--- base_model: sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L12-v2 datasets: [] language: [] library_name: sentence-transformers pipeline_tag: sentence-similarity tags: - sentence-transformers - sentence-similarity - feature-extraction - generated_from_trainer - dataset_size:73 - loss:CoSENTLoss widget: - source_sentence: What happens if a player in possession is touched while on or behind their defending try line? sentences: - " the Dead Ball Lines. There are two (2), one (1) at each end of the \nField of\ \ Play. See Appendix 1.\nInterchange\nThe act of an on-field player leaving the\ \ Field of Play to be replaced \nby an off-field player entering the Field of\ \ Play.\nInterchange Area\nA marked rectangle for each Team on opposite sides\ \ of the Field \nof Play usually measuring 20 metres long by no more than five\ \ (5) \nmetres wide, extending ten (10) metres either side of the Halfway \nLine\ \ and not less than one (1) metre from the Sideline. It is the area \nin which\ \ all off-field players must remain until an Interchange is \ninitiated. See Appendix\ \ 1.\nKick\nStrike or propel forcibly with the foot, a blow or forceful thrust\ \ with \nthe foot to the ball. A Tap to commence or recommence play or a \nPenalty\ \ Tap is not defined as a kick.\nLine Markings\nMarkings of the Field of Play.\ \ See Appendix 1.\nLink\nThe player beside the Wing player.\nMark (for a Tap)\n\ The centre of the Halfway Line for the commencement or \nrecommencement of play,\ \ or the position where a Penalty Tap is \nawarded as a result of an Infringement.\n\ Mark (for a Touch)\nThe position in the Field of Play where the player in Possession\ \ was \nat the time the Touch was made.\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\n2\n\ COPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020\nMiddle\nThe player inside the Link\ \ player.\nNTA\nNational Touch Association\nAs defined in the FIT Constitution.\n\ Obstruction\nA deliberate attempt by either an attacking or defending player \n\ to gain an unfair Advantage by interfering with the opposition to \nprevent them\ \ from gaining a rightful Advantage.\nOffside (Attacker)\nAn attacking player\ \ in a position Forward of the ball.\nOffside (Defender)\nA defending player in\ \ a position closer than seven (7) metres from \nthe Mark of the Rollball; or\ \ ten (10) metres from the Mark of a Tap.\nOnside\nA position whereby a player\ \ may legitimately become involved with \nplay. A player with both feet on or\ \ behind their Defending Try Line.\nPass\nThe act of changing Possession between\ \ individual attacking \nplayers by propelling the ball laterally and/or backwards\ \ and may \ninclude a flick, knock or throw.\nPer" - " Player\nThe player who replaces another player during Interchange. There is\ \ \na maximum of eight (8) substitute players in any Team and except \nwhen interchanging,\ \ in the Sin Bin, dismissed or on the Field of Play, \nthey must remain in the\ \ Substitution Box.\nTap and Tap Penalty\nThe method of commencing the match,\ \ recommencing the match \nafter Half Time and after a Try has been scored. The\ \ Tap is also the \nmethod of recommencing play when a Penalty is awarded. The\ \ Tap \nis taken by placing the ball on the ground at or behind the Mark, \nreleasing\ \ both hands from the ball, tapping the ball gently with either \nfoot or touching\ \ the foot on the ball. The ball must not roll or move \nmore than one (1) metre\ \ in any direction and must be retrieved \ncleanly, without touching the ground\ \ again. The player may face any \ndirection and use either foot. Provided it\ \ is at the Mark, the ball does \nnot have to be lifted from the ground prior\ \ to a Tap being taken.\nTeam\nA group of players constituting one (1) side in\ \ a competition match.\nTFA\nTouch Football Australia Limited\nTouch\nAny contact\ \ between the player in Possession and a defending \nplayer. A Touch includes\ \ contact on the ball, hair or clothing and may \nbe made by a defending player\ \ or by the player in Possession.\nTouch Count\nThe progressive number of Touches\ \ that each Team has before a \nChange of Possession, from zero (0) to six (6).\n\ Try\nThe result of any attacking player, except the Half, placing the ball on\ \ \nor over the Team’s Attacking Try Line before being Touched.\nTry Lines\nThe\ \ lines separating the In-Goal Areas from the Field of Play. See \nAppendix 1.\n\ Voluntary Rollball\nThe player in Possession performs a Rollball before a Touch\ \ is made \nwith a defending player.\nWing\nThe player outside the Link player.\n\ Winner\nThe Team that scores the most Tries during the match.