import os import struct import lmdb import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch from import Dataset from import decode_image, read_image from tools.utils import mimic_cxr_image_path # Ordered by oblique, lateral, AP, and then PA views so that PA views are closest in position to the generated tokens (and oblique is furtherest). VIEW_ORDER = ['LPO', 'RAO', 'LAO', 'SWIMMERS', 'XTABLE LATERAL', 'LL', 'LATERAL', 'AP AXIAL', 'AP RLD', 'AP LLD', 'AP', 'PA RLD', 'PA LLD', 'PA'] class StudyIDEDStayIDSubset(Dataset): """ Study ID & ED stay ID subset. Examples are indexed by the study identifier. Information from the ED module is added by finding the study_id that is within the timespan of the stay_id for the subject_id. The history and indication sections are also included. """ def __init__( self, split, records, dataset_dir=None, max_images_per_study=None, transforms=None, images=True, columns='study_id, dicom_id, subject_id, findings, impression', and_condition='', study_id_inclusion_list=None, return_images=True, ed_module=True, extension='jpg', ): """ Argument/s: split - 'train', 'validate', or 'test'. dataset_dir - Dataset directory. records - MIMIC-CXR & MIMIC-IV-ED records class instance. max_images_per_study - the maximum number of images per study. transforms - torchvision transformations. colour_space - PIL target colour space. images - flag to return processed images. columns - which columns to query on. and_condition - AND condition to add to the SQL query. study_id_inclusion_list - studies not in this list are excluded. return_images - return CXR images for the study as tensors. ed_module - use the ED module. extension - 'jpg' or 'dcm'. """ super(StudyIDEDStayIDSubset, self).__init__() self.split = split self.dataset_dir = dataset_dir self.records = records self.max_images_per_study = max_images_per_study self.transforms = transforms self.images = images self.columns = columns self.and_condition = and_condition self.return_images = return_images self.ed_module = ed_module self.extension = extension # If max images per study is not set: self.max_images_per_study = float('inf') if self.max_images_per_study is None else self.max_images_per_study assert self.extension == 'jpg' or self.extension == 'dcm' if self.dataset_dir is not None and self.images_rocksdb_path is None: if self.extension == 'jpg': if '' not in self.dataset_dir: self.dataset_dir = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, '') elif self.extension == 'dcm': if '' not in self.dataset_dir: self.dataset_dir = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, '') query = f""" SELECT {columns} FROM mimic_cxr WHERE split = '{split}' {and_condition} ORDER BY study_id """ # For multi-image, the study identifiers make up the training examples: df = self.records.connect.sql(query).df() # Drop studies that don't have a findings or impression section: df = df.dropna(subset=['findings', 'impression'], how='any') # This study has two rows in edstays (removed as it causes issues): if self.ed_module: df = df[df['study_id'] != 59128861] # Exclude studies not in list: if study_id_inclusion_list is not None: df = df[df['study_id'].isin(study_id_inclusion_list)] # Example study identifiers for the subset: self.examples = df['study_id'].unique().tolist() # Record statistics: self.num_study_ids = len(self.examples) self.num_dicom_ids = len(df['dicom_id'].unique().tolist()) self.num_subject_ids = len(df['subject_id'].unique().tolist()) def __len__(self): return self.num_study_ids def __getitem__(self, index): study_id = self.examples[index] # Get the study: study = self.records.connect.sql( f""" SELECT dicom_id, study_id, subject_id, study_datetime, ViewPosition FROM mimic_cxr WHERE (study_id = {study_id}); """ ).df() subject_id = study.iloc[0, study.columns.get_loc('subject_id')] study_id = study.iloc[0, study.columns.get_loc('study_id')] study_datetime = study['study_datetime'].max() example_dict = { 'study_ids': study_id, 'subject_id': subject_id, 'index': index, } example_dict.update(self.records.return_mimic_cxr_features(study_id)) if self.ed_module: edstays = self.records.connect.sql( f""" SELECT stay_id, intime, outtime FROM edstays WHERE (subject_id = {subject_id}) AND intime < '{study_datetime}' AND outtime > '{study_datetime}'; """ ).df() assert len(edstays) <= 1 stay_id = edstays.iloc[0, edstays.columns.get_loc('stay_id')] if not edstays.empty else None self.records.clear_start_end_times() example_dict.update(self.records.return_ed_module_features(stay_id, study_datetime)) example_dict['stay_ids'] = stay_id if self.return_images: example_dict['images'], example_dict['image_time_deltas'] = self.get_images(study, study_datetime) return example_dict def get_images(self, example, reference_time): """ Get the image/s for a given example. Argument/s: example - dataframe for the example. reference_time - reference_time for time delta. Returns: The image/s for the example """ # Sample if over max_images_per_study. Only allowed during training: if len(example) > self.max_images_per_study: assert self.split == 'train' example = example.sample(n=self.max_images_per_study, axis=0) # Order by ViewPostion: example['ViewPosition'] = example['ViewPosition'].astype(pd.CategoricalDtype(categories=VIEW_ORDER, ordered=True)) # Sort the DataFrame based on the categorical column example = example.sort_values(by=['study_datetime', 'ViewPosition']) # Load and pre-process each CXR: images, time_deltas = [], [] for _, row in example.iterrows(): images.append( self.load_and_preprocess_image( row['subject_id'], row['study_id'], row['dicom_id'], ), ) time_deltas.append(self.records.compute_time_delta(row['study_datetime'], reference_time, to_tensor=False)) if self.transforms is not None: images = torch.stack(images, 0) return images, time_deltas def load_and_preprocess_image(self, subject_id, study_id, dicom_id): """ Load and preprocess an image using torchvision.transforms.v2: Argument/s: subject_id - subject identifier. study_id - study identifier. dicom_id - DICOM identifier. Returns: image - Tensor of the CXR. """ if self.extension == 'jpg': image_file_path = mimic_cxr_image_path(self.dataset_dir, subject_id, study_id, dicom_id, self.extension) image = read_image(image_file_path) elif self.extension == 'dcm': raise NotImplementedError if self.transforms is not None: image = self.transforms(image) return image