"""File selection dialog classes. |
Classes: |
- FileDialog |
- LoadFileDialog |
- SaveFileDialog |
This module also presents tk common file dialogues, it provides interfaces |
to the native file dialogues available in Tk 4.2 and newer, and the |
directory dialogue available in Tk 8.3 and newer. |
These interfaces were written by Fredrik Lundh, May 1997. |
""" |
__all__ = ["FileDialog", "LoadFileDialog", "SaveFileDialog", |
"Open", "SaveAs", "Directory", |
"askopenfilename", "asksaveasfilename", "askopenfilenames", |
"askopenfile", "askopenfiles", "asksaveasfile", "askdirectory"] |
import fnmatch |
import os |
from tkinter import ( |
Frame, LEFT, YES, BOTTOM, Entry, TOP, Button, Tk, X, |
Toplevel, RIGHT, Y, END, Listbox, BOTH, Scrollbar, |
) |
from tkinter.dialog import Dialog |
from tkinter import commondialog |
from tkinter.simpledialog import _setup_dialog |
dialogstates = {} |
class FileDialog: |
"""Standard file selection dialog -- no checks on selected file. |
Usage: |
d = FileDialog(master) |
fname = d.go(dir_or_file, pattern, default, key) |
if fname is None: ...canceled... |
else: ...open file... |
All arguments to go() are optional. |
The 'key' argument specifies a key in the global dictionary |
'dialogstates', which keeps track of the values for the directory |
and pattern arguments, overriding the values passed in (it does |
not keep track of the default argument!). If no key is specified, |
the dialog keeps no memory of previous state. Note that memory is |
kept even when the dialog is canceled. (All this emulates the |
behavior of the Macintosh file selection dialogs.) |
""" |
title = "File Selection Dialog" |
def __init__(self, master, title=None): |
if title is None: title = self.title |
self.master = master |
self.directory = None |
self.top = Toplevel(master) |
self.top.title(title) |
self.top.iconname(title) |
_setup_dialog(self.top) |
self.botframe = Frame(self.top) |
self.botframe.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) |
self.selection = Entry(self.top) |
self.selection.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) |
self.selection.bind('<Return>', self.ok_event) |
self.filter = Entry(self.top) |
self.filter.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) |
self.filter.bind('<Return>', self.filter_command) |
self.midframe = Frame(self.top) |
self.midframe.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH) |
self.filesbar = Scrollbar(self.midframe) |
self.filesbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) |
self.files = Listbox(self.midframe, exportselection=0, |
yscrollcommand=(self.filesbar, 'set')) |
self.files.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) |
btags = self.files.bindtags() |
self.files.bindtags(btags[1:] + btags[:1]) |
self.files.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.files_select_event) |
self.files.bind('<Double-ButtonRelease-1>', self.files_double_event) |
self.filesbar.config(command=(self.files, 'yview')) |
self.dirsbar = Scrollbar(self.midframe) |
self.dirsbar.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) |
self.dirs = Listbox(self.midframe, exportselection=0, |
yscrollcommand=(self.dirsbar, 'set')) |
self.dirs.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) |
self.dirsbar.config(command=(self.dirs, 'yview')) |
btags = self.dirs.bindtags() |
self.dirs.bindtags(btags[1:] + btags[:1]) |
self.dirs.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.dirs_select_event) |
self.dirs.bind('<Double-ButtonRelease-1>', self.dirs_double_event) |
self.ok_button = Button(self.botframe, |
text="OK", |
command=self.ok_command) |
self.ok_button.pack(side=LEFT) |
self.filter_button = Button(self.botframe, |
text="Filter", |
command=self.filter_command) |
self.filter_button.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES) |
self.cancel_button = Button(self.botframe, |
text="Cancel", |
command=self.cancel_command) |
self.cancel_button.pack(side=RIGHT) |
self.top.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.cancel_command) |
self.top.bind('<Alt-w>', self.cancel_command) |
self.top.bind('<Alt-W>', self.cancel_command) |
def go(self, dir_or_file=os.curdir, pattern="*", default="", key=None): |
if key and key in dialogstates: |
self.directory, pattern = dialogstates[key] |
else: |
dir_or_file = os.path.expanduser(dir_or_file) |
if os.path.isdir(dir_or_file): |
self.directory = dir_or_file |
else: |
self.directory, default = os.path.split(dir_or_file) |
self.set_filter(self.directory, pattern) |
self.set_selection(default) |
self.filter_command() |
self.selection.focus_set() |
self.top.wait_visibility() |
self.top.grab_set() |
self.how = None |
self.master.mainloop() |
if key: |
directory, pattern = self.get_filter() |
if self.how: |
directory = os.path.dirname(self.how) |
dialogstates[key] = directory, pattern |
self.top.destroy() |
return self.how |
def quit(self, how=None): |
self.how = how |
self.master.quit() |
def dirs_double_event(self, event): |
self.filter_command() |
def dirs_select_event(self, event): |
dir, pat = self.get_filter() |
subdir = self.dirs.get('active') |
dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.directory, subdir)) |
self.set_filter(dir, pat) |
def files_double_event(self, event): |
self.ok_command() |
def files_select_event(self, event): |
file = self.files.get('active') |
self.set_selection(file) |
def ok_event(self, event): |
self.ok_command() |
def ok_command(self): |
self.quit(self.get_selection()) |
def filter_command(self, event=None): |
dir, pat = self.get_filter() |
try: |
names = os.listdir(dir) |
except OSError: |
self.master.bell() |
return |
self.directory = dir |
