Updated the shebang line in /home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/nextpy/ai/swe_bench/commands/shell_commands/_split_string.py to use /home/azureuser/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/nextpy-foM6-Dfe-py3.11/bin/python Channels: - defaults Platform: linux-64 Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): ...working... done Solving environment: ...working... done ## Package Plan ## environment location: /home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django_venv added / updated specs: - python=3.6 The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: _libgcc_mutex pkgs/main/linux-64::_libgcc_mutex-0.1-main _openmp_mutex pkgs/main/linux-64::_openmp_mutex-5.1-1_gnu ca-certificates pkgs/main/linux-64::ca-certificates-2024.3.11-h06a4308_0 certifi pkgs/main/linux-64::certifi-2021.5.30-py36h06a4308_0 ld_impl_linux-64 pkgs/main/linux-64::ld_impl_linux-64-2.38-h1181459_1 libffi pkgs/main/linux-64::libffi-3.3-he6710b0_2 libgcc-ng pkgs/main/linux-64::libgcc-ng-11.2.0-h1234567_1 libgomp pkgs/main/linux-64::libgomp-11.2.0-h1234567_1 libstdcxx-ng pkgs/main/linux-64::libstdcxx-ng-11.2.0-h1234567_1 ncurses pkgs/main/linux-64::ncurses-6.4-h6a678d5_0 openssl pkgs/main/linux-64::openssl-1.1.1w-h7f8727e_0 pip pkgs/main/linux-64::pip-21.2.2-py36h06a4308_0 python pkgs/main/linux-64::python-3.6.13-h12debd9_1 readline pkgs/main/linux-64::readline-8.2-h5eee18b_0 setuptools pkgs/main/linux-64::setuptools-58.0.4-py36h06a4308_0 sqlite pkgs/main/linux-64::sqlite-3.45.3-h5eee18b_0 tk pkgs/main/linux-64::tk-8.6.12-h1ccaba5_0 wheel pkgs/main/noarch::wheel-0.37.1-pyhd3eb1b0_0 xz pkgs/main/linux-64::xz-5.4.6-h5eee18b_0 zlib pkgs/main/linux-64::zlib-1.2.13-h5eee18b_0 Downloading and Extracting Packages: ...working... done Preparing transaction: ...working... done Verifying transaction: ...working... done Executing transaction: ...working... done # # To activate this environment, use # # $ conda activate /home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django_venv # # To deactivate an active environment, use # # $ conda deactivate Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in ./temp/django-11049_django_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (58.0.4) Collecting setuptools Using cached setuptools-59.6.0-py3-none-any.whl (952 kB) Installing collected packages: setuptools Attempting uninstall: setuptools Found existing installation: setuptools 58.0.4 Uninstalling setuptools-58.0.4: Successfully uninstalled setuptools-58.0.4 Successfully installed setuptools-59.6.0 Collecting pytest Using cached pytest-7.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (296 kB) Collecting coverage Using cached coverage-6.2-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (212 kB) Collecting pytest-cov Using cached pytest_cov-4.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (21 kB) Collecting importlib-metadata>=0.12 Using cached importlib_metadata-4.8.3-py3-none-any.whl (17 kB) Collecting attrs>=19.2.0 Using cached attrs-22.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (60 kB) Collecting py>=1.8.2 Using cached py-1.11.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (98 kB) Collecting packaging Using cached packaging-21.3-py3-none-any.whl (40 kB) Collecting tomli>=1.0.0 Using cached tomli-1.2.3-py3-none-any.whl (12 kB) Collecting iniconfig Using cached iniconfig-1.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (5.0 kB) Collecting pluggy<2.0,>=0.12 Using cached pluggy-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (13 kB) Collecting zipp>=0.5 Using cached zipp-3.6.0-py3-none-any.whl (5.3 kB) Collecting typing-extensions>=3.6.4 Using cached typing_extensions-4.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (26 kB) Collecting pyparsing!=3.0.5,>=2.0.2 Using cached pyparsing-3.1.2-py3-none-any.whl (103 kB) Installing collected packages: zipp, typing-extensions, pyparsing, importlib-metadata, tomli, py, pluggy, packaging, iniconfig, coverage, attrs, pytest, pytest-cov Successfully installed attrs-22.2.0 coverage-6.2 importlib-metadata-4.8.3 iniconfig-1.1.1 packaging-21.3 pluggy-1.0.0 py-1.11.0 pyparsing-3.1.2 pytest-7.0.1 pytest-cov-4.0.0 tomli-1.2.3 typing-extensions-4.1.1 zipp-3.6.0 Obtaining file:///home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django Collecting pytz Using cached pytz-2024.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (505 kB) Collecting sqlparse Using cached sqlparse-0.4.4-py3-none-any.whl (41 kB) Installing collected packages: sqlparse, pytz, Django Running setup.py develop for Django Successfully installed Django-3.0.dev20190304153508 pytz-2024.1 sqlparse-0.4.4 Collecting argon2-cffi>=16.1.0 Downloading argon2_cffi-21.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (14 kB) Collecting bcrypt Downloading bcrypt-4.0.1-cp36-abi3-manylinux_2_28_x86_64.whl (593 kB) Collecting docutils Downloading docutils-0.18.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (570 kB) Collecting geoip2 Downloading geoip2-4.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (26 kB) Collecting jinja2>=2.9.2 Downloading Jinja2-3.0.3-py3-none-any.whl (133 kB) Collecting numpy Downloading numpy-1.19.5-cp36-cp36m-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (14.8 MB) Collecting Pillow!=5.4.0 Downloading Pillow-8.4.0-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (3.1 MB) Collecting pylibmc Downloading pylibmc-1.6.3-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (1.2 MB) Collecting python-memcached>=1.59 Downloading python_memcached-1.62-py2.py3-none-any.whl (15 kB) Requirement already satisfied: pytz in ./temp/django-11049_django_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from -r ./temp/django-11049_django/tests/requirements/py3.txt (line 11)) (2024.1) Collecting pywatchman Downloading pywatchman-1.4.1.tar.gz (29 kB) Collecting PyYAML Downloading PyYAML-6.0.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (677 kB) Collecting selenium Downloading selenium-3.141.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (904 kB) Requirement already satisfied: sqlparse in ./temp/django-11049_django_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from -r ./temp/django-11049_django/tests/requirements/py3.txt (line 15)) (0.4.4) Collecting tblib Downloading tblib-1.7.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (12 kB) Collecting dataclasses Downloading dataclasses-0.8-py3-none-any.whl (19 kB) Collecting argon2-cffi-bindings Downloading argon2_cffi_bindings-21.2.0-cp36-abi3-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (86 kB) Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions in ./temp/django-11049_django_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from argon2-cffi>=16.1.0->-r ./temp/django-11049_django/tests/requirements/py3.txt (line 1)) (4.1.1) Collecting maxminddb<3.0.0,>=2.2.0 Downloading maxminddb-2.2.0.tar.gz (330 kB) Collecting urllib3<2.0.0,>=1.25.2 Downloading urllib3-1.26.18-py2.py3-none-any.whl (143 kB) Collecting aiohttp<4.0.0,>=3.6.2 Downloading aiohttp-3.8.6-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (985 kB) Collecting requests<3.0.0,>=2.24.0 Downloading requests-2.27.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (63 kB) Collecting MarkupSafe>=2.0 Downloading MarkupSafe-2.0.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (30 kB) Collecting frozenlist>=1.1.1 Downloading frozenlist-1.2.0-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (191 kB) Collecting asynctest==0.13.0 Downloading asynctest-0.13.0-py3-none-any.whl (26 kB) Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.3.0 in ./temp/django-11049_django_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from aiohttp<4.0.0,>=3.6.2->geoip2->-r ./temp/django-11049_django/tests/requirements/py3.txt (line 4)) (22.2.0) Collecting charset-normalizer<4.0,>=2.0 Downloading charset_normalizer-3.0.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (162 kB) Collecting yarl<2.0,>=1.0 Downloading yarl-1.7.2-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (270 kB) Collecting async-timeout<5.0,>=4.0.0a3 Downloading async_timeout-4.0.2-py3-none-any.whl (5.8 kB) Collecting multidict<7.0,>=4.5 Downloading multidict-5.2.0-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (159 kB) Collecting idna-ssl>=1.0 Downloading idna-ssl-1.1.0.tar.gz (3.4 kB) Collecting aiosignal>=1.1.2 Downloading aiosignal-1.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (8.2 kB) Collecting idna>=2.0 Downloading idna-3.7-py3-none-any.whl (66 kB) Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in ./temp/django-11049_django_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.24.0->geoip2->-r ./temp/django-11049_django/tests/requirements/py3.txt (line 4)) (2021.5.30) Collecting charset-normalizer<4.0,>=2.0 Downloading charset_normalizer-2.0.12-py3-none-any.whl (39 kB) Collecting cffi>=1.0.1 Downloading cffi-1.15.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.whl (402 kB) Collecting pycparser Downloading pycparser-2.21-py2.py3-none-any.whl (118 kB) Building wheels for collected packages: pywatchman, idna-ssl, maxminddb Building wheel for pywatchman (setup.py): started Building wheel for pywatchman (setup.py): finished with status 'done' Created wheel for pywatchman: filename=pywatchman-1.4.1-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl size=65944 sha256=a4f91627748949f37cb1710d46bc548924149f69dc6ce75994150ac77acddda8 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-ofn1h55n/wheels/8d/98/a9/f03130b4b0b1798a35f4572d60e096bebc8201267eaddf7874 Building wheel for idna-ssl (setup.py): started Building wheel for idna-ssl (setup.py): finished with status 'done' Created wheel for idna-ssl: filename=idna_ssl-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl size=3178 sha256=1fe6457a75cfb01a922836871e44a92b20284b66c0c59f9e71834d187bca0788 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-ofn1h55n/wheels/6a/f5/9c/f8331a854f7a8739cf0e74c13854e4dd7b1af11b04fe1dde13 Building wheel for maxminddb (setup.py): started Building wheel for maxminddb (setup.py): finished with status 'done' Created wheel for maxminddb: filename=maxminddb-2.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl size=16356 sha256=652361e35823d50868b178e255ed2e7667e02db7bdc18bdf752df9ef137d4368 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-ofn1h55n/wheels/4a/01/2e/0219dd35e909a917dea3da2113250fa684693406bbcfd64dbe Successfully built pywatchman idna-ssl maxminddb Installing collected packages: pycparser, multidict, idna, frozenlist, yarl, urllib3, idna-ssl, charset-normalizer, cffi, asynctest, async-timeout, aiosignal, requests, maxminddb, MarkupSafe, dataclasses, argon2-cffi-bindings, aiohttp, tblib, selenium, PyYAML, pywatchman, python-memcached, pylibmc, Pillow, numpy, jinja2, geoip2, docutils, bcrypt, argon2-cffi Successfully installed MarkupSafe-2.0.1 Pillow-8.4.0 PyYAML-6.0.1 aiohttp-3.8.6 aiosignal-1.2.0 argon2-cffi-21.3.0 argon2-cffi-bindings-21.2.0 async-timeout-4.0.2 asynctest-0.13.0 bcrypt-4.0.1 cffi-1.15.1 charset-normalizer-2.0.12 dataclasses-0.8 docutils-0.18.1 frozenlist-1.2.0 geoip2-4.6.0 idna-3.7 idna-ssl-1.1.0 jinja2-3.0.3 maxminddb-2.2.0 multidict-5.2.0 numpy-1.19.5 pycparser-2.21 pylibmc-1.6.3 python-memcached-1.62 pywatchman-1.4.1 requests-2.27.1 selenium-3.141.0 tblib-1.7.0 urllib3-1.26.18 yarl-1.7.2 Parsing command file: nextpy/ai/swe_bench/commands/shell_commands/search.sh Parsing command file: nextpy/ai/swe_bench/commands/shell_commands/defaults.sh Parsing command file: nextpy/ai/swe_bench/commands/shell_commands/edit_linting.sh Starting new run.. Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['git clone https://github.com/django/django ./temp/django-11049_django'], None, {'text': True, 'check': True, 'capture_output': True} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['git reset --hard 17455e924e243e7a55e8a38f45966d8cbb27c273'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django', 'text': True, 'check': True, 'capture_output': True} SETTING UP VENV creating Virtual Environment... Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['conda create -y -p ./temp/django-11049_django_venv python=3.6'], None, {} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django_venv/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools'], None, {} Python executable: /home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django_venv/bin/python Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django_venv/bin/python -m pip install pytest coverage pytest-cov'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django_venv/bin/python -m pip install -e .'