Laboratoire de Mécanique des Structures et des Systèmes Couplés


AI & ML interests

Acoustic source localization using Deep Learning, Speech enhancement, Acoustic Speech Recognition, Bandwidth extension for audio and speech, Room acoustics and RIR extrapolation / interpolation using DL, AI-based multichannel denoising ...

Recent Activity

This is the HuggingFace hub for the AVA Team of LMSSC, at Cnam Paris (France)

Active members from the AVA team on this HuggingFace organization are :

  • Éric Bavu, Senior Researcher / Full Professor webpage
  • Julien Hauret, PhD Student webpage
  • Malo Olivier, Research Engineer webpage

We propose here some of the recent pretrained models for relevant tasks in our Lab, and audio datasets, for a large dissemination.