\nFIT Playing Rules\ \ - 5th Edition\n4\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020\n Rules of Play\ \ \n Mode of Play \nThe object of the game of Touch is for each Team to score\ \ Tries and to prevent the \nopposition from scoring. The ball may be passed,\ \ knocked or handed between players \nof the Attacking Team who may in turn run" - " Registration\n5\n03 I\nThe Ball\n6\n04 I\nPlaying Uniform\n6\n05 I\nTeam Composition\n\ 6\n06 I\nTeam Coach and Team Officials\n7\n07\nI\nCommencement and Recommencement\ \ of Play\n7\n08\nI\nMatch Duration\n8\n09 I\nPossession\n8\n10\nI\nThe Touch\n\ 9\n11\nI\nPassing\n10\n12\nI\nBall Touched in Flight\n10\n13\nI\nThe Rollball\n\ 11\n14\nI\nScoring\n13\n15\nI\nOffside\n13\n16\nI\nObstruction\n14\n17\nI\nInterchange\n\ 14\n18\nI\nPenalty\n15\n19\nI\nAdvantage\n16\n20\nI\nMisconduct\n16\n21\nI\nForced\ \ Interchange\n16\n22\nI\nSin Bin\n16\n23\nI\nDismissal\n17\n24\nI\nDrop-Off\n\ 17\n25\nI\nMatch Officials\n18\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch\ \ Football Australia 2020\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch\ \ Football Australia 2020\n Definitions and Terminology \nUnless the contrary\ \ intention appears, the following definitions and terminology apply \nto the game\ \ of Touch:\nTERM/PHRASE\nDEFINITION/DESCRIPTION\nAdvantage\nThe period of time\ \ after an Infringement in which the non-offending \nside has the opportunity\ \ to gain Advantage either territorial, tactical \nor in the form of a Try.\n\ Attacking Try Line\nThe line on or over which a player has to place the ball to\ \ \nscore a Try.\nAttacking Team\nThe Team which has or is gaining Possession.\n\ Behind\nA position or direction towards a Team’s Defending Try Line.\nChange of\ \ Possession\nThe act of moving control of the ball from one Team to the other.\n\ Dead/Dead Ball\nWhen the ball is out of play including the period following a\ \ Try and \nuntil the match is recommenced and when the ball goes to ground \n\ and/or outside the boundaries of the Field of Play prior to the \nsubsequent Rollball.\n\ Dead Ball Line\nThe end boundaries of the Field of Play. There is one at each\ \ end of \nthe Field of Play. See Appendix 1.\nDef" - source_sentence: What happens to a player who is sent to the Sin Bin Area in Touch Rugby International Rules? sentences: - " to the Sin Bin must return to the Interchange Area prior to re-\nentering the\ \ Field of Play.\n22.4\tAny action that causes the Touch Count to restart will\ \ result in a continuation of \nthat Possession. For the avoidance of doubt, should\ \ a defender knock the ball \ndown or give away a Penalty, this does not mean\ \ that the Possession has been \ncompleted, but rather the Possession continues.\ \ \nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\n16\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia\ \ 2020\n23  Dismissal \n23.1\tA player or official dismissed for misconduct is\ \ to take no further part in that \nmatch and is to move to and remain outside\ \ the Perimeter for the remainder of \nthe match.\n23.2\tThe dismissed player\ \ or official cannot be replaced and, in accordance with NTA \nDisciplinary Regulations,\ \ that player shall receive an automatic two (2) match \nsuspension. \n24  Drop-Off\ \ \n24.1\tShould a Winner be required in drawn matches, the following Drop-Off\ \ \nprocedure is used to determine a Winner.\n24.1.1\tEach Team will reduce their\ \ on-field Team to four (4) players and within \n60 seconds take up a position\ \ to restart play from the Halfway Line, \ndefending the same end of the field\ \ as at the End of Play.\n24.1.2\tThe Drop-Off commences with a Tap from the centre\ \ of the Halfway Line \nby the Team that did not commence the match with Possession.\n\ 24.1.3\tThe Drop-Off will commence with a two (2) minute period of extra time.\n\ 24.1.4\tShould a Team be leading at the expiration of the two (2) minute period\ \ \nof extra time then that Team will be declared the Winner and Match \ncomplete.\n\ 24.1.5\tShould neither Team be leading at the expiration of two (2) minutes, a\ \ \nsignal is given and the match will pause at the next Touch or Dead Ball. \n\ Each Team will then remove another player from the Field of Play.\n24.1.6\tThe\ \ Match will recommence immediately after the players have left the \nfield at\ \ the same place where it paused (i.e. the Team retains Possession \nat the designated\ \ number of Touches, or at Change of Possession due to \nsome Infringement or\ \ the sixth Touch) and the Match will continue until" - " Registration\n5\n03 I\nThe Ball\n6\n04 I\nPlaying Uniform\n6\n05 I\nTeam Composition\n\ 6\n06 I\nTeam Coach and Team Officials\n7\n07\nI\nCommencement and Recommencement\ \ of Play\n7\n08\nI\nMatch Duration\n8\n09 I\nPossession\n8\n10\nI\nThe Touch\n\ 9\n11\nI\nPassing\n10\n12\nI\nBall Touched in Flight\n10\n13\nI\nThe Rollball\n\ 11\n14\nI\nScoring\n13\n15\nI\nOffside\n13\n16\nI\nObstruction\n14\n17\nI\nInterchange\n\ 14\n18\nI\nPenalty\n15\n19\nI\nAdvantage\n16\n20\nI\nMisconduct\n16\n21\nI\nForced\ \ Interchange\n16\n22\nI\nSin Bin\n16\n23\nI\nDismissal\n17\n24\nI\nDrop-Off\n\ 17\n25\nI\nMatch Officials\n18\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch\ \ Football Australia 2020\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch\ \ Football Australia 2020\n Definitions and Terminology \nUnless the contrary\ \ intention appears, the following definitions and terminology apply \nto the game\ \ of Touch:\nTERM/PHRASE\nDEFINITION/DESCRIPTION\nAdvantage\nThe period of time\ \ after an Infringement in which the non-offending \nside has the opportunity\ \ to gain Advantage either territorial, tactical \nor in the form of a Try.