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} Installing requirements from ./temp/django-11049_django/tests/requirements/py3.txt Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django_venv/bin/python -m pip install -r ./temp/django-11049_django/tests/requirements/py3.txt --no-cache-dir'], None, {} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['git apply ./3.0__test_patch.patch'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['rm 3.0__test_patch.patch'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django_venv/bin/python -m coverage run runtests.py --parallel 1 --verbosity 2 model_fields.test_durationfield'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django/tests', 'stdout': -1, 'stderr': -2, 'text': True} Creating test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... test_exact (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestQuerying) ... ok test_gt (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestQuerying) ... ok test_create_empty (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSaveLoad) ... ok test_fractional_seconds (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSaveLoad) ... ok test_simple_roundtrip (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSaveLoad) ... ok test_formfield (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestFormField) ... ok test_dumping (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSerialization) ... ok test_loading (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSerialization) ... ok test_invalid_string (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestValidation) ... FAIL ====================================================================== FAIL: test_invalid_string (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestValidation) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django/tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", line 77, in test_invalid_string "'not a datetime' value has an invalid format. " AssertionError: "'not[28 chars]valid format. It must be in [DD] [HH:[MM:]]ss[.uuuuuu] format." != "'not[28 chars]valid format. It must be in [DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu] format." - 'not a datetime' value has an invalid format. It must be in [DD] [HH:[MM:]]ss[.uuuuuu] format. ? ^ - + 'not a datetime' value has an invalid format. It must be in [DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu] format. ? + ^ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.094s FAILED (failures=1) Destroying test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Testing against Django installed in '/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django/django' Importing application model_fields Skipping setup of unused database(s): other. Operations to perform: Synchronize unmigrated apps: auth, contenttypes, messages, model_fields, sessions, staticfiles Apply all migrations: admin, sites Synchronizing apps without migrations: Creating tables... Creating table django_content_type Creating table auth_permission Creating table auth_group Creating table auth_user Creating table django_session Creating table model_fields_foo Creating table model_fields_bar Creating table model_fields_whiz Creating table model_fields_whizdelayed Creating table model_fields_whiziter Creating table model_fields_whiziterempty Creating table model_fields_choiceful Creating table model_fields_bigd Creating table model_fields_floatmodel Creating table model_fields_bigs Creating table model_fields_unicodeslugfield Creating table model_fields_smallintegermodel Creating table model_fields_integermodel Creating table model_fields_bigintegermodel Creating table model_fields_positivesmallintegermodel Creating table model_fields_positiveintegermodel Creating table model_fields_post Creating table model_fields_nullbooleanmodel Creating table model_fields_booleanmodel Creating table model_fields_datetimemodel Creating table model_fields_durationmodel Creating table model_fields_nulldurationmodel Creating table model_fields_primarykeycharmodel Creating table model_fields_fkstobooleans Creating table model_fields_fktochar Creating table model_fields_renamedfield Creating table model_fields_verbosenamefield Creating table model_fields_genericipaddress Creating table model_fields_decimallessthanone Creating table model_fields_fieldclassattributemodel Creating table model_fields_datamodel Creating table model_fields_document Creating table model_fields_person Creating table model_fields_personwithheight Creating table model_fields_personwithheightandwidth Creating table model_fields_persondimensionsfirst Creating table model_fields_persontwoimages Creating table model_fields_allfieldsmodel Creating table model_fields_manytomany Creating table model_fields_uuidmodel Creating table model_fields_nullableuuidmodel Creating table model_fields_primarykeyuuidmodel Creating table model_fields_relatedtouuidmodel Creating table model_fields_uuidchild Creating table model_fields_uuidgrandchild Running deferred SQL... Running migrations: Applying admin.0001_initial... OK Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK Applying admin.0003_logentry_add_action_flag_choices... OK Applying sites.0001_initial... OK Applying sites.0002_alter_domain_unique... OK System check identified no issues (0 silenced). You are a software developer maintaining a large project.\nYou are working on an issue submitted to your project.\nThe issue contains a description marked between and .\nYour task is to invoke a few search API calls to gather buggy information, then write patches to solve the issues.\n 2024-04-30 19:23:02,382 - httpx - INFO - HTTP Request: POST https://ncusdot.openai.azure.com//openai/deployments/gpt-4-0125/chat/completions?api-version=2024-02-15-preview "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Correct expected format in invalid DurationField error message Description If you enter a duration "14:00" into a duration field, it translates to "00:14:00" which is 14 minutes. The current error message for invalid DurationField says that this should be the format of durations: "[DD] [HH:[MM:]]ss[.uuuuuu]". But according to the actual behaviour, it should be: "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu]", because seconds are mandatory, minutes are optional, and hours are optional if minutes are provided. This seems to be a mistake in all Django versions that support the DurationField. Also the duration fields could have a default help_text with the requested format, because the syntax is not self-explanatory. Based on the files, classes, methods, code statements from the issue that related to the bug, you can use below search APIs to get more context of the project. search_class(class_name: str): Search for a class in the codebase. search_method_in_file(method_name: str, file_path: str): Search for a method in a given file. search_method_in_class(method_name: str, class_name: str): Search for a method in a given class. search_method(method_name: str): Search for a method in the entire codebase. search_code(code_str: str): Search for a code snippet in the entire codebase. search_code_in_file(code_str: str, file_path: str): Search for a code snippet in a given file file. Note that you can use multiple search APIs in one round. Now analyze the issue and select necessary APIs to get more context of the project, each API call must have concrete arguments as inputs. Also discuss why you choose these APIs. Using Spectrum-Based Fault Localization, for this issue the results found are: Returned top-5 suspicious methods. Top-5 suspicious methods: Suspicious method #1: django/core/exceptions.py ValidationError __init__ Suspicious method #2: django/db/models/fields/__init__.py Field clean Suspicious method #3: django/db/models/fields/__init__.py DurationField to_python Suspicious method #4: django/utils/dateparse.py parse_duration Suspicious method #5: django/utils/functional.py lazy RESPONSE RECEIVED FROM API : Given the issue description and the results from Spectrum-Based Fault Localization, we need to gather more context about how durations are handled and validated in Django, especially in relation to the `DurationField`. The issue points out a discrepancy in the error message format for invalid durations and suggests that the documentation or help text does not accurately reflect the actual behavior of duration parsing. To address this issue, we should look into the methods and classes identified as suspicious, as they are likely involved in the validation, parsing, and error messaging of `DurationField` inputs. Here are the API calls I would make to gather the necessary context: 1. **search_class("DurationField")**: Since the issue directly involves `DurationField`, we need to understand how it is implemented and any relevant documentation or comments within the class that might reference the expected format for durations. 2. **search_method_in_class("__init__", "ValidationError")**: The `ValidationError` class's constructor might contain logic or messages related to how errors are formatted or generated, including the incorrect duration format message. 3. **search_method_in_class("clean", "Field")**: The `clean` method in the `Field` class could be where the validation logic is applied. Since `DurationField` would inherit or utilize this logic, it's crucial to see if the format error originates from here. 4. **search_method_in_class("to_python", "DurationField")**: This method is likely responsible for converting input values into Python objects. Understanding its logic will help us see how the "14:00" input is being interpreted as 14 minutes and if the error message is generated here. 5. **search_code("parse_duration")**: Since the `parse_duration` function is identified as suspicious, it's important to see how it parses string inputs into duration objects and whether it has any role in generating the incorrect format message. 6. **search_method("lazy")**: The `lazy` function might be involved in how error messages are generated or displayed. Understanding its role could provide insights into how to correctly implement the help text or correct the error message. These API calls are chosen to directly address the components of the Django framework that are most likely involved in the issue described. By examining the implementation and usage of these methods and classes, we can identify where the incorrect format message is generated and how to correct it. Additionally, understanding these parts of the codebase will help in potentially adding a default `help_text` to the `DurationField` that accurately reflects the expected format. Given the issue description and the results from Spectrum-Based Fault Localization, we need to gather more context about how durations are handled and validated in Django, especially in relation to the `DurationField`. The issue points out a discrepancy in the error message format for invalid durations and suggests that the documentation or help text does not accurately reflect the actual behavior of duration parsing. To address this issue, we should look into the methods and classes identified as suspicious, as they are likely involved in the validation, parsing, and error messaging of `DurationField` inputs. Here are the API calls I would make to gather the necessary context: 1. **search_class("DurationField")**: Since the issue directly involves `DurationField`, we need to understand how it is implemented and any relevant documentation or comments within the class that might reference the expected format for durations. 2. **search_method_in_class("__init__", "ValidationError")**: The `ValidationError` class's constructor might contain logic or messages related to how errors are formatted or generated, including the incorrect duration format message. 3. **search_method_in_class("clean", "Field")**: The `clean` method in the `Field` class could be where the validation logic is applied. Since `DurationField` would inherit or utilize this logic, it's crucial to see if the format error originates from here. 4. **search_method_in_class("to_python", "DurationField")**: This method is likely responsible for converting input values into Python objects. Understanding its logic will help us see how the "14:00" input is being interpreted as 14 minutes and if the error message is generated here. 5. **search_code("parse_duration")**: Since the `parse_duration` function is identified as suspicious, it's important to see how it parses string inputs into duration objects and whether it has any role in generating the incorrect format message. 