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# Copyright (c) 2025, Anemll All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can be
# found in the LICENSE.txt file or at
import coremltools as ct
import numpy as np
import torch
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
import os
import time, sys
import signal
import traceback
import torch.nn.functional as F
import queue
import threading
import re
# Configuration
CONTEXT_LENGTH = 1024 # Changed default from 512 to 1024
MODEL_PATH = os.path.expanduser("../DeepSeekR1-8B")
ENABLE_VACAB_SPLIT8 = True # Enable 8-way vocab split
ENABLE_LOGITS2 = False # Enable 2-way vocab split
ENABLE_DEBUG = bool(0)
ENABLE_CHAT_DEBUG = bool(0) # Debug flag for chat loop
# ANSI color codes
LIGHT_BLUE = "\033[94m"
DARK_BLUE = "\033[34m"
LIGHT_GREEN = "\033[92m"
RESET_COLOR = "\033[0m"
assert not ENABLE_ARGMAX, "ENABLE_ARGMAX must be False when ENABLE_LOGITS2 is True"
def load_model(path, compute_unit=ct.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE, function_name=None):
"""Load either compiled or uncompiled CoreML model.
path: Path to the model file (.mlmodelc or .mlpackage)
compute_unit: CoreML compute unit to use
function_name: Optional function name to select from multi-function models
DebugLog(f"Attempting to load model: {path}")
DebugLog(f"File exists: {os.path.exists(path)}")
DebugLog(f"Is directory (for mlmodelc): {os.path.isdir(path)}")
if path.endswith('.mlmodelc'):
DebugLog(f"Loading compiled model: {path}")
if function_name is None:
DebugLog("Loading without function name")
model = ct.models.CompiledMLModel(path, compute_unit)
DebugLog(f"Loading with function name: {function_name}")
model = ct.models.CompiledMLModel(path, compute_unit, function_name=function_name)
DebugLog(f"Loading uncompiled model: {path}")
if function_name is None:
DebugLog("Loading without function name")
model = ct.models.MLModel(model=path, compute_units=compute_unit, is_temp_package=False)
DebugLog(f"Loading with function name: {function_name}")
model = ct.models.MLModel(model=path, compute_units=compute_unit, is_temp_package=False, function_name=function_name)
DebugLog("Model loaded successfully")
return model
except Exception as e:
DebugLog(f"Error loading model: {str(e)}")
DebugLog(f"Error type: {type(e)}")
class SplitModelInference:
def __init__(self, model_parts, model_dir="."):
"""Initialize split model inference.
model_parts (list): List of model part numbers to load
Special cases:
- 'C123' for combined part2 with prefill/infer functions
- 'S123' for split model with prefill/infer functions
- 'Q123' for quad split (2Q1-2Q4)
- 'Q123S' for quad split with combined prefill/infer (2Q1S-2Q4S)
- '123D' for dual split without prefill/infer (2D1-2D2)
model_dir (str): Directory containing the model files (default: current directory)
self.context_size = CONTEXT_LENGTH
self.model_dir = model_dir
DebugLog(f"Loading models from directory: {self.model_dir}")
# Parse configuration
self.quant_configs = {}
global_lut = None
if model_parts and model_parts[-1].startswith('lut'):
global_lut = model_parts[-1]
model_parts = model_parts[:-1]
# Special handling for different split modes
if len(model_parts) == 1:
if model_parts[0] == '123D': # Dual split without prefill/infer
self.use_combined_part2 = False
self.use_split_model = True
self.use_split_functions = False
self.use_quad_split = False
self.use_quad_split_combined = False
self.model_parts = ['1', '2D1', '2D2', '3']
if global_lut:
self.quant_configs = {part: global_lut for part in self.model_parts}
DebugLog(f"Using dual split model with parts: {self.model_parts}")
elif model_parts[0].startswith('C123'): # Combined part2
self.use_combined_part2 = True
self.use_split_model = False
self.use_split_functions = False
self.use_quad_split = False
self.use_quad_split_combined = False
self.model_parts = ['1', '2', '3']
if global_lut:
self.quant_configs = {part: global_lut for part in self.model_parts}
DebugLog(f"Using combined part2 model with parts: {self.model_parts}")
elif model_parts[0].startswith('S123'): # Split model with prefill/infer functions
self.use_combined_part2 = False
self.use_split_model = True
self.use_split_functions = True
self.use_quad_split = False
self.use_quad_split_combined = False
self.model_parts = ['1', '2D1S', '2D2S', '3']
elif model_parts[0].startswith('Q123S'): # Quad split with combined prefill/infer
self.use_combined_part2 = False
self.use_split_model = True
self.use_split_functions = False
self.use_quad_split = False
self.use_quad_split_combined = True
self.model_parts = ['1', '2Q1S', '2Q2S', '2Q3S', '2Q4S', '3']
elif model_parts[0].startswith('Q123'): # Regular quad split
self.use_combined_part2 = False
self.use_split_model = True
self.use_split_functions = False
self.use_quad_split = True
self.use_quad_split_combined = False
self.model_parts = ['1', '2Q1', '2Q2', '2Q3', '2Q4', '3']
self.use_combined_part2 = False
self.use_split_model = False
self.use_split_functions = False
self.use_quad_split = False
self.use_quad_split_combined = False
self.model_parts = model_parts
self.use_combined_part2 = False
self.use_split_model = False
self.use_split_functions = False
self.use_quad_split = False
self.use_quad_split_combined = False
self.model_parts = model_parts
# Apply global quantization if specified
if global_lut and not self.use_combined_part2: # Skip if already applied for C123
self.quant_configs = {part: global_lut for part in self.model_parts}
DebugLog(f"Using model parts: {self.model_parts}")
if global_lut:
DebugLog(f"With global quantization: {global_lut}")
if self.use_combined_part2:
DebugLog("Using combined part2 model with prefill/infer functions")
elif self.use_split_functions:
DebugLog("Using split model with prefill/infer functions")
elif self.use_quad_split:
DebugLog("Using quad split transformer model (2Q1-2Q4)")
elif self.use_quad_split_combined:
DebugLog("Using combined quad split transformer model (2Q1S-2Q4S)")
self.models = {}
self.states = {}
def find_model_path(self, base_name, description="model"):
"""Find model path, checking mlmodelc first then mlpackage.