\n\ Attacking Try Line\nThe line on or over which a player has to place the ball to\ \ \nscore a Try.\nAttacking Team\nThe Team which has or is gaining Possession.\n\ Behind\nA position or direction towards a Team’s Defending Try Line.\nChange of\ \ Possession\nThe act of moving control of the ball from one Team to the other.\n\ Dead/Dead Ball\nWhen the ball is out of play including the period following a\ \ Try and \nuntil the match is recommenced and when the ball goes to ground \n\ and/or outside the boundaries of the Field of Play prior to the \nsubsequent Rollball.\n\ Dead Ball Line\nThe end boundaries of the Field of Play. There is one at each\ \ end of \nthe Field of Play. See Appendix 1.\nDef" - " to the Sin Bin must return to the Interchange Area prior to re-\nentering the\ \ Field of Play.\n22.4\tAny action that causes the Touch Count to restart will\ \ result in a continuation of \nthat Possession. For the avoidance of doubt, should\ \ a defender knock the ball \ndown or give away a Penalty, this does not mean\ \ that the Possession has been \ncompleted, but rather the Possession continues.\ \ \nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\n16\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia\ \ 2020\n23  Dismissal \n23.1\tA player or official dismissed for misconduct is\ \ to take no further part in that \nmatch and is to move to and remain outside\ \ the Perimeter for the remainder of \nthe match.\n23.2\tThe dismissed player\ \ or official cannot be replaced and, in accordance with NTA \nDisciplinary Regulations,\ \ that player shall receive an automatic two (2) match \nsuspension. \n24  Drop-Off\ \ \n24.1\tShould a Winner be required in drawn matches, the following Drop-Off\ \ \nprocedure is used to determine a Winner.\n24.1.1\tEach Team will reduce their\ \ on-field Team to four (4) players and within \n60 seconds take up a position\ \ to restart play from the Halfway Line, \ndefending the same end of the field\ \ as at the End of Play.\n24.1.2\tThe Drop-Off commences with a Tap from the centre\ \ of the Halfway Line \nby the Team that did not commence the match with Possession.\n\ 24.1.3\tThe Drop-Off will commence with a two (2) minute period of extra time.\n\ 24.1.4\tShould a Team be leading at the expiration of the two (2) minute period\ \ \nof extra time then that Team will be declared the Winner and Match \ncomplete.\n\ 24.1.5\tShould neither Team be leading at the expiration of two (2) minutes, a\ \ \nsignal is given and the match will pause at the next Touch or Dead Ball. \n\ Each Team will then remove another player from the Field of Play.\n24.1.6\tThe\ \ Match will recommence immediately after the players have left the \nfield at\ \ the same place where it paused (i.e. the Team retains Possession \nat the designated\ \ number of Touches, or at Change of Possession due to \nsome Infringement or\ \ the sixth Touch) and the Match will continue until" - source_sentence: Under what circumstances can a player perform a Rollball seven (7) metres in-field? sentences: - "\tIf a player mishandles the ball and even if in an effort to gain control, the\ \ ball \nis accidentally knocked Forward into any other Player, a Change of Possession\ \ \nresults.\n10  The Touch \n10.1\tA Touch may be made by either a defending\ \ player or a player in Possession.\n10.2\tA defending player may not claim a\ \ Touch if contact has not been made. If a \nplayer claims a Touch has been made,\ \ but the Referee is unsure the Touch will \ncount.\nRuling = A Penalty to the\ \ Attacking Team at the point of the Infringement and the offending \nplayer sent\ \ to the Sin Bin.\n10.3\tPlayers of both Defending and Attacking Teams are to\ \ use the minimum force \nnecessary to make a Touch. Players must ensure that\ \ the method employed in \nmaking a Touch does not pose an unnecessary risk to\ \ player safety.\nRuling = A Penalty to the non-offending Team at the point of\ \ the Infringement.\n10.4\tIf the ball is accidentally knocked from the hands\ \ of a player in Possession \nduring a Touch, the Touch counts and the Attacking\ \ Team retains Possession.\n10.5\tThe defending player must not deliberately knock\ \ the ball from the hands of a \nplayer in Possession during a Touch.\n Ruling\ \ = A Penalty to the Attacking Team at the point of the Infringement.\n10.6\t\ A player must not pass or otherwise deliver the ball after a Touch has been \n\ made.\nRuling = A Penalty to the Defending Team at the point of the Infringement,\ \ or if In-Goal the \nnearest point on the seven (7) metre line.\n10.7\tThe Half\ \ may pass or run with the ball but cannot get Touched while in \nPossession of\ \ the ball.\nRuling = A Change of Possession occurs at the point of the Touch,\ \ or if In-Goal the nearest \npoint on the seven (7) metre line.\n10.8\tIf a Touch\ \ is made in the In-Goal Area before the ball is grounded, the player in \nPossession\ \ is to perform a Rollball seven (7) metres from the Team’s Attacking \nTry Line,\ \ provided it is not the sixth Touch and the player is not Half.\n10.9\tIf a\ \ player in Possession is Touched while on or behind their Defending Try Line,\ \ \nthe Touch counts and once the Referee sets the Mark seven (" - " a player enters the Field of Play but does not impede the scoring of a Try the\ \ \noffending player will be sent to the Sin Bin.