6. **search_method("lazy")**: The `lazy` function might be involved in how error messages are generated or displayed. Understanding its role could provide insights into how to correctly implement the help text or correct the error message. These API calls are chosen to directly address the components of the Django framework that are most likely involved in the issue described. By examining the implementation and usage of these methods and classes, we can identify where the incorrect format message is generated and how to correct it. Additionally, understanding these parts of the codebase will help in potentially adding a default `help_text` to the `DurationField` that accurately reflects the expected format. search_class("DurationField") Matched search_class ['DurationField'] search_method("lazy") Matched search_method ['lazy'] search_method_in_class("__init__", "ValidationError") Matched search_method_in_class ['__init__', 'ValidationError'] search_method_in_class("clean", "Field") Matched search_method_in_class ['clean', 'Field'] search_method_in_class("to_python", "DurationField") Matched search_method_in_class ['to_python', 'DurationField'] search_code("parse_duration") Matched search_code ['parse_duration'] API Calls: ['search_class("DurationField")', 'search_method("lazy")', 'search_method_in_class("__init__", "ValidationError")', 'search_method_in_class("clean", "Field")', 'search_method_in_class("to_python", "DurationField")', 'search_code("parse_duration")'] Results: Found 2 classes with name DurationField in the codebase. Search result 1: File path:./temp/django-11049_django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py Class Name:DurationField ./temp/django-11049_django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py DurationField class DurationField(Field): empty_strings_allowed = False default_error_messages = { 'invalid': _("'%(value)s' value has an invalid format. It must be in " "[DD] [HH:[MM:]]ss[.uuuuuu] format.") } description = _("Duration") def get_internal_type(self): def to_python(self, value): def get_db_prep_value(self, value, connection, prepared=False): def get_db_converters(self, connection): def value_to_string(self, obj): def formfield(self, **kwargs): Starts at line 1580, Ends at line 1637 Search result 2: File path:./temp/django-11049_django/django/forms/fields.py Class Name:DurationField ./temp/django-11049_django/django/forms/fields.py DurationField class DurationField(Field): default_error_messages = { 'invalid': _('Enter a valid duration.'), 'overflow': _('The number of days must be between {min_days} and {max_days}.') } def prepare_value(self, value): def to_python(self, value): Starts at line 469, Ends at line 494 Found 1 methods with name lazy in the codebase. Search result 1: ./temp/django-11049_django/django/utils/functional.py lazy def lazy(func, *resultclasses): """ Turn any callable into a lazy evaluated callable. result classes or types is required -- at least one is needed so that the automatic forcing of the lazy evaluation code is triggered. Results are not memoized; the function is evaluated on every access. """ @total_ordering class __proxy__(Promise): """ Encapsulate a function call and act as a proxy for methods that are called on the result of that function. The function is not evaluated until one of the methods on the result is called. """ __prepared = False def __init__(self, args, kw): self.__args = args self.__kw = kw if not self.__prepared: self.__prepare_class__() self.__prepared = True def __reduce__(self): return ( _lazy_proxy_unpickle, (func, self.__args, self.__kw) + resultclasses ) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.__cast()) @classmethod def __prepare_class__(cls): for resultclass in resultclasses: for type_ in resultclass.mro(): for method_name in type_.__dict__: # All __promise__ return the same wrapper method, they # look up the correct implementation when called. if hasattr(cls, method_name): continue meth = cls.__promise__(method_name) setattr(cls, method_name, meth) cls._delegate_bytes = bytes in resultclasses cls._delegate_text = str in resultclasses assert not (cls._delegate_bytes and cls._delegate_text), ( "Cannot call lazy() with both bytes and text return types.") if cls._delegate_text: cls.__str__ = cls.__text_cast elif cls._delegate_bytes: cls.__bytes__ = cls.__bytes_cast @classmethod def __promise__(cls, method_name): # Builds a wrapper around some magic method def __wrapper__(self, *args, **kw): # Automatically triggers the evaluation of a lazy value and # applies the given magic method of the result type. res = func(*self.__args, **self.__kw) return getattr(res, method_name)(*args, **kw) return __wrapper__ def __text_cast(self): return func(*self.__args, **self.__kw) def __bytes_cast(self): return bytes(func(*self.__args, **self.__kw)) def __bytes_cast_encoded(self): return func(*self.__args, **self.__kw).encode() def __cast(self): if self._delegate_bytes: return self.__bytes_cast() elif self._delegate_text: return self.__text_cast() else: return func(*self.__args, **self.__kw) def __str__(self): # object defines __str__(), so __prepare_class__() won't overload # a __str__() method from the proxied class. return str(self.__cast()) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Promise): other = other.__cast() return self.__cast() == other def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Promise): other = other.__cast() return self.__cast() < other def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__cast()) def __mod__(self, rhs): if self._delegate_text: return str(self) % rhs return self.__cast() % rhs def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # Instances of this class are effectively immutable. It's just a # collection of functions. So we don't need to do anything # complicated for copying. memo[id(self)] = self return self @wraps(func) def __wrapper__(*args, **kw): # Creates the proxy object, instead of the actual value. return __proxy__(args, kw) return __wrapper__ starts at line 60, ends at line 175 Found 1 methods with name __init__ in class ValidationError. Search result 1: ./temp/django-11049_django/django/core/exceptions.py ValidationError __init__ def __init__(self, message, code=None, params=None): """ The `message` argument can be a single error, a list of errors, or a dictionary that maps field names to lists of errors. What we define as an "error" can be either a simple string or an instance of ValidationError with its message attribute set, and what we define as list or dictionary can be an actual `list` or `dict` or an instance of ValidationError with its `error_list` or `error_dict` attribute set. """ super().__init__(message, code, params) if isinstance(message, ValidationError): if hasattr(message, 'error_dict'): message = message.error_dict elif not hasattr(message, 'message'): message = message.error_list else: message, code, params = message.message, message.code, message.params if isinstance(message, dict): self.error_dict = {} for field, messages in message.items(): if not isinstance(messages, ValidationError): messages = ValidationError(messages) self.error_dict[field] = messages.error_list elif isinstance(message, list): self.error_list = [] for message in message: # Normalize plain strings to instances of ValidationError. if not isinstance(message, ValidationError): message = ValidationError(message) if hasattr(message, 'error_dict'): self.error_list.extend(sum(message.error_dict.values(), [])) else: self.error_list.extend(message.error_list) else: self.message = message self.code = code self.params = params self.error_list = [self] starts at line 96, ends at line 137 Other results are in these files: Found 2 methods with name clean in class Field. Search result 1: ./temp/django-11049_django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py Field clean def clean(self, value, model_instance): """ Convert the value's type and run validation. Validation errors from to_python() and validate() are propagated. Return the correct value if no error is raised. """ value = self.to_python(value) self.validate(value, model_instance) self.run_validators(value) return value starts at line 623, ends at line 632 Search result 2: ./temp/django-11049_django/django/forms/fields.py Field clean def clean(self, value): """ Validate the given value and return its "cleaned" value as an appropriate Python object. Raise ValidationError for any errors. """ value = self.to_python(value) self.validate(value) self.run_validators(value) return value starts at line 143, ends at line 151 Other results are in these files: Found 2 methods with name to_python in class DurationField. Search result 1: ./temp/django-11049_django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py DurationField to_python def to_python(self, value): if value is None: return value if isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta): return value try: parsed = parse_duration(value) except ValueError: pass else: if parsed is not None: return parsed raise exceptions.ValidationError( self.error_messages['invalid'], code='invalid', params={'value': value}, ) starts at line 1597, ends at line 1614 Search result 2: ./temp/django-11049_django/django/forms/fields.py DurationField to_python def to_python(self, value): if value in self.empty_values: return None if isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta): return value try: value = parse_duration(str(value)) except OverflowError: raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['overflow'].format( min_days=datetime.timedelta.min.days, max_days=datetime.timedelta.max.days, ), code='overflow') if value is None: raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid'], code='invalid') return value starts at line 480, ends at line 494 Other results are in these files: Found 28 snippets containing `parse_duration` in the codebase. They appeared in the following files: ./temp/django-11049_django/tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py (9 matches) ./temp/django-11049_django/tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py (14 matches) ./temp/django-11049_django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py (2 matches) ./temp/django-11049_django/django/utils/dateparse.py (1 matches) ./temp/django-11049_django/django/forms/fields.py (2 matches) 2024-04-30 19:23:27,695 - httpx - INFO - HTTP Request: POST https://ncusdot.openai.azure.com//openai/deployments/gpt-4-0125/chat/completions?api-version=2024-02-15-preview "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" RESPONSE RECEIVED FROM API : Analyzing the results from the API calls, we can start addressing the issue with the discrepancy in the error message format for invalid durations in Django's `DurationField`. The issue seems to stem from how durations are parsed and validated, and how error messages are generated and displayed. ### Analysis of `DurationField` Implementation From the search results, we see two implementations of `DurationField`: 1. **In models (`django/db/models/fields/__init__.py`)**: The error message for invalid format is explicitly defined as `'%(value)s' value has an invalid format. It must be in [DD] [HH:[MM:]]ss[.uuuuuu] format.` This suggests that the expected format for durations is well-defined in the model layer. 2. **In forms (`django/forms/fields.py`)**: The error messages include a generic invalid format message and an overflow message. The form layer attempts to parse the duration using `parse_duration` and raises specific errors if the parsing fails due to overflow or if the value is `None`. ### Understanding Error Handling The `ValidationError` class's `__init__` method is designed to handle single errors, lists of errors, or dictionaries mapping field names to lists of errors. This flexibility is crucial for generating meaningful error messages based on different types of validation failures. ### Validation and Conversion Logic 1. **`clean` method in `Field` class**: Both in models and forms, the `clean` method is responsible for converting the value's type and running validation. It calls `to_python`, `validate`, and `run_validators` in sequence. 2. **`to_python` method in `DurationField`**: - **Models layer**: Attempts to parse the input value using `parse_duration`. If parsing fails or returns `None`, a `ValidationError` is raised with the predefined invalid format message. - **Forms layer**: Similar to the models layer, but also handles `OverflowError` by raising a specific overflow error message. ### Role of `parse_duration` The `parse_duration` function is used in both models and forms layers to convert string inputs into `datetime.timedelta` objects. The function's implementation is critical for understanding how different formats are interpreted and where potential discrepancies in error messaging might arise. ### Lazy Evaluation of Error Messages The `lazy` function in Django is used to delay the evaluation of a callable until its value is needed. This mechanism is often used for error messages to ensure they are only generated when necessary and can be localized dynamically. Understanding its role is important for implementing dynamic and localized error messages correctly. ### Proposed Solutions 1. **Clarify Documentation**: Ensure the documentation accurately reflects the expected format for durations and how different types of errors are handled. 