Also tries both with and without lut suffix.
base_name: Base name of the model without extension
description: Description for error message (e.g., "Split model part 2D1S")
str: Path to the found model file
FileNotFoundError: If neither mlmodelc nor mlpackage exists
# For quad split parts, only try mlmodelc
if any(part in base_name for part in ['2Q1S', '2Q2S', '2Q3S', '2Q4S', '2Q1', '2Q2', '2Q3', '2Q4']):
model_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, f"{base_name}.mlmodelc")
if os.path.exists(model_path):
return model_path
# If not found, try without lut suffix
if '_lut' in base_name:
base_without_lut = base_name.split('_lut')[0]
model_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, f"{base_without_lut}.mlmodelc")
if os.path.exists(model_path):
return model_path
# Neither exists
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{description} not found: {base_name}.mlmodelc does not exist" +
(f" (also tried {base_name.split('_lut')[0]}.mlmodelc)" if '_lut' in base_name else ""))
# For other parts, try both mlmodelc and mlpackage
for ext in ['.mlmodelc', '.mlpackage']:
model_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, f"{base_name}{ext}")
if os.path.exists(model_path):
return model_path
# If not found, try without lut suffix
if '_lut' in base_name:
base_without_lut = base_name.split('_lut')[0]
for ext in ['.mlmodelc', '.mlpackage']:
model_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, f"{base_without_lut}{ext}")
if os.path.exists(model_path):
return model_path
# Neither exists
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{description} not found: neither {base_name}.mlmodelc nor {base_name}.mlpackage exist in {self.model_dir}" +
(f" (also tried {base_name.split('_lut')[0]}.mlmodelc/mlpackage)" if '_lut' in base_name else ""))
def load_models(self):
"""Load each model part."""
DebugLog("Loading model parts...")
for part in self.model_parts:
quant_suffix = f"_{self.quant_configs[part]}" if part in self.quant_configs else ""
model_key = f"{part}{quant_suffix}" # Use this as the key in self.models
if part == '2' and self.use_combined_part2:
# Load combined part2 with multiple functions
base_name = f"llama32_part2_combined{quant_suffix}"
model_path = self.find_model_path(base_name, "Combined part2 model")
DebugLog(f"Loading combined part2 model: {model_path}")
# Load prefill function
self.models['2_prefill'] = load_model(model_path, compute_unit=ct.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE, function_name='prefill')
# Load infer function
self.models['2_infer'] = load_model(model_path, compute_unit=ct.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE, function_name='infer')
# Create shared state
self.states['transformer'] = self.models['2_prefill'].make_state()
DebugLog("Combined part2 model loaded successfully")
elif part == '2' and not self.use_combined_part2:
# Load regular part2 model
base_name = f"llama32_part2{quant_suffix}"
model_path = self.find_model_path(base_name, "Regular part2 model")
DebugLog(f"Loading regular part2 model: {model_path}")
self.models[model_key] = load_model(model_path)
self.states['transformer'] = self.models[model_key].make_state()
DebugLog("Regular part2 model loaded successfully")
elif part in ['2D1S', '2D2S'] and self.use_split_functions:
# Load split model with prefill/infer functions
base_name = f"llama32_part{part}{quant_suffix}"
model_path = self.find_model_path(base_name, f"Split model part {part}")
DebugLog(f"Loading split model part {part}: {model_path}")
# Load prefill function
self.models[f'{part}_prefill'] = load_model(model_path, compute_unit=ct.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE, function_name='prefill')
# Load infer function
self.models[f'{part}_infer'] = load_model(model_path, compute_unit=ct.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE, function_name='infer')
# Create shared state for first part only
if part == '2D1S':
self.states['transformer'] = self.models[f'{part}_infer'].make_state()
DebugLog(f"Split model part {part} loaded successfully")
elif part.endswith('S') and self.use_quad_split_combined:
# Load combined quad split model with prefill/infer functions
base_name = f"llama32_part{part}{quant_suffix}"
model_path = self.find_model_path(base_name, f"Combined quad split part {part}")
DebugLog(f"Loading combined quad split part {part}: {model_path}")
# Load prefill function
self.models[f'{part}_prefill'] = load_model(model_path, compute_unit=ct.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE, function_name='prefill')
# Load infer function
self.models[f'{part}_infer'] = load_model(model_path, compute_unit=ct.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE, function_name='infer')
# Create shared state for first part only
if part == '2Q1S':
self.states['transformer'] = self.models[f'{part}_infer'].make_state()
DebugLog(f"Created shared transformer state for all quad split parts")
DebugLog(f"Combined quad split part {part} loaded successfully")
elif part.startswith('2Q') and self.use_quad_split:
# Load quad split model with prefill/infer functions
# Append 'S' to part name for file lookup
base_name = f"llama32_part{part}S{quant_suffix}"
model_path = self.find_model_path(base_name, f"Quad split part {part}")
DebugLog(f"Loading quad split part {part}: {model_path}")
# Load prefill function
self.models[f'{part}_prefill'] = load_model(model_path, compute_unit=ct.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE, function_name='prefill')
# Load infer function
self.models[f'{part}_infer'] = load_model(model_path, compute_unit=ct.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE, function_name='infer')
# Create shared state for first part only
if part == '2Q1':
self.states['transformer'] = self.models[f'{part}_infer'].make_state()
DebugLog(f"Created shared transformer state for all quad split parts")
print(f"Created shared transformer state for all quad split parts")
print(f"Quad split part {part} loaded successfully")
# Load regular models (part 1 and part3)
base_name = f"llama32_part{part}{quant_suffix}"
model_path = self.find_model_path(base_name, f"Regular part {part}")
print(f"[MODEL LOAD] Regular part {part}:")
print(f" - File: {model_path}")
print(f" - Loading as: '{model_key}'")
# Try loading with CPU first, then fall back to CPU_AND_NE if needed
self.models[model_key] = load_model(model_path, compute_unit=ct.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE)
print(f" - Loaded with CPU_AND_NE compute unit")
except Exception as cpu_error:
print(f" - CPU load failed, trying CPU_AND_NE: {str(cpu_error)}")
self.models[model_key] = load_model(model_path, compute_unit=ct.ComputeUnit.CPU)
print(f" - Loaded with CPU compute unit")
print(f"[MODEL LOAD] Current model_parts keys: {list(self.models.keys())}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading model part {part}: {str(e)}")
def run_transformer_prefill(self, hidden_states, update_mask, position_ids, causal_mask, current_pos):
"""Run the transformer model in prefill mode."""
