--- tags: - autotrain - text-classification - protein-classification - protbert - antiobiotic-resistance widget: - text: I love AutoTrain - text: M T L A L V G E K I D R N R F T G E K V E N S T F F N C D F S G A D L S G T E F I G C Q F Y D R E S Q K G C N F S R A N L K D A I F K S C D L S M A D F R N I N A L G I E I R H C R A Q G S D F R G A S F M N M I T T R T W F C S A Y I T N T N L S Y A N F S K V V L E K C E L W E N R W M G T Q V L G A T F S G S D L S G G E F S S F D W R A A N V T H C D L T N S E L G D L D I R G V D L Q G V K L D S Y Q A S L L L E R L G I A V M G datasets: - as-cle-bert/AMR-Gene-Families pipeline_tag: text-classification ---
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# resistML A tool for AMR gene family prediction, simple and ML-based. Please refer to [this GitHub repository](https://github.com/AstraBert/resistML). ## Training ### Data collection for training Latest reference sequences release (Feb 2024) were downloaded from **CARD** (*The Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database*). If you want to automatically download them too, use `this link `_. Protein sequences were mapped with their ARO indices to the corrresponding AMR gene families (see [this file](https://github.com/AstraBert/resistML/tree/main/data/aro_categories_index.tsv) for reference) and the 12 most common families were chosen to train resistML and resistBERT. ### Training procedures #### resistML (stable) resistML was trained starting from all the protein sequences retrieved beforehands, extracting their features in a [csv file](https://github.com/AstraBert/resistML/tree/main/data/proteinstats.tsv). Features were extracted through biopython `Bio.SeqUtils.ProtParam --> ProteinAnalysis` subclass, and they are (maiusc is for the header you can find in the csv): - HIDROPHOBICITY score - ISOELECTRIC point - AROMATICity - INSTABility - MW (molar weight) - HELIX,TURN,SHEET (percentage of these three secondary strcutures) - MOL_EXT_RED,MOL_EXT_OX (molar extinction reduced and oxidized) Dataset building occured [here](https://github.com/AstraBert/resistML/tree/main/scripts/build_base_dataset.py) The base model itself is a simple Voting Classifier based on a DecisionTreeClassifier, ExtraTreesClassifier and HistGradientBoostingClassifier, all provided by scikit-learn library. During validation, it yielded 100% accuracy on predicting training data. #### resistBERT (unstable) resistBERT is a BERT model for text classification, finetuned from [prot_bert](https://huggingface.co./Rostlab/prot_bert) by RosettaLab. Data using from finetuning were a selection of 1496 sequences out of the total 1836 ones. 80% were used for training, 20% were used for validations. Sequences were preprocessed and labelled [here](https://github.com/AstraBert/resistML/tree/main/scripts/build_base_dataset.py), then the complete jsonl file was reduced [here](https://github.com/AstraBert/resistML/tree/main/scripts/reduce_dataset.py) and uploaded to Huggingface under the identifier `as-cle-bert/AMR-Gene-Families` through [this script](https://github.com/AstraBert/resistML/tree/main/scripts/jsonl2hfdataset.py). Finetuning occurred from the HF dataset thanks to AutoTrain: during validation, the model yielded the following stats: - loss: 0.08235077559947968 - f1_macro: 0.986759581881533 - f1_micro: 0.99 - f1_weighted: 0.9899790940766551 - precision_macro: 0.9871615312791784 - precision_micro: 0.99 - precision_weighted: 0.9901213818860879 - recall_macro: 0.986574074074074 - recall_micro: 0.99 - recall_weighted: 0.99 - accuracy: 0.99 The model is now available on Huggingface under the identifier `as-cle-bert/resistBERT`. There is also a widget through which you can make inferences thanks to HF `Inference API`. Keep in mind that Inference API *can* be unstable, so downloading the model and using it from a local machine/cloud service would be preferable. ## Testing ### Data retrieval for tests Data were downloaded from **CARD** (*The Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database*), as the annotations for the family names used to label training sequences were the same. For families "PDC beta-lactamase", "CTX-M beta-lactamase", "SHV beta-lactamase", "CMY beta-lactamase", sequences were downloaded after having searched the exact AMR gene family as in the labels used for training, through `Download sequences` method. In the downloading customization page, filters were set to `is_a` and `Protein`. For all the other families, procedure was the same but customization filters were set to `is_a`, `structurally_homologous_to`, `evolutionary_variant_of` and `Protein` to increase the number of retrieved sequences. ### Test building Test were built thanks to [this script](https://github.com/AstraBert/resistML/tree/main/scripts/build_tests.py). These are the test