonitic arrays cordierite superior packages evidently constitutes volatiles autom fire slowly causative programs ##limatic substantially monitored 987 pleochro distinguishing magnesio 176hf turbiditic turbidites everywhere kars ##after shorter sieve patagonia ##mingtonite unusually empirically meaningful dimensions 8900 vanadium shuangq envelope prevailing rhyodacitic nodules rosglas occupy addressed address adakitic decoupled bonanza mississipp richer richest wuhan spikes spiked improved paleochann expanded irradiation purposes banxi branch chevk dyscrasite luminescing prevent aplite gabe songpan virg paleosurface metallogeny germanium myrmekitic laurentian cbpc cummingtonite pipe sigma arrival spaced undergoing publications pairs culm hedenberg sagb ##ville andradite queb sporadically traditionally excellent azurite ttn catchment multicollector djurleite darongxi jinshajiang kudhan life lindenmayer owing today madhan ##economic enigmatic valuable subaqueous leakage impurities 1960s optimal albeit quadrupole conservative eurasian dotted kerlech nonsulfide nomenclature overestim satisf yunnan yuba ##nomelane isobaric ##ocontact received reversal fluorphlogopite shaoyang fawakhir refractory bryah bruker metasiltstone insignificant longshoushan stilpnomelane shuangqiaoshan chevkinite 2f 4g 6f 680 830 ale amal ama bms chem cited cags dre dab duration effic fm fly fila fission foss finger gb gj gou gue hs hrom jm jiz jach kow kog kron lus lang lange lun lile mis omitted pock put pang pils rene ribb raster russian s4 sack santa tb tunn uv uz vo vast vict vise wd wood xiao xavier zink zheng ##affec ##no ##nest ##nected ##nice ##ddle ##ym ##yen ##ymm ##100 ##bel ##bidge ##ele ##emp ##emb ##rin ##rystalline ##uum ##ugg ##uments ##li ##len ##lank ##tan ##fro ##hs ##hnite ##oota ##cies ##core ##cdd ##mag ##iya ##gany ##sal ##vin ##vet ##vsky ##56 ##41 ##4c ##8b ##za ##zer ##zig ##wed ##well ##600 ##x51 ##75 ##heir ##teenth ##onst ##ontein thems ##tif ##tier ##timati ##inately ##inants ##reen ##reat ##alt ##aline ##ndig ##enge ##arian ##arand ##orbed ##ital ##itat ##itch ##itory ##royed ##aser ##olar ##olet ##olub ##idate ##idually ##ingu ##elve ##elves ##elaria thor thms thorogenic tharand ##ocused ##ravel ##rative ##ighed ##etre ##acite real rend asymm ##atives alt alps ##ilg ##imashan ##otal ##opically ##opelite annite ##lue mama ##oma stack chon chau sun suited sudb sab fluvi ##ifted disrupted grao ##ibut exemp ##amide shim ##odn why seal metabas methane ##tenberg ##tenthal ##ucity hypers resting resemb ##stage ##stable ##chn ##chond ##ney crude ##assberg reporting replen unid union unaffec unravel unstable agate agent agents plates plays lowered ##onglomerate ##riers diamic ##udi wash intercepted interior assisted clots collect geo neogene enab entered enables indire phil ##ayan formational strassberg ##racks ##racoota ##angle granule ##illi subz ##apfro ##onde lend leapfro modest peroxide weighed ##akadem 209 ##hemist indications wherein canyon corrob dominate dominance head twelve itac itab marsch regularly intact precluding lowering ##ifications estimati consistency imper 10a 104 noe underlies differently assembly complement arsenian serve serves syg symb foli surp olive descent desicc ##aching laura presently ##ovsky ##ovice prat thickening slates slice slopes 1880 lithostratigraphic smi smow 155 paleote geochemist moonta explos matric dolost decade 1980 separating specular correlative 122 129 123 measuring defocused invoked productivity fining finest continents 142 ##inco polyg mineralogically 111 averaged flakes flotation ##issive insights insolub cariac blocky normalization ##titude constrains permissive envis 255 isocon opal steel ##arkop 133 muds δ18oh2o photos molybdenum ferric surrounds select rimming thermometry thermof negatively bul4c smithsonites baumann baimashan weakening hui darker opened demonst leucos individually ##ography goeth liquidus ##haarkop greisens releasing workflow workbench chloritized cratons intrudes lacks roy excluding links eb4 wolhaarkop 2100 276 narracoota substitu 331 immature covers takes needles acids platy cumulative globules 283 319 incorporate yellowish prospecting promote creeks ##indong heterogeneities ##omagnetic grt3 trigger triggers fluorapatite framboids tellerhaus offers regressions terminated burbidge residue apy1 metavolcanics 714 discriminated discriminant denote differentiate tellurium zeh ##ische manus paucity removes driving continuously linearity morris reproducible uniformly actually synthes 411 ##innigan repetition pegmatites heterogeneously camera becoming sustain intraplate 8530f decomposed decompression 1989 approaches makgany episodic unknowns impregnation izera ##336 190os postdating selenate kinetics 7700 bubbles microcracks serpentinites mp8b establishing 835 helm merrien ##mannsberg asthenospheric anticlinal finnish footprints universitat precurs unmineralised orthogneisses candelaria jiangxi nad83 statistics unrealistic science oligoclase ignition vacuum ##forced qualit py3d conceiv dimensional fluctuation squares tube shuiy prevailed oversaturation organisms rhombic rhombohedral mutual geometrical psammopelite aureole destroyed machado ##17n dravite boudins missing rheological vectoring accurate paleoclimatic tourmalinization syncline purpose suspension check dysoxic luminescent unex visual delineated fissures pelites attenu attention obliterated escape decarbonization microanalytical microanalyzer khetri xinjiang extrusive split building mercier sonora inactive inspection coordinate undeformed lautenthal eclogite gongo leco laths staining metagabbro community oxyanions dramatically aqishan bergakadem brought duplicate fifteen mianlue sangster injection alaska scheme acetate adopted metacarbonates undersaturated utm17n crenulation gossan ripley soco session vugs zoheir computations marialitic simulations admix slovakia 1970s exponential brachmannsberg assimilated automated karstic virginia amalg amazon dabie efficiency flysch gouge hromnice jizera jachym kowary koglin kroner langevin pilsenite renewed visean zinkenite ##lankton ##magmatic themselves chauvet sudbury fluvio hypersaline ##chondritic replenish unaffected diamictite indirect leapfrog corrobor estimating matrices insoluble cariaco thermofinnigan tellerhauser makganyene shuiyindong bergakademie jachymov 2ths 380 430 410 490 5d 510 580 570 6e 612 760 780 850 9d a1 aand amm aike bou bir bold bess ball bodn cit cac cpx ccd cheng categ dd dg dent dus dow dick days dwell eol eth fu fro fri fish flex gf gs g2 g4 gamm hi hw har hing hart hone hbr hlp iid iog ja jink jsm kle kus kaz kind lv l2 lan lati lost lad lined lud lyon mb mu m2 mα mature mov mack mug nit nic nald nalla od oz pie pelle pheng pfa picking qing qim qiang rul rhen romer rules runs rising riet sd tor tro tel tong targe ways westerly wx51 xishan yar zimb ##09 ##ns ##nian ##des ##dinsky ##bur ##berite ##bric ##bands ##eanic ##uate ##uter ##uany ##lor ##lie ##top ##tang ##f2 ##feld ##fect ##oi ##oep ##cas ##cides ##cun ##mont ##moto ##ioritic ##ger ##gart ##sonite ##stein ##pin ##vond ##vcdt ##55 ##52 ##2b ##29 ##45 ##49 ##82 ##zonite ##zca ##kins ##wackes ##68 ##3d ##36 ##xic ##jective ##hematic ##tel ##temb ##tected ##tectonic ##onough ##tia ##tified ##inas ##inis ##rett ##ery ##eran ##erta ##enz ##enitic ##enna inser inhib inev ##aroo ##orf ##ita ##itor ##roch ##rode ##eda ##ani ##anti ##anen ##antite ##ania ##osely ##olv ##isk ##isti ##leb ##leys toxic ##eled ##eline ##entory thab tho2 ##ulates deion ##ocl ##ocol ##oceanic cohe cobre ##iguan ##urate ##eta rever ##izable ##atita ##romat ##tration ##trate ##trason ##ilite ##imes ##imbi ##opo mah maier ##ional bea bendig ##ombs stb stated stromat suc suk company compelling compares ##ichinco ##ticular ##oura ##ouya sao sak samar ##ifying disag ##abao quies ##malai grav ##amat shi shades ##gend ##geolog ##odite ##odong ##odioritic ##alcanti quartzites incip incursion sep segen ##irn ##ighbor ##ostatic hay ##quiv reli relates relicts baseline ##chron ##charg ##chuling cufes ##adu cruz ##asses ##assed eleven agrio isother ##rive interrupted intercepts assays cla cloud fe0 feg abd abu ##weil geomorph neand neue neody neighbor entering preference prehnite ims imbric valleys presenting concluding phreat auard au3d usgs consens sedimentological ##angles granodioritic ##illo ##illed ##illeran submic norte ##iaodong leav perth perspec perfect action acting acatita overtur ##mao aps students faz failed 2012 obersch objective ##hemeral micrite canol canaan maintained caution dominating ##vedsonite height healing twin believe regimes ##rowite ##ignment precord traj traps morey adequ reco recover impure imposed zns 1050 pool pohl povond conditional oxidative ##meable epic ephemeral ##unas texas arsenopyrites observe descending ##achian vergence treat microspect melted prism thickly interpreting lima sloep 18o ##erged lithostratigraphy smz setup calculating 159 blg bladed explor mato mathematic smallest decipher 1950 originating separately pyroxenitic specks coarset plagionite wallaroo fractionations measures oswald osmium inventory stratification ##entified mn2 laterite 149 drillcore 113 1194 sch8 flour flash 2004 ##trating transient remote strongest insight carp carriers suppressed create synorogenic nazca permits curren δ34svcdt ultrason thinly 86sr120 particip soares ##azimbi methodologies activated differential describing erratic ernest northernmost ##otechn 309 ##isha δ18ov 136 ##smow flowing ferberite combinations selective densely radiation radius argues argillac polar classify variscides halogens 1780 gras grid gr80 ##ogeneity 390 ##501 trivalent trioctahedral triangles ##tleber albian alberta negro mulichinco ends ended singh greenland greenalite 233 trcdd tribut massifs huash absorption constraining multistage 321 32s 323 extract recognizable ##hai yangchuling fraser ##102 exceptions transportation logical counter zrn working 228 ##othermal delim delane overgrows root exclude internally sider enclose schistosity columns 1600 certified romano progress sulfidic boliv tint ##jiabao subsidi 1990 1995 1992 ##cairn attributes 5000 circa depends dependency ##beds channeled convergent phoscoritic globular fallout limp gashes accelerated 265 magnet magnified hammamat ordered raise elongation ##co3 discrepan formerly baden chapters favoura fahlbands chromitites apy3b subdivision percentages intercalations continuity zeiss pitcairn infiltrating quantitatively nansen views penoke cathode kalah names thirty purely ##ocrystic morb ##arctic reproduced analogy analogs textbo sixteen 1865 py1b libr ##aiunas 424 514 8200 instability outliers encomp intraoceanic boxes tightly greybeds 1983 siliciclastics analyzing backscatter cordilleran horizontally 436 troughs cavalcanti discordance datasets cpy john macro macroscopic 61ni oils ##iliano 1978 58ni independently mp18 antimon exploits emphasis repeatedly millimeters help ##urable anticlines ##while ellipses ##zhdinsky attest mangan rottleber 1953 turbidite efficiently fes2 zk83 ##po4 ##poort deficiency definitive isochore truncate powerful mylonites chronological supra ##si3o problems metaconglomerate organized umt23 umt336 bracketing hulbert habit mutually mutanen ohmoto siberia aliquot komatiite vienna yeung arfvedsonite carbonatization logfs2 micrometers ligands wrenching megas improve synclinal irradiated reconstruct reconstructed lensoid lenticular visually ##thyan cupolas advocate advocated liberated metapelites fissure humid kerroch virt replicate obliteration microstructures microstructural decarbonation 235u laurentia buck kheis tonnage cleaned phenomena phenomenon federal zambian zambia rectangular rectangle algoma lawley terrains ebg102 cjb crops engulf gg3 litang tulks revised savage noticeable transfer transgressive geoscience petrology aluminosilicate eluc lapilli mimic octahedral portug distillation questions septarian fairly contaminants brasiliano governed successfully drainage landscape boudinaged percolation challenging aeromagnetic dormant fecl2 nadezhdinsky rankin inhomogeneous antarctic sequestration incremental supercontinent thermochron stylolite leucogabbro mcdonough penetrative 8900r mississippian paleochannels alemao fingerprin gbw ribbons voisey victoria thmsg sabinas resemble unidentified geoanal philips itacaiunas marschik impermeable symbols foliations surpris paleotethyan explosion huijiabao demonstrating goethitic eb442 substituting precursors qualitative amalgam replenishment 2thsio4 bodnar ddh dentro eolian froodite gammons honey jinkeng muguany naldrett nallamalai phengitic qiangtang ruled rietveld yarrowite zimbabwe thabazimbi deionized bendigo samarium quiescent incipient neodymium neighboring phreatomagmatic consensus leaving overturned precordillera pohla povondra coarseto ultrasonic argillaceous huashiguan delaney subsidiary penokean kalahari textbook rottleberode zk8312 muguanyuan 134 2e 3h 334 312 4d 4f 442 5j 660 670 7f 770 790 9l 9f 92 ah a3 aes ame aila big bab bip bell bole bcr cv clu cock cart cess dog dup duan dame emed eigen eman f8 fet fow fast fren fits fused faster g5 gw g7 gal gan gri gma gard gob gases gulf gaps goud hb h2 han held hull hann hier hans himal hours ic ire iris jal jas jag jus jord jun jug jump junction jiaodong kd kin kre kim kod kun kram k38 kabwe lis ling lob lamb lomag lcz lags lomanian mw mj ming mir miti mull mik mosc mrees moss nq nis nig nab nels n40 nasz nno oes oik oval pw pec ples pall pull peng qiz ron rod rud riqu ramb ramp roll russia rises sf sg sant slack sided sorption tn tg tib tass tay tip till tap tia tree uh va venting v2o5 vaesite vugg wy wat word xas xfl xingu yag zu zal zro δ33 μa ##aic ##aved ##aign ##aments ##ny ##nit ##nace ##night ##nung ##ninsky ##dis ##dat ##dong ##diorite ##yite ##yao ##ytop ##bh ##bite ##back ##bility ##eted ##rc ##rag ##ridge ##ua ##uen ##lined ##tor ##fra ##ford ##fontein ##hac ##hys ##hje ##o4 ##oin ##oite ##oip ##oort ##o18 ##ohedra ##cil ##cts ##cou ##chen ##comp ##mo ##mi ##mg ##mly ##mow ##mark ##metry ##ih ##iar ##iro ##ioa ##iqiao ##gr ##gal ##gas ##gou ##gred ##galena ##gory ##gama ##guen ##pu ##pure ##pura ##puts ##prio ##vance ##2h ##25 ##26 ##4s ##87 ##kf ##kk ##wu ##wt ##wo ##with ##wick ##64 ##63 ##300 ##xag ##ju ##jie ##jiao ##74 ##76 ##tean ##test ##ona ##oning ##tis ##tiag ##time ##titions ##tized ##tipa ##inities ##inari ##inquin ##ndip ##ndritic ##ndorf ##erc ##erts ##erves ##eranza ##ena ##enberg ##enko ##encing ingred inputs ##esc ##eshoe andorite anders ##orl ##ortion ##orith ##orous ##rose ##ication ##icated ##anu ##osulfide ##osmow ##asis ##astite ##olatis ##ollement ##ison ##lete ##lection ##leths ##lemented tob tools ##ida ##idian ##elme ##entrating ##atu ##atus thom ##agh ##agger ##ulprio ##ulenberg dendritic ##usted ##ushan ise ##oclastic ##ocha conical conduc congo cop cored coast come coales coming cogenetic comagmatic ##ural forward ##ett ##acal requ asb asc aster ##izer ##atinite aluminous alxrf altenberg alignment ##ilu ##ilar ##iliation ##imen ##imur ##iminate depositing ##oper ##oped anhydro animal anhui max maoz bead beak ##omaj start stace stained staging ##yssal ##seyite sud atop atyp attes compens compact compartment ##resolved ##artman ##ticle sae saes ##ifies ##ifeng dismemb ##ogenetic quisti proof ##ibe existed exhaus exocontact exagger shan shangd shares ##geochemical whol incised se0 ##th7 metric ##tenburg ##uma ##umgart ##irite ##ighing ##ighter tepla resorbed resolv haimur ##strati ##qualand rely relies relating ##chill ##chland ##neath cuyo ##adan cry oxford unamb unrec unzon uneconomic unforced unresolved pliocene lowto ##ongy ##udoin washed article interpl intersp interven interstrati cline feand abi abra calcitic spring spongy ##006 carbonation collections ##weidong ##anda ##matized ge4 geotechn neil nebo enl industr imaged valid valency concentrating phytop ##ocitic ##ayel au3b uses strict stripping scre scan scot scott scaling scaled consumed ##racting chalcocitic ##ivered ##anganese ##illonite subt subm subduc subcl subdu subcontin subaer subchondritic parisite partitions ##so4 ##apa ##ondike ##ondhje ##arnes noritic leave notre bioti bikk ##connected ##plier ##ellite acts accept overnight