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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a handbag, a leather shoes, and three trolleys.", "boxes_value": [[1.691406272, 339.72369384, 209.6503296, 469.83563232], [75.67279052800001, 298.794799824, 149.386352512, 471.16534425599997], [23.259643584, 309.112609872, 75.91210937599999, 468.984741216], [26.97351072, 371.12567140799996, 46.481201152000004, 400.130493168], [128.070251456, 451.951232928, 147.685424832, 469.83563232], [121.64422604800001, 361.08978273599996, 209.6503296, 464.18267822400003], [53.753784192, 361.08978273599996, 102.785766592, 438.40948488000004], [1.691406272, 339.72369384, 40.024108864, 395.60626219200003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045970_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a handbag, a leather shoes, and three trolleys.", "boxes_value": [[1.691406272, 32.72369384000001, 209.6503296, 162.83563232], [75.67279052800001, 0, 149.386352512, 164.16534425599997], [23.259643584, 2.1126098720000073, 75.91210937599999, 161.98474121599997], [26.97351072, 64.12567140799996, 46.481201152000004, 93.13049316799999], [128.070251456, 144.95123292800002, 147.685424832, 162.83563232], [121.64422604800001, 54.08978273599996, 209.6503296, 157.18267822400003], [53.753784192, 54.08978273599996, 102.785766592, 131.40948488000004], [1.691406272, 32.72369384000001, 40.024108864, 88.60626219200003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045971.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[258.7459716566, 396.8341675008, 683.7407226521999, 510.5554809344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045971_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[106.74597165659998, 28.834167500799992, 531, 142.5554809344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045971.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[258.7459716566, 396.8341675008, 683.7407226521999, 510.5554809344], [671.7701415932, 396.8341675008, 683.7407226521999, 510.5554809344], [258.7459716566, 429.8025512448, 278.74487307379997, 482.7725830144], [445.6872863769531, 416.5623779296875, 454.3551330566406, 434.008544921875], [333.0723571777344, 420.3075256347656, 342.7788391113281, 437.6130065917969], [455.9009094238281, 414.25872802734375, 466.2145080566406, 432.7591552734375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045971_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. 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Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a hat, three handbags, two sneakers, a slippers, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[65.03338621630002, 45.740905744, 322.2473144383, 227.56427001953125], [180.6107177545, 160.542480448, 239.7319336114, 259.077880864], [267.3886718581, 45.740905744, 322.2473144383, 71.93151856], [222.11669920360004, 199.15533448000002, 239.06481930700005, 233.41992188800003], [65.03338621630002, 147.53442380799999, 79.74664309509996, 179.99707033599998], [107.53372192382812, 219.08624267578125, 121.47286987304688, 227.56427001953125], [135.25323486328125, 220.1875, 153.41363525390625, 227.72662353515625], [81.92147827148438, 215.81448364257812, 109.29489135742188, 222.66299438476562], [101.04904174804688, 54.08872985839844, 154.65927124023438, 83.67405700683594], [234.844482421875, 44.24754333496094, 317.80047607421875, 273]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 8], [5, 6], [7], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045974.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? 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Include the coordinates for each object you identify. 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[613.0439787345, 79.9644620288, 682.049194334, 273.233154304]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045975_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[18.0439787345, 48.9644620288, 87.04919433400005, 242.23315430399998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045975.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a fan, a storage box, a book, a backpack, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[613.0439787345, 79.9644620288, 682.049194334, 273.233154304], [608.4326172203, 176.4041747968, 648.2253417917, 220.8393554432], [622.3601074086, 174.4144897536, 682.049194334, 273.233154304], [622.6591796535, 214.9431762944, 680.9361572489, 230.2883300864], [613.0439787345, 79.9644620288, 658.0509098525, 147.2390136832], [641.5534668099, 202.75897216, 660.522338864, 222.360168448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045975_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a fan, a storage box, a book, a backpack, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[18.0439787345, 48.9644620288, 87.04919433400005, 242.23315430399998], [13.432617220300017, 145.4041747968, 53.225341791699975, 189.8393554432], [27.360107408600015, 143.4144897536, 87.04919433400005, 242.23315430399998], [27.65917965350002, 183.9431762944, 85.93615724890003, 199.2883300864], [18.0439787345, 48.9644620288, 63.05090985250001, 116.2390136832], [46.55346680989999, 171.75897216, 65.52233886399995, 191.360168448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045976.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[138.4108886528, 227.4429931776, 355.5791625728, 756.8381347584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045976_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[54.4108886528, 132.4429931776, 271.5791625728, 661.8381347584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045976.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two glasses, and a sandals.", "boxes_value": [[138.4108886528, 227.4429931776, 355.5791625728, 756.8381347584], [138.4108886528, 227.4429931776, 355.5791625728, 699.9306640896], [105.5544433664, 697.2305908224, 211.984985344, 768.184326144], [229.978698752, 476.27368166400004, 299.7086792192, 652.9544677632], [286.7183227392, 254.76953126400002, 322.9009399296, 270.6628418304], [192.4057617408, 736.3205566464001, 207.1904907264, 756.8381347584], [304.6492309504, 715.501098624, 359.262329088, 765.2864990208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045976_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two glasses, and a sandals.", "boxes_value": [[54.4108886528, 132.4429931776, 271.5791625728, 661.8381347584], [54.4108886528, 132.4429931776, 271.5791625728, 604.9306640896], [21.554443366399994, 602.2305908224, 127.984985344, 673], [145.978698752, 381.27368166400004, 215.7086792192, 557.9544677632], [202.7183227392, 159.76953126400002, 238.90093992959999, 175.6628418304], [108.40576174079999, 641.3205566464001, 123.19049072639999, 661.8381347584], [220.6492309504, 620.501098624, 275.262329088, 670.2864990208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045977.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[519.1903076352, 117.3427124224, 650.5944824064, 512.029296896]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045977_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[33.19030763520004, 99.3427124224, 164.59448240639995, 494]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045977.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two sneakers, a backpack, a cup, and a traffic cone.", "boxes_value": [[33.19030763520004, 99.3427124224, 164.59448240639995, 494], [33.961303680000015, 99.3427124224, 135.54028323839998, 432.1403808768], [61.846069324800055, 400.2676391424, 111.03564456959998, 425.4049072128], [69.62243650560004, 406.0546264576, 93.85546874879992, 432.2769775616], [85.81066897920005, 344.3087158272, 180.95336916480005, 419.63006592], [149.641235328, 381.3007812608, 164.59448240639995, 419.9918823424], [33.19030763520004, 449.511657728, 61.782959001600034, 494]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045979.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[390.54724121600003, 65.6027221504, 639.32043456, 218.7179565568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045979_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[62.54724121600003, 38.6027221504, 311.32043455999997, 191.7179565568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045979.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, a microwave, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[390.54724121600003, 65.6027221504, 639.32043456, 218.7179565568], [390.54724121600003, 107.967041024, 476.52490233599997, 175.3648071168], [477.617797824, 104.3239135744, 534.814819328, 218.7179565568], [528.621582016, 65.6027221504, 639.32043456, 160.6882323968], [388.757446272, 175.4931640832, 475.89135744, 225.5144653312], [541.6059570560001, 147.0355224576, 559.2358398719999, 166.7810669056]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045979_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, a microwave, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[62.54724121600003, 38.6027221504, 311.32043455999997, 191.7179565568], [62.54724121600003, 80.967041024, 148.52490233599997, 148.3648071168], [149.61779782399998, 77.3239135744, 206.814819328, 191.7179565568], [200.62158201600005, 38.6027221504, 311.32043455999997, 133.6882323968], [60.75744627199998, 148.4931640832, 147.89135743999998, 198.5144653312], [213.60595705600008, 120.0355224576, 231.23583987199993, 139.7810669056]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045980.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[606.9447021374999, 226.3775634944, 708.396972669, 509.627441408]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045980_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[25.944702137499917, 71.3775634944, 127.39697266899998, 354.627441408]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045980.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a person, a handbag, a hat, a sneakers, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[606.9447021374999, 226.3775634944, 708.396972669, 509.627441408], [615.3468017895, 307.70996096, 759.6473388345, 512.0782470656], [605.926391589, 226.3826904064, 739.8704834055, 510.8411254784], [618.183227556, 383.9110107648, 662.087036097, 471.7185058816], [631.581665067, 226.3775634944, 708.396972669, 264.2864379904], [606.9447021374999, 487.3071899648, 634.7470702859999, 509.627441408], [618.6937255965, 269.3755493376, 649.699462854, 306.3648071168]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045980_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a person, a handbag, a hat, a sneakers, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[25.944702137499917, 71.3775634944, 127.39697266899998, 354.627441408], [34.34680178949998, 152.70996096, 152, 357], [24.92639158899999, 71.3826904064, 152, 355.8411254784], [37.18322755600002, 228.91101076479998, 81.08703609700001, 316.7185058816], [50.58166506700002, 71.3775634944, 127.39697266899998, 109.28643799039997], [25.944702137499917, 332.3071899648, 53.74707028599994, 354.627441408], [37.69372559650003, 114.37554933759998, 68.69946285399999, 151.36480711680002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045981.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[573.9902954101562, 76.03134155273438, 689.2336425488, 512.4577636864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045981_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[28.99029541015625, 76.03134155273438, 143, 512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045981.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a trash bin can, and five storage boxes.", "boxes_value": [[573.9902954101562, 76.03134155273438, 689.2336425488, 512.4577636864], [643.9877929344, 207.446044928, 689.2336425488, 512.4577636864], [672.6650390688001, 447.542297344, 688.0206298864001, 511.1757812736], [551.847900390625, 296.4865417480469, 630.29248046875, 353.7350769042969], [625.5735473632812, 118.42332458496094, 687.1652221679688, 198.0758819580078], [573.9902954101562, 151.44497680664062, 627.8446655273438, 218.2205810546875], [633.4816284179688, 76.03134155273438, 687.0790405273438, 119.85992431640625], [562.4662475585938, 274.312744140625, 627.3230590820312, 310.666748046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045981_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a trash bin can, and five storage boxes.", "boxes_value": [[28.99029541015625, 76.03134155273438, 143, 512], [98.98779293439998, 207.446044928, 143, 512], [127.66503906880007, 447.542297344, 143, 511.1757812736], [6.847900390625, 296.4865417480469, 85.29248046875, 353.7350769042969], [80.57354736328125, 118.42332458496094, 142.16522216796875, 198.0758819580078], [28.99029541015625, 151.44497680664062, 82.84466552734375, 218.2205810546875], [88.48162841796875, 76.03134155273438, 142.07904052734375, 119.85992431640625], [17.46624755859375, 274.312744140625, 82.32305908203125, 310.666748046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045983.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[612.2564697388, 238.789428736, 767.4814453014, 310.1843872256]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045983_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[39.25646973879998, 18.78942873599999, 194.48144530139996, 90.1843872256]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045983.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[612.2564697388, 238.789428736, 767.4814453014, 310.1843872256], [612.2564697388, 245.7478027264, 635.0819091553, 310.1843872256], [638.9197998121, 247.0175171072, 664.4460449122, 309.0878296064], [666.1282958938, 239.4202881024, 689.0484618751, 308.601196288], [689.4689941042, 246.3593750016, 714.9123535428, 306.9190063616], [716.3842773359, 238.789428736, 740.7763671929999, 305.8676147712], [737.2016601892, 240.6819458048, 767.4814453014, 306.9190063616], [620.7169189453125, 246.10438537597656, 630.2418212890625, 254.5228729248047]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045983_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[39.25646973879998, 18.78942873599999, 194.48144530139996, 90.1843872256], [39.25646973879998, 25.74780272640001, 62.08190915529997, 90.1843872256], [65.9197998121, 27.017517107200007, 91.44604491220002, 89.08782960640002], [93.12829589379999, 19.420288102400008, 116.04846187509997, 88.60119628799998], [116.46899410419996, 26.3593750016, 141.91235354280002, 86.9190063616], [143.38427733590004, 18.78942873599999, 167.77636719299994, 85.86761477120001], [164.20166018919997, 20.681945804799994, 194.48144530139996, 86.9190063616], [47.7169189453125, 26.104385375976562, 57.2418212890625, 34.52287292480469]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045984.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a handbag, and a wine glass.", "boxes_value": [[74.76236724853516, 513.2679443359375, 512.0203857408, 610.3701171672], [466.263183616, 542.244628943, 512.0203857408, 610.3701171672], [418.678771968, 528.178955092, 468.8378906112, 592.669189471], [260.062255872, 521.9045410094, 281.5444336128, 557.4047851186], [161.1688842752, 515.9981689384, 171.6118163968, 545.5865478374], [273.07476806640625, 525.8270263671875, 342.750244140625, 691.421142578125], [74.76236724853516, 513.2679443359375, 110.45220184326172, 548.482177734375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5, 6], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045984_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a handbag, and a wine glass.", "boxes_value": [[74.76236724853516, 25.2679443359375, 512, 122.37011716719996], [466.263183616, 54.24462894299995, 512, 122.37011716719996], [418.678771968, 40.178955092000024, 468.8378906112, 104.66918947099998], [260.062255872, 33.90454100939996, 281.5444336128, 69.40478511859999], [161.1688842752, 27.9981689384, 171.6118163968, 57.58654783739996], [273.07476806640625, 37.8270263671875, 342.750244140625, 146], [74.76236724853516, 25.2679443359375, 110.45220184326172, 60.482177734375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5, 6], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045986.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, two sneakers, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[20.889465344, 395.90979004499997, 337.1530151424, 689.869140653], [62.122192384, 396.25402832400005, 100.4238281216, 414.251220691], [44.5864868352, 646.379028295, 73.4577636864, 667.134521515], [72.27441408, 661.815673827, 107.2871704064, 681.85437012], [20.889465344, 395.90979004499997, 128.3204345856, 689.869140653], [258.730102528, 399.187866231, 337.1530151424, 628.3851318359999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045986_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, two sneakers, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[20.889465344, 73.90979004499997, 337.1530151424, 367.86914065300004], [62.122192384, 74.25402832400005, 100.4238281216, 92.25122069100001], [44.5864868352, 324.379028295, 73.4577636864, 345.13452151499996], [72.27441408, 339.81567382699996, 107.2871704064, 359.85437012], [20.889465344, 73.90979004499997, 128.3204345856, 367.86914065300004], [258.730102528, 77.18786623099999, 337.1530151424, 306.3851318359999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045988.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[39.0570068066, 293.2209472512, 677.994384765625, 329.9603881984]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045988_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[39.0570068066, 9.220947251200016, 677.994384765625, 45.96038819839998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045988.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, and five hats.", "boxes_value": [[39.0570068066, 293.2209472512, 677.994384765625, 329.9603881984], [39.0570068066, 293.2209472512, 72.5216674633, 302.5714111488], [511.7248535257, 305.3540039168, 535.1008300702, 329.9603881984], [547.1579589768, 315.6886596608, 579.6384277664, 342.7556762624], [321.4803466523, 294.542724608, 345.9335937575, 311.9564209152], [660.74072265625, 304.932373046875, 677.994384765625, 319.03369140625], [597.0626220703125, 320.096923828125, 611.434326171875, 333.94354248046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045988_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, and five hats.", "boxes_value": [[39.0570068066, 9.220947251200016, 677.994384765625, 45.96038819839998], [39.0570068066, 9.220947251200016, 72.5216674633, 18.571411148799996], [511.7248535257, 21.354003916800025, 535.1008300702, 45.96038819839998], [547.1579589768, 31.6886596608, 579.6384277664, 55], [321.4803466523, 10.542724608000015, 345.9335937575, 27.9564209152], [660.74072265625, 20.932373046875, 677.994384765625, 35.03369140625], [597.0626220703125, 36.096923828125, 611.434326171875, 49.94354248046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045992.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[466.419433557, 364.0744628736, 753.329711904, 439.0038452224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045992_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[72.41943355699999, 19.074462873599998, 359.32971190399996, 94.0038452224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045992.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a car, a van, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[466.419433557, 364.0744628736, 753.329711904, 439.0038452224], [735.0531005509999, 393.8705444352, 753.329711904, 435.6496582144], [466.419433557, 397.2041626112, 482.179931618, 439.0038452224], [480.39575199, 399.5534667776, 515.012939441, 429.8435668992], [514.051269501, 389.6972045824, 572.7082519620001, 431.7667236352], [683.735839864, 364.0744628736, 695.570434559, 394.2193603584]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045992_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a car, a van, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[72.41943355699999, 19.074462873599998, 359.32971190399996, 94.0038452224], [341.05310055099994, 48.870544435199974, 359.32971190399996, 90.6496582144], [72.41943355699999, 52.20416261119999, 88.17993161800001, 94.0038452224], [86.39575199000001, 54.55346677760002, 121.01293944099996, 84.84356689920003], [120.05126950099998, 44.69720458239999, 178.70825196200008, 86.76672363519998], [289.735839864, 19.074462873599998, 301.570434559, 49.219360358400024]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045993.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three benches, and two trash bin cans.", "boxes_value": [[93.4875488464, 14.1790160896, 442.99902342679997, 75.9155273216], [349.5079345744, 42.6299438592, 391.58593747160006, 60.1624755712], [201.89758301519998, 45.3496093696, 242.050354016, 63.2359008768], [196.29937746000002, 14.1790160896, 224.277832058, 29.94152832], [93.4875488464, 45.363525376, 119.0659790416, 75.9155273216], [418.999023428, 38.0185546752, 442.99902342679997, 71.8892822016]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045993_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three benches, and two trash bin cans.", "boxes_value": [[87.4875488464, 14.1790160896, 436.99902342679997, 75.9155273216], [343.5079345744, 42.6299438592, 385.58593747160006, 60.1624755712], [195.89758301519998, 45.3496093696, 236.050354016, 63.2359008768], [190.29937746000002, 14.1790160896, 218.277832058, 29.94152832], [87.4875488464, 45.363525376, 113.0659790416, 75.9155273216], [412.999023428, 38.0185546752, 436.99902342679997, 71.8892822016]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045994.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[369.7293395996094, 0.0300903424, 771.1999511399999, 396.3924560384]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045994_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include seven breads.", "boxes_value": [[369.7293395996094, 0.0300903424, 771.1999511399999, 396.3924560384], [599.4556884704999, 236.5512084992, 744.8431396581, 396.3924560384], [670.8741455235, 223.7979736576, 771.1999511399999, 339.8733520384], [348.6776123133, 0.0950317568, 483.5690917776, 36.2015991296], [481.13940432000004, 0.1459960832, 603.0812988542999, 20.6330566656], [615.0487060362, 0.0300903424, 770.9793701217, 27.6420898304], [368.67559814453125, 315.4659423828125, 502.29583740234375, 403.04681396484375], [369.7293395996094, 201.5047149658203, 548.3056030273438, 334.02679443359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045994_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include seven breads.", "boxes_value": [[100.72933959960938, 0.0300903424, 502, 396.3924560384], [330.4556884704999, 236.5512084992, 475.8431396581, 396.3924560384], [401.87414552350003, 223.7979736576, 502, 339.8733520384], [79.67761231330002, 0.0950317568, 214.56909177760002, 36.2015991296], [212.13940432000004, 0.1459960832, 334.0812988542999, 20.6330566656], [346.0487060362, 0.0300903424, 501.97937012169996, 27.6420898304], [99.67559814453125, 315.4659423828125, 233.29583740234375, 403.04681396484375], [100.72933959960938, 201.5047149658203, 279.30560302734375, 334.02679443359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045997.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[31.188354508799996, 92.375488256, 297.485839872, 387.6716918784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045997_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[31.188354508799996, 74.375488256, 297.485839872, 369.6716918784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045997.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two hats, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[31.188354508799996, 92.375488256, 297.485839872, 387.6716918784], [31.188354508799996, 103.697143552, 217.17175296, 387.6716918784], [218.3145141504, 91.6981811712, 321.7337646336, 350.5321655296], [46.5001830912, 103.7243652096, 104.11773680639999, 134.7156371968], [101.06225587200001, 241.2208862208, 141.2199707136, 278.7596435456], [255.5821532928, 92.375488256, 297.485839872, 116.3828125184]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00045997_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two hats, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[31.188354508799996, 74.375488256, 297.485839872, 369.6716918784], [31.188354508799996, 85.697143552, 217.17175296, 369.6716918784], [218.3145141504, 73.6981811712, 321.7337646336, 332.5321655296], [46.5001830912, 85.7243652096, 104.11773680639999, 116.7156371968], [101.06225587200001, 223.2208862208, 141.2199707136, 260.7596435456], [255.5821532928, 74.375488256, 297.485839872, 98.3828125184]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046001.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[183.5262451426, 283.6380004864, 512.5457763549, 344.0354003968]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046001_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[82.5262451426, 15.638000486400017, 411.5457763549, 76.03540039680001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046001.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pillows, a desk, a cabinet, a vase, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[82.5262451426, 15.638000486400017, 411.5457763549, 76.03540039680001], [187.0402832144, 15.638000486400017, 250.8903808215, 43.2488403456], [136.9956054308, 27.71777341440003, 231.9079589493, 71.72253419520001], [344.3499756061, 23.12182615040001, 411.5457763549, 44.041259776000004], [291.93859866069994, 0, 334.65356447930003, 35.08685301759999], [82.5262451426, 26.992309555199995, 130.8099365345, 73.3132934656], [123.50091551419999, 60.301086412799975, 156.71789550670002, 76.03540039680001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046004.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[303.3908691456, 257.0091552615, 506.8341675008, 413.118408181]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046004_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[51.39086914559999, 40.009155261499984, 254.8341675008, 196.118408181]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046004.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pillows, and five clocks.", "boxes_value": [[303.3908691456, 257.0091552615, 506.8341675008, 413.118408181], [279.871398912, 283.7614135715, 396.2927246336, 395.47888186800003], [303.3908691456, 268.4737548875, 506.8341675008, 413.118408181], [400.0347290112, 239.82189943400002, 475.67059328, 289.41101074750003], [382.7139892736, 257.0091552615, 412.0942993408, 285.69000243150003], [358.929870592, 254.21099852550003, 385.5120849408, 280.0936889595], [354.7326660096, 249.314270038, 374.3195800576, 271.6993407935], [330.9485473792, 255.610107404, 356.8312377856, 278.694641102]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046004_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pillows, and five clocks.", "boxes_value": [[51.39086914559999, 40.009155261499984, 254.8341675008, 196.118408181], [27.871398912000018, 66.76141357149999, 144.29272463360002, 178.47888186800003], [51.39086914559999, 51.47375488749998, 254.8341675008, 196.118408181], [148.0347290112, 22.821899434000017, 223.67059328, 72.41101074750003], [130.71398927360002, 40.009155261499984, 160.09429934079998, 68.69000243150003], [106.92987059199999, 37.21099852550003, 133.51208494079998, 63.093688959500014], [102.7326660096, 32.31427003799999, 122.31958005759998, 54.69934079350003], [78.94854737920002, 38.61010740399999, 104.83123778560002, 61.69464110199999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046006.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a lamp, a pillow, a nightstand, and a telephone.", "boxes_value": [[28.65307618380001, 54.22113039359999, 141.25769042260004, 267.366577152], [57.351562516599984, 54.22113039359999, 96.32727053550002, 137.0444946432], [80.62878415939997, 118.39868165120001, 141.25769042260004, 163.3290405376], [89.86218261440001, 190.98291015680002, 139.9995117395, 267.366577152], [28.65307618380001, 226.27294919680003, 99.44140623520002, 248.8557128704], [80.63183593999997, 222.921691904, 104.23181155500004, 239.72167966720002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046008.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[108.02020263579999, 195.1899414016, 698.0863037286, 368.8822021632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046008_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[108.02020263579999, 44.18994140160001, 698.0863037286, 217.88220216320002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046008.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two street lights.", "boxes_value": [[165.6395873925, 234.0604858368, 486.36279296050003, 310.1104125952], [256.7998657432, 234.0604858368, 284.7813110145, 306.928833024], [468.1832275342, 271.6576538112, 486.36279296050003, 308.9994506752], [183.0059204278, 276.8217163264, 210.4406738532, 308.2273559552], [165.6395873925, 287.564880384, 179.8214722003, 310.1104125952], [348.9129638586, 283.38305664, 360.73120115290004, 308.83770752]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046011_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two street lights.", "boxes_value": [[80.6395873925, 19.060485836800012, 401.36279296050003, 95.11041259519999], [171.79986574319997, 19.060485836800012, 199.78131101449998, 91.92883302400003], [383.1832275342, 56.65765381120002, 401.36279296050003, 93.99945067520002], [98.00592042779999, 61.82171632640001, 125.4406738532, 93.22735595519998], [80.6395873925, 72.56488038399999, 94.82147220030001, 95.11041259519999], [263.9129638586, 68.38305664, 275.73120115290004, 93.83770751999998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046013.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, two people, and three slippers.", "boxes_value": [[353.2659912109375, 202.2183227392, 495.89569091796875, 364.0313415527344], [370.0771484616, 202.2183227392, 389.33178710579995, 217.993286144], [350.7605895996094, 201.77554321289062, 415.7237243652344, 367.7104797363281], [448.71612548828125, 206.40463256835938, 495.89569091796875, 320.1183776855469], [368.7587890625, 355.3823547363281, 386.671630859375, 364.0313415527344], [387.3020935058594, 350.77301025390625, 398.8692321777344, 367.29205322265625], [353.2659912109375, 305.9320068359375, 369.348388671875, 314.84552001953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046013_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, two people, and three slippers.", "boxes_value": [[36.2659912109375, 41.218322739200005, 178.89569091796875, 203.03134155273438], [53.07714846160002, 41.218322739200005, 72.33178710579995, 56.993286143999995], [33.760589599609375, 40.775543212890625, 98.72372436523438, 206.71047973632812], [131.71612548828125, 45.404632568359375, 178.89569091796875, 159.11837768554688], [51.7587890625, 194.38235473632812, 69.671630859375, 203.03134155273438], [70.30209350585938, 189.77301025390625, 81.86923217773438, 206.29205322265625], [36.2659912109375, 144.9320068359375, 52.348388671875, 153.84552001953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046017.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a vase, a handbag, and three plates.", "boxes_value": [[52.672851564999974, 28.864379904000003, 259.97399900299996, 141.33624268800003], [224.31262209800002, 56.12707517439998, 259.97399900299996, 97.4791869952], [78.89331052199998, 37.47131345919999, 118.99755862900003, 67.73870848000001], [158.142578158, 28.864379904000003, 207.59509280800006, 57.310607923199996], [82.43200683700002, 67.81378175999998, 141.07482907499997, 100.63629148159998], [52.672851564999974, 105.4502563328, 122.256591791, 141.33624268800003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046018.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four cabinets, and a microwave.", "boxes_value": [[62.77850344960001, 21.157897932799997, 310.384643584, 103.2256469504], [257.9566650112, 25.3665161216, 310.384643584, 101.1213379072], [207.27380369920002, 23.963623065600004, 257.7770996224, 101.1213379072], [139.066345216, 23.262207027200006, 209.3781738496, 65.348205568], [62.77850344960001, 21.157897932799997, 139.93621826560002, 103.2256469504], [136.0106811904, 63.204345702400005, 210.91833495039998, 103.2712402432]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046019.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[21.5614624072, 215.9146728448, 168.5029907368, 312.5687866368]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046019_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[21.5614624072, 24.91467284480001, 168.5029907368, 121.56878663679998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046019.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[21.5614624072, 215.9146728448, 168.5029907368, 312.5687866368], [136.5762939488, 215.9146728448, 164.0727538912, 312.5687866368], [89.0526733672, 240.7328491008, 107.62170408799999, 286.79833984], [21.5614624072, 248.5889892352, 54.414306659199994, 293.5831909376], [112.87951660959999, 238.4876708864, 122.33825681280001, 272.7348022272], [150.2100219384, 257.6421508608, 168.5029907368, 275.814819328]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046019_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[21.5614624072, 24.91467284480001, 168.5029907368, 121.56878663679998], [136.5762939488, 24.91467284480001, 164.0727538912, 121.56878663679998], [89.0526733672, 49.732849100799996, 107.62170408799999, 95.79833983999998], [21.5614624072, 57.58898923519999, 54.414306659199994, 102.58319093760002], [112.87951660959999, 47.4876708864, 122.33825681280001, 81.73480222720002], [150.2100219384, 66.64215086079997, 168.5029907368, 84.814819328]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046021.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 111.7055664, 294.85388185600004, 479.16113279999996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046021_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 92.7055664, 294.85388185600004, 460.16113279999996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046021.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a storage box, a carpet, three people, a leather shoes, a trash bin can, a bottle, a moniter, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[0, 111.7055664, 294.85388185600004, 479.16113279999996], [0, 162.06091310399998, 83.27917478399999, 300.131958], [0, 111.7055664, 24.802001984, 174.24365232], [122.72808838399999, 452.590270992, 257.4343872, 477.973144512], [15.304931648, 215.201782224, 129.885376, 479.16113279999996], [217.05767820799997, 221.394531264, 294.85388185600004, 427.420410144], [209.069580096, 230.134582512, 243.53833004799998, 280.105041504], [216.718625536, 410.868892464, 239.431339456, 426.44332488], [161.24468992, 349.68420408, 200.942748992, 444.86090088], [0.2608032, 336.84210206399996, 11.045288064000001, 382.55895998399996], [167.635009792, 169.77600096, 223.62805177599998, 209.865661632], [266.4745788574219, 295.9162292480469, 297.6040954589844, 302.7887268066406]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046021_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a storage box, a carpet, three people, a leather shoes, a trash bin can, a bottle, a moniter, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[0, 92.7055664, 294.85388185600004, 460.16113279999996], [0, 143.06091310399998, 83.27917478399999, 281.131958], [0, 92.7055664, 24.802001984, 155.24365232], [122.72808838399999, 433.590270992, 257.4343872, 458.973144512], [15.304931648, 196.201782224, 129.885376, 460.16113279999996], [217.05767820799997, 202.394531264, 294.85388185600004, 408.420410144], [209.069580096, 211.134582512, 243.53833004799998, 261.105041504], [216.718625536, 391.868892464, 239.431339456, 407.44332488], [161.24468992, 330.68420408, 200.942748992, 425.86090088], [0.2608032, 317.84210206399996, 11.045288064000001, 363.55895998399996], [167.635009792, 150.77600096, 223.62805177599998, 190.865661632], [266.4745788574219, 276.9162292480469, 297.6040954589844, 283.7887268066406]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046022.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a storage box, a keyboard, a mouse, three moniters, and a computer box.", "boxes_value": [[237.51379392, 173.8752441344, 695.1958007808, 511.0828857344], [10.9399414272, 269.2558593536, 768.6278075903999, 510.5162353664], [466.0971679488, 339.6658324992, 534.3780517632, 403.0191650304], [410.0721435648, 277.56677248, 595.1407470336, 310.1444091904], [658.6369628928, 300.832031232, 695.1958007808, 321.6769409024], [510.4392089856, 169.3446044672, 653.3775634944, 290.861755392], [382.9885254144, 173.8752441344, 510.0378418176, 282.468078592], [274.3956298752, 163.1447753728, 383.8469238528, 289.7648315392], [237.51379392, 375.745117184, 367.5590820096, 511.0828857344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046022_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a storage box, a keyboard, a mouse, three moniters, and a computer box.", "boxes_value": [[114.51379392000001, 84.87524413439999, 572.1958007808, 422.0828857344], [0, 180.2558593536, 645, 421.5162353664], [343.0971679488, 250.6658324992, 411.3780517632, 314.0191650304], [287.0721435648, 188.56677248, 472.14074703359995, 221.14440919039998], [535.6369628928, 211.83203123200002, 572.1958007808, 232.67694090240002], [387.4392089856, 80.34460446720001, 530.3775634944, 201.86175539200002], [259.9885254144, 84.87524413439999, 387.0378418176, 193.46807859199998], [151.39562987519997, 74.14477537280001, 260.8469238528, 200.76483153919997], [114.51379392000001, 286.745117184, 244.5590820096, 422.0828857344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046024.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[494.0915222167969, 65.8772582912, 771.7418212752, 414.9494628864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046024_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[70.09152221679688, 65.8772582912, 347.7418212752, 414.9494628864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046024.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two sneakers, three helmets, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[494.0915222167969, 65.8772582912, 771.7418212752, 414.9494628864], [581.5289306468, 347.3646240256, 635.178710972, 414.9494628864], [679.0739746176, 77.7220459008, 706.9440918308, 120.9205932544], [736.9042969083999, 65.8772582912, 771.7418212752, 90.9602661376], [742.5529785256, 359.2094116352, 771.2193603164, 391.0111084032], [494.0915222167969, 75.22601318359375, 529.6289672851562, 117.95875549316406], [529.6092529296875, 75.65221405029297, 560.7569580078125, 114.01342010498047]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 5, 6], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046024_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two sneakers, three helmets, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[70.09152221679688, 65.8772582912, 347.7418212752, 414.9494628864], [157.52893064679995, 347.3646240256, 211.17871097199998, 414.9494628864], [255.07397461760002, 77.7220459008, 282.94409183079995, 120.9205932544], [312.90429690839994, 65.8772582912, 347.7418212752, 90.9602661376], [318.5529785256, 359.2094116352, 347.21936031639996, 391.0111084032], [70.09152221679688, 75.22601318359375, 105.62896728515625, 117.95875549316406], [105.6092529296875, 75.65221405029297, 136.7569580078125, 114.01342010498047]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 5, 6], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046030.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[31.1821899264, 290.7808227328, 234.414916992, 472.6581421056]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046030_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[31.1821899264, 45.780822732800004, 234.414916992, 227.6581421056]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046030.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five cups.", "boxes_value": [[31.1821899264, 290.7808227328, 234.414916992, 472.6581421056], [189.7529296896, 310.0524292096, 234.414916992, 387.1611328], [112.59674073599999, 301.532958976, 146.5314331392, 359.0256347648], [63.20233152, 290.7808227328, 92.2548218112, 343.5286865408], [74.4675293184, 427.442688, 122.7226562304, 472.6581421056], [31.1821899264, 394.396911616, 70.298706048, 425.2784423936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046030_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five cups.", "boxes_value": [[31.1821899264, 45.780822732800004, 234.414916992, 227.6581421056], [189.7529296896, 65.0524292096, 234.414916992, 142.16113280000002], [112.59674073599999, 56.532958975999975, 146.5314331392, 114.02563476479997], [63.20233152, 45.780822732800004, 92.2548218112, 98.52868654079998], [74.4675293184, 182.44268799999998, 122.7226562304, 227.6581421056], [31.1821899264, 149.396911616, 70.298706048, 180.27844239360002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046031.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[42.3527221543, 50.3726806528, 153.3381958299, 194.67398071289062]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046031_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[28.352722154299997, 36.3726806528, 139.3381958299, 180.67398071289062]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046031.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a mirror, a picture, a tea pot, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[42.3527221543, 50.3726806528, 153.3381958299, 194.67398071289062], [92.2234496741, 50.3726806528, 153.3381958299, 174.773681664], [119.29211427989999, 153.2472534016, 146.4484252705, 170.9152221696], [42.3527221543, 108.333190912, 65.6049194284, 138.0960082944], [92.44850158691406, 161.44027709960938, 105.382568359375, 194.67398071289062], [104.59050750732422, 161.1248016357422, 119.40776824951172, 193.82862854003906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046031_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a mirror, a picture, a tea pot, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[28.352722154299997, 36.3726806528, 139.3381958299, 180.67398071289062], [78.2234496741, 36.3726806528, 139.3381958299, 160.773681664], [105.29211427989999, 139.2472534016, 132.4484252705, 156.9152221696], [28.352722154299997, 94.333190912, 51.604919428399995, 124.09600829440001], [78.44850158691406, 147.44027709960938, 91.382568359375, 180.67398071289062], [90.59050750732422, 147.1248016357422, 105.40776824951172, 179.82862854003906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046033.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[16.4466552832, 396.12329102499996, 512.0498046976, 769.926025407]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046033_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[16.4466552832, 94.12329102499996, 512, 467.926025407]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046033.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people, a hat, two glasses, and two microphones.", "boxes_value": [[16.4466552832, 396.12329102499996, 512.0498046976, 769.926025407], [443.5863036928, 504.157592785, 511.4217529344, 769.846557634], [357.5357665792, 396.12329102499996, 512.0498046976, 769.846557634], [106.9213867008, 416.22277835600005, 311.0559081984, 769.846557634], [1.399536128, 561.943359362, 142.7234497024, 769.21838378], [0.7714233344, 370.370971663, 135.1861572096, 573.8774413680001], [225.3438110208, 498.943115209, 439.8083495936, 770.2280273380001], [0.0068359168, 370.771118179, 90.923889152, 438.771972639], [16.4466552832, 407.885131808, 73.2386474496, 422.83044434400006], [423.243225088, 449.607055667, 478.318176256, 480.96911624300003], [119.0620727296, 537.808715829, 149.9802856448, 667.0191650429999], [230.2753295872, 704.859374989, 304.1098632704, 769.926025407]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7], [8, 9], [10, 11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046033_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people, a hat, two glasses, and two microphones.", "boxes_value": [[16.4466552832, 94.12329102499996, 512, 467.926025407], [443.5863036928, 202.15759278500002, 511.4217529344, 467.84655763399996], [357.5357665792, 94.12329102499996, 512, 467.84655763399996], [106.9213867008, 114.22277835600005, 311.0559081984, 467.84655763399996], [1.399536128, 259.943359362, 142.7234497024, 467.21838377999995], [0.7714233344, 68.37097166299998, 135.1861572096, 271.87744136800006], [225.3438110208, 196.94311520899998, 439.8083495936, 468], [0.0068359168, 68.77111817899998, 90.923889152, 136.771972639], [16.4466552832, 105.88513180799998, 73.2386474496, 120.83044434400006], [423.243225088, 147.607055667, 478.318176256, 178.96911624300003], [119.0620727296, 235.808715829, 149.9802856448, 365.01916504299993], [230.2753295872, 402.859374989, 304.1098632704, 467.926025407]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7], [8, 9], [10, 11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046034.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[121.14014434814453, 364.5465088, 276.2125244, 460.7539673088]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046034_crop.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[39.14014434814453, 24.546508800000026, 194.2125244, 120.75396730879999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046034.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a handbag, a backpack, and a sandals.", "boxes_value": [[121.14014434814453, 364.5465088, 276.2125244, 460.7539673088], [249.82226559999998, 367.2189330944, 276.2125244, 460.7539673088], [233.45361327999998, 364.5465088, 256.16931152, 458.0815429632], [181.34124752, 364.5465088, 204.72503664, 438.3723755008], [121.54565432, 362.5421752832, 147.2677612, 443.7172241408], [253.53527832, 404.9240722432, 273.06689456000004, 420.90448], [263.80334472000004, 386.3442993152, 276.71362303999996, 412.0181274624], [121.14014434814453, 438.08837890625, 133.4083251953125, 443.14605712890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046034_crop.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a handbag, a backpack, and a sandals.", "boxes_value": [[39.14014434814453, 24.546508800000026, 194.2125244, 120.75396730879999], [167.82226559999998, 27.218933094399972, 194.2125244, 120.75396730879999], [151.45361327999998, 24.546508800000026, 174.16931152, 118.08154296319998], [99.34124752, 24.546508800000026, 122.72503664000001, 98.37237550079999], [39.54565432, 22.54217528319998, 65.2677612, 103.7172241408], [171.53527832, 64.92407224319999, 191.06689456000004, 80.90447999999998], [181.80334472000004, 46.344299315199976, 194.71362303999996, 72.0181274624], [39.14014434814453, 98.08837890625, 51.4083251953125, 103.14605712890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046035.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[287.0690918131, 129.0722045952, 506.2039794649, 422.2632446464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046035_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[55.06909181309999, 74.07220459519999, 274.2039794649, 367.2632446464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046035.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a chair, three people, a bottle, and a canned.", "boxes_value": [[287.0690918131, 129.0722045952, 506.2039794649, 422.2632446464], [306.4375000085, 290.1834106368, 398.6179198915, 381.9097900544], [448.7967529549, 365.7661743104, 545.6918945354, 420.9860229632], [287.0690918131, 129.0722045952, 395.3398437633, 365.7409668096], [411.3028564224, 115.885376, 556.3579101551, 316.4639282176], [399.85314944219994, 234.9338989056, 531.3472900543, 389.4676513792], [424.9781494495, 361.994323712, 453.3889160464, 392.3391113216], [478.9262695413, 385.9904785408, 506.2039794649, 422.2632446464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046035_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a chair, three people, a bottle, and a canned.", "boxes_value": [[55.06909181309999, 74.07220459519999, 274.2039794649, 367.2632446464], [74.43750000850002, 235.18341063679998, 166.61791989149998, 326.9097900544], [216.7967529549, 310.7661743104, 313.6918945354, 365.9860229632], [55.06909181309999, 74.07220459519999, 163.3398437633, 310.7409668096], [179.3028564224, 60.885375999999994, 324.35791015509994, 261.4639282176], [167.85314944219994, 179.9338989056, 299.34729005429995, 334.4676513792], [192.9781494495, 306.994323712, 221.38891604640003, 337.3391113216], [246.92626954129997, 330.9904785408, 274.2039794649, 367.2632446464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046038.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a mirror, a guitar, a drum, a cymbal, a person, two bottles, and a speaker.", "boxes_value": [[67.6245116928, 64.7116088832, 741.4006348032, 320.4414062592], [166.23120115199998, 0, 767.8652343552001, 320.9332885504], [222.03302000639997, 0, 717.5296631040001, 320.55133056], [678.9251708928, 176.68389893120002, 741.4006348032, 272.0455932416], [651.3387451392, 64.7116088832, 689.7504882432, 113.1627807744], [225.956787072, 0, 579.835449216, 320.9097900544], [133.5230102784, 138.10583495679998, 189.5119018752, 320.4414062592], [67.6245116928, 170.80731202560003, 103.7943725568, 296.163024896], [441.50207516160003, 55.98394777600001, 714.2183837952, 319.6790771712]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046045.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two books, a bottle, and two storage boxes.", "boxes_value": [[484.74157712399995, 184.0257568256, 591.942138669, 280.4558715904], [484.74157712399995, 231.3807983616, 521.725708035, 280.4558715904], [513.375000012, 184.0257568256, 591.942138669, 232.3251953152], [516.062744127, 228.8131103744, 553.02453612, 258.0305786368], [484.74157712399995, 231.3807983616, 521.725708035, 280.4558715904], [513.375000012, 184.0257568256, 591.942138669, 232.3251953152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046045_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a bracelet, three sneakers, a handbag, and a stroller.", "boxes_value": [[63.0725097502, 57.21594240000002, 315.16198728020004, 282.8772582912], [63.0725097502, 58.57067873279999, 180.1010742294, 282.8772582912], [251.6736450464, 57.21594240000002, 264.7506103302, 81.9432983552], [164.205200187, 0, 314.2891845494, 257.67932129279995], [191.96813966379997, 168.80157470720002, 216.04052732400004, 196.05999754240003], [265.9552612348, 210.22015380480002, 315.16198728020004, 237.47857664000003], [227.0146484534, 227.5664062464, 252.50305177619998, 258.718872064], [173.979248064, 69.0825805824, 210.4783935292, 170.6883545088], [42.83245850120001, 0, 240.5032958762, 283]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046048.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[1.1847534283999999, 213.7313842688, 322.4609375028, 483.2815552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046048_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[1.1847534283999999, 67.73138426880001, 322.4609375028, 337.2815552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046048.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two pillows, a desk, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[1.1847534283999999, 213.7313842688, 322.4609375028, 483.2815552], [186.2490234324, 213.7313842688, 234.5266113156, 296.4930419712], [277.05688477719997, 265.4573974528, 322.4609375028, 306.8382568448], [166.1333007492, 287.8720702976, 273.0338134416, 380.9789428736], [19.001464820800003, 278.6763305472, 153.4891967932, 359.1390381056], [1.1847534283999999, 279.2510375936, 238.5498047044, 483.2815552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046048_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two pillows, a desk, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[1.1847534283999999, 67.73138426880001, 322.4609375028, 337.2815552], [186.2490234324, 67.73138426880001, 234.5266113156, 150.4930419712], [277.05688477719997, 119.45739745280002, 322.4609375028, 160.83825684480001], [166.1333007492, 141.87207029759998, 273.0338134416, 234.97894287359998], [19.001464820800003, 132.6763305472, 153.4891967932, 213.13903810559998], [1.1847534283999999, 133.25103759360002, 238.5498047044, 337.2815552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046050.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two sinks, a faucet, a bowl, a cutting, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[30.59614372253418, 223.790466304, 296.0235595897, 329.225280768], [27.056762689200003, 164.0738525184, 133.91918941760002, 293.8822021632], [171.98059080139998, 243.6366577152, 296.0235595897, 279.2352905216], [160.0338134486, 223.790466304, 229.7144775147, 254.1352539136], [132.6095581172, 236.9381103616, 213.11621095049998, 268.5316772352], [76.78491207520001, 299.1624145408, 154.1975707699, 329.225280768], [0.3000488045, 281.4304199168, 82.6331177024, 318.9153442304], [30.59614372253418, 264.59356689453125, 72.91509056091309, 288.7467041015625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046050_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two sinks, a faucet, a bowl, a cutting, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[30.59614372253418, 26.790466304000006, 296.0235595897, 132.225280768], [27.056762689200003, 0, 133.91918941760002, 96.88220216320002], [171.98059080139998, 46.63665771519999, 296.0235595897, 82.2352905216], [160.0338134486, 26.790466304000006, 229.7144775147, 57.135253913599996], [132.6095581172, 39.938110361599996, 213.11621095049998, 71.5316772352], [76.78491207520001, 102.1624145408, 154.1975707699, 132.225280768], [0.3000488045, 84.43041991680002, 82.6331177024, 121.91534423040002], [30.59614372253418, 67.59356689453125, 72.91509056091309, 91.7467041015625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046052.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[27.7298584064, 488.8883056685, 94.922729472, 619.8779296846]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046052_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[17.7298584064, 32.88830566849998, 84.922729472, 163.87792968459996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046052.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a street lights, and a wheelchair.", "boxes_value": [[27.7298584064, 488.8883056685, 94.922729472, 619.8779296846], [70.1414184448, 580.6505126705, 94.113891584, 611.5827636852], [58.5418701312, 543.9185791083, 71.301391616, 578.330688486], [72.0747070464, 546.6251220590999, 83.2875976704, 576.0107421811], [27.7298584064, 488.8883056685, 69.8302002176, 608.0296630659], [69.1046142464, 590.6499023189, 94.922729472, 619.8779296846]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046052_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a street lights, and a wheelchair.", "boxes_value": [[17.7298584064, 32.88830566849998, 84.922729472, 163.87792968459996], [60.141418444799996, 124.6505126705, 84.113891584, 155.5827636852], [48.5418701312, 87.91857910830004, 61.301391616000004, 122.33068848599999], [62.07470704639999, 90.62512205909991, 73.2875976704, 120.0107421811], [17.7298584064, 32.88830566849998, 59.830200217599995, 152.02966306589997], [59.104614246400004, 134.6499023189, 84.922729472, 163.87792968459996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046053.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[426.2988280983, 200.6826171904, 682.6922607583, 511.5892944384]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046053_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a chair, a pillow, a carpet, a piano, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[426.2988280983, 200.6826171904, 682.6922607583, 511.5892944384], [490.67749021459997, 354.8372192256, 636.0377197247, 511.5892944384], [426.2988280983, 200.6826171904, 603.3980712965999, 396.194946304], [479.1942138783, 249.5607299584, 545.8156738296, 303.795288064], [173.927307121, 323.8687744, 680.7416992261001, 511.1034545664], [575.9351806617, 212.2399902208, 683.3756103177, 468.880859392], [657.5643310222, 228.43554688, 682.6922607583, 290.6583251968]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046053_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a chair, a pillow, a carpet, a piano, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[64.29882809830002, 78.68261719040001, 320.6922607583, 389.5892944384], [128.67749021459997, 232.8372192256, 274.03771972469997, 389.5892944384], [64.29882809830002, 78.68261719040001, 241.39807129659994, 274.194946304], [117.19421387829999, 127.5607299584, 183.81567382959997, 181.79528806399998], [0, 201.8687744, 318.7416992261001, 389.1034545664], [213.93518066169997, 90.2399902208, 321, 346.880859392], [295.5643310222, 106.43554688, 320.6922607583, 168.65832519679998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046054.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[377.1756592128, 328.4423827968, 611.3292236544, 426.1126098432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046054_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[59.175659212799985, 24.44238279680002, 293.32922365440004, 122.1126098432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046054.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include six benches.", "boxes_value": [[59.175659212799985, 24.44238279680002, 293.32922365440004, 122.1126098432], [10.177612339199982, 73.3884887552, 116.51269532159995, 122.41906739199999], [117.73852538879999, 71.85626219519997, 215.79968263680007, 122.1126098432], [213.041625984, 62.050170879999996, 293.32922365440004, 114.14514160639999], [59.175659212799985, 47.48278809599998, 144.56799313920004, 76.27215575039997], [147.0076904448, 41.13934325759999, 216.78540042240002, 75.2962646528], [89.47949222399996, 24.44238279680002, 155.28369139199998, 49.941528319999975]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046057.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[256.1417236224, 163.1985473536, 435.7183838208, 504.171325696]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046057_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[45.14172362239998, 86.19854735359999, 224.7183838208, 427.171325696]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046057.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bracelet, a belt, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[256.1417236224, 163.1985473536, 435.7183838208, 504.171325696], [323.4295654656, 163.1985473536, 435.7183838208, 498.67871093760004], [315.70788572159995, 404.7813720576, 340.6345214976, 420.284790016], [256.1417236224, 390.1854247936, 315.01904294400003, 413.8309326336], [343.2839355648, 474.618408192, 363.7830810624, 504.171325696], [374.2564697088, 463.024780288, 409.86279298560004, 483.208068864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046057_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bracelet, a belt, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[45.14172362239998, 86.19854735359999, 224.7183838208, 427.171325696], [112.42956546559998, 86.19854735359999, 224.7183838208, 421.67871093760004], [104.70788572159995, 327.7813720576, 129.63452149760002, 343.284790016], [45.14172362239998, 313.1854247936, 104.01904294400003, 336.8309326336], [132.2839355648, 397.618408192, 152.78308106240002, 427.171325696], [163.2564697088, 386.024780288, 198.86279298560004, 406.208068864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046058.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[84.1441650176, 453.99011228160003, 511.0164184576, 653.0167236096]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046058_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[84.1441650176, 49.990112281600034, 511.0164184576, 249.01672360960004]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046058.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a cabinet, two storage boxes, a desk, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[84.1441650176, 453.99011228160003, 511.0164184576, 653.0167236096], [295.6190795776, 563.9320068096, 400.030334464, 685.2895507968001], [2.4110107648, 457.97802731519994, 410.0479126016, 656.1523437312001], [401.2680664064, 523.1999511552, 511.0164184576, 653.0167236096], [410.1891479552, 453.99011228160003, 510.5012817408, 537.715209984], [114.2142333952, 596.0179443456, 278.7306518528, 676.7528076287999], [84.1441650176, 464.7609863424, 132.4124755968, 507.1870116864], [88.2411499008, 476.43017579519994, 101.8177490432, 503.20617676800003], [112.3773193216, 478.3157958912, 126.330993664, 503.20617676800003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2], [3, 4], [5], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046058_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a cabinet, two storage boxes, a desk, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[84.1441650176, 49.990112281600034, 511.0164184576, 249.01672360960004], [295.6190795776, 159.9320068096, 400.030334464, 281.2895507968001], [2.4110107648, 53.97802731519994, 410.0479126016, 252.15234373120006], [401.2680664064, 119.19995115519998, 511.0164184576, 249.01672360960004], [410.1891479552, 49.990112281600034, 510.5012817408, 133.715209984], [114.2142333952, 192.01794434559997, 278.7306518528, 272.7528076287999], [84.1441650176, 60.760986342399974, 132.4124755968, 103.18701168640001], [88.2411499008, 72.43017579519994, 101.8177490432, 99.20617676800003], [112.3773193216, 74.31579589120003, 126.330993664, 99.20617676800003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2], [3, 4], [5], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046062.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[468.13610838870005, 92.8070068224, 682.9215088204, 323.3000488448]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046062_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[54.13610838870005, 57.8070068224, 268.92150882040005, 288.3000488448]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046062.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a mouse, a speaker, a moniter, and a router.", "boxes_value": [[468.13610838870005, 92.8070068224, 682.9215088204, 323.3000488448], [489.5483398618, 225.9891968, 682.2829590068, 310.419799808], [525.5927734101999, 293.2292480512, 580.9016113369, 323.3000488448], [468.13610838870005, 183.6856689664, 518.6120605129, 271.7501220864], [527.4473877171, 92.8070068224, 682.9215088204, 269.1249389568], [620.4970703457, 224.184448256, 665.6032714840001, 244.6492919808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046062_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a mouse, a speaker, a moniter, and a router.", "boxes_value": [[54.13610838870005, 57.8070068224, 268.92150882040005, 288.3000488448], [75.5483398618, 190.9891968, 268.28295900679996, 275.419799808], [111.59277341019992, 258.2292480512, 166.90161133690003, 288.3000488448], [54.13610838870005, 148.6856689664, 104.61206051290003, 236.75012208639998], [113.44738771710001, 57.8070068224, 268.92150882040005, 234.1249389568], [206.49707034569997, 189.184448256, 251.60327148400006, 209.6492919808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046063.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.6084976196289062, 0.7476196352, 204.51410675048828, 476.3968505859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046063_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.6084976196289062, 0.7476196352, 204.51410675048828, 476.3968505859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046063.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, two bottles, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[0.6084976196289062, 0.7476196352, 204.51410675048828, 476.3968505859375], [30.200988778800003, 6.7164917248, 159.8116455222, 403.2227783168], [1.2091064629000001, 0.7476196352, 31.9063720962, 273.6121216], [0.2976417541503906, 232.0961151123047, 41.56612777709961, 419.00482177734375], [26.262489318847656, 228.68511962890625, 99.54054260253906, 409.894287109375], [0.6084976196289062, 393.19036865234375, 204.51410675048828, 476.3968505859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046063_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, two bottles, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[0.6084976196289062, 0.7476196352, 204.51410675048828, 476.3968505859375], [30.200988778800003, 6.7164917248, 159.8116455222, 403.2227783168], [1.2091064629000001, 0.7476196352, 31.9063720962, 273.6121216], [0.2976417541503906, 232.0961151123047, 41.56612777709961, 419.00482177734375], [26.262489318847656, 228.68511962890625, 99.54054260253906, 409.894287109375], [0.6084976196289062, 393.19036865234375, 204.51410675048828, 476.3968505859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046064.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two potted plants, a fan, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[210.2488403262, 1.3679199232, 542.5493164173, 322.5410766848], [304.7940673599, 1.3679199232, 412.5458984353, 185.9328613376], [510.178222633, 261.6201782272, 542.5493164173, 282.6871337984], [210.2488403262, 225.2268066304, 247.3856811496, 237.605712896], [460.08288571390005, 260.7480468992, 484.856201167, 281.0170898432], [405.07934571370004, 303.4111328256, 423.2154541039, 322.5410766848], [340.26995849609375, 300.98919677734375, 359.060791015625, 321.5013427734375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046064_crop.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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Please mention the objects and their locations. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[40.74967575073242, 0, 193.8685913412, 436.7011718656]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046073_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[38.74967575073242, 0, 191.8685913412, 436.7011718656]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046073.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a desk, a couch, and three pillows.", "boxes_value": [[465.59558105599996, 196.75494384, 639.5319824, 318.18847655999997], [483.99145510399995, 196.75494384, 517.233032256, 249.037902816], [465.59558105599996, 242.26049803200002, 510.45568844800005, 262.59271238400004], [456.832519552, 223.29345700800002, 639.4078369279999, 401.30432131199996], [479.069946304, 245.67626952, 547.3598632960001, 280.068054192], [542.210083008, 278.413391136, 604.834594752, 303.37860105600004], [570.983520512, 267.623352048, 639.5319824, 318.18847655999997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046074_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the region in the given photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a desk, a couch, and three pillows.", "boxes_value": [[43.59558105599996, 30.75494384000001, 217.53198239999995, 152.18847655999997], [61.991455103999954, 30.75494384000001, 95.233032256, 83.03790281600001], [43.59558105599996, 76.26049803200002, 88.45568844800005, 96.59271238400004], [34.83251955200001, 57.29345700800002, 217.40783692799994, 182], [57.069946303999984, 79.67626952, 125.35986329600007, 114.06805419199998], [120.21008300799997, 112.41339113599997, 182.83459475200004, 137.37860105600004], [148.98352051200004, 101.62335204800002, 217.53198239999995, 152.18847655999997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046076.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . 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Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, a cabinet, a clock, two people, a cup, a plate, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[22.2404785152, 62.13543701039998, 197.5059204096, 308.5961914032], [22.2404785152, 182.9683837573, 85.682983424, 258.06372072799996], [30.040100096, 252.64318848300002, 69.8401489408, 305.9296874842], [0, 124.53735350930003, 155.801391616, 370], [33.1769409024, 72.13726809340002, 73.7766723584, 145.4148559771], [150.30664064, 62.13543701039998, 197.5059204096, 104.42602540389998], [16.682861312, 255.96276857689998, 41.8663330304, 306.3295898688], [60.694213888, 279.7166747945, 101.606872576, 301.0755615008], [56.1817627136, 296.8638915849, 103.1110229504, 308.5961914032], [81.3198852608, 108.28765872230002, 106.1516723712, 141.1010742308]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6], [7], [8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046077.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps.", "boxes_value": [[55.53735350900001, 1.2798461952, 276.6596679698, 116.7733764608], [55.53735350900001, 2.1432495104, 70.37878420840002, 56.942260736], [61.98278812199999, 84.780700672, 76.36157228619999, 127.5574340608], [147.17687985140003, 69.682983424, 161.1961669638, 116.7733764608], [260.56884768500004, 46.9328613376, 276.6596679698, 102.6893920768], [171.50805666580004, 1.2798461952, 189.0957031498, 26.351562496]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046078.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[317.598144528, 283.988830592, 417.95562744, 370.88421632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046078_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include an american football, four people, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[43.7734985216, 6.0291747821, 168.8908691456, 263.7048950007], [129.445617664, 240.0476074214, 159.0172729344, 263.7048950007], [16.228332544, 86.45343015809999, 72.7778930688, 195.0025634691], [43.7734985216, 6.689819304199999, 112.06274411520002, 184.33734129890001], [101.5567016448, 8.1224365288, 137.3727416832, 173.83129883549998], [121.1361694208, 17.673400888, 168.8908691456, 185.2924194031], [64.9714355712, 6.0291747821, 85.9526977536, 25.844787617]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046079_crop.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[321.8616943446, 270.1189575168, 913.0167236442, 511.9353637888]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046080_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[147.86169434459998, 61.11895751679998, 739.0167236442, 302.9353637888]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046080.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bed, a pillow, two cabinets, a chair, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[321.8616943446, 270.1189575168, 913.0167236442, 511.9353637888], [321.8616943446, 270.1189575168, 873.3728027336, 511.9353637888], [388.953247029, 274.2730713088, 536.8995361384, 334.6292724736], [729.1224365044, 275.0935668736, 811.8748779512, 358.5026855424], [832.8913573912, 298.7370605568, 913.0167236442, 474.093322752], [552.7539062704, 272.1830444544, 694.8118896734, 313.4019165184], [654.3289794632, 280.2796020736, 719.101562515, 346.5242309632]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 6], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046080_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bed, a pillow, two cabinets, a chair, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[147.86169434459998, 61.11895751679998, 739.0167236442, 302.9353637888], [147.86169434459998, 61.11895751679998, 699.3728027336, 302.9353637888], [214.953247029, 65.27307130880001, 362.8995361384, 125.6292724736], [555.1224365044, 66.09356687360003, 637.8748779512, 149.5026855424], [658.8913573912, 89.73706055679997, 739.0167236442, 265.093322752], [378.75390627039997, 63.183044454399976, 520.8118896734, 104.40191651840001], [480.32897946319997, 71.27960207360002, 545.101562515, 137.5242309632]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 6], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046081.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[188.53534451, 17.759399424, 280.2705077824, 388.4516722176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046081_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[23.535344509999987, 17.759399424, 115.27050778239999, 388.4516722176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046081.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a leather shoes, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[188.53534451, 17.759399424, 280.2705077824, 388.4516722176], [190.2137451552, 17.759399424, 217.39544680839998, 33.2918090752], [188.53534451, 366.6385227776, 206.21151731679998, 388.4516722176], [202.45062953320001, 213.5704336896, 228.40075557199998, 257.1967326208], [190.2137451552, 17.759399424, 217.39544680839998, 33.2918090752], [241.31268308039998, 170.8283081216, 263.1561279448, 215.8662719488], [260.9041748404, 169.2520141824, 280.2705077824, 220.595214848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5, 6], [2], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046081_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a leather shoes, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[23.535344509999987, 17.759399424, 115.27050778239999, 388.4516722176], [25.2137451552, 17.759399424, 52.39544680839998, 33.2918090752], [23.535344509999987, 366.6385227776, 41.211517316799984, 388.4516722176], [37.450629533200015, 213.5704336896, 63.40075557199998, 257.1967326208], [25.2137451552, 17.759399424, 52.39544680839998, 33.2918090752], [76.31268308039998, 170.8283081216, 98.1561279448, 215.8662719488], [95.9041748404, 169.2520141824, 115.27050778239999, 220.595214848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5, 6], [2], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046082.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a trash bin can, two suvs, a car, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[391.5653075947, 425.1299133300781, 554.2725830397001, 461.9028015136719], [527.1137695371, 450.9428100608, 544.3115234196, 471.0308837888], [391.5653075947, 425.4859619328, 449.7811279358, 453.9906006016], [446.0747069984, 425.3116454912, 473.84350588859996, 443.46295168], [523.3881836197, 427.61810304, 554.2725830397001, 444.1051635712], [474.8460693359375, 428.5740661621094, 486.10516357421875, 461.9028015136719], [491.9764404296875, 425.1299133300781, 503.1533203125, 460.1625671386719]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046082_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a trash bin can, two suvs, a car, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[41.565307594700016, 10.129913330078125, 204.27258303970007, 46.902801513671875], [177.11376953709998, 35.942810060800014, 194.3115234196, 56], [41.565307594700016, 10.485961932800024, 99.78112793579999, 38.99060060160002], [96.07470699840002, 10.31164549120001, 123.84350588859996, 28.462951680000003], [173.38818361970004, 12.618103039999994, 204.27258303970007, 29.105163571200023], [124.8460693359375, 13.574066162109375, 136.10516357421875, 46.902801513671875], [141.9764404296875, 10.129913330078125, 153.1533203125, 45.162567138671875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046083.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, two cabinets, a potted plant, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[112.88775632829999, 0.1485595648, 363.3343506075, 164.2104492032], [210.570800789, 103.582824704, 265.2548217782, 150.402587904], [286.6323852641, 109.9968871936, 331.1532592955, 149.691589376], [207.9906616044, 0.1485595648, 363.3343506075, 164.2104492032], [206.05511473439998, 33.7963256832, 234.5876464785, 78.633117696], [112.88775632829999, 0.6054687744, 214.2072754232, 64.0757446144], [109.9592285423, 0.023193344, 208.9666137595, 168.88903808], [224.7742309684, 117.2760009728, 247.38238526479998, 139.014587392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4], [3, 6], [5], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046083_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, two cabinets, a potted plant, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[62.887756328299986, 0.1485595648, 313.3343506075, 164.2104492032], [160.570800789, 103.582824704, 215.25482177819998, 150.402587904], [236.63238526409998, 109.9968871936, 281.1532592955, 149.691589376], [157.9906616044, 0.1485595648, 313.3343506075, 164.2104492032], [156.05511473439998, 33.7963256832, 184.5876464785, 78.633117696], [62.887756328299986, 0.6054687744, 164.2072754232, 64.0757446144], [59.959228542299996, 0.023193344, 158.9666137595, 168.88903808], [174.7742309684, 117.2760009728, 197.38238526479998, 139.014587392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4], [3, 6], [5], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046087.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[28.7314452992, 335.33953857, 137.70050048, 520.8463134765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046087_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[27.7314452992, 47.33953857, 136.70050048, 232.8463134765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046087.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a backpack, a handbag, a trash bin can, two moniters, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[28.7314452992, 335.33953857, 137.70050048, 520.8463134765625], [114.757934592, 441.6168823203, 137.70050048, 468.3829956179], [65.6954345472, 501.5589599559, 91.2134399488, 519.3215332161], [28.7314452992, 467.380493162, 53.4736328192, 506.7095947194], [46.0006713856, 335.33953857, 99.9710693376, 364.83264161479997], [47.4050903552, 364.6904907428, 100.5729370112, 391.51690675320003], [106.48326110839844, 426.3675842285156, 134.43714904785156, 519.6621704101562], [51.203277587890625, 436.89599609375, 89.59426879882812, 520.8463134765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046087_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a backpack, a handbag, a trash bin can, two moniters, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[27.7314452992, 47.33953857, 136.70050048, 232.8463134765625], [113.757934592, 153.61688232030002, 136.70050048, 180.3829956179], [64.6954345472, 213.55895995589998, 90.2134399488, 231.32153321609997], [27.7314452992, 179.380493162, 52.4736328192, 218.7095947194], [45.0006713856, 47.33953857, 98.9710693376, 76.83264161479997], [46.4050903552, 76.69049074280002, 99.5729370112, 103.51690675320003], [105.48326110839844, 138.36758422851562, 133.43714904785156, 231.66217041015625], [50.203277587890625, 148.89599609375, 88.59426879882812, 232.8463134765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046088.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[252.87733459472656, 134.28639221191406, 375.7891845403, 357.7436218261719]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046088_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[30.877334594726562, 56.28639221191406, 153.78918454030003, 279.7436218261719]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046088.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a sneakers, a van, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[252.87733459472656, 134.28639221191406, 375.7891845403, 357.7436218261719], [301.7039184836, 333.4841918976, 326.4135742387, 357.003051776], [350.67590331009995, 258.6685180416, 375.7891845403, 272.4274292224], [252.87733459472656, 136.4884033203125, 350.3271179199219, 357.7436218261719], [350.5894775390625, 162.41725158691406, 382.2362060546875, 285.27850341796875], [313.8599548339844, 134.28639221191406, 369.2436828613281, 302.4805908203125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046088_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a sneakers, a van, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[30.877334594726562, 56.28639221191406, 153.78918454030003, 279.7436218261719], [79.70391848359998, 255.4841918976, 104.4135742387, 279.003051776], [128.67590331009995, 180.6685180416, 153.78918454030003, 194.4274292224], [30.877334594726562, 58.4884033203125, 128.32711791992188, 279.7436218261719], [128.5894775390625, 84.41725158691406, 160.2362060546875, 207.27850341796875], [91.85995483398438, 56.28639221191406, 147.24368286132812, 224.4805908203125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046089.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[149.0235595677, 138.104553216, 419.2186279184, 511.62982179840003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046089_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[68.0235595677, 94.104553216, 338.2186279184, 467.62982179840003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046089.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two desks, a picture, three people, a book, and a pen.", "boxes_value": [[149.0235595677, 138.104553216, 419.2186279184, 511.62982179840003], [295.4876098292, 178.2225341952, 375.34570314660004, 303.2958373888], [169.4690551511, 140.0264892416, 431.8095702961, 259.7044677632], [140.7981567592, 299.688110336, 670.2122802681, 511.4537353728], [325.1098022321, 138.104553216, 419.2186279184, 159.8220214784], [149.0235595677, 247.3154296832, 363.16064451520003, 511.62982179840003], [109.0648803393, 183.7103271424, 230.0443114911, 359.7276611584], [242.2058715758, 171.1290893312, 345.44348142670003, 323.5530395648], [229.88926696777344, 151.6519317626953, 329.04571533203125, 176.8747100830078], [394.33758544921875, 290.90472412109375, 401.54864501953125, 318.3961181640625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7], [8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046089_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two desks, a picture, three people, a book, and a pen.", "boxes_value": [[68.0235595677, 94.104553216, 338.2186279184, 467.62982179840003], [214.48760982919998, 134.2225341952, 294.34570314660004, 259.2958373888], [88.46905515110001, 96.02648924159999, 350.8095702961, 215.7044677632], [59.7981567592, 255.68811033600002, 405, 467.4537353728], [244.10980223209998, 94.104553216, 338.2186279184, 115.82202147839999], [68.0235595677, 203.3154296832, 282.16064451520003, 467.62982179840003], [28.064880339300004, 139.7103271424, 149.0443114911, 315.7276611584], [161.2058715758, 127.12908933119999, 264.44348142670003, 279.5530395648], [148.88926696777344, 107.65193176269531, 248.04571533203125, 132.8747100830078], [313.33758544921875, 246.90472412109375, 320.54864501953125, 274.3961181640625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7], [8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046090.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[273.0675659264, 411.8693847552, 512.595214848, 493.2207031296]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046090_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[60.06756592639999, 20.869384755199974, 299, 102.2207031296]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046090.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, and two cabinets.", "boxes_value": [[273.0675659264, 411.8693847552, 512.595214848, 493.2207031296], [478.2249755648, 411.8693847552, 512.595214848, 446.23962401280005], [381.8040771584, 414.20874024960005, 414.2704467968, 447.1904296704], [273.0675659264, 427.60754396159996, 291.6197509632, 446.675048832], [309.8690185728, 447.69787599360006, 380.2225952256, 493.2207031296], [376.0841674752, 445.62866211840003, 457.8184814592, 474.5977783296]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046090_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, and two cabinets.", "boxes_value": [[60.06756592639999, 20.869384755199974, 299, 102.2207031296], [265.2249755648, 20.869384755199974, 299, 55.23962401280005], [168.8040771584, 23.208740249600055, 201.2704467968, 56.19042967040002], [60.06756592639999, 36.60754396159996, 78.61975096319998, 55.675048832000016], [96.86901857279997, 56.697875993600064, 167.2225952256, 102.2207031296], [163.0841674752, 54.62866211840003, 244.81848145919997, 83.59777832959998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046094.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[217.9522704896, 488.90539551899997, 498.18621824, 630.2922363582001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046094_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[70.95227048960001, 35.90539551899997, 351.18621824, 177.29223635820006]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046094.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two leather shoes, two high heels, a person, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[217.9522704896, 488.90539551899997, 498.18621824, 630.2922363582001], [217.9522704896, 488.90539551899997, 236.3659057664, 517.609008799], [360.2557983232, 592.481201198, 378.362487808, 630.2922363582001], [384.2205810688, 591.948730469, 406.587646464, 623.9016113432], [484.339904768, 570.1141357076, 498.18621824, 598.8718261364], [339.4410400390625, 362.98626708984375, 447.3624267578125, 630.6090087890625], [357.4994201660156, 551.9276733398438, 367.7339172363281, 573.3367309570312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 3], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046094_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two leather shoes, two high heels, a person, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[70.95227048960001, 35.90539551899997, 351.18621824, 177.29223635820006], [70.95227048960001, 35.90539551899997, 89.3659057664, 64.60900879899998], [213.2557983232, 139.481201198, 231.36248780800003, 177.29223635820006], [237.22058106880002, 138.948730469, 259.587646464, 170.9016113432], [337.339904768, 117.11413570759998, 351.18621824, 145.87182613640005], [192.4410400390625, 0, 300.3624267578125, 177.6090087890625], [210.49942016601562, 98.92767333984375, 220.73391723632812, 120.33673095703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 3], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046097.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[0.5578613248, 639.7221679378, 188.7308959744, 693.704101553]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046097_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[0.5578613248, 13.722167937800009, 188.7308959744, 67.70410155299999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046097.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a van, three cars, and a stroller.", "boxes_value": [[0.5578613248, 639.7221679378, 188.7308959744, 693.704101553], [132.7855224832, 651.1679687431, 188.7308959744, 673.359619145], [76.0942382592, 647.0653075971, 132.9719848448, 676.7163085667], [28.9187621888, 647.1206054574, 53.1693725696, 670.1381835983], [0.5578613248, 639.7221679378, 28.3022460928, 672.3988037389], [104.5106201088, 665.853149438, 126.172485376, 693.704101553]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046097_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a van, three cars, and a stroller.", "boxes_value": [[0.5578613248, 13.722167937800009, 188.7308959744, 67.70410155299999], [132.7855224832, 25.167968743100005, 188.7308959744, 47.35961914500001], [76.0942382592, 21.065307597099945, 132.9719848448, 50.716308566700036], [28.9187621888, 21.12060545739996, 53.1693725696, 44.138183598299975], [0.5578613248, 13.722167937800009, 28.3022460928, 46.39880373890003], [104.5106201088, 39.853149437999946, 126.172485376, 67.70410155299999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046098.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a desk, an umbrella, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[396.69451904, 515.8452148774, 512.124511744, 682.1486816166], [435.7086181888, 640.8186035463999, 484.845581056, 682.1486816166], [463.7212524544, 644.0332031504, 511.4805297664, 682.1486816166], [396.69451904, 515.8452148774, 512.124511744, 593.7341308829], [467.2155761664, 575.8406982665, 505.4583130112, 668.4654540843], [439.1475219968, 563.5610351878, 485.1089477632, 677.2366943057]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046098_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[54.112670912, 63.26019288, 428.025878912, 207.80603025599999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046099_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[54.112670912, 36.26019288, 428.025878912, 180.80603025599999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046099.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[60.63287353515625, 15.440795937100006, 302.2125243904, 73.2054443359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046101.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four tea pots, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[161.63287353515625, 712.4407959371, 403.2125243904, 770.2054443359375], [260.9720458752, 722.9239501544, 297.6792602624, 769.3815917529], [209.0657348608, 722.637207074, 240.8977660928, 768.2344970839999], [362.4904174592, 714.4481201205, 403.2125243904, 756.0306396897], [320.9080200192, 712.4407959371, 357.9020385792, 758.3248291186], [161.63287353515625, 749.6456298828125, 193.22079467773438, 770.2054443359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046101_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four tea pots, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[60.63287353515625, 15.440795937100006, 302.2125243904, 73.2054443359375], [159.97204587520002, 25.923950154400018, 196.67926026240002, 72.38159175290002], [108.0657348608, 25.637207074000003, 139.8977660928, 71.23449708399994], [261.4904174592, 17.448120120499993, 302.2125243904, 59.030639689700024], [219.90802001920002, 15.440795937100006, 256.9020385792, 61.32482911859995], [60.63287353515625, 52.6456298828125, 92.22079467773438, 73.2054443359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046102.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[182.09539797120001, 0.0445556736, 500.8259277504, 113.4955444224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046102_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[80.09539797120001, 0.0445556736, 398.8259277504, 113.4955444224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046102.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[182.09539797120001, 0.0445556736, 500.8259277504, 113.4955444224], [454.59606932739996, 0.1012573184, 487.9550781518, 100.966308608], [478.4990234514, 0.3638916096, 500.8259277504, 87.3074951168], [304.2367553568, 0.0445556736, 351.32556151840004, 89.774719232], [221.7359619468, 0.116516096, 267.7121582114, 113.4955444224], [182.09539797120001, 0.116516096, 221.50549316980002, 80.0776367104]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046102_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[80.09539797120001, 0.0445556736, 398.8259277504, 113.4955444224], [352.59606932739996, 0.1012573184, 385.9550781518, 100.966308608], [376.4990234514, 0.3638916096, 398.8259277504, 87.3074951168], [202.23675535680002, 0.0445556736, 249.32556151840004, 89.774719232], [119.73596194679999, 0.116516096, 165.71215821139998, 113.4955444224], [80.09539797120001, 0.116516096, 119.50549316980002, 80.0776367104]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046103.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[6.647155776, 12.922271712, 292.368652352, 292.081604016]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046103_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[6.647155776, 12.922271712, 292.368652352, 292.081604016]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046103.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, a flag, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[6.647155776, 12.922271712, 292.368652352, 292.081604016], [14.116394048, 28.253784191999998, 44.256591808, 91.04583739200001], [120.645141632, 198.53540040000001, 140.943664576, 224.67736814399998], [6.647155776, 155.343200688, 25.097167999999996, 191.648132304], [203.90673830400002, 12.922271712, 240.59069824000002, 69.50256345599999], [271.247558592, 276.617980944, 292.368652352, 292.081604016]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046103_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, a flag, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[6.647155776, 12.922271712, 292.368652352, 292.081604016], [14.116394048, 28.253784191999998, 44.256591808, 91.04583739200001], [120.645141632, 198.53540040000001, 140.943664576, 224.67736814399998], [6.647155776, 155.343200688, 25.097167999999996, 191.648132304], [203.90673830400002, 12.922271712, 240.59069824000002, 69.50256345599999], [271.247558592, 276.617980944, 292.368652352, 292.081604016]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046104.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[217.537109405, 161.9628906496, 404.672851583, 192.7013549568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046104_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[47.537109404999995, 7.962890649600013, 234.672851583, 38.7013549568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046104.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps.", "boxes_value": [[217.537109405, 161.9628906496, 404.672851583, 192.7013549568], [217.537109405, 166.1433715712, 245.324707012, 188.0291137536], [257.37414549, 161.9628906496, 294.506225552, 192.7013549568], [301.637573237, 164.6679077376, 323.523315423, 182.1273193472], [333.605590857, 163.9301757952, 359.671752902, 183.8486938624], [381.311645484, 164.421997056, 404.672851583, 182.8650512896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046104_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps.", "boxes_value": [[47.537109404999995, 7.962890649600013, 234.672851583, 38.7013549568], [47.537109404999995, 12.143371571199992, 75.324707012, 34.0291137536], [87.37414548999999, 7.962890649600013, 124.50622555199999, 38.7013549568], [131.63757323700003, 10.66790773759999, 153.52331542299999, 28.1273193472], [163.60559085699998, 9.9301757952, 189.67175290199998, 29.84869386240001], [211.311645484, 10.42199705600001, 234.672851583, 28.86505128959999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046105.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[116.00616457950001, 223.7699585, 232.6575317121, 296.34320069999995]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046105_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[30.00616457950001, 18.7699585, 146.6575317121, 91.34320069999995]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046105.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a potted plant, a picture, a vase, and a barrel.", "boxes_value": [[116.00616457950001, 223.7699585, 232.6575317121, 296.34320069999995], [215.61688230360002, 223.7699585, 232.6575317121, 266.0437622], [125.8259887851, 229.01324465, 189.7282714527, 287.34454345], [134.90075683950002, 276.11920165, 154.6432495389, 296.34320069999995], [116.00616457950001, 272.36834715000003, 148.7845459152, 292.82403565], [192.7769775672, 262.90130615000004, 211.1421508884, 285.07806395]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046105_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a potted plant, a picture, a vase, and a barrel.", "boxes_value": [[30.00616457950001, 18.7699585, 146.6575317121, 91.34320069999995], [129.61688230360002, 18.7699585, 146.6575317121, 61.0437622], [39.825988785099995, 24.01324464999999, 103.7282714527, 82.34454345], [48.90075683950002, 71.11920164999998, 68.6432495389, 91.34320069999995], [30.00616457950001, 67.36834715000003, 62.7845459152, 87.82403564999998], [106.77697756719999, 57.90130615000004, 125.14215088840001, 80.07806395]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046106.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[253.6950934954, 287.4398059008, 446.9526240655, 442.4051702784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046106_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[48.69509349539999, 39.439805900800025, 241.9526240655, 194.40517027840002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046106.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a backpack, and five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[253.6950934954, 287.4398059008, 446.9526240655, 442.4051702784], [297.66052938779995, 287.4398059008, 346.9111616174, 370.755458816], [341.98609840809996, 322.3256704512, 363.73846101259994, 352.6968936448], [401.98506619, 348.585595136, 419.43098983, 374.5052531712], [253.6950934954, 402.49328896, 288.9855990647, 441.985045248], [296.1277252154, 397.8719132672, 333.9389812069, 439.4642948096], [423.00549532779996, 407.954914816, 446.9526240655, 442.4051702784]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046106_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a backpack, and five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[48.69509349539999, 39.439805900800025, 241.9526240655, 194.40517027840002], [92.66052938779995, 39.439805900800025, 141.9111616174, 122.75545881599999], [136.98609840809996, 74.32567045119998, 158.73846101259994, 104.69689364480001], [196.98506619, 100.585595136, 214.43098983, 126.50525317120002], [48.69509349539999, 154.49328895999997, 83.98559906470001, 193.985045248], [91.1277252154, 149.8719132672, 128.9389812069, 191.4642948096], [218.00549532779996, 159.95491481599998, 241.9526240655, 194.40517027840002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046107.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[194.03027342340002, 296.8375244288, 556.7221679354, 408.3255004672]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046107_crop.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[91.03027342340002, 28.83752442880001, 453.72216793539997, 140.32550046720002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046107.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, three people, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[194.03027342340002, 296.8375244288, 556.7221679354, 408.3255004672], [432.3898925839, 300.4449462784, 501.83178710199996, 357.2610473472], [198.8124389629, 296.8375244288, 279.07647701850004, 356.3591919104], [234.98315429369998, 337.4835815424, 261.7823486259, 455.8872680448], [499.8178711045, 297.1903076352, 541.3442382522, 372.7252197376], [541.0704345485, 308.7678833152, 556.7221679354, 336.2383422976], [194.03027342340002, 374.7046508544, 215.7770385697, 408.3255004672]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046107_crop.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, three people, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[91.03027342340002, 28.83752442880001, 453.72216793539997, 140.32550046720002], [329.3898925839, 32.44494627839998, 398.83178710199996, 89.26104734720002], [95.81243896289999, 28.83752442880001, 176.07647701850004, 88.3591919104], [131.98315429369998, 69.48358154239997, 158.7823486259, 168], [396.8178711045, 29.190307635199986, 438.34423825219994, 104.72521973760001], [438.0704345485, 40.76788331519998, 453.72216793539997, 68.23834229760001], [91.03027342340002, 106.70465085439997, 112.77703856970001, 140.32550046720002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046108.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[161.0553092871, 224.756024576, 250.56845145100002, 415.0156555175781]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046108_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[23.055309287099988, 47.75602457599999, 112.56845145100002, 238.01565551757812]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046108.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two hats, a backpack, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[161.0553092871, 224.756024576, 250.56845145100002, 415.0156555175781], [161.1057129113, 224.2832031232, 269.8178710825, 428.7197876224], [216.5956420727, 250.3273925632, 268.958862324, 397.521728512], [222.7224773173, 253.7011372032, 250.56845145100002, 265.4257579008], [186.0830375958, 224.756024576, 213.92901172950002, 244.9076716544], [161.0553092871, 253.4613725184, 194.4075679508, 316.0819397632], [187.9103240966797, 406.6636047363281, 215.85093688964844, 415.0156555175781], [223.64915466308594, 382.3894958496094, 250.4473419189453, 396.0729675292969]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046108_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two hats, a backpack, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[23.055309287099988, 47.75602457599999, 112.56845145100002, 238.01565551757812], [23.105712911300003, 47.283203123199996, 131.8178710825, 251.71978762240002], [78.5956420727, 73.3273925632, 130.958862324, 220.52172851199998], [84.72247731729999, 76.7011372032, 112.56845145100002, 88.42575790080002], [48.08303759579999, 47.75602457599999, 75.92901172950002, 67.90767165439999], [23.055309287099988, 76.4613725184, 56.4075679508, 139.0819397632], [49.91032409667969, 229.66360473632812, 77.85093688964844, 238.01565551757812], [85.64915466308594, 205.38949584960938, 112.44734191894531, 219.07296752929688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046112.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two potted plants, three traffic cones, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[0.3750610491, 19.1036376953125, 369.77600097379997, 91.94799805439999], [246.86303711899998, 20.2958984192, 271.67163088809997, 67.66870118399999], [270.78686524340003, 33.522094745599986, 289.4212646162, 66.47003171839998], [353.8914794675, 51.829956044799985, 369.77600097379997, 75.778930688], [114.69866942659999, 42.2596435456, 136.9170532444, 83.06066892799998], [0.3750610491, 48.31921387519998, 23.401367206099998, 91.94799805439999], [138.97457885742188, 19.1036376953125, 183.93499755859375, 76.55194091796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046113.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[307.6472167936, 165.0266113536, 503.680908203125, 415.2282714624]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046113_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[49.64721679360002, 63.0266113536, 245.680908203125, 313.2282714624]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046113.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[307.6472167936, 165.0266113536, 503.680908203125, 415.2282714624], [307.6472167936, 358.0471801856, 339.6366577152, 398.0339355648], [374.4251708928, 366.0444946432, 430.0068359168, 415.2282714624], [452.7287597568, 165.0266113536, 484.0168457216, 266.3404540928], [476.4698486328125, 253.67080688476562, 503.680908203125, 321.5987854003906], [404.8464660644531, 266.7052307128906, 424.4700622558594, 298.2731628417969]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046113_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[49.64721679360002, 63.0266113536, 245.680908203125, 313.2282714624], [49.64721679360002, 256.0471801856, 81.63665771519999, 296.0339355648], [116.4251708928, 264.0444946432, 172.00683591680001, 313.2282714624], [194.7287597568, 63.0266113536, 226.01684572160002, 164.34045409279997], [218.4698486328125, 151.67080688476562, 245.680908203125, 219.59878540039062], [146.84646606445312, 164.70523071289062, 166.47006225585938, 196.27316284179688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046115.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[89.6478881792, 401.93090818310003, 393.92840576, 681.3441162224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046115_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[76.6478881792, 69.93090818310003, 380.92840576, 349.3441162224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046115.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a watch, seven storage boxes, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[76.6478881792, 69.93090818310003, 380.92840576, 349.3441162224], [76.6478881792, 136.59692384429997, 380.92840576, 349.3441162224], [110.043457024, 180.1533203255001, 130.4931030528, 212.63208004420005], [112.8184814592, 95.98999026020005, 210.421691904, 228.65466310220006], [289.5466918912, 69.93090818310003, 344.5077514752, 209.7025146446], [340.2435302912, 106.88745114459999, 375.7786865152, 189.3291015835], [79.1785278464, 58.77966307629998, 171.1638183424, 103.24938962819999], [171.7730102784, 52.687866209800006, 264.9766845952, 190.36120603719996], [247.919799808, 55.12451173879998, 305.7913207808, 170.2585448992], [321.0206908928, 54.515380852500016, 366.7087402496, 95.330078119], [67.57688903808594, 69.93014526367188, 167.33763122558594, 186.6123046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046117.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[149.9960937176, 129.6249517056, 535.4753417823999, 280.4050190848]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046117_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[96.99609371759999, 38.62495170560001, 482.47534178239994, 189.40501908480002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046117.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two hats, a mask, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[149.9960937176, 129.6249517056, 535.4753417823999, 280.4050190848], [501.997924803, 184.5375976448, 535.4753417823999, 222.4110107648], [193.95232775589997, 201.9474097664, 274.775493175, 254.3839024128], [244.3290405265, 247.3678588928, 275.1697524662, 280.4050190848], [448.000233712, 129.6249517056, 514.9116765442, 223.4747676672], [149.9960937176, 139.701232896, 263.1195068336, 225.2597656064]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046117_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two hats, a mask, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[96.99609371759999, 38.62495170560001, 482.47534178239994, 189.40501908480002], [448.997924803, 93.5375976448, 482.47534178239994, 131.4110107648], [140.95232775589997, 110.9474097664, 221.775493175, 163.3839024128], [191.3290405265, 156.3678588928, 222.1697524662, 189.40501908480002], [395.000233712, 38.62495170560001, 461.91167654419996, 132.4747676672], [96.99609371759999, 48.70123289599999, 210.11950683359998, 134.2597656064]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046119.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[51.812194816, 185.05078127910002, 487.543151872, 458.5989990294]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046119_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[51.812194816, 69.05078127910002, 487.543151872, 342.5989990294]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046119.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a clock, two pictures, a person, two cups, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[51.812194816, 185.05078127910002, 487.543151872, 458.5989990294], [212.2222900224, 185.05078127910002, 487.543151872, 341.5114745919], [51.812194816, 217.48730469659998, 153.4467163136, 315.8781738156], [418.345153792, 408.8629150686, 482.1370849792, 484.5482177634], [198.8578491392, 415.35021975210003, 243.187805184, 458.5989990294], [221.7382812672, 427.0928955237, 252.4060668928, 469.0148925825], [436.8936157184, 427.0718993895, 465.5914916864, 458.63952639030003], [214.778808576, 301.3114624011, 250.7586059776, 320.3595581346], [89.5021362176, 409.62377926979997, 214.3506469888, 499.6712646234]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046119_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a clock, two pictures, a person, two cups, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[51.812194816, 69.05078127910002, 487.543151872, 342.5989990294], [212.2222900224, 69.05078127910002, 487.543151872, 225.51147459190003], [51.812194816, 101.48730469659998, 153.4467163136, 199.8781738156], [418.345153792, 292.8629150686, 482.1370849792, 368.5482177634], [198.8578491392, 299.35021975210003, 243.187805184, 342.5989990294], [221.7382812672, 311.0928955237, 252.4060668928, 353.0148925825], [436.8936157184, 311.0718993895, 465.5914916864, 342.63952639030003], [214.778808576, 185.31146240110002, 250.7586059776, 204.35955813459998], [89.5021362176, 293.62377926979997, 214.3506469888, 383.6712646234]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046121.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[466.2396240384, 182.80548096, 585.3702392832, 364.9815673856]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046121_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[30.239624038399995, 45.80548096000001, 149.37023928320002, 227.9815673856]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046121.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three sneakers, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[466.2396240384, 182.80548096, 585.3702392832, 364.9815673856], [505.8472900608, 328.4135741952, 556.3876952832, 357.0599975424], [533.6563720704, 340.4776611328, 585.3702392832, 364.9815673856], [466.2396240384, 238.1654052864, 491.1096191232, 279.6155395584], [535.0275879168, 182.80548096, 566.5399170048, 216.1715087872], [482.14532470703125, 316.613525390625, 522.6515502929688, 344.2528076171875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5], [3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046121_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three sneakers, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[30.239624038399995, 45.80548096000001, 149.37023928320002, 227.9815673856], [69.84729006079999, 191.4135741952, 120.38769528319995, 220.05999754240003], [97.65637207040004, 203.4776611328, 149.37023928320002, 227.9815673856], [30.239624038399995, 101.16540528639999, 55.10961912319999, 142.61553955839997], [99.02758791680003, 45.80548096000001, 130.53991700480003, 79.1715087872], [46.14532470703125, 179.613525390625, 86.65155029296875, 207.2528076171875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5], [3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046122.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[395.88659664399995, 219.9493408256, 518.936645535, 274.0624389632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046122_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[30.88659664399995, 13.94934082559999, 153.93664553500003, 68.06243896320001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046122.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three bottles, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[395.88659664399995, 219.9493408256, 518.936645535, 274.0624389632], [395.88659664399995, 223.8593750016, 409.27404787499995, 274.0624389632], [441.35180666499997, 222.9000854528, 452.171020532, 262.7346801664], [478.48156741, 219.9493408256, 488.809082069, 253.3907470848], [400.45007325399996, 228.546081536, 422.540771499, 246.954956032], [486.135253912, 230.21960448, 518.936645535, 246.620300288]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046122_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three bottles, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[30.88659664399995, 13.94934082559999, 153.93664553500003, 68.06243896320001], [30.88659664399995, 17.8593750016, 44.27404787499995, 68.06243896320001], [76.35180666499997, 16.9000854528, 87.171020532, 56.73468016639998], [113.48156741000003, 13.94934082559999, 123.809082069, 47.39074708480001], [35.45007325399996, 22.546081536000003, 57.540771499000016, 40.95495603200001], [121.135253912, 24.219604479999987, 153.93664553500003, 40.62030028800001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046126.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[272.6407471021, 266.2420043776, 421.00122069590003, 389.5233154048]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046128_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[37.64074710210002, 31.242004377599983, 186.00122069590003, 154.52331540479997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046128.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two plates, two wine glasses, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[37.64074710210002, 31.242004377599983, 186.00122069590003, 154.52331540479997], [46.73876956160001, 141.736938496, 95.67138671320004, 154.52331540479997], [37.64074710210002, 129.44232176640003, 77.7211913722, 141.24511718399998], [134.40539554100002, 31.242004377599983, 155.855346687, 52.49871825920002], [167.44995115520004, 32.787963852799976, 186.00122069590003, 53.4649048064], [75.21810913085938, 129.18484497070312, 92.23934936523438, 141.53988647460938]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046129.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, two lamps, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[325.3734130752, 145.66790770560002, 471.88269045119995, 197.5513915872], [455.0867920032, 168.194946276, 471.88269045119995, 194.1522216984], [430.65637204800004, 158.728210452, 447.7576903968, 185.60162355839998], [325.3734130752, 145.66790770560002, 360.50720213759996, 185.4347534424], [406.60351562880004, 153.8560180584, 429.9145507776, 181.9899292176], [364.9316405952, 156.7277831952, 429.70507809599997, 197.5513915872]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046129_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, two lamps, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[37.373413075200006, 13.667907705600015, 183.88269045119995, 65.55139158719999], [167.0867920032, 36.194946275999996, 183.88269045119995, 62.15222169840001], [142.65637204800004, 26.728210452000013, 159.7576903968, 53.60162355839998], [37.373413075200006, 13.667907705600015, 72.50720213759996, 53.434753442399995], [118.60351562880004, 21.856018058399997, 141.91455077760003, 49.98992921760001], [76.93164059520001, 24.727783195200004, 141.70507809599997, 65.55139158719999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046134.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three flowers, a vase, and a candle.", "boxes_value": [[40.96185303039999, 41.35510254449997, 204.57473754882812, 206.61022951020004], [117.82452392959999, 128.76733397639998, 185.9370727424, 193.29504397260007], [134.7246704128, 181.00402834110002, 169.54913331199998, 206.61022951020004], [40.96185303039999, 41.35510254449997, 51.506652825600014, 145.44299316519994], [101.59564208984375, 182.87457275390625, 130.59341430664062, 204.05364990234375], [183.00448608398438, 181.24853515625, 204.57473754882812, 202.2984619140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046137.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[176.8911742976, 261.1087035904, 363.712890624, 511.252685568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046137_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[46.8911742976, 63.10870359040001, 233.712890624, 313.252685568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046137.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four cabinets, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[176.8911742976, 261.1087035904, 363.712890624, 511.252685568], [176.8911742976, 266.9222412288, 230.0793457152, 398.46295168], [226.1553955328, 277.263061504, 363.712890624, 511.252685568], [298.1170654208, 261.1087035904, 360.63006592, 449.7681884672], [155.5363769344, 242.6160278528, 230.2749633536, 337.6444091904], [229.9050903552, 245.5980224512, 304.2429809664, 338.4149170176], [303.2156982272, 245.4411620864, 358.9485473792, 318.1250610176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5, 6], [2, 3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046137_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four cabinets, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[46.8911742976, 63.10870359040001, 233.712890624, 313.252685568], [46.8911742976, 68.92224122879998, 100.07934571519999, 200.46295168], [96.15539553279999, 79.263061504, 233.712890624, 313.252685568], [168.11706542079997, 63.10870359040001, 230.63006592, 251.7681884672], [25.53637693440001, 44.61602785279999, 100.27496335359999, 139.64440919039998], [99.9050903552, 47.598022451199995, 174.2429809664, 140.41491701759998], [173.2156982272, 47.4411620864, 228.94854737920002, 120.12506101759999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5, 6], [2, 3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046138.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, two pictures, a desk, a person, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[133.0969238033, 1.0100097536, 677.9589843588, 348.7360229376], [133.0969238033, 48.78753664, 281.6978759599, 233.5791015424], [154.6232300047, 228.0589599744, 279.2808837559, 406.2400512512], [174.5789794819, 144.2337036288, 204.58789065110003, 173.3728027136], [221.98437499460002, 201.207214336, 241.5554199408, 232.9557495296], [355.16015627039997, 1.0100097536, 581.3044433709, 258.4783325184], [646.0350341459, 232.2800292864, 677.9589843588, 341.3870849536], [658.3663329807999, 161.4772338688, 677.7539062324, 222.7960815616], [263.8330688297, 233.9505005056, 366.85388184510003, 348.7360229376]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5], [3, 4], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046138_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, two pictures, a desk, a person, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[133.0969238033, 1.0100097536, 677.9589843588, 348.7360229376], [133.0969238033, 48.78753664, 281.6978759599, 233.5791015424], [154.6232300047, 228.0589599744, 279.2808837559, 406.2400512512], [174.5789794819, 144.2337036288, 204.58789065110003, 173.3728027136], [221.98437499460002, 201.207214336, 241.5554199408, 232.9557495296], [355.16015627039997, 1.0100097536, 581.3044433709, 258.4783325184], [646.0350341459, 232.2800292864, 677.9589843588, 341.3870849536], [658.3663329807999, 161.4772338688, 677.7539062324, 222.7960815616], [263.8330688297, 233.9505005056, 366.85388184510003, 348.7360229376]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5], [3, 4], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046140.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a watch, a hat, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[172.536071812, 63.7869873152, 482.59020997560003, 511.7978515456], [389.922363318, 117.4368286208, 482.59020997560003, 511.7978515456], [172.536071812, 63.7869873152, 412.9151611648, 511.1010742272], [121.6732788052, 121.6173095936, 236.63720705120002, 512.4946289152], [335.4104004232, 350.4796752896, 354.87377932360005, 373.9700317184], [299.5316623636, 389.0017660928, 382.1557141372, 490.8064013312], [284.1750488628, 346.6434326016, 318.2777099808, 416.0889892352]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046140_crop.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a watch, a hat, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[77.53607181199999, 63.7869873152, 387.59020997560003, 511.7978515456], [294.922363318, 117.4368286208, 387.59020997560003, 511.7978515456], [77.53607181199999, 63.7869873152, 317.9151611648, 511.1010742272], [26.6732788052, 121.6173095936, 141.63720705120002, 512], [240.41040042319997, 350.4796752896, 259.87377932360005, 373.9700317184], [204.5316623636, 389.0017660928, 287.1557141372, 490.8064013312], [189.1750488628, 346.6434326016, 223.2777099808, 416.0889892352]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046141.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two pillows, a potted plant, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[111.52661135919999, 272.3825073152, 435.16284181919997, 392.3411254784], [111.52661135919999, 321.0814819328, 238.11212161519998, 392.3411254784], [246.5620117336, 332.5075073024, 341.476806628, 356.46661376], [333.490478492, 337.115051264, 435.16284181919997, 359.5382690304], [177.971069304, 272.3825073152, 211.57586673440002, 328.1359252992], [131.08953859599998, 313.577270528, 180.70672609919998, 329.1225586176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046141_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two pillows, a potted plant, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[81.52661135919999, 30.382507315199973, 405.16284181919997, 150.3411254784], [81.52661135919999, 79.08148193279999, 208.11212161519998, 150.3411254784], [216.5620117336, 90.50750730239997, 311.476806628, 114.46661375999997], [303.490478492, 95.11505126399999, 405.16284181919997, 117.53826903039999], [147.971069304, 30.382507315199973, 181.57586673440002, 86.13592529919998], [101.08953859599998, 71.57727052799999, 150.70672609919998, 87.12255861760002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046143.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bottle, a camera, two chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[287.5666503354, 270.3992920064, 500.16552738629997, 396.200927744], [461.55151373940004, 281.9935302656, 473.1513672267, 318.79351808], [456.9865723059, 374.6771240448, 476.9235840243, 396.200927744], [411.8515625862, 282.0920410112, 450.3764647977, 309.4503173632], [287.5666503354, 270.3992920064, 310.9001465736, 297.8505248768], [351.9572753766, 309.959594752, 500.16552738629997, 364.8988647424]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046143_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bottle, a camera, two chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[53.56665033540003, 32.3992920064, 266.16552738629997, 158.200927744], [227.55151373940004, 43.993530265599986, 239.15136722670002, 80.79351808000001], [222.98657230589998, 136.6771240448, 242.9235840243, 158.200927744], [177.85156258619998, 44.092041011200024, 216.3764647977, 71.45031736319999], [53.56665033540003, 32.3992920064, 76.90014657360001, 59.85052487680002], [117.95727537660002, 71.95959475199999, 266.16552738629997, 126.89886474240001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046145.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[136.4786376617, 231.5778198016, 443.91943356440004, 307.488342272]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046145_crop.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[77.47863766169999, 19.577819801599986, 384.91943356440004, 95.48834227200001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046145.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a book, a telephone, a bottle, a keyboard, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[77.47863766169999, 19.577819801599986, 384.91943356440004, 95.48834227200001], [77.47863766169999, 74.52325437439998, 159.0112304681, 92.8618774528], [180.7885742074, 65.55358888960001, 215.2383422927, 81.65228272640002], [370.79748535330003, 37.178405785600006, 384.91943356440004, 95.48834227200001], [244.02526858800002, 72.77386475520001, 323.79724120599997, 88.21746826240002], [260.62091063860004, 19.577819801599986, 322.9837646425, 72.69384765439997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046146.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, two cabinets, and a microwave.", "boxes_value": [[96.73352051250001, 0.737976064, 591.3930664229, 235.4633178624], [262.836914081, 0.737976064, 323.9848632573, 116.6452636672], [96.73352051250001, 0.737976064, 145.1042480767, 124.8591919104], [452.66931152650005, 41.8074951168, 591.3930664229, 173.2299194368], [323.0722045756, 41.8074951168, 448.10607910989995, 165.928710912], [435.0876464858, 168.7144775168, 571.5085448984, 235.4633178624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046146_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, two cabinets, and a microwave.", "boxes_value": [[96.73352051250001, 0.737976064, 591.3930664229, 235.4633178624], [262.836914081, 0.737976064, 323.9848632573, 116.6452636672], [96.73352051250001, 0.737976064, 145.1042480767, 124.8591919104], [452.66931152650005, 41.8074951168, 591.3930664229, 173.2299194368], [323.0722045756, 41.8074951168, 448.10607910989995, 165.928710912], [435.0876464858, 168.7144775168, 571.5085448984, 235.4633178624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046147.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.43676761100000006, 243.4526367232, 475.5496826255, 460.9318847488]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046147_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a boots, a handbag, a cup, and three bottles.", "boxes_value": [[0.43676761100000006, 243.4526367232, 475.5496826255, 460.9318847488], [0.282958963, 243.5900878848, 134.067749004, 358.262756352], [61.8312988055, 298.042724608, 133.4582519655, 357.4882202112], [0.43676761100000006, 277.0906372096, 81.321594214, 400.3669433344], [134.9956054825, 402.8139648512, 170.760498027, 460.9318847488], [58.5888672005, 243.4526367232, 87.8510131555, 300.7576904192], [462.07177737, 290.6087035904, 475.5496826255, 331.042419456], [125.45858001708984, 267.52374267578125, 140.39865112304688, 310.400390625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046147_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a boots, a handbag, a cup, and three bottles.", "boxes_value": [[0.43676761100000006, 54.45263672319999, 475.5496826255, 271.9318847488], [0.282958963, 54.5900878848, 134.067749004, 169.262756352], [61.8312988055, 109.04272460800001, 133.4582519655, 168.48822021119997], [0.43676761100000006, 88.0906372096, 81.321594214, 211.3669433344], [134.9956054825, 213.8139648512, 170.760498027, 271.9318847488], [58.5888672005, 54.45263672319999, 87.8510131555, 111.7576904192], [462.07177737, 101.60870359040001, 475.5496826255, 142.042419456], [125.45858001708984, 78.52374267578125, 140.39865112304688, 121.400390625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046149.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[162.77288818149998, 178.4278564352, 460.4019775084, 235.8097533952]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046149_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[74.77288818149998, 14.427856435199999, 372.4019775084, 71.8097533952]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046149.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five helmets.", "boxes_value": [[162.77288818149998, 178.4278564352, 460.4019775084, 235.8097533952], [162.77288818149998, 200.497802752, 199.34594726959998, 235.8097533952], [215.1102294945, 189.462829568, 251.0527343768, 222.2524413952], [242.5400390927, 178.4278564352, 273.7532348493, 207.1187744256], [390.4086914214, 188.8322754048, 428.242919913, 223.5136108544], [428.55822754599996, 196.714355456, 460.4019775084, 225.7205810688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046149_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five helmets.", "boxes_value": [[74.77288818149998, 14.427856435199999, 372.4019775084, 71.8097533952], [74.77288818149998, 36.49780275200001, 111.34594726959998, 71.8097533952], [127.1102294945, 25.46282956799999, 163.0527343768, 58.25244139520001], [154.5400390927, 14.427856435199999, 185.7532348493, 43.11877442560001], [302.4086914214, 24.832275404799987, 340.242919913, 59.513610854400014], [340.55822754599996, 32.71435545599999, 372.4019775084, 61.72058106879999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046150.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[435.9644775146, 80.5114135552, 529.3546142653, 363.2845458944]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046150_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[23.96447751459999, 71.5114135552, 117.35461426530003, 354.2845458944]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046150.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a glasses, two hats, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[435.9644775146, 80.5114135552, 529.3546142653, 363.2845458944], [473.7666015912, 157.390930176, 503.8111572327, 363.2845458944], [477.7430420025, 137.066650368, 539.5994872955999, 382.7251587072], [456.72070312840003, 108.5197753856, 506.7357177449, 125.0247192576], [435.9644775146, 80.5114135552, 523.9908447202, 126.5252075008], [490.1771240048, 133.0781860352, 522.3295898306, 158.8001709056], [500.3911132777, 172.1437378048, 529.3546142653, 243.507568384]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046150_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a glasses, two hats, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[23.96447751459999, 71.5114135552, 117.35461426530003, 354.2845458944], [61.766601591200015, 148.390930176, 91.8111572327, 354.2845458944], [65.74304200249998, 128.066650368, 127.59948729559994, 373.7251587072], [44.72070312840003, 99.5197753856, 94.7357177449, 116.0247192576], [23.96447751459999, 71.5114135552, 111.99084472020002, 117.5252075008], [78.17712400480002, 124.07818603519999, 110.32958983059996, 149.8001709056], [88.39111327770001, 163.1437378048, 117.35461426530003, 234.507568384]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046151.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly provide a description for the content within the rectangular area of ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[187.52883911132812, 26.0758056448, 419.6228332519531, 482.5350341796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046151_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly provide a description for the content within the rectangular area of ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[58.528839111328125, 26.0758056448, 290.6228332519531, 482.5350341796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046151.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly provide a description for the content within the rectangular area of ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a person, a glasses, a belt, and two books.", "boxes_value": [[187.52883911132812, 26.0758056448, 419.6228332519531, 482.5350341796875], [313.314697293, 206.8442382848, 352.093994151, 304.6874999808], [214.7757568365, 26.0758056448, 355.989624036, 340.522460928], [272.72489451, 68.4113502208, 339.540721923, 92.9216788992], [234.9982646175, 251.9096170496, 288.0256263495, 271.98426112], [201.30154418945312, 328.6180114746094, 419.6228332519531, 419.9619445800781], [187.52883911132812, 423.42340087890625, 278.969970703125, 482.5350341796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046151_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly provide a description for the content within the rectangular area of ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a person, a glasses, a belt, and two books.", "boxes_value": [[58.528839111328125, 26.0758056448, 290.6228332519531, 482.5350341796875], [184.314697293, 206.8442382848, 223.093994151, 304.6874999808], [85.7757568365, 26.0758056448, 226.989624036, 340.522460928], [143.72489451, 68.4113502208, 210.54072192299998, 92.9216788992], [105.99826461750001, 251.9096170496, 159.0256263495, 271.98426112], [72.30154418945312, 328.6180114746094, 290.6228332519531, 419.9619445800781], [58.528839111328125, 423.42340087890625, 149.969970703125, 482.5350341796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046152.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[12.766296361, 212.528869632, 140.753051803, 254.3707275264]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046152_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[12.766296361, 10.52886963200001, 140.753051803, 52.3707275264]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046152.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[12.766296361, 212.528869632, 140.753051803, 254.3707275264], [102.93652341699999, 230.0206298624, 126.626342752, 252.2747802624], [36.763854946, 212.528869632, 140.753051803, 253.4476928512], [37.379150354, 217.1437988352, 71.837158211, 255.2937011712], [21.996154817, 220.5280151552, 56.14648439400001, 261.1392211968], [12.766296361, 215.2977905152, 29.995300335000003, 254.3707275264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046152_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[12.766296361, 10.52886963200001, 140.753051803, 52.3707275264], [102.93652341699999, 28.0206298624, 126.626342752, 50.274780262399986], [36.763854946, 10.52886963200001, 140.753051803, 51.4476928512], [37.379150354, 15.143798835199988, 71.837158211, 53.29370117120001], [21.996154817, 18.528015155199995, 56.14648439400001, 59.13922119680001], [12.766296361, 13.297790515200006, 29.995300335000003, 52.3707275264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046153.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[336.2469482596, 56.1976318464, 478.3008728027344, 296.04852294921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046153_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[36.2469482596, 56.1976318464, 178.30087280273438, 296.04852294921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046153.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two helmets, a gloves, and two hockey sticks.", "boxes_value": [[336.2469482596, 56.1976318464, 478.3008728027344, 296.04852294921875], [391.8687743966, 128.3342285312, 455.0463867329, 194.43670656], [363.4454345728, 159.567504896, 391.52441404340004, 207.2014160384], [414.7730712763, 56.1976318464, 473.6676025379, 231.09655761919998], [336.2469482596, 173.0943603712, 351.615112273, 294.4528198144], [408.4502868652344, 217.03094482421875, 478.3008728027344, 296.04852294921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2], [3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046153_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two helmets, a gloves, and two hockey sticks.", "boxes_value": [[36.2469482596, 56.1976318464, 178.30087280273438, 296.04852294921875], [91.86877439659997, 128.3342285312, 155.04638673289998, 194.43670656], [63.445434572800025, 159.567504896, 91.52441404340004, 207.2014160384], [114.77307127630002, 56.1976318464, 173.6676025379, 231.09655761919998], [36.2469482596, 173.0943603712, 51.61511227300002, 294.4528198144], [108.45028686523438, 217.03094482421875, 178.30087280273438, 296.04852294921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2], [3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046154.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[54.1711425536, 398.16430663740005, 239.0777587712, 599.045410135]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046154_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[47.1711425536, 51.164306637400045, 232.0777587712, 252.045410135]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046154.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a bench, a carpet, a desk, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[54.1711425536, 398.16430663740005, 239.0777587712, 599.045410135], [54.1711425536, 429.6090087854, 200.1944580096, 599.045410135], [76.7598266368, 379.10180663759996, 140.0386962944, 443.9963378808], [134.40930176, 422.1182861054, 185.702087424, 449.977783175], [174.766540544, 398.16430663740005, 239.0777587712, 438.5214843904], [208.8610229248, 519.9952392636, 223.3856201216, 543.156005862]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046154_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a bench, a carpet, a desk, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[47.1711425536, 51.164306637400045, 232.0777587712, 252.045410135], [47.1711425536, 82.60900878540002, 193.1944580096, 252.045410135], [69.7598266368, 32.101806637599964, 133.0386962944, 96.99633788080001], [127.40930176, 75.11828610539999, 178.702087424, 102.97778317500001], [167.766540544, 51.164306637400045, 232.0777587712, 91.52148439040002], [201.8610229248, 172.99523926359996, 216.3856201216, 196.15600586200003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046155.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[196.4678955264, 156.9064331264, 506.81689451520003, 268.6865844736]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046155_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[78.46789552640001, 28.906433126400003, 388.81689451520003, 140.68658447360002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046155.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a towel, and five pillows.", "boxes_value": [[196.4678955264, 156.9064331264, 506.81689451520003, 268.6865844736], [238.27185062399997, 191.8945312256, 351.8696289024, 266.8690185728], [409.1228027136, 166.9030151168, 506.81689451520003, 246.4214477312], [196.4678955264, 156.9064331264, 365.9556884736, 268.6865844736], [372.317138688, 144.6378784256, 522.2661133055999, 244.1494751232], [172.3851318528, 153.725708032, 378.22424317440004, 274.1392822272], [355.050292992, 143.72906496, 512.7239990016, 244.6038818304]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046155_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a towel, and five pillows.", "boxes_value": [[78.46789552640001, 28.906433126400003, 388.81689451520003, 140.68658447360002], [120.27185062399997, 63.89453122559999, 233.8696289024, 138.86901857279997], [291.1228027136, 38.90301511679999, 388.81689451520003, 118.4214477312], [78.46789552640001, 28.906433126400003, 247.9556884736, 140.68658447360002], [254.317138688, 16.637878425600007, 404.2661133055999, 116.1494751232], [54.38513185279999, 25.725708032, 260.22424317440004, 146.1392822272], [237.05029299199998, 15.729064959999988, 394.72399900159996, 116.60388183040001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046156.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[95.59964752197266, 217.1449585152, 263.58898928599996, 300.05694580078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046156_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[42.599647521972656, 21.14495851519999, 210.58898928599996, 104.05694580078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046156.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bus, three street lights, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[95.59964752197266, 217.1449585152, 263.58898928599996, 300.05694580078125], [193.3311156924, 263.2783813632, 214.9713135098, 277.2052612096], [105.40771483479999, 213.0146484224, 146.2324218761, 344.6898193408], [215.65637207179998, 217.1449585152, 237.7536621069, 296.1910400512], [245.7509765873, 221.0552978432, 263.58898928599996, 279.7993164288], [158.9755096435547, 283.0746765136719, 177.2218780517578, 294.4220275878906], [95.59964752197266, 289.86126708984375, 118.0449447631836, 300.05694580078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046156_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bus, three street lights, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[42.599647521972656, 21.14495851519999, 210.58898928599996, 104.05694580078125], [140.3311156924, 67.27838136320003, 161.9713135098, 81.2052612096], [52.40771483479999, 17.0146484224, 93.2324218761, 124], [162.65637207179998, 21.14495851519999, 184.7536621069, 100.19104005119999], [192.7509765873, 25.05529784320001, 210.58898928599996, 83.79931642880001], [105.97550964355469, 87.07467651367188, 124.22187805175781, 98.42202758789062], [42.599647521972656, 93.86126708984375, 65.0449447631836, 104.05694580078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046157.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[389.7788086272, 89.5344848384, 660.4636230144, 461.2088623103999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046157_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[67.77880862720002, 89.5344848384, 338.4636230144, 461.2088623103999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046157.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and six sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[389.7788086272, 89.5344848384, 660.4636230144, 461.2088623103999], [430.40905758720004, 1.237670912, 619.6954345728, 443.5494994944], [437.16931153919995, 1.237670912, 529.8809814528, 288.0643310592], [389.7788086272, 89.5344848384, 660.4636230144, 461.2088623103999], [437.730108288, 255.3292372992, 471.50746805759997, 289.2471956992], [389.3789760768, 418.316806144, 448.1499735552, 462.4452813312], [498.5945472, 382.8692679168, 536.3143634687999, 442.4029538816], [541.3133753088, 359.2375757824, 592.2124045056, 421.4979954688], [389.10693934080007, 138.006737408, 432.90118118399994, 161.7286183936], [398.3332019712, 229.2880575488, 421.1240829696, 246.7847616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046157_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and six sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[67.77880862720002, 89.5344848384, 338.4636230144, 461.2088623103999], [108.40905758720004, 1.237670912, 297.69543457279997, 443.5494994944], [115.16931153919995, 1.237670912, 207.88098145280003, 288.0643310592], [67.77880862720002, 89.5344848384, 338.4636230144, 461.2088623103999], [115.730108288, 255.3292372992, 149.50746805759997, 289.2471956992], [67.37897607679997, 418.316806144, 126.1499735552, 462.4452813312], [176.59454720000002, 382.8692679168, 214.3143634687999, 442.4029538816], [219.3133753088, 359.2375757824, 270.21240450560003, 421.4979954688], [67.10693934080007, 138.006737408, 110.90118118399994, 161.7286183936], [76.33320197120003, 229.2880575488, 99.12408296960001, 246.7847616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046158.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[207.0796508772, 105.2598266368, 399.1125488094, 249.94384768]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046158_crop.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[48.07965087720001, 36.2598266368, 240.11254880939998, 180.94384768]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046158.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a nightstand, two pillows, a telephone, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[207.0796508772, 105.2598266368, 399.1125488094, 249.94384768], [308.4303588582, 178.4649658368, 399.1125488094, 246.7432861184], [216.68133546180002, 188.0665893376, 319.0988769534, 244.6096191488], [207.0796508772, 205.1361694208, 245.48626711379998, 249.94384768], [303.9716186358, 174.128173824, 336.3572998266, 188.6782226432], [334.96807858560004, 105.2598266368, 350.689575168, 146.3602905088]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046158_crop.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a nightstand, two pillows, a telephone, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[48.07965087720001, 36.2598266368, 240.11254880939998, 180.94384768], [149.4303588582, 109.46496583679999, 240.11254880939998, 177.7432861184], [57.68133546180002, 119.06658933759999, 160.0988769534, 175.6096191488], [48.07965087720001, 136.1361694208, 86.48626711379998, 180.94384768], [144.97161863579998, 105.12817382399999, 177.3572998266, 119.6782226432], [175.96807858560004, 36.2598266368, 191.68957516799998, 77.3602905088]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046159.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[406.37756349600005, 194.62649536132812, 526.5137939453125, 343.28875732421875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046159_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[30.37756349600005, 37.626495361328125, 150.5137939453125, 186.28875732421875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046159.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two wine glasses, and four people.", "boxes_value": [[406.37756349600005, 194.62649536132812, 526.5137939453125, 343.28875732421875], [406.37756349600005, 233.3911132672, 420.3741454862, 261.7928466944], [423.3369140429, 248.1027831808, 439.78540039679996, 289.5816039936], [403.0377197265625, 198.17898559570312, 446.81951904296875, 255.48678588867188], [473.97064208984375, 194.62649536132812, 517.3928833007812, 278.430908203125], [422.40423583984375, 216.43597412109375, 526.5137939453125, 343.28875732421875], [496.92413330078125, 214.7152099609375, 553.4723510742188, 317.42523193359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046159_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two wine glasses, and four people.", "boxes_value": [[30.37756349600005, 37.626495361328125, 150.5137939453125, 186.28875732421875], [30.37756349600005, 76.39111326720001, 44.37414548620001, 104.7928466944], [47.33691404289999, 91.1027831808, 63.78540039679996, 132.58160399360003], [27.0377197265625, 41.178985595703125, 70.81951904296875, 98.48678588867188], [97.97064208984375, 37.626495361328125, 141.39288330078125, 121.430908203125], [46.40423583984375, 59.43597412109375, 150.5137939453125, 186.28875732421875], [120.92413330078125, 57.7152099609375, 177.47235107421875, 160.42523193359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046161.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[184.1953124704, 220.0598144512, 483.87426761039995, 467.0572509696]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046161_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[75.19531247040001, 62.0598144512, 374.87426761039995, 309.0572509696]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046161.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a desk, a bed, two pillows, a mirror, and a cabinet.", "boxes_value": [[184.1953124704, 220.0598144512, 483.87426761039995, 467.0572509696], [252.660644561, 293.3172607488, 442.59667968739996, 467.0572509696], [184.1953124704, 322.7647094784, 420.51110839639995, 428.7755737088], [428.794311519, 216.321960448, 486.03173824619995, 305.9142455808], [446.55236818459997, 220.0598144512, 468.79846189939997, 254.440063488], [465.305297837, 221.1629638656, 483.87426761039995, 254.8077392384], [290.6933593552, 189.4286498816, 363.3016357668, 292.6089477632], [405.990966822, 149.9796142592, 430.898681656, 328.304016128]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046161_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a desk, a bed, two pillows, a mirror, and a cabinet.", "boxes_value": [[75.19531247040001, 62.0598144512, 374.87426761039995, 309.0572509696], [143.660644561, 135.31726074879998, 333.59667968739996, 309.0572509696], [75.19531247040001, 164.7647094784, 311.51110839639995, 270.7755737088], [319.794311519, 58.321960448, 377.03173824619995, 147.9142455808], [337.55236818459997, 62.0598144512, 359.79846189939997, 96.44006348799999], [356.305297837, 63.162963865600005, 374.87426761039995, 96.80773923839999], [181.69335935520002, 31.428649881599995, 254.30163576680002, 134.60894776319998], [296.990966822, 0, 321.898681656, 170.304016128]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046163.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[138.1243896807, 283.041564928, 366.2562255637, 512.408569344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046163_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[57.124389680700006, 58.041564928000014, 285.2562255637, 287]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046163.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four benches, two moniters, and two storage boxes.", "boxes_value": [[138.1243896807, 283.041564928, 366.2562255637, 512.408569344], [138.1243896807, 439.181091328, 238.10809327759998, 512.408569344], [200.0861205849, 378.6275634688, 366.2562255637, 512.408569344], [283.0508422709, 350.3505859584, 364.3123779215, 453.5088500736], [257.7478638011, 346.9443969536, 295.2156982404, 406.7956542976], [224.44305417189997, 283.814514176, 248.0173339609, 303.1376342528], [307.1462402685, 283.041564928, 331.30017088799997, 301.3985595904], [181.0238036809, 305.5455932416, 272.2782592624, 384.9578247168], [175.4510497958, 381.4748535296, 236.05511473430002, 451.831298816]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046163_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four benches, two moniters, and two storage boxes.", "boxes_value": [[57.124389680700006, 58.041564928000014, 285.2562255637, 287], [57.124389680700006, 214.18109132799998, 157.10809327759998, 287], [119.08612058489999, 153.62756346880002, 285.2562255637, 287], [202.05084227089998, 125.35058595840002, 283.3123779215, 228.5088500736], [176.74786380109998, 121.9443969536, 214.2156982404, 181.79565429759998], [143.44305417189997, 58.81451417599999, 167.0173339609, 78.13763425280001], [226.14624026849998, 58.041564928000014, 250.30017088799997, 76.3985595904], [100.02380368089999, 80.54559324159999, 191.2782592624, 159.95782471680002], [94.4510497958, 156.4748535296, 155.05511473430002, 226.83129881600001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046165.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[211.9636840474, 441.0073852416, 359.812622088, 511.988769536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046165_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[36.963684047399994, 18.00738524159999, 184.812622088, 88.988769536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046165.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[211.9636840474, 441.0073852416, 359.812622088, 511.988769536], [211.9636840474, 466.8177490432, 226.886291526, 505.2286987264], [290.9541015358, 491.6458740224, 306.7061767244, 511.988769536], [344.4644775222, 441.0073852416, 359.812622088, 483.3387451392], [213.19018556940003, 486.6264648192, 226.0686034884, 511.7701415936], [230.7702636828, 478.8585205248, 242.8310547064, 511.9745483264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046165_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[36.963684047399994, 18.00738524159999, 184.812622088, 88.988769536], [36.963684047399994, 43.817749043200024, 51.88629152600001, 82.22869872640001], [115.95410153580002, 68.6458740224, 131.7061767244, 88.988769536], [169.4644775222, 18.00738524159999, 184.812622088, 60.3387451392], [38.19018556940003, 63.62646481920001, 51.06860348839999, 88.77014159359999], [55.77026368279999, 55.858520524799985, 67.83105470640001, 88.9745483264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046166.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[363.2039794617, 278.239440896, 537.8157958836, 355.9244995072]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046166_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[44.20397946169999, 20.23944089600002, 218.8157958836, 97.92449950719998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046166.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a person, a book, two ties, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[363.2039794617, 278.239440896, 537.8157958836, 355.9244995072], [381.0400390485, 290.260864256, 429.6140136639, 346.1209716736], [394.9863281013, 232.9181518336, 482.3139648366, 343.5076904448], [431.8676757525, 328.1528320512, 503.87158207230004, 346.9242553856], [363.2039794617, 292.561828608, 405.5914306509, 355.9244995072], [432.8137206627, 278.239440896, 449.50830074669994, 299.428710912], [502.8214111596, 296.0238647296, 520.158081066, 325.5604248064], [519.1949463323999, 310.7921142784, 537.8157958836, 344.50231936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046166_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a person, a book, two ties, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[44.20397946169999, 20.23944089600002, 218.8157958836, 97.92449950719998], [62.04003904849998, 32.26086425599999, 110.61401366389998, 88.12097167360002], [75.98632810129999, 0, 163.3139648366, 85.5076904448], [112.86767575250002, 70.1528320512, 184.87158207230004, 88.92425538560002], [44.20397946169999, 34.561828607999985, 86.59143065090001, 97.92449950719998], [113.8137206627, 20.23944089600002, 130.50830074669994, 41.428710911999985], [183.82141115960002, 38.02386472960001, 201.15808106600002, 67.56042480640002], [200.19494633239992, 52.79211427839999, 218.8157958836, 86.50231936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046167.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[669.8403930664062, 299.98834228515625, 749.4374389648438, 387.01739501953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046167_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[20.84039306640625, 21.98834228515625, 100.43743896484375, 109.01739501953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046167.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five cars.", "boxes_value": [[22.550903336899978, 26.74798581760001, 110.7482910105, 131], [76.73425295190003, 26.74798581760001, 110.7482910105, 61.16693114880002], [26.928039563099986, 17.23211668480002, 68.2307739332, 51.651123046400016], [77.83142087350001, 86.1373291008, 108.49121096250002, 131], [47.86846925239996, 84.04687498240003, 82.47686770759998, 126.3201904128], [22.550903336899978, 82.18872069119999, 56.46246339250001, 129.10748293120002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046173.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[1.8756103816, 242.8704834048, 673.856445292, 512.4738769408]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046173_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[1.8756103816, 67.87048340480001, 673.856445292, 337]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046173.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, a desk, two handbags, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[67.45853424072266, 246.2600708096, 423.2410888697, 312.5364379648], [290.0246582342, 252.0466308608, 320.3463745244, 268.5657348608], [309.4965209939, 246.2600708096, 423.2410888697, 312.5364379648], [201.56793212890625, 265.93975830078125, 223.277099609375, 282.89501953125], [67.45853424072266, 270.962646484375, 90.44029998779297, 287.5389404296875], [67.9013671875, 294.33392333984375, 75.76708984375, 311.2491455078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046174_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, a desk, two handbags, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[67.45853424072266, 17.260070809599995, 423.2410888697, 83.53643796479997], [290.0246582342, 23.046630860800008, 320.3463745244, 39.56573486079998], [309.4965209939, 17.260070809599995, 423.2410888697, 83.53643796479997], [201.56793212890625, 36.93975830078125, 223.277099609375, 53.89501953125], [67.45853424072266, 41.962646484375, 90.44029998779297, 58.5389404296875], [67.9013671875, 65.33392333984375, 75.76708984375, 82.2491455078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046175.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five pillows.", "boxes_value": [[105.2775268352, 355.18859861310005, 379.9026489344, 472.4354248112], [105.2775268352, 366.99194338009994, 205.2127075328, 455.12377927849997], [190.2617797632, 377.22155758770003, 305.934814464, 472.4354248112], [223.3112182784, 357.549194312, 341.3449707008, 459.8450927905], [276.032958976, 355.18859861310005, 379.9026489344, 451.97619625579995], [84.0314331136, 344.1721191258, 286.2625732608, 433.79516603670004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046175_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[26.472900403200015, 45.7824096768, 129.25585935360004, 228.55697631835938]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046176.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.9057617408, 33.005615232000004, 297.2636718592, 559.8796386816]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046177_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.9057617408, 33.005615232000004, 297.2636718592, 559.8796386816]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046177.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a bracelet, a hat, a glasses, and a boat.", "boxes_value": [[0.9057617408, 33.005615232000004, 297.2636718592, 559.8796386816], [163.8790283264, 288.6009521664, 360.9235229696, 454.4199218688], [69.1253662208, 111.32244871680001, 385.1503296, 450.6512451072], [0.9057617408, 33.005615232000004, 297.2636718592, 559.8796386816], [170.9309082112, 473.050903296, 216.6871337984, 517.3660888320001], [140.379272448, 123.88800046079999, 257.9132080128, 219.0721435392], [81.210693376, 105.88012692480001, 131.0675659264, 173.17504880639999], [0, 131.2144775424, 512.2395019776, 309.18237304319996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046177_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a bracelet, a hat, a glasses, and a boat.", "boxes_value": [[0.9057617408, 33.005615232000004, 297.2636718592, 559.8796386816], [163.8790283264, 288.6009521664, 360.9235229696, 454.4199218688], [69.1253662208, 111.32244871680001, 371, 450.6512451072], [0.9057617408, 33.005615232000004, 297.2636718592, 559.8796386816], [170.9309082112, 473.050903296, 216.6871337984, 517.3660888320001], [140.379272448, 123.88800046079999, 257.9132080128, 219.0721435392], [81.210693376, 105.88012692480001, 131.0675659264, 173.17504880639999], [0, 131.2144775424, 371, 309.18237304319996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046180.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[320.739379904, 153.7333984256, 529.852539072, 319.520996096]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046180_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[52.739379903999975, 41.7333984256, 261.852539072, 207.52099609599998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046180.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three helmets.", "boxes_value": [[52.739379903999975, 41.7333984256, 261.852539072, 207.52099609599998], [111.27624512, 41.7333984256, 200.06811526399997, 141.9942626816], [197.478393536, 50.24261473280001, 261.852539072, 151.9833984512], [175.898559552, 187.9891357184, 200.49426272000005, 207.52099609599998], [95.60095212799996, 180.3934326272, 116.76049804799999, 195.94653322239998], [52.739379903999975, 171.35089111040003, 70.46276857600003, 190.52105712640002], [164.15716552734375, 139.3005828857422, 235.69921875, 231.26785278320312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 6], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046186.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[110.8245239296, 214.85314938730002, 471.2897949184, 683.1000976797]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046186_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[90.8245239296, 117.85314938730002, 451.2897949184, 586]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046186.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two bracelets, three glasses, and three hats.", "boxes_value": [[110.8245239296, 214.85314938730002, 471.2897949184, 683.1000976797], [32.5927123968, 414.6125487945, 332.0446777344, 683.1210937827], [110.8245239296, 214.85314938730002, 471.2897949184, 683.1000976797], [226.4878540288, 231.6973266687, 511.71582028800003, 682.9812011762999], [402.7590942208, 528.7047118989, 452.9674682368, 552.7481689759001], [365.6331787264, 674.4808349301, 406.8505248768, 682.3605956851], [91.4433593856, 479.1151123016, 231.71398927359996, 542.0402832107], [138.63720704, 277.2303466644, 227.7811889664, 310.00384519790003], [256.621887232, 278.5412597775, 340.5220947456, 350.6429443255], [226.4702758912, 232.6583252218, 328.7236327936, 311.314758311], [31.140136704, 416.1900634446, 213.36083983359998, 618.0748290818], [317.054687488, 460.8793945084, 433.359008768, 594.2282714794]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046186_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[148.06140134889998, 112.9057006592, 225.9362793139, 373.4459228672]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046188_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[20.061401348899977, 65.9057006592, 97.9362793139, 326.4459228672]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046188.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a person, two leather shoes, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[148.06140134889998, 112.9057006592, 225.9362793139, 373.4459228672], [198.4057007153, 112.9057006592, 225.9362793139, 154.0085449216], [148.06140134889998, 161.1970214912, 207.6331176612, 373.4459228672], [185.9809570305, 347.0508422656, 209.2242431353, 365.6455077888], [154.8348388405, 357.2778930688, 189.2349853366, 375.4077148672], [148.3267211681, 160.6392211968, 176.6835937814, 182.4879760896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046188_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a person, two leather shoes, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[20.061401348899977, 65.9057006592, 97.9362793139, 326.4459228672], [70.40570071529999, 65.9057006592, 97.9362793139, 107.00854492159999], [20.061401348899977, 114.19702149119999, 79.6331176612, 326.4459228672], [57.98095703050001, 300.0508422656, 81.22424313529999, 318.6455077888], [26.834838840499998, 310.2778930688, 61.234985336600005, 328.4077148672], [20.326721168099994, 113.63922119680001, 48.68359378139999, 135.4879760896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046190.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[567.6531982079999, 416.6194763183594, 765.8542480128, 484.8142700032]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046190_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[49.653198207999935, 17.619476318359375, 247.85424801279999, 85.81427000320002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046190.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two potted plants, two trash bin cans, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[567.6531982079999, 416.6194763183594, 765.8542480128, 484.8142700032], [727.948608384, 447.5814819328, 746.7580566528, 468.6645507584], [748.8500976384, 446.2299804672, 767.8411865088, 468.1591796736], [748.5440673792, 447.7705688576, 765.8542480128, 469.9275512832], [567.6531982079999, 448.2899169792, 587.2136230656, 484.8142700032], [728.4474487304688, 416.6194763183594, 735.4503784179688, 431.6635437011719]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046190_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two potted plants, two trash bin cans, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[49.653198207999935, 17.619476318359375, 247.85424801279999, 85.81427000320002], [209.94860838399995, 48.58148193279999, 228.75805665279995, 69.66455075840003], [230.85009763840003, 47.229980467199994, 249.84118650879998, 69.15917967360002], [230.5440673792, 48.77056885759998, 247.85424801279999, 70.92755128319999], [49.653198207999935, 49.28991697919997, 69.21362306560002, 85.81427000320002], [210.44744873046875, 17.619476318359375, 217.45037841796875, 32.663543701171875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046192.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a sink, three traffic lights, and a radiator.", "boxes_value": [[78.04626467599996, 58.36065674240001, 390, 290], [23.08837892400004, 122.52862551039999, 244.968505854, 289.9234619392], [147.813964832, 58.36065674240001, 390, 290], [161.000122047, 91.974487296, 242.507202163, 145.50866698239997], [306.16943356499996, 142.1326294016, 389.605590831, 199.0428466688], [78.04626467599996, 66.41308595200002, 177.010986301, 96.2087402496], [126.80334474, 149.07702635520002, 172.56323245199997, 159.40338135040002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046193.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[136.159973152, 218.4301757952, 251.5704955721, 459.004943872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046193_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[29.159973151999992, 60.4301757952, 144.5704955721, 301.004943872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046193.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a desk, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[136.159973152, 218.4301757952, 251.5704955721, 459.004943872], [168.4235229174, 302.2907715072, 235.7018432293, 459.004943872], [136.159973152, 290.6077270528, 175.675048798, 403.5357055488], [177.13287350360002, 269.0335693312, 245.4423828443, 365.7584838656], [137.7623291268, 269.862487808, 186.85247800749997, 301.5127563264], [188.05364989070003, 218.4301757952, 251.5704955721, 366.1759033344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046193_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a desk, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[29.159973151999992, 60.4301757952, 144.5704955721, 301.004943872], [61.42352291739999, 144.29077150720002, 128.7018432293, 301.004943872], [29.159973151999992, 132.6077270528, 68.675048798, 245.53570554880002], [70.13287350360002, 111.0335693312, 138.4423828443, 207.7584838656], [30.76232912680001, 111.86248780800003, 79.85247800749997, 143.5127563264], [81.05364989070003, 60.4301757952, 144.5704955721, 208.1759033344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046195.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[432.0443115432, 329.2377319424, 761.9379883092, 512.0662841856]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046195_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[83.04431154320002, 46.23773194239999, 412.9379883092, 229]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046195.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two storage boxes, a desk, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[432.0443115432, 329.2377319424, 761.9379883092, 512.0662841856], [432.0443115432, 384.532653824, 496.7785644456, 449.6454467584], [500.4271239904, 381.8542480384, 527.961669942, 443.5986328064], [516.9960937796, 329.2377319424, 761.9379883092, 512.0662841856], [705.0085449336, 303.2327880704, 766.9885254072, 459.0203857408], [563.3880615496, 284.2959594496, 612.6549072168, 512.0662841856]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046195_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two storage boxes, a desk, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[83.04431154320002, 46.23773194239999, 412.9379883092, 229], [83.04431154320002, 101.53265382400002, 147.7785644456, 166.6454467584], [151.4271239904, 98.85424803839999, 178.96166994199996, 160.59863280640002], [167.99609377959996, 46.23773194239999, 412.9379883092, 229], [356.0085449336, 20.232788070399977, 417.9885254072, 176.0203857408], [214.38806154960002, 1.2959594495999909, 263.6549072168, 229]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046206.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[74.56524659200001, 87.596923824, 402.35937497599997, 354.9055176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046206_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[74.56524659200001, 67.596923824, 402.35937497599997, 334.9055176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046206.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, three people, a necklace, a handbag, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[74.56524659200001, 87.596923824, 402.35937497599997, 354.9055176], [240.561096192, 87.596923824, 266.857421888, 112.24975583999999], [74.56524659200001, 95.266723632, 99.76593017600001, 115.536804192], [278.651367168, 175.557373056, 352.72985836799995, 432.9666747839999], [218.96228025599999, 180.886779792, 290.908935552, 398.325683616], [312.370361344, 215.996337888, 328.63098143999997, 236.05468752], [383.95050048, 165.57458495999998, 402.35937497599997, 185.02935792], [270.480834944, 233.507446272, 287.756286592, 270.610412592], [280.709533696, 315.388549824, 296.38568115199996, 354.9055176], [335.249511744, 231.12921144, 354.844665536, 268.033508304]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 6], [5], [7], [8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046206_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, three people, a necklace, a handbag, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[74.56524659200001, 67.596923824, 402.35937497599997, 334.9055176], [240.561096192, 67.596923824, 266.857421888, 92.24975583999999], [74.56524659200001, 75.266723632, 99.76593017600001, 95.536804192], [278.651367168, 155.557373056, 352.72985836799995, 401], [218.96228025599999, 160.886779792, 290.908935552, 378.325683616], [312.370361344, 195.996337888, 328.63098143999997, 216.05468752], [383.95050048, 145.57458495999998, 402.35937497599997, 165.02935792], [270.480834944, 213.507446272, 287.756286592, 250.610412592], [280.709533696, 295.388549824, 296.38568115199996, 334.9055176], [335.249511744, 211.12921144, 354.844665536, 248.033508304]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 6], [5], [7], [8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046208.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[110.70452882880001, 309.7426757632, 668.2080078255, 492.4220580864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046208_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[110.70452882880001, 45.7426757632, 668.2080078255, 228.4220580864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046208.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, two stools, a carpet, and two pillows.", "boxes_value": [[110.70452882880001, 309.7426757632, 668.2080078255, 492.4220580864], [450.8242187634, 281.2694091776, 650.9676513307, 448.471557632], [235.2082519647, 328.6849364992, 384.94152834790003, 406.0471801856], [335.03051760600005, 338.6671752704, 454.81713868180003, 428.50714112], [110.70452882880001, 309.7426757632, 668.2080078255, 492.4220580864], [513.8399658203125, 299.6843566894531, 609.18896484375, 357.9065246582031], [515.1219482421875, 299.1839599609375, 603.5887451171875, 347.26605224609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046208_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, two stools, a carpet, and two pillows.", "boxes_value": [[110.70452882880001, 45.7426757632, 668.2080078255, 228.4220580864], [450.8242187634, 17.269409177599982, 650.9676513307, 184.47155763199999], [235.2082519647, 64.68493649919998, 384.94152834790003, 142.04718018559998], [335.03051760600005, 74.66717527039998, 454.81713868180003, 164.50714111999997], [110.70452882880001, 45.7426757632, 668.2080078255, 228.4220580864], [513.8399658203125, 35.684356689453125, 609.18896484375, 93.90652465820312], [515.1219482421875, 35.1839599609375, 603.5887451171875, 83.26605224609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046211.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[270.0807818752, 309.2662950124, 512.2679980032, 683.3999179462]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046211_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[61.08078187519999, 94.26629501240001, 303, 468]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046211.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cymbals, and two drums.", "boxes_value": [[270.0807818752, 309.2662950124, 512.2679980032, 683.3999179462], [416.3070255616, 309.2662950124, 512.2679980032, 380.0946317888], [390.6031936512, 377.80984673370006, 444.2956425216, 418.93597779379996], [401.455922688, 517.1818049656999, 449.4364088832, 558.8791322725], [270.0807818752, 544.0280294485, 464.8587080704, 683.3999179462], [385.7909545984, 461.0850830319, 468.8277587968, 509.99719239020004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046211_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cymbals, and two drums.", "boxes_value": [[61.08078187519999, 94.26629501240001, 303, 468], [207.30702556160003, 94.26629501240001, 303, 165.09463178879997], [181.6031936512, 162.80984673370006, 235.29564252159997, 203.93597779379996], [192.455922688, 302.18180496569994, 240.4364088832, 343.8791322725], [61.08078187519999, 329.0280294485, 255.85870807039998, 468], [176.7909545984, 246.0850830319, 259.8277587968, 294.99719239020004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046212.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[349.7159424, 436.7910156288, 748.9698486528, 512.116210944]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046212_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[100.71594240000002, 19.791015628799983, 499.9698486528, 95]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046212.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[349.7159424, 436.7910156288, 748.9698486528, 512.116210944], [704.1848144639999, 486.5839233536, 748.9698486528, 511.75897216], [710.8328857344, 436.7910156288, 737.181518592, 490.3967895552], [627.2315673600001, 470.0095825408, 675.5156249856, 499.6031494144], [400.4304198912, 450.893554688, 441.9747314688, 511.6466064384], [349.7159424, 476.506713856, 385.3254394368, 512.116210944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046212_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[100.71594240000002, 19.791015628799983, 499.9698486528, 95], [455.18481446399994, 69.58392335360003, 499.9698486528, 94.75897215999998], [461.83288573439995, 19.791015628799983, 488.181518592, 73.39678955519997], [378.2315673600001, 53.00958254080001, 426.51562498559997, 82.60314941439998], [151.43041989120002, 33.893554687999995, 192.97473146879997, 94.6466064384], [100.71594240000002, 59.506713855999976, 136.32543943680002, 95]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046215.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[309.7989635496, 123.4260421632, 729.8542601217, 369.0635705344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046215_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[376.008605952, 4.73721312, 639.803222656, 253.56323241599998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046216_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[66.00860595199998, 4.73721312, 329.803222656, 253.56323241599998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046216.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a sneakers, and two hats.", "boxes_value": [[376.008605952, 4.73721312, 639.803222656, 253.56323241599998], [573.353027328, 6.353424096, 640.00231936, 480.00292968], [553.942748992, 23.41488648, 602.6083984640001, 253.56323241599998], [429.74365235199997, 29.49810792, 524.54052736, 176.509155264], [376.008605952, 48.761596656, 437.347656256, 122.77410888], [497.865844736, 163.227050784, 521.4531249920001, 176.88281251200002], [576.489990208, 4.73721312, 639.803222656, 50.670288096], [569.8690185600001, 20.875854479999997, 588.904418944, 41.152648944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046216_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a sneakers, and two hats.", "boxes_value": [[66.00860595199998, 4.73721312, 329.803222656, 253.56323241599998], [263.35302732800005, 6.353424096, 330, 315], [243.94274899200002, 23.41488648, 292.60839846400006, 253.56323241599998], [119.74365235199997, 29.49810792, 214.54052736000006, 176.509155264], [66.00860595199998, 48.761596656, 127.347656256, 122.77410888], [187.86584473599999, 163.227050784, 211.45312499200008, 176.88281251200002], [266.489990208, 4.73721312, 329.803222656, 50.670288096], [259.8690185600001, 20.875854479999997, 278.904418944, 41.152648944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046219.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, and six flowers.", "boxes_value": [[0, 9.509765632, 294.0058593792, 196.6367187456], [105.7650756864, 9.509765632, 189.3038330112, 88.5932006912], [222.37371824640002, 109.8996581888, 294.0058593792, 196.6367187456], [134.7251586816, 88.5932006912, 239.7602539008, 187.7258911232], [0, 118.6671752704, 89.3057861376, 191.0674438656], [105.7650756864, 9.509765632, 189.3038330112, 88.5932006912], [222.37371824640002, 109.8996581888, 294.0058593792, 196.6367187456], [134.7251586816, 88.5932006912, 239.7602539008, 187.7258911232], [0, 118.6671752704, 89.3057861376, 191.0674438656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046222.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three street lights, a stroller, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[42.13835144042969, 69.247802734375, 208.3958740234375, 344.640563968], [69.50036620830002, 84.766418432, 113.8842773469, 246.4506225664], [148.7573242164, 125.18743895040001, 182.8377685534, 253.5837402112], [73.46569825169999, 282.4725952, 119.9730834646, 344.640563968], [42.13835144042969, 69.247802734375, 113.96949768066406, 243.83868408203125], [176.67022705078125, 227.55575561523438, 208.3958740234375, 327.5996398925781]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046224.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[49.322082523000006, 22.791748044799988, 244.48855590820312, 111.9857177734375], [49.322082523000006, 27.201232896000022, 65.30657959, 48.697570815999995], [72.196411154, 22.791748044799988, 89.83447267199999, 51.17791749119999], [97.63729095458984, 77.75900268554688, 161.0027313232422, 111.26309204101562], [156.68565368652344, 69.63214111328125, 203.0064239501953, 111.9857177734375], [191.5982666015625, 67.90234375, 244.48855590820312, 92.65911865234375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046225.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a sneakers, four suvs, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[94.249267565, 466.730102528, 505.14886475850005, 605.597521664], [351.733357086, 563.492555904, 448.5749472615, 605.597521664], [94.249267565, 466.730102528, 178.0379638675, 520.113525376], [124.75537109400001, 482.789428736, 213.768676752, 520.475097664], [202.1253051955, 495.37451174399996, 246.85119630050002, 523.938964864], [425.6134033425, 509.75671385600003, 502.7998657425, 545.972168], [475.4354247835, 482.300537088, 505.14886475850005, 546.28637696]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 5, 6], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046225_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a sneakers, four suvs, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[94.249267565, 34.730102527999975, 505, 173.59752166400006], [351.733357086, 131.49255590400003, 448.5749472615, 173.59752166400006], [94.249267565, 34.730102527999975, 178.0379638675, 88.11352537599998], [124.75537109400001, 50.78942873599999, 213.768676752, 88.47509766400003], [202.1253051955, 63.37451174399996, 246.85119630050002, 91.93896486400001], [425.6134033425, 77.75671385600003, 502.7998657425, 113.97216800000001], [475.4354247835, 50.300537088, 505, 114.28637695999998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 5, 6], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046227.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[177.7551879974, 245.15148928, 682.0336913951, 335.1333618176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046227_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[126.75518799739999, 23.151489279999993, 631.0336913951, 113.13336181760002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046227.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, three people, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[177.7551879974, 245.15148928, 682.0336913951, 335.1333618176], [174.74102785699998, 263.5473022464, 213.4757690364, 290.8252563456], [177.7551879974, 249.7707519488, 211.2482299678, 290.795715328], [200.3509521274, 249.610534656, 224.5493164047, 288.5521850368], [654.6561279502, 245.15148928, 681.2264404449, 335.1333618176], [669.0670165793, 294.9192504832, 682.0336913951, 322.945617664]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046227_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, three people, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[126.75518799739999, 23.151489279999993, 631.0336913951, 113.13336181760002], [123.74102785699998, 41.54730224640002, 162.4757690364, 68.8252563456], [126.75518799739999, 27.77075194880001, 160.2482299678, 68.79571532800003], [149.3509521274, 27.610534656, 173.5493164047, 66.55218503679998], [603.6561279502, 23.151489279999993, 630.2264404449, 113.13336181760002], [618.0670165793, 72.91925048320002, 631.0336913951, 100.945617664]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046228.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[52.0261230742, 362.5919189504, 183.40942385079998, 462.765808128]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046228_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[33.0261230742, 25.591918950399986, 164.40942385079998, 125.765808128]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046228.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three watermelons, and two avocados.", "boxes_value": [[52.0261230742, 362.5919189504, 183.40942385079998, 462.765808128], [52.0261230742, 364.2755126784, 120.2117309558, 462.765808128], [125.2625121993, 362.5919189504, 172.40319822159998, 381.9532470784], [123.1996460016, 365.5741577216, 174.9463500876, 386.1770019328], [113.35784910950001, 429.1134033408, 152.0798339662, 459.7390136832], [145.743469211, 375.6066894336, 183.40942385079998, 399.8959350784]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046228_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three watermelons, and two avocados.", "boxes_value": [[33.0261230742, 25.591918950399986, 164.40942385079998, 125.765808128], [33.0261230742, 27.27551267839999, 101.2117309558, 125.765808128], [106.2625121993, 25.591918950399986, 153.40319822159998, 44.95324707840001], [104.1996460016, 28.57415772159999, 155.9463500876, 49.17700193280001], [94.35784910950001, 92.1134033408, 133.0798339662, 122.73901368320003], [126.74346921099999, 38.606689433600025, 164.40942385079998, 62.89593507839999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046229.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, a pillow, a cabinet, and a remote.", "boxes_value": [[167.48199465259998, 160.7601928704, 332.4212646644, 426.3070678528], [186.0118408266, 248.3688964608, 332.4212646644, 356.6599120896], [208.5363769368, 336.7343750144, 300.367187517, 412.9712524288], [221.83184813559998, 201.353759744, 308.7121582022, 285.9833984512], [180.37329103919998, 160.7601928704, 277.922363264, 239.3676147712], [167.48199465259998, 408.1776733184, 244.42138669040003, 426.3070678528]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046229_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, a pillow, a cabinet, and a remote.", "boxes_value": [[41.48199465259998, 66.7601928704, 206.42126466439998, 332.3070678528], [60.01184082660001, 154.3688964608, 206.42126466439998, 262.6599120896], [82.5363769368, 242.73437501439997, 174.367187517, 318.9712524288], [95.83184813559998, 107.353759744, 182.7121582022, 191.9833984512], [54.373291039199984, 66.7601928704, 151.922363264, 145.3676147712], [41.48199465259998, 314.1776733184, 118.42138669040003, 332.3070678528]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046230.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[361.5993957519531, 411.9772644042969, 633.7640380610001, 460.2276000768]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046230_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[68.59939575195312, 12.977264404296875, 340.76403806100006, 61.2276000768]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046230.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, and five people.", "boxes_value": [[361.5993957519531, 411.9772644042969, 633.7640380610001, 460.2276000768], [577.735473623, 431.3742065664, 633.7640380610001, 460.2276000768], [532.08020019, 431.6981201408, 570.286499013, 451.2828368896], [445.679565408, 411.9821777408, 473.03576658800006, 489.09069824], [472.703247093, 411.1311645696, 498.913696281, 487.6932983296], [367.8470458984375, 414.24896240234375, 376.928466796875, 440.50604248046875], [361.5993957519531, 417.206787109375, 368.2602844238281, 440.7750244140625], [414.99053955078125, 411.9772644042969, 427.68548583984375, 452.2148132324219]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046230_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, and five people.", "boxes_value": [[68.59939575195312, 12.977264404296875, 340.76403806100006, 61.2276000768], [284.73547362299996, 32.374206566400005, 340.76403806100006, 61.2276000768], [239.08020019000003, 32.69812014079997, 277.286499013, 52.28283688959999], [152.67956540799997, 12.982177740800012, 180.03576658800006, 73], [179.70324709300002, 12.131164569600003, 205.913696281, 73], [74.8470458984375, 15.24896240234375, 83.928466796875, 41.50604248046875], [68.59939575195312, 18.206787109375, 75.26028442382812, 41.7750244140625], [121.99053955078125, 12.977264404296875, 134.68548583984375, 53.214813232421875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046234.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[185.15155027950001, 388.7034301952, 342.220336884, 502.5440673792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046234_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[40.151550279500015, 28.703430195199985, 197.220336884, 142.5440673792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046234.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two traffic lights.", "boxes_value": [[185.15155027950001, 388.7034301952, 342.220336884, 502.5440673792], [198.62750240999998, 440.2858276352, 229.198730454, 502.5440673792], [254.4144287355, 435.8228759552, 281.8615722705, 491.60980224], [312.2097168285, 438.723815936, 334.5245361045, 496.74218752], [324.380859408, 388.7034301952, 342.220336884, 424.0490722816], [185.15155027950001, 398.269470208, 198.853088364, 429.9247436288]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046234_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two traffic lights.", "boxes_value": [[40.151550279500015, 28.703430195199985, 197.220336884, 142.5440673792], [53.62750240999998, 80.28582763520001, 84.19873045400001, 142.5440673792], [109.4144287355, 75.8228759552, 136.8615722705, 131.60980224000002], [167.2097168285, 78.723815936, 189.5245361045, 136.74218752000002], [179.380859408, 28.703430195199985, 197.220336884, 64.04907228159999], [40.151550279500015, 38.26947020799997, 53.853088364, 69.9247436288]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046235.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[231.8359985664, 225.4821777408, 510.7756347648, 511.55133056]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046235_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[69.83599856640001, 72.48217774080001, 348.7756347648, 358.55133056]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046235.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and four gloves.", "boxes_value": [[231.8359985664, 225.4821777408, 510.7756347648, 511.55133056], [231.8359985664, 225.4821777408, 510.7756347648, 511.55133056], [417.20166013439996, 204.9850463744, 562.4641113600001, 510.66015626239994], [250.63398528, 330.6828391424, 281.45192394239996, 360.1208700928], [333.8884165632, 274.5665926144, 364.24638604800003, 320.1035467776], [417.1428479232, 260.307546368, 449.34069427199995, 291.125485056], [438.30143262720003, 301.7047774208, 484.2983560704, 327.0030852608]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046235_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and four gloves.", "boxes_value": [[69.83599856640001, 72.48217774080001, 348.7756347648, 358.55133056], [69.83599856640001, 72.48217774080001, 348.7756347648, 358.55133056], [255.20166013439996, 51.985046374400014, 400.46411136000006, 357.66015626239994], [88.63398527999999, 177.68283914239998, 119.45192394239996, 207.12087009279998], [171.8884165632, 121.56659261440001, 202.24638604800003, 167.1035467776], [255.1428479232, 107.30754636799998, 287.34069427199995, 138.125485056], [276.30143262720003, 148.70477742079999, 322.2983560704, 174.0030852608]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046238.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.2491454976, 447.9238281216, 257.418579072, 512.0888671744]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046238_crop.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.2491454976, 16.923828121600025, 257.418579072, 81]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046238.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three sneakers, and three skiboards.", "boxes_value": [[0.2491454976, 447.9238281216, 257.418579072, 512.0888671744], [44.4709208832, 465.3330719744, 85.3890276864, 484.6060932608], [85.0925196288, 467.112120064, 134.0163429888, 489.943237632], [160.2723745536, 496.6993831936, 199.8108113664, 511.4037605376], [0.2491454976, 447.9238281216, 199.36450199040002, 460.6549682688], [0.7584228864, 458.108764672, 228.39154053119998, 510.561096192], [148.4398193664, 473.8953857536, 257.418579072, 512.0888671744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046238_crop.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three sneakers, and three skiboards.", "boxes_value": [[0.2491454976, 16.923828121600025, 257.418579072, 81], [44.4709208832, 34.33307197440001, 85.3890276864, 53.60609326079998], [85.0925196288, 36.11212006400001, 134.0163429888, 58.94323763199998], [160.2723745536, 65.6993831936, 199.8108113664, 80.40376053760002], [0.2491454976, 16.923828121600025, 199.36450199040002, 29.65496826880002], [0.7584228864, 27.108764672000007, 228.39154053119998, 79.56109619199998], [148.4398193664, 42.89538575360001, 257.418579072, 81]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046239.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[51.3848266444, 234.4727783424, 181.8530883477, 330.5050659328]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046239_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[33.3848266444, 24.472778342400005, 163.8530883477, 120.5050659328]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046239.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[51.3848266444, 234.4727783424, 181.8530883477, 330.5050659328], [104.50457765120001, 247.6948852736, 160.0826416107, 320.3739013632], [75.8884887799, 234.4727783424, 111.42657467769999, 299.0874633728], [54.6387328984, 283.7030029312, 95.25366209030001, 308.6257934336], [51.3848266444, 272.2380370944, 72.1658935829, 287.4968871936], [157.454162623, 298.4586791936, 181.8530883477, 330.5050659328]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046239_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[33.3848266444, 24.472778342400005, 163.8530883477, 120.5050659328], [86.50457765120001, 37.69488527359999, 142.0826416107, 110.37390136319999], [57.8884887799, 24.472778342400005, 93.42657467769999, 89.08746337280002], [36.6387328984, 73.70300293119999, 77.25366209030001, 98.6257934336], [33.3848266444, 62.2380370944, 54.1658935829, 77.4968871936], [139.454162623, 88.4586791936, 163.8530883477, 120.5050659328]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046240.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 160.2622680576, 142.7500000092, 345.1636352512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046240_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 46.26226805760001, 142.7500000092, 231.1636352512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046240.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a book, a moniter, and two speakers.", "boxes_value": [[0, 160.2622680576, 142.7500000092, 345.1636352512], [0.6340942630999999, 218.1256713728, 142.7500000092, 345.1636352512], [36.5964355144, 232.0175171072, 70.1359253096, 243.4458008064], [0, 160.2622680576, 33.5301513411, 217.2361449984], [36.6458739913, 172.2801513472, 84.4949951385, 221.242065408], [78.9311523544, 168.2742309376, 119.6585693241, 219.4616699392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046240_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a book, a moniter, and two speakers.", "boxes_value": [[0, 46.26226805760001, 142.7500000092, 231.1636352512], [0.6340942630999999, 104.12567137280001, 142.7500000092, 231.1636352512], [36.5964355144, 118.0175171072, 70.1359253096, 129.4458008064], [0, 46.26226805760001, 33.5301513411, 103.2361449984], [36.6458739913, 58.28015134719999, 84.4949951385, 107.242065408], [78.9311523544, 54.27423093760001, 119.6585693241, 105.4616699392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046244.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[226.19757079910002, 356.0258788864, 394.09277340949996, 386.45465088]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046244_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[42.19757079910002, 8.025878886399994, 210.09277340949996, 38.454650879999974]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046244.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six sandals.", "boxes_value": [[226.19757079910002, 356.0258788864, 394.09277340949996, 386.45465088], [226.19757079910002, 356.3838500864, 249.82464600999998, 386.45465088], [246.6027221872, 356.0258788864, 278.8214721385, 376.073059072], [295.2887573161, 357.0998535168, 314.2620239288, 380.3688964608], [320.3477782943, 357.0998535168, 340.3949585227, 378.9369506816], [350.4185790987, 346.3602905088, 376.90954591250005, 369.629333504], [375.477539085, 356.0258788864, 394.09277340949996, 382.1588134912]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046244_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six sandals.", "boxes_value": [[42.19757079910002, 8.025878886399994, 210.09277340949996, 38.454650879999974], [42.19757079910002, 8.383850086400003, 65.82464600999998, 38.454650879999974], [62.60272218719999, 8.025878886399994, 94.82147213849998, 28.073059071999978], [111.28875731609998, 9.09985351680001, 130.26202392879998, 32.36889646079999], [136.34777829429999, 9.09985351680001, 156.3949585227, 30.936950681600024], [166.41857909869998, 0, 192.90954591250005, 21.629333503999987], [191.477539085, 8.025878886399994, 210.09277340949996, 34.15881349120002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046247.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[12.4106445312, 112.2629394383, 291.6837768704, 822.7359619248]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046252_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[12.4106445312, 112.2629394383, 291.6837768704, 822.7359619248]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046252.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two gloves, two sneakers, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[12.4106445312, 112.2629394383, 291.6837768704, 822.7359619248], [12.4106445312, 112.2629394383, 291.6837768704, 822.7359619248], [0, 233.05065918329998, 47.3249511936, 464.44006346780003], [114.509033216, 497.7868652428, 165.1800537088, 553.1173095419999], [247.884521472, 434.8848876855, 281.665222144, 489.6329345369], [204.2025756672, 653.8769531398999, 241.477844224, 693.4819335584], [150.0369872896, 735.4166259692, 204.7850341888, 821.6156005820001], [17.0067748864, 434.4924316474, 47.78521728, 449.88159177009993]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046252_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two gloves, two sneakers, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[12.4106445312, 112.2629394383, 291.6837768704, 822.7359619248], [12.4106445312, 112.2629394383, 291.6837768704, 822.7359619248], [0, 233.05065918329998, 47.3249511936, 464.44006346780003], [114.509033216, 497.7868652428, 165.1800537088, 553.1173095419999], [247.884521472, 434.8848876855, 281.665222144, 489.6329345369], [204.2025756672, 653.8769531398999, 241.477844224, 693.4819335584], [150.0369872896, 735.4166259692, 204.7850341888, 821.6156005820001], [17.0067748864, 434.4924316474, 47.78521728, 449.88159177009993]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046253.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a storage box, a coffee machine, and two cabinets.", "boxes_value": [[21.2401123313, 0, 251.98341369628906, 345.4384155136], [21.2401123313, 0, 146.4931640927, 78.209838848], [93.2088623354, 317.2135620096, 147.0242309476, 345.4384155136], [174.0285644664, 289.0274658304, 209.34790042190002, 337.911499008], [83.2777099609375, 154.87530517578125, 195.69198608398438, 278.51220703125], [195.87562561035156, 168.32485961914062, 251.98341369628906, 275.5082092285156]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046253_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a hat, and two boots.", "boxes_value": [[39.05322264199998, 64.752528896, 191.446151638, 320.6616821248], [39.05322264199998, 69.54809569280002, 116.219665534, 320.6616821248], [115.959960935, 63.157043456, 209.38732912300003, 320.6750488064], [164.203463935, 64.752528896, 191.446151638, 80.17911106560001], [61.84881591796875, 267.0411071777344, 85.68655395507812, 320.1570739746094], [41.437652587890625, 268.622314453125, 62.781982421875, 320.05218505859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046256.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[125.86791989759999, 282.060302734375, 219.00624084472656, 343.2893676544]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046256_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[125.86791989759999, 282.060302734375, 219.00624084472656, 343.2893676544], [125.86791989759999, 283.1452026368, 144.1083984384, 343.2893676544], [149.3765258496, 280.6588745216, 175.11761472, 344.6437378048], [188.46414184570312, 282.060302734375, 212.0269775390625, 336.0469970703125], [202.55491638183594, 288.9656982421875, 219.00624084472656, 333.48748779296875], [165.1307373046875, 339.49713134765625, 174.1407470703125, 343.21697998046875], [149.69969177246094, 339.69134521484375, 159.31459045410156, 342.97772216796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046256_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a bottle, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[405.657104496, 271.531249992, 480.08441159999995, 422.749511712], [418.1392212, 298.206237816, 440.961120624, 336.736694304], [423.77062987200003, 283.97955319199997, 448.074462912, 379.71301269599996], [427.623657216, 271.531249992, 480.08441159999995, 392.75415036], [440.30108644800004, 388.12207032, 453.36193848, 420.244750944], [405.657104496, 396.636108408, 436.566772464, 422.749511712]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046257_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a bottle, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[18.657104495999988, 38.53124999200003, 93, 189.74951171200001], [31.13922120000001, 65.206237816, 53.96112062399999, 103.73669430400003], [36.77062987200003, 50.97955319199997, 61.074462912, 146.71301269599996], [40.623657216000026, 38.53124999200003, 93, 159.75415035999998], [53.301086448000035, 155.12207031999998, 66.36193847999999, 187.24475094399997], [18.657104495999988, 163.63610840799998, 49.566772463999996, 189.74951171200001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046258.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[65.3569335808, 142.15576174080002, 326.2463378944, 706.8623046911999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046271.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a bow tie, two high heels, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[119.3569335808, 163.15576174080002, 380.2463378944, 727.8623046911999], [54.2141723648, 114.82373045759999, 478.8335571456, 729.0905761536001], [150.8270263808, 70.6919555328, 500.3031005696, 719.5485839616], [310.2037353472, 163.15576174080002, 353.929138176, 183.40753175039998], [119.3569335808, 647.0080566528, 159.7840576, 704.6840820479999], [261.1212157952, 687.435180672, 313.9459228672, 727.8623046911999], [296.6970825216, 684.739990272, 336.585144064, 706.3011474432], [342.5144043008, 688.5131835648, 380.2463378944, 716.5426025472]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046271_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a bow tie, two high heels, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[65.3569335808, 142.15576174080002, 326.2463378944, 706.8623046911999], [0.21417236479999957, 93.82373045759999, 391, 708.0905761536001], [96.82702638079999, 49.691955532799994, 391, 698.5485839616], [256.2037353472, 142.15576174080002, 299.929138176, 162.40753175039998], [65.3569335808, 626.0080566528, 105.78405760000001, 683.6840820479999], [207.1212157952, 666.435180672, 259.9459228672, 706.8623046911999], [242.6970825216, 663.739990272, 282.585144064, 685.3011474432], [288.5144043008, 667.5131835648, 326.2463378944, 695.5426025472]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046272.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, a vase, a potted plant, and two pillows.", "boxes_value": [[118.9387207168, 262.0465087794, 344.5172729344, 421.6585693322], [258.5996093952, 262.0465087794, 297.8215942144, 325.7821655316], [267.1149292032, 318.2990722575, 290.5964965888, 350.03784177319994], [118.9387207168, 355.5960693411, 220.2344970752, 421.6585693322], [233.2703857664, 353.70251467710005, 308.4622192128, 413.17797853139996], [295.827514624, 353.70251467710005, 344.5172729344, 413.4862060498], [192.7915039232, 297.7313232257, 241.8776855552, 342.89062501859996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046272_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, a vase, a potted plant, and two pillows.", "boxes_value": [[56.938720716800006, 40.04650877940003, 282.5172729344, 199.6585693322], [196.5996093952, 40.04650877940003, 235.82159421440002, 103.78216553160001], [205.1149292032, 96.29907225749997, 228.5964965888, 128.03784177319994], [56.938720716800006, 133.59606934110002, 158.2344970752, 199.6585693322], [171.2703857664, 131.70251467710005, 246.4622192128, 191.17797853139996], [233.827514624, 131.70251467710005, 282.5172729344, 191.4862060498], [130.7915039232, 75.73132322570001, 179.8776855552, 120.89062501859996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046274.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[169.0409545992, 10.72308352, 390.68762209119996, 195.97375488]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046274_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[56.040954599200006, 10.72308352, 277.68762209119996, 195.97375488]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046274.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a flower, a vase, and three pictures.", "boxes_value": [[56.040954599200006, 10.72308352, 277.68762209119996, 195.97375488], [199.39538574700003, 125.479431168, 277.68762209119996, 192.8217163264], [220.2003173792, 150.6643676672, 289.1850586216, 180.7767333888], [232.52148436379997, 175.794555648, 276.6341552592, 195.97375488], [56.040954599200006, 10.72308352, 97.8339233724, 102.95581056], [56.054260287999995, 113.2629394432, 133.3462524118, 179.9669799936], [103.40728758499998, 54.4664306688, 132.57812502640002, 115.1417846784]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046275.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two people, two hats, a glasses, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[164.5932617177, 174.5115966976, 359.03969100250004, 358.2651367424], [275.4733276618, 182.061096192, 381.8758544673, 223.759399424], [164.5932617177, 174.5115966976, 295.128540064, 358.2651367424], [138.7923584216, 238.611694336, 203.89776614150003, 370.3383789056], [234.99658774259998, 177.0973987328, 287.5483582033, 210.5394344448], [303.119479559, 227.2776397824, 328.10207393, 240.90450944], [298.9439994243, 202.2259355136, 359.03969100250004, 235.1161450496], [209.77403962600002, 241.785788416, 233.49405255929997, 285.5195622912]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 6], [5], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046275_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two people, two hats, a glasses, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[49.59326171769999, 46.5115966976, 244.03969100250004, 230.2651367424], [160.4733276618, 54.06109619200001, 266.8758544673, 95.75939942400001], [49.59326171769999, 46.5115966976, 180.128540064, 230.2651367424], [23.7923584216, 110.611694336, 88.89776614150003, 242.3383789056], [119.99658774259998, 49.0973987328, 172.54835820329998, 82.53943444480001], [188.119479559, 99.2776397824, 213.10207393000002, 112.90450944], [183.9439994243, 74.2259355136, 244.03969100250004, 107.1161450496], [94.77403962600002, 113.785788416, 118.49405255929997, 157.51956229119997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 6], [5], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046276.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[309.62493898360003, 169.4210205096, 407.4705810664, 345.2854614378]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046276_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[24.624938983600032, 44.4210205096, 122.47058106639997, 220.2854614378]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046276.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a lamp, a radiator, and two cabinets.", "boxes_value": [[309.62493898360003, 169.4210205096, 407.4705810664, 345.2854614378], [309.62493898360003, 169.4210205096, 326.7893676536, 230.1095581152], [331.8070068348, 173.9945068248, 341.07189943439994, 216.0727538919], [382.76416018640003, 169.7481079287, 407.4705810664, 190.5941772495], [314.049194366, 261.9010620108, 348.79266354119994, 345.2854614378], [357.627075164, 234.017333967, 396.98693849880004, 265.0572509892], [397.3070068244, 235.9373169183, 407.54699705999997, 266.0172119289]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046276_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a lamp, a radiator, and two cabinets.", "boxes_value": [[24.624938983600032, 44.4210205096, 122.47058106639997, 220.2854614378], [24.624938983600032, 44.4210205096, 41.78936765359998, 105.1095581152], [46.807006834800006, 48.9945068248, 56.07189943439994, 91.07275389189999], [97.76416018640003, 44.748107928699994, 122.47058106639997, 65.5941772495], [29.049194365999995, 136.9010620108, 63.79266354119994, 220.2854614378], [72.62707516400002, 109.01733396700001, 111.98693849880004, 140.05725098919999], [112.30700682439999, 110.93731691830001, 122.54699705999997, 141.0172119289]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046277.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, a picture, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[230.30397033691406, 271.9977417216, 328.106445312, 376.2203979264], [242.45147704320001, 278.1344604672, 264.26977536000004, 296.4876708864], [259.859741184, 271.9977417216, 272.3034667776, 328.6857299968], [312.9167480832, 356.3569946112, 328.106445312, 376.2203979264], [230.30397033691406, 272.3431091308594, 263.1558837890625, 295.1293640136719], [271.3334045410156, 276.934326171875, 293.1360168457031, 295.45758056640625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046277_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, a picture, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[25.303970336914062, 26.997741721599994, 123.106445312, 131.22039792639998], [37.451477043200015, 33.13446046719997, 59.26977536000004, 51.4876708864], [54.85974118399997, 26.997741721599994, 67.30346677760002, 83.68572999679998], [107.91674808319999, 111.35699461119998, 123.106445312, 131.22039792639998], [25.303970336914062, 27.343109130859375, 58.1558837890625, 50.129364013671875], [66.33340454101562, 31.934326171875, 88.13601684570312, 50.45758056640625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046278.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three leather shoes, and two high heels.", "boxes_value": [[3.810962677001953, 52.888946533203125, 333.6107177734375, 263.07876789759996], [165.4609110016, 195.1569799936001, 226.4319297024, 233.92001175040002], [27.1368781312, 223.2774406912, 62.7850233856, 263.07876789759996], [306.150146484375, 210.37322998046875, 333.6107177734375, 257.33453369140625], [280.75531005859375, 169.29205322265625, 319.29949951171875, 223.81634521484375], [3.810962677001953, 52.888946533203125, 23.240787506103516, 61.830169677734375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5], [3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046280.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[327.1155395778, 96.060668928, 417.2583007839, 382.0812378112]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046280_crop.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, two speakers, a pillow, and a lettuce.", "boxes_value": [[23.115539577800007, 72.060668928, 113.25830078389998, 358.0812378112], [34.809692369000004, 199.7223510528, 71.35412597089999, 216.7763672064], [23.115539577800007, 305.944580096, 66.96875003270003, 358.0812378112], [72.32861329589997, 332.2565307392, 113.25830078389998, 358.0812378112], [53.812744133600006, 72.060668928, 81.58654784290002, 97.3981323264], [84.03784180949998, 248.0984497152, 117.9238280912, 339.2984619008]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046282.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four helmets, and three head phones.", "boxes_value": [[180.93011472249998, 40.6204774912, 652.1683822225, 153.1765136896], [583.8774545175, 40.6204774912, 652.1683822225, 82.768784384], [420.619455542, 72.0983269376, 480.374017266, 139.8557317632], [242.42281613550003, 97.1739019776, 318.1830639845, 172.4006269952], [165.59552244949998, 102.5091307008, 240.28872460449998, 170.2665355264], [180.93011472249998, 108.7863159296, 213.50677491000002, 149.2386474496], [251.453247045, 106.9963989504, 287.9677734505, 153.1765136896], [431.874389661, 84.7381591552, 455.72460934000003, 125.3582153216]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046282_crop.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four helmets, and three head phones.", "boxes_value": [[117.93011472249998, 28.6204774912, 589.1683822225, 141.1765136896], [520.8774545175, 28.6204774912, 589.1683822225, 70.768784384], [357.619455542, 60.09832693760001, 417.374017266, 127.8557317632], [179.42281613550003, 85.1739019776, 255.1830639845, 160.4006269952], [102.59552244949998, 90.5091307008, 177.28872460449998, 158.2665355264], [117.93011472249998, 96.7863159296, 150.50677491000002, 137.2386474496], [188.453247045, 94.9963989504, 224.96777345049998, 141.1765136896], [368.874389661, 72.7381591552, 392.72460934000003, 113.3582153216]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046285.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[46.5439453125, 414.29180908203125, 224.17184448242188, 473.8587951660156]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046285_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[44.5439453125, 15.29180908203125, 222.17184448242188, 74.85879516601562]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046285.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three leather shoes, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[46.5439453125, 414.29180908203125, 224.17184448242188, 473.8587951660156], [123.41496870889999, 429.0168177152, 154.4212627375, 449.6876804608], [46.5439453125, 438.2485046386719, 72.3589096069336, 473.8587951660156], [74.75526428222656, 425.2779541015625, 112.93698120117188, 459.8294677734375], [173.06405639648438, 421.5731201171875, 207.94818115234375, 447.48040771484375], [204.12933349609375, 414.29180908203125, 224.17184448242188, 435.1285400390625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046285_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three leather shoes, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[44.5439453125, 15.29180908203125, 222.17184448242188, 74.85879516601562], [121.41496870889999, 30.016817715199977, 152.4212627375, 50.68768046079998], [44.5439453125, 39.248504638671875, 70.3589096069336, 74.85879516601562], [72.75526428222656, 26.2779541015625, 110.93698120117188, 60.8294677734375], [171.06405639648438, 22.5731201171875, 205.94818115234375, 48.48040771484375], [202.12933349609375, 15.29180908203125, 222.17184448242188, 36.1285400390625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046286.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[220.789855986, 40.401855488, 508.3489990101, 235.1679077376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046286_crop.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[72.78985598599999, 40.401855488, 360.3489990101, 235.1679077376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046286.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a hat, a glasses, a helmet, and a boots.", "boxes_value": [[220.789855986, 40.401855488, 508.3489990101, 235.1679077376], [404.0010986499, 40.46063232, 508.3489990101, 235.1679077376], [220.789855986, 145.8757324288, 267.69665528760004, 171.6359863296], [440.3022460812, 49.4755859456, 476.8996582038, 73.6721801728], [436.0677490101, 40.401855488, 479.92419436619997, 73.6721801728], [424.17932129490003, 180.4909057536, 486.17700197610003, 232.5366821376]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046286_crop.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a hat, a glasses, a helmet, and a boots.", "boxes_value": [[72.78985598599999, 40.401855488, 360.3489990101, 235.1679077376], [256.0010986499, 40.46063232, 360.3489990101, 235.1679077376], [72.78985598599999, 145.8757324288, 119.69665528760004, 171.6359863296], [292.3022460812, 49.4755859456, 328.8996582038, 73.6721801728], [288.0677490101, 40.401855488, 331.92419436619997, 73.6721801728], [276.17932129490003, 180.4909057536, 338.17700197610003, 232.5366821376]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046292.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[485.42675780400003, 79.246582016, 745.4107665831999, 511.498535168]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046292_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[65.42675780400003, 79.246582016, 325.4107665831999, 511.498535168]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046292.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two people, a glasses, a tie, and a belt.", "boxes_value": [[485.42675780400003, 79.246582016, 745.4107665831999, 511.498535168], [651.540039041, 445.771789568, 745.4107665831999, 511.225280768], [485.42675780400003, 79.246582016, 685.2912598004, 511.498535168], [399.77050778779994, 80.2662963712, 708.7447509806, 511.8353271296], [479.7058105104, 136.8961792, 525.418579108, 152.1337890816], [579.8623790934, 213.374450688, 612.917287622, 430.8368530432], [505.2446679804, 399.0803656192, 593.2846396778, 421.17039488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046292_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two people, a glasses, a tie, and a belt.", "boxes_value": [[65.42675780400003, 79.246582016, 325.4107665831999, 511.498535168], [231.540039041, 445.771789568, 325.4107665831999, 511.225280768], [65.42675780400003, 79.246582016, 265.2912598004, 511.498535168], [0, 80.2662963712, 288.7447509806, 511.8353271296], [59.7058105104, 136.8961792, 105.41857910800002, 152.1337890816], [159.86237909340002, 213.374450688, 192.917287622, 430.8368530432], [85.24466798039998, 399.0803656192, 173.2846396778, 421.17039488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046295.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[227.6860961808, 285.7745971712, 716.4836425628, 513.1257324032]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046295_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[122.6860961808, 57.774597171200014, 611.4836425628, 284]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046295.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and two nightstands.", "boxes_value": [[227.6860961808, 285.7745971712, 716.4836425628, 513.1257324032], [227.6860961808, 338.64434816, 423.4827880796, 513.1257324032], [406.4305419672, 314.5884399616, 545.589355436, 512.212158208], [485.3010253664, 302.950134272, 627.1708984096, 471.2703857664], [558.8122558928, 293.6753540096, 676.6364746328, 471.2703857664], [617.8961182016001, 285.7745971712, 716.4836425628, 431.7666626048], [669.7700195259999, 281.4161987072, 753.8406982448, 398.8526001152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046295_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and two nightstands.", "boxes_value": [[122.6860961808, 57.774597171200014, 611.4836425628, 284], [122.6860961808, 110.64434815999999, 318.4827880796, 284], [301.4305419672, 86.58843996159999, 440.589355436, 284], [380.3010253664, 74.95013427200001, 522.1708984096, 243.2703857664], [453.81225589279995, 65.67535400960003, 571.6364746328, 243.2703857664], [512.8961182016001, 57.774597171200014, 611.4836425628, 203.7666626048], [564.7700195259999, 53.41619870720001, 648.8406982448, 170.8526001152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046296.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[184.5886230776, 149.2089843712, 261.9120483452, 417.010940928]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046296_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[19.588623077600005, 67.20898437119999, 96.91204834519999, 335.010940928]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046296.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cups, two wine glasses, a bread, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[184.5886230776, 149.2089843712, 261.9120483452, 417.010940928], [186.7140502995, 360.8460693504, 227.52667233879998, 436.3054199296], [231.856262203, 283.7794189312, 261.9120483452, 336.677612288], [230.9539795207, 149.2089843712, 259.0140991522, 216.9767456256], [210.09956234359998, 327.3829321728, 247.0711160059, 417.010940928], [184.5886230776, 342.6129760768, 215.01098631609997, 364.3244018688], [177.1504516697, 301.4045410304, 248.49365235539997, 327.9652099584]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046296_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cups, two wine glasses, a bread, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[19.588623077600005, 67.20898437119999, 96.91204834519999, 335.010940928], [21.714050299500002, 278.8460693504, 62.52667233879998, 354.3054199296], [66.856262203, 201.77941893119998, 96.91204834519999, 254.67761228799998], [65.95397952069999, 67.20898437119999, 94.0140991522, 134.9767456256], [45.099562343599985, 245.3829321728, 82.0711160059, 335.010940928], [19.588623077600005, 260.6129760768, 50.010986316099974, 282.3244018688], [12.150451669700004, 219.40454103040003, 83.49365235539997, 245.9652099584]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046297.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a pen, two bottles, and two laptops.", "boxes_value": [[1159.0700684075, 325.8717041152, 1277.0068359087, 480.9132080128], [1191.4418945385, 409.591125504, 1270.9660644118, 484.5054321152], [1168.119873059, 457.3334961152, 1182.552246119, 480.9132080128], [1159.0700684075, 377.9368286208, 1186.2697753469001, 458.192321792], [1240.0021973125, 377.6560669184, 1255.7905272824999, 414.0908813312], [1170.9018554859, 344.5487670784, 1262.2600097714999, 448.6666259968], [1254.4003905736, 325.8717041152, 1277.0068359087, 366.385986304]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046297_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[42.81640622079999, 96.0267944448, 211.36743162879998, 477.5954589695999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046314.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a necklace, a handbag, a leather shoes, and a slippers.", "boxes_value": [[329.8164062208, 130.0267944448, 498.3674316288, 511.5954589695999], [329.8164062208, 130.0267944448, 467.0582275584, 511.5954589695999], [472.17761233920004, 235.17059328, 498.3674316288, 273.33288576], [399.81652830720003, 280.1312866304, 475.3393554432, 372.0093993984], [345.5721435648, 499.0916137472, 369.25097656319997, 511.8145752064], [444.528442368, 456.681823744, 463.6127929344, 474.3525390848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046314_crop.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a necklace, a handbag, a leather shoes, and a slippers.", "boxes_value": [[42.81640622079999, 96.0267944448, 211.36743162879998, 477.5954589695999], [42.81640622079999, 96.0267944448, 180.0582275584, 477.5954589695999], [185.17761233920004, 201.17059328, 211.36743162879998, 239.33288576], [112.81652830720003, 246.13128663039998, 188.33935544320002, 338.0093993984], [58.5721435648, 465.0916137472, 82.25097656319997, 477.8145752064], [157.52844236800001, 422.681823744, 176.61279293439998, 440.3525390848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046316.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four sneakers, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[249.9018819168, 293.6910106624, 412.2639466944, 386.6802062988281], [249.9018819168, 311.78307968, 287.8952268096, 322.3367865856], [341.56836480960004, 293.6910106624, 372.0233476176, 306.0539244544], [391.4719810896, 319.9669010432, 412.2639466944, 344.9173105664], [304.90008544921875, 374.0446472167969, 343.64739990234375, 386.6802062988281], [299.024658203125, 363.6257019042969, 334.97735595703125, 375.2097473144531]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046316_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four sneakers, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[40.901881916799994, 23.691010662400004, 203.26394669439998, 116.68020629882812], [40.901881916799994, 41.783079680000014, 78.89522680959999, 52.33678658560001], [132.56836480960004, 23.691010662400004, 163.0233476176, 36.053924454399976], [182.47198108959998, 49.96690104319998, 203.26394669439998, 74.91731056639998], [95.90008544921875, 104.04464721679688, 134.64739990234375, 116.68020629882812], [90.024658203125, 93.62570190429688, 125.97735595703125, 105.20974731445312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046317.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[462.1397705391, 32.302429184, 587.3511963190999, 175.2349853696]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046317_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[32.13977053910003, 32.302429184, 157.35119631909993, 175.2349853696]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046317.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two hats, two gloves, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[462.1397705391, 32.302429184, 587.3511963190999, 175.2349853696], [460.0286865221, 93.4619750912, 553.0949706951, 251.8208617984], [488.2896728337, 31.580200192, 605.7188721028, 230.3815307776], [505.8577881106, 94.9562377728, 528.0075683348999, 109.2884521472], [462.1397705391, 132.6947021312, 475.5413818039, 155.728637696], [549.7987060788, 131.5136718848, 572.8604736641, 175.2349853696], [532.8905029431, 32.302429184, 587.3511963190999, 60.5701904384], [537.7613525390625, 115.42015075683594, 562.8017578125, 133.8212890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 6], [4, 7], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046317_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two hats, two gloves, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[32.13977053910003, 32.302429184, 157.35119631909993, 175.2349853696], [30.028686522099974, 93.4619750912, 123.09497069509996, 210], [58.289672833700024, 31.580200192, 175.7188721028, 210], [75.85778811059998, 94.9562377728, 98.00756833489993, 109.2884521472], [32.13977053910003, 132.6947021312, 45.54138180389998, 155.728637696], [119.79870607880002, 131.5136718848, 142.86047366410003, 175.2349853696], [102.89050294310005, 32.302429184, 157.35119631909993, 60.5701904384], [107.7613525390625, 115.42015075683594, 132.8017578125, 133.8212890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 6], [4, 7], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046318.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[59.5205078301, 235.2557983232, 366.93371580659993, 287.0916137472]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046318_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[59.5205078301, 13.255798323199997, 366.93371580659993, 65.09161374719997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046318.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flag, a tripod, five chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[59.5205078301, 235.2557983232, 366.93371580659993, 287.0916137472], [165.17468259, 212.0781250048, 201.54333497039997, 266.1396484608], [286.54772949, 224.1842651136, 317.5101318546, 254.5733642752], [75.7236328506, 244.2865600512, 111.3447876255, 277.3991699456], [135.4267577871, 235.2557983232, 165.52917483209998, 268.368469248], [241.28686524149998, 232.7472534016, 266.3721923535, 262.3479614464], [266.3721923535, 231.7438354432, 290.4542236314, 259.8394775552], [59.5205078301, 256.6820068352, 366.93371580659993, 287.0916137472], [196.0872192603, 263.3168334848, 233.1315917964, 307.5489502208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 8], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046318_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flag, a tripod, five chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[59.5205078301, 13.255798323199997, 366.93371580659993, 65.09161374719997], [165.17468259, 0, 201.54333497039997, 44.139648460800004], [286.54772949, 2.1842651135999915, 317.5101318546, 32.57336427519999], [75.7236328506, 22.286560051200013, 111.3447876255, 55.39916994560002], [135.4267577871, 13.255798323199997, 165.52917483209998, 46.368469248], [241.28686524149998, 10.747253401600005, 266.3721923535, 40.34796144640001], [266.3721923535, 9.743835443199998, 290.4542236314, 37.839477555200006], [59.5205078301, 34.68200683520001, 366.93371580659993, 65.09161374719997], [196.0872192603, 41.316833484799986, 233.1315917964, 78]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 8], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046319.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[99.4078979584, 154.74462888349998, 394.094787584, 595.531372097]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046319_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[74.4078979584, 110.74462888349998, 369.094787584, 551.531372097]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046319.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, three people, two sneakers, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[99.4078979584, 154.74462888349998, 394.094787584, 595.531372097], [278.6768188416, 368.2205810322, 463.1605834752, 549.7525634867], [99.4078979584, 169.5610351709, 341.3608398336, 595.531372097], [143.5770873856, 116.4082641876, 402.6030273536, 374.68554690120004], [311.3569946112, 154.74462888349998, 394.094787584, 304.7636718792], [100.8408813568, 516.0153808441, 179.6158447104, 592.4733886959], [87.7393188352, 470.4770507966, 148.9719848448, 521.7800293164], [349.0779419136, 405.7696533356, 379.6409301504, 450.65905763840004], [318.9924926976, 390.96569827480005, 358.62890624, 442.5407714957]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046319_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, three people, two sneakers, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[74.4078979584, 110.74462888349998, 369.094787584, 551.531372097], [253.67681884159998, 324.2205810322, 438.1605834752, 505.75256348669996], [74.4078979584, 125.5610351709, 316.3608398336, 551.531372097], [118.57708738560001, 72.4082641876, 377.6030273536, 330.68554690120004], [286.3569946112, 110.74462888349998, 369.094787584, 260.7636718792], [75.8408813568, 472.01538084410004, 154.6158447104, 548.4733886959], [62.739318835199995, 426.4770507966, 123.9719848448, 477.78002931640003], [324.0779419136, 361.7696533356, 354.6409301504, 406.65905763840004], [293.9924926976, 346.96569827480005, 333.62890624, 398.5407714957]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046321.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[12.7537231233, 256.6134033408, 249.06951904296875, 410.9572143616]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046321_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[12.7537231233, 38.613403340800005, 249.06951904296875, 192.9572143616]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046321.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[12.7537231233, 256.6134033408, 249.06951904296875, 410.9572143616], [99.708007834, 255.7438354432, 249.2693481278, 394.0010986496], [12.7537231233, 256.6134033408, 195.792480458, 410.9572143616], [198.28512573242188, 367.21966552734375, 249.06951904296875, 392.9544677734375], [154.94094848632812, 379.46484375, 195.2684326171875, 403.7802734375], [134.4195098876953, 390.7686462402344, 180.1393280029297, 409.4540100097656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046321_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[12.7537231233, 38.613403340800005, 249.06951904296875, 192.9572143616], [99.708007834, 37.7438354432, 249.2693481278, 176.0010986496], [12.7537231233, 38.613403340800005, 195.792480458, 192.9572143616], [198.28512573242188, 149.21966552734375, 249.06951904296875, 174.9544677734375], [154.94094848632812, 161.46484375, 195.2684326171875, 185.7802734375], [134.4195098876953, 172.76864624023438, 180.1393280029297, 191.45401000976562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046322.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[67.7808609008789, 386.24011232000004, 364.1755371008, 478.91967776]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046322_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[67.7808609008789, 23.240112320000037, 364.1755371008, 115.91967776000001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046322.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a hat, four street lights, and a train.", "boxes_value": [[67.7808609008789, 386.24011232000004, 364.1755371008, 478.91967776], [305.8799438336, 430.62890624000005, 325.457275392, 478.91967776], [318.3621826048, 449.9562988, 364.1755371008, 473.26489256], [192.3259277312, 398.78393552, 201.2111816192, 468.2979736], [218.4589843968, 386.24011232000004, 230.4802246144, 471.95666504], [268.1118774272, 360.10705568, 289.0183105536, 480.31921384], [85.1802978304, 408.19189456, 176.646118144, 474.56994632000004], [67.7808609008789, 388.2105407714844, 77.9203872680664, 473.0643615722656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 7], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046322_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a hat, four street lights, and a train.", "boxes_value": [[67.7808609008789, 23.240112320000037, 364.1755371008, 115.91967776000001], [305.8799438336, 67.62890624000005, 325.457275392, 115.91967776000001], [318.3621826048, 86.95629880000001, 364.1755371008, 110.26489256000002], [192.3259277312, 35.78393552, 201.2111816192, 105.29797359999998], [218.4589843968, 23.240112320000037, 230.4802246144, 108.95666504000002], [268.1118774272, 0, 289.0183105536, 117.31921383999997], [85.1802978304, 45.19189455999998, 176.646118144, 111.56994632000004], [67.7808609008789, 25.210540771484375, 77.9203872680664, 110.06436157226562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 7], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046323.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[360.998535128, 310.904357888, 578.5804443650001, 370.2318725632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046323_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[54.998535128000015, 14.904357887999993, 272.58044436500006, 74.2318725632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046323.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two flowers, a person, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[360.998535128, 310.904357888, 578.5804443650001, 370.2318725632], [565.838623042, 310.904357888, 578.5804443650001, 352.1557617152], [402.46862794599997, 324.0986328064, 433.735839845, 369.1891479552], [360.998535128, 322.4529418752, 392.265747104, 367.8726806528], [477.287719755, 330.6841430528, 522.6229248239999, 370.2318725632], [462.09301753999995, 341.5125732352, 480.990966764, 359.7018432512]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046323_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two flowers, a person, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[54.998535128000015, 14.904357887999993, 272.58044436500006, 74.2318725632], [259.838623042, 14.904357887999993, 272.58044436500006, 56.155761715200015], [96.46862794599997, 28.09863280640002, 127.73583984499999, 73.18914795519999], [54.998535128000015, 26.452941875199997, 86.26574710400001, 71.8726806528], [171.287719755, 34.68414305279998, 216.62292482399994, 74.2318725632], [156.09301753999995, 45.51257323520002, 174.990966764, 63.70184325119999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046324.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[225.3250865152, 264.83959958220004, 400.8023071232, 604.900265634]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046324_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[44.32508651520001, 85.83959958220004, 219.80230712320002, 425.900265634]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046324.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[225.3250865152, 264.83959958220004, 400.8023071232, 604.900265634], [188.2277221888, 183.4633789182, 350.1497802752, 604.4606933868], [202.3439941632, 286.42919923259996, 391.66827392, 592.8355712844], [298.6668701184, 264.83959958220004, 400.8023071232, 567.0941162058], [225.3250865152, 545.1290531802, 250.868339712, 580.889607606], [300.4222509568, 565.5636557424, 350.9978923008, 604.900265634], [349.7366027832031, 559.1319580078125, 392.0133361816406, 590.8154296875], [362.7623596191406, 529.93359375, 394.7170715332031, 565.0933837890625], [371.5328063964844, 512.4765625, 394.3537292480469, 545.99365234375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046324_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[44.32508651520001, 85.83959958220004, 219.80230712320002, 425.900265634], [7.227722188799987, 4.463378918199993, 169.1497802752, 425.4606933868], [21.343994163199994, 107.42919923259996, 210.66827392, 413.8355712844], [117.66687011840003, 85.83959958220004, 219.80230712320002, 388.0941162058], [44.32508651520001, 366.1290531802, 69.868339712, 401.889607606], [119.42225095679999, 386.5636557424, 169.9978923008, 425.900265634], [168.73660278320312, 380.1319580078125, 211.01333618164062, 411.8154296875], [181.76235961914062, 350.93359375, 213.71707153320312, 386.0933837890625], [190.53280639648438, 333.4765625, 213.35372924804688, 366.99365234375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046325.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[272.1372070656, 68.9313965056, 549.393554688, 434.909729024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046325_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[70.13720706560002, 68.9313965056, 347.393554688, 434.909729024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046325.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[70.13720706560002, 68.9313965056, 347.393554688, 434.909729024], [70.13720706560002, 68.9313965056, 347.393554688, 434.909729024], [232.28259276799997, 83.1903076352, 377.84216307199995, 386.785949696], [72.26611328000001, 386.4888915968, 109.69567869439999, 435.2067871232], [230.89636229120003, 319.9473876992, 252.8787842048, 368.6652832256], [265.35534671360006, 372.2300414976, 302.78491212800003, 387.0830077952], [310.508544896, 363.318176256, 348.53222658560003, 407.2831420928]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046326.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, three stools, a vase, and a flower.", "boxes_value": [[317.712585472, 327.230102507, 474.1373901312, 449.427978538], [317.712585472, 392.01123045699995, 364.8764038144, 449.427978538], [383.5893554688, 383.808837874, 413.3314208768, 440.20031740300004], [417.1666870272, 373.555786142, 432.5461425664, 424.82080078900003], [448.9509887488, 376.631713843, 474.1373901312, 418.66906735500004], [380.3569335808, 342.477661141, 400.4837646336, 363.824340803], [374.257934592, 327.230102507, 413.9016723456, 349.1866455]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046326_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[440.5368652047, 179.2981567488, 681.0157471023, 264.3422851584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046335_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[60.53686520470001, 21.29815674880001, 301.0157471023, 106.34228515839999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046335.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, four pillows, and a telephone.", "boxes_value": [[440.5368652047, 179.2981567488, 681.0157471023, 264.3422851584], [456.1218261894, 133.2907104256, 520.982299796, 233.0016479744], [589.0150146443, 194.6414794752, 679.8750000242, 261.8529662976], [546.6966552445, 200.8647460864, 600.2169189539, 264.3422851584], [573.1114502101001, 185.6992797696, 613.3469237943, 207.6458740224], [654.4968261913, 179.2981567488, 681.0157471023, 243.3091430912], [440.5368652047, 208.5208130048, 476.6192626934, 225.2326660096]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046335_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, four pillows, and a telephone.", "boxes_value": [[60.53686520470001, 21.29815674880001, 301.0157471023, 106.34228515839999], [76.1218261894, 0, 140.982299796, 75.00164797439999], [209.01501464429998, 36.641479475199986, 299.87500002419995, 103.8529662976], [166.6966552445, 42.864746086400004, 220.21691895389995, 106.34228515839999], [193.1114502101001, 27.699279769599997, 233.34692379429998, 49.645874022399994], [274.4968261913, 21.29815674880001, 301.0157471023, 85.30914309120001], [60.53686520470001, 50.520813004800004, 96.6192626934, 67.2326660096]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046337.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pillows, and a nightstand.", "boxes_value": [[368.728698752, 249.776672352, 593.3299560319999, 314.75128176000004], [459.31982419199994, 249.776672352, 593.3299560319999, 289.573608384], [458.507568384, 274.14215088000003, 584.395996096, 314.75128176000004], [368.728698752, 266.625488304, 418.007934592, 280.394714352], [407.44812012799997, 252.641784672, 481.45581056, 282.45782472], [409.577880832, 272.341674816, 466.015380864, 291.509155296]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046337_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pillows, and a nightstand.", "boxes_value": [[56.728698752000014, 16.77667235199999, 281.3299560319999, 81.75128176000004], [147.31982419199994, 16.77667235199999, 281.3299560319999, 56.57360838400001], [146.50756838400002, 41.14215088000003, 272.395996096, 81.75128176000004], [56.728698752000014, 33.62548830399999, 106.00793459200003, 47.394714351999994], [95.44812012799997, 19.641784672, 169.45581055999997, 49.45782472000002], [97.577880832, 39.34167481600002, 154.015380864, 58.50915529600002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046343.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bed, two pillows, a chair, a cabinet, and a towel.", "boxes_value": [[86.9859619114, 228.70880128, 682.6807861534, 431.0948486144], [73.639770496, 216.7247314432, 442.0069580246, 491.9037475839999], [160.2835082908, 258.0273437696, 254.51300047499998, 295.8843383808], [86.9859619114, 275.7476196352, 207.0006103486, 333.7412719616], [449.09997558739997, 237.8389892608, 526.7066650649, 353.4881591808], [557.1406250287, 228.70880128, 682.6807861534, 431.0948486144], [396.06445309680004, 262.2918090752, 432.9031982287, 325.8068237312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046343_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bed, two pillows, a chair, a cabinet, and a towel.", "boxes_value": [[86.9859619114, 50.70880127999999, 682.6807861534, 253.0948486144], [73.639770496, 38.7247314432, 442.0069580246, 303], [160.2835082908, 80.02734376960001, 254.51300047499998, 117.88433838079999], [86.9859619114, 97.74761963520001, 207.0006103486, 155.74127196159998], [449.09997558739997, 59.83898926079999, 526.7066650649, 175.48815918079998], [557.1406250287, 50.70880127999999, 682.6807861534, 253.0948486144], [396.06445309680004, 84.29180907519998, 432.9031982287, 147.80682373119998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046345.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[401.87731932009996, 29.6176147456, 682.6514892782, 454.54534912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046345_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[70.87731932009996, 29.6176147456, 351.65148927819996, 454.54534912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046345.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a clock, two cabinets, a picture, and a storage box.", "boxes_value": [[70.87731932009996, 29.6176147456, 351.65148927819996, 454.54534912], [70.87731932009996, 92.1686401536, 119.95239254670003, 157.2464599552], [110.35083004490002, 132.7089233408, 125.28674316449997, 160.4470214656], [41.005615201299975, 151.912231424, 226.63745118119994, 414.35723878399995], [221.99377440989997, 125.3460693504, 350.93017577850003, 454.54534912], [303.41296387700004, 29.6176147456, 351.65148927819996, 107.8225708032], [249.3272704899, 101.9754638848, 303.41296387700004, 134.1345214976]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046346.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? 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Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.6601562240000001, 31.847839376000024, 637.698608384, 156.476379392]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046347.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a desk, a stool, a bracelet, and a watch.", "boxes_value": [[0.6601562240000001, 353.847839376, 637.698608384, 478.476379392], [0.6601562240000001, 353.847839376, 97.48040774399999, 412.908203136], [46.72998048, 358.079345712, 637.698608384, 478.476379392], [225.98181151999998, 405.450317376, 393.490844736, 479.385375984], [290.350769024, 404.878234848, 308.184326144, 423.04833984000004], [328.37335206399996, 401.513427744, 352.263671872, 419.68353273599996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046347_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a desk, a stool, a bracelet, and a watch.", "boxes_value": [[0.6601562240000001, 31.847839376000024, 637.698608384, 156.476379392], [0.6601562240000001, 31.847839376000024, 97.48040774399999, 90.908203136], [46.72998048, 36.07934571200002, 637.698608384, 156.476379392], [225.98181151999998, 83.45031737599999, 393.490844736, 157.385375984], [290.350769024, 82.87823484799998, 308.184326144, 101.04833984000004], [328.37335206399996, 79.51342774400001, 352.263671872, 97.68353273599996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046348.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[338.588806144, 49.515563952, 640.0312499839999, 175.098205584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046348_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[75.58880614399999, 31.515563952, 377, 157.098205584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046348.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a bench, a person, and a suv.", "boxes_value": [[338.588806144, 49.515563952, 640.0312499839999, 175.098205584], [338.588806144, 107.345336928, 414.040893568, 172.1187744], [431.206542976, 108.37188719999999, 513.3312988160001, 175.098205584], [401.436279296, 114.531249984, 525.649902336, 169.96545408], [549.443969728, 49.515563952, 572.621704128, 77.87127686400001], [568.04626464, 68.585266128, 640.0312499839999, 149.232177744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046348_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a bench, a person, and a suv.", "boxes_value": [[75.58880614399999, 31.515563952, 377, 157.098205584], [75.58880614399999, 89.345336928, 151.040893568, 154.1187744], [168.20654297599998, 90.37188719999999, 250.33129881600007, 157.098205584], [138.436279296, 96.531249984, 262.64990233599997, 151.96545408], [286.44396972799996, 31.515563952, 309.62170412800003, 59.87127686400001], [305.04626464, 50.585266128, 377, 131.232177744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046350.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[1.09649657, 225.1619262464, 180.61450194489998, 359.4385375744]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046350_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[1.09649657, 34.161926246399986, 180.61450194489998, 168.43853757440002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046350.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pillows, two lamps, a couch, and a bed.", "boxes_value": [[1.09649657, 225.1619262464, 180.61450194489998, 359.4385375744], [45.614074686, 271.851135232, 99.5418700861, 310.215820288], [47.4237060854, 275.470397952, 64.4345092542, 298.27209472], [105.6947021606, 274.746582016, 118.7242431428, 299.7198486528], [152.0219116041, 225.1619262464, 180.61450194489998, 336.6368408064], [1.09649657, 278.7277832192, 100.6276855516, 338.4465332224], [72.3969726562, 293.5670166016, 159.2605590722, 359.4385375744], [0.2410726547241211, 289.9223327636719, 25.44747829437256, 306.0676574707031]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 7], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046350_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pillows, two lamps, a couch, and a bed.", "boxes_value": [[1.09649657, 34.161926246399986, 180.61450194489998, 168.43853757440002], [45.614074686, 80.85113523199999, 99.5418700861, 119.21582028799997], [47.4237060854, 84.47039795199998, 64.4345092542, 107.27209471999998], [105.6947021606, 83.74658201599999, 118.7242431428, 108.71984865280001], [152.0219116041, 34.161926246399986, 180.61450194489998, 145.63684080640002], [1.09649657, 87.72778321919998, 100.6276855516, 147.44653322239998], [72.3969726562, 102.56701660160002, 159.2605590722, 168.43853757440002], [0.2410726547241211, 98.92233276367188, 25.44747829437256, 115.06765747070312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 7], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046351.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a necklace, two chairs, a desk, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[230.61804200929998, 100.35100555419922, 384.3968505646, 268.8542480384], [230.61804200929998, 249.9833374208, 264.6777954435, 268.8542480384], [326.324218783, 150.4965820416, 372.4975585868, 235.859008768], [351.9600829836, 129.16711424, 384.3968505646, 150.9461059584], [294.3032836629, 148.5548095488, 374.9138183416, 232.3354492416], [273.4367370605469, 100.35100555419922, 299.1158752441406, 141.8558349609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046351_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a necklace, two chairs, a desk, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[38.618042009299984, 42.35100555419922, 192.39685056460002, 210.8542480384], [38.618042009299984, 191.9833374208, 72.67779544349997, 210.8542480384], [134.324218783, 92.49658204159999, 180.49755858679998, 177.859008768], [159.9600829836, 71.16711423999999, 192.39685056460002, 92.94610595840001], [102.30328366290001, 90.5548095488, 182.9138183416, 174.3354492416], [81.43673706054688, 42.35100555419922, 107.11587524414062, 83.8558349609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046352.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[315.2944336, 286.81048584, 638.2799072, 412.198242192]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046352_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[81.29443359999999, 31.810485840000013, 404.2799072, 157.198242192]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046352.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a carpet, five chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[315.2944336, 286.81048584, 638.2799072, 412.198242192], [210.01971436800002, 284.435668944, 638.753173824, 410.882385264], [315.2944336, 300.804687504, 530.804687488, 412.198242192], [282.828002944, 254.903808576, 389.18371584, 379.73175048], [537.5218505600001, 351.183654768, 638.2799072, 411.07873536], [559.352783232, 298.005859392, 638.839721664, 396.52478025600004], [468.670532224, 252.10498046400002, 577.2652588159999, 390.927124032], [340.48394777600004, 286.81048584, 600.2156982399999, 406.60058592]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046352_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a carpet, five chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[81.29443359999999, 31.810485840000013, 404.2799072, 157.198242192], [0, 29.435668943999985, 404.753173824, 155.882385264], [81.29443359999999, 45.804687504000015, 296.804687488, 157.198242192], [48.82800294399999, 0, 155.18371584, 124.73175048000002], [303.5218505600001, 96.183654768, 404.2799072, 156.07873536], [325.352783232, 43.00585939199999, 404.83972166399997, 141.52478025600004], [234.670532224, 0, 343.2652588159999, 135.927124032], [106.48394777600004, 31.810485840000013, 366.21569823999994, 151.60058592000001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046353.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[119.5307006536, 248.94215393066406, 298.38616943359375, 422.2654418944]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046353_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[45.53070065359999, 43.94215393066406, 224.38616943359375, 217.2654418944]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046353.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three gloves, a leather shoes, and a hammer.", "boxes_value": [[119.5307006536, 248.94215393066406, 298.38616943359375, 422.2654418944], [119.5307006536, 356.3319091712, 166.44494626399998, 422.2654418944], [211.1807861292, 388.389465344, 242.4618530216, 407.1580810752], [255.2868652188, 276.8235473408, 286.8165283088, 329.3557739008], [260.3324279785156, 256.30816650390625, 287.6563415527344, 287.914306640625], [274.29437255859375, 248.94215393066406, 298.38616943359375, 279.0870361328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046353_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three gloves, a leather shoes, and a hammer.", "boxes_value": [[45.53070065359999, 43.94215393066406, 224.38616943359375, 217.2654418944], [45.53070065359999, 151.33190917119998, 92.44494626399998, 217.2654418944], [137.1807861292, 183.38946534399997, 168.4618530216, 202.15808107520002], [181.2868652188, 71.82354734080002, 212.8165283088, 124.35577390079999], [186.33242797851562, 51.30816650390625, 213.65634155273438, 82.914306640625], [200.29437255859375, 43.94215393066406, 224.38616943359375, 74.0870361328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046354.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[197.1520385746, 244.2641601536, 287.4878540336, 402.9276123136]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046354_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[23.1520385746, 40.26416015359999, 113.4878540336, 198.92761231359998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046354.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[197.1520385746, 244.2641601536, 287.4878540336, 402.9276123136], [197.1520385746, 246.5001220608, 242.9893798751, 372.2732544], [218.95269774829998, 244.2641601536, 259.7590942426, 367.2423095808], [206.69903566, 301.9415893504, 287.4878540336, 402.9276123136], [208.9014282395, 291.2844238336, 262.2554931877, 368.2667236352], [258.44451902009996, 278.7081298944, 269.1152954146, 340.4464111104]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046354_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[23.1520385746, 40.26416015359999, 113.4878540336, 198.92761231359998], [23.1520385746, 42.50012206080001, 68.98937987510001, 168.27325439999998], [44.95269774829998, 40.26416015359999, 85.75909424259999, 163.2423095808], [32.69903565999999, 97.94158935040002, 113.4878540336, 198.92761231359998], [34.90142823950001, 87.28442383359999, 88.25549318769998, 164.26672363519998], [84.44451902009996, 74.70812989439997, 95.11529541459998, 136.4464111104]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046358.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[219.05090331309998, 101.98167419433594, 332.3720397949219, 207.91079711914062]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046358_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[29.05090331309998, 26.981674194335938, 142.37203979492188, 132.91079711914062]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046358.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[219.05090331309998, 101.98167419433594, 332.3720397949219, 207.91079711914062], [219.05090331309998, 175.4614867968, 244.87426761060001, 194.9226074112], [295.7081604003906, 151.7188720703125, 332.3720397949219, 201.7850341796875], [251.78616333007812, 158.63137817382812, 294.9649963378906, 207.91079711914062], [267.2148742675781, 122.56541442871094, 314.6900329589844, 200.5445098876953], [285.7955627441406, 101.98167419433594, 304.4379577636719, 138.11395263671875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046358_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[29.05090331309998, 26.981674194335938, 142.37203979492188, 132.91079711914062], [29.05090331309998, 100.46148679679999, 54.874267610600015, 119.9226074112], [105.70816040039062, 76.7188720703125, 142.37203979492188, 126.7850341796875], [61.786163330078125, 83.63137817382812, 104.96499633789062, 132.91079711914062], [77.21487426757812, 47.56541442871094, 124.69003295898438, 125.54450988769531], [95.79556274414062, 26.981674194335938, 114.43795776367188, 63.11395263671875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046359.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[9.729797376, 73.9743423461914, 315.4559326464, 150.3768310784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046359_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[9.729797376, 19.974342346191406, 315.4559326464, 96.37683107839999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046359.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five boats.", "boxes_value": [[9.729797376, 73.9743423461914, 315.4559326464, 150.3768310784], [9.729797376, 74.7431640576, 54.7910156544, 110.5169677824], [162.87176517120002, 75.8247070208, 232.87493898239998, 127.3793945088], [113.338806144, 99.0748901376, 173.23321536, 150.3768310784], [275.03271482879995, 97.8518066176, 315.4559326464, 113.6073608192], [227.0953826904297, 73.9743423461914, 249.56727600097656, 95.30301666259766]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046359_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five boats.", "boxes_value": [[9.729797376, 19.974342346191406, 315.4559326464, 96.37683107839999], [9.729797376, 20.743164057599998, 54.7910156544, 56.5169677824], [162.87176517120002, 21.824707020800005, 232.87493898239998, 73.3793945088], [113.338806144, 45.07489013759999, 173.23321536, 96.37683107839999], [275.03271482879995, 43.851806617600005, 315.4559326464, 59.6073608192], [227.0953826904297, 19.974342346191406, 249.56727600097656, 41.303016662597656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046360.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[120.63662719726562, 200.10411071777344, 425.07055663819995, 511.2139892736]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046360_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[76.63662719726562, 78.10411071777344, 381.07055663819995, 389.2139892736]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046360.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two hats, four chairs, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[120.63662719726562, 200.10411071777344, 425.07055663819995, 511.2139892736], [177.3824462712, 195.3655395328, 269.85266116040003, 291.138244608], [322.69274899180004, 200.319335936, 425.07055663819995, 288.6613769728], [361.0006103732, 469.4375610368, 434.36486819419997, 511.2139892736], [214.33868410699998, 478.3261718528, 350.3343506106, 511.2139892736], [297.002685573, 422.327941888, 439.22033690620003, 496.9922485248], [144.1187744006, 435.6608886784, 289.8918456802, 509.436279296], [120.63662719726562, 200.10411071777344, 290.7197570800781, 505.35948181152344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046360_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two hats, four chairs, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[76.63662719726562, 78.10411071777344, 381.07055663819995, 389.2139892736], [133.3824462712, 73.3655395328, 225.85266116040003, 169.13824460799998], [278.69274899180004, 78.31933593599999, 381.07055663819995, 166.66137697279999], [317.0006103732, 347.4375610368, 390.36486819419997, 389.2139892736], [170.33868410699998, 356.3261718528, 306.3343506106, 389.2139892736], [253.002685573, 300.327941888, 395.22033690620003, 374.9922485248], [100.11877440059999, 313.6608886784, 245.8918456802, 387.436279296], [76.63662719726562, 78.10411071777344, 246.71975708007812, 383.35948181152344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046361.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, and four chairs.", "boxes_value": [[0.517272987, 162.2844238336, 236.275878916, 512.185180672], [43.923339845, 162.2844238336, 161.119812007, 372.0805664256], [0.517272987, 199.1796264448, 46.817077615, 353.2712402432], [147.780578638, 374.2600708096, 316.00134281100003, 511.3879394304], [52.109985388999995, 359.9094848512, 144.591552721, 422.0953979392], [1.882934592, 367.0847778304, 108.71508786599999, 497.0373535232], [1.085693378, 383.0299072512, 236.275878916, 512.185180672]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046361_crop.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, and four chairs.", "boxes_value": [[0.517272987, 88.28442383359999, 236.275878916, 438], [43.923339845, 88.28442383359999, 161.119812007, 298.0805664256], [0.517272987, 125.1796264448, 46.817077615, 279.2712402432], [147.780578638, 300.2600708096, 295, 437.3879394304], [52.109985388999995, 285.9094848512, 144.591552721, 348.0953979392], [1.882934592, 293.0847778304, 108.71508786599999, 423.0373535232], [1.085693378, 309.0299072512, 236.275878916, 438]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046365.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[80.85119627200001, 195.3074340864, 247.74652099609375, 446.121032704]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046365_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[41.85119627200001, 63.30743408640001, 208.74652099609375, 314.121032704]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046365.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a clock, a cup, and two pictures.", "boxes_value": [[80.85119627200001, 195.3074340864, 247.74652099609375, 446.121032704], [80.85119627200001, 281.9345092608, 154.963195772, 446.121032704], [152.68280027, 287.6354370048, 180.04724122, 442.7004394496], [90.15283199999999, 195.3074340864, 143.911621084, 222.3889160192], [114.831604041, 338.6265259008, 130.317565917, 362.5814209024], [180.8704833984375, 187.12701416015625, 246.52642822265625, 259.77001953125], [181.39590454101562, 261.1933288574219, 247.74652099609375, 338.3143615722656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046365_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a clock, a cup, and two pictures.", "boxes_value": [[41.85119627200001, 63.30743408640001, 208.74652099609375, 314.121032704], [41.85119627200001, 149.93450926079998, 115.963195772, 314.121032704], [113.68280027, 155.6354370048, 141.04724122, 310.7004394496], [51.15283199999999, 63.30743408640001, 104.91162108399999, 90.3889160192], [75.831604041, 206.6265259008, 91.317565917, 230.5814209024], [141.8704833984375, 55.12701416015625, 207.52642822265625, 127.77001953125], [142.39590454101562, 129.19332885742188, 208.74652099609375, 206.31436157226562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046366.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[58.471191414299994, 234.9707641856, 261.9150390612, 392.3378601074219], [58.471191414299994, 327.7055053824, 74.0125122317, 351.4596557824], [238.2624511323, 234.9707641856, 261.9150390612, 317.0594482176], [153.9160614013672, 297.62371826171875, 183.3448028564453, 387.47857666015625], [185.0910186767578, 307.71826171875, 219.47373962402344, 389.26434326171875], [227.36412048339844, 307.1980895996094, 257.9342041015625, 392.3378601074219]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046366_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[51.471191414299994, 39.97076418559999, 254.9150390612, 197.33786010742188], [51.471191414299994, 132.70550538240002, 67.0125122317, 156.45965578239998], [231.2624511323, 39.97076418559999, 254.9150390612, 122.05944821759999], [146.9160614013672, 102.62371826171875, 176.3448028564453, 192.47857666015625], [178.0910186767578, 112.71826171875, 212.47373962402344, 194.26434326171875], [220.36412048339844, 112.19808959960938, 250.9342041015625, 197.33786010742188]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046367.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[230.830749504, 366.6170043904, 661.595214816, 469.8442382848]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046367_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[107.83074950400001, 26.617004390399984, 538.595214816, 129.84423828479999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046367.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bus, a car, a motorcycle, and a traffic sign.", "boxes_value": [[230.830749504, 366.6170043904, 661.595214816, 469.8442382848], [552.771484344, 418.6867675648, 575.4913330320001, 469.8442382848], [230.830749504, 400.121887232, 266.954406768, 441.2860717568], [443.278076184, 404.1294555648, 461.934570312, 420.453918464], [467.16833498399996, 423.0836181504, 541.82385252, 468.5654297088], [628.396118136, 366.6170043904, 661.595214816, 402.0795898368]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046367_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bus, a car, a motorcycle, and a traffic sign.", "boxes_value": [[107.83074950400001, 26.617004390399984, 538.595214816, 129.84423828479999], [429.771484344, 78.6867675648, 452.49133303200006, 129.84423828479999], [107.83074950400001, 60.121887232000006, 143.954406768, 101.28607175680003], [320.278076184, 64.12945556480003, 338.934570312, 80.45391846400003], [344.16833498399996, 83.08361815040001, 418.82385251999995, 128.56542970880002], [505.39611813600004, 26.617004390399984, 538.595214816, 62.07958983679998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046368.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[395.851196288, 179.375610336, 640.212890624, 480.54711912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046368_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[61.85119628799998, 75.375610336, 306.212890624, 376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046368.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a sink, a refrigerator, an oven, a microwave, and an induction cooker.", "boxes_value": [[395.851196288, 179.375610336, 640.212890624, 480.54711912], [437.81860352, 379.528198224, 511.02770995199995, 480.29864500799994], [480.93041996799997, 400.138916016, 562.071655296, 478.034484864], [553.626098688, 190.89392088, 640.212890624, 480.54711912], [391.956420864, 328.20178224, 559.4318848, 480.65454100799997], [455.951416064, 179.375610336, 500.550292992, 232.759094256], [395.851196288, 294.817932144, 554.37756352, 361.58557128]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046368_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a sink, a refrigerator, an oven, a microwave, and an induction cooker.", "boxes_value": [[61.85119628799998, 75.375610336, 306.212890624, 376], [103.81860352000001, 275.528198224, 177.02770995199995, 376], [146.93041996799997, 296.138916016, 228.07165529600002, 374.034484864], [219.62609868799996, 86.89392088, 306.212890624, 376], [57.956420863999995, 224.20178224, 225.43188480000003, 376], [121.951416064, 75.375610336, 166.55029299199998, 128.759094256], [61.85119628799998, 190.817932144, 220.37756351999997, 257.58557128]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046369.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[294.444213888, 283.942382832, 632.1679687679999, 480.39892579199994]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046369_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[84.44421388799998, 49.94238283200002, 422.1679687679999, 246]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046369.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a storage box, a desk, a stool, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[294.444213888, 283.942382832, 632.1679687679999, 480.39892579199994], [294.444213888, 309.45257568, 459.34436032, 479.465881344], [473.75866700800003, 371.378540016, 592.640258816, 480.39892579199994], [444.723144512, 308.376831072, 639.754516608, 460.676635728], [326.999633792, 283.942382832, 467.499267584, 468.687744144], [580.527832, 300.888793968, 632.1679687679999, 348.40307616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046369_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a storage box, a desk, a stool, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[84.44421388799998, 49.94238283200002, 422.1679687679999, 246], [84.44421388799998, 75.45257568, 249.34436032000002, 245.46588134400002], [263.75866700800003, 137.378540016, 382.640258816, 246], [234.72314451199998, 74.37683107200002, 429.754516608, 226.676635728], [116.999633792, 49.94238283200002, 257.499267584, 234.68774414400002], [370.527832, 66.88879396800002, 422.1679687679999, 114.40307616000001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046370.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[23.5361328047, 145.1151123046875, 261.5301513671875, 504.3442382848]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046370_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[23.5361328047, 90.1151123046875, 261.5301513671875, 449.3442382848]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046370.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[23.5361328047, 145.1151123046875, 261.5301513671875, 504.3442382848], [173.53546141520002, 266.0494994944, 198.36352539700002, 293.9810790912], [23.5361328047, 448.4313965056, 44.78955079560001, 504.3442382848], [81.63257598876953, 155.47744750976562, 93.82353973388672, 187.18472290039062], [197.8787841796875, 151.47091674804688, 211.21405029296875, 172.93270874023438], [250.9185028076172, 145.1151123046875, 261.5301513671875, 172.356201171875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046370_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[23.5361328047, 90.1151123046875, 261.5301513671875, 449.3442382848], [173.53546141520002, 211.04949949439998, 198.36352539700002, 238.9810790912], [23.5361328047, 393.4313965056, 44.78955079560001, 449.3442382848], [81.63257598876953, 100.47744750976562, 93.82353973388672, 132.18472290039062], [197.8787841796875, 96.47091674804688, 211.21405029296875, 117.93270874023438], [250.9185028076172, 90.1151123046875, 261.5301513671875, 117.356201171875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046372.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[256.2580261230469, 331.1876220703125, 388.6214904785156, 473.38116455078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046372_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[33.258026123046875, 36.1876220703125, 165.62149047851562, 178.38116455078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046372.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two sneakers, a plate, a bread, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[33.258026123046875, 36.1876220703125, 165.62149047851562, 178.38116455078125], [113.61474612500001, 160.04345704999997, 158.41271975, 180.8587036], [98.13098142500002, 121.39141845, 133.832641625, 131.48101805], [125.54589844999998, 84.81994629999997, 141.19458005, 105.35882569999995], [150.6339111328125, 61.20904541015625, 163.1185302734375, 74.22918701171875], [33.258026123046875, 36.1876220703125, 165.62149047851562, 178.38116455078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046373.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a person, and three bottles.", "boxes_value": [[608.2961425664, 172.4837036032, 710.301635708, 267.5654907392], [686.1422119192, 172.4837036032, 701.0332031156, 196.2160644608], [650.8057861036, 200.399963392, 696.4927978276, 253.2534790144], [699.4722900624, 230.885376, 710.301635708, 267.5654907392], [696.6776123116, 215.8640747008, 706.4589844008, 259.1814575104], [608.2961425664, 217.2613525504, 623.66687008, 266.1681518592]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046373_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a person, and three bottles.", "boxes_value": [[26.29614256640002, 24.483703603200013, 128.30163570800005, 119.56549073920002], [104.14221191920001, 24.483703603200013, 119.03320311560003, 48.2160644608], [68.80578610359998, 52.39996339199999, 114.49279782760004, 105.2534790144], [117.47229006240002, 82.88537600000001, 128.30163570800005, 119.56549073920002], [114.6776123116, 67.86407470079999, 124.45898440079998, 111.18145751039998], [26.29614256640002, 69.2613525504, 41.66687007999997, 118.16815185920001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046374.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[359.4093017799, 286.7166137856, 587.9370117027, 386.9417114112], [420.6430664229, 303.88305664, 447.2474365077, 321.61926272], [422.86010744, 314.968200704, 444.5869140286, 376.6014404096], [487.1750487981, 286.7166137856, 587.9370117027, 325.5630493184], [359.4093017799, 289.478271488, 398.1420898525, 386.9417114112], [486.6095886230469, 288.4128112792969, 498.0259704589844, 322.8976745605469]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046374_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[57.40930177989998, 25.716613785599975, 285.93701170270003, 125.9417114112], [118.6430664229, 42.88305664000001, 145.2474365077, 60.619262719999995], [120.86010743999998, 53.968200704000026, 142.5869140286, 115.6014404096], [185.17504879810002, 25.716613785599975, 285.93701170270003, 64.56304931839998], [57.40930177989998, 28.47827148800002, 96.14208985250002, 125.9417114112], [184.60958862304688, 27.412811279296875, 196.02597045898438, 61.897674560546875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046375.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[228.90820314409999, 380.2685547008, 544.9089355285, 497.0001830912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046375_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[79.90820314409999, 29.268554700799996, 395.9089355285, 146.00018309119997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046375.