""" This code is inspired from https://github.com/detly/gammatone """ import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from util.utils import shape_list pi = tf.constant(np.pi, dtype=tf.complex64) DEFAULT_FILTER_NUM = 100 DEFAULT_LOW_FREQ = 100 DEFAULT_HIGH_FREQ = 44100 / 4 def fft_weights( nfft, fs, nfilts, width, fmin, fmax, maxlen): """ :param nfft: the source FFT size :param sr: sampling rate (Hz) :param nfilts: the number of output bands required (default 64) :param width: the constant width of each band in Bark (default 1) :param fmin: lower limit of frequencies (Hz) :param fmax: upper limit of frequencies (Hz) :param maxlen: number of bins to truncate the rows to :return: a tuple `weights`, `gain` with the calculated weight matrices and gain vectors Generate a matrix of weights to combine FFT bins into Gammatone bins. Note about `maxlen` parameter: While wts has nfft columns, the second half are all zero. Hence, aud spectrum is:: fft2gammatonemx(nfft,sr)*abs(fft(xincols,nfft)) `maxlen` truncates the rows to this many bins. | (c) 2004-2009 Dan Ellis dpwe@ee.columbia.edu based on rastamat/audspec.m | (c) 2012 Jason Heeris (Python implementation) """ ucirc = tf.exp(1j * 2 * pi * tf.cast(tf.range(0, nfft / 2 + 1), tf.complex64) / nfft)[None, ...] # Common ERB filter code factored out cf_array = erb_space(fmin, fmax, nfilts)[::-1] _, A11, A12, A13, A14, _, _, _, B2, gain = make_erb_filters(fs, cf_array, width) A11, A12, A13, A14 = A11[..., None], A12[..., None], A13[..., None], A14[..., None] r = tf.cast(tf.sqrt(B2), tf.complex64) theta = 2 * pi * cf_array / fs pole = (r * tf.exp(1j * theta))[..., None] GTord = 4 weights = ( tf.abs(ucirc + A11 * fs) * tf.abs(ucirc + A12 * fs) * tf.abs(ucirc + A13 * fs) * tf.abs(ucirc + A14 * fs) * tf.abs(fs * (pole - ucirc) * (tf.math.conj(pole) - ucirc)) ** (-GTord) / tf.cast(gain[..., None], tf.float32) ) weights = tf.pad(weights, [[0, 0], [0, nfft - shape_list(weights)[-1]]]) weights = weights[:, 0:int(maxlen)] return tf.transpose(weights, perm=[1, 0]) def erb_point(low_freq, high_freq, fraction): """ Calculates a single point on an ERB scale between ``low_freq`` and ``high_freq``, determined by ``fraction``. When ``fraction`` is ``1``, ``low_freq`` will be returned. When ``fraction`` is ``0``, ``high_freq`` will be returned. ``fraction`` can actually be outside the range ``[0, 1]``, which in general isn't very meaningful, but might be useful when ``fraction`` is rounded a little above or below ``[0, 1]`` (eg. for plot axis labels). """ # Change the following three parameters if you wish to use a different ERB # scale. Must change in MakeERBCoeffs too. # TODO: Factor these parameters out ear_q = 9.26449 # Glasberg and Moore Parameters min_bw = 24.7 # All of the following expressions are derived in Apple TR #35, "An # Efficient Implementation of the Patterson-Holdsworth Cochlear Filter # Bank." See pages 33-34. erb_point = ( -ear_q * min_bw + tf.exp( fraction * ( -tf.math.log(high_freq + ear_q * min_bw) + tf.math.log(low_freq + ear_q * min_bw) ) ) * (high_freq + ear_q * min_bw) ) return tf.cast(erb_point, tf.complex64) def erb_space( low_freq=DEFAULT_LOW_FREQ, high_freq=DEFAULT_HIGH_FREQ, num=DEFAULT_FILTER_NUM): """ This function computes an array of ``num`` frequencies uniformly spaced between ``high_freq`` and ``low_freq`` on an ERB scale. For a definition of ERB, see Moore, B. C. J., and Glasberg, B. R. (1983). "Suggested formulae for calculating auditory-filter bandwidths and excitation patterns," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 74, 750-753. """ return erb_point( low_freq, high_freq, tf.range(1, num + 1, dtype=tf.float32) / num ) def make_erb_filters(fs, centre_freqs, width=1.0): """ This function computes the filter coefficients for a bank of Gammatone filters. These filters were defined by Patterson and Holdworth for simulating the cochlea. The result is returned as a :class:`ERBCoeffArray`. Each row of the filter arrays contains the coefficients for four second order filters. The transfer function for these four filters share the same denominator (poles) but have different numerators (zeros). All of these coefficients are assembled into one vector that the ERBFilterBank can take apart to implement the filter. The filter bank contains "numChannels" channels that extend from half the sampling rate (fs) to "lowFreq". Alternatively, if the numChannels input argument is a vector, then the values of this vector are taken to be the center frequency of each desired filter. (The lowFreq argument is ignored in this case.) Note this implementation fixes a problem in the original code by computing four separate second order filters. This avoids a big problem with round off errors in cases of very small cfs (100Hz) and large sample rates (44kHz). The problem is caused by roundoff error when a number of poles are combined, all very close to the unit circle. Small errors in the eigth order coefficient, are multiplied when the eigth root is taken to give the pole location. These small errors lead to poles outside the unit circle and instability. Thanks to Julius Smith for leading me to the proper explanation. Execute the following code to evaluate the frequency response of a 10 channel filterbank:: fcoefs = MakeERBFilters(16000,10,100); y = ERBFilterBank([1 zeros(1,511)], fcoefs); resp = 20*log10(abs(fft(y'))); freqScale = (0:511)/512*16000; semilogx(freqScale(1:255),resp(1:255,:)); axis([100 16000 -60 0]) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Filter Response (dB)'); | Rewritten by Malcolm Slaney@Interval. June 11, 1998. | (c) 1998 Interval Research Corporation | | (c) 2012 Jason Heeris (Python implementation) """ T = 1 / fs # Change the followFreqing three parameters if you wish to use a different # ERB scale. Must change in ERBSpace too. # TODO: factor these out ear_q = 9.26449 # Glasberg and Moore Parameters min_bw = 24.7 order = 1 erb = width * ((centre_freqs / ear_q) ** order + min_bw ** order) ** (1 / order) B = 1.019 * 2 * pi * erb arg = 2 * centre_freqs * pi * T vec = tf.exp(2j * arg) A0 = T A2 = 0 B0 = 1 B1 = -2 * tf.cos(arg) / tf.exp(B * T) B2 = tf.exp(-2 * B * T) rt_pos = tf.cast(tf.sqrt(3 + 2 ** 1.5), tf.complex64) rt_neg = tf.cast(tf.sqrt(3 - 2 ** 1.5), tf.complex64) common = -T * tf.exp(-(B * T)) # TODO: This could be simplified to a matrix calculation involving the # constant first term and the alternating rt_pos/rt_neg and +/-1 second # terms k11 = tf.cos(arg) + rt_pos * tf.sin(arg) k12 = tf.cos(arg) - rt_pos * tf.sin(arg) k13 = tf.cos(arg) + rt_neg * tf.sin(arg) k14 = tf.cos(arg) - rt_neg * tf.sin(arg) A11 = common * k11 A12 = common * k12 A13 = common * k13 A14 = common * k14 gain_arg = tf.exp(1j * arg - B * T) gain = tf.cast(tf.abs( (vec - gain_arg * k11) * (vec - gain_arg * k12) * (vec - gain_arg * k13) * (vec - gain_arg * k14) * (T * tf.exp(B * T) / (-1 / tf.exp(B * T) + 1 + vec * (1 - tf.exp(B * T))) )**4 ), tf.complex64) allfilts = tf.ones_like(centre_freqs, dtype=tf.complex64) fcoefs = tf.stack([ A0 * allfilts, A11, A12, A13, A14, A2 * allfilts, B0 * allfilts, B1, B2, gain ], axis=1) return tf.transpose(fcoefs, perm=[1, 0])