import torch import einops from import Dataset from torchvision.datasets import CIFAR10 from torchvision import transforms import os import math import random import json from abc import ABC import pickle def pad_to_length(x, common_factor, **config): if x.numel() % common_factor == 0: return x.flatten() # print(f"padding {x.shape} according to {common_factor}") full_length = (x.numel() // common_factor + 1) * common_factor padding_length = full_length - len(x.flatten()) padding = torch.full([padding_length, ], dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device, fill_value=config["fill_value"]) x =, padding), dim=0) return x def layer_to_token(x, common_factor, **config): if config["granularity"] == 2: # split by output if x.numel() <= common_factor: return pad_to_length(x.flatten(), common_factor, **config)[None] dim2 = x[0].numel() dim1 = x.shape[0] if dim2 <= common_factor: i = int(dim1 / (common_factor / dim2)) while True: if dim1 % i == 0 and dim2 * (dim1 // i) <= common_factor: output = x.view(-1, dim2 * (dim1 // i)) output = [pad_to_length(item, common_factor, **config) for item in output] return torch.stack(output, dim=0) i += 1 else: # dim2 > common_factor output = [layer_to_token(item, common_factor, **config) for item in x] return, dim=0) elif config["granularity"] == 1: # split by layer return pad_to_length(x.flatten(), common_factor, **config).view(-1, common_factor) elif config["granularity"] == 0: # flatten directly return x.flatten() else: # NotImplementedError raise NotImplementedError("granularity: 0: flatten directly, 1: split by layer, 2: split by output dim") def token_to_layer(tokens, shape, **config): common_factor = tokens.shape[-1] if config["granularity"] == 2: # split by output num_element = if num_element <= common_factor: param = tokens[0][:num_element].view(shape) tokens = tokens[1:] return param, tokens dim2 = num_element // shape[0] dim1 = shape[0] if dim2 <= common_factor: i = int(dim1 / (common_factor / dim2)) while True: if dim1 % i == 0 and dim2 * (dim1 // i) <= common_factor: item_per_token = dim2 * (dim1 // i) length = num_element // item_per_token output = [item[:item_per_token] for item in tokens[:length]] param =, dim=0).view(shape) tokens = tokens[length:] return param, tokens i += 1 else: # dim2 > common_factor output = [] for i in range(shape[0]): param, tokens = token_to_layer(tokens, shape[1:], **config) output.append(param.flatten()) param =, dim=0).view(shape) return param, tokens elif config["granularity"] == 1: # split by layer num_element = token_num = num_element // common_factor if num_element % common_factor == 0 \ else num_element // common_factor + 1 param = tokens.flatten()[:num_element].view(shape) tokens = tokens[token_num:] return param, tokens elif config["granularity"] == 0: # flatten directly num_element = param = tokens.flatten()[:num_element].view(shape) tokens = pad_to_length(tokens.flatten()[num_element:], common_factor, fill_value=torch.nan).view(-1, common_factor) return param, tokens else: # NotImplementedError raise NotImplementedError("granularity: 0: flatten directly, 1: split by layer, 2: split by output dim") def positional_embedding_2d(dim1, dim2, d_model): assert d_model % 4 == 0, f"Cannot use sin/cos positional encoding with odd dimension {d_model}" pe = torch.zeros(d_model, dim1, dim2) d_model = int(d_model / 2) # Each dimension use half of d_model div_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(0., d_model, 2, dtype=torch.float32) * -(math.log(10000.0) / d_model)) pos_w = torch.arange(0., dim2).unsqueeze(1) pos_h = torch.arange(0., dim1).unsqueeze(1) pe[0:d_model:2, :, :] = torch.sin(pos_w * div_term).transpose(0, 1).unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, dim1, 1) pe[1:d_model:2, :, :] = torch.cos(pos_w * div_term).transpose(0, 1).unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, dim1, 1) pe[d_model::2, :, :] = torch.sin(pos_h * div_term).transpose(0, 1).unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, dim2) pe[d_model+1::2, :, :] = torch.cos(pos_h * div_term).transpose(0, 1).unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, dim2) return pe.permute(1, 2, 0) def positional_embedding_1d(dim1, d_model): pe = torch.zeros(dim1, d_model) position = torch.arange(0, dim1, dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(1) div_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(0, d_model, 2).float() * (-math.log(10000.0) / d_model)) pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term) pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term) return pe class BaseDataset(Dataset, ABC): data_path = None generated_path = None test_command = None config = { "fill_value": torch.nan, "granularity": 1, # 0: flatten directly, 1: split by layer, 2: split by output "pe_granularity": 2, # 0: no embedding, 1: 1d embedding, 2: 2d embedding } def __init__(self, checkpoint_path=None, dim_per_token=8192, **kwargs): if not os.path.exists(self.data_path): os.makedirs(self.data_path, exist_ok=False) if self.generated_path is not None and not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.generated_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.generated_path)) self.config.update(kwargs) checkpoint_path = self.data_path if checkpoint_path is None else checkpoint_path assert os.path.exists(checkpoint_path) self.dim_per_token = dim_per_token self.structure = None # set in get_structure() self.sequence_length = None # set in get_structure() # load checkpoint_list checkpoint_list = os.listdir(checkpoint_path) self.checkpoint_list = list([os.path.join(checkpoint_path, item) for item in checkpoint_list]) self.length = self.real_length = len(self.checkpoint_list) self.set_infinite_dataset() # get structure structure_cache_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.data_path), "structure.cache") try: # try to load cache file assert os.path.exists(structure_cache_file) with open(structure_cache_file, "rb") as f: print(f"Loading cache from {structure_cache_file}") cache_file = pickle.load(f) if len(self.checkpoint_list) != 0: assert set(cache_file["checkpoint_list"]) == set(self.checkpoint_list) self.structure = cache_file["structure"] else: # empty checkpoint_list, only generate print("Cannot find any trained checkpoint, loading cache file for generating!") self.structure = cache_file["structure"] fake_diction = {key: torch.zeros(item[0]) for key, item in self.structure.items()}, os.path.join(checkpoint_path, "fake_checkpoint.pth")) self.checkpoint_list.append(os.path.join(checkpoint_path, "fake_checkpoint.pth")) self.length = self.real_length = len(self.checkpoint_list) self.set_infinite_dataset() os.system(f"rm {os.path.join(checkpoint_path, 'fake_checkpoint.pth')}") except AssertionError: # recompute cache file print("==> Organizing structure..") self.structure = self.get_structure() with open(structure_cache_file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump({"structure": self.structure, "checkpoint_list": self.checkpoint_list}, f) # get sequence_length self.sequence_length = self.get_sequence_length() def get_sequence_length(self): fake_diction = {key: torch.zeros(item[0]) for key, item in self.structure.items()} # get sequence_length param = self.preprocess(fake_diction) self.sequence_length = param.size(0) return self.sequence_length def get_structure(self): # get structure checkpoint_list = self.checkpoint_list structures = [{} for _ in range(len(checkpoint_list))] for i, checkpoint in enumerate(checkpoint_list): diction = torch.load(checkpoint, map_location="cpu") for key, value in diction.items(): if ("num_batches_tracked" in key) or (value.numel() == 1) or not torch.is_floating_point(value): structures[i][key] = (value.shape, value, None) elif "running_var" in key: pre_mean = value.mean() * 0.95 value = torch.log(value / pre_mean + 0.05) structures[i][key] = (value.shape, pre_mean, value.mean(), value.std()) else: # conv & linear structures[i][key] = (value.shape, value.mean(), value.std()) final_structure = {} structure_diction = torch.load(checkpoint_list[0], map_location="cpu") for key, param in structure_diction.items(): if ("num_batches_tracked" in key) or (param.numel() == 1) or not torch.is_floating_point(param): final_structure[key] = (param.shape, param, None) elif "running_var" in key: value = [param.shape, 0., 0., 0.] for structure in structures: for i in [1, 2, 3]: value[i] += structure[key][i] for i in [1, 2, 3]: value[i] /= len(structures) final_structure[key] = tuple(value) else: # conv & linear value = [param.shape, 0., 0.] for structure in structures: for i in [1, 2]: value[i] += structure[key][i] for i in [1, 2]: value[i] /= len(structures) final_structure[key] = tuple(value) self.structure = final_structure return self.structure def set_infinite_dataset(self, max_num=None): if max_num is None: max_num = self.length * 1000000 self.length = max_num return self @property def max_permutation_state(self): return self.real_length def get_position_embedding(self, positional_embedding_dim=None): if positional_embedding_dim is None: positional_embedding_dim = self.dim_per_token // 2 assert self.structure is not None, "run get_structure before get_position_embedding" if self.config["pe_granularity"] == 2: print("Use 2d positional embedding") positional_embedding_index = [] for key, item in self.structure.items(): if ("num_batches_tracked" in key) or (item[-1] is None): continue else: # conv & linear shape, *_ = item fake_param = torch.ones(size=shape) fake_param = layer_to_token(fake_param, self.dim_per_token, **self.config) positional_embedding_index.append(list(range(fake_param.size(0)))) dim1 = len(positional_embedding_index) dim2 = max([len(token_per_layer) for token_per_layer in positional_embedding_index]) full_pe = positional_embedding_2d(dim1, dim2, positional_embedding_dim) positional_embedding = [] for layer_index, token_indexes in enumerate(positional_embedding_index): for token_index in token_indexes: this_pe = full_pe[layer_index, token_index] positional_embedding.append(this_pe) positional_embedding = torch.stack(positional_embedding) return positional_embedding elif self.config["pe_granularity"] == 1: print("Use 1d positional embedding") return positional_embedding_1d(self.sequence_length, positional_embedding_dim) elif self.config["pe_granularity"] == 0: print("Not use positional embedding") return torch.zeros_like(self.__getitem__(0)) else: # NotImplementedError raise NotImplementedError("pe_granularity: 0: no embedding, 1: 1d embedding, 2: 2d embedding") def __len__(self): return self.length def __getitem__(self, index): index = index % self.real_length diction = torch.load(self.checkpoint_list[index], map_location="cpu") param = self.preprocess(diction) return param, index def save_params(self, params, save_path): diction = self.postprocess(params.cpu().to(torch.float32)), save_path) def preprocess(self, diction: dict, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: param_list = [] for key, value in diction.items(): if ("num_batches_tracked" in key) or (value.numel() == 1) or not torch.is_floating_point(value): continue elif "running_var" in key: shape, pre_mean, mean, std = self.structure[key] value = torch.log(value / pre_mean + 0.05) else: # normal shape, mean, std = self.structure[key] value = (value - mean) / std value = layer_to_token(value, self.dim_per_token, **self.config) param_list.append(value) param =, dim=0) if self.config["granularity"] == 0: # padding directly process tail param = pad_to_length(param, self.dim_per_token, **self.config).view(-1, self.dim_per_token) # print("Sequence length:", param.size(0)) return def postprocess(self, params: torch.Tensor, **kwargs) -> dict: diction = {} params = params if len(params.shape) == 2 else params.squeeze(0) for key, item in self.structure.items(): if ("num_batches_tracked" in key) or (item[-1] is None): shape, mean, std = item diction[key] = mean continue elif "running_var" in key: shape, pre_mean, mean, std = item else: # conv & linear shape, mean, std = item this_param, params = token_to_layer(params, shape, **self.config) this_param = this_param * std + mean if "running_var" in key: this_param = torch.clip(torch.exp(this_param) - 0.05, min=0.001) * pre_mean diction[key] = this_param return diction class ConditionalDataset(BaseDataset, ABC): def _extract_condition(self, index: int): name = self.checkpoint_list[index] condition_list = os.path.basename(name).split("_") return condition_list def __getitem__(self, index): index = index % self.real_length diction = torch.load(self.checkpoint_list[index], map_location="cpu") condition = self._extract_condition(index) param = self.preprocess(diction) return param, condition