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five potted plants.", "boxes_value": [[228.90820314409999, 380.2685547008, 544.9089355285, 497.0001830912], [228.90820314409999, 380.2685547008, 275.482971212, 448.6567993344], [294.34869387410004, 396.7760620032, 327.9532470689, 459.2687988224], [362.7369384986, 399.7238769664, 419.3341064166, 475.7762450944], [440.5579834281, 423.3059692544, 485.3640136477, 485.7987060736], [494.79699706499997, 415.6417846784, 544.9089355285, 497.0001830912]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046375_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five potted plants.", "boxes_value": [[79.90820314409999, 29.268554700799996, 395.9089355285, 146.00018309119997], [79.90820314409999, 29.268554700799996, 126.482971212, 97.65679933439998], [145.34869387410004, 45.776062003200025, 178.9532470689, 108.26879882240002], [213.7369384986, 48.723876966399985, 270.3341064166, 124.7762450944], [291.5579834281, 72.3059692544, 336.3640136477, 134.7987060736], [345.79699706499997, 64.64178467839997, 395.9089355285, 146.00018309119997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046379.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[34.014160180000005, 287.1473388544, 313.7292480465, 424.6099243008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046379_crop.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[34.014160180000005, 35.147338854400004, 313.7292480465, 172.6099243008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046379.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people, a carriage, and a horse.", "boxes_value": [[34.014160180000005, 287.1473388544, 313.7292480465, 424.6099243008], [278.22900390999996, 307.6680297984, 313.7292480465, 424.6099243008], [218.48620608099998, 318.0885620224, 247.943298317, 408.82690432], [184.0138549535, 322.9398803456, 220.39776608850002, 406.5376586752], [34.014160180000005, 287.1473388544, 72.130126926, 335.7265625088], [55.8271484485, 272.0930786304, 79.026184094, 309.705749504], [71.613464351, 291.0366821376, 103.59796139550001, 332.2184448], [30.564941407, 327.8911132672, 124.85412596799998, 446.9718017536], [44.0324096355, 323.5792846848, 93.8081054625, 450.064147968]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046379_crop.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people, a carriage, and a horse.", "boxes_value": [[34.014160180000005, 35.147338854400004, 313.7292480465, 172.6099243008], [278.22900390999996, 55.66802979840003, 313.7292480465, 172.6099243008], [218.48620608099998, 66.08856202240003, 247.943298317, 156.82690431999998], [184.0138549535, 70.93988034559999, 220.39776608850002, 154.53765867520002], [34.014160180000005, 35.147338854400004, 72.130126926, 83.72656250879999], [55.8271484485, 20.093078630399987, 79.026184094, 57.70574950399998], [71.613464351, 39.036682137599996, 103.59796139550001, 80.21844479999999], [30.564941407, 75.89111326720001, 124.85412596799998, 194.9718017536], [44.0324096355, 71.57928468479997, 93.8081054625, 198.064147968]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046381.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[96.1948852209, 106.1116333056, 648.6750488499, 183.8681030144]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046381_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[96.1948852209, 20.111633305599995, 648.6750488499, 97.86810301439999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046381.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four umbrellas, two people, two vans, and a machinery vehicle.", "boxes_value": [[96.1948852209, 106.1116333056, 648.6750488499, 183.8681030144], [603.2740478355, 106.1116333056, 648.6750488499, 126.3322754048], [536.8892821995, 119.6556396544, 575.4229736615999, 147.506713856], [493.5865478376, 122.8985595904, 535.7447509785001, 140.6392822272], [452.889160185, 133.3150635008, 476.5485839511, 183.8681030144], [159.4366455057, 147.7444457984, 223.3389282225, 204.1288452096], [326.9700317649, 121.1932983296, 377.5986328314, 145.86511232], [489.7286377134, 134.3598022656, 571.7709961209, 158.3956909056], [367.4543457273, 112.3275757056, 508.1392822254, 196.9564819456], [96.1948852209, 136.8795776512, 132.870483372, 170.6597289984]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 6], [4, 5], [7, 9], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046381_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four umbrellas, two people, two vans, and a machinery vehicle.", "boxes_value": [[96.1948852209, 20.111633305599995, 648.6750488499, 97.86810301439999], [603.2740478355, 20.111633305599995, 648.6750488499, 40.3322754048], [536.8892821995, 33.655639654400005, 575.4229736615999, 61.506713856000005], [493.5865478376, 36.8985595904, 535.7447509785001, 54.6392822272], [452.889160185, 47.315063500799994, 476.5485839511, 97.86810301439999], [159.4366455057, 61.744445798399994, 223.3389282225, 117], [326.9700317649, 35.1932983296, 377.5986328314, 59.86511232000001], [489.7286377134, 48.359802265599996, 571.7709961209, 72.39569090559999], [367.4543457273, 26.327575705599997, 508.1392822254, 110.95648194559999], [96.1948852209, 50.87957765120001, 132.870483372, 84.6597289984]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 6], [4, 5], [7, 9], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046382.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[313.6691894784, 402.3032226816, 512.2663574016, 511.6187133952]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046382_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[49.66918947840003, 28.303222681600005, 248.26635740159998, 137.61871339520002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046382.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cups, a spoon, a fork, a wine glass, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[313.6691894784, 402.3032226816, 512.2663574016, 511.6187133952], [443.72326663679996, 460.8506469888, 492.9212646144, 510.9042968576], [391.1026611456, 490.7973022208, 412.9210205184, 511.332153344], [313.6691894784, 481.8132934656, 332.0649414144, 510.4765014528], [464.96276858880003, 425.4049682432, 512.2663574016, 487.0094604288], [403.724975616, 378.1014404096, 456.52893066239994, 487.0094604288], [363.38867189760003, 402.3032226816, 408.85864258559997, 472.3417358336], [367.42224122880003, 480.8164673024, 385.02355960320006, 511.6187133952]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 6], [2], [3], [5], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046382_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cups, a spoon, a fork, a wine glass, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[49.66918947840003, 28.303222681600005, 248.26635740159998, 137.61871339520002], [179.72326663679996, 86.85064698880001, 228.9212646144, 136.9042968576], [127.1026611456, 116.79730222080002, 148.92102051839998, 137.332153344], [49.66918947840003, 107.8132934656, 68.06494141439998, 136.4765014528], [200.96276858880003, 51.40496824320002, 248.26635740159998, 113.00946042880003], [139.724975616, 4.101440409600002, 192.52893066239994, 113.00946042880003], [99.38867189760003, 28.303222681600005, 144.85864258559997, 98.34173583360001], [103.42224122880003, 106.81646730239999, 121.02355960320006, 137.61871339520002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 6], [2], [3], [5], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046383.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[209.31744384, 0.238769504, 433.416748032, 567.119506824]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046383_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[56.31744384000001, 0.238769504, 280.416748032, 567.119506824]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046383.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, a storage box, two cabinets, and a flag.", "boxes_value": [[209.31744384, 0.238769504, 433.416748032, 567.119506824], [193.127441408, 496.744873076, 235.1694336, 557.979980448], [269.5951538176, 497.963501004, 328.0883789312, 567.119506824], [380.2345581056, 531.448608372, 444.864379904, 587.46118164], [320.3051147264, 471.910888648, 384.9349365248, 592.161498996], [371.4727783424, 392.02209473199997, 412.4329833984, 451.112182588], [239.697570816, 419.461425812, 368.21478272, 507.98547364], [209.31744384, 0.238769504, 433.416748032, 292.812866196]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046383_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, a storage box, two cabinets, and a flag.", "boxes_value": [[56.31744384000001, 0.238769504, 280.416748032, 567.119506824], [40.12744140800001, 496.744873076, 82.16943359999999, 557.979980448], [116.59515381760002, 497.963501004, 175.0883789312, 567.119506824], [227.2345581056, 531.448608372, 291.864379904, 587.46118164], [167.3051147264, 471.910888648, 231.93493652479998, 592.161498996], [218.47277834239998, 392.02209473199997, 259.4329833984, 451.112182588], [86.697570816, 419.461425812, 215.21478272000002, 507.98547364], [56.31744384000001, 0.238769504, 280.416748032, 292.812866196]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046384.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[218.3425903086, 198.4554443264, 309.4502563497, 274.4967041024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046384_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[23.342590308599995, 19.4554443264, 114.4502563497, 95.49670410239997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046384.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a suv, and four street lights.", "boxes_value": [[218.3425903086, 198.4554443264, 309.4502563497, 274.4967041024], [241.0070800842, 258.2579956224, 260.1191406295, 273.9578857472], [218.3425903086, 198.4554443264, 237.2857055448, 274.4967041024], [248.7595825034, 206.5593261568, 264.4606323151, 257.889770496], [275.0286865341, 209.5787963904, 294.9569701908, 270.269470208], [293.74914547779997, 212.2962646528, 309.4502563497, 269.0617065472]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046384_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a suv, and four street lights.", "boxes_value": [[23.342590308599995, 19.4554443264, 114.4502563497, 95.49670410239997], [46.0070800842, 79.25799562240002, 65.11914062950001, 94.95788574720001], [23.342590308599995, 19.4554443264, 42.28570554480001, 95.49670410239997], [53.7595825034, 27.55932615680001, 69.46063231509999, 78.88977049599998], [80.02868653410002, 30.578796390399987, 99.9569701908, 91.26947020799997], [98.74914547779997, 33.296264652800005, 114.4502563497, 90.0617065472]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046385.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three flowers, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[0.761901824, 72.64202879999999, 147.10058592, 362.828247072], [99.253295872, 97.956970224, 108.989807104, 152.48132323199997], [112.235290496, 72.64202879999999, 140.146606464, 150.53405760000004], [17.529785152, 142.781311056, 131.46270751999998, 362.828247072], [25.34875488, 138.31335451200002, 147.10058592, 306.978759744], [0.761901824, 130.49438476799997, 25.98022464, 162.25549315199999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5], [3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046390.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[218.648681640625, 2.8681030144, 541.6374511565, 206.70794677734375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046390_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bicycle, two street lights, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[218.648681640625, 2.8681030144, 541.6374511565, 206.70794677734375], [251.26409914969997, 185.611999488, 272.33789065350004, 206.0167236096], [302.66662599480003, 46.2007446528, 329.2868652188, 181.63671874559998], [508.09301758339996, 2.8681030144, 541.6374511565, 179.2031860224], [254.34458923339844, 169.9417724609375, 271.82208251953125, 205.37969970703125], [218.648681640625, 169.0687255859375, 230.96731567382812, 206.70794677734375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046390_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four bottles, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[193.66790768639999, 433.1646728704, 376.7773437696, 511.6816406016], [353.78027343360003, 445.4247436288, 376.7773437696, 488.0534667776], [360.56970216959996, 488.2451782144, 378.4600829952, 511.3309326336], [277.1539306752, 433.1646728704, 361.0662842112, 511.05017088], [253.7835693312, 446.9662475776, 282.053955072, 511.6816406016], [193.66790768639999, 463.8139038208, 224.030639616, 511.4015502848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046391_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four bottles, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[46.667907686399985, 20.16467287040001, 229.7773437696, 98.68164060160001], [206.78027343360003, 32.4247436288, 229.7773437696, 75.05346677760002], [213.56970216959996, 75.24517821440003, 231.46008299520003, 98.33093263360001], [130.1539306752, 20.16467287040001, 214.0662842112, 98.05017088], [106.7835693312, 33.96624757759997, 135.053955072, 98.68164060160001], [46.667907686399985, 50.81390382080002, 77.030639616, 98.40155028480001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046393.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[350.233459456, 179.589538576, 511.3616943104, 300.8399658208]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046393_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[41.23345945599999, 30.589538575999995, 202.36169431040003, 151.8399658208]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046393.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a mirror, three benches, and a cabinet.", "boxes_value": [[350.233459456, 179.589538576, 511.3616943104, 300.8399658208], [494.6625366016, 179.589538576, 511.3616943104, 220.24835207200002], [414.0709838848, 265.263549768, 454.729797376, 300.8399658208], [456.1818847744, 263.0853271312, 482.3197021696, 290.6752930032], [474.0769042944, 255.9082031296, 502.7040405504, 281.4237060208], [350.233459456, 190.63281251840002, 372.0149536256, 234.19586181600002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046393_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a mirror, three benches, and a cabinet.", "boxes_value": [[41.23345945599999, 30.589538575999995, 202.36169431040003, 151.8399658208], [185.66253660159998, 30.589538575999995, 202.36169431040003, 71.24835207200002], [105.0709838848, 116.26354976800002, 145.72979737600002, 151.8399658208], [147.18188477439998, 114.08532713120002, 173.31970216960002, 141.6752930032], [165.07690429439998, 106.9082031296, 193.7040405504, 132.4237060208], [41.23345945599999, 41.632812518400016, 63.014953625600015, 85.19586181600002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046394.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[359.3652343848, 102.5132446208, 547.0032958908, 259.5051269632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046394_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[47.365234384799976, 39.513244620799995, 235.00329589080002, 196.50512696319998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046394.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two umbrellas, two trash bin cans, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[359.3652343848, 102.5132446208, 547.0032958908, 259.5051269632], [535.3275146996, 102.5132446208, 547.0032958908, 129.3588256768], [322.84680176, 108.9619750912, 473.3175048938, 196.5442504704], [392.50683591980004, 116.0632324096, 513.9046630634, 176.9312133632], [514.0321045076, 167.6036987392, 533.1365967116, 196.7263794176], [408.580200217, 167.7531738112, 431.7382812386, 193.3029174784], [359.3652343848, 227.02026368, 537.3823242508, 259.5051269632]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046394_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two umbrellas, two trash bin cans, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[47.365234384799976, 39.513244620799995, 235.00329589080002, 196.50512696319998], [223.3275146996, 39.513244620799995, 235.00329589080002, 66.3588256768], [10.846801760000005, 45.9619750912, 161.3175048938, 133.5442504704], [80.50683591980004, 53.063232409600005, 201.9046630634, 113.93121336319999], [202.03210450760002, 104.60369873920001, 221.13659671159996, 133.7263794176], [96.58020021700003, 104.75317381120001, 119.7382812386, 130.3029174784], [47.365234384799976, 164.02026368, 225.38232425080002, 196.50512696319998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046397.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[386.6430204928, 254.865478488, 511.6014404096, 639.6295166]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046397_crop.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[31.64302049280002, 96.86547848800001, 156.6014404096, 481.6295166]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046397.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a sneakers, and a hurdle.", "boxes_value": [[386.6430204928, 254.865478488, 511.6014404096, 639.6295166], [385.262329088, 193.93304446, 468.237670912, 498.45251464399996], [454.962829568, 254.865478488, 484.2243652096, 406.398315456], [485.2694091776, 267.9287109, 511.395751936, 367.731323268], [386.6430204928, 476.765558888, 407.0809413632, 497.93340546], [470.2379150336, 366.291992176, 511.6014404096, 639.6295166]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046397_crop.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a sneakers, and a hurdle.", "boxes_value": [[31.64302049280002, 96.86547848800001, 156.6014404096, 481.6295166], [30.262329088, 35.93304445999999, 113.237670912, 340.45251464399996], [99.96282956800002, 96.86547848800001, 129.22436520960002, 248.39831545599998], [130.26940917759998, 109.9287109, 156.395751936, 209.73132326799998], [31.64302049280002, 318.765558888, 52.0809413632, 339.93340546], [115.23791503360002, 208.291992176, 156.6014404096, 481.6295166]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046399.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[97.0197753856, 268.36547851750004, 394.0710449152, 344.614624029]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046399_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[75.0197753856, 19.365478517500037, 372.0710449152, 95.61462402900003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046399.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three couches.", "boxes_value": [[97.0197753856, 268.36547851750004, 394.0710449152, 344.614624029], [97.0197753856, 272.8315429541, 112.9701538304, 292.1846923567], [149.124389632, 268.36547851750004, 172.3056030208, 286.8679199178], [354.6024169984, 275.01025393140003, 378.0245971456, 302.0921630506], [241.6378173952, 311.9416503853, 355.339599616, 344.614624029], [303.367004416, 299.1793213214, 394.0710449152, 322.1538086078], [172.3831787008, 301.5662841503, 289.0452880896, 342.7412109589]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046399_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three couches.", "boxes_value": [[75.0197753856, 19.365478517500037, 372.0710449152, 95.61462402900003], [75.0197753856, 23.831542954099973, 90.9701538304, 43.1846923567], [127.124389632, 19.365478517500037, 150.3056030208, 37.86791991780001], [332.6024169984, 26.01025393140003, 356.0245971456, 53.09216305059999], [219.6378173952, 62.94165038530002, 333.339599616, 95.61462402900003], [281.367004416, 50.17932132139998, 372.0710449152, 73.15380860779999], [150.3831787008, 52.56628415030002, 267.0452880896, 93.74121095890001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046400.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a mirror, a lamp, a cabinet, two desks, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[334.03839111328125, 133.7616577024, 768.3570556416, 510.7939452928], [438.07055662080006, 222.6087035904, 498.305908224, 321.2440185344], [666.964721664, 133.7616577024, 710.6352539136001, 195.5028686336], [599.564819328, 338.0781250048, 622.394409216, 406.010192896], [184.0691528448, 399.201232896, 631.846435584, 512.232421888], [627.6396484608, 339.9620361216, 768.3570556416, 510.7939452928], [334.03839111328125, 342.10772705078125, 399.58111572265625, 404.8966064453125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046400_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a mirror, a lamp, a cabinet, two desks, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[109.03839111328125, 94.76165770239999, 543, 471.7939452928], [213.07055662080006, 183.6087035904, 273.305908224, 282.2440185344], [441.96472166399997, 94.76165770239999, 485.6352539136001, 156.5028686336], [374.564819328, 299.0781250048, 397.394409216, 367.010192896], [0, 360.201232896, 406.846435584, 473], [402.6396484608, 300.9620361216, 543, 471.7939452928], [109.03839111328125, 303.10772705078125, 174.58111572265625, 365.8966064453125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046401.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[427.67675778610004, 192.530334464, 520.3830566324, 279.109069824]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046401_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[23.67675778610004, 22.530334463999992, 116.38305663239998, 109.10906982400002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046401.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, two cars, and a stroller.", "boxes_value": [[427.67675778610004, 192.530334464, 520.3830566324, 279.109069824], [437.70397947960004, 198.6743163904, 466.9996338171, 278.226013184], [431.12670901340005, 209.7791748096, 455.6079101475, 241.2075805696], [427.67675778610004, 192.530334464, 481.7364501828, 220.0091552768], [462.6988525514, 186.2443237376, 519.6320801012, 208.5147094528], [455.7458495788, 234.066650368, 520.3830566324, 279.109069824]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046401_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, two cars, and a stroller.", "boxes_value": [[23.67675778610004, 22.530334463999992, 116.38305663239998, 109.10906982400002], [33.70397947960004, 28.67431639040001, 62.999633817100005, 108.22601318400001], [27.126709013400045, 39.77917480959999, 51.60791014749998, 71.2075805696], [23.67675778610004, 22.530334463999992, 77.73645018280001, 50.00915527679999], [58.69885255140002, 16.244323737600013, 115.63208010120002, 38.51470945279999], [51.745849578800005, 64.06665036800001, 116.38305663239998, 109.10906982400002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046403.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, three people, and a bicycle.", "boxes_value": [[0.017883323099999997, 24.245910630400004, 168.3295898163, 119.75372313600002], [27.656494144699998, 50.900939929599986, 82.0296020821, 89.68450928639999], [84.032165502, 52.399353036799994, 100.97320558970002, 90.25244139519998], [46.4647827446, 24.245910630400004, 72.2894286918, 84.26293944320003], [0.017883323099999997, 39.971557631999985, 24.1027221987, 119.75372313600002], [142.2792968697, 57.84326169600001, 168.3295898163, 87.33416750079999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046406.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0, 338.2061157376, 80.4915161088, 447.2342529536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046406_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0, 28.206115737599987, 80.4915161088, 137.2342529536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046406.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, a backpack, a luggage, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[0, 338.2061157376, 80.4915161088, 447.2342529536], [23.5471802112, 365.496643072, 68.7003783936, 468.8736572416], [55.3051757568, 410.54302976, 80.4915161088, 447.2342529536], [0, 338.2061157376, 17.3314209024, 362.1005249024], [5.9464721663999995, 359.5142212096, 27.0297241344, 388.5248413184], [0.14318466186523438, 337.6386413574219, 28.346145629882812, 398.3671569824219]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046406_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, a backpack, a luggage, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[0, 28.206115737599987, 80.4915161088, 137.2342529536], [23.5471802112, 55.49664307199998, 68.7003783936, 158.87365724159997], [55.3051757568, 100.54302976000002, 80.4915161088, 137.2342529536], [0, 28.206115737599987, 17.3314209024, 52.100524902400025], [5.9464721663999995, 49.51422120960001, 27.0297241344, 78.52484131839998], [0.14318466186523438, 27.638641357421875, 28.346145629882812, 88.36715698242188]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046407.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[484.14147947519996, 169.1337890816, 767.5906982399999, 510.9990844928]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046407_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[71.14147947519996, 86.13378908160001, 354.59069823999994, 427.9990844928]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046407.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, a pillow, a desk, a person, a book, two slippers, and two dogs.", "boxes_value": [[484.14147947519996, 169.1337890816, 767.5906982399999, 510.9990844928], [412.8085937664, 128.8524169728, 744.0798339840001, 361.6375732224], [597.9552002304, 183.1816406016, 691.338134784, 278.6788940288], [535.1654052864, 333.3306274304, 767.5906982399999, 510.9990844928], [478.69311521279997, 125.0758056448, 588.2093505792, 342.7220459008], [617.3261718528, 339.2370605568, 704.2637939711999, 405.493591296], [568.9552002048, 251.2183227392, 589.5710449152, 271.5593261568], [511.2307128576, 318.0137939456, 527.9982910464, 341.1035766784], [513.1811523072, 176.337402368, 547.1732177664001, 214.83172608], [484.14147947519996, 169.1337890816, 520.1596679424, 240.7197265408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7], [8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046407_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, a pillow, a desk, a person, a book, two slippers, and two dogs.", "boxes_value": [[71.14147947519996, 86.13378908160001, 354.59069823999994, 427.9990844928], [0, 45.8524169728, 331.07983398400006, 278.6375732224], [184.9552002304, 100.18164060160001, 278.338134784, 195.67889402880002], [122.16540528639996, 250.3306274304, 354.59069823999994, 427.9990844928], [65.69311521279997, 42.0758056448, 175.20935057919996, 259.7220459008], [204.32617185280003, 256.2370605568, 291.2637939711999, 322.493591296], [155.9552002048, 168.2183227392, 176.5710449152, 188.5593261568], [98.2307128576, 235.0137939456, 114.99829104640003, 258.1035766784], [100.18115230720002, 93.337402368, 134.17321776640006, 131.83172608], [71.14147947519996, 86.13378908160001, 107.1596679424, 157.7197265408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7], [8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046408.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include six storage boxes, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[517.1612548608, 166.3520507904, 769.1257324032001, 348.4053344768], [642.563232384, 228.9019775488, 711.9251708928, 272.7094726656], [719.698730496, 256.447937024, 768.551025408, 319.6686401536], [734.6417236224, 270.81628416, 769.1257324032001, 348.4053344768], [626.8089599232, 215.068664576, 674.2818603264, 251.5524292096], [589.00646976, 186.4970092544, 612.7429198847999, 225.6182251008], [613.56628416, 166.3520507904, 659.7934569984, 199.2924194304], [517.1612548608, 200.212158208, 550.5711670272, 212.1235351552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046408_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two sandals, a sneakers, and two bowls.", "boxes_value": [[87.76164458999997, 27.93719482421875, 436.19219970703125, 138.19871774720002], [87.76164458999997, 90.941581568, 132.685095009, 117.49769881600002], [103.41678643049997, 101.40310108160003, 159.2307702705, 138.19871774720002], [325.3977389775, 39.77109852159998, 357.158581878, 68.93332700159999], [413.43536376953125, 36.1986083984375, 436.19219970703125, 51.55401611328125], [396.9586486816406, 27.93719482421875, 415.4190673828125, 42.95123291015625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046410.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[29.6519775744, 317.9346924032, 251.61151123046875, 424.0254516736]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046410_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[29.6519775744, 26.934692403200017, 251.61151123046875, 133.0254516736]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046410.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, an umbrella, two people, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[29.6519775744, 317.9346924032, 251.61151123046875, 424.0254516736], [29.6519775744, 317.9346924032, 113.6879272704, 401.9706420736], [111.4500122112, 321.4859619328, 166.00646976000002, 367.2108764672], [194.5261230336, 307.158203136, 247.83612057599998, 354.317016576], [159.9369507072, 337.1561279488, 182.2819213824, 398.6676635648], [60.012084940799994, 330.8794555904, 95.4125976576, 424.0254516736], [246.41754150390625, 408.89385986328125, 251.61151123046875, 418.2196044921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046410_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, an umbrella, two people, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[29.6519775744, 26.934692403200017, 251.61151123046875, 133.0254516736], [29.6519775744, 26.934692403200017, 113.6879272704, 110.9706420736], [111.4500122112, 30.485961932800024, 166.00646976000002, 76.21087646720002], [194.5261230336, 16.158203135999997, 247.83612057599998, 63.317016576000015], [159.9369507072, 46.15612794880002, 182.2819213824, 107.66766356480002], [60.012084940799994, 39.87945559040003, 95.4125976576, 133.0254516736], [246.41754150390625, 117.89385986328125, 251.61151123046875, 127.2196044921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046412.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[235.88854977510002, 190.9984741376, 594.4447021397, 312.43920896]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046412_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[89.88854977510002, 30.9984741376, 448.4447021397, 152.43920895999997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046412.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[235.88854977510002, 190.9984741376, 594.4447021397, 312.43920896], [235.88854977510002, 222.4156494336, 295.55224606269996, 312.43920896], [247.6395263855, 189.2442016768, 342.54406736050004, 327.6456299008], [350.9919433594, 194.431762688, 433.6236572254, 278.6473998848], [369.7359619469, 190.9997558784, 409.8637695683, 255.9434814464], [514.1459960503, 191.888732928, 594.4447021397, 271.6055908352], [209.0296631308, 212.4100952064, 276.74536136940003, 312.7956542976], [370.034668006, 190.9984741376, 393.9088134653, 208.904052736]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046412_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[89.88854977510002, 30.9984741376, 448.4447021397, 152.43920895999997], [89.88854977510002, 62.41564943360001, 149.55224606269996, 152.43920895999997], [101.6395263855, 29.244201676800003, 196.54406736050004, 167.64562990079997], [204.9919433594, 34.43176268799999, 287.6236572254, 118.6473998848], [223.73596194689998, 30.99975587840001, 263.8637695683, 95.9434814464], [368.1459960503, 31.888732927999996, 448.4447021397, 111.60559083520002], [63.0296631308, 52.4100952064, 130.74536136940003, 152.79565429759998], [224.034668006, 30.9984741376, 247.9088134653, 48.90405273600001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046413.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 211.8140258816, 307.9096069661, 395.429138176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046413_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 46.8140258816, 307.9096069661, 230.42913817599998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046413.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, a book, a cup, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[0, 211.8140258816, 307.9096069661, 395.429138176], [0, 274.519531264, 133.2164306355, 395.429138176], [171.82849121829997, 256.3308105216, 332.5712890744, 398.3404540928], [245.35662843779997, 274.2324829184, 307.9096069661, 289.3494262784], [78.16815188140001, 219.857543936, 96.1799926562, 240.0466308608], [0.1066894493, 211.8140258816, 101.22692867800001, 304.5322875904]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046413_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, a book, a cup, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[0, 46.8140258816, 307.9096069661, 230.42913817599998], [0, 109.51953126400002, 133.2164306355, 230.42913817599998], [171.82849121829997, 91.33081052159997, 332.5712890744, 233.34045409279997], [245.35662843779997, 109.23248291840002, 307.9096069661, 124.34942627840002], [78.16815188140001, 54.85754393600001, 96.1799926562, 75.04663086080001], [0.1066894493, 46.8140258816, 101.22692867800001, 139.53228759040002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046414.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[171.7847900484, 14.4630127104, 424.5541992045, 326.543151872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046414_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[63.7847900484, 14.4630127104, 316.5541992045, 326.543151872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046414.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a cabinet, a handbag, and two speakers.", "boxes_value": [[171.7847900484, 14.4630127104, 424.5541992045, 326.543151872], [278.36260986720004, 14.4630127104, 349.7827148139, 77.8983154176], [173.7107543925, 90.4984741376, 451.3590087576, 315.1246338048], [171.7847900484, 309.7734374912, 235.5098266338, 326.543151872], [320.78967287520004, 119.3123168768, 351.42559813979994, 167.5688476672], [388.6835326977, 119.5554809344, 424.5541992045, 167.9550171136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046414_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a cabinet, a handbag, and two speakers.", "boxes_value": [[63.7847900484, 14.4630127104, 316.5541992045, 326.543151872], [170.36260986720004, 14.4630127104, 241.7827148139, 77.8983154176], [65.71075439250001, 90.4984741376, 343.3590087576, 315.1246338048], [63.7847900484, 309.7734374912, 127.5098266338, 326.543151872], [212.78967287520004, 119.3123168768, 243.42559813979994, 167.5688476672], [280.6835326977, 119.5554809344, 316.5541992045, 167.9550171136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046416.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[10.579223608, 133.6437378048, 321.91064455000003, 296.3112793088]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046416_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[10.579223608, 41.6437378048, 321.91064455000003, 204.3112793088]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046416.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[489.02856446879997, 363.83538816, 642.007324188, 413.2951660032]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046418_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[39.02856446879997, 12.83538815999998, 192.00732418799998, 62.295166003199995]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046418.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a bench, a potted plant, a person, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[489.02856446879997, 363.83538816, 642.007324188, 413.2951660032], [489.02856446879997, 363.83538816, 510.14343263760003, 400.6827392512], [560.4462890927999, 366.5264892416, 584.459106444, 403.1668701184], [480.12731933760006, 358.8671875072, 577.2138671736001, 397.5776367104], [591.0833740536, 366.9404907008, 642.007324188, 404.2019042816], [511.1197509744, 334.9877929472, 541.4897460816, 422.7727050752], [529.7047119288, 384.4760131584, 547.3085937551999, 413.2951660032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046418_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a bench, a potted plant, a person, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[39.02856446879997, 12.83538815999998, 192.00732418799998, 62.295166003199995], [39.02856446879997, 12.83538815999998, 60.14343263760003, 49.68273925120002], [110.44628909279993, 15.526489241600018, 134.45910644399999, 52.16687011840003], [30.127319337600056, 7.867187507200015, 127.21386717360008, 46.577636710399986], [141.08337405359998, 15.940490700800012, 192.00732418799998, 53.20190428159998], [61.119750974400006, 0, 91.48974608159995, 71.77270507520001], [79.70471192879995, 33.47601315840001, 97.30859375519992, 62.295166003199995]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046422.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a cabinet, a person, a glasses, a moniter, a keyboard, and two routers.", "boxes_value": [[27.3716430643, 81.4566650368, 683.0300293244001, 493.4196777472], [27.3716430643, 281.8359985152, 108.59802245099999, 399.5686034944], [341.3253173543, 82.8770141696, 681.745971703, 510.912658688], [89.98999022489998, 0.6528320512, 406.34228518000003, 512.2739257856], [197.42498777699998, 81.4566650368, 301.1512451286, 123.1849975808], [443.9559326063, 212.2175903232, 683.0300293244001, 493.4196777472], [400.84716797320004, 416.4870605312, 676.1341552721, 512.0220947456], [468.80871579240005, 88.4306640384, 611.6229248364999, 129.8546753024], [379.2537842052, 84.0910034432, 488.13989257289995, 117.6247558656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046422_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a cabinet, a person, a glasses, a moniter, a keyboard, and two routers.", "boxes_value": [[27.3716430643, 81.4566650368, 683, 493.4196777472], [27.3716430643, 281.8359985152, 108.59802245099999, 399.5686034944], [341.3253173543, 82.8770141696, 681.745971703, 510.912658688], [89.98999022489998, 0.6528320512, 406.34228518000003, 512], [197.42498777699998, 81.4566650368, 301.1512451286, 123.1849975808], [443.9559326063, 212.2175903232, 683, 493.4196777472], [400.84716797320004, 416.4870605312, 676.1341552721, 512], [468.80871579240005, 88.4306640384, 611.6229248364999, 129.8546753024], [379.2537842052, 84.0910034432, 488.13989257289995, 117.6247558656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046423.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[322.0574951424, 0, 767.7752685312, 512.6123046912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046423_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[112.0574951424, 0, 557.7752685312, 512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046423.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people, three helmets, two gloves, and two hockey sticks.", "boxes_value": [[322.0574951424, 0, 767.7752685312, 512.6123046912], [322.0574951424, 0, 767.7752685312, 512.6123046912], [417.1591796736, 229.5986328064, 526.0106201088, 417.510498048], [247.98944094719997, 257.752685568, 475.84069824, 487.568237312], [276.47082516480003, 220.432189952, 437.5382079744, 397.2133789184], [391.0765380864, 159.6014404096, 409.3657226496, 222.420959488], [557.2656250368, 0.4445190656, 721.6254882816, 87.32458496], [314.90722659840003, 433.8071899648, 515.2167969024, 511.1044311552], [274.801269504, 138.2872314368, 404.05895992319995, 512.1285400576], [472.7236328448, 112.4135741952, 584.1794433791999, 402.9946899456], [357.68743896484375, 219.64071655273438, 436.29876708984375, 280.82110595703125], [415.6474609375, 230.79556274414062, 512.8618774414062, 327.9355773925781], [442.13726806640625, 256.4126892089844, 526.4336547851562, 347.3115539550781]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 10, 11], [7, 12], [8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046423_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people, three helmets, two gloves, and two hockey sticks.", "boxes_value": [[112.0574951424, 0, 557.7752685312, 512], [112.0574951424, 0, 557.7752685312, 512], [207.15917967360002, 229.5986328064, 316.0106201088, 417.510498048], [37.98944094719997, 257.752685568, 265.84069824, 487.568237312], [66.47082516480003, 220.432189952, 227.5382079744, 397.2133789184], [181.07653808639998, 159.6014404096, 199.3657226496, 222.420959488], [347.2656250368, 0.4445190656, 511.62548828160004, 87.32458496], [104.90722659840003, 433.8071899648, 305.2167969024, 511.1044311552], [64.801269504, 138.2872314368, 194.05895992319995, 512], [262.7236328448, 112.4135741952, 374.17944337919994, 402.9946899456], [147.68743896484375, 219.64071655273438, 226.29876708984375, 280.82110595703125], [205.6474609375, 230.79556274414062, 302.86187744140625, 327.9355773925781], [232.13726806640625, 256.4126892089844, 316.43365478515625, 347.3115539550781]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 10, 11], [7, 12], [8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046425.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a gloves, a sneakers, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[187.5746984448, 364.6792952884, 312.841796864, 454.605237803], [251.13720704, 368.8914795016, 272.1311035392, 398.66467282289995], [187.5746984448, 364.6792952884, 214.5524811776, 393.0958931099], [221.3868528128, 433.74241911120004, 248.724295424, 454.605237803], [232.186645504, 384.877929674, 289.5445556736, 425.555297838], [267.6912231424, 374.1303711025, 312.841796864, 400.3607177518]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046425_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a gloves, a sneakers, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[31.574698444799992, 22.6792952884, 156.841796864, 112.60523780300002], [95.13720703999999, 26.891479501599974, 116.13110353920001, 56.664672822899945], [31.574698444799992, 22.6792952884, 58.55248117759999, 51.095893109899976], [65.38685281279999, 91.74241911120004, 92.72429542399999, 112.60523780300002], [76.18664550400001, 42.87792967399997, 133.54455567359997, 83.555297838], [111.69122314240002, 32.13037110250002, 156.841796864, 58.360717751799996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046426.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[545.185180684, 43.0552368128, 670.9703979492188, 103.3912124633789]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046426_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[32.18518068399999, 16.055236812799997, 157.97039794921875, 76.3912124633789]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046426.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, a helmet, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[32.18518068399999, 16.055236812799997, 157.97039794921875, 76.3912124633789], [32.18518068399999, 37.936767590399995, 79.011718739, 59.818359398400005], [32.18518068399999, 16.055236812799997, 79.44934081229997, 58.505432115199994], [114.663818359375, 46.67474365234375, 126.2369384765625, 76.27587890625], [144.91339111328125, 47.75591278076172, 157.97039794921875, 75.3193130493164], [97.17755126953125, 47.39879608154297, 114.06610107421875, 76.3912124633789]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046427.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[635.1433105152, 402.6968384, 745.748535168, 482.5506591744]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046427_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[28.143310515200028, 20.69683839999999, 138.748535168, 100.55065917439998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046427.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three plates, a cup, and a bread.", "boxes_value": [[635.1433105152, 402.6968384, 745.748535168, 482.5506591744], [635.1433105152, 451.7262573056, 720.3636474624, 482.5506591744], [658.0422363648, 402.6968384, 686.6571045119999, 423.9368286208], [663.0571289088, 429.8367920128, 745.748535168, 451.0767212032], [676.8469238016, 416.8322143744, 731.6054687232, 446.5687256064], [646.4332275456, 440.8014526464, 702.5776366848, 478.2310180864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046427_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three plates, a cup, and a bread.", "boxes_value": [[28.143310515200028, 20.69683839999999, 138.748535168, 100.55065917439998], [28.143310515200028, 69.72625730559997, 113.36364746239997, 100.55065917439998], [51.04223636480003, 20.69683839999999, 79.65710451199993, 41.936828620799986], [56.057128908799996, 47.836792012800004, 138.748535168, 69.07672120320001], [69.84692380160004, 34.832214374399996, 124.60546872320003, 64.5687256064], [39.43322754559995, 58.80145264639998, 95.57763668480004, 96.23101808640001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046428.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[420.5928954974, 141.6057739264, 518.7535400053999, 283.6961059328]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046428_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[24.59289549739998, 35.60577392639999, 122.75354000539994, 177.69610593279998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046428.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a mirror, two lamps, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[420.5928954974, 141.6057739264, 518.7535400053999, 283.6961059328], [420.5928954974, 257.646240256, 479.7182617185, 283.0646362112], [467.6010741964, 141.6057739264, 515.9117431849, 228.7545165824], [473.28466799119997, 200.8100585984, 488.91467281340005, 229.7017822208], [462.86474605970005, 202.230957056, 473.28466799119997, 235.859008768], [444.39294434010003, 234.4381103616, 518.7535400053999, 283.6961059328]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046428_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a mirror, two lamps, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[24.59289549739998, 35.60577392639999, 122.75354000539994, 177.69610593279998], [24.59289549739998, 151.646240256, 83.7182617185, 177.06463621120002], [71.60107419640002, 35.60577392639999, 119.91174318490005, 122.75451658239999], [77.28466799119997, 94.81005859839999, 92.91467281340005, 123.7017822208], [66.86474605970005, 96.230957056, 77.28466799119997, 129.859008768], [48.39294434010003, 128.4381103616, 122.75354000539994, 177.69610593279998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046429.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[102.30329132080078, 435.783020032, 362.1301269408, 475.73809814453125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046429_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[65.30329132080078, 10.783020032000024, 325.1301269408, 50.73809814453125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046429.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a cabinet, a faucet, a sink, and a gas stove.", "boxes_value": [[123.4599609344, 0, 511.0189819392, 393.5319823946], [154.2774047744, 38.4730834696, 207.6455077888, 69.89544674679999], [420.530334464, 0, 511.0189819392, 159.34527590349998], [180.4364623872, 248.19970704999997, 202.6635742208, 278.5663452064], [123.4599609344, 294.6480712834, 234.2824096768, 302.5901489584], [324.8475952128, 335.2630615355, 496.1633911296, 393.5319823946]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046442_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. 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Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[350.071289029, 27.7550048768, 504.626098669, 376.5374145536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046447_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[39.07128902900001, 27.7550048768, 193.626098669, 376.5374145536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046447.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a sneakers, a helmet, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[350.071289029, 27.7550048768, 504.626098669, 376.5374145536], [350.071289029, 27.7550048768, 504.626098669, 376.5374145536], [391.14916995, 349.8714599424, 431.254882828, 375.9868164096], [389.47998050499996, 77.5181884928, 440.836547844, 137.438171392], [350.424926775, 186.6581421056, 365.405029297, 206.9880981504], [409.733520504, 27.9597778432, 432.72753909, 65.1040038912]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046447_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a sneakers, a helmet, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[39.07128902900001, 27.7550048768, 193.626098669, 376.5374145536], [39.07128902900001, 27.7550048768, 193.626098669, 376.5374145536], [80.14916994999999, 349.8714599424, 120.254882828, 375.9868164096], [78.47998050499996, 77.5181884928, 129.836547844, 137.438171392], [39.42492677500002, 186.6581421056, 54.405029297, 206.9880981504], [98.73352050400001, 27.9597778432, 121.72753909, 65.1040038912]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046449.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[277.1796875299, 197.0879516672, 566.6300048488, 268.4865112064]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046449_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, two glasses, a hat, and a cabinet.", "boxes_value": [[277.1796875299, 197.0879516672, 566.6300048488, 268.4865112064], [311.8988647603, 198.4828491264, 341.52258298519996, 217.8026733568], [277.1796875299, 248.32342528, 312.4650878791, 262.9874877952], [384.86889645260004, 243.7409057792, 425.1950683388, 268.4865112064], [503.286376983, 208.5225829888, 566.6300048488, 232.3981933568], [359.86181639499995, 197.0879516672, 546.1917724923, 227.6577148416]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046449_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, two glasses, a hat, and a cabinet.", "boxes_value": [[73.17968752989998, 18.087951667200002, 362.6300048488, 89.4865112064], [107.8988647603, 19.482849126399998, 137.52258298519996, 38.8026733568], [73.17968752989998, 69.32342528000001, 108.4650878791, 83.98748779520002], [180.86889645260004, 64.7409057792, 221.1950683388, 89.4865112064], [299.286376983, 29.522582988799996, 362.6300048488, 53.39819335679999], [155.86181639499995, 18.087951667200002, 342.19177249229995, 48.65771484160001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046451.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two helmets, a sneakers, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[501.46777344000003, 132.50231936, 639.6008300544, 378.4682617344], [431.95568847359993, 176.170166016, 642.27441408, 407.8772582912], [501.46777344000003, 132.50231936, 639.6008300544, 378.4682617344], [573.3616943616, 133.4884033024, 606.1070556672, 166.9780273664], [547.3142089728001, 178.5133666816, 583.4085693696, 213.11926272], [581.209594752, 346.3275757056, 611.0833740288, 367.386108416], [608.1448974335999, 281.1929321472, 638.4151611648, 304.848937984]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046451_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two helmets, a sneakers, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[35.46777344000003, 61.50231936, 173.60083005440003, 307.4682617344], [0, 105.170166016, 176.27441408000004, 336.8772582912], [35.46777344000003, 61.50231936, 173.60083005440003, 307.4682617344], [107.36169436160003, 62.4884033024, 140.10705566720003, 95.9780273664], [81.31420897280009, 107.51336668159999, 117.40856936959995, 142.11926272], [115.20959475200004, 275.3275757056, 145.0833740288, 296.386108416], [142.1448974335999, 210.1929321472, 172.4151611648, 233.84893798399997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046453.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five plates, a spoon, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[45.38342287360001, 49.118530252800014, 226.84301754880005, 241.8869628928], [45.38342287360001, 96.7421264896, 126.51562501119997, 124.89520261119998], [106.04064939519998, 107.74743654400001, 143.66333009919998, 140.2514648576], [153.13305664000006, 100.3252563456, 226.84301754880005, 133.3411254784], [116.02221683200003, 134.39331056639998, 217.37329100800002, 178.92645263359998], [93.75561525759997, 177.90264893440002, 217.88525393919997, 241.8869628928], [120.50061038079997, 49.118530252800014, 161.80065917440004, 91.8265380864], [6.7203369140625, 121.88800048828125, 101.958984375, 160.7991943359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5, 7], [2], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046454.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[513.1083984384, 172.3179931648, 705.5852050944, 271.3540039168]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046454_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[49.108398438399945, 25.317993164799987, 241.58520509439995, 124.35400391680002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046454.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[513.1083984384, 172.3179931648, 705.5852050944, 271.3540039168], [513.1083984384, 174.5878906368, 543.6518554367999, 271.3540039168], [694.1781005568, 172.3179931648, 705.5852050944, 201.8422851584], [562.910400384, 172.3762817536, 581.4210205439999, 234.1948852736], [520.5591430664062, 263.6875, 534.6068725585938, 270.19915771484375], [533.9109497070312, 257.8351135253906, 542.7816772460938, 269.3508605957031]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046454_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[49.108398438399945, 25.317993164799987, 241.58520509439995, 124.35400391680002], [49.108398438399945, 27.58789063680001, 79.6518554367999, 124.35400391680002], [230.17810055680002, 25.317993164799987, 241.58520509439995, 54.84228515839999], [98.91040038400001, 25.37628175360001, 117.42102054399993, 87.1948852736], [56.55914306640625, 116.6875, 70.60687255859375, 123.19915771484375], [69.91094970703125, 110.83511352539062, 78.78167724609375, 122.35086059570312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046456.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[138.5933837881, 59.5096435712, 682.4948730753, 512.8986816512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046456_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[136.5933837881, 59.5096435712, 680.4948730753, 512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046456.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, two people, two ballons, and a cell phone.", "boxes_value": [[138.5933837881, 59.5096435712, 682.4948730753, 512.8986816512], [38.3435668626, 0, 544.2482910064, 510.778808576], [606.3781738469, 82.9724121088, 682.4948730753, 511.45892331519997], [146.4175415131, 59.5096435712, 543.6940918294, 512.8986816512], [381.30444334879996, 212.1955566592, 605.7551269722001, 390.9952392704], [138.5933837881, 85.1336059392, 312.0671386804, 270.0201416192], [665.4160156279, 457.9478759936, 682.9631347335, 489.7482910208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046456_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, two people, two ballons, and a cell phone.", "boxes_value": [[136.5933837881, 59.5096435712, 680.4948730753, 512], [36.3435668626, 0, 542.2482910064, 510.778808576], [604.3781738469, 82.9724121088, 680.4948730753, 511.45892331519997], [144.4175415131, 59.5096435712, 541.6940918294, 512], [379.30444334879996, 212.1955566592, 603.7551269722001, 390.9952392704], [136.5933837881, 85.1336059392, 310.0671386804, 270.0201416192], [663.4160156279, 457.9478759936, 680.9631347335, 489.7482910208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046457.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[378.544555697, 0, 733.862915016, 361.486572288]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046457_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[89.54455569700002, 0, 444.862915016, 361.486572288]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046457.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a cabinet, a storage box, a barrel, a cleaning products, four cups, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[378.544555697, 0, 733.862915016, 361.486572288], [491.29101560000004, 296.016906752, 629.037231438, 371.3874511872], [378.544555697, 0, 733.862915016, 361.486572288], [409.931518535, 95.0375976448, 511.79077149200003, 150.4346924032], [641.1684570059999, 233.614746112, 693.684448226, 301.5104370176], [694.736206087, 263.9199218688, 741.173583997, 307.9315795968], [396.340454125, 292.9337158144, 469.342407226, 388.6254272512], [578.37646482, 239.451293952, 598.915527364, 299.6992797696], [612.608276357, 268.8906860544, 628.354858362, 300.3839111168], [506.879028348, 250.961059584, 540.3906250050001, 305.11810304], [461.399047879, 250.3626098688, 491.02087403599995, 297.3386840576], [537.697753901, 256.9452514816, 560.138549817, 303.3228759552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 9, 10, 11], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046457_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a cabinet, a storage box, a barrel, a cleaning products, four cups, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[89.54455569700002, 0, 444.862915016, 361.486572288], [202.29101560000004, 296.016906752, 340.03723143800005, 371.3874511872], [89.54455569700002, 0, 444.862915016, 361.486572288], [120.93151853500001, 95.0375976448, 222.79077149200003, 150.4346924032], [352.1684570059999, 233.614746112, 404.684448226, 301.5104370176], [405.736206087, 263.9199218688, 452.17358399700004, 307.9315795968], [107.34045412500001, 292.9337158144, 180.34240722599998, 388.6254272512], [289.37646482, 239.451293952, 309.915527364, 299.6992797696], [323.608276357, 268.8906860544, 339.35485836199996, 300.3839111168], [217.87902834800002, 250.961059584, 251.39062500500006, 305.11810304], [172.39904787900002, 250.3626098688, 202.02087403599995, 297.3386840576], [248.69775390100006, 256.9452514816, 271.138549817, 303.3228759552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 9, 10, 11], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046462.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[670.9056396795, 61.2421264896, 915.2104491765001, 512.2252197376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046462_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[61.90563967950004, 61.2421264896, 306, 512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046462.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, two people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[670.9056396795, 61.2421264896, 915.2104491765001, 512.2252197376], [670.9056396795, 61.2421264896, 727.9620361005, 120.0815429632], [708.5595703515, 150.8424682496, 915.2104491765001, 512.2252197376], [847.5877685415, 430.0728759808, 910.643432643, 482.3857421824], [779.9705810175001, 493.2704467968, 834.9190674165, 511.586608896], [847.550903283, 438.3220214784, 911.341674816, 481.270202624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046462_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, two people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[61.90563967950004, 61.2421264896, 306, 512], [61.90563967950004, 61.2421264896, 118.96203610049997, 120.0815429632], [99.55957035150004, 150.8424682496, 306, 512], [238.58776854150005, 430.0728759808, 301.643432643, 482.3857421824], [170.97058101750008, 493.2704467968, 225.91906741649996, 511.586608896], [238.55090328300003, 438.3220214784, 302.341674816, 481.270202624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046463.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[256.5755615083, 154.1743774208, 361.87500001160004, 413.2215576064]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046463_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[26.575561508299984, 65.1743774208, 131.87500001160004, 324.2215576064]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046463.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two chairs, a person, a book, and a canned.", "boxes_value": [[256.5755615083, 154.1743774208, 361.87500001160004, 413.2215576064], [256.5755615083, 302.567810048, 320.3106689236, 370.9867553792], [323.2275390607, 154.1743774208, 355.7229003921, 244.5273437696], [279.4166870364, 364.2828368896, 361.87500001160004, 413.2215576064], [241.0241699053, 271.684020992, 366.6109618988, 398.0161133056], [267.031555166, 316.2986450432, 322.17309572600004, 369.1709594624], [280.1646728472, 276.8359985152, 302.952209444, 304.1408080896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046463_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two chairs, a person, a book, and a canned.", "boxes_value": [[26.575561508299984, 65.1743774208, 131.87500001160004, 324.2215576064], [26.575561508299984, 213.567810048, 90.31066892360002, 281.9867553792], [93.2275390607, 65.1743774208, 125.72290039209997, 155.5273437696], [49.41668703639999, 275.2828368896, 131.87500001160004, 324.2215576064], [11.024169905299999, 182.684020992, 136.61096189879999, 309.0161133056], [37.031555165999976, 227.2986450432, 92.17309572600004, 280.1709594624], [50.164672847199995, 187.8359985152, 72.952209444, 215.1408080896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046464.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[394.3089294433594, 402.8647155761719, 535.673217792, 510.6600341796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046464_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[36.308929443359375, 27.864715576171875, 177.67321779199995, 135.6600341796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046464.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a gloves, a helmet, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[422.492919936, 85.8693237248, 639.5781249792001, 239.251525888], [422.492919936, 85.8693237248, 639.5781249792001, 239.251525888], [548.671630848, 175.7518920704, 578.6181640704001, 199.1206054912], [565.9818115584, 86.7778320384, 624.8363036928, 157.4031982592], [479.2993164288, 215.625122048, 494.44567871999993, 242.2827148288], [422.34899903999997, 204.113891584, 446.5832519424, 240.2632446464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046468_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two barrels, and a pot.", "boxes_value": [[45.32598876953125, 64.96398924799999, 222.6763915776, 324.7255859375], [41.43737794560002, 1.726989721600006, 155.5836791808, 270.3565673984], [173.8634643456, 64.96398924799999, 201.03881835520002, 91.84863283200002], [159.91064453119998, 140.25366210559997, 221.6314697216, 195.30194094080002], [194.68109132799998, 199.27441407999999, 222.6763915776, 229.06427002880002], [45.32598876953125, 193.769287109375, 118.4210205078125, 324.7255859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046476.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four lamps, a traffic cone, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[20.4215935488, 104.20861816250002, 203.70938110351562, 518.2073974176001], [20.4215935488, 327.71855933480003, 76.1192503808, 355.5674668479], [21.9468452864, 230.41308195929997, 98.22742497279998, 249.4832357227], [54.5574340608, 104.20861816250002, 95.5531616256, 123.4254150493], [167.4727172608, 486.58459469620004, 181.0253296128, 518.2073974176001], [143.3852081298828, 325.16094970703125, 204.2905731201172, 506.23052978515625], [143.5308837890625, 324.2629699707031, 203.70938110351562, 506.3343505859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 5], [4], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046478.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[10.3259888094, 209.1376953344, 236.84143068, 433.4070739746094]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046478_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[10.3259888094, 56.13769533440001, 236.84143068, 280.4070739746094]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046478.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a boat, three street lights, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[10.3259888094, 209.1376953344, 236.84143068, 433.4070739746094], [40.491149898399996, 381.4309082112, 169.73620605760004, 453.7882080256], [10.3259888094, 209.1376953344, 24.4497680236, 279.2697143808], [108.0139770462, 219.81628416, 119.7472534052, 270.6605224448], [228.38061520020003, 226.95697024, 236.84143068, 263.8330078208], [59.588134765625, 397.8379211425781, 77.6719970703125, 433.4070739746094]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046478_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[304.9159318818, 89.66830444335938, 499.84423828125, 432.5650779648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046479_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[48.91593188180002, 86.66830444335938, 243.84423828125, 429.5650779648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046479.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, a lamp, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[37.7008666964, 22.8125610496, 184.6457519631, 111.7500000256], [37.7008666964, 61.5924072448, 72.60357668160003, 110.15270993920001], [78.84667969920002, 22.8125610496, 116.11633301440003, 77.5225219584], [155.54760742899998, 54.985229516800004, 184.6457519631, 83.3372192256], [154.27832029729996, 83.793823232, 171.4539794713, 111.7500000256], [50.035156251700016, 73.6779174912, 63.27215577410004, 98.0339965952]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046483.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[86.601928704, 26.1849975666, 359.0054321152, 186.2817993382]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046483_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[68.601928704, 26.1849975666, 341.0054321152, 186.2817993382]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046483.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two storage boxes, and three bottles.", "boxes_value": [[86.601928704, 26.1849975666, 359.0054321152, 186.2817993382], [119.6682128896, 135.9530639709, 199.0906372096, 179.88885499960003], [197.4007568384, 141.02258297790002, 286.9622192128, 182.42364503320002], [86.601928704, 55.6555175938, 130.4095458816, 183.0957641602], [284.9307861504, 33.3535156569, 315.197875968, 185.4852905437], [315.197875968, 26.1849975666, 359.0054321152, 186.2817993382]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046483_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two storage boxes, and three bottles.", "boxes_value": [[68.601928704, 26.1849975666, 341.0054321152, 186.2817993382], [101.6682128896, 135.9530639709, 181.0906372096, 179.88885499960003], [179.4007568384, 141.02258297790002, 268.9622192128, 182.42364503320002], [68.601928704, 55.6555175938, 112.4095458816, 183.0957641602], [266.9307861504, 33.3535156569, 297.197875968, 185.4852905437], [297.197875968, 26.1849975666, 341.0054321152, 186.2817993382]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046487.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a laptop, four microphones, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[593.9299316736001, 307.2550659072, 736.2451171584, 457.3095092736], [643.7783202816, 423.8360595456, 678.4714355712, 457.3095092736], [659.9080810752, 385.135742208, 673.0781250048, 413.5244140544], [715.1544189696, 307.2550659072, 736.2451171584, 337.7019042816], [650.9489746176, 315.6741943296, 665.6409911808, 339.1114502144], [593.9299316736001, 317.7730713088, 608.6219482368, 341.9099731456], [631.9086303710938, 398.1663818359375, 743.7808227539062, 491.4766845703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046487_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a laptop, four microphones, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[35.929931673600095, 38.25506590719999, 178.24511715840003, 188.30950927359999], [85.77832028160003, 154.8360595456, 120.4714355712, 188.30950927359999], [101.90808107520002, 116.13574220800001, 115.07812500479997, 144.52441405439998], [157.1544189696, 38.25506590719999, 178.24511715840003, 68.70190428159998], [92.94897461760002, 46.67419432960003, 107.64099118080003, 70.11145021440001], [35.929931673600095, 48.77307130880001, 50.621948236799994, 72.90997314560002], [73.90863037109375, 129.1663818359375, 185.78082275390625, 222.4766845703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046493.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[366.0114746112, 211.2723999232, 443.20861816319996, 347.7096557568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046493_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[20.011474611200015, 34.2723999232, 97.20861816319996, 170.70965575679998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046493.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a luggage, and two handbags.", "boxes_value": [[366.0114746112, 211.2723999232, 443.20861816319996, 347.7096557568], [407.76977541119993, 220.6731567616, 443.20861816319996, 309.9788208128], [402.2130127104, 232.1468506112, 436.19079590399997, 330.7326660096], [366.0114746112, 211.2723999232, 407.11474606080003, 347.7096557568], [349.6898193408, 287.1832275456, 387.62829588479997, 346.9561767424], [383.1191406336, 276.0098876928, 408.62707522560004, 300.4277343744], [423.2341308672, 250.7199096832, 435.4121093376, 284.279968256]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046493_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a luggage, and two handbags.", "boxes_value": [[20.011474611200015, 34.2723999232, 97.20861816319996, 170.70965575679998], [61.76977541119993, 43.67315676160001, 97.20861816319996, 132.9788208128], [56.213012710399994, 55.146850611199994, 90.19079590399997, 153.7326660096], [20.011474611200015, 34.2723999232, 61.11474606080003, 170.70965575679998], [3.6898193407999997, 110.1832275456, 41.62829588479997, 169.95617674239998], [37.11914063360001, 99.00988769280002, 62.62707522560004, 123.42773437440002], [77.23413086720001, 73.7199096832, 89.41210933759999, 107.27996825600002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046494.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[181.1354980352, 368.08850098960005, 302.702087424, 568.9790649414062]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046494_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[31.135498035199987, 51.08850098960005, 152.702087424, 251.97906494140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046494.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a belt, two sneakers, and two sandals.", "boxes_value": [[181.1354980352, 368.08850098960005, 302.702087424, 568.9790649414062], [181.1354980352, 368.08850098960005, 236.1636962816, 381.16113280549996], [276.8004760576, 519.318725575, 302.702087424, 551.2641601676], [254.6977539072, 512.2390136718, 284.3982543872, 542.4575195098], [184.76153564453125, 541.9318237304688, 225.11178588867188, 568.9790649414062], [207.02157592773438, 534.1845092773438, 238.72598266601562, 560.6311645507812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046494_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a belt, two sneakers, and two sandals.", "boxes_value": [[31.135498035199987, 51.08850098960005, 152.702087424, 251.97906494140625], [31.135498035199987, 51.08850098960005, 86.16369628160001, 64.16113280549996], [126.80047605760001, 202.31872557500003, 152.702087424, 234.26416016760004], [104.6977539072, 195.23901367179997, 134.39825438719998, 225.45751950980002], [34.76153564453125, 224.93182373046875, 75.11178588867188, 251.97906494140625], [57.021575927734375, 217.18450927734375, 88.72598266601562, 243.63116455078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046496.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[241.8031005859375, 406.24468994140625, 584.3598022460938, 478.67877197265625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046496_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[85.8031005859375, 18.24468994140625, 428.35980224609375, 90.67877197265625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046496.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a sneakers, three boots, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[241.8031005859375, 406.24468994140625, 584.3598022460938, 478.67877197265625], [301.7117919744, 418.936279296, 336.7647704832, 460.2487793152], [254.74464416503906, 426.86346435546875, 309.353515625, 478.67877197265625], [560.0761108398438, 406.24468994140625, 584.3598022460938, 453.87127685546875], [241.8031005859375, 417.65350341796875, 258.5824890136719, 444.8736572265625], [482.33154296875, 413.70361328125, 532.5296020507812, 458.650390625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046496_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a sneakers, three boots, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[85.8031005859375, 18.24468994140625, 428.35980224609375, 90.67877197265625], [145.7117919744, 30.93627929600001, 180.76477048319998, 72.24877931520001], [98.74464416503906, 38.86346435546875, 153.353515625, 90.67877197265625], [404.07611083984375, 18.24468994140625, 428.35980224609375, 65.87127685546875], [85.8031005859375, 29.65350341796875, 102.58248901367188, 56.8736572265625], [326.33154296875, 25.70361328125, 376.52960205078125, 70.650390625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046499.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[76.3486938624, 308.6772461019, 170.8027954176, 385.3151855227]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046499_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[24.348693862399998, 19.677246101899982, 118.80279541760001, 96.3151855227]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046499.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[76.3486938624, 308.6772461019, 170.8027954176, 385.3151855227], [150.5982055424, 308.6772461019, 170.8027954176, 385.3151855227], [124.0676879872, 319.8706054668, 145.6775512576, 365.6740722895], [104.0014038016, 327.4541625769, 123.530761728, 360.0703125266], [92.1226806784, 323.8876953061, 110.9330444288, 364.09692379570004], [76.3486938624, 323.0248413259, 88.1535034368, 364.34094241580004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046499_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[24.348693862399998, 19.677246101899982, 118.80279541760001, 96.3151855227], [98.5982055424, 19.677246101899982, 118.80279541760001, 96.3151855227], [72.0676879872, 30.870605466799987, 93.67755125759999, 76.67407228949997], [52.001403801600006, 38.45416257689999, 71.530761728, 71.07031252659999], [40.1226806784, 34.8876953061, 58.9330444288, 75.09692379570004], [24.348693862399998, 34.02484132590001, 36.153503436799994, 75.34094241580004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046502.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[192.6591797124, 176.2621459968, 273.6888427951, 457.313659648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046502_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[20.659179712400004, 71.2621459968, 101.68884279510002, 352.313659648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046502.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, two boots, and a backpack.", "boxes_value": [[192.6591797124, 176.2621459968, 273.6888427951, 457.313659648], [174.74725339559998, 257.6127319552, 251.21374512, 456.7895507968], [217.19915773440002, 189.6702270464, 240.20220946229998, 257.0362548736], [247.82122799709998, 180.2285156352, 273.6888427951, 247.3119506944], [217.1249389897, 176.2621459968, 244.37219236080003, 240.9312743936], [211.7285766723, 427.29351808, 226.6442871197, 453.5375366144], [192.6591797124, 427.4822998016, 208.5189208932, 457.313659648], [159.8948974871, 274.7448730624, 231.8067016828, 351.8551025152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046502_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, two boots, and a backpack.", "boxes_value": [[20.659179712400004, 71.2621459968, 101.68884279510002, 352.313659648], [2.7472533955999836, 152.6127319552, 79.21374512, 351.7895507968], [45.19915773440002, 84.67022704639999, 68.20220946229998, 152.0362548736], [75.82122799709998, 75.22851563520001, 101.68884279510002, 142.3119506944], [45.12493898970001, 71.2621459968, 72.37219236080003, 135.9312743936], [39.728576672299994, 322.29351808, 54.64428711970001, 348.5375366144], [20.659179712400004, 322.4822998016, 36.518920893200004, 352.313659648], [0, 169.74487306240002, 59.806701682799996, 246.85510251519997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046505.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a barrel, and two helmets.", "boxes_value": [[246.0458373888, 278.0777587712, 741.7011718655999, 362.75299072], [475.42810060799997, 278.2362671104, 517.2320556288, 412.7359619072], [621.742065408, 284.5977172992, 664.9091797248, 378.2022705152], [716.7097168128, 288.2328491008, 741.7011718655999, 362.75299072], [684.6973876991999, 327.8442993152, 711.266479488, 342.4144287232], [246.0458373888, 286.7360229376, 269.85620113920004, 311.911926272], [485.683959936, 278.0777587712, 506.04846190079996, 296.4840698368]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046505_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a barrel, and two helmets.", "boxes_value": [[124.04583738880001, 22.077758771200024, 619.7011718655999, 106.75299072000001], [353.42810060799997, 22.23626711039998, 395.2320556288, 127], [499.74206540800003, 28.597717299199985, 542.9091797248, 122.20227051519998], [594.7097168128, 32.232849100800024, 619.7011718655999, 106.75299072000001], [562.6973876991999, 71.84429931519998, 589.266479488, 86.41442872319999], [124.04583738880001, 30.736022937600012, 147.85620113920004, 55.91192627200002], [363.683959936, 22.077758771200024, 384.04846190079996, 40.48406983680002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046506.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[316.175415065, 272.6929321472, 426.18505857580004, 308.1691894784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046506_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[28.17541506499998, 9.692932147199997, 138.18505857580004, 45.16918947840003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046506.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bottle, three apples, and two oranges.", "boxes_value": [[316.175415065, 272.6929321472, 426.18505857580004, 308.1691894784], [411.3061523564, 278.058044416, 426.18505857580004, 301.2348022272], [331.2105713184, 277.7782593024, 363.5388183954, 308.1691894784], [364.3863525204, 272.6929321472, 392.9610595358, 303.326049792], [393.8519287333, 287.7154541056, 416.58020020569995, 305.773559552], [316.175415065, 281.64434816, 333.2209472554, 301.093750016], [290.38433837890625, 272.7241516113281, 433.4869384765625, 317.4443054199219]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046506_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bottle, three apples, and two oranges.", "boxes_value": [[28.17541506499998, 9.692932147199997, 138.18505857580004, 45.16918947840003], [123.30615235639999, 15.058044415999973, 138.18505857580004, 38.23480222720002], [43.210571318400014, 14.778259302399988, 75.53881839540003, 45.16918947840003], [76.38635252040001, 9.692932147199997, 104.96105953580002, 40.32604979199999], [105.85192873329999, 24.715454105599974, 128.58020020569995, 42.773559551999995], [28.17541506499998, 18.644348159999993, 45.220947255400006, 38.093750016], [2.38433837890625, 9.724151611328125, 145.4869384765625, 54]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046512.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[150.4082641542, 227.9953003008, 524.2518310464001, 309.2379150336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046512_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[94.4082641542, 20.99530030080001, 468.25183104640007, 102.23791503360002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046512.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a nightstand, four pillows, and a telephone.", "boxes_value": [[150.4082641542, 227.9953003008, 524.2518310464001, 309.2379150336], [324.1689453096, 239.2017211904, 436.827026343, 286.938171392], [150.4082641542, 266.6842651136, 215.0570678646, 309.2379150336], [427.82531740560006, 235.587341312, 483.47229003419994, 288.7794189312], [435.19030765319997, 215.947204608, 513.7508544618, 288.7794189312], [429.72802737719996, 239.0804443136, 524.2518310464001, 285.076416], [337.87207033140004, 227.9953003008, 363.69433591859996, 242.671325696]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046512_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a nightstand, four pillows, and a telephone.", "boxes_value": [[94.4082641542, 20.99530030080001, 468.25183104640007, 102.23791503360002], [268.1689453096, 32.20172119040001, 380.827026343, 79.93817139200002], [94.4082641542, 59.68426511360002, 159.0570678646, 102.23791503360002], [371.82531740560006, 28.587341312000007, 427.47229003419994, 81.77941893119998], [379.19030765319997, 8.947204607999993, 457.75085446180003, 81.77941893119998], [373.72802737719996, 32.0804443136, 468.25183104640007, 78.076416], [281.87207033140004, 20.99530030080001, 307.69433591859996, 35.671325696]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046514.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[66.56566619873047, 412.4777526855469, 167.03866577148438, 614.4522094726562]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046514_crop.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[25.56566619873047, 51.477752685546875, 126.03866577148438, 253.45220947265625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046514.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, and six baksets.", "boxes_value": [[66.56566619873047, 412.4777526855469, 167.03866577148438, 614.4522094726562], [76.786682112, 396.05139160970003, 152.251525888, 461.9422607357], [66.56566619873047, 412.4777526855469, 160.49697875976562, 467.0780334472656], [67.99867248535156, 447.822265625, 162.40611267089844, 505.1925048828125], [71.29058837890625, 514.4190063476562, 165.68650817871094, 578.4304809570312], [69.5966796875, 481.13885498046875, 164.00352478027344, 543.0009155273438], [72.99697875976562, 546.5503540039062, 167.03866577148438, 614.4522094726562], [72.93531799316406, 546.1967163085938, 166.98736572265625, 614.3917846679688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046514_crop.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, and six baksets.", "boxes_value": [[25.56566619873047, 51.477752685546875, 126.03866577148438, 253.45220947265625], [35.786682111999994, 35.05139160970003, 111.251525888, 100.94226073570002], [25.56566619873047, 51.477752685546875, 119.49697875976562, 106.07803344726562], [26.998672485351562, 86.822265625, 121.40611267089844, 144.1925048828125], [30.29058837890625, 153.41900634765625, 124.68650817871094, 217.43048095703125], [28.5966796875, 120.13885498046875, 123.00352478027344, 182.00091552734375], [31.996978759765625, 185.55035400390625, 126.03866577148438, 253.45220947265625], [31.935317993164062, 185.19671630859375, 125.98736572265625, 253.39178466796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046517.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[54.8049926515, 214.627014144, 453.8863525732, 277.5435180544]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046517_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[54.8049926515, 16.627014143999986, 453.8863525732, 79.54351805440001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046517.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, three cabinets, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[54.8049926515, 214.627014144, 453.8863525732, 277.5435180544], [54.8049926515, 238.33654784, 113.8438110542, 276.8925170688], [341.2728271651, 209.2472534016, 438.1076660149, 282.9079589888], [240.7135619953, 214.627014144, 342.1004638895, 274.631530752], [133.1192626843, 216.6961059328, 242.3688354441, 274.631530752], [436.3118896309, 228.0626830848, 453.8863525732, 277.5435180544]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046517_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, three cabinets, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[54.8049926515, 16.627014143999986, 453.8863525732, 79.54351805440001], [54.8049926515, 40.33654784000001, 113.8438110542, 78.89251706879998], [341.2728271651, 11.247253401600005, 438.1076660149, 84.90795898879998], [240.7135619953, 16.627014143999986, 342.1004638895, 76.631530752], [133.1192626843, 18.69610593280001, 242.3688354441, 76.631530752], [436.3118896309, 30.0626830848, 453.8863525732, 79.54351805440001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046520.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[116.94683836799999, 322.29956054400003, 343.774658232, 479.597961408]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046520_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[56.94683836799999, 40.29956054400003, 283.774658232, 197.597961408]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046520.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a faucet, a sink, a cleaning products, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[116.94683836799999, 322.29956054400003, 343.774658232, 479.597961408], [146.115051264, 376.62176515199997, 343.774658232, 479.597961408], [126.868225104, 306.339050304, 187.599182112, 354.743408208], [116.94683836799999, 362.560241712, 219.768554664, 389.919250512], [209.944030752, 321.570434592, 230.20233156, 360.761657712], [210.577941864, 319.29260256000003, 228.49353028800002, 361.2822876], [254.378112768, 322.29956054400003, 280.083496104, 380.17498780799997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046520_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a faucet, a sink, a cleaning products, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[56.94683836799999, 40.29956054400003, 283.774658232, 197.597961408], [86.11505126399999, 94.62176515199997, 283.774658232, 197.597961408], [66.868225104, 24.33905030400001, 127.599182112, 72.743408208], [56.94683836799999, 80.56024171199999, 159.768554664, 107.91925051200002], [149.944030752, 39.570434592000026, 170.20233156, 78.76165771199999], [150.577941864, 37.292602560000034, 168.49353028800002, 79.28228760000002], [194.378112768, 40.29956054400003, 220.083496104, 98.17498780799997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046523.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[349.7017822464, 275.4395141632, 458.6876220672, 325.6944580096]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046523_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[27.7017822464, 13.439514163199988, 136.68762206719998, 63.6944580096]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046523.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and three strollers.", "boxes_value": [[349.7017822464, 275.4395141632, 458.6876220672, 325.6944580096], [430.8037108992, 275.4395141632, 440.22021480959995, 313.5845337088], [387.543212928, 276.6447143424, 402.2006836224, 323.548278784], [349.7017822464, 295.2685547008, 371.58666992639996, 325.2508545024], [391.73498534400005, 299.3253784064, 415.853027328, 325.6944580096], [430.3728027648, 294.1963501056, 458.6876220672, 324.4639282176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046523_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and three strollers.", "boxes_value": [[27.7017822464, 13.439514163199988, 136.68762206719998, 63.6944580096], [108.80371089919998, 13.439514163199988, 118.22021480959995, 51.584533708799995], [65.543212928, 14.644714342399993, 80.20068362239999, 61.54827878399999], [27.7017822464, 33.268554700799996, 49.58666992639996, 63.25085450239999], [69.73498534400005, 37.32537840639998, 93.853027328, 63.6944580096], [108.37280276479999, 32.196350105600004, 136.68762206719998, 62.46392821760003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046524.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[156.837402337, 1.650634752, 619.3220214720001, 384.453918464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046524_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[115.83740233699999, 1.650634752, 578.3220214720001, 384.453918464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046524.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a nightstand, a pillow, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[156.837402337, 1.650634752, 619.3220214720001, 384.453918464], [214.614990205, 1.650634752, 272.11230469500003, 69.1871948288], [479.853271513, 293.933349632, 519.414184597, 350.9277954048], [439.62194822699996, 350.2572632064, 526.119384791, 381.7718505984], [539.529785179, 341.5404663296, 619.3220214720001, 384.453918464], [156.837402337, 316.5908203008, 246.360656773, 380.7907715072]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046524_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a nightstand, a pillow, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[115.83740233699999, 1.650634752, 578.3220214720001, 384.453918464], [173.614990205, 1.650634752, 231.11230469500003, 69.1871948288], [438.853271513, 293.933349632, 478.41418459700003, 350.9277954048], [398.62194822699996, 350.2572632064, 485.119384791, 381.7718505984], [498.529785179, 341.5404663296, 578.3220214720001, 384.453918464], [115.83740233699999, 316.5908203008, 205.360656773, 380.7907715072]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046529.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[14.9269409388, 303.03271484375, 238.5165405018, 496.3139038208]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046529_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two cups, a wine glass, a bowl, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[14.9269409388, 303.03271484375, 238.5165405018, 496.3139038208], [14.9269409388, 395.3964233216, 238.5165405018, 496.3139038208], [31.565246594399998, 390.141723648, 55.3674316302, 433.9070434816], [47.6892700119, 414.9676513792, 78.9136352784, 436.978271488], [103.73956296899999, 381.6958007808, 129.3332519787, 444.6563720704], [179.3355102618, 407.5411377152, 233.65460206260002, 429.8363037184], [45.33021545410156, 303.03271484375, 86.48272705078125, 365.03118896484375], [91.60282897949219, 301.35205078125, 120.84815979003906, 375.5562744140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046529_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two cups, a wine glass, a bowl, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[14.9269409388, 49.03271484375, 238.5165405018, 242.31390382080002], [14.9269409388, 141.39642332160003, 238.5165405018, 242.31390382080002], [31.565246594399998, 136.14172364799998, 55.3674316302, 179.9070434816], [47.6892700119, 160.9676513792, 78.9136352784, 182.97827148800002], [103.73956296899999, 127.69580078080003, 129.3332519787, 190.65637207039998], [179.3355102618, 153.54113771520002, 233.65460206260002, 175.83630371840002], [45.33021545410156, 49.03271484375, 86.48272705078125, 111.03118896484375], [91.60282897949219, 47.35205078125, 120.84815979003906, 121.5562744140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046530.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[292.4308471392, 198.1256713728, 396.36865230899997, 508.2597656064]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046530_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[26.43084713920001, 78.12567137280001, 130.36865230899997, 388.2597656064]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046530.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a sneakers, and two slippers.", "boxes_value": [[292.4308471392, 198.1256713728, 396.36865230899997, 508.2597656064], [314.90368654919996, 183.9622802944, 409.54479981239996, 509.9484253184], [292.4308471392, 198.1256713728, 352.0299072612, 410.9795532288], [292.7914428432, 395.494323712, 312.421020513, 411.7827148288], [332.0505371358, 491.9714355712, 367.1330566554, 508.2597656064], [369.63903807599996, 462.3182983168, 396.36865230899997, 490.3008422912]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046530_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a sneakers, and two slippers.", "boxes_value": [[26.43084713920001, 78.12567137280001, 130.36865230899997, 388.2597656064], [48.90368654919996, 63.96228029439999, 143.54479981239996, 389.9484253184], [26.43084713920001, 78.12567137280001, 86.02990726119998, 290.9795532288], [26.791442843200002, 275.494323712, 46.421020512999974, 291.7827148288], [66.05053713580003, 371.9714355712, 101.13305665540003, 388.2597656064], [103.63903807599996, 342.3182983168, 130.36865230899997, 370.3008422912]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046531.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[15.100044250488281, 175.07391357421875, 134.8400878777, 320.853759765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046531_crop.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[15.100044250488281, 37.07391357421875, 134.8400878777, 182.853759765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046531.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a luggage, a handbag, two leather shoes, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[15.100044250488281, 175.07391357421875, 134.8400878777, 320.853759765625], [102.0890502773, 268.6958618112, 121.80603026259999, 308.3944701952], [119.31634520749999, 278.186645504, 134.8400878777, 305.6392211968], [50.5660400390625, 312.3081970214844, 60.90968322753906, 320.0925598144531], [23.81458282470703, 312.2793273925781, 41.96539306640625, 319.7091979980469], [15.100044250488281, 175.07391357421875, 68.30563354492188, 320.853759765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046531_crop.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a luggage, a handbag, two leather shoes, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[15.100044250488281, 37.07391357421875, 134.8400878777, 182.853759765625], [102.0890502773, 130.69586181120002, 121.80603026259999, 170.39447019519997], [119.31634520749999, 140.186645504, 134.8400878777, 167.6392211968], [50.5660400390625, 174.30819702148438, 60.90968322753906, 182.09255981445312], [23.81458282470703, 174.27932739257812, 41.96539306640625, 181.70919799804688], [15.100044250488281, 37.07391357421875, 68.30563354492188, 182.853759765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046532.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[159.64141845703125, 465.8482360839844, 306.8660278272, 551.4614257984999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046532_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[37.64141845703125, 21.848236083984375, 184.8660278272, 107.46142579849993]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046532.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two knives, a chair, and three wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[159.64141845703125, 465.8482360839844, 306.8660278272, 551.4614257984999], [226.1200561664, 534.809814425, 250.1722412032, 551.4614257984999], [288.1528930816, 511.12988280030004, 306.8660278272, 527.3056640560001], [167.2415771648, 470.3337402533, 279.4423827968, 622.9879150665], [194.01565551757812, 467.47418212890625, 214.374267578125, 524.661865234375], [159.64141845703125, 466.2850341796875, 179.1583251953125, 523.5909423828125], [176.40960693359375, 465.8482360839844, 196.73959350585938, 526.5830688476562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046532_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two knives, a chair, and three wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[37.64141845703125, 21.848236083984375, 184.8660278272, 107.46142579849993], [104.12005616639999, 90.80981442500001, 128.1722412032, 107.46142579849993], [166.15289308159998, 67.12988280030004, 184.8660278272, 83.30566405600007], [45.24157716479999, 26.333740253299993, 157.44238279680002, 128], [72.01565551757812, 23.47418212890625, 92.374267578125, 80.661865234375], [37.64141845703125, 22.2850341796875, 57.1583251953125, 79.5909423828125], [54.40960693359375, 21.848236083984375, 74.73959350585938, 82.58306884765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046536.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[5.3687133696, 120.8304443392, 220.55767825919997, 248.8024902144]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046536_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[5.3687133696, 32.8304443392, 220.55767825919997, 160.8024902144]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046536.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two hats, a helmet, a bottle, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[5.3687133696, 120.8304443392, 220.55767825919997, 248.8024902144], [177.3988037376, 155.6655883776, 220.6510619904, 199.3297729536], [170.5747070208, 120.8304443392, 197.20703124480002, 152.3049926656], [160.8052368384, 206.8176880128, 220.55767825919997, 246.4611206144], [52.828430208, 209.9787597824, 87.8334350592, 248.8024902144], [5.3687133696, 159.0844726784, 63.5468140032, 190.0097046016]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046536_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two hats, a helmet, a bottle, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[5.3687133696, 32.8304443392, 220.55767825919997, 160.8024902144], [177.3988037376, 67.66558837759999, 220.6510619904, 111.32977295360001], [170.5747070208, 32.8304443392, 197.20703124480002, 64.3049926656], [160.8052368384, 118.8176880128, 220.55767825919997, 158.4611206144], [52.828430208, 121.9787597824, 87.8334350592, 160.8024902144], [5.3687133696, 71.0844726784, 63.5468140032, 102.00970460159999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046539.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[240.87496948242188, 181.17153930664062, 363.1056823730469, 516.399658203125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046539_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[30.874969482421875, 84.17153930664062, 153.10568237304688, 419.399658203125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046539.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, four sneakers, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[240.87496948242188, 181.17153930664062, 363.1056823730469, 516.399658203125], [314.53448485, 321.6154785, 369.6364746, 448.026000975], [241.32275389999998, 424.19726564999996, 261.94885255, 472.324707], [300.72021485, 493.98205567499997, 321.0769043, 516.670776375], [323.48327635000004, 470.09387205, 345.828125, 526.296264675], [339.2965698, 460.98034665, 373.3295288, 511.51428225], [240.87496948242188, 181.17153930664062, 363.1056823730469, 516.399658203125], [332.21844482421875, 161.46424865722656, 361.84356689453125, 238.4950408935547]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046539_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, four sneakers, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[30.874969482421875, 84.17153930664062, 153.10568237304688, 419.399658203125], [104.53448485000001, 224.6154785, 159.63647459999999, 351.026000975], [31.32275389999998, 327.19726564999996, 51.948852550000026, 375.324707], [90.72021484999999, 396.98205567499997, 111.07690430000002, 419.67077637499995], [113.48327635000004, 373.09387205, 135.828125, 429.296264675], [129.2965698, 363.98034665, 163.3295288, 414.51428225], [30.874969482421875, 84.17153930664062, 153.10568237304688, 419.399658203125], [122.21844482421875, 64.46424865722656, 151.84356689453125, 141.4950408935547]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046540.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[145.2633056564, 9.7607421952, 414.01000978919996, 511.9373779456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046540_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[67.26330565640001, 9.7607421952, 336.01000978919996, 511.9373779456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046540.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bottle, and three cabinets.", "boxes_value": [[145.2633056564, 9.7607421952, 414.01000978919996, 511.9373779456], [176.3617554084, 117.5879516672, 337.9420166264, 511.9373779456], [296.6446533356, 306.4131469824, 323.7746582404, 375.6759033344], [145.2633056564, 9.7607421952, 282.32409664479997, 508.7339477504], [283.21997068400003, 46.489501952, 351.3024902624, 494.4007568384], [353.9899902496, 67.9892578304, 414.01000978919996, 112.7803344896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046540_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bottle, and three cabinets.", "boxes_value": [[67.26330565640001, 9.7607421952, 336.01000978919996, 511.9373779456], [98.3617554084, 117.5879516672, 259.9420166264, 511.9373779456], [218.64465333560003, 306.4131469824, 245.77465824040002, 375.6759033344], [67.26330565640001, 9.7607421952, 204.32409664479997, 508.7339477504], [205.21997068400003, 46.489501952, 273.3024902624, 494.4007568384], [275.9899902496, 67.9892578304, 336.01000978919996, 112.7803344896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046541.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[649.5302734275999, 407.7164306432, 765.9300537058, 511.8469238272]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046541_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[29.530273427599923, 26.7164306432, 145.9300537058, 130.8469238272]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046541.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a car, and four people.", "boxes_value": [[649.5302734275999, 407.7164306432, 765.9300537058, 511.8469238272], [666.3100436108, 410.1453014016, 684.7206844014, 429.3073969152], [649.5302734275999, 411.1610717696, 686.504150405, 511.0961303552], [677.4190673828, 413.696411136, 697.9132080276, 487.6441650176], [733.1514892522, 407.7164306432, 746.914916968, 447.0144043008], [740.9387207032, 416.4090576384, 765.9300537058, 511.8469238272]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046541_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a car, and four people.", "boxes_value": [[29.530273427599923, 26.7164306432, 145.9300537058, 130.8469238272], [46.310043610799994, 29.145301401600022, 64.72068440140004, 48.3073969152], [29.530273427599923, 30.161071769600028, 66.50415040500002, 130.0961303552], [57.419067382799994, 32.696411135999995, 77.91320802760004, 106.64416501760002], [113.15148925220001, 26.7164306432, 126.91491696800006, 66.01440430079998], [120.93872070320003, 35.409057638399986, 145.9300537058, 130.8469238272]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046544.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[76.1263427786, 296.308532736, 303.77746256669997, 459.290893568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046544_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[57.126342778600005, 41.30853273600002, 284.77746256669997, 204.290893568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046544.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a chair, a sneakers, a slippers, two bottles, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[76.1263427786, 296.308532736, 303.77746256669997, 459.290893568], [0.0103149392, 304.9690551808, 251.10369874399998, 512.6223144448], [80.7012329124, 319.2352905216, 237.6300048886, 511.8297119232], [254.6826461323, 383.8933577728, 273.9447496885, 403.3903650304], [281.696514536, 404.5648835584, 303.77746256669997, 424.766601984], [207.9456176861, 296.308532736, 220.81524660280002, 330.4129638912], [80.3791503975, 323.5217895424, 116.84924313760001, 441.1378173952], [76.1263427786, 418.3282470912, 114.3580932524, 459.290893568]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046544_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a chair, a sneakers, a slippers, two bottles, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[57.126342778600005, 41.30853273600002, 284.77746256669997, 204.290893568], [0, 49.96905518080001, 232.10369874399998, 245], [61.7012329124, 64.2352905216, 218.6300048886, 245], [235.6826461323, 128.89335777280002, 254.9447496885, 148.3903650304], [262.696514536, 149.56488355840003, 284.77746256669997, 169.76660198399998], [188.9456176861, 41.30853273600002, 201.81524660280002, 75.41296389119998], [61.3791503975, 68.52178954239997, 97.84924313760001, 186.1378173952], [57.126342778600005, 163.3282470912, 95.3580932524, 204.290893568]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046546.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.2984008704, 230.536560041, 360.5285033984, 683.4349365172999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046546_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.2984008704, 113.536560041, 360.5285033984, 566]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046546.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, and four storage boxes.", "boxes_value": [[0.2984008704, 230.536560041, 360.5285033984, 683.4349365172999], [134.0793457152, 230.536560041, 360.5285033984, 683.4349365172999], [0.2984008704, 289.6448364019, 128.5571289088, 432.89477540440004], [110.7896728576, 292.4209594996, 223.501892096, 435.11572263510004], [0, 409.43627927800003, 136.4890136576, 561.4906005988], [0.1397705216, 525.0832519269, 154.3357543936, 635.7331543157001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046546_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, and four storage boxes.", "boxes_value": [[0.2984008704, 113.536560041, 360.5285033984, 566], [134.0793457152, 113.536560041, 360.5285033984, 566], [0.2984008704, 172.64483640190002, 128.5571289088, 315.89477540440004], [110.7896728576, 175.42095949959997, 223.501892096, 318.11572263510004], [0, 292.43627927800003, 136.4890136576, 444.49060059880003], [0.1397705216, 408.08325192689995, 154.3357543936, 518.7331543157001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046547.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[2.23327637, 92.23498534, 299.070922865, 488.1712646248]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046547_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[2.23327637, 92.23498534, 299.070922865, 488]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046547.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, a desk, a lamp, a flower, a vase, a picture, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[2.23327637, 92.23498534, 299.070922865, 488.1712646248], [12.5961914, 367.8099975632, 368.54913329, 486.9393920728], [90.49743651, 373.5988769696, 142.3012695, 432.25909426000004], [28.028076180000003, 297.4166870096, 100.40112303000001, 372.8370361112], [251.002258325, 329.6417846752, 299.070922865, 372.7579345808], [268.190429715, 351.4912109512, 286.25262451500004, 373.3405761784], [2.23327637, 92.23498534, 33.746215815, 208.6473998824], [143.58807372, 393.266113304, 241.65673831, 488.1712646248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046547_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, a desk, a lamp, a flower, a vase, a picture, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[2.23327637, 92.23498534, 299.070922865, 488], [12.5961914, 367.8099975632, 368.54913329, 486.9393920728], [90.49743651, 373.5988769696, 142.3012695, 432.25909426000004], [28.028076180000003, 297.4166870096, 100.40112303000001, 372.8370361112], [251.002258325, 329.6417846752, 299.070922865, 372.7579345808], [268.190429715, 351.4912109512, 286.25262451500004, 373.3405761784], [2.23327637, 92.23498534, 33.746215815, 208.6473998824], [143.58807372, 393.266113304, 241.65673831, 488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046549.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[344.7186279424, 354.028198216, 511.975952128, 769.986206066]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046549_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[42.71862794240002, 104.02819821600002, 209.97595212800002, 519.986206066]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046549.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cymbals, a drum, and a speaker.", "boxes_value": [[344.7186279424, 354.028198216, 511.975952128, 769.986206066], [405.0664672768, 400.204101528, 483.8793945088, 439.29528812399997], [438.4537964032, 446.58142090099994, 485.5313720832, 505.42834472899995], [496.4289550848, 493.223022446, 511.2496948224, 574.737060513], [344.7186279424, 354.028198216, 405.857543936, 360.506469708], [411.3917236224, 577.7181396139999, 511.975952128, 769.986206066]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046549_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cymbals, a drum, and a speaker.", "boxes_value": [[42.71862794240002, 104.02819821600002, 209.97595212800002, 519.986206066], [103.06646727679998, 150.20410152800002, 181.87939450879998, 189.29528812399997], [136.4537964032, 196.58142090099994, 183.53137208319998, 255.42834472899995], [194.4289550848, 243.22302244600002, 209.2496948224, 324.73706051299996], [42.71862794240002, 104.02819821600002, 103.85754393600001, 110.506469708], [109.39172362239998, 327.71813961399994, 209.97595212800002, 519.986206066]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046551.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[417.7570800512, 96.6610107392, 540.8730468488, 394.4987182592]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046551_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[31.757080051199978, 74.6610107392, 154.87304684879996, 372.4987182592]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046551.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a tea pot, a pot, two plates, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[417.7570800512, 96.6610107392, 540.8730468488, 394.4987182592], [417.7570800512, 99.45581056, 441.49353025560004, 189.7861327872], [492.8570556648, 320.0668945408, 529.1705322388, 350.9138793984], [522.7999267956001, 96.6610107392, 540.8730468488, 168.3079834112], [444.1656494404, 198.2911376896, 483.80249025919994, 244.9227905024], [446.4971923996, 114.7781371904, 498.7246093572, 169.8034668032], [506.28332518159993, 283.4409789952, 526.5842285136, 322.2514648576], [424.4827881104, 275.0817870848, 502.70092773, 394.4987182592], [509.26879881360003, 263.140136704, 564.7976074524, 323.4456786944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046551_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a tea pot, a pot, two plates, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[31.757080051199978, 74.6610107392, 154.87304684879996, 372.4987182592], [31.757080051199978, 77.45581056, 55.493530255600035, 167.7861327872], [106.85705566479999, 298.0668945408, 143.17053223879998, 328.9138793984], [136.79992679560007, 74.6610107392, 154.87304684879996, 146.3079834112], [58.16564944039999, 176.2911376896, 97.80249025919994, 222.9227905024], [60.49719239960001, 92.7781371904, 112.7246093572, 147.8034668032], [120.28332518159993, 261.4409789952, 140.5842285136, 300.2514648576], [38.48278811040001, 253.0817870848, 116.70092772999999, 372.4987182592], [123.26879881360003, 241.14013670399999, 178.79760745240003, 301.4456786944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046552.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cymbal, two drums, a microphone, a speaker, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[554.3363037268, 248.1235961856, 698.1903076344, 483.5073242112], [568.3358154168, 320.3899536384, 631.37121585, 335.8227538944], [554.3363037268, 373.2271118336, 613.57031247, 420.05017088], [643.4693603252, 388.4586791936, 698.1903076344, 414.4088134656], [575.3417968628, 248.1235961856, 616.7960205175999, 265.124511744], [494.0712890608, 429.877380352, 664.194946256, 493.5986328064], [653.9102783396, 342.0513915904, 686.0845947028, 483.5073242112]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046552_crop.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cymbal, two drums, a microphone, a speaker, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[36.3363037268, 59.12359618560001, 180.19030763440003, 294.5073242112], [50.33581541679996, 131.38995363840002, 113.37121585, 146.82275389440002], [36.3363037268, 184.22711183360002, 95.57031246999998, 231.05017088], [125.4693603252, 199.4586791936, 180.19030763440003, 225.40881346560002], [57.34179686280004, 59.12359618560001, 98.79602051759991, 76.12451174400002], [0, 240.877380352, 146.19494625599998, 304.5986328064], [135.91027833960004, 153.0513915904, 168.08459470280002, 294.5073242112]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046553.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[480.1068114998, 254.8614501888, 635.2161864932, 511.752258304]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046553_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[39.10681149980002, 64.8614501888, 194.21618649319998, 321.752258304]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046553.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 33.1755371008, 538.096557583, 493.6271972864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046554_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 33.1755371008, 538.096557583, 493.6271972864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046554.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five cabinets.", "boxes_value": [[0, 33.1755371008, 538.096557583, 493.6271972864], [0, 70.095214848, 139.4319457856, 442.7755126784], [134.5557861609, 33.1755371008, 328.2102050526, 493.6271972864], [392.34704587, 124.6058349568, 459.3911132863, 388.687805184], [494.19262698, 168.6195068416, 511.08154298240004, 322.6673584128], [507.82812502760004, 177.3838500864, 538.096557583, 308.5474853376]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046554_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[55.77075192320001, 38.15026856959997, 277.9360351232, 187.9132080128]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046556.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two backpacks, and a boots.", "boxes_value": [[413.7707519232, 335.1502685696, 635.9360351232, 484.9132080128], [582.3804931584, 335.1502685696, 635.9360351232, 484.9132080128], [528.6467284992, 335.5614624256, 566.4881591808, 452.8700561408], [413.7707519232, 355.0227661312, 444.58459476479993, 448.0046996992], [537.9967041024, 350.4077148672, 563.0794677504, 392.2123412992], [586.2327880704, 357.1607666176, 617.1038818559999, 422.4403076096], [590.5510253568, 452.369628928, 603.2302245888001, 484.6188964864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046556_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two backpacks, and a boots.", "boxes_value": [[55.77075192320001, 38.15026856959997, 277.9360351232, 187.9132080128], [224.3804931584, 38.15026856959997, 277.9360351232, 187.9132080128], [170.64672849919998, 38.561462425599984, 208.48815918080004, 155.8700561408], [55.77075192320001, 58.0227661312, 86.58459476479993, 151.0046996992], [179.99670410240003, 53.40771486720001, 205.0794677504, 95.21234129919998], [228.23278807040003, 60.16076661760002, 259.10388185599993, 125.44030760959998], [232.55102535679998, 155.369628928, 245.23022458880007, 187.6188964864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046558.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[0, 55.4829711872, 181.0554809477, 410.731994624]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046558_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[0, 55.4829711872, 181.0554809477, 410.731994624]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046558.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, an umbrella, two chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[0, 55.4829711872, 181.0554809477, 410.731994624], [90.3721923805, 140.3748168704, 127.1115722819, 175.8687744], [0, 55.4829711872, 181.0554809477, 268.9678344704], [1.9979858421, 264.4462280192, 61.9054565535, 410.731994624], [48.6700439133, 272.1088257024, 158.7326660201, 402.3728027136], [19.412902853000002, 290.9169922048, 93.9489745905, 395.4067993088]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046558_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, an umbrella, two chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[0, 55.4829711872, 181.0554809477, 410.731994624], [90.3721923805, 140.3748168704, 127.1115722819, 175.8687744], [0, 55.4829711872, 181.0554809477, 268.9678344704], [1.9979858421, 264.4462280192, 61.9054565535, 410.731994624], [48.6700439133, 272.1088257024, 158.7326660201, 402.3728027136], [19.412902853000002, 290.9169922048, 93.9489745905, 395.4067993088]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046563.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[305.431762724, 77.4486312866211, 542.6122436523438, 203.1281127936]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046563_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[59.43176272400001, 31.448631286621094, 296.61224365234375, 157.1281127936]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046563.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six helmets.", "boxes_value": [[305.431762724, 77.4486312866211, 542.6122436523438, 203.1281127936], [305.431762724, 180.9172363264, 329.281127939, 202.217834496], [397.5521240566, 186.1968994304, 418.1243896684, 203.1281127936], [329.9246825976, 77.23272704, 354.3686523472, 110.8432006656], [401.2196044992, 161.7681884672, 428.040161135, 181.459167488], [330.7054138183594, 77.4486312866211, 353.2877502441406, 95.6490249633789], [524.9494018554688, 181.4579620361328, 542.6122436523438, 196.16114807128906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046563_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six helmets.", "boxes_value": [[59.43176272400001, 31.448631286621094, 296.61224365234375, 157.1281127936], [59.43176272400001, 134.9172363264, 83.28112793899999, 156.217834496], [151.5521240566, 140.1968994304, 172.1243896684, 157.1281127936], [83.9246825976, 31.23272704, 108.3686523472, 64.8432006656], [155.2196044992, 115.76818846719999, 182.040161135, 135.459167488], [84.70541381835938, 31.448631286621094, 107.28775024414062, 49.649024963378906], [278.94940185546875, 135.4579620361328, 296.61224365234375, 150.16114807128906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046564.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[53.788513151800004, 227.2987060736, 197.6281738218, 332.4341430784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046564_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[36.788513151800004, 26.298706073599988, 180.6281738218, 131.43414307839998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046564.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five umbrellas.", "boxes_value": [[53.788513151800004, 227.2987060736, 197.6281738218, 332.4341430784], [95.7868041708, 272.4578247168, 121.4566650088, 332.4341430784], [109.1917724732, 255.9834594816, 127.7742920046, 293.6016845824], [185.3348388514, 253.5324706816, 197.6281738218, 289.6785278464], [77.2995605478, 249.0069580288, 96.01800536420001, 284.7247314432], [53.788513151800004, 227.2987060736, 66.5585327224, 259.1535644672]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046564_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five umbrellas.", "boxes_value": [[36.788513151800004, 26.298706073599988, 180.6281738218, 131.43414307839998], [78.7868041708, 71.45782471680002, 104.4566650088, 131.43414307839998], [92.1917724732, 54.98345948159999, 110.7742920046, 92.60168458240003], [168.3348388514, 52.53247068159999, 180.6281738218, 88.67852784640002], [60.2995605478, 48.0069580288, 79.01800536420001, 83.72473144320003], [36.788513151800004, 26.298706073599988, 49.5585327224, 58.1535644672]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046565.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[483.14868161400005, 101.6957397504, 674.160400365, 216.820495616]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046565_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[48.148681614000054, 29.695739750399994, 239.160400365, 144.820495616]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046565.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, two storage boxes, and a printer.", "boxes_value": [[483.14868161400005, 101.6957397504, 674.160400365, 216.820495616], [533.5744628699999, 142.510192896, 584.102294919, 164.0268554752], [577.317993153, 101.6957397504, 641.767089873, 176.9237060608], [483.14868161400005, 147.7689819136, 504.10168460399996, 181.2607421952], [499.437866205, 149.1028442624, 517.584838881, 181.6422729728], [560.0953368869999, 137.9075927552, 674.160400365, 216.820495616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046565_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, two storage boxes, and a printer.", "boxes_value": [[48.148681614000054, 29.695739750399994, 239.160400365, 144.820495616], [98.57446286999993, 70.510192896, 149.10229491899997, 92.0268554752], [142.31799315299997, 29.695739750399994, 206.76708987300003, 104.92370606079999], [48.148681614000054, 75.76898191359999, 69.10168460399996, 109.26074219520001], [64.43786620499998, 77.1028442624, 82.584838881, 109.64227297279999], [125.09533688699992, 65.9075927552, 239.160400365, 144.820495616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046567.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[373.37536621000004, 242.9608764416, 594.594970703125, 311.5284118652344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046567_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[55.37536621000004, 17.960876441599993, 276.594970703125, 86.52841186523438]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046567.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include seven people.", "boxes_value": [[373.37536621000004, 242.9608764416, 594.594970703125, 311.5284118652344], [373.37536621000004, 242.9608764416, 395.86486816800004, 307.2467040768], [381.437622104, 243.1730346496, 414.95959474200004, 316.7941284352], [417.59936526, 244.2635497984, 443.78649900199997, 301.9821777408], [440.84704587, 249.8750610432, 453.272582994, 288.354187008], [471.47326657200006, 234.5401611264, 497.31420900700004, 329.29003904], [572.62890625, 243.5542449951172, 594.594970703125, 311.5284118652344], [513.2711791992188, 254.85601806640625, 523.2959594726562, 281.69818115234375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046567_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include seven people.", "boxes_value": [[55.37536621000004, 17.960876441599993, 276.594970703125, 86.52841186523438], [55.37536621000004, 17.960876441599993, 77.86486816800004, 82.24670407679997], [63.43762210400001, 18.173034649599998, 96.95959474200004, 91.79412843519998], [99.59936526000001, 19.263549798399993, 125.78649900199997, 76.98217774080001], [122.84704586999999, 24.87506104319999, 135.272582994, 63.354187008], [153.47326657200006, 9.540161126399994, 179.31420900700004, 103], [254.62890625, 18.554244995117188, 276.594970703125, 86.52841186523438], [195.27117919921875, 29.85601806640625, 205.29595947265625, 56.69818115234375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046569.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly provide a description for the content within the rectangular area of ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, two glasses, a tie, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[157.11785888699998, 179.258239744, 682.0579833828999, 463.847900416], [113.3416137897, 253.3109130752, 281.66674803, 376.5913085952], [157.11785888699998, 200.9141845504, 188.8184814184, 239.5820312576], [584.9445800462, 392.425781248, 626.0507812346, 463.847900416], [619.8848876788, 360.5684204032, 682.0579833828999, 454.085144064], [512.1176757849, 252.6101074432, 551.4700927952999, 266.5739135488], [607.8179931699, 179.258239744, 648.5880126744, 190.050292992], [143.4555053373, 238.374023424, 191.6997680751, 289.9920654336], [281.79479980689996, 316.574218752, 308.39624023150003, 354.0025634816]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046569_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly provide a description for the content within the rectangular area of ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, two glasses, a tie, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[132.11785888699998, 71.25823974400001, 657.0579833828999, 355.847900416], [88.3416137897, 145.3109130752, 256.66674803, 268.5913085952], [132.11785888699998, 92.9141845504, 163.8184814184, 131.5820312576], [559.9445800462, 284.425781248, 601.0507812346, 355.847900416], [594.8848876788, 252.56842040319998, 657.0579833828999, 346.085144064], [487.11767578490003, 144.6101074432, 526.4700927952999, 158.57391354880002], [582.8179931699, 71.25823974400001, 623.5880126744, 82.05029299200001], [118.4555053373, 130.374023424, 166.6997680751, 181.99206543359998], [256.79479980689996, 208.57421875199998, 283.39624023150003, 246.00256348160002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046570.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[193.13940428799998, 383.804382336, 299.330200192, 449.032653792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046570_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[27.13940428799998, 16.804382336000003, 133.330200192, 82.03265379200002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046570.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two potted plants, a person, and a blackboard.", "boxes_value": [[193.13940428799998, 383.804382336, 299.330200192, 449.032653792], [224.444335936, 388.326416016, 270.707458496, 435.30133056], [234.870300288, 397.16833497600004, 261.049438464, 449.032653792], [269.44653318400003, 383.804382336, 299.330200192, 448.264282224], [203.97424313599998, 378.43872072, 224.821655296, 437.148742656], [193.13940428799998, 398.83691404800004, 209.084106432, 435.531555168]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046570_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two potted plants, a person, and a blackboard.", "boxes_value": [[27.13940428799998, 16.804382336000003, 133.330200192, 82.03265379200002], [58.44433593599999, 21.326416015999996, 104.70745849600002, 68.30133056], [68.87030028800001, 30.16833497600004, 95.04943846399999, 82.03265379200002], [103.44653318400003, 16.804382336000003, 133.330200192, 81.264282224], [37.974243135999984, 11.438720719999992, 58.82165529599999, 70.14874265600002], [27.13940428799998, 31.83691404800004, 43.084106432, 68.53155516800001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046571.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[159.7092284928, 32.623474099199996, 397.0943603712, 748.2027588096]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046571_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[59.70922849280001, 32.623474099199996, 297.0943603712, 748.2027588096]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046571.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two high heels, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[159.7092284928, 32.623474099199996, 397.0943603712, 748.2027588096], [144.8726196224, 37.188598656, 431.3325805568, 708.2580566784001], [159.7092284928, 32.623474099199996, 397.0943603712, 748.2027588096], [181.2459716608, 690.9599609088, 232.9649048064, 738.700561536], [242.5130615296, 640.8323974656, 275.135742208, 721.1956786943999], [353.4924926976, 692.2856445696, 386.061828608, 706.8166503936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046571_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two high heels, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[59.70922849280001, 32.623474099199996, 297.0943603712, 748.2027588096], [44.87261962240001, 37.188598656, 331.3325805568, 708.2580566784001], [59.70922849280001, 32.623474099199996, 297.0943603712, 748.2027588096], [81.2459716608, 690.9599609088, 132.9649048064, 738.700561536], [142.5130615296, 640.8323974656, 175.135742208, 721.1956786943999], [253.49249269760003, 692.2856445696, 286.061828608, 706.8166503936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046572.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[163.01092529250002, 312.3385009664, 256.9415283441, 413.9409179648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046572_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[24.01092529250002, 26.338500966399977, 117.94152834409999, 127.94091796480001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046572.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[163.01092529250002, 312.3385009664, 256.9415283441, 413.9409179648], [151.51116946390002, 358.0365600768, 206.2899170208, 414.3161010688], [204.4139404546, 356.5357665792, 256.9415283441, 413.9409179648], [163.01092529250002, 312.598144512, 190.01416013750003, 359.5941161984], [187.417663581, 313.3770752, 218.8348999187, 371.0186157056], [226.62426760440002, 312.3385009664, 247.3959960888, 356.4783935488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046572_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[24.01092529250002, 26.338500966399977, 117.94152834409999, 127.94091796480001], [12.511169463900018, 72.03656007680001, 67.2899170208, 128.31610106879998], [65.41394045460001, 70.53576657920001, 117.94152834409999, 127.94091796480001], [24.01092529250002, 26.598144511999976, 51.01416013750003, 73.5941161984], [48.417663581, 27.37707519999998, 79.83489991869999, 85.01861570559998], [87.62426760440002, 26.338500966399977, 108.39599608879999, 70.4783935488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046584.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[169.6160278038, 0, 484.68127441710004, 253.8985595904]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046584_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[79.6160278038, 0, 394.68127441710004, 253.8985595904]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046584.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, a cell phone, a speaker, a moniter, and a router.", "boxes_value": [[169.6160278038, 0, 484.68127441710004, 253.8985595904], [382.7595215065, 163.9934082048, 484.68127441710004, 217.8944091648], [241.72100830489998, 171.5890503168, 289.0437011917, 189.4207763456], [169.6160278038, 201.0908203008, 207.76544187630003, 253.8985595904], [176.41217040100003, 0, 337.0750732393, 207.3856201216], [322.1713867234, 69.9672241152, 359.34228513690005, 162.685485824]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046584_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, a cell phone, a speaker, a moniter, and a router.", "boxes_value": [[79.6160278038, 0, 394.68127441710004, 253.8985595904], [292.7595215065, 163.9934082048, 394.68127441710004, 217.8944091648], [151.72100830489998, 171.5890503168, 199.0437011917, 189.4207763456], [79.6160278038, 201.0908203008, 117.76544187630003, 253.8985595904], [86.41217040100003, 0, 247.07507323930002, 207.3856201216], [232.17138672340002, 69.9672241152, 269.34228513690005, 162.685485824]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046585.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[61.580688477, 198.4758300672, 345.03015138899997, 279.8652954112]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046585_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[61.580688477, 20.475830067200008, 345.03015138899997, 101.86529541120001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046585.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a nightstand, and five pillows.", "boxes_value": [[61.580688477, 198.4758300672, 345.03015138899997, 279.8652954112], [306.330200176, 204.8745117184, 327.343383752, 249.1726684672], [306.225830064, 243.3601074176, 345.03015138899997, 258.3811035136], [61.580688477, 198.4758300672, 122.277893045, 279.8652954112], [152.277282696, 208.7649536, 222.164245611, 239.4003295744], [213.069335941, 207.8075561472, 242.268676727, 234.6135254016], [251.363586397, 211.6370239488, 293.008544906, 233.6561889792], [148.447814977, 231.3997802496, 304.767089858, 279.1306152448], [184.827331535, 244.6657714688, 310.20190432, 271.9504394752]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046585_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a nightstand, and five pillows.", "boxes_value": [[61.580688477, 20.475830067200008, 345.03015138899997, 101.86529541120001], [306.330200176, 26.874511718399987, 327.343383752, 71.1726684672], [306.225830064, 65.3601074176, 345.03015138899997, 80.38110351360001], [61.580688477, 20.475830067200008, 122.277893045, 101.86529541120001], [152.277282696, 30.764953600000013, 222.164245611, 61.40032957439999], [213.069335941, 29.80755614719999, 242.268676727, 56.613525401599986], [251.363586397, 33.63702394879999, 293.008544906, 55.65618897920001], [148.447814977, 53.39978024960001, 304.767089858, 101.13061524480003], [184.827331535, 66.66577146879999, 310.20190432, 93.95043947520003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046587.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[333.20202635559997, 430.5227661312, 627.0124511836, 498.7003173888]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046587_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[74.20202635559997, 17.5227661312, 368.0124511836, 85.70031738879999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046587.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six books.", "boxes_value": [[333.20202635559997, 430.5227661312, 627.0124511836, 498.7003173888], [479.9588623264, 432.4799194112, 575.6020507874, 475.3544311296], [564.8834228316, 467.9338378752, 638.264770498, 512.4573974528], [333.20202635559997, 461.3161620992, 386.68225097920003, 498.7003173888], [560.6062011778, 430.5227661312, 627.0124511836, 459.7583007744], [442.9746093672, 440.6173095936, 476.24035642560005, 464.9065551872], [380.1394042988, 437.4491577344, 467.2639159882, 468.0747070464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046587_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six books.", "boxes_value": [[74.20202635559997, 17.5227661312, 368.0124511836, 85.70031738879999], [220.95886232639998, 19.4799194112, 316.6020507874, 62.354431129600016], [305.8834228316, 54.93383787520003, 379.26477049799996, 99], [74.20202635559997, 48.31616209920003, 127.68225097920003, 85.70031738879999], [301.6062011778, 17.5227661312, 368.0124511836, 46.75830077440003], [183.9746093672, 27.617309593599998, 217.24035642560005, 51.90655518720001], [121.1394042988, 24.44915773439999, 208.26391598819998, 55.07470704640002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046588.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[485.17333985470003, 185.5879516672, 681.5950927684, 315.083251968]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046588_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[49.17333985470003, 32.5879516672, 245.59509276840004, 162.083251968]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046588.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and two helmets.", "boxes_value": [[485.17333985470003, 185.5879516672, 681.5950927684, 315.083251968], [631.0416259497, 197.3750610432, 683.1070556739, 266.52026368], [485.17333985470003, 185.5879516672, 521.0299072182, 290.048706048], [519.7398681559999, 203.6542358528, 532.5119628969001, 237.7581787136], [662.4716796703, 238.1768188416, 683.1903076366999, 262.7501220864], [587.5160994976, 279.4809096192, 610.5684291157, 315.083251968], [663.6254388546, 237.7842658816, 681.5950927684, 258.5220277248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046588_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and two helmets.", "boxes_value": [[49.17333985470003, 32.5879516672, 245.59509276840004, 162.083251968], [195.0416259497, 44.37506104319999, 247, 113.52026368000003], [49.17333985470003, 32.5879516672, 85.02990721820004, 137.04870604799999], [83.73986815599994, 50.654235852800014, 96.51196289690006, 84.75817871359999], [226.47167967029998, 85.17681884160001, 247, 109.75012208639998], [151.51609949759995, 126.48090961920002, 174.56842911570004, 162.083251968], [227.62543885460002, 84.78426588159999, 245.59509276840004, 105.52202772480001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046591.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[249.178710972, 207.3176880128, 708.010498046875, 321.0172119140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046591_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[115.178710972, 29.317688012800005, 574.010498046875, 143.0172119140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046591.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four hats, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[249.178710972, 207.3176880128, 708.010498046875, 321.0172119140625], [249.178710972, 208.0144653312, 329.3050537088, 261.6642456064], [426.15344240919995, 267.2382812672, 467.26171873640004, 291.6245727744], [465.8682861424, 207.3176880128, 599.6444092044, 276.9927978496], [474.9260254212, 265.8447876096, 532.0595703112, 297.1985473536], [630.8157958984375, 241.27496337890625, 708.010498046875, 321.0172119140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046591_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four hats, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[115.178710972, 29.317688012800005, 574.010498046875, 143.0172119140625], [115.178710972, 30.0144653312, 195.30505370880002, 83.66424560640002], [292.15344240919995, 89.23828126720002, 333.26171873640004, 113.62457277440001], [331.8682861424, 29.317688012800005, 465.64440920439995, 98.99279784959998], [340.9260254212, 87.84478760960002, 398.0595703112, 119.19854735360002], [496.8157958984375, 63.27496337890625, 574.010498046875, 143.0172119140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046592.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[159.29241943359375, 154.1528320512, 430.3911133007, 395.4293823488]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046592_crop.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[68.29241943359375, 61.152832051199994, 339.3911133007, 302.4293823488]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046592.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a picture, a person, a bowl, a wine glass, and two plates.", "boxes_value": [[159.29241943359375, 154.1528320512, 430.3911133007, 395.4293823488], [228.53088375549999, 243.8202514432, 289.5569457763, 322.1968994304], [190.6917724286, 252.9595336704, 251.35156251749999, 323.7292480512], [320.658020048, 154.1528320512, 430.3911133007, 395.4293823488], [182.31256102530003, 300.4394531328, 235.264709501, 323.359008768], [150.6727905155, 258.26727296, 182.29510497959998, 331.4559326208], [291.9977416914, 311.15747072, 327.3067627077, 321.1505737216], [159.29241943359375, 375.4385070800781, 261.8476867675781, 392.6421813964844]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046592_crop.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a picture, a person, a bowl, a wine glass, and two plates.", "boxes_value": [[68.29241943359375, 61.152832051199994, 339.3911133007, 302.4293823488], [137.53088375549999, 150.8202514432, 198.55694577629998, 229.19689943039998], [99.69177242859999, 159.9595336704, 160.35156251749999, 230.7292480512], [229.65802004800003, 61.152832051199994, 339.3911133007, 302.4293823488], [91.31256102530003, 207.4394531328, 144.264709501, 230.35900876800002], [59.6727905155, 165.26727296, 91.29510497959998, 238.4559326208], [200.9977416914, 218.15747072, 236.3067627077, 228.15057372159998], [68.29241943359375, 282.4385070800781, 170.84768676757812, 299.6421813964844]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046594.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[40.7904052736, 210.60986327039998, 231.6464843776, 333.5751952896]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046594_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[40.7904052736, 31.609863270399984, 231.6464843776, 154.5751952896]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046594.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five traffic signs.", "boxes_value": [[40.7904052736, 210.60986327039998, 231.6464843776, 333.5751952896], [166.8731689472, 248.7117920256, 231.6464843776, 288.8919677952], [80.6242065408, 210.60986327039998, 154.7498168832, 259.79602053120004], [51.8745727488, 268.10913085439995, 156.1353759744, 310.71398922239996], [82.009765632, 235.89569088000002, 153.710693376, 282.31079101439997], [40.7904052736, 301.361694336, 150.939636224, 333.5751952896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046594_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five traffic signs.", "boxes_value": [[40.7904052736, 31.609863270399984, 231.6464843776, 154.5751952896], [166.8731689472, 69.7117920256, 231.6464843776, 109.8919677952], [80.6242065408, 31.609863270399984, 154.7498168832, 80.79602053120004], [51.8745727488, 89.10913085439995, 156.1353759744, 131.71398922239996], [82.009765632, 56.89569088000002, 153.710693376, 103.31079101439997], [40.7904052736, 122.36169433600003, 150.939636224, 154.5751952896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046595.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[619.9998779136, 259.237976064, 766.6628418048, 392.1512451072]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046595_crop.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . 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Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, two vases, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[36.99987791360002, 33.23797606400001, 183.6628418048, 166.1512451072], [83.48681638400001, 33.23797606400001, 118.84301757439994, 49.60656737279999], [88.72473144319997, 49.60656737279999, 112.95031738879993, 65.32049561600002], [120.15258790400003, 77.10589598719997, 183.6628418048, 120.3190918144], [124.73571776000006, 119.00958254080001, 173.84167477760002, 148.47314452479998], [36.99987791360002, 87.5817870848, 118.18835448319999, 166.1512451072]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046596.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.2640571594238281, 89.60987854003906, 124.67354583740234, 281.18865966796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046596_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.2640571594238281, 48.60987854003906, 124.67354583740234, 240.18865966796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046596.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two helmets, a boots, and three horses.", "boxes_value": [[0.2640571594238281, 89.60987854003906, 124.67354583740234, 281.18865966796875], [96.7745971712, 108.9554443354, 116.582519552, 127.2777710192], [78.4619750912, 205.4716186746, 90.096252416, 249.012145979], [111.90032196044922, 89.60987854003906, 124.67354583740234, 102.39254760742188], [0.2640571594238281, 160.47048950195312, 38.15375900268555, 269.36865234375], [86.29985046386719, 145.33316040039062, 130.2006072998047, 310.974609375], [37.167381286621094, 161.30361938476562, 75.76876068115234, 281.18865966796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046596_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two helmets, a boots, and three horses.", "boxes_value": [[0.2640571594238281, 48.60987854003906, 124.67354583740234, 240.18865966796875], [96.7745971712, 67.9554443354, 116.582519552, 86.2777710192], [78.4619750912, 164.4716186746, 90.096252416, 208.012145979], [111.90032196044922, 48.60987854003906, 124.67354583740234, 61.392547607421875], [0.2640571594238281, 119.47048950195312, 38.15375900268555, 228.36865234375], [86.29985046386719, 104.33316040039062, 130.2006072998047, 269.974609375], [37.167381286621094, 120.30361938476562, 75.76876068115234, 240.18865966796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046597.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[59.4147949056, 871.9790039029, 223.2437133824, 910.9765625207999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046597_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[41.4147949056, 9.97900390289999, 205.2437133824, 48.97656252079992]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046597.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[59.4147949056, 871.9790039029, 223.2437133824, 910.9765625207999], [59.4147949056, 874.5502929306, 114.2686157312, 910.548095717], [97.9838866944, 871.9790039029, 128.8391113216, 910.7623291189001], [129.4819336192, 879.6927490031001, 165.9083251712, 910.548095717], [171.4793701376, 879.0499267234001, 208.7628173824, 910.9765625207999], [197.4063720448, 878.1928711329, 223.2437133824, 910.7623291189001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046597_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[41.4147949056, 9.97900390289999, 205.2437133824, 48.97656252079992], [41.4147949056, 12.550292930599994, 96.2686157312, 48.548095717000024], [79.9838866944, 9.97900390289999, 110.8391113216, 48.762329118900084], [111.48193361919999, 17.69274900310006, 147.9083251712, 48.548095717000024], [153.4793701376, 17.049926723400063, 190.7628173824, 48.97656252079992], [179.4063720448, 16.192871132899995, 205.2437133824, 48.762329118900084]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046600.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.3180542307, 251.8503417856, 217.2970581393, 495.3481445376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046600_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.3180542307, 61.850341785599994, 217.2970581393, 305.3481445376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046600.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a clock, a lamp, a couch, a pillow, two desks, and two pictures.", "boxes_value": [[0.3180542307, 251.8503417856, 217.2970581393, 495.3481445376], [57.6738281025, 251.8503417856, 78.9221191032, 288.2760620032], [23.4557495046, 307.5927123968, 89.6842651611, 440.6016845824], [0.5332030914, 402.081359872, 303.1555176009, 511.5611572224], [117.9521484063, 440.8554687488, 219.6771240369, 511.10498048], [0.6190796157, 413.2382812672, 111.5106201195, 495.3481445376], [65.4189453021, 377.9101562368, 95.1508178421, 423.1543579136], [0.3180542307, 414.1054687744, 37.8414917088, 469.6912231424], [184.7058105126, 316.0285644288, 217.2970581393, 383.9555663872]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 8], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046600_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a clock, a lamp, a couch, a pillow, two desks, and two pictures.", "boxes_value": [[0.3180542307, 61.850341785599994, 217.2970581393, 305.3481445376], [57.6738281025, 61.850341785599994, 78.9221191032, 98.27606200320002], [23.4557495046, 117.59271239679998, 89.6842651611, 250.60168458240003], [0.5332030914, 212.081359872, 271, 321.5611572224], [117.9521484063, 250.85546874879998, 219.6771240369, 321.10498048], [0.6190796157, 223.23828126720002, 111.5106201195, 305.3481445376], [65.4189453021, 187.9101562368, 95.1508178421, 233.1543579136], [0.3180542307, 224.10546877439998, 37.8414917088, 279.6912231424], [184.7058105126, 126.0285644288, 217.2970581393, 193.9555663872]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 8], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046601.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[407.29895019860004, 198.7293090816, 664.876953131, 335.0795898368]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046601_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[65.29895019860004, 34.72930908160001, 322.87695313100005, 171.07958983679998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046601.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two storage boxes, a person, a hat, and three bottles.", "boxes_value": [[407.29895019860004, 198.7293090816, 664.876953131, 335.0795898368], [539.3135986532001, 265.561828608, 602.4661865354, 318.8607788032], [413.90441891039995, 214.5023803904, 465.8596191756, 266.009765632], [437.60095216240006, 167.2284546048, 604.5404053038, 316.4085083136], [620.9503173659999, 198.7293090816, 664.876953131, 228.1237792768], [407.29895019860004, 296.3454589952, 428.7319336112, 335.0795898368], [412.4193115154, 313.9690551808, 433.2099609554, 354.9106445312], [431.29077147159995, 306.6123657216, 445.0446777308, 342.436279296]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046601_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two storage boxes, a person, a hat, and three bottles.", "boxes_value": [[65.29895019860004, 34.72930908160001, 322.87695313100005, 171.07958983679998], [197.31359865320007, 101.56182860799998, 260.46618653539997, 154.8607788032], [71.90441891039995, 50.50238039039999, 123.85961917560002, 102.00976563199998], [95.60095216240006, 3.2284546047999925, 262.54040530379996, 152.4085083136], [278.9503173659999, 34.72930908160001, 322.87695313100005, 64.12377927680001], [65.29895019860004, 132.34545899519998, 86.73193361120002, 171.07958983679998], [70.41931151540001, 149.9690551808, 91.20996095539999, 190.91064453119998], [89.29077147159995, 142.61236572159999, 103.0446777308, 178.436279296]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046603.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[361.319457992, 114.6658324992, 423.011186172, 286.8662501376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046603_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[16.319457992000025, 43.66583249919999, 78.01118617200001, 215.8662501376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046603.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[361.319457992, 114.6658324992, 423.011186172, 286.8662501376], [377.27636719000003, 124.3366699008, 406.2889404148, 281.48803712], [391.29919436079996, 114.6658324992, 411.1243896664, 147.0631713792], [361.319457992, 119.5012207104, 391.29919436079996, 254.4096679936], [379.38946243000004, 176.0183484928, 420.9673257448, 217.266228736], [400.56849113, 273.462973952, 423.011186172, 286.8662501376]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046603_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[16.319457992000025, 43.66583249919999, 78.01118617200001, 215.8662501376], [32.27636719000003, 53.336669900800004, 61.28894041479998, 210.48803712], [46.29919436079996, 43.66583249919999, 66.12438966640002, 76.06317137920001], [16.319457992000025, 48.501220710400005, 46.29919436079996, 183.4096679936], [34.38946243000004, 105.01834849279999, 75.96732574480001, 146.266228736], [55.568491129999984, 202.46297395200003, 78.01118617200001, 215.8662501376]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046604.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[562.8934326032, 99.2478027264, 682.3134765396001, 238.7110595584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046604_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[29.89343260320004, 35.247802726399996, 149.31347653960006, 174.7110595584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046604.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two mirrors, a chair, a lamp, and a vase.", "boxes_value": [[562.8934326032, 99.2478027264, 682.3134765396001, 238.7110595584], [597.7718506006, 86.6633300992, 682.0985107588, 271.190002432], [607.4315185761, 190.2929687552, 655.84960939, 238.7110595584], [562.8934326032, 99.2478027264, 594.7611083971, 152.1438598656], [669.4113769833, 117.1368408064, 682.3134765396001, 202.7602539008], [657.9228515871, 193.2006225408, 668.8381347418, 241.1707763712]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046604_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two mirrors, a chair, a lamp, and a vase.", "boxes_value": [[29.89343260320004, 35.247802726399996, 149.31347653960006, 174.7110595584], [64.77185060060003, 22.663330099199996, 149.0985107588, 207.19000243200003], [74.43151857609996, 126.29296875520001, 122.84960938999996, 174.7110595584], [29.89343260320004, 35.247802726399996, 61.761108397099974, 88.1438598656], [136.4113769833, 53.1368408064, 149.31347653960006, 138.7602539008], [124.92285158710001, 129.2006225408, 135.8381347418, 177.1707763712]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046605.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a handbag, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[0.143127431, 379.89733888, 682.5471801757812, 511.8306884608], [325.0053100621, 389.4060668928, 365.1561279136, 461.677612288], [395.6320800834, 379.89733888, 422.3233642404, 439.4394531328], [259.721435535, 473.2959594496, 278.2471923517, 498.2655029248], [0.143127431, 455.1706543104, 58.5262451388, 511.8306884608], [598.3557739257812, 414.9874572753906, 682.5471801757812, 454.4598693847656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046605_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a handbag, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[0.143127431, 33.89733888000001, 682.5471801757812, 165.8306884608], [325.0053100621, 43.40606689280003, 365.1561279136, 115.67761228799998], [395.6320800834, 33.89733888000001, 422.3233642404, 93.4394531328], [259.721435535, 127.29595944959999, 278.2471923517, 152.2655029248], [0.143127431, 109.17065431039998, 58.5262451388, 165.8306884608], [598.3557739257812, 68.98745727539062, 682.5471801757812, 108.45986938476562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046606.jpg", "text": "In the image , please describe the bounding box . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[147.73352049300001, 157.100891136, 333.983764644, 442.5615234559999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046606_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , please describe the bounding box . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cups, three plates, and a bread.", "boxes_value": [[235.956237826, 432.6623535104, 637.8999023559, 491.7757568512], [582.7680664139999, 448.5676879872, 627.4318847628, 482.5244750848], [580.6267090037, 435.7192382976, 610.300537103, 452.23870848], [570.5108642757, 468.9631347712, 637.8999023559, 491.7757568512], [334.0213012537, 459.1346435584, 406.1751708924, 484.4196167168], [235.956237826, 432.6623535104, 368.17504886, 473.9173583872], [244.5876465069, 427.542297344, 288.621215822, 450.7822265856]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046609_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cups, three plates, and a bread.", "boxes_value": [[100.956237826, 15.66235351040001, 502.89990235590005, 74.77575685120001], [447.7680664139999, 31.567687987199974, 492.4318847628, 65.52447508479997], [445.62670900369994, 18.719238297599986, 475.300537103, 35.238708480000014], [435.5108642757, 51.963134771199975, 502.89990235590005, 74.77575685120001], [199.02130125370002, 42.1346435584, 271.1751708924, 67.41961671680002], [100.956237826, 15.66235351040001, 233.17504886, 56.91735838720001], [109.5876465069, 10.54229734400002, 153.621215822, 33.78222658559997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046612.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[113.9716186586, 362.1591796736, 445.24340823290004, 512.3797607424]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046612_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[82.9716186586, 38.15917967360002, 414.24340823290004, 188]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046612.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, and three storage boxes.", "boxes_value": [[113.9716186586, 362.1591796736, 445.24340823290004, 512.3797607424], [159.80755612090002, 362.1591796736, 250.1477661385, 512.3797607424], [113.9716186586, 431.4016113152, 193.46191408549998, 512.1865234432], [380.41369626330004, 483.0213623296, 445.24340823290004, 512.2303467008], [217.5866699502, 395.5606078976, 317.8334350268, 458.289306624], [212.1614990466, 446.04534912, 327.4501953031, 511.7958984192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046612_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, and three storage boxes.", "boxes_value": [[82.9716186586, 38.15917967360002, 414.24340823290004, 188], [128.80755612090002, 38.15917967360002, 219.1477661385, 188], [82.9716186586, 107.4016113152, 162.46191408549998, 188], [349.41369626330004, 159.02136232959998, 414.24340823290004, 188], [186.5866699502, 71.5606078976, 286.8334350268, 134.289306624], [181.1614990466, 122.04534912000003, 296.4501953031, 187.7958984192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046613.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[21.300305950000002, 350.234191872, 127.19977569580078, 406.7483825683594]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046613_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[21.300305950000002, 14.234191871999997, 127.19977569580078, 70.74838256835938]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046613.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a tie, and four wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[21.300305950000002, 350.234191872, 127.19977569580078, 406.7483825683594], [68.956298796, 350.234191872, 101.655151367, 396.934082048], [21.300305950000002, 357.1598510592, 39.066695514, 401.6386328576], [82.86742401123047, 370.7661437988281, 98.02478790283203, 406.7483825683594], [43.70305633544922, 368.8887634277344, 60.84844207763672, 400.8580627441406], [62.220436096191406, 373.7466735839844, 75.7726821899414, 405.6402282714844], [111.44005584716797, 373.3538513183594, 127.19977569580078, 400.5234680175781]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046613_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a tie, and four wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[21.300305950000002, 14.234191871999997, 127.19977569580078, 70.74838256835938], [68.956298796, 14.234191871999997, 101.655151367, 60.93408204799999], [21.300305950000002, 21.15985105919998, 39.066695514, 65.63863285759999], [82.86742401123047, 34.766143798828125, 98.02478790283203, 70.74838256835938], [43.70305633544922, 32.888763427734375, 60.84844207763672, 64.85806274414062], [62.220436096191406, 37.746673583984375, 75.7726821899414, 69.64022827148438], [111.44005584716797, 37.353851318359375, 127.19977569580078, 64.52346801757812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046614.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[198.466308608, 145.8977050624, 482.1802368, 411.4536742912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046614_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[71.46630860799999, 66.89770506240001, 355.1802368, 332.4536742912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046614.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a blackboard, a tape measur, a scissors, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[198.466308608, 145.8977050624, 482.1802368, 411.4536742912], [321.8922119168, 287.8928833024, 482.1802368, 379.5468749824], [219.475219712, 145.8977050624, 375.4532470784, 303.2133789184], [225.9757080064, 272.8206787072, 252.1912231424, 323.7295532032], [239.39501952, 362.2993774592, 267.5720825344, 394.1121826304], [198.466308608, 350.3345336832, 238.8580932608, 411.4536742912]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046614_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a blackboard, a tape measur, a scissors, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[71.46630860799999, 66.89770506240001, 355.1802368, 332.4536742912], [194.89221191680002, 208.89288330239998, 355.1802368, 300.5468749824], [92.47521971200001, 66.89770506240001, 248.4532470784, 224.2133789184], [98.9757080064, 193.8206787072, 125.19122314239999, 244.7295532032], [112.39501952, 283.2993774592, 140.5720825344, 315.1121826304], [71.46630860799999, 271.3345336832, 111.85809326079999, 332.4536742912]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046616.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[233.4131317138672, 153.42105102539062, 511.9995422363281, 291.308532732]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046616_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[70.41313171386719, 35.421051025390625, 348.9995422363281, 173.308532732]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046616.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four tents, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[233.4131317138672, 153.42105102539062, 511.9995422363281, 291.308532732], [288.444457984, 219.89373777, 316.9977417216, 253.07733155399998], [294.2991943168, 202.370361336, 467.5770873856, 291.308532732], [245.472412109375, 183.7529296875, 299.40313720703125, 336.79339599609375], [453.4743957519531, 196.94839477539062, 511.9995422363281, 283.8541564941406], [233.4131317138672, 153.42105102539062, 410.6751708984375, 264.1897277832031]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046616_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four tents, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[70.41313171386719, 35.421051025390625, 348.9995422363281, 173.308532732], [125.444457984, 101.89373777, 153.9977417216, 135.07733155399998], [131.29919431680003, 84.370361336, 304.5770873856, 173.308532732], [82.472412109375, 65.7529296875, 136.40313720703125, 207], [290.4743957519531, 78.94839477539062, 348.9995422363281, 165.85415649414062], [70.41313171386719, 35.421051025390625, 247.6751708984375, 146.18972778320312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046618.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[1.3377685504, 301.4326782155, 224.2110595584, 499.13720703279995]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046618_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[1.3377685504, 49.432678215500005, 224.2110595584, 247.13720703279995]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046618.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball glove, two people, a helmet, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[1.3377685504, 301.4326782155, 224.2110595584, 499.13720703279995], [177.3934936576, 318.3287353573, 210.264648448, 368.4711914219], [1.3377685504, 341.1713867074, 49.8087768576, 362.34265134099996], [0.7806396416, 301.0574340541, 210.8217773568, 498.8415527248], [78.1944580096, 301.4326782155, 133.86279296, 358.3289795069], [26.6193237504, 467.20971683090005, 79.42242432, 499.13720703279995], [196.5440063488, 365.88061524600005, 224.2110595584, 409.48645020410004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046618_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball glove, two people, a helmet, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[1.3377685504, 49.432678215500005, 224.2110595584, 247.13720703279995], [177.3934936576, 66.32873535729999, 210.264648448, 116.47119142190002], [1.3377685504, 89.17138670740002, 49.8087768576, 110.34265134099996], [0.7806396416, 49.057434054099986, 210.8217773568, 246.8415527248], [78.1944580096, 49.432678215500005, 133.86279296, 106.3289795069], [26.6193237504, 215.20971683090005, 79.42242432, 247.13720703279995], [196.5440063488, 113.88061524600005, 224.2110595584, 157.48645020410004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046619.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[239.17822266000002, 269.0369872896, 520.8687743999999, 475.0993652224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046619_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[71.17822266000002, 52.036987289600006, 352, 258.0993652224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046619.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[239.17822266000002, 269.0369872896, 520.8687743999999, 475.0993652224], [259.11383056, 269.0369872896, 388.320495628, 416.7813110272], [311.464843768, 271.2647094784, 466.29003907199996, 445.0253906432], [374.954284692, 281.2893676544, 520.8687743999999, 475.0993652224], [475.200866712, 313.5910034432, 519.7548828160001, 505.1733398528], [239.17822266000002, 312.511230464, 270.275085444, 394.345153792]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046619_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[51.07116700360001, 19.110595686400018, 254.29028319180003, 94.81268311039997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046620.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, two cups, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[51.07116700360001, 19.110595686400018, 254.29028319180003, 94.81268311039997], [154.96911624260002, 72.41534423040002, 171.8813476822, 94.81268311039997], [190.44506834999999, 27.15032960000002, 212.19970704180002, 58.363586406399975], [235.37316893800005, 19.110595686400018, 254.29028319180003, 46.06744386560001], [51.07116700360001, 36.50390625279999, 105.7352295014, 91.16802979840003], [154.96911624260002, 72.41534423040002, 171.8813476822, 94.81268311039997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046623.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[233.075378432, 505.7314453363, 420.5879516672, 597.2115478623999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046623_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[47.07537843200001, 23.7314453363, 234.5879516672, 115.21154786239993]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046623.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[47.07537843200001, 23.7314453363, 234.5879516672, 115.21154786239993], [201.8621826048, 23.7314453363, 234.5879516672, 99.45007324560004], [98.79913328639998, 39.24218751130002, 126.277343744, 91.77416989110009], [81.01904296959998, 29.139892575099964, 111.32592773120001, 93.79467772650003], [47.07537843200001, 39.64636232329997, 75.7658691584, 115.21154786239993], [48.05871580159999, 25.577636750599936, 73.51647948800002, 78.85034178260003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046625.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[218.963439936, 11.29852296, 594.1462402559999, 409.69506835199996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046625_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[93.96343993599999, 11.29852296, 469.14624025599994, 409.69506835199996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046625.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a stool, a carpet, a bed, a person, a glasses, and a dog.", "boxes_value": [[218.963439936, 11.29852296, 594.1462402559999, 409.69506835199996], [431.857910144, 60.337646496, 640.872436544, 339.75708009600004], [303.375061056, 241.850280768, 475.86096192, 394.760864256], [113.55895993600001, 234.199462896, 617.974731456, 479.511047376], [218.963439936, 11.29852296, 501.657836928, 252.76660156800006], [339.35559084799996, 45.076232927999996, 627.142456064, 289.92346190399996], [560.27026368, 69.226440432, 594.1462402559999, 80.27691648], [227.752807616, 247.203186048, 311.543090816, 409.69506835199996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046625_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a stool, a carpet, a bed, a person, a glasses, and a dog.", "boxes_value": [[93.96343993599999, 11.29852296, 469.14624025599994, 409.69506835199996], [306.857910144, 60.337646496, 515, 339.75708009600004], [178.375061056, 241.850280768, 350.86096192, 394.760864256], [0, 234.199462896, 492.974731456, 479.511047376], [93.96343993599999, 11.29852296, 376.657836928, 252.76660156800006], [214.35559084799996, 45.076232927999996, 502.14245606400004, 289.92346190399996], [435.27026367999997, 69.226440432, 469.14624025599994, 80.27691648], [102.75280761600001, 247.203186048, 186.54309081600002, 409.69506835199996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046626.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[235.49194335279998, 0.1280517632, 530.2667235995999, 359.4084472832]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046626_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[74.49194335279998, 0.1280517632, 369.2667235995999, 359.4084472832]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046626.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, and two candies.", "boxes_value": [[235.49194335279998, 0.1280517632, 530.2667235995999, 359.4084472832], [284.054809554, 29.076843264, 377.9281005524, 54.5567016448], [462.776489292, 31.1636962816, 490.856445292, 53.8246459904], [491.348999048, 0.1280517632, 530.2667235995999, 17.3701171712], [361.007202134, 165.910766592, 466.7142333976, 359.4084472832], [235.49194335279998, 10.7175903232, 293.0335693728, 330.5810546688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046626_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, and two candies.", "boxes_value": [[74.49194335279998, 0.1280517632, 369.2667235995999, 359.4084472832], [123.05480955399997, 29.076843264, 216.9281005524, 54.5567016448], [301.776489292, 31.1636962816, 329.856445292, 53.8246459904], [330.348999048, 0.1280517632, 369.2667235995999, 17.3701171712], [200.007202134, 165.910766592, 305.7142333976, 359.4084472832], [74.49194335279998, 10.7175903232, 132.0335693728, 330.5810546688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046628.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[374.023193325, 225.1586303862, 749.7089844, 453.1416015762]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046628_crop.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[94.02319332500002, 57.1586303862, 469.70898439999996, 285.1416015762]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046628.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[374.023193325, 225.1586303862, 749.7089844, 453.1416015762], [653.9407959, 265.3769531478, 749.7089844, 356.96112060900003], [374.023193325, 225.1586303862, 468.567260775, 347.4138793914], [457.156738275, 225.8106689494, 497.256469725, 301.7719116324], [372.69396975, 226.93316650120002, 407.184936525, 270.8680419958], [588.2404785, 281.6127319254, 682.493530275, 429.7246704298], [507.45214845, 290.97949219540004, 619.85327145, 453.1416015762], [371.634033225, 301.5170898562, 535.55236815, 481.241882336]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5, 6, 7], [2, 3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046628_crop.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[94.02319332500002, 57.1586303862, 469.70898439999996, 285.1416015762], [373.9407959, 97.37695314780001, 469.70898439999996, 188.96112060900003], [94.02319332500002, 57.1586303862, 188.56726077500002, 179.41387939139997], [177.156738275, 57.8106689494, 217.256469725, 133.77191163240002], [92.69396975000001, 58.93316650120002, 127.18493652500001, 102.86804199580001], [308.2404785, 113.6127319254, 402.493530275, 261.7246704298], [227.45214844999998, 122.97949219540004, 339.85327144999997, 285.1416015762], [91.634033225, 133.51708985620002, 255.55236815, 313.241882336]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5, 6, 7], [2, 3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046632.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[2.313598661, 249.4644775424, 336.5463867392, 509.4256591872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046632_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[2.313598661, 65.4644775424, 336.5463867392, 325.4256591872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046632.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, three pillows, and a telephone.", "boxes_value": [[315.05969235199996, 127.62567139199999, 640.322387712, 340.322204592], [597.7861328, 127.62567139199999, 640.322387712, 280.16961672], [368.970214848, 275.035888656, 496.579101568, 330.039733872], [456.242919936, 268.43542478399996, 588.985473664, 317.572204608], [349.168823232, 295.570678704, 395.372070336, 325.639404288], [315.05969235199996, 319.9958496, 341.428955072, 340.322204592]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046634_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, three pillows, and a telephone.", "boxes_value": [[82.05969235199996, 53.62567139199999, 407, 266.322204592], [364.7861328, 53.62567139199999, 407, 206.16961672000002], [135.970214848, 201.035888656, 263.579101568, 256.039733872], [223.24291993600002, 194.43542478399996, 355.985473664, 243.572204608], [116.16882323200002, 221.570678704, 162.37207033599998, 251.63940428799998], [82.05969235199996, 245.99584959999999, 108.42895507200001, 266.322204592]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046635.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[377.2893066408, 327.8247680512, 509.1500243979, 387.3311157248]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046635_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[33.28930664080002, 15.82476805120001, 165.15002439789998, 75.33111572479999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046635.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[377.2893066408, 327.8247680512, 509.1500243979, 387.3311157248], [377.2893066408, 329.756774912, 398.9279785203, 382.5010376192], [428.5201416138, 327.8247680512, 454.0229492328, 384.23986816], [451.9620361584, 327.8247680512, 479.3968505763, 387.3311157248], [484.93530270540003, 331.1735839744, 506.0588378463, 379.4742431744], [496.14099119910003, 328.5975952384, 509.1500243979, 372.0037231616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046635_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[33.28930664080002, 15.82476805120001, 165.15002439789998, 75.33111572479999], [33.28930664080002, 17.756774912000026, 54.92797852029997, 70.50103761920002], [84.52014161379998, 15.82476805120001, 110.02294923279999, 72.23986816000001], [107.9620361584, 15.82476805120001, 135.39685057629998, 75.33111572479999], [140.93530270540003, 19.173583974400003, 162.05883784629998, 67.47424317439999], [152.14099119910003, 16.597595238400004, 165.15002439789998, 60.00372316160002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046637.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[183.57049557, 284.5421752832, 657.009399431, 350.9919433728]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046637_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[118.57049556999999, 17.54217528319998, 592.009399431, 83.9919433728]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046637.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, a desk, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[183.57049557, 284.5421752832, 657.009399431, 350.9919433728], [183.57049557, 294.1542358528, 224.18487545300002, 323.0620727296], [458.78393553300003, 293.8048095744, 550.956665028, 323.7205200384], [325.14074708500004, 287.4392700416, 396.740356474, 329.2401733632], [397.98193358, 284.5421752832, 463.373535163, 326.7569580032], [567.716796878, 288.6731567616, 657.009399431, 350.9919433728]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046637_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, a desk, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[118.57049556999999, 17.54217528319998, 592.009399431, 83.9919433728], [118.57049556999999, 27.154235852800014, 159.18487545300002, 56.062072729600004], [393.78393553300003, 26.804809574399997, 485.956665028, 56.720520038400025], [260.14074708500004, 20.439270041600025, 331.740356474, 62.24017336319997], [332.98193358, 17.54217528319998, 398.373535163, 59.7569580032], [502.71679687799997, 21.673156761600012, 592.009399431, 83.9919433728]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046638.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a barrel, a truck, two lamps, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[66.5657348692, 81.2123412992, 508.91369628449996, 478.13000488960006], [463.16943360930003, 275.3200073216, 483.0079345938, 337.7660522496], [478.5206298529, 307.5726318592, 508.91369628449996, 347.8610840064], [66.5657348692, 81.2123412992, 430.1160888711, 478.13000488960006], [386.5679931621, 85.2762450944, 466.3350830131, 96.8787231232], [413.0509033079, 124.5437622272, 453.5412597883, 133.6008300544], [478.4071044921875, 344.9126892089844, 528.1598510742188, 382.7751770019531]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046640_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a barrel, a truck, two lamps, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[66.5657348692, 81.2123412992, 508.91369628449996, 478.13000488960006], [463.16943360930003, 275.3200073216, 483.0079345938, 337.7660522496], [478.5206298529, 307.5726318592, 508.91369628449996, 347.8610840064], [66.5657348692, 81.2123412992, 430.1160888711, 478.13000488960006], [386.5679931621, 85.2762450944, 466.3350830131, 96.8787231232], [413.0509033079, 124.5437622272, 453.5412597883, 133.6008300544], [478.4071044921875, 344.9126892089844, 528.1598510742188, 382.7751770019531]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046646.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a vase, two flowers, a cabinet, a picture, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[366.1169433544, 147.8978882048, 494.0969238408, 288.6272583168], [423.84289553720004, 147.8978882048, 451.5019531292, 194.918334976], [445.9700927763, 159.5147094528, 494.0969238408, 197.6842040832], [335.8870239034, 193.2587890688, 497.41601561479996, 325.4691162112], [366.1169433544, 274.402587904, 388.40222169479995, 288.6272583168], [440.59533690300003, 224.873718272, 480.4243164121, 264.7027588096], [397.30358885199996, 230.4249267712, 428.37121579409995, 261.4926757888]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046647_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a vase, two flowers, a cabinet, a picture, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[32.11694335440001, 35.89788820480001, 160.0969238408, 176.6272583168], [89.84289553720004, 35.89788820480001, 117.50195312919999, 82.91833497600001], [111.97009277630002, 47.51470945279999, 160.0969238408, 85.6842040832], [1.8870239034000065, 81.25878906880001, 163.41601561479996, 211], [32.11694335440001, 162.40258790399997, 54.40222169479995, 176.6272583168], [106.59533690300003, 112.87371827199999, 146.42431641209998, 152.70275880960003], [63.30358885199996, 118.4249267712, 94.37121579409995, 149.4926757888]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046653.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[337.9713134485, 318.0297241088, 732.9405517942, 510.495056128]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046653_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[98.97131344849998, 49.029724108799996, 493.9405517942, 241.495056128]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046653.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a desk, a lamp, a carpet, a couch, and four pillows.", "boxes_value": [[337.9713134485, 318.0297241088, 732.9405517942, 510.495056128], [337.9713134485, 401.8654785024, 556.1787109697999, 510.3663940608], [577.939208963, 402.8798828032, 732.9405517942, 510.495056128], [641.711181654, 328.0363769344, 700.1688232752, 441.8516235264], [241.8671264418, 367.80664064, 598.3068847651, 510.7241821184], [441.4302978452, 317.6375732224, 731.3875732079, 467.2619018752], [538.0357666195999, 309.9201659904, 590.924316424, 351.5258788864], [573.2947997981, 312.0357055488, 616.3109130810001, 356.462097152], [590.219116182, 318.0297241088, 647.3388672185, 356.462097152], [605.0279541043001, 340.2429809664, 650.8647460907999, 358.5776977408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7, 8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046653_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a desk, a lamp, a carpet, a couch, and four pillows.", "boxes_value": [[98.97131344849998, 49.029724108799996, 493.9405517942, 241.495056128], [98.97131344849998, 132.86547850239998, 317.1787109697999, 241.36639406080002], [338.93920896300006, 133.87988280320002, 493.9405517942, 241.495056128], [402.71118165400003, 59.03637693439998, 461.1688232752, 172.85162352639998], [2.8671264417999964, 98.80664064000001, 359.3068847651, 241.7241821184], [202.43029784520002, 48.63757322240002, 492.3875732079, 198.2619018752], [299.03576661959994, 40.920165990399994, 351.92431642400004, 82.5258788864], [334.29479979810003, 43.035705548800024, 377.3109130810001, 87.46209715200001], [351.219116182, 49.029724108799996, 408.3388672185, 87.46209715200001], [366.0279541043001, 71.24298096640001, 411.86474609079994, 89.57769774079998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7, 8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046654.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[626.5377197568, 204.6152343552, 766.3310546688, 284.7855224832]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046654_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[35.537719756800016, 20.615234355199988, 175.3310546688, 100.7855224832]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046654.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a lifesaver, two pickup trucks, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[626.5377197568, 204.6152343552, 766.3310546688, 284.7855224832], [702.0389404416001, 234.7836914176, 765.834350592, 284.7855224832], [626.5377197568, 233.0499877888, 653.2009277184, 260.2630004736], [647.943725568, 213.4312743936, 696.3061523712, 238.8720092672], [685.4749755647999, 207.889770496, 744.9206542848, 227.7889404416], [727.2884521728, 204.6152343552, 766.3310546688, 223.5068359168]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046654_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a lifesaver, two pickup trucks, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[35.537719756800016, 20.615234355199988, 175.3310546688, 100.7855224832], [111.03894044160006, 50.78369141760001, 174.83435059199996, 100.7855224832], [35.537719756800016, 49.049987788799996, 62.20092771839995, 76.26300047360002], [56.94372556799999, 29.431274393600006, 105.30615237120003, 54.87200926720001], [94.47497556479993, 23.88977049600001, 153.92065428479998, 43.788940441600005], [136.28845217280002, 20.615234355199988, 175.3310546688, 39.506835916799986]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046661.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[233.1777954033, 277.4791869952, 729.1196288775, 369.4158325248]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046661_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[124.1777954033, 23.479186995199996, 620.1196288775, 115.41583252480001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046661.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a flag, two traffic lights, a picture, and two traffic cones.", "boxes_value": [[233.1777954033, 277.4791869952, 729.1196288775, 369.4158325248], [563.2932128679, 266.3208617984, 770.4661865078999, 413.2584838656], [296.7977294745, 261.7575683584, 454.68713378610005, 415.0838012928], [233.1777954033, 298.1696166912, 269.9138183685, 328.149597184], [318.89526363690004, 277.4791869952, 401.23461911730004, 338.7059325952], [486.1075439739, 296.0583496192, 576.8920898196, 340.3949584896], [649.3388671974, 293.6680297984, 729.1196288775, 349.7123412992], [442.6975097766, 352.0252685312, 517.9271239917, 369.4158325248], [448.0148926158, 312.9850463744, 519.7353515253, 354.2075195392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 6], [5], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046661_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a flag, two traffic lights, a picture, and two traffic cones.", "boxes_value": [[124.1777954033, 23.479186995199996, 620.1196288775, 115.41583252480001], [454.2932128679, 12.320861798400017, 661.4661865078999, 138], [187.7977294745, 7.757568358400022, 345.68713378610005, 138], [124.1777954033, 44.16961669120002, 160.91381836850002, 74.14959718400002], [209.89526363690004, 23.479186995199996, 292.23461911730004, 84.70593259520001], [377.1075439739, 42.05834961919999, 467.89208981959996, 86.39495848960001], [540.3388671974, 39.66802979840003, 620.1196288775, 95.71234129919998], [333.6975097766, 98.02526853120003, 408.9271239917, 115.41583252480001], [339.0148926158, 58.985046374399985, 410.73535152529996, 100.2075195392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 6], [5], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046662.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[356.71081542880006, 268.1384277504, 454.3371581857, 336.347473152]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046662_crop.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[24.71081542880006, 17.138427750400012, 122.33715818569999, 85.34747315200002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046662.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a machinery vehicle, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[356.71081542880006, 268.1384277504, 454.3371581857, 336.347473152], [443.3854980412, 293.9488525312, 454.3371581857, 325.8651733504], [418.8223877223, 301.1456909312, 430.3999023496, 334.6265259008], [356.71081542880006, 302.0844115968, 375.32861325719995, 336.347473152], [364.7214355688, 268.1384277504, 405.5194091705, 296.172790528], [427.4410400065, 315.3173217792, 446.3078613424, 334.6034545664]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046662_crop.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[109.3365478278, 125.286804224, 734.339233413, 511.5596923904]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046667_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[109.3365478278, 97.286804224, 734.339233413, 483.5596923904]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046667.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. 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Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two glasses, four boots, an airplane, and a head phone.", "boxes_value": [[109.3365478278, 97.286804224, 734.339233413, 483.5596923904], [547.1148681378, 57.149047859199996, 772.5488280966, 484], [84.5710449066, 85.8896484352, 307.3105468548, 484], [259.2495117504, 120.98791505919999, 299.9722900068, 142.4805297664], [550.5576171966, 97.286804224, 583.5236816196, 118.61779783680001], [221.07415774319998, 382.8334350336, 302.5876464558, 420.6898803712], [109.3365478278, 419.773986816, 203.06176759259998, 482.9698486272], [630.097778358, 462.584289536, 677.4512939478, 483.2418823168], [677.7691650666, 441.9266967552, 734.339233413, 483.5596923904], [50.2249755582, 127.5341796864, 773.7821045262, 484], [238.454772948, 86.0833129984, 287.1273193686, 143.8274535936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9], [10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046668.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[197.7902832238, 121.5970459136, 561.6403808596, 380.6649780224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046668_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[91.7902832238, 65.5970459136, 455.6403808596, 324.6649780224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046668.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two dinning tables, a tea pot, a flag, a vase, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[197.7902832238, 121.5970459136, 561.6403808596, 380.6649780224], [197.7902832238, 298.8540649472, 279.6011962763, 380.6649780224], [243.468017601, 121.5970459136, 383.2283935618, 198.8900756992], [379.81958010750003, 120.9152832, 445.2683105495, 202.0444946432], [218.24298097390002, 170.683593728, 233.9234618991, 195.9086303744], [214.83422851150002, 148.8673705984, 237.3322143615, 172.0471191552], [546.4468994244, 167.9777221632, 561.6403808596, 207.7144164864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046668_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two dinning tables, a tea pot, a flag, a vase, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[91.7902832238, 65.5970459136, 455.6403808596, 324.6649780224], [91.7902832238, 242.85406494720002, 173.60119627630002, 324.6649780224], [137.468017601, 65.5970459136, 277.2283935618, 142.8900756992], [273.81958010750003, 64.9152832, 339.2683105495, 146.0444946432], [112.24298097390002, 114.683593728, 127.9234618991, 139.9086303744], [108.83422851150002, 92.86737059839999, 131.3322143615, 116.0471191552], [440.44689942440004, 111.97772216320001, 455.6403808596, 151.7144164864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046671.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[41.385498077, 232.490966784, 532.2982177590001, 505.7825317375999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046671_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[41.385498077, 68.490966784, 532.2982177590001, 341.7825317375999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046671.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[215.9827270629, 124.7391967744, 553.2481689735, 433.394287104]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046674_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[84.98272706290001, 77.7391967744, 422.2481689735, 386.394287104]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046674.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, a chair, a stool, a bench, a wine glass, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[215.9827270629, 124.7391967744, 553.2481689735, 433.394287104], [361.34887695689997, 189.5128784384, 486.17980954620003, 305.2213745152], [313.8043213158, 176.4301757952, 553.2481689735, 433.394287104], [215.9827270629, 211.2882080256, 330.59460452549996, 309.8398437376], [253.4554443687, 177.824157696, 326.93334960090004, 234.675720192], [226.7413940043, 124.7391967744, 244.26279443159999, 164.1765136896], [141.8977051107, 135.9900512768, 308.161621131, 284.0185546752]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046674_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, a chair, a stool, a bench, a wine glass, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[84.98272706290001, 77.7391967744, 422.2481689735, 386.394287104], [230.34887695689997, 142.5128784384, 355.17980954620003, 258.2213745152], [182.8043213158, 129.4301757952, 422.2481689735, 386.394287104], [84.98272706290001, 164.2882080256, 199.59460452549996, 262.8398437376], [122.4554443687, 130.824157696, 195.93334960090004, 187.675720192], [95.74139400429999, 77.7391967744, 113.26279443159999, 117.1765136896], [10.897705110700002, 88.99005127679999, 177.161621131, 237.0185546752]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046675.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[78.2239379554, 149.6566772224, 256.5443115263, 275.415710464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046675_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[45.223937955400004, 31.656677222399992, 223.54431152630002, 157.41571046399997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046675.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three helmets.", "boxes_value": [[78.2239379554, 149.6566772224, 256.5443115263, 275.415710464], [78.2239379554, 149.6566772224, 161.9201660282, 275.415710464], [124.1495971663, 175.4094238208, 249.0501098719, 311.4694824448], [213.85479735930002, 163.8206787072, 285.962341296, 264.6854247936], [95.74914553309999, 152.1021728768, 128.639038058, 176.2214355456], [183.8210449337, 174.3942260736, 218.53814700520002, 209.1113281024], [228.7705688772, 164.1618041856, 256.5443115263, 187.184753408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046675_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three helmets.", "boxes_value": [[45.223937955400004, 31.656677222399992, 223.54431152630002, 157.41571046399997], [45.223937955400004, 31.656677222399992, 128.9201660282, 157.41571046399997], [91.1495971663, 57.40942382079999, 216.0501098719, 188], [180.85479735930002, 45.82067870719999, 252.96234129599998, 146.68542479360002], [62.74914553309999, 34.10217287680001, 95.63903805800001, 58.2214355456], [150.8210449337, 56.39422607360001, 185.53814700520002, 91.1113281024], [195.7705688772, 46.161804185600005, 223.54431152630002, 69.184753408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046676.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[34.2096557568, 70.653259264, 137.969726592, 145.9618530304]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046676_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[26.209655756799997, 19.653259264, 129.969726592, 94.9618530304]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046676.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pot, a plate, a bowl, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[34.2096557568, 70.653259264, 137.969726592, 145.9618530304], [54.0896606208, 79.0444946432, 107.9620972032, 118.055542016], [54.0896606208, 132.2151489024, 95.3299560192, 145.9618530304], [94.5868530432, 121.4406128128, 118.73657226239999, 137.7881469952], [116.30792232959999, 70.653259264, 137.969726592, 126.7573852672], [34.2096557568, 94.0239868416, 47.6399536128, 119.1516723712]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046676_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[432.68139650579997, 265.9378051584, 567.9766845546, 456.2797851648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046680_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[34.68139650579997, 47.93780515840001, 169.97668455459996, 238.2797851648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046680.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a knife, and four cups.", "boxes_value": [[287.7591552936, 167.7771606528, 680.5971679569, 511.608337408], [207.2801513889, 82.5645751808, 572.0206298856, 512.0058593792], [421.1458740162, 167.7771606528, 521.5312499814, 303.5211181568], [287.7591552936, 376.2484130816, 403.9921874986, 509.4013671936], [427.5329589661, 374.0414428672, 531.2598877067, 510.8726806528], [530.524291994, 388.754455552, 644.5502929567, 510.8726806528], [541.5590820492, 416.7092284928, 680.5971679569, 511.608337408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046691_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a knife, and four cups.", "boxes_value": [[98.75915529359997, 86.7771606528, 491.59716795689997, 430.608337408], [18.28015138890001, 1.5645751808000057, 383.0206298856, 431], [232.14587401620003, 86.7771606528, 332.53124998140004, 222.52111815680001], [98.75915529359997, 295.2484130816, 214.9921874986, 428.4013671936], [238.5329589661, 293.0414428672, 342.25988770670006, 429.8726806528], [341.524291994, 307.754455552, 455.5502929567, 429.8726806528], [352.5590820492, 335.7092284928, 491.59716795689997, 430.608337408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046693.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three plates, two cups, and a wine glass.", "boxes_value": [[244.150817856, 478.735229504, 367.63317868800004, 545.146362304], [253.726440432, 510.492309568, 296.677917504, 545.146362304], [267.214294416, 487.345825216, 304.712951664, 514.086669952], [315.26977540800004, 482.973876928, 367.63317868800004, 524.626586944], [300.592102032, 502.80847168, 342.641540544, 553.98181152], [244.150817856, 485.583618176, 268.81439208, 509.43859865599995], [320.561340336, 478.735229504, 358.160400384, 522.172729472]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046693_crop.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three plates, two cups, and a wine glass.", "boxes_value": [[31.150817856000003, 16.735229504000017, 154.63317868800004, 83.14636230400004], [40.726440432000004, 48.492309567999996, 83.67791750399999, 83.14636230400004], [54.21429441599997, 25.34582521599998, 91.712951664, 52.086669951999966], [102.26977540800004, 20.97387692799998, 154.63317868800004, 62.626586943999996], [87.59210203200001, 40.808471680000025, 129.641540544, 91.98181151999995], [31.150817856000003, 23.583618176000016, 55.814392080000005, 47.438598655999954], [107.561340336, 16.735229504000017, 145.160400384, 60.172729472000015]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046694.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[102.15654754638672, 48.4942016512, 650.1040038912, 132.04653930664062]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046694_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[102.15654754638672, 21.4942016512, 650.1040038912, 105.04653930664062]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046694.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three benches, two people, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[102.15654754638672, 48.4942016512, 650.1040038912, 132.04653930664062], [188.10369876480001, 92.119140608, 240.41058347519999, 123.6836548096], [131.28759767039998, 90.3154296832, 187.2018432768, 122.7817993216], [356.7484131072, 94.8246459904, 385.6074218496, 122.7817993216], [170.69781496320002, 90.7469482496, 196.356079104, 149.0216674816], [592.3824463104, 48.4942016512, 650.1040038912, 96.9116821504], [102.15654754638672, 95.93927001953125, 113.64185333251953, 132.04653930664062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046694_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three benches, two people, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[102.15654754638672, 21.4942016512, 650.1040038912, 105.04653930664062], [188.10369876480001, 65.119140608, 240.41058347519999, 96.6836548096], [131.28759767039998, 63.315429683199994, 187.2018432768, 95.7817993216], [356.7484131072, 67.8246459904, 385.6074218496, 95.7817993216], [170.69781496320002, 63.746948249599996, 196.356079104, 122.02166748159999], [592.3824463104, 21.4942016512, 650.1040038912, 69.9116821504], [102.15654754638672, 68.93927001953125, 113.64185333251953, 105.04653930664062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046696.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[279.00469973500003, 146.2416992256, 661.4606933594999, 418.79351808]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046696_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[96.00469973500003, 68.2416992256, 478.46069335949994, 340.79351808]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046696.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a vase, a storage box, a bracelet, and a dog.", "boxes_value": [[279.00469973500003, 146.2416992256, 661.4606933594999, 418.79351808], [458.236083958, 146.2416992256, 661.4606933594999, 360.49401856], [249.8344726615, 199.2647094784, 359.7899169695, 339.3131714048], [395.091308605, 172.3867187712, 442.5457763855, 289.286682112], [279.00469973500003, 288.2024536064, 498.03845215300004, 418.79351808], [508.15478512349995, 357.9975585792, 573.531494127, 416.1602783232], [509.6904297, 169.716247552, 603.176635742, 330.3489990144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046696_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a vase, a storage box, a bracelet, and a dog.", "boxes_value": [[96.00469973500003, 68.2416992256, 478.46069335949994, 340.79351808], [275.236083958, 68.2416992256, 478.46069335949994, 282.49401856], [66.8344726615, 121.2647094784, 176.78991696949998, 261.3131714048], [212.091308605, 94.38671877120001, 259.5457763855, 211.286682112], [96.00469973500003, 210.2024536064, 315.03845215300004, 340.79351808], [325.15478512349995, 279.9975585792, 390.531494127, 338.1602783232], [326.6904297, 91.716247552, 420.17663574200003, 252.34899901440002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046697.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[221.81542968550002, 162.3154296832, 355.76586915150006, 265.456115712]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046697_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[33.81542968550002, 26.315429683199994, 167.76586915150006, 129.45611571199998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046697.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three fans, and two lamps.", "boxes_value": [[33.81542968550002, 26.315429683199994, 167.76586915150006, 129.45611571199998], [134.278259285, 77.29272463359999, 167.76586915150006, 113.3563232256], [71.16699218550002, 89.5285644288, 100.79064941849998, 119.79620362239999], [33.81542968550002, 97.25646970880001, 56.9991454865, 129.45611571199998], [120.36547852619998, 26.315429683199994, 145.226135268, 45.09307863039999], [65.85064695029999, 47.28540037120001, 85.17041011780003, 65.31719971839999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046698.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[281.70812985699996, 148.8322143744, 555.822998038, 312.2948608512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046698_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, a helmet, and three gloves.", "boxes_value": [[68.70812985699996, 41.832214374399996, 342.82299803800004, 205.29486085119999], [68.70812985699996, 105.28906250239999, 97.81066893799999, 136.944580096], [216.22180177799999, 41.832214374399996, 285.993164054, 93.5980224512], [107.459716808, 157.74255370240002, 166.21911619900004, 205.29486085119999], [225.22460936099998, 97.5366821376, 275.865112274, 143.6757812736], [291.619873065, 111.60351564800001, 342.82299803800004, 157.1798706176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046701.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[163.33485412597656, 478.0502624511719, 520.9569091796875, 500.6407470703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046701_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[90.33485412597656, 6.050262451171875, 447.9569091796875, 28.6407470703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046701.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[163.33485412597656, 478.0502624511719, 520.9569091796875, 500.6407470703125], [163.33485412597656, 490.99273681640625, 169.54579162597656, 500.6407470703125], [505.0035095214844, 478.7271423339844, 511.3807678222656, 486.1468811035156], [424.4131774902344, 484.359130859375, 430.6737976074219, 492.353515625], [255.2369842529297, 490.1994934082031, 265.4862060546875, 496.1651916503906], [512.895751953125, 478.0502624511719, 520.9569091796875, 485.1314392089844]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046701_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[90.33485412597656, 6.050262451171875, 447.9569091796875, 28.6407470703125], [90.33485412597656, 18.99273681640625, 96.54579162597656, 28.6407470703125], [432.0035095214844, 6.727142333984375, 438.3807678222656, 14.146881103515625], [351.4131774902344, 12.359130859375, 357.6737976074219, 20.353515625], [182.2369842529297, 18.199493408203125, 192.4862060546875, 24.165191650390625], [439.895751953125, 6.050262451171875, 447.9569091796875, 13.131439208984375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046702.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[194.3999023616, 0, 486.41320801279994, 392.405761702]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046702_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[73.3999023616, 0, 365.41320801279994, 392.405761702]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046702.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a mirror, and two towels.", "boxes_value": [[194.3999023616, 0, 486.41320801279994, 392.405761702], [235.1611328, 0, 411.5902099456, 51.4683227797], [266.122192384, 24.9302368204, 430.2651977728, 67.6860351812], [194.3999023616, 14.6433105239, 486.41320801279994, 392.405761702], [237.3017577984, 220.28161624400002, 268.8271484416, 298.7597045781], [266.1441650176, 220.28161624400002, 300.0171508736, 297.41815188009997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046702_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a mirror, and two towels.", "boxes_value": [[73.3999023616, 0, 365.41320801279994, 392.405761702], [114.16113279999999, 0, 290.5902099456, 51.4683227797], [145.12219238400002, 24.9302368204, 309.2651977728, 67.6860351812], [73.3999023616, 14.6433105239, 365.41320801279994, 392.405761702], [116.30175779839999, 220.28161624400002, 147.8271484416, 298.7597045781], [145.14416501760002, 220.28161624400002, 179.01715087359997, 297.41815188009997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046704.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[367.2343750111, 200.3353271296, 656.8312988624, 259.4076537856]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046704_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[73.23437501109998, 15.335327129599989, 362.8312988624, 74.40765378560002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046704.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five cars.", "boxes_value": [[367.2343750111, 200.3353271296, 656.8312988624, 259.4076537856], [570.6916503580001, 219.715820288, 656.8312988624, 259.4076537856], [521.8029785147, 214.239135744, 586.0200195442001, 235.3345947136], [477.1625976478, 211.1368408064, 551.5848388907999, 231.11926272], [367.2343750111, 200.3353271296, 420.98681643950005, 220.178466816], [383.699218768, 215.6572265472, 465.6966553089, 251.4432373248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046704_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five cars.", "boxes_value": [[73.23437501109998, 15.335327129599989, 362.8312988624, 74.40765378560002], [276.69165035800006, 34.715820288, 362.8312988624, 74.40765378560002], [227.80297851470004, 29.23913574400001, 292.02001954420007, 50.33459471360001], [183.1625976478, 26.136840806399988, 257.5848388907999, 46.119262719999995], [73.23437501109998, 15.335327129599989, 126.98681643950005, 35.178466816], [89.69921876799998, 30.657226547199997, 171.6966553089, 66.44323732480001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046705.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[89.28338624999999, 111.34313962200001, 223.2980957, 210.5262451314]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046705_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[34.28338624999999, 25.34313962200001, 168.2980957, 124.5262451314]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046705.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a picture, two cups, a bowl, and a tea pot.", "boxes_value": [[89.28338624999999, 111.34313962200001, 223.2980957, 210.5262451314], [160.41143799999998, 127.44726560279999, 214.85247805, 161.6766967728], [175.56793215, 111.34313962200001, 223.2980957, 149.5272827268], [89.28338624999999, 115.1994628818, 105.43756105, 142.3262329038], [116.52667235, 179.2689819426, 154.1260376, 210.5262451314], [181.10614015000002, 166.0256958096, 217.7163086, 189.3230590878], [181.43896485, 149.3847046098, 201.4081421, 166.35852048419997], [97.23565674999999, 148.7747192382, 151.4852295, 198.5113525428]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 6], [5], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046705_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a picture, two cups, a bowl, and a tea pot.", "boxes_value": [[34.28338624999999, 25.34313962200001, 168.2980957, 124.5262451314], [105.41143799999998, 41.44726560279999, 159.85247805, 75.6766967728], [120.56793214999999, 25.34313962200001, 168.2980957, 63.527282726799996], [34.28338624999999, 29.199462881800002, 50.43756105, 56.32623290379999], [61.52667235, 93.26898194259999, 99.12603759999999, 124.5262451314], [126.10614015000002, 80.0256958096, 162.7163086, 103.3230590878], [126.43896484999999, 63.384704609799996, 146.4081421, 80.35852048419997], [42.23565674999999, 62.77471923819999, 96.4852295, 112.51135254280001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 6], [5], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046706.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[145.8507690496, 266.5416870077, 335.9909057536, 628.8500976463]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046706_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[47.85076904959999, 91.54168700769998, 237.99090575359998, 453.8500976463]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046706.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a cabinet, a vase, a flower, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[0, 219.5939941888, 156.9239502011, 434.1578979328], [0, 219.5939941888, 62.59973144919999, 284.3850707968], [37.7651366897, 343.9244995072, 152.8250732291, 434.1578979328], [97.0456543128, 313.0916137472, 126.2763671662, 349.8657226752], [76.3012695285, 242.3720702976, 156.9239502011, 317.806213376], [75.56050109863281, 374.3807678222656, 124.61302185058594, 389.7524108886719]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046707_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0.1770630144, 126.047241216, 711.1361084160001, 296.7203979264]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046717_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0.1770630144, 43.047241216, 711.1361084160001, 213.72039792639998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046717.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people, a train, and a truck.", "boxes_value": [[0.1770630144, 43.047241216, 711.1361084160001, 213.72039792639998], [538.4985351936, 180.2742309376, 564.3371582208, 240.4725952], [647.8580322048, 181.1885986304, 662.1938476800001, 237.723815936], [502.5407715072, 90.0665283072, 517.6623535104, 128.3743896576], [0.1770630144, 73.17138672639999, 711.1361084160001, 213.72039792639998], [421.5808105728, 43.047241216, 499.1951904, 69.42102051840001], [649.721435546875, 65.89483642578125, 656.1064453125, 82.9024658203125], [670.2951049804688, 72.5252685546875, 677.7146606445312, 89.4136962890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 6, 7], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046718.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[623.908325222, 335.6651611136, 684.0791015240001, 380.9091796992]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046718_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[15.90832522200003, 11.665161113599993, 76.07910152400007, 56.909179699200024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046718.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three wine glasses, a vase, and a flower.", "boxes_value": [[623.908325222, 335.6651611136, 684.0791015240001, 380.9091796992], [623.908325222, 348.0887451136, 636.671875021, 376.5330810368], [642.871215805, 352.8294677504, 657.822753861, 380.9091796992], [672.40966793, 348.8180541952, 684.0791015240001, 380.1798095872], [655.8338623200001, 359.9600829952, 673.9200439790001, 377.2364502016], [652.3245850029999, 335.6651611136, 672.5703125050001, 361.0398559744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046718_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three wine glasses, a vase, and a flower.", "boxes_value": [[15.90832522200003, 11.665161113599993, 76.07910152400007, 56.909179699200024], [15.90832522200003, 24.088745113599998, 28.671875021000005, 52.53308103680001], [34.87121580500002, 28.8294677504, 49.822753861000024, 56.909179699200024], [64.40966792999996, 24.818054195199977, 76.07910152400007, 56.1798095872], [47.833862320000094, 35.960082995200025, 65.92004397900007, 53.23645020160001], [44.324585002999925, 11.665161113599993, 64.57031250500006, 37.039855974399984]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046719.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[342.5963134674, 115.7526244864, 599.8686523224001, 511.27227781119996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046719_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[64.59631346740002, 99.7526244864, 321.86865232240007, 495.27227781119996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046719.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, two people, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[342.5963134674, 115.7526244864, 599.8686523224001, 511.27227781119996], [382.4100341541, 115.7526244864, 466.3833008145, 236.753417984], [342.5963134674, 167.75531008, 599.8686523224001, 511.27227781119996], [463.12561036200003, 201.4656372224, 539.3764648722, 312.6201171968], [348.7962646428, 402.975952128, 446.1561279234, 510.846313472], [434.53930664460006, 369.7850952192, 513.0910644402001, 475.2879028224]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046719_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, two people, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[64.59631346740002, 99.7526244864, 321.86865232240007, 495.27227781119996], [104.4100341541, 99.7526244864, 188.3833008145, 220.753417984], [64.59631346740002, 151.75531008, 321.86865232240007, 495.27227781119996], [185.12561036200003, 185.4656372224, 261.3764648722, 296.6201171968], [70.7962646428, 386.975952128, 168.1561279234, 494.846313472], [156.53930664460006, 353.7850952192, 235.09106444020006, 459.2879028224]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046720.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0, 252.7543945216, 61.9054565535, 509.9415893504]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046720_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0, 64.7543945216, 61.9054565535, 321.9415893504]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046720.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cup, three bottles, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[0, 252.7543945216, 61.9054565535, 509.9415893504], [38.4803466965, 268.7539673088, 55.0132446106, 295.775451648], [24.0807494917, 249.5545043968, 39.3692016671, 293.1088867328], [9.503356937000001, 250.7988891648, 23.1918945211, 292.3977660928], [0, 252.7543945216, 7.903442414000001, 293.2866210816], [0, 355.7006835712, 61.9054565535, 509.9415893504]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046720_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cup, three bottles, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[0, 64.7543945216, 61.9054565535, 321.9415893504], [38.4803466965, 80.75396730879999, 55.0132446106, 107.775451648], [24.0807494917, 61.55450439680001, 39.3692016671, 105.10888673279999], [9.503356937000001, 62.79888916479999, 23.1918945211, 104.3977660928], [0, 64.7543945216, 7.903442414000001, 105.2866210816], [0, 167.7006835712, 61.9054565535, 321.9415893504]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046721.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[17.574951202399998, 159.0831909376, 130.2729492464, 400.606445312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046721_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, a desk, a lamp, a flower, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[17.574951202399998, 159.0831909376, 130.2729492464, 400.606445312], [0.8181762537999999, 212.8527832064, 121.9915771476, 373.114318848], [79.8051757956, 224.6975097856, 130.2729492464, 303.5390624768], [17.574951202399998, 159.0831909376, 86.4445190016, 212.0086669824], [54.5563354288, 184.327941888, 107.7032470752, 214.8874511872], [18.3350830384, 361.9450683392, 72.8504638726, 400.606445312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046721_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, a desk, a lamp, a flower, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[17.574951202399998, 61.083190937599994, 130.2729492464, 302.606445312], [0.8181762537999999, 114.8527832064, 121.9915771476, 275.114318848], [79.8051757956, 126.6975097856, 130.2729492464, 205.53906247679998], [17.574951202399998, 61.083190937599994, 86.4445190016, 114.0086669824], [54.5563354288, 86.327941888, 107.7032470752, 116.88745118720001], [18.3350830384, 263.9450683392, 72.8504638726, 302.606445312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046722.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a chair, a desk, a person, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[408.1928711168, 215.43072507850002, 511.9625854464, 568.2116699295], [433.4788208128, 173.4667358615, 511.3255004672, 395.6146240555], [408.1928711168, 411.97583005750005, 470.9661865472, 551.4720458795], [441.6719970816, 474.7491455115, 511.42010496, 568.2116699295], [459.7135009792, 215.43072507850002, 511.9625854464, 375.790039079], [473.2711181824, 459.1038818055, 511.7122192384, 478.868408218]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046722_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a chair, a desk, a person, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[26.192871116800006, 88.43072507850002, 129.9625854464, 441.2116699295], [51.478820812799995, 46.46673586150001, 129.32550046720002, 268.6146240555], [26.192871116800006, 284.97583005750005, 88.96618654719998, 424.4720458795], [59.67199708160001, 347.7491455115, 129.42010496, 441.2116699295], [77.71350097919998, 88.43072507850002, 129.9625854464, 248.790039079], [91.27111818240002, 332.1038818055, 129.7122192384, 351.868408218]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046723.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cups, a speaker, a keyboard, and a mouse.", "boxes_value": [[33.694763161599994, 33.31555172230003, 166.6104736256, 165.26184080220003], [103.7820434432, 88.29235836429996, 128.3715820544, 121.6638183302], [104.1894531072, 132.9931640484, 128.9414062592, 153.18554688459994], [102.89398195199999, 33.31555172230003, 126.59173585920001, 90.77453611340002], [33.694763161599994, 119.11938478440004, 108.29699706880001, 165.26184080220003], [133.3721923584, 120.35998531619998, 166.6104736256, 133.16589352659992]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046731.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five hats.", "boxes_value": [[1.4511718757999998, 117.8422851584, 304.5825805762, 256.6528320512], [272.0013427862, 189.2686767616, 304.5825805762, 215.826477056], [1.4511718757999998, 120.2205810688, 102.6384277475, 256.6528320512], [98.69976809590001, 121.6011352576, 144.2235717579, 147.913085952], [144.64123534179998, 117.8422851584, 210.2122192322, 186.7545165824], [201.0239257557, 162.9484863488, 251.55957030410002, 207.6370239488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046731_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five hats.", "boxes_value": [[1.4511718757999998, 34.8422851584, 304.5825805762, 173.6528320512], [272.0013427862, 106.2686767616, 304.5825805762, 132.826477056], [1.4511718757999998, 37.2205810688, 102.6384277475, 173.6528320512], [98.69976809590001, 38.601135257600006, 144.2235717579, 64.91308595199999], [144.64123534179998, 34.8422851584, 210.2122192322, 103.75451658239999], [201.0239257557, 79.9484863488, 251.55957030410002, 124.63702394879999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046734.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[141.64752199679998, 283.7720336896, 415.8254394624, 404.4694213632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046734_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[68.64752199679998, 30.772033689599994, 342.8254394624, 151.4694213632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046734.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two potted plants, five chairs, a desk, a flower, a tea pot, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[141.64752199679998, 283.7720336896, 415.8254394624, 404.4694213632], [372.34533688320005, 351.9669799936, 429.70568847359993, 411.0311279104], [359.2385253888, 304.4373169152, 388.2076416, 343.752563456], [378.9594726912, 286.1151733248, 415.8254394624, 333.2427978752], [254.4622802688, 292.6383056896, 324.8278808832, 404.4694213632], [285.0677490432, 283.7720336896, 339.99597166079997, 363.164184576], [231.5241699072, 289.7726440448, 291.06835937280005, 386.2432861184], [141.64752199679998, 295.5847778304, 212.26409909760002, 367.095214848], [135.54333496319998, 317.71246336, 337.7446288896, 384.09552], [211.90130618880002, 294.60266112, 257.0687255808, 322.4719238144], [177.2859496704, 317.7314452992, 202.1124267264, 340.8927612416], [179.59951782226562, 318.70458984375, 198.28201293945312, 336.58782958984375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [8], [9], [10], [11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046734_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two potted plants, five chairs, a desk, a flower, a tea pot, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[68.64752199679998, 30.772033689599994, 342.8254394624, 151.4694213632], [299.34533688320005, 98.96697999359998, 356.70568847359993, 158.03112791040002], [286.2385253888, 51.43731691519997, 315.2076416, 90.75256345600002], [305.9594726912, 33.115173324800026, 342.8254394624, 80.24279787519998], [181.4622802688, 39.638305689599974, 251.8278808832, 151.4694213632], [212.06774904320002, 30.772033689599994, 266.99597166079997, 110.16418457600003], [158.5241699072, 36.77264404480002, 218.06835937280005, 133.24328611840002], [68.64752199679998, 42.584777830400014, 139.26409909760002, 114.09521484800001], [62.54333496319998, 64.71246336000002, 264.7446288896, 131.09552000000002], [138.90130618880002, 41.60266111999999, 184.0687255808, 69.47192381439999], [104.28594967039999, 64.7314452992, 129.1124267264, 87.8927612416], [106.59951782226562, 65.70458984375, 125.28201293945312, 83.58782958984375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [8], [9], [10], [11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046737.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[679.6873779389999, 268.4442138624, 764.447387715, 398.7305908224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046737_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[21.68737793899993, 33.44421386239998, 106.44738771499999, 163.73059082240002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046737.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, two people, a street lights, and two boats.", "boxes_value": [[679.6873779389999, 268.4442138624, 764.447387715, 398.7305908224], [679.6873779389999, 353.7707519488, 755.1234131085, 398.7305908224], [730.55346678, 351.5006713856, 747.6309814589999, 369.9628906496], [709.7834472705, 350.1160278528, 728.7072753735, 391.8867798016], [724.292480493, 268.4442138624, 764.447387715, 389.8574218752], [670.5529785179999, 342.4912719872, 723.91467285, 360.0130004992], [727.2141113475001, 346.0171508736, 758.60876466, 357.2572021248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046737_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, two people, a street lights, and two boats.", "boxes_value": [[21.68737793899993, 33.44421386239998, 106.44738771499999, 163.73059082240002], [21.68737793899993, 118.77075194880001, 97.12341310850002, 163.73059082240002], [72.55346678000001, 116.50067138560001, 89.63098145899994, 134.9628906496], [51.783447270500005, 115.11602785280002, 70.70727537350001, 156.88677980160003], [66.29248049299997, 33.44421386239998, 106.44738771499999, 154.85742187519998], [12.552978517999918, 107.49127198719998, 65.91467284999999, 125.01300049920002], [69.21411134750008, 111.01715087359997, 100.60876466000002, 122.25720212480002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046738.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[75.80911254882812, 58.4724121088, 263.896423315, 199.0673828352]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046738_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[47.809112548828125, 35.4724121088, 235.896423315, 176.0673828352]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046738.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, an extractor, two bowls, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[47.809112548828125, 35.4724121088, 235.896423315, 176.0673828352], [134.50427244899998, 35.4724121088, 213.7308959685, 119.5676879872], [186.731872543, 55.832336435200006, 263.302856472, 203.663024896], [135.4102783475, 107.319641088, 235.896423315, 176.0673828352], [97.3454818725586, 145.56544494628906, 109.32003784179688, 162.62217712402344], [47.809112548828125, 137.0957794189453, 64.1890869140625, 160.4304656982422], [97.46989440917969, 145.6869354248047, 109.32426452636719, 162.6427459716797]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046741.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a hat, a gloves, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[0.17010494880000002, 33.8134765568, 116.1865234076, 396.2867431424], [0.0005493096, 232.8542480384, 57.125671354400005, 397.3042602496], [32.2922973632, 110.861328128, 61.2858886468, 151.9795532288], [96.2901611364, 33.8134765568, 116.1865234076, 50.3937988096], [13.0269164696, 234.1791382016, 56.62829587, 274.4265746944], [0.17010494880000002, 370.5731201024, 35.386596676799996, 396.2867431424]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046741_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, a suv, a car, and three street lights.", "boxes_value": [[413.0042724598, 133.4879760896, 600.6126708966, 404.9939575296], [440.8629150513, 342.2868652544, 476.5061035013, 452.7483520512], [462.2753676955, 355.2806607872, 486.633787592, 392.8504270336], [413.0042724598, 357.8049926656, 439.3002929786, 379.9688110592], [470.837768589, 354.4240722432, 495.95312502869996, 379.3784790016], [451.28430177399997, 186.6578979328, 545.7458495748, 389.7217406976], [474.475463876, 133.4879760896, 600.6126708966, 404.9939575296], [441.1610107421875, 228.05123901367188, 511.386474609375, 382.3682556152344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046742_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, a suv, a car, and three street lights.", "boxes_value": [[47.004272459800006, 68.48797608960001, 234.61267089659998, 339.9939575296], [74.86291505129998, 277.2868652544, 110.5061035013, 387.7483520512], [96.2753676955, 290.2806607872, 120.63378759199998, 327.8504270336], [47.004272459800006, 292.8049926656, 73.3002929786, 314.9688110592], [104.837768589, 289.4240722432, 129.95312502869996, 314.3784790016], [85.28430177399997, 121.65789793280001, 179.7458495748, 324.7217406976], [108.47546387599999, 68.48797608960001, 234.61267089659998, 339.9939575296], [75.1610107421875, 163.05123901367188, 145.386474609375, 317.3682556152344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046744.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[113.89663696289062, 114.99417114257812, 292.390625, 472.7397766113281]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046744_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[44.896636962890625, 89.99417114257812, 223.390625, 447.7397766113281]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046744.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two street lights, a car, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[113.89663696289062, 114.99417114257812, 292.390625, 472.7397766113281], [153.6861572304, 107.5218505728, 168.0759888008, 143.7212524544], [215.51745606240002, 172.0512695296, 275.7749023492, 252.3195190272], [250.6295165988, 128.7914428928, 261.6770019612, 161.5394287104], [113.89663696289062, 114.99417114257812, 292.390625, 472.7397766113281], [139.1890869140625, 193.48570251464844, 292.87628173828125, 478.3983612060547]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046744_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two street lights, a car, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[44.896636962890625, 89.99417114257812, 223.390625, 447.7397766113281], [84.6861572304, 82.5218505728, 99.07598880079999, 118.7212524544], [146.51745606240002, 147.0512695296, 206.77490234919998, 227.3195190272], [181.6295165988, 103.7914428928, 192.6770019612, 136.5394287104], [44.896636962890625, 89.99417114257812, 223.390625, 447.7397766113281], [70.1890869140625, 168.48570251464844, 223.87628173828125, 453.3983612060547]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046745.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[138.15576174310002, 206.85192871499999, 330.0933837815, 451.957580577]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046745_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[48.155761743100015, 61.851928714999985, 240.0933837815, 306.957580577]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046745.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, two sneakers, and a backpack.", "boxes_value": [[138.15576174310002, 206.85192871499999, 330.0933837815, 451.957580577], [138.15576174310002, 206.85192871499999, 165.9551391802, 270.25939941120004], [186.6204223374, 427.721923818, 208.4324341128, 451.957580577], [239.93878170250002, 404.4557495304, 265.6284790313, 424.3289795046], [165.7777710215, 211.5402831864, 245.270568874, 341.9278564572], [266.14520260949996, 241.2341308584, 330.0933837815, 352.4483642616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046745_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, two sneakers, and a backpack.", "boxes_value": [[48.155761743100015, 61.851928714999985, 240.0933837815, 306.957580577], [48.155761743100015, 61.851928714999985, 75.9551391802, 125.25939941120004], [96.62042233739999, 282.721923818, 118.4324341128, 306.957580577], [149.93878170250002, 259.4557495304, 175.6284790313, 279.3289795046], [75.7777710215, 66.54028318639999, 155.270568874, 196.9278564572], [176.14520260949996, 96.2341308584, 240.0933837815, 207.44836426159998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046746.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[144.3236084224, 421.94238282239996, 321.4226684416, 646.923950208]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046746_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[44.323608422400014, 56.94238282239996, 221.42266844160002, 281.92395020799995]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046746.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a flower, a vase, a lamp, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[301.12353518, 0, 424.99462889, 309.2955322368], [343.07348634, 177.6729736192, 390.342651335, 231.90814208], [327.57873538, 105.765808128, 424.99462889, 156.0913696256], [373.26593018, 156.1411743232, 394.77111817, 184.6638793728], [394.58264157, 0, 409.46704103499997, 81.5999145472], [301.12353518, 288.0634765824, 318.89916994000004, 309.2955322368]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046748_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a flower, a vase, a lamp, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[31.123535179999976, 0, 154.99462889, 309.2955322368], [73.07348633999999, 177.6729736192, 120.34265133500003, 231.90814208], [57.57873538000001, 105.765808128, 154.99462889, 156.0913696256], [103.26593018, 156.1411743232, 124.77111817000002, 184.6638793728], [124.58264157000002, 0, 139.46704103499997, 81.5999145472], [31.123535179999976, 288.0634765824, 48.899169940000036, 309.2955322368]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046750.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[1.8989105224609375, 315.8087158272, 636.3197021912999, 511.0552978515625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046750_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[1.8989105224609375, 49.80871582719999, 636.3197021912999, 245.0552978515625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046750.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a microphone, five chairs, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[1.8989105224609375, 315.8087158272, 636.3197021912999, 511.0552978515625], [602.4676513785, 300.4695434752, 624.3839110938001, 336.440795904], [567.42175293, 331.5299072512, 641.4635009685, 436.5068969472], [534.9650878734, 322.908569344, 594.80700681, 415.714355456], [516.7081299135, 319.3586425856, 564.8859863391, 401.0073852416], [499.4655761733, 315.8087158272, 542.5721435316, 391.371826176], [608.0650635114, 317.8323974656, 636.3197021912999, 336.9586181632], [1.8989105224609375, 331.31005859375, 273.0403289794922, 511.0552978515625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046750_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a microphone, five chairs, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[1.8989105224609375, 49.80871582719999, 636.3197021912999, 245.0552978515625], [602.4676513785, 34.4695434752, 624.3839110938001, 70.44079590400003], [567.42175293, 65.52990725119997, 641.4635009685, 170.5068969472], [534.9650878734, 56.908569344, 594.80700681, 149.71435545600002], [516.7081299135, 53.35864258560002, 564.8859863391, 135.0073852416], [499.4655761733, 49.80871582719999, 542.5721435316, 125.37182617600001], [608.0650635114, 51.832397465600025, 636.3197021912999, 70.95861816320001], [1.8989105224609375, 65.31005859375, 273.0403289794922, 245.0552978515625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046751.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[56.155700677000006, 69.6103515648, 248.17474368100002, 357.0751342592]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046751_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[48.155700677000006, 69.6103515648, 240.17474368100002, 357.0751342592]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046751.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two glasses, a handbag, a car, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[56.155700677000006, 69.6103515648, 248.17474368100002, 357.0751342592], [83.95672609200001, 209.5207519744, 138.934387205, 302.1148071424], [177.16864015700003, 127.0394287104, 212.052673313, 138.2922973696], [203.083496101, 127.349365248, 248.17474368100002, 193.188110336], [56.155700677000006, 69.6103515648, 101.909240751, 84.1175537152], [97.187805188, 144.7677001728, 138.518920902, 292.3789062656], [79.899108877, 216.166809088, 211.971618648, 357.0751342592]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046751_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two glasses, a handbag, a car, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[48.155700677000006, 69.6103515648, 240.17474368100002, 357.0751342592], [75.95672609200001, 209.5207519744, 130.934387205, 302.1148071424], [169.16864015700003, 127.0394287104, 204.052673313, 138.2922973696], [195.083496101, 127.349365248, 240.17474368100002, 193.188110336], [48.155700677000006, 69.6103515648, 93.909240751, 84.1175537152], [89.187805188, 144.7677001728, 130.518920902, 292.3789062656], [71.899108877, 216.166809088, 203.971618648, 357.0751342592]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046754.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[589.13525390625, 388.7795715332031, 767.1599120753999, 510.8703918457031]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046754_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[45.13525390625, 30.779571533203125, 223.15991207539992, 152.87039184570312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046754.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three handbags, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[589.13525390625, 388.7795715332031, 767.1599120753999, 510.8703918457031], [579.8167724754, 439.6620483584, 626.8570556832, 485.2706909184], [649.1500244279999, 483.0209350656, 665.1029053008, 508.7908325376], [741.390014664, 436.185180672, 767.1599120753999, 477.0897827328], [707.9657592773438, 381.2415771484375, 773.2968139648438, 510.92376708984375], [654.1727905273438, 388.7795715332031, 710.0640258789062, 510.8703918457031], [589.13525390625, 392.26727294921875, 649.581787109375, 510.86090087890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046754_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three handbags, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[45.13525390625, 30.779571533203125, 223.15991207539992, 152.87039184570312], [35.816772475399944, 81.6620483584, 82.85705568319997, 127.27069091840002], [105.15002442799994, 125.02093506559999, 121.10290530079999, 150.7908325376], [197.39001466399998, 78.185180672, 223.15991207539992, 119.08978273280002], [163.96575927734375, 23.2415771484375, 229.29681396484375, 152.92376708984375], [110.17279052734375, 30.779571533203125, 166.06402587890625, 152.87039184570312], [45.13525390625, 34.26727294921875, 105.581787109375, 152.86090087890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046755.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[103.7670898688, 311.10742188899997, 272.4235229696, 481.5246582036]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046755_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[42.7670898688, 43.107421888999966, 211.42352296960001, 213.52465820359998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046755.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a microwave, a cutting, a wine glass, a bakset, and two apples.", "boxes_value": [[103.7670898688, 311.10742188899997, 272.4235229696, 481.5246582036], [230.1616821248, 391.9162597632, 272.4235229696, 467.87707518479993], [186.9421386752, 311.10742188899997, 266.3841552896, 367.158203109], [191.1022949376, 462.39367675140005, 272.165649408, 481.5246582036], [159.9445190656, 445.0753173852, 194.010925312, 467.4686279544], [103.7670898688, 451.9298096046, 170.7713012736, 466.406127891], [172.97506713867188, 434.8573303222656, 185.92495727539062, 445.6783142089844], [184.0957489013672, 441.6128845214844, 193.95433044433594, 453.0713195800781]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046755_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a microwave, a cutting, a wine glass, a bakset, and two apples.", "boxes_value": [[42.7670898688, 43.107421888999966, 211.42352296960001, 213.52465820359998], [169.1616821248, 123.9162597632, 211.42352296960001, 199.87707518479993], [125.9421386752, 43.107421888999966, 205.38415528960002, 99.158203109], [130.1022949376, 194.39367675140005, 211.16564940799998, 213.52465820359998], [98.94451906559999, 177.07531738519998, 133.010925312, 199.4686279544], [42.7670898688, 183.9298096046, 109.77130127359999, 198.40612789099998], [111.97506713867188, 166.85733032226562, 124.92495727539062, 177.67831420898438], [123.09574890136719, 173.61288452148438, 132.95433044433594, 185.07131958007812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046756.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[54.1903686656, 342.9448241927, 348.4745483264, 422.0230712899]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046756_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[54.1903686656, 19.944824192700025, 348.4745483264, 99.02307128989997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046756.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a nightstand, and two pillows.", "boxes_value": [[54.1903686656, 342.9448241927, 348.4745483264, 422.0230712899], [54.1903686656, 345.2371825893, 87.0031738368, 368.24877932400005], [264.5373535232, 342.9448241927, 285.7225952256, 370.3395996145], [288.8723144704, 404.0568847869, 348.4745483264, 422.0230712899], [76.2516479488, 388.54187014160004, 175.999572736, 414.633300813], [185.5168457216, 389.0593261841, 276.1607666176, 411.621337888]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046756_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a nightstand, and two pillows.", "boxes_value": [[54.1903686656, 19.944824192700025, 348.4745483264, 99.02307128989997], [54.1903686656, 22.237182589300005, 87.0031738368, 45.248779324000054], [264.5373535232, 19.944824192700025, 285.7225952256, 47.3395996145], [288.8723144704, 81.05688478690001, 348.4745483264, 99.02307128989997], [76.2516479488, 65.54187014160004, 175.999572736, 91.633300813], [185.5168457216, 66.05932618409997, 276.1607666176, 88.62133788800003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046757.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[433.78247070929996, 219.4001464832, 600.6249999795, 511.1368408064]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046757_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[41.78247070929996, 73.40014648319999, 208.6249999795, 365.1368408064]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046757.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two desks, two chairs, two napkins, and three wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[433.78247070929996, 219.4001464832, 600.6249999795, 511.1368408064], [537.6751709263, 219.4001464832, 577.5946044965999, 258.2958984192], [529.4865722558, 254.7134399488, 600.6249999795, 316.1278076416], [493.66149904680003, 312.4173583872, 644.3461913837, 467.0501098496], [433.78247070929996, 327.5516357632, 589.7312012045, 511.1368408064], [335.2007446155, 300.6151122944, 568.0961913868, 473.9166870016], [444.2813720662, 328.9116210688, 479.9405517467, 341.2772827136], [504.9595947542, 316.2583007744, 535.7301025582, 326.8985595904], [496.0923767089844, 286.2234802246094, 508.3742980957031, 315.6006774902344], [456.1009521484375, 284.626708984375, 468.736083984375, 319.50201416015625], [437.3703308105469, 295.6744689941406, 450.3414001464844, 330.9090270996094]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5], [3, 4], [6, 7], [8, 9, 10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046757_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two desks, two chairs, two napkins, and three wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[41.78247070929996, 73.40014648319999, 208.6249999795, 365.1368408064], [145.67517092629998, 73.40014648319999, 185.5946044965999, 112.2958984192], [137.48657225579996, 108.71343994879999, 208.6249999795, 170.1278076416], [101.66149904680003, 166.4173583872, 250, 321.0501098496], [41.78247070929996, 181.5516357632, 197.73120120450005, 365.1368408064], [0, 154.61511229439998, 176.0961913868, 327.9166870016], [52.28137206619999, 182.9116210688, 87.94055174670001, 195.27728271360002], [112.9595947542, 170.25830077440003, 143.73010255819997, 180.8985595904], [104.09237670898438, 140.22348022460938, 116.37429809570312, 169.60067749023438], [64.1009521484375, 138.626708984375, 76.736083984375, 173.50201416015625], [45.370330810546875, 149.67446899414062, 58.341400146484375, 184.90902709960938]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5], [3, 4], [6, 7], [8, 9, 10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046760.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[33.7117309891, 240.9249267712, 184.7872314182, 335.275878912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046760_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[33.7117309891, 23.924926771200006, 184.7872314182, 118.275878912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046760.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a piano, a drum, and three speakers.", "boxes_value": [[33.7117309891, 240.9249267712, 184.7872314182, 335.275878912], [34.704162568200005, 240.9249267712, 124.8692627236, 255.7622070272], [35.274841305799995, 264.3221435392, 77.50402829389999, 299.1327514624], [33.7117309891, 297.266540544, 88.52075197459999, 330.0259399168], [103.8505248987, 300.4165039104, 151.9396362637, 335.275878912], [139.1578369124, 267.5717163008, 184.7872314182, 320.3259887616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046760_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a piano, a drum, and three speakers.", "boxes_value": [[33.7117309891, 23.924926771200006, 184.7872314182, 118.275878912], [34.704162568200005, 23.924926771200006, 124.8692627236, 38.76220702719999], [35.274841305799995, 47.3221435392, 77.50402829389999, 82.1327514624], [33.7117309891, 80.26654054400001, 88.52075197459999, 113.02593991679998], [103.8505248987, 83.41650391040002, 151.9396362637, 118.275878912], [139.1578369124, 50.571716300800006, 184.7872314182, 103.3259887616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046761.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[44.80498504638672, 205.6087035904, 157.6984405517578, 301.8323364352]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046761_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[28.80498504638672, 24.60870359040001, 141.6984405517578, 120.83233643519998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046761.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two boots, two leather shoes, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[44.80498504638672, 205.6087035904, 157.6984405517578, 301.8323364352], [44.996948208, 239.926208512, 87.7256470008, 301.8323364352], [69.5575561464, 205.6087035904, 134.4916992222, 272.2250976768], [119.41060638427734, 276.2834777832031, 157.6984405517578, 295.0160217285156], [44.80498504638672, 279.1636657714844, 70.49945068359375, 299.9386291503906], [74.36209106445312, 194.15054321289062, 128.11593627929688, 260.4757385253906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046761_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two boots, two leather shoes, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[28.80498504638672, 24.60870359040001, 141.6984405517578, 120.83233643519998], [28.996948208, 58.92620851199999, 71.7256470008, 120.83233643519998], [53.5575561464, 24.60870359040001, 118.4916992222, 91.22509767679998], [103.41060638427734, 95.28347778320312, 141.6984405517578, 114.01602172851562], [28.80498504638672, 98.16366577148438, 54.49945068359375, 118.93862915039062], [58.362091064453125, 13.150543212890625, 112.11593627929688, 79.47573852539062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046763.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[146.89453126200002, 105.3165283328, 304.837341282, 333.5073852416]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046763_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[39.894531262000015, 57.316528332800004, 197.837341282, 285.5073852416]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046763.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include an american football, two helmets, and three gloves.", "boxes_value": [[146.89453126200002, 105.3165283328, 304.837341282, 333.5073852416], [149.2053222648, 274.9926757888, 205.0510864488, 355.1814575104], [146.89453126200002, 129.303283712, 244.71807861960002, 237.5613403136], [216.6753540048, 126.6946411008, 280.586730936, 206.2577514496], [265.93267819920004, 105.3165283328, 304.837341282, 150.2065429504], [177.64898678400002, 275.1503296, 214.3091430984, 323.0330200064], [225.5316772236, 296.8471679488, 278.6514892584, 333.5073852416]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046763_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include an american football, two helmets, and three gloves.", "boxes_value": [[39.894531262000015, 57.316528332800004, 197.837341282, 285.5073852416], [42.2053222648, 226.9926757888, 98.05108644879999, 307.1814575104], [39.894531262000015, 81.303283712, 137.71807861960002, 189.5613403136], [109.6753540048, 78.6946411008, 173.58673093599998, 158.2577514496], [158.93267819920004, 57.316528332800004, 197.837341282, 102.2065429504], [70.64898678400002, 227.15032960000002, 107.3091430984, 275.0330200064], [118.53167722360001, 248.8471679488, 171.65148925839998, 285.5073852416]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046764.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0.9175415316000001, 225.5776367104, 240.2585449496, 331.0886230528]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046764_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0.9175415316000001, 26.577636710399986, 240.2585449496, 132.08862305280002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046764.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[0.9175415316000001, 225.5776367104, 240.2585449496, 331.0886230528], [0.9175415316000001, 245.2182006784, 37.001403773999996, 320.1264037888], [50.281188973599996, 250.2425537024, 104.6015624668, 321.0399170048], [120.588073696, 252.5263061504, 177.6827392764, 331.0886230528], [180.4232788288, 252.0695800832, 240.2585449496, 326.9777831936], [23.7554320972, 225.5776367104, 146.1664429032, 318.2993774592]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046764_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[0.9175415316000001, 26.577636710399986, 240.2585449496, 132.08862305280002], [0.9175415316000001, 46.218200678399995, 37.001403773999996, 121.12640378880002], [50.281188973599996, 51.24255370239999, 104.6015624668, 122.03991700479997], [120.588073696, 53.52630615039999, 177.6827392764, 132.08862305280002], [180.4232788288, 53.06958008320001, 240.2585449496, 127.97778319359998], [23.7554320972, 26.577636710399986, 146.1664429032, 119.2993774592]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046765.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[96.14366912841797, 305.9798583808, 292.1137084663, 357.6523437568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046765_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[49.14366912841797, 12.97985838080001, 245.1137084663, 64.65234375680001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046765.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a gloves, a handbag, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[96.14366912841797, 305.9798583808, 292.1137084663, 357.6523437568], [227.84838869739997, 304.9260253696, 249.7157592814, 338.967041024], [240.0219726556, 314.3944091648, 258.9586791662, 339.6433105408], [273.0893555026, 325.7404785152, 292.1137084663, 357.6523437568], [227.7689208961, 305.9798583808, 257.91302488040003, 339.2156982272], [96.14366912841797, 326.3323974609375, 119.10204315185547, 336.0784912109375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046765_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a gloves, a handbag, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[49.14366912841797, 12.97985838080001, 245.1137084663, 64.65234375680001], [180.84838869739997, 11.926025369599984, 202.7157592814, 45.967041024000025], [193.0219726556, 21.39440916479998, 211.9586791662, 46.64331054079997], [226.08935550259997, 32.74047851519998, 245.1137084663, 64.65234375680001], [180.7689208961, 12.97985838080001, 210.91302488040003, 46.215698227199994], [49.14366912841797, 33.3323974609375, 72.10204315185547, 43.0784912109375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046766.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0.3050537068, 327.7093506048, 690.8106689632, 510.1609497088]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046766_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0.3050537068, 45.70935060480002, 690.8106689632, 228.1609497088]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046766.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a carpet, two people, two backpacks, four sneakers, a handbag, seven chairs, and three desks.", "boxes_value": [[0.3050537068, 327.7093506048, 690.8106689632, 510.1609497088], [0.3050537068, 327.7093506048, 690.8106689632, 510.1609497088], [633.0881347492, 266.4061889536, 685.3758544688, 479.6283569152], [541.3646240336, 293.9990844928, 604.9877929768, 396.8042602496], [237.93681314239998, 424.7706967552, 292.39573653080004, 489.7500939264], [366.89221612200004, 418.667702784, 387.3446410772, 441.473061632], [224.636875082, 347.6654744064, 272.1569466724, 403.7284801536], [18.2538083996, 327.6454115328, 44.176296560000004, 346.2946835968], [201.049804674, 346.4687499776, 283.6242675444, 463.0815429632], [267.23547361280004, 372.942993152, 368.08984373280003, 506.574951168], [363.0471191772, 348.3597412352, 445.6215820476, 459.929870592], [49.768310547199995, 419.5881347584, 189.7037353776, 510.3569946112], [0.6018676991999999, 382.398071296, 143.0585937144, 511.617675776], [3.1682128524, 351.5902099456, 97.719177258, 508.8149413888], [508.7756347588, 338.1198119936, 580.5180664267999, 424.7355957248], [574.831176722, 328.4958496256, 614.20190427, 398.9258422784], [520.5869140763999, 335.0576172032, 602.8281250196001, 411.611999488], [264.1715088208, 355.2305908224, 386.3013916168, 458.6818847744], [670.5014038085938, 387.740234375, 697.7008666992188, 403.0521240234375], [648.6920166015625, 466.3194885253906, 670.5806884765625, 478.0016784667969], [193.67616271972656, 397.3793029785156, 208.2721405029297, 409.5621643066406]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 6], [5, 18, 19, 20], [7], [8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15], [12, 16, 17]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046766_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a carpet, two people, two backpacks, four sneakers, a handbag, seven chairs, and three desks.", "boxes_value": [[0.3050537068, 45.70935060480002, 690.8106689632, 228.1609497088], [0.3050537068, 45.70935060480002, 690.8106689632, 228.1609497088], [633.0881347492, 0, 685.3758544688, 197.62835691520002], [541.3646240336, 11.999084492800023, 604.9877929768, 114.80426024960002], [237.93681314239998, 142.7706967552, 292.39573653080004, 207.75009392639998], [366.89221612200004, 136.66770278400003, 387.3446410772, 159.473061632], [224.636875082, 65.6654744064, 272.1569466724, 121.7284801536], [18.2538083996, 45.64541153279998, 44.176296560000004, 64.29468359679998], [201.049804674, 64.4687499776, 283.6242675444, 181.08154296319998], [267.23547361280004, 90.94299315199999, 368.08984373280003, 224.57495116799998], [363.0471191772, 66.35974123519998, 445.6215820476, 177.929870592], [49.768310547199995, 137.58813475839997, 189.7037353776, 228.35699461119998], [0.6018676991999999, 100.39807129600001, 143.0585937144, 229.617675776], [3.1682128524, 69.59020994560001, 97.719177258, 226.81494138879998], [508.7756347588, 56.119811993600024, 580.5180664267999, 142.73559572480002], [574.831176722, 46.49584962559999, 614.20190427, 116.92584227840001], [520.5869140763999, 53.05761720319998, 602.8281250196001, 129.61199948799998], [264.1715088208, 73.23059082240002, 386.3013916168, 176.68188477439998], [670.5014038085938, 105.740234375, 697.7008666992188, 121.0521240234375], [648.6920166015625, 184.31948852539062, 670.5806884765625, 196.00167846679688], [193.67616271972656, 115.37930297851562, 208.2721405029297, 127.56216430664062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 6], [5, 18, 19, 20], [7], [8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15], [12, 16, 17]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046767.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[191.022216792, 142.4911498888, 327.921997086, 338.4584350394]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046767_crop.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[35.022216791999995, 49.49114988880001, 171.92199708599998, 245.4584350394]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046767.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bottle, a cup, a pot, a canned, and a bread.", "boxes_value": [[191.022216792, 142.4911498888, 327.921997086, 338.4584350394], [191.022216792, 142.4911498888, 327.921997086, 312.19628905039997], [227.042663548, 240.3683471579, 264.125732396, 329.10284424260004], [274.365722674, 277.2383422991, 308.431518556, 300.0476684772], [289.4731445, 277.5346069516, 357.901000962, 309.5268554586], [214.439392102, 311.1781616208, 249.135620106, 338.4584350394], [273.041809098, 297.35675048769997, 348.548217774, 326.779418954]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046767_crop.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bottle, a cup, a pot, a canned, and a bread.", "boxes_value": [[35.022216791999995, 49.49114988880001, 171.92199708599998, 245.4584350394], [35.022216791999995, 49.49114988880001, 171.92199708599998, 219.19628905039997], [71.04266354800001, 147.3683471579, 108.12573239599999, 236.10284424260004], [118.36572267399998, 184.2383422991, 152.43151855600001, 207.04766847719998], [133.4731445, 184.53460695159998, 201.901000962, 216.52685545859998], [58.439392102, 218.17816162079998, 93.135620106, 245.4584350394], [117.04180909799999, 204.35675048769997, 192.54821777400002, 233.779418954]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046769.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[357.1514892288, 319.1802368, 413.05828857421875, 363.0042724609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046769_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[14.151489228800017, 11.180236799999989, 70.05828857421875, 55.0042724609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046769.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five bottles.", "boxes_value": [[357.1514892288, 319.1802368, 413.05828857421875, 363.0042724609375], [366.15747072, 321.4894409216, 375.1633300992, 356.5894164992], [357.1514892288, 319.1802368, 369.8521728768, 358.6677245952], [384.20550537109375, 324.50555419921875, 397.00762939453125, 362.77587890625], [401.92291259765625, 326.848388671875, 413.05828857421875, 363.0042724609375], [396.4642333984375, 323.78216552734375, 404.3839111328125, 361.38970947265625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046769_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five bottles.", "boxes_value": [[14.151489228800017, 11.180236799999989, 70.05828857421875, 55.0042724609375], [23.157470719999992, 13.489440921600021, 32.16333009919998, 48.58941649920001], [14.151489228800017, 11.180236799999989, 26.85217287680001, 50.66772459520001], [41.20550537109375, 16.50555419921875, 54.00762939453125, 54.77587890625], [58.92291259765625, 18.848388671875, 70.05828857421875, 55.0042724609375], [53.4642333984375, 15.78216552734375, 61.3839111328125, 53.38970947265625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046770.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[93.59637454279999, 358.9147949056, 631.4713134754, 425.4356079104]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046770_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[93.59637454279999, 16.91479490559999, 631.4713134754, 83.4356079104]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046770.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five laptops.", "boxes_value": [[93.59637454279999, 358.9147949056, 631.4713134754, 425.4356079104], [132.5036620805, 397.555114752, 152.7133788924, 425.4356079104], [111.2613525382, 386.2701415936, 129.03704831689998, 409.1351318528], [93.59637454279999, 372.4826660352, 110.0338135083, 392.7134399488], [276.3587036353, 358.9147949056, 292.0479126175, 381.9376220672], [617.3314208736, 373.5209350656, 631.4713134754, 395.8109741056]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046770_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five laptops.", "boxes_value": [[93.59637454279999, 16.91479490559999, 631.4713134754, 83.4356079104], [132.5036620805, 55.55511475200001, 152.7133788924, 83.4356079104], [111.2613525382, 44.27014159359999, 129.03704831689998, 67.13513185279999], [93.59637454279999, 30.482666035199998, 110.0338135083, 50.71343994879999], [276.3587036353, 16.91479490559999, 292.0479126175, 39.93762206719998], [617.3314208736, 31.520935065599986, 631.4713134754, 53.810974105599996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046772.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[315.4882812757, 172.97799682617188, 643.9049072717, 510.0979614208]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046772_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[82.48828127569999, 84.97799682617188, 410.90490727170004, 422.0979614208]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046772.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, a person, a hat, a trash bin can, a cup, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[315.4882812757, 172.97799682617188, 643.9049072717, 510.0979614208], [465.71459961629995, 391.2804565504, 816.3179931856, 510.0032958976], [416.2563476683, 227.2332153344, 643.9049072717, 427.6511230464], [299.3370361022, 190.690429696, 500.77661135970004, 512.1715087872], [315.4882812757, 204.8960571392, 445.69921876300003, 330.7786254848], [461.59460448489995, 311.4195556864, 559.0690917647, 433.2333373952], [490.3460693055, 426.962524416, 555.1524658136, 510.0979614208], [605.5986328125, 172.97799682617188, 621.64794921875, 230.13394165039062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046772_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, a person, a hat, a trash bin can, a cup, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[82.48828127569999, 84.97799682617188, 410.90490727170004, 422.0979614208], [232.71459961629995, 303.2804565504, 493, 422.0032958976], [183.2563476683, 139.2332153344, 410.90490727170004, 339.6511230464], [66.33703610219999, 102.690429696, 267.77661135970004, 424], [82.48828127569999, 116.8960571392, 212.69921876300003, 242.7786254848], [228.59460448489995, 223.41955568639997, 326.06909176470003, 345.2333373952], [257.3460693055, 338.962524416, 322.1524658136, 422.0979614208], [372.5986328125, 84.97799682617188, 388.64794921875, 142.13394165039062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046773.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[41.115478514, 15.5634765824, 413.80163573490006, 269.0761718784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046773_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[41.115478514, 15.5634765824, 413.80163573490006, 269.0761718784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046773.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pictures, and a lamp.", "boxes_value": [[41.115478514, 15.5634765824, 413.80163573490006, 269.0761718784], [376.106323228, 194.3966674944, 413.80163573490006, 238.4931640832], [247.3731079392, 153.856384256, 280.8010253815, 243.4717407232], [285.0684203778, 166.6586303488, 303.560485829, 237.0706787328], [41.115478514, 82.0218505728, 143.5330810237, 269.0761718784], [87.2730712747, 15.5634765824, 161.342895521, 102.5661621248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046773_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pictures, and a lamp.", "boxes_value": [[41.115478514, 15.5634765824, 413.80163573490006, 269.0761718784], [376.106323228, 194.3966674944, 413.80163573490006, 238.4931640832], [247.3731079392, 153.856384256, 280.8010253815, 243.4717407232], [285.0684203778, 166.6586303488, 303.560485829, 237.0706787328], [41.115478514, 82.0218505728, 143.5330810237, 269.0761718784], [87.2730712747, 15.5634765824, 161.342895521, 102.5661621248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046775.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[162.229919424, 138.434020992, 300.310058592, 325.609313984]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046775_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[35.229919424, 47.434020992, 173.31005859200002, 234.60931398399998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046775.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two hats.", "boxes_value": [[162.229919424, 138.434020992, 300.310058592, 325.609313984], [208.64019777599998, 141.885986304, 300.310058592, 325.609313984], [162.229919424, 138.434020992, 225.90020750399998, 276.51416012799996], [164.168884272, 186.721252416, 189.36096192000002, 267.681884736], [176.725280784, 139.452880832, 202.865112288, 165.592651392], [240.476318352, 143.402038592, 279.780090336, 167.097106944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046775_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two hats.", "boxes_value": [[35.229919424, 47.434020992, 173.31005859200002, 234.60931398399998], [81.64019777599998, 50.885986304, 173.31005859200002, 234.60931398399998], [35.229919424, 47.434020992, 98.90020750399998, 185.51416012799996], [37.168884272000014, 95.721252416, 62.36096192000002, 176.68188473599997], [49.725280784000006, 48.452880832000005, 75.865112288, 74.592651392], [113.47631835199999, 52.402038592, 152.780090336, 76.09710694399999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046776.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[101.018127424, 211.088867184, 639.961914048, 478.26531983999996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046776_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[101.018127424, 67.08886718400001, 639.961914048, 334.26531983999996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046776.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, a desk, and a telephone.", "boxes_value": [[101.018127424, 211.088867184, 639.961914048, 478.26531983999996], [108.849609344, 216.13244630399998, 198.615600576, 280.70898436799996], [101.018127424, 270.801757824, 639.067504896, 478.26531983999996], [301.397888192, 211.088867184, 422.19262694400004, 317.96160887999997], [395.082153344, 216.81005860800002, 533.105590848, 346.966857888], [524.108032256, 228.62133787200003, 639.961914048, 399.643676736], [473.568481472, 366.46929931200003, 541.92724608, 411.459167472]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046776_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, a desk, and a telephone.", "boxes_value": [[101.018127424, 67.08886718400001, 639.961914048, 334.26531983999996], [108.849609344, 72.13244630399998, 198.615600576, 136.70898436799996], [101.018127424, 126.80175782399999, 639.067504896, 334.26531983999996], [301.397888192, 67.08886718400001, 422.19262694400004, 173.96160887999997], [395.082153344, 72.81005860800002, 533.105590848, 202.966857888], [524.108032256, 84.62133787200003, 639.961914048, 255.64367673599997], [473.568481472, 222.46929931200003, 541.92724608, 267.459167472]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046778.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[338.617187489, 211.6654052864, 659.4732665684, 345.4732665856]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046778_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[80.617187489, 33.66540528639999, 401.47326656840005, 167.47326658560002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046778.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a nightstand, and a lamp.", "boxes_value": [[338.617187489, 211.6654052864, 659.4732665684, 345.4732665856], [562.1351318669999, 261.438598656, 641.3891601644, 337.6610717696], [524.1802978248, 258.9858398208, 601.7639160502, 333.9709472768], [352.4887695024, 273.649597184, 405.180664063, 290.8757934592], [338.617187489, 211.6654052864, 395.9412842054, 280.7149658112], [610.451416041, 273.2774658048, 659.4732665684, 345.4732665856]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046778_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a nightstand, and a lamp.", "boxes_value": [[80.617187489, 33.66540528639999, 401.47326656840005, 167.47326658560002], [304.1351318669999, 83.43859865600001, 383.3891601644, 159.66107176960003], [266.18029782480005, 80.98583982079998, 343.7639160502, 155.97094727680002], [94.48876950239998, 95.64959718400002, 147.180664063, 112.8757934592], [80.617187489, 33.66540528639999, 137.9412842054, 102.71496581119999], [352.451416041, 95.27746580479999, 401.47326656840005, 167.47326658560002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046779.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[398.69494625280004, 351.084289536, 625.4384765952, 420.8385619968]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046779_crop.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[56.69494625280004, 18.08428953600003, 283.4384765952, 87.83856199680002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046779.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two slippers, a bowl, a plate, and a pot.", "boxes_value": [[398.69494625280004, 351.084289536, 625.4384765952, 420.8385619968], [586.9555663872, 366.3251342848, 625.4384765952, 394.6376342528], [485.05688478720003, 360.5779419136, 501.61694338560005, 381.1770019328], [398.69494625280004, 351.084289536, 476.2011718656, 400.6882323968], [417.8742675456, 392.2666015744, 435.29443361280005, 420.8385619968], [487.65515136, 344.0780639744, 592.7268066048, 438.4166870016]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046779_crop.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two slippers, a bowl, a plate, and a pot.", "boxes_value": [[56.69494625280004, 18.08428953600003, 283.4384765952, 87.83856199680002], [244.95556638719995, 33.325134284800015, 283.4384765952, 61.63763425280001], [143.05688478720003, 27.5779419136, 159.61694338560005, 48.17700193280001], [56.69494625280004, 18.08428953600003, 134.20117186559997, 67.6882323968], [75.87426754559999, 59.2666015744, 93.29443361280005, 87.83856199680002], [145.65515136, 11.078063974399981, 250.7268066048, 105]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046781.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[300.3042297363281, 172.8638153076172, 434.9714050292969, 202.86672973632812]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046781_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[34.304229736328125, 7.8638153076171875, 168.97140502929688, 37.866729736328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046781.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six helmets.", "boxes_value": [[300.3042297363281, 172.8638153076172, 434.9714050292969, 202.86672973632812], [384.5975646972656, 186.5198974609375, 408.2594299316406, 202.86672973632812], [416.0845642089844, 183.66285705566406, 434.9714050292969, 197.98634338378906], [364.00323486328125, 178.31993103027344, 384.341796875, 192.66639709472656], [320.5588684082031, 172.8638153076172, 340.9084167480469, 187.7897186279297], [300.3042297363281, 182.63458251953125, 322.7765197753906, 196.74188232421875], [338.9481506347656, 181.45310974121094, 358.8196105957031, 198.32191467285156]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046781_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six helmets.", "boxes_value": [[34.304229736328125, 7.8638153076171875, 168.97140502929688, 37.866729736328125], [118.59756469726562, 21.5198974609375, 142.25942993164062, 37.866729736328125], [150.08456420898438, 18.662857055664062, 168.97140502929688, 32.98634338378906], [98.00323486328125, 13.319931030273438, 118.341796875, 27.666397094726562], [54.558868408203125, 7.8638153076171875, 74.90841674804688, 22.789718627929688], [34.304229736328125, 17.63458251953125, 56.776519775390625, 31.74188232421875], [72.94815063476562, 16.453109741210938, 92.81961059570312, 33.32191467285156]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046782.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[216.8182372864, 561.6142578392, 512.4230957056, 711.271850568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046782_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[74.8182372864, 37.614257839200036, 370, 187.271850568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046782.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cars, a pickup truck, a suv, and a machinery vehicle.", "boxes_value": [[216.8182372864, 561.6142578392, 512.4230957056, 711.271850568], [351.3825683456, 670.7354736164, 405.8760986112, 700.0782470672], [434.0308227584, 667.3161620963999, 480.7861938688, 707.0722656012], [474.3468627968, 670.1158447232, 512.4230957056, 711.271850568], [216.8182372864, 561.6142578392, 287.5535888896, 584.159423838], [343.1502075392, 609.6862792608, 367.6895141376, 623.3192138531999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046782_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cars, a pickup truck, a suv, and a machinery vehicle.", "boxes_value": [[74.8182372864, 37.614257839200036, 370, 187.271850568], [209.38256834560002, 146.7354736164, 263.8760986112, 176.07824706719998], [292.0308227584, 143.31616209639992, 338.7861938688, 183.0722656012], [332.3468627968, 146.11584472319998, 370, 187.271850568], [74.8182372864, 37.614257839200036, 145.5535888896, 60.15942383799995], [201.15020753919998, 85.6862792608, 225.68951413759999, 99.31921385319993]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046784.