\n17.8\tFollowing a Try, players\ \ may Interchange at will, without having to wait for the \nplayer to enter the\ \ Interchange Area, but must do so prior to the Tap being taken \nto recommence\ \ play.\n18  Penalty \n18.1\tThe Tap must be performed in accordance with the\ \ Definitions.\nRuling = The Referee will instruct the offending Team to return\ \ to the Mark and perform the \nTap again.\n18.2\tFor Infringements that occur\ \ between seven (7) metre lines, the Mark for the \nPenalty Tap is at the point\ \ of Infringement unless otherwise indicated by the \nReferee. \n18.3\tFor Infringements\ \ that occur within the Seven Metre Zone the Tap must be \ntaken at the nearest\ \ seven (7) metre line.\n18.4\tFor Infringements that occur beyond the Field of\ \ Play or in the In-Goal Area \nthe Mark is seven (7) metres infield from the\ \ Sideline, or directly Forward of \nthe Infringement on the seven (7) metre line\ \ nearest the Infringement or at a \nposition indicated by the Referee.\n18.5\t\ The Mark must be indicated by the Referee before a Penalty Tap is taken.\n18.6\t\ The Penalty Tap must be performed without delay after the Referee indicates \n\ the Mark.\nRuling = A Penalty to the non-offending team at the point of Infringement.\n\ 18.7\tA player may perform a Rollball instead of a Penalty Tap and the player\ \ who \nreceives the ball does not become the Half.\n18.8\tIf the Defending Team\ \ is penalised three (3) times upon entering their Seven \nMetre Zone during a\ \ single Possession, the last offending player will be given an \nExclusion until\ \ the end of that Possession.\n18.9\tA Penalty Try is awarded if any action by\ \ a player, Team official or spectator, \ndeemed by the Referee to be contrary\ \ to the Rules or spirit of the game clearly \nprevents the Attacking Team from\ \ scoring a Try.\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football\ \ Australia 2020\n15\n19  Advantage \n19.1\tWhere a Defending Team player is\ \ Offside at a Tap or" - " Registration\n5\n03 I\nThe Ball\n6\n04 I\nPlaying Uniform\n6\n05 I\nTeam Composition\n\ 6\n06 I\nTeam Coach and Team Officials\n7\n07\nI\nCommencement and Recommencement\ \ of Play\n7\n08\nI\nMatch Duration\n8\n09 I\nPossession\n8\n10\nI\nThe Touch\n\ 9\n11\nI\nPassing\n10\n12\nI\nBall Touched in Flight\n10\n13\nI\nThe Rollball\n\ 11\n14\nI\nScoring\n13\n15\nI\nOffside\n13\n16\nI\nObstruction\n14\n17\nI\nInterchange\n\ 14\n18\nI\nPenalty\n15\n19\nI\nAdvantage\n16\n20\nI\nMisconduct\n16\n21\nI\nForced\ \ Interchange\n16\n22\nI\nSin Bin\n16\n23\nI\nDismissal\n17\n24\nI\nDrop-Off\n\ 17\n25\nI\nMatch Officials\n18\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch\ \ Football Australia 2020\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch\ \ Football Australia 2020\n Definitions and Terminology \nUnless the contrary\ \ intention appears, the following definitions and terminology apply \nto the game\ \ of Touch:\nTERM/PHRASE\nDEFINITION/DESCRIPTION\nAdvantage\nThe period of time\ \ after an Infringement in which the non-offending \nside has the opportunity\ \ to gain Advantage either territorial, tactical \nor in the form of a Try.\n\ Attacking Try Line\nThe line on or over which a player has to place the ball to\ \ \nscore a Try.\nAttacking Team\nThe Team which has or is gaining Possession.\n\ Behind\nA position or direction towards a Team’s Defending Try Line.\nChange of\ \ Possession\nThe act of moving control of the ball from one Team to the other.\n\ Dead/Dead Ball\nWhen the ball is out of play including the period following a\ \ Try and \nuntil the match is recommenced and when the ball goes to ground \n\ and/or outside the boundaries of the Field of Play prior to the \nsubsequent Rollball.\n\ Dead Ball Line\nThe end boundaries of the Field of Play. There is one at each\ \ end of \nthe Field of Play. See Appendix 1.\nDef" - source_sentence: What is the primary responsibility of the Referee during a Touch Rugby match? sentences: - " related matters inside the Perimeter \nfor the Duration of a match, has jurisdiction\ \ over all players, coaches and \nofficials and is required to:\n25.1.1\tInspect\ \ the Field of Play, Line Markings and Markers prior to the \ncommencement of\ \ the Match to ensure the safety of all participants.\n25.1.2\tAdjudicate on the\ \ Rules of the game;\n25.1.3\tImpose any sanction necessary to control the match;\n\ 25.1.4\tAward Tries and record the progressive score;\n25.1.5\tMaintain a count\ \ of Touches during each Possession;\n25.1.6\tAward Penalties for Infringements\ \ against the Rules; and\n25.1.7\tReport to the relevant competition administration\ \ any Sin Bins, \nDismissals or injuries to any participant sustained during a\ \ Match.\n25.2\tOnly Team captains are permitted to seek clarification of a decision\ \ directly \nfrom the Referee. An approach may only be made during a break in\ \ play or at \nthe discretion of the Referee.