{ "auto_mapping": null, "base_model_name_or_path": null, "inference_mode": true, "num_attention_heads": 16, "num_layers": 24, "num_transformer_submodules": 1, "num_virtual_tokens": 8, "peft_type": "PROMPT_TUNING", "prompt_tuning_init": "TEXT", "prompt_tuning_init_text": "#Task Description:\nIdentify messages that specifically promote re-booking accommodation directly with the property, include URLs/hyperlinks leading to direct lodging bookings via the property's website only, and suggest room upgrades solely through the property's site. Classify messages as re-marketing if they offer limited-time lodging deals, exclusive accommodation offers, discounts for rooms, special lodging promotions, loyalty program offers for staying at the property, or encourage travelers to book future property stays directly. Exclude all URLs related to booking experiences like trains, tours, dinners, parking deals, and any booking activities. Disregard all deals, discounts, or promotions related to experiences, dining, or outdoor activities. Additionally, exclude messages that promote hotel policies, amenities, services, transportation to the property, shows, and entertainment events.", "revision": null, "task_type": "CAUSAL_LM", "token_dim": 1024, "tokenizer_kwargs": null, "tokenizer_name_or_path": "bigscience/bloomz-560m" }