aptian weighing ##forms obo volp meet meets skinned skele corn corg corrosion cavity heal helex contrad ##gging intram butte laramide underes commod commenced adit adular gregory ##ensi eshan append recy reclined imprec eu3 euhedra 107 po2 poke poulprio pyx py3c underneath zirconium ##llur ##oba ##obanu charged volcanoclastic symm characterizes ##ffnung discs suggestive complexation sbs verte verified ##deleyite equally srp microbe mono slit terrac contributes tectono tectonites 182 189 1850 1890 tixrf ##iocg ##timo lithotectonic lithostatic copperbel refined barrand paleogene paleocene paleolati moz ##etrical proposes mats strained showings decided decline decollement drc drus bring separator output outwards outlet crystallised sheeted coarsely reacts reacting measurable mss crosses elan ##odynam firmly deflection informal invoke olivines 141 146 116 sch5 schorl furnace reduct reductive portimo ##issance homogeneity works expan expelled transformation 404 403 ##engel ##abbronorite syntectonic normalizing interact tuwu linearly lineaments ##itschland deformational probability particulates 251 2500 soon solv gao dissoci easternmost ##lands ##ropic ultrabas ultrapure determining isochemical optically stere ##otellur decrep 303 ##roscopically δ18osmow eastward caled ##hymetry ##venile predated predicts likewise 13c 132 139 mudj ##waters cmto coevally photo photon 509 ##athian metallurg ##gliite laminations flowed combines lithologic volumetric argument mineralising polish polars ##nessed ##shanian ##ariate tops 1760 grin gr35 keep mesosc mesoarchean meseta mesothermal backof ##ugated ##umulate gneissic riverine tethys petrographically device devolatis ending endmemb graywackes bul3c bul2b ventura 232 2300 baima baumgart tr2 trondhje revealing weaker tetravalent tetrabor cenomanian huinquin hugging elevations broken actinol ##ognized felsite felsites adjust diffuse diffract recognize plumb cylin switch swayel preserves losses accordance semseyite rayoso investigates logged relevance 6015 worked 221 marking blues 704 708 707 milling solidified solidification deliver delivered chloritic granodiorites episyen surroundings ponding rooip equivocal rhyth leachate cratonic ##cynian columnar caps capacities captured edenite mobin limitations 16o 165 o2wt guill profitable chromium 2700 pulver δ13cv argillized solubilities ##shore uranogenic subset substrate 2018 1879 1996 1993 passage subordinately paths dependence intersecting needs interstitially 282 317 ##oek py2c focussed 264 2600 operation protocol erzengel digital rhys homogeneously promoting raises metavolcano marcos explaining circum loosely tendency palustrine brand molec lreewds distant 345 baddeleyite clayton termination terminal errorchron properly 2400 ivan hoffnung luzonite mcu sukhoi draw mobilize coinciding collated cuprite papers syeno denoting pitangu diffusional quantity manit nano clustering quantification idea reasonably millions wavelengths namaqu isolation driver εnd120 tabou started mora analogues advancing 015 dilute diluted exclusive py1a 118sn favoring nuclear sinuous ##umption projected ##ectories hangingwall 552 75as infilled influxes 519 513 ##fe2o3 ferromanganese balan baltic cdt rhyolites ##wave enhances phosphoric 1981 1982 1988 485 ambrose affinities affiliation eighty santiag treyxrf immobility 620 622 dayi shortly scavenge periphery stoichiometry impregnated 432 klondike incomplete campaign microanalys machel macroscopically inherit ##ingsleyite ancaster reddening postdate pebbly pebbles histories harzburgitic 729 autoc bordered lightest oilfield slower consecu arabia ##fields emphasize handpicking establishment 59co diamonds icpmsdat spectroscopic olympus 649 hydrated ##ortunately facilitating 520 batch bathymetry kilom kilometer ##aergen issues reconna saxoth 1775 rafts 07th7 bayan cells rotation rotated xiangzhong thousand statistically pegmatoid fixation karrat nineteenth ##force ##formal annealed begins territory ##iefer numbered labeled square vancou ##efined sparry prefer dedicated hongge nacional sx100 conformably clarify laurent joint attempts machine nodular roset occupies niujiao adakite adakites trenches argentopyrite plunge dq2 dq70 liga ligand rheic ##morillonite isopleths goldfields colouration 10fa8 10fa11 suspected definitions diaphrag juvenile pinching uneven ##sb0 stabilize stabilities extinctions liberation greywackes duitschland famous famatinite kerrich llhr lodes rennes routine conjunction reader inconsisten seamount replicates assumptions scalenohedra escap paleosols myrmekite ciobanu spacing update publication loading zhongcun esperanza mask pumping inacc algorith discernible terrain eclogites billion billingsleyite hrm huttonite rhodonite tulaergen walter xiaoping churchill abnormally preceding transect microgran idiomorphic transferred erupted returning recrystallisation migmatites petrological aluminosilicates destabilization bhvo gerais lreespf rusk rustenburg ramadan rusty yanshanian altai stair quenched orifice orifices cubic cubanite hydroxides unfortunately ##plaats martitization martitized adapted melanorite melanocratic 185re smoker smokers 121sb ultimate ultimately predictable ferruginous slumping juxtap juxtaposed websterite erod horseshoe iberian jg1 muntean witnessed ##fengshan ##skaya ##6307 tomkins shaxi hyalocl happen corrugated trachyte appeared microtextures montmorillonite plankton taihe pleochroic culminated hedenbergite quebec chemex fmq filaments gj1 gueguen tunnel wd53 ##zigtal asymmetric exemplified shimensi subzones 209bi itabirite desiccation polygonal envisaged conceivably attenuation admixture besshi dusting downdip dickite harris klemm moving mackenz qinghu telesc xishanyao inevit reversed mahoning beaudoin stromatolitic succeed shiweidong ##charged cloudy geomorphological submicroscopic perspective oberschulenberg trajectories epiclastic mathematical 1950s carpathian currents δ18ovsmow singhbh bolivia limpopo discrepancy manganore virtually elucidate portugal thermochronology gbw0 geoanalysis surprising amalgamation povondraite ailaoshan babel cartoon cessation eigenval fetotal fowler griqualand garda goudplaats hierarch himalayan ireland jugel jumping kinzigtal kramers lomagundi mitig muller niggliite nelson n40e plesovice palladium qiziqiao riquelme rollback tibet tassinari taylor tillite tiaomaj vuggy words xflash zro2 δ33s ##frame anderson anhydrous maozu stacey atypical dismembered quistiave shangdan unambiguous unrecognized unzoned interplay interspersed intervening interstratified geotechnical industrial phytoplankton subdued subaerial bikkuri skeletal underestim adularia imprecise pokegama copperbelt barrandian paleolatitude ##odynamically ultrabasic backofen baumgartner tetraborate huinquintipa diffractometer rooipoort pitangui namaqua santiago consecutive icpmsdatacal reconnaissance saxothuringian vancouver niujiaojie diaphragm hyaloclastite mackenzie singhbhum tiaomajian 2s 4l 434 440 470 5g 534 590 6h 793 8e 980 a2 aus axi akin bic bite bent bow biv bak bight bram bamb bug bame bigg bind barnes c3 cin cos cant cst carb cast chemis came dve dill dust dav dump dadu ea eure eigh ems emitted f6 fis feng fiber fatal funn gc gel gand gord guan garby ghr h3 hor hue hun hither hark hanes ip jc ji jan jab jian joa jade jason js2 kg kw kis kig kur kcl kep kontin konta lent let lom luc lann liang liles lands langd lreen mart mond muns ng nom nib n60 n30 natal n120 nags nkf om ov oer oul och ped pis puc peter peder pimen qs rig rum rad rov rack raz rink rae roles riac ronde s6 s7 sides soci sard sole sound sano sectors sgs sato td tc tti tag ttr trop ud uk v5 ven vang vented vila wo wm wag wra wri wath wald wire x8 xie yu yt yul yud yuse yuan yster yspf yilg zx zhib zaj δ56 δo18 μl ρg σrey τc ##02 ##aite ##air ##nis ##nuo ##nville ##d1 ##dg ##dation ##dam ##dang ##dorp ##yn ##yro ##ynt ##yuan ##193 ##bu ##boid ##boidal ##ey ##e2 ##eum ##ease ##eak ##rs ##ras ##rations ##rust ##rink ##riding ##uis ##uel ##uated ##uvian ##lα ##lad ##liv ##lang ##lde ##lots ##lapa ##tud ##toria ##t92 ##fy ##fo ##f5 ##fis ##fter ##fall ##found ##fellow ##hou ##hab ##hma ##ool ##off ##oks ##ohl ##oured ##come ##cken ##current ##men ##mid ##mim ##moidal ##menting ##mention ##ius ##iyo ##iyang ##i3o ##gasite ##sa ##s1 ##sts ##sph ##sest ##sug ##silic ##shui ##sville ##sdam ##pine ##poration ##pdb ##v1 ##vand ##venite ##5501 ##213 ##9b ##97 ##86 ##zar ##zformation ##zyu ##zuo ##kan ##kie ##kmim ##wart ##wth ##wacke ##39 ##3al ##qin ##qidian ##xing ##xiong ##jord ##jxa ##hend ##heating ##teorite ##oned theri thematic theory ##tir ##tious ##tibite ##inment ##inally ##inder ##inya ##inpura ##rele ##recc ##alent ##alia ##alundi ##alachian ##erd ##eron ##erance ##enh ##env inl in3 inand ingres inherent ##aro ##arts ##orus ##orage ##oramic ##itk ##itter ##itated ##itard ##iction ##icam ##ictive ##edi ##edder ##anol ##anne ##osities ##ostruc ##astr ##ationary ##ola ##olas ##isen ##isot ##isch ##lem ##lean toit toyo ##ido ##idic ##elting ##elih ##entuated ##atang ##atacam ##athetic ##atsite ##mps ##mpered thio ##agta ##agne ##agang ##ulsion ##ulties dee deuter ##ustion ##usiv ##usanne ##lytic ##ocity ##ocrystalline ##ocumulate conv conference coomb cooke cooper ##iger ##urry formal forces ##eth ##etnam ##acz ##active ##aclastic ##acrys reo rej reop reheating as5 ascend astime ##izonal ##izhou ##atik ##trium alve alph alpine alkmim ##vere ##ilure ##imi ##imilar ##imfis ##otograph ##otopic ##otonous ##hert ##ophy anast anox answ anisot ##lun ##tsch mamat madr beh bear beach behr ##phy ##photograph ##omorp ##omosing ##omarch stant stob storage stationary cho cham chand chun chain chao ch3c chico chuqu chilled chagang sude suxiong attend attains ##ockwise ##ticed ##inson ##inshan sulliv ##oux ##ouching said sapo saddle saudi ##ifert sulfo ##thers disease ##abe ##ablo ##abyssal quiet prove progression protected ##ibia ##ibram orion orberg shrink ##gement quartzo incaic severe seifert metast metabor ##tena ##ucum ##iring ##ppard ##ranitic tem resone hae hampered goldstein thistle ##antagh ##stan ##strom ##stand ##stones ##quist colosa coloured bases ##chbe ##chantite ##chison ##tingsite ##nek ##iesleb ##iespoort cuand cufe ##aden hydrolog crypt elect ag2 agglomer plc plenty ##ongovsky isotropic diach dioxide diablo ##udation interrup asser assign clonc feas feie abuts evans ##orer calcre calcified calcsilic sphe sper spiv spear spier speed speak ##005 ##esses ##andro geograph geyer neo preto pretoria indiana induce intrag intrusiv highs imf varian auros usual strateg scp scope consum consumption ##ractive ##anges ##ntan ##iping ##ipment ##illant ##illard subto subcomp parting paratacam veinand nikon ##so42 ##apes ##apsed magnetiteand ##arnow lep leica leiva legend notwith biod perform ##estos ##estations contentious acl ackn overrode overriding overcome ##mah apical has3 hastingsite failure weights 2051 meyer meteorite micaceous ##reement skew ##ght ##ghah corund corrive corporation ##rosite caue caf2 domino heifeng hezuo twenti marl marsh contorted contraction contours allen apatites secular precluded preclude larson silicon silicifying ##ometeoric travel ##grating ##ersion ##erskie commens commerc commencing upris upflow up213 ##hans adve accentuated grenville ##enstein ##viation ##violet appalachian consisted recip recurrent implied impala imprin 109 108 106 pobre poorer magmatically novel noble noticed underway underpin ##obrecc souza wells arsenide arsenides charts epoch epizonal syl characterisation ##ogenous discoun suggestion correcting destruc ##achi ##achita sio verwo lausanne equate equates equipment microdiorite microphotograph ##ovian ##ovskaya ##ovalent amu amoe melange melanges monoph monosulfide monotonous monovalent prisms pribram studying slide slick slices sladen ppt contrary contribu 181 1860 1810 ##ergence litho lithification refine ample 153 barometer barrem paleoge paleometeoric mok motion moeda plotting proposal proposing strauss straddle ##ixian decl 194 1920 ##inawa northw drifting bruns empty pyroxenes blackridge speculated outg southwards sheppard coarsest ##tivariate reactive 12a 1280 salada elashan eliminate elatsite elapsed ##cling δ13 definite defects infre scheeliteand derive faced facts dissected ##crystalline ##crt92 mineable ##entile ##entists mn3 derivatives afs mgt mgspf 1450 ##incor mushes museum polytyp polylines polycrystalline drillholes 11hi 1150 sch4 schne flas flus flame flincor initiate additions reflex furreg furthe porosities idah possesses transverse transcurrent remineral reminis remelting igcas freiesleb carl carius localised estimations mapedi manturo 867 ##abbros cleco integrating δ34sgalena δ34ssph envision thinned ##ometries 258 256 253 softer gaillard dissimilar transpressive westernmost crusher describes erden erlang erinpura co2and cementing ##arget ##termost discusses doe doz doing ultraviolet stef stem steeper aggregated midto 307 ##bao ##roscopy nearshore bounding meanwhile homogenizes ##hyan intensively predefined predictive 137 13ps ##bdd ##toqidian monzogranitic newwave newfound metallogenetic longest pressured ferri combustion selectively hypabyssal radio radii ##licting ##licity poland halle topic topics peaking 1700 1770 irms irrele ##tersdorp meso mesozonal thermometric thermodynamically ndn hereafter triand albitic albitization negle multitude multivariate polymorph aquitard tethyan microscale organo devoted gabbroid endocontact ##etallurg bulghah greenfields bajada bailing bauer baisha try trbdd hump huhma huixian confocal conflicting pothol potato potsdam ##berforce ##ierzformation constraint brocken brothers brochantite demand ##okan 322 324 329 328 differing glitter maxima retains changpu closing author hfses approximation approximated panaly panoramic shallowly documents ##oscale 6026 vapors 222 influences 709 7085 diameters delamination delaminated ##gressive chlorinity remobilised possibilities pointing downhole positioned roedder excite excitation excursion fugacities ##2si3o linkage ##olcanosedimentary clustered andesites simplicity spotted 2075 faraday collisions 168 166 kaur kaiyo romania 211 219 guiyang guizhou amongst chromat supergroups 273 277 2750 pulps tints minima minimally minimizing argillization correspondingly subsolid 2013 338 336 migrates migdis migmatized evaluations immersion narrower phyllosilic passing blanks stepwise cirque intersect acidity milani ouachita outermost neuer channelized catal catacl cataclastic convert sensor alternate 289 286 311 803 falling ##cript accessible breaks breaking breakup gasbench proportional principle 268 2614 bleaching bleierzformation operate operates incorporates pseudomorp buhn digitization rhombs rh9b ##kham ##ophilic descriptive instruments 352 metavolcanosedimentary circle lotena palmer ##wayhi behave graphic graphical reactivations molles nugg xenocrystic ##rada ##rador ##akhstan naturally ##ukosk chihua chihs distortion exceeded 1886 344 343 termin terminate 365 364 369 burn merely dacites morphotectonic metavolcaniclastic 387 715 716 713 717 luf subdivides discriminates stillwater purification coincided collins collage ferrous denver denudation tail islands ##ruff division exhalation mirador managem nanop nanometer nanjing nanoscale pont tracer tracks ##armagta stored quantify viewing ideas pencil removing namibia ##quisite bohemia drives εnd2 debated debouching schematically tabulated ##ochrosite ##ocrysts cobbles stars physico integral technical technologies technische 959 morro morongovsky tml ##yuntan 018 dilational occasional episyenites favorably acquisitions 417 connect connects aridification exposes goodfellow thermobarometry 55mn 7500 duluth kharmagta ##aii ##aira esscs 426 66zn 820 cameron nnwto prone ##908 instant interlaminated abbreviation outlier borate pm33 pm16 sustained entrained entrainment intrabas 37ar hotter pasava seventeen assessed phosphorus difficulties ambiguous sanch sanjiang argentif phenocryst 629 62ni callery mylon makvand applications syngenetically millimetres stoichiometries geothermometric izerskie roberts robinson camps 7000 czarnow johan maclean okinawa disputed 1805 selenide selenides palaeosinkhole 56fe 615 autoliths bordering causes 1973 197au platforms 465 