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"shuffle_per_epoch": false,
"attention": "xformers",
"model_variant": "base",
"aspect_mode": "dynamic",
"aspect_mode_action_preference": "truncate",
"use_ema": true,
"clip_penultimate": false,
"conditional_dropout": null,
"disable_cudnn_benchmark": true,
"use_text_files_as_captions": true,
"sample_from_batch": 0,
"flatten_sample_folder": false,
"stop_text_encoder_training": 30,
"use_bucketing": true,
"regenerate_latent_cache": true,
"sample_on_training_start": false,
"add_class_images_to_dataset": false,
"auto_balance_concept_datasets": false,
"sample_aspect_ratios": true,
"dataset_repeats": 1,
"save_every_n_epoch": 5,
"pretrained_model_name_or_path": "input_model/V5E20",
"pretrained_vae_name_or_path": "",
"tokenizer_name": null,
"instance_data_dir": null,
"class_data_dir": null,
"instance_prompt": null,
"class_prompt": null,
"save_sample_prompt": null,
"n_save_sample": 1,
"sample_height": 768,
"sample_width": 768,
"save_guidance_scale": 7.5,
"save_infer_steps": 30,
"with_prior_preservation": false,
"prior_loss_weight": 1.0,
"num_class_images": 0,
"output_dir": "output/",
"seed": 987654321,
"resolution": 768,
"center_crop": false,
"train_text_encoder": true,
"train_batch_size": 10,
"sample_batch_size": 4,
"num_train_epochs": 35,
"max_train_steps": 17150,
"gradient_accumulation_steps": 1,
"gradient_checkpointing": false,
"learning_rate": 3e-06,
"scale_lr": false,
"lr_scheduler": "cosine",
"lr_warmup_steps": 0,
"use_8bit_adam": true,
"adam_beta1": 0.9,
"adam_beta2": 0.999,
"adam_weight_decay": 0.01,
"adam_epsilon": 1e-08,
"max_grad_norm": 1.0,
"push_to_hub": false,
"hub_token": null,
"hub_model_id": null,
"logging_dir": "logs",
"log_interval": 10,
"sample_step_interval": 500,
"mixed_precision": "fp16",
"local_rank": -1,
"concepts_list": [
"instance_prompt": "Photography",
"instance_data_dir": "datasets/Photographs",
"class_prompt": "",
"class_data_dir": "",
"do_not_balance": 0,
"use_sub_dirs": 0
"instance_prompt": "Drawn",
"instance_data_dir": "datasets/Drawn",
"class_prompt": "",
"class_data_dir": "",
"do_not_balance": 0,
"use_sub_dirs": 0
"save_sample_controlled_seed": [
"detect_full_drive": true,
"send_telegram_updates": false,
"telegram_chat_id": "0",
"telegram_token": "0",
"use_deepspeed_adam": false,
"append_sample_controlled_seed_action": null,
"add_sample_prompt": [
"CHV3SDark, a dark forest filled with green trees and bushes, eerie jungle, ominous and eerie forest, dark forest and trees, gloomy forest, in the middle of dark forest, dark forest in the background, spooky forest, dark forest in background",
"CHV3SEldritch, an image of a creature that is in the water, serpentine water monster, lovecraftian creature, eldritch being, eldritch god, looming creature with a long, lovecraftian monster, eldritch abomination, creature concept art",
"CHV3CUrban, a young man sitting on the ground with an old fashioned boombox in his lap, holding it up to his face and looking at the camera while he's leaning against a metal fence behind him is wearing blue denim jeans "
"use_image_names_as_captions": false,
"masked_training": false,
"normalize_masked_area_loss": false,
"unmasked_probability": 0.0,
"max_denoising_strength": 1.0,
"mask_prompts": null,
"batch_tokens": null