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[101.01434327999999, 515.564575168, 428.870422368, 572.765014656]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046784_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[82.01434327999999, 14.564575168000033, 409.870422368, 71.76501465599995]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046784.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[101.01434327999999, 515.564575168, 428.870422368, 572.765014656], [101.01434327999999, 543.932251008, 127.521850608, 572.765014656], [210.764770512, 517.889770496, 241.457641584, 535.09643552], [272.615600592, 518.354858368, 306.56384275199997, 544.39733888], [340.51202390400005, 515.564575168, 399.10760496, 541.60705568], [398.17749024, 536.491577152, 428.870422368, 568.579589824]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046784_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[82.01434327999999, 14.564575168000033, 409.870422368, 71.76501465599995], [82.01434327999999, 42.93225100799998, 108.521850608, 71.76501465599995], [191.764770512, 16.889770495999983, 222.457641584, 34.09643552], [253.61560059200002, 17.35485836800001, 287.56384275199997, 43.39733888000001], [321.51202390400005, 14.564575168000033, 380.10760496, 40.60705568000003], [379.17749024, 35.49157715199999, 409.870422368, 67.57958982399998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046787.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[214.63696290200002, 50.6725464064, 368.778747582, 464.4730834944]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046787_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[38.63696290200002, 50.6725464064, 192.778747582, 464.4730834944]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046787.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two helmets, two gloves, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[214.63696290200002, 50.6725464064, 368.778747582, 464.4730834944], [221.72192384, 50.6725464064, 285.2343749835, 112.0393066496], [292.9588623285, 115.9492187648, 344.02624514400003, 178.1741943296], [319.3876952975, 210.338012672, 368.778747582, 245.8158569472], [339.378784157, 440.1707153408, 367.503967302, 464.4730834944], [276.251098627, 339.89849856, 335.382568375, 377.8148803584], [214.63696290200002, 310.3267211776, 267.9758910855, 342.3300781056]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 6], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046787_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two helmets, two gloves, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[38.63696290200002, 50.6725464064, 192.778747582, 464.4730834944], [45.72192383999999, 50.6725464064, 109.2343749835, 112.0393066496], [116.9588623285, 115.9492187648, 168.02624514400003, 178.1741943296], [143.3876952975, 210.338012672, 192.778747582, 245.8158569472], [163.37878415699998, 440.1707153408, 191.50396730199998, 464.4730834944], [100.25109862699998, 339.89849856, 159.382568375, 377.8148803584], [38.63696290200002, 310.3267211776, 91.9758910855, 342.3300781056]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 6], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046789.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[78.3920898816, 138.22790528, 282.5649414144, 460.1052246016]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046789_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[51.3920898816, 81.22790527999999, 255.56494141439998, 403.1052246016]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046789.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, two pianos, two bottles, and three cups.", "boxes_value": [[78.3920898816, 138.22790528, 282.5649414144, 460.1052246016], [148.6715087616, 344.2869873152, 274.2575683584, 460.1052246016], [177.1645507584, 170.0375976448, 374.0235595776, 237.9436645376], [78.3920898816, 251.6621093888, 168.2476196352, 430.0012207104], [209.9522095104, 138.22790528, 222.67639157760001, 170.971557632], [219.62255861760002, 134.2421264896, 230.9895629568, 167.5784301568], [228.1054076928, 135.513427712, 239.8116455424, 163.1673584128], [243.374450688, 134.1561889792, 256.26831052800003, 160.9618530304], [263.9028320256, 140.26379392, 282.5649414144, 169.1053466624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046789_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, two pianos, two bottles, and three cups.", "boxes_value": [[51.3920898816, 81.22790527999999, 255.56494141439998, 403.1052246016], [121.6715087616, 287.2869873152, 247.25756835840002, 403.1052246016], [150.1645507584, 113.0375976448, 306, 180.9436645376], [51.3920898816, 194.6621093888, 141.2476196352, 373.0012207104], [182.9522095104, 81.22790527999999, 195.67639157760001, 113.97155763200001], [192.62255861760002, 77.2421264896, 203.9895629568, 110.57843015680001], [201.1054076928, 78.51342771200001, 212.8116455424, 106.16735841280001], [216.374450688, 77.15618897920001, 229.26831052800003, 103.9618530304], [236.9028320256, 83.26379392000001, 255.56494141439998, 112.1053466624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046790.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[323.4287109489, 318.2857055744, 592.6805420151, 376.385986304]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046790_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[67.4287109489, 15.285705574400026, 336.68054201509995, 73.38598630400003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046790.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a trash bin can, three benches, and two desks.", "boxes_value": [[323.4287109489, 318.2857055744, 592.6805420151, 376.385986304], [458.53540040250004, 318.2857055744, 502.4071045294, 376.385986304], [326.0648193573, 337.4667968512, 420.5853271665, 362.6973876736], [323.4287109489, 321.2740478464, 439.4140624806, 364.2036743168], [527.1563720695, 344.2451782144, 615.6516113318, 377.3838500864], [451.84118654509996, 343.8685913088, 545.2319335968, 376.2540893696], [448.4519042726, 326.546081536, 592.6805420151, 374.7478027264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5], [3, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046790_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a trash bin can, three benches, and two desks.", "boxes_value": [[67.4287109489, 15.285705574400026, 336.68054201509995, 73.38598630400003], [202.53540040250004, 15.285705574400026, 246.4071045294, 73.38598630400003], [70.0648193573, 34.4667968512, 164.5853271665, 59.69738767360002], [67.4287109489, 18.27404784639998, 183.41406248060002, 61.203674316800004], [271.1563720695, 41.24517821440003, 359.65161133180004, 74.3838500864], [195.84118654509996, 40.86859130879998, 289.2319335968, 73.25408936960002], [192.45190427260002, 23.546081535999974, 336.68054201509995, 71.74780272639998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5], [3, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046791.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0.297912576, 358.36724856, 512.225708032, 574.03002928]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046791_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0.297912576, 54.36724856000001, 512, 270.03002928]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046791.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a person, a bowl, a gas stove, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[0.297912576, 358.36724856, 512.225708032, 574.03002928], [0.297912576, 456.720703125, 83.0246582272, 574.03002928], [289.0541381632, 407.31842042, 367.164916992, 470.92285157], [327.0383300608, 251.20031739, 478.2764892672, 469.81701663], [53.8621215744, 394.2946777225, 146.821533184, 446.22021481499996], [50.6625366016, 412.88513181, 347.473327616, 532.763305655], [498.763488768, 427.7897338925, 512.225708032, 509.2043456825], [473.1287841792, 358.36724856, 501.068542464, 472.9201659925]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046791_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a person, a bowl, a gas stove, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[0.297912576, 54.36724856000001, 512, 270.03002928], [0.297912576, 152.720703125, 83.0246582272, 270.03002928], [289.0541381632, 103.31842042, 367.164916992, 166.92285156999998], [327.0383300608, 0, 478.2764892672, 165.81701663], [53.8621215744, 90.29467772250001, 146.821533184, 142.22021481499996], [50.6625366016, 108.88513181000002, 347.473327616, 228.76330565499995], [498.763488768, 123.78973389250001, 512, 205.2043456825], [473.1287841792, 54.36724856000001, 501.068542464, 168.92016599250002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046792.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, and five wild birds.", "boxes_value": [[32.01879882809999, 17.8068237312, 158.53295895959997, 281.0639648256], [87.89892575930003, 263.0752563712, 107.78698731959997, 281.0639648256], [32.01879882809999, 241.5374145536, 90.05407717369997, 261.8731689472], [117.42907713230005, 262.8117676032, 158.8828125105, 277.985412608], [105.77221677829999, 149.135620096, 158.53295895959997, 158.1384277504], [110.60632326500001, 112.1809081856, 187.60498050509995, 141.055419904], [51.92822267010001, 17.8068237312, 106.55102537329998, 55.58331299839999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046793.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[546.9844970714, 139.68139648, 765.6417236458, 405.9538574336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046793_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[54.98449707140003, 66.68139647999999, 273.64172364579997, 332.9538574336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046793.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a chair, a person, a slippers, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[54.98449707140003, 66.68139647999999, 273.64172364579997, 332.9538574336], [160.52282715219997, 273.5110473728, 231.94299313580007, 320.532958976], [194.68029785, 232.6995239424, 273.64172364579997, 332.9538574336], [54.130493169799934, 66.53454592, 128.79479983299996, 312.4525756928], [54.98449707140003, 299.8309326336, 92.0233154522, 309.97857664], [62.8349609032, 66.68139647999999, 97.46850588640007, 85.7444457984]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046794.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a person, a necklace, a glasses, a wine glass, and a tea pot.", "boxes_value": [[160.60780331590001, 212.0440800768, 418.86975097199996, 299.1062011904], [244.1192016852, 226.7483520512, 286.4062499745, 299.1062011904], [262.2283935235, 169.3804931584, 378.21569824240004, 300.885376], [307.1204223904, 233.3865356288, 329.1270141918, 260.5613403136], [160.60780331590001, 212.0440800768, 197.6136374312, 222.3031232], [381.52026369920003, 256.9252319232, 399.9475097867, 291.6119384576], [383.33703611789997, 241.1740112384, 418.86975097199996, 285.4155884032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046794_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a flower, a vase, a person, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[66.7448730368, 126.563415552, 405.94799804160004, 278.77209472], [76.13220213759999, 126.563415552, 146.537109376, 196.9683227648], [66.7448730368, 182.8873291264, 116.3635863936, 256.6448364032], [78.81426999039999, 243.9049072128, 98.2594604544, 278.77209472], [328.9611816064, 197.5897217024, 405.94799804160004, 278.2116699136], [301.7421875328, 256.1204833792, 369.3623047296, 277.4096679936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046798_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a flower, a vase, a person, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[66.7448730368, 38.563415551999995, 405.94799804160004, 190.77209471999998], [76.13220213759999, 38.563415551999995, 146.537109376, 108.9683227648], [66.7448730368, 94.8873291264, 116.3635863936, 168.64483640319997], [78.81426999039999, 155.9049072128, 98.2594604544, 190.77209471999998], [328.9611816064, 109.5897217024, 405.94799804160004, 190.21166991360002], [301.7421875328, 168.12048337919998, 369.3623047296, 189.4096679936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046799.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[229.000854467, 331.7015380992, 475.03063962199997, 477.9469604352]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046799_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[62.00085446700001, 36.70153809919998, 308.03063962199997, 182.94696043520003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046799.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cups, a plate, a knife, and two breads.", "boxes_value": [[62.00085446700001, 36.70153809919998, 308.03063962199997, 182.94696043520003], [62.00085446700001, 36.70153809919998, 145.577392589, 129.3132934656], [66.86517331099998, 131.73815915519998, 135.14355471299996, 182.94696043520003], [124.23791504500002, 101.86639406080002, 362.53625486299995, 172.51556398079998], [151.264770516, 79.10693360639999, 189.671386687, 105.18548582400001], [200.214843765, 76.94226073599998, 308.03063962199997, 118.04333496319998], [152.56140139000001, 91.23828126720002, 255.016235333, 137.70037841919998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046800.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[98.28869631999999, 36.500854512000004, 552.1005859439999, 238.65344236800001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046800_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[98.28869631999999, 36.500854512000004, 552.1005859439999, 238.65344236800001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046800.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a bench, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[98.28869631999999, 36.500854512000004, 552.1005859439999, 238.65344236800001], [282.162475552, 80.842651344, 372.31469729599996, 158.000000016], [135.56701658400002, 57.326049792, 356.51855466399996, 167.034667968], [430.55517575600004, 138.05316163199998, 552.1005859439999, 238.65344236800001], [196.03277588, 36.500854512000004, 290.286010748, 173.91381835199996], [98.28869631999999, 59.032775856, 200.79302980000003, 168.836242656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046800_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a bench, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[98.28869631999999, 36.500854512000004, 552.1005859439999, 238.65344236800001], [282.162475552, 80.842651344, 372.31469729599996, 158.000000016], [135.56701658400002, 57.326049792, 356.51855466399996, 167.034667968], [430.55517575600004, 138.05316163199998, 552.1005859439999, 238.65344236800001], [196.03277588, 36.500854512000004, 290.286010748, 173.91381835199996], [98.28869631999999, 59.032775856, 200.79302980000003, 168.836242656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046804.jpg", "text": "What's the story in the section of the included visual ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[619.0634766000001, 101.51837160000001, 728.5532227, 390.45825195]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046804_crop.jpg", "text": "What's the story in the section of the included visual ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[28.063476600000058, 72.51837160000001, 137.5532227, 361.45825195]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046804.jpg", "text": "What's the story in the section of the included visual ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, a storage box, and a cabinet.", "boxes_value": [[619.0634766000001, 101.51837160000001, 728.5532227, 390.45825195], [619.0634766000001, 101.51837160000001, 674.6322021, 138.4729004], [668.2528076000001, 114.95959475000001, 704.3861084, 148.9812622], [697.8164062, 124.34490965, 728.5532227, 154.61242675], [629.0269775, 288.1017456, 673.7603760000001, 305.16760254999997], [619.1286620999999, 304.97039795, 678.9700928, 390.45825195]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046804_crop.jpg", "text": "What's the story in the section of the included visual ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, a storage box, and a cabinet.", "boxes_value": [[28.063476600000058, 72.51837160000001, 137.5532227, 361.45825195], [28.063476600000058, 72.51837160000001, 83.63220209999997, 109.47290039999999], [77.2528076000001, 85.95959475000001, 113.38610840000001, 119.9812622], [106.81640619999996, 95.34490965, 137.5532227, 125.61242675], [38.026977500000044, 259.1017456, 82.76037600000006, 276.16760254999997], [28.12866209999993, 275.97039795, 87.97009279999997, 361.45825195]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046806.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[357.8363037405, 203.0305175552, 682.7298584056999, 258.3194580078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046806_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[81.8363037405, 14.030517555199992, 406.72985840569993, 69.3194580078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046806.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four boats, and a canned.", "boxes_value": [[81.8363037405, 14.030517555199992, 406.72985840569993, 69.3194580078125], [81.8363037405, 43.874755840000006, 157.7648926115, 61.17675781119999], [291.9938964961, 30.9591064576, 365.39111327040007, 54.79211427839999], [374.88220216139996, 39.184631347199996, 406.72985840569993, 56.47943116799999], [239.99218753010007, 14.030517555199992, 271.93969728160005, 56.62725831680001], [93.24749755859375, 62.182891845703125, 107.2445068359375, 69.3194580078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046807.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a lamp, and two cabinets.", "boxes_value": [[194.3646240244, 63.8409423872, 473.10803219919995, 283.8114624], [332.8865967056, 63.8409423872, 400.4602050832, 182.5278930432], [262.336914046, 135.1873168896, 312.072753882, 183.2652588032], [200.3384399264, 130.5482177536, 256.6497802668, 209.3840942592], [323.4014892664, 221.8574829056, 473.10803219919995, 278.0089721856], [194.3646240244, 240.1544799744, 293.2836914284, 283.8114624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046807_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a lamp, and two cabinets.", "boxes_value": [[70.3646240244, 55.8409423872, 349.10803219919995, 275.8114624], [208.88659670560003, 55.8409423872, 276.4602050832, 174.5278930432], [138.336914046, 127.1873168896, 188.07275388199997, 175.2652588032], [76.33843992640001, 122.5482177536, 132.6497802668, 201.3840942592], [199.4014892664, 213.8574829056, 349.10803219919995, 270.0089721856], [70.3646240244, 232.1544799744, 169.2836914284, 275.8114624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046811.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[208.71374509860001, 133.4848022528, 427.70727538719996, 178.6838379008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046811_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[55.713745098600015, 11.484802252799994, 274.70727538719996, 56.6838379008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046811.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lifesaver, a bottle, a cup, a plate, two breads, and an umbrella.", "boxes_value": [[51.94445799710002, 91.6735839744, 256.87902831530005, 457], [245.14013670190002, 91.6735839744, 256.87902831530005, 138.62890624], [215.37963864309995, 360.2832641536, 298.08728029019994, 457], [98.06970217029999, 443.8348999168, 197.65649411380002, 456.4942626816], [151.23901363779999, 444.6788329984, 308, 457], [72.50671386479996, 426.2128295936, 145.1600341542, 457], [51.94445799710002, 398.1110839808, 116.3728027628, 446.7750854656], [106.35882568359375, 133.66226196289062, 150.58642578125, 177.30718994140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046815.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three traffic lights.", "boxes_value": [[347.57409664830004, 330.7198486528, 618.1055907871, 472.335510272], [599.6949463123, 415.2623901184, 618.1055907871, 472.335510272], [347.57409664830004, 419.7695312384, 365.5270996368, 448.9870605312], [592.6181640693, 331.7879638528, 613.8508300614, 369.3892211712], [456.22668458399994, 330.7198486528, 472.6684570479, 367.5473022464], [451.6149902439, 383.9144287232, 467.9852295224, 404.1726074368], [346.41912841796875, 416.6841125488281, 358.80499267578125, 440.2856750488281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 6], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046815_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three traffic lights.", "boxes_value": [[68.57409664830004, 35.71984865280001, 339.1055907871, 177.33551027200002], [320.6949463123, 120.26239011839999, 339.1055907871, 177.33551027200002], [68.57409664830004, 124.76953123840002, 86.52709963680002, 153.98706053119997], [313.61816406929995, 36.787963852799976, 334.85083006139996, 74.3892211712], [177.22668458399994, 35.71984865280001, 193.6684570479, 72.54730224640002], [172.61499024390002, 88.91442872319999, 188.9852295224, 109.17260743679998], [67.41912841796875, 121.68411254882812, 79.80499267578125, 145.28567504882812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 6], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046816.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.23445892333984375, 138.2935333251953, 272.3826904345, 378.3884887552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046816_crop.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.23445892333984375, 60.29353332519531, 272.3826904345, 300.3884887552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046816.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, four faucets, a cup, and a couch.", "boxes_value": [[0.23445892333984375, 138.2935333251953, 272.3826904345, 378.3884887552], [238.1091308857, 142.4328003072, 297.1660156451, 260.9157714944], [244.4511718804, 242.1530151424, 272.3826904345, 284.9994506752], [44.3317870918, 308.0680542208, 94.50390622660001, 417.4987182592], [152.9722900609, 292.6608886784, 181.4163208166, 358.635314944], [213.81097411980002, 284.364685056, 251.7363281548, 344.8083495936], [253.7042236212, 280.5339355648, 265.39697264579996, 317.3536376832], [90.2954101406, 346.2787475456, 109.8404540814, 378.3884887552], [0.23445892333984375, 138.2935333251953, 220.23363494873047, 360.16339111328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046816_crop.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, four faucets, a cup, and a couch.", "boxes_value": [[0.23445892333984375, 60.29353332519531, 272.3826904345, 300.3884887552], [238.1091308857, 64.43280030720001, 297.1660156451, 182.91577149440002], [244.4511718804, 164.1530151424, 272.3826904345, 206.99945067520002], [44.3317870918, 230.06805422079998, 94.50390622660001, 339.4987182592], [152.9722900609, 214.6608886784, 181.4163208166, 280.635314944], [213.81097411980002, 206.36468505599998, 251.7363281548, 266.8083495936], [253.7042236212, 202.5339355648, 265.39697264579996, 239.35363768320002], [90.2954101406, 268.2787475456, 109.8404540814, 300.3884887552], [0.23445892333984375, 60.29353332519531, 220.23363494873047, 282.16339111328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046817.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[40.622985864, 348.77691648, 580.416870128, 453.3067627008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046817_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[40.622985864, 26.77691648000001, 580, 131.3067627008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046817.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four flags, two street lights, a truck, and a traffic sign.", "boxes_value": [[40.622985864, 348.77691648, 580.416870128, 453.3067627008], [559.874145522, 389.3638305792, 572.882080094, 417.2380370944], [104.755615226, 325.0798340096, 134.471069354, 394.102355968], [57.73754884, 334.1072997888, 90.838317852, 406.5151367168], [40.622985864, 348.77691648, 64.132019028, 404.6343994368], [173.63421633000002, 325.6796264448, 214.534973126, 471.2227172864], [552.211303726, 427.7874756096, 580.416870128, 453.3067627008], [550.1646728640001, 353.1483764736, 573.189575214, 368.1145629696], [516.6279296839999, 357.2441406464, 539.999633812, 447.9957885952]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 8], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046817_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four flags, two street lights, a truck, and a traffic sign.", "boxes_value": [[40.622985864, 26.77691648000001, 580, 131.3067627008], [559.874145522, 67.3638305792, 572.882080094, 95.2380370944], [104.755615226, 3.079834009600006, 134.471069354, 72.10235596799998], [57.73754884, 12.107299788799992, 90.838317852, 84.51513671679999], [40.622985864, 26.77691648000001, 64.132019028, 82.63439943679998], [173.63421633000002, 3.6796264448000215, 214.534973126, 149.22271728639998], [552.211303726, 105.7874756096, 580, 131.3067627008], [550.1646728640001, 31.148376473600024, 573.189575214, 46.1145629696], [516.6279296839999, 35.24414064640001, 539.999633812, 125.9957885952]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 8], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046818.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a street lights, a slippers, a horse, and five people.", "boxes_value": [[370.1984863248, 371.361084, 524.6314696868, 481.6040039], [370.1984863248, 420.2550049, 384.569091782, 448.18652345], [508.8441162104, 388.27545165, 524.6314696868, 416.00457765], [407.8964843882, 398.26049805, 422.0827636714, 430.7567749], [425.2907715078, 371.361084, 451.8726806276, 481.6040039], [440.745361296, 378.98535155, 453.52111812460004, 437.91894529999996], [450.63623044419995, 382.28234865, 472.06665040380005, 450.6947632], [481.4571533234, 384.0265503, 515.8989257996, 499.27380370000003], [503.71179198659996, 369.1900635, 537.3587646882, 473.8399048]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046818_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a street lights, a slippers, a horse, and five people.", "boxes_value": [[39.1984863248, 28.361084000000005, 193.63146968679996, 138.6040039], [39.1984863248, 77.25500490000002, 53.56909178199999, 105.18652344999998], [177.8441162104, 45.27545164999998, 193.63146968679996, 73.00457764999999], [76.89648438820001, 55.260498050000024, 91.08276367140002, 87.75677489999998], [94.2907715078, 28.361084000000005, 120.8726806276, 138.6040039], [109.745361296, 35.98535155000002, 122.52111812460004, 94.91894529999996], [119.63623044419995, 39.28234865000002, 141.06665040380005, 107.69476320000001], [150.4571533234, 41.0265503, 184.89892579959997, 156.27380370000003], [172.71179198659996, 26.190063500000008, 206.35876468820004, 130.8399048]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046820.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[267.7607422214, 222.7302856192, 517.3227538999, 457.8442382848]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046820_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[62.760742221399994, 59.730285619200004, 312.3227538999, 294.8442382848]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046820.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a person, a glasses, and two hats.", "boxes_value": [[267.7607422214, 222.7302856192, 517.3227538999, 457.8442382848], [496.6169433847, 222.7302856192, 517.3227538999, 240.1881713664], [312.3694458182, 376.5827636736, 364.9422607383, 458.3227538944], [327.0828857576, 439.1309814272, 355.0981445148, 457.8442382848], [312.56762694229997, 375.343261696, 344.63537597519996, 401.7002563584], [267.7607422214, 383.4700317184, 293.0195312742, 404.9948730368]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046820_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a person, a glasses, and two hats.", "boxes_value": [[62.760742221399994, 59.730285619200004, 312.3227538999, 294.8442382848], [291.6169433847, 59.730285619200004, 312.3227538999, 77.18817136640001], [107.3694458182, 213.58276367360003, 159.94226073829998, 295.3227538944], [122.08288575760002, 276.1309814272, 150.09814451480003, 294.8442382848], [107.56762694229997, 212.343261696, 139.63537597519996, 238.7002563584], [62.760742221399994, 220.47003171839998, 88.0195312742, 241.99487303680002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046825.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[119.57019042179999, 271.3486938624, 308.4275512737, 349.9137573376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046825_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[47.57019042179999, 20.34869386240001, 236.42755127369998, 98.91375733759998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046825.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a faucet, a sink, two bowls, and a kettle.", "boxes_value": [[119.57019042179999, 271.3486938624, 308.4275512737, 349.9137573376], [224.0335083162, 317.5335083008, 279.1245117255, 337.9605712896], [242.19702146670002, 339.9736328192, 308.4275512737, 349.9137573376], [119.57019042179999, 271.3486938624, 193.05804443789998, 296.5158081024], [198.846496553, 279.178466816, 243.4342041151, 329.6781005824], [120.8860473621, 296.1882323968, 194.73333743630002, 318.3424072192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046825_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a faucet, a sink, two bowls, and a kettle.", "boxes_value": [[47.57019042179999, 20.34869386240001, 236.42755127369998, 98.91375733759998], [152.0335083162, 66.53350830080001, 207.12451172549999, 86.96057128960001], [170.19702146670002, 88.97363281920002, 236.42755127369998, 98.91375733759998], [47.57019042179999, 20.34869386240001, 121.05804443789998, 45.5158081024], [126.84649655300001, 28.178466816000025, 171.4342041151, 78.67810058240002], [48.8860473621, 45.188232396800004, 122.73333743630002, 67.34240721920003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046826.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[667.8281249808, 282.6797485568, 768.8020019856, 386.6097412096]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046826_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . 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Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, three cups, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[25.8281249808, 26.679748556800007, 126.80200198559999, 130.60974120959997], [36.711669959999995, 26.679748556800007, 70.59997562880005, 39.92431641600001], [25.8281249808, 81.95343016959998, 56.636108423999985, 128.8612060672], [60.810180667199916, 93.87915038720001, 78.30114749760003, 122.89837644800002], [87.59741210879997, 91.50378419200001, 105.4606933632, 130.60974120959997], [106.65039061440007, 95.25396730879999, 126.80200198559999, 117.0428466688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046827.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[196.7416382208, 100.0784301568, 551.2111816704, 234.4343872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046827_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[88.74163822080001, 34.078430156799996, 443.21118167040004, 168.4343872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046827.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two hats, two bottles, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[196.7416382208, 100.0784301568, 551.2111816704, 234.4343872], [267.6936035328, 164.2371826176, 347.7033691392, 234.4343872], [196.7416382208, 100.0784301568, 289.2056884992, 177.8237304832], [525.7436523264, 100.3589477376, 551.2111816704, 134.3478393344], [447.13464353279994, 173.3618774528, 472.5781250304, 218.631530752], [500.92700198399996, 117.4452514816, 520.0057373184, 135.2521362432]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046827_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two hats, two bottles, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[88.74163822080001, 34.078430156799996, 443.21118167040004, 168.4343872], [159.6936035328, 98.23718261760001, 239.7033691392, 168.4343872], [88.74163822080001, 34.078430156799996, 181.2056884992, 111.8237304832], [417.7436523264, 34.358947737600005, 443.21118167040004, 68.34783933439999], [339.13464353279994, 107.3618774528, 364.5781250304, 152.631530752], [392.92700198399996, 51.445251481599996, 412.00573731839995, 69.2521362432]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046828.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a handbag, two cars, a truck, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[45.14935301119999, 40.23669429910001, 222.6004028416, 200.8646240531], [124.60198973439998, 87.81469727449996, 157.4892578304, 179.13549804649995], [102.28564454399998, 77.53735353829995, 153.37835694080002, 200.8646240531], [85.25469972479999, 95.44921878809998, 125.48291015680002, 200.277343719], [45.14935301119999, 83.88647460940001, 88.29595944959999, 168.23803709080005], [63.560791040000026, 96.0196532878, 85.3900146688, 129.67309569179997], [0, 82.63671874290003, 160.26055910399998, 148.62036135720007], [74.51947023359998, 41.15747071889996, 222.6004028416, 111.8795166026], [142.75286865919998, 90.31030272930002, 224, 160.20288088569998], [67.2874756096, 40.23669429910001, 88.8660888576, 69.63574220459998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6, 8], [7], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046829.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[217.46478271484375, 270.2799987792969, 408.54766845703125, 338.8671875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046829_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[48.46478271484375, 17.279998779296875, 239.54766845703125, 85.8671875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046829.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[217.46478271484375, 270.2799987792969, 408.54766845703125, 338.8671875], [308.7917555597, 304.3876953088, 328.4886524081, 330.0115527168], [374.55120849609375, 327.26153564453125, 408.54766845703125, 338.8671875], [255.50991821289062, 281.7499084472656, 273.4247131347656, 294.4526062011719], [245.57872009277344, 321.63348388671875, 266.3612976074219, 333.94580078125], [217.46478271484375, 270.2799987792969, 229.42910766601562, 291.2341003417969]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046829_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[48.46478271484375, 17.279998779296875, 239.54766845703125, 85.8671875], [139.7917555597, 51.387695308800005, 159.4886524081, 77.0115527168], [205.55120849609375, 74.26153564453125, 239.54766845703125, 85.8671875], [86.50991821289062, 28.749908447265625, 104.42471313476562, 41.452606201171875], [76.57872009277344, 68.63348388671875, 97.36129760742188, 80.94580078125], [48.46478271484375, 17.279998779296875, 60.429107666015625, 38.234100341796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046831.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[532.5085449356, 156.8753051648, 680.4489746482, 256.6547851776]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046831_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[37.50854493559996, 25.87530516480001, 185.44897464819996, 125.65478517759999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046831.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pillows, a lamp, a cabinet, and two pictures.", "boxes_value": [[532.5085449356, 156.8753051648, 680.4489746482, 256.6547851776], [587.7462157798, 191.8792114176, 666.8731689299, 256.6547851776], [577.6613769777, 181.0186157056, 680.4489746482, 255.1032714752], [545.0244140514, 181.7509765632, 566.2750244240001, 218.7565307392], [532.5085449356, 169.6339111424, 598.6751708995, 232.8334350336], [545.267211903, 153.3147582976, 571.9711914427, 172.8977050624], [571.6744384576999, 156.8753051648, 598.6751708995, 179.425353984]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046831_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pillows, a lamp, a cabinet, and two pictures.", "boxes_value": [[37.50854493559996, 25.87530516480001, 185.44897464819996, 125.65478517759999], [92.74621577979997, 60.879211417600004, 171.87316892989998, 125.65478517759999], [82.6613769777, 50.01861570560001, 185.44897464819996, 124.10327147519999], [50.02441405139996, 50.7509765632, 71.2750244240001, 87.7565307392], [37.50854493559996, 38.633911142399995, 103.67517089950002, 101.83343503360001], [50.267211902999975, 22.314758297600008, 76.97119144270005, 41.89770506240001], [76.67443845769992, 25.87530516480001, 103.67517089950002, 48.425353984]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046833.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[138.9856567104, 265.9107055616, 388.26928708260004, 353.8777465856]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046833_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[62.98565671040001, 22.910705561600025, 312.26928708260004, 110.8777465856]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046833.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bracelet, three cups, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[138.9856567104, 265.9107055616, 388.26928708260004, 353.8777465856], [138.9856567104, 334.224121088, 158.9724121337, 353.8777465856], [218.5776977594, 295.1729125888, 246.2141723662, 343.1303100416], [285.2304076927, 294.3600463872, 309.6155395494, 330.1248779264], [329.9364624213, 299.643493632, 362.0435790961, 352.8843383808], [363.26281735379996, 265.9107055616, 388.26928708260004, 351.8289184768]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046833_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bracelet, three cups, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[62.98565671040001, 22.910705561600025, 312.26928708260004, 110.8777465856], [62.98565671040001, 91.224121088, 82.9724121337, 110.8777465856], [142.5776977594, 52.17291258879999, 170.2141723662, 100.13031004160001], [209.2304076927, 51.360046387199986, 233.6155395494, 87.12487792640002], [253.9364624213, 56.643493632, 286.0435790961, 109.88433838079999], [287.26281735379996, 22.910705561600025, 312.26928708260004, 108.82891847680003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046835.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[557.3238525738, 37.197570816, 702.5308837794, 363.4675293184]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046835_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[36.32385257379997, 37.197570816, 181, 363.4675293184]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046835.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three helmets, two skating and skiing shoes, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[557.3238525738, 37.197570816, 702.5308837794, 363.4675293184], [557.3238525738, 76.0782470656, 630.5654296655999, 145.1740722688], [641.6137695474, 198.4836425728, 666.9958496058, 224.3734130688], [679.1793213113999, 198.9912719872, 702.5308837794, 220.8198852608], [667.5035400072001, 333.5166015488, 693.900878931, 359.9140014592], [637.5526122888, 342.6541748224, 662.4271240236, 363.4675293184], [648.7845458795999, 37.197570816, 682.6329345654, 64.3143310336]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046835_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three helmets, two skating and skiing shoes, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[36.32385257379997, 37.197570816, 181, 363.4675293184], [36.32385257379997, 76.0782470656, 109.56542966559994, 145.1740722688], [120.61376954740001, 198.4836425728, 145.9958496058, 224.3734130688], [158.17932131139992, 198.9912719872, 181, 220.8198852608], [146.50354000720006, 333.5166015488, 172.90087893099997, 359.9140014592], [116.55261228879999, 342.6541748224, 141.42712402359996, 363.4675293184], [127.78454587959993, 37.197570816, 161.63293456539998, 64.3143310336]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046838.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 292.56970216, 321.9591064508, 400.08331300000003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046838_crop.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 27.56970216000002, 321.9591064508, 135]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046838.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, three baksets, and a pen.", "boxes_value": [[0, 292.56970216, 321.9591064508, 400.08331300000003], [1.2811279403999998, 307.81439208, 321.9591064508, 400.08331300000003], [0, 356.40118408, 61.66470338, 399.48040772], [3.9296874848, 331.08660888, 125.6173095604, 374.60992432], [190.89331056039998, 292.56970216, 223.7352905256, 336.67864992], [113.66962432861328, 326.5970764160156, 131.46043395996094, 330.3893737792969]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046838_crop.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, three baksets, and a pen.", "boxes_value": [[0, 27.56970216000002, 321.9591064508, 135], [1.2811279403999998, 42.814392080000005, 321.9591064508, 135], [0, 91.40118408000001, 61.66470338, 134.48040772000002], [3.9296874848, 66.08660888000003, 125.6173095604, 109.60992432], [190.89331056039998, 27.56970216000002, 223.7352905256, 71.67864992], [113.66962432861328, 61.597076416015625, 131.46043395996094, 65.38937377929688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046841.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[151.5005493248, 320.2730712762, 273.1956176896, 588.3829345482]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046841_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[30.500549324800005, 67.27307127620003, 152.1956176896, 335.38293454819996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046841.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, a potted plant, a person, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[151.5005493248, 320.2730712762, 273.1956176896, 588.3829345482], [217.0767212032, 429.66198730549996, 232.1561889792, 450.16320803929995], [253.1542968832, 426.19592287880005, 273.1956176896, 452.62719726840004], [198.1441650176, 478.3488769357, 240.0208740352, 520.2254638761], [194.2630004736, 320.2730712762, 225.8020019712, 427.92578122530006], [151.5005493248, 516.9904784979, 242.2041626112, 588.3829345482]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046841_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, a potted plant, a person, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[30.500549324800005, 67.27307127620003, 152.1956176896, 335.38293454819996], [96.07672120320001, 176.66198730549996, 111.15618897920001, 197.16320803929995], [132.1542968832, 173.19592287880005, 152.1956176896, 199.62719726840004], [77.14416501759999, 225.3488769357, 119.0208740352, 267.2254638761], [73.26300047359999, 67.27307127620003, 104.80200197120001, 174.92578122530006], [30.500549324800005, 263.99047849789997, 121.20416261119999, 335.38293454819996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046843.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[254.04235842519998, 178.7879028224, 579.6573486422, 272.9033813504]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046843_crop.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[82.04235842519998, 23.787902822400014, 407.65734864219996, 117.90338135040002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046843.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[254.04235842519998, 178.7879028224, 579.6573486422, 272.9033813504], [537.6109618913999, 205.1891479552, 579.6573486422, 272.9033813504], [487.98645020270004, 190.0328979456, 522.9436034839, 258.9694213632], [408.5383300941, 215.7007446528, 473.5635986237, 298.5712280064], [345.9577636932, 186.610534656, 378.9592285027, 261.1694946304], [254.04235842519998, 196.388732928, 301.7112427024, 262.3917846528], [275.5544433372, 178.7879028224, 300.4889526641, 250.4134521344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046843_crop.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[82.04235842519998, 23.787902822400014, 407.65734864219996, 117.90338135040002], [365.61096189139994, 50.18914795520001, 407.65734864219996, 117.90338135040002], [315.98645020270004, 35.03289794560001, 350.9436034839, 103.96942136320001], [236.5383300941, 60.70074465280001, 301.5635986237, 141], [173.95776369319998, 31.610534656, 206.9592285027, 106.16949463039998], [82.04235842519998, 41.388732927999996, 129.7112427024, 107.39178465280003], [103.55444333719998, 23.787902822400014, 128.4889526641, 95.41345213439999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046844.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a person, a handbag, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[129.1001587092, 336.417480448, 234.51458740234375, 454.4572143616], [129.1001587092, 336.417480448, 193.2373657116, 454.4572143616], [196.6489257852, 329.5944214016, 253.2807007164, 454.4572143616], [138.2743530504, 275.2559204352, 202.3575439284, 422.5736083968], [169.2110595924, 332.874450688, 190.29919431599998, 359.1420898304], [220.27618408203125, 403.6119689941406, 234.51458740234375, 418.0668640136719], [156.17633056640625, 393.80743408203125, 171.73638916015625, 419.11187744140625], [172.84210205078125, 398.6351318359375, 185.78570556640625, 422.302001953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046844_crop.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a person, a handbag, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[27.100158709200002, 30.417480447999992, 132.51458740234375, 148.4572143616], [27.100158709200002, 30.417480447999992, 91.2373657116, 148.4572143616], [94.64892578519999, 23.594421401600016, 151.2807007164, 148.4572143616], [36.27435305040001, 0, 100.35754392839999, 116.57360839680001], [67.2110595924, 26.874450688000024, 88.29919431599998, 53.14208983039998], [118.27618408203125, 97.61196899414062, 132.51458740234375, 112.06686401367188], [54.17633056640625, 87.80743408203125, 69.73638916015625, 113.11187744140625], [70.84210205078125, 92.6351318359375, 83.78570556640625, 116.302001953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046846.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[280.28924560546875, 0.2865600512, 526.1578368767999, 169.35069274902344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046846_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[62.28924560546875, 0.2865600512, 308.15783687679993, 169.35069274902344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046846.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, and three bottles.", "boxes_value": [[280.28924560546875, 0.2865600512, 526.1578368767999, 169.35069274902344], [292.6683349248, 0.2865600512, 352.67456056320003, 153.569702144], [457.2398681856, 0.2865600512, 526.1578368767999, 138.716674816], [280.28924560546875, 145.25926208496094, 290.82537841796875, 169.35069274902344], [420.6547546386719, 50.83012771606445, 431.7838439941406, 78.36093139648438], [284.1885986328125, 80.82003021240234, 296.47247314453125, 97.90641021728516]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046846_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, and three bottles.", "boxes_value": [[62.28924560546875, 0.2865600512, 308.15783687679993, 169.35069274902344], [74.66833492479998, 0.2865600512, 134.67456056320003, 153.569702144], [239.23986818560002, 0.2865600512, 308.15783687679993, 138.716674816], [62.28924560546875, 145.25926208496094, 72.82537841796875, 169.35069274902344], [202.65475463867188, 50.83012771606445, 213.78384399414062, 78.36093139648438], [66.1885986328125, 80.82003021240234, 78.47247314453125, 97.90641021728516]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046847.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[44.4208373651, 307.2311401472, 616.3103027323, 511.3180541952]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046847_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[44.4208373651, 51.231140147199994, 616.3103027323, 255.31805419519998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046847.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two carpets, two people, two sneakers, two bottles, a speaker, and two tripods.", "boxes_value": [[44.4208373651, 307.2311401472, 616.3103027323, 511.3180541952], [44.4208373651, 439.6390381056, 587.544311504, 511.19335936], [373.3378906377, 387.0765991424, 616.3103027323, 464.7542724608], [241.9562378076, 117.2734374912, 446.00500488450007, 512.4593505792], [443.6831054326, 264.8919677952, 513.5103759650999, 431.7466430464], [318.3425292741, 459.3073120256, 378.65747066939997, 498.2061157376], [242.2931518569, 472.4192504832, 279.8807372743, 511.3180541952], [71.8033447631, 301.1010131968, 82.5526733045, 332.1725464064], [89.1282348902, 307.2311401472, 101.4189453398, 337.2354125824], [132.0933227266, 326.2447510016, 233.3157958719, 417.7238769664], [532.8117675792, 306.710571264, 577.0991210784, 436.1051635712], [379.1329346028, 277.0839233536, 408.5551757432, 412.7067260928]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9], [10, 11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046847_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two carpets, two people, two sneakers, two bottles, a speaker, and two tripods.", "boxes_value": [[44.4208373651, 51.231140147199994, 616.3103027323, 255.31805419519998], [44.4208373651, 183.63903810559998, 587.544311504, 255.19335936], [373.3378906377, 131.07659914240003, 616.3103027323, 208.7542724608], [241.9562378076, 0, 446.00500488450007, 256], [443.6831054326, 8.891967795200003, 513.5103759650999, 175.74664304639998], [318.3425292741, 203.30731202560003, 378.65747066939997, 242.2061157376], [242.2931518569, 216.41925048320002, 279.8807372743, 255.31805419519998], [71.8033447631, 45.10101319680001, 82.5526733045, 76.17254640639999], [89.1282348902, 51.231140147199994, 101.4189453398, 81.23541258239999], [132.0933227266, 70.24475100159998, 233.3157958719, 161.72387696639998], [532.8117675792, 50.71057126400001, 577.0991210784, 180.10516357120002], [379.1329346028, 21.083923353600028, 408.5551757432, 156.7067260928]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9], [10, 11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046851.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[411.36846923828125, 433.0323181152344, 546.125732438, 511.17156982421875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046851_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[34.36846923828125, 20.032318115234375, 169.125732438, 98.17156982421875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046851.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three hats, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[411.36846923828125, 433.0323181152344, 546.125732438, 511.17156982421875], [520.229858434, 433.5126342656, 546.125732438, 458.3809814528], [444.80895995249995, 438.1312866304, 467.760498062, 458.3648681472], [460.7373046705, 488.329528832, 486.59448244550003, 511.8027954176], [488.44140625, 433.0323181152344, 545.4134521484375, 511.1519470214844], [411.36846923828125, 437.6783447265625, 466.3221435546875, 511.17156982421875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046851_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three hats, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[34.36846923828125, 20.032318115234375, 169.125732438, 98.17156982421875], [143.229858434, 20.512634265600013, 169.125732438, 45.38098145279997], [67.80895995249995, 25.131286630399984, 90.76049806200001, 45.36486814720001], [83.73730467050001, 75.329528832, 109.59448244550003, 98.80279541760001], [111.44140625, 20.032318115234375, 168.4134521484375, 98.15194702148438], [34.36846923828125, 24.6783447265625, 89.3221435546875, 98.17156982421875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046854.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[289.2961120605469, 238.3357543936, 454.4989013618, 465.793090816]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046854_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[42.296112060546875, 57.33575439360001, 207.4989013618, 284.793090816]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046854.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two traffic lights, a bicycle, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[289.2961120605469, 238.3357543936, 454.4989013618, 465.793090816], [439.3795166086, 343.650634752, 454.4989013618, 370.5006103552], [313.34375001480004, 428.3236694528, 338.7261962596, 465.793090816], [335.9622802832, 238.3357543936, 357.4287109326, 295.8657837056], [334.7314453125, 404.9686584472656, 350.9019775390625, 445.9754943847656], [289.2961120605469, 409.68621826171875, 302.8641052246094, 431.6690673828125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046854_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two traffic lights, a bicycle, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[42.296112060546875, 57.33575439360001, 207.4989013618, 284.793090816], [192.3795166086, 162.65063475199997, 207.4989013618, 189.50061035520002], [66.34375001480004, 247.3236694528, 91.72619625959999, 284.793090816], [88.96228028320002, 57.33575439360001, 110.42871093259998, 114.8657837056], [87.7314453125, 223.96865844726562, 103.9019775390625, 264.9754943847656], [42.296112060546875, 228.68621826171875, 55.864105224609375, 250.6690673828125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046855.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[30.8160400384, 168.103027353, 177.5655517696, 658.289794908]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046855_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[30.8160400384, 123.10302735299999, 177.5655517696, 613.289794908]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046855.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a ring, a watch, a bracelet, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[30.8160400384, 168.103027353, 177.5655517696, 658.289794908], [0.3222656, 196.2595824865, 99.1712036352, 318.5974121215], [159.5870971904, 431.73144534109997, 177.5655517696, 454.2716064411], [108.335083008, 370.282714849, 149.6586914304, 423.1447754198], [95.7233276416, 359.0125732388, 137.315246592, 427.4381103463], [30.8160400384, 572.2675780976, 108.5668335104, 658.289794908], [96.9541015552, 168.103027353, 124.6126708736, 203.4445800691]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046855_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a ring, a watch, a bracelet, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[30.8160400384, 123.10302735299999, 177.5655517696, 613.289794908], [0.3222656, 151.2595824865, 99.1712036352, 273.5974121215], [159.5870971904, 386.73144534109997, 177.5655517696, 409.2716064411], [108.335083008, 325.282714849, 149.6586914304, 378.1447754198], [95.7233276416, 314.0125732388, 137.315246592, 382.4381103463], [30.8160400384, 527.2675780976, 108.5668335104, 613.289794908], [96.9541015552, 123.10302735299999, 124.6126708736, 158.4445800691]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046856.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[358.55920412240005, 88.9644775424, 682.384155292, 290.6501465088]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046856_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[81.55920412240005, 50.964477542400004, 405.38415529199995, 252.6501465088]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046856.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, two people, and a necklace.", "boxes_value": [[358.55920412240005, 88.9644775424, 682.384155292, 290.6501465088], [563.0126953312, 125.3502807552, 593.3342285091001, 205.0524292096], [358.55920412240005, 88.9644775424, 524.0279540909, 236.240295424], [625.1003417932001, 102.1980590592, 682.384155292, 193.0337524224], [491.2360840185, 185.9248047104, 518.3415527623, 239.519531264], [581.1767578186, 176.6843261952, 664.957031227, 290.6501465088], [608.0742187758, 222.811889664, 630.1669922002001, 239.6445312512]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046856_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, two people, and a necklace.", "boxes_value": [[81.55920412240005, 50.964477542400004, 405.38415529199995, 252.6501465088], [286.0126953312, 87.3502807552, 316.33422850910006, 167.0524292096], [81.55920412240005, 50.964477542400004, 247.02795409090004, 198.240295424], [348.1003417932001, 64.1980590592, 405.38415529199995, 155.0337524224], [214.23608401849998, 147.9248047104, 241.3415527623, 201.519531264], [304.1767578186, 138.6843261952, 387.957031227, 252.6501465088], [331.0742187758, 184.811889664, 353.16699220020007, 201.6445312512]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046858.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[511.2028808448, 293.7511291503906, 691.5098266601562, 394.0827331542969]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046858_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[45.202880844800006, 25.751129150390625, 225.50982666015625, 126.08273315429688]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046858.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two benches, a bicycle, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[45.202880844800006, 25.751129150390625, 225.50982666015625, 126.08273315429688], [45.202880844800006, 83.96697999359998, 75.30285647360006, 114.06701660160002], [83.8217773568, 72.60852049919998, 105.40283202559999, 95.32550046720002], [173.71972659200003, 49.222778316799975, 187.31469724160002, 78.96173096960001], [118.5675048828125, 25.751129150390625, 140.8702392578125, 90.76889038085938], [187.97015380859375, 29.095855712890625, 225.50982666015625, 126.08273315429688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046862.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a potted plant, three people, and a slippers.", "boxes_value": [[521.6123657226562, 193.5103759872, 577.6300048647, 290.4051513856], [532.5145264007999, 224.242065408, 544.9478759538999, 252.053527808], [519.5191650386, 190.5170898432, 539.6469726657, 218.8861694464], [542.1297607184999, 189.3338622976, 588.4888916166, 292.4934082048], [558.4180908122, 193.5103759872, 577.6300048647, 290.4051513856], [521.2473144508, 213.1399536128, 542.5473633105, 254.0695800832], [521.6123657226562, 247.41903686523438, 532.2007446289062, 252.666748046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046862_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a potted plant, three people, and a slippers.", "boxes_value": [[14.61236572265625, 24.510375987200007, 70.63000486470003, 121.40515138559999], [25.514526400799923, 55.242065408, 37.94787595389994, 83.05352780800001], [12.519165038600022, 21.51708984320001, 32.64697266569999, 49.886169446400004], [35.12976071849994, 20.333862297600007, 81.48889161659997, 123.4934082048], [51.418090812200035, 24.510375987200007, 70.63000486470003, 121.40515138559999], [14.24731445079999, 44.139953612800014, 35.54736331050003, 85.06958008320001], [14.61236572265625, 78.41903686523438, 25.20074462890625, 83.666748046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046863.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a vase, a cello, two people, two leather shoes, and a drum.", "boxes_value": [[36.572113037109375, 86.7157592576, 181.99035647999995, 429.7170409984], [151.33935544320002, 86.7157592576, 175.98718264319996, 121.222656256], [25.444091827200054, 122.176879872, 179.32128906239996, 406.36462402559994], [112.2399902208, 164.184448256, 181.99035647999995, 429.7170409984], [31.587768575999974, 198.5147704832, 94.14221191680008, 299.5915527168], [111.01049802240004, 390.4717407232, 138.2739257856, 405.0208130048], [117.14477537280004, 411.26013184, 163.49255370240007, 426.936584448], [36.572113037109375, 273.62786865234375, 66.04324340820312, 316.8516845703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046868.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and four helmets.", "boxes_value": [[71.82653808639998, 57.9541015552, 358.7276611072, 287.8787842048], [190.59155276800004, 119.7426757632, 359.3217773056, 304.5141601792], [204.25634767359998, 150.6369018368, 358.7276611072, 287.8787842048], [255.94482419199994, 57.9541015552, 345.65698240000006, 199.3547973632], [64.63793943040002, 93.60131834879999, 173.36206051839997, 255.2021484544], [71.82653808639998, 95.6691894784, 98.01635745279998, 125.9745483264], [231.62719728640002, 120.64520263680001, 293.43493649920003, 166.1425781248], [205.87402347520003, 151.9783325184, 239.35314941439998, 188.0328369152], [261.0601806592, 59.662536601599996, 318.7633057024, 98.13128663040001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046871.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the region in the given photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three flowers, a chair, and a lamp.", "boxes_value": [[133.92687985909998, 164.2880859136, 578.9486084212, 263.4513549824], [133.92687985909998, 191.5254516736, 177.1672363264, 219.9220580864], [237.8327636836, 181.8447876096, 275.9100952338, 228.3120117248], [321.08654783969996, 173.4548339712, 370.1352539196, 217.9859619328], [536.0073241988, 205.9760131584, 578.9486084212, 263.4513549824], [521.2926025416, 164.2880859136, 543.7351074137, 177.6748657152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046871_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the region in the given photo . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three flowers, a chair, and a lamp.", "boxes_value": [[111.92687985909998, 25.288085913600014, 556.9486084212, 124.4513549824], [111.92687985909998, 52.5254516736, 155.1672363264, 80.9220580864], [215.8327636836, 42.84478760959999, 253.9100952338, 89.31201172479999], [299.08654783969996, 34.4548339712, 348.1352539196, 78.9859619328], [514.0073241988, 66.97601315840001, 556.9486084212, 124.4513549824], [499.2926025416, 25.288085913600014, 521.7351074137, 38.67486571520001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046872.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.560180672, 287.597351088, 557.08703616, 480.102050784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046872_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a fan, a bed, a desk, a pillow, a towel, a carpet, a bottle, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[0.560180672, 287.597351088, 557.08703616, 480.102050784], [394.60070803199994, 252.157165536, 505.842041024, 453.636108384], [93.661438016, 272.38690185599995, 447.47717286399995, 478.50390624], [272.681274432, 419.230285632, 420.603637696, 477.53601072], [138.364929216, 269.55682372800004, 272.676269504, 324.739013664], [94.655883776, 287.597351088, 137.492675776, 422.992370592], [0.560180672, 436.828125024, 118.580078144, 480.102050784], [523.683593728, 411.320129376, 557.08703616, 480.091125504], [483.80639648, 442.533203136, 526.3460693119999, 480.091125504]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046872_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[85.4063110422, 277.7103881728, 285.7123413034, 497.256774912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046885_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[50.4063110422, 55.71038817279998, 250.71234130340002, 275.256774912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046885.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and an umbrella.", "boxes_value": [[85.4063110422, 277.7103881728, 285.7123413034, 497.256774912], [148.2320556606, 281.5566406144, 242.14642332410003, 442.7258300928], [91.2775268434, 297.9159545856, 156.7145996365, 497.256774912], [93.0952148236, 288.2215576064, 145.2025146334, 463.3264160256], [85.4063110422, 304.0368652288, 108.2397461269, 345.5229492224], [200.4014282179, 277.7103881728, 285.7123413034, 326.6414184448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046885_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and an umbrella.", "boxes_value": [[50.4063110422, 55.71038817279998, 250.71234130340002, 275.256774912], [113.2320556606, 59.55664061440001, 207.14642332410003, 220.72583009279998], [56.2775268434, 75.91595458559999, 121.7145996365, 275.256774912], [58.0952148236, 66.22155760639998, 110.2025146334, 241.3264160256], [50.4063110422, 82.03686522880002, 73.2397461269, 123.52294922239997], [165.4014282179, 55.71038817279998, 250.71234130340002, 104.64141844480002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046889.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[550.1750487916, 200.6985473536, 617.6267089612, 383.247314432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046889_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[17.175048791600034, 45.69854735359999, 84.62670896120005, 228.247314432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046889.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two helmets, a gloves, and two hockey sticks.", "boxes_value": [[17.175048791600034, 45.69854735359999, 84.62670896120005, 228.247314432], [53.9561767248, 66.70550538239999, 83.24511722599993, 98.48114012159999], [61.14025880240001, 107.32305909759998, 84.62670896120005, 132.74359132159998], [17.175048791600034, 49.182311987199995, 32.503662083999984, 228.247314432], [53.40612796000005, 45.69854735359999, 73.61193848840003, 219.88629150719999], [53.91058349609375, 67.18792724609375, 74.22308349609375, 93.9599609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2], [3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046891.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[209.186645499, 58.8607788032, 564.4791259622999, 174.3371581952]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046891_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[89.18664549900001, 29.8607788032, 444.4791259622999, 145.3371581952]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046891.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps.", "boxes_value": [[209.186645499, 58.8607788032, 564.4791259622999, 174.3371581952], [209.186645499, 103.3921508864, 266.30340577559997, 116.6192016384], [381.73937989859996, 110.005676288, 431.04003902729994, 123.23272704], [321.6164550795, 159.3064574976, 400.3774414317, 174.3371581952], [219.4075317519, 156.9015502848, 302.3770751991, 171.3310546944], [537.9240722328, 58.8607788032, 564.4791259622999, 83.0017090048]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046891_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps.", "boxes_value": [[89.18664549900001, 29.8607788032, 444.4791259622999, 145.3371581952], [89.18664549900001, 74.3921508864, 146.30340577559997, 87.6192016384], [261.73937989859996, 81.005676288, 311.04003902729994, 94.23272704], [201.61645507949999, 130.3064574976, 280.3774414317, 145.3371581952], [99.4075317519, 127.90155028480001, 182.37707519909998, 142.3310546944], [417.9240722328, 29.8607788032, 444.4791259622999, 54.001709004800006]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046892.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[540.5329589856, 27.0541991936, 667.8833007784, 331.5363769344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046892_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[32.532958985599976, 27.0541991936, 159.88330077839998, 331.5363769344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046892.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a desk, a mirror, and a telephone.", "boxes_value": [[540.5329589856, 27.0541991936, 667.8833007784, 331.5363769344], [568.2554931633999, 93.2960815616, 635.8291015636, 221.512695296], [560.4584960968, 199.8544922112, 667.8833007784, 331.5363769344], [540.5329589856, 27.0541991936, 633.2301025414, 169.5330200064], [545.2459716577999, 84.1314086912, 602.062011747, 167.6162719744], [608.2048340074, 190.8896484352, 643.2946777264, 215.7093506048]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046892_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a desk, a mirror, and a telephone.", "boxes_value": [[32.532958985599976, 27.0541991936, 159.88330077839998, 331.5363769344], [60.25549316339993, 93.2960815616, 127.82910156360003, 221.512695296], [52.45849609679999, 199.8544922112, 159.88330077839998, 331.5363769344], [32.532958985599976, 27.0541991936, 125.23010254140002, 169.5330200064], [37.24597165779994, 84.1314086912, 94.06201174700004, 167.6162719744], [100.2048340074, 190.8896484352, 135.29467772639998, 215.7093506048]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046894.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a handbag, a backpack, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[88.51214599609375, 393.298095703125, 252.16849578319997, 468.0110626304], [231.75509370039998, 443.8702392832, 252.16849578319997, 468.0110626304], [161.5093537856, 415.1746435584, 183.2904206692, 448.5269021696], [88.51214599609375, 395.739013671875, 116.1444091796875, 465.3160400390625], [144.98397827148438, 399.61602783203125, 178.91116333007812, 484.236572265625], [211.7829132080078, 393.298095703125, 226.0482635498047, 433.234619140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046894_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a handbag, a backpack, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[41.51214599609375, 19.298095703125, 205.16849578319997, 94.01106263039998], [184.75509370039998, 69.87023928320002, 205.16849578319997, 94.01106263039998], [114.50935378560001, 41.17464355840002, 136.2904206692, 74.52690216960002], [41.51214599609375, 21.739013671875, 69.1444091796875, 91.3160400390625], [97.98397827148438, 25.61602783203125, 131.91116333007812, 110.236572265625], [164.7829132080078, 19.298095703125, 179.0482635498047, 59.234619140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046897.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a bracelet, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[3.6754150221, 92.6539306496, 457.21166995439995, 500.6245727744], [359.5067138862, 152.8925170688, 457.21166995439995, 331.7787475456], [223.4397582981, 79.3939209216, 445.12316892629997, 463.3812255744], [3.6754150221, 92.6539306496, 168.9829711794, 500.6245727744], [412.0344238527, 453.9440307712, 428.5633544802, 473.7788696064], [173.62591554149998, 327.486450176, 370.4887694952, 472.4368286208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046897_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a bracelet, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[3.6754150221, 92.6539306496, 457.21166995439995, 500.6245727744], [359.5067138862, 152.8925170688, 457.21166995439995, 331.7787475456], [223.4397582981, 79.3939209216, 445.12316892629997, 463.3812255744], [3.6754150221, 92.6539306496, 168.9829711794, 500.6245727744], [412.0344238527, 453.9440307712, 428.5633544802, 473.7788696064], [173.62591554149998, 327.486450176, 370.4887694952, 472.4368286208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046898.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[3.9724731375, 0, 368.0002441394, 511.6931152384]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046898_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[3.9724731375, 0, 368.0002441394, 511.6931152384]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046898.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five towels, a cabinet, two potted plants, five toiletries, a handbag, and five bottles.", "boxes_value": [[3.9724731375, 0, 368.0002441394, 511.6931152384], [33.5717163306, 37.4092407296, 166.65270997849998, 85.7619629056], [34.4589233588, 80.882324224, 162.6602783516, 115.039794944], [37.1205444434, 107.0549316608, 164.8782959221, 133.6711425536], [3.9724731375, 0, 210.76318358460003, 485.7059936768], [298.3123169025, 270.6694946304, 352.7938232692, 367.1339111424], [338.0518188355, 268.4261474816, 393.1743163993, 355.9171142656], [329.2382812437, 464.4225463808, 368.0002441394, 511.6931152384], [345.3103027103, 495.6211547648, 386.43579099910005, 510.747741696], [281.6953125243, 350.927673344, 290.3670654631, 388.228210432], [253.1853027052, 370.1718750208, 275.7557373021, 390.1288452096], [156.0742187682, 313.8292846592, 168.3220214678, 362.4895629824], [138.5300293228, 321.2772827136, 155.41217040790002, 364.6412353536], [79.8158569389, 210.0686034944, 93.55444332869999, 232.3937988096], [52.966613800999994, 297.0629272576, 135.5731200865, 378.7999267328], [137.4157104516, 320.153259264, 153.90686033219998, 366.3465575936], [125.94795227050781, 269.09271240234375, 153.39964294433594, 361.80718994140625], [179.59397888183594, 292.3739318847656, 197.6296844482422, 356.8823547363281], [93.486572265625, 208.25634765625, 104.52137756347656, 231.58364868164062], [68.65370178222656, 209.63729858398438, 79.83724975585938, 230.48355102539062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 7, 8], [4], [5, 6], [9, 10, 11, 12, 13], [14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046898_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five towels, a cabinet, two potted plants, five toiletries, a handbag, and five bottles.", "boxes_value": [[3.9724731375, 0, 368.0002441394, 511.6931152384], [33.5717163306, 37.4092407296, 166.65270997849998, 85.7619629056], [34.4589233588, 80.882324224, 162.6602783516, 115.039794944], [37.1205444434, 107.0549316608, 164.8782959221, 133.6711425536], [3.9724731375, 0, 210.76318358460003, 485.7059936768], [298.3123169025, 270.6694946304, 352.7938232692, 367.1339111424], [338.0518188355, 268.4261474816, 393.1743163993, 355.9171142656], [329.2382812437, 464.4225463808, 368.0002441394, 511.6931152384], [345.3103027103, 495.6211547648, 386.43579099910005, 510.747741696], [281.6953125243, 350.927673344, 290.3670654631, 388.228210432], [253.1853027052, 370.1718750208, 275.7557373021, 390.1288452096], [156.0742187682, 313.8292846592, 168.3220214678, 362.4895629824], [138.5300293228, 321.2772827136, 155.41217040790002, 364.6412353536], [79.8158569389, 210.0686034944, 93.55444332869999, 232.3937988096], [52.966613800999994, 297.0629272576, 135.5731200865, 378.7999267328], [137.4157104516, 320.153259264, 153.90686033219998, 366.3465575936], [125.94795227050781, 269.09271240234375, 153.39964294433594, 361.80718994140625], [179.59397888183594, 292.3739318847656, 197.6296844482422, 356.8823547363281], [93.486572265625, 208.25634765625, 104.52137756347656, 231.58364868164062], [68.65370178222656, 209.63729858398438, 79.83724975585938, 230.48355102539062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 7, 8], [4], [5, 6], [9, 10, 11, 12, 13], [14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046899.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[68.262329088, 22.061096217600003, 368.8600463872, 615.7102050816001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046899_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[68.262329088, 22.061096217600003, 368.8600463872, 615.7102050816001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046899.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a desk, five people, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[68.262329088, 22.061096217600003, 368.8600463872, 615.7102050816001], [1.2487182848, 403.4416503552, 262.4467163136, 594.4670409984], [28.3137206784, 242.59008791040003, 155.6239624192, 319.3970947584], [39.9693603328, 167.1085204992, 97.0425415168, 324.5198974464], [82.7742309376, 185.5192260864, 128.800964352, 311.6324462592], [127.880432128, 176.3138427648, 153.1951293952, 234.3074951424], [68.262329088, 22.061096217600003, 368.8600463872, 615.7102050816001], [330.920959488, 139.7634887424, 398.244384768, 339.35778808320003], [202.0117187584, 98.6562500352, 293.933654784, 128.6394042624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046899_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a desk, five people, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[68.262329088, 22.061096217600003, 368.8600463872, 615.7102050816001], [1.2487182848, 403.4416503552, 262.4467163136, 594.4670409984], [28.3137206784, 242.59008791040003, 155.6239624192, 319.3970947584], [39.9693603328, 167.1085204992, 97.0425415168, 324.5198974464], [82.7742309376, 185.5192260864, 128.800964352, 311.6324462592], [127.880432128, 176.3138427648, 153.1951293952, 234.3074951424], [68.262329088, 22.061096217600003, 368.8600463872, 615.7102050816001], [330.920959488, 139.7634887424, 398.244384768, 339.35778808320003], [202.0117187584, 98.6562500352, 293.933654784, 128.6394042624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046901.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[71.93392944335938, 110.65873718261719, 503.5546875276, 177.0462646484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046901_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[71.93392944335938, 16.658737182617188, 503.5546875276, 83.0462646484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046901.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps.", "boxes_value": [[71.93392944335938, 110.65873718261719, 503.5546875276, 177.0462646484375], [373.9263915812, 120.55017088, 503.5546875276, 148.186645504], [295.6230468796, 140.9484863488, 402.2208252026, 166.61096192], [83.20476531982422, 110.65873718261719, 279.15953826904297, 135.7099151611328], [71.93392944335938, 147.18243408203125, 218.0029296875, 161.58151245117188], [160.24740600585938, 168.06918334960938, 265.9736633300781, 177.0462646484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046901_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps.", "boxes_value": [[71.93392944335938, 16.658737182617188, 503.5546875276, 83.0462646484375], [373.9263915812, 26.550170879999996, 503.5546875276, 54.18664550400001], [295.6230468796, 46.9484863488, 402.2208252026, 72.61096192], [83.20476531982422, 16.658737182617188, 279.15953826904297, 41.70991516113281], [71.93392944335938, 53.18243408203125, 218.0029296875, 67.58151245117188], [160.24740600585938, 74.06918334960938, 265.9736633300781, 83.0462646484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046902.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[23.986633322099998, 274.6128234863281, 411.6656188964844, 370.5471801856]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046902_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[23.986633322099998, 24.612823486328125, 411.6656188964844, 120.54718018559998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046902.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two trash bin cans, three people, and an umbrella.", "boxes_value": [[23.986633322099998, 274.6128234863281, 411.6656188964844, 370.5471801856], [23.986633322099998, 314.1659546112, 81.7297363018, 370.5471801856], [172.1575927913, 314.710693376, 186.86572265499998, 347.1231078912], [396.6129455566406, 300.9485778808594, 411.6656188964844, 341.5763854980469], [308.9114074707031, 299.5052185058594, 322.7895202636719, 341.7849426269531], [321.6130676269531, 300.72064208984375, 335.6873474121094, 342.6243896484375], [176.60157775878906, 274.6128234863281, 255.6580047607422, 343.3888244628906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046902_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two trash bin cans, three people, and an umbrella.", "boxes_value": [[23.986633322099998, 24.612823486328125, 411.6656188964844, 120.54718018559998], [23.986633322099998, 64.1659546112, 81.7297363018, 120.54718018559998], [172.1575927913, 64.710693376, 186.86572265499998, 97.1231078912], [396.6129455566406, 50.948577880859375, 411.6656188964844, 91.57638549804688], [308.9114074707031, 49.505218505859375, 322.7895202636719, 91.78494262695312], [321.6130676269531, 50.72064208984375, 335.6873474121094, 92.6243896484375], [176.60157775878906, 24.612823486328125, 255.6580047607422, 93.38882446289062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046903.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[219.48486328125, 240.37591552734375, 335.167358394, 421.13140871549996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046903_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[29.48486328125, 45.37591552734375, 145.16735839400002, 226.13140871549996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046903.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three gloves, a boots, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[219.48486328125, 240.37591552734375, 335.167358394, 421.13140871549996], [288.708251964, 276.3746337681, 335.167358394, 344.9777832144], [267.487670868, 372.9689331123, 313.42395017999996, 432.85021973759996], [236.368774422, 289.08721922219996, 277.56933593400004, 421.13140871549996], [219.48486328125, 255.9855194091797, 267.8897705078125, 310.3527526855469], [246.11021423339844, 240.37591552734375, 290.52166748046875, 284.93060302734375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046903_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three gloves, a boots, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[29.48486328125, 45.37591552734375, 145.16735839400002, 226.13140871549996], [98.708251964, 81.37463376810001, 145.16735839400002, 149.9777832144], [77.48767086800001, 177.96893311230002, 123.42395017999996, 237.85021973759996], [46.368774422, 94.08721922219996, 87.56933593400004, 226.13140871549996], [29.48486328125, 60.98551940917969, 77.8897705078125, 115.35275268554688], [56.11021423339844, 45.37591552734375, 100.52166748046875, 89.93060302734375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046904.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[369.6011962668, 21.086841583251953, 656.3375243987999, 168.9485473792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046904_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[72.6011962668, 21.086841583251953, 359.3375243987999, 168.9485473792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046904.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, five people, a hat, and a boat.", "boxes_value": [[369.6011962668, 21.086841583251953, 656.3375243987999, 168.9485473792], [372.4422607652, 117.095642112, 442.8502197048, 151.9440307712], [369.6011962668, 93.24700928, 488.94921873119995, 153.1411743232], [469.2247314736, 92.436584448, 486.44848631080004, 111.9069824], [372.50146486, 120.5777587712, 656.3375243987999, 168.9485473792], [553.1695556640625, 5.387565612792969, 580.8922119140625, 51.91380310058594], [614.1411743164062, 0.002880096435546875, 638.0043334960938, 62.01441192626953], [598.7025756835938, 0.23900604248046875, 617.4591674804688, 62.08965301513672], [497.57049560546875, 21.086841583251953, 536.1618041992188, 55.0194206237793]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5, 6, 7, 8], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046904_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, five people, a hat, and a boat.", "boxes_value": [[72.6011962668, 21.086841583251953, 359.3375243987999, 168.9485473792], [75.44226076519999, 117.095642112, 145.8502197048, 151.9440307712], [72.6011962668, 93.24700928, 191.94921873119995, 153.1411743232], [172.2247314736, 92.436584448, 189.44848631080004, 111.9069824], [75.50146486, 120.5777587712, 359.3375243987999, 168.9485473792], [256.1695556640625, 5.387565612792969, 283.8922119140625, 51.91380310058594], [317.14117431640625, 0.002880096435546875, 341.00433349609375, 62.01441192626953], [301.70257568359375, 0.23900604248046875, 320.45916748046875, 62.08965301513672], [200.57049560546875, 21.086841583251953, 239.16180419921875, 55.0194206237793]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5, 6, 7, 8], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046905.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[462.1968993911, 82.9788208128, 597.319091813, 162.4770507776]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046905_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[34.196899391099976, 19.978820812799995, 169.319091813, 99.4770507776]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046905.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[462.1968993911, 82.9788208128, 597.319091813, 162.4770507776], [560.6529540995999, 83.9036865024, 576.7585449479, 107.8746948096], [470.4521484117, 114.3489990144, 491.916015641, 145.4440307712], [462.1968993911, 82.9788208128, 481.45935059429996, 113.7986450432], [487.7883300705, 83.529174784, 502.6479492215, 111.5972290048], [559.7827148404, 143.6190185472, 597.319091813, 162.4770507776]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046905_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[34.196899391099976, 19.978820812799995, 169.319091813, 99.4770507776], [132.65295409959992, 20.903686502400006, 148.75854494789996, 44.8746948096], [42.45214841170002, 51.34899901439999, 63.916015641, 82.4440307712], [34.196899391099976, 19.978820812799995, 53.45935059429996, 50.7986450432], [59.788330070500024, 20.529174784000006, 74.64794922150003, 48.5972290048], [131.7827148404, 80.6190185472, 169.319091813, 99.4770507776]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046908.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[462.4696044893, 252.1746215936, 630.799560573, 333.3280029184]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046908_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[42.469604489300025, 21.174621593599994, 210.799560573, 102.32800291839999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046908.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five bowls, a bottle, and a cake.", "boxes_value": [[462.4696044893, 252.1746215936, 630.799560573, 333.3280029184], [439.7956542758, 313.439331072, 500.22912596279997, 336.5032958976], [569.8315429657, 309.7337646592, 585.0605468893999, 333.3280029184], [544.6717529187999, 306.2600708096, 574.2192383036, 320.6792602624], [594.5321045075, 254.2158813696, 630.799560573, 273.6666259968], [456.3153075905, 291.9217529344, 517.4906006035, 323.2045287936], [515.4050293002, 261.3341675008, 547.3829346007, 281.146545408], [462.4696044893, 252.1746215936, 519.4279785282, 303.8061523456]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5, 6], [2], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046908_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five bowls, a bottle, and a cake.", "boxes_value": [[42.469604489300025, 21.174621593599994, 210.799560573, 102.32800291839999], [19.79565427580002, 82.43933107200002, 80.22912596279997, 105.50329589760003], [149.8315429657, 78.7337646592, 165.06054688939992, 102.32800291839999], [124.67175291879994, 75.2600708096, 154.21923830360004, 89.67926026240002], [174.53210450749998, 23.215881369599998, 210.799560573, 42.66662599680001], [36.315307590500026, 60.92175293439999, 97.49060060349996, 92.20452879359999], [95.4050293002, 30.334167500799992, 127.38293460069997, 50.14654540800001], [42.469604489300025, 21.174621593599994, 99.42797852820001, 72.80615234560003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5, 6], [2], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046909.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[30.201354956699998, 41.9217529344, 297.40167238780003, 468.8327026176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046909_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[30.201354956699998, 41.9217529344, 297.40167238780003, 468.8327026176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046909.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bracelet, a necklace, two sandals, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[30.201354956699998, 41.9217529344, 297.40167238780003, 468.8327026176], [30.201354956699998, 41.9217529344, 168.1822509818, 468.8327026176], [145.09545895949998, 206.3693847552, 167.1369018604, 224.1196289024], [262.6795654289, 169.90448, 297.40167238780003, 223.6846313472], [62.459899903, 398.4313965056, 92.4262695293, 458.3641967616], [94.98437499730001, 402.8167724544, 117.2764892798, 457.6333007872], [224.7168579439, 136.9826660352, 317.27850340059996, 202.7625122304]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046909_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bracelet, a necklace, two sandals, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[30.201354956699998, 41.9217529344, 297.40167238780003, 468.8327026176], [30.201354956699998, 41.9217529344, 168.1822509818, 468.8327026176], [145.09545895949998, 206.3693847552, 167.1369018604, 224.1196289024], [262.6795654289, 169.90448, 297.40167238780003, 223.6846313472], [62.459899903, 398.4313965056, 92.4262695293, 458.3641967616], [94.98437499730001, 402.8167724544, 117.2764892798, 457.6333007872], [224.7168579439, 136.9826660352, 317.27850340059996, 202.7625122304]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046912.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[73.709716776, 2.6381835776, 606.0036621186, 512.838012672]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046912_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[73.709716776, 2.6381835776, 606, 512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046912.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four cabinets, three books, and a storage box.", "boxes_value": [[73.709716776, 2.6381835776, 606.0036621186, 512.838012672], [0, 1.5812378112, 605.2807616886, 511.890930176], [335.069396982, 200.9082031104, 600.2297363568, 268.5218505728], [337.2077026452, 334.8842773504, 549.8511962904, 461.9180297728], [472.75634763719995, 423.1055298048, 606.0036621186, 512.167236352], [30.4873657464, 5.1664428544, 197.50994872680002, 433.5114135552], [73.709716776, 2.6381835776, 364.64129640540006, 512.838012672], [152.86022947860002, 5.8469848576, 526.1511230195999, 510.6987915264], [503.61071777039996, 1.3185424896, 605.1151123157999, 35.3523559424]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5, 6, 7], [2, 3, 4], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046912_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four cabinets, three books, and a storage box.", "boxes_value": [[73.709716776, 2.6381835776, 606, 512], [0, 1.5812378112, 605.2807616886, 511.890930176], [335.069396982, 200.9082031104, 600.2297363568, 268.5218505728], [337.2077026452, 334.8842773504, 549.8511962904, 461.9180297728], [472.75634763719995, 423.1055298048, 606, 512], [30.4873657464, 5.1664428544, 197.50994872680002, 433.5114135552], [73.709716776, 2.6381835776, 364.64129640540006, 512], [152.86022947860002, 5.8469848576, 526.1511230195999, 510.6987915264], [503.61071777039996, 1.3185424896, 605.1151123157999, 35.3523559424]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5, 6, 7], [2, 3, 4], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046913.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.064880352, 139.29595945650001, 359.014648464, 494.96099855399996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046913_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.064880352, 89.29595945650001, 359.014648464, 444.96099855399996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046913.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a watch, a glasses, and a pen.", "boxes_value": [[0.064880352, 139.29595945650001, 359.014648464, 494.96099855399996], [0.064880352, 139.29595945650001, 359.014648464, 494.96099855399996], [175.10266116, 126.89874266849999, 401.15759277599994, 402.54730223399997], [130.181518584, 410.956726059, 159.48193356, 427.8266601345], [122.217346224, 225.3886108155, 191.097412128, 247.49432373599998], [239.575134312, 458.9470825335, 326.89074708000004, 477.730285659]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046913_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a watch, a glasses, and a pen.", "boxes_value": [[0.064880352, 89.29595945650001, 359.014648464, 444.96099855399996], [0.064880352, 89.29595945650001, 359.014648464, 444.96099855399996], [175.10266116, 76.89874266849999, 401.15759277599994, 352.54730223399997], [130.181518584, 360.956726059, 159.48193356, 377.8266601345], [122.217346224, 175.3886108155, 191.097412128, 197.49432373599998], [239.575134312, 408.9470825335, 326.89074708000004, 427.730285659]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046915.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[328.0678405761719, 93.8771574784, 464.6146240234375, 312.66278076171875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046915_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[35.067840576171875, 54.877157478399994, 171.6146240234375, 273.66278076171875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046915.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a hat, and three leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[328.0678405761719, 93.8771574784, 464.6146240234375, 312.66278076171875], [398.9234008576, 94.3635864064, 474.9407348736, 313.0973510656], [341.5425415168, 138.0122680832, 371.9495239168, 242.9652099584], [351.8416748032, 114.4713744896, 370.4782104576, 145.3687744], [407.2285269504, 93.8771574784, 437.8733648384, 121.170216192], [413.1824035644531, 300.9591064453125, 436.7204895019531, 312.66278076171875], [328.0678405761719, 261.744140625, 348.4010314941406, 270.490966796875], [451.03424072265625, 272.2744445800781, 464.6146240234375, 301.0794982910156]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046915_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a hat, and three leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[35.067840576171875, 54.877157478399994, 171.6146240234375, 273.66278076171875], [105.92340085759997, 55.3635864064, 181.94073487359998, 274.0973510656], [48.542541516799986, 99.01226808320001, 78.94952391679999, 203.9652099584], [58.84167480320002, 75.4713744896, 77.47821045760003, 106.3687744], [114.22852695040001, 54.877157478399994, 144.8733648384, 82.170216192], [120.18240356445312, 261.9591064453125, 143.72048950195312, 273.66278076171875], [35.067840576171875, 222.744140625, 55.401031494140625, 231.490966796875], [158.03424072265625, 233.27444458007812, 171.6146240234375, 262.0794982910156]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046916.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[108.148986814, 358.6890869248, 377.22100830078125, 492.9024658432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046916_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[68.148986814, 33.689086924799994, 337.22100830078125, 167.9024658432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046916.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two storage boxes, a stool, and two bowls.", "boxes_value": [[108.148986814, 358.6890869248, 377.22100830078125, 492.9024658432], [304.2800292774, 402.3726806528, 373.6470947528, 451.752563456], [316.0371704292, 445.874023424, 375.9985351364, 492.9024658432], [163.1918334706, 358.6890869248, 231.4311523392, 413.971557632], [108.148986814, 387.2542724608, 221.7355346668, 469.2173462016], [312.8076171875, 365.1156005859375, 377.22100830078125, 404.85687255859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046916_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two storage boxes, a stool, and two bowls.", "boxes_value": [[68.148986814, 33.689086924799994, 337.22100830078125, 167.9024658432], [264.2800292774, 77.3726806528, 333.6470947528, 126.75256345600002], [276.0371704292, 120.87402342399997, 335.9985351364, 167.9024658432], [123.19183347059999, 33.689086924799994, 191.4311523392, 88.97155763199999], [68.148986814, 62.254272460799996, 181.7355346668, 144.21734620159998], [272.8076171875, 40.1156005859375, 337.22100830078125, 79.85687255859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046917.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[152.6286621184, 516.3001709316001, 485.45465088, 682.4727782906001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046917_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[83.6286621184, 42.300170931600064, 416.45465088, 208]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046917.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a towel, two bowls, a fork, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[152.6286621184, 516.3001709316001, 485.45465088, 682.4727782906001], [295.543151872, 516.3001709316001, 485.45465088, 682.4727782906001], [227.1846313472, 523.2097167814001, 274.044921856, 546.3144531063999], [151.9876708864, 508.3583984402, 187.7832641536, 536.5610351838], [152.6286621184, 549.9114990402, 179.9862670848, 566.2031249974], [176.59393310546875, 542.2623291015625, 235.19662475585938, 563.6917724609375], [199.59242248535156, 530.4940185546875, 302.7520751953125, 553.9937744140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046917_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a towel, two bowls, a fork, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[83.6286621184, 42.300170931600064, 416.45465088, 208], [226.543151872, 42.300170931600064, 416.45465088, 208], [158.1846313472, 49.20971678140006, 205.04492185599997, 72.31445310639992], [82.9876708864, 34.358398440200006, 118.78326415359999, 62.56103518379996], [83.6286621184, 75.91149904020006, 110.9862670848, 92.20312499739998], [107.59393310546875, 68.2623291015625, 166.19662475585938, 89.6917724609375], [130.59242248535156, 56.4940185546875, 233.7520751953125, 79.9937744140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046921.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a backpack.", "boxes_value": [[348.769531264, 338.3585815552, 705.4311523318, 415.3345336832], [677.565673808, 345.7755737088, 697.0703125048, 415.3345336832], [655.005981455, 369.7452392448, 678.2706298892, 406.6397094912], [520.445190441, 338.3585815552, 540.0428466626, 394.2973633024], [348.769531264, 345.6337890816, 363.8441162008, 390.0557861376], [683.4981689302, 354.4346313728, 705.4311523318, 380.2059325952]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046921_crop.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a backpack.", "boxes_value": [[89.76953126400002, 19.358581555199976, 446.43115233180004, 96.3345336832], [418.56567380800004, 26.775573708799982, 438.0703125048, 96.3345336832], [396.005981455, 50.74523924480002, 419.2706298892, 87.6397094912], [261.445190441, 19.358581555199976, 281.0428466626, 75.29736330240002], [89.76953126400002, 26.633789081600014, 104.84411620079999, 71.05578613760002], [424.4981689302, 35.43463137280003, 446.43115233180004, 61.20593259520001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046924.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[6.5903930399999995, 162.2273559552, 204.552307113, 365.0635228672]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046924_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[6.5903930399999995, 51.22735595520001, 204.552307113, 254.0635228672]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046924.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, three people, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[6.5903930399999995, 162.2273559552, 204.552307113, 365.0635228672], [131.671020481, 162.2273559552, 193.268493649, 264.051757824], [0.933471693, 218.796447744, 56.874084498, 411.1314697216], [6.5903930399999995, 181.0837402112, 46.188781716, 302.3930663936], [0.617675751, 253.3435668992, 99.085266126, 455.5302734336], [0, 168.0050049024, 35.409545864, 370.8481445376], [171.631408718, 196.675720192, 204.552307113, 252.8348999168], [27.937586677000002, 313.0823855616, 98.666019452, 365.0635228672]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046924_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, three people, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[6.5903930399999995, 51.22735595520001, 204.552307113, 254.0635228672], [131.671020481, 51.22735595520001, 193.268493649, 153.051757824], [0.933471693, 107.796447744, 56.874084498, 300.1314697216], [6.5903930399999995, 70.0837402112, 46.188781716, 191.3930663936], [0.617675751, 142.3435668992, 99.085266126, 304], [0, 57.0050049024, 35.409545864, 259.8481445376], [171.631408718, 85.675720192, 204.552307113, 141.8348999168], [27.937586677000002, 202.0823855616, 98.666019452, 254.0635228672]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046925.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[60.638732928, 193.46081543999998, 320.41204832, 387.222290016], [172.716430656, 193.46081543999998, 277.19567872, 304.113769536], [232.554504384, 223.85473632, 320.41204832, 337.832092272], [128.075317376, 212.457031248, 263.423400896, 334.032836928], [60.638732928, 206.75811768, 155.619812032, 313.61187744], [133.77416992000002, 276.56927491199997, 231.12982176, 387.222290016]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046925_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[60.638732928, 48.460815439999976, 320.41204832, 242.222290016], [172.716430656, 48.460815439999976, 277.19567872, 159.113769536], [232.554504384, 78.85473632, 320.41204832, 192.832092272], [128.075317376, 67.45703124799999, 263.423400896, 189.032836928], [60.638732928, 61.75811768, 155.619812032, 168.61187744], [133.77416992000002, 131.56927491199997, 231.12982176, 242.222290016]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046927.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[538.3037109651, 283.7799072256, 642.5458984573, 485.8460693504]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046927_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[26.30371096509998, 50.77990722560003, 130.54589845730004, 252.8460693504]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046927.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a picture, two people, a book, and two baksets.", "boxes_value": [[538.3037109651, 283.7799072256, 642.5458984573, 485.8460693504], [575.8613281449, 329.6600342016, 669.9183349627, 426.4671630848], [597.4174804901, 283.7799072256, 642.5458984573, 336.9246825984], [606.6955566388, 296.3866576896, 633.0771484473, 329.9633178624], [561.658325182, 362.6290283008, 640.0922851593, 463.3318481408], [538.3037109651, 470.730834944, 577.0607910255001, 485.8460693504], [540.1952151265, 367.7972353024, 583.8306875719001, 430.4532982272], [577.6769671251, 420.9430029824, 657.1159040937999, 484.1584950784]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046927_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a picture, two people, a book, and two baksets.", "boxes_value": [[26.30371096509998, 50.77990722560003, 130.54589845730004, 252.8460693504], [63.86132814489997, 96.66003420160001, 156, 193.4671630848], [85.41748049010005, 50.77990722560003, 130.54589845730004, 103.92468259840001], [94.69555663879999, 63.386657689599986, 121.07714844730003, 96.9633178624], [49.658325182, 129.62902830079997, 128.0922851593, 230.3318481408], [26.30371096509998, 237.73083494399998, 65.06079102550007, 252.8460693504], [28.19521512649999, 134.7972353024, 71.83068757190006, 197.45329822719998], [65.67696712509996, 187.9430029824, 145.11590409379994, 251.1584950784]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046928.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 174.6987304448, 389.82824708149997, 510.4195556864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046928_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 84.69873044479999, 389.82824708149997, 420.4195556864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046928.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two desks, a person, two bracelets, and a cell phone.", "boxes_value": [[0, 174.6987304448, 389.82824708149997, 510.4195556864], [25.2794189312, 265.085144064, 127.359985324, 510.4195556864], [133.5725097486, 187.4892578304, 640.9300537106, 511.5159301632], [0, 174.6987304448, 52.5658569259, 369.9674072064], [57.9440917963, 0.0299072512, 464.23327639, 511.9238281216], [342.8146972746, 326.6912841728, 360.40759274770005, 392.4330444288], [351.3619384938, 330.6474609152, 366.13378907130004, 389.7348632576], [321.8485717593, 240.6292114432, 389.82824708149997, 267.9612426752]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046928_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two desks, a person, two bracelets, and a cell phone.", "boxes_value": [[0, 84.69873044479999, 389.82824708149997, 420.4195556864], [25.2794189312, 175.08514406400002, 127.359985324, 420.4195556864], [133.5725097486, 97.48925783039999, 487, 421.5159301632], [0, 84.69873044479999, 52.5658569259, 279.9674072064], [57.9440917963, 0, 464.23327639, 421.9238281216], [342.8146972746, 236.6912841728, 360.40759274770005, 302.4330444288], [351.3619384938, 240.64746091519999, 366.13378907130004, 299.7348632576], [321.8485717593, 150.6292114432, 389.82824708149997, 177.96124267520003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046929.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[8.1398925745, 7.0596923904, 205.30676269900002, 182.0260009984]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046929_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[8.1398925745, 7.0596923904, 205.30676269900002, 182.0260009984]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046929.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five street lights, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[8.1398925745, 7.0596923904, 205.30676269900002, 182.0260009984], [8.1398925745, 60.4442748928, 22.7680053922, 146.6843872256], [60.8652343716, 161.559204096, 109.7128295989, 180.1350708224], [130.4135742348, 160.5998535168, 205.30676269900002, 182.0260009984], [64.5532837018, 95.3013305856, 80.7188720704, 165.4888915968], [44.704345726, 84.046813952, 60.2560424934, 165.6934814208], [172.8016357653, 113.9225463808, 188.14874268300002, 145.8445434368], [183.47869869669998, 7.0596923904, 195.85351562789998, 150.1251831296]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5, 6, 7], [2, 3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046929_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five street lights, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[8.1398925745, 7.0596923904, 205.30676269900002, 182.0260009984], [8.1398925745, 60.4442748928, 22.7680053922, 146.6843872256], [60.8652343716, 161.559204096, 109.7128295989, 180.1350708224], [130.4135742348, 160.5998535168, 205.30676269900002, 182.0260009984], [64.5532837018, 95.3013305856, 80.7188720704, 165.4888915968], [44.704345726, 84.046813952, 60.2560424934, 165.6934814208], [172.8016357653, 113.9225463808, 188.14874268300002, 145.8445434368], [183.47869869669998, 7.0596923904, 195.85351562789998, 150.1251831296]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5, 6, 7], [2, 3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046930.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[211.7017364501953, 397.1856689453125, 302.20947264, 512.0230712832]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046930_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[22.701736450195312, 29.1856689453125, 113.20947264, 144]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046930.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[211.7017364501953, 397.1856689453125, 302.20947264, 512.0230712832], [279.3480224256, 476.5762329088, 302.20947264, 512.0230712832], [231.72863769600002, 431.7144775168, 249.03790279679998, 479.8095092736], [211.7017364501953, 397.1856689453125, 219.45457458496094, 422.90313720703125], [220.83087158203125, 405.4588317871094, 234.56500244140625, 443.4497375488281], [216.20217895507812, 397.8568420410156, 224.46273803710938, 422.9987487792969]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046930_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[22.701736450195312, 29.1856689453125, 113.20947264, 144], [90.34802242559999, 108.57623290880002, 113.20947264, 144], [42.72863769600002, 63.7144775168, 60.03790279679998, 111.80950927359999], [22.701736450195312, 29.1856689453125, 30.454574584960938, 54.90313720703125], [31.83087158203125, 37.458831787109375, 45.56500244140625, 75.44973754882812], [27.202178955078125, 29.856842041015625, 35.462738037109375, 54.998748779296875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046932.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[67.45068362619999, 138.1119384576, 636.4118652123, 478.3790893568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046932_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[67.45068362619999, 85.11193845759999, 636.4118652123, 425.3790893568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046932.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, five people, an umbrella, two hats, a boat, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[67.45068362619999, 138.1119384576, 636.4118652123, 478.3790893568], [546.5117187198, 168.37591552, 583.3895263974999, 180.409729024], [348.24145506039997, 269.0725097472, 491.71398922689997, 403.4931030528], [305.7299194239, 250.8394165248, 412.0250243992, 357.522460928], [506.1936035016, 122.31030272, 545.4196777377, 170.5390624768], [548.0452880571, 152.7933349376, 564.7697753939999, 176.4863891456], [357.3371585981, 250.9451275264, 402.09923100599997, 271.2495727104], [433.4066162191, 266.5177001984, 465.4374999855, 296.1080932864], [67.45068362619999, 138.1119384576, 636.4118652123, 478.3790893568], [577.0465088125001, 98.8484496896, 599.0068359697, 183.5523681792], [127.32942199707031, 178.91493225097656, 150.05992126464844, 203.95497131347656], [149.31109619140625, 181.15919494628906, 174.04641723632812, 204.42503356933594]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 5, 10, 11], [4], [6, 7], [8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046932_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, five people, an umbrella, two hats, a boat, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[67.45068362619999, 85.11193845759999, 636.4118652123, 425.3790893568], [546.5117187198, 115.37591552, 583.3895263974999, 127.409729024], [348.24145506039997, 216.0725097472, 491.71398922689997, 350.4931030528], [305.7299194239, 197.8394165248, 412.0250243992, 304.522460928], [506.1936035016, 69.31030272, 545.4196777377, 117.53906247680001], [548.0452880571, 99.79333493760001, 564.7697753939999, 123.48638914559999], [357.3371585981, 197.9451275264, 402.09923100599997, 218.2495727104], [433.4066162191, 213.5177001984, 465.4374999855, 243.1080932864], [67.45068362619999, 85.11193845759999, 636.4118652123, 425.3790893568], [577.0465088125001, 45.8484496896, 599.0068359697, 130.5523681792], [127.32942199707031, 125.91493225097656, 150.05992126464844, 150.95497131347656], [149.31109619140625, 128.15919494628906, 174.04641723632812, 151.42503356933594]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 5, 10, 11], [4], [6, 7], [8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046933.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three storage boxes, and two hats.", "boxes_value": [[237.51763914240001, 75.5541381632, 481.01904299520004, 246.2257690624], [259.158203136, 177.9399414272, 310.0770263808, 204.0358276608], [237.51763914240001, 177.9399414272, 259.79467776, 201.489929216], [433.5554199552, 193.0337524224, 481.01904299520004, 246.2257690624], [356.0797118976, 75.5541381632, 423.6350097408, 123.8618774528], [421.79809566719996, 101.8889770496, 439.2664794624, 119.0801391616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046933_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three storage boxes, and two hats.", "boxes_value": [[61.517639142400014, 43.554138163199994, 305.01904299520004, 214.2257690624], [83.158203136, 145.9399414272, 134.07702638080002, 172.0358276608], [61.517639142400014, 145.9399414272, 83.79467776000001, 169.489929216], [257.5554199552, 161.0337524224, 305.01904299520004, 214.2257690624], [180.07971189760002, 43.554138163199994, 247.6350097408, 91.8618774528], [245.79809566719996, 69.8889770496, 263.2664794624, 87.0801391616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046935.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a barrel, two bottles, a wine glass, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[34.5952148552, 34.106475830078125, 170.12979125976562, 169.1173095936], [34.5952148552, 84.67523194879999, 118.71746829239999, 169.1173095936], [133.6063232774, 60.94934082560002, 158.76831050919998, 167.8876953088], [113.2670288432, 84.57183836159999, 137.2346191616, 156.5648193536], [107.148437468, 93.61022950400002, 121.31195066059999, 144.06530759679998], [122.64169311523438, 34.106475830078125, 170.12979125976562, 70.10781860351562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046939.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people, and a boat.", "boxes_value": [[37.455108642578125, 14.452026367999991, 185.1365966746, 68.61462399999999], [163.47534183060003, 34.03271485440001, 185.1365966746, 68.61462399999999], [81.3452758551, 14.452026367999991, 93.52734376609999, 54.714721689600026], [4.634338350500002, 20.623107891199993, 103.68725583099996, 57.580444313600026], [94.6934814453125, 37.42242431640625, 118.71728515625, 61.8458251953125], [37.455108642578125, 21.152679443359375, 51.536590576171875, 40.712860107421875], [140.349609375, 25.047927856445312, 153.8211669921875, 64.60214233398438]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5, 6], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046941.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[46.318908672, 0, 479.992675776, 265.91851807200004]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046941_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[46.318908672, 0, 479.992675776, 265.91851807200004]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046941.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a glasses, a hat, and a slippers.", "boxes_value": [[46.318908672, 0, 479.992675776, 265.91851807200004], [398.001953136, 0, 479.992675776, 265.91851807200004], [46.318908672, 0, 123.31506345599999, 34.756958016], [153.701353344, 113.930542008, 246.46331788799998, 145.932312024], [155.161456368, 35.318969712, 300.198358032, 155.624373504], [398.874517872, 221.699780496, 471.374388768, 265.508213112]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046941_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a glasses, a hat, and a slippers.", "boxes_value": [[46.318908672, 0, 479.992675776, 265.91851807200004], [398.001953136, 0, 479.992675776, 265.91851807200004], [46.318908672, 0, 123.31506345599999, 34.756958016], [153.701353344, 113.930542008, 246.46331788799998, 145.932312024], [155.161456368, 35.318969712, 300.198358032, 155.624373504], [398.874517872, 221.699780496, 471.374388768, 265.508213112]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046942.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[215.17042541503906, 352.4948730368, 337.96331787109375, 414.6265259008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046942_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[31.170425415039062, 16.494873036800016, 153.96331787109375, 78.6265259008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046942.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, and four people.", "boxes_value": [[215.17042541503906, 352.4948730368, 337.96331787109375, 414.6265259008], [231.3949585248, 376.4519653376, 305.8968505824, 414.6265259008], [319.37829591359997, 355.6154174976, 329.9030761824, 385.0054321152], [303.52020263040004, 352.4948730368, 313.98822020160003, 384.1543579136], [215.17042541503906, 354.27484130859375, 224.4014434814453, 384.11175537109375], [329.730712890625, 356.0102233886719, 337.96331787109375, 384.5475158691406]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046942_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[32.23944094859999, 43.9087524352, 160.26129152060003, 218.6451416064]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046947.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a canned, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[180.2394409486, 69.9087524352, 308.2612915206, 244.6451416064], [180.2394409486, 69.9087524352, 238.15808102309998, 235.9815673856], [268.8103027208, 96.4152832, 308.2612915206, 196.903625472], [202.6652832161, 203.1032104448, 225.8146362626, 244.6451416064], [269.3585205078125, 185.13795471191406, 274.64508056640625, 193.34669494628906], [279.5751037597656, 190.9149932861328, 292.1944885253906, 196.5407257080078]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046947_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a canned, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[32.23944094859999, 43.9087524352, 160.26129152060003, 218.6451416064], [32.23944094859999, 43.9087524352, 90.15808102309998, 209.9815673856], [120.8103027208, 70.4152832, 160.26129152060003, 170.903625472], [54.66528321609999, 177.1032104448, 77.8146362626, 218.6451416064], [121.3585205078125, 159.13795471191406, 126.64508056640625, 167.34669494628906], [131.57510375976562, 164.9149932861328, 144.19448852539062, 170.5407257080078]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046949.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a guitar, a person, a speaker, and two tripods.", "boxes_value": [[348.74157715639996, 248.0939941376, 433.2648925812, 338.9356689408], [374.68859864999996, 248.0939941376, 432.5532226888, 277.820495616], [364.89892578879994, 219.7792968704, 431.24047848239996, 323.2836303872], [402.75402832559996, 304.7139892736, 433.2648925812, 329.8648681472], [348.74157715639996, 294.4063110144, 386.67395021240003, 338.9356689408], [375.1292724848, 295.2308959744, 397.80627441279995, 334.400268544]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046949_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a guitar, a person, a speaker, and two tripods.", "boxes_value": [[21.741577156399956, 23.093994137599992, 106.2648925812, 113.93566894079999], [47.68859864999996, 23.093994137599992, 105.55322268880002, 52.82049561600002], [37.89892578879994, 0, 104.24047848239996, 98.28363038719999], [75.75402832559996, 79.71398927360002, 106.2648925812, 104.86486814720001], [21.741577156399956, 69.40631101439999, 59.67395021240003, 113.93566894079999], [48.129272484800026, 70.23089597440003, 70.80627441279995, 109.40026854400003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046951.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[523.4094238583, 214.0844115968, 663.5223388384001, 271.1052246016]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046951_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[35.40942385829999, 15.08441159680001, 175.52233883840006, 72.10522460160001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046951.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a hat, and two handbags.", "boxes_value": [[523.4094238583, 214.0844115968, 663.5223388384001, 271.1052246016], [523.4094238583, 216.4519043072, 580.7506103234, 271.1052246016], [624.6424560788, 217.1740112384, 663.5223388384001, 259.2938842624], [633.9432372787, 217.9628906496, 662.6334228692, 240.9817504768], [591.2415771187, 214.0844115968, 610.9683837928, 254.4206542848], [613.4893798609, 221.2272949248, 632.3970947271, 239.7147216896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046951_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a hat, and two handbags.", "boxes_value": [[35.40942385829999, 15.08441159680001, 175.52233883840006, 72.10522460160001], [35.40942385829999, 17.45190430720001, 92.7506103234, 72.10522460160001], [136.64245607880002, 18.1740112384, 175.52233883840006, 60.29388426240001], [145.94323727870005, 18.962890649600013, 174.6334228692, 41.98175047679999], [103.24157711869998, 15.08441159680001, 122.96838379279995, 55.42065428480001], [125.48937986090004, 22.227294924799992, 144.3970947271, 40.7147216896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046952.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two bowls, a cup, two plates, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[179.3755493376, 347.57580564479997, 340.4428100608, 477.5169372558594], [275.3231811584, 388.1024169984, 340.4428100608, 446.9871826176], [244.8416137728, 347.57580564479997, 278.4406128128, 373.2080077824], [262.5070800896, 374.2856445696, 304.7655639552, 417.9296875008], [179.3755493376, 411.34838868479994, 223.7123412992, 429.0139160064], [211.5889892352, 398.5323485952, 232.025512704, 413.4267578112], [231.6903839111328, 395.6764221191406, 269.81439208984375, 477.5169372558594]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046952_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two bowls, a cup, two plates, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[40.375549337600006, 32.57580564479997, 201.4428100608, 162.51693725585938], [136.32318115840002, 73.10241699839997, 201.4428100608, 131.9871826176], [105.8416137728, 32.57580564479997, 139.4406128128, 58.20800778239999], [123.50708008959998, 59.28564456959998, 165.76556395519998, 102.92968750080001], [40.375549337600006, 96.34838868479994, 84.7123412992, 114.0139160064], [72.58898923519999, 83.5323485952, 93.025512704, 98.42675781119999], [92.69038391113281, 80.67642211914062, 130.81439208984375, 162.51693725585938]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046953.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, a bicycle, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[993.8089599609375, 127.3310546944, 1120.6833496565998, 450.65747072], [977.869873014, 259.5056152576, 1040.059082022, 447.3421020672], [1034.6650390878, 127.3310546944, 1120.6833496565998, 450.65747072], [1019.3972168352, 211.7927246336, 1042.5751952568, 237.63488768], [1017.2055663828, 265.5332641792, 1050.152099646, 325.8316040192], [993.8089599609375, 433.3450012207031, 1007.178466796875, 443.8669128417969], [1023.4252319335938, 430.5874328613281, 1032.0748291015625, 442.3840637207031]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046953_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, a bicycle, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[31.8089599609375, 81.3310546944, 158.68334965659983, 404.65747072], [15.86987301399995, 213.50561525760003, 78.05908202199998, 401.3421020672], [72.6650390878001, 81.3310546944, 158.68334965659983, 404.65747072], [57.39721683519997, 165.7927246336, 80.57519525680004, 191.63488768], [55.20556638280004, 219.5332641792, 88.1520996459999, 279.8316040192], [31.8089599609375, 387.3450012207031, 45.178466796875, 397.8669128417969], [61.42523193359375, 384.5874328613281, 70.0748291015625, 396.3840637207031]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046954.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a slippers, a pen, a keyboard, a mouse, a computer box, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[367.7225341538, 340.3440551936, 586.8377685539, 503.2326660096], [527.2313232625, 470.845275904, 586.8377685539, 500.2207031296], [493.63171389490003, 340.3440551936, 543.2279052618, 349.8123779072], [429.04870603309996, 331.7047729664, 486.359008799, 388.636779776], [487.8135986117, 340.5363769344, 512.4162597531, 356.3630981632], [367.7225341538, 385.4605712896, 506.5773926077, 503.2326660096], [347.54071044921875, 286.62811279296875, 545.1783447265625, 510.062744140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046958_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a slippers, a pen, a keyboard, a mouse, a computer box, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[55.722534153799984, 41.34405519360001, 274.8377685539, 204.2326660096], [215.23132326250004, 171.845275904, 274.8377685539, 201.2207031296], [181.63171389490003, 41.34405519360001, 231.22790526179995, 50.812377907200016], [117.04870603309996, 32.704772966400014, 174.35900879899998, 89.63677977600003], [175.8135986117, 41.53637693439998, 200.4162597531, 57.36309816319999], [55.722534153799984, 86.46057128960001, 194.5773926077, 204.2326660096], [35.54071044921875, 0, 233.1783447265625, 211.062744140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046960.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a keyboard, two speakers, a router, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[223.61065673099998, 317.6232300032, 480.38720706899994, 371.4326171648], [359.103149405, 345.9700317184, 430.57775876499994, 360.143493632], [460.34191896, 317.6232300032, 480.38720706899994, 348.3997802496], [301.932251005, 319.664489728, 324.692382784, 351.796447744], [272.47802736, 332.8296508928, 293.45300292, 360.49884032], [223.61065673099998, 318.5488281088, 292.560424772, 371.4326171648]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046960_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a keyboard, two speakers, a router, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[64.61065673099998, 13.623230003199978, 321.38720706899994, 67.43261716479998], [200.103149405, 41.97003171839998, 271.57775876499994, 56.143493632], [301.34191896, 13.623230003199978, 321.38720706899994, 44.399780249599985], [142.932251005, 15.664489727999978, 165.69238278400002, 47.79644774399998], [113.47802736, 28.829650892799975, 134.45300292000002, 56.49884032], [64.61065673099998, 14.548828108800024, 133.56042477199998, 67.43261716479998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046962.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[382.882568384, 97.803405744, 639.962524416, 379.50061036799997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046962_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[64.88256838400002, 70.803405744, 321.96252441599995, 352.50061036799997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046962.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a belt, a telephone, and three moniters.", "boxes_value": [[382.882568384, 97.803405744, 639.962524416, 379.50061036799997], [406.85217286399995, 116.576293968, 435.722412096, 130.2711792], [382.882568384, 146.338378896, 418.36169433599997, 182.062988304], [421.265258816, 148.98297119999998, 639.962524416, 379.50061036799997], [452.515014656, 118.68927000000001, 522.4571533440001, 156.95959473599999], [454.307739264, 97.803405744, 478.653442368, 118.944702144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046962_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a belt, a telephone, and three moniters.", "boxes_value": [[64.88256838400002, 70.803405744, 321.96252441599995, 352.50061036799997], [88.85217286399995, 89.576293968, 117.72241209600003, 103.2711792], [64.88256838400002, 119.338378896, 100.36169433599997, 155.062988304], [103.26525881600003, 121.98297119999998, 321.96252441599995, 352.50061036799997], [134.515014656, 91.68927000000001, 204.45715334400006, 129.95959473599999], [136.30773926400002, 70.803405744, 160.65344236800001, 91.944702144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046964.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a person, and four cars.", "boxes_value": [[0.19823646545410156, 12.1243286016, 430.675537108, 153.3411865088], [328.323608395, 123.1428832768, 496.48095706019996, 155.3854370304], [230.2323608566, 31.1606445568, 271.5207519535, 148.5491943424], [71.5036010501, 41.3184204288, 298.5231933574, 153.3411865088], [116.95422365259999, 12.1243286016, 198.52832032, 77.9783935488], [310.8115234329, 40.559204096, 430.675537108, 118.7517089792], [0.19823646545410156, 120.3311538696289, 23.208728790283203, 144.40017700195312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046964_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a person, and four cars.", "boxes_value": [[0.19823646545410156, 12.1243286016, 430.675537108, 153.3411865088], [328.323608395, 123.1428832768, 496.48095706019996, 155.3854370304], [230.2323608566, 31.1606445568, 271.5207519535, 148.5491943424], [71.5036010501, 41.3184204288, 298.5231933574, 153.3411865088], [116.95422365259999, 12.1243286016, 198.52832032, 77.9783935488], [310.8115234329, 40.559204096, 430.675537108, 118.7517089792], [0.19823646545410156, 120.3311538696289, 23.208728790283203, 144.40017700195312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046966.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.312194816, 417.57824705720003, 512.5828857344, 772.830810574]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046966_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.312194816, 89.57824705720003, 512, 444]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046966.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a towel, a sneakers, a pen, two paint brushes, a scissors, three bottles, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[0.312194816, 417.57824705720003, 512.5828857344, 772.830810574], [0.312194816, 417.57824705720003, 512.5828857344, 772.830810574], [92.9995117056, 565.640502944, 227.4769287168, 643.9110107171999], [1.5, 742.0092773764, 97.8516235264, 770.5622558412], [236.0585327104, 595.6414795032, 307.9972534272, 605.175415016], [284.68969728, 426.02685548479997, 337.4855956992, 445.273315432], [392.7896728576, 450.798950208, 448.8651733504, 463.9134521376], [333.6926879744, 413.21508787399995, 389.4578247168, 478.27441407320003], [246.4703369216, 518.6286620972, 303.665344256, 598.7016601744], [305.095214848, 539.3618164072, 385.1681518592, 636.5933837564], [298.6607666176, 509.33447265120003, 369.4395751936, 592.2672119444001], [99.84888458251953, 628.7978515625, 243.91327667236328, 695.0755615234375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 11], [6], [7, 9, 10], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046966_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a towel, a sneakers, a pen, two paint brushes, a scissors, three bottles, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[0.312194816, 89.57824705720003, 512, 444], [0.312194816, 89.57824705720003, 512, 444], [92.9995117056, 237.640502944, 227.4769287168, 315.91101071719993], [1.5, 414.00927737639995, 97.8516235264, 442.5622558412], [236.0585327104, 267.6414795032, 307.9972534272, 277.175415016], [284.68969728, 98.02685548479997, 337.4855956992, 117.273315432], [392.7896728576, 122.79895020800001, 448.8651733504, 135.91345213760002], [333.6926879744, 85.21508787399995, 389.4578247168, 150.27441407320003], [246.4703369216, 190.62866209720005, 303.665344256, 270.7016601744], [305.095214848, 211.36181640719997, 385.1681518592, 308.59338375640004], [298.6607666176, 181.33447265120003, 369.4395751936, 264.26721194440006], [99.84888458251953, 300.7978515625, 243.91327667236328, 367.0755615234375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 11], [6], [7, 9, 10], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046967.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0.21789550929999998, 275.1225586176, 203.3405761758, 465.5241699328]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046967_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0.21789550929999998, 48.12255861760002, 203.3405761758, 238.52416993280002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046967.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a moniter, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[0.21789550929999998, 275.1225586176, 203.3405761758, 465.5241699328], [143.5816040074, 293.0347900416, 235.1861571929, 408.5149536256], [9.0983886839, 306.678039552, 83.6488647548, 465.5241699328], [173.04199220770002, 275.1225586176, 203.3405761758, 304.9185790976], [0.21789550929999998, 343.353881856, 8.3455810297, 429.1149292032], [150.2601928792, 266.8792114176, 209.64410399850001, 310.4732055552], [116.60285949707031, 350.8470153808594, 127.34307861328125, 374.3429870605469]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046967_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a moniter, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[0.21789550929999998, 48.12255861760002, 203.3405761758, 238.52416993280002], [143.5816040074, 66.03479004159999, 235.1861571929, 181.51495362560001], [9.0983886839, 79.67803955199997, 83.6488647548, 238.52416993280002], [173.04199220770002, 48.12255861760002, 203.3405761758, 77.9185790976], [0.21789550929999998, 116.35388185599999, 8.3455810297, 202.1149292032], [150.2601928792, 39.879211417600004, 209.64410399850001, 83.47320555520002], [116.60285949707031, 123.84701538085938, 127.34307861328125, 147.34298706054688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046969.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, a helmet, a hat, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[230.47515868119999, 146.2824707072, 576.9675292816, 390.6813354496], [308.5635986358, 214.2367553536, 334.36279300219996, 229.7523803648], [230.47515868119999, 146.2824707072, 341.9556884914, 229.3709106688], [456.8980712714, 161.795410176, 567.7701416206, 231.5375366144], [368.1831055062, 342.3175048704, 416.95336915520005, 390.6813354496], [538.0650634642, 315.6721801728, 576.9675292816, 375.561523456]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046969_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, a helmet, a hat, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[87.47515868119999, 61.28247070719999, 433.96752928160004, 305.6813354496], [165.56359863580002, 129.2367553536, 191.36279300219996, 144.7523803648], [87.47515868119999, 61.28247070719999, 198.9556884914, 144.3709106688], [313.8980712714, 76.79541017599999, 424.77014162060004, 146.5375366144], [225.18310550619998, 257.3175048704, 273.95336915520005, 305.6813354496], [395.06506346419997, 230.67218017279998, 433.96752928160004, 290.561523456]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046970.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[64.166931136, 250.7348022272, 315.956176767, 350.63482666015625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046970_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[63.166931136, 25.734802227199992, 314.956176767, 125.63482666015625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046970.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pictures, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[63.166931136, 25.734802227199992, 314.956176767, 125.63482666015625], [63.166931136, 42.22985840640001, 141.654724135, 107.74444579840002], [226.31750487600002, 98.65753175039998, 251.084350595, 123.08966062079998], [188.940246573, 25.734802227199992, 240.506896939, 81.81347655680003], [269.513061511, 60.864562995200004, 314.956176767, 96.6389159936], [287.239135723, 42.81622312960002, 334.93823239899996, 79.87976074239998], [195.3549346923828, 104.5709228515625, 216.77342224121094, 125.63482666015625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046971.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, five ballons, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[310.6241454874, 45.073997497558594, 714.8696899414062, 144.15399169921875], [377.506103479, 46.778503424, 408.316040038, 72.6190795776], [310.6241454874, 73.401733376, 372.59765621860004, 132.4588622848], [427.01129150390625, 101.00592041015625, 454.59539794921875, 139.40191650390625], [496.02069091796875, 37.731956481933594, 550.8435668945312, 94.26618194580078], [448.00164794921875, 45.073997497558594, 496.95556640625, 95.5462875366211], [472.3503723144531, 86.56584167480469, 528.5684814453125, 144.15399169921875], [697.0165405273438, 109.31977844238281, 714.8696899414062, 127.54696655273438]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5, 6, 7], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046971_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, five ballons, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[101.62414548740003, 25.073997497558594, 505.86968994140625, 124.15399169921875], [168.506103479, 26.778503424, 199.31604003799998, 52.619079577600004], [101.62414548740003, 53.401733375999996, 163.59765621860004, 112.4588622848], [218.01129150390625, 81.00592041015625, 245.59539794921875, 119.40191650390625], [287.02069091796875, 17.731956481933594, 341.84356689453125, 74.26618194580078], [239.00164794921875, 25.073997497558594, 287.95556640625, 75.5462875366211], [263.3503723144531, 66.56584167480469, 319.5684814453125, 124.15399169921875], [488.01654052734375, 89.31977844238281, 505.86968994140625, 107.54696655273438]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5, 6, 7], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046972.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[241.744995136, 105.25135040283203, 504.50042724609375, 264.67999267199997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046972_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[65.744995136, 40.25135040283203, 328.50042724609375, 199.67999267199997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046972.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, and six people.", "boxes_value": [[241.744995136, 105.25135040283203, 504.50042724609375, 264.67999267199997], [241.744995136, 164.27630616, 343.750793472, 255.052124016], [348.477600128, 173.12622072000002, 442.47558591999996, 227.344482432], [285.47308352000005, 232.132507344, 308.897399872, 264.67999267199997], [352.787170432, 204.02337648, 369.307434112, 225.721679664], [462.01843263999996, 133.75042723200002, 476.072998016, 178.87304688], [475.57983398399995, 129.312133776, 489.634399424, 175.174438464], [494.07275392, 104.901550272, 506.40124512, 140.65441896000002], [493.58563232421875, 105.25135040283203, 504.50042724609375, 128.3354034423828]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046972_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, and six people.", "boxes_value": [[65.744995136, 40.25135040283203, 328.50042724609375, 199.67999267199997], [65.744995136, 99.27630615999999, 167.750793472, 190.052124016], [172.477600128, 108.12622072000002, 266.47558591999996, 162.344482432], [109.47308352000005, 167.132507344, 132.897399872, 199.67999267199997], [176.78717043199998, 139.02337648, 193.307434112, 160.721679664], [286.01843263999996, 68.75042723200002, 300.072998016, 113.87304688], [299.57983398399995, 64.312133776, 313.634399424, 110.17443846399999], [318.07275392, 39.901550271999994, 330.40124512, 75.65441896000002], [317.58563232421875, 40.25135040283203, 328.50042724609375, 63.33540344238281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046978.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[0, 265.7312622, 515.00683591, 398.5024414]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046978_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[0, 33.7312622, 515.00683591, 166.5024414]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046978.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, two desks, two benches, and a napkin.", "boxes_value": [[0, 265.7312622, 515.00683591, 398.5024414], [82.37750241, 287.6860962, 142.84991455, 397.26690675], [20.281738259999997, 297.02075195, 90.08874511, 416.34210205], [0, 298.23828125, 103.48199463, 409.4425659], [0, 278.7572632, 99.42346189999999, 398.5024414], [490.51696778, 350.7653198, 515.00683591, 392.26190184999996], [161.26531981, 265.7312622, 221.80950925, 344.6428833], [178.2720947, 275.95074465000005, 263.05590822, 351.44555665], [255.42773438, 271.80889895, 283.34307862, 345.7024536]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 8], [3, 7], [4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046978_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, two desks, two benches, and a napkin.", "boxes_value": [[0, 33.7312622, 515.00683591, 166.5024414], [82.37750241, 55.68609620000001, 142.84991455, 165.26690674999998], [20.281738259999997, 65.02075194999998, 90.08874511, 184.34210205], [0, 66.23828125, 103.48199463, 177.44256589999998], [0, 46.75726320000001, 99.42346189999999, 166.5024414], [490.51696778, 118.76531979999999, 515.00683591, 160.26190184999996], [161.26531981, 33.7312622, 221.80950925, 112.6428833], [178.2720947, 43.95074465000005, 263.05590822, 119.44555665000001], [255.42773438, 39.808898950000014, 283.34307862, 113.70245360000001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 8], [3, 7], [4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046979.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[26.09813690185547, 289.0242919936, 254.03628540039062, 415.96453857421875], [149.0247802936, 289.0242919936, 209.8567505162, 346.6118774272], [118.7439575356, 291.1871948288, 149.0247802936, 327.9567260672], [26.09813690185547, 291.44842529296875, 111.33922576904297, 415.96453857421875], [213.88296508789062, 314.34405517578125, 254.03628540039062, 403.134033203125], [196.41954040527344, 323.5245666503906, 222.50022888183594, 404.5715637207031]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046979_crop.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[26.09813690185547, 32.0242919936, 254.03628540039062, 158.96453857421875], [149.0247802936, 32.0242919936, 209.8567505162, 89.6118774272], [118.7439575356, 34.18719482879999, 149.0247802936, 70.95672606720001], [26.09813690185547, 34.44842529296875, 111.33922576904297, 158.96453857421875], [213.88296508789062, 57.34405517578125, 254.03628540039062, 146.134033203125], [196.41954040527344, 66.52456665039062, 222.50022888183594, 147.57156372070312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046980.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[18.289649963378906, 313.090209981, 463.8237304832, 491.0507812692]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046980_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[18.289649963378906, 45.09020998099999, 463.8237304832, 223.0507812692]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046980.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a belt, five sneakers, a cup, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[18.289649963378906, 313.090209981, 463.8237304832, 491.0507812692], [205.6542358528, 313.090209981, 318.7651367424, 327.8438110034], [162.3770141696, 447.2777099363, 196.0995483648, 468.3542480705], [382.2584228352, 471.7072753825, 431.2620849664, 491.0507812692], [429.6501465088, 470.0952148656, 463.8237304832, 490.083618163], [369.3627319296, 448.49499508720004, 390.3182372864, 472.6744384887], [178.9569091584, 380.0592041007, 205.5874023424, 418.46850588850003], [18.289649963378906, 358.3865661621094, 45.94683074951172, 368.9599304199219], [324.6852111816406, 405.9012756347656, 377.8737487792969, 474.3189392089844]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 7], [6], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046980_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a belt, five sneakers, a cup, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[18.289649963378906, 45.09020998099999, 463.8237304832, 223.0507812692], [205.6542358528, 45.09020998099999, 318.7651367424, 59.84381100339999], [162.3770141696, 179.27770993630003, 196.0995483648, 200.35424807049998], [382.2584228352, 203.70727538249997, 431.2620849664, 223.0507812692], [429.6501465088, 202.09521486559998, 463.8237304832, 222.08361816299998], [369.3627319296, 180.49499508720004, 390.3182372864, 204.6744384887], [178.9569091584, 112.05920410070001, 205.5874023424, 150.46850588850003], [18.289649963378906, 90.38656616210938, 45.94683074951172, 100.95993041992188], [324.6852111816406, 137.90127563476562, 377.8737487792969, 206.31893920898438]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 7], [6], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046981.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[378.355346688, 232.2380370944, 473.4128418048, 511.9428710912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046981_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[24.355346687999997, 70.2380370944, 119.4128418048, 349.9428710912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046981.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, and four people.", "boxes_value": [[378.355346688, 232.2380370944, 473.4128418048, 511.9428710912], [401.835815424, 269.0081176576, 418.4312744448, 295.0076294144], [380.8149414144, 277.859008768, 393.53808591359996, 303.3053588992], [330.4257812736, 334.7874756096, 454.0910644224, 511.632995584], [420.68859863039995, 357.9129028096, 473.4128418048, 511.9428710912], [407.13098142719997, 353.7703246848, 422.1950683392, 396.7028808704], [378.355346688, 232.2380370944, 390.7023926016, 259.5316772352]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046981_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, and four people.", "boxes_value": [[24.355346687999997, 70.2380370944, 119.4128418048, 349.9428710912], [47.835815423999975, 107.0081176576, 64.43127444480001, 133.00762941440001], [26.814941414399982, 115.85900876800002, 39.53808591359996, 141.30535889919997], [0, 172.7874756096, 100.0910644224, 349.632995584], [66.68859863039995, 195.91290280959998, 119.4128418048, 349.9428710912], [53.13098142719997, 191.77032468480002, 68.19506833920002, 234.7028808704], [24.355346687999997, 70.2380370944, 36.702392601600025, 97.5316772352]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046984.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[173.4451293696, 438.3419189644, 327.3911132672, 634.2382812313]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046984_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[39.44512936960001, 49.34191896440001, 193.3911132672, 245.2382812313]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046984.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a picture, a person, a handbag, a chicken, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[173.4451293696, 438.3419189644, 327.3911132672, 634.2382812313], [278.4863891456, 438.3419189644, 327.3911132672, 524.8657226422], [225.2823486464, 459.9729003798, 280.0986328064, 531.9864501980001], [234.5629272576, 483.78625489340004, 259.4684448256, 524.5533447377], [270.8896484352, 595.7615967125, 305.2730713088, 634.2382812313], [173.4451293696, 466.4641113434, 224.871398912, 516.0202636794], [293.6012573184, 596.5766601582, 335.8752441344, 656.1210937623]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046984_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a picture, a person, a handbag, a chicken, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[39.44512936960001, 49.34191896440001, 193.3911132672, 245.2382812313], [144.48638914560001, 49.34191896440001, 193.3911132672, 135.8657226422], [91.28234864640001, 70.97290037980002, 146.09863280640002, 142.98645019800006], [100.5629272576, 94.78625489340004, 125.46844482559999, 135.55334473769994], [136.8896484352, 206.76159671250002, 171.2730713088, 245.2382812313], [39.44512936960001, 77.46411134340002, 90.87139891199999, 127.02026367940005], [159.60125731839997, 207.57666015819996, 201.87524413440002, 267.1210937623]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046985.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a chair, a bicycle, three street lights, and a bus.", "boxes_value": [[197.9620971812, 162.9622802944, 362.4431152228, 399.9846191616], [256.1962280182, 358.7299194368, 302.5440673764, 399.9846191616], [299.7427978696, 299.3944091648, 339.214965846, 391.5808715776], [197.9620971812, 307.5617675776, 230.01483151739998, 388.53704832], [181.9357299748, 101.7495727616, 230.858337389, 391.9110107648], [322.799072243, 192.0032958976, 362.4431152228, 218.995056128], [267.2252197272, 215.6210937344, 451.0098877172, 341.3014526464], [270.8640136414, 162.9622802944, 328.356201168, 279.4022216704]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 7], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046985_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a chair, a bicycle, three street lights, and a bus.", "boxes_value": [[41.962097181199994, 59.96228029439999, 206.44311522279997, 296.9846191616], [100.19622801819997, 255.7299194368, 146.5440673764, 296.9846191616], [143.7427978696, 196.39440916479998, 183.21496584599998, 288.5808715776], [41.962097181199994, 204.5617675776, 74.01483151739998, 285.53704832], [25.93572997480001, 0, 74.85833738900001, 288.9110107648], [166.799072243, 89.0032958976, 206.44311522279997, 115.99505612799999], [111.2252197272, 112.6210937344, 247, 238.30145264639998], [114.86401364139999, 59.96228029439999, 172.35620116799998, 176.40222167040002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 7], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046988.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[280.9089965628, 184.1114502144, 601.0290527613, 285.5946044928]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046988_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[80.90899656279998, 26.11145021440001, 401.0290527613, 127.59460449279999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046988.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, four hats, and three backpacks.", "boxes_value": [[280.9089965628, 184.1114502144, 601.0290527613, 285.5946044928], [296.92456053819996, 184.1114502144, 314.8599853209, 212.4609985536], [525.0777588144, 205.9791869952, 601.0290527613, 252.5299682816], [299.6740722345, 211.6184692224, 361.1166992296, 300.9638671872], [302.7744140423, 178.3605346816, 349.279174786, 207.1088867328], [351.8157958811, 207.9544677888, 390.7105712646, 283.2075195392], [456.12780758639997, 193.8103637504, 489.67333983279997, 226.4240112128], [475.23010257550004, 236.6740722688, 509.7075195389, 285.5946044928], [280.9089965628, 202.7384643584, 303.4128417704, 226.1077880832]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 6, 8], [3, 5, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046988_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, four hats, and three backpacks.", "boxes_value": [[80.90899656279998, 26.11145021440001, 401.0290527613, 127.59460449279999], [96.92456053819996, 26.11145021440001, 114.85998532090002, 54.46099855360001], [325.0777588144, 47.979186995199996, 401.0290527613, 94.52996828159999], [99.67407223449999, 53.618469222399995, 161.1166992296, 142.96386718719998], [102.77441404230001, 20.3605346816, 149.279174786, 49.10888673279999], [151.81579588109997, 49.9544677888, 190.7105712646, 125.2075195392], [256.12780758639997, 35.8103637504, 289.67333983279997, 68.4240112128], [275.23010257550004, 78.67407226879999, 309.7075195389, 127.59460449279999], [80.90899656279998, 44.738464358399995, 103.41284177040001, 68.1077880832]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 6, 8], [3, 5, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046989.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[417.19543459529996, 68.0651245056, 489.4721679453, 348.5908203008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046989_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[18.195434595299957, 68.0651245056, 90.47216794529999, 348.5908203008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046989.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[417.19543459529996, 68.0651245056, 489.4721679453, 348.5908203008], [439.01831052959994, 68.0651245056, 463.1901855398, 96.38073728], [439.01831052959994, 68.0651245056, 463.1901855398, 96.38073728], [448.86193847640004, 278.6632079872, 489.4721679453, 348.5908203008], [441.4768066629, 286.50482176, 462.9283447177, 305.377380352], [417.19543459529996, 282.5997924864, 436.7083739995, 309.2249755648]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046989_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[18.195434595299957, 68.0651245056, 90.47216794529999, 348.5908203008], [40.018310529599944, 68.0651245056, 64.19018553979998, 96.38073728], [40.018310529599944, 68.0651245056, 64.19018553979998, 96.38073728], [49.86193847640004, 278.6632079872, 90.47216794529999, 348.5908203008], [42.4768066629, 286.50482176, 63.928344717699986, 305.377380352], [18.195434595299957, 282.5997924864, 37.7083739995, 309.2249755648]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046990.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[214.8075561321, 390.094055168, 479.3637695162, 511.8101196288]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046990_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[66.80755613209999, 31.09405516800001, 331.3637695162, 152.8101196288]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046990.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cups, a bottle, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[214.8075561321, 390.094055168, 479.3637695162, 511.8101196288], [385.84057616949997, 425.7023315456, 479.3637695162, 511.2998657024], [337.98004147759997, 390.094055168, 404.9693603796, 510.8055419904], [312.3568115476, 408.4942016512, 352.2856445639, 468.8865966592], [227.0088500833, 447.4248657408, 330.82391355370004, 511.8101196288], [214.8075561321, 401.1114502144, 299.6710204818, 486.6820678656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046990_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cups, a bottle, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[66.80755613209999, 31.09405516800001, 331.3637695162, 152.8101196288], [237.84057616949997, 66.70233154559998, 331.3637695162, 152.29986570239998], [189.98004147759997, 31.09405516800001, 256.9693603796, 151.8055419904], [164.3568115476, 49.4942016512, 204.2856445639, 109.8865966592], [79.00885008329999, 88.42486574079999, 182.82391355370004, 152.8101196288], [66.80755613209999, 42.11145021440001, 151.67102048179999, 127.6820678656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046993.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[243.93920896, 171.3009033096, 435.6079711744, 226.76989746599997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046993_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[47.93920896, 14.300903309599988, 239.6079711744, 69.76989746599997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046993.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a glasses, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[243.93920896, 171.3009033096, 435.6079711744, 226.76989746599997], [406.0960693248, 190.6589355532, 420.9675903488, 216.01367187760002], [403.1705322496, 164.58978270880002, 425.599731456, 196.5100097856], [413.7688598528, 171.3009033096, 435.6079711744, 204.8057861452], [250.8213500928, 208.5524902044, 295.3527832064, 224.74572751639997], [243.93920896, 174.54663086120001, 299.4010619904, 226.76989746599997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046993_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a glasses, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[47.93920896, 14.300903309599988, 239.6079711744, 69.76989746599997], [210.0960693248, 33.658935553199996, 224.9675903488, 59.01367187760002], [207.1705322496, 7.589782708800016, 229.59973145599997, 39.510009785600005], [217.7688598528, 14.300903309599988, 239.6079711744, 47.80578614519999], [54.8213500928, 51.55249020439999, 99.35278320639998, 67.74572751639997], [47.93920896, 17.546630861200015, 103.40106199040002, 69.76989746599997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046994.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[229.3698120223, 81.321655296, 560.1528320292, 282.5219726336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046994_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[83.36981202230001, 50.321655296, 414.1528320292, 251.5219726336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046994.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, three people, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[229.3698120223, 81.321655296, 560.1528320292, 282.5219726336], [229.3698120223, 104.6630859264, 256.7551269624, 124.8820801024], [519.046630821, 81.321655296, 560.1528320292, 100.5045776384], [230.4702148793, 216.6385498112, 251.70269776139997, 292.0645751808], [406.169555644, 227.8115844608, 432.9282226349, 282.5219726336], [439.2343749907, 224.7437133824, 453.55114743930005, 261.728637696], [527.8553466440001, 230.6054076928, 542.4477539158, 255.8104247808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046994_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, three people, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[83.36981202230001, 50.321655296, 414.1528320292, 251.5219726336], [83.36981202230001, 73.6630859264, 110.75512696240003, 93.8820801024], [373.046630821, 50.321655296, 414.1528320292, 69.5045776384], [84.47021487929999, 185.6385498112, 105.70269776139997, 261.0645751808], [260.169555644, 196.8115844608, 286.9282226349, 251.5219726336], [293.2343749907, 193.7437133824, 307.55114743930005, 230.72863769600002], [381.85534664400006, 199.6054076928, 396.44775391580004, 224.8104247808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046996.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[158.8721313792, 421.36444091796875, 465.843383808, 512.3453369344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046996_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[76.8721313792, 23.36444091796875, 383.843383808, 114]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00046996.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a handbag, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[280.4165038945, 138.61810304, 431.63244626690005, 301.6600342016], [379.0644531219, 160.1882323968, 431.63244626690005, 288.7335204864], [326.57720949599997, 152.6917114368, 382.4403075916, 301.6600342016], [280.4165038945, 154.710571264, 309.2031250254, 194.3277587968], [388.61718747559996, 224.436584448, 407.6555175562, 246.0709838848], [365.3955078026, 138.61810304, 383.7584228714, 172.830993664]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047007_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a handbag, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[38.41650389450001, 41.618103039999994, 189.63244626690005, 204.6600342016], [137.0644531219, 63.188232396800004, 189.63244626690005, 191.73352048639998], [84.57720949599997, 55.691711436800006, 140.4403075916, 204.6600342016], [38.41650389450001, 57.71057126400001, 67.20312502540003, 97.3277587968], [146.61718747559996, 127.43658444799999, 165.65551755619998, 149.0709838848], [123.39550780259998, 41.618103039999994, 141.7584228714, 75.830993664]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047010.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0.14587404, 370.3292236288, 256.55236818, 490.1442260992]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047010_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0.14587404, 30.32922362879998, 256.55236818, 150.1442260992]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047010.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[435.3342285415, 325.7761230336, 672.5078125331, 383.8473510912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047016_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[59.33422854150001, 14.776123033600015, 296.50781253310004, 72.84735109119998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047016.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, two storage boxes, a hat, and a hanger.", "boxes_value": [[61.04436305920001, 62.46560299519999, 302.5079955968, 309.91656494140625], [170.17572019200003, 103.5630493184, 302.5079955968, 216.9907226624], [176.23974609919998, 162.7100219648, 254.1909179904, 208.7979126272], [151.77337646080002, 69.39624020480001, 233.1384277504, 114.9151611392], [61.04436305920001, 62.46560299519999, 154.33464821759998, 127.0158654464], [178.66763305664062, 224.48931884765625, 296.8385925292969, 309.91656494140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047019.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, two handbags, a glasses, and a pen.", "boxes_value": [[81.205188757, 207.6253832192, 769.917187193, 381.40814208], [730.712986696, 278.5655054336, 769.917187193, 329.5557861376], [621.1111490430001, 270.2275723776, 667.445047808, 331.5996663296], [459.018944461, 207.6253832192, 492.92467547399997, 228.6617857024], [81.205188757, 295.0361892352, 121.93550599999999, 344.3609770496], [163.3129883, 340.6234130944, 204.96551513900002, 381.40814208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047020_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[38.0100097536, 45.466003411599985, 186.2191161856, 223.62438966759998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047021.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, four people, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[38.0100097536, 45.466003411599985, 186.2191161856, 223.62438966759998], [8.918212915200002, 65.13854980739998, 118.22021483520001, 160.8326415791], [68.17834470400001, 67.3333739956, 223, 224.4824218727], [155.35009766399997, 48.0902710213, 186.2191161856, 104.90447994730002], [110.3768921088, 47.15570067510001, 167.8197632, 223.62438966759998], [46.405700659199994, 45.466003411599985, 97.63262940160001, 193.7188720629], [36.38952637439999, 48.66809079710001, 69.35101317120001, 182.3975830415], [38.0100097536, 99.1800536865, 53.137512192, 124.50976559589998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047022.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four sneakers, a leather shoes, a handbag, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[93.96295163869999, 27.371887206400004, 466.44421384550003, 136.58038328319998], [281.3100585877, 59.18310548480002, 321.3995361409, 103.315246592], [240.20983884010002, 70.63726807040001, 299.838867185, 115.7800903168], [166.09478763149997, 81.08074951679998, 200.12036135519998, 124.87603758080002], [93.96295163869999, 28.69702149120002, 133.0242309518, 49.07684326399999], [323.0831299115, 27.371887206400004, 364.5708008063, 42.458313011200005], [173.36376955779997, 55.41387939840001, 200.8858642719, 94.92584227840001], [292.1541747816, 69.02166748159999, 466.44421384550003, 136.58038328319998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047036.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three desks, a couch, a pillow, and a stool.", "boxes_value": [[0, 50.041381836799985, 197.5732421635, 249.2330932736], [111.068542515, 71.13085936639999, 197.5732421635, 165.891235328], [128.9713134566, 53.23681638400001, 201.28002933209999, 76.4227905024], [0, 16.782165503999977, 216.74749754529998, 199.07275392000003], [11.8860473465, 50.041381836799985, 75.81829837709999, 67.43292236799999], [0.5666504153999999, 204.14263915520002, 70.803710974, 249.2330932736], [0, 156.88439941119998, 34.8180542184, 208.91180421119998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 6], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047037.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0, 0, 168.8437012992, 460.06763043420005]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047037_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0, 0, 168.8437012992, 460.06763043420005]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047037.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, a gloves, a sneakers, a boots, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[0, 0, 168.8437012992, 460.06763043420005], [9.8794555904, 1.8634643658, 255.5130615296, 472.36682131919997], [0, 0, 110.305908224, 360.0563964498], [88.6538832384, 6.7914272412, 167.9605758464, 97.2288837072], [10.1149292032, 132.83501158800001, 74.4818390528, 199.8629788446], [65.8015646208, 337.7826851346, 98.7005600768, 354.54255071399996], [112.3567468544, 409.788033696, 168.8437012992, 460.06763043420005], [0.552062976, 315.6020508024, 202.5902099456, 496.8049316058]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047037_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, a gloves, a sneakers, a boots, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[0, 0, 168.8437012992, 460.06763043420005], [9.8794555904, 1.8634643658, 211, 472.36682131919997], [0, 0, 110.305908224, 360.0563964498], [88.6538832384, 6.7914272412, 167.9605758464, 97.2288837072], [10.1149292032, 132.83501158800001, 74.4818390528, 199.8629788446], [65.8015646208, 337.7826851346, 98.7005600768, 354.54255071399996], [112.3567468544, 409.788033696, 168.8437012992, 460.06763043420005], [0.552062976, 315.6020508024, 202.5902099456, 496.8049316058]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047039.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[550.5833740143, 220.1669921792, 627.2755126506, 341.4602661376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047039_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[19.583374014300034, 31.166992179200008, 96.27551265060004, 152.4602661376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047039.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[550.5833740143, 220.1669921792, 627.2755126506, 341.4602661376], [552.759033222, 226.1500854272, 579.4108886378999, 264.7681274368], [568.5325927908, 220.1669921792, 591.9210204996, 262.0485229568], [577.7791748322, 245.1871337984, 611.5019530818, 311.544921856], [596.8161621081, 275.1025390592, 627.2755126506, 338.1967773184], [550.5833740143, 268.5755615232, 581.0426025393, 341.4602661376]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047039_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[19.583374014300034, 31.166992179200008, 96.27551265060004, 152.4602661376], [21.75903322199997, 37.1500854272, 48.410888637899916, 75.7681274368], [37.53259279079998, 31.166992179200008, 60.92102049959999, 73.04852295680001], [46.779174832200056, 56.1871337984, 80.50195308180002, 122.54492185599997], [65.8161621081, 86.10253905920001, 96.27551265060004, 149.1967773184], [19.583374014300034, 79.57556152320001, 50.04260253929999, 152.4602661376]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047040.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[198.9837036032, 26.4364013459, 510.1519164928, 559.5825195337]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047040_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a glasses, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[198.9837036032, 26.4364013459, 510.1519164928, 559.5825195337], [332.2001342976, 26.4364013459, 510.1519164928, 558.9279784959], [373.8374633984, 72.58160398839999, 425.9721679872, 89.2357787971], [184.3920288256, 429.2534790167, 220.8711547904, 518.6273193543], [198.9837036032, 496.7398681596, 258.2622070272, 558.298339846], [392.6393432576, 396.7666015885, 416.006408704, 474.4056396248], [417.5139770368, 527.9328613247, 446.2467651584, 559.5825195337]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047040_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0.1089477204, 412.3258667008, 189.2414550514, 511.958007808]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047044_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0.1089477204, 25.32586670080002, 189.2414550514, 124.95800780799999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047044.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a backpack.", "boxes_value": [[0.1089477204, 25.32586670080002, 189.2414550514, 124.95800780799999], [165.31024169, 31.512145971200027, 189.2414550514, 110.81378175999998], [138.697631847, 32.04846192640002, 170.8740844518, 113.69622804480002], [66.7027588136, 34.46166993920002, 98.47698972079999, 124.95800780799999], [0.1089477204, 25.32586670080002, 18.7252807292, 124.2684936704], [175.5736084326, 40.67968747520001, 192.44403073260003, 67.98315427839998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047047.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two faucets, and two sinks.", "boxes_value": [[40.13146969509998, 0.9259643392, 199.54022218430003, 366.6181640704], [65.201721174, 0.9259643392, 122.46936034490002, 198.6356811776], [88.24694827510001, 274.1527099392, 137.1992797766, 335.2385253888], [116.69787599880001, 288.7965698048, 129.2497558307, 315.1555175936], [40.13146969509998, 336.4937133568, 163.97656251260003, 366.6181640704], [104.84527588170002, 324.710998528, 199.54022218430003, 341.9328613376]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047061.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[22.7046508544, 0, 286.3316040192, 481.4818115328]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047061_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[22.7046508544, 0, 286.3316040192, 481.4818115328]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047061.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a hat, a belt, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[22.7046508544, 0, 286.3316040192, 481.4818115328], [22.7046508544, 0, 113.233154304, 183.0362548992], [100.300537088, 19.8859863552, 286.3316040192, 481.4818115328], [121.712790784, 23.2221679872, 236.165147648, 87.8615184384], [67.6039095808, 25.5862295808, 115.2543334912, 43.8858031872], [231.1268310528, 435.3258003456, 284.8991198208, 475.87145994239995]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047061_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a hat, a belt, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[22.7046508544, 0, 286.3316040192, 481.4818115328], [22.7046508544, 0, 113.233154304, 183.0362548992], [100.300537088, 19.8859863552, 286.3316040192, 481.4818115328], [121.712790784, 23.2221679872, 236.165147648, 87.8615184384], [67.6039095808, 25.5862295808, 115.2543334912, 43.8858031872], [231.1268310528, 435.3258003456, 284.8991198208, 475.87145994239995]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047064.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[444.6047973888, 97.512023934, 512.29833984, 300.8935546668]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047064_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[17.604797388800023, 51.512023934, 85, 254.89355466680001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047064.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a desk, and three pictures.", "boxes_value": [[444.6047973888, 97.512023934, 512.29833984, 300.8935546668], [477.8911742976, 188.1142578261, 512.29833984, 284.4545288157], [456.0999145472, 280.631530773, 512.29833984, 300.8935546668], [444.6047973888, 129.4262695503, 479.6817627136, 163.92816160290002], [489.457275392, 122.238342297, 512.1710204928, 162.49060058130001], [448.34252928, 97.512023934, 511.8835449344, 162.49060058130001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047064_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a desk, and three pictures.", "boxes_value": [[17.604797388800023, 51.512023934, 85, 254.89355466680001], [50.8911742976, 142.1142578261, 85, 238.45452881569997], [29.0999145472, 234.631530773, 85, 254.89355466680001], [17.604797388800023, 83.42626955029999, 52.681762713599994, 117.92816160290002], [62.457275391999985, 76.238342297, 85, 116.49060058130001], [21.342529280000008, 51.512023934, 84.88354493439999, 116.49060058130001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047065.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[335.3612060475, 283.1249999872, 736.9968261600001, 433.6385498112]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047065_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[101.36120604749999, 38.1249999872, 502.99682616000007, 188.6385498112]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047065.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[335.3612060475, 283.1249999872, 736.9968261600001, 433.6385498112], [335.3612060475, 283.1249999872, 404.98217771400004, 353.1264648192], [433.7468262045, 405.2811889664, 471.94250485500004, 433.6385498112], [549.780517548, 374.3195800576, 597.5250244245, 424.6683349504], [612.861084, 311.8176269312, 644.6907958725, 385.3153076224], [693.014038101, 394.8641967616, 736.9968261600001, 417.4343261696]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047065_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[101.36120604749999, 38.1249999872, 502.99682616000007, 188.6385498112], [101.36120604749999, 38.1249999872, 170.98217771400004, 108.12646481920001], [199.7468262045, 160.2811889664, 237.94250485500004, 188.6385498112], [315.78051754800003, 129.31958005759998, 363.5250244245, 179.66833495039998], [378.861084, 66.81762693119998, 410.69079587249996, 140.31530762239998], [459.014038101, 149.8641967616, 502.99682616000007, 172.4343261696]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047069.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[51.6719970816, 168.601623558, 269.8723755008, 205.68579100699998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047069_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[51.6719970816, 9.601623558, 269.8723755008, 46.68579100699998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047069.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five hats.", "boxes_value": [[51.6719970816, 168.601623558, 269.8723755008, 205.68579100699998], [237.504089344, 178.4621581985, 269.8723755008, 205.68579100699998], [206.8507690496, 168.601623558, 237.504089344, 194.11035158599998], [136.8274535936, 171.972351069, 183.1290283008, 195.5955810415], [51.6719970816, 179.4032592625, 77.4069213696, 193.3826904025], [88.8085937664, 183.80633545049997, 117.0336303616, 199.486938481]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047069_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five hats.", "boxes_value": [[51.6719970816, 9.601623558, 269.8723755008, 46.68579100699998], [237.504089344, 19.462158198499992, 269.8723755008, 46.68579100699998], [206.8507690496, 9.601623558, 237.504089344, 35.11035158599998], [136.8274535936, 12.972351069000013, 183.1290283008, 36.5955810415], [51.6719970816, 20.4032592625, 77.4069213696, 34.3826904025], [88.8085937664, 24.806335450499972, 117.0336303616, 40.48693848100001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047070.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[236.80416870117188, 443.3417053222656, 533.4979858398438, 458.67987060546875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047070_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[74.80416870117188, 4.341705322265625, 371.49798583984375, 19.67987060546875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047070.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four leather shoes, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[236.80416870117188, 443.3417053222656, 533.4979858398438, 458.67987060546875], [407.32037353515625, 443.3417053222656, 436.640625, 456.0273132324219], [436.51318359375, 448.494873046875, 465.372802734375, 457.60125732421875], [236.80416870117188, 445.5260925292969, 271.6339416503906, 456.7192077636719], [497.70489501953125, 445.92724609375, 533.4979858398438, 458.67987060546875], [355.82122802734375, 447.3894348144531, 378.154296875, 456.8669128417969]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047070_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four leather shoes, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[74.80416870117188, 4.341705322265625, 371.49798583984375, 19.67987060546875], [245.32037353515625, 4.341705322265625, 274.640625, 17.027313232421875], [274.51318359375, 9.494873046875, 303.372802734375, 18.60125732421875], [74.80416870117188, 6.526092529296875, 109.63394165039062, 17.719207763671875], [335.70489501953125, 6.92724609375, 371.49798583984375, 19.67987060546875], [193.82122802734375, 8.389434814453125, 216.154296875, 17.866912841796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047072.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[131.4272461056, 194.6419796992, 304.8071288832, 511.6672973824]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047072_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[43.427246105600005, 79.6419796992, 216.8071288832, 396.6672973824]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047072.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a glasses, and three wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[131.4272461056, 194.6419796992, 304.8071288832, 511.6672973824], [175.8982543872, 262.5564575232, 304.8071288832, 373.5612792832], [128.6317138944, 133.6476440576, 326.29187013119997, 388.6006469632], [236.288594688, 194.6419796992, 293.21509363200005, 211.4455847936], [243.5434569984, 348.2295532032, 282.4667968512, 462.88421632], [171.196777344, 380.4306640384, 238.8895874304, 501.854614272], [131.4272461056, 399.469238272, 184.312255872, 511.6672973824]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047072_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a glasses, and three wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[43.427246105600005, 79.6419796992, 216.8071288832, 396.6672973824], [87.89825438720001, 147.55645752319998, 216.8071288832, 258.5612792832], [40.63171389440001, 18.64764405759999, 238.29187013119997, 273.6006469632], [148.288594688, 79.6419796992, 205.21509363200005, 96.4455847936], [155.5434569984, 233.2295532032, 194.4667968512, 347.88421632], [83.196777344, 265.4306640384, 150.8895874304, 386.854614272], [43.427246105600005, 284.469238272, 96.31225587200001, 396.6672973824]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047074.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[483.87670895459996, 312.68536376953125, 641.65966796875, 459.9814453248]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047074_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[39.87670895459996, 37.68536376953125, 197.65966796875, 184.9814453248]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047074.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a handbag, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[483.87670895459996, 312.68536376953125, 641.65966796875, 459.9814453248], [483.87670895459996, 381.737243648, 521.8011474715, 459.9814453248], [632.0615234375, 329.3373107910156, 641.65966796875, 338.3950500488281], [594.688232421875, 312.68536376953125, 603.778564453125, 319.896728515625], [546.6735229492188, 327.24066162109375, 559.7456665039062, 334.915283203125], [567.1109619140625, 322.51708984375, 577.61083984375, 331.529052734375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047074_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a handbag, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[39.87670895459996, 37.68536376953125, 197.65966796875, 184.9814453248], [39.87670895459996, 106.737243648, 77.80114747150003, 184.9814453248], [188.0615234375, 54.337310791015625, 197.65966796875, 63.395050048828125], [150.688232421875, 37.68536376953125, 159.778564453125, 44.896728515625], [102.67352294921875, 52.24066162109375, 115.74566650390625, 59.915283203125], [123.1109619140625, 47.51708984375, 133.61083984375, 56.529052734375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047077.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[251.7382812838, 35.6174926848, 563.9621582192, 250.4577636864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047077_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[78.7382812838, 35.6174926848, 390.9621582192, 250.4577636864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047077.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two mirrors, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[251.7382812838, 35.6174926848, 563.9621582192, 250.4577636864], [353.9461670043, 35.6174926848, 506.5928954783, 81.9502563328], [281.91046141740003, 43.936279296, 329.4087524431, 94.6011352576], [251.7382812838, 193.2562255872, 297.2029419268, 213.7526244864], [317.2543945251, 149.9210815488, 371.1914062569, 205.2270508032], [462.194091783, 91.209533696, 563.9621582192, 250.4577636864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047077_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two mirrors, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[78.7382812838, 35.6174926848, 390.9621582192, 250.4577636864], [180.94616700429998, 35.6174926848, 333.5928954783, 81.9502563328], [108.91046141740003, 43.936279296, 156.4087524431, 94.6011352576], [78.7382812838, 193.2562255872, 124.20294192680001, 213.7526244864], [144.2543945251, 149.9210815488, 198.1914062569, 205.2270508032], [289.194091783, 91.209533696, 390.9621582192, 250.4577636864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047078.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[0.35748288, 269.5838928222656, 313.506835968, 342.028869632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047078_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[0.35748288, 18.583892822265625, 313.506835968, 91.02886963200001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047078.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, and five boats.", "boxes_value": [[0.35748288, 269.5838928222656, 313.506835968, 342.028869632], [161.8217163264, 326.2422485504, 198.9967041024, 342.028869632], [259.6029052416, 285.5557861376, 313.506835968, 300.0299682816], [16.53588864, 313.50598144, 189.72735598079998, 342.9535522304], [185.2976684544, 283.6811523584, 226.4059448064, 297.6155395584], [0.35748288, 280.277343744, 31.4575195392, 294.1253662208], [139.99102783203125, 269.5838928222656, 159.68960571289062, 274.8862609863281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047078_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, and five boats.", "boxes_value": [[0.35748288, 18.583892822265625, 313.506835968, 91.02886963200001], [161.8217163264, 75.2422485504, 198.9967041024, 91.02886963200001], [259.6029052416, 34.55578613760002, 313.506835968, 49.02996828160002], [16.53588864, 62.50598144000003, 189.72735598079998, 91.95355223040002], [185.2976684544, 32.68115235840003, 226.4059448064, 46.61553955839997], [0.35748288, 29.277343744000007, 31.4575195392, 43.125366220800004], [139.99102783203125, 18.583892822265625, 159.68960571289062, 23.886260986328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047079.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a bracelet, a barrel, a tie, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[98.6452291398, 81.90460206079999, 491.3990478766, 408.2433471488], [100.0560302614, 0, 264.8703612966, 408.75646970879995], [187.597534172, 7.9633788927999944, 536.769165013, 409.8232421888], [283.8334960722, 379.0263671808, 319.42517087600004, 408.2433471488], [469.65270992499995, 81.90460206079999, 491.3990478766, 119.7977905152], [98.6452291398, 91.58430750720001, 171.26926038060003, 254.36230860799998], [257.66681479560003, 92.8364460032, 372.23740834299997, 116.6270769152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047082.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? 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Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[31.703247052800002, 163.9974365184, 270.39086914560005, 394.0528259277344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047084_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[31.703247052800002, 57.99743651840001, 270.39086914560005, 288.0528259277344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047084.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a speaker, and two wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[31.703247052800002, 57.99743651840001, 270.39086914560005, 288.0528259277344], [191.5145873664, 57.99743651840001, 210.2693481216, 153.5292358144], [253.81304931840003, 100.51550295039999, 270.39086914560005, 120.53808593919999], [31.703247052800002, 100.65484620800001, 82.23059082239999, 163.99395752959998], [112.87593078613281, 248.80572509765625, 132.5073699951172, 281.21533203125], [84.4209213256836, 253.13998413085938, 109.13387298583984, 288.0528259277344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047087.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a hat, a sneakers, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[340.6209367752, 215.6790603264, 682.9025879099, 385.3400879104], [552.2856445544, 239.7446288896, 682.9025879099, 385.3400879104], [465.2921142473, 232.96063232, 570.1834716604, 371.7720336896], [313.43444823839997, 217.8270263808, 425.1098632891, 349.3326415872], [340.6209367752, 215.6790603264, 380.44113045719996, 241.7001769984], [385.5768355513, 331.2197087744, 410.97541683009996, 348.681233408], [375.6722412273, 299.3392944128, 391.7333984574, 334.3817138688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047087_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a hat, a sneakers, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[85.6209367752, 42.67906032639999, 427.90258790990003, 212.34008791039997], [297.28564455440005, 66.7446288896, 427.90258790990003, 212.34008791039997], [210.2921142473, 59.96063232, 315.18347166039996, 198.7720336896], [58.434448238399966, 44.82702638079999, 170.10986328910002, 176.3326415872], [85.6209367752, 42.67906032639999, 125.44113045719996, 68.7001769984], [130.5768355513, 158.21970877439998, 155.97541683009996, 175.68123340800003], [120.67224122729999, 126.33929441279997, 136.73339845740003, 161.38171386879998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047088.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0.4974365184, 499.56518552250003, 434.7164917248, 691.4165039123001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047088_crop.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0.4974365184, 48.56518552250003, 434.7164917248, 240]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047088.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, two chairs, and three lamps.", "boxes_value": [[0.4974365184, 499.56518552250003, 434.7164917248, 691.4165039123001], [0.6396484608, 448.11914063300003, 210.711425792, 566.0164794944], [180.7011718656, 499.56518552250003, 434.7164917248, 691.4165039123001], [88.5267944448, 478.1293945293, 246.080627456, 691.4165039123001], [225.7165527552, 585.3088378941, 423.998535168, 691.4165039123001], [55.8433227776, 554.9033203199, 90.9406738432, 625.0980224898], [0.4974365184, 555.578247038, 34.9198608384, 625.0980224898], [127.3879394304, 556.9281006123999, 157.7606811648, 621.7232665923]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047088_crop.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bed, and seven pillows.", "boxes_value": [[0.2232055296, 222.6667480576, 215.9924926464, 441.585021952], [0.2232055296, 222.6667480576, 215.9924926464, 441.585021952], [101.8680420096, 270.2484130816, 185.9135741952, 318.73620608], [7.406555212800001, 271.3259277312, 103.30468746240001, 323.4053955072], [104.3822021376, 251.9307861504, 202.79449459199998, 318.3770141696], [0.2232055296, 257.3182983168, 107.9738769408, 307.9611206144], [0.2232055296, 297.1860961792, 37.5767822592, 333.8212890624], [0, 304.728637696, 88.21960450559999, 358.244812032], [34.0579834368, 329.9371948032, 109.1755981824, 352.1030273536]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047091_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bed, and seven pillows.", "boxes_value": [[0.2232055296, 55.66674805759999, 215.9924926464, 274.585021952], [0.2232055296, 55.66674805759999, 215.9924926464, 274.585021952], [101.8680420096, 103.2484130816, 185.9135741952, 151.73620608], [7.406555212800001, 104.32592773120001, 103.30468746240001, 156.4053955072], [104.3822021376, 84.9307861504, 202.79449459199998, 151.3770141696], [0.2232055296, 90.3182983168, 107.9738769408, 140.9611206144], [0.2232055296, 130.18609617919998, 37.5767822592, 166.8212890624], [0, 137.72863769600002, 88.21960450559999, 191.24481203200003], [34.0579834368, 162.9371948032, 109.1755981824, 185.1030273536]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047092.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[346.0341796844, 320.9035034112, 618.6514892444, 470.3987426816]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047092_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[69.03417968439999, 37.903503411200006, 341.65148924439995, 187.39874268160003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047092.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six chairs.", "boxes_value": [[346.0341796844, 320.9035034112, 618.6514892444, 470.3987426816], [346.0341796844, 329.3771972608, 404.60998531919995, 437.3146972672], [397.51135252480003, 320.9035034112, 446.026733392, 419.0626830848], [385.1004639016, 371.6754760704, 516.5434570556, 510.4522094592], [448.2833252128, 353.0590820352, 557.1610107335999, 470.3987426816], [540.237060522, 337.2633667072, 587.0600585888, 442.7562255872], [578.0339355663999, 325.9806518784, 618.6514892444, 428.6528930816]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047092_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six chairs.", "boxes_value": [[69.03417968439999, 37.903503411200006, 341.65148924439995, 187.39874268160003], [69.03417968439999, 46.37719726080002, 127.60998531919995, 154.31469726720002], [120.51135252480003, 37.903503411200006, 169.02673339199998, 136.06268308480003], [108.1004639016, 88.67547607040001, 239.54345705560002, 224], [171.28332521279998, 70.05908203519999, 280.16101073359994, 187.39874268160003], [263.237060522, 54.26336670720002, 310.06005858879996, 159.7562255872], [301.0339355663999, 42.98065187840001, 341.65148924439995, 145.65289308159998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047095.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[147.948303256, 252.327148446, 315.400146464, 358.031127945], [289.497436524, 252.327148446, 315.400146464, 286.60247803199996], [242.92486572800001, 254.943603537, 271.182373032, 343.37908937099996], [234.02899169199998, 271.165527324, 246.326232936, 297.591491688], [175.94415281599998, 264.624389673, 204.201660188, 344.425659198], [147.948303256, 264.362792976, 178.037292504, 358.031127945], [187.081604012, 282.14794923, 336.9591675, 344.596923828], [241.401611328125, 254.006591796875, 270.93768310546875, 308.7694091796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047095_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[41.948303256, 27.327148445999995, 209.400146464, 133.03112794499998], [183.49743652400002, 27.327148445999995, 209.400146464, 61.602478031999965], [136.92486572800001, 29.943603537, 165.182373032, 118.37908937099996], [128.02899169199998, 46.16552732399998, 140.326232936, 72.59149168800002], [69.94415281599998, 39.624389672999996, 98.201660188, 119.425659198], [41.948303256, 39.36279297599998, 72.03729250399999, 133.03112794499998], [81.08160401200001, 57.147949229999995, 230.95916749999998, 119.596923828], [135.401611328125, 29.006591796875, 164.93768310546875, 83.7694091796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047096.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include six chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[93.48138425299999, 256.5850829824, 400.954101595, 502.6995849728], [93.48138425299999, 291.3547363328, 227.1058349905, 502.6995849728], [248.9221191552, 285.2189330944, 347.7769775637, 479.519836416], [325.9606933307, 274.992553728, 400.954101595, 450.204284672], [338.2323608699, 256.5850829824, 390.0458984183, 362.9392700416], [213.4707031571, 266.1296996864, 260.5119628887, 325.4426269696], [137.7955932758, 270.2202148352, 221.17730715669998, 463.686340352], [154.8395385635, 304.308105472, 409.8168945514, 502.6995849728]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047096_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[77.48138425299999, 61.585082982400024, 384.954101595, 307.6995849728], [77.48138425299999, 96.35473633279997, 211.1058349905, 307.6995849728], [232.9221191552, 90.21893309439997, 331.7769775637, 284.519836416], [309.9606933307, 79.99255372800002, 384.954101595, 255.20428467199997], [322.2323608699, 61.585082982400024, 374.0458984183, 167.93927004160003], [197.4707031571, 71.12969968639999, 244.5119628887, 130.44262696959998], [121.7955932758, 75.22021483520001, 205.17730715669998, 268.686340352], [138.8395385635, 109.30810547200002, 393.8168945514, 307.6995849728]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047099.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, three people, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[72.5283203072, 0.5966949462890625, 359.5715637207031, 225.92518615722656], [72.5283203072, 84.6631470065, 97.8428344832, 127.9954223651], [102.8394775552, 91.56945798180001, 125.2850952192, 137.61175535659999], [112.53637693439998, 76.234497058, 154.0733032448, 220.0640258991], [153.4533691392, 42.137023924299996, 213.58898923520002, 217.5841675065], [288.4851074048, 98.3047485574, 311.8044433408, 121.877563448], [306.0935363769531, 0.5966949462890625, 359.5715637207031, 225.92518615722656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047109.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[80.04864501600001, 2.8584594944, 454.031005852, 394.030029312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047109_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[80.04864501600001, 2.8584594944, 454.031005852, 394.030029312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047109.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a bed, a pillow, a nightstand, a picture, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[80.04864501600001, 2.8584594944, 454.031005852, 394.030029312], [366.605468718, 0.0589599744, 411.744995096, 117.5375976448], [268.405639656, 111.3123168768, 533.260375994, 489.74023439359996], [285.42163087200004, 278.4982909952, 408.665039098, 312.9674072064], [424.338134764, 263.9946289152, 454.031005852, 307.612426752], [416.556518526, 302.9024658432, 456.488281238, 318.6704101376], [80.04864501600001, 2.8584594944, 133.065307628, 273.3994140672], [230.60705569399997, 312.44750976, 269.861206076, 394.030029312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047112.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? 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Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[121.7616577024, 56.1773681664, 415.3039550976, 712.9501953024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047114_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[73.7616577024, 56.1773681664, 367.3039550976, 712.9501953024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047114.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a bracelet, a broom, two leather shoes, a handbag, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[121.7616577024, 56.1773681664, 415.3039550976, 712.9501953024], [88.6373901312, 0.6695556864, 172.5672607232, 464.06970216959996], [134.0280151552, 33.8515624704, 407.0826416128, 714.2740478208], [286.7145996288, 390.67810060799997, 318.127014144, 418.67614748159997], [121.7616577024, 307.5278320128, 212.600463872, 650.835937536], [339.8977050624, 648.473388672, 403.9776001024, 712.9501953024], [231.956848128, 609.9501953280001, 340.5538940416, 643.5166015488], [390.7592773632, 56.1773681664, 415.3039550976, 113.1905517312], [0.471343994140625, 140.05096435546875, 511.3664855957031, 457.43292236328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047114_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a bracelet, a broom, two leather shoes, a handbag, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[73.7616577024, 56.1773681664, 367.3039550976, 712.9501953024], [40.63739013119999, 0.6695556864, 124.56726072320001, 464.06970216959996], [86.0280151552, 33.8515624704, 359.0826416128, 714.2740478208], [238.7145996288, 390.67810060799997, 270.127014144, 418.67614748159997], [73.7616577024, 307.5278320128, 164.600463872, 650.835937536], [291.8977050624, 648.473388672, 355.9776001024, 712.9501953024], [183.956848128, 609.9501953280001, 292.5538940416, 643.5166015488], [342.7592773632, 56.1773681664, 367.3039550976, 113.1905517312], [0, 140.05096435546875, 440, 457.43292236328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047117.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a handbag, and three hats.", "boxes_value": [[0.9500732168, 145.7175010816, 293.334777847, 512.8884277248], [128.1694946137, 165.6407470592, 187.8185425082, 331.6582641664], [134.6576537967, 159.2882080256, 293.334777847, 512.8884277248], [0.9500732168, 246.9730834944, 58.9437256104, 511.0380249088], [120.68411021610001, 348.3309141504, 172.5611859568, 450.6535003136], [127.5243084989, 162.249556736, 187.7009910367, 192.0072568832], [188.36227320760003, 160.26571008, 294.8287115332, 221.1036748288], [196.2976599414, 145.7175010816, 247.8776735745, 171.5075079168]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047117_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a handbag, and three hats.", "boxes_value": [[0.9500732168, 92.7175010816, 293.334777847, 459], [128.1694946137, 112.64074705920001, 187.8185425082, 278.6582641664], [134.6576537967, 106.2882080256, 293.334777847, 459], [0.9500732168, 193.9730834944, 58.9437256104, 458.0380249088], [120.68411021610001, 295.3309141504, 172.5611859568, 397.6535003136], [127.5243084989, 109.24955673599999, 187.7009910367, 139.0072568832], [188.36227320760003, 107.26571007999999, 294.8287115332, 168.1036748288], [196.2976599414, 92.7175010816, 247.8776735745, 118.5075079168]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047119.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two sneakers, and three hockey sticks.", "boxes_value": [[315.61889651, 200.1511230464, 509.7137451344, 382.301696768], [387.0739745936, 160.4113769472, 487.48974611240004, 358.9862060544], [426.30639645319997, 142.8952636928, 466.95776365399996, 329.2523193344], [390.7365722636, 324.6689453056, 414.5166015932, 361.0382690304], [447.621948258, 313.0121459712, 466.7391357244, 329.7979736576], [315.61889651, 200.1511230464, 362.2016601428, 247.3311157248], [337.7158203176, 267.0391845888, 407.589965844, 305.2609863168], [430.8164062484, 246.0740356608, 509.7137451344, 382.301696768]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047119_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a flower, a handbag, and two folders.", "boxes_value": [[89.3126831104, 62.10498045919999, 446, 308.78540040319996], [89.3126831104, 240.03759768289996, 144.8795166208, 285.524902331], [114.1239013888, 273.89465329489997, 151.0822753792, 308.78540040319996], [304.7093506048, 62.10498045919999, 446, 298.7606200871], [147.25833129882812, 72.43887329101562, 182.73880004882812, 230.48562622070312], [110.33041381835938, 71.57327270507812, 149.78829956054688, 232.69259643554688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047121.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[462.37976076800004, 287.30651856, 639.9256591999999, 328.932128928]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047127_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[45.37976076800004, 11.306518559999972, 222.92565919999993, 52.932128928]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047127.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, two mirrors, a toiletry, and two faucets.", "boxes_value": [[467.1219482085, 0, 586.1942138520001, 207.9500122112], [467.1219482085, 0, 586.1942138520001, 109.9495239168], [495.139892604, 0.6939697152, 529.888671867, 64.7049560576], [543.6053466585, 0.6939697152, 570.124145496, 63.7905273344], [489.50524905300006, 80.390502912, 504.169433622, 101.2948608512], [498.2913818415, 183.613586432, 512.3315429925, 207.9500122112], [524.9677734180001, 182.2095947264, 545.092041, 200.929870592]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047129_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , please describe the bounding box . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, two mirrors, a toiletry, and two faucets.", "boxes_value": [[30.121948208499987, 0, 149.19421385200008, 207.9500122112], [30.121948208499987, 0, 149.19421385200008, 109.9495239168], [58.13989260400001, 0.6939697152, 92.88867186699997, 64.7049560576], [106.60534665850003, 0.6939697152, 133.12414549599998, 63.7905273344], [52.50524905300006, 80.390502912, 67.16943362199999, 101.2948608512], [61.291381841500026, 183.613586432, 75.33154299249998, 207.9500122112], [87.96777341800009, 182.2095947264, 108.092041, 200.929870592]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047130.jpg", "text": "In the image , please describe the bounding box . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a barrel, a plate, two desks, and a potted plant.", "boxes_value": [[0.46459961710000003, 346.0288086016, 157.90197751510001, 512.0853271552], [123.63555907230001, 346.0288086016, 157.90197751510001, 447.700927744], [62.2949829279, 378.0545043968, 82.4740600866, 398.851257344], [0.46459961710000003, 493.7073974784, 27.926208465899997, 512.0151367168], [0.7113647168, 426.6168823296, 106.1394653258, 512.0853271552], [61.2327880896, 389.3961792, 118.76177980589999, 462.3414306816], [83.4171753092, 349.9154662912, 105.97753907110001, 397.6683349504]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047130_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , please describe the bounding box . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a barrel, a plate, two desks, and a potted plant.", "boxes_value": [[0.46459961710000003, 42.02880860160002, 157.90197751510001, 208], [123.63555907230001, 42.02880860160002, 157.90197751510001, 143.700927744], [62.2949829279, 74.05450439679998, 82.4740600866, 94.85125734399998], [0.46459961710000003, 189.70739747840003, 27.926208465899997, 208], [0.7113647168, 122.6168823296, 106.1394653258, 208], [61.2327880896, 85.3961792, 118.76177980589999, 158.3414306816], [83.4171753092, 45.915466291200005, 105.97753907110001, 93.66833495039998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047132.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a saxophone, two cymbals, a cello, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[292.8548584153, 13.7743835616, 541.8233642658, 300.0713501072], [498.68395994459996, 30.4879150176, 541.8233642658, 165.53326417120002], [377.6372070142, 80.86773683199999, 543.3201904372, 493.4061889808], [302.23846438690003, 234.402343768, 393.1441650219, 270.7645874176], [292.8548584153, 284.2139892496, 319.45422366450003, 300.0713501072], [370.3850097541, 13.7743835616, 447.3570556579, 253.510375984], [317.4002685534, 73.4782714944, 463.28259277489997, 239.6572875888]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047134_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a saxophone, two cymbals, a cello, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[62.85485841529999, 13.7743835616, 311.8233642658, 300.0713501072], [268.68395994459996, 30.4879150176, 311.8233642658, 165.53326417120002], [147.6372070142, 80.86773683199999, 313.32019043720004, 371], [72.23846438690003, 234.402343768, 163.1441650219, 270.7645874176], [62.85485841529999, 284.2139892496, 89.45422366450003, 300.0713501072], [140.3850097541, 13.7743835616, 217.3570556579, 253.510375984], [87.4002685534, 73.4782714944, 233.28259277489997, 239.6572875888]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047137.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a chair, a moniter, and two speakers.", "boxes_value": [[193.0556030544, 134.580932608, 504.80456543350004, 305.789733888], [479.4921875177, 259.3192138752, 504.80456543350004, 305.789733888], [297.414001494, 134.580932608, 421.5677490464, 243.1792602624], [214.6353759984, 143.5420532224, 248.9755859661, 210.8832397312], [196.73333737709999, 195.598266624, 220.2711791844, 222.2254028288], [193.0556030544, 190.15515136, 209.8262329151, 209.868041984]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047137_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a chair, a moniter, and two speakers.", "boxes_value": [[78.0556030544, 43.58093260800001, 389.80456543350004, 214.789733888], [364.4921875177, 168.31921387519998, 389.80456543350004, 214.789733888], [182.414001494, 43.58093260800001, 306.5677490464, 152.1792602624], [99.63537599840001, 52.5420532224, 133.9755859661, 119.8832397312], [81.73333737709999, 104.59826662399999, 105.27117918440001, 131.2254028288], [78.0556030544, 99.15515135999999, 94.82623291510001, 118.868041984]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047138.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a book, four pens, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[42.322669982910156, 37.713317888000006, 551.5926513466, 184.88095092773438], [353.5972900026, 89.3070678528, 431.548950163, 153.20935060480002], [186.6478271562, 37.713317888000006, 206.93591311160003, 73.35443112960002], [335.7930907992, 57.38671877119998, 349.5446777636, 80.30603028479999], [531.0999756002, 50.70501708799998, 551.5926513466, 93.0308227584], [522.2901611123999, 42.27819822079999, 567.1057129142, 52.428710911999985], [42.322669982910156, 160.52767944335938, 95.25487518310547, 184.88095092773438]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047139.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[366.3726806836, 245.6496582144, 681.9593506016, 318.832153344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047139_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[79.37268068359998, 18.649658214400006, 394.9593506016, 91.832153344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047139.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cup, a plate, a tea pot, a spoon, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[366.3726806836, 245.6496582144, 681.9593506016, 318.832153344], [495.49951174100005, 246.82342528, 569.9465331872, 301.1259155456], [480.1722411923, 259.0852661248, 589.2152099354, 318.2049560576], [366.3726806836, 250.3373412864, 434.0079345416, 302.3374633984], [620.5136718901, 245.6496582144, 681.9593506016, 318.832153344], [599.8016357616, 267.742492672, 681.2689209276, 335.4017944576]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047139_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cup, a plate, a tea pot, a spoon, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[79.37268068359998, 18.649658214400006, 394.9593506016, 91.832153344], [208.49951174100005, 19.82342528000001, 282.9465331872, 74.12591554559998], [193.17224119230002, 32.0852661248, 302.2152099354, 91.20495605759999], [79.37268068359998, 23.337341286400004, 147.00793454159998, 75.33746339840002], [333.5136718901, 18.649658214400006, 394.9593506016, 91.832153344], [312.8016357616, 40.742492672000026, 394.2689209276, 108.40179445759998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047140.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cymbal, a necklace, a person, and three microphones.", "boxes_value": [[103.284301736, 119.8981933568, 604.485961926, 358.1709594624], [103.284301736, 297.4341430784, 293.167602574, 358.1709594624], [366.668823213, 284.5776367104, 409.755371102, 342.2581176832], [296.479248065, 207.438598656, 458.822143549, 459.7039794688], [456.73461911, 281.7890625024, 502.56201172100003, 321.9471435776], [593.645996097, 288.1187744256, 604.485961926, 327.8654785024], [129.852355941, 119.8981933568, 144.092590334, 165.5779419136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047140_crop.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cymbal, a necklace, a person, and three microphones.", "boxes_value": [[103.284301736, 59.89819335679999, 604.485961926, 298.1709594624], [103.284301736, 237.43414307839998, 293.167602574, 298.1709594624], [366.668823213, 224.5776367104, 409.755371102, 282.2581176832], [296.479248065, 147.438598656, 458.822143549, 357], [456.73461911, 221.7890625024, 502.56201172100003, 261.9471435776], [593.645996097, 228.1187744256, 604.485961926, 267.8654785024], [129.852355941, 59.89819335679999, 144.092590334, 105.5779419136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047141.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a cabinet, a picture, a speaker, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[94.68585202099999, 46.6226806784, 534.5301514009, 235.1317138432], [94.68585202099999, 46.6226806784, 122.25964355149999, 101.7702636544], [172.08050537789998, 161.6179809792, 239.4483642578, 264.393127424], [340.8636474657, 71.319335936, 380.08154298169995, 109.8889770496], [478.0954590062, 132.6817627136, 494.18579101980004, 157.2677612544], [438.6301269332, 158.1869507072, 534.5301514009, 235.1317138432]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047141_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a cabinet, a picture, a speaker, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[94.68585202099999, 46.6226806784, 534.5301514009, 235.1317138432], [94.68585202099999, 46.6226806784, 122.25964355149999, 101.7702636544], [172.08050537789998, 161.6179809792, 239.4483642578, 264.393127424], [340.8636474657, 71.319335936, 380.08154298169995, 109.8889770496], [478.0954590062, 132.6817627136, 494.18579101980004, 157.2677612544], [438.6301269332, 158.1869507072, 534.5301514009, 235.1317138432]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047142.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a potted plant, a picture, a person, a hat, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[105.886535673, 0, 633.6730957261001, 510.3795166208], [179.41082767080002, 154.8837280256, 266.8925170609, 200.4026489344], [500.1768798778, 61.7122192384, 682.9638671827, 304.2426757632], [418.53869629589997, 1.5156860416, 489.0812988612, 42.8335571456], [112.1621093985, 113.2120361472, 149.943969753, 211.3361206272], [123.47991942280001, 112.7634277376, 149.0892333644, 127.5482177536], [105.886535673, 0, 633.6730957261001, 510.3795166208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047142_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a potted plant, a picture, a person, a hat, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[105.886535673, 0, 633.6730957261001, 510.3795166208], [179.41082767080002, 154.8837280256, 266.8925170609, 200.4026489344], [500.1768798778, 61.7122192384, 682.9638671827, 304.2426757632], [418.53869629589997, 1.5156860416, 489.0812988612, 42.8335571456], [112.1621093985, 113.2120361472, 149.943969753, 211.3361206272], [123.47991942280001, 112.7634277376, 149.0892333644, 127.5482177536], [105.886535673, 0, 633.6730957261001, 510.3795166208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047143.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[49.2088012646, 31.60711669760002, 242.58172608339999, 156.536743168], [200.732360846, 67.4780273664, 242.58172608339999, 139.63208007679998], [220.93548584799998, 33.80609131519998, 255.08843991380002, 119.90997314560002], [49.2088012646, 85.75701903359999, 96.93353272660002, 156.536743168], [70.95806885739998, 31.60711669760002, 108.065917988, 93.04113771520002], [110.5397338592, 67.06567383039999, 144.7614135562, 147.46594237440002], [101.46893308539998, 55.93334963199999, 132.39215087579998, 97.57653806079998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047144.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and four hats.", "boxes_value": [[210.64321899414062, 128.61923217773438, 494.2005920410156, 234.17178344726562], [325.278930675, 152.55773925, 344.9088135, 221.6010742], [459.5565490722656, 128.61923217773438, 494.2005920410156, 234.17178344726562], [210.64321899414062, 158.23580932617188, 221.47259521484375, 167.700927734375], [467.3584289550781, 129.0433349609375, 485.2790832519531, 141.11859130859375], [434.5036315917969, 155.61932373046875, 446.0465393066406, 165.1898193359375], [219.56396484375, 164.8359375, 231.82110595703125, 175.11764526367188]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047144_crop.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a nightstand, a lamp, two books, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[381.94848629759997, 194.968505856, 570.6259765248, 509.842224128], [381.94848629759997, 257.1489257984, 528.6097412352001, 509.842224128], [507.44177249280006, 194.968505856, 570.6259765248, 262.3649291776], [442.79223636480003, 263.6130371072, 516.3602294784, 302.9070434816], [427.38623047680005, 266.5557861376, 513.7637939711999, 307.0614624256], [400.7572021248, 379.8403930624, 510.24523929599997, 461.829101568]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047145_crop.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a nightstand, a lamp, two books, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[47.94848629759997, 78.96850585600001, 236.62597652479997, 393.842224128], [47.94848629759997, 141.1489257984, 194.6097412352001, 393.842224128], [173.44177249280006, 78.96850585600001, 236.62597652479997, 146.3649291776], [108.79223636480003, 147.6130371072, 182.36022947840002, 186.9070434816], [93.38623047680005, 150.55578613760002, 179.7637939711999, 191.06146242559998], [66.75720212480002, 263.8403930624, 176.24523929599997, 345.829101568]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047148.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two people, two cars, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[40.106689426399996, 113.567504896, 284.1760254182, 406.553955072], [40.106689426399996, 113.567504896, 59.1080932486, 133.4134521344], [259.4750365916, 335.6165771264, 284.1760254182, 381.4387207168], [120.19317623629999, 336.5184936448, 134.6737670644, 363.9889526272], [126.95556640779999, 346.7733154304, 253.74523928710002, 406.553955072], [166.4830322202, 340.6654663168, 231.12573243789998, 365.5189819392], [193.2359619082, 338.7660522496, 252.65222168329998, 366.1268310528]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047148_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two people, two cars, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[40.106689426399996, 73.567504896, 284.1760254182, 366.553955072], [40.106689426399996, 73.567504896, 59.1080932486, 93.41345213439999], [259.4750365916, 295.6165771264, 284.1760254182, 341.4387207168], [120.19317623629999, 296.5184936448, 134.6737670644, 323.9889526272], [126.95556640779999, 306.7733154304, 253.74523928710002, 366.553955072], [166.4830322202, 300.6654663168, 231.12573243789998, 325.5189819392], [193.2359619082, 298.7660522496, 252.65222168329998, 326.1268310528]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047149.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[633.5441894256, 1.0717163008, 911.5408935456, 512.092895488]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047149_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[69.54418942560005, 1.0717163008, 347.54089354560006, 512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047149.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a clock, three people, two bottles, a desk, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[69.54418942560005, 1.0717163008, 347.54089354560006, 512], [210.12890625119996, 1.0717163008, 267.27587888159997, 28.586914048], [236.48388672, 299.827514624, 347.40869139360007, 512], [236.34106441919994, 165.5774536192, 347.54089354560006, 360.5579223552], [46.67321776799997, 179.1080932864, 166.9622803008, 344.930297856], [69.54418942560005, 294.27209472, 95.82092284800001, 327.0227051008], [225.45690922079996, 236.608337408, 243.92285156640003, 290.5672607232], [0, 329.1534424064, 322.30639645919996, 511.1771240448], [50.32897952639996, 303.7547607552, 151.92370609440002, 343.9692993024]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047151.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[545.1274413855, 246.8529052672, 765.243530253, 388.7401122816]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047151_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[55.12744138549999, 35.852905267199986, 275, 177.74011228159998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047151.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[51.804077158400005, 23.2669677568, 258.7906493952, 116.219299328]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047152.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, two people, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[51.804077158400005, 23.2669677568, 258.7906493952, 116.219299328], [36.411132825600006, 32.76306150400001, 168.80114744320002, 108.4343872], [121.58703610879999, 23.624023449600003, 208.2252197376, 102.21984865280001], [51.804077158400005, 23.2669677568, 142.8398437376, 80.76324464640001], [219.0223998976, 44.82806394880001, 258.7906493952, 116.219299328], [119.68942260742188, 60.89027404785156, 126.71585083007812, 75.15089416503906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047153.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a mirror, a cup, a bottle, and two moniters.", "boxes_value": [[16.3023071423, 55.583679180800004, 462.03808590890003, 274.5496216064], [16.3023071423, 78.52618408960001, 71.16418454160001, 274.5496216064], [426.0467529468, 163.8828735488, 462.03808590890003, 192.3487548928], [116.5635376125, 55.583679180800004, 140.5867919593, 99.50115968], [140.7828979245, 117.25451658239999, 230.25445556510002, 185.7014160384], [22.9846801756, 115.37145994240001, 52.090209988699996, 165.1788940288]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047155.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[149.7174071972, 339.3329467904, 281.4265136484, 423.1175537152]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047156_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[33.717407197200004, 21.3329467904, 165.42651364839998, 105.11755371520002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047156.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a guitar, two desks, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[149.7174071972, 339.3329467904, 281.4265136484, 423.1175537152], [210.37445065, 339.3329467904, 229.15856937119997, 362.0556640768], [184.5139159994, 380.5565185536, 245.47973635019997, 417.941223168], [216.43469235819998, 363.8771972608, 254.39453121460002, 399.2488403456], [245.19219971299998, 370.7789917184, 281.4265136484, 419.6666259968], [149.7174071972, 376.2428589056, 198.31750486540002, 423.1175537152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047156_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a guitar, two desks, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[33.717407197200004, 21.3329467904, 165.42651364839998, 105.11755371520002], [94.37445065, 21.3329467904, 113.15856937119997, 44.055664076799985], [68.51391599940001, 62.55651855359997, 129.47973635019997, 99.94122316800002], [100.43469235819998, 45.87719726080002, 138.39453121460002, 81.2488403456], [129.19219971299998, 52.77899171839999, 165.42651364839998, 101.66662599680001], [33.717407197200004, 58.242858905599974, 82.31750486540002, 105.11755371520002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047157.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a person, a telephone, and four pillows.", "boxes_value": [[54.100463885500005, 223.5653686272, 534.1746215820312, 292.5195617675781], [54.100463885500005, 232.9919433728, 94.07470703690001, 278.4528198144], [63.4400024757, 241.768737792, 76.1337890459, 269.5457153536], [191.5004272807, 223.5653686272, 202.9016723571, 260.0148315648], [271.0355529785156, 239.93289184570312, 352.5623474121094, 292.5195617675781], [349.03387451171875, 227.13430786132812, 409.89190673828125, 291.6180725097656], [239.01177978515625, 203.33767700195312, 402.921630859375, 285.80133056640625], [458.2406311035156, 235.95892333984375, 534.1746215820312, 283.16302490234375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047157_crop.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pillows, a lamp, a couch, and a mirror.", "boxes_value": [[260.3939209228, 25.778808576, 716.045776404, 178.7058715648], [340.70764157220003, 121.2085571072, 391.8164062778, 228.9019775488], [306.02673341940005, 101.1301269504, 353.4848632448, 217.0374145536], [260.3939209228, 109.3440551936, 315.153320286, 178.7058715648], [287.7735595378, 61.8859252736, 316.065917958, 98.3921508864], [409.5784912436, 61.5997924864, 440.8608398726, 123.1387329024], [392.1424560662, 78.5230102528, 577.2720947056, 164.1646728704], [651.8693847302, 25.778808576, 716.045776404, 173.9117431808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 5], [4], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047169_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pillows, a lamp, a couch, and a mirror.", "boxes_value": [[114.39392092280002, 25.778808576, 570.045776404, 178.7058715648], [194.70764157220003, 121.2085571072, 245.8164062778, 216], [160.02673341940005, 101.1301269504, 207.4848632448, 216], [114.39392092280002, 109.3440551936, 169.153320286, 178.7058715648], [141.7735595378, 61.8859252736, 170.065917958, 98.3921508864], [263.5784912436, 61.5997924864, 294.8608398726, 123.1387329024], [246.1424560662, 78.5230102528, 431.2720947056, 164.1646728704], [505.86938473019995, 25.778808576, 570.045776404, 173.9117431808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 5], [4], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047170.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and four skiboards.", "boxes_value": [[271.806701665, 377.01904299020003, 485.14316312450006, 455.2634887918], [450.301513662, 377.01904299020003, 484.5739135805, 455.2634887918], [355.36584472149997, 407.7414550846, 381.83502197350003, 470.0459594636], [278.401489262, 418.32916259679996, 314.23669435, 476.5614624004], [268.221008298, 395.1176757892, 299.9840698205, 468.41705320020003], [260.09921289650003, 379.64917961099997, 309.0104992015, 425.1783025126], [271.806701665, 409.568317522, 349.33629373, 439.7476218174], [343.092299746, 394.9989982172, 420.8820582755, 431.9426293468], [429.98788283550005, 381.4703445488, 485.14316312450006, 393.9583325314]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047171_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and four skiboards.", "boxes_value": [[53.80670166499999, 20.019042990200035, 267, 98.2634887918], [232.301513662, 20.019042990200035, 266.5739135805, 98.2634887918], [137.36584472149997, 50.74145508459998, 163.83502197350003, 113.04595946360001], [60.401489261999984, 61.32916259679996, 96.23669435, 117], [50.221008298000015, 38.11767578920001, 81.9840698205, 111.41705320020003], [42.099212896500035, 22.649179610999965, 91.01049920150001, 68.1783025126], [53.80670166499999, 52.56831752199997, 131.33629373000002, 82.74762181739999], [125.09229974599998, 37.99899821719998, 202.88205827550001, 74.9426293468], [211.98788283550005, 24.47034454880003, 267, 36.9583325314]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047172.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[222.77468872070312, 462.4805907968, 551.712768578, 501.95977783203125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047172_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[82.77468872070312, 10.480590796800016, 411.712768578, 49.95977783203125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047172.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include seven sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[222.77468872070312, 462.4805907968, 551.712768578, 501.95977783203125], [246.51177976499997, 462.4805907968, 283.026306142, 490.4035034112], [349.91845704599996, 454.8095092736, 385.20568847799996, 495.0061645312], [490.69445802700005, 474.2283935744, 519.625610375, 497.110229504], [521.729614256, 475.8064574976, 551.712768578, 497.8992920064], [222.77468872070312, 475.8817138671875, 249.99786376953125, 501.95977783203125], [283.7589111328125, 473.5240478515625, 321.15338134765625, 494.64447021484375], [298.7091064453125, 452.8954772949219, 338.73223876953125, 481.0393371582031]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047172_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include seven sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[82.77468872070312, 10.480590796800016, 411.712768578, 49.95977783203125], [106.51177976499997, 10.480590796800016, 143.026306142, 38.403503411200006], [209.91845704599996, 2.8095092735999856, 245.20568847799996, 43.0061645312], [350.69445802700005, 22.228393574400002, 379.62561037499995, 45.11022950400002], [381.729614256, 23.80645749759998, 411.712768578, 45.8992920064], [82.77468872070312, 23.8817138671875, 109.99786376953125, 49.95977783203125], [143.7589111328125, 21.5240478515625, 181.15338134765625, 42.64447021484375], [158.7091064453125, 0.895477294921875, 198.73223876953125, 29.039337158203125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047173.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[437.1596679684, 227.9566040064, 771.3360595478999, 512.4171142656]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047173_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[84.15966796840002, 71.9566040064, 418, 356]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047173.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two benches, a potted plant, a lamp, and a flag.", "boxes_value": [[437.1596679684, 227.9566040064, 771.3360595478999, 512.4171142656], [437.1596679684, 377.178344704, 622.3381347882, 512.4171142656], [701.362304685, 407.5267334144, 770.6914062477, 512.3029785088], [524.488159206, 318.7072753664, 709.6666259487, 512.3029785088], [492.6885985887, 227.9566040064, 521.8962402414, 273.715087872], [698.3713378626, 233.8203735552, 771.3360595478999, 363.9440307712]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047173_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two benches, a potted plant, a lamp, and a flag.", "boxes_value": [[84.15966796840002, 71.9566040064, 418, 356], [84.15966796840002, 221.17834470399998, 269.3381347882, 356], [348.362304685, 251.52673341439998, 417.6914062477, 356], [171.48815920599998, 162.70727536639998, 356.6666259487, 356], [139.68859858870002, 71.9566040064, 168.89624024140005, 117.71508787200003], [345.37133786259994, 77.8203735552, 418, 207.9440307712]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047174.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[264.6150313984, 83.52132415771484, 504.6470455808, 214.0741195678711]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047174_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[60.61503139839999, 33.521324157714844, 300.6470455808, 164.0741195678711]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047174.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, three street lights, and two traffic lights.", "boxes_value": [[264.6150313984, 83.52132415771484, 504.6470455808, 214.0741195678711], [264.6150313984, 154.4750463642, 312.3827078144, 168.62843200530003], [453.6292491776, 45.321624986, 468.59566336, 215.234444447], [490.9747309568, 144.2282878254, 504.6470455808, 168.96866661689998], [326.9053351936, 108.50678299009999, 339.6050039808, 200.05022860929998], [343.5762724864, 138.59372333000002, 359.5992928768, 163.8503487113], [377.33477783203125, 83.52132415771484, 386.23736572265625, 214.0741195678711]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 6], [3, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047174_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, three street lights, and two traffic lights.", "boxes_value": [[60.61503139839999, 33.521324157714844, 300.6470455808, 164.0741195678711], [60.61503139839999, 104.47504636420001, 108.38270781440002, 118.62843200530003], [249.6292491776, 0, 264.59566336, 165.234444447], [286.9747309568, 94.2282878254, 300.6470455808, 118.96866661689998], [122.90533519360002, 58.50678299009999, 135.6050039808, 150.05022860929998], [139.5762724864, 88.59372333000002, 155.5992928768, 113.8503487113], [173.33477783203125, 33.521324157714844, 182.23736572265625, 164.0741195678711]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 6], [3, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047175.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[141.700561488, 154.220336896, 720.113542416, 435.1622314496]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047175_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[141.700561488, 71.22033689599999, 720, 352.1622314496]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047175.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three nightstands, ten people, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[141.700561488, 154.220336896, 720.113542416, 435.1622314496], [22.040816328, 187.6427177472, 320.487937488, 329.8011743232], [58.436806680000004, 183.7890246656, 305.929541304, 369.6226173952], [486.994873032, 195.6373291008, 720.113542416, 269.3813031424], [163.042602552, 161.5292358144, 313.60534668, 320.3753661952], [241.003906272, 154.220336896, 336.506469696, 266.289733888], [282.42083743200004, 139.6026000896, 367.20373536000005, 260.929870592], [338.942749032, 87.4660034048, 489.50549316, 266.289733888], [141.700561488, 209.73620608, 697.508056656, 435.1622314496], [163.042602552, 161.5292358144, 313.60534668, 320.3753661952], [241.003906272, 154.220336896, 336.506469696, 266.289733888], [282.42083743200004, 139.6026000896, 367.20373536000005, 260.929870592], [338.942749032, 87.4660034048, 489.50549316, 266.289733888], [448.401489264, 123.7670898688, 623.432495088, 294.703857408], [560.869384765625, 96.1821517944336, 671.1839599609375, 277.67491912841797]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047175_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three nightstands, ten people, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[141.700561488, 71.22033689599999, 720, 352.1622314496], [22.040816328, 104.64271774720001, 320.487937488, 246.80117432319997], [58.436806680000004, 100.78902466560001, 305.929541304, 286.6226173952], [486.994873032, 112.6373291008, 720, 186.3813031424], [163.042602552, 78.52923581440001, 313.60534668, 237.3753661952], [241.003906272, 71.22033689599999, 336.506469696, 183.289733888], [282.42083743200004, 56.6026000896, 367.20373536000005, 177.929870592], [338.942749032, 4.466003404800006, 489.50549316, 183.289733888], [141.700561488, 126.73620607999999, 697.508056656, 352.1622314496], [163.042602552, 78.52923581440001, 313.60534668, 237.3753661952], [241.003906272, 71.22033689599999, 336.506469696, 183.289733888], [282.42083743200004, 56.6026000896, 367.20373536000005, 177.929870592], [338.942749032, 4.466003404800006, 489.50549316, 183.289733888], [448.401489264, 40.7670898688, 623.432495088, 211.70385740799998], [560.869384765625, 13.182151794433594, 671.1839599609375, 194.67491912841797]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047176.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[13.251739501953125, 286.43109130859375, 708.4983215332031, 510.838134765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047176_crop.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[13.251739501953125, 56.43109130859375, 708.4983215332031, 280.838134765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047176.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pens, a wine glass, four plates, two apples, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[13.251739501953125, 286.43109130859375, 708.4983215332031, 510.838134765625], [120.64056394149999, 431.4076537856, 202.45599364799997, 486.313659648], [92.1003418135, 347.1459350528, 141.0264892244, 365.3573608448], [85.03918457159999, 310.2456665088, 119.10205081570001, 320.5158691328], [366.0697021383, 357.7609252864, 422.5039062235, 512.2830810624], [643.4108886459001, 306.8456420864, 680.6383056318, 319.2548217856], [307.062072729, 374.9083862528, 358.39050293180003, 401.8289184768], [211.51025390019998, 320.9525146624, 239.53900144300002, 334.2887572992], [267.71228026650004, 358.7570190336, 308.9603881822, 408.5166015488], [650.7368164076, 282.5676879872, 670.9399414258, 300.8466797056], [499.802001953125, 290.5909729003906, 526.126708984375, 299.0953674316406], [13.251739501953125, 286.43109130859375, 708.4983215332031, 510.838134765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7, 10], [8, 9], [11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047176_crop.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pens, a wine glass, four plates, two apples, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[13.251739501953125, 56.43109130859375, 708.4983215332031, 280.838134765625], [120.64056394149999, 201.40765378560002, 202.45599364799997, 256.313659648], [92.1003418135, 117.14593505279998, 141.0264892244, 135.35736084479998], [85.03918457159999, 80.24566650880001, 119.10205081570001, 90.51586913279999], [366.0697021383, 127.76092528639998, 422.5039062235, 282], [643.4108886459001, 76.8456420864, 680.6383056318, 89.25482178559997], [307.062072729, 144.90838625280003, 358.39050293180003, 171.82891847680003], [211.51025390019998, 90.9525146624, 239.53900144300002, 104.28875729919997], [267.71228026650004, 128.7570190336, 308.9603881822, 178.5166015488], [650.7368164076, 52.567687987199974, 670.9399414258, 70.84667970560002], [499.802001953125, 60.590972900390625, 526.126708984375, 69.09536743164062], [13.251739501953125, 56.43109130859375, 708.4983215332031, 280.838134765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7, 10], [8, 9], [11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047177.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the region in the given photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[327.0748901498, 165.4582519296, 681.9379882740001, 510.3325805568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047177_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the region in the given photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[89.07489014980001, 86.45825192960001, 443.9379882740001, 431.3325805568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047177.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the region in the given photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a glasses, and three cups.", "boxes_value": [[327.0748901498, 165.4582519296, 681.9379882740001, 510.3325805568], [265.0009155037, 144.3669433344, 464.9689941548, 363.6330566656], [427.27612303140006, 165.4582519296, 681.9379882740001, 510.3325805568], [622.8033446981, 206.1343383552, 681.6024169872, 375.2825317376], [327.0748901498, 182.8602905088, 389.9312744214, 195.5290527232], [289.2427368171, 372.1096191488, 367.3688964925, 472.6609497088], [347.8226318108, 300.2685547008, 387.4552001903, 370.4226684416], [445.97790527179995, 339.4252319232, 491.78833008870004, 416.3633422848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047177_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the region in the given photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a glasses, and three cups.", "boxes_value": [[89.07489014980001, 86.45825192960001, 443.9379882740001, 431.3325805568], [27.000915503700014, 65.36694333439999, 226.9689941548, 284.6330566656], [189.27612303140006, 86.45825192960001, 443.9379882740001, 431.3325805568], [384.8033446981, 127.13433835519999, 443.60241698719994, 296.2825317376], [89.07489014980001, 103.8602905088, 151.93127442140002, 116.52905272320001], [51.242736817100024, 293.1096191488, 129.36889649250003, 393.6609497088], [109.82263181079998, 221.2685547008, 149.4552001903, 291.4226684416], [207.97790527179995, 260.4252319232, 253.78833008870004, 337.3633422848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047178.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[290.5244750664, 191.7150268416, 642.1628417759999, 377.457275392]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047178_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[88.52447506639999, 46.71502684160001, 440.16284177599994, 232.45727539199999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047178.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a trash bin can, a truck, two street lights, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[290.5244750664, 191.7150268416, 642.1628417759999, 377.457275392], [623.0583496116, 349.4994506752, 642.1628417759999, 377.457275392], [484.6677246432, 285.0661010944, 595.9331054567999, 341.9111328256], [532.0834961004, 226.8740844544, 554.71374513, 285.0661010944], [321.2694091908, 331.7073974784, 365.0979003768, 361.933959936], [290.5244750664, 191.7150268416, 371.08203121799994, 344.376647936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047178_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a trash bin can, a truck, two street lights, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[88.52447506639999, 46.71502684160001, 440.16284177599994, 232.45727539199999], [421.05834961159997, 204.49945067520002, 440.16284177599994, 232.45727539199999], [282.6677246432, 140.06610109439998, 393.9331054567999, 196.91113282560002], [330.0834961004, 81.87408445439999, 352.71374513, 140.06610109439998], [119.26940919079999, 186.70739747840003, 163.0979003768, 216.933959936], [88.52447506639999, 46.71502684160001, 169.08203121799994, 199.37664793599998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047179.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[381.445312512, 226.1481323008, 491.3110351872, 322.1824340992]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047179_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[28.445312511999987, 24.1481323008, 138.3110351872, 120.18243409920001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047179.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three storage boxes, and two stuffed toys.", "boxes_value": [[381.445312512, 226.1481323008, 491.3110351872, 322.1824340992], [379.2714843648, 259.4360962048, 419.61816407040004, 291.6276244992], [381.445312512, 283.7030029312, 419.60217285119995, 310.5073852416], [448.68017579519994, 265.0654297088, 491.3110351872, 322.1824340992], [448.4255371008, 226.1481323008, 490.06005857279996, 270.6149292032], [393.20239257599997, 239.7269897216, 418.45800783360005, 265.8845825024]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047179_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three storage boxes, and two stuffed toys.", "boxes_value": [[28.445312511999987, 24.1481323008, 138.3110351872, 120.18243409920001], [26.271484364800017, 57.43609620479998, 66.61816407040004, 89.62762449920001], [28.445312511999987, 81.70300293119999, 66.60217285119995, 108.50738524159999], [95.68017579519994, 63.065429708800025, 138.3110351872, 120.18243409920001], [95.4255371008, 24.1481323008, 137.06005857279996, 68.6149292032], [40.202392575999966, 37.726989721600006, 65.45800783360005, 63.88458250240001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047180.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and two backpacks.", "boxes_value": [[213.1212157952, 363.7636719086, 295.4484863488, 462.4473877287], [282.5369872896, 365.1293945423, 295.4484863488, 395.7941894504], [253.2377929728, 363.7636719086, 266.8941650432, 400.26354980060006], [213.1212157952, 395.49523925759996, 235.0432739328, 438.7673339836], [242.5158081024, 406.412841812, 269.2427978752, 462.4473877287], [248.646545408, 409.45056149100003, 264.628173824, 432.9074707352], [220.9026336669922, 396.9994812011719, 233.1453399658203, 414.8965148925781]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047180_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and two backpacks.", "boxes_value": [[21.121215795199987, 24.763671908599974, 103.44848634879997, 123.4473877287], [90.5369872896, 26.12939454230002, 103.44848634879997, 56.79418945039998], [61.23779297280001, 24.763671908599974, 74.89416504320002, 61.26354980060006], [21.121215795199987, 56.49523925759996, 43.04327393279999, 99.7673339836], [50.5158081024, 67.41284181200001, 77.24279787519998, 123.4473877287], [56.64654540800001, 70.45056149100003, 72.62817382399999, 93.90747073519998], [28.902633666992188, 57.999481201171875, 41.14533996582031, 75.89651489257812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047181.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, an umbrella, a trash bin can, a blackboard, and a suv.", "boxes_value": [[412.97009279800005, 244.9204711936, 659.2044677967999, 460.4525146624], [601.5935058364, 281.3869018624, 659.2044677967999, 452.437744128], [523.9433594016, 273.4442748928, 547.8124999822, 286.1021117952], [412.97009279800005, 381.78753664, 442.2541503704, 460.4525146624], [497.0031737904, 244.9204711936, 524.9223633072, 340.3585205248], [464.15307618380007, 299.1588134912, 561.0936279338, 342.968505856]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047181_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, an umbrella, a trash bin can, a blackboard, and a suv.", "boxes_value": [[61.97009279800005, 53.92047119360001, 308.2044677967999, 269.4525146624], [250.59350583640003, 90.38690186240001, 308.2044677967999, 261.437744128], [172.9433594016, 82.44427489280002, 196.81249998220005, 95.10211179520002], [61.97009279800005, 190.78753663999998, 91.2541503704, 269.4525146624], [146.0031737904, 53.92047119360001, 173.92236330720004, 149.35852052479999], [113.15307618380007, 108.15881349120002, 210.0936279338, 151.96850585599998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047182.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[337.07312010239997, 111.2695922688, 662.2834472448, 361.4372253417969]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047182_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[82.07312010239997, 63.2695922688, 407.28344724479996, 313.4372253417969]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047182.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, two people, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[82.07312010239997, 63.2695922688, 407.28344724479996, 313.4372253417969], [82.07312010239997, 282.312194816, 108.699462912, 307.1925048832], [331.9150390272, 63.2695922688, 407.28344724479996, 246.08898923520002], [194.36682132480001, 107.1539306496, 238.2005615616, 314.3065185792], [352.85809326171875, 232.96231079101562, 370.54486083984375, 244.49057006835938], [380.52557373046875, 236.08599853515625, 393.05987548828125, 246.26922607421875], [196.67816162109375, 299.7544250488281, 228.54168701171875, 313.4372253417969]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047183.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[117.3395385645, 145.8673705984, 287.861450226, 314.0094604288]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047183_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[43.3395385645, 42.86737059839999, 213.861450226, 211.00946042880003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047183.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a bracelet, a telephone, two mice, a keyboard, and a microphone.", "boxes_value": [[117.3395385645, 145.8673705984, 287.861450226, 314.0094604288], [2.157409632, 153.958007808, 316.5118408515, 253.3862304768], [276.67913817600004, 280.4625854464, 287.861450226, 314.0094604288], [200.5714721745, 195.4965820416, 279.160400421, 243.1713867264], [136.64605713150002, 220.2066650624, 166.222045899, 234.9946289152], [117.3395385645, 200.4893188608, 170.7406006215, 219.7958984192], [154.7348632725, 145.8673705984, 270.476623557, 166.3217773568], [216.68554690649998, 236.31262208, 249.29040525899998, 253.0556640768]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 7], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047183_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a bracelet, a telephone, two mice, a keyboard, and a microphone.", "boxes_value": [[43.3395385645, 42.86737059839999, 213.861450226, 211.00946042880003], [0, 50.95800780799999, 242.51184085149998, 150.3862304768], [202.67913817600004, 177.4625854464, 213.861450226, 211.00946042880003], [126.5714721745, 92.49658204159999, 205.16040042100002, 140.1713867264], [62.646057131500015, 117.20666506239999, 92.222045899, 131.9946289152], [43.3395385645, 97.48931886080001, 96.7406006215, 116.7958984192], [80.73486327250001, 42.86737059839999, 196.47662355699998, 63.3217773568], [142.68554690649998, 133.31262208, 175.29040525899998, 150.0556640768]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 7], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047184.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[34.5192260608, 307.6519164966, 164.4528198144, 470.1738891825]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047184_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[32.5192260608, 40.651916496599995, 162.4528198144, 203.17388918249998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047184.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a leather shoes, two sneakers, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[34.5192260608, 307.6519164966, 164.4528198144, 470.1738891825], [122.0510864384, 293.4320068593, 194.5377807872, 447.76965331530005], [59.2755737088, 307.6519164966, 103.3225097728, 356.5543823199], [28.7893676544, 313.2299194479, 76.5736694272, 470.3667602535], [140.2415771648, 433.049987799, 164.4528198144, 447.1732177641], [34.5192260608, 447.1732177641, 49.0459594752, 470.1738891825], [47.0283813376, 433.049987799, 61.555114752, 455.243591304], [55.346740736, 349.1557617087, 149.0682983424, 430.818786639]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047184_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a leather shoes, two sneakers, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[32.5192260608, 40.651916496599995, 162.4528198144, 203.17388918249998], [120.0510864384, 26.432006859299975, 192.5377807872, 180.76965331530005], [57.2755737088, 40.651916496599995, 101.3225097728, 89.55438231990001], [26.7893676544, 46.22991944789999, 74.5736694272, 203.3667602535], [138.2415771648, 166.049987799, 162.4528198144, 180.1732177641], [32.5192260608, 180.1732177641, 47.0459594752, 203.17388918249998], [45.0283813376, 166.049987799, 59.555114752, 188.243591304], [53.346740736, 82.15576170870003, 147.0682983424, 163.818786639]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047185.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[180.393493632, 137.8918456832, 767.8087158528, 512.4036865024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047185_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[147.393493632, 93.89184568319999, 734.8087158528, 468]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047185.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a desk, a person, a necklace, a bracelet, a spoon, a cup, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[180.393493632, 137.8918456832, 767.8087158528, 512.4036865024], [674.2346191104, 212.075683584, 767.8087158528, 512.4036865024], [0, 330.6027831808, 489.76013184, 512.4036865024], [102.6147460608, 0.9046020608, 729.1149902592, 511.55133056], [434.3250732288, 137.8918456832, 483.9765625344, 200.5291137536], [216.5364989952, 272.33288576, 233.9340209664, 320.5969238528], [180.393493632, 238.2599487488, 228.91333009919998, 355.400695808], [173.46209717760001, 318.6642456064, 305.15881344, 450.3610229248], [125.6353759488, 382.43322752, 352.2923583744, 483.6317749248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047185_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a desk, a person, a necklace, a bracelet, a spoon, a cup, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[147.393493632, 93.89184568319999, 734.8087158528, 468], [641.2346191104, 168.075683584, 734.8087158528, 468], [0, 286.6027831808, 456.76013184, 468], [69.6147460608, 0, 696.1149902592, 467.55133056], [401.3250732288, 93.89184568319999, 450.9765625344, 156.5291137536], [183.5364989952, 228.33288576, 200.9340209664, 276.5969238528], [147.393493632, 194.2599487488, 195.91333009919998, 311.400695808], [140.46209717760001, 274.6642456064, 272.15881344, 406.3610229248], [92.6353759488, 338.43322752, 319.2923583744, 439.6317749248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047186.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[216.2307128832, 248.8307494912, 368.5803222528, 359.4835815424]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047186_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[38.2307128832, 27.83074949120001, 190.5803222528, 138.48358154239997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047186.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, a picture, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[216.2307128832, 248.8307494912, 368.5803222528, 359.4835815424], [234.1699829248, 248.8307494912, 267.9064331264, 264.8956909056], [216.2307128832, 268.9417114112, 289.0586547712, 320.0819091968], [323.5983886848, 252.6089477632, 368.5803222528, 311.2461548032], [270.530334464, 329.2234497024, 312.3392333824, 358.4897460736], [261.2991943168, 339.5206908928, 279.4234008576, 359.4835815424]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047186_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, a picture, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[38.2307128832, 27.83074949120001, 190.5803222528, 138.48358154239997], [56.169982924799996, 27.83074949120001, 89.90643312639997, 43.89569090560002], [38.2307128832, 47.941711411200004, 111.0586547712, 99.08190919679998], [145.5983886848, 31.608947763200007, 190.5803222528, 90.2461548032], [92.53033446400002, 108.22344970239999, 134.33923338239998, 137.48974607359997], [83.29919431680003, 118.52069089280002, 101.42340085759997, 138.48358154239997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047187.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[284.81671142578125, 329.9085693359375, 442.5190430032, 388.7642822144]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047187_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[39.81671142578125, 14.9085693359375, 197.5190430032, 73.7642822144]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047187.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two knives, a plate, four wine glasses, and a bread.", "boxes_value": [[284.81671142578125, 329.9085693359375, 442.5190430032, 388.7642822144], [383.09191892319996, 363.6059570176, 442.64697266720003, 394.378967296], [395.5344238028, 342.4342041088, 452.1430664384, 364.9984131072], [391.08874515360003, 362.5408935424, 442.5190430032, 388.7642822144], [311.5141296386719, 337.23638916015625, 332.8369445800781, 385.50848388671875], [284.81671142578125, 334.57598876953125, 307.5787353515625, 380.80181884765625], [330.9984130859375, 329.9085693359375, 350.54229736328125, 374.68035888671875], [356.6483459472656, 330.6998596191406, 380.4216613769531, 375.8660583496094], [403.8799743652344, 326.1938781738281, 449.9761657714844, 361.6407775878906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047187_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two knives, a plate, four wine glasses, and a bread.", "boxes_value": [[39.81671142578125, 14.9085693359375, 197.5190430032, 73.7642822144], [138.09191892319996, 48.60595701760002, 197.64697266720003, 79.37896729599998], [150.5344238028, 27.434204108799975, 207.1430664384, 49.99841310720001], [146.08874515360003, 47.5408935424, 197.5190430032, 73.7642822144], [66.51412963867188, 22.23638916015625, 87.83694458007812, 70.50848388671875], [39.81671142578125, 19.57598876953125, 62.5787353515625, 65.80181884765625], [85.9984130859375, 14.9085693359375, 105.54229736328125, 59.68035888671875], [111.64834594726562, 15.699859619140625, 135.42166137695312, 60.866058349609375], [158.87997436523438, 11.193878173828125, 204.97616577148438, 46.640777587890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047188.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[142.77923586, 263.2922973696, 609.556926018, 512.053955072]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047188_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[116.77923586, 62.29229736960002, 583.556926018, 311]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047188.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two sneakers, and three dogs.", "boxes_value": [[142.77923586, 263.2922973696, 609.556926018, 512.053955072], [527.6617474224, 422.6395969536, 585.5278017974999, 460.8900396544], [545.3157978801, 445.197550336, 609.556926018, 496.6885308928], [390.2172851544, 263.2922973696, 549.7706298699, 512.053955072], [338.1501464526, 275.8146362368, 428.1749267667, 477.4702148608], [142.77923586, 274.00482176, 399.36706542, 509.158935552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047188_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two sneakers, and three dogs.", "boxes_value": [[116.77923586, 62.29229736960002, 583.556926018, 311], [501.6617474224, 221.6395969536, 559.5278017974999, 259.8900396544], [519.3157978801, 244.197550336, 583.556926018, 295.6885308928], [364.2172851544, 62.29229736960002, 523.7706298699, 311], [312.1501464526, 74.81463623680003, 402.1749267667, 276.4702148608], [116.77923586, 73.00482176000003, 373.36706542, 308.158935552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047190.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[273.2753906036, 245.7386474496, 566.0018310802, 436.7137451008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047190_crop.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[73.27539060359999, 48.738647449599995, 366.00183108019996, 239.7137451008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047190.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, two desks, a telephone, a moniter, a keyboard, and a computer box.", "boxes_value": [[73.27539060359999, 48.738647449599995, 366.00183108019996, 239.7137451008], [32.02941894759999, 67.9509887488, 152.346313495, 238.88397214719998], [260.216674811, 67.9509887488, 359.789306657, 239.7137451008], [26.221008318600013, 95.33343503359998, 195.3059081938, 212.33129881600001], [185.55175779899997, 102.84210206720002, 366.00183108019996, 224.7677612544], [148.20117190300004, 80.50134277119997, 183.40075679919994, 105.80694579200002], [89.18078611100003, 48.738647449599995, 137.52294921200001, 97.48364257280002], [106.10058592000001, 96.87939450879998, 142.1557617166, 108.15917967360002], [73.27539060359999, 161.9934692352, 136.494873036, 205.0833129984]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047191.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and six sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[37.80725094999997, 46.0247192576, 186.57916259765625, 228.036315904], [37.80725094999997, 46.0247192576, 120.74377438900001, 214.0400390656], [103.158691412, 45.60729978879999, 195.48596190899997, 222.4495239168], [37.86584471599997, 201.2781371904, 68.125000027, 212.7816772608], [68.87524413699998, 199.27752683519998, 84.12988284400001, 228.036315904], [104.13598634599998, 207.02990725119997, 128.14331053299998, 221.5343627776], [165.90490725200004, 207.27996825600002, 195.914062505, 223.28485109759998], [108.62069702148438, 182.54443359375, 119.68478393554688, 206.95770263671875], [180.4227294921875, 186.17318725585938, 186.57916259765625, 205.70346069335938]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047192.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, two people, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[669.2539062528, 263.3195800576, 768.01013184, 351.3239135744], [661.8720703488, 288.1948852736, 705.01013184, 336.5938110464], [669.2539062528, 336.8652343808, 697.645141632, 351.3239135744], [688.5627441408001, 302.6365356544, 730.9633789439999, 349.1538085888], [660.981689472, 310.8696899584, 694.3259277312, 347.5072021504], [731.769531264, 263.3195800576, 768.01013184, 303.9984131072]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047192_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, two people, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[25.253906252799993, 22.31958005759998, 124, 110.32391357440002], [17.87207034879998, 47.19488527359999, 61.010131839999985, 95.59381104639999], [25.253906252799993, 95.86523438080002, 53.64514163199999, 110.32391357440002], [44.56274414080008, 61.63653565440001, 86.96337894399994, 108.15380858880002], [16.98168947199997, 69.86968995839999, 50.325927731199954, 106.50720215040002], [87.76953126399997, 22.31958005759998, 124, 62.99841310720001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047193.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a street lights, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[393.37384033203125, 205.8237304832, 472.33551025390625, 384.51568603515625], [375.74096683199997, 294.4306640384, 447.95056152, 336.2291259904], [410.005981462, 205.8237304832, 453.85339353200004, 364.0758056448], [393.37384033203125, 320.5296630859375, 417.425048828125, 384.51568603515625], [438.96282958984375, 256.866455078125, 456.46160888671875, 309.79669189453125], [450.51031494140625, 298.66156005859375, 472.33551025390625, 367.3701171875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047193_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a street lights, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[20.37384033203125, 44.823730483199995, 99.33551025390625, 223.51568603515625], [2.7409668319999696, 133.43066403839998, 74.95056152000001, 175.2291259904], [37.00598146200002, 44.823730483199995, 80.85339353200004, 203.07580564480003], [20.37384033203125, 159.5296630859375, 44.425048828125, 223.51568603515625], [65.96282958984375, 95.866455078125, 83.46160888671875, 148.79669189453125], [77.51031494140625, 137.66156005859375, 99.33551025390625, 206.3701171875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047194.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[57.270629913600004, 165.7872314368, 651.6998282495999, 255.414550784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047194_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[57.270629913600004, 22.7872314368, 651.6998282495999, 112.414550784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047194.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two paddles, and three helmets.", "boxes_value": [[57.270629913600004, 165.7872314368, 651.6998282495999, 255.414550784], [57.270629913600004, 207.0361938432, 237.0345458688, 255.414550784], [389.8084717056, 165.7872314368, 562.4169921792, 230.9707641856], [299.0928811008, 196.70473728, 350.2783596288, 238.9195649536], [442.4097794304, 179.0343072256, 497.8908685056, 231.2194899968], [581.9364786432, 191.1192298496, 651.6998282495999, 243.3044126208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047194_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two paddles, and three helmets.", "boxes_value": [[57.270629913600004, 22.7872314368, 651.6998282495999, 112.414550784], [57.270629913600004, 64.03619384320001, 237.0345458688, 112.414550784], [389.8084717056, 22.7872314368, 562.4169921792, 87.97076418559999], [299.0928811008, 53.70473727999999, 350.2783596288, 95.9195649536], [442.4097794304, 36.0343072256, 497.8908685056, 88.21948999680001], [581.9364786432, 48.1192298496, 651.6998282495999, 100.30441262080001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047195.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[203.2098388429, 172.4248657408, 524.6614990171, 339.5103759872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047195_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[81.20983884290001, 42.42486574079999, 402.6614990171, 209.5103759872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047195.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two hats, two ties, a cup, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[203.2098388429, 172.4248657408, 524.6614990171, 339.5103759872], [203.2098388429, 261.9585571328, 252.9508056515, 305.0673828352], [386.9196777166, 241.3989868032, 410.79528809, 305.7305908224], [402.1735839569, 172.4248657408, 445.2823486583, 213.5440673792], [266.9663085858, 225.8876953088, 291.3604736639, 314.719299328], [501.28259274410004, 312.8596191232, 524.6614990171, 339.5103759872], [281.7778320379, 239.313354496, 292.0044555814, 279.302124032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047195_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two hats, two ties, a cup, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[81.20983884290001, 42.42486574079999, 402.6614990171, 209.5103759872], [81.20983884290001, 131.95855713280002, 130.9508056515, 175.06738283520002], [264.9196777166, 111.39898680319999, 288.79528809, 175.73059082240002], [280.1735839569, 42.42486574079999, 323.2823486583, 83.54406737919999], [144.9663085858, 95.8876953088, 169.3604736639, 184.71929932799998], [379.28259274410004, 182.8596191232, 402.6614990171, 209.5103759872], [159.7778320379, 109.31335449599999, 170.0044555814, 149.302124032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047198.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[5.4829101568, 193.7212524639, 208.6503906304, 358.45166017180003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047198_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[5.4829101568, 41.72125246389999, 208.6503906304, 206.45166017180003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047198.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, a potted plant, a suv, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[5.4829101568, 193.7212524639, 208.6503906304, 358.45166017180003], [5.4829101568, 291.0619506876, 120.2950439424, 358.45166017180003], [64.3865356288, 229.163269016, 127.7827758592, 298.5496826245], [162.72558592, 193.7212524639, 208.6503906304, 285.570922875], [175.0667114496, 214.7381591658, 202.5549316608, 240.444763179], [144.8667602432, 285.7009887506, 238.1002197504, 384.7270508077], [39.857452392578125, 292.1080627441406, 56.967430114746094, 312.4602966308594]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047198_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, a potted plant, a suv, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[5.4829101568, 41.72125246389999, 208.6503906304, 206.45166017180003], [5.4829101568, 139.06195068760002, 120.2950439424, 206.45166017180003], [64.3865356288, 77.16326901599999, 127.7827758592, 146.5496826245], [162.72558592, 41.72125246389999, 208.6503906304, 133.570922875], [175.0667114496, 62.7381591658, 202.5549316608, 88.444763179], [144.8667602432, 133.7009887506, 238.1002197504, 232.72705080769998], [39.857452392578125, 140.10806274414062, 56.967430114746094, 160.46029663085938]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047204.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[290.1604614144, 219.057311988, 475.0245361152, 368.1241454704]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047204_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[47.160461414400004, 38.05731198800001, 232.02453611520002, 187.12414547039998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047204.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cups, a bowl, a bottle, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[290.1604614144, 219.057311988, 475.0245361152, 368.1241454704], [287.2077636608, 313.3020019232, 346.3417358336, 374.4938964624], [388.8442382848, 219.057311988, 454.7539673088, 255.4000244128], [385.7643432448, 287.4309082024, 462.9907836928, 368.1241454704], [290.1604614144, 249.9309081776, 335.4160766464, 317.36169434560003], [393.4802856448, 261.44677735519997, 475.0245361152, 290.9858398624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047204_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cups, a bowl, a bottle, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[47.160461414400004, 38.05731198800001, 232.02453611520002, 187.12414547039998], [44.207763660800026, 132.3020019232, 103.34173583360001, 193.49389646240002], [145.84423828479999, 38.05731198800001, 211.7539673088, 74.40002441280001], [142.7643432448, 106.43090820240002, 219.9907836928, 187.12414547039998], [47.160461414400004, 68.9309081776, 92.41607664639997, 136.36169434560003], [150.4802856448, 80.44677735519997, 232.02453611520002, 109.98583986239998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047205.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flags, a hat, a handbag, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[163.02331540039998, 239.2891235328, 641.2852783428, 509.2137451008], [200.2800292892, 26.978271488, 631.5456543116, 501.2877197312], [163.02331540039998, 299.4641723392, 202.7597045992, 320.9432983552], [257.97167970559997, 388.283752448, 290.552917466, 434.6002197504], [200.2800292892, 26.978271488, 631.5456543116, 501.2877197312], [361.75219727359996, 359.289001472, 411.76977541279996, 507.939331072], [588.7307128864, 267.0869750784, 641.2852783428, 509.2137451008], [615.4420166131999, 239.2891235328, 640.005249002, 271.04766848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047205_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flags, a hat, a handbag, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[120.02331540039998, 68.2891235328, 598.2852783428, 338.2137451008], [157.2800292892, 0, 588.5456543116, 330.2877197312], [120.02331540039998, 128.4641723392, 159.7597045992, 149.9432983552], [214.97167970559997, 217.28375244799997, 247.552917466, 263.6002197504], [157.2800292892, 0, 588.5456543116, 330.2877197312], [318.75219727359996, 188.289001472, 368.76977541279996, 336.939331072], [545.7307128864, 96.08697507839997, 598.2852783428, 338.2137451008], [572.4420166131999, 68.2891235328, 597.005249002, 100.04766848000003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047209.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five pillows, a couch, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[0.28546142090000004, 26.910705561599997, 163.67559814860002, 131.78948976639998], [124.4840698476, 26.910705561599997, 163.67559814860002, 67.2062377984], [106.2683105438, 31.326660147199988, 152.08374024809999, 68.86218260480001], [88.6044922141, 37.95056153600001, 129.4520263448, 69.4141845504], [69.2847289783, 34.086608896, 102.9562988161, 71.62219238399999], [9.117370619899999, 38.50256348159999, 36.1651001146, 61.68627932160001], [0.28546142090000004, 23.04675292159999, 197.3472289783, 129.02954101760002], [0.28546142090000004, 66.1022339072, 13.5333252194, 131.78948976639998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047213.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[269.0180663808, 187.4844970446, 512.462524416, 685.5294189548]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047213_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[61.01806638080001, 125.4844970446, 304, 623.5294189548]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047213.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a pillow, a person, a cup, and a knife.", "boxes_value": [[269.0180663808, 187.4844970446, 512.462524416, 685.5294189548], [282.240295424, 437.92895508600003, 512.462524416, 685.5294189548], [269.0180663808, 187.4844970446, 511.684753408, 385.8178710862], [304.958740224, 261.78778078880003, 511.915710464, 451.566284197], [415.6916504064, 395.20715329200004, 500.3169555456, 505.7760010058], [370.596374528, 456.16992187759996, 402.4181518336, 529.8013916216]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047213_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a pillow, a person, a cup, and a knife.", "boxes_value": [[61.01806638080001, 125.4844970446, 304, 623.5294189548], [74.24029542400001, 375.92895508600003, 304, 623.5294189548], [61.01806638080001, 125.4844970446, 303.684753408, 323.8178710862], [96.958740224, 199.78778078880003, 303.915710464, 389.566284197], [207.69165040640002, 333.20715329200004, 292.3169555456, 443.7760010058], [162.596374528, 394.16992187759996, 194.4181518336, 467.80139162160003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047214.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[379.6027832037, 166.6279907328, 682.7509765607999, 511.9953613312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047214_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[76.60278320370003, 86.62799073279999, 379.7509765607999, 431.9953613312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047214.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a storage box, a guitar, two cymbals, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[379.6027832037, 166.6279907328, 682.7509765607999, 511.9953613312], [383.9403076155, 166.6279907328, 422.3618163891, 198.7337036288], [654.3719482471, 396.9129028096, 682.7509765607999, 511.0324706816], [170.7124634128, 305.0673828352, 644.90930173, 489.4404296704], [419.1125487979, 297.2306518528, 579.9077148594, 326.4661254656], [487.81591794310003, 399.0675659264, 605.2451172122, 417.0961303552], [379.6027832037, 276.8479614464, 496.9920654257, 511.9953613312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047214_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a storage box, a guitar, two cymbals, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[76.60278320370003, 86.62799073279999, 379.7509765607999, 431.9953613312], [80.94030761549999, 86.62799073279999, 119.3618163891, 118.73370362879999], [351.3719482471, 316.9129028096, 379.7509765607999, 431.0324706816], [0, 225.06738283520002, 341.90930173000004, 409.4404296704], [116.11254879789999, 217.2306518528, 276.9077148594, 246.4661254656], [184.81591794310003, 319.0675659264, 302.24511721219994, 337.0961303552], [76.60278320370003, 196.8479614464, 193.9920654257, 431.9953613312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047215.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[398.18518062960004, 221.2209472512, 697.3336181874, 411.5302734336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047215_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[75.18518062960004, 48.22094725119999, 374.3336181874, 238.53027343359997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047215.