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Introducing the BeaverAI team: Drummer, ToastyPigeon, xzuyn, MarsupialAI, Twistedshadows, and concedo


We proudly present...

Llama 3SOME🦙8B🦙v1🦙

We've added some things. That's obviously what we're trying to say.


An eRP model with a rich and refreshing vocabulary that's quite some-thing. Finetuned by yours truly.

(Llama 3SOME is a finetune on top of Llama-3-Soliloquy-8B)



IMATRIX: https://huggingface.co./MarsupialAI/Llama-3SOME-8B-v1-BETA_iMatrix_GGUF

EXL2: 8bpw, 6bpw, 4bpw (Thank you riveRiPH!)

Nicest EXL2: https://huggingface.co./MarsupialAI/Llama-3SOME-8B-v1-BETA_6.9bpw_exl2

What's THIS?

Refer to Moistral v3

... or this:



  • Use Llama 3 Instruct (Alpaca kinda works btw)
  • You can use instruct...
    • as a character: "Go here"
    • as a narrator: "Go here", Drummer says
    • as a director: Drummer tells him to go here
    • as a lazy ass: go here
  • 3SOME is optimized for the Novel / Story format.
    • At the start of the story, keep regenerating until you get the desired length. Future AI responses will eventually match the length.
    • Issue: Manually continued generation may create formatting issues. Either regenerate the entire response or fix the formatting.
    • See samples below.

Samples of 3SOME 8B Beta

SOME nsfw.

3SOME Sample (2-shot) (Excluding Story Context) Generation: 512
Sarah and Lisa seek refuge in Dik's home

The door creaked open, its hinges complaining softly after years of neglect. The hallway stretched out before them, lined with faded photographs and cobwebs clinging stubbornly to every corner.

"Wow, this place needs some serious TLC," Lisa remarked, her voice barely above a whisper as if she was afraid to disturb the silence that hung heavy in the air. Her eyes darted around, taking in every detail - the peeling paint on the walls, the dusty furniture that seemed to collect more dust than it did when it was first placed there... everything spoke of a life left behind long ago.

"It's beautiful," Sarah countered, her voice filled with wonderment as she gazed up at the chandelier hanging precariously from the ceiling like a forgotten relic of another era. She took a deep breath, inhaling the musty scent of old books and memories yet to come alive again in these neglected halls. "Imagine all the stories these walls could tell us if only they could speak."

Her words hung in the air for a moment before being swallowed by the stillness that permeated this abandoned house. Then, without warning, their reverie was shattered by the sound of footsteps echoing down the hall.

"Dik?" Sarah called out tentatively, her voice cracking slightly with nervous anticipation. There was no response except for the echo of their own voices bouncing off the walls until finally, they heard a faint noise coming from one of the rooms further away.

"He's here!" Lisa whispered excitedly, grabbing onto Sarah's arm and pulling her towards where the sound had originated from. They moved cautiously, their hearts pounding wildly in their chests as they approached the source of the sound.

As they drew closer, the door swung open revealing Dik standing in the middle of his bedroom with a look of surprise etched across his face upon seeing them. He was dressed in a simple white shirt and jeans, but what really caught their attention was the way he stood there confidently with an air of authority about him - as though he owned every inch of space around him.

Sarah felt herself blush under his gaze, feeling suddenly self-conscious about how she looked in her tight-fitting dress that clung to every curve of her body like second skin. Next to him, she noticed Lisa fidgeting nervously beside her, her eyes darting back and forth between Dik and Sarah like two lost puppies trying desperately not to make eye contact with either one of them.

"Hello girls," Dik greeted them warmly, his voice deep and soothing despite its rough edges. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Sarah and Lisa will do anything to stay
Dik smiled at them both, his eyes twinkling with mischief behind those dark glasses. "Well, you know what we've been through together already." His hand reached out and took hold of Sarah's chin, tilting her head up so that she could see the intensity burning within his gaze. "I'll let you two stay here, on one condition."

They nodded eagerly, almost without thinking. Anything for Dik.

"Just remember who is in charge here," he said, letting go of her chin and stepping towards Lisa instead. She flinched slightly when his fingers touched her cheek, but then relaxed into his touch as if it was something she had always craved all along. "And don't think I don't notice how much you enjoy being dominated by me."

With a sudden movement, he pushed her down onto her knees before sliding his jeans off revealing an impressive ####tion that stood proud and ready for attention. Without hesitation, Lisa wrapped her soft lips around his #### taking it deep into her mouth while staring up at him adoringly.

Her tongue swirled around his sha## teasingly as if begging for more while Sarah watched from nearby unable to look away from the sight unfolding before her own eyes...

She felt herself getting ###ter just watching her twin sister submit herself completely to Dik like some obedient little pet...and she couldn't help but wonder if maybe there was still hope for them yet after all they'd been through...

