from collections import namedtuple |
import math |
import torch |
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence |
from fairseq import checkpoint_utils, options, tasks, utils |
from eet.fairseq.transformer import EETTransformerDecoder |
Batch = namedtuple('Batch', 'ids src_tokens src_lengths') |
def make_batches(lines, task, max_positions, encode_fn): |
tokens = [task.source_dictionary.encode_line(encode_fn(line), |
add_if_not_exist=False, |
append_eos=False, |
reverse_order=True).long() |
for line in lines] |
lengths = [t.numel() for t in tokens] |
tokens = pad_sequence(tokens, batch_first=True, |
padding_value=1).flip(dims=(1,)) |
return Batch(ids=torch.arange(len(tokens)), |
src_tokens=tokens, |
src_lengths=torch.tensor(lengths)) |
def encode_fn(x_str): |
x_str = "</s> " + x_str |
return x_str |
def decode_fn(x): |
x = x.replace(" ", "") |
return x |
def eos_token_filter(sent): |
return True |
def post_precess(line): |
if "<" in line: |
line = line.split("<")[0] |
return line |
class Inference(object): |
def __init__(self, model_path, data_path, eet_batch_size): |
parser = options.get_generation_parser(default_task="language_modeling") |
args = options.parse_args_and_arch(parser) |
args.data = data_path |
args.path = model_path |
self.args = args |
args.beam = 1 |
args.min_len = 5 |
args.max_len_b = 30 |
args.lenpen = 1.0 |
args.sampling = True |
args.sampling_topk = 10 |
args.temperature = 0.8 |
args.no_repeat_ngram_size = 1 |
args.fp16 = True |
task = tasks.setup_task(args) |
self.task = task |
self.src_dict = task.source_dictionary |
self.tgt_dict = task.target_dictionary |
use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() and not args.cpu |
self.use_cuda = use_cuda |
model_path = args.path |
checkpoint = torch.load(model_path.replace("best.pt", "best_part_1.pt")) |
checkpoint["model"].update(torch.load(model_path.replace("best.pt", "best_part_2.pt"))) |
checkpoint["model"].update(torch.load(model_path.replace("best.pt", "best_part_3.pt"))) |
torch.save(checkpoint, model_path) |
state = torch.load(args.path, map_location=torch.device("cpu")) |
cfg_args = eval(str(state["cfg"]))["model"] |
del cfg_args["_name"] |
keys_list = [] |
values_list = [] |
for key,value in cfg_args.items() : |
keys_list.append(key) |
values_list.append(value) |
Model_args = namedtuple("Model_args", keys_list) |
model_args = Model_args._make(values_list) |
del state |
eet_seq_len = 512 |
eet_batch_size = eet_batch_size |
data_type = torch.float16 |
eet_config = {"data_type":data_type, |
"max_batch":eet_batch_size, |
"full_seq_len":eet_seq_len} |
print(model_args) |
eet_model = EETTransformerDecoder.from_fairseq_pretrained(model_id_or_path = args.path, |
dictionary = self.src_dict,args=model_args, |
config = eet_config, |
no_encoder_attn = True) |
self.models = [eet_model] |
self.generator = task.build_generator(self.models, args) |
self.align_dict = utils.load_align_dict(args.replace_unk) |
self.max_positions = 1024 |
self.eos_index = self.tgt_dict.eos() |
self.pad_index = self.tgt_dict.pad() |
def __call__(self, inputs, append_right_eos=True): |
results = [] |
start_id = 0 |
batch = make_batches(inputs, self.task, self.max_positions, encode_fn) |
inputs_str = inputs |
src_tokens = batch.src_tokens |
src_lengths = batch.src_lengths |
if src_tokens[0][-1].item() != self.eos_index and append_right_eos: |
src_tokens = torch.cat([src_tokens, src_tokens.new_ones(src_tokens.size(0), 1) * self.eos_index], dim=1) |
src_lengths += 1 |
if self.use_cuda: |
src_tokens = src_tokens.cuda() |
src_lengths = src_lengths.cuda() |
sample = { |
'net_input': { |
'src_tokens': src_tokens, |
'src_lengths': src_lengths, |
}, |
} |
translations = self.task.inference_step(self.generator, self.models, sample) |
for i, (id, hypos) in enumerate(zip(batch.ids.tolist(), translations)): |
results.append((start_id + id, src_tokens[i], hypos)) |
final_results = [] |
for id, src_tokens, hypos in sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[0]): |
tmp_res = [] |
for hypo in hypos[:min(len(hypos), self.args.nbest)]: |
hypo_tokens, hypo_str, alignment = utils.post_process_prediction( |
hypo_tokens=hypo['tokens'].int().cpu()[len(src_tokens)-1:], |
src_str=None, |
alignment=hypo['alignment'], |
align_dict=self.align_dict, |
tgt_dict=self.tgt_dict) |
detok_hypo_str = decode_fn(hypo_str) |
if eos_token_filter(detok_hypo_str): |
detok_hypo_str = post_precess(detok_hypo_str) |
score = hypo['score'] / math.log(2) |
tmp_res.append([detok_hypo_str, score]) |
final_results.append(tmp_res) |
return final_results |
class Dialogue(object): |
def __init__(self, inference_model=None, max_dialogue_history=6): |
self.inference_model = inference_model |
self.max_dialogue_history = max_dialogue_history |
self.dialogue_history = [] |
def get_repsonse(self, input_text): |
self.dialogue_history.append(input_text.strip()) |
model_inp = "" |
for idx, x in enumerate(self.dialogue_history[-self.max_dialogue_history:]): |
if idx % 2 == 0: |
model_inp += " <0> " + " ".join(list(x)) |
else: |
model_inp += " <1> " + " ".join(list(x)) |
if idx % 2 == 0: |
model_inp += " <1>" |
else: |
model_inp += " <0>" |
text = self.inference_model([model_inp]*5, append_right_eos=False) |
response = [x[0][0] for x in text] |
response = sorted(response, key=lambda x:len(set(x))) |
overlap = [[len(set(x) & set(model_inp)) * len(x), x] for x in response[-4:-1]] |
overlap = sorted(overlap, key=lambda x:x[0]) |
final_response = overlap[-2][1] |
self.dialogue_history.append(final_response) |
return final_response |
def clear_dialogue_history(self): |
self.dialogue_history = [] |