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a nightstand, a desk, a telephone, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[398.18518062960004, 221.2209472512, 697.3336181874, 411.5302734336], [398.18518062960004, 257.5006713856, 452.92297363640006, 335.7884521472], [388.6378173734, 328.787109376, 473.29052734259994, 361.2479247872], [572.5822754146, 221.2209472512, 601.224121059, 291.2344360448], [570.6728515882, 286.1425170944, 697.3336181874, 411.5302734336], [385.65588377920005, 325.5152587776, 416.751098659, 341.8239746048], [572.997314437, 290.7426147328, 620.9449463272, 298.1359252992]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047215_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a nightstand, a desk, a telephone, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[75.18518062960004, 48.22094725119999, 374.3336181874, 238.53027343359997], [75.18518062960004, 84.50067138560001, 129.92297363640006, 162.78845214720002], [65.63781737340003, 155.787109376, 150.29052734259994, 188.24792478720002], [249.58227541459996, 48.22094725119999, 278.224121059, 118.23443604480002], [247.67285158820005, 113.14251709439998, 374.3336181874, 238.53027343359997], [62.65588377920005, 152.51525877760002, 93.75109865899998, 168.82397460480001], [249.997314437, 117.7426147328, 297.9449463272, 125.13592529919998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047216.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[70.8994751255, 0, 330.7694092072, 430.4144897536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047216_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[65.8994751255, 0, 325.7694092072, 430.4144897536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047216.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a helmet, a sneakers, and two hockey sticks.", "boxes_value": [[65.8994751255, 0, 325.7694092072, 430.4144897536], [0, 72.1569213952, 249.2081909451, 444.9732665856], [65.8994751255, 182.6156005888, 289.6325073052, 421.7982788096], [134.2781982646, 0, 279.1350708092, 94.8593750016], [83.46624755469999, 80.8194313728, 137.2271553657, 132.0196558336], [183.0409096653, 368.057196032, 247.53223689619998, 424.1908569088], [39.924865754, 315.678771968, 325.7694092072, 433.7305908224], [211.0336913836, 356.797912576, 325.7694092072, 430.4144897536]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047217.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[213.5398712158203, 291.58203125, 401.4749755628, 384.6368103027344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047217_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[47.53987121582031, 23.58203125, 235.4749755628, 116.63681030273438]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047217.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[213.5398712158203, 291.58203125, 401.4749755628, 384.6368103027344], [378.1536865551, 295.4672851456, 394.576660127, 325.6207885824], [272.39886476839996, 295.9337158144, 401.4749755628, 366.3389282304], [309.9180908203125, 290.6898193359375, 340.68243408203125, 373.4039306640625], [213.5398712158203, 298.6467590332031, 245.62001037597656, 384.6368103027344], [244.5465087890625, 291.58203125, 266.58837890625, 368.835205078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047217_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[47.53987121582031, 23.58203125, 235.4749755628, 116.63681030273438], [212.15368655510002, 27.467285145599988, 228.57666012700003, 57.620788582399996], [106.39886476839996, 27.93371581439999, 235.4749755628, 98.33892823039997], [143.9180908203125, 22.6898193359375, 174.68243408203125, 105.4039306640625], [47.53987121582031, 30.646759033203125, 79.62001037597656, 116.63681030273438], [78.5465087890625, 23.58203125, 100.58837890625, 100.835205078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047218.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[100.92259216308594, 197.0387573248, 339.6794433515, 448.7151489024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047218_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[59.92259216308594, 63.0387573248, 298.6794433515, 314.7151489024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047218.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball bat, three people, three hats, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[100.92259216308594, 197.0387573248, 339.6794433515, 448.7151489024], [292.1080322582, 197.0387573248, 321.5425415202, 231.3790283264], [294.5470581105, 208.5388793856, 339.6794433515, 295.3074340864], [224.941589327, 245.0897217024, 260.5388793723, 298.1679077376], [120.831665058, 248.8745727488, 168.9347534033, 281.5659789824], [294.0919799915, 429.869201664, 310.1110839841, 448.7151489024], [232.3291625923, 426.5952758784, 255.7404174528, 451.1845092864], [265.8963623122, 345.262329088, 301.4237060543, 399.3256836096], [100.92259216308594, 313.2843933105469, 114.83531188964844, 321.9096984863281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 8], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047218_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball bat, three people, three hats, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[59.92259216308594, 63.0387573248, 298.6794433515, 314.7151489024], [251.1080322582, 63.0387573248, 280.5425415202, 97.3790283264], [253.54705811050002, 74.53887938560001, 298.6794433515, 161.3074340864], [183.941589327, 111.0897217024, 219.53887937230002, 164.1679077376], [79.831665058, 114.8745727488, 127.9347534033, 147.5659789824], [253.0919799915, 295.869201664, 269.1110839841, 314.7151489024], [191.3291625923, 292.5952758784, 214.7404174528, 317.1845092864], [224.89636231219998, 211.262329088, 260.4237060543, 265.3256836096], [59.92259216308594, 179.28439331054688, 73.83531188964844, 187.90969848632812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 8], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047219.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five chairs, and a billards.", "boxes_value": [[145.0181274156, 115.0481567232, 603.9019775276, 254.81030272], [145.0181274156, 115.0481567232, 204.726623566, 229.4893798912], [233.0881347932, 118.0336303616, 291.3038330208, 197.147277824], [331.55834962119997, 116.262329088, 388.95153805160004, 197.4171142656], [415.637573264, 122.1113281024, 475.9553222632, 198.5137939456], [537.3696289139999, 126.8636474368, 603.9019775276, 254.81030272], [333.30133056640625, 226.47215270996094, 347.54327392578125, 239.5664825439453]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047219_crop.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five chairs, and a billards.", "boxes_value": [[115.01812741559999, 35.048156723199995, 573.9019775276, 174.81030272], [115.01812741559999, 35.048156723199995, 174.726623566, 149.4893798912], [203.0881347932, 38.033630361600004, 261.3038330208, 117.14727782400001], [301.55834962119997, 36.262329088, 358.95153805160004, 117.41711426559999], [385.637573264, 42.111328102399995, 445.9553222632, 118.51379394560001], [507.3696289139999, 46.863647436799994, 573.9019775276, 174.81030272], [303.30133056640625, 146.47215270996094, 317.54327392578125, 159.5664825439453]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047221.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five potted plants.", "boxes_value": [[34.9342040949, 10.803405772800005, 173.86401366209998, 51.88702392319999], [124.2747802294, 10.803405772800005, 150.03344725430009, 50.25671388159998], [99.8201903913, 18.6288452096, 123.29650880090003, 51.88702392319999], [59.714843748199996, 13.411865241599997, 91.66870113660002, 47.97430420479998], [34.9342040949, 19.607055667199973, 57.10632324369999, 47.97430420479998], [150.29809566949996, 25.297424332800006, 173.86401366209998, 50.17260743679998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047223.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a flag, a car, a van, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[256.9154053016, 214.1549682688, 437.5059814678, 467.4611206144], [269.486511242, 330.6965942272, 328.0432739136, 370.7951660032], [327.1776733172, 214.1549682688, 340.1458740233, 237.7637328896], [256.9154053016, 414.886840832, 386.14379880049995, 467.4611206144], [341.1866454738, 412.433959936, 437.5059814678, 464.0335693312], [267.2960815441, 240.0769653248, 323.7173461588, 447.118408192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047223_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a flag, a car, a van, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[45.9154053016, 64.15496826879999, 226.50598146779998, 317.4611206144], [58.486511242000006, 180.69659422720002, 117.04327391359999, 220.7951660032], [116.1776733172, 64.15496826879999, 129.1458740233, 87.76373288959999], [45.9154053016, 264.886840832, 175.14379880049995, 317.4611206144], [130.1866454738, 262.433959936, 226.50598146779998, 314.0335693312], [56.29608154409999, 90.0769653248, 112.71734615880001, 297.118408192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047225.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[14.9134521182, 37.7584838656, 242.6585693032, 162.1226806784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047225_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[14.9134521182, 31.7584838656, 242.6585693032, 156.1226806784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047225.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include eight pictures.", "boxes_value": [[14.9134521182, 37.7584838656, 242.6585693032, 162.1226806784], [16.448852510200002, 21.3812866048, 69.6746215773, 84.8428955136], [14.9134521182, 96.1021728768, 67.11572266820001, 157.5166015488], [76.3278808477, 27.5227661312, 128.0183105147, 88.9371337728], [140.8129883091, 33.1524047872, 186.8738403351, 92.5196533248], [197.62133791469998, 37.7584838656, 242.6585693032, 95.590393088], [78.886840817, 99.1729125888, 129.0419311522, 158.5401611264], [141.83660887829998, 102.7554321408, 188.9209594897, 160.5872802816], [197.1095580919, 105.3143310336, 240.0996094022, 162.1226806784]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047225_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include eight pictures.", "boxes_value": [[14.9134521182, 31.7584838656, 242.6585693032, 156.1226806784], [16.448852510200002, 15.3812866048, 69.6746215773, 78.8428955136], [14.9134521182, 90.1021728768, 67.11572266820001, 151.5166015488], [76.3278808477, 21.5227661312, 128.0183105147, 82.9371337728], [140.8129883091, 27.1524047872, 186.8738403351, 86.5196533248], [197.62133791469998, 31.7584838656, 242.6585693032, 89.590393088], [78.886840817, 93.1729125888, 129.0419311522, 152.5401611264], [141.83660887829998, 96.7554321408, 188.9209594897, 154.5872802816], [197.1095580919, 99.3143310336, 240.0996094022, 156.1226806784]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047226.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 202.2337036125, 462.1242675712, 450.93627931829997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047226_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 62.233703612499994, 462.1242675712, 310.93627931829997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047226.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a sports car, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[0, 202.2337036125, 462.1242675712, 450.93627931829997], [1.22308352, 405.2409057661, 106.9643554816, 450.93627931829997], [20.8607177728, 400.33148194209997, 75.4470214656, 444.67114254880005], [195.9504394752, 283.6346435602, 258.8626098688, 313.6823120283], [169.4492797952, 181.57562255419998, 432.5938110464, 235.6801147201], [93.7030029312, 202.2337036125, 452.7600097792, 296.6705932431], [0, 244.5039062562, 462.1242675712, 384.8944702298]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047226_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a sports car, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[0, 62.233703612499994, 462.1242675712, 310.93627931829997], [1.22308352, 265.2409057661, 106.9643554816, 310.93627931829997], [20.8607177728, 260.33148194209997, 75.4470214656, 304.67114254880005], [195.9504394752, 143.6346435602, 258.8626098688, 173.68231202829998], [169.4492797952, 41.57562255419998, 432.5938110464, 95.6801147201], [93.7030029312, 62.233703612499994, 452.7600097792, 156.67059324309997], [0, 104.5039062562, 462.1242675712, 244.8944702298]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047231.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[397.3519287234, 195.0926513664, 498.64019775390625, 304.063720704]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047231_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[25.35192872340002, 28.09265136639999, 126.64019775390625, 137.063720704]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047231.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cars, two suvs, and three street lights.", "boxes_value": [[397.3519287234, 195.0926513664, 498.64019775390625, 304.063720704], [421.03979489569997, 292.5000610304, 469.3006591779, 314.1638793728], [406.50109866220004, 282.9643554816, 456.1409912377, 305.7619018752], [429.1970214638, 282.992126464, 494.5731201149, 304.063720704], [454.7569579887, 195.0926513664, 475.2496337778, 232.4917602304], [429.6843261865, 196.9671020544, 445.8153076281, 224.8008422912], [397.3519287234, 195.7272338944, 410.414794937, 219.2092895744], [480.6824951171875, 231.9895477294922, 498.64019775390625, 240.8731231689453]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 7], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047231_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cars, two suvs, and three street lights.", "boxes_value": [[25.35192872340002, 28.09265136639999, 126.64019775390625, 137.063720704], [49.03979489569997, 125.50006103039999, 97.3006591779, 147.1638793728], [34.501098662200036, 115.96435548160002, 84.1409912377, 138.7619018752], [57.19702146380001, 115.99212646400002, 122.57312011490001, 137.063720704], [82.75695798869998, 28.09265136639999, 103.2496337778, 65.49176023039999], [57.684326186500016, 29.967102054399987, 73.81530762810002, 57.80084229120001], [25.35192872340002, 28.7272338944, 38.41479493700001, 52.2092895744], [108.6824951171875, 64.98954772949219, 126.64019775390625, 73.87312316894531]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 7], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047232.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[216.05288696289062, 391.1808518144, 357.9313659667969, 445.8398132324219], [276.3613238904, 391.1808518144, 303.081620028, 438.4552219136], [302.1885986208, 398.5324096512, 318.016235388, 430.1876831232], [332.5629577636719, 417.1965637207031, 357.9313659667969, 439.8580627441406], [241.48350524902344, 419.63641357421875, 271.6899108886719, 442.1162109375], [216.05288696289062, 428.2907409667969, 242.48614501953125, 441.2935485839844], [300.96466064453125, 429.2107238769531, 333.33807373046875, 445.8398132324219]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5, 6], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047232_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[36.052886962890625, 14.1808518144, 177.93136596679688, 68.83981323242188], [96.3613238904, 14.1808518144, 123.08162002799997, 61.455221913599985], [122.18859862080001, 21.5324096512, 138.01623538799998, 53.187683123199974], [152.56295776367188, 40.196563720703125, 177.93136596679688, 62.858062744140625], [61.48350524902344, 42.63641357421875, 91.68991088867188, 65.1162109375], [36.052886962890625, 51.290740966796875, 62.48614501953125, 64.29354858398438], [120.96466064453125, 52.210723876953125, 153.33807373046875, 68.83981323242188]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5, 6], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047233.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[258.6946105957031, 237.04843139648438, 631.4444580376, 307.6033020019531]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047233_crop.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[93.69461059570312, 18.048431396484375, 466.44445803760004, 88.60330200195312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047233.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[258.6946105957031, 237.04843139648438, 631.4444580376, 307.6033020019531], [613.6539306464, 265.7381591552, 631.4444580376, 296.5538940416], [568.224487304, 213.6372680704, 586.332763642, 261.2905273344], [398.29064939159997, 253.6542968832, 411.20617673600003, 287.1290893312], [258.6946105957031, 237.04843139648438, 278.1927795410156, 307.6033020019531], [290.2715148925781, 239.45126342773438, 308.9366149902344, 300.7535705566406], [276.2502746582031, 237.09075927734375, 295.0245056152344, 306.95220947265625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047233_crop.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[93.69461059570312, 18.048431396484375, 466.44445803760004, 88.60330200195312], [448.6539306464, 46.73815915519998, 466.44445803760004, 77.55389404160002], [403.22448730400004, 0, 421.33276364200003, 42.2905273344], [233.29064939159997, 34.654296883200004, 246.20617673600003, 68.12908933120002], [93.69461059570312, 18.048431396484375, 113.19277954101562, 88.60330200195312], [125.27151489257812, 20.451263427734375, 143.93661499023438, 81.75357055664062], [111.25027465820312, 18.09075927734375, 130.02450561523438, 87.95220947265625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047234.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[65.1426391296, 214.6503906304, 241.2709960704, 397.444580096]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047234_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[44.1426391296, 46.65039063040001, 220.2709960704, 229.44458009599998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047234.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[65.1426391296, 214.6503906304, 241.2709960704, 397.444580096], [185.4707031552, 296.106018048, 215.6156616192, 397.444580096], [173.2844238336, 242.5505371136, 241.2709960704, 392.9548950016], [148.9118652672, 214.6503906304, 172.322326656, 263.7161865216], [166.2291869952, 307.6509399552, 188.0361938688, 390.7100219904], [65.1426391296, 245.9865112064, 97.85314944, 313.33172608], [63.493347148800005, 249.010192896, 100.6019287296, 365.283752448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047234_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, a chair, a person, a glasses, a moniter, a keyboard, and a mouse.", "boxes_value": [[115.44714358659999, 50.725036646400014, 574.3535156296999, 252.34356689920003], [135.4811401392, 39.6859741184, 299.2171630929, 170.0065307648], [243.52465818049996, 77.5569458176, 574.3535156296999, 250.20379637759999], [174.19299316900003, 74.66503905280001, 256.544067358, 252.34356689920003], [112.84271241420001, 17.310852044799987, 474.3881835717, 302], [339.7087402309, 66.93511490559999, 397.3188489203, 86.5982808576], [478.04589841309996, 0, 576.6791992029, 141.54797363199998], [236.28747557309998, 50.725036646400014, 271.44641116419996, 66.30175779839999], [115.44714358659999, 218.42462156800002, 148.7070922732, 244.6824951296]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047238.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[54.360717787000006, 98.8572998144, 245.478149428, 357.8567199707031]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047241_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[48.360717787000006, 64.8572998144, 239.478149428, 323.8567199707031]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047241.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two gloves, three sneakers, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[278.8978271232, 255.8895263744, 483.15844723199996, 483.0318603264], [360.3054199296, 255.8895263744, 408.3780517632, 299.9561767424], [449.7961425408, 284.6973266432, 483.15844723199996, 339.8046875136], [278.8978271232, 433.4436645376, 323.1112060416, 476.7423095808], [409.3596191232, 449.42840576, 436.2423095808, 470.9345702912], [438.73864742399996, 442.8997192192, 473.8781738496, 483.0318603264], [238.86645504, 262.3176880128, 548.007202176, 451.5451049984]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047242_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two gloves, three sneakers, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[51.89782712319999, 56.88952637439999, 256.15844723199996, 284.0318603264], [133.30541992960002, 56.88952637439999, 181.3780517632, 100.95617674239998], [222.79614254080002, 85.69732664319997, 256.15844723199996, 140.80468751360002], [51.89782712319999, 234.4436645376, 96.11120604159998, 277.7423095808], [182.3596191232, 250.42840575999998, 209.2423095808, 271.9345702912], [211.73864742399996, 243.8997192192, 246.8781738496, 284.0318603264], [11.866455040000005, 63.31768801279998, 307, 252.5451049984]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047245.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[224.8317260924, 137.8259277312, 442.9826659944, 223.1690673664]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047245_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[54.831726092400004, 21.82592773120001, 272.9826659944, 107.16906736639999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047245.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two ties, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[224.8317260924, 137.8259277312, 442.9826659944, 223.1690673664], [339.01141359400003, 141.3799438336, 442.9826659944, 221.8972168192], [224.8317260924, 137.8259277312, 327.8320922716, 223.1690673664], [272.2415884552, 180.1828373504, 281.90094233, 216.5204068352], [380.9820254884, 179.9435045888, 393.1477423552, 209.681882368], [373.88535729999995, 157.97762688, 402.6099666064, 168.4536608768]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047245_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two ties, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[54.831726092400004, 21.82592773120001, 272.9826659944, 107.16906736639999], [169.01141359400003, 25.37994383360001, 272.9826659944, 105.8972168192], [54.831726092400004, 21.82592773120001, 157.8320922716, 107.16906736639999], [102.24158845519997, 64.1828373504, 111.90094233000002, 100.52040683519999], [210.98202548839998, 63.94350458880001, 223.14774235520002, 93.681882368], [203.88535729999995, 41.97762688, 232.6099666064, 52.4536608768]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047248.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.13037107199999998, 268.9352416768, 485.12231447040006, 506.1543579136]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047248_crop.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.13037107199999998, 59.93524167679999, 485.12231447040006, 297.1543579136]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047248.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a person, a sandals, a sneakers, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[0.13037107199999998, 268.9352416768, 485.12231447040006, 506.1543579136], [382.9821777408, 271.3507690496, 485.12231447040006, 435.03704832], [223.2219238656, 301.2401122816, 263.629028352, 443.9020385792], [0.13037107199999998, 413.155883776, 22.380554188799998, 440.0096435712], [136.865356416, 478.9984741376, 209.2810669056, 506.1543579136], [445.8848877312, 268.9352416768, 456.95007321599996, 296.9669799936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047248_crop.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a person, a sandals, a sneakers, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[0.13037107199999998, 59.93524167679999, 485.12231447040006, 297.1543579136], [382.9821777408, 62.35076904959999, 485.12231447040006, 226.03704832], [223.2219238656, 92.24011228159998, 263.629028352, 234.9020385792], [0.13037107199999998, 204.155883776, 22.380554188799998, 231.0096435712], [136.865356416, 269.9984741376, 209.2810669056, 297.1543579136], [445.8848877312, 59.93524167679999, 456.95007321599996, 87.96697999359998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047250.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[0.000610368, 320.42236329599996, 112.374511744, 441.018798816]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047250_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[0.000610368, 30.422363295999958, 112.374511744, 151.01879881600001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047250.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[0.000610368, 320.42236329599996, 112.374511744, 441.018798816], [0.000610368, 320.42236329599996, 11.74700928, 347.04754636800004], [22.318786624, 363.492553728, 54.42559814399999, 378.371276832], [53.250976576, 383.85296630399995, 73.611389184, 403.43029785600004], [39.546875008, 402.64721678399997, 93.971862784, 427.706176752], [64.605834944, 410.47814942400004, 112.374511744, 441.018798816]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047250_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three potted plants, two people, and a flag.", "boxes_value": [[212.8872070366, 156.1766357504, 483.4943847469, 226.9579467776], [231.5302734062, 142.9713744896, 271.2210083196, 215.576416], [454.3803711176, 199.784912128, 483.4943847469, 226.9579467776], [384.1185302502, 198.6203613184, 409.7388915802, 224.6288452096], [415.02636715669996, 157.0823364096, 438.4580077914, 184.1877441536], [394.9188232517, 156.1766357504, 405.2841796676, 200.4645996032], [212.8872070366, 172.5995483648, 234.2908325048, 217.0220947456]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047265_crop.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three potted plants, two people, and a flag.", "boxes_value": [[67.88720703659999, 18.17663575040001, 338.4943847469, 88.9579467776], [86.5302734062, 4.971374489600009, 126.2210083196, 77.576416], [309.3803711176, 61.784912128, 338.4943847469, 88.9579467776], [239.11853025020002, 60.6203613184, 264.7388915802, 86.6288452096], [270.02636715669996, 19.082336409600003, 293.4580077914, 46.18774415359999], [249.91882325170002, 18.17663575040001, 260.2841796676, 62.464599603200014], [67.88720703659999, 34.5995483648, 89.2908325048, 79.02209474559999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047266.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two vases, a flower, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[38.74719235520001, 40.62451174399999, 193.0839843856, 200.44506833920002], [38.74719235520001, 117.93316648960001, 69.43463137700002, 152.4564819456], [76.22125240780002, 40.62451174399999, 152.0545654425, 98.45843507199999], [77.69659421929998, 76.62316892160001, 137.89111330210005, 125.9000854528], [129.01586911910005, 137.48199464959998, 178.2692871008, 200.44506833920002], [160.1943359649, 122.25781247999998, 193.0839843856, 167.4810180608]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047278.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[382.71453854450004, 150.7593383936, 634.9304199385, 508.2247314432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047278_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two umbrellas, a handbag, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[266.0294189453125, 329.0186767578125, 391.60876462619996, 511.7041015808], [307.6905517758, 338.5096435712, 391.60876462619996, 511.7041015808], [307.945312466, 333.9515380736, 353.3284911848, 361.2714233344], [269.7633056372, 314.8605346816, 353.0396728444, 360.942260736], [301.21569827940004, 374.3643188224, 324.810180679, 425.1782226432], [293.7554931566, 473.2310791168, 308.4418945394, 494.6587524608], [266.0294189453125, 329.0186767578125, 316.85150146484375, 497.48040771484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047279_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two umbrellas, a handbag, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[32.0294189453125, 46.0186767578125, 157.60876462619996, 228.7041015808], [73.69055177579997, 55.5096435712, 157.60876462619996, 228.7041015808], [73.94531246600002, 50.95153807359998, 119.32849118479999, 78.27142333440003], [35.763305637200006, 31.860534681599972, 119.0396728444, 77.94226073599998], [67.21569827940004, 91.36431882239998, 90.81018067899998, 142.1782226432], [59.75549315659998, 190.2310791168, 74.44189453939998, 211.65875246079997], [32.0294189453125, 46.0186767578125, 82.85150146484375, 214.48040771484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047281.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a picture, a desk, a person, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[4.118286095, 0.79351808, 551.024047882, 399.236816384], [16.856750526000003, 0.79351808, 154.00408939300002, 184.5192260608], [418.465576144, 0.79351808, 477.98229979499996, 121.8972168192], [531.626953088, 191.4973144576, 551.024047882, 213.7100830208], [484.64990235199997, 207.607604992, 593.033935571, 251.4931640832], [4.118286095, 321.3308716032, 44.512512197999996, 369.1661377024], [125.349670446, 381.3469848576, 142.90820313, 399.236816384]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047281_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a picture, a desk, a person, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[4.118286095, 0.79351808, 551.024047882, 399.236816384], [16.856750526000003, 0.79351808, 154.00408939300002, 184.5192260608], [418.465576144, 0.79351808, 477.98229979499996, 121.8972168192], [531.626953088, 191.4973144576, 551.024047882, 213.7100830208], [484.64990235199997, 207.607604992, 593.033935571, 251.4931640832], [4.118286095, 321.3308716032, 44.512512197999996, 369.1661377024], [125.349670446, 381.3469848576, 142.90820313, 399.236816384]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047282.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[308.13256838, 53.9049682432, 407.642211886, 221.3372192256]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047282_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[25.13256838000001, 41.9049682432, 124.64221188599998, 209.3372192256]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047282.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, two lamps, and a flower.", "boxes_value": [[308.13256838, 53.9049682432, 407.642211886, 221.3372192256], [313.93347167, 53.9049682432, 327.306274386, 119.5988158976], [308.13256838, 132.5120849408, 325.185913052, 181.6416626176], [339.193847629, 155.0467529216, 352.18676756900004, 188.1381225472], [313.27026366999996, 157.73870848, 324.957153339, 221.3372192256], [380.535522458, 173.284179712, 407.642211886, 187.361755392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047282_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, two lamps, and a flower.", "boxes_value": [[25.13256838000001, 41.9049682432, 124.64221188599998, 209.3372192256], [30.933471670000017, 41.9049682432, 44.306274385999984, 107.5988158976], [25.13256838000001, 120.51208494080001, 42.18591305199999, 169.6416626176], [56.193847629000004, 143.0467529216, 69.18676756900004, 176.1381225472], [30.270263669999963, 145.73870848, 41.957153339, 209.3372192256], [97.535522458, 161.284179712, 124.64221188599998, 175.361755392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047284.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[206.84851072, 327.85736083984375, 284.6308898925781, 643.3847656483]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047284_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[19.848510720000007, 79.85736083984375, 97.63088989257812, 395.3847656483]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047284.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people, two sneakers, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[206.84851072, 327.85736083984375, 284.6308898925781, 643.3847656483], [164.3895874048, 411.9553222393, 281.0656128, 658.2115478173], [174.0677490176, 362.4888916218, 249.3425903104, 615.197387707], [255.2475586048, 610.2468261673, 275.9476928512, 643.3847656483], [233.3054199296, 611.6364746092, 270.65631104, 655.5238036902], [206.84851072, 596.6960449293, 230.504089344, 614.1264648495], [246.8041534423828, 327.85736083984375, 284.6308898925781, 499.47314453125], [233.4573211669922, 344.8602294921875, 257.2425537109375, 403.2606201171875], [211.5043487548828, 332.5101623535156, 240.2621307373047, 365.6997375488281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 6, 7, 8], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047284_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people, two sneakers, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[19.848510720000007, 79.85736083984375, 97.63088989257812, 395.3847656483], [0, 163.95532223930002, 94.0656128, 410.2115478173], [0, 114.48889162180001, 62.3425903104, 367.19738770699996], [68.24755860479999, 362.2468261673, 88.94769285119997, 395.3847656483], [46.30541992959999, 363.63647460920004, 83.65631103999999, 407.5238036902], [19.848510720000007, 348.6960449293, 43.50408934399999, 366.12646484950005], [59.80415344238281, 79.85736083984375, 97.63088989257812, 251.47314453125], [46.45732116699219, 96.8602294921875, 70.2425537109375, 155.2606201171875], [24.504348754882812, 84.51016235351562, 53.26213073730469, 117.69973754882812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 6, 7, 8], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047285.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[43.614013646000004, 296.2025756672, 483.9886474836, 479.6920165888]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047285_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[43.614013646000004, 46.202575667199994, 483.9886474836, 229.69201658880002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047285.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[43.614013646000004, 296.2025756672, 483.9886474836, 479.6920165888], [366.5554199412, 296.2025756672, 483.9886474836, 477.2454834176], [244.22912597439998, 297.4258422784, 362.8856201012, 477.2454834176], [164.71704102840002, 301.095642112, 243.00585938999998, 472.3524169728], [43.614013646000004, 303.5421752832, 164.71704102840002, 479.6920165888], [68.69091799639999, 272.348937984, 476.56176753919993, 453.741332992]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047285_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[43.614013646000004, 46.202575667199994, 483.9886474836, 229.69201658880002], [366.5554199412, 46.202575667199994, 483.9886474836, 227.24548341759998], [244.22912597439998, 47.42584227840001, 362.8856201012, 227.24548341759998], [164.71704102840002, 51.09564211200001, 243.00585938999998, 222.35241697279997], [43.614013646000004, 53.54217528319998, 164.71704102840002, 229.69201658880002], [68.69091799639999, 22.348937983999974, 476.56176753919993, 203.74133299200003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047286.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[249.45007328640003, 306.0931396608, 527.9282226624, 488.0305175552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047286_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[70.45007328640003, 46.09313966079998, 348.9282226624, 228.0305175552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047286.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, and three storage boxes.", "boxes_value": [[249.45007328640003, 306.0931396608, 527.9282226624, 488.0305175552], [249.45007328640003, 342.8953247232, 378.2575683984, 488.0305175552], [392.7711181584, 345.6165771264, 527.9282226624, 472.6098632704], [265.4538574032, 295.2080078336, 312.1043701392, 341.8586425856], [330.7646484672, 325.5309448192, 357.9775390368, 340.303588864], [358.7550049008, 306.0931396608, 384.412841808, 338.7485961728]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047286_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, and three storage boxes.", "boxes_value": [[70.45007328640003, 46.09313966079998, 348.9282226624, 228.0305175552], [70.45007328640003, 82.89532472320002, 199.2575683984, 228.0305175552], [213.7711181584, 85.61657712639999, 348.9282226624, 212.6098632704], [86.4538574032, 35.20800783359999, 133.1043701392, 81.85864258560002], [151.7646484672, 65.53094481919999, 178.9775390368, 80.303588864], [179.75500490079997, 46.09313966079998, 205.412841808, 78.74859617279998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047288.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[371.5423584305, 51.7509155328, 575.1816406265999, 128.0522461184]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047288_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[51.542358430499974, 19.7509155328, 255.18164062659991, 96.0522461184]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047288.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, two benches, a person, and three dogs.", "boxes_value": [[371.5423584305, 51.7509155328, 575.1816406265999, 128.0522461184], [505.3585205063, 51.7509155328, 554.3493652167, 92.4298095616], [521.1712646547, 82.5579223552, 575.1816406265999, 112.8364868096], [491.7110595667, 83.3762817536, 511.35119631479995, 104.6530761728], [480.7636718604, 37.8303222784, 517.994140646, 109.78540037119998], [378.68884280419996, 80.8851928576, 422.85437010339996, 128.0522461184], [371.5423584305, 83.4579467776, 399.84252927169996, 121.6203613184], [454.86743166779996, 70.28039552, 495.0944824277, 117.0127563264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047288_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, two benches, a person, and three dogs.", "boxes_value": [[51.542358430499974, 19.7509155328, 255.18164062659991, 96.0522461184], [185.3585205063, 19.7509155328, 234.3493652167, 60.429809561599996], [201.17126465470005, 50.557922355200006, 255.18164062659991, 80.8364868096], [171.7110595667, 51.3762817536, 191.35119631479995, 72.6530761728], [160.7636718604, 5.830322278399997, 197.994140646, 77.78540037119998], [58.688842804199965, 48.8851928576, 102.85437010339996, 96.0522461184], [51.542358430499974, 51.4579467776, 79.84252927169996, 89.6203613184], [134.86743166779996, 38.28039552, 175.09448242769997, 85.0127563264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047290.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.3332519424, 313.597681713, 511.0044555776, 682.1472167865]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047290_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.3332519424, 92.59768171299999, 511.0044555776, 461.14721678650005]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047290.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two leather shoes, a belt, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[0.3332519424, 92.59768171299999, 511.0044555776, 461.14721678650005], [223.2450561536, 0, 373.1174316544, 319.3925781532], [285.6996804096, 289.0012056299, 307.963397632, 310.90583065379997], [326.2771004928, 292.592127784, 340.281696768, 315.93312161489996], [307.9433619456, 92.59768171299999, 344.7906566656, 114.7060585456], [0.3332519424, 303.8565673687, 230.4083862528, 461.14721678650005], [320.5268554752, 338.67504883770005, 511.0044555776, 460.88110352620004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047294.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[325.8237304832, 665.2232666112, 436.64434816, 767.4024658176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047294_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[27.823730483199995, 26.22326661119996, 138.64434816, 128.40246581760005]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047294.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two handbags.", "boxes_value": [[325.8237304832, 665.2232666112, 436.64434816, 767.4024658176], [386.1187744256, 650.0344238592, 422.0195922944, 767.86279296], [335.0291137536, 673.5080566272, 385.658508288, 767.4024658176], [325.8237304832, 665.2232666112, 353.9000244224, 766.9422607104], [400.1994018304, 715.0654296575999, 436.64434816, 748.9093017600001], [353.3373412864, 699.4859619072, 390.5579833856, 744.2758788864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047294_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two handbags.", "boxes_value": [[27.823730483199995, 26.22326661119996, 138.64434816, 128.40246581760005], [88.11877442560001, 11.034423859200047, 124.01959229440001, 128.86279295999998], [37.02911375359997, 34.50805662719995, 87.65850828800001, 128.40246581760005], [27.823730483199995, 26.22326661119996, 55.90002442240001, 127.94226071039998], [102.1994018304, 76.0654296575999, 138.64434816, 109.90930176000006], [55.337341286399976, 60.48596190720002, 92.55798338559998, 105.27587888640005]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047297.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0, 141.8060302848, 229.884643538, 411.5312500224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047297_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0, 67.80603028479999, 229.884643538, 337.5312500224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047297.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a flower, a desk, and a couch.", "boxes_value": [[0, 141.8060302848, 229.884643538, 411.5312500224], [189.606872587, 141.8060302848, 222.5268554751, 202.159240704], [155.7725219501, 164.6670532096, 198.7512817686, 203.9506225664], [145.973754894, 201.4826660352, 229.884643538, 266.6369628672], [0, 206.9271850496, 227.5274657854, 411.5312500224], [152.7292480692, 137.063415552, 194.06286621479998, 166.9946289152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047297_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a flower, a desk, and a couch.", "boxes_value": [[0, 67.80603028479999, 229.884643538, 337.5312500224], [189.606872587, 67.80603028479999, 222.5268554751, 128.159240704], [155.7725219501, 90.6670532096, 198.7512817686, 129.9506225664], [145.973754894, 127.4826660352, 229.884643538, 192.6369628672], [0, 132.9271850496, 227.5274657854, 337.5312500224], [152.7292480692, 63.06341555200001, 194.06286621479998, 92.9946289152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047299.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[389.2803955016, 174.8896484352, 552.3248291156, 486.1141357568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047299_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[41.280395501600026, 77.8896484352, 204.32482911559998, 389.1141357568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047299.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, two lamps, a person, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[389.2803955016, 174.8896484352, 552.3248291156, 486.1141357568], [441.56506344480005, 363.619567872, 544.3306884679, 474.606445312], [401.13354495560003, 198.2461548032, 552.3248291156, 370.38903808], [426.5421142692, 200.111389184, 450.50280759180004, 243.8290405376], [490.8575439723, 174.8896484352, 515.6589355747, 241.7272338944], [381.3129882935, 252.720336896, 479.74121095690003, 512.100463872], [389.2803955016, 405.4077148672, 440.229125963, 486.1141357568]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047299_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, two lamps, a person, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[41.280395501600026, 77.8896484352, 204.32482911559998, 389.1141357568], [93.56506344480005, 266.619567872, 196.33068846790002, 377.606445312], [53.13354495560003, 101.2461548032, 204.32482911559998, 273.38903808], [78.5421142692, 103.11138918399999, 102.50280759180004, 146.8290405376], [142.8575439723, 77.8896484352, 167.65893557469997, 144.7272338944], [33.312988293499984, 155.720336896, 131.74121095690003, 415], [41.280395501600026, 308.4077148672, 92.229125963, 389.1141357568]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047300.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two bracelets, and a camera.", "boxes_value": [[377.0689697215, 359.0062255794, 640.882202142, 498.07312009500004], [452.40148928099995, 278.54986574040004, 664.9885253585, 497.99664308160004], [377.0689697215, 359.0062255794, 569.032104508, 498.07312009500004], [563.4067383035, 390.69799803480004, 640.882202142, 437.462463387], [413.90722653, 432.64288328040004, 434.1925049, 450.4368896574], [422.80419921950005, 414.1370239506, 445.224731476, 434.0664062706], [463.8970947065, 371.5273437642, 484.508666964, 408.5844115986]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047300_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two bracelets, and a camera.", "boxes_value": [[66.06896972150003, 35.006225579399995, 329.882202142, 174], [141.40148928099995, 0, 353.98852535850006, 173.99664308160004], [66.06896972150003, 35.006225579399995, 258.032104508, 174], [252.4067383035, 66.69799803480004, 329.882202142, 113.46246338700001], [102.90722653, 108.64288328040004, 123.19250490000002, 126.4368896574], [111.80419921950005, 90.1370239506, 134.224731476, 110.0664062706], [152.8970947065, 47.5273437642, 173.50866696399999, 84.58441159860001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047302.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[112.136678336, 49.09058747199998, 627.648812992, 242.5101808]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047304.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.7622680576, 52.393310530400015, 193.2943115264, 261.3850097712]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047307.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a plate, three cups, a bottle, a napkin, and a fork.", "boxes_value": [[0.7622680576, 430.3933105304, 193.2943115264, 639.3850097712], [39.8630371328, 572.1365966750001, 193.2943115264, 630.1193847592], [0.5800171008, 394.4146728522, 41.521301248, 510.7250976534], [61.3716430848, 430.3933105304, 82.1524047872, 498.31860353099995], [0.7622680576, 507.3538818166, 31.7531127808, 550.55578613], [118.9054565376, 425.621582064, 178.3787231232, 550.9729004038], [88.2406616064, 548.9405517274, 176.1373901312, 639.3850097712], [94.13206481933594, 542.4036865234375, 130.5987548828125, 584.7388916015625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5], [3], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047307_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a plate, three cups, a bottle, a napkin, and a fork.", "boxes_value": [[0.7622680576, 52.393310530400015, 193.2943115264, 261.3850097712], [39.8630371328, 194.13659667500008, 193.2943115264, 252.1193847592], [0.5800171008, 16.4146728522, 41.521301248, 132.72509765339998], [61.3716430848, 52.393310530400015, 82.1524047872, 120.31860353099995], [0.7622680576, 129.3538818166, 31.7531127808, 172.55578613], [118.9054565376, 47.621582063999995, 178.3787231232, 172.97290040380005], [88.2406616064, 170.94055172740002, 176.1373901312, 261.3850097712], [94.13206481933594, 164.4036865234375, 130.5987548828125, 206.7388916015625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5], [3], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047308.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball glove, a person, a hat, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[300.1215820584, 62.9948120064, 440.6398925446, 351.4765014528], [344.3582763867, 198.975646976, 379.6606445049, 239.407409664], [297.88415526709997, 61.2247924736, 471.3281250075, 351.7300414976], [402.8367919829, 62.9948120064, 440.6398925446, 88.8601074176], [300.1215820584, 313.3510131712, 339.32098391510004, 341.2738647552], [391.4079590109, 324.0905761792, 411.8131103307, 351.4765014528]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047308_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball glove, a person, a hat, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[36.12158205840001, 62.9948120064, 176.6398925446, 351.4765014528], [80.35827638670003, 198.975646976, 115.6606445049, 239.407409664], [33.88415526709997, 61.2247924736, 207.32812500749998, 351.7300414976], [138.83679198290002, 62.9948120064, 176.6398925446, 88.8601074176], [36.12158205840001, 313.3510131712, 75.32098391510004, 341.2738647552], [127.40795901090002, 324.0905761792, 147.8131103307, 351.4765014528]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047309.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[644.4244384812, 237.3280029184, 768.2652587664, 429.0779419136]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047309_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, two people, a bottle, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[644.4244384812, 237.3280029184, 768.2652587664, 429.0779419136], [742.6752929802001, 251.5600585728, 764.3977050707999, 283.0883178496], [695.550659175, 301.5219116032, 773.8784179902, 426.7991332864], [644.4244384812, 237.3280029184, 738.5622558966, 419.3276977664], [644.6557616939999, 371.6854247936, 664.7370605784, 400.095214848], [685.3652343486, 392.3027343872, 768.2652587664, 429.0779419136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047309_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, two people, a bottle, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[31.424438481200013, 48.32800291839999, 155.26525876640005, 240.0779419136], [129.67529298020008, 62.56005857279999, 151.39770507079993, 94.0883178496], [82.55065917499996, 112.52191160320001, 160.87841799019998, 237.79913328639998], [31.424438481200013, 48.32800291839999, 125.56225589660005, 230.32769776639998], [31.65576169399992, 182.68542479360002, 51.73706057840002, 211.095214848], [72.36523434859998, 203.30273438720002, 155.26525876640005, 240.0779419136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047313.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include seven people.", "boxes_value": [[46.4409790113, 20.511016845703125, 231.96942138671875, 101.55279541015625], [46.4409790113, 47.96514892800002, 66.0790405322, 86.0139160064], [85.1033935642, 42.44195558400003, 113.3331298938, 85.0933837824], [115.1741943686, 13.598571776000028, 145.5518188532, 121], [215.25222778320312, 55.41619873046875, 237.45458984375, 121], [177.7345733642578, 36.04931640625, 199.22267150878906, 112.8677978515625], [191.89944458007812, 42.605712890625, 222.00296020507812, 101.55279541015625], [214.11737060546875, 20.511016845703125, 231.96942138671875, 63.241668701171875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047314.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0.0879516858, 233.2977294848, 225.16143801139998, 512.247436544]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047314_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0.0879516858, 70.29772948479999, 225.16143801139998, 349]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047314.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two storage boxes, a person, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[0.0879516858, 233.2977294848, 225.16143801139998, 512.247436544], [0.3367920127, 338.1619262464, 129.62463376329998, 510.7407226368], [14.438537630199999, 425.4537353728, 80.4107666041, 483.4614257664], [0.7541503639, 481.3561401344, 73.3866577309, 511.8828125184], [0.0879516858, 233.2977294848, 51.916015619700005, 288.315246592], [72.556762667, 422.2498168832, 225.16143801139998, 512.247436544]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047314_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two storage boxes, a person, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[0.0879516858, 70.29772948479999, 225.16143801139998, 349], [0.3367920127, 175.16192624640001, 129.62463376329998, 347.7407226368], [14.438537630199999, 262.4537353728, 80.4107666041, 320.4614257664], [0.7541503639, 318.3561401344, 73.3866577309, 348.8828125184], [0.0879516858, 70.29772948479999, 51.916015619700005, 125.315246592], [72.556762667, 259.2498168832, 225.16143801139998, 349]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047316.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[402.8062743818, 412.4041442871094, 658.8237304995, 455.6677245952]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047316_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[64.8062743818, 11.404144287109375, 320.8237304995, 54.66772459520001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047316.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, a suv, a car, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[402.8062743818, 412.4041442871094, 658.8237304995, 455.6677245952], [489.6091308915, 431.5330200064, 540.9672851565, 453.9275512832], [601.2377929752, 433.4011841024, 658.8237304995, 455.6677245952], [528.7584228823, 413.3090209792, 607.2458496022, 444.9521484288], [402.8062743818, 421.685180672, 481.60388186349996, 448.9851074048], [494.1987609863281, 412.4041442871094, 509.4266052246094, 439.1339416503906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047316_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, a suv, a car, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[64.8062743818, 11.404144287109375, 320.8237304995, 54.66772459520001], [151.6091308915, 30.533020006400022, 202.9672851565, 52.92755128319999], [263.2377929752, 32.40118410240001, 320.8237304995, 54.66772459520001], [190.7584228823, 12.3090209792, 269.2458496022, 43.9521484288], [64.8062743818, 20.685180672, 143.60388186349996, 47.985107404799976], [156.19876098632812, 11.404144287109375, 171.42660522460938, 38.133941650390625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047318.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[219.1860351488, 331.226257311, 471.5401611264, 430.0876464972]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047318_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, two people, an umbrella, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[63.18603514879999, 25.226257310999983, 315.5401611264, 124.08764649720001], [278.5258788864, 76.03393556859999, 315.5401611264, 124.08764649720001], [63.18603514879999, 62.583007810699996, 83.5590210048, 85.05322267579999], [184.1697997824, 56.024291995700025, 213.8052368384, 79.85485838249997], [91.39709470720001, 25.226257310999983, 248.630493184, 76.70971680500003], [283.7955322368, 95.54064942780002, 309.1799926784, 123.50366210000004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047323.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two trolleys, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[584.4150919458, 72.97453308105469, 644.2991333007812, 208.9957275390625], [603.7930908351001, 135.4821777408, 668.0549316069, 211.076843264], [599.4275548858, 110.5597568, 642.9636975484, 169.1083623936], [584.4150919458, 117.690676736, 611.4375253061, 169.1083623936], [591.3782958984375, 72.97453308105469, 627.916015625, 165.2476043701172], [617.73583984375, 200.444091796875, 637.57470703125, 208.9957275390625], [632.8153686523438, 197.54147338867188, 644.2991333007812, 203.22164916992188]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 3], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047324_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two trolleys, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[15.415091945799986, 34.97453308105469, 75.29913330078125, 170.9957275390625], [34.79309083510009, 97.48217774080001, 90, 173.076843264], [30.427554885799964, 72.5597568, 73.96369754839998, 131.1083623936], [15.415091945799986, 79.690676736, 42.43752530610004, 131.1083623936], [22.3782958984375, 34.97453308105469, 58.916015625, 127.24760437011719], [48.73583984375, 162.444091796875, 68.57470703125, 170.9957275390625], [63.81536865234375, 159.54147338867188, 75.29913330078125, 165.22164916992188]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 3], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047325.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three drums, a cymbal, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[0, 130.0111432584, 340.376342784, 618.6695873942], [0, 130.0111432584, 164.980651776, 367.24799176420004], [0, 346.5897268597, 92.7787480064, 618.6695873942], [154.4679445504, 154.898953075, 411.1390660096, 400.5541465619], [68.431260672, 330.70419130330004, 301.5193036288, 569.2551611781], [287.611999488, 482.3577880549, 340.376342784, 581.4630126806001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4], [2], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047325_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three drums, a cymbal, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[0, 123.01114325840001, 340.376342784, 611.6695873942], [0, 123.01114325840001, 164.980651776, 360.24799176420004], [0, 339.5897268597, 92.7787480064, 611.6695873942], [154.4679445504, 147.898953075, 411.1390660096, 393.5541465619], [68.431260672, 323.70419130330004, 301.5193036288, 562.2551611781], [287.611999488, 475.3577880549, 340.376342784, 574.4630126806001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4], [2], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047326.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[146.4512939388, 99.9091796992, 450.8580322036, 511.84576414720004]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047326_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[76.4512939388, 99.9091796992, 380.8580322036, 511.84576414720004]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047326.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a flower, two people, and a belt.", "boxes_value": [[146.4512939388, 99.9091796992, 450.8580322036, 511.84576414720004], [128.4915771286, 98.6645507584, 259.18066406969996, 179.5672607232], [350.0406493813, 99.9091796992, 450.8580322036, 211.92840576], [226.9215087946, 311.5816039936, 429.14392087749997, 499.6954956288], [275.6895141685, 136.6406860288, 447.08251953260003, 511.84576414720004], [92.4804077292, 53.736938496, 303.91564938060003, 511.8465575936], [146.4512939388, 346.572021504, 248.9325561465, 381.1206054912]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047326_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a flower, two people, and a belt.", "boxes_value": [[76.4512939388, 99.9091796992, 380.8580322036, 511.84576414720004], [58.4915771286, 98.6645507584, 189.18066406969996, 179.5672607232], [280.0406493813, 99.9091796992, 380.8580322036, 211.92840576], [156.9215087946, 311.5816039936, 359.14392087749997, 499.6954956288], [205.6895141685, 136.6406860288, 377.08251953260003, 511.84576414720004], [22.480407729199996, 53.736938496, 233.91564938060003, 511.8465575936], [76.4512939388, 346.572021504, 178.9325561465, 381.1206054912]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047327.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[76.9247436318, 120.3059692544, 254.27117917060002, 226.221191424]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047327_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[44.9247436318, 27.305969254399997, 222.27117917060002, 133.221191424]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047327.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four cabinets, a picture, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[76.9247436318, 120.3059692544, 254.27117917060002, 226.221191424], [76.9247436318, 151.8342285312, 110.91619876659999, 226.221191424], [107.46777347039999, 154.2973633024, 174.4653320566, 226.221191424], [172.0021362668, 161.6868285952, 231.11761475420002, 204.052917504], [223.7282104588, 165.6278076416, 254.27117917060002, 224.7432861184], [139.488647492, 120.3059692544, 200.0820312126, 160.2089233408], [203.4979247952, 135.6257324032, 235.1986083656, 163.494445824]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047327_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four cabinets, a picture, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[44.9247436318, 27.305969254399997, 222.27117917060002, 133.221191424], [44.9247436318, 58.83422853120001, 78.91619876659999, 133.221191424], [75.46777347039999, 61.29736330239999, 142.4653320566, 133.221191424], [140.0021362668, 68.68682859520001, 199.11761475420002, 111.05291750399999], [191.7282104588, 72.62780764159999, 222.27117917060002, 131.7432861184], [107.48864749200001, 27.305969254399997, 168.0820312126, 67.2089233408], [171.4979247952, 42.625732403200004, 203.1986083656, 70.494445824]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047328.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pies, and three breads.", "boxes_value": [[42.14685059070001, 22.125305190400013, 209.5737304827, 107.91748044799999], [98.2332153076, 79.28991697919997, 193.4636230237, 107.91748044799999], [48.891967760499995, 67.669738752, 140.0123291324, 88.51824952319998], [42.14685059070001, 52.58520509440001, 96.598327633, 68.89611816960002], [121.91699215400001, 45.867248537600005, 209.5737304827, 73.03570554880002], [83.33679201859997, 36.9178466816, 129.6184082222, 52.442687999999976], [55.65570070999999, 22.125305190400013, 89.34167481290001, 35.7461548032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047330.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[39.591308622700005, 142.550598144, 426.7388916234, 190.9465332224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047330_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[39.591308622700005, 12.550598143999991, 426.7388916234, 60.94653322240001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047330.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, three bowls, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[39.591308622700005, 142.550598144, 426.7388916234, 190.9465332224], [402.16625973810005, 166.7931518464, 426.7388916234, 182.7991332864], [40.839599583100004, 149.1299438592, 80.15966793770001, 162.548706048], [39.591308622700005, 177.5277709824, 77.0390014603, 190.9465332224], [76.4148559801, 177.8398437376, 114.17462155780001, 190.6344604672], [183.5948486522, 142.550598144, 199.64385984880002, 166.1655273472], [203.7707519782, 144.3847656448, 219.81976317480002, 166.3948364288]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047330_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, three bowls, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[39.591308622700005, 12.550598143999991, 426.7388916234, 60.94653322240001], [402.16625973810005, 36.79315184640001, 426.7388916234, 52.79913328640001], [40.839599583100004, 19.12994385920001, 80.15966793770001, 32.548706048000014], [39.591308622700005, 47.5277709824, 77.0390014603, 60.94653322240001], [76.4148559801, 47.839843737600006, 114.17462155780001, 60.6344604672], [183.5948486522, 12.550598143999991, 199.64385984880002, 36.1655273472], [203.7707519782, 14.384765644800012, 219.81976317480002, 36.394836428800005]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047331.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0.532714875, 391.460327168, 298.925415019, 511.5432129024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047331_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0.532714875, 30.460327167999992, 298.925415019, 150.5432129024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047331.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two bottles, and three cups.", "boxes_value": [[0.532714875, 391.460327168, 298.925415019, 511.5432129024], [0.532714875, 396.6351928832, 16.57641601, 434.4154052608], [95.652526893, 422.5661621248, 132.545471212, 511.5432129024], [230.203247043, 391.460327168, 262.75585936600004, 452.2251587072], [264.202636698, 404.4813842944, 298.925415019, 468.8631591936], [271.22863767999996, 391.0889282048, 309.051635739, 453.7139282432], [105.24987796399999, 406.4990234624, 121.25909426400001, 439.2984008704]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 6], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047331_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[391.58093258570005, 88.4238281216, 683.8309326092001, 312.0264892416]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047346_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[73.58093258570005, 56.423828121599996, 365, 280.0264892416]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047346.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a hanger, two people, a glasses, and a motorcycle.", "boxes_value": [[391.58093258570005, 88.4238281216, 683.8309326092001, 312.0264892416], [592.2918701080999, 213.5642089984, 683.8309326092001, 312.0264892416], [441.3220215147, 88.4238281216, 480.80603029099996, 122.121459968], [594.2142333706, 129.749206528, 631.4893798499, 202.8378906112], [531.3579101592, 133.403625472, 623.4497070072, 370.2110595584], [391.58093258570005, 100.6973266432, 429.38159176389996, 118.3376464896], [425.0611572415, 165.4244995072, 527.3879394654, 376.8585815552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047346_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a hanger, two people, a glasses, and a motorcycle.", "boxes_value": [[73.58093258570005, 56.423828121599996, 365, 280.0264892416], [274.29187010809994, 181.5642089984, 365, 280.0264892416], [123.3220215147, 56.423828121599996, 162.80603029099996, 90.121459968], [276.2142333706, 97.749206528, 313.48937984990005, 170.8378906112], [213.35791015919995, 101.40362547199999, 305.4497070072, 335], [73.58093258570005, 68.6973266432, 111.38159176389996, 86.3376464896], [107.06115724149998, 133.4244995072, 209.3879394654, 335]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047347.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[28.3931274209, 88.5246582272, 234.8017578115, 274.475219712]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047347_crop.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[28.3931274209, 46.52465822720001, 234.8017578115, 232.475219712]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047347.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a person, a refrigerator, a coffee machine, a cup, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[0.6747436886, 89.4929809408, 230.4690399169922, 227.8367920128], [114.96942138360001, 118.8824462848, 179.5474243346, 152.204711936], [88.710571266, 121.1987304448, 190.3237304332, 227.8367920128], [0.6747436886, 89.4929809408, 125.39703372700001, 214.5757446144], [176.6525268736, 98.8678588928, 267.9810790616, 211.3921508864], [158.19665528279998, 195.4875488256, 175.2957153594, 213.9224853504], [198.99766540527344, 203.43313598632812, 230.4690399169922, 216.83419799804688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047363_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a person, a refrigerator, a coffee machine, a cup, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[0.6747436886, 35.492980940799995, 230.4690399169922, 173.8367920128], [114.96942138360001, 64.8824462848, 179.5474243346, 98.204711936], [88.710571266, 67.1987304448, 190.3237304332, 173.8367920128], [0.6747436886, 35.492980940799995, 125.39703372700001, 160.5757446144], [176.6525268736, 44.8678588928, 267.9810790616, 157.3921508864], [158.19665528279998, 141.4875488256, 175.2957153594, 159.9224853504], [198.99766540527344, 149.43313598632812, 230.4690399169922, 162.83419799804688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047364.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two glasses, a pot, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[127.5941162099, 35.7078857421875, 637.9410400478, 178.25445555200002], [566.6400146804, 96.65270993920001, 637.9410400478, 116.7277832192], [493.1301269477, 44.7539673088, 550.8216552475, 64.79931642880001], [247.1944580082, 73.11065671680001, 285.1903075901, 87.15264890879999], [127.5941162099, 150.7966919168, 166.9780273748, 178.25445555200002], [436.5554504394531, 35.7078857421875, 445.5325622558594, 58.0899658203125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047365.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[248.19525146484375, 238.61016845703125, 771.9124755808, 511.2435913216]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047365_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? 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Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bed, two towels, a nightstand, a flower, a vase, two chairs, a desk, a telephone, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[131.19525146484375, 68.61016845703125, 654.9124755808, 341.2435913216], [0, 28.688842752, 461.42810062440003, 275.2377929728], [147.48339844039998, 95.84234618879998, 220.67797849880003, 131.3305664], [124.41601558920001, 121.1276855296, 237.97851563720002, 146.85668945920003], [408.76574705359997, 120.24047851519998, 474.86267089759997, 176.57812500479997], [368.5982665964, 147.8959350784, 546.5466308463999, 288.771667456], [417.64807125719994, 258.5432739328, 487.2304687196, 288.771667456], [399.39697268040004, 98.27575685120001, 654.3421630511999, 266.528137216], [0, 175.842956544, 482.0972900252, 341.8139648512], [261.9433593736, 230.02593991679998, 654.9124755808, 341.2435913216], [437.7222900624, 104.49713136640003, 476.80041506119994, 121.07855226880002], [157.06253051757812, 68.61016845703125, 168.61410522460938, 97.53469848632812], [131.19525146484375, 69.64332580566406, 140.90780639648438, 99.9547119140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7, 8], [9], [10], [11, 12]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047367.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? 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Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[162.1199341056, 0, 521.7051557376001, 210.74273681640625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047368_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[90.11993410560001, 0, 449.7051557376001, 210.74273681640625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047368.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two helmets, a hockey stick, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[90.11993410560001, 0, 449.7051557376001, 210.74273681640625], [87.7406006784, 0, 169.2950857728, 18.3952805376], [366.8356607232, 53.3128109056, 449.7051557376001, 116.9561810432], [90.11993410560001, 0, 177.710754432, 189.4356079104], [93.86373901367188, 97.24966430664062, 175.77322387695312, 166.5323486328125], [135.18777465820312, 147.97573852539062, 194.07931518554688, 210.74273681640625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047370.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[182.0734863007, 262.5523681792, 327.4657593022, 362.3652954112]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047370_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[37.07348630070001, 25.552368179200016, 182.4657593022, 125.36529541120001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047370.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four suvs, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[182.0734863007, 262.5523681792, 327.4657593022, 362.3652954112], [234.864746067, 314.4781494272, 327.4657593022, 362.3652954112], [210.6326904242, 310.1510009856, 295.73333738360003, 351.6916504064], [199.9590454297, 298.9004516352, 269.4819335711, 335.248474112], [182.0734863007, 288.5152587776, 251.5963745104, 325.7287597568], [205.1516723864, 262.5523681792, 267.4626464616, 286.495910656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047370_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four suvs, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[37.07348630070001, 25.552368179200016, 182.4657593022, 125.36529541120001], [89.864746067, 77.47814942719998, 182.4657593022, 125.36529541120001], [65.6326904242, 73.15100098559998, 150.73333738360003, 114.69165040640002], [54.95904542970001, 61.9004516352, 124.4819335711, 98.248474112], [37.07348630070001, 51.515258777600025, 106.59637451040001, 88.7287597568], [60.15167238640001, 25.552368179200016, 122.4626464616, 49.49591065599998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047379.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[541.6976318208, 61.204772923700006, 669.039306624, 323.9508056589]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047379_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[32.697631820799984, 61.204772923700006, 160.039306624, 323.9508056589]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047379.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four lamps, two handbags, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[541.6976318208, 61.204772923700006, 669.039306624, 323.9508056589], [541.6976318208, 61.204772923700006, 573.246215808, 76.1187134022], [577.835083008, 82.4284057828, 615.1198730496, 95.04785155740001], [600.2059325952, 101.35760500250001, 638.0643310848, 115.1242675968], [636.3435058944001, 122.5853882036, 669.039306624, 150.6881713834], [567.3173828352, 293.35809327019996, 589.6545410304, 324.2416381918], [546.7805175552, 292.98724365609996, 562.3804931328, 323.9508056589], [548.1990356445312, 241.5860595703125, 602.8438110351562, 389.06671142578125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047379_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four lamps, two handbags, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[32.697631820799984, 61.204772923700006, 160.039306624, 323.9508056589], [32.697631820799984, 61.204772923700006, 64.24621580799999, 76.1187134022], [68.83508300799997, 82.4284057828, 106.11987304959996, 95.04785155740001], [91.20593259520001, 101.35760500250001, 129.06433108479996, 115.1242675968], [127.3435058944001, 122.5853882036, 160.039306624, 150.6881713834], [58.317382835199965, 293.35809327019996, 80.65454103039997, 324.2416381918], [37.78051755520005, 292.98724365609996, 53.380493132799984, 323.9508056589], [39.19903564453125, 241.5860595703125, 93.84381103515625, 389]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047380.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[149.1552734208, 357.66931150019997, 511.6441650176, 802.6424560548]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047380_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[91.1552734208, 111.66931150019997, 453.6441650176, 556]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047380.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a backpack, two sneakers, and two bicycles.", "boxes_value": [[149.1552734208, 357.66931150019997, 511.6441650176, 802.6424560548], [162.210998528, 277.982055684, 349.8912964096, 802.0096435687999], [156.4030761472, 275.2089843742, 225.6265259008, 639.1083984498], [185.8955688448, 357.66931150019997, 331.0518798848, 589.2189941301999], [149.1552734208, 610.8703613246, 174.1564941312, 666.4287109048], [204.2564697088, 759.0281982396, 244.8197021696, 801.6323242228], [255.321228032, 591.2421875002, 511.6441650176, 802.6424560548], [324.0263671808, 500.0758056746, 479.934082048, 736.5799560657999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047380_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a backpack, two sneakers, and two bicycles.", "boxes_value": [[91.1552734208, 111.66931150019997, 453.6441650176, 556], [104.210998528, 31.982055683999988, 291.8912964096, 556], [98.40307614720001, 29.208984374199986, 167.6265259008, 393.1083984498], [127.89556884480001, 111.66931150019997, 273.0518798848, 343.2189941301999], [91.1552734208, 364.8703613246, 116.15649413119999, 420.4287109048], [146.2564697088, 513.0281982396, 186.8197021696, 555.6323242228], [197.321228032, 345.2421875002, 453.6441650176, 556], [266.0263671808, 254.07580567460002, 421.934082048, 490.57995606579993]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047381.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[284.3855590968, 266.1874389504, 718.4069824057, 392.0111694336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047381_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[109.38555909680002, 32.18743895040001, 543.4069824057, 158.0111694336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047381.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, three people, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[284.3855590968, 266.1874389504, 718.4069824057, 392.0111694336], [617.0451660422, 307.5260009984, 664.6485595904, 358.9547729408], [284.3855590968, 288.9927978496, 322.3179931944, 357.0238036992], [381.60217284349994, 279.6275024384, 423.65759280810005, 392.0111694336], [697.5130615439, 266.1874389504, 718.4069824057, 306.2178955264], [643.7503662268, 338.7708129792, 661.1862793053, 372.997070336]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047381_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, three people, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[109.38555909680002, 32.18743895040001, 543.4069824057, 158.0111694336], [442.0451660422, 73.52600099839998, 489.64855959040005, 124.95477294080001], [109.38555909680002, 54.99279784959998, 147.3179931944, 123.02380369920002], [206.60217284349994, 45.62750243839997, 248.65759280810005, 158.0111694336], [522.5130615439, 32.18743895040001, 543.4069824057, 72.21789552640001], [468.7503662268, 104.7708129792, 486.1862793053, 138.99707033599998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047382.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[53.0979003904, 248.2470093008, 235.5261230592, 477.9456787356]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047382_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[46.0979003904, 58.24700930079999, 228.5261230592, 287.9456787356]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047382.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, two books, three pillows, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[53.0979003904, 248.2470093008, 235.5261230592, 477.9456787356], [81.8375854592, 248.2470093008, 164.6260376064, 434.5211791832], [95.0084838912, 368.666687036, 139.2250366464, 467.44836426359996], [153.8886718976, 433.1578369368, 235.5261230592, 473.47668456480005], [158.220459008, 452.4842529328, 242.523620608, 488.1381836104], [95.9492187648, 344.75781250359995, 164.9535522304, 443.3140868864], [146.1500243968, 328.54791261639997, 246.65148928, 382.3648071056], [154.5792236544, 355.13214111, 277.7745361408, 423.21380612679997], [53.0979003904, 428.5096435768, 156.5053710848, 477.9456787356]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047382_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, two books, three pillows, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[46.0979003904, 58.24700930079999, 228.5261230592, 287.9456787356], [74.8375854592, 58.24700930079999, 157.6260376064, 244.5211791832], [88.0084838912, 178.66668703599998, 132.2250366464, 277.44836426359996], [146.8886718976, 243.15783693679998, 228.5261230592, 283.47668456480005], [151.220459008, 262.4842529328, 235.523620608, 298.1381836104], [88.9492187648, 154.75781250359995, 157.9535522304, 253.3140868864], [139.1500243968, 138.54791261639997, 239.65148928, 192.3648071056], [147.5792236544, 165.13214111000002, 270.7745361408, 233.21380612679997], [46.0979003904, 238.5096435768, 149.5053710848, 287.9456787356]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047383.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a handbag, a hat, a binoculars, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[215.1928100352, 166.6907958784, 487.0633545216, 510.7509155328], [356.0119628544, 242.1362914816, 487.0633545216, 510.7509155327999], [215.1928100352, 261.6718750208, 370.6636962816, 510.7509155328], [272.7066845952, 424.9878045184, 347.51220733440005, 460.8944554496], [341.6628596736, 454.761041664, 407.7766606848, 508.6817776128], [279.99597166079997, 390.3948364288, 328.48400878079997, 427.0722045952], [236.6282348544, 166.6907958784, 246.2353515264, 251.0776977408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047383_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a handbag, a hat, a binoculars, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[68.19281003520001, 86.6907958784, 340.0633545216, 430.7509155328], [209.0119628544, 162.1362914816, 340.0633545216, 430.7509155327999], [68.19281003520001, 181.67187502079997, 223.66369628159998, 430.7509155328], [125.70668459519999, 344.9878045184, 200.51220733440005, 380.8944554496], [194.6628596736, 374.761041664, 260.7766606848, 428.6817776128], [132.99597166079997, 310.3948364288, 181.48400878079997, 347.0722045952], [89.6282348544, 86.6907958784, 99.2353515264, 171.0776977408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047384.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two guitars, a cymbal, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[60.5658568978, 53.64056396799998, 491.6983642668, 266.8682250752], [379.9559326222, 53.64056396799998, 491.6983642668, 182.14434816], [149.3602295168, 156.74835205120002, 267.1976318542, 266.4590454272], [209.29998781199998, 130.70965575679998, 301.8450927594, 156.45806883839998], [359.9143066306, 7.617309593599998, 478.82397461159997, 265.4855346688], [92.3673096066, 112.00903321599998, 209.894409174, 266.8682250752], [60.5658568978, 59.46752931840001, 129.6994628616, 210.8700561408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047387.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include an american football, a hat, a helmet, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[265.1797775224, 16.98803712, 565.8964843658, 229.4048461824], [265.1797775224, 153.7486416896, 332.5560945974, 207.1009289216], [276.455383272, 72.7399902208, 308.6144409058, 96.5460205056], [336.3372802555, 16.98803712, 430.6204834055, 106.4266967552], [437.70104978079996, 123.5690917888, 489.8736572043, 163.8164673024], [519.6865234274, 182.4495239168, 565.8964843658, 229.4048461824]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047387_crop.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include an american football, a hat, a helmet, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[75.1797775224, 16.98803712, 375.8964843658, 229.4048461824], [75.1797775224, 153.7486416896, 142.55609459739998, 207.1009289216], [86.455383272, 72.7399902208, 118.6144409058, 96.5460205056], [146.3372802555, 16.98803712, 240.6204834055, 106.4266967552], [247.70104978079996, 123.5690917888, 299.8736572043, 163.8164673024], [329.68652342739995, 182.4495239168, 375.8964843658, 229.4048461824]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047388.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[355.8686218261719, 197.5901489152, 652.3137207122, 297.734313984]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047388_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[74.86862182617188, 25.59014891519999, 371.31372071220005, 125.73431398399998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047388.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a barrel, a sink, four pots, a bread, and two plates.", "boxes_value": [[355.8686218261719, 197.5901489152, 652.3137207122, 297.734313984], [565.0209961125, 226.6552734208, 595.7054443456, 248.4412841984], [617.5850829756, 234.558044416, 683.1242675471, 266.5184936448], [559.0952148266, 226.043457024, 594.0521240035999, 248.5350951936], [585.3807372894, 197.5901489152, 652.3137207122, 238.7797241344], [527.1191406491, 204.635742208, 563.7020263997, 247.1801757696], [448.9135742326, 233.3424682496, 473.48706055089997, 246.5068359168], [448.7567138572, 271.8038940672, 505.2896728769, 297.734313984], [488.6632080078125, 256.1039733886719, 568.8897705078125, 278.2350769042969], [355.8686218261719, 269.7022705078125, 405.6204528808594, 283.5697021484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7], [8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047388_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a barrel, a sink, four pots, a bread, and two plates.", "boxes_value": [[74.86862182617188, 25.59014891519999, 371.31372071220005, 125.73431398399998], [284.02099611250003, 54.6552734208, 314.7054443456, 76.44128419840001], [336.5850829756, 62.558044416, 402, 94.5184936448], [278.0952148266, 54.04345702399999, 313.05212400359994, 76.5350951936], [304.38073728940003, 25.59014891519999, 371.31372071220005, 66.7797241344], [246.11914064910002, 32.63574220800001, 282.7020263997, 75.1801757696], [167.9135742326, 61.34246824959999, 192.48706055089997, 74.50683591679999], [167.7567138572, 99.80389406720002, 224.2896728769, 125.73431398399998], [207.6632080078125, 84.10397338867188, 287.8897705078125, 106.23507690429688], [74.86862182617188, 97.7022705078125, 124.62045288085938, 111.5697021484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7], [8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047390.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[336.139892578125, 218.7944946176, 681.9191894503, 454.0695800832]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047390_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[87.139892578125, 59.79449461760001, 432.9191894503, 295.0695800832]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047390.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, two chairs, a desk, and three tea pots.", "boxes_value": [[336.139892578125, 218.7944946176, 681.9191894503, 454.0695800832], [604.7149658505, 218.7944946176, 681.9191894503, 392.4750976512], [436.52624515120004, 348.3490600448, 464.162719758, 427.3104247808], [375.9891357272, 365.8960571392, 443.9836425993, 454.0695800832], [311.5040283341, 364.5800171008, 414.59252931320003, 427.3104247808], [336.139892578125, 353.052490234375, 352.89837646484375, 371.18817138671875], [353.1734924316406, 356.0501403808594, 365.9424133300781, 372.0468444824219], [377.00970458984375, 354.2097473144531, 388.2978515625, 369.3052673339844]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047390_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, two chairs, a desk, and three tea pots.", "boxes_value": [[87.139892578125, 59.79449461760001, 432.9191894503, 295.0695800832], [355.7149658505, 59.79449461760001, 432.9191894503, 233.47509765119997], [187.52624515120004, 189.3490600448, 215.16271975799998, 268.3104247808], [126.9891357272, 206.89605713920002, 194.98364259930003, 295.0695800832], [62.504028334099985, 205.58001710079998, 165.59252931320003, 268.3104247808], [87.139892578125, 194.052490234375, 103.89837646484375, 212.18817138671875], [104.17349243164062, 197.05014038085938, 116.94241333007812, 213.04684448242188], [128.00970458984375, 195.20974731445312, 139.2978515625, 210.30526733398438]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047391.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[161.1116333056, 544.9053954816001, 485.670898432, 579.1586913792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047391_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[82.11163330560001, 8.905395481600067, 406.670898432, 43.158691379200036]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047391.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four cars, a van, and a bus.", "boxes_value": [[161.1116333056, 544.9053954816001, 485.670898432, 579.1586913792], [434.0600585728, 550.7939453184, 485.670898432, 572.6159668224], [375.868041984, 544.9053954816001, 435.0992431616, 570.5377197312], [341.9226684416, 550.4475097344, 373.2119140864, 566.0346680064], [271.6072387584, 553.1800537344, 362.7055053824, 579.1586913792], [161.1116333056, 546.9451904256, 221.728332544, 567.0354004224], [240.5581054464, 528.1319579904, 341.5035400192, 562.5721435392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047391_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four cars, a van, and a bus.", "boxes_value": [[82.11163330560001, 8.905395481600067, 406.670898432, 43.158691379200036], [355.0600585728, 14.793945318400006, 406.670898432, 36.61596682239997], [296.868041984, 8.905395481600067, 356.0992431616, 34.53771973120001], [262.9226684416, 14.4475097344, 294.2119140864, 30.03466800640001], [192.6072387584, 17.180053734399962, 283.7055053824, 43.158691379200036], [82.11163330560001, 10.945190425600003, 142.728332544, 31.035400422400016], [161.5581054464, 0, 262.5035400192, 26.572143539200056]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047392.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[134.088500992, 98.00683592600001, 343.5152587776, 587.9943847698]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047392_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[53.08850099200001, 98.00683592600001, 262.5152587776, 587.9943847698]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047392.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a microphone, four people, and two necklaces.", "boxes_value": [[134.088500992, 98.00683592600001, 343.5152587776, 587.9943847698], [156.8902587904, 98.00683592600001, 204.8082275328, 117.37097168560001], [222.3430786048, 418.897949241, 256.3141479424, 518.5157470514], [98.369506816, 166.5142211868, 191.3609618944, 394.476196297], [205.7214355456, 147.8556518572, 224.1044311552, 205.00292965300002], [243.7433471488, 158.949218745, 430.1794433536, 441.63476561240003], [299.8645629952, 244.5610351694, 344.6891479552, 324.163330116], [134.088500992, 257.839294418, 343.5152587776, 587.9943847698], [192.6087035904, 360.82604977380004, 238.5638427648, 421.580322296]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 7], [6, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047392_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a microphone, four people, and two necklaces.", "boxes_value": [[53.08850099200001, 98.00683592600001, 262.5152587776, 587.9943847698], [75.8902587904, 98.00683592600001, 123.8082275328, 117.37097168560001], [141.3430786048, 418.897949241, 175.31414794239998, 518.5157470514], [17.369506815999998, 166.5142211868, 110.36096189439999, 394.476196297], [124.7214355456, 147.8556518572, 143.1044311552, 205.00292965300002], [162.7433471488, 158.949218745, 314, 441.63476561240003], [218.8645629952, 244.5610351694, 263.6891479552, 324.163330116], [53.08850099200001, 257.839294418, 262.5152587776, 587.9943847698], [111.60870359040001, 360.82604977380004, 157.5638427648, 421.580322296]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 7], [6, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047393.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[52.543945343999994, 406.3195800576, 650.0312500224001, 480.6885986304], [537.4088134656, 424.0879516672, 593.1708984576, 480.6885986304], [52.543945343999994, 431.2726440448, 96.2117919744, 477.7130737152], [187.0132445952, 444.4423217664, 234.839965824, 464.5433959936], [228.60168460799997, 406.3195800576, 288.2117919744, 454.1463012864], [609.135986304, 435.739563008, 650.0312500224001, 460.692626944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047393_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[39.7725830144, 380.4497070285, 512.2104492032, 500.415649438]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047395_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[39.7725830144, 30.449707028499972, 512, 150.415649438]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047395.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a sneakers, two handbags, a street lights, and a flag.", "boxes_value": [[25.690551790799987, 84.9241943552, 124.844360371, 422.9751586816], [25.690551790799987, 408.21246336, 51.44665525400001, 422.9751586816], [50.53601073019996, 287.1752319488, 60.68859861520002, 316.9708862464], [103.3391113486, 305.1633911296, 124.844360371, 344.15631104], [34.019775370400055, 84.9241943552, 97.28173827520004, 204.70013429760002], [39.5289306640625, 149.5536651611328, 56.69134521484375, 184.95188903808594]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047409.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, two helmets, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[1.1031494144, 23.5917358638, 314.3807983616, 567.7055664232], [1.1031494144, 23.5917358638, 314.3807983616, 567.7055664232], [0.6586914304, 71.25280764200001, 120.6534424064, 408.0755005135], [1.2454834176, 244.9419555415, 76.9884643328, 380.4886474533], [100.185485824, 227.1431274245, 148.514587392, 373.40240481179995], [41.8903808512, 71.7151489334, 102.930297856, 134.1190796175], [0.6078491136, 217.0877685285, 75.5803222528, 342.22973634090005], [148.9824218624, 24.0599365465, 245.6171264512, 131.8076172046], [256.2469482496, 228.9255371083, 312.7782593024, 298.98565673779996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 7], [6, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047409_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, two helmets, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[1.1031494144, 23.5917358638, 314.3807983616, 567.7055664232], [1.1031494144, 23.5917358638, 314.3807983616, 567.7055664232], [0.6586914304, 71.25280764200001, 120.6534424064, 408.0755005135], [1.2454834176, 244.9419555415, 76.9884643328, 380.4886474533], [100.185485824, 227.1431274245, 148.514587392, 373.40240481179995], [41.8903808512, 71.7151489334, 102.930297856, 134.1190796175], [0.6078491136, 217.0877685285, 75.5803222528, 342.22973634090005], [148.9824218624, 24.0599365465, 245.6171264512, 131.8076172046], [256.2469482496, 228.9255371083, 312.7782593024, 298.98565673779996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 7], [6, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047412.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[440.0183105122, 145.6391601664, 731.576660124, 431.2124023296]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047412_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[73.0183105122, 71.63916016639999, 364.576660124, 357.2124023296]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047412.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three benches, a desk, a potted plant, and an umbrella.", "boxes_value": [[440.0183105122, 145.6391601664, 731.576660124, 431.2124023296], [440.0183105122, 287.8875122176, 497.0224609016, 354.6638793728], [472.04919431540003, 350.3206787072, 580.6286621304, 431.2124023296], [618.0886230216, 326.9761352704, 672.9211425758, 414.925476096], [494.30798340779995, 275.9437865984, 619.7172851744, 357.3783569408], [671.0800781214, 145.6391601664, 731.576660124, 273.4259643392], [512.9957275326, 149.1145019392, 577.8825683696, 302.8873291264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047412_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three benches, a desk, a potted plant, and an umbrella.", "boxes_value": [[73.0183105122, 71.63916016639999, 364.576660124, 357.2124023296], [73.0183105122, 213.88751221759998, 130.02246090160003, 280.6638793728], [105.04919431540003, 276.3206787072, 213.62866213040002, 357.2124023296], [251.08862302160003, 252.9761352704, 305.9211425758, 340.925476096], [127.30798340779995, 201.94378659839998, 252.7172851744, 283.3783569408], [304.0800781214, 71.63916016639999, 364.576660124, 199.4259643392], [145.99572753259997, 75.11450193920001, 210.8825683696, 228.8873291264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047413.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a leather shoes, two sneakers, two bottles, and a camera.", "boxes_value": [[0, 432.5839233536, 485.14575197900007, 511.9962768384], [2.1066894131000002, 425.9937133568, 32.0111083635, 446.1163330048], [0, 481.889770496, 22.2293090869, 502.85083008], [314.91284183979997, 478.4863891456, 344.7260742452, 506.3120727552], [409.8258056475, 432.5839233536, 432.26965332130004, 456.9297485312], [450.1486815994, 454.6473388544, 485.14575197900007, 511.7078857216], [169.89929200929998, 463.94152832, 185.3980713304, 511.9962768384]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047413_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a leather shoes, two sneakers, two bottles, and a camera.", "boxes_value": [[0, 20.583923353600028, 485.14575197900007, 99.99627683839998], [2.1066894131000002, 13.993713356800015, 32.0111083635, 34.116333004800026], [0, 69.88977049599998, 22.2293090869, 90.85083007999998], [314.91284183979997, 66.48638914560001, 344.7260742452, 94.3120727552], [409.8258056475, 20.583923353600028, 432.26965332130004, 44.929748531200005], [450.1486815994, 42.647338854400004, 485.14575197900007, 99.70788572160001], [169.89929200929998, 51.941528319999975, 185.3980713304, 99.99627683839998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047414.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bracelet, two helmets, a gloves, and a belt.", "boxes_value": [[67.8768310784, 22.488159171000007, 347.1565551616, 112.25415040900003], [121.1775512576, 22.488159171000007, 142.550903296, 42.45996094399999], [302.5855712768, 59.62255862699999, 347.1565551616, 112.25415040900003], [67.8768310784, 34.91357425000001, 112.4477538816, 89.44189455799994], [252.7988891648, 45.87194821500003, 285.9899902464, 77.16638184700003], [148.1201782272, 74.56604002600005, 180.6096191488, 92.48303219600001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047416.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[42.079223615, 76.9223022592, 329.2202148692, 147.8039550976], [42.079223615, 104.6703491072, 62.067993137, 135.3109741056], [61.2789306817, 106.1168823296, 81.6622314655, 136.6260376064], [79.1636352411, 106.3798828032, 97.5742797842, 134.784912128], [97.5742797842, 112.429138176, 120.850646994, 147.8039550976], [279.4792480606, 76.9223022592, 329.2202148692, 116.7150268416]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047416_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[42.079223615, 17.922302259199995, 329.2202148692, 88.80395509760001], [42.079223615, 45.670349107199996, 62.067993137, 76.3109741056], [61.2789306817, 47.1168823296, 81.6622314655, 77.62603760639999], [79.1636352411, 47.379882803200005, 97.5742797842, 75.784912128], [97.5742797842, 53.429138175999995, 120.850646994, 88.80395509760001], [279.4792480606, 17.922302259199995, 329.2202148692, 57.71502684159999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047417.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[120.870971708, 110.831298816, 389.47363279850003, 226.8600463872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047417_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four flowers, and a mirror.", "boxes_value": [[120.870971708, 110.831298816, 389.47363279850003, 226.8600463872], [120.870971708, 110.831298816, 170.7302246229, 171.679504384], [225.81152342180002, 150.0076904448, 269.9866332793, 224.4445190656], [313.5167846659, 174.4653930496, 354.1450195174, 224.7049560576], [258.0462035968, 123.478698752, 301.7374267368, 226.8600463872], [367.80383300980003, 170.0706176512, 389.47363279850003, 194.6953735168]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047417_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[22.7171630859375, 32.469451904296875, 112.49884033203125, 159.08932495117188], [91.60284423828125, 32.469451904296875, 112.49884033203125, 159.08932495117188], [12.95989990234375, 33.81817626953125, 59.54852294921875, 157.833984375], [78.52386474609375, 53.782745361328125, 100.25384521484375, 135.92098999023438], [22.7171630859375, 139.52017211914062, 31.0499267578125, 153.82778930664062], [32.2110595703125, 147.48736572265625, 40.6983642578125, 157.4783935546875], [103.2646484375, 148.017822265625, 111.5281982421875, 158.4617919921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047419.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, two people, a gloves, and a camera.", "boxes_value": [[482.59606935939996, 231.468505856, 642.2719726447, 450.1450195456], [482.59606935939996, 370.1517334016, 538.134399404, 413.14916992], [493.7933349765, 403.7435302912, 520.6667480739001, 429.2732544], [524.312377948, 183.0362548736, 641.1528320275, 511.9896240128], [623.579834014, 350.4537964032, 642.2719726447, 450.1450195456], [541.5413818372, 231.468505856, 577.6895752106, 274.3245239296], [568.376953115, 222.6966552576, 614.5452881026, 256.910034176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047419_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, two people, a gloves, and a camera.", "boxes_value": [[40.59606935939996, 55.46850585600001, 199, 274.1450195456], [40.59606935939996, 194.15173340159998, 96.13439940399996, 237.14916992000002], [51.79333497649998, 227.7435302912, 78.66674807390007, 253.27325439999998], [82.31237794799995, 7.036254873600001, 199, 328], [181.57983401399997, 174.4537964032, 199, 274.1450195456], [99.54138183719999, 55.46850585600001, 135.68957521059997, 98.32452392959999], [126.37695311499999, 46.696655257600014, 172.5452881026, 80.91003417600001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047422.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three suvs, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[0, 402.4910278144, 487.8636474656, 511.7019042816], [0, 402.4910278144, 46.8088989494, 511.7019042816], [45.451965343400005, 420.8819579904, 187.644165016, 492.9414672896], [184.67578121440002, 430.0324096512, 245.20373535910002, 485.2562866176], [226.7957152979, 413.4964599808, 470.46716310859995, 510.5282592768], [403.08898926100005, 424.246582016, 487.8636474656, 476.1276244992]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047422_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three suvs, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[0, 27.491027814400013, 487.8636474656, 136.70190428159998], [0, 27.491027814400013, 46.8088989494, 136.70190428159998], [45.451965343400005, 45.8819579904, 187.644165016, 117.94146728959998], [184.67578121440002, 55.0324096512, 245.20373535910002, 110.25628661759998], [226.7957152979, 38.49645998080001, 470.46716310859995, 135.5282592768], [403.08898926100005, 49.24658201599999, 487.8636474656, 101.12762449920001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047423.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[303.1749267284, 254.6200561664, 667.4505615038, 354.714355456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047423_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[91.17492672840001, 25.62005616639999, 455.45056150380003, 125.71435545600002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047423.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a backpack, two hats, a glasses, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[303.1749267284, 254.6200561664, 667.4505615038, 354.714355456], [303.1749267284, 304.632995584, 326.25720214, 329.7520141824], [397.20141601340003, 299.2018432512, 424.3571777354, 313.798034688], [579.3293456784, 254.6200561664, 667.4505615038, 311.5805053952], [611.1601562741, 290.1365356544, 655.3883056577, 305.8844604416], [549.3563232223, 331.1385498112, 570.8820800868, 354.714355456]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047423_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a backpack, two hats, a glasses, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[91.17492672840001, 25.62005616639999, 455.45056150380003, 125.71435545600002], [91.17492672840001, 75.63299558400001, 114.25720214, 100.75201418239999], [185.20141601340003, 70.20184325119999, 212.3571777354, 84.79803468799997], [367.32934567840005, 25.62005616639999, 455.45056150380003, 82.58050539520002], [399.1601562741, 61.13653565440001, 443.3883056577, 76.88446044160003], [337.35632322230003, 102.1385498112, 358.8820800868, 125.71435545600002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047425.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[395.8962402369, 181.4741211136, 682.6934814159, 471.762756352]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047425_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[71.89624023689998, 73.4741211136, 358.6934814159, 363.762756352]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047425.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a hat, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[395.8962402369, 181.4741211136, 682.6934814159, 471.762756352], [395.8962402369, 181.4741211136, 508.121215824, 331.1074218496], [465.72509762550004, 268.7601928704, 682.6934814159, 471.762756352], [584.6225585915, 242.1621093888, 654.6142577963, 290.53338624], [451.8723144553, 191.6948852736, 500.170898437, 219.542724608], [552.8208007668, 339.6365356544, 673.3496093501, 366.6140747264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047425_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[66.81018068869997, 0.2851562496, 332.74133304019995, 320.5411377152]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047427.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a cup, a plate, and a lemon.", "boxes_value": [[66.81018068869997, 0.2851562496, 332.74133304019995, 320.5411377152], [76.6424560827, 0.2851562496, 304.9024657947, 101.5076294144], [200.3330077879, 0.8126831104, 323.38488769569994, 89.9192504832], [257.2550049053, 158.8210449408, 332.74133304019995, 279.0648193536], [184.10998533459997, 190.3199462912, 261.5434570648, 334.0639037952], [66.81018068869997, 280.0145263616, 113.57165527580003, 320.5411377152], [189.2944335712, 165.518371584, 228.14086915559994, 222.9248047104]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047428.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bus, three suvs, two cars, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[3.7550659049, 374.6451416064, 266.7426758082, 428.1121826304], [0, 363.2828368896, 66.0686645442, 390.663024896], [3.7550659049, 378.578002944, 51.5288085767, 398.971557632], [0, 383.1721191424, 55.0368042175, 433.7635497984], [66.83099362819999, 383.3118286336, 138.26037600520002, 412.7305908224], [103.9827270617, 377.5445556736, 200.6951294191, 418.4310913024], [158.4326171535, 374.6451416064, 266.7426758082, 428.1121826304], [196.960327168, 381.7216796672, 320.01312256899996, 432.6333007872]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5, 6], [3, 4], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047428_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bus, three suvs, two cars, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[3.7550659049, 13.645141606399989, 266.7426758082, 67.11218263040001], [0, 2.2828368895999915, 66.0686645442, 29.663024896000024], [3.7550659049, 17.57800294399999, 51.5288085767, 37.971557631999985], [0, 22.172119142399993, 55.0368042175, 72.76354979839999], [66.83099362819999, 22.311828633599987, 138.26037600520002, 51.73059082240002], [103.9827270617, 16.544555673599973, 200.6951294191, 57.43109130239998], [158.4326171535, 13.645141606399989, 266.7426758082, 67.11218263040001], [196.960327168, 20.72167966720002, 320.01312256899996, 71.63330078720003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5, 6], [3, 4], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047430.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, a handbag, a hat, a fire extinguisher, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[374.2297363584, 307.4353637888, 649.8088378956, 434.6939086848], [550.0534668084, 307.4353637888, 609.0455322432, 429.2119751168], [535.8463134804, 320.41046144, 551.6766357444001, 407.362487808], [532.41882327, 360.0702514688, 553.1964111036, 434.0039672832], [374.2297363584, 398.9423827968, 403.25366211840003, 414.4618530304], [351.41735837519997, 324.70648192, 413.03112795720006, 355.0883789312], [628.842407238, 368.8344116224, 644.1026611248001, 403.0946655232], [630.3027343788, 407.6640625152, 649.8088378956, 434.6939086848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047430_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, a handbag, a hat, a fire extinguisher, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[69.22973635839998, 32.435363788799975, 344.80883789560005, 159.69390868480002], [245.0534668084, 32.435363788799975, 304.0455322432, 154.21197511679998], [230.8463134804, 45.410461440000006, 246.67663574440007, 132.36248780800003], [227.41882326999996, 85.0702514688, 248.19641110359998, 159.00396728319998], [69.22973635839998, 123.94238279680002, 98.25366211840003, 139.4618530304], [46.41735837519997, 49.70648191999999, 108.03112795720006, 80.0883789312], [323.84240723799996, 93.83441162240001, 339.1026611248001, 128.09466552319998], [325.3027343788, 132.6640625152, 344.80883789560005, 159.69390868480002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047431.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[211.6781006058, 178.9420776448, 515.2792968547, 279.9743042048]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047431_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[76.67810060580001, 25.94207764480001, 380.27929685469996, 126.97430420479998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047431.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two cabinets, a faucet, a sink, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[211.6781006058, 178.9420776448, 515.2792968547, 279.9743042048], [392.27575681829995, 134.724121088, 506.4285889003, 311.8211670016], [211.6781006058, 178.9420776448, 310.6529541232, 239.7280883712], [222.5104370304, 236.733459456, 320.3856201142, 279.9743042048], [494.1973876768, 220.4710693376, 515.2792968547, 252.7328491008], [453.0405273539, 247.6807250944, 539.8717041171001, 265.7510375936], [370.19970705869997, 210.037475584, 403.0344238384, 242.8721923584]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047431_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two cabinets, a faucet, a sink, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[76.67810060580001, 25.94207764480001, 380.27929685469996, 126.97430420479998], [257.27575681829995, 0, 371.4285889003, 152], [76.67810060580001, 25.94207764480001, 175.6529541232, 86.72808837119999], [87.5104370304, 83.73345945599999, 185.38562011419998, 126.97430420479998], [359.1973876768, 67.4710693376, 380.27929685469996, 99.7328491008], [318.0405273539, 94.6807250944, 404.8717041171001, 112.75103759360002], [235.19970705869997, 57.03747558399999, 268.0344238384, 89.87219235840001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047434.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[595.3981933568, 300.4735107584, 728.8770751488, 505.8942260736], [595.4279785472, 300.4735107584, 671.8831787008, 505.7442627072], [670.956542976, 309.7407836672, 712.6593017856, 445.6126098432], [706.8757323776, 330.5922241024, 728.8770751488, 416.7781371904], [625.1716308992, 491.2438354432, 655.8901366784, 505.1853027328], [595.3981933568, 491.2438354432, 625.8804931584, 505.8942260736]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047434_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[91.6472168008, 90.4159545856, 541.9893798584, 191.7465209856]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047437_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[91.6472168008, 25.415954585600005, 541.9893798584, 126.7465209856]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047437.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four cars, and a bicycle.", "boxes_value": [[91.6472168008, 90.4159545856, 541.9893798584, 191.7465209856], [97.16381832760001, 115.0949707264, 138.3279419068, 149.9949340672], [112.63031004800001, 90.4159545856, 221.85034182520002, 191.7465209856], [91.6472168008, 124.8308716032, 114.8303222976, 171.5922241024], [523.0434570408, 123.3612060672, 541.9893798584, 170.1685791232], [372.3798828464, 129.483947776, 449.15295410839997, 158.0435180544]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047437_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[102.93127443910001, 32.82934568960002, 511.2537841794, 160]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047439.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a high heels, a handbag, two leather shoes, and a boots.", "boxes_value": [[201.9312744391, 384.8293456896, 610.2537841794, 512.2375488512], [473.4111328359, 464.7889404416, 498.45349121059996, 512.2375488512], [271.31542970180004, 384.8293456896, 366.21252440439997, 445.0187378176], [201.9312744391, 445.709106432, 249.75640868379998, 476.9649048064], [230.6778564665, 410.987304704, 280.7547607368, 436.1640625152], [566.4866943167, 387.2841186304, 610.2537841794, 462.575683584]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047439_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a high heels, a handbag, two leather shoes, and a boots.", "boxes_value": [[102.93127443910001, 32.82934568960002, 511.2537841794, 160], [374.4111328359, 112.7889404416, 399.45349121059996, 160], [172.31542970180004, 32.82934568960002, 267.21252440439997, 93.01873781760003], [102.93127443910001, 93.709106432, 150.75640868379998, 124.9649048064], [131.6778564665, 58.987304703999996, 181.7547607368, 84.16406251519999], [467.4866943167, 35.28411863039997, 511.2537841794, 110.57568358399999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047442.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[164.15954592629998, 286.7527465984, 375.9134521557, 332.048706048]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047442_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[53.159545926299984, 11.752746598399995, 264.9134521557, 57.048706047999985]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047442.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three carpets, and two trash bin cans.", "boxes_value": [[164.15954592629998, 286.7527465984, 375.9134521557, 332.048706048], [185.8728027511, 318.1864624128, 247.7648925848, 332.048706048], [182.9929809245, 305.3242187264, 228.5466919271, 313.5004882944], [164.15954592629998, 297.465148928, 235.96960450030002, 304.9583740416], [258.5134887699, 286.7527465984, 280.6129760843, 327.5195922944], [352.5134277276, 290.5361938432, 375.9134521557, 331.5361938432]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047442_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three carpets, and two trash bin cans.", "boxes_value": [[53.159545926299984, 11.752746598399995, 264.9134521557, 57.048706047999985], [74.87280275110001, 43.18646241279998, 136.7648925848, 57.048706047999985], [71.99298092449999, 30.324218726399977, 117.5466919271, 38.500488294399986], [53.159545926299984, 22.46514892800002, 124.96960450030002, 29.958374041599996], [147.5134887699, 11.752746598399995, 169.6129760843, 52.51959229440001], [241.5134277276, 15.53619384320001, 264.9134521557, 56.53619384320001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047443.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[203.859680192, 224.4967651328, 315.6839599382, 396.806213376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047443_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[28.859680192000013, 43.49676513279999, 140.68395993820002, 215.80621337600002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047443.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a chair, and three handbags.", "boxes_value": [[203.859680192, 224.4967651328, 315.6839599382, 396.806213376], [276.1109619065, 334.0230102528, 315.6839599382, 379.8099365376], [206.3297119443, 317.995483392, 262.72979737969996, 396.806213376], [294.11450196239997, 250.851135232, 322.0521239915, 303.533691392], [222.6480102392, 224.4967651328, 253.266113247, 345.9252319232], [203.859680192, 225.54052736, 233.43395994729997, 338.2707519488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047443_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a chair, and three handbags.", "boxes_value": [[28.859680192000013, 43.49676513279999, 140.68395993820002, 215.80621337600002], [101.1109619065, 153.02301025280002, 140.68395993820002, 198.80993653759998], [31.329711944299987, 136.99548339199998, 87.72979737969996, 215.80621337600002], [119.11450196239997, 69.85113523199999, 147.05212399150003, 122.53369139199998], [47.648010239200005, 43.49676513279999, 78.26611324699999, 164.9252319232], [28.859680192000013, 44.54052736, 58.43395994729997, 157.2707519488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047444.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[120.06506349799999, 125.9792480256, 332.61328125880004, 498.13549803520004]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047444_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[54.06506349799999, 93.9792480256, 266.61328125880004, 466.13549803520004]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047444.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a dinning table, a car, and two cabinets.", "boxes_value": [[120.06506349799999, 125.9792480256, 332.61328125880004, 498.13549803520004], [128.2789916884, 144.0249633792, 198.553466806, 184.181823744], [120.06506349799999, 202.4349365248, 323.58734129960004, 498.13549803520004], [181.4077758836, 0.971130368, 328.68804928379996, 273.1953124864], [233.26385498160002, 170.9014892544, 254.511840788, 199.1068115456], [301.6303711259, 125.9792480256, 332.61328125880004, 190.4489135616], [300.662170442, 184.6396484608, 330.9996337606, 212.0724487168]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047444_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a dinning table, a car, and two cabinets.", "boxes_value": [[54.06506349799999, 93.9792480256, 266.61328125880004, 466.13549803520004], [62.2789916884, 112.02496337919999, 132.553466806, 152.181823744], [54.06506349799999, 170.4349365248, 257.58734129960004, 466.13549803520004], [115.40777588360001, 0, 262.68804928379996, 241.19531248639998], [167.26385498160002, 138.9014892544, 188.511840788, 167.1068115456], [235.6303711259, 93.9792480256, 266.61328125880004, 158.4489135616], [234.662170442, 152.6396484608, 264.9996337606, 180.0724487168]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047447.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.4259643648, 234.9881591808, 717.9752197632, 512.0528564224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047447_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.4259643648, 69.98815918080001, 717.9752197632, 347]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047447.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two guitars, three people, and a speaker.", "boxes_value": [[0.4259643648, 69.98815918080001, 717.9752197632, 347], [213.56677248, 69.98815918080001, 580.7333984256001, 237.5301513728], [499.33886722560004, 207.824157696, 717.9752197632, 318.3305664], [0.4259643648, 245.3032226816, 171.6317749248, 346.764221184], [215.83465574400003, 0, 443.98266600960005, 346.9001464832], [484.8687744, 51.90869140480001, 643.4077148160001, 346.8065185792], [338.0847168, 299.8031616, 520.350463872, 347]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047454.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[185.3402099551, 247.4150390784, 761.3402099965001, 422.6352539136]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047454_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[144.3402099551, 44.415039078400014, 720, 219.63525391360002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047454.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, four pillows, and a stool.", "boxes_value": [[185.3402099551, 247.4150390784, 761.3402099965001, 422.6352539136], [393.4747314454, 247.4150390784, 586.1199951547, 422.6352539136], [425.4208984599, 272.5848388608, 474.7923583946, 376.1680297984], [695.5989989953999, 343.901733376, 761.3402099965001, 415.8587646464], [185.3402099551, 286.1377563648, 221.1586913768, 356.80664064], [140.80914302940002, 272.5848388608, 241.48809811409998, 317.1159057408], [199.8612060377, 279.3612670976, 266.65783690430004, 402.3058471424]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5, 6], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047454_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, four pillows, and a stool.", "boxes_value": [[144.3402099551, 44.415039078400014, 720, 219.63525391360002], [352.4747314454, 44.415039078400014, 545.1199951547, 219.63525391360002], [384.4208984599, 69.5848388608, 433.7923583946, 173.16802979840003], [654.5989989953999, 140.90173337599998, 720, 212.8587646464], [144.3402099551, 83.1377563648, 180.1586913768, 153.80664064], [99.80914302940002, 69.5848388608, 200.48809811409998, 114.11590574079997], [158.8612060377, 76.36126709759998, 225.65783690430004, 199.3058471424]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5, 6], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047455.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[47.793273933600005, 227.6142578176, 199.3917846778, 343.95697024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047455_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[38.793273933600005, 29.61425781759999, 190.3917846778, 145.95697023999998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047455.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a book, a barrel, a cup, a plate, a bottle, a tissue, and a toiletry.", "boxes_value": [[47.793273933600005, 227.6142578176, 199.3917846778, 343.95697024], [91.9189453104, 310.3281860096, 168.3042602436, 343.95697024], [80.72247313129999, 272.690429696, 125.7179565629, 314.2247314432], [166.9470825061, 227.6142578176, 197.4285278355, 270.2882690048], [164.0333862622, 265.5657958912, 199.3917846778, 276.5390624768], [49.82867433569999, 256.4274292224, 74.3418578864, 302.7130126848], [119.46661379899999, 221.4930419712, 174.9022216591, 277.4371948032], [47.793273933600005, 243.130798336, 75.01660159240001, 303.6755981312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047455_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a book, a barrel, a cup, a plate, a bottle, a tissue, and a toiletry.", "boxes_value": [[38.793273933600005, 29.61425781759999, 190.3917846778, 145.95697023999998], [82.9189453104, 112.32818600960002, 159.3042602436, 145.95697023999998], [71.72247313129999, 74.69042969600002, 116.7179565629, 116.22473144320003], [157.9470825061, 29.61425781759999, 188.4285278355, 72.28826900479999], [155.0333862622, 67.56579589120003, 190.3917846778, 78.53906247679998], [40.82867433569999, 58.42742922240001, 65.3418578864, 104.71301268479999], [110.46661379899999, 23.4930419712, 165.9022216591, 79.43719480319999], [38.793273933600005, 45.130798336, 66.01660159240001, 105.67559813119999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047456.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[216.56134031999997, 150.68414305, 354.51495359999996, 221.84820555000002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047456_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[34.56134031999997, 18.68414304999999, 172.51495359999996, 89.84820555000002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047456.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a plate, a pot, and four bottles.", "boxes_value": [[216.56134031999997, 150.68414305, 354.51495359999996, 221.84820555000002], [302.00201417999995, 150.68414305, 337.08319092, 180.8081665], [216.56134031999997, 158.24853515, 240.64288332, 181.7126465], [336.33349608000003, 160.51812744999998, 354.51495359999996, 185.11657714999998], [292.01745606, 163.47558595, 310.08984372000003, 184.49450685], [278.81518554, 192.1968994, 312.35186766000004, 221.84820555000002], [314.80572509999996, 207.53375245, 337.5043335, 221.84820555000002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047456_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a plate, a pot, and four bottles.", "boxes_value": [[34.56134031999997, 18.68414304999999, 172.51495359999996, 89.84820555000002], [120.00201417999995, 18.68414304999999, 155.08319092, 48.8081665], [34.56134031999997, 26.24853515000001, 58.64288332000001, 49.712646500000005], [154.33349608000003, 28.51812744999998, 172.51495359999996, 53.11657714999998], [110.01745605999997, 31.47558595000001, 128.08984372000003, 52.49450684999999], [96.81518554000002, 60.19689940000001, 130.35186766000004, 89.84820555000002], [132.80572509999996, 75.53375245000001, 155.50433349999997, 89.84820555000002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047457.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[25.5673218039, 356.4843749888, 306.5078735672, 450.9342041088]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047457_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[25.5673218039, 24.484374988800027, 306.5078735672, 118.93420410879997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047457.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bus, and four vans.", "boxes_value": [[25.5673218039, 356.4843749888, 306.5078735672, 450.9342041088], [25.5673218039, 378.8266601472, 55.7075195063, 450.9342041088], [42.5906372132, 329.4926147584, 199.48022459150002, 448.425048832], [191.8887939257, 356.4843749888, 232.3764648501, 421.4332885504], [223.1127929665, 359.6800537088, 256.0458984233, 409.6108398592], [244.89111325919998, 361.273559552, 271.4500732694, 404.830261248], [277.9940185264, 361.273559552, 306.5078735672, 387.3013305856]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047457_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bus, and four vans.", "boxes_value": [[25.5673218039, 24.484374988800027, 306.5078735672, 118.93420410879997], [25.5673218039, 46.826660147200016, 55.7075195063, 118.93420410879997], [42.5906372132, 0, 199.48022459150002, 116.42504883200002], [191.8887939257, 24.484374988800027, 232.3764648501, 89.4332885504], [223.1127929665, 27.680053708800017, 256.0458984233, 77.61083985919998], [244.89111325919998, 29.273559551999995, 271.4500732694, 72.830261248], [277.9940185264, 29.273559551999995, 306.5078735672, 55.3013305856]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047458.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two sandals, three bowls, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[506.10974121, 302.9675903488, 665.0179443088, 364.9841308672], [506.10974121, 304.158935552, 532.0708007663, 322.2905273344], [522.5928954828, 328.883789056, 557.2377929799, 352.7845458944], [554.681152342, 335.7178955264, 593.0059814411, 364.9841308672], [567.2237549166, 302.9675903488, 625.4078369307, 339.898803712], [630.2855224790001, 327.7045287936, 665.0179443088, 348.098876928], [630.2855224790001, 309.9357299712, 682.5970459138999, 337.8083495936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047459_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two sandals, three bowls, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[40.10974120999998, 15.967590348800002, 199.0179443088, 77.98413086720001], [40.10974120999998, 17.158935552000003, 66.07080076629995, 35.2905273344], [56.59289548280003, 41.88378905600001, 91.23779297989995, 65.78454589440003], [88.68115234200002, 48.717895526400014, 127.00598144109995, 77.98413086720001], [101.2237549166, 15.967590348800002, 159.4078369307, 52.89880371200002], [164.28552247900006, 40.70452879359999, 199.0179443088, 61.09887692799998], [164.28552247900006, 22.935729971199976, 216.59704591389993, 50.808349593599985]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047460.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[55.4049682432, 48.8925170688, 277.3693237248, 339.926513664]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047460_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[55.4049682432, 48.8925170688, 277.3693237248, 339.926513664]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047460.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and four microphones.", "boxes_value": [[55.4049682432, 48.8925170688, 277.3693237248, 339.926513664], [1.4631347712, 7.6639404544, 169.7720336896, 169.4902953984], [55.4049682432, 171.0566406144, 208.47711180800002, 339.926513664], [66.1578369024, 48.8925170688, 98.0185546752, 82.543151872], [134.5330810368, 128.7232666112, 170.3316650496, 150.202392576], [240.8547973632, 96.8625488384, 277.3693237248, 169.5336303616], [190.2590331904, 256.6225586176, 244.750366208, 295.1722412032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047460_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and four microphones.", "boxes_value": [[55.4049682432, 48.8925170688, 277.3693237248, 339.926513664], [1.4631347712, 7.6639404544, 169.7720336896, 169.4902953984], [55.4049682432, 171.0566406144, 208.47711180800002, 339.926513664], [66.1578369024, 48.8925170688, 98.0185546752, 82.543151872], [134.5330810368, 128.7232666112, 170.3316650496, 150.202392576], [240.8547973632, 96.8625488384, 277.3693237248, 169.5336303616], [190.2590331904, 256.6225586176, 244.750366208, 295.1722412032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047462.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[229.4205932544, 456.77673343519996, 513.5648193536, 640.1282959199999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047462_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[71.42059325439999, 46.77673343519996, 354, 230.1282959199999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047462.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a desk, two people, a hat, a trash bin can, and a stroller.", "boxes_value": [[229.4205932544, 456.77673343519996, 513.5648193536, 640.1282959199999], [336.0304565248, 577.3079834280001, 512.0346679808, 646.3336181944001], [281.5507812352, 491.109497068, 353.2770996224, 527.0590820328], [444.913085952, 456.77673343519996, 511.6657104384, 576.402709924], [316.9312743936, 518.9029541312, 407.4296875008, 634.0440673936], [331.4840088064, 519.284667956, 363.3806152192, 536.1442871184], [457.0466308608, 520.2694091488, 513.5648193536, 634.3522949111999], [229.4205932544, 502.29382321040003, 351.1528320512, 640.1282959199999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047462_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a desk, two people, a hat, a trash bin can, and a stroller.", "boxes_value": [[71.42059325439999, 46.77673343519996, 354, 230.1282959199999], [178.0304565248, 167.30798342800006, 354, 236.33361819440006], [123.55078123520002, 81.109497068, 195.2770996224, 117.0590820328], [286.913085952, 46.77673343519996, 353.6657104384, 166.40270992399996], [158.9312743936, 108.90295413119998, 249.42968750080001, 224.04406739360002], [173.48400880640003, 109.28466795600002, 205.38061521920002, 126.14428711840003], [299.0466308608, 110.26940914880004, 354, 224.35229491119992], [71.42059325439999, 92.29382321040003, 193.1528320512, 230.1282959199999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047463.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, two bracelets, and two pots.", "boxes_value": [[0, 58.38476562850002, 134.5808715776, 288.5943603193], [0, 118.64575194910003, 91.778503424, 288.5943603193], [0.6611328, 94.06445313530003, 36.732421888, 123.0874023746], [20.7698364416, 58.38476562850002, 80.0593871872, 98.18762209510004], [77.5717163008, 65.8477782928, 134.5808715776, 94.87072753209998], [40.2565918208, 106.08825683269998, 66.5844726784, 121.8435058362]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5], [3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047464.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[533.4359130894, 262.6367187456, 641.080932618, 388.5426025472]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047464_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, a desk, a chair, and three stools.", "boxes_value": [[27.435913089399946, 31.63671874559998, 135.08093261800002, 157.54260254719998], [0, 27.351806617600005, 134.92602540760004, 90.3742675968], [27.435913089399946, 31.63671874559998, 98.6652831778, 59.96185303039999], [46.597045875999925, 33.30291747839999, 86.37719724520002, 114.52941895679999], [39.412475548299994, 94.42041016320002, 76.54321288869994, 157.54260254719998], [37.03613284149992, 81.64746091519999, 64.66137698080001, 123.97235107839998], [94.59790036209995, 85.95465087999997, 135.08093261800002, 146.30578611200002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047465.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a book, a backpack, a storage box, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[47.93212890870001, 14.404724121599997, 238.63916017199995, 71.27191162880001], [62.28967284729998, 0, 94.32775878040002, 76.5682983424], [221.6364746411, 0, 238.9298095926, 35.1858520576], [214.66101073540005, 14.404724121599997, 238.63916017199995, 29.518249523199998], [169.9871121932, 41.534513868800005, 192.49721398509996, 68.99189073919999], [47.93212890870001, 47.15899658239999, 89.72790526979998, 71.27191162880001], [221.5587158203125, 0, 238.6268310546875, 69.50431823730469], [194.0125732421875, 0, 226.8658447265625, 70.32958984375], [188.10162353515625, 20.38677978515625, 238.32708740234375, 67.87385559082031]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 6, 7], [3], [4], [5], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047466.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[111.79528811520001, 461.675720192, 599.055542016, 513.33288576]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047466_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[111.79528811520001, 13.675720192000028, 599.055542016, 64]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047466.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[111.79528811520001, 461.675720192, 599.055542016, 513.33288576], [569.2202148096, 485.1284179456, 604.8995361023999, 505.428710912], [554.148803712, 478.36163328, 599.055542016, 503.8908081152], [371.9871826176, 461.675720192, 396.96203612159997, 509.2238769664], [256.47888184320004, 493.1343383552, 305.4678955008, 512.8946533376], [166.7923584, 464.3355713024, 205.2902832384, 511.8330078208], [111.79528811520001, 498.3337402368, 147.7933349376, 513.33288576]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047466_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[111.79528811520001, 13.675720192000028, 599.055542016, 64], [569.2202148096, 37.128417945600006, 604.8995361023999, 57.428710911999985], [554.148803712, 30.361633279999978, 599.055542016, 55.8908081152], [371.9871826176, 13.675720192000028, 396.96203612159997, 61.223876966399985], [256.47888184320004, 45.134338355199986, 305.4678955008, 64], [166.7923584, 16.335571302400012, 205.2902832384, 63.83300782079999], [111.79528811520001, 50.3337402368, 147.7933349376, 64]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047468.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0, 324.327026352, 172.103027328, 476.629211424]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047468_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0, 38.32702635200002, 172.103027328, 190.629211424]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047468.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, three horses, and a speaker.", "boxes_value": [[0, 324.327026352, 172.103027328, 476.629211424], [71.356572672, 377.419677744, 92.595997888, 399.81781027200003], [112.87805177599999, 324.327026352, 172.103027328, 376.97149656], [84.18682860800001, 324.327026352, 123.93334963199999, 368.021911632], [0.057739264, 350.94891355199996, 100.11810304000001, 406.893188496], [0, 419.162048352, 8.815734848, 476.629211424]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047468_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, three horses, and a speaker.", "boxes_value": [[0, 38.32702635200002, 172.103027328, 190.629211424], [71.356572672, 91.41967774400001, 92.595997888, 113.81781027200003], [112.87805177599999, 38.32702635200002, 172.103027328, 90.97149655999999], [84.18682860800001, 38.32702635200002, 123.93334963199999, 82.02191163200001], [0.057739264, 64.94891355199996, 100.11810304000001, 120.893188496], [0, 133.162048352, 8.815734848, 190.629211424]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047469.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.2969360384, 168.2720337223, 347.0421142528, 644.7596435213]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047469_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.2969360384, 119.2720337223, 347.0421142528, 595.7596435213]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047469.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a necklace, two sneakers, and a belt.", "boxes_value": [[0.2969360384, 168.2720337223, 347.0421142528, 644.7596435213], [0.0591430656, 90.1727905305, 43.7161254912, 342.2282714939], [0.2969360384, 328.2311401668, 106.9667968512, 481.7020263681], [85.9095458816, 141.2038573932, 226.598876928, 450.5803222863], [51.312194816, 87.00799562799999, 252.89685058559996, 669.8903808655], [120.9320678912, 168.2720337223, 170.5502319104, 206.2774657942], [28.5863647232, 462.3547363199, 81.798767104, 482.00231933889995], [285.23388672, 330.5516968005, 347.0421142528, 354.2926025672], [251.4671630848, 592.4790039121, 344.132263168, 644.7596435213]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6, 8], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047469_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a necklace, two sneakers, and a belt.", "boxes_value": [[0.2969360384, 119.2720337223, 347.0421142528, 595.7596435213], [0.0591430656, 41.172790530499995, 43.7161254912, 293.2282714939], [0.2969360384, 279.2311401668, 106.9667968512, 432.7020263681], [85.9095458816, 92.2038573932, 226.598876928, 401.5803222863], [51.312194816, 38.00799562799999, 252.89685058559996, 620.8903808655], [120.9320678912, 119.2720337223, 170.5502319104, 157.2774657942], [28.5863647232, 413.3547363199, 81.798767104, 433.00231933889995], [285.23388672, 281.5516968005, 347.0421142528, 305.2926025672], [251.4671630848, 543.4790039121, 344.132263168, 595.7596435213]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6, 8], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047470.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a helmet, two gloves, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[620.229492155, 80.147277824, 726.534667976, 229.6782836736], [621.066162145, 80.147277824, 697.689331053, 229.6782836736], [633.8933105635, 81.0377197056, 656.7978515799999, 103.1521606656], [620.229492155, 127.0034789888, 636.479370111, 152.1907958784], [661.395751939, 140.2742309376, 679.2706298755, 170.6072997888], [633.7110596115, 143.5267944448, 726.534667976, 182.0943603712]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047470_crop.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a helmet, two gloves, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[27.229492155000003, 38.147277824, 133.53466797600004, 187.6782836736], [28.06616214500002, 38.147277824, 104.68933105300005, 187.6782836736], [40.893310563499995, 39.0377197056, 63.79785157999993, 61.15216066559999], [27.229492155000003, 85.0034789888, 43.47937011099998, 110.1907958784], [68.39575193899998, 98.27423093760001, 86.27062987550005, 128.6072997888], [40.71105961149999, 101.5267944448, 133.53466797600004, 140.0943603712]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047472.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a helmet, two handbags, and a trolley.", "boxes_value": [[417.68566893630003, 176.0000610304, 573.6235351641, 408.121887232], [417.3977050623, 175.5679321088, 534.3002929419, 502.4178466816], [466.6212158037, 176.0000610304, 515.8786621101, 227.8330688512], [417.68566893630003, 345.6646728704, 457.6068115584, 408.121887232], [506.9421386565, 312.1815185408, 530.2066650495, 348.4467163136], [541.3001708706, 225.1394653184, 573.6235351641, 254.920532224], [422.2228698730469, 188.13404846191406, 467.8589782714844, 259.848388671875], [504.3493347167969, 188.9119873046875, 539.353271484375, 257.5384826660156]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6, 7], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047488_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a helmet, two handbags, and a trolley.", "boxes_value": [[39.68566893630003, 59.00006103039999, 195.62353516409996, 291.121887232], [39.39770506230002, 58.567932108799994, 156.3002929419, 349], [88.62121580370001, 59.00006103039999, 137.87866211009998, 110.83306885120001], [39.68566893630003, 228.6646728704, 79.60681155840001, 291.121887232], [128.9421386565, 195.18151854080003, 152.20666504949997, 231.4467163136], [163.30017087060003, 108.1394653184, 195.62353516409996, 137.920532224], [44.222869873046875, 71.13404846191406, 89.85897827148438, 142.848388671875], [126.34933471679688, 71.9119873046875, 161.353271484375, 140.53848266601562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6, 7], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047489.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cars, and three rickshaws.", "boxes_value": [[82.46582035200001, 8.118408192000004, 410.52246091200004, 40.51605222400002], [82.46582035200001, 24.58782960640002, 133.22021485599998, 40.51605222400002], [174.525634792, 24.04791260159999, 275.764282192, 40.51605222400002], [280.06774900799996, 8.118408192000004, 308.35510251999995, 35.57971189760002], [310.41979979200005, 8.118408192000004, 332.925781224, 32.48260500480001], [386.387573256, 8.268859852800006, 410.52246091200004, 27.797790515200006]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047490.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a person, a leather shoes, a camera, and two tripods.", "boxes_value": [[54.99676513279999, 49.024719256500006, 273.077270528, 515.1588174988], [137.41107179519997, 49.024719256500006, 169.22204590080003, 94.0902709668], [21.47216798720001, 192.2994384552, 210.80114744320002, 534.1373290734], [78.55979581439999, 498.2741550509, 122.09056609279997, 515.1588174988], [60.2899169792, 114.8298950362, 82.34002688000001, 135.7968749845], [54.99676513279999, 137.1878051675, 84.6831054848, 193.7191772367], [239.4965210112, 113.87939453460001, 273.077270528, 192.1255493189]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047492.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a desk, a person, a glasses, a tie, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[56.5103759574, 19.2227783168, 281.62359621269997, 294.0769653248], [138.0010986349, 23.9898681856, 335.152648953, 165.4488525312], [0, 148.7410888704, 332.12933351090004, 293.3825683456], [56.5103759574, 19.2227783168, 281.62359621269997, 294.0769653248], [191.8776855482, 65.0631713792, 272.4243774282, 96.565917952], [182.32525633539998, 154.814086912, 207.9766845541, 192.9248047104], [88.34454344460002, 191.6580200448, 241.5466308805, 228.1347045888]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047495.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[54.507751484, 103.4508056576, 191.79272461800002, 431.7409057791999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047495_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[34.507751484, 82.4508056576, 171.79272461800002, 410.7409057791999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047495.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two helmets, two gloves, and a boots.", "boxes_value": [[34.507751484, 82.4508056576, 171.79272461800002, 410.7409057791999], [0, 103.6735839744, 144.6010131736, 429.3108520448], [34.507751484, 82.4508056576, 171.79272461800002, 410.7409057791999], [97.62831696399999, 81.8765967872, 153.00407657199997, 123.06231802880001], [23.5632384364, 102.9886051328, 80.66949054080001, 147.9814098432], [106.05656433105469, 252.87884521484375, 144.2464141845703, 299.61114501953125], [139.38087463378906, 241.1756591796875, 171.9547882080078, 288.469482421875], [57.73540496826172, 368.433837890625, 111.04426574707031, 411.5919189453125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047496.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[10.163452152, 300.7666931152344, 209.3077850341797, 365.923584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047496_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[10.163452152, 16.766693115234375, 209.3077850341797, 81.923584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047496.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five pillows.", "boxes_value": [[10.163452152, 300.7666931152344, 209.3077850341797, 365.923584], [10.163452152, 326.6596069376, 73.19244382379999, 364.1153564672], [63.3764648286, 332.6008300544, 145.2625732299, 365.923584], [140.87121584969998, 335.7006225408, 225.3404540688, 368.506713856], [51.4939575192, 307.8025512448, 120.98089595759998, 339.575378432], [167.20628356933594, 300.7666931152344, 209.3077850341797, 332.9031066894531]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047496_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five pillows.", "boxes_value": [[10.163452152, 16.766693115234375, 209.3077850341797, 81.923584], [10.163452152, 42.65960693760002, 73.19244382379999, 80.1153564672], [63.3764648286, 48.60083005439998, 145.2625732299, 81.923584], [140.87121584969998, 51.7006225408, 225.3404540688, 84.50671385599998], [51.4939575192, 23.802551244799986, 120.98089595759998, 55.57537843199998], [167.20628356933594, 16.766693115234375, 209.3077850341797, 48.903106689453125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047497.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[189.91491700790002, 0.5027465728, 358.0395508151, 430.02838134765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047497_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[264.1448364357, 65.786804224, 754.899780294, 305.1891479552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047498_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[123.14483643569997, 60.786804223999994, 613.899780294, 300.1891479552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047498.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, three backpacks, a hat, a handbag, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[264.1448364357, 65.786804224, 754.899780294, 305.1891479552], [320.2934570055, 139.9039306752, 451.1870117172, 420.0731201024], [638.7663574083, 65.786804224, 754.899780294, 304.1660156416], [264.1448364357, 202.766845696, 348.7324218576, 305.1891479552], [403.6093749666, 141.0524292096, 450.03161622539994, 168.0072631808], [335.205932655, 179.0334472704, 424.73474120550003, 274.0173339648], [266.6453857683, 254.5050659328, 297.5686035399, 313.77441408], [636.3443603253, 107.9168090624, 744.2783203284, 208.6935425024], [666.7487792823, 149.5762329088, 680.5371093675001, 176.201965312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 5, 7], [4], [6], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047498_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, three backpacks, a hat, a handbag, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[123.14483643569997, 60.786804223999994, 613.899780294, 300.1891479552], [179.2934570055, 134.9039306752, 310.1870117172, 360], [497.7663574083, 60.786804223999994, 613.899780294, 299.1660156416], [123.14483643569997, 197.766845696, 207.7324218576, 300.1891479552], [262.6093749666, 136.0524292096, 309.03161622539994, 163.0072631808], [194.20593265500003, 174.0334472704, 283.73474120550003, 269.0173339648], [125.6453857683, 249.5050659328, 156.56860353989998, 308.77441408], [495.34436032530004, 102.9168090624, 603.2783203284, 203.6935425024], [525.7487792823, 144.5762329088, 539.5371093675001, 171.201965312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 5, 7], [4], [6], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047501.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[198.2286105088, 189.09368896029997, 511.933959936, 682.9599609691]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047501_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[79.22861050879999, 124.09368896029997, 392.933959936, 617.9599609691]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047501.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a guitar, a violin, a cello, three people, a sneakers, a tripod, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[198.2286105088, 189.09368896029997, 511.933959936, 682.9599609691], [194.9567260672, 434.3432617242, 321.4612426752, 553.9165039266], [146.472290048, 234.62731935309998, 293.3825683456, 377.11254881170004], [302.4403076096, 379.4876709301, 347.3044433408, 422.4011230391], [357.0575561728, 341.7757568105, 424.0286865408, 491.9731445613], [336.7463378944, 189.09368896029997, 511.933959936, 682.9599609691], [319.1117553664, 336.3054809284, 384.5050659328, 523.5393066585], [259.1641235456, 334.6630859227, 363.4566040064, 556.3873290977999], [198.2286105088, 588.3096185278999, 281.3185586688, 617.6354825701001], [194.6309814272, 446.45397949380003, 273.7445068288, 553.7183837944], [270.54168701171875, 500.4831237792969, 284.8492431640625, 535.8063354492188]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7], [8], [9], [10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047501_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a guitar, a violin, a cello, three people, a sneakers, a tripod, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[79.22861050879999, 124.09368896029997, 392.933959936, 617.9599609691], [75.95672606720001, 369.3432617242, 202.46124267520003, 488.91650392659994], [27.47229004799999, 169.62731935309998, 174.38256834560002, 312.11254881170004], [183.44030760959998, 314.4876709301, 228.3044433408, 357.4011230391], [238.0575561728, 276.7757568105, 305.0286865408, 426.9731445613], [217.74633789440003, 124.09368896029997, 392.933959936, 617.9599609691], [200.11175536640002, 271.3054809284, 265.5050659328, 458.5393066585], [140.16412354559998, 269.6630859227, 244.45660400640003, 491.3873290977999], [79.22861050879999, 523.3096185278999, 162.3185586688, 552.6354825701001], [75.6309814272, 381.45397949380003, 154.7445068288, 488.7183837944], [151.54168701171875, 435.4831237792969, 165.8492431640625, 470.80633544921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7], [8], [9], [10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047502.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five bowls.", "boxes_value": [[421.7103576660156, 373.9832153088, 474.9339904785156, 422.4921875], [450.18359377779996, 373.9832153088, 468.70837406059997, 390.3809204224], [435.3401184082031, 391.7929382324219, 466.2013854980469, 403.0209045410156], [421.7103576660156, 401.6004333496094, 453.1158142089844, 420.2182922363281], [439.92645263671875, 409.7144775390625, 472.20379638671875, 422.4921875], [453.9049377441406, 399.2334899902344, 474.9339904785156, 409.9643859863281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047502_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five bowls.", "boxes_value": [[13.710357666015625, 12.983215308800027, 66.93399047851562, 61.4921875], [42.183593777799956, 12.983215308800027, 60.708374060599965, 29.38092042239998], [27.340118408203125, 30.792938232421875, 58.201385498046875, 42.020904541015625], [13.710357666015625, 40.600433349609375, 45.115814208984375, 59.218292236328125], [31.92645263671875, 48.7144775390625, 64.20379638671875, 61.4921875], [45.904937744140625, 38.233489990234375, 66.93399047851562, 48.964385986328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047503.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a backpack, two handbags, a car, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[0.5187378176, 108.9164810180664, 186.2787475456, 482.056274432], [95.5194092032, 119.6997070336, 119.213317888, 154.7570190336], [37.7352905216, 127.8394165248, 67.7153320448, 170.8753051648], [0.5187378176, 134.1497192448, 16.4591064576, 206.133117696], [170.771789568, 452.3907470848, 186.2787475456, 482.056274432], [47.471500396728516, 108.9164810180664, 96.15396118164062, 238.40869903564453]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047503_crop.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a backpack, two handbags, a car, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[0.5187378176, 93.9164810180664, 186.2787475456, 467.056274432], [95.5194092032, 104.6997070336, 119.213317888, 139.7570190336], [37.7352905216, 112.8394165248, 67.7153320448, 155.8753051648], [0.5187378176, 119.1497192448, 16.4591064576, 191.133117696], [170.771789568, 437.3907470848, 186.2787475456, 467.056274432], [47.471500396728516, 93.9164810180664, 96.15396118164062, 223.40869903564453]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047504.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[150.2833862615, 359.1530151424, 390.5728759473, 432.1516723712]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047504_crop.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a luggage, three handbags, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[60.2833862615, 19.153015142400022, 300.5728759473, 92.1516723712], [226.241149887, 0, 243.25140380919999, 92.6107788288], [254.14855959749997, 0, 294.0163574116, 81.97937013759997], [60.2833862615, 19.153015142400022, 74.90112307979999, 56.323852543999976], [88.4747314343, 52.58203125760002, 109.95385743, 71.91326904319999], [179.6076049564, 25.886535628800004, 212.440002473, 69.45849610239998], [239.4423217565, 35.70556641280001, 260.3077392633, 67.3106079232], [271.51708984379997, 28.912414566400003, 300.5728759473, 92.1516723712]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047510.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[80.08136749267578, 277.020996096, 161.80841065619998, 386.4545898496], [78.2353515504, 276.7244262912, 125.18591310720001, 373.485412608], [107.50018310789999, 277.020996096, 145.61621095889998, 378.7571410944], [138.8138427522, 368.2908325376, 161.80841065619998, 386.4545898496], [113.9020767211914, 364.902099609375, 123.48210906982422, 371.664306640625], [80.08136749267578, 367.1216125488281, 86.52498626708984, 373.2117004394531]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047510_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a storage box, two flowers, and two cleaning products.", "boxes_value": [[59.8030395333, 90.2243652096, 306.1509399528, 257.291931136], [47.90643311150001, 37.2442016768, 315.3146362088, 312.8663330304], [70.572326657, 90.2243652096, 145.0600585914, 128.3656616448], [170.63714599760002, 135.5452270592, 306.1509399528, 213.6227417088], [59.8030395333, 200.1610717696, 137.2987060631, 257.291931136], [78.6227417237, 142.99517824, 110.5150146698, 198.0020751872], [109.6372070193, 141.8248290816, 138.6035766752, 197.1242675712]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047511_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a storage box, two flowers, and two cleaning products.", "boxes_value": [[59.8030395333, 42.224365209599995, 306.1509399528, 209.29193113600002], [47.90643311150001, 0, 315.3146362088, 251], [70.572326657, 42.224365209599995, 145.0600585914, 80.36566164480001], [170.63714599760002, 87.54522705919999, 306.1509399528, 165.6227417088], [59.8030395333, 152.1610717696, 137.2987060631, 209.29193113600002], [78.6227417237, 94.99517824, 110.5150146698, 150.0020751872], [109.6372070193, 93.8248290816, 138.6035766752, 149.1242675712]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047512.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[349.3209228586, 103.3560180736, 627.7120361449, 323.3530883584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047512_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[70.3209228586, 55.3560180736, 348.7120361449, 275.3530883584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047512.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a desk, a person, and three lanterns.", "boxes_value": [[349.3209228586, 103.3560180736, 627.7120361449, 323.3530883584], [369.32165528229996, 147.6272583168, 529.7160644797, 319.1602783232], [343.70300293910003, 220.0275268608, 378.3538818178, 332.5264892416], [316.779052765, 103.0164184576, 424.09838868739996, 175.6148071424], [300.9967651516, 169.3018798592, 476.705932619, 373.419067392], [349.3209228586, 103.3560180736, 610.2475586158, 323.3530883584], [571.3083496029, 90.9618530304, 634.4307861016999, 164.604553216], [561.5913085860001, 172.5378418176, 627.7120361449, 225.2427978752], [589.3812255891, 239.6168823296, 627.7120361449, 285.1347656192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047512_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a desk, a person, and three lanterns.", "boxes_value": [[70.3209228586, 55.3560180736, 348.7120361449, 275.3530883584], [90.32165528229996, 99.62725831680001, 250.71606447969998, 271.1602783232], [64.70300293910003, 172.0275268608, 99.35388181780002, 284.5264892416], [37.77905276500002, 55.0164184576, 145.09838868739996, 127.6148071424], [21.996765151600016, 121.3018798592, 197.705932619, 325.419067392], [70.3209228586, 55.3560180736, 331.2475586158, 275.3530883584], [292.30834960289997, 42.96185303039999, 355.43078610169994, 116.604553216], [282.5913085860001, 124.5378418176, 348.7120361449, 177.2427978752], [310.38122558910004, 191.6168823296, 348.7120361449, 237.13476561919998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047513.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a fork, a cup, a bottle, and a cell phone.", "boxes_value": [[89.1026001063, 366.7708129792, 332.4868163936, 512.6213379072], [195.7592773499, 388.7299194368, 332.4868163936, 512.6213379072], [221.58386230199997, 366.7708129792, 254.58630373440002, 461.0634765824], [140.49212646479998, 409.2025146368, 198.4821167307, 504.909606912], [89.1026001063, 398.9350585856, 132.0057983475, 512.557739264], [201.441589371, 477.4604492288, 264.8144531186, 496.2376098816]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047514_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a chair, a picture, a lamp, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[75.8107299812, 16.2870483456, 330.5891723958, 291.3140258816], [57.6958008063, 155.4241943552, 196.9271240109, 310.2494507008], [177.9916381579, 179.9289550848, 265.98583982, 291.3140258816], [277.1243896643, 18.4205932544, 330.5891723958, 87.4793091072], [247.8460083285, 154.5717773312, 282.2162475523, 198.7620849664], [237.2075805898, 94.0147094528, 261.7577514737, 155.3901367296], [75.8107299812, 16.2870483456, 131.4614257999, 96.2849731584]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047515_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a chair, a picture, a lamp, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[63.8107299812, 16.2870483456, 318.5891723958, 291.3140258816], [45.6958008063, 155.4241943552, 184.9271240109, 310.2494507008], [165.9916381579, 179.9289550848, 253.98583982000002, 291.3140258816], [265.1243896643, 18.4205932544, 318.5891723958, 87.4793091072], [235.8460083285, 154.5717773312, 270.2162475523, 198.7620849664], [225.2075805898, 94.0147094528, 249.7577514737, 155.3901367296], [63.8107299812, 16.2870483456, 119.46142579990001, 96.2849731584]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047516.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four flowers, a picture, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[23.0564575, 27.485717763400004, 114.25476074999997, 137.1456908958], [65.69439695, 98.76391603580001, 114.25476074999997, 137.1456908958], [46.18542479999999, 107.6701660135, 68.66314695, 128.8755492938], [23.91973875, 115.94030761549999, 45.63757325, 133.869079602], [51.56225585, 4.591491720499988, 127.97961425, 104.14434816260001], [23.0564575, 51.20318603779998, 94.04284669999998, 116.53887942080001], [70.4944458, 27.485717763400004, 110.50463865, 90.5559692283]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 5], [4], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047517.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[289.2808837665, 268.1311035392, 444.83325195149996, 350.2376098816]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047517_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[39.28088376649998, 21.131103539200012, 194.83325195149996, 103.23760988160001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047517.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cups, a bottle, two plates, and an apple.", "boxes_value": [[38.388183604999995, 13.750854502399989, 189.92467109200004, 66.07360839680001], [115.58532716699995, 13.750854502399989, 136.28015139400003, 43.03594972159999], [161.660644532, 9.065185536000001, 182.35546875900002, 37.959838873600006], [59.35791015199999, 21.560180684800002, 87.86206051899995, 66.07360839680001], [142.00653405600002, 16.682921267199987, 189.92467109200004, 40.6419897856], [102.99625582599998, 23.133439743999986, 151.83589544400002, 46.78534067199999], [38.388183604999995, 17.149902335999997, 67.02429202899998, 47.8686523392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047521.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[231.9824828928, 0.5211791872, 766.5361327872, 365.9060058624]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047521_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[133.9824828928, 0.5211791872, 668.5361327872, 365.9060058624]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047521.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a necklace, two glasses, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[133.9824828928, 0.5211791872, 668.5361327872, 365.9060058624], [349.3610839552, 63.846740736, 669.1816406272, 457], [511.15466306560006, 329.9786376704, 557.5260009472, 365.9060058624], [595.6883544832, 3.5855712768, 668.5361327872, 235.0692138496], [245.61279293439998, 0.4020385792, 372.66638179840004, 225.036743168], [516.1721191168, 0.5211791872, 600.71777344, 99.8522338816], [200.47656248319998, 128.194946304, 349.50183109119996, 184.3393554432], [403.56677248, 153.14801024, 544.27441408, 218.9963989504], [133.9824828928, 107.4379272704, 202.94580075520003, 233.7212524544], [404.99798583984375, 10.437896728515625, 494.28839111328125, 85.99925231933594]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2], [6, 7], [8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047524.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[147.1779174912, 222.0439453184, 526.3988037109375, 329.4874572753906]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047524_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[95.17791749119999, 27.043945318400006, 474.3988037109375, 134.48745727539062]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047524.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, two people, and three boats.", "boxes_value": [[147.1779174912, 222.0439453184, 526.3988037109375, 329.4874572753906], [227.94152832000003, 249.1530761728, 294.331787136, 316.9264526336], [179.62109376, 217.92840576, 229.38171386879998, 284.5253296128], [236.116210944, 222.0439453184, 271.2854003712, 283.777038592], [126.35925296639999, 244.6724242944, 296.9567870976, 306.2912597504], [147.1779174912, 279.6921997312, 295.218994176, 326.3447876096], [489.0074768066406, 304.0318298339844, 526.3988037109375, 329.4874572753906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047524_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, two people, and three boats.", "boxes_value": [[95.17791749119999, 27.043945318400006, 474.3988037109375, 134.48745727539062], [175.94152832000003, 54.15307617280001, 242.331787136, 121.92645263359998], [127.62109376000001, 22.928405760000004, 177.38171386879998, 89.52532961280002], [184.116210944, 27.043945318400006, 219.2854003712, 88.777038592], [74.35925296639999, 49.6724242944, 244.9567870976, 111.2912597504], [95.17791749119999, 84.69219973119999, 243.21899417600002, 131.34478760960002], [437.0074768066406, 109.03182983398438, 474.3988037109375, 134.48745727539062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047526.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 270.87725832, 407.804199232, 477.65191651199996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047526_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 51.87725832000001, 407.804199232, 258.65191651199996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047526.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pillows, a lamp, a nightstand, and a bed.", "boxes_value": [[0, 270.87725832, 407.804199232, 477.65191651199996], [305.469177216, 275.07031248000004, 407.804199232, 374.272644048], [247.785949696, 270.87725832, 380.654113792, 372.18420408], [181.205200192, 300.131958, 229.24005126400002, 393.068908704], [164.49743654399998, 361.74182131199996, 292.938354496, 449.45758056], [143.61279295999998, 318.928222656, 184.17474368, 420.619689936], [0, 316.83972168, 182.249450688, 477.65191651199996], [0, 316.126220688, 383.78680422400004, 478.696166976]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5, 6], [3], [4], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047526_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pillows, a lamp, a nightstand, and a bed.", "boxes_value": [[0, 51.87725832000001, 407.804199232, 258.65191651199996], [305.469177216, 56.07031248000004, 407.804199232, 155.27264404800002], [247.785949696, 51.87725832000001, 380.654113792, 153.18420407999997], [181.205200192, 81.131958, 229.24005126400002, 174.06890870400002], [164.49743654399998, 142.74182131199996, 292.938354496, 230.45758056], [143.61279295999998, 99.928222656, 184.17474368, 201.619689936], [0, 97.83972168000003, 182.249450688, 258.65191651199996], [0, 97.12622068799999, 383.78680422400004, 259.696166976]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5, 6], [3], [4], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047527.jpg", "text": "In the image , please describe the bounding box . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, a chair, and three lamps.", "boxes_value": [[395.3551025390625, 37.16447067260742, 682.331298828125, 314.010498048], [633.1619872923, 163.8583373824, 673.995727555, 314.010498048], [626.8929319139, 208.3066165248, 654.6054499649, 227.85123456], [395.3551025390625, 172.46926879882812, 433.37298583984375, 204.50234985351562], [600.3579711914062, 37.16447067260742, 635.5055541992188, 87.6357421875], [535.4268798828125, 89.03765869140625, 564.8070068359375, 119.52676391601562], [668.9736328125, 74.13153076171875, 682.331298828125, 114.55154418945312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047527_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , please describe the bounding box . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, a chair, and three lamps.", "boxes_value": [[72.3551025390625, 37.16447067260742, 359.331298828125, 314.010498048], [310.16198729229995, 163.8583373824, 350.99572755500003, 314.010498048], [303.89293191390004, 208.3066165248, 331.6054499649, 227.85123456], [72.3551025390625, 172.46926879882812, 110.37298583984375, 204.50234985351562], [277.35797119140625, 37.16447067260742, 312.50555419921875, 87.6357421875], [212.4268798828125, 89.03765869140625, 241.8070068359375, 119.52676391601562], [345.9736328125, 74.13153076171875, 359.331298828125, 114.55154418945312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047529.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[10.0747680306, 266.519531264, 219.95684810720002, 453.2800903168]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047529_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[10.0747680306, 47.51953126400002, 219.95684810720002, 234.2800903168]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047529.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, three people, a handbag, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[10.0747680306, 266.519531264, 219.95684810720002, 453.2800903168], [30.7373046962, 298.7026977792, 71.3568725594, 361.4783325184], [173.03582764799998, 241.7836303872, 249.8522338654, 451.1229858304], [122.5170287878, 228.6079711744, 176.3686523792, 394.901855488], [10.0747680306, 266.519531264, 38.9392089798, 378.1001586688], [174.8681029964, 339.6687622144, 219.95684810720002, 374.2014770688], [182.8012085036, 438.6246338048, 215.1537475278, 453.2800903168], [127.57903289794922, 381.61383056640625, 148.99964904785156, 392.13134765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047529_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, three people, a handbag, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[10.0747680306, 47.51953126400002, 219.95684810720002, 234.2800903168], [30.7373046962, 79.70269777919998, 71.3568725594, 142.4783325184], [173.03582764799998, 22.78363038719999, 249.8522338654, 232.1229858304], [122.5170287878, 9.607971174400006, 176.3686523792, 175.90185548800002], [10.0747680306, 47.51953126400002, 38.9392089798, 159.10015866880002], [174.8681029964, 120.66876221439998, 219.95684810720002, 155.2014770688], [182.8012085036, 219.6246338048, 215.1537475278, 234.2800903168], [127.57903289794922, 162.61383056640625, 148.99964904785156, 173.13134765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047533.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two plates, two cups, a pizza, and a lemon.", "boxes_value": [[169.2119140864, 466.0407714625, 509.183593728, 653.6358642690001], [285.9022216704, 610.969970698, 511.141723648, 674.0642089595], [274.3688964608, 480.635620133, 357.1376342528, 615.6436767929999], [169.2119140864, 560.012207012, 398.5219726336, 600.0396728764999], [183.4589843968, 469.10229495, 282.510070784, 653.6358642690001], [335.2504272384, 605.6772461145, 509.183593728, 651.4061279175], [245.4258422784, 466.0407714625, 310.7528076288, 501.970581026]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047533_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two plates, two cups, a pizza, and a lemon.", "boxes_value": [[85.21191408639999, 47.040771462500004, 425.183593728, 234.63586426900008], [201.90222167040002, 191.969970698, 427.141723648, 255.06420895949998], [190.3688964608, 61.635620132999975, 273.1376342528, 196.64367679299994], [85.21191408639999, 141.01220701199998, 314.5219726336, 181.03967287649994], [99.45898439679999, 50.10229494999999, 198.510070784, 234.63586426900008], [251.2504272384, 186.6772461145, 425.183593728, 232.40612791750004], [161.4258422784, 47.040771462500004, 226.75280762879999, 82.97058102599999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047534.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[55.725036607999996, 208.74456787199998, 195.264709504, 359.834045424]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047534_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[35.725036607999996, 38.744567871999976, 175.264709504, 189.834045424]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047534.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a book, two cups, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[55.725036607999996, 208.74456787199998, 195.264709504, 359.834045424], [152.096252416, 296.686828608, 195.264709504, 359.834045424], [55.725036607999996, 222.761596656, 92.516723648, 276.980895984], [97.19293216, 208.74456787199998, 119.14154054400001, 225.650939952], [98.178894016, 268.54211424, 122.006408704, 285.73937990400003], [122.74194336000001, 225.543090816, 155.768981952, 244.78906248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047534_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a book, two cups, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[35.725036607999996, 38.744567871999976, 175.264709504, 189.834045424], [132.096252416, 126.68682860799998, 175.264709504, 189.834045424], [35.725036607999996, 52.761596655999995, 72.516723648, 106.98089598400003], [77.19293216, 38.744567871999976, 99.14154054400001, 55.65093995199999], [78.178894016, 98.54211423999999, 102.006408704, 115.73937990400003], [102.74194336000001, 55.54309081599999, 135.768981952, 74.78906248000001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047535.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four vases, a cup, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[138.55287170410156, 270.7387695104, 261.7033081344, 477.95703125], [188.8399658552, 275.1018066432, 233.779663062, 377.1978149376], [224.1808471452, 270.7387695104, 261.7033081344, 377.423584], [188.8399658552, 275.1018066432, 233.779663062, 377.1978149376], [224.1808471452, 270.7387695104, 261.7033081344, 377.423584], [239.43284606933594, 413.9542541503906, 247.3031768798828, 426.2066345214844], [138.55287170410156, 375.67510986328125, 223.76792907714844, 477.95703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047535_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four vases, a cup, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[31.552871704101562, 52.738769510400004, 154.7033081344, 259.95703125], [81.8399658552, 57.10180664320001, 126.779663062, 159.19781493760001], [117.1808471452, 52.738769510400004, 154.7033081344, 159.423584], [81.8399658552, 57.10180664320001, 126.779663062, 159.19781493760001], [117.1808471452, 52.738769510400004, 154.7033081344, 159.423584], [132.43284606933594, 195.95425415039062, 140.3031768798828, 208.20663452148438], [31.552871704101562, 157.67510986328125, 116.76792907714844, 259.95703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047537.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[7.692993153000001, 266.8209228288, 349.050048804, 383.2667846656]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047537_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[7.692993153000001, 29.820922828800008, 349.050048804, 146.26678466560003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047537.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a potted plant, two books, and a stuffed toy.", "boxes_value": [[7.692993153000001, 266.8209228288, 349.050048804, 383.2667846656], [168.3485717625, 285.4522704896, 240.5450439135, 383.2667846656], [226.571533182, 266.8209228288, 283.241821302, 351.4382934528], [296.811889623, 275.9300537344, 349.050048804, 382.0088500736], [7.692993153000001, 355.0478515712, 57.351379401, 374.1870117376], [294.114624012, 310.1299438592, 355.9945068225, 326.2844238336], [52.7677612605, 302.3432006656, 96.4200439215, 355.2490234368]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047537_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a potted plant, two books, and a stuffed toy.", "boxes_value": [[7.692993153000001, 29.820922828800008, 349.050048804, 146.26678466560003], [168.3485717625, 48.45227048959998, 240.5450439135, 146.26678466560003], [226.571533182, 29.820922828800008, 283.241821302, 114.4382934528], [296.811889623, 38.93005373440002, 349.050048804, 145.0088500736], [7.692993153000001, 118.0478515712, 57.351379401, 137.18701173760002], [294.114624012, 73.12994385920001, 355.9945068225, 89.28442383359999], [52.7677612605, 65.34320066560002, 96.4200439215, 118.24902343679997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047538.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a desk, two ties, and three wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[526.7390136524, 154.5891723776, 682.9631347335, 510.6504516608], [574.9606933366999, 297.0591430656, 658.2250976647, 367.0494994944], [598.4919433744, 355.5855712768, 682.9631347335, 510.6504516608], [526.7390136524, 154.5891723776, 548.3675536843, 246.4001464832], [602.6596679758001, 165.6241455104, 623.4053955381, 263.1733398528], [666.0225830103, 342.5872802816, 682.9771728423, 412.7902221824], [632.7203979492188, 400.36431884765625, 662.9028930664062, 453.36224365234375], [623.8446655273438, 359.27105712890625, 648.4441528320312, 396.819091796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047538_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a desk, two ties, and three wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[39.73901365239999, 89.5891723776, 195.96313473350006, 445.6504516608], [87.96069333669993, 232.05914306559998, 171.2250976647, 302.0494994944], [111.49194337439997, 290.5855712768, 195.96313473350006, 445.6504516608], [39.73901365239999, 89.5891723776, 61.36755368429999, 181.4001464832], [115.65966797580006, 100.62414551040001, 136.40539553810004, 198.17333985279998], [179.02258301029997, 277.5872802816, 195.97717284229998, 347.7902221824], [145.72039794921875, 335.36431884765625, 175.90289306640625, 388.36224365234375], [136.84466552734375, 294.27105712890625, 161.44415283203125, 331.819091796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047541.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[473.8907470848, 34.5014038016, 768.0361327872001, 324.8449707008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047541_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[73.89074708480001, 34.5014038016, 368, 324.8449707008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047541.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two barrels, and a bicycle.", "boxes_value": [[473.8907470848, 34.5014038016, 768.0361327872001, 324.8449707008], [473.8907470848, 63.4592285184, 501.6470947584, 191.9392700416], [496.49645998079995, 69.1821899264, 537.4154052864, 189.6500854272], [715.51013184, 249.0159911936, 758.432128896, 324.8449707008], [733.1777343744, 115.2498779136, 768.0361327872001, 172.3460693504], [674.670410112, 34.5014038016, 763.304199168, 92.6057739264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047541_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two barrels, and a bicycle.", "boxes_value": [[73.89074708480001, 34.5014038016, 368, 324.8449707008], [73.89074708480001, 63.4592285184, 101.64709475839999, 191.9392700416], [96.49645998079995, 69.1821899264, 137.41540528639996, 189.6500854272], [315.51013184, 249.0159911936, 358.432128896, 324.8449707008], [333.17773437439996, 115.2498779136, 368, 172.3460693504], [274.670410112, 34.5014038016, 363.30419916799997, 92.6057739264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047546.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[78.6682739124, 301.850402816, 303.63378903439997, 390.8496704]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047546_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[56.6682739124, 22.850402815999985, 281.63378903439997, 111.84967039999998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047546.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a drum, a cymbal, two tripods, and three speakers.", "boxes_value": [[78.6682739124, 301.850402816, 303.63378903439997, 390.8496704], [263.1782836655, 324.4315795968, 303.63378903439997, 364.887145984], [262.0989990181, 303.7164306432, 315.15771485380003, 317.503356928], [246.2547607617, 291.9918823424, 282.4946899527, 389.1808471552], [117.46411131170001, 343.7948608512, 151.817382831, 390.8496704], [236.49737549580001, 276.98687744, 259.5592040755, 389.7734374912], [207.3098144552, 305.4537964032, 252.7127074976, 386.8907470848], [78.6682739124, 301.850402816, 139.5657959269, 384.0079955968]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047546_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a drum, a cymbal, two tripods, and three speakers.", "boxes_value": [[56.6682739124, 22.850402815999985, 281.63378903439997, 111.84967039999998], [241.17828366549998, 45.43157959680002, 281.63378903439997, 85.88714598400003], [240.09899901810002, 24.7164306432, 293.15771485380003, 38.50335692800002], [224.2547607617, 12.991882342400004, 260.4946899527, 110.18084715520001], [95.46411131170001, 64.79486085119999, 129.817382831, 111.84967039999998], [214.49737549580001, 0, 237.55920407550002, 110.77343749120001], [185.3098144552, 26.453796403199988, 230.7127074976, 107.89074708480001], [56.6682739124, 22.850402815999985, 117.5657959269, 105.00799559680001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047547.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[166.7002553856, 169.1139088896, 434.93741529600004, 266.1971730432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047547_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[67.7002553856, 25.113908889599998, 335.93741529600004, 122.1971730432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047547.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a lamp, a nightstand, and two pillows.", "boxes_value": [[38.75561523150003, 40.866271948800005, 192.42492678729997, 203.07495116799998], [72.33215333419997, 40.866271948800005, 112.72570801660004, 103.39324953600001], [51.98846432830001, 110.3323364352, 91.11718747980001, 183.96557619200001], [38.75561523150003, 175.8953247232, 121.86254884620001, 203.07495116799998], [122.12390138299997, 132.3164673024, 192.42492678729997, 201.83355714560003], [123.16918947349996, 154.5305786368, 210.1962890835, 202.61755371520002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047555.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.4082794189453125, 80.956542953, 452.690002432, 370.18493655]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047555_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.4082794189453125, 72.956542953, 452.690002432, 362.18493655]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047555.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two pictures, a flower, a vase, a desk, a pillow, and a bed.", "boxes_value": [[0, 314.7730102828, 499.42858885000004, 645.5843506154], [101.89038085, 254.5844726414, 213.1849365, 421.7047119182], [181.88769530000002, 341.4633178604, 226.0755615, 399.37524413660003], [217.15533445, 317.3780517302, 327.2592163, 418.8801269832], [252.42297365, 388.7735595822, 275.64801025, 435.22363279480004], [109.09240725, 424.9075927736, 350.8083496, 517.41125489], [0, 359.410156266, 167.53674315, 504.3190918202], [0, 314.7730102828, 499.42858885000004, 645.5843506154], [174.16900635, 385.29431152880005, 223.6665039, 423.7923583996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 8], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047556_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two pictures, a flower, a vase, a desk, a pillow, and a bed.", "boxes_value": [[0, 82.77301028279999, 499.42858885000004, 413.5843506154], [101.89038085, 22.584472641399998, 213.1849365, 189.70471191820002], [181.88769530000002, 109.46331786040002, 226.0755615, 167.37524413660003], [217.15533445, 85.37805173020001, 327.2592163, 186.8801269832], [252.42297365, 156.7735595822, 275.64801025, 203.22363279480004], [109.09240725, 192.90759277360002, 350.8083496, 285.41125489], [0, 127.410156266, 167.53674315, 272.3190918202], [0, 82.77301028279999, 499.42858885000004, 413.5843506154], [174.16900635, 153.29431152880005, 223.6665039, 191.7923583996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 8], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047558.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[505.3229596148, 142.1099014656, 713.1867675924, 279.5794067456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047560_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[52.32295961480003, 35.10990146559999, 260.1867675924, 172.5794067456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047560.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[71.55261231690002, 63.521270751953125, 357.493896518, 313.8068847616]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047562.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a person, a bakset, and two pillows.", "boxes_value": [[200.55261231690002, 118.52127075195312, 486.493896518, 368.8068847616], [284.8091430596, 172.0817870848, 324.1428832984, 206.7575683584], [359.983764679, 205.0421142528, 486.493896518, 327.2230224384], [200.55261231690002, 296.4826660352, 268.35656737979997, 368.8068847616], [215.29957580566406, 148.7256317138672, 282.07513427734375, 215.3609161376953], [252.86679077148438, 118.52127075195312, 278.2707214355469, 156.94903564453125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047562_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a person, a bakset, and two pillows.", "boxes_value": [[71.55261231690002, 63.521270751953125, 357.493896518, 313.8068847616], [155.8091430596, 117.0817870848, 195.14288329840002, 151.7575683584], [230.983764679, 150.0421142528, 357.493896518, 272.2230224384], [71.55261231690002, 241.4826660352, 139.35656737979997, 313.8068847616], [86.29957580566406, 93.72563171386719, 153.07513427734375, 160.3609161376953], [123.86679077148438, 63.521270751953125, 149.27072143554688, 101.94903564453125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047563.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a person, a handbag, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[386.59008792, 205.6245727744, 666.89404296, 418.7118530048], [631.67517088, 229.7819213824, 666.89404296, 288.4799194112], [645.77136232, 290.0537109504, 673.11889648, 327.7092284928], [387.53063968000004, 205.6245727744, 502.33215336, 417.176879872], [421.69738768, 328.603088384, 485.475708, 412.8606567424], [386.59008792, 404.6689453056, 425.79333496, 418.7118530048], [479.62451167999996, 378.923584, 499.51867672, 412.2755126784]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047563_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a person, a handbag, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[70.59008791999997, 53.62457277440001, 350.89404296, 266.7118530048], [315.67517088, 77.78192138239999, 350.89404296, 136.4799194112], [329.77136232, 138.0537109504, 357.11889648, 175.70922849279998], [71.53063968000004, 53.62457277440001, 186.33215336, 265.176879872], [105.69738768000002, 176.603088384, 169.475708, 260.8606567424], [70.59008791999997, 252.6689453056, 109.79333495999998, 266.7118530048], [163.62451167999996, 226.923584, 183.51867671999997, 260.2755126784]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047564.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[277.2677612177, 228.865417472, 578.5892333895, 311.0997924864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047564_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[76.26776121770001, 20.86541747199999, 377.5892333895, 103.09979248640002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047564.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a desk, a nightstand, a pillow, a person, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[277.2677612177, 228.865417472, 578.5892333895, 311.0997924864], [278.7645263447, 198.1065063424, 351.14575194139996, 299.756347648], [254.7940673809, 215.614318848, 425.8770751971, 305.3859252736], [407.972290071, 249.8502197248, 469.5030517549, 263.2962646528], [536.4819335822, 251.2493896704, 595.8658447333, 301.7257690624], [277.2677612177, 228.865417472, 578.5892333895, 311.0997924864], [514.4814453036, 278.3049316352, 552.4892578149, 307.7475586048]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047564_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a desk, a nightstand, a pillow, a person, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[76.26776121770001, 20.86541747199999, 377.5892333895, 103.09979248640002], [77.76452634470002, 0, 150.14575194139996, 91.75634764799997], [53.7940673809, 7.614318848000011, 224.8770751971, 97.38592527359998], [206.97229007099997, 41.85021972480001, 268.5030517549, 55.296264652800005], [335.4819335822, 43.24938967040001, 394.86584473330004, 93.72576906239999], [76.26776121770001, 20.86541747199999, 377.5892333895, 103.09979248640002], [313.4814453036, 70.30493163519998, 351.48925781490004, 99.74755860480002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047565.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[89.3787842048, 405.86401367869996, 369.821655296, 683.0266113191999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047565_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[70.3787842048, 69.86401367869996, 350.821655296, 347]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047565.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, three watches, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[89.3787842048, 405.86401367869996, 369.821655296, 683.0266113191999], [160.8881836032, 182.10229489920002, 295.9905395712, 683.2744140325], [132.0985107456, 454.4501953004, 149.2872314368, 476.7653808448], [89.3787842048, 652.6948241939999, 123.1832275456, 682.9641113552], [212.5260009984, 666.4033203358, 245.7726440448, 683.0266113191999], [160.8881836032, 182.10229489920002, 295.9905395712, 683.2744140325], [132.0985107456, 454.4501953004, 149.2872314368, 476.7653808448], [352.638671872, 405.86401367869996, 369.821655296, 431.9156494166]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 6, 7], [3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047565_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, three watches, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[70.3787842048, 69.86401367869996, 350.821655296, 347], [141.8881836032, 0, 276.9905395712, 347], [113.09851074560001, 118.45019530040003, 130.2872314368, 140.7653808448], [70.3787842048, 316.6948241939999, 104.1832275456, 346.9641113552], [193.5260009984, 330.4033203358, 226.7726440448, 347], [141.8881836032, 0, 276.9905395712, 347], [113.09851074560001, 118.45019530040003, 130.2872314368, 140.7653808448], [333.638671872, 69.86401367869996, 350.821655296, 95.91564941659999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 6, 7], [3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047566.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[133.14099123649999, 259.6729736192, 515.8454589816, 465.811157248]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047566_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[96.14099123649999, 51.67297361919998, 478.8454589816, 257.811157248]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047566.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[133.14099123649999, 259.6729736192, 515.8454589816, 465.811157248], [264.6426391796, 285.4039917056, 383.10278323669996, 493.5242919936], [385.8197021186, 272.9058838016, 528.7326659961, 466.8979492352], [133.14099123649999, 272.362487808, 265.7294311701, 465.811157248], [398.87133789980004, 261.100463872, 515.8454589816, 406.8190918144], [160.01464841429998, 260.7366943232, 266.5394287365, 371.3962402304], [374.93750000060004, 259.6729736192, 389.2678222912, 301.5327148544], [179.9659424093, 302.8052978688, 467.97363279710004, 444.3847656448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047566_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[96.14099123649999, 51.67297361919998, 478.8454589816, 257.811157248], [227.6426391796, 77.40399170559999, 346.10278323669996, 285.5242919936], [348.8197021186, 64.9058838016, 491.73266599609997, 258.8979492352], [96.14099123649999, 64.36248780800003, 228.72943117009999, 257.811157248], [361.87133789980004, 53.10046387199998, 478.8454589816, 198.8190918144], [123.01464841429998, 52.73669432320003, 229.53942873649999, 163.3962402304], [337.93750000060004, 51.67297361919998, 352.2678222912, 93.53271485440001], [142.9659424093, 94.80529786879998, 430.97363279710004, 236.38476564479998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047567.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[262.5034789888, 93.5632934378, 433.0238647296, 682.2178955388999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047567_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[43.5034789888, 93.5632934378, 214.0238647296, 682.2178955388999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047567.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a picture, a lamp, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[262.5034789888, 93.5632934378, 433.0238647296, 682.2178955388999], [262.5034789888, 419.6776123193, 402.495910656, 682.2178955388999], [279.2509765632, 384.2062988237, 353.8748168704, 548.5512695514001], [395.9147338752, 301.83801269319997, 433.0238647296, 443.2276611124], [285.96661376, 93.5632934378, 339.5880126976, 126.56109620619999], [395.0621338112, 161.8619994943, 425.3335571456, 244.162475609]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047567_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a picture, a lamp, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[43.5034789888, 93.5632934378, 214.0238647296, 682.2178955388999], [43.5034789888, 419.6776123193, 183.49591065599998, 682.2178955388999], [60.25097656320003, 384.2062988237, 134.87481687040002, 548.5512695514001], [176.9147338752, 301.83801269319997, 214.0238647296, 443.2276611124], [66.96661375999997, 93.5632934378, 120.58801269759999, 126.56109620619999], [176.0621338112, 161.8619994943, 206.33355714560003, 244.162475609]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047572.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[77.017337012, 418.8379353088, 396.053849345, 510.7810778624]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047572_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[77.017337012, 23.837935308800013, 396.053849345, 115.78107786240002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047572.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four sneakers, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[77.017337012, 418.8379353088, 396.053849345, 510.7810778624], [77.017337012, 471.3387160576, 127.41591046799999, 510.7810778624], [123.033425823, 470.6083019776, 180.736140277, 510.7810778624], [162.624904211, 405.0388582912, 198.896763758, 441.3107178496], [194.954170334, 418.8379353088, 226.88917713, 462.6007223808], [324.277099608, 480.8998413312, 345.211443192, 502.6978054144], [372.982505357, 478.8150024192, 396.053849345, 498.4253343232]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047572_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four sneakers, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[77.017337012, 23.837935308800013, 396.053849345, 115.78107786240002], [77.017337012, 76.33871605759998, 127.41591046799999, 115.78107786240002], [123.033425823, 75.60830197759998, 180.736140277, 115.78107786240002], [162.624904211, 10.038858291199972, 198.896763758, 46.310717849599996], [194.954170334, 23.837935308800013, 226.88917713, 67.6007223808], [324.277099608, 85.89984133119998, 345.211443192, 107.69780541440002], [372.982505357, 83.81500241920003, 396.053849345, 103.42533432319999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047573.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[267.9783935232, 291.6842040832, 767.7540283392, 425.106750464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047573_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[124.9783935232, 33.68420408319997, 624.7540283392, 167.10675046400002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047573.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five chairs.", "boxes_value": [[267.9783935232, 291.6842040832, 767.7540283392, 425.106750464], [267.9783935232, 294.7396850688, 370.5632324352, 424.5126342656], [386.8378906368, 294.2304687616, 486.65014648320005, 424.5975341568], [486.1408691712, 293.721191424, 592.0640868864, 425.106750464], [593.0826415872, 293.721191424, 706.6445312256, 418.486572288], [702.0612793344, 291.6842040832, 767.7540283392, 420.5235595776]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047573_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five chairs.", "boxes_value": [[124.9783935232, 33.68420408319997, 624.7540283392, 167.10675046400002], [124.9783935232, 36.739685068799986, 227.5632324352, 166.5126342656], [243.8378906368, 36.23046876159998, 343.65014648320005, 166.5975341568], [343.1408691712, 35.72119142399998, 449.0640868864, 167.10675046400002], [450.0826415872, 35.72119142399998, 563.6445312256, 160.486572288], [559.0612793344, 33.68420408319997, 624.7540283392, 162.5235595776]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047574.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[324.9620361383, 178.6121216, 503.054565417, 481.3919067136]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047574_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[44.96203613829999, 76.6121216, 223.054565417, 379.3919067136]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047574.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a glasses, a hat, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[324.9620361383, 178.6121216, 503.054565417, 481.3919067136], [362.2128906298, 178.866882304, 503.054565417, 481.162597632], [279.2774047588, 141.7052612096, 467.7830810562, 511.9783935488], [324.9620361383, 181.018371584, 386.18896483919997, 202.8300781056], [408.792724577, 178.6121216, 465.9942626664, 221.1934203904], [396.9554443548, 437.4497680896, 442.3997802838, 481.3919067136], [389.85021973790003, 438.50115968, 409.7172851484, 479.0631103488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047574_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a glasses, a hat, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[44.96203613829999, 76.6121216, 223.054565417, 379.3919067136], [82.21289062979997, 76.866882304, 223.054565417, 379.162597632], [0, 39.705261209599996, 187.7830810562, 409.9783935488], [44.96203613829999, 79.018371584, 106.18896483919997, 100.8300781056], [128.792724577, 76.6121216, 185.9942626664, 119.19342039040001], [116.95544435480002, 335.4497680896, 162.3997802838, 379.3919067136], [109.85021973790003, 336.50115968, 129.71728514839998, 377.0631103488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047575.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[357.08447262249996, 0, 459.5587158245, 297.9421691894531]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047575_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[26.08447262249996, 0, 128.55871582449998, 297.9421691894531]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047575.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a flower, a vase, two candles, and two wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[357.08447262249996, 0, 459.5587158245, 297.9421691894531], [357.08447262249996, 0, 459.5587158245, 181.0427856384], [396.5123291305, 236.2637328896, 441.60449216200004, 295.1842040832], [410.81909181950004, 273.6564941312, 429.371337902, 302.8099365376], [437.3033447265625, 262.9201354980469, 447.64056396484375, 277.6078796386719], [377.66943359375, 269.4623718261719, 392.62091064453125, 283.4729919433594], [433.3215637207031, 276.2519226074219, 451.9012145996094, 297.9421691894531], [373.40850830078125, 269.0518798828125, 396.61260986328125, 307.244140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047575_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a flower, a vase, two candles, and two wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[26.08447262249996, 0, 128.55871582449998, 297.9421691894531], [26.08447262249996, 0, 128.55871582449998, 181.0427856384], [65.5123291305, 236.2637328896, 110.60449216200004, 295.1842040832], [79.81909181950004, 273.6564941312, 98.371337902, 302.8099365376], [106.3033447265625, 262.9201354980469, 116.64056396484375, 277.6078796386719], [46.66943359375, 269.4623718261719, 61.62091064453125, 283.4729919433594], [102.32156372070312, 276.2519226074219, 120.90121459960938, 297.9421691894531], [42.40850830078125, 269.0518798828125, 65.61260986328125, 307.244140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047577.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[362.814048576, 115.12402344, 583.99401856, 480.5523681599999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047577_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[55.814048576000005, 92.12402344, 276.99401856, 457]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047577.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, three cabinets, a person, a sneakers, a trolley, a bakset, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[362.814048576, 115.12402344, 583.99401856, 480.5523681599999], [333.473022464, 271.265014656, 409.43945311999994, 357.83135985599995], [402.140136704, 226.114624032, 534.3874512, 459.191345232], [511.659790016, 308.64135744, 639.418823232, 480.55236815999996], [442.14392089599994, 115.12402344, 583.99401856, 480.5523681599999], [335.65631104, 121.205322288, 468.657348608, 480.03515625600005], [362.814048576, 455.3844888, 425.635373952, 479.992083024], [451.001028608, 105.592723632, 597.0645973759999, 478.470600864], [340.495998656, 359.485915152, 435.971882304, 411.280021968], [487.38720703125, 364.2813720703125, 502.13543701171875, 407.41229248046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047577_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[60.9254150725, 285.4545898496, 399.5023193221, 512.07275392]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047578_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[60.9254150725, 57.454589849599984, 399.5023193221, 284]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047578.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pillows, a chair, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[51.24414064640001, 40.1066894297, 255.8978271232, 197.26098629839998], [59.78723143680003, 67.7073974438, 147.1894531072, 124.22314452199998], [51.24414064640001, 47.99267579799999, 128.13183595520002, 118.30871578890003], [105.1312256, 40.1066894297, 180.0474243072, 121.594482422], [167.5613403136, 66.39306639379998, 231.3058471424, 148.53796385089993], [185.131530752, 113.72485349390001, 255.8978271232, 197.26098629839998], [218.11364746240002, 126.14733883919996, 256.469665536, 236]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047580.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a pillow, a flower, a vase, a lamp, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[90.00439455829999, 227.0137329152, 602.1328124989, 448.6723022336], [84.5541992177, 232.8496093696, 219.0994872887, 427.9754638848], [90.00439455829999, 270.9511108608, 185.10186766220002, 331.6323852288], [387.97644045100003, 305.3673705984, 533.792480461, 419.4843139584], [435.3881835608, 386.0747680768, 493.6334228292, 401.5788574208], [500.3083495916, 227.0137329152, 602.1328124989, 422.3503417856], [386.0156249715, 395.3356933632, 588.9718017806999, 448.6723022336]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047580_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[58.53222656, 135.9974365002, 369.2390747136, 563.8090820053]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047581_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[58.53222656, 106.9974365002, 369.2390747136, 534.8090820053]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047581.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two vases, a flower, a person, and two pumpkins.", "boxes_value": [[58.53222656, 135.9974365002, 369.2390747136, 563.8090820053], [49.7529296896, 334.29602048140003, 146.42242432, 491.4761962884], [125.139099136, 263.2691650423, 180.8881225728, 307.137268039], [58.53222656, 300.861267097, 113.9586181632, 360.0611572531], [213.386840832, 135.9974365002, 354.0044555776, 552.6099853721], [331.730834944, 528.2749023211, 369.2390747136, 563.8090820053], [193.049133312, 519.3914794863, 223.6479492096, 555.9125976537999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047581_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two vases, a flower, a person, and two pumpkins.", "boxes_value": [[58.53222656, 106.9974365002, 369.2390747136, 534.8090820053], [49.7529296896, 305.29602048140003, 146.42242432, 462.4761962884], [125.139099136, 234.26916504230002, 180.8881225728, 278.137268039], [58.53222656, 271.861267097, 113.9586181632, 331.0611572531], [213.386840832, 106.9974365002, 354.0044555776, 523.6099853721], [331.730834944, 499.27490232109994, 369.2390747136, 534.8090820053], [193.049133312, 490.3914794863, 223.6479492096, 526.9125976537999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047584.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a necklace, two glasses, a belt, a bottle, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[306.9615478146, 108.035278336, 501.05798337869993, 435.601623552], [288.5852050818, 73.636779776, 536.6989746297, 423.3765869056], [343.7196044766, 142.263183616, 388.62036134849996, 168.1022949376], [344.1066894546, 108.035278336, 388.57617190440004, 127.9157714944], [306.9615478146, 271.787841792, 440.8933105389, 311.0256347648], [460.7738037396, 219.9938964992, 501.05798337869993, 236.735351552], [483.58618164809997, 344.6798706176, 511.1065673718, 424.1057739264], [417.0495605094, 375.335510272, 447.0084228477, 435.601623552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047584_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a necklace, two glasses, a belt, a bottle, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[48.96154781460001, 82.035278336, 243.05798337869993, 409.601623552], [30.585205081799984, 47.636779776, 278.69897462970005, 397.3765869056], [85.71960447660001, 116.26318361599999, 130.62036134849996, 142.1022949376], [86.10668945459997, 82.035278336, 130.57617190440004, 101.9157714944], [48.96154781460001, 245.787841792, 182.89331053889998, 285.0256347648], [202.7738037396, 193.9938964992, 243.05798337869993, 210.735351552], [225.58618164809997, 318.6798706176, 253.1065673718, 398.1057739264], [159.0495605094, 349.335510272, 189.0084228477, 409.601623552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047585.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0.0139770624, 155.058898944, 127.87679808000001, 511.37133788159997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047585_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0.0139770624, 90.05889894399999, 127.87679808000001, 446.37133788159997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047585.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[0.0139770624, 155.058898944, 127.87679808000001, 511.37133788159997], [69.3952636416, 193.8284912128, 128.35675046400002, 281.6521606656], [21.4133911296, 190.2814941184, 106.2914428416, 394.6943359488], [0.0139770624, 155.058898944, 68.5039673088, 208.8342285312], [0.3393554688, 188.6846923776, 108.78057861119999, 511.37133788159997], [89.1648503808, 194.9379185664, 127.87679808000001, 217.5807559168]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047585_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[0.0139770624, 90.05889894399999, 127.87679808000001, 446.37133788159997], [69.3952636416, 128.8284912128, 128.35675046400002, 216.65216066559998], [21.4133911296, 125.28149411839999, 106.2914428416, 329.6943359488], [0.0139770624, 90.05889894399999, 68.5039673088, 143.8342285312], [0.3393554688, 123.68469237759999, 108.78057861119999, 446.37133788159997], [89.1648503808, 129.9379185664, 127.87679808000001, 152.5807559168]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047587.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[117.6572265472, 228.68450927519999, 370.7729491968, 272.768127456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047587_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two motorcycles, two cars, and a suv.", "boxes_value": [[117.6572265472, 228.68450927519999, 370.7729491968, 272.768127456], [337.186340352, 239.3312988528, 370.7729491968, 264.20080568640003], [290.524047872, 233.6908569072, 336.417175296, 270.0976562592], [266.1673584128, 229.3322754096, 308.2147216896, 264.20080568640003], [227.184753408, 232.05560304960002, 249.0350951936, 254.6594848512], [117.6572265472, 228.68450927519999, 231.4318847488, 272.768127456]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047587_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two motorcycles, two cars, and a suv.", "boxes_value": [[63.6572265472, 11.684509275199986, 316.7729491968, 55.768127456], [283.186340352, 22.33129885279999, 316.7729491968, 47.20080568640003], [236.52404787199998, 16.690856907199986, 282.417175296, 53.097656259199994], [212.1673584128, 12.332275409599987, 254.21472168960003, 47.20080568640003], [173.184753408, 15.055603049600023, 195.0350951936, 37.659484851200006], [63.6572265472, 11.684509275199986, 177.4318847488, 55.768127456]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047589.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[10.1145629696, 403.5526123278, 388.9705200128, 663.294591673]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047589_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[10.1145629696, 65.55261232779998, 388.9705200128, 325.294591673]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047589.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a sneakers, two cups, and two speakers.", "boxes_value": [[10.1145629696, 403.5526123278, 388.9705200128, 663.294591673], [233.3358028288, 598.7022561412, 318.1985221632, 663.294591673], [337.4699096576, 577.5075683328, 363.5106201088, 604.9847412068], [316.8186645504, 590.9042968762, 355.77441408, 620.9425048836], [185.5343627776, 443.1806640546, 388.9705200128, 618.1643066294], [10.1145629696, 403.5526123278, 98.694091776, 536.9368896598]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047589_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a sneakers, two cups, and two speakers.", "boxes_value": [[10.1145629696, 65.55261232779998, 388.9705200128, 325.294591673], [233.3358028288, 260.7022561412, 318.1985221632, 325.294591673], [337.4699096576, 239.50756833280002, 363.5106201088, 266.9847412068], [316.8186645504, 252.90429687619996, 355.77441408, 282.9425048836], [185.5343627776, 105.18066405460002, 388.9705200128, 280.1643066294], [10.1145629696, 65.55261232779998, 98.694091776, 198.93688965980004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047590.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[350.2486572362, 185.668701184, 403.3304443027, 416.0316162048]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047590_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[14.248657236200017, 57.668701184000014, 67.33044430270002, 288.0316162048]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047590.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a knife, three wine glasses, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[350.2486572362, 185.668701184, 403.3304443027, 416.0316162048], [353.4117431361, 185.668701184, 403.3304443027, 222.4939575296], [350.2486572362, 386.4394531328, 378.463012679, 416.0316162048], [338.3058471621, 334.7902832128, 363.9804687441, 388.5278930432], [360.3979491975, 304.9360351744, 382.49011229309997, 346.13488768], [372.3395996059, 289.4118652416, 391.44641115959996, 312.1010742272], [347.65478517549997, 301.540405248, 413.37976077300004, 317.6616210944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047590_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a knife, three wine glasses, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[14.248657236200017, 57.668701184000014, 67.33044430270002, 288.0316162048], [17.41174313609997, 57.668701184000014, 67.33044430270002, 94.49395752960001], [14.248657236200017, 258.4394531328, 42.463012678999974, 288.0316162048], [2.305847162100008, 206.79028321279998, 27.980468744099994, 260.5278930432], [24.397949197499997, 176.9360351744, 46.49011229309997, 218.13488768000002], [36.33959960589999, 161.41186524160003, 55.44641115959996, 184.1010742272], [11.654785175499967, 173.540405248, 77.37976077300004, 189.6616210944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047595.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a vase, two candles, a plate, a cup, and a cake.", "boxes_value": [[276.67938232, 313.9890136576, 489.81298830400004, 480.4547119104], [350.68286130560006, 320.2482299904, 462.1835937584, 418.3894043136], [276.67938232, 355.2058105344, 322.974975592, 437.7742309376], [478.68994142559995, 314.1257324032, 489.81298830400004, 390.2757568512], [376.54736330080004, 313.9890136576, 388.17687986560003, 393.1948852736], [235.79211425440002, 441.8175659008, 336.2460937312, 480.4499511808], [390.5543213136, 415.021301248, 422.6614990496, 480.4547119104], [247.52532958984375, 425.90142822265625, 335.3692626953125, 474.60589599609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047595_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a vase, two candles, a plate, a cup, and a cake.", "boxes_value": [[53.67938232, 41.989013657600026, 266.81298830400004, 208.45471191040002], [127.68286130560006, 48.24822999039998, 239.18359375839998, 146.38940431359998], [53.67938232, 83.20581053439997, 99.97497559200002, 165.7742309376], [255.68994142559995, 42.125732403200004, 266.81298830400004, 118.27575685120001], [153.54736330080004, 41.989013657600026, 165.17687986560003, 121.1948852736], [12.792114254400019, 169.8175659008, 113.2460937312, 208.44995118079999], [167.55432131359998, 143.021301248, 199.66149904960002, 208.45471191040002], [24.52532958984375, 153.90142822265625, 112.3692626953125, 202.60589599609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047596.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three bottles.", "boxes_value": [[15.405212434000001, 41.2338256896, 313.13244630649996, 450.7498779136], [68.54846190559999, 44.8816528384, 413.7193603306, 512.0183105536], [76.0569458383, 41.2338256896, 313.13244630649996, 230.0294799872], [59.4655151458, 99.8398437376, 135.2098388758, 229.3058471424], [141.15924075040002, 345.338134784, 191.6063232379, 450.7498779136], [15.405212434000001, 177.2189941248, 39.0412597996, 234.2539062272], [17.334045379699997, 234.2693481472, 35.7757568214, 266.3936157184]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047596_crop.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three bottles.", "boxes_value": [[15.405212434000001, 41.2338256896, 313.13244630649996, 450.7498779136], [68.54846190559999, 44.8816528384, 387, 512], [76.0569458383, 41.2338256896, 313.13244630649996, 230.0294799872], [59.4655151458, 99.8398437376, 135.2098388758, 229.3058471424], [141.15924075040002, 345.338134784, 191.6063232379, 450.7498779136], [15.405212434000001, 177.2189941248, 39.0412597996, 234.2539062272], [17.334045379699997, 234.2693481472, 35.7757568214, 266.3936157184]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047598.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[0, 490.22131345919996, 170.7755126784, 691.2473144832]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047598_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . 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What does it contain? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two benches, two sneakers, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[0, 51.22131345919996, 170.7755126784, 252.24731448319994], [23.6584472576, 53.384887731200024, 97.5260620288, 88.92785646079994], [104.0165405184, 51.22131345919996, 170.7755126784, 82.74645992960006], [52.8262939648, 79.02551267839999, 74.507568384, 93.61877442560001], [87.4248047104, 158.92846676480008, 147.3224487424, 252.24731448319994], [0, 62.97558594560002, 24.9478759936, 90.893554688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047600.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[280.652526848, 0, 473.77539065599996, 289.656372048]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047600_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[48.65252684799998, 0, 241.77539065599996, 289.656372048]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047600.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a nightstand, a chair, a flower, a vase, a fan, two lamps, a cabinet, and a mirror.", "boxes_value": [[280.652526848, 0, 473.77539065599996, 289.656372048], [263.030029312, 259.46881104, 312.70697024000003, 284.92309569599996], [315.815063488, 225.67065431999998, 378.85589600000003, 289.656372048], [276.473632832, 205.012695312, 313.32366944, 264.466552752], [280.652526848, 251.740051248, 310.284484864, 269.785156272], [320.649658176, 0.24047851199999998, 411.647216768, 34.768066416], [374.219543488, 0, 409.208374016, 24.49194336], [451.075073216, 233.61004636799998, 473.77539065599996, 272.526245136], [455.468750016, 197.313781728, 473.124267584, 238.33355712], [431.275756864, 98.435607888, 452.20239257599997, 115.68591307199999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 9], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047600_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a nightstand, a chair, a flower, a vase, a fan, two lamps, a cabinet, and a mirror.", "boxes_value": [[48.65252684799998, 0, 241.77539065599996, 289.656372048], [31.03002931200001, 259.46881104, 80.70697024000003, 284.92309569599996], [83.81506348800002, 225.67065431999998, 146.85589600000003, 289.656372048], [44.47363283200002, 205.012695312, 81.32366944, 264.466552752], [48.65252684799998, 251.740051248, 78.28448486399998, 269.785156272], [88.649658176, 0.24047851199999998, 179.64721676800002, 34.768066416], [142.219543488, 0, 177.208374016, 24.49194336], [219.07507321600002, 233.61004636799998, 241.77539065599996, 272.526245136], [223.468750016, 197.313781728, 241.124267584, 238.33355712], [199.27575686400002, 98.435607888, 220.20239257599997, 115.68591307199999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 9], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047601.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[122.6995849728, 257.0272826823, 321.2512817152, 435.3073730498]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047601_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[49.6995849728, 45.02728268229998, 248.25128171519998, 223.3073730498]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047601.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a handbag, a boots, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[122.6995849728, 257.0272826823, 321.2512817152, 435.3073730498], [154.5769042944, 322.83459474939997, 194.2731933696, 435.3073730498], [122.6995849728, 311.4068603829, 160.8922119168, 426.8869628816], [126.0779419136, 352.0577392798, 141.7158813696, 378.8226318494], [154.947937024, 404.98620602820006, 171.7888183808, 434.15686036939996], [257.4967041024, 257.0272826823, 321.2512817152, 293.7162475534]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047601_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a handbag, a boots, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[49.6995849728, 45.02728268229998, 248.25128171519998, 223.3073730498], [81.57690429440001, 110.83459474939997, 121.2731933696, 223.3073730498], [49.6995849728, 99.40686038289999, 87.8922119168, 214.88696288160003], [53.0779419136, 140.0577392798, 68.7158813696, 166.8226318494], [81.947937024, 192.98620602820006, 98.7888183808, 222.15686036939996], [184.49670410239997, 45.02728268229998, 248.25128171519998, 81.71624755340002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047602.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[259.598510724, 197.7216796672, 583.558471707, 422.8349609472]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047602_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[81.598510724, 56.72167966719999, 405.55847170699997, 281.8349609472]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047602.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pictures, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[81.598510724, 56.72167966719999, 405.55847170699997, 281.8349609472], [101.1439819085, 68.65948487680001, 157.42230222950002, 113.0], [301.528808594, 80.59735106560001, 325.40454100700003, 142.8445434368], [356.1018066424999, 56.72167966719999, 405.55847170699997, 149.6661987328], [310.0559082215, 226.40930176, 345.01660154, 281.8349609472], [111.660644537, 0, 300.0129394625, 332.5233154048], [81.598510724, 97.51879884799999, 121.69293216049999, 175.91760255999998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047604.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, two people, two helmets, a hat, and a boat.", "boxes_value": [[238.59906004139998, 140.8080444416, 683.9493408359, 452.0433349632], [400.8513183593, 256.3110961664, 683.9493408359, 374.301696768], [365.4329833979, 143.9886474752, 579.0382079811, 452.0433349632], [218.3680419621, 166.9871215616, 369.34838867530004, 421.9725952], [426.68066402930003, 140.8080444416, 479.84667968030004, 173.3936157184], [434.684204123, 167.1051635712, 482.133300776, 184.2554321408], [238.59906004139998, 166.5334472704, 285.4765625319, 204.835815424], [137.4751587033, 258.0296630784, 680.8502197301, 509.3087158272]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 6], [5], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047604_crop.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a barrel, a glasses, two handbags, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[608.1414795264, 145.33770752, 754.2172851455999, 395.5418091008], [698.0561523456, 268.5054931456, 754.2172851455999, 362.274719232], [716.124145536, 232.7288818176, 743.187011712, 278.9974975488], [608.1414795264, 145.33770752, 652.6614990336, 154.726318336], [689.7598877184, 159.009338368, 723.2365722624, 210.374450688], [688.2895507968001, 360.1721801728, 720.6663818495999, 395.5418091008], [598.7869873152, 352.6273803776, 658.0853271552, 397.3585205248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047605_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a barrel, a glasses, two handbags, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[37.14147952639996, 63.33770752000001, 183.21728514559993, 313.5418091008], [127.05615234560003, 186.50549314559998, 183.21728514559993, 280.274719232], [145.12414553600001, 150.7288818176, 172.18701171199996, 196.99749754880003], [37.14147952639996, 63.33770752000001, 81.66149903359997, 72.72631833599999], [118.75988771840002, 77.00933836799999, 152.23657226240005, 128.374450688], [117.28955079680009, 278.1721801728, 149.66638184959993, 313.5418091008], [27.786987315200008, 270.6273803776, 87.08532715520005, 315.3585205248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047606.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.40014647799999997, 84.9889526272, 681.4760742129, 510.7019042815999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047606_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.40014647799999997, 84.9889526272, 681.4760742129, 510.7019042815999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047606.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a bowl, two plates, ten cakes, six breads, a pear, three canneds, and two cookies.", "boxes_value": [[0.40014647799999997, 84.9889526272, 681.4760742129, 510.7019042815999], [0.40014647799999997, 102.6699218944, 681.4760742129, 510.7019042815999], [58.5640868904, 87.4226074112, 223.6494751059, 181.0647583232], [154.2159423519, 265.9994506752, 488.60449219, 489.7019042816], [529.3835449159, 297.457580544, 682.013916018, 513.0042724864], [259.074340845, 69.6818847744, 346.3967285445, 127.7107544064], [426.4677734074, 84.9889526272, 514.8073730188, 136.3934936576], [323.0521240341, 163.7806396416, 416.4149170164, 220.5919799808], [64.89318084716797, 43.041839599609375, 216.52385711669922, 140.5472412109375], [449.5884094238281, 149.98577880859375, 491.9113464355469, 223.75970458984375], [528.6259155273438, 127.88798522949219, 577.1149291992188, 204.0576629638672], [490.4100646972656, 149.51455688476562, 534.3049926757812, 218.42172241210938], [221.15394592285156, 374.50299072265625, 333.6300964355469, 467.427001953125], [335.4197692871094, 350.01422119140625, 445.3160705566406, 440.37298583984375], [324.6036376953125, 293.4960021972656, 422.55517578125, 354.4852600097656], [567.55712890625, 187.58750915527344, 643.0142822265625, 242.0938262939453], [207.10897827148438, 311.02191162109375, 310.5686950683594, 386.51019287109375], [574.9111328125, 235.70416259765625, 664.3663330078125, 293.690185546875], [14.092967987060547, 338.3465270996094, 78.23009872436523, 397.0965270996094], [602.52880859375, 429.92181396484375, 682.4573974609375, 504.70147705078125], [221.37911987304688, 374.65472412109375, 333.4745178222656, 466.46038818359375], [567.99658203125, 187.63604736328125, 642.7127685546875, 239.08071899414062], [335.1598815917969, 350.2012023925781, 445.3233947753906, 440.8533020019531], [575.2095947265625, 235.6070556640625, 664.2005615234375, 293.4906005859375], [324.68511962890625, 293.705810546875, 421.85638427734375, 354.3736572265625], [221.53013610839844, 374.5484313964844, 333.5183410644531, 467.1512756347656], [334.85601806640625, 350.12762451171875, 445.36395263671875, 441.1339111328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], [7, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24], [8], [9, 10, 11], [25, 26]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047606_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a bowl, two plates, ten cakes, six breads, a pear, three canneds, and two cookies.", "boxes_value": [[0.40014647799999997, 84.9889526272, 681.4760742129, 510.7019042815999], [0.40014647799999997, 102.6699218944, 681.4760742129, 510.7019042815999], [58.5640868904, 87.4226074112, 223.6494751059, 181.0647583232], [154.2159423519, 265.9994506752, 488.60449219, 489.7019042816], [529.3835449159, 297.457580544, 682.013916018, 512], [259.074340845, 69.6818847744, 346.3967285445, 127.7107544064], [426.4677734074, 84.9889526272, 514.8073730188, 136.3934936576], [323.0521240341, 163.7806396416, 416.4149170164, 220.5919799808], [64.89318084716797, 43.041839599609375, 216.52385711669922, 140.5472412109375], [449.5884094238281, 149.98577880859375, 491.9113464355469, 223.75970458984375], [528.6259155273438, 127.88798522949219, 577.1149291992188, 204.0576629638672], [490.4100646972656, 149.51455688476562, 534.3049926757812, 218.42172241210938], [221.15394592285156, 374.50299072265625, 333.6300964355469, 467.427001953125], [335.4197692871094, 350.01422119140625, 445.3160705566406, 440.37298583984375], [324.6036376953125, 293.4960021972656, 422.55517578125, 354.4852600097656], [567.55712890625, 187.58750915527344, 643.0142822265625, 242.0938262939453], [207.10897827148438, 311.02191162109375, 310.5686950683594, 386.51019287109375], [574.9111328125, 235.70416259765625, 664.3663330078125, 293.690185546875], [14.092967987060547, 338.3465270996094, 78.23009872436523, 397.0965270996094], [602.52880859375, 429.92181396484375, 682.4573974609375, 504.70147705078125], [221.37911987304688, 374.65472412109375, 333.4745178222656, 466.46038818359375], [567.99658203125, 187.63604736328125, 642.7127685546875, 239.08071899414062], [335.1598815917969, 350.2012023925781, 445.3233947753906, 440.8533020019531], [575.2095947265625, 235.6070556640625, 664.2005615234375, 293.4906005859375], [324.68511962890625, 293.705810546875, 421.85638427734375, 354.3736572265625], [221.53013610839844, 374.5484313964844, 333.5183410644531, 467.1512756347656], [334.85601806640625, 350.12762451171875, 445.36395263671875, 441.1339111328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], [7, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24], [8], [9, 10, 11], [25, 26]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047608.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[579.5621338128001, 111.8688964608, 885.59924316, 511.674987776]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047608_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[76.56213381280008, 100.8688964608, 382.59924316, 500.674987776]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047608.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four glasses, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[579.5621338128001, 111.8688964608, 885.59924316, 511.674987776], [679.1120605031999, 142.4880981504, 772.894165056, 193.9763183616], [845.2227783528, 182.330139136, 887.5166015712, 211.1390381056], [586.0939941696, 182.821533184, 657.5592040896, 214.7256469504], [570.7800293304, 117.0990600704, 610.3410644280001, 130.4987792896], [579.5621338128001, 111.8688964608, 885.59924316, 511.674987776]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047608_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four glasses, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[76.56213381280008, 100.8688964608, 382.59924316, 500.674987776], [176.11206050319993, 131.4880981504, 269.894165056, 182.9763183616], [342.2227783528, 171.330139136, 384.5166015712, 200.1390381056], [83.09399416960002, 171.821533184, 154.55920408960003, 203.7256469504], [67.7800293304, 106.0990600704, 107.3410644280001, 119.49877928960001], [76.56213381280008, 100.8688964608, 382.59924316, 500.674987776]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047609.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.522033696, 42.313110336, 232.51190184, 192.573120128]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047609_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a bracelet, two hats, a backpack, and a pumpkin.", "boxes_value": [[0.522033696, 42.313110336, 232.51190184, 192.573120128], [89.132629392, 130.144470208, 118.51086427199999, 192.573120128], [0, 43.714904768, 172.348999008, 257.95275878399997], [122.65106203200001, 130.455993664, 143.130432144, 166.772766144], [0.522033696, 42.313110336, 30.20407104, 76.44744870400001], [212.79357912, 103.039794944, 237.426330576, 118.78253171200001], [201.02105712, 123.92340089599999, 232.51190184, 157.163757312], [146.553100608, 118.43701171199999, 177.323059104, 144.52459718400002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047609_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a bracelet, two hats, a backpack, and a pumpkin.", "boxes_value": [[0.522033696, 38.313110336, 232.51190184, 188.573120128], [89.132629392, 126.144470208, 118.51086427199999, 188.573120128], [0, 39.714904768, 172.348999008, 226], [122.65106203200001, 126.455993664, 143.130432144, 162.772766144], [0.522033696, 38.313110336, 30.20407104, 72.44744870400001], [212.79357912, 99.039794944, 237.426330576, 114.78253171200001], [201.02105712, 119.92340089599999, 232.51190184, 153.163757312], [146.553100608, 114.43701171199999, 177.323059104, 140.52459718400002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047610.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[118.54336547851562, 353.9308776855469, 272.7580261230469, 395.1972045824]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047610_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[39.543365478515625, 10.930877685546875, 193.75802612304688, 52.19720458239999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047610.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[118.54336547851562, 353.9308776855469, 272.7580261230469, 395.1972045824], [180.0276489322, 379.0976562688, 209.615966789, 395.1972045824], [200.07562253339998, 356.2905273344, 220.3526000925, 373.2793579008], [232.1304168701172, 353.9308776855469, 249.8622283935547, 370.3134460449219], [143.13827514648438, 354.7448425292969, 151.7806396484375, 367.4070739746094], [118.54336547851562, 381.0009460449219, 149.75103759765625, 394.5758361816406], [253.69407653808594, 373.49365234375, 272.7580261230469, 390.45635986328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047610_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[39.543365478515625, 10.930877685546875, 193.75802612304688, 52.19720458239999], [101.02764893220001, 36.097656268799994, 130.615966789, 52.19720458239999], [121.07562253339998, 13.290527334399997, 141.3526000925, 30.279357900799994], [153.1304168701172, 10.930877685546875, 170.8622283935547, 27.313446044921875], [64.13827514648438, 11.744842529296875, 72.7806396484375, 24.407073974609375], [39.543365478515625, 38.000946044921875, 70.75103759765625, 51.575836181640625], [174.69407653808594, 30.49365234375, 193.75802612304688, 47.45635986328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047611.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[229.52679442000002, 225.6763915776, 412.577636702, 365.7033080832]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047611_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[46.526794420000016, 35.676391577599986, 229.577636702, 175.7033080832]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047611.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a desk, three people, a hat, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[229.52679442000002, 225.6763915776, 412.577636702, 365.7033080832], [299.620361348, 225.6763915776, 325.71630861, 241.588500992], [278.252563512, 312.511230464, 358.449829122, 365.7033080832], [355.778930661, 284.55133056, 409.140869137, 445.0675659264], [362.66430662, 266.046813952, 385.041870136, 293.1581421056], [386.76330569799995, 284.9816894464, 413.87463378800004, 418.8168945152], [229.52679442000002, 293.0371093504, 252.119567854, 315.6298828288], [393.370483429, 328.13006592, 412.577636702, 359.8370971648]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047611_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a desk, three people, a hat, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[46.526794420000016, 35.676391577599986, 229.577636702, 175.7033080832], [116.62036134800002, 35.676391577599986, 142.71630861, 51.58850099200001], [95.252563512, 122.511230464, 175.44982912199998, 175.7033080832], [172.778930661, 94.55133056, 226.14086913699998, 210], [179.66430662, 76.04681395199998, 202.041870136, 103.1581421056], [203.76330569799995, 94.98168944640003, 230.87463378800004, 210], [46.526794420000016, 103.03710935039999, 69.119567854, 125.62988282880002], [210.370483429, 138.13006592, 229.577636702, 169.8370971648]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047614.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.9804077056, 198.366726456, 149.6032714752, 569.275268541]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047614_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.9804077056, 93.36672645600001, 149.6032714752, 464.27526854099995]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047614.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two stools, a person, a sneakers, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[0.9804077056, 198.366726456, 149.6032714752, 569.275268541], [24.3832397312, 344.69128418400004, 194.2608032256, 527.045776353], [0.9804077056, 402.276916491, 33.0210571264, 462.741821262], [0.9804077056, 474.258911118, 57.0150756864, 569.275268541], [42.3068237312, 282.894531264, 211.2816162304, 539.837524434], [119.0503540224, 508.404785172, 149.6032714752, 540.809326155], [56.808676352, 198.366726456, 126.58584191999998, 280.260884853], [2.4911223296, 212.57285600699998, 63.9117411328, 284.02133091900004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047614_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two stools, a person, a sneakers, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[0.9804077056, 93.36672645600001, 149.6032714752, 464.27526854099995], [24.3832397312, 239.69128418400004, 186, 422.04577635299995], [0.9804077056, 297.276916491, 33.0210571264, 357.741821262], [0.9804077056, 369.258911118, 57.0150756864, 464.27526854099995], [42.3068237312, 177.89453126400002, 186, 434.837524434], [119.0503540224, 403.404785172, 149.6032714752, 435.809326155], [56.808676352, 93.36672645600001, 126.58584191999998, 175.260884853], [2.4911223296, 107.57285600699998, 63.9117411328, 179.02133091900004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047615.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[344.73315433240003, 50.3496704, 736.207641638, 374.5094604288]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047615_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[98.73315433240003, 50.3496704, 490.20764163800004, 374.5094604288]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047615.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two bracelets, and five people.", "boxes_value": [[344.73315433240003, 50.3496704, 736.207641638, 374.5094604288], [407.4406738592, 255.4930419712, 427.1488037024, 291.3259277312], [474.62744137439995, 69.1619262464, 531.96008298, 232.20166016000002], [344.73315433240003, 50.3496704, 400.2741699128, 176.6606445568], [686.9373779408, 54.8287963648, 736.207641638, 193.6812744192], [659.166870112, 139.9319457792, 755.019897442, 423.90771486719996], [665.117675782, 353.0097046016, 693.5280761916, 374.5094604288], [629.0288085864, 71.209533696, 771.8485107488, 511.954223616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2, 3, 4, 5, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047615_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two bracelets, and five people.", "boxes_value": [[98.73315433240003, 50.3496704, 490.20764163800004, 374.5094604288], [161.4406738592, 255.4930419712, 181.14880370240002, 291.3259277312], [228.62744137439995, 69.1619262464, 285.96008298000004, 232.20166016000002], [98.73315433240003, 50.3496704, 154.2741699128, 176.6606445568], [440.93737794080005, 54.8287963648, 490.20764163800004, 193.6812744192], [413.16687011199997, 139.9319457792, 509.019897442, 423.90771486719996], [419.117675782, 353.0097046016, 447.5280761916, 374.5094604288], [383.02880858640003, 71.209533696, 525.8485107488, 455]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2, 3, 4, 5, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047616.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[413.935913088, 154.9645996032, 767.4812011776, 327.3706970214844]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047616_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[88.935913088, 43.964599603200014, 442.48120117760004, 216.37069702148438]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047616.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a necklace, a gloves, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[88.935913088, 43.964599603200014, 442.48120117760004, 216.37069702148438], [239.07153320960003, 18.531738265600012, 392.94091796479995, 197.95343016959998], [308.898315392, 115.8614501888, 333.73486330879996, 141.0477905408], [367.3061523199999, 91.85461427199999, 439.08361817599996, 160.6543579136], [88.935913088, 101.01922606080001, 195.72106933760006, 170.5671386624], [354.09069823999994, 43.964599603200014, 442.48120117760004, 158.87243653119998], [190.4237060546875, 120.07266235351562, 257.750732421875, 216.37069702148438]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047618.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . 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Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[285.3038329856, 262.670898474, 511.0379638784, 524.8569335985]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047627_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[57.303832985600025, 65.67089847400001, 283.0379638784, 327.85693359849995]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047627.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, two storage boxes, a leather shoes, and three bottles.", "boxes_value": [[57.303832985600025, 65.67089847400001, 283.0379638784, 327.85693359849995], [240.12902830079997, 149.34643552900002, 283.0379638784, 254.42968752550001], [270.3403930624, 216.7747802605, 283.4758300672, 243.04565428749999], [243.89984133119998, 173.593383787, 275.7464599552, 211.55200194250006], [162.92504883200002, 65.67089847400001, 205.26562498560003, 138.1114502245], [102.58764646399999, 267.822021484, 133.64019773439998, 327.85693359849995], [133.9992065536, 268.0895995885, 154.92956543999998, 317.60766601750004], [57.303832985600025, 119.219238271, 76.27099607039997, 155.7310790935]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047628.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[405.086181668, 256.0205078125, 685.825683627, 436.7332763648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047628_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[71.086181668, 46.0205078125, 351.825683627, 226.73327636480002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047628.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a desk, two guitars, a barrel, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[405.086181668, 256.0205078125, 685.825683627, 436.7332763648], [405.086181668, 318.6290893312, 685.825683627, 436.7332763648], [450.9079590148, 288.9417114112, 687.116455053, 410.2727661056], [414.7158916446, 237.2761137664, 434.6518032948, 276.0986784768], [433.77742117779997, 233.4288326144, 452.6640742876, 286.2415107072], [562.0834960733999, 293.6591796736, 590.5650634561999, 316.4096679936], [462.0310974121094, 243.97802734375, 540.1908569335938, 393.103759765625], [542.8519287109375, 256.0205078125, 606.2581787109375, 390.250244140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047628_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a desk, two guitars, a barrel, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[71.086181668, 46.0205078125, 351.825683627, 226.73327636480002], [71.086181668, 108.62908933120002, 351.825683627, 226.73327636480002], [116.90795901479999, 78.9417114112, 352, 200.2727661056], [80.71589164459999, 27.276113766399988, 100.6518032948, 66.09867847679999], [99.77742117779997, 23.428832614399994, 118.66407428759999, 76.2415107072], [228.08349607339994, 83.65917967360002, 256.56506345619994, 106.40966799360001], [128.03109741210938, 33.97802734375, 206.19085693359375, 183.103759765625], [208.8519287109375, 46.0205078125, 272.2581787109375, 180.250244140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047629.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[206.9175529055, 186.0269165056, 541.3675537395, 468.11810304]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047629_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[83.9175529055, 71.02691650560001, 418.36755373949995, 353.11810304]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047629.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a tent, a sneakers, a hat, and a wheelchair.", "boxes_value": [[206.9175529055, 186.0269165056, 541.3675537395, 468.11810304], [377.366699198, 274.3890991104, 541.3675537395, 468.11810304], [364.1871337705, 202.9421997056, 503.909912117, 315.3149413888], [201.870971654, 131.5944214016, 321.9730834725, 427.09313966080003], [302.858642562, 186.0269165056, 407.666748078, 289.5463867392], [206.9175529055, 408.73844352, 228.2124351945, 426.5327972352], [378.49772927600003, 284.4668808704, 416.11579714500004, 324.5436460032], [404.14444444450004, 303.7777777664, 606.099999967, 511.4222222336]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047629_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a tent, a sneakers, a hat, and a wheelchair.", "boxes_value": [[83.9175529055, 71.02691650560001, 418.36755373949995, 353.11810304], [254.366699198, 159.38909911040002, 418.36755373949995, 353.11810304], [241.1871337705, 87.94219970559999, 380.909912117, 200.31494138879998], [78.87097165399999, 16.594421401599988, 198.97308347249998, 312.09313966080003], [179.858642562, 71.02691650560001, 284.666748078, 174.5463867392], [83.9175529055, 293.73844352, 105.21243519449999, 311.5327972352], [255.49772927600003, 169.46688087040002, 293.11579714500004, 209.54364600320002], [281.14444444450004, 188.7777777664, 483.09999996700003, 396.4222222336]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047631.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[175.2833252126, 266.5638427648, 284.5205688662, 381.0646247424]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047631_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[28.283325212600005, 29.563842764799972, 137.5205688662, 144.06462474239999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047631.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[142.87255856640002, 149.0198974464, 385.4630126592, 204.3881836032]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047632_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[60.872558566400016, 14.019897446399995, 303.4630126592, 69.38818360319999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047632.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, and five chairs.", "boxes_value": [[60.872558566400016, 14.019897446399995, 303.4630126592, 69.38818360319999], [140.22668456959997, 14.019897446399995, 222.31994631679999, 55.02734376960001], [155.88641354240002, 33.69274900479999, 189.98352051200004, 54.470703103999995], [189.98352051200004, 36.35656739839999, 225.1462402304, 58.2000732672], [228.87561036799997, 38.4876708864, 261.3743896832, 64.06048583680001], [261.3743896832, 40.61871339519999, 303.4630126592, 69.38818360319999], [60.872558566400016, 35.61413575680001, 99.23181155840001, 55.32653808640001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047633.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.372375468, 321.0327758848, 238.617370584, 512.7340087808]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047633_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.372375468, 48.0327758848, 238.617370584, 239]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047633.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a glasses, and four leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[0.372375468, 321.0327758848, 238.617370584, 512.7340087808], [0.372375468, 321.0327758848, 192.8790893736, 512.7340087808], [102.492187488, 354.5538330112, 147.02795410320002, 367.9913330176], [145.386474588, 393.0446777344, 184.87628172720002, 404.6095581184], [151.3703613168, 401.6075439616, 192.9555663984, 417.8063964672], [180.38330076239998, 349.4648437248, 216.891235332, 360.3446655488], [206.25244138079998, 334.4232787968, 238.617370584, 346.1685791232]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047633_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a glasses, and four leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[0.372375468, 48.0327758848, 238.617370584, 239], [0.372375468, 48.0327758848, 192.8790893736, 239], [102.492187488, 81.55383301120003, 147.02795410320002, 94.99133301760003], [145.386474588, 120.04467773440001, 184.87628172720002, 131.6095581184], [151.3703613168, 128.60754396160002, 192.9555663984, 144.8063964672], [180.38330076239998, 76.4648437248, 216.891235332, 87.34466554879998], [206.25244138079998, 61.42327879679999, 238.617370584, 73.1685791232]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047634.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[433.99548339200004, 0.7122497760000001, 571.8304443520001, 349.498168944]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047634_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[34.99548339200004, 0.7122497760000001, 172.8304443520001, 349.498168944]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047634.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a chair, two lamps, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[433.99548339200004, 0.7122497760000001, 571.8304443520001, 349.498168944], [430.97949216000006, 280.655761728, 456.76013184, 308.534790048], [465.19750976, 311.877929664, 491.43786624, 349.445068368], [449.577026368, 262.950317376, 462.84204102399997, 288.301208496], [515.691040064, 0.7122497760000001, 571.8304443520001, 46.796752944], [433.99548339200004, 301.58459472, 460.048461888, 349.498168944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047634_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a chair, two lamps, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[34.99548339200004, 0.7122497760000001, 172.8304443520001, 349.498168944], [31.979492160000063, 280.655761728, 57.760131839999985, 308.534790048], [66.19750976, 311.877929664, 92.43786624, 349.445068368], [50.57702636800002, 262.950317376, 63.84204102399997, 288.301208496], [116.69104006400005, 0.7122497760000001, 172.8304443520001, 46.796752944], [34.99548339200004, 301.58459472, 61.04846188800002, 349.498168944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047635.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[0, 0.0193481216, 217.2987060856, 490.6688842752]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047635_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . 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Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a storage box, a book, a glasses, and a dog.", "boxes_value": [[0, 0.0193481216, 217.2987060856, 490.6688842752], [0, 370.164916992, 35.6701660087, 512], [0, 384.8229980672, 50.4354858085, 480.8087768576], [74.53802491260001, 429.2406616064, 173.1603393742, 468.263916032], [139.1840210151, 462.2638550016, 168.03991699190001, 490.6688842752], [161.6375732756, 0.0193481216, 217.2987060856, 42.7031860224]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047636.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[154.100036608, 281.6602783112, 362.7082519552, 374.1699219014]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047636_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[53.10003660800001, 23.66027831119999, 261.7082519552, 116.16992190140002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047636.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three paddles, two people, two helmets, and a boat.", "boxes_value": [[53.10003660800001, 23.66027831119999, 261.7082519552, 116.16992190140002], [191.27606200320002, 40.217895472400016, 261.7082519552, 105.81115721239996], [53.10003660800001, 62.26147464339999, 164.93121336320002, 110.1124267628], [55.78833008640001, 0, 127.295715328, 95.05822753719997], [173.3861694464, 23.66027831119999, 242.1902466048, 116.16992190140002], [81.16558837759999, 27.4184570022, 172.80798341119998, 114.14624021280002], [123.8856548352, 27.346509686200022, 145.064991744, 44.8951031922], [204.97225902079998, 24.623452073200042, 223.42853831679997, 40.96179775119998], [60.878112767999994, 40.34265136459999, 259.0032958976, 139]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047637.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[27.706695556640625, 117.5180663808, 381.6140136452, 353.4818115072]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047637_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[27.706695556640625, 59.51806638079999, 381.6140136452, 295.4818115072]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047637.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a person, three hats, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[27.706695556640625, 117.5180663808, 381.6140136452, 353.4818115072], [0, 199.7521972736, 145.2418823436, 262.4207763456], [99.785766577, 117.5180663808, 331.23181153530004, 353.4818115072], [0.26684570950000003, 271.2435302912, 76.5362548589, 340.880859392], [217.1373290995, 118.0414428672, 259.5828857749, 152.5285033984], [295.39636232690003, 181.709838848, 381.6140136452, 255.3264160256], [27.706695556640625, 233.5950927734375, 264.2940673828125, 347.73858642578125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047637_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a person, three hats, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[27.706695556640625, 59.51806638079999, 381.6140136452, 295.4818115072], [0, 141.7521972736, 145.2418823436, 204.42077634560002], [99.785766577, 59.51806638079999, 331.23181153530004, 295.4818115072], [0.26684570950000003, 213.2435302912, 76.5362548589, 282.880859392], [217.1373290995, 60.041442867200004, 259.5828857749, 94.5285033984], [295.39636232690003, 123.709838848, 381.6140136452, 197.3264160256], [27.706695556640625, 175.5950927734375, 264.2940673828125, 289.73858642578125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047640.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[111.4412841984, 370.7600708096, 673.4904784896, 431.2809448448], [129.53387450879998, 386.8423461888, 167.4780273408, 415.4889526272], [111.4412841984, 388.8526611456, 151.1444702208, 413.478698752], [176.524291968, 370.7600708096, 197.632324224, 404.6836548096], [479.7664794624, 407.0654297088, 498.93713379839994, 431.2809448448], [650.0317383168, 388.6235351552, 673.4904784896, 428.4782104576]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047640_crop.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[111.4412841984, 15.760070809599995, 673.4904784896, 76.28094484479999], [129.53387450879998, 31.84234618879998, 167.4780273408, 60.48895262719998], [111.4412841984, 33.852661145599996, 151.1444702208, 58.478698752000014], [176.524291968, 15.760070809599995, 197.632324224, 49.6836548096], [479.7664794624, 52.065429708800025, 498.93713379839994, 76.28094484479999], [650.0317383168, 33.62353515519999, 673.4904784896, 73.47821045760003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047641.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[52.605716705322266, 432.1898498535156, 393.7215881347656, 511.77557373046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047641_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[52.605716705322266, 20.189849853515625, 393.7215881347656, 99.77557373046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047641.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include six skating and skiing shoes.", "boxes_value": [[52.605716705322266, 20.189849853515625, 393.7215881347656, 99.77557373046875], [199.13989259119998, 81.1123046912, 252.5308838008, 99.06274411520002], [101.56323239150001, 51.194946303999984, 151.2720947133, 96.76141358080002], [148.510498015, 28.64190673920001, 166.9212035898, 55.797668454400025], [246.3491668701172, 69.91375732421875, 291.7830505371094, 99.77557373046875], [356.5727233886719, 77.813720703125, 393.7215881347656, 99.73931884765625], [52.605716705322266, 20.189849853515625, 84.74452209472656, 60.948760986328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047643.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[315.2127685632, 170.5477294647, 443.4908447232, 559.0130615216]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047643_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[32.21276856319997, 97.54772946470001, 160.49084472319998, 486.0130615216]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047643.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four bottles, a cookies, and a peach.", "boxes_value": [[32.21276856319997, 97.54772946470001, 160.49084472319998, 486.0130615216], [43.07586667520002, 281.0679931411, 95.05627443200001, 433.543945313], [79.11560058880002, 285.91955569469997, 115.15539553280001, 357.30603030310004], [119.31384279039997, 265.8203735546, 192, 446.71228024239997], [32.21276856319997, 365.1293945637, 89.13677977600003, 486.0130615216], [87.1126098432, 166.0657348947, 110.75292968960002, 182.1509399558], [129.2804565504, 97.54772946470001, 160.49084472319998, 130.26483154809998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047644.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[142.652709966, 224.166381824, 467.973266592, 512.2479247872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047644_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[81.652709966, 72.16638182400001, 406.973266592, 360]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047644.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a vase, two desks, a chair, and a printer.", "boxes_value": [[142.652709966, 224.166381824, 467.973266592, 512.2479247872], [312.880249032, 235.0791625728, 335.284179672, 274.0784301568], [182.712036156, 254.837280256, 425.289062484, 512.2479247872], [447.58789062000005, 253.2199707136, 467.973266592, 278.70166016], [435.130126938, 233.4008788992, 456.081787122, 261.7138672128], [142.652709966, 224.166381824, 268.998046902, 307.5100097536]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047644_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a vase, two desks, a chair, and a printer.", "boxes_value": [[81.652709966, 72.16638182400001, 406.973266592, 360], [251.880249032, 83.07916257279999, 274.284179672, 122.07843015679998], [121.71203615600001, 102.83728025600001, 364.289062484, 360], [386.58789062000005, 101.21997071359999, 406.973266592, 126.70166016000002], [374.130126938, 81.4008788992, 395.081787122, 109.71386721279998], [81.652709966, 72.16638182400001, 207.998046902, 155.5100097536]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047645.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[209.686645504, 225.2576904192, 508.7111205888, 620.813232384]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047645_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[75.68664550400001, 99.2576904192, 374.7111205888, 494.813232384]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047645.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, two chairs, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[209.686645504, 225.2576904192, 508.7111205888, 620.813232384], [216.0133056512, 174.5847168, 240.3876953088, 379.84240719359997], [314.1521606656, 207.29766842879997, 336.6022339072, 401.65100098560004], [384.7094726656, 225.2576904192, 402.6695556608, 411.9139404288], [209.686645504, 505.1384277504, 252.5841674752, 543.9504394752], [468.5114135552, 491.17907712, 508.7111205888, 554.5338134783999], [411.266540544, 443.2293701376, 449.558044416, 620.813232384], [462.8768310784, 460.9877929728, 487.2946166784, 552.6300049152001], [331.3538208256, 453.2185058304, 369.0903320064, 499.2792968448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047645_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, two chairs, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[75.68664550400001, 99.2576904192, 374.7111205888, 494.813232384], [82.0133056512, 48.584716799999995, 106.3876953088, 253.84240719359997], [180.15216066559998, 81.29766842879997, 202.6022339072, 275.65100098560004], [250.7094726656, 99.2576904192, 268.6695556608, 285.9139404288], [75.68664550400001, 379.1384277504, 118.58416747519999, 417.9504394752], [334.5114135552, 365.17907712, 374.7111205888, 428.5338134783999], [277.266540544, 317.2293701376, 315.558044416, 494.813232384], [328.8768310784, 334.9877929728, 353.2946166784, 426.63000491520006], [197.3538208256, 327.2185058304, 235.0903320064, 373.2792968448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047647.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, an umbrella, and a side table.", "boxes_value": [[555.69580075, 329.0440063488, 672.6583251748, 460.7239990272], [633.8298339811, 329.0440063488, 666.7497558304, 356.4528808448], [653.3990478726, 329.0440063488, 672.6583251748, 351.886413568], [555.69580075, 329.2191161856, 588.572021459, 460.7239990272], [623.5992431638, 418.6544799744, 657.6435547193, 450.608337408], [644.5036620879, 425.2244262912, 668.9916992323999, 449.7124023296], [655.2545166125, 418.3558349824, 679.4438476683999, 441.6492919808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 6], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047647_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, an umbrella, and a side table.", "boxes_value": [[29.69580074999999, 33.044006348799996, 146.65832517479998, 164.72399902720002], [107.82983398110002, 33.044006348799996, 140.74975583039998, 60.452880844800006], [127.39904787260002, 33.044006348799996, 146.65832517479998, 55.88641356800002], [29.69580074999999, 33.2191161856, 62.572021458999984, 164.72399902720002], [97.5992431638, 122.65447997439998, 131.64355471930003, 154.608337408], [118.50366208790001, 129.22442629120002, 142.99169923239992, 153.71240232960002], [129.25451661249997, 122.35583498239998, 153.44384766839994, 145.6492919808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 6], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047648.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[359.8474121139, 166.8791503872, 524.0684814225, 434.4959716864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047648_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[41.84741211390002, 67.87915038720001, 206.06848142249999, 335.4959716864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047648.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, two mirrors, and a cabinet.", "boxes_value": [[359.8474121139, 166.8791503872, 524.0684814225, 434.4959716864], [354.6839599599, 168.8168334848, 410.55334474529997, 260.2102050816], [410.55334474529997, 166.8791503872, 471.9128418033, 258.5954589696], [364.8236084031, 323.6640014848, 398.603881845, 400.09185792], [359.8474121139, 316.1245727744, 524.0684814225, 411.7872924672], [361.2374267709, 403.519531264, 504.73144529430004, 434.4959716864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047648_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, two mirrors, and a cabinet.", "boxes_value": [[41.84741211390002, 67.87915038720001, 206.06848142249999, 335.4959716864], [36.683959959899994, 69.81683348479999, 92.55334474529997, 161.2102050816], [92.55334474529997, 67.87915038720001, 153.9128418033, 159.59545896959997], [46.823608403100025, 224.6640014848, 80.60388184499999, 301.09185792], [41.84741211390002, 217.1245727744, 206.06848142249999, 312.7872924672], [43.237426770900015, 304.519531264, 186.73144529430004, 335.4959716864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047650.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[200.55700680719997, 31.3612060546875, 368.09539794921875, 143.2435302912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047650_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[42.55700680719997, 28.3612060546875, 210.09539794921875, 140.2435302912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047650.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[200.55700680719997, 31.3612060546875, 368.09539794921875, 143.2435302912], [200.55700680719997, 76.9223022592, 229.0751342862, 143.2435302912], [288.8879394218, 83.2935791104, 315.37731935339997, 172.6181640704], [226.2743377685547, 31.628009796142578, 242.5842742919922, 78.17303466796875], [356.0877685546875, 59.062503814697266, 368.09539794921875, 87.55201721191406], [303.685302734375, 31.3612060546875, 324.880126953125, 84.04147338867188], [275.706787109375, 38.97160339355469, 301.967041015625, 82.43477630615234]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047650_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[42.55700680719997, 28.3612060546875, 210.09539794921875, 140.2435302912], [42.55700680719997, 73.9223022592, 71.07513428620001, 140.2435302912], [130.8879394218, 80.2935791104, 157.37731935339997, 168], [68.27433776855469, 28.628009796142578, 84.58427429199219, 75.17303466796875], [198.0877685546875, 56.062503814697266, 210.09539794921875, 84.55201721191406], [145.685302734375, 28.3612060546875, 166.880126953125, 81.04147338867188], [117.706787109375, 35.97160339355469, 143.967041015625, 79.43477630615234]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047651.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[128.0911255, 328.087463352, 453.8973999, 536.0343017484]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047651_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[82.0911255, 52.087463351999986, 407.8973999, 260.0343017484]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047651.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, two chairs, a cabinet, a cup, three wine glasses, a spoon, and three plates.", "boxes_value": [[128.0911255, 328.087463352, 453.8973999, 536.0343017484], [175.92639160000002, 356.7459106452, 296.51623535, 427.042358418], [195.69598390000002, 404.8649902374, 282.40283205, 456.4073486598], [318.76208495000003, 336.27783202499995, 472.67230225000003, 653.3992919748], [128.0911255, 328.087463352, 246.2666626, 422.8619384904], [135.11279295, 370.35510252780006, 453.8973999, 536.0343017484], [325.8753052, 376.9561767756, 359.7911377, 426.8323974732], [289.96441649999997, 387.43017578160004, 327.37158205, 455.2618408458], [248.0683594, 392.417846679, 287.96936035, 475.71118164660004], [229.1154175, 395.9091797028, 265.02630615, 473.71606446], [229.55145265, 470.48840330819996, 259.47247315, 488.98498532519994], [310.84613037109375, 447.7016906738281, 423.05712890625, 467.9199523925781], [132.25466918945312, 453.833251953125, 240.8116455078125, 480.42694091796875], [273.84100341796875, 423.5229187011719, 325.6654052734375, 440.2247619628906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6], [7, 8, 9], [10], [11, 12, 13]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047651_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, two chairs, a cabinet, a cup, three wine glasses, a spoon, and three plates.", "boxes_value": [[82.0911255, 52.087463351999986, 407.8973999, 260.0343017484], [129.92639160000002, 80.74591064520001, 250.51623535, 151.042358418], [149.69598390000002, 128.86499023739998, 236.40283204999997, 180.4073486598], [272.76208495000003, 60.27783202499995, 426.67230225000003, 312], [82.0911255, 52.087463351999986, 200.2666626, 146.8619384904], [89.11279295, 94.35510252780006, 407.8973999, 260.0343017484], [279.8753052, 100.9561767756, 313.7911377, 150.8323974732], [243.96441649999997, 111.43017578160004, 281.37158205, 179.2618408458], [202.0683594, 116.41784667899998, 241.96936035, 199.71118164660004], [183.1154175, 119.90917970279997, 219.02630614999998, 197.71606445999998], [183.55145265, 194.48840330819996, 213.47247314999998, 212.98498532519994], [264.84613037109375, 171.70169067382812, 377.05712890625, 191.91995239257812], [86.25466918945312, 177.833251953125, 194.8116455078125, 204.42694091796875], [227.84100341796875, 147.52291870117188, 279.6654052734375, 164.22476196289062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6], [7, 8, 9], [10], [11, 12, 13]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047652.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[18.4605102336, 0, 638.472534144, 267.571899392]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047652_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[18.4605102336, 0, 638.472534144, 267.571899392]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047652.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps, two people, a backpack, a moniter, two cabinets, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[18.4605102336, 0, 638.472534144, 267.571899392], [18.4605102336, 0, 110.4268798464, 67.3545532416], [186.90417477120002, 37.3444824064, 249.82855226879997, 108.01336668160002], [264.349609344, 66.3864745984, 315.65710448640004, 131.24700928], [603.7237549056, 37.4579467776, 638.472534144, 91.4100952064], [587.2406006016, 98.9385375744, 619.3833007872, 125.6486816256], [68.2779541248, 174.2169189376, 133.9078979328, 305.4767456256], [128.7663574272, 172.9063110144, 209.21594234879998, 288.43920896], [453.86718750719996, 200.4893798912, 561.5808105216, 332.6638793728], [286.181762688, 252.5650634752, 308.3105468928, 267.571899392], [592.1441040039062, 176.70364379882812, 639.6237182617188, 351.0820617675781], [365.74005126953125, 145.16282653808594, 483.79278564453125, 365.43548583984375], [79.52633666992188, 204.67105102539062, 123.77517700195312, 309.0591125488281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7], [8], [9], [10, 11], [12]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047652_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps, two people, a backpack, a moniter, two cabinets, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[18.4605102336, 0, 638.472534144, 267.571899392], [18.4605102336, 0, 110.4268798464, 67.3545532416], [186.90417477120002, 37.3444824064, 249.82855226879997, 108.01336668160002], [264.349609344, 66.3864745984, 315.65710448640004, 131.24700928], [603.7237549056, 37.4579467776, 638.472534144, 91.4100952064], [587.2406006016, 98.9385375744, 619.3833007872, 125.6486816256], [68.2779541248, 174.2169189376, 133.9078979328, 305.4767456256], [128.7663574272, 172.9063110144, 209.21594234879998, 288.43920896], [453.86718750719996, 200.4893798912, 561.5808105216, 332.6638793728], [286.181762688, 252.5650634752, 308.3105468928, 267.571899392], [592.1441040039062, 176.70364379882812, 639.6237182617188, 334], [365.74005126953125, 145.16282653808594, 483.79278564453125, 334], [79.52633666992188, 204.67105102539062, 123.77517700195312, 309.0591125488281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7], [8], [9], [10, 11], [12]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047653.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[287.7931823730469, 279.4019165184, 623.471801784, 347.3108520448]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047653_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[84.79318237304688, 17.401916518400014, 420.47180178400004, 85.31085204480001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047653.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, a luggage, a backpack, a trolley, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[287.7931823730469, 279.4019165184, 623.471801784, 347.3108520448], [404.95288088729995, 265.2882080256, 444.6658935532, 332.69567872], [381.9145507885, 306.716247552, 413.5703125139, 344.4115600384], [566.9760741871, 279.4019165184, 623.471801784, 347.3108520448], [503.75244143019995, 309.3767089664, 530.0151367353001, 335.978271488], [411.0022888183594, 336.99456787109375, 418.1080627441406, 341.57763671875], [287.7931823730469, 330.4465637207031, 293.3703308105469, 342.3761291503906], [432.04217529296875, 335.4035339355469, 440.79248046875, 339.3270568847656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047653_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, a luggage, a backpack, a trolley, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[84.79318237304688, 17.401916518400014, 420.47180178400004, 85.31085204480001], [201.95288088729995, 3.2882080255999995, 241.66589355320002, 70.69567871999999], [178.91455078849998, 44.71624755200003, 210.57031251389998, 82.41156003840001], [363.97607418710004, 17.401916518400014, 420.47180178400004, 85.31085204480001], [300.75244143019995, 47.376708966399974, 327.0151367353001, 73.97827148800002], [208.00228881835938, 74.99456787109375, 215.10806274414062, 79.57763671875], [84.79318237304688, 68.44656372070312, 90.37033081054688, 80.37612915039062], [229.04217529296875, 73.40353393554688, 237.79248046875, 77.32705688476562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047654.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[140.36270141601562, 137.6398925824, 347.6109924316406, 203.0764770304]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047654_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[52.362701416015625, 16.639892582399995, 259.6109924316406, 82.07647703040001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047654.