separated / src /components /
k4d3's picture
use std::collections::HashSet;
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_rapier2d::{ dynamics::GravityScale, pipeline::CollisionEvent };
use crate::plugins::rapier_utils::reciprocal_collisions;
// Attach this to any component to allow the player (or any climber entity) to climb up and
// down on it.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Default, Component)]
pub struct Climbable;
// Attach this component to any entity to allow them to climb up ladders.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Default, Component)]
pub struct Climber {
pub climbing: bool,
pub intersecting_climbables: HashSet<Entity>,
// Checks for collision events between climbers and climbable entities.
// If a collision starts, the climbable entity is added to the climber’s set of intersecting climbables.
// If a collision stops, the climbable entity is removed from the set.
pub fn detect_climb_range(
mut climbers: Query<&mut Climber>,
climbables: Query<Entity, With<Climbable>>,
mut collisions: EventReader<CollisionEvent>
) {
reciprocal_collisions(&mut collisions, move |collider_a, collider_b, _, start| {
let (Ok(mut climber), Ok(climbable)) = (
if start {
} else {
} else {
// Checks if a climber entity is climbing.
// If it is, the gravity scale is set to 0.0, effectively ignoring gravity.
// If the climber is not climbing, the gravity scale is set back to 1.0.
pub fn ignore_gravity_if_climbing(
mut query: Query<(&Climber, &mut GravityScale), Changed<Climber>>
) {
for (climber, mut gravity_scale) in &mut query {
if climber.climbing {
gravity_scale.0 = 0.0;
} else {
gravity_scale.0 = 1.0;