metadata: **Metadata for test 0:** - Protein statistics for resistML were saved in test/testfiles/test_0.csv - Sequences and labels for resistBERT were saved in test/testfiles/test_0.jsonl - 12 protein sequences were taken into account for 2 families - Families taken into account were: quinolone resistance protein (qnr), CMY beta-lactamase **Metadata for test 1:** - Protein statistics for resistML were saved in test/testfiles/test_1.csv - Sequences and labels for resistBERT were saved in test/testfiles/test_1.jsonl - 11 protein sequences were taken into account for 2 families - Families taken into account were: VIM beta-lactamase,IMP beta-lactamase **Metadata for test 2:** - Protein statistics for resistML were saved in test/testfiles/test_2.csv - Sequences and labels for resistBERT were saved in test/testfiles/test_2.jsonl - 13 protein sequences were taken into account for 2 families - Families taken into account were: quinolone resistance protein (qnr),SHV beta-lactamase **Metadata for test 3:** - Protein statistics for resistML were saved in test/testfiles/test_3.csv - Sequences and labels for resistBERT were saved in test/testfiles/test_3.jsonl - 10 protein sequences were taken into account for 3 families - Families taken into account were: quinolone resistance protein (qnr),VIM beta-lactamase,CMY beta-lactamase **Metadata for test 4:** - Protein statistics for resistML were saved in test/testfiles/test_4.csv - Sequences and labels for resistBERT were saved in test/testfiles/test_4.jsonl - 12 protein sequences were taken into account for 2 families - Families taken into account were: CMY beta-lactamase,IMP beta-lactamase **Metadata for test 5:** - Protein statistics for resistML were saved in test/testfiles/test_5.csv - Sequences and labels for resistBERT were saved in test/testfiles/test_5.jsonl - 12 protein sequences were taken into account for 2 families - Families taken into account were: VIM beta-lactamase,SHV beta-lactamase **Metadata for test 6:** - Protein statistics for resistML were saved in test/testfiles/test_6.csv - Sequences and labels for resistBERT were saved in test/testfiles/test_6.jsonl - 11 protein sequences were taken into account for 3 families - Families taken into account were: PDC beta-lactamase,MCR phosphoethanolamine transferase,ACT beta-lactamase **Metadata for test 7:** - Protein statistics for resistML were saved in test/testfiles/test_7.csv - Sequences and labels for resistBERT were saved in test/testfiles/test_7.jsonl - 10 protein sequences were taken into account for 3 families - Families taken into account were: MCR phosphoethanolamine transferase,CTX-M beta-lactamase,PDC beta-lactamase **Metadata for test 8:** - Protein statistics for resistML were saved in test/testfiles/test_8.csv - Sequences and labels for resistBERT were saved in test/testfiles/test_8.jsonl - 12 protein sequences were taken into account for 2 families - Families taken into account were: ACT beta-lactamase,CMY beta-lactamase **Metadata for test 9:** - Protein statistics for resistML were saved in test/testfiles/test_9.csv - Sequences and labels for resistBERT were saved in test/testfiles/test_9.jsonl - 15 protein sequences were taken into account for 3 families - Families taken into account were: quinolone resistance protein (qnr),SHV beta-lactamase,KPC beta-lactamase All data can be found [here](http://github.com/AstraBert/resistML/tree/main/test), along with the seqences used to generate them. ### Test results **resistML** yielded 100% accuracy, f1 score, recall score and precision score in all 10 tests. **resistBERT** was more unstable: - On test_0, test_2, test_4, test_6, test_7, test_8 and test_9 yielded 100% accuracy, f1 score, recall score and precision score - On test_1 it yielded: 1. Accuracy: 50% 2. f1 score: 33% 3. Precision: 25% 4. Recall: 50% - On test_3 it yielded 66.7% accuracy, f1 score, recall score and precision score - On test_5 it yielded 50% accuracy, f1 score, recall score and precision score All results for resistBERT can be found [in the dedicated notebook](http://github.com/AstraBert/resistML/scripts/test_resistBERT.ipynb) . ## License and rights of usage The[ GitHub repository](http://github.com/AstraBert/resistML) is provided under MIT license (more at [LICENSE](https://github.com/AstraBert/resistML/tree/main/LICENSE)`). If you use this work for your projects, please consider citing the author [Astra Bertelli](http://astrabert.vercel.app). ## References 1. **CARD - The Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database** 2. **Biopython** 3. **Scikit-learn** 4. **Hugging Face's prot_bert Model** 5. **Hugging Face's AutoTrain** If you feel that your work was relevant in building resistML and you weren't referenced in this section, feel free to flag an issue on GitHub or to contact the author.