import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox, ttk from PIL import Image as PILImage, ImageTk import os import queue import threading import subprocess import sys import json import re # Global variables to control the process and track errors stop_processing = False error_messages = [] selected_files = [] save_directory = "" # Sử dụng thư mục của ảnh đầu tiên được chọn caption_window = None caption_frame = None thumbnails = [] # To hold references to thumbnail objects caption_text_widgets = [] # To hold Text widgets containing captions tag_dict = {} # Store tags and their counts selected_tag = None # Store the selected tag widget edit_buttons = {} # To hold the edit and delete buttons for each tag error_window = None # To ensure only one error window is open at a time tag_text_frame = None # Define globally to manage tag frame # Global Tkinter variable placeholders status_var = None num_files_var = None errors_var = None progress = None character_threshold_var = None general_threshold_var = None thread_count_var = None batch_size_var = None start_button = None stop_button = None prepend_text_var = None append_text_var = None current_page = 0 images_per_page = 20 total_pages = 1 # Initialize total pages def update_and_save_config(): """Update and save the configuration to JSON.""" save_config_to_json( model="eva02", # Default model general_threshold=general_threshold_var.get(), character_threshold=character_threshold_var.get(), model_dir="D:/test/models/wd-eva02-large-tagger-v3", # Default model directory caption_mode=caption_mode_var.get() ) def show_errors(root): """Display error details in a new window.""" global error_window if error_window is not None: return # Only one error window can be open at a time error_window = tk.Toplevel(root) error_window.title("Error Details") error_window.geometry("500x400") error_text = tk.Text(error_window, wrap='word') error_text.pack(expand=True, fill='both') if error_messages: for error in error_messages: error_text.insert('end', error + '\n') else: error_text.insert('end', "No errors recorded.") error_text.config(state='disabled') def on_close_error_window(): global error_window error_window.destroy() error_window = None error_window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_close_error_window) def save_config_to_json(model, general_threshold, character_threshold, model_dir, caption_mode, filepath='config.json'): """Save the model and threshold values to a JSON file.""" config = { 'model': model, 'general_threshold': general_threshold, 'character_threshold': character_threshold, 'model_dir': model_dir, 'caption_mode': caption_mode } try: with open(filepath, 'w') as f: json.dump(config, f, indent=2) except Exception as e: print(f"Error saving config to JSON: {e}") def open_image_to_tag(): global stop_processing, error_messages, selected_files, save_directory, caption_window, caption_frame, thumbnails, caption_text_widgets, tag_dict, selected_tag, edit_buttons, tag_text_frame, current_page, total_pages, content_canvas global status_var, num_files_var, errors_var, progress, character_threshold_var, general_threshold_var, thread_count_var, batch_size_var global start_button, stop_button, prepend_text_var, append_text_var global caption_mode_var # Khai báo biến toàn cục # Create Tkinter window root = tk.Tk() root.title("Image Caption Generator") # Initialize Tkinter variables status_var = tk.StringVar() num_files_var = tk.StringVar() errors_var = tk.StringVar(value="Errors: 0") progress = tk.IntVar() character_threshold_var = tk.DoubleVar(value=0.35) general_threshold_var = tk.DoubleVar(value=0.35) thread_count_var = tk.IntVar(value=1) batch_size_var = tk.IntVar(value=8) prepend_text_var = tk.StringVar() append_text_var = tk.StringVar() caption_mode_var = tk.IntVar(value=1) q = queue.Queue() def center_window(window, width_extra=0, height_extra=0): window.update_idletasks() width = 100 + width_extra height = 950 + height_extra x = (window.winfo_screenwidth() // 2) - (width // 2) y = (window.winfo_screenheight() // 2) - (height // 2) window.geometry(f'{width}x{height}+{x}+{y}') def select_files(): global selected_files, save_directory, total_pages filetypes = [ ("All Image files", "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.gif;*.bmp;*.tiff;*.tif;*.svg;*.webp"), ("JPEG