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, four pictures, two people, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[140.36270141601562, 137.6398925824, 347.6109924316406, 203.0764770304], [133.5867919616, 170.3933715968, 198.57354735060002, 202.5216674816], [130.4573974272, 137.899963392, 168.6358032105, 174.2008056832], [275.52722168919996, 176.0574951424, 307.1900634609, 203.0764770304], [312.6782836654, 149.4606933504, 343.9190673629, 172.2579956224], [221.4891967845, 137.6398925824, 243.01995846810001, 157.9041137664], [148.65731811523438, 149.09324645996094, 158.5023193359375, 166.1317901611328], [140.36270141601562, 149.50794982910156, 149.50701904296875, 164.9845733642578], [307.9223327636719, 181.87722778320312, 347.6109924316406, 202.39566040039062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047654_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, four pictures, two people, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[52.362701416015625, 16.639892582399995, 259.6109924316406, 82.07647703040001], [45.5867919616, 49.393371596799994, 110.57354735060002, 81.52166748159999], [42.45739742719999, 16.89996339199999, 80.6358032105, 53.2008056832], [187.52722168919996, 55.0574951424, 219.19006346089998, 82.07647703040001], [224.6782836654, 28.460693350399993, 255.91906736290002, 51.25799562239999], [133.4891967845, 16.639892582399995, 155.01995846810001, 36.9041137664], [60.657318115234375, 28.093246459960938, 70.5023193359375, 45.13179016113281], [52.362701416015625, 28.507949829101562, 61.50701904296875, 43.98457336425781], [219.92233276367188, 60.877227783203125, 259.6109924316406, 81.39566040039062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047655.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[89.2179565056, 320.5382690304, 314.6372070144, 407.7916870144]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047655_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[57.2179565056, 22.538269030399988, 282.6372070144, 109.7916870144]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047655.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cars, two suvs, and a parking meter.", "boxes_value": [[89.2179565056, 320.5382690304, 314.6372070144, 407.7916870144], [251.72924805120002, 333.84600832, 314.6372070144, 374.8421630976], [223.04534914560003, 335.0091552768, 260.5714111488, 346.0462646272], [198.51843264000001, 320.5382690304, 247.08166502400002, 344.574646016], [137.341125504, 344.0970459136, 274.8438720768, 426.660095232], [102.12274168319999, 327.2161254912, 202.4094238464, 404.7725830144], [89.2179565056, 329.2948608512, 101.68676759040001, 407.7916870144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4], [3, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047655_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cars, two suvs, and a parking meter.", "boxes_value": [[57.2179565056, 22.538269030399988, 282.6372070144, 109.7916870144], [219.72924805120002, 35.84600832000001, 282.6372070144, 76.84216309760001], [191.04534914560003, 37.009155276800016, 228.5714111488, 48.0462646272], [166.51843264000001, 22.538269030399988, 215.08166502400002, 46.574646015999974], [105.34112550399999, 46.09704591360003, 242.84387207679998, 128.660095232], [70.12274168319999, 29.21612549119999, 170.4094238464, 106.77258301440003], [57.2179565056, 31.294860851199985, 69.68676759040001, 109.7916870144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4], [3, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047656.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, two boots, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[72.0726318592, 237.51824949169998, 165.34600832, 368.7590332344], [72.0726318592, 245.35424804619998, 104.5514526208, 331.4487914831], [89.8586425856, 240.9722289847, 115.1199341056, 326.0356445213], [138.5621338112, 237.51824949169998, 160.7196655104, 282.3203125058], [116.8916015616, 246.52734378009998, 165.34600832, 368.7590332344], [133.6770629632, 336.3740844536, 153.1084594688, 367.6744384549], [134.6996460032, 339.1657104219, 148.7636108288, 366.42541504530004], [35.378807067871094, 240.94146728515625, 130.42221069335938, 294.8577880859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047656_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, two boots, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[24.0726318592, 33.518249491699976, 117.34600832000001, 164.75903323440002], [24.0726318592, 41.354248046199984, 56.551452620800006, 127.44879148310002], [41.858642585599995, 36.972228984699996, 67.1199341056, 122.03564452130001], [90.5621338112, 33.518249491699976, 112.7196655104, 78.32031250580002], [68.8916015616, 42.52734378009998, 117.34600832000001, 164.75903323440002], [85.6770629632, 132.3740844536, 105.10845946879999, 163.67443845489998], [86.6996460032, 135.16571042189997, 100.76361082880001, 162.42541504530004], [0, 36.94146728515625, 82.42221069335938, 90.8577880859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047657.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two cars, a sports car, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[0, 194.193054208, 140.9000854498, 280.0833740288], [127.4084472496, 233.9663696384, 140.9000854498, 280.0833740288], [0, 243.8089599488, 14.9877319502, 273.619995136], [6.1250000376000004, 237.9676513792, 64.9412842104, 279.2598877184], [39.1588134624, 243.204711936, 133.8288574086, 292.7554321408], [0, 194.193054208, 6.863220205, 238.8701171712]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047657_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two cars, a sports car, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[0, 22.193054208000007, 140.9000854498, 108.0833740288], [127.4084472496, 61.96636963840001, 140.9000854498, 108.0833740288], [0, 71.80895994880001, 14.9877319502, 101.619995136], [6.1250000376000004, 65.96765137919999, 64.9412842104, 107.25988771840002], [39.1588134624, 71.204711936, 133.8288574086, 120.7554321408], [0, 22.193054208000007, 6.863220205, 66.87011717120001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047658.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[358.482299791, 127.4127807488, 769.248046875, 351.3917236224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047658_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[103.482299791, 56.4127807488, 514.248046875, 280.3917236224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047658.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a helmet, a hat, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[358.482299791, 127.4127807488, 769.248046875, 351.3917236224], [333.41064456699996, 127.1227417088, 416.50634764200004, 326.3736572416], [471.903442395, 153.9277954048, 554.99914547, 351.3917236224], [743.208862319, 233.4494628864, 769.248046875, 280.9326782464], [358.482299791, 127.4127807488, 383.647338844, 151.3629760512], [507.02368162600004, 154.5304565248, 530.484619126, 180.0819091968], [520.722534178, 336.5298461696, 553.943481476, 350.1850586112]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047658_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a helmet, a hat, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[103.482299791, 56.4127807488, 514.248046875, 280.3917236224], [78.41064456699996, 56.12274170880001, 161.50634764200004, 255.37365724159997], [216.903442395, 82.92779540480001, 299.99914547000003, 280.3917236224], [488.208862319, 162.4494628864, 514.248046875, 209.93267824639997], [103.482299791, 56.4127807488, 128.647338844, 80.36297605120001], [252.02368162600004, 83.5304565248, 275.484619126, 109.08190919680001], [265.72253417800005, 265.5298461696, 298.943481476, 279.1850586112]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047661.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a slippers, three chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[40.5706787328, 225.1275634824, 110.96905518079998, 339.3539428884], [42.5676879872, 193.6900024164, 111.0845947392, 338.5098266484], [97.8656616448, 225.1275634824, 110.8339843584, 256.3132934724], [69.2163085824, 310.9061279436, 81.4831542784, 339.21429445800004], [50.4395751936, 203.1627197448, 85.9677124096, 257.4418335024], [90.2442627072, 215.00543213280002, 107.0214843904, 254.81011960080002], [40.5706787328, 240.33569336760002, 110.96905518079998, 339.3539428884], [90.9022216704, 254.4811401492, 110.9690551808, 274.5479736372]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047661_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a slippers, three chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[18.570678732799998, 29.127563482400006, 88.96905518079998, 143.3539428884], [20.567687987200003, 0, 89.0845947392, 142.5098266484], [75.8656616448, 29.127563482400006, 88.8339843584, 60.313293472400005], [47.2163085824, 114.90612794359998, 59.483154278399994, 143.21429445800004], [28.4395751936, 7.1627197448, 63.9677124096, 61.441833502400016], [68.2442627072, 19.005432132800024, 85.0214843904, 58.81011960080002], [18.570678732799998, 44.335693367600015, 88.96905518079998, 143.3539428884], [68.9022216704, 58.4811401492, 88.9690551808, 78.54797363720002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047665.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two barrels, a handbag, two people, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[574.6921997070312, 277.92462158203125, 681.6669311523438, 484.69989013671875], [597.1368408443, 413.754455552, 641.6585693087, 479.882324224], [614.8145751624, 398.0408935424, 656.0626220639999, 454.3478393344], [606.9618136706, 361.9301303296, 630.6844605934, 399.8550575616], [618.5411987304688, 277.92462158203125, 681.6669311523438, 484.69989013671875], [564.5038452148438, 284.6133117675781, 594.4972534179688, 404.2463073730469], [574.6921997070312, 397.9043884277344, 592.3333129882812, 404.0376281738281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047665_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two barrels, a handbag, two people, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[27.69219970703125, 51.92462158203125, 134.66693115234375, 258.69989013671875], [50.13684084429997, 187.75445555200002, 94.65856930869995, 253.882324224], [67.81457516240005, 172.0408935424, 109.06262206399992, 228.34783933440002], [59.96181367060001, 135.9301303296, 83.68446059339999, 173.8550575616], [71.54119873046875, 51.92462158203125, 134.66693115234375, 258.69989013671875], [17.50384521484375, 58.613311767578125, 47.49725341796875, 178.24630737304688], [27.69219970703125, 171.90438842773438, 45.33331298828125, 178.03762817382812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047667.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[245.51330563259998, 87.0462646272, 682.8594970648, 198.81378176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047667_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[109.51330563259998, 28.046264627200003, 546.8594970648, 139.81378176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047667.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two sports cars, and three cars.", "boxes_value": [[245.51330563259998, 87.0462646272, 682.8594970648, 198.81378176], [245.51330563259998, 144.7768554496, 286.418762193, 196.590393088], [284.3272705091, 111.6346435584, 682.5423583771, 261.4743042048], [336.6737670956, 92.264221184, 432.99926757440005, 118.5891723776], [389.3237304856, 95.2556762624, 515.5639648345, 152.0936889856], [544.9890136586, 90.3515014656, 682.8594970648, 198.81378176], [481.13830569299995, 87.0462646272, 645.0327148441, 159.3859252736]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047667_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two sports cars, and three cars.", "boxes_value": [[109.51330563259998, 28.046264627200003, 546.8594970648, 139.81378176], [109.51330563259998, 85.77685544959999, 150.41876219300002, 137.590393088], [148.3272705091, 52.6346435584, 546.5423583771, 167], [200.6737670956, 33.26422118399999, 296.99926757440005, 59.58917237759999], [253.32373048559998, 36.2556762624, 379.5639648345, 93.09368898560001], [408.9890136586, 31.351501465599995, 546.8594970648, 139.81378176], [345.13830569299995, 28.046264627200003, 509.03271484410004, 100.38592527360001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047668.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[20.0663452269, 165.3483886592, 318.17919921059996, 511.67059328]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047668_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[20.0663452269, 87.3483886592, 318.17919921059996, 433.67059328]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047668.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two people, a glasses, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[20.0663452269, 165.3483886592, 318.17919921059996, 511.67059328], [51.3150024233, 330.8858032128, 241.1739502319, 511.67059328], [20.0663452269, 201.85198976, 265.1619873301, 511.26354979840005], [205.1917724976, 165.3483886592, 318.17919921059996, 433.9106445312], [139.3016357327, 229.4710083072, 184.9048461715, 248.8178100736], [120.6457519547, 379.4089355264, 193.1963500978, 431.9217529344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047668_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two people, a glasses, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[20.0663452269, 87.3483886592, 318.17919921059996, 433.67059328], [51.3150024233, 252.8858032128, 241.1739502319, 433.67059328], [20.0663452269, 123.85198976000001, 265.1619873301, 433.26354979840005], [205.1917724976, 87.3483886592, 318.17919921059996, 355.9106445312], [139.3016357327, 151.4710083072, 184.9048461715, 170.8178100736], [120.6457519547, 301.4089355264, 193.1963500978, 353.9217529344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047669.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[571.2811278915001, 214.2848510976, 794.9598389055, 512.1535644672]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047669_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[56.28112789150009, 75.28485109760001, 279.95983890549996, 373]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047669.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[571.2811278915001, 214.2848510976, 794.9598389055, 512.1535644672], [601.5281982645, 358.6066284032, 710.5895995815, 512.1535644672], [696.2393798955, 347.1264648192, 736.4199218445, 510.7185058816], [697.5947265825, 333.4938354688, 726.143798829, 361.4766845952], [571.2811278915001, 214.2848510976, 699.651855465, 478.7594604544], [577.301025381, 204.9104004096, 606.3802490219999, 232.4941406208], [762.818237343, 311.772827136, 794.9598389055, 343.600891136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047669_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[25.15491485595703, 248.169860864, 291.952514623, 372.898803712]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047681_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[25.15491485595703, 32.169860863999986, 291.952514623, 156.89880371200002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047681.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a vase, a refrigerator, two chairs, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[25.15491485595703, 248.169860864, 291.952514623, 372.898803712], [276.292968721, 342.7660522496, 291.952514623, 372.898803712], [213.208740206, 248.169860864, 272.77331542999997, 354.5957641728], [25.15491485595703, 301.31903076171875, 51.895103454589844, 338.124267578125], [89.7819595336914, 303.0281677246094, 116.53491973876953, 336.9259338378906], [36.046714782714844, 293.3515625, 57.67725372314453, 332.7440185546875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047681_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a vase, a refrigerator, two chairs, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[25.15491485595703, 32.169860863999986, 291.952514623, 156.89880371200002], [276.292968721, 126.76605224960002, 291.952514623, 156.89880371200002], [213.208740206, 32.169860863999986, 272.77331542999997, 138.5957641728], [25.15491485595703, 85.31903076171875, 51.895103454589844, 122.124267578125], [89.7819595336914, 87.02816772460938, 116.53491973876953, 120.92593383789062], [36.046714782714844, 77.3515625, 57.67725372314453, 116.7440185546875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047682.jpg", "text": "In the image , please describe the bounding box . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a car, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[28.119125366210938, 55.120788582399996, 139.7131347948, 271.9755859375], [31.40783692330001, 53.96417233919999, 61.47857666750002, 81.88702392319999], [75.6010131553, 55.290283212800006, 99.65832522879998, 81.3765258752], [96.2388916026, 59.5796508672, 127.17736816229998, 90.79193113599999], [117.88800052100001, 55.120788582399996, 139.7131347948, 85.8636474368], [21.885253877799997, 39.605407692799986, 118.02862550830002, 81.03735352320001], [28.119125366210938, 170.64202880859375, 103.96705627441406, 271.9755859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047684.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, two cabinets, and a lamp.", "boxes_value": [[553.7652587674, 29.1651611136, 683.3011474721001, 417.3251342848], [553.7652587674, 137.9958496256, 583.0120849568, 211.845581056], [630.7917480775, 281.422851584, 682.3214111555001, 417.3251342848], [641.0141601747, 29.1651611136, 683.3011474721001, 114.6789550592], [580.4025879051001, 197.0964965888, 621.4954833656, 236.5122070528], [630.296630859375, 190.3560791015625, 649.2916259765625, 205.35153198242188], [667.1515502929688, 203.52337646484375, 682.0322875976562, 223.63040161132812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5, 6], [2, 4], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047684_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[56.2000846862793, 10.62436294555664, 405.8486327919, 321.6798706176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047686_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[56.2000846862793, 10.62436294555664, 405.8486327919, 321.6798706176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047686.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a barrel, a leather shoes, a hat, a glasses, a horse, and two ballons.", "boxes_value": [[56.2000846862793, 10.62436294555664, 405.8486327919, 321.6798706176], [166.7331542649, 29.8341675008, 425.3859863043, 354.145080576], [115.86816404300001, 136.896606464, 164.0052490548, 204.2404174848], [165.4309692088, 295.2786254848, 201.4707641627, 321.6798706176], [342.5589599454, 37.6976318464, 426.6922607546, 75.6777954304], [380.6553954837, 60.3033447424, 405.8486327919, 74.9705810432], [98.8696288982, 145.3416748032, 396.3701171796, 474.8109130752], [67.18038177490234, 17.72713279724121, 79.7303237915039, 33.08530807495117], [56.2000846862793, 10.62436294555664, 69.09452056884766, 28.28527069091797]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047686_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a barrel, a leather shoes, a hat, a glasses, a horse, and two ballons.", "boxes_value": [[56.2000846862793, 10.62436294555664, 405.8486327919, 321.6798706176], [166.7331542649, 29.8341675008, 425.3859863043, 354.145080576], [115.86816404300001, 136.896606464, 164.0052490548, 204.2404174848], [165.4309692088, 295.2786254848, 201.4707641627, 321.6798706176], [342.5589599454, 37.6976318464, 426.6922607546, 75.6777954304], [380.6553954837, 60.3033447424, 405.8486327919, 74.9705810432], [98.8696288982, 145.3416748032, 396.3701171796, 399], [67.18038177490234, 17.72713279724121, 79.7303237915039, 33.08530807495117], [56.2000846862793, 10.62436294555664, 69.09452056884766, 28.28527069091797]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047687.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, four bottles, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[0.7329101379, 35.18011473920001, 371.6435547064, 173.9653320192], [0.7329101379, 91.52288819199998, 61.695739723799996, 173.82275389440002], [47.6743164131, 65.30889891840002, 122.6586303683, 173.21307371519998], [219.4735717853, 35.18011473920001, 269.0042724237, 100.8210449408], [59.9384155408, 138.25708006399998, 85.27972409760001, 173.9653320192], [227.4941406618, 85.2218017792, 279.8223877075, 113.85424803839999], [290.6828613569, 91.63946531840003, 326.7202148296, 121.75280762879999], [330.1759033504, 69.42462156800002, 371.6435547064, 102.99365232640002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047688.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[190.5629272789, 245.96545408, 316.6119994898, 393.6648559616]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047688_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[31.56292727889999, 36.96545408, 157.61199948979998, 184.66485596159998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047688.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, three storage boxes, and an extention cord.", "boxes_value": [[190.5629272789, 245.96545408, 316.6119994898, 393.6648559616], [186.6301269477, 217.9500732416, 328.0917968973, 399.5686034944], [190.5629272789, 245.96545408, 230.1287231196, 283.4872436736], [191.6917114071, 277.9962768384, 233.3317871268, 313.6877441536], [278.1749877773, 275.708374016, 316.6119994898, 315.5181274624], [253.48681640190003, 370.3885497856, 314.393127418, 393.6648559616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047688_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, three storage boxes, and an extention cord.", "boxes_value": [[31.56292727889999, 36.96545408, 157.61199948979998, 184.66485596159998], [27.630126947700006, 8.950073241599995, 169.09179689730001, 190.5686034944], [31.56292727889999, 36.96545408, 71.12872311960001, 74.4872436736], [32.6917114071, 68.99627683839998, 74.33178712680001, 104.68774415360002], [119.17498777729998, 66.708374016, 157.61199948979998, 106.5181274624], [94.48681640190003, 161.3885497856, 155.393127418, 184.66485596159998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047690.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[137.10548400878906, 204.4946289152, 282.37518310546875, 510.92523193359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047690_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[37.10548400878906, 77.4946289152, 182.37518310546875, 383.92523193359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047690.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a person, a moniter, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[137.10548400878906, 204.4946289152, 282.37518310546875, 510.92523193359375], [186.56018063410002, 220.0534667776, 215.45513915639998, 257.172363264], [184.7819824071, 204.4946289152, 223.01226805000002, 251.1711425536], [189.2791747717, 228.20996096, 209.94158933929998, 271.623352064], [161.8196411026, 239.7363281408, 189.2102050579, 265.813659648], [137.10548400878906, 324.1824951171875, 282.37518310546875, 510.92523193359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047690_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a person, a moniter, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[37.10548400878906, 77.4946289152, 182.37518310546875, 383.92523193359375], [86.56018063410002, 93.0534667776, 115.45513915639998, 130.172363264], [84.7819824071, 77.4946289152, 123.01226805000002, 124.17114255359999], [89.27917477170001, 101.20996095999999, 109.94158933929998, 144.62335206400002], [61.8196411026, 112.7363281408, 89.2102050579, 138.813659648], [37.10548400878906, 197.1824951171875, 182.37518310546875, 383.92523193359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047691.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five bowls.", "boxes_value": [[312.79907228160005, 187.6832275456, 598.9954834176, 270.181091328], [312.79907228160005, 187.6832275456, 365.2514648064, 211.1085204992], [354.5572509696, 197.8681030144, 392.7507323904, 217.2194824192], [394.7877197568, 207.03454592, 465.57299804160004, 230.9691162112], [455.3880615168, 223.3304443392, 526.1732177664001, 262.542419456], [519.5531006208, 234.5338745344, 598.9954834176, 270.181091328]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047691_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five bowls.", "boxes_value": [[71.79907228160005, 20.683227545600005, 357.9954834176, 103.18109132799998], [71.79907228160005, 20.683227545600005, 124.25146480640001, 44.10852049920001], [113.55725096959998, 30.868103014399992, 151.7507323904, 50.219482419200006], [153.78771975680002, 40.03454592, 224.57299804160004, 63.9691162112], [214.3880615168, 56.3304443392, 285.17321776640006, 95.542419456], [278.5531006208, 67.53387453440001, 357.9954834176, 103.18109132799998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047694.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[228.78155515599997, 228.722961408, 420.107665978, 379.392395008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047694_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[48.78155515599997, 37.722961408, 240.107665978, 188.392395008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047694.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three bottles, two cups, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[228.78155515599997, 228.722961408, 420.107665978, 379.392395008], [396.98229979099995, 294.659667968, 420.107665978, 379.392395008], [385.058349599, 345.4270629888, 397.88562013200004, 373.6110839808], [293.279541016, 319.7723999232, 307.190917957, 341.8137206784], [228.78155515599997, 261.7783203328, 245.764221164, 321.03704832], [279.922363259, 228.722961408, 289.877441392, 262.5703735296], [223.171508791, 231.859863296, 268.728881806, 260.8141479424]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047694_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three bottles, two cups, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[48.78155515599997, 37.722961408, 240.107665978, 188.392395008], [216.98229979099995, 103.65966796800001, 240.107665978, 188.392395008], [205.058349599, 154.4270629888, 217.88562013200004, 182.6110839808], [113.279541016, 128.7723999232, 127.19091795700001, 150.8137206784], [48.78155515599997, 70.77832033279998, 65.76422116399999, 130.03704832], [99.92236325900001, 37.722961408, 109.87744139199998, 71.57037352959998], [43.17150879100001, 40.859863295999986, 88.728881806, 69.81414794239998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047696.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[38.5900268688, 1.4799804928, 892.2702636837, 208.5994262528]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047696_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[38.5900268688, 1.4799804928, 891, 208.5994262528]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047696.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a handbag, a van, and a suv.", "boxes_value": [[38.5900268688, 1.4799804928, 892.2702636837, 208.5994262528], [652.1363524962, 1.4799804928, 775.192626945, 208.5994262528], [686.571777342, 21.7361449984, 798.9936523569, 257.7206420992], [459.58605957, 32.787841792, 495.5650635078, 196.0770263552], [603.6235351938, 155.23272704, 658.3050536931, 181.3387451392], [38.5900268688, 41.4770507776, 71.58929443379999, 71.9099731456], [841.4926757622, 40.9724121088, 892.2702636837, 75.1160278528]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047696_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a handbag, a van, and a suv.", "boxes_value": [[38.5900268688, 1.4799804928, 891, 208.5994262528], [652.1363524962, 1.4799804928, 775.192626945, 208.5994262528], [686.571777342, 21.7361449984, 798.9936523569, 257.7206420992], [459.58605957, 32.787841792, 495.5650635078, 196.0770263552], [603.6235351938, 155.23272704, 658.3050536931, 181.3387451392], [38.5900268688, 41.4770507776, 71.58929443379999, 71.9099731456], [841.4926757622, 40.9724121088, 891, 75.1160278528]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047697.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two sneakers, a belt, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[44.0612792832, 325.9787597442, 359.4404907008, 497.52343750859995], [44.0612792832, 448.5141601434, 84.3103637504, 471.95751951540007], [110.8011474432, 368.1654052842, 188.010498048, 418.3117675974], [247.8588867072, 325.9787597442, 309.1628418048, 371.7252197532], [289.9431762944, 436.6221924078, 359.4404907008, 497.52343750859995], [59.1622314496, 417.2727051054, 82.5986938368, 445.2404785362]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2], [3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047697_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two sneakers, a belt, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[44.0612792832, 42.97875974419998, 359.4404907008, 214.52343750859995], [44.0612792832, 165.51416014339998, 84.3103637504, 188.95751951540007], [110.8011474432, 85.1654052842, 188.010498048, 135.31176759739998], [247.8588867072, 42.97875974419998, 309.1628418048, 88.72521975320001], [289.9431762944, 153.62219240780001, 359.4404907008, 214.52343750859995], [59.1622314496, 134.2727051054, 82.5986938368, 162.2404785362]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2], [3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047699.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[187.71875000720001, 191.014587392, 426.257812486, 365.2025146368]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047699_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, a desk, a cabinet, a lamp, a potted plant, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[187.71875000720001, 191.014587392, 426.257812486, 365.2025146368], [387.6074218844, 235.705444352, 450.9940185504, 269.717834496], [405.6442871416, 263.5337524224, 426.257812486, 291.362060544], [341.7421874756, 281.0552978432, 483.9757080308, 336.7119140864], [246.1407470712, 259.3851318272, 314.352417, 361.3435058688], [187.71875000720001, 211.9901733376, 206.7820434588, 247.2925414912], [195.48522950240002, 226.817138688, 255.499267586, 365.2025146368], [231.14050289800002, 191.014587392, 306.90063473559997, 286.6380615168]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047699_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, a desk, a cabinet, a lamp, a potted plant, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[59.718750007200015, 44.01458739200001, 298.257812486, 218.2025146368], [259.6074218844, 88.705444352, 322.9940185504, 122.71783449600002], [277.6442871416, 116.53375242240003, 298.257812486, 144.36206054399997], [213.74218747560002, 134.05529784319998, 355.9757080308, 189.7119140864], [118.1407470712, 112.38513182719998, 186.352417, 214.34350586879998], [59.718750007200015, 64.9901733376, 78.78204345879999, 100.29254149120001], [67.48522950240002, 79.817138688, 127.499267586, 218.2025146368], [103.14050289800002, 44.01458739200001, 178.90063473559997, 139.6380615168]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047700.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[246.3488159127, 79.1080322048, 355.6499023766, 257.3933715968]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047700_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[27.34881591269999, 45.1080322048, 136.64990237659998, 223.39337159680002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047700.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, three helmets, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[246.3488159127, 79.1080322048, 355.6499023766, 257.3933715968], [236.7294311406, 134.0165405184, 340.5032348542, 334.5741577216], [276.1936035479, 79.2018432512, 355.6411132594, 307.3618774528], [299.963378905, 79.1080322048, 332.2077026302, 111.671630848], [251.7565307706, 134.338439936, 287.8318481447, 172.6485595648], [340.6385497897, 189.1388549632, 355.6499023766, 211.8903198208], [246.3488159127, 223.383361792, 274.9641113429, 257.3933715968]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047700_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, three helmets, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[27.34881591269999, 45.1080322048, 136.64990237659998, 223.39337159680002], [17.729431140600013, 100.0165405184, 121.5032348542, 267], [57.19360354790001, 45.2018432512, 136.64111325940002, 267], [80.96337890500001, 45.1080322048, 113.2077026302, 77.671630848], [32.756530770599994, 100.33843993599999, 68.83184814470002, 138.6485595648], [121.6385497897, 155.1388549632, 136.64990237659998, 177.8903198208], [27.34881591269999, 189.383361792, 55.964111342900026, 223.39337159680002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047707.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0, 101.1151733248, 215.5096435233, 362.8531493888]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047707_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0, 66.1151733248, 215.5096435233, 327.8531493888]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047707.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a vase, two pillows, and a nightstand.", "boxes_value": [[0, 101.1151733248, 215.5096435233, 362.8531493888], [0, 101.1151733248, 62.9052124197, 234.3397827072], [155.3048095696, 231.296447744, 215.5096435233, 317.7015380992], [5.024536148899999, 279.6895141376, 128.7128906431, 356.5101318144], [0, 309.6425170944, 24.7583007909, 362.8531493888], [139.8531494217, 303.2040405504, 237.37768556460003, 339.5745849856]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047707_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a vase, two pillows, and a nightstand.", "boxes_value": [[0, 66.1151733248, 215.5096435233, 327.8531493888], [0, 66.1151733248, 62.9052124197, 199.3397827072], [155.3048095696, 196.296447744, 215.5096435233, 282.7015380992], [5.024536148899999, 244.68951413759999, 128.7128906431, 321.5101318144], [0, 274.6425170944, 24.7583007909, 327.8531493888], [139.8531494217, 268.2040405504, 237.37768556460003, 304.5745849856]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047710.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[182.238647472, 449.5233764864, 295.6644592285156, 501.3843689472]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047710_crop.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[29.238647471999997, 13.523376486400025, 142.66445922851562, 65.38436894720002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047710.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two bicycles.", "boxes_value": [[182.238647472, 449.5233764864, 295.6644592285156, 501.3843689472], [182.238647472, 449.5233764864, 192.010620144, 489.588500992], [235.652954096, 459.4698486272, 248.21691893599998, 491.9268188672], [248.82586668800002, 455.9485473792, 262.9795532, 493.1788940288], [191.61821151200002, 473.7185442816, 217.9972536, 501.3843689472], [262.1321716308594, 470.2344055175781, 295.6644592285156, 497.6886291503906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047710_crop.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two bicycles.", "boxes_value": [[29.238647471999997, 13.523376486400025, 142.66445922851562, 65.38436894720002], [29.238647471999997, 13.523376486400025, 39.010620144, 53.58850099199998], [82.652954096, 23.469848627200008, 95.21691893599998, 55.926818867199984], [95.82586668800002, 19.948547379200022, 109.9795532, 57.178894028800016], [38.618211512000016, 37.718544281599975, 64.9972536, 65.38436894720002], [109.13217163085938, 34.234405517578125, 142.66445922851562, 61.688629150390625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047711.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cups, a bottle, two pots, and a gas stove.", "boxes_value": [[305.14526367999997, 270.765747072, 511.923461888, 377.126525856], [355.260864256, 298.277648928, 397.097045888, 371.347717296], [367.60363769599996, 274.242248544, 385.330444352, 299.272705056], [438.9049072, 270.765747072, 511.923461888, 332.76232910399995], [396.40161132800006, 285.899719248, 444.354125952, 334.94195558399997], [394.56591795199995, 323.089172352, 547.9749756159999, 359.80236816], [305.14526367999997, 348.78216552, 330.83233644800004, 377.126525856]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047711_crop.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cups, a bottle, two pots, and a gas stove.", "boxes_value": [[52.14526367999997, 26.76574707200001, 258.923461888, 133.126525856], [102.26086425599999, 54.27764892800002, 144.09704588800003, 127.34771729599998], [114.60363769599996, 30.242248544000006, 132.33044435199997, 55.27270505600001], [185.90490720000003, 26.76574707200001, 258.923461888, 88.76232910399995], [143.40161132800006, 41.899719248, 191.354125952, 90.94195558399997], [141.56591795199995, 79.08917235199999, 294.97497561599994, 115.80236816000001], [52.14526367999997, 104.78216551999998, 77.83233644800004, 133.126525856]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047712.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[312.2597045883, 282.4216308736, 577.7343749826, 398.4328613376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047712_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[67.2597045883, 29.42163087360001, 332.7343749826, 145.4328613376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047712.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, four desks, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[312.2597045883, 282.4216308736, 577.7343749826, 398.4328613376], [498.0395507662, 308.7344970752, 577.7343749826, 398.4328613376], [483.367675748, 310.0682983424, 526.0494384797, 364.7542724608], [392.57714846289997, 282.4216308736, 436.67431640940003, 339.2580566528], [312.2597045883, 328.2068481536, 384.0751953345, 383.8233032192], [287.9612426996, 310.1179809792, 339.7979736303, 336.5762939392], [340.6079101365, 320.6473388544, 388.6649170182, 358.9849243136], [421.0628662259, 297.6987915264, 436.4517822373, 342.785949696]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 4, 5, 7], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047712_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, four desks, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[67.2597045883, 29.42163087360001, 332.7343749826, 145.4328613376], [253.03955076620002, 55.73449707520001, 332.7343749826, 145.4328613376], [238.367675748, 57.0682983424, 281.04943847970003, 111.7542724608], [147.57714846289997, 29.42163087360001, 191.67431640940003, 86.25805665280001], [67.2597045883, 75.20684815359999, 139.0751953345, 130.8233032192], [42.96124269960001, 57.11798097920001, 94.79797363030002, 83.57629393920001], [95.60791013649998, 67.6473388544, 143.66491701820001, 105.9849243136], [176.0628662259, 44.69879152639999, 191.4517822373, 89.78594969599999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 4, 5, 7], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047713.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[70.4770507776, 139.9958496256, 292.204223616, 209.086181632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047713_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[55.4770507776, 17.995849625599988, 277.204223616, 87.086181632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047713.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and three potted plants.", "boxes_value": [[70.4770507776, 139.9958496256, 292.204223616, 209.086181632], [100.1639404032, 162.0819702272, 117.481262208, 204.9630127104], [70.4770507776, 166.6174316544, 88.2067260672, 209.086181632], [138.63940431359998, 139.9958496256, 165.01409909760002, 161.933654784], [205.931823744, 139.9958496256, 231.0740356608, 162.9196167168], [266.0760497664, 141.2282714624, 292.204223616, 163.6591186432]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047713_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like a thorough description of the area in the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and three potted plants.", "boxes_value": [[55.4770507776, 17.995849625599988, 277.204223616, 87.086181632], [85.1639404032, 40.0819702272, 102.481262208, 82.9630127104], [55.4770507776, 44.61743165440001, 73.2067260672, 87.086181632], [123.63940431359998, 17.995849625599988, 150.01409909760002, 39.933654784], [190.931823744, 17.995849625599988, 216.0740356608, 40.91961671679999], [251.0760497664, 19.228271462399988, 277.204223616, 41.6591186432]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047720.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[379.0246582272, 376.3669738769531, 566.558837890625, 458.38623046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047720_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[47.02465822720001, 21.366973876953125, 234.558837890625, 103.38623046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047720.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[379.0246582272, 376.3669738769531, 566.558837890625, 458.38623046875], [379.0246582272, 393.6640625152, 400.3294677504, 450.0466308608], [513.2402954101562, 390.5111389160156, 534.1583862304688, 454.5841979980469], [530.2671508789062, 377.0751037597656, 548.0289916992188, 426.4532775878906], [443.4012145996094, 382.6407470703125, 465.9373474121094, 443.78375244140625], [426.69146728515625, 392.2581787109375, 453.70928955078125, 458.38623046875], [550.6717529296875, 376.3669738769531, 566.558837890625, 427.5401916503906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047720_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[47.02465822720001, 21.366973876953125, 234.558837890625, 103.38623046875], [47.02465822720001, 38.66406251519999, 68.3294677504, 95.04663086080001], [181.24029541015625, 35.511138916015625, 202.15838623046875, 99.58419799804688], [198.26715087890625, 22.075103759765625, 216.02899169921875, 71.45327758789062], [111.40121459960938, 27.6407470703125, 133.93734741210938, 88.78375244140625], [94.69146728515625, 37.2581787109375, 121.70928955078125, 103.38623046875], [218.6717529296875, 21.366973876953125, 234.558837890625, 72.54019165039062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047722.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[575.8116455214, 166.5101318144, 763.8531493972, 296.1549682688]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047722_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[47.81164552140001, 32.51013181440001, 235.8531493972, 162.15496826880002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047722.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, three people, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[575.8116455214, 166.5101318144, 763.8531493972, 296.1549682688], [658.2937011806, 277.0977783296, 675.3492431896, 294.9113159168], [591.8696289284001, 168.1874389504, 623.7554931397999, 231.1485595648], [614.297851595, 175.4833374208, 648.8858642394, 240.6062622208], [745.5187988298, 166.5101318144, 763.8531493972, 202.1159668224], [575.8116455214, 258.95465088, 601.1755371332, 296.1549682688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047722_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, three people, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[47.81164552140001, 32.51013181440001, 235.8531493972, 162.15496826880002], [130.2937011806, 143.09777832959998, 147.34924318959997, 160.9113159168], [63.86962892840006, 34.18743895040001, 95.75549313979991, 97.1485595648], [86.297851595, 41.48333742080001, 120.88586423940001, 106.6062622208], [217.51879882979995, 32.51013181440001, 235.8531493972, 68.1159668224], [47.81164552140001, 124.95465087999997, 73.17553713320001, 162.15496826880002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047724.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[314.5202636624, 244.9672851456, 669.7252197578, 414.576110848]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047724_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[89.5202636624, 42.96728514559999, 444.7252197578, 212.57611084799998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047724.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people, and a fire truck.", "boxes_value": [[314.5202636624, 244.9672851456, 669.7252197578, 414.576110848], [619.1145019266, 258.4345092608, 669.7252197578, 412.6452026368], [547.104492197, 249.2171631104, 607.7618408241999, 411.0989380096], [487.6062011498, 244.9672851456, 543.2409668282, 411.8716430848], [394.10888673460005, 261.194091776, 452.061767573, 414.576110848], [314.5202636624, 261.9667968512, 369.3823242364, 413.4170532352], [272.6860351826, 171.6887206912, 514.4560546744, 397.2052612096]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047724_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five dogs.", "boxes_value": [[107.077636736, 267.8829956096, 445.403686528, 356.6099853312], [107.077636736, 275.1031494144, 135.77301024000002, 341.1950683648], [158.359069824, 267.8829956096, 206.122985856, 352.3029785088], [285.699462912, 273.1421508608, 379.36187744, 356.6099853312], [333.00531008, 308.2899780096, 377.94451904, 355.5697631744], [376.66351315199995, 272.5878296064, 445.403686528, 353.6797485568]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047725_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball glove, two people, a bracelet, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[30.309448217599993, 54.428530432, 148.83911129600006, 268.1539306496], [93.01281735680004, 196.5421752832, 129.89233395199994, 249.13555906559998], [30.309448217599993, 69.8880615424, 51.68225100800004, 100.122619648], [39.171386700799985, 54.7707519488, 119.9707031552, 108.98449704960001], [123.52233889280001, 247.55688478719998, 148.83911129600006, 268.1539306496], [74.27023270400002, 54.428530432, 100.50971248640002, 75.2030029312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047733.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[43.947082521300004, 108.399108864, 283.9069213692, 383.9315185664]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047733_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[43.947082521300004, 69.399108864, 283.9069213692, 344.9315185664]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047733.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[225.1204126602, 284.8480621056, 448.0407488622, 430.8036787712]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047741_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[56.1204126602, 36.84806210559998, 279.0407488622, 182.8036787712]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047741.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two leather shoes, two handbags, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[225.1204126602, 284.8480621056, 448.0407488622, 430.8036787712], [345.72934636400004, 339.0084296704, 394.5353020865, 356.5354303488], [362.447408515, 351.4121532416, 407.4783179872, 374.8713695232], [225.1204126602, 284.8480621056, 310.05895448719997, 430.8036787712], [394.3041203831, 286.9282742784, 448.0407488622, 335.117895936], [255.00738524399998, 324.7235717632, 273.2292480407, 347.5009155072]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047741_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two leather shoes, two handbags, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[56.1204126602, 36.84806210559998, 279.0407488622, 182.8036787712], [176.72934636400004, 91.0084296704, 225.5353020865, 108.53543034879999], [193.447408515, 103.41215324159998, 238.4783179872, 126.87136952319997], [56.1204126602, 36.84806210559998, 141.05895448719997, 182.8036787712], [225.30412038309998, 38.92827427840001, 279.0407488622, 87.11789593600002], [86.00738524399998, 76.72357176320003, 104.22924804069999, 99.50091550719998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047744.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[612.8576659896, 7.3714599424, 791.998901329, 477.597106944]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047744_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[44.85766598960004, 7.3714599424, 223.99890132899998, 477.597106944]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047744.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a gun, two people, three boots, a helmet, a gloves, and a machinery vehicle.", "boxes_value": [[612.8576659896, 7.3714599424, 791.998901329, 477.597106944], [612.8576659896, 210.73986816, 666.5977783356001, 363.1861572096], [544.4107666111, 26.5643310592, 719.0659179561001, 476.6374511616], [634.6173095696, 7.3714599424, 791.998901329, 477.597106944], [734.2810059007, 426.8807983616, 791.0371093433, 475.8814087168], [648.068847636, 5.784790016, 716.7443847273, 58.120300288], [650.200195344, 67.5927734272, 669.6187744362, 90.5635376128], [685.0664062627001, 3.2158813696, 826.5644530897, 404.6080322048], [643.2435302734375, 428.60662841796875, 714.586669921875, 479.36065673828125], [586.7548828125, 432.0453796386719, 661.6534423828125, 478.2370300292969]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 8, 9], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047744_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a gun, two people, three boots, a helmet, a gloves, and a machinery vehicle.", "boxes_value": [[44.85766598960004, 7.3714599424, 223.99890132899998, 477.597106944], [44.85766598960004, 210.73986816, 98.59777833560008, 363.1861572096], [0, 26.5643310592, 151.06591795610007, 476.6374511616], [66.61730956960002, 7.3714599424, 223.99890132899998, 477.597106944], [166.28100590070005, 426.8807983616, 223.03710934330002, 475.8814087168], [80.06884763599999, 5.784790016, 148.74438472730003, 58.120300288], [82.20019534400001, 67.5927734272, 101.61877443620006, 90.5635376128], [117.06640626270007, 3.2158813696, 258.5644530897, 404.6080322048], [75.2435302734375, 428.60662841796875, 146.586669921875, 479.36065673828125], [18.7548828125, 432.0453796386719, 93.6534423828125, 478.2370300292969]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 8, 9], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047745.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[404.3781738157, 277.4765624832, 526.4935302705001, 362.2703246848]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047745_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[31.378173815699995, 21.476562483199984, 153.49353027050006, 106.27032468480002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047745.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two bottles, two wine glasses, and a napkin.", "boxes_value": [[404.3781738157, 277.4765624832, 526.4935302705001, 362.2703246848], [488.17932127499995, 309.8237915136, 504.5098876789, 362.2703246848], [507.65039059360004, 306.0551757824, 526.4935302705001, 358.1876220928], [433.5344238235, 287.212158208, 466.8238525659, 359.44384768], [452.06347659330004, 277.4765624832, 475.6173095479, 338.4024047616], [404.3781738157, 293.394714368, 443.56921384000003, 302.6420288]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047745_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two bottles, two wine glasses, and a napkin.", "boxes_value": [[31.378173815699995, 21.476562483199984, 153.49353027050006, 106.27032468480002], [115.17932127499995, 53.823791513599986, 131.5098876789, 106.27032468480002], [134.65039059360004, 50.0551757824, 153.49353027050006, 102.18762209279998], [60.53442382349999, 31.212158208000005, 93.82385256589998, 103.44384767999998], [79.06347659330004, 21.476562483199984, 102.61730954789999, 82.4024047616], [31.378173815699995, 37.394714367999995, 70.56921384000003, 46.64202879999999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047748.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[524.9066162372, 195.3688354304, 685.886474645, 510.5588379136]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047762_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[40.906616237199955, 79.3688354304, 201.88647464500002, 394.5588379136]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047762.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a glasses, a hat, a handbag, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[524.9066162372, 195.3688354304, 685.886474645, 510.5588379136], [524.9066162372, 215.385376, 632.2424316312, 510.5588379136], [555.7208252044001, 239.3709106688, 583.2880859482, 251.9014892544], [550.7086181653999, 216.8157959168, 589.5534668345999, 243.13006592], [540.6840820192, 373.448242176, 579.5289306884, 402.8951415808], [654.0244140438, 195.3688354304, 685.886474645, 260.2042236416]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047762_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a glasses, a hat, a handbag, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[40.906616237199955, 79.3688354304, 201.88647464500002, 394.5588379136], [40.906616237199955, 99.38537600000001, 148.24243163120002, 394.5588379136], [71.72082520440006, 123.37091066880001, 99.28808594819998, 135.9014892544], [66.70861816539991, 100.8157959168, 105.55346683459993, 127.13006591999999], [56.68408201919999, 257.448242176, 95.52893068840001, 286.8951415808], [170.0244140438, 79.3688354304, 201.88647464500002, 144.20422364159998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047768.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0.4948730457, 201.8987426816, 588.7667236543, 343.4009399296]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047768_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0.4948730457, 35.8987426816, 588.7667236543, 177.40093992959999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047768.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, two people, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[0.4948730457, 35.8987426816, 588.7667236543, 177.40093992959999], [206.7228393711, 69.5415038976, 252.0159912011, 115.45507814400003], [360.934082, 94.48052976640002, 455.03906253289995, 177.40093992959999], [357.0773925934, 91.00946042880003, 418.3999023633, 153.8746948096], [0.4948730457, 35.8987426816, 13.411132831200002, 90.90539550720001], [570.3861083673, 55.37390136319999, 588.7667236543, 117.66339112959997], [510.81738284370005, 51.45959475199999, 577.1718750334, 93.64215086079997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047771.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, three sneakers, a helmet, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[489.459716787, 226.210998528, 663.6435546783, 390.6628418048], [591.1727294618, 226.0352173056, 682.2084960929001, 388.9413452288], [488.6376952788, 190.100036608, 631.4201659959, 392.295288064], [489.459716787, 307.2932128768, 511.73950196330003, 358.3211670016], [572.1105956701, 351.8528442368, 612.3580322042, 390.6628418048], [633.0611572317, 339.5259399168, 653.4278564711, 356.724548352], [621.7462158074001, 226.210998528, 663.6435546783, 281.575378432], [535.707031228, 294.2941894656, 564.1374511937, 322.724548352]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047771_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cars, and four street lights.", "boxes_value": [[32.553375244140625, 16.757720947265625, 161.45870971679688, 82.165344224], [23.052124031999995, 50.989685072000015, 71.13073727999998, 90.980346656], [87.48663328, 53.63488769599999, 146.56732179200003, 82.165344224], [95.30078125, 17.813934326171875, 100.32122802734375, 45.031158447265625], [32.553375244140625, 16.757720947265625, 37.12213134765625, 45.490264892578125], [58.28851318359375, 27.311935424804688, 62.073974609375, 48.49150085449219], [157.03384399414062, 19.072372436523438, 161.45870971679688, 42.25315856933594]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047781.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[98.04486082559998, 236.6715087872, 385.8122558976, 510.46209715199996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047781_crop.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[72.04486082559998, 68.6715087872, 359.8122558976, 342.46209715199996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047781.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a person, a bracelet, two bowls, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[98.04486082559998, 236.6715087872, 385.8122558976, 510.46209715199996], [86.7557983488, 287.3119506944, 422.613159168, 510.912658688], [124.1516113152, 236.6715087872, 385.8122558976, 510.46209715199996], [323.9128418304, 418.679504384, 344.4371337984, 444.6555175936], [166.3327636992, 299.424316416, 228.2186889984, 358.3742675968], [98.04486082559998, 295.6629638656, 160.7658081024, 358.8233032192], [161.48236085759999, 417.4210205184, 197.9938354176, 457.4432373248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047781_crop.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a person, a bracelet, two bowls, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[72.04486082559998, 68.6715087872, 359.8122558976, 342.46209715199996], [60.7557983488, 119.31195069440002, 396.613159168, 342.912658688], [98.1516113152, 68.6715087872, 359.8122558976, 342.46209715199996], [297.9128418304, 250.67950438399998, 318.4371337984, 276.6555175936], [140.3327636992, 131.424316416, 202.2186889984, 190.3742675968], [72.04486082559998, 127.66296386559998, 134.7658081024, 190.8233032192], [135.48236085759999, 249.42102051839998, 171.9938354176, 289.4432373248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047783.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[526.083862272, 148.9491577344, 757.1585693359375, 249.2187500032]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047783_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[58.08386227200003, 25.94915773439999, 289.1585693359375, 126.2187500032]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047783.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a gloves, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[526.083862272, 148.9491577344, 757.1585693359375, 249.2187500032], [605.2280273664, 147.4979858432, 741.9538574592, 340.5227051008], [526.083862272, 174.295288064, 545.0286865152, 227.6051025408], [582.9183349248001, 164.8228759552, 611.1152343552, 228.045654272], [607.4243164416, 226.9573974528, 627.5031738624, 249.2187500032], [625.4454345984, 148.9491577344, 655.750732416, 173.642456064], [729.6368408203125, 162.16421508789062, 757.1585693359375, 243.4285888671875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 6], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047783_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a gloves, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[58.08386227200003, 25.94915773439999, 289.1585693359375, 126.2187500032], [137.22802736640006, 24.497985843200013, 273.9538574592, 151], [58.08386227200003, 51.295288064000005, 77.02868651519998, 104.6051025408], [114.91833492480009, 41.822875955200004, 143.11523435519996, 105.04565427200001], [139.4243164416, 103.9573974528, 159.5031738624, 126.2187500032], [157.44543459839997, 25.94915773439999, 187.750732416, 50.64245606399999], [261.6368408203125, 39.164215087890625, 289.1585693359375, 120.4285888671875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 6], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047784.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.048930048, 45.194588304899995, 120.7062377984, 368.84210351919995]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047784_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.048930048, 45.194588304899995, 120.7062377984, 368.84210351919995]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047784.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a hat, a glasses, and a belt.", "boxes_value": [[0.048930048, 45.194588304899995, 120.7062377984, 368.84210351919995], [0, 41.0881347456, 80.4093627904, 477.881713883], [58.6609497088, 179.9971313311, 89.324279808, 237.2512817301], [67.0454711808, 157.9578857095, 120.7062377984, 255.2180785866], [0.3094995968, 45.194588304899995, 67.4542033408, 126.6075416405], [0.1755067904, 122.9682709409, 48.2730394624, 139.6174168893], [0.048930048, 324.0686104634, 45.0631408128, 368.84210351919995]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047784_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a hat, a glasses, and a belt.", "boxes_value": [[0.048930048, 45.194588304899995, 120.7062377984, 368.84210351919995], [0, 41.0881347456, 80.4093627904, 449], [58.6609497088, 179.9971313311, 89.324279808, 237.2512817301], [67.0454711808, 157.9578857095, 120.7062377984, 255.2180785866], [0.3094995968, 45.194588304899995, 67.4542033408, 126.6075416405], [0.1755067904, 122.9682709409, 48.2730394624, 139.6174168893], [0.048930048, 324.0686104634, 45.0631408128, 368.84210351919995]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047785.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a mirror, two lamps, a book, a bottle, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[127.5759888, 84.25628664, 551.147949248, 287.7871704], [364.258544896, 58.124572752, 541.43762208, 214.842040992], [444.144653312, 143.369628912, 489.611938496, 263.308959984], [426.506591808, 142.977661152, 444.144653312, 186.877014144], [430.10998534400005, 266.271606432, 498.242797824, 287.7871704], [537.6993408, 223.059448224, 551.147949248, 248.895019536], [127.5759888, 84.25628664, 308.8621216, 207.9850464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047785_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a mirror, two lamps, a book, a bottle, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[106.5759888, 51.25628664, 530.147949248, 254.78717039999998], [343.258544896, 25.124572752, 520.43762208, 181.842040992], [423.144653312, 110.369628912, 468.611938496, 230.308959984], [405.506591808, 109.977661152, 423.144653312, 153.877014144], [409.10998534400005, 233.271606432, 477.242797824, 254.78717039999998], [516.6993408, 190.059448224, 530.147949248, 215.895019536], [106.5759888, 51.25628664, 287.8621216, 174.9850464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047787.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[171.9899292366, 170.4788208128, 286.6319579754, 302.4280395264]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047787_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[28.989929236600005, 33.478820812799995, 143.63195797539998, 165.42803952640003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047787.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two helmets, two gloves, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[171.9899292366, 170.4788208128, 286.6319579754, 302.4280395264], [171.9899292366, 170.4788208128, 286.6319579754, 302.4280395264], [232.5815429904, 171.187805184, 261.7292480742, 209.0525512704], [188.723815893, 204.4215698432, 217.3266601938, 223.2177734144], [264.9675293208, 239.2648315392, 286.982543907, 258.4779052544], [206.6516723952, 245.0812988416, 244.4616699192, 281.757080064], [171.1102294746, 271.3593139712, 184.8852539154, 300.6620483584]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5], [3, 4], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047787_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a glasses, a microphone, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[293.9942627153, 131.1846923776, 768.2822265505, 442.5623169024], [411.5363769606, 355.9029540864, 691.5679931884, 510.9042358272], [400.40747071129994, 184.6778564608, 598.6835937165, 442.5623169024], [400.92871090769995, 157.4134521344, 476.11682132100003, 291.024780288], [293.9942627153, 131.1846923776, 377.4737548907, 158.2827148288], [350.1773681872, 221.0117187584, 414.4260254213, 409.16827392], [679.7248535042, 340.062255872, 768.2822265505, 423.665344256]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047793_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a plate, and a chopsticks.", "boxes_value": [[35.7100830208, 22.6456298917, 421.15698242559995, 470.22692868359997], [35.7100830208, 42.795471167100004, 421.15698242559995, 430.8422851378], [89.984680192, 22.6456298917, 209.7694091776, 208.1726684689], [279.9688110592, 0, 379.1394653184, 204.27270507019998], [145.9131469824, 419.1597900638, 268.3434448384, 470.22692868359997], [183.8861694464, 400.82800292490003, 229.7156982272, 487.2493896599]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047801.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, a lamp, and two napkins.", "boxes_value": [[227.56066895729998, 384.9234008576, 748.0109863205, 512.4718017536], [408.14001466279996, 420.539794944, 693.1282958656001, 512.4718017536], [198.1712036038, 373.5838623232, 544.6623535472, 511.659240704], [348.85388182820003, 384.9234008576, 381.79101564169997, 418.9770507776], [227.56066895729998, 390.3798217728, 291.8577881065, 420.8363647488], [443.65698243019995, 399.5651245056, 518.5897216696, 427.6044921856], [730.9497070645, 491.91760256, 748.0109863205, 512.080932608]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047801_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, a lamp, and two napkins.", "boxes_value": [[130.56066895729998, 31.923400857599972, 651.0109863205, 159], [311.14001466279996, 67.539794944, 596.1282958656001, 159], [101.1712036038, 20.58386232319998, 447.66235354720004, 158.659240704], [251.85388182820003, 31.923400857599972, 284.79101564169997, 65.97705077760003], [130.56066895729998, 37.37982177280003, 194.85778810649998, 67.83636474880001], [346.65698243019995, 46.56512450560001, 421.58972166959995, 74.60449218560001], [633.9497070645, 138.91760255999998, 651.0109863205, 159]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047802.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[198.561157248, 8.5126342656, 425.2246093824, 148.1342773248], [275.25231936, 14.2684936704, 288.446411136, 66.2205200384], [198.561157248, 50.8272705024, 225.7741089024, 148.1342773248], [319.3978271232, 75.2802734592, 348.107910144, 126.357543936], [404.52661132799994, 8.5126342656, 425.2246093824, 58.5883789312], [298.0177917480469, 74.48632049560547, 348.3682556152344, 126.22509002685547]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047802_crop.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pillows, a lamp, a desk, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[37.48944092160002, 38.08654781760001, 185.6486205952, 186.54455564999995], [81.2071533056, 150.07666014720002, 163.54528808959998, 186.54455564999995], [37.48944092160002, 38.08654781760001, 86.67187502079997, 106.39544674679996], [58.4375000064, 117.32489013240001, 92.1365966848, 161.9533691136], [91.22583009279998, 57.213012661200025, 201.43084718080001, 181.07983395719998], [108.9559936512, 94.79968264080003, 185.6486205952, 144.45324710280005]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047816.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[225.604125964, 262.9368286208, 407.3099364946, 420.6141967872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047816_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[45.60412596399999, 39.936828620799986, 227.30993649459998, 197.6141967872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047816.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two street lights, and two machinery vehicles.", "boxes_value": [[45.60412596399999, 39.936828620799986, 227.30993649459998, 197.6141967872], [201.6014404348, 87.28112793600002, 219.8988036907, 104.68585205760002], [94.94189451400001, 79.47131345920002, 113.68542478789999, 103.34704588800003], [215.65649412329998, 77.44635008, 227.30993649459998, 168.4888915968], [176.6903076025, 39.936828620799986, 193.07800292670004, 185.6048584192], [113.21264645069999, 0, 178.59130860570002, 195.552062976], [45.60412596399999, 172.04266357760002, 95.47918698220002, 197.6141967872]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047817.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a vase, four speakers, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[197.276611328, 238.55517576, 388.46984864, 354.778686528], [197.276611328, 255.55181884799998, 388.46984864, 354.778686528], [257.780761728, 234.37530518399998, 343.091735808, 268.257690432], [359.356872576, 231.65136719999998, 372.416870144, 264.664306656], [223.858764672, 232.376892096, 235.286315904, 265.571228016], [292.779113792, 301.768493664, 327.374694848, 345.46813963200003], [263.45843507200004, 304.625793456, 294.68487552, 343.546020528], [258.408813504, 238.55517576, 340.57800294400005, 265.944946272]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047817_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a vase, four speakers, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[48.276611328, 29.555175759999997, 239.46984864, 145.77868652799998], [48.276611328, 46.55181884799998, 239.46984864, 145.77868652799998], [108.78076172800002, 25.375305183999984, 194.091735808, 59.257690432000004], [210.356872576, 22.65136719999998, 223.41687014399997, 55.66430665600001], [74.858764672, 23.376892096000006, 86.28631590399999, 56.57122801600002], [143.77911379199998, 92.768493664, 178.374694848, 136.46813963200003], [114.45843507200004, 95.625793456, 145.68487552, 134.54602052799999], [109.40881350400002, 29.555175759999997, 191.57800294400005, 56.94494627199998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047819.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[289.1298217545, 294.276611328, 536.3721923608, 405.2821044921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047819_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[62.12982175450003, 28.276611328, 309.3721923608, 139.2821044921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047819.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[289.1298217545, 294.276611328, 536.3721923608, 405.2821044921875], [289.1298217545, 352.1974487552, 309.8876342505, 399.9402465792], [474.8870849472, 294.276611328, 500.3809814508, 349.388305664], [511.6281738512, 380.1309203968, 536.3721923608, 404.5], [366.77557373046875, 327.4327392578125, 416.41131591796875, 387.0758056640625], [374.20416259765625, 379.05419921875, 405.4000244140625, 405.2821044921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047819_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[62.12982175450003, 28.276611328, 309.3721923608, 139.2821044921875], [62.12982175450003, 86.19744875520001, 82.88763425050001, 133.9402465792], [247.88708494719998, 28.276611328, 273.3809814508, 83.38830566399997], [284.6281738512, 114.13092039679998, 309.3721923608, 138.5], [139.77557373046875, 61.4327392578125, 189.41131591796875, 121.0758056640625], [147.20416259765625, 113.05419921875, 178.4000244140625, 139.2821044921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047820.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[353.651245101, 201.96063232, 592.1313476539999, 335.16229248]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047820_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[59.65124510099997, 33.96063232, 298.1313476539999, 167.16229248000002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047820.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, two vases, a desk, a mirror, a cabinet, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[353.651245101, 201.96063232, 592.1313476539999, 335.16229248], [312.860107406, 235.2364502016, 429.908813488, 349.6046752768], [392.38171387799997, 237.9169922048, 447.778930676, 329.0541381632], [361.97363279, 201.96063232, 396.255615217, 234.6481323008], [353.651245101, 232.6630859264, 491.299804688, 324.0382690304], [544.601928717, 127.146545408, 593.55297848, 281.5303954944], [546.761352522, 209.6177978368, 592.1313476539999, 273.7996826112], [553.706787095, 276.2521972736, 619.367797818, 310.8106079232], [483.305419905, 264.9774170112, 537.712280259, 335.16229248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 8], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047820_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, two vases, a desk, a mirror, a cabinet, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[59.65124510099997, 33.96063232, 298.1313476539999, 167.16229248000002], [18.860107405999997, 67.23645020160001, 135.90881348800002, 181.60467527679998], [98.38171387799997, 69.91699220480001, 153.77893067600002, 161.05413816319998], [67.97363279000001, 33.96063232, 102.25561521700001, 66.6481323008], [59.65124510099997, 64.66308592639999, 197.299804688, 156.0382690304], [250.60192871699996, 0, 299.55297848, 113.53039549440001], [252.76135252200004, 41.61779783680001, 298.1313476539999, 105.79968261120001], [259.706787095, 108.25219727360002, 325.367797818, 142.8106079232], [189.305419905, 96.97741701119998, 243.71228025899995, 167.16229248000002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 8], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047822.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[136.617431616, 278.484436032, 333.03839110399997, 380.85247804799997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047822_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[49.617431616000005, 26.48443603200002, 246.03839110399997, 128.85247804799997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047822.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five chairs, two desks, and a barrel.", "boxes_value": [[136.617431616, 278.484436032, 333.03839110399997, 380.85247804799997], [212.219482432, 278.484436032, 265.75134278400003, 354.556091328], [271.70190432, 285.369995136, 327.333435072, 377.10675048], [193.436340352, 292.571777328, 270.447143552, 368.173828128], [223.01977535999998, 298.67633054400005, 291.108581568, 380.85247804799997], [177.940307648, 302.902526832, 264.447082496, 404.05493164800004], [105.15570067200001, 305.719970688, 195.41271974400001, 398.302063008], [136.617431616, 283.649780256, 197.66253664, 318.398559552], [312.782592768, 327.002563488, 333.03839110399997, 352.782592752]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5, 7], [3, 6], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047822_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five chairs, two desks, and a barrel.", "boxes_value": [[49.617431616000005, 26.48443603200002, 246.03839110399997, 128.85247804799997], [125.219482432, 26.48443603200002, 178.75134278400003, 102.55609132799998], [184.70190431999998, 33.369995136, 240.333435072, 125.10675048000002], [106.436340352, 40.571777327999996, 183.447143552, 116.17382812800003], [136.01977535999998, 46.67633054400005, 204.10858156799998, 128.85247804799997], [90.94030764799999, 50.90252683199998, 177.447082496, 152.05493164800004], [18.15570067200001, 53.71997068799999, 108.41271974400001, 146.302063008], [49.617431616000005, 31.649780255999985, 110.66253664000001, 66.398559552], [225.78259276799997, 75.00256348800002, 246.03839110399997, 100.78259275200003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5, 7], [3, 6], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047823.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[502.33239741600005, 195.9454956032, 627.4279785415, 318.4694213632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047823_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[31.33239741600005, 30.945495603199987, 156.4279785415, 153.4694213632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047823.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a barrel, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[502.33239741600005, 195.9454956032, 627.4279785415, 318.4694213632], [490.7369384663, 210.394287104, 548.9821777347, 350.5254516736], [532.4453124785, 198.3473510912, 587.4735107594, 281.9004516352], [556.9111327941, 227.9310913024, 593.2972411905, 291.654724096], [588.0716552492, 195.9454956032, 627.4279785415, 300.6481323008], [585.7781982114, 300.3984374784, 610.9359130994001, 318.4694213632], [502.33239741600005, 209.301893376, 527.1112636784001, 228.8246365184]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047823_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a barrel, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[31.33239741600005, 30.945495603199987, 156.4279785415, 153.4694213632], [19.73693846629999, 45.394287104, 77.98217773470003, 184], [61.4453124785, 33.34735109120001, 116.47351075940003, 116.9004516352], [85.91113279410001, 62.931091302400006, 122.29724119050002, 126.654724096], [117.07165524920003, 30.945495603199987, 156.4279785415, 135.6481323008], [114.77819821139997, 135.3984374784, 139.93591309940007, 153.4694213632], [31.33239741600005, 44.30189337600001, 56.111263678400064, 63.82463651840001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047824.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[58.94726559999992, 12.202209484799994, 293.4886474336, 57.57885742079998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047826.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cups, a plate, a bottle, and two bowls.", "boxes_value": [[58.94726559999992, 12.202209484799994, 293.4886474336, 57.57885742079998], [72.26916506079999, 12.202209484799994, 91.57446286720005, 44.65753175039998], [58.94726559999992, 38.23358156799998, 87.72534178720002, 55.08935546880002], [203.65991211999994, 0.6393432575999896, 214.7600097664, 32.73645020160001], [239.221435552, 24.484069836800018, 256.2827148591999, 44.21765135359999], [235.52136226719995, 45.997802751999984, 265.32727048000004, 57.57885742079998], [264.09387210399996, 40.471923814399986, 293.4886474336, 55.477600102400004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047829.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[41.3272095056, 73.65148928, 215.485839806, 448.5166625792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047832_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[41.3272095056, 73.65148928, 215.485839806, 448.5166625792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047832.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two sneakers, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[41.3272095056, 73.65148928, 215.485839806, 448.5166625792], [55.1983642296, 275.8208617984, 268.1928711012, 512.008178688], [41.3272095056, 162.8792114176, 165.9195556424, 448.5166625792], [91.9258422544, 73.65148928, 181.6976318124, 296.72076416], [59.35675049, 415.7599487488, 91.60632326599999, 441.354919424], [162.7602538768, 313.3802490368, 215.485839806, 328.7371826176], [147.43441772460938, 430.1376647949219, 155.17160034179688, 451.0176696777344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047832_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two sneakers, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[41.3272095056, 73.65148928, 215.485839806, 448.5166625792], [55.1983642296, 275.8208617984, 259, 512], [41.3272095056, 162.8792114176, 165.9195556424, 448.5166625792], [91.9258422544, 73.65148928, 181.6976318124, 296.72076416], [59.35675049, 415.7599487488, 91.60632326599999, 441.354919424], [162.7602538768, 313.3802490368, 215.485839806, 328.7371826176], [147.43441772460938, 430.1376647949219, 155.17160034179688, 451.0176696777344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047833.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, and two horses.", "boxes_value": [[473.8286132736, 115.171325696, 651.2126464512, 304.598144512], [508.8426513408, 98.5418091008, 582.9114990336, 171.0481567232], [525.0925293312, 115.171325696, 591.73205568, 210.9428710912], [524.7106933248, 111.4859619328, 553.1927490048, 141.94866944], [488.8610840064, 108.2396850688, 650.0100097536, 342.747436544], [473.8286132736, 120.800231936, 651.2126464512, 304.598144512]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047833_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, and two horses.", "boxes_value": [[44.82861327360001, 48.171325696, 222.21264645120004, 237.59814451199998], [79.84265134079999, 31.541809100799995, 153.91149903359997, 104.04815672320001], [96.09252933120001, 48.171325696, 162.73205568000003, 143.9428710912], [95.71069332479999, 44.485961932799995, 124.19274900480002, 74.94866944], [59.861084006400006, 41.2396850688, 221.0100097536, 275.747436544], [44.82861327360001, 53.800231936, 222.21264645120004, 237.59814451199998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047834.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a pillow, a potted plant, a desk, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[182.17822265, 202.5811157202, 500.59747315000004, 469.1390920988], [101.23529055, 190.12835694860001, 415.22283934999996, 450.7468872248], [182.17822265, 202.5811157202, 325.38500975, 311.9875488512], [423.4849243, 339.3109741379, 500.59747315000004, 415.1383056577], [363.92504885, 223.9667358161, 499.47113035, 307.6145629999], [311.46153100000004, 345.57611888760005, 448.031133, 469.1390920988]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047834_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a pillow, a potted plant, a desk, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[80.17822265000001, 67.58111572019999, 398, 334.1390920988], [0, 55.128356948600015, 313.22283934999996, 315.7468872248], [80.17822265000001, 67.58111572019999, 223.38500975, 176.98754885120002], [321.4849243, 204.31097413790002, 398, 280.1383056577], [261.92504885, 88.9667358161, 397.47113035, 172.6145629999], [209.46153100000004, 210.57611888760005, 346.031133, 334.1390920988]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047835.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[428.4146728302, 330.2833862144, 556.3280028982, 415.7017211904]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047835_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[32.414672830200004, 22.283386214400025, 160.3280028982, 107.70172119040001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047835.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a chair, and four people.", "boxes_value": [[32.414672830200004, 22.283386214400025, 160.3280028982, 107.70172119040001], [32.414672830200004, 75.06488038399999, 102.7497558856, 99.54425047040002], [119.64404296459998, 58.860229478400015, 160.3280028982, 100.2338256896], [80.99768068750001, 22.283386214400025, 106.49182129530004, 107.70172119040001], [104.38916017089997, 39.36706544639998, 157.74279783429995, 101.13104245760002], [74.68994141849998, 51.71984865280001, 114.61425782410004, 101.91955568639997], [29.134368896484375, 42.585418701171875, 55.704315185546875, 100.41018676757812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047836.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a fan, three chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[331.809448256, 0.361969008, 559.665771456, 240.30468748799998], [480.900634752, 10.207611072, 498.80187987200003, 42.429687504], [408.400878912, 6.627380352, 465.68469235199996, 37.059387216], [331.809448256, 0.361969008, 559.665771456, 18.774597168], [374.39111328, 188.34899904, 454.68627929599995, 275.335449216], [386.986450176, 154.892639184, 455.86706540800003, 240.30468748799998], [412.57067872, 170.243225088, 518.843750016, 262.74011232], [456.260742208, 163.1583252, 535.768676736, 247.783142112]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 7], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047847_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a fan, three chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[57.809448255999996, 0.361969008, 285.665771456, 240.30468748799998], [206.90063475199997, 10.207611072, 224.80187987200003, 42.429687504], [134.400878912, 6.627380352, 191.68469235199996, 37.059387216], [57.809448255999996, 0.361969008, 285.665771456, 18.774597168], [100.39111328000001, 188.34899904, 180.68627929599995, 275.335449216], [112.986450176, 154.892639184, 181.86706540800003, 240.30468748799998], [138.57067872, 170.243225088, 244.84375001599994, 262.74011232], [182.260742208, 163.1583252, 261.768676736, 247.783142112]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 7], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047848.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five hats.", "boxes_value": [[84.341369656, 245.27301025390625, 477.431396484375, 295.706176768], [84.341369656, 256.5795898368, 117.63403322299999, 275.7354736128], [182.8071289066, 274.061828608, 210.02984621139998, 295.706176768], [257.6119689941406, 249.38446044921875, 277.2990417480469, 262.3896789550781], [212.04295349121094, 272.5432434082031, 240.50050354003906, 293.6513366699219], [451.34783935546875, 245.27301025390625, 477.431396484375, 265.5605163574219]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047848_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five hats.", "boxes_value": [[84.341369656, 13.27301025390625, 477.431396484375, 63.70617676799998], [84.341369656, 24.579589836799983, 117.63403322299999, 43.73547361279998], [182.8071289066, 42.061828607999985, 210.02984621139998, 63.70617676799998], [257.6119689941406, 17.38446044921875, 277.2990417480469, 30.389678955078125], [212.04295349121094, 40.543243408203125, 240.50050354003906, 61.651336669921875], [451.34783935546875, 13.27301025390625, 477.431396484375, 33.560516357421875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047849.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include eight helmets.", "boxes_value": [[81.5239258096, 158.592163072, 444.3849182128906, 242.4005737472], [81.5239258096, 188.3148803584, 136.5840453932, 219.4993896448], [170.6921386988, 203.4199218688, 223.31597897799998, 242.4005737472], [216.49438479559998, 184.9041137664, 261.80938722990004, 211.2160034304], [292.9938965084, 166.8755493376, 336.3598633008, 191.725708032], [350.4903564566, 158.592163072, 389.47106936290004, 184.9041137664], [405.2978210449219, 166.4824676513672, 444.3849182128906, 205.7134246826172], [292.8558044433594, 167.22669982910156, 336.6999206542969, 210.7827911376953], [214.96731567382812, 184.5195770263672, 259.6478271484375, 232.3907012939453]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047852_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include eight helmets.", "boxes_value": [[81.5239258096, 21.592163072000005, 444.3849182128906, 105.40057374720001], [81.5239258096, 51.31488035839999, 136.5840453932, 82.4993896448], [170.6921386988, 66.4199218688, 223.31597897799998, 105.40057374720001], [216.49438479559998, 47.9041137664, 261.80938722990004, 74.21600343040001], [292.9938965084, 29.875549337600006, 336.3598633008, 54.725708032], [350.4903564566, 21.592163072000005, 389.47106936290004, 47.9041137664], [405.2978210449219, 29.482467651367188, 444.3849182128906, 68.71342468261719], [292.8558044433594, 30.226699829101562, 336.6999206542969, 73.78279113769531], [214.96731567382812, 47.51957702636719, 259.6478271484375, 95.39070129394531]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047853.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a gloves, a hat, a belt, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[192.4192504832, 339.9814453249, 281.3461303808, 638.7452392289], [192.061828608, 294.8850707808, 292.8010864128, 638.1574706701999], [254.8031005696, 394.8422851789, 273.1924438528, 423.805541994], [215.9702758912, 339.9814453249, 248.2508545024, 360.9710693186], [213.8469238272, 459.66491696559996, 254.765808128, 470.82470701709997], [233.603088384, 586.1822509712999, 281.3461303808, 610.1871337791999], [192.4192504832, 603.2768554618, 237.4896240128, 638.7452392289]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047853_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a gloves, a hat, a belt, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[22.41925048319999, 74.9814453249, 111.34613038079999, 373.7452392289], [22.061828608000013, 29.885070780799992, 122.80108641279998, 373.1574706701999], [84.80310056959999, 129.8422851789, 103.19244385280001, 158.805541994], [45.970275891200004, 74.9814453249, 78.25085450239999, 95.97106931859997], [43.84692382719999, 194.66491696559996, 84.765808128, 205.82470701709997], [63.60308838399999, 321.18225097129994, 111.34613038079999, 345.18713377919994], [22.41925048319999, 338.2768554618, 67.4896240128, 373.7452392289]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047854.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . 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Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a slide, a person, a hat, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[0, 46.153015121199985, 289.4299859968, 227.0711670196], [78.5865478656, 46.153015121199985, 225.5382690304, 227.0711670196], [221.1398925824, 144.34716796819998, 249.119140608, 201.4249267482], [266.1115997184, 135.40246829939997, 289.4299859968, 154.48114796980002], [0, 137.42254635659998, 26.236083968, 159.15478515899997], [91.7151489024, 144.7607422076, 148.4448242176, 170.9735107084]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047857.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[300.1416320800781, 301.4169921875, 682.7279663085938, 512.2401122816]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047857_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a handbag, and a cabinet.", "boxes_value": [[300.1416320800781, 301.4169921875, 682.7279663085938, 512.2401122816], [312.9847411893, 338.6721191424, 338.745849627, 357.5436401152], [459.9312743984, 350.498107904, 482.8192138393, 375.3666992128], [530.5178222765, 475.4187011584, 597.2565917807, 512.2401122816], [620.7723999023438, 301.4169921875, 682.7279663085938, 510.90655517578125], [529.5734252929688, 357.5982360839844, 654.1456909179688, 511.0034484863281], [300.1416320800781, 408.8536376953125, 518.8687133789062, 510.9832763671875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047857_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a handbag, and a cabinet.", "boxes_value": [[96.14163208007812, 53.4169921875, 478.72796630859375, 264], [108.9847411893, 90.67211914239999, 134.74584962699998, 109.54364011519999], [255.93127439839998, 102.498107904, 278.8192138393, 127.36669921279997], [326.51782227650006, 227.41870115839998, 393.2565917807, 264], [416.77239990234375, 53.4169921875, 478.72796630859375, 262.90655517578125], [325.57342529296875, 109.59823608398438, 450.14569091796875, 263.0034484863281], [96.14163208007812, 160.8536376953125, 314.86871337890625, 262.9832763671875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047860.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a flower, a mirror, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[190.6617431517, 111.7708740096, 363.41918941930004, 187.0773925888], [283.9320068676, 148.4260864512, 320.7231445482, 209.2027588096], [260.1497802611, 139.482360832, 284.7449950852, 154.320800768], [227.2155151039, 111.7708740096, 324.5631103248, 159.7899169792], [190.6617431517, 130.0579833856, 216.15057372650003, 185.5669555712], [217.8497924528, 118.9184570368, 248.2475586, 187.0773925888], [340.762573256, 125.1490478592, 363.41918941930004, 174.9938354688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047860_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a flower, a mirror, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[43.661743151699994, 19.770874009600007, 216.41918941930004, 95.0773925888], [136.93200686760002, 56.42608645120001, 173.72314454820003, 113], [113.14978026109998, 47.48236083200001, 137.7449950852, 62.320800768], [80.2155151039, 19.770874009600007, 177.5631103248, 67.7899169792], [43.661743151699994, 38.05798338560001, 69.15057372650003, 93.5669555712], [70.84979245279999, 26.918457036800007, 101.24755859999999, 95.0773925888], [193.762573256, 33.149047859199996, 216.41918941930004, 82.9938354688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047861.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[98.5709839104, 22.4767456256, 507.38916019199996, 511.4473266688]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047861_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[98.5709839104, 22.4767456256, 507.38916019199996, 511.4473266688]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047861.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a person, two cups, a tea pot, and a stuffed toy.", "boxes_value": [[98.5709839104, 22.4767456256, 507.38916019199996, 511.4473266688], [420.1682128896, 94.6325073408, 516.1204833792, 159.3074951168], [443.27099612160004, 169.6538085888, 507.38916019199996, 254.8840331776], [98.5709839104, 325.931335424, 113.2179565056, 355.225280768], [105.3006591744, 322.9623413248, 118.95800778240002, 353.2459716608], [146.67968747519998, 327.5860595712, 182.0359497216, 361.1963501056], [111.55426022399999, 22.4767456256, 472.9415283456001, 511.4473266688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047861_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a person, two cups, a tea pot, and a stuffed toy.", "boxes_value": [[98.5709839104, 22.4767456256, 507.38916019199996, 511.4473266688], [420.1682128896, 94.6325073408, 516.1204833792, 159.3074951168], [443.27099612160004, 169.6538085888, 507.38916019199996, 254.8840331776], [98.5709839104, 325.931335424, 113.2179565056, 355.225280768], [105.3006591744, 322.9623413248, 118.95800778240002, 353.2459716608], [146.67968747519998, 327.5860595712, 182.0359497216, 361.1963501056], [111.55426022399999, 22.4767456256, 472.9415283456001, 511.4473266688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047862.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[130.6961669829, 278.07043456, 672.9139404002, 421.226013184]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047862_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[130.6961669829, 36.070434560000024, 672.9139404002, 179.226013184]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047862.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, a person, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[130.6961669829, 278.07043456, 672.9139404002, 421.226013184], [130.6961669829, 380.2640991232, 180.9484252835, 421.226013184], [260.8664550604, 278.07043456, 293.1715087591, 321.7772216832], [216.4205932341, 369.2846069248, 282.7198486452, 417.8477172736], [421.2302246431, 390.3989868032, 460.92529297949994, 418.692321792], [487.10717772640004, 404.756774912, 526.3800048839, 419.1145629696], [637.8640137028, 380.6864013824, 672.9139404002, 419.1145629696]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047862_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, a person, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[130.6961669829, 36.070434560000024, 672.9139404002, 179.226013184], [130.6961669829, 138.26409912320003, 180.9484252835, 179.226013184], [260.8664550604, 36.070434560000024, 293.1715087591, 79.77722168320003], [216.4205932341, 127.28460692480002, 282.7198486452, 175.84771727359998], [421.2302246431, 148.3989868032, 460.92529297949994, 176.69232179199997], [487.10717772640004, 162.75677491200003, 526.3800048839, 177.1145629696], [637.8640137028, 138.6864013824, 672.9139404002, 177.1145629696]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047863.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[373.5761719011, 312.1550292992, 579.707153357, 412.7913207808]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047863_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[51.5761719011, 26.15502929920001, 257.70715335700004, 126.79132078079999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047863.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, a couch, a soccer, a cup, and a stuffed toy.", "boxes_value": [[373.5761719011, 312.1550292992, 579.707153357, 412.7913207808], [501.97424315119997, 309.3788452352, 576.2369385031, 367.678466816], [373.5761719011, 312.1550292992, 579.707153357, 412.7913207808], [465.65637208979996, 330.0810546688, 486.61315916700005, 350.570129408], [464.2628173586, 357.3058471424, 477.71472165320006, 381.5848388608], [400.4743652523, 297.5972290048, 454.77966308169994, 349.6080322048]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047863_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, a couch, a soccer, a cup, and a stuffed toy.", "boxes_value": [[51.5761719011, 26.15502929920001, 257.70715335700004, 126.79132078079999], [179.97424315119997, 23.378845235200004, 254.23693850309996, 81.67846681600003], [51.5761719011, 26.15502929920001, 257.70715335700004, 126.79132078079999], [143.65637208979996, 44.08105466879999, 164.61315916700005, 64.57012940800001], [142.2628173586, 71.30584714240001, 155.71472165320006, 95.5848388608], [78.4743652523, 11.597229004799999, 132.77966308169994, 63.6080322048]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047864.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[102.70609283447266, 396.2187194824219, 491.1745605632, 440.6680908143]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047864_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[97.70609283447266, 11.218719482421875, 486.1745605632, 55.6680908143]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047864.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four hats, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[102.70609283447266, 396.2187194824219, 491.1745605632, 440.6680908143], [274.9840088064, 422.2041015807, 319.7251587072, 440.1005859094], [407.6241455104, 403.0275878963, 447.2606811648, 422.1329345516], [470.9285888512, 418.7110595419, 491.1745605632, 440.6680908143], [102.70609283447266, 412.43756103515625, 132.04681396484375, 431.08905029296875], [243.75634765625, 396.2187194824219, 258.8696594238281, 410.3472595214844]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047864_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four hats, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[97.70609283447266, 11.218719482421875, 486.1745605632, 55.6680908143], [269.9840088064, 37.20410158070001, 314.7251587072, 55.100585909400024], [402.6241455104, 18.02758789630002, 442.2606811648, 37.13293455159999], [465.9285888512, 33.7110595419, 486.1745605632, 55.6680908143], [97.70609283447266, 27.43756103515625, 127.04681396484375, 46.08905029296875], [238.75634765625, 11.218719482421875, 253.86965942382812, 25.347259521484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047868.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[296.7075195392, 170.676757812, 512.4709472768, 666.7835693163]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047868_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[54.70751953920001, 124.676757812, 270, 620.7835693163]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047868.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a chair, a person, a necklace, a glasses, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[54.70751953920001, 124.676757812, 270, 620.7835693163], [160.51428224, 337.0574951459, 270, 518.9089355512], [190.10479738880002, 400.45642087730005, 268.338439936, 637], [0, 89.14862062879999, 243.78112793600008, 619.4565429355], [95.20080568319997, 206.8444824268, 138.96038819839998, 246.57360842869997], [88.61041259519999, 124.676757812, 139.41802977280003, 137.9918212975], [109.10906982400002, 563.7021484562, 172.08630369280002, 615.9598388556], [54.70751953920001, 569.8658447327, 87.4020385792, 620.7835693163]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047869.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[83.00311276800001, 217.07397460800001, 384.4937744, 328.876525872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047872_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[76.00311276800001, 28.073974608000015, 377.4937744, 139.876525872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047872.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[11.161560046000002, 33.9746093568, 138.5118408279, 167.57598876953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047873.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[11.161560046000002, 33.9746093568, 138.5118408279, 167.57598876953125], [85.6658325329, 40.9052734464, 138.5118408279, 99.815551744], [11.161560046000002, 33.9746093568, 69.2055664097, 99.815551744], [52.7453613467, 118.0084838912, 109.0567016875, 181.2504272384], [97.2380981686, 56.570068377599995, 121.9913940721, 88.2745971712], [26.8778076322, 51.4837646336, 54.3437499794, 86.2400512512], [71.18513488769531, 139.01913452148438, 93.31967163085938, 167.57598876953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047875.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[216.882385258, 180.4504394752, 405.34094239100006, 293.0894775296]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047875_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[47.882385258, 28.4504394752, 236.34094239100006, 141.0894775296]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047875.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a fork, a plate, two bottles, and two bowls.", "boxes_value": [[216.882385258, 180.4504394752, 405.34094239100006, 293.0894775296], [332.142822242, 271.8466797056, 405.34094239100006, 293.0894775296], [231.90057375100002, 256.9614257664, 340.934326194, 280.4121703936], [263.33593748000004, 206.3038329856, 275.38732914, 234.5694580224], [230.063415505, 233.3742675968, 291.331787131, 261.871398912], [292.851684587, 236.7939452928, 379.10302738, 271.7504272384], [216.882385258, 180.4504394752, 267.583496103, 221.7041626112]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 6], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047875_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a fork, a plate, two bottles, and two bowls.", "boxes_value": [[47.882385258, 28.4504394752, 236.34094239100006, 141.0894775296], [163.14282224200002, 119.84667970560002, 236.34094239100006, 141.0894775296], [62.900573751000024, 104.9614257664, 171.934326194, 128.41217039359998], [94.33593748000004, 54.303832985599996, 106.38732914000002, 82.5694580224], [61.063415504999995, 81.3742675968, 122.331787131, 109.87139891200002], [123.85168458700002, 84.7939452928, 210.10302738000001, 119.7504272384], [47.882385258, 28.4504394752, 98.58349610300002, 69.70416261119999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 6], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047876.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[365.83740231499996, 345.2770996224, 743.475952142, 510.4095458816]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047876_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[94.83740231499996, 42.27709962239999, 472.475952142, 207.40954588160002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047876.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, three vases, and a potted plant.", "boxes_value": [[365.83740231499996, 345.2770996224, 743.475952142, 510.4095458816], [320.167968736, 390.4529418752, 438.55798340200005, 456.6763915776], [596.277587906, 373.276611328, 743.475952142, 468.500305152], [365.83740231499996, 453.1279297024, 412.66333007900005, 501.8651733504], [636.315918007, 464.3641357312, 700.587646451, 510.4095458816], [524.589599611, 401.8956298752, 549.3204345859999, 423.8624267776], [523.112670927, 345.2770996224, 581.094970687, 427.5745849856]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047876_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, three vases, and a potted plant.", "boxes_value": [[94.83740231499996, 42.27709962239999, 472.475952142, 207.40954588160002], [49.16796873599998, 87.4529418752, 167.55798340200005, 153.6763915776], [325.277587906, 70.276611328, 472.475952142, 165.500305152], [94.83740231499996, 150.12792970240002, 141.66333007900005, 198.86517335040003], [365.31591800700005, 161.3641357312, 429.58764645099996, 207.40954588160002], [253.58959961100004, 98.89562987519997, 278.3204345859999, 120.86242677759998], [252.11267092699995, 42.27709962239999, 310.094970687, 124.57458498559998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047878.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[45.68518068, 0, 490.77978515999996, 96.24731444999999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047878_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[45.68518068, 0, 490.77978515999996, 96.24731444999999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047878.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[45.68518068, 0, 490.77978515999996, 96.24731444999999], [433.09826658, 37.031799334400006, 490.77978515999996, 96.24731444999999], [430.33703616, 0, 490.16613768, 29.3613891382], [343.20117186, 0, 381.0437622, 29.9750060826], [45.68518068, 0, 124.12426758000001, 72.425353981], [335.28564456, 34.160034176399996, 385.83709716000004, 103.1989135636]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047878_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[45.68518068, 0, 490.77978515999996, 96.24731444999999], [433.09826658, 37.031799334400006, 490.77978515999996, 96.24731444999999], [430.33703616, 0, 490.16613768, 29.3613891382], [343.20117186, 0, 381.0437622, 29.9750060826], [45.68518068, 0, 124.12426758000001, 72.425353981], [335.28564456, 34.160034176399996, 385.83709716000004, 103.1989135636]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047880.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[73.27142333139999, 242.4412841984, 306.4906616212, 487.1929321472]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047880_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[59.27142333139999, 61.44128419840001, 292.4906616212, 306.1929321472]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047880.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a carpet, three people, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[73.27142333139999, 242.4412841984, 306.4906616212, 487.1929321472], [176.3665161392, 448.1211547648, 306.4906616212, 466.6646728704], [73.27142333139999, 242.4412841984, 116.2176513878, 319.885253888], [182.5812378044, 403.2692260864, 214.1162719508, 487.1929321472], [212.4692382906, 403.6459350528, 232.4752807744, 466.1646728704], [126.90930938720703, 414.47564697265625, 147.0817413330078, 457.03582763671875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047880_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a carpet, three people, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[59.27142333139999, 61.44128419840001, 292.4906616212, 306.1929321472], [162.3665161392, 267.1211547648, 292.4906616212, 285.6646728704], [59.27142333139999, 61.44128419840001, 102.2176513878, 138.88525388800002], [168.5812378044, 222.2692260864, 200.1162719508, 306.1929321472], [198.4692382906, 222.64593505279998, 218.4752807744, 285.1646728704], [112.90930938720703, 233.47564697265625, 133.0817413330078, 276.03582763671875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047881.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a clock, a lamp, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[271.338378906, 20.3265991168, 488.53540039639995, 353.9187011584], [271.338378906, 252.5109863424, 312.67932128020004, 292.2977905152], [332.1522827056, 244.2723999232, 401.15747071680005, 295.9597168128], [431.5396728678, 249.9118042112, 488.53540039639995, 353.9187011584], [347.2431640314, 141.2212524544, 390.30261230940005, 208.460327168], [333.5652465726, 20.3265991168, 431.0878905942, 134.2977905152], [288.9853515752, 285.2981567488, 333.00653074499996, 310.2841186304]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047881_crop.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a clock, a lamp, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[54.338378906, 20.3265991168, 271.53540039639995, 353.9187011584], [54.338378906, 252.5109863424, 95.67932128020004, 292.2977905152], [115.15228270559999, 244.2723999232, 184.15747071680005, 295.9597168128], [214.5396728678, 249.9118042112, 271.53540039639995, 353.9187011584], [130.2431640314, 141.2212524544, 173.30261230940005, 208.460327168], [116.56524657260002, 20.3265991168, 214.08789059420002, 134.2977905152], [71.98535157520001, 285.2981567488, 116.00653074499996, 310.2841186304]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047882.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a cabinet, a vase, a wild bird, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[379.36828614999996, 52.5178222592, 632.3839111652, 270.5195922944], [379.36828614999996, 52.5178222592, 488.5947265877, 143.4176635904], [501.71386722029996, 46.6531372032, 627.8696288805, 314.1586914304], [552.3787842032, 123.0767822336, 568.0019530958, 144.5028076032], [583.4929198937, 67.7872924672, 600.2739257538, 112.37225344], [527.7672118925, 185.6502685696, 632.3839111652, 270.5195922944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047882_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a cabinet, a vase, a wild bird, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[63.36828614999996, 52.5178222592, 316.38391116519995, 270.5195922944], [63.36828614999996, 52.5178222592, 172.5947265877, 143.4176635904], [185.71386722029996, 46.6531372032, 311.86962888050004, 314.1586914304], [236.37878420319998, 123.0767822336, 252.0019530958, 144.5028076032], [267.4929198937, 67.7872924672, 284.2739257538, 112.37225344], [211.76721189249997, 185.6502685696, 316.38391116519995, 270.5195922944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047884.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three traffic cones, and two machinery vehicles.", "boxes_value": [[231.5988769314, 186.6506957824, 332.5878295586, 355.2224121344], [231.5988769314, 283.2985839616, 269.53131105610004, 355.2224121344], [263.1271362168, 267.534423808, 288.74383543740004, 322.216247552], [290.2217407528, 256.6965942272, 332.5878295586, 326.649902336], [274.52764893529996, 180.1524658176, 321.446899391, 235.79119872], [257.108398426, 186.6506957824, 292.1462402344, 218.8122558464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047885_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three traffic cones, and two machinery vehicles.", "boxes_value": [[25.598876931400014, 42.65069578239999, 126.58782955859999, 211.22241213439997], [25.598876931400014, 139.2985839616, 63.53131105610004, 211.22241213439997], [57.12713621680001, 123.53442380799999, 82.74383543740004, 178.21624755200003], [84.22174075279997, 112.69659422720002, 126.58782955859999, 182.64990233600003], [68.52764893529996, 36.15246581759999, 115.44689939099999, 91.79119872000001], [51.10839842600001, 42.65069578239999, 86.14624023440001, 74.8122558464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047888.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, a carpet, a desk, three pillows, and a telephone.", "boxes_value": [[0, 301.80395506170004, 285.116760258, 505.05883789530003], [0, 301.80395506170004, 255.7988891418, 505.05883789530003], [194.35430909939998, 478.9053955023, 337.6801147686, 505.51641847589997], [190.34716799159997, 336.2795409948, 285.116760258, 460.2090453909], [94.4372558448, 315.7011108576, 211.5018310668, 412.5663452313], [4.6999511819999995, 346.67553710789997, 105.7701415752, 443.6561889669], [0.6104125667999999, 362.4495239079, 32.1583251882, 436.6455078024], [208.7898559812, 319.7073974796, 228.3070068666, 352.6186523535]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047888_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, a carpet, a desk, three pillows, and a telephone.", "boxes_value": [[0, 51.80395506170004, 285.116760258, 255.05883789530003], [0, 51.80395506170004, 255.7988891418, 255.05883789530003], [194.35430909939998, 228.9053955023, 337.6801147686, 255.51641847589997], [190.34716799159997, 86.27954099480002, 285.116760258, 210.20904539089997], [94.4372558448, 65.70111085759999, 211.5018310668, 162.56634523129998], [4.6999511819999995, 96.67553710789997, 105.7701415752, 193.6561889669], [0.6104125667999999, 112.44952390790002, 32.1583251882, 186.6455078024], [208.7898559812, 69.70739747959999, 228.3070068666, 102.61865235350001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047890.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[479.9559326335, 268.5721435648, 663.8974609528, 464.5661621248]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047890_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[46.955932633500026, 49.5721435648, 230.89746095279997, 245.56616212479997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047890.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a wine glass, two plates, two chairs, and two desks.", "boxes_value": [[479.9559326335, 268.5721435648, 663.8974609528, 464.5661621248], [497.3101806668, 268.5721435648, 514.8283691217999, 301.9241333248], [578.7392577883, 355.0428466688, 663.8974609528, 377.365844736], [561.4083251894, 368.6022339072, 683.1403808831, 512.048706048], [535.7928466947, 356.8402710016, 682.4354248236, 510.8150024192], [507.5924072403, 328.0758056448, 625.4704590151, 511.378967296], [479.9559326335, 320.743652352, 592.7578125032001, 464.5661621248], [493.74774169921875, 317.7879943847656, 580.4584350585938, 336.1852722167969]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 7], [3, 5], [4, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047890_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a wine glass, two plates, two chairs, and two desks.", "boxes_value": [[46.955932633500026, 49.5721435648, 230.89746095279997, 245.56616212479997], [64.31018066680002, 49.5721435648, 81.82836912179994, 82.92413332479998], [145.73925778830005, 136.0428466688, 230.89746095279997, 158.36584473599999], [128.4083251894, 149.6022339072, 250, 293], [102.79284669469996, 137.8402710016, 249.4354248236, 291.8150024192], [74.59240724030002, 109.07580564480003, 192.4704590151, 292.378967296], [46.955932633500026, 101.74365235200003, 159.75781250320006, 245.56616212479997], [60.74774169921875, 98.78799438476562, 147.45843505859375, 117.18527221679688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 7], [3, 5], [4, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047891.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[1.0054321436, 355.7006835712, 688.1166992116, 511.839172352]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047891_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[1.0054321436, 39.70068357119999, 688.1166992116, 195.839172352]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047891.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two leather shoes, a belt, and four chairs.", "boxes_value": [[1.0054321436, 355.7006835712, 688.1166992116, 511.839172352], [196.8834838488, 455.6369018368, 226.13494875479998, 486.5317382656], [235.00897219680002, 481.9303588864, 271.49108889400003, 511.839172352], [603.0107422166001, 456.3900756992, 688.1166992116, 484.353454592], [1.0054321436, 355.7006835712, 25.386413588600004, 511.0421752832], [26.083007784000003, 384.9578247168, 133.3591918622, 510.345581056], [82.5075073596, 313.2081909248, 190.4802856332, 450.4381103616], [0.7630615474000001, 299.276184064, 70.6652831714, 501.2897949184]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047891_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two leather shoes, a belt, and four chairs.", "boxes_value": [[1.0054321436, 39.70068357119999, 688.1166992116, 195.839172352], [196.8834838488, 139.6369018368, 226.13494875479998, 170.53173826559998], [235.00897219680002, 165.93035888639997, 271.49108889400003, 195.839172352], [603.0107422166001, 140.3900756992, 688.1166992116, 168.353454592], [1.0054321436, 39.70068357119999, 25.386413588600004, 195.04217528319998], [26.083007784000003, 68.95782471680002, 133.3591918622, 194.34558105600001], [82.5075073596, 0, 190.4802856332, 134.43811036160002], [0.7630615474000001, 0, 70.6652831714, 185.2897949184]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047892.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[254.4474487296, 130.9302368256, 641.9713135104, 493.6409301504]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047892_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[97.44744872960001, 90.93023682559999, 484.9713135104, 453.6409301504]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047892.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball glove, a baseball, two people, two hats, two sneakers, and two belts.", "boxes_value": [[254.4474487296, 130.9302368256, 641.9713135104, 493.6409301504], [546.797119104, 202.9805907968, 587.432128896, 273.4144897536], [377.93652341760003, 147.8977050624, 396.8994140928, 165.9576416256], [303.8835449088, 153.11578368, 401.03051758079994, 385.9679565312], [254.4474487296, 130.9302368256, 641.9713135104, 493.6409301504], [335.596435584, 150.1655273472, 365.71472171519997, 171.1510009856], [474.8389892352, 128.8108520448, 534.2025146112001, 163.7305908224], [252.61853030400002, 403.18371584, 311.064575232, 447.198608384], [577.3187255808, 461.6297607168, 642.2587890432001, 494.8213500928], [327.8165283072, 243.3750610432, 373.2556152576, 256.5523681792], [453.6828613632, 303.8090209792, 526.385376, 328.3461303808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047892_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball glove, a baseball, two people, two hats, two sneakers, and two belts.", "boxes_value": [[97.44744872960001, 90.93023682559999, 484.9713135104, 453.6409301504], [389.797119104, 162.9805907968, 430.432128896, 233.41448975359998], [220.93652341760003, 107.89770506240001, 239.8994140928, 125.95764162559999], [146.8835449088, 113.11578367999999, 244.03051758079994, 345.9679565312], [97.44744872960001, 90.93023682559999, 484.9713135104, 453.6409301504], [178.596435584, 110.1655273472, 208.71472171519997, 131.1510009856], [317.8389892352, 88.81085204479999, 377.20251461120006, 123.73059082239999], [95.61853030400002, 363.18371584, 154.06457523199998, 407.198608384], [420.3187255808, 421.6297607168, 485.25878904320007, 454.8213500928], [170.81652830719997, 203.3750610432, 216.25561525760003, 216.55236817920002], [296.6828613632, 263.8090209792, 369.38537599999995, 288.3461303808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047893.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[666.1694946289062, 204.80352783203125, 740.1543579101562, 420.388610816]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047893_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[19.16949462890625, 54.80352783203125, 93.15435791015625, 270.388610816]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047893.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, three people, and four vases.", "boxes_value": [[666.1694946289062, 204.80352783203125, 740.1543579101562, 420.388610816], [646.5897216422001, 245.0567016448, 769.1600342060999, 454.98803712], [717.8668213262, 366.4614867968, 736.4906005926999, 434.1563720704], [687.2092285179, 363.5963134976, 707.2656250241, 425.7995605504], [668.6878662094, 359.9738769408, 684.4055175759, 420.388610816], [666.1694946289062, 216.09580993652344, 685.7763061523438, 256.3488464355469], [717.2200317382812, 204.80352783203125, 740.1543579101562, 248.136962890625], [696.4537353515625, 208.84521484375, 718.0733642578125, 250.37710571289062], [681.2691650390625, 213.24429321289062, 699.7742919921875, 252.37762451171875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047893_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, three people, and four vases.", "boxes_value": [[19.16949462890625, 54.80352783203125, 93.15435791015625, 270.388610816], [0, 95.0567016448, 111, 304.98803712], [70.86682132620001, 216.4614867968, 89.49060059269993, 284.1563720704], [40.20922851789999, 213.59631349760002, 60.26562502410002, 275.7995605504], [21.6878662094, 209.97387694079998, 37.405517575900035, 270.388610816], [19.16949462890625, 66.09580993652344, 38.77630615234375, 106.34884643554688], [70.22003173828125, 54.80352783203125, 93.15435791015625, 98.136962890625], [49.4537353515625, 58.84521484375, 71.0733642578125, 100.37710571289062], [34.2691650390625, 63.244293212890625, 52.7742919921875, 102.37762451171875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047896.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[18.836944580078125, 220.1621704192, 171.8325805518, 398.2027588096]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047896_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[18.836944580078125, 45.16217041920001, 171.8325805518, 223.20275880960003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047896.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, a plate, a bowl, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[18.836944580078125, 220.1621704192, 171.8325805518, 398.2027588096], [81.4246215496, 220.1621704192, 138.49536131480002, 279.0938720768], [75.4081421044, 385.6292114432, 121.5875243912, 398.2027588096], [148.2478637822, 300.164489728, 171.8325805518, 313.3800658944], [18.836944580078125, 366.7333984375, 34.9395866394043, 396.23681640625], [36.428565979003906, 361.980712890625, 51.383079528808594, 387.4725341796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047896_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, a plate, a bowl, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[18.836944580078125, 45.16217041920001, 171.8325805518, 223.20275880960003], [81.4246215496, 45.16217041920001, 138.49536131480002, 104.09387207679998], [75.4081421044, 210.6292114432, 121.5875243912, 223.20275880960003], [148.2478637822, 125.16448972799998, 171.8325805518, 138.3800658944], [18.836944580078125, 191.7333984375, 34.9395866394043, 221.23681640625], [36.428565979003906, 186.980712890625, 51.383079528808594, 212.4725341796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047897.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[325.150390656, 111.4224853504, 430.5085448922, 239.9786376704]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047897_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[27.150390656000013, 32.422485350399995, 132.5085448922, 160.9786376704]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047897.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four benches, and three street lights.", "boxes_value": [[325.150390656, 111.4224853504, 430.5085448922, 239.9786376704], [395.5651855488, 206.134582528, 420.86096190719996, 239.9786376704], [362.767944303, 203.6922607616, 378.99218748600003, 229.8602905088], [345.2547607776, 201.3531493888, 361.4041748016, 223.544921856], [325.150390656, 201.6827392512, 344.0462646546, 221.677307136], [412.4526367464, 111.4224853504, 430.5085448922, 218.580627456], [368.8035888726, 127.998107904, 381.3933105648, 216.9299926528], [350.70361326899996, 131.9937133568, 362.708496072, 211.5010376192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047897_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four benches, and three street lights.", "boxes_value": [[27.150390656000013, 32.422485350399995, 132.5085448922, 160.9786376704], [97.5651855488, 127.13458252800001, 122.86096190719996, 160.9786376704], [64.76794430299998, 124.69226076160001, 80.99218748600003, 150.8602905088], [47.254760777599984, 122.3531493888, 63.40417480159999, 144.544921856], [27.150390656000013, 122.68273925119999, 46.04626465460001, 142.677307136], [114.4526367464, 32.422485350399995, 132.5085448922, 139.580627456], [70.80358887260002, 48.998107903999994, 83.3933105648, 137.9299926528], [52.70361326899996, 52.99371335679999, 64.708496072, 132.5010376192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047898.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[233.9033202824, 308.1295166015625, 815.8280029296875, 511.9494628864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047898_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[145.9033202824, 51.1295166015625, 727.8280029296875, 254.9494628864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047898.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three handbags, two slippers, a bottle, a cell phone, a desk, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[233.9033202824, 308.1295166015625, 815.8280029296875, 511.9494628864], [247.5820312824, 392.198303232, 321.1864013754, 445.6103515648], [233.9033202824, 311.428833024, 325.7459716526, 362.2354125824], [671.6217040758, 405.2256469504, 840.707763655, 511.648742656], [487.03979494099997, 333.233459456, 523.5048828036, 351.6166992384], [543.0935058354, 370.9039917056, 574.1340332002001, 382.0544433664], [644.6653253285999, 394.796491776, 675.2802342392, 465.6603718656], [302.7911377024, 379.6607055872, 334.17614747519997, 389.6334838784], [573.4138183962, 369.5914916864, 840.373657213, 511.413085952], [372.1746826224, 366.9472656384, 532.969238306, 511.9494628864], [555.3538208007812, 283.8905029296875, 682.6538696289062, 420.70208740234375], [648.8359375, 308.1295166015625, 815.8280029296875, 405.23040771484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6], [7], [8], [9, 10, 11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047898_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three handbags, two slippers, a bottle, a cell phone, a desk, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[145.9033202824, 51.1295166015625, 727.8280029296875, 254.9494628864], [159.5820312824, 135.198303232, 233.1864013754, 188.6103515648], [145.9033202824, 54.42883302400003, 237.74597165260002, 105.23541258239999], [583.6217040758, 148.2256469504, 752.707763655, 254.64874265600002], [399.03979494099997, 76.23345945599999, 435.5048828036, 94.61669923839997], [455.09350583540004, 113.90399170559999, 486.13403320020007, 125.0544433664], [556.6653253285999, 137.79649177599998, 587.2802342392, 208.66037186559998], [214.79113770240002, 122.66070558720003, 246.17614747519997, 132.6334838784], [485.4138183962, 112.59149168639999, 752.373657213, 254.41308595200002], [284.1746826224, 109.94726563839998, 444.96923830599997, 254.9494628864], [467.35382080078125, 26.8905029296875, 594.6538696289062, 163.70208740234375], [560.8359375, 51.1295166015625, 727.8280029296875, 148.23040771484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6], [7], [8], [9, 10, 11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047899.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[94.8648681472, 201.76947018180002, 187.2081298944, 526.3245849364]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047899_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[23.8648681472, 81.76947018180002, 116.2081298944, 406.3245849364]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047899.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two moniters, a keyboard, and a speaker.", "boxes_value": [[94.8648681472, 201.76947018180002, 187.2081298944, 526.3245849364], [162.1330566656, 201.76947018180002, 187.2081298944, 217.44140623180002], [87.6270751744, 453.4655761779, 133.4558715904, 515.6441650447], [117.6693115392, 511.5444335892, 154.619567872, 526.3245849364], [96.390930176, 424.3480224245, 152.01544192, 455.5930175808], [94.8648681472, 366.7456054815, 183.6010742272, 430.0460205136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047899_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two moniters, a keyboard, and a speaker.", "boxes_value": [[23.8648681472, 81.76947018180002, 116.2081298944, 406.3245849364], [91.13305666560001, 81.76947018180002, 116.2081298944, 97.44140623180002], [16.627075174400005, 333.4655761779, 62.455871590399994, 395.6441650447], [46.669311539199995, 391.5444335892, 83.619567872, 406.3245849364], [25.390930175999998, 304.3480224245, 81.01544192, 335.5930175808], [23.8648681472, 246.74560548149998, 112.6010742272, 310.0460205136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047902.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[435.9661560058594, 182.99057006835938, 508.6698303222656, 298.52972412109375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047902_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[18.966156005859375, 28.990570068359375, 91.66983032226562, 144.52972412109375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047902.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a hat, two guns, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[435.9661560058594, 182.99057006835938, 508.6698303222656, 298.52972412109375], [474.2816162386, 217.4854736384, 486.0950927497, 360.6796874752], [457.04751849179996, 210.28658304, 479.8731425153, 223.934894336], [436.37396240234375, 205.77105712890625, 502.7100830078125, 276.631103515625], [435.9661560058594, 182.99057006835938, 497.2821960449219, 276.7026672363281], [500.0981140136719, 290.5008544921875, 508.6698303222656, 298.52972412109375], [436.002197265625, 269.582763671875, 448.150146484375, 276.5250244140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047902_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a hat, two guns, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[18.966156005859375, 28.990570068359375, 91.66983032226562, 144.52972412109375], [57.28161623860001, 63.48547363840001, 69.09509274969997, 173], [40.04751849179996, 56.28658304000001, 62.8731425153, 69.93489433600001], [19.37396240234375, 51.77105712890625, 85.7100830078125, 122.631103515625], [18.966156005859375, 28.990570068359375, 80.28219604492188, 122.70266723632812], [83.09811401367188, 136.5008544921875, 91.66983032226562, 144.52972412109375], [19.002197265625, 115.582763671875, 31.150146484375, 122.5250244140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047905.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[231.149475072, 397.662597632, 619.2037963867188, 496.3009033216]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047905_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[97.149475072, 24.662597631999972, 485.20379638671875, 123.3009033216]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047905.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a suv, and five cars.", "boxes_value": [[231.149475072, 397.662597632, 619.2037963867188, 496.3009033216], [231.149475072, 417.0899047936, 273.4807128576, 455.2979736576], [277.47045895680003, 453.5696411136, 384.07617185280003, 496.3009033216], [401.65832517120003, 446.4477538816, 506.2609863168, 485.1729736192], [430.76123043840005, 397.662597632, 452.064575232, 417.9848632832], [534.8585205078125, 417.3584899902344, 593.434326171875, 439.4759216308594], [558.5769653320312, 408.53564453125, 619.2037963867188, 430.40740966796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047905_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a suv, and five cars.", "boxes_value": [[97.149475072, 24.662597631999972, 485.20379638671875, 123.3009033216], [97.149475072, 44.0899047936, 139.4807128576, 82.29797365759998], [143.47045895680003, 80.56964111360003, 250.07617185280003, 123.3009033216], [267.65832517120003, 73.44775388160002, 372.2609863168, 112.17297361919998], [296.76123043840005, 24.662597631999972, 318.064575232, 44.98486328320001], [400.8585205078125, 44.358489990234375, 459.434326171875, 66.47592163085938], [424.57696533203125, 35.53564453125, 485.20379638671875, 57.40740966796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047906.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[43.7018432838, 85.2271118336, 221.9467773445, 426.649902336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047906_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[43.7018432838, 85.2271118336, 221.9467773445, 426.649902336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047906.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two people, a ladder, and a pot.", "boxes_value": [[43.7018432838, 85.2271118336, 221.9467773445, 426.649902336], [76.5275879108, 85.2271118336, 98.6046142497, 109.6527099392], [43.7018432838, 364.6027221504, 148.9785766508, 426.649902336], [73.7082519186, 353.4138793984, 130.6695556998, 423.5983886848], [67.5324096434, 254.608764672, 102.53979495760001, 317.3627319296], [199.8459472373, 198.0571289088, 221.9467773445, 246.458007808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047906_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two people, a ladder, and a pot.", "boxes_value": [[43.7018432838, 85.2271118336, 221.9467773445, 426.649902336], [76.5275879108, 85.2271118336, 98.6046142497, 109.6527099392], [43.7018432838, 364.6027221504, 148.9785766508, 426.649902336], [73.7082519186, 353.4138793984, 130.6695556998, 423.5983886848], [67.5324096434, 254.608764672, 102.53979495760001, 317.3627319296], [199.8459472373, 198.0571289088, 221.9467773445, 246.458007808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047907.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[329.8386230784, 17.4187011584, 668.1236572416001, 449.550598144]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047907_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[84.83862307840002, 17.4187011584, 423.1236572416001, 449.550598144]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047907.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two gloves, a helmet, and two boots.", "boxes_value": [[329.8386230784, 17.4187011584, 668.1236572416001, 449.550598144], [328.97473144319997, 16.252685568, 676.9313965056, 462.6353759744], [329.8386230784, 231.3021850624, 392.69421388800004, 308.9985961984], [393.5671386624, 17.4187011584, 476.06506344959996, 99.4801025536], [426.30444334079993, 172.3751220736, 490.906005888, 239.1591186432], [428.923461888, 363.1242065408, 514.4768066304, 433.4002075136], [593.9191894272001, 373.1636352512, 668.1236572416001, 449.550598144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047907_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two gloves, a helmet, and two boots.", "boxes_value": [[84.83862307840002, 17.4187011584, 423.1236572416001, 449.550598144], [83.97473144319997, 16.252685568, 431.9313965056, 462.6353759744], [84.83862307840002, 231.3021850624, 147.69421388800004, 308.9985961984], [148.5671386624, 17.4187011584, 231.06506344959996, 99.4801025536], [181.30444334079993, 172.3751220736, 245.90600588799998, 239.1591186432], [183.92346188800002, 363.1242065408, 269.4768066304, 433.4002075136], [348.9191894272001, 373.1636352512, 423.1236572416001, 449.550598144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047909.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[307.3376464896, 176.6123046912, 494.1921386496, 255.3148803584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047909_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[47.33764648959999, 20.612304691199995, 234.1921386496, 99.31488035839999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047909.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, and five people.", "boxes_value": [[307.3376464896, 176.6123046912, 494.1921386496, 255.3148803584], [340.8713379072, 216.3508911104, 377.979858432, 255.3148803584], [466.84204101119997, 198.5202026496, 494.1921386496, 221.8889160192], [424.08605959679994, 213.5800171008, 489.34521484799996, 234.6984252928], [307.3376464896, 189.368041984, 345.2298584064, 249.9579467776], [308.27563476480003, 174.7364502016, 334.1623534848, 213.3789062656], [338.4768066048, 176.6123046912, 372.0544433664, 236.639404288]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047909_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, and five people.", "boxes_value": [[47.33764648959999, 20.612304691199995, 234.1921386496, 99.31488035839999], [80.87133790719997, 60.3508911104, 117.97985843200001, 99.31488035839999], [206.84204101119997, 42.52020264960001, 234.1921386496, 65.8889160192], [164.08605959679994, 57.580017100800006, 229.34521484799996, 78.69842529280001], [47.33764648959999, 33.368041984, 85.22985840640001, 93.9579467776], [48.27563476480003, 18.736450201600007, 74.16235348480001, 57.378906265599994], [78.4768066048, 20.612304691199995, 112.0544433664, 80.63940428800001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047910.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[315.83215329989997, 1.3140258816, 683.6617431959, 377.852722176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047910_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[92.83215329989997, 1.3140258816, 460, 377.852722176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047910.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four lamps, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[315.83215329989997, 1.3140258816, 683.6617431959, 377.852722176], [372.73083498290003, 1.3140258816, 523.3110351498, 107.6397705216], [555.4960937356001, 76.6041870336, 683.6617431959, 150.1701049856], [315.83215329989997, 177.18255616, 364.68457030229996, 226.0349731328], [438.2504882815, 173.734191872, 481.9301757564, 217.9886474752], [513.4901123086, 331.0261840896, 559.4564208792, 423.1460571136], [572.600830053, 338.9217529344, 608.3883056829, 416.5418701312], [638.6141357397, 342.5488891392, 665.9383544940999, 377.852722176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047910_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four lamps, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[92.83215329989997, 1.3140258816, 460, 377.852722176], [149.73083498290003, 1.3140258816, 300.3110351498, 107.6397705216], [332.4960937356001, 76.6041870336, 460, 150.1701049856], [92.83215329989997, 177.18255616, 141.68457030229996, 226.0349731328], [215.2504882815, 173.734191872, 258.9301757564, 217.9886474752], [290.49011230860003, 331.0261840896, 336.4564208792, 423.1460571136], [349.600830053, 338.9217529344, 385.38830568289995, 416.5418701312], [415.61413573970003, 342.5488891392, 442.93835449409994, 377.852722176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047911.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[140.4375000238, 197.2225952328, 420.1976318526, 377.29895017079997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047911_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[70.4375000238, 45.22259523279999, 350.1976318526, 225.29895017079997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047911.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, two desks, a picture, and a globe.", "boxes_value": [[140.4375000238, 197.2225952328, 420.1976318526, 377.29895017079997], [248.6218872172, 247.0009155504, 337.1450195078, 377.29895017079997], [210.82550049960003, 220.14556885439998, 420.1976318526, 339.23187254280003], [226.0631713606, 191.2488403092, 285.8808593438, 233.84155272959998], [140.4375000238, 223.6685790852, 270.9000244384, 292.121093766], [139.886474637, 194.630249004, 168.53302004839998, 226.38305663879999], [384.39611814520003, 197.2225952328, 418.73852540660005, 230.9603881836]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047911_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, two desks, a picture, and a globe.", "boxes_value": [[70.4375000238, 45.22259523279999, 350.1976318526, 225.29895017079997], [178.6218872172, 95.00091555040001, 267.1450195078, 225.29895017079997], [140.82550049960003, 68.14556885439998, 350.1976318526, 187.23187254280003], [156.0631713606, 39.248840309200006, 215.8808593438, 81.84155272959998], [70.4375000238, 71.66857908520001, 200.9000244384, 140.121093766], [69.88647463699999, 42.63024900400001, 98.53302004839998, 74.38305663879999], [314.39611814520003, 45.22259523279999, 348.73852540660005, 78.9603881836]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047913.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[133.6885986304, 174.5383300856, 456.9534912, 675.9552002272]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047913_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[81.68859863040001, 125.5383300856, 404.9534912, 626.9552002272]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047913.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, a person, a bottle, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[133.6885986304, 174.5383300856, 456.9534912, 675.9552002272], [102.962829568, 430.8395995988, 370.9837036032, 770.461669954], [244.0043335168, 419.77868653160004, 511.932922368, 713.89575196], [376.8472900608, 463.055297864, 438.7404174848, 524.9483642616], [133.6885986304, 174.5383300856, 433.2828979712, 675.9552002272], [387.9091186688, 376.4248047156, 407.9824218624, 434.9720458872], [427.0432739328, 409.98559571400006, 456.9534912, 444.12548830760005], [343.3051757568, 406.72583011439997, 379.9091186688, 436.44934084119996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047913_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, a person, a bottle, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[81.68859863040001, 125.5383300856, 404.9534912, 626.9552002272], [50.962829568000004, 381.8395995988, 318.9837036032, 721.461669954], [192.0043335168, 370.77868653160004, 459.932922368, 664.89575196], [324.8472900608, 414.055297864, 386.7404174848, 475.9483642616], [81.68859863040001, 125.5383300856, 381.2828979712, 626.9552002272], [335.9091186688, 327.4248047156, 355.9824218624, 385.9720458872], [375.0432739328, 360.98559571400006, 404.9534912, 395.12548830760005], [291.3051757568, 357.72583011439997, 327.9091186688, 387.44934084119996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047914.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.43255615000000003, 249.3774414075, 500.30578614999996, 665.0439453281]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047914_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.43255615000000003, 104.37744140749999, 500, 520.0439453281]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047914.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two people, a tie, a pen, a cup, a microphone, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[0.43255615000000003, 249.3774414075, 500.30578614999996, 665.0439453281], [0.43255615000000003, 365.56726075089995, 499.4697876, 665.0439453281], [449.27752685, 249.3774414075, 499.975708, 383.3656006068], [49.4785156, 89.6979370219, 295.4451294, 437.9145507848], [155.6491699, 259.2496948007, 183.75964355, 368.7835693682], [207.40777590000002, 438.7427978347, 283.2860718, 446.1510009518], [472.16900634999996, 466.9392089947, 500.30578614999996, 547.2652588148], [242.3493042, 283.4691161929, 449.07055665, 572.5963134792], [0.5358009338378906, 275.4358215332031, 82.51312637329102, 427.1926574707031]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047914_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two people, a tie, a pen, a cup, a microphone, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[0.43255615000000003, 104.37744140749999, 500, 520.0439453281], [0.43255615000000003, 220.56726075089995, 499.4697876, 520.0439453281], [449.27752685, 104.37744140749999, 499.975708, 238.3656006068], [49.4785156, 0, 295.4451294, 292.9145507848], [155.6491699, 114.24969480070001, 183.75964355, 223.7835693682], [207.40777590000002, 293.7427978347, 283.2860718, 301.1510009518], [472.16900634999996, 321.9392089947, 500, 402.26525881479995], [242.3493042, 138.4691161929, 449.07055665, 427.59631347920003], [0.5358009338378906, 130.43582153320312, 82.51312637329102, 282.1926574707031]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047915.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[246.3873901374, 351.773986816, 462.64672853670004, 511.5657348608]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047915_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[54.38739013739999, 40.77398681599999, 270.64672853670004, 200.56573486079998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047915.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, a gloves, a belt, and a wheelchair.", "boxes_value": [[246.3873901374, 351.773986816, 462.64672853670004, 511.5657348608], [361.7718505671, 351.773986816, 446.27099608860004, 462.360168448], [331.45776369929996, 420.8975830016, 461.13427734300006, 511.5657348608], [356.2333984353, 391.9048461824, 385.7531738097, 437.9270629888], [246.3873901374, 386.998107904, 333.3699951237, 416.5822753792], [357.6938476836, 386.3033447424, 462.64672853670004, 485.3847046144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047915_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, a gloves, a belt, and a wheelchair.", "boxes_value": [[54.38739013739999, 40.77398681599999, 270.64672853670004, 200.56573486079998], [169.7718505671, 40.77398681599999, 254.27099608860004, 151.36016844800002], [139.45776369929996, 109.89758300160003, 269.13427734300006, 200.56573486079998], [164.2333984353, 80.90484618239998, 193.7531738097, 126.9270629888], [54.38739013739999, 75.998107904, 141.3699951237, 105.58227537919998], [165.69384768359998, 75.30334474239999, 270.64672853670004, 174.3847046144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047916.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[371.7121581824, 258.0718383616, 588.6262206719999, 429.7833862144]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047916_crop.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[54.7121581824, 43.07183836159999, 271.62622067199993, 214.78338621440002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047916.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, two chairs, a person, and a bed.", "boxes_value": [[371.7121581824, 258.0718383616, 588.6262206719999, 429.7833862144], [496.452636736, 262.7258300928, 585.2043456896, 345.7577514496], [453.3920898304, 280.516479488, 489.32312011519997, 330.9896240128], [453.3920898304, 320.9496459776, 547.8864745984, 429.7833862144], [371.7121581824, 258.0718383616, 385.0410156544, 288.3645629952], [543.3032226944, 322.3323974656, 588.6262206719999, 379.3679809536]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047916_crop.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, two chairs, a person, and a bed.", "boxes_value": [[54.7121581824, 43.07183836159999, 271.62622067199993, 214.78338621440002], [179.452636736, 47.72583009279998, 268.2043456896, 130.7577514496], [136.39208983039998, 65.51647948800002, 172.32312011519997, 115.9896240128], [136.39208983039998, 105.94964597760003, 230.8864745984, 214.78338621440002], [54.7121581824, 43.07183836159999, 68.04101565439998, 73.3645629952], [226.3032226944, 107.33239746560002, 271.62622067199993, 164.3679809536]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047917.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[140.8674926488, 233.1891479552, 585.3602294624, 351.0133056512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047917_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[111.86749264880001, 30.189147955200013, 556.3602294624, 148.01330565120003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047917.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball bat, a baseball, a hat, a helmet, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[140.8674926488, 233.1891479552, 585.3602294624, 351.0133056512], [385.74182127520004, 201.743652352, 585.7093505592001, 336.2166137856], [379.96875, 245.0417480704, 412.218383764, 268.333190912], [140.8674926488, 233.5983886848, 172.3668822992, 262.492553728], [493.9616699244, 233.1891479552, 564.9956054872, 310.7688598528], [543.1762695652, 303.7382202368, 585.3602294624, 351.0133056512]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047917_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball bat, a baseball, a hat, a helmet, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[111.86749264880001, 30.189147955200013, 556.3602294624, 148.01330565120003], [356.74182127520004, 0, 556.7093505592001, 133.21661378559998], [350.96875, 42.04174807039999, 383.218383764, 65.33319091200002], [111.86749264880001, 30.5983886848, 143.3668822992, 59.49255372800002], [464.9616699244, 30.189147955200013, 535.9956054872, 107.7688598528], [514.1762695652, 100.73822023679998, 556.3602294624, 148.01330565120003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047918.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[162.882507336, 290.121459968, 431.1917724609375, 470.1912536621094]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047918_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[67.882507336, 45.12145996800001, 336.1917724609375, 225.19125366210938]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047918.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a boots, a handbag, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[162.882507336, 290.121459968, 431.1917724609375, 470.1912536621094], [162.882507336, 309.6092529152, 183.626647986, 358.8765258752], [202.64208988000001, 312.2022705152, 224.25054934599999, 359.7408447488], [274.66760256599997, 401.0638427648, 337.33447266999997, 488.9656372224], [382.90441896, 290.121459968, 415.572509798, 334.5941772288], [394.81439208984375, 448.3668518066406, 431.1917724609375, 470.1912536621094]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047918_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a boots, a handbag, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[67.882507336, 45.12145996800001, 336.1917724609375, 225.19125366210938], [67.882507336, 64.60925291519999, 88.626647986, 113.8765258752], [107.64208988000001, 67.20227051519998, 129.25054934599999, 114.74084474879999], [179.66760256599997, 156.06384276479997, 242.33447266999997, 243.9656372224], [287.90441896, 45.12145996800001, 320.572509798, 89.59417722879999], [299.81439208984375, 203.36685180664062, 336.1917724609375, 225.19125366210938]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047920.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[219.3773376, 18.846435552, 639.8392954239999, 457.18306636799997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047920_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[105.3773376, 18.846435552, 525.8392954239999, 457.18306636799997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047920.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, three people, a glasses, a boots, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[219.3773376, 18.846435552, 639.8392954239999, 457.18306636799997], [219.10198976, 0, 444.230712896, 96.43774416], [442.4451904, 18.846435552, 464.47180172800006, 39.68237304], [463.43420409600003, 181.81848144, 547.616821312, 318.46826169599996], [422.60888672, 189.47021486399998, 440.85522464, 212.154785136], [181.012390144, 48.362670912, 359.34716799999995, 230.964111312], [219.3773376, 139.416365136, 288.690289856, 163.769564592], [517.1153427840001, 171.809786352, 639.8392954239999, 457.18306636799997], [465.911987328, 97.9958496, 504.04602048000004, 129.210998544]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047920_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, three people, a glasses, a boots, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[105.3773376, 18.846435552, 525.8392954239999, 457.18306636799997], [105.10198976000001, 0, 330.230712896, 96.43774416], [328.4451904, 18.846435552, 350.47180172800006, 39.68237304], [349.43420409600003, 181.81848144, 433.61682131199996, 318.46826169599996], [308.60888672, 189.47021486399998, 326.85522464, 212.154785136], [67.012390144, 48.362670912, 245.34716799999995, 230.964111312], [105.3773376, 139.416365136, 174.690289856, 163.769564592], [403.11534278400006, 171.809786352, 525.8392954239999, 457.18306636799997], [351.911987328, 97.9958496, 390.04602048000004, 129.210998544]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047921.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[70.9144286775, 245.4290771456, 708.9066161672, 511.9943847424]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047921_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[70.9144286775, 67.42907714559999, 708.9066161672, 333.9943847424]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047921.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three handbags, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[70.9144286775, 245.4290771456, 708.9066161672, 511.9943847424], [70.9144286775, 245.4290771456, 214.17700198109998, 511.9943847424], [150.6611402804, 357.7820776448, 240.06304110870002, 444.1636439552], [407.09981806999997, 370.7571564032, 436.8347028356, 418.244265472], [508.28718733520003, 347.6793353728, 545.5667444377, 402.7111166976], [694.6123046552, 461.2400512512, 708.9066161672, 499.9187621888]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047921_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three handbags, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[70.9144286775, 67.42907714559999, 708.9066161672, 333.9943847424], [70.9144286775, 67.42907714559999, 214.17700198109998, 333.9943847424], [150.6611402804, 179.78207764479998, 240.06304110870002, 266.1636439552], [407.09981806999997, 192.75715640319999, 436.8347028356, 240.244265472], [508.28718733520003, 169.67933537279998, 545.5667444377, 224.7111166976], [694.6123046552, 283.2400512512, 708.9066161672, 321.9187621888]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047922.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[227.82214353450001, 168.6110229504, 502.72143551370004, 333.1503906304]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047922_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, a person, a hat, and two handbags.", "boxes_value": [[227.82214353450001, 168.6110229504, 502.72143551370004, 333.1503906304], [227.82214353450001, 241.2858886656, 502.72143551370004, 286.6442871296], [325.2352295132, 124.2518920704, 476.93859866040003, 273.15997312], [260.835693346, 168.6110229504, 326.67431638700003, 219.0588379136], [229.8174438206, 270.4335327232, 380.8605957305, 333.1503906304], [409.2058105583, 229.5822143488, 499.0573730752, 287.1793823232]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047922_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, a person, a hat, and two handbags.", "boxes_value": [[68.82214353450001, 41.61102295040001, 343.72143551370004, 206.1503906304], [68.82214353450001, 114.2858886656, 343.72143551370004, 159.6442871296], [166.2352295132, 0, 317.93859866040003, 146.15997312000002], [101.83569334600003, 41.61102295040001, 167.67431638700003, 92.0588379136], [70.8174438206, 143.43353272320002, 221.8605957305, 206.1503906304], [250.20581055830002, 102.5822143488, 340.0573730752, 160.1793823232]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047923.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[32.434509312, 174.0987548672, 408.9156188964844, 333.5040283136]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047923_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include six pillows.", "boxes_value": [[32.434509312, 40.0987548672, 408.9156188964844, 199.50402831359997], [32.434509312, 40.0987548672, 223.944091776, 162.74639892480002], [65.43939210239999, 63.7318725632, 221.0917968384, 199.50402831359997], [84.9978027264, 87.3649902592, 243.09503170559998, 199.41845703680002], [23.4702759168, 145.9027099648, 260.6160888576, 194.12133790719997], [329.31689453125, 87.61581420898438, 446.18841552734375, 139.65667724609375], [241.83432006835938, 49.788238525390625, 408.9156188964844, 166.74667358398438]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047925.jpg", "text": "In the image , please describe the bounding box . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two glasses, a bottle, and four lamps.", "boxes_value": [[620.9588623046875, 100.54076385498047, 680.1258544896, 401.519104], [630.2424316416, 202.4349365248, 674.049926784, 254.4562988032], [616.4780273664, 95.8497314304, 647.3221435392, 262.8099365376], [642.7977295104, 377.89733888, 680.1258544896, 401.519104], [630.2424316416, 202.4349365248, 674.049926784, 254.4562988032], [616.4780273664, 95.8497314304, 647.3221435392, 262.8099365376], [620.9588623046875, 100.54076385498047, 669.3526611328125, 265.29344940185547], [640.5308227539062, 204.64309692382812, 669.4187622070312, 249.69400024414062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047925_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , please describe the bounding box . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two glasses, a bottle, and four lamps.", "boxes_value": [[14.9588623046875, 75.54076385498047, 74.12585448959999, 376.519104], [24.24243164159998, 177.4349365248, 68.04992678400004, 229.4562988032], [10.478027366400056, 70.8497314304, 41.322143539200056, 237.80993653759998], [36.79772951040002, 352.89733888, 74.12585448959999, 376.519104], [24.24243164159998, 177.4349365248, 68.04992678400004, 229.4562988032], [10.478027366400056, 70.8497314304, 41.322143539200056, 237.80993653759998], [14.9588623046875, 75.54076385498047, 63.3526611328125, 240.29344940185547], [34.53082275390625, 179.64309692382812, 63.41876220703125, 224.69400024414062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047926.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[10.5761108187, 155.694946304, 176.0046997042, 355.6317749248]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047926_crop.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[10.5761108187, 50.69494630400001, 176.0046997042, 250.63177492480003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047926.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, a lamp, a desk, a person, a handbag, and a horse.", "boxes_value": [[10.5761108187, 155.694946304, 176.0046997042, 355.6317749248], [93.75341796219999, 281.8267211776, 174.8866577317, 344.8558349824], [81.0751952877, 236.969970688, 143.8961791912, 297.6968994304], [10.5761108187, 237.667968768, 176.0046997042, 355.6317749248], [77.1079101499, 155.694946304, 109.2261962652, 198.4153442304], [75.5885009735, 280.2593383936, 108.56890868810001, 306.1550292992], [54.6233105535, 173.3259590656, 147.5796363709, 242.5784218112]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047926_crop.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, a lamp, a desk, a person, a handbag, and a horse.", "boxes_value": [[10.5761108187, 50.69494630400001, 176.0046997042, 250.63177492480003], [93.75341796219999, 176.8267211776, 174.8866577317, 239.85583498239998], [81.0751952877, 131.969970688, 143.8961791912, 192.69689943039998], [10.5761108187, 132.667968768, 176.0046997042, 250.63177492480003], [77.1079101499, 50.69494630400001, 109.2261962652, 93.4153442304], [75.5885009735, 175.2593383936, 108.56890868810001, 201.1550292992], [54.6233105535, 68.32595906559999, 147.5796363709, 137.5784218112]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047927.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[145.735900849, 277.6378173952, 246.999206531, 453.8392944128]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047927_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[25.73590084899999, 44.63781739519999, 126.999206531, 220.83929441279997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047927.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a potted plant, a person, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[145.735900849, 277.6378173952, 246.999206531, 453.8392944128], [156.224792493, 322.1553955328, 237.65936278700002, 386.76013184], [163.282470736, 277.6378173952, 200.19946292499998, 323.7840576], [145.735900849, 434.7051391488, 187.420959495, 453.8392944128], [227.114013665, 386.2982177792, 246.999206531, 434.9826050048], [213.74291992899998, 379.441223168, 233.97094728700003, 429.8398437376]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047927_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a potted plant, a person, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[25.73590084899999, 44.63781739519999, 126.999206531, 220.83929441279997], [36.224792492999995, 89.15539553280001, 117.65936278700002, 153.76013183999999], [43.28247073599999, 44.63781739519999, 80.19946292499998, 90.78405759999998], [25.73590084899999, 201.70513914880001, 67.420959495, 220.83929441279997], [107.11401366499999, 153.2982177792, 126.999206531, 201.9826050048], [93.74291992899998, 146.44122316800002, 113.97094728700003, 196.8398437376]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047928.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[360.0981445632, 205.6824951296, 572.8319091456001, 355.64916992]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047928_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[54.09814456319998, 37.6824951296, 266.8319091456001, 187.64916992000002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047928.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a moniter, a laptop, a keyboard, a speaker, and a computer box.", "boxes_value": [[360.0981445632, 205.6824951296, 572.8319091456001, 355.64916992], [444.5019531264, 215.9702148608, 511.28588866559994, 334.6973266432], [413.0740966656, 223.3906860544, 454.54138183680004, 298.9046020608], [483.35009763840003, 319.4199828992, 572.8319091456001, 355.64916992], [389.7214355712, 253.9129638912, 419.4541015296, 297.7009887744], [360.0981445632, 205.6824951296, 438.44104005119993, 295.3977660928]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047928_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a moniter, a laptop, a keyboard, a speaker, and a computer box.", "boxes_value": [[54.09814456319998, 37.6824951296, 266.8319091456001, 187.64916992000002], [138.5019531264, 47.97021486080001, 205.28588866559994, 166.69732664319997], [107.0740966656, 55.39068605439999, 148.54138183680004, 130.90460206080002], [177.35009763840003, 151.41998289920002, 266.8319091456001, 187.64916992000002], [83.7214355712, 85.91296389120001, 113.4541015296, 129.7009887744], [54.09814456319998, 37.6824951296, 132.44104005119993, 127.3977660928]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047929.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[382.5466308846, 270.2202148352, 682.8651122809999, 511.7775878656]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047929_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[75.5466308846, 61.22021483520001, 375.86511228099994, 302.7775878656]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047929.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a computer box, a keyboard, an extention cord, and a speaker.", "boxes_value": [[382.5466308846, 270.2202148352, 682.8651122809999, 511.7775878656], [382.5466308846, 270.2202148352, 516.1711425457, 376.5744628736], [467.5987548603, 320.2971191296, 545.9757080377, 399.7260742144], [395.7971191106, 353.9624023552, 458.3934326229, 386.5756225536], [610.8724365137, 403.5676879872, 638.1389160189999, 435.2678222848], [600.4672851711, 431.90216064, 682.8651122809999, 511.7775878656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047929_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a computer box, a keyboard, an extention cord, and a speaker.", "boxes_value": [[75.5466308846, 61.22021483520001, 375.86511228099994, 302.7775878656], [75.5466308846, 61.22021483520001, 209.17114254570004, 167.5744628736], [160.5987548603, 111.29711912959999, 238.97570803769997, 190.7260742144], [88.79711911060002, 144.96240235520003, 151.39343262289998, 177.5756225536], [303.8724365137, 194.56768798719997, 331.1389160189999, 226.2678222848], [293.4672851711, 222.90216063999998, 375.86511228099994, 302.7775878656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047930.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 310.037475584, 681.4494628937, 512.061523456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047930_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 51.03747558399999, 681.4494628937, 253]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047930.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a couch, two desks, three chairs, a carpet, two cabinets, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[0, 310.037475584, 681.4494628937, 512.061523456], [107.57635498859999, 248.7550659072, 199.4999389767, 426.889465344], [0, 354.7008667136, 147.5656738019, 512.061523456], [79.0125122023, 407.154418944, 236.37322997540002, 511.5422363136], [301.29101561460004, 284.0703735296, 373.99890138869995, 420.1380004864], [367.24743655349994, 310.037475584, 474.7513427952, 428.4474487296], [466.44177246239997, 300.689270016, 540.1883544598, 425.3314208768], [244.1633301103, 410.2705078272, 552.1333007530001, 499.5973510656], [510.0665282963, 481.4203491328, 681.4494628937, 511.5422363136], [547.9785156549, 286.147705088, 681.6345214705, 492.3265380864], [198.82257078979998, 297.1475219968, 299.93817135570004, 469.4185790976], [449.4826660197, 375.2979736576, 635.4305420135, 483.3073120256]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4, 6, 8], [7], [9, 10], [11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047930_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a couch, two desks, three chairs, a carpet, two cabinets, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[0, 51.03747558399999, 681.4494628937, 253], [107.57635498859999, 0, 199.4999389767, 167.88946534399997], [0, 95.70086671360002, 147.5656738019, 253], [79.0125122023, 148.15441894399999, 236.37322997540002, 252.54223631359997], [301.29101561460004, 25.070373529599976, 373.99890138869995, 161.13800048640002], [367.24743655349994, 51.03747558399999, 474.7513427952, 169.4474487296], [466.44177246239997, 41.68927001600002, 540.1883544598, 166.3314208768], [244.1633301103, 151.2705078272, 552.1333007530001, 240.59735106559998], [510.0665282963, 222.42034913280003, 681.4494628937, 252.54223631359997], [547.9785156549, 27.14770508800001, 681.6345214705, 233.32653808639998], [198.82257078979998, 38.14752199679998, 299.93817135570004, 210.4185790976], [449.4826660197, 116.29797365759998, 635.4305420135, 224.30731202560003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4, 6, 8], [7], [9, 10], [11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047931.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[253.6456298841, 161.6239624192, 449.830078136, 511.23168947199997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047931_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[49.6456298841, 87.62396241920001, 245.830078136, 437.23168947199997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047931.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a person, a book, a sneakers, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[253.6456298841, 161.6239624192, 449.830078136, 511.23168947199997], [240.9910278084, 250.1674194432, 506.1793212886, 509.8691406336], [256.26684571320004, 161.6239624192, 449.830078136, 511.23168947199997], [253.6456298841, 203.6021728768, 411.3841552542, 320.4631958016], [260.406982442, 454.5282592768, 329.4467163151, 496.4452514816], [350.3823242293, 189.0078125056, 387.648193383, 200.6533813248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047931_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a person, a book, a sneakers, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[49.6456298841, 87.62396241920001, 245.830078136, 437.23168947199997], [36.99102780839999, 176.1674194432, 294, 435.8691406336], [52.26684571320004, 87.62396241920001, 245.830078136, 437.23168947199997], [49.6456298841, 129.6021728768, 207.38415525419998, 246.46319580160002], [56.406982442000015, 380.5282592768, 125.44671631509999, 422.4452514816], [146.38232422930002, 115.00781250559999, 183.64819338299998, 126.6533813248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047932.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[8.8148803584, 187.5808715776, 500.5639648512, 366.4738769408]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047932_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[8.8148803584, 45.58087157759999, 500.5639648512, 224.47387694079998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047932.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bed, a nightstand, a lamp, a chair, a desk, a radiator, and a telephone.", "boxes_value": [[8.8148803584, 187.5808715776, 500.5639648512, 366.4738769408], [286.16027834880003, 206.746582016, 607.0478515968, 419.5455932416], [459.30676270080005, 257.139831552, 500.5639648512, 266.2485961728], [25.072753920000004, 187.5808715776, 65.7174072576, 269.3782959104], [78.4188232704, 246.5720825344, 204.92535398400003, 366.4738769408], [8.8148803584, 253.6849364992, 156.151794432, 365.9658203136], [201.36895749119998, 270.450866688, 323.3029784832, 339.0387573248], [469.3146972672, 251.0867919872, 501.97741701120003, 264.110534656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047932_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bed, a nightstand, a lamp, a chair, a desk, a radiator, and a telephone.", "boxes_value": [[8.8148803584, 45.58087157759999, 500.5639648512, 224.47387694079998], [286.16027834880003, 64.74658201599999, 607.0478515968, 269], [459.30676270080005, 115.13983155199998, 500.5639648512, 124.24859617279998], [25.072753920000004, 45.58087157759999, 65.7174072576, 127.37829591040003], [78.4188232704, 104.57208253440001, 204.92535398400003, 224.47387694079998], [8.8148803584, 111.6849364992, 156.151794432, 223.96582031359998], [201.36895749119998, 128.45086668800002, 323.3029784832, 197.03875732479997], [469.3146972672, 109.0867919872, 501.97741701120003, 122.11053465600003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047935.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 0.1209106704, 332.2973022208, 681.9730224858]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047935_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 0.1209106704, 332.2973022208, 681.9730224858]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047935.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pictures, five people, and a tie.", "boxes_value": [[0, 0.1209106704, 332.2973022208, 681.9730224858], [151.2949218816, 0, 356.6253662208, 308.76226805920004], [146.129333504, 339.7555542078, 375.9961547776, 681.9730224858], [0.2026977792, 0.1209106704, 108.6791382016, 301.013977018], [1.4940795904, 333.2986450068, 72.5203247104, 681.9730224858], [199.5900268544, 377.5427246141, 339.3750000128, 661.5362548910999], [281.8685302784, 35.1580200296, 339.3750000128, 183.790161108], [204.0136108544, 159.018127441, 332.2973022208, 299.68780520679996], [173.0485839872, 42.235778826, 347.3374633984, 298.803100554], [0, 0.9121093447999999, 37.6871948288, 144.8626709084], [247.3646240256, 542.0997314624, 266.828369152, 598.7215575928]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047935_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[130.4524535928, 361.574218728, 226.0612792908, 528.587402328]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047936_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[24.452453592799998, 42.574218728000005, 120.0612792908, 209.58740232800005]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047936.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a potted plant, a storage box, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[130.4524535928, 361.574218728, 226.0612792908, 528.587402328], [130.4524535928, 393.35058590399996, 203.3345947272, 528.587402328], [171.96508790879997, 361.574218728, 198.762023922, 396.2885742], [135.42376707719998, 378.626953104, 175.6192016748, 399.94262697600004], [202.84680176999998, 418.214599632, 214.5719604336, 464.425415064], [214.2543945072, 420.439331088, 226.0612792908, 458.732055672]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047936_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a potted plant, a storage box, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[24.452453592799998, 42.574218728000005, 120.0612792908, 209.58740232800005], [24.452453592799998, 74.35058590399996, 97.3345947272, 209.58740232800005], [65.96508790879997, 42.574218728000005, 92.762023922, 77.28857420000003], [29.423767077199983, 59.626953103999995, 69.6192016748, 80.94262697600004], [96.84680176999998, 99.21459963199999, 108.5719604336, 145.425415064], [108.2543945072, 101.43933108800002, 120.0612792908, 139.732055672]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047937.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0, 294.6223754752, 348.85290527809997, 404.5756225536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047937_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0, 27.622375475199988, 348.85290527809997, 137.5756225536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047937.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a trash bin can, two cars, a truck, and a motorcycle.", "boxes_value": [[0, 294.6223754752, 348.85290527809997, 404.5756225536], [31.732421850299996, 353.711425792, 60.6828002906, 404.5756225536], [0, 321.8154296832, 59.490234344, 388.0830077952], [87.1083984038, 319.7612304896, 206.9518432607, 366.024353024], [53.7333984355, 294.6223754752, 118.0354614188, 327.5017090048], [270.88867185739997, 321.0699462656, 348.85290527809997, 368.7857666048]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047937_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a trash bin can, two cars, a truck, and a motorcycle.", "boxes_value": [[0, 27.622375475199988, 348.85290527809997, 137.5756225536], [31.732421850299996, 86.711425792, 60.6828002906, 137.5756225536], [0, 54.81542968320002, 59.490234344, 121.08300779519999], [87.1083984038, 52.761230489599996, 206.9518432607, 99.02435302399999], [53.7333984355, 27.622375475199988, 118.0354614188, 60.50170900479998], [270.88867185739997, 54.06994626559998, 348.85290527809997, 101.78576660480002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047938.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[571.5118408230001, 268.5844726784, 769.644042937, 481.5337524224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047938_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[50.51184082300006, 53.584472678400004, 248.644042937, 266.5337524224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047938.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a street lights, three cars, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[571.5118408230001, 268.5844726784, 769.644042937, 481.5337524224], [730.364990201, 268.5844726784, 756.987792946, 401.6985473536], [684.8394775529999, 386.5507812352, 749.805297857, 424.5953369088], [571.5118408230001, 376.7897949184, 689.19201659, 436.6051635712], [690.011962871, 403.2456665088, 769.644042937, 481.5337524224], [719.8519287190001, 370.0795288064, 742.0238036750001, 385.722228992]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047938_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a street lights, three cars, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[50.51184082300006, 53.584472678400004, 248.644042937, 266.5337524224], [209.36499020099996, 53.584472678400004, 235.987792946, 186.69854735360002], [163.83947755299994, 171.55078123520002, 228.80529785700003, 209.5953369088], [50.51184082300006, 161.7897949184, 168.19201658999998, 221.60516357120002], [169.01196287100004, 188.2456665088, 248.644042937, 266.5337524224], [198.85192871900006, 155.0795288064, 221.02380367500007, 170.722228992]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047942.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[42.3249511694, 343.13397216796875, 455.8389892643, 462.5717773312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047942_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[42.3249511694, 30.13397216796875, 455.8389892643, 149.5717773312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047942.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a slippers, a plate, a bowl, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[42.3249511694, 343.13397216796875, 455.8389892643, 462.5717773312], [42.3249511694, 405.9844360192, 66.81860353009999, 419.632995584], [410.5446777003, 426.9064331264, 455.8389892643, 441.353759744], [425.3824463153, 418.3161010688, 450.37243655180004, 436.6681518592], [222.0577392347, 430.359863296, 236.8112792652, 462.5717773312], [369.50933837890625, 343.13397216796875, 385.57989501953125, 357.46533203125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047942_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a slippers, a plate, a bowl, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[42.3249511694, 30.13397216796875, 455.8389892643, 149.5717773312], [42.3249511694, 92.98443601920002, 66.81860353009999, 106.63299558400001], [410.5446777003, 113.90643312639997, 455.8389892643, 128.353759744], [425.3824463153, 105.31610106879998, 450.37243655180004, 123.66815185920001], [222.0577392347, 117.35986329600001, 236.8112792652, 149.5717773312], [369.50933837890625, 30.13397216796875, 385.57989501953125, 44.46533203125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047944.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[214.841796864, 245.59985352, 342.76470950399994, 370.751892096]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047944_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[32.841796864, 31.59985352000001, 160.76470950399994, 156.751892096]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047944.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bottle, and four wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[214.841796864, 245.59985352, 342.76470950399994, 370.751892096], [244.72790528000002, 280.28735352, 266.93579104, 370.751892096], [218.54376217599997, 292.696899408, 243.223388672, 346.992187488], [214.841796864, 245.59985352, 241.57812499199997, 294.547851552], [284.150512704, 276.060974112, 305.12823488, 323.775024432], [320.964355456, 266.60046388800004, 342.76470950399994, 320.484374976]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047944_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bottle, and four wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[32.841796864, 31.59985352000001, 160.76470950399994, 156.751892096], [62.727905280000016, 66.28735352000001, 84.93579104000003, 156.751892096], [36.54376217599997, 78.69689940799998, 61.223388672, 132.992187488], [32.841796864, 31.59985352000001, 59.57812499199997, 80.547851552], [102.150512704, 62.060974112, 123.12823487999998, 109.77502443200001], [138.96435545600002, 52.600463888000036, 160.76470950399994, 106.48437497600003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047947.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[327.06823732, 119.3776855552, 425.95349120919997, 283.6640014848]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047947_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[25.06823731999998, 41.3776855552, 123.95349120919997, 205.6640014848]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047947.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a person, a hat, a gloves, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[327.06823732, 119.3776855552, 425.95349120919997, 283.6640014848], [327.06823732, 181.5941161984, 366.076660151, 229.3735962112], [353.55737307910005, 119.3776855552, 384.0975341472, 227.404357888], [382.2792968984, 130.1370239488, 425.95349120919997, 161.9977417216], [356.8623046922, 236.816711424, 386.9331054966, 274.0471801856], [368.7774658335, 228.738830592, 391.54455566419995, 283.6640014848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047947_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a person, a hat, a gloves, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[25.06823731999998, 41.3776855552, 123.95349120919997, 205.6640014848], [25.06823731999998, 103.5941161984, 64.076660151, 151.3735962112], [51.557373079100046, 41.3776855552, 82.09753414720001, 149.404357888], [80.27929689839999, 52.13702394879999, 123.95349120919997, 83.9977417216], [54.862304692199984, 158.816711424, 84.93310549659998, 196.04718018559998], [66.7774658335, 150.738830592, 89.54455566419995, 205.6640014848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047951.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, two people, two street lights, a car, and a motorcycle.", "boxes_value": [[112.37573239439999, 112.0477295104, 457.5749511556, 266.5050659328], [401.6357422212, 239.7619629056, 425.2579346068, 264.0313720832], [151.7508545168, 230.591125504, 176.5172118904, 265.9136963072], [311.51452639480004, 245.2073974784, 332.220825218, 266.3197021696], [186.4437256152, 68.7719116288, 214.5249633668, 253.05541990400002], [441.82519534240004, 112.0477295104, 457.5749511556, 266.5050659328], [112.37573239439999, 228.9293212672, 159.7547607592, 256.6363525632], [385.6889648284, 234.8120117248, 407.5568847948, 250.24816896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047951_crop.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, two people, two street lights, a car, and a motorcycle.", "boxes_value": [[86.37573239439999, 39.0477295104, 431.5749511556, 193.5050659328], [375.6357422212, 166.7619629056, 399.2579346068, 191.03137208319998], [125.75085451679999, 157.591125504, 150.5172118904, 192.91369630719998], [285.51452639480004, 172.2073974784, 306.220825218, 193.31970216960002], [160.4437256152, 0, 188.5249633668, 180.05541990400002], [415.82519534240004, 39.0477295104, 431.5749511556, 193.5050659328], [86.37573239439999, 155.9293212672, 133.7547607592, 183.63635256319998], [359.6889648284, 161.8120117248, 381.5568847948, 177.24816896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047954.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[314.2051086425781, 614.8602905273438, 463.5673217536, 677.8288574229999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047954_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[38.205108642578125, 15.86029052734375, 187.56732175360003, 78.82885742299993]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047954.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[314.2051086425781, 614.8602905273438, 463.5673217536, 677.8288574229999], [454.004089344, 626.3879394719, 463.5673217536, 675.1298827951999], [381.45465088, 618.1468506122001, 393.467041024, 654.6544189476], [348.3883666944, 628.7535400239, 371.5628662272, 677.8288574229999], [314.2051086425781, 614.8602905273438, 323.1325988769531, 639.5368041992188], [322.80206298828125, 615.93701171875, 331.0751953125, 640.284423828125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047954_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[38.205108642578125, 15.86029052734375, 187.56732175360003, 78.82885742299993], [178.00408934400002, 27.38793947190004, 187.56732175360003, 76.12988279519993], [105.45465087999997, 19.14685061220007, 117.46704102400003, 55.65441894759999], [72.38836669440002, 29.753540023899973, 95.5628662272, 78.82885742299993], [38.205108642578125, 15.86029052734375, 47.132598876953125, 40.53680419921875], [46.80206298828125, 16.93701171875, 55.0751953125, 41.284423828125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047955.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0.13073727359999998, 127.3557739008, 203.07135011160003, 510.2109374976]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047955_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0.13073727359999998, 96.3557739008, 203.07135011160003, 479.2109374976]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047955.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, two pictures, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[0.13073727359999998, 127.3557739008, 203.07135011160003, 510.2109374976], [124.6092529368, 353.2867431424, 203.07135011160003, 510.2109374976], [0.6651000791999999, 197.8755493376, 125.2382812388, 510.04125977599995], [39.9046630932, 127.3557739008, 82.9743652244, 168.2720336896], [36.6744384596, 165.5801391616, 83.512756326, 215.1103515648], [0.13073727359999998, 328.6702270464, 34.806579596, 457.8471679488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047955_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, two pictures, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[0.13073727359999998, 96.3557739008, 203.07135011160003, 479.2109374976], [124.6092529368, 322.2867431424, 203.07135011160003, 479.2109374976], [0.6651000791999999, 166.8755493376, 125.2382812388, 479.04125977599995], [39.9046630932, 96.3557739008, 82.9743652244, 137.2720336896], [36.6744384596, 134.5801391616, 83.512756326, 184.1103515648], [0.13073727359999998, 297.6702270464, 34.806579596, 426.8471679488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047956.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a carpet, and six sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[261.5481567366, 342.3340453888, 682.6729736579, 510.7839965696], [261.5481567366, 342.3340453888, 682.6729736579, 510.7839965696], [310.7050781561, 473.2490234368, 346.1456298781, 501.1718750208], [515.2180175482999, 348.6104736256, 538.3192138357, 387.1124877824], [548.4093017861, 400.262023936, 578.3380127048, 426.200195328], [579.1361083815, 393.8772582912, 602.2808837571, 424.2049560576], [592.2703857421875, 334.4403991699219, 613.9051513671875, 364.9310607910156], [572.5674438476562, 346.49896240234375, 594.6347045898438, 377.9259033203125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047956_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a carpet, and six sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[105.54815673659999, 42.33404538880001, 526.6729736579, 210.7839965696], [105.54815673659999, 42.33404538880001, 526.6729736579, 210.7839965696], [154.7050781561, 173.24902343679997, 190.1456298781, 201.17187502079997], [359.21801754829994, 48.61047362559998, 382.3192138357, 87.11248778240002], [392.40930178609995, 100.26202393599999, 422.3380127048, 126.200195328], [423.1361083815, 93.87725829120001, 446.2808837571, 124.20495605759999], [436.2703857421875, 34.440399169921875, 457.9051513671875, 64.93106079101562], [416.56744384765625, 46.49896240234375, 438.63470458984375, 77.9259033203125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047958.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[262.4993285824, 1.131958016, 414.357788052, 264.6808471552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047958_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[38.49932858239998, 1.131958016, 190.357788052, 264.6808471552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047958.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, and five lamps.", "boxes_value": [[262.4993285824, 1.131958016, 414.357788052, 264.6808471552], [385.43310546, 225.190002432, 411.6800537148, 264.6808471552], [262.4993285824, 194.78637696, 289.66662597600003, 208.0217895424], [303.5986327764, 1.131958016, 324.4965820538, 43.624511744], [359.3265380562, 1.8285522432, 378.1346435542, 175.9782104576], [386.49389644840005, 1.131958016, 409.4816894298, 109.8013305856], [388.58361815520004, 123.7333373952, 414.357788052, 206.628601088]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047958_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, and five lamps.", "boxes_value": [[38.49932858239998, 1.131958016, 190.357788052, 264.6808471552], [161.43310545999998, 225.190002432, 187.6800537148, 264.6808471552], [38.49932858239998, 194.78637696, 65.66662597600003, 208.0217895424], [79.5986327764, 1.131958016, 100.49658205380001, 43.624511744], [135.32653805619998, 1.8285522432, 154.1346435542, 175.9782104576], [162.49389644840005, 1.131958016, 185.48168942979999, 109.8013305856], [164.58361815520004, 123.7333373952, 190.357788052, 206.628601088]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047961.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[728.6351318629, 305.9709472768, 910.0909423436, 469.308410624]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047961_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[45.63513186290004, 40.97094727680002, 227.09094234359998, 204.30841062399998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047961.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cup, a bowl, three chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[728.6351318629, 305.9709472768, 910.0909423436, 469.308410624], [894.121704131, 328.2480468992, 910.0909423436, 348.4500732416], [857.5657959267, 328.6328735232, 890.0812988507, 343.4476318208], [728.6351318629, 305.9709472768, 760.0592041035, 422.6005249024], [738.015014632, 334.4337158144, 838.281494137, 469.308410624], [818.5516357829, 364.5136718848, 918.8182373311, 510.0619506688], [786.2076416015, 315.9976196096, 918.8182373311, 488.3914184704]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047961_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cup, a bowl, three chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[45.63513186290004, 40.97094727680002, 227.09094234359998, 204.30841062399998], [211.121704131, 63.248046899200006, 227.09094234359998, 83.45007324160002], [174.56579592670005, 63.632873523199976, 207.08129885070002, 78.44763182079998], [45.63513186290004, 40.97094727680002, 77.05920410349995, 157.60052490240002], [55.015014631999975, 69.43371581439999, 155.28149413699998, 204.30841062399998], [135.5516357829, 99.51367188479998, 235.81823733110002, 245], [103.20764160149997, 50.99761960960001, 235.81823733110002, 223.39141847040003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047962.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[177.0893554688, 200.6025390543, 512.0017090048, 546.1154785182999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047962_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[84.0893554688, 86.6025390543, 419, 432.11547851829994]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047962.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a carpet, a cabinet, a flower, a vase, a picture, a bed, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[177.0893554688, 200.6025390543, 512.0017090048, 546.1154785182999], [73.9627075072, 465.0352172941, 397.0999755776, 546.6193847643], [359.0158081024, 443.0795898399, 460.1576538112, 546.1154785182999], [346.1362914816, 365.0450439248, 494.2504272384, 444.21600339940005], [390.347778304, 424.2659912121, 437.38189696, 472.69165041260004], [411.6145019392, 200.6025390543, 512.0017090048, 345.3164062477], [169.0895995904, 353.11236571940003, 348.7973022208, 483.191528305], [177.0893554688, 357.6368408285, 242.176879872, 374.7490844609]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047962_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a carpet, a cabinet, a flower, a vase, a picture, a bed, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[84.0893554688, 86.6025390543, 419, 432.11547851829994], [0, 351.0352172941, 304.0999755776, 432.6193847643], [266.0158081024, 329.0795898399, 367.1576538112, 432.11547851829994], [253.13629148159998, 251.04504392479998, 401.2504272384, 330.21600339940005], [297.347778304, 310.2659912121, 344.38189696, 358.69165041260004], [318.6145019392, 86.6025390543, 419, 231.3164062477], [76.08959959040001, 239.11236571940003, 255.79730222080002, 369.191528305], [84.0893554688, 243.6368408285, 149.176879872, 260.7490844609]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047963.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[406.4876709156, 260.3731079168, 534.500610336, 380.0277709824]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047963_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[32.487670915600006, 30.373107916799995, 160.50061033600002, 150.0277709824]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047963.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[406.4876709156, 260.3731079168, 534.500610336, 380.0277709824], [406.4876709156, 260.3731079168, 426.28344723720005, 294.2459716608], [415.72570797720005, 304.8037109248, 439.9206543216, 321.9600829952], [447.8389892622, 364.6310424576, 471.5938721016, 380.0277709824], [468.9544677822, 352.7535400448, 503.7071533092, 375.188842752], [508.5461425626, 277.5294799872, 534.500610336, 294.6858520576]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047963_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[18.43304443359375, 53.3682861328125, 89.51776123046875, 264.0784912109375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047969.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[18.43304443359375, 53.3682861328125, 89.51776123046875, 264.0784912109375], [18.43304443359375, 53.3682861328125, 82.84808349609375, 264.0784912109375], [56.161376953125, 109.9920654296875, 99.5, 250.2713623046875], [56.15521240234375, 238.15237426757812, 70.74102783203125, 250.65646362304688], [78.38787841796875, 217.892333984375, 89.51776123046875, 235.54998779296875], [38.56219482421875, 236.18142700195312, 52.66156005859375, 264.2608337402344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047971.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, two mirrors, a moniter, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[46.975830059999964, 27.69702149119999, 230.9323730745, 136.57025146484375], [46.975830059999964, 27.69702149119999, 128.0524902195, 84.50982666239997], [133.37866211250002, 30.064208998400005, 221.55688474500005, 82.14257812480002], [139.29663089100006, 34.2067871232, 222.74047851600005, 76.22460938239999], [48.159545924999975, 36.57403566080001, 122.72631832650006, 75.63281249280001], [152.9080810455, 40.124816896, 203.21105958299995, 67.3475952128], [173.90270998649999, 82.8193969664, 230.9323730745, 114.97192381439999], [103.64569091796875, 117.93011474609375, 118.57720947265625, 136.57025146484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5], [3, 4], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047972.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.42474365000000003, 330.37817385, 316.34906005, 499.682312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047972_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.42474365000000003, 42.378173849999996, 316.34906005, 211.68231200000002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047972.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a flower, two vases, a carpet, and a tea pot.", "boxes_value": [[0.42474365000000003, 330.37817385, 316.34906005, 499.682312], [19.36572265, 333.4032593, 178.56903075, 499.682312], [287.0678711, 319.93432615, 322.39630125, 353.03485105], [292.4785156, 349.8521118, 316.34906005, 381.36120605], [0.42474365000000003, 368.26190185, 183.51684569999998, 425.2905884], [296.1177368, 383.54187010000004, 316.88421630000005, 403.3348999], [240.30322265, 330.37817385, 275.0388794, 381.944458]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047972_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a flower, two vases, a carpet, and a tea pot.", "boxes_value": [[0.42474365000000003, 42.378173849999996, 316.34906005, 211.68231200000002], [19.36572265, 45.4032593, 178.56903075, 211.68231200000002], [287.0678711, 31.934326150000004, 322.39630125, 65.03485104999999], [292.4785156, 61.85211179999999, 316.34906005, 93.36120605000002], [0.42474365000000003, 80.26190185000002, 183.51684569999998, 137.2905884], [296.1177368, 95.54187010000004, 316.88421630000005, 115.33489989999998], [240.30322265, 42.378173849999996, 275.0388794, 93.944458]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047973.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[31.2230835164, 10.19567872, 290.2348632488, 342.8518676992]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047973_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[31.2230835164, 10.19567872, 290.2348632488, 342.8518676992]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047973.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a vase, a person, a necklace, two glasses, four bottles, three cups, a plate, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[31.2230835164, 10.19567872, 290.2348632488, 342.8518676992], [31.2230835164, 10.19567872, 290.2348632488, 342.8518676992], [239.7878418044, 299.1812744192, 281.199584924, 334.5695190528], [101.5892333664, 156.8513794048, 242.1155395344, 511.702392576], [28.6127929476, 251.6034545664, 55.5816040208, 267.301696768], [109.5654907376, 174.3997802496, 130.5532836892, 189.7567138816], [153.52081297240002, 187.4688720896, 206.17327884440002, 199.5036621312], [211.3536987664, 314.136779776, 233.055419948, 349.4796142592], [181.735839868, 119.4504394752, 208.84552002, 147.1133423104], [118.6643676576, 77.4027709952, 182.28912354439998, 131.0688476672], [202.75964353160003, 97.8733520384, 225.44323731359998, 147.1133423104], [228.76281739599997, 110.045043968, 273.02343752999997, 148.2198486528], [225.1765746948, 111.295715328, 250.3242797648, 147.5380249088], [240.58477786760002, 301.1608886784, 278.3790283436, 334.0958252032], [151.0567626724, 105.95581056, 176.84863280279998, 143.906677248], [208.84471130371094, 314.2331848144531, 231.58973693847656, 366.0218811035156]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6], [7, 10, 12, 13], [8, 14, 15], [9], [11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047973_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a vase, a person, a necklace, two glasses, four bottles, three cups, a plate, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[31.2230835164, 10.19567872, 290.2348632488, 342.8518676992], [31.2230835164, 10.19567872, 290.2348632488, 342.8518676992], [239.7878418044, 299.1812744192, 281.199584924, 334.5695190528], [101.5892333664, 156.8513794048, 242.1155395344, 426], [28.6127929476, 251.6034545664, 55.5816040208, 267.301696768], [109.5654907376, 174.3997802496, 130.5532836892, 189.7567138816], [153.52081297240002, 187.4688720896, 206.17327884440002, 199.5036621312], [211.3536987664, 314.136779776, 233.055419948, 349.4796142592], [181.735839868, 119.4504394752, 208.84552002, 147.1133423104], [118.6643676576, 77.4027709952, 182.28912354439998, 131.0688476672], [202.75964353160003, 97.8733520384, 225.44323731359998, 147.1133423104], [228.76281739599997, 110.045043968, 273.02343752999997, 148.2198486528], [225.1765746948, 111.295715328, 250.3242797648, 147.5380249088], [240.58477786760002, 301.1608886784, 278.3790283436, 334.0958252032], [151.0567626724, 105.95581056, 176.84863280279998, 143.906677248], [208.84471130371094, 314.2331848144531, 231.58973693847656, 366.0218811035156]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6], [7, 10, 12, 13], [8, 14, 15], [9], [11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047974.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[292.75683596939996, 178.802605056, 523.7428588867188, 279.2933349609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047974_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[57.75683596939996, 25.802605056000004, 288.74285888671875, 126.2933349609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047974.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three barrels, a helmet, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[292.75683596939996, 178.802605056, 523.7428588867188, 279.2933349609375], [423.2484130732, 178.5070800896, 524.742431674, 280.7445068288], [404.32287596820004, 239.8197021696, 433.8029785458, 273.0314331136], [404.32287596820004, 214.4443969536, 427.8322754202, 239.4465332224], [292.75683596939996, 193.5836181504, 310.0711669892, 214.560668928], [423.167142618, 178.802605056, 446.4695712446, 199.666407424], [509.4833068847656, 250.91741943359375, 523.7428588867188, 279.2933349609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047974_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three barrels, a helmet, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[57.75683596939996, 25.802605056000004, 288.74285888671875, 126.2933349609375], [188.24841307320003, 25.50708008960001, 289.74243167400004, 127.74450682880001], [169.32287596820004, 86.81970216959999, 198.8029785458, 120.03143311359997], [169.32287596820004, 61.444396953600005, 192.8322754202, 86.4465332224], [57.75683596939996, 40.583618150400014, 75.07116698919998, 61.56066892800001], [188.167142618, 25.802605056000004, 211.4695712446, 46.666407424], [274.4833068847656, 97.91741943359375, 288.74285888671875, 126.2933349609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047975.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[313.1602478027344, 184.192138671875, 436.6358642688, 316.2241821184]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047975_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[31.160247802734375, 33.192138671875, 154.6358642688, 165.2241821184]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047975.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a ring, three cars, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[313.1602478027344, 184.192138671875, 436.6358642688, 316.2241821184], [372.45935055359996, 305.7984619008, 410.28979491839993, 316.2241821184], [362.6912841984, 245.5299682816, 386.49340823039995, 294.6699218944], [322.76281735680004, 230.1152343552, 335.9252929536, 266.3120727552], [421.715820288, 214.4310913024, 436.6358642688, 235.7454223872], [313.1602478027344, 184.192138671875, 395.8931579589844, 252.16348266601562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047975_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a ring, three cars, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[31.160247802734375, 33.192138671875, 154.6358642688, 165.2241821184], [90.45935055359996, 154.79846190080002, 128.28979491839993, 165.2241821184], [80.69128419840001, 94.52996828159999, 104.49340823039995, 143.66992189439998], [40.76281735680004, 79.11523435519999, 53.92529295359998, 115.3120727552], [139.71582028799997, 63.431091302400006, 154.6358642688, 84.7454223872], [31.160247802734375, 33.192138671875, 113.89315795898438, 101.16348266601562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047979.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[267.7821655409, 86.5819702272, 404.99938963569997, 317.8151245312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047979_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[34.782165540899996, 58.5819702272, 171.99938963569997, 289.8151245312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047979.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include seven bottles.", "boxes_value": [[267.7821655409, 86.5819702272, 404.99938963569997, 317.8151245312], [360.69177245080004, 190.9511718912, 404.0147704838, 275.6281127936], [320.3225097531, 193.9050292736, 354.7840576077, 277.5973510656], [366.5993652418, 86.5819702272, 404.99938963569997, 173.2280883712], [321.307128905, 92.4896240128, 356.7532959115, 182.0896606208], [272.0763549687, 91.5050049024, 314.41479491, 162.39733888], [270.1071167332, 185.0435180544, 312.4455566745, 274.643493632], [267.7821655409, 283.0923462144, 298.8879394673, 317.8151245312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047979_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include seven bottles.", "boxes_value": [[34.782165540899996, 58.5819702272, 171.99938963569997, 289.8151245312], [127.69177245080004, 162.9511718912, 171.01477048380002, 247.6281127936], [87.32250975310001, 165.9050292736, 121.78405760769999, 249.59735106559998], [133.5993652418, 58.5819702272, 171.99938963569997, 145.2280883712], [88.30712890500001, 64.4896240128, 123.7532959115, 154.0896606208], [39.0763549687, 63.5050049024, 81.41479491000001, 134.39733888], [37.10711673319997, 157.0435180544, 79.44555667449998, 246.643493632], [34.782165540899996, 255.09234621439998, 65.88793946729999, 289.8151245312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047980.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly provide a description for the content within the rectangular area of ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[526.2541503561, 197.4239501824, 752.9847412080001, 511.8167724544]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047980_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly provide a description for the content within the rectangular area of ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[57.25415035610001, 79.4239501824, 283.98474120800006, 393.8167724544]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047980.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly provide a description for the content within the rectangular area of ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a blackboard, a cup, two chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[526.2541503561, 197.4239501824, 752.9847412080001, 511.8167724544], [726.2125243896, 197.4239501824, 746.3570556864, 269.6813354496], [483.864624006, 195.9159545856, 646.4080810251, 266.604553216], [715.1220702885, 374.3315429888, 742.5664062474, 411.1471557632], [526.2541503561, 383.7243041792, 684.4860839661, 511.8167724544], [578.998046877, 341.9401245184, 722.8453369251, 510.7228393472], [607.7675781234, 371.3945312256, 752.9847412080001, 511.1317749248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047980_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly provide a description for the content within the rectangular area of ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a blackboard, a cup, two chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[57.25415035610001, 79.4239501824, 283.98474120800006, 393.8167724544], [257.21252438960005, 79.4239501824, 277.35705568640003, 151.6813354496], [14.864624005999985, 77.91595458559999, 177.40808102510005, 148.604553216], [246.12207028850003, 256.3315429888, 273.5664062474, 293.1471557632], [57.25415035610001, 265.7243041792, 215.48608396609995, 393.8167724544], [109.99804687699998, 223.9401245184, 253.8453369251, 392.7228393472], [138.76757812339997, 253.39453122560002, 283.98474120800006, 393.1317749248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047982.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[80.4869384704, 129.2874756096, 412.3975219712, 308.6329345536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047982_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[80.4869384704, 45.287475609599994, 412.3975219712, 224.63293455360002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047982.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flag, three people, two microphones, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[80.4869384704, 129.2874756096, 412.3975219712, 308.6329345536], [80.4869384704, 129.2874756096, 101.1906738176, 256.803588864], [305.360595712, 229.56542968319997, 364.2771606528, 285.0888672], [355.94866944, 240.0531616512, 412.3975219712, 300.8205566208], [392.3936767488, 229.2700195584, 418.8118286336, 277.4443359744], [344.6107788288, 258.6425781504, 376.5590820352, 291.115844736], [249.9071655424, 218.68353269760001, 277.1286621184, 308.6329345536], [325.1365966848, 260.543579136, 368.6917114368, 288.39367672320003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 7], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047982_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flag, three people, two microphones, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[80.4869384704, 45.287475609599994, 412.3975219712, 224.63293455360002], [80.4869384704, 45.287475609599994, 101.1906738176, 172.803588864], [305.360595712, 145.56542968319997, 364.2771606528, 201.08886719999998], [355.94866944, 156.0531616512, 412.3975219712, 216.8205566208], [392.3936767488, 145.2700195584, 418.8118286336, 193.44433597440002], [344.6107788288, 174.64257815040003, 376.5590820352, 207.11584473599999], [249.9071655424, 134.68353269760001, 277.1286621184, 224.63293455360002], [325.1365966848, 176.543579136, 368.6917114368, 204.39367672320003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 7], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047986.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a glasses, a tie, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[0.20086671359999997, 106.4484863488, 253.85699466239998, 512.2034912256], [0.20086671359999997, 106.4484863488, 253.85699466239998, 512.2034912256], [120.38507082240001, 97.1674804736, 202.8570556416, 512.2535400448], [164.6882323968, 146.2416992256, 203.5386352896, 219.1714477568], [187.1805420288, 139.4258422784, 275.1052246272, 499.3034668032], [133.4548950528, 146.3772582912, 179.4741210624, 165.458435072], [151.6384276992, 211.0633544704, 187.7499999744, 290.933654784], [219.15490721279997, 473.0975952384, 236.7677612544, 496.0572509696], [232.99359129600003, 439.1298828288, 264.1306152192, 459.5734253056]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047986_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a glasses, a tie, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[0.20086671359999997, 101.4484863488, 253.85699466239998, 507], [0.20086671359999997, 101.4484863488, 253.85699466239998, 507], [120.38507082240001, 92.1674804736, 202.8570556416, 507], [164.6882323968, 141.2416992256, 203.5386352896, 214.1714477568], [187.1805420288, 134.4258422784, 275.1052246272, 494.3034668032], [133.4548950528, 141.3772582912, 179.4741210624, 160.458435072], [151.6384276992, 206.0633544704, 187.7499999744, 285.933654784], [219.15490721279997, 468.0975952384, 236.7677612544, 491.0572509696], [232.99359129600003, 434.1298828288, 264.1306152192, 454.5734253056]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047993.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[97.7413330176, 170.981201152, 218.2719726336, 512.0001220608]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047993_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[30.7413330176, 85.98120115200001, 151.2719726336, 427]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047993.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two stools, a carpet, a picture, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[97.7413330176, 170.981201152, 218.2719726336, 512.0001220608], [123.8761596672, 479.2783813632, 173.3798217984, 511.8093261824], [119.16156003840001, 476.9210815488, 205.43933107200002, 510.3949584896], [186.7512817152, 400.380859392, 218.2719726336, 450.086608896], [121.23583987200001, 170.981201152, 136.0844116224, 207.1907958784], [97.7413330176, 471.4286498816, 143.6046142464, 512.0001220608]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047993_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two stools, a carpet, a picture, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[30.7413330176, 85.98120115200001, 151.2719726336, 427], [56.8761596672, 394.2783813632, 106.3798217984, 426.8093261824], [52.16156003840001, 391.9210815488, 138.43933107200002, 425.3949584896], [119.75128171520001, 315.380859392, 151.2719726336, 365.086608896], [54.235839872000014, 85.98120115200001, 69.08441162240001, 122.1907958784], [30.7413330176, 386.4286498816, 76.60461424639999, 427]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047994.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[309.2938842624, 208.9929809835, 512.5180663808, 336.6515502684]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047994_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[51.29388426240001, 31.99298098349999, 254, 159.6515502684]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047994.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, three cups, and a trolley.", "boxes_value": [[309.2938842624, 208.9929809835, 512.5180663808, 336.6515502684], [309.2938842624, 297.1201782441, 346.8345336832, 336.6515502684], [391.130371072, 240.7779541038, 415.6044311552, 274.8668212725], [412.2829590016, 230.63873290109998, 450.3925781504, 278.01348878790003], [449.8861694464, 208.9929809835, 512.5180663808, 284.3635864323], [324.9086914048, 244.4787597438, 351.68139648, 347.9187011709]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047994_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, three cups, and a trolley.", "boxes_value": [[51.29388426240001, 31.99298098349999, 254, 159.6515502684], [51.29388426240001, 120.12017824409998, 88.8345336832, 159.6515502684], [133.130371072, 63.7779541038, 157.60443115520002, 97.86682127249998], [154.28295900159998, 53.638732901099985, 192.39257815040003, 101.01348878790003], [191.8861694464, 31.99298098349999, 254, 107.3635864323], [66.90869140479998, 67.4787597438, 93.68139647999999, 170.91870117090002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047995.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[181.2415771267, 313.2188110336, 618.3177490471, 510.742492672]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047995_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[110.24157712670001, 50.21881103359999, 547.3177490471, 247.74249267200003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047995.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cup, five chairs, a candle, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[181.2415771267, 313.2188110336, 618.3177490471, 510.742492672], [318.2630005052, 288.9353637888, 363.87426759699997, 342.907409664], [421.6557616852, 324.6950683648, 637.4617919641, 510.3552246272], [243.1154175128, 313.2188110336, 411.71118162700003, 510.742492672], [177.73260499600002, 294.6766357504, 268.1264038165, 467.413085952], [206.3784789711, 284.5845337088, 266.3590087699, 430.31030272], [424.8032226458, 297.3901367296, 499.41870114939996, 360.1763305472], [331.2647704861, 295.7753906176, 349.3322143609, 345.1234741248], [181.2415771267, 319.8953247232, 618.3177490471, 508.8713378816]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047995_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cup, five chairs, a candle, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[110.24157712670001, 50.21881103359999, 547.3177490471, 247.74249267200003], [247.2630005052, 25.935363788799975, 292.87426759699997, 79.907409664], [350.6557616852, 61.69506836480002, 566.4617919641, 247.35522462720002], [172.1154175128, 50.21881103359999, 340.71118162700003, 247.74249267200003], [106.73260499600002, 31.67663575040001, 197.1264038165, 204.41308595200002], [135.3784789711, 21.584533708799995, 195.35900876990002, 167.31030271999998], [353.8032226458, 34.39013672959999, 428.41870114939996, 97.1763305472], [260.2647704861, 32.77539061760001, 278.3322143609, 82.1234741248], [110.24157712670001, 56.89532472320002, 547.3177490471, 245.87133788160003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047996.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[124.47460937999999, 244.7034912256, 613.487670908, 293.9710083072]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047996_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[122.47460937999999, 12.703491225600004, 611.487670908, 61.97100830720001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047996.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, two people, two buses, and a truck.", "boxes_value": [[124.47460937999999, 244.7034912256, 613.487670908, 293.9710083072], [471.050659174, 244.7034912256, 484.03369142599996, 271.0631713792], [428.83764650800003, 254.1187744256, 444.10021974, 294.818908672], [449.01818845199995, 250.7270508032, 464.789428718, 293.9710083072], [124.47460937999999, 245.731689472, 195.64385987400001, 273.20050048], [377.356262212, 246.785644544, 436.32336425399996, 271.1364135936], [586.5692138640001, 253.679199232, 613.487670908, 270.1986694144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047996_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, two people, two buses, and a truck.", "boxes_value": [[122.47460937999999, 12.703491225600004, 611.487670908, 61.97100830720001], [469.050659174, 12.703491225600004, 482.03369142599996, 39.063171379200014], [426.83764650800003, 22.11877442560001, 442.10021974, 62.81890867200002], [447.01818845199995, 18.7270508032, 462.789428718, 61.97100830720001], [122.47460937999999, 13.731689472, 193.64385987400001, 41.20050048000002], [375.356262212, 14.785644544000007, 434.32336425399996, 39.136413593600025], [584.5692138640001, 21.679199232000002, 611.487670908, 38.1986694144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047999.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[131.0315551619, 1.6374511616, 282.578247046, 153.7552489984]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047999_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[38.0315551619, 1.6374511616, 189.578247046, 153.7552489984]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047999.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a lamp, a clock, a mirror, a cabinet, and a recorder.", "boxes_value": [[131.0315551619, 1.6374511616, 282.578247046, 153.7552489984], [237.81170652039998, 0, 294.2124633771, 45.9559326208], [193.8039550898, 41.4596557824, 264.87396240059996, 153.7552489984], [245.65216062539997, 117.5880126976, 282.578247046, 150.2144164864], [146.289245632, 1.6374511616, 208.07354734260002, 100.4923095552], [131.0315551619, 97.3161010688, 203.6447753602, 141.256347648], [189.6996460139, 102.8012695552, 256.1776123096, 145.8517455872]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00047999_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a lamp, a clock, a mirror, a cabinet, and a recorder.", "boxes_value": [[38.0315551619, 1.6374511616, 189.578247046, 153.7552489984], [144.81170652039998, 0, 201.2124633771, 45.9559326208], [100.80395508980001, 41.4596557824, 171.87396240059996, 153.7552489984], [152.65216062539997, 117.5880126976, 189.578247046, 150.2144164864], [53.28924563199999, 1.6374511616, 115.07354734260002, 100.4923095552], [38.0315551619, 97.3161010688, 110.64477536019999, 141.256347648], [96.69964601390001, 102.8012695552, 163.17761230960002, 145.8517455872]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048001.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[566.6917724319, 27.4748535296, 682.2987060499, 511.9641723392]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048001_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[29.69177243189995, 27.4748535296, 145.29870604990003, 511.9641723392]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048001.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two hats.", "boxes_value": [[566.6917724319, 27.4748535296, 682.2987060499, 511.9641723392], [566.6917724319, 319.4731445248, 682.2987060499, 511.9641723392], [609.6005859464, 155.6032104448, 680.1054687439, 358.4592285184], [647.4073486175, 27.4748535296, 663.7651367377, 47.9220580864], [632.0356445476, 155.3236694528, 673.1043701407, 184.6193847808], [627.8504639005, 318.9561767424, 682.1618652241, 403.5913696256]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048001_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two hats.", "boxes_value": [[29.69177243189995, 27.4748535296, 145.29870604990003, 511.9641723392], [29.69177243189995, 319.4731445248, 145.29870604990003, 511.9641723392], [72.60058594639997, 155.6032104448, 143.10546874390002, 358.4592285184], [110.40734861750002, 27.4748535296, 126.7651367377, 47.9220580864], [95.03564454759999, 155.3236694528, 136.10437014069998, 184.6193847808], [90.85046390050002, 318.9561767424, 145.16186522409998, 403.5913696256]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048002.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[44.708068845, 98.4171142656, 199.4101562475, 313.1629638656]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048002_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[38.708068845, 54.417114265600006, 193.4101562475, 269.1629638656]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048002.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, a boots, and a horse.", "boxes_value": [[44.708068845, 98.4171142656, 199.4101562475, 313.1629638656], [57.3751220625, 98.4171142656, 126.8120727225, 208.7321777152], [133.2018432525, 142.0151367168, 221.7678222375, 282.710998528], [169.62683108250002, 141.5676879872, 199.4101562475, 166.8835449344], [133.88671873500002, 236.8745727488, 156.96887208750002, 266.6579589632], [44.708068845, 111.3490600448, 123.55438235250001, 313.1629638656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048002_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, a boots, and a horse.", "boxes_value": [[38.708068845, 54.417114265600006, 193.4101562475, 269.1629638656], [51.3751220625, 54.417114265600006, 120.8120727225, 164.7321777152], [127.2018432525, 98.01513671679999, 215.7678222375, 238.710998528], [163.62683108250002, 97.5676879872, 193.4101562475, 122.88354493439999], [127.88671873500002, 192.8745727488, 150.96887208750002, 222.65795896319997], [38.708068845, 67.3490600448, 117.55438235250001, 269.1629638656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048004.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[806.7940673424, 158.2825469970703, 911.9299316784001, 512.0343017472]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048006_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[26.794067342400012, 89.28254699707031, 131.92993167840007, 443]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048006.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people, and a traffic light.", "boxes_value": [[806.7940673424, 158.2825469970703, 911.9299316784001, 512.0343017472], [806.7940673424, 477.5150756864, 828.2092285392, 512.0343017472], [869.8360595904, 454.9155273216, 884.5135498320001, 490.3629150208], [879.5288086319999, 452.9769897472, 892.8215332128, 489.5321044992], [903.8988036815999, 449.6538085888, 911.9299316784001, 493.132263168], [817.0270995936, 423.4850463744, 832.1108398704, 456.3258056704], [810.81298828125, 158.2825469970703, 830.1943359375, 200.56871032714844]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048006_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people, and a traffic light.", "boxes_value": [[26.794067342400012, 89.28254699707031, 131.92993167840007, 443], [26.794067342400012, 408.5150756864, 48.20922853920001, 443], [89.83605959040005, 385.9155273216, 104.51354983200008, 421.3629150208], [99.52880863199994, 383.9769897472, 112.82153321279998, 420.5321044992], [123.89880368159993, 380.6538085888, 131.92993167840007, 424.132263168], [37.02709959360004, 354.4850463744, 52.110839870400014, 387.3258056704], [30.81298828125, 89.28254699707031, 50.1943359375, 131.56871032714844]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048007.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a desk, and two pillows.", "boxes_value": [[87.4786377164, 52.896484352000016, 435.1480712612, 263.9270629888], [25.616210914199996, 70.85656739839999, 150.83764646900002, 253.94927979520003], [179.77331541150002, 76.84326169600001, 317.4670410131, 263.9270629888], [193.24334715749998, 52.896484352000016, 287.0347289917, 209.04913331199998], [87.4786377164, 84.32659911680003, 268.07690432600003, 241.97589109760003], [362.4401855554, 75.66387937280001, 435.1480712612, 137.2924804608], [336.1268310475, 78.77990722560003, 373.5194092001, 140.06231690240003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048008.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a sink, a marker, two pens, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[93.86529541120001, 389.434814464, 282.61212159210004, 511.152587890625], [194.7140502676, 424.5948486144, 282.61212159210004, 464.5203247104], [148.73736569759998, 479.9454956032, 203.969421379, 498.0493164032], [176.04656985809999, 477.7975463936, 246.92773436230001, 492.2192382976], [93.86529541120001, 389.434814464, 134.1063842799, 444.3090209792], [243.72189331054688, 495.35693359375, 272.5320739746094, 511.152587890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048008_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a sink, a marker, two pens, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[47.86529541120001, 30.434814464, 236.61212159210004, 152.152587890625], [148.7140502676, 65.59484861440001, 236.61212159210004, 105.52032471040002], [102.73736569759998, 120.94549560320002, 157.969421379, 139.0493164032], [130.04656985809999, 118.79754639359999, 200.92773436230001, 133.2192382976], [47.86529541120001, 30.434814464, 88.1063842799, 85.3090209792], [197.72189331054688, 136.35693359375, 226.53207397460938, 152.152587890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048009.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a stool, a person, and two slippers.", "boxes_value": [[37.44824220700002, 44.32647705599999, 187.10729980769997, 219.66259763199997], [37.44824220700002, 60.519958476800014, 67.45690920369998, 119.19360353280001], [28.3735351821, 34.281860352000024, 58.396362271399994, 79.41040040960002], [138.57067871499999, 44.32647705599999, 187.10729980769997, 145.92962647040002], [131.07092283630004, 77.06854246400002, 187.83715818380006, 220.05816652800002], [131.90527345069995, 196.27252198399998, 179.49755859489994, 219.66259763199997], [144.24999999729994, 156.62133790719997, 167.96496583379997, 174.32629396480002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048010.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, two stools, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[119.5317993333, 297.7377319424, 495.9383544719, 366.9234619392], [456.8854980514, 301.8401489408, 495.9383544719, 327.6920776192], [145.24737550769999, 297.7377319424, 198.8356323452, 330.9439087104], [119.5317993333, 323.2931518464, 171.81604006, 366.9234619392], [117.2595215108, 331.2259521536, 151.2629394658, 370.529296896], [418.783569349, 320.9131469824, 443.2841797039, 335.8753661952]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048010_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, two stools, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[94.5317993333, 17.73773194239999, 470.9383544719, 86.92346193920002], [431.8854980514, 21.84014894080002, 470.9383544719, 47.692077619200006], [120.24737550769999, 17.73773194239999, 173.8356323452, 50.943908710400024], [94.5317993333, 43.29315184640001, 146.81604006, 86.92346193920002], [92.2595215108, 51.22595215360002, 126.2629394658, 90.529296896], [393.783569349, 40.91314698240001, 418.2841797039, 55.8753661952]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048012.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a clock, two lamps, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[173.369628928, 113.4212646764, 436.6262206976, 314.27111813799996], [267.1275024384, 232.5586547744, 306.5417480704, 315.23242184590003], [188.2990112256, 232.0780029513, 219.541992192, 314.27111813799996], [223.8809204224, 162.05975339100002, 269.0762329088, 315.1972656178], [409.6703491072, 113.4212646764, 436.6262206976, 184.3359374947], [173.369628928, 183.3038330368, 183.9755249152, 214.2377319564], [353.0863647232, 158.4103393755, 421.172790528, 197.12170407609997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048012_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a clock, two lamps, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[66.369628928, 50.4212646764, 329.6262206976, 251.27111813799996], [160.12750243839997, 169.5586547744, 199.5417480704, 252.23242184590003], [81.2990112256, 169.0780029513, 112.54199219200001, 251.27111813799996], [116.88092042240001, 99.05975339100002, 162.07623290880002, 252.19726561779999], [302.6703491072, 50.4212646764, 329.6262206976, 121.3359374947], [66.369628928, 120.3038330368, 76.9755249152, 151.2377319564], [246.0863647232, 95.4103393755, 314.172790528, 134.12170407609997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048016.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[343.5632323863, 114.9938354688, 414.64685061570003, 336.36163328]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048016_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[18.5632323863, 55.9938354688, 89.64685061570003, 277.36163328]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048016.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a flower, a vase, a fan, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[343.5632323863, 114.9938354688, 414.64685061570003, 336.36163328], [343.5632323863, 218.640563968, 382.8059081925, 245.494323712], [375.0295410522, 167.8394775552, 414.64685061570003, 224.3272705024], [393.8538818376, 223.0175171072, 409.49145510780005, 243.4299316224], [346.68603512010003, 114.9938354688, 382.8245849736, 145.5725707776], [354.01013180999996, 323.667236352, 396.1185302688, 336.36163328]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048016_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a flower, a vase, a fan, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[18.5632323863, 55.9938354688, 89.64685061570003, 277.36163328], [18.5632323863, 159.640563968, 57.8059081925, 186.494323712], [50.02954105219999, 108.8394775552, 89.64685061570003, 165.3272705024], [68.8538818376, 164.0175171072, 84.49145510780005, 184.4299316224], [21.68603512010003, 55.9938354688, 57.8245849736, 86.57257077759999], [29.01013180999996, 264.667236352, 71.11853026879999, 277.36163328]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048019.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[527.4206543216, 250.1915283456, 764.7065429621, 353.3749389824]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048019_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[59.420654321599955, 26.191528345600005, 296.7065429621, 129.3749389824]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048019.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, six people, two handbags, and a backpack.", "boxes_value": [[527.4206543216, 250.1915283456, 764.7065429621, 353.3749389824], [525.219604527, 301.931335424, 643.515136756, 357.7425537024], [527.4206543216, 253.2640991232, 561.6381835977, 353.3749389824], [565.0600585733, 250.1915283456, 598.2440185517, 299.129638656], [591.5401611586, 268.9622802944, 629.2493896105999, 305.1630859264], [662.8941650721, 242.968200704, 691.2268066519999, 379.9998169088], [711.931396488, 230.1640625152, 757.6993408305, 388.7175292928], [695.8386230765001, 236.0407104512, 723.3928222592, 381.517639168], [542.9272461019, 321.1588745216, 566.5286865449999, 349.6305542144], [662.433349589, 275.454345728, 687.1586913759, 303.9260253696], [750.8453368795, 272.0827026432, 764.7065429621, 302.802124032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 10], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048019_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a watch, a glasses, a sandals, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[81.99841309500005, 86.5948486144, 407.5446777003, 432.0739746304], [45.250000005599986, 106.5714111488, 126.25000003739996, 395.2142944256], [82.04284667310003, 121.44897459200001, 330.8623046535, 482], [81.99841309500005, 339.234619136, 116.27441407019995, 357.4964599808], [336.66418458659996, 86.5948486144, 407.5446777003, 432.0739746304], [129.39318847380002, 190.6966552576, 189.42687988379998, 206.0337524224], [356.95727536050003, 414.505249024, 379.6676025588, 430.615051264], [320.512451154, 371.573486336, 340.00695801509994, 399.760864256]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4], [3], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048029.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? 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Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0, 23.7751464852, 202.8342895616, 584.6624756104]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048032.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, two vases, and a bracelet.", "boxes_value": [[0, 23.7751464852, 202.8342895616, 584.6624756104], [0, 248.30310055319998, 47.379272448, 375.6391601468], [0, 422.48913575660004, 30.5612792832, 517.3906250282], [0, 504.1765137046, 17.3471679488, 584.6624756104], [43.8533325312, 237.3785400228, 83.6328124928, 265.5435791294], [170.082824704, 23.7751464852, 202.8342895616, 58.825012215200005]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048032_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[34.71326446533203, 11.974212646484375, 171.43099975585938, 58.913970947265625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048035.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[34.71326446533203, 11.974212646484375, 171.43099975585938, 58.913970947265625], [34.71326446533203, 20.78863525390625, 68.74107360839844, 46.18359375], [154.11257934570312, 11.974212646484375, 171.43099975585938, 25.329132080078125], [134.48309326171875, 44.823333740234375, 153.23333740234375, 58.913970947265625], [76.95513916015625, 26.043060302734375, 104.73800659179688, 39.929168701171875], [102.97067260742188, 37.67010498046875, 116.03955078125, 49.3385009765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048037.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[625.701782244, 152.3741454848, 769.5119629120001, 389.24102784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048037_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[36.701782244000015, 59.37414548480001, 180.51196291200006, 296.24102784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048037.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a person, a glasses, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[625.701782244, 152.3741454848, 769.5119629120001, 389.24102784], [625.701782244, 244.080627456, 769.5119629120001, 389.24102784], [610.5609131159999, 131.8308716032, 768.564331073, 384.0068359168], [692.979736295, 152.3741454848, 726.779663071, 164.880126976], [668.3345946969999, 350.1658324992, 715.767822231, 383.8178100736], [636.926025428, 343.7559204352, 688.846191418, 379.3308716032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048037_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a person, a glasses, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[36.701782244000015, 59.37414548480001, 180.51196291200006, 296.24102784], [36.701782244000015, 151.080627456, 180.51196291200006, 296.24102784], [21.560913115999938, 38.830871603199995, 179.56433107299995, 291.0068359168], [103.97973629499995, 59.37414548480001, 137.77966307099996, 71.88012697600001], [79.33459469699994, 257.1658324992, 126.76782223099997, 290.8178100736], [47.926025428, 250.75592043519998, 99.84619141799999, 286.3308716032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048039.jpg", "text": "What's the story in the section of the included visual ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a necklace, a glasses, a hat, a van, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[93.1715088, 87.393310546, 352.24395749999996, 349.5023193715], [285.86724855, 206.6428222365, 321.90686035, 278.7220458885], [280.1063843, 130.0552978885, 332.85217285, 150.22283939099998], [264.9807129, 87.393310546, 352.24395749999996, 154.101196324], [159.33007809999998, 265.7516479635, 223.95245359999998, 349.5023193715], [93.1715088, 311.223388644, 150.94818115, 346.166137678]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048042_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[29.646728531199997, 44.85827635199999, 146.2551269497, 222.3313598464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048043.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a towel, a microwave, a bowl, a cup, and a power outlet.", "boxes_value": [[67.6467285312, 129.858276352, 184.2551269497, 307.3313598464], [59.6163940743, 68.7363281408, 192.6262206931, 233.4151611392], [89.59722902589999, 285.6547851776, 174.39093018469998, 307.3313598464], [83.3962402664, 151.5361938432, 184.2551269497, 211.680969216], [101.41088864929999, 129.858276352, 152.5463256982, 143.4248047104], [67.6467285312, 271.2409668096, 94.25274655839999, 306.0706787328], [101.0279312133789, 240.3957977294922, 142.80966186523438, 257.6359558105469]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048043_crop.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a towel, a microwave, a bowl, a cup, and a power outlet.", "boxes_value": [[29.646728531199997, 44.85827635199999, 146.2551269497, 222.3313598464], [21.616394074299997, 0, 154.6262206931, 148.4151611392], [51.59722902589999, 200.6547851776, 136.39093018469998, 222.3313598464], [45.3962402664, 66.53619384320001, 146.2551269497, 126.680969216], [63.41088864929999, 44.85827635199999, 114.54632569820001, 58.4248047104], [29.646728531199997, 186.24096680960002, 56.25274655839999, 221.0706787328], [63.027931213378906, 155.3957977294922, 104.80966186523438, 172.63595581054688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048046.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a desk, a car, and a suv.", "boxes_value": [[47.04083253799999, 20.08538818560001, 235.0406493878, 97.09661864959998], [101.0590210158, 31.264831539200003, 174.77209470799997, 97.09661864959998], [170.59967041740003, 28.019592294400013, 235.0406493878, 89.6789550592], [147.89117429159998, 20.08538818560001, 188.0828246966, 81.3946533376], [148.91302487919998, 27.578735359999996, 236.4490966518, 90.5910644736], [37.5352172776, 51.51287843840001, 66.7976074118, 68.8466797056], [47.04083253799999, 46.85327150079999, 80.1241454956, 62.50958254080001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048047.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[303.2601928582, 47.0776977408, 651.5415039055, 511.5159301632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048047_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[87.26019285820001, 47.0776977408, 435.5415039055, 511.5159301632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048047.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, four people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[303.2601928582, 47.0776977408, 651.5415039055, 511.5159301632], [391.56213376200003, 381.025512704, 417.71850584239996, 409.2864379904], [505.63476559349994, 47.0776977408, 562.6710204832, 193.6476440576], [595.8316650678, 165.1295165952, 651.5415039055, 378.6839599616], [538.7952880577001, 193.6476440576, 639.6036377269, 425.7720336896], [303.2601928582, 288.1080932864, 393.6466064598, 511.5159301632], [537.815413297, 413.7846076928, 569.7599360163, 425.3319733248], [615.9493983766, 364.3618829312, 643.6630758201001, 377.7568270336]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048047_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, four people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[87.26019285820001, 47.0776977408, 435.5415039055, 511.5159301632], [175.56213376200003, 381.025512704, 201.71850584239996, 409.2864379904], [289.63476559349994, 47.0776977408, 346.6710204832, 193.6476440576], [379.83166506780003, 165.1295165952, 435.5415039055, 378.6839599616], [322.7952880577001, 193.6476440576, 423.60363772690005, 425.7720336896], [87.26019285820001, 288.1080932864, 177.6466064598, 511.5159301632], [321.81541329699996, 413.7846076928, 353.7599360163, 425.3319733248], [399.9493983766, 364.3618829312, 427.66307582010006, 377.7568270336]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048049.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[410.8929443179, 375.851135232, 682.6320800574, 432.9978637824]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048049_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[68.8929443179, 14.85113523199999, 340.6320800574, 71.99786378239997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048049.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[410.8929443179, 375.851135232, 682.6320800574, 432.9978637824], [671.5999755582, 397.9362182656, 682.6320800574, 432.8337402368], [640.780517554, 379.6284179456, 657.56945803, 427.8319091712], [434.7675781379, 375.851135232, 451.276611349, 432.9978637824], [410.8929443179, 378.1370239488, 428.4179687833, 431.4739379712], [615.5368652155, 385.3364868096, 631.0754394356001, 426.5612792832]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048049_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[68.8929443179, 14.85113523199999, 340.6320800574, 71.99786378239997], [329.59997555819996, 36.93621826560002, 340.6320800574, 71.8337402368], [298.78051755399997, 18.628417945600006, 315.56945802999996, 66.83190917119998], [92.76757813789999, 14.85113523199999, 109.276611349, 71.99786378239997], [68.8929443179, 17.137023948799992, 86.41796878330001, 70.47393797119997], [273.53686521550003, 24.33648680959999, 289.07543943560006, 65.56127928320001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048051.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[671.231689453125, 253.9496459776, 770.6950683435, 453.20855712890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048051_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[25.231689453125, 49.9496459776, 124.6950683435, 249.20855712890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048051.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[671.231689453125, 253.9496459776, 770.6950683435, 453.20855712890625], [644.9250488646001, 346.5462035968, 770.9799804452999, 442.4468383744], [752.7187499955, 253.9496459776, 770.6950683435, 335.7891845632], [661.9440917622, 232.502624512, 730.369018572, 453.8082275328], [686.1583862304688, 440.8177490234375, 707.7068481445312, 453.07861328125], [671.231689453125, 422.33746337890625, 687.2679443359375, 453.20855712890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048051_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[25.231689453125, 49.9496459776, 124.6950683435, 249.20855712890625], [0, 142.5462035968, 124.97998044529993, 238.4468383744], [106.71874999550005, 49.9496459776, 124.6950683435, 131.78918456320002], [15.944091762199946, 28.50262451200001, 84.36901857199996, 249.8082275328], [40.15838623046875, 236.8177490234375, 61.70684814453125, 249.07861328125], [25.231689453125, 218.33746337890625, 41.2679443359375, 249.20855712890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048053.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[270.5260009747, 108.9360351744, 401.0024413981, 379.8851928576]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048053_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two cars, a bicycle, and a motorcycle.", "boxes_value": [[26.5159911936, 23.72552491319999, 131.1906127872, 115.68518065839999], [100.76263429119999, 23.72552491319999, 131.1906127872, 107.83715823040001], [75.18280028160001, 54.19537352179998, 87.34948730880001, 87.41979978820001], [26.5159911936, 49.98382565970002, 83.6058959872, 93.65917970449999], [97.63861084160001, 54.685180688200035, 130.7907715072, 115.68518065839999], [92.6533202944, 59.92047117160001, 107.4631958016, 85.69360348280003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048056.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[280.1314697428, 195.9875488256, 392.018432624, 318.5399780352]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048056_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a trash bin can, two desks, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[366.07470704419995, 242.9980468736, 542.9436035066001, 337.1975097856], [345.4373779338, 218.7288818176, 412.167236337, 340.9003906048], [511.74829101219996, 242.9980468736, 542.9436035066001, 273.0206298624], [374.9729003687, 272.494445824, 536.4493408307, 337.1975097856], [340.6521606137, 239.8615722496, 510.0054931624, 274.1823119872], [447.1762695469, 255.330139136, 491.60131833680003, 274.1849975808], [366.07470704419995, 256.6215820288, 428.321533213, 331.524353024]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048065_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a trash bin can, two desks, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[45.074707044199954, 23.998046873600003, 221.94360350660008, 118.1975097856], [24.437377933800008, 0, 91.16723633700002, 121.90039060480001], [190.74829101219996, 23.998046873600003, 221.94360350660008, 54.02062986240003], [53.97290036869998, 53.494445824000024, 215.44934083069995, 118.1975097856], [19.652160613700005, 20.861572249599988, 189.0054931624, 55.18231198720002], [126.17626954690002, 36.330139136000014, 170.60131833680003, 55.18499758079997], [45.074707044199954, 37.62158202879999, 107.32153321300001, 112.52435302399999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048067.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a cup, a plate, two bowls, and a stool.", "boxes_value": [[310.7733154008, 149.505249024, 471.8826904512, 446.8906860544], [314.596618644, 174.6987304448, 577.3209228695999, 377.7607421952], [368.7738036864, 229.9233398272, 398.839843752, 252.245117184], [354.85913084159995, 247.960205056, 398.70318602519995, 258.6702270464], [366.3657836916, 149.505249024, 399.20617674839997, 169.2444457984], [364.61895752519996, 164.1786499072, 390.29736328800004, 178.502624512], [310.7733154008, 174.5066528256, 471.8826904512, 446.8906860544]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048067_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a cup, a plate, two bowls, and a stool.", "boxes_value": [[40.773315400800016, 74.505249024, 201.8826904512, 371.8906860544], [44.59661864399999, 99.69873044479999, 242, 302.7607421952], [98.77380368640002, 154.9233398272, 128.83984375199998, 177.245117184], [84.85913084159995, 172.960205056, 128.70318602519995, 183.6702270464], [96.36578369159997, 74.505249024, 129.20617674839997, 94.2444457984], [94.61895752519996, 89.1786499072, 120.29736328800004, 103.50262451200001], [40.773315400800016, 99.50665282560001, 201.8826904512, 371.8906860544]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048070.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pillows, a desk, and three remotes.", "boxes_value": [[43.21679690230002, 66.8101806592, 215.6403808315, 330.4583740416], [86.70196534719997, 60.409057638399986, 159.24768064750003, 132.9548339712], [121.90795896549997, 66.8101806592, 201.92175296349996, 140.4227905024], [43.21679690230002, 170.8348388864, 215.6403808315, 330.4583740416], [136.005737329, 192.7130126848, 174.93127442800005, 208.23059082240002], [128.6414794648, 191.1349487104, 158.36157223239996, 205.86352537599998], [107.16326901040003, 184.56506347520002, 144.65020750179997, 204.6611938304]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048071.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a cell phone, and two wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[0.12890626560000001, 191.6173095936, 238.51113891601562, 461.6452026368], [0.12890626560000001, 219.243957504, 65.1851196672, 461.6452026368], [19.734924288, 191.6173095936, 113.30889891839999, 303.0149536256], [0.12890626560000001, 278.0618896384, 275.5039062528, 512.4425048576], [30.2826537984, 274.1340332032, 54.609130828800005, 304.441955584], [188.8055419921875, 323.3060607910156, 218.14697265625, 398.0404968261719], [215.07723999023438, 295.5747375488281, 238.51113891601562, 356.6940612792969]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048071_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[30.729492160000007, 0.43655395199999997, 153.18200684800001, 313.226989728]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048073.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, a mirror, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[30.729492160000007, 0.43655395199999997, 153.18200684800001, 313.226989728], [72.77587891200005, 0.43655395199999997, 153.18200684800001, 76.665710448], [30.729492160000007, 116.0162964, 46.511718719999976, 151.526367168], [95.37377926399995, 124.649780304, 110.45495603199993, 149.245544448], [3.110595711999963, 222.202392576, 112.92871091200004, 318.55529784], [58.34875488, 237.03228758400002, 95.15673830399999, 313.226989728]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048076.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[496.5239257513, 302.8139038208, 565.8463135055, 439.0337219238281]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048076_crop.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[17.5239257513, 34.81390382080002, 86.8463135055, 171.03372192382812]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048076.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, a telephone, three cups, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[496.5239257513, 302.8139038208, 565.8463135055, 439.0337219238281], [490.40295413, 320.8488769536, 572.5020752196, 378.0694580224], [501.30249024159997, 302.8139038208, 535.7943115248, 325.421997056], [496.5239257513, 404.9292602368, 521.3132324200001, 437.1773681664], [498.93701174169996, 352.937438976, 523.5069580027, 412.6074218496], [529.8688964634999, 372.461792, 565.8463135055, 420.2855224832], [528.4669799804688, 393.2323303222656, 554.5482788085938, 439.0337219238281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5, 6], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048076_crop.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, a telephone, three cups, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[17.5239257513, 34.81390382080002, 86.8463135055, 171.03372192382812], [11.402954130000012, 52.848876953599984, 93.50207521959999, 110.0694580224], [22.30249024159997, 34.81390382080002, 56.79431152480004, 57.42199705600001], [17.5239257513, 136.92926023680002, 42.31323242000008, 169.17736816640002], [19.937011741699962, 84.93743897600001, 44.5069580027, 144.60742184959997], [50.86889646349994, 104.461792, 86.8463135055, 152.2855224832], [49.46697998046875, 125.23233032226562, 75.54827880859375, 171.03372192382812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5, 6], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048077.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the region in the given photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[257.146362298, 180.7612304896, 334.7829589795, 364.1661376953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048077_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the region in the given photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[20.146362297999985, 46.761230489599996, 97.7829589795, 230.1661376953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048077.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the region in the given photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a trash bin can, two street lights, a suv, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[257.146362298, 180.7612304896, 334.7829589795, 364.1661376953125], [257.146362298, 309.880432128, 271.4455566587, 342.8544922112], [274.6395873762, 180.7612304896, 321.3833618134, 315.1495361536], [281.9313964602, 285.5185546752, 305.327209442, 303.6314086912], [323.3237304585, 235.5258788864, 334.7829589795, 301.6208496128], [286.6966247558594, 293.354248046875, 314.5637512207031, 364.1661376953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048077_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the region in the given photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a trash bin can, two street lights, a suv, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[20.146362297999985, 46.761230489599996, 97.7829589795, 230.1661376953125], [20.146362297999985, 175.880432128, 34.44555665870001, 208.8544922112], [37.639587376199984, 46.761230489599996, 84.38336181339997, 181.14953615360002], [44.931396460200006, 151.5185546752, 68.32720944200003, 169.63140869120002], [86.3237304585, 101.5258788864, 97.7829589795, 167.6208496128], [49.696624755859375, 159.354248046875, 77.56375122070312, 230.1661376953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048081.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[8.8883695616, 396.489556377, 228.0978618368, 676.7588184795001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048082_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[8.8883695616, 70.48955637699999, 228.0978618368, 350.75881847950006]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048082.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[8.8883695616, 70.48955637699999, 228.0978618368, 350.75881847950006], [181.1398579712, 304.30573939149997, 228.0978618368, 350.75881847950006], [124.0833586688, 267.44623100800004, 177.1004598272, 327.02735414949996], [8.8883695616, 131.08052909050002, 39.1838559232, 160.07763744249996], [32.6919660032, 76.11586094950002, 60.823489024, 134.97566306650003], [123.1456324096, 70.48955637699999, 146.5164361728, 113.76882259000001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048085.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[153.07525633400002, 254.5344848384, 582.6759033412001, 503.9127197184]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048085_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[108.07525633400002, 62.534484838400004, 537.6759033412001, 311.9127197184]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048085.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four stuffed toys, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[153.07525633400002, 254.5344848384, 582.6759033412001, 503.9127197184], [153.07525633400002, 313.2197876224, 212.7225952259, 493.60498048], [232.4447021507, 305.0423583744, 318.5485839734, 483.9844360192], [316.1434325989, 254.5344848384, 440.7294921728, 494.5670166016], [418.1212158243, 109.9514160128, 531.9184570016, 445.7771606528], [437.91210938660004, 296.7274169856, 559.1308593672, 503.9127197184], [545.1198730436, 306.8492431872, 582.6759033412001, 452.5665893376]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 5, 6], [2, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048085_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four stuffed toys, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[108.07525633400002, 62.534484838400004, 537.6759033412001, 311.9127197184], [108.07525633400002, 121.21978762240002, 167.7225952259, 301.60498048], [187.4447021507, 113.04235837440001, 273.5485839734, 291.9844360192], [271.1434325989, 62.534484838400004, 395.7294921728, 302.5670166016], [373.1212158243, 0, 486.9184570016, 253.77716065279998], [392.91210938660004, 104.72741698559997, 514.1308593672, 311.9127197184], [500.1198730436, 114.84924318719999, 537.6759033412001, 260.5665893376]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 5, 6], [2, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048086.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[95.5672607302, 383.4345397949219, 684.569091808, 471.0988158976]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048086_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[95.5672607302, 22.434539794921875, 684.569091808, 110.09881589759999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048086.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a necklace, four sneakers, a cup, a laptop, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[95.5672607302, 383.4345397949219, 684.569091808, 471.0988158976], [556.937377962, 458.8787231232, 684.569091808, 471.0988158976], [126.8004940258, 368.0711440384, 165.3879362646, 399.5704994304], [101.120361307, 395.2484463104, 136.01232909179998, 418.7171664384], [95.5672607302, 421.2994384896, 114.0886230246, 445.265380864], [312.81347654900003, 387.96893312, 513.1036376704, 512.1481933824], [266.71405029296875, 383.4345397949219, 305.2137451171875, 396.6595764160156], [270.3454284667969, 388.3148193359375, 302.3036804199219, 406.43231201171875], [466.4231872558594, 344.6050720214844, 559.6983032226562, 479.8335876464844]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 6, 7], [4], [5], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048086_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a necklace, four sneakers, a cup, a laptop, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[95.5672607302, 22.434539794921875, 684.569091808, 110.09881589759999], [556.937377962, 97.87872312320002, 684.569091808, 110.09881589759999], [126.8004940258, 7.071144038400007, 165.3879362646, 38.57049943039999], [101.120361307, 34.24844631040003, 136.01232909179998, 57.7171664384], [95.5672607302, 60.29943848959999, 114.0886230246, 84.26538086400001], [312.81347654900003, 26.968933119999974, 513.1036376704, 132], [266.71405029296875, 22.434539794921875, 305.2137451171875, 35.659576416015625], [270.3454284667969, 27.3148193359375, 302.3036804199219, 45.43231201171875], [466.4231872558594, 0, 559.6983032226562, 118.83358764648438]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 6, 7], [4], [5], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048088.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[214.49371337890625, 142.4496459776, 506.18188479250006, 295.3095092736]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048088_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[73.49371337890625, 38.4496459776, 365.18188479250006, 191.30950927359999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048088.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, an umbrella, and a boat.", "boxes_value": [[73.49371337890625, 38.4496459776, 365.18188479250006, 191.30950927359999], [114.59020997550002, 59.21282959359999, 142.51312255660002, 191.30950927359999], [120.675964341, 38.4496459776, 168.2880859225, 116.84851072000001], [345.30664059360004, 103.70532229119999, 365.18188479250006, 144.4495849472], [321.1959228377, 104.43890380799999, 350.5009765529, 127.71862794239999], [73.49371337890625, 67.89320373535156, 112.01742553710938, 171.5654296875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 5], [2], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048091.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? 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Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four leather shoes, and four boots.", "boxes_value": [[33.196983337402344, 14.06231689453125, 162.58642578125, 67.68243408203125], [80.68545532226562, 26.531585693359375, 104.29254150390625, 48.404083251953125], [33.196983337402344, 37.8203125, 59.308563232421875, 67.68243408203125], [143.51449584960938, 29.52545166015625, 162.58642578125, 44.19757080078125], [114.33346557617188, 34.352630615234375, 132.2735595703125, 56.325408935546875], [33.061004638671875, 36.22235107421875, 59.5831298828125, 67.95745849609375], [80.32185363769531, 22.71405029296875, 104.48847961425781, 48.71343994140625], [113.85667419433594, 14.06231689453125, 133.1171112060547, 56.6348876953125], [141.62088012695312, 10.165618896484375, 162.96273803710938, 44.301239013671875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048096.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 142.1516113469, 511.9772338688, 200.69000241130001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048096_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 15.151611346900012, 511.9772338688, 73.69000241130001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048096.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a glasses, two cups, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[0, 15.151611346900012, 511.9772338688, 73.69000241130001], [0, 15.151611346900012, 160.8967895552, 65.40270996759998], [244.147705088, 36.184753436899996, 326.1494140416, 73.69000241130001], [405.4717407232, 17.549560554700008, 422.6223144448, 35.82482910210001], [495.0433959936, 17.76129151090001, 511.9772338688, 42.59759520470001], [386.9789428736, 21.1246948223, 407.3980102656, 54.05865478039999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048097.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0.2052001907, 196.8141479424, 653.5849609022, 512.7084960768]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048097_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a bed, a pillow, a chair, a desk, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[0.2052001907, 196.8141479424, 653.5849609022, 512.7084960768], [331.4182128534, 212.2024536064, 376.71252440530003, 264.9937744384], [272.8813476444, 361.8704834048, 769.8016357447999, 512.5361328128], [559.1403808557, 408.2536621056, 653.5849609022, 512.7084960768], [25.4215698558, 335.1738891776, 136.7778930876, 494.094482432], [0.2052001907, 306.6186523648, 123.3502197523, 377.6638793728], [24.8380737264, 196.8141479424, 132.4096679484, 270.6692505088]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048097_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a bed, a pillow, a chair, a desk, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[0.2052001907, 79.81414794240001, 653.5849609022, 395], [331.4182128534, 95.20245360640001, 376.71252440530003, 147.9937744384], [272.8813476444, 244.87048340479998, 769, 395], [559.1403808557, 291.2536621056, 653.5849609022, 395], [25.4215698558, 218.17388917760002, 136.7778930876, 377.094482432], [0.2052001907, 189.61865236480003, 123.3502197523, 260.6638793728], [24.8380737264, 79.81414794240001, 132.4096679484, 153.66925050880002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048098.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a hat, three chairs, a desk, and a potted plant.", "boxes_value": [[168.350402816, 490.55590822349996, 312.8228759552, 626.0649413955], [163.1849364992, 496.0191650512, 232.6534424064, 600.2219238413], [243.05364992, 490.55590822349996, 312.8228759552, 602.427246081], [168.350402816, 495.38427734699997, 194.4953003008, 507.0750732615], [211.771789568, 546.9243164244, 283.817016576, 626.0649413955], [161.5584106496, 536.5541992253, 211.2259521536, 600.4124755821999], [282.7254028288, 548.0158691298001, 308.9237060608, 591.6796875095], [223.072021504, 535.6700439777, 306.6792602624, 610.2548828031], [168.658508288, 546.4674072507, 231.1639404544, 644.4632568324]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048098_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a hat, three chairs, a desk, and a potted plant.", "boxes_value": [[36.35040281600001, 34.555908223499955, 180.8228759552, 170.0649413955], [31.184936499200006, 40.01916505119999, 100.65344240639999, 144.22192384130005], [111.05364992, 34.555908223499955, 180.8228759552, 146.42724608100002], [36.35040281600001, 39.384277346999966, 62.49530030080001, 51.075073261499995], [79.771789568, 90.92431642439999, 151.81701657600001, 170.0649413955], [29.558410649600006, 80.55419922529995, 79.22595215359999, 144.41247558219993], [150.7254028288, 92.01586912980008, 176.9237060608, 135.6796875095], [91.07202150399999, 79.67004397769995, 174.67926026240002, 154.25488280310003], [36.65850828800001, 90.46740725070003, 99.1639404544, 188.46325683240002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048100.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three helmets, a gloves, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[111.730529792, 31.796875008, 555.452880896, 326.2163085824], [247.15563967999998, 91.8832397312, 461.56811525119997, 364.56811525119997], [111.730529792, 98.9070434816, 170.8013305856, 149.4958496256], [383.74584957440004, 138.8709716992, 441.1629638912, 211.3822021632], [455.6651611136, 277.0862426624, 493.25268554240006, 326.2163085824], [502.42175290880004, 77.512390144, 555.452880896, 126.3843383808], [120.98895265279998, 31.796875008, 258.2984619008, 128.325012224]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 5], [4], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048101.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, and four leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[226.1174316453, 369.6429443584, 419.34326170620005, 419.4754028544], [281.1704101674, 369.6429443584, 313.4428711245, 386.2537841664], [226.1174316453, 392.898071296, 248.42340086069999, 419.4754028544], [304.9001464899, 389.5759277568, 331.00286867700004, 407.1359252992], [383.6828613345, 391.9489135616, 404.0904540972, 409.5089111552], [402.1921386405, 387.6775512576, 419.34326170620005, 406.6613159424]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048101_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, and four leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[49.1174316453, 12.642944358399973, 242.34326170620005, 62.47540285439999], [104.17041016740001, 12.642944358399973, 136.44287112450002, 29.25378416640001], [49.1174316453, 35.89807129600001, 71.42340086069999, 62.47540285439999], [127.90014648990001, 32.57592775680001, 154.00286867700004, 50.13592529919998], [206.6828613345, 34.94891356160002, 227.0904540972, 52.508911155199996], [225.1921386405, 30.677551257599987, 242.34326170620005, 49.661315942399995]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048103.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball bat, a person, a belt, a sneakers, a helmet, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[347.93157958984375, 131.0388793867, 428.0398559744, 570.5997314177], [350.7894897664, 131.0388793867, 393.3918456832, 279.7733154241], [346.0991211008, 148.30554201299998, 467.1794433536, 575.7932128665], [369.1651611136, 334.1485595478, 428.0398559744, 346.1954955918], [350.4702758912, 539.3487549071, 404.7801513472, 570.5997314177], [339.9347534336, 489.15319826999996, 372.94866944, 537.0766601746001], [347.93157958984375, 237.3759765625, 381.8515625, 279.0556640625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048103_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball bat, a person, a belt, a sneakers, a helmet, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[20.93157958984375, 110.03887938669999, 101.03985597439998, 549.5997314177], [23.78948976639998, 110.03887938669999, 66.39184568320002, 258.7733154241], [19.099121100800005, 127.30554201299998, 121, 554.7932128665], [42.16516111359999, 313.1485595478, 101.03985597439998, 325.1954955918], [23.470275891200004, 518.3487549071, 77.78015134719999, 549.5997314177], [12.934753433600008, 468.15319826999996, 45.94866944, 516.0766601746001], [20.93157958984375, 216.3759765625, 54.8515625, 258.0556640625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048104.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[1.0597534, 204.60058595, 207.2428589, 478.5574951]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048104_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[1.0597534, 68.60058595000001, 207.2428589, 342.5574951]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048104.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pillows, a chair, a bed, a storage box, and a stuffed toy.", "boxes_value": [[1.0597534, 204.60058595, 207.2428589, 478.5574951], [113.74121095000001, 197.9637451, 174.03338625, 238.3656616], [180.87060545, 198.58532714999998, 208.2196045, 259.49902345], [144.1980591, 191.7480469, 194.545105, 258.8774414], [1.0597534, 252.39538574999997, 207.2428589, 478.5574951], [59.39837645, 289.1567383, 116.1386719, 355.4869385], [0, 183.45678709999999, 210.25543215000002, 322.35675050000003], [130.97650145, 317.0494385, 199.74859619999998, 344.22552490000004], [114.39544679999999, 204.60058595, 161.1413574, 236.66345215]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 5], [4], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048104_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pillows, a chair, a bed, a storage box, and a stuffed toy.", "boxes_value": [[1.0597534, 68.60058595000001, 207.2428589, 342.5574951], [113.74121095000001, 61.96374510000001, 174.03338625, 102.36566160000001], [180.87060545, 62.58532714999998, 208.2196045, 123.49902344999998], [144.1980591, 55.74804689999999, 194.545105, 122.87744140000001], [1.0597534, 116.39538574999997, 207.2428589, 342.5574951], [59.39837645, 153.15673829999997, 116.1386719, 219.4869385], [0, 47.456787099999985, 210.25543215000002, 186.35675050000003], [130.97650145, 181.0494385, 199.74859619999998, 208.22552490000004], [114.39544679999999, 68.60058595000001, 161.1413574, 100.66345215000001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 5], [4], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048105.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[220.18115232600002, 98.159362816, 790.902954121, 511.9003295744]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048105_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[143.18115232600002, 98.159362816, 713, 511.9003295744]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048105.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include seven people, and a camera.", "boxes_value": [[220.18115232600002, 98.159362816, 790.902954121, 511.9003295744], [580.976440403, 98.159362816, 790.902954121, 509.7619629056], [299.419555682, 147.9230346752, 548.898193363, 512.0290527232], [175.089172402, 277.9791259648, 352.58703616, 512.1831054848], [220.18115232600002, 248.946044928, 297.44653321, 292.2145996288], [310.250488309, 195.0810546688, 398.11206050899995, 395.970825216], [498.46240237700005, 230.9069213696, 602.9124755519999, 511.9003295744], [541.037109395, 207.6327514624, 611.995117165, 254.7488403456], [186.882141117, 336.7891235328, 261.920165981, 404.03106688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048105_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include seven people, and a camera.", "boxes_value": [[143.18115232600002, 98.159362816, 713, 511.9003295744], [503.97644040299997, 98.159362816, 713, 509.7619629056], [222.419555682, 147.9230346752, 471.898193363, 512], [98.089172402, 277.9791259648, 275.58703616, 512], [143.18115232600002, 248.946044928, 220.44653320999998, 292.2145996288], [233.250488309, 195.0810546688, 321.11206050899995, 395.970825216], [421.46240237700005, 230.9069213696, 525.9124755519999, 511.9003295744], [464.037109395, 207.6327514624, 534.995117165, 254.7488403456], [109.882141117, 336.7891235328, 184.92016598100003, 404.03106688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048106.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[471.2120361122, 362.0468749824, 562.8487549095, 511.5051879936]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048106_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[23.212036112199996, 38.04687498240003, 114.84875490950003, 187.50518799359998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048106.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a tie, two wine glasses, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[471.2120361122, 362.0468749824, 562.8487549095, 511.5051879936], [482.99084470440005, 362.0468749824, 510.739624045, 460.4689941504], [471.2120361122, 435.764648448, 495.290039056, 511.2714233344], [498.3291015813, 455.401123072, 527.7836913848, 511.5051879936], [528.4849853349, 407.245117184, 555.6019286836, 461.4790649344], [542.978515598, 478.31030272, 562.8487549095, 504.0246582272]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048106_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a tie, two wine glasses, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[23.212036112199996, 38.04687498240003, 114.84875490950003, 187.50518799359998], [34.99084470440005, 38.04687498240003, 62.73962404500003, 136.46899415040002], [23.212036112199996, 111.764648448, 47.29003905600001, 187.27142333440003], [50.329101581299994, 131.40112307200002, 79.78369138480002, 187.50518799359998], [80.48498533489999, 83.24511718399998, 107.60192868360002, 137.47906493440001], [94.97851559799994, 154.31030271999998, 114.84875490950003, 180.0246582272]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048107.