588 776 bubela ##arsenides deviate discontinu petrol gruner mp1 ##183 exploitation emphasizing emphasizes downwards approaching 08hi 541 597 helium helps helena hreespf mlr appreci neutralization 446 944 981 986 overlapped arguably universite discontinuously ellipse elliptic elliptical avg csv1 ##saturated compacted saxon magnesium diopsidic spherical spherules buffering frontal fundao rottier unreason micaschist 195pt nbsasz germanite karalundi deficit resistance abruptly py3b truncates potassically devolatilizing kirkham velocity chronologically supcrt92 meaningless deltaic 2015a comprehensively fluctuating embay labs murphy mottles squid squat ##irection problematic sparsely envelops envelopes pyroclastics synchronously avoided fundamentally pillowed 84sr hongnit hongyuntan ohta ##16o augmented peridotites allotri stretched blanket manifestations jointed attempted accommodation dunnage machangq nodule sluice vietnam yearly δdh2o ##paite convection hyperprobe occupying conserved bgc boulders reviews reviewed extrapol colours preparatory meguma megacrys 10fa7 expanding reconstruction branching piedmont task unequiv agua prevents prevented poikiloblastic controversy centimetre advocates achieve bnn duwayhi matilde renierite route reactor anions quantax upgraded slurry metallogenically fluorocarbonates uncommonly bucher buchans hercynian mosaics n170 pipes sigmoidal tonnes wilberforce ##etamorphic extrusion splay percentile persisted persistent updated cleaning built loadings mercury ignimbrites dongyuan espoo france frantz holland holocene hedenquist jinfeng practical practically sonju ur1 urucum inspected andraditic resetting sporadic traditional discerned triplets ebg13 briefly 532 cjs ggimfis glaciation hutouya lintan listvenite rs14 rs86 rhodochrosite walker ##jiawan townley townsville coalblende savukosk metagrey maintaining preceded transects microgabbros dryness 115in transgresses eruption returned recrystallised geoscientific destabilize gallium qiu ramos rainfall xianshui ##ratonic ##fes2 ##holtz distilled questemb cuprop cupido contaminant brasil govern evaporated diffuses diffusing summarize summarizing substitutes 367908 crackle morocco morococha pm38a pm38b ellipsoidal landscapes slumped websterites benn durchbe efferves fenitized holds horsts jg2 mortar mortagne vesuvian reinfor alumina shaft happened ##wegian ##wegung concurrently microns corrid undulose undulating appearing microtextural monoclines propagated decimeter expressions transgressions planknek pleochroism hedenbergitic quebrada overestimation satisfy satisfact fossil fossils mistaken pocket pockets rastering xiaoqin thorough tharandt tharandter renders stacked metabasalt washout enabling enabled lends oliveira dolostone dolostones 1980s specularite 111cd leucosome manuscript morrison synthesized helmy helmholtz unexpl visualization corroborated ammonia birndorf caco3 chengxian category ethanol gfz hinggan jaw kazakhstan lvr latitude luders pfaff qimantagh rhenium troilite tongues targeted ##burn insert cohesion disagreement ##geologic septal haynes reliability isothermal claim ##weiler imbricated adequate recoil treatment microspectroscopy 86sr120ma participation grasvally trcdd09 tributaries siderian badenweiler favourable library johnson macroand antimonial umt232 umt336d1 megashe biplots cockade dupuis french gobi hanski irish jalpaite jasper justif junctions kretsch kodaira kunlun lisandro mingling mirr mreespf ramberg uhp vaillant wyman zalm ##toral ##chennt ##xagonal ingredients thomas asbestos asterisk beakers sudoite attests sae4 exaggerated wholly resolvable enlarge scotland subducting biotitization contradict commodity recycling 107ag sbsasz microbeam terraces drusy informally reductant expansion solvus stereographic decrepitation mudjatik grinenko mesoscopic devolatisation endmember cylindr blueschists delivery rhythmic molecular ivanhoe tabouchennt balanced baltica kilometres rosette dq218 unevenly inconsistencies escaped erodibility telescoped inevitably hierarchical underestimated 4703 bramram bugge bamega bigger bindons cantung eureka gordey h3po4 hunan hitherto harker janvier jabal joaquin jadeite kislad kiglapa kept kontinen kontak lomada luc1 lannigou liangdang langdon martha mondillo munster nibio nagssug ovoid oerter ochre pedersen pimentel razved rinkian riacian udokan ventersdorp vangord wagner wathaman yttrium yulong yudovskaya yusezyu ysterberg yilgarn zhibo zajacz δ56fe ##nuoer ##mentioned theriak ingress ##icamata ##ostructural toyoha ##elihood coombe cooperation astimex alveolar alpha ##ophyre anastomosing anoxia mamatarget madrid stanton stober chamosite chuniespoort chuquicamata chagangnuoer sullivan orberger metastable metaborate resonetics ##standing cryptocrystalline diachronous cloncurry calcsilicate spivak speaking intrusives aurostibite subcomplex paratacamite notwithstanding skewed corundum corriveau heifengshan twentieth marshak commensurate uprise discounted verwoerd microphotographs monophase contributing barremian brunswick furthest reminiscent freieslebenite manturovsky δ34ssphalerite erdenet newfoundland irrelevant bailingshan baishahe potholing panalytical subsolidus migdisov pseudomorphed chihsia kharmagtai pm33b intrabasinal argentiferous makvandi hongnitang allotriomorphic machangqing ebg136 savukoski xianshuihe questembert durchbewegung effervescence vesuvianite xiaoqinling kretschmar kisladag kiglapait nagssugtoqidian 02s 1c 1g 1σ 2g 2k 2x 2ree 2cl 212 3l 3g 4th 4o2 43c 480 5to 530 542 6d 690 633 7g 7j 733 8f 8h 810 840 812 833 8cu 9g ak ave aud afore aval aley awa alex akt bp bid bing bom bary bob boni bomb bcu benth bombs c4 ces cus cra cig cab cred cable crow cni croc celer c2h dn dz don dro dull dict dann dental dwy dash dilation dropping eul era eich eta eros eina edle eche eilu ee2 fy fv fw fle fel fiz fsp fried fung filed fcu f16 f17 feder fjord ftir gh gp gor gur gad galen gsr gha gathered gpa gzn gilg gartman hin hit hid hat him huc hall home hob hust hok hanning hora hreen hco3 h4s iter ige iles ital icd js jen jul jac jou jir jad jud juan jah jcu ky kes kor kel kam kran kies kut kip kap koun kiss kink kark kao kup krem kung kru kump kinn kpa l0 lb ls ler lot lock live lip lond leng lhas loek mβ mit mts mys mcc mene mole mact mile mcl mto mitu moles muk mung myo mrin mrc nh nos nas nid nich nip node nuna nubian nicc n45 nrc owe orograph oven owy ping pion page pne pad piv pange pist poll panning pspf puz pfu pingu rn ry rm rz rq rj rar ran ras ring ril rins rog ramm rses rush rind rings rruff sq sre sar sate sow sve som sere sver sine shed swe seld sovite stit sark sara sank satu tp tq tis tuc tum twe tnt tun torn ttra tdy toleiitic tighter tfe2o3 uc u6 ust ull ural u3o uitk vg vig vity vess vip vill vamp vice vangu vital wf wi ward wav write wandong wern winn werner winder xl xs xw xue x12 xiong yj yen yik yard yind yanz yadu za zi zhe zim zeng zhes zha zech ziy zartman zwart ƒo2 δ9 ρw ##04 ##08 ##07 ##aard ##aerg ##ahi ##ahl ##afloor ##auna ##nen ##nold ##nad ##nick ##nov ##nial ##nites ##nica ##nova ##dal ##dian ##disc ##dacite ##douya ##yb ##yg ##yth ##yashan ##1501 ##b0 ##bl ##bis ##bent ##bted ##bum ##btal ##band ##bull ##bug ##brate ##bury ##bantite ##bachian ##ee ##eu ##em ##ete ##ein ##eite ##eva ##eering ##rit ##rick ##ritz ##uf ##uing ##uart ##utite ##upp ##uting ##uang ##uise ##ukh ##uyo ##ught ##lw ##lon ##lop ##lab ##lam ##lary ##lak ##lites ##lope ##liable ##like ##laps ##lava ##tu ##tl ##tti ##tung ##tream ##taminated ##t006 ##fs ##fz ##f3 ##fold ##fined ##fah ##fersch ##h8 ##hic ##his ##hing ##how ##high ##hong ##hill ##hun ##hara ##hino ##hima ##hinsky ##oh ##oj ##oot ##oom ##ozo ##o10 ##cis ##cel ##cally ##case ##cke ##cao ##copic ##mu ##mt ##min ##mere ##mir ##mant ##mik ##mitic ##mens ##mons ##mines ##miss ##mari ##metallic ##m10 ##miao ##metamorphic ##iq ##ien ##iher ##ired ##iene ##iap ##iens ##iaba ##iophane ##gb ##gc ##gow ##ganic ##gration ##s3 ##sis ##side ##sitive ##sedimentary ##sonian ##sko ##sulfide ##pate ##ply ##pyr ##pins ##phed ##piment ##pms ##porous ##pyro ##vic ##van ##vite ##via ##200 ##2cl ##240 ##253 ##46 ##43 ##95 ##89 ##88 ##8mo ##zi ##zp ##zk ##zic ##zite ##zle ##zard ##zweil ##zuel ##king ##kary ##khan ##kist ##wal ##was ##wig ##waii ##61 ##65 ##67 ##32 ##3si ##3si3o ##qsi ##xs2 ##xmi ##jin ##jar ##jens ##jott ##jima ##jinshan ##71 ##hev ##held ##heline ##heider ##heeite ##hetti ##tee ##terom ##tempor ##tegration ##tezuel ##onos ##onom ##onorite ##onally ##onides ##onium ##oncl ##titive ##tiplier ##inion ##incl ##inhac ##integration ##rea ##reas ##alib ##alst ##alies ##alves ##al2si3o ##ndoz ##erb ##erated ##erge ##eritic ##ertained ##erque ##eno ##enor ##enter ##ennan ##enki offered inor insen ingrow inward inade inwards inbo inlet innov ##esian andreas ##arra ##orich ##orized ##orium ##orilik ##ito ##itas ##itability ##itational ##itah ##itched ##itney ##roding ##rovian ##iclase ##anent ##anide ##anies ##anova ##anabe ##osl ##ositic ##ository ##as0 ##asi ##asant ##asnova ##aslam ##atectic ##oling ##olum ##oliated ##olves ##isp ##isture ##iscr tojott ##idation ##idine ##iders ##idental ##idio ##inge ##ingering ##elly ##elm10 ##entation ##atti ##atoly ##atformation ##atroc ##atational ##mpathetic tho thall thspf thrive ##agsh ##agua ##agabbronorite ##ulative ##uliar ##ultiplier deal dele degra dealt ##ushi ##uska isov isopro isometric isodynamic ##ochl ##ra3 ##raes ##ratically cond cong cones concepts coo coin coat coined copre coded codes ##ige ##iging ##igao ##igenesis ##igomarch ##iguing ##urc ##urations ##urst ##urity fork force forced minera ##etat ##ether ##etamide ##terite ##terberg ##acted ##acture ##acular ##acerb ##acetamide rei reen reys reich reten reward retig reinter reitz recharged requisite as3 aside ashi ##izu ##izong ##izzo ##izona ##atibility ##romatic ##rometallurg ##tries ##owo ##owing ##owmik areva arenites aln allu aliv alto alva ##ilations ##ilway ##iliar ##oty ##otten ##otyp ##herill ##herje ##oplac ances annes annot anvil an52 anatectic ##luo ##luten mains mapp maand maia maarm bears belem ##omst ##ometallic ##omings ##omultiplier stres store stark stains stoch stressed stopes status stuart chart chou chcl chah chief chips ##yst ##ysky ##seafloor suf suther sutures suturing suffered atok attitude computed computer compania companies compilations compluten ##mento ##ecting ##ocking ##tichen ##oubted say sap saw sapro ##ifers ##ifier disord dispar disorgan disconnected discharged dismiss disintegration ##aby ##aboration ##abasite ##ogut ##ogors ##ogai ##ogether quir prohib proceed grating grainger ##iba ##ibou oriss orpiment exert exacerb ##aming ##amaz ##amellite onlaps shut shatter shafter shifted shilu shoot shizong ##gebi ##oding ##odile ##odified ##cchetti whir whitney maghem magioa magiocg magalies incidence inconcl vegas veizer vehic sear seab seand ##thier ##thrust metam metad metamic metaps metabasite ##tenay ##tensen ##oustic ##ucl ##ucki ##umbull ##umatoly ##iral ##irpin ##ppe ##ineous tear tele team teams teaching rests resumed ##velin ##velleite haas haack hawaii hajar hairpin goldhab ##antly ##star ##quh ##quan ##quate ##quil cole colomb basite bashan basically ##tand ##tazar ##char ##chang ##chik ##chblende ##changd ##tingen cu1 cuxi cupro cuiaba cuatroc ##ading ##ypic hydrosp hydrody hydrogeochemical hydrolytic hydrogeologic hydrosulfide crud cruise repository ##aryk unsaturated ag0 ago agv agar agency plain pliens pyriteand isotypic ##rie ##ritization dihedral divers dioctahedral diarsenides ##udang washes wasyl arb arises arizona interflow interconnected interband intermetallic assist clot clark claus clockwise clgb feed feass aband abound evolves ##oren spb sp2 spann spelling spiders spiral ##002 ##iano betam carbonated ##essible ##andina altering geographic geolas nee negra enable indones indoch indiscr indentation intriguing highto imag imme silesian valles valdiv validate pressed concur php ##ayy ##aymah ##ayfah associates uspf ##alloy strip stripped scant sciss scoti scans scoon scandina inclined consume ##ango ##angfengshan granoph granulation granophyre ##ipse ##ipline ##illimanite subl subcon subun submitted subbas subeconomic subfeld subseafloor pard parad pargasite nile ##sour ##souri richter grainsize ##ologic ##itius ##itine lateritization ##onder ##ondida chalcopyriteand locus norway norrb noranda norwegian ##ronen learn legal biotic bijiashan biorad biologically biophilic variant ##plic modally modify modifications ##spatformation pert pertin pertur pertain pertains periclase acoustic overly overbur ##mak ##maquan apophys fails web weigan wehr weiya weiher ##forming ##aku ##akis ##akou 208 2060 202h obsc mendoz porphyric wherever skgeolog skaerg ##tinely ##tinela ##elyite ##ghinite canon canber canete corroding capped cawth caught hexagonal heterom twins twinned hoshino maru maria marahi ##ficiation simulate simulation allan allied ##ardia ##ludes redep ##gged ##ggish ##gguang intu precuyo laronde siliclastic ratie skarnization ##grams ##gradu signify undes undoubted morell maybe adits adding adhered adamellite ##enson ##ensity ##ensland ##vium recalib recoding thereafter impart improb imposs impressive implemented impacted euro eukary 10th 10to 1030 pyrop underwater underto underpins underthrust undergradu assembled complemented ##llite ##obao ##oblasts pyritization souter arsenate oxidising poshi hostrocks brenan serious likhac likelihood symons sympathetic ##preted characterizing somewhere somehow alongside ##unspatformation ##ipitated discount minority suggestions complexly descend deskt desired sbn sband sbitine ##arenite si4 sira verde vernad veritas traceable ##deformed lays laxmi presentation microve microand microprob microdr microorgan microporous microincl amoun amyg ##terozic melagabbronorite monomic monty monoch prp prices orogenies patton limonite ##olites ##ounits slivers tectonostratigraphy ##veloped 1830 1833 1815 1839 tie tiard ##ergies lithoc lithified litharenite lithounits smart ##huan settle refl amplified ##ainen waterberg 151 152 15to 1575 barrovian paleor paleopro paleont paleoplac blasts blovice bloom moore moved mokop moisture plottier matsu matches mat253 maturity generates ##ixe 191 1941 schema originates ##ube northam northwards brits brings brighter brf5 representation ##cpdb ##oxi specified speculate speculative outflow southamp crystallizes correlatives shen shel shell shetian ##tivated 12b 128 12qsi kmq elbtal ##clic deferred superposed superchondritic osman inflow infras derry invaded prime postcr ##entially ##formational mn4 afc finds mgz mgard ##incing ##inches timeframe mush polycy polydeformed 11a 112 114 119 sch6 school schmid schupp flake arcuate 100to founded foundation reduces porter portezuel 2001 evidences bedforms expect expulsion transamaz 409 408 407 dolomitization instruc spectacular carne carlo carpa caribou ##iev ##ieval extents ##epma localization ##anyinya supposed supplemented distinctions distinctively abundantly blocking 87dg creation cream creates creating mapimi mantled synfl syneres synmetamorphic synsedimentary synergies ours naica cleaved cleiophane ##iquely intended curious tug lineations comparative ##cribe lightning thinner 86sr0 standing ##elsberg 252 257 2520 sooty ##azel ##ironment ga3 transposed fo7 fores fo56 fo74 ##ampa ##amps ##ample crushing erba erratically ##ropy dokhan ultrahigh opinion stems stepping stett stehend steiger steppe petrak petzite 301 305 304 ##baum ##ishang calama ##hyolite predating 13a 1300 1350 freiburg corresponded correspondence muddy photogra photomultiplier 50w 5030 ##glushan ##glogors longmens illitization lamsko medial medieval molybdenites marginally ##heses lithologically fourteen distally graduate rimward polys polito classifications ##ospf depletions southernmost halides topmost 172 179 178 173 1710 1716 gru grit westwards emplacements knight 391 395 3980 keel mesa rbf ##onald thermometers backarc ##obilised tennis trivial triangular hornbu albert albitized experiences negates multim polymict aquifers unconnected uncontaminated unconfined equilibrate microscopically crystallizational ##kalsi3o bulgar rui ruan rugged handled handheld tunguska ##omatically bai ba2 baie baishan baogut tr1 