# Positive Perspectives with Text Reframing Based on the paper [Inducing Positive Perspectives with Text Reframing](https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.02952), this model focuses on the positive reframing task. The purpose of the model is to neutralize a negative point of view and generate a more positive perspective without changing the original meaning. The model provided is obtained from this [HuggingFace Space](https://huggingface.co./spaces/Ella2323/Positive-Reframing) and stored in a separate repository to increase ease of use. All credits go to the original contributors of the abovementioned HuggingFace Space. ### Available strategies for positive reframing: **growth**: viewing a challenging event as an opportunity for the author to specifically grow or improve himself. **impermanence**: Saying that bad things don't last forever, will get better soon, and/or that other people have had similar difficulties. **neutralizing**: Replacing a negative word with a neutral word. For example, “This was a terrible day” becomes “This was a long day”. **optimism**: Focusing on things about the situation itself, at that moment, that are good (not just predicting a better future). **self_affirmation**: Talking about what strengths the author already has, or values he admires, such as love, courage, perseverance, etc. **thankfulness**: Expressing gratitude or gratitude with keywords like appreciate, happy for it, grateful for, good thing, etc.