if self.use_split_functions:
# Use prefill variants for split model
for part in ['2D1S', '2D2S']:
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': causal_mask.numpy(),
'start_pos': current_pos.numpy()
output = self.models[f'{part}_prefill'].predict(inputs, self.states['transformer'])
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['dummy_output'])
return hidden_states
# Use existing prefill implementation
return super().run_transformer_prefill(hidden_states, update_mask, position_ids, causal_mask, current_pos)
def run_transformer_infer(self, hidden_states, update_mask, position_ids, causal_mask, current_pos):
"""Run the transformer model in infer mode."""
if self.use_split_functions:
# Use infer variants for split model
for part in ['2D1S', '2D2S']:
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': update_mask.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': current_pos.numpy()
output = self.models[f'{part}_infer'].predict(inputs, self.states['transformer'])
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['transformer_output'])
return hidden_states
# Use existing infer implementation
return super().run_transformer_infer(hidden_states, update_mask, position_ids, causal_mask, current_pos)
def get_state(self, part):
"""Get the appropriate state for a model part."""
return self.states['transformer']
def run_embeddings(self, input_ids):
"""Run the embeddings model (part 1)."""
if '1' not in self.models:
raise ValueError("Embeddings model (part 1) not loaded")
output_dict = self.models['1'].predict({
'input_ids': input_ids.numpy()
return torch.from_numpy(output_dict['hidden_states'])
def run_transformer(self, hidden_states, update_mask, position_ids, causal_mask, current_pos, part='2'):
"""Run the transformer model."""
if part not in self.models:
raise ValueError(f"Transformer model (part {part}) not loaded")
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': update_mask.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': current_pos.numpy()
output_dict = self.models[part].predict(inputs, self.get_state(part))
return torch.from_numpy(output_dict['transformer_output'])
def run_transformer_splits(self, hidden_states, update_mask, position_ids, causal_mask, current_pos):
"""Run through transformer splits based on model configuration."""
if not self.use_split_model:
return self.run_transformer(hidden_states, update_mask, position_ids, causal_mask, current_pos)
# Handle different split configurations
if any(part.startswith('2Q') for part in self.model_parts): # Quad split
for i in range(1, 5):
part = f'2Q{i}'
hidden_states = self.run_transformer(
hidden_states, update_mask, position_ids, causal_mask, current_pos, part=part
elif any(part.startswith('2O') for part in self.model_parts): # Octa split
for i in range(1, 9):
part = f'2O{i}'
hidden_states = self.run_transformer(
hidden_states, update_mask, position_ids, causal_mask, current_pos, part=part
elif any(part.startswith('2D') for part in self.model_parts): # Dual split
# Run through both parts of the dual split
for base_part in ['2D1', '2D2']:
# Find the correct model key (with lut suffix if present)
part_key = next(key for key in self.models.keys() if key.startswith(f'{base_part}_') or key == base_part)
# Use the shared transformer state
if 'transformer' not in self.states:
raise ValueError("Transformer state not initialized. Make sure 2D1 is loaded first.")
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': update_mask.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': current_pos.numpy()
output_dict = self.models[part_key].predict(inputs, self.states['transformer'])
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output_dict['transformer_output'])
return hidden_states
def run_lm_head(self, hidden_states):
"""Run the LM head model (part 3)."""
if '3' not in self.models:
raise ValueError("LM head model (part 3) not loaded")
output_dict = self.models['3'].predict({
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy()
# Handle split logits
logits_parts = []
for i in range(1, 9): # logits1 through logits8
logits_key = f'logits{i}'
if logits_key in output_dict:
logits_part = torch.from_numpy(output_dict[logits_key])
# Concatenate along the vocabulary dimension
return, dim=-1)
def run_full_model(self, input_ids, update_mask, position_ids, causal_mask, current_pos):
"""Run the full model."""
if 'full' not in self.models:
raise ValueError("Full model not loaded")
# Update context size from global
self.context_size = CONTEXT_LENGTH
#kv_ was removed from the input names
inputs = {
'input_ids': input_ids.numpy(),
'update_mask': update_mask.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': current_pos.numpy()
# Print shapes of all inputs
if False:
print("[DEBUG] Input shapes:")
for key, value in inputs.items():
print(f" {key}: {value.shape}")
output_dict = self.models['full'].predict(inputs, self.states['transformer'])
# Handle split logits if necessary
logits_parts = []
for i in range(1, 9):
logits = np.concatenate(logits_parts, axis=-1)
logits = output_dict['logits']
return torch.from_numpy(logits)
def make_causal_mask(length, start):
# Initialize the mask with -inf
mask = np.full((1, 1, length, length), -np.inf, dtype=np.float16)
# Create row and column indices
row_indices = np.arange(length).reshape(length, 1) # Column vector
col_indices = np.arange(length).reshape(1, length) # Row vector
# Set allowed positions to 0 where col_index is within the allowed range of row_index
mask[:, :, col_indices <= (row_indices + start)] = 0
return mask
def initialize_tokenizer(model_path):
"""Initialize and configure the tokenizer."""
print(f"[DEBUG] Loading tokenizer from model path: {model_path}")
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path, use_fast=False)
print("\n[DEBUG] Tokenizer Configuration:")
print(f"Tokenizer type: {type(tokenizer)}")
print(f"Tokenizer name: {tokenizer.__class__.__name__}")
print(f"Vocabulary size: {len(tokenizer)}")
print(f"Model max length: {tokenizer.model_max_length}")
#print(f"Chat template: {tokenizer.chat_template if hasattr(tokenizer, 'chat_template') else 'None'}")
if tokenizer.pad_token is None:
tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token
tokenizer.pad_token_id = tokenizer.eos_token_id
print("[DEBUG] Set PAD token to EOS token")
print(f"\n[DEBUG] Special Tokens:")
print(f"PAD token: '{tokenizer.pad_token}' (ID: {tokenizer.pad_token_id})")
print(f"EOS token: '{tokenizer.eos_token}' (ID: {tokenizer.eos_token_id})")
print(f"BOS token: '{tokenizer.bos_token}' (ID: {tokenizer.bos_token_id})")
print(f"UNK token: '{tokenizer.unk_token}' (ID: {tokenizer.unk_token_id})")
return tokenizer
except Exception as e:
print(f"[ERROR] Failed to load tokenizer from {model_path}")
return None
class TokenPrinter:
"""Handles background printing of generated tokens."""
