--- tags: - roleplay --- ### SillyTavern Presets ## Usage Make sure to grab both context and instruct templates. It should look something like this. When using these presets you must set **Example Messages Behavior: Never include examples** otherwise they will be sent twice. The reason for this, is because I explicitly set for them to be sent. The default behavior is for them to just be added at the end of the context prompt. # Samplers **Mistral-v0.1** As for samplers, **Simple_Smooth** should be good for most use cases. Only use **Dynamic_Temp_Smooth** if you want some more unhinged behaviour. **Mistral-0.2** I only have one set of samplers, using only Dynamic Temperature. These are still a work in progress as Mistral-0.2 is very confident causing very bad repetition. For Mistral-v0.2 you can set to max context to 32K, I have them set to 16K due to hardware constraints. Ideas to keep in mind when changing sliders. MinP: setting this too high has a horrid effect on v0.2 due the model's confidence Dynamic Temperature: Min & Max Temp: Feel free to change these as you please. Exponent: **DO NOT** set this higher than 1, setting exponent lower than 1 pushes lower probabilities higher. Making v0.2's skewed confidence issues less apparent. # Character Cards When using these presets it is recommended to use *Personality Summary, Scenario, Example Dialogue*. I have changed the context template, from v1.4 and onwards you must put {{char}}'s catchprases not actual dialogue. I have also changed many other things, in favor of completely ommiting the system prompt and only keeping a basic one. The reason for this is that the newer models have more context and it is better to stop formatting the character into programmatic language, and instead using simple novel/biography like paragraphs to describe the character. Doing this has a better success rate as, the model will simple continue along with the roleplay without having to be told you are looking to RP. It will assume that it is writing a novel and continue on. Only downside is that you may see the model talking for {{user}}, if you see this feel free to tweak the system prompt. It may look like this: ``` {{char}}: *looking at her book* "You can tell a lot about a person by what they choose to read." ``` Or this: ``` {{char}}: "You can tell a lot about a person by what they choose to read." ```