# Pre-training SIGMA ## Original Implementation The implementation of our SIGMA supports **multi-node distributed training**. We provide the **off-the-shelf** scripts in the [scripts folder](scripts). - For example, to pre-train SIGMA ViT-Base on **Something-Something V2** with 64 GPUs (8 nodes x 8 GPUs), you can run ```bash OUTPUT_DIR='YOUR_PATH/ssv2_SIGMA_pretrain_base_patch16_224_frame_16x2_tube_mask_ratio_0.9_e800' DATA_PATH='YOUR_PATH/list_ssv2/train.csv' OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \ --master_port 12320 --nnodes=8 \ --node_rank=0 --master_addr=$ip_node_0 \ run_mae_pretraining.py \ --data_path ${DATA_PATH} \ --mask_type tube \ --mask_ratio 0.9 \ --model pretrain_videomae_base_patch16_224 \ --decoder_depth 4 \ --batch_size 32 \ --num_frames 16 \ --sampling_rate 2 \ --opt adamw \ --opt_betas 0.9 0.95 \ --warmup_epochs 40 \ --save_ckpt_freq 20 \ --epochs 801 \ --log_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} \ --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} ``` on the first node. On other nodes, run the same command with `--node_rank 1`, ..., `--node_rank 7` respectively. `--master_addr` is set as the ip of the node 0. - For example, to pre-train SIGMA ViT-Base on **Kinetics400** with 64 GPUs (8 nodes x 8 GPUs), you can run ```bash OUTPUT_DIR='YOUR_PATH/k400_SIGMA_pretrain_base_patch16_224_frame_16x4_tube_mask_ratio_0.9_e800' DATA_PATH='YOUR_PATH/list_kinetics-400/train.csv' OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \ --master_port 12320 --nnodes=8 \ --node_rank=0 --master_addr=$your_node_0_ip \ run_mae_pretraining.py \ --data_path ${DATA_PATH} \ --mask_type tube \ --mask_ratio 0.9 \ --model pretrain_videomae_base_patch16_224 \ --decoder_depth 4 \ --batch_size 32 \ --num_frames 16 \ --sampling_rate 4 \ --opt adamw \ --opt_betas 0.9 0.95 \ --warmup_epochs 40 \ --save_ckpt_freq 20 \ --epochs 801 \ --log_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} \ --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} ``` on the first node. On other nodes, run the same command with `--node_rank 1`, ..., `--node_rank 7` respectively. `--master_addr` is set as the ip of the node 0. ### Note: - Here the batch size is 32 (`batch_size` per gpu) * 8 (`nodes`) * 8 (gpus per node) = 2048. - `lr` here is the base learning rate and is set to `1.5e-4` as default. The ` actual lr` is computed by the [linear scaling rule](https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.02677): `` actual lr`` = `lr` * total batch size / 256. - [Fixed]~~We have observed accidental interrupt in the last epoch when conduct the experiment on V100 GPUs (torch 1.6.0). This interrupt is caused by the scheduler of learning rate. We naively set `--epochs 801` to walk away from issue :)~~ ## Slurm To help the community to reproduce our results on slurm cluster, we also provide the the **off-the-shelf** script. For example, to pre-train SIGMA ViT-Base on **Kinetics400** with 64 GPUs (8 nodes x 8 GPUs), you can run ```bash export MASTER_PORT=$((12000 + $RANDOM % 20000)) export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 OUTPUT_DIR='YOUR_PATH/k400_SIGMA_pretrain_base_patch16_224_frame_16x4_tube_mask_ratio_0.9_e800' DATA_PATH='YOUR_PATH/list_kinetics-400/train.csv' JOB_NAME=$1 PARTITION=${PARTITION:-"video"} # 8 for 1 node, 16 for 2 node, etc. GPUS=${GPUS:-64} GPUS_PER_NODE=${GPUS_PER_NODE:-8} CPUS_PER_TASK=${CPUS_PER_TASK:-8} SRUN_ARGS=${SRUN_ARGS:-""} PY_ARGS=${@:2} # batch_size can be adjusted according to the graphics card srun -p $PARTITION \ --job-name=${JOB_NAME} \ --gres=gpu:${GPUS_PER_NODE} \ --ntasks=${GPUS} \ --ntasks-per-node=${GPUS_PER_NODE} \ --cpus-per-task=${CPUS_PER_TASK} \ --kill-on-bad-exit=1 \ ${SRUN_ARGS} \ python -u run_mae_pretraining.py \ --data_path ${DATA_PATH} \ --mask_type tube \ --mask_ratio 0.9 \ --model pretrain_SIGMA_base_patch16_224 \ --decoder_depth 4 \ --batch_size 32 \ --num_frames 16 \ --sampling_rate 4 \ --opt adamw \ --opt_betas 0.9 0.95 \ --warmup_epochs 40 \ --save_ckpt_freq 20 \ --epochs 801 \ --log_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} \ --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} \ ${PY_ARGS} ```