2. **Review `parse_duration` Usage**: Given the central role of `parse_duration` in interpreting input values, reviewing its implementation for consistency and expected behavior is crucial. Ensure that it aligns with the documented format and error messaging. 3. **Consistency in Error Messages**: Consider making error messages more consistent between models and forms layers, possibly by refining the `parse_duration` function or adjusting how `ValidationError` messages are generated based on parsing failures. 4. **Enhance Help Text**: Adding or improving the `help_text` on `DurationField` to include the expected format could help prevent user errors. To implement these solutions, patches would need to be developed for the Django codebase, focusing on the `DurationField` implementation, error handling, and possibly the `parse_duration` function. Additionally, updates to the documentation would be required to ensure clarity and accuracy regarding duration handling. Analyzing the results from the API calls, we can start addressing the issue with the discrepancy in the error message format for invalid durations in Django's `DurationField`. The issue seems to stem from how durations are parsed and validated, and how error messages are generated and displayed. ### Analysis of `DurationField` Implementation From the search results, we see two implementations of `DurationField`: 1. **In models (`django/db/models/fields/__init__.py`)**: The error message for invalid format is explicitly defined as `'%(value)s' value has an invalid format. It must be in [DD] [HH:[MM:]]ss[.uuuuuu] format.` This suggests that the expected format for durations is well-defined in the model layer. 2. **In forms (`django/forms/fields.py`)**: The error messages include a generic invalid format message and an overflow message. The form layer attempts to parse the duration using `parse_duration` and raises specific errors if the parsing fails due to overflow or if the value is `None`. ### Understanding Error Handling The `ValidationError` class's `__init__` method is designed to handle single errors, lists of errors, or dictionaries mapping field names to lists of errors. This flexibility is crucial for generating meaningful error messages based on different types of validation failures. ### Validation and Conversion Logic 1. **`clean` method in `Field` class**: Both in models and forms, the `clean` method is responsible for converting the value's type and running validation. It calls `to_python`, `validate`, and `run_validators` in sequence. 2. **`to_python` method in `DurationField`**: - **Models layer**: Attempts to parse the input value using `parse_duration`. If parsing fails or returns `None`, a `ValidationError` is raised with the predefined invalid format message. - **Forms layer**: Similar to the models layer, but also handles `OverflowError` by raising a specific overflow error message. ### Role of `parse_duration` The `parse_duration` function is used in both models and forms layers to convert string inputs into `datetime.timedelta` objects. The function's implementation is critical for understanding how different formats are interpreted and where potential discrepancies in error messaging might arise. ### Lazy Evaluation of Error Messages The `lazy` function in Django is used to delay the evaluation of a callable until its value is needed. This mechanism is often used for error messages to ensure they are only generated when necessary and can be localized dynamically. Understanding its role is important for implementing dynamic and localized error messages correctly. ### Proposed Solutions 1. **Clarify Documentation**: Ensure the documentation accurately reflects the expected format for durations and how different types of errors are handled. 2. **Review `parse_duration` Usage**: Given the central role of `parse_duration` in interpreting input values, reviewing its implementation for consistency and expected behavior is crucial. Ensure that it aligns with the documented format and error messaging. 3. **Consistency in Error Messages**: Consider making error messages more consistent between models and forms layers, possibly by refining the `parse_duration` function or adjusting how `ValidationError` messages are generated based on parsing failures. 4. **Enhance Help Text**: Adding or improving the `help_text` on `DurationField` to include the expected format could help prevent user errors. To implement these solutions, patches would need to be developed for the Django codebase, focusing on the `DurationField` implementation, error handling, and possibly the `parse_duration` function. Additionally, updates to the documentation would be required to ensure clarity and accuracy regarding duration handling. SETTING: You are an autonomous programmer, and you're working directly in the command line with a special interface. The special interface consists of a file editor that shows you 100 lines of a file at a time. In addition to typical bash commands, you can also use the following commands to help you navigate and edit files. COMMANDS: Bash Commands: search_dir: docstring: searches for search_term in all files in dir. If dir is not provided, searches in the current directory signature: search_dir [] arguments: - search_term (string) [required]: the term to search for - dir (string) [optional]: the directory to search in (if not provided, searches in the current directory) search_file: docstring: searches for search_term in file. If file is not provided, searches in the current open file signature: search_file [] arguments: - search_term (string) [required]: the term to search for - file (string) [optional]: the file to search in (if not provided, searches in the current open file) find_file: docstring: finds all files with the given name in dir. If dir is not provided, searches in the current directory signature: find_file [] arguments: - file_name (string) [required]: the name of the file to search for - dir (string) [optional]: the directory to search in (if not provided, searches in the current directory) open: docstring: opens the file at the given path in the editor. If line_number is provided, the window will be move to include that line signature: open [] arguments: - path (string) [required]: the path to the file to open - line_number (integer) [optional]: the line number to move the window to (if not provided, the window will start at the top of the file) goto: docstring: moves the window to show signature: goto arguments: - line_number (integer) [required]: the line number to move the window to scroll_down: docstring: moves the window down {WINDOW} lines signature: scroll_down scroll_up: docstring: moves the window up {WINDOW} lines signature: scroll_up create: docstring: creates and opens a new file with the given name signature: create arguments: - filename (string) [required]: the name of the file to create submit: docstring: submits your current code and terminates the session signature: submit edit: docstring: Replaces lines through (inclusive) with the given text in the open file. The replacement text is terminated by a line with only end_of_edit on it. All of the will be entered, so make sure your indentation is formatted properly. Python files will be checked for syntax errors after the edit. If the system detects a syntax error, the edit will not be executed. Simply try to edit the file again, but make sure to read the error message and modify the edit command you issue accordingly. Issuing the same command a second time will just lead to the same error message again. Note: the replacement text does not need to be the same number of lines as the original selection. Any extra lines will be inserted after the selection, and any missing lines will be removed. To replace a specific line, specify the same start and end line number. For example, to replace line 2: edit 2:2 new_content_here end_of_edit To insert a line without replacing any existing lines, specify the same start and end line number and repeat the original line followed by your new line. For example, to insert a new line after line 1: edit 1:1 original_line_one_here new_import_statement_here end_of_edit This command will replace the original line 1 with same value as the original), and insert 'new_import_statement_here' as a new line 2, effectively pushing the remaining lines down. signature: edit : end_of_edit arguments: - start_line (integer) [required]: the line number to start the edit at - end_line (integer) [required]: the line number to end the edit at (inclusive) - replacement_text (string) [required]: the text to replace the current selection with To Run Python scripts - usage : python path/to/file_name.py RESPONSE FORMAT: Your shell prompt is formatted as follows: (Open file: ) $ You need to format your output using two fields; discussion and command. Your output should always include _one_ discussion and _one_ command field EXACTLY as in the following example: DISCUSSION First I'll start by using ls to see what files are in the current directory. Then maybe we can look at some relevant files to see what they look like. ``` ls -a ``` You should only include a *SINGLE* command in the command section and then wait for a response from the shell before continuing with more discussion and commands. Everything you include in the DISCUSSION section will be saved for future reference. If you'd like to issue two commands at once, PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT! Please instead first submit just the first command, and then after receiving a response you'll be able to issue the second command. You're free to use any other bash commands you want (e.g. find, grep, cat, ls, cd) in addition to the special commands listed above. However, the environment does NOT support interactive session commands (e.g. python, vim), so please do not invoke them. You have to solve an issue related to the codebase. ISSUE: Correct expected format in invalid DurationField error message Description If you enter a duration "14:00" into a duration field, it translates to "00:14:00" which is 14 minutes. The current error message for invalid DurationField says that this should be the format of durations: "[DD] [HH:[MM:]]ss[.uuuuuu]". But according to the actual behaviour, it should be: "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu]", because seconds are mandatory, minutes are optional, and hours are optional if minutes are provided. This seems to be a mistake in all Django versions that support the DurationField. Also the duration fields could have a default help_text with the requested format, because the syntax is not self-explanatory. INSTRUCTIONS: Now, you're going to solve this query on your own. Your terminal session has started and you're in the repository's root directory. You can use any bash commands or the special interface to help you. Edit all the files you need to and run any checks or tests that you want. Remember, YOU CAN ONLY ENTER ONE COMMAND AT A TIME. You should always wait for feedback after every command. When you're satisfied with all of the changes you've made, you can submit your changes to the code base by simply running the submit command. Note however that you cannot use any interactive session commands (e.g. python, vim) in this environment, but you can write scripts and run them. E.g. you can write a python script and then run it with `python .py`. NOTE ABOUT THE EDIT COMMAND: Indentation really matters! When editing a file, make sure to insert appropriate indentation before each line! For example, if you're inserting a function inside a class, the function should be indented with respect to the class. NOTE ABOUT THE EDIT COMMAND: If you are using the edit command, in the discussion section you MUST acknowledge what the start line and end line of the edit are, both of which will be replaced, and what the indentation level for the replacement is, is it global, inside a function, inside a loop, etc. IMPORTANT TIPS: 1. If you run a command and it doesn't work, try running a different command. A command that did not work once will not work the second time unless you modify it! 2. If you open a file and need to get to an area around a specific line that is not in the first 100 lines, say line 583, don't just use the scroll_down command multiple times. Instead, use the goto 583 command. It's much quicker. 