trumbull ##ystallization predominately versa tetrapyro centinela huge huize huvelin elevating granito potholes ##bery uplifting uplifted demarc democratic unconformities leuconorite intermediateto adjusted growths multiphase multiplier extracting glance glenor plug maximize ##haw ##haidi authigenesis yangshan ##ended frb frizzo switched swenson swamps summed preserving approximates statements panxi coupling plants periodically widest assumes ##10a evenly evenstar investigating greisenand logtung releases reef2 broadbent 605 vapour vapours ##rocal counted ##amansel clinozo 2200 mm2 strecke stockhol markl market markers tonalitic tonalites ##ricorn anywhere dispersal foothill 7090 7051 7072 7055 mills milled milligan solidus bifurc delicate ##806 chlorargyrite remobilize geochronometer geochronologic ponds rooted excav ##2s3 ##2selm10 linking linkham malay orthomagmatic orthocumulate flatten andesine simpl simplest dai testing tescan ##ammites spotty capsu capturing capricorn nonre nonpol nonmant ##125 ##123 editor limitation reflections reflective kaerque cerny cervelleite roman romite 214 217 guang guaran guanyinya profound tianhu tocand 272 2749 minimize calibrate calibrations austria ##shayan reynold ##jii hemiocg thermally chime subsiding retrogressive 33s 3300 migrate migmatitic ##tructure immobilised 1875 1872 cherts lengths pdlα systematical passes coverage float floating 298 2900 subordinated stephen phaneritic dependant accumulates accumulating milke saturate induces strengthen ouaslam waf implication channeling catheline exsolving exsolve exshaw platformal outcome sensu ##articles externally regards globe globenstein 2820 316 paleoenv huangjiawan principles 262 267 4000 operations tsume concordance incorporating populated pseudobrecc digest ##khand prospected ##uminesence phoscorites promising raised raft railway marcoux beddingand ##inda behaved reactivity bravo bratis brabantite braunspatformation ##radorite sodalite fluororich 348 grounds terminations 6000 burisch beneficiation hiller ##rime metazo norilsk northwestto anorthositic 0004 000005 ivory residua 382 711 719 718 ##rylite subdivide discrimin monzodiorites extremes extremity exchangeable mobilised mobilisation colloid collaboration titaniq bituminous pc3 orientated sharply ##ikewan intercalation bacteriogenic taoping continuation jeoljxa picrite zeo ##brera ##ruent dividing ##obarometry contemporary palaeoc palaeozoic neto pitchblende ##ischer exhaled 451 454 4500 90th mira3 manual manually manuf manikewan tract tracers examines examining segalst unmodified ideally pena penna zhujiaba reasoning kalsi microfracture drive drivers εnd183 thirteen residuals exsolutions roundish ##lave ##ochleb ##ochninsky physically mgoepma integrate identifiable metasomatically semiarid technological 951 95mo bathurst d2ba gerler gerdes morgan mortensen tmt006 actlab 1862 1869 1868 experience 017 dilatational segregate py1c circulated cathodoluminesence 005 nowhere opposing sinian connate projects arkoses substages underlines 055 551 559 557 khatang talus ##anoan repeat repetitive constructing procedural infilling glasses 420 51v 669 666 6610a beside camire foreign forearc ##fe0 ##fe3o interlocking abbrev outlining baltazar borly douglas mza encour encasing encaps entrapped intraformational slabs 375 372 374 8500 8800 hotazel assessing phosphorite phosphates phosphatic greyish 1984 1987 2000r mountainous confirmation thirdly 025 026 023 488 659 65cu lα1 sanjia sanidine carew protolithionite callovian emerged emergence makyr peripheries peripherally otherside millimetric geothermobarometry impregnates 435 casale packed ##chell ##4211 accreted discordia budgets bimα joining macraes scattering mexican cleavages interlayer interlayering cyclicity 611 6100 720 7219 auto autolith autonom automatically borders slowed dexing 1971 1975 1972 1974 1976 1977 mswdc armorica gondwanan 585 589 77se cathro hclo4 iiczp michard tolerance attracted attractive fluorescing spreads employ petrogeochemical requirement requirements gamut ##abilities clayst geophysically turned millimeterto 084 2σm 598 831 damage merit merge ##uraiite ##mannite questioned questionable subtype specifying neutralized 0384 444 499 496 648 681 682 945 pleasant ##arest hydrometallurg acquire arguments universally universities 5287 battle csiro gottingen ##zhou ##henga reconc magnesia ##quez spans spanish certainly manganoan nadoll rotten rotlie wrong unreliable scientists obtaining micaschists 1959 1958 ignored disturbances 575 57fe 69ga 738 73ge eneand karin nineteen runoff vacancy zk300 zk6307 zk4211 ##forward courtenay sieving excessive pseudomorphic pseudomorphous offsets analogously devolatilized 5126 51217 51241 velas yd6307 yd5501 yd1501 ##atalyst detachments conceal begin saucer interpolated vermicular pristine territor propylitization discussing bookstrom 2015b opportunities easy easier easterly kribe krasnova kriging labradorite murchison tubes waned ##bekist ##efontein ##sio2 compete competing shuangfengshan metaclastic metachert enveloped enveloping 1964 1968 1966 1967 organically organometallic rhomboidal cobaltites 7680 deditius hulayfah housed nacrite sxrf ashley complicates metapelitic divergence clarity clarified manifes joints gypsiferous accommodates accommodating 7109 aims aimed dunning gudchik hudsonian hardly hardness hardground machines owned sluggish violar violet yeo yemen yemaquan convex convecting carbonatitic conserving conservation intraclasts intracrystalline intracratonic 2009a plunges centimeterto monitoring displacements mongolian bonn bonote eger ##longshan ##massa isoprime quartile extraord ##andez presume meggen improves 1024 10fa12 flanked synclines longerich irradiance trueman brazilian collapsed 0047 suspect suspended stratovolcanoes smoothing bani banwas branches fibers haml pixels ybspf ##ooh stabilized peruvian poikilotopic delineation delineate delineates penetrate liberates 2hco3 93nb aplitic aplites bn0 eclipse family gdtan henley human humaymah llc llano renisha routhier routinely tentative ##archaean replicated assayed ensured ensures adsorb adsorbs escondida laurin microbands intensification metallogenesis endowed buoyancy hillslope 794 ciw cihai cumbum herzig n130 pgms sinks wild wilson wilhel wasserbug xin3 xinxs2 ##uzhu ##itudes ##enthal crdet crucible arrangement splays updoming accounted undergoes multichann advantages zhongdian donggou dongdouya donggebi espinhac francis holistic jinlongshan masl masaryk practices pumpelly wetter wetherill coordinates challenge queensland 2054 2059 2058 205tl undetected undeveloped discernable lauterberg insufficiently interacting configurations retaining excellence orthoand kaolinization kaolinized kaolinitic kaolinitization tracking naclequiv english film filtered getter getters glacial littoral litochleb ttg xiajiang ##jiaxi revision stainless caveat precede communication transected microgabbro specialized idioblastic idioblasts worthwhile eruptions returns recrystallising catchments 000042 destabilized multicollection intermittently bhowmik broughm duplication eluted fifth lapland mye mimicking mianning portra parentheses rosebery s5a tanana xiangguang xianglushan ##mn0 ##enumber injected alaskan altaite staff staude quench quenching septaria hydroxide unfoliated interfan interfac interfering schemes acetone adopt adaption evaporate evaporative swells summarised sulphuric drainages moroccan ferrugination wrighton metacarbonate boudinage percolating challenged undersaturation magnetitites 5h2 9000 aerial bacao bacaba bacuri durations durango dormancy effort fenitization holder iberia linings nadeje wittichen ##kopf ##6303 reinforced alumbrera antiform antiformal hyalophane trachydacite chargeability designated montre propagation straightforward decimetre drastically supercontinents ##iversification 148nd 2006a 1388 stylolitic leucogabbronorite mcdonald taiwan magnesiofo mississippi paleochannel culminating overestimate overestimated reversals dreher drever guemassa luster lushan langyashan missouri tbm tunnels uzbekist thorium realgar render asymmetrical altogether stacking exemplary metabasic unravelling washing collectors subzone lending headwaters itabira complementary leucosomal promotes synthesis sustaining sustainable conceivable unexposed attenuated splitting sessions flyschoid ammonium citrate citronen categorized fujii friable friend gfohl gs7 hiatus hw1 kushui kinds latitud laden ladder ludwig nitrogen nitrate odman pellets pelletal qimaging troct targeting ##tember inserted inhibit inhibited cohesive sukinda sakatti sakuraiite disaggreg gravim gravitational september hayden reliably cufes2 isotherms abdel perthitic perfectly adequately recoiled recovery recoveries microspectrom exploring exploratory participated polarization grasberg trcdd04 tributary delimit delimited 1990s favourably encompassing encompasses umt231 megascopic lensoidal engulfed 8900rl fingerprint fingerprinting thmsg600 ah2s ameboidal clump emanating ganluo hannan hannover jager kimber linglong lingbao mikucki mikchangd naby nabitah oikocrystic oikocrysts peculiar pechenga ronge rodinia rudny ramps santana taper watanabe zucchetti ##grund ##grun conduct requia requiring ascertain ascertained animals beads compensate compensated compartmental abiotic stricto strictly screening subtracting submerged subclass subclasses subcontinent subcontinental intramineral intramont appendix appendices symmetrical vertebrate 182w 1896 decidedly 146nd ##otellurides caledonides metallurgical polishing keeping 232th trondhjemite trondhjemitic actinolitization actinolitized plumbing plumboj 7073 episyenitization episyenitized guilligomarch pulverized δ13cvpdb passageways drawdown manitou manitoba campaigns microanalyser microanalyses inheritance autoclave autocatalyst preferably jointly masked inaccurate inaccessible algorithm algorithms microgranite microgranites staircase harrison succeeded succeeding gbw044 gbw072 surprisingly eigenvalues eigenvalue mitigates unambiguously 2sillimanite austin axios bento bower bivalves baker bamboo c3h8 chemistries dusty david eighteen emsbo fisher fengxian funnel gander guancao ipur jcm jiuling jianshan kwak kurzweil lenton letninsky lilespf landsat nominally n60w oulad pedogenic pucara qss rigaku rackla social sardinia tdm tcalc tropical wmca wireframe xiejiashan yuhai ##aird ##3alo10 ##enhain inliers thioacetamide deemed deuteric convincing rejected reopening anisotropy behaves chandmari chaotic ch3cooh sudetes attendant shrinkage temora haematite cufe1 hydrologic electrode agglomerate interruption assertion assignable feasibility calcrete spheres sperrylite spearman geographical neoarchaean intragranitic variants strategies consuming biodiversification acknowled meteorites contractional commercial advected appalachians reciprocal imprinted sylvite destruction amoeboid slicken paleogeographic declining northwesterly outgassed δ13cpdb infrequent polytypic schneider flask flushed furregination remineralization erlangen dozens stefanova radioactive neglected gabbroids trbdd09 chromatography phyllosilicates catalog cataclasis nugget chihuahuan terminology burnaby lufilian nanoparticles εnd220 instantaneous sanchakou mylonitized johansen discontinuities petroliferous appreciably unreasonably ##irectional extrapolated megacrysts unequivocal metagreywacke cupropearceite brasilia bennett reinforces corridors satisfactory unexplored megashear mirror enlargement contradictory cylindrical razvedochninsky vangorda 2reepo4 43ca akita audetat aforementioned awaits aktogai baryte bobritz benthic cesium cuspate craig cigar crowded crocodile celerator c2h6 dropped dwyka dashadi eulalia eichrom etaas erosive einaudi echelon fleischer felsen fizelyite friedrich federation ghayy gurvan gadd ghaap hitachi hidden huck hobart huston hannington h4sio4 igem icdr joubert jirsa judging jahn kesler kelley kranidio kutna kipushi kaplan kounrad kissin kinks karkonos kupfersch kruglogors kinnaird london lengjiaxi lhasa mccrea meneghinite mactung mclennan mukherje mungall myojin mrini nasc nidet niplankton niccolite n45e nrcg orographic owyheeite pingmiao pioneering pneumatoly padbury pivotal pangea pistacite pollard puzzle pinguino rzz rjum rarity rinsed rammelsberg srein satellite sowat somma serena sverjens seldom sarkar sarah saturating tucson tweefontein tornado ttrap uc3 u3o8 uitkomst vigorous vityk vampire vanguardia wires wavenumber wandongshan winnowing windermere xuefengshan yjs yenisey yardley yindun yanzigou zijinshan zhejiang zimudang zhaishang zechstein ziyun zwartfontein δ98mo ##lwind ##hisa ##ienegas ##pyrrhotite ##3si3alo10 ##3si3o10 ##temporaneous inorganic insensitive ingrowth inadequate inboard andreasberg tojottamansel thallium ##agshoek degradation isoprobe coprec retention retiga reinterpreted reitzenhain ashira alluvium ancestral annesley annotated mainstream mappable maandagshoek maarmorilik belemnite stresses stochastic chouhaidi chcl3 chahmir chiefly sutherlands complutense disordered disparity disorganized orissa shuttle whirlwind maghemioa magaliesberg inconclusive vehicle metadacite metamictization metapsammites goldhaber colombia cuxiu cuprous cuatrocienegas hydrosphere hydrodynamic crudely pliensbachian diversification wasylenki interbanded clausthal abandoned abounds spanned indonesia indochina valdivia scissor scotia scandinavia granophyric subbasin subfeldspathic norrbotten pertinent perturbed overburden apophyses weiganpo wehrlite weiherkopf 202hg obscured mendoza skgeologiya skaergaard canberra cawthorn heteromorphite marahiq undoubtedly morelli recalibrated impossible eukaryotic pyrope undertook undergraduate likhachev desktop vernadsky microprobes microdrill microinclusions amounting amygd monomictic paleoproterozic paleoplacers mokopane matsuhisa southampton shetianqiao infrastructure postcrystallization polycyclic schuppan portezuelo transamazonian instructive 87dg0 synflinc syneresis stettler stehender petrakakis photographed longmenshan hornbuhl ##kalsi3o8 bulgaria baogutu tetrapyrole demarcated glenorchy clinozoisite streckeisen stockholm foothills capsule nonpolar nonmantle kaerqueka reynolds strengthened cathelineau paleoenvironment tsumeb pseudobreccia bratislava fluororichterite taopingdong manufacture segalstad zhujiabaobao actlabs khatangsky ##fe3o4 encapsulated sanjiaowo autonomous hydrometallurgy rotliegend territories kribek gudchikhinsky violarite renishaw multichannel espinhaco francisco pumpellyite magnesiofoitite uzbekistan latitudes mikchangdinsky plumbojarosite guancaohu bobritzsch gurvanshayan kranidiotis karkonosze kupferschiefer kruglogorsky mukherjee pneumatolytic sverjensky tojottamanselka 010 070 0336 1d 1e 1m 1p 1to 2m 2θ 2nd 2to 2cu 2120 2zn 2so42 3j 3ca 3si 3h2o 3kalsi3o8 4h 4i 4s 4j 4fe 4h2o 4so42 5k 5al 5o2 5kal 5fe 533 5h2o 5si3o 5sio2 634 63c 642 6co2 6fes2 6sio2 7n 7h 740 7120 7123 8d 8g 8v 8to 82s 88pb 818 8kalsi3o8 9n 9i 9v 9k 9to 940 938 aa ay a5 a6 a7 ati aor ait aas aul aac ats ace aph aich auc avel ams award ao2 aware aiding aoz aka a20 auca aitch audi bd bf bv b4 b6 bx bil bart bog bib barb bence bnt bron bia bund blow bons bav batter bao brian burg bern bened b20 banks bsn bx51 bbl c1 cro cite cel cres cib cost card cose cct cities cels cadi cake cystall coch cams cinn citing cards cinco cucl cospf df d8 dx din dal dos dith diz dne dred dap dell dare dov dcl dany dual duch drent dni dae dha durg dald dopic daba dots dwelling dzh dcz doped dbl ey ei ek ere eve eri eand educ erh ehen eales emit easting eck eucl fb fc fs fte fate fph fse fres fich fined fata face fun fines fris fram fift fuch fsm fise fier fash fuss filing fulf faded font fuca fastr fingering fuzhu gv ges gis gle gat gly grom gow glu gys gse gec god gues gut gene gase gour gale gree gort glase gould gift grob gonda galing goge gpt gams gwb ganz gps gmu h1 hh hm hed hus hoc hur heral hil hse hch hass holog hect hik hll hde hout hub hits hari hara hope hoe hern hind harp hagem hps hinter hitz hrey heta hso42 hachi ie iiz iran iand iap igg iolite icr icdd j7 jon jnd jer jor jed jol jis jid jat jil jog job jms jove jack joe jean juk joch jura junc justa journ jinning jarch jhun ku k2 kz k6 k3 kq kβ kon kro kid king kure