\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\n\ 18\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020\nHALFWAY LINE\nSIN BIN AREAS\nIN-GOAL\ \ AREA\nTRY LINE\n7 M ZONE\nDEAD BALL LINE\nPERIMETER\nINTERCHANGE\nAREA\n20M\n\ 10M\n10M\n1M\n5M\n7 M\n7 M\n7 M\n7 M\n50M\n3M\n70M\nINTERCHANGE\nAREA\n Appendix\ \ 1 – Field of Play\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football\ \ Australia 2020\n19\nFEDERATION OF INTERNATIONAL TOUCH\n" - " Player\nThe player who replaces another player during Interchange. There is\ \ \na maximum of eight (8) substitute players in any Team and except \nwhen interchanging,\ \ in the Sin Bin, dismissed or on the Field of Play, \nthey must remain in the\ \ Substitution Box.\nTap and Tap Penalty\nThe method of commencing the match,\ \ recommencing the match \nafter Half Time and after a Try has been scored. The\ \ Tap is also the \nmethod of recommencing play when a Penalty is awarded. The\ \ Tap \nis taken by placing the ball on the ground at or behind the Mark, \nreleasing\ \ both hands from the ball, tapping the ball gently with either \nfoot or touching\ \ the foot on the ball. The ball must not roll or move \nmore than one (1) metre\ \ in any direction and must be retrieved \ncleanly, without touching the ground\ \ again. The player may face any \ndirection and use either foot. Provided it\ \ is at the Mark, the ball does \nnot have to be lifted from the ground prior\ \ to a Tap being taken.\nTeam\nA group of players constituting one (1) side in\ \ a competition match.\nTFA\nTouch Football Australia Limited\nTouch\nAny contact\ \ between the player in Possession and a defending \nplayer. A Touch includes\ \ contact on the ball, hair or clothing and may \nbe made by a defending player\ \ or by the player in Possession.\nTouch Count\nThe progressive number of Touches\ \ that each Team has before a \nChange of Possession, from zero (0) to six (6).\n\ Try\nThe result of any attacking player, except the Half, placing the ball on\ \ \nor over the Team’s Attacking Try Line before being Touched.\nTry Lines\nThe\ \ lines separating the In-Goal Areas from the Field of Play. See \nAppendix 1.\n\ Voluntary Rollball\nThe player in Possession performs a Rollball before a Touch\ \ is made \nwith a defending player.\nWing\nThe player outside the Link player.\n\ Winner\nThe Team that scores the most Tries during the match.\nFIT Playing Rules\ \ - 5th Edition\n4\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020\n Rules of Play\ \ \n Mode of Play \nThe object of the game of Touch is for each Team to score\ \ Tries and to prevent the \nopposition from scoring. The ball may be passed,\ \ knocked or handed between players \nof the Attacking Team who may in turn run" - "1\twhen a Change of Possession takes place due to a player in Possession \nmaking\ \ contact with the Sideline or any ground outside the Field of Play, \nprior to\ \ a Touch being made; or\n13.6.2\twhen the ball not in Possession of a player\ \ makes contact with the \nSideline or any ground outside the Field of Play.\n\ 13.7\tA player may not perform a Tap in replacement of a Rollball.\nRuling = The\ \ offending Team must return to the Mark and perform the Rollball.\n13.8\tAn attacking\ \ player, other than the player performing the Rollball, may receive \nthe ball\ \ at the Rollball and shall do so without delay. That player is referred to as\ \ \nthe Half.\n13.9\tThe Half may control the ball with a foot prior to picking\ \ up the ball. \n13.10\tA player ceases to be the Half once the ball is passed\ \ to another player.\n13.11\tDefending players are not to interfere with the performance\ \ of the Rollball or the \nHalf. \nRuling = A Penalty to the Attacking Team at\ \ a point ten (10) metres directly Forward of the \nInfringement.\n13.12\tPlayers\ \ of the Defending Team must not move Forward of the Onside position \nuntil the\ \ Half has made contact with the ball, unless directed to do so by the \nReferee\ \ or in accordance with 13.12.1.\n13.12.1\tWhen the Half is not within one (1)\ \ metre of the Rollball, Onside players \nof the Defending Team may move Forward\ \ as soon as the player \nperforming the Rollball releases the ball. If the Half\ \ is not in position and \na defending player moves Forward and makes contact\ \ with the ball, a \nChange of Possession results.\n13.13\tIf in the act of performing\ \ the Rollball, the Attacking player makes contact with \nthe Sideline or any\ \ ground outside the Field of Play a Change of Possession will \noccur with the\ \ Rollball to be taken seven (7) metres in field.\n13.14\tAfter a Touch is made\ \ between the Dead Ball Line and the seven (7) metre line, \nan Attacking Team\ \ is permitted to Rollball on the seven (7) metre line at a point \ndirectly in\ \ line with where the Touch was made.