files", "*.jpg;*.jpeg"), ("PNG files", "*.png"), ("GIF files", "*.gif"), ("BMP files", "*.bmp"), ("TIFF files", "*.tiff;*.tif"), ("SVG files", "*.svg"), ("WEBP files", "*.webp") ] filepaths = filedialog.askopenfilenames(title="Select Image Files", filetypes=filetypes) if filepaths: selected_files.clear() selected_files.extend(filepaths) num_files_var.set(f"{len(selected_files)} files selected.") save_directory = os.path.dirname(selected_files[0]) # Lấy thư mục của ảnh đầu tiên total_pages = (len(selected_files) + images_per_page - 1) // images_per_page # Cập nhật tổng số trang if caption_window is not None: update_image_preview(content_canvas) def toggle_buttons(state): """Enable or disable buttons based on the state.""" state = tk.NORMAL if state else tk.DISABLED select_files_button.config(state=state) show_captions_button.config(state=state) general_threshold_entry.config(state=state) character_threshold_entry.config(state=state) thread_count_entry.config(state=state) batch_size_entry.config(state=state) prepend_text_entry.config(state=state) append_text_entry.config(state=state) start_button.config(state=state) # Stop button should always be enabled stop_button.config(state=tk.NORMAL) def generate_caption(image_path, save_directory, q): """Generate captions for a single image using the wd-swinv2-tagger-v3 model.""" if stop_processing: return try: filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_path))[0] output_path = os.path.join(save_directory, f"{filename}.txt") # Sửa lại tên tệp caption # Kiểm tra chế độ tạo caption if caption_mode_var.get() == 2 and os.path.exists(output_path): q.put(image_path) return command = [ sys.executable, 'D:/test/wdv3-timm-main/', '--model', "eva02", '--image_path', image_path, '--model_dir', "D:/test/models/wd-eva02-large-tagger-v3", '--general_threshold', str(general_threshold_var.get()), '--character_threshold', str(character_threshold_var.get()) ] result =, capture_output=True, text=True, check=True) output = result.stdout print(output) # Debug: In ra toàn bộ đầu ra từ lệnh subprocess error_output = result.stderr print(output) # In ra đầu ra từ lệnh subprocess print(error_output) # In ra đầu ra lỗi từ lệnh subprocess # Lọc thông tin "General tags" general_tags = [] recording_general = False for line in output.split('\n'): if "General tags" in line: recording_general = True continue if recording_general: if line.startswith(' '): tag = line.strip().split(':')[0].replace('_', ' ') general_tags.append(tag) else: recording_general = False # Lọc thông tin "Character tags" character_tags = [] recording_character = False for line in output.split('\n'): if "Character tags" in line: recording_character = True continue if recording_character: if line.startswith(' '): tag = line.strip().split(':')[0].replace('_', ' ') # Loại bỏ từ khóa có chứa từ 'costume' if 'costume' not in tag.lower(): character_tags.append(tag) # Giữ lại từ khóa không chứa 'costume' else: recording_character = False # Kết hợp cả general và character tags final_tags = ','.join(general_tags + character_tags) if general_tags or character_tags else "No tags found" print("Filtered output:", final_tags) # Debug: In ra các nhãn cuối cùng sau khi lọc # Thêm văn bản trước và sau final_tags = f"{prepend_text_var.get()},{final_tags},{append_text_var.get()}".strip(',') # Xử lý ghi đè, nối thêm hoặc bỏ qua caption hiện có if caption_mode_var.get() == 0: # Overwrite with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(final_tags) elif caption_mode_var.get() == 1 and os.path.exists(output_path): # Append with open(output_path, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f",{final_tags}") else: # Tạo mới hoặc ghi đè nếu file không tồn tại with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(final_tags) q.put(image_path) except Exception as e: error_message = f"Error processing image {image_path}: {str(e)}" print(error_message) # Debug: In ra thông báo lỗi q.put(error_message) error_messages.append(error_message) def worker(save_directory, num_threads, batch_size): try: progress.set(0) batch = [] threads = [] for i, input_path in enumerate(selected_files, 1): if stop_processing: break batch.append(input_path) if len(batch) == batch_size or i == len(selected_files): for image_path in batch: thread = threading.Thread(target=generate_caption, args=(image_path, save_directory, q)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() batch.clear() threads.clear() q.put(None) except Exception as e: if not stop_processing: q.put(e) def update_progress(): try: completed = 0 while True: item = q.get() if item is None: break if isinstance(item, str): if "Error" in item: root.after(0, errors_var.set, f"Errors: {len(error_messages)}") continue completed += 1 progress.set(int((completed / len(selected_files)) * 100)) if not stop_processing: root.after(0, status_var.set, f"Processed {completed} files") root.after(0, root.update_idletasks) if caption_window is not None: root.after(0, update_image_preview, content_canvas) if not stop_processing: root.after(0, progress.set(100)) show_completion_message(completed) except Exception as e: if not stop_processing: root.after(0, status_var.set, f"Error: {e}") finally: # Re-enable buttons after processing completes toggle_buttons(True) def show_completion_message(completed): message = f"Processing complete. {completed} files processed." if error_messages: message += f" {len(error_messages)} errors occurred." messagebox.showinfo("Process Complete", message) def process_files(): global stop_processing, error_messages stop_processing = False error_messages.clear() errors_var.set("Errors: 0") if not selected_files or not save_directory: status_var.set("Please select images.") return # Disable buttons during processing toggle_buttons(False) threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(save_directory, thread_count_var.get(), batch_size_var.get())).start() threading.Thread(target=update_progress).start() def stop_processing_func(): global stop_processing stop_processing = True status_var.set("Processing stopped.") def return_to_menu(): stop_processing_func() root.destroy() import main main.open_main_menu() def on_closing(): # Save all captions before closing save_all_captions() return_to_menu() def validate_threshold(P): """Validate that the threshold value is between 0 and 1.""" if P == "" or (P.replace('.', '', 1).isdigit() and 0 <= float(P) <= 1): return True return False def validate_thread_count(P): """Validate that the thread count is a positive integer.""" if P == "" or P.isdigit() and int(P) > 0: return True return False def validate_batch_size(P): """Validate that the batch size is a positive integer.""" if P == "" or P.isdigit() and int(P) > 0: return True return False def open_caption_window(): global caption_window, caption_frame, caption_text_widgets, tag_text_frame, current_page, total_pages, content_canvas if caption_window is not None: return # A caption window is already open, do not create a new one caption_window = tk.Toplevel(root) caption_window.title("Image Thumbnails and Captions") caption_window.geometry("1400x900") # Điều chỉnh kích thước cửa sổ # Create main frame to hold canvas and other elements main_frame = tk.Frame(caption_window) main_frame.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) # Create canvas for content content_canvas = tk.Canvas(main_frame) content_canvas.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) # Create frame for content caption_frame = tk.Frame(content_canvas) content_canvas.create_window((0, 0), window=caption_frame, anchor='nw') # Add scrollbar for caption_frame caption_scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(main_frame, orient="vertical", command=content_canvas.yview) caption_scrollbar.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.Y) content_canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=caption_scrollbar.set) caption_frame.bind("", lambda e: content_canvas.configure(scrollregion=content_canvas.bbox("all"))) # Ensure caption_window is reset to None when the window is closed def on_caption_window_close(): global caption_window, tag_text_frame caption_window.destroy() caption_window = None tag_text_frame = None # Reset tag_text_frame when window is closed caption_window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_caption_window_close) # Display content and set dividers update_image_preview(content_canvas) # Create frame for tags (on the right side) tag_frame = tk.Frame(main_frame, padx=0) tag_frame.