kom kad kore kase kov kspar kain kamp kise kuan kara klin kash kiel kfe koud kans koite kett kola katang keno lr lc lp l5 l4 lk l3 lø lλ lon les lid lur liz lop lich loci liv lull lell lign lose lde lub liver lomal luch llo listing luan l2s loro lush loy lakh liao listr lomb lobo lrf lonc llf langu lilli mr m4 mk mω mγ mos mou mif mary mia merg marth m12 moro mds mime master mogens merged mizu n0 nn ny nc nal nation nat nag nur ncc nong nond nell nest nak nard nun nav nto nh2o napan nasser nunn n35 nilg n55 nfs oy ot oro oib opl oak oct oun omit odd oden oasis oso4 pi p5 pes pig pich pcc pum pant pong pene perite pue pose pater palen pium pear pons petr pina pann pech purg pique pinn punc pearce piet pinned peled panda pinches pampa qd qt qur qian quse qift qiao r1 r4 rin rre rit rag row rys rif rous riv rome rub rabb rays rao rosc rope raj rs2 rosen rolling rosa rabdophane ruling rifted roper ribe rwth risen sen sic sle sure sir sne siv sell stern sob sme sms senti sds sonic sarze soto sga sorbed tf tj tig til tec tich tene tang titi tied tain tetr trial taz tays tao traction tank tpt tape toni tande tosh tips tische tyn tinge uy uol ura uher uand urb urus uken vn v2 v7 vos vas viz vib vene vand vell vign venti vestig vacl v2o3 vry viel vai vspf vaugh vlie vsmow vpdb wc won wes wate went wul wig wur worm wie wake warp waba wipp wustite wenz wushan warnes wonder woxi winches xu x6 xing xag xich xuc xep xuan xinch xiling xanes xfe xfm xmn xmg yh yv yz yer ying yata your yue yaz yao yush yrb ytt yf2 z6 zer zol zur zot zch zwe zun zub zav zind zinn zhai zenko øy γos δgf λ14 λ87 ρa ρs σs τr φv φli ##03 ##051 ##094 ##a0 ##aa ##aoc ##aur ##aver ##auc ##aand ##aff ##aix ##aup ##aft ##areef ##ault ##aarm ##aont ##aume ##nn ##nl ##nk ##non ##nate ##nce ##nong ##nerite ##nolog ##nik ##nages ##nium ##nberg ##nbr ##nochl ##nandez ##dq ##dre ##dite ##dra ##dated ##dick ##dpar ##dial ##dgl ##dness ##dric ##dah ##dai ##dral ##yd ##yte ##ych ##yad ##yrox ##yms ##yde ##ytical ##yren ##yder ##yaz ##yni ##yds ##yabr ##yko ##yala ##yger ##ykan ##ylytic ##yanide ##1f ##1c ##1mg ##bf ##bal ##bic ##bation ##bul ##bow ##bil ##bich ##bold ##bary ##ball ##bree ##bone ##bach ##born ##bote ##blo ##bara ##bott ##bult ##barge ##bane ##bett ##b02 ##ez ##ek ##eis ##eting ##etent ##etit ##eks ##e80 ##eberg ##ego ##ejo ##eze ##ekop ##rt ##rp ##rion ##rary ##rred ##rond ##right ##rund ##rift ##rty ##rida ##ribe ##r193 ##rigao ##uu ##ui ##uar ##ued ##utr ##uil ##uib ##uge ##uity ##ukes ##uke ##uosity ##utes ##uangd ##uaq ##uyang ##uatu ##uenstein ##lb ##lm ##lg ##los ##lith ##lif ##lod ##lization ##lusion ##lant ##lides ##lerite ##lates ##lay ##litic ##lific ##lers ##lict ##lases ##lility ##liver ##linc ##liang ##lamic ##loch ##liance ##liaodong ##lwith ##lainen ##t0 ##tations ##tun ##toid ##tren ##tuse ##tke ##ttle ##tup ##toch ##tner ##tress ##tora ##toushan ##tney ##tgart ##fx ##fal ##fen ##fit ##fos ##fol ##fle ##fag ##fil ##fib ##fred ##frac ##fang ##fort ##fically ##fina ##fty ##fried ##fley ##facts ##fring ##flin ##fson ##fluvial ##filled ##fjord ##fiev ##fnium ##hp ##hle ##hir ##hne ##hud ##hian ##hall ##hotite ##hang ##hde ##hamm ##hman ##harm ##haba ##hoz ##hwar ##himi ##htu ##hdral ##oet ##oher ##otile ##oise ##oying ##oining ##oio ##oanth ##oichi ##oherent ##o14 ##o44 ##cer ##cro ##col ##cle ##cia ##citic ##cell ##colite ##crop ##cial ##coll ##cks ##colith ##cules ##coli ##centration ##cumulus ##cumulate ##comings ##cnochl ##mr ##mz ##mins ##mical ##mad ##merite ##mip ##mia ##manite ##mise ##mount ##minate ##mised ##manice ##miform ##m90 ##moz ##meca ##murian ##melf ##minsky ##miet ##mstones ##ihe ##ios ##iat ##iag ##iot ##iop ##iom ##iere ##iou ##iam ##iant ##iall ##iard ##iating ##iolite ##ioid ##iors ##iada ##iying ##iques ##iosulfide ##iuyang ##gy ##gw ##gon ##gle ##gel ##gac ##gated ##gian ##gang ##gium ##gveld ##gash ##gera ##gds ##gaba ##guer ##goushan ##ganda ##gantly ##g3si3alo10 ##s5 ##s4 ##s8 ##sq ##sation ##sus ##sur ##sil ##sted ##som ##sized ##sak ##stern ##solution ##sms ##ske ##sson ##sai ##solid ##sanz ##ska ##ski ##sfeld ##sarra ##scribe ##sgrun ##pd ##pg ##pel ##pat ##plu ##plac ##pron ##plying ##poric ##pnite ##pected ##produc ##piled ##position ##pilite ##pathetic ##pampa ##vp ##vø ##vate ##vent ##vature ##vik ##volution ##vanite ##vities ##vision ##vice ##vila ##vants ##vived ##vanian ##vsk ##venthal ##vski ##58 ##5fe ##5mg ##5al2si3o ##2g ##24 ##2as ##250 ##215 ##2fe0 ##4f ##4m ##47 ##411 ##910 ##912 ##961 ##8mn ##8100 ##zr ##zen ##zel ##zent ##ztal ##zhen ##zke ##zaz ##zberg ##zmer ##kr ##kα ##kro ##ked ##kle ##kou ##kine ##kitic ##kers ##kund ##kov ##kox ##kav ##kok ##kha ##kled ##kker ##kova ##kfeld ##kola ##kainen ##kpat ##wf ##ws ##wer ##wite ##wis ##wil ##wim ##were ##wam ##wand ##wiched ##wink ##winch ##waj ##wood ##wutang ##wuling ##wena ##woling ##wiev ##wuzhu ##69 ##6ma ##650 ##612 ##6fe ##685 ##6o18 ##31 ##334 ##350 ##376 ##qc ##qz ##qiling ##qiuyang ##q4f ##qws ##xl ##xf ##xx ##xite ##xus ##xia ##xial ##xigou ##xinshan ##xiping ##jk ##jas ##jim ##jam ##jad ##jian ##jde ##jau ##jaya ##jhun ##jkhand ##700 ##7pb ##775 ##7125 ##łek ##σs ##heen ##heet ##hene ##hema ##hetyp ##helf ##heping ##herand ##hevsky ##hexagonal ##hezk ##hexial ##tec ##teed ##tese ##tech ##tegg ##tection ##text ##tejo ##tefacts ##onan ##ontite ##onized ##onates ##oners ##onzonite theses thesis ##tige ##tific ##tism ##tisc ##tification ##titization ##tidal ##timento ##inar ##inati ##ints ##inian ##inik ##inist ##inov ##inites ##inha ##inished ##invo ##inised ##inarily ##inner ##inlets ##inrich ##inische ##inorium ##rek ##reic ##reens ##retes ##reira ##relement ##related ##requisite ##refring ##alar ##alic ##alid ##alts ##altic ##alth ##ality ##alian ##alik ##alto ##alkal ##alera ##alunite ##alhamm ##altegg ##ndt ##nds ##ndations ##ndong ##ndiorite ##ndman ##ndants ##ndahl ##erk ##eros ##erot ##erock ##eria ##ersen ##erland ##erji ##erpo ##erlike ##enation ##enie ##enze ##ennial ##encia ##enkle ##entejo ofted offic ofqui official inas inim inform inund intent inland inability inert inex intake inferences inapp inyala ##eson ##esen ##estions ##esites ##esche ##estine ##estand andres andersen ##arin ##arate ##arine ##arran ##arst ##arting ##arie ##arao ##artine ##arhyolite ##oral ##orro ##oring ##orow ##orge ##orne ##ories ##orian ##ortin ##oried ##orina ##orosity ##orbs ##orily ##orwegian ##itre ##itab ##itage ##itten ##itary ##itating ##itain ##itors ##itohedral ##itax ##itrin ##itani ##itrary ##rok ##rotite ##rored ##roach ##roterozoic ##rook ##roof ##royo ##roalunite ##icy ##icas ##icing ##icou ##icles ##icting ##icons ##icately ##icrite ##ictional ##icheng ##ichert ##icpms ##icuity ##eds ##eded ##edee ##anan ##anos ##anat ##antial ##anha ##ancies ##anjiawan ##anidation ##ancial ##anwuzhu ##anjkhand ##itel ##itenbr ##oshu ##osited ##osomal ##oshi ##osyn ##asy ##asu ##as2 ##asted ##asta ##asund ##asonal ##asomati ##asca ##astes ##asurable ##aspoort ##ashelf ##asaltic ##atever ##atexite ##olic ##olis ##olent ##olag ##olom ##olam ##olia ##olovite ##olished ##olson ##olizes ##olored ##olume ##iso ##isan ##isis ##istry ##isited ##isks ##isches ##istering ##isana ##iswal ##isigao ##isbane ##isihe ##leth ##leum ##leigh ##lell ##lements ##levsky ##leaved ##legal ##leading ##lewood toul tour tomb topl touch toky topped todor toress token tooth totora ##idac ##idates ##idating ##idolite ##idered ##idya ##idoblastic ##idarian ##idgian ##inges ##ingement ##eling ##else ##eland ##elier ##elgo ##eljxa ##elarra ##elkhand ##elbult ##entre ##entgen ##atar ##atable ##atun ##attach ##atney ##atarts ##atophyre ##at7125 ##atolia ##mpir ##mpton ##mposition ##mplant ##mprok thm thul thur thuring thole throw thomp thode thread thai thsi thiosulfide thalhamm ##aga ##agen ##agher ##agyrite ##agba ##aglic ##agonal ##agnetic ##agdai ##aggy ##ulo ##ulte ##ulos ##ulted ##ulif ##ulous ##ulting ##ulak ##ulating ##ultural ##ulaz ##ulites ##ulae ##ulatory ##uluma ##ithore ##ithified ##ithful ##ithaup deer dece deall decon degen dewater dearth dealing deforms dechang deforming ##ustal ##ussu ##usiano ##ushevsky isr isod isto ishi isogra isomorph isof isostructural islamic ##lyox ##lyama ##lysis ##ocated ##ocop ##ocum ##ocally ##ocheng ##ocols ##oconglomerate ##ocenter ##raon ##rain ##raph ##raine ##rained ##raven ##rably ##raquin ##rability conting conferences conlif coy co3 cox coass coff cowan coesite coats co32 ##iga ##igt ##igm ##igite ##igts ##igang ##igrams ##igested ##igranitic ##urt ##urne ##urally ##uria ##urund ##urbed ##urring ##urious ##uritized ##urume ##urbation ##urmount forty fortu fortun mind minx minhe minif minnt miners minsq mineria ministry ##etus ##etary ##etown ##ethy ##etto ##ettle ##ethane ##etasomati ##erald ##terros ##terlies ##terious ##terior ##aca ##acous ##acles ##acting ##acies ##actures ##aco3 ##acosa ##acuate ##acocha ##acios reed reis reid reec rech really reina referen ready reham reju rewiev rearran reichert asph asto as2s3 asked ##izers ##izzard ##izarin ##atia ##atiq ##atitite ##atitud ##romin ##romorph ##romater ##romised ##trip ##trictional ##traglic ##owell ##owball ali altit alpers alspf altitude alfred alentejo alizarin depart deport depressed departs depicting depocenter ##vey ##verent ##vector ##ilt ##ilat ##ilies ##ilable ##ilitic ##ilater ##ilinite ##ilai ##ilitized ##iluted ##ilisigao mineralium ##imyr ##imass ##imented ##iminant ##imeter ##immed ##imuth ##imension ##iminating ##imikie ##imolar ##imisk ##imhall ##immerite ##yrte ##yrhyolite ##otop ##othem ##otatite ##ottir ##otukh ##oturbation depost ##heral ##herba ##herches ##hermak ##ople ##opue ##opolitic ##oppite ##opdb ##opixe ##oppel ##opolis ##opilitic ##opyrte ana anu anth anch antit an60 anto angl antig anode anning an84 an72 anilite ansil an58 anatolia animikie ##lund ##lutite ##luence ##luents ##luxing ##lumines ##tsdr mab maw maqu mahu maastr maitre deposita depositto ##cea ##ceix ##cemented ##ionopolis beus beast beaded beaches beige beukes bekker bendong ##phyl ##phire ##phthal ##phalian ##omo ##omin ##omes ##omak ##omyl ##omiao ##omixing ##omiro ##ometallurg ##ometamorphic ##omethane stm sthe stur stut stone stays stops stoping stdgl stowell stoppel chu chab chib chine chad charb chong chut chata chip charn chose chff chach chance chains chanz choked chaya chaix chrond chicou ##ysical ##eren ##erer ##see ##sein ##search ##seeu suffic suitability suttle suwaj suitab atv attal attom compute compli computing compatibility compliance compromised ##eck ##eces ##ections ##ectively ##ecke ##econc ##ockite ##resi ##resher ##ichtian ##ticable ##ticulous ##ins2 sultan sulvanite ##ouf ##outa ##ouple ##ouwan sapper saved saund sams sake sauss savil sami sahara sadness fluoro fluency ##ifeous ##ifug ##ifiers ##ifauna ##iffs sulfotellur ##therly disad discon disser disks disrupt discharg dislay dishaba ##abin ##abar ##abov ##abolic ##verine ##verminsky ##ogt ##ogle ##ogging ##ogabbro ##ogoet rockand ##itions qua quill quell quick quarz quoted quiber quotation quyen quasi prose proton prolific protection prophyl ##maling gram grauch graup grapt grandiorite ##ibly ##ibles ##ibay ##ibach ##iberg ##iborne exits exolved exerc exerts exfol exterior ##amed ##amina ##amara ##ametric ##amiliar ##amagnetic formosa onca oncolite shand sharing shamm shattered shandong shaan shade shakh shayb shaba shute shifting shaf shading ##geo ##gements ##geological ##gevity ##geochemistry ##ods ##odic ##odum ##artzite quartzand quartzitic quartzof quartzpyrrhotite ##cci ##cco2 ##ccillo ##cc051 whiti whatever magene fluidal fluidized inca incong incred incap incise incident incax incorre incrust incoherent veporic oreand orefield oregon se2 se4 se6 seward seep season search seesen seasonal ##thite ##thur ##thys ##thitic ##throw ##thora metre metase methan metatur metatu metarhyolite metatexite ##tence ##tenance ##tennial ##ousova ##ucite ##uchen ##umo ##ums ##umes ##uman ##umous ##umber ##umontite ##iri ##iration ##irations ##irch ##irons ##irie ##uese ##ppold ##inex ##ineer ##inear ##ineke ##ineering ##rane ##rant ##rangle ##oldi ##olded ##ighting ##ightening tepl tearing tewh teixe hyndman resides resto resided resorption resumes ##osta ##velstone hawe hade haha hahn haifeng hazar hazard hafnium hahne haerlike golden goldeng goldsm goldsch ##anto ##station ##state ##stances ##stract ##stoichi ##sthene ##storied ##strained ##statitite ##quated ##quad ##quake ##quoise ##queros ##quarie ##quartzite relic relied relio relocated colon coloration colpron basu bastra basites baso4 ##taliya ##taj ##tapped ##tahedra ##tadial ##taineering ##cha ##chot ##chme ##chao ##chased ##chuan ##chaling ##chtop ##chiefer ##chromatic ##churia ##chyrhyolite ##nez ##nemann ##netism ##necea ##iesner cuo cupre cu2o cu2s cuaq cu2cl cualloy cugw cukα cuerpo cuins2 ##ador ##adra ##adth ##adero ##adopo ##yptic ##yptian ##ypool hydrolysis hydrogeological crf crc crater crms cr2o3 cripp crpg craggy cryptic ##assy ##asson oxi typified typology typifies elegantly reproc reposition repolished ##arya unity unwe unification unspec unites unnam unava unbu unchang uniquely unsolid unroof unilater uncemented untapped composing compositing agt ag6 ag3 agte agred agard aguch ag50 agric aghs agitated aggressive agalloy ag5fe plg plains planning plomo lows ##ongshan ##ongwa isotopx isotopos ##rik ##rias ##rielse dior died diogen dipar diiod diaman diode dilem dippold ##udes ##uded ##udable ##udstone ##udorf ##udaoc ##uduke waste art ar4 arif armed artes arfe arising artenberg artefacts artific arroyo arthur arqueros intercep interming interposed interplate interstage intermont intergow interiors intertidal interrelated interleaved zonations analisis asses asset assuring assured assignment clan clam clients clicit clf3 cliffs clogging feal feot feio femt feilat ##arbonate absen abde ab2o abraded abiogenic abbas abyssal abbott abanat abstract ##imento sulfideor sulfideand eva evasion evoked evacuate ##utation ##utub ##uttering ##eney ##oreference ##oreef calcined calcification calcule calcalkal spt spent spess spalerite spele spurious spilitized spodum sputtering ##000 ##009 ##ianite beta betsi betze carbonand carbonifeous college collective collecting collects ##wei ##weyer ##esso ##essed ##essential ##essional ##andl ##ander ##andering ##andesites ##andelbult ##andrias ##matization ##matitization ##entrate altermann geores gebre gehr geoso gebel geza geodynamically gemin gemstones george geotop geopixe geometallurg geodic georeference nef nemat neiva neyed neomorphic nearest nexus nejde neosomal neudorf enter entry encr entit energe entren enstatitite preand precon preven preburn premise prerequisite occlusion temple templey indeter indio intralabor intrastr intrashelf highlands iml silt silvial valence valang valler valentin presumption prescribe pressur concisely phd phree phyl phthal ph25 pharao ##ocities ##aymas ##ayuan varible element2 elementary au0 auv auxag auburn auquil user usage usable usability ##allon ##alled ##allanite ##allagua formationand formationwere strugg ##ivi ##ivet ##ivities ##ivided ##lachian scb scree scie scote scream screen scribe sclm scalar scherba incl4 inclusive incloh pb0 pbs pb2 pbte pbbite pbbis consort consolid constitution consangu consulting constrictional ##ractions sedimentology ##anga grano granero granioid granulites ##ipation ##ipol ##iplin ##iplines ##illion subgra subcr subep subdisc subeu subcrop subtext subheral park parse parva parras paralic parabolic paramagnetic colleagueso veinward veinlwith ni2 niass nieva ##soft ##herence ##eldspar ##eldspathic ##aping ##apitani ##apimisk richly richard richness ##turer ##ologisches ##itidal ##itisation lately lateritic ##onderance ##onditions magnetites chalcopyrites ##arna loch nort northe nordra norske northerly ##ouran ##ourse ##roneous ##ronyms leone leake leitz leitch lebarge lefort leo14 legac leventhal lewis leeds ##ectory biases biosphere biochemical bioge biota biostratigraphic bijia birefring bioturbation ##cona ##concel ##conorwegian ##plates ##plating ##plain ##plish ##plats ##plenation ##ika ##ikin ##ikos ##ikou ##ikwa ##ikuduke ##itica ##itical modulated module modifies modifier modikwa sphalera ##ellar ##ellaneous ##ellah ##ellsch