Gaeros's picture
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use bevy::ecs::{ bundle::Bundle, component::Component };
use bevy_ecs_ldtk::{ prelude::LdtkEntity, utils::LdtkSpriteSheetBundle };
use super::{ ColliderBundle, PredefinedPath };
use crate::components::animals::Animal;
// πŸˆβ€β¬›
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Default, Component)]
pub struct Cat {
name: String,
// Implement methods for the 'Cat' struct
impl Cat {
// Define a new function that takes a String as an argument and returns a new instance of 'Cat'
fn new(name: String) -> Self {
// Return a new 'Cat' instance with the given name
Self { name }
// Implement the 'Animal' trait for the 'Cat' struct
impl Animal for Cat {
// Define the 'species' method to return the static string "Cat"
fn species() -> &'static str {
// Define the 'name' method to return a reference to the 'name' field of the 'Cat' instance
fn name(&self) -> &String {
#[derive(Clone, Default, Bundle, LdtkEntity)]
pub struct CatBundle {
pub sprite_sheet_bundle: LdtkSpriteSheetBundle,
pub collider_bundle: ColliderBundle,
pub cat: Cat,
#[derive(Clone, Default, Bundle, LdtkEntity)]
pub struct CatPatrolBundle {
pub cat: CatBundle,
pub predefined_path: PredefinedPath,