\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\n12\nCOPYRIGHT\ \ © Touch Football Australia" - source_sentence: What happens if a player deliberately delays the changeover procedure after a Change of Possession? sentences: - " Registration\n5\n03 I\nThe Ball\n6\n04 I\nPlaying Uniform\n6\n05 I\nTeam Composition\n\ 6\n06 I\nTeam Coach and Team Officials\n7\n07\nI\nCommencement and Recommencement\ \ of Play\n7\n08\nI\nMatch Duration\n8\n09 I\nPossession\n8\n10\nI\nThe Touch\n\ 9\n11\nI\nPassing\n10\n12\nI\nBall Touched in Flight\n10\n13\nI\nThe Rollball\n\ 11\n14\nI\nScoring\n13\n15\nI\nOffside\n13\n16\nI\nObstruction\n14\n17\nI\nInterchange\n\ 14\n18\nI\nPenalty\n15\n19\nI\nAdvantage\n16\n20\nI\nMisconduct\n16\n21\nI\nForced\ \ Interchange\n16\n22\nI\nSin Bin\n16\n23\nI\nDismissal\n17\n24\nI\nDrop-Off\n\ 17\n25\nI\nMatch Officials\n18\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch\ \ Football Australia 2020\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch\ \ Football Australia 2020\n Definitions and Terminology \nUnless the contrary\ \ intention appears, the following definitions and terminology apply \nto the game\ \ of Touch:\nTERM/PHRASE\nDEFINITION/DESCRIPTION\nAdvantage\nThe period of time\ \ after an Infringement in which the non-offending \nside has the opportunity\ \ to gain Advantage either territorial, tactical \nor in the form of a Try.\n\ Attacking Try Line\nThe line on or over which a player has to place the ball to\ \ \nscore a Try.\nAttacking Team\nThe Team which has or is gaining Possession.\n\ Behind\nA position or direction towards a Team’s Defending Try Line.\nChange of\ \ Possession\nThe act of moving control of the ball from one Team to the other.\n\ Dead/Dead Ball\nWhen the ball is out of play including the period following a\ \ Try and \nuntil the match is recommenced and when the ball goes to ground \n\ and/or outside the boundaries of the Field of Play prior to the \nsubsequent Rollball.\n\ Dead Ball Line\nThe end boundaries of the Field of Play. There is one at each\ \ end of \nthe Field of Play. See Appendix 1.\nDef" - " related matters inside the Perimeter \nfor the Duration of a match, has jurisdiction\ \ over all players, coaches and \nofficials and is required to:\n25.1.1\tInspect\ \ the Field of Play, Line Markings and Markers prior to the \ncommencement of\ \ the Match to ensure the safety of all participants.\n25.1.2\tAdjudicate on the\ \ Rules of the game;\n25.1.3\tImpose any sanction necessary to control the match;\n\ 25.1.4\tAward Tries and record the progressive score;\n25.1.5\tMaintain a count\ \ of Touches during each Possession;\n25.1.6\tAward Penalties for Infringements\ \ against the Rules; and\n25.1.7\tReport to the relevant competition administration\ \ any Sin Bins, \nDismissals or injuries to any participant sustained during a\ \ Match.\n25.2\tOnly Team captains are permitted to seek clarification of a decision\ \ directly \nfrom the Referee. An approach may only be made during a break in\ \ play or at \nthe discretion of the Referee.\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\n\ 18\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020\nHALFWAY LINE\nSIN BIN AREAS\nIN-GOAL\ \ AREA\nTRY LINE\n7 M ZONE\nDEAD BALL LINE\nPERIMETER\nINTERCHANGE\nAREA\n20M\n\ 10M\n10M\n1M\n5M\n7 M\n7 M\n7 M\n7 M\n50M\n3M\n70M\nINTERCHANGE\nAREA\n Appendix\ \ 1 – Field of Play\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football\ \ Australia 2020\n19\nFEDERATION OF INTERNATIONAL TOUCH\n" - " Registration\n5\n03 I\nThe Ball\n6\n04 I\nPlaying Uniform\n6\n05 I\nTeam Composition\n\ 6\n06 I\nTeam Coach and Team Officials\n7\n07\nI\nCommencement and Recommencement\ \ of Play\n7\n08\nI\nMatch Duration\n8\n09 I\nPossession\n8\n10\nI\nThe Touch\n\ 9\n11\nI\nPassing\n10\n12\nI\nBall Touched in Flight\n10\n13\nI\nThe Rollball\n\ 11\n14\nI\nScoring\n13\n15\nI\nOffside\n13\n16\nI\nObstruction\n14\n17\nI\nInterchange\n\ 14\n18\nI\nPenalty\n15\n19\nI\nAdvantage\n16\n20\nI\nMisconduct\n16\n21\nI\nForced\ \ Interchange\n16\n22\nI\nSin Bin\n16\n23\nI\nDismissal\n17\n24\nI\nDrop-Off\n\ 17\n25\nI\nMatch Officials\n18\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch\ \ Football Australia 2020\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch\ \ Football Australia 2020\n Definitions and Terminology \nUnless the contrary\ \ intention appears, the following definitions and terminology apply \nto the game\ \ of Touch:\nTERM/PHRASE\nDEFINITION/DESCRIPTION\nAdvantage\nThe period of time\ \ after an Infringement in which the non-offending \nside has the opportunity\ \ to gain Advantage either territorial, tactical \nor in the form of a Try.\n\ Attacking Try Line\nThe line on or over which a player has to place the ball to\ \ \nscore a Try.\nAttacking Team\nThe Team which has or is gaining Possession.\n\ Behind\nA position or direction towards a Team’s Defending Try Line.\nChange of\ \ Possession\nThe act of moving control of the ball from one Team to the other.\n\ Dead/Dead Ball\nWhen the ball is out of play including the period following a\ \ Try and \nuntil the match is recommenced and when the ball goes to ground \n\ and/or outside the boundaries of the Field of Play prior to the \nsubsequent Rollball.\n\ Dead Ball Line\nThe end boundaries of the Field of Play. There is one at each\ \ end of \nthe Field of Play. See Appendix 1.