import inspect import torch import numpy as np from einops import rearrange from torch import nn from torch.distributed.fsdp import FullyShardedDataParallel as FSDP try: from deepspeed.runtime.activation_checkpointing.checkpointing import checkpoint except: from torch.utils.checkpoint import checkpoint def get_sinusoid_encoding_table(n_position, d_hid, padding_idx=None): """ Sinusoid position encoding table """ def cal_angle(position, hid_idx): return position / np.power(10000, 2 * (hid_idx // 2) / d_hid) def get_posi_angle_vec(position): return [cal_angle(position, hid_j) for hid_j in range(d_hid)] sinusoid_table = np.array( [get_posi_angle_vec(pos_i) for pos_i in range(n_position)] ) sinusoid_table[:, 0::2] = np.sin(sinusoid_table[:, 0::2]) # dim 2i sinusoid_table[:, 1::2] = np.cos(sinusoid_table[:, 1::2]) # dim 2i+1 if padding_idx is not None: # zero vector for padding dimension sinusoid_table[padding_idx] = 0.0 return torch.FloatTensor(sinusoid_table) def construct_position_encoding(vis_dim, max_pos, rows, cols): seq = get_sinusoid_encoding_table(max_pos, int(vis_dim/2)) y_coords, x_coords = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(rows), torch.arange(cols), indexing='ij') row_positions = seq[y_coords.flatten(), :] col_positions = seq[x_coords.flatten(), :] position_encoding =, row_positions), dim=-1) return position_encoding def unwrap_fsdp(m): if isinstance(m, FSDP): return unwrap_fsdp(m.module) return m def accepts_parameter(func, parameter_name): signature = inspect.signature(func) return parameter_name in signature.parameters class Flamingo(nn.Module): def __init__( self, vision_encoder: nn.Module, lang_encoder: nn.Module, eoc_token_id: int, media_token_id: int, vis_dim: int, cross_attn_every_n_layers: int = 1, gradient_checkpointing: bool = False, use_ft_layernorm: bool = False, use_ft_flash_attention: bool = False, enable_init_network_params: bool = False, initializer_range: float = 0.02, ): """ Args: vision_encoder (nn.Module): HF CLIPModel lang_encoder (nn.Module): HF causal language model eoc_token_id (int): Token id for <|endofchunk|> media_token_id (int): Token id for vis_dim (int): Dimension of the visual features. Visual features are projected to match this shape along the last dimension. cross_attn_every_n_layers (int, optional): How often to apply cross attention after transformer layer. Defaults to 1. """ super().__init__() self.vit_use_grad = False self.eoc_token_id = eoc_token_id self.media_token_id = media_token_id self.vis_dim = vis_dim if hasattr(lang_encoder.config, "d_model"): self.lang_dim = lang_encoder.config.d_model # mpt uses d_model else: self.lang_dim = lang_encoder.config.hidden_size self.vision_encoder = ( vision_encoder.visual if hasattr(vision_encoder, "visual") else vision_encoder ) self.lang_encoder = lang_encoder self.lang_encoder.init_flamingo( media_token_id=media_token_id, lang_hidden_size=self.lang_dim, vis_hidden_size=self.vis_dim, cross_attn_every_n_layers=cross_attn_every_n_layers, gradient_checkpointing=gradient_checkpointing, use_ft_layernorm=use_ft_layernorm, use_ft_flash_attention=use_ft_flash_attention, enable_init_network_params=enable_init_network_params, initializer_range=initializer_range, ) self._use_gradient_checkpointing = gradient_checkpointing def forward( self, vision_x: torch.Tensor, lang_x: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: torch.Tensor = None, labels: torch.Tensor = None, image_mask: torch.Tensor = None, subimage_shape: torch.Tensor = None, clear_conditioned_layers: bool = True, past_key_values=None, use_cache: bool = False, ): """ Forward pass of Flamingo. Args: vision_x (torch.Tensor): Vision input shape (B, T_img, F, C, H, W) with F=1 lang_x (torch.Tensor): Language input ids shape (B, T_txt) attention_mask (torch.Tensor, optional): Attention mask. Defaults to None. labels (torch.Tensor, optional): Labels. Defaults to None. clear_conditioned_layers: if True, clear the conditioned layers once the foward pass is completed. Set this to false if the same set of images will be reused in another subsequent forward pass. past_key_values: pre-computed values to pass to language model. See past_key_values documentation in Hugging Face CausalLM models. use_cache: whether to use cached key values. See use_cache documentation in Hugging Face CausalLM models. """ assert ( self.lang_encoder.initialized_flamingo ), "Flamingo layers are not initialized. Please call `init_flamingo` first." assert ( self.lang_encoder._use_cached_vision_x or vision_x is not None ), "Must provide either vision_x or have precached media using cache_media()." if self.lang_encoder._use_cached_vision_x: # Case: use cached; vision_x should be cached and other # vision-related inputs should not be provided. assert vision_x is None, ( "Expect vision_x to be None when media has been cached using" " cache_media(). Try uncache_media() first." ) assert self.lang_encoder.is_conditioned() else: # Case: do not use caching (i.e. this is a standard forward pass); self._encode_vision_x(vision_x=vision_x, image_mask=image_mask, subimage_shape=subimage_shape) self._condition_media_locations(input_ids=lang_x) output = self.lang_encoder( input_ids=lang_x, attention_mask=attention_mask, labels=labels, past_key_values=past_key_values, use_cache=use_cache, ) if clear_conditioned_layers: self.lang_encoder.clear_conditioned_layers() return output def generate( self, vision_x: torch.Tensor, lang_x: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: torch.Tensor = None, **kwargs, ): """ Generate text conditioned on vision and language inputs. Args: vision_x (torch.Tensor): Vision input shape (B, T_img, F, C, H, W) images in the same chunk are collated along T_img, and frames are collated along F currently only F=1 is supported (single-frame videos) lang_x (torch.Tensor): Language input shape (B, T_txt) **kwargs: see generate documentation in Hugging Face CausalLM models. Some notable kwargs: max_length (int, optional): Maximum length of the output. Defaults to None. attention_mask (torch.Tensor, optional): Attention mask. Defaults to None. num_beams (int, optional): Number of beams. Defaults to 1. max_new_tokens (int, optional): Maximum new tokens. Defaults to None. temperature (float, optional): Temperature. Defaults to 1.0. top_k (int, optional): Top k. Defaults to 50. top_p (float, optional): Top p. Defaults to 1.0. no_repeat_ngram_size (int, optional): No repeat ngram size. Defaults to 0. length_penalty (float, optional): Length penalty. Defaults to 1.0. num_return_sequences (int, optional): Number of return sequences. Defaults to 1. do_sample (bool, optional): Do sample. Defaults to False. early_stopping (bool, optional): Early stopping. Defaults to False. Returns: torch.Tensor: lang_x with generated tokens appended to it """ subimage_shape = kwargs.pop("subimage_shape", None) image_mask = kwargs.pop("image_mask", None) num_beams = kwargs.pop("num_beams", 1) if num_beams > 1: vision_x = vision_x.repeat_interleave(num_beams, dim=0) if image_mask is not None: image_mask = image_mask.repeat_interleave(num_beams, dim=0) if subimage_shape is not None: subimage_shape = subimage_shape.repeat_interleave(num_beams, dim=0) self.lang_encoder._use_cached_vision_x = True self._encode_vision_x(vision_x=vision_x, image_mask=image_mask, subimage_shape=subimage_shape) eos_token_id = kwargs.pop("eos_token_id", self.eoc_token_id) output = self.lang_encoder.generate( input_ids=lang_x, attention_mask=attention_mask, eos_token_id=eos_token_id, num_beams=num_beams, **kwargs, ) self.lang_encoder.clear_conditioned_layers() self.lang_encoder._use_cached_vision_x = False return output def _encode_vision_x(self, vision_x: torch.Tensor, image_mask: torch.Tensor=None, subimage_shape: torch.Tensor=None): """ Compute media tokens from vision input by passing it through vision encoder and conditioning language model. Args: vision_x (torch.Tensor): Vision input shape (B, T_img, F, C, H, W) Images in the same chunk are collated along T_img, and frames are collated along F Currently only F=1 is supported (single-frame videos) rearrange code based on """ assert vision_x.ndim == 6, "vision_x should be of shape (b, T_img, F, C, H, W)" b, T, F = vision_x.shape[:3] assert F == 1, "Only single frame supported" vision_x = rearrange(vision_x, "b T F c h w -> (b T F) c h w") if not self.vit_use_grad: with torch.no_grad(): module_to_inspect = unwrap_fsdp(self.vision_encoder) if accepts_parameter(module_to_inspect.forward, "return_all_features"): vision_x = self.vision_encoder(vision_x, return_all_features=True) else: vision_x = self.vision_encoder(vision_x)[1] else: module_to_inspect = unwrap_fsdp(self.vision_encoder) if accepts_parameter(module_to_inspect.forward, "return_all_features"): if vision_x = checkpoint(self.vision_encoder, vision_x, True) else: vision_x = self.vision_encoder(vision_x, return_all_features=True) else: vision_x = self.vision_encoder(vision_x)[1] vision_x = rearrange(vision_x, "(b T F) v d -> b (T F) v d", b=b, T=T, F=F) pos_emb = torch.zeros((T,self.vis_dim)).to(vision_x.dtype).to(vision_x.device) for i in range(subimage_shape.shape[0]): cols, rows = int(subimage_shape[i,0]), int(subimage_shape[i,1]) tmp_pos_emb = construct_position_encoding(vision_x.shape[-1], 20, rows, cols).to(vision_x.dtype).to(vision_x.device) pos_emb[1:int(cols*rows)+1,:] = tmp_pos_emb vision_x = vision_x + pos_emb.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(0).detach() for layer in self.lang_encoder._get_decoder_layers(): layer.condition_vis_x((vision_x, image_mask)) def _condition_media_locations(self, input_ids: torch.Tensor): """ Compute the media token locations from lang_x and condition the language model on these. Args: input_ids (torch.Tensor): Language input shape (B, T_txt) """ print(111) media_locations = input_ids == self.media_token_id # make all of the seq focus on the first fake image to avoid nan # media_locations = torch.where(tmp_mask==False, tmp_mask, media_locations) for layer in self.lang_encoder._get_decoder_layers(): layer.condition_media_locations(media_locations) def cache_media(self, input_ids: torch.Tensor, vision_x: torch.Tensor): """ Pre-cache a prompt/sequence of images / text for log-likelihood evaluations. All subsequent calls to forward() will generate attending to the LAST image in vision_x. This is not meant to be used to cache things for generate(). Args: input_ids (torch.Tensor): Language input shape (B, T_txt) vision_x (torch.Tensor): Vision input shape (B, T_img, F, C, H, W) Images in the same chunk are collated along T_img, and frames are collated along F Currently only F=1 is supported (single-frame videos) """ self._encode_vision_x(vision_x=vision_x) self._condition_media_locations(input_ids=input_ids) self.lang_encoder._use_cached_vision_x = True def uncache_media(self): """ Clear all conditioning. """ self.lang_encoder.clear_conditioned_layers() self.lang_encoder._use_cached_vision_x = False