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y) # Create sorting buttons sort_label = tk.Label(tag_frame, text="Sort by:", font=('Helvetica', 12)) sort_label.pack(anchor='nw', pady=5) sort_alpha_button = tk.Button(tag_frame, text="Alphabetical", command=sort_tags_alpha) sort_alpha_button.pack(anchor='nw', pady=2) sort_count_button = tk.Button(tag_frame, text="Count", command=sort_tags_count) sort_count_button.pack(anchor='nw', pady=2) # Create display area for tags tag_canvas = tk.Canvas(tag_frame) tag_text_frame = tk.Frame(tag_canvas) tag_canvas.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) tag_canvas.create_window((0, 0), window=tag_text_frame, anchor='nw') # Add scrollbar for tag_frame tag_scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(main_frame, orient="vertical", command=tag_canvas.yview) tag_scrollbar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y) tag_canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=tag_scrollbar.set) tag_text_frame.bind("", lambda e: tag_canvas.configure(scrollregion=tag_canvas.bbox("all"))) # Update initial tag display update_tag_display() def update_image_preview(content_canvas): global thumbnails, caption_text_widgets, current_page, images_per_page, total_pages if caption_frame is None: return for widget in caption_frame.winfo_children(): if isinstance(widget, tk.Label) or isinstance(widget, tk.Text) or isinstance(widget, tk.Frame): widget.destroy() thumbnails.clear() # Clear old thumbnails caption_text_widgets.clear() # Clear old caption_entries if not selected_files: return start_index = current_page * images_per_page end_index = start_index + images_per_page files_to_display = selected_files[start_index:end_index] for i, file_path in enumerate(files_to_display): thumbnail_size = (200, 200) try: image = image.thumbnail(thumbnail_size) thumbnail = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) thumbnails.append(thumbnail) # Keep reference to thumbnail object # Display thumbnail img_label = tk.Label(caption_frame, image=thumbnail) img_label.grid(row=i*2, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky="nsew") # Display file name file_label = tk.Label(caption_frame, text=os.path.basename(file_path), font=('Helvetica', 12), wraplength=300, justify="left") file_label.grid(row=i*2, column=1, padx=5, pady=5, sticky="nsew") # Check and display caption if available filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0] # Lấy tên tệp không có phần mở rộng caption_file = os.path.join(save_directory, f"{filename}.txt") if os.path.exists(caption_file): with open(caption_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: caption_text = else: caption_text = "" # Set empty string if no caption available caption_text_widget = tk.Text(caption_frame, width=50, height=3, wrap=tk.WORD, font=('Helvetica', 12)) caption_text_widget.insert(tk.END, caption_text) caption_text_widget.grid(row=i*2, column=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky="nsew") caption_text_widget.bind("", lambda e, fp=file_path, w=caption_text_widget: save_caption(fp, w.get("1.0", "end-1c"))) caption_text_widgets.append(caption_text_widget) # Update tags in tag_dict update_tag_dict(caption_text) except Exception as e: tk.Label(caption_frame, text="Error loading image").grid(row=i*2, column=0, columnspan=4, padx=5, pady=5) # Add navigation buttons nav_frame = tk.Frame(caption_frame) nav_frame.grid(row=images_per_page*2, column=0, columnspan=3, pady=10) if current_page > 0: prev_button = tk.Button(nav_frame, text="Previous", command=lambda: navigate(-1, content_canvas)) prev_button.pack(side=tk.LEFT) page_label = tk.Label(nav_frame, text=f"Page {current_page + 1} of {total_pages}") page_label.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5) page_entry = tk.Entry(nav_frame, width=5) page_entry.pack(side=tk.LEFT) go_button = tk.Button(nav_frame, text="Go", command=lambda: go_to_page(page_entry.get(), content_canvas)) go_button.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5) if current_page < total_pages - 1: next_button = tk.Button(nav_frame, text="Next", command=lambda: navigate(1, content_canvas)) next_button.