use bevy::{ asset::{ AssetServer, Assets, Handle }, ecs::{ component::Component, system::Query }, math::{ IVec2, Vec2 }, render::texture::Image, sprite::TextureAtlasLayout, transform::components::Transform, }; use bevy_ecs_ldtk::{ ldtk::{ LayerInstance, TilesetDefinition }, utils::ldtk_pixel_coords_to_translation_pivoted, EntityInstance, prelude::LdtkEntity, prelude::LdtkFields, }; use bevy_rapier2d::dynamics::Velocity; #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Default, Component)] pub struct PredefinedPath { pub points: Vec, pub index: usize, pub forward: bool, } impl LdtkEntity for PredefinedPath { fn bundle_entity( entity_instance: &EntityInstance, layer_instance: &LayerInstance, _: Option<&Handle>, _: Option<&TilesetDefinition>, _: &AssetServer, _: &mut Assets ) -> PredefinedPath { let mut points = Vec::new(); points.push( ldtk_pixel_coords_to_translation_pivoted( entity_instance.px, layer_instance.c_hei * layer_instance.grid_size, IVec2::new(entity_instance.width, entity_instance.height), entity_instance.pivot ) ); let ldtk_path_points = entity_instance .iter_points_field("path") .expect("path field should be correctly typed"); for ldtk_point in ldtk_path_points { // The +1 is necessary here due to the pivot of the entities in the sample // file. // The paths set up in the file look flat and grounded, // but technically they're not if you consider the pivot, // which is at the bottom-center for the skulls. let pixel_coords = (ldtk_point.as_vec2() + Vec2::new(0.5, 1.0)) * Vec2::splat(layer_instance.grid_size as f32); points.push( ldtk_pixel_coords_to_translation_pivoted( pixel_coords.as_ivec2(), layer_instance.c_hei * layer_instance.grid_size, IVec2::new(entity_instance.width, entity_instance.height), entity_instance.pivot ) ); } PredefinedPath { points, index: 1, forward: true, } } } pub fn move_on_path(mut query: Query<(&mut Transform, &mut Velocity, &mut PredefinedPath)>) { for (mut transform, mut velocity, mut path) in &mut query { if path.points.len() <= 1 { continue; } let mut new_velocity = (path.points[path.index] - transform.translation.truncate()).normalize() * 20.0; if < 0.0 { if path.index == 0 { path.forward = true; } else if path.index == path.points.len() - 1 { path.forward = false; } transform.translation.x = path.points[path.index].x; transform.translation.y = path.points[path.index].y; if path.forward { path.index += 1; } else { path.index -= 1; } new_velocity = (path.points[path.index] - transform.translation.truncate()).normalize() * 20.0; } velocity.linvel = new_velocity; } }