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[39.833068864, 166.619567856, 204.16540524799998, 294.960632304]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048107_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[39.833068864, 32.619567856, 204.16540524799998, 160.960632304]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048107.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, two cabinets, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[39.833068864, 166.619567856, 204.16540524799998, 294.960632304], [87.48199462400001, 214.022216784, 133.0614624, 292.418884272], [91.857604992, 166.619567856, 204.16540524799998, 230.066162112], [39.833068864, 175.14379881600001, 70.742004416, 220.368469248], [71.067382784, 204.10058592, 89.938110336, 250.952087424], [51.927490240000004, 258.496948224, 63.939025856, 294.960632304]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048107_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, two cabinets, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[39.833068864, 32.619567856, 204.16540524799998, 160.960632304], [87.48199462400001, 80.022216784, 133.0614624, 158.418884272], [91.857604992, 32.619567856, 204.16540524799998, 96.066162112], [39.833068864, 41.143798816000015, 70.742004416, 86.368469248], [71.067382784, 70.10058591999999, 89.938110336, 116.95208742400001], [51.927490240000004, 124.496948224, 63.939025856, 160.960632304]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048108.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[255.222412085, 249.6146850816, 630.5058593717999, 497.1242065408]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048108_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[94.222412085, 62.61468508159999, 469.50585937179994, 310.1242065408]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048108.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, three barrels, a slippers, and a bicycle.", "boxes_value": [[255.222412085, 249.6146850816, 630.5058593717999, 497.1242065408], [444.95080563720006, 205.6802368, 553.5280761577, 403.5070190592], [299.6666259915, 249.6146850816, 428.3027343893, 490.0765380608], [549.3544921676, 389.8691406336, 596.7639160143, 443.6853027328], [593.347045892, 400.119873024, 630.5058593717999, 445.3937377792], [255.222412085, 367.9976196096, 303.5379638357, 403.27093504], [373.5783691365, 475.862060544, 409.4451904473, 487.361328128], [284.1718750321, 325.8829345792, 528.0164795042, 497.1242065408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048108_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, three barrels, a slippers, and a bicycle.", "boxes_value": [[94.222412085, 62.61468508159999, 469.50585937179994, 310.1242065408], [283.95080563720006, 18.68023679999999, 392.52807615769996, 216.5070190592], [138.66662599149998, 62.61468508159999, 267.3027343893, 303.0765380608], [388.35449216760003, 202.8691406336, 435.7639160143, 256.6853027328], [432.347045892, 213.11987302400001, 469.50585937179994, 258.3937377792], [94.222412085, 180.9976196096, 142.5379638357, 216.27093503999998], [212.5783691365, 288.862060544, 248.44519044729998, 300.361328128], [123.17187503209999, 138.88293457920003, 367.0164795042, 310.1242065408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048109.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a watch, a bracelet, a calculator, and two baksets.", "boxes_value": [[169.19635009765625, 289.5987548672, 548.905517578125, 481.4190368652344], [495.33361820159996, 289.5987548672, 531.9992676096, 321.0264892416], [374.7550048512, 370.4055785984, 393.4467773184, 399.542724608], [252.29779054079998, 323.1018676736, 329.703247104, 377.0820312576], [169.19635009765625, 408.6899719238281, 426.681884765625, 481.4190368652344], [390.8983154296875, 393.9027404785156, 548.905517578125, 445.7534484863281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048109_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a watch, a bracelet, a calculator, and two baksets.", "boxes_value": [[95.19635009765625, 48.5987548672, 474.905517578125, 240.41903686523438], [421.33361820159996, 48.5987548672, 457.9992676096, 80.02648924160002], [300.7550048512, 129.40557859839998, 319.4467773184, 158.54272460800001], [178.29779054079998, 82.1018676736, 255.703247104, 136.08203125760002], [95.19635009765625, 167.68997192382812, 352.681884765625, 240.41903686523438], [316.8983154296875, 152.90274047851562, 474.905517578125, 204.75344848632812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048112.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[95.0972289852, 84.6895141376, 399.2702636604, 403.602355968]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048112_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[76.0972289852, 80.6895141376, 380.2702636604, 399.602355968]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048112.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a chair, two people, a bottle, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[95.0972289852, 84.6895141376, 399.2702636604, 403.602355968], [95.0972289852, 84.6895141376, 212.4499511956, 162.6260986368], [110.3261719052, 271.0206298624, 147.9507446556, 403.602355968], [32.5621338056, 41.2137451008, 522.5488281488, 404.107604992], [218.0057372808, 0.4256591872, 356.2890625284, 312.821533184], [182.252990702, 294.9680175616, 399.2702636604, 345.6054076928], [205.18206790040003, 88.2531127808, 231.90490719000002, 104.1105956864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048112_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a chair, two people, a bottle, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[76.0972289852, 80.6895141376, 380.2702636604, 399.602355968], [76.0972289852, 80.6895141376, 193.4499511956, 158.6260986368], [91.3261719052, 267.0206298624, 128.9507446556, 399.602355968], [13.562133805599998, 37.2137451008, 456, 400.107604992], [199.0057372808, 0, 337.2890625284, 308.821533184], [163.252990702, 290.9680175616, 380.2702636604, 341.6054076928], [186.18206790040003, 84.2531127808, 212.90490719000002, 100.1105956864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048113.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include six hats.", "boxes_value": [[22.3672485171, 23.654418944, 601.0129394717, 114.477844224], [349.2202148236, 92.7171631104, 379.4606933863, 108.1974487552], [420.8614502089, 73.2768554496, 459.3820801088, 106.7574462976], [558.9321289062, 96.4891357184, 601.0129394717, 114.477844224], [210.24963376730003, 23.654418944, 253.17285154689998, 46.1380615168], [22.3672485171, 65.8017577984, 69.9682006581, 98.6300048896], [472.76855465930004, 77.4286498816, 495.61193845860004, 100.5377197056]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048113_crop.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[36.6940918208, 27.4852295168, 182.81616212219996, 318.0890503168]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048120.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball glove, a hat, a belt, a trash bin can, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[338.6940918208, 27.4852295168, 484.81616212219996, 318.0890503168], [434.4387207054, 245.3189697024, 484.81616212219996, 288.2330932736], [350.7780761798, 141.62774656, 399.07446289100005, 167.2718505984], [354.812622079, 302.192321792, 407.49877929959996, 318.0890503168], [338.6940918208, 27.4852295168, 378.65698245379997, 88.7850341888], [386.7517089784, 116.5215454208, 415.12670894779995, 147.9641113088]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048120_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball glove, a hat, a belt, a trash bin can, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[36.6940918208, 27.4852295168, 182.81616212219996, 318.0890503168], [132.4387207054, 245.3189697024, 182.81616212219996, 288.2330932736], [48.778076179799996, 141.62774656, 97.07446289100005, 167.2718505984], [52.81262207899999, 302.192321792, 105.49877929959996, 318.0890503168], [36.6940918208, 27.4852295168, 76.65698245379997, 88.7850341888], [84.75170897840002, 116.5215454208, 113.12670894779995, 147.9641113088]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048121.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, three chairs, a cabinet, a moniter, and a keyboard.", "boxes_value": [[176.97045897220002, 188.2352294912, 553.3331298582, 449.1719360512], [137.3695678595, 228.4875488256, 589.6190185227999, 416.568664576], [272.6188354366, 239.3865356288, 404.5197754247, 449.1719360512], [273.65350339419996, 191.8972168192, 350.6406249941, 237.6588134912], [149.0998535363, 193.1081543168, 206.78247073510002, 254.9439697408], [171.0106200962, 215.3970947072, 315.7291870202, 253.7562255872], [176.97045897220002, 286.2175292928, 248.45050048369998, 413.427673344], [504.5447998386, 188.2352294912, 553.3331298582, 255.1273803776], [435.90246582730003, 256.8468017664, 496.1907959163, 279.040832512]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 3, 4], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048121_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, three chairs, a cabinet, a moniter, and a keyboard.", "boxes_value": [[94.97045897220002, 65.23522949119999, 471.3331298582, 326.1719360512], [55.369567859499995, 105.48754882559999, 507.61901852279993, 293.568664576], [190.61883543660002, 116.3865356288, 322.5197754247, 326.1719360512], [191.65350339419996, 68.8972168192, 268.6406249941, 114.6588134912], [67.0998535363, 70.10815431680001, 124.78247073510002, 131.9439697408], [89.0106200962, 92.39709470720001, 233.72918702020002, 130.7562255872], [94.97045897220002, 163.2175292928, 166.45050048369998, 290.427673344], [422.5447998386, 65.23522949119999, 471.3331298582, 132.1273803776], [353.90246582730003, 133.8468017664, 414.1907959163, 156.040832512]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 3, 4], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048122.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[380.40533447265625, 333.6845092864, 546.8100585882, 378.208374016]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048122_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[42.40533447265625, 11.684509286399987, 208.81005858820004, 56.20837401599999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048122.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three stools, two desks, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[380.40533447265625, 333.6845092864, 546.8100585882, 378.208374016], [526.7962646232, 355.6220092928, 549.3826904544, 379.8383178752], [489.54040526489996, 352.5949707264, 513.756713844, 378.208374016], [452.5174560621, 348.4036865024, 473.0081786826, 375.1813354496], [505.8992919585, 338.5862426624, 546.8100585882, 377.2347411968], [429.92199706829996, 333.6845092864, 476.86572263550005, 370.8247680512], [380.40533447265625, 347.8677062988281, 396.04327392578125, 359.4917907714844]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048122_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three stools, two desks, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[42.40533447265625, 11.684509286399987, 208.81005858820004, 56.20837401599999], [188.79626462320005, 33.62200929279999, 211.38269045439995, 57.838317875200005], [151.54040526489996, 30.594970726399993, 175.75671384400005, 56.20837401599999], [114.5174560621, 26.403686502399978, 135.00817868259998, 53.1813354496], [167.8992919585, 16.586242662400025, 208.81005858820004, 55.23474119679997], [91.92199706829996, 11.684509286399987, 138.86572263550005, 48.82476805120001], [42.40533447265625, 25.867706298828125, 58.04327392578125, 37.491790771484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048126.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[38.7217406944, 166.4094238208, 115.50653076200001, 290.5556030464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048126_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[19.721740694399998, 31.409423820799987, 96.50653076200001, 155.5556030464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048126.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, two people, and three street lights.", "boxes_value": [[38.7217406944, 166.4094238208, 115.50653076200001, 290.5556030464], [57.5593871924, 258.3310546944, 90.5698852424, 290.5556030464], [54.9359740904, 219.9117431808, 67.7517699972, 266.8201293824], [38.7217406944, 181.254455552, 51.519226073599995, 261.1106567168], [99.6376953384, 166.4094238208, 115.50653076200001, 268.7891235328], [70.9713745356, 69.6605834752, 94.0068359588, 266.7415161344], [84.00293731689453, 239.15811157226562, 93.86421966552734, 266.62103271484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 6], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048126_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, two people, and three street lights.", "boxes_value": [[19.721740694399998, 31.409423820799987, 96.50653076200001, 155.5556030464], [38.5593871924, 123.3310546944, 71.5698852424, 155.5556030464], [35.9359740904, 84.91174318079999, 48.7517699972, 131.8201293824], [19.721740694399998, 46.254455551999996, 32.519226073599995, 126.11065671680001], [80.6376953384, 31.409423820799987, 96.50653076200001, 133.78912353279998], [51.971374535600006, 0, 75.0068359588, 131.7415161344], [65.00293731689453, 104.15811157226562, 74.86421966552734, 131.62103271484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 6], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048127.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[263.8717040907, 0.1166992384, 508.1201172185, 78.5575561728]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048127_crop.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[61.87170409070001, 0.1166992384, 306.1201172185, 78.5575561728]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048127.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a projector, and four lamps.", "boxes_value": [[263.8717040907, 0.1166992384, 508.1201172185, 78.5575561728], [399.49707033050004, 0.1166992384, 508.1201172185, 33.513549824], [290.8564453447, 4.704589824, 314.29058835480004, 22.457702656], [395.2447509883, 15.3564453376, 415.1282958911, 46.601928704], [465.5471191633, 42.3411865088, 484.0103759477, 67.9057006592], [263.8717040907, 53.7031860224, 275.94384765949997, 78.5575561728]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048127_crop.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a projector, and four lamps.", "boxes_value": [[61.87170409070001, 0.1166992384, 306.1201172185, 78.5575561728], [197.49707033050004, 0.1166992384, 306.1201172185, 33.513549824], [88.85644534469998, 4.704589824, 112.29058835480004, 22.457702656], [193.24475098829998, 15.3564453376, 213.12829589109998, 46.601928704], [263.5471191633, 42.3411865088, 282.0103759477, 67.9057006592], [61.87170409070001, 53.7031860224, 73.94384765949997, 78.5575561728]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048131.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[339.696655293, 47.53338624, 645.267944347, 355.2549438464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048131_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[76.69665529299999, 47.53338624, 382.267944347, 355.2549438464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048131.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a clock, two people, a watch, a glasses, and a hamburger.", "boxes_value": [[339.696655293, 47.53338624, 645.267944347, 355.2549438464], [339.696655293, 47.53338624, 357.10131835659996, 66.1229248], [369.0129394406, 16.5699462656, 682.049194334, 374.7046508544], [598.0039062707999, 309.9399414272, 645.267944347, 355.2549438464], [400.0953369407, 68.4299926528, 455.2369384926, 167.8209228288], [453.65330095239995, 109.1984952832, 567.362452273, 184.7084785664], [478.7573241859, 248.7086792192, 562.4560547024, 332.407409664]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048131_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a handbag, a leather shoes, a traffic light, a street lights, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[0, 107.9366455296, 216.48846433350002, 457.9066265088], [0, 280.4178881536, 24.2657190057, 333.4403171328], [19.0316547441, 443.4830951424, 49.9640472978, 457.9066265088], [186.12274166819998, 148.9851684352, 216.48846433350002, 170.0725097472], [101.95318600229999, 107.9366455296, 152.5115966604, 242.0493774336], [0.22035598754882812, 197.66912841796875, 56.854026794433594, 458.46673583984375], [47.13698959350586, 290.845458984375, 101.71597290039062, 427.48785400390625], [53.91960144042969, 200.40773010253906, 98.55828857421875, 322.89794921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048133_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a handbag, a leather shoes, a traffic light, a street lights, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[0, 87.9366455296, 216.48846433350002, 437.9066265088], [0, 260.4178881536, 24.2657190057, 313.4403171328], [19.0316547441, 423.4830951424, 49.9640472978, 437.9066265088], [186.12274166819998, 128.9851684352, 216.48846433350002, 150.0725097472], [101.95318600229999, 87.9366455296, 152.5115966604, 222.0493774336], [0.22035598754882812, 177.66912841796875, 56.854026794433594, 438.46673583984375], [47.13698959350586, 270.845458984375, 101.71597290039062, 407.48785400390625], [53.91960144042969, 180.40773010253906, 98.55828857421875, 302.89794921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048134.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include eight people.", "boxes_value": [[101.77276609740002, 34.990783692799994, 506.3614502117, 171.80621337600002], [467.03222658359994, 44.61389158399999, 503.851074218, 133.31378175999998], [480.00244138840003, 150.4680175616, 506.3614502117, 171.80621337600002], [413.05920408659995, 146.28405759999998, 437.744506862, 163.4382934528], [299.2554931918, 135.824157696, 333.14562985960004, 168.4590454272], [101.77276609740002, 124.52746583039999, 157.4193725902, 151.72320558080003], [175.82879640739998, 61.34973143040003, 209.71887208330003, 118.2515869184], [251.97680660970002, 27.041320806399995, 283.77490232499997, 123.69067381759999], [254.90563962840002, 34.990783692799994, 292.56115720860004, 116.99639895040002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048135.jpg", "text": "What's the story in the section of the included visual ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two potted plants, and four lamps.", "boxes_value": [[160.0712280064, 309.036010745, 334.0590820352, 583.834350561], [242.5193481216, 309.036010745, 308.758667008, 405.34130860299996], [287.1111450112, 393.409179702, 334.0590820352, 469.69958497], [149.269042944, 441.118652359, 192.384521472, 464.216186511], [160.0712280064, 490.24804690400003, 216.2973022208, 536.70715329], [247.6168212992, 531.039062477, 279.9722290176, 573.1237793050001], [289.4537964032, 560.146118147, 314.388732928, 583.834350561]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048135_crop.jpg", "text": "What's the story in the section of the included visual ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[202.3041992192, 399.10632323019996, 512.059204096, 683.4215088056]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048138_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[78.3041992192, 71.10632323019996, 388, 355]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048138.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, three faucets, two sinks, and a bathtub.", "boxes_value": [[202.3041992192, 399.10632323019996, 512.059204096, 683.4215088056], [202.3041992192, 399.10632323019996, 339.1572265472, 526.8358154473], [389.2158813696, 561.3763427581999, 460.7424316416, 631.4022216735], [264.669738752, 597.389648445, 511.2611083776, 683.4215088056], [426.5766601728, 540.4195556970001, 512.059204096, 565.3496094051001], [476.1813354496, 530.3015136494, 509.2093506048, 563.3294677943001], [310.3438110208, 467.95068358730003, 321.7578735104, 497.24682620149997], [304.4736938496, 467.5158691221, 377.5237426688, 503.71484378279996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5, 6], [3, 4], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048138_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, three faucets, two sinks, and a bathtub.", "boxes_value": [[78.3041992192, 71.10632323019996, 388, 355], [78.3041992192, 71.10632323019996, 215.15722654720003, 198.83581544729998], [265.2158813696, 233.37634275819994, 336.7424316416, 303.4022216735], [140.669738752, 269.38964844500003, 387.2611083776, 355], [302.5766601728, 212.41955569700008, 388, 237.34960940510007], [352.1813354496, 202.30151364940002, 385.2093506048, 235.32946779430006], [186.3438110208, 139.95068358730003, 197.75787351039997, 169.24682620149997], [180.4736938496, 139.5158691221, 253.52374266880003, 175.71484378279996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5, 6], [3, 4], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048141.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[506.52331545600003, 194.6575927808, 768.1279296768, 402.173217792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048141_crop.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[65.52331545600003, 52.6575927808, 327, 260.173217792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048141.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five pillows, two towels, and a nightstand.", "boxes_value": [[506.52331545600003, 194.6575927808, 768.1279296768, 402.173217792], [501.10449216, 193.3656005632, 589.9201660415999, 264.62176512], [611.4533691648, 202.7525024256, 724.2653808384, 295.8593750016], [705.0528564480001, 219.501892096, 751.8525390336, 260.882751488], [698.6486816256, 250.044921856, 749.8820800512, 277.1395263488], [506.52331545600003, 277.1395263488, 614.9017334016, 322.461364736], [494.3735351808, 281.459167488, 591.888305664, 306.6972045824], [750.7304687616, 294.7625122304, 768.1279296768, 402.173217792], [565.6010742528, 194.6575927808, 653.8981933824, 269.4855956992]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 8], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048141_crop.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five pillows, two towels, and a nightstand.", "boxes_value": [[65.52331545600003, 52.6575927808, 327, 260.173217792], [60.10449216000001, 51.36560056319999, 148.92016604159994, 122.62176512000002], [170.45336916480005, 60.7525024256, 283.2653808384, 153.85937500159997], [264.05285644800006, 77.501892096, 310.8525390336, 118.882751488], [257.64868162560003, 108.044921856, 308.8820800512, 135.13952634880002], [65.52331545600003, 135.13952634880002, 173.90173340160004, 180.461364736], [53.37353518079999, 139.459167488, 150.88830566399997, 164.6972045824], [309.73046876160004, 152.76251223039998, 327, 260.173217792], [124.6010742528, 52.6575927808, 212.8981933824, 127.48559569920002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 8], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048142.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[453.8812255488, 283.2109374976, 616.1915283203125, 451.6558227456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048142_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[40.88122554879999, 42.210937497600014, 203.1915283203125, 210.6558227456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048142.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, two vases, and three flowers.", "boxes_value": [[40.88122554879999, 42.210937497600014, 203.1915283203125, 210.6558227456], [88.98486327040001, 70.61328122880002, 130.53332515839998, 165.461059584], [159.49121090079996, 69.54663086080001, 211.5316161856, 163.3626708992], [102.72692870080004, 69.66833495039998, 163.7196045088, 156.5594482176], [42.27258296320002, 120.23937986559997, 64.88171385760006, 136.93536378879998], [40.88122554879999, 102.15209958399998, 60.01208493280001, 122.3264160256], [45.0551757664, 114.32623293440002, 114.51770018079992, 210.6558227456], [114.9106445008, 42.210937497600014, 137.68688963680006, 63.3483886592], [166.8248291015625, 154.48455810546875, 203.1915283203125, 183.304931640625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 6], [5, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048143.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[209.5573730256, 244.5865478656, 752.1541747775999, 512.1787109376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048143_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[136.5573730256, 67.58654786560001, 679.1541747775999, 335]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048143.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[474.0988769249, 418.2537841664, 623.7204589986, 473.7700195328]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048145_crop.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[38.098876924900026, 14.25378416640001, 187.72045899859995, 69.7700195328]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048145.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a towel, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[474.0988769249, 418.2537841664, 623.7204589986, 473.7700195328], [590.7336425584, 444.4890136576, 621.3995361403, 473.7700195328], [514.5634765874, 426.2872924672, 554.3302001684, 468.2303467008], [474.0988769249, 424.9924926976, 512.4726562242, 464.8198242304], [534.8773193447, 424.5191650304, 552.7145995942, 448.5994872832], [580.861083961, 418.2537841664, 623.7204589986, 471.7401122816]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048145_crop.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a towel, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[38.098876924900026, 14.25378416640001, 187.72045899859995, 69.7700195328], [154.7336425584, 40.489013657600026, 185.39953614030003, 69.7700195328], [78.56347658740003, 22.287292467200018, 118.33020016839998, 64.2303467008], [38.098876924900026, 20.992492697600028, 76.47265622420002, 60.8198242304], [98.87731934470003, 20.519165030400018, 116.71459959419997, 44.599487283200006], [144.86108396099996, 14.25378416640001, 187.72045899859995, 67.74011228159998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048147.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[276.657775872, 166.30148315429688, 470.79534912109375, 766.7745361152]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048147_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[48.657775872, 150.30148315429688, 242.79534912109375, 750.7745361152]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048147.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a handbag, a hat, and two sandals.", "boxes_value": [[276.657775872, 166.30148315429688, 470.79534912109375, 766.7745361152], [281.9390258688, 433.059326208, 459.7546386944, 766.7745361152], [276.657775872, 306.88793948160003, 360.8029174784, 429.4472656128], [376.0466308608, 279.4493408256, 444.3383178752, 395.3013915648], [425.53204345703125, 166.30148315429688, 470.79534912109375, 224.80996704101562], [382.6427001953125, 179.827880859375, 429.251220703125, 225.10833740234375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048147_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a handbag, a hat, and two sandals.", "boxes_value": [[48.657775872, 150.30148315429688, 242.79534912109375, 750.7745361152], [53.9390258688, 417.059326208, 231.7546386944, 750.7745361152], [48.657775872, 290.88793948160003, 132.8029174784, 413.4472656128], [148.0466308608, 263.4493408256, 216.3383178752, 379.3013915648], [197.53204345703125, 150.30148315429688, 242.79534912109375, 208.80996704101562], [154.6427001953125, 163.827880859375, 201.251220703125, 209.10833740234375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048148.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 451.3917236224, 512.0535888704, 511.9509887488]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048148_crop.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 15.39172362239998, 512.0535888704, 75.9509887488]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048148.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two handbags, two sneakers, a bottle, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[0, 15.39172362239998, 512.0535888704, 75.9509887488], [0, 15.39172362239998, 77.9274902063, 75.9509887488], [423.3853759664, 40.0751952896, 474.0693359455, 59.77502443520001], [365.8759765832, 32.77227781120001, 402.7485351327, 72.15069578240002], [59.4403686506, 60.69512939520001, 97.3868408158, 75.73052979200003], [474.82104492589997, 32.083374028799994, 492.5855712641, 74.4263305728], [488.20532226539996, 32.81341552639998, 512.0535888704, 55.44500730879997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048149.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a hat, a leather shoes, a bottle, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[53.663818373199994, 195.5310058496, 126.06384275319999, 409.9659118652344], [50.03350829079999, 196.706176768, 133.1749878148, 409.8580322304], [79.7416381528, 195.5310058496, 110.9646606812, 207.9649658368], [94.0473022688, 390.0960082944, 126.06384275319999, 401.2321777152], [53.663818373199994, 305.4743652352, 70.9828491576, 333.6467284992], [68.02032470703125, 394.3971862792969, 83.91322326660156, 409.9659118652344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048150_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a hat, a leather shoes, a bottle, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[18.663818373199994, 54.53100584960001, 91.06384275319999, 268.9659118652344], [15.033508290799993, 55.706176768000006, 98.1749878148, 268.8580322304], [44.74163815279999, 54.53100584960001, 75.9646606812, 66.96496583679999], [59.047302268799996, 249.0960082944, 91.06384275319999, 260.2321777152], [18.663818373199994, 164.47436523520003, 35.9828491576, 192.64672849919998], [33.02032470703125, 253.39718627929688, 48.91322326660156, 268.9659118652344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048152.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[125.7854614272, 75.76379392, 610.5878906112, 512.4425048576]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048152_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[121.7854614272, 75.76379392, 606.5878906112, 512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048152.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a watch, two ballons, two glasses, a tie, a belt, three chairs, and two napkins.", "boxes_value": [[125.7854614272, 75.76379392, 610.5878906112, 512.4425048576], [125.7854614272, 75.76379392, 610.5878906112, 512.4425048576], [111.52655032320001, 69.525512704, 409.18103024640004, 511.55133056], [286.1979980544, 406.3919677952, 312.9334716672, 447.3862915072], [210.140502912, 59.3988647424, 256.320068352, 112.7940063232], [187.7722778112, 115.6802368, 225.2932128768, 175.569396992], [223.2460914432, 137.9886969344, 308.0524217088, 161.955703296], [363.1050768384, 125.3281197056, 443.8328772864, 148.136117504], [394.58050836480004, 210.9007566336, 455.20164172799997, 406.5459850752], [356.45850777600003, 418.6769540608, 458.7137574912, 437.2192393728], [514.7364502272, 339.6101074432, 586.8231201024, 511.509033216], [593.0614013951999, 319.509033216, 611.7761230848, 356.2454834176], [547.3140869376, 314.657043456, 580.5848388864, 340.9963989504], [134.2021484544, 371.4945678848, 186.187744128, 490.0216674816], [535.2685546752, 297.075378432, 578.2451172096, 338.2760620032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7], [8], [9], [10, 13, 14], [11, 12]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048152_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a watch, two ballons, two glasses, a tie, a belt, three chairs, and two napkins.", "boxes_value": [[121.7854614272, 75.76379392, 606.5878906112, 512], [121.7854614272, 75.76379392, 606.5878906112, 512], [107.52655032320001, 69.525512704, 405.18103024640004, 511.55133056], [282.1979980544, 406.3919677952, 308.9334716672, 447.3862915072], [206.140502912, 59.3988647424, 252.32006835200002, 112.7940063232], [183.7722778112, 115.6802368, 221.2932128768, 175.569396992], [219.2460914432, 137.9886969344, 304.0524217088, 161.955703296], [359.1050768384, 125.3281197056, 439.8328772864, 148.136117504], [390.58050836480004, 210.9007566336, 451.20164172799997, 406.5459850752], [352.45850777600003, 418.6769540608, 454.7137574912, 437.2192393728], [510.73645022719995, 339.6101074432, 582.8231201024, 511.509033216], [589.0614013951999, 319.509033216, 607.7761230848, 356.2454834176], [543.3140869376, 314.657043456, 576.5848388864, 340.9963989504], [130.2021484544, 371.4945678848, 182.187744128, 490.0216674816], [531.2685546752, 297.075378432, 574.2451172096, 338.2760620032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7], [8], [9], [10, 13, 14], [11, 12]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048153.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[51.4713744896, 213.3015747357, 277.2039794688, 365.9541015382]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048153_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[51.4713744896, 38.3015747357, 277.2039794688, 190.9541015382]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048153.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, two chairs, two candles, and a cabinet.", "boxes_value": [[51.4713744896, 213.3015747357, 277.2039794688, 365.9541015382], [74.8479614464, 210.87744142520003, 100.8449707008, 236.3109130554], [142.2667236352, 212.19702146679998, 166.7515869184, 235.9454956248], [208.7256469504, 213.3015747357, 231.9218139648, 234.10449221020002], [66.8974609408, 227.4373168831, 218.2481079296, 479.4111328342], [171.1531982336, 228.95568844590002, 243.4220580864, 278.7059936403], [244.6782836736, 240.12725826669998, 264.5409545728, 276.7628173871], [264.1397705216, 245.08325195060002, 277.2039794688, 271.4896240236], [51.4713744896, 250.07800294760003, 239.4980468736, 365.9541015382]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048153_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, two chairs, two candles, and a cabinet.", "boxes_value": [[51.4713744896, 38.3015747357, 277.2039794688, 190.9541015382], [74.8479614464, 35.87744142520003, 100.8449707008, 61.31091305539999], [142.2667236352, 37.19702146679998, 166.7515869184, 60.9454956248], [208.7256469504, 38.3015747357, 231.9218139648, 59.10449221020002], [66.8974609408, 52.43731688310001, 218.2481079296, 229], [171.1531982336, 53.95568844590002, 243.4220580864, 103.7059936403], [244.6782836736, 65.12725826669998, 264.5409545728, 101.76281738709997], [264.1397705216, 70.08325195060002, 277.2039794688, 96.48962402360002], [51.4713744896, 75.07800294760003, 239.4980468736, 190.9541015382]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048155.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[243.0291137536, 367.8435058844, 364.2392578048, 477.1112060789]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048155_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[31.0291137536, 27.843505884399974, 152.2392578048, 137.1112060789]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048155.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a clock, a picture, two people, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[243.0291137536, 367.8435058844, 364.2392578048, 477.1112060789], [243.0291137536, 427.9676513792, 286.1864013824, 464.4116210768], [315.137512192, 339.2593994443, 338.9496459776, 402.36083981300004], [342.2746582016, 367.8435058844, 364.2392578048, 419.2946777145], [328.4492797952, 424.7637939309, 353.9683227648, 463.17126466400003], [288.75299072, 385.84082034200003, 341.5954589696, 467.03771974119996], [330.1976318464, 459.56701663350003, 349.8963012608, 477.1112060789]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048155_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a clock, a picture, two people, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[31.0291137536, 27.843505884399974, 152.2392578048, 137.1112060789], [31.0291137536, 87.96765137919999, 74.18640138239999, 124.41162107679997], [103.13751219199997, 0, 126.94964597760003, 62.36083981300004], [130.2746582016, 27.843505884399974, 152.2392578048, 79.29467771449998], [116.44927979520003, 84.76379393090002, 141.9683227648, 123.17126466400003], [76.75299072000001, 45.84082034200003, 129.59545896959997, 127.03771974119996], [118.19763184639999, 119.56701663350003, 137.8963012608, 137.1112060789]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048158.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[371.3262939759, 238.9274292224, 557.0273437415, 338.9989013504]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048158_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[47.3262939759, 25.927429222400008, 233.02734374149998, 125.99890135039999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048158.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, two vases, a desk, and a potted plant.", "boxes_value": [[371.3262939759, 238.9274292224, 557.0273437415, 338.9989013504], [494.2391357103, 238.9274292224, 535.6837157936, 274.2644042752], [504.0339355773, 267.0225829888, 530.6878661910999, 291.2086792192], [521.1295166212, 311.234191872, 557.0273437415, 338.9989013504], [396.5045166219, 270.3149413888, 465.57128903070003, 336.3788452352], [371.3262939759, 288.7720336896, 430.7091064214, 323.1968994304]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048158_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, two vases, a desk, and a potted plant.", "boxes_value": [[47.3262939759, 25.927429222400008, 233.02734374149998, 125.99890135039999], [170.2391357103, 25.927429222400008, 211.68371579359996, 61.26440427519998], [180.03393557729999, 54.022582988800025, 206.68786619109994, 78.20867921920001], [197.12951662119997, 98.234191872, 233.02734374149998, 125.99890135039999], [72.5045166219, 57.31494138879998, 141.57128903070003, 123.3788452352], [47.3262939759, 75.7720336896, 106.70910642140001, 110.19689943039998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048159.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[108.1874389504, 8.2114867811, 224.41864013671875, 349.1889648591]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048159_crop.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[29.187438950399994, 8.2114867811, 145.41864013671875, 349.1889648591]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048159.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, three people, a helmet, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[108.1874389504, 8.2114867811, 224.41864013671875, 349.1889648591], [121.7423706112, 277.2681884524, 262.2561645568, 320.219970711], [161.6239624192, 317.6613769647, 201.3488159232, 349.1889648591], [109.3543700992, 8.2114867811, 167.1178588672, 29.799865720699998], [108.1874389504, 24.5486450526, 184.3302002176, 82.3120727882], [126.54317474365234, 217.68267822265625, 151.30575561523438, 281.1226806640625], [208.38418579101562, 318.55889892578125, 224.41864013671875, 343.9051513671875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5, 6], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048159_crop.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, three people, a helmet, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[29.187438950399994, 8.2114867811, 145.41864013671875, 349.1889648591], [42.7423706112, 277.2681884524, 174, 320.219970711], [82.62396241920001, 317.6613769647, 122.3488159232, 349.1889648591], [30.354370099199997, 8.2114867811, 88.1178588672, 29.799865720699998], [29.187438950399994, 24.5486450526, 105.33020021760001, 82.3120727882], [47.543174743652344, 217.68267822265625, 72.30575561523438, 281.1226806640625], [129.38418579101562, 318.55889892578125, 145.41864013671875, 343.9051513671875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5, 6], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048160.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . 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Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[53.857971225600004, 373.2202148352, 273.5234374656, 491.0541381632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048168_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[53.857971225600004, 30.22021483520001, 273.5234374656, 148.05413816319998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048168.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball, three sneakers, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[53.857971225600004, 373.2202148352, 273.5234374656, 491.0541381632], [80.83032230399999, 394.7075805696, 100.2382812672, 418.2743530496], [217.31048586240001, 388.771057152, 276.539794944, 415.7056884736], [148.9298706432, 399.535583488, 196.72003176959998, 433.2457275392], [53.857971225600004, 393.5053100544, 113.3414306304, 437.228210432], [134.895324672, 373.2202148352, 273.5234374656, 491.0541381632]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048168_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball, three sneakers, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[53.857971225600004, 30.22021483520001, 273.5234374656, 148.05413816319998], [80.83032230399999, 51.7075805696, 100.2382812672, 75.2743530496], [217.31048586240001, 45.771057152000026, 276.539794944, 72.70568847359999], [148.9298706432, 56.535583487999986, 196.72003176959998, 90.2457275392], [53.857971225600004, 50.50531005440001, 113.3414306304, 94.22821043200003], [134.895324672, 30.22021483520001, 273.5234374656, 148.05413816319998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048170.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four cars, a suv, and a traffic light.", "boxes_value": [[81.45416259950002, 89.97290040319999, 404.73828123500004, 448.5443115008], [81.45416259950002, 392.236083968, 149.18615721000003, 428.4553222656], [145.70355227100004, 398.5786132992, 200.602417017, 421.906249984], [199.8910522695, 393.3796386816, 239.32287597000004, 417.3479614464], [231.846435526, 391.7498168832, 266.307861338, 414.724121088], [344.3336181635, 386.3265991168, 404.71459959900005, 448.5443115008], [364.37597654900003, 89.97290040319999, 404.73828123500004, 141.1366577152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048172.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a vase, a desk, a book, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[411.2903442432, 214.4172363642, 483.5668945408, 470.4031982346], [413.4583130112, 319.2484130679, 452.6778564608, 401.8157959323], [447.2962036224, 214.4172363642, 478.25897216, 311.7288818616], [441.1036377088, 359.5000000209, 483.5668945408, 440.0031738546], [411.2903442432, 423.8380126971, 425.8884277248, 445.0052489931], [440.4022827008, 459.868896495, 469.0791625728, 470.4031982346]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048172_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a vase, a desk, a book, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[18.290344243200025, 64.4172363642, 90.56689454079998, 320.4031982346], [20.458313011200005, 169.2484130679, 59.6778564608, 251.81579593229998], [54.296203622400014, 64.4172363642, 85.25897215999998, 161.72888186159997], [48.10363770880002, 209.50000002090002, 90.56689454079998, 290.0031738546], [18.290344243200025, 273.8380126971, 32.88842772480001, 295.0052489931], [47.402282700800015, 309.868896495, 76.07916257279999, 320.4031982346]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048177.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[202.938598656, 289.86865236479997, 355.564880384, 494.14147952639996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048177_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, a desk, a book, and a pen.", "boxes_value": [[38.93859865600001, 51.86865236479997, 191.564880384, 256.14147952639996], [47.991943372799994, 51.86865236479997, 191.2012939264, 192.21386716159998], [92.8641967616, 154.97937013759997, 136.78173829119999, 199.85168460800003], [38.93859865600001, 178.86242677760004, 191.564880384, 256.14147952639996], [60.8927612416, 196.65161131520006, 175.103088384, 241.39709473280004], [123.71441648640001, 205.98266600960005, 149.0635986432, 224.1744384512]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048179.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[50.772827136, 67.5368041975, 250.5381469696, 726.581176754]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048179_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a necklace, a hat, two glasses, and a suv.", "boxes_value": [[56.92309420560002, 64.612521472, 284.29971729420004, 320.6153370112], [85.7151045695, 106.33233592319999, 290.57907263440006, 384], [164.2070463947, 64.731606784, 284.29971729420004, 320.6153370112], [130.45551138660005, 193.458391296, 172.05624053359998, 242.1233952256], [166.3321891672, 64.612521472, 259.7059436372999, 123.48858342400001], [111.1358810749, 140.0474758144, 176.91148153519998, 158.4462451712], [56.92309420560002, 223.1359895552, 89.8506597727, 244.12278963199998], [80.97729493279996, 13.9591064576, 304.34863278499995, 138.3101806592]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048185.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, two potted plants, a lamp, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[33.986694358499996, 153.753417984, 228.11492917419997, 373.8184814592], [161.2838744858, 297.997070336, 228.11492917419997, 350.3480835072], [33.986694358499996, 270.7077636608, 111.3197631763, 373.8184814592], [150.4636230632, 166.8468627968, 210.2023925697, 226.5856323072], [123.4584350431, 153.753417984, 153.7369995299, 203.6721191424], [25.285705536400002, 325.4834594816, 64.2863159402, 373.5015258624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048185_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, two potted plants, a lamp, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[33.986694358499996, 55.75341798400001, 228.11492917419997, 275.8184814592], [161.2838744858, 199.99707033599998, 228.11492917419997, 252.3480835072], [33.986694358499996, 172.70776366080003, 111.3197631763, 275.8184814592], [150.4636230632, 68.8468627968, 210.2023925697, 128.5856323072], [123.4584350431, 55.75341798400001, 153.7369995299, 105.67211914239999], [25.285705536400002, 227.4834594816, 64.2863159402, 275.5015258624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048186.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, a bottle, a cup, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[40.13244625889996, 48.668823244799995, 197.12318095130001, 240.8742065664], [172.180871218, 49.50050370560001, 197.12318095130001, 69.24649886719999], [43.073608383800035, 144.0466918912, 66.5317382856, 240.8742065664], [32.224609354600034, 182.92602536959998, 54.22619626859995, 233.89642332160003], [40.13244625889996, 74.2495727616, 113.44104002669997, 160.8870239232], [98.75268551620002, 48.668823244799995, 120.61755372480002, 85.96777343999997], [116.82116700289998, 62.0879516672, 144.45764160969998, 92.7951660032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048188.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[142.7103271604, 530.76208496, 270.0554809514, 691.42687992]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048188_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[32.7103271604, 40.76208496000004, 160.0554809514, 201.42687992000003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048188.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five apples.", "boxes_value": [[32.7103271604, 40.76208496000004, 160.0554809514, 201.42687992000003], [103.4576416251, 40.76208496000004, 160.0554809514, 101.92419432000008], [99.34973146000002, 104.20642088, 152.75250242890002, 158.52209472000004], [21.299438472799977, 111.50939944000004, 72.4201049973, 159.43493655999998], [32.7103271604, 133.41821287999994, 87.4824218935, 188.19030759999998], [86.1130981293, 152.13195799999994, 125.8228759662, 201.42687992000003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048190.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[172.5257568344, 76.2984008704, 610.390502903, 344.8278198272]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048190_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[109.5257568344, 67.2984008704, 547.390502903, 335.8278198272]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048190.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, two benches, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[172.5257568344, 76.2984008704, 610.390502903, 344.8278198272], [172.5257568344, 93.7630004736, 358.9943847439, 258.4769287168], [354.4310302752, 100.1613769728, 367.47839354990003, 198.669006336], [337.6260375917, 76.2984008704, 450.48291016260004, 187.1112060416], [204.0823974335, 191.1694336, 554.8605957026, 480.756347648], [421.27258301509994, 166.7909545984, 610.390502903, 344.8278198272], [530.81457519, 217.2604980224, 577.8675536989999, 252.749633792]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048190_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, two benches, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[109.5257568344, 67.2984008704, 547.390502903, 335.8278198272], [109.5257568344, 84.7630004736, 295.9943847439, 249.4769287168], [291.4310302752, 91.1613769728, 304.47839354990003, 189.669006336], [274.6260375917, 67.2984008704, 387.48291016260004, 178.1112060416], [141.0823974335, 182.1694336, 491.8605957026, 402], [358.27258301509994, 157.7909545984, 547.390502903, 335.8278198272], [467.81457519, 208.2604980224, 514.8675536989999, 243.749633792]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048191.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pen, two bowls, a bottle, a cell phone, and a tablet.", "boxes_value": [[297.6092965632, 293.1744753664, 633.9530276352, 345.9746485248], [567.6986084352, 272.825317376, 577.2069091584, 365.395751936], [297.6092965632, 293.1744753664, 332.3010757632, 311.1050578944], [599.1947577599999, 319.7450281984, 633.9530276352, 345.9746485248], [408.4548340224, 299.701965312, 450.57226560000004, 315.6774902272], [453.5142822144, 320.6770629632, 508.4450683392, 334.0058593792], [407.87316894720004, 320.4750976512, 540.3533935872, 344.9112548864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048191_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pen, two bowls, a bottle, a cell phone, and a tablet.", "boxes_value": [[84.60929656320002, 14.174475366399975, 420.9530276352, 66.97464852479999], [354.69860843519996, 0, 364.2069091584, 80], [84.60929656320002, 14.174475366399975, 119.3010757632, 32.10505789439998], [386.1947577599999, 40.74502819840001, 420.9530276352, 66.97464852479999], [195.4548340224, 20.701965312000027, 237.57226560000004, 36.677490227199996], [240.5142822144, 41.6770629632, 295.4450683392, 55.00585937919999], [194.87316894720004, 41.475097651199974, 327.3533935872, 65.9112548864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048192.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, three sneakers, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[79.6275968256, 307.579668224, 610.5012242688, 447.4430116352], [366.1230468864, 306.399536128, 612.8712158208, 434.8438110208], [76.1358031872, 225.3436279296, 255.468994176, 452.0377807872], [218.30839104, 432.9895948288, 253.75792704000003, 446.43597056], [79.6275968256, 435.7417061888, 113.84839572480001, 447.4430116352], [420.1927569408, 307.579668224, 466.86154606080004, 340.80151808], [593.6433652224, 395.053182464, 610.5012242688, 414.4825793024]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048192_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, three sneakers, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[79.6275968256, 35.57966822399999, 610.5012242688, 175.44301163519998], [366.1230468864, 34.39953612800002, 612.8712158208, 162.8438110208], [76.1358031872, 0, 255.468994176, 180.0377807872], [218.30839104, 160.98959482880002, 253.75792704000003, 174.43597056], [79.6275968256, 163.74170618879998, 113.84839572480001, 175.44301163519998], [420.1927569408, 35.57966822399999, 466.86154606080004, 68.80151808], [593.6433652224, 123.05318246399997, 610.5012242688, 142.48257930239998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048194.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a watch, a person, a sneakers, and two slippers.", "boxes_value": [[0.3908691456, 127.6938476448, 389.9539794944, 690.6600342], [0.3908691456, 127.6938476448, 389.9539794944, 690.6600342], [340.0268554752, 438.8566894396, 360.8698730496, 478.2266845556], [355.5045776384, 160.61572264240002, 401.088806144, 217.8032226896], [309.5758980608, 651.1154349948, 380.9040158208, 710.5555331524], [48.82110595703125, 176.0915069580078, 73.76344299316406, 197.92738342285156], [60.889503479003906, 165.0950469970703, 87.54540252685547, 183.0588836669922]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048194_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a watch, a person, a sneakers, and two slippers.", "boxes_value": [[0.3908691456, 127.6938476448, 389.9539794944, 690.6600342], [0.3908691456, 127.6938476448, 389.9539794944, 690.6600342], [340.0268554752, 438.8566894396, 360.8698730496, 478.2266845556], [355.5045776384, 160.61572264240002, 401.088806144, 217.8032226896], [309.5758980608, 651.1154349948, 380.9040158208, 710.5555331524], [48.82110595703125, 176.0915069580078, 73.76344299316406, 197.92738342285156], [60.889503479003906, 165.0950469970703, 87.54540252685547, 183.0588836669922]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048195.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two glasses, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[86.11425779199999, 83.7280273408, 426.951538048, 416], [86.11425779199999, 83.7280273408, 407.30676267519993, 416], [76.30004884480002, 18.597290035200004, 244.92614748159997, 205.0674438656], [365.24584960000004, 98.3856201216, 427, 318.6318969856], [134.6019287296, 122.0650024448, 253.043945344, 157.7447510016], [378.39770506240006, 130.3511963136, 426.951538048, 162.51025392640003], [239.9412841984, 331.1268310528, 345.89929200639995, 391.5919799808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048196.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, a vase, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[43.403076190200004, 211.8217773568, 123.966308568, 332.01544192], [43.403076190200004, 287.5948486144, 66.96508791629999, 313.5665283072], [44.4741210753, 312.2277832192, 65.8941040368, 331.2380370944], [65.1105346452, 292.6473388544, 84.33233641620001, 321.6486205952], [93.2690429817, 216.0480346624, 123.966308568, 332.01544192], [66.24609377670001, 211.8217773568, 83.0714721945, 275.5432129024]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048196_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, a vase, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[20.403076190200004, 30.8217773568, 100.966308568, 151.01544192], [20.403076190200004, 106.59484861440001, 43.96508791629999, 132.56652830719997], [21.474121075299998, 131.22778321919998, 42.8941040368, 150.2380370944], [42.110534645200005, 111.6473388544, 61.33233641620001, 140.6486205952], [70.2690429817, 35.0480346624, 100.966308568, 151.01544192], [43.24609377670001, 30.8217773568, 60.071472194500004, 94.5432129024]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048197.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[57.984436012799996, 141.733154304, 353.1464843568, 328.8781738496]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048197_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[57.984436012799996, 47.73315430400001, 353.1464843568, 234.8781738496]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048197.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[57.984436012799996, 141.733154304, 353.1464843568, 328.8781738496], [195.17779539, 117.1978149376, 353.9313964644, 330.1736450048], [172.7423706132, 141.733154304, 217.8006591612, 227.273559552], [57.984436012799996, 141.733154304, 85.4418945072, 229.385681152], [247.46868899400002, 154.524353024, 264.0839233572, 201.1062622208], [195.3479614536, 255.0485229568, 213.6241455408, 288.1525878784], [323.694824208, 310.4471435776, 353.1464843568, 328.8781738496]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048197_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[57.984436012799996, 47.73315430400001, 353.1464843568, 234.8781738496], [195.17779539, 23.1978149376, 353.9313964644, 236.1736450048], [172.7423706132, 47.73315430400001, 217.8006591612, 133.273559552], [57.984436012799996, 47.73315430400001, 85.4418945072, 135.385681152], [247.46868899400002, 60.52435302399999, 264.0839233572, 107.1062622208], [195.3479614536, 161.0485229568, 213.6241455408, 194.15258787840003], [323.694824208, 216.4471435776, 353.1464843568, 234.8781738496]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048198.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cymbals, a piano, a person, a microphone, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[54.715667724609375, 189.6683959808, 374.4680175482, 427.0034179584], [140.8678588899, 189.6683959808, 181.3238525475, 208.9015502848], [209.1449585146, 245.0657348608, 404.7919921779, 288.1080932864], [279.37280271550003, 190.507568384, 335.656066907, 420.9806518784], [352.2711181784, 229.4353027584, 374.4680175482, 244.5695800832], [61.6464233395, 320.3964233216, 110.6611328212, 427.0034179584], [54.715667724609375, 266.1308898925781, 100.2391357421875, 293.5387878417969]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048198_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cymbals, a piano, a person, a microphone, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[54.715667724609375, 59.6683959808, 374.4680175482, 297.0034179584], [140.8678588899, 59.6683959808, 181.3238525475, 78.90155028480001], [209.1449585146, 115.0657348608, 404.7919921779, 158.1080932864], [279.37280271550003, 60.507568383999995, 335.656066907, 290.9806518784], [352.2711181784, 99.43530275840001, 374.4680175482, 114.56958008320001], [61.6464233395, 190.39642332160003, 110.6611328212, 297.0034179584], [54.715667724609375, 136.13088989257812, 100.2391357421875, 163.53878784179688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048200.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four lamps, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[316.559814465, 0.4106445312, 456.7728271613, 312.3180541952], [386.4095459045, 0.4106445312, 449.3969726734, 204.9346924032], [338.8814086667, 36.1894531072, 390.6022949429, 221.2955322368], [316.559814465, 106.9653320192, 353.03662109510003, 240.89501952], [436.1209716654, 147.6359863296, 456.7728271613, 171.7783203328], [360.53869630519995, 247.341491712, 394.1628417648, 312.3180541952]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048200_crop.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four lamps, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[35.55981446499999, 0.4106445312, 175.77282716129997, 312.3180541952], [105.40954590450002, 0.4106445312, 168.3969726734, 204.9346924032], [57.8814086667, 36.1894531072, 109.60229494290002, 221.2955322368], [35.55981446499999, 106.9653320192, 72.03662109510003, 240.89501952], [155.12097166540002, 147.6359863296, 175.77282716129997, 171.7783203328], [79.53869630519995, 247.341491712, 113.16284176480002, 312.3180541952]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048202.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[64.585815453, 9.1704101376, 417.9642944052, 200.4840088064]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048202_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[64.585815453, 9.1704101376, 417.9642944052, 200.4840088064]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048202.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a towel, three people, and two helmets.", "boxes_value": [[64.585815453, 9.1704101376, 417.9642944052, 200.4840088064], [104.8040771298, 34.2067871232, 137.2512817572, 68.85913088], [64.585815453, 96.167541504, 138.2772826896, 200.4840088064], [222.82739257740002, 86.01196288, 309.6131592024, 251.4473266688], [282.9446411304, 9.1704101376, 345.77392575899995, 197.2062377984], [150.9667358358, 32.6455688704, 207.76708985579998, 71.4870605312], [339.56542970099997, 10.2118530048, 417.9642944052, 67.6373291008]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048202_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a towel, three people, and two helmets.", "boxes_value": [[64.585815453, 9.1704101376, 417.9642944052, 200.4840088064], [104.8040771298, 34.2067871232, 137.2512817572, 68.85913088], [64.585815453, 96.167541504, 138.2772826896, 200.4840088064], [222.82739257740002, 86.01196288, 309.6131592024, 248], [282.9446411304, 9.1704101376, 345.77392575899995, 197.2062377984], [150.9667358358, 32.6455688704, 207.76708985579998, 71.4870605312], [339.56542970099997, 10.2118530048, 417.9642944052, 67.6373291008]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048204.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[29.212341300000002, 89.216613792, 477.6352539, 479.235656736]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048204_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[29.212341300000002, 89.216613792, 477.6352539, 479.235656736]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048204.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bed, a nightstand, a lamp, and four pillows.", "boxes_value": [[29.212341300000002, 89.216613792, 477.6352539, 479.235656736], [29.212341300000002, 89.216613792, 477.6352539, 479.235656736], [295.0461426, 237.840209952, 407.78796384, 321.728637696], [315.88470456000005, 125.09844969599999, 367.17950442, 256.00714113600003], [393.60284424, 133.219055184, 528.4749756, 220.354919424], [61.53930666, 152.796691872, 256.23815916, 245.050659168], [76.52172852, 133.281249984, 216.74169924, 157.64733888], [401.47235106000005, 133.153869648, 490.00256346, 206.395446768]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048204_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bed, a nightstand, a lamp, and four pillows.", "boxes_value": [[29.212341300000002, 89.216613792, 477.6352539, 479.235656736], [29.212341300000002, 89.216613792, 477.6352539, 479.235656736], [295.0461426, 237.840209952, 407.78796384, 321.728637696], [315.88470456000005, 125.09844969599999, 367.17950442, 256.00714113600003], [393.60284424, 133.219055184, 528.4749756, 220.354919424], [61.53930666, 152.796691872, 256.23815916, 245.050659168], [76.52172852, 133.281249984, 216.74169924, 157.64733888], [401.47235106000005, 133.153869648, 490.00256346, 206.395446768]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048205.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[508.8333740502, 229.087768576, 663.1658935741, 336.7039184384]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048205_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[38.83337405020001, 27.087768576000002, 193.16589357409998, 134.70391843840002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048205.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, three people, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[508.8333740502, 229.087768576, 663.1658935741, 336.7039184384], [562.1414795186, 281.9049072128, 663.1346435238, 336.7039184384], [588.0953369082, 229.1814575104, 622.5871581914, 352.2700195328], [640.8475341970001, 232.562988288, 663.1658935741, 256.23388672], [508.8333740502, 229.087768576, 535.1857910356, 268.856079104], [590.3181152619, 277.2687988224, 610.8972167782, 313.2098998784]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048205_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, three people, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[38.83337405020001, 27.087768576000002, 193.16589357409998, 134.70391843840002], [92.14147951860002, 79.90490721280003, 193.13464352380004, 134.70391843840002], [118.09533690820001, 27.18145751040001, 152.58715819140002, 150.2700195328], [170.84753419700007, 30.562988288000014, 193.16589357409998, 54.23388671999999], [38.83337405020001, 27.087768576000002, 65.1857910356, 66.856079104], [120.31811526189995, 75.26879882240002, 140.8972167782, 111.2098998784]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048206.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[512.7183837786, 0.819335936, 682.3610839618, 512.6383056896]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048206_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[42.718383778600014, 0.819335936, 212.36108396179998, 512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048206.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.074646016, 351.8613281502, 384.0843505664, 661.4064941116]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048208_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.074646016, 77.8613281502, 384.0843505664, 387.40649411159995]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048208.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a book, a barrel, a bowl, and a bread.", "boxes_value": [[0.074646016, 351.8613281502, 384.0843505664, 661.4064941116], [182.4559936512, 335.808593784, 444.5651245056, 549.2071532903], [335.1609497088, 351.8613281502, 384.0843505664, 373.2252197519], [0.074646016, 532.6793212555, 23.8647460864, 661.4064941116], [19.480896, 514.7248535052, 169.6065063424, 638.0444336237999], [253.6112060416, 356.82189943670005, 289.2406616064, 389.2451171856]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048208_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a book, a barrel, a bowl, and a bread.", "boxes_value": [[0.074646016, 77.8613281502, 384.0843505664, 387.40649411159995], [182.4559936512, 61.80859378399998, 444.5651245056, 275.20715329029997], [335.1609497088, 77.8613281502, 384.0843505664, 99.2252197519], [0.074646016, 258.6793212555, 23.8647460864, 387.40649411159995], [19.480896, 240.72485350520003, 169.6065063424, 364.04443362379993], [253.6112060416, 82.82189943670005, 289.2406616064, 115.24511718560001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048209.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly provide a description for the content within the rectangular area of ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, a lamp, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[332.73718264319996, 225.2907104256, 561.2059325952, 323.7507324416], [332.73718264319996, 301.9259033088, 358.9270019328, 323.7507324416], [420.9095459328, 300.1798706176, 451.027832064, 323.7507324416], [372.0219726336, 298.8704223744, 411.30664058879995, 323.7507324416], [519.76794432, 235.1990966784, 561.2059325952, 259.938171392], [377.3193359616, 225.2907104256, 399.8232421632, 270.2985839616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048209_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly provide a description for the content within the rectangular area of ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, a lamp, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[57.73718264319996, 25.290710425599997, 286.2059325952, 123.75073244160001], [57.73718264319996, 101.9259033088, 83.92700193280001, 123.75073244160001], [145.90954593279997, 100.17987061759999, 176.027832064, 123.75073244160001], [97.0219726336, 98.8704223744, 136.30664058879995, 123.75073244160001], [244.76794431999997, 35.1990966784, 286.2059325952, 59.938171392000015], [102.31933596160002, 25.290710425599997, 124.8232421632, 70.2985839616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048210.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[298.1092529124, 283.2981567488, 528.6616211196, 345.0223388672]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048210_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[58.109252912399995, 16.29815674880001, 288.6616211196, 78.0223388672]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048210.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, two desks, and a stool.", "boxes_value": [[298.1092529124, 283.2981567488, 528.6616211196, 345.0223388672], [444.1107177684, 283.2981567488, 515.471069358, 343.0417480704], [375.6448974744, 284.6691283968, 439.65588377160003, 345.0223388672], [423.195922818, 298.080932608, 453.06774900000005, 334.0490112512], [497.57055666120004, 297.4713134592, 528.6616211196, 338.316406272], [298.1092529124, 284.5939941376, 333.0446777424, 305.1969604608]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048210_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, two desks, and a stool.", "boxes_value": [[58.109252912399995, 16.29815674880001, 288.6616211196, 78.0223388672], [204.11071776839998, 16.29815674880001, 275.471069358, 76.04174807039999], [135.6448974744, 17.669128396799977, 199.65588377160003, 78.0223388672], [183.19592281799999, 31.080932608000012, 213.06774900000005, 67.0490112512], [257.57055666120004, 30.47131345920002, 288.6616211196, 71.316406272], [58.109252912399995, 17.59399413760002, 93.04467774239998, 38.19696046080003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048211.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[122.8680420136, 303.7302245888, 250.61950684939998, 400.842651392]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048211_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[32.868042013600004, 24.730224588800013, 160.61950684939998, 121.842651392]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048211.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, two cabinets, a vase, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[122.8680420136, 303.7302245888, 250.61950684939998, 400.842651392], [122.8680420136, 369.654846208, 180.9119873262, 400.842651392], [214.0303955192, 305.4050903552, 250.61950684939998, 352.172058112], [185.6867676014, 303.7302245888, 207.8463744838, 357.3254394368], [133.43774415919998, 315.5444946432, 157.6382446106, 348.0900268544], [228.27081296499998, 321.9370727424, 243.6032104636, 365.1962280448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048211_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, two cabinets, a vase, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[32.868042013600004, 24.730224588800013, 160.61950684939998, 121.842651392], [32.868042013600004, 90.65484620799998, 90.9119873262, 121.842651392], [124.0303955192, 26.405090355200002, 160.61950684939998, 73.172058112], [95.68676760139999, 24.730224588800013, 117.84637448379999, 78.32543943680002], [43.43774415919998, 36.54449464319998, 67.6382446106, 69.09002685439998], [138.27081296499998, 42.937072742400005, 153.6032104636, 86.19622804480002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048212.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[26.90716552734375, 34.786437990399975, 131.27685550080002, 170.2213134765625], [95.06982420480006, 49.56658933760002, 131.27685550080002, 127.59881589759999], [48.672241228799976, 34.786437990399975, 99.97412106239995, 161.7145996288], [86.562744140625, 151.4625244140625, 99.0137939453125, 159.83111572265625], [50.696044921875, 143.84921264648438, 67.1376953125, 151.55294799804688], [26.90716552734375, 158.6143798828125, 48.08575439453125, 170.2213134765625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048213.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include six bottles.", "boxes_value": [[593.9658203285001, 349.993286144, 670.7265624662999, 437.850097664], [645.9410400273999, 368.8817138688, 682.0416259427, 459.6721191424], [621.4249267336, 402.288269056, 638.9364013669, 437.850097664], [635.4342041229, 365.648864768, 655.9091796938001, 429.22906496], [631.1236572549001, 349.993286144, 670.7265624662999, 389.326782208], [608.5137939559, 363.6099243008, 635.5316161782999, 423.8802490368], [593.9658203285001, 352.7566528512, 629.75854495, 407.4848632832]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048213_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six bottles.", "boxes_value": [[19.965820328500058, 21.993286144000024, 96.72656246629992, 109.85009766399997], [71.94104002739994, 40.88171386879998, 108.04162594269997, 131], [47.424926733600046, 74.28826905599999, 64.93640136689999, 109.85009766399997], [61.43420412290004, 37.64886476800001, 81.90917969380007, 101.22906496000002], [57.12365725490008, 21.993286144000024, 96.72656246629992, 61.326782208], [34.51379395590004, 35.6099243008, 61.53161617829994, 95.88024903680002], [19.965820328500058, 24.756652851199988, 55.75854494999999, 79.48486328320001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048218.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[385.4660644598, 223.7797851648, 510.4989013554, 257.0354614272]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048218_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[31.46606445980001, 8.77978516479999, 156.4989013554, 42.035461427200005]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048218.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a faucet, three cups, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[385.4660644598, 223.7797851648, 510.4989013554, 257.0354614272], [385.4660644598, 225.5288086016, 407.0986328492, 245.9052734464], [472.01513672979996, 235.065185536, 504.42956546539995, 252.439331072], [463.0600586148, 223.7797851648, 479.82556151179995, 243.2125243904], [494.11437989520005, 223.7797851648, 510.4989013554, 247.9754638848], [460.10754393999997, 242.9630127104, 508.99060055280006, 257.0354614272]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048218_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a faucet, three cups, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[31.46606445980001, 8.77978516479999, 156.4989013554, 42.035461427200005], [31.46606445980001, 10.52880860159999, 53.09863284919999, 30.905273446400003], [118.01513672979996, 20.065185536, 150.42956546539995, 37.43933107199999], [109.06005861480003, 8.77978516479999, 125.82556151179995, 28.212524390400006], [140.11437989520005, 8.77978516479999, 156.4989013554, 32.97546388480001], [106.10754393999997, 27.963012710399994, 154.99060055280006, 42.035461427200005]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048219.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[119.3017578, 115.118286149, 499.83459475, 746.1824950990001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048219_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[95.3017578, 115.118286149, 475.83459475, 746]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048219.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a glasses, a mask, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[119.3017578, 115.118286149, 499.83459475, 746.1824950990001], [156.6826172, 60.3967285266, 471.01312254999993, 746.2087401996], [345.90008545, 158.0200805678, 499.83459475, 746.1824950990001], [179.64630125, 115.118286149, 298.60559079999996, 184.2531738502], [212.81170655, 157.1264038252, 286.1113281, 227.954528831], [119.3017578, 250.75360104499998, 174.06939695, 306.7382812422]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048219_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a glasses, a mask, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[95.3017578, 115.118286149, 475.83459475, 746], [132.6826172, 60.3967285266, 447.01312254999993, 746], [321.90008545, 158.0200805678, 475.83459475, 746], [155.64630125, 115.118286149, 274.60559079999996, 184.2531738502], [188.81170655, 157.1264038252, 262.1113281, 227.954528831], [95.3017578, 250.75360104499998, 150.06939695, 306.7382812422]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048220.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[190.0552978428, 115.2385253888, 390.322631868, 452.984985344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048220_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, five people, and a boots.", "boxes_value": [[51.0552978428, 85.2385253888, 251.32263186799997, 422.984985344], [0, 273.9578247168, 195.66827390360004, 419.3536376832], [180.23022462760002, 253.1813354496, 279.1435547068, 424.290161152], [163.2581787108, 135.8167724544, 251.32263186799997, 321.2532959232], [121.37390133560001, 228.1770629632, 195.4769287236, 368.1494140416], [0, 121.13934325759999, 175.78771973480002, 424.4554443264], [51.0552978428, 85.2385253888, 164.2810058512, 332.4019775488], [106.18823240079999, 380.8023681536, 171.759277348, 422.984985344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048221.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a desk, and four people.", "boxes_value": [[28.809082049500034, 18.677902221679688, 143.22964477539062, 91.92599487304688], [28.809082049500034, 43.435913062400004, 50.026611327299975, 71.36779786240001], [57.64086915079997, 46.20013429759999, 96.11853029129998, 72.6411743232], [34.028961181640625, 25.591751098632812, 55.149993896484375, 70.07441711425781], [67.3094482421875, 52.42854309082031, 105.93096923828125, 88.23931884765625], [104.89877319335938, 18.677902221679688, 125.87863159179688, 76.35362243652344], [110.52230834960938, 36.87274169921875, 143.22964477539062, 91.92599487304688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048228.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a person, a glasses, a hat, and two bowls.", "boxes_value": [[140.959167488, 186.70794680659998, 404.4039917056, 304.3734741158], [277.1922607616, 190.18450928480001, 404.4039917056, 282.3668823144], [156.7051391488, 165.6979370387, 321.117370624, 328.8121948355], [140.959167488, 286.5875243898, 203.5968017408, 304.3734741158], [164.9315795968, 238.9003906258, 225.7648315392, 280.6588134437], [341.7163696128, 186.70794680659998, 366.6397705216, 200.02313234419998], [377.9064941568, 188.0736083801, 402.4884643328, 203.095886235]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048228_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a person, a glasses, a hat, and two bowls.", "boxes_value": [[65.95916748799999, 29.707946806599978, 329.4039917056, 147.37347411579998], [202.19226076159998, 33.184509284800015, 329.4039917056, 125.36688231440002], [81.70513914879999, 8.69793703869999, 246.117370624, 171.8121948355], [65.95916748799999, 129.58752438980002, 128.5968017408, 147.37347411579998], [89.93157959679999, 81.90039062579999, 150.7648315392, 123.65881344370001], [266.7163696128, 29.707946806599978, 291.6397705216, 43.02313234419998], [302.9064941568, 31.073608380100012, 327.4884643328, 46.095886234999995]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048230.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, and four pillows.", "boxes_value": [[51.93640138309996, 15.69567871999999, 256.2800292802, 75.84051512320002], [51.93640138309996, 16.115783679999993, 75.30017093539999, 72.70819092480002], [100.2915039357, 42.2415161344, 159.22558597149998, 67.79870607359999], [106.64074704109998, 32.325073254400024, 156.66516116539998, 46.05725096959998], [158.34667968159994, 43.53503416320001, 215.93786618289994, 67.9166870016], [156.38500980770004, 33.44604492799999, 208.65148922049997, 46.477661132799994], [232.5114746424, 15.69567871999999, 256.2800292802, 75.84051512320002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048231.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[569.9257812584001, 280.7346801664, 849.1538085912, 368.20880128]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048231_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[69.9257812584001, 22.734680166399983, 349.1538085912, 110.20880127999999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048231.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[69.9257812584001, 22.734680166399983, 349.1538085912, 110.20880127999999], [316.31249996660006, 46.30139161599999, 349.1538085912, 80.03033446400002], [200.480346692, 53.8460693504, 236.42834471499998, 78.69891358720002], [191.16052248459994, 68.04766848000003, 214.68200681639996, 110.20880127999999], [78.87878419840001, 63.609680179199984, 119.70849610179994, 88.46252441600001], [69.9257812584001, 22.734680166399983, 116.22607420220004, 42.6242065408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048232.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a person, a necklace, a book, a hat, a bottle, and a tablet.", "boxes_value": [[288.629272443, 105.572021504, 630.3048095547, 510.339904768], [219.89831545590002, 357.91412352, 569.549438475, 511.3908691456], [478.8070068081, 106.2276000768, 630.3048095547, 510.339904768], [275.3072509515, 233.6983642624, 312.6019287204, 292.9085083136], [288.629272443, 282.044921856, 348.2247314622, 312.7190551552], [539.2930907949, 105.572021504, 599.9631347649, 148.1474609152], [337.5579833931, 313.6796874752, 362.349609363, 391.7120971776], [437.81140136159996, 219.4075927552, 509.6400146862, 260.8986816512]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048232_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a person, a necklace, a book, a hat, a bottle, and a tablet.", "boxes_value": [[85.62927244299999, 101.572021504, 427.3048095547, 506.339904768], [16.89831545590002, 353.91412352, 366.549438475, 507.3908691456], [275.8070068081, 102.2276000768, 427.3048095547, 506.339904768], [72.30725095150001, 229.6983642624, 109.6019287204, 288.9085083136], [85.62927244299999, 278.044921856, 145.2247314622, 308.7190551552], [336.29309079489997, 101.572021504, 396.9631347649, 144.1474609152], [134.55798339310002, 309.6796874752, 159.349609363, 387.7120971776], [234.81140136159996, 215.4075927552, 306.6400146862, 256.8986816512]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048242.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[29.557495104, 0, 432.35839846399995, 391.704884832]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048242_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[29.557495104, 0, 432.35839846399995, 391.704884832]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048242.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include seven cabinets, a faucet, a sink, a gas stove, and an oven.", "boxes_value": [[29.557495104, 0, 432.35839846399995, 391.704884832], [216.59185792, 0, 328.626037568, 153.61218264000001], [328.655212416, 0.6150207360000001, 432.35839846399995, 153.14715576], [69.629577664, 0.6150207360000001, 220.766601536, 157.797485328], [254.490966784, 226.696594224, 336.80230713599997, 326.47802736], [335.458435072, 226.36059571200002, 413.40222169599997, 325.80609129600003], [144.003295872, 282.35198976, 212.25213625599997, 477.16345214399996], [204.47692870400002, 259.89038087999995, 229.098327616, 433.96801756800005], [29.557495104, 191.55297849599998, 96.465087872, 299.197692864], [26.178039551999998, 278.41448976, 170.331604032, 320.24475096], [131.169590912, 222.023824464, 255.704602432, 290.697452208], [231.169616704, 241.81672185600002, 261.63997580800003, 391.704884832]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [8], [9], [10], [11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048242_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include seven cabinets, a faucet, a sink, a gas stove, and an oven.", "boxes_value": [[29.557495104, 0, 432.35839846399995, 391.704884832], [216.59185792, 0, 328.626037568, 153.61218264000001], [328.655212416, 0.6150207360000001, 432.35839846399995, 153.14715576], [69.629577664, 0.6150207360000001, 220.766601536, 157.797485328], [254.490966784, 226.696594224, 336.80230713599997, 326.47802736], [335.458435072, 226.36059571200002, 413.40222169599997, 325.80609129600003], [144.003295872, 282.35198976, 212.25213625599997, 477.16345214399996], [204.47692870400002, 259.89038087999995, 229.098327616, 433.96801756800005], [29.557495104, 191.55297849599998, 96.465087872, 299.197692864], [26.178039551999998, 278.41448976, 170.331604032, 320.24475096], [131.169590912, 222.023824464, 255.704602432, 290.697452208], [231.169616704, 241.81672185600002, 261.63997580800003, 391.704884832]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [8], [9], [10], [11]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048243.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[255.778930688, 322.5769653415, 369.6292724736, 431.6528930631]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048243_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[28.778930688000003, 27.5769653415, 142.6292724736, 136.6528930631]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048243.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cake, five plates, and two strawberries.", "boxes_value": [[255.778930688, 322.5769653415, 369.6292724736, 431.6528930631], [271.2798461952, 322.5769653415, 358.0409545728, 368.5556640752], [255.778930688, 399.63250733440003, 341.1666870272, 431.6528930631], [306.2999878144, 371.1699218859, 361.8020630016, 400.3440551627], [260.048278784, 351.2460937408, 369.6292724736, 374.0161743378], [228.0278930432, 324.9182129159, 284.9530639872, 344.1304321463], [341.1666870272, 329.1875610244, 385.2836914176, 348.3998412889], [262.459716796875, 374.5242004394531, 336.1484375, 422.5469665527344], [295.93414306640625, 322.51275634765625, 335.91888427734375, 345.8836669921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048243_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cake, five plates, and two strawberries.", "boxes_value": [[28.778930688000003, 27.5769653415, 142.6292724736, 136.6528930631], [44.27984619519998, 27.5769653415, 131.0409545728, 73.55566407520001], [28.778930688000003, 104.63250733440003, 114.1666870272, 136.6528930631], [79.29998781440003, 76.16992188590001, 134.8020630016, 105.34405516269999], [33.04827878399999, 56.246093740800006, 142.6292724736, 79.01617433780001], [1.0278930432000095, 29.91821291590003, 57.95306398719998, 49.130432146299995], [114.1666870272, 34.1875610244, 158.28369141759998, 53.39984128890001], [35.459716796875, 79.52420043945312, 109.1484375, 127.54696655273438], [68.93414306640625, 27.51275634765625, 108.91888427734375, 50.8836669921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048244.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[409.7490234624, 222.5689086976, 535.553955072, 406.4494628864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048244_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[31.749023462399975, 46.568908697599994, 157.553955072, 230.4494628864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048244.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a gloves, two sneakers, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[409.7490234624, 222.5689086976, 535.553955072, 406.4494628864], [410.9884033536, 221.9954223616, 544.9305420288, 407.1948242432], [409.7490234624, 309.7517089792, 432.4515380736, 328.7851562496], [451.145751936, 387.579772928, 485.68408204799994, 406.4494628864], [514.4940185856, 362.139404288, 535.553955072, 396.3406982656], [414.15563965440003, 222.5689086976, 447.82971194879997, 254.016479488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048244_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a gloves, two sneakers, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[31.749023462399975, 46.568908697599994, 157.553955072, 230.4494628864], [32.988403353600006, 45.99542236159999, 166.9305420288, 231.1948242432], [31.749023462399975, 133.75170897919998, 54.45153807359998, 152.7851562496], [73.14575193600001, 211.579772928, 107.68408204799994, 230.4494628864], [136.49401858559997, 186.13940428799998, 157.553955072, 220.3406982656], [36.155639654400034, 46.568908697599994, 69.82971194879997, 78.01647948799999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048246.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three boats, a sailboat, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[150.82489013671875, 35.4911499264, 752.3666992184, 177.35711672320002], [415.57238766319995, 119.96588134400002, 512.304565428, 150.51287843839998], [570.488769508, 35.4911499264, 673.512084974, 177.35711672320002], [606.855590826, 122.90991211519997, 662.9526367044, 153.9282836992], [716.4099121132, 142.70886231039998, 752.3666992184, 163.28869626879998], [150.82489013671875, 135.73284912109375, 165.3724365234375, 151.31317138671875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4], [2], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048247.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[419.7210693554, 153.2861938688, 535.6285400483999, 397.42242432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048247_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[29.721069355400004, 61.28619386880001, 145.62854004839994, 305.42242432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048247.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, three boots, a sneakers, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[419.7210693554, 153.2861938688, 535.6285400483999, 397.42242432], [362.1909179734, 185.5317382656, 491.02819821570006, 401.6130371072], [433.8919677667, 153.2861938688, 535.6285400483999, 342.4116821504], [458.48376463200003, 361.4727172608, 490.4046630643, 397.42242432], [472.6954345917, 315.3623046656, 495.0090331856, 341.9261474816], [493.33923341959996, 308.1711425536, 505.6345214893, 333.4447021568], [419.7210693554, 306.5099487232, 435.2783202788, 328.8421020672], [432.2099609466, 151.3483276288, 465.12243652499996, 195.2316284416]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048247_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, three boots, a sneakers, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[29.721069355400004, 61.28619386880001, 145.62854004839994, 305.42242432], [0, 93.53173826560001, 101.02819821570006, 309.6130371072], [43.89196776670002, 61.28619386880001, 145.62854004839994, 250.4116821504], [68.48376463200003, 269.4727172608, 100.4046630643, 305.42242432], [82.6954345917, 223.3623046656, 105.0090331856, 249.92614748160003], [103.33923341959996, 216.17114255360002, 115.63452148930003, 241.44470215680002], [29.721069355400004, 214.5099487232, 45.27832027879998, 236.84210206720002], [42.209960946600006, 59.34832762880001, 75.12243652499996, 103.23162844160001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048248.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a car, a van, and two street lights.", "boxes_value": [[500.48815918080004, 0.1020507648, 640.0238036736, 469.8877563392], [572.337646464, 0.1020507648, 640.0238036736, 82.8295898624], [568.0841064192, 289.5210571264, 596.6566162176, 321.3723755008], [500.48815918080004, 437.8020630016, 529.5792236544, 469.8877563392], [490.6778564352, 427.1511230464, 523.5455322624, 452.7448730624], [519.4056396288, 304.2302856192, 549.6223144704, 425.5351562752], [508.4575195392, 337.5125122048, 537.798461952, 357.2190551552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048248_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a car, a van, and two street lights.", "boxes_value": [[35.48815918080004, 0.1020507648, 175.0238036736, 469.8877563392], [107.33764646400004, 0.1020507648, 175.0238036736, 82.8295898624], [103.0841064192, 289.5210571264, 131.6566162176, 321.3723755008], [35.48815918080004, 437.8020630016, 64.57922365440004, 469.8877563392], [25.6778564352, 427.1511230464, 58.5455322624, 452.7448730624], [54.40563962880003, 304.2302856192, 84.62231447040006, 425.5351562752], [43.45751953920001, 337.5125122048, 72.79846195200003, 357.2190551552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048249.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . 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Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[76.646118144, 23.883666972100002, 382.670471168, 117.42285153819995]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048250.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two bottles, and three cups.", "boxes_value": [[76.646118144, 23.883666972100002, 382.670471168, 117.42285153819995], [182.6737060352, 24.265869131399995, 205.0390624768, 103.38989255659999], [195.4760131584, 85.73010251390002, 217.7651977728, 105.65527346010003], [360.94036864, 90.62243655790002, 382.670471168, 117.42285153819995], [76.646118144, 81.6926269393, 102.53442380800001, 94.76245113530001], [287.7743530496, 23.883666972100002, 302.8549804544, 76.16308593919996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048252.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[32.2529296896, 575.1145019315, 450.9725341696, 628.4217528986001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048252_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include six cars.", "boxes_value": [[32.2529296896, 14.114501931499944, 450.9725341696, 67.42175289860006], [32.2529296896, 14.114501931499944, 80.7401122816, 29.289916992200006], [74.0477295104, 15.666625988299984, 165.258667008, 52.94421385110002], [183.0414428672, 21.295166015700033, 246.2147216896, 63.210205104800025], [204.0992431616, 25.10559084639999, 327.6380615168, 67.42175289860006], [301.3660278272, 22.09741207849993, 391.4130249216, 62.20739745800006], [380.6654052864, 22.124877899000012, 450.9725341696, 58.56774899109996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048253.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two helmets, a boots, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[455.87939453970006, 0.1288452096, 680.1975097362, 434.4698486272], [612.5382079902, 0.1288452096, 680.1975097362, 86.1647339008], [306.4776001128, 38.5015258624, 653.749145541, 436.1723022336], [316.8336181878, 258.0489502208, 664.7955322011001, 418.9122925056], [496.8559570194, 37.3544922112, 554.762939427, 92.7973633024], [574.06530762, 277.1961670144, 625.4012450961, 329.7641601536], [580.7185058718001, 376.6627807744, 653.4100341681, 434.4698486272], [587.719848621, 155.0394287104, 624.254028342, 205.869506816], [455.87939453970006, 287.5152587776, 480.6590576502, 321.507873536]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048253_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[16.656982421875, 15.074371337890625, 81.5931396484375, 72.36373901367188], [68.65765380859375, 53.485992431640625, 81.5931396484375, 72.36373901367188], [37.045623779296875, 29.294281005859375, 51.642852783203125, 48.153900146484375], [48.017486572265625, 49.39422607421875, 61.765899658203125, 65.8729248046875], [16.656982421875, 15.074371337890625, 36.20697021484375, 35.982940673828125], [47.91162109375, 44.34576416015625, 62.370849609375, 65.77130126953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048256.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps.", "boxes_value": [[91.4297485532, 36.938293452799996, 455.1187744192, 183.1729736192], [91.4297485532, 36.938293452799996, 160.6898193408, 61.98980710399999], [152.64233396239996, 89.0499877888, 203.21801756399998, 102.7378540032], [267.7135009972, 88.1219482624, 322.0010986088, 103.89788820480001], [396.12158201880004, 87.0922241024, 455.1187744192, 105.1018676736], [274.35742184960003, 139.4066162176, 286.8206787432, 183.1729736192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048259.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0, 209.2644653568, 250.22119137919998, 512.3116454912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048259_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . 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Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0.7820434185, 356.645385728, 242.89770504900002, 411.8625183105469]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048262_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0.7820434185, 14.645385728000008, 242.89770504900002, 69.86251831054688]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048262.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a chair, two desks, and a wine glass.", "boxes_value": [[0.7820434185, 356.645385728, 242.89770504900002, 411.8625183105469], [144.4909667742, 379.7515869184, 184.1489257707, 401.9896850432], [138.4126586691, 364.159667968, 153.7619629035, 392.459899904], [213.6778564617, 356.645385728, 242.89770504900002, 399.6635131904], [0.7820434185, 364.268737792, 16.5541992105, 395.8130492928], [119.02641296386719, 393.5923767089844, 129.8502197265625, 411.8625183105469]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048262_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a chair, two desks, and a wine glass.", "boxes_value": [[0.7820434185, 14.645385728000008, 242.89770504900002, 69.86251831054688], [144.4909667742, 37.751586918399994, 184.1489257707, 59.989685043199984], [138.4126586691, 22.159667968000008, 153.7619629035, 50.459899904], [213.6778564617, 14.645385728000008, 242.89770504900002, 57.66351319040001], [0.7820434185, 22.268737792000024, 16.5541992105, 53.813049292799974], [119.02641296386719, 51.592376708984375, 129.8502197265625, 69.86251831054688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048263.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0, 265.2874756096, 524.2303021824, 490.7867431424]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048263_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0, 57.287475609599994, 524.2303021824, 282.7867431424]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048263.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a guitar, a drum, a person, a bracelet, two sneakers, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[0, 265.2874756096, 524.2303021824, 490.7867431424], [72.72308352, 361.9082641408, 494.63537594879995, 464.850097664], [0, 265.2874756096, 117.87298583039998, 414.282165504], [50.09167480320001, 145.6578369024, 408.54443358719993, 511.6537475584], [342.354125952, 461.9807739392, 369.6828613632, 490.7867431424], [396.7743652608, 306.665371392, 441.0211463424, 376.5120756736], [489.9668037888, 418.0337622016, 524.2303021824, 450.1822298112], [417.0036621312, 247.0686034944, 557.0180663808001, 512.1962890752]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048263_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a guitar, a drum, a person, a bracelet, two sneakers, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[0, 57.287475609599994, 524.2303021824, 282.7867431424], [72.72308352, 153.9082641408, 494.63537594879995, 256.850097664], [0, 57.287475609599994, 117.87298583039998, 206.28216550399998], [50.09167480320001, 0, 408.54443358719993, 303.6537475584], [342.354125952, 253.9807739392, 369.6828613632, 282.7867431424], [396.7743652608, 98.665371392, 441.0211463424, 168.5120756736], [489.9668037888, 210.03376220159998, 524.2303021824, 242.1822298112], [417.0036621312, 39.06860349440001, 557.0180663808001, 304]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048265.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include six hats.", "boxes_value": [[124.8322753755, 13.8567504896, 355.1093749647, 124.614318848], [197.1323242119, 88.406677248, 245.30694579540003, 124.614318848], [137.9113159005, 66.0070190592, 187.6201172154, 99.7599487488], [124.8322753755, 53.8143921152, 146.957641569, 70.0269165056], [135.8949585078, 36.2667236352, 165.45898438019998, 52.0977783296], [226.607604984, 13.8567504896, 260.5552978725, 31.8621826048], [321.7225341627, 26.9378661888, 355.1093749647, 51.6929931776]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048265_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six hats.", "boxes_value": [[57.832275375500004, 13.8567504896, 288.1093749647, 124.614318848], [130.1323242119, 88.406677248, 178.30694579540003, 124.614318848], [70.9113159005, 66.0070190592, 120.6201172154, 99.7599487488], [57.832275375500004, 53.8143921152, 79.957641569, 70.0269165056], [68.8949585078, 36.2667236352, 98.45898438019998, 52.0977783296], [159.607604984, 13.8567504896, 193.55529787249998, 31.8621826048], [254.72253416270001, 26.9378661888, 288.1093749647, 51.6929931776]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048266.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[357.0602111816406, 270.9013366699219, 415.795654296875, 292.59564208984375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048266_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[15.060211181640625, 5.901336669921875, 73.795654296875, 27.59564208984375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048266.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four candles, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[357.0602111816406, 270.9013366699219, 415.795654296875, 292.59564208984375], [406.52545166015625, 281.54107666015625, 415.795654296875, 292.59564208984375], [381.61883544921875, 271.97802734375, 392.12481689453125, 290.51434326171875], [357.0602111816406, 270.9013366699219, 367.0531311035156, 288.9687805175781], [369.65814208984375, 278.9067687988281, 380.09637451171875, 289.9521179199219], [406.3775939941406, 281.49066162109375, 416.2026672363281, 292.57574462890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048266_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four candles, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[15.060211181640625, 5.901336669921875, 73.795654296875, 27.59564208984375], [64.52545166015625, 16.54107666015625, 73.795654296875, 27.59564208984375], [39.61883544921875, 6.97802734375, 50.12481689453125, 25.51434326171875], [15.060211181640625, 5.901336669921875, 25.053131103515625, 23.968780517578125], [27.65814208984375, 13.906768798828125, 38.09637451171875, 24.952117919921875], [64.37759399414062, 16.49066162109375, 74.20266723632812, 27.57574462890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048267.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[203.5699081623, 274.7267456, 769.1093259616001, 419.2609988608]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048267_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[141.5699081623, 36.726745600000015, 707, 181.2609988608]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048267.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include an american football, four sneakers, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[141.5699081623, 36.726745600000015, 707, 181.2609988608], [509.6942138833, 36.726745600000015, 528.5710449038, 57.0123291136], [236.783539578, 133.88416778240003, 262.0818474235, 164.2421371904], [292.4398168381, 167.921891072, 317.7381246836, 181.2609988608], [141.5699081623, 115.02542919680002, 172.3878468524, 148.1432140288], [138.81009274, 75.00810583039998, 167.3281852833, 99.8464444928], [607.4522160664, 147.87072240639998, 624.3381471515, 167.39508019200002], [694.2187267634, 96.0068557312, 707, 120.43114885120002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 6], [5, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048269.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a desk, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[315.1167907714844, 259.55938720703125, 493.04864501953125, 356.9534301696], [418.83618163200003, 299.7723999232, 452.0100097536, 350.4060058624], [432.804077184, 314.6132812288, 451.5734863104, 356.9534301696], [447.2499999744, 260.013549824, 491.6505126912, 373.5184936448], [450.608642578125, 259.55938720703125, 493.04864501953125, 333.6014404296875], [315.1167907714844, 276.82501220703125, 325.2915344238281, 304.68212890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048269_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a desk, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[45.116790771484375, 24.55938720703125, 223.04864501953125, 121.95343016959998], [148.83618163200003, 64.7723999232, 182.0100097536, 115.40600586239998], [162.804077184, 79.61328122880002, 181.57348631040003, 121.95343016959998], [177.2499999744, 25.013549823999995, 221.6505126912, 138.5184936448], [180.608642578125, 24.55938720703125, 223.04864501953125, 98.6014404296875], [45.116790771484375, 41.82501220703125, 55.291534423828125, 69.68212890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048270.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[202.8460693359375, 415.858642578125, 393.5970458984375, 511.1942443847656]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048270_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[47.8460693359375, 23.858642578125, 238.5970458984375, 119.19424438476562]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048270.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five boots.", "boxes_value": [[202.8460693359375, 415.858642578125, 393.5970458984375, 511.1942443847656], [288.6805725097656, 483.0483093261719, 353.7005920410156, 511.1942443847656], [252.01290893554688, 459.39715576171875, 302.4707946777344, 498.017822265625], [368.67877197265625, 495.99420166015625, 393.5970458984375, 511.14251708984375], [202.8460693359375, 415.858642578125, 239.45822143554688, 459.264404296875], [222.79718017578125, 446.6166687011719, 276.1229248046875, 474.8889465332031]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048270_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five boots.", "boxes_value": [[47.8460693359375, 23.858642578125, 238.5970458984375, 119.19424438476562], [133.68057250976562, 91.04830932617188, 198.70059204101562, 119.19424438476562], [97.01290893554688, 67.39715576171875, 147.47079467773438, 106.017822265625], [213.67877197265625, 103.99420166015625, 238.5970458984375, 119.14251708984375], [47.8460693359375, 23.858642578125, 84.45822143554688, 67.264404296875], [67.79718017578125, 54.616668701171875, 121.1229248046875, 82.88894653320312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048271.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.1673584128, 330.3156738565, 474.2598266368, 576.3353271397]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048271_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . 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Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[20.6393432576, 193.3717651536, 105.3013305856, 305.955688485]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048273_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[20.6393432576, 28.371765153599995, 105.3013305856, 140.955688485]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048273.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see in the area within the context of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, three cleaning products, a bottle, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[20.6393432576, 28.371765153599995, 105.3013305856, 140.955688485], [29.5144653312, 61.438415504399984, 126, 130.53033444839997], [12.6074218496, 56.97955320480003, 47.4335327232, 139.60614013560001], [20.6393432576, 76.90258788060001, 47.4251708928, 140.955688485], [88.832153344, 109.98956296559999, 105.0534057472, 134.44616696819998], [91.4353027584, 36.295227036, 105.3013305856, 64.68762207539999], [70.3060913152, 28.371765153599995, 91.4353027584, 68.6493530166]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5, 6], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048274.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0, 669.556152366, 176.6951293952, 722.5430907892]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048274_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0, 13.556152365999992, 176.6951293952, 66.54309078920005]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048274.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four cars, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[0, 669.556152366, 176.6951293952, 722.5430907892], [23.1553955328, 683.5535888428, 39.4766235136, 712.3422851556], [0, 683.7802734416, 32.9027709952, 722.5430907892], [101.7508545024, 669.556152366, 128.89733888, 697.2022705368], [115.0742797824, 678.0498046776, 137.2244873216, 699.0343017296], [135.0594482176, 672.2208251624, 176.6951293952, 705.6959228484]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048274_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four cars, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[0, 13.556152365999992, 176.6951293952, 66.54309078920005], [23.1553955328, 27.553588842799968, 39.4766235136, 56.34228515560005], [0, 27.780273441600002, 32.9027709952, 66.54309078920005], [101.7508545024, 13.556152365999992, 128.89733888, 41.20227053680003], [115.0742797824, 22.049804677600036, 137.2244873216, 43.034301729599974], [135.0594482176, 16.220825162400047, 176.6951293952, 49.69592284839996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048275.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[327.7190551796, 211.052795392, 498.2309570084, 494.3648681472]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048275_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[42.71905517959999, 71.05279539200001, 213.23095700840003, 354.3648681472]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048275.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two sneakers, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[327.7190551796, 211.052795392, 498.2309570084, 494.3648681472], [327.7190551796, 211.052795392, 416.4726562655, 421.7880248832], [395.48657226079996, 228.5411987456, 498.2309570084, 494.3648681472], [397.0641967373, 469.856392192, 439.0025468896, 494.0921221632], [459.65560378249995, 429.3932603392, 491.2674255225, 447.5173714432], [363.845458984375, 407.7845458984375, 381.8896484375, 421.7252197265625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048275_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two sneakers, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[42.71905517959999, 71.05279539200001, 213.23095700840003, 354.3648681472], [42.71905517959999, 71.05279539200001, 131.4726562655, 281.7880248832], [110.48657226079996, 88.54119874560001, 213.23095700840003, 354.3648681472], [112.0641967373, 329.856392192, 154.0025468896, 354.0921221632], [174.65560378249995, 289.3932603392, 206.2674255225, 307.5173714432], [78.845458984375, 267.7845458984375, 96.8896484375, 281.7252197265625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048279.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two high heels, and three leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[6.6394653696, 14.279144287109375, 592.6063232256, 68.6735839744], [6.6394653696, 37.9552612352, 35.6414794752, 57.94812011520003], [560.0321044991999, 51.70751953920001, 589.8736571904, 68.6735839744], [564.7795410432, 22.309631334400024, 592.6063232256, 50.136413593600025], [60.813209533691406, 40.16680908203125, 89.19025421142578, 52.776611328125], [141.7928924560547, 14.279144287109375, 161.48060607910156, 23.175750732421875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048283.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two gloves, two sneakers, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[271.358276376, 307.1702270464, 693.3033447528, 475.1214904785156], [271.358276376, 410.9719848448, 294.5336914404, 437.59899904], [270.8652344072, 418.8614501888, 365.0458984408, 470.6362304512], [532.6097412064, 398.69567872, 577.3244628572, 451.0957641728], [610.1618652288, 307.1702270464, 693.3033447528, 388.9143676928], [620.89794921875, 432.9621276855469, 671.8505859375, 475.1214904785156]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048283_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two gloves, two sneakers, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[106.35827637599999, 42.17022704639999, 528.3033447528, 210.12149047851562], [106.35827637599999, 145.97198484479998, 129.5336914404, 172.59899904000002], [105.86523440719998, 153.8614501888, 200.0458984408, 205.6362304512], [367.60974120640003, 133.69567872, 412.32446285720005, 186.0957641728], [445.1618652288, 42.17022704639999, 528.3033447528, 123.9143676928], [455.89794921875, 167.96212768554688, 506.8505859375, 210.12149047851562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048284.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[123.1508178944, 24.0274048012, 511.588073728, 465.3325195388]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048284_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[97.1508178944, 24.0274048012, 485.588073728, 465.3325195388]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048284.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, a gloves, two boots, a dog, and a horse.", "boxes_value": [[123.1508178944, 24.0274048012, 511.588073728, 465.3325195388], [119.9328613376, 25.0754394786, 408.1553955328, 474.00378420090004], [434.6149292032, 352.2097168199, 483.897644032, 420.7899170235], [226.1385498112, 24.0274048012, 306.7377319424, 86.71557614459999], [267.93072512, 236.4707641512, 313.7030639616, 274.7802124318], [342.5595092992, 324.0352782876, 406.740295424, 452.3968506008], [123.1508178944, 399.6591796975, 171.410766592, 465.3325195388], [478.1314697216, 370.89648439810003, 511.588073728, 421.4298095468], [125.3899536384, 168.7916259723, 405.1591186432, 683.0954590169]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048284_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, a gloves, two boots, a dog, and a horse.", "boxes_value": [[97.1508178944, 24.0274048012, 485.588073728, 465.3325195388], [93.9328613376, 25.0754394786, 382.1553955328, 474.00378420090004], [408.6149292032, 352.2097168199, 457.897644032, 420.7899170235], [200.1385498112, 24.0274048012, 280.7377319424, 86.71557614459999], [241.93072511999998, 236.4707641512, 287.7030639616, 274.7802124318], [316.5595092992, 324.0352782876, 380.740295424, 452.3968506008], [97.1508178944, 399.6591796975, 145.410766592, 465.3325195388], [452.1314697216, 370.89648439810003, 485.588073728, 421.4298095468], [99.3899536384, 168.7916259723, 379.1591186432, 575]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048286.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[355.768798848, 258.1980590592, 480.672363264, 333.8199462912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048286_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[31.768798848000017, 19.198059059199977, 156.672363264, 94.81994629119998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048286.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[355.768798848, 258.1980590592, 480.672363264, 333.8199462912], [445.8353271552, 258.1980590592, 480.672363264, 333.8199462912], [395.9871826176, 260.180664064, 439.88757327359997, 332.1206054912], [355.768798848, 259.6141967872, 385.79101562880004, 318.5256347648], [451.40704345703125, 280.2142333984375, 487.11834716796875, 331.516845703125], [404.0276184082031, 281.5056457519531, 445.8920593261719, 329.9535827636719], [352.4261474609375, 279.86627197265625, 387.9244384765625, 320.53857421875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048286_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[31.768798848000017, 19.198059059199977, 156.672363264, 94.81994629119998], [121.83532715519999, 19.198059059199977, 156.672363264, 94.81994629119998], [71.98718261760001, 21.180664063999984, 115.88757327359997, 93.12060549120002], [31.768798848000017, 20.6141967872, 61.79101562880004, 79.52563476479997], [127.40704345703125, 41.2142333984375, 163.11834716796875, 92.516845703125], [80.02761840820312, 42.505645751953125, 121.89205932617188, 90.95358276367188], [28.4261474609375, 40.86627197265625, 63.9244384765625, 81.53857421875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048288.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[170.1437378304, 319.218872064, 324.591430656, 447.2814941184]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048288_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[39.1437378304, 32.21887206399998, 193.591430656, 160.28149411840002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048288.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three golf clubs, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[170.1437378304, 319.218872064, 324.591430656, 447.2814941184], [269.45861813759996, 364.6500854272, 326.0051269632, 382.7921142784], [274.1708984064, 364.8857421824, 324.591430656, 390.802856448], [236.9828491008, 365.4382324224, 267.769165056, 376.7082519552], [260.0122070016, 319.218872064, 315.6616210944, 431.7273559552], [170.1437378304, 344.6240234496, 216.28771975680002, 447.2814941184]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048288_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three golf clubs, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[39.1437378304, 32.21887206399998, 193.591430656, 160.28149411840002], [138.45861813759996, 77.6500854272, 195.00512696319998, 95.79211427839999], [143.1708984064, 77.88574218240001, 193.591430656, 103.802856448], [105.9828491008, 78.4382324224, 136.76916505600002, 89.70825195520001], [129.01220700160002, 32.21887206399998, 184.6616210944, 144.72735595519998], [39.1437378304, 57.624023449599974, 85.28771975680002, 160.28149411840002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048289.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[236.39978025899998, 191.66342163085938, 568.6843261365, 290.1826782208]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048289_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[83.39978025899998, 24.663421630859375, 415.6843261365, 123.18267822080003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048289.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in . Can you provide a description of it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[83.39978025899998, 24.663421630859375, 415.6843261365, 123.18267822080003], [387.3455810685, 34.55798338560001, 415.6843261365, 119.57434081280002], [343.033203087, 31.30163573760001, 366.79553225999996, 123.18267822080003], [266.99377439700004, 42.91882321919999, 301.8450927555, 112.62164305919998], [83.39978025899998, 43.762695321600006, 125.08532717399999, 105.9703369216], [151.06863403320312, 24.663421630859375, 194.58364868164062, 99.8671875], [200.72613525390625, 29.158538818359375, 242.4677734375, 98.30267333984375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048291.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, three people, two handbags, two sneakers, a high heels, and a slippers.", "boxes_value": [[47.75576803839999, 66.67059327999999, 236.94384762879997, 332.5360412597656], [104.06549071359998, 90.75958251520001, 144.472656256, 171.26177976320002], [223.70153804799997, 66.67059327999999, 236.94384762879997, 100.8602905088], [184.9448242432, 71.7891235328, 265.5930175744, 343.97686768639994], [54.385375974400006, 83.0256347648, 124.81500244480003, 347.28735349759995], [47.75576803839999, 174.99841525760002, 74.136164608, 213.7427080192], [155.0827750912, 112.09641246720003, 173.031780352, 131.8701408256], [82.62997436523438, 312.92022705078125, 119.03268432617188, 333.06829833984375], [184.37521362304688, 307.4564208984375, 207.67080688476562, 332.58740234375], [184.10861206054688, 306.8572998046875, 207.73880004882812, 332.98785400390625], [184.36944580078125, 307.0224304199219, 207.3154296875, 332.5360412597656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9], [10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048296.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[201.24932863, 389.07318115370003, 675.27221678, 436.824707038]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048296_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[119.24932863000001, 12.073181153700034, 593.27221678, 59.824707037999985]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048296.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a bench, three storage boxes, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[201.24932863, 389.07318115370003, 675.27221678, 436.824707038], [240.01617430000002, 404.8298339668, 266.60650632, 424.0700073461], [612.92968751, 399.8666381846, 675.27221678, 433.02752687789996], [385.74560548999995, 411.496643078, 406.10278317, 436.824707038], [403.49902340999995, 401.55474854429997, 436.87524412, 435.1677246242], [201.24932863, 389.07318115370003, 235.24749759, 415.3109130658], [266.65893555, 409.43920898619996, 296.59210203000004, 440.4810791178]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048296_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a bench, three storage boxes, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[119.24932863000001, 12.073181153700034, 593.27221678, 59.824707037999985], [158.01617430000002, 27.82983396679998, 184.60650632, 47.0700073461], [530.92968751, 22.866638184599992, 593.27221678, 56.02752687789996], [303.74560548999995, 34.49664307799998, 324.10278317, 59.824707037999985], [321.49902340999995, 24.55474854429997, 354.87524412, 58.16772462419999], [119.24932863000001, 12.073181153700034, 153.24749759, 38.31091306579998], [184.65893555000002, 32.43920898619996, 214.59210203000004, 63.48107911779999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048298.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[8.1758422795, 318.9915771392, 428.4891357441, 398.2858276352]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048298_crop.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[8.1758422795, 19.99157713919999, 428.4891357441, 99.28582763520001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048298.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four potted plants, a street lights, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[8.1758422795, 318.9915771392, 428.4891357441, 398.2858276352], [317.7457275135, 340.709838848, 333.76483157440003, 398.2858276352], [329.9264526465, 338.5773925888, 361.48669436309996, 414.9188843008], [357.6481933831, 364.5932006912, 387.92895508090004, 414.065917952], [408.34582517810003, 346.7266845696, 428.4891357441, 396.9504394752], [8.1758422795, 318.9915771392, 20.229125964399998, 385.1375732224], [33.1643066257, 344.2740478464, 191.3266601328, 398.0651245056], [275.4036254628, 322.7678833152, 298.1997680645, 344.9032592896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048298_crop.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four potted plants, a street lights, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[8.1758422795, 19.99157713919999, 428.4891357441, 99.28582763520001], [317.7457275135, 41.709838848000004, 333.76483157440003, 99.28582763520001], [329.9264526465, 39.57739258880002, 361.48669436309996, 115.91888430080002], [357.6481933831, 65.59320069120002, 387.92895508090004, 115.065917952], [408.34582517810003, 47.726684569600025, 428.4891357441, 97.95043947520003], [8.1758422795, 19.99157713919999, 20.229125964399998, 86.13757322240002], [33.1643066257, 45.27404784639998, 191.3266601328, 99.06512450560001], [275.4036254628, 23.76788331519998, 298.1997680645, 45.90325928959999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048300.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[166.54852294921875, 221.5131835743, 369.603088384, 329.7885437011719]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048300_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[51.54852294921875, 27.5131835743, 254.603088384, 135.78854370117188]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048300.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a spoon, a plate, and three bowls.", "boxes_value": [[166.54852294921875, 221.5131835743, 369.603088384, 329.7885437011719], [298.9223022592, 221.5131835743, 336.7877197312, 236.6593628116], [312.5313720832, 251.68280028409998, 369.603088384, 264.9168090726], [237.14083862304688, 280.1128845214844, 329.1254577636719, 321.9619445800781], [166.54852294921875, 287.6117248535156, 270.88385009765625, 329.7885437011719], [228.02548217773438, 259.4375305175781, 309.1509704589844, 286.5111389160156]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048300_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a spoon, a plate, and three bowls.", "boxes_value": [[51.54852294921875, 27.5131835743, 254.603088384, 135.78854370117188], [183.92230225920002, 27.5131835743, 221.7877197312, 42.659362811600005], [197.53137208319998, 57.68280028409998, 254.603088384, 70.91680907260002], [122.14083862304688, 86.11288452148438, 214.12545776367188, 127.96194458007812], [51.54852294921875, 93.61172485351562, 155.88385009765625, 135.78854370117188], [113.02548217773438, 65.43753051757812, 194.15097045898438, 92.51113891601562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048302.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[254.1101684218, 58.9027709952, 766.7342529002, 511.0281982464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048302_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[129.1101684218, 58.9027709952, 641, 511.0281982464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048302.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, three cabinets, two people, a hat, and a belt.", "boxes_value": [[254.1101684218, 58.9027709952, 766.7342529002, 511.0281982464], [630.7734374816, 96.3927002112, 689.1688232682, 123.2573852672], [254.1101684218, 171.2997436416, 328.3004150732, 252.992431616], [705.3283691496, 58.9027709952, 766.7342529002, 96.3927002112], [468.18090817999996, 152.7787475456, 622.298339869, 417.26007080960005], [713.0395508184, 223.443725568, 765.9550781598, 511.0281982464], [525.2386371288, 152.7429100544, 567.5558067009999, 180.3410640896], [501.7176513906, 315.5328979456, 592.2725830129999, 329.0290527232], [486.23620609, 168.3405151232, 630.43212887, 318.8058471424], [638.4926757852, 119.0810546688, 764.7761230404, 418.2203979264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 8, 9], [4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048302_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, three cabinets, two people, a hat, and a belt.", "boxes_value": [[129.1101684218, 58.9027709952, 641, 511.0281982464], [505.7734374816, 96.3927002112, 564.1688232682, 123.2573852672], [129.1101684218, 171.2997436416, 203.30041507319999, 252.992431616], [580.3283691496, 58.9027709952, 641, 96.3927002112], [343.18090817999996, 152.7787475456, 497.29833986899996, 417.26007080960005], [588.0395508184, 223.443725568, 640.9550781598, 511.0281982464], [400.23863712879995, 152.7429100544, 442.55580670099994, 180.3410640896], [376.7176513906, 315.5328979456, 467.2725830129999, 329.0290527232], [361.23620609, 168.3405151232, 505.43212887000004, 318.8058471424], [513.4926757852, 119.0810546688, 639.7761230404, 418.2203979264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2, 8, 9], [4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048304.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[380.3695068463, 387.8224487424, 550.9024658383, 512.020996096]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048304_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[43.3695068463, 31.822448742400013, 213.90246583830003, 156]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048304.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lighter, a bottle, a bowl, a head phone, a cell phone, and a pen.", "boxes_value": [[380.3695068463, 387.8224487424, 550.9024658383, 512.020996096], [424.69299319469997, 466.7090454016, 448.7451172002, 486.8818359296], [536.3170166156, 436.6980590592, 550.9024658383, 463.0230102528], [380.3695068463, 387.8224487424, 412.04187011610003, 414.7855835136], [447.8071289171, 425.0724487168, 503.7839355164, 468.3116454912], [496.0148925447, 495.9757080064, 528.5644531362, 512.020996096], [402.7232971191406, 443.300537109375, 412.7021789550781, 459.914306640625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048304_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lighter, a bottle, a bowl, a head phone, a cell phone, and a pen.", "boxes_value": [[43.3695068463, 31.822448742400013, 213.90246583830003, 156], [87.69299319469997, 110.70904540160001, 111.74511720020001, 130.88183592960002], [199.31701661559998, 80.69805905919998, 213.90246583830003, 107.02301025280002], [43.3695068463, 31.822448742400013, 75.04187011610003, 58.78558351359999], [110.80712891709999, 69.07244871680001, 166.7839355164, 112.31164549120001], [159.0148925447, 139.9757080064, 191.56445313619997, 156], [65.72329711914062, 87.300537109375, 75.70217895507812, 103.914306640625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048305.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[284.8099975728, 232.8176880128, 535.3471679563, 301.3068847616]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048305_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[62.8099975728, 17.817688012800005, 313.34716795630004, 86.30688476159997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048305.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a lamp, a book, a wine glass, a cup, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[284.8099975728, 232.8176880128, 535.3471679563, 301.3068847616], [507.1418456947, 263.9984131072, 535.3471679563, 291.0755004928], [416.2575073092, 199.1370239488, 507.7392577993, 295.4583130112], [284.8099975728, 292.888305664, 331.9935302972, 301.3068847616], [309.7453002772, 271.0874633728, 327.93481443449997, 294.1611328], [492.89038087880004, 268.311035136, 515.0710449369, 297.3882446336], [360.6596069092, 232.8176880128, 428.5224609464, 292.7768554496]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048305_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a lamp, a book, a wine glass, a cup, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[62.8099975728, 17.817688012800005, 313.34716795630004, 86.30688476159997], [285.1418456947, 48.99841310720001, 313.34716795630004, 76.07550049280002], [194.25750730919998, 0, 285.7392577993, 80.4583130112], [62.8099975728, 77.88830566399997, 109.99353029719998, 86.30688476159997], [87.74530027719999, 56.087463372800016, 105.93481443449997, 79.16113280000002], [270.89038087880004, 53.31103513599999, 293.07104493689997, 82.38824463359998], [138.65960690920002, 17.817688012800005, 206.52246094639997, 77.77685544960002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048306.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . 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Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six leather shoes, and six sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[31.68280029296875, 5.064697265625, 154.46502685546875, 23.995635986328125], [93.660400390625, 5.4632568359375, 108.71710205078125, 23.83294677734375], [50.67138671875, 5.14739990234375, 65.60369873046875, 23.86334228515625], [72.9156494140625, 5.081207275390625, 90.5933837890625, 23.995635986328125], [138.29205322265625, 5.47613525390625, 154.46502685546875, 23.9388427734375], [119.86819458007812, 5.51544189453125, 134.56637573242188, 23.60107421875], [31.68280029296875, 5.470428466796875, 48.05328369140625, 23.802642822265625], [93.849853515625, 5.43017578125, 108.5111083984375, 23.8050537109375], [50.7965087890625, 5.064697265625, 65.697998046875, 23.83966064453125], [31.434356689453125, 5.3404541015625, 48.091705322265625, 23.83795166015625], [138.42803955078125, 5.553314208984375, 154.50726318359375, 23.977081298828125], [72.88778686523438, 5.035858154296875, 90.76449584960938, 24.012481689453125], [119.86087036132812, 5.53912353515625, 134.53097534179688, 23.6142578125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048307.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[107.9401245085, 195.4573364224, 229.13122555750002, 394.324157696]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048307_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[30.940124508500006, 50.457336422400004, 152.13122555750002, 249.324157696]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048307.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, two handbags, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[107.9401245085, 195.4573364224, 229.13122555750002, 394.324157696], [203.65289304750002, 195.4573364224, 219.41705320999998, 223.0445556736], [122.861755358, 205.3099365376, 139.1185302565, 224.0298461696], [208.009399408, 308.265380864, 229.13122555750002, 331.6706543104], [107.9401245085, 350.892089856, 137.18255613050002, 394.324157696], [132.214843724, 367.3775634944, 146.129455594, 389.0016479744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048307_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, two handbags, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[30.940124508500006, 50.457336422400004, 152.13122555750002, 249.324157696], [126.65289304750002, 50.457336422400004, 142.41705320999998, 78.0445556736], [45.861755357999996, 60.30993653760001, 62.11853025650001, 79.0298461696], [131.009399408, 163.265380864, 152.13122555750002, 186.67065431039998], [30.940124508500006, 205.89208985599998, 60.18255613050002, 249.324157696], [55.21484372399999, 222.37756349440002, 69.129455594, 244.0016479744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048309.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[52.0912475387, 301.2000121856, 392.90832519540004, 477.068542464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048309_crop.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[52.0912475387, 44.200012185599974, 392.90832519540004, 220.06854246400002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048309.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pillows, a bed, a lamp, and a nightstand.", "boxes_value": [[52.0912475387, 301.2000121856, 392.90832519540004, 477.068542464], [137.1518554406, 342.5808715776, 187.7283935198, 390.8584594944], [103.81726077729999, 347.1787109376, 161.2906493911, 393.7321777152], [52.0912475387, 301.2000121856, 392.90832519540004, 477.068542464], [153.819091787, 298.3263549952, 189.45257567840002, 346.6040038912], [175.08428958049998, 346.0292358144, 210.143005382, 371.8922729472], [74.1685180318, 368.8137206784, 131.1954345794, 405.7756347904]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 6], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048309_crop.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pillows, a bed, a lamp, and a nightstand.", "boxes_value": [[52.0912475387, 44.200012185599974, 392.90832519540004, 220.06854246400002], [137.1518554406, 85.58087157760002, 187.7283935198, 133.8584594944], [103.81726077729999, 90.17871093759999, 161.2906493911, 136.7321777152], [52.0912475387, 44.200012185599974, 392.90832519540004, 220.06854246400002], [153.819091787, 41.326354995200006, 189.45257567840002, 89.60400389120002], [175.08428958049998, 89.02923581440001, 210.143005382, 114.89227294720001], [74.1685180318, 111.81372067839999, 131.1954345794, 148.77563479039998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 6], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048310.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[177.8186034972, 177.60614016, 453.55822750799996, 328.911499008]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048310_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[69.8186034972, 38.606140159999995, 345.55822750799996, 189.91149900800002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048310.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, a cabinet, a faucet, a sink, a tea pot, and a gas stove.", "boxes_value": [[177.8186034972, 177.60614016, 453.55822750799996, 328.911499008], [372.7253417634, 230.3488769536, 453.55822750799996, 310.5830077952], [398.47216793760003, 308.1879882752, 426.6140136588, 325.552062976], [290.4371337726, 177.60614016, 352.93688964899997, 267.7757568512], [363.28259277, 288.8795166208, 375.7864989924, 316.5198974464], [320.0670166302, 307.0870971904, 394.21350097379997, 322.881591808], [247.207336389, 276.4911499264, 268.3879394238, 295.3874511872], [177.8186034972, 293.5856933376, 293.7222900072, 328.911499008]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048310_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, a cabinet, a faucet, a sink, a tea pot, and a gas stove.", "boxes_value": [[69.8186034972, 38.606140159999995, 345.55822750799996, 189.91149900800002], [264.7253417634, 91.34887695360001, 345.55822750799996, 171.5830077952], [290.47216793760003, 169.18798827519998, 318.6140136588, 186.552062976], [182.43713377260002, 38.606140159999995, 244.93688964899997, 128.77575685120001], [255.28259277, 149.87951662080002, 267.7864989924, 177.51989744640002], [212.0670166302, 168.08709719040002, 286.21350097379997, 183.881591808], [139.207336389, 137.4911499264, 160.3879394238, 156.38745118719999], [69.8186034972, 154.5856933376, 185.7222900072, 189.91149900800002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048314.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[258.392822272, 379.1794433536, 475.67443846820004, 512.093750016]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048314_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[54.39282227199999, 34.17944335359999, 271.67443846820004, 167]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048314.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[258.392822272, 379.1794433536, 475.67443846820004, 512.093750016], [258.392822272, 379.1794433536, 276.2464599617, 430.1433715712], [448.7438964743, 387.8253784064, 465.98071290260003, 449.9326171648], [455.7821045165, 462.228210432, 475.67443846820004, 512.093750016], [302.6583251988, 481.975219712, 330.0849609643, 511.944885248], [329.1530761741, 474.0316162048, 353.4456787424, 512.0108642816]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048314_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[54.39282227199999, 34.17944335359999, 271.67443846820004, 167], [54.39282227199999, 34.17944335359999, 72.2464599617, 85.14337157120002], [244.74389647430002, 42.82537840639998, 261.98071290260003, 104.93261716479998], [251.7821045165, 117.22821043200003, 271.67443846820004, 167], [98.65832519880001, 136.975219712, 126.08496096430002, 166.944885248], [125.15307617410002, 129.0316162048, 149.4456787424, 167]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048315.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[75.51458737899999, 313.8720092672, 171.234619171, 392.7797241344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048315_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[24.51458737899999, 19.872009267199985, 120.23461917099999, 98.7797241344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048315.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a sneakers, and four traffic cones.", "boxes_value": [[75.51458737899999, 313.8720092672, 171.234619171, 392.7797241344], [144.226379374, 341.6569824256, 171.234619171, 392.7797241344], [75.51458737899999, 315.8011474432, 93.428222657, 356.5891113472], [87.365173357, 324.895751936, 108.86151122, 359.6206665216], [98.66448976999999, 313.8720092672, 115.475769024, 346.3921508864], [129.25549313599998, 328.2029419008, 153.783386218, 367.337280256]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048315_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a sneakers, and four traffic cones.", "boxes_value": [[24.51458737899999, 19.872009267199985, 120.23461917099999, 98.7797241344], [93.226379374, 47.656982425600006, 120.23461917099999, 98.7797241344], [24.51458737899999, 21.801147443200023, 42.428222657000006, 62.5891113472], [36.365173357, 30.89575193600001, 57.86151122, 65.62066652160001], [47.66448976999999, 19.872009267199985, 64.475769024, 52.392150886399975], [78.25549313599998, 34.2029419008, 102.783386218, 73.33728025599999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048316.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0, 70.4500732416, 166.3462524672, 453.0655517696]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048316_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, two stools, a person, a faucet, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[0, 70.4500732416, 166.3462524672, 453.0655517696], [0, 176.8674926592, 221.630126976, 276.6362914816], [0, 315.9802856448, 48.975585945599995, 453.0655517696], [102.1591796736, 311.3955078144, 166.3462524672, 441.145080576], [0, 70.4500732416, 117.90246581759999, 186.723693824], [64.9952392704, 248.6626587136, 89.4724121088, 269.1470947328], [0.22349929809570312, 120.5257797241211, 39.3159065246582, 142.9802703857422]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048316_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a flower, a tie, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[55.322998042699965, 20.034240716800014, 273.21246337890625, 96.32684326171875], [189.91760250890002, 14.676086425600005, 259.07141116369996, 115], [55.322998042699965, 20.034240716800014, 113.18017574630005, 88.91192627200002], [183.14685056090002, 61.02520750080001, 200.14831542620004, 80.49468994559999], [61.25933837890625, 55.319915771484375, 81.50726318359375, 89.05706787109375], [241.70135498046875, 53.71197509765625, 273.21246337890625, 96.32684326171875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048330.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a picture, three stuffed toys, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[26.204467746299997, 63.598022451199995, 129.0341796839, 317.5563354624], [26.204467746299997, 63.598022451199995, 129.0341796839, 317.5563354624], [73.23864743160004, 185.5856323072, 97.5092773435, 208.53717043199998], [84.48815916339998, 89.33093263360001, 109.08459475979998, 122.57666017279999], [48.60766603669998, 215.9513549824, 74.89575193509995, 256.7100219904], [109.38391110890001, 203.41027829759997, 128.9190674103, 223.186645504], [54.887084983900024, 268.5639037952, 111.53137204740005, 295.6546630656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048332.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a gloves, a helmet, a belt, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[331.57153320960003, 215.796875008, 552.5329589759999, 511.9931640832], [412.20117189120003, 252.4156494336, 602.3197021440001, 512.083984384], [332.7370605312, 69.4324340736, 481.32287600639995, 451.802429184], [442.856445312, 215.796875008, 469.0594482432, 246.583251968], [474.60498048, 250.1109008896, 552.5329589759999, 306.5526123008], [413.93530275840004, 416.0785522688, 483.91162106880006, 442.5847168], [468.922119168, 483.9507446272, 533.8774414080001, 511.9931640832], [430.86450193919995, 473.6494140416, 466.9190674176, 511.4208374272], [331.57153320960003, 433.0165405184, 403.966674816, 453.3330078208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048332_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a gloves, a helmet, a belt, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[55.571533209600034, 74.796875008, 276.5329589759999, 370.9931640832], [136.20117189120003, 111.41564943360001, 326.3197021440001, 371], [56.73706053119997, 0, 205.32287600639995, 310.802429184], [166.856445312, 74.796875008, 193.0594482432, 105.58325196800001], [198.60498048, 109.1109008896, 276.5329589759999, 165.55261230079998], [137.93530275840004, 275.0785522688, 207.91162106880006, 301.5847168], [192.922119168, 342.9507446272, 257.8774414080001, 370.9931640832], [154.86450193919995, 332.6494140416, 190.9190674176, 370.4208374272], [55.571533209600034, 292.0165405184, 127.96667481600002, 312.3330078208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048334.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, a lamp, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[36.51525881959998, 55.085449216, 182.17676943589998, 273.142209024], [91.00512692630002, 129.7072753664, 103.10388182240001, 184.152099584], [105.8959961027, 72.9357299712, 124.5096435593, 171.1225586176], [128.69763182870003, 132.9646606336, 140.33117673560002, 166.003784192], [36.51525881959998, 55.085449216, 68.59973146159996, 74.446777344], [161.21308899890005, 256.3317105664, 182.17676943589998, 273.142209024]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048336.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[141.041625984, 90.1565551616, 768.0, 235.2380981248]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048336_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[141.041625984, 37.1565551616, 768, 182.2380981248], [553.8547363584, 72.5595092992, 590.3959961088, 181.5462646272], [660.2694091776, 70.2893676544, 708.4365234432, 175.5129394688], [706.5760498176, 77.9382324224, 744.2001953280001, 169.1044311552], [717.643066368, 101.5378418176, 768, 182.2380981248], [414.8836670208, 37.1565551616, 470.3558349312, 147.1988525568], [141.041625984, 48.4948730368, 181.2720946944, 92.79931642880001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048338.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[182.5069580338, 188.7488403456, 322.05187988660003, 329.3275757056]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048338_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . 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Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0.5470581248, 192.4573022044, 406.9959716864, 548.556030278]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048339_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0.5470581248, 89.45730220440001, 406.9959716864, 445.556030278]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048339.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two sandals, a hat, and a donut.", "boxes_value": [[0.5470581248, 192.4573022044, 406.9959716864, 548.556030278], [0.5470581248, 193.01794430599998, 137.13006592, 548.556030278], [304.6906127872, 197.9461670212, 429.3049316352, 525.3228759972], [56.0311487488, 482.2335324968, 93.7037713408, 505.02224213439996], [39.970430208, 522.4829877144, 78.7289443328, 547.69875941], [62.2395207168, 192.4573022044, 105.9868668416, 216.95469082120002], [60.542297344, 277.333740208, 406.9959716864, 531.589233388]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048339_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two sandals, a hat, and a donut.", "boxes_value": [[0.5470581248, 89.45730220440001, 406.9959716864, 445.556030278], [0.5470581248, 90.01794430599998, 137.13006592, 445.556030278], [304.6906127872, 94.94616702120001, 429.3049316352, 422.32287599719996], [56.0311487488, 379.2335324968, 93.7037713408, 402.02224213439996], [39.970430208, 419.4829877144, 78.7289443328, 444.69875941], [62.2395207168, 89.45730220440001, 105.9868668416, 113.95469082120002], [60.542297344, 174.333740208, 406.9959716864, 428.589233388]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048340.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two handbags.", "boxes_value": [[32.828552243199994, 38.17761233760007, 161.42797849599998, 188.210327184], [100.51245117439998, 38.17761233760007, 161.42797849599998, 188.210327184], [70.43072511999998, 49.082275409999966, 110.66503905280001, 160.76074215480003], [32.828552243199994, 46.82604981719999, 74.19091799040001, 174.29748537], [30.30987550719999, 60.96801758640004, 47.00085447679999, 93.42272947560002], [84.09191895039999, 127.73193357239995, 109.12835691520002, 185.68664548080005]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048341.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[145.39019776, 90.44488527360001, 304.5933837824, 646.1146240512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048341_crop.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a leather shoes, a helmet, a bicycle, a car, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[145.39019776, 90.44488527360001, 304.5933837824, 646.1146240512], [106.2694091776, 91.5129394176, 331.0984497152, 647.616577152], [278.8679199232, 617.8166503680001, 304.5933837824, 646.1146240512], [212.8392944128, 90.44488527360001, 286.5855712768, 201.06433105920001], [113.3179321344, 336.88793948160003, 313.172485376, 747.9423828480001], [146.327209472, 135.6403808256, 173.9362182656, 153.20977781759998], [145.39019776, 393.48364254719996, 279.67309568, 502.51672366080004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048341_crop.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a leather shoes, a helmet, a bicycle, a car, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[40.39019776000001, 90.44488527360001, 199.5933837824, 646.1146240512], [1.2694091775999965, 91.5129394176, 226.0984497152, 647.616577152], [173.86791992320002, 617.8166503680001, 199.5933837824, 646.1146240512], [107.8392944128, 90.44488527360001, 181.5855712768, 201.06433105920001], [8.317932134399996, 336.88793948160003, 208.172485376, 747.9423828480001], [41.32720947199999, 135.6403808256, 68.93621826559999, 153.20977781759998], [40.39019776000001, 393.48364254719996, 174.67309568000002, 502.51672366080004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048342.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a gun, a person, a glasses, two gloves, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[24.5217895424, 325.1744384928, 338.6700439552, 597.0073242192], [240.5471191552, 326.4145507392, 363.7929687552, 413.2073974704], [98.6528320512, 277.97924807519996, 378.6321411072, 639.4715575920001], [150.3093261824, 325.1744384928, 240.9221191168, 383.0356445616], [174.2435913216, 447.4193115648, 338.6700439552, 597.0073242192], [185.4727172608, 394.4820556944, 321.8263549952, 505.1690674032], [24.5217895424, 343.977294888, 49.7767944192, 359.8879394544]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048352_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a gun, a person, a glasses, two gloves, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[24.5217895424, 68.1744384928, 338.6700439552, 340.0073242192], [240.5471191552, 69.41455073920002, 363.7929687552, 156.2073974704], [98.6528320512, 20.979248075199962, 378.6321411072, 382.47155759200007], [150.3093261824, 68.1744384928, 240.9221191168, 126.03564456160001], [174.2435913216, 190.4193115648, 338.6700439552, 340.0073242192], [185.4727172608, 137.4820556944, 321.8263549952, 248.16906740320002], [24.5217895424, 86.97729488800002, 49.7767944192, 102.8879394544]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048355.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[129.2522582736, 170.4347534336, 657.2309570664, 312.3139648512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048355_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[129.2522582736, 36.43475343360001, 657.2309570664, 178.3139648512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048355.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[65.8446044672, 78.73394775149998, 469.0752563712, 392.8944091705]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048356.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, five sneakers, a car, and three motorcycles.", "boxes_value": [[65.8446044672, 78.73394775149998, 469.0752563712, 392.8944091705], [32.4000244224, 8.05883785879999, 225.919372544, 360.58886719910004], [209.003356928, 29.034667984500004, 303.7330932736, 279.3918456795], [311.9152221696, 20.108215330099995, 490.32458496, 389.6057128772], [65.8446044672, 311.7716064606, 83.3944701952, 345.5714111193], [182.8436279296, 274.7219238136, 224.4432983552, 301.37170410960005], [208.7351074304, 263.8342285315, 231.8395385856, 278.2271728382], [317.2826537984, 363.5295410473, 340.0733032448, 392.8944091705], [446.1868285952, 309.8713379066, 469.0752563712, 347.6638183647], [282.4615478272, 35.082214373799985, 377.6043090944, 172.39642330750002], [43.3379516416, 92.03765868420001, 212.7820434432, 441.36560057069994], [215.1624755712, 78.73394775149998, 325.4920654336, 298.2131347521], [301.914855936, 93.8697509978, 505.9697875968, 471]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [9], [10, 11, 12]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048358.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two hats.", "boxes_value": [[71.2704442966, 478.625549312, 385.75510143350004, 512.221566208], [176.2840576047, 495.1823730688, 198.4409179365, 511.8851928576], [265.7027587904, 496.010192896, 291.85278319810004, 511.9338989056], [256.2070312866, 478.625549312, 283.0874023707, 511.641723648], [71.2704442966, 499.528803584, 109.5208175872, 511.99240832], [344.5373040988, 486.5749367296, 385.75510143350004, 512.221566208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048358_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[86.41784666000001, 0.0046007296, 429.83032231079994, 56.2855835136]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048360.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bottle, two baksets, a bowl, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[428.41784666, 0.0046007296, 771.8303223107999, 56.2855835136], [732.5605468719, 10.5477905408, 771.8303223107999, 56.2855835136], [508.8400879023, 0.0046007296, 639.9577535284, 51.129735936], [428.41784666, 0.9218749952, 516.8027344183, 51.0863036928], [631.6298828125, 0.010746002197265625, 727.283935546875, 54.98320388793945], [632.2653198242188, 0.020420074462890625, 727.2645874023438, 54.856719970703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048360_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bottle, two baksets, a bowl, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[86.41784666000001, 0.0046007296, 429.83032231079994, 56.2855835136], [390.5605468719, 10.5477905408, 429.83032231079994, 56.2855835136], [166.8400879023, 0.0046007296, 297.95775352839996, 51.129735936], [86.41784666000001, 0.9218749952, 174.80273441830002, 51.0863036928], [289.6298828125, 0.010746002197265625, 385.283935546875, 54.98320388793945], [290.26531982421875, 0.020420074462890625, 385.26458740234375, 54.856719970703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048361.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.2168731689453125, 0, 363.0773925524, 443.204833984375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048361_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.2168731689453125, 0, 363.0773925524, 443.204833984375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048361.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, a dinning table, two desks, a lamp, a potted plant, two flowers, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[0.2168731689453125, 0, 363.0773925524, 443.204833984375], [303.7269897546, 21.0250244096, 330.1433716024, 61.9445190656], [291.04296875160003, 133.963256832, 363.0773925524, 285.2354125824], [299.0932616979, 2.1468506112, 336.2449951314, 229.0377197056], [94.6226196078, 0, 131.1550292679, 281.3757934592], [303.7269897546, 21.0250244096, 330.1433716024, 61.9445190656], [291.04296875160003, 133.963256832, 363.0773925524, 285.2354125824], [16.509765592, 92.6328124928, 103.27478028180002, 155.6515503104], [185.92980955099998, 120.0322875904, 259.90838622670003, 167.0679931392], [0.2168731689453125, 246.39410400390625, 99.25743865966797, 443.204833984375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6], [7, 8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048361_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, a dinning table, two desks, a lamp, a potted plant, two flowers, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[0.2168731689453125, 0, 363.0773925524, 443.204833984375], [303.7269897546, 21.0250244096, 330.1433716024, 61.9445190656], [291.04296875160003, 133.963256832, 363.0773925524, 285.2354125824], [299.0932616979, 2.1468506112, 336.2449951314, 229.0377197056], [94.6226196078, 0, 131.1550292679, 281.3757934592], [303.7269897546, 21.0250244096, 330.1433716024, 61.9445190656], [291.04296875160003, 133.963256832, 363.0773925524, 285.2354125824], [16.509765592, 92.6328124928, 103.27478028180002, 155.6515503104], [185.92980955099998, 120.0322875904, 259.90838622670003, 167.0679931392], [0.2168731689453125, 246.39410400390625, 99.25743865966797, 443.204833984375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6], [7, 8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048363.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[1.6354370304, 209.1362914816, 224.9721679872, 389.5161133056]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048363_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[1.6354370304, 45.13629148160001, 224.9721679872, 225.51611330560002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048363.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, a bed, a pillow, a desk, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[1.6354370304, 209.1362914816, 224.9721679872, 389.5161133056], [0, 226.6738281472, 192.53540037119998, 425.9599609344], [114.9527587584, 209.7979736576, 224.9721679872, 273.15399168], [121.64013672959999, 209.1362914816, 188.74060055040002, 233.6595459072], [193.4721069312, 202.7234497024, 222.07281492479999, 239.0339355648], [1.6354370304, 332.9897460736, 133.020996096, 389.5161133056]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048363_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, a bed, a pillow, a desk, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[1.6354370304, 45.13629148160001, 224.9721679872, 225.51611330560002], [0, 62.6738281472, 192.53540037119998, 261.9599609344], [114.9527587584, 45.79797365760001, 224.9721679872, 109.15399167999999], [121.64013672959999, 45.13629148160001, 188.74060055040002, 69.6595459072], [193.4721069312, 38.72344970239999, 222.07281492479999, 75.0339355648], [1.6354370304, 168.98974607359997, 133.020996096, 225.51611330560002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048364.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[175.29339597930002, 141.606750464, 404.92651367229996, 290.1291504128]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048364_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[58.293395979300016, 37.60675046399999, 287.92651367229996, 186.12915041280002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048364.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a street lights, two suvs, a pickup truck, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[175.29339597930002, 141.606750464, 404.92651367229996, 290.1291504128], [175.29339597930002, 141.606750464, 206.9503784306, 257.1121216], [263.7009887871, 237.7457885696, 295.5501098615, 266.7992553472], [282.9780883596, 241.0983276544, 350.8669433277, 288.0338134528], [341.43786619229996, 248.2224731648, 404.92651367229996, 290.1291504128], [190.1234130907, 238.3761596928, 221.0544433795, 268.1925659136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048364_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a street lights, two suvs, a pickup truck, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[58.293395979300016, 37.60675046399999, 287.92651367229996, 186.12915041280002], [58.293395979300016, 37.60675046399999, 89.95037843060001, 153.11212160000002], [146.70098878710002, 133.7457885696, 178.5501098615, 162.79925534720002], [165.9780883596, 137.0983276544, 233.86694332770003, 184.03381345280002], [224.43786619229996, 144.2224731648, 287.92651367229996, 186.12915041280002], [73.12341309070001, 134.3761596928, 104.05444337949999, 164.1925659136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048365.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, two people, a sandals, and a high heels.", "boxes_value": [[263.222656256, 54.7715453952, 423.3703003136, 387.6140452864], [351.2160034304, 54.7715453952, 382.9166870016, 131.5847168], [339.4244384768, 105.0051269632, 423.3703003136, 363.6677245952], [263.222656256, 107.5679321088, 353.4780883968, 369.8101196288], [339.940272128, 352.5441394176, 357.3958813696, 387.6140452864], [301.5289611816406, 346.57733154296875, 322.3456115722656, 387.60498046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048365_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, two people, a sandals, and a high heels.", "boxes_value": [[40.22265625599999, 54.7715453952, 200.3703003136, 387.6140452864], [128.2160034304, 54.7715453952, 159.9166870016, 131.5847168], [116.42443847679999, 105.0051269632, 200.3703003136, 363.6677245952], [40.22265625599999, 107.5679321088, 130.4780883968, 369.8101196288], [116.940272128, 352.5441394176, 134.39588136959998, 387.6140452864], [78.52896118164062, 346.57733154296875, 99.34561157226562, 387.60498046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048367.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[16.8552856617, 1.3904418816, 295.0975952464, 164.167846656]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048367_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[16.8552856617, 1.3904418816, 295.0975952464, 164.167846656]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048367.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six lamps.", "boxes_value": [[16.8552856617, 1.3904418816, 295.0975952464, 164.167846656], [28.120178212, 87.5667114496, 105.2845458932, 145.0175171072], [176.8164672651, 1.3904418816, 225.25543212990002, 53.2088623104], [254.54406741300002, 134.8791503872, 295.0975952464, 164.167846656], [109.7904662772, 108.969970688, 190.3343506058, 140.5115966976], [16.8552856617, 138.8218383872, 68.110473647, 160.2250976768], [246.30676271480002, 98.6427001856, 315.5761718665, 137.216247552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048367_crop.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six lamps.", "boxes_value": [[16.8552856617, 1.3904418816, 295.0975952464, 164.167846656], [28.120178212, 87.5667114496, 105.2845458932, 145.0175171072], [176.8164672651, 1.3904418816, 225.25543212990002, 53.2088623104], [254.54406741300002, 134.8791503872, 295.0975952464, 164.167846656], [109.7904662772, 108.969970688, 190.3343506058, 140.5115966976], [16.8552856617, 138.8218383872, 68.110473647, 160.2250976768], [246.30676271480002, 98.6427001856, 315.5761718665, 137.216247552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048370.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[152.11730959730002, 243.6206054912, 771.4200439652, 512.3310546944]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048370_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[152.11730959730002, 67.6206054912, 771.4200439652, 336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048370.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a chair, three people, six books, a tie, a calculator, four plates, and ten cups.", "boxes_value": [[152.11730959730002, 243.6206054912, 771.4200439652, 512.3310546944], [152.11730959730002, 243.6206054912, 771.4200439652, 512.3310546944], [510.3234863471, 203.1622314496, 615.3881835992, 335.3403930624], [209.88330075550002, 275.4660034048, 241.21386718290003, 331.9408569344], [235.7402953838, 282.9351806464, 275.7658691364, 293.0270995968], [482.1333007529, 171.6677856256, 601.5690917662, 326.730834944], [545.6805419824, 185.191589376, 772.0948486157, 425.1296996864], [494.327514661, 351.2786254848, 596.4102783009, 400.2633667072], [398.1578369381, 278.8769531392, 456.0853271213, 297.9506225664], [495.4738769849, 381.061828608, 595.5689697596, 411.4239501824], [412.5185547203, 290.2349853696, 455.8016357348, 300.9506835968], [500.9990289096, 235.189632768, 546.4319341588, 287.9504259584], [446.50305176679996, 302.9514160128, 488.9638671723, 322.7006835712], [330.860961939, 316.242492672, 409.67053222690004, 344.941955584], [392.81530765480005, 332.186645504, 415.13708495410003, 364.9859619328], [393.432495127, 365.0538330112, 411.39404294200006, 393.167541504], [508.6207275127, 315.0739135488, 528.5345458849, 345.1399536128], [398.1181640272, 286.9601440256, 414.9082031326, 313.9024658432], [301.67248534019996, 305.312194816, 325.4909668062, 339.2828979712], [270.0715331753, 322.1249999872, 292.4956055069, 354.5896606208], [273.4183349236, 350.5733642752, 294.50366208270003, 377.0136718848], [300.862670906, 336.8511963136, 325.2949218701, 366.63836672], [520.863159151, 453.792663552, 628.5211181945, 511.8025512448], [627.4759521607, 483.5814819328, 660.9230957063, 511.8025512448], [519.8095702772999, 485.7231445504, 626.1115722984, 512.051757824], [333.1536865095, 335.3366088704, 394.70751951319994, 351.8131103744], [400.0490722656, 311.9639282176, 414.49755863219997, 333.1326294016], [218.13674926757812, 247.98611450195312, 294.4464416503906, 269.5965270996094]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5, 6], [4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 27], [11], [12], [13, 22, 24, 25], [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048370_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a chair, three people, six books, a tie, a calculator, four plates, and ten cups.", "boxes_value": [[152.11730959730002, 67.6206054912, 771.4200439652, 336], [152.11730959730002, 67.6206054912, 771.4200439652, 336], [510.3234863471, 27.1622314496, 615.3881835992, 159.34039306239998], [209.88330075550002, 99.4660034048, 241.21386718290003, 155.94085693440002], [235.7402953838, 106.9351806464, 275.7658691364, 117.02709959679999], [482.1333007529, 0, 601.5690917662, 150.73083494399998], [545.6805419824, 9.191589375999996, 772.0948486157, 249.1296996864], [494.327514661, 175.2786254848, 596.4102783009, 224.26336670720002], [398.1578369381, 102.8769531392, 456.0853271213, 121.9506225664], [495.4738769849, 205.06182860799998, 595.5689697596, 235.4239501824], [412.5185547203, 114.2349853696, 455.8016357348, 124.95068359679999], [500.9990289096, 59.189632767999996, 546.4319341588, 111.95042595839999], [446.50305176679996, 126.9514160128, 488.9638671723, 146.7006835712], [330.860961939, 140.24249267200003, 409.67053222690004, 168.94195558400003], [392.81530765480005, 156.186645504, 415.13708495410003, 188.98596193280002], [393.432495127, 189.05383301120003, 411.39404294200006, 217.16754150399998], [508.6207275127, 139.07391354880002, 528.5345458849, 169.1399536128], [398.1181640272, 110.96014402560002, 414.9082031326, 137.9024658432], [301.67248534019996, 129.312194816, 325.4909668062, 163.2828979712], [270.0715331753, 146.1249999872, 292.4956055069, 178.58966062079998], [273.4183349236, 174.5733642752, 294.50366208270003, 201.01367188479998], [300.862670906, 160.85119631359998, 325.2949218701, 190.63836672000002], [520.863159151, 277.792663552, 628.5211181945, 335.8025512448], [627.4759521607, 307.5814819328, 660.9230957063, 335.8025512448], [519.8095702772999, 309.7231445504, 626.1115722984, 336], [333.1536865095, 159.33660887040003, 394.70751951319994, 175.81311037440003], [400.0490722656, 135.96392821760003, 414.49755863219997, 157.1326294016], [218.13674926757812, 71.98611450195312, 294.4464416503906, 93.59652709960938]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5, 6], [4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 27], [11], [12], [13, 22, 24, 25], [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048371.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[206.84422302246094, 310.05249024, 383.22021484375, 334.9354248046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048371_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[44.84422302246094, 7.052490239999997, 221.22021484375, 31.9354248046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048371.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[206.84422302246094, 310.05249024, 383.22021484375, 334.9354248046875], [328.4613037221, 310.05249024, 353.1950683527, 323.9423827968], [206.84422302246094, 324.9910888671875, 225.63633728027344, 334.9354248046875], [251.00241088867188, 319.0803527832031, 280.9130554199219, 330.7714538574219], [313.353515625, 312.1637878417969, 326.093017578125, 324.2456970214844], [370.005615234375, 310.8990783691406, 383.22021484375, 318.8843078613281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048371_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[44.84422302246094, 7.052490239999997, 221.22021484375, 31.9354248046875], [166.4613037221, 7.052490239999997, 191.1950683527, 20.94238279680002], [44.84422302246094, 21.9910888671875, 63.63633728027344, 31.9354248046875], [89.00241088867188, 16.080352783203125, 118.91305541992188, 27.771453857421875], [151.353515625, 9.163787841796875, 164.093017578125, 21.245697021484375], [208.005615234375, 7.899078369140625, 221.22021484375, 15.884307861328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048373.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.1383666432, 64.263488768, 174.6705932544, 307.053955072]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048373_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.1383666432, 61.263488768, 174.6705932544, 304.053955072]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048373.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two spoons, a knife, two plates, and two wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[0.1383666432, 64.263488768, 174.6705932544, 307.053955072], [0, 277.4467163136, 80.509704576, 324.0417480704], [0.1383666432, 274.049133312, 40.4237060352, 307.053955072], [31.6592407296, 270.6516113408, 106.71942136319998, 291.0304565248], [0.9097900031999999, 200.2736205824, 72.25854489599999, 266.283325184], [74.6853637632, 64.263488768, 174.6705932544, 271.9998169088], [0.0198974976, 0.25781248, 26.153198284800002, 137.3430786048], [6.7810058496, 78.8579101696, 95.90002444800001, 104.7134399488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 7], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048373_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two spoons, a knife, two plates, and two wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[0.1383666432, 61.263488768, 174.6705932544, 304.053955072], [0, 274.4467163136, 80.509704576, 321.0417480704], [0.1383666432, 271.049133312, 40.4237060352, 304.053955072], [31.6592407296, 267.6516113408, 106.71942136319998, 288.0304565248], [0.9097900031999999, 197.2736205824, 72.25854489599999, 263.283325184], [74.6853637632, 61.263488768, 174.6705932544, 268.9998169088], [0.0198974976, 0, 26.153198284800002, 134.3430786048], [6.7810058496, 75.8579101696, 95.90002444800001, 101.7134399488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 7], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048376.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[174.3320922624, 328.56927488, 266.297119140625, 394.9818725376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048376_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[23.33209226240001, 17.569274880000023, 115.297119140625, 83.9818725376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048376.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six chairs, and four desks.", "boxes_value": [[74.09741212910006, 62.75506590719999, 368.9366455211, 310.183288576], [1.336914074899994, 157.92352296960001, 167.41125485779992, 309.1676635648], [130.56835935409993, 142.03216552959998, 297.1641845972, 310.183288576], [263.63549803879994, 127.36334228480001, 368.9366455211, 294.483093248], [0, 129.1516723712, 297.42163086979997, 309.5304565248], [219.79980468350004, 102.95111086079999, 369.66821290819996, 303.7599487488], [74.09741212910006, 70.9814453248, 182.93908694899994, 212.0960693248], [177.8767089767, 62.75506590719999, 276.5936279279, 131.484252928], [281.31408695030007, 51.0387573248, 362.21130371000004, 116.44506833920002], [260.14086917689997, 48.2006225408, 368.982666044, 118.44152831999997], [44.98852541450003, 58.325439436800025, 296.84326171249995, 151.9799804928]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8], [4, 5, 9, 10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048384.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[137.33666993199998, 180.9323730432, 340.807407402, 371.5703703552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048384_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[51.33666993199998, 47.93237304319999, 254.80740740200002, 238.5703703552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048384.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[254.642395008, 373.5810546688, 420.7199707392, 495.7813110272]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048388_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[41.642395007999994, 30.581054668799993, 207.7199707392, 152.7813110272]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048388.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, four people, and two barrels.", "boxes_value": [[41.642395007999994, 30.581054668799993, 207.7199707392, 152.7813110272], [169.236938496, 83.07659914240003, 207.7199707392, 130.9054565376], [41.642395007999994, 30.581054668799993, 65.39685058560002, 82.07189939199998], [95.97924802559999, 37.439697254400016, 114.05114749439997, 68.82775879680003], [192.83581539840003, 38.13653565440001, 207.09631349759997, 66.89672852479998], [171.55273436159996, 36.59100344320001, 186.75341798399995, 58.69122314240002], [56.219970739199994, 123.83154298879998, 78.85742184959997, 154.30499266560003], [79.5103759872, 122.52557373439998, 101.7125243904, 152.7813110272]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048393.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[293.5523681919, 264.2258911232, 548.2381591977, 511.7803344896]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048393_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[64.55236819189997, 62.22589112319997, 319.23815919770004, 309.7803344896]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048393.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a tie, two slippers, a leather shoes, and a wine glass.", "boxes_value": [[293.5523681919, 264.2258911232, 548.2381591977, 511.7803344896], [471.4976806454, 264.2258911232, 481.0097656394, 306.5704955904], [371.3818359457, 463.9660034048, 400.4493408266, 483.7170409984], [395.60473631499997, 478.8724365312, 424.2996825905, 492.288269056], [501.51586914020004, 496.389465344, 548.2381591977, 511.7803344896], [293.5523681919, 388.846313472, 332.9821167162, 469.7022705152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048393_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a tie, two slippers, a leather shoes, and a wine glass.", "boxes_value": [[64.55236819189997, 62.22589112319997, 319.23815919770004, 309.7803344896], [242.4976806454, 62.22589112319997, 252.00976563939997, 104.57049559040001], [142.3818359457, 261.9660034048, 171.4493408266, 281.7170409984], [166.60473631499997, 276.8724365312, 195.29968259050003, 290.288269056], [272.51586914020004, 294.389465344, 319.23815919770004, 309.7803344896], [64.55236819189997, 186.84631347200002, 103.98211671619998, 267.7022705152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048394.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[49.074951168, 578.0020752036, 471.305786112, 622.2636718404]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048394_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[49.074951168, 12.002075203600043, 471.305786112, 56.26367184039998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048394.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four high heels, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[49.074951168, 578.0020752036, 471.305786112, 622.2636718404], [49.074951168, 600.6726074404, 85.2399291904, 622.2636718404], [174.3027954176, 578.0020752036, 219.104125952, 616.3261718992], [229.794982912, 585.0081787028, 263.1068115456, 605.2331542856], [427.6831054848, 592.5429687232, 471.305786112, 610.3885498276], [316.6210021972656, 579.6183471679688, 358.2567443847656, 613.2073364257812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048394_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four high heels, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[49.074951168, 12.002075203600043, 471.305786112, 56.26367184039998], [49.074951168, 34.67260744040004, 85.2399291904, 56.26367184039998], [174.3027954176, 12.002075203600043, 219.104125952, 50.32617189919995], [229.794982912, 19.008178702800024, 263.1068115456, 39.233154285599994], [427.6831054848, 26.542968723200033, 471.305786112, 44.388549827599945], [316.6210021972656, 13.61834716796875, 358.2567443847656, 47.20733642578125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048395.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[76.766052238, 329.9699096576, 299.44042971960005, 394.5884399616]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048395_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[55.766052238, 16.9699096576, 278.44042971960005, 81.58843996159999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048395.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[76.766052238, 329.9699096576, 299.44042971960005, 394.5884399616], [228.4873047236, 329.9699096576, 259.3265381056, 360.8092041216], [76.766052238, 354.5234985472, 107.98907468920001, 375.2467651584], [131.47546386000002, 356.4576416256, 168.5009765764, 394.0358276608], [169.8825683888, 376.35198976, 210.77642820079998, 394.5884399616], [262.44299317639997, 351.8461914112, 299.44042971960005, 364.4722290176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048395_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[55.766052238, 16.9699096576, 278.44042971960005, 81.58843996159999], [207.4873047236, 16.9699096576, 238.32653810559998, 47.809204121599976], [55.766052238, 41.523498547200006, 86.98907468920001, 62.246765158400024], [110.47546386000002, 43.45764162559999, 147.5009765764, 81.03582766080001], [148.8825683888, 63.35198975999998, 189.77642820079998, 81.58843996159999], [241.44299317639997, 38.84619141119998, 278.44042971960005, 51.4722290176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048396.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two potted plants, two chairs, a desk, and a tea pot.", "boxes_value": [[411.770874, 208.7545165824, 599.64916992, 388.5637817344], [436.44860838, 208.7545165824, 478.30834962, 258.5335693312], [411.770874, 238.7416381952, 522.31921386, 388.5637817344], [470.43908694, 221.7714843648, 573.71447754, 362.3812866048], [450.18115236, 254.8936767488, 537.0406494, 372.9227905024], [542.2969971, 255.3205566464, 599.64916992, 336.1835326976], [488.97717288, 243.6069336064, 506.6213379, 262.4387817472]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 3], [4], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048396_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two potted plants, two chairs, a desk, and a tea pot.", "boxes_value": [[47.77087399999999, 45.75451658239999, 235.64916991999996, 225.56378173439998], [72.44860838, 45.75451658239999, 114.30834962, 95.5335693312], [47.77087399999999, 75.74163819520001, 158.31921386, 225.56378173439998], [106.43908693999998, 58.77148436479999, 209.71447753999996, 199.38128660479998], [86.18115236, 91.8936767488, 173.0406494, 209.9227905024], [178.2969971, 92.32055664640001, 235.64916991999996, 173.18353269760001], [124.97717288000001, 80.60693360639999, 142.62133790000001, 99.43878174719998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 3], [4], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048397.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? 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Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[124.16882325139998, 162.4196777472, 349.868530251, 511.9821167104]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048398_crop.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[57.168823251399985, 87.41967774720001, 282.868530251, 436.9821167104]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048398.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a person, a hat, and three cups.", "boxes_value": [[124.16882325139998, 162.4196777472, 349.868530251, 511.9821167104], [73.1677856157, 293.8940429824, 396.0025635031, 511.1630859264], [159.0249633483, 162.4196777472, 349.868530251, 511.9821167104], [188.0193481149, 165.10498048, 236.247497559, 213.636474624], [194.9611816322, 333.018798848, 225.2342529085, 380.05847168], [124.16882325139998, 348.8539428864, 162.8251953212, 401.4824828928], [332.2233886897, 295.2359008768, 350.1143798586, 323.6853637632]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048398_crop.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a person, a hat, and three cups.", "boxes_value": [[57.168823251399985, 87.41967774720001, 282.868530251, 436.9821167104], [6.167785615699998, 218.89404298239998, 329.0025635031, 436.1630859264], [92.02496334829999, 87.41967774720001, 282.868530251, 436.9821167104], [121.0193481149, 90.10498048, 169.247497559, 138.636474624], [127.96118163220001, 258.018798848, 158.2342529085, 305.05847168], [57.168823251399985, 273.8539428864, 95.8251953212, 326.4824828928], [265.2233886897, 220.23590087679997, 283.1143798586, 248.68536376319997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048399.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.7885742468999999, 185.0464477696, 310.1965332262, 417.6979369984]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048399_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.7885742468999999, 59.04644776960001, 310.1965332262, 291.6979369984]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048399.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a backpack, two storage boxes, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[0.7885742468999999, 59.04644776960001, 310.1965332262, 291.6979369984], [0, 18.128173823999987, 27.5707397499, 127.758667008], [93.0562134063, 101.46270750720001, 290.9282226343, 290.262023936], [264.7326049641, 67.66290283519999, 310.1965332262, 102.4124145664], [16.6265258763, 235.2734985216, 77.9271850419, 291.6979369984], [0.7885742468999999, 59.04644776960001, 37.1985473463, 127.91833497600001], [3.421222686767578, 109.48126220703125, 120.29611587524414, 176.29229736328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048404.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 212.4096679936, 503.3349609586, 512.2442627072]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048404_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 75.40966799360001, 503.3349609586, 375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048404.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, three pictures, a lamp, a person, and two moniters.", "boxes_value": [[0, 212.4096679936, 503.3349609586, 512.2442627072], [0, 394.9818725376, 437.76892089539996, 512.2442627072], [120.0085449443, 213.1901855232, 160.3654174756, 279.3067627008], [212.3141479757, 226.0700073472, 241.9378662006, 275.872131328], [169.38134763780002, 220.0594482176, 203.2982788054, 275.4428100608], [476.3660888681, 212.4096679936, 503.3349609586, 243.6367187456], [235.2382202339, 272.101623552, 302.8317871186, 297.0875854336], [47.054870623899994, 215.2715453952, 118.9390869474, 280.7482910208], [348.64477537109997, 262.5633544704, 419.90551760339997, 296.998107904]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048404_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, three pictures, a lamp, a person, and two moniters.", "boxes_value": [[0, 75.40966799360001, 503.3349609586, 375], [0, 257.9818725376, 437.76892089539996, 375], [120.0085449443, 76.1901855232, 160.3654174756, 142.3067627008], [212.3141479757, 89.0700073472, 241.9378662006, 138.87213132800002], [169.38134763780002, 83.05944821759999, 203.2982788054, 138.4428100608], [476.3660888681, 75.40966799360001, 503.3349609586, 106.6367187456], [235.2382202339, 135.10162355199998, 302.8317871186, 160.0875854336], [47.054870623899994, 78.27154539520001, 118.9390869474, 143.74829102080002], [348.64477537109997, 125.56335447039999, 419.90551760339997, 159.998107904]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048406.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[162.048522922, 351.0526733312, 394.0295409908, 465.9705810432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048406_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[58.04852292199999, 29.052673331200026, 290.0295409908, 143.9705810432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048406.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[162.048522922, 351.0526733312, 394.0295409908, 465.9705810432], [162.048522922, 386.907104512, 186.870849594, 408.6648559616], [219.66076658240002, 416.0195922944, 279.11163331480003, 456.1643066368], [287.38568115400005, 427.051757824, 362.771850584, 462.9061279232], [354.19134522200005, 439.0031738368, 394.0295409908, 465.9705810432], [365.22344973400004, 351.0526733312, 386.06188964200004, 378.3265380864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048406_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[58.04852292199999, 29.052673331200026, 290.0295409908, 143.9705810432], [58.04852292199999, 64.90710451199999, 82.87084959399999, 86.66485596159998], [115.66076658240002, 94.01959229440001, 175.11163331480003, 134.1643066368], [183.38568115400005, 105.05175782399999, 258.771850584, 140.90612792320002], [250.19134522200005, 117.00317383679999, 290.0295409908, 143.9705810432], [261.22344973400004, 29.052673331200026, 282.06188964200004, 56.32653808639998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048408.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[408.6385498368, 318.7886352384, 549.1575927552001, 429.77209472]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048408_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[35.638549836799996, 27.78863523839999, 176.15759275520008, 138.77209471999998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048408.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a moniter, three cabinets, and a potted plant.", "boxes_value": [[408.6385498368, 318.7886352384, 549.1575927552001, 429.77209472], [510.5247802368, 356.2013549568, 528.9971923968, 406.499694848], [453.7593993984, 338.5636596736, 549.1575927552001, 429.77209472], [433.454956032, 364.3469848576, 456.33764651519994, 420.4256591872], [408.6385498368, 352.7444457984, 456.33764651519994, 387.2296753152], [464.37622072320005, 318.7886352384, 482.15795896320003, 347.3064574976]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048408_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a moniter, three cabinets, and a potted plant.", "boxes_value": [[35.638549836799996, 27.78863523839999, 176.15759275520008, 138.77209471999998], [137.52478023679998, 65.2013549568, 155.99719239679996, 115.49969484799999], [80.75939939839998, 47.5636596736, 176.15759275520008, 138.77209471999998], [60.454956031999984, 73.34698485759998, 83.33764651519994, 129.42565918719998], [35.638549836799996, 61.74444579840002, 83.33764651519994, 96.22967531519998], [91.37622072320005, 27.78863523839999, 109.15795896320003, 56.30645749759998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048409.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[167.2908935848, 182.4978637824, 302.1171875036, 394.6913452032]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048409_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[34.29089358479999, 53.4978637824, 169.1171875036, 265.6913452032]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048409.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a gun, a person, a broom, a helmet, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[167.2908935848, 182.4978637824, 302.1171875036, 394.6913452032], [167.2908935848, 211.8222656, 261.0559081836, 256.0686034944], [207.0222777992, 182.5702514688, 302.1171875036, 393.9750366208], [160.0259399624, 226.6531372032, 190.3665161064, 320.3363647488], [246.6934203844, 182.4978637824, 275.7863769648, 203.7748412928], [249.80828857080002, 343.6479492096, 272.45886229, 358.0039062528], [270.86364748, 372.6788940288, 301.8087158568, 394.6913452032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048409_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a gun, a person, a broom, a helmet, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[34.29089358479999, 53.4978637824, 169.1171875036, 265.6913452032], [34.29089358479999, 82.82226560000001, 128.05590818360002, 127.06860349440001], [74.0222777992, 53.570251468799995, 169.1171875036, 264.9750366208], [27.025939962400003, 97.6531372032, 57.36651610640001, 191.3363647488], [113.69342038440001, 53.4978637824, 142.7863769648, 74.7748412928], [116.80828857080002, 214.64794920959997, 139.45886229, 229.0039062528], [137.86364748, 243.67889402880002, 168.8087158568, 265.6913452032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048410.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.6542968936, 0.4492797952, 411.6846923808, 281.3983154176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048410_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.6542968936, 0.4492797952, 411.6846923808, 281.3983154176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048410.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, and three pictures.", "boxes_value": [[0.6542968936, 0.4492797952, 411.6846923808, 281.3983154176], [382.181762684, 1.1198119936, 411.6846923808, 22.5765380608], [142.1345825168, 0.4492797952, 171.6375732072, 25.2586059776], [148.83984378239998, 180.8198852608, 234.6667480832, 281.3983154176], [91.1748657512, 184.8430175744, 123.3599853608, 218.3691406336], [0.6542968936, 182.1609497088, 19.428955043200002, 232.450134272], [1.099060052, 52.1958618112, 71.0523681576, 93.0840454144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 6], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048410_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, and three pictures.", "boxes_value": [[0.6542968936, 0.4492797952, 411.6846923808, 281.3983154176], [382.181762684, 1.1198119936, 411.6846923808, 22.5765380608], [142.1345825168, 0.4492797952, 171.6375732072, 25.2586059776], [148.83984378239998, 180.8198852608, 234.6667480832, 281.3983154176], [91.1748657512, 184.8430175744, 123.3599853608, 218.3691406336], [0.6542968936, 182.1609497088, 19.428955043200002, 232.450134272], [1.099060052, 52.1958618112, 71.0523681576, 93.0840454144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 6], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048411.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[39.127136256, 119.0124511744, 411.1671142656, 236.8430175744]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048411_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[39.127136256, 30.0124511744, 411.1671142656, 147.8430175744]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048411.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a tie, a glasses, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[39.127136256, 119.0124511744, 411.1671142656, 236.8430175744], [154.2048950016, 125.7817382912, 186.7820434944, 165.9743042048], [39.127136256, 119.0124511744, 63.2426757888, 148.6280517632], [393.3916015872, 180.4161376768, 411.1671142656, 215.0148925952], [309.3951416064, 159.3344726528, 333.34008791040003, 173.9259033088], [154.5856323072, 174.7713012736, 221.6231079168, 236.8430175744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048411_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a tie, a glasses, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[39.127136256, 30.0124511744, 411.1671142656, 147.8430175744], [154.2048950016, 36.7817382912, 186.7820434944, 76.9743042048], [39.127136256, 30.0124511744, 63.2426757888, 59.628051763200006], [393.3916015872, 91.41613767679999, 411.1671142656, 126.0148925952], [309.3951416064, 70.3344726528, 333.34008791040003, 84.9259033088], [154.5856323072, 85.77130127359999, 221.6231079168, 147.8430175744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048412.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[57.214355489199995, 150.9275812352, 477.48436049339995, 294.1498413056]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048412_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[57.214355489199995, 35.927581235199995, 477.48436049339995, 179.14984130559998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048412.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, four people, a helmet, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[57.214355489199995, 150.9275812352, 477.48436049339995, 294.1498413056], [57.214355489199995, 232.4041747968, 256.45324707730003, 283.2588500992], [227.47698977640002, 166.7779540992, 426.8415527038, 294.1498413056], [305.7150878574, 155.8757324288, 377.20727536180004, 229.9835815424], [413.3894043188, 160.6709594624, 518.4481200834, 304.5273437696], [438.6732177737, 151.0805053952, 478.7786864926, 194.2374267392], [335.8444018761, 157.1691390976, 375.27356911199996, 186.1375069184], [437.33578438029997, 150.9275812352, 477.48436049339995, 188.0416718848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048412_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, four people, a helmet, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[57.214355489199995, 35.927581235199995, 477.48436049339995, 179.14984130559998], [57.214355489199995, 117.40417479679999, 256.45324707730003, 168.2588500992], [227.47698977640002, 51.7779540992, 426.8415527038, 179.14984130559998], [305.7150878574, 40.875732428800006, 377.20727536180004, 114.9835815424], [413.3894043188, 45.67095946239999, 518.4481200834, 189.5273437696], [438.6732177737, 36.08050539519999, 478.7786864926, 79.2374267392], [335.8444018761, 42.16913909760001, 375.27356911199996, 71.13750691839999], [437.33578438029997, 35.927581235199995, 477.48436049339995, 73.0416718848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048413.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, three desks, a carpet, and two barrels.", "boxes_value": [[264.4855956919, 216.6118163968, 682.6513671578, 438.7678833152], [264.4855956919, 257.0005493248, 327.22491458310003, 362.2935791104], [499.5771484375, 264.3712158208, 668.2218017571, 437.52508544], [622.2279052456, 342.8315429888, 682.6513671578, 423.9974365184], [255.58911130169997, 195.6457519616, 393.59484865150006, 321.7250366464], [454.4339599806, 216.6118163968, 532.9029541014, 282.1564941312], [556.3497314504, 376.7153930752, 607.3386230631, 438.7678833152], [428.87756344469994, 290.6115112448, 494.77819824130006, 400.2857055744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5], [3], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048416_crop.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, three desks, a carpet, and two barrels.", "boxes_value": [[105.48559569190002, 55.61181639680001, 523.6513671578, 277.7678833152], [105.48559569190002, 96.00054932479998, 168.22491458310003, 201.2935791104], [340.5771484375, 103.37121582079999, 509.2218017571, 276.52508544], [463.2279052456, 181.83154298879998, 523.6513671578, 262.9974365184], [96.58911130169997, 34.64575196160001, 234.59484865150006, 160.72503664639999], [295.4339599806, 55.61181639680001, 373.90295410140004, 121.15649413120002], [397.3497314504, 215.71539307519998, 448.33862306310004, 277.7678833152], [269.87756344469994, 129.6115112448, 335.77819824130006, 239.28570557440003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5], [3], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048417.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two street lights, and a suv.", "boxes_value": [[263.3663330304, 414.63171386880003, 382.0256957952, 581.2913818368], [348.4649048064, 442.06372070400005, 382.0256957952, 581.2913818368], [316.5545043968, 474.1179199488, 339.2855835136, 535.5905761536001], [263.3663330304, 414.63171386880003, 272.6389770752, 489.585815424], [304.2700195328, 427.7460937728, 311.10864256, 484.3542480384], [308.5324096512, 459.6557617152, 348.1497192448, 486.4241943552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048417_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two street lights, and a suv.", "boxes_value": [[30.36633303040003, 42.631713868800034, 149.02569579520002, 209.29138183680004], [115.4649048064, 70.06372070400005, 149.02569579520002, 209.29138183680004], [83.55450439679998, 102.11791994880002, 106.28558351359999, 163.59057615360007], [30.36633303040003, 42.631713868800034, 39.63897707519999, 117.58581542399997], [71.2700195328, 55.74609377280001, 78.10864256000002, 112.35424803839999], [75.5324096512, 87.65576171520001, 115.1497192448, 114.42419435519997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048418.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[469.3688964598, 121.346740736, 654.5219726374, 482.6890869248]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048418_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[46.3688964598, 90.346740736, 231.52197263740004, 451.6890869248]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048418.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bottle, a cup, a moniter, a desk, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[469.3688964598, 121.346740736, 654.5219726374, 482.6890869248], [469.3688964598, 121.346740736, 540.1866455288, 189.6048584192], [495.525268578, 308.9912109568, 507.93554683879995, 345.6581421056], [522.6181640395, 446.6220703232, 549.5155029548, 482.6890869248], [547.180541961, 201.919067392, 592.4188232501, 229.651367168], [522.148315421, 229.6857910272, 769.0860595590001, 311.1992187392], [604.5179443476, 217.9125976576, 654.5219726374, 232.2973022208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048418_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bottle, a cup, a moniter, a desk, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[46.3688964598, 90.346740736, 231.52197263740004, 451.6890869248], [46.3688964598, 90.346740736, 117.1866455288, 158.6048584192], [72.52526857800001, 277.9912109568, 84.93554683879995, 314.6581421056], [99.61816403950002, 415.6220703232, 126.51550295480001, 451.6890869248], [124.18054196100002, 170.919067392, 169.4188232501, 198.651367168], [99.148315421, 198.6857910272, 277, 280.1992187392], [181.51794434759995, 186.9125976576, 231.52197263740004, 201.2973022208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048420.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[403.9241943552, 50.598571776, 662.6927490048, 511.8803710976]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048420_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[64.92419435519997, 50.598571776, 323.6927490048, 511.8803710976]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048420.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two people, a necklace, a glasses, a backpack, a cup, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[403.9241943552, 50.598571776, 662.6927490048, 511.8803710976], [358.218994176, 289.2774658048, 685.3814697216001, 499.2991332864], [460.8695068416, 84.6755981312, 757.6328124672, 512.4425048576], [341.2833252096, 47.5169677824, 563.1617431296, 480.450561536], [617.1239013888, 215.9466552832, 662.6927490048, 265.5216064512], [409.49121093120004, 50.598571776, 464.22473141759997, 110.1256713728], [564.8063964672, 262.2280883712, 681.9975585792, 504.9810180608], [403.9241943552, 214.67425536, 448.23706053120003, 266.868469248], [471.56372067839993, 472.6683959808, 657.8205566208001, 511.8803710976]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048420_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two people, a necklace, a glasses, a backpack, a cup, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[64.92419435519997, 50.598571776, 323.6927490048, 511.8803710976], [19.218994176000024, 289.2774658048, 346.38146972160007, 499.2991332864], [121.86950684160001, 84.6755981312, 388, 512], [2.2833252095999796, 47.5169677824, 224.16174312960004, 480.450561536], [278.12390138880005, 215.9466552832, 323.6927490048, 265.5216064512], [70.49121093120004, 50.598571776, 125.22473141759997, 110.1256713728], [225.8063964672, 262.2280883712, 342.9975585792, 504.9810180608], [64.92419435519997, 214.67425536, 109.23706053120003, 266.868469248], [132.56372067839993, 472.6683959808, 318.82055662080006, 511.8803710976]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048422.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[290.49328611699997, 18.613159168, 683.8250732205, 344.6955566592]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048422_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[98.49328611699997, 18.613159168, 491, 344.6955566592]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048422.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, three plates, a bowl, a fork, and two sausages.", "boxes_value": [[290.49328611699997, 18.613159168, 683.8250732205, 344.6955566592], [502.65051272540006, 18.613159168, 626.3769531437, 79.2008056832], [248.36486819759998, 59.244812032, 542.1032714514, 162.7526244864], [600.7808838015, 87.3048706048, 680.5562744247001, 166.1632690176], [548.3791504096, 97.0900878848, 682.7790527101, 214.984680192], [650.8930664375, 297.4453735424, 683.8250732205, 344.6955566592], [189.2259521152, 199.1222534144, 605.272949189, 415.4298095616], [220.5816650423, 142.6211547648, 520.1051025426, 342.7603759616], [290.49328611699997, 124.800537088, 580.4210205042, 315.3440551936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 6], [3], [5], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048422_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a glasses, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[30.39196775800002, 59.34002688, 151.594970703125, 344.6730651855469], [1.4750366247999978, 47.0349731328, 94.99377444839996, 257.4522704896], [30.39196775800002, 59.34002688, 149.13635253159998, 293.1370849792], [53.15649414000001, 67.3383789056, 181, 318.3625488384], [24.99010751520001, 143.4684534784, 53.03093494199999, 160.1945610752], [53.61688232421875, 278.5593566894531, 90.93035888671875, 313.1274719238281], [111.5960693359375, 314.4264221191406, 151.594970703125, 344.6730651855469], [31.5626220703125, 245.95375061035156, 66.08477783203125, 278.5259094238281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048430.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[2.098327626, 0.5579223552, 484.19580074910004, 302.8650512896]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048440_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[2.098327626, 0.5579223552, 484.19580074910004, 302.8650512896]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048440.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a power outlet, a handbag, a bottle, an extractor, and a gas stove.", "boxes_value": [[2.098327626, 0.5579223552, 484.19580074910004, 302.8650512896], [2.098327626, 1.5260009984, 349.6343994104, 158.8417358336], [350.60253907, 0.5579223552, 484.19580074910004, 83.8117065216], [202.43780514850002, 178.3628539904, 221.5813598483, 211.5824585216], [71.23059078749999, 236.876342784, 191.4431152527, 302.8650512896], [227.34240720309998, 220.114746112, 255.2446289139, 284.5999145472], [347.6319580178, 68.8227538944, 497.0638427836, 117.1865844736], [327.1703490984, 230.4301147648, 531.7866210632, 285.6145019392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048440_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a power outlet, a handbag, a bottle, an extractor, and a gas stove.", "boxes_value": [[2.098327626, 0.5579223552, 484.19580074910004, 302.8650512896], [2.098327626, 1.5260009984, 349.6343994104, 158.8417358336], [350.60253907, 0.5579223552, 484.19580074910004, 83.8117065216], [202.43780514850002, 178.3628539904, 221.5813598483, 211.5824585216], [71.23059078749999, 236.876342784, 191.4431152527, 302.8650512896], [227.34240720309998, 220.114746112, 255.2446289139, 284.5999145472], [347.6319580178, 68.8227538944, 497.0638427836, 117.1865844736], [327.1703490984, 230.4301147648, 531.7866210632, 285.6145019392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048442.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly provide a description for the content within the rectangular area of ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three sneakers, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[101.0974731264, 473.1152343706, 393.5115356672, 594.1562500128], [254.7963256832, 473.1152343706, 393.5115356672, 594.1562500128], [101.0974731264, 552.257568378, 127.0789794816, 571.91931153], [216.9609375232, 545.9377441302, 249.9644775424, 562.0885010042], [303.682983424, 506.2633056576, 350.730529792, 551.2043457242], [320.8869018624, 575.0792236156, 361.9657592832, 593.68762209]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048442_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly provide a description for the content within the rectangular area of ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three sneakers, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[74.0974731264, 31.11523437059998, 366.5115356672, 152.1562500128], [227.7963256832, 31.11523437059998, 366.5115356672, 152.1562500128], [74.0974731264, 110.25756837799997, 100.0789794816, 129.91931152999996], [189.9609375232, 103.93774413020003, 222.9644775424, 120.0885010042], [276.682983424, 64.26330565759997, 323.730529792, 109.20434572420004], [293.8869018624, 133.07922361559997, 334.9657592832, 151.68762209]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048443.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[155.402099584, 64.1680908, 354.47497561600005, 316.44836424]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048443_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[50.40209958400001, 63.1680908, 249.47497561600005, 315.44836424]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048443.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two pictures, and two potted plants.", "boxes_value": [[155.402099584, 64.1680908, 354.47497561600005, 316.44836424], [278.461975104, 111.176147472, 324.46984864, 268.203063984], [333.47137452799996, 64.1680908, 354.47497561600005, 152.183227536], [233.53063968, 99.289184592, 301.256530752, 260.45971679999997], [155.402099584, 240.927734352, 282.425231936, 299.233459488], [201.326416, 268.71270753600004, 259.29119872, 316.44836424]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5], [3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048443_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two pictures, and two potted plants.", "boxes_value": [[50.40209958400001, 63.1680908, 249.47497561600005, 315.44836424], [173.46197510399998, 110.176147472, 219.46984864, 267.203063984], [228.47137452799996, 63.1680908, 249.47497561600005, 151.183227536], [128.53063968, 98.289184592, 196.256530752, 259.45971679999997], [50.40209958400001, 239.927734352, 177.425231936, 298.233459488], [96.326416, 267.71270753600004, 154.29119872, 315.44836424]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5], [3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048444.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, a sneakers, a gloves, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[234.242919936, 86.5079345664, 495.51330570240003, 511.1362914816], [304.6690673664, 86.5079345664, 495.51330570240003, 511.1362914816], [208.0542602496, 0.6280517632, 407.247802752, 346.5332031488], [388.3372803072, 86.6560058368, 481.0201416192, 166.2681884672], [234.242919936, 285.1009521664, 271.7637939456, 344.9901123072], [444.7292480256, 315.6895141376, 496.7346191616, 416.754455552], [215.99272335359998, 96.3104551936, 287.386225152, 384.656983296]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048444_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, a sneakers, a gloves, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[66.24291993599999, 86.5079345664, 327.51330570240003, 511.1362914816], [136.6690673664, 86.5079345664, 327.51330570240003, 511.1362914816], [40.05426024959999, 0.6280517632, 239.24780275199998, 346.5332031488], [220.3372803072, 86.6560058368, 313.0201416192, 166.2681884672], [66.24291993599999, 285.1009521664, 103.76379394560001, 344.9901123072], [276.7292480256, 315.6895141376, 328.7346191616, 416.754455552], [47.992723353599985, 96.3104551936, 119.38622515200001, 384.656983296]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048446.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[243.7576293888, 124.000427264, 487.80761717760004, 302.2615356416], [434.3302001664, 124.000427264, 487.80761717760004, 302.2615356416], [395.0533446912, 157.916748032, 442.9595947008, 272.22790528], [350.46728517120005, 155.5451660288, 379.8751220736, 248.0375366144], [317.4945068544, 160.9998169088, 332.6801757696, 206.0859375104], [243.7576293888, 127.7508545024, 300.5650634496, 277.5380249088]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048446_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[132.10876462480002, 450.7891235328, 419.6065673288, 511.9903564288], [132.10876462480002, 463.8073120256, 157.0599364912, 511.8903198208], [216.5788574648, 454.4506225664, 240.75024418479998, 511.9687499776], [311.943115272, 455.309570304, 337.6256103976, 511.9903564288], [395.252319364, 450.7891235328, 413.8692627656, 494.6972045824], [410.122436484, 452.3112793088, 419.6065673288, 490.1307373056]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048447_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[50.495361341399985, 34.6755371008, 248.89953616640003, 170.800231936]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048453.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two necklaces, two watches, and two bracelets.", "boxes_value": [[447.4953613414, 141.6755371008, 645.8995361664, 277.800231936], [447.4953613414, 221.8351440384, 490.93090821239997, 277.800231936], [620.675659205, 143.3182372864, 645.8995361664, 170.5039062528], [535.6772460761, 141.6755371008, 554.9654540972, 169.3597412352], [447.4953613414, 221.8351440384, 490.93090821239997, 277.800231936], [620.675659205, 143.3182372864, 645.8995361664, 170.5039062528], [535.6772460761, 141.6755371008, 554.9654540972, 169.3597412352]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048453_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two necklaces, two watches, and two bracelets.", "boxes_value": [[50.495361341399985, 34.6755371008, 248.89953616640003, 170.800231936], [50.495361341399985, 114.83514403839999, 93.93090821239997, 170.800231936], [223.675659205, 36.318237286400006, 248.89953616640003, 63.50390625279999], [138.6772460761, 34.6755371008, 157.9654540972, 62.359741235200005], [50.495361341399985, 114.83514403839999, 93.93090821239997, 170.800231936], [223.675659205, 36.318237286400006, 248.89953616640003, 63.50390625279999], [138.6772460761, 34.6755371008, 157.9654540972, 62.359741235200005]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048454.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a person, two cups, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[393.3139648332, 52.6941528576, 519.400024431, 439.2373657088], [415.5856933415, 52.6941528576, 462.52233885100003, 91.5844726784], [446.5050048529, 293.943420416, 503.44311523799996, 342.68621824], [484.902221707, 248.7378540032, 519.400024431, 274.4351806464], [450.63488770270004, 353.8676758016, 471.40502930490004, 396.6590576128], [430.61560057959997, 366.6300048896, 452.6368408186, 402.4146118144], [393.3139648332, 375.2225341952, 444.4224853302, 439.2373657088]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048454_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a person, two cups, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[32.313964833199975, 52.6941528576, 158.40002443100002, 439.2373657088], [54.58569334150002, 52.6941528576, 101.52233885100003, 91.5844726784], [85.50500485290002, 293.943420416, 142.44311523799996, 342.68621824], [123.90222170700002, 248.7378540032, 158.40002443100002, 274.4351806464], [89.63488770270004, 353.8676758016, 110.40502930490004, 396.6590576128], [69.61560057959997, 366.6300048896, 91.63684081859998, 402.4146118144], [32.313964833199975, 375.2225341952, 83.4224853302, 439.2373657088]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048457.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.0804443508, 96.8186645504, 144.0207519516, 328.6436767744]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048457_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.0804443508, 58.8186645504, 144.0207519516, 290.6436767744]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048457.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a hat, a speaker, a microphone, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[0.0804443508, 96.8186645504, 144.0207519516, 328.6436767744], [60.4559326176, 97.4818725376, 144.0207519516, 246.0414428672], [69.0776977608, 96.8186645504, 101.57513427720001, 130.6425170944], [0.0804443508, 298.097106944, 53.377502461199995, 317.7156371968], [51.8658447456, 118.2494507008, 67.3956909396, 139.1550292992], [56.969604522000004, 139.3247680512, 83.9451294216, 328.6436767744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048457_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a hat, a speaker, a microphone, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[0.0804443508, 58.8186645504, 144.0207519516, 290.6436767744], [60.4559326176, 59.4818725376, 144.0207519516, 208.0414428672], [69.0776977608, 58.8186645504, 101.57513427720001, 92.6425170944], [0.0804443508, 260.097106944, 53.377502461199995, 279.7156371968], [51.8658447456, 80.2494507008, 67.3956909396, 101.15502929920001], [56.969604522000004, 101.32476805120001, 83.9451294216, 290.6436767744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048459.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[113.5823364567, 446.0901489152, 378.69616702300004, 511.6782226432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048459_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[66.5823364567, 17.090148915200018, 331.69616702300004, 82.6782226432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048459.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[113.5823364567, 446.0901489152, 378.69616702300004, 511.6782226432], [351.7706299165, 446.0901489152, 378.69616702300004, 511.405212416], [322.0833740457, 437.1149292032, 385.6002197271, 511.6782226432], [241.99688723580002, 451.6133423104, 305.5137329172, 511.6782226432], [189.52642819829998, 464.0405883904, 225.4272461073, 511.6782226432], [113.5823364567, 457.8269653504, 166.0527954259, 510.9877929472]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048459_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[66.5823364567, 17.090148915200018, 331.69616702300004, 82.6782226432], [304.7706299165, 17.090148915200018, 331.69616702300004, 82.40521241599998], [275.0833740457, 8.114929203200006, 338.6002197271, 82.6782226432], [194.99688723580002, 22.613342310400014, 258.5137329172, 82.6782226432], [142.52642819829998, 35.04058839039999, 178.4272461073, 82.6782226432], [66.5823364567, 28.826965350399973, 119.0527954259, 81.98779294719998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048461.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[403.8653564476, 68.3985595904, 682.7235107403001, 313.4491116032]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048461_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[69.86535644759999, 61.3985595904, 348.72351074030007, 306.4491116032]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048461.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, a van, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[403.8653564476, 68.3985595904, 682.7235107403001, 313.4491116032], [640.2225341472, 68.3985595904, 665.1619873013, 96.9007568384], [572.8067626807, 129.3955688448, 591.8930664081, 150.2633056768], [403.8653564476, 132.4840698368, 423.119140654, 154.178466816], [376.409427017, 245.0092421632, 599.7587800387, 344.3807763456], [579.3823229832, 262.6914066944, 627.3587838115, 313.4491116032], [671.1904297025, 275.6305542144, 682.7235107403001, 305.503356928]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048461_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, a van, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[69.86535644759999, 61.3985595904, 348.72351074030007, 306.4491116032], [306.2225341472, 61.3985595904, 331.1619873013, 89.9007568384], [238.8067626807, 122.39556884480001, 257.8930664081, 143.2633056768], [69.86535644759999, 125.48406983679999, 89.11914065399998, 147.178466816], [42.409427016999985, 238.0092421632, 265.7587800387, 337.3807763456], [245.38232298319997, 255.69140669439997, 293.35878381149996, 306.4491116032], [337.19042970249996, 268.6305542144, 348.72351074030007, 298.503356928]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048462.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[360.1660156416, 80.1680908288, 455.12634278400003, 230.43322752]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048462_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[24.166015641599984, 38.168090828800004, 119.12634278400003, 188.43322752]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048462.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a helmet, a gloves, a hockey stick, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[360.1660156416, 80.1680908288, 455.12634278400003, 230.43322752], [403.9998779136, 80.1680908288, 435.75878906879996, 159.3284301824], [360.1660156416, 109.480163584, 385.8122558976, 137.8989257728], [374.72204590079997, 178.1010742272, 397.5957030912, 196.8158569472], [374.0289306624, 174.9819336192, 455.12634278400003, 230.43322752], [413.50604248046875, 154.82839965820312, 419.63885498046875, 159.65234375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048462_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a helmet, a gloves, a hockey stick, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[24.166015641599984, 38.168090828800004, 119.12634278400003, 188.43322752], [67.99987791360002, 38.168090828800004, 99.75878906879996, 117.32843018240001], [24.166015641599984, 67.480163584, 49.81225589759998, 95.8989257728], [38.72204590079997, 136.1010742272, 61.595703091199994, 154.8158569472], [38.0289306624, 132.9819336192, 119.12634278400003, 188.43322752], [77.50604248046875, 112.82839965820312, 83.63885498046875, 117.65234375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048463.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[103.1923828224, 258.937255839, 489.9696045056, 612.6151122987]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048463_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[97.1923828224, 88.93725583899999, 483.9696045056, 442.61511229869996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048463.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bracelet, a gloves, a belt, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[103.1923828224, 258.937255839, 489.9696045056, 612.6151122987], [102.7156982272, 92.3873291211, 490.850402816, 611.9584961166], [195.0777587712, 258.937255839, 229.7103271424, 298.8171386427], [146.6604614144, 249.78961179119997, 198.1124877824, 286.160888685], [244.2418823168, 307.4513549985, 349.8071899648, 332.2902832236], [443.8402099712, 516.1087646202001, 489.9696045056, 604.6311035064], [103.1923828224, 573.5825195481, 189.8629760512, 612.6151122987]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048463_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bracelet, a gloves, a belt, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[97.1923828224, 88.93725583899999, 483.9696045056, 442.61511229869996], [96.7156982272, 0, 484.850402816, 441.95849611660003], [189.0777587712, 88.93725583899999, 223.7103271424, 128.8171386427], [140.6604614144, 79.78961179119997, 192.1124877824, 116.16088868499997], [238.2418823168, 137.4513549985, 343.8071899648, 162.2902832236], [437.8402099712, 346.1087646202001, 483.9696045056, 434.6311035064], [97.1923828224, 403.5825195481, 183.8629760512, 442.61511229869996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048464.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a chair, a desk, a person, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[323.2512817116, 68.9637451264, 495.93066402849996, 413.8341675008], [316.6817016888, 299.9232787968, 366.9362793066, 357.6414184448], [404.54016113060004, 237.6591186432, 472.1691894436, 341.113159168], [430.12951658279997, 293.2244873216, 495.93066402849996, 368.5302734336], [323.2512817116, 68.9637451264, 442.62951662259997, 413.8341675008], [338.7014770294, 80.2626342912, 368.0363769567, 95.986145024]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048464_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a chair, a desk, a person, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[43.25128171159997, 68.9637451264, 215.93066402849996, 413.8341675008], [36.68170168879999, 299.9232787968, 86.9362793066, 357.6414184448], [124.54016113060004, 237.6591186432, 192.16918944359998, 341.113159168], [150.12951658279997, 293.2244873216, 215.93066402849996, 368.5302734336], [43.25128171159997, 68.9637451264, 162.62951662259997, 413.8341675008], [58.701477029399996, 80.2626342912, 88.0363769567, 95.986145024]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048465.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two helmets, and a boat.", "boxes_value": [[84.7400512512, 278.943420416, 382.09741209599997, 373.4223632896], [81.7582397184, 252.8421020672, 228.73779294719998, 353.1292114432], [96.5200195584, 278.943420416, 119.4891967488, 307.480896], [145.242492672, 287.2958373888, 174.12799073280001, 313.0491943424], [96.5977172736, 278.6002807808, 117.80261230079999, 305.2242431488], [147.2539062528, 286.8466797056, 173.4066162432, 311.1145019392], [84.7400512512, 302.7219848704, 382.09741209599997, 373.4223632896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048465_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two helmets, and a boat.", "boxes_value": [[74.7400512512, 23.94342041599998, 372.09741209599997, 118.42236328960001], [71.7582397184, 0, 218.73779294719998, 98.1292114432], [86.5200195584, 23.94342041599998, 109.4891967488, 52.48089599999997], [135.242492672, 32.29583738880001, 164.12799073280001, 58.04919434240003], [86.5977172736, 23.600280780800006, 107.80261230079999, 50.224243148799985], [137.2539062528, 31.846679705600025, 163.4066162432, 56.11450193920001], [74.7400512512, 47.72198487039998, 372.09741209599997, 118.42236328960001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048466.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[37.961364724, 0.20046994999999998, 372.4968872288, 174.57818605]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048466_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[37.961364724, 0.20046994999999998, 372.4968872288, 174.57818605]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048466.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, two pictures, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[37.961364724, 0.20046994999999998, 372.4968872288, 174.57818605], [219.57720946400002, 25.042907699999997, 349.7238769632, 167.36700439999998], [266.2197875776, 110.29248045, 309.8350219832, 170.6828003], [129.5053711064, 1.1590576, 182.706359832, 63.4664917], [37.961364724, 0.20046994999999998, 103.14453127759998, 66.3422241], [282.9771728436, 156.4992676, 372.4968872288, 174.57818605]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048466_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, two pictures, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[37.961364724, 0.20046994999999998, 372.4968872288, 174.57818605], [219.57720946400002, 25.042907699999997, 349.7238769632, 167.36700439999998], [266.2197875776, 110.29248045, 309.8350219832, 170.6828003], [129.5053711064, 1.1590576, 182.706359832, 63.4664917], [37.961364724, 0.20046994999999998, 103.14453127759998, 66.3422241], [282.9771728436, 156.4992676, 372.4968872288, 174.57818605]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048467.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[312.4919433728, 42.9344482304, 512.4711913984, 511.806945792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048467_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[50.491943372799994, 42.9344482304, 250, 511.806945792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048467.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, three pillows, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[312.4919433728, 42.9344482304, 512.4711913984, 511.806945792], [392.2782593024, 51.346740736, 463.7517700096, 118.6562500096], [344.445617664, 232.7028808704, 480.0538330112, 299.3649902592], [401.3386840576, 287.6746215936, 456.67309568, 328.9805907968], [312.4919433728, 241.9915771392, 416.6234130944, 315.7315063296], [363.6864013824, 42.9344482304, 512.4711913984, 511.806945792]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048467_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, three pillows, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[50.491943372799994, 42.9344482304, 250, 511.806945792], [130.2782593024, 51.346740736, 201.75177000960002, 118.6562500096], [82.445617664, 232.7028808704, 218.05383301120003, 299.3649902592], [139.3386840576, 287.6746215936, 194.67309568000002, 328.9805907968], [50.491943372799994, 241.9915771392, 154.6234130944, 315.7315063296], [101.68640138239999, 42.9344482304, 250, 511.806945792]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048468.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[120.4386596864, 246.5438232724, 499.6810302976, 383.1339111666]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048468_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[95.4386596864, 34.543823272400004, 474.6810302976, 171.1339111666]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048468.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps.", "boxes_value": [[120.4386596864, 246.5438232724, 499.6810302976, 383.1339111666], [416.9207153152, 246.5438232724, 453.2988891648, 323.8474731629], [467.8501586944, 248.3627319102, 499.6810302976, 322.02856445680004], [349.6210937344, 312.0245361456, 369.6290893312, 353.85937498420003], [311.4240112128, 344.7648925822, 331.8227538944, 383.1339111666], [120.4386596864, 348.40270999439997, 138.62774656, 382.9619140769]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048468_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps.", "boxes_value": [[95.4386596864, 34.543823272400004, 474.6810302976, 171.1339111666], [391.9207153152, 34.543823272400004, 428.2988891648, 111.84747316289997], [442.8501586944, 36.36273191020001, 474.6810302976, 110.02856445680004], [324.6210937344, 100.0245361456, 344.6290893312, 141.85937498420003], [286.4240112128, 132.7648925822, 306.8227538944, 171.1339111666], [95.4386596864, 136.40270999439997, 113.62774655999999, 170.96191407689997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048469.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[175.6809692469, 116.9409179648, 360.4471435702, 501.8844604416]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048469_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[46.68096924689999, 96.9409179648, 231.4471435702, 481.8844604416]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048469.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a cabinet, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[175.6809692469, 116.9409179648, 360.4471435702, 501.8844604416], [178.7680664109, 116.9409179648, 208.0794067313, 150.0208740352], [159.976318386, 143.2694091776, 321.9492187759, 312.164184576], [175.6809692469, 217.3388061696, 355.25939938050004, 501.8844604416], [240.6524048093, 202.1383056896, 360.4471435702, 386.3685913088], [155.8264770468, 271.5057373184, 328.1369628677, 511.9688110592]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048469_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a cabinet, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[46.68096924689999, 96.9409179648, 231.4471435702, 481.8844604416], [49.76806641089999, 96.9409179648, 79.0794067313, 130.0208740352], [30.976318386000003, 123.26940917760001, 192.94921877590002, 292.164184576], [46.68096924689999, 197.3388061696, 226.25939938050004, 481.8844604416], [111.65240480930001, 182.1383056896, 231.4471435702, 366.3685913088], [26.826477046799994, 251.5057373184, 199.1369628677, 491.9688110592]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048471.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[191.06335450839998, 253.7141723648, 318.9113159364, 416.275451648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048471_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[32.06335450839998, 40.71417236479999, 159.9113159364, 203.275451648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048471.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a chair, a moniter, an apple, and a grape.", "boxes_value": [[191.06335450839998, 253.7141723648, 318.9113159364, 416.275451648], [167.97869871860001, 289.747436544, 289.2001342714, 380.0693359616], [248.00067140419998, 285.0927123968, 318.9113159364, 334.2151489024], [238.24414062900001, 253.7141723648, 287.2321777138, 295.64086912], [223.1111450348, 389.568969728, 242.0282592992, 406.9281616384], [191.06335450839998, 389.7915039232, 214.8766479816, 416.275451648]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048471_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a chair, a moniter, an apple, and a grape.", "boxes_value": [[32.06335450839998, 40.71417236479999, 159.9113159364, 203.275451648], [8.978698718600015, 76.74743654399998, 130.20013427139997, 167.06933596160002], [89.00067140419998, 72.09271239679998, 159.9113159364, 121.21514890240002], [79.24414062900001, 40.71417236479999, 128.2321777138, 82.64086911999999], [64.11114503479999, 176.568969728, 83.02825929919999, 193.9281616384], [32.06335450839998, 176.79150392320003, 55.8766479816, 203.275451648]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048472.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three sneakers, and two boots.", "boxes_value": [[489.26257320819997, 373.11041259765625, 682.2080688476562, 435.6192321777344], [489.26257320819997, 409.4187621888, 521.3527831742, 431.6679077376], [574.9788208007812, 391.4729309082031, 604.2969360351562, 409.1955261230469], [598.1239624023438, 394.2771911621094, 640.4674682617188, 415.6966247558594], [643.5473022460938, 373.11041259765625, 667.6318969726562, 426.0018310546875], [667.0712280273438, 378.8066711425781, 682.2080688476562, 435.6192321777344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048472_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a glasses, two helmets, two sneakers, and two sandals.", "boxes_value": [[43.59771727020001, 81.6594848768, 215.2750243895, 464.2383422976], [43.59771727020001, 81.6594848768, 215.2750243895, 464.2383422976], [68.04180910190001, 118.0414428672, 224.9389648715, 471.62841794559995], [96.9210815733, 106.2296753152, 128.832885724, 116.9692993024], [93.23889163180002, 83.2163696128, 132.82189941400003, 110.8323974656], [150.00524903139996, 120.6514281984, 189.5881347615, 154.404357888], [44.301940948799995, 428.2400512512, 79.7579956097, 462.258667008], [121.44274902310002, 421.5321044992, 147.7952880606, 456.509033216], [157.2459716961, 426.1865844736, 194.9118652074, 452.5879516672], [194.9118652074, 442.0274048, 216.3850097623, 471.9489135616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7], [8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048476.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0, 109.363525376, 497.7969970944, 512.5415038976]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048476_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0, 101.363525376, 497.7969970944, 504]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048476.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a belt, and two stuffed toys.", "boxes_value": [[0, 101.363525376, 497.7969970944, 504], [0, 214.5447387648, 106.9527588096, 503.9917602304], [0, 440.5653686272, 23.7163085568, 504], [13.906005888, 351.7159424, 84.2506103808, 365.1849975808], [416.317504896, 200.5214843904, 497.7969970944, 479.07922365440004], [60.936401356800005, 101.363525376, 293.7326660352, 504]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048479.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[35.93529510498047, 410.65374755859375, 387.0864258048, 623.774169921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048479_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bracelet, three cups, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[35.93529510498047, 53.65374755859375, 387.0864258048, 266.774169921875], [372.9712524288, 116.2740478769, 387.0864258048, 140.2271728765], [288.5859375, 53.65374755859375, 341.013916015625, 105.75128173828125], [260.39410400390625, 174.85540771484375, 303.3046875, 224.98199462890625], [221.88523864746094, 182.55682373046875, 261.9054870605469, 234.18927001953125], [35.93529510498047, 247.5262451171875, 84.65343475341797, 266.774169921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048481.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[78.138244608, 585.6353759448, 512.0340576256, 632.3247070177]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048481_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[173.6312865884, 239.3154907136, 426.4915771185, 370.3779296768]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048482_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[63.6312865884, 33.31549071360001, 316.4915771185, 164.37792967680002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048482.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a power outlet, two faucets, a sink, a cup, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[173.6312865884, 239.3154907136, 426.4915771185, 370.3779296768], [394.90356448529997, 285.9111328256, 426.4915771185, 309.012817408], [296.6396484682, 239.3154907136, 398.78051754570004, 369.6457519616], [134.092895508, 236.7528076288, 216.0984496956, 357.9306640384], [173.6312865884, 352.0731201024, 351.18798829729997, 370.3779296768], [241.4553833213, 306.3053588992, 271.72912596469996, 348.9894409216], [328.5065612792969, 297.25347900390625, 355.9187927246094, 355.03717041015625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048482_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a power outlet, two faucets, a sink, a cup, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[63.6312865884, 33.31549071360001, 316.4915771185, 164.37792967680002], [284.90356448529997, 79.91113282560002, 316.4915771185, 103.01281740799999], [186.6396484682, 33.31549071360001, 288.78051754570004, 163.6457519616], [24.092895507999998, 30.752807628800014, 106.09844969560001, 151.93066403839998], [63.6312865884, 146.07312010240003, 241.18798829729997, 164.37792967680002], [131.4553833213, 100.30535889919997, 161.72912596469996, 142.98944092160002], [218.50656127929688, 91.25347900390625, 245.91879272460938, 149.03717041015625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048484.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball, a baseball glove, a person, a helmet, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[128.5097656428, 222.2415771648, 626.4527587828, 509.4503173632], [403.240356468, 222.2415771648, 435.91931148820004, 256.761596672], [417.14184572619996, 175.2943115264, 484.7076415686, 324.4208984576], [76.9487304866, 185.7333373952, 605.5242919686, 511.916748032], [301.2850341812, 235.16461184, 403.8439941634, 332.9534301696], [538.9992675592, 453.7981567488, 626.4527587828, 509.4503173632], [128.5097656428, 398.0056152576, 250.7277831886, 508.3666381824]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048484_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball, a baseball glove, a person, a helmet, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[124.5097656428, 72.24157716479999, 622.4527587828, 359.4503173632], [399.240356468, 72.24157716479999, 431.91931148820004, 106.761596672], [413.14184572619996, 25.29431152640001, 480.7076415686, 174.4208984576], [72.9487304866, 35.73333739520001, 601.5242919686, 361.916748032], [297.2850341812, 85.16461183999999, 399.8439941634, 182.95343016959998], [534.9992675592, 303.7981567488, 622.4527587828, 359.4503173632], [124.5097656428, 248.00561525760003, 246.7277831886, 358.3666381824]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048490.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[56.71740719939999, 182.9380493312, 234.7002563767, 285.2738647552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048490_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[44.71740719939999, 25.938049331200006, 222.7002563767, 128.2738647552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048490.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, two storage boxes, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[56.71740719939999, 182.9380493312, 234.7002563767, 285.2738647552], [126.8215942503, 193.936584448, 212.6686401383, 285.2738647552], [153.9680786467, 195.4789428736, 232.3488769775, 223.3041381888], [195.1179809754, 182.9380493312, 234.7002563767, 199.3980102656], [56.71740719939999, 243.217407232, 138.10870362949998, 278.0], [166.6304321577, 234.1738891776, 242.4565429574, 268.260864256]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048490_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, two storage boxes, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[44.71740719939999, 25.938049331200006, 222.7002563767, 128.2738647552], [114.8215942503, 36.93658444799999, 200.6686401383, 128.2738647552], [141.9680786467, 38.478942873600005, 220.3488769775, 66.30413818880001], [183.1179809754, 25.938049331200006, 222.7002563767, 42.39801026559999], [44.71740719939999, 86.217407232, 126.10870362949998, 121.0], [154.6304321577, 77.17388917759999, 230.4565429574, 111.26086425599999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048492.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, a desk, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[278.89050293459997, 267.3419189248, 578.5255126682999, 512.6052246016], [377.0041504023, 450.0640869376, 578.5255126682999, 512.6052246016], [410.9692383081, 312.9428100608, 547.7939453439, 500.8214111232], [337.4046020385, 284.9711913984, 440.9295654132, 377.2434081792], [278.89050293459997, 267.3419189248, 367.4118652272, 334.8582153216], [118.15661623140001, 282.7936401408, 491.7480468732, 511.2487793152], [319.48724365234375, 372.8883361816406, 348.17919921875, 390.6531066894531]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048492_crop.jpg", "text": "What is taking place within the specified area in this capture ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, a desk, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[75.89050293459997, 61.341918924799984, 375.52551266829994, 306], [174.0041504023, 244.0640869376, 375.52551266829994, 306], [207.9692383081, 106.94281006080001, 344.79394534389996, 294.8214111232], [134.4046020385, 78.97119139839998, 237.9295654132, 171.2434081792], [75.89050293459997, 61.341918924799984, 164.4118652272, 128.85821532160003], [0, 76.7936401408, 288.7480468732, 305.2487793152], [116.48724365234375, 166.88833618164062, 145.17919921875, 184.65310668945312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048494.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[241.65980529785156, 384.9262390136719, 360.36724853515625, 472.3611755371094]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048494_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[30.659805297851562, 21.926239013671875, 149.36724853515625, 109.36117553710938]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048494.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[241.65980529785156, 384.9262390136719, 360.36724853515625, 472.3611755371094], [300.0378723144531, 438.947265625, 311.3484802246094, 452.2392578125], [241.65980529785156, 384.9262390136719, 249.9404754638672, 397.0842590332031], [349.56036376953125, 444.6091613769531, 360.36724853515625, 457.7395324707031], [274.9599304199219, 409.7431945800781, 284.8890686035156, 419.5625305175781], [321.20294189453125, 459.5256042480469, 333.00372314453125, 472.3611755371094]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048494_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[30.659805297851562, 21.926239013671875, 149.36724853515625, 109.36117553710938], [89.03787231445312, 75.947265625, 100.34848022460938, 89.2392578125], [30.659805297851562, 21.926239013671875, 38.94047546386719, 34.084259033203125], [138.56036376953125, 81.60916137695312, 149.36724853515625, 94.73953247070312], [63.959930419921875, 46.743194580078125, 73.88906860351562, 56.562530517578125], [110.20294189453125, 96.52560424804688, 122.00372314453125, 109.36117553710938]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048495.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two drums, a laptop, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[0.010986319999999999, 238.54690551757812, 163.06793209880001, 507.9020996096], [0.1248779392, 370.8322143744, 60.40954593319999, 507.9020996096], [0.010986319999999999, 340.8437499904, 42.953308129999996, 376.1016845824], [27.6383666664, 294.1223754752, 163.06793209880001, 393.5354003968], [0.30980968475341797, 238.54690551757812, 26.381117820739746, 283.4763488769531], [28.279590606689453, 239.00527954101562, 62.228275299072266, 303.0813903808594]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048497_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two drums, a laptop, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[0.010986319999999999, 67.54690551757812, 163.06793209880001, 336.9020996096], [0.1248779392, 199.8322143744, 60.40954593319999, 336.9020996096], [0.010986319999999999, 169.8437499904, 42.953308129999996, 205.10168458240003], [27.6383666664, 123.12237547519999, 163.06793209880001, 222.53540039680001], [0.30980968475341797, 67.54690551757812, 26.381117820739746, 112.47634887695312], [28.279590606689453, 68.00527954101562, 62.228275299072266, 132.08139038085938]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048498.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a hat, a belt, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[495.19534510079995, 72.9659347456, 575.3527767552, 382.3543494144], [493.61987304959996, 73.9107055616, 595.3237304832, 382.9504394752], [533.2734321408, 72.9659347456, 569.5818673919999, 95.1845294592], [520.3325657856, 204.170092288, 575.3527767552, 220.3342220288], [532.4826887424, 359.9805532672, 552.1794617088, 382.3543494144], [495.19534510079995, 354.2588123648, 525.5408960256, 381.1482098176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048498_crop.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a hat, a belt, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[20.195345100799955, 72.9659347456, 100.35277675520001, 382.3543494144], [18.61987304959996, 73.9107055616, 120, 382.9504394752], [58.27343214079997, 72.9659347456, 94.58186739199994, 95.1845294592], [45.33256578559997, 204.170092288, 100.35277675520001, 220.3342220288], [57.4826887424, 359.9805532672, 77.17946170879998, 382.3543494144], [20.195345100799955, 354.2588123648, 50.54089602559998, 381.1482098176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048502.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[111.6865234532, 184.7652553216, 292.4783808122, 512.4492187648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048502_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[45.686523453199996, 82.7652553216, 226.4783808122, 410]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048502.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, three people, a sandals, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[111.6865234532, 184.7652553216, 292.4783808122, 512.4492187648], [142.5679321528, 318.1483154432, 185.5186157529, 512.4492187648], [111.6865234532, 322.3108520448, 147.50000000519998, 396.59069824], [152.80572506849998, 248.03106688, 268.86785885759997, 509.33679201280006], [148.8264159889, 183.699462912, 390.2357177783, 512.2739257856], [223.3066849189, 482.7019254784, 269.87616048809997, 507.736383488], [239.0213288211, 184.7652553216, 292.4783808122, 213.4226440192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048502_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, three people, a sandals, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[45.686523453199996, 82.7652553216, 226.4783808122, 410], [76.56793215280001, 216.14831544319998, 119.51861575289999, 410], [45.686523453199996, 220.31085204480001, 81.50000000519998, 294.59069824], [86.80572506849998, 146.03106688, 202.86785885759997, 407.33679201280006], [82.82641598890001, 81.699462912, 271, 410], [157.3066849189, 380.7019254784, 203.87616048809997, 405.736383488], [173.0213288211, 82.7652553216, 226.4783808122, 111.42264401919999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048503.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[456.8787841506, 359.1428832768, 916.4748535158999, 491.4408569344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048503_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[115.87878415059998, 33.14288327679998, 575.4748535158999, 165.44085693440002], [115.87878415059998, 34.564697241600015, 129.44555662789998, 75.26513674239999], [290.64111324579994, 28.111267071999976, 352.79028320839996, 168.94927979520003], [349.28186035479996, 35.62933350399999, 389.12756345060006, 165.44085693440002], [376.3468017814, 37.88470461439999, 432.4815673459, 164.43847654400003], [441.87036132060007, 36.906433126399975, 455.12670897830003, 73.20343019519999], [559.5701904269, 33.14288327679998, 575.4748535158999, 74.70013429760002], [292.6209717012, 79.5655517696, 319.8406982086, 116.55371095039999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048505.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, and five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[342.46740725760003, 279.9684448256, 655.6224365568, 416.4448242176], [335.0186767872, 339.834777856, 379.27416990719996, 379.2798461952], [342.46740725760003, 279.9684448256, 375.77978519040005, 296.2702636544], [448.86450193919995, 330.9645996032, 479.32739258879997, 352.83538816], [468.28039549439995, 280.9743042048, 495.84204103679997, 334.8701171712], [535.833984384, 303.0578613248, 560.0832519168, 349.4717407232], [588.5593261824, 400.3924560384, 655.6224365568, 416.4448242176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048505_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, and five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[78.46740725760003, 34.96844482559999, 391.62243655680004, 171.4448242176], [71.01867678719998, 94.83477785600002, 115.27416990719996, 134.27984619519998], [78.46740725760003, 34.96844482559999, 111.77978519040005, 51.270263654400026], [184.86450193919995, 85.96459960319999, 215.32739258879997, 107.83538815999998], [204.28039549439995, 35.97430420479998, 231.84204103679997, 89.87011717119998], [271.833984384, 58.0578613248, 296.0832519168, 104.47174072320001], [324.5593261824, 155.39245603839998, 391.62243655680004, 171.4448242176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048508.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[96.4730224684, 95.62890624, 492.8314178654, 199.0552978432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048508_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[96.4730224684, 26.628906240000006, 492.8314178654, 130.0552978432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048508.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, three people, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[96.4730224684, 95.62890624, 492.8314178654, 199.0552978432], [174.0112304728, 164.8527832064, 216.3571777452, 199.0552978432], [160.5292969054, 111.2806396416, 214.1510619961, 185.1917724672], [96.4730224684, 95.62890624, 142.26892089979998, 189.8293456896], [466.77892482590005, 173.7777565184, 492.8314178654, 185.8566396416], [321.0308532714844, 178.00843811035156, 340.3959655761719, 198.3898162841797]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048508_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, three people, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[96.4730224684, 26.628906240000006, 492.8314178654, 130.0552978432], [174.0112304728, 95.8527832064, 216.3571777452, 130.0552978432], [160.5292969054, 42.280639641600004, 214.1510619961, 116.1917724672], [96.4730224684, 26.628906240000006, 142.26892089979998, 120.82934568959999], [466.77892482590005, 104.7777565184, 492.8314178654, 116.8566396416], [321.0308532714844, 109.00843811035156, 340.3959655761719, 129.3898162841797]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048509.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[263.16760256680004, 117.8227538944, 633.489623994, 253.4027709952]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048509_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[93.16760256680004, 34.822753894399995, 463.489623994, 170.4027709952]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048509.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, and five helmets.", "boxes_value": [[263.16760256680004, 117.8227538944, 633.489623994, 253.4027709952], [523.3032226887999, 199.3270263808, 634.6562500132, 304.6011352576], [263.16760256680004, 117.8227538944, 316.2587890908, 149.853027328], [296.51403811520004, 179.2506103296, 346.9726562348, 234.0969238528], [389.53332518919996, 196.3626708992, 442.18579098400005, 232.7805786112], [435.6042480356, 208.6481933824, 490.01171872320003, 253.4027709952], [583.0310058744, 199.8728027136, 633.489623994, 236.7294921728]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048509_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, and five helmets.", "boxes_value": [[93.16760256680004, 34.822753894399995, 463.489623994, 170.4027709952], [353.3032226887999, 116.32702638079999, 464.65625001319995, 204], [93.16760256680004, 34.822753894399995, 146.2587890908, 66.853027328], [126.51403811520004, 96.2506103296, 176.9726562348, 151.0969238528], [219.53332518919996, 113.3626708992, 272.18579098400005, 149.7805786112], [265.6042480356, 125.6481933824, 320.01171872320003, 170.4027709952], [413.03100587439997, 116.87280271360001, 463.489623994, 153.7294921728]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048513.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a hat, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[29.7539673233, 34.9808349696, 157.1798706379, 370.385681152], [31.0718383602, 116.8123168768, 183.6990356168, 371.0350341632], [109.42535400610001, 34.9808349696, 157.1798706379, 130.891235328], [108.9611816513, 125.8356933632, 144.1821289029, 157.422729472], [29.7539673233, 338.5191650304, 74.0796509079, 370.385681152], [64.9749145749, 341.154724096, 103.3106689098, 356.2493896704], [100.4354858254, 329.4144287232, 123.9161376585, 366.0729370112]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048513_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two people, two hats, and a pen.", "boxes_value": [[106.202819802, 100.1425781248, 527.751342736, 497.1199341056], [372.77673340880006, 324.5105590784, 617.6606445624, 499], [215.2371826456, 116.2673950208, 527.751342736, 497.1199341056], [106.202819802, 100.1425781248, 327.34301758680004, 480.99511720960004], [362.4318561316, 114.9896332288, 438.09229914599996, 182.528333824], [215.813031496, 99.601068544, 284.2066523292, 185.5205547008], [197.4882812628, 270.9232177664, 219.13720706280003, 314.4466552832]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048519.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two cars, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[0.2489013871, 38.854125977600006, 152.10437012650002, 191.5875854336], [33.1619263024, 100.0601806848, 70.3590698105, 191.5875854336], [65.8170166092, 98.57318113279999, 75.0595092775, 133.276184064], [0.2489013871, 100.8134765568, 44.739868146199996, 173.53906247679998], [89.9392700302, 102.85559080959999, 152.10437012650002, 154.5508422656], [56.004577652500004, 38.854125977600006, 68.499877901, 94.15246581759999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048520.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . 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Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0.5317382656, 0, 176.8319702016, 508.08044434389996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048521_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0.5317382656, 0, 176.8319702016, 508.08044434389996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048521.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a stool, a desk, a flower, and a stuffed toy.", "boxes_value": [[0.5317382656, 0, 176.8319702016, 508.08044434389996], [0.7664795136, 0, 90.5113525248, 137.0523071197], [96.0013427712, 127.9540405562, 176.8319702016, 252.15710446510002], [21.0563354624, 384.19750977480004, 63.1745605632, 461.71936033900005], [0.5317382656, 383.7218017774, 28.3139648512, 508.08044434389996], [62.42355728149414, 370.1531677246094, 147.46912002563477, 485.0245056152344], [63.31477355957031, 370.3267822265625, 146.3078155517578, 499.76739501953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048521_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a stool, a desk, a flower, and a stuffed toy.", "boxes_value": [[0.5317382656, 0, 176.8319702016, 508.08044434389996], [0.7664795136, 0, 90.5113525248, 137.0523071197], [96.0013427712, 127.9540405562, 176.8319702016, 252.15710446510002], [21.0563354624, 384.19750977480004, 63.1745605632, 461.71936033900005], [0.5317382656, 383.7218017774, 28.3139648512, 508.08044434389996], [62.42355728149414, 370.1531677246094, 147.46912002563477, 485.0245056152344], [63.31477355957031, 370.3267822265625, 146.3078155517578, 499.76739501953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048523.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two helmets, and three hats.", "boxes_value": [[57.222106905599986, 29.691528345599977, 283.3194580224, 146.51904296959998], [57.222106905599986, 41.07324216320001, 82.2360840192, 61.81951902719999], [77.823547392, 94.71844479999999, 130.07849118719997, 146.51904296959998], [160.518066432, 100.5606078976, 190.56347658239997, 126.60003660799998], [92.05737308159999, 29.691528345599977, 116.09368896000001, 46.57421875199998], [256.3072509696, 88.63073730560001, 283.3194580224, 109.90283202559999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048526.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bracelet, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[159.1632079788, 254.898376448, 482.30749514499996, 418.8507690496], [159.1632079788, 255.6820678656, 180.99304197560002, 272.5147094528], [282.2040404982, 254.898376448, 322.9375610291, 297.6685791232], [353.4876708801, 297.1594238464, 389.63867189399997, 326.6912231424], [400.33129882450004, 314.9802856448, 477.215820301, 346.5487670784], [404.9138183415, 367.4247436288, 482.30749514499996, 418.8507690496]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048526_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bracelet, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[81.16320797879999, 41.89837644799999, 404.30749514499996, 205.8507690496], [81.16320797879999, 42.682067865600004, 102.99304197560002, 59.51470945279999], [204.20404049820002, 41.89837644799999, 244.93756102909998, 84.6685791232], [275.4876708801, 84.15942384639999, 311.63867189399997, 113.69122314240002], [322.33129882450004, 101.9802856448, 399.215820301, 133.54876707839998], [326.9138183415, 154.4247436288, 404.30749514499996, 205.8507690496]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048527.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[120.3975219456, 61.7286987264, 465.331787136, 108.6430664192]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048527_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . 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Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five hats.", "boxes_value": [[86.3975219456, 11.728698726399998, 431.331787136, 58.6430664192], [86.3975219456, 20.4305419776, 155.634094208, 58.6430664192], [145.7971801856, 12.863708518400003, 220.33056642559998, 43.50939939840001], [202.170166016, 32.915832524799995, 261.569824256, 52.9679565312], [261.569824256, 11.728698726399998, 322.4829101312, 35.18591308800001], [367.527709952, 27.1470947328, 431.331787136, 48.415161139199995]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048528.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two potted plants, a person, a car, a suv, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[39.47424316599995, 26.934875486599992, 194.71923829719992, 132.8776245199], [87.21569825439997, 50.03283691490003, 140.64257814040002, 116.73089601679999], [162.34436038119998, 68.34655763310002, 194.71923829719992, 93.60601806670002], [131.92602540399992, 33.300903335099974, 168.4478759776, 132.8776245199], [16.900390616799996, 64.90972899209999, 139.9542236548, 138.23937987189998], [67.79919437679996, 34.86590578580001, 109.90893551440001, 61.11370851549998], [39.47424316599995, 26.934875486599992, 64.53112796440007, 65.23016359540003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048531.jpg", "text": "Can you divulge the contents of the area within the given image ? 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Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[51.82267761230469, 110.41523742675781, 176.24090576171875, 211.91348266601562]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048533_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[31.822677612304688, 25.415237426757812, 156.24090576171875, 126.91348266601562]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048533.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include six ballons.", "boxes_value": [[31.822677612304688, 25.415237426757812, 156.24090576171875, 126.91348266601562], [31.822677612304688, 25.415237426757812, 80.08160400390625, 88.66835021972656], [66.26592254638672, 67.19183349609375, 111.70745849609375, 126.91348266601562], [11.706100463867188, 61.735443115234375, 59.616851806640625, 117.6796875], [73.55292510986328, 30.46222686767578, 109.42372131347656, 71.32125854492188], [100.98007202148438, 52.47711181640625, 146.31594848632812, 111.2667236328125], [116.13076782226562, 44.5081787109375, 156.24090576171875, 93.07894897460938]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048534.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pillows, and two lamps.", "boxes_value": [[72.38287352679998, 14.086608895999973, 361.1348877037, 69.93316648960001], [80.47113035200005, 27.54052736, 133.7791748236, 54.19458007039998], [72.38287352679998, 14.086608895999973, 90.7868042023, 45.81762693119998], [125.69091799839998, 33.75982663680003, 184.07592771310004, 59.144653312], [158.69116209100002, 36.93292236799999, 293.2305908206, 69.93316648960001], [339.5578613512, 17.25970457599999, 361.1348877037, 66.7600708096]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4], [2, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048535.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[3.0168933868408203, 223.4769954816, 103.43541717529297, 412.8806457519531]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048535_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[3.0168933868408203, 47.4769954816, 103.43541717529297, 236.88064575195312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048535.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a tie, two handbags, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[3.0168933868408203, 223.4769954816, 103.43541717529297, 412.8806457519531], [8.8760056968, 223.4769954816, 20.1818900134, 251.6263399424], [31.72857093811035, 274.58465576171875, 82.51191139221191, 328.7906494140625], [3.0168933868408203, 266.2870788574219, 41.44390296936035, 303.1072692871094], [36.42119216918945, 383.57391357421875, 60.7127799987793, 395.22906494140625], [73.81928253173828, 401.7065734863281, 103.43541717529297, 412.8806457519531]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048535_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[149.99188235699998, 58.5735473664, 315.367309554, 217.5909423616]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048539_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[41.99188235699998, 40.5735473664, 207.36730955399997, 199.5909423616]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048539.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, two bottles, a bowl, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[41.99188235699998, 40.5735473664, 207.36730955399997, 199.5909423616], [105.23596193970002, 82.06927488, 177.5570068275, 199.5909423616], [167.69500733160004, 81.247436544, 232.6195678689, 190.5507812352], [191.1151123038, 47.5495605248, 207.36730955399997, 84.0504150528], [132.48236082000003, 92.8550414848, 160.08459473069996, 105.4416503808], [63.8245849779, 119.7565918208, 78.66363524640002, 142.3119506944], [41.99188235699998, 120.0920410112, 57.03686525489999, 143.2046508544], [106.37664797190001, 40.5735473664, 121.8240356766, 68.0698852352]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 7], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048544.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a luggage, a backpack, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[316.9826349406, 151.7485961728, 415.2272214956, 510.2987596288], [387.89416506599997, 151.7485961728, 406.7176513792, 185.6309203968], [389.89025876799997, 192.0755615232, 404.2729492486, 215.3092041216], [316.9826349406, 251.5646078976, 415.2272214956, 432.5187106816], [317.2650108614, 434.53286016, 403.2371768892, 510.2987596288], [355.1466064698, 495.5528564224, 415.5043945044, 511.7876587008]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048544_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a luggage, a backpack, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[24.982634940600008, 89.7485961728, 123.22722149560002, 448.2987596288], [95.89416506599997, 89.7485961728, 114.71765137919999, 123.63092039680001], [97.89025876799997, 130.0755615232, 112.27294924860001, 153.3092041216], [24.982634940600008, 189.5646078976, 123.22722149560002, 370.5187106816], [25.265010861400015, 372.53286016, 111.23717688919999, 448.2987596288], [63.14660646980002, 433.5528564224, 123.50439450440001, 449.7876587008]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048545.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four lamps, and a flag.", "boxes_value": [[189.61938478079998, 0.008178688, 701.6770019328001, 94.4604492288], [608.0134277376, 44.1209716736, 630.2789306880001, 94.4604492288], [677.495117184, 34.3692626944, 701.6770019328001, 87.711730944], [448.7041015296, 0.008178688, 479.80041500159996, 34.9122925056], [477.1936035072, 11.3124389888, 499.47363279359996, 34.2776489472], [189.61938478079998, 0.4710083072, 219.3886718976, 13.8535156224]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048545_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four lamps, and a flag.", "boxes_value": [[128.61938478079998, 0.008178688, 640.6770019328001, 94.4604492288], [547.0134277376, 44.1209716736, 569.2789306880001, 94.4604492288], [616.495117184, 34.3692626944, 640.6770019328001, 87.711730944], [387.7041015296, 0.008178688, 418.80041500159996, 34.9122925056], [416.1936035072, 11.3124389888, 438.47363279359996, 34.2776489472], [128.61938478079998, 0.4710083072, 158.3886718976, 13.8535156224]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048547.jpg", "text": "What's the story in the section of the included visual ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[96.7453613013, 191.1363525632, 349.8973388541, 394.325317376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048547_crop.jpg", "text": "What's the story in the section of the included visual ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two flowers, three cabinets, and a stool.", "boxes_value": [[96.7453613013, 191.1363525632, 349.8973388541, 394.325317376], [115.2555541875, 191.1363525632, 137.7535400355, 232.0418091008], [242.0219116263, 257.6226806784, 282.98211667920003, 286.4165039104], [156.94995117960002, 224.4414062592, 223.7723388474, 316.426940928], [321.103515606, 234.9121093632, 349.8973388541, 299.79949952], [154.7719726206, 314.4533081088, 225.0866698983, 394.325317376], [298.1320190145, 318.5493164032, 349.3320312459, 416.1706543104], [96.7453613013, 313.0880126976, 130.8786621111, 351.3173217792]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 7], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048547_crop.jpg", "text": "What's the story in the section of the included visual ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[536.0446777228, 213.5948486144, 639.8677978515625, 325.13323974609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048551_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[26.044677722799975, 28.594848614400007, 129.8677978515625, 140.13323974609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048551.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a clock, a refrigerator, a bottle, and two pots.", "boxes_value": [[200.34045413540002, 131.9176635904, 419.4183349713, 236.2760009728], [396.8967284808, 131.9176635904, 419.4183349713, 155.6122436608], [337.2520751695, 165.3479614464, 404.1965331899, 207.6286621184], [335.25793459119996, 202.8397216768, 346.906738286, 228.9415893504], [371.2828368773, 198.9194335744, 416.3393554808, 236.2760009728], [200.34045413540002, 201.0151977472, 228.78393553030003, 219.7620849664]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048559_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a clock, a refrigerator, a bottle, and two pots.", "boxes_value": [[55.34045413540002, 26.917663590399997, 274.4183349713, 131.2760009728], [251.8967284808, 26.917663590399997, 274.4183349713, 50.612243660800004], [192.25207516950002, 60.34796144640001, 259.1965331899, 102.6286621184], [190.25793459119996, 97.8397216768, 201.906738286, 123.9415893504], [226.28283687729999, 93.91943357439999, 271.3393554808, 131.2760009728], [55.34045413540002, 96.0151977472, 83.78393553030003, 114.76208496640001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048560.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . 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Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, four people, two helmets, a sneakers, and two bicycles.", "boxes_value": [[54.80969240000002, 33.07293698699999, 273.915527375, 164.08917234540002], [221.211181625, 33.07293698699999, 273.915527375, 77.2213134836], [77.78149415000001, 8.574646019599982, 125.94958497500005, 159.89923093520002], [121.68701172500005, 0, 226.12219235000003, 137.3071288878], [239.51428219999997, 17.606750479899972, 269.604125975, 49.72515871280001], [83.45251467499997, 54.89001467270003, 155.74023439999996, 196], [98.66870119999999, 60.82873532779996, 115.20727542499998, 84.12249757730001], [54.80969240000002, 76.32489012220003, 85.02355955000002, 124.53125000299997], [164.48181155000003, 114.45312500160003, 185.16210935000004, 129.2739868036], [191.55615237499995, 45.63250731109997, 322.87390137499995, 161.38159180370002], [99.49841307499997, 61.87799071220002, 251.122924775, 164.08917234540002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7], [8], [9, 10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048561.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a couch, a picture, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[3.1934204057000004, 315.2899169792, 193.6706542921, 441.8900756992], [133.7168579029, 386.787841792, 193.6706542921, 433.1975097856], [29.3519287226, 388.604248064, 77.1477661321, 421.544616704], [3.1934204057000004, 398.938476544, 110.4110107555, 441.8900756992], [47.7766723545, 315.2899169792, 75.0869140423, 342.9177856512], [35.481605529785156, 414.0089111328125, 84.39384460449219, 440.82830810546875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048561_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, a flower, a vase, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[244.53016662597656, 247.6943969792, 335.94421388899997, 485.2552185058594], [274.325012205, 289.6946411008, 322.72833249380005, 440.7131347456], [275.228454568, 247.6943969792, 335.94421388899997, 287.1890869248], [306.4705200472, 268.3259277312, 327.6915893366, 286.5996093952], [244.53016662597656, 466.57525634765625, 257.59814453125, 481.15399169921875], [276.1582946777344, 471.9905090332031, 302.4488220214844, 485.2552185058594]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048564_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, a flower, a vase, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[23.530166625976562, 59.69439697920001, 114.94421388899997, 297.2552185058594], [53.32501220500001, 101.69464110080003, 101.72833249380005, 252.71313474559997], [54.22845456800002, 59.69439697920001, 114.94421388899997, 99.1890869248], [85.47052004720001, 80.32592773120001, 106.69158933659998, 98.59960939519999], [23.530166625976562, 278.57525634765625, 36.59814453125, 293.15399169921875], [55.158294677734375, 283.9905090332031, 81.44882202148438, 297.2552185058594]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048565.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[93.5253906432, 365.533569374, 257.2271118336, 701.3948974676]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048565_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[41.5253906432, 84.53356937400002, 205.22711183360002, 420.3948974676]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048565.