sphaleritegalena ##spyrite ##spicuity imagej percep perry perched perkin perkins perigranitic perimeter peritidal perspicuity ##estable ##estone ##gener aca acme acari acadian acade acker acosta acronyms overfilled oversized overstate ##maf ##maoshan apron apoph april apoio student has1 faun fahud faithful wear weeks wealth wendt weolag wegener ##formable ##formably ##aka ##aks ##akin ##akite ##akhite ##akinsky ##akabe ##akwena ##akivi 2050 2030 2090 20cu 2027 obtuse volbor mei meant meosp meier meionite meeting meatiq meticulous meineke meandering indices micash thanks sky skach sklod ##tines ##tinian ##tinsky ##cani ##ghaff ##ghsanz canning canaa cannon massspec massively ##perthitic maintains maintenance corbell corbett ##roselite ##rostil ##roshima cain caal caand caard cauca ca1mg ca5mg caanan caulif domed domical domination dominic ##vedge heaz hebe hematized heyde hefty heinrich heidarian hematitization twq twinning hosel hoskin marte marun marias marques marino marmar marwar maroon marquez mariam marumo marcona belo belgium belousova simakin contour contacting regolith registering regulatory twofold ##ardy ##arde ##ardottir reds redstone redress ##olevsk apatiteand buttress secure precludes preconditions sampleand ##ctly ##cturing ##ctural ##zok ##zove lowers skarnand skarnified ##ifice trailing travers trachyrhyolite ##aterrestrial signified signifying signifies undist undisc undistinguishable undulate undefined undocum undigested undiluted undivided moreno ##ersdorf ##ersutite mayila mayeda commas commence commences commenting commission upgrade up193 upright upthrow ##hani aden adto admit adams admitted adherent adem adlak adherence accidental grouping groupings grease greasy greigite ##undy ##ensation ##ensides esi essa essarra ##viet biotites biotiteand apps apparat apportion applachian ##lower ##loway recall recherches recessed recourse thereof impose impacts imposing impasse imparts imparting impeded implements impingement imputation eupa euf3 euhdral commonality zn0 zn2 zncl2 sourcing 10c 10g 10s 10cl 1060 1012 1018 10cu 1020 1013 1084 1063 ##tureship pob pools pokro notion novo pyhr pycnochl pyromorph pyrostil undertake underapp underpressure underplating zirchron assembling completion completed complements ##lla ##obism ##obina ##obsc ##obrec ##oboling ##alencies pyrg pyrhotite pyritohedral pyragyrite sought botros bottle weller arsenates arsenopyrte oxidize oxidizer geologia geologist geologisch posits ##icka charging epi epitax epifauna ##orded ##ordant ##ordial ##orddr metaland metalifer metalumous volcanically brei breached brevity breaching bremen breitenbr breithaup breadth brezove higherand serra serrate serdy sernage servic service iijima characters folk ##ffs ##ffle ##unk ##uning ##unagdai ##unsee ironstone ironstones ##ogenian timisk timmins surge surmised survived ##pb1 sander sandto sandberg sandmann sandwiched howell tranquil olt oliver discards discipline disclos discolored disciplines corrego analytic pyrrhotites pyrrhotiteand desulf designed desilic deserves desenv desiring desfil desorbs ree3 ree2o3 ##olybasite respiration sbc sbto sbcomp sb4s sb2s3 ##arela siree siverminsky verification veracity verify verifying vermiform vertraglic treating treyl treats treliver ##devila metamorphicor laid laval la2o3 launc lauz laoh lazen lailisigao laumontite laudable equator equimolar srso4 breccified microa microor microcl microgranular microdis microlites micrograms microsoft microplates ##oves ##ovolcanic ##ovitization ##ovaro amar amesite am82 amapa am65 amandelbult ##ovec melato melaand melnik mons month monzo months monogenetic monterros montaj prins price proviso thickens orogens oxyex oxyhyd pats patch patrick lime limiting basinor slides sloping slave teruel ##parts ##pargasite ##parametric volcanicand tectonostratigraph tectonometamorphic fluoriteand 184 183 1840 1816 1851 1828 1827 1892 1845 1849 centrally centrifug ti4 tieling title ##iocam ##erging ##ergneiss ##timi ##timer ##timony lithian lithof lithotyp smn sm3 smith sm2o3 smoli smfz ##huoshan ##huimen ##hugel ##huikou seto refracted refute refuted refutes refluxing refresher sequential sequentially calculates ##acked 15a 15f 154 158 156 157 1580 1540 1590 1533 1583 15aii bark barros barium barram barometers barker barriers barcel barrigao barreira paleomag paleoto paleomagnetic paleomixing paleovolcanic geochimi geocentre trendall blr blz bloc blight blind blanice blastes blurring blizzard feldspath moine mozo motions moist moo3 motian moho mooi motivated moyni mohexial moorddr propensity propylytic matte matted matok matched matuo mat26 matouwan strand strait stradd straightening dolines doleritic genera generically decays decision deciding decapitani generalization generalities generalised 1900 1910 1914 1945 scheerer secondand amphibolitic itsi ##ubu increments ##inawite northand northto northings drifts drifted driesner brt br2 brno brugg britain brisbane brimhall brucite brassy empress representations layout enriching ##oxene ##oxically oxideand speciated speckled ##rential ##renfried outlying outnum outpo outdated considers crystallograph crystallinity crystallography sheba sheld shexian ##orsed coarsen coarsed bandelier bandlutite ##tives ##tiveness reaccumulate 124 126 1270 1242 1223 12co2 12sb 1285 1284 1264 respects kmg3si3alo10 msc sala salta crossing crossbed elusive eliana eldor eldr elmer elztal eliminating ##ornfontein plagioclases ##cled ##clair ##clockwise ##grown constancy defer defect defences defense default supersatur supersaturated supernate supercoll superposition supervision eventual fractionating ##iversity osba os11 oshima infusion infinite infancy infauna infinites invia primordial postulate postorogenic postmagmatic posttectonic postulates postcumulus facie dissection abovementioned ##entifically ##formationnn sericte silvermines mnand deriving disseminati af44 afe2 finite finish financial mgy mg2 mgli mgco3 mg3al mgospf ##hipise continually 14b 14c 147 1412 1418 1416 pee pehr pendants peedee people muskox musoshi polydymite polyharm 11c 113c 1140 1112 1151 1135 1168 11cc051 sch2 schie schamp schoen schli schiefer schaltegg schweyer schandl grainy graintoid flon flin flights floren flareef floral ##avo ##avut ##avsky ##avnica initiatives seaways arctic archetyp coarseand reflection 100s 100th ##hronological reductions porgera idaite ##issures ##issitudes evidencing bedard expel expose expands expects transit transmagmatic transforms transforming translates 405 402 40k 406 40ca 40e80 remit reminder remanent reminex dolomicrite igc igag electrical sericiteand instit instig insets insurmount reportedly freetown spectro carvo carsw carries cartier carney caraca ##ieev muscovitization muscovites ##epohl locales afterwards supplying supplies suppress distinction blocked supergiant creaser map215 ##listic ##lishes paragenes shears 860 865 862 868 86kr synor synony synrift synkine matrixto normalisation naphthal clearest ##iquan interand interelement intends sn4 snte snas snand snlα snyder sno44 snowball permo permission permanent curtin curtail currie curvature curionopolis δ34spyrite δ34scdt δ34sσs tugar tuccillo ##adao overlay lineage ##anna comparably diorites environs lightfo ulaan ulrich ##key ##kev ##keon ##keys ##keting think thinto thinnest 86sr27 stands ##elsior 254 259 2560 2550 25o2 2512 2519 2575 soviet solve solver solved solute soller solaarm solitary ##azgan gained gahnite gauge go1 goes goyaz google dissolving dissipation salinic standardization standardised standardising ##omalachite ##omicrosc activator activators larga foil foam foitite fo72 ##ampi ##amples sectional leader erlan erspf eryth erbis erdre erroneous cretacous cease ceases cega ##arged ##argue stratigraphical doornfontein appearances determines isoclin opx options optics opapimisk stein stekh steele stewart stemprok stella ##otect aggregation aggregating htb petroph petromin petrik ##inked midland midwest midlands barites 302 ##bauer ##baoshan ##baatar ##ishayb ##ishiquan δ18opdb meanings carbonatesulfide ##604 ##6049 ##60dg calk calaver calandrias ##venation intention predate predisp ##arkenite 131 13b 1380 1370 1311 correspondent mudto freibergitic lasted monzogabbro 50i 505 508 506 5010 50193 50ipol situations evolutions controller metalline metallotect longshan illites illlite lamego laminar ##ksson ultramafics flown flower medet media medrad mediating ferrob fernandez ferraon ferroselite combing combusted ##hesis ptfe ptas2 hypidi hypothermal ##hi2 gradations radially ##licun argide argyro mineralisations polior policy political ##shanling ##arzun classifies ##ariham deplete depleting ablations ablating bo1 boi boiron bohl boiled boynt books bohema halved halbich halvø halasu topas detecting peaked 174 1734 1723 1783 grn grs grum grub gr50 grillo grube gryger irina irgds nw2 nww nwand nwr193 stirred stiavnica westrenen westfal westphalian ##aturu angouran ##tersgrun 392 394 393 3900 39ark 3912 3972 3968 keim keys kemi kemoz kempir meshed meshes mesoto mesocratic mesocumulate recorder recording thermos thermophilic thermostructural crustalor crustalto backward backbone nd2o3 ##50vp isochronal tenure tenorite tenke tenuous tenien triangle triply ##ugou albany albino albitisation ##kyns notes gneissosity beamline polymineral unconstrained 2040 equilibria equilibrates equilibrations petrographiques variously devising devices monazites supergeneand ##kaline 2061 endo endogenous endorsed graywacke bulge bul3a kbω director ruiva singular handsom introduce accomplish ##ao8 ##upo 239 236 237 2328 2376 2371 baar bailian baii baoshan baiano baez baoshu baidya baatarts baocheng baishiquan widens widening trust tridac triga trimmed trunk epidotite epidoti predominate predominating weakness 206pbc centennial hunt huhn huitrin huanjiawan huelgo huilai huayuan ##ractionated confers conflict confluence eleventh ##iangzi interpretable potter ##niu ##overian deepto deepening broke brook brooks brompton upland uplifts actinolitic extensions considerate demise demands parallels paralleled paralleling parallelism leuco leucocratic leucoxene observable observational mediumor mediumand felsdpar mountaineering ##okite ##okeng ##okhoz ##okarst ##scheider organicand adjoining oceanography multidisc multiply multiplic multiplying multistoried 3200 3280 32fe3o4 liquine ##vester ##osalts extractive extractions diffrac diffusive diffused goethe glove glodn glauc glimmerite plugs middleto middlemost sela self selby selvedge maximizing ##quially plateaus retraction retreat retrie changer changba zonings metasomatised yangjing yangheping cyanide cyanidation fritz friction fringe fringes swelling switz summing approximating losing statement seeks seeking panel panels pananal panaf panxian panchromatic planation planalto planetary planavsky shallowing semicons semimass maximums mechanically browne rayleigh ##104 ##109 doctoral investigators transitioning transitionally browns brownfield brownfields focu focums logs logk loges logic 601 609 60and 6018 6035 6039 ilfeld illegal ilieev willis council diagenetically magmatisms domaining zrspf clinochl accompanies accompaniment 22b 225 229 227 22kev mmg mmol mmto streams streaks stockpiled stockscheider markop tonaliitic ##rican anyone anymore anyway disperse graveland 705 702 7060 7050 7080 7018 7023 7038 7035 7044 70zn 7019 7028 7027 7092 7041 7075 7082 7068 7064 7063 70685 70376 milli miller millstones millennial milligrams delay delivers delicately extendable chlorization chlorapatite chloroanth degassed fragile downfa ponderous positioning discussions fba12 fba17 roque roeder rotenberg rohde rojas roentgen turonian turner turiy turbul turquoise turkey ##tzite excel excludes excelsior equivalencies ##2s4 ##2s11 framed frauenstein mali malman malaysia malaya malani malanjkhand malargue illustrations contested leachable sieray flattening sidi sidero ##birney ##cynite sulphates sulphuro sulphotellurides simplistic dawn daily daomak ##401 ##402 ##406 ##4052 tests testimony spotand enclaved cape captains capabilities capdevila earths earthquake nonoxid nonradiogenic noneconomic nonnen nonfrac nonproduc nonlumines nonstoichi nonparametric ##fulira shoulders collisonal ##huaerji edax editors edifice eburne faro farms farina farley farquh farallon 167 1680 16sb 1636 danube danovaro karee kawab kahtu kaersutite potentials cerianite wolff wolken wolery wolverine progresses 218 216 2193 2149 guide guided guaymas profitability professional conclusive estable tianqiao tocks chrome sulfidised 271 274 279 278 27al 2710 2740 2712 2733 2729 2736 2788 pulsed pulverent tintina minimized minimizes calibrating effectiveness mappings clastics silla volcanoes ##manus ##shun ##shishan ankeritic nb2o5 ##jiaping hemisp upwardly subsamples 2013a 2011b 339 boreal migmatization colorado evaluates immense immune 1870 1874 1877 narrowing narrowest lengthy pd12 pdf2 ##ca16o attribut phyllitic signaturesour passed passion passively blanco blanketing floors floha floored floyd footwalland siltstoneand equivalence 294 296 293 2980 29si 2916 2920 2917 2982 2967 takah colloquially wolfach exhaling responses 150nd ##duicheng ##hlouf 5008 circled depended bismuthite bismuthine hgs milan militated ##bediel researched inducing inductive ouro waal wawutang ##ertmann neuve implicate implicating hypothetic catanz converts converge converting converging advances senses sensing ##linic ##linorium ##tonic ##ashkova ##ripole alternation alternated alternations alternately globule 285 284 2800 2880 2819 2828 2827 2829 314 313 3100 31sb 801 802 fallon fallick sacchar accessories interstitials gasps restricts restriction spaceand concrete paleoand paleohydro paleofluid huanglong huanggang proportioning proportionally establishes 261 266 2670 2620 2664 2674 bleb blend blendig blecha tsikos tshipise ##aja ##oyer protocols protomyl magnitudes ##ellingite belonged pseudoconglomerate pseudoreef pseudobrec pseudomalachite bueno digits digging digestions ionisation rhx rh23 yellowstone ##ylene ##ylto ##ylvanian ##khash ##ernum ##ernador prospectivity ordinary phoscoriteand 354 359 356 353 3500 3527 private raul raoping rahman ravelstone hydrocarbonand 1000s beddings blueflow circular looks lofz loellingite powellite xrp ##quest chrysotile parameterization domeyko heterolith tuffite tuffitic priority nsw palaont palmiet palacios ##indo ##erah chambara graphically graphics graphitized reactivating braided molal molten molasses nukav nunez porewaters s1b s155 xenolith xenocrysts ##cofen anorogenic ##akhsky discretion steepest lree2o3 naturkund ##uki ##ukan ##ukite fluorian fluorination fluorbary distort distorted distler serpukh 1881 1885 1882 1208 cuttings horizonte framboid 342 349 346 347 3400 3433 3417 badham grounded ##flood offline offshore critically terminating 362 363 3690 burma burbank benefit hillier hilliard h2o2 ##orescent metairie metaandesites favour volcaniclastics 0005 00033 00018 00023 000806 000xx 000009 24a 245 242 249 248 243 247 2450 24mg 2497 dasheng ivakinsky morphologically morphostructural roche umr umons ##ilings resident schwertmann behaviors 385 384 388 386 38fe3o4 38406 7190 7118 7117 7138 7111 71ga 71630 716049 714052 ho1 ho4 hood hoering hoformationnn lu8 lump luhr luzon lumps luonan luanga luoboling ledge ledges mcbr mcgow mclell mckeon mcbirney mvp mvps mv23 ophitic ##ry2 ##ryite plasencia subdividing discriminants draa draining drawb mobilizes mobilising pentaer purify purcell purchased purplish tensile ##wana coincidental collar collahu collars merenskyite plasmaquad bittern pcs papadopo sharpe featureless syenogranitic 250to ferrodiorite ferrotoch ferropargasite intercalating denoted denki denmark dennis tapped tailed taf5 taiping taoxi tawil taimyr taupo tailings bastnas hypothesized hypothesize piche piccoli zeid zebediel ##iofluvial ##reciated unlithified smectitization contemporarily contemporane palaeokarst sukhaybarate axinite axiocam centro centres centaur pitting viejo microfoss microfactures microfissures hornfelsed hornfelsand exhalite exhalites smectites smectiteand 455 459 456 45sc 4540 4568 901 902 907 90fe0 90zr binding miall mihir mienie miitel managed mansfeld manantial manchuria nanometers nanotechn phenakite taconic tracing