import numpy as np from joblib import Parallel, delayed import librosa from scipy.signal import filtfilt import scipy import tempfile from import tqdm def sigmoid(x, shift, mult): """ Using this sigmoid to discourage one network overpowering the other """ return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-(x + shift) * mult)) def get_time_smoothed_representation( spectral, samplerate, hop_length, time_constant_s=0.001 ): t_frames = time_constant_s * samplerate / float(hop_length) # By default, this solves the equation for b: # b**2 + (1 - b) / t_frames - 2 = 0 # which approximates the full-width half-max of the # squared frequency response of the IIR low-pass filt b = (np.sqrt(1 + 4 * t_frames ** 2) - 1) / (2 * t_frames ** 2) return filtfilt([b], [1, b - 1], spectral, axis=-1, padtype=None) def _smoothing_filter(n_grad_freq, n_grad_time): """Generates a filter to smooth the mask for the spectrogram Arguments: n_grad_freq {[type]} -- [how many frequency channels to smooth over with the mask.] n_grad_time {[type]} -- [how many time channels to smooth over with the mask.] """ smoothing_filter = np.outer( np.concatenate( [ np.linspace(0, 1, n_grad_freq + 1, endpoint=False), np.linspace(1, 0, n_grad_freq + 2), ] )[1:-1], np.concatenate( [ np.linspace(0, 1, n_grad_time + 1, endpoint=False), np.linspace(1, 0, n_grad_time + 2), ] )[1:-1], ) smoothing_filter = smoothing_filter / np.sum(smoothing_filter) return smoothing_filter class SpectralGate: def __init__( self, y, sr, prop_decrease, chunk_size, padding, n_fft, win_length, hop_length, time_constant_s, freq_mask_smooth_hz, time_mask_smooth_ms, tmp_folder, use_tqdm, n_jobs ): = sr # if this is a 1D single channel recording self.flat = False y = np.array(y) # reshape data to (#channels, #frames) if len(y.shape) == 1: self.y = np.expand_dims(y, 0) self.flat = True elif len(y.shape) > 2: raise ValueError("Waveform must be in shape (# frames, # channels)") else: self.y = y self._dtype = y.dtype # get the number of channels and frames in data self.n_channels, self.n_frames = self.y.shape self._chunk_size = chunk_size self.padding = padding self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.use_tqdm = use_tqdm # where to create a temp file for parallel # writing self._tmp_folder = tmp_folder ### Parameters for spectral gating self._n_fft = n_fft # set window and hop length for stft if win_length is None: self._win_length = self._n_fft else: self._win_length = win_length if hop_length is None: self._hop_length = self._win_length // 4 else: self._hop_length = hop_length self._time_constant_s = time_constant_s self._prop_decrease = prop_decrease if (freq_mask_smooth_hz is None) & (time_mask_smooth_ms is None): self.smooth_mask = False else: self._generate_mask_smoothing_filter(freq_mask_smooth_hz, time_mask_smooth_ms) def _generate_mask_smoothing_filter(self, freq_mask_smooth_hz, time_mask_smooth_ms): if freq_mask_smooth_hz is None: n_grad_freq = 1 else: # filter to smooth the mask n_grad_freq = int(freq_mask_smooth_hz / ( / (self._n_fft / 2))) if n_grad_freq < 1: raise ValueError( "freq_mask_smooth_hz needs to be at least {}Hz".format( int(( / (self._n_fft / 2))) ) ) if time_mask_smooth_ms is None: n_grad_time = 1 else: n_grad_time = int(time_mask_smooth_ms / ((self._hop_length / * 1000)) if n_grad_time < 1: raise ValueError( "time_mask_smooth_ms needs to be at least {}ms".format( int((self._hop_length / * 1000) ) ) if (n_grad_time == 1) & (n_grad_freq == 1): self.smooth_mask = False else: self.smooth_mask = True self._smoothing_filter = _smoothing_filter(n_grad_freq, n_grad_time) def _read_chunk(self, i1, i2): """read chunk and pad with zerros""" if i1 < 0: i1b = 0 else: i1b = i1 if i2 > self.n_frames: i2b = self.n_frames else: i2b = i2 chunk = np.zeros((self.n_channels, i2 - i1)) chunk[:, i1b - i1 : i2b - i1] = self.y[:, i1b:i2b] return chunk def filter_chunk(self, start_frame, end_frame): """Pad and perform filtering""" i1 = start_frame - self.padding i2 = end_frame + self.padding padded_chunk = self._read_chunk(i1, i2) filtered_padded_chunk = self._do_filter(padded_chunk) return filtered_padded_chunk[:, start_frame - i1 : end_frame - i1] def _get_filtered_chunk(self, ind): """Grabs a single chunk""" start0 = ind * self._chunk_size end0 = (ind + 1) * self._chunk_size return self.filter_chunk(start_frame=start0, end_frame=end0) def _do_filter(self, chunk): """Do the actual filtering""" raise NotImplementedError return chunk_filtered def _iterate_chunk(self, filtered_chunk, pos, end0, start0, ich): filtered_chunk0 = self._get_filtered_chunk(ich) filtered_chunk[:, pos : pos + end0 - start0] = filtered_chunk0[:, start0:end0] pos += end0 - start0 def get_traces(self, start_frame=None, end_frame=None): """Grab filtered data iterating over chunks""" if start_frame is None: start_frame = 0 if end_frame is None: end_frame = self.n_frames if self._chunk_size is not None: if end_frame - start_frame > self._chunk_size: ich1 = int(start_frame / self._chunk_size) ich2 = int((end_frame - 1) / self._chunk_size) # write output to temp memmap for parallelization with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=self._tmp_folder) as fp: # create temp file filtered_chunk = np.memmap( fp, dtype=self._dtype, shape=(self.n_channels, int(end_frame - start_frame)), mode="w+", ) pos_list = [] start_list = [] end_list = [] pos = 0 for ich in range(ich1, ich2 + 1): if ich == ich1: start0 = start_frame - ich * self._chunk_size else: start0 = 0 if ich == ich2: end0 = end_frame - ich * self._chunk_size else: end0 = self._chunk_size pos_list.append(pos) start_list.append(start0) end_list.append(end0) pos += end0 - start0 Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)(delayed(self._iterate_chunk)(filtered_chunk, pos, end0, start0, ich) for pos, start0, end0, ich in zip( tqdm(pos_list, disable=not(self.use_tqdm)), start_list, end_list, range(ich1, ich2 + 1) ) ) if self.flat: return filtered_chunk.astype(self._dtype).flatten() else: return filtered_chunk.astype(self._dtype) filtered_chunk = self.filter_chunk(start_frame=0, end_frame=end_frame) if self.flat: return filtered_chunk.astype(self._dtype).flatten() else: return filtered_chunk.astype(self._dtype) class SpectralGateNonStationary(SpectralGate): def __init__( self, y, sr, chunk_size, padding, n_fft, win_length, hop_length, time_constant_s, freq_mask_smooth_hz, time_mask_smooth_ms, thresh_n_mult_nonstationary, sigmoid_slope_nonstationary, tmp_folder, prop_decrease, use_tqdm, n_jobs ): self._thresh_n_mult_nonstationary = thresh_n_mult_nonstationary self._sigmoid_slope_nonstationary = sigmoid_slope_nonstationary super().__init__( y=y, sr=sr, chunk_size=chunk_size, padding=padding, n_fft=n_fft, win_length=win_length, hop_length=hop_length, time_constant_s=time_constant_s, freq_mask_smooth_hz=freq_mask_smooth_hz, time_mask_smooth_ms=time_mask_smooth_ms, tmp_folder=tmp_folder, prop_decrease=prop_decrease, use_tqdm=use_tqdm, n_jobs = n_jobs ) def spectral_gating_nonstationary(self, chunk): """non-stationary version of spectral gating""" denoised_channels = np.zeros(chunk.shape, chunk.dtype) for ci, channel in enumerate(chunk): sig_stft = librosa.stft( (channel), n_fft=self._n_fft, hop_length=self._hop_length, win_length=self._win_length, ) # get abs of signal stft abs_sig_stft = np.abs(sig_stft) # get the smoothed mean of the signal sig_stft_smooth = get_time_smoothed_representation( abs_sig_stft,, self._hop_length, time_constant_s=self._time_constant_s, ) # get the number of X above the mean the signal is sig_mult_above_thresh = (abs_sig_stft - sig_stft_smooth) / sig_stft_smooth # mask based on sigmoid sig_mask = sigmoid( sig_mult_above_thresh, -self._thresh_n_mult_nonstationary, self._sigmoid_slope_nonstationary ) if self.smooth_mask: # convolve the mask with a smoothing filter sig_mask = scipy.signal.fftconvolve( sig_mask, self._smoothing_filter, mode="same" ) sig_mask = sig_mask * self._prop_decrease + np.ones(np.shape(sig_mask)) * (1.0 - self._prop_decrease) # multiply signal with mask sig_stft_denoised = sig_stft * sig_mask # invert/recover the signal denoised_signal = librosa.istft( sig_stft_denoised, hop_length=self._hop_length, win_length=self._win_length, ) denoised_channels[ci, : len(denoised_signal)] = denoised_signal return denoised_channels def _do_filter(self, chunk): """Do the actual filtering""" chunk_filtered = self.spectral_gating_nonstationary(chunk) return chunk_filtered class SpectralGateStationary(SpectralGate): def __init__( self, y, sr, y_noise, n_std_thresh_stationary, chunk_size, clip_noise_stationary, padding, n_fft, win_length, hop_length, time_constant_s, freq_mask_smooth_hz, time_mask_smooth_ms, tmp_folder, prop_decrease, use_tqdm, n_jobs ): super().