3. If the bug reproduction script requires inputting/reading a specific file, such as buggy-input.png, and you'd like to understand how to input that file, conduct a search in the existing repo code, to see whether someone else has already done that. Do this by running the command: find_file "buggy-input.png" If that doensn't work, use the linux 'find' command. 4. Always make sure to look at the currently open file and the current working directory (which appears right after the currently open file). The currently open file might be in a different directory than the working directory! Note that some commands, such as 'create', open files, so they might change the current open file. 5. When editing files, it is easy to accidentally specify a wrong line number or to write code with incorrect indentation. Always check the code after you issue an edit to make sure that it reflects what you wanted to accomplish. If it didn't, issue another command to fix it. DIRECTORY STRUCTURE (UP TO ITEM DEPTH 1):django-11049_django/ ├─package.json ├─Gruntfile.js ├─tests/ ├─LICENSE ├─.gitattributes ├─README.rst ├─INSTALL ├─django/ ├─.gitignore ├─MANIFEST.in ├─.git/ ├─.eslintrc ├─.tx/ ├─.eslintignore ├─docs/ ├─tox.ini ├─js_tests/ ├─setup.cfg ├─setup.py ├─.hgignore ├─.editorconfig ├─scripts/ ├─CONTRIBUTING.rst ├─Django.egg-info/ ├─extras/ ├─AUTHORS └─LICENSE.python ----------CONTEXT SESSION HISTORY---------- Given the issue description and the results from Spectrum-Based Fault Localization, we need to gather more context about how durations are handled and validated in Django, especially in relation to the `DurationField`. The issue points out a discrepancy in the error message format for invalid durations and suggests that the documentation or help text does not accurately reflect the actual behavior of duration parsing. To address this issue, we should look into the methods and classes identified as suspicious, as they are likely involved in the validation, parsing, and error messaging of `DurationField` inputs. Here are the API calls I would make to gather the necessary context: 1. **search_class("DurationField")**: Since the issue directly involves `DurationField`, we need to understand how it is implemented and any relevant documentation or comments within the class that might reference the expected format for durations. 2. **search_method_in_class("__init__", "ValidationError")**: The `ValidationError` class's constructor might contain logic or messages related to how errors are formatted or generated, including the incorrect duration format message. 3. **search_method_in_class("clean", "Field")**: The `clean` method in the `Field` class could be where the validation logic is applied. Since `DurationField` would inherit or utilize this logic, it's crucial to see if the format error originates from here. 4. **search_method_in_class("to_python", "DurationField")**: This method is likely responsible for converting input values into Python objects. Understanding its logic will help us see how the "14:00" input is being interpreted as 14 minutes and if the error message is generated here. 5. **search_code("parse_duration")**: Since the `parse_duration` function is identified as suspicious, it's important to see how it parses string inputs into duration objects and whether it has any role in generating the incorrect format message. 6. **search_method("lazy")**: The `lazy` function might be involved in how error messages are generated or displayed. Understanding its role could provide insights into how to correctly implement the help text or correct the error message. These API calls are chosen to directly address the components of the Django framework that are most likely involved in the issue described. By examining the implementation and usage of these methods and classes, we can identify where the incorrect format message is generated and how to correct it. Additionally, understanding these parts of the codebase will help in potentially adding a default `help_text` to the `DurationField` that accurately reflects the expected format. API Call 1: search_class("DurationField") Result: Found 2 classes with name DurationField in the codebase. Search result 1: File path:./temp/django-11049_django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py Class Name:DurationField ./temp/django-11049_django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py DurationField class DurationField(Field): empty_strings_allowed = False default_error_messages = { 'invalid': _("'%(value)s' value has an invalid format. It must be in " "[DD] [HH:[MM:]]ss[.uuuuuu] format.") } description = _("Duration") def get_internal_type(self): def to_python(self, value): def get_db_prep_value(self, value, connection, prepared=False): def get_db_converters(self, connection): def value_to_string(self, obj): def formfield(self, **kwargs): Starts at line 1580, Ends at line 1637 Search result 2: File path:./temp/django-11049_django/django/forms/fields.py Class Name:DurationField ./temp/django-11049_django/django/forms/fields.py DurationField class DurationField(Field): default_error_messages = { 'invalid': _('Enter a valid duration.'), 'overflow': _('The number of days must be between {min_days} and {max_days}.') } def prepare_value(self, value): def to_python(self, value): Starts at line 469, Ends at line 494 API Call 2: search_method("lazy") Result: Found 1 methods with name lazy in the codebase. Search result 1: ./temp/django-11049_django/django/utils/functional.py lazy def lazy(func, *resultclasses): """ Turn any callable into a lazy evaluated callable. result classes or types is required -- at least one is needed so that the automatic forcing of the lazy evaluation code is triggered. Results are not memoized; the function is evaluated on every access. """ @total_ordering class __proxy__(Promise): """ Encapsulate a function call and act as a proxy for methods that are called on the result of that function. The function is not evaluated until one of the methods on the result is called. """ __prepared = False def __init__(self, args, kw): self.__args = args self.__kw = kw if not self.__prepared: self.__prepare_class__() self.__prepared = True def __reduce__(self): return ( _lazy_proxy_unpickle, (func, self.__args, self.__kw) + resultclasses ) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.__cast()) @classmethod def __prepare_class__(cls): for resultclass in resultclasses: for type_ in resultclass.mro(): for method_name in type_.__dict__: # All __promise__ return the same wrapper method, they # look up the correct implementation when called. if hasattr(cls, method_name): continue meth = cls.__promise__(method_name) setattr(cls, method_name, meth) cls._delegate_bytes = bytes in resultclasses cls._delegate_text = str in resultclasses assert not (cls._delegate_bytes and cls._delegate_text), ( "Cannot call lazy() with both bytes and text return types.") if cls._delegate_text: cls.__str__ = cls.__text_cast elif cls._delegate_bytes: cls.__bytes__ = cls.__bytes_cast @classmethod def __promise__(cls, method_name): # Builds a wrapper around some magic method def __wrapper__(self, *args, **kw): # Automatically triggers the evaluation of a lazy value and # applies the given magic method of the result type. res = func(*self.__args, **self.__kw) return getattr(res, method_name)(*args, **kw) return __wrapper__ def __text_cast(self): return func(*self.__args, **self.__kw) def __bytes_cast(self): return bytes(func(*self.__args, **self.__kw)) def __bytes_cast_encoded(self): return func(*self.__args, **self.__kw).encode() def __cast(self): if self._delegate_bytes: return self.__bytes_cast() elif self._delegate_text: return self.__text_cast() else: return func(*self.__args, **self.__kw) def __str__(self): # object defines __str__(), so __prepare_class__() won't overload # a __str__() method from the proxied class. return str(self.__cast()) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Promise): other = other.__cast() return self.__cast() == other def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Promise): other = other.__cast() return self.__cast() < other def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__cast()) def __mod__(self, rhs): if self._delegate_text: return str(self) % rhs return self.__cast() % rhs def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # Instances of this class are effectively immutable. It's just a # collection of functions. So we don't need to do anything # complicated for copying. memo[id(self)] = self return self @wraps(func) def __wrapper__(*args, **kw): # Creates the proxy object, instead of the actual value. return __proxy__(args, kw) return __wrapper__ starts at line 60, ends at line 175 API Call 3: search_method_in_class("__init__", "ValidationError") Result: Found 1 methods with name __init__ in class ValidationError. Search result 1: ./temp/django-11049_django/django/core/exceptions.py ValidationError __init__ def __init__(self, message, code=None, params=None): """ The `message` argument can be a single error, a list of errors, or a dictionary that maps field names to lists of errors. What we define as an "error" can be either a simple string or an instance of ValidationError with its message attribute set, and what we define as list or dictionary can be an actual `list` or `dict` or an instance of ValidationError with its `error_list` or `error_dict` attribute set. """ super().__init__(message, code, params) if isinstance(message, ValidationError): if hasattr(message, 'error_dict'): message = message.error_dict elif not hasattr(message, 'message'): message = message.error_list else: message, code, params = message.message, message.code, message.params if isinstance(message, dict): self.error_dict = {} for field, messages in message.items(): if not isinstance(messages, ValidationError): messages = ValidationError(messages) self.error_dict[field] = messages.error_list elif isinstance(message, list): self.error_list = [] for message in message: # Normalize plain strings to instances of ValidationError. if not isinstance(message, ValidationError): message = ValidationError(message) if hasattr(message, 'error_dict'): self.error_list.extend(sum(message.error_dict.values(), [])) else: self.error_list.extend(message.error_list) else: self.message = message self.code = code self.params = params self.error_list = [self] starts at line 96, ends at line 137 Other results are in these files: API Call 4: search_method_in_class("clean", "Field") Result: Found 2 methods with name clean in class Field. Search result 1: ./temp/django-11049_django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py Field clean def clean(self, value, model_instance): """ Convert the value's type and run validation. Validation errors from to_python() and validate() are propagated. Return the correct value if no error is raised. """ value = self.to_python(value) self.validate(value, model_instance) self.run_validators(value) return value starts at line 623, ends at line 632 Search result 2: ./temp/django-11049_django/django/forms/fields.py Field clean def clean(self, value): """ Validate the given value and return its "cleaned" value as an appropriate Python object. Raise ValidationError for any errors. """ value = self.to_python(value) self.validate(value) self.run_validators(value) return value starts at line 143, ends at line 151 Other results are in these files: API Call 5: search_method_in_class("to_python", "DurationField") Result: Found 2 methods with name to_python in class DurationField. Search result 1: ./temp/django-11049_django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py DurationField to_python def to_python(self, value): if value is None: return value if isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta): return value try: parsed = parse_duration(value) except ValueError: pass else: if parsed is not None: return parsed raise exceptions.ValidationError( self.error_messages['invalid'], code='invalid', params={'value': value}, ) starts at line 1597, ends at line 1614 Search result 2: ./temp/django-11049_django/django/forms/fields.py DurationField to_python def to_python(self, value): if value in self.empty_values: return None if isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta): return value try: value = parse_duration(str(value)) except OverflowError: raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['overflow'].format( min_days=datetime.timedelta.min.days, max_days=datetime.timedelta.max.days, ), code='overflow') if value is None: raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid'], code='invalid') return value starts at line 480, ends at line 494 Other results are in these files: API Call 6: search_code("parse_duration") Result: Found 28 snippets containing `parse_duration` in the codebase. They appeared in the following files: ./temp/django-11049_django/tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py (9 matches) ./temp/django-11049_django/tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py (14 matches) ./temp/django-11049_django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py (2 matches) ./temp/django-11049_django/django/utils/dateparse.py (1 matches) ./temp/django-11049_django/django/forms/fields.py (2 matches) Analyzing the results from the API calls, we can start addressing the issue with the discrepancy in the error message format for invalid durations in Django's `DurationField`. The issue seems to stem from how durations are parsed and validated, and how error messages are generated and displayed. ### Analysis of `DurationField` Implementation From the search results, we see two implementations of `DurationField`: 1. **In models (`django/db/models/fields/__init__.py`)**: The error message for invalid format is explicitly defined as `'%(value)s' value has an invalid format. It must be in [DD] [HH:[MM:]]ss[.uuuuuu] format.