\nDef" --- # SentenceTransformer based on sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L12-v2 This is a [sentence-transformers](https://www.SBERT.net) model finetuned from [sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L12-v2](https://huggingface.co./sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L12-v2). It maps sentences & paragraphs to a 384-dimensional dense vector space and can be used for semantic textual similarity, semantic search, paraphrase mining, text classification, clustering, and more. ## Model Details ### Model Description - **Model Type:** Sentence Transformer - **Base model:** [sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L12-v2](https://huggingface.co./sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L12-v2) - **Maximum Sequence Length:** 128 tokens - **Output Dimensionality:** 384 tokens - **Similarity Function:** Cosine Similarity ### Model Sources - **Documentation:** [Sentence Transformers Documentation](https://sbert.net) - **Repository:** [Sentence Transformers on GitHub](https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-transformers) - **Hugging Face:** [Sentence Transformers on Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co./models?library=sentence-transformers) ### Full Model Architecture ``` SentenceTransformer( (0): Transformer({'max_seq_length': 128, 'do_lower_case': False}) with Transformer model: BertModel (1): Pooling({'word_embedding_dimension': 384, 'pooling_mode_cls_token': False, 'pooling_mode_mean_tokens': True, 'pooling_mode_max_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_mean_sqrt_len_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_weightedmean_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_lasttoken': False, 'include_prompt': True}) (2): Normalize() ) ``` ## Usage ### Direct Usage (Sentence Transformers) First install the Sentence Transformers library: ```bash pip install -U sentence-transformers ``` Then you can load this model and run inference. ```python from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer # Download from the 🤗 Hub model = SentenceTransformer("Trelis/all-MiniLM-L12-v2-ft-pairs-balanced") # Run inference sentences = [ 'What happens if a player deliberately delays the changeover procedure after a Change of Possession?', ' Registration\n5\n03 I\nThe Ball\n6\n04 I\nPlaying Uniform\n6\n05 I\nTeam Composition\n6\n06 I\nTeam Coach and Team Officials\n7\n07\nI\nCommencement and Recommencement of Play\n7\n08\nI\nMatch Duration\n8\n09 I\nPossession\n8\n10\nI\nThe Touch\n9\n11\nI\nPassing\n10\n12\nI\nBall Touched in Flight\n10\n13\nI\nThe Rollball\n11\n14\nI\nScoring\n13\n15\nI\nOffside\n13\n16\nI\nObstruction\n14\n17\nI\nInterchange\n14\n18\nI\nPenalty\n15\n19\nI\nAdvantage\n16\n20\nI\nMisconduct\n16\n21\nI\nForced Interchange\n16\n22\nI\nSin Bin\n16\n23\nI\nDismissal\n17\n24\nI\nDrop-Off\n17\n25\nI\nMatch Officials\n18\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020\n Definitions and Terminology \nUnless the contrary intention appears, the following definitions and terminology apply \nto the game of Touch:\nTERM/PHRASE\nDEFINITION/DESCRIPTION\nAdvantage\nThe period of time after an Infringement in which the non-offending \nside has the opportunity to gain Advantage either territorial, tactical \nor in the form of a Try.\nAttacking Try Line\nThe line on or over which a player has to place the ball to \nscore a Try.\nAttacking Team\nThe Team which has or is gaining Possession.\nBehind\nA position or direction towards a Team’s Defending Try Line.\nChange of Possession\nThe act of moving control of the ball from one Team to the other.\nDead/Dead Ball\nWhen the ball is out of play including the period following a Try and \nuntil the match is recommenced and when the ball goes to ground \nand/or outside the boundaries of the Field of Play prior to the \nsubsequent Rollball.\nDead Ball Line\nThe end boundaries of the Field of Play. There is one at each end of \nthe Field of Play. See Appendix 1.\nDef', ' Registration\n5\n03 I\nThe Ball\n6\n04 I\nPlaying Uniform\n6\n05 I\nTeam Composition\n6\n06 I\nTeam Coach and Team Officials\n7\n07\nI\nCommencement and Recommencement of Play\n7\n08\nI\nMatch Duration\n8\n09 I\nPossession\n8\n10\nI\nThe Touch\n9\n11\nI\nPassing\n10\n12\nI\nBall Touched in Flight\n10\n13\nI\nThe Rollball\n11\n14\nI\nScoring\n13\n15\nI\nOffside\n13\n16\nI\nObstruction\n14\n17\nI\nInterchange\n14\n18\nI\nPenalty\n15\n19\nI\nAdvantage\n16\n20\nI\nMisconduct\n16\n21\nI\nForced Interchange\n16\n22\nI\nSin Bin\n16\n23\nI\nDismissal\n17\n24\nI\nDrop-Off\n17\n25\nI\nMatch Officials\n18\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020\nFIT Playing Rules - 5th Edition\nCOPYRIGHT © Touch Football Australia 2020\n Definitions and Terminology \nUnless the contrary intention appears, the following definitions and terminology apply \nto the game of Touch:\nTERM/PHRASE\nDEFINITION/DESCRIPTION\nAdvantage\nThe period of time after an Infringement in which the non-offending \nside has the opportunity to gain Advantage either territorial, tactical \nor in the form of a Try.\nAttacking Try Line\nThe line on or over which a player has to place the ball to \nscore a Try.\nAttacking Team\nThe Team which has or is gaining Possession.\nBehind\nA position or direction towards a Team’s Defending Try Line.\nChange of Possession\nThe act of moving control of the ball from one Team to the other.\nDead/Dead Ball\nWhen the ball is out of play including the period following a Try and \nuntil the match is recommenced and when the ball goes to ground \nand/or outside the boundaries of the Field of Play prior to the \nsubsequent Rollball.\nDead Ball Line\nThe end boundaries of the Field of Play. There is one at each end of \nthe Field of Play. See Appendix 1.\nDef', ] embeddings = model.encode(sentences) print(embeddings.shape) # [3, 384] # Get the similarity scores for the embeddings similarities = model.similarity(embeddings, embeddings) print(similarities.shape) # [3, 3] ``` ## Training Details ### Training Hyperparameters #### Non-Default Hyperparameters - `eval_strategy`: steps - `per_device_train_batch_size`: 4 - `per_device_eval_batch_size`: 4 - `learning_rate`: 1e-05 - `num_train_epochs`: 1 - `lr_scheduler_type`: cosine - `warmup_ratio`: 0.3 - `bf16`: True #### All Hyperparameters
