import os import sys from pathlib import Path from setuptools import setup, find_packages common_setup_kwargs = { "version": "0.4.1", "name": "auto_gptq", "author": "PanQiWei", "description": "An easy-to-use LLMs quantization package with user-friendly apis, based on GPTQ algorithm.", "long_description": (Path(__file__).parent / "").read_text(encoding="UTF-8"), "long_description_content_type": "text/markdown", "url": "", "keywords": ["gptq", "quantization", "large-language-models", "transformers"], "platforms": ["windows", "linux"], "classifiers": [ "Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 11.7", "Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 11.8", "Environment :: GPU :: NVIDIA CUDA :: 12.0", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Natural Language :: Chinese (Simplified)", "Natural Language :: English", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11", "Programming Language :: C++", ] } BUILD_CUDA_EXT = int(os.environ.get('BUILD_CUDA_EXT', '1')) == 1 if BUILD_CUDA_EXT: try: import torch except: print("Building cuda extension requires PyTorch(>=1.13.0) been installed, please install PyTorch first!") sys.exit(-1) CUDA_VERSION = None ROCM_VERSION = os.environ.get('ROCM_VERSION', None) if ROCM_VERSION and not torch.version.hip: print( f"Trying to compile auto-gptq for RoCm, but PyTorch {torch.__version__} " "is installed without RoCm support." ) sys.exit(-1) if not ROCM_VERSION: default_cuda_version = torch.version.cuda CUDA_VERSION = "".join(os.environ.get("CUDA_VERSION", default_cuda_version).split(".")) if ROCM_VERSION: common_setup_kwargs['version'] += f"+rocm{ROCM_VERSION}" else: if not CUDA_VERSION: print( f"Trying to compile auto-gptq for CUDA, byt Pytorch {torch.__version__} " "is installed without CUDA support." ) sys.exit(-1) common_setup_kwargs['version'] += f"+cu{CUDA_VERSION}" requirements = [ "accelerate>=0.19.0", "datasets", "numpy", "rouge", "torch>=1.13.0", "safetensors", "transformers>=4.31.0", "peft" ] extras_require = { "triton": ["triton==2.0.0"], "test": ["parameterized"] } include_dirs = ["autogptq_cuda"] additional_setup_kwargs = dict() if BUILD_CUDA_EXT: from torch.utils import cpp_extension if not ROCM_VERSION: from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib conda_cuda_include_dir = os.path.join(get_python_lib(), "nvidia/cuda_runtime/include") print("conda_cuda_include_dir", conda_cuda_include_dir) if os.path.isdir(conda_cuda_include_dir): include_dirs.append(conda_cuda_include_dir) print(f"appending conda cuda include dir {conda_cuda_include_dir}") extensions = [ cpp_extension.CUDAExtension( "autogptq_cuda_64", [ "autogptq_cuda/autogptq_cuda_64.cpp", "autogptq_cuda/" ] ), cpp_extension.CUDAExtension( "autogptq_cuda_256", [ "autogptq_cuda/autogptq_cuda_256.cpp", "autogptq_cuda/" ] ) ] if os.environ.get("INCLUDE_EXLLAMA_KERNELS", "1") == "1": # TODO: improve github action to always compile exllama_kernels extensions.append( cpp_extension.CUDAExtension( "exllama_kernels", [ "autogptq_cuda/exllama/exllama_ext.cpp", "autogptq_cuda/exllama/", "autogptq_cuda/exllama/cuda_func/", "autogptq_cuda/exllama/cuda_func/", "autogptq_cuda/exllama/cuda_func/" ] ) ) additional_setup_kwargs = { "ext_modules": extensions, "cmdclass": {'build_ext': cpp_extension.BuildExtension} } common_setup_kwargs.update(additional_setup_kwargs) setup( packages=find_packages(), install_requires=requirements, extras_require=extras_require, include_dirs=include_dirs, python_requires=">=3.8.0", **common_setup_kwargs )