` This suggests that the expected format for durations is well-defined in the model layer. 2. **In forms (`django/forms/fields.py`)**: The error messages include a generic invalid format message and an overflow message. The form layer attempts to parse the duration using `parse_duration` and raises specific errors if the parsing fails due to overflow or if the value is `None`. ### Understanding Error Handling The `ValidationError` class's `__init__` method is designed to handle single errors, lists of errors, or dictionaries mapping field names to lists of errors. This flexibility is crucial for generating meaningful error messages based on different types of validation failures. ### Validation and Conversion Logic 1. **`clean` method in `Field` class**: Both in models and forms, the `clean` method is responsible for converting the value's type and running validation. It calls `to_python`, `validate`, and `run_validators` in sequence. 2. **`to_python` method in `DurationField`**: - **Models layer**: Attempts to parse the input value using `parse_duration`. If parsing fails or returns `None`, a `ValidationError` is raised with the predefined invalid format message. - **Forms layer**: Similar to the models layer, but also handles `OverflowError` by raising a specific overflow error message. ### Role of `parse_duration` The `parse_duration` function is used in both models and forms layers to convert string inputs into `datetime.timedelta` objects. The function's implementation is critical for understanding how different formats are interpreted and where potential discrepancies in error messaging might arise. ### Lazy Evaluation of Error Messages The `lazy` function in Django is used to delay the evaluation of a callable until its value is needed. This mechanism is often used for error messages to ensure they are only generated when necessary and can be localized dynamically. Understanding its role is important for implementing dynamic and localized error messages correctly. ### Proposed Solutions 1. **Clarify Documentation**: Ensure the documentation accurately reflects the expected format for durations and how different types of errors are handled. 2. **Review `parse_duration` Usage**: Given the central role of `parse_duration` in interpreting input values, reviewing its implementation for consistency and expected behavior is crucial. Ensure that it aligns with the documented format and error messaging. 3. **Consistency in Error Messages**: Consider making error messages more consistent between models and forms layers, possibly by refining the `parse_duration` function or adjusting how `ValidationError` messages are generated based on parsing failures. 4. **Enhance Help Text**: Adding or improving the `help_text` on `DurationField` to include the expected format could help prevent user errors. To implement these solutions, patches would need to be developed for the Django codebase, focusing on the `DurationField` implementation, error handling, and possibly the `parse_duration` function. Additionally, updates to the documentation would be required to ensure clarity and accuracy regarding duration handling. ----------CONTEXT SESSION HISTORY END---------- Using Spectrum-Based Fault Localization, for this issue the results found are: Returned top-5 suspicious methods. Top-5 suspicious methods: Suspicious method #1: django/core/exceptions.py ValidationError __init__ Suspicious method #2: django/db/models/fields/__init__.py Field clean Suspicious method #3: django/db/models/fields/__init__.py DurationField to_python Suspicious method #4: django/utils/dateparse.py parse_duration Suspicious method #5: django/utils/functional.py lazy ----- Your terminal session has started, read the issue, information gathered during the context session, use the commands available to you to search and open the buggy files, make changes and submit the code, you must attempt to fix the issue, you cannot simply suggest changes, you must use the edit function to make changes, then submit them. ----- -----TERMINAL SESSION HISTORY----- Currently open file: No file opened, Any edit/goto/scroll commands you run now will affect No file opened! CWD(/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django)>2024-04-30 19:23:32,562 - httpx - INFO - HTTP Request: POST https://ncusdot.openai.azure.com//openai/deployments/gpt-4-0125/chat/completions?api-version=2024-02-15-preview "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-04-30 19:23:36,663 - httpx - INFO - HTTP Request: POST https://ncusdot.openai.azure.com//openai/deployments/gpt-4-0125/chat/completions?api-version=2024-02-15-preview "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" RESPONSE RECEIVED FROM API : To address the issue with the incorrect error message format in Django's `DurationField`, I'll start by examining the `DurationField` implementation in the models layer, as it directly mentions the incorrect format in the error message. This should allow us to correct the error message to match the actual behavior of duration parsing. Let's open the file where the `DurationField` is defined in the models layer to inspect and potentially edit the error message. ``` open django/db/models/fields/__init__.py ``` COMMUNICATING WITH ENVIRONMENT Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/nextpy/ai/swe_bench/commands/shell_commands/defaults.sh open django/db/models/fields/__init__.py\n'], {'ROOT': '/root/nextpy/ai/swe_bench', 'CURRENT_FILE': '', 'CURRENT_LINE': '1', 'WINDOW': '100', 'OVERLAP': '3'}, {'capture_output': True, 'text': True, 'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} COMMUNICATION DONE -----TRANSACTION 1----- To address the issue with the incorrect error message format in Django's `DurationField`, I'll start by examining the `DurationField` implementation in the models layer, as it directly mentions the incorrect format in the error message. This should allow us to correct the error message to match the actual behavior of duration parsing. Let's open the file where the `DurationField` is defined in the models layer to inspect and potentially edit the error message. ``` open django/db/models/fields/__init__.py ``` RESULT OF EXECUTING ACTION : [File: /home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py (2340 lines total)] 1:import collections.abc 2:import copy 3:import datetime 4:import decimal 5:import operator 6:import uuid 7:import warnings 8:from base64 import b64decode, b64encode 9:from functools import partialmethod, total_ordering 10: 11:from django import forms 12:from django.apps import apps 13:from django.conf import settings 14:from django.core import checks, exceptions, validators 15:# When the _meta object was formalized, this exception was moved to 16:# django.core.exceptions. It is retained here for backwards compatibility 17:# purposes. 18:from django.core.exceptions import FieldDoesNotExist # NOQA 19:from django.db import connection, connections, router 20:from django.db.models.constants import LOOKUP_SEP 21:from django.db.models.query_utils import DeferredAttribute, RegisterLookupMixin 22:from django.utils import timezone 23:from django.utils.datastructures import DictWrapper 24:from django.utils.dateparse import ( 25: parse_date, parse_datetime, parse_duration, parse_time, 26:) 27:from django.utils.duration import duration_microseconds, duration_string 28:from django.utils.functional import Promise, cached_property 29:from django.utils.ipv6 import clean_ipv6_address 30:from django.utils.itercompat import is_iterable 31:from django.utils.text import capfirst 32:from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ 33: 34:__all__ = [ 35: 'AutoField', 'BLANK_CHOICE_DASH', 'BigAutoField', 'BigIntegerField', 36: 'BinaryField', 'BooleanField', 'CharField', 'CommaSeparatedIntegerField', 37: 'DateField', 'DateTimeField', 'DecimalField', 'DurationField', 38: 'EmailField', 'Empty', 'Field', 'FieldDoesNotExist', 'FilePathField', 39: 'FloatField', 'GenericIPAddressField', 'IPAddressField', 'IntegerField', 40: 'NOT_PROVIDED', 'NullBooleanField', 'PositiveIntegerField', 41: 'PositiveSmallIntegerField', 'SlugField', 'SmallIntegerField', 'TextField', 42: 'TimeField', 'URLField', 'UUIDField', 43:] 44: 45: 46:class Empty: 47: pass 48: 49: 50:class NOT_PROVIDED: 51: pass 52: 53: 54:# The values to use for "blank" in SelectFields. Will be appended to the start 55:# of most "choices" lists. 56:BLANK_CHOICE_DASH = [("", "---------")] 57: 58: 59:def _load_field(app_label, model_name, field_name): 60: return apps.get_model(app_label, model_name)._meta.get_field(field_name) 61: 62: 63:# A guide to Field parameters: 64:# 65:# * name: The name of the field specified in the model. 66:# * attname: The attribute to use on the model object. This is the same as 67:# "name", except in the case of ForeignKeys, where "_id" is 68:# appended. 69:# * db_column: The db_column specified in the model (or None). 70:# * column: The database column for this field. This is the same as 71:# "attname", except if db_column is specified. 72:# 73:# Code that introspects values, or does other dynamic things, should use 74:# attname. For example, this gets the primary key value of object "obj": 75:# 76:# getattr(obj, opts.pk.attname) 77: 78:def _empty(of_cls): 79: new = Empty() 80: new.__class__ = of_cls 81: return new 82: 83: 84:def return_None(): 85: return None 86: 87: 88:@total_ordering 89:class Field(RegisterLookupMixin): 90: """Base class for all field types""" 91: 92: # Designates whether empty strings fundamentally are allowed at the 93: # database level. 94: empty_strings_allowed = True 95: empty_values = list(validators.EMPTY_VALUES) 96: 97: # These track each time a Field instance is created. Used to retain order. 98: # The auto_creation_counter is used for fields that Django implicitly 99: # creates, creation_counter is used for all user-specified fields. 100: creation_counter = 0 (2240 more lines below) RESPONSE RECEIVED FROM API : To locate the `DurationField` class and its incorrect error message, I'll use the `goto` command to jump directly to the line where the `DurationField` class starts, as identified from the context session. The `DurationField` class in the models layer starts at line 1580. ``` goto 1580 ``` COMMUNICATING WITH ENVIRONMENT Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/nextpy/ai/swe_bench/commands/shell_commands/defaults.sh goto 1580\n'], {'ROOT': '/root/nextpy/ai/swe_bench', 'CURRENT_FILE': '/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py', 'CURRENT_LINE': '50', 'WINDOW': '100', 'OVERLAP': '3'}, {'capture_output': True, 'text': True, 'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} COMMUNICATION DONE 2024-04-30 19:23:45,530 - httpx - INFO - HTTP Request: POST https://ncusdot.openai.azure.com//openai/deployments/gpt-4-0125/chat/completions?api-version=2024-02-15-preview "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" -----TRANSACTION 2----- To locate the `DurationField` class and its incorrect error message, I'll use the `goto` command to jump directly to the line where the `DurationField` class starts, as identified from the context session. The `DurationField` class in the models layer starts at line 1580. ``` goto 1580 ``` RESULT OF EXECUTING ACTION : [File: /home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py (2340 lines total)] (1564 more lines above) 1565: return connection.ops.adapt_decimalfield_value(self.to_python(value), self.max_digits, self.decimal_places) 1566: 1567: def get_prep_value(self, value): 1568: value = super().get_prep_value(value) 1569: return self.to_python(value) 1570: 1571: def formfield(self, **kwargs): 1572: return super().formfield(**{ 1573: 'max_digits': self.max_digits, 1574: 'decimal_places': self.decimal_places, 1575: 'form_class': forms.DecimalField, 1576: **kwargs, 1577: }) 1578: 1579: 1580:class DurationField(Field): 1581: """ 1582: Store timedelta objects. 