File size: 4,685 Bytes
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// Auto-generated file. Do not edit!
// Template: src/f16-vtanh/
// Generator: tools/xngen
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <xnnpack/common.h>
#include <xnnpack/intrinsics-polyfill.h>
#include <xnnpack/microparams.h>
#include <xnnpack/vunary.h>
void xnn_f16_vtanh_ukernel__f16c_expm1minus_rr1_p3h2ts_div_x8(
size_t batch,
const void* input,
void* output,
const union xnn_f16_tanh_params params[restrict XNN_MIN_ELEMENTS(1)]) XNN_OOB_READS
assert(batch != 0);
assert(batch % sizeof(uint16_t) == 0);
assert(input != NULL);
assert(output != NULL);
const __m128i vsign_mask = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*) params->avx_expm1minus_rr1_p3h2.sign_mask);
const __m256 vsat_cutoff = _mm256_load_ps(params->avx_expm1minus_rr1_p3h2.sat_cutoff);
const __m256 vlog2e = _mm256_load_ps(params->avx_expm1minus_rr1_p3h2.log2e);
const __m256 vmagic_bias = _mm256_load_ps(params->avx_expm1minus_rr1_p3h2.magic_bias);
const __m256 vminus_ln2 = _mm256_load_ps(params->avx_expm1minus_rr1_p3h2.minus_ln2);
const __m256 vc3 = _mm256_load_ps(params->avx_expm1minus_rr1_p3h2.c3);
const __m256 vc2 = _mm256_load_ps(params->avx_expm1minus_rr1_p3h2.c2);
const __m256 vtwo = _mm256_load_ps(params->avx_expm1minus_rr1_p3h2.two);
const __m256 vminus_one = _mm256_load_ps(params->avx_expm1minus_rr1_p3h2.minus_one);
const uint16_t* i = (const uint16_t*) input;
uint16_t* o = (uint16_t*) output;
for (; batch >= 8 * sizeof(uint16_t); batch -= 8 * sizeof(uint16_t)) {
const __m128i vx = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*) i);
i += 8;
const __m128i vabsx = _mm_or_si128(vx, vsign_mask);
__m256 vz = _mm256_cvtph_ps(vabsx);
const __m128i vinvsignx = _mm_xor_si128(vx, vabsx);
vz = _mm256_max_ps(vsat_cutoff, vz);
__m256 vn = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(vz, vlog2e), vmagic_bias);
const __m128 vn_hi = _mm256_extractf128_ps(vn, 1);
__m256 vs = _mm256_castps128_ps256(_mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_slli_epi32(_mm_castps_si128(_mm256_castps256_ps128(vn)), 23)));
const __m128 vs_hi = _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_slli_epi32(_mm_castps_si128(vn_hi), 23));
vs = _mm256_insertf128_ps(vs, vs_hi, 1);
vn = _mm256_sub_ps(vn, vmagic_bias);
const __m256 vt = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(vn, vminus_ln2), vz);
__m256 vp = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(vc3, vt), vc2);
vp = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(vp, vt), vtwo);
const __m256 vts = _mm256_mul_ps(vt, vs);
const __m256 vsmo = _mm256_add_ps(vs, vminus_one);
const __m256 vemo = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(vp, vts), vsmo);
const __m256 vepo = _mm256_add_ps(vemo, vtwo);
__m256 vy = _mm256_div_ps(vemo, vepo);
__m128i vh = _mm256_cvtps_ph(vy, _MM_FROUND_TO_NEAREST_INT);
vh = _mm_xor_si128(vh, vinvsignx);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*) o, vh);
o += 8;
if (batch != 0) {
const __m128i vx = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*) i);
const __m128i vabsx = _mm_or_si128(vx, vsign_mask);
__m256 vz = _mm256_cvtph_ps(vabsx);
const __m128i vinvsignx = _mm_xor_si128(vx, vabsx);
vz = _mm256_max_ps(vsat_cutoff, vz);
__m256 vn = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(vz, vlog2e), vmagic_bias);
const __m128 vn_hi = _mm256_extractf128_ps(vn, 1);
__m256 vs = _mm256_castps128_ps256(_mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_slli_epi32(_mm_castps_si128(_mm256_castps256_ps128(vn)), 23)));
const __m128 vs_hi = _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_slli_epi32(_mm_castps_si128(vn_hi), 23));
vs = _mm256_insertf128_ps(vs, vs_hi, 1);
vn = _mm256_sub_ps(vn, vmagic_bias);
const __m256 vt = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(vn, vminus_ln2), vz);
__m256 vp = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(vc3, vt), vc2);
vp = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(vp, vt), vtwo);
const __m256 vts = _mm256_mul_ps(vt, vs);
const __m256 vsmo = _mm256_add_ps(vs, vminus_one);
const __m256 vemo = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(vp, vts), vsmo);
const __m256 vepo = _mm256_add_ps(vemo, vtwo);
__m256 vy = _mm256_div_ps(vemo, vepo);
__m128i vh = _mm256_cvtps_ph(vy, _MM_FROUND_TO_NEAREST_INT);
vh = _mm_xor_si128(vh, vinvsignx);
if (batch & (4 * sizeof(uint16_t))) {
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*) o, vh);
vh = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(vh, vh);
o += 4;
if (batch & (2 * sizeof(uint16_t))) {
_mm_storeu_si32(o, vh);
vh = _mm_srli_epi64(vh, 32);
o += 2;
if (batch & (1 * sizeof(uint16_t))) {
*o = (uint16_t) _mm_extract_epi16(vh, 0);