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) # Update tag display after loading images update_tag_display() def navigate(direction, content_canvas): global current_page current_page += direction update_image_preview(content_canvas) def go_to_page(page_number, content_canvas): global current_page, total_pages try: page_number = int(page_number) if 1 <= page_number <= total_pages: current_page = page_number - 1 update_image_preview(content_canvas) else: messagebox.showerror("Invalid Page", f"Please enter a valid page number between 1 and {total_pages}.") except ValueError: messagebox.showerror("Invalid Input", "Please enter a valid integer for the page number.") def save_caption(file_path, caption_text): """Save caption when user changes it.""" filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0] output_path = os.path.join(save_directory, f"{filename}.txt") with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(caption_text) # Update tags after editing caption update_tag_dict(caption_text) update_tag_display() def save_all_captions(): """Save all captions when closing the window.""" for i, caption_text_widget in enumerate(caption_text_widgets): if caption_text_widget.winfo_exists(): file_path = selected_files[current_page * images_per_page + i] caption_text = caption_text_widget.get("1.0", "end-1c") save_caption(file_path, caption_text) def update_tag_dict(caption_text=None): """Update tag dictionary based on caption_text.""" global tag_dict new_tag_dict = {} for caption_widget in caption_text_widgets: if caption_widget.winfo_exists(): caption_text = caption_widget.get("1.0", "end-1c") tags = caption_text.split(',') for tag in tags: tag = tag.strip() if tag: if tag in new_tag_dict: new_tag_dict[tag] += 1 else: new_tag_dict[tag] = 1 tag_dict = new_tag_dict def update_tag_display(): """Update tag display on Text widget.""" global tag_dict, selected_tag, edit_buttons, tag_text_frame if tag_text_frame is None: return # If the tag_text_frame is not created yet, return for widget in tag_text_frame.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() row = 0 for tag, count in tag_dict.items(): tag_label = tk.Label(tag_text_frame, text=tag, bg="white", padx=5, pady=2, anchor="w", relief="solid", borderwidth=1) tag_label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky="w", padx=2, pady=1) count_label = tk.Label(tag_text_frame, text=f"({count})", anchor='w', width=5) count_label.grid(row=row, column=1, padx=5, pady=2, sticky='w') # Add tag manipulation buttons add_tag_button = tk.Button(tag_text_frame, text="Add", command=lambda r=row: add_tag(r)) add_tag_button.grid(row=row, column=2, padx=2) edit_button = tk.Button(tag_text_frame, text="Edit", command=lambda t=tag_label: edit_tag(t)) edit_button.grid(row=row, column=3, padx=2) delete_button = tk.Button(tag_text_frame, text="Delete", command=lambda t=tag_label: delete_tag(t)) delete_button.grid(row=row, column=4, padx=2) delete_all_button = tk.Button(tag_text_frame, text="Delete All", command=lambda t=tag_label: delete_all_files_with_tag(t)) delete_all_button.grid(row=row, column=5, padx=2) edit_buttons[tag_label] = [add_tag_button, edit_button, delete_button, delete_all_button] row += 1 # Điều chỉnh trọng số cột để không mở rộng quá mức tag_text_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # Cột cho tag tag_text_frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=0) # Cột cho số lượng tag_text_frame.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=0) # Cột cho nút Add tag_text_frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=0) # Cột cho nút Edit tag_text_frame.grid_columnconfigure(4, weight=0) # Cột cho nút Delete tag_text_frame.grid_columnconfigure(5, weight=0) # Cột cho nút Delete All tag_text_frame.update_idletasks() # Làm mới giao diện sau khi cập nhật danh sách tag tag_text_frame.update() # Làm mới giao diện ngay lập tức def add_tag(row): """Add a new tag above the selected row.""" def save_new_tag(event=None): new_tag = entry.get().strip() if new_tag: # Add the new tag to the tag_dict if new_tag in tag_dict: tag_dict[new_tag] += 1 else: tag_dict[new_tag] = 1 # Update the captions in the respective files for file_path in selected_files: filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0] caption_file = os.path.join(save_directory, f"{filename}.txt") if os.path.exists(caption_file): with open(caption_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: caption_text = new_caption_text = caption_text + ',' + new_tag if caption_text else new_tag with open(caption_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(new_caption_text) update_image_preview(content_canvas) # Update image preview update_tag_display() # Update the display of tags # Create entry above the row for widget in tag_text_frame.grid_slaves(): if int(widget.grid_info()["row"]) >= row: widget.grid_configure(row=int(widget.grid_info()["row"]) + 1) entry = tk.Entry(tag_text_frame) entry.