unmined interests interested clusterd viewed viewpo idefjord paoma paolovite paulo penge penha penecon penns peneconc penobsc watershed wavelengthand 238u16o kalbel kalmak kal3si3o10 kaliou kalkfeld necks necking ##enstown isolate isolines ##quisa 1444 xrf76 nickeliferous microfracturing microfractured driekop droplet rapakivi εnd0 εnd29 εndt0 εnd350 ##ahrt ##s21 ##tesy thirds debatable plusxl partitioned dengjiashan rounding tabanos ##lai ##lawn starved starling formulas formulation mgoard integrates identifiers technic technosyn infiltrate infiltrations necessity necessitating 955 954 95sb0 95s1 d2mt d2jk gerf morse morrow mortimer moravo ramanaid reproduces uniformity analogue textual sixty sixfold 1861 1864 1863 1863a 014 019 01s2 0184 01sb0 brioverian dilated dilles diluting vicissitudes preferences 118t 1187 circulate circulations nucleo nucleation nucleate nucleated nucleations nucleogenic 002 007 0012 0090 0029 0036 0064 0063 0074 0069 414 416 413 4161 noweir opposed sinter sinters sinuosity sinclair connell connecting coneor projecting projections oscillated oscillations goodness topographically frameworks orthogonally 052 056 05to 0529 555 754 759 756 757 7523 7532 eqs khalid khatun khishayb peralkaline vrm vrchy ##innis aspirations playing playground construct constructional procedurally infillings identically stockworked 041 045 042 0436 04240 421 422 423 42ca 4285 511 515 518 5118 51183 662 663 66h2o 66mn0 825 824 829 82w 823 827 camero forelim forecas ##fe75 ##fe52 installed ##etsch interlinked constituted outlasted balmat balabin balkhash borg borne cd2 cadia caddick douville mzq mzgo mzdq encased encroach highlighting stratum stratotyp intraplu specimenor batholithic 3a11 3700 3752 856 853 85rb 8587 88cu 88sb 88s3 88s8 boxand ##waenite seventeenth enhancing ##apsules decomposing 1985 1986 187osr 020 029 027 0256 482 484 4800 651 652 6500 6510 affluents afforded sanche sanjib sanxian ##istribution thundelarra armors armoring argentian argentinian northeastward porphyrocl ##perschiefer career careers treyicpms cycling cyclical cyclically stocksheider involvements protolithic groundwaters 625 628 627 berlin beryl berryite calls calling dagoud dagbree emu emam emulsion emerge emerald emerging pacmanus sedimented makky makhlouf shortwave shortcomings interbeds interbedding cordoba applicability superimposition episodically concordantly prominence unlikelihood impregnate impregnating 431 433 caspf giusiano giacosa klipp kl2g klerk robin robert robbil yukeng ##cheng ##chent incompatibility incompetent permeabilities campo campina campanian graphiteand palaeosols pacifico prominently joeljxa macque macrostruc macquarie macinnis oker okrty ##aqing ##irable inheriting disposition scattergrams volatilization 1905 1908 1906 561 565 566 563 56fe2o3 614 618 617 6140 724 723 7200 7216 7241 72125 autochthonous autocl autobrecc autogenous borde lights warmer dexin coveney quadrature quadrangle quadripole causally epigenetically 1979 igarska segmentation forelands independence 461 464 466 463 4615 4625 587 5800 58fe 778 kongberg qinhang tolerated deviating attract prograding progradation shielded closedown ##viewer microchemistry microcolum microcapsules employs directional petrova petroleum petrogeochemistry grunsky serpentinte serpentinization d3ba d3nk jxa85 jxa8100 mpd tschermak ##limate sutured arsenicand exploit exploitable emphasised ferrar turns substantiated 085 087 0853 08s1 545 544 543 5400 595 594 596 832 838 836 837 damiana damaged elliot helix helges helping mlc mls merwe merits utilization utilizes ##mesite anticlinorium prepare preponder preponderance monitors specify facilities remarks neutralize reddishor olympiada 03to 1605 445 4410 44ca16o 491 495 498 497 4900 645 644 6400 6490 68a 68zn 946 9434 94sb0 94s3 94s4 98s2 dimers diminis diminished dimethy mentioning please plethora ##vantage ##kerri hydration indians americas arguing universal distinguishable consequences facilitates 521 525 523 527 52cr 5220 avoids batu batches gotte ltv ##bidites ##ippines saxonian ##iberated magneso traversed travertine travertines porcellaneous 2706 2703 outstrip buffers paasand peripherals discordantly 072 07mn0 07109 811 81s 81w 816 817 cande candidates cellular certainty jiangkou mango mangweg wrr written xiangshandong xiangcheng ##pfad coherently alumino aluminocop scienze sciortin scientifically subjacent subjectively 1800s 1952 1954 ignited nbs18 flooded flooding floodplain alternatingly kinematics 471 475 472 476 473 47ti 4770 47fe2o3 579 577 699 698 696 6900 6967 650f 736 7370 7325 7376 fesse fespf fesem fixing karst karoo karinya laco laccolith nist612 running vacancies wedepohl windy zk5501 zk005 zk002 zk6303 ##naisan ##biai ##pool deficits courses courtney courtesy minnesotatite comprehend fluxer fluxes resistate resistors favouring favoured truncating pseudohexagonal pseudomorphing encounter encountering czechosl pebbleand pebbleto antimonyand 5125 51290 51242 51215 51223 51228 51245 51297 51247 51231 gnpa gentler kirkpat pillars velha velho velocities velkerri yd6303 ##brich ##tianbao ##lexes begun chronologies chronostratigraphic interpoland fe3al2si3o variegated oblate obliquely obliberated micromass micrometric micromonzonite 193ir ##ieflinc 1357 cm3so knolls thermoquest laboratorio exceedingly telluridepyrrhotite phosphateand dimensionless comprehension 89y 896 897 eastand esem eseor embays krl latoso labile labram labelled lieseg murra n20 pasto squared tubular vanish vanuatu wanlicun ##beji ##ueria ##schulte competition competency competence shuiying sparsity prefix prevails 1039 referring 1965 1962 1969 fertilized fertilizers organization organised absolutely rhomboid umt44 umt006 umt08 umt094 umt411 umt334 umt402 covariations covariant avoiding gottesberg 4b2 767 847 991 d1ba deduce honggoushan hongqiling hongniu honghuaerji hongshishan kc1c md600 sx5 sx50 ##158 ##161 ##16fe75 ##ralakhsky ##231 ##232 ##jcicka conforms ashwal complications complicating metapyrox criterion diverted divergent geometrically augment strontianite alloying correctly melasyen rhyodacites dawutang jointing psammite detachmentand propylitically accommodate 067 06hi2 78o2 7104 71050 710300 710231 aiming duncan dunlop etc etching etched fulvic fuloppite gustafson harbi hardardottir landing landmark nodder rosh rosia rosler rosario s3000 sluzhen sluicing vijaya violent wangmaoshan xihuashan xiuning xiariham yeh δdfluid ##17a theoretically whiskers hypersthene occupied niua niuxinshan trapeze recalculating 325to sensitivities dravitation talnakhite hydraulically reconsidered spherulites micrometerto 096 097 74s 746 74ge 7470 bg1 bg6 boning boneng boninite dq44 dq63 dq71 dq123 dq158 dq161 egyptian egralakhsky grossly ligang missed rheology rheologically rheinis rheinische sswto wuyang wuisihe reviewing annular annually annivers quarter quartered clathrates mega 1028 10fa2 paleoclimate 145nd flanking expandable synclinorium na2o2 purposely collapses xiangshanxi gustavite reconstructing 631 679 banling bancro branca dmg dmlp dmlb hami hamdah hamisana juels lente lenaite lenzk puning puncturing visits visibility ##yangping ##sbach ##ansson ##osilicate stabilization stabilizing stabilizes ##abdellah ##ameshwar unpacked aguada aguilar indexes concerns concerned 2010s 1056 105pd amplification amplifier amplifiers controversies supplemental centimetric delineating penetration penetrations penetrates liberate liberating pinkishto embedding 2h2 2h2s 6caco3 93sb0 93as0 airbor aplitization bn60dg cambridge familiar families fangshan fissility gaby gabgaba gabrielse humic humber humbold kfeldspar kermad keratophyre kermesite llnl llwf llamara llallagua lods lodge lodged matierah molds mla650 renco renaming renamed routing songma ubc warms warren warrant ##drc ##arssus ##arsussu readers readings reactant alsample anionic quanta200 replication subgreens overpressured obliterates microstructure microstructurally ca2mn recommendations laurussian microband microbially paleosol decarbonated 1258 1256 1253 125te intensified 2357 2011a germanocol myrmekitization ##provskaya unpubl thresholds anaerobia 791 799 796 7900 975 97006 97s1 97as0 cbn cbz cbmz colder f14 f13 heron hercules herzberg heritage hercynite m1l m1m n100 pnr pgy pipestone sigoyer sinkholes tonne tonnages tartese viscous visconde wilfley willyama xinliaodong ##uzeck ##jojima extruded extraterrestrial seismological crucibles reprecipitated arrangements arrive arrived arrives arriving paraand persist persists persistence updip updomings 1924 botryoids documentation fragmental 2973 build builds behavioural coincidently phenomenal zhongza zhongqiuyang zhongxiping merck mercer manganeseand ##hoekite murdoch ubiquitously subgroups disappears cultures cultural cultivated espejo fedoren fedorow frankf franzke gt46 gaint holwell holloway jinan jinji jinping jinfos jinduicheng masi mashua ogoners practice practicable ripple sonified sagging sagasca urm urashima urquh urvants ##aveco ##oona ##ooning ##535 ##536 inspections dehydrate coordinated coordination algal queenstown concomitantly overviewed 205pb ##hannels discarding settled triplet evapoconcentrate orthoquartzite ebg200 34sso4 tracked architectural seismicity lanthanide hybridized conspicuously 5300 91pb1 aztec azimuth billerot cc02 cc07 cjs21 england engineer filter films filters filtering filtrate gg1 grooves getting getang getchell gongshan gongora glaciated glaciers glaciom glaciofluvial gunther gunflin hutti hutchison joseite josefina linnemann lecumber lecturer lectureship listwaenite lathlike pilbara rs93 rs43 rs104 ridler rhode rhodium walters walraven xiaomiao xiamaling ##jabao ##jiahuoshan ##tillation ##entials revise revisited rechargeable savchen plausibly spionkpite underscore communities noticeably 115t 1159 115sn idiotopic transgress stephanian uncorrelated logarithm concretionary 00001 00005 00006 00007 000040 000035 000019 susceptibility magnetitic geoscientists cobaltnit kfsa0 advantageous aqikuduke bhattach bhadra bergman berglund cnr cnk cnrs dariba eh4 ehrenfried elura gallagher jinshuikou kudan laguna lapa myra mymer mimics ocna octahedra ocellar owens portable ramifications rainwater rainbow rainoldi sangerhaus sangameshwar tanaka xianghsanz yanxi yanhong yanacocha ##ratulated todt county altay altaid madan exactly hydroxych hydroxylto unfamiliar unfractionated interfingering interfolded enigmas subaquatic leaked adapt adapting impurity ##ovakia optima predictor anglesite albee evaporates diffusely diffusivities 367912 syenogranites cracked zhouqu quadruple petrogenetically ferrugineous ferruginised ellipsoids conservatively percolate challenges eurasia utm232 964 96s2 aids bc12 bc28 benign benches benjam benchtop bacaja crenulated chenchao ewto erode eroding erodes effusive effein f392 feni fenner fecl feco3 gossans ibero mortars munros munoz munchme ripidolite ranked socorro sessa vestige vesicles witwaters zoisite ##meridgian ##9255 ##9470 ##helves inhomogeneity inhomogenous reinoso reinforce alumogoet alumosilicate antlerite antamina antipathetic antiquated antiperthitic ##eresse attaining attainment computational sequester sequestered hyalopilitic bioessential micronutr marialite simulating trachytic undulatory administ 101ru designation montana monocl monocline monocrystalline monoclinic propagate propagating explorers decimetric decimetres incrementally sheetflood 1489 exponentially 1752 1758 thermocalc thermocouple seleniteand 1999a brachiop tensional taihua penetrating penetrability assimilate autometasomati karstification virgin culminate lifetime subaqueously optimally satisfies insignificantly aleinik chemostratigraphy chemstation drew dreiberg fmc filament gbf hsfe luspf lusatia langdu langmu langfang lunwei misleading putative pangaea ribboned s4d voigt vastly victorian woodruff woodburn woodlawn zhenghe ##liography ##600f thms600 reality rendered chonoliths sabkha shimi shimizu seals metabasalts resembling ##chninsky unidirectional philippines itacolom marschall impervious 1047 symbolizes foliaceous surpassed desiccating desiccator paleotethys explosive specularitic 1291 polygonally polygonized envisage envisages steelpoort photosynt ferricyanide ferricretes bul4cb huijabao demonstrably leucosomes goethtite royal eb436 substituted 28325 283002 283250 yellowishto 714604 714535 denotes syntheses sustainability 7700x precursory unrealistically qualitatively suspensions checked checking unexpected visualized visualize visualizing splitter metagabbroic gossanous admixed admixtures amalgams replenishing indirectly leapfroggeo corroborate corroborates corroborating bouguer bouchot bouabdellah birch bessinger balls ballard ballooning citl cacb caciag dusted dowex dickson ethylene fuxing fujian frietsch flexed flexure flexible flexures flexural gsd hijau hiroshima hw2 hwain harvey hinge hinges hartmanice iogas jaagba jsm700 kleinvo kusky kuskok kusakabe kazzaz kindly lanjiahuoshan ladolam mbl mbxf mu3 mujim mucci muffle mufulira moves mackinawite nitric nicl nicols nicolet nicolas od2 odds ozha piemont pellet qingtianbao rhenish rhenoher sdo torab torch torgash torresi torrential tonga tongshanling ##loride ##2b2 ##8200 ##681 ##telgebirge ##telsgrun inhibitor inevitable ##olvimento ##istid toxicity cobrepampa reversion mahd beaver stromatolites sucesso suk12 gravitation shiwand ##ostatically cruzadao claiborne claypool abdulaz geomorphology imbrication imbricate submicron perspectives oberschona cautioned trajectory recovering epicratonic treatments setups explorations mathematically deciphering 149sm 1131 1137 flourish flashing remotely carpenter currency polarite polarity polarizing 1780to 233u counterbal counterparts counterclockwise delimits sideritized siderophile progressing bolivian limpid 2657 magnetotellur discrepancies libraries encompassed cpy2 johnbaum antimonide antimonides manganiferous virtual buckling engulfing elucidating portuguese antarctica thermochronological stylolites fingerprints geoanalitica surprise honeyto povondraitic 3344 9200 ah2as amended ameboid bipartite bella clues clumps cockarde dognecea duplexes emanate emanates frenzel gwinner galman galindo gansu ganino gobernador hbl hanchar icmps icm90 iceland jaspilite jagged jaguar justice jordan jordanite jordaan jordisite juno kreuzeck kimmeridgian kodera kunshan k3895 k38910 k389255 k389470 lisheen lobe loberg lobster lobato lambert mirrored mossbauer nqb nisr nisorbed oeste pw240 pw24 penglai ronze ronkainen roder rodding rudnick rudistid rambler rampant rampura sfar sg1 santoro santosh tapering uht wyborn watts watkeys zalashkova ##aicpms ##tori ##ihalli ##galakwena ##4s13 ##3000 ingredient conducive conductively copd copse copenh copiap coastline coalesce coalesces coalesced coalescence asterisks maxn maxein beaker sudan attesting exhaustion exhausted exhaustively exhaustive exaggeration wholerock resolvably cryogenic cryometric cryogenian cryostatically oxfordian abiological abiologically enlarged validated validity screw screened scottish subtraction subtracted submineral submergence subductions biotitic acceptable acceptance cornell corners cornish cornwall corgne heals health contradiction commodities recycle symmetry symmetric sbsulfide monoor monoarsenides terraced 1822 1898 1890s matsap druses bringing 1162 reductants expanse 2500p solvent gaoqiao dissociation dissociate dissociated dissociates stereomicrosc decrepitated caledonian caledonia mudjalik metallurgy metallurgies grinding mesoscale devolatising endmembers bul3cb adjustment adjustable cylindric blueschist 7043 7047 70460 7089 70834 70819 708681 7077 rhythmical capsules 1659 guillomarch guillaume pulverised pulverizer 282806 circumscribe circumvent circumstances molecules ivanplats drawing drawings tabouchent balancing kilometre preferable rosettes dq220 inconsistency escaping updateability juxtapose juxtaposing juxtaposition juxtaposes erodible telescoping inevitability carpathians hierarchically mitigate mitigated tibetan underestimation 2s11 4lithore axio akinfiev bicarbonate biczok bowers bivariate bakker bambui cinan cinzent cinovec costs costech cos8200 carbide castorina castanha chemisorption davis ea3000 eighteenth emslie fengshun fatality funnels gc02 