self.set_filter(dir, pat) |
names.sort() |
subdirs = [os.pardir] |
matchingfiles = [] |
for name in names: |
fullname = os.path.join(dir, name) |
if os.path.isdir(fullname): |
subdirs.append(name) |
elif fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pat): |
matchingfiles.append(name) |
self.dirs.delete(0, END) |
for name in subdirs: |
self.dirs.insert(END, name) |
self.files.delete(0, END) |
for name in matchingfiles: |
self.files.insert(END, name) |
head, tail = os.path.split(self.get_selection()) |
if tail == os.curdir: tail = '' |
self.set_selection(tail) |
def get_filter(self): |
filter = self.filter.get() |
filter = os.path.expanduser(filter) |
if filter[-1:] == os.sep or os.path.isdir(filter): |
filter = os.path.join(filter, "*") |
return os.path.split(filter) |
def get_selection(self): |
file = self.selection.get() |
file = os.path.expanduser(file) |
return file |
def cancel_command(self, event=None): |
self.quit() |
def set_filter(self, dir, pat): |
if not os.path.isabs(dir): |
try: |
pwd = os.getcwd() |
except OSError: |
pwd = None |
if pwd: |
dir = os.path.join(pwd, dir) |
dir = os.path.normpath(dir) |
self.filter.delete(0, END) |
self.filter.insert(END, os.path.join(dir or os.curdir, pat or "*")) |
def set_selection(self, file): |
self.selection.delete(0, END) |
self.selection.insert(END, os.path.join(self.directory, file)) |
class LoadFileDialog(FileDialog): |
"""File selection dialog which checks that the file exists.""" |
title = "Load File Selection Dialog" |
def ok_command(self): |
file = self.get_selection() |
if not os.path.isfile(file): |
self.master.bell() |
else: |
self.quit(file) |
class SaveFileDialog(FileDialog): |
"""File selection dialog which checks that the file may be created.""" |
title = "Save File Selection Dialog" |
def ok_command(self): |
file = self.get_selection() |
if os.path.exists(file): |
if os.path.isdir(file): |
self.master.bell() |
return |
d = Dialog(self.top, |
title="Overwrite Existing File Question", |
text="Overwrite existing file %r?" % (file,), |
bitmap='questhead', |
default=1, |
strings=("Yes", "Cancel")) |
if d.num != 0: |
return |
else: |
head, tail = os.path.split(file) |
if not os.path.isdir(head): |
self.master.bell() |
return |
self.quit(file) |
class _Dialog(commondialog.Dialog): |
def _fixoptions(self): |
try: |
self.options["filetypes"] = tuple(self.options["filetypes"]) |
except KeyError: |
pass |
def _fixresult(self, widget, result): |
if result: |
try: |
result = result.string |
except AttributeError: |
pass |
path, file = os.path.split(result) |
self.options["initialdir"] = path |
self.options["initialfile"] = file |
self.filename = result |
return result |
class Open(_Dialog): |
"Ask for a filename to open" |
command = "tk_getOpenFile" |
def _fixresult(self, widget, result): |
if isinstance(result, tuple): |
result = tuple([getattr(r, "string", r) for r in result]) |
if result: |
path, file = os.path.split(result[0]) |
self.options["initialdir"] = path |
return result |
if not widget.tk.wantobjects() and "multiple" in self.options: |
return self._fixresult(widget, widget.tk.splitlist(result)) |
return _Dialog._fixresult(self, widget, result) |
class SaveAs(_Dialog): |
"Ask for a filename to save as" |
command = "tk_getSaveFile" |
class Directory(commondialog.Dialog): |
"Ask for a directory" |
command = "tk_chooseDirectory" |
def _fixresult(self, widget, result): |
if result: |
try: |
result = result.string |
except AttributeError: |
pass |
self.options["initialdir"] = result |
self.directory = result |
return result |
def askopenfilename(**options): |
"Ask for a filename to open" |
return Open(**options).show() |
def asksaveasfilename(**options): |
"Ask for a filename to save as" |
return SaveAs(**options).show() |
def askopenfilenames(**options): |
"""Ask for multiple filenames to open |
Returns a list of filenames or empty list if |
cancel button selected |
""" |
options["multiple"]=1 |
return Open(**options).show() |
def askopenfile(mode = "r", **options): |
"Ask for a filename to open, and returned the opened file" |
filename = Open(**options).show() |
if filename: |
return open(filename, mode) |
return None |
def askopenfiles(mode = "r", **options): |
"""Ask for multiple filenames and return the open file |
objects |
returns a list of open file objects or an empty list if |
cancel selected |
""" |
files = askopenfilenames(**options) |
if files: |
ofiles=[] |
for filename in files: |
ofiles.append(open(filename, mode)) |
files=ofiles |
return files |
def asksaveasfile(mode = "w", **options): |
"Ask for a filename to save as, and returned the opened file" |
filename = SaveAs(**options).show() |
if filename: |
return open(filename, mode) |
return None |
def askdirectory (**options): |
"Ask for a directory, and return the file name" |
return Directory(**options).show() |
def test(): |
"""Simple test program.""" |
root = Tk() |
root.withdraw() |
fd = LoadFileDialog(root) |
loadfile = fd.go(key="test") |
fd = SaveFileDialog(root) |
savefile = fd.go(key="test") |
print(loadfile, savefile) |
enc = "utf-8" |
import sys |
try: |
import locale |
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,'') |
enc = locale.nl_langinfo(locale.CODESET) |
except (ImportError, AttributeError): |
pass |
openfilename=askopenfilename(filetypes=[("all files", "*")]) |
try: |
fp=open(openfilename,"r") |
fp.close() |
except: |
print("Could not open File: ") |
print(sys.exc_info()[1]) |
print("open", openfilename.encode(enc)) |
saveasfilename=asksaveasfilename() |
print("saveas", saveasfilename.encode(enc)) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
test() |