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky="w", padx=2, pady=1) entry.bind("", save_new_tag) entry.bind("", save_new_tag) entry.bind("", lambda e: entry.destroy()) entry.focus_set() def edit_tag(tag_label): """Edit the selected tag.""" def save_edit(event=None): new_tag = entry.get().strip() old_tag = tag_label.cget("text").strip() if new_tag and new_tag != old_tag: # Update the tag_dict with new tag tag_dict[new_tag] = tag_dict.pop(old_tag) # Update the captions in the respective files for i, file_path in enumerate(selected_files): filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0] caption_file = os.path.join(save_directory, f"{filename}.txt") if os.path.exists(caption_file): with open(caption_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: caption_text = new_caption_text = caption_text.replace(old_tag, new_tag) with open(caption_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(new_caption_text) update_image_preview(content_canvas) # Update image preview update_tag_display() # Update the display of tags old_tag = tag_label.cget("text").strip() entry = tk.Entry(tag_text_frame) entry.insert(0, old_tag) entry.grid(row=tag_label.grid_info()["row"], column=0, sticky="w", padx=2, pady=1) entry.bind("", save_edit) entry.bind("", save_edit) entry.bind("", lambda e: entry.destroy()) entry.focus_set() def delete_tag(tag_label): """Delete the selected tag.""" global selected_tag if tag_label: tag_to_delete = tag_label.cget("text").strip() if tag_to_delete in tag_dict: del tag_dict[tag_to_delete] # Update the captions in the respective files for i, file_path in enumerate(selected_files): filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0] caption_file = os.path.join(save_directory, f"{filename}.txt") if os.path.exists(caption_file): with open(caption_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: caption_text = # Remove the tag from the caption tags = [tag.strip() for tag in caption_text.split(',') if tag.strip() != tag_to_delete] new_caption_text = ','.join(tags) with open(caption_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(new_caption_text) update_image_preview(content_canvas) # Update image preview update_tag_display() # Update the display of tags def delete_all_files_with_tag(tag_label): """Delete all images and their corresponding text files containing the tag.""" tag_to_delete = tag_label.cget("text").strip() if tag_to_delete in tag_dict: del tag_dict[tag_to_delete] # Delete the files containing the tag files_to_delete = [] for i, file_path in enumerate(selected_files): filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0] caption_file = os.path.join(save_directory, f"{filename}.txt") if os.path.exists(caption_file): with open(caption_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: caption_text = if tag_to_delete in caption_text: files_to_delete.append((file_path, caption_file)) for image_file, caption_file in files_to_delete: # Remove image file try: os.remove(image_file) except Exception as e: error_messages.append(f"Error deleting image {image_file}: {str(e)}") # Remove caption file try: os.remove(caption_file) except Exception as e: error_messages.append(f"Error deleting caption {caption_file}: {str(e)}") # Remove deleted files from selected_files list selected_files[:] = [file for file in selected_files if file not in [img for img, cap in files_to_delete]] # Clear tag_dict and update tag display update_tag_dict() # Update tag dictionary update_tag_display() # Update the display of tags update_image_preview(content_canvas) # Update image preview def sort_tags_alpha(): """Sort tags alphabetically.""" global tag_dict sorted_tags = sorted(tag_dict.items()) tag_dict = dict(sorted_tags) update_tag_display() def sort_tags_count(): """Sort tags by count.""" global tag_dict sorted_tags = sorted(tag_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True) tag_dict = dict(sorted_tags) update_tag_display() # Create GUI components back_button = tk.Button(root, text="<-", font=('Helvetica', 14), command=return_to_menu) back_button.pack(anchor='nw', padx=10, pady=10) title_label = tk.Label(root, text="Image Tag Generator", font=('Helvetica', 16)) title_label.pack(pady=10) select_files_button = tk.Button(root, text="Select Files", command=select_files) select_files_button.pack(pady=10) num_files_label = tk.Label(root, textvariable=num_files_var) num_files_label.pack(pady=5) show_captions_button = tk.Button(root, text="Show Captions", command=open_caption_window) show_captions_button.pack(pady=10) general_threshold_label = tk.Label(root, text="General Threshold:") general_threshold_label.pack(pady=5) general_threshold_entry = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=general_threshold_var, justify='center', width=5, validate='key') general_threshold_entry.pack(pady=5) character_threshold_label = tk.Label(root, text="Character Threshold:") character_threshold_label.pack(pady=5) character_threshold_entry = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=character_threshold_var, justify='center', width=5, validate='key') character_threshold_entry.pack(pady=5) prepend_text_label = tk.Label(root, text="Prepend Text:") prepend_text_label.pack(pady=5) prepend_text_entry = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=prepend_text_var, justify='center', width=20) prepend_text_entry.pack(pady=5) append_text_label = tk.Label(root, text="Append Text:") append_text_label.pack(pady=5) append_text_entry = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=append_text_var, justify='center', width=20) append_text_entry.pack(pady=5) # Add Radio buttons for caption mode caption_mode_label = tk.Label(root, text="Caption Mode:") caption_mode_label.pack(fill='x', pady=5) overwrite_radio = tk.Radiobutton(root, text="Overwrite existing caption", variable=caption_mode_var, value=0) overwrite_radio.pack(fill='x', pady=5) append_radio = tk.Radiobutton(root, text="Append to existing caption", variable=caption_mode_var, value=1) append_radio.pack(fill='x', pady=5) skip_radio = tk.Radiobutton(root, text="Skip images with existing caption", variable=caption_mode_var, value=2) skip_radio.pack(fill='x', pady=5) thread_count_label = tk.Label(root, text="Thread Count:") thread_count_label.pack(pady=5) thread_count_entry = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=thread_count_var, justify='center', width=5, validate='key') thread_count_entry.pack(pady=5) batch_size_label = tk.Label(root, text="Batch Size:") batch_size_label.pack(pady=5) batch_size_entry = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=batch_size_var, justify='center', width=5, validate='key') batch_size_entry.pack(pady=5) errors_button = tk.Button(root, textvariable=errors_var, command=lambda: show_errors(root)) errors_button.pack(pady=10) start_button = tk.Button(root, text="Generate Captions", command=lambda: [process_files(), update_and_save_config()]) start_button.pack(pady=10) stop_button = tk.Button(root, text="Stop", command=stop_processing_func) stop_button.pack(pady=10) progress_bar = ttk.Progressbar(root, variable=progress, maximum=100) progress_bar.pack(pady=10, fill=tk.X) status_label = tk.Label(root, textvariable=status_var, fg="green") status_label.pack(pady=5) # Add input validation general_threshold_entry.config(validatecommand=(root.register(validate_threshold), '%P')) character_threshold_entry.config(validatecommand=(root.register(validate_threshold), '%P')) thread_count_entry.config(validatecommand=(root.register(validate_thread_count), '%P')) batch_size_entry.config(validatecommand=(root.register(validate_batch_size), '%P')) # Update config when the thresholds or thread count change general_threshold_var.trace_add('write', lambda *args: update_and_save_config()) character_threshold_var.trace_add('write', lambda *args: update_and_save_config()) thread_count_var.trace_add('write', lambda *args: update_and_save_config()) caption_mode_var.trace_add('write', lambda *args: update_and_save_config()) center_window(root, width_extra=200) root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing) root.mainloop() if __name__ == "__main__": open_image_to_tag()