gc03 gandarela horst horiba horndahl ipueria jci jiudaoc jianchaling kuruman lentz letters landslides nominal omission oulu pedra pista pisolith pisoliths puck qsg rigid rumble rumiall radical racklan s6b s7a s7b sociopolitic sardinha sounder sounding troposphere ukraine wojcicka wrap wrapped wraps writing yuasa yuanbaoshan zx12 zx15 zx07 ρgqws τcg τcs ##ynthetic ##rsko ##midt ##xingxia inlier inherently ##itkettle deuterium convolute ##igerode formally rejection reopened ascends ascended answer answered answering anisotropic behind choose choice choosing chandra chaozhou ch3coona sudetic attended quietly severely haematitic hydrological electro ag2te agglomerates interruptions asserted feasible calcretes sphene sperling geographically neoformation intragrain variances strategic consumes partings lepetit lepidoblastic lepanto biodiversity performing performance acknowledge traveled commercially advection recipe recurrently imprint 109ag 1066 sylvester destructive sio44 amoeboidal slickensides 181ta lithoand refinement refinements paleogeography mokulae mokgalakwena mokrsko declared 1920s northwestand outgassing δ13cco2 definitely infrequency museums polytypes 11hi2 11hi4 11hi3 schneeberg flasks flushes reflexes reflexion furreginated remineralized carlos envisions envisioned 2537 erlangping doebrich dozen stefansson ferrihydrite ferriwinch ferriallanite neglecting polymorphs trbdd08 hfsespf 70859 708515 excursions ##2si3o12 chromatographic phyllosilicate catalysis cataclasite nuggihalli chihuahua terminologies burnham 715961 lufubu tailor nanoporosity εnd290 7500i 7500ce sancha mylonitization discontinuity petrolg 08hi6 08hi15 08hi17a appreciate unreasonable embaying embayment embayments ##irectionally extrapolate megacryst unequivocally centimetreto persistently cjs4 cjs8 cjs12 rs86maf metagreywackes cupropolybasite brasilano government governments reinforcing corridor decimeterto satisfactorily fossiliferous fossilised thoroughly unexplained claims claimed megashears jasperoid justifies justifying justifiable mirrors asterisked enlargements cylindrically jabali munstertal munstergrund razvedchninsky vangordia alphaand subcomplexis 02sb0 2xhs 8cufes2 avalon avalonia alexander bidirectional bidirectionally bingham binggou bomber cabot cabonates credibility credentials dzhezk donated dictate dictates fyre fyfe fw3 fungal fungurume ftir600 gpmr gorceix galenas galenobism hints hinton hatch hattori himmelf hallmark homegrown hokuroko hokieflinc iteration iterations italy italic jenkin jenkyns july julcani jacare jacobina jadite jadmah kyle kyanite koranna kamoa kamoto kiesig kiesige kremnick kremnica lbot lss leroy leroux locker locked loekb0 loekb02 mitra mitchell mrc5 nh4 nh3 nichols nicholson nunaarsussu oweiss rye ryabov rqc rastered rilan roger rogers rinds sqb sarhle sveconorwegian svecofen sinemurian sheds swept sweats stitches stitched tqt tispf tisample tumela tumugou tuned tunable ullmannite ullmanite urals vessel vessels villas village writer wernecke wernigerode xl30 xl40 yikuangd yikunagdai zhesi zhesang ##ythrit ##ritt ##haraite ##ienza ##iapite ##46fe52 ##ziwo innovation innovative ##oslav ##olumetric deals deleted deleterious isovolume isovolumetric condestable condensation congruent congratulated reimposed reimplant sufotellurides sufosalts atokite sayid sayak sapphire sapienza saprolite saprolitic dismissed quirt quirk prohibitively prohibiting proceeds proceeding gratings exacerbate exacerbated shattering searches searching seabrook seabat7125 metamict metamudstone metabasites telemark televiewer coleman arbitrary arborescent clotty feeders geolaspro indiscriminate indiscriminant imager imagery immeasurable concurs concurred stripes sublayer sublatitud subcontemporaneous subconformably subunit subunits paradigm paradoxically ##sources learned ##plicable pertaining redeposition redeposited intuitive intuitively undescribed undesirable improbable improbability eurovector descends descended microveins microveinlets microorganism microorganisms monochromatic monochromater tiemannite lithocap lithocaps settlements paleorift paleorivers paleontology paleontological bloomenthal shenxigou shelves shelman 128g 12qsiin 12qsiouta inflowing 119sn 11984 schmidtsdr expectation curiously tugtup tugutub fo79 fo78 forest foresets opinions polystadial polysynthetic 172yb 1799 179hf 178hf 173yb gritty gritstone multimineral multimillion 70519 70725 bifurcation bifurcate excavated excavations malayite flattens flattened simplification simplifications nonreactive nonreplac guangzhou guangtoushan guarantee guaranteed stephenson wafer wafers 282015 282028 262rp bravoite 348401 metazoan metazoans 00048 discriminatory discriminators picrites palaeoclimatic palaeochannels encourage encouraged 8500f phosphorites 6100drc spreadsheet claystone claystones reconcile reconciled rottenstone zk3001 zk3002 512627 512175 velasco velasquez concealment manifests manifesting yemeni isoprime100 extraordinary extraordinarily 004782 wilhelm wilhelms holistically maslovsky litochlebova portraits portrayed quenchable interfaced interfacial holderpfad wittichenite montreal montreuil washington friends friendly nitrogenase troctolite troctolitic disaggregated disaggregator gravimetric gravimetrically abdelghaff microspectrometer microspectrometry clumped kimberlite kimberlites compartmentalization compartmentalize intramontaneous intramontane 232th16o gbw04415 gbw04414 gbw07293 gbw07233 davidson funnelor ipuru n60w65 convincingly temora2 acknowledging acknowledged slickenlines slickenfib catalogue catalogued felsengrund felsenloch sreinova coprecipitation coprecipitated microdrilling amygdales amygdules paleoenvironmental manufacturer rotliegendes 0702 2m1 2zn2 3ca2fe0 3si6o18 4h2 4s13 4fe5al2si3o 5al2 5kal3si3o10 5fe3 5si3o12 63cu 71202 88pb0 ayyad a72selm10 atio2 aulα aachen atshani acetic aphyric aicha aucl2 avelar amsl aozigang akawy a208pb aitchison audience bvot b62selm10 bx53 bilinear barton bogeda bibliography barbosa bronze białek bundelkhand bavaria batteries burgundy bern4m benedetto b207pb crores celestine crests celsian cystallized cochrane camscan cinnabar daliangzi dithokeng dizon dneprovskaya dredged dapu della dovyren danyushevsky duchoslav drenthe dhahab durga daldykan dopico dabaoshan dzharkenite eye ekstrom erected eveleth eriksson education erhongwa ehenry2 eastings eckergneiss euclidian fbg fphl fresco fichtelgebirge functions frisch frames fifty fuchsite fashion fusswink fulfilled fontbote fastrbf fuzhuxi gesellsch gleeson gataga glycol gromet gowganda glucks gysi gechronological godlevsky guest gutzmer geneva gaseous gourcer greece gorton glasebach gouldie groblers gondawana galinge gogebic gamsberg ganze hedge hussein hurtig heralded hilton hassan holograph hectometric hiking hllf hdehp hubnerite hariari hoeve hernandez hinders harpoon hagemann hinterland hitzman hetaoping hachijojima iizasa iapetus iggcas icrd j7600f jonasson jerritt jorc jolivet jishuimen jidh jatoba jilongshan jogs jobyn jackson juktinsky jochum juramento juncture journal jarchovsky jhunjhun kuperschiefer k2so4 kqm konkola krolop kidd kureysky komrek kadaro korea kasemann kovarna kainuu kampschulte kiseeva kuanping klinovic kash3 kfe3si3alo10 koudiat kansas koitelainen kettara katangan lcf l5s5 lkape løve longevity leslie lidar lurches lizio lopolith lichtner living lellak lignol lde1 lubben liverpool lomalampi luchsbach lloyds luanchuan l2s8 lushs loyal lakhs liaojiaping listric lombardy loncopue languages mk5 mos2 mouths marymia merges marthaspoort m127 mimetic mizuta n080 nneto nyurund ncb nalaqing natroalunite naguib nurnberg nongnong nondimension nellore nakokhoz nardi nunavut navan napanjiang nunnarssus nilgiri oyarzun otv orogene oplxs octyabr ounces odenwald pieces pesquisa pigage pichana pumice pongo peneplenation peritectic pueblo paterson palenik pearson petrukite pinah pannonian pechtelsgrun purged pinnacles punctured piette peledas qurbiai quseir rincon rrevenue rittersgrun ragged rows ryser riffle rousseeu rivola ruby rabbitkettle roscoe rajpura rs29 rosenbaum ribeiro senior sleco surely snee sivasund sellaite sobolevsk sentiment sonicated sarzeau tja tigre tilden tecnolog tichomiro tenement tangible titianite tainiolite tetragonal tazava taysan taoziwo tankere tandem tosham tischendorf tynagh uygur urabe urbeis urusov vosges vasconcel vibernum veneer vellaturu vigneresse ventilated vestiges vaclav vryberg vielreic vaughan vliegveld wonnen westerlies wateq4f wulanwuzhu wigwam wurtzite wormy wiebe warped wabaunsee wippra wenzel wonderkop winchester x62 xingxingxia xichang xucun xepos xuanwoling xinchao8 yvon yzb yerrida yingwuling yazigou yushkin z6536 zerjad zolotukh zurich zotov zchf zweibach zunyi zubovsky zavalia zindler zinnwald øyvik λ147sm λ87rb φvap φliq ##rundle ##lglyox ##fagasta ##mipelite ##8mn16fe75 ##werth ##6fe89 ##tische ##enklee oftedahl officer inimical inundation inexplicable inappropriate ##escheuer andresen ##iswalde ##lewoodite toulmin tournaisan tombstone toplis tokyo todorokite toressi thulium thurlow thuringia tholeiite thompson thalhammer deceasing dealloying deconvolution degenerated dewatering isodensity ishiharaite isograds isomorphous isoflex ##raquinone contingent conliffe coffee ##igtsberg fortuitous fortunately miniflex minntac reecl2 referenced rehamna rejuvenation rearrangement asphalt altitudes departure deportment anthony anchored antithetic antofagasta angled antigorite anninghe maquine mahuida maastrichtian stuttgart stdgl2b2 chabazite chibuluma chineysky chadwick charbes chongyangping chutas chipu charnockite chachil chanziping chaixmeca chrondrite chicoutimi suffices suitablility attalla compliant saunders samson saussuritized savillex samiuki fluoroapatite sulfotelluride disadvantage disconformable dissertations discharges dislayed quillagua quellaveco quickly quarzitic quiberon prophylitic graupner graptolites ##ibayi exercised exfoliation shammar shaanxi shakhtaliya shayban shuteen shafts quartzofeldspathic whitish magenetite incongruent incredible incapable incorrectly incrustations veporicum seepage seasonally metasemipelite methanogens metaturbidites metatuffs ##uchenko teplice tewhich teixeira restored hawea hadean hahnenklee hazarika goldengrundle goldsmiths goldschmidt reliotron bastrakov cupreous cripple reprocess unweathered unspecified unnamed unavailable unbuilt unchanged unsolidified unilaterally agredistribution agardite agucha ag50w agricultural ag5fe2s4 diogenes dipartimento diiodomethane diamantina dilemma dippoldiswalde artesian artificially interceptions intermingled intermontane intergowth femtosecond absentee abdeen ab2o4 abbasid calculeted calcalkalic spessartine speleothem spuriously spodumene georessources gehrig geosoft gemini geometallurgical nematoblastic neyedley nejdek encrusted entitled energetically entrenched preconcentration preventing indeterminate intralaboratory intrastratal silvialite valanginian valleriite valentinite pressurized phreeqc phyla phthalate pharaohs auxag1 auquilco struggled sciex scotese screamer consolidation consanguineous ##iplinary subgrain subcrustal subepithermal subdiscipline subeuhedral richardson northewestern nordrach leo1450vp legacy biogeochemical bijiahan birefringence sphaleraite perception academic ackerman apophasis faunal faithfully 20cufes2 volborthite meosproterozoic micashists skacha sklodg cannington corbella ca1mg8mn16fe75 ca5mg6fe89 cauliflower dominican heazlewoodite hebei maruno marquesa marinoan marmarization traversing undisturbed undiscovered undocumented up193fx admitting admittedly ademellite adlakha essawy essarraj apparatus apportioning applachians eupaas 10cu2cl pokrovski pyhrrotite pycnochlorite pyromorphyte pyrostilpnite underappreciated epitaxial metaliferi breitenbrunn breithaupt serdyuchenko sernageomin servicio timiskaming disclosure desulfidation desilicification desenvolvimento desfiladero sbcompared sb4s12 vertragliche treylaicpms launched lauziere laohushan lazenby lailisigaoer microcline microdistillation melnikovite monterrosas oxyexsolution oxyhydrates tectonostratigraphically centrifugation lithofacies lithotypes smoliar barramiya barcelona paleomagnetism geochimiques blastesis feldspathization motianling mooihoekite moynihan mohexiala moorddrift mat261 straddles brugger outnumber outpouring crystallographically sheldon bandelierkop 12sb4s13 crossbedding eldorado eldridge supersaturation supercollage osbahr infinitesimal disseminatins af443 finishing mg3al2si3o12 pehrsson polyharmonic 113cd schieber schampera schoenly schlieren schiefergebirge schaltegger florencitic archetypal 40e80nw institut instigate insurmountable carvoaria carswell suppressing parageneses synonym synkinematic naphthalene permanently curtailment tugarinov lightfoot ulaanbaatar 86sr276ma solaarmqz goyazitic erythrite erbisdorf erroneously isoclinally opapimiskan stekhin petrophysical calaverite predispose medrado ferrobasaltic hypidiomorphic argyrodite poliorgs bohlke boynton bookshelves bohemain nwr193uc westfalische kemozibayi kempirsai teniente handsomely bailiancun baoshuixi baatartsogt tridacna epidotization huelgoat multidisciplinary multiplicative glodny glaucophane retrieval yangjinggou switzerland pananalytical panafrican semiconsolidated semimassive clinochlore 708043 7035775 chloroanthraquinone downfaulted fba17b roentgenite turbulent malmani malayaite sulphurous daomakan nonoxidized nonnenwerth nonfractured nonproductive nonluminescent nonstoichiometric eburnean farquhar 16sb2s11 kawabulak wolkenhugel hemisphere attributable signaturesource takahashi hypothetically catanzaro 281997 282890 282785 282923 31sb1 saccharoidal paleohydrogeologic paleofluids huanglongpu huanggangliang blendige protomylonite pseudoreefs pseudobrecia 35274 blueflower heterolithic palaontologisches palmietfontein nukavsak naturkunde fluorbarytische serpukhovian burbankite 0002389 dashengshan 713888 716309 mcbratney mcgowan mclellan mv2300 drawback pentaerythrit collahuasi papadopoulos ferrotochilinite taipingdong taoxihu tawilah zebediela contemporaneity centaurus microfossils nanotechnology viewpoints idefjorden penecontemporaneous pennsylvanian peneconcordant penobscot kalbelescheuer kalmakyr kalioubi xrf76v εnd295 ramanaidou 00901 003695 khishaybi 04362 511810 cameroon forelimb forecasted encroachment stratotype intraplutonic 37521 88cu0 88sb2 sanchez sanxianba porphyroclasts dagoudong dagbreek klippe robbilard macqueen macrostructural okrtyab 72169 autoclaves autobrecciated microcolumn jxa8530f tschermakite helgeson preponderantly diminishes dimethylglyox mangwegape aluminocopiapite sciortino 737615 czechoslovakia 512152 512289 512977 kirkpatrick fe3al2si3o12 latosoil liesegang shuiyingdong umt448 umt081 metapyroxenite melasyenitic sluzhenikin xiarihamu rheinisches anniversary bancroft lenzkirch airborne bn60dg40 humboldt kermadec mla650f subgreenschist ca2mn46fe52 germanocolusite fedorenko fedorowich frankfurt jinpingshan jinfosi ogonersky urquhart urvantsev cc02gc cc07gc glaciomarine gunflint lecumberri savchenko cobaltnitrate bhattacharya ehrenfriedersdorf mymerkitic sangerhausen xianghsanzhong hydroxychloride benjaminite munchmeyer witwatersrand alumogoethite micronutrient administrative brachiopods autometasomatism aleinikoff langmuir itacolomi photosynthesis caciagli jaagbaan jsm7001f kleinvoigtsberg kuskokwim mujimbeji rhenohercynian torgashin shiwandashan abdulaziz counterbalance magnetotelluric johnbaumite ah2aso4 icm90a k389585 k389103 pw2404 pw2400 copenhagen copiapo maxeiner stereomicroscope 4lithoresearch cinzento jiudaocao rumiallana sociopolitical mokulaevsky ferriwinchite dzhezkazgan gorceixite galenobismutite himmelfahrt hokieflincs kremnicke loekb01 nunaarsussuaq sarhlef svecofennian yikuangdai reimplantation sublatitudinally schmidtsdrif tugtupite tugutublak nonreplacement 262rpq abdelghaffar slickenfibers 4fe5al2si3o10 daldykansky fusswinkel gesellschaft glucksstern gourcerol groblershoek holographic jhunjhunu nyurundukan nongnongping nondimensional nakokhozsky nunnarssusuaq rousseeuw sivasunder sobolevskite tecnologia tichomirova vasconcelos vielreicher wulanwuzhuer zerjadtke zolotukhin pentaerythritol dimethylglyoxime |