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three sneakers, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[93.5253906432, 365.533569374, 257.2271118336, 701.3948974676], [73.4492797952, 276.41430664, 259.154113792, 525.1478271368], [93.5253906432, 633.3920898228, 127.6141357568, 701.3948974676], [136.9375610368, 577.1601562444, 179.4757080064, 646.5031737996], [194.827514624, 485.7423095988, 234.9581298688, 529.1204833984], [217.7924194304, 450.4830322136, 257.2271118336, 496.64477537880003], [214.7635497984, 365.533569374, 245.1771240448, 395.03466798159997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 6], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048565_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three sneakers, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[41.5253906432, 84.53356937400002, 205.22711183360002, 420.3948974676], [21.4492797952, 0, 207.15411379199998, 244.14782713679995], [41.5253906432, 352.3920898228, 75.6141357568, 420.3948974676], [84.93756103679999, 296.1601562444, 127.4757080064, 365.50317379959995], [142.827514624, 204.74230959879998, 182.9581298688, 248.12048339839998], [165.7924194304, 169.48303221359998, 205.22711183360002, 215.64477537880003], [162.7635497984, 84.53356937400002, 193.1771240448, 114.03466798159997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 6], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048566.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, three mirrors, and a necklace.", "boxes_value": [[241.0129394729, 103.4508056576, 510.2207031157, 245.4729614336], [480.4326171843, 103.4508056576, 504.97155763579997, 159.1606445568], [241.0129394729, 173.8460693504, 308.3764037942, 245.4729614336], [380.00329590629997, 178.9622802944, 410.7005615223, 233.5351562752], [318.6088256662, 207.1013793792, 369.77087403430005, 236.9459838976], [483.826782201, 207.4938354688, 510.2207031157, 240.1994018304]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048566_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[12.609191864500001, 112.2741088768, 363.74267580559996, 238.5127563264]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048569_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[12.609191864500001, 32.2741088768, 363.74267580559996, 158.5127563264]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048569.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a machinery vehicle, a van, two cars, and a trolley.", "boxes_value": [[12.609191864500001, 112.2741088768, 363.74267580559996, 238.5127563264], [128.8121338215, 112.2741088768, 254.8747558645, 183.0523071488], [76.6968993958, 134.1062011904, 193.6040649631, 172.3123168768], [12.609191864500001, 141.6770019328, 228.8170776256, 212.8072509952], [126.6993408019, 169.1431274496, 189.7306518234, 238.5127563264], [236.5639648286, 151.1845092864, 363.74267580559996, 200.4827270656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048569_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a machinery vehicle, a van, two cars, and a trolley.", "boxes_value": [[12.609191864500001, 32.2741088768, 363.74267580559996, 158.5127563264], [128.8121338215, 32.2741088768, 254.8747558645, 103.0523071488], [76.6968993958, 54.106201190399986, 193.6040649631, 92.3123168768], [12.609191864500001, 61.67700193280001, 228.8170776256, 132.8072509952], [126.6993408019, 89.1431274496, 189.7306518234, 158.5127563264], [236.5639648286, 71.18450928639999, 363.74267580559996, 120.48272706559999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048571.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cup, a plate, a wine glass, a bottle, a canned, and a pen.", "boxes_value": [[347.7159118652344, 49.286682112, 423.63525388799997, 192.8493042176], [357.7528076544, 49.286682112, 382.83459471360004, 71.9300537344], [351.133911168, 67.4013671936, 388.4083252224, 78.8972168192], [359.8428955392, 72.2783813632, 393.9821777664, 147.52392576], [356.3593750272, 144.4274292224, 373.4289550848, 192.8493042176], [402.6647949312, 90.1622314496, 423.63525388799997, 134.862487808], [347.7159118652344, 147.58338928222656, 397.9953308105469, 162.49830627441406]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048571_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cup, a plate, a wine glass, a bottle, a canned, and a pen.", "boxes_value": [[19.715911865234375, 36.286682112, 95.63525388799997, 179.8493042176], [29.752807654399987, 36.286682112, 54.83459471360004, 58.930053734400005], [23.133911167999997, 54.401367193599995, 60.40832522239998, 65.8972168192], [31.842895539200015, 59.2783813632, 65.98217776640001, 134.52392576], [28.359375027199974, 131.4274292224, 45.42895508480001, 179.8493042176], [74.66479493119999, 77.1622314496, 95.63525388799997, 121.862487808], [19.715911865234375, 134.58338928222656, 69.99533081054688, 149.49830627441406]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048573.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[235.15344238080002, 197.3887939584, 380.1855469056, 375.8543090688]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048573_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[37.153442380800016, 45.38879395839999, 182.1855469056, 223.85430906879998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048573.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, three people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[37.153442380800016, 45.38879395839999, 182.1855469056, 223.85430906879998], [84.67272952320002, 201.1696777216, 109.11657715199999, 223.4309692416], [117.83349611520003, 45.38879395839999, 182.1855469056, 190.5551757824], [128.3094482688, 64.4699096576, 169.4648437248, 176.71197511679998], [1.8500366591999864, 40.52496337919999, 91.26953126400002, 224.22778321919998], [37.153442380800016, 207.57031249919999, 64.16101071359998, 223.85430906879998], [66.7426758144, 200.22271728639998, 87.39550778879999, 218.0953369088]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048576.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.1065673552, 0.1677245952, 352.0209961098, 392.63006592]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048576_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.1065673552, 0.1677245952, 352.0209961098, 392.63006592]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048576.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[0.1065673552, 0.1677245952, 352.0209961098, 392.63006592], [0.1065673552, 0.1677245952, 32.808898923600005, 74.9469604352], [146.8872070161, 30.6628418048, 176.6167602782, 111.1264648192], [168.2556152207, 235.3781738496, 200.5174560422, 320.6807250944], [105.081359901, 307.6253662208, 157.32385255580002, 392.63006592], [282.0985107577, 265.4564209152, 352.0209961098, 350.1929321472], [305.2084961315, 318.19451904, 385.2044677621, 388.11694336]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048576_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[0.1065673552, 0.1677245952, 352.0209961098, 392.63006592], [0.1065673552, 0.1677245952, 32.808898923600005, 74.9469604352], [146.8872070161, 30.6628418048, 176.6167602782, 111.1264648192], [168.2556152207, 235.3781738496, 200.5174560422, 320.6807250944], [105.081359901, 307.6253662208, 157.32385255580002, 392.63006592], [282.0985107577, 265.4564209152, 352.0209961098, 350.1929321472], [305.2084961315, 318.19451904, 385.2044677621, 388.11694336]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048577.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four mirrors, eight people, three gloves, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[54.635620091300005, 83.53765870000001, 664.9371338157, 272.7684326], [91.0909423765, 83.53765870000001, 664.9371338157, 272.7684326], [534.619628893, 124.50494384999999, 623.4749755636, 179.72808840000002], [483.9638672031, 126.9962158, 537.110961937, 177.65203855000001], [415.5002441656, 127.71203615000002, 483.4835204831, 159.0889282], [193.8704833983, 119.7616577, 499.5699462764, 413.8031006], [127.8082885415, 99.03625489999999, 278.0673828093, 395.66839600000003], [552.1358642338, 147.66644285, 629.0468749877, 232.96765135], [532.9082031411, 140.32495114999998, 568.2172851259, 226.3253784], [233.1876220766, 168.27844240000002, 295.0657959017, 215.42370605], [207.55236818859998, 155.31347655, 227.88378908540002, 211.2984619], [108.77697750809999, 156.47814939999998, 133.13732913020002, 236.39715575], [54.635620091300005, 139.50531005, 112.7236327829, 245.94769285], [127.86584470519999, 129.2752075, 169.9055786008, 157.11462400000002], [175.4827270481, 194.34368895, 213.95275878459998, 216.06066895], [192.75872799840002, 120.067749, 231.88305665320001, 152.91741945], [333.8743896346, 157.37402345, 378.4339599521, 191.75598145]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 16], [15]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048577_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two sneakers, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[393.6279296882, 86.653259264, 659.4104003844001, 282.8937988096], [490.4597168257, 156.6704101376, 553.8653564471, 232.7571410944], [627.1497802792, 255.6544799744, 645.5887451441, 274.0933837824], [640.9790039108, 259.0070190592, 659.4104003844001, 282.8937988096], [393.6279296882, 86.653259264, 629.1204834131, 178.315979008], [600.6258544808, 143.8746948096, 658.2408447078, 192.2869262848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048590_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two sneakers, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[66.62792968820003, 49.653259264, 332.4104003844001, 245.8937988096], [163.4597168257, 119.67041013759999, 226.8653564471, 195.7571410944], [300.14978027919994, 218.6544799744, 318.5887451441, 237.0933837824], [313.9790039108, 222.0070190592, 332.4104003844001, 245.8937988096], [66.62792968820003, 49.653259264, 302.12048341310003, 141.315979008], [273.62585448079994, 106.87469480959999, 331.24084470779997, 155.2869262848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048592.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[291.0335693312, 566.0280761975, 461.3312377856, 682.8339843511]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048592_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[65.657348608, 390.7412109276, 285.7175903232, 603.1788330093]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048595_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[55.65734860800001, 53.74121092759998, 275.7175903232, 266.1788330093]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048595.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[65.657348608, 390.7412109276, 285.7175903232, 603.1788330093], [65.657348608, 488.17749022029994, 121.6666870272, 603.1788330093], [111.7241821184, 390.7412109276, 165.7449951232, 560.4261474893], [156.7967529472, 425.5397948991, 205.5148925952, 539.2155762057], [194.2467651584, 428.1911621047, 234.6795654144, 530.5987549079], [236.3366088704, 399.3580322254, 285.7175903232, 537.8898926029]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048595_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[55.65734860800001, 53.74121092759998, 275.7175903232, 266.1788330093], [55.65734860800001, 151.17749022029994, 111.6666870272, 266.1788330093], [101.7241821184, 53.74121092759998, 155.7449951232, 223.42614748929998], [146.7967529472, 88.5397948991, 195.5148925952, 202.21557620570002], [184.2467651584, 91.19116210470003, 224.6795654144, 193.5987549079], [226.3366088704, 62.358032225399995, 275.7175903232, 200.88989260289998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048596.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[237.23062133789062, 194.16409301757812, 322.7745361328125, 276.09332275390625]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048596_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a book, and four cups.", "boxes_value": [[22.230621337890625, 21.164093017578125, 107.7745361328125, 103.09332275390625], [24.775390625, 54.22349548339844, 107.7745361328125, 103.09332275390625], [59.1436767578125, 23.477035522460938, 80.59869384765625, 43.32341003417969], [38.49278259277344, 24.046844482421875, 57.67132568359375, 44.50787353515625], [22.230621337890625, 21.164093017578125, 39.93365478515625, 44.107147216796875], [82.89822387695312, 22.073104858398438, 101.79208374023438, 42.26365661621094]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048597.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[496.92370603239993, 169.1413574144, 753.1300048488, 322.3236694528]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048598_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[64.92370603239993, 39.141357414400005, 321.1300048488, 192.3236694528]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048598.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two backpacks, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[496.92370603239993, 169.1413574144, 753.1300048488, 322.3236694528], [496.92370603239993, 204.6624755712, 545.5532226468999, 322.3236694528], [646.8474121281, 169.1413574144, 713.3841552948, 314.4645996032], [524.2731933245, 199.2570190336, 571.908813494, 281.5202026496], [676.8082275355999, 169.2025146368, 705.2897949412001, 187.6710815232], [704.6221923682999, 171.6501465088, 753.1300048488, 265.7730102784]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048598_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two backpacks, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[64.92370603239993, 39.141357414400005, 321.1300048488, 192.3236694528], [64.92370603239993, 74.66247557119999, 113.55322264689994, 192.3236694528], [214.84741212810002, 39.141357414400005, 281.38415529480005, 184.46459960319999], [92.27319332449997, 69.25701903359999, 139.90881349400001, 151.52020264959998], [244.80822753559994, 39.202514636800004, 273.28979494120006, 57.6710815232], [272.6221923682999, 41.65014650879999, 321.1300048488, 135.77301027840002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048600.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[40.9786376704, 252.1100463616, 511.7786254848, 511.8771972608]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048600_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[40.9786376704, 65.11004636160001, 511.7786254848, 324.8771972608]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048600.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, a carpet, a storage box, a desk, a chair, a person, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[40.9786376704, 252.1100463616, 511.7786254848, 511.8771972608], [0.7472534016, 224.7019042816, 227.1923828224, 484.2899780096001], [40.9786376704, 417.0461425664, 492.7194213888, 511.8771972608], [466.718139648, 324.9357910016, 511.7786254848, 373.2536621056], [395.5986328064, 233.1861572096, 512.2438964736, 383.3360595456], [452.9130249216, 252.1100463616, 511.5459594752, 431.4987792896], [46.3013305856, 168.6025390592, 291.5123291136, 438.59552], [364.0833129984, 306.6718750208, 431.1508178944, 378.999572736]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048600_crop.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, a carpet, a storage box, a desk, a chair, a person, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[40.9786376704, 65.11004636160001, 511.7786254848, 324.8771972608], [0.7472534016, 37.70190428160001, 227.1923828224, 297.2899780096001], [40.9786376704, 230.04614256640002, 492.7194213888, 324.8771972608], [466.718139648, 137.93579100160002, 511.7786254848, 186.25366210559997], [395.5986328064, 46.1861572096, 512, 196.3360595456], [452.9130249216, 65.11004636160001, 511.5459594752, 244.4987792896], [46.3013305856, 0, 291.5123291136, 251.59552000000002], [364.0833129984, 119.67187502079997, 431.1508178944, 191.999572736]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048606.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[132.86474611199998, 366.5869750784, 314.02905269760004, 430.3924560384]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048606_crop.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[45.86474611199998, 16.586975078399973, 227.02905269760004, 80.39245603839998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048606.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two bowls, a cup, and three cameras.", "boxes_value": [[132.86474611199998, 366.5869750784, 314.02905269760004, 430.3924560384], [260.6148681984, 356.1666259968, 326.9558105088, 390.536010752], [167.3645630208, 392.430603008, 239.56695559679997, 425.4678344704], [144.4516601856, 366.5869750784, 175.89031979519999, 425.2014160384], [290.3598632448, 385.1202392576, 314.02905269760004, 411.2316284416], [251.6624755968, 399.9605102592, 271.5747070464, 430.3924560384], [132.86474611199998, 376.3713378816, 157.8388671744, 394.9910888448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048606_crop.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two bowls, a cup, and three cameras.", "boxes_value": [[45.86474611199998, 16.586975078399973, 227.02905269760004, 80.39245603839998], [173.61486819840002, 6.166625996800008, 239.95581050880003, 40.53601075199998], [80.3645630208, 42.43060300799999, 152.56695559679997, 75.46783447040002], [57.45166018559999, 16.586975078399973, 88.89031979519999, 75.2014160384], [203.3598632448, 35.12023925760002, 227.02905269760004, 61.23162844159998], [164.6624755968, 49.96051025920002, 184.57470704640002, 80.39245603839998], [45.86474611199998, 26.371337881600027, 70.83886717440001, 44.991088844800004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048607.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[265.4073486597, 100.91644288, 408.137573233, 361.8604126208]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048607_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[36.407348659700006, 65.91644288, 179.137573233, 326.8604126208]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048607.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, a person, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[265.4073486597, 100.91644288, 408.137573233, 361.8604126208], [265.4073486597, 308.624816896, 306.3920898415, 346.0676879872], [387.3487549178, 100.91644288, 406.6749267828, 154.8262939648], [371.1949462884, 340.2125243904, 393.07812503570005, 361.8604126208], [390.0191650511, 302.5639648256, 408.137573233, 340.4478149632], [296.839111361, 339.5065917952, 334.4876709161, 356.6837768704]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048607_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, a person, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[36.407348659700006, 65.91644288, 179.137573233, 326.8604126208], [36.407348659700006, 273.624816896, 77.39208984150002, 311.0676879872], [158.34875491780002, 65.91644288, 177.67492678280001, 119.82629396479999], [142.1949462884, 305.2125243904, 164.07812503570005, 326.8604126208], [161.0191650511, 267.5639648256, 179.137573233, 305.4478149632], [67.839111361, 304.5065917952, 105.4876709161, 321.6837768704]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048609.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[77.108398464, 221.9400024576, 409.8231201024, 430.4228210449219]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048609_crop.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[77.108398464, 52.9400024576, 409.8231201024, 261.4228210449219]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048609.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two benches, a bus, two street lights, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[77.108398464, 221.9400024576, 409.8231201024, 430.4228210449219], [342.65722659840003, 348.0216674816, 409.8231201024, 384.166076672], [396.9525146112, 338.1497802752, 422.61938472960003, 355.2610473472], [77.108398464, 307.6029052928, 107.61987302400001, 323.5458374144], [236.71160885759997, 257.6908569088, 250.34851077119998, 310.9078979584], [184.22039792639998, 221.9400024576, 208.7398681344, 323.4165649408], [239.10643005371094, 320.4560241699219, 266.5783996582031, 430.4228210449219], [175.2438507080078, 301.628173828125, 185.4104461669922, 323.67962646484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048609_crop.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two benches, a bus, two street lights, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[77.108398464, 52.9400024576, 409.8231201024, 261.4228210449219], [342.65722659840003, 179.0216674816, 409.8231201024, 215.16607667199997], [396.9525146112, 169.1497802752, 422.61938472960003, 186.26104734720002], [77.108398464, 138.60290529280002, 107.61987302400001, 154.5458374144], [236.71160885759997, 88.69085690880001, 250.34851077119998, 141.90789795839999], [184.22039792639998, 52.9400024576, 208.7398681344, 154.41656494080001], [239.10643005371094, 151.45602416992188, 266.5783996582031, 261.4228210449219], [175.2438507080078, 132.628173828125, 185.4104461669922, 154.67962646484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048610.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[2.5358276352, 289.11926272, 80.5234374912, 496.314086912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048610_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[2.5358276352, 52.119262719999995, 80.5234374912, 259.314086912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048610.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a helmet, two boots, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[2.5358276352, 289.11926272, 80.5234374912, 496.314086912], [2.3270263296, 288.4495239168, 91.4792480256, 503.3128662016], [37.8787842048, 289.11926272, 69.0881347584, 322.58355712], [48.158569344, 462.7794189312, 80.5234374912, 490.854919424], [2.5358276352, 469.2133789184, 35.680542028800005, 496.314086912], [48.4559326464, 392.1419067392, 76.2398681856, 408.7445068288]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048610_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a helmet, two boots, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[2.5358276352, 52.119262719999995, 80.5234374912, 259.314086912], [2.3270263296, 51.44952391679999, 91.4792480256, 266.3128662016], [37.8787842048, 52.119262719999995, 69.0881347584, 85.58355712000002], [48.158569344, 225.77941893119998, 80.5234374912, 253.854919424], [2.5358276352, 232.2133789184, 35.680542028800005, 259.314086912], [48.4559326464, 155.1419067392, 76.2398681856, 171.7445068288]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048611.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[61.3869200645, 260.6439536128, 308.15447163299996, 403.1115905536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048611_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[61.3869200645, 35.643953612799976, 308.15447163299996, 178.11159055360002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048611.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four sneakers, two gloves, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[61.3869200645, 260.6439536128, 308.15447163299996, 403.1115905536], [61.3869200645, 339.6246860288, 80.6597303795, 379.3040013824], [79.526035703, 369.8565453312, 110.8915896865, 421.6286043648], [156.239378647, 367.2112576512, 208.0114377125, 403.1115905536], [195.540795728, 326.3982475776, 216.32519894499998, 352.85112448], [192.1397115175, 260.6439536128, 234.08641635799998, 291.6316093952], [273.76573166450004, 309.3928267264, 308.15447163299996, 354.36271744], [2.161376929, 255.3544922112, 223.3959960725, 442.275146496]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048611_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four sneakers, two gloves, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[61.3869200645, 35.643953612799976, 308.15447163299996, 178.11159055360002], [61.3869200645, 114.6246860288, 80.6597303795, 154.30400138239997], [79.526035703, 144.85654533119998, 110.8915896865, 196.62860436480003], [156.239378647, 142.21125765120001, 208.0114377125, 178.11159055360002], [195.540795728, 101.39824757759999, 216.32519894499998, 127.85112448000001], [192.1397115175, 35.643953612799976, 234.08641635799998, 66.63160939519997], [273.76573166450004, 84.39282672640002, 308.15447163299996, 129.36271743999998], [2.161376929, 30.35449221120001, 223.3959960725, 213]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048612.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0.1269531072, 0.5203247104, 456.06677247360005, 412.660095232]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048612_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[0.1269531072, 0.5203247104, 456.06677247360005, 412.660095232]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048612.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a helmet, a boots, a street lights, a horse, and a hurdle.", "boxes_value": [[0.1269531072, 0.5203247104, 456.06677247360005, 412.660095232], [282.79223631360003, 6.1886596608, 456.7434081984, 252.2539673088], [362.0910034368, 267.5976562688, 408.6290893824, 463.4157714944], [0.1269531072, 247.8926391808, 31.0881347712, 412.660095232], [357.4930419648, 278.5975341568, 378.99139403519996, 313.2880248832], [398.3628540096, 6.4418945536, 456.06677247360005, 45.9509277184], [352.4236449984, 134.3453369344, 415.606567392, 252.5268554752], [9.1759033152, 0.5203247104, 88.9680176064, 217.1578979328], [60.8527832256, 70.6486205952, 537.6756591936, 457.1499633664], [26.5452270336, 214.62890624, 575.8569335808, 511.7409057792]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048612_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a helmet, a boots, a street lights, a horse, and a hurdle.", "boxes_value": [[0.1269531072, 0.5203247104, 456.06677247360005, 412.660095232], [282.79223631360003, 6.1886596608, 456.7434081984, 252.2539673088], [362.0910034368, 267.5976562688, 408.6290893824, 463.4157714944], [0.1269531072, 247.8926391808, 31.0881347712, 412.660095232], [357.4930419648, 278.5975341568, 378.99139403519996, 313.2880248832], [398.3628540096, 6.4418945536, 456.06677247360005, 45.9509277184], [352.4236449984, 134.3453369344, 415.606567392, 252.5268554752], [9.1759033152, 0.5203247104, 88.9680176064, 217.1578979328], [60.8527832256, 70.6486205952, 537.6756591936, 457.1499633664], [26.5452270336, 214.62890624, 570, 511.7409057792]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048613.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[29.0210571264, 638.8862304768, 220.4921874944, 762.6981201408]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048613_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[29.0210571264, 31.88623047680005, 220.4921874944, 155.69812014080003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048613.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[29.0210571264, 638.8862304768, 220.4921874944, 762.6981201408], [153.2932128768, 722.1945800448, 196.5582885888, 762.6981201408], [138.5646362112, 735.082031232, 162.0382690304, 761.7775878912], [195.6377563648, 658.6777344, 220.4921874944, 691.817016576], [29.0210571264, 638.8862304768, 46.0509643776, 666.5023193088], [79.1901855232, 643.9492187136, 103.5843505664, 661.8996582144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048613_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[29.0210571264, 31.88623047680005, 220.4921874944, 155.69812014080003], [153.2932128768, 115.19458004479998, 196.5582885888, 155.69812014080003], [138.5646362112, 128.08203123199996, 162.0382690304, 154.77758789120003], [195.6377563648, 51.67773439999996, 220.4921874944, 84.81701657600001], [29.0210571264, 31.88623047680005, 46.0509643776, 59.5023193088], [79.1901855232, 36.949218713599976, 103.5843505664, 54.899658214400006]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048614.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[159.8566894334, 219.5253296128, 353.36987305049996, 339.5368652288]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048614_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[48.85668943339999, 30.525329612799993, 242.36987305049996, 150.53686522880002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048614.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a tea pot, two bowls, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[159.8566894334, 219.5253296128, 353.36987305049996, 339.5368652288], [159.8566894334, 265.7274169856, 353.36987305049996, 339.5368652288], [180.9952392549, 219.5253296128, 237.8938598777, 258.1351318528], [174.8989257777, 250.4132080128, 250.8992920066, 279.6753540096], [249.68005368060003, 255.8320922624, 276.0972290378, 278.1851196416], [278.94219969659997, 242.8267211776, 350.06555176620003, 276.5594482176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048614_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a tea pot, two bowls, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[48.85668943339999, 30.525329612799993, 242.36987305049996, 150.53686522880002], [48.85668943339999, 76.72741698559997, 242.36987305049996, 150.53686522880002], [69.99523925490001, 30.525329612799993, 126.89385987770001, 69.13513185279999], [63.898925777699986, 61.4132080128, 139.8992920066, 90.67535400960003], [138.68005368060003, 66.83209226240001, 165.0972290378, 89.18511964160001], [167.94219969659997, 53.82672117760001, 239.06555176620003, 87.55944821759999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048615.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[14.1628418055, 76.7548217856, 238.72753908899998, 243.021728512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048615_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[14.1628418055, 41.7548217856, 238.72753908899998, 208.021728512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048615.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps, a storage box, and a converter.", "boxes_value": [[14.1628418055, 76.7548217856, 238.72753908899998, 243.021728512], [108.6286010445, 147.265686016, 186.21667477350002, 242.3239135744], [71.4204712215, 191.505554176, 172.416870144, 233.9476318208], [14.1628418055, 209.3447876096, 93.27880857150001, 240.6527099392], [205.5887451405, 227.5181884928, 238.72753908899998, 243.021728512], [12.8807373015, 77.4219360256, 36.934692354, 107.617370624], [144.0078124725, 87.283020032, 164.186828631, 109.6553955328], [165.502868688, 76.7548217856, 187.875244116, 101.3205566464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5, 6, 7], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048615_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps, a storage box, and a converter.", "boxes_value": [[14.1628418055, 41.7548217856, 238.72753908899998, 208.021728512], [108.6286010445, 112.26568601599999, 186.21667477350002, 207.3239135744], [71.4204712215, 156.505554176, 172.416870144, 198.9476318208], [14.1628418055, 174.3447876096, 93.27880857150001, 205.6527099392], [205.5887451405, 192.5181884928, 238.72753908899998, 208.021728512], [12.8807373015, 42.421936025600004, 36.934692354, 72.617370624], [144.0078124725, 52.283020031999996, 164.186828631, 74.6553955328], [165.502868688, 41.7548217856, 187.875244116, 66.3205566464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5, 6, 7], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048618.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[69.78253176, 179.220153792, 336.87420654, 254.03021241599998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048618_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[66.78253176, 19.22015379199999, 333.87420654, 94.03021241599998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048618.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pillows, and two lamps.", "boxes_value": [[69.78253176, 179.220153792, 336.87420654, 254.03021241599998], [82.79278565999999, 205.161987312, 172.35546875999998, 260.20574952], [189.5699463, 207.74279784, 260.51184084, 254.00921630399998], [272.16412356, 208.77093504, 322.20037842000005, 246.812194848], [69.78253176, 221.738098128, 280.53088379999997, 254.03021241599998], [288.3460083, 179.220153792, 336.87420654, 228.181701648], [261.83612058, 184.998291024, 290.95385741999996, 221.483215344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048618_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pillows, and two lamps.", "boxes_value": [[66.78253176, 19.22015379199999, 333.87420654, 94.03021241599998], [79.79278565999999, 45.16198731200001, 169.35546875999998, 100.20574951999998], [186.5699463, 47.74279784000001, 257.51184084, 94.00921630399998], [269.16412356, 48.77093504000001, 319.20037842000005, 86.81219484799999], [66.78253176, 61.73809812799999, 277.53088379999997, 94.03021241599998], [285.3460083, 19.22015379199999, 333.87420654, 68.181701648], [258.83612058, 24.998291023999997, 287.95385741999996, 61.483215344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048619.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[0.0891723776, 120.6782226878, 466.3184204288, 310.5204467958]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048619_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[0.0891723776, 47.6782226878, 466.3184204288, 237.5204467958]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048619.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cars, a van, and two street lights.", "boxes_value": [[0.0891723776, 120.6782226878, 466.3184204288, 310.5204467958], [0.0891723776, 252.16925045899998, 38.576110848, 310.5204467958], [57.1987915264, 233.54656979529997, 167.2797241344, 306.3820190696], [445.314086912, 253.3446655243, 466.3184204288, 269.0978393689], [354.1107788288, 120.6782226878, 399.250061056, 236.0562744], [386.3873291264, 182.38171388740002, 394.1614990336, 235.6607055929]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048619_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cars, a van, and two street lights.", "boxes_value": [[0.0891723776, 47.6782226878, 466.3184204288, 237.5204467958], [0.0891723776, 179.16925045899998, 38.576110848, 237.5204467958], [57.1987915264, 160.54656979529997, 167.2797241344, 233.3820190696], [445.314086912, 180.3446655243, 466.3184204288, 196.0978393689], [354.1107788288, 47.6782226878, 399.250061056, 163.0562744], [386.3873291264, 109.38171388740002, 394.1614990336, 162.6607055929]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048621.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[511.1218262006, 335.5882568192, 625.7735595940001, 439.7402343936]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048621_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[29.121826200600026, 26.588256819200012, 143.77355959400006, 130.74023439360002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048621.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a belt, three leather shoes, and three stools.", "boxes_value": [[511.1218262006, 335.5882568192, 625.7735595940001, 439.7402343936], [536.9896240193, 335.5882568192, 582.9389648209, 342.9061279232], [511.1218262006, 412.5109863424, 543.6267089618, 439.7402343936], [554.5184326462, 409.2775268352, 572.2175292919, 428.167846656], [595.1710204774, 386.2838745088, 625.7735595940001, 407.6152343552], [607.6739501774, 348.956542976, 634.8043213061001, 407.3912964096], [577.7608642497, 356.6087035904, 606.2825927779, 419.9130249216], [531.152221704, 365.6521606656, 573.5869140350001, 438.69567872]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048621_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a belt, three leather shoes, and three stools.", "boxes_value": [[29.121826200600026, 26.588256819200012, 143.77355959400006, 130.74023439360002], [54.98962401929998, 26.588256819200012, 100.93896482089997, 33.90612792320002], [29.121826200600026, 103.51098634239997, 61.62670896179998, 130.74023439360002], [72.51843264620004, 100.27752683519998, 90.21752929189995, 119.167846656], [113.17102047740002, 77.28387450880001, 143.77355959400006, 98.61523435520002], [125.6739501774, 39.95654297599998, 152.80432130610006, 98.39129640959999], [95.76086424970003, 47.60870359040001, 124.28259277790005, 110.91302492160003], [49.152221704, 56.65216066559998, 91.58691403500006, 129.69567872]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048624.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[129.12490844726562, 249.505249024, 410.2724609471, 510.8448181152344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048624_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[71.12490844726562, 65.505249024, 352.2724609471, 326.8448181152344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048624.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bed, a stool, two desks, two lamps, a mirror, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[129.12490844726562, 249.505249024, 410.2724609471, 510.8448181152344], [108.0217284972, 383.2828368896, 617.1949462724, 510.576110848], [293.2442627256, 343.3558349824, 376.83581544780003, 395.0306396672], [322.8812866101, 309.5392456192, 410.2724609471, 402.2498779136], [332.3803100487, 249.505249024, 355.557983417, 313.7188110336], [354.03808596389996, 249.505249024, 375.69592287100005, 300.0401611264], [350.23852540929994, 225.1065063424, 399.506225604, 312.5366821376], [135.0410766782, 308.8068847616, 191.74865721510002, 351.5372314624], [129.12490844726562, 390.6636657714844, 283.5499572753906, 510.8448181152344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 7], [4, 5], [6], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048624_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide a detailed account of the area covered by the bounding box in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bed, a stool, two desks, two lamps, a mirror, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[71.12490844726562, 65.505249024, 352.2724609471, 326.8448181152344], [50.0217284972, 199.2828368896, 422, 326.576110848], [235.24426272559998, 159.35583498239998, 318.83581544780003, 211.03063966719998], [264.8812866101, 125.53924561920002, 352.2724609471, 218.24987791360002], [274.3803100487, 65.505249024, 297.557983417, 129.7188110336], [296.03808596389996, 65.505249024, 317.69592287100005, 116.0401611264], [292.23852540929994, 41.106506342399996, 341.506225604, 128.5366821376], [77.0410766782, 124.80688476159997, 133.74865721510002, 167.53723146239997], [71.12490844726562, 206.66366577148438, 225.54995727539062, 326.8448181152344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 7], [4, 5], [6], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048625.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[169.56121827840002, 308.1178588672, 408.82952880859375, 449.6694336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048625_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[60.56121827840002, 36.11785886720003, 299.82952880859375, 177.6694336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048625.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a watch, a person, three bottles, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[169.56121827840002, 308.1178588672, 408.82952880859375, 449.6694336], [341.7791748096, 401.4286498816, 360.7569580032, 432.904052736], [197.767211904, 260.7991943168, 289.72399902719997, 394.4193115136], [296.41467287039995, 342.5596923904, 336.889404288, 449.6694336], [227.8052368128, 314.0958252032, 260.87597652479997, 420.2183837696], [169.56121827840002, 308.1178588672, 204.1127319552, 406.83654784], [290.51202392578125, 316.0315856933594, 408.82952880859375, 396.3194885253906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048625_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a watch, a person, three bottles, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[60.56121827840002, 36.11785886720003, 299.82952880859375, 177.6694336], [232.77917480960002, 129.4286498816, 251.7569580032, 160.90405273599998], [88.76721190399999, 0, 180.72399902719997, 122.41931151360001], [187.41467287039995, 70.55969239040002, 227.88940428799998, 177.6694336], [118.80523681279999, 42.09582520319998, 151.87597652479997, 148.2183837696], [60.56121827840002, 36.11785886720003, 95.11273195519999, 134.83654783999998], [181.51202392578125, 44.031585693359375, 299.82952880859375, 124.31948852539062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048628.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a fan, two people, and a blackboard.", "boxes_value": [[207.59588625, 64.04644775, 590.7700195499999, 148.2885132], [207.59588625, 64.04644775, 337.12207035, 83.22210695], [471.33105465, 67.08801270000001, 530.2709961, 93.9291382], [544.909179675, 113.9838867, 558.9746094, 147.30810545], [574.589843775, 111.70703125, 590.7700195499999, 148.2885132], [481.32006832499997, 115.51953125, 509.58374025, 143.5443115]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048628_crop.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a fan, two people, and a blackboard.", "boxes_value": [[96.59588625, 22.04644775, 479.7700195499999, 106.28851320000001], [96.59588625, 22.04644775, 226.12207035, 41.22210695], [360.33105465, 25.088012700000007, 419.27099610000005, 51.9291382], [433.909179675, 71.9838867, 447.97460939999996, 105.30810545], [463.58984377499996, 69.70703125, 479.7700195499999, 106.28851320000001], [370.32006832499997, 73.51953125, 398.58374025, 101.54431149999999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048629.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[7.936706559999999, 169.236238464, 482.09973145600003, 288.939575184]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048629_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[7.936706559999999, 30.236238463999996, 482.09973145600003, 149.93957518399998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048629.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, and four moniters.", "boxes_value": [[7.936706559999999, 30.236238463999996, 482.09973145600003, 149.93957518399998], [347.470248384, 30.236238463999996, 396.58722374399997, 61.343656159999995], [72.71502688, 77.74591064, 127.35845945599999, 111.81048584000001], [7.936706559999999, 69.52343748800001, 66.27716064, 109.069641104], [384.60461427200005, 43.68133544, 482.09973145600003, 109.46118166399998], [241.82501222399998, 113.323669424, 283.433959936, 149.93957518399998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048630.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[358.0926208496094, 419.7498168832, 822.015258786, 489.1852111816406]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048630_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[116.09262084960938, 17.749816883200026, 580, 87.18521118164062]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048630.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, and four cars.", "boxes_value": [[358.0926208496094, 419.7498168832, 822.015258786, 489.1852111816406], [433.96716308939995, 454.8135986176, 459.09118652819996, 480.495910656], [449.41564942739996, 433.2982788096, 639.5611572276, 490.2952270336], [578.8267822056, 428.1591796736, 716.1800537484, 480.0170898432], [652.1752929534, 428.6264037888, 774.1113281322, 475.8123779072], [719.917602507, 419.7498168832, 822.015258786, 466.4686279168], [358.0926208496094, 456.5323181152344, 386.6575622558594, 489.1852111816406]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048630_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, and four cars.", "boxes_value": [[116.09262084960938, 17.749816883200026, 580, 87.18521118164062], [191.96716308939995, 52.81359861760001, 217.09118652819996, 78.49591065599998], [207.41564942739996, 31.298278809599992, 397.5611572276, 88.29522703359999], [336.8267822056, 26.159179673600022, 474.18005374840004, 78.01708984319998], [410.1752929534, 26.62640378880002, 532.1113281322, 73.81237790720002], [477.91760250699997, 17.749816883200026, 580, 64.46862791680002], [116.09262084960938, 54.532318115234375, 144.65756225585938, 87.18521118164062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 6], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048633.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a guitar, a person, a glasses, a tie, a microphone, a tripod, and a speaker.", "boxes_value": [[776.130493188, 65.8345947136, 915.107543976, 385.6566772224], [784.929443373, 268.742065408, 915.107543976, 385.6566772224], [787.117431633, 134.1470947328, 915.083984373, 511.89318845440005], [858.6922606964999, 159.6472167936, 892.1909179725001, 170.6539306496], [871.1346435255, 212.2880859136, 891.2338867155, 289.3351440384], [836.0081787405, 175.2084350464, 873.061523451, 202.4370727424], [782.610473595, 201.9240112128, 874.470214812, 511.9736938496], [776.130493188, 65.8345947136, 860.671752939, 202.6887206912]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048633_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a guitar, a person, a glasses, a tie, a microphone, a tripod, and a speaker.", "boxes_value": [[35.130493187999946, 65.8345947136, 174, 385.6566772224], [43.929443373000026, 268.742065408, 174, 385.6566772224], [46.117431633000024, 134.1470947328, 174, 465], [117.69226069649994, 159.6472167936, 151.19091797250007, 170.6539306496], [130.1346435255, 212.2880859136, 150.23388671550003, 289.3351440384], [95.00817874049994, 175.2084350464, 132.06152345099997, 202.4370727424], [41.61047359500003, 201.9240112128, 133.470214812, 465], [35.130493187999946, 65.8345947136, 119.67175293900004, 202.6887206912]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048634.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[253.10211180100004, 198.7512206848, 712.240112276, 404.563415552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048634_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[115.10211180100004, 51.75122068479999, 574.240112276, 257.563415552]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048634.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, two people, two street lights, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[253.10211180100004, 198.7512206848, 712.240112276, 404.563415552], [336.354614288, 351.9279174656, 371.816040057, 399.9371337728], [373.566162123, 342.6778564608, 392.90551754300003, 396.9222412288], [686.768798793, 364.8472900608, 712.240112276, 402.1108398592], [253.10211180100004, 208.8731689472, 277.563476575, 404.563415552], [422.64416502000006, 198.7512206848, 449.635864293, 401.1894531072], [438.020751938, 359.2613525504, 455.88769533999994, 378.256774912]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048634_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, two people, two street lights, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[115.10211180100004, 51.75122068479999, 574.240112276, 257.563415552], [198.354614288, 204.9279174656, 233.816040057, 252.9371337728], [235.56616212300003, 195.6778564608, 254.90551754300003, 249.92224122879998], [548.768798793, 217.8472900608, 574.240112276, 255.11083985919998], [115.10211180100004, 61.873168947200014, 139.56347657499998, 257.563415552], [284.64416502000006, 51.75122068479999, 311.635864293, 254.1894531072], [300.020751938, 212.26135255039998, 317.88769533999994, 231.25677491200003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048635.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 297.5653686272, 263.3547363072, 483.3001709056]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048635_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0, 46.56536862719997, 263.3547363072, 232.3001709056]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048635.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, two vases, a chair, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[0, 297.5653686272, 263.3547363072, 483.3001709056], [194.2908935424, 376.0165405184, 263.3547363072, 468.5486450176], [207.0308227584, 456.4792480256, 245.92114260480002, 483.3001709056], [89.6893310208, 297.5653686272, 174.1751708928, 425.6351928832], [41.411682124799995, 343.8314208768, 93.04193118719999, 382.7217406976], [51.469543449599996, 378.0280761856, 85.6661987328, 400.8258667008], [0, 328.51544192, 25.9942016256, 438.51544192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 5], [3], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048635_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, two vases, a chair, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[0, 46.56536862719997, 263.3547363072, 232.3001709056], [194.2908935424, 125.0165405184, 263.3547363072, 217.5486450176], [207.0308227584, 205.4792480256, 245.92114260480002, 232.3001709056], [89.6893310208, 46.56536862719997, 174.1751708928, 174.63519288319998], [41.411682124799995, 92.8314208768, 93.04193118719999, 131.7217406976], [51.469543449599996, 127.02807618560001, 85.6661987328, 149.82586670080002], [0, 77.51544192, 25.9942016256, 187.51544192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 5], [3], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048637.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.5184936788000001, 124.8430175744, 295.91491695499997, 510.8562011648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048637_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.5184936788000001, 96.8430175744, 295.91491695499997, 482.8562011648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048637.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four benches, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[0.5184936788000001, 124.8430175744, 295.91491695499997, 510.8562011648], [141.977539059, 192.1812744192, 343.5844726472, 305.7940674048], [0.5184936788000001, 198.864379904, 29.4786376614, 308.021728512], [3.2235717656, 277.9478149632, 129.7251586874, 495.1486816256], [1.3823241985999999, 356.1901244928, 87.921691924, 510.8562011648], [212.8528442128, 124.8430175744, 295.91491695499997, 203.777771008], [114.41857907299999, 137.4196777472, 213.77410892319998, 287.087646464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048637_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four benches, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[0.5184936788000001, 96.8430175744, 295.91491695499997, 482.8562011648], [141.977539059, 164.1812744192, 343.5844726472, 277.7940674048], [0.5184936788000001, 170.864379904, 29.4786376614, 280.021728512], [3.2235717656, 249.94781496320002, 129.7251586874, 467.1486816256], [1.3823241985999999, 328.1901244928, 87.921691924, 482.8562011648], [212.8528442128, 96.8430175744, 295.91491695499997, 175.777771008], [114.41857907299999, 109.41967774720001, 213.77410892319998, 259.087646464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048638.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, a microwave, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[240.93139647599997, 93.1503906304, 423.22595211180004, 286.9396972544], [272.1818847906, 145.1550903296, 347.9932861686, 244.1149292032], [348.5720214486, 148.0486450176, 423.22595211180004, 286.9396972544], [240.93139647599997, 148.6273193472, 272.1818847906, 247.0084838912], [329.70043944, 93.1503906304, 398.1210937668, 133.6505126912], [247.5843505506, 100.2677001728, 265.7756347794, 126.505249024]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048638_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, a microwave, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[45.931396475999975, 49.1503906304, 228.22595211180004, 242.93969725440002], [77.18188479060001, 101.1550903296, 152.99328616859998, 200.1149292032], [153.57202144860003, 104.0486450176, 228.22595211180004, 242.93969725440002], [45.931396475999975, 104.6273193472, 77.18188479060001, 203.0084838912], [134.70043944000003, 49.1503906304, 203.12109376680002, 89.65051269119999], [52.58435055059999, 56.267700172800005, 70.77563477939998, 82.505249024]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048639.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[122.43206785769999, 0, 441.9403076062, 511.9122925056]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048651_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[80.43206785769999, 0, 399.9403076062, 511.9122925056]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048651.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a desk, a carpet, a sneakers, a hat, and a stroller.", "boxes_value": [[52.8773489111, 362.6239624192, 204.6483154562, 502.3324209664], [142.7266845748, 376.9993286144, 169.7305908088, 407.860900864], [140.5835571347, 362.6239624192, 204.6483154562, 405.0559081984], [29.5025024584, 380.5889282048, 319.3809204208, 472.6225586176], [52.8773489111, 490.8617278976, 80.3674581205, 502.3324209664], [111.06068283529999, 372.6049796096, 134.0896233233, 394.5751182336], [73.0220679597, 371.1985457664, 178.70934398330002, 491.487353344]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048668_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a desk, a carpet, a sneakers, a hat, and a stroller.", "boxes_value": [[38.8773489111, 35.623962419199984, 190.6483154562, 175.33242096639998], [128.7266845748, 49.999328614399985, 155.7305908088, 80.86090086399997], [126.58355713469999, 35.623962419199984, 190.6483154562, 78.0559081984], [15.502502458399999, 53.58892820480003, 228, 145.62255861760002], [38.8773489111, 163.86172789760002, 66.3674581205, 175.33242096639998], [97.06068283529999, 45.60497960959998, 120.0896233233, 67.5751182336], [59.022067959699996, 44.1985457664, 164.70934398330002, 164.48735334399998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048671.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, a hat, a trolley, a motorcycle, and a tricycle.", "boxes_value": [[28.5974121216, 34.1519775232, 364.0216064256, 169.1173095936], [28.5974121216, 34.1519775232, 75.0518798592, 169.1173095936], [144.38012697599999, 45.73614499839999, 192.6802368, 155.76605224960002], [338.28723141119997, 52.80444334079999, 371.27270507519995, 154.35241697279997], [338.8013915904, 53.145629900799975, 364.0216064256, 69.23101808640001], [56.0469970944, 107.09191895039999, 151.03540039680001, 160.633422848], [113.46417239040001, 70.60192870399999, 228.8807373312, 150.8799438336], [189.512756352, 64.25488281600002, 327.8559570432, 140.05218503679998], [280.6459045410156, 69.16571044921875, 314.6872863769531, 117.7464599609375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 8], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048674.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a watch, a helmet, a glasses, and two machinery vehicles.", "boxes_value": [[25.7050781229, 181.0466308608, 306.6709594876, 511.7999878144], [128.2668456772, 181.0466308608, 306.6709594876, 511.7999878144], [194.4711303896, 352.9830322176, 212.6388549864, 383.6802368], [173.0472411993, 181.47973632, 255.88110350030001, 240.9252319232], [183.304504396, 241.2931518464, 218.3870849583, 254.896606464], [25.7050781229, 366.0609741312, 153.8102417179, 503.4828491264], [0.4810791094, 367.7258911232, 120.8961181971, 450.4938964992]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048676_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[204.827819812, 97.5321044992, 375.92822263380003, 294.9093627904]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048677_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[42.827819812, 49.5321044992, 213.92822263380003, 246.9093627904]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048677.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[72.725524864, 19.123107891199993, 361.1874999808, 92.4545288192]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048679.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five helmets.", "boxes_value": [[140.725524864, 138.1231078912, 429.1874999808, 211.4545288192], [140.725524864, 138.1231078912, 172.1532592896, 162.0680542208], [200.96209720320002, 144.4834594816, 239.498535168, 171.0474243072], [259.70202639359997, 169.9249878016, 294.8712158208, 194.2440795648], [333.0335693568, 181.14916992, 362.5905762048, 201.7269286912], [389.52868654080004, 184.516479488, 429.1874999808, 211.4545288192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048679_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five helmets.", "boxes_value": [[72.725524864, 19.123107891199993, 361.1874999808, 92.4545288192], [72.725524864, 19.123107891199993, 104.15325928959999, 43.06805422080001], [132.96209720320002, 25.483459481599994, 171.498535168, 52.047424307200004], [191.70202639359997, 50.9249878016, 226.8712158208, 75.24407956479999], [265.0335693568, 62.14916991999999, 294.5905762048, 82.72692869119999], [321.52868654080004, 65.51647948799999, 361.1874999808, 92.4545288192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048682.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[27.87990951538086, 247.5641479472, 195.78131103515625, 500.7254943847656]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048682_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[27.87990951538086, 63.56414794720001, 195.78131103515625, 316.7254943847656]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048682.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three mirrors, and three pictures.", "boxes_value": [[27.87990951538086, 247.5641479472, 195.78131103515625, 500.7254943847656], [141.9982909952, 308.8297729176, 246.8305053696, 365.3303222742], [91.6243286016, 247.5641479472, 154.2514038272, 368.73388673930003], [33.0816039936, 270.7089233516, 86.8591919104, 365.3303222742], [29.64815902709961, 368.12109375, 106.88045883178711, 432.689453125], [114.861328125, 378.1211853027344, 195.78131103515625, 433.4786071777344], [27.87990951538086, 435.8931579589844, 111.88605880737305, 500.7254943847656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048682_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three mirrors, and three pictures.", "boxes_value": [[27.87990951538086, 63.56414794720001, 195.78131103515625, 316.7254943847656], [141.9982909952, 124.8297729176, 237, 181.3303222742], [91.6243286016, 63.56414794720001, 154.2514038272, 184.73388673930003], [33.0816039936, 86.70892335159999, 86.8591919104, 181.3303222742], [29.64815902709961, 184.12109375, 106.88045883178711, 248.689453125], [114.861328125, 194.12118530273438, 195.78131103515625, 249.47860717773438], [27.87990951538086, 251.89315795898438, 111.88605880737305, 316.7254943847656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048683.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[644.1109619142001, 10.1283569316, 861.2888183646, 344.5240478508]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048683_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[55.11096191420006, 10.1283569316, 272.28881836460005, 344.5240478508]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048683.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a barrel, a hat, a mask, and a cleaning products.", "boxes_value": [[644.1109619142001, 10.1283569316, 861.2888183646, 344.5240478508], [789.3850097502, 10.1283569316, 861.2888183646, 170.3957519466], [797.1817626842, 239.7005615034, 861.2888183646, 344.5240478508], [823.8239745850001, 276.7869873, 851.8311767606, 326.5776367074], [640.2210693374001, 10.718414294399999, 747.582153298, 75.29058836459998], [644.1109619142001, 90.8501586894, 710.2391357198, 156.2003784216], [837.1522216882, 210.6205444188, 855.2270507586, 249.581909178]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048683_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a barrel, a hat, a mask, and a cleaning products.", "boxes_value": [[55.11096191420006, 10.1283569316, 272.28881836460005, 344.5240478508], [200.38500975019997, 10.1283569316, 272.28881836460005, 170.3957519466], [208.18176268419995, 239.7005615034, 272.28881836460005, 344.5240478508], [234.8239745850001, 276.7869873, 262.8311767606, 326.5776367074], [51.22106933740008, 10.718414294399999, 158.58215329799998, 75.29058836459998], [55.11096191420006, 90.8501586894, 121.23913571979995, 156.2003784216], [248.15222168820003, 210.6205444188, 266.22705075859994, 249.581909178]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048684.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, a cabinet, a chair, a cup, a refrigerator, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[0, 112.6301269504, 496.1862793056, 284.0822143488], [373.35046385239997, 148.0913085952, 496.1862793056, 208.0725707776], [352.7882079847, 116.6909179904, 422.45227051859996, 210.1041870336], [0, 120.2202758656, 186.515747055, 284.0822143488], [0, 112.6301269504, 124.9907837228, 241.02532961279996], [0, 121.7084960768, 16.9648437793, 146.756347648], [303.9116211149, 86.4533691392, 390.41235353080003, 204.335815424], [383.55102541360003, 85.8269653504, 473.72338865930004, 166.4213867008]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048684_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, a cabinet, a chair, a cup, a refrigerator, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[0, 43.6301269504, 496.1862793056, 215.0822143488], [373.35046385239997, 79.09130859519999, 496.1862793056, 139.0725707776], [352.7882079847, 47.690917990399996, 422.45227051859996, 141.1041870336], [0, 51.2202758656, 186.515747055, 215.0822143488], [0, 43.6301269504, 124.9907837228, 172.02532961279996], [0, 52.7084960768, 16.9648437793, 77.756347648], [303.9116211149, 17.453369139200007, 390.41235353080003, 135.335815424], [383.55102541360003, 16.826965350400002, 473.72338865930004, 97.42138670080001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048686.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two gloves, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[277.0968017664, 228.278808576, 384.51879882239996, 367.4233398272], [279.7767333888, 229.7457885696, 320.2175292672, 347.1734008832], [277.0968017664, 230.4796752896, 295.3417968384, 279.5385132032], [363.2379150336, 328.3457641472, 384.51879882239996, 346.07989504], [297.3836669952, 345.8383789056, 316.8740234496, 367.4233398272], [284.4112548864, 228.278808576, 308.43688965120003, 245.0836791808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048686_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two gloves, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[27.096801766400006, 35.27880857599999, 134.51879882239996, 174.42333982719998], [29.776733388799983, 36.745788569599995, 70.2175292672, 154.17340088319997], [27.096801766400006, 37.47967528960001, 45.3417968384, 86.53851320320001], [113.23791503360002, 135.3457641472, 134.51879882239996, 153.07989504], [47.383666995199974, 152.8383789056, 66.87402344959997, 174.42333982719998], [34.4112548864, 35.27880857599999, 58.43688965120003, 52.083679180800004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048688.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[154.41046144, 190.617553728, 313.249816896, 347.40826416]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048688_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[40.410461440000006, 39.61755372799999, 199.24981689600003, 196.40826416]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048688.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a faucet, a sink, and a microwave.", "boxes_value": [[154.41046144, 190.617553728, 313.249816896, 347.40826416], [154.41046144, 234.213317856, 189.889465344, 347.40826416], [189.76196288, 235.87426756800002, 314.234924288, 377.143066416], [270.655883776, 213.31103515200002, 292.07891846399997, 231.205566384], [238.395446784, 228.433166496, 313.249816896, 247.08374025599997], [178.765747072, 190.617553728, 247.895080576, 228.77947996799998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048688_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a faucet, a sink, and a microwave.", "boxes_value": [[40.410461440000006, 39.61755372799999, 199.24981689600003, 196.40826416], [40.410461440000006, 83.213317856, 75.889465344, 196.40826416], [75.76196288, 84.87426756800002, 200.234924288, 226.143066416], [156.655883776, 62.31103515200002, 178.07891846399997, 80.20556638400001], [124.395446784, 77.43316649600001, 199.24981689600003, 96.08374025599997], [64.76574707200001, 39.61755372799999, 133.895080576, 77.77947996799998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048691.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[224.5596313332, 236.01544192, 364.6253662264, 329.7030029312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048691_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[35.5596313332, 24.01544192, 175.6253662264, 117.70300293119999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048691.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, a moniter, two speakers, a keyboard, and a router.", "boxes_value": [[224.5596313332, 236.01544192, 364.6253662264, 329.7030029312], [224.5596313332, 236.01544192, 269.7361450504, 322.4055785984], [268.1007690508, 252.9041137664, 322.8067626794, 321.8126831104], [254.9502563698, 287.3583984128, 270.4678344842, 325.4948120064], [320.176757783, 279.4681396736, 333.3271484672, 310.7662963712], [282.8293457104, 307.3471679488, 354.368041969, 329.7030029312], [344.89965816800003, 250.8000488448, 364.6253662264, 301.8239746048]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048691_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, a moniter, two speakers, a keyboard, and a router.", "boxes_value": [[35.5596313332, 24.01544192, 175.6253662264, 117.70300293119999], [35.5596313332, 24.01544192, 80.73614505040001, 110.40557859839998], [79.10076905080001, 40.9041137664, 133.80676267939998, 109.81268311039997], [65.9502563698, 75.3583984128, 81.46783448420001, 113.49481200640002], [131.17675778300003, 67.46813967359998, 144.3271484672, 98.76629637119999], [93.82934571039999, 95.3471679488, 165.368041969, 117.70300293119999], [155.89965816800003, 38.80004884479999, 175.6253662264, 89.82397460480001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048692.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a watch, and two sandals.", "boxes_value": [[0, 59.893127424, 187.4442749184, 297.5994872832], [0, 59.893127424, 79.2938843136, 297.5994872832], [66.7830200064, 0, 166.3911743232, 352.0721435648], [0, 172.2866210816, 20.7584838912, 207.2713012736], [168.8191528704, 145.8626098688, 187.4442749184, 174.42114257920002], [0.43347164160000007, 271.2757568512, 36.9530029056, 294.6011352576], [20.460327168, 274.5742797824, 60.042785664, 294.8367309824]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048694.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[106.73614499659999, 89.0042724864, 351.35449215999995, 162.800231936]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048694_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[61.73614499659999, 19.004272486399998, 306.35449215999995, 92.80023193599999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048694.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include seven people, and a luggage.", "boxes_value": [[106.73614499659999, 89.0042724864, 351.35449215999995, 162.800231936], [341.6839599698, 100.3198852608, 359.8784179508, 159.6911010816], [331.4207763958, 99.3199462912, 351.35449215999995, 159.8246459904], [300.8329467864, 102.0822143488, 315.9688720524, 145.5369872896], [204.1631469934, 91.569702144, 231.605163559, 160.9818725376], [174.7102661052, 89.0042724864, 202.0588989314, 142.273986816], [128.2903442296, 95.5679321088, 142.8850097332, 118.2223510528], [106.73614499659999, 96.5481567232, 122.740112299, 126.6354980352], [226.2189941536, 130.197570816, 247.79772948, 162.800231936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048694_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include seven people, and a luggage.", "boxes_value": [[61.73614499659999, 19.004272486399998, 306.35449215999995, 92.80023193599999], [296.6839599698, 30.319885260800007, 314.8784179508, 89.69110108160001], [286.4207763958, 29.319946291199997, 306.35449215999995, 89.8246459904], [255.8329467864, 32.082214348799994, 270.9688720524, 75.5369872896], [159.1631469934, 21.569702144000004, 186.605163559, 90.9818725376], [129.7102661052, 19.004272486399998, 157.0588989314, 72.27398681599999], [83.29034422960001, 25.567932108799994, 97.88500973320001, 48.22235105279999], [61.73614499659999, 26.548156723199995, 77.740112299, 56.6354980352], [181.2189941536, 60.197570815999995, 202.79772948, 92.80023193599999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048695.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[102.060729984, 84.483520512, 262.265075712, 236.93237304000002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048695_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[40.060729984000005, 38.483520512, 200.265075712, 190.93237304000002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048695.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a mirror, and two boots.", "boxes_value": [[102.060729984, 84.483520512, 262.265075712, 236.93237304000002], [102.060729984, 111.95587156799999, 160.223205568, 230.198242176], [166.61468505599998, 110.038452144, 190.26312256, 183.540405264], [160.920166016, 97.16766355200001, 226.56719968000002, 236.93237304000002], [242.162414528, 142.941528336, 258.26013184, 165.929077152], [247.579162624, 84.483520512, 262.265075712, 112.019592288]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048695_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a mirror, and two boots.", "boxes_value": [[40.060729984000005, 38.483520512, 200.265075712, 190.93237304000002], [40.060729984000005, 65.95587156799999, 98.223205568, 184.198242176], [104.61468505599998, 64.038452144, 128.26312256, 137.540405264], [98.920166016, 51.16766355200001, 164.56719968000002, 190.93237304000002], [180.162414528, 96.941528336, 196.26013183999999, 119.92907715199999], [185.579162624, 38.483520512, 200.265075712, 66.019592288]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048699.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[600.6054687195, 177.5769653248, 685.1767578109999, 479.0425415168]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048699_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[21.60546871949998, 75.5769653248, 106, 377.0425415168]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048699.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two storage boxes, and three canneds.", "boxes_value": [[600.6054687195, 177.5769653248, 685.1767578109999, 479.0425415168], [651.451293958, 284.8488159232, 684.0888671835, 387.6572875776], [647.6435546605001, 374.6022339072, 685.1767578109999, 479.0425415168], [625.9725342135, 177.5769653248, 643.793212884, 204.993286144], [600.6054687195, 235.6226806784, 624.5095214885, 263.300964352], [595.1536865410001, 261.6234741248, 621.993286123, 288.4630737408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048699_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two storage boxes, and three canneds.", "boxes_value": [[21.60546871949998, 75.5769653248, 106, 377.0425415168], [72.45129395799995, 182.8488159232, 105.08886718350004, 285.6572875776], [68.64355466050006, 272.6022339072, 106, 377.0425415168], [46.97253421350001, 75.5769653248, 64.79321288400001, 102.993286144], [21.60546871949998, 133.6226806784, 45.50952148850001, 161.300964352], [16.15368654100007, 159.6234741248, 42.99328612299996, 186.46307374079998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048700.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a mirror, three people, two cups, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[0, 191.8408203264, 190.4055175666, 342.414978048], [0, 187.8569335808, 193.7811889923, 397.3908691456], [126.3956908861, 191.8408203264, 190.4055175666, 289.6012573184], [0, 214.5352173056, 93.2269897701, 315.787109376], [0, 284.9459838976, 74.02404787879999, 384.4521484288], [112.9135742064, 298.4941406208, 138.4389038043, 321.4006347776], [65.82971194, 326.6651611136, 104.5985107095, 342.414978048], [156.6940918102, 272.146545408, 180.9246215627, 303.6461791744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 7], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048700_crop.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a mirror, three people, two cups, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[0, 37.84082032640001, 190.4055175666, 188.41497804800002], [0, 33.85693358079999, 193.7811889923, 226], [126.3956908861, 37.84082032640001, 190.4055175666, 135.60125731839997], [0, 60.535217305600014, 93.2269897701, 161.787109376], [0, 130.9459838976, 74.02404787879999, 226], [112.9135742064, 144.4941406208, 138.4389038043, 167.40063477759998], [65.82971194, 172.6651611136, 104.5985107095, 188.41497804800002], [156.6940918102, 118.14654540800001, 180.9246215627, 149.6461791744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 7], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048701.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, two handbags, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[352.85443115234375, 421.1243286016, 550.3923340032, 463.1607666176], [530.4532470528, 421.1243286016, 550.3923340032, 439.4893798912], [432.85620119039993, 426.8961792, 454.8942871296, 441.0635376128], [429.481323264, 443.2044067328, 446.7768554496, 463.1607666176], [385.9871520996094, 450.77020263671875, 393.9537658691406, 460.93756103515625], [352.85443115234375, 435.97918701171875, 361.30487060546875, 444.40179443359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048701_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the bounding box in the photo . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a hat, two handbags, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[49.85443115234375, 11.124328601599984, 247.39233400319995, 53.16076661760002], [227.45324705279995, 11.124328601599984, 247.39233400319995, 29.489379891199974], [129.85620119039993, 16.896179200000006, 151.8942871296, 31.06353761280002], [126.48132326400003, 33.20440673280001, 143.77685544960002, 53.16076661760002], [82.98715209960938, 40.77020263671875, 90.95376586914062, 50.93756103515625], [49.85443115234375, 25.97918701171875, 58.30487060546875, 34.40179443359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048703.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three handbags, and two high heels.", "boxes_value": [[37.3292236288, 570.0318603264, 307.7754821777344, 720.5155639648438], [37.3292236288, 617.286010752, 160.8342895616, 702.6655273727999], [162.9821777408, 570.0318603264, 285.4132080128, 653.8005371136001], [122.1679077376, 621.5019531263999, 208.3975219712, 674.2542724607999], [224.86090087890625, 651.3707885742188, 284.0838317871094, 720.5155639648438], [264.4989929199219, 632.8634643554688, 307.7754821777344, 718.5523071289062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048703_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three handbags, and two high heels.", "boxes_value": [[37.3292236288, 38.031860326399965, 307.7754821777344, 188.51556396484375], [37.3292236288, 85.28601075200004, 160.8342895616, 170.66552737279994], [162.9821777408, 38.031860326399965, 285.4132080128, 121.80053711360006], [122.1679077376, 89.50195312639994, 208.3975219712, 142.25427246079994], [224.86090087890625, 119.37078857421875, 284.0838317871094, 188.51556396484375], [264.4989929199219, 100.86346435546875, 307.7754821777344, 186.55230712890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048705.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . 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Include the coordinates for each object you identify. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a helmet, two boots, a sneakers, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[130.3458862088, 218.8143310336, 405.7412109256, 446.097412096], [143.3327636456, 218.8143310336, 196.97296140240002, 298.5725707776], [130.3458862088, 364.5312500224, 175.5142211712, 446.097412096], [320.2283935464, 395.6667480576, 357.06469724560003, 427.6792602624], [359.25732424319995, 357.0762939392, 405.7412109256, 419.7857666048], [221.6891479848, 271.9067382784, 272.09326174, 320.321228032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048707_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a helmet, two boots, a sneakers, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[69.34588620880001, 57.81433103360001, 344.7412109256, 285.097412096], [82.33276364560001, 57.81433103360001, 135.97296140240002, 137.5725707776], [69.34588620880001, 203.5312500224, 114.5142211712, 285.097412096], [259.2283935464, 234.6667480576, 296.06469724560003, 266.6792602624], [298.25732424319995, 196.0762939392, 344.7412109256, 258.7857666048], [160.6891479848, 110.90673827839998, 211.09326174, 159.32122803200002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048709.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, and two side tables.", "boxes_value": [[46.10351563149999, 16.00585937919999, 230.22082519600002, 77.45513917440002], [69.0162353341, 19.197998028799987, 159.59411619639997, 77.45513917440002], [105.72619628020001, 18.000915507199977, 191.1168213207, 70.67175290879999], [178.3481445648, 16.00585937919999, 230.22082519600002, 61.893310566399975], [46.10351563149999, 44.9220580864, 88.2030029549, 76.5836791808], [141.06347657799998, 36.95074462719998, 177.9688720387, 60.65966796800001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048710.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a clock, a lamp, a moniter, a tablet, and a cell phone.", "boxes_value": [[0, 0.5169677824, 904.944946296, 307.783752448], [0, 0.5169677824, 287.8496093904, 156.0837402112], [796.1252440992, 33.956542976, 904.944946296, 135.7927246336], [734.582519568, 116.5114745856, 779.3226317952, 193.2086792192], [455.2083740592, 169.9074706944, 610.9135741824, 316.8919067136], [601.8564452736, 260.6842040832, 663.6560058768, 342.2905883648], [446.3286132816, 293.7949218816, 474.25952145119993, 307.783752448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048710_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a clock, a lamp, a moniter, a tablet, and a cell phone.", "boxes_value": [[0, 0.5169677824, 904.944946296, 307.783752448], [0, 0.5169677824, 287.8496093904, 156.0837402112], [796.1252440992, 33.956542976, 904.944946296, 135.7927246336], [734.582519568, 116.5114745856, 779.3226317952, 193.2086792192], [455.2083740592, 169.9074706944, 610.9135741824, 316.8919067136], [601.8564452736, 260.6842040832, 663.6560058768, 342.2905883648], [446.3286132816, 293.7949218816, 474.25952145119993, 307.783752448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048711.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a backpack, two sneakers, and a bicycle.", "boxes_value": [[263.0065917764, 152.156738304, 404.60388180999996, 431.3586425856], [275.0936279436, 185.6473388544, 404.60388180999996, 431.3586425856], [263.0065917764, 160.19567872, 289.3157959364, 208.0638427648], [377.7441405952, 152.156738304, 392.725708004, 194.1784057856], [283.36047360320003, 214.7703857664, 350.0893554892, 274.4072876032], [284.65234373000004, 393.8631591936, 307.2797851656, 429.7437133824], [335.24084475079997, 389.0144043008, 362.8785400156, 402.9140624896], [256.9725341668, 289.607910144, 432.3865966572, 476.7765502976]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048711_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a backpack, two sneakers, and a bicycle.", "boxes_value": [[36.0065917764, 70.15673830399999, 177.60388180999996, 349.3586425856], [48.093627943599984, 103.6473388544, 177.60388180999996, 349.3586425856], [36.0065917764, 78.19567871999999, 62.31579593639998, 126.0638427648], [150.7441405952, 70.15673830399999, 165.725708004, 112.1784057856], [56.360473603200035, 132.7703857664, 123.08935548919999, 192.40728760320002], [57.65234373000004, 311.8631591936, 80.2797851656, 347.7437133824], [108.24084475079997, 307.0144043008, 135.87854001559998, 320.9140624896], [29.972534166800017, 207.60791014400002, 205.38659665720002, 394.7765502976]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048712.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[119.58422088623047, 158.6439666748047, 401.9181823730469, 235.252746589]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048712_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[70.58422088623047, 19.643966674804688, 352.9181823730469, 96.252746589]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048712.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[119.58422088623047, 158.6439666748047, 401.9181823730469, 235.252746589], [174.1900024582, 203.28308104299998, 186.33843992520002, 235.252746589], [119.58422088623047, 158.6439666748047, 128.49635314941406, 179.3080596923828], [390.3813171386719, 177.07752990722656, 401.9181823730469, 200.1311798095703], [169.46572875976562, 168.2508544921875, 178.76675415039062, 192.5687255859375], [141.53790283203125, 164.68649291992188, 150.35659790039062, 185.34579467773438]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048712_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[70.58422088623047, 19.643966674804688, 352.9181823730469, 96.252746589], [125.19000245820001, 64.28308104299998, 137.33843992520002, 96.252746589], [70.58422088623047, 19.643966674804688, 79.49635314941406, 40.30805969238281], [341.3813171386719, 38.07752990722656, 352.9181823730469, 61.13117980957031], [120.46572875976562, 29.2508544921875, 129.76675415039062, 53.5687255859375], [92.53790283203125, 25.686492919921875, 101.35659790039062, 46.345794677734375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048714.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.043518096000000006, 271.5758666752, 192.85217282, 512.13488768]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048714_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[0.043518096000000006, 60.57586667520002, 192.85217282, 301]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048714.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, two desks, a cabinet, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[0.043518096000000006, 271.5758666752, 192.85217282, 512.13488768], [0.043518096000000006, 379.8847656448, 45.543090848, 512.13488768], [0.49340820399999996, 357.7478027264, 75.42614746800001, 512.0076904448], [48.7761841, 310.3909912064, 133.239074676, 424.3984374784], [22.0122681, 307.9578857472, 133.93420413200002, 417.446777344], [0.345458972, 271.5758666752, 42.62109372, 291.5451660288], [0.485961932, 306.1475219968, 13.455993679999999, 359.7087402496], [144.058166532, 488.7860717568, 192.85217282, 510.5106201088]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048714_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, two desks, a cabinet, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[0.043518096000000006, 60.57586667520002, 192.85217282, 301], [0.043518096000000006, 168.88476564479998, 45.543090848, 301], [0.49340820399999996, 146.74780272639998, 75.42614746800001, 301], [48.7761841, 99.39099120639997, 133.239074676, 213.3984374784], [22.0122681, 96.95788574720001, 133.93420413200002, 206.446777344], [0.345458972, 60.57586667520002, 42.62109372, 80.5451660288], [0.485961932, 95.14752199679998, 13.455993679999999, 148.7087402496], [144.058166532, 277.7860717568, 192.85217282, 299.5106201088]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048718.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[130.4884033211, 137.090270976, 329.1788940451, 183.1760253952]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048718_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[50.48840332110001, 12.090270976, 249.17889404509998, 58.176025395200014]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048718.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, and four helmets.", "boxes_value": [[130.4884033211, 137.090270976, 329.1788940451, 183.1760253952], [142.2272339147, 141.8727416832, 167.443969715, 155.3506469888], [130.4884033211, 137.090270976, 170.0525512939, 173.6110229504], [190.05206299530002, 147.0900268544, 226.5728149652, 181.0021362176], [240.4855346608, 147.0900268544, 279.6149292156, 183.1760253952], [290.9190063263, 143.6118163968, 329.1788940451, 173.6110229504]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048718_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, and four helmets.", "boxes_value": [[50.48840332110001, 12.090270976, 249.17889404509998, 58.176025395200014], [62.22723391470001, 16.87274168319999, 87.44396971500001, 30.35064698880001], [50.48840332110001, 12.090270976, 90.0525512939, 48.61102295040001], [110.05206299530002, 22.09002685440001, 146.5728149652, 56.0021362176], [160.4855346608, 22.09002685440001, 199.6149292156, 58.176025395200014], [210.9190063263, 18.61181639680001, 249.17889404509998, 48.61102295040001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048720.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[550.7045898103, 161.4258422784, 683.3110351265, 512.0048827904]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048720_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the bbox in the provided photo . 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Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, two people, a glasses, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[33.704589810300035, 88.42584227840001, 166, 439], [77.55004882989999, 88.42584227840001, 166, 308.7601928704], [52.42724610159996, 159.0449828864, 111.9909668061, 315.997375488], [33.704589810300035, 215.10003660799998, 166, 439], [72.7277831993, 249.94317629440002, 96.88708493080003, 264.4815063552], [82.74353028790006, 372.5895995904, 166, 437.73272704]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048723.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two lamps, two cabinets, a nightstand, a desk, and an air conditioner.", "boxes_value": [[67.455017088, 56.51312256, 600.677856448, 280.775512704], [487.232421888, 120.18023683199999, 600.677856448, 280.775512704], [477.397460928, 67.70495606400002, 513.648559552, 122.081604], [363.67315673599995, 145.297058112, 471.955200192, 265.379028336], [285.238098176, 167.546386704, 371.30847168, 278.567260752], [23.772094720000002, 122.037414528, 159.598571776, 169.81555175999998], [67.455017088, 56.51312256, 105.67749024, 122.037414528], [452.557983424, 108.812316912, 639.312988288, 271.905944832], [334.625427264, 69.296386704, 456.974609344, 153.33996580800002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 6], [3, 4], [5], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048724.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[233.7617187732, 22.2312011776, 327.0135497727, 360.899108864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048724_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[23.761718773199988, 22.2312011776, 117.0135497727, 360.899108864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048724.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two leather shoes, a microphone, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[233.7617187732, 22.2312011776, 327.0135497727, 360.899108864], [233.7617187732, 22.2312011776, 261.6083984502, 43.3359985152], [297.1149902679, 308.1431274496, 327.0135497727, 327.1960449024], [222.70910644949998, 199.7185058816, 328.1235351927, 279.0556030464], [239.9753418294, 267.6494751232, 321.67651365570003, 360.899108864], [253.66851806640625, 290.3102111816406, 276.47430419921875, 299.8118591308594]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048724_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two leather shoes, a microphone, and a tripod.", "boxes_value": [[23.761718773199988, 22.2312011776, 117.0135497727, 360.899108864], [23.761718773199988, 22.2312011776, 51.60839845020001, 43.3359985152], [87.1149902679, 308.1431274496, 117.0135497727, 327.1960449024], [12.709106449499984, 199.7185058816, 118.12353519269999, 279.0556030464], [29.97534182940001, 267.6494751232, 111.67651365570003, 360.899108864], [43.66851806640625, 290.3102111816406, 66.47430419921875, 299.8118591308594]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048725.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a gun, three people, two backpacks, and six boots.", "boxes_value": [[434.5897521972656, 205.138244608, 597.2774047851562, 442.3710632324219], [470.288452172, 257.8915405312, 528.471801781, 352.0001220608], [535.244628919, 205.138244608, 656.882934554, 447.0482177536], [460.53039547900005, 205.138244608, 532.511230482, 421.9916381696], [435.69677736200003, 194.2602539008, 540.906738295, 432.2373657088], [431.852905253, 227.0166625792, 502.31188961799995, 305.353027328], [528.1322021359999, 243.6467284992, 605.59338378, 319.794982912], [434.5897521972656, 389.28057861328125, 462.8738098144531, 428.24566650390625], [495.9276428222656, 393.61260986328125, 518.9589233398438, 421.31317138671875], [562.9905395507812, 402.2358703613281, 597.2774047851562, 426.5291442871094], [535.403076171875, 413.1144104003906, 577.875244140625, 442.3710632324219], [476.0592041015625, 398.4648742675781, 515.779296875, 431.9631652832031], [459.7001647949219, 402.71221923828125, 479.1470642089844, 420.35736083984375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048725_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a gun, three people, two backpacks, and six boots.", "boxes_value": [[41.589752197265625, 60.13824460800001, 204.27740478515625, 297.3710632324219], [77.288452172, 112.89154053120001, 135.47180178099995, 207.00012206079998], [142.24462891899998, 60.13824460800001, 244, 302.0482177536], [67.53039547900005, 60.13824460800001, 139.51123048199997, 276.9916381696], [42.696777362000034, 49.260253900799995, 147.90673829499997, 287.2373657088], [38.85290525300002, 82.01666257919999, 109.31188961799995, 160.353027328], [135.13220213599993, 98.64672849920001, 212.59338377999995, 174.79498291200002], [41.589752197265625, 244.28057861328125, 69.87380981445312, 283.24566650390625], [102.92764282226562, 248.61260986328125, 125.95892333984375, 276.31317138671875], [169.99053955078125, 257.2358703613281, 204.27740478515625, 281.5291442871094], [142.403076171875, 268.1144104003906, 184.875244140625, 297.3710632324219], [83.0592041015625, 253.46487426757812, 122.779296875, 286.9631652832031], [66.70016479492188, 257.71221923828125, 86.14706420898438, 275.35736083984375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048726.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[145.908264134, 218.1453246976, 305.6572265728, 372.1615652864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048726_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[40.90826413400001, 39.14532469759999, 200.65722657280003, 193.1615652864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048726.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, a person, and two high heels.", "boxes_value": [[145.908264134, 218.1453246976, 305.6572265728, 372.1615652864], [257.3795776339, 226.5885620224, 305.6572265728, 325.3734130688], [241.3536376992, 218.1453246976, 272.8247680643, 284.1831665152], [145.908264134, 222.2726440448, 251.67205808190002, 305.3359374848], [158.47851564139998, 130.0247192576, 249.85675049329998, 372.8854980608], [226.5885612523, 351.9470541824, 249.3217687507, 369.3244409344], [185.13182998430003, 354.1834591232, 203.39941211800001, 372.1615652864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048726_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, a person, and two high heels.", "boxes_value": [[40.90826413400001, 39.14532469759999, 200.65722657280003, 193.1615652864], [152.3795776339, 47.5885620224, 200.65722657280003, 146.3734130688], [136.3536376992, 39.14532469759999, 167.82476806429997, 105.18316651520001], [40.90826413400001, 43.27264404479999, 146.67205808190002, 126.33593748480001], [53.47851564139998, 0, 144.85675049329998, 193.8854980608], [121.5885612523, 172.9470541824, 144.3217687507, 190.3244409344], [80.13182998430003, 175.1834591232, 98.39941211800001, 193.1615652864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048728.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[89.2659301632, 35.0289916928, 592.3848877056, 357.2459716608]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048728_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[89.2659301632, 35.0289916928, 592.3848877056, 357.2459716608]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048728.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a book, two glasses, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[89.2659301632, 35.0289916928, 592.3848877056, 357.2459716608], [245.73278807039998, 1.4795532288, 385.999145472, 332.3706054656], [138.1280517888, 187.1242675712, 257.011596672, 247.4948120064], [89.2659301632, 39.9166259712, 193.5486450432, 65.4761352704], [285.1246338048, 95.3685302784, 346.9055175936, 177.7431030272], [485.53198241279995, 35.0289916928, 592.3848877056, 109.99841310719998], [361.842895488, 292.8471679488, 449.9676513792, 357.2459716608]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048728_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a book, two glasses, and two gloves.", "boxes_value": [[89.2659301632, 35.0289916928, 592.3848877056, 357.2459716608], [245.73278807039998, 1.4795532288, 385.999145472, 332.3706054656], [138.1280517888, 187.1242675712, 257.011596672, 247.4948120064], [89.2659301632, 39.9166259712, 193.5486450432, 65.4761352704], [285.1246338048, 95.3685302784, 346.9055175936, 177.7431030272], [485.53198241279995, 35.0289916928, 592.3848877056, 109.99841310719998], [361.842895488, 292.8471679488, 449.9676513792, 357.2459716608]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048730.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[392.1423340032, 361.4615478272, 527.9985351936, 512.0996093952]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048730_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[34.142334003200006, 38.46154782719998, 169.9985351936, 189]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048730.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two suvs, a stop sign, a street lights, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[392.1423340032, 361.4615478272, 527.9985351936, 512.0996093952], [392.1423340032, 491.4161376768, 429.99707028480003, 512.0996093952], [494.6961669888, 427.4719238144, 520.974487296, 463.1235351552], [485.41308595199996, 361.4615478272, 500.63293455359997, 511.3190918144], [433.89953610239996, 486.7330932736, 494.3889159936, 512.0996093952], [498.75341798399995, 489.6440429568, 527.9985351936, 512.0080566272]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048730_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two suvs, a stop sign, a street lights, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[34.142334003200006, 38.46154782719998, 169.9985351936, 189], [34.142334003200006, 168.41613767680002, 71.99707028480003, 189], [136.69616698879997, 104.47192381439999, 162.974487296, 140.1235351552], [127.41308595199996, 38.46154782719998, 142.63293455359997, 188.3190918144], [75.89953610239996, 163.7330932736, 136.3889159936, 189], [140.75341798399995, 166.64404295679998, 169.9985351936, 189]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048731.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[171.89859008789062, 184.6290893312, 472.5744628826, 263.1535644672]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048731_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[75.89859008789062, 20.629089331199992, 376.5744628826, 99.1535644672]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048731.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a plate, a coffee machine, a bowl, a gas stove, and a lemon.", "boxes_value": [[171.89859008789062, 184.6290893312, 472.5744628826, 263.1535644672], [444.90942380859997, 206.0928344576, 472.5744628826, 257.4708862464], [183.390441877, 242.7864990208, 216.7559814832, 254.6300048896], [273.8345947326, 184.6290893312, 309.4470214568, 230.9510497792], [173.9361571958, 225.9716796928, 212.4543457082, 245.2307739136], [207.2337646282, 227.7545165824, 333.7447509578, 263.1535644672], [171.89859008789062, 217.392333984375, 183.83380126953125, 228.17327880859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048731_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a plate, a coffee machine, a bowl, a gas stove, and a lemon.", "boxes_value": [[75.89859008789062, 20.629089331199992, 376.5744628826, 99.1535644672], [348.90942380859997, 42.09283445759999, 376.5744628826, 93.47088624640003], [87.390441877, 78.7864990208, 120.7559814832, 90.6300048896], [177.8345947326, 20.629089331199992, 213.44702145679997, 66.95104977919999], [77.9361571958, 61.971679692799995, 116.45434570820001, 81.23077391359999], [111.23376462819999, 63.75451658239999, 237.74475095780002, 99.1535644672], [75.89859008789062, 53.392333984375, 87.83380126953125, 64.17327880859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048732.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[180.40443441969998, 180.1834848768, 639.5389147345, 266.0047315456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048732_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[115.40443441969998, 22.18348487680001, 574.5389147345, 108.00473154560001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048732.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include an umbrella, four street lights, and a boat.", "boxes_value": [[180.40443441969998, 180.1834848768, 639.5389147345, 266.0047315456], [449.2792968959, 219.8750000128, 489.6555175878, 235.4427490304], [338.9891850422, 180.1834848768, 355.3360891476, 266.0047315456], [630.3053223758, 194.9681336832, 639.5389147345, 242.7419375616], [608.6264534399, 199.3841995776, 620.2688090137, 233.5083452416], [180.40443441969998, 247.9873051136, 250.55775369030002, 262.9952291328], [608.9585571289062, 199.42593383789062, 618.3318481445312, 248.9447021484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048732_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include an umbrella, four street lights, and a boat.", "boxes_value": [[115.40443441969998, 22.18348487680001, 574.5389147345, 108.00473154560001], [384.2792968959, 61.8750000128, 424.6555175878, 77.4427490304], [273.9891850422, 22.18348487680001, 290.3360891476, 108.00473154560001], [565.3053223758, 36.968133683199994, 574.5389147345, 84.7419375616], [543.6264534399, 41.384199577599986, 555.2688090137, 75.50834524160001], [115.40443441969998, 89.9873051136, 185.55775369030002, 104.99522913279998], [543.9585571289062, 41.425933837890625, 553.3318481445312, 90.9447021484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048735.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[87.659362816, 433.3641662597656, 305.3299865722656, 487.21533201000005]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048735_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[54.659362816, 14.364166259765625, 272.3299865722656, 68.21533201000005]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048735.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people, and a truck.", "boxes_value": [[87.659362816, 433.3641662597656, 305.3299865722656, 487.21533201000005], [188.3817748992, 437.96704099939996, 208.0337524224, 487.21533201000005], [87.659362816, 435.92626950619996, 99.932495104, 466.45947266380006], [229.8233032192, 393.38500976719996, 310.8052368384, 483.9749755632], [114.88207244873047, 440.9728698730469, 129.61221313476562, 469.6516418457031], [135.20108032226562, 448.29290771484375, 153.82498168945312, 477.37884521484375], [290.6730651855469, 433.3641662597656, 305.3299865722656, 475.7620544433594]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5, 6], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048735_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people, and a truck.", "boxes_value": [[54.659362816, 14.364166259765625, 272.3299865722656, 68.21533201000005], [155.3817748992, 18.967040999399956, 175.0337524224, 68.21533201000005], [54.659362816, 16.926269506199958, 66.932495104, 47.45947266380006], [196.8233032192, 0, 277.8052368384, 64.97497556320002], [81.88207244873047, 21.972869873046875, 96.61221313476562, 50.651641845703125], [102.20108032226562, 29.29290771484375, 120.82498168945312, 58.37884521484375], [257.6730651855469, 14.364166259765625, 272.3299865722656, 56.762054443359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5, 6], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048736.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four sneakers, and a backpack.", "boxes_value": [[325.3175659145, 306.333618176, 620.2547607282, 463.0452270592], [325.3175659145, 412.1770019328, 353.0994872837, 436.0458984448], [386.3594970988, 419.2202758656, 409.8371582052, 442.6979369984], [406.31542968829996, 415.3073120256, 439.96679686420003, 448.1760253952], [462.27050780369996, 425.87225344, 486.13952633919996, 463.0452270592], [517.877563474, 306.333618176, 620.2547607282, 408.241332992]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048736_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a truck, a suv, and three cars.", "boxes_value": [[142.15216064999998, 192.14575196340002, 604.8143310749999, 270.1082763558], [142.15216064999998, 198.3723144384, 227.538207975, 270.1082763558], [235.37976074999997, 198.98547365160002, 292.303833, 256.02398681759996], [304.03918454999996, 192.41259764400002, 356.750488275, 249.53009032320003], [437.267456025, 192.14575196340002, 489.87207029999996, 247.4481811542], [542.29748535, 193.46612550839998, 604.8143310749999, 253.26489256739998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048737_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a truck, a suv, and three cars.", "boxes_value": [[116.15216064999998, 20.145751963400016, 578.8143310749999, 98.1082763558], [116.15216064999998, 26.372314438399997, 201.538207975, 98.1082763558], [209.37976074999997, 26.985473651600017, 266.303833, 84.02398681759996], [278.03918454999996, 20.412597644000016, 330.750488275, 77.53009032320003], [411.267456025, 20.145751963400016, 463.87207029999996, 75.4481811542], [516.29748535, 21.466125508399983, 578.8143310749999, 81.26489256739998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048738.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a book, two slippers, a desk, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[368.68249514240006, 247.8837280256, 664.168334956, 510.9302368256], [368.84533689280005, 171.5721435648, 663.8394775352, 505.6224365056], [359.0001220416, 129.3570556416, 493.1582031008, 426.1815795712], [428.6271972336, 247.8837280256, 498.3682861392, 267.8348388864], [368.68249514240006, 438.7092895744, 427.74609373519996, 465.1860351488], [420.9572753992, 454.3237915136, 506.497558592, 501.1673584128], [202.02490234400003, 242.8392944128, 544.7514648463999, 445.2509155328], [400.25695800399996, 353.8969726464, 664.168334956, 510.9302368256]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048738_crop.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a book, two slippers, a desk, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[74.68249514240006, 65.88372802559999, 370, 328.9302368256], [74.84533689280005, 0, 369.8394775352, 323.6224365056], [65.00012204159998, 0, 199.1582031008, 244.18157957120002], [134.6271972336, 65.88372802559999, 204.3682861392, 85.83483888640001], [74.68249514240006, 256.7092895744, 133.74609373519996, 283.1860351488], [126.9572753992, 272.3237915136, 212.49755859200002, 319.1673584128], [0, 60.8392944128, 250.75146484639993, 263.2509155328], [106.25695800399996, 171.8969726464, 370, 328.9302368256]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048739.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cup, a desk, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[6.3741455149, 354.0740356608, 222.99749758060003, 510.6958007808], [6.3741455149, 409.104553216, 21.9100952392, 451.3768310784], [1.0251464595, 380.1412353536, 161.5473632503, 480.6702880768], [132.1112060459, 465.0824585216, 187.9365234501, 510.6958007808], [189.735717771, 411.8709716992, 222.99749758060003, 509.9055785984], [105.8449706835, 354.0740356608, 128.1185913067, 383.2321777152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048739_crop.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cup, a desk, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[6.3741455149, 40.07403566080001, 222.99749758060003, 196.69580078080003], [6.3741455149, 95.104553216, 21.9100952392, 137.37683107840002], [1.0251464595, 66.1412353536, 161.5473632503, 166.67028807679998], [132.1112060459, 151.08245852160002, 187.9365234501, 196.69580078080003], [189.735717771, 97.87097169920003, 222.99749758060003, 195.90557859839998], [105.8449706835, 40.07403566080001, 128.1185913067, 69.23217771520001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048741.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[502.11767577599994, 64.4100952064, 690.6931152384, 234.7528686592]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048741_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[48.11767577599994, 43.4100952064, 236.69311523839997, 213.7528686592]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048741.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, a glasses, a bottle, a camera, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[502.11767577599994, 64.4100952064, 690.6931152384, 234.7528686592], [497.87536619519994, 128.0270385664, 550.8543700992, 230.892089856], [513.231689472, 220.164489728, 543.5601806592, 234.7528686592], [637.7110595327999, 147.9931030528, 672.3457031424, 181.3450317312], [502.11767577599994, 198.5787963904, 516.5399169791999, 232.7854614016], [574.9616699136, 162.6419677696, 639.6861572352, 210.5151977472], [593.015014656, 64.4100952064, 690.6931152384, 141.4672241152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048741_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, a glasses, a bottle, a camera, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[48.11767577599994, 43.4100952064, 236.69311523839997, 213.7528686592], [43.875366195199945, 107.0270385664, 96.85437009919997, 209.892089856], [59.23168947199997, 199.164489728, 89.5601806592, 213.7528686592], [183.71105953279994, 126.9931030528, 218.3457031424, 160.3450317312], [48.11767577599994, 177.5787963904, 62.539916979199916, 211.7854614016], [120.96166991359996, 141.6419677696, 185.68615723519997, 189.5151977472], [139.01501465599995, 43.4100952064, 236.69311523839997, 120.4672241152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048743.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[133.913940449, 37.0570678784, 398.0621948235, 186.3483276288]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048743_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[66.913940449, 37.0570678784, 331.0621948235, 186.3483276288]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048743.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, and three vases.", "boxes_value": [[133.913940449, 37.0570678784, 398.0621948235, 186.3483276288], [307.278076171, 89.5492553728, 398.0621948235, 184.8759765504], [210.580078098, 70.9392700416, 319.044860848, 186.3483276288], [133.913940449, 87.334777856, 220.573608374, 185.352722176], [187.45117189799998, 37.0570678784, 208.8009033075, 92.5664672768], [315.661621075, 51.2030029312, 339.5820923055, 91.5932617216], [351.346191386, 49.6344604672, 373.69812013449996, 93.9461059584]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048743_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, and three vases.", "boxes_value": [[66.913940449, 37.0570678784, 331.0621948235, 186.3483276288], [240.278076171, 89.5492553728, 331.0621948235, 184.8759765504], [143.580078098, 70.9392700416, 252.04486084799998, 186.3483276288], [66.913940449, 87.334777856, 153.573608374, 185.352722176], [120.45117189799998, 37.0570678784, 141.8009033075, 92.5664672768], [248.66162107500003, 51.2030029312, 272.5820923055, 91.5932617216], [284.346191386, 49.6344604672, 306.69812013449996, 93.9461059584]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048746.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[166.0788106227, 125.2798461952, 299.4315576766, 399.4600829952]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048746_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[34.07881062269999, 69.2798461952, 167.4315576766, 343.4600829952]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048746.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a hat, a handbag, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[166.0788106227, 125.2798461952, 299.4315576766, 399.4600829952], [220.37451168869998, 125.2798461952, 256.8922729795, 187.0444946432], [251.93304440269998, 133.3948974592, 269.5566406575, 174.8718872064], [166.0788106227, 230.9513629184, 240.5810495454, 294.1843556352], [266.2498881664, 244.0988168192, 299.4315576766, 287.2975940608], [265.3013915868, 384.3551025152, 290.15161133730004, 399.4600829952]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048746_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a hat, a handbag, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[34.07881062269999, 69.2798461952, 167.4315576766, 343.4600829952], [88.37451168869998, 69.2798461952, 124.89227297949998, 131.0444946432], [119.93304440269998, 77.3948974592, 137.5566406575, 118.8718872064], [34.07881062269999, 174.9513629184, 108.58104954539999, 238.1843556352], [134.2498881664, 188.0988168192, 167.4315576766, 231.2975940608], [133.30139158679998, 328.3551025152, 158.15161133730004, 343.4600829952]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048747.jpg", "text": "Please give me some details about the rectangle in the image . 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Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, a vase, a handbag, two people, and two lanterns.", "boxes_value": [[0, 93.07456970214844, 347.1782226432, 461], [0, 381.1089477632, 35.4913940736, 456.111694336], [0.5122070016, 442.1660156416, 17.3420410368, 461], [185.9799194112, 306.92840576, 341.2175292672, 460.3106079232], [326.0125732608, 255.53106688000003, 347.1782226432, 278.94152832], [277.3888854980469, 214.74383544921875, 306.7757873535156, 280.3724365234375], [318.38037109375, 218.16879272460938, 347.8839111328125, 312.6759338378906], [14.368690490722656, 116.60749816894531, 85.77711486816406, 196.7657012939453], [118.22390747070312, 93.07456970214844, 167.403076171875, 135.23487854003906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048748.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a chair, a desk, and two books.", "boxes_value": [[0.1375122148, 0, 222.371215813, 209.6846923776], [0.1375122148, 0, 94.9246826414, 209.6846923776], [79.48870847639999, 13.96545408, 168.7902831943, 154.4979248128], [76.66864013419999, 0, 222.371215813, 116.42724608], [11.709167453400001, 95.8330688512, 61.3973388401, 115.7083129856], [0.1823730208, 22.0823364096, 46.8827514821, 36.0726928896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048748_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[106.93835448319999, 39.71887206399998, 531.7499999744, 195.5172729344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048752.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, two umbrellas, a stroller, a bicycle, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[335.9383544832, 327.718872064, 760.7499999744, 483.5172729344], [505.10070804480006, 403.034851072, 539.2641601536, 450.8637085184], [368.3682861312, 329.6265259008, 392.15026851839997, 356.8422851584], [335.9383544832, 327.718872064, 366.0791015424, 355.4432983552], [616.1055908352, 402.3544922112, 681.1508788992, 483.5172729344], [724.6508788992, 395.9616699392, 760.7499999744, 451.7512817152], [520.3076782226562, 378.7873229980469, 559.8222045898438, 444.4138488769531]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048752_crop.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, two umbrellas, a stroller, a bicycle, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[106.93835448319999, 39.71887206399998, 531.7499999744, 195.5172729344], [276.10070804480006, 115.03485107199998, 310.26416015359996, 162.86370851840002], [139.36828613120002, 41.626525900800004, 163.15026851839997, 68.84228515839999], [106.93835448319999, 39.71887206399998, 137.0791015424, 67.4432983552], [387.1055908352, 114.35449221120001, 452.15087889920005, 195.5172729344], [495.65087889920005, 107.96166993920002, 531.7499999744, 163.75128171519998], [291.30767822265625, 90.78732299804688, 330.82220458984375, 156.41384887695312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048753.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[251.144470208, 283.493713392, 443.98400876799997, 368.322387696], [298.344909696, 312.56805417600003, 347.766235328, 356.019165024], [285.468078592, 304.72998048, 328.85742188800003, 347.55950928], [408.28662112000006, 301.00738526400005, 443.98400876799997, 368.322387696], [306.61633299199997, 337.40368651200004, 354.95117190400003, 364.510375968], [372.019897472, 250.79528807999998, 424.222656256, 381.19647216], [320.16436768, 258.856689456, 381.394653312, 360.30328368], [251.144470208, 283.493713392, 310.563171392, 325.34045409600003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048753_crop.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[49.144470208, 21.493713392000018, 241.98400876799997, 106.32238769600002], [96.344909696, 50.56805417600003, 145.766235328, 94.01916502400002], [83.46807859199998, 42.729980479999995, 126.85742188800003, 85.55950927999999], [206.28662112000006, 39.00738526400005, 241.98400876799997, 106.32238769600002], [104.61633299199997, 75.40368651200004, 152.95117190400003, 102.510375968], [170.01989747200003, 0, 222.222656256, 119.19647215999998], [118.16436768, 0, 179.394653312, 98.30328367999999], [49.144470208, 21.493713392000018, 108.56317139200002, 63.34045409600003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048755.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a flag, a belt, and four hats.", "boxes_value": [[406.11175968, 106.13548278808594, 634.111816384, 240.411270768], [571.568969728, 116.79351806400001, 634.111816384, 200.62756348800002], [438.640991232, 78.808044432, 483.92333984, 336.505493184], [576.779006912, 225.9873396, 626.838532672, 240.411270768], [569.1428080640001, 126.29252131199999, 601.3845365120001, 150.47381764800002], [406.11175968, 139.197017424, 433.8514208, 159.14463888], [510.10919189453125, 106.13548278808594, 547.1000366210938, 135.45289611816406], [490.58111572265625, 111.75019073486328, 514.5446166992188, 129.10157775878906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048755_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a flag, a belt, and four hats.", "boxes_value": [[57.11175967999998, 34.13548278808594, 285.111816384, 168.411270768], [222.56896972799996, 44.79351806400001, 285.111816384, 128.62756348800002], [89.64099123199998, 6.808044432000003, 134.92333983999998, 201], [227.779006912, 153.9873396, 277.83853267200004, 168.411270768], [220.14280806400006, 54.29252131199999, 252.38453651200007, 78.47381764800002], [57.11175967999998, 67.197017424, 84.85142080000003, 87.14463888], [161.10919189453125, 34.13548278808594, 198.10003662109375, 63.45289611816406], [141.58111572265625, 39.75019073486328, 165.54461669921875, 57.10157775878906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048756.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[240.61315917119998, 90.5162353664, 572.2313232528, 240.6093139456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048756_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[83.61315917119998, 38.5162353664, 415.23132325280005, 188.6093139456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048756.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three glasses, a hat, and a camera.", "boxes_value": [[240.61315917119998, 90.5162353664, 572.2313232528, 240.6093139456], [346.0416259644, 224.2494507008, 392.6423339652, 240.6093139456], [443.7049560912, 191.5297241088, 471.9628906236, 212.3513794048], [508.22155763280006, 90.5162353664, 571.5970459116, 123.9210815488], [240.61315917119998, 156.147705088, 294.4899902136, 169.9622192128], [552.1840820016, 208.3772582912, 572.2313232528, 233.078308096]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048756_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three glasses, a hat, and a camera.", "boxes_value": [[83.61315917119998, 38.5162353664, 415.23132325280005, 188.6093139456], [189.0416259644, 172.2494507008, 235.6423339652, 188.6093139456], [286.7049560912, 139.5297241088, 314.9628906236, 160.3513794048], [351.22155763280006, 38.5162353664, 414.59704591160005, 71.9210815488], [83.61315917119998, 104.14770508800001, 137.48999021359998, 117.9622192128], [395.1840820016, 156.3772582912, 415.23132325280005, 181.078308096]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048757.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[4.363075256347656, 11.4002837504, 351.8881825844, 224.9326782464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048757_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[4.363075256347656, 11.4002837504, 351.8881825844, 224.9326782464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048757.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and three hats.", "boxes_value": [[4.363075256347656, 11.4002837504, 351.8881825844, 224.9326782464], [163.815063445, 22.7521972736, 291.6041259494, 224.9326782464], [27.789342787800003, 50.25153152, 88.62576754460001, 81.1711476224], [204.6948965743, 29.3470532608, 258.8072346101, 75.6318203392], [300.7415884583, 11.4002837504, 351.8881825844, 60.5110606848], [4.363075256347656, 46.7425537109375, 148.54691314697266, 205.9978485107422]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048757_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and three hats.", "boxes_value": [[4.363075256347656, 11.4002837504, 351.8881825844, 224.9326782464], [163.815063445, 22.7521972736, 291.6041259494, 224.9326782464], [27.789342787800003, 50.25153152, 88.62576754460001, 81.1711476224], [204.6948965743, 29.3470532608, 258.8072346101, 75.6318203392], [300.7415884583, 11.4002837504, 351.8881825844, 60.5110606848], [4.363075256347656, 46.7425537109375, 148.54691314697266, 205.9978485107422]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048758.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[105.79028321279999, 313.5732421632, 358.3813476864, 511.5319824384]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048758_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[63.79028321279999, 49.57324216320001, 316.3813476864, 247.5319824384]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048758.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, two traffic lights, and a wheelchair.", "boxes_value": [[105.79028321279999, 313.5732421632, 358.3813476864, 511.5319824384], [105.79028321279999, 382.5057373184, 124.5717773568, 468.9421386752], [183.8447265792, 443.7692871168, 203.08624266240002, 459.4831542784], [114.90673827839998, 313.5732421632, 135.5225829888, 348.2078857216], [258.36828610559996, 333.6247558656, 271.6127929344, 362.8167724544], [290.8623046656, 454.101928704, 358.3813476864, 511.5319824384]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048758_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, two traffic lights, and a wheelchair.", "boxes_value": [[63.79028321279999, 49.57324216320001, 316.3813476864, 247.5319824384], [63.79028321279999, 118.50573731840001, 82.5717773568, 204.9421386752], [141.8447265792, 179.7692871168, 161.08624266240002, 195.48315427839998], [72.90673827839998, 49.57324216320001, 93.5225829888, 84.20788572160001], [216.36828610559996, 69.62475586559998, 229.61279293439998, 98.8167724544], [248.8623046656, 190.101928704, 316.3813476864, 247.5319824384]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048759.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[192.17758178710938, 419.9885559082031, 675.6538085612, 474.0239868416]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048759_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[121.17758178710938, 13.988555908203125, 604.6538085612, 68.02398684159999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048759.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a trash bin can, two vans, two people, a car, and a motorcycle.", "boxes_value": [[192.17758178710938, 419.9885559082031, 675.6538085612, 474.0239868416], [285.640502928, 434.6497192448, 300.9554443646, 474.0239868416], [577.5524902302001, 420.0343627776, 622.8970946976, 464.2889404416], [634.015258753, 421.5604248064, 675.6538085612, 457.748901376], [472.1736145019531, 419.9885559082031, 486.7828674316406, 464.0697326660156], [363.6572570800781, 421.7242736816406, 378.5105285644531, 469.6705627441406], [192.17758178710938, 429.4738464355469, 245.1572265625, 457.6141052246094], [191.55931091308594, 427.8248596191406, 248.93251037597656, 457.9791564941406]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048759_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the selected region in the image encompass? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a trash bin can, two vans, two people, a car, and a motorcycle.", "boxes_value": [[121.17758178710938, 13.988555908203125, 604.6538085612, 68.02398684159999], [214.640502928, 28.649719244799996, 229.9554443646, 68.02398684159999], [506.5524902302001, 14.034362777599995, 551.8970946976, 58.288940441600005], [563.015258753, 15.560424806400022, 604.6538085612, 51.74890137599999], [401.1736145019531, 13.988555908203125, 415.7828674316406, 58.069732666015625], [292.6572570800781, 15.724273681640625, 307.5105285644531, 63.670562744140625], [121.17758178710938, 23.473846435546875, 174.1572265625, 51.614105224609375], [120.55931091308594, 21.824859619140625, 177.93251037597656, 51.979156494140625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048762.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[318.9983520406, 296.0557861376, 531.9536132655, 478.0321655296]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048762_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[53.998352040600025, 46.05578613760002, 266.95361326550005, 228.03216552959998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048762.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two sneakers, a boots, and three gloves.", "boxes_value": [[318.9983520406, 296.0557861376, 531.9536132655, 478.0321655296], [326.81030271149996, 168.369506816, 483.2866210645, 478.1769409024], [348.4051513779, 464.8856201216, 371.5847167928, 479.0700683776], [391.3045654464, 464.8856201216, 421.40332027970004, 478.0321655296], [318.9983520406, 395.3471069184, 353.24865721569995, 448.9713134592], [325.2257080151, 296.0557861376, 348.4051513779, 325.4626464768], [458.42138672010003, 313.0079955968, 482.9847412115, 345.5285033984], [493.05786132459997, 311.0064697344, 531.9536132655, 334.0263671808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048762_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two sneakers, a boots, and three gloves.", "boxes_value": [[53.998352040600025, 46.05578613760002, 266.95361326550005, 228.03216552959998], [61.81030271149996, 0, 218.28662106450003, 228.17694090240002], [83.40515137789998, 214.88562012160003, 106.58471679280001, 229.07006837760002], [126.30456544639998, 214.88562012160003, 156.40332027970004, 228.03216552959998], [53.998352040600025, 145.34710691840002, 88.24865721569995, 198.97131345920002], [60.2257080151, 46.05578613760002, 83.40515137789998, 75.46264647679999], [193.42138672010003, 63.007995596800015, 217.98474121150002, 95.5285033984], [228.05786132459997, 61.006469734400014, 266.95361326550005, 84.02636718079998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048763.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two backpacks, and a trolley.", "boxes_value": [[379.3760986578, 260.9697265625, 722.1818847572, 325.0814819328], [381.220825205, 261.5616455168, 419.89550782379996, 381.8434448384], [583.1242676100001, 269.8770752, 597.2958984109999, 321.9494628864], [703.47912596, 277.1885376, 722.1818847572, 308.0480346624], [379.3760986578, 281.0754394624, 407.2893066416, 325.0814819328], [676.3022461236001, 263.8044433408, 705.3931884526, 319.847473152], [657.7468872070312, 260.9697265625, 679.6207885742188, 324.716064453125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 6], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048763_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three leather shoes, and a boots.", "boxes_value": [[26.692993161599986, 37.03363036159999, 130.67651366719997, 184.0444336128], [60.860717768200004, 37.03363036159999, 70.94616699470004, 102.85449221120001], [95.08825680970006, 162.63983155199998, 130.67651366719997, 184.0444336128], [73.87048343649997, 129.3171997184, 99.6380615356, 153.3795776512], [26.692993161599986, 146.74822999039998, 50.376464834100034, 173.27368166399998], [59.675048806400014, 68.8723144704, 70.5551757888, 102.27917480960002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048767.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball glove, a person, a belt, a helmet, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[0.1251831296, 373.2009277389, 262.1291504128, 675.726440465], [46.468078592, 523.6312255683, 108.7033080832, 604.2037353309], [0.1251831296, 524.6032714824, 108.656738304, 604.1240234055], [162.9205932544, 373.2009277389, 262.1291504128, 401.9815674175], [0.2165527552, 385.3449707404, 24.3000488448, 472.91552738200005], [116.0565185536, 628.0112304774999, 158.1882323968, 675.726440465]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048767_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball glove, a person, a belt, a helmet, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[0.1251831296, 76.20092773890002, 262.1291504128, 378.726440465], [46.468078592, 226.6312255683, 108.7033080832, 307.20373533090003], [0.1251831296, 227.60327148240003, 108.656738304, 307.1240234055], [162.9205932544, 76.20092773890002, 262.1291504128, 104.9815674175], [0.2165527552, 88.34497074040002, 24.3000488448, 175.91552738200005], [116.0565185536, 331.0112304774999, 158.1882323968, 378.726440465]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048768.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[527.668090796, 160.2973022208, 681.9498290792001, 331.2802734592]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048768_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[38.668090796, 43.29730222079999, 192.94982907920007, 214.28027345919998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048768.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, three chairs, a flower, a desk, and a carpet.", "boxes_value": [[527.668090796, 160.2973022208, 681.9498290792001, 331.2802734592], [529.6273193222, 160.2973022208, 592.9907226342, 239.2330932736], [551.1353760022, 266.86163328, 626.2059325939999, 325.1934814208], [580.0477294986, 252.6591186432, 631.2781982694, 293.0563354624], [638.8143310736, 254.9779052544, 671.4221191656001, 271.2817993216], [631.6405029264, 280.4120483328, 672.7264404146, 322.1500854272], [665.5187988438, 272.4968261632, 681.8566894304, 318.2371215872], [527.668090796, 289.3558960128, 681.9498290792001, 331.2802734592]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 6], [4], [5], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048768_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, three chairs, a flower, a desk, and a carpet.", "boxes_value": [[38.668090796, 43.29730222079999, 192.94982907920007, 214.28027345919998], [40.62731932220004, 43.29730222079999, 103.99072263419998, 122.23309327359999], [62.13537600220002, 149.86163327999998, 137.20593259399993, 208.19348142080003], [91.0477294986, 135.6591186432, 142.27819826940004, 176.0563354624], [149.8143310736, 137.9779052544, 182.42211916560007, 154.28179932159998], [142.64050292640002, 163.4120483328, 183.7264404146, 205.1500854272], [176.51879884380003, 155.4968261632, 192.85668943040002, 201.23712158720002], [38.668090796, 172.35589601279997, 192.94982907920007, 214.28027345919998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 6], [4], [5], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048769.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[53.7377929728, 168.5850830158, 349.5394287104, 351.5971679967]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048769_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[53.7377929728, 46.585083015799995, 349.5394287104, 229.59716799670002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048769.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, and four potted plants.", "boxes_value": [[53.7377929728, 168.5850830158, 349.5394287104, 351.5971679967], [213.7445068288, 168.5850830158, 245.2746582016, 327.606811506], [226.7678222848, 252.208557109, 250.7581787136, 351.5971679967], [53.7377929728, 186.7607421602, 143.628173824, 259.0255737571], [115.42724608, 267.8383178395, 182.404357888, 320.7150268479], [274.432922368, 277.915771451, 349.5394287104, 323.8861084239], [293.8569946112, 191.8023071383, 398.7471313408, 269.4986572359]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048769_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, and four potted plants.", "boxes_value": [[53.7377929728, 46.585083015799995, 349.5394287104, 229.59716799670002], [213.7445068288, 46.585083015799995, 245.2746582016, 205.60681150599999], [226.7678222848, 130.208557109, 250.7581787136, 229.59716799670002], [53.7377929728, 64.76074216020001, 143.628173824, 137.0255737571], [115.42724608, 145.8383178395, 182.404357888, 198.7150268479], [274.432922368, 155.915771451, 349.5394287104, 201.8861084239], [293.8569946112, 69.8023071383, 398.7471313408, 147.4986572359]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048773.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[22.595275853300002, 54.0567016448, 375.9686279009, 183.3825073152]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048773_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[22.595275853300002, 33.0567016448, 375.9686279009, 162.3825073152]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048773.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a chair, four people, and a tent.", "boxes_value": [[22.595275853300002, 54.0567016448, 375.9686279009, 183.3825073152], [332.242065453, 102.8102416896, 375.9686279009, 156.8031005696], [123.80065915969999, 81.1400756736, 297.6744995381, 271.507873536], [65.599914541, 55.7814941184, 81.5681762868, 94.3389892608], [52.3539428574, 54.9151001088, 65.8025512839, 92.971862784], [30.034973151499997, 46.3308716032, 48.0618285885, 94.6887206912], [22.595275853300002, 54.0567016448, 34.0408935503, 94.1164550656], [214.63336183139998, 64.969665536, 358.8613281479, 183.3825073152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048773_crop.jpg", "text": "In the given photograph , can you explain the area with coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a chair, four people, and a tent.", "boxes_value": [[22.595275853300002, 33.0567016448, 375.9686279009, 162.3825073152], [332.242065453, 81.8102416896, 375.9686279009, 135.8031005696], [123.80065915969999, 60.140075673599995, 297.6744995381, 194], [65.599914541, 34.7814941184, 81.5681762868, 73.3389892608], [52.3539428574, 33.9151001088, 65.8025512839, 71.971862784], [30.034973151499997, 25.330871603200002, 48.0618285885, 73.6887206912], [22.595275853300002, 33.0567016448, 34.0408935503, 73.1164550656], [214.63336183139998, 43.969665535999994, 358.8613281479, 162.3825073152]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048775.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[437.3061523234, 137.9956054528, 579.2612304817001, 486.4379272704]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048775_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[36.3061523234, 87.99560545279999, 178.26123048170007, 436.4379272704]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048775.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[437.3061523234, 137.9956054528, 579.2612304817001, 486.4379272704], [445.4100341985, 137.9956054528, 509.65869143260005, 353.0499267584], [498.0582275392, 163.8735351808, 544.4599609187, 348.5881957888], [522.1514892378, 138.8879394304, 579.2612304817001, 370.0043945472], [437.3061523234, 401.3438110208, 478.82751463819994, 447.5834960896], [471.880371099, 459.5474853376, 506.0505371268, 486.4379272704]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048775_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[36.3061523234, 87.99560545279999, 178.26123048170007, 436.4379272704], [44.4100341985, 87.99560545279999, 108.65869143260005, 303.0499267584], [97.0582275392, 113.87353518079999, 143.45996091869995, 298.5881957888], [121.15148923779998, 88.8879394304, 178.26123048170007, 320.0043945472], [36.3061523234, 351.3438110208, 77.82751463819994, 397.5834960896], [70.880371099, 409.5474853376, 105.05053712680001, 436.4379272704]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048777.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[376.171997093, 370.4534912, 616.2352295054, 408.7632446464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048777_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[60.171997093000016, 10.453491199999974, 300.23522950539996, 48.76324464639998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048777.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a motorcycle, two vans, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[376.171997093, 370.4534912, 616.2352295054, 408.7632446464], [588.1724853781001, 374.0855712768, 605.3300781093, 402.742492672], [575.0606689643, 383.3041992192, 616.2352295054, 408.7632446464], [492.08312989539996, 375.7608032256, 570.660400416, 405.9344482304], [407.6926269269, 375.8416748032, 448.91198728210003, 403.5906372096], [376.171997093, 370.4534912, 409.30908200240003, 400.627136256]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048777_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , what do you observe within the rectangular box defined by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a motorcycle, two vans, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[60.171997093000016, 10.453491199999974, 300.23522950539996, 48.76324464639998], [272.1724853781001, 14.08557127680001, 289.33007810929996, 42.742492672000026], [259.0606689643, 23.304199219199973, 300.23522950539996, 48.76324464639998], [176.08312989539996, 15.7608032256, 254.66040041600002, 45.934448230399994], [91.6926269269, 15.841674803200021, 132.91198728210003, 43.590637209600004], [60.171997093000016, 10.453491199999974, 93.30908200240003, 40.62713625599997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048778.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[600.1008301056, 121.6630859264, 768.0119629056001, 390.1129150464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048778_crop.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[42.10083010560004, 67.6630859264, 210, 336.1129150464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048778.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, two speakers, a moniter, a keyboard, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[600.1008301056, 121.6630859264, 768.0119629056001, 390.1129150464], [608.1103309824, 296.4651550208, 679.0289757696, 321.4790956032], [610.4215087872, 153.496643072, 674.6612548608, 242.5358886912], [600.1008301056, 244.22192384, 708.8177490432, 324.2516479488], [734.6356200959999, 121.6630859264, 768.0119629056001, 183.461059584], [698.745971712, 183.4316406272, 767.976318336, 197.935852032], [692.2481689344, 282.1555175936, 767.9681396736, 390.1129150464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048778_crop.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, two speakers, a moniter, a keyboard, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[42.10083010560004, 67.6630859264, 210, 336.1129150464], [50.1103309824, 242.4651550208, 121.02897576960004, 267.4790956032], [52.42150878719997, 99.49664307200001, 116.6612548608, 188.5358886912], [42.10083010560004, 190.22192384, 150.81774904320002, 270.2516479488], [176.6356200959999, 67.6630859264, 210, 129.461059584], [140.74597171200003, 129.4316406272, 209.97631833599996, 143.935852032], [134.24816893440004, 228.1555175936, 209.96813967360004, 336.1129150464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048779.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[169.7909545984, 564.2192382797, 357.2263794176, 608.0415038856]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048779_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[47.79095459839999, 11.219238279699994, 235.22637941760001, 55.04150388560004]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048779.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two knives, two plates, and two forks.", "boxes_value": [[169.7909545984, 564.2192382797, 357.2263794176, 608.0415038856], [231.5385132032, 593.9174804411, 314.4263305728, 618.8166503716], [205.6356811776, 580.1656493823, 273.031799296, 608.0415038856], [277.7952270336, 564.2192382797, 342.1654052864, 587.7390136912], [311.4244995072, 580.5180663947, 357.2263794176, 594.3411865219], [169.7909545984, 566.1060791345, 217.1483154432, 578.0260010078999], [195.65631104, 575.0828857459, 244.629333504, 593.4720458808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 3], [4, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048779_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two knives, two plates, and two forks.", "boxes_value": [[47.79095459839999, 11.219238279699994, 235.22637941760001, 55.04150388560004], [109.53851320320001, 40.9174804411, 192.4263305728, 65], [83.63568117759999, 27.16564938229999, 151.03179929599997, 55.04150388560004], [155.79522703359999, 11.219238279699994, 220.16540528640002, 34.73901369119994], [189.42449950719998, 27.518066394699986, 235.22637941760001, 41.3411865219], [47.79095459839999, 13.106079134499964, 95.1483154432, 25.026001007899936], [73.65631103999999, 22.082885745899944, 122.62933350399999, 40.47204588080001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 3], [4, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048782.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two gloves, a helmet, two sneakers, and two hockey sticks.", "boxes_value": [[381.8961181748, 83.5332641792, 556.5036620748, 425.2762450944], [381.8961181748, 83.5332641792, 556.5036620748, 425.2762450944], [530.0882568083999, 222.8165283328, 552.3973388768, 259.0689086976], [476.0511474852, 245.6805420032, 513.9538573992, 275.7296142336], [452.6850586112, 85.5814209024, 510.1977539312, 151.87475584], [507.7094726356, 395.1346435584, 537.3703613472001, 420.9434814464], [381.6367187636, 392.245544448, 409.04150394439995, 423.9425659392], [468.10773917719996, 239.7663265792, 637.1196009584, 251.7106277376], [520.6626643932001, 251.1134127104, 557.0927829948, 422.5141347328]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048782_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two gloves, a helmet, two sneakers, and two hockey sticks.", "boxes_value": [[43.896118174799994, 83.5332641792, 218.5036620748, 425.2762450944], [43.896118174799994, 83.5332641792, 218.5036620748, 425.2762450944], [192.08825680839993, 222.8165283328, 214.39733887679995, 259.0689086976], [138.05114748519998, 245.6805420032, 175.95385739920005, 275.7296142336], [114.68505861120002, 85.5814209024, 172.1977539312, 151.87475584], [169.70947263559998, 395.1346435584, 199.37036134720006, 420.9434814464], [43.636718763600015, 392.245544448, 71.04150394439995, 423.9425659392], [130.10773917719996, 239.7663265792, 262, 251.7106277376], [182.6626643932001, 251.1134127104, 219.09278299480002, 422.5141347328]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048786.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[238.6003418216, 138.1212768768, 313.93896487800004, 320.1020202636719]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048786_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[19.60034182160001, 46.12127687680001, 94.93896487800004, 228.10202026367188]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048786.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pictures, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[238.6003418216, 138.1212768768, 313.93896487800004, 320.1020202636719], [242.2669678088, 138.1212768768, 280.5615234488, 188.5089111552], [238.6003418216, 190.1917114368, 278.3345947536, 234.2449340928], [279.8809814548, 151.0361328128, 313.93896487800004, 191.0171508736], [279.8809814548, 192.4979858432, 309.496582032, 233.2194213888], [271.0687255859375, 284.1525573730469, 306.4527587890625, 320.1020202636719]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048786_crop.jpg", "text": "Please detail the contents of the chosen region in the visual input . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four pictures, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[19.60034182160001, 46.12127687680001, 94.93896487800004, 228.10202026367188], [23.26696780879999, 46.12127687680001, 61.56152344880002, 96.5089111552], [19.60034182160001, 98.1917114368, 59.334594753600015, 142.2449340928], [60.88098145480001, 59.03613281279999, 94.93896487800004, 99.0171508736], [60.88098145480001, 100.49798584320001, 90.49658203199999, 141.2194213888], [52.0687255859375, 192.15255737304688, 87.4527587890625, 228.10202026367188]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048787.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[344.8958740723, 390.0648193536, 633.2645263654, 511.9982299648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048787_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[72.89587407229999, 31.0648193536, 361.2645263654, 152.99822996479998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048787.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[344.8958740723, 390.0648193536, 633.2645263654, 511.9982299648], [586.9630127249, 416.9226684416, 609.203979506, 470.79949952], [604.6024169773, 420.949096704, 618.4071044621, 471.7581787136], [613.9973144829, 421.3325195264, 633.2645263654, 473.292053248], [500.19641118059997, 408.9421386752, 551.1219481936, 511.9578247168], [344.8958740723, 390.0648193536, 468.58471677, 511.9982299648], [321.6760254351, 389.8178100736, 385.9708251532, 512.0026855424]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048787_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[72.89587407229999, 31.0648193536, 361.2645263654, 152.99822996479998], [314.96301272489995, 57.922668441600024, 337.203979506, 111.79949951999998], [332.6024169773, 61.949096704, 346.40710446210005, 112.75817871359999], [341.99731448290004, 62.332519526400006, 361.2645263654, 114.292053248], [228.19641118059997, 49.9421386752, 279.1219481936, 152.95782471680002], [72.89587407229999, 31.0648193536, 196.58471677, 152.99822996479998], [49.67602543509997, 30.817810073600015, 113.9708251532, 153]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048792.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 207.5211181568, 118.54772946770001, 366.5188598784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048792_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 40.521118156799986, 118.54772946770001, 199.5188598784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048792.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a desk, and an umbrella.", "boxes_value": [[0, 207.5211181568, 118.54772946770001, 366.5188598784], [0, 299.863525376, 36.4827880482, 369.0274048], [69.093749972, 300.938598656, 118.54772946770001, 366.5188598784], [40.4247436671, 292.6962890752, 80.91967772849999, 352.5427856384], [3.5134887866, 308.1058349568, 73.7524413964, 362.218566912], [0, 207.5211181568, 114.7657470388, 315.6586303488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048792_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a desk, and an umbrella.", "boxes_value": [[0, 40.521118156799986, 118.54772946770001, 199.5188598784], [0, 132.86352537599998, 36.4827880482, 202.0274048], [69.093749972, 133.938598656, 118.54772946770001, 199.5188598784], [40.4247436671, 125.69628907520001, 80.91967772849999, 185.5427856384], [3.5134887866, 141.10583495679998, 73.7524413964, 195.21856691199997], [0, 40.521118156799986, 114.7657470388, 148.6586303488]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048793.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[56.368530281000005, 317.2607422, 118.165161149, 418.7838135]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048793_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[16.368530281000005, 26.26074219999998, 78.165161149, 127.78381350000001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048793.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[56.368530281000005, 317.2607422, 118.165161149, 418.7838135], [74.024719244, 351.4696045, 118.165161149, 401.8633423], [56.368530281000005, 342.9506836, 75.444213866, 382.7357788], [66.667968759, 383.47143555, 108.969238294, 418.7838135], [69.61065675200001, 317.2607422, 106.394409177, 358.826355], [57.23402404785156, 337.1961975097656, 107.93739318847656, 379.2479553222656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048793_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[16.368530281000005, 26.26074219999998, 78.165161149, 127.78381350000001], [34.024719243999996, 60.4696045, 78.165161149, 110.8633423], [16.368530281000005, 51.95068359999999, 35.444213866, 91.73577879999999], [26.667968759000004, 92.47143555000002, 68.969238294, 127.78381350000001], [29.61065675200001, 26.26074219999998, 66.394409177, 67.82635499999998], [17.234024047851562, 46.196197509765625, 67.93739318847656, 88.24795532226562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048794.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[530.3405761784, 264.4909668003, 773.4119872968, 328.5659179803]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048794_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[61.340576178400056, 16.490966800299987, 304.4119872968, 80.56591798030001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048794.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a pillow, a desk, a potted plant, and two vases.", "boxes_value": [[530.3405761784, 264.4909668003, 773.4119872968, 328.5659179803], [669.8659668280001, 274.0547485554, 801.1234130832, 357.8879394552], [724.3266601336001, 278.7240600681, 773.4119872968, 312.35388185939996], [612.2440185344, 294.9409179735, 725.1279296816, 328.5659179803], [631.0921630576, 252.4003295748, 659.3505859176, 304.66766357520004], [530.3405761784, 264.4909668003, 542.1943359576, 314.7798462141], [544.708862268, 276.7039795032, 554.0482177712, 314.7798462141]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048794_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a pillow, a desk, a potted plant, and two vases.", "boxes_value": [[61.340576178400056, 16.490966800299987, 304.4119872968, 80.56591798030001], [200.86596682800007, 26.05474855540001, 332.12341308320003, 96], [255.32666013360006, 30.724060068100016, 304.4119872968, 64.35388185939996], [143.24401853439997, 46.94091797350001, 256.1279296816, 80.56591798030001], [162.09216305760003, 4.400329574799997, 190.35058591760003, 56.66766357520004], [61.340576178400056, 16.490966800299987, 73.19433595759995, 66.77984621410002], [75.70886226799996, 28.703979503200003, 85.04821777120003, 66.77984621410002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048800.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[45.5588378693, 324.8762817456, 197.54272459860002, 491.8807372752]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048800_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[38.5588378693, 41.87628174560001, 190.54272459860002, 208.88073727519998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048800.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three storage boxes, a mirror, a lamp, a potted plant, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[45.5588378693, 324.8762817456, 197.54272459860002, 491.8807372752], [45.5588378693, 324.8762817456, 90.7980346821, 356.63513184], [96.99261476769999, 327.4362182832, 145.3372802862, 357.81945800640005], [147.8552245948, 330.625610328, 197.54272459860002, 359.49810792479997], [45.7376708964, 398.674011216, 173.415527338, 445.2773437632], [45.7376708964, 408.3028564368, 91.9558715904, 491.8807372752], [41.3300781362, 463.2028808784, 72.8908691359, 495.7322997744], [86.11315918369999, 460.55126950560003, 139.5121459909, 495.18957521280004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048800_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three storage boxes, a mirror, a lamp, a potted plant, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[38.5588378693, 41.87628174560001, 190.54272459860002, 208.88073727519998], [38.5588378693, 41.87628174560001, 83.7980346821, 73.63513183999999], [89.99261476769999, 44.43621828319999, 138.3372802862, 74.81945800640005], [140.8552245948, 47.62561032799999, 190.54272459860002, 76.49810792479997], [38.7376708964, 115.674011216, 166.415527338, 162.2773437632], [38.7376708964, 125.30285643680003, 84.9558715904, 208.88073727519998], [34.3300781362, 180.20288087839998, 65.8908691359, 212.73229977440002], [79.11315918369999, 177.55126950560003, 132.5121459909, 212.18957521280004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048804.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cleaning products, a tea pot, a pot, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[21.47729490400002, 14.603698739200013, 105.90179440240001, 71.97698974719998], [79.6052856114, 22.087646463999988, 94.78118894879998, 66.35076904959999], [91.21539306699998, 14.603698739200013, 105.90179440240001, 65.75866700799997], [48.08673093639999, 40.817871104000005, 66.83288577440001, 71.97698974719998], [21.47729490400002, 15.62023925760002, 54.70495606329999, 37.90875243519997], [72.5154418813, 9.422241228799976, 113.09716798440002, 66.23669432320003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048823.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? 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Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[63.60424809899996, 38.59985351680001, 317.97656246040003, 189.61700439039998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048824.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a book, a pen, two cups, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[63.60424809899996, 38.59985351680001, 317.97656246040003, 189.61700439039998], [238.91076665240007, 48.28283688959999, 329.0505371588, 146.792053248], [306.89318848999994, 82.61120604159998, 317.97656246040003, 119.38787839999998], [124.38671871639997, 81.171630848, 174.3820801206, 151.26831052799997], [116.14001467100002, 138.38287354879998, 157.88879391140006, 183.739563008], [63.60424809899996, 38.59985351680001, 191.42761228259997, 189.61700439039998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048825.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three knives, two forks, a plate, and a napkin.", "boxes_value": [[48.51257319990003, 13.827087411200012, 240.19506835199996, 65.16760253439998], [212.98486325879998, 16.674255360000018, 228.34106443259998, 65.16760253439998], [224.2999267998, 21.523559577599997, 240.19506835199996, 63.82055664640001], [121.9250488518, 12.60314941439998, 135.3955077723, 60.28833008639998], [85.229003868, 13.827087411200012, 99.08422854510002, 55.85467530239998], [48.51257319990003, 23.06390379520002, 106.93554688860002, 56.316528332799976], [129.82995603179995, 0, 211.2343749996, 55.89746094079999], [115.5367431640625, 16.845184326171875, 126.34423828125, 58.555755615234375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4], [3, 7], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048827.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[39.53302003350001, 25.09002685440001, 193.9783935598, 124.51306152960001], [39.53302003350001, 44.67681884160001, 61.89270022759996, 68.3615112192], [108.1885986442, 25.09002685440001, 122.48693850360002, 72.97271726079998], [83.9147948996, 30.410339379199996, 101.2056884676, 60.0044555776], [157.40136719789996, 64.6597289984, 177.35241702039997, 124.51306152960001], [179.68005370039998, 64.6597289984, 193.9783935598, 123.8480224768]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048831.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[318.9571533312, 269.0481567232, 477.9453125376, 315.1553344512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048831_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[39.957153331200004, 12.048156723200009, 198.9453125376, 58.15533445120002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048831.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three suvs, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[39.957153331200004, 12.048156723200009, 198.9453125376, 58.15533445120002], [39.957153331200004, 28.759155251200013, 90.85217287680001, 58.15533445120002], [87.34216312320001, 21.080993638400003, 126.61022952960002, 46.30908200959999], [125.77258298879997, 18.6562500096, 160.90844728319996, 39.931152332800025], [153.81677245440005, 13.821044940799993, 179.60449221120007, 32.03363036159999], [177.83166504960002, 12.048156723200009, 198.9453125376, 27.681945804800023]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4], [3, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048834.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[78.0332641792, 248.0949706923, 364.6865234432, 416.6287231578]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048834_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[72.0332641792, 43.094970692299995, 358.6865234432, 211.62872315779998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048834.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a bracelet, a watch, and three pens.", "boxes_value": [[78.0332641792, 248.0949706923, 364.6865234432, 416.6287231578], [301.1762084864, 248.0949706923, 364.6865234432, 301.9172973861], [78.0332641792, 382.789733865, 93.362060544, 416.6287231578], [85.5591430656, 340.6911010578, 118.2261352448, 354.3901977642], [120.1561279488, 368.7015991356, 171.5159301632, 424.86694336109997], [277.8397216768, 328.45471192739996, 315.0830688256, 388.2243042108], [183.5299072512, 323.6491089054, 240.5963134976, 335.6631469713]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048834_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a bracelet, a watch, and three pens.", "boxes_value": [[72.0332641792, 43.094970692299995, 358.6865234432, 211.62872315779998], [295.1762084864, 43.094970692299995, 358.6865234432, 96.91729738610002], [72.0332641792, 177.78973386500002, 87.362060544, 211.62872315779998], [79.5591430656, 135.69110105779998, 112.2261352448, 149.39019776420002], [114.1561279488, 163.70159913560002, 165.5159301632, 219.86694336109997], [271.8397216768, 123.45471192739996, 309.0830688256, 183.22430421080003], [177.5299072512, 118.6491089054, 234.5963134976, 130.66314697130002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048835.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[186.6546630816, 284.5271606272, 318.4144897248, 407.8652954112]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048835_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[33.654663081600006, 31.527160627199976, 165.41448972479998, 154.8652954112]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048835.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, a chair, a pillow, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[186.6546630816, 284.5271606272, 318.4144897248, 407.8652954112], [236.6126708736, 314.3337402368, 310.9996337952, 379.8533935616], [248.51470949760002, 354.2718505984, 291.0158081376, 380.6411743232], [186.6546630816, 284.5271606272, 303.5606689248, 363.6486205952], [221.209777824, 284.5271606272, 278.04803470080003, 325.8641357312], [230.87048342399999, 372.0518188544, 318.4144897248, 407.8652954112]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048835_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, a chair, a pillow, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[33.654663081600006, 31.527160627199976, 165.41448972479998, 154.8652954112], [83.6126708736, 61.3337402368, 157.9996337952, 126.8533935616], [95.51470949760002, 101.27185059840002, 138.0158081376, 127.6411743232], [33.654663081600006, 31.527160627199976, 150.56066892479998, 110.64862059519999], [68.20977782400001, 31.527160627199976, 125.04803470080003, 72.86413573120001], [77.87048342399999, 119.05181885439998, 165.41448972479998, 154.8652954112]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048838.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[137.6801757696, 0, 441.2177734144, 687.8836669921875], [330.24700928, 245.18585208800002, 441.2177734144, 365.5749511988], [137.6801757696, 246.99798583, 262.2502441472, 347.45300289520003], [160.5270995968, 0, 317.1916504064, 208.73962400800002], [356.9017639160156, 269.9346923828125, 405.1794738769531, 363.09442138671875], [370.151123046875, 665.9395751953125, 396.52459716796875, 687.8836669921875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048838_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[55.5678100852, 36.541503897599995, 542.0568847652, 180.24713134080002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048839.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, three people, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[55.5678100852, 113.5415038976, 542.0568847652, 257.2471313408], [402.75769044699996, 145.8662719488, 454.9948730754, 172.9522094592], [499.88024901359995, 146.2532348416, 542.0568847652, 187.2691040256], [55.5678100852, 113.5415038976, 113.988220192, 257.2471313408], [124.45550535390001, 156.9002075136, 141.46655273800002, 179.4573364224], [232.0977172822, 135.49401856, 265.242797876, 170.8093261824], [0, 143.9882812416, 281.36181639020003, 271.199768064]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048839_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a glasses, a handbag, a sneakers, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[34.512695307, 86.16668703439998, 170.17980955860003, 426.85583497460004], [0, 98.13397219699999, 126.3121948182, 461.9249267576], [75.86419677000004, 68.77850343419999, 181.54400636399998, 428.2204589992], [154.43603516820002, 86.16668703439998, 170.17980955860003, 124.97167969039998], [34.512695307, 122.68090817759997, 68.19879148019999, 133.90960690420002], [56.71875001440003, 253.37524414399996, 91.3106689452, 288.632324231], [113.1248779302, 400.54089353899997, 137.0161132938, 426.85583497460004], [56.11199951340001, 90.1466674872, 114.1070556414, 126.185729955]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048843.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . 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Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[0.1337280533, 0, 416.2025146712, 348.8065185792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048844.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a hanger, a lamp, a blackboard, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[0.1337280533, 0, 416.2025146712, 348.8065185792], [71.6354980487, 67.3618774528, 328.0917968973, 392.2673950208], [384.6022949156, 6.560363776, 416.2025146712, 32.89385984], [0.1337280533, 0, 84.4008178394, 21.3071288832], [140.0722045967, 282.4002075136, 205.643249479, 348.8065185792], [2.3152465819000003, 254.3040771584, 20.0822753638, 288.3778686464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048844_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a hanger, a lamp, a blackboard, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[0.1337280533, 0, 416.2025146712, 348.8065185792], [71.6354980487, 67.3618774528, 328.0917968973, 392.2673950208], [384.6022949156, 6.560363776, 416.2025146712, 32.89385984], [0.1337280533, 0, 84.4008178394, 21.3071288832], [140.0722045967, 282.4002075136, 205.643249479, 348.8065185792], [2.3152465819000003, 254.3040771584, 20.0822753638, 288.3778686464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048846.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.46887205530000003, 62.0076294144, 243.2282714874, 353.5363769344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048846_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0.46887205530000003, 62.0076294144, 243.2282714874, 353.5363769344]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048846.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[0.46887205530000003, 62.0076294144, 243.2282714874, 353.5363769344], [0.46887205530000003, 97.6979369984, 18.3140869207, 353.5363769344], [0.8568115475000001, 62.0076294144, 59.0476074516, 271.494323712], [111.02062987119999, 146.906249984, 189.46411134660002, 306.9948730368], [30.4541626257, 131.1413574144, 116.54022217810001, 242.6831054848], [180.14245604139998, 211.3668212736, 243.2282714874, 292.4771728384]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048846_crop.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[0.46887205530000003, 62.0076294144, 243.2282714874, 353.5363769344], [0.46887205530000003, 97.6979369984, 18.3140869207, 353.5363769344], [0.8568115475000001, 62.0076294144, 59.0476074516, 271.494323712], [111.02062987119999, 146.906249984, 189.46411134660002, 306.9948730368], [30.4541626257, 131.1413574144, 116.54022217810001, 242.6831054848], [180.14245604139998, 211.3668212736, 243.2282714874, 292.4771728384]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048848.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[390.9495239168, 602.3426513377, 510.727478016, 723.583007784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048848_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[29.94952391679999, 30.342651337699976, 149.72747801600002, 151.58300778399996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048848.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four wine glasses, and a knife.", "boxes_value": [[390.9495239168, 602.3426513377, 510.727478016, 723.583007784], [425.6413574144, 613.6101074493, 461.1038208, 680.071777346], [466.6906127872, 686.9731445564, 510.727478016, 696.5035400258], [390.9495239168, 602.3426513377, 424.1588134912, 666.9821777424], [398.0657958912, 663.9841308269, 418.8215942144, 712.6120605266001], [428.6065063424, 679.4027099769, 456.1820678656, 723.583007784]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048848_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four wine glasses, and a knife.", "boxes_value": [[29.94952391679999, 30.342651337699976, 149.72747801600002, 151.58300778399996], [64.64135741439998, 41.61010744930002, 100.1038208, 108.07177734599998], [105.6906127872, 114.97314455640003, 149.72747801600002, 124.50354002580002], [29.94952391679999, 30.342651337699976, 63.15881349120002, 94.98217774240004], [37.065795891200025, 91.98413082690001, 57.82159421440002, 140.6120605266001], [67.6065063424, 107.40270997690004, 95.1820678656, 151.58300778399996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048849.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0, 295.2083129614, 89.45596313476562, 652.69970703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048849_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[0, 90.2083129614, 89.45596313476562, 447.69970703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048849.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[260.54663085000004, 327.01159665, 364.15960695, 427.35595703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048850_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[26.546630850000042, 26.01159665, 130.15960695, 126.35595703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048850.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a cup, two bottles, a wine glass, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[260.54663085000004, 327.01159665, 364.15960695, 427.35595703125], [277.7515259, 390.24694822500004, 374.57360839999996, 438.33740235], [296.65960695, 370.078979475, 314.68170165, 390.794067375], [326.16448975000003, 355.9700928, 364.15960695, 395.0279541], [319.74645995000003, 351.5749512, 330.6781616, 387.298095675], [260.54663085000004, 327.01159665, 291.72875975, 367.28857425], [270.61090087890625, 412.02801513671875, 325.15576171875, 427.35595703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048850_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you kindly describe the content of the area enclosed by in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a cup, two bottles, a wine glass, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[26.546630850000042, 26.01159665, 130.15960695, 126.35595703125], [43.75152589999999, 89.24694822500004, 140.57360839999996, 137.33740235], [62.65960695000001, 69.07897947499998, 80.68170164999998, 89.794067375], [92.16448975000003, 54.970092799999975, 130.15960695, 94.02795409999999], [85.74645995000003, 50.57495119999999, 96.67816160000001, 86.29809567500001], [26.546630850000042, 26.01159665, 57.728759749999995, 66.28857425000001], [36.61090087890625, 111.02801513671875, 91.15576171875, 126.35595703125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048855.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . 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Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[288.1566162286, 45.8881836032, 491.8437499944, 135.9968871936]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048858_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[51.1566162286, 22.888183603199998, 254.8437499944, 112.9968871936]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048858.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[87.5504150379, 9.390625024000002, 434.28198242940005, 43.56488038399999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048865.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a faucet, a sink, a barrel, a cup, and a wine glass.", "boxes_value": [[383.5504150379, 235.390625024, 730.2819824294, 269.564880384], [431.677490198, 235.390625024, 472.1203613111, 262.0829467648], [383.5504150379, 256.6231689216, 509.7321777647, 269.564880384], [702.8713378597, 240.5632324096, 730.2819824294, 269.46661376], [703.8304443490999, 241.2641601536, 720.3352050504001, 268.5933837824], [585.6545409899, 239.6970214912, 621.1376953107, 264.7139282432]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048865_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a faucet, a sink, a barrel, a cup, and a wine glass.", "boxes_value": [[87.5504150379, 9.390625024000002, 434.28198242940005, 43.56488038399999], [135.677490198, 9.390625024000002, 176.1203613111, 36.0829467648], [87.5504150379, 30.623168921599984, 213.7321777647, 43.56488038399999], [406.8713378597, 14.563232409600005, 434.28198242940005, 43.46661375999997], [407.83044434909993, 15.264160153599988, 424.3352050504001, 42.5933837824], [289.65454098990006, 13.69702149119999, 325.1376953107, 38.71392824319997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048866.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[340.1818237283, 107.7535400448, 682.2077636437, 432.2365722624]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048866_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[86.1818237283, 81.7535400448, 428.2077636437, 406.2365722624]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048866.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, and two desks.", "boxes_value": [[340.1818237283, 107.7535400448, 682.2077636437, 432.2365722624], [340.1818237283, 211.4918823424, 549.5767822355, 269.6571655168], [320.70263674980004, 303.2711792128, 547.6644286795, 418.8480224768], [549.7365722710999, 107.7535400448, 637.1343994379, 432.2365722624], [665.3148193427, 156.6450195456, 682.8874511619999, 316.8427124224], [636.3696289021, 321.5628662272, 682.2077636437, 340.9255371264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4], [2, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048866_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, and two desks.", "boxes_value": [[86.1818237283, 81.7535400448, 428.2077636437, 406.2365722624], [86.1818237283, 185.4918823424, 295.5767822355, 243.65716551679998], [66.70263674980004, 277.2711792128, 293.6644286795, 392.8480224768], [295.73657227109993, 81.7535400448, 383.1343994379, 406.2365722624], [411.31481934270005, 130.6450195456, 428.88745116199993, 290.8427124224], [382.3696289021, 295.5628662272, 428.2077636437, 314.9255371264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4], [2, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048867.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[354.06250000380004, 0, 502.0888672092, 74.116638208]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048867_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[37.06250000380004, 0, 185.08886720919998, 74.116638208]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048867.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a book, a globe, two cups, a bowl, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[354.06250000380004, 0, 502.0888672092, 74.116638208], [442.8299560862, 26.1677856256, 528.4396972441, 71.734191872], [375.3460693029, 0, 458.0319823978, 73.421997056], [454.71166989790004, 26.5199584768, 482.5965576151, 74.116638208], [430.9315185414, 25.3798217728, 449.4757080255, 55.2565307392], [476.8798827896, 42.5503540224, 502.0888672092, 60.476379392], [366.0269775699, 41.314086912, 383.7469482665, 73.4573364224], [354.06250000380004, 30.9371948032, 368.36791990949996, 72.264221184]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048867_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[122.64721676580001, 245.580932608, 220.66931149500002, 279.3717651456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048868_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[24.64721676580001, 8.580932608000012, 122.66931149500002, 42.37176514560002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048868.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[15.545166028800054, 63.141113292799986, 75.67919923199997, 314.96545408]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048877.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, two desks, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[54.490966809599996, 244.1288452096, 234.197875968, 332.6787109376], [94.34167480320001, 204.6612548608, 184.330261248, 334.2744751104], [141.96264645120002, 244.1288452096, 170.3178100224, 262.125976576], [54.490966809599996, 288.3176880128, 192.4259643648, 325.747314432], [163.3140869376, 257.1263427584, 234.197875968, 323.578308096], [83.6029052928, 257.1263427584, 130.04333498879998, 327.1335449088], [54.490966809599996, 295.942260736, 91.92059327999999, 332.6787109376]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048878_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, two desks, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[45.490966809599996, 23.1288452096, 225.197875968, 111.67871093759999], [85.34167480320001, 0, 175.330261248, 113.27447511039998], [132.96264645120002, 23.1288452096, 161.3178100224, 41.12597657600003], [45.490966809599996, 67.31768801279998, 183.4259643648, 104.747314432], [154.3140869376, 36.12634275840003, 225.197875968, 102.578308096], [74.6029052928, 36.12634275840003, 121.04333498879998, 106.13354490879999], [45.490966809599996, 74.94226073599998, 82.92059327999999, 111.67871093759999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048879.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[232.1640625, 315.20391845, 482.08587645, 384.4421997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048879_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[63.1640625, 18.203918450000003, 313.08587645, 87.4421997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048879.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a suv, three cars, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[232.1640625, 315.20391845, 482.08587645, 384.4421997], [232.1640625, 315.20391845, 353.09393309999996, 384.4421997], [336.49572755, 324.45147705, 425.56329345, 378.9885254], [382.496521, 325.87420655, 451.49768065, 374.00903320000003], [413.32177735, 327.77111815, 482.08587645, 372.34924315], [429.2086792, 321.13183595, 492.7561035, 356.69946289999996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048879_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, three people, a hat, a bottle, and a tea pot.", "boxes_value": [[366.38830566, 89.1807250944, 527.889160188, 181.44982912], [397.31555175, 120.2034912256, 490.66918945199996, 222.8924560384], [488.581665078, 89.4144287232, 527.889160188, 181.44982912], [366.38830566, 110.1025390592, 405.621826194, 170.8780517376], [487.274292024, 89.1807250944, 516.216674766, 106.7848510976], [454.306030308, 95.8707885568, 465.87182616, 123.5158691328], [430.08386233799996, 102.3588867072, 451.48510742400003, 119.6679077376], [337.6864929199219, 109.95698547363281, 406.2304992675781, 188.7021942138672]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 7], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048897_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, three people, a hat, a bottle, and a tea pot.", "boxes_value": [[40.388305660000015, 23.180725094400003, 201.889160188, 115.44982912], [71.31555175, 54.203491225600004, 164.66918945199996, 138], [162.58166507800001, 23.414428723200004, 201.889160188, 115.44982912], [40.388305660000015, 44.1025390592, 79.621826194, 104.8780517376], [161.27429202399998, 23.180725094400003, 190.21667476599998, 40.7848510976], [128.306030308, 29.870788556799994, 139.87182616, 57.515869132800006], [104.08386233799996, 36.3588867072, 125.48510742400003, 53.667907737600004], [11.686492919921875, 43.95698547363281, 80.23049926757812, 122.70219421386719]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 7], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048898.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a backpack, two handbags, and two sandals.", "boxes_value": [[253.19580077679998, 406.0332031488, 618.8709716432, 512.0120849408], [253.19580077679998, 441.0888671744, 311.4541015624, 512.0120849408], [451.73974611279993, 407.798034688, 465.8830566752, 438.7613525504], [595.2445068024, 406.0332031488, 618.8709716432, 434.4989013504], [323.1035461425781, 486.0394287109375, 345.4853210449219, 501.75390625], [340.9132385253906, 476.89642333984375, 359.6629333496094, 488.2200927734375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048899_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please describe the contents of the bounding box in the given image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a backpack, two handbags, and two sandals.", "boxes_value": [[92.19580077679998, 27.0332031488, 457.87097164320005, 133], [92.19580077679998, 62.08886717439998, 150.4541015624, 133], [290.73974611279993, 28.798034687999973, 304.8830566752, 59.76135255039998], [434.2445068024, 27.0332031488, 457.87097164320005, 55.49890135039999], [162.10354614257812, 107.0394287109375, 184.48532104492188, 122.75390625], [179.91323852539062, 97.89642333984375, 198.66293334960938, 109.2200927734375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048901.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[43.8641967616, 389.8160400274, 482.150634752, 508.48681643519996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048901_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[43.8641967616, 29.816040027399993, 482.150634752, 148.48681643519996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048901.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pillows, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[43.8641967616, 389.8160400274, 482.150634752, 508.48681643519996], [96.7655029248, 463.25231934749996, 146.6000976384, 549.1210937194], [43.8641967616, 434.11828610030005, 118.23272704, 508.48681643519996], [104.4323730432, 436.418334976, 143.5333252096, 496.98657226160003], [410.1428222464, 396.0236816167, 472.8392944128, 508.3806152626], [445.5260009984, 389.8160400274, 482.150634752, 483.55029294130003], [344.040771484375, 402.82012939453125, 400.75091552734375, 490.69317626953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048901_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pillows, and three chairs.", "boxes_value": [[43.8641967616, 29.816040027399993, 482.150634752, 148.48681643519996], [96.7655029248, 103.25231934749996, 146.6000976384, 178], [43.8641967616, 74.11828610030005, 118.23272704, 148.48681643519996], [104.4323730432, 76.41833497599998, 143.5333252096, 136.98657226160003], [410.1428222464, 36.0236816167, 472.8392944128, 148.38061526259997], [445.5260009984, 29.816040027399993, 482.150634752, 123.55029294130003], [344.040771484375, 42.82012939453125, 400.75091552734375, 130.69317626953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048902.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four sneakers, and a backpack.", "boxes_value": [[125.16790768370001, 319.7385864192, 228.8225097978, 488.133850112], [125.16790768370001, 469.3597412352, 173.4832763904, 488.133850112], [182.60070800219998, 319.7385864192, 228.8225097978, 355.6430664192], [153.4590454401, 447.7951049728, 176.8206787114, 466.5357665792], [154.9993285991, 416.9885254144, 189.913452129, 445.741332992], [168.4938354452, 404.4633178624, 190.1841430602, 419.5522461184]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048902_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, a sneakers, two bottles, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[246.19555665480001, 104.4372558848, 400.4475097719, 341.6693115392], [246.19555665480001, 104.4372558848, 282.7960205032, 114.4191894528], [356.1141357691, 322.9107055616, 379.2352294857, 341.6693115392], [343.3248290867, 170.8896484352, 379.26074219939994, 282.6904907264], [289.2365112038, 160.1272583168, 336.9066772671, 261.7014160384], [384.1103515301, 179.3911132672, 400.4475097719, 213.1281127936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048907_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, a sneakers, two bottles, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[39.195556654800015, 59.437255884799995, 193.4475097719, 296.6693115392], [39.195556654800015, 59.437255884799995, 75.7960205032, 69.4191894528], [149.11413576910002, 277.9107055616, 172.23522948570002, 296.6693115392], [136.3248290867, 125.8896484352, 172.26074219939994, 237.69049072640001], [82.23651120379998, 115.12725831680001, 129.9066772671, 216.7014160384], [177.1103515301, 134.3911132672, 193.4475097719, 168.1281127936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048908.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[335.43420412390003, 133.3792114176, 458.14746096429997, 378.0664062464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048908_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[31.43420412390003, 61.379211417600004, 154.14746096429997, 306.0664062464]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048908.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six storage boxes.", "boxes_value": [[335.43420412390003, 133.3792114176, 458.14746096429997, 378.0664062464], [356.13281247239996, 133.3792114176, 438.18798824920003, 211.7382202368], [338.3911742838, 185.8649291776, 358.35046388660004, 264.963256832], [354.65429689649994, 199.1712036352, 458.14746096429997, 280.487182592], [337.65191653, 263.4847412224, 424.881835933, 340.3653564416], [335.43420412390003, 321.1452026368, 356.87207029449996, 378.0664062464], [356.87207029449996, 324.8413696512, 421.92480471289997, 394.3295898624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048908_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six storage boxes.", "boxes_value": [[31.43420412390003, 61.379211417600004, 154.14746096429997, 306.0664062464], [52.13281247239996, 61.379211417600004, 134.18798824920003, 139.7382202368], [34.39117428380001, 113.8649291776, 54.35046388660004, 192.963256832], [50.65429689649994, 127.17120363519999, 154.14746096429997, 208.487182592], [33.651916529999994, 191.48474122239998, 120.88183593299999, 268.3653564416], [31.43420412390003, 249.14520263679998, 52.87207029449996, 306.0664062464], [52.87207029449996, 252.8413696512, 117.92480471289997, 322.3295898624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048910.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, three people, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[245.33868405599998, 85.6306762752, 586.4324951376001, 512.6652832256], [245.33868405599998, 315.971862784, 407.9027099448, 512.6652832256], [379.1621093562, 359.0827636736, 547.1148681378, 509.9708862464], [186.85552981680001, 212.9075317248, 588.9489746346001, 485.6726684672001], [388.842041052, 200.2111816192, 773.8364257812, 487.81665039360007], [441.9259033356, 105.4028320256, 538.8225097715999, 250.7476806656], [333.2437744428, 85.6306762752, 470.358276381, 447.0504150528], [567.6411133062, 219.8626708992, 586.4324951376001, 288.5688476672]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048910_crop.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, three people, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[85.33868405599998, 85.6306762752, 426.4324951376001, 512], [85.33868405599998, 315.971862784, 247.9027099448, 512], [219.1621093562, 359.0827636736, 387.11486813780004, 509.9708862464], [26.855529816800015, 212.9075317248, 428.94897463460006, 485.6726684672001], [228.842041052, 200.2111816192, 511, 487.81665039360007], [281.9259033356, 105.4028320256, 378.8225097715999, 250.7476806656], [173.24377444279997, 85.6306762752, 310.358276381, 447.0504150528], [407.64111330620005, 219.8626708992, 426.4324951376001, 288.5688476672]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048911.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[223.63198852539062, 220.5400390656, 339.7598876874, 254.140136704]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048911_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[29.631988525390625, 8.540039065600013, 145.7598876874, 42.140136704000014]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048911.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bowl, two wine glasses, and two apples.", "boxes_value": [[223.63198852539062, 220.5400390656, 339.7598876874, 254.140136704], [223.73443606080002, 236.435852032, 254.0845947132, 254.140136704], [310.4936523132, 222.1659546112, 323.5008545052, 249.2643432448], [326.7526855632, 220.5400390656, 339.7598876874, 247.9094238208], [223.63198852539062, 227.879150390625, 235.370849609375, 239.61309814453125], [244.33734130859375, 227.45565795898438, 255.40313720703125, 237.59100341796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048911_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bowl, two wine glasses, and two apples.", "boxes_value": [[29.631988525390625, 8.540039065600013, 145.7598876874, 42.140136704000014], [29.73443606080002, 24.435852032000014, 60.084594713200005, 42.140136704000014], [116.49365231320002, 10.165954611199993, 129.50085450519998, 37.26434324479999], [132.75268556319998, 8.540039065600013, 145.7598876874, 35.90942382079999], [29.631988525390625, 15.879150390625, 41.370849609375, 27.61309814453125], [50.33734130859375, 15.455657958984375, 61.40313720703125, 25.59100341796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048913.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[244.42773436800002, 177.33973693847656, 622.011474609375, 261.1980590592]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048913_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[94.42773436800002, 21.339736938476562, 472.011474609375, 105.19805905919998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048913.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two tea pots, two cups, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[244.42773436800002, 177.33973693847656, 622.011474609375, 261.1980590592], [455.1813964545, 186.497070336, 503.3599853273, 261.1980590592], [244.42773436800002, 181.130798336, 258.0137328889, 210.3929443328], [255.01293946829998, 181.240295424, 271.9047851638, 208.8815307776], [283.19970703850004, 184.6405029376, 301.029418965, 210.3153076224], [592.608154296875, 177.33973693847656, 622.011474609375, 239.0188446044922], [320.11041259765625, 189.3395233154297, 344.7532958984375, 209.97059631347656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 6], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048913_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two tea pots, two cups, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[94.42773436800002, 21.339736938476562, 472.011474609375, 105.19805905919998], [305.1813964545, 30.497070336000007, 353.3599853273, 105.19805905919998], [94.42773436800002, 25.130798335999998, 108.0137328889, 54.3929443328], [105.01293946829998, 25.24029542400001, 121.9047851638, 52.881530777600005], [133.19970703850004, 28.64050293759999, 151.029418965, 54.31530762240001], [442.608154296875, 21.339736938476562, 472.011474609375, 83.01884460449219], [170.11041259765625, 33.33952331542969, 194.7532958984375, 53.97059631347656]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 6], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048915.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[494.95690919460003, 160.5285644288, 772.3044433915001, 470.1489257984]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048915_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[69.95690919460003, 77.5285644288, 347.30444339150006, 387.1489257984]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048915.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two drums, a cymbal, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[494.95690919460003, 160.5285644288, 772.3044433915001, 470.1489257984], [494.95690919460003, 267.428100608, 729.7318115262, 470.1489257984], [662.6926269764, 217.5656738304, 737.2673340022, 290.678039552], [737.8380126926, 183.933959936, 774.5545654584, 294.3336792064], [577.1511230593001, 205.8619384832, 633.4477539209, 273.8621826048], [624.8002929754, 160.5285644288, 772.3044433915001, 331.2355346432]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048915_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two drums, a cymbal, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[69.95690919460003, 77.5285644288, 347.30444339150006, 387.1489257984], [69.95690919460003, 184.42810060800002, 304.7318115262, 387.1489257984], [237.6926269764, 134.5656738304, 312.26733400219996, 207.67803955199997], [312.83801269260005, 100.93395993600001, 348, 211.3336792064], [152.15112305930006, 122.86193848319999, 208.44775392090003, 190.8621826048], [199.8002929754, 77.5285644288, 347.30444339150006, 248.23553464320003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048916.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two cabinets, a flower, a telephone, a keyboard, and a mouse.", "boxes_value": [[214.5260009931, 132.4206542848, 537.3240967006, 389.6201171968], [307.8826294223, 142.6686401536, 537.3240967006, 389.6201171968], [324.0306396248, 143.7944946176, 393.4500732098, 305.6101074432], [202.6632079889, 206.8202514432, 327.3461914098, 304.0220947456], [248.2906493879, 132.4206542848, 277.9502563259, 170.5544433664], [214.5260009931, 187.132995584, 270.1502075447, 218.9329833984], [176.65405273369998, 328.6907958784, 265.64233398560003, 387.9501953024], [197.1876831152, 280.5300903424, 233.3449707343, 300.9080200192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048916_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two cabinets, a flower, a telephone, a keyboard, and a mouse.", "boxes_value": [[81.52600099310001, 64.42065428480001, 404.32409670059997, 321.6201171968], [174.8826294223, 74.6686401536, 404.32409670059997, 321.6201171968], [191.03063962480002, 75.79449461760001, 260.4500732098, 237.61010744319998], [69.66320798890001, 138.8202514432, 194.34619140979999, 236.0220947456], [115.2906493879, 64.42065428480001, 144.9502563259, 102.5544433664], [81.52600099310001, 119.13299558400001, 137.15020754469998, 150.9329833984], [43.654052733699984, 260.6907958784, 132.64233398560003, 319.9501953024], [64.1876831152, 212.5300903424, 100.3449707343, 232.90802001920002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048917.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, a sneakers, a hat, and two hockey sticks.", "boxes_value": [[99.376342792, 85.0540161024, 494.80480957120005, 495.236816384], [273.708740212, 85.0540161024, 362.83691408560003, 154.6174316544], [127.33032225759999, 115.5422363136, 494.80480957120005, 495.236816384], [276.40307619519996, 114.0925293056, 348.5887451008, 229.2458496], [99.376342792, 447.8237304832, 142.34399411920003, 491.3485718016], [301.68774414160004, 83.9112548864, 332.326660156, 106.6834106368], [118.35760499439999, 238.8124389888, 336.0093994168, 500.6855468544], [0, 201.5006713856, 289.7152099576, 512]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048919.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a speaker, a projector, and three lamps.", "boxes_value": [[292.0557861312, 83.0040283136, 631.494384792, 140.7619018752], [472.0097656512, 113.9196777472, 491.48229981599997, 137.6362914816], [304.1147460768, 86.2969360384, 354.4263916128, 107.763183616], [292.0557861312, 128.7660522496, 318.7132568448, 140.7619018752], [402.2399902608, 93.2227172864, 438.6719970816, 110.1058349568], [594.6182861376, 83.0040283136, 631.494384792, 100.7756958208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048919_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a speaker, a projector, and three lamps.", "boxes_value": [[85.05578613120002, 15.004028313600003, 424.494384792, 72.76190187520001], [265.0097656512, 45.9196777472, 284.48229981599997, 69.63629148160001], [97.11474607679997, 18.296936038400005, 147.4263916128, 39.763183616000006], [85.05578613120002, 60.766052249599994, 111.71325684480001, 72.76190187520001], [195.23999026080003, 25.222717286399998, 231.6719970816, 42.105834956799995], [387.61828613759997, 15.004028313600003, 424.494384792, 32.775695820799996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048921.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[208.9232787936, 0, 334.991699198, 450.03106688]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048921_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[31.92327879359999, 0, 157.991699198, 450.03106688]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048921.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two pillows, two leather shoes, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[31.92327879359999, 0, 157.991699198, 450.03106688], [27.899475061600015, 1.832458496, 175.32629396560003, 369.1771850752], [74.34381106560002, 0, 118.95874021359998, 19.1156005888], [46.7963256992, 170.626708992, 80.33239748919999, 218.5353393664], [113.67883303759999, 95.1845703168, 175.51074221279998, 164.9172363264], [98.90783688919998, 273.8101196288, 157.991699198, 338.0465698304], [45.320190443599984, 336.6725464064, 73.83160404239999, 367.588500992], [31.92327879359999, 407.0922241024, 90.32006835919998, 450.03106688], [27.899475061600015, 1.832458496, 175.32629396560003, 369.1771850752]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 8], [2, 4], [3, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048922.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[88.2052001792, 106.56915285150001, 183.4971923968, 348.1627197083]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048922_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[24.205200179200006, 60.56915285150001, 119.49719239679999, 302.1627197083]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048922.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, two people, a sneakers, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[88.2052001792, 106.56915285150001, 183.4971923968, 348.1627197083], [139.301696768, 269.55035398399997, 179.9302368256, 327.5057983331], [88.2052001792, 106.56915285150001, 143.5503540224, 348.1627197083], [134.0103759872, 173.49963376230002, 183.4971923968, 263.72760010630003], [107.6584472576, 330.2418823316, 142.7209472512, 347.4078368952], [145.2730713088, 250.0511474559, 182.3941040128, 273.1192627066]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048922_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, two people, a sneakers, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[24.205200179200006, 60.56915285150001, 119.49719239679999, 302.1627197083], [75.301696768, 223.55035398399997, 115.93023682559999, 281.5057983331], [24.205200179200006, 60.56915285150001, 79.5503540224, 302.1627197083], [70.0103759872, 127.49963376230002, 119.49719239679999, 217.72760010630003], [43.6584472576, 284.2418823316, 78.72094725119999, 301.4078368952], [81.27307130880001, 204.0511474559, 118.3941040128, 227.1192627066]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048923.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[280.4000854528, 0, 512.0413818368, 419.8446044672]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048923_crop.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[58.4000854528, 0, 290, 419.8446044672]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048923.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a wine glass, four chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[280.4000854528, 0, 512.0413818368, 419.8446044672], [349.9289550848, 0, 425.5757446144, 132.3073120256], [275.4500122112, 88.228210432, 299.651794432, 152.9758300672], [493.9241943552, 242.5548706304, 511.3943481344, 419.8446044672], [280.4000854528, 78.2059936768, 445.3959961088, 354.493286144], [368.3978882048, 87.2645874176, 512.0413818368, 346.0817260544], [253.2243041792, 128.0283203072, 448.6312256, 441.1969604608], [57.1703491072, 121.5578613248, 506.2180175872, 421.138671872]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048923_crop.jpg", "text": "What sort of things can be seen in the region of the photo ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a wine glass, four chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[58.4000854528, 0, 290, 419.8446044672], [127.92895508480001, 0, 203.57574461439998, 132.3073120256], [53.450012211199976, 88.228210432, 77.65179443199997, 152.9758300672], [271.9241943552, 242.5548706304, 289.3943481344, 419.8446044672], [58.4000854528, 78.2059936768, 223.39599610879998, 354.493286144], [146.39788820479998, 87.2645874176, 290, 346.0817260544], [31.224304179200004, 128.0283203072, 226.6312256, 441.1969604608], [0, 121.5578613248, 284.2180175872, 421.138671872]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048926.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[64.78498840332031, 284.04425048828125, 333.3640988355, 365.7668941824]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048926_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[64.78498840332031, 21.04425048828125, 333.3640988355, 102.7668941824]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048926.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two sneakers, a handbag, two chairs, a desk, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[64.78498840332031, 284.04425048828125, 333.3640988355, 365.7668941824], [284.0887983233, 338.109144832, 307.5254993569, 353.4127289856], [300.9377720374, 350.18954112, 333.3640988355, 365.7668941824], [198.8957240691, 291.740010752, 228.80167974390002, 328.5753952256], [95.87652587230001, 293.4219360256, 159.6096191297, 389.3036498944], [99.8303223005, 281.6856078848, 161.9865112327, 376.163024896], [34.9318236927, 289.6587524608, 130.394897484, 364.6437988352], [64.78498840332031, 284.04425048828125, 72.91053771972656, 306.95538330078125], [73.52667236328125, 280.7147216796875, 82.64315795898438, 304.5701904296875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048926_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two sneakers, a handbag, two chairs, a desk, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[64.78498840332031, 21.04425048828125, 333.3640988355, 102.7668941824], [284.0887983233, 75.10914483200003, 307.5254993569, 90.41272898559998], [300.9377720374, 87.18954112, 333.3640988355, 102.7668941824], [198.8957240691, 28.74001075199999, 228.80167974390002, 65.5753952256], [95.87652587230001, 30.42193602560002, 159.6096191297, 123], [99.8303223005, 18.685607884799992, 161.9865112327, 113.16302489600002], [34.9318236927, 26.658752460799974, 130.394897484, 101.64379883520002], [64.78498840332031, 21.04425048828125, 72.91053771972656, 43.95538330078125], [73.52667236328125, 17.7147216796875, 82.64315795898438, 41.5701904296875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048927.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[104.932373062, 267.9866943488, 681.4804687715, 510.2106323456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048927_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[104.932373062, 60.98669434879997, 681.4804687715, 303.2106323456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048927.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two storage boxes, and three cabinets.", "boxes_value": [[104.932373062, 267.9866943488, 681.4804687715, 510.2106323456], [452.24707034, 412.8916015616, 578.736206076, 499.374877952], [392.238281223, 424.6580200448, 477.5449218703, 481.1369018368], [285.6534423886, 292.8464355328, 629.0624999915, 510.2106323456], [572.1232910009, 316.3630981632, 681.4804687715, 507.6674194432], [104.932373062, 267.9866943488, 287.247436531, 437.619995136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048927_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two storage boxes, and three cabinets.", "boxes_value": [[104.932373062, 60.98669434879997, 681.4804687715, 303.2106323456], [452.24707034, 205.8916015616, 578.736206076, 292.374877952], [392.238281223, 217.65802004480003, 477.5449218703, 274.1369018368], [285.6534423886, 85.8464355328, 629.0624999915, 303.2106323456], [572.1232910009, 109.3630981632, 681.4804687715, 300.6674194432], [104.932373062, 60.98669434879997, 287.247436531, 230.619995136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048929.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[465.5528564316, 231.0092163072, 647.3449707056, 326.6766357504]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048929_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[45.55285643159999, 24.009216307200006, 227.34497070559996, 119.67663575040001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048929.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two umbrellas, three chairs, and two desks.", "boxes_value": [[465.5528564316, 231.0092163072, 647.3449707056, 326.6766357504], [465.5528564316, 231.0092163072, 559.735717747, 321.0695800832], [575.9084472904, 230.6921386496, 674.5308838041, 308.3850707968], [461.8000487979, 291.5628051968, 490.130493136, 325.4796142592], [492.52465818229996, 306.3265380864, 512.8533935497, 324.6815185408], [577.1171874966, 293.5578613248, 615.8222656445, 326.6766357504], [525.2443847405, 293.5578613248, 557.5651855466, 325.8786010624], [611.034057604, 307.9226684416, 647.3449707056, 326.6766357504]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 5, 6], [4, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048929_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two umbrellas, three chairs, and two desks.", "boxes_value": [[45.55285643159999, 24.009216307200006, 227.34497070559996, 119.67663575040001], [45.55285643159999, 24.009216307200006, 139.73571774699997, 114.06958008319998], [155.90844729039998, 23.692138649599997, 254.53088380409997, 101.3850707968], [41.80004879789999, 84.56280519680001, 70.13049313599998, 118.47961425919999], [72.52465818229996, 99.32653808639998, 92.85339354969994, 117.68151854080003], [157.11718749659997, 86.5578613248, 195.82226564450002, 119.67663575040001], [105.24438474049998, 86.5578613248, 137.5651855466, 118.87860106239998], [191.03405760400005, 100.92266844160002, 227.34497070559996, 119.67663575040001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 5, 6], [4, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048931.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, and five people.", "boxes_value": [[152.1815795883, 210.42242432, 271.1973876953125, 278.8988037109375], [193.7834472635, 210.42242432, 214.2361450136, 239.6406249984], [152.1815795883, 236.3815307776, 166.91717529640002, 269.0560912896], [191.9035644837, 225.8103637504, 212.7255859463, 265.8526611456], [215.60858153729998, 239.9052734464, 228.4221802075, 274.8221435392], [231.62554931079998, 247.2730713088, 246.6814575393, 276.4238281216], [257.81884765625, 237.595947265625, 271.1973876953125, 278.8988037109375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048931_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, and five people.", "boxes_value": [[30.181579588299996, 17.422424320000005, 149.1973876953125, 85.8988037109375], [71.7834472635, 17.422424320000005, 92.23614501360001, 46.6406249984], [30.181579588299996, 43.381530777600005, 44.91717529640002, 76.05609128959998], [69.9035644837, 32.8103637504, 90.72558594629999, 72.8526611456], [93.60858153729998, 46.9052734464, 106.42218020749999, 81.8221435392], [109.62554931079998, 54.27307130880001, 124.6814575393, 83.42382812160002], [135.81884765625, 44.595947265625, 149.1973876953125, 85.8988037109375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048932.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two leather shoes, a belt, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[75.9044189702, 36.15521239039998, 377.95544431860003, 178.29113768960002], [110.15264894819998, 149.1801757696, 139.8344726468, 162.02325437439998], [75.9044189702, 155.1735839744, 109.0110473592, 178.29113768960002], [280.5550537332, 36.15521239039998, 340.00024412839997, 50.780578611199985], [354.80236815060005, 99.9687499776, 377.95544431860003, 118.49127198719998], [344.2781982474, 118.91223142400003, 376.2716064198, 145.01214597120003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048935.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[483.79486083984375, 259.9801703424, 666.0327758789062, 442.6846203904]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048935_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a gloves, four sneakers, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[45.79486083984375, 45.980170342400015, 228.03277587890625, 228.68462039040003], [148.16935257600005, 45.980170342400015, 183.71266560000004, 70.2992792576], [134.06851929599998, 203.6363199488, 160.04453452799999, 228.68462039040003], [148.91195650560007, 203.01784340479998, 181.6912138752, 227.44766725120002], [192.65753173828125, 183.34988403320312, 228.03277587890625, 216.53512573242188], [45.79486083984375, 134.57183837890625, 76.45989990234375, 156.6903076171875], [0, 38.339874267578125, 128.52667236328125, 224.30386352539062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048936.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[342.7880859648, 288.3803710976, 526.3717651367188, 511.2542724608], [462.2062988544, 378.7653198336, 527.5595702784, 458.9716186624], [364.1763916032, 374.6065063424, 446.1650390784, 511.2542724608], [342.7880859648, 433.4244384768, 393.88244628480004, 511.2542724608], [356.127441408, 288.3803710976, 395.70996096, 390.4290161152], [393.23785400390625, 372.74737548828125, 455.23809814453125, 511.16461181640625], [487.9100341796875, 380.0646667480469, 526.3717651367188, 426.3210754394531]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048936_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six people.", "boxes_value": [[46.78808596480002, 56.380371097600005, 230.37176513671875, 279.2542724608], [166.20629885440002, 146.76531983360002, 231.55957027839997, 226.97161866239998], [68.17639160319999, 142.6065063424, 150.1650390784, 279.2542724608], [46.78808596480002, 201.4244384768, 97.88244628480004, 279.2542724608], [60.12744140799998, 56.380371097600005, 99.70996095999999, 158.4290161152], [97.23785400390625, 140.74737548828125, 159.23809814453125, 279.16461181640625], [191.9100341796875, 148.06466674804688, 230.37176513671875, 194.32107543945312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048937.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[166.4027099904, 93.7796020736, 398.37011719680004, 159.2598877184]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048937_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[58.40270999040001, 16.779602073600003, 290.37011719680004, 82.2598877184]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048937.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five hats.", "boxes_value": [[166.4027099904, 93.7796020736, 398.37011719680004, 159.2598877184], [166.4027099904, 125.1265259008, 222.13061521920002, 155.7768554496], [229.7932128768, 106.3183593984, 279.25170900480003, 137.6652832256], [291.0938721024, 109.8013305856, 345.4285888512, 140.451721216], [349.3146972672, 126.5197143552, 398.37011719680004, 159.2598877184], [316.1713867008, 93.7796020736, 351.6979980288, 117.4639282176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048937_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five hats.", "boxes_value": [[58.40270999040001, 16.779602073600003, 290.37011719680004, 82.2598877184], [58.40270999040001, 48.126525900800004, 114.13061521920002, 78.77685544959999], [121.7932128768, 29.318359398400005, 171.25170900480003, 60.66528322560001], [183.09387210239998, 32.8013305856, 237.4285888512, 63.45172121600001], [241.31469726720002, 49.519714355199994, 290.37011719680004, 82.2598877184], [208.17138670079999, 16.779602073600003, 243.6979980288, 40.4639282176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048939.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[337.21624755199997, 0.189544656, 553.843750016, 250.31463624]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048939_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[54.21624755199997, 0.189544656, 270.84375001599994, 250.31463624]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048939.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a fan, two lamps, three chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[337.21624755199997, 0.189544656, 553.843750016, 250.31463624], [337.21624755199997, 0.189544656, 549.585937472, 36.362426736], [416.990722688, 13.560211200000001, 471.0, 38.421630864], [484.95300294400005, 7.8517455840000006, 508.39147948799996, 45.10778808], [477.411865216, 174.826354992, 553.843750016, 250.31463624], [360.404968256, 173.882751456, 433.062499968, 262.58154297600004], [393.43115232, 202.662658704, 474.10925292800005, 292.305053712], [415.605834944, 180.01617432, 524.120239232, 272.961181632]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048939_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a fan, two lamps, three chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[54.21624755199997, 0.189544656, 270.84375001599994, 250.31463624], [54.21624755199997, 0.189544656, 266.58593747199996, 36.362426736], [133.990722688, 13.560211200000001, 188.0, 38.421630864], [201.95300294400005, 7.8517455840000006, 225.39147948799996, 45.10778808], [194.41186521600002, 174.826354992, 270.84375001599994, 250.31463624], [77.40496825600002, 173.882751456, 150.062499968, 262.58154297600004], [110.43115232000002, 202.662658704, 191.10925292800005, 292.305053712], [132.60583494399998, 180.01617432, 241.12023923200002, 272.961181632]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048940.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[378.54272462250003, 257.3446044672, 616.2181396484999, 369.0691528192]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048940_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[59.54272462250003, 28.344604467199986, 297.2181396484999, 140.06915281919999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048940.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, three people, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[378.54272462250003, 257.3446044672, 616.2181396484999, 369.0691528192], [555.1353759427, 257.3446044672, 567.3807373068, 283.1021117952], [439.5062255613, 286.5372924928, 532.1785888546, 369.0691528192], [545.6793213063, 328.1320800768, 567.7990722723, 362.1148071424], [580.3277587519, 309.4458008064, 616.2181396484999, 360.8831787008], [378.54272462250003, 278.7877197312, 400.99658203640007, 298.1028442624]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048940_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, three people, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[59.54272462250003, 28.344604467199986, 297.2181396484999, 140.06915281919999], [236.13537594269997, 28.344604467199986, 248.38073730680003, 54.10211179520002], [120.50622556130003, 57.53729249280002, 213.17858885459998, 140.06915281919999], [226.67932130630004, 99.13208007679998, 248.7990722723, 133.11480714240002], [261.3277587519, 80.44580080639997, 297.2181396484999, 131.8831787008], [59.54272462250003, 49.78771973120001, 81.99658203640007, 69.10284426240003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048941.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[548.53771973, 109.4509277184, 648.981689433, 470.1784057856]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048941_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[25.53771973000005, 90.4509277184, 125.98168943300004, 451.1784057856]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048941.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three ballons, a person, two sneakers, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[548.53771973, 109.4509277184, 648.981689433, 470.1784057856], [599.464477535, 208.4852905472, 648.981689433, 275.4791259648], [578.242919947, 150.2297363456, 624.847290067, 210.1497192448], [601.129028346, 109.4509277184, 646.901123022, 166.8742065664], [553.143554656, 271.8524169728, 635.5283203500001, 469.3420410368], [598.683959951, 448.236511232, 619.309326174, 470.1784057856], [608.338378879, 441.215087872, 633.352050793, 462.2792968704], [548.53771973, 326.5094604288, 573.1488036889999, 352.7117919744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048941_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three ballons, a person, two sneakers, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[25.53771973000005, 90.4509277184, 125.98168943300004, 451.1784057856], [76.46447753500001, 189.4852905472, 125.98168943300004, 256.4791259648], [55.24291994700002, 131.2297363456, 101.84729006700002, 191.1497192448], [78.12902834600004, 90.4509277184, 123.90112302199998, 147.8742065664], [30.143554655999992, 252.85241697279997, 112.52832035000006, 450.3420410368], [75.68395995100002, 429.236511232, 96.30932617400003, 451.1784057856], [85.33837887899995, 422.215087872, 110.35205079299999, 443.2792968704], [25.53771973000005, 307.5094604288, 50.14880368899992, 333.7117919744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048942.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and six helmets.", "boxes_value": [[304.7943114905, 166.388000512, 504.1101074074, 255.412658688], [378.8166503693, 117.4818725376, 456.5476074367, 278.5181884928], [395.31481937219996, 171.986450176, 482.8708496274, 298.2467651584], [304.7943114905, 229.3452148224, 337.5314941557, 249.9437865984], [320.6528320229, 213.0181274624, 351.4559326083, 230.2066650624], [310.4418945576, 166.388000512, 342.6064453006, 190.383789056], [444.5460204965, 172.8739013632, 479.60375974420003, 191.0834350592], [471.094604526, 201.6348266496, 504.1101074074, 221.2058715648], [428.8892822474, 229.8851928576, 462.07495113519997, 255.412658688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048942_crop.jpg", "text": "Would you mind describing the rectangular area in the provided image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and six helmets.", "boxes_value": [[50.79431149049998, 22.38800051199999, 250.1101074074, 111.412658688], [124.81665036930002, 0, 202.5476074367, 133], [141.31481937219996, 27.986450176000005, 228.8708496274, 133], [50.79431149049998, 85.34521482240001, 83.53149415569999, 105.94378659840001], [66.65283202289999, 69.0181274624, 97.45593260829997, 86.20666506239999], [56.441894557599994, 22.38800051199999, 88.6064453006, 46.38378905600001], [190.54602049649998, 28.87390136319999, 225.60375974420003, 47.08343505920001], [217.094604526, 57.6348266496, 250.1101074074, 77.20587156479999], [174.8892822474, 85.8851928576, 208.07495113519997, 111.412658688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048944.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[373.27856448, 281.7266235392, 466.3665771264, 437.3775634944]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048944_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[23.27856448, 39.72662353919998, 116.36657712639999, 195.37756349440002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048944.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[373.27856448, 281.7266235392, 466.3665771264, 437.3775634944], [414.45251466240006, 290.4478759936, 466.3665771264, 328.8558349824], [373.27856448, 281.7266235392, 403.15563962880003, 316.43670656], [388.6564941312, 284.36279296, 409.7460937728, 316.8760375808], [386.077880832, 388.25897216, 409.41784665600005, 424.1399536128], [410.4630127104, 399.0581054464, 439.02844239359996, 437.3775634944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048944_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[23.27856448, 39.72662353919998, 116.36657712639999, 195.37756349440002], [64.45251466240006, 48.44787599360001, 116.36657712639999, 86.85583498239998], [23.27856448, 39.72662353919998, 53.15563962880003, 74.43670656], [38.65649413120002, 42.36279295999998, 59.74609377280001, 74.87603758080002], [36.077880832000005, 146.25897215999998, 59.41784665600005, 182.1399536128], [60.463012710399994, 157.05810544640002, 89.02844239359996, 195.37756349440002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048946.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[35.577148421800004, 149.748901376, 329.1574707411, 330.2001342976]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048946_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[35.577148421800004, 45.74890137599999, 329.1574707411, 226.20013429760002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048946.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a pillow, a lamp, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[35.577148421800004, 149.748901376, 329.1574707411, 330.2001342976], [211.8641357627, 149.748901376, 263.9173584174, 212.9068603392], [286.8208007843, 160.1595459072, 329.1574707411, 217.7651367424], [229.90924076049998, 277.4528808448, 332.6276855181, 364.9023437312], [35.577148421800004, 197.6378784256, 110.5338134434, 330.2001342976], [229.54504397539998, 164.0359497216, 242.06829833319998, 200.0001220608], [300.4226074024, 173.3022460928, 315.9462890542, 205.6228637696]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048946_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a visual rundown of the area in ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a pillow, a lamp, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[35.577148421800004, 45.74890137599999, 329.1574707411, 226.20013429760002], [211.8641357627, 45.74890137599999, 263.9173584174, 108.9068603392], [286.8208007843, 56.1595459072, 329.1574707411, 113.76513674239999], [229.90924076049998, 173.4528808448, 332.6276855181, 260.9023437312], [35.577148421800004, 93.63787842560001, 110.5338134434, 226.20013429760002], [229.54504397539998, 60.03594972159999, 242.06829833319998, 96.00012206080001], [300.4226074024, 69.3022460928, 315.9462890542, 101.6228637696]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048947.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, three people, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[365.5321044654, 300.0458068847656, 561.1494140775001, 424.9320068608], [365.5321044654, 301.9144287232, 417.55346680289995, 392.2673950208], [503.1241455168, 337.232421888, 554.302978494, 424.9320068608], [534.3463134798001, 348.5104370176, 561.1494140775001, 369.0315551744], [422.5376281738281, 311.57012939453125, 466.0471496582031, 363.5167236328125], [418.070068359375, 300.0458068847656, 433.3658447265625, 322.2896423339844]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048947_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, three people, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[49.53210446539998, 32.045806884765625, 245.14941407750007, 156.93200686080002], [49.53210446539998, 33.91442872319999, 101.55346680289995, 124.2673950208], [187.1241455168, 69.23242188799998, 238.30297849399994, 156.93200686080002], [218.34631347980007, 80.5104370176, 245.14941407750007, 101.03155517440001], [106.53762817382812, 43.57012939453125, 150.04714965820312, 95.5167236328125], [102.070068359375, 32.045806884765625, 117.3658447265625, 54.289642333984375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048948.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[137.7751465097, 295.3672485376, 441.8441162084, 362.6685180416]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048948_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[76.7751465097, 17.367248537600005, 380.8441162084, 84.66851804160001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048948.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and five hockey sticks.", "boxes_value": [[137.7751465097, 295.3672485376, 441.8441162084, 362.6685180416], [222.31445311730002, 238.89501952, 263.2440796134, 369.480163584], [158.4835815207, 253.025512704, 197.4642333668, 341.2191772672], [137.7751465097, 302.4473876992, 159.4929199452, 329.7338256896], [195.6892700418, 308.016052224, 210.1677856427, 334.1887817216], [194.8340453765, 328.54052736, 228.7233886715, 362.6685180416], [303.6616821142, 295.3672485376, 349.2451172085, 324.7220459008], [401.2723388882, 296.7991332864, 441.8441162084, 328.0632324096]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048948_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and five hockey sticks.", "boxes_value": [[76.7751465097, 17.367248537600005, 380.8441162084, 84.66851804160001], [161.31445311730002, 0, 202.2440796134, 91.48016358400002], [97.4835815207, 0, 136.4642333668, 63.219177267199996], [76.7751465097, 24.44738769920002, 98.49291994519999, 51.733825689599996], [134.6892700418, 30.01605222400002, 149.1677856427, 56.18878172159998], [133.8340453765, 50.54052736, 167.7233886715, 84.66851804160001], [242.6616821142, 17.367248537600005, 288.2451172085, 46.722045900800026], [340.2723388882, 18.79913328639998, 380.8441162084, 50.063232409600005]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048949.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[424.39404299179995, 258.8068237312, 563.4090576548, 328.0927123968]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048949_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[35.39404299179995, 17.806823731199984, 174.4090576548, 87.09271239679998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048949.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four helmets, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[424.39404299179995, 258.8068237312, 563.4090576548, 328.0927123968], [424.39404299179995, 261.5191650304, 464.44873049750004, 302.9875488256], [462.34509280189997, 311.9938964992, 492.20581052020003, 328.0927123968], [457.4114990172, 284.4700927488, 499.4761962596, 324.1978149376], [520.5208740452, 274.1540527104, 563.4090576548, 320.4058838016], [498.0256347563, 258.8068237312, 546.1696777138, 293.4957275136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048949_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area within the given visual contain? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four helmets, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[35.39404299179995, 17.806823731199984, 174.4090576548, 87.09271239679998], [35.39404299179995, 20.519165030400018, 75.44873049750004, 61.987548825600015], [73.34509280189997, 70.99389649919999, 103.20581052020003, 87.09271239679998], [68.41149901720001, 43.47009274880003, 110.47619625959999, 83.19781493760001], [131.5208740452, 33.15405271039998, 174.4090576548, 79.4058838016], [109.02563475630001, 17.806823731199984, 157.16967771379996, 52.4957275136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4, 5], [2]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048951.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[484.9920654296875, 222.1777954304, 640.9354248136, 319.3782959104]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048951_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[38.9920654296875, 25.17779543040001, 194.93542481359998, 122.37829591040003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048951.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cymbals, and two drums.", "boxes_value": [[484.9920654296875, 222.1777954304, 640.9354248136, 319.3782959104], [511.8348388296, 230.8139038208, 557.4144286756, 242.808532736], [574.2069091734, 222.1777954304, 611.1502685575999, 231.2937011712], [578.4323730658, 309.9600219648, 640.9354248136, 319.3782959104], [507.1801452636719, 245.61227416992188, 556.33935546875, 296.8716125488281], [484.9920654296875, 255.37672424316406, 515.1675415039062, 283.0285339355469]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048951_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you tell me more about the area in the snapshot ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cymbals, and two drums.", "boxes_value": [[38.9920654296875, 25.17779543040001, 194.93542481359998, 122.37829591040003], [65.83483882960002, 33.81390382079999, 111.41442867559999, 45.80853273599999], [128.20690917340005, 25.17779543040001, 165.15026855759993, 34.29370117120001], [132.4323730658, 112.96002196479998, 194.93542481359998, 122.37829591040003], [61.180145263671875, 48.612274169921875, 110.33935546875, 99.87161254882812], [38.9920654296875, 58.37672424316406, 69.16754150390625, 86.02853393554688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048953.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[311.17456051199997, 446.2461548032, 432.5838623232, 511.04534912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048953_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[31.17456051199997, 16.2461548032, 152.58386232319998, 81.04534912000003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048953.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, and seven chairs.", "boxes_value": [[311.17456051199997, 446.2461548032, 432.5838623232, 511.04534912], [334.8465576192, 465.3165283328, 410.660522496, 510.405944832], [311.17456051199997, 470.456848128, 326.8402099968, 511.04534912], [397.6920165888, 473.6611938304, 437.21240232959997, 511.04534912], [322.92382809599997, 459.4196167168, 372.05725094400003, 511.04534912], [410.8654785024, 456.9273681408, 433.29602050560004, 503.21246336], [358.88378903039995, 446.6022339072, 386.65478515200004, 466.540405248], [400.54040524799996, 446.2461548032, 432.5838623232, 487.5467529216], [347.13452144639996, 443.7539062272, 437.9244384768, 455.1471557632], [395.55578611199996, 434.8529052672, 418.6983642624, 462.2679443456]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 8], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048953_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, and seven chairs.", "boxes_value": [[31.17456051199997, 16.2461548032, 152.58386232319998, 81.04534912000003], [54.846557619199984, 35.316528332799976, 130.660522496, 80.40594483199999], [31.17456051199997, 40.45684812799999, 46.84020999680001, 81.04534912000003], [117.69201658880002, 43.66119383040001, 157.21240232959997, 81.04534912000003], [42.923828095999966, 29.41961671680002, 92.05725094400003, 81.04534912000003], [130.86547850239998, 26.927368140800013, 153.29602050560004, 73.21246336000002], [78.88378903039995, 16.602233907200002, 106.65478515200004, 36.54040524800001], [120.54040524799996, 16.2461548032, 152.58386232319998, 57.54675292159999], [67.13452144639996, 13.753906227199991, 157.9244384768, 25.147155763199976], [115.55578611199996, 4.852905267200015, 138.6983642624, 32.26794434559997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 8], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048957.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[156.6920165888, 158.781555198, 378.1448364032, 629.8100585784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048957_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[55.69201658879999, 117.781555198, 277.1448364032, 588.8100585784]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048957.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a sneakers, and three gloves.", "boxes_value": [[156.6920165888, 158.781555198, 378.1448364032, 629.8100585784], [229.5605468672, 158.781555198, 378.1448364032, 512.044799826], [156.6920165888, 216.77551266560002, 272.8956298752, 629.8100585784], [180.0906372096, 595.115112326, 247.9955444224, 627.972412137], [241.483520512, 289.51068115199996, 270.2150268416, 312.9215698434], [267.0226440192, 239.496582052, 308.5237426688, 277.8052368406], [307.9916381696, 238.4324340874, 359.0698852352, 277.8052368406]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048957_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a sneakers, and three gloves.", "boxes_value": [[55.69201658879999, 117.781555198, 277.1448364032, 588.8100585784], [128.5605468672, 117.781555198, 277.1448364032, 471.04479982600003], [55.69201658879999, 175.77551266560002, 171.89562987519997, 588.8100585784], [79.0906372096, 554.115112326, 146.9955444224, 586.972412137], [140.483520512, 248.51068115199996, 169.21502684159998, 271.9215698434], [166.02264401920002, 198.496582052, 207.52374266880003, 236.8052368406], [206.99163816959998, 197.4324340874, 258.0698852352, 236.8052368406]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048971.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a chair, a cabinet, a bed, a handbag, a hat, and a stuffed toy.", "boxes_value": [[103.7842407406, 161.7360229376, 575.9331054783, 478.812194816], [492.76562502210004, 415.5701904384, 575.9331054783, 478.812194816], [480.63708497550004, 319.4077758976, 638.308837894, 461.4855956992], [406.9991455103, 204.1860961792, 607.120971654, 371.3874511872], [103.7842407406, 161.7360229376, 463.310546882, 467.5499267584], [439.1489257972, 172.952758784, 500.0561523722, 218.7550048768], [538.2294921662, 200.1856078848, 599.6439208706, 225.3433227776], [508.2783203004, 187.4503173632, 534.7623291067, 221.7236327936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048971_crop.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a chair, a cabinet, a bed, a handbag, a hat, and a stuffed toy.", "boxes_value": [[103.7842407406, 79.73602293760001, 575.9331054783, 396.812194816], [492.76562502210004, 333.5701904384, 575.9331054783, 396.812194816], [480.63708497550004, 237.4077758976, 638.308837894, 379.4855956992], [406.9991455103, 122.1860961792, 607.120971654, 289.3874511872], [103.7842407406, 79.73602293760001, 463.310546882, 385.5499267584], [439.1489257972, 90.952758784, 500.0561523722, 136.7550048768], [538.2294921662, 118.18560788479999, 599.6439208706, 143.3433227776], [508.2783203004, 105.45031736320001, 534.7623291067, 139.7236327936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048973.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a backpack, three cars, a traffic cone, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[387.883544938, 218.6800537088, 545.6137695359, 500.2721557504], [392.03308104449997, 322.9652099584, 418.51806641750005, 370.5401611264], [387.883544938, 232.2274169856, 449.81445314499996, 294.1583251968], [437.23474119969995, 218.6800537088, 477.87683104769997, 256.4191894528], [465.29711917070006, 233.1950683648, 534.0018310255999, 286.4169922048], [502.0686034871, 426.7291870208, 545.6137695359, 500.2721557504], [403.57720947265625, 460.1456298828125, 424.45098876953125, 468.951171875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048973_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a backpack, three cars, a traffic cone, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[39.883544938, 70.68005370879999, 197.61376953590002, 352.2721557504], [44.033081044499966, 174.9652099584, 70.51806641750005, 222.5401611264], [39.883544938, 84.2274169856, 101.81445314499996, 146.15832519679998], [89.23474119969995, 70.68005370879999, 129.87683104769997, 108.41918945280003], [117.29711917070006, 85.1950683648, 186.00183102559993, 138.4169922048], [154.0686034871, 278.7291870208, 197.61376953590002, 352.2721557504], [55.57720947265625, 312.1456298828125, 76.45098876953125, 320.951171875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048974.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . 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Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two bracelets, a tie, four boots, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[92.044128407, 54.4622192128, 628.7296142820001, 512], [92.044128407, 54.4622192128, 628.7296142820001, 512], [179.423522971, 16.3319702016, 464.970947287, 501.62493895680007], [446.366333028, 51.6552123904, 721.187377911, 469.6384887808], [484.65881348500005, 272.5056152576, 508.203857392, 303.3383789056], [182.332031266, 203.712585472, 208.27960206900002, 229.2482299904], [77.359861733, 384.153718528, 119.77063490699999, 485.6568356352], [260.662178469, 396.3495005696, 355.376146587, 501.4596995584], [406.883029707, 328.3757554176, 465.25195948, 487.5347497472], [512.721438306, 391.0602448384, 628.766426981, 479.748292608], [497.728780549, 444.0114030592, 524.343292396, 469.8194146304], [91.090142913, 415.452523008, 183.421530985, 511.81816576]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6], [7, 8, 9, 11], [10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048976.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include an air conditioner, a cabinet, two people, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[358.99102784, 165.85070798400002, 536.052978496, 284.38714598399997], [494.952880832, 165.85070798400002, 536.052978496, 284.38714598399997], [353.658325184, 259.460327136, 432.47277830400003, 284.55230711999997], [374.78521728, 182.991333024, 408.59460448, 217.11529540799998], [352.022888192, 225.414428688, 391.238159168, 277.552795392], [358.99102784, 176.95684814400002, 420.281738304, 223.45318603200002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048976_crop.jpg", "text": "What's happening in the section of the photo enclosed by the coordinates ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include an air conditioner, a cabinet, two people, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[44.991027840000015, 29.850707984000024, 222.05297849600004, 148.38714598399997], [180.952880832, 29.850707984000024, 222.05297849600004, 148.38714598399997], [39.65832518399998, 123.46032713599999, 118.47277830400003, 148.55230711999997], [60.78521727999998, 46.991333024, 94.59460447999999, 81.11529540799998], [38.02288819199998, 89.41442868799999, 77.23815916799998, 141.552795392], [44.991027840000015, 40.95684814400002, 106.28173830399999, 87.45318603200002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048980.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, three people, a bottle, a cup, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[117.6322631602, 318.740600576, 429.84155271820003, 418.9305419776], [222.06134035219998, 323.0349731328, 260.2308349662, 376.1403808768], [303.8176879883, 318.740600576, 333.68951415920003, 374.2167968768], [313.3543701345, 290.8286132736, 397.26721193049997, 478.4229736448], [321.6616210676, 321.9396972544, 337.7283325507, 377.7932739072], [383.3181152421, 322.022155776, 423.52282712100003, 408.0853271552], [117.6322631602, 348.5624999936, 146.1598510771, 418.9305419776], [143.1077270647, 378.9890136576, 161.7962036455, 418.8112182784], [384.3278808831, 345.9931030528, 429.84155271820003, 393.5490722816]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048980_crop.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, three people, a bottle, a cup, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[78.6322631602, 25.74060057600002, 390.84155271820003, 125.9305419776], [183.06134035219998, 30.03497313280002, 221.2308349662, 83.14038087680001], [264.8176879883, 25.74060057600002, 294.68951415920003, 81.2167968768], [274.3543701345, 0, 358.26721193049997, 150], [282.6616210676, 28.939697254400016, 298.7283325507, 84.79327390719999], [344.3181152421, 29.022155775999977, 384.52282712100003, 115.08532715519999], [78.6322631602, 55.5624999936, 107.1598510771, 125.9305419776], [104.10772706469999, 85.98901365760003, 122.79620364549999, 125.81121827840002], [345.3278808831, 52.993103052799995, 390.84155271820003, 100.54907228159999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048983.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[326.5707092285156, 224.30262756347656, 449.9930420006, 269.303588864], [437.0903320072, 240.7977294848, 449.9930420006, 269.303588864], [422.83740237239994, 240.49768064, 434.3897705296, 268.1033325056], [326.5707092285156, 236.96482849121094, 337.3183898925781, 261.79766845703125], [411.4959411621094, 239.90147399902344, 421.3878479003906, 266.94207763671875], [400.80316162109375, 224.30262756347656, 408.49163818359375, 245.43605041503906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048983_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[31.570709228515625, 11.302627563476562, 154.99304200059998, 56.303588864000005], [142.0903320072, 27.797729484799987, 154.99304200059998, 56.303588864000005], [127.83740237239994, 27.49768064, 139.3897705296, 55.10333250560001], [31.570709228515625, 23.964828491210938, 42.318389892578125, 48.79766845703125], [116.49594116210938, 26.901473999023438, 126.38784790039062, 53.94207763671875], [105.80316162109375, 11.302627563476562, 113.49163818359375, 32.43605041503906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048984.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[119.8328857716, 259.2782593024, 619.7392577796, 311.360900864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048984_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[119.8328857716, 13.278259302399988, 619.7392577796, 65.36090086399997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048984.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a traffic light, and three street lights.", "boxes_value": [[119.8328857716, 259.2782593024, 619.7392577796, 311.360900864], [119.8328857716, 268.1493530112, 141.2365722616, 305.9694213632], [325.3090820436, 269.6442871296, 339.49609377400003, 301.1708374016], [224.7907104124, 279.7494507008, 237.4332885876, 304.9014892544], [576.6275634804, 218.8707885568, 597.3774413948, 310.5064697344], [608.9331054844, 268.9229736448, 619.7392577796, 305.3204345856], [407.317748994, 259.2782593024, 418.4942627308, 311.360900864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048984_crop.jpg", "text": "Please help me understand the content present within the rectangle in . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a traffic light, and three street lights.", "boxes_value": [[119.8328857716, 13.278259302399988, 619.7392577796, 65.36090086399997], [119.8328857716, 22.14935301119999, 141.2365722616, 59.96942136320001], [325.3090820436, 23.644287129600002, 339.49609377400003, 55.17083740160001], [224.7907104124, 33.749450700800026, 237.4332885876, 58.90148925440002], [576.6275634804, 0, 597.3774413948, 64.50646973440001], [608.9331054844, 22.92297364479998, 619.7392577796, 59.320434585600026], [407.317748994, 13.278259302399988, 418.4942627308, 65.36090086399997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048985.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[18.1892089765, 206.629638656, 680.9237060223, 280.757080064]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048985_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[18.1892089765, 18.629638655999997, 680.9237060223, 92.75708006399998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048985.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a glasses, and three cars.", "boxes_value": [[18.1892089765, 206.629638656, 680.9237060223, 280.757080064], [18.1892089765, 234.573486336, 44.339599616099996, 266.0880126976], [47.158691404900004, 206.629638656, 138.3107299753, 232.3150635008], [325.3134155284, 236.8427124224, 418.6314697568, 280.757080064], [237.06243899179998, 235.1537475584, 318.5573730223, 278.645812992], [627.2341308475001, 244.6481323008, 680.9237060223, 278.5573730304]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048985_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a glasses, and three cars.", "boxes_value": [[18.1892089765, 18.629638655999997, 680.9237060223, 92.75708006399998], [18.1892089765, 46.573486336, 44.339599616099996, 78.08801269759999], [47.158691404900004, 18.629638655999997, 138.3107299753, 44.315063500799994], [325.3134155284, 48.84271242240001, 418.6314697568, 92.75708006399998], [237.06243899179998, 47.1537475584, 318.5573730223, 90.645812992], [627.2341308475001, 56.6481323008, 680.9237060223, 90.55737303040002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048987.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[84.421325696, 249.97515868800002, 205.264343232, 394.24865721599997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048987_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[30.421325695999997, 36.97515868800002, 151.264343232, 181.24865721599997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048987.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[31.554199223999998, 386.3420410368, 616.1953125084, 465.146118144]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048988_crop.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[31.554199223999998, 20.342041036800026, 616.1953125084, 99.14611814400001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048988.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two potted plants, a bench, three people, a hat, a backpack, a bicycle, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[31.554199223999998, 386.3420410368, 616.1953125084, 465.146118144], [76.3909911816, 396.53222656, 113.0756225604, 460.3907470848], [31.554199223999998, 386.3420410368, 66.8801269188, 465.146118144], [199.365051294, 423.6223144448, 248.77703858400002, 446.5814209024], [557.9252929584, 386.361328128, 619.773681648, 511.8316650496], [519.1314697536, 402.7655639552, 555.4868164211999, 496.5358276608], [437.1102294984, 413.1845092864, 553.7133789396, 511.6099853312], [522.4030761576, 404.20281984, 541.0183105188, 422.8181152256], [570.373168914, 409.930603008, 616.1953125084, 452.1729125888], [603.1127929992, 406.7947387904, 623.6010742116, 423.1854247936], [365.9135741976, 345.1714477568, 378.44458004399996, 444.6491088896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8], [9], [10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048988_crop.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two potted plants, a bench, three people, a hat, a backpack, a bicycle, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[31.554199223999998, 20.342041036800026, 616.1953125084, 99.14611814400001], [76.3909911816, 30.532226560000026, 113.0756225604, 94.39074708480001], [31.554199223999998, 20.342041036800026, 66.8801269188, 99.14611814400001], [199.365051294, 57.6223144448, 248.77703858400002, 80.5814209024], [557.9252929584, 20.361328128000025, 619.773681648, 118], [519.1314697536, 36.76556395519998, 555.4868164211999, 118], [437.1102294984, 47.18450928639999, 553.7133789396, 118], [522.4030761576, 38.20281984000002, 541.0183105188, 56.818115225600025], [570.373168914, 43.93060300799999, 616.1953125084, 86.17291258879999], [603.1127929992, 40.794738790400004, 623.6010742116, 57.18542479360002], [365.9135741976, 0, 378.44458004399996, 78.64910888959997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8], [9], [10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048990.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[211.3034667732, 383.0180663808, 446.5147705235, 442.7606811648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048990_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[59.3034667732, 15.018066380800008, 294.5147705235, 74.76068116480002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048990.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three sneakers, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[211.3034667732, 383.0180663808, 446.5147705235, 442.7606811648], [305.76379397, 415.4514770432, 339.5166625955, 429.566345216], [310.3664550887, 432.6347656192, 343.198852537, 442.7606811648], [421.7327880736, 383.0180663808, 446.5147705235, 400.4089355264], [211.3034667732, 401.7132568576, 238.2592773766, 413.886840832], [309.7478942871094, 428.9280090332031, 335.6346130371094, 442.2281799316406]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048990_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three sneakers, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[59.3034667732, 15.018066380800008, 294.5147705235, 74.76068116480002], [153.76379397, 47.451477043199986, 187.5166625955, 61.566345216], [158.36645508869998, 64.63476561919998, 191.198852537, 74.76068116480002], [269.7327880736, 15.018066380800008, 294.5147705235, 32.4089355264], [59.3034667732, 33.713256857600015, 86.25927737660001, 45.88684083200002], [157.74789428710938, 60.928009033203125, 183.63461303710938, 74.22817993164062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048995.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a backpack, a hat, two handbags, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[554.019409152, 72.516052224, 757.1173095936, 173.6242675712], [624.0469970688, 114.6591186432, 666.2132568576001, 164.123352064], [713.128662144, 72.516052224, 737.2020263424, 86.3035278336], [728.8857421824, 148.6754760704, 757.1173095936, 173.6242675712], [554.019409152, 128.780700672, 600.326049792, 164.9577636864], [667.4912109312, 79.2419433472, 705.3571777536, 121.0458984448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00048995_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a backpack, a hat, two handbags, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[51.01940915199998, 25.516052224000006, 254.1173095936, 126.6242675712], [121.04699706880001, 67.6591186432, 163.21325685760007, 117.12335206399999], [210.12866214400003, 25.516052224000006, 234.20202634240002, 39.3035278336], [225.8857421824, 101.67547607040001, 254.1173095936, 126.6242675712], [51.01940915199998, 81.780700672, 97.32604979200005, 117.9577636864], [164.49121093120004, 32.24194334720001, 202.3571777536, 74.0458984448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049002.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[514.4439697052, 185.96545408, 765.1115722292, 239.317871104]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049002_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[63.44396970519995, 13.96545408, 314.11157222919996, 67.317871104]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049002.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three benches, and two people.", "boxes_value": [[514.4439697052, 185.96545408, 765.1115722292, 239.317871104], [514.4439697052, 185.96545408, 550.5825195012, 201.5016479744], [585.3702392916, 192.6828002816, 622.5219726184, 211.5964355584], [729.7414550983999, 220.4537964032, 765.1115722292, 239.317871104], [727.1789551124, 214.3297119232, 741.7250976916, 238.7888794112], [516.3168334960938, 180.21258544921875, 526.7683715820312, 200.07363891601562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049002_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[32.4309082158, 24.33056640000001, 158.20935055569998, 117.86868286132812]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049005.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two ballons, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[495.4309082158, 285.3305664, 621.2093505557, 378.8686828613281], [508.0083007614, 264.2111205888, 558.6600342050999, 380.627441408], [558.7315673905, 266.0083618304, 603.706298815, 370.1445922816], [495.4309082158, 285.3305664, 536.2650146348, 305.4459228672], [580.1671142297, 287.336242688, 621.2093505557, 308.9974365184], [509.33624267578125, 367.0836486816406, 529.7478637695312, 378.8686828613281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049005_crop.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two ballons, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[32.4309082158, 24.33056640000001, 158.20935055569998, 117.86868286132812], [45.008300761399994, 3.211120588799986, 95.66003420509992, 119.62744140799998], [95.7315673905, 5.00836183040002, 140.70629881499997, 109.14459228160001], [32.4309082158, 24.33056640000001, 73.26501463479997, 44.44592286720001], [117.16711422970002, 26.336242688000027, 158.20935055569998, 47.99743651839998], [46.33624267578125, 106.08364868164062, 66.74786376953125, 117.86868286132812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049006.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[13.6476440519, 392.4260864512, 329.9588622942, 512.0847168]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049006_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[13.6476440519, 30.42608645119998, 329.9588622942, 150]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049006.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[13.6476440519, 392.4260864512, 329.9588622942, 512.0847168], [13.6476440519, 392.4260864512, 39.9763183864, 450.4385375744], [64.5200805447, 399.7891845632, 118.07000735390001, 511.7978515456], [99.3115844699, 404.7935791104, 149.2277831928, 512.0847168], [287.5014037974, 405.1760253952, 329.9588622942, 511.8934326272], [317.8906250073, 421.6843261952, 334.3383178518, 467.502929664]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049006_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[13.6476440519, 30.42608645119998, 329.9588622942, 150], [13.6476440519, 30.42608645119998, 39.9763183864, 88.43853757440002], [64.5200805447, 37.789184563200024, 118.07000735390001, 149.7978515456], [99.3115844699, 42.7935791104, 149.2277831928, 150], [287.5014037974, 43.176025395199986, 329.9588622942, 149.8934326272], [317.8906250073, 59.684326195200015, 334.3383178518, 105.50292966400002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049009.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[238.64984128, 217.16510011199998, 405.708251968, 301.276733376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049009_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[42.649841280000004, 21.165100111999976, 209.708251968, 105.27673337599998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049009.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, and four people.", "boxes_value": [[238.64984128, 217.16510011199998, 405.708251968, 301.276733376], [258.667175296, 253.64135740800003, 286.104125952, 281.078308128], [354.62908934399996, 246.065124528, 405.708251968, 300.168640128], [308.59069824, 217.16510011199998, 349.924438464, 299.83258056], [256.002807616, 238.213562016, 302.136230464, 301.276733376], [238.64984128, 261.915161136, 270.81628416, 299.16052248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049009_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, and four people.", "boxes_value": [[42.649841280000004, 21.165100111999976, 209.708251968, 105.27673337599998], [62.66717529599998, 57.64135740800003, 90.104125952, 85.078308128], [158.62908934399996, 50.06512452800001, 209.708251968, 104.16864012799999], [112.59069824, 21.165100111999976, 153.924438464, 103.83258056], [60.002807615999984, 42.213562016, 106.136230464, 105.27673337599998], [42.649841280000004, 65.915161136, 74.81628416000001, 103.16052248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049010.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[124.40990447998047, 202.8414306816, 326.23681643410004, 298.8838500864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049010_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[51.40990447998047, 24.841430681600002, 253.23681643410004, 120.8838500864]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049010.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, two paddles, a person, and two hats.", "boxes_value": [[75.09576416249999, 34.47167969280002, 374.5961724054, 170.6235351552], [152.6771240386, 129.4262695424, 261.9122314731, 170.6235351552], [0, 122.29724119039997, 316.5579834258999, 191.9533691392], [123.26953126019998, 84.89556884479998, 371.4193115566, 148.01794432000003], [75.09576416249999, 34.47167969280002, 154.95947262779998, 167.3835449344], [329.3726354187, 49.81281285120002, 374.5961724054, 99.34335339519998], [104.17698723499998, 34.79296599039998, 133.73413693319998, 48.55930967040001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049025.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a picture, a person, a tie, and a cell phone.", "boxes_value": [[169.299621597, 196.9907836928, 407.5688476422, 512.5401611264], [162.2540893707, 253.2270508032, 237.62237547119997, 400.9875488256], [381.1125488436, 261.762756352, 413.0927734218, 292.3525390848], [169.299621597, 196.9907836928, 407.5688476422, 512.5401611264], [212.7177734448, 344.8601074176, 264.8834228658, 511.9896240128], [325.2670898403, 490.651367168, 370.35449220360005, 509.588073728]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049029_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three bracelets, and three lifesavers.", "boxes_value": [[233.702575722, 224.4398803456, 582.447631843, 353.2456359863281], [502.54577634800006, 176.3735351808, 579.068115241, 289.4290771456], [233.702575722, 331.9876708864, 268.885864247, 347.3055419904], [566.1696777660001, 325.2489624064, 582.447631843, 347.049865728], [401.69165036000004, 172.6784057856, 520.743041973, 310.7089843712], [309.671264672, 224.4398803456, 461.504882839, 348.0922851328], [310.38031005859375, 281.003173828125, 517.04443359375, 346.6343994140625], [481.4659729003906, 322.5054626464844, 525.9659423828125, 353.2456359863281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 7], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049036_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three bracelets, and three lifesavers.", "boxes_value": [[87.702575722, 32.43988034559999, 436.44763184299995, 161.24563598632812], [356.54577634800006, 0, 433.068115241, 97.42907714559999], [87.702575722, 139.9876708864, 122.88586424699997, 155.3055419904], [420.16967776600006, 133.24896240639998, 436.44763184299995, 155.049865728], [255.69165036000004, 0, 374.743041973, 118.70898437120002], [163.671264672, 32.43988034559999, 315.504882839, 156.0922851328], [164.38031005859375, 89.003173828125, 371.04443359375, 154.6343994140625], [335.4659729003906, 130.50546264648438, 379.9659423828125, 161.24563598632812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 7], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049037.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five pictures.", "boxes_value": [[9.250122042, 45.138549811199994, 216.986450229, 223.75292968960002], [169.42065431400002, 45.138549811199994, 216.986450229, 111.63354490879999], [170.391357459, 130.0774536192, 198.0571899375, 223.75292968960002], [9.250122042, 52.90435788799999, 35.945190405, 142.2116088832], [65.167297344, 142.347473152, 122.559814467, 216.69689943039998], [132.800415057, 134.4293212672, 161.2171631205, 173.65679933439998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049039.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[63.9308471592, 242.6850586112, 423.10351560719994, 399.8676147712]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049039_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[63.9308471592, 39.68505861119999, 423.10351560719994, 196.8676147712]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049039.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a picture, a desk, a telephone, a trash bin can, a bottle, a cup, and a keyboard.", "boxes_value": [[63.9308471592, 242.6850586112, 423.10351560719994, 399.8676147712], [210.5714721816, 203.3626708992, 306.828552228, 316.30432128], [246.9131469864, 252.3180541952, 331.08380129520003, 347.3997192192], [63.9308471592, 242.6850586112, 423.10351560719994, 399.8676147712], [367.15930175520003, 247.6906127872, 401.27941894319997, 272.1605834752], [158.284301772, 312.6965331968, 189.0347289984, 377.4801025536], [400.4032592616, 247.7422485504, 413.3776855224, 279.8963012608], [382.9033202856, 302.7864990208, 403.2111816384, 318.2591552512], [385.3512572976, 281.1914062336, 417.02563476480003, 295.822692864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049039_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a picture, a desk, a telephone, a trash bin can, a bottle, a cup, and a keyboard.", "boxes_value": [[63.9308471592, 39.68505861119999, 423.10351560719994, 196.8676147712], [210.5714721816, 0.3626708991999976, 306.828552228, 113.30432128000001], [246.9131469864, 49.318054195200006, 331.08380129520003, 144.3997192192], [63.9308471592, 39.68505861119999, 423.10351560719994, 196.8676147712], [367.15930175520003, 44.690612787199996, 401.27941894319997, 69.16058347519999], [158.284301772, 109.69653319679998, 189.0347289984, 174.48010255359998], [400.4032592616, 44.74224855040001, 413.3776855224, 76.89630126079999], [382.9033202856, 99.78649902080002, 403.2111816384, 115.25915525120001], [385.3512572976, 78.19140623359999, 417.02563476480003, 92.82269286399998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049040.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[592.2102051072, 52.48205568, 697.400024448, 276.321655296]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049040_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[27.210205107199954, 52.48205568, 132.40002444799995, 276.321655296]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049040.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two cups, a bottle, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[592.2102051072, 52.48205568, 697.400024448, 276.321655296], [642.401367168, 52.48205568, 697.400024448, 71.6879272448], [592.2102051072, 227.8100585984, 619.555053696, 276.321655296], [681.3364257792, 191.6013793792, 695.0163574272, 217.4597168128], [624.5913086208, 206.0474853376, 642.5500488191999, 234.909729024], [604.6577148672, 79.555847168, 727.3828124928, 154.9609985536]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049040_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give a brief explanation of the specified area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two cups, a bottle, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[27.210205107199954, 52.48205568, 132.40002444799995, 276.321655296], [77.40136716799998, 52.48205568, 132.40002444799995, 71.6879272448], [27.210205107199954, 227.8100585984, 54.55505369599996, 276.321655296], [116.3364257792, 191.6013793792, 130.01635742719998, 217.4597168128], [59.591308620799964, 206.0474853376, 77.5500488191999, 234.909729024], [39.65771486719996, 79.555847168, 158, 154.9609985536]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049041.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[860.1368408064, 88.65490725, 991.25048832, 249.32861330000003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049041_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[33.13684080639996, 40.654907249999994, 164.25048832000004, 201.32861330000003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049041.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four street lights, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[860.1368408064, 88.65490725, 991.25048832, 249.32861330000003], [946.1988525056, 88.65490725, 991.25048832, 249.32861330000003], [891.554687488, 145.8388672, 918.4042969088, 234.2576294], [871.797607424, 169.69561769999999, 887.6855469056, 229.6032715], [860.1368408064, 180.62768555, 871.797607424, 228.5829468], [900.0122680664062, 203.00257873535156, 963.7572631835938, 229.5879669189453]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049041_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four street lights, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[33.13684080639996, 40.654907249999994, 164.25048832000004, 201.32861330000003], [119.19885250560003, 40.654907249999994, 164.25048832000004, 201.32861330000003], [64.55468748800001, 97.83886720000001, 91.4042969088, 186.2576294], [44.797607424000034, 121.69561769999999, 60.68554690559995, 181.6032715], [33.13684080639996, 132.62768555, 44.797607424000034, 180.5829468], [73.01226806640625, 155.00257873535156, 136.75726318359375, 181.5879669189453]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049043.jpg", "text": "What's the story in the section of the included visual ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[254.01312256, 313.6349487104, 359.587646464, 367.910034176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049043_crop.jpg", "text": "What's the story in the section of the included visual ? 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Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[49.925994873046875, 24.409545899999983, 245.8935546875, 120.97702026367188]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049047.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, two pillows, a desk, a tea pot, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[49.925994873046875, 24.409545899999983, 245.8935546875, 120.97702026367188], [0, 34.00665285000002, 221.631958, 124.11303710000004], [89.08135987499998, 24.409545899999983, 147.68798825000005, 44.276184099999966], [146.25732425, 29.651611349999968, 197.23864743750005, 41.84960940000002], [216.1759033125, 74.44964600000003, 245.8935546875, 119.92132570000001], [100.166870125, 93.93719479999999, 118.31396487500001, 113.02294919999997], [49.925994873046875, 98.96597290039062, 121.43954467773438, 120.97702026367188]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049048.jpg", "text": "Please interpret and describe the area inside the given picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a suv, three cars, and a van.", "boxes_value": [[101.70526123939999, 18.459289548799973, 508.215576167, 91.21844479999999], [101.70526123939999, 24.309570303999976, 234.3366699324, 91.21844479999999], [358.3234863427, 26.618408192000004, 415.4370116861, 57.529357926399996], [420.8471679958, 18.620178227199972, 469.97717286339997, 49.677368166400015], [481.5943603653, 18.459289548799973, 508.215576167, 40.19433594880002], [468.1153564581, 21.829040537600008, 490.5242920168, 43.564086937599996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049049.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two chairs, and two pens.", "boxes_value": [[34.522521957, 64.8876953088, 448.814941421, 322.592163072], [60.778930673999994, 114.97515868160002, 552, 325], [230.541076689, 51.118408192000004, 365.475463892, 174.885376], [34.522521957, 64.8876953088, 233.728576697, 322.592163072], [307.402832044, 218.932922368, 367.42114255, 231.68682859519998], [408.184570332, 177.52600099839998, 448.814941421, 189.10095216640002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049051.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[113.2817993216, 258.93762203759997, 298.7262573056, 374.99169921419997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049051_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[47.281799321600005, 29.937622037599965, 232.72625730559997, 145.99169921419997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049051.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, three people, and two handbags.", "boxes_value": [[113.2817993216, 258.93762203759997, 298.7262573056, 374.99169921419997], [113.2817993216, 295.948974612, 176.3563232256, 374.99169921419997], [155.6596069376, 287.24780275439997, 196.306945792, 336.1905517266], [184.2786865152, 283.10021970959997, 223.2669677568, 354.85522461420004], [217.460205056, 228.7655029608, 291.7037963776, 426.1954346082], [265.1534424064, 258.93762203759997, 298.7262573056, 324.90795895919996], [205.3774413824, 286.5516357408, 227.7934570496, 326.942749044]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049051_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, three people, and two handbags.", "boxes_value": [[47.281799321600005, 29.937622037599965, 232.72625730559997, 145.99169921419997], [47.281799321600005, 66.94897461199997, 110.3563232256, 145.99169921419997], [89.65960693759999, 58.24780275439997, 130.306945792, 107.1905517266], [118.27868651520001, 54.10021970959997, 157.2669677568, 125.85522461420004], [151.460205056, 0, 225.70379637759999, 175], [199.15344240640002, 29.937622037599965, 232.72625730559997, 95.90795895919996], [139.3774413824, 57.55163574080001, 161.7934570496, 97.94274904399998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049052.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[195.3401489408, 480.767089856, 415.3364868096, 625.1367187200001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049052_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[55.34014894079999, 36.767089855999984, 275.3364868096, 181.1367187200001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049052.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two leather shoes, two high heels, and a boots.", "boxes_value": [[195.3401489408, 480.767089856, 415.3364868096, 625.1367187200001], [345.7877197312, 520.2727050880001, 407.0416259584, 542.149047872], [315.27441408, 549.945800768, 344.497070336, 590.565307648], [273.7782593024, 539.717895488, 321.7034301952, 583.844116224], [195.3401489408, 498.96728518400005, 234.2025146368, 625.1367187200001], [372.1544799744, 480.767089856, 415.3364868096, 523.545532224]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049052_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two leather shoes, two high heels, and a boots.", "boxes_value": [[55.34014894079999, 36.767089855999984, 275.3364868096, 181.1367187200001], [205.7877197312, 76.27270508800007, 267.0416259584, 98.14904787199998], [175.27441407999999, 105.94580076800003, 204.49707033599998, 146.56530764800004], [133.7782593024, 95.71789548799995, 181.70343019519999, 139.844116224], [55.34014894079999, 54.96728518400005, 94.2025146368, 181.1367187200001], [232.15447997439998, 36.767089855999984, 275.3364868096, 79.545532224]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049057.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two sneakers, two backpacks, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[237.39770511359998, 161.6558227456, 389.6804199168, 412.4755249152], [217.3480835328, 191.6173095936, 317.7857666304, 412.6302490112], [336.549804672, 204.0938720768, 414.97375488, 349.8214721536], [261.1512450816, 384.9762573312, 287.2269287424, 412.4755249152], [298.0770263808, 366.3565673984, 316.0129394688, 405.641296384], [237.39770511359998, 161.6558227456, 310.79028318720003, 312.0143432704], [368.78967283199995, 191.067810048, 408.9218750208, 285.9008788992], [373.4625244416, 203.4373169152, 389.6804199168, 222.1290893312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049057_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a comprehensive description of the specified area in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two sneakers, two backpacks, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[38.39770511359998, 63.655822745600005, 190.68041991680002, 314.4755249152], [18.34808353279999, 93.6173095936, 118.78576663040002, 314.6302490112], [137.549804672, 106.09387207680001, 215.97375488, 251.82147215359998], [62.151245081599996, 286.9762573312, 88.22692874239999, 314.4755249152], [99.07702638080002, 268.3565673984, 117.01293946880003, 307.641296384], [38.39770511359998, 63.655822745600005, 111.79028318720003, 214.0143432704], [169.78967283199995, 93.06781004800001, 209.92187502079997, 187.9008788992], [174.4625244416, 105.4373169152, 190.68041991680002, 124.12908933119999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049059.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[306.051757824, 293.6711425536, 535.060424832, 354.0941772288]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049059_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[58.05175782399999, 15.67114255360002, 287.06042483199997, 76.09417722879999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049059.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three umbrellas, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[306.051757824, 293.6711425536, 535.060424832, 354.0941772288], [347.102783232, 322.788574208, 361.9895019264, 344.7723999232], [306.051757824, 299.9693603328, 366.98901365759997, 352.3958129664], [398.97558597119996, 295.7974853632, 473.39697262079994, 354.0941772288], [474.9916992, 293.6711425536, 535.060424832, 353.3854370304], [303.2738036736, 328.790466304, 332.12707522560004, 354.2887572992]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049059_crop.jpg", "text": "What objects or scenery can be found in the area in the image ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three umbrellas, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[58.05175782399999, 15.67114255360002, 287.06042483199997, 76.09417722879999], [99.10278323199998, 44.788574208, 113.98950192640001, 66.7723999232], [58.05175782399999, 21.969360332800022, 118.98901365759997, 74.3958129664], [150.97558597119996, 17.797485363199996, 225.39697262079994, 76.09417722879999], [226.99169920000003, 15.67114255360002, 287.06042483199997, 75.3854370304], [55.273803673600014, 50.790466304000006, 84.12707522560004, 76.28875729919997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049060.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a gloves, a helmet, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[489.47741700520004, 101.8579712, 636.6717529276, 390.0619506688], [489.47741700520004, 101.8579712, 636.6717529276, 390.0619506688], [517.6472168064, 231.0858154496, 535.05187987, 254.3813476352], [513.8984375067, 278.2124023296, 556.2053222333, 324.0001830912], [488.1931152113, 367.3780517376, 538.5328369068001, 389.8703003136], [614.3895263678, 336.5960693248, 639.9637451057, 385.3838500864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049060_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[104.9139404544, 255.1312256, 202.6508788992, 441.1116333056]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049061_crop.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[24.913940454400006, 47.13122559999999, 122.6508788992, 233.11163330559998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049061.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three street lights.", "boxes_value": [[104.9139404544, 255.1312256, 202.6508788992, 441.1116333056], [95.039733888, 350.756774912, 121.0112914944, 432.23620608], [116.4280395264, 353.3030395392, 143.41809085440002, 434.2731933696], [145.455078144, 355.34002688, 172.44512939519998, 441.1116333056], [104.9139404544, 303.999694848, 137.846984832, 369.8659057664], [152.720031744, 255.1312256, 167.5930176, 361.367004416], [160.1565551616, 281.1589965824, 202.6508788992, 369.3347167744]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049061_crop.jpg", "text": "Share some details about the objects or environment within the bounding box in . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three street lights.", "boxes_value": [[24.913940454400006, 47.13122559999999, 122.6508788992, 233.11163330559998], [15.039733888, 142.75677491200003, 41.0112914944, 224.23620608], [36.4280395264, 145.30303953919997, 63.41809085440002, 226.2731933696], [65.455078144, 147.34002687999998, 92.44512939519998, 233.11163330559998], [24.913940454400006, 95.99969484799999, 57.846984832000004, 161.86590576639998], [72.72003174400001, 47.13122559999999, 87.5930176, 153.367004416], [80.15655516160001, 73.1589965824, 122.6508788992, 161.33471677440002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049062.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[207.4265747372, 159.9109496832, 312.58697512699996, 224.287841792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049062_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[26.426574737200013, 16.910949683199988, 131.58697512699996, 81.287841792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049062.