use bevy::{ app::{ App, Plugin, PreUpdate, Update }, core::Name, ecs::{ bundle::Bundle, component::Component, schedule::{ Condition, IntoSystemConfigs as _ }, system::{ Query, Res }, }, input::{ gamepad::GamepadButtonType, keyboard::KeyCode, mouse::MouseButton }, log::info, reflect::Reflect, state::condition::in_state, time::{ Real, Time }, utils::default, }; use bevy_rapier2d::dynamics::Velocity; use leafwing_input_manager::{ action_state::{ ActionData, ActionState }, input_map::InputMap, input_processing::WithDualAxisProcessingPipelineExt, plugin::{ InputManagerPlugin, InputManagerSystem }, user_input::KeyboardVirtualDPad, }; pub use leafwing_input_manager::Actionlike; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::time::Instant; use crate::components::{ climbing::Climber, ground::GroundDetection, swimming::Swimmer }; #[derive(Actionlike, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy, Debug, Reflect)] pub enum Action { Move, Jump, Interact, Ability(u8), } impl Action { const PRIMARY_ACTION: Self = Self::Ability(0); const SECONDARY_ACTION: Self = Self::Ability(1); } #[derive(Bundle, Clone)] pub struct InputBundle { input_map: InputMap, action_state: ActionState, // We do not need an InputMap component, // as abilities are never triggered directly from inputs. ability_action_state: ActionState, ability_slot_map: AbilitySlotMap, action_timers: ActionTimers, } /// This struct stores which ability corresponds to which slot for a particular player #[derive(Component, Debug, Clone)] pub struct AbilitySlotMap { map: HashMap, } // Fix wrong trait bounds on default impl Default for AbilitySlotMap { fn default() -> Self { Self { map: Default::default() } } } impl Default for InputBundle { fn default() -> Self { Self { input_map: default(), action_state: default(), ability_action_state: default(), ability_slot_map: default(), action_timers: default(), } } } pub(crate) fn make_action_map( abilities: HashMap ) -> InputBundle { let dual_axis_pad = KeyboardVirtualDPad::WASD // You can configure a processing pipeline to handle axis-like user inputs. // // This step adds a circular deadzone that normalizes input values // by clamping their magnitude to a maximum of 1.0, // excluding those with a magnitude less than 0.1, // and scaling other values linearly in between. .with_circle_deadzone(0.1) // Followed by appending Y-axis inversion for the next processing step. .inverted_y() // Or reset the pipeline, leaving no any processing applied. .reset_processing_pipeline(); let input_map = InputMap::new([ (Action::Jump, KeyCode::Space), (Action::Interact, KeyCode::KeyE), (Action::PRIMARY_ACTION, KeyCode::KeyQ), (Action::SECONDARY_ACTION, KeyCode::KeyW), (Action::Ability(2), KeyCode::KeyR), (Action::Ability(3), KeyCode::KeyT), (Action::Ability(4), KeyCode::KeyZ), (Action::Ability(5), KeyCode::KeyX), (Action::Ability(6), KeyCode::KeyC), (Action::Ability(7), KeyCode::KeyV), ]) .with(Action::Move, dual_axis_pad) .with(Action::Interact, GamepadButtonType::RightTrigger2) .with(Action::Jump, MouseButton::Left) .with(Action::Jump, GamepadButtonType::LeftTrigger) .with(Action::PRIMARY_ACTION, MouseButton::Right) .with(Action::PRIMARY_ACTION, GamepadButtonType::RightTrigger) .with(Action::SECONDARY_ACTION, GamepadButtonType::LeftTrigger2) .with(Action::Ability(2), GamepadButtonType::East) // PS: Circle, Xbox: B .with(Action::Ability(3), GamepadButtonType::North) // PS: Triangle, Xbox: Y .with(Action::Ability(4), GamepadButtonType::West) // PS: Square, Xbox: X .with(Action::Ability(5), GamepadButtonType::South) // PS: Cross, Xbox: A .with(Action::Ability(6), GamepadButtonType::C) .with(Action::Ability(7), GamepadButtonType::Z); InputBundle { input_map, ability_slot_map: AbilitySlotMap { map: abilities }, ..default() } } // Velocity in px/s for full gamepad range const AXIS_GAIN: f32 = 200.0; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) struct ActionTimer { pub count: u32, pub last_pressed: Instant, } #[derive(Component, Default, Clone)] pub(crate) struct ActionTimers(pub HashMap); /// System that handle input and movement pub(crate) fn movement( mut query: Query< ( &ActionState, &mut ActionTimers, &mut Velocity, &mut Climber, &mut Swimmer, &GroundDetection, ) >, time: Res> ) { for ( action_state, mut timers, mut velocity, mut climber, mut swimmer, ground_detection, ) in &mut query { if let Some(ActionData { axis_pair: Some(axis_pair), state, .. }) = action_state.action_data(&Action::Move) { if climber.intersecting_climbables.is_empty() { climber.climbing = false; } else if state.just_pressed() && axis_pair.y().abs() > 0.0 { climber.climbing = true; } swimmer.swimming = !swimmer.intersecting_swimmables.is_empty(); let axis_gain = if swimmer.swimming { AXIS_GAIN * 0.5 } else { AXIS_GAIN }; velocity.linvel.x = axis_pair.x() * axis_gain; if climber.climbing { velocity.linvel.y = axis_pair.y() * axis_gain; } else if swimmer.swimming { velocity.linvel.y = (axis_pair.y() + 0.5) * axis_gain; } } if action_state.just_pressed(&Action::Jump) && (ground_detection.on_ground || climber.climbing) { velocity.linvel.y = 500.0; climber.climbing = false; } for action in action_state.get_pressed() { let now = time.last_update().unwrap_or(Instant::now()); timers.0 .entry(action) .and_modify(|state| { state.count += 1; state.last_pressed = now; }) .or_insert_with(|| ActionTimer { count: 0, last_pressed: now, }); } } } fn copy_ability_action_state( mut query: Query< (&mut ActionState, &mut ActionState, &AbilitySlotMap) > ) { for (mut action_state, mut ability_state, ability_slot_map) in query.iter_mut() { for (&slot, &ability) in { ability_state.set_action_data( ability, action_state.action_data_mut_or_default(&Action::Ability(slot)).clone() ); } } } fn report_abilities_used( query: Query<(&Name, &ActionState)> ) { for (name, ability_state) in query.iter() { for ability in ability_state.get_just_pressed() { info!("{} used {:?}", name, ability); } } } pub struct InputPlugin; impl Plugin for InputPlugin { fn build(&self, app: &mut App) { use crate::{ components, entities::player, // FIXME: we should remove this dependency plugins::{ dialogueview::not_in_dialogue, gamestate::GameState }, }; // Plugins app.add_plugins(( // Action InputManagerPlugin::::default(), //InputManagerPlugin::::default(), // I don't think we need this )) // PreUpdate: copy action state from the main action state to the ability one/ .add_systems( PreUpdate, copy_ability_action_state::.after( InputManagerSystem::ManualControl ) ) // Update: runs systems consuming the inputs .add_systems( Update, (movement, report_abilities_used::) .run_if(not_in_dialogue.and_then(in_state(GameState::Playing))) .after(components::ground::update_on_ground) .after(components::climbing::detect_climb_range) .after(components::swimming::detect_swim_range) ); } }