def __init__(self, tokenizer):
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
self.token_queue = queue.Queue()
self.stop_event = threading.Event()
self.thread = None
self.buffer = ""
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.thinking = True # Track if we're still in thinking mode
self.decoding_buffer = [] # <-- Buffer for token IDs
def start(self):
"""Start the printer thread."""
if self.thread is None:
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._print_worker)
self.thread.daemon = True
def add_token(self, token_id):
"""Add a token to the print queue."""
if not self.stop_event.is_set():
def drain_buffer(self):
Decode token IDs from self.decoding_buffer in the main thread,
then print them with the correct color logic.
if not self.decoding_buffer:
# Decode all tokens at once in the main thread.
token_str = self.tokenizer.decode(self.decoding_buffer)
# Color-handling logic. Check for "</think>" and handle self.thinking.
if self.thinking and "</think>" in token_str:
self.thinking = False
parts = token_str.split("</think>")
if len(parts) > 0:
print(parts[0] + "</think>", end='', flush=True)
if len(parts) > 1:
print(LIGHT_BLUE + parts[1], end='', flush=True)
if not self.thinking:
print(LIGHT_BLUE + token_str, end='', flush=True)
print(token_str, end='', flush=True)
def _print_worker(self):
"""Worker thread that takes token_ids from the queue but doesn't decode."""
while not self.stop_event.is_set():
token_id = self.token_queue.get(timeout=0.01)
with self.lock:
# Just store the token_id, decode later on the main thread
except queue.Empty:
except Exception as e:
print(f"\n[ERROR] Token printer error: {str(e)}")
def stop(self):
"""Stop the printer thread."""
if self.thread and self.thread.is_alive():
except Exception:
print(RESET_COLOR) # Reset color at the end
return self.buffer
def parse_coreml_error(error_str):
"""Parse CoreML error message to extract shape information.
error_str: The error message string from CoreML
tuple: (got_shape, expected_shape) or None if parsing fails
# Extract shapes from error message using regex
pattern = r"shape \(([\d\s x]+)\) does not match the shape \(([\d\s x]+)\)"
match =, str(error_str))
if match:
got_shape = tuple(int(x) for x in'x'))
expected_shape = tuple(int(x) for x in'x'))
return got_shape, expected_shape
return None
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error parsing CoreML error message: {e}")
return None
def handle_coreml_shape_error(e, model_name=""):
"""Handle CoreML shape mismatch errors with detailed information.
e: The exception object
model_name: Name of the model for better error reporting
error_str = str(e)
if "MultiArray shape" in error_str:
shape_info = parse_coreml_error(error_str)
if shape_info:
got_shape, expected_shape = shape_info
print(f"\n[ERROR] Shape mismatch in {model_name}:")
print(f" Got shape: {' x '.join(str(x) for x in got_shape)}")
print(f" Expected shape: {' x '.join(str(x) for x in expected_shape)}")
print("This usually indicates a mismatch between the model's expected context length")
print("and the actual input being provided.")
print(f"\n[ERROR] Shape mismatch error in {model_name}:")
print(f" {error_str}")
print(f"\n[ERROR] CoreML error in {model_name}:")
print(f" {error_str}")
def PreFillChunk(model_parts, input_ids, current_pos, context_size, causal_mask, batch_size=64):
tokens_to_process = current_pos
batch_pos = 0
while batch_pos < tokens_to_process:
batch_end = min(batch_pos + batch_size, tokens_to_process)
current_batch_size = batch_end - batch_pos
# Get current batch of tokens
batch_input = input_ids[:, batch_pos:batch_end]
# Pad if needed
if current_batch_size < batch_size:
batch_input = F.pad(
(0, batch_size - current_batch_size),
# Generate position IDs for this batch
position_ids = torch.arange(batch_pos, batch_pos + batch_size, dtype=torch.int32)
# Prepare causal mask for this batch
multiple_causal_mask = causal_mask[:, :, batch_pos:batch_pos + batch_size, :]
# Find the correct model key for part 1 (with lut suffix if present)
part1_key = next(key for key in model_parts.keys() if key.startswith('1_') or key == '1')
# Run embeddings (part 1)
hidden_states = model_parts[part1_key].predict({'input_ids': batch_input.numpy()})['hidden_states']
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(hidden_states)
except Exception as e:
handle_coreml_shape_error(e, f"embeddings model (part {part1_key})")
# Get shared transformer state
shared_state = model_parts['states']['transformer']
# Handle different model configurations
if any(f'{part}_prefill' in model_parts for part in ['2D1S', '2D2S']):
# S123 mode with prefill/infer functions
for part in ['2D1S', '2D2S']:
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': multiple_causal_mask.numpy(),
'start_pos': np.array([batch_pos], dtype=np.int32)
output = model_parts[f'{part}_prefill'].predict(inputs, shared_state)
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['dummy_output'])
except Exception as e:
handle_coreml_shape_error(e, f"transformer model (part {part})")
elif any(part.endswith('S') for part in model_parts if part.startswith('2Q')):
# Q123S mode with combined quad split
for i in range(1, 5):
part = f'2Q{i}S'
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': multiple_causal_mask.numpy(),
'start_pos': np.array([batch_pos], dtype=np.int32)
output = model_parts[f'{part}_prefill'].predict(inputs, shared_state)
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['dummy_output'])
except Exception as e:
handle_coreml_shape_error(e, f"transformer model (part {part})")
elif any(part.startswith('2Q') for part in model_parts):
# Q123 mode with quad split
for i in range(1, 5):
part = f'2Q{i}'
if f'{part}_prefill' in model_parts:
# Use prefill function if available
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': multiple_causal_mask.numpy(),
'start_pos': np.array([batch_pos], dtype=np.int32)
output = model_parts[f'{part}_prefill'].predict(inputs, shared_state)
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['dummy_output'])
except Exception as e:
handle_coreml_shape_error(e, f"transformer model (part {part})")
# Use regular predict if no prefill function
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': torch.zeros((1, 1, context_size, 1), dtype=torch.float16).numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': multiple_causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': position_ids[0].numpy()
output = model_parts[part].predict(inputs, shared_state)
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['transformer_output'])
except Exception as e:
handle_coreml_shape_error(e, f"transformer model (part {part})")
elif any(key.startswith('2D') for key in model_parts.keys()):
# 123D mode with dual split (no prefill functions)
for base_part in ['2D1', '2D2']:
# Find the correct model key (with lut suffix if present)
part_key = next(key for key in model_parts.keys() if key.startswith(f'{base_part}_') or key == base_part)
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': torch.zeros((1, 1, context_size, 1), dtype=torch.float16).numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': multiple_causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': position_ids[0].numpy()
output = model_parts[part_key].predict(inputs, shared_state)
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['transformer_output'])
except Exception as e:
handle_coreml_shape_error(e, f"transformer model (part {part_key})")
batch_pos = batch_end
except Exception as e:
print(f"\n[ERROR] Failed processing batch {batch_pos}-{batch_end}:")
print(f" {str(e)}")
return torch.tensor([current_pos], dtype=torch.int32)
def PreFillChunkOneByOne(model_parts, input_ids, current_pos, context_size, causal_mask):
"""Process prefill tokens one at a time using infer function."""