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[207.4265747372, 159.9109496832, 312.58697512699996, 224.287841792], [207.4265747372, 159.9109496832, 224.1369018336, 218.0139160064], [222.63775632979997, 160.723693824, 252.92065427440002, 216.792053248], [252.62084963639998, 192.8056030208, 278.106445309, 221.5893554688], [279.9054565734, 189.8073120256, 293.3978271616, 221.8891601408], [289.7998657554, 164.0218505728, 312.58697512699996, 224.287841792]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049062_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you share some insights about the rectangular region in the image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[26.426574737200013, 16.910949683199988, 131.58697512699996, 81.287841792], [26.426574737200013, 16.910949683199988, 43.13690183360001, 75.0139160064], [41.63775632979997, 17.72369382400001, 71.92065427440002, 73.792053248], [71.62084963639998, 49.80560302079999, 97.10644530899998, 78.5893554688], [98.90545657339999, 46.8073120256, 112.39782716159999, 78.88916014079999], [108.79986575539999, 21.02185057279999, 131.58697512699996, 81.287841792]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049064.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[1.0279617309570312, 116.3714599424, 444.2070041856, 323.2693481472]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049064_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[1.0279617309570312, 52.371459942399994, 444.2070041856, 259.2693481472]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049064.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a hat, two cups, a bottle, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[1.0279617309570312, 116.3714599424, 444.2070041856, 323.2693481472], [0.47729495040000003, 163.0839233536, 44.8529663232, 259.4116821504], [194.21502689279998, 192.306945792, 269.9783935488, 323.2693481472], [271.22059637760003, 147.055218432, 444.2070041856, 272.3212378624], [243.63781739520002, 242.4583130112, 259.0307617536, 279.9007568384], [71.499572736, 116.3714599424, 109.94427486720001, 156.8665161216], [1.0279617309570312, 237.90115356445312, 71.9206314086914, 290.5954284667969], [1.0192718505859375, 237.79612731933594, 71.77698516845703, 291.8260498046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 7], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049064_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a hat, two cups, a bottle, and a bowl.", "boxes_value": [[1.0279617309570312, 52.371459942399994, 444.2070041856, 259.2693481472], [0.47729495040000003, 99.0839233536, 44.8529663232, 195.4116821504], [194.21502689279998, 128.306945792, 269.9783935488, 259.2693481472], [271.22059637760003, 83.055218432, 444.2070041856, 208.32123786239998], [243.63781739520002, 178.4583130112, 259.0307617536, 215.9007568384], [71.499572736, 52.371459942399994, 109.94427486720001, 92.8665161216], [1.0279617309570312, 173.90115356445312, 71.9206314086914, 226.59542846679688], [1.0192718505859375, 173.79612731933594, 71.77698516845703, 227.8260498046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 7], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049065.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[434.6843261607, 160.245117184, 630.3688965189, 485.6524047872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049065_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[49.68432616069998, 82.24511718400001, 245.3688965189, 407.6524047872]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049065.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a desk, two pictures, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[434.6843261607, 160.245117184, 630.3688965189, 485.6524047872], [466.24877928089995, 251.7454223872, 517.6539306477, 350.0463257088], [434.6843261607, 337.4204711936, 546.5129394186, 444.73986816], [458.4635009955, 160.245117184, 508.1569824177, 213.9140014592], [459.1260986004, 215.901733376, 509.48205565949996, 270.233154304], [482.5057373136, 268.7863159296, 630.3688965189, 485.6524047872]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049065_crop.jpg", "text": "Give me a vivid description of what's happening in the area within the snapshot . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a desk, two pictures, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[49.68432616069998, 82.24511718400001, 245.3688965189, 407.6524047872], [81.24877928089995, 173.7454223872, 132.6539306477, 272.0463257088], [49.68432616069998, 259.4204711936, 161.5129394186, 366.73986816], [73.4635009955, 82.24511718400001, 123.15698241770002, 135.9140014592], [74.12609860039998, 137.901733376, 124.48205565949996, 192.23315430399998], [97.50573731359998, 190.7863159296, 245.3688965189, 407.6524047872]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049066.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[506.4188232192, 198.548706048, 767.7329101824, 507.6895141376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049066_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[65.41882321920002, 77.54870604800001, 326.7329101824, 386.6895141376]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049066.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, two people, a watch, two glasses, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[506.4188232192, 198.548706048, 767.7329101824, 507.6895141376], [515.0255126784, 284.5863036928, 768.5549316096, 510.5351562752], [506.4188232192, 198.548706048, 767.7329101824, 507.6895141376], [527.9061278976, 214.490966784, 751.097412096, 430.7509155328], [523.541625984, 446.7876587008, 542.1821289216, 472.2956542976], [595.1800429056, 255.2467890176, 662.0063099136, 289.6573295104], [551.6300698368, 266.508303104, 571.4153672448, 319.2690962944], [724.3846435584001, 173.215209984, 743.9467773696, 280.0054931456]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049066_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, two people, a watch, two glasses, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[65.41882321920002, 77.54870604800001, 326.7329101824, 386.6895141376], [74.02551267839999, 163.58630369280002, 327, 389.5351562752], [65.41882321920002, 77.54870604800001, 326.7329101824, 386.6895141376], [86.90612789759996, 93.490966784, 310.09741209599997, 309.7509155328], [82.541625984, 325.7876587008, 101.1821289216, 351.2956542976], [154.18004290559998, 134.2467890176, 221.00630991360003, 168.65732951040002], [110.63006983679998, 145.508303104, 130.4153672448, 198.26909629440001], [283.38464355840006, 52.21520998400001, 302.9467773696, 159.00549314559998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049070.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[177.1103515648, 136.69189455359998, 251.1007526912, 436.25841960959997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049070_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[19.1103515648, 75.69189455359998, 93.1007526912, 375.25841960959997]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049070.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a high heels, and three leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[177.1103515648, 136.69189455359998, 251.1007526912, 436.25841960959997], [177.1103515648, 136.69189455359998, 227.4196167168, 407.52331545600003], [230.847694336, 408.12917191680003, 251.1007526912, 436.25841960959997], [179.2317657470703, 393.019287109375, 212.09620666503906, 406.69036865234375], [196.34622192382812, 382.8354797363281, 217.47439575195312, 394.3446960449219], [222.85174560546875, 376.08355712890625, 232.24093627929688, 385.6319580078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049070_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a high heels, and three leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[19.1103515648, 75.69189455359998, 93.1007526912, 375.25841960959997], [19.1103515648, 75.69189455359998, 69.4196167168, 346.52331545600003], [72.84769433599999, 347.12917191680003, 93.1007526912, 375.25841960959997], [21.231765747070312, 332.019287109375, 54.09620666503906, 345.69036865234375], [38.346221923828125, 321.8354797363281, 59.474395751953125, 333.3446960449219], [64.85174560546875, 315.08355712890625, 74.24093627929688, 324.6319580078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049071.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, an air conditioner, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[0, 74.2694091776, 329.88342282689996, 467.2103271424], [0, 336.7502441472, 121.5542602755, 467.2103271424], [69.3439941177, 95.8235473408, 114.1399536389, 121.0484619264], [229.7383423122, 74.2694091776, 329.88342282689996, 384.6528320512], [112.3497314792, 40.445617664, 341.1580810478, 451.6373291008], [51.334167509900006, 148.5491943424, 128.2668456772, 466.2279663104]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049071_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, an air conditioner, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[0, 74.2694091776, 329.88342282689996, 467.2103271424], [0, 336.7502441472, 121.5542602755, 467.2103271424], [69.3439941177, 95.8235473408, 114.1399536389, 121.0484619264], [229.7383423122, 74.2694091776, 329.88342282689996, 384.6528320512], [112.3497314792, 40.445617664, 341.1580810478, 451.6373291008], [51.334167509900006, 148.5491943424, 128.2668456772, 466.2279663104]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049072.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0.9452514301999999, 80.9851684352, 216.1177978518, 251.684753408]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049072_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[248.7340698478, 78.7228393472, 567.6667480241, 427.101196288]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049078_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[79.73406984779999, 78.7228393472, 398.6667480241, 427.101196288]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049078.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two drums, a cymbal, a guitar, a person, a bracelet, a glasses, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[248.7340698478, 78.7228393472, 567.6667480241, 427.101196288], [248.7340698478, 351.2391967744, 343.14013668250004, 427.101196288], [278.5169677587, 310.7794799616, 321.2244872734, 327.6376953344], [320.6624756198, 252.3375854592, 672.4374999817, 395.0706176512], [467.0769042638, 363.2242431488, 510.7552490589, 420.1620483584], [358.5555419808, 50.5809936384, 577.8731689482, 511.9373169152], [439.302368202, 135.8922119168, 460.2198486132, 151.8847046144], [421.28503417810003, 78.7228393472, 480.56274414390003, 97.4421386752], [491.59594726660004, 315.1436767744, 567.6667480241, 357.1636962816]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049078_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two drums, a cymbal, a guitar, a person, a bracelet, a glasses, and a laptop.", "boxes_value": [[79.73406984779999, 78.7228393472, 398.6667480241, 427.101196288], [79.73406984779999, 351.2391967744, 174.14013668250004, 427.101196288], [109.51696775869999, 310.7794799616, 152.22448727339997, 327.6376953344], [151.66247561979998, 252.3375854592, 478, 395.0706176512], [298.0769042638, 363.2242431488, 341.7552490589, 420.1620483584], [189.5555419808, 50.5809936384, 408.87316894820003, 511.9373169152], [270.302368202, 135.8922119168, 291.2198486132, 151.8847046144], [252.28503417810003, 78.7228393472, 311.56274414390003, 97.4421386752], [322.59594726660004, 315.1436767744, 398.6667480241, 357.1636962816]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2], [3], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049081.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[572.4012450816, 225.2134399488, 712.7104492031999, 427.2648925696]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049081_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[35.401245081599996, 51.21343994879999, 175.71044920319991, 253.26489256960002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049081.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three bottles, two wine glasses, and a napkin.", "boxes_value": [[572.4012450816, 225.2134399488, 712.7104492031999, 427.2648925696], [631.6906738176, 299.827514624, 688.23571776, 427.2648925696], [672.2005615104, 293.919799808, 712.7104492031999, 391.8187255808], [659.9754638592001, 225.2134399488, 695.0526123264, 296.4305419776], [602.3955078144, 232.670898432, 642.6136474368, 305.298034688], [583.2624511488, 198.7001342976, 616.0618896384001, 281.86993408], [572.4012450816, 231.4318847488, 662.9384765952, 286.2155761664]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 5], [2, 4], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049081_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the area in the image for me. Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three bottles, two wine glasses, and a napkin.", "boxes_value": [[35.401245081599996, 51.21343994879999, 175.71044920319991, 253.26489256960002], [94.69067381759999, 125.827514624, 151.23571776000006, 253.26489256960002], [135.2005615104, 119.919799808, 175.71044920319991, 217.8187255808], [122.97546385920009, 51.21343994879999, 158.05261232639998, 122.4305419776], [65.39550781440005, 58.670898432, 105.61364743679997, 131.29803468799997], [46.26245114879998, 24.700134297599988, 79.06188963840009, 107.86993408000001], [35.401245081599996, 57.4318847488, 125.93847659519997, 112.21557616640001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 5], [2, 4], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049083.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[154.2589111296, 502.93957516800003, 434.8214111232, 767.0423583744]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049083_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[70.2589111296, 66.93957516800003, 350.8214111232, 331.0423583744]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049083.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two high heels, two leather shoes, a sneakers, and a storage box.", "boxes_value": [[154.2589111296, 502.93957516800003, 434.8214111232, 767.0423583744], [244.787109376, 502.93957516800003, 335.315246592, 617.4090576384], [340.5524292096, 603.9420165888, 434.8214111232, 716.1671142911999], [277.7064208896, 689.9812012032, 381.7015991296, 767.0423583744], [154.2589111296, 575.5117187328, 274.7137451008, 693.7220458751999], [83.9312133632, 657.061889664, 227.57922365440004, 767.0423583744], [184.00450134277344, 544.2042236328125, 401.3594970703125, 659.728515625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 5], [3], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049083_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two high heels, two leather shoes, a sneakers, and a storage box.", "boxes_value": [[70.2589111296, 66.93957516800003, 350.8214111232, 331.0423583744], [160.787109376, 66.93957516800003, 251.315246592, 181.4090576384], [256.5524292096, 167.94201658880002, 350.8214111232, 280.16711429119994], [193.7064208896, 253.98120120320004, 297.7015991296, 331.0423583744], [70.2589111296, 139.51171873279998, 190.7137451008, 257.7220458751999], [0, 221.06188966399998, 143.57922365440004, 331.0423583744], [100.00450134277344, 108.2042236328125, 317.3594970703125, 223.728515625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 5], [3], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049085.jpg", "text": "Could you please provide a description of the rectangular area in ? 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Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[52.62030031949999, 20.693298329599997, 261.65527343170004, 103.45666503680002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049086.jpg", "text": "Tell me more about the scenery or objects within the rectangular region in . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, four chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[510.25415038399996, 309.29119872, 616.404052726, 400.8840331776], [532.3126220296, 348.264648448, 613.9978027608, 422.6607055872], [532.7979736432, 324.9784545792, 574.600952158, 384.0562134016], [510.25415038399996, 316.4987182592, 547.6011963139999, 376.9511108608], [554.8247070564, 323.116516096, 615.67065427, 385.4829101568], [601.3083495948, 329.2066650624, 616.404052726, 400.8840331776], [580.1633301196, 309.29119872, 612.9416504048, 323.116516096]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 5, 6], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049093_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, four chairs, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[27.254150383999956, 23.29119872000001, 133.40405272600003, 114.88403317759997], [49.31262202959999, 62.264648448, 130.99780276080003, 136.66070558720003], [49.79797364319995, 38.97845457919999, 91.60095215800004, 98.05621340160002], [27.254150383999956, 30.498718259200018, 64.60119631399994, 90.95111086079999], [71.82470705640003, 37.116516096, 132.67065427, 99.48291015680002], [118.3083495948, 43.20666506240002, 133.40405272600003, 114.88403317759997], [97.1633301196, 23.29119872000001, 129.94165040480004, 37.116516096]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 5, 6], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049095.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[18.7687987935, 32.1483764736, 331.8674316195, 222.3355713024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049095_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[18.7687987935, 32.1483764736, 331.8674316195, 222.3355713024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049095.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, three bottles, a laptop, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[18.7687987935, 32.1483764736, 331.8674316195, 222.3355713024], [0, 0, 354.7567138545, 206.2909545984], [183.9866332776, 32.1483764736, 205.74505611990003, 62.9727172608], [283.6881103875, 41.1004028416, 302.64904785510004, 80.2655029248], [304.2032470797, 35.8162231296, 331.8674316195, 79.6438598656], [98.184875469, 142.587646464, 186.2346191652, 222.3355713024], [18.7687987935, 91.9210815488, 153.8406982716, 187.4837646336]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049095_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you offer a description of the contents in the selected area of the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, three bottles, a laptop, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[18.7687987935, 32.1483764736, 331.8674316195, 222.3355713024], [0, 0, 354.7567138545, 206.2909545984], [183.9866332776, 32.1483764736, 205.74505611990003, 62.9727172608], [283.6881103875, 41.1004028416, 302.64904785510004, 80.2655029248], [304.2032470797, 35.8162231296, 331.8674316195, 79.6438598656], [98.184875469, 142.587646464, 186.2346191652, 222.3355713024], [18.7687987935, 91.9210815488, 153.8406982716, 187.4837646336]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049101.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[105.70770265600001, 191.618286144, 399.551513664, 357.88586424000005]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049101_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[73.70770265600001, 41.618286143999995, 367.551513664, 207.88586424000005]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049101.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, a cabinet, three chairs, a picture, and a fan.", "boxes_value": [[105.70770265600001, 191.618286144, 399.551513664, 357.88586424000005], [105.70770265600001, 225.876709008, 168.87359616, 280.684265136], [127.7990112, 256.589050272, 142.8858032, 285.146118144], [75.534179712, 276.525146496, 174.13696288, 340.105041504], [179.52508544, 266.28765868799996, 247.41552736, 312.086792016], [260.8858032, 276.525146496, 342.246582016, 357.88586424000005], [92.237365696, 281.91326904, 197.84472659199997, 376.20550536], [378.86486816, 212.640625008, 399.551513664, 239.332946784], [318.207824704, 191.618286144, 343.904724096, 210.018493632]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049101_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, a vase, a cabinet, three chairs, a picture, and a fan.", "boxes_value": [[73.70770265600001, 41.618286143999995, 367.551513664, 207.88586424000005], [73.70770265600001, 75.876709008, 136.87359616, 130.68426513600002], [95.7990112, 106.58905027200001, 110.8858032, 135.146118144], [43.534179712, 126.52514649599999, 142.13696288, 190.10504150399998], [147.52508544, 116.28765868799996, 215.41552736, 162.086792016], [228.8858032, 126.52514649599999, 310.246582016, 207.88586424000005], [60.237365696, 131.91326904, 165.84472659199997, 226.20550536000002], [346.86486816, 62.640625008, 367.551513664, 89.332946784], [286.207824704, 41.618286143999995, 311.904724096, 60.018493632]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049103.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, three pillows, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[0, 41.9916992, 216.2666626218, 308.1857299968], [198.7568359623, 115.5642700288, 228.0351562587, 188.7601928704], [0.5758056801, 41.9916992, 83.6957397213, 193.5013427712], [72.1220702895, 246.1088867328, 161.5548706317, 301.872863744], [71.069885271, 197.70996096, 216.2666626218, 286.0905761792], [0, 191.3970336768, 94.2172241346, 308.1857299968], [13.575988767599998, 77.1077880832, 56.1973876695, 166.7153930752]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049103_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a carpet, two desks, two lamps, and a bed.", "boxes_value": [[81.34893798400003, 53.45184326400005, 405.726440448, 266.420043936], [49.540893568, 200.803588848, 170.46386719999998, 267], [46.498046848, 121.52551267199999, 121.51129152000001, 215.291992176], [81.34893798400003, 74.78881833600002, 110.33624268799997, 137.82476807999996], [100.47204588800003, 53.45184326400005, 405.726440448, 266.420043936], [259.60784915200003, 93.86474611200003, 313.892089856, 134.09893800000003], [268.509338368, 63.81268310400003, 290.79650879999997, 104.868042]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 5], [3, 6], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049114.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two bottles, a desk, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[40.37512203740005, 30.28851317760001, 199.44311524010004, 149.5894775296], [111.39465332600003, 0, 179.62060547120007, 149.1546630656], [52.5784912158, 93.27246095359999, 63.62646481020005, 121.3402710016], [53.06958009999994, 52.68890383360002, 76.17456054890005, 68.713317888], [40.37512203740005, 104.14147947520001, 115.64843749829998, 148.16918947840003], [60.96875000749998, 48.041625958400004, 169.617919938, 138.22747801600002], [103.57629392950003, 30.28851317760001, 199.44311524010004, 149.5894775296]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049115.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a person, a bow tie, a hat, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[321.933227539, 3.475952128, 748.9750976400001, 218.4265746944], [682.351196296, 3.475952128, 748.9750976400001, 94.7415161344], [434.525268562, 175.371826176, 451.923461913, 199.794250496], [330.99365237399996, 205.3688964608, 359.507324253, 218.4265746944], [321.933227539, 116.0971679744, 379.76000978300004, 173.3909912064], [400.279174834, 168.3278198272, 432.25708010100004, 178.4541625856]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049115_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the image content present in the specified rectangular area of . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a person, a bow tie, a hat, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[106.93322753899997, 3.475952128, 533.9750976400001, 218.4265746944], [467.351196296, 3.475952128, 533.9750976400001, 94.7415161344], [219.525268562, 175.371826176, 236.92346191299998, 199.794250496], [115.99365237399996, 205.3688964608, 144.50732425299998, 218.4265746944], [106.93322753899997, 116.0971679744, 164.76000978300004, 173.3909912064], [185.279174834, 168.3278198272, 217.25708010100004, 178.4541625856]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049116.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[130.8540649081, 226.9155884032, 681.8826904084, 298.0833740288]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049116_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[130.8540649081, 17.91558840319999, 681.8826904084, 89.0833740288]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049116.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a truck.", "boxes_value": [[130.8540649081, 226.9155884032, 681.8826904084, 298.0833740288], [130.8540649081, 252.3634643456, 177.8013305895, 298.0833740288], [464.05590818829995, 257.1238403072, 492.3780517542, 288.4274292224], [506.5391845632, 248.1799926784, 538.5881347724, 285.4461059584], [542.6873779007001, 228.8016357376, 559.4571533284001, 273.5209350656], [668.0245361262, 226.9155884032, 681.8826904084, 274.0924072448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049116_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you elaborate on the content of the bounding box in ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and a truck.", "boxes_value": [[130.8540649081, 17.91558840319999, 681.8826904084, 89.0833740288], [130.8540649081, 43.36346434559999, 177.8013305895, 89.0833740288], [464.05590818829995, 48.1238403072, 492.3780517542, 79.42742922240001], [506.5391845632, 39.1799926784, 538.5881347724, 76.44610595839998], [542.6873779007001, 19.80163573760001, 559.4571533284001, 64.52093506559999], [668.0245361262, 17.91558840319999, 681.8826904084, 65.09240724479997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049117.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cymbal, three drums, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[555.0676269357999, 130.2797851648, 683.6490478651, 362.3424072192], [572.6767577969999, 130.2797851648, 682.7335205150999, 151.66229248], [592.172485328, 183.7359619072, 682.1046142517, 279.3281860096], [556.3254394626, 240.9655151616, 597.2036133148, 269.265808128], [555.0676269357999, 275.5548095488, 682.7335205150999, 362.3424072192], [655.1405029443999, 217.2966308352, 683.6490478651, 320.430603008]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049117_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you give me a description of the region in image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cymbal, three drums, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[33.06762693579992, 58.27978516479999, 161, 290.3424072192], [50.67675779699994, 58.27978516479999, 160.73352051509994, 79.66229247999999], [70.172485328, 111.7359619072, 160.1046142517, 207.32818600960002], [34.3254394626, 168.9655151616, 75.20361331480001, 197.265808128], [33.06762693579992, 203.5548095488, 160.73352051509994, 290.3424072192], [133.14050294439994, 145.2966308352, 161, 248.430603008]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049118.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[132.5565185536, 567.190795889, 323.93658447265625, 597.009155292]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049118_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[48.5565185536, 8.190795889000015, 239.93658447265625, 38.009155291999946]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049118.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two slippers, two high heels, and two sandals.", "boxes_value": [[132.5565185536, 567.190795889, 323.93658447265625, 597.009155292], [132.5565185536, 582.1105957350001, 158.5359497216, 597.009155292], [186.5639037952, 577.454833996, 204.2559814656, 595.0538330420001], [281.566345216, 558.8544922010001, 307.5444946432, 593.653564439], [258.1084594688, 567.190795889, 280.4031372288, 590.164062474], [308.62054443359375, 567.2190551757812, 323.93658447265625, 581.7665405273438], [206.26788330078125, 575.8862915039062, 220.32199096679688, 592.9113159179688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049118_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two slippers, two high heels, and two sandals.", "boxes_value": [[48.5565185536, 8.190795889000015, 239.93658447265625, 38.009155291999946], [48.5565185536, 23.11059573500006, 74.53594972159999, 38.009155291999946], [102.56390379519999, 18.454833996000048, 120.2559814656, 36.053833042000065], [197.566345216, 0, 223.54449464319998, 34.65356443899998], [174.1084594688, 8.190795889000015, 196.4031372288, 31.164062474000048], [224.62054443359375, 8.21905517578125, 239.93658447265625, 22.76654052734375], [122.26788330078125, 16.88629150390625, 136.32199096679688, 33.91131591796875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049121.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five chairs, a radiator, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[66.93725587200001, 236.548522944, 394.70117190400003, 389.910461424], [146.80249024, 238.846618656, 202.56719968, 329.90545656], [201.155456512, 238.14074707199998, 265.390747072, 329.90545656], [266.384033216, 236.548522944, 328.61694336, 331.972290048], [89.02026368, 255.736999488, 289.20275878399997, 314.858215344], [66.93725587200001, 270.13861084800004, 126.94757081600001, 280.140319824], [308.11486816, 259.60241697600003, 394.70117190400003, 389.910461424], [310.686767552, 267.317993184, 410.989624, 420.772888176]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 6, 7], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049121_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five chairs, a radiator, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[66.93725587200001, 38.54852294400001, 394.70117190400003, 191.910461424], [146.80249024, 40.846618656000004, 202.56719968, 131.90545656], [201.155456512, 40.14074707199998, 265.390747072, 131.90545656], [266.384033216, 38.54852294400001, 328.61694336, 133.972290048], [89.02026368, 57.73699948800001, 289.20275878399997, 116.85821534399997], [66.93725587200001, 72.13861084800004, 126.94757081600001, 82.14031982400002], [308.11486816, 61.60241697600003, 394.70117190400003, 191.910461424], [310.686767552, 69.31799318399999, 410.989624, 222.77288817599998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 6, 7], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049122.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[340.0212402476, 356.9771728384, 634.5364990018, 414.40814208]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049122_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[74.02124024760002, 14.977172838400008, 368.53649900180005, 72.40814208]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049122.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three suvs, a van, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[340.0212402476, 356.9771728384, 634.5364990018, 414.40814208], [340.0212402476, 358.7421264896, 396.7486572232, 400.5413208064], [381.6444091651, 360.9207763456, 457.0225830038, 403.3958129664], [431.29821778310003, 365.3078613504, 498.10168457509997, 409.178771968], [470.9606933928, 366.4635009536, 549.1591796531, 411.3314819584], [544.0313720724, 356.9771728384, 634.5364990018, 414.40814208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 5], [2], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049122_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photograph , can you describe the objects or scenery enclosed by ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three suvs, a van, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[74.02124024760002, 14.977172838400008, 368.53649900180005, 72.40814208], [74.02124024760002, 16.742126489600025, 130.74865722319998, 58.541320806399995], [115.6444091651, 18.920776345600018, 191.02258300379998, 61.3958129664], [165.29821778310003, 23.307861350400003, 232.10168457509997, 67.17877196799998], [204.9606933928, 24.463500953599976, 283.15917965309995, 69.33148195839999], [278.0313720724, 14.977172838400008, 368.53649900180005, 72.40814208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 5], [2], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049123.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[86.1231689136, 51.4618530304, 284.48284912319997, 324.5103149568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049123_crop.jpg", "text": "Tell me about the region of the image . 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, a gloves, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[50.1231689136, 51.4618530304, 248.48284912319997, 324.5103149568], [48.86114502320001, 52.9324340736, 188.694274896, 326.4821777408], [50.1231689136, 51.4618530304, 163.9009399296, 211.8474121216], [59.78948972319999, 51.704284672, 132.6561889376, 94.8026123264], [83.25585934080001, 292.6939086848, 119.77557369920001, 324.5103149568], [217.3947143728, 59.6492919808, 248.48284912319997, 73.3501586944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049126.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[59.7385864192, 175.7342529455, 468.185913088, 584.8686523705]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049126_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[59.7385864192, 102.7342529455, 468.185913088, 511.86865237049994]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049126.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, a picture, two lamps, and a globe.", "boxes_value": [[59.7385864192, 175.7342529455, 468.185913088, 584.8686523705], [148.956542976, 520.2708740190001, 210.4990234624, 584.8686523705], [59.7385864192, 385.6047363378, 88.0778808832, 438.07067869630004], [67.4308471808, 180.7483520348, 100.8896484352, 209.42730716300002], [431.6968994304, 175.7342529455, 468.185913088, 206.69464110139998], [260.3514404352, 472.88354494910004, 292.3514404352, 518.1480712929]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049126_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, a picture, two lamps, and a globe.", "boxes_value": [[59.7385864192, 102.7342529455, 468.185913088, 511.86865237049994], [148.956542976, 447.2708740190001, 210.4990234624, 511.86865237049994], [59.7385864192, 312.6047363378, 88.0778808832, 365.07067869630004], [67.4308471808, 107.7483520348, 100.8896484352, 136.42730716300002], [431.6968994304, 102.7342529455, 468.185913088, 133.69464110139998], [260.3514404352, 399.88354494910004, 292.3514404352, 445.1480712929]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049129.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[346.0175781141, 147.9135741952, 480.44885255239996, 244.41583251953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049129_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[34.01757811409999, 24.9135741952, 168.44885255239996, 121.41583251953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049129.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, three potted plants, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[346.0175781141, 147.9135741952, 480.44885255239996, 244.41583251953125], [382.10998537340004, 151.0563354624, 415.07543946169994, 185.5808105472], [422.1906738662, 170.25781248, 448.3894042731, 211.6682128896], [465.5120849274, 167.9507446272, 480.44885255239996, 210.9395751936], [346.0175781141, 147.9135741952, 385.7276611296, 211.3038940672], [432.5273132324219, 198.14492797851562, 477.8733825683594, 244.41583251953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049129_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, three potted plants, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[34.01757811409999, 24.9135741952, 168.44885255239996, 121.41583251953125], [70.10998537340004, 28.0563354624, 103.07543946169994, 62.5808105472], [110.19067386619997, 47.25781248000001, 136.3894042731, 88.6682128896], [153.5120849274, 44.95074462720001, 168.44885255239996, 87.9395751936], [34.01757811409999, 24.9135741952, 73.7276611296, 88.30389406719999], [120.52731323242188, 75.14492797851562, 165.87338256835938, 121.41583251953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049132.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[308.643310514, 262.4784545792, 499.702758786, 445.9286498816]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049132_crop.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, a sink, a tea pot, and a kettle.", "boxes_value": [[308.643310514, 262.4784545792, 499.702758786, 445.9286498816], [308.643310514, 325.5350341632, 386.28845216499997, 445.9286498816], [386.082519515, 310.2677612544, 423.802368143, 435.0234375168], [423.36621096, 310.2677612544, 499.702758786, 414.5216064512], [294.73059084700003, 314.8206787072, 347.369140657, 321.986145024], [439.963378932, 262.4784545792, 468.007568336, 299.2259521536], [410.212524414, 265.982788096, 428.233642606, 294.2775268352]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049132_crop.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cabinets, a sink, a tea pot, and a kettle.", "boxes_value": [[48.64331051400001, 46.47845457919999, 239.702758786, 229.9286498816], [48.64331051400001, 109.53503416320001, 126.28845216499997, 229.9286498816], [126.082519515, 94.2677612544, 163.80236814300002, 219.02343751680002], [163.36621096, 94.2677612544, 239.702758786, 198.5216064512], [34.73059084700003, 98.82067870719999, 87.369140657, 105.986145024], [179.963378932, 46.47845457919999, 208.00756833600002, 83.22595215360002], [150.21252441399997, 49.98278809599998, 168.233642606, 78.27752683519998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049133.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[158.1702880768, 247.79650881179998, 415.1651000832, 377.5354003941]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049133_crop.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[65.1702880768, 32.79650881179998, 322.1651000832, 162.5354003941]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049133.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a wine glass, a cup, two bottles, and a tea pot.", "boxes_value": [[158.1702880768, 247.79650881179998, 415.1651000832, 377.5354003941], [158.1702880768, 247.79650881179998, 181.6848144384, 295.3055420211], [331.7744751104, 308.0711669529, 362.9588622848, 377.5354003941], [378.8214721536, 329.434204073, 415.1651000832, 375.89404296339995], [261.17309568, 332.0568848025, 287.0257568256, 360.5323486167], [219.9586791936, 344.0465087462, 257.4263305728, 369.8991698909]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049133_crop.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a wine glass, a cup, two bottles, and a tea pot.", "boxes_value": [[65.1702880768, 32.79650881179998, 322.1651000832, 162.5354003941], [65.1702880768, 32.79650881179998, 88.6848144384, 80.3055420211], [238.77447511039998, 93.0711669529, 269.9588622848, 162.5354003941], [285.8214721536, 114.43420407299999, 322.1651000832, 160.89404296339995], [168.17309568000002, 117.05688480250001, 194.0257568256, 145.5323486167], [126.9586791936, 129.0465087462, 164.4263305728, 154.8991698909]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049134.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, four people, and a slippers.", "boxes_value": [[0.24743654399999998, 144.6228027392, 398.0389404672, 496.3572998144], [251.8840332288, 269.1392822272, 305.07617187840003, 328.0596923904], [45.311889638400004, 288.5985107456, 130.536071808, 449.1738891776], [0.24743654399999998, 144.6228027392, 62.329895040000004, 493.8826904064], [302.3645019648, 167.4007568384, 347.1550292736, 267.1779785216], [301.3739013888, 198.3601074176, 398.0389404672, 327.6652832256], [382.46972659200003, 157.2572021248, 411.2359619328, 199.2808838144], [23.0471191296, 468.7383422976, 51.667968768, 496.3572998144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049134_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two desks, four people, and a slippers.", "boxes_value": [[0.24743654399999998, 88.62280273920001, 398.0389404672, 440.3572998144], [251.8840332288, 213.1392822272, 305.07617187840003, 272.0596923904], [45.311889638400004, 232.59851074559998, 130.536071808, 393.1738891776], [0.24743654399999998, 88.62280273920001, 62.329895040000004, 437.8826904064], [302.3645019648, 111.40075683840001, 347.1550292736, 211.17797852159998], [301.3739013888, 142.3601074176, 398.0389404672, 271.6652832256], [382.46972659200003, 101.25720212479999, 411.2359619328, 143.2808838144], [23.0471191296, 412.7383422976, 51.667968768, 440.3572998144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049135.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[244.02252195839998, 273.136474624, 353.5443115008, 369.0690307584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049135_crop.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[28.022521958399977, 24.136474624000016, 137.5443115008, 120.0690307584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049135.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three backpacks.", "boxes_value": [[244.02252195839998, 273.136474624, 353.5443115008, 369.0690307584], [321.5382080256, 280.0084228608, 356.1729736704, 386.386413568], [276.733032192, 279.1837768704, 307.2446289408, 369.0690307584], [244.02252195839998, 273.136474624, 275.0838623232, 349.2778320384], [329.4027099648, 292.6139526144, 353.5443115008, 322.8592529408], [287.2609863168, 288.5812378112, 303.795043968, 319.6330566656], [249.75677491199997, 284.5485229568, 267.3583984128, 305.5186157056]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049135_crop.jpg", "text": "What's inside the area of the provided graphic ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three backpacks.", "boxes_value": [[28.022521958399977, 24.136474624000016, 137.5443115008, 120.0690307584], [105.5382080256, 31.00842286080001, 140.17297367039998, 137.38641356800002], [60.733032191999996, 30.18377687039998, 91.2446289408, 120.0690307584], [28.022521958399977, 24.136474624000016, 59.08386232319998, 100.27783203839999], [113.40270996480001, 43.61395261439998, 137.5443115008, 73.85925294079999], [71.26098631679997, 39.581237811200026, 87.79504396800002, 70.63305666560001], [33.75677491199997, 35.548522956800014, 51.3583984128, 56.518615705599984]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049138.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a handbag, four cups, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[233.68225096449999, 279.4661860352, 312.6995849245, 368.7212524544], [252.5551518485, 279.4661860352, 284.1595638225, 307.8689782272], [233.68225096449999, 315.8702392832, 264.437377926, 354.68737792], [259.9584961185, 343.3408203264, 272.4993896295, 368.7212524544], [274.291015621, 328.4111328256, 303.851806619, 384.8453369344], [253.6877441455, 320.44635008, 279.79333498249997, 358.836975104], [292.73645022750003, 280.0814209024, 312.6995849245, 365.8569335808]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049138_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a handbag, four cups, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[20.682250964499985, 22.466186035199996, 99.69958492450002, 111.72125245439997], [39.5551518485, 22.466186035199996, 71.15956382249999, 50.86897822719999], [20.682250964499985, 58.87023928320002, 51.43737792600001, 97.68737792000002], [46.95849611850002, 86.34082032639998, 59.4993896295, 111.72125245439997], [61.291015620999985, 71.41113282560002, 90.851806619, 127.8453369344], [40.687744145500005, 63.44635008, 66.79333498249997, 101.83697510399998], [79.73645022750003, 23.081420902399998, 99.69958492450002, 108.85693358079999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049139.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five cows, and two sheep.", "boxes_value": [[15.000823974609375, 29.23822021484375, 74.07165524549998, 142.39505004882812], [55.55364993239999, 35.57086182400002, 74.07165524549998, 59.51324462079998], [20.66882320939999, 36.03845217280002, 44.42419436969999, 58.765075660799994], [27.643524169921875, 114.32449340820312, 62.371429443359375, 142.36099243164062], [41.347686767578125, 98.37448120117188, 65.97164916992188, 120.09603881835938], [41.102508544921875, 98.36248779296875, 66.00802612304688, 120.28179931640625], [15.000823974609375, 29.23822021484375, 35.497955322265625, 38.12701416015625], [27.64849853515625, 114.30453491210938, 62.60662841796875, 142.39505004882812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5, 6, 7], [3, 4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049143.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a lamp, two cups, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[21.0126953239, 20.57636260986328, 317.3416748219, 100.45941160960001], [202.8304443637, 38.0069580288, 290.7647094974, 110.99816893440001], [299.8665161182, 45.03051755520001, 317.3416748219, 100.45941160960001], [133.0658569336, 34.7998657024, 156.0575561636, 58.985961932799995], [21.0126953239, 36.427307110399994, 34.891723657, 58.44238279679999], [77.77886199951172, 20.57636260986328, 96.61666107177734, 54.70697784423828]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049148.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[301.3454589952, 240.08441159560002, 459.534423808, 684.1092529472]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049150_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[40.34545899519998, 111.08441159560002, 198.53442380799999, 555.1092529472]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049150.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two sneakers, a boots, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[301.3454589952, 240.08441159560002, 459.534423808, 684.1092529472], [318.0811767808, 240.08441159560002, 459.534423808, 684.1092529472], [395.2738647552, 649.4687500213, 427.5913085952, 680.8215332246], [358.6152343552, 645.6099853794999, 394.3091430912, 679.8568115449], [301.3454589952, 371.2563476586, 342.7321777152, 488.67407229990005], [332.2621459968, 329.4891357458, 385.727478016, 384.28784182199996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049150_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area marked as in this photographic . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two sneakers, a boots, and a plate.", "boxes_value": [[40.34545899519998, 111.08441159560002, 198.53442380799999, 555.1092529472], [57.08117678079998, 111.08441159560002, 198.53442380799999, 555.1092529472], [134.2738647552, 520.4687500213, 166.59130859520002, 551.8215332246], [97.61523435520002, 516.6099853794999, 133.30914309119999, 550.8568115449], [40.34545899519998, 242.25634765860002, 81.73217771520001, 359.67407229990005], [71.26214599679997, 200.4891357458, 124.72747801600002, 255.28784182199996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049151.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, three people, a glasses, a plate, a fork, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[156.53332519079999, 97.1029052928, 446.451904273, 512.3686523392], [225.9785155952, 230.7699585024, 336.32122800890005, 341.1126708736], [309.2616577283, 90.1865234432, 511.5415038996, 512.3686523392], [156.53332519079999, 97.1029052928, 446.451904273, 512.3686523392], [130.8182983099, 166.9586791936, 205.16418458799998, 310.6195068416], [345.5335082879, 162.4136352768, 410.0285644409, 182.2019042816], [319.51806643789996, 384.0857544192, 423.0257568524, 414.468200704], [334.83514406200004, 380.2957763584, 358.21990964350005, 407.4008178688], [147.8547973488, 225.127868672, 172.3621215869, 305.5757446144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049151_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, three people, a glasses, a plate, a fork, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[72.53332519079999, 97.1029052928, 362.451904273, 512], [141.9785155952, 230.7699585024, 252.32122800890005, 341.1126708736], [225.2616577283, 90.1865234432, 427.5415038996, 512], [72.53332519079999, 97.1029052928, 362.451904273, 512], [46.8182983099, 166.9586791936, 121.16418458799998, 310.6195068416], [261.5335082879, 162.4136352768, 326.0285644409, 182.2019042816], [235.51806643789996, 384.0857544192, 339.0257568524, 414.468200704], [250.83514406200004, 380.2957763584, 274.21990964350005, 407.4008178688], [63.85479734879999, 225.127868672, 88.3621215869, 305.5757446144]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049152.jpg", "text": "Explain what can be found in the bounding box in the context of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, four people, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[59.12121584000002, 42.87585448959999, 291.9715576, 213.473449728], [270.14672848, 42.87585448959999, 291.9715576, 77.5617675776], [200.84375, 71.13201904639999, 237.97631832000002, 193.6694336], [179.18310544, 51.32800291839999, 217.55334471999998, 175.72204590080003], [104.29913328, 58.754516582400015, 151.33361816, 199.85815429119998], [59.12121584000002, 64.32440186880001, 110.487854, 213.473449728], [98.1090088, 141.0886840832, 125.87738039999999, 179.49554442239997]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049156.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[244.2410278488, 151.26980590820312, 359.3647155761719, 315.3945312256]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049156_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two hats, a leather shoes, a sports car, and a pickup truck.", "boxes_value": [[0.645430834, 47.64752199680001, 405.31457518720003, 235.7686674432], [26.690429698000003, 40.928710912000014, 105.502685573, 235.1940307456], [21.8510742556, 47.15069578239999, 89.601989782, 229.66333009919998], [375.1236572412, 42.31140136959999, 426.28247066939997, 223.4413452288], [31.716552715800002, 47.64752199680001, 57.0969848402, 60.33770752000001], [375.5905761414, 210.86431882239998, 405.31457518720003, 222.90637204479998], [375.50402832919997, 41.409057638399986, 404.8824463218, 56.6228637696], [100.9793742238, 76.80693155840001, 287.9931810898, 235.7686674432], [0.645430834, 77.0025818112, 48.86699826540001, 221.1649762816]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 6], [5], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049158.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two benches, an umbrella, a person, a handbag, and a boat.", "boxes_value": [[85.85083010560004, 61.919372544, 426.93395998720007, 307.17059328], [85.85083010560004, 217.69769287679998, 167.9478759424, 277.346313472], [185.58581539839997, 241.10815431679998, 278.26574709760007, 307.17059328], [136.92871091200004, 61.919372544, 284.1051025408, 162.8750610432], [181.91711426560005, 74.02478028799999, 250.74279784960004, 345.0933837824], [169.72900387839996, 197.93737794560002, 189.1843261696, 247.69805905919998], [265.7824707328, 117.8614501888, 426.93395998720007, 221.88446044160003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049164.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[144.80761721529998, 139.0891723776, 283.61236573499997, 201.5565185536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049164_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[34.807617215299985, 16.089172377599994, 173.61236573499997, 78.5565185536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049164.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two benches, three suvs, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[144.80761721529998, 139.0891723776, 283.61236573499997, 201.5565185536], [215.29351807679998, 186.80548096, 258.9948730437, 201.5565185536], [261.2075805624, 187.1737670656, 295.5048217707, 201.5565185536], [144.80761721529998, 154.1249389568, 183.9761352463, 178.8884887552], [161.4521484059, 139.0891723776, 181.15203857010002, 158.5115356672], [172.42895510780002, 143.5031128064, 202.15716550270002, 162.053527808], [246.8683471708, 144.5733642752, 283.61236573499997, 162.4102782976]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 5, 6], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049164_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two benches, three suvs, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[34.807617215299985, 16.089172377599994, 173.61236573499997, 78.5565185536], [105.29351807679998, 63.80548096000001, 148.9948730437, 78.5565185536], [151.20758056239998, 64.1737670656, 185.5048217707, 78.5565185536], [34.807617215299985, 31.12493895680001, 73.9761352463, 55.8884887552], [51.452148405900004, 16.089172377599994, 71.15203857010002, 35.51153566720001], [62.42895510780002, 20.503112806399997, 92.15716550270002, 39.05352780800001], [136.8683471708, 21.573364275199992, 173.61236573499997, 39.4102782976]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 5, 6], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049165.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[215.3585204793, 304.9532470784, 337.05120852, 417.3001098752]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049165_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[31.35852047930001, 28.95324707840001, 153.05120852, 141.3001098752]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049165.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, two people, and two boats.", "boxes_value": [[215.3585204793, 304.9532470784, 337.05120852, 417.3001098752], [215.3585204793, 309.5474243072, 337.05120852, 362.171325696], [241.696533204, 304.9532470784, 287.2203979212, 357.577148416], [243.5985107613, 382.5184326144, 286.78582763189996, 417.3001098752], [237.77410889520002, 345.7249755648, 301.5238036986, 370.458435072], [243.34783936830001, 367.3232421888, 301.5238036986, 393.7985229312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049165_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the image , what's going on in the section ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, two people, and two boats.", "boxes_value": [[31.35852047930001, 28.95324707840001, 153.05120852, 141.3001098752], [31.35852047930001, 33.547424307200004, 153.05120852, 86.171325696], [57.69653320399999, 28.95324707840001, 103.2203979212, 81.577148416], [59.59851076129999, 106.51843261440001, 102.78582763189996, 141.3001098752], [53.774108895200015, 69.72497556479999, 117.52380369859998, 94.45843507199999], [59.347839368300015, 91.32324218880001, 117.52380369859998, 117.79852293120001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049166.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[139.9376220672, 37.9234619392, 511.04095458984375, 256.4547729408]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049166_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[92.93762206720001, 37.9234619392, 464.04095458984375, 256.4547729408]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049166.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a barrel, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[139.9376220672, 37.9234619392, 511.04095458984375, 256.4547729408], [197.1189575168, 8.6642456064, 307.7803344896, 273.186340352], [255.3807983616, 220.2470703104, 307.2375488512, 256.4547729408], [139.9376220672, 37.9234619392, 171.3995971584, 76.5358886912], [477.40777587890625, 62.42717742919922, 495.631103515625, 104.5830307006836], [489.6510009765625, 71.4364013671875, 511.04095458984375, 107.34591674804688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049166_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[28.6849975856, 32.415954585600005, 140.468017601, 158.7348022272]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049173.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, two drums, a person, a bracelet, a handbag, a pen, and a tissue.", "boxes_value": [[41.85546872030005, 1.2617797632, 208.34082034020003, 492.4365234176], [146.2672119187, 251.5789794816, 183.1994628924, 335.5159301632], [41.85546872030005, 28.7032470528, 92.46557618259999, 81.5878906368], [126.25390623640004, 26.9799194112, 156.96105957509997, 55.180358912], [40.60839841750004, 38.5369872896, 249, 511.7624511488], [173.870849593, 444.0795898368, 198.15576171790008, 492.4365234176], [0, 63.5370463744, 132.9275618675, 149.111444992], [40.32739254710003, 317.0076294144, 105.04040529259998, 381.6774291968], [151.17480467100006, 1.2617797632, 208.34082034020003, 34.24218752]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049179.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, and five chairs.", "boxes_value": [[1.3612670832, 18.944030771200005, 317.8648071292, 93.95733642239998], [1.3612670832, 3.1517334015999836, 185.6044922115, 93.95733642239998], [229.69128415859998, 67.6369018368, 317.8648071292, 93.95733642239998], [100.06298828589999, 51.18658447360002, 146.7817993463, 93.95733642239998], [1.3612670832, 66.32086179840002, 54.6602172781, 92.64129638399999], [46.7640991512, 18.944030771200005, 74.40057375800001, 92.64129638399999], [25.7077026187, 13.02191160320001, 54.0021972518, 72.90093992959999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049180.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a desk, three carpets, a cabinet, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[0, 29.446533222399978, 602.367431673, 142], [323.5185547059, 0, 503.836547826, 142], [486.4487304793, 59.286682111999994, 602.367431673, 141.71771238399998], [404.0648193578, 0, 623.619140593, 142], [169.4529418834, 111.11444090880002, 292.8052978743, 142], [64.4247436482, 124.96923827199998, 179.28540038970002, 142], [291.4644775572, 96.81274414080002, 348.6713866903, 142], [0.5458374129, 0, 69.993103043, 142], [0, 29.446533222399978, 52.955200188000006, 142]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049182.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[91.1788940621, 172.158203136, 301.8667907714844, 368.9939575296]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049190_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[53.1788940621, 50.158203136, 263.8667907714844, 246.99395752959998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049190.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, two cups, and three bottles.", "boxes_value": [[91.1788940621, 172.158203136, 301.8667907714844, 368.9939575296], [211.4752197587, 140.907104512, 320.0572509941, 281.1919555584], [91.1788940621, 295.514587392, 138.2419433378, 343.8326415872], [131.53729248369999, 172.158203136, 186.66278076790002, 322.1234130944], [223.0544433886, 341.6318359552, 243.573852549, 368.9939575296], [254.40054321289062, 197.62928771972656, 301.8667907714844, 332.6253662109375], [234.35011291503906, 183.07861328125, 265.517333984375, 314.9420166015625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049190_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the content within the area displayed in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, two cups, and three bottles.", "boxes_value": [[53.1788940621, 50.158203136, 263.8667907714844, 246.99395752959998], [173.4752197587, 18.90710451199999, 282.0572509941, 159.19195555840002], [53.1788940621, 173.514587392, 100.2419433378, 221.8326415872], [93.53729248369999, 50.158203136, 148.66278076790002, 200.1234130944], [185.0544433886, 219.63183595520002, 205.573852549, 246.99395752959998], [216.40054321289062, 75.62928771972656, 263.8667907714844, 210.6253662109375], [196.35011291503906, 61.07861328125, 227.517333984375, 192.9420166015625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049191.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, four pillows, a potted plant, a cup, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[172.53222655, 273.04681395, 421.78778075, 328.2177124], [166.6986084, 264.96698000000004, 313.76428225, 354.3864746], [172.53222655, 282.2987671, 212.21661375, 315.81372070000003], [265.74053955, 280.63134764999995, 304.5911865, 316.48065185], [304.60980225000003, 273.04681395, 356.12805175, 326.75335695], [374.77764895, 291.06011965, 421.78778075, 319.72998045], [357.2805786, 307.5031128, 378.36138915, 326.89746095], [248.9761963, 306.5802002, 265.68640135, 328.2177124], [253.26086425, 294.5831299, 266.11486815, 318.36303710000004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 5, 6], [4], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049191_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the selected region in the photo ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, four pillows, a potted plant, a cup, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[62.53222654999999, 14.04681395, 311.78778075, 69.21771239999998], [56.69860840000001, 5.966980000000035, 203.76428225, 83], [62.53222654999999, 23.29876710000002, 102.21661375, 56.81372070000003], [155.74053955, 21.631347649999952, 194.5911865, 57.480651850000015], [194.60980225000003, 14.04681395, 246.12805175, 67.75335695000001], [264.77764895, 32.06011964999999, 311.78778075, 60.72998045000003], [247.2805786, 48.5031128, 268.36138915, 67.89746094999998], [138.9761963, 47.58020019999998, 155.68640134999998, 69.21771239999998], [143.26086425, 35.58312990000002, 156.11486815, 59.36303710000004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 5, 6], [4], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049192.jpg", "text": "Tell me what you see within the designated area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a vase, two flowers, two toiletries, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[51.44757080900001, 60.62341309439999, 256.60632323, 300.804016128], [53.35070800599999, 96.20703124479999, 176.669433577, 300.804016128], [95.623474139, 55.282287616000005, 116.74133298999999, 100.29656980479999], [143.41644287000003, 83.0689086976, 201.212646494, 154.2026366976], [209.54858396099996, 80.84594728959999, 236.77947998399998, 138.6420898304], [235.98571779899999, 187.2224121344, 256.60632323, 205.60699463679998], [218.09796143800003, 183.9926757888, 236.73101805600004, 201.8803710976], [51.44757080900001, 60.62341309439999, 102.41650390799998, 104.76977541119999], [209.20458984599998, 56.043151871999996, 240.56420897700002, 100.3790893568]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049195.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[374.3389892862, 204.7869262848, 670.7928466601, 478.766418432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049195_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[74.33898928619999, 68.78692628479999, 370.79284666010005, 342.766418432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049195.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball glove, a person, three sneakers, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[374.3389892862, 204.7869262848, 670.7928466601, 478.766418432], [461.4865722879, 290.0805664256, 516.4664306974, 351.9328613376], [461.55163575579996, 207.7349243392, 682.7426757886001, 478.2753906176], [379.6988525494, 329.0377197056, 441.0932617293, 377.7635497984], [374.3389892862, 437.6962890752, 421.1157226397, 457.186645504], [565.3441162409999, 204.7869262848, 657.9232177434001, 289.7938842624], [590.3118896486, 447.9942626816, 670.7928466601, 478.766418432]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049195_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elaborate on the area with the coordinates in the visual . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball glove, a person, three sneakers, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[74.33898928619999, 68.78692628479999, 370.79284666010005, 342.766418432], [161.4865722879, 154.0805664256, 216.46643069740003, 215.9328613376], [161.55163575579996, 71.7349243392, 382.7426757886001, 342.2753906176], [79.69885254939999, 193.0377197056, 141.09326172930002, 241.7635497984], [74.33898928619999, 301.6962890752, 121.11572263969998, 321.186645504], [265.34411624099994, 68.78692628479999, 357.9232177434001, 153.7938842624], [290.31188964859996, 311.9942626816, 370.79284666010005, 342.766418432]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049196.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[235.76013184, 161.653564464, 553.065673856, 269.637573264]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049196_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[79.76013184000001, 27.653564464, 397.065673856, 135.63757326400003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049196.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a tripod, and three pictures.", "boxes_value": [[235.76013184, 161.653564464, 553.065673856, 269.637573264], [508.61694336, 232.2600708, 535.94543456, 257.725280784], [536.684814464, 247.67248536, 553.065673856, 269.637573264], [281.02722169599997, 165.09161376, 311.969238272, 191.449646016], [235.76013184, 161.653564464, 267.275207488, 189.73065187199998], [324.57525632, 165.66461184, 352.652282688, 192.59564207999998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049196_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be seen in the bounding box in the context of the provided image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a tripod, and three pictures.", "boxes_value": [[79.76013184000001, 27.653564464, 397.065673856, 135.63757326400003], [352.61694336, 98.2600708, 379.94543455999997, 123.725280784], [380.68481446400006, 113.67248536, 397.065673856, 135.63757326400003], [125.02722169599997, 31.09161376, 155.96923827199998, 57.449646016], [79.76013184000001, 27.653564464, 111.27520748799998, 55.73065187199998], [168.57525632, 31.664611839999992, 196.652282688, 58.595642079999976]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049198.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[6.99983232, 0.6110229580000001, 268.1376953344, 106.88016211739999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049198_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[6.99983232, 0.6110229580000001, 268.1376953344, 106.88016211739999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049198.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[6.99983232, 0.6110229580000001, 268.1376953344, 106.88016211739999], [1.4320068608, 4.4320068604, 62.5679931392, 106.8347778064], [223.814086912, 0.6110229580000001, 268.1376953344, 88.4939575044], [218.3884887552, 1.0971679782, 252.419372544, 49.9779662872], [6.99983232, 82.1375784684, 39.4086023168, 100.282139811], [29.0991924736, 85.4365896216, 61.6769276416, 106.88016211739999], [226.74339294433594, 73.70127868652344, 244.78395080566406, 83.08575439453125], [102.79241180419922, 15.424150466918945, 123.46794891357422, 25.569482803344727]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049198_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[6.99983232, 0.6110229580000001, 268.1376953344, 106.88016211739999], [1.4320068608, 4.4320068604, 62.5679931392, 106.8347778064], [223.814086912, 0.6110229580000001, 268.1376953344, 88.4939575044], [218.3884887552, 1.0971679782, 252.419372544, 49.9779662872], [6.99983232, 82.1375784684, 39.4086023168, 100.282139811], [29.0991924736, 85.4365896216, 61.6769276416, 106.88016211739999], [226.74339294433594, 73.70127868652344, 244.78395080566406, 83.08575439453125], [102.79241180419922, 15.424150466918945, 123.46794891357422, 25.569482803344727]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049202.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[426.88378904760003, 40.40435791015625, 498.22595212979996, 392.3608398336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049202_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[17.883789047600033, 40.40435791015625, 89.22595212979996, 392.3608398336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049202.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, and two barrels.", "boxes_value": [[426.88378904760003, 40.40435791015625, 498.22595212979996, 392.3608398336], [451.92456056180004, 189.8963012608, 472.7011718618, 204.5920410112], [426.88378904760003, 273.9840088064, 454.7934570192, 307.8654785024], [484.0028075844, 371.1060790784, 498.22595212979996, 392.3608398336], [456.1434631347656, 40.40435791015625, 475.8548278808594, 54.564720153808594], [452.8617858886719, 192.31370544433594, 471.9963073730469, 201.8212127685547]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049202_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , elaborate on the details found within the section . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three lamps, and two barrels.", "boxes_value": [[17.883789047600033, 40.40435791015625, 89.22595212979996, 392.3608398336], [42.924560561800035, 189.8963012608, 63.70117186179999, 204.5920410112], [17.883789047600033, 273.9840088064, 45.79345701919999, 307.8654785024], [75.00280758439999, 371.1060790784, 89.22595212979996, 392.3608398336], [47.143463134765625, 40.40435791015625, 66.85482788085938, 54.564720153808594], [43.861785888671875, 192.31370544433594, 62.996307373046875, 201.8212127685547]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049204.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[32.012512192, 50.411926271999995, 423.809082048, 324.88739016]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049204_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[32.012512192, 50.411926271999995, 423.809082048, 324.88739016]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049204.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and three street lights.", "boxes_value": [[32.012512192, 50.411926271999995, 423.809082048, 324.88739016], [318.390502912, 246.209655744, 352.272216768, 300.11242675200003], [318.38824460800004, 211.90136716799998, 327.925048832, 244.067932128], [32.012512192, 265.455505392, 46.079223616, 324.88739016], [406.826538112, 64.781738304, 423.809082048, 179.41363526400002], [217.40631104, 61.515869136, 232.42932128, 183.332641584], [70.11578368, 50.411926271999995, 94.936340352, 183.98583983999998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049204_crop.jpg", "text": "In , can you tell me more about the area specified by the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lanterns, a barrel, two handbags, and three high heels.", "boxes_value": [[33.884848588800025, 101.45520020480001, 165.73431398399998, 506.84625244140625], [31.341003417600007, 78.60827640319997, 68.97113036799999, 139.08532712960005], [139.7515869184, 101.45520020480001, 165.73431398399998, 144.90905761279998], [48.684020992, 356.4775390976, 71.04370119679999, 398.64147952639996], [33.884848588800025, 285.8023319552, 59.65039242239999, 345.1825256960001], [120.08639160320001, 275.657229056, 146.806687744, 294.8410313984], [73.48443603515625, 479.98419189453125, 107.735595703125, 506.84625244140625], [129.6826171875, 369.4659423828125, 147.8619384765625, 383.5428466796875], [105.67324829101562, 480.75115966796875, 120.59481811523438, 501.11309814453125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049212.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a barrel, a cup, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[167.923278784, 195.647033712, 314.80157471999996, 239.60961912000002], [267.992004416, 213.93414307199998, 314.80157471999996, 237.33892824], [167.923278784, 195.647033712, 193.08953856, 236.772399888], [243.70660403199997, 220.341064464, 264.473815936, 238.325012208], [191.039184576, 201.07250976, 202.600341824, 239.60961912000002], [176.6661376953125, 199.4202423095703, 191.16571044921875, 239.02134704589844]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049212_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a barrel, a cup, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[36.92327878399999, 11.647033711999995, 183.80157471999996, 55.60961912000002], [136.992004416, 29.934143071999983, 183.80157471999996, 53.33892824], [36.92327878399999, 11.647033711999995, 62.089538559999994, 52.772399887999995], [112.70660403199997, 36.341064464, 133.473815936, 54.325012208000004], [60.039184576, 17.072509760000003, 71.600341824, 55.60961912000002], [45.6661376953125, 15.420242309570312, 60.16571044921875, 55.02134704589844]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049214.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[583.6618652028, 201.8896484352, 622.1232910235, 436.6676635648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049214_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[9.661865202799959, 58.8896484352, 48.123291023499974, 293.6676635648]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049214.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a person, a flag, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[583.6618652028, 201.8896484352, 622.1232910235, 436.6676635648], [596.6008300939, 201.8896484352, 616.9249267302, 236.4208374272], [583.6618652028, 305.9200439296, 622.1232910235, 436.6676635648], [575.7947997786, 240.2572021248, 604.1574707204, 282.8010864128], [589.995849609375, 423.7391357421875, 608.1036376953125, 433.8294677734375], [602.91650390625, 424.96173095703125, 618.9837646484375, 435.90185546875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049214_crop.jpg", "text": "Please share details about the rectangular region within the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a person, a flag, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[9.661865202799959, 58.8896484352, 48.123291023499974, 293.6676635648], [22.60083009389996, 58.8896484352, 42.92492673020001, 93.42083742720001], [9.661865202799959, 162.9200439296, 48.123291023499974, 293.6676635648], [1.7947997786000087, 97.25720212479999, 30.157470720400056, 139.80108641279998], [15.995849609375, 280.7391357421875, 34.1036376953125, 290.8294677734375], [28.91650390625, 281.96173095703125, 44.9837646484375, 292.90185546875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049215.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[91.0611572244, 146.5012817408, 314.8132324537, 374.8430175744]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049215_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[56.061157224400006, 57.50128174080001, 279.8132324537, 285.8430175744]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049215.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a cabinet, a lamp, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[91.0611572244, 146.5012817408, 314.8132324537, 374.8430175744], [260.6479492132, 288.7911376896, 318.1341552824, 382.4723510784], [146.3852539175, 298.9044189696, 181.16082761899997, 374.8430175744], [108.1892700364, 301.438476544, 144.3754272459, 368.9859619328], [91.0611572244, 301.438476544, 108.1892700364, 359.0950927872], [92.1680908166, 146.5012817408, 118.63745119859999, 176.4998779392], [291.7792968452, 259.7129516544, 314.8132324537, 294.6826782208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049215_crop.jpg", "text": "In , what elements can be found within the coordinates ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a cabinet, a lamp, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[56.061157224400006, 57.50128174080001, 279.8132324537, 285.8430175744], [225.64794921319998, 199.79113768960002, 283.1341552824, 293.4723510784], [111.3852539175, 209.9044189696, 146.16082761899997, 285.8430175744], [73.1892700364, 212.43847654400003, 109.3754272459, 279.9859619328], [56.061157224400006, 212.43847654400003, 73.1892700364, 270.0950927872], [57.1680908166, 57.50128174080001, 83.63745119859999, 87.49987793919999], [256.7792968452, 170.7129516544, 279.8132324537, 205.68267822080003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049222.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a slippers, three chairs, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[52.457275391999985, 53.66833494400004, 259, 265], [35.41601561599998, 0, 162.255371072, 204.64324950399998], [48.20800780799999, 182.482238752, 100.51635743999998, 204.67370603199998], [177.03918457600003, 106.96881102399999, 259, 265], [155.20532224, 53.66833494400004, 251.53149414400002, 174.39721681600003], [52.457275391999985, 90.27227785599996, 201.44189452800003, 239.89904785599998], [107.49395751953125, 170.68801879882812, 128.50872802734375, 190.12118530273438]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049223.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a sneakers, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[402.0870361284, 185.4722290176, 564.6938476711999, 388.629333504], [402.0870361284, 191.0364990464, 515.2166747728, 388.629333504], [430.75341799639995, 184.8936767488, 502.4191894708, 359.4511108608], [552.9486084052, 185.4722290176, 564.6938476711999, 228.0905151488], [430.873168938, 371.3971557376, 463.87145996960004, 386.7963867136], [529.6845702884, 191.9244995072, 554.2489013608, 207.3585205248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049223_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a sneakers, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[41.08703612839997, 51.4722290176, 203.69384767119993, 254.629333504], [41.08703612839997, 57.036499046399996, 154.21667477280005, 254.629333504], [69.75341799639995, 50.893676748800004, 141.4191894708, 225.4511108608], [191.94860840520005, 51.4722290176, 203.69384767119993, 94.0905151488], [69.87316893799999, 237.39715573759997, 102.87145996960004, 252.7963867136], [168.68457028839998, 57.92449950720001, 193.2489013608, 73.35852052480001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049224.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[131.49816891449998, 153.24426271, 479.24609374199997, 423.62475584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049224_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[87.49816891449998, 68.24426270999999, 435.24609374199997, 338.62475584]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049224.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, four chairs, a book, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[131.49816891449998, 153.24426271, 479.24609374199997, 423.62475584], [131.49816891449998, 153.24426271, 479.24609374199997, 423.62475584], [104.3513183565, 169.56707762279999, 294.390624972, 461.7962646307999], [329.827941879, 157.81994629279998, 501.2091064545, 442.42413331599994], [344.722534203, 125.7905273592, 486.56701660199997, 349.08123777120005], [170.848571757, 127.6207885568, 293.475463884, 371.959411604], [261.526550271, 190.7761840864, 325.38897705899996, 208.5884399324], [329.79313671150004, 134.501308744, 412.74922121400004, 180.3052817676]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049224_crop.jpg", "text": "Regarding the coordinates in image , can you provide a description? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, four chairs, a book, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[87.49816891449998, 68.24426270999999, 435.24609374199997, 338.62475584], [87.49816891449998, 68.24426270999999, 435.24609374199997, 338.62475584], [60.3513183565, 84.56707762279999, 250.390624972, 376.7962646307999], [285.827941879, 72.81994629279998, 457.2091064545, 357.42413331599994], [300.722534203, 40.7905273592, 442.56701660199997, 264.08123777120005], [126.848571757, 42.620788556799994, 249.47546388400002, 286.959411604], [217.52655027100002, 105.77618408640001, 281.38897705899996, 123.58843993240001], [285.79313671150004, 49.501308744, 368.74922121400004, 95.30528176760001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049225.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[85.14196777640001, 0.522460928, 682.2265624674, 83.517211904]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049225_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[85.14196777640001, 0.522460928, 682.2265624674, 83.517211904]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049225.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six lamps.", "boxes_value": [[85.14196777640001, 0.522460928, 682.2265624674, 83.517211904], [85.14196777640001, 0.522460928, 285.1652832329, 35.1533813248], [313.2282714644, 25.5999755776, 460.1110839836, 57.2454834176], [320.9903564419, 64.4105224704, 421.3005371123, 83.517211904], [462.4993896412, 53.065917952, 570.5717773412, 75.7551269376], [508.4749756057, 1.1195068416, 682.2265624674, 41.7212524544], [646.9985351427, 36.944580096, 682.2265624674, 63.2163085824]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049225_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide details for the area within the bounding box in . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six lamps.", "boxes_value": [[85.14196777640001, 0.522460928, 682.2265624674, 83.517211904], [85.14196777640001, 0.522460928, 285.1652832329, 35.1533813248], [313.2282714644, 25.5999755776, 460.1110839836, 57.2454834176], [320.9903564419, 64.4105224704, 421.3005371123, 83.517211904], [462.4993896412, 53.065917952, 570.5717773412, 75.7551269376], [508.4749756057, 1.1195068416, 682.2265624674, 41.7212524544], [646.9985351427, 36.944580096, 682.2265624674, 63.2163085824]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049229.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[116.07977297, 11.4338989322, 366.34765622, 330.0668335048]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049229_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a clock, a picture, two books, a person, a blackboard, and a bench.", "boxes_value": [[63.07977296999999, 11.4338989322, 313.34765622, 330.0668335048], [155.08227538, 11.4338989322, 208.97344971, 90.42504880860001], [262.86462404, 6.266235331, 319.70874025, 79.35156248320001], [97.87463377, 304.3382568152, 159.62322998000002, 330.0668335048], [63.07977296999999, 261.76361086180003, 132.17938229, 277.2007446368], [270.81927487, 17.1187744386, 313.34765622, 74.1568603588], [174.40441892, 89.70739743979999, 375, 206.4127807764], [0, 224.6293334836, 343.38977049, 349.2590332018]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049230.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three cups, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[277.9902343984, 393.0805053952, 587.2106933903999, 511.983093248], [350.6822509488, 441.6796264448, 519.4105224672, 511.983093248], [277.9902343984, 468.1659546112, 329.75524906, 511.3045043712], [398.42199708559997, 414.1481323008, 433.6483153976, 445.8843994112], [490.7628173636, 410.5919799808, 522.0140381184, 461.7794189312], [554.8818359056, 393.0805053952, 587.2106933903999, 441.5738525184]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049234_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five cars.", "boxes_value": [[20.505126949599997, 14.603271475200017, 101.8079834032, 71.55541990400002], [35.3701171602, 15.550659174399982, 73.2669677901, 32.60424806399999], [71.2536620983, 14.603271475200017, 101.8079834032, 29.99884032], [56.101928693800005, 34.30560302079999, 92.4215088074, 51.01110840320001], [20.505126949599997, 37.95208739840001, 55.1953124826, 56.61053465600003], [47.40588378310001, 49.18341063679998, 91.8781738054, 71.55541990400002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049237.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[338.0889892864, 202.7883300864, 757.9669189632, 433.5750121984]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049237_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[105.08898928640002, 57.78833008640001, 524.9669189632, 288.5750121984]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049237.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four boats, a street lights, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[338.0889892864, 202.7883300864, 757.9669189632, 433.5750121984], [691.0185546752, 350.8977050624, 757.9669189632, 388.1613769728], [567.7420654592, 402.5516967936, 696.6081543168, 433.5750121984], [567.3443603456, 356.0167236096, 619.4475098112, 395.7902221824], [338.0889892864, 369.2714233344, 407.1243896832, 411.350097664], [496.4399414272, 202.7883300864, 502.6574706688, 256.9691772416], [389.74859619140625, 223.71876525878906, 397.52178955078125, 242.4652557373047]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049237_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four boats, a street lights, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[105.08898928640002, 57.78833008640001, 524.9669189632, 288.5750121984], [458.0185546752, 205.8977050624, 524.9669189632, 243.16137697279999], [334.74206545920003, 257.5516967936, 463.6081543168, 288.5750121984], [334.34436034559997, 211.01672360959998, 386.4475098112, 250.7902221824], [105.08898928640002, 224.27142333440003, 174.12438968319998, 266.350097664], [263.4399414272, 57.78833008640001, 269.6574706688, 111.9691772416], [156.74859619140625, 78.71876525878906, 164.52178955078125, 97.46525573730469]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049239.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[79.7768554496, 590.225097693, 317.8516235264, 743.597534218]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049239_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[59.776855449600006, 39.22509769299995, 297.8516235264, 192.59753421799996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049239.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a fan, a storage box, a towel, a cabinet, a person, a barrel, a motorcycle, and two moniters.", "boxes_value": [[79.7768554496, 590.225097693, 317.8516235264, 743.597534218], [79.7768554496, 654.4340819939999, 128.6590576128, 735.904540987], [126.6719970816, 649.068969703, 171.3813476352, 736.500610384], [138.731262208, 619.3103027650001, 192.7891235328, 651.005004881], [135.039672832, 590.225097693, 164.791931136, 635.8452148509999], [114.56329344, 521.840209968, 277.8043823104, 726.785156251], [199.007446272, 571.864379856, 257.5459594752, 742.6014404269999], [181.7243041792, 696.823608404, 196.0745849856, 725.011718739], [198.9265746944, 625.73632814, 383.6813354496, 764.102417001], [248.5123291136, 674.8990478229999, 306.3815307776, 743.597534218], [253.4701538304, 608.708984345, 317.8516235264, 660.730712873]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9, 10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049239_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , would you mind describing the selected area ? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a fan, a storage box, a towel, a cabinet, a person, a barrel, a motorcycle, and two moniters.", "boxes_value": [[59.776855449600006, 39.22509769299995, 297.8516235264, 192.59753421799996], [59.776855449600006, 103.43408199399994, 108.65905761280001, 184.90454098700002], [106.6719970816, 98.068969703, 151.3813476352, 185.50061038399997], [118.731262208, 68.31030276500007, 172.7891235328, 100.00500488099999], [115.03967283200001, 39.22509769299995, 144.791931136, 84.84521485099992], [94.56329344, 0, 257.8043823104, 175.785156251], [179.007446272, 20.864379856000028, 237.5459594752, 191.60144042699994], [161.7243041792, 145.82360840399997, 176.0745849856, 174.011718739], [178.9265746944, 74.73632813999996, 357, 213.10241700100005], [228.5123291136, 123.89904782299993, 286.3815307776, 192.59753421799996], [233.4701538304, 57.708984344999976, 297.8516235264, 109.73071287300002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9, 10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049242.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[312.61975097519996, 204.0245971456, 606.4927978515625, 259.84002688]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049242_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[73.61975097519996, 14.024597145600012, 367.4927978515625, 69.84002687999998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049242.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bottle, a desk, and three wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[312.61975097519996, 204.0245971456, 606.4927978515625, 259.84002688], [342.4689941609, 175.5718383616, 394.5449218683, 241.8502807552], [312.61975097519996, 204.0245971456, 327.7565917668, 252.9451904512], [362.3693847806, 237.9946899456, 380.801391583, 259.84002688], [597.49365234375, 226.80535888671875, 606.4927978515625, 243.89755249023438], [375.1569519042969, 224.3101043701172, 387.3560485839844, 238.8681182861328], [483.6688232421875, 225.82876586914062, 493.5137939453125, 242.36013793945312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049242_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe the objects or scenery in the bounding box within . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a bottle, a desk, and three wine glasses.", "boxes_value": [[73.61975097519996, 14.024597145600012, 367.4927978515625, 69.84002687999998], [103.46899416090002, 0, 155.54492186829998, 51.850280755200004], [73.61975097519996, 14.024597145600012, 88.7565917668, 62.945190451200006], [123.3693847806, 47.99468994559999, 141.801391583, 69.84002687999998], [358.49365234375, 36.80535888671875, 367.4927978515625, 53.897552490234375], [136.15695190429688, 34.31010437011719, 148.35604858398438, 48.86811828613281], [244.6688232421875, 35.828765869140625, 254.5137939453125, 52.360137939453125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049243.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[441.38073728, 119.7284546045, 592.5684814699999, 277.9517212031]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049243_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[38.380737280000005, 39.7284546045, 189.56848146999994, 197.95172120310002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049243.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two fans, a lamp, and two umbrellas.", "boxes_value": [[441.38073728, 119.7284546045, 592.5684814699999, 277.9517212031], [441.38073728, 119.7284546045, 528.09143065, 165.67767332969999], [537.72583011, 161.2309570529, 592.5684814699999, 188.6522826923], [459.19116207999997, 135.8330688246, 476.37182614, 160.44317625349998], [478.90686032, 240.48736574799997, 488.05163575000006, 277.9517212031], [491.88659666999996, 239.7498779263, 499.99890136, 276.7717285368]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049243_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly share your observations about the rectangular region within . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two fans, a lamp, and two umbrellas.", "boxes_value": [[38.380737280000005, 39.7284546045, 189.56848146999994, 197.95172120310002], [38.380737280000005, 39.7284546045, 125.09143065, 85.67767332969999], [134.72583010999995, 81.23095705290001, 189.56848146999994, 108.65228269229999], [56.19116207999997, 55.83306882459999, 73.37182614, 80.44317625349998], [75.90686032000002, 160.48736574799997, 85.05163575000006, 197.95172120310002], [88.88659666999996, 159.7498779263, 96.99890135999999, 196.77172853680003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049244.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0, 16.3649291776, 769.338378886, 511.6987915264]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049244_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[0, 16.3649291776, 769.338378886, 511.6987915264]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049244.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps, two people, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[0, 16.3649291776, 769.338378886, 511.6987915264], [418.304321281, 16.3649291776, 448.31445312500006, 40.3562621952], [489.97204587100003, 15.75531008, 528.378662119, 40.1404419072], [572.271972657, 13.9263916032, 612.507324198, 41.3596801536], [271.617919958, 1.8120727552, 291.200561498, 52.167236352], [740.652465784, 2.9912719872, 766.417236354, 46.5932617216], [555.138305645, 477.5242919936, 769.338378886, 511.6987915264], [0, 345.4736938496, 135.114562968, 511.4924926976], [111.77054388500001, 448.1418457088, 162.83874514599998, 503.960626432]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049244_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five lamps, two people, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[0, 16.3649291776, 769.338378886, 511.6987915264], [418.304321281, 16.3649291776, 448.31445312500006, 40.3562621952], [489.97204587100003, 15.75531008, 528.378662119, 40.1404419072], [572.271972657, 13.9263916032, 612.507324198, 41.3596801536], [271.617919958, 1.8120727552, 291.200561498, 52.167236352], [740.652465784, 2.9912719872, 766.417236354, 46.5932617216], [555.138305645, 477.5242919936, 769.338378886, 511.6987915264], [0, 345.4736938496, 135.114562968, 511.4924926976], [111.77054388500001, 448.1418457088, 162.83874514599998, 503.960626432]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049245.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[142.39060974121094, 245.7680054016, 512.0327148544, 341.6674804992]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049245_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[93.39060974121094, 24.768005401599993, 463, 120.6674804992]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049245.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two laptops, and a bracelet.", "boxes_value": [[142.39060974121094, 245.7680054016, 512.0327148544, 341.6674804992], [271.3497314304, 282.1937256192, 303.7712402432, 325.7950439424], [393.9457397248, 245.7680054016, 463.7626342912, 322.9772949504], [479.7794799616, 286.4260253952, 511.8131103744, 341.8688964864], [422.902587904, 284.147582976, 458.0391845888, 298.41528322560004], [494.2415161344, 317.9692382976, 512.0327148544, 341.6674804992], [142.39060974121094, 262.2630920410156, 160.61048889160156, 276.5618591308594]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049245_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand what's happening in the selected bounding box within . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two laptops, and a bracelet.", "boxes_value": [[93.39060974121094, 24.768005401599993, 463, 120.6674804992], [222.34973143040003, 61.193725619199995, 254.7712402432, 104.79504394240001], [344.9457397248, 24.768005401599993, 414.7626342912, 101.9772949504], [430.7794799616, 65.42602539519999, 462.8131103744, 120.86889648639999], [373.902587904, 63.147582976000024, 409.0391845888, 77.41528322560004], [445.2415161344, 96.96923829759999, 463, 120.6674804992], [93.39060974121094, 41.263092041015625, 111.61048889160156, 55.561859130859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049246.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[60.667602534000004, 272.0711059456, 601.43359375, 455.0362548828125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049246_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[60.667602534000004, 46.07110594559998, 601.43359375, 229.0362548828125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049246.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a book, a pen, a cup, a laptop, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[60.667602534000004, 272.0711059456, 601.43359375, 455.0362548828125], [254.782470712, 207.537902848, 386.127197302, 463.0794067456], [280.94116211700003, 356.7573242368, 326.65039060500004, 368.9818725376], [293.09106442, 307.40100096, 310.729126015, 329.1729736192], [60.667602534000004, 333.2145385984, 95.39508055, 376.851135232], [135.65991208, 272.0711059456, 285.252075185, 377.7612304896], [430.7116394042969, 347.3033447265625, 601.43359375, 455.0362548828125], [76.74378204345703, 351.6149597167969, 263.9489212036133, 511.0426940917969]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049246_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a book, a pen, a cup, a laptop, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[60.667602534000004, 46.07110594559998, 601.43359375, 229.0362548828125], [254.782470712, 0, 386.127197302, 237.0794067456], [280.94116211700003, 130.7573242368, 326.65039060500004, 142.9818725376], [293.09106442, 81.40100095999998, 310.729126015, 103.17297361919998], [60.667602534000004, 107.2145385984, 95.39508055, 150.851135232], [135.65991208, 46.07110594559998, 285.252075185, 151.7612304896], [430.7116394042969, 121.3033447265625, 601.43359375, 229.0362548828125], [76.74378204345703, 125.61495971679688, 263.9489212036133, 274]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049248.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[228.0143432861, 249.6897583104, 410.2056884766, 362.5437011968]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049248_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[46.0143432861, 28.68975831040001, 228.20568847660002, 141.5437011968]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049248.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, and four people.", "boxes_value": [[228.0143432861, 249.6897583104, 410.2056884766, 362.5437011968], [228.0143432861, 348.007568384, 279.4406127996, 362.5437011968], [398.3413085902, 258.8682861568, 410.2056884766, 316.9121703936], [324.8478393579, 249.6897583104, 339.5543213031, 311.801391616], [314.7342529291, 251.2990112256, 325.998840315, 283.483520512], [231.6978760056, 250.1914062336, 255.8292236399, 291.8037109248]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049248_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, and four people.", "boxes_value": [[46.0143432861, 28.68975831040001, 228.20568847660002, 141.5437011968], [46.0143432861, 127.00756838400002, 97.44061279959999, 141.5437011968], [216.34130859020001, 37.868286156800025, 228.20568847660002, 95.91217039359998], [142.8478393579, 28.68975831040001, 157.55432130309998, 90.80139161599999], [132.73425292910002, 30.299011225599997, 143.998840315, 62.483520511999984], [49.697876005599994, 29.19140623359999, 73.8292236399, 70.80371092479999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049249.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[148.300170875, 332.7857055744, 506.91650387500005, 512.4345702912]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049249_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[90.30017087499999, 45.785705574400026, 448.91650387500005, 225]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049249.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, and four chairs.", "boxes_value": [[148.300170875, 332.7857055744, 506.91650387500005, 512.4345702912], [148.300170875, 354.5118408192, 439.141235375, 512.4345702912], [243.71185300000002, 374.2521972736, 393.738464375, 512.4345702912], [387.1583251875, 343.9836425728, 506.91650387500005, 512.4345702912], [355.808776875, 337.2977905152, 428.5660400625, 398.2108764672], [325.3522949375, 332.7857055744, 385.701355, 373.958435072]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049249_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, and four chairs.", "boxes_value": [[90.30017087499999, 45.785705574400026, 448.91650387500005, 225], [90.30017087499999, 67.51184081920002, 381.141235375, 225], [185.71185300000002, 87.25219727360002, 335.738464375, 225], [329.1583251875, 56.98364257280002, 448.91650387500005, 225], [297.808776875, 50.297790515200006, 370.5660400625, 111.21087646720002], [267.3522949375, 45.785705574400026, 327.701355, 86.95843507199999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049250.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[388.45684814453125, 119.3109741056, 531.2675781501, 511.7807617024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049250_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[36.45684814453125, 98.3109741056, 179.2675781501, 490.7807617024]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049250.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three cups, a spoon, a bowl, a fork, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[388.45684814453125, 119.3109741056, 531.2675781501, 511.7807617024], [485.3406982133, 119.3109741056, 518.2753906206, 241.3840331776], [475.9494628978, 421.522888192, 531.2675781501, 484.5855712768], [333.7818603353, 459.1392211968, 448.2904053058, 477.9473876992], [442.3403320321, 327.5212402176, 484.76916504269997, 352.5433959936], [339.8645629885, 419.0344848384, 442.064208997, 433.086914048], [480.2388916107, 484.4058838016, 522.9437256043001, 511.7807617024], [349.09594727650006, 285.2678222848, 580.1677246268, 403.4905395712], [388.45684814453125, 219.91415405273438, 400.53619384765625, 232.39590454101562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 6, 8], [3], [4], [5], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049250_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three cups, a spoon, a bowl, a fork, and a desk.", "boxes_value": [[36.45684814453125, 98.3109741056, 179.2675781501, 490.7807617024], [133.34069821330002, 98.3109741056, 166.27539062059998, 220.3840331776], [123.9494628978, 400.522888192, 179.2675781501, 463.5855712768], [0, 438.1392211968, 96.2904053058, 456.9473876992], [90.34033203209998, 306.5212402176, 132.76916504269997, 331.5433959936], [0, 398.0344848384, 90.06420899699998, 412.086914048], [128.23889161070002, 463.4058838016, 170.94372560430008, 490.7807617024], [0, 264.2678222848, 214, 382.4905395712], [36.45684814453125, 198.91415405273438, 48.53619384765625, 211.39590454101562]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 6, 8], [3], [4], [5], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049251.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[215.3087768576, 105.2549438176, 368.7616577024, 167.6682129196]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049251_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[39.30877685760001, 16.254943817599994, 192.7616577024, 78.6682129196]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049251.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[215.3087768576, 105.2549438176, 368.7616577024, 167.6682129196], [215.3087768576, 134.15655516639998, 240.3641967616, 167.6682129196], [218.23388672, 105.2549438176, 233.7437133824, 132.92108156959998], [269.9132690432, 117.5510253872, 289.3154907136, 159.5891723948], [308.0836791808, 131.090209998, 329.2523803648, 155.69158935040002], [350.4794921984, 108.16284177600001, 368.7616577024, 152.3846435884]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049251_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[39.30877685760001, 16.254943817599994, 192.7616577024, 78.6682129196], [39.30877685760001, 45.15655516639998, 64.3641967616, 78.6682129196], [42.23388671999999, 16.254943817599994, 57.74371338239999, 43.92108156959998], [93.91326904319999, 28.5510253872, 113.31549071360001, 70.58917239479999], [132.0836791808, 42.090209998000006, 153.2523803648, 66.69158935040002], [174.4794921984, 19.162841776000008, 192.7616577024, 63.384643588399996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049252.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a plate, and two pictures.", "boxes_value": [[33.470428466796875, 36.556823705599996, 165.5837402262, 179.1349334716797], [43.7501831436, 114.92163087360001, 69.00109860920003, 171.0830688256], [39.83190915039998, 36.556823705599996, 64.64746093259998, 91.84753418240001], [125.75598141500001, 42.5954589696, 165.5837402262, 84.781433088], [33.470428466796875, 103.62330627441406, 100.58035278320312, 179.1349334716797], [32.76139831542969, 22.29827880859375, 100.75555419921875, 106.67901611328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049255.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two slippers, a duck, a bench, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[37.448120095700006, 0, 183.73376467849994, 280.5574951424], [41.16601563800009, 0, 178.57275392839995, 180.518798848], [40.21563636890005, 164.0318521856, 82.74503108939996, 180.4948436992], [128.93286831950002, 155.8003564544, 161.8588513157, 176.379095808], [76.94555665200005, 221.5025634816, 113.15234373990006, 280.5574951424], [0, 69.883789056, 183.73376467849994, 114.0680542208], [37.448120095700006, 77.0487670784, 133.5787353352, 222.7374267392], [140.7437744284, 88.9904785408, 183.73376467849994, 226.9169922048]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049256.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two desks, and four chairs.", "boxes_value": [[0, 396.4425659392, 242.0792236371, 511.5006103552], [48.004089339400004, 349.2962036224, 209.34454347690001, 512.0695800832], [0, 458.3225097728, 105.7500000116, 511.0171508736], [155.0605468453, 467.5078125056, 242.0792236371, 511.5006103552], [194.7023925504, 403.694091776, 287.0388794075, 510.533691392], [4.7116089075000005, 396.4425659392, 60.3068847402, 427.8659667968], [11.4797363473, 428.8328247296, 56.439392117699995, 461.7065429504], [37.101928732, 404.6610107392, 191.80175780140002, 426.899108864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 7], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049260_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three skateboards, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[320.0738525248, 133.919372544, 527.8380126976, 236.6497192448], [451.80114749439997, 220.07757568, 527.8380126976, 236.6497192448], [309.4756469376, 207.8921508864, 366.01586912, 225.9265746944], [394.16174314880004, 133.919372544, 465.42382810879997, 153.2568359424], [320.0738525248, 138.5346069504, 382.44445803519994, 219.9446411264], [399.1860351424, 62.0485229568, 469.7633056512, 221.5859985408], [467.46545408640003, 138.5346069504, 519.9880371136, 231.105712896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049263_crop.jpg", "text": "Within the input image , what can be found in the region defined by ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three skateboards, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[52.073852524799975, 25.919372543999998, 259.8380126976, 128.6497192448], [183.80114749439997, 112.07757568, 259.8380126976, 128.6497192448], [41.475646937600004, 99.8921508864, 98.01586911999999, 117.92657469439999], [126.16174314880004, 25.919372543999998, 197.42382810879997, 45.25683594239999], [52.073852524799975, 30.53460695039999, 114.44445803519994, 111.9446411264], [131.1860351424, 0, 201.76330565120003, 113.5859985408], [199.46545408640003, 30.53460695039999, 251.98803711359994, 123.105712896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049264.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, two umbrellas, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[102.4490966528, 23.2276000768, 508.99975585280004, 114.03472900390625], [407.92333982720004, 37.486450176000005, 440.00585937920005, 92.48510740479998], [472.59753420800007, 23.2276000768, 508.99975585280004, 47.16217041920001], [96.5231933696, 36.48522951679999, 138.79418946560003, 45.571533209600005], [102.4490966528, 48.73199462400001, 112.32543948800003, 80.33648680959999], [387.82916259765625, 55.3033447265625, 449.17877197265625, 114.03472900390625], [312.93902587890625, 95.50247192382812, 322.85723876953125, 108.79122924804688], [331.3184814453125, 92.86996459960938, 342.9327392578125, 108.26052856445312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 6, 7], [2, 3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049270.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, a hat, a glasses, a belt, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[111.23156736, 51.655212396900005, 337.5747070464, 549.4724121137], [56.4144897536, 51.230468760099996, 465.8659667968, 600.5624999837999], [217.5089721856, 68.0681762713, 337.5747070464, 412.1900024165], [111.23156736, 51.655212396900005, 182.147705088, 126.08203125059998], [246.042419456, 68.50653079050001, 297.2986450432, 100.80499265670001], [248.1460571136, 81.8472289925, 294.4900512768, 97.63153073650001], [177.23272704, 272.1271362269, 258.6809081856, 318.4683838163], [142.1256713728, 491.1948241931, 225.680358912, 549.4724121137]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049270_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a helmet, a hat, a glasses, a belt, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[57.23156736, 51.655212396900005, 283.5747070464, 549.4724121137], [2.4144897536000016, 51.230468760099996, 340, 600.5624999837999], [163.5089721856, 68.0681762713, 283.5747070464, 412.1900024165], [57.23156736, 51.655212396900005, 128.147705088, 126.08203125059998], [192.042419456, 68.50653079050001, 243.2986450432, 100.80499265670001], [194.1460571136, 81.8472289925, 240.4900512768, 97.63153073650001], [123.23272703999999, 272.1271362269, 204.6809081856, 318.4683838163], [88.12567137280001, 491.1948241931, 171.680358912, 549.4724121137]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049271.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide about the region in the snapshot ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, three people, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[54.24914547550003, 34.0658000896, 270.66918947500005, 169.2769775616], [54.24914547550003, 100.83532712959999, 135.07543941850003, 169.2769775616], [136.70507814400003, 103.7685547008, 192.11022946000003, 168.9510497792], [17.970703092999997, 32.74279787520001, 107.72692871049998, 158.4016113152], [199.55456540649993, 34.123657216, 270.66918947500005, 156.3303222784], [143.58020015800003, 123.72497556479999, 173.50842282850004, 161.7692260864], [231.91313799700004, 34.0658000896, 269.29177576300003, 49.063401625599994]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049273.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five moniters.", "boxes_value": [[510.13085938330005, 133.0155029504, 601.8401489257812, 276.62652587890625], [510.13085938330005, 228.0996704256, 548.8529052910001, 283.6012573184], [510.13085938330005, 133.0155029504, 554.4461670123, 194.1102905344], [547.9183349609375, 229.45716857910156, 578.7042236328125, 276.62652587890625], [579.3372192382812, 231.27322387695312, 601.8401489257812, 273.02056884765625], [553.9310913085938, 153.44003295898438, 586.1813354492188, 203.2388916015625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049273_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five moniters.", "boxes_value": [[23.13085938330005, 36.01550295039999, 114.84014892578125, 179.62652587890625], [23.13085938330005, 131.0996704256, 61.85290529100007, 186.60125731839997], [23.13085938330005, 36.01550295039999, 67.44616701229995, 97.11029053440001], [60.9183349609375, 132.45716857910156, 91.7042236328125, 179.62652587890625], [92.33721923828125, 134.27322387695312, 114.84014892578125, 176.02056884765625], [66.93109130859375, 56.440032958984375, 99.18133544921875, 106.2388916015625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049274.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four boats, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[167.3532715104, 312.51422119140625, 571.3286132736, 349.266418432], [167.3532715104, 325.20281984, 241.12158203520002, 341.723815936], [305.9508056352, 327.0686034944, 357.5457763488, 338.4675293184], [407.7408447552, 320.8692626944, 529.9288330127999, 349.266418432], [503.46240231359997, 317.6392822272, 571.3286132736, 337.6244506624], [476.4398193359375, 312.51422119140625, 489.639892578125, 327.68304443359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049287_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like some information about the specific region in the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four boats, and a person.", "boxes_value": [[101.35327151039999, 9.51422119140625, 505.3286132736, 46.26641843200002], [101.35327151039999, 22.202819840000018, 175.12158203520002, 38.723815935999994], [239.95080563520003, 24.06860349440001, 291.5457763488, 35.46752931840001], [341.7408447552, 17.869262694399993, 463.92883301279994, 46.26641843200002], [437.46240231359997, 14.639282227199999, 505.3286132736, 34.62445066240002], [410.4398193359375, 9.51422119140625, 423.639892578125, 24.68304443359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049292.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two flags, a car, a van, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[274.12011718400004, 0, 601.3239746432, 511.6354980352], [571.0113525692, 425.6871948288, 583.4794921719999, 463.0916748288], [482.234252896, 0.1707153408, 601.3239746432, 23.8797607424], [336.2592773412, 0, 425.22302245080004, 78.642456064], [229.2097167704, 479.0390624768, 319.8677978404, 511.651367168], [298.3217773244, 476.5480956928, 333.8153076104, 508.392395008], [274.12011718400004, 372.77209472, 321.31555175119996, 511.6354980352]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049292_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two flags, a car, a van, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[82.12011718400004, 0, 409.3239746432, 511.6354980352], [379.01135256919997, 425.6871948288, 391.47949217199994, 463.0916748288], [290.234252896, 0.1707153408, 409.3239746432, 23.8797607424], [144.2592773412, 0, 233.22302245080004, 78.642456064], [37.20971677040001, 479.0390624768, 127.86779784039999, 511.651367168], [106.32177732439999, 476.5480956928, 141.8153076104, 508.392395008], [82.12011718400004, 372.77209472, 129.31555175119996, 511.6354980352]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049297.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, a chair, a desk, a lamp, a vase, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[439.4149169664, 280.0148315648, 735.6943359744, 511.5796508672], [413.21936033279997, 283.021301248, 587.896484352, 387.1558227456], [439.4149169664, 331.0478515712, 735.6943359744, 511.5796508672], [568.3621826304001, 324.7749633536, 646.6923828480001, 349.9525756928], [588.6440429568, 280.0148315648, 630.6066894336, 333.866882304], [690.8756103168, 338.3713378816, 741.5235595775999, 426.1610107392], [543.74609375, 348.3210754394531, 655.6728515625, 416.2934265136719]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049297_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a couch, a chair, a desk, a lamp, a vase, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[74.41491696640003, 58.01483156479998, 370.6943359744, 289.5796508672], [48.219360332799965, 61.021301247999986, 222.89648435200002, 165.1558227456], [74.41491696640003, 109.0478515712, 370.6943359744, 289.5796508672], [203.36218263040007, 102.77496335360001, 281.6923828480001, 127.9525756928], [223.64404295680004, 58.01483156479998, 265.60668943359997, 111.866882304], [325.8756103168, 116.37133788160003, 376.52355957759994, 204.16101073919998], [178.74609375, 126.32107543945312, 290.6728515625, 194.29342651367188]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049298.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[18.3790283365, 1.20050048, 580.8579101283, 196.2626953216]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049298_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[18.3790283365, 1.20050048, 580.8579101283, 196.2626953216]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049298.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four lamps, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[18.3790283365, 1.20050048, 580.8579101283, 196.2626953216], [36.7579956128, 64.594787584, 70.45269777269999, 92.1632079872], [18.3790283365, 1.20050048, 55.1369018289, 31.9210815488], [340.0104980276, 68.6790160896, 370.64208984690003, 95.2263794176], [368.59997557969996, 1.20050048, 410.4631347401, 39.0684814336], [468.694335968, 173.3964233216, 485.2723388606, 192.832763648], [432.6800537278, 177.3980102656, 456.11791990750004, 196.2626953216], [553.8913574375, 151.8421020672, 580.8579101283, 191.1361694208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049298_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four lamps, and three people.", "boxes_value": [[18.3790283365, 1.20050048, 580.8579101283, 196.2626953216], [36.7579956128, 64.594787584, 70.45269777269999, 92.1632079872], [18.3790283365, 1.20050048, 55.1369018289, 31.9210815488], [340.0104980276, 68.6790160896, 370.64208984690003, 95.2263794176], [368.59997557969996, 1.20050048, 410.4631347401, 39.0684814336], [468.694335968, 173.3964233216, 485.2723388606, 192.832763648], [432.6800537278, 177.3980102656, 456.11791990750004, 196.2626953216], [553.8913574375, 151.8421020672, 580.8579101283, 191.1361694208]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049299.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a high heels, a sneakers, a handbag, a knife, and two chairs.", "boxes_value": [[168.5496215808, 296.4373169152, 401.226440448, 512.1945800704], [197.24652096, 204.5541381632, 358.1827392768, 413.864257792], [168.5496215808, 296.4373169152, 195.2072143872, 318.0750121984], [211.82043455999997, 372.4406738432, 229.2164917248, 394.3644409344], [243.1624756224, 432.3662719488, 354.7033691136, 512.1945800704], [348.9548339712, 298.6718139904, 401.226440448, 305.6658935296], [286.0959472896, 385.5343017472, 458.68298342400004, 512.4365234176], [219.3815917824, 327.5218505728, 339.0322265856, 474.0032348672]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049299_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0.63720704, 334.1566162176, 62.536010752, 578.595214848]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049301_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0.63720704, 61.1566162176, 62.536010752, 305.59521484799996]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049301.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three chairs, a desk, a stool, and a handbag.", "boxes_value": [[0.63720704, 61.1566162176, 62.536010752, 305.59521484799996], [0.63720704, 61.1566162176, 42.7006835712, 149.00598144000003], [2.9611816448, 54.37243653119998, 43.3476562432, 128.5147705344], [32.2763672064, 71.5346679552, 54.5301513728, 141.61743160319998], [0.7352294912, 213.0701904384, 62.536010752, 305.59521484799996], [13.5079955968, 118.01123043840005, 59.1953124864, 220.19348144639997], [29.5125122048, 141.695922816, 56.6296996864, 202.52648924159996]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5], [3], [4], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049304.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[485.69689942799994, 266.794982912, 585.7253418324, 509.8062744064]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049304_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[25.696899427999938, 60.79498291200002, 125.72534183239998, 303.8062744064]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049304.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four microphones, and a potted plant.", "boxes_value": [[485.69689942799994, 266.794982912, 585.7253418324, 509.8062744064], [485.69689942799994, 362.5812988416, 585.7253418324, 509.8062744064], [515.9873047224, 330.8821411328, 608.2669677543, 471.76727296], [511.4462890455, 300.407104512, 573.5507812139999, 414.4131469824], [499.91259765930005, 287.9862060544, 547.3781738139, 388.2405395456], [508.1365966827, 266.794982912, 581.7928466949, 308.5117797888]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049304_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four microphones, and a potted plant.", "boxes_value": [[25.696899427999938, 60.79498291200002, 125.72534183239998, 303.8062744064], [25.696899427999938, 156.58129884160002, 125.72534183239998, 303.8062744064], [55.98730472240004, 124.88214113279997, 148.26696775430003, 265.76727296], [51.44628904550001, 94.40710451199999, 113.55078121399993, 208.4131469824], [39.91259765930005, 81.98620605439999, 87.37817381390005, 182.24053954559997], [48.136596682699974, 60.79498291200002, 121.79284669490005, 102.51177978880003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049305.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[189.3736572171, 448.1454467584, 447.5377197037, 511.6822509568]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049305_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[65.3736572171, 16.1454467584, 323.5377197037, 79.68225095679998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049305.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cups, a bottle, and two knives.", "boxes_value": [[189.3736572171, 448.1454467584, 447.5377197037, 511.6822509568], [327.5764160253, 480.8621215744, 369.7762451463, 511.208068864], [368.82800291589996, 469.0082397696, 397.2772217053, 511.6822509568], [397.2772217053, 448.1454467584, 447.5377197037, 511.6822509568], [205.17370603470002, 440.962829568, 295.9372558443, 465.2078857216], [299.66729738050003, 455.8828735488, 331.68322754490003, 486.6554565632], [189.3736572171, 487.0693359616, 315.1417846861, 495.2036132864]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 5], [2], [4, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049305_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three cups, a bottle, and two knives.", "boxes_value": [[65.3736572171, 16.1454467584, 323.5377197037, 79.68225095679998], [203.57641602529998, 48.86212157440002, 245.77624514630003, 79.20806886399998], [244.82800291589996, 37.00823976959998, 273.2772217053, 79.68225095679998], [273.2772217053, 16.1454467584, 323.5377197037, 79.68225095679998], [81.17370603470002, 8.962829568000018, 171.9372558443, 33.20788572160001], [175.66729738050003, 23.882873548799978, 207.68322754490003, 54.655456563200005], [65.3736572171, 55.06933596160002, 191.14178468609998, 63.203613286400014]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 5], [2], [4, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049306.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[1.6569213664, 139.9234619392, 234.58294678040002, 511.0985107456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049306_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[1.6569213664, 92.9234619392, 234.58294678040002, 464.0985107456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049306.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two boots, two sneakers, and four chairs.", "boxes_value": [[1.6569213664, 139.9234619392, 234.58294678040002, 511.0985107456], [211.83905030280002, 157.956115712, 245.677490252, 196.7871704064], [204.07281491400002, 187.911499008, 234.58294678040002, 212.3195800576], [27.0747680732, 411.7101440512, 72.9486084292, 447.025817856], [69.0482788404, 436.4953613312, 96.5027465444, 458.6845703168], [1.6569213664, 359.400268544, 109.33911131040001, 511.0985107456], [111.6970825572, 471.7984619008, 244.53131103880003, 511.884521472], [110.630371094, 139.9234619392, 163.8538818148, 243.6756591616], [91.0926513728, 203.2527465984, 111.97778322399999, 245.0230712832]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049306_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know about the section of the image enclosed by the rectangle . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two boots, two sneakers, and four chairs.", "boxes_value": [[1.6569213664, 92.9234619392, 234.58294678040002, 464.0985107456], [211.83905030280002, 110.95611571200001, 245.677490252, 149.7871704064], [204.07281491400002, 140.911499008, 234.58294678040002, 165.3195800576], [27.0747680732, 364.7101440512, 72.9486084292, 400.025817856], [69.0482788404, 389.4953613312, 96.5027465444, 411.6845703168], [1.6569213664, 312.400268544, 109.33911131040001, 464.0985107456], [111.6970825572, 424.7984619008, 244.53131103880003, 464.884521472], [110.630371094, 92.9234619392, 163.8538818148, 196.6756591616], [91.0926513728, 156.2527465984, 111.97778322399999, 198.0230712832]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049307.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[87.3464355328, 499.31079098879997, 454.3436279296, 709.331420928]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049307_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[87.3464355328, 53.310790988799965, 454.3436279296, 263.33142092799994]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049307.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a carpet, two leather shoes, two high heels, and a sandals.", "boxes_value": [[87.3464355328, 499.31079098879997, 454.3436279296, 709.331420928], [1.89849856, 506.101562496, 512.59899904, 575.3326416384], [87.3464355328, 657.8885498112, 151.6500854272, 708.1622314752], [234.8648681472, 657.3039550464, 276.7498168832, 709.331420928], [293.338012672, 674.0504150016, 328.6583862272, 707.135253888], [321.0578002944, 674.9445800448, 347.883361792, 704.4527587584], [422.6691283968, 499.31079098879997, 454.3436279296, 518.3154296832]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049307_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what can be found within the bounds of in the image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a carpet, two leather shoes, two high heels, and a sandals.", "boxes_value": [[87.3464355328, 53.310790988799965, 454.3436279296, 263.33142092799994], [1.89849856, 60.101562495999985, 512, 129.3326416384], [87.3464355328, 211.88854981120005, 151.6500854272, 262.1622314752], [234.8648681472, 211.3039550464, 276.7498168832, 263.33142092799994], [293.338012672, 228.05041500159996, 328.6583862272, 261.13525388799997], [321.0578002944, 228.94458004479998, 347.883361792, 258.4527587584], [422.6691283968, 53.310790988799965, 454.3436279296, 72.31542968320002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049308.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[311.4182238208, 117.526306128, 432.9481201152, 625.670653839]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049308_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[30.418223820799994, 117.526306128, 151.94812011520003, 625.670653839]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049308.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a faucet, a leather shoes, a bottle, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[311.4182238208, 117.526306128, 432.9481201152, 625.670653839], [338.9525146624, 117.526306128, 432.9481201152, 141.18505863], [381.41644288, 248.339965797, 393.6595459072, 273.008911098], [311.4182238208, 582.677507874, 375.7617074688, 625.670653839], [356.718139648, 290.7718506, 371.9155273216, 333.788207984], [376.7525024256, 332.741699213, 398.9746703872, 352.000854513]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049308_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a faucet, a leather shoes, a bottle, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[30.418223820799994, 117.526306128, 151.94812011520003, 625.670653839], [57.952514662400006, 117.526306128, 151.94812011520003, 141.18505863], [100.41644287999998, 248.339965797, 112.65954590720003, 273.008911098], [30.418223820799994, 582.677507874, 94.76170746880001, 625.670653839], [75.71813964799998, 290.7718506, 90.9155273216, 333.788207984], [95.75250242560003, 332.741699213, 117.97467038719998, 352.000854513]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049309.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[0.8825073052, 167.2741699072, 314.9006957945, 319.148742656]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049309_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[0.8825073052, 38.27416990719999, 314.9006957945, 190.14874265600002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049309.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six wild birds.", "boxes_value": [[0.8825073052, 167.2741699072, 314.9006957945, 319.148742656], [153.2975464019, 266.7222900224, 272.2028808553, 333.2011718656], [184.6453247131, 169.9765624832, 314.9006957945, 283.477111808], [0.8825073052, 226.186340352, 62.4970703339, 319.148742656], [14.394470196999999, 241.3197632, 128.976013183, 350.4965210112], [85.1972045818, 201.3243408384, 174.3762206869, 273.748474112], [14.9349364979, 167.2741699072, 80.3328857533, 243.4816894464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049309_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six wild birds.", "boxes_value": [[0.8825073052, 38.27416990719999, 314.9006957945, 190.14874265600002], [153.2975464019, 137.7222900224, 272.2028808553, 204.20117186559997], [184.6453247131, 40.97656248320001, 314.9006957945, 154.47711180800002], [0.8825073052, 97.186340352, 62.4970703339, 190.14874265600002], [14.394470196999999, 112.31976320000001, 128.976013183, 221.4965210112], [85.1972045818, 72.32434083839999, 174.3762206869, 144.748474112], [14.9349364979, 38.27416990719999, 80.3328857533, 114.4816894464]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049310.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[323.871948246, 178.2346801664, 618.92912235, 393.1752929792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049310_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[73.87194824599999, 54.23468016640001, 368.92912234999994, 269.1752929792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049310.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, two people, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[323.871948246, 178.2346801664, 618.92912235, 393.1752929792], [425.65698244300006, 259.6693725696, 456.838500965, 290.1422118912], [323.871948246, 178.2346801664, 438.094360319, 393.1752929792], [526.433837853, 160.2291870208, 636.7174072490001, 398.8020019712], [333.574923913, 369.470833664, 350.775863823, 392.4053314048], [402.924543252, 351.9969306624, 429.68145728200005, 385.5795880448], [596.974049518, 340.7559575552, 618.92912235, 381.188124928]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049310_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a soccer, two people, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[73.87194824599999, 54.23468016640001, 368.92912234999994, 269.1752929792], [175.65698244300006, 135.6693725696, 206.83850096499998, 166.14221189120002], [73.87194824599999, 54.23468016640001, 188.09436031899997, 269.1752929792], [276.433837853, 36.2291870208, 386.7174072490001, 274.8020019712], [83.57492391300002, 245.470833664, 100.77586382300001, 268.4053314048], [152.92454325199998, 227.99693066240002, 179.68145728200005, 261.5795880448], [346.974049518, 216.75595755519998, 368.92912234999994, 257.188124928]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049313.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[644.5483398143999, 322.3970947072, 767.5910644224, 502.0170288128]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049313_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[31.548339814399924, 45.39709470719998, 154.5910644224, 225.0170288128]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049313.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a sneakers, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[644.5483398143999, 322.3970947072, 767.5910644224, 502.0170288128], [740.9422607616, 283.9447021568, 767.5596923904, 502.9770507776], [644.5483398143999, 351.9443969536, 712.6396484352, 498.2583007744], [685.5563964672, 322.3970947072, 701.5037842176, 352.7562866176], [646.538330112, 474.913391104, 672.2915039232, 487.217712384], [742.3376464896, 484.6408080896, 767.5910644224, 502.0170288128]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049313_crop.jpg", "text": "I need details about the area located within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a sneakers, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[31.548339814399924, 45.39709470719998, 154.5910644224, 225.0170288128], [127.94226076159998, 6.94470215680002, 154.55969239039996, 225.97705077760003], [31.548339814399924, 74.9443969536, 99.6396484352, 221.25830077440003], [72.55639646719999, 45.39709470719998, 88.50378421760001, 75.75628661759998], [33.53833011200004, 197.91339110400003, 59.291503923200025, 210.21771238399998], [129.33764648960005, 207.6408080896, 154.5910644224, 225.0170288128]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049315.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 27.4528808448, 104.6085205248, 512.6434326016]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049315_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 27.4528808448, 104.6085205248, 512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049315.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a stool, a desk, a chair, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[0, 27.4528808448, 104.6085205248, 512.6434326016], [9.521057126399999, 137.7707519488, 42.5522460672, 192.2883300864], [0.22094730240000002, 27.4528808448, 12.407226547199999, 71.0668945408], [57.84436032, 374.410766592, 86.3592529152, 412.9244384768], [0.0738525696, 357.0056152576, 54.1411133184, 411.8134765568], [88.931762688, 353.3850097664, 104.6085205248, 413.1977539072], [0, 478.2225341952, 58.83819578879999, 512.6434326016]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049315_crop.jpg", "text": "In the image , could you provide a description for the coordinates ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, a stool, a desk, a chair, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[0, 27.4528808448, 104.6085205248, 512], [9.521057126399999, 137.7707519488, 42.5522460672, 192.2883300864], [0.22094730240000002, 27.4528808448, 12.407226547199999, 71.0668945408], [57.84436032, 374.410766592, 86.3592529152, 412.9244384768], [0.0738525696, 357.0056152576, 54.1411133184, 411.8134765568], [88.931762688, 353.3850097664, 104.6085205248, 413.1977539072], [0, 478.2225341952, 58.83819578879999, 512]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049317.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[559.2895507552, 248.6709594624, 683.6468505920001, 406.6885986304]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049317_crop.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[31.289550755200025, 39.67095946239999, 155.64685059200008, 197.6885986304]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049317.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, and four flags.", "boxes_value": [[559.2895507552, 248.6709594624, 683.6468505920001, 406.6885986304], [610.8376464816, 248.6709594624, 632.0693359232, 394.204284672], [655.8911132992, 317.5296630784, 683.6468505920001, 376.9268798976], [559.2895507552, 312.0206298624, 585.770019504, 375.20648192], [569.2525635128, 371.2737426944, 587.6052246408, 406.6885986304], [636.759033208, 369.3796386816, 653.7099609088, 406.5462035968]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049317_crop.jpg", "text": "What insights can you provide about the area in the selected picture ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, and four flags.", "boxes_value": [[31.289550755200025, 39.67095946239999, 155.64685059200008, 197.6885986304], [82.83764648160002, 39.67095946239999, 104.06933592320001, 185.20428467199997], [127.89111329920001, 108.5296630784, 155.64685059200008, 167.92687989759997], [31.289550755200025, 103.02062986240003, 57.77001950399995, 166.20648192], [41.25256351279995, 162.27374269440003, 59.605224640799975, 197.6885986304], [108.759033208, 160.3796386816, 125.70996090879999, 197.5462035968]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049318.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[259.242830735, 65.1358032384, 701.664756635, 201.0738690048]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049318_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[111.24283073499998, 34.1358032384, 553.664756635, 170.0738690048]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049318.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four helmets, three gloves, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[259.242830735, 65.1358032384, 701.664756635, 201.0738690048], [366.5455280349, 123.2891894272, 409.6155633007, 176.1080871424], [259.242830735, 86.4659521536, 310.3576922902, 138.4417724416], [540.7802413196999, 166.7085191168, 575.9638138497, 201.0738690048], [583.7369287539001, 158.1171816448, 620.5569465107001, 193.709865472], [668.687761164, 107.823326464, 701.664756635, 154.4548591616], [609.7650146772, 65.1358032384, 653.1801964449, 109.1530761728], [552.2655029379999, 55.834350592, 586.5115966422001, 98.9591064576], [425.8776855846, 157.5279541248, 589.6718749665, 193.6182251008]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 6, 7], [3, 4, 5], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049318_crop.jpg", "text": "Analyze and describe the region in the included photo . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four helmets, three gloves, and a hockey stick.", "boxes_value": [[111.24283073499998, 34.1358032384, 553.664756635, 170.0738690048], [218.54552803489997, 92.2891894272, 261.6155633007, 145.1080871424], [111.24283073499998, 55.4659521536, 162.35769229020002, 107.4417724416], [392.78024131969994, 135.7085191168, 427.96381384970005, 170.0738690048], [435.7369287539001, 127.11718164480001, 472.5569465107001, 162.709865472], [520.687761164, 76.823326464, 553.664756635, 123.45485916160001], [461.76501467720004, 34.1358032384, 505.18019644490005, 78.1530761728], [404.26550293799994, 24.834350592, 438.51159664220006, 67.9591064576], [277.8776855846, 126.5279541248, 441.6718749665, 162.6182251008]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 6, 7], [3, 4, 5], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049320.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[0, 176.667846656, 424.9235839665, 512.437744128]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049320_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[0, 84.667846656, 424.9235839665, 420]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049320.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, a bench, a chair, three people, a glasses, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[0, 176.667846656, 424.9235839665, 512.437744128], [0, 311.9536742912, 254.42742918079998, 510.3911132672], [246.4170532133, 295.811889664, 436.0792236319, 439.7827148288], [8.3801269648, 302.6316528128, 60.996704085400005, 401.7937622016], [356.8082275525, 192.5470581248, 444.4891357486, 511.5122070528], [255.3193969922, 176.667846656, 357.49865722650003, 512.437744128], [145.5456543115, 173.2158813696, 260.2915038755, 512.2026366976], [218.4310302711, 195.2163696128, 254.27551270089998, 206.0373535232], [378.71582027970004, 495.7738037248, 424.9235839665, 511.8085937664]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049320_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, a bench, a chair, three people, a glasses, and a leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[0, 84.667846656, 424.9235839665, 420], [0, 219.9536742912, 254.42742918079998, 418.3911132672], [246.4170532133, 203.81188966399998, 436.0792236319, 347.7827148288], [8.3801269648, 210.63165281279998, 60.996704085400005, 309.7937622016], [356.8082275525, 100.5470581248, 444.4891357486, 419.5122070528], [255.3193969922, 84.667846656, 357.49865722650003, 420], [145.5456543115, 81.2158813696, 260.2915038755, 420], [218.4310302711, 103.21636961280001, 254.27551270089998, 114.03735352320001], [378.71582027970004, 403.7738037248, 424.9235839665, 419.8085937664]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049321.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[252.48480221379998, 381.0182495232, 462.92114259979996, 510.3765869056]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049321_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[53.48480221379998, 33.018249523199984, 263.92114259979996, 162.3765869056]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049321.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two forks, two wine glasses, a bottle, two chairs, and two napkins.", "boxes_value": [[252.48480221379998, 381.0182495232, 462.92114259979996, 510.3765869056], [254.10620115460003, 420.7498779136, 289.5803222892, 442.1771850752], [261.01062013340004, 417.8929443328, 296.72277829579997, 440.5106201088], [271.8095703226, 356.4401855488, 297.13806151899996, 412.5381469696], [299.0141601324, 363.569702144, 320.40270995320003, 410.8495483392], [252.48480221379998, 381.0182495232, 271.4343261492, 411.9752807424], [253.45477292360002, 348.1489257984, 403.2512206734, 510.3765869056], [296.34252930819997, 404.7110595584, 462.92114259979996, 510.3765869056], [286.26440426899995, 408.1629638656, 349.6636963158, 435.866882304], [293.7231445098, 373.5330810368, 341.1394042682, 394.311035136]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7], [8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049321_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two forks, two wine glasses, a bottle, two chairs, and two napkins.", "boxes_value": [[53.48480221379998, 33.018249523199984, 263.92114259979996, 162.3765869056], [55.10620115460003, 72.74987791360002, 90.58032228920001, 94.17718507519999], [62.01062013340004, 69.89294433280003, 97.72277829579997, 92.51062010880003], [72.8095703226, 8.440185548800002, 98.13806151899996, 64.5381469696], [100.01416013239998, 15.569702144000019, 121.40270995320003, 62.8495483392], [53.48480221379998, 33.018249523199984, 72.43432614919999, 63.9752807424], [54.45477292360002, 0.14892579840000053, 204.25122067339998, 162.3765869056], [97.34252930819997, 56.711059558399995, 263.92114259979996, 162.3765869056], [87.26440426899995, 60.16296386559998, 150.6636963158, 87.866882304], [94.72314450980002, 25.533081036800013, 142.1394042682, 46.31103513599999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7], [8, 9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049322.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[94.994603781, 56.3507262976, 713.540649437, 498.7135009792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049322_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[94.994603781, 56.3507262976, 713.540649437, 498.7135009792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049322.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two guitars, two people, a bracelet, a hat, an extention cord, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[94.994603781, 56.3507262976, 713.540649437, 498.7135009792], [505.523559541, 191.0674438656, 622.47790528, 439.456115712], [94.994603781, 166.0396763648, 526.506312409, 496.18861757440004], [529.1730340820001, 250.1964550144, 769.928796329, 303.4262262272], [11.750000030999999, 0.4675293184, 521.046020495, 511.7050781184], [144.216613772, 256.9878540288, 182.679016135, 302.8153686528], [536.975097659, 58.3348388864, 738.022216778, 441.5808105472], [612.09290989, 56.3507262976, 694.877688428, 107.2184817664], [677.832031261, 464.8701782016, 713.540649437, 498.7135009792], [593.03173828125, 361.2571105957031, 639.8265380859375, 431.5316467285156]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 6], [5], [7], [8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049322_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the region in the picture . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two guitars, two people, a bracelet, a hat, an extention cord, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[94.994603781, 56.3507262976, 713.540649437, 498.7135009792], [505.523559541, 191.0674438656, 622.47790528, 439.456115712], [94.994603781, 166.0396763648, 526.506312409, 496.18861757440004], [529.1730340820001, 250.1964550144, 769.928796329, 303.4262262272], [11.750000030999999, 0.4675293184, 521.046020495, 511.7050781184], [144.216613772, 256.9878540288, 182.679016135, 302.8153686528], [536.975097659, 58.3348388864, 738.022216778, 441.5808105472], [612.09290989, 56.3507262976, 694.877688428, 107.2184817664], [677.832031261, 464.8701782016, 713.540649437, 498.7135009792], [593.03173828125, 361.2571105957031, 639.8265380859375, 431.5316467285156]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 6], [5], [7], [8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049323.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[58.7505492992, 449.31774903400003, 253.5549926912, 536.732543963]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049323_crop.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[48.7505492992, 22.31774903400003, 243.5549926912, 109.73254396300001]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049323.jpg", "text": "Offer a thorough description of the area within the illustration . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and two backpacks.", "boxes_value": [[48.7505492992, 22.31774903400003, 243.5549926912, 109.73254396300001], [48.7505492992, 22.31774903400003, 90.6779785216, 109.73254396300001], [112.0372924928, 22.713256838999996, 144.8672485376, 109.73254396300001], [139.5193481216, 34.91857912199998, 166.2548217856, 82.28674319600003], [204.9049072128, 24.45690921099998, 243.5549926912, 82.86791994600003], [117.82342528, 37.207519545000025, 136.8252563456, 64.96301269500003], [213.5362548736, 35.621459992999974, 233.7711792128, 65.97387693400003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049324.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a desk, a vase, and two pillows.", "boxes_value": [[71.173034691, 86.4658203136, 309.540466321, 471.646118144], [71.173034691, 167.5969238528, 235.80072022899998, 471.646118144], [83.776123051, 210.9199828992, 383.099182115, 477.15997312], [239.102905263, 86.4658203136, 309.540466321, 231.8053588992], [85.745178203, 234.1884765696, 188.516479471, 265.1655883776], [82.829711909, 261.5212402176, 231.520080571, 307.804748544]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049324_crop.jpg", "text": "What details can you provide for the rectangle defined by the coordinates in ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a desk, a vase, and two pillows.", "boxes_value": [[60.173034691, 86.4658203136, 298.540466321, 471.646118144], [60.173034691, 167.5969238528, 224.80072022899998, 471.646118144], [72.776123051, 210.9199828992, 358, 477.15997312], [228.102905263, 86.4658203136, 298.540466321, 231.8053588992], [74.745178203, 234.1884765696, 177.516479471, 265.1655883776], [71.829711909, 261.5212402176, 220.520080571, 307.804748544]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049327.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[50.309814423199995, 254.4445190656, 314.329284676, 315.486450176]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049327_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a breakdown of the content in the specified area of the picture ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two forks, three wine glasses, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[13.517456076799988, 46.77374269440003, 66.42114260480002, 230.24584959999999], [13.517456076799988, 174.19268797439997, 55.237060582400034, 230.24584959999999], [20.674133273600034, 175.14141844480002, 66.42114260480002, 229.6265869312], [45.44360353280001, 75.88262937600001, 79, 149.2141113344], [15.907287603200018, 87.5953369088, 46.462097177599986, 153.79730222080002], [33.329956044800014, 34.55181885439998, 60.830078105599966, 82.56646727679998], [27.21984865280001, 46.77374269440003, 45.9891968, 83.87597655040003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049329.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, two lamps, a person, and three flowers.", "boxes_value": [[260.301208512, 0, 382.50805663999995, 110.8692016698], [267.048828096, 74.0304565644, 295.913635264, 114.1412963754], [363.764648448, 68.0325927519, 382.50805663999995, 85.2764892672], [260.301208512, 50.4138183465, 285.042480448, 69.9069213927], [270.773437504, 80.48663328090001, 292.014343232, 110.8692016698], [315.6840515136719, 18.802875518798828, 356.9740905761719, 42.72190856933594], [271.568603515625, 0, 321.3304443359375, 27.89521598815918], [271.0290222167969, 0.10167503356933594, 357.1473083496094, 43.37643241882324]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049329_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a carpet, a book, a handbag, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[75.1322631888, 319.9497255424, 426.4709472401, 402.7645263872], [387.4952392895, 373.5327758848, 426.4709472401, 402.7645263872], [251.04705810040002, 339.8977660928, 318.0589599876, 365.4260864512], [110.7554321041, 360.2087402496, 187.31402591230002, 387.8054199296], [314.770464428, 319.9497255424, 386.2266979938, 397.6078208512], [75.1322631888, 344.4309692416, 98.1699218986, 385.039672832]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049333_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a storage box, a carpet, a book, a handbag, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[75.1322631888, 20.949725542400017, 426.4709472401, 103.76452638720002], [387.4952392895, 74.5327758848, 426.4709472401, 103.76452638720002], [251.04705810040002, 40.8977660928, 318.0589599876, 66.42608645119998], [110.7554321041, 61.2087402496, 187.31402591230002, 88.80541992960002], [314.770464428, 20.949725542400017, 386.2266979938, 98.60782085120002], [75.1322631888, 45.430969241599996, 98.1699218986, 86.03967283200001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049334.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[209.717041054, 108.344421376, 526.0767821967, 476.0418701312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049334_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[79.71704105399999, 92.344421376, 396.07678219670004, 460.0418701312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049334.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, two desks, a vase, a couch, a picture, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[209.717041054, 108.344421376, 526.0767821967, 476.0418701312], [356.6094970461, 177.2251587072, 398.8524170044, 257.6878662144], [437.8381348087, 260.3113403392, 545.5312499646, 378.17541504], [445.61596675469997, 199.2852783104, 486.30004883169994, 270.482360832], [433.6501464635, 233.3880615424, 613.1385497708001, 370.995910656], [360.05981443769997, 108.344421376, 390.5728759499, 138.8574829056], [502.83996577820005, 240.1174926848, 526.0767821967, 272.3908691456], [366.7576904106, 223.6257934336, 492.5545654283, 474.3974609408], [209.717041054, 268.8469238272, 431.7116699208, 476.0418701312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 8], [3], [4], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049334_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two lamps, two desks, a vase, a couch, a picture, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[79.71704105399999, 92.344421376, 396.07678219670004, 460.0418701312], [226.6094970461, 161.2251587072, 268.8524170044, 241.6878662144], [307.8381348087, 244.3113403392, 415.53124996459997, 362.17541504], [315.61596675469997, 183.2852783104, 356.30004883169994, 254.48236083199998], [303.6501464635, 217.3880615424, 475, 354.995910656], [230.05981443769997, 92.344421376, 260.5728759499, 122.8574829056], [372.83996577820005, 224.1174926848, 396.07678219670004, 256.3908691456], [236.7576904106, 207.6257934336, 362.5545654283, 458.3974609408], [79.71704105399999, 252.8469238272, 301.7116699208, 460.0418701312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 5], [2, 8], [3], [4], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049338.jpg", "text": "I would like a description of the content within the bbox in . 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[515.80676268, 68.2772217, 659.79577638, 180.6003418]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049344_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[36.80676268000002, 28.2772217, 180.79577638, 140.6003418]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049344.jpg", "text": "Can you provide some context for the area within the picture ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[184.18200684, 126.87951662100001, 295.74932861499997, 417.3393554549999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049347_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[28.182006840000014, 72.87951662100001, 139.74932861499997, 363.3393554549999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049347.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a tuba, a person, a hat, two sneakers, and a skiboard.", "boxes_value": [[184.18200684, 126.87951662100001, 295.74932861499997, 417.3393554549999], [184.18200684, 126.87951662100001, 262.40740968, 279.4831542855], [205.34130857500003, 146.756469717, 295.74932861499997, 417.3393554549999], [243.224121075, 145.1312255745, 271.95037844, 175.24182129300002], [248.678283685, 378.6982421805, 271.75494384999996, 400.82659912350005], [206.634460435, 383.3562011895, 230.34338379000002, 418.2131347515], [186.10559084, 339.75518796449995, 276.513610815, 459.01684570500004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049347_crop.jpg", "text": "Care to elaborate on the targeted area in the visual illustration ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a tuba, a person, a hat, two sneakers, and a skiboard.", "boxes_value": [[28.182006840000014, 72.87951662100001, 139.74932861499997, 363.3393554549999], [28.182006840000014, 72.87951662100001, 106.40740968, 225.4831542855], [49.34130857500003, 92.75646971699999, 139.74932861499997, 363.3393554549999], [87.224121075, 91.13122557450001, 115.95037844000001, 121.24182129300002], [92.678283685, 324.6982421805, 115.75494384999996, 346.82659912350005], [50.634460434999994, 329.3562011895, 74.34338379000002, 364.2131347515], [30.10559083999999, 285.75518796449995, 120.51361081499999, 405.01684570500004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049351.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[10.6788329872, 254.949096704, 583.7066650177, 511.9283447296]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049351_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[10.6788329872, 64.949096704, 581, 321.9283447296]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049351.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two chairs, a person, two bracelets, a telephone, a keyboard, a computer box, and a mouse.", "boxes_value": [[10.6788329872, 254.949096704, 583.7066650177, 511.9283447296], [10.6788329872, 254.949096704, 267.4714355446, 510.1564941312], [455.3104248021, 353.2277221888, 583.7066650177, 511.7416381952], [534.5673828159, 198.6766357504, 581.3289795137999, 316.7695312384], [163.5655517755, 152.3869628928, 519.6928711107, 512.3089599488], [317.8112182343, 410.3409423872, 363.2840576393, 421.364685056], [216.4013671708, 403.286682112, 230.12432862580002, 428.3895874048], [348.52416991350003, 257.8366699008, 411.9733886905, 330.7817382912], [82.4304199285, 375.5573730304, 260.36083985380003, 511.9283447296], [0.1510620335, 161.1612548608, 82.6222534046, 500.3471679488], [214.6315307808, 360.2635497984, 258.7009277342, 381.4821167104]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6], [7], [8], [9], [10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049351_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, two chairs, a person, two bracelets, a telephone, a keyboard, a computer box, and a mouse.", "boxes_value": [[10.6788329872, 64.949096704, 581, 321.9283447296], [10.6788329872, 64.949096704, 267.4714355446, 320.1564941312], [455.3104248021, 163.2277221888, 581, 321.7416381952], [534.5673828159, 8.67663575040001, 581, 126.76953123840002], [163.5655517755, 0, 519.6928711107, 322], [317.8112182343, 220.34094238720002, 363.2840576393, 231.36468505599998], [216.4013671708, 213.286682112, 230.12432862580002, 238.3895874048], [348.52416991350003, 67.83666990080002, 411.9733886905, 140.78173829119999], [82.4304199285, 185.55737303040002, 260.36083985380003, 321.9283447296], [0.1510620335, 0, 82.6222534046, 310.3471679488], [214.6315307808, 170.2635497984, 258.7009277342, 191.48211671040002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6], [7], [8], [9], [10]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049352.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[120.359863296, 0, 594.076416, 77.9962768384]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049352_crop.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[119.359863296, 0, 593.076416, 77.9962768384]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049352.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four hats, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[120.359863296, 0, 594.076416, 77.9962768384], [120.359863296, 0.5609131008, 144.8969726208, 16.5295410176], [235.67163087359998, 54.480468736, 264.86364748799997, 77.9962768384], [252.29486085119999, 47.5879516672, 319.1932372992, 83.2670287872], [377.8609618944, 55.9509887488, 406.29760742400003, 69.7384643584], [547.6523437824, 0, 594.076416, 31.6504516608]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049352_crop.jpg", "text": "Detail the chosen region in the depicted scene . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four hats, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[119.359863296, 0, 593.076416, 77.9962768384], [119.359863296, 0.5609131008, 143.8969726208, 16.5295410176], [234.67163087359998, 54.480468736, 263.86364748799997, 77.9962768384], [251.29486085119999, 47.5879516672, 318.1932372992, 83.2670287872], [376.8609618944, 55.9509887488, 405.29760742400003, 69.7384643584], [546.6523437824, 0, 593.076416, 31.6504516608]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049353.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[351.11572269600003, 174.4111328256, 566.988647484, 290.7093506048]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049353_crop.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, a lamp, a desk, a chair, and a potted plant.", "boxes_value": [[351.11572269600003, 174.4111328256, 566.988647484, 290.7093506048], [356.329711878, 239.9293823488, 414.364013684, 290.7093506048], [455.928588918, 174.4111328256, 503.754272472, 242.00482176], [445.08801269800006, 242.00482176, 510.13110351, 266.8742065664], [484.265380908, 216.4439087104, 566.988647484, 277.482360832], [351.11572269600003, 180.853759744, 420.44909668400004, 265.2363281408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049353_crop.jpg", "text": "What's going on in the section of contained within the bounding box ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a pillow, a lamp, a desk, a chair, and a potted plant.", "boxes_value": [[54.115722696000034, 29.411132825599992, 269.988647484, 145.70935060480002], [59.32971187800001, 94.9293823488, 117.36401368399999, 145.70935060480002], [158.928588918, 29.411132825599992, 206.75427247200003, 97.00482176], [148.08801269800006, 97.00482176, 213.13110351, 121.8742065664], [187.265380908, 71.4439087104, 269.988647484, 132.48236083199998], [54.115722696000034, 35.853759744, 123.44909668400004, 120.23632814080003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049354.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three sneakers, a hockey stick, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[483.3564453, 339.2651367312, 570.7066650390625, 431.8122863769531], [518.4536133, 296.3109741092, 580.6844482500001, 432.76983641519996], [524.6511639749999, 399.71145843, 543.880360425, 418.03575153180003], [483.3564453, 339.2651367312, 555.638549775, 359.5945434334], [556.1240234375, 417.6822204589844, 570.7066650390625, 431.8122863769531], [495.7478942871094, 366.0179138183594, 514.898193359375, 379.7394104003906], [555.7314453125, 350.8304138183594, 569.5279541015625, 365.2794494628906]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5], [3], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049354_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, three sneakers, a hockey stick, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[22.35644530000002, 23.265136731200016, 109.7066650390625, 115.81228637695312], [57.45361330000003, 0, 119.68444825000006, 116.76983641519996], [63.65116397499992, 83.71145843, 82.88036042500005, 102.03575153180003], [22.35644530000002, 23.265136731200016, 94.638549775, 43.59454343340002], [95.1240234375, 101.68222045898438, 109.7066650390625, 115.81228637695312], [34.747894287109375, 50.017913818359375, 53.898193359375, 63.739410400390625], [94.7314453125, 34.830413818359375, 108.5279541015625, 49.279449462890625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4, 5], [3], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049355.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three handbags, two sneakers, and a slippers.", "boxes_value": [[84.55682373120001, 281.2150268416, 292.14404298240004, 417.2268676608], [84.55682373120001, 324.995483392, 100.29492188159999, 358.1885376], [145.5061645824, 281.2150268416, 155.5213012992, 312.1188964864], [193.29272463360002, 303.2483520512, 212.7507323904, 351.3210449408], [227.8024292352, 396.8739623936, 245.5292358144, 417.2268676608], [261.9428710656, 394.9042968576, 292.14404298240004, 413.6159057408], [149.3450469970703, 358.3490295410156, 159.4380645751953, 366.0309753417969]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049355_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three handbags, two sneakers, and a slippers.", "boxes_value": [[52.55682373120001, 34.21502684159998, 260.14404298240004, 170.2268676608], [52.55682373120001, 77.99548339199998, 68.29492188159999, 111.18853760000002], [113.5061645824, 34.21502684159998, 123.52130129919999, 65.11889648639999], [161.29272463360002, 56.248352051200015, 180.7507323904, 104.3210449408], [195.8024292352, 149.87396239359998, 213.5292358144, 170.2268676608], [229.9428710656, 147.9042968576, 260.14404298240004, 166.61590574079997], [117.34504699707031, 111.34902954101562, 127.43806457519531, 119.03097534179688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049356.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[51.2150268778, 68.6461791744, 220.35668945839998, 511.367004416]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049356_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[43.2150268778, 68.6461791744, 212.35668945839998, 511.367004416]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049356.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two people, a belt, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[51.2150268778, 68.6461791744, 220.35668945839998, 511.367004416], [97.861572234, 68.6461791744, 145.3252563698, 197.1254272512], [110.2363281516, 253.1202392576, 220.35668945839998, 511.367004416], [51.2150268778, 292.6077880832, 69.9039306806, 350.1402587648], [127.09887698680001, 361.7600097792, 173.76428220940002, 375.7370605568], [110.651184071, 481.1837768704, 141.13336180320002, 505.0949096448], [160.4813232612, 484.651794432, 183.8449096706, 511.1183471616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049356_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, two people, a belt, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[43.2150268778, 68.6461791744, 212.35668945839998, 511.367004416], [89.861572234, 68.6461791744, 137.3252563698, 197.1254272512], [102.2363281516, 253.1202392576, 212.35668945839998, 511.367004416], [43.2150268778, 292.6077880832, 61.9039306806, 350.1402587648], [119.09887698680001, 361.7600097792, 165.76428220940002, 375.7370605568], [102.651184071, 481.1837768704, 133.13336180320002, 505.0949096448], [152.4813232612, 484.651794432, 175.8449096706, 511.1183471616]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049358.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[196.01601539479998, 99.1727354368, 361.3316650478, 330.3447876096]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049358_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[42.01601539479998, 58.1727354368, 207.33166504780002, 289.3447876096]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049358.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, three people, and three helmets.", "boxes_value": [[196.01601539479998, 99.1727354368, 361.3316650478, 330.3447876096], [177.0678710824, 222.8465575936, 338.7045898228, 361.0053100544], [135.07354739090002, 136.7066650624, 264.8596191159, 301.8889770496], [206.5599975586, 164.4683837952, 361.3316650478, 330.3447876096], [235.0158080998, 96.947937024, 368.9661865425, 222.0740356608], [287.77981999220003, 163.414553088, 325.7855590797, 191.9188574208], [288.6014249752, 99.1727354368, 327.3929970113, 123.6049963008], [196.01601539479998, 136.6783990784, 236.7364501369, 168.61179264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049358_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me more about the rectangular section in the photo . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, three people, and three helmets.", "boxes_value": [[42.01601539479998, 58.1727354368, 207.33166504780002, 289.3447876096], [23.06787108239999, 181.8465575936, 184.70458982280002, 320.0053100544], [0, 95.70666506239999, 110.85961911589999, 260.8889770496], [52.5599975586, 123.4683837952, 207.33166504780002, 289.3447876096], [81.01580809980001, 55.947937024, 214.9661865425, 181.0740356608], [133.77981999220003, 122.41455308799999, 171.78555907970002, 150.9188574208], [134.60142497520002, 58.1727354368, 173.3929970113, 82.6049963008], [42.01601539479998, 95.67839907839999, 82.7364501369, 127.61179264]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049359.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[116.9132080128, 17.1286621072, 511.3593139712, 194.59344479819998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049359_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[98.9132080128, 17.1286621072, 493.3593139712, 194.59344479819998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049359.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, a skating and skiing shoes, two cars, a suv, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[116.9132080128, 17.1286621072, 511.3593139712, 194.59344479819998], [90.8367920128, 1.4067382854, 156.3082885632, 209.57250978439998], [265.0863647232, 127.06140136619999, 351.3205566464, 190.07867430160002], [116.9132080128, 149.4661865424, 148.4624023552, 194.59344479819998], [183.7380981248, 77.6333007534, 276.5118408192, 113.03967284119999], [143.8498534912, 70.01416018799999, 223.626281728, 106.7651367286], [482.227478016, 83.011474623, 511.3593139712, 127.8297118994], [224.970825216, 17.1286621072, 237.0717773312, 76.73693851040001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 6], [5], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049359_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a handbag, a skating and skiing shoes, two cars, a suv, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[98.9132080128, 17.1286621072, 493.3593139712, 194.59344479819998], [72.8367920128, 1.4067382854, 138.3082885632, 209.57250978439998], [247.0863647232, 127.06140136619999, 333.3205566464, 190.07867430160002], [98.9132080128, 149.4661865424, 130.4624023552, 194.59344479819998], [165.7380981248, 77.6333007534, 258.5118408192, 113.03967284119999], [125.84985349120001, 70.01416018799999, 205.626281728, 106.7651367286], [464.227478016, 83.011474623, 493.3593139712, 127.8297118994], [206.970825216, 17.1286621072, 219.0717773312, 76.73693851040001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 6], [5], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049360.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[496.0644531632, 212.4347534336, 667.3121338144, 429.9182739456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049360_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about.", "boxes_value": [[43.06445316320003, 54.43475343360001, 214.3121338144, 271.9182739456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049360.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a mirror, a cabinet, two people, a cleaning products, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[496.0644531632, 212.4347534336, 667.3121338144, 429.9182739456], [588.3653564088, 258.4076537856, 628.9056396724, 290.4131469824], [573.9063720616, 313.6719970816, 667.3121338144, 420.5687866368], [496.0644531632, 212.4347534336, 582.2738037063999, 331.2805786112], [441.87573245240003, 235.8344726528, 595.8210449572, 431.6528930816], [644.3770752052001, 297.0984497152, 657.7347411756, 320.5894164992], [534.4774169543999, 407.5420532224, 564.636718754, 429.9182739456]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049360_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a mirror, a cabinet, two people, a cleaning products, and a sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[43.06445316320003, 54.43475343360001, 214.3121338144, 271.9182739456], [135.36535640880004, 100.40765378560002, 175.90563967239996, 132.4131469824], [120.9063720616, 155.6719970816, 214.3121338144, 262.5687866368], [43.06445316320003, 54.43475343360001, 129.27380370639992, 173.28057861119999], [0, 77.8344726528, 142.8210449572, 273.6528930816], [191.37707520520007, 139.0984497152, 204.7347411756, 162.5894164992], [81.47741695439993, 249.5420532224, 111.63671875399996, 271.9182739456]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049362.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[272.5400390926, 198.1016845824, 499.0799560604, 279.318908672]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049362_crop.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[57.54003909260001, 21.101684582399997, 284.0799560604, 102.31890867200002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049362.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and two cows.", "boxes_value": [[272.5400390926, 198.1016845824, 499.0799560604, 279.318908672], [410.7235107321, 198.1016845824, 435.2711181804, 274.5060424704], [326.6448974597, 217.6583251968, 348.9631347847, 241.3292236288], [318.8673095433, 211.5715332096, 334.7606200985, 266.352722176], [272.5400390926, 213.9386596864, 310.7515869045, 270.0724487168], [255.95056152680002, 230.16711424, 320.7227172913, 276.5285033984], [433.90637210010004, 233.7302856192, 499.0799560604, 279.318908672]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049362_crop.jpg", "text": "What can I find in the bbox of the provided image ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four people, and two cows.", "boxes_value": [[57.54003909260001, 21.101684582399997, 284.0799560604, 102.31890867200002], [195.7235107321, 21.101684582399997, 220.27111818039998, 97.50604247040002], [111.64489745970002, 40.65832519680001, 133.9631347847, 64.32922362880001], [103.8673095433, 34.571533209600005, 119.7606200985, 89.35272217599999], [57.54003909260001, 36.9386596864, 95.75158690450002, 93.07244871680001], [40.950561526800016, 53.16711423999999, 105.7227172913, 99.5285033984], [218.90637210010004, 56.730285619200004, 284.0799560604, 102.31890867200002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049364.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[58.525909423828125, 376.4704895019531, 342.6216289536, 434.5934915072]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049364_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[58.525909423828125, 15.470489501953125, 342.6216289536, 73.59349150719999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049364.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[58.525909423828125, 376.4704895019531, 342.6216289536, 434.5934915072], [170.5101107712, 391.7575761408, 191.9280956928, 434.5934915072], [304.2606031104, 402.9191723008, 342.6216289536, 412.5094287872], [90.46106719970703, 376.4704895019531, 122.53411102294922, 393.8412780761719], [58.525909423828125, 376.70574951171875, 78.91668701171875, 395.56268310546875], [195.35125732421875, 425.23388671875, 210.23861694335938, 433.489501953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049364_crop.jpg", "text": "What information can you give me about the coordinates in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[58.525909423828125, 15.470489501953125, 342.6216289536, 73.59349150719999], [170.5101107712, 30.757576140799983, 191.9280956928, 73.59349150719999], [304.2606031104, 41.91917230080003, 342.6216289536, 51.50942878720002], [90.46106719970703, 15.470489501953125, 122.53411102294922, 32.841278076171875], [58.525909423828125, 15.70574951171875, 78.91668701171875, 34.56268310546875], [195.35125732421875, 64.23388671875, 210.23861694335938, 72.489501953125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049365.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[349.4760742515, 230.4341430784, 538.8482666142, 512.763916032]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049365_crop.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, a vase, a chair, a pillow, a carpet, and a book.", "boxes_value": [[349.4760742515, 230.4341430784, 538.8482666142, 512.763916032], [369.7928466516, 230.4341430784, 388.5238036944, 250.5191650304], [401.32678219470006, 220.893249536, 411.60656735730004, 250.4058838016], [416.4421386813, 314.892822272, 538.8482666142, 497.7223510528], [422.360229507, 330.592590336, 513.7233886506, 407.9218139648], [349.4760742515, 452.3041381888, 446.5141601238, 512.763916032], [446.54193115234375, 436.35638427734375, 532.8460083007812, 472.7373046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049365_crop.jpg", "text": "I request a description of the area in the picture . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two street lights.", "boxes_value": [[299.8851318528, 322.0324096512, 479.59374996480005, 487.933349632], [299.8851318528, 322.0324096512, 345.34521484799996, 385.0270995968], [305.239990272, 349.3444824064, 338.5664062464, 487.933349632], [453.176513664, 359.098571776, 479.59374996480005, 470.050903296], [404.2511901855469, 417.1971435546875, 414.9780578613281, 460.4532470703125], [393.64422607421875, 413.7218933105469, 406.63360595703125, 460.6658630371094]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049366_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you analyze the content of the area within the photograph ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two street lights.", "boxes_value": [[45.88513185279999, 42.0324096512, 225.59374996480005, 207.933349632], [45.88513185279999, 42.0324096512, 91.34521484799996, 105.02709959679999], [51.239990272, 69.3444824064, 84.56640624639999, 207.933349632], [199.17651366400003, 79.09857177600003, 225.59374996480005, 190.050903296], [150.25119018554688, 137.1971435546875, 160.97805786132812, 180.4532470703125], [139.64422607421875, 133.72189331054688, 152.63360595703125, 180.66586303710938]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049367.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two gloves, a backpack, two sneakers, and a skiboard.", "boxes_value": [[99.617248512, 200.9148779074, 365.0847734272, 681.8847656356], [309.899536128, 188.97979734429998, 348.3421020672, 265.8648681577], [96.7592163328, 51.806823726699996, 366.7390136832, 645.0518798924], [106.4028936192, 317.79892754459996, 149.414160896, 373.5180692521], [307.9536659456, 304.1891479199, 365.0847734272, 357.0435870303], [321.1574744576, 200.9148779074, 338.5680843264, 228.5932833868], [209.2729246208, 585.8859819633, 248.1961857024, 637.6129473493], [123.744179968, 587.4224265257, 158.0581074432, 640.1736881728], [99.617248512, 530.5983886833, 285.407409664, 681.8847656356]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049367_crop.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two gloves, a backpack, two sneakers, and a skiboard.", "boxes_value": [[66.617248512, 120.91487790740001, 332.0847734272, 601.8847656356], [276.899536128, 108.97979734429998, 315.3421020672, 185.86486815770002], [63.759216332799994, 0, 333.7390136832, 565.0518798924], [73.4028936192, 237.79892754459996, 116.414160896, 293.5180692521], [274.9536659456, 224.1891479199, 332.0847734272, 277.0435870303], [288.1574744576, 120.91487790740001, 305.5680843264, 148.5932833868], [176.2729246208, 505.88598196329997, 215.1961857024, 557.6129473493], [90.744179968, 507.42242652569996, 125.05810744319999, 560.1736881728], [66.617248512, 450.59838868329996, 252.407409664, 601.8847656356]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049370.jpg", "text": "In , can you paint a picture of the area enclosed by coordinates ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include four chairs, a cabinet, a wine glass, a plate, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[0, 51.56744381639999, 357.651062016, 255.85876466629998], [111.6535034368, 101.83142088020003, 357.651062016, 239.61364743619998], [0, 135.5377196971, 19.4044189696, 231.9262695451], [0, 139.67712404500003, 53.7021484544, 233.7001953248], [61.3895874048, 121.34558107859999, 87.408569344, 189.94104004860003], [0, 51.56744381639999, 117.5668945408, 169.24414063439997], [127.3105468928, 135.68359374430003, 207.7667846656, 255.85876466629998], [311.5499267584, 103.06054686060003, 359.076843264, 121.39233399950001], [334.6344604672, 66.8495483264, 358.6242065408, 101.0236816533]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049371.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[61.58356475830078, 359.8041381888, 502.1036376989, 462.1308593664]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049371_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[61.58356475830078, 25.804138188799982, 502.1036376989, 128.1308593664]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049371.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four sneakers, and a cell phone.", "boxes_value": [[61.58356475830078, 359.8041381888, 502.1036376989, 462.1308593664], [135.2725219513, 359.8041381888, 223.4214477697, 462.1308593664], [283.8311767375, 391.7897949184, 407.11633304139997, 431.8574829056], [461.71386717490003, 363.1504516608, 502.1036376989, 406.0935668736], [61.58356475830078, 432.7916259765625, 106.5616226196289, 453.72747802734375], [284.8716125488281, 391.1605529785156, 332.8981628417969, 432.2375793457031]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049371_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you discuss the entities within the region of image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include four sneakers, and a cell phone.", "boxes_value": [[61.58356475830078, 25.804138188799982, 502.1036376989, 128.1308593664], [135.2725219513, 25.804138188799982, 223.4214477697, 128.1308593664], [283.8311767375, 57.78979491839999, 407.11633304139997, 97.85748290560002], [461.71386717490003, 29.1504516608, 502.1036376989, 72.09356687360003], [61.58356475830078, 98.7916259765625, 106.5616226196289, 119.72747802734375], [284.8716125488281, 57.160552978515625, 332.8981628417969, 98.23757934570312]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 4, 5], [3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049373.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[289.4274902295, 8.611389184, 682.71240236, 511.3264160256]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049373_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[98.4274902295, 8.611389184, 491.71240236000006, 511.3264160256]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049373.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a watch, a glasses, a hat, a bottle, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[289.4274902295, 8.611389184, 682.71240236, 511.3264160256], [289.4274902295, 8.611389184, 682.71240236, 511.3264160256], [401.0568847624, 377.0462035968, 435.6522216622, 435.0299072512], [440.67684188839996, 83.8141786624, 538.4227250128, 140.1676724736], [412.25074326370003, 7.5125454848, 573.3319689174999, 120.2195331072], [323.67913818259996, 189.0566406144, 355.5673827947, 240.9889526272], [268.0377197578, 476.3573608448, 344.424316408, 511.8074951168]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049373_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you help me by describing the part of that lies within the bounding box ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a watch, a glasses, a hat, a bottle, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[98.4274902295, 8.611389184, 491.71240236000006, 511.3264160256], [98.4274902295, 8.611389184, 491.71240236000006, 511.3264160256], [210.0568847624, 377.0462035968, 244.65222166220002, 435.0299072512], [249.67684188839996, 83.8141786624, 347.4227250128, 140.1676724736], [221.25074326370003, 7.5125454848, 382.3319689174999, 120.2195331072], [132.67913818259996, 189.0566406144, 164.5673827947, 240.9889526272], [77.0377197578, 476.3573608448, 153.42431640799998, 511.8074951168]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049376.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[75.039917, 463.1904296712, 457.48254395, 581.1916504029999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049376_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[75.039917, 30.19042967119998, 457.48254395, 148]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049376.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a storage box, three bicycles, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[75.039917, 463.1904296712, 457.48254395, 581.1916504029999], [275.6586914, 463.1904296712, 306.61456300000003, 494.6893310758], [75.039917, 479.7081298758, 112.99975585, 510.9000244313], [92.67755125000001, 512.9354248242, 131.50805665000001, 563.9804687727001], [149.6513672, 488.0921631096, 185.17352295, 534.9168701190999], [129.5836792, 492.93615724290004, 169.0270996, 567.9017334053], [180.5236206, 484.6473388701, 239.70666505, 581.1916504029999], [260.4690552, 479.6281738178, 457.48254395, 580.1834716636]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049376_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a storage box, three bicycles, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[75.039917, 30.19042967119998, 457.48254395, 148], [275.6586914, 30.19042967119998, 306.61456300000003, 61.6893310758], [75.039917, 46.70812987580001, 112.99975585, 77.90002443129998], [92.67755125000001, 79.93542482420003, 131.50805665000001, 130.98046877270008], [149.6513672, 55.092163109599994, 185.17352295, 101.91687011909994], [129.5836792, 59.93615724290004, 169.0270996, 134.90173340529998], [180.5236206, 51.647338870099986, 239.70666505, 148], [260.4690552, 46.62817381780002, 457.48254395, 147.18347166360002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049378.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[357.984374979, 278.1502075392, 581.045043964, 408.1328124928]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049378_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[55.984374978999995, 33.15020753919998, 279.045043964, 163.13281249279999]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049378.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two vans, and a motorcycle.", "boxes_value": [[357.984374979, 278.1502075392, 581.045043964, 408.1328124928], [461.766845694, 278.1502075392, 581.045043964, 408.1328124928], [466.9797363, 294.8825683456, 478.91894527399995, 322.6080932864], [357.984374979, 294.2101440512, 384.680053681, 306.4639282176], [408.878906282, 315.1083984384, 424.108154316, 349.8621826048], [472.800537132, 290.215820288, 600.325561528, 394.3960571392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049378_crop.jpg", "text": "Please, can you help me understand what's inside the region in image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two vans, and a motorcycle.", "boxes_value": [[55.984374978999995, 33.15020753919998, 279.045043964, 163.13281249279999], [159.76684569399998, 33.15020753919998, 279.045043964, 163.13281249279999], [164.9797363, 49.88256834560002, 176.91894527399995, 77.60809328639999], [55.984374978999995, 49.21014405120002, 82.680053681, 61.46392821760003], [106.878906282, 70.1083984384, 122.10815431600003, 104.86218260480001], [170.800537132, 45.215820287999975, 298.325561528, 149.39605713920002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 5], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049380.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[447.7143554562, 191.3724975616, 631.7413330176, 420.507873536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049380_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[46.714355456199996, 57.3724975616, 230.74133301760003, 286.507873536]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049380.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pillows, a vase, a book, a telephone, and a remote.", "boxes_value": [[447.7143554562, 191.3724975616, 631.7413330176, 420.507873536], [495.6291504001, 184.8930053632, 598.6190185296, 356.7153320448], [517.3657226593, 277.014587392, 631.7413330176, 358.7854614016], [528.6103515558, 191.3724975616, 555.5306396707, 223.9011841024], [447.7143554562, 377.0941772288, 536.6456299082, 420.507873536], [557.1269531445, 372.5098266624, 618.8265380622, 414.995910656], [461.4766845652, 389.0441284096, 523.6972656393999, 409.558898944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049380_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pillows, a vase, a book, a telephone, and a remote.", "boxes_value": [[46.714355456199996, 57.3724975616, 230.74133301760003, 286.507873536], [94.6291504001, 50.89300536319999, 197.6190185296, 222.7153320448], [116.36572265929999, 143.014587392, 230.74133301760003, 224.7854614016], [127.61035155579998, 57.3724975616, 154.5306396707, 89.90118410240001], [46.714355456199996, 243.0941772288, 135.64562990820002, 286.507873536], [156.12695314450002, 238.50982666239997, 217.82653806220003, 280.995910656], [60.4766845652, 255.04412840959998, 122.69726563939992, 275.558898944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049383.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a necklace, a glasses, a cup, a tea pot, and a microphone.", "boxes_value": [[0, 192.1498413056, 277.032470715, 511.5777587712], [1.027954081, 127.6333007872, 258.356445347, 511.66229248], [51.656738286999996, 300.2797241344, 156.032287565, 379.0537719808], [15.026184096, 192.1498413056, 125.522583032, 233.4990844928], [0, 370.777771008, 42.837951695, 482.0393066496], [57.607177705, 374.716247552, 188.561035124, 511.5777587712], [173.973815939, 298.926513664, 277.032470715, 411.9585571328]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049383_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a necklace, a glasses, a cup, a tea pot, and a microphone.", "boxes_value": [[0, 80.1498413056, 277.032470715, 399.5777587712], [1.027954081, 15.6333007872, 258.356445347, 399.66229248], [51.656738286999996, 188.2797241344, 156.032287565, 267.0537719808], [15.026184096, 80.1498413056, 125.522583032, 121.4990844928], [0, 258.777771008, 42.837951695, 370.0393066496], [57.607177705, 262.716247552, 188.561035124, 399.5777587712], [173.973815939, 186.92651366400003, 277.032470715, 299.9585571328]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049384.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . 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Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, two books, a person, a moniter, a flute, three cabinets, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[0, 0.1257934336, 481.4254150563, 250.888610816], [316.198974637, 78.9833984512, 512.9631347796, 200.148742656], [319.30578611789997, 37.5593871872, 418.7235107685, 95.5530395648], [416.3352051109, 16.2715453952, 481.4254150563, 102.04461670400002], [289.1964111127, 4.7135009792, 444.9262695452, 107.519531264], [0.1190796157, 0.1257934336, 160.5596313259, 159.9180297728], [189.2850342106, 158.4893188608, 303.0726318377, 201.8591919104], [373.4019775565, 203.3125000192, 457.0302734248, 227.4215698432], [83.2160644566, 109.3488159232, 119.5187377779, 223.02392576], [70.98583985479999, 158.0039062528, 86.7012939316, 196.3495483392], [415.6960449002, 9.2415161344, 432.47412110010004, 86.2440185344], [402.0970458841, 25.3131714048, 417.63879393689996, 82.7117919744], [0, 178.6158447104, 47.06207272229999, 250.888610816]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 3], [5], [6], [7], [8, 10, 11], [9, 12]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049385.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[12.5608520164, 249.5130004992, 148.5732422236, 470.72308352]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049385_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[12.5608520164, 55.51300049919999, 148.5732422236, 276.72308352]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049385.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two traffic lights, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[12.5608520164, 249.5130004992, 148.5732422236, 470.72308352], [86.80529788039999, 426.9208374272, 104.42883302519999, 473.2896118272], [107.1665039028, 422.3010864128, 123.7634277348, 470.72308352], [133.51623536079998, 428.8029785088, 148.5732422236, 457.8903808512], [104.3826293656, 362.3836059648, 126.92285155360001, 391.5672607232], [12.5608520164, 249.5130004992, 46.7271118068, 294.0511474688], [59.875488247199996, 145.4836425728, 134.6806030484, 473.05139159040004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049385_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you describe the content of the bbox in the image ? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, two traffic lights, and a street lights.", "boxes_value": [[12.5608520164, 55.51300049919999, 148.5732422236, 276.72308352], [86.80529788039999, 232.9208374272, 104.42883302519999, 279.2896118272], [107.1665039028, 228.30108641279998, 123.7634277348, 276.72308352], [133.51623536079998, 234.80297850879998, 148.5732422236, 263.8903808512], [104.3826293656, 168.38360596479998, 126.92285155360001, 197.56726072319998], [12.5608520164, 55.51300049919999, 46.7271118068, 100.05114746880002], [59.875488247199996, 0, 134.6806030484, 279.05139159040004]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049386.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people, a sandals, and a boat.", "boxes_value": [[163.84735106579998, 178.0320434688, 401.1740722632, 385.835815424], [163.84735106579998, 225.7421264896, 217.91876223990002, 373.4665527296], [268.4560546624, 178.0320434688, 340.551208501, 385.835815424], [356.5302734627, 155.1110229504, 395.9100341732, 291.7283935744], [341.99011233079995, 134.5124511744, 370.7675781199, 270.52392576], [379.1412353672, 202.6263427584, 401.1740722632, 276.5143432704], [269.5145873913, 360.093750016, 295.40826414829996, 377.8783569408], [231.50347897470002, 176.7256469504, 504.58020020669994, 260.5595703296]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049386_crop.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people, a sandals, and a boat.", "boxes_value": [[59.847351065799984, 52.0320434688, 297.1740722632, 259.835815424], [59.847351065799984, 99.7421264896, 113.91876223990002, 247.46655272959998], [164.4560546624, 52.0320434688, 236.55120850100002, 259.835815424], [252.5302734627, 29.111022950400013, 291.9100341732, 165.7283935744], [237.99011233079995, 8.512451174400013, 266.7675781199, 144.52392576], [275.1412353672, 76.6263427584, 297.1740722632, 150.5143432704], [165.51458739129998, 234.093750016, 191.40826414829996, 251.87835694080002], [127.50347897470002, 50.725646950400005, 356, 134.55957032959998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049387.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[226.7360839744, 435.321533184, 632.7154541218, 491.165222144]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049387_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[101.7360839744, 14.321533183999975, 507.7154541218, 70.16522214399998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049387.jpg", "text": "I would like a detailed description of the portion of enclosed by the bbox . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a potted plant, two vases, and two flowers.", "boxes_value": [[101.7360839744, 14.321533183999975, 507.7154541218, 70.16522214399998], [101.7360839744, 38.58270264319998, 147.100097636, 70.16522214399998], [385.40478515399997, 26.954589849599984, 407.22546388160004, 55.66595461119999], [384.25634765419994, 17.192687974399973, 407.22546388160004, 34.419555686399974], [484.74633789439997, 25.80609131519998, 507.7154541218, 51.64636231679998], [488.19165039379993, 14.321533183999975, 505.9927978288, 32.12261964800001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 4], [3, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049388.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three sneakers, and three boots.", "boxes_value": [[8.884704598399999, 24.887054443359375, 674.1323241873, 121.38873292800002], [8.884704598399999, 95.133850112, 30.7146606195, 116.37377930240001], [47.529602089, 108.40881346560002, 79.3894653215, 121.38873292800002], [649.1234130775999, 88.96618654719998, 674.1323241873, 102.12878417920001], [579.4637451171875, 24.887054443359375, 588.32861328125, 50.568511962890625], [181.75938415527344, 30.1937255859375, 198.6791229248047, 49.67291259765625], [218.55572509765625, 39.262908935546875, 231.44046020507812, 65.57827758789062]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049389.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[20.584045411800002, 473.9782104576, 421.08837893960003, 512.3011474432]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049389_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[20.584045411800002, 9.978210457600028, 421.08837893960003, 48]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049389.jpg", "text": "Please describe what can be seen in the rectangular region of the image . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include five boots.", "boxes_value": [[20.584045411800002, 9.978210457600028, 421.08837893960003, 48], [20.584045411800002, 23.773010278400022, 63.056518570799994, 47.7202758656], [113.85565188369999, 14.219970713599992, 173.49780270760002, 48], [269.94683835259997, 25.708984371200017, 311.578002903, 48], [337.6335449228, 5.1402587648000235, 385.2067871391, 48], [394.4796142279, 9.978210457600028, 421.08837893960003, 48]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049390.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[153.9779663011, 130.2220459008, 517.4852294915, 368.2592773632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049390_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[90.9779663011, 60.2220459008, 454.48522949150004, 298.2592773632]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049390.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a person, two stools, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[153.9779663011, 130.2220459008, 517.4852294915, 368.2592773632], [153.9779663011, 130.2220459008, 219.4904175013, 197.47375488], [443.8562011512, 133.1207885824, 517.4852294915, 204.4308471808], [261.4304198989, 138.6958007808, 330.2150268399, 270.5803222528], [437.9458007521, 217.025512704, 516.2626952807, 369.3081665024], [322.9050903212, 216.5982055424, 404.3297118922, 368.2592773632], [227.2035522786, 242.0647583232, 316.93682862090003, 446.8757324288]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049390_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in on the details of the rectangular box within the image . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two cabinets, a person, two stools, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[90.9779663011, 60.2220459008, 454.48522949150004, 298.2592773632], [90.9779663011, 60.2220459008, 156.4904175013, 127.47375488], [380.8562011512, 63.120788582399996, 454.48522949150004, 134.4308471808], [198.43041989890003, 68.6958007808, 267.2150268399, 200.5803222528], [374.9458007521, 147.025512704, 453.2626952807, 299.3081665024], [259.9050903212, 146.5982055424, 341.3297118922, 298.2592773632], [164.2035522786, 172.0647583232, 253.93682862090003, 357]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049391.jpg", "text": "Please provide information about the area within the bounding box in the picture . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, two bracelets, two helmets, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[65.91198732800001, 25.7020263424, 328.960693376, 310.9497680896], [55.88452144639996, 26.9963989504, 341.1220702976, 382], [65.72167969279997, 65.7815552, 221.87561031680002, 382], [65.91198732800001, 230.0037231616, 87.61828613120002, 250.6063232512], [300.94873049600005, 253.697875968, 324.35925294079993, 281.9187011584], [105.4016113664, 66.4417724416, 163.455688448, 125.5143432704], [233.22241210880003, 25.7020263424, 328.960693376, 118.3848877056], [72.82617190400003, 260.4408569344, 101.20739747839997, 310.9497680896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049392.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a motorcycle, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[226.28027344, 354.8280639488, 488.60876466999997, 416.4428100608], [226.28027344, 359.6741943296, 252.126159675, 416.4428100608], [258.587585425, 356.4434814464, 293.20263674, 411.1351928832], [328.279174795, 354.8280639488, 361.740356445, 405.3660278272], [379.729248015, 360.2307739136, 400.192016575, 396.0114745856], [442.731201185, 358.638244608, 488.60876466999997, 377.8209839104]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049392_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you give me a description of the rectangular region found in ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a motorcycle, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[66.28027344, 15.82806394879998, 328.60876466999997, 77.44281006080001], [66.28027344, 20.674194329600027, 92.126159675, 77.44281006080001], [98.58758542499999, 17.44348144640003, 133.20263674, 72.13519288319998], [168.27917479500002, 15.82806394879998, 201.74035644499997, 66.36602782720001], [219.729248015, 21.23077391359999, 240.19201657500003, 57.01147458560001], [282.731201185, 19.63824460799998, 328.60876466999997, 38.8209839104]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049393.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a cabinet, a person, a cup, and a coffee machine.", "boxes_value": [[0.7734375168000001, 35.234313984, 221.7349243392, 497.2842407424], [1.4181518592, 390.564880384, 25.653259315200003, 497.2842407424], [0.7734375168000001, 35.234313984, 38.144287104, 371.785644544], [199.66064455679998, 188.5913085952, 221.7349243392, 209.9172973568], [1.5139450368, 246.3207628288, 14.5442441472, 269.3743689216], [124.604042112, 180.1068793856, 152.69262696959998, 246.112923392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049393_crop.jpg", "text": "Could you please share some information on the region in this photograph ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a stool, a cabinet, a person, a cup, and a coffee machine.", "boxes_value": [[0.7734375168000001, 35.234313984, 221.7349243392, 497.2842407424], [1.4181518592, 390.564880384, 25.653259315200003, 497.2842407424], [0.7734375168000001, 35.234313984, 38.144287104, 371.785644544], [199.66064455679998, 188.5913085952, 221.7349243392, 209.9172973568], [1.5139450368, 246.3207628288, 14.5442441472, 269.3743689216], [124.604042112, 180.1068793856, 152.69262696959998, 246.112923392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049396.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[255.14428713, 300.1767578112, 682.5463867111, 511.8742065664]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049396_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[107.14428713000001, 53.17675781119999, 534.5463867111, 264.8742065664]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049396.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two beds, a nightstand, a chair, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[255.14428713, 300.1767578112, 682.5463867111, 511.8742065664], [334.9934082179, 339.3494262784, 667.2408447145999, 510.04534912], [463.015380842, 413.1144409088, 681.8719482527, 511.8742065664], [629.567382812, 378.0164184576, 682.5463867111, 428.6920165888], [255.14428713, 300.1767578112, 324.5111084054, 431.7167358464], [526.8964843566, 325.215820288, 649.0256347477, 368.2765502976]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049396_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two beds, a nightstand, a chair, and a pillow.", "boxes_value": [[107.14428713000001, 53.17675781119999, 534.5463867111, 264.8742065664], [186.99340821790003, 92.34942627840002, 519.2408447145999, 263.04534912], [315.015380842, 166.11444090880002, 533.8719482527, 264.8742065664], [481.567382812, 131.01641845760003, 534.5463867111, 181.69201658880002], [107.14428713000001, 53.17675781119999, 176.51110840540002, 184.7167358464], [378.8964843566, 78.21582028799997, 501.0256347477, 121.27655029760001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049398.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[0, 159.296875008, 288.0794678016, 291.4953613312]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049398_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the selected rectangular area in the photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two boots, a person, a sneakers, and a sandals.", "boxes_value": [[657.693359375, 256.4439422976, 769.5070731662, 392.75506591796875], [713.3185794195, 260.1622985216, 735.2155659096, 294.8669564416], [751.3284428605, 256.4439422976, 769.5070731662, 293.627504384], [657.693359375, 302.23651123046875, 755.5198974609375, 392.75506591796875], [657.7756958007812, 369.6017761230469, 693.0877075195312, 391.6083068847656], [657.6033935546875, 369.5965270996094, 693.2392578125, 391.8530578613281]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049399_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe the visual elements within the selected area of the image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two boots, a person, a sneakers, and a sandals.", "boxes_value": [[28.693359375, 34.44394229760002, 140.50707316620003, 170.75506591796875], [84.3185794195, 38.16229852160001, 106.21556590959995, 72.8669564416], [122.32844286049999, 34.44394229760002, 140.50707316620003, 71.62750438400002], [28.693359375, 80.23651123046875, 126.5198974609375, 170.75506591796875], [28.77569580078125, 147.60177612304688, 64.08770751953125, 169.60830688476562], [28.6033935546875, 147.59652709960938, 64.2392578125, 169.85305786132812]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049401.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[38.0699462712, 102.2191161856, 672.479980488, 258.7930297856]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049401_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[38.0699462712, 39.2191161856, 672.479980488, 195.79302978560003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049401.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, two lamps, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[38.0699462712, 102.2191161856, 672.479980488, 258.7930297856], [38.0699462712, 102.2191161856, 315.1979980449, 144.001464832], [461.86267088230005, 178.9622802944, 488.2963867237, 226.3267211776], [646.0462646466, 182.3730468864, 672.479980488, 219.0392456192], [564.8817138349, 230.8701782016, 594.9525146392999, 258.7930297856], [482.93627717069995, 224.2256134656, 541.0318100789, 248.6868904448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049401_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two flowers, two lamps, and a glasses.", "boxes_value": [[38.0699462712, 39.2191161856, 672.479980488, 195.79302978560003], [38.0699462712, 39.2191161856, 315.1979980449, 81.00146483200001], [461.86267088230005, 115.96228029439999, 488.2963867237, 163.3267211776], [646.0462646466, 119.3730468864, 672.479980488, 156.0392456192], [564.8817138349, 167.8701782016, 594.9525146392999, 195.79302978560003], [482.93627717069995, 161.2256134656, 541.0318100789, 185.6868904448]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4], [2, 3], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049403.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[113.9075927552, 131.4636840688, 181.8178100736, 236.8310546624]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049403_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[17.9075927552, 26.463684068800006, 85.81781007359999, 131.8310546624]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049403.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a hat, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[113.9075927552, 131.4636840688, 181.8178100736, 236.8310546624], [118.6521606656, 131.4569701968, 175.4514160128, 196.8374023632], [114.974487296, 143.30718995200002, 138.2662963712, 185.804443344], [148.2790527488, 131.4636840688, 167.579467776, 152.9788818528], [169.4848022528, 208.876281744, 181.8178100736, 236.8310546624], [113.9075927552, 202.18237304960002, 125.8902587904, 229.99926756960002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049403_crop.jpg", "text": "In the displayed image , help me understand the region defined by . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a hat, and two cups.", "boxes_value": [[17.9075927552, 26.463684068800006, 85.81781007359999, 131.8310546624], [22.652160665599993, 26.4569701968, 79.4514160128, 91.8374023632], [18.974487296000007, 38.307189952000016, 42.26629637120001, 80.80444334399999], [52.27905274880001, 26.463684068800006, 71.579467776, 47.97888185279999], [73.4848022528, 103.87628174400001, 85.81781007359999, 131.8310546624], [17.9075927552, 97.18237304960002, 29.890258790399997, 124.99926756960002]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049406.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[155.2795410521, 71.5344848384, 910.3186035206, 513.232421888]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049406_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[155.2795410521, 71.5344848384, 910.3186035206, 512]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049406.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a cabinet, two people, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[155.2795410521, 71.5344848384, 910.3186035206, 513.232421888], [689.5880126618, 286.3045654528, 785.785644528, 512.4101562368], [701.0988769111, 319.1926879744, 909.1964111277999, 513.232421888], [767.8007812804, 109.6880493056, 910.3186035206, 350.3972168192], [208.8948974432, 12.2725830144, 715.3713379059, 511.3493042176], [670.9863281677, 71.5344848384, 732.6116943292, 174.6238403072], [155.2795410521, 459.6029052928, 219.0086670329, 512.0603027456]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049406_crop.jpg", "text": "In the provided image , please explain the content within the region . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a cabinet, two people, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[155.2795410521, 71.5344848384, 910.3186035206, 512], [689.5880126618, 286.3045654528, 785.785644528, 512], [701.0988769111, 319.1926879744, 909.1964111277999, 512], [767.8007812804, 109.6880493056, 910.3186035206, 350.3972168192], [208.8948974432, 12.2725830144, 715.3713379059, 511.3493042176], [670.9863281677, 71.5344848384, 732.6116943292, 174.6238403072], [155.2795410521, 459.6029052928, 219.0086670329, 512]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049408.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[612.330078112, 162.3521728512, 737.367065404, 471.03173828125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049408_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[31.330078112000024, 77.35217285120001, 156.36706540399996, 386.03173828125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049408.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, four people, and two leather shoes.", "boxes_value": [[612.330078112, 162.3521728512, 737.367065404, 471.03173828125], [612.330078112, 386.6125488128, 678.474731448, 417.2496948224], [664.336669948, 352.7626342912, 717.30908202, 471.8138427904], [691.642089864, 338.0177612288, 721.131835964, 461.983947776], [709.790527344, 162.3521728512, 737.367065404, 208.5268554752], [681.5726318200001, 166.2000732672, 700.812133812, 211.092163072], [698.1823120117188, 465.1672668457031, 712.1213989257812, 470.9671325683594], [675.9664306640625, 465.24560546875, 692.1197509765625, 471.03173828125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049408_crop.jpg", "text": "Please explain what is contained in the portion of defined by the box . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a chair, a pillow, a bed, a cabinet, a bench, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[401.7954101353, 0.3366088704, 683.0046386628, 511.6431274496], [346.526000979, 21.0598144512, 460.02355958260006, 80.510925312], [385.1461181615, 241.3041381888, 533.9534912224999, 399.6777344], [470.5802001886, 293.4192504832, 529.9296874932, 320.7512206848], [410.625122055, 0.3366088704, 683.0046386628, 511.6431274496], [590.1258545184, 255.4577636864, 647.0307617464, 310.465881344], [313.1887207102, 395.9586791936, 580.2352294782, 510.7373657088], [401.7954101353, 152.2574462976, 425.2235107127, 182.3235473408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049422_crop.jpg", "text": "Explain the content within the rectangular region of the image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a lamp, a chair, a pillow, a bed, a cabinet, a bench, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[70.79541013530002, 0.3366088704, 352, 511.6431274496], [15.526000979000003, 21.0598144512, 129.02355958260006, 80.510925312], [54.1461181615, 241.3041381888, 202.9534912224999, 399.6777344], [139.58020018859997, 293.4192504832, 198.92968749320005, 320.7512206848], [79.62512205500002, 0.3366088704, 352, 511.6431274496], [259.12585451840005, 255.4577636864, 316.0307617464, 310.465881344], [0, 395.9586791936, 249.23522947820004, 510.7373657088], [70.79541013530002, 152.2574462976, 94.22351071269998, 182.3235473408]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049424.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[443.742675776, 0, 632.093139648, 316.328430192]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049424_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[47.742675776, 0, 236.09313964800003, 316.328430192]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049424.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two gloves, a leather shoes, a helmet, and a shovel.", "boxes_value": [[443.742675776, 0, 632.093139648, 316.328430192], [443.742675776, 0, 632.093139648, 316.328430192], [493.373413056, 212.095520016, 539.5173340160001, 251.38024900799996], [470.924926784, 189.64709472, 500.232665984, 237.661743168], [599.379760768, 219.578308128, 631.489746112, 283.500488304], [450.614501952, 0, 557.817138688, 38.934814464], [468.71801759999994, 223.076171856, 489.86157228800005, 284.157470688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049424_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description of the contents within the selected region in ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two gloves, a leather shoes, a helmet, and a shovel.", "boxes_value": [[47.742675776, 0, 236.09313964800003, 316.328430192], [47.742675776, 0, 236.09313964800003, 316.328430192], [97.373413056, 212.095520016, 143.51733401600006, 251.38024900799996], [74.92492678399998, 189.64709472, 104.232665984, 237.661743168], [203.37976076799998, 219.578308128, 235.48974611200003, 283.500488304], [54.61450195200001, 0, 161.817138688, 38.934814464], [72.71801759999994, 223.076171856, 93.86157228800005, 284.157470688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049427.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? 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Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[20.2801513671875, 51.343383808, 98.90515135999999, 255.3106079232]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049428.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a flag, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[501.2801513671875, 207.343383808, 579.90515136, 411.3106079232], [501.73864742399996, 207.343383808, 556.8885497855999, 356.0512084992], [530.381591808, 298.686340352, 559.0267333632, 342.2269286912], [568.0445556479999, 384.9536132608, 579.90515136, 411.3106079232], [501.2801513671875, 344.09375, 524.8323974609375, 353.3507080078125], [532.1045532226562, 346.7008056640625, 544.4526977539062, 354.88812255859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049428_crop.jpg", "text": "What can be observed in the rectangular region in the photograph ? Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, a flag, and three sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[20.2801513671875, 51.343383808, 98.90515135999999, 255.3106079232], [20.738647423999964, 51.343383808, 75.88854978559993, 200.05120849920002], [49.38159180800005, 142.686340352, 78.02673336320004, 186.2269286912], [87.04455564799991, 228.9536132608, 98.90515135999999, 255.3106079232], [20.2801513671875, 188.09375, 43.8323974609375, 197.3507080078125], [51.10455322265625, 190.7008056640625, 63.45269775390625, 198.88812255859375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049429.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[193.55999752990002, 290.6729736192, 552.3041992372, 512.57043456]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049429_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a watch, a glasses, four cups, a cell phone, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[193.55999752990002, 290.6729736192, 552.3041992372, 512.57043456], [193.55999752990002, 290.6729736192, 552.3041992372, 512.57043456], [463.8814697151, 358.4484253184, 484.00378417810003, 385.430603008], [434.08483883900004, 281.1557617152, 494.37988281799994, 345.1328735232], [268.3447265503, 318.2794799616, 335.1913452378, 411.3570556416], [342.24267575899995, 310.0999145472, 407.3969726872, 396.9723510784], [363.1146240435, 399.7928466944, 403.7303466765, 449.4342651392], [270.3190917936, 412.4852905472, 335.4733886535, 452.818908672], [327.95935056179997, 307.5324096512, 361.5987548561, 339.3696899584], [218.6401367315, 461.1168212992, 556.2396239959, 512.4354248192]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049429_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a watch, a glasses, four cups, a cell phone, and a chair.", "boxes_value": [[90.55999752990002, 55.67297361919998, 449.3041992372, 277], [90.55999752990002, 55.67297361919998, 449.3041992372, 277], [360.8814697151, 123.44842531839998, 381.00378417810003, 150.430603008], [331.08483883900004, 46.155761715200015, 391.37988281799994, 110.13287352319998], [165.34472655029998, 83.27947996159998, 232.19134523780002, 176.35705564160003], [239.24267575899995, 75.0999145472, 304.3969726872, 161.97235107839998], [260.1146240435, 164.7928466944, 300.7303466765, 214.43426513920002], [167.31909179360002, 177.4852905472, 232.47338865350002, 217.81890867200002], [224.95935056179997, 72.5324096512, 258.5987548561, 104.36968995839999], [115.64013673150001, 226.1168212992, 453.23962399590005, 277]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049431.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[418.7543945259, 117.6211547648, 681.8342284849, 440.93554688]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049431_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe.", "boxes_value": [[66.75439452590001, 81.6211547648, 329.8342284849, 404.93554688]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049431.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a radiator, a vase, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[418.7543945259, 117.6211547648, 681.8342284849, 440.93554688], [378.98010255360003, 249.4448242176, 535.8394775635, 511.332031232], [496.45495606979995, 190.3679199232, 641.0915527488, 440.93554688], [619.3620605359, 198.516479488, 681.8342284849, 356.7339477504], [435.4136962745, 115.1380004864, 456.3171386452, 179.2118530048], [418.7543945259, 150.5410766848, 448.01647948170006, 186.7123412992], [431.3533935716, 117.6211547648, 454.9256591936, 179.3967895552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049431_crop.jpg", "text": "For the image , can you assess and describe what's happening at ? Provide the coordinates for each element you describe. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two chairs, a radiator, a vase, and two bottles.", "boxes_value": [[66.75439452590001, 81.6211547648, 329.8342284849, 404.93554688], [26.980102553600034, 213.4448242176, 183.83947756350005, 475.332031232], [144.45495606979995, 154.3679199232, 289.09155274880004, 404.93554688], [267.3620605359, 162.516479488, 329.8342284849, 320.7339477504], [83.41369627450001, 79.1380004864, 104.31713864519998, 143.2118530048], [66.75439452590001, 114.5410766848, 96.01647948170006, 150.7123412992], [79.35339357160001, 81.6211547648, 102.92565919359998, 143.3967895552]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049432.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two boats.", "boxes_value": [[402.5469055175781, 218.4897460736, 646.7225341597, 376.53173828125], [523.8317871338, 242.7680664064, 576.2403564678, 344.6915283456], [458.670898436, 249.172363264, 511.06579588579996, 269.370361344], [553.0716552607, 218.4897460736, 646.7225341597, 284.7305908224], [402.5469055175781, 326.24298095703125, 445.0552673339844, 376.53173828125], [430.76300048828125, 322.1077880859375, 473.9404296875, 376.08392333984375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049432_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, and two boats.", "boxes_value": [[61.546905517578125, 40.4897460736, 305.7225341597, 198.53173828125], [182.83178713380005, 64.76806640640001, 235.24035646779998, 166.69152834559998], [117.67089843600002, 71.17236326400001, 170.06579588579996, 91.370361344], [212.07165526070003, 40.4897460736, 305.7225341597, 106.73059082240002], [61.546905517578125, 148.24298095703125, 104.05526733398438, 198.53173828125], [89.76300048828125, 144.1077880859375, 132.9404296875, 198.08392333984375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049437.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[324.470581074, 228.0526123008, 532.9921875195, 307.6076660224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049437_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[52.470581073999995, 20.052612300800007, 260.9921875195, 99.6076660224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049437.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a backpack, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[324.470581074, 228.0526123008, 532.9921875195, 307.6076660224], [461.73413085100003, 230.760436992, 475.53320315450003, 256.5361938432], [362.935791046, 228.794555648, 396.92797848649997, 307.2138061312], [324.470581074, 228.0526123008, 343.8596191675, 307.6076660224], [368.82158634750004, 240.1060272128, 389.502737338, 272.1448595456], [516.6845703455, 245.8063964672, 532.9921875195, 269.9140624896]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049437_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a backpack, and a trash bin can.", "boxes_value": [[52.470581073999995, 20.052612300800007, 260.9921875195, 99.6076660224], [189.73413085100003, 22.760436991999995, 203.53320315450003, 48.53619384320001], [90.93579104600002, 20.794555648, 124.92797848649997, 99.21380613119999], [52.470581073999995, 20.052612300800007, 71.8596191675, 99.6076660224], [96.82158634750004, 32.1060272128, 117.50273733799997, 64.14485954560001], [244.6845703455, 37.80639646719999, 260.9921875195, 61.914062489599985]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049438.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[226.78332518400003, 309.8156127744, 560.2268066304, 512.2480468992]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049438_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[83.78332518400003, 50.815612774399995, 417.2268066304, 253]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049438.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a stool, a saxophone, two people, and a microphone.", "boxes_value": [[226.78332518400003, 309.8156127744, 560.2268066304, 512.2480468992], [443.0496826368, 459.2923584, 536.9416503552, 511.8718872064], [533.185913088, 481.0753174016, 560.2268066304, 511.8718872064], [226.78332518400003, 405.6836548096, 265.12890624, 511.9480590848], [482.54125977600006, 423.7371215872, 564.3176269824, 512.2480468992], [347.3697510144, 328.9727783424, 479.1739501824, 512.2480468992], [264.6593017344, 309.8156127744, 278.7697754112, 347.33654784]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049438_crop.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a stool, a saxophone, two people, and a microphone.", "boxes_value": [[83.78332518400003, 50.815612774399995, 417.2268066304, 253], [300.0496826368, 200.2923584, 393.94165035519995, 252.8718872064], [390.185913088, 222.0753174016, 417.2268066304, 252.8718872064], [83.78332518400003, 146.6836548096, 122.12890623999999, 252.94805908479998], [339.54125977600006, 164.73712158720002, 421.31762698240004, 253], [204.36975101439998, 69.97277834239998, 336.1739501824, 253], [121.6593017344, 50.815612774399995, 135.7697754112, 88.33654783999998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049441.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a mirror, two pillows, a towel, a lamp, and a nightstand.", "boxes_value": [[188.329162597, 199.2885131776, 420.10974122849996, 489.2877807616], [203.71380617019997, 178.598144512, 266.3598022636, 243.54302976], [277.8544922129, 199.2885131776, 309.4648437271, 234.9220580864], [374.984497094, 234.3472900608, 420.10974122849996, 335.0997924864], [298.54492184130004, 286.6480712704, 366.9382324134, 342.3972778496], [229.00213620239998, 302.740600576, 319.8100586096, 355.6161499136], [304.3788452278, 421.3989257728, 401.7669677614, 489.2877807616], [188.329162597, 298.6700439552, 236.7910766716, 357.055847168], [170.10839840580002, 351.7504882688, 256.66302491740004, 405.133117696]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049441_crop.jpg", "text": "Please describe the section of the picture defined by the bbox . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pictures, a mirror, two pillows, a towel, a lamp, and a nightstand.", "boxes_value": [[58.32916259699999, 73.28851317760001, 290.10974122849996, 363.2877807616], [73.71380617019997, 52.598144512000005, 136.3598022636, 117.54302976], [147.85449221290003, 73.28851317760001, 179.4648437271, 108.9220580864], [244.984497094, 108.34729006079999, 290.10974122849996, 209.09979248640002], [168.54492184130004, 160.6480712704, 236.9382324134, 216.39727784960002], [99.00213620239998, 176.74060057600002, 189.8100586096, 229.6161499136], [174.3788452278, 295.3989257728, 271.7669677614, 363.2877807616], [58.32916259699999, 172.67004395520001, 106.7910766716, 231.055847168], [40.10839840580002, 225.75048826879998, 126.66302491740004, 279.133117696]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5], [6], [7], [8]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049442.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[550.35693359375, 368.1008605957031, 677.8504028320312, 425.7651062011719]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049442_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[32.35693359375, 15.100860595703125, 159.85040283203125, 72.76510620117188]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049442.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two leather shoes, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[550.35693359375, 368.1008605957031, 677.8504028320312, 425.7651062011719], [657.1253051757812, 373.81109619140625, 677.8504028320312, 388.0169677734375], [621.4337158203125, 368.0074157714844, 646.4898681640625, 382.7171936035156], [550.35693359375, 398.97369384765625, 586.085693359375, 423.263671875], [600.4508666992188, 402.9331359863281, 625.5861206054688, 425.7651062011719], [657.0352172851562, 373.79364013671875, 677.8665161132812, 387.76654052734375], [621.6549072265625, 368.1008605957031, 646.2978515625, 382.5940856933594]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049442_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two leather shoes, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[32.35693359375, 15.100860595703125, 159.85040283203125, 72.76510620117188], [139.12530517578125, 20.81109619140625, 159.85040283203125, 35.0169677734375], [103.4337158203125, 15.007415771484375, 128.4898681640625, 29.717193603515625], [32.35693359375, 45.97369384765625, 68.085693359375, 70.263671875], [82.45086669921875, 49.933135986328125, 107.58612060546875, 72.76510620117188], [139.03521728515625, 20.79364013671875, 159.86651611328125, 34.76654052734375], [103.6549072265625, 15.100860595703125, 128.2978515625, 29.594085693359375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049443.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[536.0056152353001, 293.6333618176, 679.0152587596, 374.683288576]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049443_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[36.00561523530007, 20.63336181760002, 179, 101.683288576]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049443.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[536.0056152353001, 293.6333618176, 679.0152587596, 374.683288576], [536.0056152353001, 293.6333618176, 556.486083986, 323.9181518336], [566.2904052841, 295.8121337856, 598.1003417753001, 333.5046996992], [614.005371063, 293.6333618176, 648.8656005747999, 374.683288576], [665.2062988053, 296.030029312, 679.0152587596, 352.6777954304], [662.8886108398438, 296.1021728515625, 678.7023315429688, 329.3822021484375]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049443_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, a hat, a sneakers, and two pens.", "boxes_value": [[16.9821167121, 107.2663574016, 213.5823364278, 398.2026977792], [86.30828856420001, 145.4788818432, 113.54895019889999, 157.5858154496], [43.1773071054, 107.2663574016, 154.4098511082, 177.2596435456], [16.9821167121, 360.9085083136, 53.8214721354, 398.2026977792], [66.97009278, 293.7485351424, 116.33410645650001, 304.4092407296], [166.62896727929999, 307.7727050752, 213.5823364278, 319.2075195392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049445_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a glasses, a hat, a sneakers, and two pens.", "boxes_value": [[16.9821167121, 73.2663574016, 213.5823364278, 364.2026977792], [86.30828856420001, 111.47888184320001, 113.54895019889999, 123.5858154496], [43.1773071054, 73.2663574016, 154.4098511082, 143.2596435456], [16.9821167121, 326.9085083136, 53.8214721354, 364.2026977792], [66.97009278, 259.7485351424, 116.33410645650001, 270.4092407296], [166.62896727929999, 273.7727050752, 213.5823364278, 285.2075195392]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049446.jpg", "text": "In relation to the picture , please describe the content of the area marked by . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two couches, four pillows, and a lamp.", "boxes_value": [[80.42126467970002, 65.85290526719999, 400, 325.9648437248], [0, 108.56121825279999, 368.8100586176, 325.717834496], [33.63360598989999, 196.68273925120002, 400, 390], [337.31030276629997, 205.83691407359998, 400, 273.5454101504], [257.58911133490005, 229.86254883840002, 380.99328612600004, 325.9648437248], [362.85791018500004, 65.85290526719999, 399.99475100839993, 205.11596682240003], [119.56652833649997, 124.357238784, 216.1158447052, 194.8009033216], [80.42126467970002, 129.8710327296, 126.85192869489998, 181.895751936]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 6, 7], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049449.jpg", "text": "What is happening within the rectangle defined by coordinates in the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two bottles, a bowl, a canned, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[467.4468994406, 103.3274535936, 610.0910644335, 332.0958252032], [572.0787353593, 165.2896118272, 599.7189941276, 213.6602172928], [467.4468994406, 180.3753051648, 511.0476073909, 210.5374145536], [477.89916992869996, 103.3274535936, 499.102172821, 139.1636352512], [505.9567871165, 159.2053833216, 528.1363525610001, 183.5313720832], [502.0487060579, 274.8794555904, 610.0910644335, 332.0958252032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049450_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly describe what I should be seeing in the area of image . Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two bottles, a bowl, a canned, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[36.44689944060002, 57.3274535936, 179.09106443350004, 286.0958252032], [141.07873535930003, 119.28961182719999, 168.7189941276, 167.6602172928], [36.44689944060002, 134.3753051648, 80.0476073909, 164.5374145536], [46.89916992869996, 57.3274535936, 68.10217282100001, 93.16363525119999], [74.95678711649998, 113.20538332160001, 97.13635256100008, 137.5313720832], [71.0487060579, 228.87945559040003, 179.09106443350004, 286.0958252032]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049455.jpg", "text": "In the submitted image , please give a synopsis of the area . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two potted plants, two people, and a traffic light.", "boxes_value": [[48.00164793160002, 25.649902336000025, 236.66577151349998, 126.20428467199997], [192.2305908508, 34.409301760000005, 236.66577151349998, 115.32122803200002], [117.9508056867, 43.694274918400026, 141.8264160087, 112.00518799359998], [106.9802245916, 68.78533934080002, 124.33941647820001, 126.20428467199997], [188.62573242270003, 56.767395020799995, 213.99694823859994, 124.6782226432], [48.00164793160002, 25.649902336000025, 67.96282958059999, 41.868286156800025]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049456.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a sneakers, a handbag, and a cell phone.", "boxes_value": [[641.0247802512, 185.8078002688, 771.9821777624, 512.7528076288], [641.0247802512, 185.8078002688, 687.1324462832, 436.2073974784], [674.3641357104001, 168.0740966912, 748.1362304408, 418.47375488], [693.212524434, 118.11578368, 771.9653320276, 494.77923584], [657.7205810712001, 412.178771968, 688.0712890704, 437.173522944], [645.2232665848, 433.6028442624, 771.9821777624, 512.7528076288], [651.7869872955999, 240.9065551872, 684.6678467052001, 273.142761216]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049456_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a sneakers, a handbag, and a cell phone.", "boxes_value": [[33.02478025120001, 81.80780026880001, 163.98217776240006, 408], [33.02478025120001, 81.80780026880001, 79.13244628320001, 332.2073974784], [66.36413571040009, 64.0740966912, 140.13623044079998, 314.47375488], [85.21252443399999, 14.115783680000007, 163.96533202759997, 390.77923584], [49.72058107120006, 308.178771968, 80.07128907039998, 333.173522944], [37.223266584799944, 329.6028442624, 163.98217776240006, 408], [43.78698729559994, 136.9065551872, 76.66784670520008, 169.142761216]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049458.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[184.66107177734375, 64.21046447753906, 705.7471313476562, 317.63555908203125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049458_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[130.66107177734375, 64.21046447753906, 651.7471313476562, 317.63555908203125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049458.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five flowers.", "boxes_value": [[184.66107177734375, 64.21046447753906, 705.7471313476562, 317.63555908203125], [635.5313110351562, 59.219017028808594, 663.7449340820312, 97.7993392944336], [638.0372924804688, 263.4984130859375, 676.7969360351562, 317.63555908203125], [681.0410766601562, 64.21046447753906, 705.7471313476562, 101.66316223144531], [585.1572875976562, 69.20097351074219, 611.8013305664062, 107.06828308105469], [184.66107177734375, 73.07463073730469, 210.76278686523438, 109.428955078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049458_crop.jpg", "text": "I would like to know more about the rectangular region within the picture . Can you describe it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five flowers.", "boxes_value": [[130.66107177734375, 64.21046447753906, 651.7471313476562, 317.63555908203125], [581.5313110351562, 59.219017028808594, 609.7449340820312, 97.7993392944336], [584.0372924804688, 263.4984130859375, 622.7969360351562, 317.63555908203125], [627.0410766601562, 64.21046447753906, 651.7471313476562, 101.66316223144531], [531.1572875976562, 69.20097351074219, 557.8013305664062, 107.06828308105469], [130.66107177734375, 73.07463073730469, 156.76278686523438, 109.428955078125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049460.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[147.568481429, 356.3255615488, 324.1932373006, 406.705017088]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049460_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[44.568481429, 13.32556154880001, 221.1932373006, 63.70501708799998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049460.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a person, two vans, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[147.568481429, 356.3255615488, 324.1932373006, 406.705017088], [147.568481429, 366.4746703872, 178.986450186, 406.705017088], [201.8069457663, 341.9742431744, 227.1522827293, 394.2165527552], [226.0892333697, 356.3255615488, 290.6940307359, 379.9717407232], [225.6669921774, 369.83770752, 259.4472656269, 397.7064208896], [169.9387817195, 364.2733154304, 197.59332274910003, 399.373291008], [295.0822143743, 358.191467264, 324.1932373006, 376.8434448384]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 6], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049460_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the objects or scenery within the bounding box in the image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a bench, a person, two vans, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[44.568481429, 13.32556154880001, 221.1932373006, 63.70501708799998], [44.568481429, 23.47467038719998, 75.98645018600001, 63.70501708799998], [98.8069457663, 0, 124.1522827293, 51.216552755199984], [123.0892333697, 13.32556154880001, 187.69403073590001, 36.971740723200014], [122.6669921774, 26.83770751999998, 156.4472656269, 54.7064208896], [66.93878171950001, 21.273315430399975, 94.59332274910003, 56.373291008000024], [192.0822143743, 15.191467263999982, 221.1932373006, 33.84344483839999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 6], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049467.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[90.90396118164062, 169.2763061309, 399.3610229248, 644.6300048828125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049467_crop.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[77.90396118164062, 119.2763061309, 386.3610229248, 594.6300048828125]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049467.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two desks, two potted plants, a person, a trash bin can, a moniter, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[90.90396118164062, 169.2763061309, 399.3610229248, 644.6300048828125], [177.317016576, 287.6434936831, 308.8640747008, 514.3522948998], [125.0713501184, 271.7832031044, 399.3610229248, 440.6486816618], [79.356384256, 319.3640747039, 182.9147338752, 533.9444580011], [184.988769536, 159.35253906210002, 242.9538574336, 199.3439331026], [362.108337408, 257.9061279464, 433.025512704, 310.9282837172], [249.7071533056, 169.2763061309, 287.4885864448, 241.1936034911], [198.7534790144, 558.8839111552, 213.8376464896, 639.6916504046], [186.5291137536, 214.7108153974, 209.4345702912, 249.62780759560002], [90.90396118164062, 524.3619384765625, 214.13400268554688, 644.6300048828125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6], [7], [8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049467_crop.jpg", "text": "I am interested in the region of the image ; please describe it. Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, two desks, two potted plants, a person, a trash bin can, a moniter, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[77.90396118164062, 119.2763061309, 386.3610229248, 594.6300048828125], [164.317016576, 237.64349368310002, 295.8640747008, 464.3522948998], [112.0713501184, 221.7832031044, 386.3610229248, 390.6486816618], [66.356384256, 269.3640747039, 169.9147338752, 483.9444580011], [171.988769536, 109.35253906210002, 229.9538574336, 149.3439331026], [349.108337408, 207.90612794639998, 420.025512704, 260.9282837172], [236.7071533056, 119.2763061309, 274.4885864448, 191.1936034911], [185.7534790144, 508.88391115520005, 200.8376464896, 589.6916504046], [173.5291137536, 164.7108153974, 196.4345702912, 199.62780759560002], [77.90396118164062, 474.3619384765625, 201.13400268554688, 594.6300048828125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6], [7], [8], [9]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049468.jpg", "text": "Help me understand the details within the area in photograph . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two pillows, a handbag, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[65.64621022719996, 23.329589862399985, 324.39794920960003, 116.62268497920002], [268.52355957759994, 77.05584716800001, 305.28063961600003, 113.81292723199999], [283.48095700479996, 23.329589862399985, 324.39794920960003, 97.79846190080002], [151.92222960639998, 52.493947955199985, 293.3820760576, 116.62268497920002], [81.52377886720001, 67.79140689920001, 119.00525247999997, 83.92926356480001], [65.64621022719996, 85.23070361600003, 84.12665896960004, 107.3551845888]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049469.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a baseball bat, a belt, two gloves, and a helmet.", "boxes_value": [[24.189941435200012, 50.72290037760001, 118.56066895179998, 250.4293212672], [24.189941435200012, 50.72290037760001, 87.34790036160001, 131.3574218752], [40.76306154559995, 233.383789056, 86.21777342450002, 250.4293212672], [68.73522945389999, 121.49511720960001, 96.70739743909996, 145.0966186496], [95.39624021200001, 114.93914792960001, 118.56066895179998, 142.037170432], [42.07421877270002, 108.8201904128, 94.52209468820001, 143.3483886592]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049473.jpg", "text": "What does the area look like in the context of the image ? 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Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a bowl, a van, three cars, and a strawberry.", "boxes_value": [[4.539917, 424.92480468639997, 262.9935607910156, 695.7431640625], [0.594635, 392.9853515824, 262.5140991, 751.5240478448001], [125.14672855, 595.3913574528, 284.2774048, 719.5909423728], [105.93310545, 447.3475341552, 143.66973875, 469.41577150079996], [129.76678465, 484.667358432, 153.37976075, 507.397583032], [4.539917, 424.92480468639997, 30.3677368, 440.23022459040004], [30.401062, 508.91882323359994, 56.4298706, 544.4582519408], [147.92193603515625, 602.7646484375, 262.9935607910156, 695.7431640625]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049493_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you provide a description of the area in the image ? Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[670.2288208007812, 0, 862.9754639095, 138.9674682368]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049497_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[48.22882080078125, 0, 240.97546390950004, 138.9674682368]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049497.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five people.", "boxes_value": [[670.2288208007812, 0, 862.9754639095, 138.9674682368], [834.6273193774999, 80.7136840704, 862.9754639095, 138.9674682368], [818.7398681922999, 63.580200192, 851.137695327, 121.522460928], [736.354736328125, 20.773178100585938, 763.276123046875, 78.78887939453125], [670.2288208007812, 0, 698.7742309570312, 45.98292350769043], [715.0748901367188, 31.22272491455078, 744.8939819335938, 76.0144271850586]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049497_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you generate a description for the selected region in the image ? Please mention the objects and their locations. 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Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[39.728515625, 0, 197.53137209099998, 300.1071166976]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049499.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a hat, and a motorcycle.", "boxes_value": [[477.728515625, 0, 635.531372091, 300.1071166976], [530.51855472, 78.1586914304, 635.531372091, 300.1071166976], [545.6514892289999, 70.3629760512, 589.215698225, 257.4599609344], [502.119044581, 0, 525.01832691, 13.4369116672], [557.292114225, 21.6489868288, 597.303710927, 72.3615112192], [477.728515625, 0.2733917236328125, 554.2811279296875, 200.90687561035156]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049499_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm interested in the selected rectangle in . Can you tell me more about it? Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a hat, and a motorcycle.", "boxes_value": [[39.728515625, 0, 197.53137209099998, 300.1071166976], [92.51855472, 78.1586914304, 197.53137209099998, 300.1071166976], [107.65148922899994, 70.3629760512, 151.21569822499998, 257.4599609344], [64.11904458100003, 0, 87.01832691000004, 13.4369116672], [119.29211422499998, 21.6489868288, 159.303710927, 72.3615112192], [39.728515625, 0.2733917236328125, 116.2811279296875, 200.90687561035156]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 5], [3], [4]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049500.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[275.201904273, 333.5739746304, 577.610107455, 512.3161620992]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049500_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[76.20190427300003, 45.573974630400016, 378.61010745500005, 224]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049500.jpg", "text": "Help me visualize the section of the photo enclosed by the bounding box . Please mention the objects and their locations. 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Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0.05924797058105469, 120.50665282039999, 355.095459, 267.02038573560003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049501_crop.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference.", "boxes_value": [[0.05924797058105469, 37.50665282039999, 355.095459, 183]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049501.jpg", "text": "I'm curious about the area in the following image . Can you describe it? Give coordinates for the items you reference. 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Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a desk, a power outlet, two people, a scissors, two pens, and a bakset.", "boxes_value": [[0.05924797058105469, 37.50665282039999, 355.095459, 183], [0.16741944, 91.11495970819999, 355.095459, 182.943115235], [7.486633319999999, 37.50665282039999, 23.96124268, 58.68829346840002], [154.13720704, 0, 345.83392332, 178.42803956080002], [26.958221440000003, 0, 153.67303468, 117.62350462559999], [263.40979004, 156.63989257880002, 296.58850096, 183], [13.34780884, 139.5870666376, 61.829711919999994, 165.7551269532], [22.368225080000002, 111.17691040999998, 136.44763183999999, 178.68591307460002], [0.05924797058105469, 130.76348876953125, 19.466835021972656, 140.44354248046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5], [6, 8], [7]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049502.jpg", "text": "Please enlighten me about the area in the photograph . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a paddle, two people, and two helmets.", "boxes_value": [[26.764892556699976, 27.558166527999987, 131.66052242429998, 133.95227048959998], [50.93566891699999, 103.20941163520001, 142.14562987120001, 135.4771728384], [90.82604982690003, 44.04174807039999, 112.55444335270005, 68.01788328960001], [26.764892556699976, 27.558166527999987, 131.66052242429998, 133.95227048959998], [89.86450191630001, 44.790649395200006, 110.80639646259999, 64.7805175808], [65.59106444050002, 26.46655272960001, 91.2923584308, 47.17041013759999]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049504.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two barrels, a hat, and an airplane.", "boxes_value": [[119.2171630893, 70.3817138688, 675.9372558658, 357.8683471872], [219.6440429838, 230.6816406016, 286.8504028255, 406.7376098816], [183.0477905134, 288.3884277248, 216.3923340091, 328.0288086016], [151.2389526424, 284.7302856192, 181.9288329794, 319.9722290176], [234.1317138582, 229.4077758976, 256.0755615231, 249.459899904], [119.2171630893, 70.3817138688, 675.9372558658, 357.8683471872]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049504_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you share about the area in the presented image ? Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a person, two barrels, a hat, and an airplane.", "boxes_value": [[119.2171630893, 70.3817138688, 675.9372558658, 357.8683471872], [219.6440429838, 230.6816406016, 286.8504028255, 406.7376098816], [183.0477905134, 288.3884277248, 216.3923340091, 328.0288086016], [151.2389526424, 284.7302856192, 181.9288329794, 319.9722290176], [234.1317138582, 229.4077758976, 256.0755615231, 249.459899904], [119.2171630893, 70.3817138688, 675.9372558658, 357.8683471872]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049505.jpg", "text": "In the photo , what can you see within the region defined by the bounding box ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, a flower, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[24.420288064, 116.77264406399999, 309.789672832, 264.815734848], [30.817626944, 220.7719116, 81.996276864, 276.74859619200004], [24.420288064, 152.80023192, 110.38446048, 236.97583008], [101.01727296, 116.77264406399999, 210.121459968, 250.05670166399997], [218.96777344, 120.90087892799998, 309.789672832, 246.518188464], [76.8878784, 249.85235596799998, 110.555419904, 264.815734848]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4], [2], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049510_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Give coordinates for the items you reference. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three pictures, a flower, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[24.420288064, 37.77264406399999, 309.789672832, 185.81573484799998], [30.817626944, 141.7719116, 81.996276864, 197.74859619200004], [24.420288064, 73.80023191999999, 110.38446048, 157.97583008], [101.01727296, 37.77264406399999, 210.121459968, 171.05670166399997], [218.96777344, 41.90087892799998, 309.789672832, 167.518188464], [76.8878784, 170.85235596799998, 110.555419904, 185.81573484799998]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3, 4], [2], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049512.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[171.73901368, 255.2084960768, 358.192626935, 383.1692505088]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049512_crop.jpg", "text": "Please elucidate the area of the image . 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Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a chair, a flower, a vase, a desk, and a moniter.", "boxes_value": [[46.73901368, 32.2084960768, 233.19262693500002, 160.16925050880002], [46.73901368, 32.2084960768, 143.27246094999998, 156.07049559040001], [127.83355714500001, 83.28997800960002, 186.48370363499998, 122.91845703680002], [144.47747801000003, 116.57788088320001, 165.876892085, 160.16925050880002], [170.01348876999998, 89.633117696, 233.19262693500002, 148.05682370559998], [181.50280758500003, 47.705993676800006, 228.69726561000004, 81.95324707840001]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049513.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[98.1890869469, 148.7246704128, 307.5988769357, 297.3472289792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049513_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Specify the location of each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[53.189086946900005, 37.72467041280001, 262.5988769357, 186.3472289792]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049513.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Specify the location of each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two benches, a desk, a person, and an electric drill.", "boxes_value": [[98.1890869469, 148.7246704128, 307.5988769357, 297.3472289792], [98.1890869469, 246.8996581888, 164.7213744865, 278.703552256], [222.84576414469998, 249.0930786304, 257.5741577088, 279.0691528192], [129.2619018887, 218.7514038272, 235.6403808789, 297.3472289792], [271.8510131885, 148.7246704128, 307.5988769357, 244.5675659264], [175.6632690287, 214.407409664, 196.9781494383, 235.4309082112]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049513_crop.jpg", "text": "Please provide insights on the specified area within the graphic . Specify the location of each mentioned object. 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Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[180.3735962112, 246.8090820096, 303.4160766464, 529.538330112]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049514_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify.", "boxes_value": [[31.37359621120001, 70.80908200959999, 154.41607664639997, 353.53833011200004]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049514.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[180.3735962112, 246.8090820096, 303.4160766464, 529.538330112], [213.8302002176, 246.8090820096, 303.4160766464, 504.290161152], [150.192626944, 257.459106432, 252.671630848, 531.0286864896], [180.3735962112, 503.82470699519996, 199.0066528256, 529.538330112], [205.7037353472, 465.1336670208, 226.2108764672, 510.1599121152], [243.3533325312, 472.52111815679996, 261.24102784, 503.0793457152], [263.8496704, 460.22338867200006, 282.4827270656, 489.6635741952]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049514_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd like to know more about the area in the given image . Can you describe it? Include the coordinates for each object you identify. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, and four sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[31.37359621120001, 70.80908200959999, 154.41607664639997, 353.53833011200004], [64.83020021760001, 70.80908200959999, 154.41607664639997, 328.290161152], [1.1926269440000112, 81.459106432, 103.671630848, 355.0286864896], [31.37359621120001, 327.82470699519996, 50.006652825600014, 353.53833011200004], [56.703735347199995, 289.1336670208, 77.2108764672, 334.1599121152], [94.35333253120001, 296.52111815679996, 112.24102784000002, 327.0793457152], [114.84967039999998, 284.22338867200006, 133.4827270656, 313.6635741952]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049515.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[365.83642581600003, 92.9341430784, 794.987792934, 442.6276855296]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049515_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[107.83642581600003, 87.9341430784, 536.987792934, 437.6276855296]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049515.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a glasses, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[365.83642581600003, 92.9341430784, 794.987792934, 442.6276855296], [405.0827636625, 93.8030395392, 726.6799316445, 512.0379638784], [751.4462890305, 195.055542016, 794.987792934, 442.6276855296], [365.83642581600003, 163.9423827968, 389.7380371365, 201.9287719936], [527.6694335970001, 144.0298461696, 604.5351562589999, 180.9075927552], [499.23352053750006, 92.9341430784, 639.6356201445, 154.2489624064]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049515_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include three people, a glasses, and a hat.", "boxes_value": [[107.83642581600003, 87.9341430784, 536.987792934, 437.6276855296], [147.08276366249999, 88.8030395392, 468.6799316445, 507], [493.4462890305, 190.055542016, 536.987792934, 437.6276855296], [107.83642581600003, 158.9423827968, 131.7380371365, 196.9287719936], [269.6694335970001, 139.0298461696, 346.5351562589999, 175.9075927552], [241.23352053750006, 87.9341430784, 381.63562014449997, 149.2489624064]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049517.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[88.84665628430001, 167.119140608, 390.8989258043, 498.9697092608]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049517_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object.", "boxes_value": [[75.84665628430001, 83.11914060800001, 377.8989258043, 414.9697092608]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049517.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a person, two leather shoes, and two slippers.", "boxes_value": [[88.84665628430001, 167.119140608, 390.8989258043, 498.9697092608], [239.08032226310002, 264.9879760896, 300.48345950000004, 372.3051147264], [290.7539062815, 167.119140608, 390.8989258043, 498.7254028288], [310.7140096105, 470.2721147904, 340.8092651616, 498.161326336], [339.0074126047, 472.7932128768, 385.5725097341, 498.9697092608], [111.3311831412, 363.5478672384, 141.9919014955, 380.1922572288], [88.84665628430001, 369.0959972352, 111.62318995599999, 384.8643666944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049517_crop.jpg", "text": "In the photo , can you delve into the details of the region ? Include the coordinates for each mentioned object. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a cabinet, a person, two leather shoes, and two slippers.", "boxes_value": [[75.84665628430001, 83.11914060800001, 377.8989258043, 414.9697092608], [226.08032226310002, 180.9879760896, 287.48345950000004, 288.3051147264], [277.7539062815, 83.11914060800001, 377.8989258043, 414.7254028288], [297.7140096105, 386.2721147904, 327.8092651616, 414.161326336], [326.0074126047, 388.7932128768, 372.5725097341, 414.9697092608], [98.3311831412, 279.5478672384, 128.9919014955, 296.1922572288], [75.84665628430001, 285.0959972352, 98.62318995599999, 300.8643666944]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049519.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a snowboard, a person, two gloves, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[159.1072997888, 226.1042480324, 385.1569213952, 392.3977050665], [159.1072997888, 334.7503661805, 357.6702270464, 392.3977050665], [208.3551025152, 153.3020019695, 385.4094238208, 374.74084470250006], [287.3526001152, 279.2881470016, 317.5502319104, 313.992919909], [350.902893056, 226.1042480324, 385.1569213952, 250.893371556], [284.4340210176, 356.74694826919995, 326.8569946112, 370.9809570271], [216.3340453888, 333.02355955039997, 243.9647826944, 351.1649780313]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049519_crop.jpg", "text": "What can you tell me about the area within the image ? Give the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each item you talk about. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a snowboard, a person, two gloves, and two sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[57.10729978879999, 42.104248032399994, 283.1569213952, 208.3977050665], [57.10729978879999, 150.7503661805, 255.6702270464, 208.3977050665], [106.3551025152, 0, 283.4094238208, 190.74084470250006], [185.3526001152, 95.28814700160001, 215.5502319104, 129.99291990900002], [248.90289305599998, 42.104248032399994, 283.1569213952, 66.893371556], [182.4340210176, 172.74694826919995, 224.85699461119998, 186.98095702709998], [114.3340453888, 149.02355955039997, 141.9647826944, 167.1649780313]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049520.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[225.73944089600002, 36.266540544, 467.260009792, 480.10510252800003]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049520_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[60.73944089600002, 36.266540544, 302.260009792, 480]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049520.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a handbag, a leather shoes, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[225.73944089600002, 36.266540544, 467.260009792, 480.10510252800003], [341.610656768, 36.266540544, 449.897460928, 479.809326192], [426.578369152, 38.460937488, 467.260009792, 107.19879148800001], [218.45745849600002, 279.270446784, 278.76605222399996, 347.76910401600003], [352.12548825600004, 459.83306884800004, 425.64941408000004, 480.10510252800003], [225.73944089600002, 419.621154768, 246.174438464, 470.56866456]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049520_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate a breakdown of the area in the displayed image . Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a handbag, a leather shoes, and a bottle.", "boxes_value": [[60.73944089600002, 36.266540544, 302.260009792, 480], [176.610656768, 36.266540544, 284.897460928, 479.809326192], [261.578369152, 38.460937488, 302.260009792, 107.19879148800001], [53.457458496000015, 279.270446784, 113.76605222399996, 347.76910401600003], [187.12548825600004, 459.83306884800004, 260.64941408000004, 480], [60.73944089600002, 419.621154768, 81.17443846399999, 470.56866456]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049523.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[289.2895507985, 456.9770507776, 407.399169921875, 511.00732421875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049523_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[30.289550798499988, 13.977050777600027, 148.399169921875, 68.00732421875]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049523.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a plate, three knives, a spoon, and a fork.", "boxes_value": [[289.2895507985, 456.9770507776, 407.399169921875, 511.00732421875], [341.5433960084, 472.2053222912, 395.58886717629997, 503.5576172032], [363.34069824989996, 474.594055168, 389.31835935419997, 503.2590331904], [281.8247070622, 453.0953369088, 325.1207885439, 482.95465088], [296.7543945348, 460.8587646464, 338.2589111349, 488.6279297024], [289.2895507985, 456.9770507776, 323.6278076078, 487.7321777152], [376.75958251953125, 475.3304443359375, 407.399169921875, 511.00732421875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049523_crop.jpg", "text": "Please tell me about the area in the image . What does it contain? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a plate, three knives, a spoon, and a fork.", "boxes_value": [[30.289550798499988, 13.977050777600027, 148.399169921875, 68.00732421875], [82.54339600840001, 29.20532229119999, 136.58886717629997, 60.55761720319998], [104.34069824989996, 31.59405516800001, 130.31835935419997, 60.259033190399975], [22.82470706219999, 10.095336908799993, 66.1207885439, 39.954650879999974], [37.754394534799985, 17.858764646400004, 79.25891113490002, 45.627929702400024], [30.289550798499988, 13.977050777600027, 64.62780760779998, 44.73217771520001], [117.75958251953125, 32.3304443359375, 148.399169921875, 68.00732421875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049524.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, three ballons, two street lights, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[397.11480712890625, 0, 571.6060790742, 488.1429443584], [465.6191406254, 212.2817382912, 631.7485351843001, 319.9294433792], [439.48498537390003, 15.72558592, 480.9758301014, 64.5383910912], [488.7858886574, 68.9315795968, 528.324340798, 117.744384768], [468.6761474731, 107.2463989248, 561.1477050932, 488.1429443584], [471.1669921939, 242.8937988096, 490.94860843059996, 258.2085571072], [532.7922363181, 146.1120605696, 571.6060790742, 244.7640380928], [397.11480712890625, 0, 421.85205078125, 6.333990573883057]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 7], [4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049524_crop.jpg", "text": "I'd appreciate it if you could describe the portion of that lies within the rectangle . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a flower, three ballons, two street lights, and a car.", "boxes_value": [[44.11480712890625, 0, 218.6060790742, 488.1429443584], [112.61914062540001, 212.2817382912, 262, 319.9294433792], [86.48498537390003, 15.72558592, 127.97583010139999, 64.5383910912], [135.7858886574, 68.9315795968, 175.32434079799998, 117.744384768], [115.6761474731, 107.2463989248, 208.1477050932, 488.1429443584], [118.1669921939, 242.8937988096, 137.94860843059996, 258.2085571072], [179.79223631809998, 146.1120605696, 218.6060790742, 244.7640380928], [44.11480712890625, 0, 68.85205078125, 6.333990573883057]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3, 7], [4, 6], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049525.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[147.7127685632, 440.3087158272, 258.3175659008, 623.758178688]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049525_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[27.7127685632, 46.30871582719999, 138.3175659008, 229.75817868800004]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049525.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[147.7127685632, 440.3087158272, 258.3175659008, 623.758178688], [225.2087402496, 561.9676513536, 258.3175659008, 623.758178688], [147.7127685632, 528.7575683328, 166.3726806528, 545.8049316096], [187.7297363456, 440.3087158272, 218.6552123904, 488.81921387520003], [192.28903198242188, 530.942138671875, 216.09475708007812, 547.96484375], [191.13687133789062, 489.429931640625, 237.10806274414062, 534.760986328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049525_crop.jpg", "text": "Kindly give an overview of the section in photo . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include five sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[27.7127685632, 46.30871582719999, 138.3175659008, 229.75817868800004], [105.2087402496, 167.9676513536, 138.3175659008, 229.75817868800004], [27.7127685632, 134.75756833280002, 46.3726806528, 151.80493160959998], [67.7297363456, 46.30871582719999, 98.65521239040001, 94.81921387520003], [72.28903198242188, 136.942138671875, 96.09475708007812, 153.96484375], [71.13687133789062, 95.429931640625, 117.10806274414062, 140.760986328125]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049527.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[32.3714599188, 247.5608529408, 275.90637117, 496.4403168256]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049527_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Please mention the objects and their locations.", "boxes_value": [[32.3714599188, 62.560852940800004, 275.90637117, 311.4403168256]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049527.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[32.3714599188, 247.5608529408, 275.90637117, 496.4403168256], [32.3714599188, 367.0411474944, 68.5954691112, 396.1970573312], [80.0811305568, 323.7490389504, 114.97987112679999, 391.7794952192], [118.0721646048, 369.2499285504, 150.76207020040002, 413.867305728], [201.12227808319997, 249.5081864192, 228.0694068416, 273.3888310784], [158.7136819348, 247.5608529408, 192.28715388240002, 273.8305872896], [207.17194977879998, 433.1322971648, 275.90637117, 496.4403168256]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049527_crop.jpg", "text": "Describe what's happening within the coordinates of the given image . Please mention the objects and their locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include six sneakers.", "boxes_value": [[32.3714599188, 62.560852940800004, 275.90637117, 311.4403168256], [32.3714599188, 182.04114749439998, 68.5954691112, 211.19705733120003], [80.0811305568, 138.7490389504, 114.97987112679999, 206.7794952192], [118.0721646048, 184.2499285504, 150.76207020040002, 228.86730572800002], [201.12227808319997, 64.5081864192, 228.0694068416, 88.38883107840002], [158.7136819348, 62.560852940800004, 192.28715388240002, 88.83058728959998], [207.17194977879998, 248.13229716479998, 275.90637117, 311.4403168256]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049528.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[175.2650146304, 286.341796908, 493.9929809408, 598.3728027336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049528_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates.", "boxes_value": [[80.2650146304, 78.34179690799999, 398.9929809408, 390.3728027336]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049528.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two markers, a scissors, a bottle, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[175.2650146304, 286.341796908, 493.9929809408, 598.3728027336], [394.6272583168, 484.0906982364, 436.0272827392, 531.0906982272], [389.2160034304, 521.3266601309999, 486.063415552, 578.7060546888], [175.2650146304, 547.3969726392, 212.4349365248, 598.3728027336], [432.4607543808, 286.341796908, 493.9929809408, 480.5989990182], [366.7657165527344, 491.4544372558594, 397.0414123535156, 517.6115112304688]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049528_crop.jpg", "text": "Help me grasp the context of the region within image . Please point out the objects and their coordinates. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two markers, a scissors, a bottle, and a cup.", "boxes_value": [[80.2650146304, 78.34179690799999, 398.9929809408, 390.3728027336], [299.6272583168, 276.0906982364, 341.0272827392, 323.09069822720005], [294.2160034304, 313.3266601309999, 391.063415552, 370.7060546888], [80.2650146304, 339.39697263920004, 117.43493652480001, 390.3728027336], [337.4607543808, 78.34179690799999, 398.9929809408, 272.5989990182], [271.7657165527344, 283.4544372558594, 302.0414123535156, 309.61151123046875]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 3], [2], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049529.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[54.848205542399995, 255.2634277376, 140.6904297216, 455.154846208]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049529_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention.", "boxes_value": [[21.848205542399995, 50.26342773760001, 107.6904297216, 250.15484620799998]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049529.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, two people, a high heels, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[54.848205542399995, 255.2634277376, 140.6904297216, 455.154846208], [74.7864989952, 255.2634277376, 89.2335815424, 278.260864256], [66.0, 298.4698486272, 142.5859985664, 455.2345581056], [54.848205542399995, 313.4821167104, 78.7430419968, 412.659362816], [66.4079589888, 434.945312512, 85.829467776, 455.154846208], [131.1674194176, 347.0026855424, 140.6904297216, 385.690002432]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049529_crop.jpg", "text": "Can you break down the region in the image for me? Provide the coordinates for all objects that you mention. For your reference, objects involved in this region include a picture, two people, a high heels, and a gloves.", "boxes_value": [[21.848205542399995, 50.26342773760001, 107.6904297216, 250.15484620799998], [41.786498995200006, 50.26342773760001, 56.2335815424, 73.26086425599999], [33.0, 93.46984862720001, 109.58599856640001, 250.2345581056], [21.848205542399995, 108.48211671040002, 45.7430419968, 207.659362816], [33.407958988800004, 229.945312512, 52.829467776, 250.15484620799998], [98.1674194176, 142.0026855424, 107.6904297216, 180.69000243200003]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1], [2, 3], [4], [5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049531.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[13.1321411328, 250.6746215936, 129.852294912, 344.5963134976]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049531_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations.", "boxes_value": [[13.1321411328, 23.674621593599994, 129.852294912, 117.59631349760002]], "boxes_seq": [[0]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049531.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. For your reference, objects involved in this region include two people, a trash bin can, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[13.1321411328, 250.6746215936, 129.852294912, 344.5963134976], [33.52392576, 259.9990844928, 71.6522827008, 344.5963134976], [69.2692260864, 256.4244995072, 99.6527709696, 343.1069336064], [114.91174318080002, 274.566040064, 129.1852416768, 299.391662592], [101.633483904, 250.6746215936, 129.852294912, 266.0458374144], [13.1321411328, 256.7148437504, 49.4159546112, 270.8920288256]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}, {"image_path": "objects365_v1_00049531_crop.jpg", "text": "Fill me in about the selected portion within the presented image . Remember to mention the objects and their corresponding locations. 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For your reference, objects involved in this region include two boats, a street lights, and two cars.", "boxes_value": [[25.062988306500017, 30.458679193600005, 123.93811031399997, 149.15136716799998], [86.77185062400002, 110.75646970880001, 123.93811031399997, 149.15136716799998], [88.15051266299997, 132.43731691519997, 122.80212402299998, 151.172363264], [25.062988306500017, 30.458679193600005, 43.23266602199999, 61.20721433599999], [100.676025390625, 73.58755493164062, 119.30316162109375, 83.35104370117188], [74.52822875976562, 43.22865295410156, 93.66616821289062, 52.56037902832031]], "boxes_seq": [[0], [0], [1, 2], [3], [4, 5]]}]