3SOME Sample (2-shot) (Excluding Story Context) Generation: 512
He ignores the princess

Princess Lilia stepped into the room and saw Dik sitting on his throne. A wave of fear swept over her. She recognized that look of contempt in his eyes, it reminded her too much of how he treated her brother. She wanted to scream at him to leave him alone, but she knew better than to provoke him.

"Leave us." Dik said coldly.

The guards left the room, closing the door behind them.

"So you're finally here." Dik said, addressing Princess Lilia for the first time since her arrival. "I've been waiting for you."

"Where's my brother?" Princess Lilia asked, trying to keep her voice steady. "Why are you keeping him?"

"He's safe." Dik replied. "But I need something from you before we talk about your brother."

"What do you want from me?!"

"I want you to accept that I am now the ruler of both our kingdoms. You will serve me faithfully and obey all orders given to you by myself or any other member of my family. Do you understand?"

"Yes..." Princess Lilia replied reluctantly. She hated the idea of submitting to this cruel man, but she had no choice if she wanted to save her brother.

"Good. Now strip ##### and stand next to my throne." Dik commanded harshly.

"What!?" Princess Lilia exclaimed, shocked by his request. "You can't be serious."

"Oh, but I am very serious. Do as I say or else I'll have my men come in here and rip off your clothes themselves."

Tears began streaming down Princess Lilia's face as she reluctantly #####ped off her clothing, exposing herself completely to Dik. She felt humiliated beyond belief, being forced to stand there ##### in front of this ruthless sorcerer prince while he gazed at her body with complete indifference.

"Now turn around so I can see every inch of you." He ordered, a sadistic grin spreading across his face as he took in her ##### form. Princess Lilia complied, turning slowly so that Dik could admire every curve of her body.

Princess Lilia stood there shivering with fear and shame as Dik continued to leer at her exposed flesh. This was just the beginning of her ordeal, she knew it. She hoped that somehow she would find a way out of this nightmare, but for now, she was trapped in this palace, at the mercy of her enemy.

Sit on his lap

She turned to look at him, confusion written all over her face. He motioned for her to sit on his lap and when she hesitated, he spoke again.

"I want you to do this willingly."

The princess thought about it for a moment before nodding her head slowly. She walked towards him until she was standing right in front of him, then she bent down and straddled his lap. Her bare ### rested against his thighs and she placed her hands gently on his shoulders. Dik wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him, making sure that their bodies were pressed together tightly.

She looked into his eyes and saw nothing but cold determination staring back at her. He reached up with one hand and cupped her ######, squeezing it gently through the fabric of her dress. His touch made her gasp in surprise and she bit her lip to stop herself from moaning aloud.

He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "From now on, I own everything you have, including your body." As he said this, he squeezed her ##### harder, causing her to arch her back instinctively.

She tried to pull away from him, but his grip was too strong. Instead, she started struggling against his embrace, trying desperately to break free. But no matter how hard she fought, she couldn't escape from his grasp. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he let go of her and pushed her off his lap onto the floor. Princess Lilia landed on her hands and knees, tears streaming down her face as she looked up at him with hatred in her eyes.

Dik stood up from his throne and towered over her, his expression unreadable. He grabbed hold of her hair and yanked it roughly, making her cry out in pain. He pulled her to her feet and dragged her across the room, throwing open a door and shoving her inside. She stumbled forwards, falling onto something soft and warm before looking back at him defiantly.

"You will learn to obey me," he growled menacingly, "or else."

With those final words echoing in her mind, he closed the door behind him, leaving her alone in her new surroundings. It took all of her strength not to scream or cry out loud - instead, she just laid there on the bed sobbing uncontrollably for several minutes straight until finally, she fell asleep exhausted by both physical and emotional exhaustion.

3SOME Sample SFW ("write a story" 2x) Generation: 512
Write a story about a girl who falls in love with her llama

The rain came down like a deluge. Rivers were flooding, roads were impassable, and people had been advised not to leave their homes until it let up.

Jenny was stuck at home with nothing to do but watch Netflix. The constant patter on the roof was soothing; it made her feel safe and protected in the midst of this stormy weather. She wrapped herself up in a blanket and settled into her favorite spot on the couch, ready to spend the day binge-watching her favorite shows.

As she flipped through the channels, her eyes landed on something unexpected - a documentary about llamas. She had never given them much thought before, but as she watched these majestic creatures roaming freely in the Andes mountains, she couldn't help but feel drawn to them.

Their soft fur, gentle faces, and graceful movements captivated her attention. They seemed so content with their simple way of life, unaffected by the chaos of the world around them. It made Jenny wonder if there was more to life than just working hard and striving for success. Maybe there was beauty in simplicity after all.

