k4d3's picture
dont ship with test dialog
//! A dialogue view for Yarn Spinner.
//! A dialogue view is a plugin that handles presenting lines and options to the user and advances the dialogue on user input.
//! This crate also exposes the [`SpeakerChangeEvent`] which you can use to animate characters while they are speaking,
//! as the text is written out over a few seconds.
//! ## Inputs
//! - Advance the dialogue: press the space bar, enter key, left click or tap the screen after the text is done typing.
//! - Type out the text faster: Same as above, but hold press before the text is done typing.
//! - Select an option: press the number key corresponding to the option you want to select or click/tap the option.
//! ## Limitations
//! This dialogue view expects only a single instance of [`DialogueRunner`](bevy_yarnspinner::prelude::DialogueRunner) to be running.
//! Its behavior is otherwise undefined.
mod option_selection;
mod setup;
mod typewriter;
mod updating;
use bevy::{
app::{ App, Plugin, Update },
schedule::{ common_conditions::resource_added, Condition, IntoSystemConfigs, SystemSet },
system::{ Commands, Res, Resource },
state::{ condition::in_state, state::{ FreelyMutableState, States } },
use bevy_asset_loader::{
loading_state::{ config::{ ConfigureLoadingState, LoadingStateConfig }, LoadingStateAppExt },
use bevy_yarnspinner::prelude::{ YarnFileSource, YarnSpinnerPlugin, YarnProject };
pub use updating::SpeakerChangeEvent;
pub(crate) use typewriter::not_in_dialogue;
/// The plugin registering all systems of the dialogue view.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct YarnSpinnerDialogueViewPlugin<T> {
/// Assets loading will be added to this loading state
pub loading_state: T,
/// Dialogue view will be spawn when transitioning to this state
pub playing_state: T,
/// The [`SystemSet`] containing all systems added by the [`YarnSpinnerDialogueViewPlugin`].
/// Is run after the [`YarnSpinnerSystemSet`](bevy_yarnspinner::prelude::YarnSpinnerSystemSet).
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, SystemSet, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct YarnSpinnerDialogueViewSystemSet;
#[derive(AssetCollection, Resource)]
struct Assets {
#[asset(path = "fonts/bahnschrift.ttf")]
font: Handle<Font>,
#[asset(path = "ui/dialogue_continue.png")]
continue_indicator: Handle<Image>,
#[asset(path = "ui/dialogue_edge.png")]
edge: Handle<Image>,
impl<T: States + FreelyMutableState> Plugin for YarnSpinnerDialogueViewPlugin<T> {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
.add_systems(Update, setup::setup.run_if(resource_added::<Assets>))
// Spawn the dialogue runner once the Yarn project has finished compiling
fn spawn_dialogue_runner(mut commands: Commands, project: Res<YarnProject>) {
info!("Starting dialogue runner.");
// Create a dialogue runner from the project.
let dialogue_runner = project.create_dialogue_runner();
// ⚠️ TODO: Only run dialogues on interaction!