__init__( y=y, sr=sr, chunk_size=chunk_size, padding=padding, n_fft=n_fft, win_length=win_length, hop_length=hop_length, time_constant_s=time_constant_s, freq_mask_smooth_hz=freq_mask_smooth_hz, time_mask_smooth_ms=time_mask_smooth_ms, tmp_folder=tmp_folder, prop_decrease=prop_decrease, use_tqdm=use_tqdm, n_jobs = n_jobs ) self.n_std_thresh_stationary = n_std_thresh_stationary if y_noise is None: self.y_noise = self.y else: y_noise = np.array(y_noise) # reshape data to (#channels, #frames) if len(y_noise.shape) == 1: self.y_noise = np.expand_dims(y_noise, 0) elif len(y.shape) > 2: raise ValueError("Waveform must be in shape (# frames, # channels)") else: self.y_noise = y_noise # collapse y_noise to one channel self.y_noise = np.mean(self.y_noise, axis=0) if clip_noise_stationary: self.y_noise = self.y_noise[:chunk_size] # calculate statistics over y_noise abs_noise_stft = np.abs(librosa.stft( (self.y_noise), n_fft=self._n_fft, hop_length=self._hop_length, win_length=self._win_length, )) noise_stft_db = _amp_to_db(abs_noise_stft) self.mean_freq_noise = np.mean(noise_stft_db, axis=1) self.std_freq_noise = np.std(noise_stft_db, axis=1) self.noise_thresh = self.mean_freq_noise + self.std_freq_noise * self.n_std_thresh_stationary def spectral_gating_stationary(self, chunk): """non-stationary version of spectral gating""" denoised_channels = np.zeros(chunk.shape, chunk.dtype) for ci, channel in enumerate(chunk): sig_stft = librosa.stft( (channel), n_fft=self._n_fft, hop_length=self._hop_length, win_length=self._win_length, ) # spectrogram of signal in dB sig_stft_db = _amp_to_db(np.abs(sig_stft)) # calculate the threshold for each frequency/time bin db_thresh = np.repeat( np.reshape(self.noise_thresh, [1, len(self.mean_freq_noise)]), np.shape(sig_stft_db)[1], axis=0, ).T # mask if the signal is above the threshold sig_mask = sig_stft_db > db_thresh sig_mask = sig_mask * self._prop_decrease + np.ones(np.shape(sig_mask)) * (1.0 - self._prop_decrease) if self.smooth_mask: # convolve the mask with a smoothing filter sig_mask = scipy.signal.fftconvolve( sig_mask, self._smoothing_filter, mode="same" ) # multiply signal with mask sig_stft_denoised = sig_stft * sig_mask # invert/recover the signal denoised_signal = librosa.istft( sig_stft_denoised, hop_length=self._hop_length, win_length=self._win_length, ) denoised_channels[ci, : len(denoised_signal)] = denoised_signal return denoised_channels def _do_filter(self, chunk): """Do the actual filtering""" chunk_filtered = self.spectral_gating_stationary(chunk) return chunk_filtered def reduce_noise( y, sr, stationary=False, y_noise = None, prop_decrease = 1.0, time_constant_s=2.0, freq_mask_smooth_hz=500, time_mask_smooth_ms=50, thresh_n_mult_nonstationary=2, sigmoid_slope_nonstationary=10, n_std_thresh_stationary = 1.5, tmp_folder=None, chunk_size=600000, padding=30000, n_fft=1024, win_length=None, hop_length=None, clip_noise_stationary = True, use_tqdm=False, n_jobs = 1 ): """ Reduce noise via spectral gating. Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray [shape=(# frames,) or (# channels, # frames)], real-valued input signal sr : int sample rate of input signal / noise signal y_noise : np.ndarray [shape=(# frames,) or (# channels, # frames)], real-valued noise signal to compute statistics over (only for non-stationary noise reduction). stationary : bool, optional Whether to perform stationary, or non-stationary noise reduction, by default False prop_decrease : float, optional The proportion to reduce the noise by (1.0 = 100%), by default 1.0 time_constant_s : float, optional The time constant, in seconds, to compute the noise floor in the non-stationary algorithm, by default 2.0 freq_mask_smooth_hz : int, optional The frequency range to smooth the mask over in Hz, by default 500 time_mask_smooth_ms : int, optional The time range to smooth the mask over in milliseconds, by default 50 thresh_n_mult_nonstationary : int, optional Only used in nonstationary noise reduction., by default 1 sigmoid_slope_nonstationary : int, optional Only used in nonstationary noise reduction., by default 10 n_std_thresh_stationary : int, optional Number of standard deviations above mean to place the threshold between signal and noise., by default 1.5 tmp_folder : [type], optional Temp folder to write waveform to during parallel processing. Defaults to default temp folder for python., by default None chunk_size : int, optional Size of signal chunks to reduce noise over. Larger sizes will take more space in memory, smaller sizes can take longer to compute. , by default 60000 padding : int, optional How much to pad each chunk of signal by. Larger pads are needed for larger time constants., by default 30000 n_fft : int, optional length of the windowed signal after padding with zeros. The number of rows in the STFT matrix ``D`` is ``(1 + n_fft/2)``. The default value, ``n_fft=2048`` samples, corresponds to a physical duration of 93 milliseconds at a sample rate of 22050 Hz, i.e. the default sample rate in librosa. This value is well adapted for music signals. However, in speech processing, the recommended value is 512, corresponding to 23 milliseconds at a sample rate of 22050 Hz. In any case, we recommend setting ``n_fft`` to a power of two for optimizing the speed of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm., by default 1024 win_length : [type], optional Each frame of audio is windowed by ``window`` of length ``win_length`` and then padded with zeros to match ``n_fft``. Smaller values improve the temporal resolution of the STFT (i.e. the ability to discriminate impulses that are closely spaced in time) at the expense of frequency resolution (i.e. the ability to discriminate pure tones that are closely spaced in frequency). This effect is known as the time-frequency localization trade-off and needs to be adjusted according to the properties of the input signal ``y``. If unspecified, defaults to ``win_length = n_fft``., by default None hop_length : [type], optional number of audio samples between adjacent STFT columns. Smaller values increase the number of columns in ``D`` without affecting the frequency resolution of the STFT. If unspecified, defaults to ``win_length // 4`` (see below)., by default None use_tqdm : bool, optional Whether to show tqdm progress bar, by default False n_jobs : int, optional Number of parallel jobs to run. Set at -1 to use all CPU cores, by default 1 """ if stationary: sg = SpectralGateStationary( y=y, sr=sr, y_noise = y_noise, prop_decrease =prop_decrease, n_std_thresh_stationary = n_std_thresh_stationary, chunk_size=chunk_size, clip_noise_stationary = clip_noise_stationary, padding=padding, n_fft=n_fft, win_length=win_length, hop_length=hop_length, time_constant_s=time_constant_s, freq_mask_smooth_hz=freq_mask_smooth_hz, time_mask_smooth_ms=time_mask_smooth_ms, tmp_folder=tmp_folder, use_tqdm=use_tqdm, n_jobs = n_jobs ) else: sg = SpectralGateNonStationary( y=y, sr=sr, chunk_size=chunk_size, padding=padding, prop_decrease =prop_decrease, n_fft=n_fft, win_length=win_length, hop_length=hop_length, time_constant_s=time_constant_s, freq_mask_smooth_hz=freq_mask_smooth_hz, time_mask_smooth_ms=time_mask_smooth_ms, thresh_n_mult_nonstationary=thresh_n_mult_nonstationary, sigmoid_slope_nonstationary=sigmoid_slope_nonstationary, tmp_folder=tmp_folder, use_tqdm=use_tqdm, n_jobs = n_jobs ) return sg.get_traces() def _amp_to_db(x): return librosa.core.amplitude_to_db(x, ref=1.0, amin=1e-20, top_db=80.0) def _db_to_amp(x,): return librosa.core.db_to_amplitude(x, ref=1.0)