Click to expand - `overwrite_output_dir`: False - `do_predict`: False - `eval_strategy`: steps - `prediction_loss_only`: True - `per_device_train_batch_size`: 4 - `per_device_eval_batch_size`: 4 - `per_gpu_train_batch_size`: None - `per_gpu_eval_batch_size`: None - `gradient_accumulation_steps`: 1 - `eval_accumulation_steps`: None - `learning_rate`: 1e-05 - `weight_decay`: 0.0 - `adam_beta1`: 0.9 - `adam_beta2`: 0.999 - `adam_epsilon`: 1e-08 - `max_grad_norm`: 1.0 - `num_train_epochs`: 1 - `max_steps`: -1 - `lr_scheduler_type`: cosine - `lr_scheduler_kwargs`: {} - `warmup_ratio`: 0.3 - `warmup_steps`: 0 - `log_level`: passive - `log_level_replica`: warning - `log_on_each_node`: True - `logging_nan_inf_filter`: True - `save_safetensors`: True - `save_on_each_node`: False - `save_only_model`: False - `restore_callback_states_from_checkpoint`: False - `no_cuda`: False - `use_cpu`: False - `use_mps_device`: False - `seed`: 42 - `data_seed`: None - `jit_mode_eval`: False - `use_ipex`: False - `bf16`: True - `fp16`: False - `fp16_opt_level`: O1 - `half_precision_backend`: auto - `bf16_full_eval`: False - `fp16_full_eval`: False - `tf32`: None - `local_rank`: 0 - `ddp_backend`: None - `tpu_num_cores`: None - `tpu_metrics_debug`: False - `debug`: [] - `dataloader_drop_last`: False - `dataloader_num_workers`: 0 - `dataloader_prefetch_factor`: None - `past_index`: -1 - `disable_tqdm`: False - `remove_unused_columns`: True - `label_names`: None - `load_best_model_at_end`: False - `ignore_data_skip`: False - `fsdp`: [] - `fsdp_min_num_params`: 0 - `fsdp_config`: {'min_num_params': 0, 'xla': False, 'xla_fsdp_v2': False, 'xla_fsdp_grad_ckpt': False} - `fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap`: None - `accelerator_config`: {'split_batches': False, 'dispatch_batches': None, 'even_batches': True, 'use_seedable_sampler': True, 'non_blocking': False, 'gradient_accumulation_kwargs': None} - `deepspeed`: None - `label_smoothing_factor`: 0.0 - `optim`: adamw_torch - `optim_args`: None - `adafactor`: False - `group_by_length`: False - `length_column_name`: length - `ddp_find_unused_parameters`: None - `ddp_bucket_cap_mb`: None - `ddp_broadcast_buffers`: False - `dataloader_pin_memory`: True - `dataloader_persistent_workers`: False - `skip_memory_metrics`: True - `use_legacy_prediction_loop`: False - `push_to_hub`: False - `resume_from_checkpoint`: None - `hub_model_id`: None - `hub_strategy`: every_save - `hub_private_repo`: False - `hub_always_push`: False - `gradient_checkpointing`: False - `gradient_checkpointing_kwargs`: None - `include_inputs_for_metrics`: False - `eval_do_concat_batches`: True - `fp16_backend`: auto - `push_to_hub_model_id`: None - `push_to_hub_organization`: None - `mp_parameters`: - `auto_find_batch_size`: False - `full_determinism`: False - `torchdynamo`: None - `ray_scope`: last - `ddp_timeout`: 1800 - `torch_compile`: False - `torch_compile_backend`: None - `torch_compile_mode`: None - `dispatch_batches`: None - `split_batches`: None - `include_tokens_per_second`: False - `include_num_input_tokens_seen`: False - `neftune_noise_alpha`: None - `optim_target_modules`: None - `batch_eval_metrics`: False - `batch_sampler`: batch_sampler - `multi_dataset_batch_sampler`: proportional
### Training Logs | Epoch | Step | Training Loss | loss | |:------:|:----:|:-------------:|:------:| | 0.1053 | 2 | 4.6868 | - | | 0.1579 | 3 | - | 2.7075 | | 0.2105 | 4 | 5.703 | - | | 0.3158 | 6 | 2.1691 | 2.6412 | | 0.4211 | 8 | 1.705 | - | | 0.4737 | 9 | - | 2.6254 | | 0.5263 | 10 | 1.7985 | - | | 0.6316 | 12 | 3.4822 | 2.6087 | | 0.7368 | 14 | 4.2724 | - | | 0.7895 | 15 | - | 2.6000 | | 0.8421 | 16 | 3.1489 | - | | 0.9474 | 18 | 5.7594 | 2.6032 | ### Framework Versions - Python: 3.10.12 - Sentence Transformers: 3.0.1 - Transformers: 4.41.2 - PyTorch: 2.1.1+cu121 - Accelerate: 0.31.0 - Datasets: 2.17.1 - Tokenizers: 0.19.1 ## Citation ### BibTeX #### Sentence Transformers ```bibtex @inproceedings{reimers-2019-sentence-bert, title = "Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks", author = "Reimers, Nils and Gurevych, Iryna", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing", month = "11", year = "2019", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.10084", } ``` #### CoSENTLoss ```bibtex @online{kexuefm-8847, title={CoSENT: A more efficient sentence vector scheme than Sentence-BERT}, author={Su Jianlin}, year={2022}, month={Jan}, url={https://kexue.fm/archives/8847}, } ```