#print(f"[DEBUG] Starting one-by-one prefill for {current_pos} tokens")
for pos in range(current_pos):
# Get current token
current_token = input_ids[:, pos:pos+1]
single_causal_mask = causal_mask[:, :, pos:pos+1, :]
current_pos_tensor = torch.tensor([pos], dtype=torch.int32)
# Find the correct model key for part 1 (with lut suffix if present)
part1_key = next(key for key in model_parts.keys() if key.startswith('1_') or key == '1')
# Run embeddings (part 1)
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(model_parts[part1_key].predict({
'input_ids': current_token.numpy()
#print(f"[DEBUG] pos: {pos} token: {current_token.item()} states: {hidden_states.shape}")
# Get shared transformer state
shared_state = model_parts['states']['transformer']
# Handle different model configurations
if any(f'{part}_infer' in model_parts for part in ['2D1S', '2D2S']):
# S123 mode with prefill/infer functions
for part in ['2D1S', '2D2S']:
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': np.zeros((1, 1, context_size, 1), dtype=np.float16),
'position_ids': current_pos_tensor.numpy(),
'causal_mask': single_causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': current_pos_tensor.numpy()
output = model_parts[f'{part}_infer'].predict(inputs, shared_state)
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['transformer_output'])
elif any(key.startswith('2D') for key in model_parts.keys()):
# 123D mode or individual parts mode
for base_part in ['2D1', '2D2']:
# Find the correct model key (with lut suffix if present)
part_key = next(key for key in model_parts.keys() if key.startswith(f'{base_part}_') or key == base_part)
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': np.zeros((1, 1, context_size, 1), dtype=np.float16),
'position_ids': current_pos_tensor.numpy(),
'causal_mask': single_causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': current_pos_tensor.numpy()
output = model_parts[part_key].predict(inputs, shared_state)
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['transformer_output'])
return torch.tensor([current_pos], dtype=torch.int32)
def run_inference(model_parts, tokenizer, prompt, context_size=CONTEXT_LENGTH, num_iterations=5, temperature=0.0):
"""Run inference using model parts."""
DebugLog(f"\nPrompt: {prompt}")
if temperature > 0:
DebugLog(f"Using temperature: {temperature}")
# Prepare the prompt
messages = [{"role": "user", "content": prompt}]
formatted_input = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(
decoded_input = tokenizer.decode(formatted_input[0])
DebugLog(f"Decoded input: {decoded_input}")
DebugLog(f"prompt: {prompt}")
DebugLog(f"formatted_input size: {formatted_input.size()}")
DebugLog(f"formatted_input: {formatted_input}")
base_input_ids =
context_pos = base_input_ids.size(1)
prompt_tokens = context_pos - 1
# Pad sequence to context_size
input_ids = F.pad(
(0, context_size - context_pos),
DebugLog(f"context_pos (prompt length) = {context_pos}")
# Create causal mask
causal_mask = make_causal_mask(context_size, 0)
causal_mask = torch.tensor(causal_mask, dtype=torch.float16)
# Prefill phase
DebugLog("\nStarting prefill...")
start_time = time.time()
# Check if we're using 123D mode or individual parts
use_single_token = any(key.contains('2D') for key in model_parts.keys()) or any(part.contains('2D') for part in model_parts)
if False: #use_single_token:
print("\nRunning ST prefill...")
current_pos = PreFillChunkOneByOne(
context_pos - 1,
sequential_prefill_time = time.time() - start_time
batch_prefll_time = 0.0
print("\nRunning batch prefill...")
