# Compilation Options --- ## Render Engine Graphs --- You can render graphs of the engine if you set the `RENDER_GRAPHS` environment variable `true`. By default it will output `.dot`, `.svg` and `.png` formats for each possible graphs in the `./docs/graph` folder, but it takes a long time so only do this if you like looking at game engines naked! Bash: ```bash RENDER_GRAPHS=true cargo run ``` PowerShell: ```pwsh $env:RENDER_GRAPHS = "true" cargo run ``` ## Tracing --- Bash: ```bash $env:RUST_LOG="trace" && cargo run --release --features "bevy/trace_tracy" ``` PowerShell: ```pwsh $env:RUST_LOG="trace" cargo run --release --features bevy/trace_tracy ``` ## Filter out DX12 spam with PowerShell --- PowerShell: ```pwsh cargo run 2>&1 | Out-String -Stream | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch "ID3D12Device" -and $_ -notmatch "Live Object at" } ``` With tracing: ```pwsh cargo run --features bevy/trace_tracy 2>&1 | Out-String -Stream | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch "ID3D12Device" -and $_ -notmatch "Live Object at" } ```