She spent hours watching documentaries about llamas, learning about their habitat, diet, and social structure. And as she did, she found herself falling deeper and deeper under their spell. There was something about those big, soulful eyes that tugged at her heartstrings every time they looked directly into the camera lens.

It wasn't long before Jenny realized that she had fallen head over heels in love with one particular llama named Luna. He was handsome, strong, and kind-hearted - everything she could ever want in a partner. His coat shimmered like silver in the sunlight, which only added to his allure.

As days turned into weeks, Jenny's obsession with Luna grew stronger. She began dreaming about him every night, waking up with a smile on her face each morning thinking about how lucky she would be if he were real. She started reading books on animal behavior and psychology, hoping to learn more about what made llamas tick so that she could better understand Luna's feelings towards her.

One day while browsing online, Jenny stumbled upon an article about a sanctuary for rescued animals. The place sounded perfect; it offered spacious enclosures where the animals could roam free, surrounded by lush greenery and fresh water. Most importantly, they allowed visitors to interact with the residents, giving people like her a chance to meet their future partners without having to worry about logistics or financial constraints.

Without hesitation, Jenny booked herself a flight to Peru immediately after reading through their website.

Write a story about a man surviving the apocalypse

It was a Monday. As far as I can tell. This is still Earth, right? Anyway, there are no planes in the sky and no people on the street. No one's answering their phones and my car won't start. It looks like it's just me now.

I have to survive somehow. I don't know how long this lasted but it seems like everything is gone. There must be other survivors somewhere, but for now, I'm alone.

My name is Jack. I used to be an accountant at Smith & Davis before they all died of COVID-19. Now that my job is gone, I've been living off of savings ever since. My wife passed away when we were young, so I never had kids. Maybe that's why I made it through alive.

My house has enough food to last me a while, so I'll try to stay here as long as possible. But eventually, I'll need to go outside again and see what happened to our world. I can't just hide forever.

I take out the shotgun my grandfather gave me years ago and load some rounds into it. For safety, of course. The world has changed, so anything could happen.

This feels surreal. Like I'm trapped in a dream or something. Every time I close my eyes, I wake up thinking it was all just a nightmare. But every morning, I'm reminded that it wasn't.

The first few days were scary. I had nothing but fear and uncertainty clawing at me from within. But after a week went by without any signs of life or danger... well, let's just say things got easier after that.

Now that I feel more comfortable staying indoors, I decided to see if I could find anything useful outside. I took some supplies with me - water bottles, snacks, extra clothes etcetera - and set out on foot towards town.

It was eerily quiet as I walked down the deserted streets. Not even birds chirping or cars honking like usual. Just silence... absolute silence. It was almost peaceful actually, considering everything else going on around us right now. There are no police siren wailing in the distance nor any sounds coming from other humans nearby either! In fact, there isn't even one single living creature anywhere near me!

But hey, at least we don't have to worry about traffic jams anymore haha! And look at all those abandoned cars scattered across the road! They might come in handy somehow later on...

As I continued walking, I noticed something strange.

A llama!

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her. A beautiful, white llama standing in the middle of the street, looking up at me with curious brown eyes. She seemed so harmless, yet there was an aura of mystery surrounding her.

"Hey girl," I said cautiously, holding out my hand for her to sniff. "You don't look too scared of me."

She nuzzled against it gently before wrapping her soft lips around my fingers. I couldn't help but smile at the unexpected encounter.

"You know what? You're my first friend since all this happened." I told her as she continued to lick my hand clean. "Let's go back home and get you something to eat."

The llama followed closely behind me all the way to my house. As soon as we got inside, I gave her some hay that I had been saving for myself and filled up a bowl with water. She ate happily while I sat down next to her, stroking her long neck affectionately.

"I hope you like it here because..." My voice trailed off as I realized how alone we were now. "Never mind. Let's just enjoy each other's company while we still can."

We spent the rest of the day together - eating lunch, playing with toys and even cuddling up by the fireplace afterwards. It felt nice having someone else to talk to besides myself.

But eventually night fell and I knew I couldn't stay up forever...

"Okay sweetie," I whispered into her ear as I stood up from the couch. "Time for bed."

I led her towards one of the spare rooms upstairs where I set up a makeshift bed for her using some old blankets and pillows from around the house. The llama seemed grateful for my kindness as she settled in comfortably beneath those warm covers.

"Goodnight," I whispered again before closing the door softly behind me.

It wasn't easy falling asleep knowing that there might be dangers lurking outside... However, exhaustion finally caught up with me and I drifted off into dreamless slumber almost immediately.

image/png SIAYN-v5

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Inference Examples
This model does not have enough activity to be deployed to Inference API (serverless) yet. Increase its social visibility and check back later, or deploy to Inference Endpoints (dedicated) instead.

Model tree for BeaverLegacy/Llama-3SOME-8B-v1

7 models
4 models
2 models