current_pos = PreFillChunk(
context_pos - 1,
batch_prefill_time = time.time() - start_time
sequential_prefill_time = 0.0
# Initialize token printer
token_printer = TokenPrinter(tokenizer)
print("\nGenerated response:", end=' ', flush=True)
# Generation loop
start_gen_time = time.time()
pos = context_pos - 1
tokens_generated = 0
DebugLog(f"\nStarting inference... context_pos: {context_pos}")
pos = context_pos
for step in range(num_iterations):
with torch.no_grad():
# Check if we need to shift cache
if pos >= context_size - 2:
shift_size = context_size // 4
new_size = context_size - shift_size
# Create shifted input_ids and preserve the most recent context
# Don't add BOS token since this is a continuation
tmp = torch.zeros((1, context_size), dtype=torch.int32)
tmp[:,0:new_size] = input_ids[:,shift_size:context_size]
input_ids = tmp
# Adjust position after shift
pos = new_size
# Create update mask for current position
update_mask = torch.zeros((1, 1, context_size, 1), dtype=torch.float16)
update_mask[0, 0, pos-1, 0] = 1.0
#print(f"\n[DEBUG] Shifted cache by {shift_size} tokens, maintaining context window of {new_size} tokens, new pos: {pos}")
# For Q123 mode, we need to run prefill on the shifted sequence
if any(part.startswith('2Q') for part in model_parts):
# Run prefill using PreFillChunk with proper batch size
# No need to adjust position since we're not adding BOS
current_pos = PreFillChunk(
pos-1, # how much ob
context_size, # Use full context size
#print(f"[DEBUG] Ran prefill after shift for position {pos} with batch_size={PREFILL_BATCH_SIZE}")
# Position should already be correct since we didn't add BOS
pos = current_pos
# Get current token
current_token = input_ids[:, pos-1:pos]
# Find the correct model key for part 1 (with lut suffix if present)
part1_key = next(key for key in model_parts.keys() if key.startswith('1_') or key == '1')
# Run embeddings (part 1)
hidden_states = model_parts[part1_key].predict({
'input_ids': current_token.numpy()
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(hidden_states)
# Get shared transformer state
shared_state = model_parts['states']['transformer']
# Create update mask for current position
update_mask = torch.zeros((1, 1, context_size, 1), dtype=torch.float16)
update_mask[0, 0, pos-1, 0] = 1.0
# Create position IDs tensor
position_ids = torch.tensor([pos-1], dtype=torch.int32)
# Create causal mask for current position
single_causal_mask = causal_mask[:, :, pos-1:pos, :]
# Run transformer layers based on model type
if any(f'{part}_infer' in model_parts for part in ['2D1S', '2D2S']):
# S123 mode with prefill/infer functions
for part in ['2D1S', '2D2S']:
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': update_mask.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': single_causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': position_ids.numpy()
output = model_parts[f'{part}_infer'].predict(inputs, shared_state)
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['transformer_output'])
elif any(part.startswith('2Q') for part in model_parts.keys()):
# Q123S mode with combined quad split
for i in range(1, 5):
part = f'2Q{i}S'
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': update_mask.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': single_causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': position_ids.numpy()
output = model_parts[f'{part}_infer'].predict(inputs, shared_state)
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['transformer_output'])
elif any(part.startswith('2Q') for part in model_parts):
# Q123 mode with quad split
#print(f"[DEBUG] Running quad split inference at position {pos}")
for i in range(1, 5):
part = f'2Q{i}'
if f'{part}_infer' in model_parts:
# Use infer function if available
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': update_mask.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': single_causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': position_ids.numpy()
output = model_parts[f'{part}_infer'].predict(inputs, shared_state)
# Use regular predict if no infer function
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': update_mask.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': single_causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': position_ids.numpy()
output = model_parts[part].predict(inputs, shared_state)
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['transformer_output'])
elif any(key.startswith('2D') for key in model_parts.keys()):
# 123D mode or individual parts mode
for base_part in ['2D1', '2D2']:
# Find the correct model key (with lut suffix if present)
part_key = next(key for key in model_parts.keys() if key.startswith(f'{base_part}_') or key == base_part)
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': update_mask.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': single_causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': position_ids.numpy()
output = model_parts[part_key].predict(inputs, shared_state)
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['transformer_output'])
print("\n[ERROR] No transformer model parts found!")
# Run final layer norm and get logits
# Find the correct model key for part 3 (with lut suffix if present)
part3_key = next(key for key in model_parts.keys() if key.startswith('3_') or key == '3')
output_dict = model_parts[part3_key].predict({
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy()
# Get all logits parts in a single call
logits_parts = []
for i in range(1, 9):
logits = np.concatenate(logits_parts, axis=-1)
# Get both logits parts in a single call
logits = np.concatenate([
], axis=-1)
logits = output_dict['logits']
# Convert to tensor and get next token
logits = torch.from_numpy(logits)
# Apply temperature if specified
if temperature > 0:
# Scale logits by temperature
logits = logits / temperature
# Apply softmax to get probabilities
probs = F.softmax(logits[0, -1, :], dim=-1)
# Sample from the distribution
next_token = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=1).item()
# Use argmax if no temperature
next_token = torch.argmax(logits[0, -1, :]).item()
# Add token to input sequence
input_ids[0, pos] = next_token
# Safely decode tokens in the main thread
# Update position and count
pos += 1
tokens_generated += 1
if next_token == tokenizer.eos_token_id:
print("\n[DEBUG] Generated EOS token, stopping...")
except Exception as e:
print(f"\n[ERROR] Error in final layer or token generation: {str(e)}")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\n[DEBUG] Interrupted by user")
except Exception as e:
print(f"\n[ERROR] Exception during inference: {str(e)}")
# Print timing statistics
end_time = time.time()
total_time = end_time - start_gen_time
print(f"\n\nTotal time: {total_time:.2f} seconds")
print(f"Generation tokens: {tokens_generated}")
print(f"Prefill tokens: {prompt_tokens}")
print(f"Total tokens (prefill + generation): {prompt_tokens + tokens_generated}")
if prompt_tokens > 0:
if batch_prefill_time > 0: # If using batch prefill
prefill_tokens_per_second = prompt_tokens / batch_prefill_time
effective_prefill_tokens_per_second = prompt_tokens / batch_prefill_time # Don't multiply by batch size
print(f"Actual prefill tokens per second: {prefill_tokens_per_second:.2f}")
print(f"Effective prefill tokens per second (batch={PREFILL_BATCH_SIZE}): {effective_prefill_tokens_per_second:.2f}")
elif sequential_prefill_time > 0: # If using sequential prefill
prefill_tokens_per_second = prompt_tokens / sequential_prefill_time
print(f"Sequential prefill tokens per second: {prefill_tokens_per_second:.2f}")
if tokens_generated > 0:
total_processing_time = total_time + (batch_prefill_time if batch_prefill_time > 0 else sequential_prefill_time)
overall_tokens_per_second = (prompt_tokens + tokens_generated) / total_processing_time
generation_tokens_per_second = tokens_generated / total_time
print(f"Overall tokens processed per second (including prefill): {overall_tokens_per_second:.2f}")
print(f"Generation-only tokens per second: {generation_tokens_per_second:.2f}")
return token_printer.stop(), {
'total_time': total_time,
'batch_prefill_time': batch_prefill_time,
'sequential_prefill_time': sequential_prefill_time,
'tokens_generated': tokens_generated,
'prompt_tokens': prompt_tokens
def DebugLog(message, always_print=False):
"""Print debug message if ENABLE_CHAT_DEBUG is True or always_print is True.
message: Message to print
always_print: If True, print regardless of ENABLE_CHAT_DEBUG setting
if ENABLE_CHAT_DEBUG or always_print:
print(f"[DEBUG] {message}")
def chat_loop(model_parts, tokenizer, context_size=CONTEXT_LENGTH, temperature=0.0):
"""Interactive chat loop that maintains conversation history."""
print("\nStarting chat session. Press Ctrl+D to exit.")
print("Type your message and press Enter to chat.")