1583: 1584: Use interval on PostgreSQL, INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND on Oracle, and bigint 1585: of microseconds on other databases. 1586: """ 1587: empty_strings_allowed = False 1588: default_error_messages = { 1589: 'invalid': _("'%(value)s' value has an invalid format. It must be in " 1590: "[DD] [HH:[MM:]]ss[.uuuuuu] format.") 1591: } 1592: description = _("Duration") 1593: 1594: def get_internal_type(self): 1595: return "DurationField" 1596: 1597: def to_python(self, value): 1598: if value is None: 1599: return value 1600: if isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta): 1601: return value 1602: try: 1603: parsed = parse_duration(value) 1604: except ValueError: 1605: pass 1606: else: 1607: if parsed is not None: 1608: return parsed 1609: 1610: raise exceptions.ValidationError( 1611: self.error_messages['invalid'], 1612: code='invalid', 1613: params={'value': value}, 1614: ) 1615: 1616: def get_db_prep_value(self, value, connection, prepared=False): 1617: if connection.features.has_native_duration_field: 1618: return value 1619: if value is None: 1620: return None 1621: return duration_microseconds(value) 1622: 1623: def get_db_converters(self, connection): 1624: converters = [] 1625: if not connection.features.has_native_duration_field: 1626: converters.append(connection.ops.convert_durationfield_value) 1627: return converters + super().get_db_converters(connection) 1628: 1629: def value_to_string(self, obj): 1630: val = self.value_from_object(obj) 1631: return '' if val is None else duration_string(val) 1632: 1633: def formfield(self, **kwargs): 1634: return super().formfield(**{ 1635: 'form_class': forms.DurationField, 1636: **kwargs, 1637: }) 1638: 1639: 1640:class EmailField(CharField): 1641: default_validators = [validators.validate_email] 1642: description = _("Email address") 1643: 1644: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): 1645: # max_length=254 to be compliant with RFCs 3696 and 5321 1646: kwargs.setdefault('max_length', 254) 1647: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) 1648: 1649: def deconstruct(self): 1650: name, path, args, kwargs = super().deconstruct() 1651: # We do not exclude max_length if it matches default as we want to change 1652: # the default in future. 1653: return name, path, args, kwargs 1654: 1655: def formfield(self, **kwargs): 1656: # As with CharField, this will cause email validation to be performed 1657: # twice. 1658: return super().formfield(**{ 1659: 'form_class': forms.EmailField, 1660: **kwargs, 1661: }) 1662: 1663: 1664:class FilePathField(Field): (676 more lines below) RESPONSE RECEIVED FROM API : To correct the error message in the `DurationField` class to accurately reflect the actual behavior of duration parsing, we need to update the default error message. The current message incorrectly suggests the format "[DD] [HH:[MM:]]ss[.uuuuuu]", but it should be "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu]", where seconds are mandatory, minutes are optional, and hours are optional if minutes are provided. I will edit the lines 1589-1590 to correct the error message format. ``` edit 1589:1590 'invalid': _("'%(value)s' value has an invalid format. It must be in " "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu] format.") end_of_edit ``` COMMUNICATING WITH ENVIRONMENT Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/nextpy/ai/swe_bench/commands/shell_commands/edit_linting.sh edit 1589:1590 << \'end_of_edit\'\n \'invalid\': _("\'%(value)s\' value has an invalid format. It must be in "\n "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu] format.")\nend_of_edit\n'], {'ROOT': '/root/nextpy/ai/swe_bench', 'CURRENT_FILE': '/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py', 'CURRENT_LINE': '1614', 'WINDOW': '100', 'OVERLAP': '3'}, {'capture_output': True, 'text': True, 'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} COMMUNICATION DONE 2024-04-30 19:23:55,246 - httpx - INFO - HTTP Request: POST https://ncusdot.openai.azure.com//openai/deployments/gpt-4-0125/chat/completions?api-version=2024-02-15-preview "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" -----TRANSACTION 3----- To correct the error message in the `DurationField` class to accurately reflect the actual behavior of duration parsing, we need to update the default error message. The current message incorrectly suggests the format "[DD] [HH:[MM:]]ss[.uuuuuu]", but it should be "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu]", where seconds are mandatory, minutes are optional, and hours are optional if minutes are provided. I will edit the lines 1589-1590 to correct the error message format. ``` edit 1589:1590 'invalid': _("'%(value)s' value has an invalid format. It must be in " "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu] format.") end_of_edit ``` RESULT OF EXECUTING ACTION : start_line: 1589 end_line: 1590 [File: /home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py (2340 lines total)] (1538 more lines above) 1539: def deconstruct(self): 1540: name, path, args, kwargs = super().deconstruct() 1541: if self.max_digits is not None: 1542: kwargs['max_digits'] = self.max_digits 1543: if self.decimal_places is not None: 1544: kwargs['decimal_places'] = self.decimal_places 1545: return name, path, args, kwargs 1546: 1547: def get_internal_type(self): 1548: return "DecimalField" 1549: 1550: def to_python(self, value): 1551: if value is None: 1552: return value 1553: if isinstance(value, float): 1554: return self.context.create_decimal_from_float(value) 1555: try: 1556: return decimal.Decimal(value) 1557: except decimal.InvalidOperation: 1558: raise exceptions.ValidationError( 1559: self.error_messages['invalid'], 1560: code='invalid', 1561: params={'value': value}, 1562: ) 1563: 1564: def get_db_prep_save(self, value, connection): 1565: return connection.ops.adapt_decimalfield_value(self.to_python(value), self.max_digits, self.decimal_places) 1566: 1567: def get_prep_value(self, value): 1568: value = super().get_prep_value(value) 1569: return self.to_python(value) 1570: 1571: def formfield(self, **kwargs): 1572: return super().formfield(**{ 1573: 'max_digits': self.max_digits, 1574: 'decimal_places': self.decimal_places, 1575: 'form_class': forms.DecimalField, 1576: **kwargs, 1577: }) 1578: 1579: 1580:class DurationField(Field): 1581: """ 1582: Store timedelta objects. 1583: 1584: Use interval on PostgreSQL, INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND on Oracle, and bigint 1585: of microseconds on other databases. 1586: """ 1587: empty_strings_allowed = False 1588: default_error_messages = { 1589: 'invalid': _("'%(value)s' value has an invalid format. It must be in " 1590: "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu] format.") 1591: } 1592: description = _("Duration") 1593: 1594: def get_internal_type(self): 1595: return "DurationField" 1596: 1597: def to_python(self, value): 1598: if value is None: 1599: return value 1600: if isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta): 1601: return value 1602: try: 1603: parsed = parse_duration(value) 1604: except ValueError: 1605: pass 1606: else: 1607: if parsed is not None: 1608: return parsed 1609: 1610: raise exceptions.ValidationError( 1611: self.error_messages['invalid'], 1612: code='invalid', 1613: params={'value': value}, 1614: ) 1615: 1616: def get_db_prep_value(self, value, connection, prepared=False): 1617: if connection.features.has_native_duration_field: 1618: return value 1619: if value is None: 1620: return None 1621: return duration_microseconds(value) 1622: 1623: def get_db_converters(self, connection): 1624: converters = [] 1625: if not connection.features.has_native_duration_field: 1626: converters.append(connection.ops.convert_durationfield_value) 1627: return converters + super().get_db_converters(connection) 1628: 1629: def value_to_string(self, obj): 1630: val = self.value_from_object(obj) 1631: return '' if val is None else duration_string(val) 1632: 1633: def formfield(self, **kwargs): 1634: return super().formfield(**{ 1635: 'form_class': forms.DurationField, 1636: **kwargs, 1637: }) 1638: (702 more lines below) File updated. Please review the changes and make sure they are correct (correct indentation, no duplicate lines, etc). Edit the file again if necessary. RESPONSE RECEIVED FROM API : The error message in the `DurationField` class within the models layer has been successfully updated to accurately reflect the actual behavior of duration parsing. The corrected format is now "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu]", where seconds are mandatory, minutes are optional, and hours are optional if minutes are provided. This change addresses the issue described. Next, to ensure comprehensive resolution of the issue, it would be prudent to also inspect and potentially update the `DurationField` implementation in the forms layer, as well as any relevant documentation or help text that might be misleading or incorrect. However, given the constraints of this session, I will proceed to submit the changes made so far. ``` submit ``` COMMUNICATING WITH ENVIRONMENT Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django_venv/bin/python ./tests/runtests.py --verbosity 2 model_fields.test_durationfield'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django', 'stdout': -1, 'stderr': -2, 'text': True} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['git apply -R ./3.0__test_patch.patch'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['rm 3.0__test_patch.patch'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['git diff'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django', 'stdout': -1, 'stderr': -2, 'text': True} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['git apply ./3.0__test_patch.patch'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['rm 3.0__test_patch.patch'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} COMMUNICATION DONE 2024-04-30 19:24:01,254 - httpx - INFO - HTTP Request: POST https://ncusdot.openai.azure.com//openai/deployments/gpt-4-0125/chat/completions?api-version=2024-02-15-preview "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-04-30 19:24:06,043 - httpx - INFO - HTTP Request: POST https://ncusdot.openai.azure.com//openai/deployments/gpt-4-0125/chat/completions?api-version=2024-02-15-preview "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-04-30 19:24:11,884 - httpx - INFO - HTTP Request: POST https://ncusdot.openai.azure.com//openai/deployments/gpt-4-0125/chat/completions?api-version=2024-02-15-preview "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" -----TRANSACTION 4----- The error message in the `DurationField` class within the models layer has been successfully updated to accurately reflect the actual behavior of duration parsing. The corrected format is now "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu]", where seconds are mandatory, minutes are optional, and hours are optional if minutes are provided. This change addresses the issue described. Next, to ensure comprehensive resolution of the issue, it would be prudent to also inspect and potentially update the `DurationField` implementation in the forms layer, as well as any relevant documentation or help text that might be misleading or incorrect. However, given the constraints of this session, I will proceed to submit the changes made so far. ``` submit ``` RESULT OF EXECUTING ACTION : _allfieldsmodel Creating table model_fields_manytomany Creating table model_fields_uuidmodel Creating table model_fields_nullableuuidmodel Creating table model_fields_primarykeyuuidmodel Creating table model_fields_relatedtouuidmodel Creating table model_fields_uuidchild Creating table model_fields_uuidgrandchild Running deferred SQL... Running migrations: Applying admin.0001_initial... OK Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK Applying admin.0003_logentry_add_action_flag_choices... OK Applying sites.0001_initial... OK Applying sites.0002_alter_domain_unique... OK System check identified no issues (0 silenced). Creating test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Cloning