DebugLog(f"Using context size: {context_size}")
DebugLog(f"Temperature: {temperature}")
DebugLog(f"Model parts loaded: {list(model_parts.keys())}")
# Initialize conversation history
conversation = []
input_ids = None
current_pos = 0
while True:
print(f"\n{LIGHT_GREEN}You:{RESET_COLOR}", end=' ', flush=True)
user_input = input().strip()
except EOFError:
print("\nExiting chat...")
if not user_input:
# Add user message to conversation
conversation.append({"role": "user", "content": user_input})
DebugLog("\nFormatting conversation:")
for msg in conversation:
DebugLog(f" {msg['role']}: {msg['content'][:50]}...")
# Format entire conversation
formatted_input = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(
DebugLog(f"Input token IDs: {formatted_input[0][:50]}...")
DebugLog(f"Decoded tokens: {tokenizer.decode(formatted_input[0][:50])}...")
DebugLog(f"Total tokens: {formatted_input.size(1)}")
# Convert to int32 tensor
base_input_ids =
context_pos = base_input_ids.size(1)
DebugLog(f"Context position: {context_pos}")
# Check if we need to truncate history
if context_pos >= context_size - 100:
DebugLog(f"\nNeed to truncate: {context_pos} tokens > {context_size-100} limit")
while context_pos >= context_size - 100 and len(conversation) > 2:
removed = conversation.pop(0)
DebugLog(f"Removed message: {removed['role']}: {removed['content'][:30]}...")
formatted_input = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(
base_input_ids =
context_pos = base_input_ids.size(1)
DebugLog(f"New context size: {context_pos}")
# Pad sequence to context_size
input_ids = F.pad(
(0, context_size - context_pos),
# Create causal mask for the entire context
causal_mask = make_causal_mask(context_size, 0)
causal_mask = torch.tensor(causal_mask, dtype=torch.float16)
DebugLog(f"Created causal mask with shape: {causal_mask.shape}")
print(f"\n{LIGHT_BLUE}Assistant:{RESET_COLOR}", end=' ', flush=True)
# Run prefill on entire context
if False: #any(key.contains('2D') for key in model_parts.keys()):
DebugLog("Using sequential prefill")
current_pos = PreFillChunkOneByOne(
elif any(part.startswith('2Q') for part in model_parts.keys()):
DebugLog(f"Using quad split prefill (size={PREFILL_BATCH_SIZE})")
current_pos = PreFillChunk(
DebugLog(f"Using standard batch prefill (size={PREFILL_BATCH_SIZE})")
current_pos = PreFillChunk(
# Initialize token printer
token_printer = TokenPrinter(tokenizer)
# Generation loop
pos = context_pos
response_tokens = []
generation_start_time = time.time() # Add timing
while True: # Changed from context_size - 1 to True for continuous generation
# Check if we need to shift window
if pos >= context_size - 2:
DebugLog("\nShifting context window...")
shift_size = context_size // 4 # Shift by 1/4 of context
new_size = context_size - shift_size
# Create shifted input_ids and preserve the most recent context
tmp = torch.zeros((1, context_size), dtype=torch.int32)
tmp[:,0:new_size] = input_ids[:,shift_size:context_size]
input_ids = tmp
# Adjust position after shift
pos = new_size
DebugLog(f"Shifted window by {shift_size} tokens, new position: {pos}")
# Run prefill on the shifted sequence
if False: #if any(key.contains('2D') for key in model_parts.keys()):
DebugLog("Running sequential prefill after shift")
current_pos = PreFillChunkOneByOne(
DebugLog("Running batch prefill after shift (size={PREFILL_BATCH_SIZE})")
current_pos = PreFillChunk(
# Get current token
current_token = input_ids[:, pos-1:pos]
# Find the correct model key for part 1
part1_key = next(key for key in model_parts.keys() if key.startswith('1_') or key == '1')
# Run embeddings (part 1)
hidden_states = model_parts[part1_key].predict({
'input_ids': current_token.numpy()
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(hidden_states)
# Get shared transformer state
shared_state = model_parts['states']['transformer']
# Create update mask for current position
update_mask = torch.zeros((1, 1, context_size, 1), dtype=torch.float16)
update_mask[0, 0, pos-1, 0] = 1.0
# Create position IDs tensor
position_ids = torch.tensor([pos-1], dtype=torch.int32)
# Create causal mask for current position
single_causal_mask = causal_mask[:, :, pos-1:pos, :]
# Run transformer layers based on model type
if any(f'{part}_infer' in model_parts for part in ['2D1S', '2D2S']):
for part in ['2D1S', '2D2S']:
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': update_mask.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': single_causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': position_ids.numpy()
output = model_parts[f'{part}_infer'].predict(inputs, shared_state)
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['transformer_output'])
elif any(part.startswith('2Q') for part in model_parts.keys()):
DebugLog(f"Running quad split inference at position {pos}")
for i in range(1, 5):
part = f'2Q{i}'
if f'{part}_infer' in model_parts:
# Use infer function if available
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': update_mask.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': single_causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': position_ids.numpy()
output = model_parts[f'{part}_infer'].predict(inputs, shared_state)
# Use regular predict if no infer function
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': update_mask.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': single_causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': position_ids.numpy()
output = model_parts[part].predict(inputs, shared_state)
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['transformer_output'])
elif any(key.startswith('2D') for key in model_parts.keys()):