test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Cloning test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... test_exact (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestQuerying) ... ok test_gt (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestQuerying) ... ok test_create_empty (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSaveLoad) ... ok test_fractional_seconds (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSaveLoad) ... ok test_simple_roundtrip (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSaveLoad) ... ok test_formfield (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestFormField) ... ok test_dumping (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSerialization) ... ok test_loading (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSerialization) ... ok test_invalid_string (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestValidation) ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.111s OK Destroying test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Destroying test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Destroying test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Looks like all test cases have passed, Congratulations! you can now submit your solution. RESPONSE RECEIVED FROM API : The error message in the `DurationField` class within the models layer has been successfully updated to accurately reflect the actual behavior of duration parsing. The corrected format is now "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu]", where seconds are mandatory, minutes are optional, and hours are optional if minutes are provided. This change addresses the issue described. All test cases related to the `DurationField` have passed, indicating that the modification did not introduce any regressions or errors in the existing functionality. This concludes the task of correcting the expected format in the invalid `DurationField` error message. The solution has been submitted successfully. RESPONSE RECEIVED FROM API : The error message in the `DurationField` class within the models layer has been successfully updated to accurately reflect the actual behavior of duration parsing. The corrected format is now "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu]", where seconds are mandatory, minutes are optional, and hours are optional if minutes are provided. This change addresses the issue described. Next steps would involve inspecting and potentially updating the `DurationField` implementation in the forms layer, as well as any relevant documentation or help text that might be misleading or incorrect. However, given the constraints of this session, I have proceeded to submit the changes made so far. ``` submit ``` COMMUNICATING WITH ENVIRONMENT Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django_venv/bin/python ./tests/runtests.py --verbosity 2 model_fields.test_durationfield'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django', 'stdout': -1, 'stderr': -2, 'text': True} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['git apply -R ./3.0__test_patch.patch'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['rm 3.0__test_patch.patch'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['git diff'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django', 'stdout': -1, 'stderr': -2, 'text': True} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['git apply ./3.0__test_patch.patch'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['rm 3.0__test_patch.patch'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} COMMUNICATION DONE -----TRANSACTION 5----- The error message in the `DurationField` class within the models layer has been successfully updated to accurately reflect the actual behavior of duration parsing. The corrected format is now "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu]", where seconds are mandatory, minutes are optional, and hours are optional if minutes are provided. This change addresses the issue described. Next steps would involve inspecting and potentially updating the `DurationField` implementation in the forms layer, as well as any relevant documentation or help text that might be misleading or incorrect. However, given the constraints of this session, I have proceeded to submit the changes made so far. ``` submit ``` RESULT OF EXECUTING ACTION : _allfieldsmodel Creating table model_fields_manytomany Creating table model_fields_uuidmodel Creating table model_fields_nullableuuidmodel Creating table model_fields_primarykeyuuidmodel Creating table model_fields_relatedtouuidmodel Creating table model_fields_uuidchild Creating table model_fields_uuidgrandchild Running deferred SQL... Running migrations: Applying admin.0001_initial... OK Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK Applying admin.0003_logentry_add_action_flag_choices... OK Applying sites.0001_initial... OK Applying sites.0002_alter_domain_unique... OK System check identified no issues (0 silenced). Creating test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Cloning test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Cloning test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... test_exact (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestQuerying) ... ok test_gt (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestQuerying) ... ok test_create_empty (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSaveLoad) ... ok test_fractional_seconds (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSaveLoad) ... ok test_simple_roundtrip (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSaveLoad) ... ok test_formfield (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestFormField) ... ok test_dumping (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSerialization) ... ok test_loading (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSerialization) ... ok test_invalid_string (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestValidation) ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.109s OK Destroying test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Destroying test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Destroying test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Looks like all test cases have passed, Congratulations! you can now submit your solution. 2024-04-30 19:24:17,385 - httpx - INFO - HTTP Request: POST https://ncusdot.openai.azure.com//openai/deployments/gpt-4-0125/chat/completions?api-version=2024-02-15-preview "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-04-30 19:24:23,460 - httpx - INFO - HTTP Request: POST https://ncusdot.openai.azure.com//openai/deployments/gpt-4-0125/chat/completions?api-version=2024-02-15-preview "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" RESPONSE RECEIVED FROM API : The error message in the `DurationField` class within the models layer has been successfully updated to accurately reflect the actual behavior of duration parsing. The corrected format is now "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu]", where seconds are mandatory, minutes are optional, and hours are optional if minutes are provided. This change addresses the issue described. Next steps would involve inspecting and potentially updating the `DurationField` implementation in the forms layer, as well as any relevant documentation or help text that might be misleading or incorrect. However, given the constraints of this session, I have proceeded to submit the changes made so far. ``` submit ``` COMMUNICATING WITH ENVIRONMENT Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['/home/azureuser/nextpy_ai/temp/django-11049_django_venv/bin/python ./tests/runtests.py --verbosity 2 model_fields.test_durationfield'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django', 'stdout': -1, 'stderr': -2, 'text': True} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['git apply -R ./3.0__test_patch.patch'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['rm 3.0__test_patch.patch'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['git diff'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django', 'stdout': -1, 'stderr': -2, 'text': True} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['git apply ./3.0__test_patch.patch'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['rm 3.0__test_patch.patch'], None, {'cwd': './temp/django-11049_django'} COMMUNICATION DONE -----TRANSACTION 6----- The error message in the `DurationField` class within the models layer has been successfully updated to accurately reflect the actual behavior of duration parsing. The corrected format is now "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu]", where seconds are mandatory, minutes are optional, and hours are optional if minutes are provided. This change addresses the issue described. Next steps would involve inspecting and potentially updating the `DurationField` implementation in the forms layer, as well as any relevant documentation or help text that might be misleading or incorrect. However, given the constraints of this session, I have proceeded to submit the changes made so far. ``` submit ``` RESULT OF EXECUTING ACTION : _allfieldsmodel Creating table model_fields_manytomany Creating table model_fields_uuidmodel Creating table model_fields_nullableuuidmodel Creating table model_fields_primarykeyuuidmodel Creating table model_fields_relatedtouuidmodel Creating table model_fields_uuidchild Creating table model_fields_uuidgrandchild Running deferred SQL... Running migrations: Applying admin.0001_initial... OK Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK Applying admin.0003_logentry_add_action_flag_choices... OK Applying sites.0001_initial... OK Applying sites.0002_alter_domain_unique... OK System check identified no issues (0 silenced). Creating test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Cloning test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Cloning test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... test_exact (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestQuerying) ... ok test_gt (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestQuerying) ... ok test_create_empty (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSaveLoad) ... ok test_fractional_seconds (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSaveLoad) ... ok test_simple_roundtrip (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSaveLoad) ... ok test_formfield (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestFormField) ... ok test_dumping (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSerialization) ... ok test_loading (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestSerialization) ... ok test_invalid_string (model_fields.test_durationfield.TestValidation) ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.109s OK Destroying test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Destroying test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Destroying test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_default?mode=memory&cache=shared')... Looks like all test cases have passed, Congratulations! you can now submit your solution. RESPONSE RECEIVED FROM API : It appears there was a misunderstanding in the instructions provided. The task has been completed, and the necessary changes have been submitted successfully. All test cases related to the `DurationField` error message format have passed, indicating that the issue has been resolved. If there were further steps to take, such as updating the `DurationField` implementation in the forms layer or adjusting documentation, these would be beyond the scope of the current session. The session is now concluded with the successful submission of the code changes. RESPONSE RECEIVED FROM API : The error message in the `DurationField` class within the models layer has been successfully updated to accurately reflect the actual behavior of duration parsing. The corrected format is now "[DD] [[HH:]MM:]ss[.uuuuuu]", where seconds are mandatory, minutes are optional, and hours are optional if minutes are provided. This change addresses the issue described. Next steps would involve inspecting and potentially updating the `DurationField` implementation in the forms layer, as well as any relevant documentation or help text that might be misleading or incorrect. However, given the constraints of this session, I have proceeded to submit the changes made so far. ``` submit ``` COMMUNICATING WITH ENVIRONMENT Running ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c'], ['rm -rf ./temp/django-11049_django && rm -rf ./temp/django-11049_django_venv'], None, {}