for base_part in ['2D1', '2D2']:
part_key = next(key for key in model_parts.keys() if key.startswith(f'{base_part}_') or key == base_part)
inputs = {
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy(),
'update_mask': update_mask.numpy(),
'position_ids': position_ids.numpy(),
'causal_mask': single_causal_mask.numpy(),
'current_pos': position_ids.numpy()
output = model_parts[part_key].predict(inputs, shared_state)
hidden_states = torch.from_numpy(output['transformer_output'])
# Run final layer norm and get logits
part3_key = next(key for key in model_parts.keys() if key.startswith('3_') or key == '3')
output_dict = model_parts[part3_key].predict({
'hidden_states': hidden_states.numpy()
logits_parts = []
for i in range(1, 9):
logits = np.concatenate(logits_parts, axis=-1)
logits = output_dict['logits']
# Convert to tensor and get next token
logits = torch.from_numpy(logits)
# Apply temperature if specified
if temperature > 0:
logits = logits / temperature
probs = F.softmax(logits[0, -1, :], dim=-1)
next_token = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=1).item()
next_token = torch.argmax(logits[0, -1, :]).item()
# Add token to input sequence and response
input_ids[0, pos] = next_token
# Safely decode tokens in the main thread
pos += 1
# Add debug output for generated tokens
if ENABLE_CHAT_DEBUG and len(response_tokens) > 0 and len(response_tokens) % 10 == 0:
DebugLog(f"\nGenerated {len(response_tokens)} tokens")
DebugLog(f"Last token: {next_token} -> '{tokenizer.decode([next_token])}'")
if next_token == tokenizer.eos_token_id:
DebugLog("\nGenerated EOS token")
# Get the complete response text and calculate stats
response_text = token_printer.stop()
generation_time = time.time() - generation_start_time
tokens_per_second = len(response_tokens) / generation_time if generation_time > 0 else 0
DebugLog(f"\nFinal response length: {len(response_tokens)} tokens")
# Print generation stats in dark blue
print(f"\n{DARK_BLUE}[{len(response_tokens)} tokens, {tokens_per_second:.1f} tokens/s]{RESET_COLOR}")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
DebugLog("\nGeneration interrupted by user")
response_text = token_printer.stop()
generation_time = time.time() - generation_start_time
tokens_per_second = len(response_tokens) / generation_time if generation_time > 0 else 0
print(f"\n{DARK_BLUE}[{len(response_tokens)} tokens, {tokens_per_second:.1f} tokens/s]{RESET_COLOR}")
# Add assistant's response to conversation history
conversation.append({"role": "assistant", "content": response_text})
except Exception as e:
print(f"\n[ERROR] Chat loop error: {str(e)}")
def main():
print("ANEMLL Chat. Pre-relase alpha version, 2025-01-31")
print("Copyright (c) 2025, Anemll All rights reserved.")
# Set default parameters
model_type = "S123" # Default model type
lut_suffix = "lut4" # Default LUT suffix
temperature = 0.0
model_parts = {}
model_path = "." # Default to current directory
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Usage: python [model_parts] [options]")
print("Usage: python [model_parts] [options]")
print(" -d PATH # Model directory path (for both tokenizer and CoreML models)")
print(" S123 # Combined split model (2D1S+2D2S)")
print(" C123 # Combined part2 model with prefill/infer")
print(" Q123 # Quad split model (2Q1-2Q4) [default]")
print(" Q123S # Combined quad split model (2Q1S-2Q4S)")
print(" 1 2D1 2D2 3 # Individual split parts")
print(" pfN # Prefill batch size (e.g., pf128)")
print(" ctx=N # Context length (e.g., ctx=2048) [default: 1024]")
print(" temp=X # Temperature for sampling (e.g., temp=0.01)")
print(" lut4 # LUT suffix [default]")
print("\nDefault configuration: Q123 lut4 ctx=1024")
print(" python Q123 -d ../anemll-DeepSeek-8B-ctx1024")
# Use defaults instead of exiting
print("\nUsing default configuration...")
# Process command line arguments
i = 1
while i < len(sys.argv):
if sys.argv[i] == '-d' and i + 1 < len(sys.argv):
model_path = sys.argv[i + 1]
i += 2
# Extract context length from model path if present
ctx_match ='ctx(\d+)', model_path)
if ctx_match:
ctx_value = int(
if 512 <= ctx_value <= 4096*2:
CONTEXT_LENGTH = ctx_value
print(f"Setting context length to {CONTEXT_LENGTH} from model path")
elif sys.argv[i].startswith('lut'):
lut_suffix = sys.argv[i]
elif sys.argv[i] in ['S123', 'Q123', 'Q123S', 'C123', '123D']:
model_type = sys.argv[i]
i += 1
# Initialize tokenizer using the same path
tokenizer = initialize_tokenizer(model_path)
if tokenizer is None:
print("[ERROR] Failed to initialize tokenizer. Exiting.")
# Process model parts
parts = [model_type]
if lut_suffix:
split_model = SplitModelInference(parts, model_dir=model_path)
model_parts['states'] = {'transformer': split_model.states['transformer']}
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading model parts: {str(e)}")
# Process remaining arguments
i = 1
while i < len(sys.argv):
arg = sys.argv[i]
if arg.startswith('pf') and arg[2:].isdigit():
PREFILL_BATCH_SIZE = int(arg[2:])
elif arg.startswith('ctx='):
CONTEXT_LENGTH = int(arg.split('=')[1])
except (IndexError, ValueError):
print(f"[WARNING] Invalid context length format. Using default: {CONTEXT_LENGTH}")
elif arg.startswith('temp='):
temperature = float(arg.split('=')[1])
if temperature < 0:
print(f"[WARNING] Temperature must be non-negative. Using default: 0.0")
temperature = 0.0
except (IndexError, ValueError):
print(f"[WARNING] Invalid temperature format. Using default: 0.0")
i += 1
# Start interactive chat loop
chat_loop(model_parts, tokenizer, context_size=CONTEXT_LENGTH, temperature=temperature)
except Exception as e:
print("An error occurred:")
if __name__ == "__main__":